[{"text":" @dlogue22: Asians have short beds, my feet are hanging off the edge of the bed cuddle me bitch I'm right beside you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Scottyplagues @dancingxburrito @ReganLeahhh come to the Davis show and celebrate with me you retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"What a sniveling little cunt. I would be embarrassed for him but I cant stand the guy. @joederosacomedy @TheCumiaShow","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Anotherpotheadd lucky monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @michael28754837: Come On Yankees Lets Keep This Game Going!!! We Must Win!!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MeekMill u really got these coons out here dreaming","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @backtoBRIality: @OverlyLiked: ONLY REAL NIGGAS KNOW no matter how hungry you are, you better let these bitches cool off! http:\/\/t.co\/T ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Answer: DiFi and Antifa Democrats have NO sense of decency remaining","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Yay!! So happy she is well hehe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER This wouldn't have become a issue if he had not been choosen for supreme Court that's a fact... Shows liberals for what they are","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER STOP LYING AHOLE! FBI ISNT INVOLVED CAUSE THERES NOTHINGBURGER TO INVESTIGATE. ITS ALL LIBERALS CHARADE TO DELAY.. KAVANAUGH WILL B CONFIRMED #GINSBERGISNEXT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@princessfaggit I don't see tears bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Run it in her pussy like a crash dummy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/mLFuCqIIFA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Toxictory minister @USER attempted to expense 50 charity donation! It's what @USER do!! @USER #Toriesmustgo #DissolveTheUnion URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_Perarl: BITCH YOU GUESSED IT \"@VSamone: @_Perarl: my pussy cuteness always sets me up for a good day u need some dick\"WOOOOHYou ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@WendyDavisTexas hey Windy! Does your dildo take out the trash for you? Buzzzzz","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @Kik2Clean: Brah Wiz cheated http:\/\/t.co\/OZ2PnDNGJ0 she had hair like a dyke..... Uh.. Duh?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yankees getting killed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"walking dead gonna be so trash this season","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She got arrested for domestic violence against him!! Ugh bitch -_-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm a bitch now ? Ok.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Here she is........ URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ugh I'm such a little bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"The blatant abuse of the #metoo is really disturbing. No good reason to automatically place a guilty\" stamp on someone over unfounded allegations. Most importantly- it unfairly strips credibility from the women who actually suffered and demand real justice. Bullshit. #MAGA\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I miss her but I can't bitch I was the one who fucked up, whatever","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Badbitch_Amen @JoeAnoaiReigns I put this bitch to shame ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@YFN_NESHA all the great QB's fold under pressure gshit if u blitz Peyton ass he gon gook out","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Hugh Heffner gonna be on Life Support, STILL gettin pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"1996 and 1999 World Series Rematch: #Yankees #Braves","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He said get up bitch... That's not PG #FROhorsemen","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @drunksixthgrade: dont mind me im just over here tryin to teach ur bitch how to dougie","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@22duces20 haha still a little bitch though ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @DoseofOc: @Dirrttyydan Fasho you've been officially hired as my bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#BlessJesus Amos 5:10 There are those who hate the one who upholds justice in court and detest the one who tells the truth.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @turk_jt12: That bitch ain't loyal.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Ol heads always think a young nicca gon runoff wit they sacc","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#mt #commission #gouache #tiki #wahine #monkey #tubed #surfing #wavesliding #waterwalker #notkook http:\/\/t.co\/vii3SmGRm3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SteveStockmanTX you teabagger dunces want to eliminate education all together so you can groom more teabag voters. Lol.#thedumbestteabagger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You see you? You a bitch you.... Talk shit nigga you'll get ya issue!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@is_anyone_up @Huntermoore fuck my tight pussy until I'm dripping wet","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This nigguh got somebody contact as Ebola lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Rip lmao who knows that's why I'm trying so hard not to expose my shits since they can't never relate anyway","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives URL introducing new laws for small businesses that will: Help the UK's 5.7m small businesses access finances easier Provide a 1bn long-term boost to the economy We URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Citygirl_moe - remember when we played plaquemine and they kept calling our whole team gay and Lydia said \"I'll turn all you hoes out, fwm!\" ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER This is why I am voting for Senator Bill Nelson and all other Democrats in Florida to make our State healthy and clean. Gun control laws changed. Climate change under control for Florida. Please Vote!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love how Everybody bitches about heat fans when we win but if they lose all the haters are 10x more obnoxious","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Why would anyone be in group lock-step with either party? I'm in favor of gun control and believe in climate change. I'm against big government and wealth redistribution. Independent thinkers don't fit into either party.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER are you also going to address the allegations that Keith Ellison allegedly likes to beat his girlfriends? This is in addition to the fact that he supports violent antifa scumbags and hangs with anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER so we load into illios insta lock torb immediate flame in all chat moira do not win a fight all game constant shit talking between a team mate and one of their team still have a torb im fighting a doomfist help","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@laceeybugg comeover here then bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This fat bitch just said \"next time don't forget my potato chips\" ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Oyela please I won yesterday... You are yet to credit my account oh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Probably saved @KingBorgman's ass today. About out gas in a Diesel engine. what would you do without your redneck friends? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"That 'Ouija' movie look like trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kirk Hinrich going fucking dumb out that bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Yes \"If only Antifa would leave the poor Nazis alone is a statement for the ages... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We wacko birds are still tweeting #MakeDCListen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER ANTIFA are not Liberal!We don't agree with anything they Do!!look up their history.but also look up David Duke. We also don't believe open borders.Doesn't mean you have to be a Racist.and loose your empathy\/morals. I personally have no problem discussing topics.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How you look like big bad mama but make fun of a pretty bitch wow where they do that at ? http:\/\/t.co\/l7LhRuSG3n","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @_LastQueenCyn_: Niggas be in that pussy like http:\/\/t.co\/DDJSB5itcD","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @_BeautifulKeezy: Alyssa you ignoring me bitch but you better text me back cause I'm serious ! fuck u smokey","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@icpchad @UnseeingEyes ......monkey look, just like you!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if a girl a hoe but she aint stealing anyones man then stfu","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @UrKindOfBrand: Vote or Die bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @KfromtheG: Lol robbing ain't the word \"@iSell_Pussy4EBT: Damn you was robbing them bitches @pebbles2day\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Oxy_Jon @conleyfanclub one charlotte store, but of course they are faggots","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Worst place I've experienced that is the fucking movies","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"there ain't one UNpregnant bitch in the world anymore Smh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER CHRISTINE FORD IS now saying she is not 100 Percent sure it was Kavanaugh. You better know for sure. Don't waste the American peoples time if you are not sure of your charges. Th Senate committee will ask you very probing questions you need to answer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And when logic FAILS, you aren't a twitterer like ME! I am sooo special, I have followers! I believe, I believe!!!! Stop it with your dumb facts!!!!!\" MEGY you are entertaining!!! \"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ConservativeLA: Let the Dem concern-trolling commence in earnest! Wagons ho!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @TheDukeKnight: Typical hoe costumes:1. Cat2. Nurse3. Bunny4. Police officer5. Themselves ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I eat some weird shit but this crossed the line","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER If you want societal dregs - take a look at #antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lil bitch dumb ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I want to #askalivelshi why isn't the basic issue of Survival of the Fittest\" vs \"Take Care of Everyone\" the Dems main point. Isn't this the core of all others ? gun control, wealth and income inequality, health care, entitlements, EPA, Glbl Wrm. Most agree here URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@USER If his Constituents support him they are as craven as he is. If they don't they need to VOTE HIM OUT! URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Dedicated_03 idk , I gotta think about it cause them bitches small as shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"TV makes these hoes seem more attractive. *yawns*","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Funny thing about these meme maps. South Carolina and Cook county Illinoise have very similar demographics and populations. Cook county has more than twice as many murders as my home state with all that gun control. Start comparing apples to apples...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Mika_Tan would be perfect w\/a graham cracker flavored bun or a maple dougnut bar.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Going to California today for some analyzer training. Going into Dick Whitman mode. Wish I had a tan colored suit to wear for the flight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER my name is Whitney NOT WHITEY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NotEvanLarkin hope not, I love dat bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Sam's act is working. I swear she is acting!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER It appears to be paired with a WOO-HOO so he must think he is on his way to a brothel.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Why do visiting teams WHINE about right field as if it is longer for their batters. #Yankees #YankeeStadium","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Oh God. This hurts my brain. No one can libel anybody. Internet companies can control thier content in any way they want. But claiming Twitter is libeling Jones is an entirely separate issue from the bullshit censorship claim. Just...work it out before you tweet.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Epic fail","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER yea shit sucks thats why i stopped watching anime mostly","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Seriously you are so freaking Hot!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Does anyone proof read these articles before you post them? The article states 'the victim is in hospital in a critical condition where she remains'. Probably best she does as the headline tells us that she is dead!!! Sack the 12yo work experience kid who put this together.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My po heart still beatin fast da way dat nigger scream into dat microphone. I felt like I be at da welfare office and cut da line","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Next bitch I fuck. I'm goin to her spot lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Open your eyes- the NRA only supports politicians that don't care about gun control mostly republicans","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bring another bitch for a real nigga.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Thank you! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't stand a sob ass bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Everyone saying Fuck Russ dont know a damn thing about him or watched the interview ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER I recall hearing Maxine Waters issue a summons for all people get up in the face of the Republicans and conservatives. Payback's a b**** ain't it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER 7 $ million buyout. Losers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @iDisrespectHoez: RT @JonRaff: Hate when a chick say go deeper when u already dishin out all u got #hoes ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Dirrttyydan lmaoo my phone autocorrect like a bitch..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER You definitely made judgements about me and your tweets prove it. I made reasonable observations based on what you said about yourself. You disagree and that's fine. Applying your own advice is something you should try. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #AmericaFirst #MAGA #USA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@brookeschade @piperleigh_ @cass_uhhh_deee @baylee247 all of yall stfu, your all pussies and won't do shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"1. Killshot 2. Gun control 3. Rap devil","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Kimburrleeeanne: Loyalty is not dead. Gtfo. Don't marginalize me bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@patrickkimmis @White1979 Remember Dad running a rotary hoe over corn after a freeze to knock the dead leaves off after they turn brown","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ray Rice bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Work is such a bitch right now","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER be yourself they love u for who you are x","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@253hippy Bc she's a cunt hoe bag","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@PhilHecken I don t understand how it s weak to give anything to Jeter when the Astros barely have any history with the Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER True. But he is a pretty damn good QB though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Older black guy at factory\"I know none of these coons i work with tipped so here's $15.\"He was right too ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER We're so far beyond tax returns. This crap affects all Americans and liberals are too stupid to wake up and understand what's really going on. Step aside. The adults are here to do it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Are you suggesting that I fall for that? I certainly do not support the liberals vis- -ve Democrats agenda. Read my Tweets. I'm on the right so VOTE GOP .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He'll be replaced. . . . . . . . by another Muslim.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@aschops absolutely agree with that statement. It's just so amusing how angry it makes all these teabagger scumbags. That alone is worth it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @tanaka_callen: @t_ndyy awwww my niggar thank you so much sure means a lot ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Rule number two don't trust nobody especially a bitch with a hookers body","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Coley_Cee bitch stop takin my shit ooo I hate u u dumb bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Shouts out to my down ass bitches who never give a nigga a hard time!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Fuck rebuild the tranny, I'm driving it like its been for the last 4 years till it finally goes out ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Ohkay ma Texas bitch keep textin me , callin cryin stressin me bout where I been but I've been with another bitch allegedly ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Supporting an apartheid state which commits international war crimes. Shame on you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Russia agent (Fake-Republican) Devin Nunez says liberals, antifa are causing all of these riots\" because \"we are whinning\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Yankees Damn you DirectTv blackout the Yankee game. With a freaking WALK OFF! You're killing me satellite douche.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_iForeign: You talking shit But yo pockets ain't shit Yo bitch ain't shit Yo life ain't shit nigga you just a ain't shit as nig ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Like a skinny model boney bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Frankly I hate that argument. Gun control. Healthcare. Student loans. Tax policy. Climate change. Social Security. Medicare. Even car emissions and mileage. There is a clear difference on each and every policy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @VersaceLaFlare: All bitches cheat. You just gotta acknowledge its gonna happens so when it does it ll hurt less.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He is adorable ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Haha, Yankees fans are bent out of shape about the Hu27le graphic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Joe's number one rule is respect 90. WC did not. I love the kid. He is kinda gassed. Frustrated that hitting went bad after all star game. He will learn from it. Go Cubs!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have a bitch face and a bitch voice to match it so its kinda hard making friends.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER It sure it here. Those other photos of her were from decades ago. She is a complete Liberal Antifa. She can not be trusted. I don't believe her. Not a whit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BestVineFights: \"When you finally see the white kid that called you nigger on Call Of Duty\" https:\/\/t.co\/X59D4kMY7P","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"All of my bitches know they temporary","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@QuavoStuntin my bitch got the dope in her panties sssshhhhh you to Dramatic","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" haahaa ,dumb bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Willstreakk @Tycff10111 according to you my place is in kitchen. Excuse me while I take out the trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER please get OFF first take! You yell wayy too much and you seem like you are being a asshole. When you are on set I litterly can't hear anything but screaming. Its obvious @USER dont like you and @USER and @USER was like dude stfu!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@shaunroberts the ending was retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#pause but niggas is bitches tho RT @CornerBoyP: Boy niggaz b so bitch made u cud kiss em n da mouth!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Another Pile of B\/S By the Former A-G !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See when you paid them bitches pay attention but when you broke you never mentioned so fuck em and keep it strictly pimpin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @CiscoAllDay: If you have a different dude every other week you might be a hoe... #js no your not don't listen to him ladies #DoU","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @StonerBoii2cold: @TreVaughnLG: Moma said no pussy cats inside my dog house that's what got bro nem locked inside the dog pound !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Is this for real?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@boxingscene @RPopBox @BronzeBomber @boxing this Charlie Z really does need mental help check this out http:\/\/t.co\/CkBS6WcZu1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER You are welcome! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Honestly you people are seriously delusional! It's a good thing the majority of fans in Ottawa are Educated! Because ppl like you are scary!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I'm not affiliated with any party. You don't care if he is innocent or not. You're just a party jackoff. See how that works.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"gonna get a tattoo of a teardrop on my dickcause i murdered that pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER The liberals can never handle the truth...the truth will make their heads ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER If they picked a more suitable song it would be great","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER What does a snot nose 18-year-old kid know? He's just a loud mouth immature punk who the media has placed on a pedestal using to promote gun control. He is fed tag lines to spark controversy in order to bring attention to the gun control debate that he knows nothing about.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@GrizzboAdams @wyattnuckels haha you playin nigga I fuck bitches make money and smoke that straight og kush","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @cwissi: beanies for life http:\/\/t.co\/iywPwmPGTu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just cuz he looked at you doesn't mean he likes you, hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@brittneycordova don't blame me hoe.... I'm innocent ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"He said we gon be paying a bitch rent, I'm not even tryna buy her an extra sweet and sour sauce at McDonalds","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER in the fake national emergency that was created by conservatives for their nwo bullshit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TRobRobinator: Basically, I'm the shit bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"hoes suck my dick cus i look like john stockton hit em wit the choppa, luke i am your fatherrr\" - @LILBTHEBASEDGOD","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER And yet \"he is . Better than anyone before him ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She say she want a nigga like meBut that bitch mad cause she can't be my wifey","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @littlemspaige_: All my bitches bigger than me they where sizes 9-11 so I can't fit they shit I'd looked dumb af","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Has anyone ever purchased baseball field dirt? I really want dirt from @Yankees Stadium for my grandfather's grave. #weirdtweets","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AmandaMarcotte: Not all men interrupt women to quibble over irrelevant issues for the sole purpose of derailing a conversation, he sa ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Awint94 so ppl are pissed off basically saying if we have to suffer, you will too. Tourching tht bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BlackRichyRich: Every niggaNew hoe is Da next niggas old hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Why are you the only thick character in the game? Why I gotta play a skinny bitch? @KimKardashian","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER The team even know he is Ass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @jerseywolfgod: I don't want the pussy if it makes me want to pay your bills and not sleep my Sunday mornings away, don't ruin my life.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"u a stupid hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#libdems also have a share without their support #conservatives would never have got #austerity through. All for the price of plastic bags. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have you noticed all the ghetto people naming their kids after cars? Mercedes Lexus Repossessed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Who cares who is deadlier? Are you antifa?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some bitches truly ain't shit !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Can't be a major nigga with a minor hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Ha ha ha sneaky buggers. I have put out a warning to have sound off. That will show them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Sorry Andrew but your policies will be too close to the Liberals policies and you don't seem trustworthy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @queenc_nt: @_100d: 90% of niggas goofy and act like bitches YOU AINT LYIN","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"lmao little does this bitch know... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"ow my stomach hurts like a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so. Ronald Reagan URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Well now he is cut!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER thank you for explaining succinctly why a second referendum would be used by @USER to rewrite the question and manipulate the answer in order to clingvto power #peoplesvote URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Been hooping all day tired than bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Whoever made these brownies and cookies belongs in heaven","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@snortcourt13 @TripleAAAYY1995 @c_allen21 @JBake0622 apes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Yaoooooooo @yea_im_JAMAICAN: Mawnin yardies! \"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Can u fuck off already","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Where is the fascist version of Antifa?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I went to see This is Where I Leave You, at a movie theater with tables and real food! It was fun. I ordered a brownie dessert. :P","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I never played a bitch... But bitches most definitely played they self","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"bitch can't hold herself down then she bound to drizzown.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I just fucked an albino. It was weird because it was like a white body impersonating a black voice....... like Iggy Azalea","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You rock brother. I am proud of my Antifa badge of honor I earned last year!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I don't know what you are trying to say with that ahah","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many pretty bitches got the sore throat voice.Mostly red bones. #TurnOff","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER This not not antifa....it's a bunch of cry babies in Toronto.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#politicslive #Conservatives told us selling Council House Deregulating Rental Housing Market solutions would lead to more housing cheaper rents more home ownership Now look at the homeless figures Sky High Rents Lack of Tennant Rights Profits #Tories selling Public Land #Labour","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@tayjrobin @AlmondMlk follow the system and you'll practically be swimming in pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Tee_Bizzle hoes* are more fun","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Smh. Go play dreamcast RT @TheGoodfella_: Hate playing with someone at home on that trash ass default broadcast cam... 2K camera is the goat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER No reasoning with someone who can't even grasp that common sense gun control does not equal a ban on guns. (I'm a liberal gun owner.)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I think Michelle spilled Democrats plans for civil war.. liberals are lunatics","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @taylorlopez96: @harleighpurolla: You are the biggest two faced bitch I have ever met. You won't @ her","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@usweekly that old cunt needs to sit down","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@kitten_nugget69 @danusaur bitch you're the ugly one that's why everyone leaves you AHAHAHAA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"No time for bitch niggas.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @kevantee_: hoes quick to say they can fuck somebody else bf but what does that do for you but make you look bad? want a cookie?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @RaeRecum: These hoes ain't shit ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @iAintGottaRap: Ead RT @Fat_Rell: Especially after Rita died.. RT @Kayla_Applebum: Dexter was just as trash as Breaking Bad.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER your just one big sore on the conservatives back side.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER You are so funny. Lol rolling about the floor laughing uncontrollably!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I may or may not have at least 4 FOB related tattoos already planned out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER AS IT SHOULD BE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER How about really healing the country by leaving it and taking the rest of the loony liberals with you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"These bitches always trippin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Lighting my pretty ass up w them yellow stars lls","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Did you just say he? HE has a female name. He is actually a she. Actually get your facts right before making a stupid statement. Everyone knows the game gets stale after a few months and the new DLC makes it interesting again.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@SammySkinner hey nig","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@JuiciStrawberry Kik is for hoes.You either gone shit or get off the pot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This car has two registration tags. Both yellow. One for 2014 and one for 2005. Wth http:\/\/t.co\/mdeD4a2soY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Democrats soft on crime soft on border security. Since we can't use Illegal Aliens. I will now call them CRIMINAL Aliens","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @maNIJEEtwa_: you can ride for a nigga ya whole life new pussy fuck it up in one night","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Itsyesie: Like damn. Sorry I'm not a girl that hoes around and has sex with 20 billion guys.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @_BeautifulKeezy: @100046729: This bitch lying to me messy yess","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Yeah and....what's the point of this article? Trying to demonize him for meeting with lawyers? He has a right to defend his character. He also has the right to file a defamation of character case against this woman and Sen. Feinstein. Democrats\/liberals are pathetic. #Ridiculous","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @__IamAnnaY: bitch gotta work all hard to clean that shit without ripping her skin LMAOSJDUSUBEJS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Why everybody so hype to see these famous people naked y'all hoes just alike they just got money ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Antifa Caught Off Guard After Getting Confronted By The Last Person They... URL via @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Controlled the aux cord the whole two and a half hour drive home and didn't repeat a single song. Bet your boyfriend couldn't do that bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Nilaja_: @1waynostra: @Smokinonkaya_: @Nilaja_: Everybody Loves Dej Loaf cause that's wifey fuck off kaya dats my bitch. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If you ain't Stevie J's bitch of course you'll call him the scum of the earth.His bitches hooked while they're upset though.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @wrongmusicvine: #MusicThatDoesntMatch These hoes aint loyal! http:\/\/t.co\/prXCfleT2W","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You a basic ass bitch #realtalk","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@mckinley719 fuck bitches get money","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @KDotDucky_Green: RT @verbally_abrupt: lmfaooo #girlfights #ghetto #ratchet ; bitch got pushed and played SLEEP. https:\/\/t.c ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER He is not a Dalit or a Muslim no need to remember","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@BlakeAnderson21 @jo_clark6 chicken fried steak it is boys mash potatoes gravy green beans corn an ice cream an brownies for after","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER uhh.. He is so cute.. I don't know what it is about a strong man's man I luv.. Lol.. Especially that can fight.. I guess bc I had to grow up being able to hold mines being so short to the point you don't have to worry about fighting anymore..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Old hoe lol @TheShugAvery RT @moyizzy: My juice is gone, I'm just an old bitty now","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You 2 should do research re gun control Psy Ops aka School s. @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@supreme_tacos @hear_me_rawrrr if you want a hoe go on urban chat. That's where all the hoes are. And Mia can get punched in the boob.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Itne me too liberals ko BURNOL khana padega....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CornerBoyP: Hoes b soo lost dey forget dey hoes.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Ewh bitch you look like an inbred.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER HE IS BEST OF THE BEST! BARUN SOBTI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New song coming out Ray rice that hoe http:\/\/t.co\/bUl6ISsMFH","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@RihannaHasAids I had free tickets and couldn't go because I had chemistry ain't that a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TheCELEBrittany: - These porn hoes moan at EVERYTHING !!! A nigga unbutton her shirt she moaning like stfu","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER YOU!!! Need to leave a lot of shit in the past lol this tweet is literally made for you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"But she is a hoe.? idk about that http:\/\/t.co\/eccFBqzlKZ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Jon Stewart takes a crack at stupid teabagger moron Rick Perry and his gay\/alcoholism commments http:\/\/t.co\/fqcWZHMjom","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Niggas cry when they get hit high and cry when they get hit low. NFL full of pussies now","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER That is exactly what liberals and Dems think about people on the right. It's funny how we've been pitted against each other when really our interests are all very similar with just some nuances. I'm a criminal defense attorney and I fight every day to protect our bill of rights.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you are a hoe, hoe, and a hoe.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Thank you Sir i am a R.E developer in Boston the market is on FIRE God Bless and we are ALL behind you #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Did I say something personal?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I done seen a lot of fake shit. That bitch ain't bad, she's basic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@k_eazy26: Facts what baldheaded bitch made this shit. http:\/\/t.co\/fDYojpT9Xg\"Lmao ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @D_Sidbury_: @WSFights: if the purge come to my city ima be like http:\/\/t.co\/NDM5dysLcf this bitch is active as shit! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Chop the top on the Porsche that's a headless horse ... Extendo long as an extension cord bitch I ball like Jordan and I play full court","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@akaYankeee bitch probably deserved it lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Big night of #hoosiers #iubb #big10 and #pacers #nba #indiana #hoosierstate #paulgeorge #codyzeller http:\/\/t.co\/UFmje1gk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\" you dodge a bullet \" @DaRealKha: \"All da bitches I cut off pregnant or bound to be ....thank God \" ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @CuffablePisces: TONY ROMO in my #Top10QBs bitches http:\/\/t.co\/17sA90xG2H","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @StillJohnCA: KNOCK KNOCK. Who's there? GEORGE. George who? GEORGE ZIMMERMAN. Oh, George Zimmerman. Welcome to cell block C, bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'll be a bitch if I have to. I don't like to be, but f*ck with me and it'll happen.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER God help us. Please get out and vote!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate this cookie built bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@MrMooncricket @AtBlackface @UncleUnco @BobbyBotsods @FuckTheMallcops @RacistNegro69 bitch I'm proud to be black, ur a samba","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I can't cuz that nigga retarded smh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are exposing us URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cute Japanese teen gets her tiight pussy fucked while sucking cock http:\/\/t.co\/ayLKdSNKsc","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"cheeky lol RT @_MELiSA_jay: I want those all black and yellow 95's again... ughh I those","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@yoKBFILTHY shit is trash","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Conservatives, if you are not a gun\" person, I believe you need to become one. If these Nov. elections don't go well for the Dishonest Dems, I think the violence will get worse. All Conservatives will need to be able to defend themselves and their loved ones.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @FatSlutty_xXx: My ex bitch keep tryna be my next bitch.. when she called me tha other day i told her GIVE IT A REST BITCH","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"That depression shit trash.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Doesn't seem like Hollywood has too many independent thinkers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @mikcakers: But then again i aint never worried bout no bitch nor nigga !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Unfortunately, I love her the most tho RT @KingHorseDick: @viaNAWF thats ur hoe too?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @_TatyanaShells: he like me even more cuz he know I gotta bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Coming from a former AG who should be charged with conspiracy to commit murder in the Fast and Furious scandal. One of the many scandals committed within the Obama Administration.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Majority of the time, a woman's story is trash anyway...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER SHE IS. SHE'S GORGEOUS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheNotoriousD_: like fuccck man why yall bitches wearing wigs to school ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Name them. Who are these conservatives\" who are driving this dump truck of yours, and when they were passionate about deficits. Name them. Who are they?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the fact that Soulja Boy on 2 dif reality shows wit 2 dif bitches..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Flake I lost 17 guys lost let the guy do his job and think of the people instead of your non existent career","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Trump doesn't want to have the FBI investigate Dr. Ford's claim b\/c Ivana Trump reported that Trump raped her. A culture of dirty old sexual perverted men in the GOP and Neo Liberals doing the same thing to Dr. Ford as they did to Anita Hill. White men have no respect for women","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Why do yall bitches act so childish","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Can't trust these bitches. And these niggas either.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"aw shit, Fenkell in this bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER you are alienating your supporters #disgusted URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @MarieHippy: Bitch niggas pay for hoes just to lay with hoes relax one night you'll pay to stay with hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Holy fuck they some bomb ass bitches at Buc-ee's","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @velweb: Thank you One-A-Day for making your vitamins the size of a fucking Twinkie. I love giving myself the heimlich maneuver every mo ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER She is absolutely amazing ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Most Liberals know deep down that it's oppressive and misogynistic but that's better than being a racist Islamophobe which is what you are according to liberals if you dare speak out against it. This is how low the standard for debate is on topics like this.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Kaayyllee_ bitch. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@wboundurant92 like I said drose needs to stop being a pussy lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"pussy is a joke you can either get it or not get it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER American Conservatives Don't give one shit about the terrorist group Hamas or what they think and or believe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @XxminijokerXx: @VocaToaster autocorrectits a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Fuck you cunt. Try this on for size. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Always looking for faults and forgetting to look at the whole picture. Journalism (objective reporting) is dead as now everyone is a pundit (subjective expert).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Here she is! Gotten real big URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER is there any reason why you believe you are relevant anymore? You weren't relevant when you were Secretary of State all you wanted to do is give away everything to our enemies. Go crawl back under the rock with Barry Soweto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@alexxx_carr18 bitch what?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER don't perpetuate colonialism. If you are going to talk about #puertorico you must have Puerto Ricans in the panel! Jeezuz.fucking.christ! How difficult can that be? #di sporaenresistencia URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@yobritttany wagon burner! Jk jk you did look pretty Latino here","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucken pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@bitchsides you're a bitch Ihy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"5.10am Still a crowd at Queens Park protesting the conservatives middle of the night power grab. Shame on the conservatives! What kind of party creates chaos during an election? Rather than working with their citizens to create a healthy economy? @USER #ONpoli","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Sure - but lots of folk aren't actually liberals but do want a sensible Tory\/Labour party to vote for. They're not well served by our political system atm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TruthandFashion nothing says fashion like a cunt hat....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @urinnerdevil: ur typical twitter hoe http:\/\/t.co\/YJE9LUnWVp","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"The power of Christ compels you to pop that pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"3. Nina One of the reasons I didn't read this book for so long was because I was SO WORRIED about her character. I should've trusted everyone. Nina is a goddamn goddess I would die for a thousand times over. She is big and bold and lovely and PERFECT. HER ARC. IS. PERFECT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He is so underrated and I love how pure he is as a person","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmfaooooo RT @miavenise: Can't trust a bitch that don't smile with her teeth.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@kathy_doermer bitch please, I'll go to Windsor either way.. When i come up I can bring some also ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @mattchew81: My ex told me once she wanted me to get her a gift that would take her breath away so I got that bitch a treadmill","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@TomCrean ill scream from France for you Tom! #IU #iubb #hoosiers #creanandcrimson","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I meant bitch niggas","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER What if you wanting gun control offended me? Should you be fined?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @EvanBecker513: \"@LifeAsStoner: Just hit it pussy http:\/\/t.co\/3tZ7DyATFu\" @whattheflocka","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Where's all my bitches....where did they goooo?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Hate when hoes try to lead u on naw like lil bitch im coool","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @CiscoAllDay: If Miley really got knocked up by Juicy J that shit is wild.... didn't he say \"u say no to ratchet pussy Juicy J can't\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER There has to be a way where conservatives who look the other way and approve oF sexual assault and victim shame to endorse their political agenda and hatred are held accountable. Why don't you sign your name so you can be held accountable for your lies","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Nigga getcho bitch, treat her how she wanna be treated but I ain't triccin ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If you will fuck or try and fuck ya niccas girl .. You a buster lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TwitchyTeam: Richard Grenell: WaPo's Greg Sargent mocks voter ID and 'proves point' of proponents http:\/\/t.co\/KG3NEWOYIy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @adubbFFamous: @4MeSheWILL: Bring winter back... This 70 degrees at 7 am shit is for the birds ---Get The Fukkk Outta Here Bro!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Do yourself a favor and watch this @USER There is still time for you to spit that kool aid out and pay attention to what is happening. You right leaning conservatives are so brainwashed it is sickening.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See bitches ruin sports kobe don't play no damn football. Either you was looking to be mentioned for stupidity or ya momma a hoe. Or both.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @jamiedupree: Vice President Biden and his wife are in Florida today to stump for Democrat Charlie Crist in his bid for Governor","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Such a cool Synchronicity..it def made my day! Just released a thread w\/exactly this concept. #DeutscheBank connection is undoubtedly the pivot point..and #Mueller has a crack squad of financial forensics experts on his team w\/VAST DB $$-laundering knowledge. Subpoena #Kavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER The real reason they want gun control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RichHomieMeezy: @54OO_Mauri my internet aint get transfered yet pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Most of you hoes copy and paste but there has to be someone they are copying from. And to you I give you my props","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@tacalifornia slid bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @JoeBudden: Young, attractive, successful, supportive, faithful man w his own everything..u think bringing solely pussy to the table is ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Thank you Don Jr! You are absolutely correct!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Exactly what the #LeftistLibTards wanted to happen. Try are a #Corrupt and #Miserable Party. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER More I think about this one--it feels like a story trap. People go nuts and complain--talk about gun control which Cruz could then use to fire up his base claiming that they want to take away 2A rights all because of a couple of shells.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Don't know what you mean by independent media\" but I read MSM and they tell me that antifa are, in fact, the violent leftists who are causing all the problems at protests. What I see is right-wing media painting all Liberal protestors as the same as antifa.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"' Ima real young niggah witha muhhfuckin attitude Walk up I'm yo spot you would think a niggah mad at you .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"we live in a world where drake can steal your hoes and make fun of you, shit crazy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Thank you. They all do. It will be excited for all. And I love @USER I feel the for him. He is such a rockstar. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason you dumb fuck that's not a fucking full address you dumbass I don't live in Plano so how the fuck would I know retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Yeah I have acne but I still pull hotter bitches than you (-:","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Calling these nasty hoes out! Mrs. Wells is too real http:\/\/t.co\/D4EnQkDswR","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Me too!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER It isn't news that Conservatives really hate our rights and freedoms.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER NEITHER DOES ANTIFA OR BLACK LIVES MATTER OR ANY OTHER SOROS FUNDED GROUPS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#NationalCatDay ...sure. Celebrate over 1 BILLION bird deaths and blame it on #climatechange you fuckin' #commies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER By defending and making excuses for obvious bad behavior....you're sure to get more of it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER but if you go on a date first..and then have sex...it's the best of both worlds. and the sex is better.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Met a woman who was trying to feed a crow a Brazil nut","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Bob_Heller: Tell me again how Citizen Kane is the best movie of all time, then go watch Caddyshack. you pretentious film school cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Please take John Harwood's pen away. He is incapable of unbiased reporting.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @ItsChee_: Whipped https:\/\/t.co\/uCV3Hrjatv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you bitches who send dudes to child support court just because you're petty","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Joe_Schmucc Dog Government jobs is the SHIT. I done got my last few off that bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Conservatives are notoriously gullible. I use wanted to make sure you knew.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Indiana lost to Bowling Green. Big Ten continues to be trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @sweatercamila: lohanthony is such a little bitch he doesnt even like the girls and he gets followed i dedicate my life to them and i ge ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER #MAGA Let that set in ...... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER the you and your liberals\"... wow... you don't even try, do you?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"7-1=7 I aM nOt CrYiNg YoU aRe URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@daveyy_jayy lmao mark is the only guy left there he's about to get some pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"no pussy, or not tryna go to the studio, don't CALL my mufuckin crib like that, god. Yo. Word up god I will BUSS YO SHIT, god, word up\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER No she's not she is looking for a job by being controversal. She is very bitter","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Estellleeee: Lol bitches act hard when they stay getting they ass beat ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Ya niggas","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JoeBudden: It s so unfair that the hoes get to dress up as hoes for Halloween.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@lancejw113 so many hoes ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"especially since Rick and Andrea are banging each other in the comics but the bitch died already","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Bono is a Nono in my house.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" RT @TrashAssTweets: When you wake up to bae being a hoe on the TL http:\/\/t.co\/rbxh33ounM","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Ha if you really can't see the hypocrisy that is antifa then you have obvious drunk the cool aid.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Who the hell do you think you are little Eddie","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Of course. Thanks for making my point. ANTIFA has no clue what fascism is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER you are a dirty cum dumpster","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER The truth about gun control and human nature in one picture. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If she wears these to dinner then she's paying for her own food because Im treating that bitch like a stranger..... http:\/\/t.co\/Pm5AA6PlW0","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Drake was singing that shit so bitches would buy NWTS...lmao. Nobody even remembers that album","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @JETzLyfe412: Started off wit nuttin I was hungry, now I got a couple niggas bitches who want me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I used to chug vodka and orange juice. I also used to chug vodka and gatorade... I used to chug vodka.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stay witcha nasty little hoes who don't do shit for you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You obviously have no clue and CLEARLY you are not American! China became the largest foreign holder of US Debt in September 2008. They have been a major holder of US since at least 2000. YOU ARE WHATS WRIND WITH AMERICA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man I'm tryna give Chief Keef's mixtape a chance but this shit trash","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I'll lock yo sorry ass down ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Incoming \"evil soy conspiracy nuts","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I hate when a girls all \"I'm single and I do single shit (be a lil thottie) cuff me if you have a problem\" like bitch I'll RKO your ass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @nikaaaa3: Yankees winnnn!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Hi would you come to ENGLAND and have time of your life you want be disappointed I will give you a orgasim like nothing you have gotten probably in your past life I will make you piss yourself many times as you like so if you are interested call or inbox me 07405077156 WhatsApp","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"In Hopes of Recruiting More Women, ISIS Opens Jihadi Finishing School http:\/\/t.co\/nMua12yr2W http:\/\/t.co\/qi1YqNmemw","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER She knew conservatives would destroy her world. She'd hoped to remain anonymous. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@dbro800 pussy you can't fight ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER A fad is a fad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Basic bitches and lame niggas <","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Russel Martin had a miserable season but is quietly having a good September #Yankees #BlueJays #MLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CallMeRenee_ bitch u bs how fck yah ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Hoodstarz_Dread: Main reason why i aint got no girl cause i aint never found not 1 bitch who tryna get money wit me all y'all hoes like ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Interesting; my interpretation of the piece was that he was speaking tongue-in-cheek in relating his psychiatric condition to the gun qualifications to highlight the ironic and counter-intuitive nature of gun control laws. I thought it was a well balanced insider piece.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A nigga could tell you he aint fucking with her but really do be , that's why you gotta ask . Most of the time a bitch won't lie about that","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"That crow has socks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That was trash. I'm just gonna put my phone down. Goodnight","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@iAM_tRoyal5 lol I would've beat that hoe up","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"coon RT @HumbleTeej: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hoes hang wit hoes cuz dey got da same hobbies","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@FreddieGibbs Lol, always with the complaining and crying. Just like when Jeezy broke up with you cause your a moaning old bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Thats why I aint cuffing until Im grown af RT @JimmySolberg3: These hoes ain't loyal","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @itsqwan_DUH: Vibing with my bitches ,on this feeling good #SlowJams #NeverADullMoment #WithTheseBitches @_LiYAHM0NE @imangie_ ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@zachreini does \"smdh\" stand for \"suck my dick, hoe\"?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@rickandbubba that's enough of making fun of retarded people talking that way","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" RT @1BaD_dOc: I hate when people get on my bad side cause I honestly don't like to act like a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are 100% right; successful prosecution will send the right message. That said the inability of a voter to take a photo evidence of the party voted reduces the likelihood of vote buying. No party will waste money with this new approach because there is zero guarantee.