diff --git "a/nalibali.csv" "b/nalibali.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/nalibali.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,47794 @@ +parallel_id,story,iso639-3,language,title,description,age,author,link +wolf’s-supper,"A loud howl echoed across the bushveld as Wolf woke up from a very good night’s sleep. +“What a glorious day,” said Wolf. “Good morning, all my little friends and all my big friends,” he greeted the other animals. “You must enjoy the sunshine today. Take a deep breath of the fresh air. Search high and low until you find the juiciest food,” he added in an overly friendly voice. + + +  +You see, Wolf was going to put one of the animals on his menu for supper that night! He decided to eat nothing all day. Then, in the afternoon, he would be very hungry and he would go on the prowl to hunt for a juicy piece of meat. Finally, he shouted, “Enjoy the day, friends! See you later.” He gave a sly laugh as he walked away. +Wolf hummed a cheerful tune as he jogged to the animals’ watering hole. The water was clear and cool. He drank as much as he could. Then he found a place to sleep in the lush grass under a large, green shady tree. +Wolf had a lovely dream about the delicious meal he would eat later that day. Surely it would be a piece of roasted meat just as big as King Lion’s! Wolf smiled broadly in his sleep. +The sun was setting when Wolf finally woke up from his nap. He stretched and stretched and shook the sleep from his hungry body. Then he opened and closed his mouth a few times to exercise his jaw so that he would be able to bite his prey in just the right spot. +“Well, it’s time to find my supper,” Wolf said. “I’m as hungry as a wolf, hee-hee-hee,” he laughed until his body shook. +For a moment, Wolf wondered in which direction he should go. Should he go left or right when he reached the tall trees? He noticed a flat stone in the soft grass. One side was grey, and the other side was black. “Ahaaaaa!” he shouted. “I will throw the stone up in the air, and then I will choose grey for left and black for right.” The stone fell on black. So, without delay, Wolf turned right when he reached the tall trees. He bounced up and down on his paws as he jogged through the trees. +Not long after, Wolf spotted his first possible victim – a small, grey field mouse. +“No, it’s too tiny,” thought Wolf. “It’s not even enough for an appetiser.” +Wolf jogged further, and then he saw a blue-grey turtle dove. The dove was sitting in front of a big tree, pecking the soft ground and looking for worms. +“Mmmm, rather not,” thought Wolf. “That is still too small, and I am very hungry! I’ll be patient. Let’s rather see what I can find at the watering hole.” +As Wolf neared the watering hole he gave a happy howl. It was almost too loud! There, in front of his eyes, he saw a scene that seemed too good to be true. Animals of all shapes and sizes were drinking water. +“Now,” thought Wolf, “I will have to be crafty.” +He crept forward very quietly and waited. Then he slowly crawled even closer on his stomach. He had to be careful because animals can smell extremely well and he didn’t want anyone to notice him. Wolf pulled himself along through the last stretch of tall grass. He was breathless with excitement because right in front of him, a young springbok was calmly drinking water. +“Just right,” Wolf whispered. “Now it is only that sharp rock in the shiny water between me and my meal.” +As Wolf pounced, he closed his eyes, opened his mouth wide and bit down hard. But at the very same moment, a bee stung him on the tip of his nose. +  + +  +“Aaaawhooo!” Wolf howled in pain. The bee sting hurt so much! But the pain in his throat was even worse. “What is going on? The bee didn’t sting me in my throat!” +Then Wolf realised that the sharp rock was stuck in his throat. He had missed the springbok and swallowed the rock instead! +“I should have kept my eyes open!” he groaned angrily as he trotted off with his tail between his legs. +On the other side of the watering hole, all the animals were sitting in a row like spectators who had paid for a show. They enjoyed every moment of Wolf’s predicament. They roared with laughter. Some of the little ones rolled back and forth from pure pleasure. +“A stone for supper!” roared King Lion, highly amused. “This time, Wolf learnt his lesson the hard way!” +Then the jungle rumbled as all the animals laughed out loud. They laughed until the ground shook. The ground shook so much under Wolf’s body that the stone came loose and shot out of his mouth. The animals at the watering hole heard a faint howl in the distance. They all smiled at each other, and then the bushveld was quiet and peaceful once more. +Get story active! + +How do you feel about what happened to Wolf? Do you feel sorry for him or not? Would you feel differently if Wolf had caught the young springbok? +King Lion says that Wolf has learnt a lesson. What lesson do you think Wolf has learnt? +Have you ever had to learn a tough lesson? How did you feel when you learnt the lesson?",eng,English,Wolf’s supper,"A loud howl echoed across the bushveld as Wolf woke up from a very good night’s sleep. +“What a glorious day,” said Wolf. “Good morning, all my little friends and all my big friends,” he greeted the other animals. “You must enjoy ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",By Griselda Jacobs,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/wolf’s-supper +wolf’s-supper,"’n Harde tjank weerklink deur die bosveld toe Wolf ná ’n heerlike nagrus wakker word. +“Wat ’n lieflike dag,” sê Wolf. “Goeiemôre, al my klein maatjies en al my groot maters,” groet hy die ander diere. “Vandag moet julle die sonskyn geniet. Asem die vars lug diep in. Soek hoog en laag totdat julle die sappigste kos vind,” voeg hy oorvriendelik by. +  + +  +Jy sien, Wolf is van plan om daardie aand een van die diere op sy spyskaart vir aandete te sit! Hy besluit om die hele dag niks te eet nie. In die namiddag sal hy rasend honger wees, en dan sal hy gaan jag vir ’n sappige stukkie vleis. Uiteindelik roep hy: “Geniet die dag, maters! Sien julle later.” Hy glimlag skelm terwyl hy wegstap. +Wolf neurie ’n vrolike deuntjie terwyl hy na die diere se watergat toe draf. Die water is helder en koel. Hy drink soveel as wat hy kan. Toe kry hy ’n slaapplek onder ’n groot, groen koelteboom. +Wolf droom soete drome oor die heerlike maaltyd wat hy later daardie dag gaan eet. Dit sal sekerlik ’n stuk gebraaide vleis, net so groot soos Koning Leeu s’n, wees! Wolf glimlag breed in sy slaap. +Die son sak al toe Wolf uiteindelik wakker word. Hy strek homself uit en skud die slaap uit sy honger lyf. Dan maak hy sy mond ’n paar keer wyd oop en toe om sy kakebeen te oefen sodat hy sy prooi op presies die regte plek kan byt. +“Wel, dis tyd om my aandete te gaan soek,” sê Wolf. “Ek is so honger soos ’n wolf, hie-hie-hie,” sê hy terwyl hy skud van die lag. +Vir ’n oomblik wonder Wolf in watter rigting hy moet loop. Moet hy links of regs draai wanneer hy by die hoë bome kom? Hy sien ’n plat klip in die sagte gras. Een kant is grys, en die ander kant is swart. “Ahaaaaa!” roep hy. “Ek sal die klip in die lug op gooi, en as dit op grys land, sal ek links draai, en as dit op swart land, sal ek regs draai.” Die klip land op swart. Wolf draai onmiddellik regs toe hy by die hoë bome kom. Hy huppel liggies terwyl hy deur die bome draf. +Nie lank daarna nie, gewaar Wolf sy eerste moontlike slagoffer – ’n klein, grys veldmuis. +“Nee, dis te klein,” dink Wolf. “Dis nie eens genoeg vir ’n voorgereg nie.” +Wolf draf verder, en dan sien hy ’n blougrys tortelduif. Die duif sit voor n groot boom en pik in die sagte grond rond op soek na wurms. +  +“Mmmm, liewer nie,” dink Wolf. “Sy is nog te klein, en ek is baie honger! Ek sal geduldig wees en kyk wat ek by die watergat raakloop.” +Toe Wolf naby die watergat kom, tjank hy van opgewondenheid. Dis amper te hard! Daar, reg voor sy oë, sien hy ’n toneel wat amper te goed is om waar te wees. Diere van alle vorms en groottes staan en water drink. +“Nou,” dink Wolf, “sal ek slim moet wees.” +Hy kruip stilletjies vorentoe en wag. Toe kruip hy baie stadig nog nader op sy maag. Hy moet versigtig wees, want diere kan baie goed ruik, en hy wil nie hê hulle moet agterkom hy is daar nie. Wolf sluip deur die laaste plaat lang gras. Hy is uitasem van opwinding, want reg voor hom staan ’n jong springbok rustig en water drink. +“Net reg,” fluister Wolf. “Nou is dit nog net daardie skerp klip in die blink water tussen my en my aandete.” +Toe Wolf spring, maak hy sy oë toe, maak hy sy mond wyd oop en klap hy sy kake hard op mekaar. Maar op daardie einste oomblik steek ’n by hom op die punt van sy neus. +  + +  +“Aaaawhooo!” huil Wolf van die pyn. Die bysteek brand verskriklik! Maar die pyn in sy keel is nog erger. “Wat gaan aan? Die by het my nie in my keel gesteek nie!” +Toe kom Wolf agter dat die skerp klip in sy keel vassit. Hy het die springbok misgehap en die groot klip ingesluk! +“Ek moes my oë oopgehou het!” kreun hy vies terwyl hy stert tussen die bene wegdraf. +Aan die ander kant van die watergat sit al die diere in ’n ry soos toeskouers wat betaal het om na ’n vertoning te kyk. Hulle geniet elke oomblik van Wolf se penarie. Hulle brul van die lag. Van die klein diertjies rol heen en weer van pure plesier. +“’n Klip vir aandete!” brul Koning Leeu en lag te lekker. “Hierdie keer het Wolf sy les op die harde manier geleer!” +Toe rammel en dreun die oerwoud van die diere wat hardop lag. Hulle lag tot die grond bewe. Die grond bewe so erg onder Wolf se lyf dat die klip loskom en uit sy mond uit skiet. Die diere by die watergat hoor ’n dowwe getjank in die verte. Hulle glimlag almal vir mekaar, en toe is die bosveld weer stil en rustig. +  +[Get story active!] Raak doenig met stories! + +Hoe voel jy oor dit wat met Wolf gebeur het? Voel jy jammer vir hom of nie? Sou jy anders gevoel het as Wolf die jong springbok gevang het? +Koning Leeu sê dat Wolf ’n les geleer het. Watter les dink jy het Wolf geleer? +Moes jy al ooit ’n swaar les leer? Hoe het jy gevoel toe jy die les geleer het?",afr,Afrikaans,Wolf se aandete,"A loud howl echoed across the bushveld as Wolf woke up from a very good night’s sleep. +“What a glorious day,” said Wolf. “Good morning, all my little friends and all my big friends,” he greeted the other animals. “You must enjoy ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Deur Griselda Jacobs,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/wolf-se-aandete +wolf’s-supper,"“Khanya, sikhathi sokulala” kutjho uMma. +“Awa, awa,” kuphendula uKhanya. “Angilali namhlanjesi Mma.” +Akhange kumthabise ukuzwa lokho uMma, “kubayini mntwanami? Kusebusuku begodu kusasa uya esikolweni.” +“Angifuni ukulala ngombana ngisaba amaphela,” kuphendula uKhanya. +“Awa, Khanya, awekho amaphela ekhayapha” kuphendula uMma. +“Akhona!” Kutjho Khanya. “Ngiwezwile. Begodu kungenzeka aphaphile angena efasidereni lami ebusuku.” +“Asikhambe siyowaqala ngekumbenakho,” kutjho uMma. “Ngemva kwalokho sizokuvala ifasidera lakho.” +UMma noKhanya bazuma amaphela. Baqala yoke indawo: ngaphasi kombhede, ngemva komyango, ngaphasi komada, ngaphakathi kwebhokisi lezinto zokudlala nemakhabetheni. Kuthe lokha uKhanya nasele anelisekile bona alikho nalinye iphela ekumbenakhe yokulala, uMma wamlayelisa ngokumcabuza wacima bewavala nomnyango. +Kodwana bobabili baqede isikhathi esinengi bazumana namaphela kangangobana bakhohlwa nokuvala ifasidere! +UKhanya waziphosela ngaphakathi kweduvedi yakhe, wabamba unompopanakhe wacabanga ngelanga lakhe lakusasa esikolweni. Besele azokulala ubuthongo nakezwa itjhada elingakajayeleki. KHRRRR! KHRRRR! Warhudula amehlo. Walala wangasikinyeka. +KHRRRR! KHRRRR! Kwamambala bekunetjhada elincani elizwakalako, elitswininizako elivela khona ngekumbenapha. Kodwana kuphi? Khuyini eyenza itjhadeli? Kghani liphela? UKhanya walula isandla sakhe kabuthaka wakhanyisa ilambha eliseqadi kombhedakhe. +Waqalaqala ngekumbeni. Huuu! Kwabancono, akakaboni litho ethusako. Kuthe asacabanga bona kungenzeka bekabhudanga kunetjhada, amakhetheni athoma ukusikinyeka netjhada lathoma ukukhula. KHRRRR! KHRRRR! UKhanya wathukwa kwaba makhaza emathunjini. Warhudulela ikhetheni lakhe amehlo, wabamba nomoya bona angaphefumuli. +Kusesenjalo, kwavela iphela elithusako elibrawuni linanaba ekhethenini lakhe elihle elitjheli leza, laphaphela phezu kombhedakhe. Maye mina! UKhanya wadosa iduvedakhe wagubuzela wathona ukuqhaqhazela. +  + +  +Okwarara uKhanya khulu kukuthi msinyana wezwa iphela likhuluma. “NginguMnu Rocky Roach, kunjani?” Liyamlotjhisa. +UKhanya akhange aphendule. Wathula du! Wangasikinyeka alokhu azifihle ngaphasi kweduvedakhe. +“Awukafundiswa kuhle wena!” Kutjho iphela. “UMmakho akakakufundisi imikghwa emihle?” +“Nginemikghwa emihle,” kuphendula uKhanya ngephimbo eliphasi angaphasi kweduvedakhe. “Kodwana ngiyakusaba mina, ngaphandle kwalokho umma ungifundise bona ngingakhulumi nabantu engingabaziko.” +“Iye, kunjalo kufuze ungakhulumi nabantu ongabaziko,” kuvuma iphela. “Nakhu engizokwenza, ngizokukhamba ngiyozazisa kummakho ngemva kwalokho angekhe ngisaba mumuntu ongamaziko.” +UKhanya uphendula asazifihle ngaphasi kweduvedi, “akusimbono omuhle loyo, Mnu Roach.” +“Kubayini?” Kubuza iphela lirarekile ngombana belicabanga bona loyo mbono omuhle khulu! +“Ngombana uzokurhuwelela nakakubonako,” kuphendula uKhanya. “Begodu kungenzeka akubethe ngomthanyelo.” +“Njani manje!” Iphela lidosa umoya. “UMma orhuwelelako nomthanyelo kuzwakala kuthusa lokho.” +“Mnu Roach,” kutjho uKhanya. “Nangingaveza ihlokwami uyathembisa bona angekhe ungilume?” +“Ngizakuthi ngikulumelani?” Kubuza iphela lihleka. +UKhanya wasusa iduvedi ehlokwakhe waphendula wathi, “kanti akusingilokho amaphela akwenzako?” +“Akusikho nakancani!” Kuphendula iphela. +“Alo! Nenzani?” Kubuza uKhanya. +“Zinengi izinto esizenzako,” kuhlathulula iphela. “Into engiyithanda khulu kugida ngibethe iinyawo phasi. Ngigida kamnandi khulu ngombana ngineenyawo ezisithandathu.” Iphela lathoma ukugidela uKhanya phasi endaweni eyenziwe ngekhuni. +“Aaa,” kukhuza uKhanya. “Ugida kamnandi khulu. Ngifisa ngathana nami bengineenyawo ezisithandathu. Yini enye okghona ukuyenza?” +UMnu Rocky Roach wavula amaphiko, “ngikghona ukuphapha kodwana kufuze ngivume bona angikwazi kuhle.” +“Yazi, ngifisa ngathana nami nginamaphiko njengawe,” kuphendula uKhanya. “Khuyini okhunye okghona ukukwenza?” +“Nginamaphondo naka,” kuphendula iphela, lijikisela ihlokwalo ngapha nangapha. +“Ngewokwenzani?” kubuza uKhanya, osele ahlezi emaphethelweni wombhede. +“Angisiza bona ngiqunte ukuthi ngizokutjhingaphi,” kuhlathulula iphela. +“Yazi, ngifisa ngathana nami nginamaphondo,” kutjho uKhanya. “Kuhle kuhle, ngifisa ngathana ngiliphela!! Kodwana ngifisa ukuba liphela elinemibalabala – mhlamunye elihlaza okusipiridzana namabala atjheli. +  + +  +“Kumnandi ukuba liphela,” kutjho iphela. “Kodwana Khanya, uqakathekile ngendlela ongayo?” +“Ngiyathokoza, Mnu Roach,” kutjho uKhanya. “Kuyangithabisa ukuhlangana nawe. Kuhlekuhle awuthusi nakancani!” +“Ngikuthabele ukuhlangana nawe,” kutjho iphela. “Ungakuthabela ukuhlangana nomndenami?” +“Iye, ngingakuthabela” kuphendula uKhanya athabile. “Ukuphi?” +“Uhlala ngaphasi kwebhodi laphasi, khona lapha” kutjho iphela, litjho likhomba ngenyawo ewugwini ngekumbeni kaKhanya. +“Yoo, ngazile!” kutjho uKhanya. “Ngazile bona kunamaphela ngekumbenami. Umndenakho unamalunga amangakhi?” +“Ayikulungwana yinye nambili,” kuphendula iphela, litjho limomotheka. +  +Yenza indaba le ibe mnandi! + +Uyawasaba amaphela? Dweba isithombe sephela elithusako. Nje, dweba iphela elinobungani. +Funa amagama! Fumana amagama la endatjaneni bese utjho bona ngalinye litjho ukuthini: elitswininizako; ethusako; uzokurhuwelela; kamnandi; elinemibalabala +Ngiyiphi inunwana ongakhetha ukuba ngiyo? Yenza kwangathi uyinunwana usikinye imikhonwakho sengathi maphiko namkha izandla zakho zibe ngathi ziimpondo. Yenza itjhada elenziwa yinunwana leyo.",nbl,isiNdebele,UKhanya nephe,"A loud howl echoed across the bushveld as Wolf woke up from a very good night’s sleep. +“What a glorious day,” said Wolf. “Good morning, all my little friends and all my big friends,” he greeted the other animals. “You must enjoy ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguLori-Ann Preston,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ukhanya-nephela-0 +wolf’s-supper,"Kwavakala umkhulungwane ongxolayo ehlathini njengoko uMvolofu wayevuka emva kokulala ubuthongo obumnandi ngezolo. +“Enjani ukuba ntle yona imini,” watsho uMvolofu. “Molweni, nonke bahlobo bam abancinci nani nonke bahlobo bam abakhulu,” watsho ebulisa ezinye izilwanyana. “Nilonwabele eli langa lithe qhakra kamnandi namhlanje. Sezelani umoya omyoli. Nikhangele kuyo yonke indawo de nifumane okona kutya kunencasa,” watsho ngelizwi elinobuhlobo obubaxiweyo. + + +Kaloku, uMvolofu wayeza kutya esinye sezo zilwanyana njengesopholo ngobo busuku! Wagqiba ekubeni angatyi nto imini yonke. Wayeza kuthi ke, phaya emva kwemini, alambe kakhulu aze aphume aye kuzingela eyona nyama inencasa. Ekugqibeleni, wakhwaza, “Nibe nemini emnandi, bahlobo! Sakuphinda sibonane.” Wathi qhuzu ehleka yedwa njengoko wayehamba. +UMvolofu wayedumzela eziculela ingoma yovuyo njengoko wayenkcunkca esiya kwidama ezisela amanzi kulo izilwanyana. Amanzi ayecwengile kwaye epholile. Wasela kangangoko anako. Emva koko wakhangela indawo aza kulala kuyo kwingca efukufuku ephantsi kwethunzi lomthi omkhulu oluhlaza. +UMvolofu waphupha kamnandi eza kutya ukutya okuluncuthu ngalo mini. Ngokuqinisekileyo yayiza kuba liqatha lenyama egcadiweyo elilingana nelikaKumkani uNgonyama ngobukhulu! UMvolofu wancuma yedwa esebuthongweni. +Lithe ilanga xa litshona  uMvolofu wavuka ebuthongweni bakhe. Wazolula ezolulile egxotha ubuthongo kulo mzimba wakhe ulambileyo. Emva koko wakhamisa waza waphinda wawuvala umlomo wakhe kaliqela ukuze alolonge umhlathi wakhe ukuze akwazi ukuluma ixhoba lakhe kwindawo efanelekileyo. +“Hay’ ke, lixesha lokuba ndiyokhangela isopholo yam,” watsho uMvolofu. “Ndilambe ngathi ndinguMvolofu, he-he-he,” wahleka de umzimba wakhe wadlikidleka. +Kangangomzuzwana, uMvolofu wazibuza ukuba uza kuya kweliphi icala. Athini aye ekhohlo okanye ekunene xa efika kula mithi mide? Wabona ilitye elisicaba kwingca ethambileyo. Elinye icala lalingwevu, elinye limnyama. “Hekeee!” wakhwaza. “Ndiza kuphosa eli litye emoyeni, xa liwe ngombala ongwevu ndiya ekhohlo ibe xa liwe ngomnyama ndiya ekunene.” Ilitye lawa ngomnyama. Ngoko, ngaphandle kokulibazisa, uMvolofu wajika waya ekunene xa efika kwimithi emide. Wayetsibatsiba ngalo milenze yakhe njengoko wayenkcunkca etyhubela kuloo mithi. +Kungekudala emva koko, uMvolofu wabona isilwanyana sokuqala esasinokuba lixhoba lakhe – impuku encinci engwevu yasendle. +“Hayi, incinci,” wacinga watsho uMvolofu. “Ayinakwanela nokuba sisiqalo +sesidlo sam.” +UMvolofu wankcunkca edlula, waza wabona ivukuthu. Eli vukuthu lalihleli phambi komthi omkhulu, linqola umhlaba othambileyo likhangela imibungu. +“Mmmm, hayi soze,” wacinga ngelitshoyo uMvolofu. “Lincinci kakhulu, ndilambe nyhani! Ndiza kuba nomonde. Masibone ukuba ndiza kufumana ntoni phaya edamini ezisela kulo izilwanyana.” +Njengoko uMvolofu wayesondela kwidama ezisela kulo izilwanyana wenza umkhulungwane ovakalisa uvuyo. Waphantse wangxola kakhulu! Kanye apho, phambi kwamehlo akhe, wabona umbono owawungakholeleki. Zonke iindidi zezilwanyana ezingalinganiyo ngobukhulu zazisela amanzi. +“Ngoku,” wacinga watsho uMvolofu, “kuza kufuneka ndisebenzise amaqhinga.” +Wachwechwa esondela waza walinda. Emva koko wasondela nangakumbi erhubuluza ngesisu. Kwakufuneka alumke kuba izilwanyana zineempumlo ezibukhali ibe wayengafuni kubhaqwa nasesinye. UMvolofu warhubuluza edlula kwisiqwenga sokugqibela sengca ende. Wayengakwazi nokuphefumla yimincili kuba kanye apho phambi kwakhe, kwakukho ithole lebhadi elalisela amanzi lizolile. +“Heke,” uMvolofu wasebeza esitsho. “Ngoku lela litye litsolo emanzini amenyezelayo kuphela phakathi kwam nesidlo sam.” +Uthe xa uMvolofu elitsibela, wacimela, wakhamisa waza waluma ngamandla. Kodwa kanye ngelo xesha, watyiwa yinyosi encamini yempumlo. +  + +  +“Aaaawhu!” uMvolofu wenza umkhulungwane esiva iintlungu. Loo nyosi yayimtye kakhulu! Kodwa eyona ndawo yayibuhlungu ngumqala wakhe. “Kwenzeka ntoni kanti? Inyosi ayindityanga emqaleni nje!” +Emva koko uMvolofu wabona ukuba ela litye litsolo lalixinge emqaleni wakhe. Wayeliphosile elo bhadi waza waginya ilitye elitsolo endaweni yalo! +“Akwaba bendingacimelanga!” wagcuma watsho enomsindo njengoko wayenkcunkca esimka egwencele umsila. +Kwelinye icala ledama, zonke izilo zazihleli zenze umkrozo njengababukeli ababhatele ukubukela umboniso othile. Zayithanda yonke into eyayehlele uMvolofu. Zamthi waaa ngentsini zimhleka. Ezinye ezincinci zaziziqikaqika phantsi zonwabe nyhani. +“Isopholo yelitye!” wagquma watsho uKumkani uNgonyama, ephelile yintsini. “Namhlanje, into kaMvolofu ifunde kabuhlungu!” +Emva koko laduma lonke ihlathi njengoko zonke izilwanyana zazigigitheka yintsini. Zahleka de kwashukuma umhlaba. Umhlaba washukuma kakhulu phantsi komzimba kaMvolofu kangangokuba ilitye laphuncuka laza lapoqa emlonyeni wakhe. Izilwanyana ezikwidama ekuselwa kulo zeva umkhulungwane otsholo phantsi mgama. Zonke zancumelana, laza ihlathi lathi cwaka kwaye kwaphinda kwakhona uxolo. +Yenza ibali linike umdla! + +Uziva njani ngento eyenzeka kuMvolofu? Ngaba uyamsizela okanye awumsizeli? Ngaba bekuya kuba bhetele kuwe ukuba uMvolofu ebelibambile ithole lebhadi? +UKumkani uNgonyama uthi uMvolofu ufunde isifundo. Ucinga ukuba sesiphi isifundo asifundileyo uMvolofu? +Ngaba kwakha kwafuneka ufunde kabuhlungu nawe? Waziva njani xa ufunda eso sifundo?",xho,isiXhosa,Isopholo KaMvolofu,"A loud howl echoed across the bushveld as Wolf woke up from a very good night’s sleep. +“What a glorious day,” said Wolf. “Good morning, all my little friends and all my big friends,” he greeted the other animals. “You must enjoy ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kubalisa uGriselda Jacobs,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isopholo-kamvolofu +wolf’s-supper,"Kwezwakala ukuhhewula okukhulu ehlathini njengoba uMpungushe ayevuka ebuthongweni obumnandi basebusuku. +“Lwaze lwaluhle usuku,” kusho uMpungushe. “Sanibonani, nonke bangane bami abancane nabakhulu,” ebingelela ezinye izilwane. “Jabulelani ukushisa kwelanga namuhla. Khokhani umoya oqabulayo kakhulu. Cingani yonke indawo nize nithole ukudla okwehl’esiphundu,” enezela ngezwi elinobungane. + + +Phela, uMpungushe wayezofaka esinye salezi zilwane kumenyu yakhe yokudla kwakusihlwa ngalobo busuku! Kodwa wanquma ukuba angadli lutho usuku lonke. Bese kuthi, ntambama, wayezolamba kakhulu bese eyaphuma eyozingela isiteki senyama esithi cosololo. Ekugcineni, wamemeza, “Jabulelani usuku, bangane! Sizophinde sibonane.” Wathi ukuqhephuka kancane yinsini njengoba ayehamba. +UMpungushe wacula engawuvulile umlomo ingoma emnandi njengoba ayegijima eya emthonjeni wamanzi wezilwane. Amanzi ayecwebile futhi emtoti. Waphuza amaningi kangangokunokwenzeka. Wabe esezitholela indawo azolala kuyo otshanini obude ngaphansi kwesihlahla esikhulu, esiluhlaza esinomthunzi omnandi. +UMpungushe waba nephupho elihle elimayelana nesidlo esimnandi ayezosidla kamuva ngalolo suku. Ngokuqinisekile kwakuzoba yiqatha lenyama eyosiwe elikhulu kangangele Nkosi uBhubesi! UMpungushe wamamatheka kakhulu njengoba elele. +Ilanga laliyoshona lapho uMpungushe evuka ekuthatheni isihlwathi. Wazelula kaningi wakhipha ubuthongo emzimbeni wakhe olambile. Wabe esezamula izikhathi ezimbalwa ejimisa umhlathi wakhe ukuze akwazi ukuluma isisulu sakhe endaweni efanele. +“Manje-ke, sekuyisikhathi sokuba ngithole ukudla kwami kwakusihlwa,” kusho uMpungushe. “Ngilambe njengempungushe, he-he-hee,” wahleka kwaze kwashukuma umzimba. +Okwesikhashana, uMpungushe wayezibuza ukuthi kwakufanele ashone ngaphi. Ingabe kufanele aye ngokwesobunxele noma ngakwesokudla lapho efika ezihlahleni ezinde? Wabe esebona itshe eliyisicaba otshanini obufushane. Lalimpunga kolunye uhlangothi, futhi limnyama ngakolunye. “Ahaaaaa!” ememeza. “Ngizoliphonsa phezulu emoyeni itshe, futhi uma kuvela umbala ompunga ngizoya ngakwesobunxele kanti uma kuba ngomnyama, ngakwesokudla.” Itshe lawela ngombala omnyama. Ngakho, ngaphandle kokulibala, uMpungushe wajikela ngakwesokudla lapho efika ezihlahleni ezinde. Wayegxuma eshona phansi naphezulu ngezidladla zakhe njengoba ayegijima edabula ezihlahleni. +Ngokushesha ngemva kwalokho, uMpungushe wabona lokho okwakuzoba yisisulu sakhe sokuqala – ugundwane omncane, ompunga wasesigangeni. +“Hhayi-khona, kuncane kakhulu lokhu,” kucabanga uMpungushe. “Akwanele ngisho nokungivusela isifiso sokudla.” +UMpungushe waqhubeka egijima, wabe esebona ijuba elimpunga-sakuba luhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. Lalihleli phambi kwesihlahla esikhulu, lilokhu liqopholoza phansi ngomlomo walo, lifuna izibungu. +“Hmmm, mangikuyeke naloku,” kucabanga uMpungushe. “Kuncane kakhulu nakho, mina ngiyafa yindlala! Ngizoba nesineke. Ake sibone ukuthi yini engizoyithola emthonjeni wezilwane.” +Njengoba uMpungushe ayesondela emthonjeni wezilwane, wahhewula ngenjabulo. Wacishe wazibhaqisa ngomsindo omkhulu kakhulu! Lapho, phambi kwakhe, wabona isimo esasingakholeki. Izilwane zalo lonke uhlobo nosayizi zaziphuza amanzi. +“Manje,” kucabanga uMpungushe, “Kuzomele ngisebenzise ubuchule.” +Wanyonyoba eya phambili ngobunono obukhulu wabe eselinda. Wayesekhasa kancane kancane aze acishe ahuqe phansi ngesisu. Kwakumele acophelele ngoba izilwane zikwazi ukuhogela iphunga kahle kakhulu futhi wayengafuni silwane esizombona. UMpungushe wadlula engxenyeni yokugcina yotshani obude. Kwakuthi akafe yinjabulo ngoba lapho phambi kwakhe, insephe esencane yayiphuza amanzi izolile. +“Yiyo kanye engiyifunayo,” kuhleba uMpungushe. “Manje sekusele nje leliya dwala elicijile emanzini acwebezelayo phakathi kwami nesidlo sami.” +Njengoba uMpungushe egasela, wavala amehlo, wavula umlomo kakhulu futhi wathi ngqi waluma ngamandla. Kodwa ngaso leso sikhathi, wantinyelwa yinyosi esihlokweni sekhala lakhe. + + +“Aweeeeeee!” kuhhewula uMpungushe ezwa ubuhlungu. Ukuntinyela kwenyosi kwakubuhlungu kakhulu! Kodwa ubuhlungu obabusemphinjeni wakhe kwakubuhlungu ngisho nakakhulu. “Kuqhubekani kanti? Inyosi ayingintinyelanga emphinjeni!” +UMpungushe wayeseqaphela ukuthi idwala elicijile lalibhajwe emphinjeni wakhe. Wayeyigejile insephe futhi wagwinya idwala esikhundleni sayo! +“Bekumele ngigcine amehlo ami evuliwe!” wagquma ngokucasuka njengoba ayesuka ehamba umsila uqoshele phakathi kwemilenze yakhe. +Ngakolunye uhlangothi lomthombo wamanzi, zonke izilwane zazihleli zilandelana njengezibukeli ezikhokhile