[{"text":"i was playing forza, ya know a international game, and i was in a game with italians, spaniards, germans, and brits, and i troll and chant USA USA USA!!! the german goes fuck the usa man... i go hey man donald j trump is our leader now, not that stupid nigger obama you better show us some respect bro, he says \"thats true\" and we got along just fine after that italians and germans hated america the most before i spoke a lil german and italian to them and convinced them im not one of the retarded americans aka a libTARD, and they respected me instantly, brits and spaniards were on fence but i could tell they sided with german and italian till i made the fuck obama statement, then i won em all over #ForTheRecord","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Prince think he slick AF... He got everyone out here fooled ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Said to my boss today \" you're a scifi nut you love star-trek and all that alternative reality shit\" \"Yeh\" he said \"what about it?\" I said \" so do you reckon there is a universe out there, somewhere, amongst the millions of possibilities, where you're not a complete and utter cunt \"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Come on nd get that chicken niggers love dat chicken from popeyes http:\/\/t.co\/YjFh2HaVav","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The result of industrial scale #immigration has been quite unprecedented.Inflows of people into lower-paid work, has had a negative impact on the wages of the lowest paid, as the Bank of England confirmed in 2015.#brexit #Brexiteers #BrexitBetrayal #brexitshambles #bitcoin ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A performance only art fags would appreciate. They look like retarded zombies to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Terrifying moment French schoolboy, 15, 'points a gun at his teacher and shouts: \"Put your head down!\" as if he was about to execute her - then claims it was a JOKE' https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6300081\/French-schoolboy-15-points-gun-teacher-execute-her.html i wonder if they will wake up in time?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user so you missed an in depth hysterical candy corngate. Episode 2 tonight! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Further proved by a total coincidence of 5 articles telling me he is bad and breaking the law on retarded today","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Race Traitor of the Week Award\" goes to Sen. Elizabeth Warren. She has released result of her DNA examination, revealing that she has approx. one-percent American Indian DNA. That's the heritage she identifies with: the 1% non-White, not the 99% White. This is more than just a lack of White pride, it is racial self-loathing. #RaceTraitor #ElizabethWarren Bob Mathews said: \"If you think you're White, and we think you're White, then you are White.\" Elizabeth Warren has chosen NOT to consider herself as White - so be it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck cats. They are jews of the animal kingdom. Your cat is burning in hell. @Perspicacious First of all, it's Asperger's because it's possessive. Second of all, it's no longer in the DSM. Thirdly, \"Asperger's\" is already a pathological state. See what I mean about you being a semi literate retard using fancy words you don't understand? Seriously though, WHY would you prefer the new HFA label that connects you more to the vegetative autists? Please explain! Of course I know that you still call yourselves \"Aspies\". You used to be called \"idiot-savants\" and for good reason.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Stupid SKANK...... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" #BreakingParis's Eiffel Tower evacuated, operator confirms#FoxNews #Reuters #MAGA2020 #QAnon @MaryWalterRadio @marklevinshow @dbongino @gatewaypundit https:\/\/t.co\/sxzVwdd4pe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He likes to trigger liberals\/retards on Twitter. Simple. Gab's CEO Mr. Torba is an idiot. People have been warning him for months that letting retards post illegal garbage on his platform would result in his demise. There was actual nazi shit, porn, child porn, libel, slander, etc, posted on Gab. Everyone knew this. Torba went \"MUH FREE SPEECH\" and refused to clean it up. Everyone knew it would go down in flames, and it did. It is so bad I wonder if Gab was a honeypot right from the start. Anyone surprised? Trump can also emergency message every American's cellphone. He doesn't need alternative platforms, he already has his own.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@lloyd7121 @jjauthor @petermickley Approximately 1\/2 in one crash. There wasn't supposed to be that many members of a seal team on one bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user Bitch stfu stop acting like a fucking cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Too bad that so far the story is lazy as hell and trying to be woke as possible because I actually think the two brothers are good characters Evil build the wall redneck saved by the liberal hippy, not even trying to hide your politics and it kills the game","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No he doesn't. It's just that you can't yell nigger nigger nigger any more. Unless you go to www.voat.co.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/uk-45932027 Oh look, all the politicians and media have already hung, drawn and quartered this man who had a tiff on a 'RyanAir aircraft with a wog women. But their silence over Black\/Coon crime is deafening. This incident proves we should have segregated travel, based on race. NO! The same happened to me 5 days ago. Do what I did. Be quiet in front of everyone, but silently hassle the cunt beside you! Smile to the next person! Be apologetic. They are left, but you are RIGHT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"NO it's not! 100% not about Roe Vs Wade. This was all about resisting Trump. Trump's legacy would be secure if he gets a SCOTUS that will slap down the 9th circuit court activist Liberal weirdos. The Minute Trump gets a Congress or a SCOTUS secured. The Liberal reign of Terror is over and Trump can begin pulling the trigger on the Swamp without some fagot commie in a robe undermining him and a retarded low IQ Senator calling for impeachment","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Godsmack_Music @iTunesMusic @iTunes That band is white trash, and only white trash would buy that album.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Reported for 'I'm a whiny cunt'","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Autistic retard bitches about my numbers, then posts the source I used. >[Civilians](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Civilians) killed totalled 50 to 55 million, > [Military deaths](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Casualty_(person)) from all causes totalled 21 to 25 million FROM YOUR LINK","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user He didn't murder you spastic cunt, he and the woman were both drunk. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He is an extremely selfish jew who hides in a womans crotch and than toetures powerless native people so he can usurp their land.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wait if you wipe out mosquitos you'll kill every bird in the Arctic! Humans putting themselves first again sometimes I hate being a part of this selfish human race!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. Here come the Orcs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You're standing on a slippery slope where it's all too easy to... More for Libra http:\/\/t.co\/7THsA7v26i","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not even sanity really. Basically just \"we shouldn't be as mean because it pushes young men away who might otherwise learn why theyre so bad\" [removed] Shaming and shutting down conversation by using 'problematic' terms like \"mansplainer\" is exactly the kind of behavior this sub mocks. Fuck the fuck right off. You were lying through your rotten stinking breath and you were corrected, So just go and crawl back under the rock you slithered out from you insidious disgusting despicable fucking woman hater. We're not a hivemind, you disgusting misandrist. I am NOT the person you originally responded to. Your entire post history is nothing but unmitigated hate towards men. Fuck you and your hypocrisy. No more internet for you today, please. They're completely unhinged Omg, this is hilarious. Did you write this or did it come off a satire site? >it's curious then, that feminists were at the forefront to end all slavery You know there was a whole war over this, yeah? I don't remember reading about any feminists getting killed alongside the freed men. [removed] Who hurt you? I was lol'ing at you before but now I think I feel bad for you. Hopefully you can find a constructive way of dealing with all of this anger. Wut? You do know that men largely supported women getting the vote and ending slavery, right? Ending slavery was beneficial to the wealthy. Slavery reduced the rate at which mechanization was adopted, which reduced production potential.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ShojoAIE a bright neon yellow gauntlet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@pauIjac because their parental unit is trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Be a thot. >Sunbathe in busy street. >Don problematic glasses. >Post on Twatter. >??? >No profit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Notice nigger bitch is only disrespecting the White Officer!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sounds like kike bullshit, but okay. Course it's kike bullshit. Another old jewish lie. \"We're all Africans hahahahaha yeah okay ! Me and a sub-saharan African are the same hahahahaha GTFO ! Don't listen to Obi he's just a faggot tryin to fight the inevitable (ppl waking up to the evils of jews)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"detained in #Croatia.Twice in 3months same location.Migrants aided by internal networksEurope needs \"detention-deportation camps , not sharing schemes. States must use \"Orban Model to crack-down on NGOs guiding illegal migrants.#Visegrad #V4 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Ensure you use a closed lid with a hole in the centre.. Else you'll send beans flying everywhere! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yes, but he can't be president forever and these people, these authoritarian cunts, are not going to change. Not ever. So what happens when Trump stops being president? The way I see it, I'm being pushed into one of two racist camps. I'm not a cuck, so the one I joined seems obvious I don't treat people differently because of their race. That used to be what we strove for, but that's racist now. If that, combined with me having the audacity to do exactly what other groups do in advocating for their own interests makes me a racist according to window licking retard npcs like you so be it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Pussy wanted a pass on not finding her mate attractive enough to have kids with. Hive mind called her out for being attractive cunt attracting denied said pass of the pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You guys should totally see how quickly you can be put in nigger jail under RICO. I bet it takes less than 72 hours.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Zeebrugge struggles with problem of trans-migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IDC IF YOU FAT OR SKINNY BITCH IF YOU DONT SAY EXCUSE ME, IM NOT MOVING MY CHAIR. FUCK U HOE ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@GSAEmily Emily, I encourage you to do the job you are being paid for by the US taxpayer. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have won the election! Trump is out of a job and so are you in January. DO YOUR FUCKING JOB!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You truly are a dumb cunt gupta","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Illegal Immigrant With Assault Rifle Shoots at TX Interstate Drivers 7 Year-Old Girl Hit in the Head ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Finally someone who means what he says. It' s been a year and I' m still cackling.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@a Andrew, please remove ALL pornography and all links to pornography from the Gab platform. We really DO NOT need this, and it only degrades and lowers the standard of this great platform. Gab WILL BE the next Facebook and it is crucial that this stuff is removed. I love and support Gab, and will continue to do so, but honestly, we really don't need this stuff! Fellow Gabbers, if you agree I would appreciate you liking and reposting this. Thank you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know you're forced to be here I am sorry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone falling for the jewish hoax? Yes? Then you are a retarded moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Interested in supporting #ImmigrantChildren and families in #NYC? @user is offering a free Immigrant Accompaniment Training on Wed., August 7 from 6:30 8:30 PM. Learn how to provide direct and meaningful support for immigrants in our communities! RSVP ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am so ashamed of my country. For trump and for many other travesties. Of course that reporter deserved more respect and an actual answer. :(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Found the retard Nah boy ask yo bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What's worse than a girl who gives rough handjobs? A feminist. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Imagine my surprise when I found this Twat Begging for Bucks. Her books are highly rated also","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That faggot can try that shit with a man...... anytime!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So its not ok for a rich person to try and keep more of their OWN money but it is ok for somebody to take advantage of another country's taxpayers by using their subsidized education and its also ok to steal peoples' property(no flagging challenge)? Sigh....AJ+'s logic is incredibly stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I only wish I could help those poor underfinanced guards who are cuffed from doing the right thing and using lethal force. If it were my country all I'd be doing is busting heads and kicking asses. Get the fuck outa hungary you sand vipers, go back and stand up for your country like a human being should. You bunch of chicken shits and yellow bellies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The nigger you're fucking's parents weren't British; so your argument is invalid. Thanks for playing you retarded piece of shit. You just said: https:\/\/gab.com\/Titanic_Britain_Author\/posts\/37804654 \"They weren't\". You're both dumb niggers. No. I said they weren't naturalised in a former colony. They were born here too. I'm no dumb nigga :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She doesn't blame her attacker who is middle eastern she blames white males for not helping her. Fuck this racist cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"'How do you live with yourself?' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigration means devided nations when those seek ayslum want to demand housing etc when we dont have enough resources to go around trith ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Spirit In The Sky by Norman Greenbaum - https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-cXrEPNvRO8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"it is not cool to kill your boyfriend\" What kind of retards do they hire as judges?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Like it or not Proud Boy optics are much better than the AltRight's. Still one of these days Proud Boys will face expensive legal problems, but since their fanbase is potentially so much larger they may be able to crowdfund court fights all the way to the Supreme Court, which we are now positioned to win. The real inspiration for the proud boys was the Traditionalist Worker Party. After the Battle of Sacramento, Gavin McInnes was highly impressed with the TWP affiliated nationalists who physically defeated the numerically larger Antifa, and said that America needed a group like this except less \"extreme\". And by extreme you mean obese. Let me tell you the story bout two men named Matt One a tiny runt, the other big and fat Then one day big Matt got Miz Matt nude What happened next could be construed as kinda crude Cucked, that is. Walmart Box. Broken dreams. Walmart box and broken dreams was a master stroke my guy. really pulled things together Werner Herzog would be proud I don't know who that is Watch Grizzly Man. Thank me later. I like bears","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Chink_19 shut up chink.!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't know the whole story and honestly I don't care about it either lol but from what I saw In the video was people surrounding the truck, if someone wasn't letting me go where I wanted I'd do the same damn thing! Now if he was encouraging their behavior by following them around and harassing them then it's a different story. Either way both sides probably acted like idiots!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user I think his cowardice is showing again. #QAnon #Spygate #DeclassifyFISA #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Delhi in last 3-4 yrs have become slum city. Nobody follow Traffic rules,All pavements have been encroached upon.Illegal constructions across Yumuna go unabated. Influx of illegal migrants have increased.Crime Rate on increase ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Detained Immigrant Moms Released in Washington ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I ask someone on a date, I expect to be paying for them. I don't limit what they're ordering. That's just being cheap. If you can't afford to pay for a nice meal, including a drink, then don't ask them out or don't take them somewhere you can't afford. That being said, don't be a cunt and order the most expensive things on the menu. If you're being treated to a meal, order like you would if you were paying, ya triflin bitch. That applies to both men and women both for doing the asking and being asked. Cuck logic","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#EU migration policy in focus ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Battin a fag Knifin a kike we're launching a war run through maternity wards throw niglets on to the floor We build drone technology to hunt and shoot niggers I'm good long as an old gun will kill a new nigger https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/LgJg1pPNXtyk\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" I'll just bet you get your talking points from skinheads. asshole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Maxicat: Charlie Rangel Re-Writes History: On GOP They Think They Won The Civil War http:\/\/t.co\/moCeUBRUTf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stfu fake cunt you are just pissed GAB is not going away go back to twatter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"if you're not for giving pedophiles a fictional outlet for their sexual tendencies .then in my opinion you support child rape . hear me out . over the decades violence and sexual violence has been falling with the rise of violent video games and internet (having an unlimited amount of free downloadable porn). then if that trend continues to other sexualities (which pedophilia is) then the fiction in question (lolicon) , is very beneficial to society . :IN CONCLUSION: AKA TL:DR if you support censorship, you are actually for children being harmed, and that is just awful -nekomata Cartoon Child Porn is still Child Porn legally. A female school teacher had a husband who took normal photos of her students but then did pencil drawings of them nude. He went to prison for pencil drawings! LEO's don't arrest Child Porn freaks right away. LEO's track em to get the other kid porn sickos they trade photos with. There are some countries where lolicon is definitely illegal. I think it is in Australia.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New Q 3! #QAnon #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople #RedOctober #PatriotsFight #PatriotsEffectingChange #Midterms #VoteRed @realDonaldTrump @POTUS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twinkies are so unfilling. which is odd because they are filled","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The religious Jews are happy to have a homeland, but to have a homeland, which is called ISRAEL, they need the Zionists. 2 states dont work. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"You're hurting meeeeeah!\" So strong. So Independent.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Today is the start of #RefugeeAwarenessMonth as we count down to #WorldRefugeeDay June 20th! We have a growing list of special events to raise awareness, agreement, and action as we welcome refugees to Memphis. Check... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"liberalism is a mental disease","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SuSuSudafedI eat dat chicken out your love box baby. Lovin a white woman while eatin chicken. A colored mans dream","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another Nazi with an Obvious Problem. Bye, bye AssHole.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I guess little is 6'2\" 225 ? Any fucking day faggot WOMP WOMP FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"even less important, she's in the fucking *arts* department, the branch filled with the most easily replaceable staff Yeah she's not important. I could do oil changes on school busses and say \" I work for the government Yeah. Go throw your weight around for a job that could be easily replaced. Smart move! Reminds me of the mayor's aid in Futurama. I was a contractor in the [bay area](\/r\/bayarea) for a few years, and had this Stanford woman as a client... she was the Americorps Recruiter for her jurisdiction and wanted just about everything handed to her **for free**. Telling her \"no, that's a change order\" \/ \"outside of original scope of work\" would only infuriate her... once I realized she too was in the business of \"getting paid to push 18 year old interns around\" it all clicked for me, and (to date, almost a decade later) one of the only jobsites I've ever walked off of smiling.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ann Coulter calls Cory Booker a 'hysterical woman' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@abdullah_omar comes from a guy whose sole qualification to be CM is being the lucky sperm :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Figure all da ofay like to see my family pitcher http:\/\/t.co\/5WXgKbCM29","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ex-Dem Latina: Remember Antifa protester telling at 9\/11 NYPD widow \"YOUR HUSBAND SHOULD FUC*ING ROT IN THE GRAVE\" Well her son found him later And he didn't have much to say In fact he ran like the coward he is! https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/status\/1052940379803156480","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her son is a Citadel grad who is now in the Marines. He must be so embarrassed. And don't tell me being raised by a dyke didn't lead him to want to find a father in the military.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I liked a @user video Immigrant Protesters Unknowingly Agree With Trump ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#UK Police Chief Defends Deputy Who Stayed in Car During Terror Attack Muslim convert mowed down pedestrians before fatally stabbing a police officer https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/uk-police-chief-defends-deputy-who-stayed-in-car-during-terror-attack\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Basically what I'm trying to say is that if people are going to go around being sjw type retards like at Sydney Uni then and trying to get people fired over small jokes we should play the same card back at them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey boys instead of saying 'not all men' how bout you just ya know stop raping us ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LiberalPhenom: Who on GZ's defense team is paying media to trash the prosecution constantly? @ThomasARoberts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No. I was mocking a sad faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Charlie Clips vs Yung Ill review http:\/\/t.co\/TwHJ0w1QJQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Samus? Lara Croft? Master Aqua? Eleanor and Elizabeth from Bioshock? Shantae? Morrigan and Leliana?! Elinicia, Lyn, Lucina, and Azura?!?! 2B?!?! Hell, Peach can fucking count due to her involvement in Mario and the Seven Stars, Super Princess Peach, Paper Mario Wii, and New Super Mario Bros Wii U!!!! I implore that anyone else add more if they wish! Sarah Kerrigan (Starcraft),Johanna Dark (Perfect Dark). I think the L block from Tetris identifies as a woman, Chell (Portal), Rochelle and Zoey (Left 4 Dead 1 and 2) Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn, Rayne from Bloodrayne, Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield from the Resident Evil series, Regina from Dino Crisis, Aya Brea from Parasite Eve, Hana and Rain from the Fear Effect series. Lucca, Ayla, and Marle from Chrono Trigger. Terra, Celes, and Relm from Final Fantasy VI. Lenna, Faris, and Krile from Final Fantasy V. Bastila, Mission Vao, and Juhani from KOTOR, plus you can make Revan female too. And in indie games, we have Dorothy from Steamworld Dig 2, and Beatrix Lebeau from Slime Rancher. Not to mention all the games where you can create your own protagonist and make them female, such as Skyrim, Fallout 4, Terraria, or Starbound. Or games where the characters are randomized and can be either, such as XCOM 1 and NO ONE CARES ABOUT THIS NERD SHIR FAGGOT IT NEEDS TO BE THE GAME WITH A GIANT MARKETING ENTITY BEHIND IT, GOD Dis the classic SNES RPGs at your own peril.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Readers respond: Kudos on immigrant features ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If you bill yourself as a 'misogynist' or 'misandrist' then you're a cunt and utterly worthless to humanity. :P","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user if you count prison rape men are raped more than women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"US must stop separating migrant children from parents: UN #Washington #UnitedStates #UnitedNations ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Future inventors well done to the two brothers god bless Them both they need scholarship yes mr zucherberg help these kids out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every chance we get @NHTrumpVictory is contacting voters and talking to #GraniteStaters. After another Weekend of Action, ending the day with some phone calls to ensure NH's votes go to @POTUS @realDonaldTrump in November! #LeadRight #Trump2020 #4MoreYears https:\/\/t.co\/3rWjmIeH2Z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @ShesSoBlessed_: Oreos And Milk ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"COMING TO A SCHOOL NEAR YOU? Six-year-old British school children are taught to write same-sex \"Love Letters\". You're Prince Henry, said the teacher. \"You're going to tell Thomas why it's a brilliant idea for him to marry you. https:\/\/twitter.com\/AmyMek\/status\/1046612295252676610","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user has got to go. Her time is up. We need people in touch with #reality that back @user and are not looking to destroy our great country.#MAGA #Trump #DrainTheSwamp #DrainTheDeepState #Trump2020 #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Absolutely in agreement. Genuine refugees welcome. Grown men, with smartphones, pretending to be children - not welcome. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"...............................'I get to rape beautiful women and that's why I like working on this project.' ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mother's Basement is a fucking retard... He's even more retarded than me Jesus Fucking Christ man...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"she;s rich now.....hahahahahahaha.......stupid cop","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The true colors of Islam? This is the way I see it, there are 1.5 billion of us and only handful among us nutters. So if the crusaders, nazis, zealots and zionists aren't representatives of Christians and Jews, why the fuck do few hundred or thousand assholes representative of all the Muslims in the world. Fuck you Mr. Marine. You've just proven that you're just as bad as the jackasses who did the shooting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Germany lifts ban on reunions for refugees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DaJ0k3r ...hahahahaha you and your little boy, faggot Arsenal badges!!! You fucking paki TIT. Remember your pic of your little butterflies too?? You SAD FUCKING BROWN CUNT......DEPORT YOURSELF!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What?? Another innocent nigger thug being blamed?? Lawdy Lawdy Lawdy mis claudy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"10th October 1989 the IRA murdered Thomas Gibson, Married father of 14 mth old daughter. Labourer shot sitting in car, Kilrea. Waiting for van to collect him to work in Ballymoney on home for elderly. Working extra hours as trying to build house. TA Lance Corporal. The Territorial Army as it was then known, wasn't mobilised or used at all in NI. https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DpGYmBDWsAEJbTs.jpg:large MUTED CUNT STAY OUT OF BRIT FAM.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user #Compassion with #CommonSense #BuildThatWall #RuleOfLaw #SecureBorders ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @VersaceAmeezy: Austin is so cute like look at him all excited because he got Oreos http:\/\/t.co\/0mK1W8Reak","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you seriously criticising the Rocky Horror Picture Show? Not only is it a well-crafted piece of musical theater, but it- as something that will probably be banned soon enough for making fun of trannies- was never shown to children as originally created. Unlke the faggot shit nowadays.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user that your sissy slut bitch whore mouth needs to be gagging ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well the thieving faggot still got what he deserved. Execute the illegals. Execute them all!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"this morning i was kissing my children and they were all very sweet. we are helpless if someone attacke us. then i heard the news a killer is the on the loose and speaks russian wearing a blue cap and a black shirt. then someone at the door knocks with the same description and speaks a language i dont know cause i only speak my mothers tongue english. so i wouldnt know if he is speaking russian or african or whatever. i did not let him in and called the police. is that racist? and it was actually my neighbor who happens to speak russian i wasnt aware. or do i let him in? i mean this is the same situation to what happened on this arabic guy. if it was you what would you do?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Norsu2: Democrats to push income inequality as top issue of 2014 http:\/\/t.co\/6fMioxUIgK Charlie Baker (R) veers further left all in w D ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is Trump letting a wacky celebutard Nigger cuss in the White House? Why are MAGApedes excited about a dusky minority who likes to be 'controversial' and has an IQ under 90? Why do White people, and Trump, continue to disappoint me?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@IHateStevenSingI ain't to show bout dem colored diamonds you talk about on da radio. Any diamond you gets from a colored be stolen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That nigger needs thrown out of the country","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you're a twat, enjoy all your downvotes, i count 100 at this point. fuck face Your mum. She was to heavy to be on top, so we switched to Doggy Style, which helped cause it meant I couldn't see her Fucking Ugly Face, she burnt the bacon in the morning, And she Queefed too much","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"this cunt needs hanged to death","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You ain't a Muzzie are you? :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fifty years from now I'll be the woman being wheeled out of the nursing home scream-singing \"Enter Sandman and \"Immigrant Song . ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Was getting elbowed by a triple chinned cunt with nails like a woman ont train Let a smelly fart out before moving ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You really can't make this shit up #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/7uM0qENaPW","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.publicschoolreview.com\/blog\/white-students-are-now-the-minority-in-u-s-public-schools","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"National Socialism can restore America to a place of joy and safety,a land with no Nigger crime and no Muslim terror .Sounds good to me ! What are we waiting for?! We already know republicans and Demoncrats are no help !","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Retweet if you're voting for Biden!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sweet! Just found that box of Twinkies I bought last year for $225.00! I bet its at least tripled by now! Such a no-brainer buy!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CreepyScout: Bend over.And pick up that trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol I had no idea they got a trolley. Fuck, I hate Milwaukee. I hope something comes of this They got $50M from Obama and then spent another $70M or so to put a trolley in a 2 mile loop that goes of nowhere of importance. Doesn't go to the lakefront, new basketball stadium, convention center. Only goes to more broken budgets to the city. Man the Democrats are really good at creating shitholes fast. All that money that could be spent on police? Fuck it. Build the choo choo instead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yankee homeruns make me all tingly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm just tryna get to sleep before the birds start getting rowdy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The NPC meme contest has been a resounding success! After receiving hundreds of submissions, we picked what we felt were the best memes that reflected Infowars' mission of truth-telling. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/check-out-the-npc-meme-finalists-winner-tba\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah but didn't you know there are PHD STUDENTS IN THE CAR!! But somehow they still weren't smart enough to register the fking car... No doubt it was the fourth passenger that owns the car. The only one without a PhD. It's the final test for getting your PhD well she had TWO kids make it through the SCHOOL SYSTEM, I mean, c'mon! Are we splitting hairs here? they should have stated they had a Costco rotisserie chicken in the car thats getting cold, probably would have worked better lol I laughed. PHD students that don't know how to carry insurance, register a car, or have visible plates. PHD!!! If this how she is with cops imagine how this piece of trash treats retail worker, waiters\/waitresses, and her own family. oh christ, i bet her husband wants to kill himself every second Assuming she is still married. Zing. Do you know who I am... ? Manager. #Now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More like pussypassgranted. The bitch needed to hang. We don't know how terrible it is to be gangraped and have our throats cut like a butcher with a lamb the way ISIS cut foreigners throats with the help and aid of this cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"real truth: vaccines are tainted, and once the pieces of shit behind it are either in jail or dead they will be mandated. OR scientists carefully developed vaccines to help people. Wow. This takes a lot of stupid. I'm impressed you've made it 10 days on this account.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe they don't have nearly as fast of a replacement rate of brain cells as normal people have, maybe the braincells commit sudoku once they know they belong to a liberal, maybe liberals are just so retarded it doesn't matter. Who knows, I don't have any liberal brains I can study for further analysis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"After seeing Kansas play Duke a couple weeks ago, I could tell you I'm surprised that Charlie Weis has been let go...but I'm not.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @audizzle: Quote of last night, @GinaGaus telling me to find her a curved stick and she'll make a crossbow to shoot a bird down","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ovomit the muzzie faggot is a piece of shit and what about the dumbfucks who voted for this asshole TWICE!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....your hysterical....like you know shit...tEump has ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] 100\/100, should've been the main protagonist - pc gamer, probably Assassin's Creed is complete fiction. Nobody would be surprised at a Spartan Warrior Princess or hell even a fucking AMAZON, a literal mythological warrior woman with one breast missing for historical accuracy and to better shoot a bow. Now depicting the Russo-Japanese war with armies on both sides with women in it... you are stepping on some serious toes now. Historical toes. Very sensitive toes that have been hit with many hammers like black Legionaries and black British Queens. and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And we have American's wonder why they are hated around the world or where terrorists come from. If there is something that could have saved my child and it wasn't done because of some racist asswipe's in power, I'd be pissed off enough that I'd want to blow up American's too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hell naw! Ive never in my life heard a nigger with an Australian accent. Id like to keep it that way. Australia is still very white, thankfully.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Danger Treasonous individuals paid for by Soros and globalist @user @user #LockHerUp #BuildTheWall #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now !!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A Message From Oregon Police Chief Danielle Outlaw https:\/\/www.portlandoregon.gov\/police\/article\/658250","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watch: Muslim migrant threatens to stone Christian women in Denmark - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Free speech has its price. But as I said, if you are not actively changing minds, this shit is a colossal waste of time. Confront them. It will get ugly as hate always is. Mute if you must. At some point, they will be hating into an empty echo chamber. Christ is Jewish. He taught in the Synagogues. They called Him Rabbi. I always find it funny when people who run around warning everyone to \"Mute the Nazis\" turn around and talk about us being in an echo chamber. Your avatar is a vile and evil reminder that men murdered human beings and used their skin like animal leather to adorn their domiciles. You are trapped in another kind of echo chamber. And now you are muted as well. Evil cannot be placed at the head of the table. Hate is evil.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Especially when one considers that 'victory' to be that he hangs around a White female, something I have done since I was Odd that he considers 'winning' to be that of hanging around a White female, yes? Such hatred of one's own race is disheartening to see. One should learn to be proud of one's own race. Alas, I understand Nigger self-hatred.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" @BeautyOfASinner: So they really deleted flappy bird from the App Store cus someone killed themselves over it foreal foreal ?? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The real agenda,,British gloablast common purpose civil servants,,, working against the British People","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @nick_pertile: Oh my goodness do I hate Chinese people. Fucking zipperheads","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/DVTalHAXSfQ Update breaking news Another Lying Cunt Bites The Dust....Lying Whore....Stormy Daniels defamation suit against Trump dismissed Sent from my iPad","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Do you want CHILD PORN on Gab? Do you want ANIMATED CHILD PORN on Gab? Are you censored? Can you have a conservative opinion? A liberal one? Other? YES! Is LEGAL PORN allowed on Gab? Yes. Shouldn't the line be drawn SOMEWHERE? I draw it at child porn or facsimiles of such. If you don't like that go put CHILD PORN on Twitter. They won't mind. @a did nothing wrong I draw the line at hypocritical self-righteous virtue signaling since it correlates extremely well with crimes against humanity. Here's what is illegal AND actionable: malicious defamation. I've been defamed twice just being a relative bystander, as a mainstream anime fan with no interest in loli. No, defamation and slander are not part of \"free speech\". In person they justify physical retaliation (\"Fighting words doctrine\"). In print they justify both lawsuits and criminal prosecutions. Go for it then Mr. Happy! I see CRYBABIES Why don't you go fuck a cartoon Why don't you go fuck a cartoon Yo, I'd fuck Cheetara in a heart beat. Also princess Allura from Voltron! Just point me in the right direction,to the promised land! C'mon Sad Minstrel strum your magic strings and make 2D real! Then it would appear that YOU'RE the one I should've told to GO FUCK A CARTOON (Puts pinky to my lips) Probably! I have no idea what that shit is AND I'M GLAD Well..I do know voltron an option would be to stop arguing with the trolls and mute them from your view others can see their rants and decide for them self, this is what they mean by \"free speech of gab\" it means you are in control of walking away from the situation, but you chose to argue and threaten to bring law enforcement into something you already have the tools to step away from. Right. If you are \"slandered\" here in a conversation you chose to partake of IT'S YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol when idiots are playing and can't pay attention to surrounding area it's not apps fault it's their fault lol stop babysitting these people, lol or do we need to install soft pads everywhere now? If you can't look up when walking then game or no game your life will be in danger cuz you are an idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"'She was acting hysterical' is literally what every misogynist says to describe women who call you out on your bull ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Son of Jamestown, Protestants that made the USA and Conservative for President Trump... You can stick Lincoln, the guy that used Fed troops against Citizens and imposed tariffs and taxes on the Souths Cotton... it was written by Irish Catholic immigrant formerly a Never Trumper ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"to hell with the #Tories. #SendThemHome ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did you really think that was clever? I thought so at the time. Can't win them all, I guess. Fair enough, bro. I'll upvote you, though it won't make a difference now. It's cool. I see people are still downvoting. I'm not one to delete my comments, even if I fucked up. I've had people appreciate some of my other posts... That's enough for me. Edit: thanks for being chill and cool u\/starved-nutritionist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AliyahKorea: #Whiteculture thinking weave is \"ratchet\" and \"ghetto\" while \"extensions\" are perfectly fine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrats need to change that Hispanic split: 59 % of Hispanics surveyed here think most immigrants are in the United States illegally. That is likely a contributor to Dems not being able to win Hispanic votes by a bigger margin:https:\/\/t.co\/95FlssX4hi ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Doesn't this idiot know what those retarded savage invaders do?!? Or does he not care about them raping and killing Whites?! Fucking nigger lover and his beloved invaders are a threat to Western civilisation and need to be killed!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Local meth addict finds one weird trick to btfo the optics cucks epic style.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Theresa May defends why do not all the ruling classes open up their homes to migrants ordinary people are on waiting lists the other are not ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It isn't woke, tho. It went lieberal bullshit. Female doctor and last year had nigger assistant. Fuck them, not interested.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Libyan Red Crescent recover 17 migrant bodies near Tripoli ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm just impressed they have found a way to make money off depression. All I can do is have crippling anxiety, mingled with intense anger, rage, then crying for hours. Oh plus all the suicidal thoughts that I can not drown out. If some cunt told me i could have made DOLLLLLAAS on youtube exploiting this, i'd be there!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey everyone, calm down. maybe this Jeremy kid was a bad egg. You know, maybe he used to steal kids' lunch money in school. I mean, I don't know this for a fact or anything, but lets wait until all the facts are out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The mail has gone full retard left since it was taken over.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump moving to strip Palestinians of refugee status: report Nice... now will all be going to Europe... Israel's wet dream...https:\/\/t.co\/2BbkaBhOMh ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I didn't realize that a failure to suddenly want to suck dick made me transphobic. Does that mean lesbians who hate dick and gay men who don't like pussy are heterophobes? I just found myself pondering something... There are dudes in porn that are \"gay for pay\" but identify as straight. I don't think I have ever heard of a dyke sucking even she-cock on camera for cash while maintaining the dyke identity. I appreciate your heavily anticipated insight in this matter. Anyone can be gay for pay. Its impossible to go hetero for dough. Now I'm actually wondering why that is. Like i've heard how women tend to be more fluid with their sexuality than men. Maybe it has to do with lesbians feeling like they have to prove their lesbianism so they don't want to do anything sexual that can be considered straight. While for straight men its not what they're into and they don't have to prove they're straight. I'm not making sense. You make sense > .....to me... I have like two bucks. Wanna do some gay? Sorry i can't gay i don't own a feminine penis but if you wanna lesbo let's go. Kill me. Sure wynaut I think you are thinking for the old school' definition of gay. Currently orientation is an attraction to gender. Not sex. So if you are straight then you are attracted to trans women and cis women. If you are gay you are attracted to trans men and men. There is no word for all the people with vaginas except all the people with vaginas'. Calling them women is transphobic and exclusive. Needing to group them at all is transphobic and exclusive. Defining people by their genitals is fetishistic and reductive. Basically if you aren't trans you are trash. As an AV-14 Hornet, I agree. I can't begin to even count the times I've had Aerophobes refuse to date me just because being a UNSC Air Superiority platform is \"impossible\" and I'm \"retarded\" Calling me a \"Helicopter\" is so triggering... [insert Smellody Hensley PTSD Spongebob meme here]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So you are a nazi? You liberals are too dumb to exist. How do you not set yourself on fire tying your shoes each morning you dumb ignorant redneck moron?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Certainly child porn should not be permitted! But obviously all RACIST askeNAZI JEWS and LEFTIST Democrats should be stopped also, not that they are intellectually capable of a discussion anyway! How do you stop RETARDED JEWS and Democrats from joining?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As an SJW, it is the right of black people to rob and kill me. To not allow them is a white privilege.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't hate Jews, Africans, Europeans, Indians, Mexicans, Asians, or any race. I hate Communists, Socialists, Fascists, Imperialists, Feudalists, Tribalists, Welfare freeloaders, human sponges, and locusts. A Godly society only needs a few things: Freedom (Freedom of Association, Freedom of Religion), right to keep\/bear arms, and Capitalism @IronAndBlood @Screw-z-jews @WADL @blazinherb @Escoffier - Is goody virtue-signalling?- or just picking words out of a hat?- or maybe reducing a book report for his 9th-grade teacher down to 300 characters or less. keith goody is a cuck. This is what happens when you sniff paint I guess. Trouble is...it was latex paint...heh #BWAHAHAHA!!! Sweet boomer burn +1 anyone wanna take bets on him being a boomer?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone calls me \"b\" they be like oh wassup b and I be like wassup my niggah","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Non-racist white people, we love you guys. We love playing Halo and Call of Duty with you guys, we love listening to Disturbed and Old school Eminem with you guys, we love drinking bitter beers and smoking fat blunts with you guys, we love working overtime to make ends meet with you guys, we love going to baseball games with you guys, we love comparing lives and continuing to break down the transparent barrier between us! Soon we will be closer to being one race and we can contiue to share culture with one another and even create some new culture as well. Rich elites want to separate us so they can continue to pick our pockets. Let's unite and take down the bastards!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @TheFactsBook: Twitter has a bird as its logo, that s why when you join you re an egg, and your home button is a birdhouse. Why am I ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apple is trying to be that one company that the whole world basically depends on in the future. (You know, those future movies where one company does everything.)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope you get eye cancer bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Has any movement in history been infiltrated and completely taken over by the Republican Party faster than the \"alt-right\"? It was like a toddler versus that thing from the movie ALIEN. LOL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Y'all Trump supporters are always so hysterical about y'all's dumbass army where are you now hm ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Going to California today for some analyzer training. Going into Dick Whitman mode. Wish I had a tan colored suit to wear for the flight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bloody immigrants like uk say you must obide the law of the country should be put in prison until the immigrant pays the fine ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"White Nationalists are posting \"Kanye escaping the Democrat Plantation\" memes on Gab, Twitter and Stormfront. Why? They're not funny. They reinforce a retarded cuckservative narrative. How long until we're parroting \"Democrats are the real racists!\" talking points? I can't wait for Waka-wakanye...has anybody told you you're a poet?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Too bad Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan arent listening and\/or dont care. Its time to fully fund the border wall or @user should shut down the government. Need to make eVerify mandatory and end chain migration. #BuildThatWall #MAGA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All #Rohingya refugees want to return to #Myanmar but have concerns over security and want #UnitedNations to monitor their return. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he is a half-nigger muzzie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"But atleast they let me know...ur a faggot if u keep those type of twitter secrets","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They're retarded and thought you'd appreciate it. Lol Also you're probably pretty sexy to a drunk 50 y\/o woman. Lol Then you're a cunt as well \"I think people hate women based off virtually zero contextual evidence\" You already said pussy, retard. Think of something fresh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Since the Supreme Court has not explicitly addressed the issue of gun rights for noncitizens, this case is being allowed to move forward in court. Pratheepan Gulasekaram, a Santa Clara University law professor, said Perez may have a chance. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is not about this one incident. STOP there has been systemic racism in france and all over the world. *as an outsider* These protest in france,SA,Ca and so on. Is due to goverments not caring about our communities,education or healthcare.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"there is no pavement and all the roofs are sheet metal yet all the african niggers have american nigger clothes","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ballot Marked Joe Biden Kamala Harris Join Us Vote Women are on the Ballot https:\/\/t.co\/zr8GoYfNMd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That dumb twat gone, @loli gone, @MartyGraw gone, Kav confirmed, Bolsonaro about to win big and start genociding muds, and women now officially declared chattel property . . . whew lads, what a good weekend No one of importance, some useless account that was going for a Manic Pixie Dream Girl vibe, very annoying to interact with, went by @typing if IRC","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @kamaalrkhan: Sir @ArvindKejriwal career tho apka waise bhi khatam ho chukka. You have become new Amar Singh so try for publicity #Kejr ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The largest mass killing of Jewish people in American History was committed by a Trump MAGAt. We'll see won't we. Ya'all fucked up. Let you hate take control. Rookie mistake. Oh well, live and learn MAGAt, LIVE AND LEARN! Stop passing AIDS around Steven the gay Jew ...lol I see, sure-sure. So you're a gay Jew with AIDS........SEE i told ya so .......... Tony DeMaga thinks he scares someone! That's funny!!! Scares? I'm describing you , and you know it.LOL Tough Guy Tony Demaga, talks a tough game. TALKS. Says the gay Jew boy with AIDS. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a despicable act. Like killing a person but refusing to let them die. Torturous. Women should experience the same feeling, but still with the promise of returning to their old life when they get out... :\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"prove it idiot. pretending to believe an ugly lying libtard skank doesn't make it true retard without a job. I'm married","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And now he says he \"feels like a man with no country . Betrayed every voter that voted for him, betrayed Kavanaugh, betrayed the Constitution.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stupid lying cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lol, elections have consequences. That retarded fuck up obama, turned everything he touched into shit. The ONLY good thing to come out of the black Marxists' reign of incompetence and crime spree was that he brought Trump into politics, lol, now they're really screwed. I've traced it back to 2011, so all the lefts angst and misery can be blamed on the \"Retaded Megalomaniac Marxist , watch: https:\/\/youtu.be\/HHckZCxdRkA","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm using @user to search, filter, de-duplicate, and code #Twitter #data. running scrapes on #immigration since 2013... Another day another #realDonaldTrump tweetstorm -- or maybe it's another sort of Storm. Try it for free for at ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/17\/man-gets-sliced-in-unprovoked-pizzeria-attack\/ While corporate media complains about whites calling the cops on loitering blacks, blacks commit actual violent hate crimes against white people for their race every day in this country. The pigs never make a serious effort to catch the perps unless the victim is a jew ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone feeling so sad and angry may go to Assam and other NE states and may kindly take all the illegal immigrants to their state or home just like West Bengal CM stated! #NRCAssam #IndiaForIndians #MamtaBanerjee #sarbanandasonowal ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"^ She's mad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This announcement is turning into a fiasco. Xbone reveal all over again As Sony fucks up in this generation, I'm now looking for XbTwo PCMR Fully embraced the PCMR a few years ago. Last console was a Now I can't play RDR > Now I can't play RDR :( Yes you can, and you won't have to pay an arm and a leg to do so. Not a single western AAA release ever holds its value. RDR2 will cost five bucks used in two years, ten new, and the announcement of the PS5 will mean you can scoop both new and used consoles dirt fucking cheap. Keep PCMR for your current games, man, and don't worry about keeping up with the Joneses. If a game comes out on console and you *really* have to have it, wait... just wait. The prices will go down, you can scoop those and have those experiences too. This was a retarded comment","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good morning Twitter. Make today a positive one. If you can't do that, beat up as many meanie-faces as possible. Also, I hate flappy bird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Doing more texting this afternoon for the #BidenHarris2020 . Action is the only thing that relieves my stress.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCK CHINESE PEOPLE I HOPE THEY DIE","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Let's ask him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Take red box s to her ask her to open it so boxing glove comes out and upper cut the cunt right out bang what shoot slag","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate United. When you buy a ticket from them it's a contractual agreement between us. United has no interest in maintaining their side of this contract. They will cancel your flight, never take off on time, always arrive late, change your seat assignment, take away your seat but never consult with you. United treats this contract as a joke; you the passenger is the sucker. That CEO Munoz is brain dead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.almasdarnews.com\/article\/iran-preparing-to-launch-3-satellites-into-space-irna\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not white southerners owned slaves. MANY of them were poor.farmers and could barely afford to care for themselves.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CHlLDHOODRUINER: she paid $5 to hold the monkey and look what he did this monkey real af http:\/\/t.co\/NgeCuWehHb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Pl don't wait for SC intervention.All 126.90Crs Indians r with u. Pl deport all Rohingyasandother illegal migrants.Big threat ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone please shoot this waste of oxygen, what a pathetic selfish excuse of a human being. Something good that came from innocent people being killed?! I'm speechless. And these are the people who are placed in Congress.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Okay, that is by far. The most retarded thing I have read today.. (So far)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Is the Judge On Crack? he Said said Govt needs to prove it considered the benefits of having illegal Aliens here and working! Illegal Immigration cost $135 B a year while Illegals pay $!8 B in taxes ! Illegals are No Benefit to the U. S #Trump #MAGA ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user What you are saying is also somewhat nonsense. 1st you yourself should come to your senses. See among the names missing is also of some of the family members of former President of India. Are they also illegal immigrants? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh mama. The odour of nigger emanates from your midriff and I hear you rolling around, banging and screaming every night since you divorced my daddy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Let's cripple the vanity industry. How? Actually start liking who we are, and how we look.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Best rider? That goes to a blaxican.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How is being a straight white male in the same category as being a slave owner? https:\/\/redd.it\/9mlwbq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#SendThemBack To Their Home Country and to Their Historical Culture in Africa. The #Migrants Appreciate Their #AfricanCulture More Than We Know. @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Do not announce your not all men argument when I tell you that in the 16th century anything a woman did without the OK of her husband... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that buck toothd cunt got some ballz huh?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We've operated this campaign by listening to the experts. Even when it's been inconvenient; it's about keeping people safe. That is Joe Biden's and Kamala Harris's leadership by example. And, frankly, I think we've been pretty damn innovative about it. https:\/\/t.co\/ZxY2B80UAF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So is the word nigger scary to blacks?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user Ok sure. You skank ass troll bot. Go take a bath with a toasterno one will miss you when you are gone ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Do you realize how insane she must be? No she got it, she just thought she was above it. It's possible her bike was broken down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump has a dirty war logic... in countries like Argentina or Chile in 1970s was inspired in fascist ideologies. Security forces attacking their own citizens as if they were enemy soldiers in the name of religion, leaders and nation... https:\/\/t.co\/9A9gxAJJHz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BlackJeezuss: When someone drops their trash mixtape in my Dms http:\/\/t.co\/wkFJfjkNCi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you hit a woman you are a cunt. And you should have your arm broken, in 3 places. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I dont want to put @deplorme on my timeline. He is a giant retard. See? Retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We hate you too lil nicca! Lol RT @redfernave: I Hate The Steelers Dawg","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you've just met someone and they start to tell you their life story ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The end result is an IQ 85 nigger that's nothing but a violent drain on the modern world. Is he a nigger or a troll? Both.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We should add a luxury tax to retarded stuff like this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No your not! You are scroungers\/soldiers coming to create a caliphate or create chaos. Go home, look after your girlfriends\/wives\/kids. All fighting age. The last thing you are, are refugees! Bugger off! Bye, bey, cheers.... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This says it all!! Trump is an international threat at this point. He must be removed. Pence can fill in until Joe and Kamala officially move in. https:\/\/t.co\/IUOSMem0Nf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user That's hysterical though you didn't mean it to be ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I come out as a perfectly normal Straight White Male! Why do you think any of us even care? The morally degernate LGBT and all the other ilk are a bunch of human sewage! Then you are coming out to tell us you are a RACIST SEXIST intolerant bigot Democrat also? Democrats are the human sewage Party! Go back to the closet you piece of morally degenerate shallow minded brainwashed retarded monkey brain! I don't care and I don't want to know about it! All Democrats are offensive pieces of shit! You obviously cannot comprehend shit. It is sad that so many people are this brainwashed retarded and have no consciousness whatsoever. I always think something will take but end up disappointed as usual. Go back in the closet where you belong!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"LOL i hope your mom gets home soon we wouldn't want you locked out after dark LOL Well I support your right to form an opinion. Please enjoy gab's freedom of expression policies. and btw ... dont start mailing dems bombs or shooting up sinogogues https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qxOwHutnXNA You are to stupid to talk to. Moron","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Since you believe in justice for rape victims I hope you will stand up for the women who have accus ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey Idaho, pay attention to the capitalized part since some of you are so welcoming to refugees.The Sharia Swamp... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dave Hogue is a Design Lead at #Google. https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealSaavedra\/status\/1048822754084937730 So.......not a fan of Kavanaugh then? Can we still count on a contribution the RNC this year?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stupid dumb cunt NPC'S lol RESTAURANT OWNER CALLED A NAZI SYMPATHIZER,' LIFE THREATENED FOR RENTING ROOM TO MARSHA BLACKBURN https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/restaurant-owner-called-a-nazi-sympathizer-life-threatened-for-renting-room-to-marsha-blackburn\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Omg, Macklemore is iconic and I love him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Malaysian aid group helping refugees in southern Yemen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"heavily biased reporting! wani was a TERRORIST who used social media to get youths to join him. thoroughly disappointed by AJ+. and if you are blind enough to ignore all the \"separatist rebels\" attacking the army then you definitely deserve being a part of pakistan and enjoy \"freedom\" there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"go live in a neighborhood filled with niggers and get back to us (if ur not ded) faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hate crime training to brainwash the police being done by a vile RACIST JEW PIG? Despicalbe Jews are human sewage! You can't even stick to your own narrative. Won't point it out to you. You absolute fucking retard for a troll. Whoever pays you is just as retarded for thinking this is worth the money or effort.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Great wording for the topic. Better join a white supremacist group, go to Charlottesville, and shout \"JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US!!!\" AMIRITE?! ! ! --- There exists a very legitimate discussion and critique of immigration policies in many western countries, and the mistakes some governments are making. It would've been fucking great if neo-nazis, white supremacists, and their ardent sympathizer and apologist didn't taint this whole argument such that it's becoming impossible to talk about immigration without being associated with these racist dumbasses. Good job fellas, stay classy. lol \"i dont want to stand up for myself because media elites who hate me misrepresent people i agree with\" and#x200B; This why conservatives have been fucking losers for decades There is standing up for what you believe in, **and making your point across in maaaaaaaaany forms of ways**. And there has been many reasonable people on the right who have voiced their concerns and criticism about immigration in a lot of different ways that are more or less reasonable, without blind ignorance, hate, and propaganda. And then there is standing up for what you believe in, by making a concession effort to deliver your point using the same wording as the neo-Nazis. GG, keep being a supremacist sympathizer; that works great in solving our immigration problems.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On the bright side. The sjw posters like altnamefag, Smithikov and Undead Suitor suffer as much as we do. No more hearing from Smithnikov on how he got cuckwalked Cuckwalked? > https:\/\/knowyourmeme.com\/memes\/racists-on-4chan What is the deal with Know Your Meme? That site loads like ass and freezes constantly on Brave - they must have some weird scripting going on under the hood. I've been having loads of problem with brave in general. I'm strongly considering moving browsers altogether. Christ, these kids with their newfangled slang... the heck is cuckwalking? Oh...okay so whats that? AKA the Racists IRL\/Racists on 4chan meme. Bingo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user you just added 19 points to Glam Skanks - Bad Bitch on the @user twitter chart ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate Ronald Reagan","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Young voters..we need you to vote. Obama says it all. We are counting on you! @2020_VoteBlue @UArizonaDems @BidenForFL @HispanicGenY #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy #VoteBlue2020 for RBG and John Lewis https:\/\/t.co\/ht3q9ZsU7w","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God I love jokes about beating women the premise is so funny When you have little incel freaks looking for validation in echo chamber sub, shit like this strengthens their conviction because they think more people are sympathetic to their backward opinions. That being said i don't give a fuck what you post I was more opposing the sentiment that a joke about woman beating was totally harmless. I enjoy seeing a good PPD as the next guy but hur dur bash women jokes just make the sub look like a pack of cunts like the flogs at r\/imgoingtohellforthis","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"BEST OF BLACK CONSERVATIVES: https:\/\/youtu.be\/uQdvviT5ZTg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @anthonycampos23: Lebron your still a bitch you suck nigger hope you die","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The DC: Should 3D-printed guns be subject to background checks? and... Is the gover via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Rrabbit Yep you should. I had it for three or four days muted and stopped them from following me done from their page and also reported them first on 3 dots menu last day and none the next. Cheers Marina! Yes report them I have had a few and not long after reporting them the accounts disappear. If you report the post and sent the user name to @a @support ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trust me. Nobody in their right mind would ever think of raping @sciencegranny. My God woman! Wear a burka! go get fucked you retarded whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Retarded boomer QLARPers with too much disposable income me thinks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Are you a faggot or a bob-and-vagene?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump doubles down on obeying law that's causing family separation: 'The US will not be a migrant camp ... not on my watch' Oh, HELL YES ! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Desperate to do whatever it takes at whatever moral or financial cost to help Libyan coastguard and authorities trap even more refugees and migrants in horrific detention centers, Italy revives \"Friendship\" deal signed 10 years ago @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If they didn't care about loyal customers, they would have kept you out since you were $","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Germany Fucking the rest of Europe over again, if only germans knew how much the rest of us hate them. Fuck Germany we dont need any more Arabs, no Shahria, no Burkas, no Terrorists, no Beheadings Fuck Arabs and Fuck German scum, we Europeans dont want you muslims because everywhere you go you bring violence. Pull out a world map and see for yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@tdanddent @SusanStJames3 @CNN #BidenHarris #Trump2020 @realDonaldTrump @DailyCaller @greggutfeld @GeraldoRivera @seanhannity @RealJamesWoods @RealCandaceO @BLEXIT #WalkAway you knew he was cheating! He cheated in college and law school!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user why? So you can look like a trashy mess? #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Federal Home Ministry asks #Kashmir chief secretary not to allow movement of #Rohingya beyond certain locations #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #refugees #India @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/politics-of-sleaze-backfires-75-of-americans-blame-dianne-feinstein-for-kavanaugh-confirmation-fiasco\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[removed] So 1989 good now I can put that in my sperm diary","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate this world.. How it's posible that all world know this and they are in silence!? It's not human.. we are all the same blod, flash and bones.. Holocaust of 21.century and they do nothing!!!!! :(","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@jadedcreative Kamala said she believed the women that accused Joe of inappropriate touching. Joe Biden molests women. Joe Biden refused to apologize to them. Watch what he says when he was on the View. They tried to pry an apology from him and he wouldn't give one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Haha she needs to hire a new lawyer. I imagine hers sounds somewhat like shaggy from Scooby doo if he was also retarded. \"These charges are like... really outrageous. They are just a ploy by the fash, man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just ask him for a source on that one. They'll never produce one. Quick way to shut down that discussion. That's where you're wrong shitlord. My source is you're racist! The funny thing was that he demanded sources to prove that communism had killed 100 million people. They are literally everywhere lol. He still defended communism after I posted multiple sources, and of course he attacked me for supporting Trump. That's a pretty easy source to produce and you won't find many people arguing against it because it's considered a historical fact at this point. Apparently not to the escaped lab experiment I was talking to. They are conflating deaths due to lack of availability to healthcare and such in capitalist societies to murdering of political opponents. For example if you cannot pay for your cancer treatment the communists consider that a capitalism-related death. [removed] What? [removed] Okay anon just chill. I know you don't like Jews but we talk about that on \/pol Yeah. Sure, pal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Once again I log on and these fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches are posting tranny porn in my timeline. :\/ Isn't GAB banning these bloody faggots via IP address, @a @e? Are you being sarcastic? How are they Neo-Nazi faggot socialists when every account spamming the gay tranny porn are Jewish anti-nazi activists seeking out right wingers to spam?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Or banned...just openly mocked. ...*you fucking faggot*","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Correct me if I'm wrong but don't all you bitches wanna be mermaids? How come no stink on social media for the mermaid emoji then? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"UMC complaint against Jeff Sessions after he used the Bible to defend separating migrant children from their parents has... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Barkley is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In case there was any doubt...... why do you women feel the need to let us know that you're bitches? what? like it's some warning label on a piece of candy or some shit. Do you see men posting memes saying we're cheating, lying, drinking assholes? nooooooo .. how about focusing on the POSITIVE next meme....and this was NOT meant to be personal aimed at you. just a general overall complaint. Look in the mirror Len, then let me know ? C u next Tuesday little buddy butt-Hurt Probably because he has not got one..and yearns for one..up his AZZ!!! LOL Yep %","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I use to do door to door fundraising for red cross Canada. By the 4th month I was having a nervous breakdown and almost snapped on this old man who decided to give me along winded speech about how it's inconvenient to him that I knocked at his door. Later I stole the head of his nigger statue","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@johncusack \"If there were any such thing as true justice in this world, his rancid carcass would be somewhere down around Easter Island right now, in the belly of a hammerhead shark.\"-you know who said it, John. #Gonzo #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"she just proves how absolutely retarded the political elite has become, why more and more are turning to Mr Trump, he is not a politician per sa","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My guess is nigger since no picture","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Excuse me, Senator Sherrod Brown's Ex-Wife presented medical records, Brown violated a restraining order issued by the court and threatened his wife during their divorce.. He's been a pimple on the ass of Ohio for over 30 damn years... https:\/\/www.the-daily-record.com\/news\/20180920\/does-renacci-have-shifting-standards-for-brown-trump-kavanaugh Our Governor is a Rino and belongs to the same party as the Democrats.. Global Communism..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Hill goes out of their way to write bullshit for that retard Chelsea. Soon they'll be writing, \"Chelsea said she didn't want to enter politics, but now she feels she must\". It never ends.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Jackson Cosko: #DEM STAFFER ARRESTED 4 SENATE BURGLARY, DOXXING REPUBLICANS #DEM Operative of #SenFEINSTEIN and #SenJacksonLee BROKE INTO Senate Offices, Stole Files = MAJOR FELONIES! HOW will #DEMS COVER UP this crime? #DEMLawlessness https:\/\/bnonews.com\/site\/index.php\/2018\/10\/jackson-cosko-arrested-for-doxxing-republican-senators\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not a Fact at all ,Mattys Modern life, don't you think there were 18,19,20,21, Etc......year olds Voting back in 1996 , thats around the time the idiot brigade wanted Guns outlawed because they were told a retarded kid with a rifle shot 35 people ( a large number were moving head shots ) on his own , yet not even the best sniper would be that good ,","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user It means Islam will show them how to rape\/abuse women 24\/7! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @HoodJesusYo: Last name, SinnerFirst name, ImmaLike ur pancakes in tha mornin, He got u covered like Aunt Jemima","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not only am I voting straight ticket GOP, for the first time in as long as I can remember the party, as a whole (that silly cunt RINO from Alaska notwithstanding), actually earned my vote in November.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @downswinging: brendon urie must make other boys feel like trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One of those animals lands on my doorstep I'll blow his fucking head off and feed him to the pigs. Nothing but monkeys with 60 IQ.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I wanna give a bitch my heart but i can't though, can't fall in love with a stank hoe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MAGATS will be Blocked! MAGATS (Make America Great Again Trump Syncopates!! #IStandWithScienceTruthAndJustice #OnlyMAGATSBelieveConspiracyTheories #TrumpLoser #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/wRXkekZPtv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AngelaBelcamino Yep, Hubby and I voted early in person last week! #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah don't though, he's a fucking cuck who honestly thinks that Muslims are somehow an independent threat (independent of the Jews). Red Ice have seriously cucked out lately. I blame that fag-sounding retard Patrick Casey, who naturally has nothing to say about RAM because he's a fucking cuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mark my words, many will take her serious. There will be more attacks now thanks to her and NIGGER ERIC HOLDER. Us Conservatives will faggot out and not return the violence as usual. Something must happen to this woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@BookoutBj That's ghetto for super duper! It's the current generations best complement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ryanair should be REALLY worried - and that little twat who runs that shit 'airline' needs to STFU about a BRITISH matter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I dare those retarded Antifa witches (gawd it sounds like a dumb term Chris-chan would make up) to try to hex me. I bet they don't even have the balls to do so, because I'm effeminate but I'm still manlier than an Antifa witch like this soyboy NPC. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=G1SVQ0jnaXA","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh god...more fucking morons parroting that retarded Mormon mom bullshit article. Men are not the fault of unwanted pregnancies. Takes two people to do that or a woman and a syringe. Seriously, why the fuck did a bunch of otherwise normal and seemingly intelligent women And men think that's absolute fuckin retard had any inkling of poignancy or brilliance when she wrote an dumbass op ed on why men are to blame for pregnancies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Note to Nancy: Manhood has zero to do with having a wall between countries. It is called national security and sovereignty for a country.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SBNation: Plenty of Kobe vs. Dwight trash talk after the game, too. http:\/\/t.co\/YCwfrv7syX http:\/\/t.co\/TRHYFjoIwc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But the media stations are reporting it in their usual blame game way, while at they same time reporting it at hyper speed! I thought one cunt was going to actually have a melt down!!! LOL!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @hoes: Emma Watson #TheOscars2014 http:\/\/t.co\/INeOGli7G9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When is the left going to stop war on conservative women ? Boycott SNL . Disgusting ratings whore. Only target cons ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Videos that end too soon.... theres a longer video where the woman officer has another officer cut her hair to get her to let go: link here [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MGn818quEEk](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MGn818quEEk)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Could the migration crisis finish the EU? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No doubt the bus driver will be completely blamed, the poor woman can't do anything wrong. So men have the right to hit women with no consequence, but women don't? Yes, the woman was at fault, but in a mega patriarchic society like the Chinese, where female infanticide is so rampant that ultrasound gender identification is *illegal*, I don't think the driver will be charged ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lithuania, Romania aided CIA torture, top European Union court rules EU court is a joke ! Why are they silent as Europe is being destroyed with FORCED islamist immigration... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok here I will make it easy even for a retard like you, what makes you think I am a boomer?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yeah, I think all jew and nigger loving fake nationalists should move over to some fag platform like MeWe @wizard63 Well if some cunt is telling you, then you should obey faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yee boy my yung nicca told me dat waxx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jermhudson @lanele123 no way !! I'm on a \"dude you are fat\" diet Twinkies are the devil, so are breakfast tacos. I miss breakfast tacos ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"it's a faggot too hence the utter insanity at work.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How retarded is it to proudly wave the flag of the country you are supposedly fleeing","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I can hear my mom playing flappy bird in the living room ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If it defiles nature or anything wholesome the jews love it, hence all the faggot and tranny shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Or she just cant afford winter clothes RT @da_1eye_creep Summer hoe = winter Muslimah","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've got a birds eye view of all the secrets you keep.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What the absolute fuck are you talking about? Take no for an answer? *No question was asked*. You however, are the caricature of a basement dwelling incel neckbeard who couldn't get a piece of pussy if his dick cured cancer. And if you aren't one, shape up. Because that's how you sound right now. Kinda gay asking grown men about drinking milk faggot lol BAHAHAHAHA!!!! Yup! U mad! Don't cry too hard into your waifu faggot! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"CNN reporter gets blasted over homophobic tweets dug up from college but says it doesn't represent who she is now! First response is beautiful.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"awww....cute little nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'd like to claim 'not all men,' but I too have been a misogynistic and sexist ass to women who have been and remain my friends. I repent. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump says \"don't be afraid of COVID-19. 209,928 Americans and their grieving families, and current sufferers, may have a different view. #TrumpCovidHoax #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/0IDsHEgnpl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For now, we need *pro-white* leaders, not *not-pro-IsraHell*. One nigger at a time, as it were.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I haven't seen it on this sub I think he meant his own comment.. Yeah. I've seen this posted in 5 different subs in the last few days. So it's not a repost if it wasnt posted in this sub. Technically it is a repost since it was posted 5 times on reddit in the last few days. Not even technical.. it is a repost","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LA ruins everything. They come out here to my unique desert town in the middle of nowhere, do their bullshit music fests, make it trendy, and all the fucking faggot hipsters inundate and ruin. Came to the local bar for the 1st time in ages: all dudes and 2 ugly fuckin cows. I remember when this joint used to be a true saloon. Now its a fuckin' novelty #Hipsterfornia","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The news is full of stories and outrage over our governments Zero Tolerance policy which requires all adults entering illegally to be criminally prosecuted. Here's what you need to know. #refugeeswelcome #immigration ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user That's why I agree with our countries and governments not bombing Assad and Syria. Let them fight their battle, win it, and then allow the refugees to return to their original homes. Don't add to the problem. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Buckm00se: abel is a 43 yrs old beaner working @ home depot and he didn't want to hang out with you = major L","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There was nearly an act of domestic terrorism at Pikeville, but it was on the Antifa side","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Painting with blood from her own menstruation to get attention is so stupidly retarded and disgusting that she should be look for a good psychologist to help her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Muslim migrant who SHOT Colorado cop in shootout with officers has criminal history, yet AVOIDED DEPORTATION, report says ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop tweeting about your boyfriend. No one gives a shit. And you're gonna break up in a month anyway #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Savage_Glam: Idk if @IGGYAZALEA is really a man, but she surely is a trash rapper.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MAINSTREAM MEDIA finally reporting the good immigration news that until now was only being reported in alternative media via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"During World War Two it would have been better to live in South America than to have been drafted into a war against your brothers for the sake of Jews. I think that time is approaching again. If something doesn't change or emerge I think I will go live in rural South America. You call NAZI's and Imperial Japanese BROTHERS !!! Man are you FUCKED UP !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sickening: African #migrant, who raped #Swedish girl and ruined her life, is allowed to stay in #Sweden https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/sickening-african-migrant-who-raped-swedish-girl-and-ruined-her-life-is-allowed-to-stay-in-sweden","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#British man threatened with #beheading at Speakers Corner by #Muslim. Police remove him from park, then #Facebook ban HIM for posting about the incident. https:\/\/www.politicalite.com\/exclusive\/exclusive-activist-detained-and-banned-from-facebook-after-exposing-radical-islamist-at-speakers-corner\/ #BanIslam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user I'm 16. Had plenty of women. They all suck b ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a total piece of crap!!! This video should be reported and removed! This is the kind of media material that would only fuel the conflict even more!!! We NEED peace! We deserve a chance to live as human beings. AJ+ you should be ASHAMED of yourself as a media panel playing that dirty game .......","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Imagine being so retarded you take your political views wholesale from people whose JOB it is to pretend to be someone else and parrot a script in front of a camera. Now imagine that's the majority's extent of political awareness. \"I voted Democrat cuz my favorite Marvel character told me\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I know full well the endless list of evils your fake chosen people have perpetuated just in the past century alone, but now I'm \"Antisemitic Racist White Supremacist\" because of that history lesson! @Deplorme A better strategy would be to find out who are the good Jews who don't want to destroy you, and ally with them to breed smart children that can stop the evil ones. Hmm, something like Trump is doing. Another strategy is to breed your own smart children by encouraging breeding of the smart and not subsidizing the breeding of the stupid. Either way, the war will be won by the side with the higher IQ leaders and soldiers. Why exactly would I take advice about eugenics from a moron like yourself ? The fact you think this even needs to be mentioned and you do so again and again like it's some kind of revolutionary theory only reafffims how stupid you are. I don't give a shit what you do. The only way to beat smart, evil people is with smart, good people. You aren't going to win because you're too stupid to take the required steps that are blatently obvious, as you have said. Don't blame me for your lack of initiative.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah in the fiction, centaurs are gang-rapists. When Umbridge was 'punished' for her bad deeds, the school just let a group of centaurs carry her off. When she came back, she was broken,disheveled, and a lot less vile. She got raped by a group of centaurs and the school kinda just let it happen and, though never explicitly said 'Umbridge, ya cunt, ur guilty and ur punishment is to be gang-raped by monsters' But ya know. *the implication*","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I love how they're saying it's crazy difficult to live in Mexico. After living there for 2 years i know for a fact it's not. A cell phone is around 50 pesos which is like $3 in American dollars. Then transportation is around 300 pesos which is around $25. I met a white guy who didn't know any Spanish make enough money to pay for his house, food, and his 2 dogs just by washing cars every day. I love my Mexican friends here in the states and I'm Mexico but let's not make there situation something that it's not. Mexico has a very crappy government but if you really wanted to become something great, there's nothing holding you back.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how u gonna talk about how men r trash and rape culture but u out here laughing abt a girl u hated in high school getting raped bitch fuck u ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who the fuck is following them? Are you just a troll or retarded? I'm seriously asking. It has to be one or the other. If you say I'm retarded then so be it. Your reaction to my comment tells me you're the retarded one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@marcorubio Putin is directing election interference right now WITH @realDonaldTrump @GOP's help. #TreasonousTraitorTrump #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2020 #TrumpIsARussianAgent #PutinsGOP #PutinOwnsTrump #VoteOutCorruptGOP","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Georgia teacher accused of sex assault is found dead, police say https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/georgia-teacher-accused-of-sex-assault-is-found-dead-police-say Faggot pedophile. No tears.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So who is more in the wrong her or her husbands own brother? I'm going with both it's one thing if it's a stranger, but your own brother yeah no. The brother. Even if she was interested in him, he should have told her no. The brother should have regarded her as off-limits in the first place. My brother's fiance makes probing comments to me all the time. The funny thing is my brother is pretty much everything you'd want in a guy, tall, handsome, intelligent and a loving father. He earns a good living in a respectable field but I earn a lot more than him, and she's *very* interested in that. The probing questions are always about money, stupid comments when we're alone like \" I bet you have a big dick like your brother\" and \" you need to teach him how to be romantic like you\" My wife despises her. As soon as she met her she said she was trouble. The weird thing is that she's actually a genuinely kind person but just doesn't respect boundaries. End of the day it's none of my business. I avoid her as much as I can without upsetting my brother. He's a great guy and is already starting to connect the dots with her and will be fine when they inevitably split.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol @ that tweet zebra.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@contrarian11 @YouTube yeah. great song. just watching the MSG concert of 1990 Yankee Stadium gig.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He was walking in the bus lanes at a transit hub. He was cited for trespassing and arrested for resisting arrest.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I told you all Trump did not make the money himself. He is an incompetent. His father was the steering hand behind ALL his \"deals.\" Even lil Don JR would admit his father is a retard in private.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Maybe you could Judge a pickle contest at a county fair. Maybe. But you produce no Dread at all. You're just pathetic. Go ask mommy for hot pockets or pizza rolls. #QAnon #Q Mmm... pizza rolls.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is time for Trump to find a natural death or somehow a bullet finds him and puts us out of his misery.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New York Times uses \"Becky\" racial slur to refer to white women once again https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/gl3wi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*Signs* Trying to put an innocent person in jail for decades is one of the most horrible abhorrent things a human being can do. It is on par with attempted murder. These cunts ought to rot in jail for however long the innocent person was (or was going to be) sentenced.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Little does this fat cunt know, that the majority of the \"top\" aren't even white. There's maybe half a dozen, the rest are Indian.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @KidnapYoGranny: if u dont want your heart broken then dont check for a nigga who entertains hoes","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@mafenske I didn't mock anything! Was asked I believed in Noah's arc and said no, how is that mocking any religion? Opinion that's all","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here are the latest developments on #USPresidentialElection2020 #Elections2020 #ElectionNight #ELECTIONDAY #REhttps:\/\/t.co\/lrqyHThHP1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like Striker got booted off Heel Turn. I missed it but I heard about it. Joachim may be retarded. His racial partisanship is so extreme that he frames the Americans as the real victims in the Vietnam War. No one is buying that, not even pro-whites. The unfortunate side effect of that is that every war for Jewish interests is supported just because the cannon fodder are white. He was acting like a weak sperg frankly. His position is so retarded that he had to ban the only guy worth listening to not look like a complete idiot anymore","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't know how many people \"Agent Foxx\" has killed, but apparently I'm next. CIA is always going to protect their agents from committing murder. CIA agents are the biggest scumbags in America and \"Agent Foxx\" is one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I was never banned from Twitter or Facebook. I had voluntarily deleted my accounts as a protest in support of Free Speech. But after today's events and the blame being placed on the Gab community, I created a new Twitter account with my old Twitter handle thinking I wanted to go defend our community. So I followed a few of my favs and read my timeline. It made me sick what people are saying about us. I don't even know where to start. https:\/\/twitter.com\/wocassity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL wow, this cunt had an epic moment of total and complete FAILURE !","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When did Miley turn ghetto?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have a schizophrenia and I fight alone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Right? I was Sh00k. Oh well, fuck them. Glad I could claim Nice. Get all the karma! Edit- You shouldn't get banned from any corner of the internet just because you participate in another they don't like. Yeah, example; two of my corners are 1) MGTOW 2) lady v lady midget booty porn. Kinky","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pisssssssssssssssssssssss bang that the mental gome evil monster cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stop sayin you have resting bitch face... Bitch you just ugly AF ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who are these people? Whats going on here? What... is WRONG with Florida...? Everytime i open reddit something insane happens in Florida you really are coming across as a partisan hack. not doing yourself any favors. > Crazy Right Wing bitch citation please. I heard it was because she was refused birth control. Yeah the sjw\/right wing language was suspicious from the jump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is this individual who evidently hates America on US soil, @user @user @user @user #ExtremVetting #EndVisaLottery #NoMoreRefugees #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #EndCatchAndRelease #BuildTheWall #NoMoreNonRepresentatives #NOMoreDemocrats #WalkAway ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's called being a picky cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So they claim to own land for generations but never got paperwork for it and the government never sectioned it off for them and previous owners included sugarcane plantations and private citizens - that sounds pretty one sided.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some people think full retard mode is as low as you can go.. Democrats always try and lower those barriers further ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who says I do? Simply unmasking muzzie trolls","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Coworker- good morning! Me- ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And another faggot muted! #icoulddothisallday Suck my cock, idiot filth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When I was young and one of my mum brother ask me pull on is finger and dirty cunt farted and fucking stink s so boy and girl if someone in your family ask to pull the finger don't do it","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Brazil has a serious.. deadly serious problem that more than likely will drag it down into the cesspool of nigger civilization..Brazil is more of an african nation than an American nation because there are more than 80 million blacks living there..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bragging about owning a retard like Hillary Clinton is like bragging about beating a quadriplegic at kickboxing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I THOUGHT SO BECAUSE NO REAL PERSON CAN BE SO RETARDED","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Char-broiled #cod, yellow #rice, saut ed spinach and artichoke hearts. Made with love for @voxpulchra. http:\/\/t.co\/vWjWlghRGO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Terrible case. Htf can anyone assault an 18 month old defenceless child to this point? I hope the cunt gets thrown in a prison where they hate child abusers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"the usual bots already on that tweet..palmer retard report and those other two retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"NY>florida>chicago for the usa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get a fucking job Sand Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you are a useless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@DoeMostDope @mattrbennett209 @JohnnieGoings ha booner has that twitter @boone_boone5356 ha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'anti-semitism' is cool....Go nigger Go......Get the termites out of the woodpile","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What's with you kikes and Hitler being gay? Do yall really want \"nazi\" dick that bad? Whats with you nazis being gay, fag? Go on dig more into your private stash of gay porn and post it to the world so you can show them what a faggot you are. LMAO i was wondering the same thing. what kind of jew sets up a gay porno shoot with six guys that all look like retarded siblings?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user You won the\" life time recipient for Hysterical Woman \" a long time ago. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ShepNewsTeam LMAO dude, you said we would get no commitment from Saudi Arabia or Jordan! How does crow taste? More proof you are full of it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Mike_Pence @VP @realDonaldTrump It's over! There is no voter fraud! So get over it! 75 million people voted for Joe Bidenand Kamala Harris. Hillary Clinton conceded and so should Donald Trump! There is supposed to a peaceful transfer of power and the Constitution demands it. Do what's right! Concede the election","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, fuck me for pointing out facts and shit, right? What a faggot you are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @SOMEXlCAN: Who needs Twinkies? When you got Gansitos?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"STOP. DRINKING. COW. MILK. Do people realize that for a cow to produce milk it has to get pregnant? and for people to have such milk the calf cant consume any of it? Do they realize that puss and blood is found in milk and that the milk at the grocery store is only 5 to 10% milk and the rest is just powder and water? Gross.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck that useless nigger whore. If it comes to that, I quit. Fuck you, you can tax $0 at whatever rate you want cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wow - NZ play the weak fascist snowflake backwards little brother to Australia - I suspect they will not be taking refugees from the UK Caliphate - shameful! - I really hope your people get ashamed in time to save yourselves NZ! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"London resembles a war zone as Anti-Islam Football lads clash with Police. MAKE COWARDLY COPS FEAR TAXPAYERS MORE THAN SANDNIGS #BRITFAM #BREXIT @GuardAmerican @Koanic @RapefugeeWatch @Heartiste @Escoffier @PNN @WRSA https:\/\/www.dailystar.co.uk\/news\/latest-news\/736316\/london-football-lads-march-antifa-police-anti-fascism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SVL305: @VJtechsupport @YoungMcFly the real reason y she gave up rapping was because of ME.. i called her trash to her face n asked for ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The choice is clear, #WalkAway #VoteRed The future of America depends on it! #WWG1WGA #MAGA That's funny!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So the press calls the first black man to preach in the Oval Office an \"assault on our White house.\" This is EXACTLY the reaction Kanye West and Trump wanted. They're showing black people that leftism is their enemy. Another trap was set, and the press fell right into it. https:\/\/twitter.com\/bennyjohnson\/status\/1050442803745042432","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SenMikeLee just pulled out his pocket Constitution! Bring it man! @tedcruz just mocked McCain's wacko-birds comment! HaHaHa!!!!! #standtall","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes. I will still watch it. Fuck them! We are more than them. If they don't like the truth, then they need to work on how they handle themselves. The poor image of the police was not created out of thin air. They did it to themselves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You must have xray vision then. I sure can't see through that line of coloreds. I see a gaggle of murderers, rapists, thieves, perverts, pedophiles, pimps, pushers, drug addicts, drunks, violent low-life, low I.Q., parasitic gibsmedat' dirty smelly black monkey-looking nigger beasts invading white countries with the help of lying, treacherous, nation-wrecking, degenerate jew filth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who is more grotesque? A White who","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm about to cunt punt a Mexican bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You look like Harry Potter if he stayed under the stairs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's the polite way to say, excuse me but I think I speak for everyone on the boat when I say I'd love to make a sloppy mess of your wife ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In Trump's America, immigrants are modern-day savage Indians' ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Taylor Swift is a fuckin cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Opinion: Anchor centers are shipwrecks of #EU migration policy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #OctoberSurprise #TrumpCovidHoax #TrumpLiesAmericansDie #BidenHarris2020 Don't Trust Trump Administration! https:\/\/t.co\/wmehDSOUJH","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@ajamubaraka Never mind the contempt that the DNC has for its base, giving the nomination to Hillary instead of Bernie, and the contempt Hillary has for the masses calling them \"deplorable\" and claiming women are stupid and voted how their husbands told t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where are the girl refugees, asylum seekers, children? #NotMyPresident #cruel #racist #inhumane #xenophobic #criminal #misogynist ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards (dang girl!) arrested for leaking to Buzzfeed. She worked for the Treasury Department and her Boss is implicated. Who is her boss? https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/treasury-employee-charged-with-leaking-financial-info-of-trump-team","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DennisssBeauty: @VivaLaZulema looked like Princess Bella in that yellow dress ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good luck brother. I hope you get answers and the opportunity to reconnect with you father long term. My aunt did the same to my uncle and three cousins. They divorced she took kids and bad mouthed my uncle and they hated him. When they were 16,17 and 18 he sat them down and told them his side. She was cheating on him as he found condoms in her purse but he'd had gotten snipped. I saw them crying and hugging and then they placed the blame where it belonged. All these years later I see post from cousins with my uncle and never their mother. Women think that the truth they hide from their children will never come out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sweden: K. Loxbo. \"Voters' Perceptions of Policy Convergence and the Short-term Opportunities of Anti-immigrant Parties: Examples From Sweden . In: Scandinavian Political Studies 37.3 (2014), pp. 239-262. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EST! Not white people she said, women specifically. This Jewish supremacist woman means white men deserve no civil or human rights.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump If you have to explain...You lost. Happened after 2016 with the popular vote. Happened 2018 when house got flipped. Happening now. And we will make it happen again Nov 3rd. #BidenHarris2020 #BlueWaveDownBallot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just got myself put in FakeBook Jail for posting a meme that says \"Fuck Islam- the only good muzzie is a dead muzzie\". FakeBook says it #HateSpeech. Hmmm, I don't see it that way.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"to be honest they both stink, the right place to get pizza is Napoli, Italia but if we have to choose between these two things that are supposed to be pizza I would choose Chicago","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Red Sox fans are following my blog. Men's rights today !!!! #jobsreport #mensrights #women ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"@TEE_JONEZ: @KingCuh @16stanleys I'm not mad cuh hahaha\" suure.. tuku ho ita! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Turning our backs is not acceptable. We stood against apartheid, marched against the invasion of Iraq and now stand against the genocide of the Palestinian people. I was against this demo of flags to start with, worrying about an even bigger fine or worsebut not now. Sod it. UEFA should not be allowing Israeli teams to play,they're not in Europe and their government is committing slaughter. Well done fellow Celts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What's #Bibi afraid of?Like a delinquent child he starts his political shenanigans then hides to avoid assuming responsibility in public. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"AJ CUNTS ARE SUPPORTED OF JEWISH GENOCIDE","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Is that supposed to be #GeneSimmons? #KISS my ass! Nationalist Snowflake Sad you display alot of triggering why do you engage in this \"giving them attention syndrom\".Just by answering you seem to prove is point of the snowflake part.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good evening Charlie and friends @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @PattiSM74 @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#TrumpRally #Billings #Montana #MAGA #Trump #AmericaFirst #Trump2020 #GreatAwakening #WitchHunt #WeThePeople #CommonSense #CorruptDOJFBI #VoteRed2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #DrainTheSwamp#DrainTheDeepStateGREAT RALLY @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Agreed. Happy to see Labour using more direct language and action on migration, but no IRC is worse than another. They all have to be binned, not forgetting immigration detention wings in prisons. Because migration is not a crime. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_MykalaJ: @whitakerc54 blame it on the yellow chucks lmfao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @McNarstle: And she's watchin' him with those eyes \/ And she's makin' him linguine and clams with that body, I just know it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think that's why he said \"I hope you don't think any less of me\", he clearly let his emotions get the better of him and didn't take the high road. Tough to blame him, but still not the right thing to do. Yeah, but why do people put so much weight on taking the high road? If someone tries to screw you and damage your property why are we expected to pretend like it's not getting to you? Because you get nothing in return. So? We're supposed to suffer in silence and just take abuse? That way we don't give them the satisfaction of knowing it irritates us it seems silly It's not about suffering in silence, it's about recognizing when you can get something back, or when it's just not worth it. The woman screwed the driver out of his fare. He kicked her out in the middle of the night. That's all he could expect. Drive away and cut your losses. Suffering in silence and taking abuse would be if he just drove her all the way. I'm not talking about this specific situation I'm talking about in general... Still applies. The high road doesn't mean you should be a carpet, it just means acting correctly and not stooping down to the level of whoever is being a prick. People value it because it makes crystal clear who's in the wrong. Trying to \"get even\" just makes your position weaker when it matters (when you are seeking redress) or gets you nothing but more trouble (escalating an already shitty situation). It's easy for people to say shit like \"take the high road\" or \"be the better person\" when they're sitting at their keyboard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This video only \"works because FLOTUS is very attractive. But I still can't believe the audacity!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#SineadOConnor For years she criticized the RCC for how they treat women but has now converted to Islam--an oppressive system to women. Makes perfect (non)sense. https:\/\/metro.co.uk\/2018\/10\/25\/sinead-oconnor-converts-to-islam-changes-her-name-8075532\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ahahahh!!ping pang POW! HOW U LIKE ME NOW! Shouts out 2 my bro Dre Hogg Style Ent! Uza fool 4 dis 1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'' Nordic genes are among the best in the world '' And, also, it is sad that you feel inferior to someone else who is your equal. Nordic genes are not better than yours, or mine. They are better than nigger and paki genes, that is true but then your and mine are also better than nigger and paki genes. Among Europeans, Nords are not better, they are not worse.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who got a noble peace prize. White cunt vrs half a white cunt. My guess is neither. Other half of the white cunt one it. The black side.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Getting off twitter jigg trynna stress me out more I don't need this type of heat ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Told my dad to go buy cookies for the graduation reception...this nigga bought Oreos.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That was the case +200 years ago and now it has been expanded to include things other than political speech. Welcome to not 1700's. Stop trying to sell me your feelings, sell me some cold hard facts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After all, he was replaced by that faggot looking one in the new crappy versions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If there was a village of idiots, she would be the village idiot. Get rid of this disgusting sheboon. I 'm always tempted to post something very large and extremely unpleasant in her mouth before I punch her. No need really. She is usually found with a Triple McBurger in her gob. Thank you for the update on Racist Abbott's GOB!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, yay for fucktards everywhere. They just make themselves look stupid. I find this sad and kind of funny. Multiculturalism is a beautiful thing and the more we have dicks like this who cry and whine about diversity the further we become apart and less we become more involved in each other's communities. The right wingers in any country have no fucking brains I swear lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#follo @user See why #RGV South Texas is the most volatile area along entire #border with MexicoWhy we need to #BuildThatWallIllegal alien and MS13 arrests, stash houses, cartel exploits, drug seizures, Agent assaults, rescues and much more #follo #RETWEEET ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fuck u police","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Between this trend and the vines acting like women its like niggas couldn't wait to be faggots http:\/\/t.co\/dKVnjmCarZ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stray Cat Strut by The Stray Cats - https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vEtbfzMLVWU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ahem... http:\/\/www.amnation.com\/vfr\/archives\/ Freedom either includes the right to discriminate or you aren't free. QED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like really @NBCNews you're giving Trump a platform when he REFUSED TO DEBATE Joe Biden? this isn't about ratings it's literally about the future of our democracy and you're still acting like it's business as usual","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First they destablize their countries, rob thier oil and gold, killed hundereds of thousands of muslims, destroyed their country's infrastructure, people who try to save their lives to go safe place now become teorrists... so who is actually terorrising the world? Those corporate those mafias those few who are trying to get all wealth of this world by dividing people and rule them no matter through racially religously they dont care, no one even thought about who fund those terrorists, who supply them latest weapon those \"controlled\" terorrists mostly killed muslims in middle east but intl media cry for least incidents happens in west and there is another pick and choose method they would highlight if the crime commit by muslim so they can sell hatred better...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"All sports coverage, like all MSM, is for propaganda purposes ONLYWhat is been promoted right now on a live World Cup pre show?: A story that Luka Modri , the Croatian soccer star, is a refugee.What that really means: White Genocide Definedhttps:\/\/t.co\/kqEv7xdS26 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you spend hours doing your makeup perfectly and bae cancels on you last minute ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home. So despite claiming their lives would be... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guess who is coming back! https:\/\/www.meganime.org\/blog\/youjo-senki-returns movie is out in febuary, then it's the long 6-8 month wait until bd's are ripped, and subs who knows. the death of fansubbing hurt movie releases and ovas bad. Ummm, fansubbers haven't died though? HorribleSubs (as well as plenty of others) still exist. The only problem is that the BD's take quite a while to come out. you poor, poor boy, horriblesubs rip crunchyroll directly, they do not sub anything on their own. get a clue m Even if HorribleSubs rips from CrunchyRoll there are still a lot of fansubbers that are still around, maybe you should get a clue before saying I'm wrong. you're an idiot, most fansubs today are garbage, and getting movies subbed takes months from when bdmv's go up, if it happens at all. that is what i am saying. you also called horrible, a rip group, fansubs, proving you know next to nothing. it annoys me to spell everything out. and you're a double nigger for thinking crunchyroll will die. we're done here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Conservitism means throwing away all of your traditional white values for faggots and brown people. If it worked this country would still have the demographics of the fifties. And this retarded bitch has over 5k followers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#LindseyGraham reinvents himself as a salt miner. #Kavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump paramilitary unit? Hold on I'm getting a call rn. https:\/\/t.co\/l32M5sHXj2 https:\/\/t.co\/FwfVCGwfnC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"100%#WHITETRIBALISM #RETRIBALIZE #PGTOW #FOLKRIGHT #VOLKISH #SLAVA#FOLKFIRST #HEATHENS #WEARENOTSEMITES Someone's a tad.. \"upset . Poor Robert. He refuses to take his psychotic meds. #Thorazine lol that's just telling you like it is dick sucker And this is why you didn't succeed in life and have NOTHING to lose, use your face and name. The whole world is wrong. You are right. I see.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are the ultimate fodder for the Islamic slaughterhouse. They think they are safe behind their walls and guards but they are wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, this AHOLE spends all these years here, gets FREE cancer treatment (saving his life, BTW)attends College and graduates. Never bothers to even TRY to become legal. Then advocates for others to break the law and give all of us CITIZENS the finger! Hopefully this piece of $hit gets deported IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Faggot ass bitch nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Illegal Aliens Killed Two Search And Rescue Dogs In Texas wicked infernal barbarians have no place in society!#BuildTheWallNow #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty#NoDACA#NoMs ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":".@Intellgncisnotregurgtaton Further more, I could care less for your left\/right politics! if UR an asshole, ur going 2 get called out! There is NO debate when UR only focus is \"kill the jews\", \"white power\", etc. that is fucking retarded u fucking moron and nobody wants to hear it anymore!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A flag did no kill those kids.. why dont you go after the guns instead ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"mimi trash lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sometimes you just gotta throw a mutha fucka at another mutha fucka, to let a mutha fucka know who's boss ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Odumba just won't shut the fuck up! He's a mouthy libtard socialist piece of crap! He needs to be eliminated from the public forum. Method? Whatever works!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"trash af","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Yaoooooooo @yea_im_JAMAICAN: Mawnin yardies! \"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vandals Smash Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy's Office with Boulder | Breitbart https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/tmXZ lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yea, I know the feeling, I am banned\/quit Twatter\/FB, I wish I could reply, But I can't. They need a mental retard check.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"don't watch me you better just watch yo nigga ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This doesn't look hysterical or retarded at all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"NIGGER SHIRT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user I was specifically on her side, 'cunt' was directed against the woman who compared b ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok, I will get shit for this since I understand the double standards... but GOD DAMN, she is hot. 14 yr old me would have been stocked... But yes, thats a horrible thing to do and she should pay for it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pope Francis: Immigrants Provide Enrichment' to Society, Not Threats' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Mr_Bond 's best song. Look at what a happy, organic, jew-free society looks like. I have visited with old people who lived under the Reich starting in the 1990s. Even if they have been brain-washed into self hatred since, they all admitted that the time of the Reich was the happiest, healthiest time in their lives, and some were moved to tears when telling of the times they got to see Hitler, the man who, for close to a generation, freed a people from the tyranny and demoralizing rule of the jew. Never forget, we fight for the human dignity of our women, our children, and the legacy of our ancestors, who, for a time, could rise in the morning and lay down to bed at night, having breathed every breath of their day as free men. Live free or die, come to respect the man who Gandhi deemed one of the most just men in history There are many paths to restoring health, and one of the best ones is to see through jewish historical revisionism, and accept Hitler into your heart as a liberator of man and a champion of human dignity. https:\/\/youtu.be\/E32KIOMb9f4 Rap is total Garbage. \"Song\" is too good a word for that shit. Behave as White Men and Shame the Wiggers! Pussy likes to listen to a Nigger cadence sometimes cause 'helps'.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I figure FAGGOTS like @gici must LOVE tranny cock or else they wouldn't post so many gifs What I don't get is why you FAGGOTS go thru the trouble of tagging so many people with this shit I for one do NOT want to see this FAGGOT SHIT What ever I just MUTED and REPORTED you for SPAMMING Same as I have for the Previous FAGGOTS that's done same thing","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"nigger lover...lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well aint u a silly nigger faggot...haha","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@tweetstar10 Saw that there's a 15 slope to the wire? That enough for a zip-line? #businessopportunity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Humanrights activists demand justice for #refugees after #Myanmar admitted #Rohingya mass killing @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Any background to this? Yeah there has to be some backstory Last time this was posted they were both drunk and argued about bs Background. https:\/\/abc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tucker Debates ACLU Political Director on Kavanaugh Ad https:\/\/youtu.be\/o21_F__B3Zs #Gab @GuardAmerican","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm guessing she's a mouthbreather that read this [retarded shit](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9mrjc1\/the_troubling_relationship_between_anime_and\/)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user It's the nature of women to want to be guided by a strong man. Hysterical go -girl feminist types are fi ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bette Midler Apologizes for Tweeting Women Are the N-Word of the World' https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/dx6F","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user We know that, we know not all men. But harassment happens to all women - this isn't about you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sooo...Kamala Harris comes up when I google Joe Biden. The type of \"too good to be true shit I'd like to see translated on #SNL #GoVote https:\/\/t.co\/Y9K6dus8cf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh you know, a rotting skank bitch. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@a Twitter said that a \"bug sent user's private direct messages to third-party developers \"who were not authorized to receive them. #WalkAwayFromTwitter #DirectMessages #MayHave? #LOL https:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2018\/09\/21\/twitter-bug-sent-user-direct-messages-to-developers-for-over-a-year\/ Ouch. That's maybe a bit harsh No, it's a punishment proportionate to the damage done","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kys tryna step to Oculr. Are you dumb blud I will rape your sister and analy Destroy your slutty whore mum ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In this case \"Mob\" is more in line with the NPC term for Monster. Since the typical definition of a \"Mob\" is a mass of typically angry people. There is only the one guy it seems. The rest seem to be telling the deranged retard to leave.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Co worker- happy hump day! Me- ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Boo, you sweaty whore ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm with you. Jail is extreme even for this unlikeable cunt. I don't want to pay to clothe, house and feed her dumb ass. Fine the bejesus out of her expel her and subject her to a bunch of community service.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @markiiejay: You got niggas and i got bitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Looks like a Muzzie Somalie Butt Pirate. UK was gone when they allowed themselves to be disarmed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Said the flack parroting talking pointsYou wouldnt know courage of convictions or risking your career if you tripped over them and landed right on top of themBtw, hysterical woman is a wonderful, sexist insult. Couldnt resist, huh? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user How and why do you think this man got his reputation you fools it wasn't mail order or email #MAGA #WalkAway #WWG1WGA #Trump #PatriotsUnited #POTUS he speaks folks listen dignitaries and peasants accomplishments speak mega he doesn't blow ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yeah.... no.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're just trash like sorry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DavidBe81818392 @ReesusP @debcasalina @realDonaldTrump @nytimes @POTUS Not to mention that John Bolton, who closely worked with Trump, was there the alleged morning and confirmed Trump never said it. Trump and Bolton don't like each other at all, so I'm sure he'd jump at the chance to say he said it, if he really did","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't these Jordanians just fuck off back to Jordan where they're from, instead of causing trouble in Israel. Fuck islam. Go Israel.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" high five no eye brows suc a clique","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Many of them do i suspect, lost count of the amount of black \"celebs\" who are clearly anti white, but are in relationships with a white","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate ignorant stereotypes people in America thinking all Muslims are terriost .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When will enough be enough for the sodomite? NEVER. It had to be in your face 24\/ So you're more triggered by me? That's the answer you're going with?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She got every niggah lookin like dam","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fuck off retard cuck haha a cuck? I can probably get your horrendously fat wife to slob all over my cuck you fucking bitch OF COURSE YOU DON'T! because you're either a gay fag who sucks dick on tuesdays, or you're a fat slob who does nothing except sit in a dark room and type on your greasy ass keyboard all day looking at the bright screen, constantly propping up your glasses even though they don't help you see the bigger picture in life, which has to do with you killing yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The #Qpsyop os for the #Qtards. Where goes one retard goes them all","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stupid brainwashed twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How about 60 vaccines by age 18 that guarantee 1 in 37 to become Retarded ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Especially now that UK Govt continues to turn a blind eye to these feral economic Afro Middle Eastern migrants entering every day.No child is safe until we are well out of the EU and have closed tight OUR border entry ports. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Guards are actually generally supposed to try to establish contact with people and look for suspicious behavior, like being a ravenous bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Never change Montreal....never change lol Isn't it the porn capital of French Canada? It's definitely the coolest city in the country.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No shower for two days? I bet you smell like Doritos, Mountain dew and shameful sweat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's do it! Accelerate the collapse! Faggots cannot faggot when Folk have to focus on essential matters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @goddesslaney: @lajouetreine if you give that statement any thought at all you will realize it makes no sense. At all. Please, think abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These are the people who think they're going to be fighting in a \"revolution. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These people are NATIVE AMERICANS. The land you claim is yours was there's until our IMMIGRANT ancestors stole it from them... here's your small history lesson you should have learned in school... thanks for coming to my Ted Talk ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is how Hungary treats illegal migrants - Police backed by the army deport all the migrants - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When your squad is complete shit in PUBG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Jews expected a King who would set up a kingdom and vanquish (literally slaughter) all of their foes. Jesus' Kingdom is not of this world. Jesus said so himself. Jesus railed against Judaism and violated all of the tenets of the Jews. They killed him for it. Again, you are theologically retarded Emma. Good luck!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ratchet-ass nigger mama wants 'justice'? You got it, goomba!! We'll start publicly horse-whipping you bastard-breeding, fat asses every time you cry for JUSTICE for your fucked-up, retarded criminal spawn! Now THAT would be justice!! Don't want your 12-yr old handcuffed?? THEN STOP ALLOWING SHOOTINGS AT YOUR FLOP-HOUSE SECTION 8 'HOME'! God damn they are getting dumber by the day! https:\/\/www.clickondetroit.com\/news\/michigan-mother-demands-justice-after-12-year-old-daughter-handcuffed?__vfz=rtw_top_pages%3D10746500017616","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@LinzBella You date colored men?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hated so much he felt cheated out of that portion of his life Yet he and his wife (who loves comic books) are both cautiously optimistic about this show?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oversenstive Marxist retards who get triggered by everything (even their own shadow) ruining it for normal people. Slippery slip is real and you can bet your ass soyny will only get more retarded and censor more. Meanwhile while anime games are \"bad\", progressive garbage like TLOU2 doesn't get held to equal standards and instead is allowed by soyny.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"this one goes out to all the hasbara and 89 IQ ziochristians who say that i'm a muslim","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol Like your twatish views are to benefit whites you mean? Twats rarely benefit anyone they think they are benefiting, of any race. So just call him a twat like most other Jews would. Ok! :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm 81 and I still eat animal crackers #EMABiggestFans1D","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hohum... another #Racist #Antisemite. #Muted ignorance and hate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"brainwashed retard with absolutely no intelligence! Completely programmed robot!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Welcome All LEGAL Immigrants that did it the Right Way to America ! Thank You for your hard work and I hope you are truly blessed in our greaty country U.S.A ! #Trump #MA ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Brilliant job by @NelsonCanache to limp it back to the pits without causing a yellow. Wish he didn't need to though. #PLM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Women should support women! telling them they are hysterical is abusive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@OregonGovBrown A Joe Biden and Kamala Harris admin should add a US Gov National Election office to #DHS with US Gov funded, directed Vote by Mail to all US States with standardized forms, times, ballots and procedures. @SpeakerPelosi @RonWyden @SenJeffMerkley @RepSwalwell @RepAdamSchiff https:\/\/t.co\/R7aCDj1Ade","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"cunt may needs to hang...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Niggas deserve better bitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a piece of shit white Devils","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump is a shitstain on America and his followers are mindless retarded sheep. Violent unstable mental retards. Fuck trump. Fuck the human filth that follows traitor trump. Oooohh..handful of riots vs HUNDREDS of right wing terrorist groups and bombings and black churches burning. GOD BLESS ANTIFA! The US MILITARY was Antifa in WW2 you RETARDED FUCK. I PROUDLY SUPPORT HEROES PUTTING KKK AND NAZI TRUMP PIGS IN LINE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@ronniecaine so 'how bout now' was just trash huh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Nah, but I can make a pretty good guess based on your clothes and parking etiquette that I'm dealing with a self-centered narcissistic cunt.