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Everybody Talks About the Weather . . . We Don't: We confront them when we make sure that what doesn't suit us never happens again. Don't blather that it is too violence. The action #AntiFa is not crocheting doilies!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER hmm i'd do something like getting really high quality artists to draw really boring cars like a fucking 2002 grand prix or something","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@MrPOONsoaker lmao 6 0 but I m hella skinny so bitches don t like me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER It seems that @USER holds the whip hand when it comes to governing the @USER and Brexit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every nigga tryna fuck the next nigga bitch not knowing his bitch is the next nigga bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER That's really insulting because there are a lot of Latinos like me and there are a lot black conservatives who believe in God. We are not crackheads nor are we uneducated. These celebrities are garbage who know only how to read from a script that's all.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Yeah, I'm SO annoying until you need something...bitch #fuckfriendzones I don't play that shit, fuck with my heart and I'll make you wish","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE Brooklyn Park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/saWpjDtIGN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm flipping thru the tv saw the bachelor on stooped for a second and all I can say is \"all them hoes garbage\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"All you see is straight pussy in my iPhone!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason mfka what ok bitch we going to see. Your a funny mother fucker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"S\/o to my mom came home to tacos and brownies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"S\/O @HorseNuts_Clark for keeping me sane when I'm a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"From that point should saw how I treated that bitch fucked her now lose my number I ain't answering shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"What restaurant drugs tests hahahaha that's fuckin trash","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER you are a racist fake site of fake profiles with fake pictures of scammers who block you. also you delete accounts for no reason and block emails for customer service. same fake people on by the hour. all date sites are fake who create the profiles themselves.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@DeezNutsDoe you dirty little bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I think it's ok to say \"I disagree with Bernie on some military spending and find his record on gun control troubling but still support him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Olive love the pool at Green Beagle Lodge when I am out of town! She is a good girl! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No. She's gonna sit tf down and text her \"hoes.\" She's not gonna care about what you're doing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @SenorSteez: If you're a bad bitch why're you wearing sneakers?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Nigga ended up going Juco messing with them hoes and then signed a the smallest of d1's moral of the story take what u can get","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I just read prolly 11 tweets from 11 different girls about how their looong relationship ended today.. Daaaamn.. \"Yo hoe will get SLAYED\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Exactly... they're all bitter","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Hey Andrew which problems are specifically the result of Justin's actions. You don't seem to have any solid info to tweet and you don't read the articles you retweet. There aren't enough conservatives in this county to get you elected. So you'd better start speaking to everyone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @StonerBoii2cold: I just wanna be drunk on stage going ham in that bitch @TreVaughnLG","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Maybe I'm the one, maybe I'm the two, maybe I'm the nigguh that you call when you're through.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Horny Japanese MiLF showers and toys her soaking wet pussy http:\/\/t.co\/8hrKgFyUk8","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"And my mom was really getting me a car smh hoe f u for dat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@oscarstyless Bye bitch byeeeee!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Hair pulling during sex is just a way of letting her know that her pussy is good","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Look at this fucking kaffirs hairdo. Only a nigger http:\/\/t.co\/lmWqJ1EtOa","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Eric Smolder Ex Atty Genl. Epitome of the Labamba govt. sheister.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know a bitch is crazy when she smiles and she's upset!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER How do you decide truth with accusation from incident 35 years ago? The big lie! He has been confirmed multiple times and no accusations. This is the liberal MO. Conservatives not falling for it again!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER call up @USER about time he got a call up he is showing he can perform at a big level! he might not be at a top 4 club but he can score give him a chance!..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Most people do not understand what an assault rifle is! Makes their statements regarding gun control stupid!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Druggzz_ Its gonna bring it down though unless its turning into a welt already, like a bubble wit pussy. Gotta pop it an it'll be gone","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @sportswithjohn: Dani Alves uses his new gray hair to talk himself out of a yellow card, telling the referee, \"I am but a humble senior ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wnna go to ihop bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Project much, do you? Every campaign flier I get in the mail from Dem candidates is about healthcare, education funding, and the wealth gap; every flier from their GOP opponents is so-and-so will stand with Nancy Pelosi and the liberals\" identity politics horseshit.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dick so little ugly hoes tryna find me.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @ @ @ @ GRAND OPENING ! @ @ @ @ TOP CLASS Oriental Massage PERFECT ! http:\/\/t.co\/O8JoZOKFEI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He is the AL but If were talking entire MLB I will still take Arenado all day defensively over Chapman.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheOnlyReed: I know ya friends tellin u, leave me for good, but fuck them hating ass hoes babe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Glad to hear you are ok. My father went through surgery for Bladder Cancer last year and is now in remission at age of 88. Years of exposure to lacquer fumes while spraying and staining cabinets may have contributed to his occurrance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Hope Gutierrez doesn't think this will help his blue wave in the November midterms for the democrats... by the way did Gutierrez take time out last month to honor Roberto Clemente on his birthday? Remember him Gutierrez?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hoes get in this bitch ... Talk about irrelevant shit ... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Brennan is a disgrace-without a clearance ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER This is the most consistently stupid argument gun control advocates make.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @IamMrEchols: If you was a hoe yesterday you'll be a hoe tomorrow","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Shoot you and your shorty bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Fluctuat Nec Mergitur - Latin for she is tossed by the waves but she does not sink - also the city motto of Paris.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @micheleod1: #FlipTheSenate on the most corrupt administration EVER!#ChicagoPolitics in the WH and Harry Reid is his bitch. http:\/\/t.co\/x ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"like a bitch wit no ass u ain't shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is your sister!lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lebron gone dunk that hoe like that with ease","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@lloyd7121 @jjauthor @petermickley Approximately 1\/2 in one crash. There wasn't supposed to be that many members of a seal team on one bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@chesteredits @nacbiller not as bad as a former PsyQo nigger THAT LIKES ANIME","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Smokey_Bahr Go get that sum bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Kick_Man: Giants- Pitiful .. Jets-Pitiful .. Mets- Pitiful .. Yankees-Pitiful .. Nets- Pitiful .. Knicks-Pitiful ... Ny sports- Pitiful","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bomb your house,Then fuck your bitch.All hail Al Qaeda","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Don't forget Antifa and Southern Poverty Smear Center.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Put me down for disagree. This never happened. This is akin to the violence of antifa. She appropriating the MeToo movement for the purpose of damaging a person.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@marcostc__ niggas be pressed 4 pussyit ain't nuthininstead of worrying who dat bitch fucking why don't u get chu sum money","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Wow this was the most civil gun control debate\/arguement ive even seen on twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thick bitches >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"whheeet bitch you LYING","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I also had a dream that I went to the FOB show and FOB was rude to me and @audizzle was getting badly hit on by some creep","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CherryBby_xoxo: If this bitch don't just go through the freaking packet ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @DameStr8Cash: @JaeTips I know that's trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL at the Benghazi \"hearings\" that proved nothing other than Republicans only care about taking down PBO. #foxnews #teabaggers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@p0rnoPuppy He called @waynebrady a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@officiallyshay where you been at nigglet? I ain't seen you in a while.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Marlin_FishyAss: Damn hoes askin niggas do I smoke.... No bitch u not getting smoked out tonight","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Taylor_Simonee you have your nips pierced too ?! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I was kidding guys I don't have hoes, don't let @Lov3Tadaisha lie to y'all.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@YBEToot I like tweeting you like this. .. wen yu aint talking to all yo hoes!!! I be like...... ill wait.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER One thing is for sure...we know she didn't write the op-ed as she is dumber than a bucket of rocks.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Life RT @AC_Hussle: I'm not giving these hoes free meals so they can go lay up with the dude they can't get over. Nope.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Well then ... Let's kick the tires and light the fires! #MAGA #wwg1wga #KAG #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't fuck with a coon ass girl bruh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Time hop makes me realize how much off a faggot I was lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If anxiety was a person I'd kill that bitch so fuckin fast.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@sbsylvester @_cblaze bitch what. meet up at Plano senior high school or vines I got some shit on my chest am going take it out on yall","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Jaystuh72: @187XO_: ' Not playen that side niggah shit with mine . omm","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Lethal bird flu cocktail sent out of lab accidentally went unreported CDC http:\/\/t.co\/MO2m6q3xTt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@royalswagg_: using y=mx+b to find the slope of that ass\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"John Kerry Should be Made to Answer for His Meetings in Iran\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone staring at me like whats this bitch doing here ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER That's just depressing. Good churches are getting hard to find. Few and far between. I know people who belong to churches that espouse gun control and abortion! That's politics - not God! Not Christ!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Then she should step down. It's not about her. She was elected by liberals. She has power cuz of liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Y'all Mfs better believe in karma ... That bitch oh so real","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Count me out if that's the way she behaves to represent women","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Follow me back bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@PimpBillClinton @tareksaadmisr that's Arabic for \"you one pussy gettin motha fucka\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@ryancruz_ brandy wanna b down ass bitches ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"why you act like a little booshie bitch now, that's why you don't have friends hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Yes he is ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"feelin all warm and fuzzy inside...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @young_thrill3r: These hoes ain't loyal","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER It is false. She is lying. Check her source.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When a girl asks me if I eat pussy... At first I don't even cause that's just a stupid question in itself","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You ain't trynna fuc ? Get ya shoes hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER #BigBossTamil Looks like Janani has figured out she is not going to win but just focusing on ending the game with dignity and finesse. She seems too resigned and not much enthusiasm in anything. Does anyone feel that way?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Honestly we all know he's stupid but what is actually surprising is how dumb and easily persuaded the people of our country are .. he'll say shit like this and every white redneck is screaming \"YEAH MAGA BABY URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Well i feel like a bitch.. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Did you find out where Senator Collins is sleeping? Let us know so we can send some antifa goons to her house to straighten her out. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I am suggesting ways for our Climate Barbie to lead by example. Something liberals don't know how to do. 5 ethic code violations will prove that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JenetteeeM: Choke on this bitch 8======= ========D","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I should wash your mouth out with soap for saying that! I have the utmost respect and admiration for our cops. I don't have that for dirt bags who would break into my home. Gun control means a steady hand not an empty one. Go talk to Antifa buddies about being a drain","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Ha! Ha! Don't forget: Too soon to talk about gun control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I Fucken can't stand little cunts that write a damn Essay on how the feel about something on Facebook. #gross","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @mayi_Mcdonald: I got hella hoes. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Shvkeir: Dr. Suess made his own words to rhyme off of. nigga was trash. i hated them books as a kid.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER There's this specific person whose tweets r bugging me since morning .. solo fan I guess ..usko har cheez se problem hai aur use shayad aisa lagta hai Jaise he\/she is the nly sensible one ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER This is madness - This is when you know you are going down the same route as Venezuela!!! He is going to turn that sovereign fund into a personal piggy bank","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Right ... It's a conditioning of sorts resulting in denial... Irrelevant of the facts... THUS Welcomes Cognitive Dissonance in Disguise- ANTIFA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pulled up on this coco ratchet on my way home @@kayysavage yes bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Liberals have to sexualize everything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER So we should believe this from 40 years ago when the man went to an all boys school. This was a way to try and stop the confirmation and blew up in @USER face. She is a corrupt pos!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Can't fuck wit no bitch ugly friends,","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"What kind of sorcery is this.... RT @OfficiallyIce: Nope RT @2charmss: Eat this pussy while im on my cycle and call it Cherry Pie","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"These hoe ass niccas talkn shyt about a nicca make a nicca wanna go and snatch the bitch up outta nicca","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@SteveStockmanTX bullshit..i guess the poor have all the money..tax money movers at same rate as working people..you teabaggers are traitors","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Choate Chokes On Twinkies> All the damn time I bet. #lol #Cardinals","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"one of the managers tried me talking about stay till 2am and aint nobody ordering. i walked SHMOOVE out that bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"How are @terry_chappell and I supposed talk shit about @Condawg907 bitch ass now that he has a twitter?!): #confused <3","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @_aleahmonique: \"@WhitDAWGem_: Real bitches who really hungry won't be out here arguing with bitches on twitter straight flexin\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER We The People #MAGA #Winning URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm just salty bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"niggas wait in line for jordan releases, puttin they life on the line, jus to impress some bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I hate yal I'd delete my twitter if I had somethin better to do bitch ass niggas","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @ReallyHighIdeas: Scientists have recently discovered that bitches, do in fact, be trippin'","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Stay pooned, #bitches.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER If the @USER really want to conserve everything that is great about the #UK then they really need to bury this #fracking nonsense and do everything possible to make us energy efficient and fossil fuel free. @USER please do the right thing! @USER @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shit that Seth says, \"It's fatter than my cunt.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER We are here for Q and the Revolution. Do not allow the shiny objects to divide. Take a step back and look at all of it from that way. #MAGA #WeThePeople.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @KattWilliams: You can be a hoe without having sex, ask any of the girls texting alotta niggas at the same time. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"green beans, summer yellow squash, zucchini, cucumber I will set some more out by the road today its free.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"life to great to be mad all day... bitch I'm bless move ur negativity dat way ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"He lucky he got a bitch that knows how to cook andand clean and wash everything","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I dont kiss none of these hoes ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is 100% lying. But you don't understand the mind of a leftwing nutjob liberal. They are a cult. Money means nothing to them. It's stopping trump by any means","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER nah it's coz you're a cunt. blocked","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Now you are making fun of me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Had you radical liberals supported President Bush's plan to allow YOUNG people to invest 2% and only 2% of the Social Security into the private marketplace we may be solvent by now!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WorldStarFunny: I don't have an iPhone so I have to manually ignore these hoes http:\/\/t.co\/LYZs1PU25I","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You should seriously consider that maybe YOU are the one who is always wrong and these people are correct... because you are wrong in your supposition here for most of them ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KennedyLeighxxx: You can't be ugly AND a shitty fucking person. Pick a struggle bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Nikki Minaj is proof that natural is better ! Minimal is best ! Some of y'all hoes be overdoing it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I don't get why bitches blame the hoe their man cheated on them with..IT WAS BOTH THEIR FAULT,their boyfriend could've said \"no\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is a good man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My mom wants to buy a zebra like for reals","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER He shall know your ways as if born to them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I got the streets in a head lock, I got yo bitch in a leg lock","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Weak argument considering -GOP congressmen were shot at a baseball practice -People wearing MAGA hats are routinely attacked -Antifa mobs commit violent acts wearing masks -etc.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @tuitillidie: Icepick punk bitch blood in the mosh pit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@b_shiznitt @italian_montana wtf you bitches seen this without me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Only Liberals sexuality children's puppets. #TuesdayThoughts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Tennessee #Conservatives #RNRTN #2ADefenders #Republicans #ProLifeGen #TNGOP #Libertarians #ProLife #Gaytriots #RNR #CCOT Are YOU doing your part to grow? Are YOU registering voters? Planned Parenthood is. Pause. Think about that . It speaks volumes. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I'm so sorry for what you are dealing with. Hope the next place will be much better! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Come get this catfish pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER why no witnesses? She reported it AT THE TIME! It's obvious the truth isn't your priority. There are other qualified conservatives judges. Why push him? Is it because your \"president is in legal jeopardy and this Judge believes a sitting POTUS is untouchable? URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Married a skinny bitch but trickin wit a thick bitch.. She got sum big hips I call that boa a hypocrite","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@CapoDaAssHole wiz had a warrant like a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Yo fuck the pats they are still bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER What is happening I'm lost URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER She? To whom are you referring to? Hillary? You know what is tiresome? Bernie supporters bashing Hillary Clinton. She is an actual Democrat who raises money for the Democratic Party and doesn't bash them. She has a positive message. So who is dividing the left?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Liars like the Antifa twins you vigorously defend?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Harrison Ford is NOT using renewable energy to power his home. He is using the same power plant the rest of the neighborhood is using. And that power plant is releasing toxins up into the air.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I didn t go to school here RT @LmaoAtDoseHoes: Arizona full of ugly hoes RT @t All my crushes ended up ugly after high school damn shame","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Damn...that's almost as old as I am! Then again, he is from Utah, and he does what career politicians do...appeal to his base\"!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People asking for donations for Christy Mack,get real the bitch made thousands of dollars for having sex.Bitch better be Fuckin me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Nreid27 lmaoo you're the pussy who will call the cops. Also if I wanted to find yu I would. But I'm not gonna waste my time with you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Wes_vL faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You and yuh bitch ass ull get smacked quick","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"We're a good match cuz we both retarded...n weed","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"None of my bitches can stay over","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Why cause you are unwilling to look at the science? URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Bring back Alex ... Jack... or Ban NYT too...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER This pope is pure satanic. God will strip him down to nothing and cast him to hells fire for his crimes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Current emotion-Broke ass bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Shooting stars are pretty.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No time for chasing after someone is like turning up off wine coolers, you look like a bitch when you really think about it lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER i had a man tell me their body count was 40+ but refused to be with a woman who had more than 5. what the FUCK.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Like HELLO my feet were clearly on the back of the desk bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Dat bitch a Thot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@jmac_au @Brocklesnitch at least that one dude had the guts to @ me. If you don't like my opinion qquit being a bitch and keep scrolling ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @_twelvestarr: Niggas be catching attitudes and expect a bitch to beg plenty of sorry's to figure out what's his problem. NO","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"My dumbass has a redskins mcnab jersey","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER You are correct. My old eyes don't seem to work so well anymore.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER take your fish and get out!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ZephTheGreat: Not all black girls are ghetto .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER There are many dumb arguments for gun control but this may be the dumbest and most common.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"running the game for 5 years guess that's why my feet hurt , wonder when they bite me do these bitches teeth hurt ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@_travvv's pussy. http:\/\/t.co\/aXm9PCw95T","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@thereal_2raw He actually good lol don't hoe him. But I mean that's some road to glory shit >Go to Northern Illinois* *Undefeated and Heisman*","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If I see another bitch with a rolly bag ima diesel that bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@yendys45 LMFAO thats dead them hoes gotta pay","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @RedTvvitter: \"Does my Mewtwo make your pussy wet?\" http:\/\/t.co\/W4zzHr6Kum","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"All it take is for one bitch to open her mouth and niggas start fuckin up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Bored then a hoe in the auditorium hmu! http:\/\/t.co\/V8tgqHEAg8","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"i got 3 in a 24 ounce bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@JarJar_Banks momma didn't raise no sukka, bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @PRAYINGFORHEAD: tyga used to be good before he got into this swag fag shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER But Sis Paul McCartney loves Venezuela's dictator, Iran's leader, Syrian president,\" Putin and other leaders who rule with terror. He only has bad things to say about our beloved President Donald J. Trump! Go figure? @USER @USER @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"last words to a bitch nigga 'why you lie'","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"That pussy came gift wrapped","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"and I keep that bitch on me , it's part of my fashion So nigga see me when you see me , catch me in traffic","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"He run his mouth just like a bitch I had to cut em off","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"** again. he is vocal about it because he believe that telling others one dream is very important. - once you express your dream to others, people will remember it and you can't escape it until you actaully can make it come true. \" after regaining her confidence ...\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"4A: Texas Medical Board engaging in warrantless searches of doctor's offices in back-door gun control' effort URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @linaa_eddz: \"@kxngnandi: And I'm not stuck up. You niggas just love assuming bitches want yall when we just being nice \" ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @WayneDupreeShow: Fear mongering by the left is dying. Wake up, who are you going 2 believe Charlie Rangel and Hussein or Mia Love and C ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"anybody on the team has permission to fuck my bitch @Royals","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"i gotta team of hoes like pat summit..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@kenlypls @skeetworld_ @iAcceptNudes wrong skiny girls are for guys that want hot sex that looks good too.Every fat bitch knows that","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Let me go on my block phase cause you hoes steady coming for me ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"AD 1745: Jacobite Rising of Bonnie Prince Charlie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Right!? Good grief...he is just perfect ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"VOTING IS NOT OPTIONAL!!! CERTAINLY NOT THIS NOVEMEBER IT IS CRITICAL! LIKE and SHARE IF YOU AGREE! #MustVote2018 #Republicans #WakeUpRepublicans #Conservatives #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @hoadie1006: #vermontgirlsbelike my hick accent comes out when I get around my family #vermontproblems @THISISVT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LadyVodkax we're talking about fucking you right in the pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You would. Can't fix stupid. #MAGA #QAnon #ThursdayThoughts #DrainTheDeepState #ThankfulThursday #WWG1WGA #WalkAway","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Lakers are a purple and yellow garbage can","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER better leave #HIAC with #SDLIVE Women's Title tonight! She is the best woman on the whole roster bar none!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HntrMoore: You ever call your ex while you're fucking your side bitch? Yea I'm gonna do that later","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Damn...payback is a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER I'll bet if award shows trash Christians and conservatives even more their ratings will really bounce back......@USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When it start thundering bitches be like I wana cuddle naw bitch you just wana excuse to suck a dick you and MiMi sit tf down in a corner","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Mix it up, bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Agreed. Iowa State was able to get to him a few times just after he released it. I tend to think he is more durable than most though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@woohdakidd_74 lol la bitch happy bout Beatin our bench players","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER damn... then I'll drink and fight right next to him... OOH RAH its party time and Antifa are the pinatas","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We don't hire bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER sounds like me :Ddd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @tupactopus: bad bitches get in free night at weenie hut jrs","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @JustHad_that: Good pussy comes with a smart ass mouth and a crazy ass attitude ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @daishialopez: I don't watch the VS fashion show because I have bigger boobs than all of those pancake bitches lol. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Don't need to make it any more obvious how desperate you are...your replaced\" comment was enough indication of where your prejudices and xenophobic views stem from...\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheHangingWire: don't EVER be ashamed of who you are. unless you a hoe... then be ashamed bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Well you may be right. Always the optimist I'm going to carry on with my (possibly deranged) mission to believe we can achieve a united front.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Glad to see your friends are supporting Metis rights as much as you are supporting Zionists. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Conservatives like Shapiro think everyone's cognitive functionality is structured like theirs: rules-based. Nope. It is especially true for non-conservatives that most people think results\/goals-based and *NOT* rules-based. So they can't contend with rule-breakers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION OF keith ellison!! #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And here he is supporting gun control: URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't have hoes Its a myth","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"money, weed n bitches... hanging wit snitches shit it wasn't my intention","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Ohh.. the liberals are fighting ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He is so cute!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Murica_FuckYea: City bitches #starbucks #uggboots #Jellydoughnuts https:\/\/t.co\/VVIT8HP40t","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Really bitch?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER YOU ARE THE COOLEST","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The deeper in they get the less likely to scrap or even stop... we need it scrapped now before more wasted on it and before more contracts signed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ain't it a bitch when one of the people you get so excited hearing from, sends the shortest most closed-ended thing ever? Ugh let down","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@BasketballPics whoever made this twitter doesnt like the Lakers... they r making a comeback but this accnt still continues to trash talk em","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hoes be bringing they friends around they nigga and they nigga end up fucking with the bitch friend and the bitch don't even kno","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER gross and disgusting and revealing response - do you not care if your own daughter came home and said that she thought she was going to die while someone tried to rape her. You are one sick person condone that will participate in that for one minute. Not my America!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Butler Unchained Review http:\/\/t.co\/HXyYUjmOrm Short version, whitey sucks and a potentially positive film is simply anti-white agitprop.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TiredOfTyranny: Jihadi Work Accident: Seven Taliban Fighters Including Top Commander Killed When Roadside Bombs Detonate Prematurely h ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @aekulze: In Hopes of Recruiting More Women, ISIS Opens Jihadi Finishing School http:\/\/t.co\/xlxdfZxS9s @vocativ http:\/\/t.co\/E3hhzNThrk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My side pieces have real jobs, nigga, I don't fuck with no birds","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@PWilliamsD I need some clams on the half shell :-). Down here all you can get is deep fried clam necks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Linnlondon1 I want some clams on the half shell :-) http:\/\/t.co\/uFCAjNNQTZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I know you're not this naive. Those people make up a very small % of Trump supporters. Do all Liberals support terrorist and (groups such as Antifa?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Ugly hoes, you can NOT have attitudes! Kill the ratchetness!! You need to be nice, cause your looks sure ain't getting you nowhere!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Niggas say anything","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"So now been trill is trash cus asap said so ok","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Some days you are Louis Winthorpe III before he met Ophelia. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER She's confused after all she is only a poor struggling socialist","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@LiLFridayHOE: Easy cum, easy hoe\" That's a fact !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@NYDNSports @Yankees ugh , @Espo4710 put one 420 dead center off him @StFrancisNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I guarantee you she is not going to allow herself to be put under oath.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Life comes at you fast RT @INDXGO_: Guys today I found out that I'm a side hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"i pop dontae already and i got bitch for dah Big 30 yaknow ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER She is a Sick Corrupt Ignorant Moron!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I didn't think about violence towards antifa when I was a kid. Boy how times change.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RishaaWilliams byee iverrishaa ghetto ass name","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Maybe stop attacking Conservatives and you might find they don't retaliate.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER does that mean He still our #superman ? Pleaseeeeee say he is ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Naaa. I've spent 24 hours laughing my huge nuts off at your stupidity. You fink your some kind of entity but your all a bunch of scared antifa PUSSIES wiv no muscle to see anyone you try to bully. Even that is pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER But he is back on the weed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She looks like she is planning a sneak attack ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I got the streets ina headlock, i got yo bitch ina leg lock!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @SoDamnTrue: I live in constant fear of being shit on by a bird well this actually fucking happened to me before sooooo. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER But not as despicable as her own.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@AwiLL_2RECKLESS lmao omm you see the bitch tryna act like she ain't feel it ahaha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Punk ass cop jus bulldogged that bitch https:\/\/t.co\/SCeoQIqbme","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Why do all you liberals insist on trying to control everyone in America? Why do you insist those of us that work hard for our money have to give it to people who don't? Why do all you liberal millionaires keep your millions while forcing me to give away every dime I make?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SteveStfler: No bitch ass chick flick will ever be as sad as this movie http:\/\/t.co\/HA1u4TiOAV","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"' See I gotta get this money ma palms itchin , niggahs gossip like hoes most of them bitches .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER shut the fuck upppp kliff i'm bigger than you and gayer than you so don't try any shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @meldigio: Y'all look fucking retarded with y'alls pants down to your ankles.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"So I guess I'm on snapchat now? So snapchat me bitches. Danvii . No idea...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Accept me for who I am. I understand it's not easy. But neither is loving someone who only tries to correct your flaws that only make you so incredibly unique. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im tired of seeing this disturbing bitch with 3 tits","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @JoeBudden: Ok, I gotta cut this Carl Thomas album off b4 I call my ex and say fuck u u ruthless bitch. Lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER One of them just called me 'politically and morally bankrupt' because I said I WOULD get behind him if he opposed Brexit ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Luke5SOS: 5sos are trash !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like the next douche bag #teabagger to be crowned governor is some ghoul named Ducey (rhymes with douchy) #azgov #azvotes #Tcot #gop","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@nathanmbennett2 lol she's always scheming dude. Jaime needs to keep his hoe on a leash....or I mean his sister lol.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Gator's bitches better be using jimmies","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Are you aware that Hillary Clinton said she was going to use Nuclear weapons against Russia. That was after she sold the 20% of our weapons fuel. She is a complete idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Fine chicks lap dances always trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Almost every one I talked to at work today said fuck canelo. He is the new mayweather","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I won't do nothin with the bitch she can't even get me hard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If a nigga is watching Love and HipHop instead of the playoffs he gay denna bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":".@USER Liberals are steamrolling #TPP through Parliament without proper debate. Why are the Liberals hell-bent on killing Canadian manufacturing jobs? #cdnpoli URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You said that if my speech offends someone then I should be fined\/jailed. I asked if you should be fined if you wanting gun control offended me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"pimps up hoes down!!! http:\/\/t.co\/NuI9uJvfA2","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is really good for him and told him how he needed to straighten up. I like her and I like them together. Sometimes you just need someone who calls you out on your sh*t so you can become a better person ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These niggas pillow talkin thats hoe shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I don't think you know what you're advocating for. And you certainly don't know that saying what you said leads to a bunch of shit you probably wouldn't like whether that's what you meant or not.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Antifa calling out nazis is the pot calling kettle black.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @from_Hadria: When you listening to a bitch complaining about a nigga that ain t even hers. http:\/\/t.co\/Z09qLImXGE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER True baby you are my only one baby","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER And now Tyler is going out of his way to assure Haleigh she is staying this week where is this \"immaculate game play you claim? Pathetic jury management more like. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jameis tweet RT @MrCOOK_ Fuck her right in the pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Spiff tryna hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry encourages Attorney General #JeffSessions to break up #BigTech companies like #Google and #Facebook Nothing is going to happen until we get a new AG in November! @USER #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa are the fascists. But, since you have been indoctrinated, you probably don't even know what fascism actually is. Antifa are not fighting neo-Nazis\". They are fighting anyone who isn't them, and they call them Nazis just to justify their hate.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@hotzgeor Kept the border open to disease from Central America, lowest workforce part. % since Carter, yep, a real boon to NC.@ThomTillis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER it's TRUE and she is SO VALID","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LittleNamms stick to the court hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I hate twitter. Just a bunch of sexy bitches I can't have","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I cuff no hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Democrats gave birth to ANTIFA and BLM.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@2015seniorprobs: I probably wouldn t mind school as much if we didn t have to deal with bitch ass teachers\". Retweet","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I'm sure she's worried. Give me a break. Dana is doing a job. You know where u make a living and pay for your own Healthcare etc. You dirt bags that don't even shower crying about gun control should try it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Fucking hate ghetto girls bruh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I always found liberals and progressives to be the spartan ones. All the socialists I knew wanted to live as well as they could afford","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"MY CHEST RT @LILBTHEBASEDGOD: ima make a song called perez hilton and its gonabe about a gay party boy who s a fat slut with no bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@J_Fritzy @vivaalakatyy @Lompartayy @brotherbill7 @JHuff_5 bitch better back up, Katy's mine","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER NIGGA hit em wit the o well lowkie","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You could fuck my bitch , lemme fuck yo bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@equallydestruct bitch firstly it's resting on my titties and secondly if U WAS PAYING ATTENTION YOUD HAVE SEEN WHEN I SAID I ROLLED INTO IT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"The fuckin hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @kooleyCobain: You can't find what you lookin for cuz you too busy likin 2 or 3 bitches at a time and all the same.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Cops rarely got shot in countries with gun control","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" I hate you! RT @YumiYoko: Cyrus ho is a rookie slut. getting the cash after the date? nope nope nope.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER ...@USER is 100% correct and should be applauded for criticizing our inept and corrupt President - not denounced for it.....@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @RevDennisMiller: True nothing shuts up libdog bitches who like to bark at anything @Punt_Cuncher THAT'S CALLED...PREACHING THE TRUTH!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Julio_isUrdaddy: She need a man, not no pussy boy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Prime example of why the Walk Away\" movement was born. Democrats are nothing but sleezy liars. All decent people that were Democrats will not stand behind tactics like ANTIFA and destroying people's lives for political reasons. I was a Democrat for 30 years and I walked away.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Yankees got beaten by a thug","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Trump is maga","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"At 6'0? Good luck Nh nh RT @UnnagroundKing: I'm 6'0, 150. One of you bitches better reproduce with me. I can give you an athlete.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @GODLOVESUGLYY_: You tell me I'm beautiful, like you tell every other bitch. Come on sir. #dobetter","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"these hos really be hatin on Draya fine ass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @OhShitItsRandy: Remember this bro? @BrianLovesAss_ http:\/\/t.co\/RAurUW7mY6 niggah don't show people this ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@_BeverlyNoHills you so fucking nasty. You got held to the wrong pussy. I'm telling , you bet not ever kiss me again!! I'm breaking up w| u!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"is the bitch in the new transformers hot?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"BITCH!!! RT @jla_b: Stop thinking ur entitled to politically correct responses...bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @4200Savage: Mama told me look rich act poor n neva trip ona bitch dat ain't urs#gang","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @RudeNation21: When girls take my snap backs and beanies lol that's 35 dollars a hat and 40 for the AX beanieS I don't let them take it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MsKeeKee90s: @t_ndyy haha Oreo lol. Well I gota do dee's video for his dance soon, I can show you how to use equipment and that x","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You say that bitch bad but she ain't shit to me !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"The beautiful Fairy Pools near Glenbrittle on the Isle of Skye, Scotland http:\/\/t.co\/cyi6xSvn97","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER My experience is the gun control activists don't really want a conversation, they want capitulation. The way around that would be to open with proposals to expand gun rights in exchange for whatever is they're looking for. There can't really be a conversation\" without that\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER As suspected this is about derailing Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation because he is a conservative and will adhere to the Constitution and the law. He's not an activist judge which is what they want.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Real shit. Now if the bitch want some grapes or something, THATS different.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Last night this bitch was talking bout she wanna smoke and go to wingstop. and I was the 1st person she thought about.. Who paying for all this?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER That image tells the story of generations of people self medicating to manage distress. Can't count the number of people lost and like you say too many can't see beyond the sickening labels.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TripleCz_3G: Finna make a power move wit a bitch taxes we both gone be straight long as she do wat I told ha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Breezy gotta sleep this hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is textbook colonizer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER When we allow foreign law into our sovereign nation we have lost our sovereignty. Say no to #ShariaLaw #ConstitutionDay #MAGA #MondayMorning @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#VictoriaSecrets being political? OMG... give it up. You are killing half your profits when you slur Conservatives. #KAG URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Behind every independent woman, is a pack of hating hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @DogBountyHunter: @WarMachine170 Hey Boy This half breed Chiricahua Apache is on YOUR ASS #Eatmytazer !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@HuffingtonPost the little cunt can just die for all I care!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"U know this bitch hard http:\/\/t.co\/oGhm5uYVuC","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER He won't! He'll do just like Mitch McConnell and never mention the good that @USER has accomplished.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Hillary once said that if #Trump wins, We all hang from Nooses.\" The deeper this goes, the more we learn why #Clinton freaked out when she realized #Trump could win. URL #conservatives #TCOT #Unmasking #ReleaseTheMemo #SusanRice #FBI #DeepState #Mueller\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Giants you bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#Yankees Primo! Just got home and the Tanks are on MLB. Finally! And they are winning! Even better. Time to get serious, Sept call up time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Money >>>> the best pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Good evening Brenda ...I hardly see you ..hope all is well with you and everyone ... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER You're from my state. What is your view on gun control?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've pretty much eaten an entire box of my nephew's cheese nips. I only feel bad a little.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER oh wait i read that wrong hfjdhd so they don't know infinity war huh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Sucks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Sessions is not doing his job! He is a deep state RINO just like you!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Thats fucked up give him some pussy RT \"@xomaryjeanxo: Woke up with sex on my mind, I should just play with (cont) http:\/\/t.co\/GYYeayZrjy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@RNIC_BAM - you heard me. letting people know you having relationship problems and arguing on here, that's what them hoes like, so stop.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Get away from these lying toxic people!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER You know what wasn't in his apartment after? Him. And that's the fucking problem.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Gucci mane on a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @PresidentRJRock: Fuck you bitch I'm actin brand new ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Sad part is She knows she's sick... She knows what she is doing.. She has been a crook all her life... She's a very sick woman.. God have mercy of her soul..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER But 10kg of an already shite allowance (coz EU workers are lame as fuck) is a proper piss take","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @_DJPHILIP: My mama told me if a bitch feet dirty her pussy dirty cause ya feet the first thing that hit the water when you bathe.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER #oshaeterry #ThugLife #Criminal Behaved as an Ordinary Disposable Criminal. #MAGA #MAGA2020 #MAGARallyRules #TexasPolice","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER - both don't support Medicare for all - both voted against the dreamers - both voted for the racist police brutality bill - both voted to give Donald trump and even larger military budget . - both didn't do a thing on gun control - both voted for the racist payday loans bill","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER CANNOT CONTAIN HIMSELF That is why HE IS UNWELCOME AT A SCHOOL without an escort (and a hall pass). He is WELL BEHIND HIS OPPONENT in his re-election campaign. @USER can't work well or play well with others. IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE! @USER DISTRICT D","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @WorIdStarFunnyy: When you and your boys discover a hoe http:\/\/t.co\/MkonVchG4R","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BamBam_131st: @1stBlocJeremiah ima beat yo lil young ass quick plyin hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER We apologize for the delay in response here and wanted to follow up and see if you are still experiencing issues. Our engineers are in the final stages of mitigating impact related to the event. ^MA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"These hoes keep callin but I ain't pickin up\" ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm starting to think these things are a cover for #maga It distracts people from paying attention to trump. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER It's the ANTIFA gang!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER God help us!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Crooked","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER looks like Misha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER unleashed\"?? No your Lowliness, it's the beginning on an exorcism against the evil in the Body of Christ known as the leaders of the Catholic Church.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"60 and hopeful to someday meet a classy gal that I can talk to about MAGA and WWG1WGA! Have yet to find! Having way to much fun now not to share :-) URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Marcus Smart belongs on the Celtics. Both trash. It was destiny.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER She is the daughter of her parents. All illogical hypocrites.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm not the brightest but i can guess her game a lil and i know how much of attention whores those bitches are","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER worry about college. Your 15 min of fame is over and you have no clue.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Video was worth it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER And honestly it's ridiculous.. you are grocery shopping there is no need to be like That","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Gee I wonder why? Thank you Trudeau\/Butts\/Telford for killing Ontario's auto industry. Using Trump Derangement Syndrome fed by our deranged MSM to try to win the next election. Zero seats for Liberals! Defund the CBC!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER LMAOO glad you know you are one of the people I was meaning","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER (1) Ok lets play this game. Which side\" is openly advocating for the persecution of a race and promoting segregation? Which is supporting a militant group very similar to Hitlers brown shirts (Antifa)? Which is calling for gun control (even wanted armbands)?\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Now we know the gun control stance of The Residents.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to paint but faggot won't paint with me...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Why to the cowards not list ANTIFA on their profiles. Cowards or terrorist or both... I'll go with both!