embukisweni. Zakujabulela kakhulu okwakwehlela uMpungushe. Zaqhephuka ngohleko. Ezinye kwezincane zazishaya ungqimphothwe yinjabulo. +“Itshe liwukudla kwakusihlwa!” kubhonga iNkosi uBhubesi, ethokoze kakhulu. “Kulokhu, uMpungushe ufunde isifundo esinzima!” +Ihlathi labe selichwaza njengoba zonke izilwane zazihleka kakhulu. Zahleka kwaze kwazamazama umhlaba. Umhlaba wazamazama kakhulu ngaphansi komzimba kaMpungushe kangangokuthi itshe laphuma laqhasha emlonyeni wakhe. Izilwane emthonjeni wamanzi zezwa ukuhhewula okukhalela phansi ebangeni elikude. Zonke zamamatheka zabukana, kwabe sekuphinda kuba nokuthula nokuzola ehlathini. +Yenza indaba ihlabe umxhwele! + +Uzizwa kanjani ngalokho okwenzeka kuMpungushe? Ingabe uyamzwela noma cha? Ingabe ubuyozizwa ngendlela ehlukile ukube uMpungushe wayeyibambile insephe esencane? +INkosi uBhubesi uthi uMpungushe ufunde isifundo. Yisiphi isifundo ocabanga ukuthi uMpungushe usifundile? +Kwake kwadingeka yini ukuba wena ufunde isifundo esinzima? Wazizwa kanjani lapho ufunda leso sifundo?",zul,isiZulu,Isidlo sakusihlwa sikaMpungushe,"A loud howl echoed across the bushveld as Wolf woke up from a very good night’s sleep. +“What a glorious day,” said Wolf. “Good morning, all my little friends and all my big friends,” he greeted the other animals. “You must enjoy ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Isidlo sakusihlwa sikaMpungushe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isidlo-sakusihlwa-sikampungushe +wolf’s-supper,"Kwevakala kuhhewula lokukhulu ngesheya kwelihlatsi njengoba iMphisi ivuka ebutfongweni lobumnadzi kakhulu. +“Laze laba luhle lolusuku,” kusho iMphisi. “Sanibonani nonkhe, bangani bami labancane nani nonkhe bangani bami labakhulu,” ibingelela leti letinye tilwane. “Kufanele nijabulele kushisa kwelilanga lamuhla. Hogelani umoya lomnandzi lohlobile. Funani etulu naphansi nidzimate nitfole kudla lokwehla ngemgogodla,” yengeta yasho njalo ngelivi lelinebungani lobendlulele. +  + +  +Uyabona, iMphisi beyitawufaka sinye kuletilwane kumenyu yayo yekudla kwasebusuku ngalelo langa! Yancuma kungadli lutfo lilanga lonkhe. Ngako, entsambama, itawube seyilambe kakhulu futsi itawuhamba iyotingela kuze itfole licatsa lenyama lelimnandzi. Ekugcineni, yamemeta, “Nijabulele lusuku, bangani! Sitawubonana.” Yahleka kancane njengoba ihamba. +IMphisi yahaya ingoma yenjabulo njengoba igijima iya esigodzini lesinemanti etilwane. Lamanti abehlobile futsi abandza. Yanatsa yaze yenetiseka. Yabese itfola indzawo yekulala etjanini ngephansi kwesihlahla lesikhulu semtfunti lesiluhlata. +IMphisi yaba neliphupho lelimnandzi lekudla lokwehla ngemgogodla letakudla ebusuku ngalelo langa. Ngalokucinisekile kutawuba yinyama letfosiwe lenkhulu njengeNkhosi leliBhubesi! IMphisi yamamatseka kakhulu njengoba ilele. +Laselishona lilanga ngesikhatsi iMphisi ekugcineni ivuka ebutfongweni bayo. Yatelula yatelula futsi yasusa butfongo emtimbeni wayo lolambile. Yavula yavala umlomo wayo tikhatsi letimbalwa kuze ivocavoce umhlatsi wayo khona itewukwati kuhlafuna inyamatane yayo endzaweni lefanele. +“Hhayi-ke, sesikhatsi sekutsi ngitfole kudla kwami kwasebusuku,” kusho iMphisi. “Ngilambe njengemphisi, ha-ha-ha-ha,” yahleka waze umtimba wayo wanyakata. +Sikhashana, iMphisi yayididekile kutsi itawuhamba ibheke kuphi. Kufanele iye ngesencele noma ngesekudla yini nayifika kuletihlahla letindze? Yabona litje lelisicaba kulotjani lobutsambile. Kulolunye luhlangotsi belimphunga, kulolunye limnyama. “Ahaaaaa!” yamemeta. “Ngitawuphonsa lelitje etulu emoyeni, nalibuya lihlala ngembala lomphunga ngitawuya ngesencele nalihlala ngembala lomnyama ngitawuya ngesekudla.” Lelitje lahlala ngembala lomnyama. Ngako, ngaphandle kwekuphotisa emaseko, iMphisi yaya ngesekudla nayifika kuletihlahla letindze. Yayigcuma gcuma njengoba igijima emkhatsini waletihlahla. +Kungakapheli sikhatsi lesidze, iMphisi yabona silwane sekucala lengasihlasela – ligundvwane lelincane, lelimphunga. +“Hhayi, kuncane kakhulu loku,” kucabanga iMphisi. “Akukaneli nekutsi kuvuse sifiso sekudla.” +IMphisi yachubeka nekugijima, yase ibona lituba leliluhlata kwasibhakakha nalokuphunga. Lelituba belihleli ngaphambi kwesihlahla lesikhulu, lichwandza emhlabatsini lifuna imisundvu. +“Mmmm, awu angeke,” kucabanga iMphisi. “Naloku nako kuncane kakhulu, futsi mine ngilambe kakhulu! Ngitawubeketela. Asesibone kutsi yini lengingayitfola emgodzini wemanti.” +Njengoba iMphisi isondzela emgodzini wemanti yamemeta ngekujabula. Lokumemeta kwacishe kwaba kukhulu! Ngaphambi kwayo, ayikukholwanga leyakubona. Tilwane tabo bonkhe bukhulu betinatsa emanti. +“Nyalo,” kucabanga iMphisi, “Kutawufanele ngibe nebucili.” +Yanyonyoba yaya phambili ngekuthula yase iyema. Ngemuva kwaloko yakhansa ngesisu sayo yasondzela. Kwadzingeka kutsi icophelele ngoba tilwane tiyakhona kuhogela kahle futsi beyingafuni kutsi noma ngubani ayibone. IMphisi yatihudvula yendlula endzaweni yekugcina yetjani lobudze. Yaphelelwa ngumoya ngenca yenjabulo ngoba ngaphambi kwayo, inyamatane lencane beyinatsa emanti. +“Nako-ke,” kuhleba iMphisi. “Nyalo ngulelitje lelicijile kuphela kulamanti lakhatitelako lelisemkhatsini wami nekudla kwami.” +Njengoba iMphisi igcuma, yavala emehlo ayo, yawuvula kakhulu umlomo yaluma. Kodvwa ngaleso sikhatsi, inyosi yayisutela emphumulweni. +  + +  +“Ekhuwi!” IMphisi yakhala iva buhlungu. Lelidvonsi lalenyosi belibuhlungu kakhulu! Kodvwa buhlungu lobebusemphinjeni wayo bebubukhulu kakhulu. “Kwentekani? Lenyosi ayikangisuteli mosi emphinjeni!” +Ngemuva kwaloko leMphisi yabona kutsi lelitje lelicijile lalihleli emphinjeni wayo. Yayigeje lenyamatane futsi yamita lelitje esikhundleni sayo! +“Bekufanele ngingawavali emehlo!” yabhodla ngelulaka njengoba igijigijima ifake umsila emkhatsini wemilente yayo. +Ngakulolunye luhlangotsi lwalesigodzi semanti, tonkhe leletinye tilwane tatihleti tishaye lilayini shengatsi tihlwele letibhadalele kutowubukela umbukiso. Betijabulela sonkhe sikhatsi sesimo lesibucayi seMphisi. Betibhodla ngekuhleka. Letinye taletilwane letincane betigicika ngenca yenjabulo. +“Litje lekudla kwasebusuku!” kubhodla iNkhosi leliBhubesi, ihleka kakhulu. “Kuloku, iMphisi ifundze sifundvo kabuhlungu!” +Kwase kudvuma lihlatsi njengoba tonkhe tilwane tatihleka kakhulu. Tahleka kwaze kwatamatama umhlaba. Umhlaba watamatama kakhulu ngephansi kwemtimba weMphisi kangangekutsi lelitje laceka lase liyaphuma emlonyeni wayo. Tilwane letisesigodzini semanti teva kukhala lokuncane lokuvakala khashane. Tamamatseka tibukana, futsi ngemuva kwaloko lihlatsi lababete umsindvo kwaphindze kwaba nekuthula. +Yenta indzaba ibe nemdlandla! + +Utiva njani ngaloko lokwenteka kuleMphisi? Uyayivela yini noma cha? Bongativa ngendlela leyehlukile yini kube leMphisi yayibamba lenyamatane lencane? +INkhosi leliBhubesi itsi iMphisi ifundze sifundvo. Ngusiphi sifundvo locabanga kutsi iMphisi yasifundza? +Kwake kwenteka yini kwadzingeka kutsi ufundze sifundvo lesimatima? Wativa njani nawufundza lesifundvo?",ssw,Siswati,Kudla kwasebusuku kweMphis,"A loud howl echoed across the bushveld as Wolf woke up from a very good night’s sleep. +“What a glorious day,” said Wolf. “Good morning, all my little friends and all my big friends,” he greeted the other animals. “You must enjoy ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguGriselda Jacobs,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kudla-kwasebusuku-kwemphisi +wolf’s-supper,"Moolo o phahameng o utlwahala ho potoloha hlathe ha Phiri a tsoha ka mora ho robala hamonate haholo bosiu. +“Ke letsatsi le monate ruri la kajeno,” ha rialo Phiri. “Dumelang kaofela lona metswalle ya ka e menyenyane le e meholo,” a dumedisa diphoofolo tse ding. “Thabelang letsatsi la kajeno le tjhabileng hamonate. Hemang moya ona o hlwekileng. Tsomang dibakeng tse phahameng le tse tlase ho fihlela le fumane dijo tse dutlisang mathe,” a phaella ka ho rialo ka lentswe le phefa le tletseng botswalle. +  + +Taba ke hore Phiri o ne a tlo etsa phoofolo e nngwe dijo tsa hae ba mantsiboya bosiung boo! A etsa qeto ya hore a se ke a ja letho letsatsi lohle. Jwale ka thapama o tla be a lapile haholo mme o tla ya tsoma nama e dutlisang mathe. Qetellong a hweletsa, “Tsatsi le monate hleng metswalle! Ke tla le bona ha mmamorao.” A tsheha ka tsela e bolotsana mme a ikela. +Phiri a binela ka marameng pina e monate ha a ntse a matha butle ho leba moo diphoofolo di nwang metsi teng. Metsi a ne a hlwekile tlhweko mme a phodile hamonate. A nwa a tlatsa mpa tswete! Yaba ka mora moo o fumana sebaka sa ho robala moo ho nang le jwang bo tlokomang moriting wa sefate se seholo se setalana. +Phiri a lora toro e monate ya dijo tse hlabosang tseo a tla di ja hamorao letsatsing leo. Ha ho potang hore e tla ba sesuma sa nama e besitsweng hamonate se seholo jwalo ka sa Morena Tau! Sefahleho sa Phiri sa tlala pososelo a ntse a robetse. +Letsatsi le ne le ya madikelong ha qetellong Phiri a tsoha moo a neng a bo tsipa teng. A ikotlolla, a ba a ikotlolla hape mme a itlhohlora hore boroko bo fele mmeleng wa hae o bolauweng ke tlala. Jwale a ahlama le ho kopetsa molomo ka makgetlo a mmalwa ho kwetlisa mehlahare ya hae e le hore a tle a tsebe ho loma phofu ya hae sebakeng se nepahetseng. +“E fihlile jwale nako ya hore ke eo fumana dijo tsa ka tsa mantsiboya,” ha rialo Phiri. “Ke lapile sa yona phiri hantle, hee-hee-hee,” a rialo a tsheha ho fihlela mmele ohle wa hae o sisinyeha. +Phiri a nka metsotswana a ntse a ipotsa hore na a lebe ka lehlakoreng lefe. Ebe ha a fihla mola difateng tse telele, a ye ka ho le letshehadi kapa ka ho le letona? Yaba o bona lejwe le bataletseng mohlweng o bonojwana. Ka lehlakoreng le leng le ne le le lethokwa, ka lehlakoreng le leng le le letsho. “Eke!” a howa. “Ke tla akgela lejwe lena moyeng, mme ha le wela ka lehlakoreng le lethokwa, ke tla leba ka ho le letshehadi, empa haeba le wela ka lehlakoreng le letsho, ke tla leba ka ho le letona.” Lejwe la wela ka lehlakoreng le letsho. Ntle le ho dieha, Phiri a leba lehlakoreng le letona ha a fihla difateng tse telele. A nna a qhomaqhoma ka maro a hae ha a ntse a matha butle ka hara difate. +E se kgale, Phiri a bona seo e ka bang phofu ya hae ya pele – tadi e nyenyane e thokwa. +“Tjhe, ena e nyane haholo,” Phiri a ipolella. “Ke molakatswana feela.” +Phiri a mathamathela pejana, yaba o bona leebanakgorwana le mmala o mopudutswana. Leebanakgorwana lena le ne le tsorame ka pela sefate se seholo, le ntse le kobokobola mobung o bonolo ho sela diboko. +“Mmmm, e re ke le tlohele,” Phiri a ipolella. “Le lona le lenyenyane haholo, ke shwele ke tlala! Ha ke na fela pelo. E re ke bone hore na ebe metsing mane teng nka fumana eng.” +Ha Phiri a atamela metsing, a hlaba moolo wa thabo. O ne o batla o phahame tje! Ka pela mahlo a hae a bona pono eo a sa e kgolweng. Diphoofolo tsa mefuta yohle, tse kgolo le tse nyenyane di ne di ntse di nwa metsi. +“Jwale mona ke lokela ho ba mano,” ha rialo Phiri ka pelong. +A leba pele a nanya mme a leta. Yaba o phesha ka mpa butle ho fihlela a le haufi haholo. O lokela ho ba hlokolosi hobane diphoofolo di kgona ho fofonela hantle haholo mme ha a batle hore ho be le ya mo lemohang. Phiri a nna a phesha jwalo karolong e qetellang ya jwang bo bolelele. O ne a hema ka potlako ke pherekano hobane ka pela hae ho ne ho na le tshephe e nyenyane e ntseng e nwa metsi e iketlile. +“Eke! ena e ntekane,” ha hweshetsa Phiri. “Hona jwale se nkarohantseng le dijo tsa ka feela ke lejwe lane le tjhorileng le ka hara metsi a phatsimang.” +Ha Phiri a lauma, a kwala mahlo mme ahlama haholo a ntano kenya leino ka thata. Nakong yona eo, ke ha notshi e mo loma nkong. +“Itjhuuu!” Phiri a lla ke bohloko. Ho ne ho opa haholo moo notshi e mo lommeng! Empa bohloko bo qoqothong e ne e le bosele. “Athe ho etsahalang? Notshi ha e a ntoma qoqothong!” +Jwale Phiri a hlokomela hore ho parakile lejwe le tjhorileng qoqothong ya hae. O ile a fosa tshepe mme a metsa lejwe! +“Ke ne ke tlameha ho bula mahlo!” a bobola ka pelo e bohloko ha a tloha moo a matha mme a tswapeditse mohatla. +Ka mose ho metsi, diphoofolo tse ding tsohle di ne di dutse ka mokoloko e ka ke bashebelli ba patetseng ho tla shebella pontshuwa. Tsa tswekerelwa ke tsietsi ena ya Phiri haholo. Tsa shwa ke ditsheho. Tse ding ho tse nyenyane tsa ipitika fatshe ke thabo. +“O jele lejwe mantsiboyeng ana!” ha puruma Morena Tau, a qabohile haholo. “Lekgetlong lena Phiri o ithutile habohloko!” +Jwale ha thothomela hlatheng ha diphoofolo tsohle di tshehela hodimo. Tsa tsheha ho fihlela fatshe ho reketla. Lefatshe la reketla hoo lejwe le parakileng qoqothong ya Phiri le ileng la betsehela ka ntle ho lehano. Diphoofolo tse metsing tsa utlwa moolo o llelang fatshe. Kaofela tsa shebana di bososela mme ha boela ha ba le kgutso le kgotso hlatheng. +Eba mahlahahlaha ka pale! + +O ikutlwa jwang ka se hlahetseng Phiri? Na o mo hauhetse kapa tjhe? Na o ne o tla ikutlwa ka tsela e fapaneng haeba Phiri a ne a tshwere tshephe e nyenyane? +Morena Tau o re Phiri o ithutile thuto. O nahana hore ke thuto efe eo Phiri a ithutileng yona? +Na o se o kile wa tlameha ho ithuta thuto e bohloko? O ile wa ikutlwa jwang ha o ithuta yona?",sot,Sesotho,Dijo tsa Phiri tsa Mantsiboy,"A loud howl echoed across the bushveld as Wolf woke up from a very good night’s sleep. +“What a glorious day,” said Wolf. “Good morning, all my little friends and all my big friends,” he greeted the other animals. “You must enjoy ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Koketso Tsemekwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dijo-tsa-phiri-tsa-mantsiboya +wolf’s-supper,"Mogoo o mogolo o ile wa galagala sethokgweng ge Phiri e tsoga borokong bjo bobose. +“A letšatši le lebotse gakaakaang!” gwa realo Phiri. “Bosele bagwera ba ka ka moka ba banyenyane le ba bagolo,” a realo a dumediša diphoofolo tše dingwe. “Ipshineng ka letšatši la lehono. Ipshineng le ka moya o mobosana. Eyang godimo le fase go fihlela le hwetša dijo tše bosebose,” a oketša ka go realo ka lentšu la go bontšha bogwera bjo bogolo. +  + +Taba ke gore Phiri o be a ikemišeditše gore bošegong bja letšatši leo o tlo ja e nngwe ya diphoofolo tšeo! O ile a kgetha go se je selo letšatši ka moka. Ke moka mathapama, o be a tla be a swerwe ke tlala e kgolo gomme a yo tsoma nama e bosebose. Mafelelong o ile a goeletša ka gore, “Ipshineng ka letšatši bagwera! Re tla bonana.” O ile a segelela ge a dutše a sepela. +Phiri o ile a opela koša e bose ge a dutše a kobakoba a eya moleteng woo diphoofolo di bego di nwa meetse go wona. Meetse a gona a be a hlwekile e bile a tonya. O ile a nwa go fihlela a kgolwa. Ke moka a ya ka boroko bjanyeng ka fase ga mohlare o mogolo o motala wa go ba le moriti. +Phiri o ile a lora dijo tša go rothiša mare tšeo a bego a tlo di ja ka morago letšatšing leo. O lorile nama e bešitšwego ya go lekana le yeo e jewago ke Kgoši Tau! Phiri o ile a myemyela kudu ge a dutše a lora. +Letšatši le be le šetše le sobela ge Phiri a tsoga borokong. O ile a ikotlolla leboelela gomme a itlhohlora boroko a dutše a setlwa ke tlala. Ke moka o ile a otlolla mehlagare ga mmalwa gore a tle a kgone go loma gabotse phoofolo yeo a e tsomago. +“Agaa, bjale ke nako ya go yo tsoma dijo tša ka tša go lalela,” gwa realo Phiri. “Nna Phiri ke setlwa ke tlala, ha-ha-ha-haaa,” a sega go fihlela mmele wa gagwe o šikinyega. +Ka nakwana, Phiri o ile a ipotšiša gore a lebe thoko efe. Naa o swanetše go leba ka go le letshadi goba le letona ge a fihla mehlareng e metelele? O ile a bona leswika la phaphathi bjanyeng bjo bonanana. Ka lehlakoreng le lengwe e be e le le lesehla gomme ka go le lengwe e le le leso. “Agaaaaa!” a realo Phiri a goeletša. “Ke tla fošetša leswika le godimo, ke moka mmala o mosehla o tla ra gore ke lebe ka go le letshadi, gomme o moso ka go le letona.” Leswika le ile la wela ka mmaleng o moso. Ntle le go senya nako, Phiri o ile a leba ka go le letona ge a fihla mehlareng e metelele. O be a tshelatshela ge a dutše a phatša mehlareng yeo. +E se kgale, Phiri o ile a bona mohlaselwa wa gagwe wa mathomo, e lego legotlwana le lesehlana. +“Aowaa! Legotlwana le ke le lenyenyane kudu,” gwa realo Phiri. “Mo nka se kwe le gore ke jele eng.” +Phiri o ile a fetela pele, ke moka a bona leebana le lephepolo. Leebana leo le be le dutše ka pele ga mohlare o mogolo, le kobola mo fase gore le hwetše dibokwana. +“Ehh, hai, e re ke ska iphetša matla,” gwa realo Phiri. “Leebana le le lona ke le lenyenyane kudu, nka se khore! E re ke se fele pelo. E re ke bone ge e ba nka se hwetše se sengwenyana kua diphoofolo di nwago meetse.” +Ge Phiri a batamela moo diphoofolo di nwago meetse, o ile a goeletša ka lethabo. O nyakile a hlaba lešata kudu! Gona moo, o ile a bona selo se sengwe a ba a nagana gore o a lora. O ile a bona diphoofolo tša go fetafetana ka bogolo di enwa meetse. +Phiri o ile a re, “Mo gona ke swanetše go ba bohlale.” +O ile a gagaba ka dimpa ka setu gomme a leta. O ile a batamela gape kgauswiuswi ka go nanya. O be a swanetše go ba bohlale ka gore diphoofolo di kgona go kwa menkgo kapejana, bjale o be a sa nyake gore di mmone. Phiri o ile a fihla mafelelong a bjang bjo botelele. O be a thabile wa go se kgone go itshwara ka gore mo pele ga gagwe, go be go na le phuti e nyenyane e enwa meetse ka go iketla. +“Mo gona ke bolaile,” gwa realo Phiri a sebaseba. “Selo feela seo se lego magareng ga ka le nama ya ka ke leswika le bogale la ka meetseng a go phadima.” +Ge Phiri a fofela phuti yeo, o ile a ponya mahlo, a ahlamiša molomo gomme a loma o šoro. Eupša ka yona nako yeo, nosi e ile ya mo loma mo nkong. +  + +Phiri o ile a kwa bohloko gomme a lla a re, “Aaaawooo!” Bohloko bja go longwa ke nosi bo a šiiša! Eupša Phiri o be a ekwa bohloko kudu mo mogolong. O ile a re, “Kgane go direga’ng ka nna? Gape nosi ga se ya ntoma mo mogolong!” +Ka yona nako yeo, Phiri o ile a lemoga gore leswika lela le bogale le mo eme mo mogolong. Phuti yela e be e tšhabile gomme a meditše leswika! +“Nkabe ke sa ponya mahlo!” a bolela bjalo a galefile ge a dutše a eja fase a patile mosela. +Ka lehlakoreng le lengwe la letamo la meetse, diphoofolo tše dingwe ka moka di be di dutše ka laene okare di bogetše papadi. Di ile tša fepa mahlo ka se se bego se diregalela Phiri. Di ile tša hwa ka disego. Diphoofotšwana tše dinyenyane tšona di be di bile di kgokologa mo fase ka disego. +Kgoši Tau o ile a kgahlega kudu gomme a rora ka gore, “Phiri o laletše ka leswika! Mo lekgeng le gona, o ithutile gabohloko!” +Ke moka sethokgwa se ile sa šikinyega ge diphoofolo ka moka di hwile ka disego. Di ile tša sega go fihlela lefase le šišinyega. Lefase le ile la šišinyega kudu ka fase ga maoto a Phiri moo a ilego a hlatša leswika lela. Diphoofolo tša letamong la meetse di ile tša kwa sello sa Phiri sa go hwelela a le kgole. Di ile tša lebelelana gomme tša myemyela, ke moka sethokgwa sa boela sa ba le setu le khutšo. +Dira gore kanegelo e be le bophelo! + +O ikwa bjang ka seo se diragaletšego Phiri? Naa o mo kwela bohloko goba aowa? Naa o be o tla ikwa bjang ge nkabe Phiri a ile a bolaya phuti yela e nyenyane? +Kgoši Tau o re Phiri o ithutile thuto. O nagana gore Phiri o ithutile thuto efe? +Naa le wena o ile wa ithuta thuto gabohloko? O ile wa ikwa bjang ka morago ga moo?",nso,Sepedi,Dijo tša Phiri tša go lale,"A loud howl echoed across the bushveld as Wolf woke up from a very good night’s sleep. +“What a glorious day,” said Wolf. “Good morning, all my little friends and all my big friends,” he greeted the other animals. “You must enjoy ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Griselda Jacobs,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dijo-tša-phiri-tša-go-lalela +wolf’s-supper,"Go ne ga utlwala go bokolela go gogolo go ralala sekgwa fa Phiri a tsoga mo borokong jo bo monate. +“Abo e le letsatsi le lentle jang ne,” ga rialo Phiri. “Dumelang, ditsala tsa me tse dinnye le tse dikgolo,” a dumedisa diphologolo tse dingwe. “Lo itumelele tlhabo ya letsatsi gompieno. Hemang moya o montsi o o phepa. Batlang dijo tse di monate le go feta gongwe le gongwe mo lo ka kgonang teng,” a oketsa jalo ka lentswe le le botsalano ka tsela e e feteletseng. +  + +Kgang ke gore, Phiri o ne a tlile go tsenya nngwe ya diphologolo mo lenaaneng la gagwe la dijo tse a neng a tla di ja bosigong joo! O ne a swetsa gore a se ka a ja sepe letsatsi lotlhe. Mme, motshegare, o ne a tla bo a tshwerwe ke tlala thata mme o ne a tla ya go tsoma namanyana e e monate. Kgabagare, o ne a goa a re, “Itumeleleng letsatsi, ditsala! Ke tla lo bona kgantele.” O ne a tshega ka tsela e e boferefere fa a ntse a tsamaya. +Phiri o ne a letsa molodi wa boitumelo fa a ntse a tshematshemela kwa mogobeng wa metsi wa diphologolo. Metsi a ne a le phepa e bile a le tsiditsana. O ne a nwa thata ka mo a ka kgonang ka teng. Morago ga foo a ipatlela lefelo le a ka robalang mo go lone mo bojannyeng jo goletseng kwa godimo kafa tlase ga setlhare se segolo, se se tala se se nang le moriti. +Phiri o ne a nna le toro e e monate e e kaga dijo tse a neng a tla di ja moragonyana mo letsatsing leo. Ga go pelaelo gore e ne e tla nna senatwana sa nama se se besitsweng se se lekanang le sa ga Kgosi Tau! Phiri o ne a nna le monyenyo o mogolo mo borokong jwa gagwe. +Letsatsi le ne le setse le phirima fa kgabagare Phiri a tsoga mo borokong jwa gagwe jo bokhutshwane. O ne a ikotlolola gangwe le gape mme a tlhotlhora boroko mo mmeleng wa gagwe o o tshwerweng ke tlala. Morago ga foo a bula le go tswala molomo wa gagwe ka makgetlho a le mmalwa go katisa lotlhaa lwa gagwe gore a kgone go loma phologolo e a tla bong a e tsomile e a loma mo lefelong le le tshwanelang sentle. +“Ehe, ke nako ya gore ke ye go batla selalelo sa me,” ga rialo Phiri. “Ke tshwerwe ke tlala jaaka phiri, haa-haa-haa,” a tshega go fitlhela mmele wa gagwe o roroma. +Ka nakwana, Phiri o ne a ipotsa gore o tshwanetse go leba ntlheng efe. A o tshwanetse go ya kafa molemeng kgotsa kafa mojeng fa a fitlha mo ditlhareng tse di telele? O ne a bona letlapa le le sephaphathi mo bojannyeng jo bo boleta. Letlhakore le lengwe le ne le na le mmala o mosetlha, mme le lengwe le ne le na le mmalo o montsho. “Aheeee!” A goa jalo. “Ke tla latlhela letlapa leno kwa godimo mo moyeng, mme ke tla tlhopha bosetlha gore e nne letlhakore la go ya kafa molemeng mme ke tlhophe bontsho go nna la go ya kafa mojeng.” Letlapa le ne la wela mo letlhakoreng le lentsho. Ka jalo, kwantle ga go senya nako, Phiri o ne a leba kafa mojeng fa a fitlha mo ditlhareng tse di telele. O ne a nna a ntse a tlolatlola ka maroo a gagwe fa a ntse a tshematshema a ralala ditlhare. +Go ise go ye kae, Phiri o ne a bona se e ka nnang motswasetlhabelo sa gagwe sa ntlha – peba e nnye, e tshetlha ya sekgwa. +“Nnyaa, e nnye thata,” Phiri a akanya jalo. “Ga e a lekana le eleng go nna sejonyana se se tsosang keletso ya dijo.” +Phiri o ne a tshematshemela kwa pele, mme morago ga foo a bona lephoi la mmala o o pududu le bosetlha. Lephoi le ne le dutse mo pele ga setlhare se segolo, le komakoma mmu o o boleta le batla diboko. +“Mmmm, mma ke e tlogele bogolo,” Phiri a akanya jalo. “E santse e le nnye thata, mme ke tshwerwe ke tlala tota! Ke tla nna pelotelele. Mma re bone bogolo gore ke tla bona eng kwa mogobeng wa metsi.” +Fa Phiri a atamela mogobe wa metsi o ne a bokolela ka boitumelo. Modumo wa teng o batlile o nna kwa godimo go feta tekano! Fale, mo pele ga matlho a gagwe, o ne a bona sengwe se a neng a sa dumele gore se ya direga. Diphologolo tsa dipopego le bogolo jo bo farologaneng di ne di nwa metsi. +“Jaanong,” Phiri a akanya, “Ke tla tshwanelwa go nna botsipa.” +O ne a kukunela kwa pele ka tidimalo mme a leta. Morago ga moo a gagabela kwa pelenyana ka mpa ya gagwe. O ne a tshwanetse go nna kelotlhoko ka gonne diphologolo di kgona go dupelela sentle thata mme o ne a sa batle epe ya tsone e mmone. Phiri o ne a ikgoga go ralala sekgala sa bofelo sa bojang jo bo telele. O ne a itumetse thata jaana mo e leng gore o ne a felelwa ke moya ka gonne fela fa pele ga gagwe, go ne go na le tshepe e nnye e e neng e nwa metsi e ritibetse. +“Se se siame kgo,” Phiri a sebaseba jalo. “Jaanong go na le fela lefika le le bogale mo metsing a a phatsimang le le leng fa gare ga nna le dijo tsa me.” +Fa Phiri a tlola, o ne a tswala matlho a gagwe, a bula molomo wa gagwe mme a loma thata. Mme ka yone nako eo, notshi e ne ya mo loma mo ntlheng ya nko ya gagwe. +  + +“Ijoooowee!” Phiri o ne a bokolela jalo ka ntlha ya botlhoko. Go loma ga notshi go ne go le botlhoko tota! Mme botlhoko jo mo mometsong wa gagwe bo ne bo le maswe le go feta. “Go direga eng? Notshi ga ya ntoma mo mometsong!” +Mme Phiri o ne a lemoga gore lefika le le bogale le dutse mo mometsong wa gagwe. O ne a fositse tshepe mme bogolo a metsa lefika! +“Ke ke ne tshwanetse go nna ke butse matlho!” a ngunanguna jalo a galefile fa a ntse a itsamaela a tsitile mogatla. +Ka kwa ga mogobe wa metsi, diphologolo tsotlhe di ne di dutse di tlhomagane jaaka ekete ke babogedi ba ba dueletseng pontsho nngwe. Di ne di itumelela motsotswana mongwe le mongwe wa tlalelo ya ga Phiri. Di ne tsa thubega ka setshego. Dingwe tsa diphologolo tse dinnye di ne di ipitikanya ka ntlha ya go ja monate. +“Letlapa e nna selalela sa gago!” Kgosi Tau a kurutla jalo, a kgatlhegile tota. “Mo lekgetlhong leno, Phiri o ithutile ka tsela e e botlhoko!” +Morago ga foo sekgwa se ne sa duma fa diphologolo tsotlhe di tshegela kwa godimo. Di ne tsa tshega go fitlha lefatshe le roroma. Lefatshe le ne la roroma thata jaana kafa tlase ga mmele wa ga Phiri mo e leng gore letlapa le ne la bofologa mme la photsega mo molomong wa gagwe. Diphologolo tse di kwa mogobeng wa metsi di ne tsa utlwa go bokolela go go kwa tlase kwa kgakala. Di ne tsa nyenya tsotlhe, mme go tswa foo sekgwa se ne sa nna le thethebalo le kagiso gape. +Nna le matlhagatlhaga a leinane! + +O ikutlwa jang ka se se diragetseng ka Phiri? A o mo utlwela botlhoko kgotsa ga o mo utlwele botlhoko? A o ne o tla ikutlwa ka tsela e e farologaneng fa Phiri a ka bo a tshwere tshepe e nnye? +Kgosi Tau a re Phiri o ithutile sengwe. O akanya gore Phiri o ithutile eng? +A o kile wa ithuta thuto e e botlhoko? O ne wa ikutlwa jang fa o ne o ithuta thuto eo?",tsn,Setswana,Selalelo sa ga phir,"A loud howl echoed across the bushveld as Wolf woke up from a very good night’s sleep. +“What a glorious day,” said Wolf. “Good morning, all my little friends and all my big friends,” he greeted the other animals. “You must enjoy ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Griselda Jacobs,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/selalelo-sa-ga-phiri +wolf’s-supper,"Hu pfala u lila huhulwane u buḓa na ḓaka musi Ṱarelwa ḽi tshi vuwa nga murahu ha khofhe dzi ḓifhaho vhukuma. +“Ndi ḓuvha ḽavhuḓi vhukuma,” ḽa ralo Ṱarelwa. “Ndi matsheloni, khonani dzanga dzoṱhe ṱhukhu na khulwane,” ḽa lumelisa zwiṅwe zwipuka zwoṱhe. “Ni ḓiphine nga masana a ḓuvha ṋamusi. Femani muya wavhuḓi ni