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Pentagon propaganda as old as Desert Storm to get you to be ok with attacking the \"muzzies in the Middle East. People need to learn their history. @Rezh You are the hoax, muzzie troll, and a miserably unimaginative instance within the otherwise overpopulated category. Newborn parrots would put you to shame with more sophisticated performance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Funny how a Jug eared Twat like Lineker can call out #TommyRobinson for exposing the mass rape of young white girls when he continues to work for the BBC, one of the world's most prolific paedophile rings, when has he ever spoken up for these girls or condemned their Muslim attackers? https:\/\/twitter.com\/GaryLineker\/status\/1050508695614906368?s=09","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"typical nigger behavior","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Let the negroes keep their nigger problem to themselves, so that the Americans can be free again. Repatriate the blacks to africa.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Title 9 skank Taylor Not-So-Swift \"breaks her silence.\" Like we all didn't know she was a man-hating closet bull dyke liberal. She only dates men so she can throw them under the bus in her next man-bashing song. You do NOT have \"Tennessee values\" Taylor. You have sick and twisted pervert Hollywood values. Women who stand against rotten bitches like you lying about rape are the ones who possess TRUE \"Tennessee values.\" We lynched too many black men in the South over skanks and their phony rape accusations. Burned entire towns like Rosewood and Greenwood to the ground over the \"values\" of skanks like Swift. https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-us\/music\/celebrity\/taylor-swift-bashes-blackburn-in-favor-of-tennessee-dems-breaking-political-silence\/ar-BBO52ET?ocid=spartandhp","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"nah-the muzzie just thought old Bill had a screw loose trying to arrest him and was trying to help.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@ProjectLincoln Didn't condemn white supremacists and didn't deny he called our troops losers. This is an American President...#MAGA2020 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#POTUS45 #Trump #Illegals 5.7 Million NON-CITIZENS#IllegalAlien MURDER#MollieTibbetts #BuildTheWall#IllegalAliens#NoDACA#DeportThemAll#DrainTheSwamp #VoterID #ICE#IllegalImmigration#AmericaFirst#MAGA #KAG#KatesWall#FundTheWall #AngelFamilies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For 99 years, the US used slave labor - It ended in 1865 Yet, Affirmative Action has been penalizing\/rewarding people that had NOTHING to do with slavery for the last 57 years. .... Sorry, but this isn't my cross to bear - Time to stand on your own feet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MelissaTweets: Scott Walker investigate. Christie's Bridgegate. Perry's drunk monkey Dem DA-gate. All men innocent. All threats to left ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only way to remedy the jewish problem in the long term is to wake up as many people as possible. A guy going out and killing jews makes it harder to wake normies up. Society as a whole must deal with the jews... and vigilantism will only impede achievement of the societal mass-awakening. If anyone who is woke to the jews can honestly say that upon their initial awakening, that unilateral action did not cross their mind, comment here, and I will call you a liar. We are dealing with the most genocidal, evil, deceptive group of people to ever live, and some people who wake up to their evil just cannot bear the pain that comes with being awake before a critical mass of the population is awake. If you feel like hurting jews, JUST GO OUT AND NAME THE JEW instead. The Roof shooting sent a message to the niggers that people are tired of their shit and will start hitting them back. Nigger mob goes on rampage in Charleston, Roof shoots their enablers dead and they stop chimpin' in that area. Niggers are basically big dumb animals (though probably more deadly). They only respond to pain and fear https:\/\/archive.is\/w61o4 You're glowing in the dark, faggot. >When you hurt a nancy boy's feelings so bad, he strokes out and starts repeating himself like a spastic autismo that he is. https:\/\/i.kym-cdn.com\/entries\/icons\/original\/000\/004\/403\/Girls.png","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Briana_Rashae I'd like to rape the bitch that posted that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm convinced these have to be leftist shit posters. No way someone is that retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Try some Xanax.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"whoopi IS DISEASED GNARLY DNA DEVIANT NIGGER HER FACE IS A TRAIN WRECK UGLY CUNT SCUM RAY CHARLES WOULDN'T EVEN FACE FUCK THAT MONSTROSITY SKANK","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Not being a faggot conservative loser is obviously part of Brad's agenda, @Blueboi, you fucking little faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @BlasianBytch: @graceishuman @rhiannonrevolts yellow face and it's a no.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Behold the future DACA America - unless we Man The F*ck Up and Deport the illegal aliens.Sooner or later this will be us, having to take to streets crying out for our fellow Americans to MAN THE F*CK UP and save our girls.#NoDACA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Thomas_Wictor Missing you on Twat and Threadreader, man, especially your insights on Jamal Khashoggi this week. Sure looks like a false flag to me. Cheers! Stay safe!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sitting on the deck, enjoying a #StoneIPA, watching\/smelling the neighbors burn trash. #Missouri http:\/\/t.co\/m9wYnrLtWz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I do da flow in a temple today fo nuttin. And dat Jew wit the funky hair tell me I subhuman. He tell me I ain't no mo human den a monkey","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How is it different than one nigger shooting another nigger? White people get a net benefit, but it doesn't mean they are working to advance the 14 Words. If you're ok being on the same side of the line as this monkey fucker, then why not be the fan boy of whatever random nigger shoots another nigger?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"the guy (guessing) in the wheelchair was so sweet awh!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Parents of slain Filipino migrant worker and kidnapped priest are among those whose feet will be washed by Cardinal Tagle #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #religion #HolyThursday #HolyWeek @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Child Sacrifice Aborted; Satanists Arrested; #Cargill, #Sinclair Executives Implicated (Aug\/2014) https:\/\/beforeitsnews.com\/v3\/celebrities\/2014\/ check your sources, this website beforeitsnews has articles about Reptillians and planet X etc. just look at their front page. Then most links reference other BS articles on the same website.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Greek paralympian scheme gives new hope to refugee children ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This kid looks like a retard when he tries hiding his phone... so obvious","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's little simp bitch boy men letting women walk all over them because vagina. It's really not that hard to figure out. If men would stop acting like such little beta faggots, women would be forced to shape up and actually act like adults.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@bitchkrieg like the new AVI. My Twitter is retarded and shows you in the cubs hat but when I stalk your profile it show the new one","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"http:\/\/www.independentsentinel.com\/for-those-who-wonder-about-ms-blaseys-little-girl-voice-read-this\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user There are men who make women cry and then complain about hysterical, irrational females. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Women that think like this are below pigs. It's not attractive to stink. And if you're trying to not be \"attractive\", congratulations you've succeeded. Allowing yourself to stink does nothing to serve any cause. So STFU and get over yourself. Like they need any help coming up with new retardation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Asians dont rape girls Moslems do. Fuck the whole call a sand nigger a Jap thing... just sayin","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Aryanliving Welcome to the movement. Anyone who gets even minor publicity is a queer, fed, or jew (well, according to the internet).","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @RIPvuhsace: I hate taking a shit at public places bc i feel like a faggot when im placing the toilet paper on the toilet seat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yes, because it would destroy Islam the same way it has destroyed Christianity. i think why i did not convert was their writing said one thing but they acted in another way","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's putting it nicely.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sinn Fein\/IRA accuse Army of being main protagonist in \"the troubles.\" What do the FACTS say? Republican terrorists caused 60% of deaths, Army caused 10%. See proof in article. Sinn Fein is on a rewriting history campaign. I will be the first to admit not every soldier was a \"plaster saint\" but the normal squaddy tried to do a shit job as best he could. https:\/\/www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk\/news\/northern-ireland\/ira-victims-son-slams-sf-claim-britain-was-chief-aggressor-of-the-troubles- No British army in Ireland no IRA very simple the army was to blame .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean, I own an S8+ and my brother (who's at blizzcon right now actually) has an S","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT ChuckCallesto Just REMEMBER.... She will be ELECTED..... Don't want this nonsense... VOTE... Ocasio-Cortez Says Migrant Caravan Has \"Legal Right To Come To U.S... https:\/\/ilovemyfreedom.org\/ocasio-cortez-says-migrant-caravan-has-legal-right-to-come-to-u-s\/?utm_source=starandutm_medium=twit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user Hysterical? You said mentoring young women (>50% of student pop) is a peri ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn hoe.. You so ugly even hello kitty said goodbye.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Christine Blasey Ford still unable to live at home due to death threats: lawyers https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/bx7bjU\/Do9_Vp8_IXUAAj_U6x.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/VWqz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hopefully the cunt hooks up with a nice crack head that gives it back to her with a baseball bat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mitch McConnell Receives Standing Ovation Ahead of Kavanaugh Swearing-in Ceremony (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/mitch-mcconnell-receives-standing-ovation-ahead-of-kavanaugh-swearing-in-ceremony-video\/ McConnell Says Kavanaugh Circus 'Fired Up' Republicans \"Dr Ford, won the hearts of America . Sen Chuck Schumer (D-NY) US Senate Minority Leader","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"shut up working at Google would be amazing u suck","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Irrelevant maybe, but how is this hateful? The general gist of what's coming from the comments and the post even existing is \" people are protesting because fords pp didn't help her And then making fun of specific signs for irrelevant reasons, just to attack more people. Unjustified name calling because they believe in something that you don't lmao. \"And you don't want to be associated with hate subs is what I said, you're blatantly attacking people because of their beliefs which is, hate. Sorry you're scared by the idea that you're contributing to this. You also end your comment off with an offensive insult like it's second nature so, if you want to think that I'm calling this a hate sub so be it. Lmao grow up. Imagine being proven wrong in a conversation , going tantrum mode, and then telling the other party to grow up. Grow up. Imagine believing that name calling is hate speech. This isn't a conversation anymore than disciplining a ten year old is. Hows that outvoting working out champ? What is the Electoral College? lol after insulting me twice I insult you and you accuse me of being a snowflake. Such cognitive dissonance is why you're losing. >REEEEEEEEEEEEEE Aww I really triggered the Trump supporter didn't I? Its ok baby","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bitch wtf u unfollow me for if u just gone twatch me and comment on what u THINK is about u hoe , play with ya pussy or sum not me . ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @nypost: If you used the ObamaCare website you should definitely change your password http:\/\/t.co\/VEd4Yyztok hahahahahah that's sad #boon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have not, admittedly, educated myself on this issue very well. However, I must state here my recognizition and appreciation for the Indians integrity in their stand- I've not heard of any violence, shootngs, cars on fire, buildings burned (though I realize this is in a rural area)...it's jsut not present. Good for them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You guys know that this clowns are getting rich out of this type shows. Their rating are climbing like hell. All that talk and shows are their plan of fams since the start! Nobody taking presidency seriously anymore. It's all now entertainments today. America is falling. I smell WW3 is near because of racist act in the future. Someone big(Country Leader) will be offended by this 2 clowns.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Seems ISIS rape document is being followed by young male Arabs immigrants and others in Germany add France no respect no entry ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Still being a stupid cunt I see.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"WHO KILLED ABU BIN SETH AL RICHI??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off with this bullshit journos. I'm gay and do not want gaming to become this shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JoeBiden That there's trees in the forest.... I NEVER KNEW!! #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Muhhhhh privilege? Excuse me? IM OFFENDED!! HATE SPEECH!!! But of course you dont see the slippery slope.And yes, the made up arbitrary term hate speech is free speech. If you choose to get offended by shit, I suggest you get a backbone and grow the f*ck up you pussy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you jew haters are just jeaouls lost soul losers in life with no hopes or dreams. you are some pathetic worthless cocksuckers who should shoot yourselves in the face with a shotgun. Get a life and stop being jealous of winners you fucking sperm guzzling faggot bitches....bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#KamalaHarris","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Review of The Politically Incorrect Guide To Immigration ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"stupid black women,if i were in that restaurant, i would had whipped their ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yeah? Because cops = hitler?? Look in the mirror when you say \"retard . Because that is the line of thinking you're doing. Don't compare Hitler to US cops. Hitler loved dogs and would never kill them for fun like our sadistic low IQ pigs do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user YOU WHORE ! STANKING ASS WHORE ! Dick SUCKING ASS WHORE @user WIT @user BITCH ! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How can you not engage? As enraging as it all is... fuck it all off I say. Turn off the power. Reset. Reboot. Escape the cunt booth. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user I always use Japan or Poland as an example of nationalism done right. Very little immigration to those countries and zero terrorism taking place there. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THINK ABOUT THAT Long and Hard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm heterosexual and African by birth, by breed and by character... and a very traditional man, Xhosa to be precise. But i still believe in human rights... we are all equal, whatever religion, ethnicity, demography, tribe or language... we are all equal. And one day people will be free enough to love and date whoever they wanna without prejudice and judgment. 2019 Viva human rights viva","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"anyone else get full body numbness that lasts for weeks and rapid muscle spasms and 'shock' feelings when trying to sleep at night? I can only sleep once every 48 hours :(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@illbreatheyouin happy birthday faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Augustine was a bit of a cunt eh?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @murrman5: you up, Charlie Brown?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well. THIS CUNT IS AS STUPID AS THEY COME. SHE NEEDS TO TAKE A LONG WALK OFF A SHORT BRIDGE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It was actually white people saying they hate black people first sooo What, in colonial times?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Baseball_Photos: A 17 year old girl once struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig back to back and was banned from baseball for it #Yankees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user No one will be thrown out of the UK simply we are not like that common sense Immigration has to be cut NHS etc is a proven point ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"USER REPORTS: 1: Can we not fall into the degenerative route of discussing porn on this subreddit? Pretty please? Tits are life, ass is hometown.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn, at 11:50 she just completely lost her entire side of the conversation, and then continued to go full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sorry, I'm not into Q Comic Book Fan Fiction.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is the fucking Muslim cunt douche basket, Iqra Khalid who escaped her Muslim infested shithole in Pakistan for the freedom of Canada where she joined the Liberal government and became Liberal Member of Parliament and she quickly repaid Canada by robbing them of freedom of expression and made criticism of Islam a crime in Canada. Fucking CUNT. Why does Canada have so many retarded faggots voting these dumbfucks into office? Fix your tardfag problem and this other problem never happens in the first place.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Triggering fucktards.... Dems Vs Repubs by the numbers. *last 50 yrs Years held Presidency Repub-28yrs Dem-22 yrs Total jobs created Repub-24 Million Dem-42 Million Stock market return Repub-109% Dem-992% GDP Repub- Hey cunt this is not a democrcy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"yet another far right gammon who hits women https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/world-us-canada-45960094?fbclid=IwAR1cFkQNW-7lEvI-QWBHAr3Lt0mq0nw4Bk2lxtv9j7Mgw2HraImiejKRdbs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude, I came from a foreign country that taught chemistry and physics in 5th grade. The moment I transferred to an American school my brain shut down. It's as if I was stuck in pre-school all the way till uni. By then I was done with this retarded system and began self educating. One thing that I wish these cunts would have put emphasis on, was money, investment, compound interest,debt...etc.. god damn I had to learn all that through trial and error. Would be so much further along if this crap had been instilled in me since young age.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Catholic Bishops Conference of the #Philippines official has backed @user move to ban the sending of Filipino #migrant workers to #Kuwait @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think we should not only bring charges against George Soros, but should look at stripping him of his citizenship for trying to undermine the sovereignty of the United States, and if this is proven, they should also freeze up and go after his assets. http:\/\/www.americanjournalreview.com\/srs\/ Yes, make him pay for the wall.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I still have to see a full blown feminist treat her partner well, cause what I've seen IRL and on the internet mostly makes them entitled cunts that demand their every need met without any concessions to their partner, cause girl power","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What kinda fuckin retard turns into a prepper because of zombie films and shows? You dipshits know that shit aint real, right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@RepJerryNadler You shat thyself you #FRAUD and #LIAR #Trump2020 #KAG2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Democrat-run city building 6-foot fence around migrant housing complex to keep intruders' out ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Watch C. Mario Russell, Esq., Director of Immigration and Refugee Services at Catholic Charities of NY, LIVE on @user as he talks about the reunification of immigrant families. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user THIS CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN----CHILD KIDNAPPER AND MOLESTER MILLER NEEDS TO BE GONE! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Transphobia is myth. Wait to be ruled over by the nigger majority It is not always going to be apparent, but when it is, don't post it. The rationale here is that 13 year old otherkin is a lot different than a 30 year old one. One is a kid that is likely just going through a phase and the other one is a grown ass adult that has made a choice to be otherkin. That is just an example though and other areas we deal with have the same sort of rationale. There is no need for a ton of people goofing on a dopey kid when there are a ton of dopey adults out there. --- *If you have a question about, or wish to open a discussion regarding, a moderation decision, including one made by another moderator, please [message the TiA moderation team by clicking here](http:\/\/www.reddit.com\/message\/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTumblrInAction), instead of responding to this post.* *Please include a direct link to the post in question when you message us!* RealD79, this is a formal warning under Rule 3B. --- **[Rule 3: DON'T BE A SCHMUCK]( http:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/TumblrInAction\/wiki\/the_tia_rulebook#wiki_rule_","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @120Sports: Twitter tipped its cap to say #FarewellCaptain to Jeter in his Yankee Stadium finale. VIDEO: http:\/\/t.co\/QdldmWBwXJ http:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Illegal immigrant breaks into NJ home, rapes 6-year-old girl, police say #FoxNewsThis horrific act is reason enough to#BuildTheWall #NoDACADeal #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #EndSanctuaryCities #EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship#DeportThemAll ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wake up at 6 in the morning to hear @user commentating on the game. Guy speaks out of his butt hole, don't know how you got this job ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's the drugs pouring across our southern border that is killing our children and young people.#BuildThatWall @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Are people really trying to blame Reddit for this? Was he supposed to stay with this cunt like a fucking hostage?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Melee just broke out in the octagon. McGregor attacked by a Nurmagomedov entourage member after the fight. #UFC229","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i think this is still an open discussion, if GOP were held accountable to white people without jewish meddling the takeover would be possible, but there's a talmudic shield for them right now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ive been complaining about CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING there since OBAMA became president. He came here by plane with his handler Mr BEAN and went to Portland by night in SUVs With MAYOR MURRAY the FAGGOT CHILD MOLESTER who provided METH TO TEEN BOYS FOR SEX, one kid and his mom who spoke out are MISSING STILL since the day before BEANS TRIAL in PORTLAND","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Glad you liked it ! Her retarded facial expressions are really something else. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Retard in this one is incredible. It also illustrates that libtards are fat and nasty, conservatives are fit and healthy...or the dyke wouldn't be whining about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"One bright spot. since the muzzie invasion\/conversions certainly put a halt to catholic\/protestant frictions from the past.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So he called women who stuffed their faces fat, Jamie C a cunt and wanted to fuck Girls Aloud.. in 2002. BURN HIM AT THE STAKE #LooseWomen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck Obama and his Muslim apologism","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yup his is why BLACK LIVES matter . Matters bc this is reality, not some alternate universe where the color of your skin apparently still affects things like this!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user You see a lot of hysterical feminists on social media, but this one takes the cake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Surprise, surprise! TSA trashes Brandon Darby's Border Patrol sources http:\/\/t.co\/EtDKzFrRzK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NateSilver538 The debates will help? Trump? ROFL that orange moron thinks he can wing it. His downfall is that he's believing his own fake propaganda. I look forward to him making a complete ass of himself as he tries to lie his way through the debates. #VoteBlue2020 #Vote #BidenHarris2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"lol fuck that boy I never feel sorry for any man or boy and neither should you fuck them they are pieces of shit, it makes me feel good so many of them commit suicide this is why society feels less sympathy for men because they are cowardly pieces of shit and they enjoy being like that Happy cake day faggot. May your poor dildo \"accidentally\" puncture your obese and sad feminazi insides. Fucking fat cunt. Are you a man or a woman. Or do you just sexually identify as a dried up cunt? I am asking for science ofc. I usually wish people happy cake days but honestly, you seem like an insufferable cunt and I hope you have an awful cake day. Fuck you cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @MXLLXVV: \"@VivaLAJuicyy69: ----> tragedy smh RT @MXLLXVV: Niggas don't know you but will throw dirt on your name for the pussy you h ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"> Information terrorists, wtf? We terrorise people with info now? Reminder that Devin Faraci compared ISIS favorably to us in GamerGate's early months. A group of fanatical extremists bulldozing ancient ruins, throwing gays off rooftops, chopping heads off people and generally being violent assholes. Faraci said he had more respect for *them* than for a group of people who want gaming journalists to get their heads out of their asses. Faraci is a special sort of retard. His social circle and political allies spend the entire presidential campaign screeching about Trumps \"grab em by the pussy\" joke and his retarded ass gets caught with a big ol handful of whiskerbiscuit. > Faraci is a special sort of retard. His social circle and political allies spend the entire presidential campaign screeching about Trumps \"grab em by the pussy\" joke and his retarded ass gets caught with a big ol handful of whiskerbiscuit. The people who screech the loudest, are usually the ones who have the most to hide no?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user an early bot birthday gift? #Trumpbots #BuildThatWall 302 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Olympic is one of the most stupid things to keep people busy. So much money and resources are wasted so that some corporations make a few bucks extra, homeless people and street animals be abused, and some idiots carry a fucking stupid torch like morons. I wish that stupid flame does go off!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @user After three years of separation, a young Syrian refugee hugs his mother in Germany. The picture says it all. #familyreunification ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user please think carefully it is not about benifits it is about to many migrants ur already punishing our poor god will interven ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=EdhoX1Xu6ZI the bottle","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Geller is a jew. The Muslim \/Hindu riots started when the British left india. Dividing the country. Calls were eventually put out to form what is now India and Pakistan. Both Muslim and Hindus alike are guilty of heinous crimes against each other. the muslims were however the nigger invaders","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why would they want to do this...really? https:\/\/www.politico.com\/story\/2018\/10\/01\/trump-presidential-alerts-to-phones-857287 related to: #potus #trump #politics #news #maga #qanon #media #msm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot and a nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Immigrant accused of shooting cop has record, but wasn't deported: report ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"kick the cunt out","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Registration Open! Our upcoming #conference #Immigrants and Community Colleges: Opportunities and Promise will be held Friday, April 13th at #GMU Fairfax campus. Visit for more info @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KamalaHarris Now is the time to vote BUT NOT FOR THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERIA AND COMMUNIST DICTATOR #1 JOE BIDEN AND COMMUNIST DICTATOR #2 KAMALA. AMERICA NOW IS THE TIME TO VOTE REPUBLICAN #REELECTPRESIDENTDONALDTURMPIN2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Countries have the right to say no to mass immigration even when they get hear they complain when they have homes and help # ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Imagine being so desperate to kill your unborn baby that you'd get a tattoo of a coat hanger to signal to the world that you'd be willing to scrape your child out of your womb barbarically if push came to shove. Feminists truly are psychopaths. Which Soy Boy Beta Cock voted down on this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The good news: Merkel might be stepping down. The bad news: she might be stepping down so she can run for head of the European Commission, where she can do even more damage. https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/merkel-to-resign-wants-to-replace-juncker-as-european-commission-chief\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Today is Friday, September 25, 2020 and @realDonaldTrump is still our President. #FillTheSeat #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/Xt8Z0R9P5n","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chicago Pizza is the best pizza. My hats off to NY but our pizza is the bambino.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user your own source doesn't even say what you claim it does. *with the exception of rape* is what it says ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Race-haters on Gab poll. What percentage are shills to damage pro-white causes? (For added clarity: Hate is understandable, but ineffective, and a naive too, imo. Know your enemy, but be strategic. Nonstrategic vitriol drives potential sympathizers away. In fact, vitriolic hatred is what a shill might do to taint a movement.) I don't usually use the word \"racist\" because it's overly used. I'll use the term \"race-hater\" to refer to someone who just spews hatred publicly and tactlessly. Are race-haters on Gab shills that want to taint the otherwise cordial race awareness dialog? What percentage do you think might be shills? Or are they being genuinely vitriolic? (e.g. You can like in-group preference and ethnostates while not hating others. You can fight wars and not be driven by hatred.) I'm talking about the vitriol that pushes otherwise sympathetic people away from pro-white causes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Evil cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Let this white boy be ghetto ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But you can't. You're not allowed to shoot a cunt hiLIARy supporter. Doing so will automatically make you a Nazi that is guilty until proven innocent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I can't understand how they don't realize that 1) man spreading isn't about \"claiming space for ourselves but instead not crushing our fucking testicles and 2) they are fucking hypocrites. Oh trust me you won't crush your testicles. It's more a matter of a subconscious, biological, dominant stance males make. You shouldn't be forced to cross your legs, but it won't kill you or anything. It won't \"crush it but my point is that it is very uncomfortable. Especially if you have larger testicles and large thighs. I need to spread my legs open to not be uncomfortable. I wear panties on the daily. I know plenty about being uncomfortable. It's the price I pay for being beautiful. Too bad this sub is totally against feminine expression in any way. Because I'm in the *exact same boat* as you guys. My testicles are huge okay? Hah... Don't even try to compare me to feminists, you halfwit. I can crossdress and still support men's rights. As a guy, it affects me too. Your argument is full of fallacies. Take, for instance, \"having dangling sacks of meat.\" I HAVE JUST THAT. The entire point is that I have the same junk, same size, possibly bigger. Yet I know firsthand what testicles are capable of withstanding. I've experienced blue balls, testicular torsions, the whole lot. Wearing something a little more supportive has actually helped me in those cases. Because they're no longer flopping around in my pants, and are tucked between my legs securely, there's actually less possibility of pain in all honesty. But you're still arguing in favour of some false manly notion. ? I'm not wearing a thong. I'm not altering my natural body to tuck my junk. I'm going to be comfortable. You're an unbearable twit. Enjoy cross dressing. Fucking weirdo.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/archive.is\/Ee3mi Another article on this topic from Scientific American \"Yes, Violent Video Games Trigger Aggression, but Debate Lingers\" That article focuses on discussion of the very small \"effect size\" that was reported (which I found really helpful, since I don't spend any time on studies like this), and includes extensive quotes from Ferguson as well. I wish people would be as skeptical about that Star Wars and Russian bots paper. Had to go to Breitbart to find even a mild critique of the thing https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/02\/report-blames-russian-trolls-for-negative-reactions-to-star-wars-the-last-jedi\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Abortion keeps the nigger population under control.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Reminder: Sheila Jackson Lee is a bigot and a dumbass https:\/\/redd.it\/9l6ppz AND THAT HOUSTON TEXAS VOTED 4 HER MANY TIMES,,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's the most hillbilly thought ever. A thing is a way ONE TIME or to ONE AUDIENCE and therefore it must be that way always.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ROTFL A moslem woman doesn't feel safe in the modern West and claims she fears being raped by a judge who doesn't even know she exists so she might go back to 7th Century Mohammadland where women have no rights, are stoned for being raped, and can be raped for any reason whatsoever. This only exists because the left controls the media. She can always return to her beloved homeland, I am sure she will be safe there unless they have a goat fucker bomb-a-thon. Since you need at least 4 eye witnesses to even claim rape in Muslim countries I am not surprised their rape rates are so low. Have you ever got a whiff of one of those things? They stink as bad as their so called men. Who in their right mind would rape an outhouse? We are talking Muslim men here. They fuck goats and camels for Allahssakes! You are right, muzzie men feel right at home around all of that zoo aroma, I stand corrected.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"To push it aside if you need too. And I know, not all men. But that doesn't matter. Y'all know what I mean. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"should resign for being an ugly cunt like the rest on the view","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And the aandandhole Bannon thinks we are all stupid ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kick dem fucc niccas out da spot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Tiqqz: @ShinSnipes i woke up with a sore throat, im cold, niggers will be niggers. so terrible","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They are insolent parasites and always have been. I bear no ill will to Christ, but the jewish race itself is a plague.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"More desperation for socialists \/ deep state \/ globalists. https:\/\/truepundit.com\/jane-fonda-get-in-the-streets-and-shut-down-the-country-if-trump-fires-mueller\/ related to: #potus #trump #maga #qanon #msm #hollywood #mueller #deepstate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dozens of African migrants storm Spanish holiday beach popular with Brits stunning naked bathers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" @butter_obama: I hate when I attempt to make the yellow light but the car infront of me stops at the light I be wanting to fight ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@johntrdla @kevv_charles @TomiLahren @ScottCRoark You silly nelly queen. Nothing is coming except President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Don the Con lost.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@kjgillenwater @MyBrothers111 I disagree. There must be no event that motivates the Dems to vote. Their enthusiasm for Biden is in the toilet. If Durham report comes out now the press will start screaming it's interfering with election. Dems will get fired up. 3 weeks is not long.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another corrupt faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user sack up and talk to her pussy #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Save the children NGO, and other reports that some helpers - mostly local helpers give food for sex in Syrian refugees camps. But also in other camps its a normal fact that food is only available with sex even with children. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On Wednesday, August 8, DACA will be back in the courts and this time, Texas Judge Andrew Hanen, a well-known anti-immigrant zealot, will decide the program's fate. Here's a recap of Hanen and Paxton's anti-immigrant partnership in U.S. v. Texas: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shaykha is just another ass backwards muzzie POS......","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Her own facebook post, ran through google translate and might need some more adjustment - but anyone reading this should compare it to the actual movie above. Its insane. \"ASSAULT WITH HATE CRIME MOTIVE On January 11, 2018, I was on my way home from work at \/r\/the_donald will probably want to comment on this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Donald Trump Cruz that politics and government is all corrupt he spent hardly anything we're Jeb Bush spent over 97 million dollars Hillary Clinton's getting twice as much as that right now but guess what he doesn't have to listen to all those oil people the Koch brothers he can do whatever he wants that's the difference no you stupid fucking USA people either vote for Donald Trump or both for Bernie Sanders you morons are going to vote for Hillary Clinton you guys are all fucking stupid and you're not going to do anything you want your country to go bankrupt vote for Hillary Clinton she is going to do anything you honestly think all those Muslim people that she's hooking up to we're going to respect her you all are a bunch of fucking idiots your superpower act like it China seems to be doing well where are you guys going on welfare your country is becoming a joke do the right thing vote for Bernie Sanders a bunch of morons","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Govt must initiate concrete steps to stop Polygamy,disincentive families with more than 2-3 kids thru withdrawal of all sops,no Govt jobs,higher Taxation etc.Must stop influx of illegal Muslim migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Unpopular opinion here but climate change is real and needs to be addressed. I don't trust the politicians saying it, but trust the scientist who dedicate their careers to this. And what does a pathetic little puke like you think he can do to affect planetary atmospheric dynamics? Play some video games to satisfy your God complex, don't fuck everybody's life in the real world in your quest to \"save the planet\" ...what Lmao are you retarted just reread what I wrote and give it another go. Projection much?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"rofl! She is a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You know the feeling when you're out on the town with people your regard as really smart and respectable and you see a friend from another time in your life that was dumb but entertaining who you kinda stopped hanging out with because they never really \"leveled up\" in intelligence or maturity and that friend comes up and proves their consistency by saying something embarrassingly retarded in front of your smart friends... Yeahhh this is that feeling...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Men who feel the need to Not All Men women who speak out about harassment are not qualified to represent women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Titanic, if you did fuck a nigger, you're a miscegenational menace and should be tossed out of America, if not worse. Be proud of defiling your race. It'll be such fine comedy when we bring you to the gallows and invite you to repent of your crimes... \"I had a right...!\" Nope... I'm in Britain and you won't be \"tossing me off\" anywhere faggot lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What could possibly go wrong? Hey dummies, those are empty. Maybe he is a retard This is the 'humor' section You call people dummies for commenting on someone throwing sparks in a 'no smoking' area? If this were a serious post, something of importance, go for it, but it is not. Personally, I think he IS a few bricks short of a load. Thank you, CHRISTIANsoldier for your kind input into the post. No back to our regularly scheduled funny post....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Girls Don't Poop... They just cry! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump = Jewish Trump = Zionist Trump = Israel First Americans = retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Another perpetrator from the Middle East. Where are the Coptic Christians who where the real victims over there. Political Islamist's are very dangerous. They are not refugees they are fleeing the scene of the crime and the far Left welcome them here in Britain with open arms. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whatever the flaws of the Republican Party as it stands, they are the only force on Earth capable of stopping our mortal enemies, the Democrats. We must help the Republicans to defeat the Democrats in order to earn our place in the power structure. If we turn on them, then we do not deserve the opportunity. Ably said. Participation in mainstream politics does not preclude metapolitics. It is fine if one thinks elections can never yield positive results, but there is no sense in the self-fulfilling pessimism of keeping out. Every rightist should cast a ballot for the best candidates available in each election, and then, if that does not work, we can say we tried our best.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is how you support women. 'Not all men' doesn't cut it. Be better. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This German music festival brings refugees and locals together through a shared passion for music ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wont change a thing, if anything it will make things worse!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminists are retarded and offended by anything. I'm not saying they are the exact same. All I'm saying is that you put all feminists in a single group, and someone like Malala is a feminist, and so is in that group. Because Malala isn't how you described all feminists, that pokes a hole in your argument. Malala is just one example. There are other who aren't crazy and are completely logical. I was just using Malala as an example because she is well known. The bottom line is that you called all feminists retarded and that kinda isn't true, and just is insulting to those actually doing good and actually fighting for women's rights in places where they ARE oppressed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"But if you don't remove it, you have to listen to a vocal minority and you don't get to virtue signal. What I don't understand is how companies don't realize that nobody who is protesting is going to buy the game, anyway. And nobody who sees Sony virtue signaling is going to give them more business because of it. It will only cause alienation. Fucking retarded, IMO.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#impeachtrump #republican #democrat Just consider how different life would be today if Hillary had picked Bernie as her VP candidate, they would have beaten the orange king by 30 points, saving SS, the budget, immigrant children, and journalist's lives. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ignorant people always blame groups instead of individuals---so stupid! Thousands of cops save lives everyday---and they are all getting blamed for the actions of 2----same mentality as racism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This cunt would kill herself in a day if she had to be a white man for a week, present day. these women really have no fucking clue how easy they really have it in the world. They're so fucking oblivious it's literally giving me cancer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I credit the coal burner and mud shark with that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Author describes herself as \"Cate Young (@battymamzelle): smugsexual, thundercunt hagbeast. \" That word cunt is being used more and more by the mob. Alexis Grenell identifies as \"Marxist Jew cunt\". \"Beast\" too? Go for it, hirl!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"OBAMA THAT FUCKIN JUMPED UP PORCH MONKEY JUNGLE BUNNY SPEAR CHUCKER YARD APE JUMPED UP NIGGER WAS NOTHING BUT A COUNTRY HATER..DO NOT VOTE FOR HIS HOLDOVER BUDDIES..THEY WILL CONTINUE THEIR LEADERS AGENDA!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They don't really make sense, but not sexist. No-one's stopping fat chicks from using them. If conservative women couldn't fit through doorways, they'd just use man sized tissues. Fat Liberals however will take issue with everything including the box color. It will be changed to pink soon. Wait for it. I wonder what they'll be called. Cunt Wipes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"and the cunt has a blue checkmark. Of course","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Morning guys.... And annoying bitch.\" How about just \"morning bitches\" ? I'm just so glad I live in the south and can call everyone y'all. Single person? Y'all. Mixed gender group? Y'all. Group of 20 people? All y'all. Its convenient but will definitely get you some weird looks in places outside the south. I'm from new england and if you use y'all in a sentence there, there's a good chance people will openly laugh in your face. Not in a mean way, it just sounds so twangy and hillbillyish to us. I live in Colorado now and plenty of people say y'all, I still have to hold back the laughter sometimes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"why do these white people love brown immigrants so much? Well, we've had a few instances where (female) employees or even some bosses at various asylum seekers' housing have had sex with said asylum seekers. So. I don't think blue pilled dudes realised quite how fucking degenerate and sex hungry a lot of middle aged women are, especially when they are ugly bitches like this one and the Swedish cunt before her. Bitches like getting fucked by bad boys. Who knew?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holy fucking shit it can't possibly be because the game is set in a time where women were actually relegated to \"side\" roles, was it? Games journalists are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @LowkeyGado: PND vocals so trash lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck muslims, fuch allahreligion makes people killin each others","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user War torn? Most so called refugees come from safe countries! Moron!#fuckEU #leaveEU #sendthemback it's the only option to save Europe ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Put his ass to death!!#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #KAG ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Faggot should be beaten to death.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"ok, thanks for the head's up. call me?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Please, name a horror movie bad guy that isn't white. (Other than Candyman, who was still portrayed as a victim of racism getting vengeance.) Where's Black Jason or Chinese Freddie Krueger? Why are white males systematically being portrayed as remorseless psychopathic killers? Because if the villain is a POC then people will be screaming that it's racist and perpetuating stereotypes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jews are scum too... fuck off kikesucker faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just like to congratulate Kamala Harris on becoming first female president because let's be honest sleepy Joe ain't lasting 6months. We going a to have a Jamaican running the world bomboclaart #BidenHarris2020 #trump2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">Mr. Boghossian doesn't have tenure and expects the university will fire or otherwise punish him. Ms. Pluckrose predicts she'll have a hard time getting accepted to a doctoral program. Mr. Lindsay said he expects to become \"an academic pariah, barred from professorships or publications. https:\/\/www.wsj.com\/articles\/fake-news-comes-to-academia-1538520950 These authors and academics are heroes. They are putting their careers on the line for this honesty. Its amazing. > https:\/\/www.wsj.com\/articles\/fake-news-comes-to-academia-1538520950 >Such hoaxes are unethical, and The Wall Street Journal doesn't condone them. What a fucking abysmally cowardly article, trying to have its cake and eat it, too. She couches her acknowledgement in moral grandstanding and claims that she 'suspected all along.' Oh, did you now?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who pushed her? Do they need gofundme money? I can go without food for a week and send some. Too bad she landed on her head, nothing to damage there. Safest place for a nigger to land: on their empty head!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Are you in a competition with @user to see who is the more hysterical woman at the #KavanaughConfirmation ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"thats one angry horsefaced cunt right thar,LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The British Army takes orders from TERRORISTS. Muslim Council of Britain = Muslim Brotherhood \"Members of the Trump administration have pushed to designate the Muslim Brotherhood..... a Foreign Terrorist Organization....\" https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2015\/12\/18\/muslim-council-britain-secret-links-muslim-brotherhood\/ And that fucking cair group in USA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A third of Hispanic immigrants are following the 19th century assimilation model and becoming Republicans. A third are sinking into America's hip hop underclass. The other third are so transient and disengaged from the country they're visiting that they're politically inert. I would also rather they not assimilate. I'm just observing that rather than adding a \"third race\" to america's black\/white dichotomy, they're drifting into whitening or blackening. Some Latin American immigrants are actually, factually White, but they're the exception, and I would also rather even the \"bright 'n light\" ones stay home.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT ShaykhahL There's nothing better than some smug twat keyboard warrior who thinks they've cracked some great secret conspiracy with \"You do know Tommy Robinson isn't his real name? Oooohhhh thanks for that font of all knowledge...now jog right on and keep going. #TommyRobinson Also, if a man can put on a dress and call himself a woman, then Tommy can call himself whatever the fuck he wants. Fucking bigots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Y'all so quick to call a girl a thot meanwhile u eatin and raw dogging every bitch u can ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Theprinceofnj: @SMCo71: \" if you aint bout that Murder Game pussy nigga shut up \" 252 GANG ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"AFTER THE RED WAVE OF FREEDOM ON NOV. 6TH, PRESIDENT TRUMP NEEDS TO DEPORT GEORGE CLOONEY AND BETO O'ROURKE TO LEPRECHAUN LAND!! https:\/\/www.irishcentral.com\/culture\/entertainment\/george-clooney-defends-muslims-claims-trump-is-inciting-fear https:\/\/abcnews.go.com\/Politics\/OTUS\/george-clooney-arrested-sudan-embassy-washington-dc\/story?id=15936415 https:\/\/youtu.be\/4u3Z8vJbWTM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It was a FAGGOT IN A DRESS MORON.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mike Allen: French citizens 'flee' to Hungary to escape from criminal migrant suburbs. Hey is Viktor Orban a HERO or what? https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/french-citizens-flee-to-hungary-to-escape-from-criminal-migrant-suburbs\/ Not according to jews! MARS . I've made a special sky hook just for chickenshits send 100 bucks today and have it first thing in the morning!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MaryLTrump PREDICTION: If Trump loses in November, he'll continue to drag on stimulus or otherwise any support for Americans until he is absolved of his powers in January, merely out of revenge for losing. #Trump2020 #MAGA #TRUMP #KAG #KAG2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Agreed entirely. There are also many SJWs that have, or have substantial respect for, pagan and otherwise non-Christian religions. Many SJWs hold quite a few superstitious\/mystical and otherwise new-age beliefs. Plus, SJWs are inclined to believe that science and reason... the values Dawkins champions... are cis het white male conspiracies to oppress everyone else. They aren't hyper-secular in any way. I wouldn't even go so far as to say they're necessarily anti-Christian in particular. They seem totally okay with theologically liberal Christianity or with Christians that don't oppose their policies. What they really hate is the Christianity believed in by \"the rednecks\/the bitter clingers\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/09\/30\/chobani-ceo-refugees-humanity-first\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"they are too busy blaming immigrants for all their ills to see its the bankers and the establishment thats screwing them. also they still deludedly believe that britannia rules waves ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What the cop did was extreme. But, she was stupid for giving him a reason.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dear woman, no. Thank you, entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"At this point David Duke could run as a democrat and if we criticized his white nationalist history y'all would say \"just say you support Trump ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The lack of any media to challenge these narratives is how so many people can be so retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Robot Revolution: The New Age of Manufacturing | Moving Upstream https:\/\/youtu.be\/HX6M4QunVmA via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger privilege","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"SELF-HATING WHITE CUCKS ON PARADE Soy boy is blind and disabled. He is being abused by this foul creature next to him. Fortunately though, he is blind, and has no fucking clue how retarded he looks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Don't believe the bullshit title and caption. These were civilians from rebel-held territory that were on buses ready to be evacuated to Assad government side. These families were elected to escape rebels and an agreement was made. Then a rebel\/terrorist vehicle full of explosive drove into the crowd and detonated during the evacuation process. AJ+ get your shits straight and do proper unbias reporting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey Faggot Strangle Spangle from Redneck Cuntry.. never had it, never will.. You're a dickhead lover...=lover of all HEAD AND DICKS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user mermaids are women. Therefore they suck and have to be sacrificed #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user Stfu you pussy. Clearly the white guy was the fucking aggressor and laid hands on him first. Typical response from your kind ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Still curious...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Long day in the Senate... #TeamJoe #Biden2020 #Dogs4Biden https:\/\/t.co\/tuTXl0LvxF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good! She's a ghetto thug! @grasswire: \"So FPD just arrested @SenNasheed for being in the street. #Ferguson https:\/\/t.co\/puIwlUnBIz ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Racist? It's not racist to leave a corrupt authoritarian unelected organization. You guys are idiots. The only card you know how to play is the race card. Moral and mental midgets.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@artistiicgroove You need help. Praying for you. #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So adhering to safety guidelines and advocating for others to do the same makes you feminine and that's somehow a bad thing? #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/cjL2ovNFVb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"half nigger total idiot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@joesichspach @sagepetoskey @GovWhitmer One of them had an anarchist flag, meanwhile multiple are trump supporters. Nice try champ.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if they were genuine refugees they would sign in Denmark. Already making demands and they haven't been accepted yet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Allies would tell freshly captured Axis soldiers, 'Enjoy the war while you can - the peace will be terrible'. Four times more Germans died in the surrender of Germany than during the entire war. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv Heh heh, a little triggered are we? The truth fears no investigation. Feel free to debunk what I have produced using credible sources and not memes. Meanwhile, why not start here with the (((Freemasons))) and their genocidal bloodlust against Christians? https:\/\/TheSecretMasonicVictoryOfWW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really sympathise for the kid at @user DC office who answered my call. I asked him how he feels about governement approved murder and sexual trafficking of detained immigrant children. He told me he feels awful but the congressman has no new comment. @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That sounds retarded. Why would you skip class when you get so much time off anyway with holidays? I don't understand why I'm being downvoted? That sounds retarded regardless of your holidays. You're there to learn and toughen up, for chrissakes. Fucking asshole students can't even go through school without pussing out, and we are trusting them to take the helm of society in a decade's time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @GottaLuvLexci_: RT @MyHips_DntLie: Tight pants and loud colors!!! You look like a fag! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It is a shame that black lives matter only when they are taken by white officers, thousands of black lives are taken by other blacks in Chicago and no one does anything to stop it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Portugal wants Britain to welcome all #EU migrants after #Brexit ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@amyklobuchar @renee_engle ...and that's exactly what we are doing! Allowing OUR President that \"We The People elected to nominate a Supreme Court Justice during his FIRST term! Why wait? #Fournoreyears!#Trump2020 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're a troll, you're a prett bad one. If not, then you're pretty retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's be all nigger and mud babies too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country,\" she wrote. \"I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent.\" Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Bitch Biggs ass hole ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#TheGreatAwakening #WalkAway #MAGA Do you know who started walk away? Trump he was Dem then when they dumped white men. He instantly flipped Republican like any sane person.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My life was really headed in the right direction before I started drinking... At the age of 10... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"People don't \"White Flight\" for their own amusement. It's a survival strategy. I can survive in the hood but likely nit good for my mental health as i get older... Why have u all turned into npc grey? If you have kids, an immediate \"White Flight\" woud be imperative, but as you grow older you will likely become the target of black-on-white racial violence. Bite the bullet. Wrong hill to die on. I changed my entire header theme. My old profile pic was of me playing sax from about I'm not playing music very much now, and I removed the banner of Taylor Swift singing in front of a swastika because she is a fat traitor SJW whore now. I went for a clean, positive, futuristic look. Shame bout taylor swift. I still liked the banner tho... I guess im waiting for that broke arse chick, that wants to leave the hood too. It worked last time for 10 years and have a bunch of great kids, now adults. #slutintohousewife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are Acid Attacks the result of mass immigration? via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't say her name with anything intelligent behind it . She was a black idiot and we as the \"black people\" don't support her antics ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump called Maxine Waters \"a low IQ individual\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I find city cops even more corrupt and thuggish. Dumb cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fuckin cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Syrian refugees board buses at Lebanon border, begin their journey back home ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @veeveeveeveevee: If I was Obama Id call a press conference and slit joe bidens neck on live tv just 2 show these crackers I mean business ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I had this girl bite my dick a lil too hard last night ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Green Arrows son now gay Arrow used to be the only masculine show on (((TV))) @Koanic @Heartiste @genophilia https:\/\/www.pinknews.co.uk\/2018\/10\/24\/arrow-gay-character-william-son\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This day is also known as 'national catch a sexual harassment charge day' ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"THIS IS WHY, you never fly with a muslim pilot, or, muzzie cab driver for that matter. - They will kill you. Look at Flight MH370 - muslim pilot. Dead passengers. \"The incident airplane descended to an altitude of 100 ft (30 meters) above ground level and overflew the first airplane on the taxiway,\" the report said. \"The incident flight crew initiated a go-around, and overflew the second airplane on the taxiway before starting to climb,\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @ClutchLikeMJ: Tennessee isn't even orange it's like vitamin pee yellow ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is terrifying. How can you eradicate \"radical Muslims\" from the face or the earth without affecting the innocent? We don't wear signs over our heads that reveal what kind of Muslims we are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lady Gaga when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won: https:\/\/t.co\/g8vRnP9nH4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mmpadellan Go Brooklyn Dad looking all fly like Aunty Kamala Harris n Joe B!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean.... he was an old ass man with a teen boys t shirt on, are we really that shocked by his actions?? Peggy we thought Canadian assholes were a myth down here in the states but they do exist!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Migrants and refugees are terrified as Italy begins mass deportation \"Get ready to pack your bags\" Matteo Salvini, Italian Interior Minister video https:\/\/www.freespeechtime.com\/2018\/06\/migrants-and-refugees-are-terrified-as.html We need to organize like the Muslims are doing right now in Toronto. Faith Goldy (Mayor candidate) and Linda Loomer got turned away from an Islamic 'convention' of jihadists advertised \"Everyone is welcome\" except for Christians and Jews when they got to the door.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RepMattGaetz Certainly not from the super spreader @realDonaldTrump #SuperSpreaderDonaldTrump#TrumpJoyRide #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/s6GVfiIeqv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"news flash anti jew nazis on here....WHITE PEOPLE INVENTED SOCIALISM COMMUNISM!!! so we gota hate all the whites too!!! if u blame jews for every evil plot u see in everything then hate ur white nazi self for being white and inventing the evil socialism communism could you be more retarded \/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#WWGLRDo? Or say? What's your song, Jews love nigger dick? Or, I am a race traitor. We can abide her protecting her vaginal rights, but I cannot abide a race mixing nigger lover. Y'all do this every time. Look at the shiny nigger in the corner, but step on women of your own race. Been doing it since Fuck that I hate everyone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The degree of improvement is amazing. My father donated stem cells to my uncle and cured his lymphoma. Stem cells are the future of medicine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to draw you something but I do not know where to send it. Do you have an instagram? ^^","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'A Nigger by any other name would still rob, rape, murder.' I am a poet!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This take is nonsense. Social media is the new public square. If you come into the public square, start screaming about some dumb bullshit, like block buttons being good, and I want to reply and say that what you just said is dumb, stupid, retarded bullshit (like your take here is) -- you should not be able to have me dragged out of the public square. You don't have to listen to me -- of course you would be stupid not to listen to me, but it's your right. What you shouldn't be able to do is prevent OTHER people from listening to me, because then all they hear is your nonsense take and they can't hear how dumb, stupid, moronic, idiotic, and retarded block buttons are. And that denies them the choice of hearing both sides. The mute button provides each individual person the decision of who they listen to. The block button lets people decide what OTHER people can hear, and that's just not acceptable in the new digital public square. Block buttons are commie. @a knows this. Bad decision, bad takes all around from those who support it, not a good move. Will cancel Pro support if this goes live.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wow amazing....this brought tears to my eyes....such a incredible story...i am just speechless...wow...watching this has me personally feeling a certain way, i can't even explain it but what a wonderful man he is truly an angel....kiss those precious babies for me...God bless","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Report me, you philosemitic faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Kimchi Cunt never stops. Kimchi cunts, aka Ajumma in the making, is pretty standard in Korea! I lived there for three years and can tell you stories....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lol this is retarded. The vast majority of People did it for literally a millennia so to suggest it's unavoidable is asinine. You two are getting so worked up about a tongue in cheek statement it beggars belief. Calm your tits, I'm not advocating for it, I simply said not sticking a penis inside a vagina is a 100% method of birth control.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Continue to stand with the people standing rock. No more pipelines. Save our environment. Support and prayers for all who stand and support those of us who cannot be there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would have shot that nigger in his criminal eye just like I would shoot a reporter from the NY post. Fuck off","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a pathetic little bitch. Grow up you stupid self righteous cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Preserving the ability of girls to do this kind of bullshit is half the reason feminazis exist. > Preserving the ability of girls to do this kind of bullshit is half the reason ~~feminazis~~ feminism exists. FTFY. Distinguishing between the two is important. There are still true feminists that only want equality, and though many of them fall for the same traps that constitute misandry rather than a desire for equality, the same thing happens in mensrights with misogyny. Lumping the groups together is like lumping mensrights with incels, which is disingenuous and deceptive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">#Italy: Backwards, poor boring shithole. >#France: #Progressive, rich multicultural paradise.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He probably said build the wall. Lmao. You made my day man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"His name is: Jordan Hunt. (aka. Jordan Cunt) He's a hairdresser in Toronto. https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/ Motherfucker is toast already! Faggot got shitcanned from his job","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Steve_Sailer: New Raj Chetty study of income mobility finds privileged Great Plains working class whites still hogging most of Magic Dirt, while blacks and Native Americans are still stuck on Tragic Dirt Graph of working class upward mobility: blue good, red bad: https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/Rvzqwa As Zimbabwe proved once you kill off those pesky Whites the wealth just flows to everyone else, right? They keep trying to starve themselves but nice White ppl keep frustrating their efforts! Shitlibs no doubt. Let our \"racial equals\" grow the food and feed themselves. That'll prove race is only skin deep. Lol. Heh!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am so happy that Dank has made this video. All these years of Sargon getting shit from Linehan, Sargon never once unloaded on him. Someone could create a video series of everything he's done, because he'd been such a constant, unwaivering hypocrite, bully, and all around cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And this Sessions faggot is supposed to be a southerner? Unreal \"Jeff Sessions literally lynches niggers and is in the KKK and voted against integration!1!11\" - The Left. Yeah I fucking wish.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"insanity: \"Don't you think it's weird that the prince kisses Snow White w\/out her permission? Because you can't kiss someone if they're sleeping! https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/18\/kristen-bell-says-snow-white-kiss-sends-controversial-message-about-consent\/?utm_campaign=SocialFlowandutm_medium=SocialFlowandutm_source=NYPTwitter ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Right wingers are vile retarded terrorist pigs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"unless they're a nigger, a kike, a wetback or anyone else non white. only whites need saving, Fuck the rest of the savage turd world cunts!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"One less sand nigger to worry about. Honestly, I think we should do the same to journalists here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Not sure why #teabaggers would care about Nelson Mandela, being that he's one of 'them' if you know what I mean. #teaparty #tcot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Frederick, Maryland man charged with threatening Biden, Harris and those who support them.\"We are the ones with those scary guns, We are the ones your children have nightmares about https:\/\/t.co\/y4rOVppIKo https:\/\/t.co\/0mHl8POnwX","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This bitch for real said you're not a woman without boobs. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @WayneRoot: Well there's difference between Erick Erickson and me. I've always understood Obama is Muslim Jihadi sympathizer:https:\/\/t. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everything about this guy is bullshit. 100% he's a terrorist looking for sympathy from the outside. Thousands of videos of Aleppo being liberated and people welcoming the army with open arms. Only the rats trapped inside are crying for help.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I got my eyes on this red bone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Happened to me right after columbine, a girl didn't like me, I had blue hair and was an awkward tween. She told the theatre group I was in that I was planning to shoot everyone. Thank god my friend who was a basic white girl who was there witnessed the entire thing and testified I did nothing wrong. Nor said anything of that nature. I was cleared of any and all wrong doing, resigned and never fucking went back. Absolute cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"ALERT Israel's Evil Assault on Khan Al Ahmar - #BDS We are witnessing before our eyes an act of consummate evil by #Israel as it engages in the ethnic cleansing of #Palestinians from Khan al Ahmar - America, the media is totally silent https:\/\/youtu.be\/rthUyt0e-tY #USA #America #Israel #MiddleEast #Trump #BDS #FreePalestine","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fitzpatrick is trash bruh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh' I see... your pussy ass tried it ONCE... what will you and your dick suckin buddies do next??? Sit it out... you faggot big mouths love to spout off...all talk no action... when your balls drop, maybe you'll get it... fucking degenerate...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@convoy charges at his mothers back door for free rides but give darkmeat discounts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Wow shut up you whore ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Spartacus accuser is a guy, so I guess that makes Spartacus a rope smoker. Rofl.. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/update-cory-booker-accuser-posts-update-i-am-not-a-woman-i-am-a-man\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well that convo was good for about 200 downvotes The gab nazis take their gabbing veeerrryyy seriously. If they can't \"debate\" you with their bullshit troll tactics and even more retarded revisionist history, then they'll troll you with downvote spam. The more seriously they take this shit, the more fun it is to trigger them about it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Very Sad.Religion above NATION FIRST.Adovcating for shelter to illegal migrants, but never raised his voice for Pandits inValley ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ya non faggot \"Nazis\" take advantage of free speech afforded in Gab. We should have it everywhere! You'd see us everywhere! You mean we bitch about your fag, tran and feces porn? Ya we do. And fucking yourself is I'm quite sure what you do, along with other men. Projecting again #VileJewLiar Marty, you are projecting. Triggered, feel like hitting us with vile porn now? Yep just got hit with tran porn. I love Christina's posts. She's a badass. I wanna see more. But, please stop responding this kike. I want to see your real posts... even some cleavage is cool.. I just don't want to see this jew's bullshit. Suck my fat dick, you kike monster Jew scum slut fuck dyke cocsucking piece of shit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Talionis \"This guy\"? You mean your alt account? You've got to be one retarded fucking Nazi to think that you \"roasted\" me in any way by spouting a bunch of left-wing racist conspiritard bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Aay_XxMr1LM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These Culturally backward, retarded bastards need getting rid of. Pakis and Bengali are the main ethnic groups involved.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He has to be one of the dumbest cop ever You know that you have a body camera on and still go out and kill someone and lie about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#MAGA #TRUMP #AMYSCHUMERLANDWHALE FUCK NAZIS!!! OBAMA DID 2008 FOLLOW IF YOU SUPPORT AMERICA!!! IM BACK Fuck off you turbo kike! Didn't we blast your pedo ass off this platform not too long ago for all your scat porn. Are you ready for part 2? GAY anti-american NAZI!!! I bet you voted for HILLARY in the last election, because she promised you all that free SHIT!!! YOU ARE JUST JEALOUS OF HOW GREAT WE ARE AT BUSINESS!!! JEWS ARE SOME OF THE BEST LEADERS AND BUSINESSMEN! Don't you know that Ivanka TRUMP the GENIUS is jewish?? crazy conspiracy theorist!!! Filthy kike! oh he's back is he? fuck. i fucking hate yids. and boomers see: 'Antonio Gramsci generation gap'. He was a marxist jew. The Generational Divide is 1950's (((marxist))) agitprop, designed to get us to destroy our own traditional white families and hate one another. If you hate boomers, genX, millennials, genz, etc, you're spreading cultural marxism. oh put a sock in it. you haven't had this cunt posting scat porn all over your group 7 days a week. your initial assertion is fallacious.. it does not follow that if i hate x generation then i am spreading cultural marxism... im spreading national socialism with their weapons. NOW FUCK OFF CUNT CHOPS YOU ARE DISMISSED.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This video is *poop*. Misleading information without any evidence. Modi has been cleared off by the Supreme Court. So basically AJ+ wants expect someone to apologize for something he has not done. Aj+ is one of those channels who celebrate Islamic mass shootings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Tiny out here looking like an albino red nose pitbull from a dope boy's trap house.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Incorrect. They love his antisemitism for sure. But they also like his nationalising of key industry sectors, his control over education for indoctrination purposes, his calls for insurrection, his fascination with Islam like Hitler, his censoring of critics. All things that Marxist socialists like too. Inside every Antifa twat is a National Socialist trying to get out. And they do get out during their riots. Why they act like Nazis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"1\/1024 Christian 1\/1024 citizen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See American's are terrorist in other countries. I have heard about how the white elite go over to other countries and have sex with little girls coming back home to their rich homes in the suburbs only to play Christian business man. All the while they rape little girls an performed the most diaguesting acts on them..the Pentagon has employees that have been busted with child porn..what they do in the dark will come to light an i pray they feel the pain and suffering that they do to these children.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@blueheartedly Kamala is gonna wipe the floor up with Pence!! #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@intheKCmix The last planet of the apes with my kids... It's been a minute","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The world is starting to wake up for what the real united states stands for: GREED. This corporate owned country will kill, hurt, imprison, invade, lie, manipulate, corrupt and do whatever it takes for the almighty dollar.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That fucking slutty beaner","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I can't imagine a leftist nigger being elected in Florida. With all the commie Cubans and Mexicans there, it's definitely possible.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"PETE MEETS HIS PEOPLE https:\/\/www.dailytelegraph.com.au\/blogs\/tim-blair\/pete-meets-his-people\/news-story\/b88c3a8320aa90f5829206dda77744e1 #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"While the sentiment is cute and all, you have to be fucking retarded to go barefoot all year long where I live (in Sweden that is). Have fun when it's -20 Celsius and much of the ground is either covered in snow or ice, I bet you lose interest in that pretty damn quickly. Shoes were invented for a reason, use them when needed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"God says obey the law, aka don't taze your child, you know, since it's illegal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TNKidsFoodPorn @Oreo .............. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RihannaHasAids: aight game over. dykes had to ruin it http:\/\/t.co\/o0CAn6gb1p","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What the Left does not understand is that we are not Nazis; from their point of view, we are much worse. The Nazis wanted to conquer Europe and kill people. We want to destroy Leftism and replace it with a Traditional social order, and then send away everyone who does not fit. That means 20-40% of our population going elsewhere. Beat that, Nazis!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now that is racist of you to say that. OrC's ArE BaD bECaUSe thEY RApE, pILLaGe aNd MURDer.... Orc's are perfectly peaceful, snd it's comments like this that keep them in their stronghold and prevents them from settling comfortably in whiterun with the rest of us. But i really shouldn't expect much from you, you stormcloak cunt. Yes it's a joke. Sadly the article makes it so i have to clarify. Isn't that pathetic? That in 2018 i have to confirm that pretending someone's comment, about a FICTIONAL race, is racist., Where the helk did society go so horribly wrong?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Current Canadian Immigration Minister #AhmedHussen, a native of Mogadishu, was not invited here. His parents bought him a plane ticket to Pearson Airport, where he claimed asylum. Two of his brothers were already here. Chain mi ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It' a reddit poster. I simply shared it. Look at you, muted now for annoying me..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh look Pa, another retard from the mid east that thinks he's special! Special Ed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oblivious: Bill and Hillary Clinton Readying Nationwide Stadium Tour https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/oblivious-bill-hillary-clinton-readying-nationwide-stadium-tour\/ #ClintonCrimeFamily #MidtermElections #tcot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sad for the first inhabitants of the Americas! They are treated so unfairly! Hope this AHole gets charged!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Anncoulter what a cunt you are! Listen bimbo YOU'RE NOT THE PRESIDENT, THERE ARE OTHER THINGS TO ACCOMPLISH ALONG WITH THE WALL. You bash him over bringing home AMERICAN CITIZENS that were basically held hostage by other countries? What a twat you are you scumbag, ya know who cares about the 17 ppl he and his administration has brought home? THEIR FAMILIES, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, THE PRESIDENT, VP PENCE, AND AGAIN MOST IMPORTANTLY THEIR FAMILIES OR DO THEY NOT MATTER BECAUSE THE WALL ISN'T DONE YET YOU DINGBAT?!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"nigger @Magyarkebab nigger @Magyarkebab","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Disgusting , and bitch you are NO ROCK STAR !! YOU are a no class skank ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You're free to leave at any time, sir. | #RedNationRising","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Today's genuinely stupid Bern whataboutism: you can't bitch about the guy who said identity politics are a distraction being the keynote 1\/2 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @MemphisMSoccer: 50' 2nd yellow card issued for Temple","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"korean twitter\" i don't think koreans in korea are really all that upset about this, and if they were then none of these retards would know 'cuz they can't read or speak korean","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @pgammo: In the Yankees draft room, they had a huge picture of Greg Campbell with the message, \"this is the makeup we're looking for.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuk these barbarians! Feed them to the sharks!! Muslim invasion is what we have..these are not \"immigrants\" they are invaders with an agenda- to fuk up America and,ultimately to take over!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"OP is trying harder to be offended than most tumblrites. This sub has gone full retard. Don't be a dipshit. Every comment so far has explained why the op is mistaken. \"This sub\" is self correcting. You are the retard, corky.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"First MundaneMatt, now Mombot - glad to see that some of the very worst people that got popular due to GamerGate are now being exposed and hopefully losing everything - good job Metokur, Ralph and ESPECIALLY Zidan (whose interrogations keep breaking people down). What is Mombot accused of doing? It's more than just accusations - Ian Miles Cheong has already showed Ralph, Metokur and others the DMs where Mombot gave him WildGoose's dox and told IMC to write a hit piece against Goose, even get in touch with his family to drive him off the internet. But. What I do know . . is that . . Mombot has a history of very violent (verbal) behavior. I read some old tweets . . she (?) appears to enjoy doxing and being mean to men. She appears to target vulnerable men, and then attack these men to feel better about herself. Keep in mind, tons of people suspect that Mombot is actually yet another man pretending to be a woman online. If Mombot is a woman, she'd be a very nasty, misandrist type, and the kind that absolutely hates any man not putting up with female Bullshit. I learned pretty early during GamerGate that Mombot REALLY hates Roosh for example.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" maaaaannnn i hope so! RT @ABrown252: @VonshayeB did we get rid of John Legend looking Charlie Batch?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Must stop anddeport illegal migrants.India tops the list in the world for having Max foreigners with expired VISAS ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All of you imbeciles are gonna pay for your stupidity. Keep throwing the word apartheid around cuz it makes u look cool.. even though we have arab muslims doctors, supreme court judges, chief of police, even fucking national Israel football team players!If u don't want to kill us we'll help you ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user You a hoe if there's other bitches ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Cameron you could not stop migration in ur one of many broken promises y do we need to stay in Europe to rub it in ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Harris is just ANOTHER MORAN NIGGER BITCH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"which software do u use to create these animations","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anti-trust protects the free market. This isn't a gotcha. Stop being retarded. In case you're retarded instead of an actual lying shill: large companies ganging up on their competition to ensure that nobody can compete is called a cartel, not a free market.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"LOL oh look another one got locked out of moms basement","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Exactly why I quit watching. FFS they can't even leave that one alone. You wouldn't believe how appalled fellow Whovians were at me when I said no way would I watch a female Doctor Who. I was even called anti feminist. I replied \"Damn right I am Know what, I've never seen a Dr Who episode in my life, but i know i would despise anything of this season i would have the misfortune to see. I notice in 90s campaigns the company ran had the PC groups up front and the white men in back. The problem with it was the white guys were dirty the others be had clean clothes. Black James Bond, feminist Doctor Who, it's time to start up a new space colony some where (whites only). Richard Branson, Elon Musk or Peter Theil are on it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DaveBautista If Trump wins are you gonna leave the U.S.?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I haven't slept well since November 2016.The first few nights after the election, I slept 12 hours a night. Depressed.As Trump took over, I began having migraines, insomnia, a sense of impending doom, and anxiety. I want to sleep at night again.#BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Allies would tell freshly captured Axis soldiers, 'Enjoy the war while you can - the peace will be terrible'. Four times more Germans died in the surrender of Germany than during the entire war. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Perhaps we in the U.S. need to \"beg\" our leaders for help in stopping the invasion of refugees coming to this... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In each and EVERY 1 of these rape cases it was some woman trying to be more than she is and none of the women deserved awards. Give them up. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Complain to Ofcom about the Sky Fake News hatchet job on Tommy Robinson, where they lied about his interview - the photo below has the date - the \"journalist\" is Jason Farrell #BoycottSky https:\/\/ofcomforms.secure.force.com\/formentry\/SitesFormCSLEStandardsComplaints","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I agree but \"we (ie men) didn't start it. Women saw us doing something in a way they don't and added it to their list of reasons why men are awful and started endlessly bitching on social media about it and even gave it a name. Yet they do the same thing, just in a different way. Ordinarily we didn't see the need to point it out in a gendered way, but because they've been such cunts about it, here we all are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It was already in the realm of high fantasy where you pointed that out but we reached peak retard with the idea that we could ever cut a deal with the niggers that's more appealing to them than the promise of getting even with Whitey","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @stepheeezyy: Rt *nigga *bitch *him @187XO_: ' I will never date a female with another niggah name on her lol . Wtf . ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"capture this cunt and drop her in the middle of Saudi Arabia.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @InfidelAlie: Yay for America and Israel... we put in more Jew Hating muslim trash into our government! pathetic and sickening","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Brazil-Venezuela border reopens amid fight over refugees #FoxNews @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FBI maybe infiltrating Gab? I've got a dollar that says that's where most of it originates. They sit here typing all day and night, preaching their retarded Nazi dogma in every post. And I don't think it's @a's job to babysit these idiots ... #iThink the people on Gab should. A nazi monkey shot defenseless people during a baby naming ceremony ... because that's the kind of weak and stupid people this pathetic nazi rhetoric breeds.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thanks for the invite. Always thought you were a Christcuck, fam ; )","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what was this dumb cunt thinking? \"oh yeah I'll just slap on this wig, call myself Pauline and wander into the woman's changing room? Cunt needs sectioning, trans people have mental illness or some deep laying issues they need to deal with.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Polish MP Smokes BBC Host Over Poland's Decision Not To Take Immigrants via @user MUST DO WHAT THEY DO LET'S GET RID OF THAT FILTH ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm so sick of society and the image that they are creating for women , it's sad to see so much body shaming these days . Young beautiful girls engaging in dangerous trends to feel beautiful, when they are already beautiful. It's about being healthy not bone skinny . No one should be discriminated against because of their body, looks, hair, it's the heart that makes the character !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh Bookie the Hookie, well yes he will lie his ass off, doing the jigaboo rapid fire nigger street talk to confuse the people, but on the committee he tries very hard to speak slower than show his true colors.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"stupid american ass holes","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Remember thick Marxist twat Agent Orange who was on here as Capt_McHeath? I gave him such great abuse he deleted his account and ran off. Blocked me on his two main Twitter accounts too. Just checked him out without logging in. He's STILL going on about me. Thinks this Puffing Billy is me. It isn't lol Typical thick twat Marxist","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"After all I said it did seem a bit aggressive but still.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Totally Unhinged Dem Senator Hirono on Leftist Mob Violence Against the GOP: \"This Is What Happens... when You Look at White Supremacists\" (VIDEO). https:\/\/tiny.iavian.net\/p2js People with mental illness should not hold any public office,nor positions of authority over others in any part of society.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at that trashy outdated beard and those played out retarded black glasses.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@TOBINSUPREME so trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're such a retard. If this religion can't change, then explain to me why veiling came to be. Explain to me why there is a distinct cultural difference between Sunni and Shi'a Islam on top of distinct cultural differences between Islam from the Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasties as well as everything following that. Also, explain to me why Sufism is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SECT OF ISLAM THAT IS CENTERED AROUND ALIGNING CLOSER TO MUHAMMADS **ORIGINAL** MESSAGE, rather than the corrupt version that the Umayyad's turned it into. You saying that Islam has never changed is completely denying that Sufism exists, as well denying that over 1000 years of history exists. I'm not saying that Islam is good in anyway, I'm just pointing out that you saying Islam can't change is completely unfounded and bullshit. This isn't something that's proved by \"the word of allah\" or some other bullshit like that, but by actual WRITTEN HISTORY. YOU CANT ARGUE WITH WRITTEN HISTORY RETARD. But then again you probably have no idea what Sufism is or that there were Islamic Dynasties in the first place, so I can really only blame myself for getting angry at your ignorance. Edit: but you're so wrapped up in wanting to shit talk islam like every other retard on this sub that you have to make it about equality instead of what I'm actually talking about. we get it, islam fucking blows, shut the fuck up Gaslit. Retard. Nice edit. Faggot. What you gonna do about it","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"'Look at this f---ing white guy!' bigot yells before attacking man in pizzeria... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Mppx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user No #DACA #NoAmnesty Stop Rewarding ILLEGAL #Immigration wth U.S Taxdollars #SendThemHome #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" mile Munier (1840 1895) was a French academic artist and student of William-Adolphe Bouguereau. ~ Long Ago ~ #WhiteCulture #France #14Words","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As a veteran and son of a veteran this makes me mad as hell! Where are you on this @brianlmaryott? #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteBlue2020 down ballot! Vote @MikeLevin Congress https:\/\/t.co\/tjRVeLQYWW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn good wrapping job too Damn, at first i thought they were \"ghana must go\"'s, but nah that's just some killer wrapping. Dude must of spent hours of enjoyment doing that. All three of my carers don't give a shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go vote for you early death think cunt s trump is and Putin is saving your life fucking zombie dum motherfuckercuntwankpissdumzombiemental","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@mayarsharkawi Fake pics http:\/\/t.co\/jtwUu9CYSr get off my TL, u r dismissed muzzie. @Darknight420 @JewJitsuGrl @Begbie_1 @efilnikcufecin7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What are YOU doing to ensure a Biden\/Harris\/Senate win? I distributed 11 Biden\/Harris signs for my neighborhood today and I wrote 15 #PostcardsToVoters for @JonOssoff #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump has already failed us. These fuckin faggots are allowed to enter our country unscathed and cunt hiLIARy is still free. Nothing would change if Republicans won house and senate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @BigxCool: RT if you're on the slope to 30 and still feel 17","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary the cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"What you saw last night was what it was like to brief him in the White House every day\" says Olivia Troye, Republican former member of White House Coronavirus Task Force on @MSNBC #VoteHimOut2020 #PresidentialDebate2020 #BidenHarris2020 #COVID19 #BullyTrump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user hey man! we're finally on twitter and just wanted to thank you so much again for the ongoing support. you are so inspiring ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Gross. Just disgusting. Repulsive and unattractive in every way. Can't wait for these people to be shamed back into their racist holes where they belong...... Their disease is spreading, unfortunately.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It amazes me how many women masturbate at work... Please come work for me, I have a position open under my desk ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"'Damn you, whitey!' You'll get a kick out of the 'newest form of white privilege' http:\/\/t.co\/zLpFZsITOm","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"SHARE THE FUCK OUT OF THIS VIDEO... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=jJmok2CwPfM Robinson is a shill. He knew full well what would happen to these soldiers. Sorry this is all conived. Publicity stunt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Opioid? So they stereotyped it as white trash and gave her the most white trash death ever, so pathetic, I love John Goodman but I hope the show is shit canned just to force them to wake up and quit giving in to bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sen Kennedy: When Senator Harris and her colleagues say you are a liar, they are wrong? Judge Barrett: They are. https:\/\/t.co\/Mm36dIIp1p","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how about instead of complaining 'not all men' you stand up for those when they've been harassed or assaulted or ya ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Read the latest report from our team supporting #Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user I care , fuck that stupid bitch who quoted this saying nobody cares ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This video was super helpful and just very nice ! If you're reading this, please stick with us, alright ? I spent eight years hating myself, to the point of almost killing myself. Key word is almost - because i'm still here, and i'm so glad i stuck around. So take care of yourselves, please, because it's going to get better, and you'll want to be there to see it. All the love to you, Jack and Kati, and everyone out there. andlt;3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@allsportsbruh how? All of the QBs we had before this season were trash. They brought in a veteran so they could have someone to play","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dominos pizza.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The woman who accused Nelly of rape is dropping charges: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can jig, but I can't jig jig. like that new jigging got so much in it that you could do, you really gotta be in shape for it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate Congress ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@HonorChrisKyle @_tony_soprano2 Amen on this tweet. 105 mm rockets from Victor Charlie leave a lasting impression.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Happy #IndigenousPeoplesDay #TrumpsAmerica #VoteBlueDownBallot https:\/\/t.co\/l6EiuNtxk6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is so fucking retarded I don't even know where to start...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So then it stands to reason that \"that twat in America\" has black privilege.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The reason you see Indians bashing Muslims and Islam here because Hindu supremacists hate Islam and Muslims. Atrocities in Kashmir, cow lynching of Muslims, gang rapes of Muslims children, have you not read or heard about them? This should be clear for all Muslims across the world that India is not a friend of Islam or Muslims, and behind the disguise of secularism, they hate Muslims. All Arab, Muslim countries and their residents should see and understand this ugly face of racist Hindus. They are the overwhelming majority in India and number of votes cast to BJP-RSS party is a proof . It amazes me that Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries are spending billions on India and not seeing that how much they hate Islam and Muslims? Particularly Arabs, wake up. If you can t understand this now then when or what will make you? Let all Muslims be united and boycott Indian products, their restaurants and movies, until they stop killing Muslims in Kashmir and the rest of India, and make a law to stop anti Muslim hate and racism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"F Cya, cunt. Hope you heal, mate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The #NFL is the only major sport in the US without a significant number of #immigrant athletes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/SNku0LxUPyo I love our first lady. Melania is WAY better than that tranny cunt Michelle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Legion of jig ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I fucking hate gay and lesbians they are all animals","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is a beautiful thang.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Right here fellas. Trump was kissing Jewish ass for two years before this happened. He will be kissing Jewish ass for the next two years. There might possibly be an uptick in that due to the Pittsburgh shooting, but otherwise this changes nothing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Even a Gym wouldnt hire him, and who da heck got him in DC? #MAGA #WalkAway #LeaveDNC #VoteRed2018 #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #WakeUp #NoJihad #NoDACA ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"he is promoting a dependency\/pre-requisite of antisemitism for someone to see that soros is a election manipulating cunt who funds leftist violence. What is ((nathaniel's)) deal?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lol, hate boner. Who teaches you retards to swear? Also, why are you so upset?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They are EVERWHERE #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Or pollo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The white will always steal. like they do everything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a lode of fucking media bull shit. What about the radical Zionist Jews ? Ow let me guess. It's anti Semitic and I'm a racist for bringing it up. What a lode of horse shit ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hulu deleted this tweet after becoming the focus of countless jokes and being mocked for several hours straight. Even companies are willing to backdown from SJW talking points if the heat gets too hot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dems are so retarded they can't see past their hood ornaments.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@SenRonJohnson @Google @SenTedCruz @SenMikeLee Keep googling, Ron, Ted and Mike. While Joe Biden and Kamala Harris set about the business of actually.... GOVERNING.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Atlanta is nigger city","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@BernieSanders That is why I'm voting for Trump!#Trump2020 #AmericaFirst #KAG #DrainTheSwamp #TrumpLandslideVictory","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Give us your poor, hungry, tired, nonwhite illegal aliens with HIV, measles, pertussis, rubella, rabies, hepatitis A, influenza, tuberculosis, shigellosis, syphilis, etc, otherwise you're a racist Nazi. All because some faggot wrote a poem once.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@megann_17 you should make me brownies!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@InTheOvenJews @SlaveCatcher88 @marylene58 we should hang out ovenjew. Have a lot in common. People waste time on nigs. Jews r r problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mad Dogs and Englishmen - Cry Me A River https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=kHA2afBxmbs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> I saw it stated elsewhere that one of the girl's parents are livid that this hit the national news, because they were afraid it would \"permanently damage\" their daughter. ***OH BOO FUCKING HOO, YOU DUMB PRICKS.*** Your daughter's already \"permanently damaged\" someone else's son. Hell doesn't make flames hot enough for these lying little cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why is this not being reported as a racial hate crime?? https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/straight-a-student-21-kidnapped-raped-and-murdered-by-south-african-gang\/ White girl robbed, raped and murdered by violent blacks, but it is not a \"hate crime\" because the killers are black and the victim is from the minority White population Apparently, the girl was dating a black man. What a tragic waste of a life when White girls sleep with black men. https:\/\/www.9news.com.au\/2018\/10\/17\/14\/09\/death-came-instantly-for-south-african-gang-rape-victim-court-told","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"iMessage so trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DessantiGina: @TonyJRodriguez @WolfVanHalen so tony I think yr a rude little cunt and too too young to even know what real rock and rol ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"new language classes starting soon! can we get a retweet please @user @user @user @user @user ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#never taylor swift...that was a retarded Daily Stormer meme. Consider the source and FLUSH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How creative,unfortunately, some of the children do not have the opportunity to excel in their talents due to bureaucracy in Haiti.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fake news. Fake bombs. Fake outrage. Fake refugees. Fake Native and African Americans. It's the Democratic way. Becky Look at her Bot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If ever an event has shown just how far into the lower depths of the Kali Yuga we've really fallen, this whole 'loli' debacle is it. The fact that you're having to have a rational, legalese type argument with utterly degenerate, sick perverts is bizarre. Although a perfect example of the postmodern world. Lord Kalki, save us! For fuck's sake...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually you can yet grow taller. Austronauts who spend a long time in space come back taller. So why are you not an astronaut you lazy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @badblogger69: @wenchbucket that monkey is from hell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm getting the feeling that there's some sort of bullshit flagging campaign involved here. That or the Kampo Krew are rearing their heads again, taking a more low key approach, picking one game off at a time. Kampo Krew? Campo Santo, self-righteous developers of Firewatch, banned PewDiePie from streaming their game after he called someone a nigger in PUBG. Valve bought Campo Santo and kept their staff on, so people have been anticipating a SocJus bent from Valve as original members are diluted by Silicon poison. Firewatch literally had a older woman fucking a underaged kid, as well as some guy getting ready to leave his mentally ill wife. And they complain about hentai? > Firewatch literally had a older woman fucking a underaged kid Wait, I don't remember that part. I'm with you too... What? Nobody ever said Marxists were ideologically consistent. In fact, if there's one thing Marxists are consistent about, it's flexible ideology in the pursuit of power. i don't think the kid and the counselor were fucking, i think it was more he was just comfortable around her. > so people have been anticipating a SocJus bent from Valve as original members are diluted by Silicon poison. That shit is *real* important, considering a lot of posters here have accounts with game counts in the hundreds, if not thousands. To have my account at risk of being banned because of some maniac with way too much power at the helm is terrifying. It's always been a hard pill to swallow, abandoning buying entertainment on discs in favor of downloads, and this risk is exactly why. Agreed wholeheartedly, which is why I think I might start buying physical PC games again (at least, the ones that aren't just boxes with goddamn Steam codes inside). I don't have the luxury of space for them but... I think it's safer. It's why I almost exclusively by physical games for my consoles, too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"With military members already being stripped of their service to our country and told to go home, Trump administration plans to limit citizenship for legal immigrants, NBC News reports ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This muslim woman of colour' isn't going to miss out on an opportunity to take some money from gullible morons. I'll buy you a 1 way ticket to any Muzzie country of your choosing","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Do NOT sit by, people, and let a damn nigger agitator on the $20: https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/trump-notes-andrew-jackson-continues-20-bill-","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Awwhh David, do you have one of those crumpled shaky retard hands?...never mind.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If you're White and refuse to talk about race, that is your right. However, if you also say you are strictly about merit, then unless you confront every non-White with the same vehemence that they cannot be about their races either, you're either a hypocrite or a unwitting leftist stooge. You pick.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who was the more hysterical woman at the Kavanaugh hearings today? #SCOTUS ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Shorter take: I just destroyed you with facts so now you'll make me into a hysterical woman to soothe your fragile ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He must be a virgin Who hurt him? A spade is a spade. Sometimes it's just the most convenient and terse form of description. In fairness to our brothers at TRP - not a single thing of these is said over there apart from frame. And just because he is Brad Pitt doesn't guarantee his frame is unshakable. A common saying from TRP is \"she is not yours, its only your turn\". So they aknowledge that women will eventually leave you, no matter how well you did. Downvoted for lack of reading comprehension. dude, do you know what \/s means? I shouldn't even have to use the \/s, it is incredibly obvious that I am being sarcastic either way. Totally ...here have a point back because...well...some ppl are dopes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thoughts. Numerical scores are cancer Edit: I mean, dunk on bad reviews all you want. But when people start threatening reviewers (didn't someone get threatened over No Man's Sky and Zelda too?), it just leads to shit like this. I'm sorry, but IDGAF anymore about internet \"death threats.\" Contact with internet crazies and low effort trolls is part of the deal if you want to be public facing on the internet. Either you can deal with it and use the brand advantage offered by being public facing, or you stay anon or pseudonymous with less e-celeb status too boost your dopamine. But don't expect me to demand \"change\" or offer sympathy because you got trolled and like a retard, decided to cry about it publicly. I bet they are lying about the threats too. We've seen the lengths these people will go to just to force their agenda. Making up threats is one of them. Quite frankly, they have no credibility.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i was so mad when serena lost, when my mom came to give me fresh tendies i smashed the plate out of her hands and it fell in to my piss and shit jugs which were strewn on the floor leaking out!, but its okay 5 minute rule right cause when my mom left my room crying about how im a terrible son after i called her a cunty bitch! i just picked them up and started going to town on them! (cant let good tendies go to waste lol), who needs parents anyways! i made it through 38 years in this shit hole!,baisically alone!, i mean my mom fed and clothed me but, mom doesn't care about me, her chad boyfriends keep telling her I need to get my own place!, like who do they think they are? besides if i leave now i forfeit my good boy points and im 50 away from a trip to Disney land! even got my mickey mouse ears already for the trip!. anyways toodles i gotta go take my bi monthly shower! its worth 15gpbs! so excited!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"To be honest, these clowns are seriously lacking in Talent. They never research their marks, and their vocabulary skills as well as their reading comprehension is that about a second grade level. To be honest. Ed has asked for help and reassurance not much of a coincidence. Ego has been damaged. No one is interested in his Post's. You Needed that GAB SHOT SON Your hypocrisy is stunning. Jesus Christ! you will win no fame trying to troll me. You'll win no merit and people will not visit your page. Good luck with that. Does John use a woman in his avi because that's the only way he can get followers?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">why is her physical attractiveness relevant? Because that cunt spews all kinds of body positivity nonsense yet at the same time uses a cartoon avatar that oversells her by 6 points easily, and that hypocrisy is worth pointing out and laughing at.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Frankly, I did not even remember Tiffany Trump exists.Which is the only thing I will *ever* have in common with donald. #ByeTiffany","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Crypto-Jew Conan trying to influence his \"fellow whites\". This faggot sold his last home low for $25M, but he'd have his fans live next to Haitians. Fuck him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lol. This sub is slowly turning into r\/incels\/, jesus some of these comments. It's a fair question to ask. My partner asked it of me, but I didn't really like the idea of it, so I said no. That's it. Human beings are by nature, attracted to MANY different people, not just one. Being in a relationship doesn't change that. The boyfriend in this post reacted completely irrationally and I can't help but think he was looking for an excuse to break up with her if he left her that easily. Didn't you get the memo? Only virgins that hate women defend monogamy.... \/s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Surprised the raging commie faggot didn't call out the black fella as a white supremacist. These lefties are unhinged.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"5\/ That's the problem. Ppl equate \"free speech\" with \"I get to spam you with 5000 gay porn pictures, that's free speech.\" That's like the juvenile retard view of it. Way to take a concept of being able to communicate differing ideas in a discussion and turn it into some retard homo contest to see who can purposefully derail a topic or offend people. Your posts sound gay, like you're homosexual.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Three dots, mute user, problem solved Simply Put! Lmao I was ready to spend time Shit'n on this Dem-Commie rat. Thx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking looney Israel shills can never answer. Always parasitizing on each other. \"Friends\". Go hide, treacherous (((paedophile))) loyalist. says the slug .. Sticks and stones, rapist friend. Or tell us, why call the jewish nation \"Israel\"? https:\/\/www.haaretz.com\/israel-news\/six-charged-with-human-trafficking-pimping-in-tel-aviv-bat-yam- That's what I thought. As long it is not you, anything goes. Right, mo-scam? Israel would not last a week without support from the west. They are terrorist, and every supporter should answer for their crimes as well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that furry nigger muted me after like two friggin poasts will u post stuff to him for me? thanks fren q","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Breaking: @SpeakerPelosi is now pushing for invoking 25th Amendment to remove Trump from power.The question is, will the GOP get on board, or are they still loyal to their orange stained Emperor Covidicus?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fresh off over a hundred European corpses in the last month alone, AJ+ wants us to shed tears over an illegal immigrant getting pushed. No doubt she'll birth and raise her very own rat spawn in the bossom of Europe and when he himself decides to act upon the teachings and ideologies that continually plague Europe thanks to this influx of third world scum, the press will call him French simply due to the circumstances of his birth but he will not be French.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stupid israel....when hitler kick them out of germany they begged for land the palestinians they said come welcome now they using force and killing thousands of people to increase their land and when palestinians resisting israel calling them as Terrorist and killing people what a stupidity they will get the punishment in this world as well as shurely in the here after.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Find the smiling scumbags who brutally beat this vulnerable old man https:\/\/metro.co.uk\/2017\/09\/28\/find-the-scum-who-violently-attacked-and-robbed-this-vulnerable-man-6961630\/?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NandaGorgeous: RT if you like BMTHADTRPTVYMASSWSATLOMandMAAMIWBTFWCARMCRAFIPEBVBWIMBCSSCTENSNGDWATICAA!BFMVFOBF ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @aychmoore: most teachers abuse their position, there's teaching with discipline and there's being a cunt, most are cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Cobra didn't do anything. Insecure drunken whore ass Lily basically lied and manipulated out of anger bc Jr didn't want a slut! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Not only that but Living common-law is the same as marriage. Any idiot should know that by now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump makes everybody fall in line not because he's a bully, but because he represents America and everybody wants to be on the side of America, if this was Obama our borders would be wide open","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Samuel L. Jackson rallies Democratic voters: \"The world's on fire, let's put it out\" https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/gGe1Z7Y.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/87mq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DennisMoller2 @samike88 Twitter is Conglomerate.Will not follow the rule of free speech unless you make sure #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok white poppy's have been a thing since red poppy's red or white all good as long as they are to remember the fallen and oh main thing red poppy GO TO VETERANS white poppy's mean your a cunt who got fucked over by someone stealing veterans money cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"look at his entire body of work, and judge him accordingly \" I do - and due to him throwing Faith Goldy under the bus, repeatedly attacking White identity, cucking HARD on freedom of association, bragging about \"saving\" young men from the \"far-right\" and saying that using retard pronouns should be dictated by societal consensus, my opinion is not favorable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user The guy who has spent five years hiding from a rape inquiry thinks that a powerful woman is creepy, man ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"However I'm inclined to think a Trump win was the best for both sides because if those rapefugees would have acted here the way they act in Paris and Germany, I'm positive that the American people would have stood up and started killing these rapefugees and cunt hiLIARy supporters in the street. Something that I would have participated in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"one less retard in the world","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@FrankieJGrande ew queer white thirsty bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"wikihow didn't load when they looked up how to make a timer on a circuitboard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Finland's president says illegal immigrants are exploiting Europe \"borders should be closed\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Skank ,hoe , all these words you use to describe female artists.gosh,get a grip. Do u ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have the wrong feeling. It always comes down to \"the nigger behind the trigger\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You are a jiggaboo...!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You're also a faggot for naming yourself after a fucking superhero movie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! \"My 15 yr old high schooler just came home with this bullsh!t. In SOUTH CAROLINA. This ain't California - this is the Bible belt and MAMA AIN'T HAPPY.\" REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! https:\/\/twitter.com\/Redheaded_Jenn\/status\/1047587821043810311 Say it with me everyone, \"#homeschool your kids and grandkids\" and don't wait another month to start. You homeschooled and raised your kids until age five and you homeschool them after school when you help them with their homework. @Wifewithapurpose #homeschooling #homeschooled #homeschools Parents need to do everything to stop schools (EVIL) from exposing their children to deviant liberal sexual ideology. That's indoctrination disguised as tolerance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This one got me booted off FB for a week. I find it to be one of the most insanely ridiculous things I've ever seen. The retarded liberals who came up with this concept are living in another reality. Pathetic. White guilt is the stupidest concept ever. I can't believe that people this moronic actually exist. This is one of the absolute most retarded virtue signaling attempts I've ever seen. I'll never apologize for things I didn't do!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yeah, hold on now. Don't be bragging about that. That is the ace in the hole. It would be rude of us to rube that in their faces.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Today's global refugee crisis strains host country resources, threatens children's safety, and uproots global peace and stability. As the world's largest provider of emergency food assistance for #refugees, @user helps millions of refugees every year. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watch: Christian dog owner punched in the face by Iranian Muslim man https:\/\/www.freespeechtime.com\/2018\/05\/watch-christian-dog-owner-received.html I would take a mangy, flea bitten dog , over a Muslim any day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have a funny story from when by brother tried helping a nigger put together some furniture from Ikea, said nigger had bought it and needed help. My brother went so far as to show how to put it together, even then the dumb nigger was unable to put the shelf together. The funny bit is that the nigger wasn't even that dumb by nigger standards, still very retarded. Ive tried a few times to talk to said nigger, he barely has the intelligence to even hold a conversation. Luckily I don't have to deal with him anymore, I find it mind boggling that he can even manage to function with his general lack of working brain substance. The worst part is that these are the things Swedes are getting replaced by.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"BUILD THAT WALL@realDonaldTrump #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Y'all our secretary of transportation during this administration is an immigrant woman of color married to MITCH McCONNELL wth ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If a guy doesn't have a psycho ex, then you know his dick game weak AF. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She doesn't actually need glasses. She thinks it makes her look smart. Fucking whore. don't talk shit like that, whores are honest service providing women! that girl is a slug scum piece of shit of the earth tramp slut cunt. don't talk bad about sex workers, they actually suck dick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Never trust what a turk says who was the one to go save your turkmans ass in Syria pkk ypg. And you say pkk killed turks as if you never killed the Kurds. Ideology of pkk is. Who stops bad man with a gun is good man with a gun","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You lose the argument cuz when you live in DC and you can't walk down the streets out of fear that some nigger might attack you for giving him the wrong look and can't rely on self defense cuz the nigger jury is gonna side with the nigger regardless of how justifiable my use of force is, \"liberty\" and \"equality\" mean as much as they do in liberia","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thanks for this. What a dumb cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Still really confused re #humplayproblems i think lucricusIs a fag dagger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oct. Russia-China keeps pushing its aggression on Western Europe. This is not to the benefit of either Russia or the West, but China surely benefits. Did Putin get played? Maybe stop believing globalist liars. NATO surrounds Russia with missiles, military bases, war games. but Russia putting stuff on their own territory to defend itself is aggression.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=SSJsk8ndmyw Documented Crip gang member Shoots 2 people Now he's a freaking great dad hero I love the hypocrisy and insanity of making hero's out of TRASH These insane retarded retards live in the twilight zone","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A legal immigrant that makes perfect sense on this issue! America first for all Americans! If I lived in California I'd vote for this proud American! Best of luck to him succeeding in his stance for... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In name of God allways... Siria was much better before the war, same like Libia and irak.The United States, Europe, Israel, Iran, the Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Russia, Jordan ... all countries have dedicated themselves to encouraging to send arms there that in most cases have gone to religious fanatics. Syria is not a civil war. The whole country is a victim of the greed of the United States and its allied countries","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How did I miss Hereditary? This movie is excellent. This is confident horror, where they want you to look at it while most horror movies want you to see as little as possible. Thats why its always jumps cares and quick cuts, but here, the longer you see it, the scarier it becomes and the way it moves in and out of these scares is very well done and really engrossing. I'm a conservative Christian and this is a horror movie about make believe of which is used to frighten us because that is the point. Evil is scary, hence evil is the villain by which that fear is represented in this FAKE....MOVIE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nine women sexually assaulted by the same person over the last five weeks in London. \"The suspect is a black male, around six foot tall and of a heavy build.\" http:\/\/www.eastlondonadvertiser.co.uk\/news\/crime-court\/police-appeal-for-victims-to-come-forward-after-nine-women-assaulted-1-5749142 It's a bit of a joke isn't it considering we are the most watched state in the world with CCTV everywhere. They can't be arsed to do their jobs. Mm, better just sit in the office the whole day on social media. Them there tweets ain't gonna monitor themselves. Almost feels like all those cameras are just for show, can't imagine the trouble of having to watch all the photage for something that could even be vaguely helpful.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Drita is that nicca! Lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democraps better work hard at LOOSING every election THIS IS OUR WORLD NATIONALIST SOCIALIST I LOVE THIS GIF I am 100% against hitting women I've never hit one myself But a liberal feminist Dyke it's not a woman and they have been green-lighted for they are race traitors","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'd rather be a Nigger than a Jew any day of the week","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's really weird how much cuckservatives worship niggers. I mean, some degenerate nig-nog puts on a MAGA cap and boomer cucks are popping boners. cucks also love to worship that lebron monkey. they are fascinated by a nigger that bounces a ball and throws it thru a hoop like a seal in a circus act.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Denmark has cut welfare benefits for migrants - \"We'll move to Finland\" They threaten \"Finland will treat us better\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Well, I notice that the local talk-radio republicucks are yakking 'bout antifa now. Wake-up time? We'll see... The GOP is spinning up a narrative about \"mob violence\" to scare their voters into turning out for the midterms. They haven't done anything about the mob in two years except use it as fodder in their campaign ads Politicians are reactionary. They don't do anything on their own. They are responding to what their voters have been bitching at them about. Proactive politicians do not exist. What will that translate into policywise? Is the GOP going to be \"tough\" on the mob? Please note their current policy agenda includes \"prison reform\" which is the exact opposite of their messaging. It is strongly supported by the Koch brothers Not if people like Hunter Wallace talk everyone who cares about using the GOP against the anti-white mob into removing themselves from electoral politics. The problem with using the shortcomings of a political party as a means by which to scare people away from the process that determines its leadership and platform is that it results in the very shortcomings that one is criticizing. If you want to meet your fate on the road you took to avoid it, abstain from electoral politics. As the agorists in the libertarian and anarcho-capitalist communities have demonstrated, abstinence is a great way to accomplish nothing while staying entirely irrelevant. There is no border wall. Illegal aliens continue to pour over the border. The political capital was spent on tax cuts and deregulation and massive increases in military spending. The US embassy was moved to Jerusalem. Enormous sanctions were imposed on Russia. We attacked Syria twice We're all going to get raped to death ... because Jeff Flake isn't a senator anymore. LOL If you want to be a cheerleader for Paul Ryan and his policies, fine. Just don't pretend that these people have anything to do with us or that they haven't actually explicitly endorsed and supported Antifa Are you supporting Based Kanye West when he runs for office?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user How about you post your story of sexual assault?! not all men have experienced unwanted sexual advanc ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"suddenly, a mentally retarded Jew is a good source for quotes...rollyese","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I find this hysterical -the one thing I remember about my dad teaching me to drive was \"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITIN ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have a faggot here? Faggots should never be allowed into Gab.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @pgammo: Run Differentials:Mets -14, Yankees -32.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I lost all respect for Ted Danson when he started banging that ugly nigger bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/uploadfiles.io\/3risd Here's my meme folder please use to btfo retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user This will be great. Hope @user puts someone in charge who makes sure All $$$ goes toward construction costs. And he\/she better get it going after day, Every million donated. #BuildThatWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are with you Joe and Kamala! #TeamJoe#TeamBidenHarris #BidenHarris2020 #VoteBlueDownBallot https:\/\/t.co\/2lEaSOzbhY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shooting friend who lived in Africa for many years reckons Ramaphosa knows very well that they'll be starving in no time if they drive out the white Farmers, and that this is only going to go so far. Sincerely hope so, but I do wonder how many farmers will want to continue living in SA, knowing how volatile things are? He believes the Chinese will feed them (or at least the wholesale transfer of the nations physical wealth to China will afford his special chosen with enough $ not to care).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i hate him","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just another example of Harris wasting tax-payer money. Also, what's Kamala doing in Israel? And what's Murkowski doing in Iceland? https:\/\/www.congress.gov\/congressional-record\/2018\/2\/12\/senate-section\/article\/s879-1?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22FOREIGN+TRAVEL+FINANCIAL+REPORTS%2C+israel%22%5D%7Dandr=2andoverview=open#content","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"feelin all warm and fuzzy inside...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women in their 30's on vacation will literally fuck anything ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@_____0__o______ faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"honestly I will never hug a guy like this even though he tried to a positive message. but, that can't change most people's perception in regard to muslim the question why the suicide bombers are muslims? not Christians or other religious people. don't get me wrong please. muslim brings a lot skepticism to other religious people mind to accept them as moral and sensible human beings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Natetheweasel Being a shill for \"Dont do this, it will end up badly\" got you muted and booted. STOP UNDERMINING THE MOVEMENT, you fucking faggot shills.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Monkey see monkey doo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"never make yo main look stupid for a hoe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fire Judges that Release Immigrants after they commit a crime so they end up killing after their release throw the Judge in Jail #Trump MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/14\/ted-wheeler-portland-mayor-stands-decision-allow-a\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EU officials fear new wave of migrants after Greek court ruling.