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I don't understand who Soros isn't arrested for domestic terrorism! He also funds Antifa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is still on there for now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER WHAT THW FUCK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"andand when Tha bitches start hating that's wen a bitch lost me ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@dustincarter16 bitch I was out dea and your ass was sleep","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER *accept. I don't hate men. I don't hate conservatives. I hate stupid. And I hate hypocrites. And the fact that you think being a conservative matters at all in this matter means to me that you are not so much into law and order as you think you are.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @OLDBROOKLYNJIM: Only in #Cleveland are #browns fans going to bitch about a blow out win this week. #Believeland #GoBrowns","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Anti-Trump Activists Want DC Trump Hotel's Liquor License Revoked\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gusandrews HEY! I'M still on LambdaMOO. (and it really is empty, nobody to talk to except that asshole bird...)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@1deep_williard @Marlin_FishyAss it was old ratchet hoes Bruh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"All I did was said her weed was trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He is a coward.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER I rode once in 2013 with Rebecca and she is so nice and such an Athlete .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Venus_Lynn: @dylxnl: look ghetto but it work http:\/\/t.co\/chrvW9dPca ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Dude go away ....tin hatters like you make us conservatives look bad .....get a job","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Italian_Montana im a boss ass bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Besides Jax's mom and maybe Ope he is hands down my favorite he's like the only good person on the show ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@reptar_ray nigglet send me the pictures","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @H8UHOES: Lmao lexy such a hoe lmfaooo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"How you livin hoe.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"That Larry the cucumber tweet is funny af.. But it's a bit much to RT you young bitches might cry ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Zhugstubble meet up so I can Molly whoop yo bitch ass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"Yo bitch on the horn. Tryna shoot a porn.\" - @KingL That's T shirt worthy Tony","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BeautysRaj: \"Ariana is probably the next Beyonce\" bitch if you don't back the fuck up http:\/\/t.co\/g6XGmAqk52","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@KristynEdwards why were there penguins and a bird in the puppy bowl???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER omg fuck our lives sis","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Depending on a government or politician to furnish ones basic needs make the individual or group of citizens lazy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Right..? Total OCD right there lol Yeah...totally gonna floss that sucker off.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @__Junebugg: That hoe is live though","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER We should meet her face to face! She won't be speaking like that much longer. She is a horrid person! Somebody will teach her that you reap what you sow. She will find out the hard way. She is just UGLY inside!!! FUBAR!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Yall bitches should be girlfriends for Halloween since yall been sidechiccs all year ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Hate when my hoes get out here an start actin single smh. #DezHoesAintLoyal @bbuff30 @SophieFairman1","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@GregyBalls Asian pussy?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER This describes Bill Clinton perfectly. And yet? crickets from liberals. #ClintonCrimeFamily","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@1usagrunt. I wonder what Charlie Brown would have to say about these days.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My roommate is eating so obnoxiously I wanna fucking slit his throat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"feel like im at home when im in dis bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"Takin it straight to dirt, why finger the pussy when I know I can put my dick in it?\" @xErnee18","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Browns and redskins shouldn't be considered nfl teams","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ericxmorrison you can't get rid of me that easily bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Love it that SHE's willing to pay the price\"...that someone else will pay. Liberals are INSANE\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WhoreFandom: I'm going to let the pussy out like fight night #vote5sos","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Wait for it. The DIMS are going to preach gun control....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@hiyathanda_alps \"that hoe over there\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Someone's mother called me a \"handsome, buff, yellow thang\" last night... my ego was temporarily elevated and @binniemouse was dying lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kay_laa_laa ha bitch I know ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Hittin licks, what you get outta that?You and yo boys is some pussy cats!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Bro...he is cray mehn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":". @USER is pledging more than $1 million to support nonprofits and youth activists working to end gun violence. They're also partnering with Michael Bloomberg to help create a coalition of business leaders who support gun control measures. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @MLBStatoftheDay: Since 1914, Derek Jeter s 91 multi-hit games vs @RedSox are 4th most among @Yankees, behind Gehrig s 121, Ruth s 99 an ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AnthonyCumia @cokelogic Hey Antony you speaks colored good","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Keep voting for liberals and this is the future","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @__Idonthaveone: My friends are some insensitive bitches ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You are awesome","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"almost dragged my suite mate last night... hoe really came banging on our door 2am","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"She a dirty bitch and I dotn have a doubt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @KlTTYGIRL: im shitty but i promise u im better than that bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER how does helpmto buy help the homeless?? Oh. It doesn't does it? How does it help@USER on low income??? Oh it doesn't in Work poverty at an all time high. How does it help them?? Oh it doesn't. Thanks for nothing","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Tylar____ @xxJaiLynn Tylar shut up bitch . I usta make you these","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"5 of 5 stars to You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Big O - you are right - you don't lose to Gabbert","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER MAGA KAG WINNING","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DaOfficialPRIME: RT @WestSideFlee: How you gone wife a bitch that let niggas lick on her head in public?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This song may be for basic bitches but it's such a mood boost","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER It is all okay with the liberals if it furthers their agenda. They have no core.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1 time for the lonely hoes watching #Scandal re runs","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"When u hitting it from the back u gotta call her \"bitch\" they love that but don't u dare call em \"slut\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Guti rrez you are a joke dress as an full","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"David is my bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @_MoonWP_: When dykes hear \"ladies free before 10\" http:\/\/t.co\/ptk6CzTtkS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I hate him im so fucking sorry","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Right on #MAGA #WWG1WGA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"30 mins for @natezoo919 n @greco_joel to pick out a trash can @ meijer....now do u guys understand why I took 3 shots before this trip","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CanIFuckOrNah: i'm a bitch but a sweetheart u feel me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Break shit fuck the law....grrrr...fuck that shit...punch that bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Nicole_Orozco23: Kansas bitch #LongHairDontCare #CountryGirl #Ohio #YoureWelcome #LoveThisGirl #Cle #LoveIt http:\/\/t.co\/LLW3IMTCUG","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @LessonswithKate: you got hoes, I got niggas.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"God damn flappy birds weak ass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@NCPostGrad bitch please.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I know. I think they're the ones who'll be surprised about that since they think all liberals want to make gun ownership illegal.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @_PlayboyG: Another movie that's gonna make you question your bitch https:\/\/t.co\/V9EbkQytsu","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Even if the devil did make every single one of those priests rape children... Why does the pope refuse to condemn it? Why didn't he remove from leadership the rapist brought to him?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Without the prior existence of fascism Antifa would have no raison d'etre. End fascism and Antifa goes away.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your bitch choosing just Let'R!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Wassamatta? Starting to wet your pants? Worried about all your dirty deeds coming out? Concerned about not getting a view cell at #GITMO? #MAGA #KAG2020 #DrainTheDeepState #WalkAwayDemocrats2018 #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER What are you afraid of liberals. You screamed for transparency!Now that POTUS is doing just that you are screaming to keep it secret.The truth is there. You don't want it seen.Liberals are hypocrites and the alphabet agencies have some bad apples involved in a soft coup. Tick Tock","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Shoot dice let yo hoe fade me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@dxum7 Jordan's are trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CuteOverloads: baby monkey in the snow im crying http:\/\/t.co\/gMk5dbjaJQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ThatDamnHAM: #LRT exactly. Announcing that you could be a piece of pussy for a couple hours, then irrelevant after that? Nothing cute a ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @ @ @ @ GRAND OPENING ! @ @ @ @ TOP CLASS Oriental Massage PERFECT ! http:\/\/t.co\/zibllnm1ZS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Dont tell me she is at it again","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Work\" - @tydollasign Gets me through those rough days hahaha #hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @CashOutMolly: bitches is stupid .. they get cheated on BY THEY MAN and wanna go fight the girl . NO BITCH leave that nigga and move on ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Or you are the wind between my cheeks!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Because a former Antifa in the white house and they do not arrest her and a citizen if they arrest someone explain to me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Y'all entertained by these bitch az niggas hitting women? Smh Who raised you?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Awww look how cute he is! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People calling and complaining to Spinellis because of our Purge special.Lmao pussies. #LouisvillePurge","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I said the same thing today lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER pm me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@IIDeAIID @JQuiiin So many bitches you gon need to change ya name from Jebidiah to Bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You're a stupid hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He's having a go at people who love David Gilmour but who think Roger Waters is a bit of a dick... Obviously.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Eddie_Sativa87 pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@LifeAsKing I've only like about 3 pair..they're overpriced trash ..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Karma's a bitch huh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Did this bitch really just ask me do I have a badge to be in this building while going to my floor. White people just don't change at all.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Country music and rap music both talk about the same basic shit repetitively. Cars\/trucks, bitches\/women, beer\/drugs. Guns lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @Leelucas_: @100046729 mo bitch the special Ed Darlene from backatown GN","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You're a stupid fucking bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I take shots wit no chaser I get bitches I don't chase em","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Broke my toe on my second day in maga.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AntiHeroKo bitch FOH","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Sweet! Just found that box of Twinkies I bought last year for $225.00! I bet its at least tripled by now! Such a no-brainer buy!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All Okies are trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love living in Minnesota. The weather is bad enough for people to bitch about it but we don't have anything serious. Stay safe east coast","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Hanging with my bitches I couldn't be more happy #thegoodlife","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You got hoes really out there titty twerkin https:\/\/t.co\/1Cc7GU4e7O","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"President Trump's 17th Wave of Judicial Nominees\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @OGTREEZ: Lol niggas only act nice when they think pussy is the reward. https:\/\/t.co\/tH6QOq4Nep","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER WE STAN TWO WHOLE ASS VISUALS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And now Jihadis bragging about a massive bombing in Sadr city in Baghdad. #Iraq #onslaught","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol Sam said \"Betty Boop\" is a hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER you don't put this much thought into antifa goons ripping downtown seattle apart every holiday","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Tucker Carlson is not an idiot. He knows exactly what he is doing. That makes him malicious.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HYSTERICAL!! Calling BHO a monkey! #NorthKorea < may be a bunch of assholes, but that comment made me belly laugh!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You sound like the Nazis my family came to America to go back and fight in their home. You have a lot to learn. Antifa is an Enemy of America just like the Nazi's","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She just want her pussy ate, she ain't gon text u back afterwards RT @chaannyyyy: who wants to hang out ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm just sayin. That's my baby and I already told you bitches.. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Cross them of the list....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The same bitches that failed geometry know exactly what angle to use to take that perfect selfie","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @iGottFanss: Not all black girls are ghetto ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I wish I could go to dat bitch rt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I swear that hoe b trying it...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @carterazoo: My nephew on Adam Rose: \"I bet he ain't got no hoes though.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Don't think she did much to accomplish that goal!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER The voters have decided about gun control. They have gotten bloodshed on a daily basis.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Kenny__Wright @itsfrankybitch @Amber_Nicole_21 @Kush_Boy420 @yoPapi_chulo you cant call someone a fag if you're snuggling up with guys","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER I got on and saw only 5 ratings. Where's the one you posted? Are you having internet connection problems? Is the #DeepState on to you too?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@808NoHeartBreak hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Mom you've been a real bitch lately","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @LiloNoSnitch_: bitch bye ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Funny how so many liberals throw around the word bigot when someone has a different opinion. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I think he could be called a turncoat talking out of both sides of his fucking mouth Lindsey Graham can no longer be trusted URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@justezzzee nigga what bitch I'm talking bout boxing can u read?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER It's a unique situation bc apparently they knew each other very well. Supposedly dated. We'll see when more details emerge. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All These hoes sooo average ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER aaaaaaaaa that's so exciting!!! the majority of my friends are in second year at this point so the blow i'm about to receive from moving to a whole ass other country hasn't hit yet.... i'm doing film studies because i hate myself apparently :\/ wbu babie","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Name the social injustices caused by the GOP and the death of anyone caused by members of it I dare you. How many people have lost their lives to the idiocy of gun control?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"' Baby moanin.... Got me zone'nn , I want this bitch next too me.... Pussy like ecstasy .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@YeIIowbang yeah people know he's not trash but his game is limited and it showed late in games against Portland","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah you bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@_wordtothewise I am hurt im.not in it wtf, fuck Danielle that bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@JawShoeeAhhh lmao you're a bitch boy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @ChiefKeef: You niggaz get so emotionaaaal, You remind me of my bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He and Obama must be copying each other does any democrat have their own thought PLEASE !!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @marissaaxoo: You're a cunt. Screen shot that","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Stayin up late to watch #Ichiro #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LupeFiasco uh oh its 9\/11 what you gonna preach and cry about today faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @StripesAllure: Bitches eyebrows be on FlEEK Loyalty on Weak edges incomplete and pussy on REEK ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER I believe ALL of this stuff is to bring in Gun Control. Gun Control = Disarming America.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LadyVodkax yer dirty pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER The Tory country first is what @USER @USER meant. The rest can still suffer austerity that was caused by the rich banks. Parasitic Tories always have been and always will be. The evil party that is the @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@beepbeepamanda Today was Talk Like A Pirate Day, and absolutely NOBODY knew Id been doing a Charlie Morton impersonation all day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RipCaps: I wish I would chase a hoe .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @LeBronVuitton: It's the most annoying shit in the world when a bitch start talkin bout something then say \"nevermind\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@themightylayman \"We just gotta have a red headed Afrotino-Asian albino autistic Branch Davidian hermaphrodite on the Avengers!\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I'm doing really good thank you I hope you are well too. Be Blessed beautiful friend ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER I just saw a video that you are corrupting our government and from the evidence i just saw you are going to jail!!!! #MAGA #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #YouAreGoingToJail #YouHaveBeenExposed URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER There are thousands apon thousands of videos on YouTube alone of Antifa attacking people just for being at Trump rallies or Republican events. This is not happening anywhere to Democrats. This is on a widespread scale and people like you try to lie and obfuscate to cover them","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is now in zim from Midrand let's wait and see","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@G_Babyrachi niccas dnt kno bout da art of finessin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER It is always same-trash Trump and conservatives. I have stopped watching American TV and going to movies. I have discovered wonderful foreign television shows albeit many subtitled that are now my favorites and there is always good old-fashioned reading and music and creative endeavors.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Get another disgrace.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Qwyenton: Dat ghetto shit aint attractive","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Beat ya bitch pussy up every time I see her like a bully .. Then send her outta town wit 4 cookies","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"why even get pregnant by someone that isn't an never will be fit to be a dad, smh stupid stupid hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Superman: \"This guy still giving you trouble? *uppercuts Steppenwolf* Me: \"THERE HE IS! SUPERMAN!! IT'S HIM! FINALLY!! News: \"Henry Cavill is no longer Superman Me: \"........WHY....... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @rhythmixx_: @aliyahgrubb: Kanye West is a costume not a mock of a race. girl I hate to do this but Kanye is a human not a costume but ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lmaoooooo eat that goal faggot @gezus__","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Free birds. Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER this photo does you no justice. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DrunkAtChurch @MzYummyDread Slide up on a bad bitch\/Dat bitch look good","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@emmyhighr0ller @Cyberobama you sound like a real cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER I just don't get it . At least bring him in talk to him work him out feel him out what could the harm be you might just be surprised and sign him if he is what you think he is then don't it's just being smart","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER She is my favorite person","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ZayCoolAF #yeet we gotta do at least 3 and drop them bitches in like 2 month intervals or some shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER 50 Year Mandatory Federal Sentence for ANY crime committed with a gun. Stop the gun control nonsense and punish the guilty ! NO politician today will support this !! Gun control and safe zones DON'T work. Pols don't want less crime only Hot Air !! @USER @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@tay_baybay_12 pussy heels!! Haha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Leelucas_ bitch that's why I'm bouta go to waffle","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TDill11: These hoes ain't got nothin' on ya ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"These hoes need to stop hittin blunts and hit the gym unhealthy mfs ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@ThatChrisEckert Gobble de gook","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't get your main bitch and side bitch confused, there's a big difference.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BigBagOfScum: I'm gonna start my own web MD site and the only three diagnosis are-Quit being a pussyLay off the drugsCall 911","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"i'ont neva chase hoes they move to slow i let em chase me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER OMG HE IS SO EXTRA ILY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@sweet_kissesxx Straight AF. Except math is a bitch. Hows the dealership, lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @RapBars_: Joey Badass said \"Traded in my Nikes for a new mic, I guess it's safe to say he sold his soles for a new life\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BG_RAMBOE: \"@1stblock_thomas: Gotta link with bro Rambo \" fashoo nd we gotta PULL Up ona pussy boys","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER She is coming to Italy! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@King_Shawn_6: @white_thunduh that's where I get my yellow flags for being amazing \" HELL YEAH NIGGY","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Which side ran into a crowd killing someone? U mentioned ANTIFA like they're anywhere close to the same hate filled platform that KKK is. All i heard from u was deflection and excuses. Next","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm up bored denna bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @jjusmaxx: Thot bitches wanna be wined and dined like a wife but don't know how to earn it ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Marco_SharkHoes hoe I'm at work til like 8","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @RIPvuhsace: Porn, the only place where a bitch gon be under the table sucking a niggas dick while he eating dinner with his parents.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER A10 Every moment is a my best moment as she is my world #CartersBodysuitSweepstakes URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#disgusted her constituents voted liberal #LeonaAlleslev #fuck off URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JimmyMcIver @jerrilyn71 @Doc_68W_ Just like \"FAT CHICKS NEED LOVE TOO\" I guess. Some Jeffrey Dommer Type would be all over that sloppy ho.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@sramirez07943 That's you faggot you eat shit for fun ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Poor sad liberals. No hope for them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Pass them sticks bitch!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Bidenshairplugs: Number of women denied birth control by Hobby Lobby: 0Number of Democrat retards butthurt by the verdict: 30,000,000 ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Then it's time to indict trump if you are pro-law.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER YUP. Liberals (by which I mean fans of Liberal Democracy\") are all too happy to let everyone else around them die as long as they maintain a comfortable existence. It's a fucking disgrace. We need to get the ball rolling on serious Socialist organizing if we are to survive.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Children should be seen and not heard!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Fortunately the rest of America is not the Swamp in Washington. Washington is the worst place to decide what's good for America.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @xDSmooth: Damn my niggah side bitch got him making her a sandwich ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @anallanusa32: 83 you're really cool you're good at basketball. And your a zebra is this @WillBall4Life?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER NESN thinks he is the favorite for the cy young. Nope.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ennuitimes mostly move ya dumb bitch! Haha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"When the baddest bitch in school walk by http:\/\/t.co\/5REizTQ2lS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @lildurk_: Dese hoes be actin up","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER you are too ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You bitches can't relate to me. So stop.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER So you are saying they should not count on him to keep the streak alive?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER #metoo is the BEST WEAPON the Liberals have because there is NO DUE PROCESS .. its all DISGUSTING ... and WOMAN are the ones USING it as the weapon .. shameful and TYPICAL Liberalism .. USE emotions FOR their own BENEFIT ... @USER POSTER CHILD for USING Woman","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @murrman5: you up, Charlie Brown?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't throw me the pussy! Let me come get it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER As clear as the mud UKGov are dumping off Swansea. Corbyn offers no solutions and no answers ... being non-committal on everything and hoping 'not being the conservatives' will get him elected. Westminster politics and government have degenerated so much its no longer fit for purpose.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Cnt trust or won't spare a bitch ogd ,","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@piersmorgan his hillbilly ass would shoot ya piers put ya right next to the buck hangin on his redneck ass wall","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If anyone ever gets an attitude or w e with me idgaf who it is I am going to be a bitch right back ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm sorry but this makes me feel so free. Like a fucking majestic bird. #gotonelessproblemwithoutya http:\/\/t.co\/EKFOVVcWht","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"lock that bitch too keep the heat out RT @Ms_Marrie: SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are way too generous","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Foamposites: Random hoe: So I heard..Me: http:\/\/t.co\/YXpESFMG8f","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @binniemouse: @WhatsAshirt lmao i have morals negro. unlike you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Fake niccas ain't far dog they right in ya face!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This why I be on the bitches so much they LISTEN to Me ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Harvard got the worst hoes cheerleading in America","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This hoe in here 6months pregnant man take yo ass home","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@StellaTex: Guess what? I also have zero time for your mansplaining! Adios!\" Stfu pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Miss ma niggah leo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"11\/19 w\/ @anjahlamarie - the depot 12\/19 - a pussyfootin xxxmas (hoe hoe hoe motherfucker santa claws is coming to town)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER The persona that you project masks your insecurities. You are hurt and disappointed. Politics is a dirty business. Move on and make a difference. Hillary lost because too many people sat out the last election. Get involved in displacing Devin Nunes and or Duncan Hunter in Calif.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER totally agree with you with the double standard. Why is there always a sexist argument when it involves Serena.She is not the shining light of the WTA. Carlos was just doing his job. Serena smashed her racket and had three audible obscenities against Ramos. Shrug.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @ZvckSlvt3r704: My sister shittin on you hos once again \"@VSamone: wodeh bout dat action http:\/\/t.co\/nzHXA8GuA5\" ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"When bae dodges hoes cause he only want you http:\/\/t.co\/bLYYoLtP0k","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I bet the first ones she calls when she is being robbed is those very same police . People are freaking stupid ... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Lipe_the_Great: Holy fucking shit. Why is a game against a third string qb redskins team so gut wrenching","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"4 and a half up on the Phillies! If you are a fan of any Georgia sports you know that no lead is safe!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER You don't know her she is Senegalese ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER your pappy is a big fat fool the Democrats doesn't have to make him look bad he makes himself look just what he is an ignorant 5th level FOOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And is completely unconstitutional. If the state deems you are not a criminal and therefor have not relinquished your right to bear arms, they have no right to regulate who is competent\" or \"skilled\" enough to own one. Once again, it is NOT the same as driving a car.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When my friends are roastin my other friends and idk who to roast I'm just like wait \"who are your true nigs\" always da clan ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Niggas be having LOYAL pussy on call... and still be thirsty as fuck. Like BRO, go fuck your woman and get some of them hormones out lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Happy birthday @Anastacia_Cole I love you faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER So... Did Angela hook up with a younger guy so she has someone to wipe her butt when she is 75?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Thanks for all you are doing to MAGA!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He needs to fade into the sunset quickly. His music sucks and no one cares about his political views. Unfortunately he's too ignorant to realize. Only concert I went to where a political diatribe completely. ruined it completely.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I hate pretty bitches that chill with lame niggas","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Golfwangslut25: Tyga makes you think about fucking a bunch of bad bitches J.cole makes you motivated Drake makes you wanna think abou ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I think you made those liberals upset","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\" momma said no pussy cats inside my doghouse \"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Idk how bitches trust other bitches sooo easily. I still have the same friends.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @lucybeeee: i hate when i lose something and my mom says well i guess it wasn't that important like bitch you lost me in a grocery st ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Detroit Lions, bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Democrats want more gun control. I say go to the range and practice,.. you will get better. \" #NRA #maga URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niggas talking bout 'these hoes ain't loyal' but they been to 6 different barbers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @WayneL_Jr: 80% RT @NotMorris_: 60% of these hoes be fake gay","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Katy's grand exit tonight from Firehouse >>>>Hasta la bye bye bitches ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Fiona Hill.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @CommonBlackGirI: here s to all the kids who have never found their name on anything in a souvenir store thanks mom for the ghetto name.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Ha even with them trying to rig the system. They had no idea about divine intervention we God answered President Trump ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER She took a polygraph to prove something to her husband. I think they were in counseling because she is frigid with her husband and he wants to know why. So she made up a cockamamy story as a coverup for her current lesbian affair.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ohh and btw @Leslieeeixta when you get a call from 24 blame @KimberlyyAye , bitch keeps signing up people bc she wants gym buddies lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @easy_edd: lifes a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @djMemphis10: Never hurt your Girlfriend to make a hoe happy #djmemphis10","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Matthops82: In conclusion, Lois Lerner is a giant bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@_Leeyoo what niggah","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"like a slow death @iSell_Pussy4EBT How does it feel to have a shit load of nudes to fap to but not one bitch to fuck? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @LauraRosenCohen: #AskDrMann Is having no amici briefs filed on your behalf kind of like Charlie Brown never, ever getting ANY Valentin ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Y'all bitches wanna be so different and y'all really so basic ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @_DMiLL_: @1BlackMigo: Kyrie fast than a bitch with the ball look like you out there lol lol I wish","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Do you support our POTUS? (Please help by retweeting and following after voting!) Follow Follow Follow #maga #kag #trump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah. ITS OVER> People don't tell #artists what do to. That's defies the definition of what WE ARE TRYING TO SHOW #youpeople. #retards #game7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER call me a dog cause DAM... I got a bone for you nigga ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are fkn deluded pal #FatNixon is a digusting pig Trump interview on 9\/11: [My building] was the 2nd-tallest in Manhattan... And now it's the tallest.\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@harley_schuder bitch where you goin?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"My True life episode comes on later on tonight at 8pm central time. True Life: I wanna be a tranny.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is the \"comedian that lectures the audience for an hour how white men are the scum of the earth.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER minus well keep him how he is bruh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@VeshaaCouture lol bitch yo display name","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Disgusting. This is just more proof that property and home ownership is a MYTH...if you don't pay the taxes (RENT) you are thrown off YOUR LAND...you need PERMISSION to build on YOUR LAND.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So I'm at #tedgibson and Ted is getting his hair colored right beside me. Heeeey!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @tyleroakley: Merry Christmas, everyone! Unless you're a fucking bitch then literally just go.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#NowPlaying : Ian Hunter - Once Bitten Twice Shy on #1069TheArrow - http:\/\/t.co\/R5wuXA9jB6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yo pussy ain't shit unless you had some @MagicJohnson in it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER that explains it then: she is an alien! LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa came out of the old German Communist Party 1932. Just history. That's why they wear masks. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RelentIessness: this bitch thought she could cut my dick off http:\/\/t.co\/gBR2YV669Y","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @LorenaSGonzalez: I am a California State Assemblywoman, but remain a proud @Teamsters #unionmember -- celebrating #LaborDay weekend ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @fucktheseHOES__: Hate a bitch that run her mouth .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @riZkybiZneZZ: Joseline in the audience mad than a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Always been a lier","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Ewww bitch #canunot #fuckoff","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@tsmith4569 Sorry I missed that, you mean where I live is disgusting or that that muzzies in the UK r disgusting, or both? Have a great Sun.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yasss bitches I'm brown ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"1\/ Here's @USER as quoted by @USER factually incorrect on no less than 6 counts: Trump is raising taxes not just on Democrats, he's raising taxes on Democrats and Republican and independents and conservatives and short people and tall people.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Cryystalina cuz people at work are bitches they shit talkers and yeah dude I need a girls night out -___-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I wish bitches would be straight up wit their friends and tell em they look ugly when they really do and not say they cute smh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @_tellmeboutLOVE: Gave that bitch a bib since she wanna act messy ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Frozen peas and ibuprofen. My new best friends # cripple","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SteveMartinToGo careful, they might try to queer ya!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @xDSmooth: Nooo I left my papers in the basement n my niggah getting some cakes down there -.-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER where did you get that Kavanaugh doesn't want an investigation? CNN?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niccas use to be like you always Tryn pull a finesse....Duh nicca I need mine","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"What the fuck kind of redneck commercial was that???? #indycar","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"y'all remember that tall ass dyke named Jay??? Lmfaooo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER You are lying again! The public doesn't trust you anymore!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BranninWGL: RT @QB_Hitman: RT @latry: But thats your baby mom though. RT @Tyga: That ain't my hoe.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This bitch asked why pants sagg , cuz dey tryna hold my bandz up ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TheLittleFella_: @OLE_VertyBstard @savage_life091 bitch should've got out of her yard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @chaniiyyaa: Wayne really treat nicki like that's his bitch ....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@big_business_ lmao dog just type them out and let them faggots try to decipher it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If you don't fuck with @ChrisWebby your either A) slackin B) a turd burgular C) a pussy face. or D) all of the above #WhichIsIt ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@SteveWorks4You ..its all about you and white conservative teabaggers. You all make the world go round. Please be our rulers.....stockboy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Well that's because Roy Moore was no longer an issue for the Dems or the so called Women's Rights Liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @GoatRapLines: Chief Keef changed the rap game when he said \"bitch I'm cooler than a cooler\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Im rick james bitch, show me ya titties","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Stupid bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER America will be better off once you retire Flakey Jeff Flake. Go away.......","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" RT @FunnyJulius: #ACTRIST RT @sheEBONYblack: @HotKommodity05: @A2daO: U bitches tripping smh http:\/\/t.co\/Ywz59nbnR7","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" - omg just thinccin of you makes me laugh, we use to STAY talking shit in 3rd period, you cute, and you my bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You know people ghetto when they leave the plastic shit on their TVs","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Shit is trash","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Remember when I told yall bout my coworker not lookin out a couple weeks back?.. Karma's a hoe, got his ass.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @sosadtoday: in a relationship with the idea of you - girls with trash love lives","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Globalization threatens nationality causing the alt right concerns about destroyed values that keep us unified like the ten commandments and the Constitution. Then we have the alt left demanding their mini Bolshevik indoctrination to oppress everyone and start a war. Let God be","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason No that's what u think I just don't like pussy boys who run they mouth but they can't back they words up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @janbaloch45: Pakistani Christian Couple burnt alive in Kasur Punjab http:\/\/t.co\/JRxpbsL05Y@veritaz @marvisirmed @Goshno @AliyaNazki ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Wow this is priceless! A college educated professor self-inflicts himself with a bullet wow he is \"brilliant ! URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"OG old faced hunnids with a young hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @iOnlyGoRaw: Took this bitch 3 months to put a scarf on smfh http:\/\/t.co\/wsOzqw8yNT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Some call it trickn i call it hangn out ima handle my business n knock dat pussy out ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER The letter could be seen as a dog whistle to ANTIFA to inform them about the event and jeopardize the safety of possible attendees.\" Except it was an internal email. How is that a dog whistle?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"De Niro's wife in Casino is the second biggest cunt of all time, first is still George's mother in Blow","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I didnt buy any alcohol this weekend, and only bought 20 fags. Proud that I still have 40 quid tbh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Bitcheslovestar The only one of Mary's friends I like so you other bitches don't exist ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Awful","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"this could be my last breathI'ma take my time, cause I'ma go out the same way I came inRight by the pussy with nothin' on my mind","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @FukTylar: \"Heard you was talkin trash like I wouldn't find out\" http:\/\/t.co\/8LpcnHM9XB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Marco_Spatula stop looking porn fag","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"It be so good to not gotta woyke in da moanin. I da only colored dat woyke cuz colored folk be lazy and lives off da white guilt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Has to with the revelations of what the liberals have been up to. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JamieWinn4 that's \"energy\" the City is \"Electric\" gotta go to Yankees Stadium, When they are winning. It is truly \"electrifying\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\" these hoes like niggas that spend money not talk bout it \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER LMAO CRY ME A RIVER YOU SCHMUCK! we had to put up with OVOMIT for 8 LONG YEARS! We kept our mouths shut and put our noses to the grind wheel!!!!! We didn't RIOT AND CRY!!! GROW UP!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @kyle_park: \"You've got to have smelt a lot of manure before you can sing like a hillbilly.\" #HankWilliams http:\/\/t.co\/XKwON1L0nB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bitches talmbout they limber got these bitches In limbo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER looking forward to seeing what you are bringing to the market. The rum market has needed some quality infusion for quite some time. Fingers crossed for a quality spiced rum.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JoriBunni he talkin bout we wanna be human and I'm just like .... bitch whet?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Ask them. You guys are just using this topic to avoid answering my questions about Antifa crashing and being violent at PP organized events.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@USER They both want you to believe in yourself and to do your own research to discover the truth. They want people to see 100% of the big picture (not just the 50% found on #FakeNews that leads people into their echo chambers). #Censorship of #Conservatives is a bad idea! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Truly you are amazing sir ji ..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER And then we can issue each one of them a pink unicorn.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Keep up the good work you do. And ignore the haters that attack you. You are a good lady!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really think ppl defending Cassidy throw on Hotel at the crib when bitches are comin over","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"After you declare ANTIFA a terrorist's organization then start collecting the names of all the professors involved: URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A bitch is complaining to corporate about me in our lobby lmaooo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BrosConfessions: \"Ate pussy for the first time today. All I have to say is ... I think I may have a new favorite food\"- Michigan","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Until he is dead. Because even after he is out of office he will likely command the news cycle for a long time.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@davidam_23 yes so you could leave fag","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\" fuck no that bitch dont even suck dick \" the Kermit videos bout to fuck IG up","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Stand your ground conservatives. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Hunglikerobby_ @BOSSBITCHDAPHNE @taytuckfuck bitch no more on my account","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Pointstacked: Follow this fag @ShinSnipes it's his birthday today","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Lil Kim really made herself trash smh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Fake news.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"eww I hate how bitches dress sometimes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I turned on the BET awards for 10 seconds, and got to witness random bitches getting drunk, and D-Wade dancing to R-Kelly.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@ErinSaberSix im 99 slay bitch, im wearin bandos armor cause im so rich, i got my slayer helm and my whip droppies","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @DevinEleven_: hey slim, thats my girlfriend screaming in the trunk. But i didn't slit her throat, i just tied her up ! See i ain't like ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#Yankees #SEC Robertson in. Guy is fantastic. SEC pitcher!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@morganwelborn you're a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @slbgng_eddie: @white_thunduh: On boys im a retard sometimes all the time *","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@SamFeistCNN @CNNPolitics your opinion plz. When election over will there be any improvement or will BO still be allowed to trash America?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @michellemalkin: In which I refresh dhimmi Seattle mayor Ed Murray's poor memory of city's long history as a jihadi breeding ground==> h ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well,is he gonna take da bitch or naw?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You are out of order today fam LMFAO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER henry is so fucking great and was def my #sickkidsinlove inspo and i love him and his death is a PROBLEM","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @GvldRve: @Satisfied_x: ESJ got some ugly hoes yeah, and them Leon G. Students ain't making no better. 99.9 of em fugly. You ain't lyi ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER If he doesnt want to face the responsibility for his actions then he is in the wrong job. That is without taking into account him being a bit shit... #AVFC #BRUCEOUT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@_theDarius boy I was clean in them bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Wrong 99 percent of the time she is in a bed or laying down suntanning all summer long she is bland like a dry piece of toast! ... carry on #BB20","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Got my mind made nicca ... Fuk u pay me!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @xoxo_Geee: Chest tattoos on females are trash .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#gouache #inktober #oldpainting #mt #tiki #wahine #surf #monkey #bright #happysunday #peace wishing http:\/\/t.co\/l73hiK0IZ8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JustDoIt_Rob: I'll throw a cheeseburger at her bitch ass!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @DFkinLopes: Me: You're a hoeHoe: You wasn't saying that August 12, 2014 at 7:22 PMMe: Well you're a hoe today on October 1st 2014 at ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Could be Romford Young Conservatives!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @77StephanieG77: A portable septic tank. For allllll those pesky feelings.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@ComedyPosts: Harlem shake is just an excuse to go full retard for 30 seconds.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@AlexaDelsanter karma is a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He is evading suspension","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @StayyeGolden: @vivalakristia: Everybody that's still on Facebook ghetto or pregnant idc. accurate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This bitch is talking to herself who the fuck does that, bitch u need help with yo im hearing vocies in my head, #lockthatbitchup..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Come back hoe @kati_dupree843 http:\/\/t.co\/1UPxvDJJNa","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TheFunnyTeens: When someone tells me I should stop being a bitch http:\/\/t.co\/LTR4gi5mUv","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @ShawnHarvey0: @1stBlocJeremiah I ain't gettin my hands tatted dumb ass, y yo bitch ass leave da bus stop last night, the main was goin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@OLE_VertyBstard @thereal_EMandM @Holt3 lay in it brother I'm a honky","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Only hoes get 3K followers on instagram","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I hate that one random tear that comes out when you haven't blinked like nigga stop being a bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER It's laughable that you parade China with its shocking human rights record. In China extreme Gun Control only meant death for millions of Chinese citizens at the hands of the state ... The History is well known.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I spent my whole 4th lookin for my hoes.. Missed the fireworks and all before I realized I didn't have any hoes.. #AllBad","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Do the Dems ask for gun control in Chicago?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER So what ur saying is that it is in fact chicken shit and you are eating chicken shit URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#DEMOCRACY Civil Disobedience is Paramount\" #DumpFord #Dictatorship #CONservatives #Liars #Fascists #ONpoli #TOpoli It's time for Ontario's other municipalities to stand up for local democracy URL via @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Then why is it always recommending he watch conservatives?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_xobrandy: @Blaxxxican invest in some curtains bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"What is Twitter even for? Lmao This hoe wack af","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@DividendMaster obama is a bitch his speech was pure politics for mid terms. Only way we destroy ISIS is with troops on the ground.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Coolie_GBE300: I hate when niggas be slobin all on the blunt like they eatin pussy and have the nerve to try and pass it. I'm good nigga I' ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"S\/O to this hoe tonight ol hating ass http:\/\/t.co\/HIt4475tyZ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Don't get a mf attitude bitch. I'm not about to justify shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\" cancel that bitch like Nino \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER More Jewish theatrics from (((Google)))","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chillin with my main hoe Becky http:\/\/t.co\/hLKO2LnsuX","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Approve on how to throw a fit get loud swing your arms around to try and get your way....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Actually, Mr. Swalwell, don't say we don't use violence.\" Conservatives don't. Leftists DO. Just ask anyone assaulted by #Antifa or, for that matter, turn around and go find @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @MosoKnowso: If a photographer doesn't have a back story on how he started, he did it for pussy #believethat #CANTKNOCKTHAHUSSLE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Where is boy wonder on gun control?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now I don't even want to do anything. Son of a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @iSignMyOwnBoobs thats my fav part on Take Care whole album trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ParisBurned: When they run out of dick inside the pussy. RT @VizyIsIgnant: How do straight dudes know if their dick is small??","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"108 MIL RT @SooMajor: And its cause of Romo bitch ass Dez and Witten not eating","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Nice pic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER She is full of it. She will go for it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_WORDtotheWISE how many times did you listen to that pussy song today?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Stfu bitch lol why u Salty I'm tryna get twitter famous ya know","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @cthagod: You know my motto \"It Ain't Tricking If She's Worth It\" but fuck first, trick later depending on the potency of the pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Man my bitch is beautiful Helen of Troy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"$3 bud Lites and $4 well shots at the bar tn, plus I'm giving away a trip to Las Vegas. So if you're not a cunt come visit me at Bourbon St","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm not going to no function with niggas that wear MAGA hats ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Uncle Tom ass muhfuckas.