homolowe. Zwimani fhethu hoṱhe u swika ni tshi wana zwiḽiwa zwi ḓifhaho,” ḽa ralo ḽi tshi inga nga ipfi ḽa vhukonani. + +Habe Ṱarelwa ḽo vha ḽo humbula u lalela nga tshiṅwe tsha zwipuka honoho vhusiku! Ḽo ḓivhudza uri a ḽi nga ḓo ḽa tshithu ḓuvha ḽoṱhe. Nga zwenezwo, nga masiari ḽo vha ḽi tshi ḓo vha ḽo farwa nga nḓala khulwane nahone ḽo vha ḽi tshi ḓo ya u zwima uri ḽi ḽe ṋama i ḓifhaho. Mafheleloni ḽa huwelela ḽa ri: “Ni vhe na ḓuvha ḽavhuḓi khonani dzanga! Ri ḓo vhonana ngavhuya.” Ḽa sea lwa muhoyo musi ḽi tshi khou ṱuwa. +Ṱarelwa ḽa imbela maramani luimbo lwavhuḓi musi ḽi tshi khou gidimela fhethu hune zwipuka zwa nwa hone maḓi. O vha e maḓi o kunaho, a rotholelaho. Ḽa nwa u swika ḽi tshi pfeledza, thumbu ya tou rwe. Nga murahu ḽa ya u eḓela fhethu hu re na hatsi havhuḓi, murunzini wa muri muhulwane u re na maṱari madala. +Ṱarelwa ḽa lora muloro wavhuḓi nga ha zwiḽiwa zwifeshwa zwine ḽa ḓo zwi ḽa ngavhuya ḽeneḽo ḓuvha. Vhukuma ḽo vha ḽi tshi ḓo ḽa ṋama khulwane yo gotshiwaho zwavhuḓi ine ya lingana na ya Khosi Ndau! Ṱarelwa ḽa ṅwethuwa zwihulu musi ḽo eḓela. +Ḽo vha ḽi tshi vho kovhela musi Ṱarelwa ḽi tshi fheleledza ḽo vuwa khofheni dzaḽo. Ḽa ḓionyolosa lunzhi-lunzhi uri khofhe dzi ṱhafhuwe naho ḽo vha ḽi tshee ḽo farwa nga nḓala. Nga murahu ha zwenezwo ḽa vula na u vala mulomo lwo vhalaho ḽi tshi khou ita nyonyoloso ya ṱhaha uri ḽi kone u luma tshipondwa tshaḽo fhethu ho teaho. +“Auvhoni-ha, zwino ndi tshifhinga tsha uri ndi wane tshilalelo,” Ṱarelwa ḽa ralo. “Ndo farwa nga nḓala u fana na ṱarelwa hee-hee-hee,” ḽa sea u swika muvhili waḽo u tshi dzinginyea woṱhe. +Ṱarelwa ḽa imanyana, ḽa ḓivhudzisa uri ḽi nga khonela ngafhi. Naa ndi tea u ya kha tsha monde kana kha tsha u ḽa musi ndi tshi swika mirini milapfu? Ṱarelwa ḽa vhona tombo ḽo itaho bande hatsini vhutete. Ḽeneḽo tombo ḽo vha ḽi na muvhala wa girei na mutswu. “Ahaaaaa!” ḽa huwelela. “Ndi ḓo posela heḽi tombo muyani, arali ḽa wela fhasi nga muvhala wa girei, ndi ḓo ya thungo ya tsha monde nahone nda ya thungo ya tsha u ḽa araḽi ḽa wela fhasi nga muvhala mutswu.” Tombo ḽa wela nga muvhala mutswu. Ṱarelwa ḽi si tsha vhuya ḽa ima-ima, ḽa mbo ḓi khonela kha tsha u ḽa musi ḽi tshi swika mirini milapfu. Ḽa thamuwa thamuwa nga marimba aḽo musi ḽi tshi khou gidima nga mirini. +Nga murahunyana ha zwenezwo, Ṱarelwa ḽa vhona tshipondwa tsha u thoma – mbevha ṱhukhu ya muvhala wa girei. +“Hai, ndi ṱhukhu nga maanḓa,” ḽa ralo Ṱarelwa. “U nga si kone na u tou farisanyana ngayo.” +Ṱarelwa ḽa gidimela phanḓanyana, ndi izwi-ha ḽi tshi vhona ḽiivha-muronzhe. Ḽeneḽo ḽiivha ḽo vha ḽo kavha fhasi phanḓa ha muri muhulwane, ḽi tshi khou ṱoḓa mbungu. +“Mmmm, tshe ndi ḽi litshe,” ḽa ralo Ṱarelwa. “Na ḽone ndi ḽiṱuku nga maanḓa, ndo fa nga nḓala! Ndi ḓo lindela. Tshee ndi vhone uri ndi ḓo wana mini hune zwipuka zwa nwa hone maḓi.” +Musi Ṱarelwa ḽi tsini na hune zwipuka zwa nwa hone maḓi ḽa vhomba nga dakalo. Zwipuka zwo nga zwi sa shavha musi zwi tshi pfa honoho u vhomba. Musi ḽi tshi tou hasha maṱo phanḓa, ḽa vhona zwithu zwavhuḓi nga maanḓa. Zwipuka zwa zwivhumbeo zwa mifuda yoṱhe zwo vha zwi tshi khou nwa maḓi. +“Zwo ita,” ndi Ṱarelwa ḽi no ralo, “Ndi tea u shumisa maano.” +Ḽa tou dodela ḽi tshi ya phanḓa nahone ḽa lindela. Nga murahu ha zwenezwo, ḽa tou swenda nga zwiṱuku uri ḽi sendele tsini. Ḽo vha ḽo tea u vha na vhulondi nga nṱhani ha uri zwipuka zwi nga pfa munukho waḽo nahone ḽo vha ḽi sa ṱoḓi u vhoniwa. Ṱarelwa ḽa ḓi swenda nga u ralo magumoni a hatsi vhulapfu. Ḽo vha ḽi tshi khou femeleka nga dakalo nga nṱhani ha uri phanḓa haḽo ho vha hu na tshephe ṱhukhu i tshi khou ḓinwela maḓi yo ḓigeḓa. +“Heyi yo nnyeḓana,” Ṱarelwa ḽa hevhedza. “Zwino tsho thivhaho zwiḽiwa zwanga ndi heḽo tombo ḽi re na ṱhodzi ḽi re maḓini a penyaho.” +Musi Ṱarelwa ḽi tshi thamuwa, ḽa bonya maṱo, ḽa aṱama tshoṱhe uri ḽi kone u luma. Fhedzi ḽa mbo ḓi lumiwa nga ṋotshi nṱha ha ningo. +  + +“Yowee, yowee!” Ṱarelwa ḽa kwaila nga u pfa vhuṱungu. Luvholela lwa ṋotshi lwo vha lu tshi khou vhavha vhukuma! Fhedzi ḽo pfa vhuṱungu vhuhulwane mukuloni. “Hu khou itea mini mathina? Ṋotshi a yo ngo nnduma mukuloni musi!” +Ndi izwi-ha Ṱarelwa ḽi tshi ṱhogomela uri tombo ḽi re na ṱhodzi ḽo vha ḽo sokotela mukuloni. Ḽo mila tombo nṱhani ha u luma tshephe! +“Ndo vha ndi songo tea u bonya maṱo!” ḽa kwaila nga nṱhani ha u pfa vhuṱungu musi ḽi tshi khou gidima mutshila wo sokotela vhukati ha milenzhe. +Nga seli hune ha vha na maḓi, zwipuka zwoṱhe zwo vha zwo dzula nga muduba vhunga vhaṱaleli vhe vha badelela u vhona ṱano. Zwo ḓiphina nga u vhona makhaulambilu a Ṱarelwa. Zwa sea nga ipfi ḽihulwane. Zwiṅwe zwipuka zwiṱuku zwa sea lwe zwa vhumbuluwa nga dakalo. +“Tshilalelo tsha tombo!” ha vhomba Khosi Ndau, yo tou fa nga zwiseo. “Ṱarelwa ḽo guda nga nḓila i vhavhaho vhukuma!” +Ḓaka ḽoṱhe ḽa kumela musi zwipuka zwoṱhe zwi tshi khou sea nga ipfi ḽihulwane. Zwa sea u swika fhasi hu tshi dzinginyea. Fhasi ha dzinginyea lwe tombo ḽe ḽa vha ḽo sokotela mukuloni wa Ṱarelwa ḽa bva nga luvhilo. Zwipuka zwe zwa vha zwi hune maḓi a nwelwa hone zwa pfa u kwaila zwi kule. Zwa ṅwethuwa zwo sedzana, ḓakani ha tou tshete, ha dovha ha vha na mulalo. +Itani uri tshiṱori tshi nyanyule! + +Ni ḓipfa hani nga zwe zwa itea kha Ṱarelwa? Ni a ḽi pfela vhuṱungu kana a ni ḽi pfeli vhuṱungu? Naa no vha ni tshi ḓo takala ngavhe Ṱarelwa ḽi vhe ḽo fara iḽa tshephe ṱhukhu? +Khosi Ndau i amba uri Ṱarelwa ḽo guda ngudo. Ndi ngudo ifhio ine na humbula uri Ṱarelwa ḽo i guda? +No no vhuya na guda ngudo i vhavhaho? No ḓipfa hani musi ni tshi guda yeneyo ngudo?",ven,Tshivenda,Tshilalelo tsha Ṱarelw,"A loud howl echoed across the bushveld as Wolf woke up from a very good night’s sleep. +“What a glorious day,” said Wolf. “Good morning, all my little friends and all my big friends,” he greeted the other animals. “You must enjoy ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Nga Griselda Jacobs,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tshilalelo-tsha-ṱarelwa +wolf’s-supper,"A ku twala ku vukula lokukulu enhovheni loko N’wahlolwa a pfuka endzhaku ka vurhongo byo nandziha swinene nivusiku. “Vonani siku ronghasi,” ku vula N’wahlolwa. “Ri xile hinkwenu vamaseve lavatsongo ni lavakulu,” a xeweta swiharhi leswin’wana. “Namuntlha ri xe kahle. Kokani moya wo tenga hi matimba. Fambani mi hlota mi kala mi kuma swakudya swo xawula,” a ya emahlweni hi rito ra xinghana swinene. + +Phela, N’wahlolwa a a ta lalela hi xin’wana xa swiharhi sweswo mimadyambu! U hete siku hinkwaro a nga dyi nchumu. Kutani nindzhenga a a ta va a kenyiwe hi ndlala ivi a famba a hlota nyama yo xawula. U gimete hi ku huwelela a ku, “Vanani ni siku lerinene vamaseve! Hi ta vonana endzhaku.” U hlekele endzeni ivi a famba.  +N’wahlolwa a a yimbelela a tsakile loko a tsutsumela laha swiharhi a swi nwa kona mati. Mati ya kona a ma tengile ma tlhela ma titimela. U fike a nwa mati khwiri ri kala ri ku ndangu. Endzhaku u kume ndhawu yo etlela ebyanyini bya rihlaza endzhutini wa murhi lowukulu wo tlhuma. +N’wahlolwa u etlele a lorha swakudya swo xawula leswi a a ta swi dya siku rero. A a ta dya nyama yo oxiwa yo ringana ni ya Hosi N’wanghala! N’wahlolwa a a nwayitela evurhongweni. +Dyambu se a ri khoma tintshava loko N’wahlolwa a pfuka. U tiolorile a nga heti, a dzudza vurhongo a kenyiwe hi ndlala. Hiloko a pfula nomu a tlhela a wu pfala ko talanyana a toloveta tihlaya leswaku a ta kota ku luma xiharhi endhawini ya kona. +“Aha, se wu fikile nkarhi wa leswaku ndzi kuma xilalelo xa mina,” ku vula N’wahlolwa. “Ndlala yi ndzi kenye ku fana na hlolwa, hee-hee-hee,” a hlekelela ku kondza miri wakwe wu rhurhumela. +Swi teke nkarhinyana N’wahlolwa a tivutisa leswaku u ta kongoma tlhelo rihi. Xana a a ta ya eximatsini kumbe exineneni loko a fika emirhini yo leha? U vone ribye ra xiphepherhele exikarhi ka ritlanga. Eka tlhelo rin’wana a ri ri ra muhlovo wo kwalala, kasi eka lerin’wana a ri ri ra ntima. “Ahaaaaa!” a huwelela. “Ndzi ta hoxa ribye leri ehenhla, loko ri komba tlhelo ro kwalala ndzi ta ya eximatsini, loko ri komba tlhelo ra ntima ndzi ta ya exineneni.” Ribye ri kombe tlhelo ra ntima. Kutani N’wahlolwa u nambe a ya exineneni loko a fika emirhini yo leha. U tsutsume a ri karhi a tlulatlula exikarhi ka mirhi. +Swi nga si ya kwihi, N’wahlolwa u vone xiharhi xo sungula lexi a xi ta va nyama – xikondlwana xa muhlovo wo kwalala. “Ahh, a ku na nyama la,” ku vula N’wahlolwa hi mbilu. “A xi phomisi na marha.” N’wahlolwa u ye emahlweni, kutani a vona tuva ra muhlovo wa wasi wo kwalala. Tuva ra kona a ri tshame emahlweni ka murhi lowukulu, ri ri karhi rijovota ehansi ri lava swivungu, +“Mhmmm, e-e,” ku vula N’wahlolwa hi mbilu. “Xa ha ri xintsongo, ndzi nge xurhi! Ndzi fanele ndzi lehisa mbilu. Swi lava ndzi ya vona leswaku ku na yini hala swiharhi swi nwaka kona mati.” +Loko N’wahlolwa a ri kusuhi na mati, u sungule ku vukula hi ku tsaka. A a vukulela ehenhla! Loko a ku kelu, emahlweni ka yena u vone mihlolo. Swiharhi leswitsongo ni leswikulu a swi nwa mati swin’we. +“Loko swi ri hi ndlela leyi,” ku vula N’wahlolwa hi mbilu, “ndzi ta fanela ku ta na mano.” +U nyokovele a tshinela a nga twali, ivi a fika a rindza. Kutani a ndzundza hakatsongotsongo hi khwiri a tshinela swinene. A a fanele a va ni vukheta hikuva swiharhi swi kota ku nun’hwetela naswona a a nga lavi swi n’wi vona. N’wahlolwa u nyokovele a kala a ya fika laha byanyi byo leha byi helelaka kona. A a nga koti ni ku hefemula hi ntsako hikuva emahlweninyana ka yena a ku ri na mhala leyitsongo yi ri karhi yi nwa mati yi nga ehleketi nchumu.  +“Leyi i njombo,” ku hlevetela N’wahlolwa. “Ko va na ribye leriya ro tontswa ematini lama hatimaka ndzi nga si fika laha nyama ya mina yi nga kona.” N’wahlolwa u tlurile a pfale na mahlo a pfule nomu wu helela ivi a luma hi matimba. Kambe hi nkarhi wolowo u lumiwe hi nyoxi enhompfini + +“Ishh!” N’wahlolwa a vukula hi ku twa ku vava. Nyoxi a yi n’wi lume swi twala! Kambe nkolo hi wona a wu vava ngopfu. “Kasi swi lo yini? Nyoxi a yi ndzi lumanga nkolo!” +Hiloko N’wahlolwa a kuma leswaku u tlimbiwe hi ribye leriya ro tontswa enkolweni. A a hupe mhala a ya mita ribye ro tontswa! +“A ndzi fanele ndzi pfule mahlo!” N’wahlolwa a n’unun’uta hi ku hlundzuka ivi a famba a khondle na ncila. +Eka tlhelo lerin’wana ra mati, swiharhi hinkwaswo a swi tshame hi ku hleleka ku fana na vahlaleri lava nga hakelela ku vona nkombiso. A swi tsakisiwe hi leswi nga humelelela N’wahlolwa. Swi fe hi ku hleka. Swinwana leswitsongo a swi vumbulukavumbuluka hi ku tsaka. +Xilalelo xa ribye!” ku huwelela Hosi N’wanghala, a a tsake ngopfu. “Namuntlha N’wahlolwa u dyondze ku vava!” +Hiloko khwati hinkwaro ri pfuma loko swiharhi swi hleka swi tiphina. Swi hleke lerova misava yi sala yi ninginika. Yi ninginike ngopfu laha N’wahlolwa a a ri kona lerova ribye ri rhetemuka ri huma enon’wini wakwe. Swiharhi leswi nga ematini swi twe ku vukulela ehansi ekulenyana. Hiloko hinkwaswo swi n’wayitelana, kutani ku ku whii, ku va ni ku rhula nakambe enhoveni. +Endla ntsheketo wu nyanyula! + + U titwa njhani hi leswi nga humelelela N’wahlolwa? Xana wa nwi twela kumbe a wu n’wi tweli? A wu ta titwa njhani loko N’wahlolwa a a lo khoma mhala leyitsongo? +Hosi N’wanghala u vula leswaku N’wahlolwa u dyondzile. U ehleketa leswaku N’wahlolwa u dyondze yini? +Xana u tshama u dyondza ku vava? U titwe njhani loko u kume dyondzo yo tano?",tso,Xitsonga,Xilalelo xa hlolw,"A loud howl echoed across the bushveld as Wolf woke up from a very good night’s sleep. +“What a glorious day,” said Wolf. “Good morning, all my little friends and all my big friends,” he greeted the other animals. “You must enjoy ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Hi Griselda Jacobs,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/xilalelo-xa-hlolwa +great-cow,"In the olden days, Cow and Cat lived on Toutswemogala Hill. They shared this hill with all the other animals. For the most part, all the animals lived together in peace and harmony. +Cow was very special amongst the animals because she was the only animal to have a mogogolwane, a beautiful cloak. Every morning she took her mogogolwane out, put it around her shoulders and held council. + +  +Standing there in her finery, Cow looked like a real goddess. She was full of wisdom and would give advice on all matters big and small. +Now, sadly, no one liked Cat very much. The other animals believed that Cat was sly and they didn’t trust her. Why did she slink around at night and then sleep lazily in the sun the whole day? They were sure Cat was up to no good. +One day Cat came to Cow for some advice. Cat asked, “Cow, why don’t you and the other animals like me?” +Cow just lowed, wrapped her mogogolwane tighter around her shoulders and walked away without answering. +“Cow,” Cat meowed, “I want to know why you don’t like me. You are supposed to look after all of us and, even though you always help all the other animals, you never show any kindness towards me.” +Every day Cat went back to Cow with gifts, wanting to know why no one liked her. She brought sweet, fresh grass from the valley and sparkling, cool water from the stream. But no matter what Cat tried, Cow and the other animals still did not like her. They kept on ignoring Cat, and this made Cat feel very sad. +This went on until one day Cat said to Cow, “Enough is enough,” and moved away. +It took a while before the mice started running amok. This is when the other animals came to Cow to complain. They were very upset. “Great Cow!” they cried as they snorted and growled and bellowed and squeaked and screeched. +“You have to do something, Cow,” Lion roared. +“There are mice everywhere – where we sleep, where we eat, even where we drink,” grunted Hippopotamus. +It was only then that Cow and the other animals started to realize the important work Cat had done at night while they were all sleeping. +As the leader of Toutswemogala, Cow called together a search party to look for Cat. They all set off searching up and down, high and low. For seven days they looked here and there and everywhere. +When they finally found Cat, Giraffe – who had spotted her first – stepped forward. “Cat,” Giraffe said, “all the animals miss you. We no longer think that you are sly and up to no good. The more the mice plague us, the more we miss you. We need you and we like you. Please come back with us to Toutswemogala.” +  + +  +Cat felt very happy as she walked back to Toutswemogala with the other animals. Every night she ate the mice and chased them out of every nook and cranny. All the animals were very happy, but Cow was the happiest because now, once again, there was peace and quiet in Toutswemogala. And from that day on Cow and Cat became very good friends, with Cow saving a lick of milk for Cat every day. +  +Get story active! + +Draw a picture of a mouse. +Use clay or play dough to make models of a cow, a cat and a giraffe. Use your clay animals to act out the story. +Write your own ending for the story. Imagine that Cat refused to come back to Toutswemogala. What do you think would have happened?",eng,English,Great Cow!,"In the olden days, Cow and Cat lived on Toutswemogala Hill. They shared this hill with all the other animals. For the most part, all the animals lived together in peace and harmony. +Cow was very special amongst the animals because she was the ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",By Koketso Tsemekwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/great-cow +great-cow,"In die ou dae het Koei en Kat op Toutswemogala-heuwel gewoon. Hulle het hierdie heuwel met al die ander diere gedeel. Die diere het meestal almal in vrede en harmonie saamgeleef. +Koei was ’n baie spesiale dier, want sy was die enigste dier wat ’n mogogolwane, ’n pragtige mantel, het. Elke oggend haal sy haar mogogolwane uit, hang dit om haar skouers en roep die diere bymekaar. +  + +  +Koei lyk soos ’n regte godin waar sy in haar pragtige versierings staan. Sy is vol wysheid en gee advies oor alles, klein en groot. +Ongelukkig het niemand juis van Kat gehou nie. Die ander diere glo Kat is slinks, en hulle vertrou haar nie. Hoekom sluip sy snags rond en lê dan heeldag lui in die son en slaap? Hulle is seker Kat is besig met kattekwaad. +Op ’n dag kom Kat na Koei toe om raad te vra. Kat vra: “Koei, hoekom hou jy en die ander diere nie van my nie?” +Koei moe net, draai haar mogogolwane stywer om haar skouers en stap weg sonder om te antwoord. +“Koei,” miaau Kat, “ek wil weet hoekom jy nie van my hou nie. Jy is veronderstel om na almal van ons om te sien, en selfs al help jy al die ander diere, is jy nooit gaaf met my nie.” +Kat gaan elke dag terug na Koei toe met geskenke en wil weet hoekom niemand van haar hou nie. Sy bring soet, vars gras uit die vallei en silwerskoon, koel water uit die stroom. Maar al probeer Kat ook hoe hard, Koei en die ander diere hou steeds nie van haar nie. Hulle hou aan om haar te ignoreer, en dit maak Kat baie hartseer. +So gaan dit aan totdat Kat op ’n dag vir Koei sê: “Genoeg is genoeg,” en wegtrek. +Dit neem ’n rukkie voor die muise begin amok maak. Toe kom die ander diere na Koei toe om te kla. Hulle is baie ontsteld. “Grote Koei!” roep hulle terwyl hulle snork en grom en bulk en blaas en skree. +“Koei, jy moet iets doen,” brul Leeu. +“Die muise is oral – waar ons slaap, waar ons eet, selfs waar ons drink,” snork Seekoei. +Eers toe begin Koei en die ander diere besef watter belangrike werk Kat snags gedoen het terwyl hulle almal geslaap het. +As die leier van Toutswemogala, roep Koei ’n soekgeselskap bymekaar om na Kat te gaan soek. Hulle begin almal hoog en laag soek. Sewe dae lank soek hulle hier en daar en oraloor. +Toe hulle uiteindelik vir Kat opspoor, tree Kameelperd – wat haar eerste gewaar het – vorentoe. “Kat,” sê Kameelperd, “al die diere mis jou. Ons dink nie meer dat jy slinks en vol kattekwaad is nie. Hoe meer die muise ons pla, hoe meer mis ons jou. Ons het jou nodig, en ons hou van jou. Kom asseblief saam met ons terug na Toutswemogala.” +  + +  +Kat voel baie gelukkig toe sy saam met die ander diere terugstap na Toutswemogala toe. Sy eet elke nag die muise en verjaag hulle uit elke hoekie en gaatjie. Al die diere is baie gelukkig, maar Koei is nou die gelukkigste, want daar is weer rus en vrede in Toutswemogala. En van daardie dag af is Koei en Kat baie goeie vriende, en Koei bêre elke dag vir Kat ’n slukkie melk. +  +[Get story active!] Raak doenig met stories! + +Teken ’n prent van ’n muis. +Gebruik klei of speeldeeg om modelle van ’n koei, ’n kat en ’n kameelperd te maak. Gebruik jou kleidiere om die storie op te voer. +Skryf jou eie einde vir die storie. Stel jou voor Kat het geweier om terug te gaan na Toutswemogala. Wat dink jy sou gebeur het?",afr,Afrikaans,Grote Koei!,"In the olden days, Cow and Cat lived on Toutswemogala Hill. They shared this hill with all the other animals. For the most part, all the animals lived together in peace and harmony. +Cow was very special amongst the animals because she was the ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Deur Koketso Tsemekwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/grote-koei +great-cow,"Ekadeni, uKomo noKatsu bebahlala eMbundwini weToutswemogala. Bebahlala nazo zoke ezinye iinlwana embundwini lo. Esikhathini esinengi zoke iinlwana bezihlala ngokuthula begodu zizwana. + +UKomo bekaligugu kwezinye iinlwana ngombana bekunguye kwaphela isilwana ebesinetjali. Ngamalanga ekuseni bekathatha itjalakhe, ayimbathe bese ubamba umhlangano. + +UKomo nakajame lapho ambethe itjalakhe bewungafunga uthi nguzinyana. Bekahlakaniphe komhlolo anikela nezeluleko kizo zoke iindaba, ezincani nezikulu. +Okubuhlungu kukuthi akekho obekathanda uKatsu. Ezinye iinlwana bezikholelwa bona uKatsu limenemene bebangamthembi. Kubayini bekakhamba khamba ebusuku bese alale elangeni sakudonda ilanga loke? Beziqiniseka ukuthi kunento engakalungi uKatsu ayenzako. +Ngelinye ilanga uKatsu weza kuKomo azokubawa iseluleko. UKatsu wabuza, “Komo kubayini wena nezinye iinlwana ningangithandi?” +UKomo wavele wazililela, ngemva kwalokho wazisonga ngetjalakhe emahlombe, wasuka wazikhambela angakaphenduli. +“Komo,” kulila uKatsu, “Ngifuna ukwazi ukuthi kubayini ungangithandi. Kufuze ngathana usitlhogomela soke, nanyana usiza zoke ezinye iinlwana mina awungitjengisi umusa.” +Ngamalanga uKatsu bekabuyela kuKomo aphethe izipho, afuna ukwazi ukuthi kubayini kunganasilwana esimthandako. Bekaletha utjani obumnandi obuhlaza obubuya emmangweni kunye namanzi amnandi wemlanjeni. Kodwana nanyana uKatsu bekalinga koke, uKomo nezinye iinlwana zaragela phambili nokumhloya. Zingafuni nokumbona, lokhu kwamdanisa khulu uKatsu. +Lokhu kwaraga bekwaba kulapho ngalinye ilanga uKatsu athi kuKomo, “kwanele,” wazikhambela. +Kwadlula isikhatjhana ngaphambi kobana amakhondlo agcwale yoke indawo. Kungesikhatheso ezinye iinlwana zeza kuKomo zizokufaka isililo. Bezisilingeke komhlolo. “Komo Omkhulu!” bezilila njengombana zinghonghoyila ngeendlela ezihluka hlukeneko. +“Komo, kufuze wenze okuthileko,” kubhodla uBhubezi. +“Kuzele amakhondlo yoke indawo – endaweni esilala kiyo, lapho sidlela khona ngitjho nalapha sisela khona,” kubhodla uMvubu. +Kungesikhatheso uKomo nezinye iinlwana ezabona ngaso ukuqakatheka komsebenzi uKatsu ebekawenza ebusuku nabaleleko. +Njengomrholi weToutswemogala, uKomo wahloma ijima lokuzuma uKatsu. Boke beba phasi phezulu bamzuma. Amalanga alikhomba woke, bazuma lapha nalapha nakizo zoke iindawo. +Kwathi nabafumana uKatsu ekugcineni, uNdlulamithi – owambona kokuthoma – weza phambili. “Katsu,” kutjho uNdlulamithi, “zoke iinlwana ziyakukhumbula. Asisacabangi bona ulimenemene nokuthi kunento engakalungi oyenzako. Ukusitshwenya kwamakhondlo kwenza sikukhumbule khulu. Siyakutlhoga begodu siyakuthanda. Sibawa ukhambe nathi sibuyeke eToutswemogala.” + +UKatsu wathaba kwamambala njengombana abuyela eToutswemogala nezinye iinlwana. Ngamalanga ebusuku bekadla amakhondlo begodu wawaqotjha yoke indawo. Zoke iinlwana zathaba ngendlela erarako kodwana obekathabe khulu nguKomo ngombana besele kunokuthula godu eToutswemogala. Kusukela mhlokho uKomo noKatsu baba bangani abakhulu, uKomo bekatjhiyela uKatsu ibisi qobe langa. +  +Yenza indatjana le ibemnandi! + +Dweba isithombe sekhondlo. +Sebenzisa ibumba namkha ihlama yokudlala wenze ikomo, ukatsu nendlulamithi. Sebenzisa iinlwana ozenze ngebumba bona udlale indatjana. +Tlola isiphetho sakho sendatjana. Cabanga uKatsu angafuni ukubuyela eToutswemogala. Ucabanga bona bekuzokwenzekani?",nbl,isiNdebele,UKomo Omkhulu!,"In the olden days, Cow and Cat lived on Toutswemogala Hill. They shared this hill with all the other animals. For the most part, all the animals lived together in peace and harmony. +Cow was very special amongst the animals because she was the ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Umtloli nguKoketso Tsemekwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ukomo-omkhulu +great-cow,"Ngemihla yakudala, uNkomo noKati babehlala kwiNduli YaseToutswemogala. Babehlala kule nduli kunye nazo zonke ezinye izilwanyana. Ubukhulu becala, zonke ezi zilwanyana zazihlala ngoxolo nangemvisiswano. +UNkomo wayekhethekile kwizilwanyana kuba yayinguye yedwa isilwanyana esinomogogolwane. Qho kusasa wayekhupha umogogolwane wakhe, ambhijele emagxeni akhe aze aqhube intlanganiso yebhunga. +  + +  +Emi apho enxibe ezimbejembeje, uNkomo wayengathi nguthixokazi wokwenene. Wayesisilumko ecebisa ngayo yonke into ezinkulu nezincinane. +Kodwa ke, ngelishwa, zonke izilwanyana zazingamthandi tu uKati. Ezinye izilwanyana zazikholelwa ukuba uKati wayenyebeleza ibe zazingamthembi. Yintoni le yayimenza athande ukuchwechwa ebusuku aze emva koko alale yoyi elangeni imini yonke? Zaziqinisekile ukuba ikho into aphezu kwayo uKati lo. +Ngenye imini uKati weza kuNkomo eze kucela icebiso. UKati wabuza, “Nkomo, kutheni wena nezinye izilwanyana ningandithandi nje?” +UNkomo wavele wanxakama, wawubhijela waqina umogogolwane wakhe emagxeni akhe waza wemka engakhange aphendule. +“Nkomo,” wakhwaza uKati, “Ndifuna ukwazi ukuba kutheni ungandithandi nje? Ubufanele ukuba usihoye sonke ibe, nangona usoloko uzinceda ezinye izilwanyana, awukhe undenzele ububele mna.” +Yonke imihla uKati wayesiya kuNkomo emphathele izipho, efuna ukwazi ukuba kutheni zonke izilwanyana zingamthandi. Wayesiza izandla zakhe zizele ingca eswiti, esandula ukukhiwa entlanjeni namanzi acwengileyo napholileyo avela emfuleni. Kodwa kungakhathaliseki ukuba wayezama ntoni uKati, uNkomo nezinye izilwanyana babengamthandi. Baqhubeka bengamhoyi uKati, ibe loo nto yenza uKati wakhathazeka kakhulu. +Yaqhubeka le nto de ngenye imini uKati wathi kuNkomo, “Kwanele ngoku,” waza wafuduka. +Kwathatha ixesha ngaphambi kokuba iimpuku ziqalise ukudakasa. Ngelo xesha ezinye izilwanyana zeza kuNkomo zize kukhalaza. Zazikhathazeke nyhani. “Nkomo Omkhulu!” zakhwaza zisitsho zigquma yaye zigragrama yaye zikhonya yaye zitswina yaye zikhala. +“Umele wenz’ into, Nkomo,” wagquma watsho uNgonyama. +“Ziimpuku nje yonke indawo – apho silala khona, apho sityela khona, nkqu nalapho sisela khona,” wangqokola watsho uMvubu. +Yaba kungona uNkomo nezinye izilwanyana bewuqonda umsebenzi obalulekileyo owawusenziwa nguKati ebusuku ngoxa bona bonke belele. +Njengenkokeli yaseToutswemogala, uNkomo waqokelela iqela lezilwanyana eziza kukhangela uKati. Bemka bonke besehla benyuka, bemkhangela. Kwaphela iintsuku ezisixhenxe bemkhangela kuyo yonke indawo. +Xa ekugqibeleni bamfumanayo uKati, uNdlulamthi – owayembone kuqala – wasondela kuye. “Kati,” watsho uNdlulamthi, “zonke izilwanyana ziyakukhumbula. Asisacingi ukuba uyanyebeleza kwaye kukho into engentle ophezu kwayo. Okukhona sikhathazwa ziimpuku, kokukhona sikukhumbula. Siyakudinga kwaye siyakuthanda. Siyakucela ukuba ubuyele nathi eToutswemogala.” +  + +  +UKati waziva evuya kakhulu njengoko wayehamba ebuyela eToutswemogala nezinye izilwanyana. Qho ebusuku wayesitya iimpuku aze azileqe ezikhupha kuzo zonke iindawo ezizifihle kuzo. Zonke izilwanyana zavuya kakhulu, kodwa esona sasivuye ukuzogqitha yayinguNkomo kuba ngoku kwakuza kuphinda kubekho uxolo nenzolo eToutswemogala. Ibe ukususela loo mini uNkomo noKati baba ziitshomi ezivanayo kwaye uNkomo wayeshiyela uKati intwana yobisi aza kululenca yonke imihla. +  +Yenza ibali linike umdla! + +Zoba umfanekiso wempuku. +Sebenzisa udongwe okanye intlama yokudlala ukuze ubumbe inkomo, ikati nendlulamthi. Sebenzisa izilwanyana zodongwe ukuze ulinganise eli bali. +Bhala esakho isiphelo seli bali. Masithi uKati wayengazange avume ukubuyela eToutswemogala. Ucinga ukuba ngekwakwenzeke ntoni?",xho,isiXhosa,UNkomo Omkhulu!,"In the olden days, Cow and Cat lived on Toutswemogala Hill. They shared this hill with all the other animals. For the most part, all the animals lived together in peace and harmony. +Cow was very special amongst the animals because