#refugeesgr ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another fine example of why illegal aliens are problem. If your here illegally, why would you want to draw attention to yourself this way. Illegal aliens have no fear of our legal system and only care about themselves. Awful way to die #BuildThatWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SJW CUNT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Critical thought. Critical thought is not an attack. By all means go claim injury. Claim injury for your god for all it does you or anyone such great things doesn't it. Such clumsily veiled \"prior attacks levied\" threats. Just don't be a retard and come up with these new-world xtian boogey men. My image? Go fuck yourself, ya optics cucked faggot. I don't need to qualify myself to you, or give a fuck when we get around to throwing fags like you off a fuckin' roof. Oh, the no true Scotsman, bullshit. \"No real Christian would curse at strangers on Gab. Meek, meek, turn the other cheek, bullshit.\" Then, suggest that because I fail your no true scotsman fallacy, I must be a Muzzie or Jew? Are you actually that fucking dumb?. 100% correct. Pagan stupidity is getting in the fucking way right now. It's ABSURD how DUMB they are when it with reading comprehension. Pagans make selling Hitler more difficult than the KIKES do. If you gave a Pagan a copy of \"To Kill A Mockingbird\" they would NIGGER that off as ridiculously as they do the Bible. \"Atticus Finch was a welder and Puerto Rican!\" If this confuses someone, CONFUSES THEM about the Trinity then they are a fuckinG IDIOT. You got a Purple Star for being a Trinity denying fag and sent to a concentration camp for being so stupid. 20 verses into Genesis and they are CONFUSED. Just clawing at their skin. Inner struggle, just beside themselves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"These kind of people are the reason that we cant enjoy shows like Office anymore. For example, if the episode in which Michael Scott said to Oscar \"Oscar, youre gay. Boom. Roasted.\" aired today, the series would be critisized and probably cancelled by these retards. I don't call retarded people retards. I call my friends retards when they're acting retarded. Yeah, you don't call mentally handicapped people retards cause they're putting out their best effort. You call regular people who act retarded retards, cause they're capable of better.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It looks like a photoshoot maybe? Hard to say. EDIT Not an official one with willing passengers you retards Never go full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a lying piece of Sh.t he is, he has USA on its knees and HRC was going to finish us off, well nation\/public off to the world, go suck on eggs jerk @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nimrata Randhawa is a neocon And You are a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This evil woman still had that and gave \"permission\" for 5 unpaid aides to look at top clearance stuff. That is unreal, just unreal. I bet this was an avenue for leaks and gossip. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6271251\/Hillary-Clinton-five-aides-gives-security-clearances-wake-email-scandal.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Are you saying cancer is going to kill you? How much more jew allopathic chemo and radiation treatments do you like before remission? You have lots of folks on gab that care about you. Maintain the feisty personality and keep fighting!!! open casket ban is due to flies, if you thought they attracted flies when they're alive..... \"Are you saying cancer is going to kill you? \" Cancer will never kill emily. Neither will old age. She's immune to both 10\/10 would lay roses Unironically wish you the best though. National day of mourning. feb 31st was months ago-are you a holy ghost? Don't die on us child. You gotta grow up and make StormTroopers for RAHOWA!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Throat-punch this faggot whenever you can We know he is a scumbag. We do not know that he is a faggot, that is unless you have first hand knowledge from having slept with him I have. He's a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I've been saying this for a long time. Women don't get careers because they're interested in what they can create or produce, or what kind of meaningful work they can do. The workplace is no different than a dating game for them. It's all about sex. The way they manipulate their coworkers\/supervisors, they way they use sex appeal and actual sex for promotions, and all to get high enough to lock down some dude they think they can extract resources from. After they get that dude, they don't stay in their careers for very long. They'll either go work someplace else, or quit working entirely. Or if they don't get the man they sought out for, they become the miserable cunt we all have worked with who hates everybody and everything, who refuses to go a fraction of a millimeter outside the absolute bare minimum for anything or anyone, and then they go home to a bunch of cats and complain about the patriarchy in feminism forums.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"[NEW POST] In Switzerland, people have managed to get a referendum changing the financial system with the same promises of Karl Marx that will end all financial crisis to come forever. It is scheduled for June 10th, 2018 after they got 100,000 signatures ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2014\/15 Coke puts names on cans 2016 Coke puts lyrics on cans 2030 Coke puts dick and pussy pics on cans ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And anyone who has looked at what the Mexican ruling class looks like would know that's wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ABVP was floated to bypass the ban on RSS. RSS was banned for spreading hate and bigotry through violence and terrorism. Part of ABVP DNA to go around beating up people, curtailing discussion etc #ABVPkaGundaraj DU #SendThemHome ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"MY VOICE WILL NOT BE SILENT. YOU NAZI PIGS WILL PAY FOR MY RAPE AND THE RAPE OF ALL WOMEN , CHILDREN, PRISONERS , LGBTQ , ELDERLY, .... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Aid agencies warn Syrian refugees risk being forced to return home ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When even the blacks are white supremecists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This advent calendar helps you pimp your Prosecco throughout Christmas: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MidniteBoss: If you snipe, you're a fucking faggot. I fucking hope all of you snipers get fucking raped and suffer from cancer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The articles don't have her name. They don't have her picture. Know why? She was WHITE. That nigger killed a white woman. And they don't even put her name in there. That's disgusting. She was wrong to ever date a nigger, but the media hiding that is unacceptable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Not a conservative nor a liberal, but let's be honest, had someone done this at the DNC, there would be mass outrage and people calling for his head. Just like Melania and her plagiarism, causing all this outrage yet we have now seen video evidence of B. Obama doing the same exact thing back in 07\/08, copying parts of some other person's speeches and claiming it as his own. Where's the outrage over that? Hell, even some of the Michelle Obama speech that Melania supposedly copied, was actually itself plagiarized from a book published in the early 90s!!! I just always see a huge favoribility that totally leans left and allows democrats to get away with whatever they want while Republicans are crucified when they do something totally similar. I can't stand either side, as I am awake to the fact that they are two wings on the same bird, who serves the same master(s), and I'm sick of the corruption and criminal acts committed by politicians who get away with it all the time. Wake up sheeple!!! We are being played for fools and are only given the illusion of choice when in reality it doesn't matter who you vote for, presidents are selected, not elected and serve the wealthy elite, not the people anymore!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The alt right got me to stop smoking the nigger weed. between opiates and weed, and big pharma kites want everyone anesthetized. The last thing they want is coherent organized resistance","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Our veterans and our elders and celebrity's and news channels and news anchors say that DAPL actions are inhumane to its own Americans, and Native American rights are being unjustified.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JuanYeeze shut yo beaner ass up spic and hop your faggot ass back across the border little nigga, go listen to some pitbull","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump VOTE HIM OUT!VOTE HIM OUT!VOTE HIM OUT!The people are speaking! #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Iran: Justice needed for rape and; murder of 7-yr-old girl but executing the 17-yr-old boy convicted doesn't deliver it ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user To me Any girl messaging and calling , initially i was like 'chalo koi to bhaw de rahi' then bitch was selling pyramid scheme ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one cares about that cock eyed kneegrow faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@SenKamalaHarris Trump is the DECEIVER. His supporters are in a TRANCE. Thousands have died and it does not matter to them. They are like zombies that blindly follow Trumps bellowing. Only Joe, Jill and Kamala can break this spell. With the consistant help of Barack+Michelle Obama. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"im not a sick or violent person . before globalist and niggers reverted back into sub human animals back about 1994 i didnt hate anybody . but now after the past 20+ years of both their completely insane disgusting rapist animal behavior i laugh with glee seeing insane nigger death cells run over , the things are insane life wreckers","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wholesome life lesson from a redneck https:\/\/redd.it\/9n8ln8","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I dunno, why is goyimgoddess(sinead mccarthy) hanging out with niggers?? http:\/\/www.europeanknightsproject.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/12\/sinead-mccarthy-mudshark-blacks-.png Except I didn't call her crazy, I called her a filthy whore. Learn to read before you make retarded comments again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dumbass red-pilled faggot virgin","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stop trying to prove you're a good driver ladies. Who do you think you're fooling? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Geraldo is a globalist retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"that thing will still look just as stupid when it becomes a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"lol. You're the joke.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People like her give normal black girls like us a hard time. We already have a bad rep now and people think we're \"loud, ghetto, and a have bad attitude Now people who've only interacted with 3 black people will think and continue to think all black people are like this and like us even less. I'm trying to understand this right too..she called him a nigger? I live in the south and black people don't say that shit. That's just disrespectful. Maybe I'm not visiting the right ghettos either but even the people I know in the ghetto dont call eachother nigger. Tf is this You know you're crossing the line when moms with small children around need to get away from you. Timestamp? I dont hear it but theres alot of noise in the beginning and Im listening through a cellphone speaker so probably just cant hear it. Oh yea she most definitely did, how tf I missed it is beyond me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jessitron @Bsilverstrim77 ...in fact were I to start a for-profit university this would be the sole requirement for graduation!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kamala Harris and Joe Biden has 40 plus years of destroying black lives. https:\/\/t.co\/PuvTJaiS3C","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Congrats Nazis, on showing the Jews who's superior. You bunch of retarded fucking cocksuckers have proven that nobody likes you and in doing so have send a blow back on those of us who enjoy uncensored speech.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user domthis would\/should be goal of the season already stupid cunt refs ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Radical Communist Lesbo Faggot I hope gets executed. Barkin is an evil POS just like all of them. She has appeared many times on the Depraved Channel aka Bravo Channel's Watch what happens live with Faggot Maggot Khazar Zionist Bastard Andy Cohen. They are all in the same Satanic Nest. Tic Toc their time is coming but just not soon enough to suit me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"2 Men Charged With Raping 9-Month-Old, Recording Act On Cell Phone - https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/res2x","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Funny where's all the racist niggers screaming for justice When a white person is killed by an ape nigger with an arrest record as long as your arm ,these R the stories that corrupt socialist Fake media hides, white people R under attack they need to fight back, shoot back,and destroy these planet of the ape monkeys from destroying R nationand killing R children","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"ah yes, when the Black Pass and the Pussy Pass collide in real life. Two victims waiting to see who can out victim the other one. the faggot denies talking with her in the video, now that its ruined her life, he changes his tune. 100% cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You are very whore and your cunt enjoys it ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just proves there's a lot of right wing fascist filth in Nevada...so many retarded sheep ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@catturd2 Self imploding again...#MAGA2020 #FillTheSeat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are an ignorant cunt trying to brainwash people into believing what you saying is true. You are exactly like her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Faggot birds get what they deserve. #GasTheBirdsAvianWarNow","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Bc she a stupid hoe it's her loss... I'll always be here for you ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Awarded for Complete Shit and Noise and Incoherent Speech !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @NerdAtCoolTable: RT @RealSheemBacc: For every bad bitch there is a nigga who treats them like shit and yet they stay..... I wanna ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@drboycewatkins1 Coons and monkeys like you disgust me, you minstrel show negro. Crying about shit all the time you're a disgrace everywhere","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RandB is so trash now compared to early 2000's.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" monkey mad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ffs. Vote. Early. Safely. Only once. But vote in numbers too big to rig. #Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/Txws7Ezwu1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Fuck up you pussy ass scammer ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I turned that retarded tv box off in the 90's. It was obvious then, it is obvious now. But all jews are not Hollywood. All jews are not Israel. \"Only the Jew knew that by an able and persistent use of propaganda, heaven itself can be presented to the people as if it were hell and, vice versa, the most miserable kind of life can be presented as if it were paradise. ~ Mein Kampf ( ) \"Was there any form of filth or shamelessness, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it? If you cut even cautiously into such an abscess, you found like a maggot in a rotting body often dazzled by the sudden light a little Jew. Mein Kampf","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Buh-Bye Please let the door hit you on your way out. #VoteHimOut #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/yJK0JHtszJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking CHRIST i hate tutors and TAs. you literally get paid to teach retards to stop picking their nose. GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY FACE","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lol. You're just jealous because I would fuck every Nigger on the planet except your mom.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Love and support your race, my white brothers and sisters. Whites (European-descended peoples) are only 7% of the world's population. We have the right to exist and the right to our own ethno-states. #AltRight #ProudBoys #NewRight #MAGA #Pegida #AfD #Orban #Putin #Brexit #BritFam #QAnon #Q #WhiteGenocide #svpol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Three little birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kim Kardashian look like a tranny with all that surgery","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Find a long-dicked nigger to fuck your ass 3 times a day...500 calories an hour","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"EU keen to strike deal with Muammar Gaddafi on immigration | World news | The Guardian ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user For somebody who supports white rape, you are thankfully the minority. Get a fucking life and don't breed. Imbecile. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"UN countries agree on pact to manage mass global migration ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Muted soppy cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" the Chinese and Russians and those who are in their pockets, the anti-Israel lobby, the no-borders interests, the entertainment industry, the public sector unions, the greedy 'green' interests, the useless career politicians like Joe Biden.\"Don't. Let. This. Happen.#MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @UFGatorFamily: Incase any hillbillies try to roast... http:\/\/t.co\/LJ168KTccp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't tend to violence. But I don't think I would have been able to restrain myself from giving that faggot a severe beatdown on the spot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Shut up CUNT !","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The thing about Lindsay Graham is that a pissed off faggot will be super bitchy and not give a fuck.He's a weaponized valley girl.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This jew at @FreedomNewsNetwork has been quoting and reposting \"nazis\" all day (including quotes from Jesus himself about the bloodsuckers known as jews), and he legitimately thinks he's pwning them. Lol. Those jews, man. They truly are as arrogant as they are blind. What a fucking faggot shill. With goys like this, no wonder (((they))) win. Sad!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Can we please stop sugarcoating rape? She raped him. R A P E. > unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly Using the textbook definition for rape isn't \"sugarcoating it\". Rape means forced sex... You people are just derangedly paranoid. That's not what paranoid means. How does paranoia even relate to what your comment or my comment said? Also how are we deranged? I have so many questions about this ignorant ass comment you just wrote. Please teach me random kid that circlejerks at \/r\/pussypassdenied It is paranoia because all you people do here is try to reinforce your idiotic beliefs that the world is so benevolent to women and that women are constantly trying to take advantage of it. So you rejoice in these \"pass\" denials. Even though no one anywhere said that she should get different treatment for being a women. When the hell did I say she got different treatment? I said to stop sugarcoating rape. Pull your head out of your ass, you sound stupid. This all coming from the one who just called everybody *else* paranoid... What am i being paranoid about exactly? Please go ahead","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's hard seeing someone you loved so much move on. But just remind yourself you are wonderful and he has a small dick. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kids... Yeah wtf, you can't take a 17-year-old guy whose reaction to being annoyed by a 12-year-old girl is to bring down the hammer immediately Those \"kids\" assaulted the man. His natural fight or flight kicked in. Assaulted lol.. it's an 11-12 yearly girl. Grab her and say never do that again. What he did was assault LOL \"Never do that again\" will definitely stop her.... \"Oh well he said don't do it so I won't\" you're retarded. She assaulted him first","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just how stupid can a people be to attack medics? Ebola Chan in on the march, aided by nigs attacking medics. Ebola Chan is Europe's best hope https:\/\/www.dailystar.co.uk\/news\/world-news\/734396\/ebola-outbreak-congo-red-cross-medics-attacked-north-kivu Also happens in the US (and anywhere you have niggers) all the time. I can't tell you how many times I saw pavement apes attack or threaten to kill EMS crews who only showed up trying to help someone who was sick\/injured. You will never convince a wetback who uses ambulances as free taxies from one part of a city to another that he is not smarter than gringos who would never do that. Fresno had 2 sh1tskins take over 1300 free ambulance rides in one year, that's over 2 trips per day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Another lib faggot twatter troll","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @TheBananaFacts: wiz khalifas's song \"black and yellow\" is a beautiful song about a bruised banana","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only ricky vaughn would have made this garbage. By the way, that MAGA-tard faggot is still on twitter pushing his useless multi-culti civ-nat politics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Just watched the video, I thought Candace's behaviour was shocking. The woman is hysterical, you did well Blaire. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How these caravans are forcing America into a defensive posture https:\/\/pendulum.online\/2018\/10\/25\/caravans-remake-america\/ These caravans can give the Right an excellent rallying point. A line of few thousand people meeting them with loaded rifles pointing southwards will make a VERY lasting impression on both sides of the border. Fear is the easiest way to impose social programming, but also the easiest to break it. I agree. This is a good way to increase our polarization between those who focus on quality and those who focus on quantity. The quality people, armed and ready, will send the Left into even more of a panic fury.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In the state of California an engagement ring is a promise! Not an unconditional gift. By law it has to be given back unless its after marriage. What a fucking entitled slut cunt! \"In California we turn to a law dating back to 1939 which specifically addresses engagement rings and other gifts in contemplation of marriage--Civil Code section 1590; it states: Where either party to a contemplated marriage in this State makes a gift of money or property to the other on the basis or assumption that the marriage will take place, in the event that the donee refuses to enter into the marriage as contemplated or that it is given up by mutual consent, the donor may recover such gift or such part of its value as may, under all of the circumstances of the case, be found by a court or jury to be just. In this case the \"donor\" is the person (i.e., the man) giving the engagement ring, and the \"donee\" is the person (i.e., the woman) receiving it. A gift in contemplation of marriage can be revoked, unlike other gifts. Thus, California law is very clear on what happens to the ring - if the woman calls off the wedding, it goes back to the man. Also, if both parties agree that the wedding is off then the man gets the ring back. This California law has wide ranging impact for property given in contemplation of marriage. In an important case on the subject - Shaw v. Shaw (1964) 227 Cal.App.2d 159, a man and woman lived together for four years. He placed her name on real property because he relied on her promise that she would marry him when her divorce was final. The couple separated before marrying and the woman eventually married another. The court awarded all property back to the man because she failed to marry him. This has an impact on our society today because of the number of couples living together before marriage.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You're just another nigguh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Poor little nigger boys need to be noticed to get pity again from the population,it seems more like a threat to law enforcement.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If it's fake they took trouble to cast appropriate 'actors'. They look exactly like most commie retard 'wimmin' even from the back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm a white nationalist man, I don't know what you expected. Most white nationalists would just have called you a nigger and been done with it, but I gave you many thoughtful responses.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Helgasfishtales omg! I don't even know where kimlau sq is...I would been like,\"look a bird!\" then ran for the hills! Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tonight. My sole purpose is to be thoroughly intoxicated. Night off and no class In the AM. Maybe I deserve it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bitches are quick to put their height in their tinder bio.... Do me a favor and add your weight too... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user thank you for liking my 'not all men' tweet btw ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Blacks are retarded savages.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Both speeches sound good. And since Trump is presidents I hope to see some great things. And I'm sure he may have a failure or 2 but I hope everything works out for America in the end","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a bunch of misguided and educationally retarded children! \"Open Borders\" means that everyone in mexico and south america can come on up and slurp at the welfare trough. If mexico is go great, maybe we should use mexico's immigration system (look it up)!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Linda Sarsour also promotes Sharia Law....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCK ISRAEL......THE LAND OF TERRORISM !!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"whats wrong being hindu fucking stupid aj , just making one minute video real shows your intentions to malign hindus , fucking christian western propaganda .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Gotta have a nigger in there. The girl looks half chong...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Open borders start at home. Leave your front door open for illegal aliens. https:\/\/redd.it\/9qonez","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Participation awards for all...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's a spoiled little no talent cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Guys she just falls in love to quickly. Cut her a break..you know the eleven year old wanted it. https:\/\/www.google.com\/amp\/s\/www.mirror.co.uk\/news\/uk-news\/babysitter-who-sex-11-year- Yeah, you guys don't be so hard on her. You can't understand all the hard times she is going through now. [She isn't a bad person!](https:\/\/www.swindon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Delusional cunt Kate White making up stories again. Delusions and lies are all you fucking got Kate. #TickTock","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"TRUMP DURING BACK-AND-FORTH WITH CBS'S LESLEY STAHL OVER IMMIGRATION: 'I'M PRESIDENT AND YOU'RE NOT' President Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Lesley Stahl for CBS's \"60 Minutes that aired Sunday. The interview got heated when Stahl pressed the president about immigration and children being separated from their parents at the border. Trump criticized the media's dishonesty, noting his https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/14\/trump-during-back-and-forth-with-cbss-lesley-stahl-over-immigration-im-president-and-youre-not\/ via @gabnewstoday And I am glad he reminded her...she seems to have forgotten her manners during this interview.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I did not want to hurt him. My intention was for people to stop hurting me. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/L7hD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BREAKING: Man Steps Forward with Sexual Assault Allegations against Sen. Cory Booker https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-man-steps-forward-with-sexual-assault-allegations-against-sen-cory-booker-with-lawyer-response-to-gateway-pundit\/ ROFLMAO You're Outed Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yelling Jew and nigger at anyone standing against globalism is not going to save Western Civilization. I'm no fan of Kanye and suspect his motives, but I welcome ANY black person smart enough to stand against the left's lies about racism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And most the women they whores Hollywood or not lesbian or not young old ugly or not married or not they got five men for 5 reasons 100 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> All the extra SJW shit is about housing you for 12 years so retard parents can afford the big house and multiple SUVs and stash you somewhere to not burn down the McMansion. > > I TOTALLY agree with you but would you mind elaborating on these qoutes :) \"All the extra SJW shit is about housing you for 12 years so retard parents can afford the big house and multiple SUVs and stash you somewhere to not burn down the McMansion.\" i get its babysitting but how does it help my parents afford a fancy house\/car thx It doesn't, the parents go into debt to buy the trappings of power, then shelve the kids because they can't afford it, then they can never back down from their initial investment. Childcare is expensive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Braden Paynter I watched the actual footage from this event and they cut this video off without showing the Prime Minister's response or Trump's answer to the reporter's question. He was making a joke, albeit ill timed, but this is a great example of media bias.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why the fuck would you, Even consider using something from those Sand nigger fucks","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @YoungCon1266: Listen to Charlie Daniels speak the truth and then enlist in the U.S. FREEDOM ARMY at http:\/\/t.co\/cxzfajqUfV. http:\/\/t.co\/k ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So you broke the rules by being a little faggot and now you're mad that people are snitching on you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yes he was a disaster a nonce homosexual alcoholic but a good zionist puppet. Haye the fat cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">could of Retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wtf is wrong with these bitches, menstrual blood is disgusting wtf is wrong with you? Omfg get a fucking hobby you sick twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Make Canada like Hungary Again:Prime Minster Viktor Orb n has vowed to not allow his CHRISTIAN country to be changed by incompatible Jihadi Invaders. Orb n, has warned: \"Europe is under invasion, countries that don't stop immigration will be lost ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"URGENT, PLS SHARE: this man is trying to rape women he sees walking towards Manhattan on the Washington Bridge, if yo can identify him please call @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Communist China didn't have very intelligent leaders.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have poop for brains you have been indoctrinated to hate Jews and suck up to Muslims !! So go take your butt to Saudi Arabia where the hijackers came from Jack ass!! you can suck the tip of my dick, the rest can fit up u mama","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ann Coulter gets to another crybaby SJW Commie Pinko Cunt !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.usatoday.com\/story\/news\/politics\/2018\/10\/16\/google-news-results-left-leaning\/1651278002\/ As if there's anybody left on earth who doesn't know this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Protect U.S Citizens Enforce U.S Laws Illegals are Not above U.S Laws #NoAmnesty No #DACA #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If any of you have Twitter, go report Elle magazine. @FeInFL Good news is it is happening already. These celebrities tried to lecture the masses in The response said celebrities got was \"Fuck You! And Donald Trump is President. I view celebrities today as an echo in \"pop culture at least as we've known them. More and more Americans are turning on Hollywood and the broader entertainment industry! kim and ye r goals","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user You are pretty hysterical yourself. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck you Obi Wan...you're a FAG ON DOPE #starwarsquoteparaphrasing This is the bullshit you are allowed to DV without being a down voting faggot because you are down voting a CUCK FAGGOT so go to his page and DOWN VOTE AWAY! Let's see how many down votes he can get for this \"good night white pride\" meme! It's at 3 now and I'll be hopefully watching that number climb! Btw I already muted his ass! (Do it in HIS post and not this one pl and ty )","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"For those wondering why DHS was buying up all the ammo, now you know. Once the Charlie Manson er, @BarackObama race war starts its on #POTUS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"9th October 1975 the IRA murdered Edward Gleeson, Soldier murdered when 500 lb landmine exploded under armoured car near Crossmaglen. Lady about to overtake vehicle escaped injury. Army said IRA \"blatantly disregarded ceasefire which was in place. https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DpC8S0kXgAArwxJ.jpg An American obviously, that was an observation not an insult. The IRA are a Marxist organisation who are for the Islamification of Ireland. During the troubles they killed many more Catholics than the British troops. They want a Communist Ireland and are willing to genocide the white Irish to get it. I know Im not well inform about the IRA,, but better to live under communism then muzzies,, but that's my own opinion... The IRA will let them in that's my point they are behind what is happening to Ireland. Communism = immigration. FFS. Take my chance with the Prods besides they know and are cruel and vindictive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Libs get triggered by nearly everything, watching them flip out is an almost daily occurrence, there's absolutely no need to dig this shit back up just for that. Even people who were part of GG don't want this. MundaneCuck and Soygoy are just desperate to try to rejuvenate their \"careers.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When someone talks about vaccination, or 'anti-vaxxers', all I hear is... \"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.\" I'm not anti-vax, per se. However, if you keep me ignorant wrt the potential side effects of vaccines, you're not helping me ... at all. \"I'm a doctor! Trust me!\" simply isn't good enough. NB: the energy vortex in the Mesopotamian region was damaged. But Europe has hidden vortex power points and cheqy board and pentagram signs in strategic points - when used wisely will protect Europe from the negative spirit\/energy from the Middle East imho, I think aspects of catastrophism come into play, here. Velikovsky, Graham, Carlson, Thornhill, etc. e.g. An alternate view of pre-history Symbols of an Alien Sky https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=t7EAlTcZFwY At some level, I also think all of this ties into quantum physics. I will rely on the US Air Force to protect Europe from radical muzzie energy. The US military is having severe problems with OR rates and pilot retention. Sure, but that does not mean that there aren't enough to bomb Europe AND islam into oblivion, remember American methods are based on overkill. Have a nice life, 'ski'. Go hijack someone else's conversation. ;) Do you actually think what passes for your \"culture\" is going to save you? LOL!! This is hardly a hijack..when I want to hijack your thread you'll know it. Energy vortexes, no wonder the muzzies are eating your lunches..they are coming on planes train and automobiles and ships...So these vortexes, based on bloody eurotrash history, have they ever saved you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Take our money! We feel guilty! B as in B. S and in S. #SaveEurope #CloseTheBorders #SendThemBack ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gotta love that cultural diversity huh liberals? Wait how do you know his race and location ? [Demographics](https:\/\/www.merriam-webster.com\/dictionary\/demographic). There's only one segment of the population that racist and stupid, so call it an educated guess.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Do you live in a hole? Or Crazy Bot? Trump has Never had a MASTER PLAN and; ONLY CARES ABOUT TRUMP! Stay in your hole and; keep to yourself! BOT!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You're poll was shit from the start faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Going up to the view point and seeing star child..... What the monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"African migrants are painting their faces white to stop Israel from deporting them.Write to the @user , @user and @user and urge them to intervene immediately and to shut down the Israeli Embassy in South Africa immediately! #BlackLivesMatter ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Another thread derailed and destroyed by Gab's #1 autistic twat <3","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My nosepin slipped off halfway and I had too many questions but I just moderated the panel: \"Tearing Down The Walls on immigrant artists and immigrant policies with community organizers in the art space, lawyers, and artists themselves. #immigrantart #immigrantsnyc ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sorry you're a retard who supports violence and hates America. You keyboard warrior cowards are all the same. Lies, bullshit, and brainless.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My wife asks that I pretend I don't make six figures, because she's afraid her friends would try to jump my bones even though we have two kids together. She bragged about our sex life after the second time we had sex and a few of them tried to make a play for me back in the day but I could smell used up cunt on them and played it off. It's made me quite happy to save bros from marrying them more than a few time over the years.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Okay, alright, I based it on environment I known, and definitely there will always be places where it's different, if not even opposite, which marks how retarded double standards are - being assaulted\/raped by women gets laughed off and the guy gets some shit for complaining.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you're on a first date and she asks to talk to the manager ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#VoteRed for more Trump winning. #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But thats wrong you fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"God is dead, Jesus is a cunt and the Virgin Mary was a whore. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Love TRUMP! Nationalist is a GOOD word - retarded left commies\/ CNN so evil. That 60 minutes show was an attack; so defensive \/ what was shown was edited UGH Absolutely - Shows how uninformed some people are. Look up 60 minute interview where Soros deems himself God and grins as he said collecting items from the slaughtered Jews did not faze him. Why are humans so easily led -- RESEARCH FOLKS - Have a great day Calli!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Burr is what a liberal should look like. Everyone left of him isn't liberal, they're retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"[deleted] Throwing water is assault? Women are so strong They're trying to charge the man, that's the definition of pussy pass Nah. He hit her in the head with a bucket. Hard. Overreaction warrant punishment. Had he done nothing maybe he would have a case. Lmao what? He never hit her in the head with the bucket. It maybe clips her arm at the end. Both of these people are fucking retards. Neither deserves to be investigated for assault. Both should be banned from the transit system. First off..the police report says he hit her in the head and you clearly see it bounce off her skull... Secondly yeah if you're reaction is to attack like.that then yes you need to be investigated. Reactions are just that. How you respond in society. Fuck people who think it's their right to attack someone as a reaction. She attacked him first. Did she instigate. Absolutely. But that was not an attack. And even if a judge would classify it as an attack that makes his response an even worse attack in comparison. Either way. This guy dug his own grave and he knew it or else he wouldn't have ran away the wrong way of his initial decent. According to the article she started with cleaning chemicals Yeah they're both morons Fucking Cuckanda Maybe he thought this happened in Wakanda","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Once martial law is declared, because of you fucktard liberals\/socialists\/communists, all hell is going to break loose. You think they are going to investigate thousands of dead fairy gay ANTIFA faggots? They will be too busy trying to stop you domestic terrorists from rioting. I think you should go to hell where you belong, fairy gay faggot libtard. And #INSTAMUTE for you, fairy gay faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nikki Haley. - Supported attacking the people who are fighting ISIS in Syria. - Bolstered the fake \"Russian election meddling\" narrative. - Told young conservatives to stop fighting the culture war and act like Never Trump losers instead. Good riddance. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/neo-con-nikki-haley-resigns-good-riddance\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are no good songs about positive things girls do. They're all about how they've fucked us guys over #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Friend- any plans for the weekend? Me- ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Imagine being so weak that you sob about politics to your therapist every week.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's nigger rational...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @YahooFinance Two stocks to turn trash into cash http:\/\/t.co\/MRmlxaCOXx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"John K Stahl FBI needs to fully investigate this SuperSkank. Intern arrested for doxxing GOP Senators and she's passing mysterious envelope to Squeaky's attorney during hearing. Was it a check from Soros? #maga #tcot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Packman is a faggot Jew...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"their rapists, not they're rapists. he didn't call all mexicans rapist. i hate donald trump as much as the next man, but this is what the media does. misconstrue words and get people psyched up. y'all some sheeple. go read a david icke book or something.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"His Name is Eldon \"Twirp\" Williams: 87-Year-Old White Man Murdered by Black Career Criminal in Alton, Illinois. From the article, \"At this point the killing appears random.\" It wasn't \"random\" it was because he's a fucking white male. https:\/\/stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/his-name-is-eldon-twirp-williams- And the nigger is a pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" maybe it cant work now but wait a few decades and we'll see what happens after UBI implementation. and anyway, the anarcho part means no state and so you're free to not appreciate in our communist region if you don't want to. just move elsewhere. shit will be produced using robots not human labour.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Truth causes panic attacks for TARDS best they stay on FAKEB and TWAT this platform could cause them to lose it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The UK plastic pretend cops sure came down heavy on the 'do not DARE breath a word on Social Media' biz. 'Do not speculate that the perpetrator is a rapefugee-immigrant 75 IQ retard of the marauding Islamic cult, or we will throw you in jail'. They didn't quite phrase it that way, but that's the message. \"This is 1984, we are the pigs, and you BE QUIET.\" I could NEVER live in the UK. I'd be locked up within a week. The key thrown away. I would not appreciate taking my children to Berlin only to be jailed for \"holocaust denial\" because of social media posts I had made whilst in my own country. Unless the West is freed from Marxism\/Jewry\/Islam I would consider it almost a certainty in years ahead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Enforce National security by enforcing ALL Immigration and VISA lawsCome On, Feds: it is not that hard to do the few jobs the federal government was formed to do - so #DeportAliens they are called \"Scofflaws\" they scoff our laws!#EjectThem#RejectImmigrantApplicants@POTUS ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"bitch if you dont shut the fuck up and stop acting like the us isnt responsible for the repressive and brutal society that became afghanistan - theres pics of my gma in miniskirts in the 70s in iran, another country destabilized and vilified to drive american profit ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"First they came for the Weev but I did not speak out bc I was not a stormer, then they came for the Patrick Little but I did not speak out bc I was not a Whignat, then they came for the tranny shit but did not speak out bc I was not a tranny chaser, then they came for the lolis but I did not speak out bc I was not a lolifag... And so goes the worries of the faggot who can't find the line of morality Oh, on this one you make sure the fact that she is flat chested is cut off. Btw, what scares you fags about tits? Still haven't answered why you're scared of tits, fagola","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Read and watch the attached, then go to YouTube and watch \"Killing Europe.\" As Islam grows in America, we can expect similar issues. Granted, we are not allowing as large a percentage of \"refugees\" into our country per our population, but... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Elizabeth warren is so retarded. She doesn't understand her own narrative. Race as a social construct contends race is a class you're placed in, her taking a dna test and justifying her native Americanness via dna is reliant upon race being a biologically reality. Whether by class or biology, everybody would identify her as white I honestly think she believed (in good faith) all the family stories about her Indian ancestry. Growing up in Oklahoma, it might have even had some basis in reality. She listed herself as white when she applied to college and law school. It was only after the insane push for diversity that she saw how lucrative LARPing as an Injun could be. That's on her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You idiots, the last line of Blacker The Berry is calling black people hypocrites for crying about Martin when they go around killing each other all the time. He literally poses that question and then calls them hypocrites, and that's how the song ends.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate this nigger bitch so much.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Godspeed Patriots! #trump2020 @RedPill78 @RealJamesWoods @andweknow @WillysBaldSpot @TRUreporting @X22Report @JuliansRum @Q_D_R_A @GenFlynn @Millie__Weaver @! @JudicialWatch \"10.2.20: TEN days of DARKNESS\/Quarantine? RED OCTOBER!\" on YouTube https:\/\/t.co\/UanNPoQvhQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The UN calls on #TrumpAdministration to stop separating immigrant children from parents #UnitedNations... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey socialist. You aren't \"blocked\". I don't mute anyone. Capitalism isn't destroying anything. It's what built European nations. Left wing globalism pushed by your global socialist cousins is the problem. Have a word with them faggot ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Only tax payers should vote. No more welfare whores and retarded college kids voting. And if my cucked Washington State passes gun control and the carbon tax my Dad and I will be taking our business to Alaska, Idaho or Montana. Seattle is already a homeless shit hole and they keep pushing businesses away. I'm nervous myself about","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Jim Sterling can into full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Throughout the past 10 years society made it possible for someone like Donald Trump to run as president. I guess that is the real issue! A system in which the outcome of an election is equal to the money a party can raise for their campaign is not favorable for getting the best man possible in power!Donald Trump resembles all these features mentioned and therefore fits in \"perfectly\". Sadly enough","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'Boys seem to like the girls that laugh at anything'.... Unless it's their dick size ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You killed one nigger and maimed another. Based af. to me? ... - Someone from Niger..A \"nigger\" is a whole nother story","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No I'd say cunt I'd say no, you can't read too. If you could you'd have Googled Jews and Ethnicity before digging your hole. Top tip. ALWAYS fact check before you state facts. I do :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If they didn't fuck up the VITA with various bullshit like purposely sabotaging it, overpriced OEM memory card, and actually properly advertised it, they could've owned the handheld market. But who are we kidding, sony is retarded and now proved they don't care about money as much as agenda.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nicki album bomb af I swear yall niggas really just dont like women sound like hatin bitch go put on a skirt and stfu ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Some of Tucker's monologues are great, but he's not the right guy to be interviewing the unrepentant liars and propagandists he invites on his show. And that NeoCon faggot Britt Hume? Who the hell cares what he thinks about anything? (Besides diehard BushBots, that is.)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ha ha, I'm hillbilly rural bro. I'll be dead an gone by the time my backwoods are ever Islamified. Besides, I'll always have a team of large dogs and Muslims don't seem to like big dogs a whole lot; once these silly labs I have are gone I'm getting fucking Rottweilers!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Progress4Ohio @msnbc @meetthepress Would not spend my money on trash like that!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love how the reader comments over at Bleeding Idiot are toeing the party line about ya boi Zach being the usual litany of -ists and -isms, and claiming that this is going to be a slam-dunk win for Waid because AP made that post saying Waid dindu nuffin. I can't wait for the court transcripts of this baby to be published, because we all know that was AP trying to save face and *avoid* a lawsuit. Given waid's childish and unstable temperament how likely do you think it is for him to lose his shit in the courtroom and it both torpedo his own case and give a nice fine for being held in contempt of the court? > Given waid's childish and unstable temperament His lawyer is probably smart enough to tell him to shut up Oh sure he'll TELL him, but can waid listen? He doesn't seem to be aware of what the 5th amendment is and how you should not tell everyone what an abusive and criminal fuck you are being on the internet. Honestly if he didn't brag online on how he fucked DandC the man would have much less of a case.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cant see a baby in that video... Did it disapear? Again a journalist bullshit. First of all when the police tells you are not allowed to go to that camp, thats it...what is she f**king arguing about. In our country she would be arrested no matter she is a refugee or legal citizen....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Global Compact on Migration moves forward #WithRefugees #GlobalCompact @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@hopenfaith7777 @Jackie56754667 @JoeBiden Happy birthday And I wish you many more to come Glad you are in great health Please America vote for #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/Zkk0Aso0vs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yemenis are the fastest growing refugee population in Jordan. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She obviously cares nothing about the hate many of these refugees are taught by their 'prophet' towards you and... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Your propaganda is blatant and gay. Faggot Shows Up Every Hour... Hey it's Your Hour...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Nigger is gone. Deal with the NOW.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I am astounded with the amount of people who do not understand how laws work. If you break a law you get punished for it its as simple as that, did your parents fail to teach you any of this or are you too blinded by your foolish desire to virtue signal to understand this?\"b-b-b-b-but they don't have the money to come over!\" Don't care, not my problem, if they have to break the law to enter the states they don't deserve to be. I would expect the same to be done to me if I were to illegally cross the Canadian-US border.\"b-b-but Europeans came here illegally first!\" They couldn't have come here ILLEGALLY if there were no LAWS to break! Their were no nation states in the Americas before the Europeans arrival, no rule of law, only tribes ruling over what land they could take or conquer from other tribes.Instead of making decisions based on emotions, base them on logic and reason.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't distribute them across Spain ( Europe) send them back to Morocco where they came from #migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"+1 This thread is retarded That it's sticky'd is embarrassing for the sub","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"[deleted] I know it aint popular and I disagree and he assaulted her first. Come on maaan this is not pussypassprotected. They both were trained and reacted from their training. Just because some authority somewhere gave someone a badge doesnt mean they can just start pushing and grabbing on. In fact this is self defence 101 - raising voices the seesaw that happens the push or grab and then the punch. 101! Dude should have been verbal with step away from the counter or what have you. Close proximity no warning they both wanted to dominate the situation. Edit: downvote me to hell - dont matter I have tuns of karma, let it roll. If your all men and visual then you would see what I see and not be a bunch of dence motherfuckers! Just because some bitch used pussypass on you doesnt mean lets all applaud people getting fucked with and beat up. Like I said let it roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Edit 2: reading your comments to this like I said - dence motherfuckers. well thank you for that english lesson but something tells me your intelligent enough to know exactly what I was saying, so why did you miss the whole ov' it? Misspell* Just sayin Well shit. I was drunk. We are all stupider for having read what you posted. You're out of your league here man. who made you the decider? and of what? you dont know me - in fact my sob story out ranks yours when it comes to bitches guaranteed - still doesnt mean we enjoy trash that aint even pussypass! Which this most certainly isnt. Some citizen demanding their ID from the government to which country they live, I think not! And then getting pushed around by some authority in that country. IM smarter then you, no its a fact! I have successes that outway yours guaranteed - 100% and do I know this - because of your ignorance and noneducational mind when it comes to things like this, and besides I know who the fuck I am and my successes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"kill all the cops.murder them in front of their familiesmake their mothers watch as their blood gushes out and then set fire to their still breathing bodies while their whole family is forced to watch.burn them allburn them all","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you suck dick in the limo right before the red carpet... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Graham instantly back to being a stupid faggot and not agreeing that killing journalists is always justified.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Turkey is a big place with a big population with respect we just do not need more migrants a country who want paid for this ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"pepperspray or smth, if you dont protect yourself dont be surprised if u get raped :\/' like bitch maybe just teach men not to rape women ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"if you say 'not all men' but don't call your peers out when they're at fault, YOU ARE NOT HELPING by staying fucking neutral. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@krispy717 @grizzboadams fucking gay faggot look at that gay ass pink shirt haha","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My only goal in life is to fuck at least 1 follower from each social media platform... Twitter is the only 1 left... @user your move ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get Jon Stewart, he will tell you who makes the best pizza?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Thanks you Ram Dass a very timely reminder as so many are suffering at this time. Oh, and we hope you're feeling better ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"First time on Gab. Found it cause I just got another 7 day Twitter time out for calling Andrea Mitchell a bimbo. They suspended me for hate speech within about 5 seconds of the tweet. Welcome, and glad you're here. Let them wardens go son,... I dropped them after 'one' 12 hour suspension for calling a silicon valley twat employee a mongoloid who provoked ME. And that was enough. Easy choice to leave a little following to be able to speak! Happy to follow back!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"O.k. then... Apparently disagreeing with blatant money-grabs in favor of good quality content\/games is toxic masculinity. This is not the argument of anybody at all interested in gaming as a real hobby or culture. It's a fucking sad state of affairs... Unfortunately, given that the mobile game is still probably going to make shitloads of money, he'll probably be able to use that fact in the future that he was actually right about this nonsensical claim. andnbsp; I'm more and more disgusted with the fact that most of AAA gaming is turning into Hollywood You might be a fucking retard, RDR2 is one of, if not the best game ever. If you think horse testicle realism is the pinnacle of what RDR2 has to offer, you're willfully ignorant at best. >You might be a fucking retard, RDR2 is one of, if not the best game ever. _ ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"bomb em all, they are just a bunch of terroists anyway","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Even if that muzzie was a journalist I wouldn't care, but he wasn't. \"Journalist\" was his cover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This shit fucking infuriates me. Here's the comment I left on OPs update post: \"Nah, if it were me... Done, done, done. No contact, and fuck you for trying to cuck me. Then again i have very strong opinions because my ex wife wanted to open the relationship. We did, and I got to watch her screw around with other dudes while nothing happened for me because chicks aren't into married guys. I had once chance but she screwed it up because she was jealous. I even set up a three way with a male friend a couple times. She said she would do the same for me, never happened. After a year I said ok, no more open relationship, you had your fun and it sucks for me. 10 months later i caught the cunt cheating. Bye bye. Cut your losses OP.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"HALF NIGGER ZEROBAMA !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Pl save Delhi from becoming a SLUM CITYandhub of illegal migrants.Pl take LG help in removing encroachmentsandeviction of IMs ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gender aside, lack of independent general competence and debilitating screen\/media addiction are widespread epidemics in the developed world.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I might be dead, but I will NEVER take ANYTHING at all offa ANY MUZZIE","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fuck that goddamn NIGGER piece of fucking SHIT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user If you come into a thread all #notallmen you just confirm that we're trash. Don't be so fragile. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They are forgetting Russell Crowe 's performance in A Beautiful Mind. I know schizophrenia, and it was spot-on.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Mexicans and Central America immigrants want US native speakers to speak Spanish. Joke does not! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Numbers don't lie. The nigger is unable to control its animalistic impulses. The nigger has always been a threat to our White women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@BrianAnthonyBo1 @JudgeJeanine @dbongino Kamala the beast. That Hillary cackle will be her doom.A most unpleasant, unlikeable woman.Listen on the radio.Mute the TV.Visible difference shocking!Biden the Invisible Shrinking Gasping Man.He is simply unwell.Dear Joe: Beware the 25th Amendment. Nancy awaits.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you keep your totalitarian bullshit socialism with speech and thought control, i will keep my free market capitalism and freewill Have fun with your nigger neighbors","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He's out of the hospital, now let's get him out of the white house and into a jail cell.#BidenHarris2020 #TeamPetty4Joe #TeamPetty4Dems #TeamPetty4Kamala https:\/\/t.co\/LjDIYA76og","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We need another stone monument of this evil libtarded cunt being hung by the neck until death. Under it an inscription that reads, \"If you want to destroy our history this is your fate\", .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Damn, she lied about nearly every aspect of her story. I'm so glad the truth came out and I hope he does get the money. This is a truly disgusting woman. She makes the rest of us look bad. Fuck it, I'd accept a lifetime of payments from this cunt over her spending time in prison. Even if it was only a few hundred bucks a month, I'd still take pleasure in financially owning her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Get a hobby you pussy. #TrumpTrain2020 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Which is more disgusting? That these medieval raghead morons think we are stupid enough to fall for this shit? Or That there actually ARE Americans stupid enough to fall for this shit? https:\/\/twitter.com\/nickmon1112\/status\/1048706582748516353","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" I NEVER SAID OTHERWISE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he sure is nigger but he's using a different name that you don't know. hahahahahahahahaha! cry more little faggit. hahahahaha!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Having nigger babies DOES end our great White lineage. So it vanishes with your sickening example too. look, we wouldn't have a percentage problem with whites is men would just stop with the judging by looks and just marry white women no matter how fugly and have kids.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hungary officially pulls out of UN migration pact as it 'encourages migration' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Again the Air Force proves the Grand Retard Contest it's having with the Navy is still on! Want to steal tech, wait for bad weather. And walk on in, take what you want. Not to mention $Billions in wrecked planes, cause a weeks warning was not enough time to get the \"active duty\" air craft in flight worthy condition... I mean if any frigging branch of the US military could, you know fly extra personnel and parts to a base inside the USA, maybe..you know to keep the frigging half $Billion dollar stealth fighters from becoming scrap...working night and day for a week they could have gotten the planes to safety. Air-Tards","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Are you saying the retard lawyer wrote that? If so lol. That shit doesn't work on intelligent people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What kind of faggot keeps those pics on his shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This retard thought connecting symbols were swastikas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"WHY MUSLIMS IMMIGRATE TO CHRISTIAN COUNTRIES via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Shut the FUCK up you jobless whore ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@monkbent What's with that come-at-me-bro bird? Stressful.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is my mother bothering me about the trash? It's my day off leave me alone and stop nagging","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if this big troglodyte bitch texts my man again im going to put bullet holes into your knee caps. i don't fight big white bitches they dogs ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@QuietVenture @GBloodyWilliams @KamalaHarris Not all Americans are brainwashed and uninformed! #TrumpPence2020 #AmericaFirst #KeepUSASAFE #LawAndOrder ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NEVER Enough for the sodomite: Time Magazine has to have a faggot section for @justinpbolinger so he can feel PROUD of liking penis in his anus. It's NEVER ENOUGH. It is in our faces 24\/ @HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @WADL @JonKragen - \"Time\" magazine, Aug. 9, 2018 \"The Biden Foundation has launched a new campaign called 'As You Are' in an effort to promote the importance of family acceptance for 'lgbtq' youth\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There's a lot of confusion about male\/female vs. masculine\/feminine. They don't always line up. And nobody seems to ask why there are so many more male to female transexuals than female to male?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't accept this race mixing nigger in my gab community. Mudsharks just never learn.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Maxine is a total retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A dog is unconditional love. A Muzzie is unpredictable hate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user She isn't racist unlike your somlalia bitch friend and you always causing shit.. bye slut ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Duterte is a sly fox--no telling what he's going to do next.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Finnish immigration officials say asylum seekers need more mental health care services ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Donald Trump Jr. poses next to 'Don Jr. 2024' banner on Instagram, fans rejoice https:\/\/t.co\/p2DYl3pI42","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Keep letting #IslamicMigrants off the boats and into your countries. #SendThemBack. The #NWO wants the destruction of Europe That's been their purpose all along. First, take away your #Soverignty then they take away your security. Keep voting in those #NWO #SocialistPoliticians. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@phant0mtroupe @icecube Biden\/Harris not only have a plan, but they have an entire section of that plan devoted to empowering BLACK MEN!https:\/\/t.co\/422pUs1d4U","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user only when drunk or in bed... But I'm always drunk ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm not your pal, friend! You're not my peeps, guys! and#x200B; This retardation comes from under the same rock that thinks masculine language is inherently sexist, such as 'mankind'. There's no point in arguing with the stupid, because it comes from a wholly illogical, emotional place.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How is it biased? If every post is assigned a post number and you make two posts 24 hours apart and subtract the first from the second, that's literally how many posts we're made that day. How is that biased? You're an idiot. It doesn't matter what time you start counting if it's a 24 hour period retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Leave it! That's how they want to live. Enjoy the beach idiots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh he's some cunt using that poor woman as an argument against abortion in Ireland. @user - you are a fucking disgusting human being ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bitch stole my tips so I stole hers right back. Fucking cunt.I hate serving. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When somebody tells me they're off work for Presidents' Day ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In related news, a man who can't hold down a job lectures the world on how the economy works, cue golf clap Lol Who's this bloke then mate? Jew Bernie Sanders. He was running for the Democratic nomination for President, but Hilary screwed him. He's a commie anyway. Ok. My mate here @Fahrenheit211 is a right wing Jew. So he cancels out your Bernie. Next. You're all commies. A right wing jew? Did they carbon date him? you just need to vote harder GOYIM All my Jewish followers on Twitter are right wing Leave voters :) I want to see this man audited over the past 20 years or so. He's never held a flipping job, so let's see it. Here's a perfect opportunity to identify and cease corruption. What's the holdup? https:\/\/www.naturalnews.com\/2018-10-26-revelation-movie-exclusive-full-length-viewing-for-the-next-9-days-must-see.html Old white guy, must be evil. Drives around in 170k car! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[Oh, is that right?](https:\/\/i.kym-cdn.com\/photos\/images\/original\/000\/430\/877\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lol. Get a different profile pic that depicts your real age you old cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is just like any crime. Commiting a crime you get punished. No one is above the law. Come here legally like my family and millions of others. No special treatment. #sorrynotsorry #growup #adultlife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user If that is so texas is heading the way of California. Texans please don't let that happen. America is counting on you. #MAGA #BuildThatWall #DrainTheDeepState #WalkAway ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Despicable RACIST RETARDED bitches writing for the NY TIMES Jew boys? I am so surprised!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yellow jackets at gas station trash cans are THE worst","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you ignorant, jew cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Pretty over this whole Yankees thing, id rather lose in the ALCS every year then live in Detroit.. I miss the real Steinbrenner #glorydays","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was banned from Twitter for calling retarded people retarded.....i think I'm in love with you","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I mean sure, it might happen occassionally. But were not talking about someone actually ripping an earbud out of her ear and shouting at her. She deliberately worded it in a way that only the most conceited cunt in the world would imagine how it works. \"A man will be in the corner grinding his teeth, seething in anger\". Look at the wording. Its meant to invoke either images of animalistic. raw anger. As if shes just so desirable it turns off the human part of mens brains. Or some gollum-esque manbeast hunched in the corner muttering to himself \"how dare the precious ignore us!\" AND she seems to think this is a common occurance...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"and don't try and back track.. you're a faggot + rapist + the devil..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @HEGS_com: What's that bright yellow thing the ref just showed to Martins Indi?! I can't remember seeing one of those before! #clubmetro","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@robreiner We are going to LIVE and we are going to vote #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Putting aside the free speech\/hate speech screeching, this is, on the face of it, the most retarded example you could use. Hiring a hitman has nothing to do with speech or even incitement to violence. You are literally paying someone to commit a crime.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He was a guest on Opie and Anthony(maybe it was Joe Rogans podcast can't remember) once and he virtue signaled hard about how he thinks it should be legal to kill \"nazis and he's a literal faggot lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump This response is for Joe, Kamala, and the bright future the world now has without you as president","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Pepper_Redbone @Yankees @Mets I miss NYC!! Nashville needs a pro AL team. The closest is KC or Tampa. That's pretty bad. The south is NL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typically hateful, anti-Christian, mentally ill and ugly dyke trash pig couple Jennifer McCarthy and Melisa Erwin http:\/\/t.co\/tW9Nl5Hkmt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Our female guinea pig is pregnant ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#YesAllMen because every 14 seconds a man's butt is looked at without permission. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you should talk with people of different races from different countries","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To all you idiots complaining about leaking oil lines should be riding horses instead of driving cars. All you idiots bitching about leaking natural gas lines, quit using you heaters in the winter and your gas stoves too while you're at it. Railroad and pipeline is what allowed this country to grow into what it is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Never gets any right this cunt lozydoe","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"no one want you fucking muslim just die make the world a better place","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This guy is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"DUAL Cunt WHORES 1 and 2 by @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Even more retarded because depending on where you are the pronunciation of x varies a lot from h' to sh'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I was just thinking this story has holes so big you could drive a truck through them. @Scarasha At least a van!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So today is National Coming Out Day. It's been over 5 years since I first came out to anyone, and it was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever done. I would rather present my Master's thesis presentation for 24 continuous hours than re-live that moment. (Anyway, here I am in a Pride-colored Eagles tank top after a killer sunburn from a day out on Sebago. ) Being a white nationalist or anti-Jewis is nothing to brag about but hErE We aRE Nothing wrong with white nationalism, or coming out against the criminality of the Jews. Conflating your position of the unnatural usage of bodily organs, and your fascination with shit. To that of political discourse isn't in the same practice. oh come on man el xolo mexicano! With 1\/2 a sentence written in non-English, you must be some arrogant \"pro-Mexican Monarchy\" to tell people have no pride (shall bring him low) but willing to LOWER yourself and talk shit \"come out against criminality of the Jews\" here! Your people kill one another, behead, cut faces and you are here talking non sense on Jews?! Grow up, be real!:) Being a asshole jackass is also nothing to brag about Nobodies bragging.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BREAKING:Joe Biden is now the -200 favorite at Bovada to win the 2020 US Presidential Election.This is the highest his odds have been set at so far this year.Updated odds:Joe Biden -200Donald Trump +170","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @__bettyboo: You better pray I don't send your nudes out bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He's glad his grandkids will grow without a father?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @scottiken: It's settled. The Ding Dong is far superior than the Twinkie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't know why women wear watches, there's a perfectly good clock on the stove. #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stop talking about yourself, we will let you rest while you are in prison for treason, high crimes, etc @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What an entitled cunt. \"I am a woman, you can't punch meeeeee!!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you do the crime you do the time \"The time\" in the US is often cruelly long. You do the time, you learn your lesson, then they let you rot for another ten years just so some politician can look tough on crime. Like sixty years without parole. This case is thirty years because of cumulative sentencing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCK ISLAM, FUCK THE REGRESSIVE LEFT and FUCK Michael the FAT FUCKING TRAITOR MOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"God fucking forbid someone offend any fucking one on this planet. Idk how our species will continue when everyone is too much of a fucking cunt bitch to speak their minds @user please add a filter to this so it can be friendly ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The head of the Philippine Catholic bishops' commission for migrants has welcomed a Kuwaiti court's decision to sentence the employers of a murdered Filipino maid to death. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't care who it offends. Some of you see these people as refugees looking for a better life here in the United States. I see things for what they truly are, I see an army of fighting aged men carrying a battle flag knocking on our doorstep. Carry TB that kills more people than any other disease! You let that sink in real good before you leave any shitty comments. This is exactly what we've had in Europe! These people ARE fighting age men and they're coming to try to fuck you up! Get ready America! The West is about to be tested. Will you step up to the plate? This so-called 'caravan' is nothing new. Each week, more than 4K people are taken into custody at our Southern border! During our most recent month, (September) more than 17K people were taken into custody! President Trump is 'powerless' concerning our immigration woes, first our immigration laws must be changed, before we can have real change! Invaders must be shot. They won't stop otherwise. How many have you shot today? Relax guy. Build your pantries. These welfare dorks can not even feed themselves. In the end.... I guess that's why we have SNAP for em. Just like all our other social programs, don't need money, just add it to our deficit!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you need a laugh or if you have '80HD' (You'll get that in a sec...), these are hysterical. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bullets through a nigguh tru jeans","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We're getting early reports that Mark Zuckerberg may have been banned from the Internet as part of the #NPCMemePurge. Fortunately officials at Facebook quickly reinstated their leader once they realized the mistake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's been a joke since it's inception. Most people are just retards who only think women can be victims.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Demand more Iron Maiden pictures from the retarded cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Personally, I think loli posters should move their loli posting to GNU\/Smug, and just use GAB to argue the politics of it. That way you won't get banned and can continue to argue your point. If it has nothing sexual, I don't see how it can break the rules. Seriously. If there is no nudity and nothing sexual, what is their problem? Is a person considered nude if they're covered in fur? Good question...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he be nigger he be cotton pickin dumb","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Big night tonight! Battle Royale between @realDonaldTrump and a vegetable, @JoeBiden. Let's see if #ChinaJoe blows a gasket, falls asleep, or wanders off aimlessly like his policies. The Trump kids will be there so interesting to see if Hunter shows up. #Debates2020 #Trump2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you certainly do have the right to speak freely, but, i get to call you a faggot for spamming my anime group and then report you as spam, so your faggot posts which are NOT ANIME get removed. moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Is this one of hard working immigrants just looking for a better life in the US that we hear about from the left all the time? #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#FactCheck Because of the close contact with President Donald J Trump at the debates. Joe Biden will self quarantine until November 4. #MAGA #MAGA2020 #MAGAStrong #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #Trump2020LandslideVictory #Trump2020NowMoreThanEver #PromisesMadePromisesKept ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user Skank you are already in the streets. Make my money whore. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: Derek Jeter gets it done! J.J. Hardy commits error on slow grounder, and 2 runs score. Yankees take 4-2 lead in 7th innin ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how the hell that bitch know him? hmmm she just proved to me that she's really a whore ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"green beans, summer yellow squash, zucchini, cucumber I will set some more out by the road today its free.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user If it's Americans getting shot, why do you even care? Women around the world suffer at the hands of islamic savages.. beatings, acid attacks, rape, murder.. but those guns are so scary to you, aren't they ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"l killed Lucy it was a accident it was at 7.30pm after my TV got so bored it conked out Jane's not not a immigrants hidden in her handbag ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only predominantly white schools. Because black kids don't go to school. Look at the sub you're in retardo","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The 'I'm such a feminist' niggas will 'Not all men' you to death. LMAO ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mazie is NOT an American. She's a pinko Island nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user He's gonna win in 2020 too you stupid nasty skank ! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bitches be like i'm mixed wit Italian Chinese nd African American I be like bitch just cuz you ate ur http:\/\/t.co\/ZdWd3l8M","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Let's hope budget cuts for mental health and affordable housing laws\/assistance don't happen, as these are the real issues that cause the majority of homelessness.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a negro in Ireland is like a Eskimo in the Sahara. The problem is the Census now judges races by what people identify as... So there's jews and mixed races who say they're white. My husband and I dnt buy kosher nor do we shop at departments staffed with minorities. We try not to support businesses who support diversity. Living in middle of nowhere helps. I only see a nigger 1-2 a month","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @SpacePlankton: Saw a man in a yellow hat at the Grand Canyon today. He was hanging out next to a curious gorge.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's like women can't wait to be a hoe when the relationship ends ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White privilege? I didn't know there was such a thing until blacks, liberals, feminist assholes and faggot soy boys said there was. Apparently I missed an opportunity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Beer, wine or liquor is the toughest decision I have to make everyday ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Written by a christard yesterday in here ,They choose that goddamn sand nigger OVER their race You are shitting up the alt right with you faggot ass candle shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"wikipedia entries for offending IP address https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Special:Contributions\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How the fuck do you get 18 assault charges by the age of 21? At this rate she could easily be in the triple digits by her 30 birthday. Hey, that happened to me. Or maybe killed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Bealurt\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* I'm sure you would tough guy Hey, no sweetheart talk to me! I'm mad! Well, I might. I feel disgust and etc when looking at fat people, but i also see them as victims. People who lay out on a public bench piss me off also, they are thinking only of themselves. Fat people are not victims. If somebody is too fat to stand there for however long that's their fault. Sure laying on a bench is an asshole move but if you cant handle standing that's on you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My grandma had a roommate who was a drag queen I had drag queen knwonledge at 11 and what was cool lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"then speak in english you fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's not their actual username, I just censored it. If you are asking for permission to use the name \"Dick Faggotson in a parody video, go ahead. I don't claim names as my own.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why in the world can we all not just STOP!! Instead of wanting to kill one another, let's help one another. ..hold our hands out to help our fellow man up not use our fingers to push buttons that launch mass destruction all because our governments seek power over the other! We all can learn from each other an we just may realize that we actually like an respect the other...peace an love to all ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"27th October 1971 the IRA murdered David Tilbury, 1 of 2 soldiers murdered in bomb attack on observation post, Londonderry. 2 10lb bombs were tossed over wall onto sandbag emplacement at back of Rosemount RUC station. Both soldiers died instantly https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DqfnIg-XQAUpa4T.jpg Cad Carrick? you old silly bint","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If he was some gutter spic or nog he'd be out already.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Not sure if trolling or retarded ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Kamala Harris Presents Letter Claiming Kavanaugh and Friend Repeatedly Raped Jane Doe' in Car https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/01\/kamala-harris-presents-letter-claiming-kavanaugh-friend-repeatedly-raped-jane-doe-in-car\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jimachterfeld @joeo670 @dan_bernsein Bernstine is Chi Sox Jew fag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"theres a difference between fgt faggot and gay im 2 out of 3","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"first goes to bitch ass janelle. FUCK YOU MESSY MF ASS BITCH i literally was on a call with her and her dumb ass twisted my words and ran to tattle on me to ari. like it legit made her pussy wet to go and talk shit abt me so fuck u ill come beat ur ass thats why u stole a listers ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think the message behind this is that our 'Artist' is going to end up churning out crap that nobody wants ... because she^1 is a small minded twat. ALL of her work is feminist dogma, which is why her art teacher suggested she try doing something else for a change. ^1 It's a woman. So let's not bother with the 'assume her gender' thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Hitler's sister Paula was mentally retarded . . . but she still had more brains than her brother!!\" Wow totally not a biased \"source\"!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JenniferJJacobs @SalehaMohsin Gawd Damn photo op for a campaign ad.Every time I think I cannot hate him anymore he does something like this.#TrumpVirusDeathToll210K #RealityShowPresident #Biden2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ZonedMoan: Smh RT @TieMyDuragBoo: And Henny too RT @BkRaised718 Beer trash af end of story","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lightfighter 6 the gigantic faggot still creating bot accounts to lash out at the god-man who destroyed him. That is, me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This just sums up why I hate religion and money..if neither of those things existed, perhaps humans would put more love into each other rather than greed and fighting over an invisible man in the sky, who lets face it, if they existed, wouldn't let this cruelty on innocent children go on...humankind just needs to be wiped out of this world we are nothing but an aggressive, destructive cancer ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Brove dosent need to scare monger people are already scared of mass immigration what is needed is Cameron to say we are listening ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OMG, just lol. Well, we'll treat you just as good as Hitler treated his chosen enemies then. I'll do it with a smile, just to make you feel better. You're loved ones? Nah, they'll get the real Hitler treatment!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lmao remember when that nigger went from looking like that in the photo to crying, looking like a pathetic coon being arrested within 24 hours of the photo being taken? ROFL, these niggers aren't as tough as they seem. They won't even fairly fight whites. There always have to be four or five niggers ganging up on one guy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Black man shoots white college chick to death https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/university-of-utah-student-killed-outside-dorm-identified-gunman-found-dead","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obviously they are talking about white men's sperm, since nigger and brownie males are proliferating with women on a super dramatic level. I suppose the subliminal of this report is for white women who want babies to just dismiss altogether the idea of spending time on white men when we want babies? https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/health\/article-6250225\/Fresh-fears-survival-humans-major-study-finds-quality-mens-sperm-plunging.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Hey go look at that video of the man that found the kidnapped girls in Ohio........what a nigger\" - #shitmybosssays","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Read World Relief's response to the latest SCOTUS opinion of refugee resettlement.https:\/\/t.co\/hIWV8heZM1 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ceut: BushCo used to publicly trash ex-officials who wrote books - Snow, O'Neill, etc. Bet we won't hear PBO trashing Gates... #morning ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not saying that it's ppd, I'm saying that you're a fucking idiot and a racist for straight up calling her a nigger. Absolutely uncalled for in any situation and really telling of one's personality. She used the race card in offensive and eggregious ways, and attempted to defraud the public by relying on the sympathy of PC \" we must kowtow to the blacks and always assume whitey is evil and discriminatory\" white guilt SJW faggotry. Now I am calling her the worst thing her race can be called because of it. Seems entirely fair. She is getting off quite easy. I'd put her in the zoo with her cousins because she\"chimped out.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"and those of US WITH WORKING BRAINS, NEVER VOTED FOR THAT NIGGER MUSLIM FRAUD EITHER. OR THE CUNT HILLARY BEAST.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You'll never be girlfriend or wife or none of that that's MY place bitch know your role and play your position the rebound one ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What do smart women do for a living? What they're told. #YesAllMen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Centre-right. Like millions of decent folk :) Your self-proclaimed \"adequate literacy\" has declined to a new low. I acknowledged your claim of non-semitic heritage, and your insistence that your anti-White hatred is not instinctive, but self-hatred resulting from internalization of systemic semitism. Why do you insist on mischaracterizing this as a claim that you're a member of the Tribe? Sad! Your open admission of your befuddlement (and your grossly inadequate vocabulary) is appreciated. But your continued feeble attempts at prevarication are pathetic. EVERY post of yours is a vitriolic, incoherent attack on anyone who dares to express any positive White identity. Cite a single post where you have attacked a non-White for their identity. Furthermore I don't attack anyone of any race purely for their identity. That's what YOU do and why I kick your arse. I'm regularly seen on Twitter attacking other races who also demonstrate your ignorance. Black racists David Lammy and Diane Abbott are key targets of mine. You aren't on Twitter so you wouldn't know that would you. Check my banner pic here. Cater makes yet another feeble attempt to deny his obvious anti-White hatred Here he is again. Still in repetitive mode after being soundly made a twat of yesterday. Racist isn't an anti-white slur fella. All races can be racist. It's an anti-YOU slur. Don't pretend that you represent the white race lol --Cater makes yet another, feeble, pathetic, failed attempt to deny his obvious anti-White hatred and toxic semitism. --Repeatedly employs anti-White slur while doing so --Anti-Whites aren't very bright --Tell me more about how you call Negroes \"White devils,\" therefore you don't hate Whites Comical","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Experience Charlie. Married woman who loves hot phone sex with strangers. Can you get me off? - 27 http:\/\/t.co\/jtsIjBULVC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm more native American than this cunt and all my descendants are from Europa.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hundreds of refugees return to Syria from the northeastern Lebanon ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cunt cucked her own children. We need to keep this cunt far away from SCOTUS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Rex Scott is the biggest faggot to ever waste oxygen. If the civil war ever kicks off I'm gonna seek that bitch out like I'm the Terminator. My god do I hate him","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Watching you two as my black cock grows harder and harder ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"'Lawless Area': German police conducts raid at refugee center after mob ... via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TibaBurger: Straight off the bench #ned #WorldCup2014","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't think I will survive if I go home' via @user #refugees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" trump is going to suffer the same fate as his idol benito mussolini https:\/\/t.co\/1RXH0t8HiR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"been a sleazebag faggot for years","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Pro Tip- Stop sweatin these hoes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Rohingya refugees move to higher ground to avert loss of lives in the upcoming monsoon season #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #refugee #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That faggot suicided his verified Gab account. Why is that? Also how does this inane shit end up in Popular?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Autists is why presidents like trump are getting elected","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Late night phone convos with my hoomie that nigga a gook","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Not all seats were up for election? Maybe Republicans won seats from smaller states with smaller electorates? This is actually fucking retarded now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Also look up Illimitable men on the vapidity of educated women, explaining how they seek an education in order to seek a higher smv male rather than to further mankind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's a pretty damn good actor. But as a gay man it's awesome to see an openly queer actor given the lead role for a major superhero film.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So the person isn't retarded, they're just making an awful joke that makes no sense. That's...better, I think?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"President Trump humiliates Angela Merkel over her destructive immigration policy - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So the CDC doesn't know what is causing the polio like disease that is paralizing kids!...Better know your shit before you let Big Pharma Pushers poke your babies with BS Vaccinations! Just Saying! It's a free country my friend, just don't let your carriers go to school with my kids, Thanks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"didnt now our german eagle and iron cross which we still use are nazi symbols lol AJ is just the shittiest channel on youtube pure shit talking","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @EvilMikeTomlin: Came to training camp today to find Charlie Batch asleep on the curb...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Well that's a personal problem and obv not all men do it. Women abuse power as well. Not a defense.. just a fact. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user I don't mind her saying she's a whore, but the implication regarding other women and #MeToo goes beyond the pale. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's situations like these that are kinda tricky. Is is ok to give a mentally retarded person the middle finger or should you, for everybody's sake, pull a Frank Underwood and see how well she likes trains? Lol vegans are retards, ammirite? \/s","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"HERE, THIS ONE'S 4 YOU GUYS TEH DEATH OF THE RETARDED 4 fun CUNTS https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UlB2cfRuTTYandfeature=youtu.be WATCH BEFORE YOUTUBE DISCOVERS THE TITLE EXISTS Before Youtube bothers to watch the video. hohoho [backing up soon, to GAB, BITCHUTE, etc]","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@hellootitty nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Even the most civilized nigger is never more than 5 seconds away from a full chimp-out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Holy shit if that isnt the result of some bestiality. A nigger and a jew, thing should be in a zoo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Kathimerini: Pace of migrant arrivals in Greece via land from Turkey quickens, agency says ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"For those who don't think this is significant or worth noting it worth being mad about: The Killstresm was the number one viewed live late night talk show on YouTube. This is the YouTube equivalent of firing Conan O'Brien or Jay Leno at the height of their shows. \"Oh but their audience is edgy preteens\" Yeah no, their fan call ins were all adults to my knowledge. But even if that were true, censoring the children's entertainment isn't just wrong, it's pathetic. This isn't just YouTube taking down a channel. This is YouTube proving that on their platform no audience is large enough that you can't get fucked over. [deleted] [deleted] he hates them for liking what he doesn't like.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Might be the best thing this rich cunt has done in her embarrassing tenure. So. Kudos","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Inbred, low IQ third world retard. Startling that an inbred, low IQ third world retard shares so much in common with the interbred, inflated IQ retards graduating from American colleges financed by federal money.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user oh god, I can imagine that you'll get even more men talking to you about some \"not all men \"not me bullshit ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Their respective races rejected them. I live in the American South, we've got a pretty high density here so it's a fairly large to pool to make observations of. Mixed couples are almost always racial rejects. Alternatively, you don't have to look very far on YouTube to find that the black community is in a crisis because the men and women seem to hate each other.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut up Dick Nigger Get dunked on Hapapilled Dick Nigger! Jk ily Dick Nigger :D","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I disagree with this. The retard stopped on the bridge for attention I think the appropriate response is to either get off or jump not hold everyone hostage. Holy fuck. I finally foind you. Someone as dead and more morally reprehensible than HITLER. Hey guys i found him!!! Find a bridge of your own and do a flip, faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@UpNORTHandGRIM LAWLESS LONDON : Teens Arrested After Two Police Officers Stabbed. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/07\/khans-london-teens-arrested-after-two-police-officers-stabbed\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Naw RT @BakeGriffin Am I the only one mad that ESPN gonna be talking about faggot ass Penn State all week?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If they're not harassing or assaulting you they're calling you stupid, crazy, irrational, over emotional. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The one where I was the only woman on a thread where men were mansplaining Jackie Fox's rape to me. (The women post ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sorry but this video is not all truth I searched the names and it does in fact bring up photos and info on these girls. And I don't even watch the news and have heard of some of the girls. And for some of the white girls it's there rich parents who pay for the air time and the adds and websites that talk about them. While everyone should get as much attention as the next when something like this happens its not just black girls who don't. There are lots of young white girls, hispanic, and all other races that don't get the attention because they aren't rich or have a beautiful face. In all reality less than a quarter of the females in this country that go missing will ever be heard of. Stop making it about race and make it what it is, it's only the rich privileged ppl who get the media attention and not every white person is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hi bitch pls @ Us skank ass hoe you aint bouta to do shit but we can throw hands tomorrow since you so bold on twitter ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Putin offers Trump wishes of 'sincere support' after positive coronavirus test | TheHill - The Hill https:\/\/t.co\/DJi61Um00M via @GoogleNews #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Amen: See 'Canada in Decay' by Ricardo Duchesne for the similar reality of Canada.We are not nations of immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user NO. Our immigration system MUST act in the ethnic interests of the founding people and NOT change the racial demographic makeup like it is intentionally doing.Denying Whites their right to survive as separate nations and defend their racial inter ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Resignations https:\/\/www.thewrap.com\/amy-schumer-exits-long-time-agency-uta-wme-exclusive\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wtf? Dee Snider does it better. This is just a second rate knock-off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I Wanna Rape You Not Fuck You . Bitch Take My Sex and Stfu ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We knew as soon as the idiots voted faggot marriage into law all number of disgusting teachings would ensue and alas it has started with fkwit shorten appeasing the faggot brigade to secure votes !!! You are right so many people i have spoken to thought it was just a gauging mechanism to see if a Vote was viable , the putrid Government was hijacked by the faggot brigade , just like in the netherlands , ireland etc.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey, Russians... CA wants your vote.. ya just have to get there. https:\/\/www.wnd.com\/2018\/10\/san-francisco-to-allow-illegals-to-vote\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Sunny #sunnyhostin from #TheView #IamNOTaPROP .. #trump earn my #vote in 2016 and #trump2020 .... #boat #trump2020 #maga #trumptrain #boatparade #blackvoicesfortrump #blacksfortrump #walkaway @abc @sunny @donaldjtrumpjr #blackvote #blackvoice #vernonjones @realdobaldtrump #kag https:\/\/t.co\/NGnyVbfRjT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disgusting apologist cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Immigrant parents lose their children at the border for a misdemeanor. Their children are put in cages. Don Jr committed perjury when he testified to congress about his Russia meeting. Perjury is a felony yet his children are safe and sound in their Manhattan penthouse. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You're right. The races were reversed, and these guys got the death penalty: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WiIqm5r4G6gb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you ever just see a random woman on the street and want to choke slam her to the ground, pour gasoline in her cunt and light her on fire ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rated you 1 star. I will every damn day. Made honest comments about your attitude. Not all men rape. Get help. Not cool. Not cool. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey white boys, I'm here to tell you that you racists don't own Gab, pick a fight with this Jew! I felt obligated to share this with you. D. C. @theobear777 Child, you have no idea what you are talking about, but let me give you some idea of what I'm talking about, if you ever call me a faggot again I'm going to make your life a living fucking hell, make your next words count because if I hear you call me a bitch again it's going to be bad for you Looks like you been talking to a grown ass man If you call me out on this you know what I'm going to do right? @D. C. @theobear777 We all know, what you are going to do - you make screenshots and call the SPLC or the ACLU to report \"anti-semitic hate crimes\". Go back to twitter, rats are not allowed on gab.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking good punch dude","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/pubs.niaaa.nih.gov\/publications\/arh27-2\/186-","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Believing \"people\" who need a licence to own 1 simple butter-knife on anything is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Toothpaste faggot Yes that too. I've also seen Gaypaste a couple times Colgay? Gaypaste is actually quite catchy. ToothGayste is another good one","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Great poll about how people feel. Of course girls in general can't play most (physically demanding) sports as well as boys...they simply aren't built to. This is like saying that you are discriminating against a screwdriver when pointing out it's not as good at driving nails, while, in fact it's actual purpose at times is driving a superior fastener (screws). This brings me to a point that isn't brought up enough...nobody...NOBODY hates women more than today's feminists. They take everything that women typically excel at and roles that are typically women's which are absolutely essential to properly running a household in tandem with a partner and they devalue them and demonize them to the point where women feel ashamed to have those traits. Then they try and make men feel guilty for valuing those traits...because of course valuing something is forcing it upon people. > they devalue them and demonize them to the point where women feel ashamed to have those traits. rabid liberal feminism is forcing women to disavow their own animal instincts and criminalizing men just for existing in the same space but it's not on all women, beta cuck men like justin love to play white knight riding in on his rainbow unicorn and throwing my money down the drain so this in turn reinforces the metoovictim complex","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My ex would never pull her kind of crap. And we hate each other. What the fuck is wrong with some women these days? For some people, getting on TV, probably getting a huge book deal and ending up with well over half a million dollars in a gofundme account, ie, setting yourself up for life, isn't a bad tradeoff, assuming that you don't lose everything and then some in a massive defamation suit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Darknight420 It's showing Fairy blocked me @hajihuntingpat @PaulSmitheringa @JoeDouglas1 @JewJitsuGrl @blackorchidm16 @taxman206","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Almost 400 migrants crossing from Morocco to #Spain rescued in Mediterranean ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"the unhinged lunatic terroristic far left mob of traitors, claimed trump was racist, but he gave a kanye the time of the day, that obama never would, what did the lunatic far left do? they talked shit to kanye, for being a free nigger in a enslaved world where the dems have the kkk to keep the enslaved niggers in check trying to free themselves","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/gop-doxxing-suspect-arrested-worked-or-interned-for-feinstein-jackson-lee-other-dems GOP-doxxing suspect arrested; worked or interned for Feinstein, Jackson Lee, other Dems If this guy does NOT suckle cocks, then my gaydar is broken. That faggot is fucked.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A retarded bogtrotter called Paul Knew just slightly less than f k all. And the thing with a traitor Is that sooner or later He'll be standing up next to a wall. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/europe\/2018\/10\/20\/bono-calls-european-populists-salvini-orban-the-devil\/ I'll Gladly Pull The Trigger On This Nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"saw this on Reddit This is such a terrible boomer meme. Merkel is a communist. National Socialism fights communism. Jfc I can't. wtf?! @Booster_Bunny qtards think hitlers sperm was frozen and later used to spawn merkel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"There is still time left for 2018 to become \"the year of nigger neo-nazi rabbi spree-killings.\" - Luis Castillo https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/whoops-neo-nazi-skinhead-niggers-assassinate-jewish-rabbi\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Barack Obama said he would have won the 2016 presidential election against Donald Trump, do you agree? https:\/\/thefreevoluntarist.blogspot.com\/2016\/12\/barack-obama-claims-he-would-have-won.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A clear shift (again) on the migratory routes of the Mediterranean. Another proof that no matter what deals European countries strike with African nations, migrants and refugees will find another way through. It's like covering one leak just to find out there are thousands more. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The leftists need to just get on with it and start the nationwide gun confiscation. The tinder has been sitting in front of us for a while. Flame on and lets get it behind us. Not like the polarization is going to just quiet down and become reasonable again. EDIT: Wow, more soyboy leftist betas in here than I thought. Guns need to be banned because people don't know how to use these tools of defence in a responsible manner. Therefore we need to let the law enforcement groups provide protection to the people of this nation. But wait.... Leftists have told me that we cannot trust the government because the gobernment is gorrupted. And these law enforcement groups work for the government. What are we to do? Oh shit a guy is pulling out a firearm at us. He still needs 15 seconds to maul us all down... I'm sure the police are going fling in like supermen and save us all. In all seriousness, don't go for gun control. Your neighbouring country Mexico have gun control laws. The population got disarmed and yet in the end the cartel disarmed their government. Now they run things in the country the way they want more efficiently than the Italian mafia and making the local people's lives miserable. I am saying just skip the slow burn. Try to take them, feel the wrath of an armed uprising, and get over this notion that itll ever happen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MarthaMcSally Already voted for President Trump They Joe biden and Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party betrayed the United States to the Communist Party CCP antifa and blm =communism CCP = Democrats Chinese people support President Trump https:\/\/t.co\/REJ7XUTc0L","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"REEEEEEEEEEEE! Sounds like your programming is short circuiting, Libtard Nigger NPC #","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So how did all that chicanery work out for you? If you hadn't cooked up this whack job charade, you might have pulled this off. Like most liars, however, you went too far. Your entire fetid career died on this hill. #PoeticJustice https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/VswZ You never go full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"> Can he hire a female prostitute to be our trade negotiator? I feel the prostitute would do a better job that the current ~~chick~~ fetid cunt skank. Fixed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yes, i believe we call them *retards*, usually? Mentally retarded individuals? Yes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Nintendo_Legend: Asked three-year-old niece why the sun is yellow. Her reply: \"Maybe there's bees in there.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As usual, greedy oil corporations walking roughshod over the sacred lands of original Americans. STOP STOP STOP!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I need this bitch in prison","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/geese-and-ducks-with-darts-through-their-necks-photogra-in-idaho-park What kind of liberal faggot needs to do this ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Woow.. You can smoke cigaret and suke May Dick ... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Israel don't belong to Africa. Most Jews are Semites and belong to the Middle East. Semites are neither White or Black. Beney Isaac and Beney Ishmael have every rights to preserve their Semitic culture and identity. Ethiopians are liars, they claim to be the first Christians to get into Europe. In the other hand they claim to be the first Jews to get into Israel.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Some dudes in this platform are STILL mad Hilary Clinton lost... Schedule a doctor appointment immediately... Get your T levels checked... Your welcome #debate #BidenHarris2020 #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Take him off the plane! And hang his faggot ass!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Where did you find the vile despicable RACIST HATEFUL BIGOT JEWS are DEMOCRAT PIGS! We try to keep all RETARDED piece of shit LEFTISTS and JEWS because they are all morally degenerate sewage! They all have a mother who made the WRONG CHOICE!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" @CMRE24 wasn t that great to me either RT @Ahki117: \"Equalizer\" was trash Denzel officially washed bruh neither was flight","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was flying down the slope and just rammed into this small Asian boy, kid got up like a champ and walked it off","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is a band wagon and a faggot wagon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Isnt it weird that car bombings in Turkey are timed just as Turkey demands Visa access to Europe a new tidal immigration mass ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The early days are rad because you have what you signed the contract for, exclusive rights to a slam piece. With that, the convo can be as slutty as you want it to be. That doesn't last long though. They dry up and become cunts with nothing much to offer. Her part of the bargain is her pussy and she knows it deep down. When she chooses to withhold, she knows the rest of the marriage is a sham and she has to make up all kinds of other \"conversation which is just a gas-light existence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JoeBiden is campaigning responsibly. #DemCast #SocialDistancing #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/BmdYJWIOok","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Uber is just another greedy corporation. All they care about is their profits. Screw the passengers and their safety.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@whiteangelss84 y dont u end us monkeys then? U hate us because were better than crackers and I love it. Deep down u know weve done nothin 2 u","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In anticipation of #BohemianRhapsody release, I thought I'd create a poll on Queen's most overlooked\/underrated song","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have been waiting for this, now on to Hollywood, looking at you Kathryn Heigel Kathryn Heigel tried to sexually assault someone and they said no? Also Andy Dick Andy Dick is not deserving of the attention... fuck that guy 1,000 ways into the sun. I would fucking sacrifice that shit person to get Phil Hartmann back. Jesus Christ, so basically.. Andy Dick reintroduced his wife Brynn to cocaine. Hartman said he'd leave her if she started doing drugs again and she shot him in his sleep. They were both clean when Dick deliberately persuaded them to 'get off the wagon'. Folk who were present described him as persistently following Hartmans wife around and pestering her until she caved. Yes they had problems: problems that he gleefully encouraged them to succumb to. To say that he bears no responsibility is simply ignorance. I don't know about that. If you know someone is suicidal and you give them a gun and encourage them to kill them selves, they're still making their own choices and are responsible for their death, but I'd say there's a good argument to be made that you contributed to their death.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not only the politicians are going into the wood chippers but also the police.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is rapper T.I.'s main clown squeeze with blue eye implants. Any wonder why he's making fantasy videos about Melania?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know a few people who have worked at Google, and from what they've said, I don't believe any of these to be true. Google is a very diverse company that is dedicated to innovation, something I can get behind. Their projects are amazingly creative, and I'd love to work for them after I get degrees in engineering and computer science.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Blame the Illegal Border Crossing Parents they put their kids in Danger sending them with Criminal Coyotes or Crossing the Border Illegally with them #Trump #MAGA #WakeUpAmerica #RedNationRising #Immigration ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"22,000 votes https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/jLhC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'I don't want to be like the jealous girlfriend who won't let you have friends' bitch you have to be my girlfriend first ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"1\/ The fact that Robert Bowers was a member of Gab is not an indictment of Gab, in and of itself. But it does point out the stupidity of Gab as it pertains the \"free speech.\" Gab keeps saying that \"free speech\" is \"white supremacists can flood you with their message on every post and thread, but you can mute them.\" That's how terrified Gab is of looking like Twitter. Let's assume that Gab stopped being for free speech. Let's assume that they blocked everyone that YOU think should be blocked. Let's further assume that absolutely EVERYONE on the internet did the same. Do you honestly believe it would make a difference in what happened today? There is madness and evil in the world. If you close your eyes to it then you'll always be surprised when it surfaces. As long as people are talking, there's a chance that you can change minds, open hearts. You can take everyone else's freedoms away. You can give up your own. It won't make you safe. It'll only make you blind to the dangers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump Is Not Alone Animated Map Shows 6 Border Walls Being Built Around The World ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My mum and dad fired me when I was 2. Didn't make me bitter and twisted the fucking slag whore gay cunts #TheApprentice ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*Y'all crackas be demons n shiet, you like not even human dawg, keepin slaves n shiet, like the devil man, black powa gon bring yo ass down* \"Fuck off nigger\" *GASP OMG HE BE RAYCISS* found the nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"*The Commie Faggot known as Dave Hogue. His official title @Google","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realTylerZed @JoeBiden Hunter isn't running for president. It's about Beijing Biden selling his office and influence to communist China.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In solidarity, Germany to take in 50 migrants rescued in Med ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey I wouldn't mind a 3 week paid vacation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rural pride... wow that is so fucked.. wtf is this shit? It makes America look like faggot pussies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Are you calling me a slut? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user No One believes that Myth! Legal Workers Line Up for Restaurant Jobs After Sheriff Joe #Immigration Raids via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's Robert Francis O'Rourke. Only wetback illegals call that white boy Beto","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@DefendWallSt Whatever! Fuck all those assholes. They're niggers, they all look alike to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@kylegriffin1 Trump speaks directly to the people. Some of us don't need you to tell us what he said and then interpret what he meant. He means what he says. #MAGA2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One of the great treasures of living in San Diego is ready access to Mexican Twinkies made with real sugar and Mexican Coca Cola.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Matty_Kem: My favorite shark is megaldon, my least favorite is a mud shark. They are the worst","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Most annoying cunt ever and I never call women that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another twat that is indoctrinated and too thick to research. Palestine is ISRAEL,renamed Palestine by the Romans in 135 A.D. So, he has shown how thick he is and says he is proud being thick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"does anyone understand what that flag represents to us southerners?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Munching on ww crackers and studying NYCs trans syst. Since NYC and I haven't had a thing in over 15 yrs #clubinsomnia #vacay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Has anyone else noticed how retarded the spelling apps get, regarding memory of frequently used words and phrases like \"pedophile\", \"pedovore\", \"Hillary\", \"Massive Global Pedophilia Rings\", etc ? That's just more evidence of creepy, NWO programming and attempted MK-Ultra MIND CONTROL, to bury the TRUTH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Taquiyya, liars, muslims are compulsive cheaters, it is written in the Quran to kill\/subjugate all non-Muslim. they can't be trusted, expel those jihadists out of Europe. BAN ISLAM","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This. Good. #pricklypear #shiner http:\/\/t.co\/clfJKT4IZ4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @Crowdifornia: We agree... do you? http:\/\/t.co\/4diz5NKYMN FUCK YES, I DO! Send those illegal, wetbacks home!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Boom fuck that cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hillary did nothing, Obama was supposedly having a cocaine party and then went to a Las Vegas Fundraiser the next morning after barely a comment on what the hell happened . If HIllary has been elected and a similar situation, Muzzie Brotherhood\/Sisterhood Huma would have made the decision - SO SCARY ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And like EVERY other time when the shit hits the fan, Russian bot armies start hashtags in support of him, abetted by people who should know better. #Trump2020 #TrumpTaxReturns","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"US ONLY 2018 @Quartermaster The extremely retarded morons always show themselves by criticizing something as shallow as punctuation errors! This does not effect anything is casual prose on social media. This mindless midget then goes on to tell you that the government is telling the truth and this incredible retard actually believes the propaganda from Snopes? Are you kidding me? You are clearly a brainwashed retarded RACIST SEXIST piece of shit Democrat who have someone else think for you since you cannot think for yourself! Jews did 911 dumbshit, did the government tell you that? You are no more than a polluted Thumb Drive! How unconcious are you? Did you not call me a RACIST and delusional which is obviously all Democrats! As we know all shootings have been done by Democrats and members of the RACIST violent Hate groups such as Antifa or the RACIST Black Lies Matter! Since I am a white male it is clear no shooting was done by white males but by piece of shit Jewish Males who are Democrat sewage! Of course the RACIST subversive LYING Jewish Supremacist media said the opposite because whatever a filthy despicable Jew accuses someone of they are guilty! Kind of like the BLATANTLY RACIST SEXIST Democratic party calling me RACIST! The RETARDED Democrats do not understand what a FACT is and will only regurgitate what they have been programmed with! Now APOLOGIZE for calling me a DEMOCRAT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Illegal Alien Students Now Allowed On California College Boards. #DeportThemAll #BuildThatWall #NoAmnesty #DrainTheSwamp ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She's up the duff, got a bun in the oven. It's already part burnt. Another one to feed. https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DpiIr3gW4AAq-B Not very nice James. I doubt they'll be on benefits, both have worked all their lives. They also bring immeasurably goodwill to Britain. Good luck to them :) What part of white virgin, European aristocracy or Royalty didn't the boy understand? He brings home a mixed race former American divorcee. And white virgin is a bit of an oxymoron these days lol His father managed it.Don't say look how that ended.I'm not anti Royal but THE Queen hasn't done her job and protected the people from Parliament.That is her Constitutional role. British Royalty sold their soul to the Jews via the Balfour because they knew Hitler would've won. Now look at the less than Great Britain. They were warned. Great Mess Britain Still scouring the sci-fi and x-file archives to identify what this is. The queen can't fuck anymore so they got Philip a MANNEQUIN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=isErSYusREU KrawallBr der - Unbeugsam - mehr hass 2017 - I don't speak german - the music sounded good - the video was fucking retarded ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Getting called a CUNT because I am the type of woman who mouths back to a disrespectful twat of a guy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Spain: still welcoming rescued migrants, but no more special concessions ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Also. Some of you Latina women and your white people racism can also eat a giant dick. Cuz they don't like your ass either. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This Muzzie wanna be POS will feel the wrath of American Patriotism soon.....Enjoy the show","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"One of the best parts of you stepping down is evil Bane gets to take off the power ring and post. This is where I point out that *before* becoming a mod, my user flair was \"Shitposter Extraordinaire\". > I may have stepped down (and this may be my last day in here checking messages) Good to see you're not going gentle into that good night. I feel like you're not understanding *why* I phrased things in those ways. I'm completely aware of how much **pointless** extra work it would be for the mods and how few minds it would change. As I said, staying bestof-able is \"a dumb and pointless concession to save face\". This post is primarily a guaranteed replies baitpost with three goals: A) **KiA users will be aware** of this choice being made for us by the Mods. I think there should have been a sticky about the opt-out, or even a vote for\/against it. I only found out because I was posting something completely unrelated to \/r\/bestof and I'm guessing outside of the mods, not that many people know why we had 5K active users all day Friday instead of our usual ~2K. In general, our population does not and, without this post, would not know that the mods have unilaterally chosen to opt us out of bestof posts. B) if people don't like the choice, they have a designated place to dissent. C) if people like the choice, they can agree and demonstrate a sort of consensus by upvotes\/comments. I don't expect the decision by the mods to change. > if people don't like the choice, they have a designated place to dissent. And what happens when the mob that fucked up the original post follows them? Huh? I'm talking about this thread being the dedicated \"argue about KiA rules and administration\" thread. If \/r\/bestof finds a reason to brigade this thread, I'll be thoroughly impressed. Have they ever needed a reason?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DanWolken It's idiotic opinions like this that make polls less than trash. Polls weren't a problem when people with integrity were voting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"anonymous retard claims to be jared kushner, credulous Qcult accepts claim without reservation","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey Guys. It's ok for her to say no. Stop calling women Bitches for declining your advances. Doesn't matter the tim ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"resist does not equal death. freedom of speech is protected by the Constitution.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Peace fags, just remember I'm best Lux support NA. Drop LustBoy pick me and Kakao up TSM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is an attempt to silence wrongthink. If you can't tell that by now, you're retarded sorry. First whatever, second lolicon, third alluding to all porn, now this. It's not hard to guess what this means.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck you boy. Did you take time on lunch break from the cock farm to post me? Im a \"deuce bag\" remember you cumstick. Fuckin retard with a lisp...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Now, faggot central.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She seems kinda white trashy so shes a good target.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Bidenshairplugs He looks like a fag and his time line is boring Zzzzzz","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @MySportsLegion: Nick Young says that close to $100,000 worth of money, watches sneakers and clothes were stolen from his house last nig ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'This Is Why We Can't Have Islam In The West' - Douglas Murray Talks About Threat Of Islam https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=3MpuQeZkl1M I'll say free speech with you is a 100 mile an hour thing. I suppose your over exaggerative use of certain terms is a power thing? It seems too much sometimes which make me exercise my ignore-your- posts right. Do you have other less garish thangs to say? Just mute me, pal. Save yourself another Holocaust. all the while, our children are groomed, and gang raped. YOUR children. Sad ... Very sad tbqh. Britain resist the ZOG We know who the useful idiots are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only a faggot would try it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @PapaRockk_: My mom paid $5 to hold this monkey and look what he did http:\/\/t.co\/t5ZkMd8Xeh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You guys never say anything about the daily airstrikes in Yemen. Saudi Arabia bombs schools, hospitals, and even potato chip factories in Yemen and you guys at AJ+ are SILENT about Yemen. It's clear you have to be biased since AJ+ is an extension of the Qatari Al Jazeera channel, but for a media outlet that tries to portray itself as an unbiased entity, you're a disgrace that reeks of hypocrisy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">Be White >Go to Charlottesville to protest the removal of a confederate statue >See old White man getting beat up by nigger >Defend man by smacking nigger in head >Get 8 years . >Be kike >Rape children >Get 60 days If you're not actively pointing out bullshit like this to people you know IRL despite the social costs of doing so, you don't deserve the White race","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I feel the need to make this public service announcement on the regular because I'm constantly getting new follows by accounts that say #BidenHarris2020. There's almost no way I'm following you back UNLESS of course, I see your profile ALSO says DEMAMD #MedicareForAll https:\/\/t.co\/SvpjBAQ6D7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FreddyAmazin: How can anyone hate Charlie Sheen http:\/\/t.co\/NiEJirYg7u","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im perfectly happy with my boyfriend bitch but dont worry karma is coming for your skank ass ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Great. Another Chinaman lecturing Australians for the next five years about how racist we are. Fuck this shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"If they had just complied\" with the law and obtained a search warrant this young man would still be alive. So much for that comply argument when these fucktards don't even follows the laws they are supposed to enforce.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"UK rejects Christian refugees recommended by UN, admits only Muslims among 1,112 Syrians admitted Jan-March 2018 via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"what would hitler do if he was on gab i'm a conservative, my name is old, look at how conservative my blog is http:\/\/limegenocide.blogspot.com\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Confounding Footage Shows Weird 'Mystery Creature' https:\/\/www.coasttocoastam.com\/article\/confounding-footage-shows-weird-mystery-creature\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] The general attitude of women expecting zero consequences for behaving like a cunt is a society wide pussy pass that has no need to be verbalized before it can be acknowledged.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah. Its funny that YOU got so triggered by something you saw on the internet that you've been crying like a little cunt about it for WEEKS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Coulter needs to eat a ham sandwich and choke on it. Such a sexist comment. Plenty of RW men are truly hysterical. Have you seen how the President acts? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Your words are soooooo descriptive. And now if there was any question about what happened before, now shes just being in in-your-face fucktwaddle because she thinks she got away with it the first time. Fucking bitch...and I dont say that about ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"2015 me: men are trash Men: not all men! Me: ofc not :3 2017 me: men are trash Men: not all men! Me: you heard what I said ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Puritanism isn't a good look on anyone, and the madness of not knowing fiction from reality even less so. What a nuanced and relevant rebuttal to my statement that not knowing the difference between reality and fiction is a bad look. You completely dismantled my whole argument with your choice words. Well done. Your welcome","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leave that nasty nigger in the jungle where it belongs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Are you the same brain damaged moron that showed up last time? Go away I don't feel like listening to your psycho babble. Sorry retard you'll have to go bother someone else tonight","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @drhoagie: .@1Dittlinger Jay; I think once someone has Alzheimer's, suffers from alcoholism and is mildly retarded, people shouldn't mak ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want a bitch who gone rape me when she feening for the dick ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user shut the fuck up hes not gonna dick you was gonna send u this dope steroline edit but u can go cry to olly ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lets send them all!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cops are criminals with a badge.