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BroCulture: Dive in the pussy like http:\/\/t.co\/0YboIklkbt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Titan21Mtzzz vegeta is a little bitch #TeamGoku","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"bad bitch bouncing on my pogo screamin yolo - that nigga juelz","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Let niggas hate, bitches loving it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@chanelisabeth cuz ur a bird bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"ANTIFA GETS SHOT RIGHT IN THE NUTS \/\/ PHOENIX \/\/ GAS CAN URL via @USER Now there's a challenge for a no-scope Kraber.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER .... it's ALL about MAGA for me....as a very dear friend says 1Million followers and $1.95 will buy you #FACT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER god you are adorable","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"one fly ass bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@nekolin @DestroTheNoble naaaa, just the faggots! So....I guess you wouldn't be around very long....would ya!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"having a blast yesterday...she even had me on the monkey bars tryna kill myself lol! http:\/\/t.co\/31g1KM56","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Rosier has played like straight fucking garbage i mean he was tolerable at most during the undefeated run last year but ever since Pitt he's shown how much of a scrub he is and Richt is scared to death to start Perry","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Shrug. Maybe it's a Canadian bitch thing","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER when gun control doesn't work will you support common sense knife control? URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LupeFiasco You and @TalibKweli should name a group called MOB - Moaning old bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Just imagine if Dr Ford was a member of a minority. Antifa would be firebombing the Judge's residence. #IDENTYPOLITICS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @MELODICthunder: Nah, 2013 was trash RT @IshaboiBrandon: 2014 was so trash dawg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KoolQueef: I gave up calling my wife a nigger during sex for lent.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":". Levi Strauss and Co. is donating more than $1 million over the next 4 years to nonprofits and youth activists working to end gun violence by establishing the \"Safer Tomorrow Fund and partnering with gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety. #Levis #NeverAgain #GunSenseNow URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Scottt3130: Y'all bitches is fake as shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm back bitches ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Laughing at my deck that they gave me, yellow and jesus stencils all over it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER What about the other to girls was that sinnfeinn fault as well oh right it's only the ex hard line republic you are interested in she is the only victim because she would do aunt thing to bad mouth sinnfeinn shame on you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He's not responsible for that. He is responsible for his decision not to medically evacuate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER You are very welcome Gordon and Shirley xxx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmaooo wait so why everybody talm bout card crackers?! I missed it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @LilTunechi: Pik taken by Biebz! Shout out my nig Jereme Rogers http:\/\/t.co\/B1yhx9zuSV","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"iMessage so trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I bet they all have 'fitted' waists. Because women are meant to look 'hourglass' even when they don't give a shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @RayIopez: When you're approaching your high score in flappy bird and die one pipe away http:\/\/t.co\/bI1RQ6A1ur","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Just plain stupid she thinks she's being clever but come the next GE the public will make the Tories pay by casting them into the political dustbin for yrs to come see how smug she is then","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Zubiaa_3o3: You can't take no ones bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @KINGTUNCHI_: Lowkey I put sum of these hoes on the map ... So call me kingtunchi bitch !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"3. @USER You're my lil baby and I'm so proud of you for working as hard as you do. Thank you for still being there for me like you are. You're the sweetest don't ever change","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER California is a state. In the USA. How stupid do you have to be to think there is gun control?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Freaky bitch eat the dick while I'm playing madden","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Big Red and fat squaw ...lol my hubby is so funny!! #insidejoke","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Am sorry I can't stand stand some black females especially the full breaded Africans bitches being have std and shit I prefer white girls","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#WednesdayWisdom Obama appointed liberal Judges tired of looking stupid smacks California law down on gun control #2A URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Tayscalf @protrill fuck em right in the pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"like if you are going to be a sensitive lil bitch, do not talk to me.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@GirlThatsVonte no it ainn bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER needs to get over it. It's been 5 years since he hasn't played for the birds. Move on already. There is hardly anyone still on the team from when he played with the Birds. He is starting to sound bitter that he doesn't have a ring","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Even Kavanaugh said Roe v Wade is a settled law. She is spewing a narrative that does not exist. Trump also said the same.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Ross a bitch for not responding","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"A lot of bitches eat ass nowadays ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @RappersSaid: When Tyler the Creator said \"Rape a pregnant bitch and tell my friends I had a threesome\" http:\/\/t.co\/mBrtvpUaKt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Arms\" WERE\/ARE TO BE REGULATED BY LAW those regulations aimed at near-universal armament\/training with contemporary military grade design \"Arms\" personally owned\/possessed and kept in the HOME by \"the people\" #2A that is CONSTITUTIONAL \"gun control\".\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One hoe be fine as fuck and the other one be ugly than a Bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Whoever jumps in on a 1on1 is a bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @HughSpliffner: J Cole is trash. I've been saying this for years. Fuck him Lol.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I feel like I should be sad and all that pussy shit but I am just so pissed right now idk what I'm feeling.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@TyJonCuffee: And if you ain't a hoe get up out my traphoussseeeee\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @ColeFlexXx: Fingering N eating the pussy at the same time is good ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @queenthottie_x3: So proud of mahanain she still a hoe tho","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Lmfaooo this bitch hits my car and calls the cops and says it was my fault dumb bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" Ntknetwork News 'Senate Set to Pass Bipartisan Bill to Combat Opioids' #MAGA #2A #Prolife URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER European liberals and conservatives must stand together against populism. Follow my page if you think the same. @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @y3llab3lla88: The streets ain't going no where. These hoes for everybody. When you got someone real you hold on to them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Rich you are my OG follower..i had 2 311 fans follow me first but they have hardly ever tweeted..so u get the honors","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And don't come to my mf house honking ur damn horn. Get tf out the car and ring my bell bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@ThatGuyNorman @migue_pantoja trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These peanut butter brownies bout to give me life too! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Myalynn__x3 bitch im sick .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He is Spartacus!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@wodaeeex3 dat was befo da fact hoe shut yo ass up ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER So she is famous daughter. Who cares about what she is doing really? Not me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Miseducated411: Your mind is free and your soul. satan will present to u in his kingdom the things that mock u. Stay strong in Yahshua...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER But that interferes with antifa's goals! Because they want to be feared?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Al Franken anyone? Any assault or harassment stays with you for a lifetime. I was sexually harassed in HS by a coach. I was 17. I remember it like yesterday and I'm almost 60. Scott Newman you are scum.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER This is ANTIFA!!!\" andlt;kicks man into pitandgt;\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@selenalinn_ the jets are trash my bad i see what you meant ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Oh noes! Tough shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Black__Elvis: My favorite episode of Friends is the one where blacks mysteriously vanish and unemployed white people find affordable ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Sleazy CNN afraid of Trump GOP but tough on liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck my Ex bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER What I don't understand is the fact that he's lied about almost everything to do with Russians and collusion and still he is president.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Oh yeah sure Antifa is anti-fascist\". Also, free speech is for everyone: liberals, conservatives, centrists, fascists, communists, anarchists, ancaps, etc. I live in the US and not a fascist state that bans what it thinks is \"hate speech\". URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Common sense gun control\" would indicate Looney Leftists should not be in possession of firearms. For their own safety.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER the only thing i know about gun control is how to have great aim.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Ima side bitch from time to time and I stay in my place","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Never had. Let's fuck it up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Again for the hard of hearing: An AR15 is an INANIMATE object. An AR15 is not INHERENTLY evil. Gun control DOESN'T decrease gun violence. Armed citizens are LESS LIKELY to become victims of mass shootings. The Holocaust was not prevented by BANNING ovens.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@antiamnesty @AppSame @WhiteHouse I agree 100%. No naturalized citizenship, no anchor baby amnesty. All go to parents country of origin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Big Squawk: Q: when will DFL dump Ryan \"Uncle Tom\" Winkler? } Not going to happen BergBleat on.#mngop proud #stribpol #mnleg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too much makeup so trash..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are a boring individual. Its seems good too me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Never seen purple bird poop until today lol http:\/\/t.co\/4Psdx11Uu1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER So Victoria's Secret won't sponsor Trump any more. I hope they realize how much of their crap trump has sold for them to Antifa! URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Wussup pussies ;) #ImBack #NewTwitter","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Excuse you. Do you own Twitter? Do you have Twitter rights that no one else does? If you continue to viciously attack and name call me - I will continue to respond and defend myself. Typical liberal trying to argue all Antifa style. Guess what?!? You still lose!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER It's just getting so predictable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @adviljr: @antsyinpantsy: @adviljr you have no sense of humor so back off their backs ur a lil bitch and im 10","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Dino_FooL: Ima catfish a bitch with fake arms","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#Danish Party that wants to deport #Muslims that are on #Welfare growing fast. Why oh why #Conservatives in the #UK don't focus on this I'll never know. #MBGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Dee_InsideYou: Team no hoes ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Photo: Bad bitch. #ladykimora your favorite Vegas socialite #dragrace #dragqueen #ladykimora http:\/\/t.co\/hdd8TbmyAj","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Anything will Help. Thank you #Patriots #Maga and if you dont hear from me thanking any who help and share its bc im about to loose signal out here in the rain and batt will die so I gotta get to a place to plug in. Thanks again folks and God Bless URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Broke bitches that talk shit those the ones that I stunt for ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @jcal__: @BlessedMannie: @alluring____: y'all hoes get boyfriends just to tweet about them. then break up to dawg him on here lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @DamierGenesis: \"had all the bitches on MySpace going nuts....\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER ABSOLUTELY FALSE. WE ALL KNOW CP24 IS WITH LIBERALS. REMEMBER DOUG FORD IS TRYING TO SAVE TAX PAYERS'MONEY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't keep a shallow bitch if ya pockets ain't deep.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER This is dumb! What is the point?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER \"Hmm well she is right to hun... blake was supposed to be watching her. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER She is also ugly as hell and not something anybody wants to look at. LOL :)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"On break feeling xxxtra dumb cause i forgot my lunch money like a hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @obehi007: @_Saaani: @obehi007 Wetin happen ? our school will just be behaving like pussies","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is tripping","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HistoryInPics: Allied soldiers mock Hitler atop his balcony at the Reich Chancellery, by Fred Ramage, 1945 http:\/\/t.co\/hltkroqRys","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Absolutely! Liberals are upside down!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @OxDictionary: I got bitches\"Definition: I'm with some female friends who don't know that I'm referring to them as bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Charlie Baltimore look good for 45 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Oh he's getting louder!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My dad is such a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER If we don't destroy the Bush-Clinton Crime family we'll face many more like Obama!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@slings_x_arrows you sub tweeting me nig?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Love you endlessly ally #AskAlly what should I do to help my mom while she is in hospital any advice","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's other bad bitches ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @FlexFoee: @1BookieG if he fuck yo bitch u should be happy like damn boosie fucked my bitch lmao","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I would think already since you are only following half the people that are following you? It is called the follow BACK resistance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ericxmorrison: burn forever, bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Was? I bet you are still into Sloane...she is pretty awesome!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Apparently this POS doesn't know that Viacom bought out BET. It went from black ownership to white ownership ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"So am I the only cracker up playing his guitar (thank you @Tampa_Rick ) on this Saturday night?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Didn't know he was still alive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @PlMPCESS: In the fashion world \"urban\" definitely means \"stolen from black people\" it's ghetto on us, and urban on them haha http:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Baby Brennan boo who I don't have a security clearance. Get lost Brennan","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NEWS FLASH: Obama won the election and increase their numbers in congress. Stop with the bullshit already and compromise bitches!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Cocky bitches with front teeth that stick out from suckin they thumb <","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Ghetto ass bitches came in my job talm bout sum \"o yes u daddy down\" ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@morgandaylee: I'm feeling pretty fuckin ghetto\" Smh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I hate when people just randomly stop talking to you like give me a reason bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Judging by the membership of ANTIFA they're already at that point.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lol you are being mean.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"My mom bitches too much","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Reimu just chuckles over how stern Kogasa is but... it does feel nice knowing she cares a lot. Also... One of her hands maaayy be stroking Kogasas back while she is trying to keep steady. Heh. As long as no pesky Youkai tries to go at you, I'll take a nice vacation~.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@princesshil21 if you hate men so much why you trying to look like one? Stupid little cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER please come back! You are missed on the field!!!! Annnnnnnnnnnnnd I love you too #AlwaysACowboy #NFLSunday #CowboysNation #DEZBRYANT #88","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ocean drive then I gave it a pill I think \"@justmoody_: I met that pussy on ocean drive, ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @nofuks007: Shout out to all the bitches who don't have to dress half naked to get a mans attention. Stay classy!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Amazing that the Dems are always the ones who hear the whistle.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Dave_the_wavee the giants are trash...their time is over.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Yo bitch LOOKIN like she wana fuck summn","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Red Sox fans bitch the loudest about right field. Their hitters exempt from hitting them out too? #Yankees #YankeeStadium","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"A pharaohs nd his angry bird http:\/\/t.co\/jMC2eR32Ka","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at this pussy @YatchakHannah http:\/\/t.co\/cPyO5YP005","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TheCheapOne: What you see is what you get! I'm a guy with a love of adventure and a need for speed, Charlie Brown!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_BeautifulKeezy: @sofpizzie_: These hoes gonna be stunting in Florida with the pussy ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Omg he's at it again. He's the most pathetic, spineless, no balls having piece of trash on twitter I've ever seen. Let me go throw up, blah.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I love fat bitches. That's my fucking problem. @RooDee_Poo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Bust in dat bitch face I don't want sons! -- @Icewear_Vezzo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@xDSmooth bitch give me my lighter or get shot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Them hoes look so clean on foot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER That's literally in the Bible that conservatives love to thump but never read.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Marcus is in this hoe schleeeeeeeeeeppppppp","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"And the Bull$hit just keep coming. So we're expected to just accept these allegations for their face value. The left swamp plot thickens. We need to out the offenders once and for all. #ConfirmKavanaugh #MAGA URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"A bitch built like that could beat my ass all she wants URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER in every conner coz anti pakistani will not able to attack on our future generation rights","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"They do the pussy good","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Heard from who? You and your lying jealous cronies???","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@laceeybugg atleast i wipe my ass trashy bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @chloekosik: I DONT FUCK YOUUU u lil stupid ass bitch I AINT FUCKIN WIT YOU u lil dumbass bitch I AINT FUCKIN WIT YOU @kaylamauser_","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Jealous niggas usually send the hate threw the bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Niggas be wanting bitches with money ..but be broke as dirt ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER She is not in this photo. It has not been verified that they knew each other. This story is about the weirdest I've ever heard and The Texas Rangers better do right by Bo.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"90% of these conservatives\" really aren't. They just found the liberal side of the aisle to crowded. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER #SimonSays Jack Viney eats bricks for breakfast Favourite moment of the game was Melkshams colossal celebration. He is one of our heart and soul players. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Love when the bitches take selfies with their tongue out, just gearin up for that money shot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @CollegeBoy3000: Finally Mellie got some back bone. I might like her this season. 1976 pussy! #Scandal","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I know! She is still alive....but wondering if her career was railroaded? Odd! Loved her...especially that day!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Bam_N_DeyMouth you already know ima keep it trilla...Happy Bday lha bitch i love yu nigga!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@EcliptiK @zFearless @prihncess @SSickStory mine pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @LEX_gedddit: Just got 11 in flappy bird holy shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER What happened to your last guess Kevin Hassert? Huntsman has already denied it. So you are calling him a liar.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KrisDaRebel: @Aye_Benny: Searching for these hoes I got http:\/\/t.co\/DsdfEjI65U you ain't the only one Bruh http:\/\/t.co\/c7R3WRcPK0","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @SaviAssStr33tz: Dumb hoes out here moving at a snails pace in life...im coo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I curved yo bitch. Your welcome.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@RavenPeltier_ @Jesuslovinj @_B_R_Y_C_E_ still a bitch though","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This hoe loud...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Lot of my peeps playing 2nite, G playing against the heat, my nig Louie playing against Rutgers, and my girl tif playing in the WNBA finals","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @Cheddar85: Got the carburetor foyer my #chevy c10 being rebuilt by my #redneck friend ... everybodys got one!! I need 1 they can build","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Queen Of Rap Other Bitches can knot relate","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"According to my brothers iPod, its December 1969. If so, I predict that Mickey Mantle of the NY Yankees will announce his retirement March 1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Assuming that he made the statement: Antifa is not an organization with a spokesperson. It is a diverse group. Bray cannot justly claim that he represents Antics. I ask again: Who is Antifa in your opinion? How are they organized? Do they reckognize Bray as their spokesperson?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_RiveraJustin: It's unattractive when girls act ghetto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2. The reality is that Alleslev's crossing over (more like double Xing) to the CPC is good news for the Liberals as anyone who seriously believes that the cons are a better party has questionable intelligence and judgement and the Liberals are better off without her @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You hoes complain too much.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Banned the NFL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sendin the link to Wishy Washy to my old hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Lizeth0714: NC's weather is seriously fucken retarded. How is it gonna be 40 something today and almost 80 Saturday","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Tyra Banks still getting paid for these America's next top model re runs, this bitch so bossy ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Mr President and homeland security, please ignore any foreign threats and focus your sole attention on our police force #ACAB #LANDOFTHEFREE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He does have a magic wand and he does know what to do.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shawty pussy wet, the dope drippn wet ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Which is also posturing nonsense. If they want to oust her they'd forward the requisite letters to their part whip and she would be facing a leadership challenge. Her 'challengers' are as gutless and witless as she is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @WorldStarFunny: when ling ling talkin shit and u finally understand her https:\/\/t.co\/2KlOnqhsi9","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Yeah we need gun laws like Europe so it's really hard for bad people to get guns. URL You people are clueless about guns","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@__NikesNshiT you better. And ima let that bitch slide right now, just be on standby. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@lifeof_brandon bitch I called yu back","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER A better question: what do American voters need to do to defeat Antifa and their Democrat sponsors?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason @hunterbuch66 @sbsylvester u fucking trailer trash","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Kate, gun safety\" is just a code word for gun control. There isn't anything \"safe\" about gun control. It just limits law abiding citizens. Law breakers ignore ALL laws. Wake up! You folks in MN need to get off the liberal wagon. Vote for Patriots Only ... Vote Red! \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I neither side with the Klan nor Antifa. I stay out of family squabbles. Dems can clean up their own bastard children. Perhaps you could clarify how I do t support the 14th.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Beyonc more of a hipster bitch wit no hips these days","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Iemonaids I'd pop dat lemon for some real pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Awesome win!! I truly believe Americans are sick to death of what the left is trying to do to destroy America and change our country into what it never was intended to be. Go vote America and MAGA! Thank you President Trump for believing in our country and keeping promises.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Can't have a bitch with no future or goals. I love kids but if you're not a parent first I can't deal with you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Loyalboy_brown: Unt really fucking suck this year... Smh how did they get right back to trash in one season","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@bonnoxxx nah bitch u addicted to spazzin fasho fuc molly tht shit happend 1 time and lean scarce so stfu hoe ass go spazz on sum thot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Actually it seems more specific than that. It appears the CBC is saying opposing gun control is the same as covering up child molestation in the catholic church. WTF??","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If my bf posts a pic of my daughter, just like it and keep scrolling. Your comments aren't necessary. Yes bitch, I know she's cute.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He hit the lotto","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@politsoutherner @leahmeyer49 If you don't vote you don't have a right to complain. That being said, I didn't vote for the son of a bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":".@USER @USER MY CFB 10 #TBT at 9pm and you are scheduled with me tonight! Check in! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"everybody stay yelling its pregant season nooooooooo bitch its my nigga dont wanna were a rubber pussy to good season tf","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":":\/ well that sucks that Kobe is out now... he's still filthy, you can hate him all u want but if you dont have respect for him, ur retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Oh hell yeah! Lol RT @SedSince81: @VonshayeB you know that nicca injury prone","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@DJ_Workmann @BigMoneyNiquee mane y'all niccas crazy af wiz old shit got niccas bitin his style n errthan","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @brendacoyt_3: @Tonymartinezz15 naw bruh member when you said that it was your snow -.- and your bitches that's my cake ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"don't be on that ho shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Lrihendry: Pregnant S.E. Cupp s classic response to liberal dem who calls her chunky with bonus tweets http:\/\/t.co\/U8nlYWEfiO via ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Threats from who? Are liberals threatening her if she does not follow the playbook? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dont acknowledge these hoes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@FukknTyler nigga I talk shit period this ain't nun new white bitch we go threw this every damn day ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Son of a bitch...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @trayn1gga: Alabama is overrated this yr the last 2 weeks has shown too many chinks in their armor WV gave them hell too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yo this niggah catch every tweet lls oh my goodness","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @RegularAssRon: Ain't nothing better in life than meeting a hoe with a full time job don't let her have her own benefits nigga what","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"the opening to Donatella inspires me to wake up and be the baddest bitch I know I can be every day thank you @ladygaga","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@KxRxSxB @SamRomero95 prairie nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER And she knows because the witch was there? Another fake\/lie about the President...If you hate America leave ASAP!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some hoes that tweet just make me mad lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER nah my foodie ass will gladly say it. that works on absolutely no one's fucking palate.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"balling like I'm stunna bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Unfirtunately i have seen hispanics justifying shit from trump. I argued with two family members of mine who believes trump did helped PR a lot. And i have a relative who he is a trump fan and agreeds that the majority of immigrants that come are bad. It is upsetting","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"1. If your company does it - your company sucks. 2. If you don't know how to bypass beat it - you are a sucking cuck :D","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BeeMsPerfect: Why y'all ain't tell me young thug nails look better then mine ? lol fckin faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"- Last Halloween and Christmas my baby girl was still baking. She is here this year and I can't wait to dress up with her and take pictures. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER some people are talking crap about serena questioning her maturerity and justifications of her action. If you never get burn before you will not know how it feels to get burn Serena knows it she has seen it. She is tired of so she is speaking out and it is an issue.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_naptural_: \"@NoBeeetch: When you drop all your hoes for the wrong one and you gotta bring em back http:\/\/t.co\/vUBKmFQyAJ\" LMFAOOOOOOO","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@garcialaura_ haha ya hit that hoe right there","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"these niggas out here bitchin tell em suck sumn these bitches see my vision tell em fuck sumn","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'll be a Yankee fan forever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER beast boy is 15 raven is 18 and robin and starfire are both at least in their early thirties","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Absolutely should be a nail in the coffin.... for Hilliary","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Och hoe wonderbaarlijk dat Jan het alweer met n Marokkaanse BNer aan de stok heeft. Na Fatima, Lamyea, Tofik, nu ook Abdelka te min gevonden","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Be sure to just cover liberals' p.o.v. That's what you do. Not fair and balanced.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@iamkrause I ain't never orderin from no colored pizza stow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She must not know I got over 3,000 followers breh this bitch gotta get the fuck up outta this VIP section dawg she decreasing my value","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Karma is the biggest bitch you'll ever meet, Keep pushing her buttons..........","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is so little and moving so fast lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I could say my name butttttttt, ya bitch already knows it ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @YUNGRAJEE: No nigga ever ask before he hit either @jaybeeTRENDz: Body counts don't matter ! YALL treat all bitches the same anyway, st ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He is so funny ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER That's right #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #VoteRed2018 #MCGA. #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ThatAngryNigga he probably took off a point because Gibbs isn't from the East Coast and says \"hoes.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"niggas get a fresh cut, snapback to match the shoes and shirt.....and don't even say waddup to the pretty bitch next to em in da bus","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Alex_Alfarkh: I'm a pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Joan_Rivers Bitch you old ass mushroom ass bitch looking like a moldy ass toe wobbly raggedy ass vagina face BYEhttp:\/\/t.co\/LTi96AZjwk","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I gotta bad bitch. always got her hair fixed. always n the mall wit her friends buying outfits","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You are out doing yourself today.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LeBron bout to cry lil bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@tyracountryman nah gurl this pussy private ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@GOOSEmon420er you were there bitch lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#Robertsrooms supporting open border candidate Austin Petersen. Sells out #MAGA for payoffs. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#5WordsAfterSex is that all pussy bitch?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This is better than flappy bird. #FallOutBird http:\/\/t.co\/CHVzWTvltG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I guess niccas think if they owe you money for so long you'll forget! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @CurrenSy_Spitta: And if a bitch can't respect a nigga wit some paper and a fresh pair of bball shorts then she was raised terribly..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @fart: i just found out that \"marehood\" is code for \"horse pussy\" #brony #mlp http:\/\/t.co\/ycQTmM3lid","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @_ShePissGlitter: I'm not going out my way 2 make sure bitches know NOTHING ... Just pay attention !!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is saying Ben, Ben, when the hell are you going to do something more than just tweet crap about djt?\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER See as he thick. A bad bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TomOlson8: @1Dittlinger That has redneck written all over it lol. Drunks can use gravity to get down ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@BH_Dragons he's fucking trash","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Anyone have tabs on Asia Argento? #metoo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Except you kind of are when it comes to gun control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That bitch got 5 million boyfriends","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER This is just obstruction. CALL THE VOTE!!!! #MAGA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BwTis: I have no sympathy for people who bitch about situations they get themselves into.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He is quite #good","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @sisssyhaymaan: If you brush off a guys compliment just because you have a boyfriend, you're a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"These bitches is crazy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @UNCLERUCKUS_BD: Andrew Bynum got traded and then they waived him the very next day... a nigger can't keep a job","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Crangrape > good pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER I'm sorry but damn she is hot af","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @MightBeKoi: @Satisfied_x @__troyy Edward did OSS, he sparkled bitch reality","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Republicans constantly tell us about respecting law enforcement but ignore their judgment on gun control","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Rosie @politicususa only 3 1\/2 yrs till next pres. bitches bout what o-dumb-a left her\/him","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Don t believe AP s ho-hum tone: latest poll is great news for Republicans - Hot Air http:\/\/t.co\/5HHrFlFP13","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Broke bitches that talk shit, now them the bitches I stunt for ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"i wont get catfished anymore tho bc im no longer trying to stick myy pp into Twitter hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is perfect","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ForTheMen: These hoes ain't loyal http:\/\/t.co\/6jTLueUQkG","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@jrsmith12 @jaynovel let these hoes be great","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Liberals Demonuts will never learn. Conservatives always will find the Truth and blow their whole story.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1st game of Fall 7s.. finna kill some hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER If liberals are against Kavanaugh then he's the best man for the job.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking told all of you bitches. http:\/\/t.co\/DiF6d6EYin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If two or three allegations Dems would be screaming PATTERN. 65 women came forward Supporting Kavanaugh is that not a pattern of good behavior? Allegations must be heard but what happened to presumption of innocence? Timing is suspect. What do you think @USER #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Spartacunt: I should get a job at the USPS customer service number since the only requirement is being a total cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"HAHAHAHA I'm so happy that bitch just spilt all her coffee everywhere","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"A big ass wasp was flying round on my bus, my dike bus driver stops the bus, grabs that bitch by the wings, and throws it out the window ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Jimbo didn't want to play URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"... and it shouldn't matter if they are Democrats or Conservatives. They all do their jobs. They don't care what person Dem\/Con they have to rescue and help. You shouldn't divide the people ... you should bring them together in such times. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I miss Britt god damn bitch real nigga over here baby ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @skyereyes_: @GinaSanabria_: I have no hoes man. I don't need those though I need to pick mines back up ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Fight night tonight, go Cotto. Smack that pompous cunt down in front of millions. #MayweatherCotto","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TrueTorontoGirl: I am woman, hear me bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Hoi, fai moke hau!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"never have I seen a toddler chug a water bottle so fast lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BrownskinLiquor: no hoes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I keep these hoes in check until they bounce","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER he probably had sex twice for boruto and the other sister that no one cares about","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"$60 torch down the drain cause either I was to high and lost it or one of my \"niggas\" finessed that hoe fuckkkkk ittt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I will always tell her she is the worlds prettiest girl. To me like other dads she always will be. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Source? Legit only. No FAUX or its minions. And just in case: antifa = anarchists. They are not left. Last: URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He won't. He's too grotesquely fat and looks like he never takes a bath. He could go any time.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Lmfao RT @Luvv_55st Eating pussy RT @DanaBlack55st: Of what? RT @CreativeBlair: I really want my braces off it's in the way ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If you balling buy yo bitch somethin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @p0psson: @iamlexj_: Lastnight #HalloweenCostume http:\/\/t.co\/2UzOH6FRzG hoe that's your work outfit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Liberals complain of not having time to evaluate records but they sit on an anonymous letter for weeks and wait like a criminal to assassinate the character of a good man at the end.Despicable. @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER What's shocked me is that they consider themselves seculars !!!! Liberals !!! Those kind of yoga vegan freaks ! But when it's about occupation they shift to something els ! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER 3) this appointment has been commonly know for 6 months minimum .But now when the left has nothing else to throw at him she suddenly speaks up. 4) This individual is a antifa supporting liberal collage professor . Continued...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Poor Baby. This is why you and your entire network CAN NOT be trusted. The only people still watching CNN are brainwashed liberals and demonrats. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Democrats want more Gun Control! I say, Just go to the range and practice,.. you'll get better \" URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @M94Rx: Sometimes I hate AZ and sometimes I love it. Depends on the time of year I guess. and the dumb bitches that live here","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Hairy | hairy pussy http:\/\/t.co\/Ntg2b0qDmx","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER refuses to release thousands of documents #WhatAreTheyHiding Consistent decisions AGAINST women's rights civil rights gun control immigration health care And financial problems..who paid off his debt Why would ANYone vote to confirm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Jehovah and Yahweh is most immoral! Seriously he is one big lying contradiction!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @relatabIe: i hate when people ask who you tryna look good for?! bitch myself bye","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Easy Congo! RT @80sbaby4life Fuckin faggot RT @HumbltonBanks: All though I eat my lunch on the road frequently","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Tired of hoes man","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Please call trump out for what he is...a NARCISSISTIC SOCIOPATH!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Your leader rocks a fucking mo hawk and dances like a faggot from ATL @HoustonRockets","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@IAMKINGRICO I don't fight or want to fight bitches who don't know who the fuck I am. Fuck I look like doing that? Nigga, PLEASE!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER It bothers me because I feel whoever still supports him is just as racist as he is. I'm half black and my daughters and daughter are black so I don't get how my family doesn't see anything wrong with supporting him.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Princessofwifi: \"Stop being such a bitch\"Me: http:\/\/t.co\/RGg9IduVsi","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Did one of the biggest hoes around really just retweet that? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @AntBreezyOBB: Theses niggas hoes and these bitches greedy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @KarynHalpin: Where do all the foreskins go when they circumcise a guy? the Foreskin Fairy takes them after you put them under your pillow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" burnt pussy lips","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Mom said I couldn't have chocolate milk past nine so I punched that bitch in the pussy #satan ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Gun control anyone? #DisarmHate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason u can bring that bitch to.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Driving the fucktardmobile - tranny slips and all. http:\/\/t.co\/8e3kXEgMjo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Sixten just shoved like 8 Oreos down his throat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_pgwashere: Truth B told i have -0 hoes ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Wake up American sheeple nd stop allowing these pussy azz politicians who never bust a gun in they http:\/\/t.co\/rN6nnnynXv","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER What part of NO COLLUSION don't you get??? This is why you are a dumocrat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Happy Birthday hoe!!! I'll always love you even if we go a year without talking bc you're petty you're still my sister @_askaboutbrandy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"It's ok to tell a nigga he trash and a feature will never happen fam.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If Bradley Cooper wins an #Oscar before Ryan Gosling does, imma cut a bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"u should be here wit me bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Do you ever look zayn and be like \"he cunt be reel\" #EMABiggestFans1D","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Noticed she's a blonde. Fits the Conservative mold. I don't know why Conservatives are obsessed with blonde hair and Internet addiction.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He is right though... you do have a whiff","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Orangeone4 @SteveWorks4You..biggest liars ever ...republican teabagger asshats like stockboy #pinoccio","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Yo bitch choosinh just Let''R","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @jemelehill: Just saw Dawn of The Planet of the Apes. One of the better moves I've seen this year. I didn't know if I wanted the apes or ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@itsjaylaaa I don't fight bitchez. They bitch during it to much.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@cluis838 them peeps who bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@DaniellaParella no I wuz just making a general statement. I've never called u a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Berkeley Antifa do not agree with you URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are the Cruz vs. O'Rourke Debates Ever Going to Happen?\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER You are seriously so despicable. How can you even look you kids in the eye...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Give me an H Give me a Y Give me a P Give me an O Give me a C Give me a R Give me a I Give me a T Give me a E Give me an S What's that spell? Liberals","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cooking breakfast in the nude is wifey status? Fuck no. I have actually cooked before and I aint about to get no grease burns on my nips! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER The greatest generation and the original #antifa Thank you for freeing us from nazism!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@MadFlyentist: Oregon chokes every year get off the field trash ass program\" RFT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@derek_gatewood you got a toolbox you hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#canpoli conservatives are excellent at running up debt and enriching their special interests. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DamnitCorn: This bitch does so begrudgingly as fuck. Was like\"man up you a big bad man crying like a bitch.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER hiya sexy p s bolna xxx","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He is a DUMBASS !!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@OVOtilUOverDose your just building the pussy up lmao!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Alibaba \/ Jack Ma: Gotta love a guy who beat Meg Whitman's albino ass back to the US. Freakin' commie genius.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Swizzzy: How do bitches Peep everything but still getting cheated on something not adding up","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @ThatIrvNation: Today was a long practice bitch no it wasn't ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I just caught this fat bitch slippin taking a selfie","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"kit kats trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NotReallyGRyan think its cause she saw me doing biceps lmao jk im still a bitch ! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER This is disgusting that this is happening. Strictest gun control laws - not working. Maybe legally allow people to arm themselves for protection - lighten up those tough gun rules that aren't working. Too many lives are lost in Chicago.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Stylistic nuances are trivial. U shud prioritise a level of discretion and ambiguity that keeps ur adult life from being harmed by Leftist Elites and their Antifa shocktroops","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All the hoes on LoveandHipHop going to prom ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @mckinley719: \"@wizkhalifa: Pretty bitches rep Taylor Gang\" #Hollah lmfaoo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Talkmaster: People who would vote for Charlie Crist and Michelle Nunn are why our founders did NOT put a right to vote in our Constitut ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @daqraca: How can anyone hate Charlie Sheen http:\/\/t.co\/AF4T3MtmxU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @lungfiber: True life I'm an emotional clingy bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"It's the most hillbilly thought ever. A thing is a way ONE TIME or to ONE AUDIENCE and therefore it must be that way always.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lean wit it, Rock wit it az niccas. Lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Niggas wonder why bitches be on that \"fucc a nigga shit\" cuz these niggas be on that \"she just another bitch\" shit ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Bae gotta bitch whoops ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Anyone want some absolutely amazing and deliciously fresh perfect monkey bread? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Correct me if I`m wrong wasn`t she playing a women??? Who was also a minority who was Asian. The way she is talking she play a man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chuck E Cheese isn't the same as when I was a kid. Chuck a skinny bitch and they took away the ball pit. Man wtf","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @iAmTahyi_Tho: I hate when bitches twerk to slow songs !!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER The war on conservatives =ANTIFA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER The right has the unique ability to create monsters out of thin air. It Legislation was even created to fight the phantom menance of antifa--currently in committee. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I've seen #MajorLeauge with Charlie Sheen...........and the #Giants committed sin when they worshipped #barrybonds as a batting coach>","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @TvvitterFamouse: You just ugly AF stick to one Rt \"@07Cannon: This new avi trash or nah\" http:\/\/t.co\/761Mk9Zkci","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@KelseyHison @JODYHiGHROLLER see bitch this is why you have no friends","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"you worried bout other bitches, you need me for?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @kishtwistemup: Life to short to be salty.. get u some pussy be happy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@zimm16 pussy!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @maddiedelahouss: It's Britney bitch. https:\/\/t.co\/NafXa8PDpa","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @_tellmeboutLOVE: I swear these bitches think their still in highschool","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @iDntWearCondoms: U get what u put in. If all u offering is pussy don't be mad when all u receive is dick ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Who she thinks she is to talk to a referee like that and expect everyone to support her! Or treat her specially?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Hey brian tell us about the time you voted with the liberals to take our guns away. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Erudite1914: Juice should have been dead his bitch ass! #SonsOfAnarchy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":".@USER found\" the average american by demographics. I found 118 things that the Average American agrees on, from Bill Gates to Gun Control to driving skills. URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The ghetto hoes love feeling a nigga abs ya heard me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER So much ass tho","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @StarlitoDonTrip: I'm just looking for a bitch that can hold me down","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"High then a hoe with bitch ass Benny","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Brutal_Brandy We had a Pacer in the 70s and I 'member loving when \"Hair of the Dog\" came on the quadraphonic stereo so I could say \"bitch\"lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You been the side hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@HughSpliffner hurt hoes be like","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Who's talking sense @USER or @USER @USER I'll follow the industry expert as should @USER #listentoindustry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Bye bye Flake you Flake! Don't let the Senate door hit you in the behind on your way out. @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER empty your mind and god shall speak. To you? Through you? If you are wise increase in abundance. But surely I'm a fool who has not seen the most powerful who has ascended? Or descended? How times are rare but his messages are absolute.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER The left are the ones spending all our money. It wasn't the right that gave us 325 billion in debt that was the left. Remember when the liberals screamed to high heavens when Harris taklked about privitizing Hydro one? The liberals did it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Mattyfatass: You a pussy bitch and I kick your ass in gta, but you're chill as fuck and we need that 1v1 in basketball again","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Hmmm it's almost like gun control laws don't work. Which means that there must be something more than guns that are the problem.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You know I'm not big on the NFL, but I'm so sick of hearing all of this \"Black and yellow\" shit. LOL @ bandwagon fans and hell, GO PACKERS!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MaxDeLaCruz8: Happy birthday bitch @Whitecholo23 http:\/\/t.co\/DmeqQFL8X1","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Words....Words... Monday is a different day...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER he is not the only one I bet $$ some these people are organizers of Antifa!! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @zt0mm: Traded in my nikes for a new mic.. I guess it's safe to say he sold soles for his new life ... -bada$$ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He's gonna tip him two new assholes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER antifa blocking the road in Salzburg #SalzburgSummit18 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @donnellrawlings: Salute to Derek jetter! Best Yankee ever!