she was the ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Libhalwe nguKoketso Tsemekwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/unkomo-omkhulu +great-cow,"Ezinsukwini zakudala, uNkomazi noKati babehlala eToutswemogala Hill. Babehlala nazo zonke ezinye izilwane kuleli gquma. Esikhathini esiningi, zonke izilwane zazihlala ndawonye ngokuthula nokuzwana. +UNkomazi wayekhetheke kakhulu phakathi kwezilwane ngoba kwakunguyena yedwa isilwane esinomogogolwane. Njalo ekuseni wayethatha umogogolwane wakhe, awugaxe emahlombe bese ebamba umhlangano. +  + +  +Emi lapho ngengubo yakhe kanokusho, uNkomazi wayebukeka njengonkulunkulukazi woqobo. Wayegcwele ukuhlakanipha futhi wayenikeza iseluleko ngazo zonke izindaba ezincane nezinkulu. +Manje, ngokudabukisayo, akekho owayemthanda uKati. Ezinye izilwane zazikholelwa ukuthi uKati wayenobuqili futhi zazingamthembi. Kungani ayehambahamba ebusuku bese alale ngokwenqena elangeni usuku lonke? Zaziqiniseka ukuthi uKati kunento engalungile ayenzayo. +Ngolunye usuku uKati weza kuNkomazi ukuze athole iseluleko. UKati wabuza, “Nkomazi, kungani wena nezinye izilwane ningangithandi?” +UNkomazi wamane wabhonga nje, wazisonga waziqinisa ngemogogolwane yakhe emahlombe futhi wasuka wahamba engaphendulanga. +“Nkomazi,” kukhala uKati, “Ngifuna ukwazi ukuthi kungani ungangithandi? Bekumele ngabe usinakekela sonke futhi, nakuba uhlale uzisiza zonke ezinye izilwane, awukaze ungibonise umusa mina.” +Nsuku zonke uKati wayebuyela kuNkomazi nezipho, efuna ukwazi ukuthi kungani kungekho owayemthanda. Wayeza izidladla zigcwele utshani obumnandi, obusha obuvela esigangeni kanye namanzi amtoti apholile avela emfuleni. Kodwa kungakhathaliseki ukuthi yini uKati ayeyizama, uNkomazi nezinye izilwane babengamfuni nje kwaphela. Baqhubeka bemshaya indiva uKati, futhi lokhu kwenza uKati wazizwa edumele. +Lento yaqhubeka kwaze kwathi ngolunye usuku uKati wathi kuNkomazi, “Sekwanele,” futhi wasuka wahamba. +Kwathatha isikhashana ngaphambi kokuba amagundwane athi chithi saka yonke indawo. Yilapho-ke ezinye izilwane zeza khona kuNkomazi zizokhononda. Zazicasuke kakhulu. “Nkomazi Omuhle!” zikhala njengoba zihonqa futhi zigquma ezinye zibhonga futhi zikhala, zinswininiza. +“Kudingeka wenze okuthile, Nkomazi,” kubhonga uBhubesi. +“Kugcwele amagundwane yonke indawo – lapho silala khona, lapho sidlela khona, ngisho nalapho siphuzela khona,” kugquma uMvubu. +Kulapho-ke kuphela lapho uNkomazi nezinye izilwane baqala khona ukubona umsebenzi obalulekile owawenziwa nguKati ebusuku kuyilapho bonke belele. +Njengomholi waseToutswemogala, uNkomazi wabiza umcimbi wokuba kuyofunwa uKati. Bonke bahamba behla benyuka bemcinga, phansi naphezulu. Izinsuku eziyisikhombisa bafuna lapha nalaphaya nakuyo yonke indawo. +Lapho ekugcineni bemthola uKati, uNdlulamithi – owambona kuqala – weza phambili. “Kati,” kusho uNdlulamithi, “Zonke izilwane ziyakukhumbula. Asisacabangi ukuthi uyiqili nokuthi kunento engalungile oyenzayo. Lapho amagundwane eqhubeka esihlukumeza, sikukhumbula nakakhulu. Siyakudinga futhi siyakuthanda. Sicela ubuyele nathi eToutswemogala.” +  + +  +UKati wazizwa ejabule kakhulu njengoba ayebuyela emuva eToutswemogala ekanye nezinye izilwane. Njalo ebusuku wayedla amagundwane futhi wawaxosha aphuma aphela yonke indawo. Zonke izilwane zajabula kakhulu, kodwa uNkomazi wajabula ukuzedlula zonke ngoba manje, kwaphinda kwaba nokuthula futhi kwathi cwaka eToutswemogala. Kusukela ngalolo suku kuqhubeke uNkomazi noKati baba abangane abakhulu ngoba uNkomazi wayebekela uKati ingcosana yobisi nsuku zonke. +Yenza indaba ihlabe umxhwele! + +Dweba umfanekiso wegundwane. +Sebenzisa ubumba noma inhlama yokudlala wenze inkomo, ikati nendlulamithi ezincane. Ngalezo zilwane zobumba, dlala indaba. +Bhala esakho isiphetho sale ndaba. Cabanga uKati enqaba ukubuyela             eToutswemogala. Ucabanga ukuthi kwakuyokwenzekani?",zul,isiZulu,UNkomazi Omuhle!,"In the olden days, Cow and Cat lived on Toutswemogala Hill. They shared this hill with all the other animals. For the most part, all the animals lived together in peace and harmony. +Cow was very special amongst the animals because she was the ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",NguKoketso Tsemekwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/unkomazi-omuhle +great-cow,"Emalangeni akadzeni, iNkhomo naKati bekuhlala eGcumeni iToutswemogala. Bekuhlala kuleligcuma nato tonkhe leti letinye tilwane. Sikhatsi lesinyenti, tonkhe tilwane betihlala ndzawonye ngekuthula nangekuvana. +INkhomo beyikhetseke kakhulu kunaleti letinye tilwane ngoba bekungiyo kuphela lene-mogogolwane, ingubo lenhle. Onkhe malanga ekuseni yayitsatsa i-mogogolwane yayo iyikhiphe, iyibeke ehlombe ibambe ikhansela. +  + +  +Ime lapha igcoke ingubo lebukhatikhati, iNkhomo beyibukeka njengankulunkulukati sibili. Beyihlakaniphe kakhulu futsi beyiniketa seluleko etindzabeni letincane naletinkhulu. +Manje, ngalokudzabukisako, bekute lobekatsandza Kati. Letinye tilwane tatikholelwa kutsi Kati unebucili futsi tatingametsembi. Kungani ebusuku azulazula bese kutsi emini alale ngekuvilapha lilanga lonkhe? Beticiniseka kutsi kukhona lokungakalungi lokwentiwa nguKati. +Ngalelinye lilanga Kati weta eNkhomeni kuze atowelulekwa. Kati wabuta, “Nkhomo, kungani wena naleti letinye tilwane ningangitsandzi?” +INkhomo yabhonsa, yagocela i-mogogolwane yayo yayicinisa ehlombe layo futsi yahamba ingakamphendvuli Kati. +“Nkhomo,” kunyawuta Kati, “Ngifuna kwati kutsi kungani ungangitsandzi? Kufanele usinakekele sonkhe, ngisho noma uhlale utisita tonkhe leti letinye tilwane, awukaze waba nemusa kimi.” +Onkhe malanga Kati bekaya eNkhomeni netipho, afuna kwati kutsi kungani tonkhe tilwane tingamtsandzi. Beketa netjani lobusha lobumnandzi lobubuya esihosheni, nemanti labandzako lamnandzi laphuma emfudlaneni. Kodvwa ngisho noma Kati abetama kangakanani, iNkhomo kanye naleti letinye tilwane betisolo tingamtsandzi. Betiloku tingamnaki, futsi loko kwamenta waphatseka kabi kakhulu. +Loku kwachubeka kwadzimate ngalelinye lilanga Kati watsi eNkhomeni, “Sekwenele,” futsi watfutsa. +Kwatsatsa sikhatsi ngaphambi kwekutsi emagundvwane acale kugijima yonkhe indzawo. Kungaleso sikhatsi lapho leti letinye tilwane teta eNkhomeni tatowukhonona. Betiphatseke kabi kakhulu. “Nkhomo Lenkhulu!” takhala tiphefumulela etulu tibhodla futsi tihhonga tikhala ngelivi lelincane futsi letinye tikhala ngelivi lelikhulu. +“Kufanele wente lokutsite, Nkhomo,” kubhodla liBhubesi. +“Kunemagundvwane yonkhe indzawo – lasilala khona, lasidla khona, ngisho nalapho sinatsa khona,” kukhala iMvubu. +Kungaleso sikhatsi lapho iNkhomo naleti letinye tilwane tacala kubona khona kubaluleka kwemsebenti lobewentiwa nguKati ebusuku ngesikhatsi tonkhe tilele. +Njengemholi weToutswemogala, iNkhomo yabitela ndzawonye licembu leliseshako kuze lifune Kati. Lacala lehla lenyuka limfuna phansi nasetulu. Emalanga lasikhombisa lafuna yonkhe indzawo. +Ngesikhatsi ekugcineni limtfola Kati, iNdlulamitsi – lebeyimbone kucala – yeta ngaphambili. “Kati,” kusho iNdlulamitsi, “tonkhe tilwane betikukhumbulile. Asisacabangi kutsi unebucili futsi ufuna kwenta lokutsite lokubi. Ngesikhatsi emagundvwane asihlupha kakhulu, kulapho besikukhumbula kakhulu khona. Siyakudzinga futsi siyakutsandza. Sicela ubuyele natsi eToutswemogala.” + +  +Kati wativa ajabule kakhulu njengoba ahamba naletinye tilwane abuyela emuva eToutswemogala. Njalo ebusuku abedla emagundvwane futsi awacosha kuto tonkhe tindzawo tekuhlala. Tonkhe tilwane betijabule kakhulu, kodvwa iNkhomo beyijabule kakhulu kutendlula tonkhe ngoba nyalo, besekuphindze kunekuthula eToutswemogala. Futsi kusukela ngalelo langa kuchubeke iNkhomo naKati kwaba bangani labakhulu onkhe malanga iNkhomo beyigcina lubisi iligcinele Kati. +  +[Get story active!] Yenta indzaba ibe nemdlandla! + +Dvweba sitfombe seligundvwane. +Sebentisa lubumba noma inhlama yekudlala kuze wakhe inkhomo, kati nendlulamitsi. Sebentisa tilwane takho lotakhe ngelubumba kuze ulingise lendzaba. +Bhala siphetfo sakho salendzaba. Ase sitsi Kati walile kubuyela eToutswemogala. Ucabanga kutsi bekungentekani?",ssw,Siswati,INkhomo Lenkhulu!,"In the olden days, Cow and Cat lived on Toutswemogala Hill. They shared this hill with all the other animals. For the most part, all the animals lived together in peace and harmony. +Cow was very special amongst the animals because she was the ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguKoketso Tsemekwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/inkhomo-lenkhulu +great-cow,"Kgalekgale, Kgomo le Katse ba ne ba dula Thabaneng ya Toutswemogala. Ba ne ba dula thabaneng ena le diphoofolo tse ding kaofela. Hoo e ka bang boholo ba nako, diphoofolo tsena kaofela di ne di phela hammoho ka kgotso le kutlwano. +Kgomo o ne a ikgetha haholo hara diphoofolo tsena hobane e ne e le yena feela ya nang le mogogolwane. Hoseng ho hong le ho hong o ne a apara mogogolwane wa hae mahetleng e be o tsamaisa ditaba kgotla. + +Ha a eme moo a itjele, Kgomo o ne a shebahala jwalo ka modingwana ruri. O ne a tletse bohlale mme a fana ka dikeletso ditabeng tsohle, tse kgolo le tse nyenyane. +Empa jwale ka bomadimabe ho ne ho se ya ratang Katse hakaalo. Diphoofolo tse ding di ne di dumela hore Katse o bolotsana mme ba ne ba sa mo tshepe. Ke hobaneng ha yena a nanara le masiu ebe motshehare o dulela ho ba botswa le ho robala letsatsing letshehare lee kaofela? Ba ne ba kgodisehile hore mekgwa ya Katse e a belaetsa. +Ka letsatsi le leng Katse a tla ho Kgomo ho tla kopa keletso. Katse a botsa, “Kgomo, ke hobaneng ha wena le  diphoofolo tse ding le sa nthate?” +Kgomo ke ha a re feela muu!, ha a qeta a tiisa mogogolwane wa hae mahetleng a ntano itsamaela a sa araba. +Katse nngao! nngao!, “Khomo, ke batla ho tseba hore na ke hobaneng ha o sa nthate. O lokela ho re hlokomela kaofela, mme le hoja o dula o thusa diphoofolo tse ding kaofela, nna ha ho mohla o mpontshang mosa.” +Letsatsi le leng le le leng Katse a kgutlela ho Kgomo a nkile dimpho, a batla ho tseba hore na ke hobaneng ha ho se ya mo ratang. Maro a hae a ne a tla a tletse jwang bo tswekere, bo foreshe bo tswang phuleng le metsi a phodileng hamonatjana a neng a tshikgunya molatswaneng. Empa ho sa tsotellehe boiteko bohle ba Katse, Kgomo le diphoofolo tse ding ba ne ba ntse ba sa mo rate. Ba ile ba tswela pele ho hlokomoloha Katse mme sena se ne se utlwisa Katse bohloko haholo. +Sena sa tswela pele ho fihlela ka letsatsi le leng Katse a re ho Kgomo, “Ke utlwile ho lekane,” yaba o wa falla. +Ha ho a nka nako e kae yaba ditweba di qala ho nyanyaka. Yaba diphoofolo tse ding di tla ho Kgomo ho tla tletleba. Di ne di kwatile haholo. “Kgomo e Kgabane!” tsa rialo di dumaela, di korotla, di lla, di kakatletsa le ho kirietsa. +“Kgomo, o lokela ho etsa ho hong” ha puruma tau. +“Hohle mona ho tletse ditweba – dilaong tsa rona, moo re jellang teng, esita le moo re nwellang teng,” ha korotla Kubu. +Ke ka nako eo he moo Kgomo le diphoofolo tse ding ba ileng ba qala ho lemoha bohlokwa ba mosebetsi o neng o etswa ke Katse bosiu ha bohle ba robetse. +Jwalo ka moetapele wa Toutswemogala, Kgomo a bokella bohle hore ba tswe letsholo ho ya batla Katse. Kaofela ba tswa ka makgalo, ba nyolosa le ho theosa, ba sheba dibakeng tse phahameng le tse tlase. Ka matsatsi a supileng ba sheba mona, ba sheba mane, ba kututsa hohle. +Qetellong ha ba fumana Katse, Thuhlo – eo e neng e le yena ya ileng a mo bona pele – a atamela. “Katse,” ha rialo Thuhlo, “diphoofolo kaofela di o hlolohetswe. Ha re sa nka hore o bolotsana le hore mekgwa ya hao e a belaetsa. Ha ditweba di ntse di eketseha, re o hlolohelwa le ho feta. Re a o hloka ebile re a o rata. Re kopa o kgutlele le rona Toutswemogala.” + +Katse a ikutlwa a thabile haholo ha a kgutlela Toutswemogala le diphoofolo tse ding. Bosiu bo bong le bo bong o ne a ja ditweba le ho di ngwanyapisa hohle. Diphoofolo kaofela di ne di thabile haholo, empa Kgomo o ne a thabile ka ho fetisisa hobane jwale, qetellong ya mmaqetello, kgotso le kgutso di ne di boetse di le teng Toutswemogala. Yaba ho tloha letsatsing leo, Kgomo le Katse e ba metswalle e meholo, mme Kgomo a siela Katse lebese hore a le qaphe letsatsi le leng le le leng. +Eba mahlahahlaha ka pale! + +Taka setswantsho sa tweba. +Sebedisa letsopa kapa hlama ya ho bapala ho etsa kgomo, katse le thuhlo. Sebedisa diphoofolo tsa hao tsa letsopa ho tshwantshisa pale ena. +Ngola qetello ya pale ena eo o iqapetseng yona. Nahana Katse a hanne ho kgutlela Toutswemogala. O nahana hore ho ka be ho etsahetse eng?",sot,Sesotho,Kgomo e Kgabane!,"In the olden days, Cow and Cat lived on Toutswemogala Hill. They shared this hill with all the other animals. For the most part, all the animals lived together in peace and harmony. +Cow was very special amongst the animals because she was the ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Koketso Tsemekwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kgomo-e-kgabane +great-cow,"Kgalekgale, Kgomo le Katse ba be ba dula Mmotong wa Toutswemogala. Ba be ba dula moo le diphoofolo tše dingwe ka moka. Nakong e ntši, diphoofolo tšeo ka moka di be di phedišana ka khutšo le kwano. +Kgomo o be a kgethegile gare ga diphoofolo ka moka ka gore e be e le yena feela a nago le tšale. Mesong e mengwe le e mengwe o be a tšea tšale ya gagwe, a e kgaphege magetleng gomme a sware lekgotla. +  + +Ge Kgomo a eme moo a apere tšale ya gagwe, o be okare ke modingwana ka nnete. O be a le bohlale kudu e bile a kgona go fana ka maele ditabeng ka moka, tše dikgolo le tše dinyenyane. +Bjale, ka maswabi, ga go na yo a bego a rata Katse gabotsenyana. Diphoofolo tše dingwe ka moka di be di nagana gore Katse ke moradia e bile di sa mo tshepe. Di be di ipotšiša gore gore’ng a hlwa a sasanka bošego ka moka, eupša mosegare a hlwa a robetše letšatši ka moka bjalo ka sebodu. Di be di feditše le pelo gore Katse ke molotšana. +Ka letšatši le lengwe, Katse o ile a tla go Kgomo gomme a kgopela maele. Katse o ile a botšiša gore, “Kgomo, gore’ng wena le diphoofolo tše dingwe le sa nthate?” +Kgomo o ile a no koba hlogo, a bofelela tšale ya gagwe magetleng gomme a itshepelela ntle le go ntšha lentšu. +“Kgomo,” gwa realo Katse a lla, “Ke nyaka go tseba gore gore’ng le sa nthate? O swanetše go re hlokomela ka moka ga rena, e bile le ge o dula o thuša diphoofolo tše dingwe ka moka, nna yena ga o na taba le nna.” +Katse o be a boela go Kgomo letšatši le letšatši a mo swaretše dimpho, a nyaka go tseba gore goreng diphoofolo ka moka di be di sa mo rate. O be a tlišetša Kgomo bjang bjo bontši bjo bobose le bjo botalana bja go tšwa moeding le meetse a mabose a go hlweka a go tšwa molapong. Eupša go sa šetšwe seo Katse a bego a se dira, Kgomo le diphoofolo tše dingwe ga sa nka ba rata Katse. Ba ile ba dulela go hlokomologa Katse, gomme se se ile sa mo nyamiša kudu. +Se se ile sa tšwela pele go fihlela ge ka letšatši le lengwe Katse a re go Kgomo, “Bjale gona go lekane!” ke moka Katse a huduga. +E se kgale, magotlo a mantšintši a ile a thoma go kitimakitima lefelong leo. Ke moka diphoofolo tše dingwe di ile tša tla go Kgomo tša ipelaetša. Di be di galefile kudu. Di ile tša re, “Kgomo Mohlomphegi!” ge di dutše di lla le go ngunanguna ka ditsela tša go se swane. +“Kgomo, o swanetše go dira se sengwe,” gwa realo Tau a rora. +“Magotlo a tletše gohle – mo re robalago, mo re jelago, gotee le mo re nwago meetse,” gwa realo Kubu a ngunanguna. +Ke ka yona nako yeo moo Kgomo le diphoofolo tše dingwe ba ilego ba thoma go lemoga mošomo wa bohlokwa wo Katse a bego a o dira bošego ge bona ka moka ba robetše. +Bjalo ka moetapele wa Toutswemogala, Kgomo o ile laela gore go tšwiwe lesolo la go tsoma Katse. Diphoofolo ka moka di ile tša tsoma Katse gohle. Di ile tša fetša matšatši a šupago di mo tsoma. +Ge mafelelong di hweditše Katse, Thutlwa, yoo a mmonego pele, o ile a ema ka pele ga diphoofolo ka moka. A re: “Katse, diphoofolo ka moka di go hlologetše. Ga re sa nagana gore o moradia le molotšana. Ge magotlo a re šulafaletša bophelo, kemoo re go hlologelago le go feta. Re a go hloka, e bile re a go rata. Hle boela le rena Toutswemogala.” +  + +Katse o be a Thabile kudu ge a dutše a boela Toutswemogala a na le diphoofolo tše dingwe. Bošego bjo bongwe le bjo bongwe o be a eja magotlo gomme a a hlasela ka mošobaneng le dikhutlwaneng ka moka. Diphoofolo ka moka di be di thabile kudu, eupša Kgomo o be a thabile go di feta ka moka ka gore gona bjale, go swana le peleng, go be go na le khutšo le boiketlo Mmotong wa Toutswemogala. Le gona go tloga letšatšing leo, Kgomo le Katse e ile ya ba bagwera ba bagolo, moo Kgomo a bego a dula a šiela Katse maswi letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe. +Dira gore kanegelo e be le bophelo! + +Terowa seswantšho sa legotlo. +Diriša letsopa goba hlama go bopa kgomo, katse le thutlwa. Diriša diphoofolo tša gago tša letsopa go raloka kanegelo ye. +Ingwalele sephetho sa kanegelo ye. Nagana Katse a ganne go boela Toutswemogala. O nagana gore nkabe go ile gwa direga’ng?",nso,Sepedi,Kgomo ya go Hlomphega!,"In the olden days, Cow and Cat lived on Toutswemogala Hill. They shared this hill with all the other animals. For the most part, all the animals lived together in peace and harmony. +Cow was very special amongst the animals because she was the ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Koketso Tsemekwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kgomo-ya-go-hlomphega +great-cow,"Bogologolo, Kgomo le Katse ba ne ba nna mo Thotaneng ya Toutswemogala. Ba ne ba nna mo thotaneng eno le diphologolo tse dingwe tsotlhe. Nako e ntsi, diphologolo tsotlhe di ne di nna mmogo ka kagiso le ka kutlwano. +Kgomo o ne a kgethegile thata gare ga diphologolo ka gonne ke ene fela a neng a na le mogogolwane. Moso mongwe le mongwe o ne a ntsha mogogolwane wa gagwe, a bo a o pega mo magetleng a gagwe mme a tshwara kgotla. + +A eme a kgabile ka seaparo sa gagwe se sentle, Kgomo o ne a lebega jaaka modimogadi wa mmatota. O ne a le botlhale thata mme o ne a kgona go neela kgakololo ka dilo tse kgolo le tse dinnye. +Mme, ka maswabi, go ne go sena ope yo o neng a rata Katse thata. Diphologolo tse dingwe di ne di akanya gore Katse o boferefere mme di ne di sa mo tshepe. Ke eng fa a ne a kukuna bosigo mme a bo a nna botswa a robala letsatsi lotlhe mo letsatsing? Ba tlhomamisegile gore go na le sengwe se se sa siamang se Katse a neng a se dira. +Ka letsatsi lengwe Katse o ne a tla kwa go Kgomo go mo kopa kgakololo. Katse o ne a botsa jaana, “Kgomo, ke eng fa wena le diphologolo tse dingwe lo sa nthate?” +Kgomo o ne a bopa fela, a bo a bofelela mogogolwane wa gagwe thata mo magetleng a gagwe a bo a tsamaya a sa arabe. +“Kgomo,” Katse a rora, “Ke batla go itse gore ke eng lo sa nthate? O tshwanetse go re tlhokomela rotlhe, mme ka metlha o thusa diphologolo tse dingwe tsotlhe, ga o nke o nna pelonomi mo go nna.” +Letsatsi lengwe le lengwe Katse o ne a boela kwa go Kgomo a mo isetsa dimpho, a batla go itse gore ke eng fa go sena ope yo o mo ratang. O ne a tla maroo a gagwe a tletse bojang jo bo monate go tswa kwa mokgatšheng le metsi a a tsabakelang a a tsiditsana go tswa mo molatswaneng. Mme go sa kgathalesege gore Katse o leka go dira eng, Kgomo le diphologolo tse dingwe di ne di santse di sa mo rate. Di ne di nna di itlhokomolosa Katse, mme seno se ne sa hutsafatsa Katse thata. +Seno se ne sa tswelela jalo go fitlhela ka letsatsi lengwe Katse a raya Kgomo a re, “Go lekane jaanong,” mme a bo a fuduga. +Go tsere nako pele ga dipeba di simolola go tlala gongwe le gongwe. Ke ka nako eno diphologolo tse dingwe di neng tsa ya kwa go Kgomo go ya go ngongorega. Di ne di galefile thata. “Kgomo yo Mogolo!” di tlhaeletsa jalo di ntse di suma, di korotla, di bopa, di tswirinya le go goa. +“O tshwanetse go dira sengwe, Kgomo,” Tau a kurutla jalo. +“Go na le dipeba gongwe le gongwe – mo re robalang teng, mo re jelang teng, tota le mo re nwelang teng,” ga korotla jalo Kubu. +Ke gone fela mo Kgomo le diphologolo tse dingwe di ileng tsa simolola go lemoga tiro e e botlhokwa e Katse a neng a e dira bosigo fa ba ne ba robetse botlhe. +Jaaka moeteledipele wa Toutswemogala, Kgomo o ne a kopa diphologolo tsotlhe gore di tsene mo letsholong la go batla Katse. Ba ne ba simolola botlhe go batla gongwe le gongwe. Ba ne ba batla fale le fale le gongwe le gongwe ka malatsi a le supa. +Fa kgabagare ba bona Katse, Thutlwa – yo o neng a mmona pele – o ne a atamela. “Katse,” ga rialo Thutlwa, “diphologolo tsotlhe di go tlhologeletswe. Ga re tlhole re akanya gore o boferefere le go re go na le sengwe se se sa siamang se o se dirang. Fa dipeba di ntse di tswelela go re tshwenya, re go tlhologelelwa le go feta. Re a go tlhoka e bile re a go rata. Tsweetswee, boela le rona kwa Toutswemogala.” +  + +Katse o ne a ikutlwa a itumetse thata fa a ntse a boela kwa Toutswemogala le diphologolo tse dingwe. Bosigo bongwe le bongwe o ne a ja dipeba le go di koba gongwe le gongwe. Diphologolo tsotlhe di ne di itumetse thata, mme Kgomo ke ene a neng a itumetse le go feta ka gonne gone jaanong, go boetse gape, go na le kagiso le tidimalo mo Toutswemogala. Mme go tloga ka letsatsi leo Kgomo le Katse ba ne ba nna ditsala tse dikgolo mme Kgomo o nna a bolokela Katse thotinyana ya mashi letsatsi le letsatsi. +Nna le matlhagatlhaga a leinane! + +Torowa setshwantsho sa peba. +Dirisa letsopa kgotsa taka go dira dipopego tsa Kgomo, katse le thutlwa. Dirisa diphologolo tse di dirilweng ka letsopa go diragatsa leinane. +Ikwalele konelo ya gago ya leinane. Akanya o bona Katse a gana go boela kwa Toutswemogala. O akanya gore go ne go tla diragala eng?",tsn,Setswana,Kgomo yo Mogolo!,"In the olden days, Cow and Cat lived on Toutswemogala Hill. They shared this hill with all the other animals. For the most part, all the animals lived together in peace and harmony. +Cow was very special amongst the animals because she was the ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Koketso Tsemekwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kgomo-yo-mogolo +great-cow,"Nga ṅwaha wa mmbo na tsikidzi, Kholomo na Tshimange zwo vha zwi tshi dzula Tshikwarani tsha Toutswemogala. Zwo vha zwi tshi dzula na zwiṅwe zwipuka henefho tshikwarani. Kanzhi zwipuka zwoṱhe zwo vha zwi tshi dzula hu si na dinani, ḽi ḽa maladze. +Kholomo yo vha yo khethea vhukuma kha zwipuka zwoṱhe nga ṅwambo wa uri yo vha i yone fhedzi i re na mogagolwane. Matsheloni maṅwe na maṅwe yo vha i tshi dzhia mogagolwane, ya u kapea kha mahaḓa nahone khoro ya dzula. + +Musi Kholomo yo ima henefho yo tou pfundulula, yo vha i tshi tou nga mudzimukadzi nga husili. Yo vha i tshi tou vha tshiko tsha vhuṱali nahone i tshi ṋea nyeletshedzo kha mafhungo oṱhe, mahulwane na maṱuku. +Zwi ṱungufhadzaho ndi uri ho vha hu si na ane a funa Tshimange. Zwiṅwe zwipuka zwo vha zwi tshi tenda uri Tshimange tshi na vhukwila nahone zwo vha zwi sa tshi fulufheli. Ndi ngani tshi tshi ṋengeledza vhusiku nahone tsha fhedza ḓuvha ḽoṱhe tsho sokou ganama ḓuvhani? Zwiṅwe zwipuka zwo vha zwi tshi vhona uri Tshimange tshi na vhumbulu. +Ḽiṅwe ḓuvha Tshimange tsha ya kha Kholomo tshi tshi khou ṱoḓa nyeletshedzo. Tshimange tsha vhudzisa, “Vho-Kholomo, ndi ngani vhone na zwiṅwe zwipuka vha sa mpfuni?” +Kholomo ya sokou kotama, ya ḓifukedza nga mogagolwane kha mahaḓa ya ḓiṱutshela i songo vhuya ya fhindula. +“Vho-Kholomo,” Tshimange tsha lila tshe miaauu, “ndi ṱoḓa u ḓivha uri ndi ngani vha sa mpfuni? Vha tea u ri ṱhogomela roṱhe, naho tshifhinga tshoṱhe vha tshi ṱhogomela zwipuka zwoṱhe, a vha vhuyi vha ntsumbedza vhuthu na vhuṱuku-ṱuku.” +Ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe Tshimange tsha ḓi endela u ya kha Kholomo tsho fara zwifhiwa, tshi tshi ṱoḓa u ḓivha uri ndi ngani hu si na muthu ane a tshi funa. Tshimange tsha ḓa tsho fara hatsi vhuṋu, vhu ḓifhaho vhu bvaho govhani nahone tsho gagaḓela na maḓi a rotholelaho a bvaho tshisimani. Fhedzi hu sa londwi zwoṱhe zwe Tshimange tsha zwi lingedza, Kholomo na zwiṅwe zwipuka a zwo ngo tshi funa. Zwipuka zwoṱhe zwo bvela phanḓa zwi tshi nyala Tshimange nahone zwenezwi zwa ita uri Tshimange tshi ṱungufhale vhukuma. +Hezwi zwo bvela phanḓa u swika ḽiṅwe ḓuvha Tshimange tshi tshi vhudza Kholomo tsha ri, “Zwo eḓana,” nahone tsha mbo ḓi pfuluwa. +Nga murahu ha tshifhinga tshilapfu, mbevha dza thoma u vusa mufhirifhiri. Ndi izwi-ha zwiṅwe zwipuka zwi tshi ya u vhilaela kha Kholomo. Zwo vha zwo dinalea vhukuma. “Muhulisei Vho-Kholomo!” zwa lila musi zwi tshi khou pfumbula na u vhomba na u kuma na u ṅuṅuna na u zhamba. +“Vho-Kholomo, vha tea u dzhia vhukando,” Ndau ya vhomba. +“Mbevha nandi, dzo ḓala hoṱhe – hune ra eḓela hone, hune ra ḽela hone na hune ra nwela hone,” ha kumela Mvuvhu. +Ndi nga tshenetsho tshifhinga tshe Kholomo na zwiṅwe zwipuka zwa thoma u ṱhogomela mushumo wa ndeme we wa vha u tshi itwa nga Tshimange vhusiku musi zwoṱhe zwo eḓela. +Samusi Kholomo i yone murangaphanḓa wa Toutswemogala, ya dzudzanya tshigwada tshine tsha ḓo bva fulo ḽa u ya u ṱoḓa Tshimange. Vha tsa vha tshi gonya, vha ṱoḓa ngeno na ngei. Ha fhela maḓuvha a sumbe vha tshi khou tshi ṱoḓa fhano na fhaḽa, vha guduba fhethu hoṱhe. +Musi vha tshi fheleledza vho wana Tshimange, Ṱhuḓwa – ye ya tshi vhona u thoma – ya kotamela khatsho. “Tshimange,” Ṱhuḓwa ya ralo, “zwipuka zwoṱhe zwo ni ṱuvha wee. A ri tsha zwi dzhia uri ni na vhukwila na vhumbulu. Mbevha dzo ri dina lwe ra ni humbula nga maanḓa. Ri a ni ṱoḓa nahone ri a ni takalela. Ri humbela uri ni hume na riṋe ri vhuyelele Toutswemogala.” + +Tshimange tsha ḓipfa tsho takala zwihulu musi tshi tshi vhuyelela Toutswemogala na zwiṅwe zwipuka. Tsha ḽa mbevha vhusiku vhuṅwe na vhuṅwe nahone tsha dzi pandela fhethu huṅwe na huṅwe. Zwipuka zwoṱhe zwa takala zwihulu, fhedzi Kholomo yo vha i yone yo takalesaho nga ṅwambo wa uri zwino ho dovha ha vha na mulalo na vhudziki ngei Toutswemogala. Nahone u bva ḽeneḽo ḓuvha Kholomo na Tshimange zwa vha madele mapfani, Kholomo yo vha i tshi siela Tshimange mafhinyana ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe. +Itani uri tshiṱori tshi nyanyule! + +Olani tshifanyiso tsha mbevha. +Shumisani vumba kana fuḽauru ya u tambisa ni vhumbe kholomo, tshimange na ṱhuḓwa. Shumisani zwipuka zwaṋu zwa vumba u tamba tshenetshi tshiṱori. +Ṅwalani magumo aṋu a tshenetshi tshiṱori. Kha ri ri Tshimange tsho hana u vhuyelela ngei Toutswemogala. Ni vhona u nga ho vha hu tshi ḓo vha ho itea mini?",ven,Tshivenda,Muhulisei Vho-Kholomo!,"In the olden days, Cow and Cat lived on Toutswemogala Hill. They shared this hill with all the other animals. For the most part, all the animals lived together in peace and harmony. +Cow was very special amongst the animals because she was the ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Nga Koketso Tsemekwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/muhulisei-vho-kholomo +great-cow,"Khale ka