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Jose Soto: Reflections of a former gay teabagger http:\/\/t.co\/XtMMuzyK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jihadi pop music debates: yo, bro, did you hear the latest Abu Yasser hit? , No bro, I m totally an Abu Hajar fan #UnderGroundCulture","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's the chances Kanye even knew what GamerGate was before this retard brought it up just now? > What's the chances Kanye even knew what GamerGate was before this retard brought it up just now? How many patriarchy meetings have you skipped? We all agreed that after Trump leaves the White House in 2024 it's Ye's turn. I d unironically vote for him, seems like a decent enough person with principles and it d piss the crap out this cunts...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Of course you are pussyboy. Your lies don't work with me. Yawn. So you say pussyboy. Your word means nothing as all you do is lie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"TIL that Sammy Davis Jr didn't only overcome racism over being black when he became famous in the 50s. He was one of the first openly bisexual pop singers, he was Jewish in perhaps the most anti-Semitic period in modern American history, and he only had one eye! https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/WmRd https:\/\/redd.it\/9msnr9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't let the world ending distract you from the fact that you're a hoe. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user hoe you dont even know??Tragique....add me back ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user you've turned into such trash #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Am I the only one who thinks John Kasich is a snake in the #GOP grass? \"Kasich: Kavanaugh Confirmation Only 'Short-Term' Win For Trump, GOP\" https:\/\/www.newsmax.com\/politics\/kasich-trump-kavanaugh-short-term-win\/2018\/10\/07\/id\/885205\/ Somebody that still has a twitter plz send that to his campaign i bet they wanna put that on bumper stickers PRONTO ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There will NOT be a Sand Nigger Socialist as Governor in Florida.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dhimmi France Outlaws Catcalling After Paris Woman Attacked By Street Rapefugee ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Evidently calling Kirsten Powers a Retard is #FrownedUpon by Heterosexually challenged Jack Dorsey's Minions If Trump switched to Gab...TwatCity would be a ghost town","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I see these retards spout crap like that so much it didn't even register.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dean it is all good. When you put a picture up of yourself then comment until then you are a bigger faggot more than me. No one is a bigger faggot, no worries Johnny boy Not worried about being a faggot. Gab has given me six men replying to me. Joblow not disappointed with you","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If a dude is going to rape a woman, the buddy system just means he's going to get a two for one. Pretend I'm a sexual predator. I can log on to this app, contact a woman, and she will tell me here train stop and I know she will be alone because I'm supposed to be from the app. Sounds safe Great idea! Here's $3k. Do I actually need to make the app? Just fork their app! Ah, sweet, thanks! 69 upvotes Nice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey ladies and men, rape, and sexual assault, etc of any sort is not acceptable in society. For those of you who commit these acts, pls die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Thank you for sharing these stories! We have just launched our own podcast, highlighting our beneficiaries. We'd love for you to check it out! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @chelseaxlaser: I really need to take my rose colored glasses off though. I gotta stop thinking everybody does shit with good intentions ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Retard Teaching Retards, Sounds like Today's School System to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"O = traitor, when is he going to prison finally for all of his crimes against the American public ??????????????????? @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#ReasonsWeCantBeTogether if u was talkin to my nig or smashed da homies","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @BuzzFeed: A photographer hid in a trash can to get these adorable engagement photoshttp:\/\/t.co\/75ZOvJEwYh http:\/\/t.co\/F3VAUX9STw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Criminology student\", my advice would be to stop skipping class ya stupid cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I would never visit such a retarded group of self important old hens. * search shows all posts being made live. Gab is a free speech site. Get used to it. \"Retarded is mistaking my post for dating advice. But Fine Judge, I'm retarded which beats retarded, shallow and mean every day of the week. Good Day SIr. Odd, but true: cupcake is my nickname in real life because I am so damn sweet....the nickname is sarcastic. Maybe you're not retarded afterall?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I love floating monkey heads as much as the next person but Active Surplus' website is just redonkulus. http:\/\/www.activesurplus.com\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#FuckISIS xD Check out The Super Patriotic Dating Simulator by Immigrant Father Studios on @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So a woman shouldn't be questioned if you does a 'Bobbitt\" on him in his sleep! Women are stupid to let ANY man bea ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now the White House wants to make it harder for LEGAL immigrants to become citizens \" if they've ever gotten welfare or used Obamacarehttps:\/\/t.co\/5lNR0nc4lt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"About 38.000 illigal refugees stay in ISRAEL. 1425 are in prison. If they return now they get a gift: 3500 USD. If they forget to return, they will prosecuted.ISRAEL gives an exampel, how to do ! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We saw how great stealing Trump 2016 signs from front yards did for that vapid ugly cunt Hillary did. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Because Lying cunt #Zionists like the tossspot in my meme squeal and play the victim like no other tribe on this earth. #ZionistGenocidaires #GodsChosenPeopleDelusion","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I also get the homos asking for your address, faggot ;) You too Wienner LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@LuckyL3FT @najmaaa_ali yellow bone be oh so easy wit da name callin b","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These comments make me sad, Captain Marvel's powers are \"Binary\" which I'm pretty sure is the joke that Samus ISN'T binary. Everyone thinking it's a gender thing just got \/r\/woooosh -ed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"British faggot @Captain_Britain What a fucking braindead reply. Enjoy your muzzies over there in the UK bitch, since you are too pussy to do something about it. Get off Gab and go protect your country you faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I think you're generalizing a little too much. I mute fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches almost every day. Doesn't bother me, because I send their stupid posts into an abyss where I don't have to see them. That's the price of free speech. You may not like it, but you can #INSTAMUTE these people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's shit like this that slowly makes me not want to support LGBT shit. The moment the lunatic fringe give a cause the sacred cow treatment, the blowback starts. Supporting LGBT shit should be as simple as thinking being gay should have no bearing on the freedoms given to you from birth. Not LGBT related, but there was an old Magic: The Gathering article on StarCityGames.com, where the author dared suggest we treat women players the same as any other player of Magic -- that article was pulled and an apology was offered by the head editor. So yes -- if even the notion of equal treatment is considered \"not good enough\", perhaps that blowback IS warranted. Please remember that we're not all like this. Evil people come in all flavors.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don t bother CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Good riddance. [deleted] Sorry, it was Michael who was married to a Muslim. [deleted] [deleted] I didn't realize that this was a pro-Trump\/anti-Obama sub. I guess I probably should have seen that coming though. hmmm [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So...I just read an article on how to deal with 'past sexual trauma' (ie regrets about sleeping around). Worst piece of virtue signalling, victim-industry garbage I have read in years. I think these leftist idiots have hired the Chinese ('literally'!!) to do their writing. Reads as if was written for retarded children or communists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fags are mentally ill and the jew pushing this life style on us, teach your children the truth because they are fed lies about it daily. Notice how the fags are only interested in White children, madam? Don't they like picaninnies? U guys notice many faggot wear brown pants??? Almost like they trying to cover some shxt, u know?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ayyyy spicy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"British actress becomes fifth woman to accuse of rape... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@saucygyro that was back when nigger music was decent","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Immigrant Families Reunited In New York ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"He just needed someone to talk to\"... That line broke my heart. It doesn't take a lot to give a helping hand... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JustReIatabIe: when you die on flappy bird http:\/\/t.co\/Pu7uqxJFMc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New York Times pond scum.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Really? You included Andrew in this. You got your ass handed to you, so you tattled. Past tense. For nothing actionable. What a retarded pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why take it? I wish the world had more \"HEY A FUCKING RETARD LIVES HERE HEY HEY LOOK OVER HERE A HUBBADERR DERRR BLORP\" lawn signs like this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"being ruled by retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @decider: #2 on the field, #1 in our hearts! What if @Yankees star Derek Jeter starred in \"Back to School?\" http:\/\/t.co\/nSZ6xGjkLV #yank ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"shoot yourself in the face with a shotgun you fucking silly cocksucker. Don't be jealous just because your life sucks greasy ass and you are a miserable faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@NYRKelsMads @popup82 Its Perfection. My brain crossed wires or something, I dont know why I came up with Concentration,maybe the ghetto one","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The whining never stops #YesAllMen ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Let's welcome #paedoBiden children's groper friend of retarded #recusedMeSessions - to the assault and mockery that awaits him from the #MAGA #POTUS can't wait.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Kick the crippled woman pull guns on everyone else party with their pot ... the cops are the real Thugs","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"WETback","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Apparently, you \/can\/ turn a hoe into a housewife ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Notice how the Dems are not talking about or pushing for the release of the FBI report. They read enough of it to know that no doubt all nine witnesses the FBI interviewed said Ford was a drunken,whore,lying crazy fraudulent, cunt !","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Worthless POS!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I made a new group called Right Wing Cooking Squad, where you can share your favourite food recipes, tips and pics! Feel free to join! https:\/\/gab.ai\/groups\/0a2e240d-2a81-4c18-b727-247c027801b3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"obam and merkel destroy the free world...just wait a few years and u\"ll see what islam is all about","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @user When a fart slips out in front of your fella for the first time ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"im so trill, ur hoe can't handle it but damn, that bitch can suck a diiiiickkkk ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This reminds me of another quality video lol. He ain't fittin to front for these peckerwoods! http:\/\/t.co\/AYpwHr0J62","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is a dangerous threat to MAGA, or KAG, as Trump wants us to call it now I'm tired of idiots blabbering about her penis. I'm more sick of the idiot that won't admit they have a dick, and a people that refuse to acknowledge it's a dick. Irrelevant. If she comes out, she's even more popular with Dem voters. Retard muted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv religion is gay, loser","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Because England is GONE. Bend over for your Muzzie Love, England. Enjoy the multiculturalism at it's Rape Anything finest.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Full On Retarded Democrat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user A man in hiding for rape says that a powerful woman has a dark side. That is the definition of creepy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Its time to give hunting licenses to border homes and make it year round open season on this invading force! Free guns and ammo to those willing to defend our borders!!! #BuildThatWall #BuildThatDamnWallNow ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user You pussy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Fuck love a loose kunt you can jack off into ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So much fail in your wordplay. Say the country out loud and see how retarded you are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @JFish13: Where has this been all year? But still #FireCashman #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I got so many Jew hater moron and \"nigger\" hater moron responses, then muted them one by one with relish, I'm going to post this again. Here we go!! Round 4! I look forward to your hilarious imbecile responses. To all you moron Jew haters. And, \"nigger\" hater morons. The Jews did NOT murder Jesus you ignorant morons! The pagan Romans did! The Pharisees instigated it on their jealousy of Jesus, not the Jews you morons, most of whom were already secretly following Jesus. ... \"Love one another.\" \"Love thy neighbor as thyself.\" \"These are my brothers and sisters.\" \"The door is open to everyone.\" ... The ignorant Jew hating moron crowd continually assaults me with the false claim that Jesus was not Jewish. Child brains... King David was as Jewish as it gets according to every rational research. Jesus celebrated Jewish tradition all his life even the day before his death. So, eat it, you imbeciles. ... It is true, most Jews do not accept Christ as savior. Still no reason to hate them. The greater majority of humanity does not accept Christ as savior. Do you hate Indians? Chinese? Japanese? Tibetans? Muslims who through no fault of their own were born into an evil cult? Your logic is as flawed as you are. For those of you assholes who think I haven't thought this through, jump up a rope! I am as studied as any of you... So, I say again... To all you moron Jew haters... You're as stupid, dangerous, and Godless as dimocrats. Your wanton unyielding ignorance shames all humanity. You are not welcome among decent educated people. I wish I could mute you all at once. My Lord Jesus IS a Jew. Stew on that. Eat it in fact. My staff will sprout while you grumble unto death. I truly feel sorry for you.\" Bytheirfruit The Romans paid Jewish scribes to write the Jewish faggot man\/god tale so you are the moron for believing it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"On the anniversary of 9\/11 #ISIS and Al Qaeda supporters each claim Ben Laden as their own as a show of their Jihadi authenticity #pathetic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Haha, she is a hero. Don't forget that ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hopes dis don't come as a severe shock to use but I'm colored","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've heard of infantiliizing people but you're just being retarded. Firstly, its the very defenition of ppd as ppd knows no age. Secondly, who's rule book you going by? Last I checked, children can be tried as adults depending on crime. Regardless, the bitch slap of justice knows no age.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wow mark zuckerburg, way to be a douche!! Why don't you take a stand and fight for these people instead of stealing their land for your own selfish use!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Let's replace leftist cunt white Ivanka with this Indian one! @andieiamwhoiam","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sshhh... people might think you're crazy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I saw a screencap of someone on twatter calling it fascist already. Shocker. Heaven forbid people try to protect themselves from what are in fact, violent monsters. You bigot! #LetThemIn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course the Jewish nobel peace prize goes to a nigger and a rape victim, rather than Trump who only de-escalated the threat of nuclear war with Russia and started peace negotiations with North Korea...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user marxist globalist democrats bring our enemies to the usa, feed, cloth and shelter them,,then make them citizens so it is easier for the hostile immigrants to attack us....END HOSTILE IMMIGRATION BOTH LEGAL AND ILLEGAL #maga ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fuck off back to twitter rabbi. are you still here i told you to fuck off. you are so retarded its actually hilarious...thats why I keep you around always doing and saying the dumbest shit. You bring me many laughs on gab","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm voting for the responsible and healthy guy!#Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/nhlcZxAuHH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Not when you need to be put under. That's patently untrue. My county's free health plan is nicer then my own plan that I actually work and pay for. They get free rotary wing rides, I do not. >Nerve pain is bad. Nerve pain when you have insanely sensitive nerves due to fibromyalgia? You want help or a pity party? Because I'm currently battling a touch of the brain cancer. So fuck off with the WOE IS ME PITY MEEE bullshit. Same thing brimshaw did. >Yeah, they HAVE to put me out. Well it depends on what form of sedation, how heavy you're going to require , etc. IF you were my patient, without seeing the casenotes from the doc, you're gonna get thrown into moderate sedation with some fent or some shit, but that goes back to allowable charges. Call your primary insurance company, have them fax a list of allowables, and then contact the billers at your chosen oral surgeon. Make sure you're not a retard and he's actually in network first, but you have medicare (which you shouldn't even be on, but I guess it works out different in libtard states). Go to medicare.gov and pull the punchlist for submitting out of network charges. It's a cunt but they obstinably have to let you pick your doctor.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And advertising. Almost every commercial (seemingly) has a nigger dude with a hot white chick (as if that's normal).","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In a shocking move, audiences care if a series is good, not if it follows our retarded NPC political views.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Always remember our enemies know they're a race, one they believe has sanction by god to rule over goyim, using any means necessary to that end. They and their apologists always lie and misdirect. #holohoax #jews #israel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you finally catch that cunt that's been leaving ' ' under baes pics ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fake news bro #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/zZXfJWzxty","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well I'd be kinda upset if my ex was trying to make my kid a Muslim so I guess I can understand the beef They were both Catholic and had agreed to raise their kid in the Catholic Church. Their religion is important to them both and she made the decision to have the child baptized without his father present. Yeah guess so. Why make it about the parents tho? Now the kid has to live a messed up life run through the courts. At least the kid got baptized. I'm catholic as well and fully understand the importance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"kansas high school pozzed by gay Congo for muh soccer ball @Muskrat_Mike","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I meant in Arizona. You're right about Romney. If we get down to 51 or 52 and he gets to grand stand along with those abortion loving cunts from Alaska and Maine, we're fucked.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Says it all #migrants #refugees. #RefugeesNotWelcome ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kanya:... Pres. Trump, I thank you for letting me and \"bigJim\" here come talk to you today. Trump:... No problem Kanya, guess the ERs will be over run with liberals tonight. Kanya:... Why is that? Trump:... Because when their heads exploded they were up their asses and it blew their assholes out. Kanya: Motherfucker!! How many ways can we use Mother**cker. Maybe this could be our Friday night game. Maybe CNN will take off with it like they did with \"shithole\". Hehe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"College is such a joke. Smart white kids have to bend over backwards and bust their ass. Meanwhile, if you're good wit da football you're golden.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"India is just another Israel and Kashmir is just another Palestine.India puts blame on Pakistan for every evil in their country. Indians need to take responsibility for their actions. Blame game would not do you any favors when you don't allow UN access to Kashmir so that they can determine who is right and who is wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Democrats Illegal Alien Grand Ma Caught Sneakin in 31 Pounds of Herion from Mexico Proving Illegal Grand Mas Must be deported too! #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Abolish Illegals Keep @user @user #Immigration ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hillary will not win the 2020 anyway. Neither will fucking sleazy pedophile Biden. The one to be very careful of is Beto!!!!! Depending on their choices since they slammed their Electorate for choices, it will be very few left on the table. USA will not tolerate another black nigger motherfucker for office. They most likely will pick Warner if he decides to run. As to BETO only if he loses the Senate race in Texas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @HeroineAddict: 15 y\/o me totally understood 'Twin Peaks'.40 y\/o me can't seem to follow these 'The Great Outdoors' Goldfish crackers ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Note to PM Sheikh Hasina re #refugees: if you move forward w\/ \"problematic, rights-abusing plan to force #Rohingya to move to risky and remote island of Bhasan Char, global criticism will shift from #Myanmar to #Bangladesh faster than you can imagine\" @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He didn't mean it ! He messed up lolz. But I can't blame him. In a great country like America we have too many educated ass holes voting for a joke like trump. Everyone must unite and defeat the biggest threat to this country. Obama gotta do everything in his power to stop Donald Drumpf","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user YOU ARE NO CHAMPION FOR WOMEN! YOU'RE A GREEDY, OPPORTUNISTIC ATTENTION WHORE! You should never work in law again! #weinsteinGate ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I kno this bitch pussy smells really bad because she cook steak rice n corn everyday ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Mam, Ren e doet in haar rol net of ze ongesteld is Wat is ongesteld?\" Van dat soort vragen waar je denkt: hoe leg ik die weer uit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What on earth is a Super Chat?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I went through something vaguely similar. Retarded sluts indeed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just remember, bitches want to be treated like shit! If you don't treat them like shit from the very beginning they think you don't love them. Treat a bitch like a nigger treats a dog and they'll love you forever. No, thats virgin , retard advice. You don't treat them like shit. You dangle your desire in front of them. You make them work for it. You make her wonder if your interested. You pursue them but you make it seem like you don't know if you even give a shit, to the girl. That's how you do it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Take\" How retarded are human beings sometimes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"they each have their strengths. I've had the best of both, and they are both some of the best pizza in America.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I had our HR director suggest a few months back we start interviews by asking an applicant their preferred pronouns. No Susan. I will not ever utter those words in my lifetime in a serious fashion, you stupid thundercunt. I'm going to take an educated guess. I have a 50\/50 shot. And if you're offended I chose wrong, you aren't getting the job anyhow. They\/their is plural. And I'm not even sure wtf Xir is. So I'm not using either. I'm sticking with him and her. If I'm wrong, sue me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@MarkDice Yep, that's why Court Packing Pelosi told people to come down to China Town and went on holiday and got her hair dyed... f*ck the workers, this is about Trump. She'll pretend it's for workers in the long term, but she's been there decades and done nothing so it's just a lie...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It figures the hurricane is named after a woman. They always fuck everything up #Sandy #Bitch #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How about a GoFundMe for a few hundred million dollars, to build a wall along the border side of this farm? #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheDamnWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Turkish Nazi Muslims\" huh retard Hey, try forming real sentences instead of half of your worlds being fucking hashtags, fuckwit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Waters 1023\/1024 so nearly full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Don't even get me started on Bill Clinton or Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Obama). We need to close military bases that make no sense to still operate. China is what we need to be worrying about. I watch what they are doing with their navy. It's quite alarming IMO. I'm a conservative, not a libertarian. It's high time we stop trying to police the entire f***ing world. We can't afford it anymore. Why do you think the deficit is so bloody high? How many more Americans have to die because of neo-con and neo-liberal masturbation fantasies? I want American taxpayers' money spent on AMERICA not the rest of the f***ing world.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One could really liven up the election in their area by posting signs that read : VOTE FOR THE NIGGER ! The left and their allies the lying media won't be able to resist screeching,sobbing and wringing their hands over it. It would make an otherwise dull day and dull election a whole lot more exciting.And admit it ,ruining their day brings such pleasure, true?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If you are a lesbian, you are a woman, not a man. If you claim to be a he\/him lesbian you are either a man who just wants to use \"lesbian\" instead of \"gay\", or you're a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That nigger is 0-","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You'd think a billionaire would have better security, unless they are talking about billions in nigger dollars, then he could afford one KFC bucket.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Gun's loaded and these are real soldiers. Not sure if the guard shouted a warning or not but sometimes manners have to be learned the hard way. Edit am now sure he shouted a warning but probably not in the tourists's native tongue so I guess the lesson had only one way to go... They literally scream \"MAKE WAY FOR THE QUEENSGUARD . She had no business in that spot at all. *Sees uniformed Man carrying weapon pacing methodically in front of country's property* and#x200B; Woman: \"I should stand in his way\" \"It is certainly permissible to cross this line that separates us tourists from the active military guard.\" Ignorant woman: *Sees uniformed queen's mascot walking around* I doubt she processed that it's actually an armed guard. mascot? and#x200B; People don't care @ Yellowstone, why would they care here? They should care because one is a national park, the other is a royal location with trained guards and live ammo. I'm saying some people don't have the brain\/couth to pay attention to barriers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"King, TI vs tip and that troubleman albums all trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't stand that asian dude just now, faggot gives me attitude cause I almost forgot my water, fuck u faggot if I wasn't on stage","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"BREAKING NEWS: ALL TRUMP SUPPORTERS WILL BE ROUNDED UP IN EXACTLY 6 MONTHS. ENJOY YOUR FREEDOM WHILE YOU CAN yes they'll just get us all while we're blocking traffic, throwing bricks through windows, killing unborn babies, harboring illegal aliens, harassing people who do not agree with us....... oh wait that's not us. we're too busy working, paying taxes and following the rule of law. our badness","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Texts after calling me a slut and telling me I was a bitch and that no one liked me. When I went to the dean with my mom and showed him the ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user She just keeps digging that \"women are stupid if they didn't vote for me hole deeper and deeper. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Everyone who disagrees with your libtard virtue signaling world views is alt right nazi. Fuck off faggot. Do you like those downvoted? You fucking retard, go batch to the kitchen dumb nigger Snowflake faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Without predators, the Human is becoming more and more retarded until, one day we will hit the critucal point.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Very important piece. Also hope folks saw this and will stand up:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In Mexico and CanadaONLY NATIVE BORN CITIZENS ARE ALLOWED TO VOTE IN THEIR ELECTIONS and EXCLUDES NATURALIZED CITIZENS!We should do the same in U.S.A.#RETWEET#RESIST#ThursdayThoughts #TrumpKnew Help #BuildThatWall @ #EndDACA#TheFive ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"One of Obama's muzzie shit holes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So if white people have white children it's racist but if they also have non-white children it's also racist? Can't win there. Basically these retards will complain no matter what.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The amount of faggot little white knights is pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"David Greco @DaveGreco33 Goodbye chum ..MUTED If there is one thing i hate as much as zionist its nazi scum . Mentally retarded boy raping queers !! Anyone who can be a nazi is a liberal queer degenerate !! If there is one thing i hate as much as zionist its nazi scum . Mentally retarded boy raping queers !! Anyone who can be a nazi is a liberal queer degenerate !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user SlutWhoreBitch Cunt Coulter ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So therefore they are banning everyone who says \"Russian bots etc, right? Of course they are. They aren't completely unashamed political partisans. Let's just wait. Except Russian propaganda bots are actually a thing? The NPC meme is just another dumb meme to discredit the majority of Americans. if by majority you mean \"tiny fringe of likely rapists\", then yes. I'm sure you have a source for this 65% statistic? Also, this is not a far-left hugbox, so please stay civil. I know its hard for you \"people\", but please try, consider it practice for your parole hearings. EDIT: Everyone knows that there being no source means it is right, I mean after all, harvey weinstein is a left wing hero. >civil >you \"people\" Hmm And 65% refers to the fact that Trump's approval rating has hit 35% multiple times. Meaning that 65% of people don't approve of him. Depends on which poll you refer to, really. Rasmussen has had him at 50% for a while now. You, unlike I just did, haven't mentioned a source. And no, I don't owe you civility because you started with the harvey weinstein fanclub speak first. And lastly; the NPC meme isn't about average people who are against trump, it is against \"people\" who just spout liberal talking points. EDIT: and it is quite rich, coming from the people who have dehumanized ALL opposition for a few decades now to start crying about being dehumanized for acting like actual robots. Cause calling half the nation rapists isn't an insult? K But but but they said something I dislike so they rules shouldn't apply. No. Someone else breaks a rule report it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Pret a Mort\" In tonight's episode Poirot has to sove two mysterious deaths in quick succession. But which one is due to the filling and which one is due to the bread. Only a practical sandwich experiment can solve the issue for Hercule, a quest which leads him to the Thai red light district... what ?.. feed it to 2 different whores for $10 each.. That was not what I meant. $6 OBVIOUSLY. ten Dollar !! You're not very skilled at this negotiating, are you? 10 Dollar.. Including tips? 10","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you know where I grew up Skippy? @mouzone_brother @psherm07 @EchoesErrant @gigg423 @jstines3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm running my penis down your mothers NECK you little CUNT !","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @TedNugent: Gun control talks with gunrunning Eric Holder on board. We r the planet of the apes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So migrants illegally sneaking into the USA can't expect to remain with their kids. Duh? They aren't walking into a mall but a different sovereign country which needs to end the influx. #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No. [Heres some more retarded stuff Naughty \"woke\" Dog said](http:\/\/magaimg.net\/img\/6fzh.png) No. [Heres some more retarded stuff Naughty \"woke\" Dog said](http:\/\/http:\/\/imgs.fyi\/img\/6fzh.png)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @LifeFlightGirl: When someone is murdered, the police investigate the spouse first. And that tells you everything you need to know abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Can we please have a lot of news on the open defecation, poverty, misery, suppressed women, religious intolerance of minorities, rape culture.. you get the picture. That is what we want to hear from trustful media, not fake news ab ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@chrisbickert i want it! I love her gooks! she is awesome where did you get it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What women do is way down on the list of rape causative factors but it's still on the list and u're not a potential ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"get in here cunt @Little_Southern_Land","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Don't ever apologize for knowing your worth... Even if you're worthless ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.justice.gov\/usao-nh\/pr\/california-resident-sentenced-25-years-producing-child-pornography I wish we had a national alert for every time a leftest family has had the misfortune of the atrocities they are so willing to let slide for the downfall of America.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @iMDatDudeFish: RT @VivaLaKash: #ThotGoals .. RT @LessonswithKate: I wanna learn how to jigg really good so I can be in the circle.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Its suppose to be yellow but we dont do yellow http:\/\/t.co\/y1hLiBjQmn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dallas hoe RT @beanreturns: Why http:\/\/t.co\/D6HAlItFmP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Walking around with a half hard dick all day is a really good look on me ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Y'all he is a self hating nigger yes I said nigger that is why he brags about his white women (mud shark whore) he obviously wants to turn his DNA white can you blame him dam he was born a nigger after all","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How about, shoot on sight? Sure ammunitions and disposal with cost alot since you would need quite alot of it. But its only a onetime cost.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"In 2000 foreigners accounted for less than 2% of the population; a mere five years later, the figure was 15%. In 2018, it is now officially 18% although according to the city's integration and immigration commissioner, the true figure is closer to 30%. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#illegal #immigrants from #africa storm border fence into Spain's north Africa enclave of #Ceuta Next stop: benefitsand free housing ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"pure trash http:\/\/t.co\/A2RbVEBeg1","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Damn Nigger look at that Cactus. Now thats what i call a PRICK","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"ahah fucking queer @KingJames kill urself","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user My little commie skank look at you!!! Im so proud ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White women matter, disgusting mudsharks do not lol. Cunt got what she deserved.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user If 1 guy can rape 10 women then it's clearly a problem with women. Speak up!!! No one can help ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whoops bought snuggly hideous fuzzy boots because it's cold as balls all of a sudden","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"US report finds only 20,000 Palestinian refugees in the world | #DepartmentofState #Israel #TedCruz... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"'rich people hiding their money like their lives depended on it..' isn't this just the oldest news in human history..? what else is 'new'? it's even in the bible.. 'for a rich man it is far easier to crawl through the eye of a needle than be free from his materialistic burdens here.. on earth..'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See, she can stay awake when she thinks about it. #GabFam #MAGA Tick tock... Nope. ??? You dont like Barrett? Wow! Indeed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Already more yellows than the last 2 years combined #IndyCar #Honda200","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @shakiraevanss: Criticize Amanda for saying the n word, sure, but don't make jokes about her sexual assault, don't be trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"let me just hold up hundreds on people because my annoying ass friend can't be on time.\" Not even that. She was having a conversation You can't just invent reasons, do you even know what a photo-shoot involves? I'm saying a friend was taking pictures for Instagram or whatever just off frame because she was motionless and looking in that direction. A shit thing to do during busy commute hours. That's not a photoshoot. That's two selfish narcissistic idiots. You're right. Not technically a photoshoot but now you're just arguing semantics. You're right let's call it a selfie. I mean that's a photoshoot too right? All you need is a camera and a person. Lol oh you. What makes you think that? Reminds me of those piece of shit drivers that pull into the intersection before there is room to clear it, blocking everyone who has the green light from going anywhere. Yes my time is more important than all 20 of you people. sorry, but when 4 people are slow as shit and eat up my green arrow timer, you're damn straight I'm gonna barge through that intersection, hit me. He's talking about the people who obstruct traffic by staying in the intersection travelling straight (when there isn't enough room to continue on the other side of the intersection but they proceed to block the intersection anyway) where as it sounds like you're turning left on a red light because people are taking up \"your advanced green\" (as if a person is entitled to one regardless of there position in queue). Both turning left on the red and obstructing traffic on a green are both asshole moves. shut up I don't like shut up, I like 7 up; I barf it up, you lick it up. Something we said as children roughly 30 years ago, I thought it might get a few kicks, I failed. Had to down vote but you get the upvote returned here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@carpedehope not if you're standing in btw the yellow lines","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#WhiteNationalist #NPC: ..dont forget to spread your love for #Eugenics, #Abortion, and #PopulationControl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Churchill was a faggot philo-Semite who sucked mamzer cocks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's not nearly as far off the mark as I'd like it to be. The modern SJW pretty much originated from 4chan. Keep in mind that 4chan did great things. Terrible, yes, but great. Then someone thought, \"What if we used our power for good?\". Only, as we see, evil can't be used for good. The ends don't justify the means, they are created by the means. So really, 4chan and anonymous were the 'big name' in being gigantic unbearable cunts for a 'good' cause. You know how it goes. Any group of people pretending to be retards eventually gets taken over by actual retards mistakenly believing they're in good company.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What these bitches want from a nigga?, like on some DMX shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fat ugly dyke feminists give birth, that's how we got MGTOW losers, maybe it is women's fault. I hope you don't have siblings, certainly this world has enough losers. I hope your fat ugly mama quit with you, loser.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I will reply to you ONCE before I mute you. The second we cannot get past skin color to see a good person, then this world is lost. And he is a man who obviously loves his wife and loves the Constitution AND is willing to stand up for what he believes in. It's you I feel sorry for. Very well said.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THEY DO! When a woman is tring to tell you to eat 'healthier' she is trying to remove PROTEIN\/RED MEAT. She is essentially lowering his libido\/testosterone. I've quipped \"They want to remove the red meat because he might want a blow job after dinner\". Women treat men like dogs. They decide when they will reward and punish certain behaviors. The problem is that the female will start removing too much from him until the dog gets really hungry and breaks. Maybe its booze, maybe its cheating\/sex, whatever it is, then they will blame him. When really they were starving the dog until it started pissing in the corner and then they punish the dog for peeing in the corner instead of giving him what they know he wants\/needs. Women treat dogs better than men. A woman will tell you to never punish your dog. They will say you can only 'reward' positive behavior. But they only do that in the beginning with a man. Once the dog is doing what it's 'supposed to do' 98% of the time, they are bored and lose interest and then neglect the dog. They want a new toy. A new challenge. They are perpetually bored perpetual children. They feel empty inside. I saw it said earlier: Where men have souls, women have lists. lmmfao @ vegan cuck ! dyin' !! There should be an all simp band called Vegan Cuck. Their stage act could have them with their instruments, but leg shackled and gagged while Chad and Tyrone are spit roasting their wives onstage Whatever you fantasies are. A bit of freudian slip right there. Im not a vegan. I did vegan diets and keto. I bet you are a fat fuck who cant even pull his weight around. Go eat your mcdonnalds. And im not married so i cant be a cuck. You on the contrary since you post on r\/marriedredpill , you are trying to figure out why your wife is pregnant with Tyrone spawn.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Idk go ask that retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@minella_joe @DFSRants I would not describe Kamala Harris as a 'strong black woman.' Angela Davis, Angela Walker, Nina Turner, Barbara Lee, Briahna Joy Gray...yes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll give you a baby zebra girl.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PM Trudeau on the defensive about immigration Awesome,Candians are awakening and could mean the end of the white Obama up north... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Listen cunt the only thick twat is you! because l know! Jewish isnt a race! And you can convert so if your gonna quote shite be factual No cunt l got cross because you attacked and insulted me! I know what I'm talking about now fuck off you job jockey once to often you have tried abusing ppl when they pull you up on your BS. I didn't attack you! You did me! The only thick cunt here is YOU","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"COMMON SENSE IS GONE and NEVER COMING BACK!! GERMAN INSANITY??? The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home | Armstrong Economics ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user You bitch too much over stupid shit go fuck your self stupid cunt you have shitty service anyway a ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"make halloween uncomfortable again:)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nice word control, thirsty nigger man","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You pussy boy ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@ryanhoover like we all never gave the camera \"the bird\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why in the hell are they not kicking that rag head feckless cunt out of our country?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm with you on this one, it is a pretty retarded ruling. Prosecutor really screwed the pooch but knowing central Washington State the way I do, I'm not surprised.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What kind of fucking retard thinks blacks are white supremacists and the \"ok\" sign is some covert signal?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Check out this video- I'm honored I got to see @user start rolling out this new tech in Uganda to make sure @user food gets to the right refugees. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@chrislhayes @TheReelRandom That's not going to happen. Boris and Natasha (Donnie and Mel) will keep their \"illness to themselves and never share with the American public. Plus, I don't believe a pathological liar. He lies about everything, so why not his diagnosis of covid? #LiarInChief #BidenHarris2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Charlie Sheen wants to return to 'Two and a Half Men' | http:\/\/t.co\/kVMDoGDcLQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The problem is you admitted your first loyalty is to a universalist religion that is one of many factors contributing to white genocide. Your first loyalty is to some Christian nigger rather than our own people. I am guessing you believe Israel to be the \"Holy Land\" rather than Europe?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I am not \"admitting\" anything. i was offering you an explanation. you dumb cunt Yeah, you did admit it, you faggot. Just because you didn't mean to doesn't mean that it doesn't count. suck a bag of nigger dicks you clown","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If we're not laughing, we're losing. When we started scratching our chins in deep philosophical musings about the moral or aesthetic value of something....we've already lost.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fox News: EricTrump: \"You know why Donald Trump] got jobs back and Obama couldn't? Because he's a businessman.\" WattersWorld https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/status\/1053799746886885376 Eric, it's because Obama is a Marxist. They build nothing, because they are in business of taking. Redistribution of wealth. High taxes. Zero growth. Regulations.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JonJ_07 like their players really been talking trash about Bama.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Palms? Are you retarded? The nails went through his arm (between bones), otherwise the weight would rip through skin\/muscle and he would have fallen off!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"One of Christine Blasey Ford's former boyfriends just dropped a bomb on the investigation, proving that she lied about nearly every part of her testimony. I want to know where that $900k+ she received came from. I doubt very much the majority of it came from concerned dog moms and cat ladies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NavyAssLos: Hunter Hurt Helmsley RT @Rich_GMI: Cut the imaginary height shit. Most of the women tweeting about it sleep alone every nig ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I thought we in the Philippines have the worst journalists in the world... I should've known that you fuckers are all over the world. You don't what's exactly happening! That witness you're seeing right there is a fraud. You wouldn't even understand what he's saying not unless it's close captioned with stupid and exaggerated translations... You've got more problems to solve in your country, please let my President run this country and start cleaning your backyard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@ABC its time. amend 14th amendment it was written to protect newly freed ex slaves. Its lived its purpose. time to end anchor baby loophole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're fucking retarded, keep sending whites to slaughter, since UTR we have no networking, infighting from faggots like you right here etc etc.. but yea bring on the peasant rebellion, they never get crushed as soon as the leaders get taken out","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The death penalty would be too good for these feral niggers. Flaying, Vivisection, Crucifixion and more are worthy ways to punish the vile nigger infestations.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The video is just an obnoxious twat trying to be funny for 10 minutes, with zero arguments why the game is bad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"HE IS A HIPPY FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I wonder if this lady has seen that this is what her viral photo has turned into? The face she's making strongly implies you're right.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obozo was Never military, so a civil tribunal would be more suitable. Never could figure out why that Muzzie scum bag was Commander in Chief, since he never served in any military!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Aside from the obvious retard math about the hours, am I the only one that noticed the sample size for the women was 1600? In a country with","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @EchelonInsights: Rick Scott beating win number in 30 counties, Charlie Crist in 13. #FLGOV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My butt cancer keeps flaring up whenever I visit twatter. It's just retard after retard calling Trump a retard. There's a bunch of bots, but it seems like a lot of people are just following \"Drumpgfh\" in order to be mad at him. Oh well, at least they have a non-violent outlet for their anger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Are these the guys suing Kim for like $300,000 for their LOSING legal fees. I hope this is somebody else.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.chicksonright.com\/blog\/2018\/10\/17\/amy-schumer-feels-bad-for-women-more-attractive-than-her\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Two aid workers charged with theft of refugee camp supplies in Uganda ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BenTateRB: This is crazy no RB picked yet. A RB won ROY! 2yrs ago RB was MVP. Ppl 4get how important our position is. This is insane ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"News Flash George Soros was and is a Nazi who sent the Hungarian Jews to their death Hitler was a globalist he wanted a unified Europe his Vision is what we call the European Union today all you little neo nazis and Hitler loving fuckwitts should learn the history of the shit you worship the death cramps were real not allied propaganda... So, you're really this stupid? LMFAO!!!! I've never witnessed this kind of stupidity in person, sure on GAB, but like really, I was in Harrison Arkansas today and didn't even witness this kind of stupidity!!! Lolololololol Yes, I get it! Your mother and sister and daughter are the same. I saw a show on TV about it once, sad. Maybe you should just kill yourself and ease the pain. Lol, your 3rd grade education is impressive, to your mother. Dumbass Yeah, because you bring SUCH a compelling argument to Gab! Lol, that's WHY you are dumb and we ALL laugh AT you. The stupid is strong in this one. @bigpapi765 The holocaust of 17 millions Germans in WW2, the 66 million white Christians in Russia, the 3 million white Christian Armenians, and the 100 million Chinese all perpetuated by the vile despicable RACIST LYING MURDEROUS THEIVING askeNAZI JEW PIGS! These are true events or are you a Holocaust denier? No, you are a complete retard like most people. You are a walking zombie but not that you would know it!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"###We need to find her and tattoo cunt on her head to warn others.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Cause you a pimp and pimps forget ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People who get offended by every little thing don't deserve to live. I'm so sick of this shit I want to puke.You want to be offended? I'll fucking offend your sorry ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@kaylonnnnn then who are you to call me trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now has the cunt may the prat got the message now the eu Nazie leader s as drop breixt in November now fucking walk away or fuck ing sake that prat may she fucking loser we want out no fucking deal s with eu she that fuck ing dum","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I really can't with this motherfucker anymore... please vote, folks #BidenHarris2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"DRAKE! I WILL RIP YOUR HAIR OUT IF I SEE YOU AND THIS BITCH TOGETHER ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Boner killer? Hardly! I'm sure you've heard the joke about the best part of having sex with a preggo. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump fucked these,he had his own way.If that cunt had won the election the US would be going the same way as the UK.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"make up your mind your going to take their benefits away so r u going to do the same to the young migrants punish ur own and let off others ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"no surprise, rich sjw twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"thats cuz u aint everrrr had that cunt sucked proper, ya cunt!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Smh hate that hoe","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"greatest threat' to Austrian security, says top military figure.EU and Europe bitterly divided major confrontations between the two.Nothing more counterproductive than \"centers on European territory or euro bribes for migrants.#Visegrad #V4 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Beijing is going to the first country LOL! Fuck Tibetan fuck Muslim fuck Uruguay, all these people are extreme and should be deported from china, china should hire Donald trump to build a wall in west side of the boarder to make sure that they can never come back into china.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I learnt about birds as a child. Best time to learn @BBCRadio2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MLewis2670 @RevTChristopher Biden has flip\/flopped 3 times on the 'defund' question, as the wind blows.Joe\/Kamala would be the most lawandorder as you look down the entire ticket. Every seat below Pres, you've got a \"D\" that gets worse on the LawandOrder issue. I hope that translates to something.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is VERY TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I been camping at Standing Rock and its a everyday battle fighting for what's LIFE. And that is protecting our Water. MNI WICONI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here's Domingo an immigrant, father, and Founder of Peels and Wheels Composting. Apply now to join us for the next Collab Accelerator: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sister Patricia Fox, the Australian nun whose missionary visa was revoked by the Philippine government last month, has debunked allegations against her by the Bureau of Immigration in a 25-page document. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Good Genes? Like breading race horses?Yes, Trump believes he is in the master race.#Nazi #CountryOverParty #eugenics #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/3Au7slV2T6","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You can't make this type of fucking stupid up.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What an amazing gift for Mary and Matta and other young immigrant children! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#BuildThatWall is all about homeland security and an open border clearly leaves Americans less safe. Makes sense to use our military to protect us by building a wall. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good going. Take responsibility for your parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc etc. You white trash racist slave owner, you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We made it MAGA DOENT SLOW DOWN https:\/\/redd.it\/9qh0kw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The cunt should be hung by the balls......","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"half-nigger muzzie faggot. ahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahaa","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Seems like Chicago beats New York at everything","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"want to strangle her with her hijab. Would not mind seeing this cunt stoned to death bukas are flammable. I cant believe lhe leftist, womens movement support her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Me and all my friends hate everyone... I sometimes wonder how we became friends ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I want to see that nigger break it's leg again, then knock the potato nigger out while standing on one foot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"White sharia was a retarded meme that poisoned the well for any talks about gender relations.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nah. ITS OVER> People don't tell #artists what do to. That's defies the definition of what WE ARE TRYING TO SHOW #youpeople. #retards #game7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao RT @iPOSTBADTWEETS: Lowkey Peyton Manning trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lets not forget this lying cunt that derailed a republican senate seat for more than one million dollars in payment.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @ArcticFox2016: 150 Christians MASSACRED By Jihadi Muslims While They Slept! Including Pastor, His Wife and Kids http:\/\/t.co\/VnR60MjFo6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IT'S ALL PIG JEW TO ME Wow, what a cum back. Nigger Cum all OVER your back!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Have fun fucking your whore you asshole in red lip stick with a smiley face lolol what a bad bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just so you know, I'm a righteous Dick Cheney Impersonator, which is not like a thing or anything. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Way to go, Limey idiots! Get your act together and your justice system in line!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What did this retard use to take the picture? OH, a phone? OH, it's a lie? Huh","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Japan doesn't shy* away from a lot of things. Male characters smack around women for the humor of it too. And something like Seven Deadly Sins has the main character frequently groping women, stealing her panties [while she's wearing them], etc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user post telling how you love hooking up with a filthy slut so you and that whore joke about her man(I ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It should say Cunt instead !","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When I look at the shit that I post... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Everyone wants to put women who make false accusations of rape in prison for life but don't even fight to put ACTUAL rapists in jail ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">censors \"white\" >doesn't censor \"nigger\" Troll alert? Troll alert.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I love how every point he made was completely true and he got downvoted hardcore for it. You'll never be able to reason with conservatives\/republicans, they're so retarded they vote against their own best interest over and over and over again because of the off chance *maybe* someday they'll be rich and all these laws and deregulations put into place by the republican party will help them(protip: it won't). Los Angeles is in America which would make you fucking retarded. Don't feel to bad fam, just know that because of your retarded voting habits you'll probably work until the day you die.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is horrifying. So many women have suffered from rape\/ abuse at the hands of men who are never held accountable ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If you're going to slander me you sorry SOB please tell everyone what My Last Name is ,otherwise STFU you cocksucking Faggot Nazi dick licker","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"[I don't know what non-binary is supposed to mean, but here's Samus wearing a bikini. (NSFW)](https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/en\/thumb\/9\/9a\/Samus_at_the_end_of_Metroid.png\/170px-Samus_at_the_end_of_Metroid.png) holy crap put a NSFW tag please Bitch lasagna I like this new way of saying vegetable lasagna. \"A half pound of meat really wakes up a veggie burger.\" -Homer Simpson","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@edouglas528 Sorry bout your Yanks Earl....who uya like in the WS?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rape Culture is just another millenial myth made by bloggers and Instagram sluts.;; ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" > > > Kavanaugh CONFIRMED < < < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Yes 50 ~ No 48 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sen Murkowski Votes > \"Present\" ~ Sen Daines > Absent, Didn't Vote > > > #Winning < < < #News #GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #GabGirls #1A #2A #NRA #ProLife #SpeakFreely #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #SpyGate #Winning #USA #WeThePeople #SpaceForce #AFD #KAG #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #WalkAway #BringBackGabby #ConfirmKavanaugh #KavanaughCONFIRMED #SCOTUS #USA #CleanUpCrew vs #CoverUpCrew ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Ride907: If some little fucking faggot spits in my food I swear to god id tear your fucking arms off http:\/\/t.co\/EQociANZ77","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"UN migration agency rejects Trump nominee #President #DonaldTrump #UnitedNations... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The establishment of Europe has a court of humanrights. This court allows crimerefugees to stay forever in Europe. They will not send back in her homeland. So this court has a responsibility for a mulricriminal society in future, one says. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I've been in this exact same situation, only I was able to follow up with the fact that I have indeed been pulled over for having too many people in the car (cop was cool and have me a warning). The amount in entitled cunts I encountered while ubering is staggering. All ages too. Glad I got out of that gig.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I have condoms everywhere so bitches think I'm responsible. Lol I'm not. Fuck condoms. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She is that Cunt she played on Jerry Seinfeld. That was no act.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Aussies first. Refugees are best kept closer to compatibles and their homes to where they can return after conflict. Bringing one refugee to Australia deprives 9 other refugees of aforementioned safety. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"POTUS is at work while hospitalized, fighting for Americans #UnitedWeStand #DividedWeFall Will Congress get it done? #Trump2020 #MAGA2020 https:\/\/t.co\/GpcWPeBQ7y https:\/\/t.co\/KqSQIG9TEC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Deplorable_Satoshi I delete to shatter comment threads for the lulz.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Madonna whore complex, pedaled by the illusion that women somehow embody the honor of the men with whom they're ass ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I didn't know dick was so fattening ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is retarded when these trolls say \"I love bacon\" or \"I love fried chicken\". I loved meat too when I used to eat it, and I DO know what I'm missing, and I DON'T miss it! Yuck!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"His career is over for telling the truth. He will be Goolaged Which is sad that society is allowed to ruin a mans career because he said something truthful, and not even attacking anyone personally, nor being derogatory toward someone. If a woman can do the same calculations for physics as the man in question, fucking A+, earned that spot. But if they get into a role just because they're a woman\/minority, I think that is beyond idiocy. I agree. I guess the truth should be backed up a little bit more. It's true that man did the calculations of physics from what we know of that's been documented. There have probably been work from women as well, but it was a different time and women wouldn't be shown the same credit as men, but to be honest a lot of women just didn't get the same education as Men. Men had more leg room back in the day and that's just what way it was. Now it's a different time. Why stay stuck in the pass when you could just learn and change the roles of progress regardless of gender. Just get to there first. I do believe that because of your gender or race you shouldn't get first priority, however we still live an unbalanced society, and some groups need more help than others to be at the same levels as everyone else. Not handouts or given free passes, just some help. No u","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey, Julie Sweathog, we are disgusted with a cunt who goes to one gang-rape party after another. Fucking whore!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The dog whistle is deafening. WHITE NATIONALIST!!!! I wish I had a pumpkin spike decaf soy latte to calm me down. >Replying to an npc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I treat women like fuck toys cause that's all they are to me ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God willing, they WILL hit the bottle. Hope that multitudes of them drink themselves retarded and then drive into concrete embankments. #NaturalSelection","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@HankRearden - This > @JohnLloydScharf is a nigger loving faggot yid for sure.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"U new on gab and already people are asking u to please walk on home, now please go back to Twitter, you don't fit in here retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Dems would rather ILLEGAL ALIENS keep swarming in #BuildTheWallNow #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll #TrumpTrain2020 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"can I just say that \"fearless girl\" statue is retarded? On more levels then that feminist bitch who made it understands. The bull is supposed to represent the bull stock market and rising profits, but hey a fearless female is stopping it lol. Just like they do in real life...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Every single time, without fail.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He is the new enemy (H.Kickl, minister of interior) of the left comunistic-socialist-green groups which make business with refugees. He will do everything to bring refugees out of Austria, this disturb the business. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No fuxs given. Won't Die on Nigger Hill ... Idiot CUCKS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"thank you, you fabulous faggot <3","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As having friends whom are part of the LGBT+ community and being a supporter of them and I think this is awsome and in middle school","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Soyny's back on top, so they're also back being cunts. What a bunch of chundering cunt bags. \"Back to being cunts\"? No, they just took off the mask they occasionally wear to trick people. This has always been Sony","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hillary JAIL WikiLeaks issued a statement saying they will take down Hillary by Oct 21st, by showing she sold classified military secrets to Saudi Arabia. @Koanic @GuardAmerican @genophilia @PNN https:\/\/freedomnewsreport.com\/2018\/09\/13\/wikileaks-says-it-will-bring-hillary-clinton-down-by-october-21\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PIGS?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Ralph_Bot @PunkXBL @Breaking911 Kamala Harris won't answer this question either. Her debate performance was pathetic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CNN The only reason #Trump and the #GOPComplicitTraitors along with their #cult45 supporters want to fill the seat now is because they know #BidenHarris2020 is going to win!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't stop eating graham crackers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"we gotta vote these faggots out","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I stand with the #blacklivesmatter movement. Simply because what is happening is WRONG. I am SICK of having to hear that another person was murdered because one persons careless act. I am sick of people with authority mistreating and taking advantage of their power by killing black people. Why is it that people think it's okay to treat others anything less than human?! I am so frustrated and mad that I cannot put my thoughts together. Enough is enough.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mark Handler has daddy issues.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Foul wetback bitches!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I buy this shit by the case. Theirs prob some nigger in Middlesboro that fills these up in his bathtub for Coke....... double entendre right there did you catch it? FAWK YEAH!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"the retarded dimocraps are still trying to convince you they are not sending bombs to themselves, lol, lol,lol,","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Imagine spending your whole life fighting globalism only to be called a globalist 70 years later by mentally retarded boomers who can't read \"Jews, they are the only ones who are truly international for they can do their business anywhere. It is a small rootless international clique who set the people against each other and do not want them to know peace.\" Filthy kike bastards","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Keep trying faggot LOLzy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"apparently I'm pathetic trash alright (-:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What Theresa May's regime is basically doing is turning Britain into a country that is unfit for decent people to live in. Then even if Brexit is implemented it will be a shithole not worth living in with anything that the government doesn't like considered a hate crime. Hideous woman who is unfit to be in politics. Where are the British - the ones that sat through the Blitz. the stiff upper-lipped, upper crust rigidly fair aristos? Is it childless politicians, the lure of power, and the fear of reprisal that drives British Politics? Bet your limey ass it is! Wolfgang, I think that the UK version of millennials are too blame, coupled with their version of baby boomers having rampant senility if not downright dementia. Britain is under the EU occupation and all of its politicians and hacks have sold out to Brussels and Berlin. People no longer decide their fate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump replaced conservative Scalia with Conservative Gorsuch and the left got pissy He replaced moderate Kennedy with Conservative Kavanaugh and the left went ballistic Imagine how fun it's going to be when he replaces liberal icon Ginsburg with conservative Barrett Oh Yea !!! No way. She has already proven, with her personal mess of a life, she cannot judge, impartially, any case that would come before her regarding Affirmative Action. I'll personally work to make sure my senator will not turn and vote for her. Im all about the learning , save me the time and post a link to what youre talking about please So you question her judicial competance based on her humanity ? No, I question her judicial IMPARTIALITY based on her personal misgiven IDEALS. Well i hate to break it you but that is about the most groundless accusation ever proffered. Good luck convincing any semi intelligent person that her judicial competance is questionable based her compassion for children... if you have any knowledge of wrongdoing im all in otherwise we are done here And I hate to break it to you that your own personal bias has just created the most groundless defense ever offered. There are many that believe just as I do, and quite frankly, we have already proven we are far more intelligent than you. She has no compassion for children, moron. And yes, we are done here, permanently. GET OUT OF THE NEW SOUTHERN CONSERVATIVES STATES, TO RECREATE A NEW AMERICAN REVOLUTION LIKE THE AMISH IN PENNSYLVANIA OR THE UTAT, SALT LAKE CITY, WITH A LARG PART OF MORMONS ! JEOVAH, SCIENTOLOGIST LIKE TOM CRUISE, GET OUT !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CLOAKED WARSHIPS OFF VENEZUELA COAST. SOMETHING IS GOING ON. WATCH THIS! https:\/\/youtu.be\/ASny4QZG_l0 They are trying to get the support of the people to invade and overthrow a democratically elected leader. The true reasons for doing this are money, oil and power. Not humanitarian aid. That is a lie. WATCH this and look into it. The money oil and power will be given it all because my wife has family members living in that country and his family in Italy as got him and is son to fly out of there to get to safe place like Italy were there a job and home for him it that bad they tell the ture story's going on there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user U R reporting only one side of story.Have u checked their antecedents.Majority of them r illegal immigrants.Many of them involved in crimes ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Holohoax Industry News When she finally admitted it was a fabrication, she explained, \"This story is mine. It is not actually reality, but my reality, my way of surviving.\" #Jewish #Holohoax #Industry #Holocaust #Jew #Politics #Scam http:\/\/www.latimes.com\/books\/jacketcopy\/la-et-jc-invented-holocaust-memoir-20140512-story.html Repercussions are coming faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If you get pulled over by the cops in Mississippi and tell 'em you're from Massachusetts it's like admitting you're a faggot and a communist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ok everybody, withhold your taxes till the cunt dies!, if you end up in jail demand to go to the one he's in then kill him. The Islamic trojan horse is too dangerous, even to keep alive!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Last wk you said some women allege rape\/assault after consensual sex they regret. Pls read #MeToo tweets. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"AJ+ reported that there is no crisis, no negative ramifications.Fuck you AJ+.Don't worry about what comes off of the AJ+ ass rag Europe, AJ+ will bitch and demonize you no matter what.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Strangleme Looks like a less-squinty-eyed @mikelreparaz to me. Hmm...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LMAO Joe was calling whitehouse offering advice. Yeah the President cares what a disgraced FORMER redneck House guy from fl says #morningjoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ErikaWCVB: @marthacoakley called Charlie Baker to concede around 8:15 this morning. She plans to address supporters at 11am. #wcvb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you gotta rape a female to get pussy you really should just die ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"[Citation Needed] Unfortunately I have to agree. I've been festering here for years and I've not seen even one of those arguments made ever. This sounds like rubbish. Well, usually it's possible to find pretty much any opinion here as it's 100k people sub. Is that in any way relevant to the sub as entity? No. Is KiA even an entity ? No. It's just a sub full of shitposters from various backgrounds, political viewpoints, opinions, ethnicities, countries etc. There isn't one single thing that this sub would 100% agree on. Except that mods are evil, of course :-D \/s He believes in a caricature though. Like hey there's some sensible people here but some of them LITERALLY HATE WOMEN!!! And he literally believes that because we don't like that women get away with bullying? Because of a naughty Colin-esque joke somebody made? Like wow thanks for giving us a fair shake... I don't even like to give them the benefit of the doubt, because they simultaneously encourage a \"more allegations are more proof\" mentality, and posts like these could be seen as evidence, even though a biased SJW could have deliberately put it here with that intention. All you can say to accusations like that is \"grats you let an edgy 14 year old get to you, now go have a lie down.\" They give themselves all the benefit of the doubt in the world, and we get literally none of that, even though they are the ones who prefer censorship and threats over civil debate. He should go tell Ghazi to stop banning everybody for disagreeing with The Narrative, see how well that goes over. > All you can say to accusations like that is \"grats you let an edgy 57 year old get to you, now go have a lie down.\" FIFY ^_^. Seriously, for position #2 which he denounced. But it's a point I've been making since, oh, reading Heinlein's *Expanded Universe* in 1980, when I was an edgy 19 year old.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @King_Gerry_R: Remember all the trash on the floor of your car? We upgraded it and put Wale's The Gifted so it feels like your old car htt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"antifa and the nazi demoKKKrats are the domestic enemy of the USA. civil war is now at hand. Most Working Whites are not fighting to your color blind BULLSHIT BOOMER. Gen X'r not Boomer. they're retarded. You are a weakling Nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Israel second class citizen Trump what are u crazy the Jews in Israel are committing genocide and stealing land from the people that have lived there for centuries!!! Ass holes!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Taylor Swift is a fat ass white trash redneck cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If she were smart, she would've said: \"smarter than he.\" Stupid twat. EDIT: I forgot how stupid reddit is. lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She wanna be a stingray so bad ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Chancellor_IV naw Bryan said it was trash hotel so we're staying somewhere else","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a nigger aint nothing but a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Illegal alien arrested while trying to deliver pizza to military basehttps:\/\/t.co\/i0H2WYQut9#WhyIsThisNews#EnforcingTheLaw#TheICEManCometh #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere #StopTheInvasion #AllIllegalAliensAreLawbreakers #EqualOpportunityDeporter #MoreOfThisPlease ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CogitoErgoBibo Penske runs the 22 in NASCAR. It's yellow. There's a sponsor already there. #WouldMakeALottaSense","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"honestly that kid wasn't cooperating. he's grabbing the cops rod, He isn't staying down when told. that's what happens when you disobey.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"C'mon. Too far.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the train station Harry's at is trash I've been to the same Eurostar too they refunded my whole trip to Paris bc train accident","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I used to only fuck bartenders cause I have a very expensive drinking habit ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My car is my love of my life. I fucking love this bitch. It's fast and it makes me feel complete ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Cook? How often did you \"taste\", steal the food off of a plate that you served up? How often did you have food sent back to you for being UNDERCOOKED,as you felt INSULTED ,cooked it properly and then SPIT in it just because you are a SPECIAL COOK? Fuck Off...BITCH! Special kinda faggot aint ya Chicago. We will pick you up at O'Hare Airport...in a LIMO. We will have weed like you never seen before and we will tour you through the WHITE North Side...then? We will beat your ass and drop you off as a NAKED WHITE BOY on the SOUTH SIDE. You will learn that there are people that hate you worse than JEWS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"i convince myself that im not a bad person and then call an old lady a stupid cunt bitch for biking in the road ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Many thanks to @user @user @user for attending today's anti-fascist demo in Newtownards. #HopeNotHate Refugees welcome fascists not! #NoPaseran ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A retarded bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This guy gets my nerves!!!! I'm a Christian who is a transgirl. Too bad for him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"disgusting all cos they asked for bacon I would have wrapped him right in the kisser https:\/\/youtu.be\/io_HLVYN37s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All you are concerned about is to brag about defending moslems, you pathetic piece of SHIT. https:\/\/gab.ai\/Crucesignatus\/posts\/39157478 Go jump into volcano already, you useless, worthless imbecile. He says he is Danish Catholic. He's the part of Europe that needs to be destroyed one way or another so the rest can be saved. So he's a native traitor? Not a replacement citizen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gemma Layton..looks like people are retaliating. Not what you want to see. I was really hoping people would wake up and start assessing how it is that trigger happy, racist assholes are given a cop badge and a gun...but no instead people are being driven to such high levels of fear and anger that they are reacting the only way they know how...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A cop can literally follow you home, kick down your door, walk into your bedroom and shoot you in the chest on a whim and then have the entire justice system working hard to give him every advantage and protection in order to afford him the greatest leniency possible. If that doesn't alarm, concern or frighten you as a citizen, I don't know what will. We need to pay attention. This is NOT just \"a few bad apples\". The entire system is racist, one sided and corrupt. We need to pay attention.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wake up White Man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People getting so triggered from Trump being president and what he says just fuels his supporters to support him more #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Solid analysis. Just don't fall into the trap of importing Muslim refugees, or it will be game over. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".People shouldn't be scared into thinking that they won't ever have a 2nd opportunity to prove they can be righteous. Yes, the first time they die is appointed for them so they can \"SEE\" what the end results of sin bring, i.e. nuclear war and total decimation of the population. but the 2nd death is the one that is eternal, not the first one. Book, chapter, verse?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user One upmanship between guys in private is hardly the same as women claiming rape. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"[deleted] Not sure about this instance but the one a few weeks ago where the woman did cause the flight to be canceled, dude was convicted of assault and sentenced.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muted can't be bothered with a twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The only flaw with Islam is not a race is those in Muslim areas that are non sand nigger are forced to convert or die. So without that join us or die attitude how many non-sand Niggers would really be Islamists","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who is John Hanson? A \"Black\" Man, A Moor, John Hansonwas the First President of the United States! George... http:\/\/t.co\/rpSeqjD3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sebastian Gorka Launches Emotional Tirade Against Col. Macgregor For Questioning Syria Strikes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's 80 you fuckin retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"so how many of you gabbers will be voting for CUNT CLINTON in 2020? this delusional, delirious, traitor,communist, socialist, back stabbing, lying fucking dirtbag, thinks she can really win?? i can't wait!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @JakeEye3: after 4 hours and almost 8 pages i want to slit my wrists, but i guess ill just settle for sleep","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But he wants Clinton to win so he is automatically an idiot. Also Jefferson didn't deal with suicide bombings and murderer's. He also didn't have massive amounts of them swarming into countries and demanding Sharia law. Good try but that's a terrible analogy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"AND JEFF WONDERED WHY HE NEVER GOT INVITED TO THE FAMILY REUNIONS OR HIS FRIENDS PARTIES EVER AGAIN?? BUT AT-LEAST HE HAS THE RETARDED CRIME IMPULSE DRIVEN CHILD TO LOOK FORWARD TO.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is the most insane I've ever seen. Home boi tried to hit him with a rock and just got dusted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Germany cant continue to let these animals in. Germany feels it has to fucking give there country away and be so fucking nice just because Hitler is in there history. These animals don't have fucking librals values don't let them come what kinda of men leave there country when its being taken over by savages anyway. I would never leave my country if it was under attack I would die here and any fucking respectable man would do the same.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"useless fucking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton is definitely here to retard the national discussion We might as well of crippled flights instead of debating Democrats versus Republicans","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fucking wah. I'm a woman who's survived a lot of abuse, it's no excuse to be a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well i guess we should now focus on this instead of the fact that the country needs to be fixed off drug dealers... stupid media","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I love this guy. Best way to point out the absurdity of the system is to play it absolutely straight and to its logical conclusion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Mike I don't know you from a hole in the wall you're a businessman either way you can't lose, but ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"But I don't want penis on penis action\" is backwards reasoning? Jokes aside, it has somewhat of a point, if it is just about what you feel regarding aesthetic appeal - if I find some girl hot and then find out she is trans, I would probably still feel she is hot, it is being objective, but I'd not want to take it further. If it is about \"you stop wanting to go all the way\" kinda attraction shaming, then, no, bad post. Yeah, I'd only go half-shaft-into-ass. Otherwise it's pretty gay. Plus you get less dick-shit that way. Ask me about how I know. CHALLENGE DECLINED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"blacks want to spread their filthy, shitty inferior genetics on to the rest of the country so they can get revenge and RUIN..DESTROY IT with the nigger plague!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE CUTEST OH MY GOD. #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/XRKdmPpSmA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And then you have people supporting assad... how can you support someone that's killing his own people? Or are they supporting him out of fear?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@who__CHRISJONES @WhyYouSoShort who is dis crack ass cracker","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @jjauthor: US ghettos-driven by liberal ideology; forged by unions and bankrupted by self-serving Dems catering 2parasites! #tcot http:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So you are telling me that a dude was radical enough to make and ship out five fucking bombs....and even after surviving the delivery, they were fondled like a freshly shaven scrotum...and not a single fucking one detonated?!?! Either the dude was a fucking tard who wasn't radical enough to Google how to light gunpowder with a timer or this shit is fake as fuck. Fake as fuck. Any idiot Leftist is as retarded as you describe, but it's clearly fake from all angles anyway.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Y'all saw how mad that little chunky boy was? He wouldn't even let his dad touch him, bruh lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After the Blasey Ford fiasco, Bill Cosby will win his appeal. He was railroaded by lying Title 9 liberal man-hating whores just like Kavanaugh. Every single one of their accusations was as ridiculous as the Blasey Ford, Ramirez, and Swetnick allegations yet he was convicted under the FemiNazi fascist \"women have a right to be believed\" doctrine. Andrea Constand's close friend Sheri Williams said Constand bragged about how she was looking to use her university connections to falsely accuse a celebrity of rape. Her testimony was ignored by the retarded jury. It won't be after Blasey Ford. Having more than one whore pointing a finger STILL doesn't mean truth. It means you have a lot of man-hating Title 9 liberal whores willing to get rich putting innocent men in prison. Notice how conservative women almost NEVER make rape accusations against celebrities and college athletes. Only twerking liberal skanks do. https:\/\/www.wtvq.com\/2018\/09\/26\/cosby-several-avenues-appeal-conviction\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"jew dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Read the whole article. My only reply. So? there's no place for racists to hide online.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Backstory guys: Girl started beef with the toilet lady at the bar\/club. Her boyfriend made it worse and had some beef with the guard. Got kicked out and arrested. Girl thinks has pussypass. Dramaqueen. Falls and calls the cop kanker flikken which is the equivalent fuck you nigger (as in that bad to say, but means cancer cops). Hits him. Gets hit back. Thus perfectly justified IMO. I think she says \"flikker\". (for the non dutch, that means faggot)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"American girls have already been suffering an epidemic of rape for decades - tens of thousands of black-on-white rapes per year since forced \"integration\" in the 1960s. The current average is 20,000 per year, but it's been as high as 30,000 in the recent past. Historically, the black offenders have not been Muslim. It's race, not religion. The average African is borderline retarded by standards for white people, and lacks self control and moral development. The average African in America is not much better despite a considerable admixture of European genes raising their IQs by 15 points.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Belgium's first black mayor! How precious (yawn) https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/world-europe-45862559 I'll bet my life he will be corrupt as fuck. Something about blacks, power, and corruption. Look at Africa....hell look at how corrupt the Obama Administration was. Houston has a black mayor, and is just as corrupt as Detroit. Diversity does not work. The result would be the same with any minority mayor: Asian, Hispanic, Italian, etc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More than any other ally do we take that as a compliment ? unlike his house of non representatives who so much love their nation hold ordinary people and their way of life to ransom no pay no food, no nothing go lecture your own system take white pees with u fire cracker man ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Very nice ad. I would love some love for the atheists too. We get such a bad reputation also,but I have many muslim and Christian friends who are very close to me. Many people assume because I'm an atheist, that I hate all religions which is not true. I respect all religions as I would hope they would respect me for my atheism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They must be Russian birds! Russian birds are known for invading Chiminea. @SaintRPh @KimMarcumTexas","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The purple haired pro-abortion dipshit who roundhouse kicked a girl who had a different opinion than him is trying to raise $100,000 on GoFundMe because he lost his job as a hairstylist after the assault. If you didn't see the video... it's attached. HE'D ENJOY IT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dumb cunt gash eater","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Did you know that Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji has donated 25 lacs from the Earning of Jattu Engineer for bone bank! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are people that retarded that they believe a Jew paper? Whatever the Post says you can almost be positive that the opposite is true! It's a Jew, It can't be True!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"After watching this i hate those all people of france. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Retarded NPC leftists! \"You sound like a white supremacist now!\" FFS Wow!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Can't win fair and square so they will resort to treason or worse? I've been following this as well. They've been discussing stacking the court as well as impeachment. It's only going to get more interesting. Wait till there are 6 conservative justices. What do you think they have cooked up for Amy Barrett?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E FUCK! FUCK! NOO!!! THE CONSERVATIVE DEMONC HITLER REGIME IS NOW A REALITY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! FUCK YOU DEMONS FOR VOTING IN A SERIAL RAPIST INTO THE SUPREME COURT! YOU WILL ALL BE GIVEN A \"DEAL YOU CANNOT REFUSE\" FOR YOUR ATTEMPTED FASCHIST DICTATORSHIP TRUMPERVITES! AND YOU ALL FUCKING DESERVE IT Zhir's acting like a faggot again... But crying oceans of liberal tears....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wow. A LOT to unpack here. I guess my best response is this: Your family want you to take your meds. Typical privileged-Ass white male response.... ADMIT IT! YOUR A RACIST!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Yea, you actually get a pass to do the horrible crap you do Skank BECAUSE your black! White people dont have this pass. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is literally sexism, they are literally trying to to stop sexism but are using it to bring down anyone that isn't female which, again, IS SEXISM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Indian troops martyr eight more youths in Occupied Kashmir https:\/\/tribune.com.pk\/story\/1830791\/3-indian-troops-martyr-eight-youth-search-operation-held-kashmir\/ \"youths\" large groups of women tend to syncronize- we found that out with the Womens Army Corp and other military units- Mohamed kept promising virgins- and having 72 in a sociable mood may have been interesting- but the other 26 days of the cycle? poor-poor-poor simple minds-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Degenerate faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"man thats fucking retarded... like they are intentionally trying to tank sales of it","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.oregonlive.com\/expo\/news\/erry-2018\/10\/3a10a49bbd2403\/kate-brown-knute-buehler-find.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The description is quite accurate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Quit calling them liberals! They are all HATEFUL RACIST BIGOTS who have NO INTELLIGENCE! All Jews and DEMOCRATS are RETARDED! Goes with the RETARDED territory!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thank you @user for the hysterical and heartfelt wonder that is #MysticTimeBird! #WestworldAudition #Periphs ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Well, when men get too distracted by women in sexy clothes, they're forced to catcall, grope and rape. Maybe try that? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KamalaHarris @202010Maria But man... He sure jumped on getting that conservative judge sworn in. If he only acted like that with the pandemic... We could've maybe kicked it's ass.*If Trump wore a mask, and encouraged mask wearing*Enacted the PPE manufacturing sooner","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user Cut all the free shit for illegals..guarantee they won't be crossing anymore. #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Regardless of the medium, if you'd asked any artist, be it a visual artist, writer, poet or composer before about the 1920s what the point of art was, they would have replied, \"beauty.\" Yes, the goal was often to achieve some sort of reflection of the real world, seeking truth through beauty, but the idea that the point of art is to shock and provoke instead of inspire; the idea that it is meant to offend instead of providing insight; the idea that dividing and polarizing your audience through your art is a good thing: that is a relatively recent concept, and it has been hugely destructive. It started with the \"modern art\" phenomenon, and every artistic medium has grown more and more politicized since then. This is one of the most unhealthy social trends in history.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes I no understanding you retared fucknuts...me need more retarded dictionary... tanks ... now I live real American life... tanks b to gawd","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ok, I wanna walk away from the useless thots and troll a retard using shaming tactics. Let's see if you're ok with that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fucking toothpaste faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"SNL mocks entire Obama tenure in Ebola skit - Hot Air http:\/\/t.co\/miJdg6x6UC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why am I getting this vibe of sad, fat and sexually frustrated cunts raging mindlessly at everything.. ... Oh right","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm the funniest person I know the fuck u talking about sPEAK FOR YOURSELF GIRL ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Can't believe I just did this. All you stoners in Wisconsin owe me, dammit !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Confessions of a mother fucking bitch!I keep checking the cooker, switches and front door like Craig off corrienation street!I cant stop eating Im going to a hole full of depression! HELP ME ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What's your problem? Besides the limited vocabulary I mean! @RichardGrenell @POTUS @realDonaldTrump #MAGA2020 #MAGA2020LandslideVictory https:\/\/t.co\/OYCovzYU8m","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at this coon ass nigga here..... Standing on a damn toilet, looking around for his manhood... http:\/\/t.co\/3WyPsnRLu3","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Bitterchick Dare be only one bag dat folks be suckin on what I comes to yo partayyyy! All da ofay be wantin to ride in my eldorato","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Schiff to Trump: \"We know you have no decency, but have you no shame?\" https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/fX7sMIq.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Yj4m","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Girl. Why these people so PRESSED?! Callin you all kinda ho's and skanks being LOUD AND WRONG!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More like if your some dumb dirt kenya swahili talkin nigger who aint a american citizen you should become american president","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you're giving her the smell test to see if it's safe to dive face first between her legs ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Do you feel better about it now that you've vented? Does it make you feel important calling people names? Maybe being called names also makes you feel special you dumb bitchass non-comprehending twat. How's that? POLITICALLY. I SAID POLITICALLY. you are obviously too fucking thick to get that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hope the cunt sobs to work everyday. Read the article","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh my! Another reason to vote Trump2020! Even Kamala's husband is calling her... not Joe Biden... the next president of the United States. https:\/\/t.co\/TwcOcjIHWP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@HoppyKercheval Could you just play 2 minutes of the Charlie Brown \"wah wah wah\" adult sound effect instead?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pro Tip- Put all your bitches on a period tracker app so you know when to avoid they ass ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I saw the the story of this man's selfless loving care for dying children last week as he is suffering from cancer himself. This man is a saint. God love him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Absolutely. This is still a smallish subreddit so solid arguments still get upvoted even if they tend to go against the general theme of the subreddit. Hell, I even clash with some users here about right-wing policies and how stupid they actually are. I find this subreddit refreshing because it isn't afflicted with political correctness. You can call someone a faggot when they are being a faggot and users won't latch on to that and shut down any argument you produce. It's a lot more relaxed, you just need to display some critical thinking skills and some thick skin and you'll be respected here, doesn't matter what position you are debating. And we don't ban people just because they are taking a different position than the general theme of the sub. That's important. (we just call you a faggot more freely)(just kidding)(but not really)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"who treats their ammo like books, anyways read a book, nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You're a hero! That elderly man definitely deserves to eat cat food for the 6 remaining months of his life because he didn't immediately cater to your friend's delusions when giving a perfunctory greeting at the supermarket.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kill the muzzie would-be rapist, kill the police who come to arrest. Whites must become absolutely addicted to killing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Where were all these people when Ram Setu was to be destroyed. Where were you when your coalition partner Karunanidhi commented on Sri Ram ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well gab was always nigger aids anyway. I did like killing time at work posting cool pics and music but I guess this will free up more time for hentai","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@mcuban Great move in supporting #BidenHarris2020 @MikeBloomberg @BillGates @ayanaeliza @randyk337","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls to abolish #ElectoralCollege Democrat candidate calls the system a 'shadow of slavery's power' after the confirmation of Justice Brett #Kavanaugh. #DineshDSouza reacts on 'Fox and Friends.' #News #Politics #GabFam #SpeakFreely #Government https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Ozx2Xl6G8rs We refuse to bow down to foreignors voting illegally in California and New York to enslave the rest of us. #DeportOcasioCortez","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and of course in thee insanely arrogant and stupid nigger opinion their lesser lives than whitey couldnt be because theyre way less mentally developed than whitey and werent making a damn thing but grass huts and shrunken skulls all history while thousands of years ago euro buildin greece\/rome\/englend\/etc . theyre flippin CRAZY","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @ItsFoodPorn: Oreo Ice Cream Cake http:\/\/t.co\/Qpde1L6zAi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"niggas be in they 20s dating bitches that aint even old enough to drive talm bout why are women so complicated? bitch you dating a toddler stfu. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brazilian judge orders border closed to Venezuelan immigrants via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't think that the murder of the current sitting president of the United States, is going to go down the way they wanted to. The black state fails to understand, we are not the retarded boomers. We are more than inclined to fuck up some shit. And not like antifa either, we talking FUBAR.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"um hello u piece of shit, your people was the cause of african slavery","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If this was a dude doing this to a girl he'd just be a cunt. If the dude was 11\/12, and therefore a child, he would just be a fucking idiot kid who needed to be yelled at. Watch the full video you cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nigger ass ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Canadians death warrant... This faggot is going to kill all of the people he's supposed to protect","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When your boy's fuckin the neighborhood hoe and y'all tryna watch through a cracked door ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ImSooooMad guess who's eating cracker b without you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger + Mudshark = a Death toll to pay","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@jaaaaaade__ You can't see it but I'm flipping you the bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Craving brownies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @OSAY_it_aint_so: @fvxkgvld: when a ghetto girl tries to read in class pt1 https:\/\/t.co\/uW7aBqBToC LMAOOO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cunt raped my braincells at gunpoint and then murdered them to death.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stacey Abrams should be governor or Georgia. She never stopped fighting. GA is one of the vulnerable states regarding voter suppression. Donate, volunteer \/6#RBG #HereRightMatters #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/amr86khyEr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can you smell the BETRAYAL, treacherous double dealing #TheresaMay is not even trying to hide it anymore. #BorisJohnson stop sitting on the fence. #Labour #Corbyn #UKIP #ChuckMay #ChuckChequers #Remoaners #Mogg #Farage #ForBritain #Tories #Barnier #Juncker #EU #BrexitBetrayal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How Irish migration and the criminal mind were viewed in the Victorian era ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Her tranny snatch is full of nigger cum.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"CNN's John Berman Fires Back At Trump After The President Criticizes The Mainstream Media' On Twitter https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/MpHEusc.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/_G2V","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Warms my mother-fucking heart. I get the feeling that the army is growing larger and becoming better trained and equipped every day. Too bad the government can't do the same.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the same guy Roland Martin got on during his taping. This far Alt-Right Activist claims he does not represent the Nazi's during the speech. The guy is a moron, and a shell where he claims that his jobs for his kinds are taken away. Meaning they deserve the better jobs than having a black president; than having a Latino in the Supreme Court; or any minority within the government and legislature branch. America was built by ethics that was enslaved. Blacks to pick cotton, raped, sold, and branded. Asians to work tirelessly on the railroads. Indians to be forced to leave westward to the Mexican territory; died due to infected quilts given; and the Mexican territory to be established the United States. America was built by thievery, genocide, and slavery. Which they don't want you to know that, but he want you to know it was built by whites only. Not all whites are like that, but certain elementary schools will never tell this. What's being expressed is hatred at it's pure finest, some can be taught by generations, and what he's saying that this country is now mixed in cultural diversity. Overpopulated in different races that's not his own race, and he's basically speaking for the silent majority who thinks they're oppressed. How? People are striving to advance in life, and there should not be a color barrier to create hateful ignorance. Which he's one of the many.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user SO WELL SAID, Daniel!His speeches ALL smack of Alinsky; divide and conquer by victimizing one group and calling out the other as bigots, racists, fascist, etc.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlu ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The ONLY thing that can wash away this problem is a Big Red Wave in November!#BigRedWave #SendThemBack #IllegalCriminals ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lmao what can you expect from this cocksucking Zionists XD","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @amyalkon: School admins take hungry kids' lunch and throw in trash because their lunch funds aren't paid up. That'll teach em! http:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm guessing the last guy she trusted gave her herpes... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user I call them a whale ass hoe? I was told bc everyone envies skinny women ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Y'all it's not even that I want Joe Biden to be president, it's that I want Kamala to be VP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"muudsharking is bad enough..but faggot mudsharking ?!?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You do know there's a link to beating your kids and them growing up to be violent to their wifes and shit right? But what do I know, I'm just a retarded liberal that worships Gandhi","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Enjoy your cage, you little bitch. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/abortion\/2018\/10\/08\/resistance-man-who-assaulted-pro-lifer-arrested\/ Hey Hunt the Cunt enjoy your time being a Sperm receptacle for all those Black Bucks they love white boys with a beard it reminds them of their bitches holes!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What an idiot. #buildthatwall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Butthurt cunt of the week goes to Angel! The Irony of that name... You could have made your point in a much nicer way without the profanity. You belittled yourself by calling her filthy names. You're better than that!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stupid nigger chink lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm sorry but Greece is bankrupt and thrives on tourism. I completely agree with the vacationers. This whole migrant mess decreases tourism and I don't wanna see Greece suffer. Such a beautiful country !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> It also claims that Riot prioritizes \"core gamers\" for new hires, a description that is generally assumed to exclude women. duh, 99%+ of the league of legends playerbase is male. if you apply for a job there, they ask for all your account names you've played under.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Sam_James3: @will123_william @haydenhill13 @aknadnrye @khalilreed I don't care tho cracker","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" . that's terrible!! Of course he was \"homeless in Broward\" in a sparkly new van plastered in Trump. In Scott Israel's jurisdiction. Of course! This is beyond retard level","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Resignations possible this weekend over Brexit deal - Shock warning on BBC Newsnight. Lets hope so and get this ball rolling https:\/\/apple.news\/AjGm13K_nOj-lxAiY9zadyg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is it normal to not have a fuckin' clue who the fuck and what? Reminder that mainstream media coverage of the Proud Boys is basically indistinguishable from that of the Traditionalist Worker's Party or David Duke or whatever. Criticizing people to the right of you for brownie points is so obviously futile that you have to be willfully in denial of reality to even bother trying it. \"I completely destroyed my credibility and the left still doesn't appreciate me\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If someone PM's you the messages are yours to do with as you see fit. Points upward. As you tagged me in there I saw it. Although style wise I'd say that images may have been better in a way, and if you're set on text I'd have done so without the Permalink Delete Report Block User Mark Unread Reply in each reply. Sorry about that. I'm a newb to this shit so I just copy paste writ-large. No reason to be sorry, in the end what I just said is a outlet for the red pen that is part of my brain. We've all got that. :P Heh, I've been on reddit too long... I have my doubts that \"we all\" do. Oh please, I want to see Points upward. Wew lad. Someone had a bit too much kool-aid lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TEPCO = Subsidiary of General Electric Co. - Japan Declares Crisis As Fukushima Reactor Begins Falling Into Ocean A... via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CANCEL THIS CUNT ISLAMIC BITCH !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Aww... it's retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I would knock you out in one hit, you christian faggot sucking jewish dick","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"To all @Farmer-General followers - You will be identified. You will be exposed. You will lose your employment. You will lose your housing. The government has the right and responsibility to expose the identity of those prone to violence against American citizens. You cannot hide your true identity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You push hate.. Expect it to spill back on you tenfold. https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/19\/pelosi-anti-communists-florida\/ She is so mental have to wonder if she even gets it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Strange that this is going on in the midst of outrage where illegal migrants are being \"separated\" from their families and Black Lives Matter. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@TomasAllende","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A man, knows the difference between a woman and a lil ol whore bitch #100 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#ThesePeopleAreSick , #TheseBonesWillRiseAgain ,A MURDERED CHILD JUST FOUND IN ARIZONA, #BuildThatWall , @user , #WhereAreTheChildren ,#WhereAreAllTheMissingChildren, #ThesePeopleAreEvil, #ThesePeopleShouldBehanbging, @user , WE WANT #Justice! #FullDisclosre ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Yeah, you can get one free 600MB ram one. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol and in this way, they're unknowingly admitting to having power in the situation. Not only that, but the moron woman could just move her arm \"a bit to the left\" and avoid the arrow entirely. The same way they avoid their problems in real life. Holy shit. This picture is a perfect example of women playing victim. Exactly. If anything, it does represent how women have the power and capability to be perfectly safe in life, but choose not to exercise it and put the burden on men instead. Hey, it's not women In general, it's tumblr psychos. So, what you're saying is, they ate the onion? (Also, unintentional Cathy Newman.) Edited for punctuation. *squints* So if the goal of....whatever this is, is meant to show that men try to argue that they're safe even while doing something clearly dangerous to the woman, I have just one question. Why isn't the man actively aiming the bow at the woman? Why's he gotta hold one end of it weird? If either of them lets go, it's just going to fall to the ground. Am I stupid? Because I'm a woman and I don't understand this. I mean he could stab her","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Had to re-login 6 fucking times today because I'm getting logged out of Gab, hey Jews, stop doing your shitty Jewy stuff, it's pissing me off. If i respond to a post it says \"unable to post comment\" then I click post again and it goes through, there is some dirty cunt manipulation going on by those faggots in Silicon Valley for fucking sure mate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Asians have more fats so they are yellow. So fat people are yellow?...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton snipes at Theresa May's Tories: A long way from the party of Churchill and Thatcher' https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/hillary-clinton-snipes-at-theresa-mays-tories-a-long-way-from-the-party-of-churchill-and-thatcher THE OLD DYKE MUST BE GETTING READY TO MAKE A RUN AGAIN IN","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"niggers want to get away with murder.. justice would just be another act of RACISM.. nothing worse than a smirking nigger getting away with murder!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user why do women have holes? To fill, duhh! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"CNN FULL RETARD RACIST https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/RealCandaceO\/status\/1050045731812401153 #cnn is #racism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Salvini prosecuted for defending Italian sovereignty and finally preventing hundreds of migrants to invade Italy. GRANDE SALVINI!Help us preserve the European culture against the invasion.#stop_islamization #complicediSalvini #stopInvasion #REFUGEESNOTWELCOME ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Five caged lions poisoned and mutilated at African game farm. This is the type of shithole savage that Europeans are so eager to import. Ppl on Gab love to pull this type of vapid \"logic.\" They'll show poaching in Africa and go \"what savages! We don't need this!\" But if some white hunter goes to Africa and kills the exact same lion, they're like \"git er dun! Yee haw!\" and high five. So you can tell they actually don't care about the lion, it's a tool they use for their stupid belief systems. They do the same thing to human beings, especially albino Africans, for MEDICINE. Educate yourself, watch this: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=7K5qVWG5CXU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn Charlie Wilson is still around?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our friends at @user have a new series premiering today on #AmazonPrime! MR. SHAN is the story of a young Chinese immigrant in Hollywood on his journey to become the greatest actor of all time. Catch Season 1 at ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To whatever pussy bitch that broke into my car, FUCK YOUUUUU ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck al jazeera, fuck usa!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stevie Wonder's son is dancing with a stunning White, blue-eyed blonde girl. He is darker than my shit. Oh shit, they made her kiss his Nigger face. This blatant display of racism is making me ill. How the hell can Stevie Wonder have a son young enough to dance with a 12 year old girl? He must be 90 years old. Ah yes, the dip of 'submission' for the Nigger by the girl.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"there has never ever in the history of earth been a successful nigger society.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How come Allah is not helping you it is up to Christian countries to protect you feed you ,The countries hit by violence from islam take refugees in feed them etcPlease no more explaining about your hard times we are doing our best for uYes there is good and bad every where ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Your first mistake was listening to the Killstream. Second mistake was listening to Jim. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Use the words feral dirty Muslim retarded scum works well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"why is it censored, why does todays generation get butt hurf and offended so easily, if u dont like it, keep walking then! this use to be a free country but its going down the toilet now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How retarded can people get? Don't ask....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"oh please enough yet with the pc liberal nigger loving bs!! I despise blacks and IMHO the world would be a much better place if they all disappeared..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just like every wanna-be wigger in the 90's was a member of a gang, when they flashed. If it's even a pro-White thing, it belongs to the Rainbow Flag equivalents.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What in the fuck is an #oomf? Well if it refers to women it sucks! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My moms sitting 3 ft away from me talking bout me to my uncle. Immigrant parents dgaf ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No fuck that! If not raised with Ethnos to love her race and fear the other. To know her place as child bearer for her people amd love to her protector. Christianity is multicultural bullshit. Race mixers! Nigger lovers!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user I don't want to blame the victim but this makes it difficult. Are you a ho just lookin for money or are you a victim looking for justice? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Carson Wentz calls Hulk Hogan audible. HH https:\/\/youtu.be\/QqPgFxJTJ6Q It's trending on Twitter because people are upset about it. Lol. This is what the NPCs are upset about? That the white quarterback might be a hulk hogan fan? \"Nobody on muh Eaglez can like dat ebul raysis wrestler!\" Really? When he was trying to draw NY offside. Now lets see how we can make that racist, jewish, or facist. Fly Egulz Fly. We win super bow. We make drumpf angree.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The satisfying sound when a retard bitch get slap","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stop trying so hard to troll, faggot. It makes you look stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who wore it better? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Solar-powered laser stations along that entire southern border, with live cams, so we can watch the barbecue, is a faster build.Then call it #OperationCookOut#MAGA #QAnon #BuildThatW ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't worry about it dude, they are cockless faggots anyway. People who have no actual power in real life like to abuse whatever little 'power' they have on the internet. He will willingly enslave himself to get a faint whiff of a rotten beef flap.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Netflix accused of \"duping black viewers into watching white shows. Quick someone call Al Sharpton and get to the bottom of this \"Jim Crow Company ASAP https:\/\/www.nme.com\/news\/tv\/netflix-accused-of-deceiving-black-users-with-manipulative-personalised-artwork-2392085","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Women lie all the time about rape. It shocks me that when Hollywood women get old unwanted rape and ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Calling police can be dangerous to your health. They can't tell the difference between good guys and bad guys. You may have to choose between self-help and hiding from the police while they do the job for you. https:\/\/www.9news.com\/article\/news\/investigations\/attorney-aurora-police-should-not-have-shot-man-defending-his-family\/73-579045370","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When are people going to stop asking, Why are they only coming out andamp saying something now? If you have not been sexually,( mentally and emotionally) abused as a child, by an adult You are not going to understand their reasons. If they tell you why, LISTEN!! Stop asking Why now? One reason victims don't come forward when YOU THINK they should, is bc no one will believe them. Not all cases, a lot of use are like that though. All situations are different with different types of people involved, We all have our reasons. If you're not going to listen, stop asking. You're choosing to be ignorant. Being sexually abused and ALL that comes with it, psychological abuse etc. Forever changes you, You're forever damaged and it can never be undone. Instead of looking at victims as a group, look at them and their story as their own. They're not all the same, and we will not all do the same thing after the damage has been done.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's the problem I have with food aid to Africa, India, Mexico, Nicaragua, etc. You know what they're going to use that food for? As fuel to fuck and make more hungry mouths. World hunger is not a solvable problem, because they'll always just make more retarded subhuman pieces of shit that will never be able to provide for their own needs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Happy birthday to my pops. Old negro spiritual is 64 today lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a shame the faggot went back to arguing for amnesty today.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user one bs template email but nothing solid. This is my 5th deletion ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay wetback has drug resistant AIDS. First US failure of Truvada Prep Last year drug resistant AIDS came to the US by African rapefugees. Once it hits the bathhouses it will be the 80s all over again @GuardAmerican @Koanic @Heartiste @genophilia http:\/\/www.thebodypro.com\/content\/81384\/first-us-failure-of-truvada-as-prep-is-reported-at.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Mr2damngood4u AS IN> #nature #biology> Dogs don't eat each other as much as birds do. Not everything is as it seems in human terms.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are under the impression that it's a self defense tactic. That it will \"buy us time\" or slow the bleeding. I'm not mad at them tbh. I used to believe that as well. I understand the temptation to cling to political hope, and won't fault them for it. But I'm not going to continue participating in the charade.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yea, post your pictures on the internet, little girl. Show everyone what a victim you are, and how not equal you are..... Fucking worthless cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My friends kids are being shitheads and they just took them upstairs to get showered... Guess who keeps flushing the 1st floor toilet? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If that happens, I guess it's off to voat! I already like Voat way more than reddit simply because anything goes there, but it has a fraction of the activity. Only because its voting system is broken. There are nice people and then there are assholes. If you're acting like an asshole, gonna get treated like one. If you hit someone, you're gonna get hit back. If you're gonna talk shit, better expect and accept shit being talked about you. Commit a crime, don't expect \"less harsh punishments. Apples to Apples. True Equality, no \"gender pronouns or other currently socially acceptable retard speak needed. Be proud to be a man or be proud if your a woman - there should be no expectation of different treatment or feeling of \"superiority because you're one or the other. And there are things women are more naturally inclined to to than men and vice versa, but there very fire things that both can't do. \"Toxic Masculinity - bullshit, I see no mass marches of chest-pounding, genital-swinging groups attacking women...however I do see *feminist* groups basically doing those very things to *men* and they're expected to just *take it* and *you can't hit me back, I'm a girl*. Equality. Want it. You got it. Stop bitching and contribute with your energy instead of bitching about stuff that's been had since before most of them were even born. Want a talking point about equality ladies? Let's talk child custody and child support and the like, let's talk about that, shall we? Courts are undeniably *very* biased towards the mothers and let them get away with things that if a male did, would land them punishments including loss of job, money, transportation and more. My advice? They want to be take seriously, let's talk about *that ladies* . tl,dr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are most definitely right. I understand andrew not wanting to do anything about them but this faggot spent all of last night using a bot to spam me. How is he on top of the bot stuff but sopkike is still here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user You're lying you skank! Don't make me start a cat fight with you! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People say, \"Why didn't this or that immigrant for Central or South America apply the proper way and keep up with forms?\" For decades immigration has discriminated against people of color from Central and South America. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"First key club trash pick up with the freshman! #tbt http:\/\/t.co\/rpLXlaylOJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@FrankieJGrande omg gtfo white faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Arroz con pollo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is this more than just large scale virtue signaling? Who can say they support the views of everyone they do business with? Looks like it's just more attempts at bullying people into agreeing with you instead of trying to inform them where they could be wrong. Do you want people to conform to you out of fear? I could understand it if the profits were going to a violent hate group. But worse case scenario, say they were some backwards phobic rednecks. Ever buy some fresh fruit on the highway? Same thing.People are allowed to disagree with you. Grow up. Worst part here is that it was a joke. These people are not adults.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bunch of niggers shot outside Dollar General in Germantown. (I'm guessing on the Nigger thing). https:\/\/philadelphia.cbslocal.com\/2018\/10\/03\/dollar-general-germantown-shooting\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Aw, you mad no man wants to fuck you, sweetheart? It's okay. Your barren, useless ass can be a shelter for cats someday. Chin up and all that. You sexist cunt. Go back to playing dress up with your cats. They are the only living creatures willing to put up with you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":". \"Immigrants Made America Great So True! Even Trump is a 3rd generation immigrant from Germany! #Immigrants #Germany . ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Dodgers' World Series journey is a shared effort https:\/\/t.co\/b8471JABXj That's how much of a useless spic he is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Me: \"Niggers assault White Trump supporters who voice their pro-trump sentiments in nigger cities, with impunity. Here's X,Y,Z example... MAGA coalition: \"yawn\" >Based nigger gets MAGA hat knocked off Twitter spick MAGAthot: \"This is assault!\" >Nationwide social media hunt for culprit ensues Y'all deserve to get raped by niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Remember when we paused an All-Star Game to honor Mariano Rivera? #tbt http:\/\/t.co\/PqEDosogLo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user will be a two term President. Too much greatness in the Trump Economy. Next stop #BuildThatWall #MAGA ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ladies, I need your help. I'm 5'1 tall, 46 years old and 20 pounds too heavy. Please give me your dieting advice. Thanks in advance, Short Pudgey Rachel. #DLOG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NYC birth certificates to offer third gender category - https:\/\/www.oann.com\/nyc-birth-certificates-to-offer-third-gender-category\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Communists Take Down Greek Government Website Over Athens Fire Disaster Response Time #Greece #Anonymous won't be taking down terrorists #rapefugee websites any time soon. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@PlannedSickDays hey, do you have that screen shot of djk's wiki page being updated regarding the trash can incident?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] \"Put out a wanted ad\"? What century is this? Where do you live that this is a thing? \"Wanted: truck thief - reward $200 - dead or alive\" [deleted] That would be even worse. He's not a judge, to be putting warrants out on people. I don't think the writer of this article spends too much time in reality. If a man had shown up in that picture do you think he would've had such a benevolent attitude towards the whole thing? Oh he's probably a single dad with three kids I figured I'd give him the benefit of the doubt... doesn't sound right does it? >If a man had shown up in that picture do you think he would've had such a benevolent attitude towards the whole thing? Maybe. Maybe not. It doesn't matter what I think. What evidence is there of a pussypass? It's a Christian website. They ran the story because it's uplifting news. He's a good guy, and he hopes the driver in the picture isn't a thief. He just wants his truck back. It's not a pussypass. I know how badly you want it to be, but it just isn't. You know what you bring up some interesting points about the website being Christian. You think it might be fake news? The guy reports a $40,000 vehicle stolen in the police tell him there's nothing they can do? 3 weeks go by and the vehicle still has the same tags and the police still haven't found anything? So this lady has been driving around in this stolen car for 3 weeks? She didn't apply for insurance or anything like that? I'd like to see if she has a bill of sale. Possession is still nine-tenths of the law so I do find this story to be a little hard to believe. I'll give you that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Last I checked men HAVE THE PENIS and women DON'T. I Won't say it again but THE DICK IS ALL THAT MATTERS #MensRights! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The real reason is that they hope they will be identified after a muzzie kills them and then sets them on fire.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you look like a Jewish faggot who raped his own grandson. Go gas yourself you walking lampshade. It's interesting what happens when you run your avatar pic through Google images. I must say, you look an AWFUL lot like the image used to promote a Wild West Rodeo show in Montana. As a matter of fact, it's the exact same image! Gee.....what a coincidence it's almost like your avatar AND your profile are...GASP...FAKE AS THE HOLOCAUST!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" @ttevy_8: i want affection 24\/7 but i also want to be left alone 24\/7... do you see the issue here? fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"i would like to see a full video of the incident because right now it is a very biased based video showing only what \"police brutality\" supporters want to see.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A SEE TWO MEN, ONE BLACK AND ONE MSM CIA TRAITOR NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yup. When she wasn't pruned up 80 years ago she was probably being a cunt and getting away with it. Fuck you Edna you've lived meaningless life > she was probably being a cunt and getting away with it. for sure. Denied now though. Denied!