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER She's tragic because she is an idiot and because she had tremendous internalized misogyny. I think of the moment we are in the grips of as the Tyranny of the Half-idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BlackJeezuss: bitches cant finish a 6 inch sub but want a 12 inch dick","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @blessedarti: Y'all claim you want a good and loyal girl but keep messing with hoes like I'm confused","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Northern Ireland was explicitly designed so the British establishment could stop paying attention to Ireland. They've been indifferent since 1921.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Even teens that commit _proven_ crimes have their records expunged when they turn 18. Someone please tell me why this is a thing? All I see is one old california hag outing another old california hag against her expressed will. Wonder how much she is being paid? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just wanna fuck bad bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Then there's this stupid bitch in my class that literally has to ask a question every time the professor says something.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Where this hoe Benga at","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Ayy yo @Ray_Lakee my nigga @who__CHRISJONES be all up on da,pussy not lettin dat muafucka breathe.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Conservatives want the PM to submit to their friends in the wh and the Kremlin. Trudeau should stand his ground and stand for Canada","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look rich act poor and never trip over a bitch that ain't yours ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @NicksTape15: DeJ Loaf is trash. Pure trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Then bitches gon fuck just because money long .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"When Lil Wayne said \"why give a bitch your heart when she'd rather have a purse\" http:\/\/t.co\/CKRzrWVFz0","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@AllFucksGiven_ like a hoe gettin dick all day and then tonight she gettin more","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@__0utcast___ but then they said \"oh nah ur not\" but dude I'm getting to be a heartless bitch have you not met me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@vaginafvce Fuck her right in the pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER GUN CONTROL SEEMS TO WORK IN AUSTRALIA AINT HAVE A MASS SHOOTING SINCE. AND POLICE BRUTALITY HAPPENS LITERALLY EVERY WEEK THERES A NEW VIDEO SURFACING. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER This is absurd. Read more about the history, politics, and true belifs of fascism. Antifa do not\/cannot do the bidding of ruling class because that's what fascism is for aka bootlickers. And u.s. liberals\" have always been right leaning.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Nick_504_ fuck what a nigga gonna do I wanna see it and tell that nigga to stop acting like a bitch then","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@deadgrl_666 she can just fuckin call the venue about it and they'll cancel the lost tickets and reprint new ones what a dumb bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"there was a bird on the back balcony, dead. with sadness I reflected on the fragility of life, put him in a bag, and threw him in the trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LRTC1: Magnus the \"team leader\" was particularly rude and unhelpful. As opposed to Charlie, who just blatantly lied. Awful service. @s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'i drowned in ur pussy so i swam 2ur BuT.\" Easily the most eloquent message sent on Xbox Live.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Are you lot trying to rival West Ham for infighting amongst the fanbase?This is priceless though. Still not quite up there with West Ham however. Nothing will beat the Antifa entryist conspiracy theory","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @UsGEMINIS: #Gemini doesn't really look back at their ex's. Some things just look better in the trash!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I also need to address this question: Why did President Trump hire two lawyers that would hire Robert Mueller when they did not have to? #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Idgaf about you flat chested hoes feelings either, you a grown ass man nigga.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @ObamaStrawman: Joan Rivers said I was gay and Michelle was a tranny. Perhaps her death was no accident. See Clinton's and Ron Brown\/Vin ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Los bitch told me if my name start with a D i could fuck...A B C SHE GOT THE D","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is beautiful!!! God bless you both ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hate dat hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @_Crzy4tay: @hedge_brandon: If youve only seen my couch, not my bed, then you my hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Roy Moore\" \"Kavanaugh Accuser\" \"Jeff Bezos\" \"Dr. Melissa Bunny\" \"Satire\" \"Distant Past Allegations\" #drellenbrandt #MAGA To most Republicans - and other Sane People - all allegations from the far distant past are equally credible - or incredible. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He too is afraid his backstabbing deeds will be discovered and made public undermining the entire farce of the Obama administration","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He is beautiful just like his grandma bless him ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Used to have a girlfriend, now all I got is hoes..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Agreed and what I'm saying too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER A liberal anarchist coup d'etat gang runs rampant and a GOP AG does nothing. Liberals prove to be the biggest hate group in USA. The leftstream media cheers them on while excoriating duly elected President of the United States 24\/7. ANTIFA openly advocates killing cops. Silence","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TheMayorMatt pitch, chip and slide ur dick in tight clam #22 love it #mywife","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Yes you are but I was asking what is it about the movie ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rendell: #AndrewGillum Probably a Little #Too #Progressive for #Florida' URL #Trump #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER When are the Republicans going to learn that Democrats hate conservatives .Vote Thursday","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I refuse to acknowledge the scampi nik nak. Nice and spicy obscures it through sheer brilliantness.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER You are your daddy's first mistake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Going to the creek with my bitches tomorrow","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @FleeBiscuit: She's a sapiosexual. I had a Jimmy Neutron brain blast. Showed her I'm an intellectual and put the pussy on the chainwax.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @HeisNotAllowed: My boyfriend isn't allowed to give a girl his jacket. That hoe knows damn well what channel the weather is on, she cou ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Naw bitch you goin against a monster lol lyrical maniac","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"They got the redskins faking injuries","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are a BOY you DONT say \"clutch\" fag ass. That's that bitch shit lingo tf.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Are you freaking serious. 3900 lives lost. Trillion dollars in recover and rebuild. Continued threats and fear. You are a disgrace to journalism. You moron!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@knvcklepvck gimme one with his mouth closed I can't draw teeth without making them look retarded oMF","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @dappermuke: i'll be a bitch when i have to be a bitch :)#fandomapology #5sosFamAnd1DfandomFollowParty PREACH","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I luh to lick the middle like an Oreo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"' I just feel like my mouthpiece so cold I'll give lessons to every niggah that ever got turned down , for the low cost of $24.99 Hmu .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#StopKavanaugh #Sendhim home #@USER Kavanaugh Allegation: Conservatives Go Soft on Teen Crime URL #SmartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Exactly why CA-District 23 should kick Ol' Moneybags @USER McCarthy out! Vote FOR @USER responsible gun control! Vote AGAINST NRA! Vote for the safety of Californians! #Matta4Congress #SendMcCarthyPacking #CAdeservesBetter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1) This argument that 'boyhood' does not deserve scrutiny only seems to apply to white boys and men of high socioeconomic status. Kavanaugh should be judged for who he is today, influential political voices, mostly conservatives, argue, not what he supposedly did in high school.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"drop it a day early fuck niggas need to hear it now @YoungGizzle_: #ED1 was so hard but that's trash compared to #ED2 ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Im trying to take the word \"bitch\" outta my vocabulary , hardest shit ever","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@vampirrrra k, niggah do u evem shmoke","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @ThatDamnTwerk1 Beef is when a bitch titties looking like they sleep... RT @laidback_813: What's beef... http:\/\/t.co\/P2lR0nko6o","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"The way Hawk Girl did Green Lantern is why I do not trust these hoes nope","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER man that sucks unreal","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Haha i call my girl a bitch, only cuz she calls me one ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER That's how a career in media works...people admire you. If people think you're a piece of shit you won't make it far.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Yellow jackets at gas station trash cans are THE worst","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SoTrippyWhit remember that African bitch we used to work with at CMI?!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Liberals ....cry and complain that all they do URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@UnicornCowboy @Lvl_7_Eevee @hisorraya mutha fuckahs better bring me all the brownies ever!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @MeechIsDEAD: I Cant Wait Till U and Ya Boyfriend Break Up, That nigga act Like he own the pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Oh yeah do you? Trust me give it 3 weeks and you will be begging for Jameis. Fitzmagic turns fitztragic QUICK. I'm a jets fan take my word and thebills word he is fools gold","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER The comments that we should pity her because she is obviously not mentally well piss me off to no extent. If a POC did this they would not be concerned\" about their mental well being.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Love how fat they all are while chowing down on cake and cookies. That's the future liberals want.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Dyke pastors be in The Lords house tryna cuff all the pussy bruh bruh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Todd__Kincannon A+ Would expect nothing less from your dominion. Oh by the way, SEC bitches!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@jazminesmazmine if bitches Tryna step to us http:\/\/t.co\/xKcH9wJUAg","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Crazy man ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dis Morgan hoe in da middle of erything....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"So apparently me and Eric fucced and I be just fuccing every nigga GREAT but y'all bitches NOT whoppin and talkin behind BLOCCED twitters","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@iGivePussyCPR baker planted an M-80 in that bitch. When white guy lights the wick... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Roc_SS @BallHawk_Carter nah son we ca go half if it was my girl bitches be wanting to spend 400 and up on some fake hair","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@BlakeAnderson21 Rollin coal bitches ready to blow ready set GO!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Threehoez rip plate, brownies, large tea, fries, beans potato salad, poboy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mrfoolycooly im still where that giant muk shit eats that candy with ceasar clown","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Remember when I would spank everyone in meme wars? Because I do #faggots","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Trust no nigga, fear no bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#Trump was walking towards a crowd excited to see him. He was reciprocating the love. That moment was about the reception not 911. It was genuine and honest. Barack is nothing more than an actor who fakes crocodile tears to call for gun control.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"When somebody ask \"where da hoes at\" universal answer is \"shit u got em\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Wave or get Splashed on!!! #SplashGang ya bitch you!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@seanphathaway That wasn't as bad, though drawing conclusions about \"WHITE AMERICA\" based on a 1,000 person poll is a slippery slope.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He is such a cutie! I love him!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"With the birds i share this lonely view..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This bitch so ratchet","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @CzickenShack: I'm finally ready to mass market my skidmark-resistant tighty whities, but apparently \"Uncrustables\" is already taken. Fu ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"8\/ . Liberals Just Pull Kavanaugh....the next guy will be fine Me: You Democrats are so obvious. You are gonna smear everybody and call them a rapist. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He is going to get crushed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I asked my two best friends to describe me in three words, I get back \"boss ass bitch\" and \"short, feisty, and Mexican.\" I love my friends.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"maddie, karissa, Ireland, cierra and I have gotten so close I'd kill a bitch for them tbh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@IamEnidColeslaw He must think you bump pussy. I no mind. I'll eat your #thong and make you #squirt like the #geyser.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER that he is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"why is this thirsty white basic ass bitch still talking to me gtfo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Now da #Heat fans bacc y'all niccas kill me ain't tweeted shit all damn game","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER That's the aim Liberty #WWG1WGA #MAGA #TheRainMakers #QAnon #QArmy URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I thought so... I'm mingling... ever since you decided to attack my opinion on gun control and Brett Kavanaugh. I just asked you if having a conversation with you would be worth my time and effort. So far all you've done is prove that it is not worth the effort. have a nice day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER but there is also many videos of antifa attacking disabled and old people if you want to see them victors ( spoiler on disabled attack three on one antifa to disabled vet)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Water whippin bitch that bobby buschi","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @hiteshrangra: Sonia never criticises @ArvindKejriwal . Kejriwal, who trashes every other leader, never criticises Sonia. Touching. #YoK ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER CAREFUL now soyboy stickman. Your arms might fall clean off. Dweeb.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"The Monday has been a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Pope Char compares Pope Francis to the false prophet. Bingo! URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@yungdipIo @Iemonaids like I really want a rafter monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LinzBella You date colored men?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Andreaa_olvera smd bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@garrett_winker bitch shut yo little ass up fucking no color emo faget ads nigga u call me dumb but u don't know shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER People need to get a life. She is a beautiful lady doing her job. They need to leave her alone and leave Tessa alone. Doesn't matter what you are everybody needs to show love not hate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol bitches aint shit...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @ThaReal_Elijah: Used to be with 50 niggas, 20 of em got murked, 20 of em turned pussy, the other 10 put in work","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#ownthelibs interesting documentation of reactionary behavior from conservatives URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Real niggas let real bitches cum first ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @elchavaloko: @_WhitePonyJr_ @saucygyro @Buckm00se so you gonna believe me,a cripple or a fuckn hippo??","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @RmpHarris: I kinda miss tremper I use to be threw dat bitch lol Never in class lmao","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Yoga has been around for ages and these bitches just now figuring it out","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@spoilmeharder @ChaldeanCutie Greta... You let a fag do this to me I thought we were cool","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER If Gov't remains status quo we can Kiss our new found wealth goodbye! OPEN AND TRANSPARENT! NOTHING LESS! Thanks to @USER for having a spine! #MAGA #PURGE #Buildthewall #SundayFunday #NEWS #FAKENEWS #MEDIA #business @USER @USER #FOXNEWS @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@brendacoyt_3 : Ayee Ayee it's my snow niqqa andand it's for my bitches to slide to my crib","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER This is a lie! To push a gun control narrative! The actual number is much lower. If you look up what they are using to reach that number you will see why it is so high. Always playing politics!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Maybe if you weren't such a conceited bitch more people would like you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"NEWS FLASH!When you pay TAXES, you are paying for everything you bitch about!#IRS #GovernmentAffairs #obamacare http:\/\/t.co\/D5SPVgJxto","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Hahaha BIG thighs is not going to make it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This bitch keep playin wit my hair like she dont got her own.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Drake vs. Tyga beef, Yung Berg, Lil Fizz, Chris Brown bitch rants on Twitter, ILOVEMAKONNEN getting drug off stage. Light skins taking L's","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Cockwaffle or normal waffle?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn rednecks outside shooting guns keep waking my kids up. No sleep for us tonight. Thanks #2A! Work at 8am is going to be so great...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Retweet complete and followed all patriots! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You got niggas and I got bitches.PARTYNEXTDOOR ain't never lied.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Omer Asik so trash on the offensive side of the floor dude real life murky doo doo water","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@YunGMiGo @BigMoneyNiquee nicca fucc yu","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER They should. Hopefully voters will realise that they could have ended this shitshow well before the midterms.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@CoronaDior just found u and fuck is my cock hard! Love your dripping pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Smellin good, bitches wanna hug me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @kanga_ruthie: When people complain to me about prices I'm just like bitch do I look like I make the rules? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER I'll defend him. I think the CA professor is a lying liberals pile of horse dung. There.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER The US Open has treated her poorly with the whole controversy over her outfit. Bottom line is she was treated differently because she is a women of color and this would never happen to a man. The USTA better soon recognize that she IS women's tennis and act accordingly!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Sometimes I just want someone to bitch to about a shitty day","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@marcus2kings yeah hoe ass nigga ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@EmmanuelRodz11 WILLIAN up in that hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @KINGTUNCHI_: I only fw grown hoes!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @oh_sh1t: Damn, I got bitches *kanye voice*","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I hate bitches that have attitudes all the time","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @11_MeLoBaby_7: @100granHman it ain't nothin to cut that bitch off ayeeee","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @_FreeMax_: skitdaddle wit that shit hoe http:\/\/t.co\/BXsLCSHjHE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@TrippinC @nuteIla that hoe is like 5'8.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Siri is terrible #cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"A nigga will say the worst about a bitch and she'll still feel validated as long as he would fuck her.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Oh SHIT SJSNSN I've had work every day since I messaged u so sorry I'll make it Tuesday!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER She is. Seriously. Ive cried so hard when I read her DM where she wrote to me \"I care and I've cried bc I was happy not sad and yeah that made my day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NG5_ Thirsty Giants are always like \"ho, ho, ho\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @gferguson8: @KoredeB9 @MSoltan18 @WBDyllon_ trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER I'd still take this guy over a commie or antifa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Alt Right and Antifa are for cowards. #Fact #TuesdayThoughts URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason wtf r u talking about I was in Plano tx what r u talking about pussy boy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Thanks. I'm gonna test out herc again with limit broken white rose ce equipped on Raikou","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thats not ya bitch if she dont love giving you head","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Apparently I got chunky for my bday. Worse bday present ever. Lol. #diettime","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ToWherever yay im a whitey :3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Such a trash episode of the walking dead tonight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Why do you take her side. It's been 35 years and no proof so because you are women and Liberals- you can't think. None of her story adds up. This is a political setup to win.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER That she is. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Photo: Here some kimora boobies for you this is how unlock before I slice a bitch. #kimorablac... http:\/\/t.co\/puKJtghIPB","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TalkHawkz: KMM get a fucking trash can on your head.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @SVL305: @VJtechsupport @YoungMcFly the real reason y she gave up rapping was because of ME.. i called her trash to her face n asked for ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER WHERE'S holier than thou @USER Sippin wine in the shade somewhere... #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trainer lady is a bitch, shook my hand made me promise her I'ma study for a test tomorrow, and idk I don't like her she's trying to break me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @uMadddt: Claw that ass! @CoreysTweetnAss: when u see that bitch who was talkin shit on twitter in public... http:\/\/t.co\/yyQ2d6JujD","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@GTM_Al: Ya side bitch gotta know it's rules to this shit..anybody ask you my cousin from jersey thinkin bout moving\" lmmfao ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@dan1ellep And they re retarded as fuck in general with their insults . Hope they fall off with AW, but the CSGO scene is growing so IDK.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Repeat After Me: I will NOT listen to the polls I will NOT get discouraged, even if I'm in a blue\" state I will vote Republican on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018 #iPledgeToVote #MAGA #RedtoBlue\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@That1guyJeff fuck you bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"21 things that make Australia a way better country than the US and I don't even mention gun control URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Happy now liberals!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thanks for that text... I found that hoe..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER No phones allowed URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Living with my bitches, hashtag live http:\/\/t.co\/9jKAYWGeVZ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @itslenyybitch: LOL what a fake bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER By saying they eat my dogs\" in correlation to bts, you are automatically relating asians to \"dog-eaters\". You know that bts doesn't eat dogs, so your comment was obviously meant to convey hate.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Raul_leura @no_way_hoesaaay lmao that nigga was about to go Beethoven on that bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Happy Birthday Tyler! May God favor you with a day as AMAZING as you are! Be blessed today and always!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oscar Taveras went yardie in his 2nd career MLB at bat. What a stud.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This pussy dryer than yours... RT @LoyalLamb85: Drier vs. Dryer :(","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @ABCbirds1: #Neonics are deadly to #birds like the American Kestrel and #bees. Ask @Lowes to take it off their shelves. #EcoWed http:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER It's horrific Adam. Look at the way the Conservatives' endorsement of Orban has been waved through - it should be a source of national shame. But it's the norm.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@pistol_pete96 @ZP3_ fuck y'all if you doubt me, I'm a piece of white trash I say it proudly","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @dylanhornick: @felferrara and @_tiffanycarter rivvv tn. no bailing.. #pussies","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm bout to hop off this hoe they Tryna get on my ass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER What do you expect from The likes of Eric Erickson. . HE is a Piece of Crap.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I drag a bitch by her hair CAPTAIN CAVEMAN NNN!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@SoftestMuffin @_tee13 @TorahBlaze in other words you are accustomed to niggers so muchYour Almighty one can be next to u, but yo nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TheMichaelRock: *answers phone*Coworker: There's a dead bird outside.Me: Wanna split it?CW: What?Me: Sorry, finders keepers, ri ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Liberals also probably need more- culturally aware trolls!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @OHHHME: I just want the money, ian trippin on these hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Waiting on these bitches @badnewsbridget @MorbidMermaid ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He is going to win!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Conservatives can be respected up until the point where they start winning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @YoungBuddhaBruh: @WestSideFlee it all depends on the female dawg, usually that's how it is with these hoes but the genuine women fuck w ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"If you love her then hide yo bitch so you'll keep shorty.\"@wizkhalifa","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#PakNeedsMediaPolicy So called desi liberals want uncontrolled n unlimited liberty of media that is not acceptable or positive for any society URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Summer hoes turn into winter wifeys","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I swear to god I hit 40 licks I'm Lil B and I'm not no bitch when I'm off that dope I rob my bitch !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Apolonia Gardner of Imperial, CA misspells \"phalarope\" - a bird that resembles a sandpiper. The dreaded schwa! #spellingbee","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" \"@QbF150: On a leash RT @80sbaby4life: Just pussy \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"cant fuck around wit young niggas cause they be acting like hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @taylorcaniff: I'm having a date at Yankee Field then getting kiss cam.. #bucketlist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TrapicalGod: These hoes really ain't loyal http:\/\/t.co\/6u2kbYkQ2n","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This hoe car smell like nigga let off a sweet potato bomb in her shit!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Hi BEE GEE!!! You are so cute!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"andlt;BECAUSE YOU ARE MY andgt; by Gi Ng y Thu N m 1997 x Golden Beryl. Because you are my , so I'll cherish every moment with you. You are my past, present and my future.\" Link: URL #HAPPYHYUNJAEDAY #BELIEVE_HYUNJAE_DAY # _ URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Not all of us Conservatives are that gullible. Manny has some good points now and then... but when he starts spewing US propaganda .. it sickens me. He asked for the term and I gave one... He'll have no rebuttal. You watch.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Bam_N_DeyMouth grindin cuzz thats all shit dont stop wats good witcha thou bitch you been mia too","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm sorry but if your costume is a \"naughty school girl\" this yr I will forever consider u a basic bitch. #becreative #followers","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Good morning ig .... Giving u white trash body #turntup #webad #wepretty #gayvegas http:\/\/t.co\/w9QI4bIlKT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Living with my bitches #live @lauren_borrelli @Kathinator6 @jenna_saispas http:\/\/t.co\/c3vy1xuOHa","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @AnnCoulter: Invite me on your show, you lying pussy. RT @Matthops82 \"Republicans are afraid of me. They don't want to talk to me.\" - ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I b so quick to dub a bitch it's sad ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":". . . And we wonder why conservatives who work for Twitter fear saying so . . URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @JerGucci: @1__dev You the Real MVP that's wat ya bitch said when I finished ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER have we become angels?? BEST","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER How the fuck can he detect an attitude through a text bubble?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Tl blew up hoes on waka dick. #turndown he ain't follin y'all hoes#bow","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Donald Trump as President","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Wait why did they need a warrant? Is he currently under investigation? Pretty sure he is currently not alive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER No he can't because losss of service time during suspensions he is subject to waivers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER See the mess Europe is for PR examples. Giving liberals a go at anything in government always ends in disaster. You're welcome: URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Latina | Latina chick gets her pussy pumped http:\/\/t.co\/4dhwuI5ARd","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@mynamesryann @Caroline_Poe called her a cunt too","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @JonyPrivat: #cheese #crackers #lacking http:\/\/t.co\/ijDHKWdkoQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @itsDorry: maybe all these fake bitches will pretend to be real for halloween","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Every identity deals with their rep differently. But to say that Conservatives aren't ostracized on Canadian campuses for their views is pretty dumb. Have you never seen a Conservative booth at a uni society expo? Let alone even try to organize something as a conservative?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I couldn't agree more us conservatives need to take our country back. #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How u know u dont get real life pussy. Only carin bout her enterin your DMs RT @J0MAEL: She can enter my DMs anytime http:\/\/t.co\/nZ74WBsDBH","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Can't we send this pig back to Canada. He's an animal.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@BillPeriman Send all the fucking muzzies home, now doj come and get me motherfuckers","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@king__saan I feel like I just got married bruh, she a bad bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"All i kno is make them hoes cone joints","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @__Junebugg: @VoiceOfDStreetz hell yea save money like a hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Param0nster_ you and me having Twitter bird shaped pancakes that would just be a start","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Give him the Oscar!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're unattractive @Therealalonig: $10,000 dinner dates with yo man bitch. #pow @karrueche http:\/\/t.co\/KRFe8NXWNz ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Buddy drug the whole train lmao good ... extra ass hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER And those same politicians from both @USER and @USER are selling the country down the drain.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'll be that lmao RT @KoolAssK: @1MarKus_A pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @schooIgirI: I say nigger with love","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Totally fair. But the times it's happened to Serena in very important grand slam matches at the same slam. I get why shed be emotional. We're not in her shoes. Every match she is expected to win and it's clear she's not handling her nerves well anymore in these matches.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JennyReyes42 @iamadamg_ awwe i love you too jenny! Your so damn perf and NOT ugly. Seriously dis bitch must be blind!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Can I get some good neck out dis hoe?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"http:\/\/t.co\/bPU86qzYFt Cassie Laine Brunette slips off her lingerie and massages her wet pussy with oil http:\/\/t.co\/rMqKLh1AeZ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Lol bitch you think you're classy? THE FUCK EVER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Early bird gets the worm.... #GoGetIt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I guess Antifa will get the same treatment when they decide to loot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@OliviaLuu3 Calm down you little Asian lol just go flip a bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#DontMessAroundWith conservatives. Dismiss them with prejudice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Be still. And know you are being prayed for . URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@iowahawkblog I also recommend 6pack of shiner Bock and 12 hours of brisket duty at \"the pit\" feeding oak coals ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Regarding the story I think I'm going to kill the president\", why is it reporters \"never\" follow up on how a convicted felon could obtain, in this case, 6 guns? What's the police doing about, or would that bring light to the gun control issue? Bias?\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Anyone who is friends with Midwest Antifa is worth following!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa = Democrats = Dixiecrats = KKK URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're calling it #Sandy because the wind is going to make a lot girls clams really sandy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @AdoreeLenaa: \"@_KudaBrazyy: Hella bored doing laundry like a bitch\" I sincerely hate your soul !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Tears of joy?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @VersaceSilk: When you and your boys discover a hoe https:\/\/t.co\/nluZGQV3EQ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @marrybel_: maybe yall hoe ass niggas should start considering girls feelings shiii, think about if a nigga is doing what you're doing, ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"The early bird gets the worm But the second mouse gets the cheese","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @lilduval: This bitch is pregnant dancing her heart out for me and I'm on Instagram. I'm an asshole http:\/\/t.co\/qOXkqByxHE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@WaTch_Scenario Destiny will make Titanfall it's bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#cdnpoli How can anyone expect the Liberals to follow their own rules? Rules are for other people aren't they? The governing Liberals have allowed... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER The laughs I've gotten from you are enough. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Cashhaddict Damn i wanted to buy that bitch that shit was tough","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Ugly hoes favorite line: \"I'm far from ugly...\" I be like naw hoe, you closer than you think!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"' South Central niggahs really don't be lovin these hoes , these hoes don't be lovin these niggahs . We just be... http:\/\/t.co\/XnTftnwuVD","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"It ain't nothing like chasing money cause you have a purpose, but chasing these hoes for what? *Vice Versa*","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Ayee hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER because they don't exist!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I aint no killa but dont push me, revenge is the sweetest joy next to gettin pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@litigiousmind pretty like a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER That or she is an awfully good transvestite","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @DarkskinObama: Roses are redViolets are blueI just fucked yo bitch.....but nigga do you...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@EntMagazine @magisto @digitalskeptic we have a project that could lead into a military program but requires a full op mock up for testing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Have not spent one dime on NFL. NO TICKETS. NO MERCHANDISE. NO TV TIME. My Football Day is Saturday. College Gameday is incredible","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER thank you Mr President for helping to #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You you can't get no money silly hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"it might rain today, hmmm.. I don't want to look like a pussy carrying an umbrella around but I also don't want to risk my perm getting wet.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Omg chloe just pulled up to my house like \"come outside bitch\" hella cray","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"' Wake up I'm blessed Steaight Kush No stress Thankin God for ma success Ma bitches say I'm the best .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@potpwincess @longbongchris she's a dyke","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You must be part of the new Nazi Party called Antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Thank you for letting us know how you are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER so stronger gun control is better than leaving guns easy to access. Gun control isn't a gun ban ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this bitch sounds like she's gettin raped by other.cats lmfaoo the.fuckkkk closing the window, whore cats","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER They're a dying party. Split between Nationalists and conservatives isn't going to hold too much longer. They just have no real cohesive ideology anymore. It's simply my team is better than your team.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Crystal got all the hoes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Ramen_Odicho: Assyria got hella hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@heartlle @Kaleigh_McNasty bitch look like she gon blow away fr!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER War on conservatism: #Antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good day, honkies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This game pissing me off including that bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER That is actually a compliment since she is one of the biggest artists out today. Thanks ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope the trash I talk abt @CNN's poor product doesn't hurt my chances of getting hired as a legal correspondent. I was jk CNN.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@swag_arella and getting pedicures bitching bout their ex and going tanning is something a bitch does","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You're part of the problem! No more Regressive Liberals. #DrainTheSwamp URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@EmmaLouisaSuttl @timmyn90 Anyone bring in a monkey.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Booooring","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Lexxinnn: Don't no nigga want no broke ass bitch but it's crazy how a bitch will do all she can to better a broke ass nigga ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @PBSAmerMasters: Happy birthday, Bob Newhart! The comedic legend turns 85 today: http:\/\/t.co\/YOSx2VdAjb #AmericanMasters http:\/\/t.co\/gew ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER The fact that we believe that these are the only two conservatives with a shred of decency is deeply disturbing. Even more disturbing is that I don't believe either of them do either. Still doesn't hurt to try.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How did I get stuck with the worlds biggest cunt for a sister? I just wanna set the cunt on fire and send her straight to hell","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Hahaha I'm fucking weak! RT @ImDaddyTho_: He used to abuse this pussy ...... Lmfao","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I am so damn done dealing with hoes with kids. Puerto Rican dominican I don't care.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm cute with or without the makeup and eyelashes y'all bitches depend on that shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"2 or 3 hoes for everything ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#Westminster @USER #Tories @USER @USER #Brexit @USER #Brexiteers @USER Exactly why the #UK is getting #OutOfTheEU FFS #Hungary tries to defend its borders and the #tyrannical #EU #dictatorship stamps down hard #ThirdReich URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MurphMcMahon I swear I thought you were describing a pussy. ...I gotta go to bed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"A little appreciation post for my bestie because she's a bad bitch and I'm thankful for her @USER URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"These nigs like saying they miss the old vice","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER This is just more proof @USER are beyond unhinged and should never ever have power in this country again. #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #WalkAway @USER @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Barf over the squishy self-righteous source. That's the whole deal with TBC. They're young and dumb history major conservatives\" who've swallowed the SJ BS and like to hand wave. I'll assume without further evidence Prager is lame.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@SexualGxfs: @ One of your followers with this http:\/\/t.co\/F1TJl9xnCT\" @ somebody, bitch if you don't","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Great book by Leo Zagami, Pope Francis, the Last Pope?\" details the breathtaking corruption and evil forces that have been controlling the Vatican for decades.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"New emergency hotline?What's down the road? 2 days ago #POTUS signs second State of Emergency executive order? Social media censorship down the road? #MAGA #Emergency #QAnon #MondayMotivation #ConstitutionDay URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wallah I'll drop kick this bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @WeDontLoveHoes: Bitches post all types of sex position pics with heart emojis but let yu get her in that position this bitch complain a ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Grusty hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @WhitePeopleTalk: KOBE as they shoot a piece of paper into the trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And yet I see daily Antifa doxing without any suspensions whatsoever. Not to mention CNN doxxing and threatening a meme creator. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER These guys are only known for diverting topics only. He is a pure sanghi. Let him bark.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@b0ss561 just beat the pussy up","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Shit you right ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @dkiswinning: GamePlan: 1. Eat the pussy 2. Beat the pussy up 3. Apologize to the pussy by eating it again because it's so good.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He doesn't want to give anything to POTUS!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Illinois strict ass gun control let's only the thugs and gang bangers have the guns which means a lot more violence","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Some are oval and some are pink some are blue and some are just yellow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking bitches never hit a nigga back up","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Ronesha__: When I feel like he entertaining these hoes I just fall back even harder than before ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @CbazzThaGreat: Wanna know if a bitch hygiene up to par. Wipe behind that bitch ear and put it to her nose. If she flinch.....you got ya ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I wanna be someone's bitch ass boyfriend right now . But that just me head playin games on ya boi","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @ImNotTwitFamous: Bob Marley wrote about peace but all you hoes remember him for is smoking a blunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER The beauty of this. Just like the dems inventing the nuclear option the next time a liberal is up for consideration for scotus we conservatives will know what to do.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#PeoplesVote #StopBrexit @USER #remain I don't want to go.. either, You know what, After we leave, My slogans going to be It used to be better than this\" should have stayed in. Useless goverment. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @zooyorkinit: When u want a cig but ur lovey gf won't go get them #potato ;) @whattheflocka guilt trip city lil bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"My momma keep talking to me like bitch gtf I'm on Twitter.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":": you are so extra. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's no wonder my titanium ankle is killing me. Woo retarded 'winter' weather! #texas #weather http:\/\/t.co\/rrKxBwG1u4","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Trust none bitch I don't wife a bitch? Bitch I won't","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @JustLeShay: @TheKaosYatti: @JustLeShay Who said you was cute byeeee mad bitch! come visit me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Why does everyone else get attacked by Antifa type groups who never go to jail and also gets extreme negative media coverage that insights the violence. Except LibLabCon? Why? #stitchup","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Weed nigguh.. Retweet that","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason Lmfao and I'm making more money then yo duck ass bitch I from Dallas tx born and raised and we back our shit up all day nigga","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Just reading this gives me anxiety about having anxiety. But it really does suck and takes more than sheer will power to overcome. Don't be afraid to seek help and ask your doctor if you need medication. There is no shame in it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Anyone else getting a different idea of how these attacks are connected? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MoneyHG: I love pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Im done with life\"@Gmel_Genuine: Im just ready to wake up and have pussy for breakfast everyday\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @T_Mart88: Jaheim, Donell Jones, Lyfe Jennings, Ginuwine, Charlie Wilson, Dru Hill, NEXT, Jodeci, Tyrese and etc ...... bring THAT type ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brutus looking girl getting off the elevator as I'm walking into a different one... No bitch u can't come in, u can't u can't come in.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER GOD DAMN IT... YOU ARE SO RIGHT. THERE'S NO GOING WRONG WITH THIS STUFF.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bout to put me some hoes on backpage .. Try my pimp hand out! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Alan_Casillas niggah lol i had 6 beers before i went to the bar then had 4 beers at the bar then got a 12pck on the way home lool","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @vivaalakatyy: I just punched @victoriaaokk in the nose on accident because she just shocked the crap out of me bitch that hurt!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Corey Booker try to finger blast my ass as a teenager. #MAGA #WalkAway URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TeGustaaa: If you suppose to be a man, don t be a bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Again she is the GOAT at HER SPORT but of all athletes ever? Absolutely not","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"It's not a sin to have a interchangeable bezel but when that bitch don't screw back on ... #ThatsAProblem","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER GETTING EXACTLY WHAT THEY DESERVED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have you ever popped champagne on a plane, while gettin some brain Whipped it out, she said \"I never seen Snakes on a Plane\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"trash RT @VibeMagazine: Can the Notorious B.I.G. s son CJ Wallace rap? Watch and vote here: http:\/\/t.co\/3kzJj7nqpP http:\/\/t.co\/wOwnc0A70P","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Thanks Colleen Means a lot to me.....She is doing good about 4 hours away from Louisville Kentucky ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So she is desecrating graves with the best intentions no wonder Jeremy wants her speaking. he wants Jewish membership to know exactly what he thinks of them. I reiterate an absolute shit of a human being no offence to EWA.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Auburnnn hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@BeenSlimm I just don't want one these new bitches that morphed in to a super playa because she see how the world is","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Best_Porn_Title: Hulkamania is running wild on that pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Down to catch a body bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Lol he is funny","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*SCREAMS* SHE IS SO CUTE WHEN SHE DOES THIS!!!! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@noturavurage You can roll? And what you got to eat? Barter system my nig!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Devon_Toppin2: fuck a bitch we never loved a thot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER A good example of - Democrat Gun Control URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"27 reported deaths in Sutherland TX church shooting. Dems already calling for gun control and shootings and I'm just waiting for to report on the pedophile content that allows. There is a reason American media does what the establishment has been trying to tell you to stop taking","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KINGof334MOBB: Don't tell your side bitch your family business that's none of their business.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @xDSmooth: #shoutout to that niggah @1BookieG Go follow","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @FukknTyler: @lil_aerii LIGHTSKIN MF LMFAOOO ight white bitch lol ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"The gospel RT @TibriDotCom: Better wake up and realize that the good Lord ain't stop creating pussy when he built yours shawty.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @RaleighBeougher: dumb beaner http:\/\/t.co\/r0hABEQhSu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hokis pokis bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You know these hoes wishy washy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Good to see your hosting of the Emmys' bombed. Seems only Liberals like no humor. You won't be asked back. Career killer. You were Da rating tanking Bomb. Now go celebrate with your liberal pals.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I just saw a man have a actual conversation with his bird haha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER That was a little too curious","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Look at us we are just so full of ourselves an so narcissistic we can't realize our time is just about up .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TheAngryAfrican @Kiyxni i don't think he can beat Mayweather but he's far from trash. Unlike Floyd he actually put Maidana down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER True but the constant talk from the left about common sense gun control every time and yet not one valid proposal","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @AmandaBynes: I Want You To Be Pussy Whipped I'm yours","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"All these niggas with these \" Love Quote\" Pages are some pussies. Them niggas don't be living what they talking bout","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER URL any of your announcements every come to fruition or is it basically stealing Labour's ideas to get a few more votes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@megynkelly I don't understand the need for multiple autopsies. I guess they're going to keep on until they can slant 1 against the officer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are hilarious! You keep defending that woman. I have watched her for over 20 years and she is a liar and a hypocrite and an obstructionist. I like my crumbs\". She needs people like you to support her though.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@CheyenneDoan cause hes a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"my mother raised a cunt... lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER They probably shutdown the @USER website because of the death threats. If she votes yes she'll most likely get lots of support from #MAGA voters.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"lmao slow new day for madonna fans huh? collaborating with Siri? haha that sounds retarded. so she may oray not use a sound sample.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Best behaved kids ever at mommy's commercial audition. Oreo McFlurries for everybody! #proudmom http:\/\/t.co\/9HFNSmaLcU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER If you want to #MAGA: 1. Stop Intellectual Property theft by China. 2. Pivot away from China and give business to other Asia countries. 3. Ask US business to move to other countries 4. Tax reciprocally 5. Make Xi look weak! Demolish South China Sea. Xi is a crook! @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"*Your love for one another is the starlight in the darkness that surrounds you. May that luminous love sustain you until the first day of rain cleanses the heartache you are enduring and washes away the pain.* @USER #RememberingEdward","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @YungEthiopian: \" I got a natural mean face\" \"i be havin mean mugs and ion even be knowin\" bitch shut the fuck up right","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Gabriel_Montoya: RT @Brandon_Rios1: @Gabriel_Montoya fuck u bitch hope I don't see u bitch cuz I would love for u to tell me to my fac ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Shit is fucking retarded, no one wants to see this shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER i like him he is cute","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@deadlygilinsky drug buddy pussy money bitches weed","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Wonkasm: R.I.P. to the hoes dying for attention","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER True point. Gun control is total bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Can we please now be honest with ourselves and acknowledge this trans stuff is a mental disorder? And NOT normal human behavior?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER She was drunk, this rape is her fault.\" \"He was drunk, this rape isn't his fault. Said no one, except the crying liberals making more stuff up. You guys are laughable.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @iam_KandiRaven: \"You gotta be able to keep a bitch on her feet or she'll be on her knees with the next nigga.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @ChrizzyFive: Trying to run game on me u dumb bitch !! @ her tho","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Pssst Bono's Ass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TheJadedNYer nope! btw you's a hoe lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @JazzRiley: Wat type of bitch ass nigga rape a innocent female","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Brezsha_Imani: He tweet like a bitch broke his heart","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I mean, that occasionally works when arguing with liberals or centrists, if you can get them to give up the idea that Socialism=Authoritarianism,\" the problem is that conservatives have long since given up the idea that administrative measures are ever the right thing to do.