khaleni, N’wahomu na N’waximanga a va tshama eXitsungeni xa Toutswemogala. Exitsungeni xa kona a ku tshama na swiharhi leswin’wana hinkwaswo. Ku hundze nkarhi wo leha swiharhi swi tshamisana hi ku rhula ni ku twanana. +N’wahomu a a hlawulekile swinene exikarhi ka swiharhi hikuva hi yena ntsena loyi a a ri na mogogolwane. Mixo wun’wana ni wun’wana a a humesa mogogolwane wakwe, a wu kapeka emakatleni ivi a khoma huvo. + +Loko a yimile lakotaniya, a ambale swiambalo swakwe swa manyunyu, N’wahomu a a fana na xikwembukati. A a tlharihile swinene naswona a a nyika switsundzuxo etimhakeni hinkwato, letikulu na letitsongo. +Lexi twisaka ku vava hileswaku N’waximanga a a nga laviwi. Swiharhi leswin’wana a swi vona onge N’waximanga a a tumbeta swin’wana, kutani a swi nga n’wi tshembi. Ha yini a huma a fambafamba navusiku ivi a etlela emun’wini siku hinkwaro, a nga endli nchumu? A swi ehleketa leswaku swi kona leswi N’waximanga a swi endlaka. +Siku rin’wana N’waximanga u ye eka N’wahomu a ya kombela xitsundzuxo. N’waximanga u vutisile, “N’wahomu, ha yini wena na swiharhi leswin’wana mi nga ndzi lavi?” +N’wahomu u lo bongela ehansi, a boha mogogolwane wakwe wu tiya emakatleni ivi a tifambela a nga hlamulanga nchumu. +“He N’wahomu,” ku huwelela N’waximanga, “Ndzi lava ku tiva leswaku ha yini u nga ndzi lavi? A wu fanele u hi khathalela hinkwerhu, kambe a wu na musa eka mina, u pfuna swiharhi leswin’wana hinkwaswo.” +Masiku hinkwawo N’waximanga a a gidela a ya eka N’wahomu a khome tinyiko, a lava ku tiva leswaku ha yini a nga laviwi. A a n’wi tisela byanyi byo nandziha lebyi tsakamaka byo huma enkoveni, ni mati yo titimela ni yo tenga lama humaka exinambyanini. Kambe hambi N’waximanga a ringeta hinkwaswo, N’wahomu na swiharhi leswin’wana a va nga n’wi lavi. A va hamba va papalata N’waximanga, kutani sweswo a swi n’wi tisela gome lerikulu. +Swi fambise sweswo ku fikela laha N’waximanga a nga byela N’wahomu a ku, “Se ndzi swi twile,” hiloko a rhurhela kun’wana. +A swi tekanga nkarhi makondlo ma nga si fika ma vanga hasahasa. Hiloko swiharhi leswin’wana swi ya rila eka N’wahomu. A swi hlundzuke ngopfu. “Muchaviseki N’wahomu!” swi huwelela hi ku hambana ka swona. +“U fanele u endla swin’wana hi mhaka leyi, N’wahomu,” ku vula N’wanghala. +“Ku tele makondlo hinkwakonkwako – laha hi etlelaka kona, laha hi dyaka kona, ni laha hi nwaka kona mati,” ku vula N’wampfuvu. +Hiloko N’wahomu na swiharhi leswin’wana swi sungula ku vona ntirho wa nkoka lowu N’waximanga a a wu endla navusiku loko vona hinkwavo va etlele. +Tanihi murhangeri wa le Toutswemogala, N’wahomu u simeke pfhumba ra ku famba ku laviwa N’waximanga. Hinkwavo va fambe va ngundzuvanya hinkwakonkwako. Ku hele masiku ya nkombo va ha ri eku n’wi laveni. +Eku heteleni N’wanhutlwa u kume N’waximanga – hi yena a n’wi voneke ku sungula – ivi a ya eka yena. “N’waximanga,” ku vula N’wanhutlwa, “swiharhi hinkwaswo swa ku kumbuka. Se ha swi vona leswaku a wu na vukanganyisi ni ku tumbeta swin’wana hilaha a hi ehleketa hakona. Makondlo ma endla leswaku hi ku kumbuka swinene. Hi lava mpfuno wa wena naswona ha ku rhandza. Hi kombela hi tlhela swin’we hi ya eToutswemogala.” + +N’waximanga a a nga ha tikoti hi ku tsaka loko a tlhelela eToutswemogala ni swiharhi leswin’wana. Masiku hinkwawo nivusiku a a dya makondlo ni ku ma hlongorisa kwihi na kwihi lomu ma tikotleteke kona. Swiharhi hinkwaswo a swi tsake swinene, ngopfungopfu N’wahomu hileswi ku tlheleke ku va ni ku rhula eToutswemogala. Kutani ku sukela siku rero, N’wahomu na N’waximanga va ve vanghana lavakulu, lerova N’wahomu a nyika N’waximanga ntswamba siku rin’wana ni rin’wana. +Endla ntsheketo wu nyanyula! + +Dirowa xifaniso xa kondlo. +Tirhisa vumba byinene kumbe bya vana u endla xifaniso xa homu, ximanga na nhutlwa. Tirhisa swiharhi leswi swa vumba ku tlanga ntsheketo. +Gimeta ntsheketo hi ndlela ya wena. A hi nge N’waximanga a a arile ku vuya eToutswemogala. U ehleketa leswaku a ku ta va ku endleke yini?",tso,Xitsonga,’wahomu la Xiximekaka!,"In the olden days, Cow and Cat lived on Toutswemogala Hill. They shared this hill with all the other animals. For the most part, all the animals lived together in peace and harmony. +Cow was very special amongst the animals because she was the ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Hi Koketso Tsemekwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/n’wahomu-la-xiximekaka +jabus-diary,"Jabu was a very adventurous boy. He lived in a small village in the Eastern Cape with his grandmother, grandfather, aunties, uncles and many cousins. Although Jabu often played with his cousins and friends, what he loved most, was to go on adventures in the bush around his home. +There were many things to do in the bush. He could watch the birds, he could search for snails, or he could watch the termites as they built their nests. + +Jabu had a wonderful time in the bush every day, but it always made him sad that he would not be able to share his adventures with his parents. +Jabu’s mother and father lived in Mossel Bay in the Western Cape. They phoned every week, but Jabu usually got only a few minutes to speak to them because everyone wanted a turn. +“Give me the phone. I need to ask Aunty something,” one cousin would say. +“I have an important message for your father,” an uncle would call out. +While he was waiting for his turn, Jabu’s mind would race to think of all the exciting adventures he wanted to tell his parents about. “I will tell them about the time I saw a big bird catch a field mouse. No! I will tell them about the snails I saw eating the leaves this morning. No! I will tell them about the termite that crawled into my shorts. No! …” and so his thoughts went on and on. +When it was his turn to speak to his parents, Jabu would have so many things to say that he would end up freezing on the phone, not knowing which story to tell. +Then, one week, his teacher, Mrs Nako, told the class about a wonderful book called a diary. +“A diary is a book with many pages to write on,” said Mrs Nako to the class. “It is special because each page is for one day of the year from January to December. You can use it to write important things that happened during your day. You can also make a note of certain days, like your birthday, so that you can remember to do things on that day.” +Jabu was excited! +“This is what I need!” he thought happily. “I need a diary so that I can write down all my adventures. Then I can sit down and decide which adventures I want to tell my parents about the next time they phone!” +Immediately after class, Jabu ran to Mrs Nako and asked her if she had a diary, even an old one, that he could use. +Luckily, Mrs Nako had brought some small diaries to class in case some of the students wanted them. Jabu was very happy. “Thank you, Mrs Nako. You don’t know how important this is for me!” he +said smiling. +His new diary was small enough to fit in his pocket, so he could carry it everywhere. It was blue and had a ribbon inside. Mrs Nako said he could use the ribbon as a marker to mark the page he wanted to +turn to. +“Gogo, look at my new diary!” Jabu called out from the gate as he arrived home from school. He was so excited that he did not see the big puddle of mud right in front of him. He stepped right into it and fell down with a big splash! Everyone laughed and laughed – even Jabu started laughing at himself. +“Hawu, Jabu,” said Gogo, “I told you that you must slow down when you are excited. Now you are covered in muddy water! But luckily your new diary didn’t get wet.” +  + +“I know, Gogo,” said Jabu as he picked himself up. “But this is the first adventure I am going to write about in my diary!” +When Jabu was all cleaned up and resting after supper, he sat down near Gogo and started to write. +After a few days, Jabu was very happy because he had written down many adventures in his new diary. He put the ribbon marker on the story of how he had fallen in the mud puddle. +“I like this story, Gogo,” said Jabu. “This story helps me remember the day I got my diary. And my writing skills are also getting better, Gogo, because I write every day!” +“That is very good, Jabu,” Gogo said, smiling at him. “Now, fetch your diary because your parents will phone soon.” +Jabu took the diary out of his pocket. He felt happy and excited because he finally knew exactly what he was going to say when it was his turn to talk on the phone! +  +  +Get story active! + +Draw a picture to illustrate this part of the story: When Jabu was all cleaned up and resting after supper, he sat down near Gogo and started to write. +Find the four creatures that Jabu saw in this story. +Make the 3D apple diary on page 4. Write about one interesting thing that happened to you today.",eng,English,Jabu's Diary,"Jabu was a very adventurous boy. He lived in a small village in the Eastern Cape with his grandmother, grandfather, aunties, uncles and many cousins. Although Jabu often played with his cousins and friends, what he loved most, was to go on ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Jane Sem,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/jabus-diary +jabus-diary,"Jabu is ’n baie avontuurlustige seun. Hy woon in ’n klein dorpie in die Oos-Kaap saam met sy ouma, oupa, tantes, ooms en baie neefs en niggies. Al speel Jabu gereeld saam met sy neefs en niggies en maats, hou hy die meeste daarvan om op avonture in die bos naby sy huis te gaan. +Daar is baie dinge om in die bos te doen. Hy kan die voëls dophou, slakke soek, of hy kan kyk hoe die termiete hul neste bou. +  + +Jabu speel elke dag heerlik in die bos, maar dit maak hom altyd hartseer dat hy nie sy avonture met sy ouers kan deel nie. +Jabu se ma en pa woon in Mosselbaai in die Wes-Kaap. Hulle bel elke week, maar Jabu kry gewoonlik net ’n paar minute om met hulle te gesels, want almal wil ’n beurt hê. +“Gee vir my die foon. Ek moet vir Tannie iets vra,” sê een niggie. +“Ek het ’n belangrike boodskap vir jou pa,” roep ’n oom uit. +Terwyl hy sy beurt afwag, dink Jabu aan al die opwindende avonture waarvan hy sy ouers wil vertel. “Ek sal vir hulle vertel van die keer toe ek gesien het hoe ’n groot voël ’n veldmuis vang. Nee! Ek gaan hulle vertel hoe ek vanoggend gesien het hoe die slakke die blare eet. Nee! Ek gaan hulle vertel van die termiet wat by my broek ingekruip het. Nee! …” en so vlieg sy gedagtes heen en weer. +Wanneer dit sy beurt is om met sy ouers te praat, is daar so baie dinge wat Jabu wil sê dat hy vashaak en skielik nie weet watter storie om te vertel nie. +Toe vertel sy juffrou, mev. Nako, een week vir die klas van ’n wonderlike boek wat ’n dagboek genoem word. +“’n Dagboek is ’n boek met baie bladsye om op te skryf,” sê mev. Nako vir die klas. “Dit is spesiaal, want elke bladsy is vir een dag van die jaar van Januarie tot Desember. Jy kan dit gebruik om belangrike dinge wat gedurende die dag met jou gebeur, neer te skryf. Jy kan ook ’n nota van sekere dae maak, soos jou verjaardag, sodat jy op daardie dag kan onthou om dinge te doen.” +Jabu is opgewonde! +“Dis wat ek nodig het!” dink hy gelukkig. “Ek het ’n dagboek nodig sodat ek al my avonture kan neerskryf. Dan kan ek gaan sit en besluit van watter avonture ek my ouers wil vertel as hulle weer bel!” +Toe die klas verby is, hardloop Jabu na mev. Nako toe en vra haar of sy ’n dagboek het, selfs ’n oue, wat hy kan gebruik. +Gelukkig het mev. Nako ’n paar klein dagboeke klas toe gebring ingeval daar van die leerders was wat dit wou hê. Jabu is baie bly. “Dankie, mev. Nako. Juffrou weet nie hoe belangrik dit vir my is nie!” sê hy met ’n glimlag. +Sy nuwe dagboek is klein genoeg om in sy sak te pas, en hy kan dit oral saamdra. Dis blou en daar’s ’n lintjie aan die binnekant. Mev. Nako het gesê hy kan die lintjie as ’n boekmerk gebruik om sy plek te hou by die bladsy waar hy wil wees. +“Gogo, kyk my nuwe dagboek!” roep Jabu van die hek af toe hy ná skool by die huis kom. Hy is so opgewonde dat hy nie die groot modderpoel reg voor hom sien nie. Hy trap daarin en val met ’n groot gespat neer! Almal lag en lag – en Jabu begin selfs vir homself lag. +“Hawu, Jabu,” sê Gogo, “ek het vir jou gesê jy moet stadiger loop as jy opgewonde is. Nou is jy van kop tot tone vol modderwater! Maar gelukkig het jou nuwe dagboek nie nat geword nie.” +  + +  +“Ek weet, Gogo,” sê Jabu toe hy opstaan. “Maar dit is die eerste avontuur waaroor ek in my dagboek gaan skryf!” +Toe Jabu weer skoon is en ná aandete rus, gaan sit hy naby Gogo en begin skryf. +’n Paar dae later is Jabu baie in sy skik, want hy het al baie avonture in sy nuwe dagboek geskryf. Hy merk die bladsye met die storie van hoe hy in die modderpoel geval het, met die lintjie. +“Ek hou van hierdie storie, Gogo,” sê Jabu. “Hierdie storie help my om die dag te onthou toe ek my dagboek gekry het. En ek kan ook al hoe beter skryf, Gogo, want ek skryf elke dag!” +“Dis baie goed, Jabu,” sê Gogo en glimlag vir hom. “Gaan haal nou jou dagboek, want jou ouers gaan nou-nou bel.” +Jabou haal die dagboek uit sy sak. Hy voel gelukkig en opgewonde, want hy weet uiteindelik presies wat hy gaan sê wanneer dit sy beurt is om oor die foon te praat! +  +Raak doenig met stories! + +Teken ’n prent om hierdie deel van die storie te illustreer: Toe Jabu weer skoon is en ná aandete rus, gaan sit hy naby Gogo en begin skryf. +Vind die vier diere wat Jabu in hierdie storie sien. +Maak die 3D-appeldagboek op bladsy 4. Skryf een interessante ding wat vandag met jou gebeur het daarin neer.",afr,Afrikaans,Jabu se dagboek,"Jabu was a very adventurous boy. He lived in a small village in the Eastern Cape with his grandmother, grandfather, aunties, uncles and many cousins. Although Jabu often played with his cousins and friends, what he loved most, was to go on ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Jane Sem,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/jabu-se-dagboek +jabus-diary,"UJabu bekamsana othanda ukwazi izinto. Bekahlala emzini omncani ose-Eastern Cape nogogwakhe, ubamkhulwakhe, abokghari, abomalume nabomzawakhe abanengi. Nanyana kanengi uJabu bekathanda ukudlala nabomzala nabangani bakhe, into ebekayithanda khulu kukhamba aye ehlathini eliseduze nekhabo ayokufunda ngezinto. +Bezizinengi izinto angazenza ehlathini. Bekangabukela iinyoni, bekangafuna iminenke namka bekangabukela imihlwa nayakha iinthubi. + +Qobe langa uJabu bekaba nelanga elimnandi ehlathini kodwana bekezwa ubuhlungu ngebanga lokuthi akakghoni ukucocela ababelethi bakhe ngezinto azibonileko. +Ababelethi bakaJabu bahlala eMossel Bay eWestern Cape. Bebamfowunela qobe veke kodwana uJabu akakghoni ukukhuluma nabo isikhathi eside ngombana woke umuntu ufuna ukukhuluma nabo. +“Nginikela ifowuni. Kunento engifuna ukuyibuza ukghari,” kutjho omunye umzawakhe. +“Kunento eqakathekileko engifuna ukuyitjela uyihlo,” kurhuwelela umalume. +Njengombana asalindele ithuba lakhe, ingqondo kaJabu beyigijima, ucabanga ngazo zoke izinto ezithabisako azibone ehlathini afuna ukuzicocela ababelethi bakhe. “Ngifuna ukubacocela ngenyoni ekulu leya engiyibone ibamba ikhondlo lemmangweni. Awa! Ngizobatjela ngomnenke engiwubone ekuseni udla amakari. Awa! Ngizobatjela ngomuhlwa loya ongene ngebhurugwini lami. Awa! …” bekalokhu acabanga. +Nasele kufika ithuba lakhe lokukhuluma nababelethi bakhe, sekunezinto ezinengi uJabu afuna ukukhuluma ngazo, lokho bekwenza bona avele akghadze efowunini angazi bona angabatjela yiphi indatjana. +Kwathi ngenye iveke utitjherakhe, uMrs Nako, watjela abafundi ngencwadi ehle okuthiwa yidayari. +“Idayari yincwadi enamakhasi amanengi ongatlolela kiwo,” kutjho uMrs Nako atjela abafundi. “Iqakathekile ngombana ikhasi linye, ngelelanga linye emnyakeni kusukela ngoJanabari kufikela ngoDisemba. Ungayisebenzisela ukutlola izinto eziqakathekileko ezenzeke elangenelo. Ungenza namatshwayo wamalanga athileko, njengelanga lakho lamabeletho ukwenzela bona ukhumbule izinto ozozenza mhlokho.” +Kwamthabisa kwamambala lokho uJabu! +“Nasi into engiyitlhogako!” Ucabanga ngethabo. “Ngitlhoga idayari bona ngitlole zoke izinto engizifumene ehlathini. Lokho kuzokwenza bona ngikghone ukuhlala phasi ngikhethe ukuthi ngikuphi engizokucocela ababelethi bami nabafowunako esikhathini esizako!” +Kwathi nakuphuma isikolo uJabu wagijimela kuMrs Nako wambuza bona akanayo na idayari angamupha yona nanyana kungaba ngeyakade. +Ngetjhudu, uMrs Nako bekeze namadayari amancani ukwenzela bona awaphe abafundi nabawatlhogako. UJabu wathaba kwamambala. “Ngiyathokoza, Mrs Nako. Awazi bona lokhu kuqakatheke kangangani kimi!” Utjho amomotheka. +Idayari yakhe etja beyiyincani kamnandi, beyikghona ukungena ngesikhwameni sakhe, yeke bekakghona ukukhamba nayo nanyana kukuphi. Beyihlaza ngombala inentanjana phakathi. UMrs Nako uthe intanjana le angayisebenzisela ukutshwaya ikhasi afuna ukulivula. +“Gogo, qala idayarami etja!” UJabu urhuwelela aseyegeni njengombana afika ekhaya abuya esikolweni. Bekathabe kangangobana akhange abone ukuthi kunedaka phambi kwakhe. Wangena kilo waduleka phasi! Woke umuntu wafa ziinhleko – ngitjho naye uJabu wathoma ukuzihleka. +“Wena, Jabu,” kutjho uGogo, “ngakutjela bona ungarhabi khulu nawuthabileko. Qala nje sele uzele idaka! Kodwana ngetjhudu idayarakho etja ayikathambi.” + +“Iye, Gogo,” uJabu utjho asikima. “Kodwana le yindaba yokuthoma engizoyitlola edayarinami!” +Kwathi ngemva kobana uJabu ahlambile bewaphumula ngemva kokudla kwantambama, wahlala eduze noGogo wathoma ukutlola. +Ngemva kwamalangana, uJabu bekathabile ngombana besele atlole izinto ezinengi azifumene ehlathini edayarinakhe. Wafaka intambo endabeni ehlathulula indlela awela ngayo edakeni. +“Ngiyayithanda indaba le Gogo,” kutjho uJabu. “Indaba le ingikhumbuza ilanga engafumana ngalo idayarami. Nekghono lami lokutlola liyathuthuka Gogo, ngombana ngitlola ngamalanga!” +“Yinto ehle leyo Jabu,” kutjho uGogo amomotheka. “Khamba uyokuthatha idayarakho ngombana ababelethi bakho bazokufowuna kungasikade.” +UJabu ukhipha idayarakhe ngesikhwameni. Uthabile ngombana ekugcineni sekayazi bona uzobacocela ngani ababelethi bakhe nakufika ithuba lakhe lokukhuluma ngefowuni! +  +  +Yenza indaba le ibemnandi! + +Dweba isithombe sencenye le yendatjana: Lokha uJabu nasele ahlambile begodu aphumulile ngemva kokudla kwantambama, ahlezi eduze noGogo athoma ukutlola. +Fumana iinlwana ezine ezisendabeni le uJabu azibonako. +Yenza idayari ye-apula eyi-3D ekhasini le-4. Tlola ngento yinye ethabisako eyenzeke kuwe namhlanjesi.",nbl,isiNdebele,Idayari KaJabu,"Jabu was a very adventurous boy. He lived in a small village in the Eastern Cape with his grandmother, grandfather, aunties, uncles and many cousins. Although Jabu often played with his cousins and friends, what he loved most, was to go on ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",NguJane Sem,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/idayari-kajabu-1 +jabus-diary,"UJabu wayeyinkwenkwe ethanda ukwazi izinto ezintsha. Wayehlala kwilali encinci yaseMpuma Koloni nomakhulu, utamkhulu, oomakazi, oomalume kunye nabazala bakhe abaninzi. Nangona uJabu wayedla ngokudlala nabazala neetshomi zakhe, eyona nto wayeyithanda, yayikukuya kwihlathi elikufutshane nekhaya lakhe aye kufunda izinto ezintsha. +Zazininzi izinto ezinokwenziwa ehlathini. Wayengabuka iintaka, akhangele iinyekevu, okanye abukele iintubi xa zisakha iziduli zazo. +  + +  +UJabu wayesonwaba kakhulu ehlathini yonke imihla, kodwa yayimkhathaza into yokuba engakwazi ukubalisela abazali bakhe ngezinto azibonileyo. +Umama notata kaJabu babehlala eMossel Bay eNtshona Koloni. Babefowuna qho ngeveki, kodwa uJabu wayedla ngokuba nemizuzu embalwa yokuthetha nabo kuba wonke umntu wayeye afune ithuba lokuthetha nabo. +“Khawusapha ifowuni. Kukho into endifuna ukuyicela kuAnti,” wayeye atsho omnye umzala wakhe. +“Kukho into ebalulekileyo endifuna ukuyixelela utatakho,” wayeye akhwaze atsho umalume. +Ngoxa elinde elakhe ithuba, ingqondo yakhe yayiye ithathe ibeka icinga ngezinto ezibangela imincili azenzileyo awayefuna ukubalisela abazali bakhe ngazo. “Ndiza kubabalisela ukuba ndibone intaka enkulu ibamba impuku yasendle. Hayi! Mandibabalisele ngenyekevu endiyibone isitya amagqabi kusasa namhlanje. Hayi! Ndiza kubabalisela ngentubi eye yenyuka ngomlenze yazokungena kushoti wam. Hayi! …” yayisiba yiloo nto ke ecinga le naleya. +Xa kufika ithuba lakhe lokuba athethe nabazali bakhe, uJabu wayesiba nezinto ezininzi kakhulu afuna ukuzithetha kangangokuba wayeye aphele sele ethula efowunini, engazi ukuba makabalise liphi ibali. +Kuthe ngenye iveki, utitshala wakhe, uNkskz Nako, waxelela iklasi ngencwadi eluncedo kakhulu ebizwa ngokuba yidayari. +“Idayari yincwadi enamaphepha amaninzi ongabhala kuwo,” watsho uNkskz Nako exelela iklasi. “Ikhethekile kuba iphepha ngalinye lelosuku oluthile lonyaka ukusuka kuJanuwari ukuya kuDisemba. Ungayisebenzisa ukubhala izinto ezibalulekileyo ezenzeke ebudeni bemini. Ungayisebenzisa nokuze uphawule iintsuku ezithile, njengomhla wokuzalwa wakho, ukuze ukhumbule ukwenza izinto ngalo mini.” +UJabu waba nemincili! +“Yile nto kanye ndiyifunayo!” wacinga watsho evuya. “Ndidinga idayari ukuze ndibhale zonke izinto endizenzayo. Emva koko ndiza kuhlala phantsi ndigqibe ngezinto endifuna ukuzibalisela abazali bam xa bephinda befowuna!” +Ngoko nangoko emva kweklasi, uJabu wabaleka waya kuNkskz Nako wambuza ukuba unayo na idayari, nokuba indala, angampha yona ukuze ayisebenzise. +Ngethamsanqa, uNkskz Nako wayeze needayari ezincinci eklasini ukwenzela xa abafundi benokuzifuna. UJabu wavuya kakhulu. “Enkosi, Nkskz Nako. Awuyazi indlela ebaluleke ngayo le nto kum!” watsho encumile. +Idayari yakhe entsha yayincinci ngokwaneleyo ukuba ilingane epokothweni yakhe, ngoko wayekwazi ukuya nayo naphi na. Yayiblu kwaye ineribhoni ngaphakathi. UNkskz Nako wathi angasebenzisa iribhoni njengesiphawuli ukuze aphawule iphepha afuna ukutyhila kulo. +“Makhulu, jonga idayari yam entsha!” uJabu wakhwaza esangena ngegeyithi xa evela esikolweni. Wayenemincili kangangokuba akazange awabone amanzi anodaka awayephambi kwakhe. Wawanyathela waza wayokuwa kuwo! Wonke umntu wamhleka – noJabu lowo waqalisa ukuzihleka. +“Tyhini, Jabu,” watsho uMakhulu, “Ndikuxelele nje ukuba ungabongxama xa unemincili. Jonga ngoku ungcoliswe ngamanzi anodaka! Kodwa ngethamsanqa idayari yakho entsha ayimanzanga.” +  + +  +“Ndiyazi Makhulu,” watsho uJabu ephakama. “Kodwa yinto yokuqala le endiza kubhala ngayo kwidayari yam!” +Emva kokuba uJabu ehlambile waza waphumla emva kwesidlo sangokuhlwa, wahlala ecaleni kukaMakhulu waza waqalisa ukubhala. +Emva kweentsuku ezimbalwa, uJabu wavuya kakhulu kuba wayebhale izinto ezininzi azenzileyo kwidayari yakhe entsha. Wafaka iribhoni yokuphawula kwibali lendlela awawela ngayo kumanzi anodaka. +“Ndiyalithanda eli bali, Makhulu,” watsho uJabu. “Eli bali lindikhumbuza umhla endafumana ngawo idayari yam. Nobuchule bam bokubhala buya busiba bhetele, Makhulu, kuba ndibhala yonke imihla!” +“Intle loo nto, Jabu,” watsho uMakhulu, emncumele. “Khawuyothatha idayari yakho ke kuba abazali bakho baza kufowuna kungekudala.” +UJabu wakhupha idayari epokothweni yakhe. Wayevuya kwaye enemincili kuba ekugqibeleni esazi into aza kuyithetha xa kufike ithuba lakhe lokuthetha efowunini! +  +[Get story active!] Yenza ibali linike umdla! + +Zoba umfanekiso wale ndawo ebalini: Emva kokuba uJabu ehlambile waza waphumla emva kwesidlo sangokuhlwa, wahlala ecaleni kukaMakhulu waza waqalisa ukubhala. +Fumana izidalwa ezine ezabonwa nguJabu kweli bali. +Yenza idayari yeapile ye-3D ekwiphepha 4. Bhala ngento ebangela umdla eyenzeke kuwe namhlanje.",xho,isiXhosa,Idayari kaJabu,"Jabu was a very adventurous boy. He lived in a small village in the Eastern Cape with his grandmother, grandfather, aunties, uncles and many cousins. Although Jabu often played with his cousins and friends, what he loved most, was to go on ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Jane Sem,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/idayari-kajabu +jabus-diary,"UJabu wayengumfana owayethanda izinkambo zokuthola ulwazi. Wayehlala emzaneni omncane wase-Eastern Cape nogogo wakhe, nomkhulu, no-anti, nomalume, nabazala abaningi. Nakuba uJabu ayevame ukudlala nabazala bakhe nabangane bakhe, into ayeyithanda kakhulu, kwakuwukuhamba aye ehlathini ngakubo ayofuna ukuthola ulwazi ngezinto. +Zaziziningi izinto ayengazenza ehlathini. Wayengabuka izinyoni, wayengafuna imineke, noma wayengabukela imihlwa yakha izidleke zayo. +  + +  +Nsuku zonke uJabu wayeba nesikhathi esimnandi ehlathini, kodwa njalo kwakumdabukisa ukuthi wayengakwazi ukuxoxela abazali bakhe ngezinkambo zakhe zokuyofuna ulwazi. +Umama nobaba kaJabu babehlala eMossel Bay eWestern Cape. Babemshayela ucingo maviki onke, kodwa ngokuvamile uJabu wayeba nemizuzu embalwa nje yokukhuluma nabo ngoba wonke umuntu wayefuna ithuba lokukhuluma nabo. +“Nginike ucingo. Kunento engifuna ukuyibuza u-Anti,” kusho omunye wabazala. +“Nginomyalezo obalulekile kababa wakho,” kumemeza umalume. +Lapho esalinde ithuba lakhe, umqondo kaJabu wawugijima ucabange ngazo zonke izinkambo ezijabulisayo ayefuna ukuxoxela abazali bakhe ngazo. “Ngizobaxoxela ngesikhathi ngibona inyoni enkulu ibamba igundwane lasendle. Cha! Ngizobaxoxela ngemineke engiyibonile idla amaqabunga namuhla ekuseni. Cha! Ngizobaxoxela ngomuhlwa ohambe wangena esikhindini sami. Cha! …” futhi imicabango yakhe yayiqhubeka kanjalo. +Lapho kufika isikhathi sakhe sokukhuluma nabazali bakhe, uJabu wayeba nezinto eziningi zokuzisho kangangoba wayegcina esevele woma nje ocingweni wathula, engazi ukuthi iyiphi indaba okumele ayixoxe. +Kwase kuthi, ngelinye iviki, uthisha wakhe, uMrs Nako, watshela ikilasi ngencwadi ekahle okuthiwa yidayari. +“Idayari yincwadi enamakhasi amaningi ongabhala kuwo,” kusho uMrs Nako ekilasini. “Ikhethekile ngoba ikhasi ngalinye lingelosuku olulodwa onyakeni kusukela kuJanuwari ukuya kuDisemba. Ungayisebenzisa ukubhala izinto ezibalulekile ezenzeke phakathi nosuku lwakho. Ungabuye uphawule nezinsuku ezithile, njengosuku lwakho lokuzalwa, ukuze ukwazi ukukhumbula ukwenza izinto ngalolo suku.” +UJabu wajabula! +“Yilento engiyidingayo!” ecabanga ejabulile. “Ngidinga idayari ukuze ngibhale kuyo zonke izinkambo zami zokuyofuna ulwazi. Khona-ke ngingahlala phansi futhi nginqume ukuthi yiziphi izinkambo engifuna ukuzixoxela abazali bami lapho befona ngokuzayo!” +Ngokushesha nje ngemva kwekilasi, uJabu wagijima waya kuMrs Nako futhi wambuza ukuthi unayo yini idayari, ngisho nendala, ayengayisebenzisa. +Ngenhlanhla, uMrs Nako wayeze namadayari athile amancane ekilasini enzela uma kunabafundi abawafunayo. UJabu wajabula kakhulu. “Ngiyabonga, Mrs Nako. Awazi ukuthi ibaluleke kangakanani kimi!” esho emamatheka. +Idayari yakhe entsha yayincane ngokwanele ukuba ingene ephaketheni, ngakho wayekwazi ukuyiphatha yonke