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'll never ever use their language. They can keep their retarded newspeak. Apart from that its far shorter to say nigger instead of \"retarded black person\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well they killed niggers in africa, nobody cares about that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's why cop are paying for what stupid racist cops are doing and they still keep doing it. But justice will be served sooner or later ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They love me at the place I bring my car to.....I don't know why Spanish men love me... sometimes I do look like a guala though Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@SenatorLankford: \"I think actually President Trump is handling this the right way. @AmericaNewsroom https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/LV4W https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/QNzm If this horde is allowed in, then this is how they'll do it from now on. Organize into hordes and storm the border.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have the technology now to run tightly targeted programs of extermination in poor countries, particularly the ones that have cool wildlife and scenery that's ruined when poor people chop down rain forest and kill elephants and stuff. and#x200B; and#x200B; You only care about people because you're people too. Like you said, if they're bugs then fuck em kill em all no one cares, because you're not a bug. If chickens could talk we'd have chicken rights on the constitution and colonel sanders would be the new hitler. Killing people is just killing people, hell we kill babies on the womb and sentence criminals to get murdered, if it's right or wrong depends on your perspective. But they are retards. Both the OP and your comment suggests they are having many kids for shits and giggles without any solid reason.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Typical USA goverments and rich people shitting on people all over the world and they wonder why they are so hated and even by their own real American people....cant feel sorry for them when they get attacked in any forms its just karma coming back on them","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well, you are probably pretty damn knowledgeable on the topic of being embarrassed you disgusting faggot freak show.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What is omnisexual People who can be attracted to anyone regardless of gender. Essentially the same thing as pansexuality. Uh, no. That's absolutely *not* what it means. Oof. That is all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People hate you People think your ugly People think your a horrible person Well guess what No ones name is people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why are these white bitches proud of or think their nigger ass ghetto booty is attractive?? More mind fucking by media. kill yourself nigger. Go swing from a tree.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There's always room for \"Al\" ... I hope. I would love to see him in with the Arabs. Awesome idea! Part Two... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=CkfFCKjNWq0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't let these #altright #whitenationalist fool you ..they are not like you. They are pure trash pretending to relate with you on moral issues when they are 100% immoral themselves. They will sometimes claim they are Christians, but ask them to elaborate and they vomit out nothing but heresy. They will chant with you against the liberal opposition coming out of #PlannedParenthood but applaud them for putting clinics in minority areas. They believe in #populationControl and #eugenics. They even support #euthanasia for the elderly, and underdeveloped. A lot of them are even Scottish Rite Freemasons who's great, great grand fathers were a part of the Order of the Golden Circle that opposed the early GOP founded by #Christian #Protestants and assassinated Lincoln. It is because of their Freemasonic ranks that many of them got skipped up in ranks in the military, and police ..the ones seemingly more honorable because of that really cheated. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS! FYI ..Just so you understand some more background: The Founders, they where York Rite nobles ..which was the \"hidden hand\" of The North allied with the Knighthoods of the British Crown Scottish Rite was the \"hidden hand\" of The South ..who are knights of Hapsburg Royalty.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You sick cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"IS-puppets tried to roll me over three times! One tried to start a fight on the streets, without success. Even when i never attacked them, guess i'm simply an infidel. Some of the first refugees in 1993 also attacked me without reason, so i absolutely know what i'm talking about! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @jfkirtley: Reds haven't lost a series at Yankee Stadium since 1961 World Series #76 #08 #12","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pennsylvania emerges as tipping-point' battleground for Biden and Trump -- before and after Election Day, via @michaelscherer, @myhlee, @AmyEGardner and @jdawsey1 https:\/\/t.co\/P1LKkEZhHh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT townhallcom McCaskill: I Want James O'Keefe Investigated...Because He Exposed My Anti-Gun Views And I Want To Be Re-Elected https:\/\/buff.ly\/2yY7MlD https:\/\/twitter.com\/townhallcom\/status\/1054805920017010688","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I used to picture him coming up the wadi to FOB Sharana with a barrel of brandy for me @iiarwatch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Drop the cunt in a tank of tar....See if she feels better being a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Not to defend the woman's actions, they're inexcusable. But I drive for uber\/lyft and they give exact specific instructions on the GPS so I honestly don't know why he was asking her how to get there. She may have not put an address when ordering one. I've had to ask addresses a couple times, especially when it comes to inebriated people. What are you talking about? You literally can't call an Uber without putting in a destination. Source: occasionally drive for, and heavily use Uber. Yeah you can. Been driving for and using uber\/Lyft for 2 years in Vegas. When I pick them up it prompts me to enter an address when they haven't entered one. Edit: could be different in other states. Ubertaxi for example. I'm in the app right now trying to call an Uber without putting in a destination. I can't do it. Besides, from the clip it seems like that wasn't even the issue. Sounds like he was just asking her how to get to her house with the app working perfectly normal. Could it be that he was asking if she wanted him to take a shortcut that he knew about, versus a longer GPS route? Nice spin you put on it there. Fuck off now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whoever walks around saying that traditionally women never worked is completely inept regarding history. Women worked as hard as men, generally doing different things. Yeah.....no they didn't","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All women aren't hoes, correction ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E FUCK! FUCK! NOO!!! THE CONSERVATIVE DEMONC HITLER REGIME IS NOW A REALITY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! FUCK YOU DEMONS FOR VOTING IN A SERIAL RAPIST INTO THE SUPREME COURT! YOU WILL ALL BE GIVEN A \"DEAL YOU CANNOT REFUSE\" FOR YOUR ATTEMPTED FASCHIST DICTATORSHIP TRUMPERVITES! AND YOU ALL FUCKING DESERVE IT Hes going to send you to retarded school for lobotomy first and then re-education camp","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#mgtow @sandmanmgtow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This meme is so cringe. The brilliance of this statement is that not only do people get triggered because they see the statement as racist but then you have the other side of the argument getting all upset because they view anyone who may find the statement racist as a direct attack against them. Iv seen like 6 posts on meta about how its ok to be white and how white culture and white people from like thousands of years ago are something to be proud of and bla bla bla identity politics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Good girls send nudes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kill every Kike you see. We're German. We especially can't stand Kikes. You sound like a Jew in disguise Show me on this GIF where the ovens hurt you? I LOVE ovens! And horror movies that terrify kikes. maybe you should stick your head in one and do the world a favour and gas yourself Wilfred Such a Cunt you are my little facist","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hiii. Just got off work. 444 is mainly the typa guys you imagine writing for US stupid sites, but basically they just try to fit in with the Western European and US big city hipsters. Rich kids from Budapest who feel they are brave journalistic heroes. wow i guess soyboys are the same in every country Owen Benjamin's soyboy song goes for every country and that's why it's so amazing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Is that an albino Mexican?\"\"No dad, he's Asian.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The pretty hoe really got that mexican girl hoein for her lmaaaooooo ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Could it be that love is a social cuntstruck?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"[NEW POST]Merkel promised the German people that she would not just hand Greeks money as she does with the refugee, no, she would make them pay dearly for allowing Goldman Sachs to structure deals to get them in the Eurozone. Indeed, she has kept her word ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Praying Medic on Twitter: \"Will the President declassify the FBI's 37 secret pages of memos about Russia, Clintons and Uranium One? https:\/\/t.co\/ZvAXRdbPcn\" https:\/\/twitter.com\/prayingmedic\/status\/1047149009603710976","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Heard about this? No? That's because the MSM isn't REPORTING IT. NOT. OUR. PROBLEM. Turn them around. No mas #ImmiVaders! Honduran migrant group treks north as U.S. calls for tighter borders https:\/\/reut.rs\/2NFQ0ZJ Ignore the courts. Turn them around and send them back immediately. If the judges and Commiecrats squawk throw them in prison.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Jew and a gay Nigger login to twitter with tons of lube and dildos... muhfuggin deray salivates for cuck jack I made a pic of the Nigger sucking jacks dick. Not on this phone though I'll find it","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@EricTrump @realDonaldTrump He has my vote, together we will keep Arizona a red state. #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Says man who suggested an actress reported an historic rape to gain more work - you're a fully paid up cunt - ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And here it is folks what studies find...... sigh Duh. So is this high Wakanda science?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just got a ticket but in my defense I didn't want to ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe Obama Prefers another country like Sweden for example. He thinks that the U.S. should be more like that other country. He may want the U.S. to be as high up on the list of best countries as all of the Scandinavian countries.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/OnlineMagazin\/status\/1047102814047096832","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trace, I would ask you to rethink the out of Africa myth. Since the out of Africa theory was proposed, there have been many discoveries that prove modern humans existed in other parts of the world much earlier than what was thought when the OOA theory was proposed. For instance, there have been skeletal remains of humans found in Asia that are many thousands of years older than the oldest found on the African Content. It amazes me that there is so much information out there that shows older humans elsewhere on Earth but people still adhere to the falls narrative that modern humans evolved on the African continent","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yes, it helps to be an actual cunt when spotting the mediocre ones like yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Whatever the flaws of the Republican Party as it stands, they are the only force on Earth capable of stopping our mortal enemies, the Democrats. We must help the Republicans to defeat the Democrats in order to earn our place in the power structure. If we turn on them, then we do not deserve the opportunity. Yes. Vote Republican because the Republicans will welcome the likes of Christopher Cantwell with open arms. Reality: any candidate endorsed by Christopher Cantwell will have a black mark on their name and that candidate would disavow Cantwell and his ideas in a heartbeat. I don't get why people would give up the ballot box when it's easier to use than the jury or ammo boxes. They're literally this ancap smuggie...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Burundi With militiamen still roaming in the countryside, 400.000 refugees, 10.000 political prisoners, 2000 dead whose families are crying for justice.... Anyone who ignores those issues and just talks about 2020 elections is disingenuous ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women ruin everything. Look at the movie Ted. Everything was fine till That bitch from That 70's Show fucked it all up #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"illegal fucks","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @pattonoswalt: Who spotted the looming yellow crown on tonight's #TrueDetective? http:\/\/t.co\/MUa60ppVeL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SVL305 but @leemcastro is not even a blogger. He doesn't have the moxy or credentials to do anything by himself and create a brand.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Quite a lot of tension already exist in Moria due to the approaching trial of the #Moria35 and the death of an Afghani refugee yesterday - due to health care limitations. More than 200 refugees protested in memory of the man who died and contested the living conditions in Moria. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"According to CNN, Kanye is a crazy nigger who can't read, as he helps whitey oppress the black man by giving them all jobs. Who knew a crazy nigger could get that rich?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You're not encouraging courtesy either, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @camilleftansel: i've read the hunger games 12 times i am trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@billyrunaway Hope she's larger than a bird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AmazingTiming: Bad monkey! #AmazingTiming http:\/\/t.co\/UD5XkiaNVt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#RedWave #Midterms #Democrats Will Turn Your State Into #California VOTE! VOTE RED!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is it something that mostly only women believe in? I've only known two people who actually do\/did, and they were both women, but that's not exactly a good sample size.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Supreme Court decided to sidestep an abortion dispute between the Trump administration and ACLU lawyers over a young immigrant woman who ended her pregnancy via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Iirc JP said in a video \"Naaaah, my niggers, I was just fucking with you all. It's only your room when it needs cleaning, otherwise it's hers. Why else would all my... her leashes be hanging in there, next to the whips and handcuffs all around the cameras over the black couch? But, please, do lean that shit tho, bruhs.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Some migrants study in NZ and go back to their home countries. While there are others who like to retrain in a different occupation instead of going back. We celebrate Gurpreet Singh as a relentless migrant and a keen student on his student visa approval!#BrainGainNewZealand ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THERE TARGET IS TO CAPTURE GERMANY ONCE GERMANY FALL ALL KNOWS WHAT WILL HAPPEN,REMOVE MERKEL PARTY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"' This niggah pharrell or whatever this niggah name is don't deserve shit for that white ass gay song .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't want to use a lot of bad words, but uhm... the dumb leftist cunt shows exactly how the left debates these days. They are not civil even when asked to.. https:\/\/youtu.be\/T9dp3g8ndJA","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey faggot transsexual anytime you want to leave you can , whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"2000+ year old idea originated from a 300 year old country. ok then class clown, time to sit and face the wall again,..... If(speech.narrative_compatible() !=false{ printf(\"Your'e gay\") I bet you are going to repeat this, every time someone disagrees with you. Oh i didn't need to bet. it is all you have been doing for a year. hah, you are the guy who thinks white nationalism was invented by the democrat party less than 300 years ago....... you are Not qualified to pass any judgements","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I support Assad 100% and not the isis rebels that are destroying the country!!!!! People need to do their research and see who's really destroying the country. Cough the United States cough.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Racist bitter old men who happen to be stuck in the past.\" Says the nigger who has connections to Black Lives Matter. If you really want to make a difference, go to Liberia, Ghana, or Nigeria. American white people have had enough of BLM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user YOU MEXI SHITMOUTH UGLY A** BI**H GO FUCK A DEAD DOG YOU TRANNY WHORE CUNT REDSKIN PEICE OF SHIT LEAVE AMER TO AMER WHORE ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@FloridaMan__ Trump makes Trump look racist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheMattEspinosa: She literally just put the whole trash bag on lmfao http:\/\/t.co\/YiERskYrfc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To feel better about yourself, to feel better that you lived with parents that made sure you didn't grow up to act like a spoiled entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well we all know the average porn stars cock weighs 12oz so toss her on the scales and lets see what a dirty hookers Cunt weighs!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Very true..my great-grandfather was killed for being a Polish immigrant. The railroad gave my great-grandmother $20, that's what his life was worth. She finished raising my grandmother and 6 other children by herself. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't this fat, Commie cunt a teacher? \/pol\/, I don't suppose you could find out where it is that she is indoctrinating young people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Tweed is siegepilled","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well then i control the world. and#x200B; and#x200B; and#x200B; (For retarded people i mean that i control the world because i eat spaghetti with spoon, because i do.)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Another one of @user Dreamers has murdered 3 people n Arizona, one of them a baby.#NoDACA #NoAmnesty #BuildTheDamnWall #AmericaFirst ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"stupid nigger in charge","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"rather have this guy's finger on a trigger than a faggot trannie","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Best response to that: Shut up, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"JUST IN: Houston Chronicle endorses Beto O'Rourke in Texas Senate race https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/AfAbHLy.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/HYPC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As much as I hate Muslims and the invaders in general at the very least I can respect them somewhat. I can't say the same for the German cucks bowing down to these people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user This is NOT bad news!! I dont want them here at all! Come here legally or dont come all! #BuildThatWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @lightskin_chink: This vine still funny as shit to me \"How many niggers are in my store\"? https:\/\/t.co\/t7rUJTKEi1","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Illegal immigrant deported 5 times from US sentenced for third DUI ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Strange how no countries with large nigger populations made that list of desirable places to live and work. Niggers and Amerindians.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">not in a relationship >\"my girlfriend\" My assumption is that you haven't been around many females so I will attempt to explain this statement for you. A common misconception amongst children is that the term \"girlfriend\" denotes some sort of romantic entanglement. This may be true when uttered by heterosexual men, but many females and homosexuals refer to other females or homosexuals as \"girlfriend\". When \"girlfriend\" is used by females or homosexuals it is almost always in reference to friendship. This is a common practice amongst females and homosexuals. I understand how you may have been confused, this confusion may be due to lack of female contact or the willingness of the opposite sex to interact with you. The more you know.............","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A democrat woman in Detroit was voted in and she is a MUZZIE Arab. She went to her after party when she won wearing a Palestinian flag. Can't make this shit up","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT HeshmatAlavi \"The use of child soldiers is a moral outrage that every civilized nation rejects while Iran celebrates it.\" Amb. @NikkiHaley on #Iran https:\/\/www.voanews.com\/a\/nikki-haley-blasts-iran-over-alleged-use-of-child-soldiers\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some people are just retarded and have no self awareness","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If you voted yes ya moms a hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lmao! You niggas regionally picky about hoes now. Just say anything on Twitter. Makes it's fun tho","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Good idea for a poll thanks to a left-winger who wants to \"Smash Islamophobia\", the fake word they created to stop criticism of Islam. Let's see how racially diverse Gab is. What race are you? @Titanic_Britain_Author The Jew haters love Islam conspiracy theory pops up again lol Yeah. Why they whinge about 14 million benign Jews and totally ignore The jews use muslims to destroy white nations. Why isn't ISIS attacking Israel? 1st ISIS isn't destroying white races. It's killing its own kind. 2nd. Israel would wipe ISIS off the map if they attacked it. Israel is not Iraq or Syria where they can roam around freely. They let Hamas do the attacking there. It would also harm the \"Palestinian\" cause if ISIS were seen joining in with it. People who aid terrorists, like Israel, are America's enemy. People like 'Johann' who spread lying propaganda for them, are spies committing cyber terror. Spies need a quick trial and a public hanging. #Israel https:\/\/www.intellihub.com\/un-report-reveals-israel-coordinating-isis-militants-inside-syria\/ Ummm, America aids terrorists.... Evidently Israel is a terrorist State Delly lol Israel openly admit to aiding, arming, training and giving air cover to Isis, Al Qaeda, giving them safe passage from Syria, to Israel then out to Turkey with new passports, where they then disperse throughout Europe where they either wait to strike, or forget they jihadi ways and fully integrate https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?t=aDsUr_1523225323andp=1 Well the Mossad guy didn't even mention most of that. He just said they treat wounded Syrian rebels and Al Quaeda humanely because they haven't attacked Israel. On all other issues they support the US against Al Quaeda. Said they won't look after Hezbollah terrorists due to their past actions against Israel. No mention of sending terrorists into Europe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sick of spic shit yet?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So the legal argument here is whether 'private womens locker room' could be construed as not to include people who were assigned male at birth. So by this logic, Buck Angel would be perfectly welcome in her locker room because he's got a vagina? Somehow I don't think she'd welcome him there. So then what if a bigoted dude says he doesn't want anyone assigned female at birth in his locker room, so Buck can't go there either? This is fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Fits with the old paradigm of women in our culture as The Madonna Or The Whore, particularly in popular culture. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if the people don't fight for whats right, the gov, and the corporations will not stop fucking you over!!! rise up take back justice, take back truth save the planet for our youth!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"looks retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I just am confused on what to say in regards to how everyone at cbc is full blown retarded and anyone vouching for cbc is even more retarded. I don't want to debate the lefts policies or beliefs, anymore. I want to discuss their psychology.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who's the real enemy? Who is the greatest threat to our future? Repost- I want everyone to vote, I want to see what people on gab believe This is a polling to eff up the Nutzy political positions. If you have questions\/comments, post them in the comment. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did @steelpaulo self-oven? Did he take the grandniglets with him? He was all about the miscegenation... fuck that faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lindsey Graham, \"Let's dunk him in the water and see if he floats.\" Great idea, have a real witch trial to go with the democrats witch hunt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"we shall see if the black community rises up against this \"white devil\" or not, cant wait to watch all this unfold muhahahahhaaa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Yes, retire, and deport yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wetback foreign invasion. destroy them and those piece of shit flags","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user is erasing #Obama from the #ArcOfHistory. #politics @user #MAGA #BuildThatWall #purge @user #FoxNews #Saturdaymorning #satchat #Kavanaugh #NEWS #media ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Never forget, the perpetrators of 911 SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN IN THE USA. #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @AmEditing: You're responsible for the story inside you. Don't let self-doubt cripple your #creativity. #AmEditing #AmWriting #WriteTip","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The warning 2 the Turkish Leadership stop demanding and blackmailing Europe and the World about refugees desperate Men on a Islamic Mission ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You all DO know that the land of Israel WAS a Jewish state before Jesus Christ and Mohammed were ever born, don't you? So all this talk about \"...Jews kicking everyone else iut of THEIR homeland is just a pile of bullsh*t!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"the bird with the aim of dreams https:\/\/t.co\/jkX6dsqXcq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just wanna know where all the pussy-ass dudes who act like the opposite side of the retarded feminist coin came from? What in the holy fuck? Whaddaya call that shit? MGTOW? These 'men' with their soundbites and straw men? Will pick one thing you say, fixate on it, and even make it something you never even said somehow?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @NightValeRadio: A quick lesson on the birds and the bees: The birds are looming, oily, sudden. The bees are bulbous, shrieking, hungry. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're autonomous drones, the core team in the situation room will be 160 IQ Stanford grads only.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The 2019 DHS Funding Bill aka the \"Smugglers' Relief Act\" by On immigration, whatever side you're on, so is Kansas Rep. Kevin Yoder @user because Money Matters to the career politicianshttps:\/\/t.co\/B9z7PWsiuA ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"@OSAY_it_aint_so: @IgnoreAllLaws: Fosters home for imaginary trash WHOA CHILL\"that show was everything tf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @iRepFrisco: Should've lost in Carolina, in Houston and tonight in St. Louis! #Lucky#Seahawks are complete trash!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In Ecuador a man created a foundation for children with hiv, children who were orphaned or abandoned. He was like their father. That man was my friend and he died two years ago and it has been so difficult to continue with his legacy, but we keep on working for the children. I hope this man has thought of someone who can continue with his work when he is no longer here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taylor get a grip, you would have lost anyway with that thought. Come out of the bubble, read, and educate yourself before it's too late. There is still hope and it's not with the Democrats. #WalkAway #RunAway #GabFam #MAGA If only Taylor would have spoken up sooner she might have saved America!* But she couldn't do that and write yet several more songs about her ex-boyfriends. Adding more songs to her long line of forgettables had to be done, even if America went down the toilet because she was too busy to care. *Yes, that's all sarcasm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, they all speak truth -- this election IS a tipping point, and both sides are not equal. But not THEIR way. Fortunately, I already have zero idea who any of these idiots are. (And I'm not sure it wasn't parody; look at the date, and seriously, a dicks-out-for-Hillary joke?? The Left has gotten so crazy, they're walking talking Poe's Law.) But I love the top-voted comment; says it all when it comes to leftard celebrity endorsements: \"Genius idea, Get the people losing their jobs and in huge amounts of debt to vote for Hillary, by having a bunch of millionares talk down to them. What could possibly go wrong? \" Oh my word, Rez, I didn't even check the date . Still, I suspect they haven't gotten any less retarded since then. Very good comment you quoted there. It's a good thing Americans didn't have to experience what it would've been like to have Victimary as president.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Rich Mundane Matt. Why won't you make a video where you compare G-fuel shilling to BetterHelp, you sneak fuck? Because KIA aren't stooges for the Killatream and Mister Metokur. We know that repeating dumb nicknames like \"Quarterpounder\" or \"Donga\" or \"Ching Chong\" is cringey and someone with the mental capacity of a 12 year old would do. We're not cultists who revel in the stupidity of Jim and Ethan Ralph constantly starting internet beefs so they can rack in their superchays from gullible viewers. I agree. The beef is fun for me but I realize all of them are idiots and they're arguing about stupid YouTube videos. I'm just saying that The Quartering is a particularly bad part of that community.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm an American Jew and have been on Gab since the day they started in August Yes, there are some hateful jerks here speaking freely. But I'm a mature adult and can handle it. I just don't follow them. The majority of us here on Gab are nice people who want to have Free Speech. You are nigger shit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that's exactly what a pussypass denied is, you get the consequences for the stuff you do","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user and @user launch a project to provide income for youth, #refugees in #Kenya #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/preserveconservativevalues.com\/2018\/10\/19\/democrat-2020-hopeful-kamala-harris-proposes-a-policy-that-will-tax-you-over-50-nation-wide-universal-basic-income\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are what you eat! #VeganGab Humans are meat eaters period ! We are supposed to be meat consumers and balance it with the fruits an d vegetables ! You can not eat meat if you want to, it is America ! But STOP telling me I'm WRONG !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He can be only a tool... he is not brightest bulb in the box. If he was, would he marry nigger hooker?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Jimmy_Santander: \"Deme gallo pinto con carne asadita, madurito..y...una milca, amor\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When someone I'm sleeping with tries to tell me about their personal life ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know it's mostly harmless, and I souldn't mock them for that but... Some of them sounds like they are talking about clothing. \"Ah, I feel like being agender today\" \"Ah, I feel like *wearing this yellow dress* today\" i mean, it makes a mockery of trans issues, even if it is a separate thing technically it still gets lumped in, and is used to further delegitimize the push for trans rights. >Implying \"\"trans issues\"\" is not inherently a mockery They're just continuing the comedy routine started by men in wigs and dresses pretending to be women. so far, all the evidence i have seen points to there being biological differences between trans and the cis of the same sex. i'm not saying we need to load up kids with HRT or that transitioning is the best solution(so far it seems like \"better than nothing\" but in the barely sense) and we should only consider that. but there definitely seems to be an underlying issue that needs fixing. The issue seems to be the effeminate and hedonistic self-indulgence of a fat and spoiled generation of people living in soft and easy times. This is a self-limiting problem. After a few years of war or famine or real hardship miraculously transgenderism will be \"cured\" because people who have to struggle to survive don't have time for that shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Candace needs to read a history book. That symbol is the communist salute. Clearly blacks are too retarded to know that it was in fact the communist that taught that salute to the blacks. They are literally too dumb to come up with their own symbols ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's not actually how it works. #WuvDaScience","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck this pussy faggot cunt of a wannabe man vincente fox chinga tu madre puto joto","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In all, 17,781 illegal migrants arrived in Spain during the first six months of 2018, almost double the 9,581 migrants who arrived in Spain during the same period in 2017. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"100%#WHITETRIBALISM #RETRIBALIZE #PGTOW #FOLKRIGHT #VOLKISH #SLAVA#FOLKFIRST #HEATHENS #WEARENOTSEMITES Speaking ones mind.. like how evil the Altright and Christians are? lol. We will purge her Deny what Robert? Your psychosis is really getting out of hand. I think someone is living down by the river in a white van.. and his name is Robert. Purge her of the Jezebel spirit of course.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user If only there was a way to stop those bullets! I'VE GOT IT! BUILD A WALL !!!! #BuildThatWall #MAGA ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Khloee's new backpack that we colored last night! http:\/\/t.co\/tYndjCsq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Fugazi3011 \"leave you beaner retard\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Be very careful, record audio ~~if it's legal in your state.~~ FTFY. Keep the audio (not video) recording private unless it becomes relevant. Then, even if it was made under not-quite-100%-legal circumstances, you'll still be able to use it as evidence in your defense. Though it might not be usable as evidence in charging her with false accusation-related charges. (IANAL) And whatever problems might come your way for making an audio recording illegally will be very small in comparison to the problems it saved you from. >Looks like she got a kit done after consensual sex. It wasn't shared but I wouldn't be surprised to hear she planned it that way. Yeah that's my thought on it Why are we sending our girls to college when all they do is post ass pictures on Instagram, join ~~brothels~~ sororities, get drunk and accuse boys of sexual harassment that destroys lives. woah JFC man Dude if you're still shocked, go ask the girls you know in college for their Instagram handles and see what they're posting. I'm not kidding. Yeah that's one aspect of it though. Goddamn I hope you're not a father. If she *did* plan this, I have to wonder at the motivation behind it. You don't just wake up one morning and decide to wreck to someone's life in that manner just because you don't have anything else to do that day. Speak for yourself. It's a Monday, rent's paid, and I'm bored. Honestly even if it's not legal, consider it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have and entire family of veterans and police who have Concealed Weapons permits bring it on Chicago nigger. The faster we exterminate your asses the better. Make no mistake this nigger should have been hung years ago................It's a lose lose game for the Chicago nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Our voice's will be silenced by the national socialists on here thanks nazi's you are the biggest bunch of faggotts who shit over everything good and decent every single one of you should be ashamed what a bunch of Cunts you truly are I don't need to read my timeline because I know what I said but I've just read yours and you're a national socialist and I cunt now","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Name a single Chinaman that has ever espoused this opinion in public... Pro-tip: you can't. BTFO Bigots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"oh the fuck it isnt. if anything, duty to retreat laws like youre talking about have been abolished and replaced with stand your ground laws. >If I feel threatened by someone I can leave the area or call the cops, not attack them unless it's an imminent threat. good for fucking you. but the rest of society doesnt have to play pussy. we actually have the right to stand our ground. > now make it a woman who was hit, good luck. gtfo here, ya sexist cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user demi = fat and flop ariana = queen now leave stupid bitch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"can we just start killing these antifa terrorist faggots and be done with them???WTF https:\/\/youtu.be\/8kIQA7ER0EY i can still protect myself from a FUCKIN skinny jeans faggot with my bear hands!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@pragathiguru , i'm viswa moulie. I wanna be ur friend.. Please, shall i ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know some subs won't allow \"gendered slurs?\" I had a comment removed because I called my MIL a passive aggressive bitch. But calling her a dick was okay... Can't remember which but it wasn't even a particularly feminist one. I can sort of see why people might look at it that way but I use prick\/dick\/twat\/cunt interchangeably, I just use whatever curse word comes to mind first. It's nothing to do with so called gendered slurs. It's so stupid honestly. I honestly feel like I call more men cunts than I do women. I just think it's stupid to get so offended over something like that. That it would be one of the \"worst words you could ever call someone, yanno?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@gnuman1979 Nothing. This person lost one of the dearest ppl in her life and she puts trump above him. She's a broken person and beyond help.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you're all niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So you are a faggot and a kike? LMFAO","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Being Greek...I hope no one takes offense...that I take offense...to a black piece of faggot shit...claiming to be a historic Greek Gladiator. Wrong color. Wrong hair.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"i DON'T THINK THIS MARXIST CUNT IS GOING TO LIVE THAT LONG. just a FEELING I HAVE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Retarded petulant children. Yep, that about sums it up!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Bernie retard loser cult...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"QUESTION: Should 'Refugees' Who Break The Law and Rape Women Be Deported Immediately? v a @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@ErinTaylor14 @BRios82 you both sure do You want to give a free pass to every border jumper in this country you two are what's wrong here","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Get these nasty bastards in a holding cell, and re-train every officer in the country after rounding up all the GLOCK goddam death machines, if you can't work a safety you have no right to touch a fire arm...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT 5Strat What you need to know about Jason Cosko, arrested for doxxing @GOP Senators on Judiciary Committee. https:\/\/heavy.com\/news\/2018\/10\/jackson-cosko\/ https:\/\/twitter.com\/5Strat\/status\/1047645175139393536 All I need to know is when he will hang as a traitor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck Islam, long live the Jews and Israel ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Social media continually censoring Patriots. Propagandist media working with social media to boost liberal leftist agenda. It's time for the patriots to stand up and have our voices heard. Our vote will count! #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica #liberalmeltdown #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apparently you're allowed to stereotype Hispanics as long as you work at CNN.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" how did this IDIOT get elected in the 1st place??? Something in the water in dirty Jersey. I mean have you ever been to New Jersey. The place fucking smells. That and there are a few nuclear power plants scattered about. New Jersey is LITERALLY TOXIC. My apologies to anyone who lives in New Jersey, but you know what I'm saying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kirby's Dreamland challenge https:\/\/gab.ai\/tv\/watch\/10144 @WADL - \"I hope the members of the WBC are forced to...\"- forced by who? That post says more about the gabber than anything else. Resentment sparked the fantasy \"suck a thousand sand nigger cocks\". And WBC's heard it all before. Unlike bozo, they've also seen it all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Not all men are godless heathens with no morals or values. I know that might be hard for you to understand. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Commie scum.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"'What if, instead of finding \"illegal immigrants , our policies are creating them?'@trillingual's @user on @user case and the #HostileEnvironment - also quotes our @user book which you can read in full at ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"LYING WHORE NEEDS TO BE VOTED OUT UGLY CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She thinks she's relevant enough to be recognized in public. Imagine being this egotistical over simply not being shot. El Atrocidad fears someone with gun stickers will recognize it, and run it off the road. Broooohahahaaaaaaa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only reason we still use fossil fules is because of the greed and power of corporations and what they have on our government. Tax them, make those rotten power drunk billionaires change and better our world. We need to stop allowing them to control everything we eat drink and do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sorry this is gross but it is important to see how liberal feminists have destroyed men. Just look at this piece of shit. I don't want these people anywhere near me or my family. It should be a crime to allow children near any democrats.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thursdays really been trash this season @nfl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Why don't u STFU. You are a hysterical idiot!! You are exactly what's wrong with this country. Go back in your elite hole!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user #Democrats and Liberals are Lying About Illegal #immigration Its time we take back our Country #SendThemBack #IndepenceDay Happy 4th of Juluy #FourthofJuly Happy Birthday America God Bless America #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @A_I_P @WADL @JonKragen - \"This based faggot understood the importance of women never speaking to men unless spoken to- [but] the perfidious nature of the kikes was never reported\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Listening to MundaneFatt drives me crazy. Talking about triggering libs while he got so triggered by streams he flagged them. Had the gamergate council idea back in the day that would have ruined the whole thing. Most those people in the plebbit poll drifted right over the years. This Trump Derangement Syndrome retard needs to peacefully sunset himself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@el_prietito @lovexlilyy Them jigaboos aka homewreckers needs to get blocked!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Heart of French language is in Congo, French language doesn't belong to the French people, says Macron. https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/heart-of-french-language-is-in-congo-french-language-doesnt-belong-to-the-french-people-says-macron\/#.W8JD9o8ECHE.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you're about to leave the bar with a booger but you're just not quite drunk enough to not care ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Look at the fairy gay faggot in front. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How can you argue with Sully? You can't. #VoteHimOut #BidenHarris2020 Powerful! Our Moment https:\/\/t.co\/oNT5eCDNg4 via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user stands up for Real Canadians while Comrade @user allows MILLIONS of illegals stream across our undefended border! #cdnpoli #cpc #lpc #NoMoreRefugees #Refugees #onpoli #abpoli #ableg #ucp #pcpo #FordNation ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A dog of a woman, and pregnant at 37? Clearly Harry is of low-IQ.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's an article abt how a Banksy painting just sold at auction for $ jew nigger - modern art is a kike creation. Ask these questions of your rabbi when he gives you the jewish reach around. You're like a Christian missionary in the Amazon asking Yanamamo indians about fortune cookies. Schlomo the homo, AKA, nigger kike anus licker has lost the debate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As GAB might be gone forever after this weekend I wanted to take this opportunity to say fuck you rotten pagan motherfuckers. Fuck all of you! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RMsp5cCTJTU fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger Not really. I never started a \"Neo-Pagan Question\" group. Initially I was just saying \"lay off the Christians. Their good people.\" And was called a kike, pasta nigger and told I wasn't welcome in my own country by neo-pagan degenerates. Fuck you guys,","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @MMAFighting: Nevada commission to withhold Khabib Nurmagomedov's UFC 229 purse pending investigation into brawl (@marc_raimondi) https:\/\/t.co\/awmehYtWYM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"should deport all of them","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If he likes cheese on his pizza, he's an asshole. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here Rubin inadvertently acknowledges that White Genocide is a jewish project, and resisting infinity nigger is by definition antisemitic. But I am supposed to care that a synagogue was shot up because someone decided they had had enough? Not only do I not care, I believe only violence will stop jews from genociding Whites. I am not advocating violence merely stating the obvious - words, logic, and reason have proven useless. People have bemoaned about how \"innocent\" those 11 poor Jews were. Bullshit. Those synagogues don't self-fund, for every dollar those 11 tithed (or whatever Jews do) you better believe a nickel went to an anti-White cause. Like I said yesterday: Fuck them' Jews...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So do a whole host of other Democrats !! Diane Feinstein !! Mad Maxine Waters !! Everyone on the NIGGER Caucus !! Pedophile Joe Biden !! Trannie Michelle Mooch Obama !! (Michael) !! Every Single Female Demoncrap !! THEY ALL HATE AMERICA !! THEY LOVE KILLING THE UNBORN AND LOVE ILLEGAL ALIENS BEFORE USA CITIZENS !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @MostSecretFacts: Twitter's home button is a birdhouse. When you join you're an egg. The logo is a bird. Most people don't realize this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@VoiceofaPatriot Now now that bird is one of God's creatures :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gels getting overly emotional about things that don't matter? Color me shocked! #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user #BuildThatWall and deport, deport, deport. We have a right to live in an illegal-less and safe country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hoe just called me a Chauffeur bitch I'm a shuttle driver ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"NOW on @user Check out our one-man comedic web series Mr. Shan! #mrSHAN #PrimeVideo Mr. Shan is the story of a young Chinese immigrant in Hollywood on a journey to become the greatest actor of all time. #TVNews #Funny #TV #Comedy #Indie Watch: ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I keep hearing Muslims calling people in western cultures infidels. They sure seem determined to get to the infidels countries to enjoy their freedoms and luxurious lifestyles.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black catolic bishops are against their pope Franciscus. They dont want to loose their sheep, which like to go to Europe as refugees. In the meantime hypocrises Franciscus pray and dont open the St.Petersdom for refugees to stay. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"America's first Nigger Presidunce. The Rapist in Chief. Cocaine Billy of the magical Cigar. 'Better put some ice on that' Arkancide Cowboy. I could go on for a week with the piece of shit clinton.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"One of his most basic arguments is the hierarchy of living beings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RIP ALEX NIETO!! FUCK THE POLICE!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Someone said this before, hmm....It was @realDonaldTrump !!!Why does it take so long for the media and congress to catch up after President Trump explains it. #MAGA2020 Pandemic could have been prevented if China, WHO acted differentlyhttps:\/\/t.co\/w5M1pVJt92 #FoxNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger woman's the worst driver","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When your one night stand asks you if you wanna go to brunch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's all about\" PRISONS FOR PROFIT\" Greedy corporations and stockholders like Alt Right Jeff Sessions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thinking about all the people who talked shit to me when Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris as his running mate. They swore it was the nail in his coffin. We knew she was the one from the start. Today proves that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is a main reason why they're trying to take control of YouTube.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So many sluts texted Stephen when we got Lionel 'our cats look the same!' Bitch 95% of house cats in the US are domestics, stay in your lane ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When I send girls the videos we made ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Friendly advice to western reporters in Kobane: don't advertise your location. Jihadis are tracking u and consider u a high-prize target #ISIS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=VrrJiKf219Q","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Do people laugh at this stupid woman and her crazy hats in the U.S? We're finding it hysterical here in the U.K. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user What are you worried you are about to lose the crown for Most Hysterical Woman of the decade? Good for them. They are the only ones who are trying to save America while you keep making money off of her by using her. You are the BIGGEST BITCH!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is absolutely explosive! Monica McLean - one of Ford's \"Beach Friends?\" Or one of her her FBI handlers? The more I look into Ford, the worse I feel for her. Clearly just a pawn in all this. https:\/\/theconservativetreehouse.com\/2018\/10\/03\/christine-blasey-ford-friend-in-delaware-was-career-fbi-agent-and-likely-together-during-accusation-letter-construct\/ #JusticeKavanaugh #SCOTUS #ConfirmKavanaugh She's no pawn She's 3rd generation CIA she's a cia recruiter She's a scheming never trumper She's an apparent perjurer too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When your girlfriend gets a new hair cut ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Best to describe r\/IncelTears is \"we're reaching levels of retardation that shouldn't even be possible!\", so your proposition from this post will fit right in. I mean you say that but I was just there and like 98% is just reposts and screenshots of the absolutely bat shit and rapey that incels post. So are all incels rapists and pedofiles? it seems like a bunch of angry birth defects with legs sitting around jerking each other off over how it's women's faults that they are so pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Like dudes think that women just want their dick.. NO YOU PUSSY BITCH.. I wouldnt touch you with a 12 foot pole you shrimp dick toad. FUCK OFF YOU PESANT.. go fuck yourself.. matter of fact.. I hope you lose your dick so you can never use it again you fucking cunt. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does anyone know what happened to @MartyMcGraw Looks like the Nazi's finally won and he got removed. It is the Nazi's that should have been muted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not the one to let people profit on my back... I'll break yours and take what's mine ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Maka Coming from a Qanon retard that means... absolutely nothing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@samanthamarika1 We were able to try it before they changed it to Joe Biden! Well, it's really obvious that Kamala is their president anyway.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BNightengale @FeinsandNYDN Time for Ranger scouts to head out and watch some Yankee prospects. #rangers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most Americans Agree with #Trump On #Immigration Detain and Deport #BuildtheWall No Welfare for Illegals No Jobs for Illegals #NoAmnesty #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrant girl hides escaped Homestead detention center | Miami Herald More importantly, some one needs to interview her IN HER LANGUAGE about her experiences at the immigrant detention center. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Bacon A kind of meat ball with gravy https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Faggot_(food)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you vote in #Kansas #PayAttention TRUMP #VOTER #FRAUD CZAR GUNS FOR GOV Anti-immigrant zealot Kris Kobach is in a tight race with the current governor of Kansas. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Illegal Alien Mother turned her juvenile daughter over to a Rapist to sneak them into the U.S. for a job #Democrats #KeepFamilesTogether Scam Caused this #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #WalkAway #Immigration - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow.. Thanks AJ+ for ruining your very own credibility by showing a one sided story. If this is a part of your propaganda to destroy our loved president, then you might just wanna go ahead and fys... It wont happen man... #DU30 #biased","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @NIGNORAMUS: Here's how your \"suggestion\" plays out @piersmorgan Racist: ha, those niggers stopped callin each other nigga The end","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"For added context, Nick Monroe is talking about how \"outside political pressure from groups like Sleeping Giants and Deplatform Hate are responsible for censoring people for wrongthink. As well as how said groups threaten and intimidate Stripe\/PayPal into getting their way...while colluding with outlets like the Huffington Post. [deleted] Neo-Nazi views should not be tolerated right? Calling for the genocide of half the population is pretty Nazi. Yep when a reporter at a magazine says something in jest you should definitely take her 100% seriously Eat shit. Free Speech sure is fun until you disagree with it huh? Free speech doesn't protect you from others' verbal disagreement, you moron. Oh of course not. It just seemed like you didn't have much of an argument to the contrary so you just told me to eat shit. Was I wrong or do you actually have something to say?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened yet. We have some serious restraint when it comes to those cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She sure did didn't she? Too bad Hanks is an asshole.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stupid ugly asian tan ass snitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@MikeyNog I bet Dr. Fauci knows that trump never got it. In his interview with Tapper over his quote being used in a trump ad, he got very dark and pretty much told trump it wouldn't be a good idea for him to be used for political purposes...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taiwan beat China to congratulate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris https:\/\/t.co\/nKsYBfdNx9 via @Yahoo @CGTNOfficial IS NOT YOUR ENEMY!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You all know we are being set up. He will be fully recovered in a week. Citing the use of hydroxychloroquine. Thus sending the world into a tail spin insuring victory on November 3rd. #FakeNews #bullshit #WearADamnMask #DumpTrump #Biden2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Herschel Walker calls for CNN to fire HOUSE NIGGER Don Lemon over racist' Kanye West criticism https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/herschel-walker-calls-for-cnn-to-fire-don-lemon-over-racist-kanye-west-criticism","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Typical liberal plantation nigger Not good enough to polish the shoes of a black person","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"uhhh, why the fuck would people be okay with that? The hell is wrong with you? She has a religious belief so therefore she should get thrown under the bus? It's not about throwing her under the bus for a religious belief, it's that to become a citizen of France you have to show you are willing to assimilate into French culture. If she won't shake hands with men, that's a pretty big culture divide. One she isn't willing to move on (because it's a religious thing). But France isn't willing to move either, because it's a culture thing. Of course not. These people determine who is and who is not worth defending by looking at a paint color swatch. If you are darker than mocha latte, you are to be defended at all costs. If you are lighter, you are the oppressor","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Rajput_Ramesh: Friends a Proud Hindu n ShivSainik brother shri Ramesh Jadhav was murdered by Jihadis plz help trend #RameshJadhav http: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user You are a stupid idiot. F U. NASTY TRASY SKANK ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People- why are you so fucking mean Me- ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"f u tumblr bc my blog is black and white but there's so many great colored things I could reblog fml","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @EJ_RealTalk: @SirRayCharles: Mo Claiborne is so trash I can't say it enough fam ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Jessicatarlov I'm not quite sure how many times I have to tell your stupid moronic idiotic brainless twat waffle self you don't speak for women whether it's Republican women or Independent Women because I'm going to tell you something you little tart I have women that are independent as friends they don't like anybody speaking for them let alone some democratic dingbat who doesn't know any of them. Here's another clue for you you bimbo constantly running to the polls and saying but the poll say this the polls say that we have the advantage in the generic poll, Hillary Clinton also had a lead in all the polls didn't she? Everyone knows that they oversample Democrats in order to get the desired outcome they want it's been well documented perhaps you should look it up instead of constantly going on outnumbered and making a complete fool of yourself, the only thing I wish is that Dagan would get up and punch you off the fucking couch. Stop speaking for women cuz you don't speak for me and you don't speak for any other woman you disgusting dirty bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm dressing as a nigger picking cotton.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bloody disgraceful keep politics out of schools #nomoremigrants ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@BeeKayNS alas, I am proficient in neither. my skills are limited to pointless stat memorization + trash talk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Took a little drive today around Crater Lake Natl Park. You protect these wonders of the world when you #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica Trump is intent on destroying so much of what we hold sacred in our hearts. #BidenCares #Dems4USA https:\/\/t.co\/bQNeOuYd7Z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When white people came here killing, raping and stealing. They called them selves settlers.. GO BACK TO ENGLAND YOU FUCKEN THIEVES!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.redstate.com\/brandon_morse\/2018\/10\/05\/amy-schumer-unintentionally-shows-us-fake-media-story-created\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump I love you, get better soon!!! You're in my thoughts and prayers!! #Trump2020 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Skank divides the country. FUCKING VILE CUNT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Globalism is socialism which is communism which is Judaism! Ism is the dead Jew giveaway! I know, he's in retard stage. Posts all these stories bitching about Dems and Globalists, who also happen to be Jews, but doesn't make the connection, it's actually hitlarious.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Women are mentally retarded, if this site is a \"Breeding ground for rapists and murderers\" is that why she's here? When left to their own devices, women watch some of the most hardcore and fucked up porn there is and get off on the idea of rape by Chad. Why do you think movies like 50 Shades of Grey are so popular? They actually want men to treat them like crap because thats exactly what they are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Again, I'm not shocked. This fat nigger could've shot a white guy in Orange County, and the courts there would only sentence her to \"time served\" and order her release.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The sooner everyone realizes that her name is Imam May, it will all start making sense. Stay in the EU. Don't stay in the EU. Doesn't matter now. You're gone, UK. Gone. Go spread your momma's legs. Here comes your Muzzie Love. Idiots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Do not become faggot in old age! https:\/\/twitter.com\/DRUDGE_REPORT\/status\/1050562117684740096","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Anyway, I am beyond fed up with Alt-Right personalities licking Trump's balls and spinning this bullshit narrative that somehow the GOP is secretly on our side I wonder if this was their plan from the beginning. In 2015 the alt-right seemed unstoppable. The only thing that could destroy the alt-right was co-option by the GOP establishment, just like they did with the Tea Party. Then all of a sudden you have Ricky Vaughn as a leader of the alt-right, supported by TRS and The Daily Stormer, trying to merge the alt-right into the Republican party as the \"hard-edge of the GOP\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey guys thanks for following! Spread the word and make sure everyone knows #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's a shame that dickhead supports SJW causes that fuck over the average Joe though. Only the elites like this dickhead get due process and fair justice according to him. Fuck Drake. He should have to play by the same bullcrap *#MeToo* *Just Listen and Believe* crap he wants for the rest of us. I don't care if I get downvoted. Fuck him. r\/incels is leaking again That's some big talk for someone who posts in r\/latestagecapitalism. I have some socialist views, nothing I'm ashamed of. But thanks for taking the time to dig thru my history! Must've been fun","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The problem is that Linus actually bought into their bullshit and didn't ignore them. As tough as he may seem he has provided evidence that he actually submitted to the PC dogma of \"nazis do X and if you do X too then you are a nazi\". His big brain is great at technical stuff, but when it comes to understanding sociopolitical games he's as retarded as any leftist out there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Two artists from New York are bringing colour into the lives of Rohingya refugees.Their art classes and murals are brightening up the refugee camp in Kutupalong, Bangladesh. The artist had partnered with UNICEF for this project ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Says the token Negroes from CNN. https:\/\/www.mediaite.com\/tv\/cnn-panel-mocks-token-negro-kanye-west-hes-what-happens-when-negroes-dont-read\/ Hey neighbor, lived in Central Islip, Brentwood and Bayshore myself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WhenRapperSaid: When Joey Bada$$ said \"Traded in my Nikes for a new mic, I guess it's safe to say he sold his soles for a new life.\" ht ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user What do you mean by that you cunt? My English is perfect! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bitch stop playing with me and drop my shit off ! What u do after that ain't no problem because I know they gone send u back lil whore ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm thinking that the stuff that Dems do might be paid for by the Republicans because it all makes the Democrats look like totally retarded Nazis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">Ivory is anti-black. and#x200B; Somebody please tell Zimbabwe then!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Mojada\" is spanish for \"wetback\" he's a mojado she's a mojada masculine\/feminine words in a language? that's sexist When I lived in an area where there are a lot of illegals I'd get phone calls looking for a carlos, juan, jaime etc I'd laugh and tell them they ain't gonna find that wetback funny as some were the DAs office","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"FUK THAT RETARDED LOOKING ZIO-DICKHEAD LET HIM BATHE IN THE GLARE OF COMMON MEDIA","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"An unfortunate reminder that men will kindly shut the fuck up about telling women what feminism is or should be. Not your call to make. Women will decide - maybe well disagree. But women and only women decide whats feminism. No one asked for your approval. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"but but but she is a fucking NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Syria, Russia, Lebanon and Iran are all pushing for premature refugee returns:https:\/\/t.co\/WfAaDjGj0D ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We can't have a woman in the White House. What if she starts PMSing and drops bombs everywhere?\/ ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@brad_dickson Sure like the GOP suspended long enough to even grief RBG. I'm sure if Biden had to quarantine that trump would have cancelled his hate rallies. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or just be Muslim.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wigger dies in plane wreck...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nice Austria - the new goverment make a new law to stop refugees to run into the socialsystem. But there the refugees still are, they get more money than in Germany with Hartz IV. Only the deportation of all foreign persons will really help. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Not the brown Kenyen faggot mask!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user And I thought I was a Bitch, but you are, well the worst cunt ever. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Psychology #AgentOfChange and @user faculty Dr. Nayeli Chavez was recently tapped by @user for insights surrounding the #MentalHealth implications of recent sexual abuse that has taken place at immigrant youth shelters. #TheCommunitySolution ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude came here and made his first post race baiting. That seems like all hes here for","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That girl should have had enough sense to know that she lived in an extremely dangerous nigger infested country and acted accordingly. A lot of White people still have this incredibly stupid idea that they can go anywhere they want anytime they please and nothing bad will happen to them, because we're all the same.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ladies you want equal rights? Well in that case my lawn needs cutting, my car needs an oil change, and my ass needs wiping. #GetToIt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"k so retard deflection, got it. Blame catholics but never jews. Kill yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Where is the 'what I offer' section? Or is that section implicit between the lines, intimating at a picky, insatiable, and delusional cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What's black and white with red all over? Dead nigger skulls","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@MelissaTweets @UrbanAchievr What's weird is y'all's messaging. Joe Biden a radical leftist?Kamala Harris a communist?Nobody wants to hear from Dr. Fauci?They want to take away your guns and God?Thinking that these are believable, winning messages? Now that's weird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TODDIE_soPLAYER well since you is blood you get a G pass but only this time and I won't tell wop about that lyric situation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"9\/11 converage and after that was all media bullshit. When trump was elected that's when it went all retard because of the complete take over of the media by the Chinese and the Jews","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Right so when I've been out grafting all day and burned about 3000 calories I get told I can only have a government approved pizza with nothing on it because some fat cunt who can't be arsed to move all day is errr...... fat and need their help shedding twenty stone. Thanks, but that's the lard arse' problem not mine so don't involve me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Noted constitutional scholar Donald J. Trump definitely knows who is president right now https:\/\/t.co\/KPlTf9A1Bf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kanye got the whole family dressin like the trashy whores they are ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ones a shit always a shit no wonder people been say about her ever sence she born had smelly shit stuck to dress give me hug fuck of dirty cunt farted pedo","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"> But here is the thing, I connect t him because I am similar. Because you have a well-developed sense of empathy. These people are emotionally stunted and do not - they simply can't put themselves into the shoes of another because they are emotionally retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @_lvrking: chris brown is trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You probably haven't interacted with one yet so. You can't judge how cunty they can be. Go ahead. Throw an insult my way. You are incorrect on this one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"LMAOOOOOOOO!!! Stuff I Say... Some stuff be so damn Funny...Especially when it comes to Illegal Immigrants who are full fledged CRIMINALS Coming to America and I said \"Fall off the Boat and Fall all the way, as in a GO BACK HOME In even that\". Funny and yet Truthful lolll lol dude smh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_JaelynBeeee somebody looks like the die on the first tubes on flappy bird lol!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Worlds biggest faggot lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@discordianslip I hope my fuzzy head doesnt tickle too much.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Withrefugees @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"JUST IN: Murkowksi officially becomes only Republican senator to oppose Kavanaugh https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/n3rH5vb.png https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/34QNP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It would be great if the shooter was a Muslim, good if it was a Jew, alright if it was a nigger and terrible if it was a white guy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@joshbuddy blue cheese crackers intrigues and repulses me at the same time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"who the fuck in their right mind would want to flood their country with retarded bongo lipped apes??","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I wouldn't be talking to you if I just wanted to be friends. #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @dan_danovskis: @FlappyBprob: If you're playing flappy bird: 1-800-273-8255 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. RT to save lives @r ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bullshit reporting! Rebellion was engineered by USA because Gadafi rejected dollar 4 oil. He was working for gold currency and united Africa","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This reporter just got owned by President Trump in the Rose Garden. If you watch this, don't drink anything over a keyboard. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! WATCH: https:\/\/www.waynedupree.com\/reporter-says-i-wasnt-thinking-during-back-and-forth-with-pres-trump\/?utm_source=wayneandutm_medium=gab","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HIS NAME IS ACTUALLY \"KEKISTANI SAILOR\" LOL WHAT A FAGGOT Please don't tell my wife nazigirl! Please! You know what's so great about this kike faggot? He calls himself a \"kekistani sailor\" but fails to realize the kek flag is based off of a natsoc flag. LOL!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"90 million indians are so poor no money to eat 3 times and they spending money on wedding ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user He's quite right. Its the sheer numbers that are changing countries and communties forever. Ask yourself....why is it only white European countries that have to undergo mass immigration? Doesn't happen in muslim or African co ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The #south of the US is white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"God, I hate this mulatto bitch! What a narcissistic, attention-seeking cunt to announce your pregnancy at somone else's wedding? Horrible, nasty little bitch! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6276715\/Harry-Meghan-announce-expecting-child-together.html Read on UK Newspapers http:\/\/www.tachanfil.com\/stores\/ing\/ @tachanfil","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"London Police Boss Locked Doors and Watched Westminster Attack Unfold From Car Window https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/08\/acting-met-police-boss-locked-car-doors-watched-westminster-attack\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This meme is racist!! How dare you make a nigger look like a court jester!!! For shame!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@__PrettyTea 2\/In order to stop Biden and Kamala from waging war on Black men again, we need Black women such as yourself to keep them out of the White House by not voting. Thanks for sympathizing with the Black man's plight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"+AJ+ Assholes, you conveniently forgot to mention that there will be a 1:1 barter also for Syrian refugees in Turkey, who will be allowed to settle in EU.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Is this similar to the point the black men make when they fuck this guys wife? Jesus Chirst this account LOVES based niggers more than life itself What? You don't know WTF you are talking about! First of all his name is Scott Presler and he doesn't have a wife. Scott Presler is a gay male. Scotty is an American Patriot to whom I am proud of. Next you disrespected The Holy Name of our Messiah Jesus Christ of Nazareth and FUCK YOU BITCH. Hahaha I was just implying he was a faggot because of his political cucking but turns out he really is one >Zealot Christian >loves gays Yes I'm the desecrator... Lol you are such a liar. If you wanted to have the conversation you would have it now. Good luck with your Israel First movement. I'm not participating thanks. I cant quote you anymore your trash is polluting my feed Goodbye","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"NEVERRRRRRRRRRR ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ NRO The heated battle over Judge Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court has hurt vulnerable Democratic senator Claire McCaskill in her race for reelection. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/JRmt Maybe, but I try to avoid commenting on personal appearance. That's the looney left's modus operandi. I fight fire with fire! I get it. Conservatives have been far too polite for far too long, and there is no winning against the Dems that way. I just try not to lower myself to their levels *in public*. In private, all bets are off, and the things that come out of my mouth shock even me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the left https:\/\/redd.it\/9nkpeo https:\/\/twitter.com\/SomethingTexty\/status\/1050749766441754625 https:\/\/archive.is\/acCnf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MeowMariss i thought i was the ghetto word for babe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] Buhbuhbuhbuh muh history of oppression! Buhbuhbuhbuh muh history of oppression! Buhbuhbuhbuh muh history of oppression! I know right? Almost like... maybe... some form of mental illness is afoot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck the police why did they do it!!!!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My best bet on Christine Ford... Her assault story is real. But it wasn't Brett Kavanaugh and she knows it. So she's using a real story so she can get real tears but was talked into changing the name of the attacker for political reasons and is smart enough to leave out any detail that could possibly be disputed (like date or location) Honestly, I'm struggling to even believe her story is based in reality. It still smacks of implanted memories. People who are susceptible to hypnosis are highly suggestable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JoyfullySunTzu It is the STERIODS playing havoc with Trump's mind. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user DUMB CUNT STEALS FROM MY CAR GO TO HELL SLUT ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Shut the fuck up ye little slag ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Yeah, asking for the truth could be characterized as \"Most Hysterical Woman\" by someone who has no idea what a Woman actually IS. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm Greek and Italian, I don't consider myself to be 'white'... Unless I'm applying for a job, being pulled over or in court of course ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fun fact: the proto-feminists demanded it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That shade of faggot clashes with your eye color.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wow these people are fucking retarded, literally 0 research went into calling this guy a nazi, what idiots","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump just proudly declared he is a Nationalist for America. Next step is to declare himself a Nationalist for the White Race.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/_PXXXBb7vwI Blue Wave Officially Over as GOP Surges!!! 52,687 views Dr. Steve Turley Published on Oct 23, 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is a cruel irony that sikhs often **look** more exotic to American eyes, even though they tend to be among the most deeply assimilated of immigrant groups. of course the people they're mistaken for also don't deserve to be attacked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Genre: Electronic Sub-genre: Breakbeat Artist: Snoop Dogg Song: Sensual Seduction I'm gonna take my tiiiiime https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Y1PVmANeyAgandt=0sandlist=PLpuAoqE-LIzc_Fc9p0Xz3aaeR_fqEEGVkandindex=40","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It ain't April Fool's yet.. @IGiveEmNathan Jay Z trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Buckm00se true sand niggers and bum Brits claim he's a ATG hall of fame legend smh","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lakers fans will feel the pain the Yankees fans are feeling today at the end of basketball season.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user You sound like one lo intelligence. Skank ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If people would understand it's heritage not hate 80 percent of the people you ask are gonna tell you it's not hate it's heritage it's true why are so many people going ape shit because of the kid having it in his picture he's part of the 20 percent that are just complete idiots and sees the flag as Hate! That's just like police brutality if you had the cops called or your doing something wrong of course your gonna get taken into custody! When blacks get arrested why white cops and make the comment \"that's racist\" it's not there doing there jobs if you fight with the police expect them to fight back if you obey the laws and not act like idiots we wouldn't have this problem! People need to realize what the flag actually means! For most people it's family heritage not hate!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How many days of the week? how many gods of rome and greece? How many letters in the sacred name of god according to christianity? how many angels are there of the church? how many planets are in the solar system? the answer is all the same, lost children. Your christianity is less about christ, and more about jupiter. You're too lazy to read Genesis chapter 1 to avoid embarrassing yourself huh? It literally would be less than an 8 x 11 sheet of paper. This is why Pagans do not own a blade of grass or have any temples, just sheer fuckin stupidity. The Bible needs to be in schools and we could avoid further Jewish subversion like this and get the national test scores up as well. Yeah, it's totally my fault he didn't read the first chapter so he wouldn't humiliate himself. All about Jupiter! Call someone else your mate, boy, doesn't work with us Germans. That's a quick route to having your throat crushed. Thanks, Island cunt. Bless ya! Fag -- still no interest in your Island faggotry terms whatsoever. You're shockingly stupid being confused about a post you commented on, just utterly clueless about the word \"Jupiter\" in the OP and my quoted post. It happened yesterday too, you're dumb. Take your Tlingit Indian Alaska art and go act stupid somewhere else. Stfu ignorant fag, Slavs are not white and Israelites aren't Jews. Your broke little pity party of 15 penniless pagans will never move a needle. You're not intelligent and that's why you're flat nigger broke. Read and evolve -- stop sitting on the lap of the Jew and be a man who can actually think and sustain himself. You're the penniless ones -- not us. Us? You're a joke friend. Attacking a women for not being white enough, spitting and cursing, and constantly proselytizing with some genesis or trinity turd story. But can't tell why. I tell you why, you lack honor mate. Follow your own words and I'll teach you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user like when they say \"real men dont rape women\"\/\"if you hit a girl you're not a man you're a bitch\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah. The water is toxic. Do the opposite of what boomers tell you. Filter your water. Only the most retarded people among us are unable to research the history of drugging water supplies. IE, boomers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Deflection by pretending to be the victim - claiming the charges themselves are a \"witch hunt\". They never change, do they. Crying foul when receiving consequences for their actions, because they think the rules shouldn't apply to them. Only everyone else.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">What do $38 bottles of hot dog water (hot dog included) and Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle mega-brand Goop have in common? It is some how more expensive then the new rage \"avacado toast\". We are fucking doomed, and we deserve everything that happens to us and then some. >That reputation of selling bogus health products is what caught the attention of Vancouver artist and Hot Dog Water CEO Douglas Bevans who plans to crash the summit. >>You may remember Bevans from his eye-catching prank this summer at Vancouver's Main Street Car Free Day festival. >>>He sold one bottle >>>>The stunt, Bevans explained, was meant as a commentary on the \"snake oil salesmen of health marketing. You ate the onion by not reading past the headline and first sentence, deciding instead to get upset about it. He's making fun of these people and their batshit beliefs. A single person bought 1 bottle. Probably as a gag gift to make fun of the person in their life who never shuts up about their keto diet. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. A molehill that exists specifically to make fun of the people you're having a conniption fit about. You need to chill out. Smoke a joint or something. It's legal. No no, you're ignorant. Run along.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh Pie, get down from your high horse. Your country never had free speech throughout its entire history. Your media is and was always trash. The censorious screeching has just been turned up another notch and now it's finally starting to reach the top of the ivory tower. >official caution Graham Linehan received Serves him right. He gloated when Dankula went to trial for hurting feefees. I hope this trend continues. > This is exactly the utterly ignorant tribalist thinking that got us here in the first place. No, leftists got us here. Linehan hasn't even changed is opinion, he still would happily have non-leftists arrested. \"There's no wrong tactics, only wrong targets . That's kinda the point. That attitude with regards to censorship issues is like cutting off your nose to spite your face as the saying goes. Doing that only accelerates the process rather than reversing it. If you don't hold people like Linhan to *his own standards*, who will? >Shit, even Pie made this point blatantly clear in his video What Pie does or doesn't do is of no concern to Linehan. I welcome every occasion where one of those moral crusaders trips and falls on their own sword. Maybe once they learn those swords are double edged they'll be less likely to use them. I'll happily tell everyone Linehan shouldn't have this done to him, but I'll laugh at him regardless.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not offended. Just making it clear that \"fuck is a part of my vocabulary and pointing out retarded comments is something I do, when I choose. None of it is necessarily reflective of mood.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I wonder how those Tumblr women feel about fixing the problem that is cunty women? Since, you know, not all women are cunts, but some are. And it's a huge important problem that needs serious social media attention. Go away.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"MartyGraw deactivated, fellas Milton Friedman (do I even need the triple parentheses?) confirmed socialist faggot and B T F O for all eternity You already know what the fuck it is Again, shoutout to my man @Founding_Father for making that Milton Friedman Pepe like 2 years ago, what the fuck were we thinking lmbo @Vic_Mackey @h4rdm0us @illegal_aryan","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm sorry you're getting downvoted. The FA was in her total right to get that lady off the plane and i would have done the same. Usually a situation that would be bad on the ground will be a lot worse in the air due to confinment and all so it's better off to deal with it before the doors are closed. [deleted] It's so sad you feel the need to talk poorly about your own race [deleted] Point out where you made the joke. I don't mind downvotes, not everyone has to agree with me. I certainly agree with you though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who down voted you? Cause I know the faggot you responded to can't downvote you or anyone anymore...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dropped into an ocean of dorito crumbs and stale mountain dew stains. t.dumbass who thinks hes smart because he can have a kneejerk reaction.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut up, ya fat cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Haaaaa yes! The street shitting, nigger loving whore is gone! https:\/\/twitter.com\/jonathanvswan\/status\/1049661903432310784?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The difference is any other legal immigrant has already become citizens and are assimilating into society!! Not trying to over throw the current legal system! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@RealAlexJones what the hell do you think CERN about in Switzerland the Elite want to open a portal to the other side why I don't know but we are dealing with the f****** elite aren't we a bunch of retarded inbred f****** Lunatics","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Muslim Man Dragged Out Of Hotel And Beaten For Being With A Hindu Woman = \"chanting Jai Sri Ram' and; beating him ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guy, you gotta stfu. You're not right. I'm using RAINN's definition because I'm not a fucking retard and this is the standard definition in the U.S. If you want to post your neo-feminist bullshit that all sexual assault is rape, I'd love to read it. Please, post what you *think* rape is considered. Show me the three other states that prove you right. https:\/\/www.rainn.org\/articles\/sexual-assault >What is sexual assault? >The term sexual assault refers to sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. Some forms of sexual assault include: >Attempted rape > * Fondling or unwanted sexual touching > * Forcing a victim to perform sexual acts, such as oral sex or penetrating the perpetrator's body > * Penetration of the victim's body, also known as rape I'm not smug, I'm just not at the level of autism that you are. I state a fact, you call me \"mentally ill\", I show you proof, you say it's not the definition that you use (you're Dutch right?). Go fuck yourself back to europe you sack of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ELIZABETHII I USED LIBO WEAPONS TO TAKEOVER MY ROYAL FAMILY TREASURES MAHABHARAT WHY TRUMP AND CHAIWALA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As soon as we left Iraq all these towel heads think they can fucking barge in and take over what we worked so hard to set up. Pisses me off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It took as little time to make as it takes to debunk every one of your retarded beliefs. Go play with your niglet grandkids.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bitch you're the ugliest cunt ever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm tired of AJ+ hyping up these stories. The driver lost her job, its obvious the behavior is unacceptable. But whats bullshit is this stupid AJ+ who's been endorsed by paid advertisement normalizing this behavior by sharing it with millions. These guys are among Unilad, and so many, that could post a banana being peeled and it would get millions of views. Embrace the love, and plant a F'ing tree people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"JF of all people did a good analysis of the Tucker vs. Wigger debate. Not sure why TRS were cucking for Tucker, they're usually pretty good.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation which has the largest voting block in the UN (which also has the support of Socialist nations) has set up a parallel Human Rights Charter to replace the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with their own Islamic Cairo Declaration which is in accordance with Islamic Sharia Law. Ready for a UNexit yet? Please watch. Get a cup of tea and sit down it's worth it https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=Ey-TRpkUiPI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Moni Marie, as predicted they are coming out of the woodwork, under the trump Reich racism is fine, sexism, is fine, grabbing what you want (cash or body parts) is fine. It is all ok if you are the privileged. I just want to see the looks on their faces when the masses that voted for him realize they are not allowed in that club!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"reminds me of the lorax, LET IT GROW U GREEDY DIRTBAG","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The word alpha probably scares their faggot mods","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Join Believers for #Biden and African-Americans for Biden for a Soul of the Nation #Gospel Concert with Grammy-nominated #Jazz gospel artist Tim Bowman Jr.!Seems like a good one to #postcard to, doesn't it? #BidenHarris2020 -- good for the soul.https:\/\/t.co\/6hyacY7C6y https:\/\/t.co\/cC5PBXghYh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Washington State (WA) Voting Guide for Dummies for the 2018 General Midterms Elections: Home of Seattle: Vote Trump Alex Jones Kanye West Jim Brown over Michelle Obama Hillary Clinton 2020 https:\/\/steemit.com\/informationwar\/@joeyarnoldvn\/voting-for-dummies Your writing? Yes I know, I know, I was having fun with that one. ...*grins shamelessly* Thanks for the \"straight man\" material, it was fun Anthony. Indeed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@therealjuicyj @ProjectPatHcp yea ho","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#ICERaids sweeps up over 100 Illegal Aliens That Stole U,S Citizens IDS and SSN for #Jobs Illegal #immigration is NOT a Victimless Crime #Trump #MAGA #ExecutiveOrder ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I believe that it has never been more important for us as to equip our daughters to deal with uncomfortable social issues and learn how to participate effectively in the often contentious debates that surround them.\" The Fired Principle, 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Over 14,000 migrants stopped from reaching #Europe illegally, Turkish coast guard says ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gifs http:\/\/t.co\/J1PWlaeRCu (via @teapot)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey @Patrick_little You're a faggot Checkmate","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nice bikes but the mother fuckers that get those to the U.S. sell them for thousands of dollars.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's not, I just censored the username. OneyNG reference? They look and sound like the type who hate themselves and project it to other people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TomCrean ill scream from France for you Tom! #IU #iubb #hoosiers #creanandcrimson","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only we werent collectively too retarded to continue fighting for actually equality and calling out radical feminists WHILE calling ourselves feminists to adopt the name again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Glad I already seen this hoe that bitch was wylin though ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fists fly, and so does a megaphone, as rapefugee crisis inflames local politics in Dhimmi Toronto area ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I like gallows humor and black comedy, so I thought I'd try a black romance novel, and boy do I feel silly No, how about read a book","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user girl lmaooooo bitch I needed a heads up or something ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Sweet. Broke-assed bitch will shut her jizz-hole for once. Once. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If it ain't her flag, the POS is in the wrong country. Drag her skank ass out. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The British public generally go to work then go home and many of them watch soaps on the TV, we are easily manipulated. We are a tolerant race and never objected to immigration, however many immigrants are not so tolerant, there is only one god and it's not ours. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I wonder how she'd mess up a name like Will or something? At that point she risks looking retarded cause it's an English 4 letter word that she can't spell.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"spoken like a true retarded liberal when we win please do not cry","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"2000+ businesses in #Kakuma refugee camp - amazing the resilience of #refugees in the most difficult of circumstances. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @MILF_chronicles: Dudes shaving without it being for an athletic purpose is gay af you're retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"asian women are quite disloyal to their men. My theory (which I have explained in a few posts) is that in evolutionarily domesticated societies and race like Whites and Asians, the women still aren't fully tamed and will jump on interloper alpha cock given the chance. perhaps my experience with negresses is espeically poor, but I'm fairly confident that every negress would remain loyal to a white husband at all costs likewise, an arab or persian woman will do everything she can to keep that white husband normal white and asian women don't quit a marriage for black dick they're hunting for richer dick, not darker dick it's less about race than about perceived masculinity. Women crave \"wild\" men, but only to a point. This is why Asian women will go \"wild\" with a White man, but a nigger is a bridge too far. Asian men are very well-off in America, so the betrayal by their women has little to do with hunting for richer dick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This cop is a disgusting pig of a coward and has no place in law enforcement, let alone in a blue uniform that promises to serve and protect.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They were looking for an excuse and that retard gave it to them on a silver platter. The guy was a nazi and anti Trump, he was one of them. I'm kinda surprised the nazi's are still running their mouths after this shit, the FBI is watching and taking names.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"84\/ Increase funding for the Minority Business Development Agency budget85\/ Make sure economic relief because of #COVID19 reaches #BlackBusiness that need it most86\/ Reserve half of all the new #PPP funds for #SmallBusinesses with 50 employees or less#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/Pf2drNI402","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @netflix: Here's your first look at Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock in #Marvel's @Daredevil on #Netflix #NYCC http:\/\/t.co\/SIYuCgok8J","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not fan of Farrakhan, he's just another Muzzie shitbag to me, but if he was White and Christian, they would have suspended him and a bunch of Jews would be on the news shouting \"anti-Semitism\" and \"Nazi.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":".@TruthWillOut then you got ur lame ass bird brained faggot friends who jump in the fray and don't know their ass from their elbow when they're talking about this topic. Give me a break dude, you're a fucking fraud and a fake ass #CoinTelPro asshole pushing this shit in ignorance or getting paid 4 it!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump He leads in PA and in MI, and in WI and in AZ, all by wide margins. Why? Because your entire presidency has been a disaster. Time to up your COVID medication... #biden2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"idiots!! Imagine a world without Islam... it would be heaven.. even after 100yrs once a while true radical islam will blow up or kill other religious people.. because that's what said in quran. islam looks peaceful because they're minority. once if they become resistant enough soon, there would be a problem. To be fair as those muslims to build a chruch or other religion temple in anyone of the middle eastern countries. Fuck not.. they'll never do that!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Real basketball players get disappointed when they throw something in the trash can and miss","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"have Failed to Prove that #Q is fake\" this fucking nigger has failed to prove that earth isn't a giant bowl of macaroni #OWNED I only call white people niggers. And since I'm white myself, I can't be racist, because racism is power, plus prejudice, plus not being a stupid white nigger who believes in Qspiracies. This is the academic definition. Take it up with Harvard if you got a problem","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just killed 3 birds with 1 stone! Thank God I payed attention in my communication classes#work","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Freedom Hating Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So whats the definition of mgtow then? Pussified faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Psycho Cunt is lying...she'd have blood running in the streets.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's like a Viking berzerkergang but from Themiscyra. It's not even close to that cool.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And faggot\/dyke marriages, faggot\/dyke adoptions, Affirmative action unions, obamaacare, mass invasions, the Clintons, Soros BLM, nigger rights, muslim rights. Its a gret day to be White.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who said anything about full time child care? Even when in school most kids need before and after school care if their parents work. Still not less than $100 a month. I'm not going to return your personal attacks because I'm not a cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user But a women cheats and parties? She a hoe leave her ass. The double standard....amazing ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Took my selfish, never satisfied, cunt of an ex-girlfriend out to see this, (her donkey-brained idea) and can confirm, it sucked worse that she did. Go to hell Melissa!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why does this genius keep showing off what a retard he is !","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you ain't gonna do shit nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'd have to agree..... FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And Moses said to the people 'Bitches Be Crazy.' ~Romans 10:13~ ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you get caught stealing lemonade ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Atlanta was also the intended target the muzzie in NM was training the kids for who has connections to Obama","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No Woman Is Immune #rape #sexualabuse ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@charliesheen Charlie, im an old lady. don't EVER SAY UGLY THINGS ABOUT UR CHILDRENS MOM.. I GET IT!!!, JUS DONT! BIG HUG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey Nazi's, you know hitler didn't believe in the second amendment, right ? So, have you given up your arms yet, and are you ready to be under state owned enslavement ? Both of these guys were selling an absolute lie, from which they, their friends, and comrades benefited greatly ! Have you ever noticed? That despite Americans having the right to bear arms. They are still to scared to drive out the corrupt politicians. Weapons aren't magical talismans to ward off evil. I wouldn't say that. Government is meant to be as small, and unrestrictive as possible ! Our society has grown into a nanny state ! What's the purpose of governance if not to take care of the people? In monarchy the king of the nation is considered the father. It's one big family structure to government. Excuse me but you don't have much of an understanding of a monarchy Let me condense a subject that has been written on using thousands of papers, and condense it into a nice 300 character post. I'll start with \"Plebeians like yourself are to stupid to make intelligent comments on politics. Fuck you. How's that for condensing? Play stupid games and you win stupid prizes. Everyone is smarter than me apparently lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"While I sincerely commend what this guy's efforts and attempts were I believe the story has been misrepresented. If he was a true practicing Muslim he would believe that anyone not willing to convert to the religion of Islam should be murdered. Therefore he's just an Arabic guy living in freaking England. He's not a practicing Muslim. It says absolutely nothing and does absolutely nothing to solve the problem of Muslim terrorism in this Nation or any other Nation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user Happy birthday you crazy cunt #EarthWormJim ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey stupid, there are differences between male, female, White, nigger and Oriental skulls.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user You broke it. A hole. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because no third-world retard wants to join other third-world retard societies, they want to be with the whites, especially when there's free stuff to be had.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What the hell are they paying good money to see this leftist dyke anyway???","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My bird got a headache ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off, they can poke us Brits for a while until it goes off, this is in Speakers Corner and these muzzie cunts are deluded if they think that this would happen anywhere else. Sort out your own back yard ffs patronising cunt!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Should say there's not a thing the Dems can do. Except bitch and cry like 5 year olds, which liberal tend to act like. This is a good thing. Get #ACB on there, and let's win! #MAGA2020LandslideVictory #MAGA2020 #Trump2020LandslideVictory #TRUMP2020ToSaveAmerica #Trump2020Landslide","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who's running the show all POC plus one White Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well, its certainly PPD. I would say the sentence is too harsh, because well, it is. You can get wasted and drive a car into a field of children and not get a life sentence. You can shoot someone in the face and not get a life sentence. I also have a feeling she was represented by a public defender who sucks, she can barely even speak. But yup, definitely PPD. Although I wouldn't exactly elevate the court system indiscriminately completely fucking people over as some sort of positive ideal. My opinion should not be swayed because of my relation to the victim. Unfortunately it would be so I cant honestly answer that. For this i think 10 years and a name on the sex offender list is justified > My opinion should not be swayed because of my relation to the victim. Unfortunately it would be so I cant honestly answer that. For this i think 10 years and a name on the sex offender list is justified and if the victim was your under 13 year old son?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They should all be prosecuted and American Taxpayers want FULL RESTITUTION, I'm sick n' tired of losing 25% of every one of my checks to pay for all of these fucking programs that I myself can NEVER get assistance from or very little! ENOUGH IS MORE THAN ENOUGH #BUILDTHATWALL ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know a great place that sells lynchin-rope at wholesale prices. Atwoods Farm and Ranch That's the truth.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The US Military is not equipped or trained to be border guards.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When your side bitch tells you she's pregnant and keeping it ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Funny thing is....it's not just the people doing it. It's the people who seeing these pics and judging the birds. Just as wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Got two #boycott actions for you Gabbers! First one, #CapitalOne credit cards: Yah, Samuel L. Jackson is the obnoxious nigger asking what in the motherfuck is in yo' wallet, bitchass cracker? Whatever. However, they're now airing an ad showing an epsilon-level male kissing his nigger ho at a sportball game- after asking her to marry him and make mud babies-","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cause she ain't got no solid proof I'm convinced any girl that tries to file a rape case on a celebrity its for money ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @TEL1967: Darn trash man he beat me to the good stuff again. http:\/\/t.co\/vdDJQ4l0mg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That just fucking sick,coward cop.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"but then a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn't ask The Smiths - There is a Light https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=y9Gf-f_hWpU Morrissey - Manchester 2004 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=JVTCGKfSCIY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WE ELECTED A PRESIDENT IN 2016, NOT A BUNCH OF PUSSY FAGGOT JUDGES.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You can't care for the veteran you have sent to a needless war or supply clean drinking water to Flint,MI. But you can supply money to Israel to continue it genocide?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#WhatImCraving Peanut Butter Oreos <3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @UTRagers: COLT MCCOY WINS #HookEm he's still trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who would you LEAST trust from a Jeremy Corbyn led Labour govt on National Security? Basically the choice is an IRA Hamas arselicker, a lunatic Stalinist cunt, a fat arse bitch who hates the white working class, another fat arsed bitch thick cunt and a Muslim rape gang fan. Sooner have the No.10 cat than ANY if those cunts If #Labour get power there will be Civil War","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The one in yellow was a female? [deleted] Do we? How else do you describe it? I'm intrigued? [deleted] Ah I see what you're getting at. Don't confuse the internet with real life. These people don't exist in real life or at least, I have never met someone that describes themselves in that way. Because they'd be openly and deservedly mocked. [deleted] It seems the troll deleted all his\/her replies, I was curious to what he\/she was saying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Refugees are not allowed to stay in India #ZEE24KALAK Go back to your home. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just because someone is Muslim doesn't mean they're a fcking a terrorist. That's the point of this \"stupid gesture\" have you not heard about the white supremacist who just killed 2 innocent civilians defending muslims in Portland??? Does that mean alllll white People are considered \"supremacist \" should I now be worried about alllll white men walking around.? Thinking they may want to hurt me or others because of the color of my skin?or because I don't agree with their beliefs? You can be purple with Polka dots and carry out an attack and people will stilllll try to fcking blame it allllll on one race.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Wren @peremersenne @markusenyart @Timber @Trumplican @Grubama @baerdric @FreeAgent355 @2sense @Lilgirl @rickybird @Luvvvbughugs @Moonbasking @Sockalexis @Lilly @NaturalSelection @haremesc @BewareOfFlatteries @AltruisticEnigma @NiggerologistPhD @olHip @CrunchyBacon @KimFoote @EmilyAnderson @IlI @Luvmybykr @FEDUPCITIZEN7 I believe Bill and support his efforts to have this rabid dog fired. The moron that sent this email should be sued for slander and the attacker should be jailed for assault and lose his job. I've taken a screen shot of your comment. You called an African American man a \"rabid dog\". I am emailing this to that company and proving to them that Bill and his friends are literal neo-nazis. @Trumplican","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Great job, deport them all on out of our nation, they are not as-simulating to USA either way, @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"these Asian mother fuckers are dicks","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Don't defend the TSA. Fuckin thieving retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/2vRe6-FzgLI Is Elon Musk right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"they share their faith in common. islam. and they both share their hatred for their own western nation. both trying to destroy it by flooding islam into their own countries.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user the planets existence depends on stopping the warming of the South Antarctic Ocean which has absorbs so much heat from fossil fuel emission its killing over 65,000 marine species a year and what happens as that works it way up the food ch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"while White wealth is transferred to grow third world populations exponentially....Whites are trained not to have growing populations....its all about the kalergi plan of White Genocide...never forget Kalergi or stop teaching others about what is happening according to his plan if they are confined to their own countries...nature takes care by limiting their growth naturally...when they can't feed themselves...pop naturally declines","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#HOLIDAYSEASONLIVE @ShyGlizzy @plies Shy Glizzy Feat Plies - FREE THA GANG: http:\/\/t.co\/pYGOSk0qCP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kaitlancollins @LaurieFitch3 Lying POS....both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris offered their wishes\/prayers for yours and Melanie's speedy recovery.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"settle down Jeffrey That's kinda poetic [It is known](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/Q3jCdDg.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/dankmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But remember, you cheated on me first, you're a whore, you're a whore, this is whore ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"r\/foundthemobileuser","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Got a new #boycott for all you peeps today: #CapitalOne, all of its credit cards. Recent commercial shows an -level male kissing his nigger whore oildriller gf on the jumbotron at a basketball game. Apparently, he proposed to her in the script, which would constitute bestiality. Do you want a credit card that advocates the destruction of our race? Hope not-","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Confusing circumstances seem to get in the way of your high ho... More for Virgo http:\/\/t.co\/nrAAI6dhVx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maxine is a DEMOCRAT so she is RACIST! The brainwashed retarded Democrat and all filthy JEWS will call people exactly what they are!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Arizona Border Cams Capture 25 Straight Minutes of Rapists and Murderers Crossing Border Illegally #BuildThatWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Listen to Mama Kuo's story of how director\/writer @user overcame language differences as an #immigrant and young teen. See more of what inspired our film at 10 days left, support this film now! #asianamerican #qwoc #femalefilmmaker #supportindiefilms ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The man who allegedly assaulted an anti-abortion protester on video in Toronto, Jordan Hunt, has been charged with nine counts of assault and seven counts of mischief following two separate incidents, police say. Lock him up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That faggot should be castrated.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Child Prostitution: Feds Break Up Mexico-to-Queens Sex Trafficking Ring via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I believe, there are Predators on many levels, sum...boys, sum poor racial, some white , we cannot excuse the fact there are Hunters out there, looking, snatching, praying on the innocent, verse your children, be careful, quit acting like it can't happen to you!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one gives a shit faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Converted to the religion that kills if you're not Muslim and could get married to 9 years old. Converted to the wrong religion you idiot and to tell you that truth I don't even know nor have I ever seen his face before. Actors and Hollywood puppets and stupid liberals have no voice when it comes to what our country has chose for our American future. #Trump #NoToImmigrants","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"writes the faggot who didn't have the balls to serve.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ceasefire?Let's see how long those towel heads can go without trying to attack Israel then cry to national media when they get popped again","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lindsey Graham is a little punkass faggot bitch who runs his mouth for his corporate donors. He's a pathetic loser","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate Donald trump for being racist, but putting my feelings aside, he's still not a good president. He doesn't know how to interact, behave with people. He throws tantrums, he's a narcissist, bigot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I will be the loudest voice for black America. I won't be the most popular or even the most appreciated but I won't stop fighting until we break the chains of leftist thought. 1619-2019= 400 years Big announcement coming this week.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Morons. You're gonna see whatever you want to see to justify your ignorance and your conspiracy theories are all your own, but don't let that stop you from showing the rest of the world how retarded you are on the internet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Everyone needs to start recording their interviews with MSM. Fuck, the way we're going, everyone should just record themselves 24\/ Never know when you're going to be accused of rape 30 years later Even 24 hour footage of you sitting reading a book (new Live React trend coming, I'm sure) will be useful, if it is time-stamped. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=acA5CIw6nGk We're all niggers now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2 Farm murders in two attacks only hours apart were reported by Ian Cameron on Twitter. This comes shortly after Cyril Ramaphosa denied these killings at the U.N. http:\/\/whitemurder.org\/2018\/10\/two-murders-in-two-attacks-within-hours\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just a nigger , niggering.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"i'm finna block this hoe cus bitch u weird fr. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can you show me on the doll where all females refuse to touch you? It's funny becasue your identity is so wrapped up into feminism that when someone critiques feminism, you hear them critiquing women instead. Edit OK guys.i rarely do this. What should their flair be? Be creative. An appropriate flair would be: Confuses feminism with women. Ok. Go with that but funnier and ranchuier. The same appendage your daddy used to crush you into a bitter husk of a human being. You've got a daddy fetish, huh? Your mom lied, you know: he *did* leave because of you. Your troll is as weak and powerless as your womanhood. And your erections. \/r\/inceltears Funny statement coming from a fast food worker.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you finally lose all respect for someone so you decide to fuck them and ruin their life just for fun lol ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @jeffgallardo9: @Sonali1123: Guys with colored eyes http:\/\/t.co\/hwiPlPuxpQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#TheNextNewsNetwork:September30,2018 Why Did Obama Spend $","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another bleeding cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Needs to learn one day that actions have consequences","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm making pollo a la brasso today","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Same here. If they come within 1 mile of the border..... light um the fuck up. \"Like iraqi sand nigger death footage\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@NHN Hey, Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. FO nazi scum bucket Look at the little faggot cry. aww, little nazi scumbucket Lord Humungus @LordHumungus thinks he can insult? Must be a big satanic pervert with all his sexual dreams and perversions. Only can a little dick like you pretend to be tough online. Yawn, just another nazi homo pedophile","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Democrats are RACIST RETARDED NPC's! Democrats are human sewage! They all need to be flushed! I have too many to count. Unfortunately when dealing with a lefty they are so retarded they cannot comprehend a thing I say so it is kind of a waste of time to be honest. Here is my description of a NY times reader though! New York Times Reader Brain Description: Zombie Like Unconscious Gullible Moron whose proclivities towards Fascist, Sexist, Racist, Bigoted activities hold no limitations; Arrogant simpleton; A polluted thumb drive with no critical thinking skills to discern facts from suggestive conjecture; Vacancy sign permanently posted while vacuous vomit drips unrestrained. Part of an angry drooling mob.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Only your Democrat SLAVE-MASTERS can give y'all niggers the permission to speak. CNN has opened the door to using the words NEGRO and NIGGER again. Aren't they so respectful and caring of our black brothers and sisters????!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Voted today! Please find the time and vote. #vote #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/XRSDW0rJJq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"off your left wing high horse @user Certainly not the average person's take on a \"refugee\". Remove the country shoppers, the opportunist migrants, those with criminal or terrorist ties, those with hidden wealth and who's left? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user calm down this parody account is live again, that was close tho u guys almost had an impact on something #YesAllMen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You people are lowlife filth and no one gives a fuck if you die. Maybe we could get something done if you were out of the way and don't worry we feel the same way about the RINO's, Globalists, Cowards, and Feckless Beta Bitches that have infiltrated the Republican Party. Meh...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"NPR is trying to group legal and illegal immigration\"Jeff Sessions is threatening immigrants rights in... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@dxum7 Jordan's are trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ANTI-HITLER ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Remember you have to get the ball in the hole too. Have your fun pal!!! ;) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's a good fuckin' reason we despise these rat faced perfidious invasive species you MAGAtards call \"MUH GREATEST ALLY\" Jews hate Whites Run and hide then, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"President Trump will smash that traitor with the truth, Obama is running scared, we know what you did in those 8 years, the PUBLIC KNOWS, let the truth shine out @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/hillary-clinton-endorses-political-violence-now-is-not-the-time-for-civility\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muh based niggers. No nigger lovers are disgusting. My dad is not on here praising niggers, you are. Your whole family probably fucks niggers. Whores like you should get the claw hammer treatment. No, file this under: The United States of Misandry, Dept. of Jew Fembots No, it's because I don't return their phone calls. Or they give me their number but I don't call them. Because I'm not some insecure pussy who requires a woman's approval for self-worth. Just like now... you have some fantasy that I'm somehow bummed because some man-hating strap-on Dominatrix who doesn't even know me makes a smart-ass remark... how amusing. Are you coming on to me? I'm not into relationships. I do not lust after you, I do not need you, and you are free to go be a lesbian Jew princess and adopt some brown baby from the Shithole of Your Choice. Happy trails, biatch!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That night cap nonsense is for the birds.!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Slamming her to the ground would have been equally bizarre and extreme if she'd been a dude. What we see here is a use of non-proportional of force, that should more correctly be described as violence. This is what's wrong with American police in a nutshell. I'm pretty sane. Slamming a weak girl weighing 45 kilos head first into the ground to detain her, when you could just as easily have squeezed her wrist hard, and she'd folded just as easily, isn't proportional, because the officer had the possibility to use less excessive force. That is what is meant, when I say, that it isn't proportional. If he'd head butted her then it would have been equally bad. No dude you're nuts.. your saying because she's a small girl he should have been nicer to her.. you'd love to give her a pp.. But that's the thing, she chose to be rude and unruly and he acted accordingly.. Her parents are the real failures here honestly.. I bet they're weak af","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am lovin' all these speeches of TRUTH. Joe, Barack, Kamala, THE GOOD GUYS. The JEDI KNIGHTS! Defeat the TWITTER TROLL TRUMP occupying the White House and save us all from his toxic bile. Block him with a vote for Biden-Harris. https:\/\/t.co\/jAWgH8z0l7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nate,Are You A Trick Baby(Hookers Kid By John Or Pimp)Your Sensitive To Nigger Jokes Or A Typical Wannabe National Socialist,Who Watched Romper Stomper,American History X And Think Your An Aryan Warrior,Your An Anonymous Coward Faggot,A Real White Warrior Doesn't Follow A Failed Flawed Political Ideology,He Serves His Folk,His Country,His Heritage","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Shoot the f*cking lot and Bristol will not have a large Somalian Nigger problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Satanic Multimillionaire #Bono said: \"Political parties that criticize mass migration originate from Satan\" https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/parties-that-criticise-mass-migration-originate-satan\/ #TwistedBono #SorosButtBoy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"male tennis player jeff tarango was fined in 1995 for telling the crowd to \"shut up\". pretty sure thats less dramatic than accusing a ref of point theft, but im not gonna stop there, because youre a whinging faggot who cant accept that your token tennis player isnt perfect. a few other examples that prove men are warned, fined, and disqualified for less than accusing the ref of favoring one player over another yann marti, 2018, disqualified for pointing a racquet at his opponent and saying \"you can put that in your butt\". not fined. disqualified. andy murray, 2016, fined for saying \"stupid umpiring\" novac djokovic, 2017, warned for saying umpire was \"losing his mind\" ive got this feeling you arent gonna care, though, because mah wamen. this is more than just serena losing her shit, its stealing the rightful praise that osaka shouldve received for the win. even researching these past names was a pain in the dick because every news outlet is obsessed with serenas meltdown. its also satisfying to see somebody try to use their gender to get out of being responsible, and having it backfire. thats literally the point of this sub. women trying to avoid consequences because theyre women, and having it backfire. if the serena meltdown doesnt fit that bill to a T, i dont know what does >she said women get penalized for less i showed 4 examples of men being penalized harder for less than what she did. if you want a random faggot on the internet to analyze information he cant find after 5 minutes of googling in an empirical way, youre looking at the wrong place. nobody will find you precise statistics on every single verbal abuse fine because every search engile is filled to the brim with \"mah wamen protecc serena\" if youre just gonna dismiss anybody who disagrees with you as putting forward anecdotes, you might as well go back to whatever echo chamber you came from. youll be happier there","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Posted a new song: \"\"guala\"\" http:\/\/t.co\/jq3RB6gyQh #music","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@YellabeautyKC home coon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Glad to be here, need a new platform as Facebook has gone to the globalist dogs, by hiring that cunt Nick Clegg","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dude you're a fucking faggot - Eric cartmen","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@sisternoles Fingers crossed for you. If not? Chug chug chug lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#information_warfare ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user Bitch shut cho emo ass up before I rape you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not to mention men's sports brings far more revenue. Somehow, despite men having almost twice the television audience, the WTP awards woman grand slam champions the same as men. Not only is is fucking retarded because men earn more revenue, but they also play games 3\/5 and women play 2\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"FUCK THE RACIST FASCIST SHITSTAIN TRUMP AND THE ANTIAMERICAN RETARDED SHEEP WHO WORSHIP HIM! MAGA: build the wall and THROW RIGHT WING FILTH OVER IT! Purge the fascist terrorist orange pigs from American soil!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"AJ+ Really? \"Mexican sedan\" and \"American sedan\"...? both cars are manufactured in Mexico... by the same brand (Nissan, Japanese by the way). Why do not you get real information before posting this kind of fake bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Donald Trump is going to lose in Florida along with a load of other state's, I really hope that Joe Biden becomes president with Kamala Harris as vice President and I don't even live in America I'm a Scot living in Scotland. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@goldnsilvercoin this guys company had best year EVER...under Obama....conservative teabaggers are scum","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A 26 y\/o is retarded enough.....then its one of these....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#FuckThis #FuckTrump #FuckYouWhiteHouse #RefugeesWelcome White people stole this land we call America. We're not entitled to tell ppl they're not welcome here. These are human lives. These are unforgivable actions. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"OMFG! YES! Brace for no deal #Brexit! Deadlock deepens as Thereson May pulls plug on talks after #EU says 'backstop' plan MUST hive off Northern Ireland from rest of #UK - with #DUP warning crashing out is now 'probably inevitable' https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2CfS1JO #WTObrexit is fucking on!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"been a long December hasn't it? counting crows (:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't they stay if there refugees they should go home once they feel that it's safe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggots are soft what if he was just tapping them on the shoulder and there faces inadvertently got in the way. @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb - Yeah you're right. Whenever I look up and see a faggot forced to sit on a window sill, within 30 seconds he turns into pixie dust and blows away. And that's called \"fag bashing\" as soon as another homo hears about it- one of them disappears, and suddenly it's all our fault.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Mayor of Portland is still telling the police to stand down and to allow them to block traffic and do as they wish. Remember when commie pinkos had to lurk in the shadows for fear of being found out here in America? We need to bring that back and send these assholes packing ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The landlord had nothing to do with it. The city council forced the landlord to kick her out *and* is telling the landlord he can't rent to *anyone* for 3 months. She's a cunt, but this is still bullshit. Because England has gone fucking mental. I agree this lady is a cunt of epic proportions but all she did was write a note and leave it on a car. That news article reads like some Orwellian horror story. \"We are hopeful this order will demonstrate how seriously we take anti-social behaviour and discourage the offender from acting the same way again.\" Got it. Leave mean notes, be made homeless by governmental decree. Seems legit. Holy shit the UK is a mess. Also this never would have been made news if she were a minority. Wouldn't want to seem racist. Because *that* would be ridiculous. Also England (and most countries) do not have free speech (unfortunately). That is an American concept.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just admit you hate Whites your far left progressive retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Give the Boer refugee status in America then cut all foreign aide to South Africa and their neighboring countries. When communist China picks up their tab and they're begging for the white devil to save them like the nigh jeers in Zimbabwe are, put economic\/trade sanctions on them and watch them fucking starve. No China wants control of Africa for its resources. Just like the rest of the elites. Gold and Diamond mines etc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LMAO they're mad at \"racist whites\" but not the nigger that actually killed her! Stupid mudsharks!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Georgetown university professor calls for murder and mutilation of GOP senators Funny how people can think this way without a shred of physical evidence, a plaintiff who can't remember anything about the day in question, multiple witnesses who clearly state she is lying, a defendant who actually has evidence to show he wasn't there, and dozens of letters vouching for the defendant's character. Like I always say, Social Justice is just a politically correct term for Mob Justice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Every Country has a Right to Defend its Border and determine who comes into their Country #Immigration is not a Right ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's the last straw. I'm going to boycott nigger ball. Oh wait, I haven't watched it for decades.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She has such a retarded fucking face.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"For one U.S. immigrant family, short-term public aid meant long-term security ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"me @ ppl who continue to reply to anti -harassment posts w\/ 'but not ALL men are like this': 'so did you get the point of the post or nah' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AJ+ thumps up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tell me now \"Whose the terrorists again \"???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The corporate government media cabal pushes the propaganda that White men are worthless. They deprive young men of social status, women. They create a generation of warriors. They have sown the whirlwind, They shall reap the apocalypse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Filmmaker Timothy Grey Hall sits around the campfire and says to Nashville Antifa, \"tomorrow, when you are given that choice of do I take the next step, f***in' take it.\" He talks about the strategies and tactics Antifa uses and says \"a lot of times it includes actual violence.\" https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=B3_Rrq8RO1c","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user If you dont like America you can leave. Theres the door. Why is Isolationism backward? Enlighten us with your vain words. We were getting ripped off! Importing terrorists posing as refugees! We need ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I love this episode. @YvonneOrji and @Luvvie . Great job ladies. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"STEROID RAGE BY A FUCKING FAGGOT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Vietnamese Immigrant Tuan Ho Wants Every Kid To Live The American Dream ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Racism rears its ugly head yet again! I checked. The majority of the girls are White blondes. The network recognises that beauty sells, and we are indeed the standard of racial beauty. Anything to get those ratings up. Now, who wants to bet the non-White races will be screaming 'muh racism!' If they do, they will admit to our racial superiority.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well, looks like its time to have another child","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#ISAD IDENTIFY SEARCH AND DESTROY #ANTIFA #POS #SAST #TBAN #ITS #TIME VIDEO LINK https:\/\/twitter.com\/breaking911\/status\/1052719309263384576 We can get this guy FIRED OR bankrupt who he works for The LINK where you should be able to find him https:\/\/www.akpress.org\/ Watch the video a few times to see these IDENTIFYING MARKS = NOSE and EAR I'm glad people are looking at Portland more closely. I've had my experiences with extremists from that place and I will say that there are way too many traitors running around free there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @p_w_sterne: @GraceBr92073005 \"There's more than one way to skin a monkey\" --Barack \"Bushmeat\" Obama @1Dittlinger @Txwench","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My MIL tried to use this word before. Problem is she's the absolute worst, beats every damn thing to a dead horse, with the most annoying voice\/ tone at that. That's why I came up with \"momsplaining\", just to show her sex doesn't factor in. Anyone can be a condescending cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Their backwards thinking is retarded(as in slow or halted) and would they defend me calling a shop owner in japan trying to get one over on, ya know what i mean, a tourist. Can I a white in Japan call him a sneaky nip, slant eyes dog eater?. \" you could say a Japanese has power and privilege of majority country. I would never think to. But to highlight the stupidity of their qualifications for racism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @CNNMoney: Breathe easy: Twinkies due back on shelves by summer http:\/\/t.co\/pFLaTel2Sx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is heartening that once in a while UN @user speaks out when a country like Cameroon forces masses of refugees back to war zone, but appalling it stays silent on identical and other grave abuses in places like Turkey @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well thats absolutely fuckin retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"New to Twitter-- any men on here know what the process is to get #verified? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vibrators don't consent but they don't also look and act exactly like a sentient being. People in this thread are making fun of the guy saying \"sex robots are a red flag\" but this is already the justification used to ban simulated\/photoshopped child pornography (defined as photos of actual children made into porn, not talking about drawn or 3D child porn which is a murkier issue) No children are harmed in making fake child porn, but it is still banned under the arguments that a) can be used to teach real children b) creates a market and audience that might then escalate to real child porn. Conversely, some argue that fake child porn could be an outlet that prevents someone else from harming a real child because they can \"safely\" live out a harmful fantasy. In the same way, an argument could be made that someone who gets off on raping sex robots could be just practicing and then feel emboldened enough to try the real thing. Or they could be using it as a safe outlet. It's a complicated issue and both sides have valid points so I don't think either side deserves to be mocked.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrats, the party of hypocrites, they will say WHATEVER gets them votes. #MAGA#EndDACA#EndChainMigration#EndSanctuaryCities#DeportThemAll#DeportIllegalFamiliesTogether #FamiliesBelongTogether IF they're legally here, if not they need to go back. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I won't have a nigger run cover for me ... the #GOP are pure cucks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"what would we do? arm ourselves, lend a hand, wait.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"a b s o l u t e u n i t R E P E N T","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The joys of not being an independent state with which we could control who comes in and how many. Quebec could still block them from entering if your political leaders hadn't sold you out. It sickens me to see politicians who have sold themselves out for a small block of votes from a tribe that has hated us for 1400 years. You should see some of the cunts in Minnesota, a state historically populated by Nordics, pandering to the Somali welfare scammers by wearing headscarves to meeting with them. There should be an extra hot place in hell for such traitors. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=VviqpNzJobo No we couldn't borders are a federal matter. I honestly think if Quebec was to secure its borders Justin would intervine to let them flow in. Then tell me how come Quebec had so much power to safeguard its culture before? This loss of control is a very recent phenomenon. I am still going to go with blaming lefty politicians who sold out their own people. Relevant: \"Muslims are like the common cold and leftists are like AIDS. It's easy to fight off a cold... unless you have AIDS.\" - Milo Y Because of the treath of independence? Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Granted, maybe not 'Join ISIS' idiots, but idiots nonetheless. Let her just sit in a reasonable prison for the rest of her life, that's all I ask for. I just gave you the opportunity to share your perspective with no bias for me to evaluate. And you waste that opportunity to cuck and kek. You really are a fucking idiot, you know that right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Canada is full. Why don't you eat shit you fucking faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She should have to spend six years in prison and lose her credentials ...if she has any. Well he's black, if he didn't rape her, he's going to end up raping someone eventually.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So true! https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/wc2mgz.jpg Hillary is absolutely nothing like Hitler and those are two totally different circumstances. You have shit for brains. What kind of pedophile POS loves Islam? Oh yeah, Hitler. https:\/\/imgoat.com\/uploads\/a79ea27c27\/ Jews absolutely love Muslims and they literally perform circumcision with their mouths. Democrats are socialist just like Nazis. The Nazis didn't even define Socialism the same way. You would know that if you weren't a dumb as fuck NPC that can't think or respond outside of y Communism and fascism are both socialist economic models. In both the government controls all economic activity. The only difference is that in communism the government owns everything. In fascism a select few of the elites own the means of production, but since the government selects the economic winners and losers, no one really owns anything. Here's the Fasces on the walls of Congress, the US dime, and some American kids back in the day doing the Bellamy salute. That's a lot of Fascist stuff, right there. So does that make America historically socialist? Free market ? That's why open democracy is stupid, whoever raises the biggest mob of idiots wins. Ah...the Germans, always with the wisest quotes I know, right? http:\/\/www.threeworldwars.com\/protocols.htm No wamen voters either. Or ppl who don't contribute Fed taxes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Women in positions of power is always a horrible idea.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Very sad for those people. i was a young boy in the 90s when Ceausescu fell in Romania and the inflation skyrocketed. But here they are on another level and looks like there is no end soon. How can this happen to one of the richest country in the world? Venezuela has the largest resource of oil in the world. When you look at Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia they done miracles. It looks like is not enough to have oil, you have to know what to do with it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oreos are my life","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"oh no.....they are African...they have the same skin tone Indians are what happens when you run out of cream..... kind of like the black Irish forced to fuck niggers.... https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-467787\/I-love-mixed-race-baby--does-feel-alien.html And my coworkers were shocked when I said, \"Irish potato nigger today. Spud nigger shamrock nigger leprechaun nigger green nigger white nigger the list is long http:\/\/www.rsdb.org\/race\/irish","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's an insult to good honest dykes everywhere.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Unbelievable!!! Census Bureau: 44.6% in CA Don't #SpeakEnglish at Home; 35.6%; 35.6% in TX; 34.5% in NM; 31.7% in NJ; 31.0% in NY! Our schools R getting 150% funding for every student who doesn't speak #English well! Parents' job! #StopImmigration ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"commie fag wants dead white children fuck you cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Waid is the dude who had daily mental breakdowns in the office (I think it was Image?) and threatened to flip tables at conventions. If he does go full retard on court I don't think anyone on the planet will be even slightly surprised","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"we call it retarded liberal garbage, lots of global warming tards will freeze to death, that's how GOD works...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Review: The Yanks are Coming! A Military History of the United States in World War I http:\/\/t.co\/Hv4k1yZACH via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Delete now you bitch ass nigga RT @Quanny_Quan: If the Redskins beat us I will delete my fucking IG","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a fucking bitch That's beyond just a bitch. That is a devious cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So the current theory is that somebody redpilled a retarded democrat and it went horribly awry?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The part that really annoyed me is that this perverted dyke who forced a gay man into awkward and uncomfortable somewhat erotic positions is referred to as \"one of the few philosopher stars of this world. Life isn't complicated but if you're 66 and forcing people who don't like or want you into these weird relationships then you have failed at life. What could she possibly offer as wisdom?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ben Shapiro is saying that it's \"deranged\" not to think that the \"bombs\" were sent by Debbie Wasserman Schultz. No false flags for Ben! Does this bleeding twat realize that the bombs were not even made to go off? I mean if that isn't false flag than want is? Those bombs can not possibly go off!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@eHarmoniee first second an third mistake... i been hearing it wus trash tho...kinda wan give it a listen, kinda dont","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Perhaps he\/she? is white, but for sure is retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Japan? [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ENscSDOsodE](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ENscSDOsodE) I live here. Everyone cheats. Literally everyone I know that's Japanese. That includes men but... The amount of women with boyfriends\/husbands I've slept with changed my view real quick. Japanese chicks somehow rationalize that their husband is at work so it's not cheating. LOL Damn you shattered my dreams Good. Too many white guys coming to Japan and getting divorced and never seeing their kids cause one parent lives abroad after the divorce and the Japanese wife lives in Japan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @lnsaneTweets: when other girls wear beanies they look cute and stylish but when i wear them i look like a member of a drug cartel who sel ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retarded strawman, nobody says that. The issue is that muslims are a secondary problem, bad, but easy to deal with if you don't have open borders.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"blocked and muted you fucking anime faggot @BobBobington111","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@leprechaun_ie Strong with the Force, leprechauns are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jason Kenney is a faggot. Albertan men look at him and go \"at least he's not that cunt\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@HillaryClinton I'm voting by Mail because @realDonaldTrump doesn't want me to. However, since I will be volunteering at the polls I will hand deliver it. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Teresa May is the female Mr Burns. Looks, moves and doesn't listen to the people exactly the same","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a fucking cunt. Been there done that. He says hell stop being a bitch in that text but he wont.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"lmao I s2g having roots with yellow\/white hair makes it look so dirty I'm http:\/\/t.co\/SqbYdUiZr8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this NIGGER BITCH NEEDS LOCKED UP FOR LIFE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">people who spend their lives trying to entertain you Have all gaming journalists become fucking retarded? Blizzard isn't a charity and their devs aren't social workers who do it because they want to entertain everyone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Goddamn Filthy Black Nigger Beasts don't belong in White Societies. I'm tired of seeing all these bullshit propaganda photos. They are not us and it's time we rid ourselves of these fucking worthless and destructive parasites.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hope the boy's attorney absolutely destroys these cunts and anyone else involved.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" @MoffettMM: Just got done with my last final and I'm walkin around campus like I own this place queer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What your posts about owning excessive guns say about you: #MoronLabe ? My hands are way bigger than that. Just because the average grip surface of a gun is a couple of inches? Does not mean every shooter has small hands. Have you seen a shooting video before that didn't have a chick in it ? Gawd son. A+ whoa whoa whoa you're barking up the wrong tree, bud... I'm pro-gun, surprisingly enough. I know, take a breath, it surprises a lot of other people too. And no way haha sky diving would terrify me. I could probably do parasailing or gliding, though. Sorry kid. Some fools been feeding the sharks lately. Your water sports are at your own risk. And your also lying. If you don't take our laws seriously? I suggest you get out. This is not a joke anymore. I'm sorry but Obama screwed up too many families and lives for me to count. And a gun is not a museum piece. It's a tool. Just like any wrench or hammer. I agree it isn't a joke anymore. That's why I joined Gab. To keep an eye on white supremacists. This is just my side job, poking fun at gun groups. I don't want y'all to join forces with them. Because they think you will. ? \"join forces \"? WTF are you talking about? I don't have a \"C. O.\" And all of your \"Nazis\" were either killed in WW2 or have been hunted down to the last 90 something year old bugger that was recently deported. Get off the drugs son. Hear that, @Cantwell ? You and your minions don't exist, and have no chance at your revolution! Yup. You know those fools by name. Your apart of em. How are you on Gab without knowing their names? That's why Gab was created: not for freedom of speech lovers, not for patriots... to create a safe haven for white nationalists who get kicked off of other social media platforms for being too racist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's the difference between Twitter and Gab? Surprisingly not much. Both sites have fags that want to censor people for something they don't like. On Twitter it could be anything. On Gab it's fucking pictures. For sites that proclaim to be \"Free Speech\" advocates they both have a funny way of showing it. I know a majority of users who were on Minds have seen\/heard this song and dance before, but it bares repeating. Lolicon\/Shotacon in the United States is not illegal and it's not viewed as \"obscene\". At least under the legal definition of the word. So once again I have to link this court case, United States v. Handley 2008, just to prove this point. So here is the WIkipedia Article that summarizes what the case was about and the ultimate decision from that case and the case itself: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/United_States_v._Handley https:\/\/caselaw.findlaw.com\/us-10th-circuit\/ I am with you @nightwish time to let the ban hammer fall...or rather Id like to let a REAL hammer fall on the heads of these pedo, faggot cunts...glad you mentioned something I for one will not even venture near the spam folder because of this","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fucking god damn racist whores. This is not only a pussy pass it's a race pass. If the races were reversed it'd be a hate crime and would be social outcasts yet these cunts are held in high regard by the black community for 'stickin it to whitey'","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"USA thought could benefit but its turning out to be a shame for amican policy and military. count down to american empire as beggan.. peace will only come when america cuts back on military.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user RT @user RINO Ryan and McConnell are NEOCONs, Globalists, Traitors, and Not Conservatives. \"A Better Way\" is a Fraud, Scam, Not Conservative, and\/or #MAGA. #USA #Americans #America #PJNET #Constitution #business #AmericaFirst # ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"this is what authority being used to protect profits looks like, another example is #nodapl protests at standing rock... just sayin, the corporate industry puts a fake ass smile to make us into ignorant consumers","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This cunt is from the Simpsons not really he is Lord of the rings Rothschild his family have fro. Year dot has done every evil this earth as every seen right from Jesus Christ was killed because of this demon family there depopulation all human s part from them these are the devil","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Titan4Ever2488 how do Yankees fans look back on Gary Sheffield's time with the team?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I ridicule the kikes all day long - and there's nothing that New Scotland Yard or MI5 can do about it. Lol No! That's why I make a twat of you on their behalf ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user He really said this? He loves to blather empty platitudes in front of the camera. And the hysterical women comments? Empty suit. Not buying his Aw, Schucks persona. Right up there with Golly Jeez Gorsuch. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> \"We want people to live in a culturally-appropriate setting, said Councillor Joe Cressy, of Ward 20 Trinity-Spadina. That's unbelievable. Even more so, is that he knew that question was coming (he agreed to the interview, he knew the rough questions he'd be asked), and that's the excuse he masterminded. It's almost verbatim an excuse used to keep black people out of white neighbourhoods in the south in the 50s. Literally, \"we think they'd feel more comfortable among their own\". Cressy literally is mouthing those same words, and worse he had time to think and come up with this line of argument. And the double down on that, and to then flip the problem as to say that the only problem is that we don't have MORE segregation sufficient for everyone's bigotry, shows you how little repercussion white liberals face for their bigotry. The left is the home of racism and bigotry today, it's just insane.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why are trump supporters so utterly and profoundly stupid? oh wait... but that's censorship Grandma Snowflake No dummy, Gab will be down for everyone possibly on Monday. Joyent is the censor, not GAB.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's out bitch,so quit complaining, you are a two-faced cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stormy Now Owns Pres. Trump's Legal Bills Judge throws out Stormy Daniels's defamation lawsuit against Trump https:\/\/www.washingtonpost.com\/amphtml\/politics\/judge-throws-out-stormy-danielss-lawsuit-against-trump\/2018\/10\/15\/402935e8-d0cc-11e8-b2d2-f397227b43f0_story.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because our simp society has allowed women to get away with acting like immature children that constantly make excuses like mental illness, pms, their actual period, depression, etc etc. In reality, they're just a bunch of bitchy whiny cunts that act the way they act because nobody has the balls to tell them to shut the fuck up or to grow the fuck up...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@ProperEtacet fuck your mother, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @ItsFoodPorn: Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches http:\/\/t.co\/8ha6Xac0h5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THIS IS CIVIL WAR. Daniel Greenfield: \"Guns Are How A Civil War Ends... Politics Is How It Starts\" Transcript of speech that SHOOK Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach 2018 IMPORTANT > EVERY AMERICAN READ > https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-01-27\/daniel-greenfield-guns-are-how-civil-war-ends-politics-how-it-starts If you are an American, read it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user What are you saying? You are not daughter of ram rahim. ????? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If you think the murder of 10,000 children is a necesassy evil or for the greater good then you are no better than a child murderer yourself....the same fuckwits that sit back and say things like \"well that's just part of war\" yet have never spent 5 mins in a war torn country...you are a massive part of the problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Good , we won't let them enter india , will shoot them . Because they have been desecrating our temples and causing riots and killing Buddhist monks , and now these ppl are crying foul when they are at receiving end , same trend followed by islamists world over .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I seriously cannot bring me to finish this article Just another one among many which tries to blame everything on games. It's nothing new and yet I cannot stop wondering how people can be this goddamned retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"this is a really stupid post","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Look what we have here. Not a Trump supporter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Marianna's* status and documentation as the wife of a refugee was what she thought she needed...However, only... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This Mick bint is so f*cked up. If she had a sex change she could become human!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bye faggot Incel? Not sure what that means, I'm not a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I will constantly be on camera, holding today's newspaper and filmed from 2 angles, and live-streamed to a fortified location with daily off site backups. In the bottom corner of each video will be a continuously updated \"date and time stamp on the video image, encrypted with my public key. Y'all aren't gonna Cavanaugh me!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"German Police reports that refugees from Africa start in Italy via Austria now by train. The catch them at Rosenheim freightterminal. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black or white or yellow or brown all of us its same as human. Should be treated equal. And its 2017 not world war era again here people killing each other just because different religions and race and disrespect because of the diversity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maryland city mulling over idea to let illegal aliens vote #NotInMyCountry #StopTheInvasion ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Blackwomen and Latestagecapitalism is full of retards anyway. But why happy though? Are the moderators that sensitive?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Im sorry, but this generation of females have no self respect. The internet shouldnt know when youre horny, wet, how good you pussy is and etc. and Yall wonder why these boys treat yall like hoes ! Praying for this generation ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user You evil kunt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dyke probably thought she could go down on the statue!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Presidential Upbringing eonline.com As the oldest child of Barack and Michelle Obama, Malia had a different childhood than every kid in the world. At the age of 19, she embarked on a new chapter in her life by attending Harvard University. She's worth an astonishing $275 million. (Listed under wealthy celebrities) I will say any fucking thing I feel like Oh but they can scream \"white this and white that fuck you H'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dr.Gina Loudon Obama talks about himself 92 times in 38 min speech https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vyANSVuf5C8andfeature=em-uploademail","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LeKarmaSucre: trash liars RT @learnteachwin: these law students are terrible liars #HTGAWM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't you just love our city? In Buffalo, a coding program seeks to open tech career doors for #immigrant girls. #RefugeesWelcome #ImmigrantsWelcome ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Khunt has a lot to answer for https:\/\/neonnettle.com\/news\/5421-school-children-armed-with-handguns-in-sadiq-khan-s-gun-free-london That POS is on LBC this am speaking to annoying liberal James O'Brien. Had to turn the radio off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wasn't calling you a faggot, but you are one lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I keep losing followers! I wonder why...... #Trump2020Landslide #GODBlessPresidentTrump #TRUMP2020 #MAGA #kag","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"***MAJOR HAPPENING*** THEY ARE REALLY GOING FOR IT THEY ARE SAYING IT NOW THIS IS WHAT IT IS ABOUT THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE ATTACKING ***MAJOR HAPPENING*** http:\/\/archive.is\/lVOKH Piss off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/update-mass-shooting-at-pittsburgh-synagogue-during-service-suspect-has-surrendered\/ We need the death penalty back these people in a place of worship and this evil man came in and started shooting Did you call for the same thing back then? or did it not matter cuz they're not jews and jews are special?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you fuck niggers and have children with them than you have destroyed your white blood and it would not be a white offspring so you destroy the white race with both your options ! Race mixing destroys a blood line never to be white agian And I would rather have my blood line end than mix it with nigger blood Harry just fucked the royal bloodline...now known as the House of Sheboons","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Green tried to prevent a plane from leaving w-migrant to be deported on board. Unlike in Sweden, the activist was promptly arrested and the plane departed.Finland took action to control events instead of allowing \"activists to control them.#Visegrad #V4 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thanks Charlie, have a great evening @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @RevkahJC @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado @PattiSM74","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The people in gaza deserve to die after shooting rockets on israel 14 years and digging tunnels for terror.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"a retard man hating cunt yells shame\".... Fixed it","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm already tired and mr stupid af decides to show us a video on trigonometric notions so um yeah I just wanted to say you're a hoe","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Satanists Alex Soros and Meghan Markle at an Abramovic Spirit Cooking event. Red shoes indicate pedophilia (or worse - cannibalism). Now we know why Harry was so smitten.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The fact that the older generation allowed the government to take our guns and our right to self-defence here in Australia is a crime against us. Give us back our guns! #auspol #ausfam #guncontrol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Will never spend one more dime using @user rather go by balloon than United Socialist Airlines .. think they would fly combat VET's for free coming home from War.. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Germany greenlights controversial migrant transfer centers ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have nothing except the e-card, but at least we can eat. Ahmad and his family of 8 no longer need to beg for food thanks to @user and @user who provide e-cards for vulnerable Syrians #refugees in Lebanon so they can buy food for their families. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God damn, if this were a video where they discouraged women from acting outside their gender role. Feminists would SHUT AJ+ THE FUCK DOWN","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Aj news is suck cock suckers and if you like aj news your a ass hole","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The MEG was pretty based. An oil rig was turned into seaworld by a tattooed female engineer and it's structure didn't even hold up more than a few days after investors stopped by to look at investment. Even the 5day old wetback build bridge in FL lasted longer. Also needed STR8 white man to save the day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Immigrant Experiences: Why Immigrants Come to the United States and What They Find When They Get Here ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Non-English speaking migrant workers are more vulnerable to unscrupulous bosses! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To be fair I think most white people would've voted the Obamas back in given half a chance...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DonaldJTrumpJr Fing ridiculous!!! We see through it Don, nothing can make @realDonaldTrump voters sway at this point! We are all in and ready to vote IN PERSON. #Trump2020 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nancy PelosiWe kept the republic! Congratulations to Joe Biden on his victory for the soul of our country. Congratulations to Kamala Harris for making history. It's a time to heal and a time to grow together. E Pluribus Unum.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would received any human being any living thing with care and open arms. Find solutions not division amongst ourselves. I'm not going to let the hatred of war still my joy for a better world . I'm not going to give any one the pleasure of stealing my love for my fellow sisters and brothers no matter what . Love and peace no matter what Unity makes the strengh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hitler Lives till the end of Times 1488 Hitler Lives for ever and ever. Hitler will not go away, he stays with the people, people will praise Hitler for ever, can censor us, can persecut us, can kill us, can torture us, the sionist done all of this sinc nuremberg the sionist terror machine. after sionists are gone, Hitler will continue. Hitler Lives for ever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And then she moves back to her multi-million dollar home, with high security and safety, in the middle of a wealthy area, where she never has to see what these people do to their communities, and the countries they create ghetto's in and fester in their ideology\/religion. No thanks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have you heard about the South Korean beauty contest winner? Me neither.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"South Koreans do not want Muslim refugees, say their Prez should be more like Trump via @user Smart move,they are invaders not refugees... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Shut the fuck up, youre a fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'd die from laughter. >Wha's going on with the Objec-*Good Lawd.*.. and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First we rip children from their families, then we fail to protect them from heinous abuse. We are complicit in the lifelong trauma of hundreds of children and families, and it is a source of deep and lasting shame on our country. #FamiliesBelongTogether ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Easy, the bio male raped the bio female. Bio males have it their DNA that they tend to rape #teachbiomalesnottorape \/s for the idiots I can't help but feel the \/s ruins everything. Just leave it out man Nowadays, hardcore pornography can't make me cum any more. I can only cum to normies getting triggered by undetected sarcasm. I came just thinking about it. Idiots getting triggered on reddit and being unable to understand basic humor is half the reason to come to the comments section. Stop editing your posts to apologize or to show sarcasm. These people aren't worth your time. That's what they should call the sarlac out be ause its like a chasm and the sarlaclives there. Sarcasm. Exhibit A, everyone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Spending money on these hoes , nigga you aint fuck SHIT ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"she is a good Lady. but as far as RESPECT towards Booker, NAA HE IS JUST ANOTHER NIGGER RADICAL WHO HIMSELF NEEDS PUT DOWN LIKE THE COMMUNIST PIG HE IS, ALONG WITH THE REST OF THAT COMMUNIST DEMORAT MOB. they are ALL ENEMIES AND A THREAT OF WE THE PEOPLE, OUR REPUBLIC, AND PRESIDENT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@lovejeeves @FionaPrine @JohnPrineMusic @maddow @ProjectLincoln One has nothing to do with the other ....he's the President so of course he is letting us know he's strong! Blame the Chinese that's where it came from ....you'll just need more reason not to like him sorry but he's your President ...#Trump2020#MyPresident #PresidentTrump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"guess we should stop being nice then ;) #MEtoo..hehe heh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All countries are taking steps to prevent illegal immigration. India too shd send back Rohingyas and Bangladeshis. Their home country problems are theirs. Let them deal with it. Myanmar can't pretend to be a Nobel Peace prizewinning country if it can't handle its internal issues. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BernieSanders I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, today!! I could not be more proud to help fix what others broke, in 2016.I voted in-person with my 19 year old son (1st time voter) and my girlfriend. That's 3 more votes for #BidenHarris2020 in Illinois! #VoteForJoe https:\/\/t.co\/bsc4xroGmb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump DOJ sues California over 'interference' with immigration enforcement #UncheckedProgressivism ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just want to punch you in the throat when you get my order wrong stupid bitch at sonic","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Geldof helped keep the niggers artificially alive and breeding so Blair could ship them over. Nothing but a pair of cunts who deserve to be sawed in half vertically. Blair knew exactly what he was doing. I believe him and Gordon Brown did it \"to rub the rights nose in diversity\" in his own words. Geldof probably thought he was doing some good, while making himself rich at the same time and its backfired on him spectacularly, with his daughter dead at the hands of a nigger drug dealer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"it's just a way to apply pressure on merkel to retard the giant fistfucking she is about to do with the EU aid given to poland.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"what Hawaii was 20 years ago is no longer. All you see when you go there is another California, but even richer whites owning the lands.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Babe.net, no thanks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You could never comprehend the way my brain works ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The only thing worse than a Christkiller is a redneck biblethumping cunt...Ur muted","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thanks for nothing, Republicans. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND dead Americans and counting... and Republicans still don't care. #trumpvirus #trump #gop #maga #election2020 #voteblue2020 #rememberinnovember #TrumpDeathToll200K VOTE BLUE. https:\/\/t.co\/uaryTazBg4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dunno if this makes me disabled but I have asthma so if there was any running or stairs involved then il just die from suffocation in my own lungs haha xxx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The reason why we cant treat them like germany or other western countries do is because we DONT HAVE THE MONEY TO HELP THEM. we're not fucking germany, and even if the EU ever gave some money for our government they will steal it anyway..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Flipp is an app that does this (links coupons to grocery list), also shows you all the grocery ads in your area. I spend a good amount of time every week planning my trips. Edit: This racist got me to look more into the app you can also collaborate with others on your list, and once you add items to the list it will show you all the ads that feature that item.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton: The Way Trump Debated Me, It Was Imbued with Sexism' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/14\/hillary-clinton-the-way-trump-debated-me-it-was-imbued-with-sexism\/ translation- Trump didn't give me deferential treatment because I claim to have a vagina, he treated me like anyone else","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This isn't a movie cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm sorry that you never developed a decent history or representable culture so that you have to steal the european one to make yourself feel equal.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm impressed you can type and suck Jack's dick at the same time. Are you a naturally talented faggot ... or did you practice?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I like it. Its a good plan. Start with wolf blister and that other faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@KamalaHarris my family voted today in honor of your birthday. That's three more votes for Joe and Kamala as the next President and Vice President of the United States of America. THANK YOU!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#press #news #blog #army #sex Once a month, a man of action is highlighted. Check it out today. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Find big dude that can talk eloquently. Teach him some phrases from many languages and hope he has an indistinct accent. Give him a ballin' mask that ain't retarded. Give him some meds on demand. Throw him at the Bat. DONE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"All summer 16 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It doesn't work that way cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @CouldBeEashia: @vivalamarley me waiting on you to take me to NY with you to get my nips pierced ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user It's called polio. I hate calling women this word but your a bitch' in this instance. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"this is when you know the world is fucked up. Children of decent hard working families in the UK USA go hungry, old people freeze to death in winter because they cannot afford heating then celebs get 15 million a movies and some cunt can pay over a million dollars for a bottle of plonk.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh settle down. He sucks, it is what it is. We've survived retards as Prime Minister before. We always smarten up and fix the damage. If you want to do something, join the PPC, volunteer for the PPC and vote for the PPC.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Watch: Brave Italian cop arrests illegal migrant armed with a knife - Multiculturalism? - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/video-pro-abortion-activist-roundhouse-kicked-a-young-pro-life-woman-in-the-face\/ Faggot could only do that to a woman","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Reap what you sow you mudshark whore. Good riddance, once less nigger baby maker and one less Democratic voter....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"FUCKING migrants need BAN . fucking animals","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He was another puppet of the jew. Stfu and learn your history. He helped start a useless war so we could have sand niggers and faggot communists roaming the streets. If you support him you are a traitor to your race and nation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In each country of world must be established camps for refugees. There within 7 days it will finally decided, they can stay or go home.If they dont like to go home they should get only few food and had to stay there forever. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The poor kid was crying","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user they deadass digging a hole for themselves @user fat bitch loose weight ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JennyTripleTit it's also a bird, a city, and a math theorem. I make no assumptions!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like the effort to prosecute a real-life monster, Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the effort to make the movie was hindered at every turn because the Left studiously avoids doing anything that might call into question abortion on demand, its holiest of sacraments. Indeed, support for unrestricted access to abortion unites the entire Left, from labor unions to Alinskyite community organizations to environmentalist groups to race-baiting legal defense funds. https:\/\/canadafreepress.com\/article\/the-film-the-left-tried-to-abort","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We're moving to the suburbs I like to hang out with the right kind of people... knowwhutimean? They're just too different Wifi SSID = \"Nate Higgers\" Ethnostate only Genocide isn't always bad We are hyperboreans World purge Brett Stevens level how about \"Die nigger die\" level...LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Mdnate interested. Just wanted to see a better pic of the soles","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Great speec Mr. President. I would suggest change to KEEP AMERICA GREAT after u #BuildThatWall that u promised and to make Mexico pay for it. Please keep the #promisesmade and #DoWhatYouSaid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"To help them go home? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#MaleDominance let's get it trending! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"the man behind the curtain.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"50 YEARS AGO THAT MOVEMENT WAS CALLED THE \"BUCK SLINK\".... IT WAS THE WAY ALL THE YOUNG NIGGER MEN WALKED...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Not all men youre right Doyoung wouldnt treat me like this !!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I was a stranger and you welcomed me - it's been a difficult year for those of us who believe in welcoming refugees; and not getting any easier anytime soon. #RefugeesWelcome ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @jasminee_gamboa: hoes will be hoes .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nancy Pelosi: 25,000 Votes Could Determine the Gavel' http:\/\/bit.ly\/2Add7qZ via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can't use cunt? No, you cunt say that. It's impolite. Also, it's offensive to broads.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Spahnranch1969 @GoyGibson @Booster_Bunny @techx@lostpassword @theDude2 @grandpalampshade @GTKRWN @TZilla @GregSims@RabbiHighComma @TerdFerguson @DolfysGasNGrill @ILF @MosheShekelRod@OdinsAxe @Impresaria @UnCL3 pushing race mixing get s you a score of - one more crutch-crazy- cunt of a crusty ass black man who whines instead of improving himself, his life, his fellow black people who are the REASON so many white people are scared of and avoid black people. White flight happens for damned good reasons. Chicago. thats a BLACK RUN CITY! where the fuck are their leaders? Skimming money and hustling. the loop","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I am a retired Truck driver and this bloke should be getting his CDL revoked for being a Retard . Everyone that goes through CDL training should know about \"BRIDGE HEIGHT CLEARANCE\" https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/truck-driving-on-ohio-bike-path-hits-two-bridges-gets-stuck-police","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate to be that guy, but I could tell her wild story of being raped by 9 men was untrue just by looking at her photo. Edit: To clarify, of course unattractive people get raped. What I meant was is that you dont get sexually assaulted by 6 and raped by 9 in 3 years (Or about once every 2-3 months) looking like the stay puft marshmallow man. Sorry to be 'that guy' but differentiating between ugly women and not ugly women is not sexist. Please try to learn words before using them otherwise you just seem like an ignorant twat. We are pieces of shit yes of course. That was settled long ago.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"*treat someone with human decency* *you're all fucking retards*","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@RobertW21048422 followed back, let's stick together for our great president Trump #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Send them back by force. Muslims are the rats, the plague returns in the form of these cowardly rats fleeing from their shit hole to create a new shit hole","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mentally ill shitlib faggot roundhouse-kicks pro-life woman in Toronto. https:\/\/youtu.be\/z7SqtIe5rZQ ...the tolerant left.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"lol salty bois in this thread who couldn't get in you post on r\/Chappotraphouse, your opinion is automatically worthless. SHOO, back to your safe little echo chamber, little tankie troll. Pretty sure you're up past your bedtime anyway. oh no you've got me good!!! I've been owned!!! I will now go back to my tree house and describe how much I have been owned!!!!!!! Yes, you got pwned when all you said was some shitty non-sequitur because you had no clever comeback.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I turned down requests for interviews from them because I don't want to work with a bunch of overly emotional head cases, nor would I be able to stomach their retarded sensitivity training regimen. Their culture is complete garbage and only deluded drones like working there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Poll: Overwhelming Support For President Trump Immigration Positions . ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So I keep saying it. Chicago's most popular pizza by far for locals is THIN Dough. Our pizza is very very thin circular pizza cut into squares, deep dish is something you eat to celebrate something or once in a while. Why don't they ever compare apples to apples? God I have a lot of time on my hands these days.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shadows dont have a color retard. Nor are they actually a thing theyre just absence of light","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Aid boat to take rescued migrants to Spain, after Italy refuses access ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IDF Israeli Soldiers are the most coward ass holes in the world , they never ever fight one on one and then when they mix in civilian population as a non Soldier they pretend their normal Human beings......These are the same pricks who also train the Police force in America only to convert America into a JEW police state.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Poll: Less Than 30 Percent of Americans Want to Give Amnesty to #DACA Illegal Aliens #BanBusinessLobby #BanCheapSlaveLabor #NoH1Bvisa #NoH2Bvisa -> #HireAMERICAN202-224-3121 #NoDACA#NoAMNESTY#NoSANCTUARY!!!#DeportThemALL ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm not sure people understand just WTF !! is going on with the muslims. They are invading the USA. They need to be stopped and deported NOW. Trump must stop all muzzie immigration, and the citizens need to deport them now, or we will be conquered and have black robed muzzies running around everywhere.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This documentary is on point. This helped me through class ty boy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user shut the fuck up bitch don't talk to greek like that you whore go on chaturbate you dickhead ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You don't have to agree with everything Biden says or stands for. This is the moment to unite around one shared goal: Defeating Donald Trump. Because our entire future is at stake.#ListenToBernie #VoteBlue2020 #VoteBidenHarrisToSaveAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/RsqDycWS8E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bullshit. I don't see any British\/American\/Russian\/French\/Jew\/Christian\/Israeli giving hugs after bombing any place in the world. To do this is to give entity to claims of collective responsibility regarding terrorist activities....btw...since when bombing schools and hospitals abroad is not terrorism?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And that children is what a hairy cunt looks like.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ex-deputy PM Nick Clegg is pictured with Facebook chief in Silicon Valley as he lands 4million lobbying job despite previously slamming firm's paltry tax bills. Proving all politicians have their price https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6294701\/Nick-Clegg-heads-Silicon-Valley-hired-Facebook.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DEPORT RAPEFUGEE'S!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminists promoting violence. Should've started with her Daddy? Only saying. Another High IQ white person","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No they don't sound fucking British you twat. Also, if you remember, America was populated by Britain, so do Americans sound British as well you thick cunt? They don't sound the same, you moron. They don't act the same either. Fuck mate don't be such a dumb cunt. Lol, it doesn't matter if they say gday mate or mate, both of those places law enforcement are embarrassing. You fags are getting mad at me for saying British, who gives a fuck? All I know is it's not America cause the bitch and the dude would've gotten dropped.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger #nigger I remember when the way leftists treat the word nigger inspired me to engage in a long autistic rant about what language even is: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2qB5syvlBiA","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The American people should probably Vote for the guy that didn't tell White Supremacists to Stand By? #VoteBlue2020 #KamalaHarrisVP https:\/\/t.co\/5Fd7K4lK8p","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#hillary #hillaryclinton #democrats #liberals #muslim #nancypelosi #obama #cnn #fakenews #libtards #antifa #racist #abortion #rosie #rosieodonnell #immigration #mexico #resist #maxine #maxinewaters #socialism #trump #alsharpton #chuckschumer #schumer #chriscoons #coons #joebiden #biden #berniesanders #bernie #socialism #socialist this is a retarded cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Probably an LCBW* !! *Liberal Cunt Bitch Whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user obviously we have a liar on denial full of all kind of excuses a cruel person,with the mess of immigrant lost without their parents show a men with no feeling for humans,congress is shock with all his actions,his own party against him. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Best way to stop being on top, if they ever really were. On top of what, interactive movie experience?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A bitch with fuck with a nigga just to get back at you but that shit be making y'all look like thottiessssss loose pussy hoe!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"To all those white nationalists who think that America belongs to white men, let me tell you something, you douches actually stole and piss on Native Amercian Indian land.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mexican immigrant who lied about child sex assault stripped of US citizenship #AgainstAllEnemies ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user If your body is female, you can't identify your way out of rape. Rapists don't care. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Trouble is david we are in the EU and you cant handle the Immigration Crisis better to control own Borders than be forced to EU ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The feminist movement has changed a lot in the past 10 years. This honestly isn't too far from the post-2008 movement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #WWG1WGA @NeonRevolt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well she was dating a nigger so no loss to society. In fact its a net gain, a coal burner is removed and a nigger is removed from society. Win \/ Win. I blame her parents for this, let me guess they are liberal freaks that worship niggers and think they are super. Bet they thought it was so awesome that their daughter was raised not to be racist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump today should have been a wake up call for you. Pack your bags Donnie boy. You're no longer wanted. VOTE HIM OUT. #TrumpLiedPeopleDied #TrumpIsATraitor #BidenHarris2020 #VoteHimOut2020 #VoteOrDie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Excellent point Looney. Can we use this quote in our brochure? Let us know. Thanks for supporting our cause #maledominance ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does he believe the alternative facts the spews out of his mouth??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you try to explain something so inexplicably retarded you should probably be in law skool, not med skool.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"the fact that who comments on this cube problem is mostly not a cube stan?? yall be creating tweets so you can get rts and like. shut the fuck up if you dont know anything about cube, jesus ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Are you just upset that nobody is grabbing your skank pussy since trumps election is over. Youre an ugly gross old hag and youre also a racist pig and I hope all your children are black ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.\"** From *Rules for Radicals*, by Alinsky. Don't believe communists when they try to tell you it's about the free market, or free speech, or anything else they don't believe in. What they do is take an extreme position on an issue, pervert a ~~tenant~~ tenet of their opponent's fundamental principles into working against them, then repeat that in an amplification loop until they get their way over the objections of the majority. Also, they have no legitimate argument that this has anything whatsoever to do with the free market. A free market presupposes a level playing field in terms of access to capital and related transactions. Period. A great many laws exist to that end. Why they are not being brought to bear here is merely a function of (1) how much lobbying power has amassed inside so-called big tech, (2) how feckless our representative leadership have become in the US. It would also help if the US had a functional DoJ. And that is a nonpartisan statement. The DoJ has been nothing more than a band of half retarded partisan inquisitors for 10 years and counting now. *edits: as noted* Yeah this is kind of a prime example of what you see in politics. Candidates with often ask questions that have already been answered before, over and over again, until ultimately you have forgotten the answer and start to question the truth. > tenant a tenant leases space, a tenet is an ideological principle. Just trying to help polish an otherwise great comment. Thanks! Very well said and QFT!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I believe Keela. Dogs don't lie. The apartment was also cleaned very well and the fridge\/freezer taken to the waste disposal centre by Gerry. In a rented apartment taking it upon yourself to dispose of the fridge\/freezer sure is an interesting action. It could be an episode of the twilight zone - a proper weird one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who should the great American Citizens of Michigan VOTE for? That's easy.... Military Veteran and Patriot John James! Of Course!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user See it WORKS! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The cunt that won't go away or just die. She sounds exactly like every other Totalitarian. \"Things will be civil when we're in charge again...\" Yeah, thanks for the threat. Fuck you, Hillary. http:\/\/bit.ly\/2Eb3Un4","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Hoe stop fucking lying cause i had her phone for months and its been dead till now bitchand u thought u was being disrespectful 2 my kid,it was meWHERE DA FUCK U AT? she like bitch u acting crazy..dis aint no act bitch.. talk that shit but im gonna ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They really need to stop letting weak ass, chicken shit pussies be cops.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It was actually Charles \"Cunt scab\" Trevalyen who said that, Fuck head Cromwell was terrorising the Irish a couple of centuries before. Jews aren't white. Ethnicity goes beyond skin color you full blown retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"probably some nigger car jacker..lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bet you can't name 5 women with political power that did a good job. Also its sex, not gender. Gender doesn't exist. But hey you're the retarded type that believes there's no biological differences between men and women I'm sure.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Donald trumped signed off his business already he'll have no access to em while he's president. People are giving him a lot of crap for what he said which is understandable. But no chance for him too show his worth? Come on people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/gt_mom1\/status\/1052939248301723648","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe Andrew Cuomo is an #IllegalImmigrant after all. Because he sure doesn't have a fucking clue how this all works. Buwahahaha...#moron ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I got your letter you got my song. While I am proud that you referenced The Jerk, I am disappointed that you misquoted it. Did he tickle you in your little furry places? Did you get groomed by the horrible Irish man? Why you got to hate on Peter Pan like that? begorrah tis another potato famine Toniiiight we are young we can burn brighter than the suun. This is going in the cringe compilation. I got soul but I am not a soldier.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm listening to Stevie Wonder just to break up the heavy metal punk shit to clear the mind.and yeah I know that nigger ain't blind .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It doesnt matter where you go longs you bitch ass niggas and snake ass black women out of your surroundings is all that matters ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Kavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like people that don't say hi when they walk by... Those are my kind of people ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You wouldn't know this @user but historically, hysterical women are the ones with spines ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Judicial Watch: State Department Records Show Obama Administration Helped Fund George Soros' Left-Wing Political Activities in Albania. USAID reportedly gave $9 million in 2016 to the \"Justice for All campaign, which is overseen by Soros's \"East West Management Institute. https:\/\/www.judicialwatch.org\/press-room\/press-releases\/judicial-watch-doj-records-show-obama-administration-helped-fund-george-soros-left-wing-political-activities-albania\/?utm_source=t.coandutm_medium=socialandutm_campaign=press%20release","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only acceptable people on the planet with pale skin are Jews. All others are scheduled for termination. Thank you for calling it pale and not white. Mine is white. Do you think they want their yellow stars back? It's getting really weird on planet earth. A lot of them just want us dead, and soon they're going to lose patience with just telling us to breed ourselves out of existence. I have a clue about this. I am part Boer and a Rhodesian in the diaspora. Aussie friends will not listen despite this chart... no that is not white immigration.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is anyone acting like anything's up for debate? It has never been OK to invade countries. It has never been OK to try overthrow a government. It has never been OK to insist society change its view of reality. Stop acting like any Leftist BS is up for discussion or possibly valid. It's not. We all know it's crazy. \"You're fkg crazy!\" is all we should have to say. \"Leftist BS\"? Muslims were invading countries, overthrowing governments and insisting societies change their view of reality for centuries before there were \"Leftists\". I'm a rabid anti-semite just for saying Moslems and communist Jews have acted as peas in a pod through history and aren't really enemies. That is, I'm anti-semitic just for knowing the truth and speaking it. We must not let the communist Jews win. They would try us for \"anti-semetism\" and do sick things to us like they did in Germany acting as \"Nazis\". Anyone who compares Jews to Muslims is either a rabid antisemite or an ignorant asshole. I apologize, if I misjudged you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And u low IQ chimps can't think of a sane and valid reason to explain your inferiority, so you try to spread this lie. Once you moronic niggers look up and realize it's only the White whores that will associate with you, you can know why we Alphas laugh at u chimps. Decent White women want our civility, superiority, and the extra 50 IQ points we have. Fuck off, nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Leave it up to me it would've been in the trash.... All of it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nope, not a Nazi. Nazis are weak impotent faggots (losers) who are socialists and anti-Trump. Very much like the demonrats. WAKE UP! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect Then your an MPC retard I'm afraid, they are totally opposite from each other.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@nypost Obama lies.The republic will stand with Trump as president.#Trump2020 #FillTheSeatNOW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niggerwalks by any other name. What happens is when Smithnikov gets into a topic related to gamer he mentions this triggering incident about a topic on 8chan about state of decay and how he was called a cuck. It isnt much different from the niggerwalk meme seen here https:\/\/knowyourmeme.com\/memes\/racists-on-4chan Its a soyboy version of a nigger walk","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"To be fair the post was retarded, obvious trolling (everyone who goes there or knows the site knows that would earn you a ban) and it wasn't even funny. If you are going to shit post at least be funny","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It didnt bother these mindless aholes last month..no flag shot anyone so whats the point..the confederates flag says ..the USA had a Civil war and its been over 150+yrs. Get over it .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Its all about $$$$$$ dollar signs for those hysterical women ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He is little rude. Yes she was, but he was still very unprofessional. I think he might be the 'respect mah authoritaay' type.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It means some faggot on the internet lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"if you're retarded, sure","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WYB9Z6jiOWU tommy started the civil war by December the rivers was full of blood yobs can never win a war but you wanted it you think its a joke when you see the body bags thanks yaxley you will be dead soon you choose the wrong side I have your body bag ready Your a fucking idiot - muted","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No she's not. She's a coal burning nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"lmao as if this cunt gives a fuck about women with anxiety ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Retard alert eceryone!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#ChrisWallace. You're a liberal socialist democrat who protected Joey during the debate. #Retire or be #Fired#Trump2020 #FoxNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BunnyObscure @PeaAyte @AOC @Mike_Pence Understood. It's not like someone gave her the gig. It takes incredible tenacity, organization and clarity of vision to pull off the win she did. Then she's survived daily attacks from millions of ppl on the right. Just anyone would never be in her position.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"go get left in a hot car and die bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey @Yankees fans is this a good score ? #lookingformore http:\/\/t.co\/HLQAl7cIGf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's Hip Hop. Not the sh***t they bring today. Where are the critical minds of our time. If no one will come out I'll do it myself. Racism, Oppression, Hate still is very much there in 2019.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Didnt Liberals Say Illegal #FamiliesBelongTogether ! If the Kid is illegal they cant stay if they give custody to another Illegal Alien that is overiding Federal #Immigration Laws #SendThemAllBack #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Just a reminder Donnie..#TrumpHatesOurMilitary #TrumpHatesOurVeterans #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #BountyGate #PutinsPoodle #VoteTrumpOut #VoteBlue #Biden2020 #BidenForPresident #TrumpLiesAmericansDie https:\/\/t.co\/ggoYrdUTuo","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user oh haiiiiiii ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apparently not being one of the sexuals makes you completely retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A 14 doesn't know better are you some fucking pedophile? Oral sex isn't sex.... Statutory rape isn't rape.....it's fucking in the phrase you pedo shit. RAPE... STATUTORY RAPE. Giving consent is the whole fucking hitch behind rape. A passed out chick is just a chick that can't legally give consent. A retarded person is just a person who can't legally give consent. It's fucking rape.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When people really think I'm Asian I get offended,Even though I make fun of my gook self","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shockingly, Chris Wallace tries to smack some sense into Shepard Smith - Heated Debate on FOX NEWS Trump Fan Network https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RPhk6N7eiXc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sweden is so cool !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bowing is a form of respect you retard. Also you're assuming it means the same thing in Japan as it does here. Also, Westernized Canada is in its death throes and Japan isnt, taking cues from them might not be such a bad thing","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Twitter loses 9 million users amid bot crackdown \"bots\" https:\/\/www.theverge.com\/2018\/10\/25\/18021456\/twitter-q3-2018-earnings-9-million-mau-decline","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you both suck sand nigger cock. stop it","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@johntslom Happy Birthday John #Biden2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've done the same.. If I'm already getting pussy why would I wanna fuck my female friends? Not every hole is a goal honestly.. Honestly.. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Our country desperately needs a president with common sense, a genuine respect for others, compassion, who follows the scientific evidence we have about a devastating pandemic. This is why we need #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/BGqj77dYqA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Since they're in LA I was hoping he'd make that cunt see stars.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JarrettBellini Only the Best People Taliban For Trump, Proud Boys, Putin, Erdogan, MBS, Kim Jong Un, Nazis, Wolverine Watchmen - formerly known as Michigan Militia, and GOP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Near Future Where Africans Was Evolved into African-Middle Eastern Hybrids","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We dont want ppl from 3rd world shithole countries living here. .we have enough problems of our own #StopImmigration entirely. #deport them all.. #MAGA #KeepAmericaGreat #BUILDTHEWALL #GOP ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"To Man, wish the guy would just wake up and divorce this crazy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"difference being - she talks shit while hiding behind armed bodyguards; we speak up with only each other. Screw that cowardly cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They truly believe that we don't love our babies. We want just what they have. The right to live, love and be treated with respect. Put some effort into finding our children.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Madiha Saher Tariq, in your post honouring humanitarian Abdul sattar Edhi r.a, you opened eyes no doubt to someone we didn't know. This came up on my feed and I thought you might like it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our Table at the Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust For the Immigrant Arts and Women's Empowerment Summit ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Now that We have the Supreme court. faggot\/dyke marriages will soon be a thing of the past. faggot\/dyke adoptions will be made illegal. Gone will be this idea that there is more than 2 genders. We will send these faggots and dykes back into the closet. Yeah I sure hope so. I wish there was a way to repeal Roe V. Wade, except for Niggers o do I. Abortions should alwys be legal for the nigger. We should also sterilize nigger sows.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Nicaragua unrest: New refugee crisis unfolding in Latin America @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#FakeNews production... Gee, they should trademark it!A Czech tourist notices something odd about these \"drowning refugees - they R part of the paid #FakeNews filming crew! Oh the poor #Muslims!@BBC @user coproduction!#Soros smirks contentedly.. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nikki Haley Resigns https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/10\/09\/us\/politics\/nikki-haley-united-nations.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @J23app: Feb 2015Jordan 4 Retro Remastered\"Oreo\"314254-003http:\/\/t.co\/NBOaxG1S19","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump \"Saudis Did The Worst Cover Up Ever!\" President Trump To Send CIA Experts To Saudi Arabia To Teach The Saudis How To Assassinate And Cover Up Operations In The Best Possible Taste. (For Example Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack False Flag Ops) https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=EiQVom9Xp5c I'm sticking by my original assertion: this is designed by the left to return prince alwaleed dopey to power but trump will use it to force mbs to erase dopey instead.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People \"write Trump I did many times and urged him to outlaw socialism in schools,and socialist colleges,in 50's it was against law to practice socialism l here without being under FBI investigation or arrest, through O' Nigger years , corrupt FBI, DOJ,CIA turned Socialist itself if we don't use drastic measures, say goodbye to R country,freedoms and u possess","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Members of CDU and CSU meet to find a solution to migration issue ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Still coughing up Reno cunt hair ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JohnCornyn I'm going to go ahead and muzzle\/mute you. I'm sick of seeing your bullshit on my feed. #VoteHimOut2020 #BidenHarris2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So far, over 400 people have decided to rally the support of their friends and family to support refugees when they arrive in the U.S. Thank you!There is still plenty of time to join this campaign and help refugees rebuild their lives. Join here ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#HappyColumbusDay !!!! If is wasn't for #America.................#KarlMarx would never have thought of sharing #colonialism with #injuns !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"on top of that, even after were legally blackmailed to feed the negros, every other commercial is about some nigger asking for food in africa, or you see them at your mall asking for gibs, or on the side of the street. Niggers never stop asking for gibs. And then they are shoved down our throat, in media.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm going to dress up as trash for Halloween. Oh wait, I look like that everyday.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Starting Now on Pittsfield ETV: BCC Presents: Access Higher Ed: 'Berkshire Immigrant Stories' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Flappy bird instead of studying? Sounds great. #flappybirdisruiningmylife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a mainstream Muslim terrorist channel, unsubscribed!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ban Islamic culture from Germany","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stop your kids from using snap chat!... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you meet every day with optimism if you confront every obstacle with determination if you refuse to give up, if you never quit, if you face every challenge with confidence and pride then there is no goal you cannot achieve, and no dream beyond your reach! #YBLS2018 2:47 pm - 26 Oct 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another white supremacist TERRORIST who will not be labelled as such by the media or political elite because his religion\/skin colour don't quite fit the established narrative. And that's precisely how the masses remain blind as to the REAL domestic terror threat they should be worried about.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"City-states with high walls and direct democracy, ability to exile and guard citizenship jealously look better and better every day #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Soooo would the Indian people prefer the rich store their money in a safe where no one has access to it? Or should they spend it, thereby getting it into the hands of people to reinforce their jobs, who further spend it and reinforce other jobs....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck Russia ban the fuckers","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Not surprising that this wretched hag would jump on the violence bandwagon driven by Democrats these days. I guess they want civil war. That would be a terrible thing and surely would not end well for them. #DemocratViolence https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/gWno3p\/Dp_G2_Wyu_Uw_AEq_MCC.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's not according to me, it has an actual medical definition. The defining factor is a sexual attraction to PREPUBESCENT children. Our 15 year old dyke was an adult sexually, purely statutory rape.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"it boils my blood how STILL some ignorant idiots think ISIS follow Islam . these monsters are killing innocent muslims in a holy month of Ramadan , how can they possibly be muslims ? does this make any sense ? just because they kill in the name of God doesn't mean they are muslims. if i kill someone in the name of jesus would i become a christian ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh I forgot we lived in the ghetto....#hoodrats","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Why do you think that hoe is in the back seat? Lol ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I remember when AL Jazeera reported on stuff that mattered in this world, not men that dress as women spreading diseases. I'm done with this bullshit news channel","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"PELOSI DECLARES: I'll be Speaker again! https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/x95Z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Booker wins the award for putting the 'B' in the hysterical woman category ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Serious question here; How many country songs mention honkey tonk(s)?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have some dignity! Stop using whore shit to set the standard, we got grandmother's etc. We know what real women is ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My faggot fucking grandpa would be so proud","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fuck ISLAM Mohammad was nothing but a dog fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"These hoes do to much and these niggas bitch made LF ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Waking up seeing drunk texts you sent from the night before ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good point. This is where all racists congregate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A dozen kids, so risk the life of a woman, cos your too retarded for a safer option, you dumb fuck","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Varg doesn't know it but he is the king of #FolkRight. Listen to Uncle Varg or go home. #DoltRight is as bad as the left. #Folkism seeks harmony and unity between men and women. And unequivocally rejects Abrahamism. https:\/\/youtu.be\/wq7NYob36qM I disagree with Varg quite a bit, but he is over the target on this one. There is (((someone))) mostly to blame and then some more for us as a whole. We have to start repairing our people as a whole or we will never claw our way out of this Marxist society. Don't let the people who are obviously DandC dissuade you guys.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is not just the proper \"vetting\" of refugees we need to watch. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AyaneKunoichi \/\/I thought the Donald Trump one was real--","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Every woman I have ever known has experienced sexual harassment, assault, or rape. To say 'my bad' i ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"All this trans bullshit is just that. Pandering bullshit. Just like the shit that's going down in \/r\/fitgirls right now. A fucking trap is posting pictures to a sub for naked girls. Then the head mod comes in with his NPC bullshit, and everyone calls him a hero. Meanwhile, a fucking dude with a dick is posting pictures to a sub for naked girls, and getting away with it. It's fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT OfficeOfMike I watched #AndrewGillum for a few min tonight, I honestly don't understand how this guy is even close in the polls to @RonDeSantisFL. Are Florida voters that stupid? #JobsNotMobs https:\/\/twitter.com\/OfficeOfMike\/status\/1054237590189150209","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I expect anything from this faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oi! Yeah we're pretty fucked down here. It's either redneck mayo sandwiches or gangbanger latinos or negroid ghettos. So, honestly, it's like any other state just with palm trees. Oh and old people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If Democrats get control Maxine Waters will run the Financial Services Committee.. Remember she made millions voting to bail out her husbands bank for, No ID, No Job, No Citizenship, No Problem home loans.. That should even scare the hell out of the South Central L.A. plantation dwellers... Maxine's stupidity and lack of comprehension is truly a hole with no bottom. Can't they make her head of the DNC or something. EXCELLENT Handlers, she gets money and perq's, they get her vote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user White man rape also. Brock Turner got caught raping a women only served 3 monthe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How long is it been eight years and Americans are still in charge this guy is a twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"it seems she doesnt like the perspective of a future of rape and murder in her own house. carried out by strangers and invading subhuman scum.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What in fuck is that thing? Is it even fucking human? Some kind of nigger jew half orc breed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"House Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user You are Beautiful charming Bitch Jennifer white Nobody's fuck like you Amazing sucking Cocks ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"my god really?..................really? https:\/\/youtu.be\/ieN4W68oR3E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Think !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"it is not over yet, maybe that lesbian cunt has yelped a bit too early","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Babel's are also looking for a part-time British Sign Language teacher AND new trustees, esp those interested in grant applications and\/or with lived experience of migration. Tell your friends and RT widely!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Steelworkers Union Trolls Trump, Projects Biden-Harris Logo Onto Trump Tower https:\/\/t.co\/mn99SFx3cI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deep State Judge Blocks Trump Administration From Ending Obama Immigrants First DACA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go home","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Until all the little people in the world come together and stop listening to media bullshit and just be fucking human nothing will change, stop tarring everyone under the same paint. Forgot our moronic ancestors and use your fucking brains to stand up against governments, until then this is the fucking world we all must live in, miserably.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @HighSchoolSuckz: i am that horrible friend who reads your text then puts the phone down to do something and forgets to reply until 4 ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @godlevelshit510: Why Adonnis look like he bout to sell the most ghetto used cars of 2014 ? http:\/\/t.co\/icjCf6km8V","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oppressed woman caustic femininity https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?t=s3cBg_1538753912 I would accidentally give her an elbow to the mouth while trying to get away. cunt punt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She is heavily relying on him to turn the other cheek...tough talking demon infested woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JenniferJJacobs @ErinMPerrine Totally irresponsible. It is now Americans or Trump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"World Relief's offices across the U.S. provide refugees with a warm welcome when they arrive. Tomorrow, we're revealing a brand new opportunity for you to help refugees rebuild their lives and to make sure they feel welcome in the U.S. Can you guess what it is? \/\/ #WRLovesRefugees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I highly suspect this is a joke snap","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#EU migration policy has killed over 1,500 refugees at sea so far this year ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CubanAmerican72 @BlessUSA45 Sad that in America we can no longer trust the post office, the press or our elected State and Federal officials especially CongressBut I trust our great President Trump #MAGA2020 #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kinky Slut With Loose Cunt Takes It Up The Ass ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @PeteRose_14: On this day 1941 the #Yankees Joe DiMaggio goes 0 for 3 with a walk vs Cleveland #Indians to end his 56 game hitting streak","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#VoteBlue2020 #VoteBlueDownBallot Follow, support, donate to @harrisonjaime to #FlipTheSenateBlue and elect a man of his word who will restore decency and honor to the US Senate. https:\/\/t.co\/5yPgzq6vrh https:\/\/t.co\/BCpY5aflE7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do what? Use a word for its definition?? What do you go around telling black people they can't say nigga too? The Mods (of r\/dankmemes) ARE faggots. It is known. > Every time someone on r\/relationships says something along the lines of \"They just dumped me out of nowhere and totally overreacted,\" I just think they are lying about their story and are actually way bigger fuckheads than they're letting on. I get the weirdest vibes from this and I don't think she's giving all the facts. I think it might be a genuine sentiment. The cunts who say that tend to be narcissistic to the point of sociopathy. Other people's feelings never enter into their thinking for a second, so they're always surprised when somebody gets sick of their shit and walks out on them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Bitch is a ugly 3rd world kunt wit no ass and flopper jugs. Hate her ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Where were these assholes when the cops shot and killed the unarmed black people?I'm not against revenge but to do it right you have to get exactly the people responsible, not people who might be similar. Isn't it sad that the cops who killed those people are watching these good cops get killed?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We can build thousands of home for the poor people in that amount.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] Sounds like SJW to everyone else","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OBAMA SAYS POLITICIANS LYING IS SOMETHING WE HAVE NOT SEEN BEFORE.' HERE ARE THREE OF HIS BIGGEST WHOPPERS https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/26\/barack-obama-wisconsin-rally-politicians-lying\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My neighbors be sick when i wake um up to all this nigger music ctfu","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Christians refugees from Iraq and Syria are not welcome in Britain. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ahh, today's dose of wetback hijinks...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fucking pussy wife beater. Someone gif him in a redneck wife beater tee","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey guys, here is an infographic for Now if only the bad guys were all 6 feet tall. Mike you sound like you are scared. You better let the Men handle this. I understand physics. I also notice that most bad guys are short dudes. Then you can't shoot. Your comment is nonsensical. LOL Nice attempt to deflect. Your comment is still nonsensical. My ability to shoot has nothing to do with the problems posed by shooting at someone who is either much taller or much shorter than the assumed height. If you could shoot the size of the target makes no difference. You are clueless about marksmanship obviously. See that sounds stupid also. Who taught you how to shoot Donald Duck?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sodomite Cardinal Wuerl Given Promotion: Now Likely Number Three Most Powerful Faggot in Antichurch | Barnhardt https:\/\/www.barnhardt.biz\/2018\/10\/12\/sodomite-cardinal-wuerl-given-promotion-now-likely-number-three-most-powerful-faggot-in-antichurch\/ Been sayin' this all along bro. He just shuffles his homos around into better positions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JGardenofEden @KySportsRadio @ryanlemond But...country music listeners really are hicks and alcoholics ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Tryin to send that bitch back to her maker and if you got a daughter older than 15 I'ma rape her Take her... right there in front of you DMX ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I can only do my best to convince them. You're right. I can't stop a retard from putting a fork in a socket, nor will I.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Protesters Cry As Kavanaugh Vote Announced https:\/\/youtu.be\/31tLJPxdmD8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are a few incel type fiends in these parts and want to see some women chained. It's quite sad. Can we report these and get them banned? They make the community look bad. Edit to show an example of what I find here. It's not uncommon: This was posted today when I told a guy to be better and rise above the ones he hate... the women. > Fuck that shit. \"Be better and rise above does not win us anything. The only thing a feminazi libtard will ever understand is good ol fashion BF Skinner behaviorism. They lack the critical thinking skills, empathy, and patience for any sort of \"reasoning or CBT. Positive behavior, positive stimulus. Negative behavior, negative stimulus. They're too subhuman to understand anything else This was posted today when I told a guy to be better and rise above the ones he hate... the women. > Fuck that shit. \"Be better and rise above does not win us anything. The only thing a feminazi libtard will ever understand is good ol fashion BF Skinner behaviorism. They lack the critical thinking skills, empathy, and patience for any sort of \"reasoning or CBT. Positive behavior, positive stimulus. Negative behavior, negative stimulus. They're too subhuman to understand anything else","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) claims to be pro-Second Amendment but even a cursory glance at his record shows opposition to pro-gun Supreme Court nominees, support for Sen. Dianne Feinstein's gun control schemes, and a D-rating from the NRA https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/18\/jon-tester-haunted-anti-second-amendment-track-record\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's money laundering, plane and simple. US taxpayers money goes through Israel and then goes directly into the bank accounts of the military arms manufacturers. US taxpayers are paying for Israel to kill lots and lots of people, instead of educating our own children, providing health care, or essentially doing anything positive for the American people. And we're \"making the world safe for democracy.\" As if we live in one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You faggot. Run along and suck off Rod ROSENSWINE, bagel nigger @deplorablesloan your insane hate consumes you cunt Lmfao..the ignorant cunt speaks...nigger and kike are the extent of her vocabulary..priceless...again...cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@_C_Parris69_ your picture makes you look like a serious fag. #justsayin lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"this fat faced cunt has made a laughing stock of the Police in Newtownards.. he's the village idiot that some prick called George Hamilton handed a shiny badge.. \" we don't need no stinkin badges ! \".. and we don't need this heap of shite that is only fit to fill a hole in a hedge..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Immigration gone crazy 100 trainee doctors from abroad what about Nurse Practitioners who are their equivalent get pain peanuts and are trained and come from the UK ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"> Rational? Anita is actually pretty rational when you realize her true goal is milking a bunch of cash from gullible SJW retards, sure she's collapsed lately due to laziness and arrogance but she's still been pretty successful at the scam.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Let me be crude for a minute. Davis women ultimately like dick and hard. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When one (white) man questions why he is being forced to go around, a female nigger responds \"because I told you to'. BECAUSE I TOLD YOU TO? time to send the shock troops to Portland Oregon. RAHOWA. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6255493\/Portland-residents-fury-mayor-clashes-protest-police-shooting.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ain't no love in the ghetto ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why? Cuz they're racist? I'm openly racist, I live in DC and my face is out there (you can verify this with minimum effort if you wish to check for yourself). We don't have representatives here in DC but I do have a non voting delegate. She's a nigger named Elenor Holmes Norton and like all of our nigger politicians, she's retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's funny that these fucking retards see racism everywhere they go, almost like they're probably racist themselves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Weird frosted colored lipgloss is weird...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wouldn't it be great if you could personally slowly murder all of these communist SJW faggot fuckers?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"BREAKING: NOT Since #SethRich's MURDER has a Case Been Solved so FAST! https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-23\/turkish-investigators-find-mutilated-body-saudi-journalist Well Done #DeepState....#Well Done #Liberals! -------------------------------------------------------- #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening Pray 4 #POTUS < > #Patriots @martris @Millwood16 @KTH @sgc7777 @UKBRIT @ArgentinoAmericano @Candace @NeonRevolt @blogdog @GeeCee @Mbarris01 @ISA-BELLA @MadeinNYC @AnnaSummers @KetzerHexe @HorrorQueen @NannyG123 @Chucked14 @TedHong @Tammy110 @Joybell @wwboom @TruthnotFM @leamorabito @Gypsy124 @AgendaOfEvil @Garycowick @GigiHaines @Saxon888 @spid3r @txpatriot @leeleemunster @WiIlluc20 @EmbassyCat @Garycowick @blindinglightshines @TEFLON1 @VortexQ @1776Ninja @Maka @RentonMagaUK @Kryptex @RaviCrux @Sockalexis @Snugglebunny @Lexy @StacyF @Sidephase @Johncparnell @Jimfarmer @MountainGirl543 I HEARD THE JEWS KILLED HIM!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NEW: We've obtained a list of the top donors from Wall St. that have supported Biden's run for president. Big donations went to pro-Biden PACs. Those who gave big: -Donald Sussman-James Simons-Henry Laufer-Michael Moritz-Josh Bekenstein (Bain Capital)https:\/\/t.co\/nyn7GqhADa https:\/\/t.co\/0XKDbtyoRG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Istthis cunt ever gonna die? I thought she already was...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Kill yourself you whiny, self-righteous faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"omg my mom sawed these and took my fortnite i hat u dude i hate u Woah there JoeyBauers! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there Automoderator! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Basketball American\". Thank you for your understanding. I am NOT a bot,so go fuck yourself \"Basketball American\" this is so good","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dyke skank","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Also just incase you are ESL and not dumb. We say \"you are bad at something\" to say \"you seem not good at something\" makes you sound retarded. Just so you know.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#HappyColumbusDay .....hate to sound all #PETA callous and all........but #buffalo had it a LOT WORSE than the #injuns..........","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jimmy the Douchechurch is a burnt-out California cunt pseudo rocker. You just know that, if he had a hobby, he would produce child porn flix. Churchflix 4 Vatican, for example. Now I gave him an idea or three.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I await the day to watch America burn to the ground along with its false freedom, ego, laws, opportunities, education, media, and people. America deserves no flag, no land, no privilege. The survivors of permanent physical, mental, and emotional damage from rape, racism, prejudicism, disabled, war veterans, mental impaired, and poverty all deserve a better land, a better country, a better life. The people killed from murder, religion, racism, and hatred all buried beneath americas soil deserve to be unburied and moved to another land. A land that is not tainted by blood, lies, and greed like america. As americas soil is dirty, worthless, and disgusting by sight and scent.The ones left behind in america, the ones who controlled, raped, invaded, poisoned, and manipulated its people. All deserve to be quarantined, shut out from other countries, and permanently considered an enemy. As the world will one day watch Americas land and hatred burn and sink beneath the ocean deep into the abyss where it belongs.America was never great to begin with, America will fall at the hands of its own people as well as the hands of the countries that America has invaded, tortured, manipulated, raped, enslaved, and financially cheated.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The polling numbers for Ellison must really be in the tank for the Dems to ask for an investigation into their Attorney General candidate's domestic abuse allegations. One has to wonder if the Minneapolis Police Union will be conducting the investigation for them or ? https:\/\/kstp.com\/politics\/dfl-asks-minneapolis-police-to-investigate-abuse-allegations-against-us-representative-keith-ellison--\/5094726\/?cat=12681","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That fucking Clara is so sly. She even programmed in the mouse movements to select the hack in the menu screen. Why you little minx! *Shakes fist at Clara* You can literally read the streamers scrambled mind through this video. The sheer panic and then fumbling around for words. The pretence of confusion, then actual indignation as she convinces herself that this is not her fault. What a dumb ass. What's the streamers handle? Is she out of the streaming business? Pretty sure she was banned on twitch VAC banned yet? haha as if VAC catches anybody Over 100k per month bans. So yes, it does. VAC has been great for a very long time. Not sure why anyone would say VAC doesn't catch anyone. > Yeah but it sometimes works too well. A friend of mine (irl) asked for my phone number so he could register his smurf. Somebody reported him, his number is associated with my account. I get VAC. > > > > Like, what? HAHA, faggot! You did not say to your friend: haha faggot, that's why I now get to say to you, haha faggot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can not express the rage in my heart when I see this video , the poor man says \"I've been sick all week\" these motherfuckers are evil","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why does America's interest in the #Kardashians trump their interest in #immigration??? #factsoverfear #informedaction @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And women have been labeled as hysterical loons for most how many centuries? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user I tell you what... I could fall down the rabbit hole of collecting old medical stuff! Gorgeous! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hardcore racists are worse than feminists in the scale of BITTERNESS, CIRCLE-JACKING AND HYSTERIA. They will repeat talking points and repost chunk all day without contributing a single original thought. Real NPC. I just mute. Typical nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh, the poor things are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why should people here illegally be counted and represented? Send them home and build the wall.#ncpol #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As a chinese... this chinese guy is fucking retarded. Monks didnt eat soy for \"celibacy\" they ate soy because they were vegetarians. Stop making the rest of us in this sub look stupid by claiming \"soyboy\" has any validity more than a meme.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"the pope is a dope and an argentine communist. fuck the faggot pope","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Animals like these shouldn't belong in civilized Europe","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He raped her because feels, they never met, but his man presence and how he *might've* hurt some waman some time, translates into group think. Just cuz he was mean to one thot, he was mean to us all.. If he offended one twat, he offended us all... And by deluth model, words= sensual harassment= rape. So if you cat call a thot, if you're not hot = rape. You tell one twat you don't #believe all wamen, you're calling them all #fakerape #regretsex Quite simple really.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Bombfantasyyy pearl jam: yellow Ledbetter>","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SVNewsAlerts Yet another distraction...the worst is yet to come and it will still be as they call it,\"FAKE NEWS\"! The GOP are trying any and every way possible to suppress votes, they don't know how to be honest so they're projecting it on to these supposed,\"non-citizens\"#BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Absolutely retarded. Most students are in class for about an hour at a time. In my high school there was one bathroom that almost no one used because it was so far from the other classrooms that no one who used it would have time to get to class. In college a girl in the dorm behind mine gave birth over night in the bathroom and threw the baby out in the dumpster. It was only found because a few mattresses were discarded and needed to be removed by hand.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The youngest we're late teens, and it was an indoctrination camp. Some of those \"kids\" would be mps today, you know the ones that feed the nigger fire with white flesh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"At least one character won't be ruined by toxic radical feminism. Not even toxic radical feminism, just plain old toxic feminism, or just feminism. I think you are talking about neo-feminism. The kind of feminism that even feminists speak out against. It's a cross section of entitled, rich white girls and trying to find their position as a professional victim in today's society. But they don't. They stay silent and are part of the problem. Well they'll sometimes agree with you \"reluctantly\" that they are too extreme, but they'll never say that publicly and they'll never do anything to oppose them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JoeBiden Go back to bed Joe, you and your Lid slept through the Nomination ceremony. Set your alarm for the debates. #Trump2020 #HidenBiden","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is this really a KiA topic? I like linux, I dislike DRM, but...what does it have to do with ethics in gaming journalism? Hope this doesn't come across as rude, just wondering how you linked this to that. It has nothing to do with Ethics. But is has to do with Gaming and Censorship, the two other pillars here on KiA. I've read the article, and people are being VAC banned for using Steam Play on a multiplayer game. I don't see what is being censored? I'm glad to have read it, I use Steam Play and will tread more carefully, I just don't understand what makes it a KiA topic. It would make sense in \/r\/linux, \/r\/linux_gaming, \/r\/SteamPlay, \/r\/SoulCalibur\/, etc? I would recommend you post this article in those subs then. That's not my point, desire, or intention. I don't understand what is being censored here, I'm not attacking you I'm asking for an explanation as I still don't understand the point you're trying to make with this article and I want to understand. Y'all can go fuck yourselves for downvoting me for trying to understand.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bc a few SJWs figured it out and tweeting Antifa followers to block + report us. Had to provide screenshots showing we all look the same and have names formatted NPC[number]. B4 that they were following and RTing us. Not retarded at all! Pity. Awesome community of trolls w lots of instant co-troll followers, likes and RTs til the purge. We could've achieved great things","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Americans, this is NOT about race. It is about islam, PLEASE do NOT take immigrants to your country from muslim countries. I'm an european and it is terrible, robberies, rape, murder and a fucked up mindset to take over and apply the sharia-law.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I confess. I'm autistic or something. I thought #Aerosmith #DreamOn was #LedZeppelin until like yesterday....... #retarded","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He was mentally retarded from the beginning.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'd never call a woman a whore because I am grateful for women that enjoy fuccin ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Family reunification for refugees resumes in Germany ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish WE had a Donald. Congrats America! Kavanaugh Confirmed: The Era of Liberal Judicial Dictatorship is Over!!! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why wasn't this addressed between 2009 and 2014?\"The ACLU released a report, based on 30,000 pages of documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, that described hundreds of cases of abuse of immigrant children in US custody between 2009 and 2014.\" ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What? I guess they ain't got the term nigger in the woodshed in Cape Town.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Let's send a whole bunch like them to the border! I would sleep like a baby.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"An island of civilization in an increasingly dark world, Bettys was founded by an immigrant from Europe and owes its success to a harmonious fusion of cultures. Is there a lesson here? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Gab Nazi: \"Jews control the world\" Me: Actually Jews only represent Hell Jack, there's probably a Jew hiding in your closet as we speak!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @natal_mendoz: Whore slut cunt bitch nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Remember nothing says 'I love you' like letting her pay for dinner... It shows her that you really trust her to take care of you ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You're a fucking faggot for real.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Forcibly tearing apart families is inhumane and cruel. Immigrant justice is reproductive justice #FamiliesBelongTogether ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just like an ep of \"Hoarders\", haulers came, emptied unit - truckloads! Remaining pics are after garbage was hauled out. Muslum cockroaches or spic cockroaches???","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"OK, so Hank Ford was a Jew-hater. SO FUCKING WHAT? That doesn't make anything he said \"the truth. Frankly, if Nehlen actually posted this kind of shit, he deserves to get kicked off of every social media platform on the Internet. Free Speech does not include hatred. Fuck off you faggot boomer","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump taps vocal anti-illegal immigration advocate for State Dept's top refugee job Great news ! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So many hoes whipped you would have thought we were still in slavery","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Damn Joe Buck just making it sound like Greinke was trash when he played for the Royals. Chill out Joe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As a short dude, the amount of times I've had girls make jokes about short man syndrome' etc. it's like - I actually can't help being short, but you can do something about how overweight you are. I obviously don't say anything because I'm sure that I would be the asshole in that situation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @YoShortyMa: I'll kill this bitch no hesitation http:\/\/t.co\/UxePa9LVi5","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Queer nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Restrict Welfare Benefits 2 British people ONLY Confiscate properties that house illegal Immigrants Offshore internment camps 4 Illegal Immigrants. Segregate by Ethnicity 2 simplify. Invite UN 2 solve missing passports and Papers. No Residency Automatic Deportation 4 Illegal entry. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have .1% African, .2% middle eastern, and 11% Spanish. So I can freely use the terms nigger, sand nigger or Dune cune and can NOT be called a racist","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't feel bad for the guy that was here for 39 years and got caught with drugs. I do feel bad for the ones that were just trying to live a better life. But come on... you come to the U.S and get into drugs? Nah, he deserved to get deported, as for the rest, I'm sorry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wish that useless nigger would try to kick me...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Honestly, as long as they look close enough the part, and don't pretend for me to use retarded made up shit like \"xyr\", I don't really give a shit about them wanting to be called with a female pronoun.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @user #Repost @user with repostapp. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"those cops are such idiots that it funny, like a movie scene funny like almost feels staged funny.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user It's not just men. I read recently about a woman who was 'hysterical' after being raped. I don't kno ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"my reaction when literally all the girls in my class telling me that im so tall. bitch u better stfu i dont need ur validation hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And in the cursed child Ron and hermione have children. What a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"ANTIFI ASSHOLE. Im so afraid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Rosemar06585176: This is the wonderful liberal left!! https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/iTHJ1L\/Dpaax5-LWw-AAOn-R","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Although you are a woman you make an excellent point. Thanks for the support #maledominance ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @VaTxn: Illegal alien is not a race. It's a crime. @MuchoMacho @McDonalds @jeandeaux1776 @cspanwj #wetbacks http:\/\/t.co\/pf2YpelyOP","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Might thrown a coffee in with it ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My husband is friends with at least 2 cosplayers who have had run ins with her and can confirm she is a disgusting beast. One of them had her breasts exposed by this bitch while posing for a photo. Fat cunt came up behind her and pulled her top up, then laughed when she shrieked and ducked to cover herself. She just waved it off as a bit of fun when cosplayer ripped into her for it. The other had stories, confirmed by her also cosplaying husband, of the disgusting cow grabbing her ass, boobs and trying to grope her groin. She also tried to cop a feel on the husband and he managed to turn away, but seriously wanted to punch her face in for touching his wife. They reported her to security instead. Husband is going to Blizzcon again this year and thanks to the two cosplayers + husband\/bf he knows going, and sharing a apartment with him to help save on expenses, a few others that are also cosplayers and friends of the first two will also be sharing the space. He's already made the rule that if they wanna have some fun, drinks and games they can invite a friend but NO MoMo under any circumstances. If her or any of her posey try to show up they will get a door in the face.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Spain: Several immigrants from the Aquarius ship have already \"disappeared ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Barack Obama:: 'marriage is between a man and a woman' Yeah, until he got into office. Obama's a lying faggot #LGBTQpervert #WorstPresidentEver https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/worldnews\/barackobama\/3375059\/Barack-Obama-marriage-is-between-a-man-and-a-woman.html ....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @sorryimalex: I got called a faggot for buying girl toms so now I'm gonna fuck that person in the ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@WyattNuckels insecure much put all you insults in one tweet. Fucking dumbass dude I'd wreck you you faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Before @user and @user @user was a young girl whose immigrant parents were deported. Don't miss her stunning memoir MY FAMILY DIVDED. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@marklevinshow: Tara Reade WAS invited to speak on '60 Minutes ... Australia'! Why do the America media REFUSE to cover her story? #Biden#election2020 https:\/\/t.co\/tWFEyIy5M9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You just cant bring yourself to watch the video and address the points. Its all name calling. How mature. Let me just abandon my nazi sympathies and change my moral compass now that somebody has called me retarded and evil. Wow. Such a convincing argument.truly my heart and mind hath been changed by your fathomless wisdom.... You want me to ignore the facts and listen to Nazi lies. You regard facts as subjective. They are not. You are objectively wrong. Nazis are objectively evil. You want me to ignore the facts and listen to jewish lies. You regard facts as subjective. They are not. You are objectively wrong. jews are objectively evil. what a empty argument -.-","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Flashback: Twitter Banned Conservatives Who Would Be Covered by the Farrakhan Termite Loophole | Breitbart http:\/\/bit.ly\/2EwNaXH via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This Monday St. Johns is hosting an Immigrant Stories film screening and panel with @user Click the link below for info and to RSVP. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lesbos\/Greece: Muslim refugees fight against christians there. Why Greece dont arrest them and send them home ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some of those pics are pre1933, also straight guys used to pose in ways that seem gay nowadays. Personal space was smaller back then ( and still is in many parts of Europe). If one reads there literature and speeches it makes this claim this boomer brod absurd and ridiculous not to mention how hypocritical it is when these retarded boomers created the LGBT and all the degenerate hedonism that plagues Society today. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Robert De Niro wants to punch our PRESIDENT IN THE FACE and issues warning to Donald Trump supporters. THIS ANTI-AMERICAN SUPPORTED THE ROBBERY OF NATIONAL SECRETS FROM AMERICA!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well he IS a nigger so he would have raped someone anyway","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"this is why i love birds. http:\/\/t.co\/Gk2wiNhBkw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"True @user @user just only vote banks #votebank ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" You are disgusting. Sorry about your dad. These leftists are mentally ill. Hey @Infidellegion i see your out of jail ,again..did you get some BIG black lovin in there? Right-on, bro! You tell that wasted THOT how it is. File this under: Men who have never had a girlfriend. Maybe...just maybe...women don't like you because you are vile?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really don't understand it when people are like, \"Oh yeah well look at this it proves you're wrong!\" and I look at it and it actually proves I'm right. I always have to look twice to be sure it isn't some sort of trick or something but no, just a failure in comprehension. Nazis are not your friends.... If Trump won't sabe you, Granny, who's your big messiah?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like your ex on bumble","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CubanAmerican72 @CNN They get to vote twice...the fraud is on the #MAGA2020 #Patriots","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was only pretending to be retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The whole concept that you have to ask permission to like\/share\/or even just read someone else's post on a *PUBLIC* website is an absolutely perfect example for explaining why the SJW mindset is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user If we had the wall, it wouldnt even be close. I guess Congressional GOP just like living on the edge. #BuildThatWall Mr. President. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When someone's talking about something other than me ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have already accepted many of these refugees with more to come. Come on America (government) wake up! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"as if that nasally little faggot has a girlfriend, cunts got pillowbiter written all over him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user I hate politicians that are all for immigrants but don`t have to live in the areas effected by them! Romanians in particular, all they do is scrounge and trash our cities ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump said he will 'send the military to our border' to 'close the southern border'. I think it is pretty obvious he is not going to issue shoot-to-kill orders on unarmed civilians, which would be refused as illegal orders anyways. Posse comatatus prohibits the military from arresting illegal alien civilians. So how is this supposed to work? I would really like to know the details. For starters, these people compose an invading force. There will be armed men somewhere in the background who owe their allegiance to some non-American group probably funded by Soros. I think Trump understands that to meet and stop these people will require a company or larger size military force. They will have to be experienced and armed with some non-lethal weapons, possibly something like sound emitting devices that cause some type of temporary paralysis via naseau or disorientation. However, the quickes way to stop them is tell Mexico NO MORE MONEY and the recent trade deal is off. Under the law 'migrants' trying to cross our border are not an 'invading force'. The legal definition of that is limited to military or terrorist forces attacking our country. It will be interesting to see just how Trump uses our military without running afoul of Posse Comatatus. We have no legal confirmation that these people can be classified as \"migrants . That label came from the media. I suspect that there are a lot of people who are indeed terrified.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home #MuslimImmigration No the German government isn't paying, the German taxpayers are paying! The German government is robbing native Germans to finance the Islamization of Germany. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical. Just a free vacation for this worthless soulless cunt until things blow over.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just checked out your profile, it's a joke just like you. Btw brah I know you're all hot and bothered but you'll never have me or any other Attractive Sexy woman. Now you can go back to your 40 on the front stoop of your \"house\" in the projects lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The little faggot with his....need of Depends! Or maybe they did buy him his own jet airplane!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"eww! filthy cunt should clean her toes","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Billboard Goes Up On Busy Ca Highway With Message To Maxine That'Ll Make Her Panic https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=tXZPXrrRC78","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user marcos you skank hannah montana is my thinf ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user You lieing kunt! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ANTIFA (mostly white) fighting \"Nazis (who are white)? Not to much room for interpretation given the establishment narrative. This is true.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like... I literally addressed this point and you completely ignore it, like a stupid retard nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#BuildThatWallNow I do not want those vile thugs in our country! #EndChainMigration #EndSanctuaryCities #EndVisaLottery #AngelFamlies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrats' New Hope Beta is a typical LYING politician. He talks like Obomber. No wonder the communists love this idiot. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=z58A08Yq4lo dems think they can con the masses again like they did with that pos obama.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"he 1950s are over and you no longer matter. Go sit on your couches and eat Big Macs and collect SSI. The real workers will do the work while you rest. Don't worry, in 20 years when you need a diaper change the people you hate will still take care of you with respect. Something you do not deserve.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did any of you actually see what happened? She literally only called the guy a thief for taking her point. Men have cussed out and threatened empires with no recourse. Men are allowed to walk around shirtless, but the female tennis players can't walk around in their sports bra? I'm a fan of this sub but anyone who actually watched what happens knows it was bullshit and I believe her. He absolutely would not have docked a guy a point, let alone a match for the same thing Bullshit. She was chimping out on the guy and wouldn't stop. She started shit up with him several times even after telling him not to talk to her. She was the one who made it so that there was no way to figure this out through talking. Whatever you think about the judge, no one made her smash her racket like an angry toddler or abuse the judge. Also, I don't believe you're a fan of this sub. This isn't (or at least wasn't) a place for concern trolling or swallowing this 'men are pigs, too!' bullshit that feminists will try to spin once their own behavior gets them in trouble. Time of the month, innit? That's about the response I expected. Instead of actually trying to uncover the truth you just throw out the \"hurr durr period amirite guys\" to another man. Now you really look ignorant It was the only reasonable response to your ad homenim laden temper tantrum, really. Yes they do and they get warnings for it but then they stop. Not only did she not stop, she smashed her frame and continued to berate him after.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watching other BM abuse women in public and doing nothing Putting \"not all men under posts Believing racism is the only system of oppression ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the ONLY thing I block on #Gab . . perverts I call a faggot . . a faggot . . a perversion . . allowed to fester . . they WILL infect shaming is still a great weapon . . worked for centuries without moral boundaries . . what are we ? . . a free-for-all society ? I boycott all movies etc . . with faggots last fucking thing I ever wanna see . . is some dudes naked ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @USAgov: Our national bird - the American bald eagle - is an endangered species success story. http:\/\/t.co\/OJscNNMYEm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I miss 0bama","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Russians won WW","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cunt should have been executed in the worse way possible Death by a thousand dicks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ruth Marcus is a cunt and an unhinged leftist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Imagine being married to this crazy cunt......","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stfu pussy ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Free gibs sucks the retard contingent in every time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well, they were actually more against heathens than all taken up about skin color. Naturalization Act of 1790 restricted citizenship to \"free white people\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well that should not exist...Wafu pedos its kinda a slippery slope in both directions. I'm comfortable on this slope. but as i posted yesterday, pippi longstocking is basically a loli We can write a loophole.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is what Democracy looks like! When every retard in the country has an opinion that we are forced to concern ourselves with.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":".@CNN's Don Lemon Doubles Down On Racist Criticism Of Kanye - Calls WH Visit 'Minstrel Show' (VIDEO) https:\/\/americanlookout.com\/cnns-don-lemon-doubles-down-on-racist-criticism-of-kanye-calls-wh-visit-minstrel-show-video\/ via @amlookout","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Important article by Rebecca Yeo about the removal of rights from migrants, disability, and the disabling #HostileEnvironment. Rest in power Bijan Ebrahimi and Kamil Ahmad. Both murdered, both not taken seriously by agencies ostensibly there to protect them. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am a woman and I fucking hate this type of bullshit more than anything. I knew so many of these privileged cunts in college, you have to have very few worries in life to say shit like this. Way to revive 19th-century ideas that \"men are logical\" and women are ~~irrational and feeble-minded~~ float delicately between the physical and the spiritual world, which we navigate with eMotIoNs (and vaginas). And the demonizing of The Enlightenment. I'm sure she would have loved living under the Catholic church in the middle ages or in John Calvin's Geneva. Humanity breaking free of religious dogma was basically the best thing that ever happened to women in the West for over 1000 years. If she thinks supernatural horseshit is more empowering to women, I suggest she go live in an FLDS compound.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#TommyRobinson #UK #UnitedKingdom #Islam #Muslims #PCCulture #PoliticalCorrectness We will not let the army summit to Islam through political correctness https:\/\/youtu.be\/jJmok2CwPfM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, I have no problem with the Niggers attempting to create a Wakanda. I support them all the way... as long as that is in Africa. No, no. According to the Jews and the Niggers, the images on the left are actually Nigger accomplishments.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user got really excited hearing you on Rico's stream only to find out you still aren't streaming because of ram issues. ::lesigh:: ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"State attorney office for Florida dropped charges against the rat who assaulted me in Boca Raton, Florida! I have the video showing the whole assault, raw, and unedited! ???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*Nice*... While I myself have had some of these 'dreams' of getting fucked by some experienced woman too, let me tell you, in all honesty, this is by far nothing you should refer to with > *nice*... My brother was in such a situation, started off with him being okay with it, I mean, who in his teens would say no. But this whole sexual relationship evolves quickly into nothing that you would want to have experienced in your young years. The sex surely is good, but a 26 year old fucking with a 14 y\/o is literally fucking his life. The woman puts pressure onto the kid, threatens him, manipulates him, does always decide only with the intention to keep the whole thing private and alive. There may came a dream true at the beginning, but this will quickly break down into a hell of problems a young kid cannot and should not deal with. And this still completly excludes the idea, that the boy doesn't actually wanted this to happen. > threatens him, manipulates him, this is the issue, not the banging. Tell that to the bitch who got pregnant and demanded child support from a thirteen year old","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RepDougCollins Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and all Blue down the line! https:\/\/t.co\/QM80KQiiyN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guys, Sargon is right: #GamerGate needs to come back. We've got to meme it to the White House until Trump tweets about it! Tell your friends. This is it. GamerGate Faggot haha","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It makes you think there is far more behind Dr Ford..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@cakedjake We're laying rock around our lake. You're welcome to join a redneck workout. #muscles ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"in real life and online I follow that. sorry folks but just cause I look like a border hopper don't mean I am one. born and raised here","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"> \"y'all hear sumn?\" by all means I live in a small town rn (for work). 5k people here, originally a mining community. No one is protesting here. Nobody mentioned the protest today. Nobody here cares, they're busy loving their family and working hard. Thank god for the electoral college. Liberals think we don't matter. [removed]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol stop virtue signalling faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Man Defending His Wife Lynched' By Six Youths In France The glories of open borders and multiculturalism. Violent immigrants are attacking and terrorizing the French. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Don't believe Jehovah's Witnesses, either. I asked them what Jehovah did and why that nigger left so many witnesses alive coz sheeit...ya don' leave no witnesses alive, dawg.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A boy does everything to finish school with flying colors and; you expel him few days before his graduation? Did he kill or rape anyone? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I just wanna know why the girl dont like me What I ever do to you hoe? Other than give you rides and be nice to you Hating ass hoe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Australia is younger and better off: RBA governor defends immigration rate via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AJ+ Bullshit","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"' Don't sleep on ma niggah CHood @CharleyHood ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Those pics look like theyre from someone mocking the kind of people who would disrupt hearings. Like if SNL was fair and made fun of these people, the exaggerated version of a hysterical woman disrupting ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I always translate 'Who hurt you' as 'Who *freed* you?' The plantation wants us back, but hell no, that ain't happening. I like it. I almost hope I have another short relationship so I can use that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well that's easy....these Wanna-be nazis are NOT GOOD PEOPLE!! THERE IS NO HATE IN A GOOD PERSON!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AB_crispyy_andy I laugh Oreos and lady gaga on a Sunday day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mexican immigrant niggas when they're working at their taco shop and the cops arrive ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user BITCH you shouldnt be putting it out there cunt nugget ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@aasthaxoxo oh shut your mouth i was talkin about the morning you fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"*I SWEAR, I AM GOING TO CUT THEM IN HALF WHILE THEY ARE ALIVE*","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Only a niggerdick could reach that cunt I bet a midget football team could hide under her overhang during a rainstorm and not get wet. Nigger probably uses her as a waterbed","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What is the deal lately with entertainment companies allowing their staff to antagonize and shit on their potential core customer base? It's simply not a money-making endeavor, so professionalism isn't a concern. This is all about pushing ideological propaganda. > not a money-making endeavor It turns out that little of what Netflix does is a sustainable business model. As much as Hollyweird deserves our scorn, their business models are based on over a century of hard learned failure and success. Netflix represents what happens when a bunch of Sand Hill and Wall Street MBAs imagine they've figured out a better way that no one's ever thought of before (which of course involves selling a metric fuckton of debt to the street with little hope of face value redemption, but hey, it's all for a good cause, right...)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ye a funny cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My sweet Girlies living their very best lives. They say #fucktrump and want you to vote for #BidenHarris2020! https:\/\/t.co\/oikw14hSS3","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The crying continues... Don't get dehydrated from all that whinging, SOY. https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37159895 sounding pretty tough","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao, fucking hilarious","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who the hell voted down on this?! I'm a flaming faggot and even I know a smokeshow when I see one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"[NEW POST] The threat Italy poses to the Euro stems from Brussels' refusal to aid Italy with the refugee crisis and the outrageous demands that the increased expenditure for the refugees must be deducted from other expenditures ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Are you fucking retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Kimberl32278503 @crown_royal_23 @DrPhillipsMD REPUBLICANS are literally the most evil people on earth! #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This white faggot looks blissed out standing between those two savages. Something very wrong with this creepy white homo. Any negros that ever get this close to me are facing a serious pipe down.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Those who are doing this have far worse things waiting for them. Hell alone wont be enough to satisfy the anger, hatred, grief, fear of these people who are being killed like bugs. Is there any one who can stop this massacre killings of innocent lives. I hate this world ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This mint brownies recipe is made with almond flour, coconut palm sugar, coconut oil, and coconut mi http:\/\/t.co\/XZZfDoLZDn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@RepAndyBiggsAZ, along with 18 of his House colleagues, sent a letter to @FBI Director Christopher Wray, raising questions about the FBI's alleged involvement in obtaining and analyzing a hard drive and laptop, which purportedly had emails belonging to Hunter Biden.-andgt; https:\/\/t.co\/LAE5wHqVpi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/glittermagrocks.com\/connect\/2018\/09\/12\/aaron-philip-signs-with-elite-model-management\/ black, trans, disabled, and progressive stack level DIEversity, one more mind fucked kid ruined for life, \"another happy customer served\". What does it say when a victim of the truly evil actually feels \"empowered\" instead of used? If the powerful, unnamed, deep pocketed interests in this world wanted Americans to be male or female, physically fit, informed, and educated well beyond what public schools offer, and it served their financial interests for our people to be thus, where would that leave all the people who spring up to take an \"identity\" when it gets created out of thin air by dirty moneyed facilitators of the powerful? I would weep for such broken people, but my heart filled up long ago. You are a means to their end Aaron Philip, you are the hood ornament to their demented perverse thinking. A headlight that illuminates their dark path, a proof that their insanity is made manifest. You poor child. #SadnessWithoutEnd lmfao, I was more on fuck the black trans retard level, but yeah. very well said. what kind of society are we in where we thrust the weakest of us to the front of the line, and held up like they are the peak of human evolution. one EMP and they wouldn't last a day. #rainbowtoetags","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's the counterpart to mansplaining? Vaghining?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck off religious faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"On this day, the gods themselves could Not calculate the degenerate faggotry contained within this faggotry. What hope have we mortals?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"OWO AMEN!! uwu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'Not all men are like that, its the ones you meet.' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or get swept in MoTown LOL #Yankees #Tigers #MLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Collins and Flake were yes. Manchin in a yes. Murkowski is a no.