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Try to take Othot drugs bitch I'm 30'd up","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER This is absolutely hilarious. Liberals are so predictable.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@SteveWorks4You Friggin Red State pussy Republican. The parent too! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I'm alright with this. If someone is dumb enough to try this then they deserve what ever they get. I can't wait to hear about the first AntiFa idiot to get blown away after they tried to steal a gun from someone in a stand your ground state ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Damn is she ugly!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Be safe you fucker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @Yankees: Alfredo Aceves in to relieve @CC_Sabathia here in the 4th. #Yankees he needs to go away , gas can !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER is inciting VIOLENCE via Twitter to accounts supporting POTUS. He has made lists to have us targeted by ANTIFA...etc.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@BeavisCumia @jimmysdongDat cat gonna scratch all up on dat colored boy and he gonna end up in da chow mein","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stephen the threat about your brother doesn't scare me. Quit runnin your fuckin mouth and you won't have to hide behind your brother bitch boy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER *click* FUCK YOU!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@TheClaireBear36 Don't like to trash talking either way. But to be fair, that's just on Twitter. I'm having a ball on texts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NeoDaRegularGuy Oil? who said sumthin bout oil? bitch you cookin?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"bitch get off my twitter hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I get bitches on tinder","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Kaetlin is a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\/\/i'll make a pinned tweet when i get home but She Is Here","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @EmilyFaye2: My signature white-bitch move is profusely apologizing for being late with a full Starbucks cup in hand.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @MCGetBizzy: Rise of the planet of the apes http:\/\/t.co\/Ww3xbbUJg7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bitch you better not disappoint me. madonna and britney and xtima have RT @gwenstefani: My new single #BabyDontLie is coming Monday!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Look at this bad bitch @rachel_dority http:\/\/t.co\/jnnqWISao5","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @AbbeyGoldd: Fuck Joo musts broke this niggas heart stealin his bitch if he that hurt with her ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Ink_Flowz: THOT is a childish word Grow up and call that bitch a hoe. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"City highway skyscrapers building lights yellow blue http:\/\/t.co\/kOC9uYBFqV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GA Charlie @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @RevkahJC @PattiSM74 @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"16) However, his views I do not agree with. -He does not believe in climate change. -He opposites a woman's right to have an abortion. -He thinks gender issues are black and white ---(Me man, you woman.\" - andlt;imagine in a Tarzan voiceandgt;)--- -Gun control doesn't exist to him.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @bwanaaa_16: I like down bitches ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @WheelTod: If life hands you a hot potato try throwing it at two birds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Fool!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@carolinebakkk those were bumblebees....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER This sicko thinks that others scheme and lie like he and a lot of the liberals do. Remember Rham Emanuel's famous quote \"You never let a serious crisis go to waste ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm out \"@VandalSavage_: Slipping mollies in the Jell-O RT @80sbaby4life: Cosby out here fucking bitches with pudding pops lmao\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@GorgeousCamry_ @itsDeSha__ man get yo bitch ass out my mf mentions man with all tht bs u trippin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"That fat bitch that's always on the phone just walked in @TibaBurger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @VersaceAmeezy: Austin is so cute like look at him all excited because he got Oreos http:\/\/t.co\/0mK1W8Reak","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @tianaroseee_: Mary Jane my only bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@michelle_westt: Facts \"@POONsoaker: Only the dudes with hoes say they don't got hoes \" @J_Austin12","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER The official unemployed numbers are a joke. There are millions of Americans who lost their jobs and career to H-1b. Their unemployment benefits ran out years ago. Give them their jobs back. End H-1B now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Guess everybody gets \"F cause Hillary ain't got none","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER A disaster waiting to happen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You girls needa stop with the edits. Damn near got catfished a week or two ago and the bitch keeps findin her way back ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Piercethetit @Xenoss_ I don't love these hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Even IF the #SexualMisconduct IS by #Gay 45 yr old #GOP #Men - they'd call it youthful indescretion and get a #Mulligan from #Hypocritical #Evangelicals and MAGA *sshats. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@DougBenson hey you bitch, you should get the @lucasbros on your show. They'd be perfect for it! I'm kidding about the bitch part.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER It's the Liberals plans to destroy our Judeo-Christian culture and replace it w\/this irrational just science. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"all my exes are bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER I think she is lying about that too. I have seen no threats and I have seen a thousand comments and articles on this story.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love bad bitches it my fucking hobby, and yeah they're on all fours like a fucking doggy..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#AnnCoulter still calling #Obama a 'community organizer' re: #Syria. Well, she is still #cunt as well. So what?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'mma go with #6.Cuz them Scream bitches STAYED getting knocked over an shit. Fuck them pussies. Without surprise they shitty.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Without question Professor Ford is troubled that's being polite. Half the women in the world (probably more) have been groped at one time or an other and don't hold on to it for 40 years. This is obviously a political ploy to deter scotus confirmation. @USER #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#DueProcess not permitted for #Conservatives but #documented evidence against #Democrat can't be believed #DoubleStandards #ConfirmKavanaughNow URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@On_Point_Prg another keyboard commando in real life you hide like a little bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @DanielBiltmore: Basic bitches > basic cable","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Twitter CEO says conservatives feel silenced' at his heavily liberal company. I wonder why? Maybe because they are. We are given examples everyday on here that pretty much anything goes if you're a liberal and not so much if your a conservative . #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @iamyaokhari: \"@Tyga: That ain't my hoe.\"This is the same man that wants to be \"Godly\"....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are a child. Don't even talk to me. Lmao.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dayum u gyp, u gone have mfs thinking im wiping my face w\/pissy diapers n shyt grrrrrr","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Fucking hate ghetto girls I swear bruh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You not in GITMO yet? You do know you will face Jesus face to face don't you? Hope you repent before then because the wide gate and broad way you are on leads to destruction and it will be for eternity! Right now you are not looking so good!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Rivera9Roberto: @1ortiz1: You think she classy niggah but she really ratchet ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Always remember that you are a rockstar.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trust no player, fear no bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @DJ_Leezy: @TheKaosYatti @JMuggaaa ya mom lick ass for Christmas gifts bitch lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"My teacher always says \"Has a man ever abused his wife while using marijuana? Not unless she hides the Oreo cookies then she deserves it.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Luke_Grossman52: That's what sports are about. Forget the arrogance and trash talking. Its about making people feel like they are a part ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I hope @USER Ask @USER about the deep state and swamp creatures undermining president's Agendas and latest @USER video","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wow.... a bird just shitted on me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Nicca In my DM talkn bout follow his Instagram .. Lame nicca I now no longer follow you on twitter .. #WhereTheyDoThatAt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Honestly at this point I doubt I'd fuck Miley Cyrus anymore that bitch is a mess.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He was drunk. So she is equally if not more to blame","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kayysavage bitch this shit is SOOOO FUNNY ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Don't ever be ashamed of who you are, unless you're a hoe.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Not every girl likes a sweet ass emoji ass nigguh. Some girls like a \"you sexy af\" ass nigguh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@ChristyMack ugly flat chested prude ass white bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"F a k e N e w s E v e r y w h e r e Guess Who! # #MAGA #WWG1WGA #PatriotsUnited #Qanon #Qarmy URL via @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Life would be so much doper if you could order pussy like you do pizza","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @AudrianaReye: That's my bitch man I swear","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@djsliime: That long distance shit wack I knew the bitch was cheating\"- uh oh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER which is funny because thats exactly what the problematic members of ANTIFA (An officially recognized terrorist group) want.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I don't understand why she should be heard. I SHOULD BE HEARD and I have pictures and scars from my TRAUMA #ILLEGALALIEN left his car in the middle of #405 fwy in 1982 - when I was 18! We were badly damaged! #Kavanaugh #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Don't judge us Mainers by this (clearly insane) proclamation. He's off his pins.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Even those who voted leave did not vote for this @USER @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Why are you the way that you are","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But I'm calling this bitch yeah ok after you called me I return calls especially if it ain't my girl http:\/\/t.co\/6sSxOpuHge","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@IAMHICK3Y @chillbr0chill bitches on my dick but look at me I'm fucking beautiful","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @rightwingertoo: Uh oh: California solar plant fries thousands of birds in mid-flight - Hot Air http:\/\/t.co\/8ZQnLR5fH5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER We don't support gun control in Texas. So long Beto!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Miley Cyrus just wants to hump things and smoke weed with her retarded ass.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"All you bitches extra easy when yall drunk lol unless ur sober friends there to save youu","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You can't pretend to care about women when only those attacking conservatives count. Got it? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Rene_gadeCowboy: I have to agree with Charlie he's spot on... http:\/\/t.co\/9lcmVE9i1m","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER He is so adorable. I hope his birthday was wonderful","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @eeerik23: Jimmy Graham is one ugly son of a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Halloween is a hoe holiday","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Are you saying they'll become another victim of the Clinton's?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Maybe while he is on the DL someone can show how to wear his hat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"andgt;Literally runs through the wall. There was now a hole. Master! You are okay? URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Remember when for decades conservatives yelled at liberals and progressives for being moral relativists (they weren't)? That was fun.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER What the actual fuck. I hate that I've seen that with my eyes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"The big homie Drizzy threatening these hoes... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"That's not am Buller point on the list of voters needs. #wiunion #wipolitics #wiright #MAGA #NRA @USER #democRATs #demonicRATs #PervertsINC URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @grindingdude: #13Hours of hell. Obama flat out lied to get reelected. #killery >>> think I fell in love ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Landon sucks I asked him for my birthday if I could play with him but he never got back to me so Landon you suck","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @CurrenSy_Spitta: Some bitches think a trucker hat automatically makes them a model.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Negroizzle @AnastasiaPacana @IHeinz2012 @R3lentlssTr0ll @M_Overture i trusted you queer cakes! wheres the passion? she made me do it dammit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @transtrenda: Okay okay but. Trans birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"shitting on these crusty hoes http:\/\/t.co\/1oOHx1y6Xt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@logan_wills what a bishhh slap a hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Wonderful to talk with your mother before the speech today about my friend Amir...you are blessed with a strong family ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop rt'ing Celtics trash please","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you work a graveyard shift, she cheating on you off tops. Somebody else gon be tucking ya bitch in.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @virleehol: @cbinflux Well we sure as heck know how to read. I'm reading the trash right now and almost everything I've heard on the web ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@EaglesandHeat @Bpfillherup @SoleUniv nigga you done bumped yo head. Li nings fire but Kobe 9 Elite golds are trash!? http:\/\/t.co\/NaadECTQAk","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Giants vs. stinky birds Sunday ...think Ima make some wings ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I know a man who went to prison at 18 for killing a cow. (He took the hind quarter home) He was given 5yr. He is over 50. Why should he not be able to vote. Don't talk pardon. They are seldom given.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yes she is. So why isn't she under investigation?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER They'd be fired if they came out supporting Trump. Twitter would probably release their addresses to that pedo group.....what's their name again.......oh yeah......Antifa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lol! Don't hold your breath while you are waiting - because it's going to be about 6 more years of President Trump. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER honestly ya when i talk about my opinions on gun control ppl are taken aback. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God dam man that freestyle is so retarded that its fumny af omg","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"When niggas gimme their mixtape and it's trash #YEET #Fatality https:\/\/t.co\/i3drCdIvN8","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @PvTruest: #Nevertrustabitch never trust a bitch who has a fresh copy of master p album","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @SimpsonsQOTD: That's a very nice jig, Kearney. Now isn't dancing much more fun than bullying?\" http:\/\/t.co\/dk7rcqM1FS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER What the fuck? You don't care about your friend? You are not a real friend then he not losing anyone special then cuz you can't even be a real friend and that's sad","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Hit his bitch I'm like shaggy I'm like no it wasn't me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER That so many \"thoughtful conservatives who rushed to Kavanaugh's defense didn't consider their own statements re: black teenagers tells you everything about how \"thoughtful they truly are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@marackaf: @white_thunduh: Aye yall ima tryout for the bowling team frfr tryouts passed tho\" no theres two more retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You've lost your mind. That shit is unsanitary af. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @_amaaari: bitches be fake af ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @10thAmendment: Jihadi Killed #BrendanTevlin In N.J. W\/ At Least 2 Others,Part Of Terrorist Ring 10 Yrs Ago http:\/\/t.co\/qZtXJv9x8J http ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Coley_Cee @Campaign_Papi @They_CallMeShay lmaooo coley just whammmmed him add this to it swervee bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"A yellow jacket landed on my mouth and stung me while I was cutting grass..safe to say he won http:\/\/t.co\/caYUcS8O01","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@radar_online old cunt needs to die","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @mjr_success: Me and Wes in this bitch dead","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Me to @sarayeagley \"Caffenate me, bitch\" because I don't know how to use Dave's coffee maker #struggles #CLEadventures","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@makenzies_mask ur a boss ass bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You really think the Riott squad left you this message? Read into it more it says Fear Nikki. Nikki Bella Fear @USER she is coming for you. This dressing room is only the start of insanity. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lil stupid ass bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"you know what they say, the early bird gets the worm. *puts gummy worms in your morning coffee*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@APrivilege lmao.. Brutal for the nigs who can't get jobs, lol..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Trump... an Ive league billionaire and negotiator extraordinaire!! Jan... #Resister !! I'll take Trump!!! #MAGA #Trump2020 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All I need is one, I don't want \"the hoes \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You can buy a bitch erything in the world I bet she still find something to complain about","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Kentucky Fried cater to da white folk. No colored menu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\" bitch nigga miss me with it \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Smurf a real cat bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @DS_Arrogance: Hahaha these niggas funny ask RT @1BookieG: @DS_Arrogance @HG_Shit I bet I can pull at lease 3 bitches with them ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Fucking sucks when the refs are against you. #KillTheZebras","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#TjohnGang lil bitch follow me ! http:\/\/t.co\/sd8UhT4DNY","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is a beautiful person to teach values to her kids. Teaching them they are royalty but keep to keep it from going to their heads. Stay real ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @VersaceSilk: When you try to tell grandpa that 70s music was trash https:\/\/t.co\/kYULQZoBC6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is a trash bag in my hall thats been there for like 2 wks. Weird thing: it changes consistency every few days","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Find her ass and push her down some stairs by accident. Throw some water on the floor. Shit. Kick a bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER USA Antifa are connecting with the Philippine's CPP-NPA and vice versa. President Duterte should be informed about this!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like weed brownies and cookies, im straight but seein crooked, got muh trippy kit hope i trip and fal into some pussy #tunchei","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Luis3Baez belle bitch?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"It's stuff like this that makes black people look retarded. It's not expressing yourself its stupidity http:\/\/t.co\/MxbGfPvICF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @hiiphop: I still ain't got the time for a bitch to be acting iffy ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @trackinBlackKev: @MichelleDBeadle shut the fuck up dumb bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER im just a reality based results oriented kind of guy... how it turned out, is what informs my opinion.. not my idealistic dreams .. all liberals are progressive.. all conservatives regressive. all within varying degrees relative to their location.. all politics is local\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@rubberchloe okay love you bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@LoLDyrus It's retarded. Ignore the harlem shake fad and hope it goes away soon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BitchNiggaAlexx: Girls be 6'0 talking about \"catching feelings\" bitch you need to catch this TD pass I'm about to throw you smh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Left my last bitch along ain't no need for stressing ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER We as conservatives must join the fight against Transphobia\" -National Review, 2020\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Thank you for what you are doing. For my daughters future.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER No no that's shaq silver back looking ass ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"jesus christ youre a fucking retard if you believe in Mercurian retrograde affecting your life","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Lol Lebron a bitch.. Now that basketball is back say goodbye to sports center.. It's Lebron center now..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER How about sensible gun control?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ain't no bitch doe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@FlyoutChase @Harold_Major LMFAOOOO if that bitch didn't change his @ so much I could find more","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Papa_Woodall: I hate bitches who be laughing with they teeth. That shit is scary as fuck to witness. Like cover your mouth hoe.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Chill__Nigga: I can't be in my twenties stressing over a bitch who playin games. I'm straight lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Happy birthday to the biggest retard out there. Youre my favorite retard though @jennahnorberg happy birthday nigs","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Now Comes The Pain............... #MAGA #WWG1WGA URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER 60 minutes is the one that had bragged about her and her story. you guys thought it was great she was female CEO. that was your story. Now she is the evil one. CBS - why don't you verify before your reporting??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Double down on rating. Bet NCAA loves this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TEYANATAYLOR: Me and this bitch may not be the best of friends, but this cover??? #STUNNING! #LoveIt She ate that http:\/\/t.co\/N5z ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I hate bitches who thinks everyone wants their nasty ass like no you're not cute ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"happy birthday my nigguh @Dee_gotnoHOES","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER WTF? Already thin D backfield just got thinner.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER the Free press\"??? You mean mainstream corporate media??? You ought to look into what you are speaking of. I come from a line of journalists and printers that were and are an integral part of truly free press. WE are not shutting down speech, the LEFT is. Antifa. @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Mdnate interested. Just wanted to see a better pic of the soles","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AnthonyCumia Enjoy it,I'm happy for you,but I hate the Yankees,and yes the Sox did choke","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're such a pussy ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @NotoriousB_l_G: Girlfriend = FaSho pussy.. Ho = Some mo pussy.. Dont lose your FaSho pussy, tryna get Some mo pussy, and end up with NO P ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Calling conservatives hillbillies...hmmm that's original. Funny how many \"poor hillbillies you tweet about have incomes and IQ's 4 times higher than you. Your humour sucks btw.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"16 postal workers slaughtered in Oklahoma with 12-gauge Winchester 1300 pump-action shotgun. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Time to bounce in the Bronx. #LetsGoYankees #Walkoff http:\/\/t.co\/W5ATfRsLKK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Ford knew the moment she came forward anonymously\" that her name would get out. This was an effort to stall the #kavanaugh nomination. 35 yo Accusations that knowingly can't be proven. Throw mud at the last minute. This is what the #Resistance looks like.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Oh my god. They're so fucking cute.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"But she a bad bad bitch make you late for it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"son of a bitch. I hope I don't get the e- bola before I can ride my Harley at Sturgis.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He is repulsive.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Is she a memeber of antifa? URL #KAG2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Ok - you hear about the superman\" thing all the time. And you are certainly busy, but, this could be an EXCELLENT opportunity to step in, in the movies for him as Cavill is steping down!: URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know what im into nigga .. Money and expensive bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@SchoolBoyG_ why you gotta phone in your avi texting but you got negative bitches?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Who cares! He is a sick head!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Hopefully they don't get shot because of Repug inaction on gun control.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @_BeautifulKeezy: these hoes be playing w\/ me like I won't send baby Cain at they niggah !! yesss messy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Indoctrinated programmed to believe EVERYTHING #MSM #Propaganda tells you to.. The left are the nutcases.\" Acting stupid in a Senate hearing, antifa. Hate filled\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@HomoHulk told you them bitches was mad even, g.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Embarrassing for the liberals....I wonder who those women raped in school ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"' Being in love stressful ma niggah .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @CauseWereGuys: Texting bitches at 11:12 to make their dreams come true","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"That hoe said...my booty on fleek lmfaooo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Holy shit the retard episode of Wheel of Fortune... AGAIN. Fantastic!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Now a neighborhood nigga like me ain't supposed to get no pussy like this","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Further proving that #LiberalismCausesMentalRetardation and #Feminists are a cancer on the American Republic","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER CNN and others involved in Conspiracy Theories\" and propaganda while they protect (Antifa?). So I guess the 2013 Bill and 2016 Bills for propaganda does protect \"State Media\"??? URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Just because he's in love with her doesn't mean she is. They don't need to go there. It'd feel like another LF situation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER All it needs is warm beer and I'd be back in college.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Wu_Pac @bestfrycook stfu bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Thank you for your conscience and actions.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't fucc wit Coward cuz he a bitch n left LA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@CogitoErgoBibo Penske runs the 22 in NASCAR. It's yellow. There's a sponsor already there. #WouldMakeALottaSense","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Dreams_N_Money: 1. For male rap artist if you not talking about money, bitches and drugs niggas don't wanna hear your shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Anyone concerned with mass gun killings\" should reject \"gun control\" outright as unconstitutional. Especially since during the first 80 years of the Twentieth Century alone, \"governments killed some 170 million people. Facilitated by \"gun control .\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"He never replied to my asking about his calling me a \"redneck\" @gigg423 @psherm07 @EchoesErrant @jstines3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER LMFAO NO But he is in his undies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @amaurer13: Just saw someone riding a bike while wearing camo, the bitch is asking to get hit!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Since a lot of you lil bitches wanted to add the 5h hashtag into all my tweets I'll do that shit back #vote5sos","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Take off you fucking hoser!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @PattyChocMilk: #teabagger math http:\/\/t.co\/lOiZi6fM6U","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER many thanks to Karel in banquet services - he is treating our ONA student newsroom team sooooo well. We really appreciate the whole team!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CuhCuhCuh: if a bitch let me hit ill leave her CRIPpled cuh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @eternalhbic: if u got cotton mouth u can eat my pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"U can't stay the same and expect change. U can't truly expect a good man if he call himself nigga, nigger.It means the same; A No Good Person!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Pooh_foe: Niggaz talk more than bitches these days..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Should I expect good pussy or good but not good for you pussy from a Tampico drinker?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I love only one (1) bitch (you) URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@CanIFuckOrNah: What would y'all lil ugly bald headed bitches do if they stop making make-up and weave?\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Karma is a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@OutterSpaceSWAG @ChipChipperson @out Chippah I hopes you ain't be hangin wit dis wigger boy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Shyyyyyt, 12 hours ain't no hoe... @_SHAYALICIOUS_ This fulltime..12\/hr plus overtime and benefits sounds real good to me ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @Whoscherry: Ever met a bitch that fucked with your nigga but was to pussy to admit it ? A bitch for a bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"got like 4 hoes in my low pro","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER They meet many many fans it's amazing that he remembered her don't be a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"These bitches been killin me all day","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@NicoleJeanxoxo haha pussy lololol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Alejandro_Bihhh @CapoDaAssHole lol cause these hoes love me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @ArmyBulldog20: @AcmeHandle Nothing that the Russians did in their support of the rebels surprises me. Putin views Obama as a pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@Poobie_: When bitches TWERK on the computer....ME: \"In ya , in ya damn \"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@FattyyTooRaw well Ontario is like kind of a dump now that the ghetto moved here since its cheaper to live here so.. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@USER Liberals attack private lives when they can't attack policies. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER As long as they vote Republican.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @decider: #2 on the field, #1 in our hearts! What if @Yankees star Derek Jeter starred in \"Back to School?\" http:\/\/t.co\/nSZ6xGjkLV #yank ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A 50 dollar card make a young nicca go hard .. Throw in a cell phone i can get you left on the yard!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#Trumpwashing and US liberals' historical amnesia are the real definition of Trump Derangement Syndrome... URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I suppose if the anti-Trumps had accepted their loss with grace, did some soul searching and worked to draw voters, then the animosity wouldn't exist. Instead, pussy hats, Antifa, Trump supporters=Nazis, the resistance,\" impeachement...we acknowledge your animus and return it.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#DearFeministMen there are easier way to get pussy w\/out sacrificing your man hood...best of all they dont include losing ur self respect!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @tokmetzis: Dreigdwergen, haatsmurfen en de Roze Khmer: hoe Twitter een slagveld werd https:\/\/t.co\/lhVKkkHQDF via @decorrespondent","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER ...theyre setting a horrendous precedent here. Any horny teenage makeout sessions are now open to interpretation and hazy recollecting..?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER You're on Twitter so you have the internet? Here's a condensed basic history. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ikesizzle: RT @ericajenee_: @_SheDAzzle: Ike finna have the bitter bitches upsaught - and he don't care lmao | not at all","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Exactly this Anna! She is full of it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is a wart on society","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Lol niggas still be talking about me threw bitches smh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"AntiFa fascists and Socialists are one and the same......time to respond ! URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Sad day for all liberals ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"16 grade school children shot dead in Washington with 9mm Beretta. The NRA blames gun control laws.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dumb little broad , move the fuck along bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"REPORT: Christine Blasey Ford prepared to testify' but there are some catches\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@ItsYahBoiRay: @anelylove if I don't get my dick sucked at yo party by a bad bitch I'm fr gone set it off \" *by @anelylove *","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If you LIKE #chocolate or #sodapop and you tweet bad about #HappyColumbusDay..............YOU ARE A FUCKIN\" #retard #HYPOCRITE>","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#WhatWouldYouChangeAboutYourPast the hoes I wasted time with","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @i_GotHoProblems: These bitches don't love nobody and the ho's is for everybody!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER You are really enjoying ei","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My arguement with she's the baddest white girl is \"she's trash\".Her argurment with she's trash is \"But she's paid\"....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER You are not alone! Will say prayers for you. Hang in there!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ItsDomanic_: @fabbymichelle @BrianLovesAss_ alright i'll meet you there and im not a fag , in fact Brian don't give her shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER bitch i saw your whole ass tweet from wednesday you bitches always talking shit then back pedaling lmao just admit it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"followed all not previously followed. #maga #kag #walkaway #trumptrain #nodaca #iwantthewall URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is @red_is_raw such a bitch? I mean who gets mild salsa? His father should be ashamed...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@YessMe_SHAY I want my poms back lmfao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This #MEME got me Driving Mrs. Feinstein #Chinese #chinesespy #California #WeThePeople #DrainTheSwamp #Justice #ClintonEmails #MAGA #WWG1WGA @USER #CaliforniaWildfires #RedPill #FactsMatter #FactsOnly #MakeCaliforniaGreatAgain #kag #DNC #LiberalLogic #Truth #MSM #facts URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i really hate when hungry bitches put dick between friends. i swear yall should get beat the fuck up. ill show you friends.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"He got Channing Tatum as his bitch,I'm out","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"16 year old stabbed in Dagenham this evening and the liberals are worried about data protection. #c4news","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Our debt is not unsubstantiated. It is backed by the full faith and credit\" of the United States, except when conservatives decide they don't believe in that.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Another elitist who is out of touch with the patriotic Americans!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Sgp still in bitches dms","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Money has bin on my mind lately so I think its time to leave the hoes alone and get with the program ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@NurbsTheOcho8 @tori_mills02 not dykes or anything ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @DamnFoodPorn: Oreo Cookie Pancakes #FoodPorn http:\/\/t.co\/q6EvCvM3sO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @kvchef26: \"@xomaryjeanxo: It's my pussy not yours http:\/\/t.co\/qokhLnXAi1\" I think this gotta be my favorite naked picture ever....damn","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @OsvaldoVause: This bitch about to get dragged LMFAOO omg","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"It's lame that you can buy clothes that look like real military clothing.If you wear it I will make fun of you.You're a 4 star bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @AmazingTiming: Bad monkey! #AmazingTiming http:\/\/t.co\/UD5XkiaNVt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @CommonManKFAN: And that's why mock drafts are a joke my friends..... Anyone???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FoodPornPhotos: Oreo Cheesecake Bites. http:\/\/t.co\/ybOQrrTJyt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All these bitches want love from scrappy .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Idk bro @JactionJ: a bunch of hoes really doesn't compare to having that one faithful girl bruh ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @JessicaChasmar: Media Matters executive behind #StopRush campaign blogged about trannies, homos http:\/\/t.co\/mje5KVl7rf http:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @LinnyKravtiz: The Mona Lisa could've been a bad bitch http:\/\/t.co\/dj3oDVDAP0","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@ThankYouAriana no one asked bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Bro's before hoes, not bro's over your girlfriend","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Dumb ass fake bitches childish shit!!! Talk mad shit about each other and back to BEST FRIENDS? lmao","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Bull ! How much is G.SOROS paying you for your statements against the PRESIDENT of out country ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @UnapologetiicB: What's it like being a cold hearted cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Hell no!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SharpayyDoll cunt nigger fuck balls tits cocksucker piss dick kike. If you can't take swearing, don't go on the god damn internet.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Tolerance? What, in sharpening knives? 200+ years Jihadis have been a pain in our a$$. @GermanShepher10 @crookedwren @allahpundit @JammieWF","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER yep truly she is a paragon of beauty.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Give me 1m and in 5 years we will hang out if she is not married.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would leave my crib and go somewhere but I'm pretty sure I'll die cause if my bitch ass car sliding everywhere","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@JRise88 ill fuck you til you love me faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER How am I villifying him? He literally did have a 2 hour rant about imaginary bolsheviks and how women should just stop complaining. If you think that is no true wrong\", then well, I got news for you buddy: it means you are as shitty as he is.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Boycott NFL. Let's bring them to their knees!!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Video: Charlie Baker remembers Tom Menino http:\/\/t.co\/vdaOWLZksv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People are sick of books from crooks. #MAGA #RedWaveRising URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER No longer on guard, Marie smiles warmly. Merci. I love when I am compared to my father. I look up to him in many ways.\" She looks down for a moment and then back up. \"He is also my sire. Unless you already figured that out.\" She laughs softly. Marie beams at the question. +\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BiertempfelTrib: One more from @JimBowdenESPNxm: \"Yankees wouldn't be letting Polanco sit in minor leagues, because they're all about w ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I seen Scooby hoe some niggas at the gardens too ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @_nicolehayley_: @Thompson_Era ahhh you know who? So smart Donny! but YES RT Yass! I'm glad you speak your mind to these 2faces hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER andgt;New People's Army from the Philippines is being helped by Antifa in the USA and vice versa I suggest you send this to the Philippine government contingent. They need to know about this!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@iStandy is he chunky?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER try meditation and breathing techniques!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Jessycaa_Rubi: You swear youre down n the realest n you stay doing little bitch shit like that","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"These hoes ain't loyal...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@GirlThatsVonte: These hoes be thinking Meat won't slap they ass \" ainna bruh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Man I'm glad I can make y'all's day. I just be saying stupid shit on the fly. I ain't trying I'm just dumb lmao URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Pedro is a little bitch cause he never DM me.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@lifeof_brandon text me bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm a pull up, eat on that pussy, and dip","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@Migsmichelen: This new twitter is confusing the shit out of me.\" Go back to south america bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@KingHov1313 @Pr3ttyN33 song trash....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Now_Thats_Fresh: When you sit down and realize you really dont got bitches http:\/\/t.co\/qdfHYALKA1","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Give me a break!! #Unbelievable #liberallosers #Trumpman #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Followed and Retweeted All These Awesome MAGA Patriots! We Must Get Fired Up and get all our people out to vote in November or we will all be in for so much lawlessness The Dems Are Planning on Bringing Impeachment Proceedings even though there are no impeachable Offenses committed","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Good luck","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SelfMadee_YG: @1stBlocJeremiah wya bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER You are so far of the mark at times. You seem to be completely detached from the masses....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER i feel like he is weird eitherway cuz the league was supposed to start yesterday and they havent say shit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TomBradysEgo: Might have a better chance if we put some trash cans out there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"worst thing a bitch can do @loyalshawn: Bitches main reason for being in another nigga face is to get they nigga jealous . Wack . ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"When you're grinding with a bitch and she's knocking you over with the booty http:\/\/t.co\/UAyeF5mb0p","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Borgore pull my panties down with ur teeth and write the alphabet w ur tongue on my throbbing pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"It's a bird? It's a plane? No, it's Peter \"Walkin on Air\" Byers @pistol_pete96 http:\/\/t.co\/WHECP5kDci","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FriendlyAssh0le: It's annoying as hell when girls tweet about \"bae\" all day. We don't give a fuck bitch. \"Bae\" is somewhere cheating ri ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Maybe your underlying theory is wrong. There are a number of ways in which the nomination supports MAGA. Some of which Trump has hinted at.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Followed All #Fantastic #MAGA #Patriots Look forward to you following back. Thank you and have a wonderful day ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER You're interested in making me glance at your tweets because I think you are Nintendo for a split second.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hustling aint for everybody either .. Jus like certain niccas can't hoop or play football certain niccas can't hustle","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I impress da young white girl next doe by taking out my giant negro thang and usin it to flip da hamburgers for da #KoolQueefTribute ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Watching Richie Rich! On Tv..Even he wanted to kick it with the ghetto kids..Shows yuh how much Money Aint A Thang!...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Maybe Antifa asshats? Those who physically assault others for their political beliefs? Democrats are NO Saints and neither are you!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"It ain't nothin to cut a bitch off","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER True. But are all school shootings and accidents with toddlers done by bad criminals who would know how to get a gun? Highly doubt it. These are spontaneous acts\/accidents that would be dramatically reduced by gun control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I wore a tutu, no bitch would want me that's what our dog is gonna be telling himself everyday ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Yuu Hinouchi gets fucked by two guys until she gets her pussy creamed http:\/\/t.co\/ElXktXI1Lv","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"All my young boys round me sayin get money and fuck these hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER If you cant give me stitches when I get cut then you are NOT a doctor. I dont give 2 shits how long you went to school. The End!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Hovaa_ what about yellow spots?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@That1guyJeff Low blow, cuntface. How many times the Yanks beat us in the playoffs these last 8 or so years?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This old bitch with floppy tits riding on the elevator with me is nerping so bad","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER pretty much spot on there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DarthMaverick7 @Xcntrik @religulous @chrispyosh Rather than believe that there was a man who was the very definition of good, u mock it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KxRxSxB: Sometimes I turn my phone on loud to tweet just to hear the bird chirp. #TrueStory #TeamiPhone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is a wonder dog he could have a couple doggie girlfriends","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@ImToBlame bitch you opulent as fuck refrain from conversing upon matters of the middle class.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER I have plenty of conservatives I work with that are not afraid to share their racism and hate for democrats. It is sickening","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @JustDoIt_Rob: @Kaaarlizzy bitches love my laugh..lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I never said no one died in Sa Juan..I said she is only in charge of one town out of 78...don't get me wrong many people to blame...in the case of Ricardo Rosello he is terrified of Trump and wants to please him at all cause. Im sure Rosell and trump knew the count was higher","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @assholejaay: does being on my dick make any of yall hoes feel relevant ? if so , re evaluate your WHOLE life .. thanks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @DontForget_E: bitches be having reality twisted","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"For every hoe out there there's some nigga out there tryna save her and make turn her into a good woman...she jus keep ignoring his texts","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#liberals making life unaffordable by taxation URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Glad I ain't got no bird legs ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alarm set, early bird n all that. Night all xx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I don't care how good a player he is if I owned his club I'd suspend him for a year make him train with the youngsters to tell them what bad looks like set the example","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @almostkanye: Nights like this I wish, ride low in the Chevy hit the switch. In the city burning killa with a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"stupid cunts","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER He is a show boat with nothing to show for it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JayUcci_: mfz in this bitch sellin chicken wings and fries","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @WhoSFlyy__: i was ready to delete my entire instagram app when i found out one of my IG crushes was selling pussy on backpage for $75 f ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@neemjemoeder @SvensTweet @Harry_Dillema @wltrrr steek d morele vinger maar in j neus, zelfde soort types bij NATO stenigt vrouwen by bosjes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow... RT @TayNic So THIS is why big titties were slandered today?!! U bitch! RT @Alyricz: Stop the bullshit ... http:\/\/t.co\/ghWS4TJT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"19 professors and students murdered in Connecticut with .223 Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle. The NRA blames gun control laws.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\" like Snoop said in 94 we dont love these hoes \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"There's a green bowl high. A spliff high. A j high. A blunt high. A moke high. And a Moke + coffee high.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never put nothin pass these hoes cause all of these hoes straight ratchet","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Shine on them hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Sakurako legs spread wide as she takes a big cock deep in her twat http:\/\/t.co\/36CVHP6C70","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"She's definitely a Kardashian bird RT @BasedChasen: http:\/\/t.co\/RY3ocBwVTn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Null_Hypothesiz: Omg you own a microwave!? Fancy bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Maybe she is lying? Why is she not responding","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never give a bitch the impression that u need them","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If the crust ain t graham cracker, keep that pie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Lol. Why do I have to assist so often. Swearer's and Lott's international comparisons and Lancet's 90% drop are equally garbage. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @that1kidzi: Ohioans clowned on Kid like, \"It's sooo warm here! What the fuck is wrong with Minnesota?\" Well that bitch Karma teamed wit ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER And the issue is much greater than gun control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MrRideThruThaD: Let me tell u funky bitches bout a pimp name c. I ain't payin for no pussy and my dick ain't free","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"The devil grows inside the hearts of the selfish and wickedWhite, brown, yellow and black color is not restricted\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KingCuh: ouuua ita siana. alu polosi ho nifo NAMU TA'E.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_IamQuiNichole it's a song, ion kno y he referred to his future wife as a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I ain't afraid to cut a bitch, or open a package or somethin. #Gangsta http:\/\/t.co\/3RbXlChr4f","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@WolfgangAbedeus @NickFilancia80 @clair3ismon3y You can tease this dick faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @LadyMercia: Mother of Manchester 'terror twins' who went to Syria to become Jihadi brides snatched by ISIS ... http:\/\/t.co\/trhNMdVnCM v ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Wasnt it just recently that john brown gun club got kicked out of a shooting range for being antifa\"?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yansii_: This bitch don went super saiyan 5 at walmart http:\/\/t.co\/xkF59toVcK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"That awkward moment when a hoe says she's not a hoe.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER she is the only (semi?) important girl chara so ig thats who normie fans relate to? like also its teacher\/student which is an obvious straight ship","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Savage can fuck right off, shirty cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Never bring these hoes to my house cause these bitches talk","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I wasn't given the option to stay home and stack money but I always tell people if the opportunity is given take it Shit hell out here","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER bITCHC IM UWUING","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @airam12_: @T_ReV_13: Some of you bitches are DUMBBBB they are everywhere trev. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Overton window shifted a while ago. AP is leftist, wsj maybe centrist And lol that CNN isn't hyper-partisan\" but fox is? Ok Have you denounced your extremists, AntiFA, Keith Ellison, Linda Sarsour, Ocasio yet? I've denounced ones on the right...\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Here he is! Peaking out of a Hizbollah flag. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Noworriezzzz: Two hoes arguing bout who fucking who for x amount of money lol what","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@polotags20 pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER fuck yeah !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER God wants us to die to ourselves. To put down our selfishness and seek Him and His will. He is so awesome. The depth of his eternal love is so humbling and awe inspiring.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been tryin to tell niggas RT @_nicarrag Lesbian porn have the finest bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @DeePaul19: I ain't got no type, white bitches is the only thing that I like! #dead ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @AtlasSmugged: women only play casual game like Kim K game and anger bird. They don't play real games, like Male Power Fantasy 2 or Jingoi ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @BurgerKing: What s going to be your pick for #SelectionSunday? #2for5 #WatchLikeaKing http:\/\/t.co\/aBam30gSk4 Dis make colored folk happy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Why should #SerenaWillams be paying a fine for speaking the truth? She is not responsible for a #coach who apparently was trying to sabotage her - not just the referee...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER even he is conceding his own spot. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @OpTic_NaDeSHoT: No longer a side bitch @ProSyndicate http:\/\/t.co\/qWcUNa7vcV @Zneezy2Good ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@b0ssladyre just ate a wees brownie and is seeing random cats","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Breitbart is dead","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER You are my hero","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER It would be better to call themFaux liberals\/Fox Liberals\" b\/c the word \"Liberal\" is not bad (moral philosophy) and I don't want the word to be tainted by people who don't know the actual definition. Look at the word \"feminism\", society changed its meaning into something negative.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER FUCK OFF","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"6Lack just made it on my sex playlist baby wam wherever you are get ready to get pregnant cause wow ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Rob_San9993 ha lol like at selenas horny bitch lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @SpaceCatPics: Meow, bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"My alarm clock should be $$$ callin lol wake yo ass up and get this money bitch !