indawo. Yayiluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka futhi inentambo ngaphakathi. UMrs Nako wathi angasebenzisa intambo ukumaka ikhasi afuna ukuvula kulo. +“Gogo, bheka idayari yami entsha!” uJabu ememeza esesesangweni njengoba efika ekhaya evela esikoleni. Wayejabule kakhulu kangangoba akalibonanga ichibi elikhulu elinodaka elalingaphambi kwakhe. Washo phakathi futhi wawa kwaxhaphaka amanzi aya phezulu! Bonke bahleka kakhulu – ngisho noJabu waqala ukuzihleka. +“Hawu, Jabu,” kusho uGogo. “Ngakutshela ukuthi ungaboshesha kakhulu uma ujabulile. Bheka manje umbozwe ngamanzi anodaka! Kodwa ngenhlanhla idayari yakho entsha ayimanzanga.” +  +[ +  +“Kunjalo Gogo.” kusho uJabu njengoba esukuma. “Kodwa lesi yisenzakalo sokuqala engizobhala ngaso kudayari yami!” +Lapho uJabu esezihlanzile futhi ephumule ngemva kokudla kwakusihlwa, wahlala phansi eduze noGogo futhi waqala ukubhala. +Ngemva kwezinsuku ezimbalwa, uJabu wajabula kakhulu ngoba wayebhale izinkambo eziningi kudayari yakhe entsha. Wafaka intambo endabeni echaza indlela awa ngayo echibini elinodaka. +“Ngiyayithanda le ndaba, Gogo,” kusho uJabu. “Le ndaba ingisiza ukuba ngikhumbule usuku engathola ngalo idayari yami. Futhi amakhono ami okubhala aya eba ngcono, Gogo, ngoba ngiyabhala nsuku zonke!” +“Kuhle kakhulu, Jabu,” kusho uGogo, emamatheka embhekile. “Manje, thatha idayari yakho ngoba abazali bakho bazofona khona manje.” +UJabu wakhipha idayari ephaketheni lakhe. Wazizwa ejabulile kakhulu ngoba ekugcineni wayazi ngokuthe ngqo ukuthi yini ayezoyisho lapho sekuyisikhathi sakhe sokuba akhulume ocingweni! +  +Yenza indaba ihlabe umxhwele! + +Dweba umfanekiso obonisa le ngxenye yendaba: Lapho uJabu esezihlanzile futhi ephumule ngemva kokudla kwakusihlwa, wahlala phansi eduze noGogo futhi waqala ukubhala. +Thola izidalwa ezine uJabu azibona kule ndaba. +Yenza idayari ye-aphula eyi-3D ekhasini 4. Bhala ngento eyodwa ejabulisayo eyenzeke kuwe namuhla.",zul,isiZulu,Idayari kaJabu,"Jabu was a very adventurous boy. He lived in a small village in the Eastern Cape with his grandmother, grandfather, aunties, uncles and many cousins. Although Jabu often played with his cousins and friends, what he loved most, was to go on ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Jane Sem,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/idayari-kajabu-0 +jabus-diary,"Jabu e be e le mošemane wa go rata go tseba ka dilo kudu. O be a dula motsaneng o monyenyane wa Kapa Bohlabela le makgolo wa gagwe, rakgolo wa gagwe, bommane, bomalome le bomotswala ba bantši. Le ge gantši Jabu a be a raloka le bomotswala ba gagwe le bagwera, seo a bego a se rata kudu e be e le go yo ithuta ka dilo sethokgweng sa kgauswi le ga gabo. +Go be go na le dilo tše dintši tše a ka di dirago moo sethokgweng. O be a ka bogela dinonyana, a tsoma dikgopa, goba a bogela makeke ge a dutše a aga diolo. +  + +Jabu o be a ipshina ka go ba moo sethokgweng letšatši le letšatši, eupša o be a dula a nyamišwa ke gore o be a ka se kgone go anegela batswadi ba gagwe ka dilo tše a ithutago tšona moo sethokgweng. +Mmago Jabu le tatagwe ba be ba dula Mossel Bay ka Bodikela bja Kapa. Ba be ba mo founela beke le beke, eupša gantši Jabu o be a kgona go bolela le bona ka metsotso e sego kae ka gore bohle ba be ba nyaka go bolela le bona. +Motswala yo mongwe wa Jabu o be a tla re: “Mphe founo yeo. Ke nyaka go botšiša Mmane selotsoko.” +Malome’agwe yena o be a tla re: “Ke nyaka go botša tatago molaetša wa bohlokwa.” +Ge Jabu a sa emetše go bolela, monagano wa gagwe o be o sa dudišege, a nagana ka dilo tše dintši tša go kgahliša tšeo a nyakago go di botša batswadi ba gagwe. “Ke tlo ba botša ka nako ya ge ke be ke bona nonyana e kgolo e swara legotlo. Aowa! Ke tlo ba botša ka kgopa yeo ke e bonego e eja matlakala mesong ye. Aowa! Ke tlo ba botša ka lekeke leo le tsenego ka borokgong bja ka. Aowa! …” e le ge monagano wa gagwe o duletše go nagana o sa fetše. +Ge nako ya gore a bolele le batswadi ba gagwe e fihla, Jabu o be a eba le dilo tše dintši kudu tše a nyakago go ba botša tšona moo a feleletšago a ahlame founong, a sa tsebe gore a thome kae. +Ke moka bekeng e nngwe, morutišigadi wa gagwe e lego Mohumagadi Nako, o ile a botša barutwana ba ka klaseng ka puku ya go kgahliša yeo e bitšwago pukutšatši. +Mohumagadi Nako o ile a re go barutwana: “Pukutšatši ke puku ya matlakala a mantši a go ngwalela. E kgethegile ka gore letlakala le lengwe le le lengwe la yona le na le letšatšikgwedi go thoma ka January go fihla ka December. O ka ngwalela ka go yona dilo tša bohlokwa tšeo di diragetšego mo letšatšing. O ka ba wa swaya matšatši a itšego, go swana le letšatši la gago la matswalo, gore o kgone go gopola go dira dilo tše itšego ka lona.” +Jabu o be a thabile kudu! +“Ke hloka puku ye!” a ipotša bjalo ka lethabo. “Ke hloka pukutšatši gore ke ngwale dilo ka moka tša go kgahliša tšeo ke ithutago tšona. Puku ye e tla nthuša gore ge batswadi ba ka ba founne, ke kgone go kgetha dilo tše nka ba anegelago tšona!” +Gateetee ka morago ga sekolo, Jabu o ile a kitimela go Mohumagadi Nako gomme a kgopela pukutšatši yeo a ka e šomišago, le ge e ka ba ya kgale. +Ka mahlatse, Mohumagadi Nako o be a tlile le dipukutšatši tše dinyenyane ka klaseng gore a di nee barutwana bao ba ka di nyakago. Jabu o be a thabile kudu. “Ke a leboga, Mohumagadi Nako. Ga le tsebe gore puku ye e bohlokwa gakaakaang go nna!” a realo a myemyela. +Pukutšatši ya gagwe e mpsha e be e le nyenyane gore e ka lekana ka potleng ya gagwe, gore a ye le yona gohle mo a ratago. E be e le e talalerata e bile e na le thapšana ka gare. Mohumagadi Nako o itše a ka tsenya thapšana yeo letlakaleng leo a nyakago go bula go lona. +Jabu o ile a goeletša a sa tla kgorong a etšwa sekolong a re: “Koko, bona pukutšatši ya ka e mpsha!” O be a thabile kudu moo a ilego a se bone le meetse a leraga ao a bego a le ka pele ga gagwe. O ile a gata ka gare ga wona gomme a rapalala fase! Bohle ba ile ba hwa ka disego – gaešita le Jabu o ile a thoma go sega. +“Hao, Jabu,” gwa realo Koko, “Ke go boditše gore o thekge ditho ge o thabile kudu. Bona gona bjale o tletše maraga! Efela re leboga gore pukutšatši ya gago e mpsha ga se ya thapa.” +  + +  +“Ke a tseba, Koko,” gwa realo Jabu a emelela. “Eupša ye ke tiragalo ya mathomo ya go kgahliša yeo ke tlo ngwalago ka yona ka gare ga pukutšatši ya ka!” +Ge Jabu a hlapile e bile a ikhuditše ka morago ga dijo tša go lalela, o ile a dula kgauswi le Koko gomme a thoma go ngwala. +Ka morago ga matšatši a sego kae, Jabu o be a thabile kudu ka gore o be a ngwadile dilo tše dintši tša go kgahliša ka gare ga pukutšatši ya gagwe e mpsha. O ile a tsentšha thapšana letlakaleng leo a ngwadilego ka taba ya gore o wetše ka gare ga meetse a leraga. +“Koko, ke rata kanegelo ye,” gwa realo Jabu. “Kanegelo ye e nkgopotša letšatši leo ke bilego le pukutšatši. E bile le tsela yeo ke ngwalago ka yona e a kaonefala Koko, ka gore ke ngwala letšatši le letšatši!” +“Ke ’taba tše dibotse Jabu,” gwa realo Koko, a myemyela le Jabu. “Swara pukutšatši ya gago, ka gore batswadi ba gago ba tla founa e se kgale.” +Jabu o ile a ntšha pukutšatši ka potleng ya gagwe. O be a thabile kudu e bile a sa swarege, ka gobane gabjale o be a tseba seo a bego a tlo se bolela founong ge nako ya gore a bolele le batswadi ba gagwe e fihla! +  +Dira gore kanegelo e be le bophelo! +  + +Terowa seswantšho sa go bontšha karolo ye ya kanegelo: Ge Jabu a hlapile e bile a ikhuditše ka morago ga dijo tša go lalela, o ile a dula kgauswi le Koko gomme a thoma go ngwala. +Hwetša diphedi tše nne tšeo Jabu a di bonego kanegelong ye. +Dira pukutšatši ya go swana le apola yeo e lego go letlakala 4. Ngwala ka selo se tee sa go kgahliša seo se go diragaletšego lehono.",nso,Sepedi,Pukutšatši ya Jabu,"Jabu was a very adventurous boy. He lived in a small village in the Eastern Cape with his grandmother, grandfather, aunties, uncles and many cousins. Although Jabu often played with his cousins and friends, what he loved most, was to go on ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Jane Sem,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/pukutšatši-ya-jabu +jabus-diary,"Jabu e ne e le moshanyana ya ratang ho sibolla dintho. O ne a dula motsaneng wa Kapa Botjhabela le nkgono wa hae, ntate moholo wa hae, borakgadi, borangwane le bomotswala wa hae ba bangata. Le hoja Jabu a ne a atisa ho bapala le bomotswala wa hae le metswalle ya hae, ntho eo a neng a e rata ka ho fetisisa ke ho ya morung o haufi le habo ho ya sibolla dintho. +Ho ne ho na le dintho tse ngata tseo a ka di etsang ka morung. O ne a ka shebella dinonyana, a tsomana le dikgofu, kapa a shebella bohlwa ha bo ntse bo haha seolo. +  + +Jabu o ne a ba le nako e monate ka morung letsatsi le leng le le leng, empa sena se ne se dula se mo utlwisa bohloko hobane o ne a sitwa ho bolella batswadi ba hae ka dintho tseo a di sibolotseng. +Mme le ntate wa Jabu ba ne ba dula Mossel Bay, Kapa Bophirima. Ba ne ba letsa beke e nngwe le e nngwe, empa hangata Jabu o ne a fumana metsotso e fokolang feela ya ho bua le bona hobane motho e mong le e mong o ne a batla ho bua le bona. +“Mphe fono. Ho na le ntho eo ke batlang ho e botsa mmangwane,” e mong wa bomotswala a rialo. +“Ke na le molaetsa wa bohlokwa wa ntate wa hao,” ha hwelehetsa rangwane. +Ha a ntse a emetse monyetla wa hae, ho ne ho tla dintho tse ngata ka kelellong ya Jabu ha a nahana ka dintho tse thabisang tseo a di sibolotseng tseo a batlang ho di bolella batswadi ba hae. E ne e ba moferefere feela ka kelellong: “Ke tlo ba bolella ka ha ke ne ke bona nonyana e kgolo e qhautsa tadi. A-e! Ke tla ba bolella ka dikgofu tseo ke di boneng di ja makgasi hoseng hona. Tjhe! Ke tla ba bolella ka bohlwa bo ileng ba hohobela ka borukgwaneng ba ka. A-e! …” ebe ho tla hlaha dintho tse ngata jwalo ka kelellong ya hae. +Ha nako e fihla ya hore a bue le batswadi ba hae, Jabu o ne a ba le dintho tse ngata tseo a batlang ho ba bolella tsona hoo a neng a qetella a sitwa ho tswa puo fonong, a se a sa tsebe hore na a phete pale efe. +Jwale ka beke e nngwe titjhere ya hae, Mofumahadi Nako, a bolella tlelase ka buka e babatsehang e bitswang dayari. +“Dayari e na le maqephe a mangata ao le ka ngolang ho ona,” ha rialo Mofumahadi Nako ho tlelase. “E kgethehile hobane leqephe ka leng ke bakeng sa letsatsi ka leng selemong ho tloha ka Pherekgong ho fihlela ka Tshitwe. O ka e sebedisa ho ngola dintho tsa bohlokwa tse etsahetseng letsatsing la hao. O ka boela wa tshwaya matsatsi a itseng, a kang letsatsi la hao la tswalo e le hore o ka hopola ho etsa dintho tse itseng ka letsatsi leo.” +Jabu o ne a thabile haholo! +O ile a re ka pelong a thabile: “Ke sona seo ke se hlokang. Ke hloka dayari e le hore ke ngole dintho tsohle tseo ke di sibollang. Jwale nka dula fatshe ebe ke etsa qeto ya hore na ke diketsahalo dife tseo ke di sibolotseng tseo ke batlang ho di bolella batswadi ba ka nakong e tlang ha ba letsa!” +Hang ha tlelase e tswa, Jabu a mathela ho Mofumahadi Nako mme a mo botsa hore na o na le dayari, esita le haeba e le ya kgale, eo a ka e sebedisang. +Ka lehlohonolo, Mofumahadi Nako o ne a tlile tlelaseng le didayari tse mmalwa tse nyenyane molemong wa haeba baithuti ba itseng ba ka di batla. Jabu o ne a thabile haholo. “Ke a leboha Mofumahadi Nako. Ha o tsebe hore na sena se bohlokwa hakaakang ho nna!” a rialo a bososela. +Dayari ya hae e ne e le nyenyane hoo e fellang ka pokothong, ka hona o ne a ka kgona ho ya le yona kae kapa kae. E ne e le mmala o moputswa mme e na le ribone ka hare. Mofumahadi Nako o ile a re a ka sebedisa ribone eo e le ho tshwaya leqephe leo a batlang ho le phetla. +“Nkgono, bona dayari ya ka!” Jabu a hweletsa a sa kena ka keiti ha a fihla hae ho tswa sekolong. O ne a thabile hoo a sa kang a bona qanthana e kgolo ya seretse ka pela hae. A fihla a re tlapu! ka hara yona a ba a wela ka hara yona a re phakga! Bohle ba shwa ke ditsheho mme ba tsheha ho fihlela Jabu le yena a itsheha. +“Owe, Jabu,” ke Nkgono eo. “Honeng ke o jwetsa hore o se no potlake ha o thabile. Ako ipone jwale o kwahetswe ke metsi a seretse! Empa ka lehlohonolo dayari ya hao e ntjha ha e ya koloba.” +  + +  +“Ke a tseba Nkgono,” ha rialo Jabu a tsoha moo a wetseng teng. “Empa ena ke yona tshibollo ya pele eo ke tlo ngola ka yona dayaring ena ya ka.” +Ha Jabu a se a hlapile mme a phomotse ka mora dijo tsa mantsiboya, a dula pela Nkgono mme a qala ho ngola. +Ka mora matsatsi a mmalwa, Jabu o ne a thabile haholo hobane o ne a ngotse dintho tse ngata tseo a di sibolotseng dayaring ya hae e ntjha. A beha ribone e tshwayang leqephe le ngotseng pale ya kamoo a wetseng ka hara qanthana ya seretse. +“Ke rata pale ena Nkgono,” ha rialo Jabu. Pale ena e nthusa ho hopola letsatsi leo ke fumaneng dayari ya ka ka lona. Hape tsebo ya ka ya ho ngola e a ntlafala Nkgono hobane ke ngola letsatsi le leng le le leng!” +“Tseo ke ditaba tse monate haholo Jabu,” ha rialo Nkgono a mo shebile ka pososelo. “Jwale tsa mo lata dayari ya hao hobane batswadi ba hao ba haufi le ho letsa.” +Jabu a ntsha dayari ka pokothong ya hae. O ne a thabile a bile a nyakaletse hobane qetellong o ne a tseba hantle seo a neng a tla se bua ha e le nako ya hae ya hore a bue fonong! +  +Eba mahlahahlaha ka pale! +  + +Taka setshwantsho ho bontsha karolo ena ya pale: Ha Jabu a se a hlapile mme a phomotse ka mora dijo tsa mantsiboya, a dula pela Nkgono mme a qala ho ngola. +Fumana diphoofolo tse nne tseo Jabu a di boneng paleng ena. +Etsa dayari ya apole ya 3D leqepheng la 4. Ngola ka ntho e le nngwe e thahasellisang e o etsahalletseng kajeno.",sot,Sesotho,Dayari ya Jabu,"Jabu was a very adventurous boy. He lived in a small village in the Eastern Cape with his grandmother, grandfather, aunties, uncles and many cousins. Although Jabu often played with his cousins and friends, what he loved most, was to go on ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Jane Sem,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dayari-ya-jabu +jabus-diary,"Jabu e ne e le mosimane yo o ratang go batla dilo tse disha. O ne a nna kwa motsaneng mongwe o monnye wa Kapa Botlhaba le mmèmogolo wa gagwe, rremogolo, borakgadi, bomalome le bontsalae ba le bantsi. Le fa gantsi Jabu a ne a tshameka le bontsalae le ditsala tsa gagwe, selo se a neng a se rata thata, e ne e le go ithuta dilo tse disha kwa sekgweng se se gaufi le legae la gaabo. +Go ne go na le dilo tse dintsi tse a ka di dirang kwa sekgweng. O ne a tle a lebelele dinonyane, a batla dikgopa le go lebelela kafa motlhwa o bopang diolo tsa one. +  + +Jabu o ne a itumelela nako ya gagwe kwa sekgweng letsatsi le letsatsi, mme gantsi go ne go mo hutsafatsa go bo a ne a sa kgone go bolelela batsadi ba gagwe ka dilo tse disha tse a di boneng. +Mmaagwe le rraagwe Jabu ba ne ba nna kwa Mossel Bay kwa Kapa Bophirima. Ba ne ba mo founela beke nngwe le nngwe, mme gantsi Jabu o ne a fiwa metsotso e sekaenyana fela ya go bua le bone ka gonne mongwe le mongwe o ne a batla sebaka sa go bua. +Mongwe wa bontsalae o ne a tla re: “Mphe founo. Ke tlhoka go botsa Rakgadi sengwe.” +Malome mongwe a bo a goa a re: “Ke na le molaetsa o o botlhokwa o ke batlang go o bolelela rrago.” +Fa Jabu a ntse a letile sebaka sa gagwe sa go bua, o ne a akanya ka dilo tsotlhe tse di itumedisang tse a di boneng tse a batlang go di bolelela batsadi ba gagwe. “Ke tla ba bolelela ka nako ya fa ke ne ke bona nonyane e tona e tshwara peba ya kwa nageng. Nnyaa! Ke tla ba bolelela ka dikgopa tse ke di boneng di ja matlhare mosong ono. Nnyaa! Ke tla ba bolelela ka motlhwa o o neng wa gagabela mo teng ga borukgwe jwa me jo bokhutshwane. Nnyaa! …” o ne a nna a tswelela a akanya ka dilo tse dintsi. +Fa e ne e le nako ya gagwe ya go bua le batsadi ba gagwe. Jabu o ne a tle a nne le dilo tse dintsi tse a batlang go di bua mo e leng gore o ne a feleletsa a didimala mo founong a sa itse gore a bue ka kgang efe. +Mme morago ga moo, beke nngwe, morutabana wa gagwe, e bong Mmè Nako, o ne a bolelela tlelase ka buka e ntle e e bidiwang tayari. +Mmè Nako o ne a raya tlelase a re: “Tayari ke buka e e nang le ditsebe di le dintsi tse o ka kwalang mo go tsone, e kgethegile ka gonne tsebe nngwe le nngwe ke ya letsatsi lengwe le lengwe la ngwaga go tloga ka January go ya go December. O ka e dirisa go kwala dilo tse di botlhokwa tse di diregileng mo letsatsing la gago. Mme gape o ka kwala dintlha tse di botlhokwa ka matsatsi a a rileng a a jaaka matsalo a gago, gore o tle o gopole go dira dilo dingwe ka letsatsi leo.” +Jabu o ne a itumetse tota! +“Se ke sone se ke se tlhokang!” a akanya jalo ka boitumelo. “Ke tlhoka tayari gore ke kgone go kwala dilo tsotlhe tse disha tse ke di ithutileng. Go tswa foo nka nna fa fatshe mme ke dire tshwetso ya gore ke batla go bolelela batsadi ba me ka dilo dife tse ke di ithutileng nako e e latelang fa ba mfounela!” +Ka bonako morago ga tlelase, Jabu o ne a tabogela Mmè Nako mme a mmotsa gore a ga a na tayari, le fa e ka tswa e le ya bogologolo, e a ka e dirisang. +Ka lesego, Mmè Nako o ne a tlile ka ditayarinyana dingwe mo tlelaseng gore fa go ka nna le baithuti bangwe ba ba di batlang a ba di neye. Jabu o ne a itumetse thata. “Ke a leboga, Mmè Nako. Ga o itse gore seno se botlhokwa jang mo go nna!” a rialo a nyenya. +Tayari ya gagwe e ntšha e ne e le nnye sentle gore e lekane mo potleng ya gagwe, ka jalo o ne a ya gongwe le gongwe le yone. E ne e le pududu mme e na le lente mo gare ga yone. Mmè Nako o ne a re a ka dirisa lente eno jaaka letshwao go tshwaya tsebe e a batlang go phetlhela kwa go yone. +“Nkoko, bona tayari ya me e ntšha!” Jabu a goa jalo a le kwa hekeng fa a fitlha kwa gae a tswa sekolong. O ne a itumetse thata jaana mo e leng gore o ne a sa bone mogobe o mogolo wa seretse mo pele ga gagwe. O ne a gata mo teng ga one mme a phatshaganya fa fatshe! Mongwe le mongwe o ne a swa ka ditshego– tota le Jabu o ne a simolola go itshega. +Nkoko a re: “Hawu, Jabu, ke go boleletse gore o se ka wa itlhaganela jaana fa o itumetse. Bona jaanong o khupeditswe ke seretse! Mme ka lesego tayari ya gago e ntšha ga ya ka ya koloba.” +  + +  +“Ke a itse Nkoko,” Jabu a rialo fa a ntse a ema. “Mme seno ke boitemogelo jwa ntlha jo ke ileng go kwala ka jone mo tayaring!” +Fa Jabu a sena go tlhapa mme a ikhutsitse morago ga dijo tsa maitseboa, o ne a nna gaufi le Nkoko mme a simolola go kwala. +Morago ga matsatsi a le mmalwa, Jabu o ne a itumetse thata ka gonne o ne a kwadile ka maitemogelo a mantsi a a nnileng le one mo tayaring ya gagwe e ntšha. O ne a baya letshwao la lente mo kgannyeng ya kafa a wetseng mo seretseng ka teng. +“Ke rata kgang eno, Nkoko,” ga rialo Jabu. “ Kgang eno e nthusa go gopola letsatsi le ke boneng tayari ya me ka lone. Mme bokgoni jwa me jwa go kwala bo a tokafala, Nkoko, ka gonne ke kwala letsatsi le letsatsi!” +Nkoko o ne a bolela jaana a nyenya: “Seo se a itumedisa, Jabu, jaanong, o ka ya go tsaya tayari ya gago ka gonne batsadi ba gago ba tla tloga ba founa.” +Jabu o ne a ntsha tayari ya gagwe mo potleng ya gagwe. O ne a itumetse thata ka gonne kgabagare o ne a itse sentle gore o tla reng fa e nna nako ya gagwe ya go bua mo founong! +  +Nna le matlhagatlhaga a leinane! +  + +Torowa setshwantsho go bontsha karolo eno ya leinane: Fa Jabu a sena go tlhapa mme a ikhutsitse morago ga dijo tsa maitseboa, o ne a nna gaufi le Nkoko mme a simolola go kwala. +Batla ditshedi di le nnè tse Jabu a di boneng mo leinaneng leno. +Dira tayari e e tshwanang le apole e e mo tsebeng 4. Kwala ka nngwe ya dilo tse di kgatlhang tse di go diragaletseng gompieno.",tsn,Setswana,Tayari ya ga Jabu,"Jabu was a very adventurous boy. He lived in a small village in the Eastern Cape with his grandmother, grandfather, aunties, uncles and many cousins. Although Jabu often played with his cousins and friends, what he loved most, was to go on ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Jane Sem,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tayari-ya-ga-jabu +jabus-diary,"Jabu o vha e mutukana ane a funa nga maanḓa u tandula. O vha a tshi dzula muḓanani muṱuku ngei Kapa Vhubvaḓuvha na makhulutshisadzi, makhulutshinna, vhomakhadzi, vhomalume na vhazwala vhanzhi. Naho Jabu o vha a tshi anzela u tamba na vhazwala vhawe na dzikhonani, o vha a tshi funesa u tandula ḓakani ḽi re tsini hayani ha hawe. +Ho vha hu na zwithu zwinzhi zwine a nga zwi ita ḓakani. O vha a tshi nga sedza zwiṋoni, a ṱoḓa khumba kana a sedza madzhulu musi a tshi khou fhaṱa tshiulu. + +Jabu o vha a tshi ḓiphina musi a tshi ya ḓakani ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe, fhedzi tshifhinga tshoṱhe zwo vha zwi tshi mu ṱungufhadza uri o vha a sa koni u vhudza vhabebi vhawe nga ha zwithu zwine a zwi ita. +Mme na khotsi a Jabu vha dzula ngei Mossel Bay kha ḽa Kapa Vhukovhela. Vho vha vha tshi rwela luṱingo vhege iṅwe na iṅwe, fhedzi Jabu o vha a tshi kona u amba navho lwa mimunithi i si gathi fhedzi nga ṅwambo wa uri muṅwe na muṅwe u ṱoḓa u amba navho. +“Nṋeeni ḽuṱingo. Ndi khou ṱoḓa u vhudzisa Makhadzi wanga zwiṅwe zwithu,” ndi muṅwe muzwala a no ralo. +“Ndi na mulaedza wa ndeme une nda khou ṱoḓa u u vhudza khotsi aṋu,” hu huwelela malume awe. +Musi o lindela u ṋewa luṱingo, Jabu o vha a tshi humbula nga ha zwithu zwi takadzaho zwe a zwi vhona zwe a vha a tshi ṱoḓa u zwi vhudza vhabebi vhawe. “Ndi ḓo vha vhudza nga ha ḓuvha ḽe nda vhona tshiṋoni tshihulwane tshi tshi bata mbevha. Hai! Ndi ḓo vha vhudza nga ha khumba dze nda dzi vhona dzi tshi khou ḽa maṱari ano matsheloni. Hai! Ndi ḓo vha vhudza nga ha madzhulu e nda a vhona a tshi khou dzhena kha vhurukhu hanga vhupfufhi. Hai! …” nahone a ḓelwa nga mihumbulo minzhi, ha vha izwi na zwiḽa. +Musi hu tshi swika tshifhinga tsha uri a ambe na vhabebi vhawe, Jabu u vha e na zwithu zwinzhi zwine a ṱoḓa u zwi amba lune musi a tshi fara luṱingo u sokou hwii, a si ḓivhe tshiṱori tshine a nga anetshela tshone. +Nga zwenezwo, iṅwe vhege mudededzi wawe, Vho-Nako, vha vhudza kilasi nga ha bugu yavhuḓi ine ya pfi dayari. +“Dayari ndi bugu i re na masiaṱari manzhi a u ṅwalela, vha ralo Vho-Nako vha tshi khou vhudza kilasi. “Ndi bugu yo khetheaho ngauri siaṱari ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe ndi ḽa ḓuvha ḽithihi ḽa ṅwaha u bva nga Phando u swika nga Nyendavhusiku. Ni nga i shumisa u ṅwala zwithu zwa ndeme zwe zwa itea nga ḓuvha. Ni nga dovha na swaya maṅwe maḓuvha, a ngaho ḓuvha ḽaṋu ḽa mabebo, uri ni kone u humbula u ita zwiṅwe zwithu nga ḽeneḽo ḓuvha.” +Zwenezwo zwa takadza Jabu! +“Hezwi ndi zwine nda zwi ṱoḓa!” a ḓivhudza o takala. “Ndi ṱoḓa dayari uri ndi kone u ṅwala zwithu zwoṱhe zwe nda zwi ita. Nga murahu ha zwenezwo ndi nga dzula fhasi nda vhona uri ndi zwifhio zwine nda ṱoḓa u zwi vhudza vhabebi vhanga musi vha tshi ri rwela luṱingo tshifhingani tshi ḓaho!” +Musi kilasi i tshi tou bva, Jabu a gidimela kha Vho-Nako, a vha vhudzisa arali vhe na dayari ine a nga i shumisa, naho i ya kale. +Mashudu mavhuya ndi uri Vho-Nako vho vha vho renga dayari ṱhukhu dzine vha ḓo dzi ṋea vhagudiswa vhane vha dzi ṱoḓa. Jabu o vha o takala nga maanḓa. “Ndo livhuwa zwone Vho-Nako. Ndi ya ndeme nga maanḓa kha nṋe!” a ralo a tshi khou ṅweṅwela. +Dayari yawe ntswa yo vha i ṱhukhu lune ya fhelela tshikwamani, nga zwenezwo o vha a tshi ṱuwa nayo huṅwe na huṅwe. Yo vha i ya muvhala wa lutombo, i na riboni ngomu. Vho-Nako vho amba uri a nga shumisa riboni u swaya siaṱari ḽine a ṱoḓa u ḽi vula. +“Gugu, kha vha vhone dayari yanga ntswa!” Jabu a vhidzelela musi a tshi tou swika getheni ḽa hayani a tshi bva tshikoloni. O vha o takala lwe a si vhone tivha ḽihulwane ḽi re na thophe phanḓa hawe. A ḽi tshabvanya nahone a phashamela ngomu! Vhathu vha tou fa nga zwiseo, vha sea vhukuma – na ene Jabu a thoma u ḓisea. +“Yuwii, Jabu,” Gugu vha ralo, “Ndo ni vhudza uri ni tea u litsha zwa u gidima-gima musi no takala. Ḓanu vhona zwino, no khakhaṱhela thophe! Fhedzi tshi takadzaho ndi uri dayari yaṋu ntswa a yo ngo nukala.” +  + +  +“Ndi a zwi ḓivha, Gugu,” a ralo Jabu a tshi khou takuwa uri a ḓiukhuthe. “Fhedzi hetshi ndi tshithu tsha u thoma tshine nda ḓo ṅwala nga hatsho kha dayari yanga!” +Musi Jabu o no ṱamba na u awela nga murahu ha zwiḽiwa zwa nga madekwana, a dzula tsini na Gugu a thoma u ṅwala. +Nga murahu ha maḓuvha a si gathi, Jabu o vha o takala zwihulu ngauri o vha o ṅwala zwithu zwinzhi zwe a zwi ita kha dayari yawe ntswa. A vhea riboni ya u swaya kha tshiṱori tsha nḓila ye a wela ngayo kha tivha ḽa thophe. +“Ndi a tshi funa hetshi tshiṱori, Gugu,” a ralo Jabu. “Hetshi tshiṱori tshi nthusa u humbula ḓuvha ḽe nda wana ngaḽo dayari yanga. Ndi ḓo khwinisa na vhukoni hanga ha u ṅwala Gugu, ngauri ndi vho ṅwala ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe!” +“Ndi zwavhuḓi nga maanda Jabu,” Gugu vha ralo vha tshi khou ṅweṅwela. “Zwino iyani ni yo dzhia dayari yaṋu ngauri vhabebi vhaṋu vha ḓo ri rwela luṱingo hu si kale.” +Jabu a bvisa dayari yawe tshikwamani. O vha o takala na u nyanyuwa ngauri o vha a tshi vho ḓivha zwine a ḓo zwi amba musi vha tshi mu ṋea luṱingo uri a ambe navho! +  +Itani uri tshiṱori tshi nyanyule! +  + +Olani tshifanyiso u sumbedza hetshi tshipiḓa tsha tshiṱori: Musi Jabu o no ṱamba na u awela nga murahu ha zwiḽiwa zwa nga madekwana, a dzula tsini na Gugu a thoma u ṅwala. +Ṱo��ani zwivhumbiwa zwiṋa zwe Jabu a zwi vhona kha hetshi tshiṱori. +Itani dayari ya apula ya 3D i re kha siaṱari 4. Ṅwalani tshithu tshithihi tshi takadzaho tshe tsha itea kha inwi ṋamusi.",ven,Tshivenda,Dayari ya Jabu,"Jabu was a very adventurous boy. He lived in a small village in the Eastern Cape with his grandmother, grandfather, aunties, uncles and many cousins. Although Jabu often played with his cousins and friends, what he loved most, was to go on ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Jane Sem,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dayari-ya-jabu-0 +jabus-diary,"Jabu a a ri mufana loyi a a rhandza ku tiva swilo swintshwa. A a tshama emugangeni lowutsongo aEastern Cape na vakokwa wakwe, vahahani, vamalume na tikhazini to tala. Hambileswi Jabu a a tala ku tlanga na tikhazini takwe na vanghana, leswi a a swi rhandza ngopfu a ku ri ku famba a dyondza hi swilo enhoveni ekusuhi ni le kaya. +A ku ri na swo tala swo swi endla enhoveni. A a hlalela swinyenyana, a lava tihumba, kumbe a hlalela muhlwa loko wu aka matshuka. +  + +Jabu a a tiphina enhoveni siku na siku, kambe nkarhi hinkwawo a a nga khomeki kahle loko a nga swi koti ku hlamusela vatswari vakwe swilo leswintshwa leswi a swi dyondzeke. +Vatswari va Jabu a va tshama eMossel Bay eWestern Cape. A va fona vhiki na vhiki, kambe Jabu a a nga koti ku vulavula nkarhi wo leha na vona, hileswi lavan’wana na vona a va lava ku vulavula na vona. +“Ndzi nyike foni. Ndzi lava ku vutisa Anti swin’wana,” ku vula khazini wakwe. +“Ku na mhaka ya xihatla leyi ndzi lavaka ku yi byela papa wena,” ku vula malume. +Loko a ha rindzele ku vulavula na vatswari vakwe, Jabu a a ehleketa swilo hinkwaswo