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck Cameron. he's a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cunt Chinese bullshit. Won't work. Total garbage. Cunts....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Exactly,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And that nasty little shafting faggot wants to tell me it's all in my head...pages and pages of mainstream media FAGGOT articles. I made it all up. http:\/\/time.com\/tag\/lgbt\/ Damn man, did a gay dude steal your girlfriend? I thought I was just triggering you but I hit onto something here. You really think homosexuality is in your face 24\/7, don't you? At home, when you sleep, when you watch tv, when you're watching sports, when you're going hunting, when you're watching straight porn or having sex with your female sig other... it's always in your mind, isn't it? )))That's called being in the closet, by the way.((( Makes sense, biden is a pedo faggot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol the win for her was actually the primary because republicans don't waste money putting up a candidate for that district. Link? I think it was on gateway pundit or breitbart the other day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"' A HOE does ANYthing for ANY man, A FREAK does ANYthing for HER man, and A WOMAN does ANYthing for ONE man!' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was at a neighborhood community center last week with my kid, and a few other moms were there with their toddlers. The toddlers were all boys. One mom was loudly and dramatically talking about how devastated she was when she found out she was having a boy because she wanted to raise a strong feminist girl and she was now tasked with teaching a boy her feminist values. I had to leave at that point. That's a boy that's either going to grow up to be a complete and utter beta male thanks to his mom's bullshit, or he's going to rebel against it completely once he hits puberty and become one of the most misogynistic assholes on the planet thanks to his hatred of his mom. \"Beta males don't exist. Ironically, the only people who use the term seriously would all qualify if such a thing did exist. At what point did you decide it was okay to make completely arbitrarily prophecies based solely on your misogyny? That boy might grow up to be a completely normal person. You got one anecdote about one event in the boy's life, know absolutely nothing else about him or the rest of his family, and you made up a nightmare scenario. People like you give MRAs a bad name. You're a bad person and you should feel bad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WillMcAvoyACN: An ad for the Haitian charity \"Water Is Life\" mocks people who use #FirstWorldProblems hashtag through juxtaposition. ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Italy: 'Italian populists sue black politician for calling their anti-immigrant party racist' http:\/\/www.dw.com\/en\/italian-populists-sue-black-politician-for-calling-their-anti-immigrant-party-racist\/a-45732919?maca=en-rss-en-eu-2092-rdf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just retarded pussy hats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Liberalism is a Disease and the Cancer of America HomeGrown Terrorism is the DemonCrap Party Pray for the Kavanaugh Family WTFU They SAY they are ___ , but are NOT. They are the SYNAGOGUE of SATAN; They are of their father the devil who was a liar from the beginning, and THIS is the work of their demonic HELLSPAWN.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm full on white and would have stood by the women filming and told this racist women off cuz that's not right I can't stand racist people . She needs to get that test done where they find out you background by DNA racist troll.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Kike shill faggot tries to promote a Twitter clone where free speech isn't allowed and anyone who disagrees with or criticizes Jews is banned","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Looked at pictures from America 1940s wondering what the hell happened to my country . Women use to be classy, LGBT degeneracy was bashed, immigration was only prowhite, white men fought for us, women respected the patriarchy, traditionalism was promoted. We need to #MAGA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I thought she was albino tho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DanRather @thomaskaine5 Raise your hand if you lost a great grandparent, grandparent, parent, spouse, child, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, cousin, coworker, friend, acquaintance, church member, first responder or other soul to Covid19 due to Trump's INCOMPETENCE and are voting #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh massively. I could tell from her tone and persistency, she was lapping this up. She was being more of a cunt than she was being stubborn. Shame really. Pussy pass deny this bitch by being calm, driving her back to the pick up point, calling the cops and not answering her questions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The little faggot and the rest of his kind should be destroyed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"CNN 8:55am DEPORTED PARENTS WAIT MONTHS TO REUNITE WITH CHILDREN. . Mario Russell Immigrant and Refugee Services, Catholic Charities... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a dumb cunt lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#GabFam #Australia a few years after the formation of Daddy Cool saw arguably the most successful Oz Rock band of all time emerge. AC\/DC - Thunderstruck https:\/\/youtu.be\/v2AC41dglnM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Heard about this on the latest TeDiouS, and it's triggering AF Yeah, the yenta voiced cartoon and the jewish faggot Mr. Rogers in a manbun don't even come close to the reason for the rustling. No #2A, no Electoral College, no compromise is what they want. Just watch and try not to get rustled https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/BirdsandBS\/videos\/154670895208830\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"*Gets banned from Twitter for BS reasons - Desperately tries getting back on Twitter for months, keeps making new accounts that get banned again over and over. *Sees someone get banned from Gab who may or may not have broken the rules - Immediately leaves Gab forever, goes back on Twitter and tells everyone stay away from Gab Some of you people are such faggots...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"why does this retarded shit keep happening in canada? Also, was this a normal looking woman.. (aside from the insane behaviour)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Italian PM Conte on NATO-funding, aid to Libya and new economic measures ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sure guys who won't bathe or wear deodorant are still disgusting to these sexist cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"COMMIE PINKO SJW CUNT BITCH !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@MatthewJshow @realDonaldTrump Dr Fauci the wild card ok, not the nutter in the WhiteHouse who has no idea what he's talking about. Did you try the whole bleach\/ light up your backside cure? I bet it didn't work as well as Trumps $100,000 treatment apparently did. Trump is totally insane","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The thought of Brett Kavanaugh holding his hand over his my mouth while he rapes me... It makes me so WET!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Calm down Kikester Rapist, you little dot-headed shitskin mamzer faggot with the whiggress spanking porn website whose only value is that it keeps you engaged. Me and Mattoid Parrot are at least White. Whether or not -- preferably not -- we build somethang under which fat delusional mongrels like Mattoid Chaimbach can shelter beneath is beside the point.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @user \"when u gonna get your license\" SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH I AINT GOT TIME DAMN GET OFF MY DICK ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Not all men are stupid to mistake ~ No ~ for Yes they are just using any means to stir up the movement ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @russnelligan: .@KarynPolito declares victory by introducing \"our next governor, Charlie Baker\" @CharlieForGov #wcvb http:\/\/t.co\/HYkWrVD ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Every time there's a new girl going thru my Facebook photos I have to explain that I'm not some kinda pimp ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you're out to eat with your girl and the waitress knows you by name ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Let's be honest. This is more realistic. #BuyersRemorse #MAGA #Trump #Russia #CNN #Breitbart #AltRight #Nazi #WhiteSupremacist #GabFam #unitetheright #ICE #treason #BlueWave #GreatAwakening #Qanon #Q","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That cunt needs to live up to her name and be lynched.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"OMG! I can't believe the retard inbred blacks in my area who think Obama deserved another term!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If this socialist retard wins, I will be shocked.....then again, watch the lame stream media and he is an angel.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's what you get for pandering to faggots on twitter. I guess we're stuck watching amazing Chinese pandering movies like The Meg for the next 10 years if this keeps up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You know what I tell a Nigger when I see him with a white woman?,,,I don't blame you, I wouldn't fuck a nigger either!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Savage sub-human refugees. They would be better off dead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'd like to see @stephenharper tweet congratulating Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris. After all, he congratulated Orban, and Bolsonaro, on their wins.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Glam Skanks -Karma\/Bad Bitch Double Feature [Official Video]: via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user Yeah she is passport\/paper Irish = \"New Irish\" = Not real Irish. Why on earth we give out citizenship so easily to non EU people and allow this sort of immigration\/population replacement\/colonization ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another 3 rapists that @Rocksteadyeddy is silent about, maybe theyre his mates? does he have any mates left on the outside?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Donald Trump is the BEST President! https:\/\/t.co\/IwIS7Qk25C","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/comey-confidant-james-baker-throws-rosenstein-under-the-bus-tells-congress-his-plot-to-oust-trump-was-not-a-joke\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"white womyn must divorce themselves completely from white men\" Now which stage of genocide is this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you know what they say, the early bird gets the worm. *puts gummy worms in your morning coffee*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nothing infuriates me more than when some retard tries to inform me what my own interests *are* - not *ought to be or should* but let me fucking inform you slave what you fail to recognize for I am your arbiter. This is the smuggest form of contempt, not even I would ever tell some commie what their interest *is*, at most a persuasive debate or thought experiment. Some retard has an opinion and that is fine, but to think their own interests represent what I really need is just one step away from thinking I am some animal to be tethered to their control. Enslaved. I want an environment where government taxes low, redistributes to the areas that reinforce our freedoms and generally fosters an environment where private enterprises of all sizes can flourish. I want all the good stuff that comes from freedom and I don't want some massive state overlord styling itself as my God. When the commies say this is against my own interests and that I really want to take 50% my income and redistribute it to world hunger, \"the environment\" or some state run service is these retards getting high on the methane in their own feces.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I wonder if she's going to enjoy prison when some ladies in there who have been raped and shit on find out she lied about that stuff like a bottom bitch Edit: Not a bottom bitch, as I have been reinformed of the terminology and meaning. She is a low life cunt for accusing someone of rape and could have potentially ruined an innocent person's life and future.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user When a group of smiling third world faces move into your street, they know the nice dumb White people will transfer $$ to pay for the new school + costs of teaching lower-IQ children.The descendants of the White p ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Race-haters on Gab poll. What percentage are shills to damage pro-white causes? (For added clarity: Hate is understandable, but ineffective, and a naive too, imo. Know your enemy, but be strategic. Nonstrategic vitriol drives potential sympathizers away. In fact, vitriolic hatred is what a shill might do to taint a movement.) I don't usually use the word \"racist\" because it's overly used. I'll use the term \"race-hater\" to refer to someone who just spews hatred publicly and tactlessly. Are race-haters on Gab shills that want to taint the otherwise cordial race awareness dialog? What percentage do you think might be shills? Or are they being genuinely vitriolic? (e.g. You can like in-group preference and ethnostates while not hating others. You can fight wars and not be driven by hatred.)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The author Cresa Pugh spent 2 months talking to #Rohingya individuals who are living in internal #displacement #camps. her research shows why there is little #hope of a #safe return soon for the vast majority of Rohingya #refugees. #world #catalyst #change ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Western Leftists Praised Democrats Party For Slavery Not really. Most of them didn't end up with a white master. They had about a 10%chance. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I guess it is time to start babying all the leftists. they already get participation trophies in amateur sports. now they want them for pro sports? https:\/\/thegoldwater.com\/news\/38464-Copying-Serena-Sloane-Stephens-Claims-That-Fucking-Bitch-Tried-To-Hit-Me-Video","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"guns don't mean shit if you aint got balls it time for all niggas to be warriors gain we was kings and queens visiting the stars before the white devils came stoled are knowledge and enslaved us it gonna be a black planet white devils watch out #BlackGab #Negus #Nuwaupian #Blaxit #KenyansOnGab #AfricansOnGab #BlackPower #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Wakanda We kicked nigger ass so bad, they started putting plates in their lips and building their huts out of mud. From \"visiting the stars\" to lip plates and mud huts. It's best as fuck to be white.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I luv a classy bitch but still might fuck a bad whore ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump strikes again! He can do this any time he wants. \"Fox News anchor Chris Wallace is pushing back on President Trump's claim that Democrats are responsible for thousands of migrants headed toward the United States's southern border, calling it 'preposterous.' \"Wallace appeared on Fox News's 'America's Newsroom' on Friday to fact-check the claim, which the president made during a campaign-style rally in Montana the previous night. \"'The idea that the Democrats were somehow behind this caravan coming from Honduras of these women and children is preposterous,' Wallace said on the program.\" https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/media\/412296-fox-newss-chris-wallace-it-is-preposterous-for-trump-to-say-dems-are-behind So Trump gets the NATIONAL MEDIA to alert the public that another caravan is on the way, and Trump gets the national media to talk about the notion that the Democrats are behind it. Perfect. Another tiger pit dug, and the Democrats fall right into it. The voters are thinking, \"Why is the caravan coming NOW, and why is everyone telling us that we have to accept this invasion?\" It pisses off the voters. As always, the press is Trump's most effective ally. Who care's what pussy boy faggot antifa bed wetter wallace says.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"An she's either an inbred dyke OR lives a traditionalist jewish wifu\/was married off when she was 8","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I saw a woman dressed up like a hot dog tonight. Bitch, it ain't Halloween yet ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Message to Civic Nationalist Fags: Token minorities are not going to save Western Civilisation. Blacks are 13%. Latinos are 13%-15%. I'm stating that we have a cuck and retard problem to boot. Screaming about 'the blacks' will not bring anyone to your point of view. Or will it? I'm not preaching civic nationalism as any sort of answer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Another dyke id like to see die a bloody torturous painful death !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The retards in Ottawa need to stop injecting cash into these fucking retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you get to your friends place after the bar and they have no alcohol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if you're telling us you cant ID a white person just by looking at them, you must actually be retarded but, we know you're lying. you know damn well what a white person is you're just using that classic marxist deconstruction tactic next you'll try and tell us its nothing more than a social construct you 'people' are so intellectually dishonest, it makes me sick","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And Jeff Sessions! I think we crossed through some wormhole the day of the midterms. That, or Leftists are more retarded than I thought. Snowflakes are more rerarded than you thought. I also had to take time to belueve it. I still don't understand how their heart keeps beating by itself; just let it go.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A shockingly true tale from the Oreo that almost got devoured. http:\/\/t.co\/WYIS0LVdsi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retarded opinion, but I don't see how that post promoted violence against, or threatened, or harassed white people. Yeah, it's vitriolic, and I'm actually surprised anything would happen as a consequence of saying anything against white people, but it seems like a bit of an over reach.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Obese American and left wing propagandist Michael Moore: \"Britain can't leave Europe because without you there is no Europe\" What a retard Doesn't realize the EU is not Europe There will be no Europe if there are no Europeans and as he supports mass 3rd world immigration to Europe he must like the idea of there being no Europe Another \"celebrity\" who know's fuck all Funny how the retarded Moore can't seem to see the difference between Europe and EU, the UK is trying to leave a bullshit political union and not trying to leave the continental landmass known as Europe. Maybe Moore became so fat, he absorbed his ears and lost proper hearing, who knows what's going on with that future champion of Nurgle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Mmmmm sweet pussy hole :) xx ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Ban Cage first then Trump make all nationalities speak English get out of Europe ,Commmonwealth no immigration problems easy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @UberFacts: Mila Kunis has heterochromia iridum which gives her two different colored eyes. One eye is green, the other is brown.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'Look at me! I am a Nigger with a White woman! I am a winner because of this! Without a White woman to prop me up, I would be just another nothing Nigger living off the avails of the White race!' I loved it. Keep up the good work dismantling your own race.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No more Q quotes. That larping faggot needs to be erased from history. TRUST SESSIONS HURRRR","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump is a joke. Idiots believe him.#trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/zA7wchNGeC","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/uk\/1033829\/Facebook-hires-nick-clegg-job-mark-zuckerberg-lib-dems No matter how they spin it. The likes of 'Facebook' and 'Twitter' are going the same way as 'My Space' they're in terminal decline. Hiring Nick Clegg will only speed up the process. Must be a new 4d Chess PR strategy that we're not aware of: hiring the most boring people on the planet to give a company some oomph. Next announcement will be Ken Barlow as CEO of Twitter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user How many women sucked dick to further their career??? I bet there are plenty. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All because the western elites decided they wanted to murder and destroy countries for they're own gains... people wake up. Our puppet countries are what causing this!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh shut the fuck up you ignorant cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@KamalaHarris That's correct #FourMoreYears #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I agree, I think it's the only thing I agree with them on. Charles is a twat and then the kardashian type youngers... Fuck em off","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Where is this faggot buried?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Michigan Begins Enforcing Work Requirements for Food Stamps https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/01\/michigan-begins-enforcing-work-requirements-for-food-stamps\/ #JobsReport #No Layoffs #MAGA #TrumpTrain #Winning #Jobs #Economy #Hiring #Trump #Business #Fox #Win #Jobs #Recovery #America #USA #JobReport #Consumer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @alicia_garcia3: \"That's why God made brownies. To replace boys.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Photo check for background spooks. http:\/\/t.co\/Hx1wghJAzy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wow you people hate women, holy moly Nobody hates women, it's about the double standard put in place that woman can hit anyone and get away with it cause they're a woman but if this was a dude everyone would be fine with it that cop employed an appropriate amount of force, he had to break her face, he and his 3 giant cop friends were about to die btw no, this is pretty fucked up regardless of gender. get a different job if you can't deal with drunk people without literally shattering their skull. How about don't start slapping at a cop while getting forcibly escorted for whatever reason we don't even know of and don't get hit back. If this was a guy no one would bat an eye. She was literally assaulting the officer lmao you can even see her going in for more swings after the first hit So yeah he should just ignore her while she is repeatedly trying to hit him just because she's a woman, makes sense. She had it coming. You don't have any privileges In hitting someone just because you have a vagina","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So ALL Japanese games, regardless of whether or not they release in the US, have to cater to whatever an American Company feels like? Are you fucking kidding me? Not only that, they have to communicate with the US Censorship board in English, not Japanese. And, said board is staffed by... Woke Californians. ...How is this even remotely tolerable to *anyone* at Sony Japan? It's an absolute fucking insult to their entire nation. I just wish I could give you a medal on real life for starting that list with EDF.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Indeed, blacks aren't smart but that doesn't mean they are completely stupid. Even a nigger can see what Jews are like. I agree. I bet she is, just below the surface of the... waters. I'll show myself out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hi @user we join the many signatories of this open letter to you from @user Surely you can understand that charging migrant women for maternity care in the UK is unworkable and inhumane. #ALLMothers need this care, regardless of status! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He's sjw faggot. ..yeah? It's suppose to be shit you would go to hell for laughing at I'm pretty sure. Not just racist or two gendered identity politics bullshit. If that's what you want just keep to the fucking Donald. I'm an sjw that wants to laugh at racist shit, I just don't want to see propaganda written for retards. I wish you got the 400 upvotes, not that retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Perhaps. but they're writing in english. So, at *best*, it makes them sound like pretentious cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why is this a celebration? What's wrong with having both men's and women's rights? Why is this a dick measuring contest all of the sudden? Sauce","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I ship you guys please get back together","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"South Africans actually benefit from being raped and murdered by blacks! Lucky them. Wooooo weeeee, there's too much retard to unpick here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Not all men. Rather, all men and women - - and journalists - - working in Hollywood. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Godamn these people are retarded... Don't insult retards like that, even they have more common sense than these people. even full retards are smart enough to not give a shit about tennis","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@shorty Tomorrow's Times front page Typical liberal debauchery on display. Sad! It literally gets worse every single day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@pmcl This may be of interest. Doesn't give much detail, though. https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/09\/123-missing-children-found-in-michigan-during-sex-trafficking-operation\/ About six years ago a group of Somalis in Minnesota were convicted in a grooming gang case there. When it went to appeal they were released, because the judge refused to believe the testimony of the victim. This is what happens when the army of state employees and the journalists in Europe lie about what is going on here. Until your judges understand that this is a problem that goes hand in hand with Islam, more American girls will suffer. The publisher of Easy Meat is American. She thought sales there would outstrip sales in the UK. I told her I thought she was wrong. My expectation proved correct.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The fuck is *proof* in a rape case?!? Like how do you want us to PROVE it. Fuck off. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"behead him and twist his nigger head off after the first cut..lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ask for directions? Give me a break nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"3 weeks until the elections, and the dems are working hard to endear themselves with the American voter. That sucking sound you hear is the blue ebb-tide. She seems nice...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"all muslims deserves dis","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hundreds expected at latest mass protest against Serco eviction of refugees ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yeah but not quite tho. The faggot bitch who has ruined the once great 1d3n717y 3ur0p@ is too busy posting retarded Trump sycophantry to go on a platform where he would be subject to constructive criticism. https:\/\/twitter.com\/PatrickCaseyIE\/status\/1053045793182150656 https:\/\/twitter.com\/PatrickCaseyIE\/status\/1053059352758808577","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"keyshia ka'whore is a bird. gucci shoulda gave that bitch back to yo gotti ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really get upset when my lightskin friends have another cute dark skin sidekick..like Im supposed to be the only cute darkie u hang wit ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I have to wonder how how many of these black students listen to rap. >Fucking bitches and shooting niggers: >Black man falsely accused of a crime: LITERALLY VIOLENCE","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This explains why I grew up being abuses by an alcoholic bitch only to leave to get cheated on by a pathological lying cunt. My father is a man of respect an honor. My mom is a woman of hard liquor and shopping trips. This is fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lol faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"IDENTIFIED: We Expose Jordan Hunt The Man Who Roundhouse Kicked A Pro-Life Leader @humandefenseini https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/ SICK: Just now a pro-abortion advocate roundhouse kicked a young pro-life woman from @clcyouthprolife in Toronto VIDEO https:\/\/twitter.com\/DevinSenaUI\/status\/1047478113544888321","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just kick his retarded ass. He will crawl back into his hole.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"if i was duped like this (which would be some miracle because i dont use dating apps) the instant she made it clear she invited all of us and were making us compete i would start throwing plastic bottles or whatever trash i could find at the stage like they do at concerts when they hate the act. woman is a grade A cunt i hope someone gives her payback for her cuntishness.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hello! I just started using my GAB account, and so far, I love it. I'm a retired Army combat Veteran, married to an Active Duty Army infantryman, a mom to 6 great dogs and 2 cats, and a proud Republican. I support the police and all other emergency services, and last but certainly not least, I proudly and gladly support our President. I hope to converse with you soon!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user He must be so proud of his cam whore oh please let her continue to be a hoe and a \"role model gtfo ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nazis are retarded, I don't hate I just pity. No I hate and pity. \"Using Gab as a form of therapy\" I think YOU need therapy, because you're acting like such a schizophrenic retard that you can't provide a proper debate, and just resort to insults.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I think she was on Big Brother in the UK. Tiffany \"New York\" Pollard called her a fat cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"if trump or cruz win the nomination then the conservative mainstream have to reform","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@jgabsss: Stacey Dash won http:\/\/t.co\/PDLG46rjOL\" baddest bitch evaaaa","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh look another #IllegalAliens #libtard Radical Muslim terrorist who tries to kill Americans. Thanks to @user for killing that f***er and saving taxpayers for prison costs! #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hit button to close elevator, shoot the first two and then laugh your ass off while the 3rd little nigger cowers in fear then just as the door is opening and she thinks shes getting away plug her ass in the back of the head too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Are you a Nazi? This is My latest Nazi poll here at Gab. I conduct these Nazi polls every 6 months to determine the percentage of Nazis here at Gab... #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect I honestly have no idea what constitutes as a \"Nazi\" any more. The left say the MAGAs are \"Nazis\" and the MAGAs say the left are \"Nazis\" sooo is everyone a nazi? I think Bigfoot is a Nazi... He's also Scarlet Pimpernel. So you're an idiot then! WHAT THE MEDIA AND THE LEFT SAYS IS IRRELEVANT. WAKE THE FUCK UP! :roll: #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect HAHAHA! Wow what a reaction! You must be a Nazi National socialists* ( let's stick to the facts) as far as I know most all are pro Trump but are critical of him in the places that need to be criticized Nope, socialists (demonrats and Nazi) are both anti-Trump losers. WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"trump is more of a man than that faggot adolf ever was come and fuck me little boy, i will introduce you to some of your obamas immigrants, they love sex with boys like you. call him Hakeem","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Soetoro\/Obama is moving the country #Forward w\/ his vision. His vision is to downsize our 'oppressive' country and get even w\/ whitey. #War","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"LA M QUINAUna vez en Jap n 5 japoneses crearon una m quina que atrapaba ladrones. Primero la m quina la... http:\/\/t.co\/khzl8PfGCT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yermasoyia offers to host unaccompanied refugee minors ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm a rat for suggesting a hosting company? being a \"rat\" when I have no internal information and just a regular user? the fuck? Sweden is fucked and cucked when it comes to muslims, but they have one of the best VPN companies (mullvad) and are great for piracy laws. go fuck yourself nigger faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user The whore bitch spoke! STFU Melania, Melanie , whatever your name is ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I totally agree, get out you traitor cunt, live with the nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Mr_Bond 's best song. Look at what a happy, organic, jew-free society looks like. I have visited with old people who lived under the Reich starting in the 1990s. Even if they have been brain-washed into self hatred since, they all admitted that the time of the Reich was the happiest, healthiest time in their lives, and some were moved to tears when telling of the times they got to see Hitler, the man who, for close to a generation, freed a people from the tyranny and demoralizing rule of the jew. Never forget, we fight for the human dignity of our women, our children, and the legacy of our ancestors, who, for a time, could rise in the morning and lay down to bed at night, having breathed every breath of their day as free men. Live free or die, come to respect the man who Gandhi deemed one of the most just men in history There are many paths to restoring health, and one of the best ones is to see through jewish historical revisionism, and accept Hitler into your heart as a liberator of man and a champion of human dignity. https:\/\/youtu.be\/E32KIOMb9f4 Hitler lost WW2 champs and heroes WW2 losers and zeroes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Check out IWB Immigrant Women In Business' Membership via @ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sturgeon learn from the UK vote immigration will be your own down fall Stay in Europe but with strong immigration rules or ignore and fall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Live on MSNBC: Rick Wilson says \"They're going to have to put a bullet in Donald Trump\". https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/BpTDNDwRb0s\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The boyfriend in that post seems emotionally well adjusted, mature, and eloquent. Which is why I'm convinced this is a troll post. Groups like Gendercritical are just a bunch of disconnected idiots sucking each other's dicks over how enlightened they are and bitching about how they live in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. Everything about the story is more or less believable but at the same time... it's just, it's basically *exactly* the story I want to hear. Radfems getting reality checked when the outside world is different than their echo chamber gives me nourishment. It makes me wake up with a hardon but it's so pure it gives me the motivation to go for a three mile run before breakfast. So when I see a story about it happening without any proof or corroboration, I get suspicious.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"TL;DR - Wetback driving pisses porchmonkeys off, dindu caps el neeenyo. Thankfully nobody es muerte. http:\/\/www.kake.com\/story\/39315834\/neighbors-help-with-road-rage-shooting-investigation","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Police sheriffs in germany are saying its gonna cause ww3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You keep asking for links and not only are you too lazy to look for them yourself but also try to use outdated material to prove you're not wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's not fat phobia, that's just using your diaphragm like a retard. Work the muscle and it'll stop hurting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@yooperslayer better off banning teabaggers and their anti American supporters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"tfw 1 cat has just figured out he's a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They destroyed the cameras and ate some edibles! These pieces of shit do this, cause they get away with it. I hate the government. Everything else they did was wrong too, of course.Fucking government--Gona pay the owner for his cameras?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"ISIS beheads children and forces women to sex slavery. Death to ISIS,death to Islam.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you can get gassed with the jews, you filthy sjw scum","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"PATHETIC FAKE HATE HATE HOAX: Troubled Lesbian Sent Herself Death Threats That She Found in Her Desk Drawer https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/hate-hoax-troubled-lesbian-sent-herself-death-threats-that-she-found-in-her-desk-drawer\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Yankees probably time to put this twitter feed to bed #nyy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmfao, butthurt nigger lover lashes out. Woah there PristineRaccoon! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"France: Before and After Islamification #DeportThemALL ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and Maurry Provich say;s the DNA result;s say YES he is your father!!!and he gave you up for adoption b\/c you were a retarded little shit, evil, $$ hungry leftist scumbag!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Then block it and shut the fuck up retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What we need is a statesmen. A true leader. A proper ruler. Who can free us from this economic prison by means of autarky. -- What we got was faggot nonsense about the Capital of Israel and Muh Tax Cuck. Source: The Flag Goes Back Up -- the Circle Remains Unbroken - YouTube Address : https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nXnBjE9DeC0","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You're an internet person who's opinions do not hold one molecule of worth to me. No need to let your frustrations show here sweetie. Of course you miss the point. But what do I expect from someone with low intelligence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See, now this is why I could never be a cop, or a public serviceman of any kind. I'd lose my mind if an entitled, superior and arrogant piece pf shit like this ever talked to me like that. The video alone enraged me to unreasonable levels.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I foresee Courtneys restaurant getting much more business in the near future. You see a trend with these leftist hate mobs, when they gang up on a business, people flock to support it. It's kinda the reverse of \"Get Woke, Go Broke\" Sounds like a fine establishment lol Gave you a follow man I like your style lol Right back at ya I am on minds also =) And thank you patriot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Implying this faggot isnt an incel as well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @zachthorpe78: where are all the thinkpieces on why kids call themselves \"trash\" and \"garbage\" these days","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Annapurna_Post So, they're hoping Trump wins and also want Kamala Harris to win who is the opposition in the elections as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the allies. So their intention and goal seems to be quite vague and unusual.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Girl the hoe is dumb. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If you are voting for Joe Biden then you are actually voting for Kamala Harris to be President! https:\/\/t.co\/1cds2ZYt9F","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HistoryInPics: Allied soldiers mock Hitler atop his balcony at the Reich Chancellery, by Fred Ramage, 1945 http:\/\/t.co\/hltkroqRys","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Dan, WAY too tough to choose between all the lying, deceitful corrupt losers representing Dems (and some GOP). The list is long and disgusting. Embarrassing that we pay these lying losers large salaries to corrupt our democracy.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Tr ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This lady is 3 cans light of a six pack. She needs to fade away. But then again, maybe she's the best thing the GOP can have for the mid-terms and the 2020 Presidential elections. She is good for a laugh. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/14\/hillary-clinton-the-way-trump-debated-me-it-was-imbued-with-sexism\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"While I love Bukowski and have read almost everything he's published, I pirate all his stuff and you should too. That cunt of a woman he married (the same one he kicked off his couch in a famous clip from the Bukowski Tapes) was able to brainwash him into leaving his fortune in her hands. That is, HIS KID, his own flesh and blood GOT NOTHING when he died. It all went to Linda, that bitch. Ergo, I never buy anything by Bukowski. I pirate it all onto my Kindle","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You just know this bird walks through life thinking she's better than everyone and behaving like a cunt. Her resignation is vindication for all the people before now who had to deal with this cretin","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Well, you told the Proud Boys to #standdownandstandby , after all, right?#TrumpCrimeFamily #TrumpLiedPeopleDied #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/3pS4hOATkC","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just proves what I always knew... Hillary is a fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"> \"You are ripe. THE HARASSMENT! SHOCKING! I had an argument on Reddit the other day about how Creepy Uncle Joe touches and caresses young children inappropriately and presses himself against their bodies. I was furiously downvoted, with many claiming that his behaviour is alright, yet Freeman here is being accused of sexual harassment because he reportedly said that or reportedly asked another woman if she was wearing underwear. Ahh, the hypocrisy. \"Freeman kept trying to lift up herself skirt Did you miss that part? How do you defend that?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Subtweet me one more time, you dirty chink whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What I want to know is how someone can sleep at night when they said they believe the women who accused Biden of sexual assault AND THEN accept the invitation to be his VP?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White knights FUCK YOU. Stupid cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"These migrant workers are doing difficult jobs in harsh conditions, and they deserve to be respected at work like anybody else, its director Matt Kunkel said.https:\/\/t.co\/gq98vCX8z9 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Well, he told you to pick it up...\" Pure gold.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"migration from the Islamic world, seeded with terrorist cells, is the greatest threat to Europe from Middle East. But would not a U.S. war w-Iran increase rather than diminish that threat ?Another neocon nightmare; Bolton a discredited failure.#V4 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @PowerCumminMax: Green\/yellow fuel pump>>>>>#dieselstation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wait! Who said they hate Gen X??? Everyone hates GenX. > user names booli lol. Low tier gabby gets upset at user names","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wtf very misleading info here. death penalty is legal in almost all countries battling drugs especially in Asia and we'll be the last ones to implement it. we have filipino people hanged in all part of asia for bringing drugs in their boarders and yet chinese, africans and other nationalities freely manufacture and trade drugs in our soils destroying our people in the process. he merely meant that journalists are not immune to killing esp when they themselves are corruptible. they take bribes to twist stories so what do you expect. just like how AJ+ twist this story by just taking a short clip to make it sound malicious.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Someone Tell this Immigrant Non Citizen who cant vote that Michelle Obama is no longer Flotus and was never her Flotus then Deport her Racists behind back to the Congo so she can #Resist there ! #Trump #MAGA ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Google software FAGGOT FATBOY advocated for censorship of TN Republican senate candidate Marsha Blackburn, calling her a \"terrorist\" or \"thug\" for...libtard reasons. #ShutDownGoogle https:\/\/freedomoutpost.com\/senior-software-engineer-at-google-advocated-for-censorship-of-terrorist-marsha-blackburn\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Jesus was a jewish.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New show announced in Lutsen, MN at Papa Charlies on December 11, 2010 http:\/\/artistdata.com\/a\/2oy4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like a tool but is useful as a clay hammer #fag @hOPPondis http:\/\/t.co\/K7wqlAWRwM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"His gun sound like a pussy ass gun I would had litarry smoked him with 1 shot with my Ar 15 then shoot the full clip in his head","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@ShannonGroveCA As the economy crashed and America faced the greatest crisis since World War II, the only thought of Senator Shannon Grove was:\"Screw America- how can I use my office to get rich?\" #MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG2020 https:\/\/t.co\/EO0a3lBz8C","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate fat bitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's what these cunts do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"stop its just a child,its just a fucking kid,leave him alone ,\"the cops are the law no matter what you say.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillbilly Moon Explosion - My Love Forever More (ft. Sparky from Demented are go) https:\/\/youtu.be\/2rlYPb2plaY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">So some journalist with a strong southern accent asked the leftist party leader some unpleasant questions. Which he dodged by mocking her accent. *Macar u, aquelos franciman nos fasen cagar.* (Fucking hell, those (northern) frenchies pissing people off.) General ranting : Macron is a cunt. He is France's Trudeau. Vapid, rabidly multiculturalist, damaging France with his bankrupt ideology and his party's corruption.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I love how the United States government is going around telling other governments what to do when this government is no better than they are. This government joined that club as soon as it illegally kidnapped immigrant children and basically lost them. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh dear... The definition of a woman who should NEVER have children. She certainly has been misled... tempted to ask the sad #Ismaili puppet\/ agentur where such a thing is written in the Koran? ALL ROADS LEAD BACK TO #DEEPSTATE #AGAKHAN #AKF and \"The Heritage Society\" http:\/\/ismaili.net\/index.html http:\/\/ismaili.net\/Source\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would like to congratulate President Joe Biden and Madame Vice President Kamala Harris! #CallTheElection #Philly #BidenHarrisToEndThisNightmare","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*-coughfemshepcough-* >It seems very clear to me, and I think most people, that Kassandra, granddaughter of Leonidas, should have just been the star of the show. I'm not quite clear on why this happened, and to me, it feels like **Ubisoft is really, really reluctant to let go and let a woman fully lead a major Assassin's Creed release**. **While they've been making progress with playable female characters,** **it does seem rather ludicrous that there was actually a choice at all in Odyssey.** All that needs to be said about his ~~article~~ rant and overall point\/reasoning!. . And then this gem at the very end: >Assassin's Creed will be back in two years, and **I do wonder who is going to be leading that game** then. He says this before there is even an IDEA as to what it's going to be like or about? I thought this was all about what worked, what fit better? What a fucking twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Comeon.. These are absolutely retarded people, and no one takes them too seriously. Lets not delve into such childishness no?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"SURE WISH NIKKI HALEY WAS NOT RESIGNING AS UN AMBASSADOR SHE IS A TRUE AMERICAN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WALK OFF HR! @Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Reason #346738 why some women are stupid af ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retard Nation. If you're just waking up... Welcome to the Idiocracy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user suck me off upside down and chill? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#menrdecent India men should grab the RSS feed of my blog to see men of the world fighting for men's rights. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you die, how much money or jewellery can you be buried with? A golden casket or a golden coffin? Truth is when you die, you will be covered in white shroud and be buried or burnt according to your religious rites...when death comes, it does not care or matter whether you're poor or rich.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GrizzboAdams @wyattnuckels haha ight nig calm yoself","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I think Apple, LG and Samsung will be backing Trump in","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who feels bad about a person who got caught with drugs and to avoid charges chose to be deported? Should've chose someone better to interview. I would be more focused on people like the lady claiming rape.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you let a squirter sit on your face ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i think my #WWENETWORK is lagging a little its 8:36 here in Chicongo and i just saw Roddy Piper boxing a nigger with a mohawk ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm not a republican by any means, but now I've left the democrats as well. It seems they just want us to pop out more babies so they can infect them with their sick ideology. Feminism for the girls, beta-faggotry for the boys. I don't agree with any of what the left has done. Abortion, gay marriage, transsexualism. For a while there, it was a thing to be ashamed of to be against these things. I honestly hate Fox news. But when the only thing that makes sense and logical is Fox news [sometimes. I don't tolerate their pandering to the charlatan in the white house.], you are literally giving your own supporters reason to oppose you. I will always stand for justice, the right thing. Feeding the poor, helping those in need, more regulations on wall street. But I cannot support the left after they shamelessly tried to block Kavanaugh from being sworn in by bringing in liars. I'm not a white supremacist. I'm not even white. But if the left thinks being white is a shameful thing because some white people in the past oppressed others, then the left has got to go.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you see your ex in public and they start smiling at you all weird n shit ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm an immigrant and Trump is right on immigration. via @user #BuildTheWall #DeportIllegalAliens ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"But why? This is a bet you should win with 100% certainty. After all, you claim to be Q. If that were true, you know you'd be right, and have no problem agreeing to this, because there would be no possible way you could lose. Amazing how you won't put your money where your mouth is. Despite months of bombast, when it comes down to it, you chicken out. And don't worry, Microchip, traitorous subversives will get rounded up, too. You working with embedded Mossad agents certainly qualifies. Do you think they'll go light on your sentencing, though, considering your mental handicaps?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\/r\/topmindsofreddit apparently. Used to be a sub to mock conspiracy theorists, now just another trump bashing shithole. *Oh_no_its_retarded.jpg* Hey buddy, where'd your comment about my denseness go? Did you finally realize that I was mocking your shitty logic and that I didn't actually think your criticism was literal? Next time, try to use critical thinking before replying, you absolute retard. > you absolute retard Even a child can understand the difference between saying a child can understand something and calling them a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"CORY BOOKER IS A FUCKING RETARDED SCUMBAG!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Hate crimes\" are the Jack Posobiec style fake news of the judeo-left. Totally believe your cool story bro. A Nazi randomly walked up to you at Wal Mart and said \"I'm a Nazi and I'm here to cut your faggot throat\" and you totally didn't break your hand in a fisting session gone wrong. Probably a leftist scumbag posing as one of us. We don't call ourselves Nazi's and we certainly don't introduce ourselves to worthless alt Lite wastes as such.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Can't tell if trolling or delusional. There's your problem, your dichotomy is false. The cops in NJ are corrupt as shit, and always deserve derision. I've seen them take too many bribes. >I really don't give a shit what you've seen You also don't care about reality. In addition to that, the incident had nothing to do with her being a woman and everything to do with throwing around political weight. I'm not saying you should like her, but I'm fine with people bullying the cops in NJ. It really isn't PPD. I hope you are soon able to resolve your issues with reality. Peace be upon you brother.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disgusting to see this type of people make a mock out our hijab. You should be ashamed of your selfs and hank your selfs. May Allah retune your mockery straight to your faces and humiliate you in this life and next.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@ACTBrigitte I believe they are polling people. Just not me or other Trump supporters. Any moderate democrats with a smidgin of common sense can see what's been happening. Lots of them would never tell any of their leftist peers. Could they be the new silent majority? #TrumpLandslideVictory","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Karmas a bitch and so are you. You'll be getting along just fine real soon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Charlie Sheen never disappoints.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@holmes0786 only if its yellow cake and chocolate frosting","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ditzy Dame: \"I found these bullets on the ground... people make me sick\" #Guns #GunsOfGab #SpeakFreely #GabFam #Humor This is why people fight for restrictions and safeguards on the franchise. Repeal the nineteenth!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You just proved your own hatred. You hate your own race so much that you claim to have chosen a White woman over one of your own Nigger bitches. Self-hatred is the worst of them all. Your '5 awesome kids', which we know is bullshit, would be mutts, with absolutely no identity of their own. They do not look like you. That is pure hatred.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @badnradbrad: @whattheflocka lol have u seen when ike and his kindergarten teacher start having a sexual relationship","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck Marching Looting Coon ... No fuxs given about your communist agitator. King was A COMMUNIST POS. Get fucked up the ass ... There be no compromise with Nigger Loving Feminists. FUCK YOU and the Horse that rode you in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Boy! The #NPCBomber has sure been busy today!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PatriotInfidel = faggot https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=l63KkF3oHWM","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@RudyJay711 Asains had to take the Wu Tang Clan; the draft was suppose to be for half breed like me and @MikeTaylorShow #FallingInTheDraft","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @amour_tajiana: Only fuck niggas would wanna continue to mess with these messy ass bitches vs. somebody who HAS been down for them all a ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Only a faggot would ask a faggot question like that, nazfag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Prepare for jjudegement day! Now or never!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Honestly that's one of the the shittiest things about trying to educate myself or others on this stuff. I firmly support men's rights and identify personally with several common men's issues so I like to engage people about these things. Because of this, I like to have actual facts and figures, sources to point to, etc to bolster arguments but even I question these articles purely out of habit. Because most reputable newspapers don't print any of this stuff it takes a decent amount of effort just to figure out whether something is real or if it's just inflammatory cunts trying to co-opt the movement for their own shit stirring agenda. Also, >It's not so much as unreliable as disreputable It's definitely both. They outright lie with relatively high frequency.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"All this group is doing is dividing whites. Whites dividing whites. How very jewish. Applaud yourselves. How about nigger and chink Christians?! are they?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Written by a retarded lolbertarian.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Nazis lost. They are LOSERS. The damn Nazis are the enemy. You Nazis are as bad as the demonrats since you are BOTH anti-Trump and socialists! :roll: Well, the US (we) also had to fight Japan and you Nazis had Italy's help... Look Nazi, if you don't want to be a debt slave you will need to create a separate country or defeat the debt-based slavery system but you Nazis are impotent losers and therefore too weak to do any of that. :roll: Lol, ok","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Police apologists will say well he should have obeyed the police orders so it wouldn't have to be classified as rape!? It could be consensual sex but noooo....that thug had to try to fight so the police had to take matters into his own hands!?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@BarackObama We love you, President Obama. Please keep speaking out so that we can elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. We must end the scourge of Trump(ism).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"because of 2 cops of different people shot innocent people for no reason, then these innocent cops got killed because of them. I blame those corrupted cops. this is preach and instant karma. they need sympathy, the citizen give. but when the citizen need sympathy, they don't give a f*ck. they only know how to lock people and pump bullets. however, lets take the good side of this incident and pray for the loss of them. not all police officer are awful but these humans are heroes too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Hmmm...... But you know it's not all men ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"looks like a faggot list We need a new Hitler Youth movement... There was a time when boys were trained to become men... not a bunch of hippy cunt homos like your list... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RGC-4VM4UXw","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Right, wait for such a refugee to blow another french street-up.... those refugees must be nothing less than thankful for the french goverrnment to let them in, just because their islamic-Sharia based nations were defunct due to their own choices. IT's shameful that these people backstab nations where they are given place to live. Burka is banned in France and they have reasons for that. What is AJ's intention behind this video, are they provoking their ISIS brothers for another attack of France? Where is you liberal voice when people from other lands are denied access to their own passport in arab countries? Bloody terrorists..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There's two types of hoes out here ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HBCUfessions: I guess my confessions trash because none of them got posted- FAMU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@osnapitzthorne @AcaciaBrinley trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oppressed woman caustic femininity https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?t=s3cBg_1538753912","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user did you fight for women? Ever???? Did you fight against the AESO in our recession? Did you acknowledge sustainability in the context of our energy industry? Ever??? Shut your stupid fucking cunt mouth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"LOL https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/considering-the-trad-phenomenon-in-light-of-those-other-things-i-wrote\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall BUILD THAT EFFEN WALL!I'm sorry my Lord #Jesus but people are just deaf down here ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wasn't SnK's creator a nazi sympathizer or something? Surprised they'd want it after that. Edit: Looks like he's not. Laziness and SJW misinformation at work. Where did you get that from? No...he is not. Pretty shitty of you to toss around a rumour like that. My room mate who's a huge SJW. Apparently her and her friends were suddenly boycotting it. I read through the manga by that point and was just like \"huh, whatever I guess\". Just looked it up though and you're right, he's not.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"XD i was merely pretending to be retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user I'm the big dick motherfuckin bitch hoe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, the obsessive focus of MAGAtards on the day-to-day, hour-to-hour tweets, politricks and \"Bombshells\" is not a bit different from the pathetic huffers of nigger jockstap. Wake me when Crumpf finally starts building the goddamn wall.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" @GlitteredInPink: @West305 you like 5'8, you needs to ....1. You a hoe. 2. i'm 5'10(breaking11) 3.suck my dick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Anti-immigrant party on course to win Swedish election next month ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only one of those things is remotely likely to have happened. I'm pretty sure most men are going down to the uppercut. This post is full blown retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Now someone tell me these guy's aren't stealth poes trolling atheists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ALISA AND I AND ONE OTHER COOL GIRL JUST HAD TO FIGHT THIS NOT ALL MEN DICKHEAD I HOPE HEFUCKING DIES ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JJohnsonLaw @robsmithonline \"Entitlement\" Is a dangerous left wing myth. #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: .@DRob30 comes in to close out the game here in the 9th. #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@teenagesleuth .we got 1, except eric holder gave them 2 the beaners 2 kill americans! guess he is race blind!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There r also hundred of reasons that make google amazing!!!! And the first thing is a good thing!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i get what that girls point seems to be but colored people died during the holocaust and 9\/11. ((if that's a picture of the holocaust idk))","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Sammy_Sicko Get me a bag of those pink n white coloured van sweets please. Thanks dude :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're going to play on your God damn son of a bitch phone at a red light you better expect to be honked at dumb cunt. Kike. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Awesome talk. Well done, gentlemen! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ETndhrAjaYk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Easy question. Does he have divided loyalties? Do you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"While Vox Day is still pushing hard for the award of \"Biggest Faggot on the Internet\" WRT to Gab (details on request, but they're not important for this point he makes), [he's noted something very important](http:\/\/voxday.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/godaddy-bans-gab.html) and obvious if you think about it WRT to the totalitarian tech Left's comprehensive purging of Gab, the latest crime is GoDaddy shutting down their gab.com domain name. **There is no Rule of Law in the digital economy**: > As I mentioned [in the Darkstream](https:\/\/youtu.be\/sLlw4pMDohg) last night, what these corporations are doing is literally destroying the basis for a developed economy. And not only what they are doing now, but what they have been in the process of doing for the past 15 years. The EULAs, the Terms of Service, and the selling of software of a service, and the SJW convergence have all collectively routed around the rule of law which is necessary for sustained economic growth over time. In countries with strong rule of law: >>","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"MUST READ: IMPORTANTMedia and political falsehoods about immigration: Propaganda images, immigrant crime and DACA@realDonaldTrump @user #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship#SecureUSBorders#ProtectUSA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#texasFirst (YesWeCan.) A new @JesseLeePeterson video titles ~ THIS FRIDAY 10\/19: YouTube LIVE Debate! Jesse Lee Peterson vs. David Pakman! 1 p.m. PT \/ 4 p.m. ET ~ http:\/\/bit.ly\/2AdPzCp #FallenStateTV #FeministUniverse [phpGab]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KamalaHarris Thank you for the link!! #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"With healthcare access and immigrant rights looking increasingly tenuous with each passing day, the work we do becomes more and more critical for our community. Support our work today however possible: ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"34,000 rapes in India. All done by men. I hope that in the near future indian women get the opportunity to rise up and castrate those barbaric men with dirty dull knives. I cannot stand patriarchal societies. God bless these women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"FAKE FAKE FAKE BOMBS:Officials say the numerous devices recovered were poorly made, but it's unclear if that was intentional, or if they were just badly constructed BY A RETARDED DEMOCRAT. https:\/\/www.nbcnews.com\/news\/us-news\/package-found-robert-de-niro-s-office-nyc-matches-other-n924251","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sore Loser Charlie Crist Won t Give Concession Speech, Calls For Recount http:\/\/t.co\/MVhecTyUYs #tcot #pjnet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THIS HALF MUSLIM NIGGER IS NOT A BORN AMERICAN. HE IS A FRAUD, AND NEEDS DESTROYED PERIOD.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Somebody already tried that and he ended up shooting himself in the head and killing his missus and having petrol poured all over him and set alight so the Russians couldn't get his body apparently but the rumour is he made it to Argentina lived out his life Bono is a dick head globalist and an all-out cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"WE dont want you in our lands..this fucking politicans are destroying Sweden","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dat da bad thing bout being colored. Day bring me in to fight but don't vite me to da victory partay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrats.. Do as I say not as I do.. Over and over and over again...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People don't understand what this sub is about.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"This is racism\" of course that's the very first thing the other woman yells. Fuck these two retards. Also jesus christ that guy filming couldn't be more annoying. More like a beta faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Get excited! On May 30 at 8PM CST we're releasing a brand new video on our Facebook page that tells the inspiring story of Al, a former refugee from Iraq who recently became a U.S. citizen. Make sure you've liked our page so you don't miss it! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't feel sorry for her at all. She was asking for it. That's just the life of a nigger loving crack whore. Idk how you can expect anything else. You'll either be beaten killed or get aids if you engage in beastiality. She was a nasty disgusting human and deserves to die.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"While I am happy she got a long prison sentence, 60 years without parole is absolutely insane. She will live her entire life in prison and very likely die there. She has 0 chance to get out before shes nearly It will have a deterrence effect for the other female pedos in that school who think they can get away with abusing the boy students that are in their care.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Auroramwj @marylmcaffry @BBAnimals It's a mutation. Genealogy is convoluted. Basically the zebra gene currieries are slaughtered=Extinction","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims telling non-muslims to stop provoking violence. Oh the irony! How about you stopping stoning women to death, throwing gays off rooftops and persecuting christians? #FuckIslam#FuckAJ+","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The US Military the most Patriotic dept. of our govt and the least political.Here's what they believe inGLOBAL WARMING https:\/\/t.co\/qZbLo50RTuWEARING MASK- https:\/\/t.co\/MdZVELUe6vGUN CONTROL- https:\/\/t.co\/0el37krpqA#ClimateChange #WearAMask #GunControlNow #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/aoW8eumPXn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Ole_Boy @m10eezy yes I'm white washed because I don't go around repping my hood and saying a bunch of ignorant nig terms.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@foreverschmoked vertical nip bars..I already have horizontal ones so I think it'll look hella cute","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some retarded NSA agent is thinking you're making bomb threats with this image","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I agree 100%. I just think it does not matter whether this girl was anti apartheid or not. She was a victim of a horrible, unforgivable crime, whatever her politics. And nigger monsters would not care anyway, not like they would have let her go.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump is on Twitter now declaring himself the winner of the debate based on online polls. My headline suggestion: Bots declare shot tot and crackpot winner of 1st debate#VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #VoteBlue2020 #BidenWonTheDebate","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" plus Sheryl crow http:\/\/t.co\/49KYwZnotU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Oh no! Sick of leftist lunacy. They stir them to hysteria to do the dirty work for \"the party\". Enough - dems care about none. #Trump jeep #MAGA #BuildThatWall #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh great to all that support Trump and his supporters. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Only a complete retard would think that the sudden mailing of \"bombs\" to prominent leftists isn't a leftist machination itself. But even if it was real, the beauty of the operation shines through: even normie conservative media thinks it's a fake. Most republican or moderste voters are so disillusioned with the violence and hypocrisy of the democrats, they likely could not manage to care that these people are being attacked. When your party ideals are \"there cannot be civility\", eventually, it fucking works! Truly, you reap what you sew! I don't believe any of them even went off. Even the dumbest stormfag should be able to make 14 out of every 88 bombs they send out detonate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"In a bizarre clip ... It is bizarre to see a black person hate themselves that much, or really any other race, except for whites. Whites hate themselves so regularly it is not considered strange. It would not be unusual or interesting to see a self-hating white girl, plagued with guilt on TV, because it's so common.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys #NewRight #Q #TheAwakening #MAGA #Pegida #Afd #Orban #Putin #Brexit #Qanon #QAnon Sounds like that faggot esoteric entity. There will never be anarchy. The issue isn't even the state. It's the nature of the state. And deplorable me is a fag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@ToniMZ81 @Ron42691281Ron @realDonaldTrump The truth is, anybody that supports Trump, can't possibly be taken seriously.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This whole thing is a scam. Attributing nigger behavior to white boys is just commie disinformation, one the many names for the big lie invented by the Bolshevik Jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just ask Jon Stewart. He was more than capable of settling the discussion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone at my household wants to die. I get all excited to enjoy a couple of Oreos, but someone left ONLY ONE. ONE FRIGGIN' OREO. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kaitlancollins This pig is writing the legal briefs to make it happen. He has underestimated the American public. #BidenHarris2020 #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #BillBarrLies","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When someone ugly tells you they're out of your league ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guy looked like some kinda spic to me","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Was a sword exchanged though?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pre-paid cards for refugees in Turkey ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Forbes: 52% of the world's mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish vanished between 1970 and 2010: http:\/\/t.co\/MImizth0OZ http:\/\/t.co ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Diversity Hire II: the Rapening","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user #NoDACA No# DACA Fraud 60,000 have Arrest Records 50% lied to get DACA #SendThemBack #Immigration ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NORDIC IDENTITARIAN CONFIRMED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Excellent. @Alyssa_Milano exposed yet again for her allegiance with #LindaSarsour. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/N2Wm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brett Kavanaugh is a fucking faggot. He for \"spanked\" real good at his frat house. They took turns pounding his butt until he cried. Hay special ed why ask a question or make a statement . Then answer it that's retarded tranny b","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sigh... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not built by pagans Built by christians. When will you silly Christians admit that it is NOT christianity, but it was European man that has built European civilisation Foundation to Western civilisation was laid by Pagan Greece and Rome, and others have continued to build upon those If anything, christianity, with it's endless atrocities has stunned development of Europe. Built by European Christians. ROMANS have always had great architecture. Built by Slavic Neo-Pagans. Romans indeed had a great architecture, but then came destruction by Christians Christians ruined Roman temples and buildings Christians destroyed and defaced Roman art Christians ruined even Aqueduct And what is the point of image of that Slavic temple? There are many temples, forts and settlements built in the way of our ancestors all over Slavic lands","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To all those white idiots who are saying to nuke the holy city here is the answer.You are forgetting that we Pakistani also have more than 200 nukes and 6 largest standing army.What will happen to the country which attack this holy city and yeah we are a Muslim country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When your friend says she's got the perfect girl for you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#NSFW You are a vile Communist after all. I despise you. looks like my chances for nazi pussy have headed down the drain. ah well... at least i can say i tried. that big black dick really was the icing on top of the cake ay?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"gab.ai is redirecting you to gab.com... its retarded but you have to log in to use the .com site separately from the .ai site (which keeps kicking me over to .com)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/t.co\/0wGfJwRxeC Another Park, Another Sunday by The Doobie Brothers #BidenHarris2020 #WearADamnMask #BlackLivesMatter https:\/\/t.co\/mm1iT5TWGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"While Sweden Wait for 300,000 new Muslim migrants, Islam Radicalism Spikes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Will send 1 BTC to anyone who can explain why the USA needs to import more 75 IQ Somalis who rape white women at very high rates. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Volunteer orientations are coming up this Thursday 5\/4. Sign up here If you're interested in serving refugees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SSickStory Lester tried to eat your bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The crown needs to appeal this, it's disgusting. That being said, why the fuck would you push yourself through a bunch of drunk fighting brown guys? Cross the fucking street. >However, lets be real, you can be safe, or you can be sorry. MetaCanada users are openly advocating for ethnic cleansing! - \/r\/OnGuardForReeeeeeee","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In honor of World Refugee Day on June 20, our Chicago office is going to raise $30k in 30 days. Join our peer-to-peer fundraising campaign: designed to assist not only refugees, but also immigrant populations and vulnerable people our new neighbors. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You guys got the dildo memes from then? From Austin? Those were, colorful. We have to go non-violent, organized violence isn't going to solve anything, it didn't solve anything in the past. It's just going to make things worse. Unless shit really hits the fan, violence isn't going to accomplish anything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WORIDSTARHlPHOP: This talking eggplant skurred af https:\/\/t.co\/KDwoApyvD0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So my light was off and door was closed , mom walks in turn lights on . Tells me to take trash out in the morning . then walked out.. Light on","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Is Jared Kushner the Jewish Messiah? JARED IS A FREQUENT UTILIZER OF MR. T'S WELL WORN PUPPET HOLE with a nod and a wink just that quick he takes control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As we continue to serve immigrants and refugees in Memphis, the Mid-South, and across the country, it's more... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user - further away and didn't see what was wrapped in the bundle that the hysterical woman cradled. 'But I'm not going to - ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democratic Socialist Ocasio-Cortez compares climate change to 'existential threat' of Nazi Germany. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/pmjG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chinese government start-up expands plans for face-reading AI | Daily Mail Online ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nothing says teabagger like a millionaire complaining that they are broke, huh #HillaryClinton? #Hillary2016, give me a break, lol. #p2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How many times have you shared an article about some black panther nigger who \"just wanted to rape and murder White bitches\" or do you only care about that kind of language when it's directed towards you and your fellow kikes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/amp\/entertainment-arts-45987127","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Congratulations Ichiro! That leadoff base hit in the 8th is hit No. 2,800 in his @MLB career!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's the jews! LOL!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They work fine -- take the COMMUNIST OUT, then it will work again. Simple really. But the fact is that Libertarians Realize that uneducated PROLES are perfect WAGE SLAVES.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mr Muzzie woman beater was \"cleared because, get this...the GF didn't have VIDEO! Let that sink in...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hahahaha stupid cunt you sucking Alice's cock? @farmerenoch haha look at this sad twat. I think he's doing the Sheffield slapper","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user You DOPEY KUNT how did your ancestors from Pakistan become Muslim they where forced to join the evil ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eat the ass like you're Jeffery Dahmer... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@emilysteers WASP EGGS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Hey, how's Brad? #TrumpMeltdown #TrumpIsBroke #TrumpIsNotABillionaire #TrumpLiedPeopleDied #DumpTrump #VoteBlue2020 #BidenHarrisLandslide2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #BidenHarris","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't even know what I'm supposed to say to this. Here's me talking shit about feminism: https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/nashville\/comments\/9mae5w\/taylor_swift_endorses_tn_democratic_candidates\/e7z5il1\/ Am I on your team, or their team or what? Which flag does everyone want to give me? I was also making some long rants defending transgendered people the other day, too. So if you're an attack helicopter joker, I'm probably the other team. I also defend gun rights though, because it doesn't fucking matter much to me, and strongly believe people need to make armed protests against tyrannical governments. Of course, I'm probably on the other team, because I want to defend against the tyranny of capitalism and enstate some sort of communist system. Except maybe I'm on some other team, because I want a leaderless type of anarcho-communism. Except I also want it to be based on technological systems, so I'm probably on another team. But I want it to solidify libertarian ideals, much like the Constitution does, so maybe I'm on a different team. All this team bullshit is retarded. I'm also crude and offensive and don't mind calling things retarded, so maybe I'm on one team. Except I think retards are okay and deserve respect, so maybe I'm on another team. Except I can agree that abortion is probably the best case scenario when possible, so I'm probably a fucking Nazi supporting eugenics like this kid who sells fucking candles to help the homeless.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump I think it's awesome #trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cheaters and fakes.Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Got a Big Social Media Boost from Indian Troll Farms https:\/\/t.co\/HyJjmNYjbN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like NPC's ? lol If you pay for the DLC they look worse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course he has a Psychiatric Illness....he practices the muzzie shit, does he not??????????? Islam is a mental disorder.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@tracieeeeee wha? me? i'm just waiting for showtime to bring back queer as folk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A game set in the god damn fucking apocalypse and you want to punish players for swearing and killing, you cunts wouldn't last a day if this happened for real Yea its like something set in a fantasy world should give you even more freedoms They're putting anti-greifing measures in place. Plenty of games do that. Its not a big deal. And the article doesn't really take a fair look at what they are doing. I still feel this is the antithesis of any kind of apocalypse scenario You thought Fuckup: 76 was supposed to be fun? Nerd! No, just more freedom, its still a Bethesda game after all Freedom is slavery. It still needs to be fun to play. Its a game. If BGS allows the asshiles of the world to run the game, normal people won't play it. People played DayZ in droves and it was built off griefing, being able to shank a new player and steal his kidney is also kind of fun Sure, in DayZ, but this is a Fallout game. Different type of player. And if you don't like what they're doing, there are several games that fit what you are looking for that you could play instead. And i probably will play those since Bethesda games generally suck and are way too buggy to be trusted with any kind of mmo or even just mo experience id also rather avoid more horse armor scenarios Hahaha, okay. The entire game play is set up to be a grief pit. You can't build an ant colony and not expect the ants","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lebanese Christian victim of a quarrel between Syrian refugees carrying knives and cleavers in Lebanon ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I only drink - Liberal's tears I hope that you boil them first... maybe add some chlorine?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're dating a fat cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a queer cunt! She's not queer, she's allosexual. That bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user then what is #YesAllWomen? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"On 8\/5, @user greeted community leaders at the Pakistani Independence Parade. The well-being of our immigrant communities is essential to the economic, social and cultural fabric of NYC. To be a NYer is to be prideful of the diversity found in the greatest city in the world. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muzzled pit bull with throat slit found on side of road in PA http:\/\/t.co\/fis8QNvlXu via @examinercom HIDEOUS ABUSE THROAT SLIT LEFT TO DIE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"shut the fuck up bitch dont speak on my country or my people ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most rappers flame out within a few years or less but this kike nigger has been on top for nearly a decade now. I wonder if it could have anything to do with his Jewishness","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Shit I fucked an African American chick once!!! That makes me just about as much of an African American as She is a native!!! Fucking Retarded Pocahontas!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user It is both. The likes reward this behavior so you train yourself into being regularly hysterical. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that's pretty typical of faggot loud mouths","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I am not saying the issues with the black culture vs the white is not a concern. I hate nigger trash of ALL hues. I have new ratchet-bro black neighbors moved in nearby. They are as niggery as it gets. Loud. Late night bonfires and drinking. Shouting. You know the drill. I'm glad it is cold weather. Maybe I can drive them out when 6 months is up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@strawberrycoca ling ling krunkchip","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So you agree with lolbertarians, yeah sit it out goy, why make the left lose their shit even more, that'll show em, just don't participate. lol what a retard Sitting it out does what, your analogies are gay as fuck. The GOP winning, even cucks is accelerationism it makes the left more crazy and openly antiwhite, what does sitting out achieve? So your a tax cut worshiper? Hey I like them too, I guess but didn't do shit for little serfs like me. But I do care about Kanye being in bed with the kike half of that West wing. Talking bout prison reform... Are niggers equal to you? Do you think you are equal to a beta ape? I bet you don't. How shitty could the timing be for dems, if trump wants his base to show up, he can't cuck. if he's not a retard this is easy meat for the base last time sessions started family separations trump is threatening it again, you want the wh number so you can call supporting family separations? Lol vote 3rd party goy, it's way easier to get 50 state ballot access than making the GOP the party of whites. most of the faggot reps like Paul Ryan are quitting Best chance for a political solution for whites is GOP.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In 2014 in Yakutia 13,000 reindeer were killed by poachers like yourself. Your president is an ignorant piece of shit. A heartless bastard and so are you and all of the rest of you murderers. Killing and endangered animal for pelts. I hope you enjoy Hell when you take your last breath. Yakutia should have a bounty for fat slobs...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's how it's done. Fuck, Sweden is a shithole country... but atleast we have free healthcare and free education mr i know everything about sweden when i have never set my foot there \"Free\" healthcare. You thick cunt. Your \"free\" healthcare penalises hardworking tax payers who look after themselves and encourages poor health choices like smoking and over eating especially among the least productive members of society. Did I mention you're a thick cunt? [deleted] Only Americans eat burgers? That's a new one You contain much hate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pffft nigger jew rape bomb , it's my new band","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It says you're a retard idiot for making Americans read this stupid shit!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"if the foreigners raise up and act like them these faggots would stay inside their shitty houses and pray to God to stop them","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I legit don't understand people taht think KiA\/GG are racist blah blah blah and every opinion is garbage but yet, they are glued as fuck to the subreddit. Was in a streamers chat today and we were talking about the shitty Diablo announcement and someone was like \"you knew it was going to be bad when GamerGate and KiA started getting involved.\" As if r\/diablo and r\/wow and r\/gaming wasn't rightfully angry. Fuckin retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"O lobo se humilha ao se disfar ar de ovelha! kkkkkkkkkkkkkk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@rbigwood when Hollywood Underwood took his shirt off and started screaming in the dark hah like a horror movie with the nips!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"liberal media bullshit","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @PolitiBunny: #YesWeDid attack, harass, threaten, mock and bully any woman or minority who dared not fall in line with our progressive a ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retweeted Christopher C. Hull (@ChristopherHull):Immigrant from @user #TravelBan country shoots up... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"may as well take it down and next take the american flag down since this country is crap now anyway.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6307043\/SECOND-migrant-caravan-1-000-heading-following-first.html?fbclid=IwAR1uxrahctFCVO_47WhpRSRuW77ok1T4_tsVKCkeNen_cUL-57slTWvxVIA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's sort of funny when you try to make up retarded logic in order to claim someone else's logic is poor. That's the kind of stupidity that will get you far, at least if your homosexuality fails you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Very good video, the BBC and Hollywood are trying to erase all white history and replace it with a false nigger history. The blacks never had an empire or any kind of real history and thats why the liberal progressives are pushing all this PC crap. They resent all British #history and it's past great colonial empire. #BritFam #WhiteGenocide BBC is no longer British ,it's jews, niggers , Indians and such","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"> TBH, half the internet (including here) is gonna be acting like they're legal experts over this. Well ackchyually, according to law under section > Disney dropped James Gunn at the slightest hint of controversy, and he was making high-grossing films for them. No, Disney gave a shit about the James Gunn issue when those retards started a campaign against him and it became international news that a Disney Director made kiddie porn jokes 10 years ago on fucking twitter. This stuff was already public and he had already apologised in the past, Disney 100% knew about it, but it wasn't an issue, until it became news. This comicgate thing on the other hand is just too tiny to matter, Mark Waid is known by comic fans, but not by mainstream media.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you guys need someone with a 150mph radio controlled airplane buzzing those mofos, If I didn't have a 24\/7 obligation to my 90 yr old mom i would totally come strafe those aholes for you. As much as legally allowed of course. I mean AS MUCH....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Thank you for this article, truly. Those \"not all men comments below it... I don't know how you keep your sanity. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That nigger SambObama has a lot to swing for.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's a generalization. It obviously doesn't represent the entire race. Are you retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user stop controlling me!!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cunt is always well known by the alcohol she consumes just before a lovely so called Rape that she whished it happen","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @renegadecut: Video: Renegade Cut: Snowpiercer An analysis of Bong Joon-ho s sci-fi action film. Topics include... http:\/\/t.co\/YNT9zS0 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SoftestMuffin @_tee13 @TorahBlaze Best believe We aint no christian slave brainwash black spooks miss white man, unlike yoself, she devil","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @ERlKTweets: what the fuck is this disgusting nigger from the movie captain phillips doing on the red carpet for the oscars what the fuc ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user French men cant whistle at a pretty woman but the migrants can 'groom' them? Harass even rape them w ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bias and one sided story of media. The man was grilled in Philippine senate and couldn't give direct answer to all the question of our senators here in Philippines. When this man was cross-examine by several senator he is really guilty of fabricating the story. So Please AJ+ be responsible cascading the news to the world or you are giving a wrong image to my country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Spelling does matter. YIKES...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's no such thing as psychopaths or sociopaths, introverts or extroverts, alphas or betas, etc. everyone is a product of motivation. in other words, people are only willing to do what they are motivated to do. #DoTheMath WRONG. !!! I'm an introvert and do lots GREAT work ALONE. People wear me out just talking.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your life doesnt matter though you little faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Confederate battle flag is the evil right? Where was God when the maniac that killed those people was born? Did God make his brain defective? Where was God when he purchased the Glock 45? Where was God when the maniac entered the church with a mission in mind and tool in hand? Answer is there is NO personal God. We are alone and the flag debacle is really about helplessness and the flag is the scapegoat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sleep in your office you dumb cunt. Lots of Junior Congressmen do this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Josh_Ward thuggery? Cheating? Talking trash? Who's doing that besides Jameis? And isn't ND in the middle of cheating issues?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"racist ,racism , biased , if we suddenly stopped the uk Commonwealth and EU migration you would get your betraying so make up ur mind nowpls ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ryancruz_: Travis always on my TL being ghetto ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twitter is imploding. These suspensions are having the opposite effect, in that when people hear about them, they begin networking with the suspended party. A bond is formed, and word gets out. Jack Dorsey will be blamed for the Democrats' midterm bloodbath, because he's created a grapevine of angry voters who are becoming more and more informed about leftist social-media moguls' attempts to silence dissent. Watch Jack go down in flames. And then laugh at him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sophistication","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seen it, no child should have to live it. Thank a Gay President and a Dyke Aspirant to the position. Pure Globalist Fanatics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"List 20 things Conservatives have accomplished since A conservative wouldn't have a nigger fucking their wife. I'm trying to understand what sort of joe-fag you are applying this label too as it doesn't sync with my understanding. Hoping to achieve some sort of clarity here but your response may have already helped illuminate the situation... I forgot not to engage with a LARPing knuckle-dragger.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Christian_ESEM you don't know what your talking about retarded faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Complicit in these crimes against humanity are Obama, and his gay faggot advisers who pushed to legalize this depraved perversion.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user When fear grips a nation after welcoming with a smile then the visitors turn around and rape and laugh then immigration says no ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's hard for me to downvote any post on IGTHFT, but this simply isn't funny. I agree that the way this LGBTW\/E shit is being pushed is fucking retarded but even dark humour needs more than just being the denial of an idea uttered using harsh language. This meme gets an F for effort.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"whoever hit my sister's car then drove off last night you are a broke ass bitch and we about to catch ur stupid ass enjoy that hit and run ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Be ON the lookout! A nigger escaped the Democrat plantation! Word is, he is on the Supreme Court! Democrats couldn't destroy him in","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bob Corker is a bitch boy sniveling cunt ass sore loser that throwing elitist BS all around trying to be relevant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"damn makeup, you deceptive. Also, who gets engaged to a woman that's just going through the process of a divorce.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Y'all know I'm a southern woman with a big mouth and attitude. But let me talk to my southern ppl a minute. Y'all that live in the rural south may not see the Muslim influence in America. It's not in my town but honey, it's here. This is where we need to listen to the Yankees a bit. They have it more in their face. Other states too but I'm talkin North\/South here. It's real Southerners and it's in their schools. Liberals and Muslims are running the larger City schools. All I am saying is, don't think it won't reach you if not stopped! The \"good ole boys\" need to get your guns ready. It will reach you if not stopped from growing. That's it. I'm done. Thanks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only pathetic thing I see is a filthy ChristoJew Papist trying to turn Gab in to TwittKike. Odin was CUNT who got gut fucked by MONKS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@MollyJongFast @BillyBaldwin Imagine if this were Black or Latino or Asian or Native power groups doing this? The RWNJ's would be apoplectic and Trump would be screaming on Twitter about murderous gangs. The double standard never ends with republicans. #Vote for truth and decency. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I keep using 'master' and 'slave' in my engineering drawings. Have been called out on it a few times lol. My response is that using other terms is retarded and I am not retarded lol. \"but the manufacturer does not use master and slave\" \"yea well I do\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Brave! Until the bullets start flying. Then you will be looking for a man to protect you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"creepy faggot loves the power. Dont think he isnt helping poison white people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Signs of bizarre nigger thinking. https:\/\/bearingarms.com\/tom-k\/2018\/10\/05\/chicago-parents-try-claim-lack-gun-control-violates-civil-rights\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I doubt the DEMonic skeleton is cornering her for her lunch money?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sometimes, even I gotta tell these hoes to grow up smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tonight is the Victoria's Secret fashion show.. Let the female tweets begin about how they wish their bodies were as good! #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'd rather hear Neal DeGrasse Tyson tell me about scientific mistakes in their assumptions than some WASP... http:\/\/t.co\/tLec4vKUYd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I shoot the fuckers","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I agree, but for these retards they want communism for the peasants, they get to run the Politburo. I was born in the USSR, I don't want to wait 1 hour to buy bread only to be told that they have no more bread and have just pickles. So you buy the fucking pickles.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Their father was the \"abuser\" yet the the loving caring mother was their murderer ...hmmm that math doesn't seem to add up too well. Let's just say maybe none of them were fit for beeing a parent. One more, one less. I didn't read the article so maybe the father was abusive but if the only basis for that claim we have is the murderers perception ? I'm not gonna give it much merit. I mean in the context of children the violence in a family is unessecary. And so is murder. What a clusterfuck this situation is ahhh I understand yeah this is a clusterfuck regardless, poor kids.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One who wants a \"male\" haircut? If she wanted a men's haircut, she probably wouldn't have been turned away. good point.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pop a nigguh, sound like crisco","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Any words?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The same faggot who open there arm and where think muslim where there friend.But they knew depth down they were just being weak and to tolerant of the intolerant.The same faggot who would lecture conservative who where somehow protecting them from those people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And who the f*** are you to tell us how to think? President Reagan would have had a much better presidency if he would not have had a f***ing neo-con demonic faggot as Vice President (George HW Bush). We wouldn't be in the f***ing situation we're in now if George W Bush did not want to one-up Daddy with George HW Bush not finishing the job he did with Saddam Hussein.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Germany can't even afford the 1% - the rest goes to the humongous benefit bill for the immigrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A compiled collection of police brutality footage. If you support the cops and advocate #BlueLivesMatter, then watch this video and rethink what side you're on. Police are all hive-minded. They all think about violence and always engage in it whenever they think they can get away with it. Every man and woman of law enforcement in this country is responsible for all the brutality committed by corrupt officers because they're all corrupt. #DisarmthePolice https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=6-0sDupD19E No pumpkin they DO NOT think that way...go get some real statistics...stop with the BULLSHIT propoganda...asshole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user A tweet about 'rape jihaad'. Since non -muslim women without hijab are whores, they must be raped and be ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Die cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" #GabFam ****pls share all over. if #OVOMIT does not like it, I love it..**** TY E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuk u , u fukin retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm a transgender CIRCUS FREAK!! Any hot guys wanna eat my pussy?? I don't want you anyway, you old stupid faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"one man's trash is another man's wife.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user How do you know baby boy. Baby ho gya kya ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Retarded Asshole, Justin Trudeau thinks that if a terrorist kills you Canadians, he should only get 6 months in jail. If Canadians continue to put up with this crypto-muslim fool, they deserve what will happen to them. Wait until Canadian women's muslim owners are fucking them at will and then selling them to the highest bidder! They will wish they had moved to the United States where a president would protect them!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Good idea for a poll thanks to a left-winger who wants to \"Smash Islamophobia\", the fake word they created to stop criticism of Islam. Let's see how racially diverse Gab is. What race are you? Actually Jewish isnt a race and you can convert. That's it! Dig yourself deeper. I said you CAN convert to the religion, Judaism. You cannot become a Jew.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Stay strong Sabine we are with you! Whatever you need just ask #AngelMoms #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I applaud you for willing to work with President Trump and actually have a plan for the black community to help build prosperity and peace. I'm just waiting for Liberals to call Ice Cube a coon or sellout. For willing to put politics aside and work together with the POTUS! https:\/\/t.co\/buR6oKZ3pK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lebanese Christian beats up Syrian refugee in his home and screams at his wife (with Subtitles) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user My point is that men aren't all the cause of it mostly is but not all men and some women blame all men. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Finland: Poor refugees Locked In Cage after it turned out they were members of ISIS - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"***NEW VIDEO*** . PUBS Closing Down in MUSLIM Areas; JAMES O'Brien Doesn't Care - LBC . https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4FKum8NT-nQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have a feeling that our #GabFam are not your regular American citizens ... We are educated and stay informed - I took the test and got 10\/10 - How did you do? Link to citizenship test: https:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2017\/03\/07\/us\/us-citizenship-quiz-trnd\/index.html Children should not be allowed to graduate high school without being able to pass the full citizenship test. Seriously, how can people not be ashamed of themselves if they can't pass it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Happy halloween! Hope everyone lives up to their full hoe potential tonight! I believe in you, you bust ass super skanks ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@garrett_winker wow u hoe is the term for women","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Home Office misled' High Court over child refugees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Christians and christian identarians talk like jews, probably means a jew ... Theyre also most probably in a synagogue, getting whipped by jesus for being so retarded ... lol If anyone tells you a white person is an israelite, a country hundreds of thousands miles away, and no dna records of being an israeli exist ... he might be a jew \"never forget the 6 gorillion slaughtered by Charlemagne goy!\" You and Robert don't get to call anyone retarded tbh. Stop practising a jewish religion, and stop being called a jew ... totally not a jew, lol Oh yes, they are! How about Islam? Muslims claim that Abraham and all the prophets were really muzzies, hence they claim judaism; Christians do a similar shit by claiming that yahweh, through Jewsus, made a new covenant with those who accept the Messiah, and are now the new chosenites. I like how you praise whites being murdered , Just shows how nasty kike of you :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Brazil Prepares for Critical Elections as Jews Increasingly Move to Israel https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=8K6SrMYN7Fs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kanye off his Meds- SOOOoo Entertaining! The worse memes on Gab.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd really like for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be the \"radical leftist that conservatives say that they are :(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This ain't scientific and the chart is from 2016, but guess which States will surprise the pundits this mid-term election? Red Tsunami. Crossing my fingers, toes and eyes on that... Blacks support for Trump is at over 20% (was 8% in 2016) Hispanics support for Trump is over 35% (was 28% in 2016) Polls say Whites support for Trump went down 10% since 2016 but I fail to see why, with all of the Economic news. Why would Black\/Hispanic support go up and Whites down? Come November, the media pundits will need a few noodles to hang on to when the Red Tsunami will wash over them. Still - Go Vote!... Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding https:\/\/media.infowars.com\/videos\/c4d28267-86e4-4ee1-960a-ede1a9d9c","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People are missing it. They came to America with the attitude of what can we contribute..not what can America do for them. They adapted and became Americans. Yes we all come from immigrants that were looking for a better life. A better way of life does not include terrorists today. It does not include illegals that come here and love off a system while working Americans support them. We need to protect our country and grow so people can legally immigrate here and contribute to society for a better life","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Islam has been at war with infidels 1400 years... do you believe in the rape and murder taught in your Qur'an? if you do not its time to say so. Stop the lies. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"People should over piss taking cunt alec Baldwin and pedos cunt a Hillary Clinton gang should all should be short dead","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The crying for admin has been monumental from this faggot tonight. Awww, did the nasty man show you things you don't like to see again, little SOY? NO ONE GIVES A FUCK. https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37159633","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Good luck getting people to refine those resources into consumable form when they're not going to be compensated for their time and effort. Imagine water filtration plants closing down because they can't afford to keep the lights on, now you get to drink dirty and\/or salty water. Or Your extremely wealthy first world super power country just uses its billions of dollars of tax money to pay for these resources? Literally 80% of the things this person said that should be free are free in other country's You don't know what the word \"free\" means, which is ironic considering that you're yelling your idiocy at everyone in this post. If you literally read this post and assumed by the use of the word \"free\" that this person thinks that these items and services should literally be made and performed without some kind of payment than you are an idiot. No shit it isn't by dictionary definition \"FREE\" but it is considered \"Free\" to those who need it. So you are judging this person purely based of this one text post and have no idea if they work or not. You also come from the country considered the \"land of the free\" free what? Free from rule? You follow the law. Keep generalising people mate, you seem like a really nice and well rounded human. > You also come from the country considered the \"land of the free\" free what? Free from rule? You follow the law. Not from the USA, honey... > Keep generalising people mate, you seem like a really nice and well rounded human. ... Which makes **this** all the more fucking hilarious. Oh, pal, do never stop writing; the way you shoot yourself in the foot is *delightful*. > So you are judging this person purely based of this one text post and have no idea if they work or not. Exactly like you did? Yes, I am doing just that. Wait, did you delude yourself into thinking, even for a second, that your assumption about the retard in the OP held any more merit than anyone else's assumption? You're **nobody** pal, what you think is worthless for anyone but you; it *should* be worthless even for you. Never forget that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck Israel and Palestine","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Looks like the fake left wing globalists are at it again ....#trump2020 #biden2020 see the commonality of the lies and hatred from news outlets ? https:\/\/t.co\/Tc3DlRKFqr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ALL US CITIZENS should be allowed to gather at the border, armed, and shoot every wetback who comes near the border.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user nets you a Amount of Gold and other Metals which is dependant on their Mud Hole. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now actual ass for faggot males is as expensive as a piece of ass for straight males :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Was he found guilty of rape? As far as I know he is innocent until prove guilty. As he should be, As should anyone else be. It is our duty to assume he is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. Anyone with an agenda can accuse someone of anything. The #metoo movement started a witch hunt which is anti-American. If she doesn't like the laws in the USA she can move to an Islamic country where she can feel safe again. I hope Kavanaugh has a long successful career as a supreme court judge upholding the rights of American citizens. Fuck this pathetic cunt of a person.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"'Feminists have been stigmatized as hysterical women for a long time' Olga Marin, FARC #GVAPeaceWeek ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Timber nigger gibs lmao. They don't want anyone cutting in on their free trailers and fire water stipend lul","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A Russian attack on the 2020 election to help Trump is a far more consequential story than Hunter Biden. https:\/\/t.co\/7CBajxNU1z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Portland Police Want To Charge Driver With Crimes After Escaping Mob Protest - Violent Protesters Considered \"Victims\" https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/portland-police-want-to-charge-driver-with-crimes-after-escaping-mob-protest-violent-protesters-considered-victims\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thank you AandM! However, it is obvious that Trump's hateful rhetoric has emboldened Spencer and his fellow Nazis to crawl out of the woodwork and spew their venom and practice their Nazi salutes! Spencer and David Duke, KKK, have both said that, because of Trump, they are finally accepted!! I have a Grandfather, buried at Arlington National Cemetary, and a father buried at Fort Sam Houston, who fought against the results of this hate rhetoric!!They didn't start out rounding up people and killing them It started with villifying those who were different from you, or disagreed with you, and branding them as enemies, and then demonizing and filally, silencing the press! Sound familiar?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trudeau is acting like he was a populism candidate. That wasn't the case. Most politicians don't act like or speak like Trudeau because it's embarrassing. Also almost everyone here hates Scheer and he definitely catches a lot of flak since he's a room temperature IQ milk-guzzling faggot who looks like Bud from JAG.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Faggot knows he's losing. What a fucking weasel https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/beto-goes-negative-cruz-new-ads- \"What do you not see from my School of Advanced Faggotry\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nigger Demon Murderer Suge Knight, after 3 Years in Court, Finally gets Sentenced to 28 years in Prison (say Hi to Cosby)... https:\/\/a.msn.com\/r\/2\/BBNU0v8?m=en-usandreferrerID=InAppShare","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Royal Nigger Baby Is Coming... I hope its as dark as asphalt... This looks different from every angle. Is it a baby, a monkey, or a doll?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"return to Syria if things go well? :D Think again. These people are as naive as I supposed. They don't know the dynamics of war in muslim countries. Muslims are evil fiends they hate others and one another. Nothing can go well. Their countries are eternal refugee factories. Almost all of the refugees Europe got in the past 40 years are from Islam. Time to deport most of them. anyway they are 99% men coming here. We don't need that don't we? We don't need 99% preachers of Koran telling Europeans what a moral life should mean and our women to wear a burka or get raped, beaten and killed! Most of them deal drugs, run thief gangs, commit crimes, murder force women into prostitution. Don't believe me? Ask the Swedes, ask the British, ask the French, ask the Belgians, ask the Dutch, ask the Italians, ask the Austrians, as the Spanish Youtube is full of muslim drug pushers and criminals. Women are all covered and don't work don't speak the language. What a mess!! Shed your demonic faith or get the hell out of our countries! Your hands are covered with the blood of christians you scum!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Seems time for citizen patriots to do what the government won't. We are due to be invaded by foreign invaders. This must be stopped. How to organize the millions of armed minutemen and put them on the border? I suspect no one would be hurt...seeing a large group of armed men\/women with unknown intent, would turn them away. But, how to bring this off?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#SheUsedMe Dear world, not all men r oppressors. Not all women r oppressed. We have to become gender neutral and be equal. @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Kill the pig battle cry had just been given its true intent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's all in vain, the education war is won. The youth are radicalized. Nobody will ever believe the mainstream media, watch the NFL, or see the corrupt FBI as anything other than an enemy of America ever again. You can kill, defame or imprison everyone and this liberal Jewish order is still going down. There are specific categories of white youth that are alienated by the system. Certainly this cohort will grow over time. The problem is that by the time this sense of alienation is fully manifested we may not have the numbers to effect the necessary change. Even if balkanization happens and we concentrate into a specific area where we are sovereign, the enemy will still have its bolthole in the middle east and the enemy will surround us with hostile forces. We need a sense of urgency, and we've got to ditch Trump who has turned out to be the Great Deceiver. Hey @cashmoneyglock who would you replace Trump with? Yeah, I may be brain dead, but your vicious use of the word retard speaks volumes of your character. Go ahead, you have the last word with me. @Moroboro And your continued fellation of the professional liars who wouldn't even piss on you if you were on fire speaks volumes of your character. Namely that you don't have one. https:\/\/i.4pcdn.org\/pol\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> I've never had a post removed from here, sir. I don't believe I've ever even made one I guess I'm just retarded or having a stroke because it looks to me like you're saying you don't participate in this sub beyond just lurking by your own admission. I also liked your attempt at likening me to someone opposed directly to *our* group. Not your group, you don't really seem to be terribly interested in participating at all here beyond randomly turning up and shit talking a mod who is stepping down. You must feel like a very big man talking shit like that. > I guess I'm just retarded or having a stroke because it looks to me like you're saying you don't participate in this sub beyond just lurking by your own admission. Not having a stroke certainly. Not bright enough to know the difference between a post and a comment on reddit though, apparently. >I also liked your attempt at likening me to someone opposed directly to our group. It was purely about your utterly brazen attempt to twist my words into something else entirely, neither her politics nor yours even entered my mind. Nice persecution complex though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hold all your ghetto labeled and endorsed vodka brands, you can rum me silly any day. #ShiverMeTimbers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, America does NOT deserve better. 50% of America are blithering, overweight fucksticks on government or grant incomes who couldn't decipher a Sudoku puzzle if their life depending on it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If Florida wanted to Nigger things up We would elect a biological monkey","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I like taking niggas hoes but I stop doing that ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"ICE operation targeting criminal aliens and immigration violators nets 40 arrests in New York state Round them up... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is what our country needs in a president #BidenCares #BidenHarris2020 #Biden2020 #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare https:\/\/t.co\/UuBFtNHyXE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been suspended from my job at the Job Centre today over claims of racism... I'm not racist. It's just that Nigger is easier to type than Unemployed Ethnic Minority with a criminal record. Not Interested in Getting Gainful Employment Really N.I.G.G.E.R.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In prison they love Girls who roll thier eyes an such. 10 minutes into her sentence she will have her eyeballs buried in some huge bull dykes asshole","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Let's deport the faggot genxers","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"ANTONIO SABATO JR: I'M AN IMMIGRANT AND I SUPPORT TRUMP'S WALL .. Watch full video here: @user @user @user @user @user #BuildTheWall #Borderwall #Immigration #AmericaFirst ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/time.com\/5410749\/emma-gonzalez-brett-kavanaugh-parkland-privileged-white-boy\/ I am so sick and tired of this fucking school and the bombastic 24\/7 pussy-parade it has plastered all over national media since January. If these faggots were really genuine about their desire to change things they wouldn't be so eager to indulge in an obvious smear-campaign that has nothing to do with the gun debate, nor would this cunt be wiling to bring race-baiting into the picture. News-flash you Skankasaurus: Ford's white too!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Blood is on the #Democraps hands for sure!! #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Threaten them back dammit! All JEWS and Democrats are extremely RETARDED pieces of shit! And she is both PLUS another intellectually challenged female, the much less intelligent sex! Nobody should ever listen to a thing she says!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You fucking fag @baethingape: this is exactly what i am talking about women are pigs http:\/\/t.co\/oKR3seYFBJ ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"19 September 2016: \"We commit to a more equitable sharing of the burden and responsibility for hosting and supporting the world's refugees. - UN DeclarationUS ever since: Proceeds to furiously cut funding and admission for refugees.... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not interested, faggot. If you're so tired of it then shut the fuck up and go outside. I'm tired of seeing stupid fucks like you call everything a \"false flag\" or a \"set up\". Maybe he got tired of waiting for people to change and made his own change? Jews get everything they deserve. They have had so much \"misfortune\" throughout history because they being it onto themselves with their behavior. You're the stupid little bitch cunt pussy millennial faggot talking about JEWS. Like I said, STFU and go make me a SAMMICH, BITCH. Jews have always been terrible people even before they migrated into Europe almost 2000 years ago. Funny how the ancient world hated the kikes and they did until recently because of how they naturally are but it's bad to be that way now. Even though they are flooding the west with their brain dead Arab cousins to kill white people. Get fucked you waste of space. Good for her, and good on you for being such a 'white knight'.. Just because some 'people' don't want it to be fake, doesn't mean it's not. Like I originally stated before the nazi whore rudely attacked me for no reason, it sure seems like a false flag shooting event to me. No bodies, no crime.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thank God our culture and education system are there to fill the void in crafting them into full-on retarded savages.sarc","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"everyone I don't like is a Nazi and a democrat\" - cuckservative NPCs I know, so RETARDED. No you're retarded for not watching dinesh d'souza and thinking he's a genius","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No class, no help for #SleepyJoe #Trump2020 Fact Check: Michelle Obama Repeats Suckers and Losers Claim in Video for Joe Biden https:\/\/t.co\/e9TypdaYWG via @BreitbartNews","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"lol I know right? what kind of retard actually believes in voting xD","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Above all else, Trump is a stupid son of a bitch.. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@donwinslow and Bruce @springsteen, I just watched your new video twice. I cried both times. My heart breaks for PA and our entire country that has become very challenged under the monster trump. I hope most of Anerica watches this powerful video and votes this devil out! https:\/\/t.co\/oezOs79kzw","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"News Flash George Soros was and is a Nazi who sent the Hungarian Jews to their death Hitler was a globalist he wanted a unified Europe his Vision is what we call the European Union today all you little neo nazis and Hitler loving fuckwitts should learn the history of the shit you worship the death cramps were real not allied propaganda...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can we revisit @ChairmanL's idea of two teams of @Yankees playing against each other? I would like to see a game every now and then.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Barack Obama called next month's midterms \"an opportunity for us to stop the bleeding, to restore a sense of hope and promise, to, in very concrete terms, save peoples' lives and make sure they have health care.\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/dztw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MNYves: He's an idiot. RT @M00n_baby: miserable trash excuse for a man http:\/\/t.co\/jtL7Uis2YM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This ignorant cunt bitch @user bout people hate her cus she's lightskin...no. We hate you cus you are a man. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I feel v v sad and guilty concious as a human being I can't save my felow human beings and innocent children frm these Burmese barbarian and worst criminals on this planet...may Almighty God destroy these criminals. ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Because SJWs are fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fuck turkiye , fuck usa and fuck all is bastards..... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I get curved all the time IDGAF, there's too much pussy out here to trip off any bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"AHAHAHAH LOOK AT THIS FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I did something bitch, early voted GOP across the board so go and fuck your liberal lesbian self, CUNT from HELL!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And here it is folks what studies find...... sigh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#AdviceForLife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It would be really difficult to argue that Lovecraft wasn't racist and xenophobic, those are both quite obvious. But homophobia and misogyny? I'm not *that* familiar with his works but in the dozen or so that I've read I cannot recall a single instance of either of those. In fact, I don't think I've ever heard someone call Lovecraft misogynistic before this article. Can any experts chime in here? Did his writing have signs of hatred for women that I glossed over?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AJ+ forgot to mention that the little bitch tried to kill someone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There is no pushback. It's just ignorant fuckwits in America who don't know shit about Christianity. We've had 30+ years of no religion in schools, atheism and generally stupid people who wouldn't know Latin or Greek from a hole in the fucking ground. The retarded idea that these monoliths of religious academia are going to so much as make a point is a laughable concept. Have a good life. >I don't have a shitty attitude >strawmans your position >stupid >fuckwit >retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@mhodg89 @azroofer1 @DailyCaller @POTUS These \"experts\" are coming out of the woodwork. They just hate that @realDonaldTrump isn't down and out. #trump2020.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The number of women accusing Weinstein of rape rose to six yesterday. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I always soprised dat I has mo while followers den colored","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taylor Swift to write a song about how the sane part of America just broke up with her for being a DEMented Lunicorn, eh? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@1911_1913_BakUp We did NOT vote for Joe we voted for Kamala and against Trump Joe was just at the right place at the right time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ohhhhhh now I get it!!!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"shitlibs now complaining about PRETTY privilege not just WHITE superiority http:\/\/www.towleroad.com\/2018\/10\/pretty-privilege-2\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user some women love to be whores so don't have if a pig wanna remove a pig from where he doesn't belong! We need class ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"With birds ill share this lonely view","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't imagine growing up with one of these twenty-somethin thot ass bitches as my mom. #blessed ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would you do this? Why would you not live on your own?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"An American Jewish Journalist Just Died After a Racist Beating, and the Washington Post Didn't Even Report It https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/XsB3eI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Grandma: \"(Macon) is a rinky dink mosquito-filled cop-infested swamp.\" LMAO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Can you incorporate \"hey, that's pretty good on your next video? ... Kunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Pedo pos spic","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"From a Jewess perspective, this is probably true. Jewish women are niggers. They are also totally crazy. Feminism is a Jewish movement, led by women who live under the insane rule of Jewish men and the Talmud. 2 things - This is something a dyke would say. And women... Standards, marry a good man and life is easy. Or don't marry a good man and shut the fuck up and don't complain. Men, women are great. Pick a good one with your values and she will make your life easy. We compliment each other, this is nature.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@DylanKwinnn should be going to free birds anyways","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"as far as im concerned if ur panties go up ur ass instead of completely over ur ass cheeks u dont have anybody else to blame when a nigger or a serial killer or some kind of tranny queer rapes u and cuts ur head off ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I like to mock Apple, but I'm legitimately interested to see what their wearable looks like.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user You stupid ignorant cunt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">\"it was my friend not me,\" Just goes to show how these bitches have NO fucking integrity. Had American Airlines asked her for her friends Name and Address she would have given it to them, knowing damn well her friend didn't do shit. Glad she got arrested. So what you said wasn't unoriginal, argumentative, unimaginative, slow witted, attention starved, pitiful, misogynist at all? Your a fucking hypocrite dude you go on a sub you know it's going to have a few people who don't agree with you but look what you do you have to dumbass about it. In the end your just a unoriginal, argumentative, unimaginative, slow witted, attention starved, pitiful, misogynist nobody. Have a nice day you kind (faggot) person :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Pew study: Rest of the world takes in more refugees than US for first time ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"These are not cops ! These are Terrorists!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Riding ur shithole like a whore fucker. Conquering ur hole fucking u boipussy in all position and mak u get facial wi ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's not like these refugees are bad people or anything but leave them the fuck back over in their country. They can clean up their own mess, create a government and a military. What good is it really gonna do by bringing them here? What better is it gonna do? What if these fucking refugees bring future terrorist attacks on Canada? They can just escape to some other country instead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I have really light colored eyebrows naturally and it's not ok","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These fucks actually showed a picture of a nigger proud boy and called them white supremacist. Its time to surround that building in Atlanta.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey I'm a nationalist too. Better a nationalist than the politically retarded dupes of the globalists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck that niggah he so weak, he cant tell that you a freak","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Awesome! I hope the suicide goes wrong, and this degenerate lowlife is left a retarded cripple, shitting themselves for the rest of their pathetic life.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's not right to smash a controller, but god damn, it's a fuckin video game controller. Grow up you man child. [deleted] Fuck off bitch Triggered much? You were triggered first, he's just responding.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"East German Nazi Angela Merkel just released a 9-11 conspirator and flew him back home to Morocco to plan more attacks in America... He should have faced Military Tribunal and Executed, but Our Head Muslim, Democrat Party and the U.N. said No.. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Nature is Hierarchy. Nature is Doctrine. Go against it and suffer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Players finally get to visit Biden HQ https:\/\/t.co\/SfK2WiK6JZ #GraphicDesigner #Webdesigner #Design","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If #WeThePeople want a #WALL - Give us a WALL!! #Congress works for US, not themselves and the Special Interests who pour BILLIONS of dollars into their Coffers. It's not up to them, it's up to US! #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #MAGA #KAG ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Turns out this sub is calling trans people mentally retarded huh turns out you're pretty dumb if anything r\/unpopular opinion is for the tranny hate, here they rarely come up. but are they not? we try and stick to facts here. if you think someone who thinks they are another gender is of sound mind, there aint much help for ya. https:\/\/www.cnsnews.com\/news\/article\/michael-w-chapman\/johns-hopkins-psychiatrist-transgender-mental-disorder-sex-change","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Getting the field ready for today's game. http:\/\/t.co\/lh4UzqXbei","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So NOW people care about affirmative action? Now that it's gone so far it's having real negative effects. Maybe people previously thought it would just be a fad that would go away eventually and not cause too much damage.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"is this what you would call karma? like how do you as a mexican person vote and support trump, have an illegal immigrant as a wife and act shocked when she gets deported? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Would this, then, stop immigration from southern countries who's people cast votes in our elections without being actual US citizens? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Examples of two of ten billboards which went up in the last two days. Help me defeat Maxine Waters. Donate at http:\/\/OmarNavarro.com\/donate I'm sure you meant to say I am a white piece of runny shit dripping down my leg. Fair mistake loser. Maxine's voting district is ghetto latino.This Mexican dude might be good republican replacement What have republicans done for you, white man? He ran against her in 2016 as well. He's a tough guy. Gladly Muh based latinx #maga I'd rather have Omar Navarro represent than Maxine Waters... Omar is a hard working man who live is the district he wants to represent... Maxine is a crazy turd and corrupt beyond belief. Sounds good... later Vote for OMAR!! ANYTHING is better than the piece of shit Maxine \"Dirty\" Waters!! Enough of this corrupt poverty pimp! That's awesome !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not really a PPD. Of course it is. If some drunk asshole hit a police horse, he'd be dragged to jail immediately. This drunk twat thinks she can do it as a prank... sorry bitch, horse kicks you down nose first and then you get arrested. According to elsewhere in the thread, she did get arrested","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Would you say Native Americans are gay? Yes. Yo Native Americans fucking jump up here you cunts and bump my bro up that faggot is saying youse are all a bunch of fucking gaylords.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"* I join PUBG * Gonna get some randoms with me * Load in, 3 other randoms join me * Everyone says 'hi' and 'hows it going' * My first question is 'what skin color are you? what race?' * They all quit * Racist cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Seriously fuck you if you argue with anyone who is simply expressing how you made them feel. Just stfu and listen. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@forgivemehera also, I put 'i touch myself' on a ned\/chuck mix.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obama spent 8 years blaming Bush for bad economy, now he has spent 2 years taking credit for @realDonaldTrump success in the economy. What do we call this? https:\/\/redd.it\/9qrr1g","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cher: GOP Will Bite Down' on the Jugulars' of Non-White People https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/06\/cher-gop-will-bite-down-on-the-jugulars-of-non-white-people\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Easy. \"Hello, mentally ill retard.\" -NPC > Or just play the game how the creators intended to and not make such a fucking big deal out of gender. Geez, are you implying that random assorted genderfaggots and miscellaneous otherqueers cannot have a decisive say in what game developers and artists do??? Aren't you suggesting by any chance that entertainment and art should be a medium of free expression, and not completely subjugated to the ever-changing dogma of today?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Same ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Tupac cares, if don't nobody else care.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Being fat is a first world privilege.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you ready baby ? ~ Im going to fuck you and your sister like till both of you pussy is filled and leaking with my cum ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Never again will I watch a @NFL game! Same goes for #NetFlix, never again will I let them make one penny from me !! Yes Barry, you did that! You and the #racist #antiwhite #antiChristian #Atheistic #Leftatards always destroying, never creating anything but trouble! What did you do with the hotdogs at the WH Barry!?? We remember, you treasonous !!! #Boycott ! I looked the other day, everything on Netflix is all African American, Australian, British, or anything else requiring subtitles. Sorry you idiots, the last thing I want to do at the end of the night, is read sub titles. Everything Obama touches he ruins. It's deliberate by Soros.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the nigger was high on PCP, naked, stealing from cars and damaging cars and refused to drop a knife while a million cops surrounded him and an entire street had to be shut down and somehow the COPS are at fault here? Makes no fucking sense but evidently the police are supposed to let naked stoned niggers run around stabbing shit with a knife so guess what this city is gonna look like now build a wall around them and leave the niggers to kill each other off, whites shouldn't apply to be police in non-white areas","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I want them ALL DEPORTED !! I WANT MY vote to COUNT again !!! #DeportthemALL #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #BuildTheDamnWall #UsetheArmyCoreOfEngineers ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd say it'd be a disabled black trans lesbian fat activist nudist, but [naked, fat, black, crippled dykes are hard to find](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=n1tFbZ5kaY8).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: Storybook ending in New York. Derek Jeter walks off a winner at Yankee Stadium, http:\/\/t.co\/pRS2lWATK7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If there are no witnesses, and you can get away with it, run over or shoot every antifa faggot you can!! It WILL make you feel good killing off a terrorist!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"and how about all your stealing of tax payers money fucking cunt feinstein","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Or mess up his faggot hairdo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Drugged? She was running all over the place. Didn't post this for your benefit anyway. Just to make that jealous Marxist twat @True_Brit look stupid again with his fake girlfriend line lol Why was your fake gf running away from you pussyboy? Women really hate you being near them don't they? Still fake. Video bounces straight off the blind eye of this Marxist. And she was scampering off because she's shy lad. If she didn't want to see me she wouldn't have spent She ran away because she detests you pussy boy. Just tell the truth. Lol. Your lies don't work well pussyboy. All women detest you and that's why you have to make shit up. God this guys an outright commie looking at his profile. Oh yes mate. True-Brit is anything but a true Brit. One of the few real Marxists who dare be here. Still a coward and anonymous of course. Hates me because I ridicule his Islamo-Marxist ideology. Ironically some of the Nazis here who hate me too are quite happy to chat with him about me. I'm a genius. I've brought Marxists and Nazis together for the first time lol Dont get upset because you are a pussyboy. You chose to live like one. It's funny that you pretend to be a hard man lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stay home then bitch fuck u","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How different the world would be if war was fought this way! .......................... Thought for Today.... Hugs #Winning #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #1A #2A #NRA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The ceremonial swearing in of Kavanaugh is this afternoon. He was actually sworn in Saturday after his confirmation. That's faster than a hillbilly father with a shotgun pulls a wedding together. #kavanaugh #swearingin #SCOTUS","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Game of Thrones star Kit Harington is favored to be the man to play Batman in the next movie. REALLY??? A Soy-Boy as Batman??? https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/363DN He plays action heros while decrying \"toxic masculinity!\" And he'll be the skinniest Batman EVER! Just say No! Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Get these criminals off the roads and off the streets! #BackTheBlue #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Dutch people who live outside of #NewYorkCity are all white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stupid faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When your Mexican friend texts you 'viva la Mexico' on the 4th of July ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Heartiste @BGKB @sdfgefgsdf Memo to Repub cucks: please get your shit together asap! \"Democratic strategists advise their candidates to spend \"as little time as possible talking about immigration. https:\/\/nyti.ms\/2A9Xuk5 Maybe Republican candidates should spend as much time as possible talking about immigration?\" https:\/\/bit.ly\/2CL3vGn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bitch your a fucking idiot, I don't even need a counter argument. More like you can't take your head out your ass s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@izziorizzi i'm not a trash talker, brah. i'm polite and diplomatic on and off the court.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"retarded whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nice brain dead shaming tactic. That or you are still retarded but cant read.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"beep boop the left cant meme beep boop maga beep boop #BuyersRemorse #MAGA #Trump #Russia #CNN #Breitbart #AltRight #Nazi #WhiteSupremacist #GabFam #unitetheright #ICE #treason #BlueWave #GreatAwakening #Qanon #Q Manic Progressives Produce Comedy, Not Wins. It Only Gets Worse For You, Cupcakes! Pathetic. Flailing. #BlueToiletWater! Here's A Gift, So You Can Remember How Ridiculous You Clowns Are. #MAGA #KAG #QAnon #Q #RedWave #RedTsunami https:\/\/www.270towin.com\/maps\/2016-actual-electoral-map","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What did you expect from some SJW dailyMail article? it's written by retards for retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user Have no idea what your texting about. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A Nigger killed a Jew??? Awesome! Now the Niggers are killing their masters!!! My wet dream has come true!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Glad she was arrested, but released on her own recognizance is bullshit for a felony assault. She should have to post bail like anyone else that commits a felony. I'm assuming the bouncer no longer has a job. Well, what good is a bouncer that gets easily choked out by some small white chick though? How bout if I put a small white chick with a arm around your neck and see how long you last. For a good chokehold, it takes 8-15 seconds to go unconscious. You have a small girl climb on your back and put her arm around your neck. For probably 5 or so seconds, you are thinking she is just messing around having fun. What is this itty-bitty girl doing, it can't hurt you. Then, what are you going to do after you realize this is not good situation? A full body smash into the bar to get her off? You are probably deciding on your options for 3 or four seconds about what to do. Then you start thinking, \"What the fuck, what the fuck is this shit???!!!\" for 2 or 3 seconds. Then the lights turn off. Lol not really dude, I've done a shit ton of grappling. I weigh 160, and I've grappled cops on a mat who came for training and couldn't do shit to me. One weighed about 250 and looked like fucking Mirko Cro Cop. It's about technique. I could choke you out in about 4 seconds using a blood choke. Not some neck crank like this dumb bitch probably did. \/r\/iamverybadass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a similar story on twitter. Some members regularly search for anyone criticising Digra and harass them. Usually there is two of them and one plays the troll to antagonise the critic while the other engages in sophistry. When the critic doesn't shut up (a woman who was a frequent critic in particular) they send constant abuse and doxx them. Unless most critics of GG the people at Digra are internet savvy, and will stoop low to defend the organisation. They know they can't defend the quality of the research on its own merits, because most of it is garbage. Oh yeah, Steakbro and that other asshole? Did anyone archive all that shit they were doing with that woman? Not that I know of. I followed Alter so I'd occasionally get their abuse towards her appearing on my feed, but I didn't keep up with it all. It was sick the way these two Digra \"scholars\" (one of whom was a Digra chair at some point iirc) were behaving towards her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Erin, shouldn't you be covering Stormy. Forget Korea, Iran, Israel, and illegal immigration. You know how to find the real story. Find that tree. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/n3bxj1uvDXU I have watched a few videos of rubin at speaking engagements she is a nutjob and would not have a job as a journalist if she was not a jew. The jewish ownership of the major newspapers shamelessly plugged a zionist jew into their \"token conservative\" slot that it worked against them. Let their fear be your fuel. Rubin hates Whites and demands protection to spew her anti-White hatred, which results in the direct destruction and deaths of White people. But not only does she believe you don't get those same protections, she's part of the system that will ensure you don't. https:\/\/youtu.be\/n3bxj1uvDXU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No that's just the feeling you get for being too deep into all the nordicist shit. Buddy. Danish male celebrity VS Yeah, he later tried to wiggle out from sh*t by making posts about how he did not say he supports NATO intervention. Does not work though. NATO intervention was against Christian Serbs, he gloated about Danes murdering Serbs , therefore he supports NATO intervention. He is a retard for real. No spark of a rational thought.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is one white man the native Americans should of skined alive when they stepped foot, wasnt white America built by black slaves?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is fascinating; makes me wonder if I haven't assumed higher IQs for well-mannered, polite people who were functionally retarded in the past. Also makes sense that there's a large concentration of low IQ's in a place that was originally forcibly colonized by criminals and prostitutes, and that cute-but-stupid people might pass on this misfortune.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Douche Muzzie Colin","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Poll time. Let's see how many NatSocs we can force to lie lol NatSocs! If you had to move to live in the Middle East permanently with your wife and kids, living totally under your host country's laws and customs, where would you prefer to go? I'd only go there to live once the Kurds are given their own Homeland. They would give refuge to Yazidis and a few other good tribes and they are naturally good people. We should nuke all the rest and let them inherit that part of the Earth. They are Semites, which is why I only ridicule anyone who calls me an antisemite... fucking ignorant fools know nothing! Antisemite almost always means anti-Jew. No-one says \"I'm an antisemite. I hate Jews....oh yes, and a few other Semitic tribes too\" lol I'm not Jewish idiot. And many of those times were 1000s of years ago and most of them were 100s of years ago. Back when minorities were always scapegoated. Especially if they were relatively wealthier. Where are Jews expelled from now? Oh that would be Islamic places wouldn't it. They are shitholes and don't count :) What's the matter? Don't you like free speech? Want to censor me? Get me off Gab? That's exactly like your Marxist socialist mates were like on Twitter ;) How high are you bouncing up and down in your chair now? Has your head gone through the ceiling yet? Say hi to your upstair neighbours for me. Would it help if you knew that I'm not in fact Jewish? Probably not! I don't care lol I like you. You're funny. I may keep you as a pet :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Gay Muslim Transgender Drag Queer, Coming Next is the Dyke Feminist Postmodernist Social Justice Flat-Earth Gender Studies Creationist Science denier","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"facefuck is nazi central. you do not have the right to say what you think in case some lame cunt gets bent out of shape and reports you for making them cry and scurry off to their safe space. corralled sheep have more freedom than you have on facefuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I wouldn't know since I'm white, just like you wouldn't know about that, since you're a faggot Muzzie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Europeans Are Waking Up! | How Even Ordinary People Are Beginning to Take Action Against Immigration - YouTube ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":".Yes he does and you're just as much of a POS liar for supporting him. You actually believe his \"facts\"? based on what? something a faggot UK soccer player (Dennis Wise) put together while he was jerking off to gay porn? get a life dude.. wake the fuck up!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @ThatBajanKidd: #NeverAskABlackPerson if her hair is hers . she will hit you with a \"bitch i bought it , so it's mine\" .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Tears of a hero: The heartwarming moment Invictus competitors comfort a British veteran whose PTSD was triggered by a helicopter flying overhead https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6305385\/Heartwarming-moment-Invictus-competitor-comforts-veteran-PTSD-triggered-helicopter.html #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia Funny how its Harry that started the Invictus games to support our soldiers while our Politicians tried to boycott it and the Media to shame our soldiers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"The history of africa before the white man is one of famine, starvation, and genocide\" Exactly! That's why the nigger population was so small and manageable before the White colonists showed up. But when Africa is under Chink colonial rule there won't be any more of that compassion bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"they aren't even going to own up to the fact that they produce hateful content? is it really going to be everyone else but them and they're just victims? wow, this whole victimhood status really just makes people retarded doesn't it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Also I'm betting this faggot downvoted the 14 words. So, that means he's not white","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"April 4, 2018 \"Are you ready to see Wonderland? 666 5th Ave and THE CABAL. #Pizzagate #Pedogate #QAnon #GreatAwakening #5thAveAnon https:\/\/www.neonrevolt.com\/2018\/04\/04\/are-you-ready-to-see-wonderland-666-5th-ave-and-cabal-pizzagate-pedogate-qanon-greatawakening-5thaveanon\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kfocht735 Nope - got lucky - some washing on the slopes, gonna make it a little rough combining but feeling very fortunate today","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you have a daughter that you can donate to the cause to be raped by a volunteer nigger buck?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6251671\/Boy-16-charged-rape-attempted-murder-girl- I am glad I travelled and saw the world when I was younger.. it could become a serious concern, future tourists could be jailed for wrong-think on forced examination of their digital records when crossing borders. USA and NZ already present some potential for this. yes, but a quick search on youtube of \"uk police visit man over hurty word tweet\" will help to allay any fears that they actually are intimidating us. I concur. Passing through immigration into the UK, I was coming up the queue to the Immigration Officer. There were three of them. Two standing behind the seated one. Quietly discussing with one another. When it was my turn, with my US passport open in front of him, showing my legal name, I was addressed by my WRITER'S NAME. \"What is the purpose of your visit, Mr Meyrick?\" I don't know if that was an accidental slip, a deliberate one, a threat, or a warning. (chuckles dryly) absolutely.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is it just me or is Hicks saying \"bung beds\"? @RonandFezSXM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A little bit of non-White immigrant goes a long way and that point long past in parts of degrading Canada. Toronto now a #Shithole Sanctuary city run by a #Progressive RETARD begging for more tax$ to support the ILLEGAL MIGRANTS flooding over the border thanks to Trudo'h the boy blunder PROG inviting them here from the US. MUST #Purge the PROGS!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"destroy islam","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Unicorn. Because America ain't faggot enough. https:\/\/youtu.be\/-j54in4fl9k","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@SarahR_82 Y'all gots to take da colored vacation. Kentucky fried chicken but only da white meat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dear 6th grader, you need to improve your grammar and spelling skills. \"engaged me you ... \" should be you engaged me, \"an retard\" should be a retard \"the filed\" should be the field \"Your all\" should be You're all Carry on though, you seem to be on the path to 7th grade.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Houston has so many trash drivers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol let this cop come to philly we stomp his bitch ass ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Even the son knew she fucked up. You can tell when he says \"mom,\"... what a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Please let your MPs know we do not want any more migrants we cant afford them we do not want a cologne or a free for all enoughs enough ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user The Judge will be overturned, the President has control over immigration not the courts. #NODACA #SENDTHEMHOME ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We actually need a world war, people need a hard dose of reality because what they seem to be smoking is making them retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"From the ESPN Yankees game recap: \"the sellout crowd braved 61-degree temperatures.\" LOL What??? That's not weather you struggle through.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Christ, a fat dyke...who knew?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well it's predictable that niggers are gonna rape and murder everyone you care about if we don't start lynching them again but frankly your refusal to not only do, but even advocate for what's necessary leaves me with no sympathy for you Leave your gloom and doom echo chamber and smell the roses. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you take meds for your delusional hysteria? I lived in St. John's Parish in Southern Louisiana and I never had that much fear. Violent crime is dropping nationwide and only increasing in ghetto centers in the most populated cities in the country. Where do you live to suffer such hysterics? Oh just the nation's capital. It's 2018 and I'm right wing retard. You honestly think the national crime rate changes a goddamned thing about my situation? Y'all are in for such a major surprise when this shit finally hits you. This is why I'm unironically in favor of forced integration nationwide.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I sho do miss my Uncle Tom","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.rt.com\/usa\/441635-pizza-restaurant-racist-attack\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Arnt all these voter fraud posts better suited in someplace like r\/the_congress or something? APPARENTLY you don't give a shit about something quite serious. noted. Yes because reflecting our bitching in our censored subreddit gets so much attention, I want to spread it around the relevant subs. Put your man pad back on. I'm not the one autistically screeching about a subject that needs a calm and focused mind, take a breath and think, our sub is censored as fuck. This news needs to be in subs that arnt censored. Otherwise no message gets out. apparently you can't read. It can be posted both here and elsewhere. how about you go post it somewhere instead of bitching in here about it? and#x200B; How about the mods make a megathread to focus our efforts? And I'm telling everyone I know about this, this is huge. I never denied that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Liberalism is a mental disorder, and you tack on attention whoring and trying to break out of being irrelevant and you have a proper twat. Absolutely no one cares about that douche unless they are using his name in a mocking manner. Acosta should be proud.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The man, identified as James Dale Reed, detailed graphic threats against Biden and Harris in a handwritten letter that was left on the doorstep of a resident in Frederick, Maryland. https:\/\/t.co\/lovCJPFbQt #Election2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All now you got a woman you lying to just for crutch and wanna tell me cunt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a lot of da white MFs on guns of gab talk good game but under pressure they choke like pussies and guns aint da final shit back when we niggas had our ancient nuwaupian civilization we was using laser guns yea we was exploring da stars when da white devils was still living in caves and they was using clubs Nigger where tf you been? I aint seen yo cottonpicking welfare drawin sorry ass in my feed in a minute. Niggers is all momas boiz cuz dey aint got no daddy, shut you dumb ass up pussy nog lul. If a pavement ape aint got a gun they done!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I guarantee if an Antifa faggot put down his dildo and shot a bunch of \"fascist Nazis\" at a rally the left would celebrate. So no I don't care about anybody dying.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wrong car for the money though >Wrong car for the money though Yup... still trying to \"impress\" and pursue \"status symbol\" shit for validation. - For a fraction of the price of OP's \"status symbol\", you can get the SAME \"utility\" and arguably an equal amount of \"beauty\" by getting a low-mileage used [one of these](https:\/\/hips.hearstapps.com\/amv-prod-cad-assets.s Impress? Hell yes, impress myself. 90 years of German engineering and excellence in car industry, shared to me for pleasure and safety reasons. Have you ever smelled new Mercedes car or tried AMG models? It allows you to \"move\" like a damn Cheetah. What status symbol? It's not even a Porsche or Ferrari. What beauty in link you posted? No matter how minimalist I try to be, that car was good looking 20 years ago. I can understand older generations and nostalgia but let's be real, car industry and motorcycle industry creates some fine looking designs and I appreciate that! I literally don't have who to impress since I am misanthropic as hell. Humans disappointed me too much over the last 10 years. I don't even have money for this car and wouldn't buy it unless I can afford two. Otherwise, it stays a wish. My point is written. DAMN Marriage costs this much and people celebrate that useless crap. > I literally don't have who to impress since I am misanthropic as hell. And yet you're STILL trying to. >**I don't even have money for this car** and wouldn't buy it unless I can afford two. Otherwise, **it stays a wish.** So merely \"aspirational\" relative to \"status symbols\"... ... which is akin to being an \"incel\" and a \"wannabe.\" - Interesting. Imagine arguing on the Internet about personal subjective taste in cars That you think THAT is what the \"argument\" is about... Is proof that you are *completely* **clueless.**","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im a twat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eight Years of Obama's Weakness Toward Russia ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Local exhibit, activities shine light on refugee experience - ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"(Islam in Europe) Documentary how Arab and African Immigrants Destroying... via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Great thank god!!! #Trump2020 #MAGA2020 https:\/\/t.co\/AGJ5LEq1ah","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you worried he's stealing all the karma from the hitler niggers meme guy?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"poor whitey\" http:\/\/t.co\/3UkKeyznz8","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"yeah cluck clauck cluck why are you even bothering to keep your retarded act up. it's all over now. gab's losing it's domain name.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @twerkn4boba: \" fuck you say bitch? I will kill you \" http:\/\/t.co\/3EiGzh6Q13","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"J. S. @DrArtaud You claimed to be Byzantine Catholic and you parsed gays and liberals from the rest, yet you whitewashed Jews as \"almost 100%\" liberal when the reality is closer to 60% and mostly disaffected or non-practicing. I posted citations on these stats on GAB less than a month ago. I am neither Jewish nor Catholic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yall who are voting for killary cunton are as stupid as a sheep remember it was obama and killery cunton who oder thousand of air strikes against libia and all those third world county to diable all those countries and now those peole hates us the american people and sooner or later there will be another attack and it could be one of your loved ones just remember that when voting for that cheating bitch of Hillary Clinton.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.theblaze.com\/video\/four-girls-who-accused-a-boy-of-sexual-assault-have-admitted-that-they-made-the-whole-thing-up\/ We haven't even seen the worst of it yet .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#GabGossip LILY ALLEN ~ Singer. Catchphrase: \"I needed the money\" Wearing see-through top to perfectly match her see-through head https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/tvshowbiz\/article-6285949\/Lily-Allen-leaves-imagination-goes-braless-beneath-totally-sheer-top.html she's so brave!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"None mate. He deleted his account here and fekked off weeks ago. Think I hurt his feelings with his easy vanity degree in Literature, his public sector PC parasitic non-job and his wife and four mistakes. Called me all sorts of rude things, then vanished. Blocked me on both his Twitter accounts too :) id love to bang that cunt out Coupleof guys on Twitter were asking me who he is. They wanted to doorstep him. The words just slipped out before I could stop them. That was when he vanished. Wonder if they did? :) lets hope so Wish they'd videoed it if they did.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nice hair cunt , did someone give you a swirly in a port-o-let?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The question is why wasn't he retried. This cop should be in jail but the system refuses to hold killer cops accountable. They made every concession for him to get him off. The reality is that they're paid to kill POC that's why there's rarely any consequences. Too many thugs with badges.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Um, Celts very much exist today, and Druids, priestly caste was destroyed by Romans, being political threat and a huge obstacle to Roman conquest of Britannia. And Christians have fully embraced jews and their moslem\/ nigger pets, at least in Western Europe they did 100%.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just investigate what \"Pizza Gate\" means, all the nasty elite involved worldwide performing such crimes... The Podesta emails...!!! The Clinton's... ughhhh...!!! There is plenty information about their barbarities... :'(","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nigger Raheem Davis murderer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Now that I'll participate in. His Nigger behavior trying to twist up Kavanaugh was Nigger not cognitive.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Everyone knows turkey did it. Trump needs to pay attention to America. This sand nigger reporter for the washington compost is NOT a priority. Go fuck yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Jack Dorsey is a faggot arse wipe and I could say same of @a and not get banned Andrew Torba is cool though","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"that Ugly israel....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Are you retarded? Hitler's brown shirts were almost identical to ANTIFA, both being full of young unemployed youth brawling with all of those who disagree with them. Sounds familiar? ANTIFA might as well be called the black shirts. You are literally defending Hitler. You think that people don't understand what Hitler actually stood for. That's you. Those are your words. You wearing a poppy right now? That is the sort of hipocracy that filthy nazi sympathizers would do. Tell me again what Hitler \"actually\" stood for. You nazi faggot. Lots of good men dies to eradicate that filth from the planet. You are scum. That's what I call you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"hurrah Trump!! can't stand that ugly ass little bald headed nigger freak Corey Booker!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump We don't care or watch #FakeNewsMedia WE LOVE #TRUMP!! #Trump2020 #BidenHarris","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@grandpalampshade @Bombislamdotcom I'm confused. Can you please explain why always at Trump rallies, the people go wild clapping, whistling and calling out over mentions of Israel? What, are Americans taught in school to think they are big allies or something? The area I get heat from people that identify as conservative is the Isreal situation. I've longed since advocated reassessing our foreign relation to Isreal in terms of armaments and financial aid. Yeah that's pretty common. It's fun to switch out the country to one like China and watch their eyes go blank. It's literally as though they don't grasp that Israel is a foreign country and not America. I've yet gotten a full explanation of the benefits for our country in propping up theirs. I and others are tirelessly working day and night to correct the Mind Control the AshkeNazi Jew's have FORCED into our schools, movies, music, Government, Fake News ETC.. against our White Brethren! Whites have NO BIBLICAL OBLIGATION to send jews money or support! Through Hollyweird etc too? I don't like pop culture bullshit, but will look out for this when I'm subjected to it. Once you know you will SEE the mass MK programing built into everything! Watch the Six Sense (if you dare) and understand that movie is about pedophilia and MK Ultra Personality Splitting! Duh, that's because they are the chosen ones, so they have the ring or the power of the force or something. That bad?! Thanks, Grandpa :) And this all comes from the child\/teen indoctrination system and the evangelical church teaching, Bomb Islam said. Unreal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user If anyone would know about hysterical women, it would be you btch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How retarded do you have to be to propose an idea like this...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @VersaceSilk: When you try to tell grandpa that 70s music was trash https:\/\/t.co\/kYULQZoBC6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hello United Nations, where are you ? Once again the UN's lack of actual power and respect (and worth) must be questioned as it was during the outrageous genocide on Tamils in Sri Lanka. Read \" The Tamil Genocide by Sri Lanka: The Global Failure to Protect Tamil Rights Under International Law \" and replace Tamil with Rohingyan.............Time to abolish the toothless tiger that is the United Nations. Just greedy pigs with their snouts deep in the trough.......semi-retired politicians topping up their superannuation. What if ISIS chose to 'assist' the Rohingyans ? Wouldn't there be some news coverage then. Religion - the root of all evil !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This faggot is slowly transforming himself in a real man. Mc Cain s dead was the end of a bad spell. And the gay frog then turned itself into a trumpy thug Senator. He is even enjoying the liberal tears! His Power level is rising to the skies!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Never forget that this cunt was an apologist for and supporter of the animals who viciously attacked Reginald Denny \"cuz he wite\". That shocking scene was a wake up call to many. @SirBoring @Eric_StrikerDS @Alex_Linder https:\/\/www.mediamatters.org\/video\/2017\/05\/10\/foxs-tucker-carlson-rep-maxine-waters-not-moral-leader-any-kind\/216393","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And yet the lying cunt Ford had her Facebook disappear.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"AJ+ piece of shit motherfuckers, you and your Islamic agenda is exposed. Better shut up you pieces of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ophelia the slut hurricane hits today and I can guarantee that bitch will destroy my internet ready for front page ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user man we're Bros from another crack hoe. I run my trailer park in bama, you run the CPT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking AJ+","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate muslim savages more and more every day. I feel sorry for the average White Britain. They need to take action against the muds and kikes. Come on you limey fucks. Find your balls.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@OregonGovBrown Vote by mail is the reason there are no Republican interest ever up held in Oregon and why we have @tedwheeler and @OregonGovBrown forced on 98% of Oregon that is actually conservative.#MAGA #TRUMP #MAGA2020 #AnarchistJurisdiction #legalizefreedom","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is why my mother isn't allowed to make brownies http:\/\/t.co\/h0cFT5wcBV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another attempt of AJ+ to divert its readers and viewers from truth, buy covering just one side of the history and showing interviews of anti israel by ideology. The village in this case is in ISRSEL and is not Palestinians in any border. The population living there is Beduins, they are citizens of Israel since its creation, they serve in Israel Defense Forces and in other public offices. Many of the Beduins in Negev Desert build ilegal and without authorization from national government. Supreme Court rule some weeks ago same demolition to a Jewish build up in the West Bank. Instead of showing the whole picture, AJ+ choose to show lies and divert the viewers to hate Israel and to think it's doing cruelties. Shame on you, AJ +","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Eric Cartman: How 'bout we sing, 'Kyle's Mom is a stupid bitch' in D Minor. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You're a fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"'Can this day get any worse' -me waking up ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT: The woman who #accused nelly of #rape has dropped her case. October 14, 2017 at 08:31 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In 2010 Quilliam in Britain provided a secret document for the incoming \"conservative\" government. The document said that virtually every Islamic organisation in Britain wanted an Islamic State. The document was leaked, but you'll struggle to find much discussion of it on the internet. By 2014 the actions taken by Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy led to the creation of the Islamic State. Is this news to you? I saw a film of Cameron at a muslim do where he said he wanted to see a muslim UK pm in his life time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Republicans arre trying hard to convince blacks and legal mexicans to vote for them and then stupid posts appear that do their best to turn them away. And you think you are doing good? This is called Sabotage!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SteveSchmidtSES May God Bless Our Nation and our newly elected President and Vice President; Honorable Joe Biden and Honorable Kamala Harris. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SactownProidgy @SpeakComedy @yunglucy_ @karon_avila I just noticed you guys called me a jiggaboo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user fuck you pussy suckin bitch. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Compassionate Republicanism. We need more @martinamcbride's in the USA And that is a song by Martina McBride. God bless you too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@a ban these \"loli\" fags they like cartoon cp! \"the anime gamer\" - no you're def. NOT human lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why are they always so dramatic? Mental instability. They are weak and their emotions rule them. Flawless. They say ignorance is bliss, but these people are so stupid it hurts. I've seen lab rats with better memories than most of them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OMG. If i was an immigrant or person of color, Id HATE to live in Kansas if immigrant zealot Kris Kobach is elected givernor. He can only deprive Kansans of the right to vote. via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user hey can i go an live with girls like am a tidy bitch in green slut life ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Friend or foe nicca .. State ya biz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> just what words are worthy of auto-filtering? Good question. It might be interesting to reverse-engineer a sub's automod settings based on which content gets removed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Most hysterical woman. Nice gender separation. Person, Ann. I get it's hard for you to grasp not being one but please try. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When Hollywood powerhouses accuse you of rape, you have a problem. When you help make them powerhouses, you became the problem! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Humor for your night of #Debates2020 and #Nascar!#BidenHarris2020 #Trump2020 I'm voting #SolidarityParty. #Debates #ACBForScotusREPOST: Fixed a couple things. https:\/\/t.co\/j0qSVhEiDG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This Should Make Every American Called SenatorsTell Them Build The Dam WallNo Chain Migration\/Visa Lottery and No Amnesty! Corrupt Democrats Can't WinWith Hard Working Americans Because They Are #WalkAway From Lies!#MAGA #NoDACA ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How the hell was David Murphy's hit not a home run?! Clearly over the yellow line. @MLB another umpire mess up.... Smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Your teeth are like the stars.\" \"Aww thanks!\" \"Yeah... yellow and far away from each other.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is really weird. Who is paying for all this. The uhaul, the signs, who made them blah blah blah weird as hell. #trump2020 #endriots https:\/\/t.co\/Byr97ReDqh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"(((Kagan))) is scared that the credibility of the SCOTUS is at risk if Kavanaugh is confirmed. I hope she has a fit and wants to resign too. https:\/\/www.politico.com\/amp\/story\/2018\/10\/05\/elena-kagan-supreme-court-kennedy-877288 Let Israel stand on its own two feet and risk their own boys in combat,then maybe I will stand with them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I made a single comment in \/r\/Australia about how the article title was down playing this terrorist incident. I was instantly banned for \"brigading\". Turns out stupid cunts run \/r\/Australia, just like stupid cunts run actual Australia","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I wanna try pot brownies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCK that cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"But what if it isn't a pretty looking snatch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump It shit. It's a town hall. Also, 210k dead from COVID. Happy your not one of them but will be happier when you're no longer President. #Biden2020 #BidenHarris2020 #TrumpCovid19","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everything is far-right and the Guardian has to point it all out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i believe that the jew created it, and then the muslims hated the fact they had come up with something they liked, so later adopted the idea behind their way of bullshit made up religion, and thats where the fact proves that the book they read everyday is just a complete book of bullshit, i believe it was the book invented by libtards who wrote every retarded thing","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Burundi What's happening to Burundian refugees in Tanzania is shameful and outrageous. Refugees in Nyarugusu camp were told that effective 15.08 They're not allowed to go outside the camp All their small businesses to close Markets to open only once\/week instead of 3 times ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"BOOMIN' https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealSaavedra\/status\/1050149837553860609","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Really credible ideas from \/u\/ShitInMyCunt-2dollar .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#church #ministry United Methodists Dismiss Complaint Against Jeff Sessions Over Using Bible to Defend Family Separation #dailynews #trending ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Roster reconfiguration season is coming up ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmfao...the entire arena is full asshat...shame you're presenting a picture as ppl r filing in...you're such a pathetic used cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The terrorist israeli government killed 2,200 Palestinians in the 2014 Gaza attack, more than 450 children killed. Despite global demands to arrest the israeli terrorists, such as Tzipi Livni and Bejamin Netanyahu, they were actually smugled out of Britain to avoid arrest for war crimes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fake fuck faggot Nazi agenda account says what?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said she would be pushing for EU leaders to put more money into the Trust Fund for Africa to address some of the factors that drive migrants toward Europe.Finally someone said it!https:\/\/t.co\/AkuP6sjzfK ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you've just gotten married, realize you're stuck with this asshole for life ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm a calculating woman with some time on my hands DANGEROUS! I'm planning to keep it up till the midterms then troll so hard I get kicked off after the red tsunami","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When millennial blacks and Mexicans see Charlottesville footage of Nazis clashing with anti-whites, they don't say \"look at those heroic fat blue haired dyke granola grad students defending POCs and diversity\". Instead they say \"YO, WHITE PEOPLE ARE CRAAAAAAZZZZY!!!!\" *insert laughing tears emoji*","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The people who elect pieces of shit like him should have to eat shit for the rest of their lives! his name does suit him ..... lol. Lol A certainty now. Despised by Republicants, his only salvation is the Demoncrats. Murkowski is the other one, but not running this year. He might be an Arlen Specter type who changes party whenever expedient. When it was clear he would lose a Republican primary, he switched parties. He still lost but not before he hurt the US by voting for filthy Democrat legislation. He's been promised lots of benefits, funding for this and that, but he can't win as a Demoncrat either. Maybe he thinks he can run as an independent and drain off Republicant votes, he was in Iowa etc. A pipe dream, but they'll give him a lot of money. True. He's an idiot. He wont even get 1 percent of the vote. Republicans hate him and Democrats are just using him. Independents will see him for what he is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"drag queen BREAKS HAND punching NAZI \"when a man who said he was a Nazi approached her\" LOL fake, likely punched a jew who didn't want to pay agreed upon amount for sex Who knew NAZI shop at same store as drag queen @Heartiste @Koanic @GuardAmerican @Escoffier https:\/\/www.lgbtqnation.com\/2018\/10\/rupauls-drag-race-queen-broke-hand-punching-nazi\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AmandaMarcotte: Not all men interrupt women to quibble over irrelevant issues for the sole purpose of derailing a conversation, he sa ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#NancyPelosi Filing #FOIA Request, Re #BrettKavanaugh! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/pelosi-filing-foia-request-for-key-kavanaugh-documents-prolonging-fight #DemocratsInPanicMode F#Democrats#POLICIES F#NuttyNancy for the#Nuthouse and needs to be tested for#Kuru #GaborZolna's take https:\/\/www.real.video\/5845944618001","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why are you screwing with my \"freedom of speech\" @a, @e, @support? I use the #NSFW tag and you hear a nazi faggot scream or even threaten someone and your answer is to shadow ban me. I hope the FBI take you down.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. this is a great idea. now people can protect themselves from me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And somehow idiots think it is a good idea to have niggers in the country. This is the average nigger. We have many millions of them . They will never change. They are savages because they were never meant to posses weapons like guns nor live amongst modern people. Black people are like a genetic abnormality that is a small portion of the nigger population . Actually rejects as far as the niggers are concerned.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And the award for best reply of the year goes to..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This but unironically Based and redpilled We don't like him either, he really is very anti canadian , but let's be civil about all this and not call people names. Please just spread the word to not vote for him next year.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Seabass215am @TrumpPa44824282 @DividedWeFall_1 @NBCNews Take your double down bs and go back to bed. We will never forget, you burned down our cities. #TRUMP2020 https:\/\/t.co\/QvmL3X3sWL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All you boys going to senior week WEAR A CONDOM! Cuz when girls say they're on the pill, they're probably lying! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@vlamp66 Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. no fags here im a straight white married 51 year old woman with a child..i wear many hats..faggot is not one..i stand up for the christian faith..race has nothing to do with it..if you truly did follow me youd know my views..im against those against god and jesus..i choose not to keep offending god our father. You need to grow your balls back and stand up for your race, white man. You sound like a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @TravelNevada: Great story of what it's REALLY like to be a camel jockey at the Camel Races in @VirginiaCity http:\/\/t.co\/X02xMAVEqU #Tra ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Government protecting its own. This wee gem was buried under a mountain of purile \"wedding\" stories! You Brits really are getting stiffed over this rodent. No way will HM Gov do a \"Dr Kelly\" on him! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6274439\/Taxpayers-fund-2million-year-bill-protect-Islamist-hate-preacher-Anjem-Choudary.html They managed to bump of Dr Kelly no problem, but he was NOT part of the plan - this scumbag is unfortunately, so he'll be well protected. much better than anyone else in fact!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For those who haven't seen this #ANTIFA manual (parts 5 to 8) \"The ANTIFA Manual - Found on the campus of The Evergreen State College\" by jebediah88Aug 8 2017 https:\/\/imgur.com\/gallery\/BcZOg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Join Captain Sully! Help save America's future! Take back America from Don \"The Con\" Trump! #VoteHimOut #BidenHarris2020#BidenHarris2020ToSaveAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/IhpG4C8OXD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time For a Little Background on Christine Ford http:\/\/www.teapartytribune.com\/2018\/09\/30\/time-for-a-little-background-on-christine-ford\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Still can't be. Even the neonazis behind the \"rapefugee\" website only claim around 450 rapes by immigrants for all of 2016 (800% more than suspected (!) rapes officially recorded). So if we pretend for a moment those numbers are ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow! I'm surprised to see soo many idiots on here who talk so good about a communist and say how he freed people from the us? If you don't like the us, then leave!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Jason is a fairy gay faggot if he cannot MUTE someone here. :\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Did you know that if you ask the team to pimp' your bagel they'll add in a tasty surprise for just one pound ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Humans are NOT EQUAL .... Breeding has NOTHING to do with it. MORON NIGGER LOVER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The US has already had a man, a nigger and others... maybe we need a woman or a tranny to fuck us ? lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Syria's military continues to advance in the south west ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Only in UK could a retard like Khan become mayor. Back in pakiland he'd have been the son of a rickshaw driver.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You seem upset. You should come find me. I could help you calm down... You are such a coward. What do you mean come find you? Why not man up and come out to play. Any time. 5 East 22nd Street, NYC. Let's go.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user You don't stand for Canadian workers: \"Wages in rich countries are determined more by immigration control than anything else, including any minimum wage legislation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Breaking: President Trump is using some kind of cult-like force to make us agree with him! Imagine what a mess he'd be if he drank alcohol! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=X8-4bpDXIiQ #CultOfNationalism THE DEEP STATE HAS WON And by using our sense of fairness against us. Most thinking Americans would hate Trump, his appointments are the worst, his actions treasonous; but they feel' they must defend him because he is attacked with specious claims. And now we all must defend another, Deep State, corrupt Judge involved with the cover-up of Vince Foster's murder and thinks the government needs no warrant to spy on you. - because he is attacked with specious claims. The Deep State has won, and all they had to do was put on a show.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" This islamic Somali POS needs a vent hole between the eyes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As we pray for the country's leadership as they debate about immigration this evening\/this week, we can likewise... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When she tells you she likes guys that read... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's never personal with me cause I wouldn't ever care that much ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was really mad cuz the Chicongo cop got convicted for shooting a crackhead nigger 16 times and i was super psyched about the niggers rioting tonite but the tantrums about Kavanaugh more than make up for it. as long as i can watch liberals go into tantrums im happy ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Are you looking forward to having two guys inside you? Depends. Are they good pilots? They're ok Are you assuming their gender?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a vile cunt she must be, spit on her face next time and say \"begone foul wench your presence disgusts me\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If #BidenHarris2020 adds four justices, which he better...he will also replace Breyer with a 40-something...and if we are lucky, SA and CT retire or die in next ten years for two more. Majority will be short-lived and Roe being overturned will be short-lived. #SCOTUS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kevin's name in my phone is Skank ass bitch as a joke but it feels true ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what the fuck is there to investigate put this bitch ass nigga in jail","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">Gay culture is so dick-focused HM. I WONDER WHY. Can't even argue that. I know a Richard who fits the bill. Proof of Gay Agenda? Dirty won't be having that in this house","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Japanese culture is ancient and unique","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Listen to that wording in the \"article\" aka hit piece. It's entirely worded as a way to try to discredit the guy and completely ignore the issues and facts he brought forth. The guy is 100% about recognition based on merit and against recognition based on political\/ideological basis. Awards in science should not be stipulated on some kind of retarded quota system. If a guy creates a process to have self sustaining fusion energy but loses out on the Nobel prize because too many men won that year so instead it goes to a woman who created a tiny simulated volcano using baking soda and vinegar, it would be a fucking travesty.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You put a Drakengard image to open the article with. You have earned me being a fan, without reading the article in the slightest. Edit: also a good article and summary of the retarded events that transpired.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Retards, meaning all these commenters","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Police State Britain :a stain on humanity. When a country gives you 12 months for putting bacon on a mosque, that is bad. But when a muslim shitstain kills you in prison for putting bacon on a mosque, then you are a communist regime. There is NO - Torrance, love and peace in Islam . Just hate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Then we're back to square one with Romney, Collins and that cunt from Alaska fucking everything up","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It warms my heart that Africans recognize that they've been blessed by a visit from an insanely sexy, important white woman. They're not playing by the faggot white westerner script.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"CARAVANS WALK ONLY FOR PHOTO OPS FULL VIDEO: https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/PQjg2ND6h6Lg\/ All fake paid for by Nazi soros","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really like a lot of what you said here. I feel like i can barely speak up about this side of the topic because people are quick to shut down those who try to be too serious about it. 'Anxiety' and 'depression' and 'mental illness' have almost become buzz words. It seems that a lot of people don't know how difficult it is to really suffer and feel out of control of it all. As you spoke about, there's a fine line these days between awareness and influence. People get ideas in their heads and see the memes and the relateable content and start linking everything to their own lives. Before you know it, you've got perfectly healthy people being tainted by the world and people around them, imposing problems upon themselves and making life more difficult than it needs to be. It desensitises the whole situation and now I have people coming to me with real problems who don't want to speak up because of the upsurge in people talking about it. They feel they wouldn't be taken seriously. And that's horrible. I do understand though that it's an impossible seesaw to balance since so many people are involved and so many minds with a million ideas and actions are impossible to control and have on the same wave length.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user You're aware that not all men like women right? Get out of your bubble ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"other politically correct retireds like yourself might think it's important but I'm not a journalist leftist pukes like youself like to bitch about unless shit , you don't want to get to the main subject of what were speaking about , because you have no experience about it , so take your grammar and stick it up your ass faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user This is disgusting practice, make sure Huntleigh USA rehires these women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user 1) fuck you 2) i gotchu fam, lemme get my pimp hand ready ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look up the new black panthers or the huey p newton gun club. Commie morons","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"See... I would like your selfie but the way my pride is set up, I'd rather just look at it ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's even worse when nigger lovers pretend like they're right wing. They're fucking stupid","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#MGTOW secret handshake: The Double Dutch Rudder. #MgtowAreClosetFags You're full of shit. You're also an idiot. Varg has what 4, 5 children and lives in the middle of nowhere. Did that stop the french pigs from shooting through his door at 4am, arresting all of them and almost killing them? And since the ability to destroy a thing means having absolute power over a thing, you are ABSOLUTELY dependent on the system. You didn't really explain anything. You just scapegoated why people aren't having kids in some convoluted train of thought that is summed up as \"Best way to stick it to the Jews in power is to not procreate.\" Or is Time Magazine suddenly red-pilled, woke, and legitimate? \"Don't have kids, goys\" has been one of (((their))) central message for a few years, now. This dude is a kike clearly. Stfu kike faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I put the AGE in savage cause I'm old AF ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Problem for the PM re Johnson is that a person who sent round vans telling immigrants to GO HOME is not in a position to lecture anyone on racism. The lesson of which is: if you pander, they'll take everything you give them and keep pushing for more ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Hilly won't return harv's$250kdonation per Guidestar foundation990 tax form $450million on hand pro woman anti rape til it$$ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2017 Should EU take migrants from #Italy when they already sent 100,000+to roam Europe.All for @user bt \"migrant sharing a nonsense and plays into hands of Brussels, which seeks to commit EU to mass migration.#Visegrad @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This low-T faggot is getting added to my Royal Shit List.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user You may see this c@#t in England he will ram you thow.so caution on the roads ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BrosConfessions: Charlie Sheen is a legend #ForTheBros http:\/\/t.co\/nbYjumIkQA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggots are soft what if he was just tapping them on the shoulder and there faces inadvertently got in the way. @BasedJew14 @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb - \"Hate crime\" is the new spice on the faggot menu. The actual Truth is that their very existence is a hate crime,","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In case of an invasion cunts like these are the first to spread their legs to the invaders. So what is there to protect? Fight for what?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Not even 5 minutes... walk in... BAM!.... walk out... 5 seconds and that asswipe nigger is toast","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So she wants more gun control in the state that is the most strict with gun control? The shooter was a marine, does she not think the marines should be issued guns? It sounds like a case of someone who snapped, not loose gun control. These are Californians we're talking about here. They practically have sub-room temperature IQ. I will agree as one that's been here for over 30 years. . . this place has really gone downhill. I blame all the crap in the air from those in LA and SF.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Antifa Group Puts Severed Pig Heads at Campaign Offices in Texas, Call for 'Revolutionary Violence' https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/antifa-group-puts-severed-pig-heads-at-campaign-offices-in-texas-call-for-revolutionary-violence\/ via @gatewaypundit NWO GLOBALIST EVIL ILUMINATI CONTROL ISLAM and SOROS ! Top Iluminati Grand Wizard: We Control Islam https:\/\/youtu.be\/0dXD2H0m74g 2018-30 EVIL NWO BASIC IDEA \"ORDER OUT OF CHAOS\" ! SOROS LEADSFUNDS GLOBAL NWO CHAOS and STOOGES + ANTIFA https:\/\/youtu.be\/g4Z8oCLGMcw CHAOS VS ORDER http:\/\/orwelltoday.com\/stagedevents.shtml -KILL MAGA and BREXIT SPIRIT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Polley writes that women in the industry don't think anyone will care if they tell. Rape culture isn't acknowledged ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some #UNSC members prefer to keep meetings private on the #Rohingya refugee crisis but because of the one year anniversary and the intense public interest in the Council mission, we believe it is right to do this session in public: says @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A streetshitter with no charisma or intellect. Indian guy who larps as a right winger and looks like Aziz Ansari's retarded cousin. Also known to hit on random women online, apparently it's innately in his Indian genes to be a creep. Extrememely childish, low IQ and cringey, like Torba. Fired from Gab due to stupidity, incompetence and garbage PR skills..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@SherrieInGA @2RawTooReal @GregHowardJr1 They are so cool! #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This chick is a typical feminazi cunt. FUUUUUUCCCK YOU.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hahahaha, beautiful! She came across as an entitled cunt with a victim complex and a masive chip on her shoulder. She can thank third wave feminism for now being unemployed (and unemployable).","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Immigration decline costing UK economy billions, says think thank | The Independent - ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Like Baathists before them, #ISIS and Al Qaeda supporters' rivalry is as absurd as their cause - battling for who's the more authentic Jihadi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tonight's debate drinking game. Shots every time we hear: emails, Hillary, Hunter, Voting, Fake News, BLM, and Sleepy Joe. We'll be drunk before the intros are over. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No you're racist because you said this ladies actions were solely because she was white. Then, and this is the funny part, someone calls you a racist for it and you flip your shit and call all of us racists on absolutely no basis. Are you an actual retard? It's such a shame there are so many people who act like you. Hey cunt, sorry your father didn't hug you enough but you keep that racist shit up and you might just get hurt one day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@MarineVet1979 @covert_s1 @AnnieGetHerGun @YoHolz @drarpatil @MelTheBos1 @BadBoyIII4 @SexyAssPatriot2 @CarolinaIsAlpha @1st_ForceRecon @maahh68 @BrianBombastic @HHere4trump @jchutch2 @Cal_Davis99 @truth_sniper @JamesAmfedup #drellenbrandt #MAGA2020 \"FOFO Ratio\" It's Elitist and harmful to have a Followers vs Following system at Twitter or anywhere else. There should be no such system, just full two-way Connections between Internet users. https:\/\/t.co\/nzVvdX0W4p","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Equality feels like oppression when you're privileged.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ps on the flip side: EVERY WOMAN WHO CRIES 'rape' AS A WAY TO BE PETTY OR REVENGE YOURE THE PROBLEM. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"DUMB CUNT WEARS A STRAP ON !! NO RESPECT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"nigger faggot soy boy. go wank your sister.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So Much for the Socialist Cause ,which Blair was Elected on first Eastern European Immigration then Iraq betrayal Millionaire to boot ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nurmagomedov chokes out McGregor in round 4 #UFC229","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well that's just great! @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Clinton in Englandistan spreading more lies and subterfuge. The tribunals need to get underway pronto.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Police officers are under a lot of stress because they know that we are watching, if you call police officers thugs again I'm going to punch you right in the nose you little child","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By far the dumbest rationale for the US involving itself in sand nigger wars is \"the Muzzlims persecute LGBTQ people\". Even worse than \"they oppress their women\". I swear to god Americans have the collective memory of a goldfish. When we put boots on the ground in Iraq, homosexuality was still illegal in 14 states. Do we bomb ourselves next? B-b-b-but... Dems 'n hajis R da REAL \"homophobes,\" tho!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"For all those trolling commenters. FUCK YOU, if you think your grand parents or great grand parents are native to this land. YOU'RE FUCKING WRONG. Lets educated you. As you clam you need to be a an American citizen. But I guess you believe in stealing and raping and murdering then. Because that was done to get this land. Ok let past thisHow about all those illegals that came over in boats crossing the river? Throw them and there children out? Yes? Sorry. I mean the Atlantic. So nearly every white American needs to leave too. Because most of the illegals that enter here was your great grand parents to parents to come here for e batter life. So it's ok for white to get it right. Even your racist great grand parents may be turning on there grave. You are the same selfish people that run for the train ask for someone to hold the door open for you and you won't do the same for the one behind you. If you really say you are religious. Prove it. Show me the believe in a ghost, or your imaginary friend make you better person. Respect the person next to you now matter what. There is only one race you should care about. The HUMAN KIND","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user New blog (previously Man of the Month) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think I'm going to beat this cunt down just for fun, and film it and youtube it and monetize it. And live off the proceeds. Nothing more humiliating for a man than to be beat down by a tranny @SeanEast","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Andrew @a, in the light of the recent loli ban (which I am all for and you're a hero) I IMPLORE you to add \"humourless autism\" option to why you're reporting a post. After 3 strikes an account gets suspended for a month as a warning. After 10 such warnings you get banned and you must go back to Twitter as a punishment. I believe that bantz and lolz CAN be learned! Lolz and Bantz is mainly genetic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If black or white are different races, why isn't short or tall different races? Why not put everyone with a big head in their own racial category? Because the very idea is fucking stupid! The same as black or white or any other CNNSHIT shit you pull out of your ass! This nigger is the NAXALTiest nigger on all of Gab.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cesar Sayoc during his days as a \"stripper.\" Sayoc was found homeless, living in a van in \"Broward County\" when arrested for the so-called \"mail bombs.\" Broward County is the same location as the \"Parkland School shooting.\" These false flags are getting more and more pathetic! #Ghost Broward county has a ridiculous amount of scandal. Between sheriff Israel, Debbie W-S and voter fraud--this county MUST be investigated. \"This teen said Sheriff Israel got her pregnant when she was 17\"--and he forced her to get an abortion. http:\/\/www.project.nsearch.com\/m\/blogpost?id=4878805%3ABlogPost%3A857815","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EMINEM VENOM TELLS FANS THAT SATAN IS KNOCKING AT THE DOOR TO LET HIM IN...(ILLUMINATI EXPOSED) https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=YF15d2YYb4k","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"with your shit score of minus 3, you ought to be asking for CLUES, you retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@jsimsromance My guy is a Maine coon and a total cuddle bum. Every one that I've ever met has been super friendly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She is telling us how to live? #SheToo ist #UglierOnTheInside Hollywood leftie.. Tf are you doing? Let me taste those tears cow What's with the potatoe and the flag in the background? So have Bill and Michael YOOOOOGLY !!! VERY EVIL DEVIANT TRASH PERIOD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"4chan infographics are anti-memes. They damage the propagation of whatever they attempt to prove. I've read quite a few books on Watergate, so my attention span is fine. I just require some effort on the part of the writer. Qanon faggots can't afford clarity - it would collapse the scam. No see these kind of takes are just so lol, you haven't tackled the content directly, you have these hot takes you think are big brained but you are going to be brought to your knees in the future wishing you had just shut the fuck up all because you reacted to the retarded boomers that follow it. I've been bantzing you Qanon fags for months and it's always 'Oh real soon you will eat those words!' So far you got nothing. I bet my Gab account with one of you fags that there would be no military tribunals convened in November. They won't be.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I can smell the failure through my phone screen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you bilingual? This is how you can use your language skills to help refugees. @tarjimlyapp ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I have no shame bruh, none at all ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How to Pronounce Slipknot Bitch RT #mutt #demur #slut #shrew #sultana #kickupafuss #refute #bar ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If this bitch actually had a career: \"I don't think you should do it that way.\" \"You don't work in this department nor you have any experience in this technology\/tool\/style\/etc so fuck off asshole.\" \"Don't say those things!\" \"Don't try to force me into any performative and reductionist control of myself, cunt!\" \"How fucking dare you use my own rhetoric against me? REEEEE\" No work was done and the fighting escalates until the company itself is dissolved.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Whenever nay saying faggots say you can't best the govt w force, lookie here! A gaggle of cameras and nigger flesh and they're still trying to decide how to cope. #StudyINSuccess https:\/\/twitter.com\/costareports\/status\/1048618964392312832","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate gender -specific adjectives. Not all women are feminine and not all men are macho. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disgusting Muslim justice. India: 18-year-old Muslim girl tied to tree for five hours and caned for relationship with Hindu boy India: 18-year-old Muslim girl tied to tree for five hours and caned for relationship with Hindu boy https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/india-18-year-old-muslim-girl-tied-to-tree-for-five-hours-and-caned-for-relationship-with-hindu-boy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nevermind just the single figures either, but the actual warrior tribes that had women on the front lines or even as the primary fighters are all there in history too. Just ignore the ignorant bitches. If we gamer women want to play as female fighters, we will, on games that have them. And if a game we want to play does NOT have them, then hey, we'll play male characters and still wipe the field with the blood of our enemies. I'll always swing towards playing female characters if I can, but damnit I love my m!Shep just as much as my femsheps.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As GAB might be gone forever after this weekend I wanted to take this opportunity to say fuck you rotten pagan motherfuckers. Fuck all of you! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RMsp5cCTJTU fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger yea you just admitted that you want to hurt her so your bitch ass is afraid i would tell ,right you fuck cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#NowPlaying : The Doors - The WASP (Texas Radio and the Big Beat) on #1069TheArrow - http:\/\/t.co\/R5wuXA9jB6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I used to like that \"SavedyouAClickVidya\" guy on twitter, but when he revealed himself to be a pussy \"Games are art\" faggot and he went all apeshit over my article, I lost all respect for the little needle dick cocksucker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Pathetic. Spam. Bots. You already lost. Flailing. Weak. Just Pathetic. Micro-Flatulence..Please Turn To Page 3 of the Media Matters Handbook. Then? GFY, Moron. #QAnon #Q retarded liberals that worship satan, trying to clown Q with their demonic so called art, bring on the tribunals #Qanon. Little monkeys fling poo. It's what they do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Apparently the Cunts at Twitter don't think that Sad Dick Khunt is an arrogant, ignorant Twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nothing will happen. This cunt will return like Cersei Lannister and have us all enslaved or killed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Exactly! They're cracking down on child trafficking, so \"Its too dangerous\" to get them back! #BUILDTHATWALL!!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many forigners everywhere I go, what happened to all the real candians all I see is hajibs everywhere Real Canadians don't live in big cities anymore. Toronto hasn't been Canada in my eyes for at least a decade. Couple questions: How do you personally define a \"real Canadian ? And secondly, why must everyone subscribe to your definition of a \"real Canadian ? 1) someone who doesn't have to ask what a real Canadian is. 2) because we don't want the country turned into a third world shit hole Cool thanks for fostering real discussion. For fucks sake. Read your own post and think about whether you were looking for real discussion. If you have an actual question, ask it. Wtf my actual question is what is your definition of a real Canadian. Is it someone who speaks english or French fluently? Someone who grew up here? Someone who is a citizen? Someone who doesn't support Trudeau? Someone who is of European heritage? Someone who only agrees with you? Someone who is upset that we accept refugees? What the fuck is the definition, because I have no idea.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A lot of Whites still don't get it, you can't just go anywhere you please anytime you want and not expect to get attacked by wild nigger beasts. We are NOT all the same.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As a professional Software Developer in the industry for 10 years, i've yet to meet a female Developer of any value. The majority of them spend the day on social media and gossiping, the others ask the men around them to do their work, and the others do the most basic \"coding\" like editing HTML and CSS tags to change the font and colour on text. My conclusion: don't worry, the app they build will be a pile of shit. I've mentored a few women, didn't go down well either. They appeared to lack the ability to retain information and would continually ask me the same questions everyday... which were usually questions about the really basic stuff (never mind optimizing an algorithm). But, I did not always feel this negative about women in STEM. When I started out I was I guess quite left liberal leaning, very optimistic about doing my bit to smash the patriarchy (I actually believed the wage gap was real). Then I started working with Female Developers. I noticed they were always either complaining, gossiping, wasting company time on social media, or asking someone else to do their work. Ok I thought, so maybe I just happened to be put with some bad examples, but all other women developers will be amazing hot shot genius coders... but the same patter was observed at EVERY single IT company I ever worked at. I guess it was an awakening moment, where I realized \"oh shit i've been lied too, women can't code and hate being at work\". Today, I treat women Developers the same way as children. If they ask for help i'll provide it, if I have to work on a project with them i'll do my best, but I have absolutely no expectations from them whatsover and refuse to be surprised when another one is escorted out the building for being completely utterly incompetent.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and your faggot Cruz can go sucky sucky like you did in '15 you stupid fuck, lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Don't forget that the FBI was run by a perverted faggot for decades.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"NeverNothing and no oneput so much at stake.Kindness,The vote,Democracy;Freedom andThe country.Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. https:\/\/t.co\/Un9Qb4i8O6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump And complete lie Donnie!The Evil Is Real! Undeniable!#DontGetComplacent #VoteBlueToEndTheNightmare If we are to truly Make America Great Again we need to Elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.Please be a Patriot, Trump has to go for the good of our Nation.https:\/\/t.co\/JgOzAvGwRz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vanessa is such a fuckin faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#iubb #1 suiting up again tonight! #Indiana #IU #ncaa #hoosierdaddy #HoosierNation #hoosiers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tune in to my YouTube channel at around 7:15pm where my cousin Wetback vs Wetback, Emilo of @FrntAndCenter and myself battle it out discussing the Trump wall. I am For he is AGAINST. Along with that we will be discussing the Victim Narrative and Identity Politics!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Might be trying to tell you one of them muzzie terror compounds is close by?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" @JohnelHadleyJr: Uncle Charlie just got thru lip singing?! haha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wouldn't eat that faggot garbage if you paid me, or chobani muzzie yogurt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"can mnet stop being a bitch go suck my non existent dick and ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user USA media probably still thinks this is about women and children \"refugees as opposed to the reality of aggressive male migrants from violent regions. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey cunt...I have a medical issue with one of my eyes, and it has an artificial lens. Light is really bright and can give me headaches, so I have to wear them. So yea...go fuck yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"of course,now they will replace the Latinos with niggers.. Spielberg has shown himself to be a big time nigger lover..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Italian FM and Special Rep for Libya talk migration ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is exactly how I feel like when I see a tranny like this disgusting af","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump knows not all Jews are equal. #period Don't be a CNN analyst and stereotype people into social groupings, please. There's no reason a surfer can't wear a cowboy hat while surfing AND there's no reason a cowboy can't be naked in New York while playing guitar. #NakedCowboy #BeachBoys #FTW jews are equally bad Whatever. You are a fucking RETARD as long as you wear the #RealSteel #robot #avatar mask on your profile. You are a bitch until you prove yourself otherwise. What a fucking moron. Have you no respect for a classy avatar? You are a peasant troll to me until you change your avatar. \"Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.\" What a fucking hypocrite faggot. Just banned himself from the most bitchin' spot on the #internet. I love how 'artificial intelligence' learned to police itself.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"total retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Muslim who murdered the Scottish kid, Kriss Donald, has been given a poetry award while in prison. He gouged out Kriss Donald's eyes and set him on fire. RIP Kriss. I'll never forget what they did to you and how our establishment and media hushed it up. I will never forget what they did to this poor boy. The whole world knows about the black man murdered by white men in the UK. Wee white boy, tortured for hours and set on fire while he was still alive by Pakistanis and hush it up because community cohesions BS. I know what he should be given while in prison and it most certainly is not an award of any type! I was working in a house in the same street that day (decorating) and despite going outside into the street for lots of cigarette breaks I never noticed anything odd and I only found out about it when I went past the bowling club a few days later and saw lots of football scarves tied to the railings. Seems like years ago now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cortez is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is the nigger she was voluntarily fucking at the time. This dumb skank probably enjoyed every minute of her gang raping. The more black cock the better. At least they killed her for us so she couldn't pop a groid out of the demon portal she called a vagina. Fathers: don't let your daughters be feminists, marry them young, make them afraid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This was so sad. They say they are like family but yet hold them by their necks and dress them up for a beauty contest then fuckin eat them!!!! WTF! Yes animals are eaten every day but they aren't treated as family and used for a contest just to be eaten in the end! Humans are such assholes!!!! Animals deserve respect not to be looked at as food.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I think we're due for a second extinction class asteroid strike on earth. Humanity has reached peak retardation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nigger loving jewish whore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Honestly think she's just an oblivious retard. When he pushed her, she turned around like she was about to fight someone, until she realized it was the fucking guard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Watched some crows eat a sandwich","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whoa! Sorry, I have no idea how that comment got attached to this video. It was supposed to go with another post about California and immigration. Weird! Hell yeah that muzzie needs to be screened. Her and the rest of her ilk! Happens more to white people I'm sure.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Fields had nine prior arrests, while her boyfriend had *you're You goddamn illiterate fucking retard. Use proper spelling or grammar before you insult someone else's intelligence you down syndrome having motherfucker. You can't spell. You're the idiot. Your mom should have swallowed you instead of increasing the mentally retarded population of this planet. Impressive vernacular. I take it back. You are not an illiterate retard, but rather a pathetic neckbeard. Thanks for opening my eyes \"good sir\" *tips*","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"NBA, handle your zebras.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BloggerBoxing @rianscalia pass the Fosters faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"that is the most beautiful right hook ive seen. what a hero!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Got a job you fat daddy fucking cunt . Thats how Im paying rent dumb ass hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Don't mess with these migrant dads #SkimmLife via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mark_mac18 @sheppast @rianscalia groves is trash IMO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The little pussy in the blue hat is what EVERY Antifa faggot looks like behind their gay little masks---scrawny, weak, virgin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wow this voice and reading is the best thing in my life!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fat cunt ass bitch burn in hell ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">\"CERN considers the presentation delivered by an invited scientist during a workshop on >##**High Energy Theory and Gender** >as highly offensive, CERN said in a Sept. 30 statement. what >Strumia's comments also received massive backlash from a large group of particle physicists in the form of a letter on a site titled >##**\"[Particles for Justice](http:\/\/archive.is\/MvOFK). ** what (above link is to archive.is) from ParForJus: >Strumia argues that it is actually men who experience discrimination, since they are more likely to serve in wars and be used as forced labor. While many talented people of all genders still face barriers due to war and conflict, these concerns are not part of the experience of the majority of white male physicists born and raised in Europe or North America in the current era. He also misquotes the Istanbul convention as saying that men cannot be discriminated against, when the actual text is that \"special measures that are necessary to prevent and protect women from gender based violence shall not be considered discrimination under the terms of this Convention.\" ([Istanbul Convention](https:\/\/rm.coe.int\/168046031c), Chapter 1, Article Only if the nerds are also retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Give mean a logical 2 right them dumb cunt putting the months in front of the days who in the fuck would write them in that order","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Daily reminder that I hate niggers, jews and moslems but what I hate more than anything else are anti-White, White People. Only thing worse than a nigger is a nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user As long as it takes to #BuildThatWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another Faggot from Toronto","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Anyone who thinks manliness comes from a man's beard is 100% retarded and probably 99% gay.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"disaster? war? The left talks a lot of shit and have been pushing buttons and their luck a little to much for a group of folks who do not believe in guns... gonna be a slaughter like shooting retarded fish in a barrel... SMH","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Democrats abhor school choice, lower taxes, and want larger public programs.What it means is they want you dumb, without money, and fed handouts like baby birds.They don't want you to take care of you, that's their job.#Election2020 #vote #Trump2020 #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope that fucking cop burns in hell the man had head phones in fuck cops","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Mick_Peddicord8 thank you again mick","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are retarded if they think they will ever reach the targets! Innocents are FAR more likely to be hurt! Politically, it's obvious, the assholes want to blame TRUMP Supporters for it! Crazy Bastards!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When a baby won't stop crying so naturally you have to outdo the little shit ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"sick stuff. maybe the quiz will be about stinky dogs tonight and the chick will know all the answers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Have an abortion if it's a male baby inside of you to prevent him from turning into a rapist. Too many risks involved with having a boy. But if you can't abort, use formula to polute his body and make him an obese baby. Don't give him them the necessary organic nutrients from your own body. I'm a dumb feminist cunt who hates men! This is all I heard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"[deleted] That indoctrination camp has no place getting one cent of taxpayer money. Berkeley shouldn't get Federal research grants? nope! not one cent! So like medical research for disease cures should all be cancelled? If they stop brainwashing kids to hate their own race, that would do. You are literally doing the same shit you accused her of doing. I am not brainwashing white kids into hating themselves. Are you a bot? Nope. I am telling it like it is. Berkeley teaches white kids to hate themselves. sure it does ;) bob for the loss! oh no.. downvotes on PPD.. whatever next, banned from TwoX posts?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ProudlyLiberal2: Charlie Crist wins Democratic primary http:\/\/t.co\/FunqXo8O4O","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get the phuck out of all the cities. You're retarded if you think you can be an active RW activist in these seditionist hell-holes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"According to Nigerian Immigration , twenty three trucks arrived Banki yesterday with refugees from Cameroon ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Londonstahn under Sadiq Khan , the caliphate OF ALL CALIPHATES . Muslim London: 423 new mosques, 100 Shariah courts http:\/\/saudigazette.com.sa\/article\/545051\/World\/Europe\/Muslim-London-423-new-mosques-100-Shariah-courts britainstan is a place only crazy people visit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Congratulations Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris and Team! Wishing ALL Americans well! Here's to Unity! Nov 7- Bi'Den Day! #TheResistance #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I swear to gawd if I see one more \"not all men etc shit when a woman is killed by a man and y'all don't hold people accountable I'm fightin ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the absolute mad man None of \"your money? You mean our money. Pretty sure Jair is controlled by Jews like all the rest. Probably. The leftards are worried he will take Brazil out of Brics and back to the IMF. Which is a fair enough concern of theirs even if they don't realize that BRICS is just controlled opposition. On twitter people like authors Stephen King, William Gobspm and other famous people who are smart enough to know better support what jews are doing to us. If we are killed and our country turned into a soviet union they don't seem to care. Any thoughts about them? Gibson, sorry about that. IF we ever start winning American public opinion, we're at war with their new host. 10 points to whoever knows who that is. ;) You win! If there's enough of us fighting hard enough, it will be Red Dawn with Chinese troops kicking us into camps like the gulags. I've been expecting this to happen. #BlackPill Jair is a #Egalitarian and loves the #DIEversity of brazil. He hates people like you. https:\/\/gab.com\/ButchDeadlift\/posts\/39282122 ^^^ Chad Post ^^^ You're the kind of ass that gets awesome sites like Gab shut down. No cupcake, Jews are what get awesome sites shut down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Today I feel a tiny smattering of hope.#BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Insane? I dont think shes crazy. I think shes just downright too retarded to be driving. That guy had to take her phone away and move the bitch bc she wasnt getting it. Technically possible, but more probable is just that she's a self-absorbed cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If you say that \"toxic masculinity\" is \"not treating men and boys with compassion\", then you're no longer complaining about what was reaped, but what was sown. In which case, we should call it something like \"toxic parenting\". As for the patriarchy, the ones complaining about it are always complaining about the people at the top. When it is women at the top, the situation is unchanged, except there's less bitching. So what they're complaining about is authoritarianism. They just get confused because they look at the top, see mostly men, and think \"men are the problem\". This thinking isn't retarded, but it is verging on it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Historically, refugee agencies have focused on meeting immediate relief needs. But what if we could do more? -John Barcanic #OneStepCloserWR ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Far right\" means anything right of Marx To these retarded far left dunces.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@SuicidalSasquatch What up nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is a shame . These people creating disorder . It is not smart . We all should move on and give a chance to the new president.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watch: Muslim refugee says she is ashamed to be called \"Canadian\" and live in Canada - Assimilation IMPOSSIBLE! THEY MUST LEAVE https:\/\/twitter.com\/AMike4761\/status\/1050508286871687169 #GTFO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wtf ?? this idiot Euhm i think if black People hate white people it's because white People use their gun like as a toy, and shoot black People like as they were nothing, they took lives of their family , and there is no JUSTICE, if u would stop to kill Black and justice Was here, i assured u they would have less hater inside them. And Its also white People who hate Black people only cauz their skin's color is diff rent. People are So stupid...and politics bring more hater, i wish this idiot politicien would die for bring hater!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I be waking up on some new shit like fuck that bitch shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"@DomWorldPeace: Baseball season for the win. #Yankees\" This is where the love started","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you know you're a piece of shit and own it like a boss ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user women alr hv lots of bad names tbh - - Bitch\/slut\/cunt etc etc. Trash is nothing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I understand your point. No thing is absolute. Most people that say \"hurr durr not freedom from consequences\" are using it to *rationalize* their behavior, usually to justify \"punching a Nazi\" or whatever. In *principle,* freedom of speech is pretty chill. >Gas the jews, kill all faggots, death to sandniggers, God isn't real, religion is a joke and black people are mongoloids. In real life, I'd give you a \"Shut the fuck up, u\/Cetarial, that's annoying.\" I wouldn't punch you. I'd try to talk to you about it, like this. If someone said you should be punched, punished, or imprisoned for what you'd said, I'd tell them to fuck off, possibly with force. Because I'll defend your right to speak even if I disagree. If your right to speak shifted into, *actually trying to* >Gas the jews, kill all faggots, death to sandniggers, It would be time for the punishment to start rolling. ----- I guess this is a lot of rambling to say, \"Most people that discuss *'not freedom from consequence'* are using it to try to **silence** those they disagree with.\" It goes against the entire principle of freedom of speech. And you know what? Maybe after a few too many late night parties where u\/Cetarial came over to my house and spouted his \"gas the jews\" schtick, I'd tell them they weren't welcome anymore. And that *would* be a consequence, because, like I said above, balance is critical. But as a rule, I'm hesitant to start censoring, de-platforming, and all that because it is a slippery slope.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#pittsburghrally is lit #VoteReady #MAGA2020 #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My #immigration plan! I crossed the Border from Peru into Chile once. It is wide open desert with no plants, but they salted BOTH sides of the Border with landmines. They don't have much of an illegal immigrant problem in Chile. If you don't go through the Checkpoint- you're dead. I would build a detention center that was open on the Mexico side. The wetbacks would be glad to go away. Sessions \"No Tolerance\" Policy is sound. A First Illegal Entry into the US (Applies to US Citizens also) is a Misdemeanor. The are convicting ALL illegal entrants, taking Fingerprints, Photos and Iris Scans. A 2nd Illegal Entry to the USA isa Felony (For US Citizens also). But to convict on the Felony they need the Record of the First Illegal Entry Conviction. Foreigners Convicted of a felony cannot Immigrate to the USA Legally- so they are forever banned from entry. What they truly need to do is make those who are found Guilty of a 2nd Illegal Entry actually do 2 years in Prison. Having more prison Guards gives jobs to Americans. Sounds like a plan! Many years ago the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia said that \"Landmines are a Human Right.\" At the time I thought them insane, but they have their uses after all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I remember this whole shit storm, before SJW's were even a thing most people were aware of. I thought it was a retarded non issue then, I think its a retarded non issue now. Complaining over having to kill African zombies...in Africa is asinine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"New test makes your poop neon colored if you have colon cancer http:\/\/t.co\/GiGzo0ntpD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump Proven RIGHT After Video Shows Voter Fraud By Ilhan Omar Supporter... https:\/\/t.co\/oEGRxXr5NJ via @YouTube #VoterFraud #VoterFraudIsReal #Trump2020 #biden2020 #TRUMP2020ToSaveAmerica #Trump2020NowMoreThanEver","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminists are fucking retarded, why are they so pissed about manspreading shit makes no difference in space. I'm gonna start throwing things in womens cleavage as they walk by.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm glad this is a free-expression forum, so I can tell you to take your anti-Jew bullshit and shove up your faggot ass, and not worry about being banned.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"*NEW VIDEO* Tattoos are for people who don't have personalities. Change my mind. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=sig4hAqtpLg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Concentrate on all the nigger related crime. The legacy of slavery is a country full of dindu niggers. Slavery...that's how you get niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Beaadawgg: Why do the trashiest, really ghetto girls always get the most likes and comments on insta? Boys up and down their pictures a ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @_mikaylahh: I asked @zzachbarness to get me pink bunnies one time, so he brought me yellow chicks... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In commemoration of #WorldRefugeeDay and beautiful families who have made #Memphis home through refugee resettlement, visit our photo exhibit \"Images of Inspiration and Integration\" at @user through Wednesday! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a CUNT how dare he talk about civil rights and Civil Justice when his party is the party of the Mob and mob rule and his voters and the left have done nothing but burn and smash America...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The truth is glaringly obvious. Kuntzman isn't so much a cunt as he is a pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Very very sad. And very very true...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DeJLoaf mixtape sell sole got some bangers!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These are poor Syrian refugees in camps ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do it, please. Make #illegals the defining issue of the mid-term election. Let the left defend illegals at the expense of citizens. #DeportThemAll #ArrestTheEmployers #EndDACA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Islamic Jihadis run away to Pakistan @PureMonotheist @BemetOr8 #UniteBlue","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is way more manly than faggot windmills.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Think you know #BlackLivesMatter?You don't know JACK until you watch this. Real Chicagoans will tell you the truth. https:\/\/t.co\/v1fliQ5z31 Via @RebelPundit #KAG #Trump2020 #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Today on SFTP, I interview @user and we talk about the most hysterical Pokemon fight that you will never ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nigger pleaaaaassse! Shut the fuck up and go play with yourself until it bleeds!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Democrats can't even bring peace to their own cities, what makes you think they'll be able to bring peace to America? #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As long as there is division they have us !!! Tired of being the us and them !!! Concur and divide that us the plan !!! One planet many peoples we all bleed red !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Some women find the Harvey kind of harassment and rape to be not that bad and may even encourage it from time to time depending on hormones. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cheers! World's most expensive bottle of whisky sells for $","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some stupid cunt mailed bombs to Obama, Hillary and a bunch of leftish media. Then some other stupid cunt thought that combining it with a stale old meme would get them some karma.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Watch: Afghan migrant harassed Bulgarian woman and got a lesson - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He was trying to be a modern day Robin Hood!! I'm sure he was using the proceeds of the looted bounty to feed the starving neighborhood children! God, everyone is so quick to jump to conclusions. That old man wouldn't have been around much longer anyhow!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is all you need to know. #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/BV7uDDfpet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@phishlicia I'm 5'8 fag ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dont tell me youre in love with me, just shut the fuck up and eat my pussy! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aw! Did I push your buttons and get you riled to the point of being triggered? Truth hurts, doesn't it! Come on cunt cake! Let's go! You want to spar? I'm game! I never hesitate to call out TROLLS such as yourself. You're only recourse is to mute me, like most spineless trolls do when they are confronted with truths that do not agree with their narrow view of reality.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Of course the Toronto attack is a cover up! God forbid the public know what chaos, terror and destruction CULT Muslims are ACTUALLY bringing into our countries by the thousands! Papers say \"poor Muslim immigrants! I say \" poor citizens that built these countries ! #SendThemBack ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck are we gonna start up w the white sharia bs again","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tommy is a Zionist shit stirrer! A blind retard can see that! How dare you slander the Great One! Your penence is to shower you filthy nigger loving like!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The schools in the suburbs of Chicago pay stupid money. At my high school all our gym teachers had a 6 figure salary. The soccer coach who was also a gym teacher was pulling in around 600k. Absolute cunt of a person too. Because they had too much fucking money. The school was getting something like 22k per student every semester from the state. It was a great school but they ruined it by shitty management. By my Junior year the school was basically put on probation because our test scores were super shitty. And our soccer team wasn't even good. This guy was using the school's team to basically funnel people into his travel soccer team. There were players that sucked dick at soccer but were on Varsity for being in his travel team and players who were amazing but not in varsity because they weren't part of his travel team. Absolute cunt of person.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Whinge to the UN will be next, give us money for food. Thats OUR money, the money all our bastard govts give to the UN famine is coming soon if chimpouts continue against the european farmers Almost feels unavoidable at this stage, I doubt this retarded nigger learnt anything from what happened to Shitbabwe when they pulled this crap.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @D_Sidbury_: @lookwhogotit: All of Kate Upton's leaked nudes today and more http:\/\/t.co\/BW7ldA56mI http:\/\/t.co\/sWztntfdGn bitch lo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"50,000 People gathered outside the Lincoln Memorial to sing, pray and worship God. This is pretty awesome whether you are religious or not. #MAGA2020 #OpenUpAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/T0qzUj0XGa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The boomers are the exact opposite. They just sit back trying to look cool while the country goes bankrupt and is over run by welfare whores. then you remember retarded liberals going crazy in the 70's","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If that's not an in your face, threatening bully pose, I don't know what is. Feinstein has no feminine graces whatsoever. No real woman would hold that type of stance; her expression says it all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, Goodie another Racist Troll to Mute. Do come back under yet another identity. That Mute Button Never Gets Tired. Hahahahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Churches in Scotland! Have you seen @user theological reflection on migration? It's great! And don't forget that we're also happy to come to speak to your congregation or community group about our work at RST - we are so grateful to the many faith groups who support us. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why there are separate churches for Blacks (white attack), Mormons (catholic attack), Protestants (Catholic attack, Catholic (protestants attack), Spanish, English white, Asian etc?Same way there are different kind of mosques for Shias (where Sunni attack), for Sunnis (where Shias attack), for Ahmadiya (Shia\/Sunni both attack), etc etc.. You all fucking retards consider your god as one and still have separate places for people following same religion. Fucktards everywhere.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Colorado: Deportation of Muslim migrant who tried to kill cop was halted by court ruling @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Macron with his convicted criminal nigger toyboys https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6226585\/President-Macron-poses-smiling-man-showing-middle-finger-Caribbean-visit.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Do you want CHILD PORN on Gab? Do you want ANIMATED CHILD PORN on Gab? Are you censored? Can you have a conservative opinion? A liberal one? Other? YES! Is LEGAL PORN allowed on Gab? Yes. Shouldn't the line be drawn SOMEWHERE? I draw it at child porn or facsimiles of such. If you don't like that go put CHILD PORN on Twitter. They won't mind. @a did nothing wrong I draw the line at hypocritical self-righteous virtue signaling since it correlates extremely well with crimes against humanity. Hypocritical self righteous virtue signaling is NEITHER illegal NOR against Gab rules CUNT Here's what is illegal AND actionable: malicious defamation. I've been defamed twice just being a relative bystander, as a mainstream anime fan with no interest in loli.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"sounds like she didn't get promoted because she's a puritanical SJW and super obnoxious. Get a better personality, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Watching Biden's speech from Gettysburg is the first time in the last four years that I haven't wanted to gouge my eyes out while watching the news. He just earned my vote. A strange litmus test, I know. #Biden2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where else to they belong? #auspol #ausfam #africa #afrcicangangs Bill Shorten and the Greens said they belong in Australia.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The left is so contradictory. Things that the SCOTUS overturned that the majority of Americans wanted include racial segregation, abortion restrictions, gay marriage bans, etc. One guy gets on the court and these clowns want to give up all these things. The left can never see 2 ft in front of the, let alone the forest through the trees: If they can't win to control it, they want it destroyed. They didn't win the last Presidential Election, so they want to abolish the Electoral College. When they lose, in November, they're gonna want to abolish Congress and the Senate. I'm wondering when they'll just commit mass suicide. Hey, democrat here. I, and everyone I know, don't want to abolish Congress, the Senate, or the Supreme Court. However, arguments could be made that the Supreme Court needs term limits, and that the electoral college is outdated. Have a nice day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You notice whenever #Trump had #Biden in a corner, Chris #Wallace immediately cut Trump off and changed the topic? CHRIS WALLACE WAS A TOTAL DISASTER LAST NIGHT! #MAGA2020 #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is DM you but apparently you don't respond to me anymore ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IMO its as follows 1, lack of quality in these outlets. Sorry, but if you are good at writing, you don't end up as game journalist. 2, actual competition from indies - YT, Twitch - that are putting them out of business and therefore the necessary for clickbait articles in order to generate revenue (normal journalists don't earn much, game journos earn fuck all). 3, Corporations blowing hot air up their ass so they can secure positive coverage that results in game journos massive ego trip issues (corporate exec tells me I am the greatest and maybe I have a future in story-writing dev team while my audience makes meme out of me because I can't play Doom). Hence why many of them are such massive cunts on social medias, while those that aren't generally see it as transit point until they either leave the industry for good or go indie. 4, endresult is the identity politics agenda graivy train. Its easier to feel good about yourself when you failed miserably at what is job-for-bloggers when you can blame all your woes on those evil *insert group you hate today here* while you are the savior of women, gays, non-white, whatever. And as all saviors, you are simply not appreciated in these times, but fear not, your time will come.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Been owned like a good paid for nigger for a long time","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Time to wake up!\"I walked away from the Democrats when they said illegal immigration and open borers mattered more than me and my family,\"YOU and YOUR FAMILY deserve to be safe.President Trump's highest duty is to keep America safe.#NoAmnesty #NoDACA #EVerify #BuildTheWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's pointing out the ridiculousness of your argument. You're using the same argument (no true Scotsman) that communist apologists and socialists use to defend how fucking bananas your ideological proponents have become. What we're seeing from the left **is** liberalism. It's liberalism allowed to go full retard. To put it in non-political terms, this kind of wanton-fuckery is what becomes of Chaos and Order in the other's absence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What the hell, Aussies?! I strolled by a TV today and caught a minute or two of a snake-catching guy covered in tattoos. After he bags a snake and hands off the bag to his chunky tatted gf, he walks over and shakes hands with two AFRICAN looking cops, not Abos, but AFRICANS. Why would you let them in your country? They're a plague here in the USA. Why would you let a plague into the USA???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"McCann, although not having the greatest of seasons, would be a step up from Russel Martin. McCann or Carlos Ruiz #MLB #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this isn't breaking news, this is fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@AllbuttHindstain you got any more quips, im bored","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dems are using the migrants now as their new nigger hordes! Keeping them down on the plantations as well now! Niggers are falling in line and toeing the line too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why the fuck did you join this retarded group?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Has it been a year already? Are you looking forward to giving up your most hysterical woman( tweeting about seat swap on a @user flight) title? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@yungdipIo @Iemonaids like I really want a rafter monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you israel! Land stealer!! Those who supports israel is already brainwashed by the zionist tricks!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Immigration...https:\/\/t.co\/adQMqGRRZ5 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"did you not realize you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just waiting on Kim and Putin to complete the trifecta! https:\/\/t.co\/3XklUKdw7o","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or an actual chick next yo a bull dyke and Mike","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I love how people say come here legally (like if it was easy and cheap), love how they point out my ancestors came here \"legally\" and \"the right way\" but yet they forget to mention that pretty much 18 and 19th century had open borders until they came with the Chinese exclusion act in the late 1800's, then in the 1940's to 1965 hundreds of thousands of illegal Europeans had amnesties to become citizens. But yet they condemn the illegals of breaking the law but kept silent when our president bomb ILLEGALLY other nations ex. Syria. We don't need a wall or deport millions of residents what we really need is a comprehensive, humane immigration policy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those ladies are in for a big shock, Glenn didn't get shot, the one who was supposed to shoot him got shot by Glenn's son. The cunt lives on. #Hollyoaks","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"See how I don't give a fuck? Bitches only use and abuse men and get away with it. Well, turn about is fair play! Don't start no shit, there won't be no shit - but bitches LOVE to talk shit. And complain and cry - just like you are now. Better learn how to fight and take a punch. Equal rights and lefts, ya cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@derek_gatewood it's not ghetto you fool.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The immigrant that did this received more consideration than a US citizen who committed those same crimes would have received. #BlueLivesMatter #DeportTheCriminals ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"obamination appearing at the most nigger infested school in Milwaukee on Friday.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Despite his vehicle being festooned with pro-Trump stickers, Cesar Sayoc doesn't follow any Republicans or conservatives on Twitter, choosing instead to follow left-wing personalities like Lena Dunham, Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/alleged-maga-bomber-cesar-sayoc-only-follows-left-wing-people-on-twitter\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"whats the big deal mexico has immigration laws and policies they deport people all the time nothing is said or done yet when the united states chooses to enforce its immigration laws and policies people become shocked and outraged","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" WHITE VOTES MATTER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You might be the biggest retard on gab. Why can't I judge someone based on their DNA? I know for a fact that I'll never see a 180+ IQ negroid because of DNA. Why is it arbitrary?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Those of us who are anti-Trump have to deal with people who seem to inhabit an alternate universe. In Universe Beta, Trump just built a border wall, pulled our troops out of Syria, and successfully re-negotiated trade deals with multiple countries. Oh, and illegal immigration is at an all time low. What drugs are they smoking, and where can I find some?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@filmyguy Who's joe trump and Kamala Biden","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Islam is the truth Justin Trudeau publicly becomes a Muslim via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Doesn't bother me, but I attribute that to not being a liberal retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" TRUMP HAS THE PERFECT MOUTH FOR SUCKING DICK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leave are country. Inbred. Most retarded name ever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Needed in EVERY state.... How about NO drug testing - that's real freedom not pretend feel good \"freedom Dependency isn't freedom. As long as they're not financially independent and living on someone else's dime, they should be accountable. Drug testing is one form of accountability. Accountability is as much a part of life as responsibility. Ultimately, I think that people should be tested. I'm not going to bother explaining why I think that way because you're obviously so triggered by the thought of it that I'd be wasting my breath. Almost like you're personally offended. Like it applies to you or something....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i wonder how many nigger cocks have been in her or how many dyke pussies she has eaten....probably loads!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Using my Free Speech to say I'm really glad PayPal suspended payments for Gab, and that the hate speech here should embarrass every one of you. I'm with you, Brianna!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Men! We know that not all men are rapists. We know. You don't need to remind us every time we want to talk about rape. We fucking know. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"thank god a smiling nigger detreoit just rebuilt itself","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nancy Pelosi has dementia. https:\/\/iotwreport.com\/pelosi-is-a-melange-of-gibberish-host-stares-at-her-wondering-what-the-heck-is-wrong\/ #KrazyKatLady #MAGA #NancyPelosi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck that dystopia! if asian wombs r only willing vessels of the future white ethnost8, perhaps western whites will b swarmed by muds as they watch their netflix with their dogs. https:\/\/youtu.be\/D_AnHRnTszk #anglinalternative is based on science and survey data from @laurensouthern https:\/\/youtu.be\/D_AnHRnTszk I hope you are saying that tongue in cheek its not as traditional a proposal as @Wifewithapurpose goes with, but most young white woman seen 2 eschew her course of action, thus forcing white men 2 seek innovative alternative such as @AndrewAnglin puts forth","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They have a bunch of little faggot SJW's who do nothing but look for offensive posts then report them to Fascistbook to get people banned.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. Blocking is not censorship. You can still say whatever you want. Just not on my original post. Like you can say whatever you want, just not in my house.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As the @user final begins and @user is led by several keep in mind #refugee=#resiliency= #immigration @user should take note! @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are so many errors XD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NYT: You are hired! This thing (women?) is the worst pos I have seen in like...forever! I have NEVER heard such foul things coming from another as I have heard from her. She is PURE EVIL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are retarded for real. This is South America , which is Catholic some 500 years now. Catholic church is such a ''civilization builder'' Clap clap clap #StopHumanizingMuslims. #FeedChristiansToTheLions. #HailOdin. White people don't care what side some arm of one of the semitic religions is on, we'd just like u to go back home to the desert and fight there , we have enough problems with out yours","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump @FoxNews I have to give credit to @NorahODonnell for not joining Kamala Harris laugh-fest.. it made Harris look crazy.. As Joe Biden said yesterday on 60mins., she's smart as a devil, kinda scary! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol, 2k will stay retarded and never realize why everyone is playing black ops 4 instead of their piece of shit game","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This person by rejecting the apology and $50 gift card shows less class than the person calling her a nigger... Now if she sues\/holds out for more $$$ then she is def a nigger IMHO. What are your thoughts? https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/lifestyle\/dominos-fires-employee-writing-n-word-customers-pizza-order- nigger is just slang for Niger where many came from in African... plane leaving hourly to take any back to Niger, the N word","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm ready, are you? #Debates2020 #debatedrinkinggame? #Trump2020 vs #CreepyJoeBiden #debate https:\/\/t.co\/FXc3osvFAI","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What about NiggerFaggot?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If you don't see the connection then you are retarded and should go cleanse yourself from the gene pool.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Every cunt should have to wear one","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Attacks on Kurds in a Greek camp raise fears that conflict in Syria has followed refugees abroad ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just gave another $20 to BIDEN\/HARRIS. Yeah, not much but I'm on a very limited income however I have never been so scared that if they are not elected, AMERICA WILL DIE!! #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every Sidney I've ever known has been a faggot know it all but this one is actually a lib trying to be decisive. Ain't that right bitch boy? Answer the question faggot The question faggot? I guess you must be the question faggot. You are the one asking faggy question with a fag complex. Go play with your Trump Dildo twinky....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fair enough. I just thought it was worth bringing this up before it spreads with more people in certain circles accusing people of being stalkers \/ conspiracy theorists etc. Every leftist sub that is shit now got its start in nitpicky overzealous moderation efforts. Just sayin'. Edit: \/u\/HandOfBane, a giant leftist fucktard, banned me for stating a simple fact, because he likes to go trawling through post histories just like the leftist he pretends he isn't. Total fucking shocker, folks. HandOfBane, go fuck yourself, retard. Man, I just looked at your userpage because of your retarded ass idpol name. Said userpage isn't doing you any favors, and chock full of idpol attacks on all kinds of people. R","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is part of the reason I can't stand canadians.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"to be fair he was pretty faggy around the time of the leaks, thats exactly how he got caught. i dont think the gov had anything to do with this he got busted talking to some other faggot on some faggot site... if he didnt do that no one would have ever known who he was...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Me manifesting a win for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris https:\/\/t.co\/Ooo0BAipnz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#California is full of white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What's with this huge uptick in SJW\/feminist women embracing witchcraft? If witches were the first brewers it was probably their cunt-yeast that fell into something, got fermented, and then they drank it. Much like the women today who make bacon out of their labias and finger paint with menstrual blood. They were burned at the stake back then, they should be publicly shamed non-lethally now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's just retard blaming, not victim blaming. He had something this good going on but not enough IQ points to keep it going Are you pants on head retarded? Where do you see victim blaming?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@KamalaHarris @JoeBiden We are soooo looking forward to the VP debate. October 7th. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol, looks like this shit-hole site is probably going to get shut down, maybe @a should have been a little less concerned with banning drawings and a little more concerned with banning violent extremists, terrorists, and fed-posters, but hey, that's just my opinion. Unfollowed and muted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dont run lil bitch, dont talk shit if u just gonna run away,, scared to let ur wannabe kkk buddys know u gettin out trashed talked? or the fact i made u bow down twice... kiss my feet boy tell daddy ur sorry nigger + faggot = niggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who are the niggers to make the rules and confuse our white kids so much that they cannot see that a nigger never done me any good ever gave me anything except ive help numerous niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why can't rich people move into new places? They're not trying to displace people, that's a byproduct of a developing area. You can't expect not to be pushed out of a quickly developing area by doing the same minimum wage work your parents have done. It's an absurd way of thinking. Unless you OWN the property, don't get so butthurt. Go buy some land in Colorado.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the NYtimes is factually right about the 750 dollars Trump paid in taxes. Then this a big game designed for the fittest as Darwin suggested. #TrumpTaxReturns #NYTimes #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dad brought me home a watermelon eegee, but I don't like it so it's going in the trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#IHearYou After sharing 'me too', seeing all of the i hear you tweets when I was expecting more Not all men.... sincerely, Thank you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Rick Scott\/Charlie Crist ads have been running nearly non-stop in Florida for the past week. And they are getting even worse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THIS NOT RACIAL MORON GO AWAY, U lose argument because u don't know the argument exists cause you're retarded then you embarrass me in front of HIM","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"it's like the amount of e in REEEEEEEEE! constantly changing yet always retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Faggoth are revolting freaks, and a deadly public health menace. Many an unsuspecting woman died of GAYDS due to lovers secretly on the \"down-low\". GAYDS was brought to the west by a faggot airline steward, and originates in Afreaka (like ebola), almost certainly do to niggers fucking apes, you racial turd.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"DACA-age illegals far more likely to commit crimes,be in jail @user @user #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #EnforceUSLaws8USC1324-25#EVerify#EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery#BuildTheWall Immigration reform starts with clean slate ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" @JuanNdaCut: When twitter rappers dm me their trash links http:\/\/t.co\/o5Orzo1O19 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Was Just Wondering...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Pay to play is still in the (D)socialist 3rd world dumbsh*t partys dna. Somebody in the senate and congress are working it. Keep your eyes peeled! Promises IF they become majority. $ just waiting to pour into the newest foundation! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who is this Irish leftist cunt in Texas and why does he look like napoleon dynamite","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Lot of illegal Muslim immigrants r seen in Delhi in Old Delhi,around NZMand Yamuna Banks\/Okhla.Delhi fast becoming slum ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=TW6ACZGStt4 The Clash - Groovy Times","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God I hate retarded people ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Says the man who received an experimental treatment that's available to NO ONE ELSE IN THE COUNTRY!!! #LiarInChief #SuperSpreaderInChief #VoteHimOut #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Best behaved kids ever at mommy's commercial audition. Oreo McFlurries for everybody! #proudmom http:\/\/t.co\/9HFNSmaLcU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love Liv when she gets ghetto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> What makes you hate women so much. Gee I haven't heard this narrative a thousand times, please cite that source NPC. > I've been in MGTOW for a few months now No you haven't. > I've had one major problem with most of the members, they seem like pessimists. Like they were in just one bad relationship, and now they hate all women. But doesn't everyo I assume you're referring to my \"I love life\" posts? > Like they were in just one bad relationship, and now they hate all women. Please cite all the posts you made yelling at feminists and TwoXChromosomes posts yelling at them because of their sexual failures and the incel culture in feminism? > But doesn't everyone get into a bad relationship at some point? I've never been in abad nor failed one, all my relationships end mutually or via ghost protocols. I'm fine, thanks for asking. But then, i don't enter relationships like a retard. Sorry divorced guys, no offense meant, I just made different life choices. > I'd just like to understand your feelings on women and how your failed relationships impacted your thoughts. I've never had a bad one, because I keep them right where feminism tells me to keep them, as a casual series of holes to play with, and some emotions to play with, and some fun to play with. You know how you get that new relationship fun? Kind of like when you buy a new car and you wash it twice a week or more? Then you stop doing that one day? It's a lot like that. Except you end the relationship before you stop washing the new car.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There was a time that Indians (the American variety) were considered savage. Now it's a badge of honor? stone age Amerinjuns had a certain something that impressed. These were some tough people. So were the pioneers but the Injuns were even tougher because much less technology. I was just pointing out how times have changed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The end would be worth more than 1 https:\/\/www.dailystar.co.uk\/news\/world-news\/736435\/css-bavaria-angela-merkel-majority-lost-exit-poll-coalition-collapse She is backed too strongly by the liberals, i.e. Green, Socialist, Leftist. And she managed over the years to turn her own party from conservative to extreme left.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Bitch stfu ! Im just tired of you thinking you know me because of what that bum ass nigga tells you when he needs some pussy or a place to sleep ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are they planning on poisoning our restaurant meals and groceries or something? Why must Dems push themselves on innocent people constantly just because they feel they can take what they want from others? Is it because of the crooked system of corrupt courts they put in place?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@WideAngle_ @seanhannity Typical Liberal. I am guessing you see Antifa protesters in Portland holding hands and singing Kumbaya instead of burning down US cities and assaulting police officers. #DENIAL #TRUMP2020 #Trump2020LandslideVictory #TRUMP2020ToSaveAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/SDVJmeqxN5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now keep it going - condemn all those Islamically- Challenged assholes and their faux following of a religion they know bugger all about. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6298749\/Sajid-Javid-slams-grooming-gang-sick-Asian-paedophiles.html As for the twitter twats, shooting the messenger - they're all insane, supporting of filth! Bollox. That was the norm everywhere at that time, the Japs did it in WW","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JacobbBacker you don't know shit about me faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"}]