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Well done ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER this jag off ref Tony Corrente needs to get out of the NFL. He is a bias piece of garbage. He made a HORRIBLE bad call in packer game which changed the game. He is a liar and won't admit when he's wrong! NFL PLEASE FIRE TONY CORRENTE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Army of god?????? You have no concept of who God is. You are army of hate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Where is integrity in any of these Trump hating agencies. Justice only works for liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER She is great","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER You are gorgeous","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER That's because he is a Quack","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HilariousBubble: Scientists recently discovered that bitches, do in fact, be trippin'.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @b_kolinskyy: \"Drop that bitch\" -@j_hikes on the atomic bomb","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"y'all moms was hoes with no morals so i ain't surprised","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @UmChillBreaux: it's never about the hoes he's entertaining , it's always about the fact that he's entertaining these hoes !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Carrey is becoming weird like peewee Herman...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"1. Pretty close @Rosegoldracks: 0 trash ass nigga@07Cannon: @Rosegoldracks: Quote this and I'll guess your body count ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER you are too funny!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gave a homeless guy a couple bucks today and didn't even say thank you, just walked away Ha okay!! Ungreatful son of a bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"good dick tattoos bitches like dat... talk to dem any kind of way the bitches like dat...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@YEHits_Von: @Run_DRC: I must be a bitch you are sike naw\" This why we always beefing ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"hahaha this dude on my timeline says bitch in EVERY tweet.hahaha I'm rollin at some of them lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER and May need to end the stigma\" of living in BandB by allowing councils to build more AFFORDABLE social housing.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate bitch made niggas that think as soon as they get some pussy theyre bad ass. Youre 18 as a junior and you bang freshman. #bitchnigga","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'd shut the fuck up or I'll just be wide and batter any boy you ever go out with haha. Im a cunt, so wit? You cani do shit to stop me... :)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @PickinUpGirls: It goes from \"baby\" to \"hoe\", \" I love you\" to \" Fuck you I hate you\", \" I need you\" to \" Fuck off\" from \" You're my eve ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"a bitch in my math class right now is actually eating just straight up Nutella #WEREYOURAISEDINABARN","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Im the niggah she really wanna ride wit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@SelfMadee_YG wya bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is an absolutely beautiful gorgeous woman Inside and Out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Republicans don't believe in expanding government. Conservatives want to shrink government.... you are a fake conservative....you are a treasonous fraud.... enjoy Russia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know what fuck that bitch and you didnt react? girl it's me and you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Ketchup on tha beat hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Maybe in 2020 (if Trump is still around) the Democratic challenger will invite all the women Trump has threatened or raped to the debates. #Fear #BobWoodward #TheResistance #MAGAts #MAGA URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER There are more good people than criminals. If the good people are armed the criminals won't stand a chance. In the USA the cities with the highest violent crime rates are those with the strictest gun control. The Swiss are all armed and trained - violent crime is rare.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"HOT ISIS SOCIAL MEDIA PHOTO: Laughing Jihadis Get Baby To Kick Severed Head ***warning, graphic*** http:\/\/t.co\/7Zr8daxNg4 #tcot #pjnet","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @exjon: Before covering up #IRS misdeeds, creepy little leprechaun John Koskinen cooked the books for Teamsters and Freddie Mac http:\/\/t.c ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Iggy is trending. Twitter's trash today.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WeavilynMONROE_: I heard big booty bitches can't take no .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Here we go this fat bitch started talking and now will never stop","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Did Chuck think Juanita Broderick credible-Keith Ellison's girlfriend domestic abuse credible? The truth is Chuck is a sh*t stirrer for a cause. In this case- ruin a mans impeccable career-embarrass his wife and daughters-all in a sleazy days work. Y?Liberals destroy what dont like","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Bob dickbrain\" Woodward. \"I wish I were Ann Coulter.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't stand this fat bitch next to me, with her hairy ass legs kiss imik","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Just by looks this guy has Antifa written all over him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Big bitches be like Im Thick yea bitch atound the midsection","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Austin is a funny niggah","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@twittwithjosh @cher oh, see cher? see what your particular brand vitriol creates? A boy who thinks it's ok to call a woman a cunt. #libtard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@TheRevAl you are not a cat.you are a pussy! black bored kid kills a cop by starting a fire.WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE YOU PHONY?!?!?!? @FNTheFive","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Tell them lie speakin lips they should try pleadin 5ths, more often bitch and refer to me as your awesomeness.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@JNunchuckfuck u can just ask him to suck his dick not that hard white trash","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@AC_Hussle bitches are hoes don't be surprised","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"Generate ASCII boxes with NodeJS\" all I see is the ability to bring flappy-bird in node via ASCII tubes and bird ^_^ http:\/\/t.co\/lRJWDFhv7T","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Papi_Chulo25: The fact that all y'all hoes gettin pregnant wit no ring on ya finger ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Omg bruh said this bitch look like a female JB smoove lmao http:\/\/t.co\/UR5n1iuwjM","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @basedamERICan: \"Aye fam you think you can line me up I saw a bad bitch in Mrs. Bridget's room\" http:\/\/t.co\/OAl9WlJMgE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"No i dont own the pussy i just sample it!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Fuckin pussies passed out.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER The astronauts used it! It means A-OK! BHO is photographed making the sign. It means all is okay! It was a joke to see if the Libs would bite! Boy did they! Now get the video back up! And apologize! The Liberals are insane. Liberalism is a mental disorder!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER {| That's okay!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@edouglas528 I know how you feel,wait,no I don't. Perfect week for me would be Yanks not getting Lee #goSox #goPats","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NoMeatballs @mtaraban is so excited about his red velvet brownie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER lol.. why don't they ever do it in the head to protest trump.. also aren't these people all for gun control? tweet tweet. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"im a hoe for forgetting my umbrella","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER only the real ones .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We're going to make the school look so redneck tomorrow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER BURN your Nike gear. Everyone I know is done buying Nike. Oops. Conservatives are the ones buying from Nike. After all we r the ones making the money There's way way more of us Nike","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Nick_504_ @drewbrees nigga I still pull tho, and fuck you bitch u stfu","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm a bad bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Cee_Murda94 bitch is you drunk or nah","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER God I hope not! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Birthday today bitches and I gotta work :\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@_Perarl bitch all these thick bitches with they ass out on TV , do what you want","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Damn those shiner rock those bud light platinum and that ciroc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @doddynyc: ya bitches luv throwing bread crumbs on the ground and complain about the pigeons who come flocking towards ya","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I hope you all accidentally get a fat black bitch pregnant","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BrosConfessions: \"If you are nice girls, they will be bitches to you. If you are an asshole, girls will want your dick. #womanlogic\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is the scuttlebutt queen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let him fuck his side hoes in peace smh RT @Morganbaileyyy: wish my boyfriend would respond to my texts :(","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Man, that is a serious shiner Chara's sporting. Yowza.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@midyWIDEY_: I'm rea start smacking bitches period !\" Bluffin at its best","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"These hoes always gone Thot around to who ever give them attention at the time","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Korean | korean girlfriend pussy http:\/\/t.co\/Od1MQUudnN","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Your sister brie is s perfect wife and mom who loves and respect her husband she is not like you and you always loves to grab or grind with other men","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Amazing how Dems don't feel they owe it to unborn generations to keep ILLEGALS out!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Yes Melania is wearing her I DON'T GIVE A S___T JACKET AND DONALD CHUMP IS WEARING HIS GO F___K YOURSELF JACKET JUST LIKE ALWAYS. HE SAID THAT GOD TRUMP IS IN DA HOUSE AND HE IS ABOVE THE LAW. We did a marvelous job in PR many went without electricity for 6 months but it's cool.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stood outside for 5 minutes to take a phone call, went back in and looked in the mirror and saw a Somalian. Fuck the sun lil punk ass bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"4\/ Even before that, in 2015, Britain's most senior Foreign Office official that the Conservatives' prosperity agenda\" was now more high up the list of priorities than human rights URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#morningjoe prove him wrong righties! Liberals use facts cons use emotions to make decisions. Facts be damned should be the teabagger motto","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER she is the cutest ever!!! thank you honey!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER how're you going to communicate with customers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Liveitupjersey: @1SleepingGiant @ccass357 The only thing that cunt talked about was me crying about the traffic jam. Knows nothing abou ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Be very careful because you are in danger of pushing maps back into the closet.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER so you are not covered even at 350?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He was saying niggas who say they boycotting Nike for the military are racist because the military fuck with Nike ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I don't fuck wit hoe niggas","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@greekkid31 @TaraSetmayer @TheWillDunne yes true reagan was the first..ike wouldnt. While president and he was supreme allied commander.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @miilkkk: bitches came over, yeah we threw a party http:\/\/t.co\/t0wnbyvLrZ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I do have one more serious question though. I am wondering if liberal men actually have balls or is this a birth defect? What would ever happen if the left and right went at each other. LGBT be your front line??Antifa next??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @littlechelleeee: hos will literally do ANYTHING to say they got a nigga dawg ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Dis nigga look retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @nerfgunirwin: @1DAlerts: Just saw Ashton. Hardly anyone cared. Waiting for Harry wtf bitch I'd be all up in Ashton's grill you feel?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER are you talking about me? I'm more Green than MAGA.. sorry if my Twitter grammar isn't up to par for you.. my eyes are bad.. maybe you'll critique my latest article too please.. I don't have well-paid editors so I'm sure I do slip URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @OneandOnlyTina: What I know:You support killing babies, mock the handicapped, slept your way into Harvard then ditched your hubby and ki ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SpankxBoogey: Ultimate bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @ITSMeESPERANZA_: @nhalegood: When hoes feel like their photo didnt get enough favorites http:\/\/t.co\/xezFP0uybA that's me thirsty ass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Why don't you say he knew those emails were approved to be released. He knew he could release them. His grand standing got called out and his theatrics are unbecoming of a US Senator. Call him out or you are FAKE news just like @USER calls you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm with 3 bitches and 2 of em mix","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I don't have an iPhone so I have to manually ignore these hoes http:\/\/t.co\/YXMHy17O1U","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"mickeyblowsyourmind: who wants to be a skype group with a bunch of offensive new york city queer folk Me!... http:\/\/t.co\/BPgdvs8qD2","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He is NOT Supreme Court worthy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Somewhere i saw that the real reason that gun control was first pushed in the 60's was to keep the guns out of the minorities hands.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DreadHeadxx bitch hallon","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @FREDOSANTANA300: Might see a bitch an forget i hit it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Blame the rush Feinstein. She sat on this for two months. You and your party drove this timeline on purpose. Live w it. I hope someday someone accuses you of something and you watch your entire life's work disappear. He is a person w a family. Remember that!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's definitely a bitch everything in life is ruled by money. Such a moral heartbreak.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Dumb bitch leave me alone","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I've noticed that the 'capitalist' idea of individual rights never extends to the rights of individual to act in concert with other individuals towards a common goal (socialism). Capitalism assumes that everything we do is selfish and profit-driven.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm a redneck, but without the homophobia and racism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tell a hater I said fuck you tell your bitch I said fuck you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @x2Pac_ThuGLorD: Whatever. No matter how many times kids fuck me over I will never become I pussy. I promise you that.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @funnyorfact: If I was stranded on an island and could only bring one thing, I would bring Dora. That bitch has everything in that fu ...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You're full of s***. It's the Liberals paid by Soros who are doing those things","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@HermosaAlma: This isn't ghetto.....it's smart https:\/\/t.co\/MPAzQ3Jswf\" I'm doing this idc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FoodPornsx: Oreo ice cream. ~ http:\/\/t.co\/thrkAobdVj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You niggas that would rather your girl wear jeans and Js instead of a tight dress and heels are faggots..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"The question alone RT @KfromtheG: What city got the most bitches with gold teeth?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Viri_BraceFacee wassup niggah","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Well said these remanics are so thick.!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dumb ass bitch i swear","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@MARCO_naw_POLO Slutty ass dykes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @drunksixthgrade: 7th grade bitches <3 http:\/\/t.co\/USAEZLCs5v","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"High then a hoe but played it cooooool","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"cousin: why is there a bird on your screenme: it's twittercousin: i poke youme: that's facebook","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Kavanaugh is reportedly at the WH right now. URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BadAdviceDog: when you look like trash and someone compliments you http:\/\/t.co\/RRQzsYM4tY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER BUT MR. JOHN KERRY POTUS IS GETTING THE JOB DONE IN SPITE OF DEMOCRATS LIKE YOU WHO GROVELED TO THE IRANIAN MULLAH AND TRIED TO BUY HIM OFF WITH PALLETS OF CASH and RELEASING FROZEN FUNDS! YOU and OBAMA'S CROOKED DEAL HAS HELPED FUND TERRORISM WORLDWIDE! TAKE A WALK INTHE WOODS W\/HRC","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Today history is just repeating itself. Liberals have got away with these disgusting tricks for too long! They need to be stopped as this is deeply damaging our country. Democrats should be more concerned about our country than power and money. (I know that will NEVER happen)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER your political analysis' have been blinded by your obvious bias. Otherwise you couldn't have come up with such wrong conclusions. Turnbull was the biggest threat to the Liberals existence. Removal also proved that there never was such thing as Turnbull's popularity'.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmaoooooo RT @HeauxmerSimpson RT @iluvfashion618 Dre really is a big sloppy bitch. He's fat as shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Once we break up, ion want the pussy nomore... RT @CPrice_504: Y all really hate @Xbox huh?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@NaomiDanielson that's like what some trailer trash chick would name their cat \/-:","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @thecrewfinest: \"@187XO_: Me and ma niggah @thecrewfinest In the Func fucccccccked upppppp \"I'm Here On!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @RahleeFranklin: This bitch got a body like Trey Songz http:\/\/t.co\/KSiqmY4W8D","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I got this","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Why these bitches be gettin instagrams just to post pictures of other bitches?? i dont get it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Got you're bitch panties niagra falling","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Good Arrest them all! Arrest the crazy NDP leader @USER as well. She is Having her lil minions take a fall for her! She planned this! Will she be paying their Legal fees? I think not! The immaturity level of this goverment party is disgusting!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I tell the baddest hoes beat it unless you gone strip ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Amputees' limbs have grown back in his presence! I guess he'll do it until they cart him off in a strait jacket.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i thought garbage men were supposed to bring trash to the dump but they wouldn't take me ha ha ha. self depreciation ftw.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER reading when the letter doesn't say that they know Ford. Unlike the Kavanaugh letter where the women say they do him. The left wing\" liberals aren't threatening this woman's life.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER HYPOCRITE!! You run a commercial about ur support for gun control and protecting kids showing ur kids. Really! U support ABORTION. What's the difference in that and a gun? They BOTH KILL! @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Going up to the view point and seeing star child..... What the monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tryna determine if she a bad bitch, but then twitter saves her http:\/\/t.co\/WNBfuiuU04","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@monkbent What's with that come-at-me-bro bird? Stressful.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GwendolynC28 thanks nig ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER that's exactly what you evil liberals do. You try to intimidate people so they can step down. I guess bullying is OK when it's done by liberals","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@FaZeDAVlS @SoaR_Wvyy @SoaR_Haze @FaZeOutcsT this is gobbledy gook to me because i dont have the game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER yeah way to ruin the fucking hype. this is why you werent invited to dennys after we finished with andreas lol.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Gvmby: This bitch possessed by the thot demon. https:\/\/t.co\/FHfgbsihhE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Hairy | 21 year old hairy pussy cumming on fingers http:\/\/t.co\/KvgoxkN9vG","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @taymy_: I be so confused when y'all be tweeting \"I wanna bitch that can roll my weed andsmoke all night with\" like wtf kind of standards ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is Real Rocky Oh My God !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The feeling is mutual sunshine!! You are probably #Antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember. Just like we tried to tell you. You don't hear from Roy Moore's accusers anymore. They're running the same play. #ConfirmKavanaugh #MAGA #ChristineBlaseyFord","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@msteffens32 @StonerBoii2cold back in high school w\/ one. fuck these hoes now nigga lol thats what they for","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @SteveStfler: Can't trust a bitch who lets the microwave hit 0, she doesn't care about her life...she probably jumps on the lava part of ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#Protests Reported in #Sunderland Except these are #football fan and one #flag says #WestBrom on it?! Getting worse now even as I type?! #MAGA #MEGA #MBGA #MCGA #Conservatives #Patriots #Muslims #FarLeft #Leftists (doomed to lose but do not realises it) #CivilWar soon? URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Take a moment to realize Jimin is 22 and she is 39 years old. 17 year age difference. Breathe that in.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER you ignorant fool how did you become ag. I forgot it was ignorant Obama. Its not current occupier of white house. Learn from me ignorant idiot He is the President of United states. If you think he is not your President then leave this country and go to hell.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@StephenStone4 you bad little bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Shower rod that hoe http:\/\/t.co\/TdZXBl6Isf","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER monster hunter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER This is all you need to know about Liberals! He represents his party well!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Jay_Tee92: @armani_bliss: this ghetto jeopardy shit wack. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Grateful Trump doesn't have a dog in the White House. He is a cruel man.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @UberFacts: The strings attached to boxes of animal crackers were originally put there so that the box could be hung from Christmas tree ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @MyDick_SuckThat: Who that pussy wet for ? http:\/\/t.co\/CruDDDHxHh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Patty. You are injury prone like me. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Holder is a known PERJURER and race baiting Obama stooge. Nothing big he says should have any meaning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CaramelKushh: these bitches love wyandanch niggas i tell you , i always see yall o.t bitches out here wit them . but keep frontin for t ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @SenseiQuan: Hoes ain't shit RT @Now_Thats_Fresh: How superficial bitches are http:\/\/t.co\/KIN2P59NjE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I'm glad you think so. I know you could kick his ass yourself, but I'll always have your back.\" He knows he is doing his best. \"That's awful. That you had to live like that. No child should have to experience such things.\" Shitty people like that should not be allowed near+\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If I smoke with ya bitch its over","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BitchImaSavage_: Real niggas move in silence bitch niggas make a scene cuz they not really wit the violence","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Ben is a terrible person that probably raped some people. He is a vial human being in my book. Has nothing to do with his on the field play. I don't like him personally.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @Erikaj00: I saw a girl scratch her private today.. What that mean? Don't fuck her right in the pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Shalewis09: Larry Elder is an Uncle Tom. I cannot believe how he is degrading a child.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER He is a Senator and Trump is President. He's not wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Christine Ford is an admitted friend to Bernie Saunders and she is Known to Hobnob with other demo politicians! Most shocking word is Kavanaughs mom a Judge ruled against Fords parents in a forclosure case in mid 90s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She be thinking she throwing that pussy back so good and all she doing is throwing ya nut process off","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Fighting on the Internet is like competing in the special Olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"*60 * Sixty year old! Man ...... she is fine URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He is probably trapped in his mind palace. E-Every android model has one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER There were no good people on the side of white supremacy. The good people on both sides that Donald Trump referenced were those who the media purposefully ignored who were there on both sides of the removal of historical monuments that had nothing to do with KKK or Antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER You are pathetic. This has nothing to do with him his dad or the wall or Mexico. This is about Swallwell thinking its ok for liberals to threaten repubs but not the other away around.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @LuckyLanceJ: A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.~ @DrMayaAngelou","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BudaHefner74: It ain't no hoe in my blood ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Gasoline RT @_____0__o______: 12. What did the last pussy you had taste like?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"The nerve of people though... Cant take nobody serious, i continuously laugh at you hoes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @wb_kaylaa: Fake bitch : hey girl Me: http:\/\/t.co\/GDiiwRDgNO","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @dajhane9: bitch I'm not concerned about you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Chicago Tribune: London Mayor Sadiq Khan And The Ties To Farrakhan He'd Rather Forget URL via @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @3amado_carrillo: Just checked my watch n that bitch said sometimes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Yeah ok antifa lover see you in the streets ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LesaMonroe: Fellas, guess what.. We don't like to be asked why were looking mean. It's called \"Resting bitch face.\" WE JUST LOOK THIS W ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER The next Call of Duty game should also take the opportunity to tackle the gun control issue. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SuckMy_John_Son: #VolNation bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER You are part of the problem. You are the racist. Wanna address this ? @USER @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Lol my brother a fag Mann","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Bags Bags that's that bag money trash bag black and it's filled up with money","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER The Kavanaugh debacle has given me a great number of new accounts to mute on both the Maga side and the blue wave side. Seems nobody stops and thinks, Does this argument help my side, or harm it?\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Idc about none of these bitches .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER BUT GUN CONTROL!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Then tell your pal Soros to stop funding hate groups like antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER That's right and don't you forget it. MAGA. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never keep leeches in your life. If bitches take more than they give, it's time to cut them off","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I love when people bitch about athletes being payed to much.Like they'd turn down millionsWhat the fuck ever!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER 79% say they are the same of better off! #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER This video made me join Antifa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Boobs_Shoes: On some real nigga shit some bitches need slapped...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Anderson lies and you report it as fact you do get except for BLM and ANTIFA you have no REAL viewers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives URL theresa_may: I'm pleased the Government is investing 2 billion in new long-term funding to build more affordable and social homes. Everyone deserves a decent and safe place to URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When that dyke almost came for me when i didn't send for her <<<<","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"The #teabagger #freemarket really doing wonders in #Bangladesh these last couple of days. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #randpaul","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@complex_uk: Ashley Young has tried to deny that bird s*** landed in his mouth ---> http:\/\/t.co\/mlr5eWgonK https:\/\/t.co\/AvCHFj7reM\" hahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More bad news for Democrats #MAGA URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER \"Because you are alone dang Mama Chu isn't taking any prisoners","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Humble personality, not a hoe. RT @LoveMeDarlingg: 21. Best non-physical feature the opposite sex can have?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @hoes: Emma Watson #TheOscars2014 http:\/\/t.co\/INeOGli7G9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JonnyFootbalI: Fuck bitches, get touchdowns.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@ScHoolboyCole you a bitch for","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Amazing how much money is being thrown at this guy by liberals freaking out. Beto epitomizes everything that is wrong in America. Vote CRUZ!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER We had Leveon Bell. Thats the dumbest argument. But we can compare college for when he played. His best season was 1700 yds 26 TDs. How about Collins? And this is Conners first year starting and he is starting much better than Collins","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @rhythmixx_: @Weyheymariam @jaymcnuggets that's how I drive you bitch http:\/\/t.co\/drK5C0txtQ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@_iGotHer ; bitch dont talk at me like that bro.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Sandy Hook was used to drum up public support for stricter gun control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @YungRalphMaejor: @iDocLyfe: Worst movie you can think of? Fan that fucking trash netflix be posting shit that looks like a porno","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"ALSO WHAT'S UP BITCHES I GOT BANGS AND IT WASN'T A MISTAKE I'M SO EXCITED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DymondMarie1: Shoutout to your main bitch !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\" lames crying over hoes thats tears of a clown \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@TomcatStraight hey fag, gag on my clappmeat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I hope you're also spending energy focusing on #antifa and the endless attacks on conservative citizens, cops, journalists, their destruction of property and the strange phenominon of journalists\" ignoring them? Just kidding. Not like you're a real journalist\/documentarian.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER She is an opportunist. She wanted a cabinet post but Liberals rightly decided she wasn't good enough for the task. She crossed because Conservatives promised her one. She is a person with no core beliefs. She is not credible and not to be trusted.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Black_Angelo25 chill cuz you'll regret it bro, your hitting that hoe rn why quit?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@tajacasanova @macy_engweiler you're are only a hoe when you fuck him and think you're pregnant ... Not when you party together ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@BetoDavidThomas @JesseCanon bitch my mom didn't call you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Because she \"is a woman?? . Uh..wasn't her opponent a woman...not getting your ill formed point here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Nearly made me contribute to Antifa and join Facebook. Nearly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hahaha I see you niggah ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @MizzCreme: Her being albino isn't the problem. Its that gut, that hair, and that fish net she decided to wear. Sooo many things wrong w ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Then this bitch singing sounds like a horse being choked","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Actually what caused these tragedies is FAILURE OF HAVING GUN CONTROL! You have GOT to remember that there are a bunch of people in this country that could do so many things to harm people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I guess all of those old white guys DO kinda look alike... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER They could literally give two fucks af like ummm okay thanks ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @ShitPussiesSay: What's with all these pussies turning themselves into Yu-Gi-Oh cards lately http:\/\/t.co\/sfVcNdHWzV","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @imGONZOE: Im hooked on money.. The pussy and weed is just a bonus!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@ozwashere What the fuck is wrong with you. You can't call urself a man if u call a girl a bitch. Ur a fuckin loser bro","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@WyattNuckels *thought retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm XXX triple x rated bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Liberals are against abortion too: we call it birth control.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Has this guy got acorns in his cheeks or what. Lack of walking around sense is astonishing with liberals.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"My sister said my step mom is a cunt. <3 i love my Sister (:","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Mitch...that's not true...a big thing would be to remove all you GOP NRA shills from office and elect people who understand what America wants....the majority of Americans wants sensible gun control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @taysymonee: Some of you hoes got so much to say with so little ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @AlaysiaMichelle: I just wanna get filthy rich and have a nice big house full of bad bitches that I could fuck anytime I want ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER As soon as Kavanaugh is seated you can say goodbye to federal gun control. Never in your life will you see it again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On ya pussy rap sheet it's a whole lot of bros !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@MarcSesslerNFL ya 5 games are you a retard?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TheMav41: The price is wrong bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@JavieTheCreator @its_selenaaaa haha yuhh that hoe was funny","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@King_4_Murphy stop being a pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If I had hair, I would seriously go for a perm now. Genetics is a stone cold bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I was such a pussy back then lol like its crazy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I know sex sales and we all know Ridge was going to choose his daughter jmo I wanted Hope to get it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I think he will get decent minutes win the champions league rotation coming into affect. He's much higher up the pecking order than Herrera or Mctomminay. He is essentially the 4th choice for a 3 man midfield. So first option when resting or even more like today and last week!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @GreatGawd: Name something trash Cavs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I can't believe Twitter would ever target Conservatives... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @gordonshuckrow: Can you call someone a racist, then call them \"white bitch\" in the same sentence without losing credibility? @Franchein ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I say grab him. What a difference maker. He is a home run hitter to compliment smoke. Means we release Grant and Snead has to take over. Don't know the whole story why Browns would release him. But he is a legit number one WR","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Danny Chris and I should not be allowed out in public together #cunts","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Y'all bitches better stop the madness .....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This bitch think she fancy with her old ass C-class get the fuck on","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Can we all stop pretending that the Catholic Church is not the seat of Satan on earth?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Fun fact: rural areas with extremely high gun ownership rates has nearly-zero homicide rates while urban areas with extreme gun control (low ownership rates) has astronomically high homicide rates. Why is the correlation exactly opposite?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't tell me Ryan Tannehill's better than Dogshit Alex Smith's trash ass too. Fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@meaghanyockey @DoltYourselfs @annacoman Thanks for saying hi today bitch!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"WTF I'mma do about my legs Charlie Murphy...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Another funny thing is how they refer favorably to Japan because of gun control but admonish Japan for their refugee policies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER It now makes sense how gun control is barely an issue vs immigration.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I named my dick the truth Cuz bitches can't handle it lmao","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Jared_Carrabis: Mike Napoli is the toughest son of a bitch I've ever known.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"blue-sapphire-earrings 18k-yellow-gold-clip-on-diamond Alexandra Earrings in Emerald Crystal on Emma http:\/\/t.co\/5j3lRXgrcn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @constantini_c: Who wants to be @ImFlyinJryan's 600 follower? Follow bitches! #cruze2014 #Pittsburgh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TheKyleHardy: Serving size is Latin for you re a little bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You are becoming the court jester of the senate","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER If this fan were paying any attention at all they would know you are about to bite into an heirloom apple DUH.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MitchTierney @slings_x_arrows I ain't no lady bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Better play your part bitch don't be a smart bitch cuz I might have a change of heart","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @HBCUfessions: \"Mannn these hoes for everybody\" other words don't love these hoes especially at - FAMU...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"1 Year Ago Today Cherry Oakwood Radio Hostess went Home to be with God. She is URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HollygroveShawn word!! school flow on a dumb hoe...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is thick though? Wtf ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TRU_Realigion_: Let a bitch try me try me, Ima swing her to the whole mf family ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @KINGof334MOBB: Skinny girls pussy be good den a mf u don't feel nothing but pussy. + 100 points on the board for skinny girls.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Elder and Owen have been the bravest in pointing out that the culture is part of the problem. Liberals have engrained this short lived culture. Culture can change and will being black doesn't have to be linked to poverty and resistance.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @CuhCuhCuh: bitches who smoke cigs are disgusting cuh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"U coons watching love and hip hop ain't you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"now that's interesting!?!? #JFKJr @USER #kennedy #qanon #maga #magical URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ion trust no bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"RT it for me. Please and thanks @BmorePocahontas: Did a pierced pussy just come across my timeline \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER They are obstructionists. Anti-american. Pharisees. Ask them what they are running on and you get nothing. Maga!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@karlamorenoo niggah you dont know me! Lol you dont know my life aha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Best Remedy = #BING !! AND...#NeverVoteDemocRAT N E V E R!! ** #MAGA2018 **","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Because he knows he is going to Jail soon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All I want is bitches, big booty bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He is contacting his followers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @rcooley123: Bill Maher mocks gullible America for missing the real enemy http:\/\/t.co\/ApnsVg35Uf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Summer is over, so all you half naked hoes are gonna have to find a personality now. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@vampirrrra thats right niggah Netherlands!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Gun control is racist. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Thats bc she is crazy! LoL thats my nicca tho! RT @PACOS_way: Man I swear idt nobody mom is cooler than mine yo.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER is the only one worth slapping your cock on #cocktribute and cumming all over #cumtribute she is my CumSlave after all ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER I remember you. My sister told me what you did to her. You are lucky she didn't call the police.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SomthinBoutSara: When I hear a baby cry at a restaurant I can literally feel my pussy slam a door closed and throw out the gone fishing ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"How I'm supposed to know you not just a butch dyke if yeen got a beard, my man?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I got my mind on my money, all I needs a bad bitch so I can ride round the city and spend this cash with","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"An if u aint a hoe get up out my trap hoooouusssee!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Went to an open house today and the place was trash. Ewww","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER I think @USER is corrupt a back biter and a snake","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Ha ha yes fuck yes ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"These niggas be actin like bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@collegefession you are a bitch!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@JennaHord12 Nooo Amber's supposed to kill me fag","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @FriendlyAssh0le: i dont give a fuck what my ex is doing... bitch isn't my problem anymore","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Gutierrez you're such a liar that's all you guys are good for","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Ladies you are not a hoe if you fucked on the first night. Don't let these lonely bitches lie to you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Sometimes you gotta settle for an average lookin bitch wit a good personality just to prevent yourself from gettin cheated on","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @This_Sarcasm_: my tweet wasn't really about you. but if the shoe fits, then lace that bitch up and wear it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Not \"us bitches\" ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"ray Allen like, \"MAN!! that's some goddamn motherfucking cunt ass bullshit!!!\" cus it is","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @nikejap: Bae: go talk to your other hoesMe: http:\/\/t.co\/WjFjmsf8aV","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Im trying to come back as a fine ass bitch next lifetime....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Hope he is enjoying himself while he can ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @maycie32: @Whitecholo23 ya by being your bitch;)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER and yet Congress took away ALL GUN CONTROL LAWS when they took away Article 4 sec 4 US CONSTITUTION from the PEOPLE thank you Congress","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER As a gun control leftist: I'd rather a child had a responsible parent that locked the front door and didnt let her get involved in the neighbors DV. Shir, if the .22 was where she could grab\" it, but couldnt leavem shes lucky he didnt find it first.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ThequeenSOxILL Nappy headed hoes can't call anyone ugly, stop embarrassing yourself pls","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@rhythmixx_ bitch please","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER the cover and your hair are glorious","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just start blocking dissenters, you coward pussy. RT@joederosacomedy Patiently awaiting a drop in my Twitter followers. Nothing yet.Oh well.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Man you really thought this was it huh URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time 2 kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Work out while I renew my food handlers card online. Push play for this dumb class","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Awesome . Of course the left will think differently but who cares. This is great!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MAGA are PERVERTS AND DEMONS-PERIOD! NOTHING IS SACRED OR INNOCENT WITH THESE MUTTS OF SATAN URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"First game first play. DAT can fuck my bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Tip_It_In: #IfSheCantSuckTheDickRight slap it on her forehead.. The bitch needs a spankin.. discipline her ass ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @cloudydino: Fuck with us and then we tweaking hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER you are awesome! Thank you. You give humanity hope!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"don't let your side bitch settle in, I might have to headbutt you Evelyn\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Nobody voted for it... But these right wing @USER seem desperate to deliver it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @IamMrEchols: 9 times outta 10 a bitch gonna know if she a hoe or not","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Reaper drones pinpoint Jihadi John http:\/\/t.co\/IBScZeLxXe via @MailOnline","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Can you believe we just had a President with a fake ID?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GinaMarieZ all I did was bitch about Jessie, still love you anyway","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER its okay but you are the emo too i'm not LOOK TO YOUR ICON AND USERNAME JUST LOOK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@karlamorenoo aha your welcome niggah ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Why you shouldn't eat pussy unless you love her http:\/\/t.co\/BkpLT6D9ax","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Gosh Alejandro you cheating on us.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think its funny how hoes talk bout being faithful.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@RickBakas Not hard to...she's kind of a hoe. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @liltbrodie: \"Damn..... I ain't got no bitches\" http:\/\/t.co\/BYtu7zJ0TX","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER The really frightening thing is that plenty of Antifa are stupid enough to believe this is true. I'd put a bet on the first one to try it being a woman Antifa. They seem to be the most stupid and more willing to vitue signal their way into an early grave.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@kingtaylorxx @chanelisabeth I'm a boss ass bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Can you blame her for not having her life destroyed by Trump and his cult her children the FBI should do the investigation he is going Federal FBI must be afraid of Trump might get hit by a bus Trump has a book of the ugliest names u can call someone like lying Trumpstard URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER ......Oh What about Kyle's since he is one of your many adoptive dads\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kratataaaaa swag bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#MorningJoe the closer it gets to monday the louder the liberals will squeal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@robbiegallinis hey bitch boy #nigorprobz","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @CayMarieee: @WhereYoHussleAt: @CayMarieee bitch what u gone say bitch for. We're on the phone bitch. Cuz to the let these Mfs know ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"To be clear, I don't think there's any chance Krug leaves for Russia. But it's fun to mock the speculation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ohVixen I love laying in bed by myself because I have a twin size bed and bitches be takin up 3\/4 and I ain't havin that","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BigNorton: I tweet like a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Yous a bitch ass nigga @LilReese300: Rt i Push the tape bac till around Labor Day weekend turn up...#300 ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@iLGDaily: And smoke weed in public, fuck cops man, do what you wanna do, they don't own you, run if they come\" are you retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Never seen a pussy he didn't like.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#Scottish @USER @USER running out of excuses and #lies to justify her position URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER So pretty yet so naive. Great actress though. Everything she said was not of american values and was against freedom of the american people. Gun control doesnt work. Just look at Chicago.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @yung_gleesh: If rather fukk a bitch dat fukks eryday den fukk dat bitch who try to hol n be a cold whore n da sheets i cnt een look at ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER They will try don't want attention on released FISA documents","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Agree 100% Jay No wonder FBI back burnered it English appears to be second language high school @ below average use. Also brought attention to being a citizen? Contradicted information throughout high school\" and \"THE attack\" it CAN'T be both. Ford=University=Soros=ANTIFA=Bull\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MenstruaI: rt if ur a sassy ass bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Foto: mimiblargh: ok pls consider this: kingdom birbs (can u guess who is who and what birds they are???... http:\/\/t.co\/NWjUmmEWNJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Thank you Mr President Trump. #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @OhSnapsItsShaq: I feel like no matter how much of a hoe she is if the right nigga put her in her place she gone change .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I swear to god I be in the middle of the club making out wit bitches like I'm tryna film a romantic comedy or somethin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @thejokerxo: \"@Weed_Cloudz: Does SZA have freckles on her pussy too?\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@TasteMyGayness IDC. I can still get it. That's my pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Man I do have hoes and they are all in the same location ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@rlfclifestyle wtf that bitch was driving around drunk","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER IT'S FUCKING TIME!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually I avoid purple because everyone loves it and I'm addicted to pissing people off. I also detest the color purple. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Shake that Bear ... aka two rednecks having sex on a dead bear\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Liberals didn't want to hear from Juanita Broderick or Keith Ellison's accuser why not? Are they being ignored","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Em_99car: Oops! I didn't mean to tweet this (yes I did). #random DVR-ING is a bitch. http:\/\/t.co\/wJ0nyCEl8H","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER and that is why he is trying to end Obamacare so that only a priveledged few can benifit. But his tax cuts are killing us anyway. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2 bad bitches, 3 glocks, 4 choppas","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Actually I think Antifa over took them and YOU contributed to their silence too..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Clearly Durbin lived under a rock for those eight years!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER TeleSmokaCatin' damn that looked better in my head ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Well didn't James Comey lie? Or does it only count of you are not FBI? I thought under oath was under oath. Maybe I am wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @mitrebox: At this point every voter in Florida has voted both for and against Charlie Crist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER she is in fact not latino back to your trade","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Thomas16v: That's my bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Any time liberals think their going to get a win they tune into their head cheerleader. Then they realize the latest bombshell is once again nothing and go back to their miserable existence eating chunky monkey (not racist) and watching Netflix","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @DragonflyJonez: His jeans bluer denabitch. Dont let him lie to you. He's SICK RT @YolieTheJew how you know the pussy was't overrated ht ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@JennyMcCarthy don't let idiots that can't even spell retarded get you down.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I could b out here like some of these chicks...in the streets slingin pussy for a couple dollars but im not","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER She is a activist a women's me too movement whackadoodle.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CuhCuhCuh: fat bitches dont like liftin up they arms in the summer all that dampness cuh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Suzan are you really going to make me get off this sofa to find some damn silverware, by golly you old bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER You are obsessed with @USER She's a millionaire because she is a good comedian. You have money because Big Daddy Bone Spurs handed it to you a**hole.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @yo_fav_rapper: I was HEAD FIRST EVERY TIME FOR YOU. . but now I'm pussy? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"no flex zone.... hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER FASCIST LEFT ARE EVERYWHERE. We must crush them; boycotts work folks.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @DIYcookery: Godiva Chocolate Dipped Oreos http:\/\/t.co\/OSYPnadYtO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER My nurse friend always looking out for me Yeah it's a bit of a wet cough :\/ The doctor I dealt with earlier wouldn't tell me anything and basically threw a prescription for antibiotics at me... which I assume means that he is thinking I possibly have a chest infection? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_katrinasalazar: this what most of yall hoes need to admit . https:\/\/t.co\/SXz6y0HRR0","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Seanability I love her too much. Maybe one of my bitchier birds...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Mr1738: \"I didn't sell mypussy for $65.....it was $80!!!\" http:\/\/t.co\/sHPh98KzOY","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Oh you are in England? Your views on gun control stopped mattering in 1776.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Followed all patriots that I wasn't already following pls follow back! Thanks @USER for a great list of Trumpsters! MAGA! #PatriotsUnite","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this cant be legal ... Right? #KAG #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Turn the entire fuck up, hoes!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @FreshCigarette: Can you cunts go 20 seconds without talking about weed","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"hoes thinkin 2014 turns them into born again virgins.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Not crazy but given she is my wife I feel unqualified to give an unbiased answer lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#diversity has become #tribalism. #culturalappropriation is Left's 'unwinding of #America. URL #tcot #conservatives\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER why cant we go 1 day without things being awful.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @ResiDinero: Hate driving in the rain. -_- you can drive deez nuts in your botch mouth hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Hogg ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" RT @Pr3ttyN33: Don't like me ??? Have a with the rest of the bitches waiting for me to give a fuck ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@litigiousmind I skipped the running. And am eating chips. And brownies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_Rachel_Robbins is the realest bitch out here rt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @IsThatJamesBond: \"@BluntsNextDoor: Good pussy have a Nigga like http:\/\/t.co\/PSBglHnq8Q\" funniest thing I've ever seen on my tl ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"DRUGS> Is why #Giants are losing. Just ask #barrybonds and the HEDGE BET FUND> #WorldSeriesGame6 #faggots","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My bitch cold not average. You couldn't fuck my last bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Sad that you are trying to pawn off another rich Right-Wing type in an age of increasing wealth disparity. A price gouging pharma executive at that. After Trump tried to gut healthcare with no real replace in that repeal and replace\". It's a slap in the face.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ThatNiggaKent already know juss ordered some of this for the weekend @Ohhh_Killem_93 for tha white hoes http:\/\/t.co\/9931VYW9ff","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@wbpictures no, i do not wish to spend $40+ to go to a filthy theatre and watch a fuzzy screen with bad sound. #ANNABELLE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ion like doll face hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"That hoe ask what time it is it's 10:17","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"No hoe shit tho I was bout to say Perro got butt naked bitches doing dishes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Music?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER This is the VetsResistSquadron\" is Bullshit.. They are girl scout veterans, I have never met any other veterans or served with anyone that was a gun control advocate? Have you?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Fuck em","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER And you can see how close he is to tears. I know how hard it is to lose an old friend. They're irreplaceable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's gonna be a long season for the Yankees if this simulation is right #BlueJays #Rays #Yankees #Orioles http:\/\/t.co\/Zc3k9NDB1T","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\/\/ He is still in the bathroom. I really have to go.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SpongebobMemory: The sash ringing..the trash singing..mash flinging....the flash stringing...ringing....THE HASH SLINGING SLASHER! http ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Jontel_20 pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She has no credibility. Lives in a $4 million mansion and associates with Antifa. Who would stab her in the back anyway.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My problem is I got a STRONG \"IDGAF\" attitude. Ion show NO Feelings to these pussy mfs ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER HAHAHAHA omg these people. They thought they would have their way FOREVER. Idiots","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"AND Still I give it the old college try! #WalkAway #CommunismKills #LuciferiaRising @USER #MAGA #Trump2020 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For you bitch niggas out there http:\/\/t.co\/6wI3EPalwo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER if i done what John Kery did i would be under the jail..just saying oncve you are no longer in a position in the gov't doesnt mean to continue illigally gooing around having meeting and talks with ppl you shouldnt even be in the same room with anymore.just saying!!we have LAWS!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER You are kind and attentive. Thank you Peace to you @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LynkinTheDog doesn't wife these bitches http:\/\/t.co\/TVRCzo99oe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Conservatives; the trailer trash party of Canada.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@FabianMleal bitch lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"That beach from Greece is so beautiful why do i live in bitch ass Virginia while people get to live around such beauty year round ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I feel you dude it Fucking sucks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He is useless. I hope he has plenty paper towels. Why can't he act like a grown up???","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER God did not appoint trump. The devil appointed him and I will make sure I do my part to make sure he doesn't get reelected by voting. He is no pious man and definitely not even spiritual. He's the scum of this earth.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"His bitch wan fuck me cuz he sneak dissin me ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @RihannaGlFS: When you see the bitch that been talking smack about you in the playground http:\/\/t.co\/ePdGXMzKSr ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER you realize she is being tricky with the wording on purpose. she is not saying the kids in the ice centers are being mistreated.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can't trust no chick that got a pet cat b those bitches be mad sneaky","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Chancellor_IV naw Bryan said it was trash hotel so we're staying somewhere else","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Must be becos the site thinks Teli is a REAL antifa Teli is a Weeb'tifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't hit women but I'd slap tf out a bitch. No close fisted business though that's some cowardly shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Is this hoe gone dm me back","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"EBHGJHBGJBEJFB I saw this:\"ACH WEBSINGLE XXXXX8898 MARYLANDUNEMPINS\"And was like some bitch named Mary Landunem STOLE MY MONEY!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Montana, Wisconsin, Maine, New Hampshire, North AND South Dakota, Wyoming. All places you can move an ex-hoe to and be happy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Does penn state produce criminals too?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ima shmurda dance in that pussy hoe !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Change the game on u bitches ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Cheater cheater pumpkin eater where'd you find that no good white trash hoe. #trashy #sloots","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @_NenaKelly: Thursday We will see bitches dressed up like if the hallways were runways, clown make up on some girls,guys with pants belo ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Happy birthday to my pops. Old negro spiritual is 64 today lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER A visit to the DC Holocaust Museum revealed Hitler won by 43% of the popular vote and 32% of the seats. He also used the Schutzstaffel (SS) to intimidate his opponents reminding one of the Antifa thugs we have today. Hitler also got the Muslims on his side. Uncanny.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"7. You both don't live to impress people but you are comfortable in your skins and still bring out the best in each other. #AdamandEve","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER My favorite is If you play the genocide path you are a mass murderer in real life\".\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"' Bitch caught a body about a week ago ! Fuck with us and we get to tweekin hoe ! Run up on that niggah get to... http:\/\/t.co\/av9YPjtwxn","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Literally just got up and the first thing I did was chug a huge glass of water","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @GuapoAficionado: Kill em all at once I say.RT @PacDaGoat: The world will be a better place when bitches like her dies lonely http:\/\/ ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"addicted to pussy poppin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Yep he is...Somebody is going down..@USER may finally be exposed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Flabby bird sounds Turrible. Lol. I'll just stick to watching paint dry...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#New post #Former Theresa May aide Will Tanner says Conservatives are 'sleepwalking into opposition' has been published on SAllBuzz - URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Oh you are very welcome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I heard you was looking for Candy Man, bitch\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You out there popping them pills fucking them stank hoes.. Keep it real you ain't really bout your bank roll.. You're satisfied.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER WHAT?? -Are you forgetting Steve Scalise being shot by a left wing nut job? -the pillars of society known as ANTIFA who beat ppl with chains and destroy property? -ur de-funk speaker Maxine Waters calling for chaos Etc only 280 chars Watch something beside @USER and learn truth","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Louis Farrakahn called. He said you are doing a great job of parroting his ideas. (Means you do not have an original thought and that you are actually the puppet here).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I heard they actually are gonna cgi an Antifa flag Now. You know. For accuracy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@IbePocahontas bitch we shot a music video","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Having spent the whole of catching fire telling the bitch next to me to put her phone away, I am now battling the masses so I can buy milk","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @ChiefCaitlin: I forgot ONE letter guys I promise I'm not an illiterate hillbilly ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Democrats and their double sided hypocrisy. Is this any surpise... #MAGA #ConfirmKavanaugh #PJNET URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"GUYS, I just walked into an office, and the secretary has a bird. Looks like I may just find out for myself. http:\/\/t.co\/T9U4VGWJWv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @SAADTHESAV: bitches saying ray rice got what he deserved but just a month ago wanted this man free http:\/\/t.co\/VFN1iS7Wx3 smh ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@_BeverlyNoHills bitch... So they can't hold a real nigga down fa long.. bruh ask mama to pay this ticket fa me!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @LeMarquand: Muslim group slaughters 43 children in Nigerian school, children burned alive, shot and slit throats tried 2escape.. http: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I never said that. I merely refuted the statement that they don't have a tight end. Virgil Green is a solid tight end when he is surrounded by the talent that the chargers have","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My phone acting retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @kid_nipsey_400: bitch what you thought ? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Leelucas_ bitch you not coming http:\/\/t.co\/xdCuuSBa2F","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER They're all Democrats right? They're not hiding it anymore! #FakeJournalists #FakeNews #NoHonor #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Hopefully he is a Titan sooner than later :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@freshestcrook @_MamaTosha lmao he lyin sis! His bitch told me if any light bulb in the whole wide world light up today i ca fuck","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Chayeezy: When a bitch got you fucked up but you devoted your life to the Lord so you gotta stand there like you aint mad http:\/\/t.co\/7 ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Nigga yu bitch made ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is a gorgeous little mini you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Omfg I'm about to murk a bitch all I see is red dude","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@cdnrod And they bitch cause police showed in force.They were the only thing preventing them from getting turned in2 road kill #I70Shutdown","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You and that BBW shit can get TF off this planet. Take these stud hoes with you too.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @DrummerKid0328: Reggie gives me headaches my niggah ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Liberals still don't understand what evidence is. Color me shocked","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Now_Thats_Fresh: The club Promoter tweet \"fucked another niggas bitch last night. Lol Successful nite\" you RT the tweet and laugh. THAT W ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER how? how is this in any way shape or form...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BenevolentDjinn: I hate seeing women carrying on about how they could fuck somebody's man. Ok??? Trashy ass bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"3) Conservatives think it because the NeoCon infiltration that successfully corrupted, and nearly destroyed, conservatism has been brainwashing them for decades to accept anything with the free trade\" label as good - and anything with \"protectionist\" attached to it as bad.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Or get swept in MoTown LOL #Yankees #Tigers #MLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't want sex bitch I only want ya neck bitch lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @JFlocka: Need a down bitch to bring me pizza","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@hxhsharingan666 did you make an animal cracker taco","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"- Had a nice visit with Mommie dearest. I really had to bribe her with Diet Pepsi to eat the rest of her dinner..... She is something else!! Love that lady....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You'll prob hear me screaming","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Or maybe they want to appear unbias so they can continue to give cover to their antifa buddies when they cover them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Wake up black Americans! #maga #Kavanaugh #VOTERED #Trump #Trump2020 #WALKAWAY #KAG #TrumpTrain #1A #SundayThoughts #HurricaneFlorence #HurricaneFlorence2018 #BolsonaroEleito1 lugar #BolsonaroPresidente bb #Blackout #BlueWave #BLM #BlackExcellence URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"You ain't my bitch so lil bitch why you bitchin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER You can listen to it on the Dana Show podcast!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We don't love these hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Old hoes get mad when you don't show them the attention they want.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Actually you are wrong. All of the numbers are substantially better under Trump and it's directly the effect of his tax cuts and deregulations.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bitch i will cut you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Democrats = Thugs","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Good #BoycottNFL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Happy #ConstitutionDay may this day trigger millions of liberals since they don't believe in the Constitution! #Maga","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@trestiffer: Hi bitch No bitchBye bitch\" http:\/\/t.co\/RbcRXMRtQP","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason am going to hurt more then your bitch ass feelings","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @KreoleKilla: Fighting over a hoe is one of the lamest things you can do","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @nyjets: We accept the #ALS #IceBucketChallenge from the @Patriots and @JimmyFallon! We challenge the @Yankees @Mets @Seahawks- http:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ZayySwanson @_EmaniMilan I'm jus Tryn figure out when all dem niccas was together like dat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TrxllLegend: One good girl is worth a thousand bitches = ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Some guy at orientation got asked what his top 3 favorite music artists are and the first thing this bitch said was \"Usher\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Dear God, forgive us for a moral slope of values. Shacking is just a pretty word for perpetual fornication. Let's... http:\/\/t.co\/h0URrTNDfZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER fucking s league football HAHAHAH URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @PETTYfcknANN: gimmmmmie a hoodrat bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"wonder if they gon have em for the low on nigger friday....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Cunts, cunts everywhere.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\" we dont trust these niggas all these bitches \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @the_ironsheik: My #tbt I learn the English from that jabroni big bird but I break his fucking neck http:\/\/t.co\/vDpIq8Zuxo http:\/\/t.co\/4 ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Liberals should be jumping for joy!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I'd rather be buried alive","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @KINGTUNCHI_: I need a new bitch !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Ren , it is not your fault.\" She does not specify just what isn't. All of it. He did not make his father do anything. His father chose to be the coward he was. At he question, her hand rose to her throat, clasping it lightly. She is ravenous. She has been for some time-\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I would never fight a nigga for vagina...that's what hoes do lmao","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#DegenerateArtist KNOWS words> Bo Jingo dangle fan slang ho, ting pang lick drum swing flick alarm bic> But you can't hear fire can you?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I got yo bitch dick whipped","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@rachel_gautreau @babyydrey hey Rachel G my name isint Kenneth ok let's just get that straight you best be backing off before I go ghetto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BASICALLY, #GOP, #ROMNEY, right wing reactionaries, drudgies, teabaggers, libertaritards, all hate our education system and teachers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I've never seen her do some \"hoe\" shit with my own eyes then I refuse to let another nigga influence my thoughts on her. So what?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I don't put nothing pass nobody when it comes money n pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Because everyone knows this is a political stunt and the GOP is going to make him Justice Kavanaugh\" before those midterm elections whether you liberals like it or not. That's what's going to happen and you need to just accept it. Right now you're still in denial URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Amo hangs http:\/\/t.co\/h8UQDrjeCb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Everyone in Washington including John Heinz is being uncovered as the corrupt elites they are...Like cockroaches running from the light.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@BrotherDiabeats take your queer ass dubstep out of here","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Destined to be another bargain bin 10 for a dollar fire starter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER ANTIFA DEMOCRATS are gonna pay so YUGE in November it will be the final nail in the coffin. You are FruitCake Trust Funded FakeNews Journalism.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Dog whistles the minute one of those SOBs use it it's over never would I vote for any liberal ever no such thing as a moderate or acceptable liberal there all I mean all the same some try and hide there hate but they are all scum Your a fool to think they give a shit about you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Ncoleycole y u not on the monkey bars too lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Certainly a weird view toward the Margaret Sanger geonicidal philosophy of aborting minorities. I'd like to know if the black population that suffers the most shares her opinion","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I remember 2 of my friends had this and I was jelly RT @Mike_got_hoes: Had this bitch you couldn't tell me SHIT bruh http:\/\/t.co\/Kz3eiJ4Ugm","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@SeQuoia_Gabris yeah hoe!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @STARgotthatDOPE: A lot of these hoes be cheating on they nigga fucking other niggas. Y'all boys better get y'all a real bitch that ain' ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"for the insecure girl, ya name i won't mention. on instagram straight flciking, bitch you nipple slip away from stripping.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@xoodimpless omg her nips ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Dumb nigguh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @schoolfession: \"Bros before hoes, except chicks with no clothes\" - Everywhere","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @AskWhy05: I hat that I paint my beard shit... Just eat some pussy and grow you one dawg... Quit tryin to shortcut it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Lvl_7_Eevee fake niggah! They fake!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @LittleSavage_: oml i never questioned my nigga ab another bitch and if the nigga ever said some shit like that! that nigga lied.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @AIanHangover: Karma is only a bitch to bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Do we get to choose which women go first?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Dropped a stack cause bitch I'm ON\".-@1PoloBoy Song called \"Dope\".Download the mixtape here: http:\/\/t.co\/LaCZ1e6TG7","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Took yo bitch and gave her back, my bad.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER The problem is, the people who will read this and go oh shit he is a cunt\" already think he is. The rednecks and retards that already support him will believe it is fake news.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"got these bad bitches waiting on me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @treszTHEbest: It's all they know RT @SMCo71: you bitches never gonna b happy following these social sites","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@wtf_swagggbro text me, my phone being a cunt whore.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@TheBikeman99 My father was born in Nanticoke and attended Lehigh. I'm a CT Yankee, but love the Pennsylvania Dutch cooking :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@binniemouse bitch don't kill my vibe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I remember when the game just fucking started.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER We are still here. And you are still singing with your amazing voice. So grateful for folks who stand up and carry on. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I havent checked it so i cant say anything.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER This stupid game you're playing is NOT going to work and Kavanaugh WILL BE CONFIRMED! #ConfirmKavanaughNow #MAGA #TRUMPSTRONG #AMERICAFIRST #DRAINTHESWAMP #VOTEREPUBLICAN #TRUMPSTRONG #WINNING ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @kialloyd22: \"Okay I'm Kia and my middle name's faggot.\" -Dylan","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @asialacap: @ViriDoesItt: @asialacap her face so damn flawless.. I know her pussy taste like peaches and all my life goals lmfaooooooo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER ...her background is being kept under wraps...chance she is a rabid MAGA...as most cops are! Law enforcement entities are attempting to keep quite those who are in trouble and who are MAGA's...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@xoxox_jordan bitch shut up men are talking an @justinmiculka01 @ShaneQuintero","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@bonnoxxx yea cuh a bitch fuc donald sterling .. Cuhz pimpin tho","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Cashbethemotive: @HaveMercyyy @killquana ooh yea @gucci1017 !! Getting all hoes!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@ThatAssholeAlan nick background my nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TOBINSUPREME: y does every female think every nigga they come across is in love w them?bitch I could leave u , smoke a blunt and forget ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Oh Nancy I agree with you wholeheartedly I do not think I have ever hated anyone in my life like I feel about this man The fact that he is supposed to be our leader makes my stomach turn SMH I have lost all respect for the GOP completely that they sit back and allow this travesty","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @rihanna: I ain't got no type...bad bitches is the only thing that I like","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@KINGDOMMINDED__ @_lostb0y fuck off my pussy boi bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER I think the last thing on the WH or Trump's mind is April Ryan. She needs to stop flattering herself. She's not as important as she thinks she is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Qanon #WWG1WGA #MAGA WOW!! Worth watching! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Dont forget my girl Hillary she is doing the happy dance tonight URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The way I fuck her, you would think I love this bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Adulting is knowing who fucked cut off in your future plans.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @GuysPIctures: Once bitches get the D... http:\/\/t.co\/deWE9ttUz5","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Fast and Furious Holder lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @EmotionalSwag15: Go die in a hole bitches ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason restricton g means your license been revoked stop making excuses you a straight up bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@MarsDaBlackman thats why the hoes love her...they can relate to being lonely and depressed lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @CommonWhiteGirI: hiding your favorite snacks from your family bc you're a selfish bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Mr_JSmart24: Its always the singles hoes who claim they aint talking or fucking nobody who mysteriously pop up pregnant","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Following all patriots please fb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"idgaf bout no basic bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER he is doing it to everyone he don't like","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@clfrew27 bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"My down bitch my crime partner ima bitch when he get mad my lil doctor ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#TheresaMay videos in an effing scarf causing vomiting to anyone with a brain .. Is likely because all the #whiteprivilege people she's made #homeless been replaced with #Muslims who will vote #Corbyn #MAGA #MBGA #MCGA #MEGA #Conservatives #Patriots","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER simply cannot accept failure. Former President Harry Truman he is not. Trump will always look to blame others.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't wait to put this down payment on my bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @TooEffinCool The hoes love... #oomf lol ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I'm finna start slapping bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @HennyHeathen: The fuuuck happened to her ? RT. @MrLondon_: Ain't nothin worse than a bad bitch that lost it http:\/\/t.co\/aWJDYD8UzK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"KaasPiet,bloemPiet.?lol men weet van gekkigheid niet meer hoe ze simpele oplossing tegen racisme moet maken.Zolang maar blanke beslissing is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Swamper60 \"Happy Happy Helloween, Helloween whoa oh whoa ho\" @helloweenorg http:\/\/t.co\/Tw0jeExqTy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\" broke bitch cant tell me nothing \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Bitterchick @hellobaphomet Y'all be some crazy white bitches. I wants to lay down wit you bowf.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@ilovemytroops @SenatorTimScott I see. So you feel betrayed, your racism comes out. Shocked you didn't call him Uncle Tom you bitter loser","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JawShoeeAhhh @FabianMleal suck a dick hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@AsapTwelvyy hoes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Better Call Cruz\" is as slimy a piece of the perverted former GOP and a prime example of why those used to be decent Republican Conservatives need to VOTE For BETO\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER That's awesome! I bet Liberals are screaming right now. Trump's face when he heard it was great! Go Trump!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hope y'all kno wen u eat pussy u one inch away from death.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @nerdkiller669: @ShinSnipes did u steal those glasses haha stupid nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER If we don't \"get rid of moonbeam he will sink our state into the pacific!! #2020MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@iAM_tRoyal5 @Briscoefunnyguy @I_GotOne @_KaeeJones naw he should drop that bitch off in south Dallas with the rest of the homeless dogs","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"#Loomer Rachel Rollins a Dem running for DA in Boston. She plans to decriminalize what she calls petty crimes (e.g. breaking and entering) she is running in a crowded field and is being hailed by the media as the best candidate. Thanks for doing what \"conservatives refuse to do! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And the definition of freedoms is also important. For instance, most of those countries have strict gun control. Some will also jail you for calling somebody a name on Twitter. Against the law in London to carry a pocket knife. However, some label those freedoms\". I don't.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER You are a bright star for Texas.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"' Niggah said \" my girl off limits thirsty niggahs stay out her inbox \" But the bitch look like Kunta Kintes... http:\/\/t.co\/VeqZF9IK6Q","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Christian conservatives don't have an orange god\". Neither black, white, green, pink, or any other color. His name is YAHWEH!!!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You ignored my question, which is crucial to the argument. Once sensible\" gun control is imposed and another shooting occurs, do you truly believe they will not push for further restrictions?\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@thesportsjudge. Sometimes a good hoe fire needs some Rocephin too before it'll go out.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Every Psychology class has that annoying cunt who relates everything to herself just bc she has ADD and her parents got divorced #NoOneCares","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER He's by far SC's best option. I don't want anyone else to start. It's just the reality of who he is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FlowDaddy24: @_RinkO0 @d_brad80 @0biwankobe @zielonkoo @peterbyers24 @coleduff24 @datdude_zp big booty hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He is not to be trusted","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yes we need gun control. It is out of control!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Liberals and conservatives judge eachother on the actions of their worst characters. Liberals have in large quantities showcased a blatant hypocrisy today that will allow more people to write their ideas off because of the hypocrisy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GrizzboAdams why you crying then baby back bitch?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TrapicalGod: If she has \"You know my name not my story\" in her bio you know she a hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Moniqve_: hoes be mad at you cause your nigga wanted you over her ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER SUCH SUPPORT SPOOKY AT MY LOWEST MOMENT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER HOW CAN PELOSI BE SPEAKER? SHE IS MENTALLY IMPAIRED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER You will be sadly disappointed as they conservatives are also marxists...they now control a police state.........ONLY UKIP WILL SET THE COUNTRY FREE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Rhiannamator: \"Who's my bitch?\" I am, Stephanie. I am.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@_theDarius bitch get that job first.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @larryelder: Holder asks, \"What AG has had to deal with that kind of treatment? Tell the whiny little bitch to call Alberto Gonzales an ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":".@USER asks @USER to respond to criticism that the Liberals only care about anglophones when it's time to get their votes. Couillard says that's not the case: I think people know my sincerity on these matters.\" #Quebec2018\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Wont matter to me. Cannot stand all those holier than thou liberals- somebody told them society beloeve they are brilliant experts on politics- hehe- ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER there is a culture in greek life but I think alot of that comes from presentation in film. once we are away from our parents people are more free thinking some I agree with some not. you really think every frat is maga crazy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@thereal_EMandM texans d\/st won't play the redskins again this year...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @savethesehos: Your bitch when my Skechers light up . http:\/\/t.co\/vqLUSPYqmO","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"If I hold the door open for you, bitch you BETTA say thank you or imma slam the door in ya back.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"My nips are freeeeezing...and that's not okay because they're slicing through my bra....\" ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He looks just like Fred with a moustache. HA HA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER If Kavanaugh is confirmed there will be two sexual deviants sitting on the Supreme Court. Both Conservatives and nominated by Republicans. Democrats put women on the SCOTUS and Republicans put perverted men there. FOR THEIR LIFETIME! #StopKavanaugh #StopTrump #SaveSCOTUS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Evidently they don't care that their study\" is flawed from the start. They just parrot the misleading info from Everytown and all the other leftist gun control addicts\/sites.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Im nt rey talk about a dumbass bitch thats lost in this world, she really need to be saved at save http:\/\/t.co\/E0JVa37bim try it, it wrks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Rick is not a bitch.#TheWalkingDead","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This reminds me of another quality video lol. He ain't fittin to front for these peckerwoods! http:\/\/t.co\/AYpwHr0J62","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The undesirables RT @KingHorseDick: @viaNAWF these bitches big bruh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Andy. Like ur reflex use of cliches n slogans. U must practice a lot. Have u thort of writing for a greeting card company?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Scientific breakthrough! Origins of @USER discovered #TalkLikeAPirateDay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa doesn't beat facsists to try to get them to change their mind - they know it's a lost cause to try to change a fascist's mind. They do it to scare them into hiding, to demoralize them, and to stop the spread of their hateful ideology. There is no forcing views on others\".\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@Alejandro_Bihhh lmaoooo hell naw bro I be up i haven't seen that hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Ward is were he is because he is really good at what he does. Not every successful Test player is good at presenting and commentating. Ward and now Key are a welcome addition to the Sky team","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish I could punch the 14 year old me for being such a thirsty bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@darrenburton_ and take the trash out and separate the recyclables","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@billyeichner Since @TomCruise will be a hoser... hi.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Take yo hoe ass to sleep","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Some antifa types might even show: sort of like a mini-G8 donybrooke then? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_itsKILLA_: Yall hoes love football","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I am calling people that hate antifa fascists. Anti-Fascism! What do you call the opposition to anti-fascism?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuc u say ? @AyyyeThatsChubb: All these hoes look good on IG http:\/\/t.co\/PlsFL84cDp","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER hopefully you are an asu fan and not u of a","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Oh nooooos!!! I hope you are safe during this storm!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Agreed. Antifa is totally ate up with worms. In fact they are worms.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking trash @carmeloanthony","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Got a badass bitch just bouncin on my dick @JordyxRivera","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER How Funny...#WNBA Championship Winners Won't Visit @USER Stupidity Of Liberals Is So Amazing...And That Face With The Plastic Stupidity Proves It...Oh...Right...She Might Harm Her Little Face...Whats Next...Complete Body Armor...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Boyyyyy if I had a bitch who pussy taste lil mama's spaghetti.... THAT WOULD B 1 HAPPY BITCH!!! http:\/\/t.co\/2Qy0dQokmg","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"All my hoes got money she in the mall she ballin bitch buy something for me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Brooooo_: why all these hoes trynna be gay now? lmao","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"so uncivilized","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Fuck you I'll put hot sauce on a slice of pizza again for you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BrandonTierney: Crooked number followed by shut down frame, love it. #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER We love an eagles family","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When ever you dog hoes really bad you end up w\/ a girlfriend ...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"U fucken bitch wifi","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Ik what other rappers think of him. But only cause he is anti-drug and honestly I think his music is good.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MoneyMakers_Ent: Bitch you're retarded RT @TheVinnette: Men that cook should wear panties too ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Can you name one Democratic leader who endorses open borders? Second point syntactically nonsensical. I lament climate change and I don't have a private jet. I favor more gun control and I don't glorify guns or have armed security. Who is this fantasy \"they you r fixated on?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"man I gotta hang out with snoop lion aka nemo hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I already know Wilson gone hoe later on let me gone get my ammo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Ok, night night bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@Strap__: I ain't sharing no bitch if you mines you mines \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @woohdakidd_74: @Shane_A1: I did use to buy 2 tees n wear both dem bitches at the same time lame ass lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Trump is what we need #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER He didn't just lose his talent. He battled demons and played on an embarrassment of a franchise. He is now in an ideal situation. I believe he is still an elite WR but I guess only time will tell.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @winkSOSA: \"@AintShitSweet__: \"@Rakwon_OGOD: Nigga messed with the wrong bitch https:\/\/t.co\/5mNXKVAYot\" \"@Th_Real_Esco","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@grinand http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=LRtKAQJUc3g Stay safe out there, Charlie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER GOV Brown needs a class on #MAGA 101. Also need a swift kick in the pants for insulating @USER .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Awesome ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I am a free speech absolutist and I do not care what offends you. You don't have to talk to me. Why do you imagine the world is supposed to be unoffensive? Do you carry this forward with other liberals and chastise them for saying things that offend Christians?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Best part is if you read the exchange he had in that thread, a year later this dude comes back on his same blm and Antifa caused nazis\" bullshit lmao. And by \"best\" i mean saddest.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@cgoodwoman @stevenadamswv Crystal probably only person in world interested in my poor black hillbilly:Jamaica::poor white hillbilly:WV idea","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER that's so fucked up omg in my old hs there's open campus and for every period you skip there's a 200 dollar fine lmaooo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @FoodPornsx: Deep Fried Oreos . http:\/\/t.co\/dy7QT1Jtlg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER A quick way to get yourself killed. Thanks Antifa!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"3 years today I was a fucking retard and fell in love. Why was I so stupid? Wish I was coldhearted. #neverlovingsomeoneagain #dontneedanyone","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Jay-Z got 1 of the baddest EVA that proves men don't really need to look good to pull these hoes want security","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@AlexDunlapNFL @BDOE_KLBJ that evil son of a bitch deserves everything that's coming to him","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER I wonder if they will burn their Levis since @USER has come out in favor of gun control? Levi Strauss teams up with gun control group: We cannot stand by silently\" URL URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Meanwhile media on ANTIFA... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NYRKelsMads That pup was like, this bitch is AWESOME! Can I go home with YOU?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Why she is an embarrassment 2 the whole Bravo viewing audience He needs 2 b kicked 2 the curb quickly No man is worth my dignity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Idk how I have friends I'm so blunt and sarcastic people probably think I'm a raging bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER Rubio sat through a 2-hour town hall in February answering questions from the public about gun control from people whose friends and children had just been murdered. That takes more courage than grandstanding and lying in a stupid hearing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @A_Brown_30: Frogger, best game ever only cuz You suck at flappy bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER So What? We all have concerns on gun control but one man is not going to change our problem. It is much deeper than that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Jo_clark6 @pache16 @PcktSizeCae an just don't be a hoe about it! Haha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"The two ringless fags RT @EverybodyHatesX: Barkley and Reggie were talking nonsense the entire game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER I just read that whole thread and that guys thinks he is a boxing media social media sure have mess up some ppls head ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Free that hoe 1x ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@d6_9b idk... It's trash though!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER This is mainly @USER fault. He is to blame","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @geechiegal843: I act like ion ee kno dat bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@daniellesayswha hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Just got done taking some photos with brownie #flowcity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"!!!!!!\"@__BrighterDays: I can not just sit up and HATE on another bitch .. I got too much shit going on!\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Just because his best stats season was at 34 doesn't mean he's the greatest pl midfielder fuck off","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Honestly if the most hoodiest ratchet bitch asked me to her prom I'm in dere","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @stayfoqused: Don't eat pussy until she show you the Vagfax","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @souljaboy: @kmichelle ur pussy smell like dumpster juice ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @dopealbanian: I do know one thing tho, bitches they come and go.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER DOXX her. See if she is as Lilly white as she puts on.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KevinTheGee ok I just wanted to know bitch at 5:20 if you're not here I'm out","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"No officer I wasn't drunk driving, I was swerving on them hoes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@1Corinthians126 #Jesus Genesis 2:19 Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every #bird of the sky #Initiating","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LeVar Burton called Shatner a bitch lol.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER she is not a rep.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Yeah! You can't just wing cooking! There's all kinds of measurements you need to follow otherwise it'll end up tasting like garbage.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"When I dieThrow a couple bad bitches in my casket","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER We r working 2 save our country from ppl like u. Appropo u you setting the flag on fire just like u set justice on fire. #LockHerUp. #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Hyperbole? Libel? Shit fact checking? Must be..... . ANTIFA! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone tell @RSherman_25 his dreads are part of the uniform. I'd pull your hair too. Why are you trash talking? Cut your Doodoo braids.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER Liberals act out of emotion. Not understanding the law. Then they go around condemning every1 who does not agree with their completely fucked rational. \"Nobody believed women for 250 years. So let's believe all women! Oh and screw the legal system! Men are pigs. He's guilty! Smh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"And I was like yeah bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Monte McNaughton, who once accused the government of failing \"uphold the rule of law when he sided with campers over an Indigenous group so, surely he is equally concerned about a government trying to rig an election you can't pick and choose who is subject to the rule of law\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER if she were a true Krishn bhakt she wouldn't even care about presence or absence of such laws... she would be above such issues... a typical Chandigarh mentality of one up manship she is caged in... call her anything but Krishn bhakt.. like who cares about what she is doing ...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Yo bitch choosin just let her http:\/\/t.co\/zg6X4gDyRZ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @USER rocks #MAGA URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"\"@DreadheadAri: she really asked me that dead ass serious tho, all i could say was \"bitch wheet\" LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BarryClerjuste: Yall want foreign bitches sooo bad, but cant even pull local hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @TittyFlex: So they both was selling pussy and doing dirt together and they fell out so they putting each other on blast even though the ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER liberals know how the avg voter feels like with the bs govts says n dnt do after","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Titan21Mtzzz you is a hoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Biker gang looking ass bitches with titty tats. Foh sons of anarchy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"They say our state bird is rare...I literally see one at least once a day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah bitch you just ugly","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER IM THAT GIRL THAT SAID \"WHAT THE FUCK NAH I WISH I HAD THE MONEY FOR THAT CONCERT BUT THATD BE MY REACTION TOO LMAO","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"God bless the dumb niggas who trust these hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":" @theellemac: Essence Fest anyone? I'll be there on the main stage 2 stepping with Uncle Charlie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@samistonge some fucking bitches ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I ignore birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER You get invited to KH events because you are very active in the Kingdom Hearts community and because you are a super duper MEGA FAN. You're extremely lucky so embrace it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RickyNgan target got them high class hoes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Wanted to eat her pussy from the back but she's sleep...smh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @possiblydana: When bitches spread rumors about you https:\/\/t.co\/6LVif0NuRf","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Missouri got them swag fags lmao","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@AudelDavid_24 RT @ElleSzczepanski: These hoes ain't loyal @Bjames055","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"This bitch just texted me out the blue bout want see her butt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @HannahPike_: I think I'm addicted to naked pictures and sit talking bout bitches that we almost had ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER The sort of thing #Antifa and the socialists of @USER would cheer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Winking emoji? I'm about to fuck her right in the pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"My sister is such a bitch http:\/\/t.co\/TsjmaQ62yb","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER Or she is saying You know I am the true anime waifu\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @chelseaxlaser: I really need to take my rose colored glasses off though. I gotta stop thinking everybody does shit with good intentions ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Swear to god man niggas talk more than bitches these days","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Never messed with a hoe that went to jail unless I didn't know her last name","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I love German. I wish Nansemonds bitch ass had it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER that is about the saddest existence I have ever been privy to reading. Sucks to be you man","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Lmaooooo RT @savvgrace: bitches be like relationship goals . Dumb ass nigga http:\/\/t.co\/5CuNHFd79O","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"The Swamp in DC and NY is all about Self-Enrichment!! #WeThePeople Must Take Our Country Back! #TakeUSABack #MAGA #AmericaFirst #USA #MondayMotivation #MondayMorning #MondayMood #ConstitutionDay URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER And the last one when she is with herself. The truest personality.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER fox could have sash DI'd tho","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@hardball @Milbank Chris stop your angry bird spitting n Dana go hail ur racial tendicies, u didn't infor, carter rt n u never talk abt him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"talk of the morning is hoes and rappers , damn yall talk about the same shit everyday","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I hate when I see a thick bitch on Instagram, then she show up looking like a teddy graham.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @taymaeGOTEM: Bitches tweets be like...\"I wanna suck some dick \" then be like...\" Chill it's just a song! \" bitch what song is ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"don't get it twisted, it's my shit. Bow down bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER He *is* the DBA. I had a quiet word with him afterwards about v$datafile","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LesaMonroe: You bitches are grade A weird.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@ICBC_World214 lol nigga just walk in that hoe looking for girls don't even wanna buy nothing","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER You are awesome!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Nobody cares because he is getting confirmed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now THIS makes sense. #QAnon @USER #MAGA #WalkAway URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Andrea Mitchell. Another political hack embedded in the news media. Listen to the tone of that interview. She is looking for a gotcha moment instead of commending the guy for the work that he is doing. At every turn he shoots her down and it kills her.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@1MannyOnly @iamadamg_ @JennyReyes42 bitches will be bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@c_drew_ I'm guessing so. The players are talking trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @tanajiamonay_: i hate hype ass bitches, like ... it's too early for you to be all loud; sit tf down somewhere.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"When I was in HS we had a dance team and then we had the steppers them hoes was ghetto as shit but they kept the pep rally hyped","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"That's all I'm saying you hoe ass niggas.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Gotta missed call from yoooo bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@KingEgo if I can get this bitch to go -->> @Wisdom_Stature","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Lil seaside hoes walkin to our side... For whaaat ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She's hiding! Republicans don't have an Antifa!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER More fear tactics to make people attack her. It's bullshit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Pillow talkin to your hoe hatin on a nigga you might lose ya chick like that !!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @ThePrincePerez: Messi's like \"I'm back bitches \" lmao ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER She is by far the most pretentious little try-hard housemate in there this year. So cringeworthy. #BBUK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"one of my cats killed a baby bird and a cardinal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Todays Spy Ops ( A country guy with big feet. I lv to lick his soles n hv soles on my cock ) http:\/\/t.co\/baEeMot812","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @Trap_Jesus: RT @StrangePintura: RT @TheRealTenski: She went all the way to Home Depot just to take a sink pic I hate you hoes http:\/\/ ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER She is almost 80.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@USER Disgraceful. He is innocent until proven guilty. Which will not happen because she is lying.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @_BeautifulKeezy: @100046729: @_BeautifulKeezy lmfao bitch was I talking to you but I'm talking to you in my bubba voice ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"It gets me mad when a Mexicans go against Mexico like wtf support your team bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"Walked in wit a new bitch on me, got niggas mad but I know it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"I wish hoes didn't bore me....I wouldn't have this problem and would shop at hoes r us every day...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @ThotsLoveNike: Girlfriends hate them friendly bitches ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"RT @BitesBlog: Pat Martin Is Gonna Show Some Yankees a Thing or Two at the James Beard House Tonight http:\/\/t.co\/crWY99X7EQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The redskins just begging to lose this game smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wake up bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE"},{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER dude just go straight to the point. You are trying to say that Iggy can be bigger than Em bc she is younger URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"}]