swo tsakisa leswi a a lava ku va byela swona. “Ndzi ta va hlamusela hi nkarhi lowu ndzi voneke xinyenyana lexikulu xi khoma kondlo. E-e! Ndzi ta va byela hi tihumba leti ndzi ti voneke ti ri karhi ti dya matluka nimixo. E-e! Ndzi ta va byela hi muhlwa lowu nga nyokovela wu ndzi nghena eburukwini. E-e! …” a ya emahlweni a anakanya leti na letiya. +Loko ku fika nkarhi wakwe wa ku vulavula ni vatswari, Jabu a a va na swo tala swinene swo va byela swona lerova a hetelela a miyerile efonini, a nga ha swi tivi leswaku u ta khoma swihi a tshika swihi. +Kutani siku rin’wana mudyondzisi wakwe, Thicara Nako, u byele tlilasi hi buku leyi pfunaka swinene leyi vuriwaka dayari. +“Dayari i buku ya matluka yo tala lawa u nga tsalaka eka wona,” ku vula Thicara Nako a hlamusela tlilasi. “Yi hlawulekile hikuva tluka ha rin’we i ra ku tsala timhaka ta siku rero, ku sukela hi January ku fikela hi December. U nga tsala swilo swa nkoka leswi endlekeke hi siku rero. U nga tlhela u fungha masiku man’wana, yo fana na siku ra wena ra ku velekiwa, leswaku u tsundzuka swilo leswi u faneleke u swi endla hi siku rero.” +Jabu a a tsake na swikunwana! +“Hi leswi ndzi lavaka swona!” a vulavula hi mbilu a tsakile. “Ndzi fanele ndzi va na dayari leswaku ndzi tsala swilo hinkwaswo leswintshwa leswi ndzi swi dyondzeke. Kutani ndzi ta tshama ehansi ndzi hlawula leswi ndzi faneleke ndzi swi hlamusela vatswari va mina loko va fona!” +Loko tlilasi yi huma, Jabu u tsutsumele eka Thicara Nako a ya n’wi vutisa loko a nga ri na yona dayari leyi a nga n’wi nyikaka leswaku a yi tirhisa, hambi ku ri ya khale. +Nkateko wa kona, Thicara Nako a a te na swidayarani leswaku a ta nyika lava nga tshukaka va swi lava etlilasini. Jabu a a tsake ngopfu. “Ndza nkhensa Thicara Nako. Leyi i nyiko ya nkoka swinene eka mina!” a vula a ri karhi a n’wayitela. +Dayari yakwe leyintshwa a yi ri yitsongo lerova a yi kota ku nghena exikhwameni, leswaku a famba na yona kun’wana na kun’wana. A yi ri ya wasi naswona a yi ri na rhiboni leyi tikotleteke exikarhi ka matluka. Thicara Nako u n’wi byele leswaku a nga tirhisa rhiboni ku fungha tluka leri a ri pfuleke. +“Gogo, vona dayari ya mina yintshwa!” ku huwelela Jabu a ha ri egedeni loko a fika ekaya a vuya hi le xikolweni. A a tsake ngopfu lerova a nga ha swi voni leswaku ku ni ndzhope emahlweni ka yena. U fike a wu kandziya kutani a rheta a wa, ivi wu ku phyandla! Hinkwavo va n’wi hleke ku vava – lerova na yena a sungula ku tihleka. +“Hawu, Jabu,” ku vula Gogo, “Ndzi ku byele leswaku u tshika ku jaha loko u tsakile. Vona, se u lo pyii, hi ndzhope! Nkateko wa kona, dayari ya wena yintshwa a yi tsakamanga.” +  + +  +“Ndza swi tiva, Gogo,” ku vula Jabu a ri karhi a pfuka. “Kambe lexi i xiendlakalo xo sungula lexi ndzi nga ta xi tsala edayarini!” +Loko Jabu a hlambile naswona a tidzumberile endzhaku ko lalela, u tshame etlhelo ka Gogo a sungula ku tsala. +Endzhaku ka masikunyana, Jabu a a tsake ngopfu hileswi a koteke ku tsala timhaka to tala edayarini yakwe yintshwa. U funghe mhaka ya ku wela kakwe endzhopeni hi rhiboni. +“Ndzi rhandza xiendlakalo lexi, Gogo,” ku vula Jabu. “Xi ndzi tsundzuxa siku leri ndzi kumeke dayari ya mina ha rona. Naswona se ndzi antswisile emhakeni yo tsala, Gogo, hikuva ndzi tsala masiku hinkwawo!” +“Yaleyo i mhaka yo tsakisa, Jabu,” ku vula Gogo, a ri karhi a n’wayitela. “Humesa dayari ya wena phela, vatswari va wena va ta fona ku nga ri khale.” +Jabu u humese dayari exikhwameni. A a tsake na swikunwana hikuva se a a swi tiva leswi a a ta vula swona loko ku fika nkarhi wakwe wa ku vulavula efonini! +  +Endla ntsheketo wu nyanyula! +  + +Dirowa xifaniso lexi kombisaka leswi: Loko Jabu a hlambile naswona a tidzumberile endzhaku ko lalela, u tshame etlhelo ka Gogo a sungula +ku tsala. +Kuma swivumbiwa swa mune eka ntsheketo lowu leswi Jabu a swi voneke. +Endla dayari leyi vumbekeke ku fana na apula leyi nga eka tluka 4. Tsala nchumu wo tsakisa lowu ku humeleleke namuntlha.",tso,Xitsonga,Dayari ya Jabu,"Jabu was a very adventurous boy. He lived in a small village in the Eastern Cape with his grandmother, grandfather, aunties, uncles and many cousins. Although Jabu often played with his cousins and friends, what he loved most, was to go on ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Jane Sem,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dayari-ya-jabu-1 +anything-can-happen,"Once upon a time, Hen, together with her three little chicks, shared a field with Cow. +Cow loved grazing as she walked all the way across the field to visit her friend, Hen. But times were hard. The rain had come late this year, and there was very little grass. Cow was very hungry as she plodded slowly over to Hen’s coop. The farmer had forgotten to buy hay. +Hen was happy to see Cow. “Hello, my friend,” said Hen. “Let me bring you some cool, fresh water to drink. You must be thirsty after your long walk.” Then Hen rushed off to fetch some water for Cow to drink. +As Cow was lying in the shade of a big, old thorn tree, the three little chicks were playing around her. They were plump and yellow, just like the blooms of the tabebuia tree that Cow sometimes saw in springtime. +Cow’s tummy growled and rumbled as she watched the chicks playing. She raised her head and looked over her shoulder guiltily. First right, then left and then right again. There was still no sign of Hen. +Now, cows don’t usually eat meat, but remember, anything can happen! Cow was so hungry that before she could think, she jumped up and started chasing after the little balls of yellow plumpness! + +The three chicks scattered before Cow, peeping innocently: “We turn on a dime and give you nine cents change. You can’t catch us even if you try. We turn on a dime and give you nine cents change. You can’t catch us even if you try.” And they peeped and cheeped with laughter. +Just then, Hen returned with some water for Cow. She looked at the dust clouds hanging around her baby chicks. +“What’s going on?” Hen asked, smiling at the three chicks. +“Cow is playing catch with us,” peeped the chicks, falling over each other, legs in the air. +“But she is too slow,” they cheeped. Then they jumped up and ran through Cow’s legs to show how fast they were. +“Don’t tire out our friend,” Hen clucked at her brood before walking away to fetch more refreshments for Cow. +As soon as Hen was out of sight, Cow was after the chicks again, trying her best to catch at least one. But they scurried away, singing: “We turn on a dime and give you nine cents change. You can’t catch us even if you try. We turn on a dime and give you nine cents change. You can’t catch us even if you try.” +By the time Hen returned, Cow’s tongue was hanging out of her mouth, and in one big gulp, she swallowed the water Hen had placed in front of her. +“They are always under one’s feet. So playful,” said Hen. “But at least I know they are safe from the falcon, who is always watching from afar.” Hen nervously looked up at the sky and then smiled at Cow. “Thank you for keeping an eye on them while I was gone,” she told her friend. +Cow knew that this was not what had really happened, and although she felt bad, she only nodded tiredly. By now, she was faint with hunger. Running around after the chicks had used up all her energy. +After some time, Cow got up and said goodbye to Hen, wondering whether she would even be able to make the long walk back to her shed. +Cow stumbled into the shed just as the evening shadows started to stretch out on the floor. She was relieved to see a big pile of hay brought in by the farmer. And once she started eating, she couldn’t stop. She ate and ate and ate until she was so full that she floated right up to the moon like a big, patchy balloon. Because remember, anything can happen! + +Get story active! + +What is the most unusual thing you have ever eaten? Draw a picture of the food. Below the picture, describe the smell and taste of the food. + + +Write a new ending for the story. What would have happened if there was no hay for Cow to eat when she got home? Remember, anything can happen!",eng,English,Anything can happen,"Once upon a time, Hen, together with her three little chicks, shared a field with Cow. +Cow loved grazing as she walked all the way across the field to visit her friend, Hen. But times were hard. The rain had come late this year, and there was ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Dorah Masig,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/anything-can-happen +anything-can-happen,"Lank, lank gelede het Hen en haar drie klein kuikentjies ’n weiveld met Koei gedeel. +Koei het daarvan gehou om aan die gras te loop en wei op pad na haar maat, Hen. Maar dit was swaar tye. Die reën was hierdie jaar laat, en daar was baie min gras. Koei is honger terwyl sy stadig na Hen se hok drentel. Die boer het vergeet om hooi te koop. +Hen is bly om vir Koei te sien. “Dagsê, vriendin,” sê Hen. “Kom, laat ek vir jou ’n bietjie koel, vars water gaan haal om te drink. Jy is seker baie dors ná jy so ver gestap het.” Hen skarrel weg om vir Koei water te gaan haal. +Terwyl Koei in die skaduwee van ’n groot ou doringboom rus, speel die drie klein kuikentjies rondom haar. Hulle is plomp en geel, nes die bloeisels van die trompetboom wat Koei soms in die lente sien. +Koei se maag gor en grom terwyl sy kyk hoe die kuikentjies speel. Sy lig haar kop op en loer skuldig oor haar skouer. Eers regs, dan links en dan weer regs. Daar’s nog geen teken van Hen nie. +Koeie eet nie gewoonlik vleis nie, maar onthou nou, enigiets kan gebeur! Koei is so honger dat sy opspring en die klein donsige geel balletjies begin rondjaag voor sy haar kan bedink! + + +Die drie kuikentjies skarrel voor Koei weg en piep onskuldig: “Ons is vinnig soos blits, ons kom weg in ’n kits. Jy kan ons nie vang nie, ons is nie bang nie. Ons is vinnig soos blits, ons kom weg in ’n kits. Jy kan ons nie vang nie, ons is nie bang nie.” En hulle piep en tjiep van die lag. +Net toe kom Hen terug met ’n bietjie water vir Koei. Sy kyk na die stofwolke wat om haar kuikentjies hang. +“Wat gaan hier aan?” vra Hen, en glimlag vir die drie kuikentjies. +“Koei speel met ons,” piep die kuikentjies, en val oor mekaar, bene in die lug. +“Maar sy is te stadig,” tjiep hulle. Toe spring hulle op en hardloop deur Koei se bene om te wys hoe vinnig hulle is. +“Moenie ons vriendin uitput nie,” kloek Hen vir haar broeisel voor sy wegstap om nog eetgoed vir Koei te gaan haal. +Toe Hen weg is, jaag Koei die kuikentjies weer en doen haar bes om ten minste enetjie te vang. Maar hulle skarrel weg en sing: “Ons is vinnig soos blits, ons kom weg in ’n kits. Jy kan ons nie vang nie, ons is nie bang nie. Ons is vinnig soos blits, ons kom weg in ’n kits. Jy kan ons nie vang nie, ons is nie bang nie.” +Teen die tyd dat Hen terugkom, hang Koei se tong uit, en sy slurp al die water wat Hen voor haar neersit, met een groot sluk op. +“Hulle is altyd onder ’n mens se voete. So spelerig,” sê Hen. “Maar ten minste weet ek hulle is veilig teen die valk wat hulle altyd van ver af dophou.” Hen kyk senuweeagtig op in die lug en glimlag dan vir Koei. “Dankie dat jy ’n ogie oor hulle gehou het terwyl ek weg was,” sê sy vir haar vriendin. +Koei weet dit is nie wat regtig gebeur het nie, en al voel sy sleg, knik sy net haar kop moegerig. Teen hierdie tyd is sy dood van die honger. Sy het al haar energie opgebruik om agter die kuikentjies aan te hardloop. +Ná ’n rukkie staan Koei op en groet vir Hen. Sy wonder of sy die lang pad tot by haar skuur sal kan stap. +Koei strompel in die skuur in net toe die aand se skaduwees oor die vloer begin rek. Sy is verlig om ’n groot baal hooi te sien wat die boer ingebring het. En toe sy eers begin eet, kan sy nie ophou nie. Sy eet en eet tot sy so vol is dat sy opstyg en tot by die maan sweef, soos ’n groot, veelkleurige ballon. Want onthou, enigiets kan gebeur! +  + +  +Raak doenig met stories! + +Wat is die mees ongewone ding wat jy al geëet het? Teken ’n prent van die kos. Skryf onder die prent hoe dit geruik en gesmaak het. +Skryf ’n nuwe einde vir die storie. Wat sou gebeur het as daar geen hooi was vir Koei toe sy by die huis gekom het nie? Onthou, enigiets kan gebeur!",afr,Afrikaans,Enigiets kan gebeur,"Once upon a time, Hen, together with her three little chicks, shared a field with Cow. +Cow loved grazing as she walked all the way across the field to visit her friend, Hen. But times were hard. The rain had come late this year, and there was ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Dorah Masig,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/enigiets-kan-gebeur +anything-can-happen,"Ngaminazana ithile, uSikhukukazi, kunye namantshontsho akhe amathathu amancinci, babekunye noNkomo edlelweni. +UNkomo wayethanda ukutya ingca njengoko ehamba enqumla idlelo esiya kumhlobo wakhe, uSikhukukazi. Kodwa kwakunzima ngelo xesha. Imvula yayine emva kwexesha ngalo nyaka, ibe ingca yayincinci kakhulu. UNkomo wayelambe nyhani njengoko wayehamba etyhafile esiya kwihoko kaSikhukhukazi. Umfama wayelibele ukumthengela ingca ethengwayo yeenkomo. +USikhukukazi wavuya akubona uNkomo. “Molo, tshomi yam,” watsho uSikhukukazi. “Mandikuphathele amanzi apholileyo, athob’ unxano ukuze usele. Umele ukuba unxaniwe kuba kudala uhamba.” Emva koko uSikhukukazi wabaleka wayokulanda amanzi ewaphathela uNkomo ukuze asele. +Njengoko uNkomo wayengqengqe kumthunzi womthi onameva omkhulu, nomdala, amantshontshwana ayedlala kufutshane naye. Ayetyebile kwaye etyheli, ngathi ngumthi ekuthiwa yi-tabebuia uNkomo awayedla ngokuwubona ngamanye amaxesha entwasahlobo. +Isisu sikaNkomo senza ingxolo njengoko wayebukele la mantshontsho edlala. Waphakamisa intloko yakhe waza wathi krwaqu ngasemva ezisola. Waqala wajonga ekunene, wajonga ekhohlo waza waphinda ekunene. Wayengamboni uSikhukukazi. +Kodwa ke, iinkomo azidli ngakuyitya inyama, kodwa khumbula, nantoni na ingenzeka! UNkomo wayelambe kakhulu kangangokuba wazibhaqa sele ephakamile, waza waqalisa ukuleqa ezo bholana zincinci zityheli! + +  +La mantshontshwana mathathu athi saa phambi kukaNkomo, eman’ ukutswitsiza engazi nto: “Singoophuncuka bemphethe thina. Soze usibambe noba sele ufuna. Singoophuncuka bemphethe thina. Soze usibambe noba sele ufuna.” Ayemane ukutswitswiza aze aphele yintsini. +Kuthe kusenjalo, wabuya uSikhukukazi ephathele uNkomo amanzi. Wajonga uthuli olwalujikeleze amantshontshwana akhe. +“Kwenzeka ntoni?” wabuza uSikhukukazi, encumele amantshontsho akhe amathathu. +“UNkomo udlala nathi,” atswitswiza atsho amantshontsho, aqikileka, imilenze isemoyeni. +“Kodwa uyacotha,” atsho. Emva koko axhuma aza abaleka ephuma phantsi kwemilenze kaNkomo ukuze abonise indlela abaleka ngayo. +“Sanukuduba umhlobo wethu kaloku,” uSikhukukazi watsho kumantshontsho akhe ngaphambi kokuba aye kulanda ezinye izinto eziphathela uNkomo. +Uthe nje akusithela uSikhukukazi, uNkomo waphinda waleqa amantshontsho, ezama kangangoko ukubamba nokuba linye nje. Kodwa aqhubeka embaleka, ecula esithi: “Singoophuncuka bemphethe thina. Soze usibambe noba sele ufuna. Singoophuncuka bemphethe thina. Soze usibambe noba sele ufuna.” +Uthe ebuya uSikhukukazi, lwabe ulwimi lukaNkomo sele luphumile emlonyeni wakhe, ibe wawaginya ngethamo elinye amanzi awayebekwe nguSikhukukazi phambi kwakhe. +“Basoloko bephazamisa aba. Bathanda gqith’ ukudlala,” watsho uSikhukukazi. “Kodwa ke ndiyazi ukuba bakhuselekile kukhetshe, osoloko ebagxeleshile ekude.” USikhukukazi wajonga phezulu esibhakabhakeni enexhala wancumela uNkomo. “Enkosi ngokundijongela bona ngokuya bendimkile,” watsho kwitshomi yakhe. +UNkomo wayesazi ukuba yayingenjalo, ibe nangona waziva ebuhlungu, wanqwala nje ediniwe. Ngeli xesha wayeziva ephelelwa ngamandla ngenxa yendlala. Ukuleqa amantshontsho kwakuwagqibile onke amandla akhe. +Ethubeni, uNkomo waphakama waza wabhabhayisa uSikhukukazi, ezibuza ukuba uza kukwazi na ukuhamba umgama omde obuyela eshedini yakhe. +UNkomo wagxadazela waya kungena eshedini kanye xa kunaba amathunzi. Wavuya akubona imfumba yokutya kweenkomo okwakuziswe ngumfama. Wathi akuqalisa ukutya, akayeka. Watya watya watya de wahlutha kangangokuba abhabhe aye enyangeni njengebhaluni enkulu, enamabalabala. Kuba khumbula kaloku, nantoni na ingenzeka! +  + +  +Yenza ibali linike umdla! + +Yintoni eyona nto ingaqhelekanga owakha wayitya? Zoba umfanekiso woko kutya. Ngezantsi komfanekiso, chaza ivumba nencasa yoko kutya. +Bhala umqukumbela omtsha weli bali. Ngekwakwenzeke ntoni ukuba kwakungekho ukutya kweenkombo okwakuza kutyiwa nguNkomo xa efika ekhaya? Khumbula, nantoni na ingenzeka!",xho,isiXhosa,ntoni na ingenzek,"Once upon a time, Hen, together with her three little chicks, shared a field with Cow. +Cow loved grazing as she walked all the way across the field to visit her friend, Hen. But times were hard. The rain had come late this year, and there was ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Dorah Masig,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nantoni-na-ingenzeka +anything-can-happen,"Kwasukasukela, uSikhukukazi, namachwane akhe amathathu amancane, babehlala ensimini noNkomazi. +UNkomazi wayekuthanda ukuklaba njengoba ayehamba indlela yonke enqamula ensimini ezovakashela umngane wakhe, uSikhukukazi. Kodwa izikhathi zazinzima. Imvula ifike sekwephuzile kulo nyaka, futhi kunotshani obuncane kakhulu. UNkomazi wayelambe kakhulu njengoba ayesondela kancane kancane ehhokweni likaSikhukukazi. Umnikazi wepulazi wayekhohliwe ukuthenga utshani obomile. +USikhukukazi wajabula lapho ebona uNkomazi. “Sawubona, mngane wami,” kusho uSikhukukazi. “Yithi ngikulethele amanzi abandayo, aqabulayo uphuze. Kumelwe ukuthi unxaniwe ngemva kokuhamba ibanga elide kangaka.” USikhukukazi wayesephuthuma eyothatha amanzi ukuze uNkomazi aphuze. +Njengoba uNkomazi ayelele emthunzini wesihlahla sameva esikhulu, esidala, amachwane amathathu amancane ayedlala eduze naye. Ayeyizibutubutwana futhi eyelo, njengezimbali zesihlahla se-tabebuia uNkomazi ayezibona ngezinye izikhathi entwasahlobo. +Isisu sikaNkomazi sabubula futhi saduma njengoba ayebukele amachwane edlala. Waphakamisa ikhanda lakhe futhi wabuka ngenhla kwehlombe lakhe ngokungathi udliwa unembeza. Okokuqala ngakwesokudla, kwase kuba ngakwesobunxele kwase kuba ngakwesokudla futhi. uSikhukukazi wayengakabonakali ndawo. +Manje-ke, izinkomazi azivamile ukudla inyama, kodwa khumbula, kungenzeka noma yini! UNkomazi wayelambe kakhulu kangangoba ngaphambi kokuba acabange, wagxuma wema ngezinyawo futhi waqala ukugijimisa izibutubutwana ezincane eziyelo! +  + +  +Amachwane amathathu asakazeka phambi kukaNkomazi, ejeqeza ngobumnene ethi: “Sishesha njengombane, sijik’ eduze. Ngeke usibambe noma ungazama. Sishesha njengombane, sijik’ eduze. Ngeke usibambe noma ungazama.” +Ngaso leso sikhathi, uSikhukukazi wabuya ephathele uNkomazi amanzi. Wabuka izikhatha zothuli ezazingaphezu kwamachwane akhe amancane. +“Kwenzekani lapha?” kubuza uSikhukukazi, emamatheka ebheke amachwane amathathu. +“UNkomazi udlala ngokuthi asibambe,” amachwane ejeqeza, ewa eba yizibhodongo elinye phezu kwelinye, imilenze iphezulu emoyeni. +“Kodwa uthatha kancane,” entshiyoza. Ayesegxumela phezulu futhi agijima angena ephuma ngaphansi kwemilenze kaNkomazi ukuze abonise indlela ayeshesha ngayo. +“Musani ukukhathalisa umngane wethu,” uSikhukukazi ekekela etshela amachwane akhe ngaphambi kokuba ahambe ayolanda ukudla okulula okwengeziwe elandela uNkomazi. +Lapho nje uSikhukukazi esesithele, uNkomazi waphinda wajaha amachwane, ezama ngamandla onke ukubamba elilodwa okungenani. Kodwa asakazeka ngokushesha, ecula: “Sishesha njengombane, sijik’ eduze. Ngeke usibambe noma ungazama. Sishesha njengombane, sijik’ eduze. Ngeke usibambe noma ungazama.” +Ngesikhathi uSikhukukazi ebuya, ulimi lukaNkomazi lwalulenga ngaphandle komlomo wakhe, futhi ngomthamo owodwa omkhulu, wagwinya amanzi uSikhukukazi ayewabeke phambi kwakhe. +“Ahlale engaphansi kwezinyawo zothile. Athanda ukudlala,” kusho uSikhukukazi. “Kodwa okungenani ngiyazi ukuthi aphephile okhozini, oluhlale lubhekile lukude.” USikhukukazi wabheka phezulu ngokukhathazeka wayesemamatheka ebheke uNkomazi. “Ngiyabonga ngokungigadela bona lapho ngisahambile,” etshela umngane wakhe. +UNkomazi wayazi ukuthi kwakungekhona lokho okwakwenzekile ngempela, futhi nakuba azizwa kabi, wamane wavuma enqekuzisa ikhanda ngokukhathala. Manje, wayesefile yindlala. Ukujahana namachwane kwakumqede wonke amandla. +Ngemva kwesikhathi esithile, uNkomazi wasukuma wavalelisa kuSikhukukazi, ezibuza ukuthi uzokwazi yini ngisho nokuhamba le ndlela ende ebuyela kwakhe. +UNkomazi wangena kwakhe lapho nje amathunzi akusihlwa eseqala ukubukeka emade phansi. Wakhululeka lapho ebona indunduma enkulu yotshani obomile obabulethwe ngumnikazi wepulazi. Lapho nje eseqale ukudla, akazange eme. Wadla wadla wadla waze wasutha kakhulu kangangoba wantanta waya phezulu wayofika enyangeni, njengebhalune elikhulu, elimibalabala. Phela khumbula, kungenzeka noma yini! +  + +  +Yenza indaba ihlabe umxhwele! + +Yini engavamile kunazo zonke oke wayidla? Dweba umfanekiso walokho kudla. Ngezansi komfanekiso, chaza iphunga nendlela lokho kudla okunambitheka ngayo. +Bhala isiphetho esisha sale ndaba. Yini eyayizokwenzeka ukube babungekho utshani obomile bokuba uNkomazi adle lapho ebuya ekhaya? Khumbula, kungenzeka noma yini!",zul,isiZulu,Kungenzeka noma yin,"Once upon a time, Hen, together with her three little chicks, shared a field with Cow. +Cow loved grazing as she walked all the way across the field to visit her friend, Hen. But times were hard. The rain had come late this year, and there was ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Dorah Masig,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kungenzeka-noma-yini +anything-can-happen,"Kgalekgaleng, Kgogo le matswiana a gagwe a mararo, o be a phela le Kgomo lefelong le letee. +Kgomo o be a rata go fula bjang ge a dutše a phatša lefelong leo a le tseleng ya go etela mogwera wa gagwe Kgogo. Eupša bophelo bo be bo le thata. Pula e be e nele llata ngwageng wo, ka gona go be go se na bjang bjo bontši. Kgomo o be a swerwe ke tlala kudu ge a dutše a ikgoga a eya hokong ya Kgogo. Rapolase o be a lebetše go reka furu. +Kgogo o be a thabile kudu ge a bona Kgomo. “Dumela mogwera,” gwa realo Kgogo. “E re ke go tlele le meetse a monate le a go tonya gore o nwe. O swanetše go ba o nyorilwe ka morago ga leeto le le letelele.” Ke moka Kgogo o ile a kitima gomme a yo kgela Kgomo meetse. +Ge Kgomo a be a kwaetše ka fase ga moriti wa mohlare o mogolo le wa kgale wa meetlwa, matswiana a mararo a be a raloka go mo dikologa. A be a nonne gomme e le a maserolane, a swana le matšoba a mohlare wo o bitšwago tabebuia, ao Kgomo a bego a fela a a bona ka seruthwane. +Mala a Kgomo a be a lla e bile a duma ge a dutše a bogetše matswiana ao a raloka. O ile a tsoša hlogo gomme a lebelela ka mahlakoreng ka moka a itiwa ke letswalo. O ile a thoma ka go lebelela ka go le letona, a lebelela ka go le letshadi, ke moka a lebelela ka go le letona gape. O ile a lemoga gore Kgogo ga a gona mo kgauswi. +Bjale, dikgomo ka tlwaelo ga di je nama, eupša gopola, selo se sengwe le se sengwe se ka direga! Kgomo o be a swerwe ke tlala kudu moo ntle le go nagana, a ilego a tsoga gomme a thoma go kitimiša matswiana ale a go nona le a maserolane! + +Matswiana ale a mararo a ile a phatlalala ka pele ga Kgomo, a mo lebelela ka mahlong gomme a re: “Re na le lebelo la mmutla. O ka se re sware le ge o ka dirang. Re na le lebelo la mmutla. O ka se re sware le ge o ka dirang.” A realo a dutše a tswietša e bile a hwile ka disego. +Ka yona nako yeo, Kgogo o ile a tšwelela a swaretše Kgomo meetse. O ile a lebelela lerole leo le bego le thunya go dikologo matswiana a gagwe. +“Go direga’ng?” gwa botšiša Kgogo, a myemyela le matswiana a gagwe a mararo. +“Kgomo o raloka le rena papadi ya go kitimišana,” gwa realo matswiana, a welana godimo e bile maotwana a wona a lebile godimo. +“Eupša o nanya kudu,” a realo a tswietša. Ke moka a tsoga ka go akgofa gomme a kitima go phatša maoto a Kgomo go kgantšha lebelo la wona. +“Aowa hle, le se ke la lapiša mogwera wa rena,” Kgogo o ile a sega matswiana a gagwe pele a yo gela Kgomo meetse a mangwe gape. +Ge Kgogo a se no sobelela, Kgomo o ile a thoma go kitimiša matswiana ale gape, a leka ka gohle gore bonyenyane a sware letswiana le letee. Eupša a ile a mo šia, a dutše a opela a re: “Re na le lebelo la mmutla. O ka se re sware le ge o ka dirang. Re na le lebelo la mmutla. O ka se re sware le ge o ka dirang.” +Ge Kgogo a boa, ke ge leleme la Kgomo le lekeletše ka ntle, ke moka a metša gatee meetse ao Kgogo a mo tletšego le ona. +“Bana ba ka ba rata go farafara baeng. Ba ithatela go raloka,” gwa realo Kgogo. “Eupša ke kgothatšwa ke go tseba gore ba ka se jewe ke segotšane, yoo a dulago a ba tomoletše mahlo a le kgolekgole.” Kgogo o ile a lebelela godimo ka letšhogo ke moka a myemyela le mogwera wa gagwe Kgomo gomme a re go yena: “Ke leboga go ntlhokomelela bana ge ke be ke sa potetše ka mo.” +Kgomo o be a tseba gore o be a sa dire seo, e bile ka ge a be a ipona molato, o ile a no dumela ka hlogo a lapile. Mo nakong ye, tlala e be e mo setla o šoro. Go kitimišana le matswiana ale go be go mo feditše matla. +Ka morago ga nako e itšego, Kgomo o ile a emelela gomme a laela Kgogo, a dutše a ipotšiša ge e ba a tla ba le matla a go sepela leeto le letelele la go boela lešakeng la gagwe. +Kgomo o ile a fihla lešakeng ge leswiswi le le kgauswi le go swara. O ile a imologa kudu ge a bona mokgobo o mogolo wa furu yeo e tlišitšwego ke rapolase. O itše go thoma go ja, a se sa nyaka le go kgaotša. O ile a ja, a ja, a ja a tlatša dimpa go fihlela a tšewa ke moya gomme a lekelela lefaufaung okare ke paluni. O se ke wa makala, gopola gore selo se sengwe le se sengwe se ka direga! +  + +  +Dira gore kanegelo e be le bophelo! + +Ke selo sefe se se sa tlwaelegago kudu seo o kilego wa se ja? Terowa selo seo. Ka tlase ga seswantšho, hlalosa monkgo wa selo seo le tatso ya sona. +Ngwala phetho e mpsha ya kanegelo. Go be go tlo direga’ng ge nkabe Kgomo a be a se na furu yeo a ka e jago ge a fihla gae? Gopola, selo se sengwe le se sengwe se ka direga!",nso,Sepedi,Selo se sengwe le se sengwe se ka direg,"Once upon a time, Hen, together with her three little chicks, shared a field with Cow. +Cow loved grazing as she walked all the way across the field to visit her friend, Hen. But times were hard. The rain had come late this year, and there was ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Dorah Masig,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/selo-se-sengwe-le-se-sengwe-se-ka-direga +anything-can-happen,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale, Kgoho hammoho le ditsuonyana tsa hae ba ne ba dula tshimong e le nngwe le Kgomo. +Kgomo o ne a rata ho tsamaya a ntse a fula ha a parola tshimo ho etela motswalle wa hae Kgoho. Empa eo e ne e le nako e boima. Pula e ne e diehile ho na selemong seo, mme jwang bo ne bo fokola haholo. Kgomo o ne a lapile haholo ha a ntse a tsamaya butle ho leba serobeng sa Kgoho. Rapolasi o ne a lebetse ho reka furu. +Kgoho a thaba ha a bona Kgomo. “Dumela motswalle wa ka”, ha rialo Kgoho. “E re ke o tlisetse metsi a phodileng, a hlwekileng o ke o nyae qoqotho. O tlameha o nyorilwe ka mora ho tsamaya nako e telele.” Yaba Kgoho o matha ka lebelo ho ya kgella Kgomo metsi a ho nwa. +Ha Kgomo a ntse a bothile tlasa moriti wa sefate se seholo sa meutlwa, ditsuonyana tse tharo di ne di ntse di bapabapala pela hae. Di ne di nonne hamonatjana, di le tshehla ekare ke dithungthung tsa sefate sa tabebuia seo ka dinako tse ding Kgomo a se bonang ha e le nako +ya selemo. +Jwale lephako la Kgomo la uba le ho rora ha a ntse a shebile ditsuonyana tsena di bapala. A phahamisa hlooho, a hetla ka letswalo le molato. A qala ho sheba ka ho le letona, a sheba ka ho le letshehadi, a ntano sheba ka ho le letona hape. Kgoho o ne a ntse a sa bonahale. +Nnete ke hore ka tlwaelo dikgomo ha di je nama, empa hopola hore eng kapa eng e ka etsahala! Kgomo o ne a lapile hoo le pele a ka inahana a ileng a re rao, yaba o qala ho lelekisa dibolonyana tseo tse tshehla tse manoni! +  + +Ditsuonyana tse tharo tsa qhalakana ka pela Kgomo di ntse di re tsuo tsuo, di sa nahane letho le lebe: “Re lebelo, re a tswapela le ho thinya hona mona. O ke ke wa re tshwara lekgale. Re lebelo, re a tswapela le ho thinya hona mona. O ke ke wa re tshwara lekgale.” Yaba di etsa jwalo di ntse di re tsuo tsuo le ho etsa lerata di qabohile. +Ka yona nako eo, Kgoho a kgutla ka metsi bakeng sa Kgomo. A sheba lerole le qobileng moo ditsuonyana tsa hae di leng hona teng. +“Ho etsahalang?” Ha botsa Kgoho a bososetse ho ditsuonyana tsa hae tse tharo. +“Kgomo o ntsa bapala le rona, o leka ho re tshwara,” ditsuonyana tsa rialo di bile di wenala hodimo, maotwananyana a tsona a qethohela moyeng.” +“Empa o matha butle haholo,” tsa rialo. Yaba di a qothoma le ho tswapela dipakeng tsa maoto a Kgomo ho bontsha kamoo di bileng lebelo kateng. +“Tlohelang ho kgathatsa moeti wa rona lona,” Kgoho a kakatletsa ditsuenyaneng tsa hae pele a ikela ho ya kga metsi a eketsehileng bakeng sa Kgomo. +Ha Kgoho a qala a re pote! Kgomo a tloseletsa ho lelekisa ditsuonyana, a leka ka matla hore bonyane a mpe a qhautse e le nngwe. Empa tsa qhalakana di ntse di bina: “Re lebelo, re a tswapela le ho thinya hona mona. O ke ke wa re tshwara lekgale. Re lebelo, re a tswapela le ho thinya hona mona. O ke ke wa re tshwara lekgale.” +Nakong eo Kgoho a kgutlang, leleme la Kgomo le ne le se le leketletse kantle, mme ka mothamo o le mong feela a nwa metsi ao Kgoho a a behileng ka pela hae. +“Ba dula ba le tlasa maoto a motho bana. Ba ithatela ho bapala,” ha rialo Kgoho. “Empa bonyane ke a tseba hore ba sireletsehile ho phakwe, ya dulang a shebile a le hole.” Kgoho a sheba hodimo ka matswalo a ntano bososella Kgomo. “Ke a leboha ka ho sala o mpehetse bona leihlo ha ke ile,” a bolella motswalle wa hae. +Kgomo o ne a tseba hore seo hase sona se hlileng se etsahetseng, mme le hoja a ne a ikutlwa a le molato, a dumela ka ho oma hlooho a kgathetse. Empa jwale o ne a shwele ke tlala. Ho mathisa ditsuonyana ho ne ho nkile matla a hae kaofela. +Ka mora nako, Kgomo a ema mme a fonanisa Kgoho, a ntse a ipotsa hore na ebe o tla kgona ho tsamaya a be a yo fihla moo a dulang. +Kgomo a fihla a thekesela moo a dulang ha meriti e theha. O ile a imoloha hakaakang ha a bona tutudu ya furu e neng e tlile le rapolasi. Jwale ha a qala ho ja, a se ke a hlola a kgaotsa. A ja, a ja, aja, ho fihlela mpa ya hae e budulohile hoo a ileng a qala ho phaphalla ho fihlela a fihla kgweding, e ka ke balunu e kgolo, e dipatlo. Hobane, o nno hopole, eng kapa eng e ka etsahala! +  + +  +Eba mahlahahlaha ka pale! + +Ke eng e sa tlwaelehang ka ho fetisisa eo o kileng wa e ja? Taka setshwantso sa sejo seo. Tlasa setshwantsho seo, hlalosa monko le tatso ya sejo seo. +Ngola qetello e ntjha bakeng sa pale ena. Ho ka be ho etsahetse eng hoja ha Kgomo a fihla hae o ile a fumana ho se na furu eo a ka e jang? Hopola, eng kapa eng e ka etsahala!",sot,Sesotho,Eng kapa eng e ka etsah,"Once upon a time, Hen, together with her three little chicks, shared a field with Cow. +Cow loved grazing as she walked all the way across the field to visit her friend, Hen. But times were hard. The rain had come late this year, and there was ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Dorah Masig,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/eng-kapa-eng-e-ka-etsahala +anything-can-happen,"E kile ya re ka nako nngwe, Koko le dikokwana tsa gagwe ba ne ba nna le Kgomo mo nageng. +Kgomo o ne a rata go fula fa a ntse a tsamaya a ralala naga go ya go etela tsala ya gagwe, Koko. Mme e ne e le dinako tse di thata. Pula e ile ya diega monongwaga mme go ne go sena bojang jo bontsi. Kgomo o ne a tshwerwe ke tlala thata fa a ntse a tsamaya ka bonya a ya kwa hokong ya ga Koko. Rapolasi o ne a lebetse go reka furu. +Koko o ne a itumeletse go bona Kgomo. “Dumela, tsala ya me,” ga rialo Koko. “Mma ke go tlele metsi a go nwa a a tsididi a a phepa. O tshwanetse wa bo o nyorilwe morago ga go tsamaya sekgala se setelele.” Go tswa foo Koko o ne a itlhaganela go ya go tseela Kgomo metsi a go nwa. +Fa Kgomo a ntse a rapame mo moriting wa setlhare se segolo, sa mokala sa bogologolo, dikokwana tse tharo tse dinnye di ne di tshameka gaufi le ene. Di ne di nnone e bile di le serolwana, fela jaaka dithunya tsa setlhare sa tabebuia tse Kgomo a tlholang a di bona ka nako ya dikgakologo. +Mala a ga Kgomo a ne a duma a kurutla fa a ntse a lebeletse dikokwana di tshameka. O ne a tsholetsa tlhogo ya gagwe a gadima kwa morago a ikutlwa molato. A leba kafa mojeng pele, a bo a leba kafa molemeng, a bo a leba kafa mojeng gape. Koko o ne a ise a bonale gope. +Gone mme, gantsi dikgomo ga di ke di ja nama, mme gopola, go ka direga sengwe le sengwe! Kgomo o ne a tshwerwe ke tlala thata mo e leng gore pele ga fa a ka akanya, o ne a tlola a bo a simolola go lelekisa dikokwanyana tse di nonneng tse di serolwana! + +Dikokwana tse tharo tsa phatlalala fa pele ga Kgomo, di tswirinya jaana ka boikutlo jo bo siameng: “Re matšato mme re kgona go potela ka bofefo. O ka se re tshware le fa o ka leka.” “Re matšato mme re kgona go potela ka bofefo. O ka se re tshware le fa o ka leka.” Mme di ne tsa tswirinya di ipolaile ka ditshego. +Ka yone fela nako eo, Koko a boa a tlela Kgomo metsi. O ne a lebelela lerole le le neng le kubueditse dikokwanyana tsa gagwe. +“Go direga eng?” Koko a botsa jalo a nyenya le dikokwana tse tharo. +“Kgomo o tshameka maiphitlhwane le rona,” dikokwana tsa tswirinya jalo, di pitikana, maoto a lebile kwa godimo. +“Mme o bonya thata,” tsa tswirinya. Morago ga foo tsa tlola di feta mo maotong a ga Kgomo go bontsha gore di bofefo jang. +“Lo se ka lwa lapisa tsala ya rona,” Koko a tshegatshega le mamphorwana a gagwe pele ga a tsamaya a ya go tseela Kgomo metsi a mangwe a a lapolosang. +Fa fela Koko a sena go potela, Kgomo a tabogela dikokwana gape, a leka ka natla go tshwara bobotlana e le nngwe fela. Mme di ne tsa betsega, di opela di re: “Re matšato mme re kgona go potela ka bofefo. O ka se re tshware le fa o ka leka.” “Re matšato mme re kgona go potela ka bofefo. O ka se re tshware le fa o ka leka.” +Ka nako ya fa Koko a boa, loleme lwa ga Kgomo le ne le akgega mo molomong wa gagwe, a kodumetsa metsi a Koko a neng a a beile mo pele ga gagwe otlhe ka nako e le nngwe. +“Di nna fela di le mo tseleng ya gago. Di rata go tshameka thata,” ga rialo Koko. “Mme bobotlana di sireletsegile mo go phakalane, yo o nnang a lebile a le kgakala.” Koko o ne a lebelela kwa godimo a tshogile mme a leba Kgomo a nyenya. A raya tsala ya gagwe a re: “Ke a leboga go bo o ile wa ba baya leitlho fa ke ntse ke seyo.” +Kgomo o ne a itse gore tota ga se se se diragetseng, mme le fa a ne a ikutlwa molato, o ne a dumela fela ka tlhogo a lapile. Gone jaanong, o ne a le bokoa ka ntlha ya tlala. Go nna a taboga mo morago ga dikokwana go ile ga fetsa maatla a gagwe otlhe. +Morago ga nakwana, Kgomo o ne a ema mme a sadisa Koko sentle, a ipotsa gore a mme o tla kgona go tsamaya sekgala se setelele a boela kwa mabolokelong a gagwe. +Kgomo o ne a tsena mo mabolokelong fela moriti wa maitseboa o simolola go bonala mo boalong. O ne a wela makgwafo fa a bona mokoa o mogolo wa furu o rapolasi a o tlisitseng. Mme fa a simolotse go ja, o ne a sa kgone go tlogela go ja. O ne a ja, a bo a ja go fitlhela a kgora thata jaana mo e leng gore o ne a tlhatlhogela kwa ngweding jaaka balune e kgolo ya dibatabata. Ka gonne gopola, go ka direga sengwe le sengwe! +  + +  +Nna le matlhagatlhaga a leinane! + +Ke eng se se sa tlwaelegang le go feta se o kileng wa se ja? Torowa setshwantsho sa dijo tseo. Kafa tlase ga setshwantsho, tlhalosa monko, le moutlwalo wa dijo tseo. +Kwala konelo e ntšha ya leinane leno. Go ne go tla direga eng fa go ka bo go sena furu e Kgomo a ka e jang fa a fitlha kwa gae? Gopola, go ka direga sengwe le sengwe!",tsn,Setswana,Go ka direga sengwe le sengwe,"Once upon a time, Hen, together with her three little chicks, shared a field with Cow. +Cow loved grazing as she walked all the way across the field to visit her friend, Hen. But times were hard. The rain had come late this year, and there was ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Dorah Masig,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/go-ka-direga-sengwe-le-sengwe +anything-can-happen,"Kwesuka sukela, Sikhukhukati, sikanye nemantjwele aso lamatsatfu, bekuhlala edlelweni linye neNkhomo. +INkhomo yayitsandza kudla tjani njengoba ihamba lonkhe lelidlelo ivakashela umngani wayo, Sikhukhukati. Kodvwa tikhatsi betimatima. Imvula beyiphutile kuna kulomnyaka, futsi bekunetjani lobuncane kakhulu. INkhomo yayilambe kakhulu njengoba ihamba kancane iya ehhokweni leSikhukhukati. Umlimi abekhohliwe kutsenga tjani. +Sikhukhukati sasijabulile kubona iNkhomo. “Sawubona mngani wami,” kusho Sikhukhukati. “Asengikuletsele emanti labadzako, lamasha kuze unatse. Kufanele kube womile ngemuva kwekuhamba indlela lendze kangaka.” Ngemuva kwaloko Sikhukhukati sagijima sayokha emanti kuze iNkhomo inatse. +Njengoba iNkhomo yayilele emtfuntini wesihlahla lesikhulu lesidzala, semanyeva, lamantjwele lamatsatfu abedlala eceleni kwayo. Abekhuluphele futsi amtfubi, njengetimbhali tesihlahla se-tabebuia iNkhomo lebeyisibona entfwasahlobo ngaletinye tikhatsi. +Sisu seNkhomo sabhodla futsi sadvuma ngesikhatsi ibuka emantjwele adlala. Yaphakamisa inhloko yayo yabuka ehlombe itisola. Kwekucala yabuka ngesekudla, yabuka ngesencele yaphindze yabuka ngesekudla. Bekute timphawu letikhombisa kuchamuka kweSikhukhukati. +Manje, tinkhomo ngalokuvamile atiyidli inyama, kodvwa khumbula kungenteka noma yini! INkhomo yayilambe kakhulu kangangekutsi ngaphambi kwekutsi icabange, yagcuma yacala kugijimisa lamantjwele lamancane lamtfubi lakhuluphele! + +  +Lamantjwele lamatsatfu asakateka ngaphambi kweNkhomo, alunguta akhululekile: “Sinematubane futsi sijika khona lapha edvutane nawe. Angeke usibambe noma ngabe ungetama. Sinematubane futsi sijika khona lapha edvutane nawe. Angeke usibambe noma ngabe ungetama.” Futsi alunguta ahleka. +Ngaleso sikhatsi, Sikhukhukati sabuya nemanti eNkhomo. Sabuka lolutfuli lolugcwele eceleni kwemantjwele aso. +“Kwentekani?” Sikhukhukati sibuta, simamatseka sibuke lamantjwele lamatsatfu. +“INkhomo idlala kusigijimisa,” kulunguta lamantjwele, awela etukwalelinye, tinyawo tawo tisemoyeni. +“Kodvwa igijima kancane kakhulu,” ahleka. Ngako agcuma aya etulu futsi agijima aphuma ekhatsi kwetinyawo teNkhomo kuze akhombise kutsi abegijima ngekushesha kangakanani. +“Ningamenti umngani wetfu adzinwe,” Sikhukhukati senta umsindvo lomncane kulamantjwele aso ngaphambi kwekutsi sihambe siyolandzela iNkhomo lokunye lokunatfwako. +Ngekushesha ngemuva kwekuba Sikhukhukati sesihambile, iNkhomo yasukela emantjwele futsi yetama kubamba lokungenani linye. Kodvwa abaleka, ahlabela: “Sinematubane futsi sijika khona lapha edvutane nawe. Angeke usibambe noma ngabe ungetama. Sinematubane futsi sijika khona lapha edvutane nawe. Angeke usibambe noma ngabe ungetama.” +Ngaleso sikhatsi Sikhukhukati sabuya, lulwimi lweNkhomo lwalulenga ngephandle kwemlomo wayo, futsi yavela yakhamisa kwaba kanye, yawamita lamanti Sikhukhukati lebesiwabeke phambi kwayo +“Ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi ayanyatselana. Atsandza kudlala,” kusho Sikhukhukati. “Kodvwa lokungenani ngiyati kutsi aphephile kulohheya, ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi lowabuka asendzaweni lekhashane.” Sikhukhukati sabuka etulu esibhakabhakeni setfukile ngemuva kwaloko samamatseka sibuke iNkhomo.“Ngiyabonga ngekungigadzela wona ngesikhatsi ngingekho,” satjela umngani waso. +INkhomo beyati kutsi loko akusiko lokwenteke mbamba, ngisho noma beyiphatseke kabi kepha yavuma ngenhloko idziniwe. Ngaleso sikhatsi, yase ifa ngenca yendlala. Kugijimisa emantjwele kwawacedza onkhe emandla ayo. +Ngemuva kwesikhatsi, iNkhomo yavuka yavalelisa Sikhukhukati, itibuta kutsi itawukhona yini kuhamba loluhambo loludze lolubuyela emuva endzaweni lehlala kuyo. +INkhomo yatitsela esibayeni ngesikhatsi nje titfunti tekushona kwelilanga ticala kunwebeka esiyilweni. Yakhululeka nayibona inyandza lenkhulu yetjani lebeyiletfwe ngumlimi. Nayicala kudla, ayikhonanga kuyekela. Yadla yadla yadla yadzimate yesutsa kakhulu kangangekutsi yakhuphuka yabheka etulu enyangeni, njengebhaluni lenkhulu lenemibalabala. Ngoba khumbula, kungenteka noma yini! +  + +Yenta indzaba ibe nemdlandla! + +Yini intfo lengakavami lowake wayidla? Dvweba sitfombe salokudla. Ngaphansi kwalesitfombe, chaza indlela lokudla lokunuka ngayo nendlela lokunambitseka ngayo. +Bhala siphetfo lesisha salendzaba. Yini lebeyingenteka kube bekute tjani leNkhomo lebeyingabudla nayifika ekhaya? Khumbula, kungenteka noma yini!",ssw,Siswati,Kungenteka noma yin,"Once upon a time, Hen, together with her three little chicks, shared a field with Cow. +Cow loved grazing as she walked all the way across the field to visit her friend, Hen. But times were hard. The rain had come late this year, and there was ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Dorah Masig,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kungenteka-noma-yini +anything-can-happen,"Kale-kale, ho vha hu na Khuhu i re na zwikukwana zwiraru, ye ya vha i tshi dzula tsimuni nthihi na Kholomo. +Kholomo yo vha i tshi funa u enda i tshi fula musi i tshi khou buḓa tsimu u yo dalela khonani yayo, Khuhu. Fhedzi zwifhinga zwo vha zwi tshi vho konḓa. Mvula yo lenga u na uno ṅwaha nahone ho vha ho sala hatsi vhuṱuku vhukuma. Kholomo yo vha yo farwa nga nḓala khulwane lwe ya tshimbila nga u tou ongolowa yo livha hokoni ya Khuhu. Rabulasi o vha o hangwa u renga furu. +Khuhu ya takala musi i tshi vhona Kholomo. “Hu rini khonani yanga,” ndi Khuhu i no ralo. “Irani ndi ni ṋee maḓi a rotholaho, ni nwe ni kone u homolowa. Ni tea u vha no netiswa nga lwendo lulapfu.” Khuhu asiiḽa, ya gidima ya ya u kela Kholomo maḓi a u nwa. +Musi Kholomo yo shuvhama murunzini wa muri muhulwane, wa kale wa mupfa, zwikukwana zwiraru zwo vha zwi tshi khou tamba-tamba nga henefho tsini. Zwo vha zwo nona, zwi na muvhala wa ṱaḓa, u fana na maluvha a mu-tabeuia e Kholomo ya vha i tshi anzela u a vhona nga tshimedzi. +Thumbu ya Kholomo ya vhomba na u kumela musi yo lavhelesa zwikukwana zwi tshi khou tamba-tamba nga henefho tsini. Ya takusa ṱhoho ya rembuluwa nga nḓila ine zwa tou nga i khou ḓivhona mulandu. Ya ṱinga-ṱinga lunzhi. Ya ḓivhudzisa uri Khuhu yo fhelela ngafhi. +Nga nḓowelo kholomo a dzi ḽi ṋama, fhedzi ni songo hangwa uri hu nga itea naho tshi tshini! Kholomo yo vha yo farwa nga nḓala lwe ya mbo ḓi takuluku, ya thoma u pandamedza izwo zwikukwana zwo nonaho zwa ṱaḓa! + +Zwikukwana zwiraru zwa mbo ḓo thalangana phanḓa ha Kholomo zwi tshi khou lila, tzwio, tzwio, zwi sa vhoni uri zwi khomboni: “Ri na luvhilo luṅwe, ri nga mbo ḓi godi, ra ni sia no rembeḓisa mulomo no hanganea. Ḓanu lingedza ni vhone, ni nga si ri fare. Ri na luvhilo luṅwe, ri nga mbo ḓi godi, ra ni sia no rembeḓisa mulomo no hanganea. Ḓanu lingedza ni vhone, ni nga si ri fare.” Zwa endela u ita nga u ralo zwi tshi khou lila zwi tshi ri tzwio, tzwio, zwo fa nga zwiseo. +Ndi izwi-ha Khuhu i tshi mbo ḓi vhuya na maḓi ye ya a kela Kholomo. Ya mangadzwa nga u duba ha buse hune ha vha na zwikukwana zwayo. +“Hu kho itea’ni mathina?” Khuhu ya vhudzisa, i tshi khou ṅwethuwa yo lavhelesa zwikukwana zwayo zwiraru. +“Ri khou tamba bune na Kholomo,” ndi zwikukwana zwi no ralo, zwi tshi khou wela nṱha ha zwiṅwe, zwo ganama milenzhe i tshi khou tamba-tamba muyani. +“Fhedzi a i na luvhilo,” zwa ralo. Zwa thamutshela nṱha, zwa pfuka nga vhukati ha milenzhe ya Kholomo u sumbedza nḓila ine zwa vha na luvhilo ngayo. +“Ni songo netisa khonani yashu,” Khuhu ya kuvhatedza zwikukwama zwayo i sa athu ya u kela Kholomo maṅwe maḓi. +Musi Khuhu i tshi tou godi, Kholomo ye ndo ni wana, ye nazwo zwikukwana i tshi khou lingedza u zwi bata. Fhedzi zwa thalangana, zwi tshi khou lila “Ri na luvhilo luṅwe, ri nga mbo ḓi godi, ra ni sia no rembeḓisa mulomo no hanganea. Ḓanu lingedza ni vhone, ni nga si ri fare. Ri na luvhilo luṅwe, ri nga mbo ḓi godi, ra ni sia no rembeḓisa mulomo no hanganea. Ḓanu lingedza ni vhone, ni nga si ri fare.” +Musi Khuhu i tshi vhuya, lulimi lwa Kholomo lwo vha lu tshi khou ṋembelela lu hafha nahone nga mukulo muthihi, ya mbo ḓi khobisa maḓi e Khuhu ya a vhea phanḓa hayo. +“Zwi dzula zwi milenzheni ya muthu hezwi zwikukwana. Zwi funesa u tamba,” i ralo Khuhu. “Fhedzi ndi a ḓivha uri zwo tsireledzea kha luvhimba lune lwa dzula lwo zwi donolela maṱo lu kule.” Khuhu ya lavhelesa nṱha yo tshuwa, nga murahu ya ṅwethuwa yo lavhelesa Kholomo. “Ndi livhuwa nge na sala no vhea iṱo zwikukwana zwanga musi ndo bva,” ya vhudza khonani yayo. +Kholomo yo vha i tshi zwi ḓivha uri hezwo a si zwe zwa itea, naho yo ḓivhona mulandu, yo sokou tenda nga ṱhoho yo neta. Zwino yo vha i tshi nga i sa ṋoka nga nḓala. U gidimedza zwikukwana zwo i netisa vhukuma. +Nga murahu ha tshifhinganyana, Kholomo ya mbo ḓi takutshedza ya onesa Khuhu, ya ḓivhudzisa arali i tshi ḓo kona u fara lwendo lulapfu lwa u vhuyelela kha tshiṱale tshine ya dzula khatsho. +Kholomo yo swika i tshi khou rengeḓela kha tshiṱale tshayo, ḓuvha ḽo vha ḽo no dzhena nga thavha. Yo ḓipfa yo rulwa mbilu musi i tshi vhona tshiṱhopho tshihulwane tsha furu tsho ḓiswaho nga rabulasi. Yo ri u thoma u ḽa ya si tsha kona u litsha. Ya ḽa, ya ḽa, ya hina-hina furu u swika thumbu i tshi ḓala ye phaa, lwe ya papamala u swika ṅwedzini, vhunga baḽoni ḽihulwane ḽi re na zwiṋamo. Ngauri, ni songo hangwa uri, hu nga itea naho tshi tshini! +  + +  +Itani uri tshiṱori tshi nyanyule! + +Ndi tshifhio tshithu tshi songo ḓoweleaho u fhira zwoṱhe tshe na vhuya na tshi ḽa? Olani tshifanyiso tsha tshenetsho tshiḽiwa. Nga fhasi ha tshenetsho tshifanyiso, ṱalutshedzani munukho na muḓifho wa tshenetsho tshiḽiwa. + +Ṅwalani magumo maswa a tshenetshi tshiṱori. Ho vha hu tshi ḓo vha ho itea mini arali Kholomo i songo wana furu musi i tshi swika hayani? Ni songo hangwa, hu nga itea naho tshi tshin",ven,Tshivenda,Hu nga itea naho tshi tahin,"Once upon a time, Hen, together with her three little chicks, shared a field with Cow. +Cow loved grazing as she walked all the way across the field to visit her friend, Hen. But times were hard. The rain had come late this year, and there was ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Dorah Masig,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hu-nga-itea-naho-tshi-tahini +anything-can-happen,"Khale ka khaleni, N’wahuku, loyi a a ri na swikukwana swinharhu, a a tshama epurasini rin��we na N’wahomu. +N’wahomu a a rhandza ku famba a ri karhi a dya byanyi loko a tsemakanya purasi a endzela munghana wakwe N’wahuku. Kambe xiyimo a xi tika. Mpfula a yi hlwele ku na lembe ra kona, kutani byanyi a byi nga nyawuli. N’wahomu a a kenyiwe hi ndlala loko a nanayila kunene a ya exihahlwini xa N’wahuku. N’wini wa purasi a a rivale ku xava furu. +N’wahuku a a tsakile ku vona N’wahomu. “Hoyohoyo, nakulorhi,” ku vula N’wahuku. “Inge ndzi ku nyika mati yo titimela u timula mikolo. U fanele u karhele, phela i mpfhuka wo leha lowu u nga wu famba.” N’wahuku u hatlise a ya kela N’wahomu mati leswaku a ta nwa. +Loko N’wahomu a ha vundzile endzhutini wa murhi lowukulu wa khale wa munga, swikukwana leswi swinharhu a swi tlangatlanga ekusuhi na yena. A swi nonile, swi ri swa muhlovo wa xitshopani, ku fana na swiluva swa murhi wa tabebuia leswi N’wahomu a pfaka a swi vona hi ximun’wana. +Khwiri ra N’wahomu ri sungule ku rila bya tilo leri dzindzaka, loko a languta swikukwana swi ri eku tlangeni. U tlakuse nhloko a languta ematlhelo a biwe hi ripfalo. U rhange a languta exineneni, eximatsini, exineneni nakambe. N’wahuku a a nga vonaki helo. +Phela tihomu hakanyingi a ti dyi nyama, kambe tsundzuka, hinkwaswo swa koteka! N’wahomu a a twa ndlala swinene lerova a ku kakatsuku, ni ku ehleketa a nga ehleketanga, a sungula ku hlongorisa swikukwana leswiya swa xitshopani! +  +[a/w 01] +Swikukwana swi hangalakile emahlweni ka N’wahomu, swi vula hi ku titlangela swi ku: “A wu nge wu voni ntlangu. Hambi wo endla yini a wu nge hi kumi. A wu nge wu voni ntlangu. Hambi wo endla yini a wu nge hi kumi.” Hiloko swi fa hi ku hlekelela. +Xikan’wekan’we N’wahuku a ku fikiyani, a ri na mati ya N’wahomu. U langute papa ra ritshuri leri a ri rhendzele swikukwana swa yena. +“A ku endleka yini la?” ku vutisa N’wahuku, a langute swikukwana swakwe hi ku n’wayitela. +“A hi tlanga ntlangu wo hlongorisana na N’wahomu,” ku vula swikukwana, swi ri karhi swi khandziyanakhandziyana, swi tlulatlula. +“Kambe a nga swi koti ku tsusuma,” swi vula hi ku hlekelela. Hiloko swi tlula swi hundza hi le xikarhi ka milenge ya N’wahomu, swi komba rivilo leri a swi tsutsuma ha rona. +“Mi nga karharisi nakulorhi,” N’wahuku a ntlokola swikukwana swakwe ivi a ya kela N’wahomu mati man’wana. +Xikan’wekan’we loko N’wahuku a nga ha vonaki, N’wahomu a dumela swikukwana nakambe, a ringeta ku khoma hambi ko va xin’we ntsena. Kambe swi n’wi siya, swi karhi swi yimbelela swi ku: “A wu nge wu voni ntlangu. Hambi wo endla yini a wu nge hi kumi. A wu nge wu voni ntlangu. Hambi wo endla yini a wu nge hi kumi.” +Loko N’wahuku a vuya, N’wahomu se a a humese na ririmi, hiloko a minya mati lawa N’wahuku a n’wi vekeleke wona. +“Swa siringa leswi, a swi suki etlhelo ka wena. Swi rhandza ngopfu ku tlanga,” ku vula N’wahuku. “Kambe ndza swi tiva leswaku xikhozana xo vonela ekule a xi nge swi kumi, hikuva swi hlayisekile.” N’wahuku a langutalanguta ehenhla hi ku chava, ivi a languta N’wahomu hi ku n’wayitela. “Ndza nkhensa leswi u nga ndzi hlayisela swona loko ndza ha fambile,” a byela munghana wa yena. +N’wahomu a a tiva ntiyiso wa mhaka, kambe u pfumele hi nhloko leyi a yi kombisa ku karhala, a biwa hi ripfalo. Ndlala se a yi n’wi kenye swi vava. Ku hlongorisana na swikukwana swi n’wi hete matimba. +Endzhakunyana N’wahomu u suke a yima a lelana na N’wahuku a muka, a tivutisa loko a ta swi kota ku famba mpfhuka wo leha a tlhelela etshangeni. +N’wahomu u nghene etshangeni a nga ha tikoti loko ri sungula ku phimela. U tsake ni swinyondzwana loko a vona furu ro tala leri tisiweke hi n’wini wa purasi. Hiloko a sungula ku dya, ni ku gayela a nga gayeli. U dyile, a dya, a dya, ku fikela loko a kukumuka hi ku xurha lerova a pewukela ehenhla a ya fika en’wetini, ku fana na baloni leyikulu ya mavalavala. Hikuva tsundzuka, hinkwaswo swa koteka! +  +[a/w 02] +  +  +Endla ntsheketo wu nyanyula! +  + +Hi wihi nchumu lowu nga tolovelekangiki lowu u tshameke u wu dya? Dirowa xifaniso xa swakudya swa kona. Ehansi ka xona hlamusela nun’hwelo ni nantswo wa swakudya swa kona. +Tsala ndlela yin’wana leyi ntsheketo wu nga helaka ha yona. Ingi ku endleke yini loko N’wahomu a a nga kumanga furu loko a fika etshangeni? Tsundzuka, hinkwaswo swa koteka!",tso,Xitsonga,Hinkwaswo swa kotek,"Once upon a time, Hen, together with her three little chicks, shared a field with Cow. +Cow loved grazing as she walked all the way across the field to visit her friend, Hen. But times were hard. The rain had come late this year, and there was ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Dorah Masig,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hinkwaswo-swa-koteka +anything-can-happen,"Kwasukelasukela, uSikhukhukazi namadzinyanakhe amathathu, bebahlala noKomo eplasini. +UKomo bekathanda ukuzidlela utjani njengombana bekazikhambela emasimini ayokuvakatjhela umnganakhe uSikhukhukazi. Kodwana bekusikhathi esibudisi. Izulu line lada umnyaka lo begodu notjani bebuyindlala. UKomo bekalambe khulu njengombana atjhidela ewogweni kaSikhukhukazi. Umlimi bekakhohliwe ukuthenga amabhala. +USikhukhukazi wathaba kwamambala nakabona uKomo. “Lotjhani mnganami,” kulotjhisa uSikhukhukazi. “Ithi ngikulethela amanzi amakhaza. Kungenzeka womile ngemva kwekhambo elide kangaka.” USikhukhukazi warhaba wayokukhelela uKomo amanzokusela. +Njengombana uKomo alele emthunzini ngaphasi komuthi wameva omkhulu omdala, amadzinyani amathathu bekadlala eduze kwakhe. Bewanonile begodu atjheli njengamabhulomu womuthi i-tabebuia uKomo ebekajayele ukuwabona etwasahlobo. +Amathumbu kaKomo ababuhlungu begodu alila njengombana abukele amadzinyani adlala. Waphakamisa ihloko waqala ngehla kwamahlombakhe, adliwa ngunembeza. Wathoma ngakwesokudla, waya ngakwesobuncele wabuyela ngakwesokudla godu. USikhukhukazi akabonakali. +Ngokujayelekileko iinkomo aziyidli inyama kodwana khumbula, nanyana yini ingenzeka! UKomo bekalambe khulu kangangobana angakatjheji, weqa wathoma ukugijimisa amadzinyani amahle atjheli! + +Amadzinyani amathathu arhatjheka phambi kwakaKomo, amqala phezulu athi: “Sigijima njengombani begodu sijika khona la. Angekhe wasibamba nanyana ungenzani, sigijima njengombani begodu sijika khona la. Angekhe wasibamba nanyana ungenzani.” Abetha amaphikwana amhleka. +Kusesenjalo uSikhukhukazi wabuya aphathele uKomo amanzi. Wabona ithuli ligubuzese amadzinyanakhe. +“Kwenzekani?” Kubuza uSikhukhukazi, aqale amadzinyanakhe amomotheka. +“UKomo udlala nathi ulinga ukusibamba,” amadzinyani abetha amaphiko azigeda phasi iinyawo zaqala phezulu. +“Kodwana ubuthaka,” ayatsiyoza. Bekeqa yeqa agijigijima eenyaweni zakaKomo ukutjengisa bona bekamsinyana kangangani. +“Lisani ukutshwenya umnganethu,” uSikhukhukazi uyakekeza ukhuluma namadzinyanakhe ngaphambi kobana ayokwenzela uKomo okuya ngethunjini. + +Kuthe uSikhukhukazi angasithela, uKomo wathoma ukugijimisa amadzinyani godu, walinga ngamandla bona abambe okungenani linye. Kodwana amtjhiya, avuma nengoma athi: “Sigijima njengombani begodu sijika khona la. Angekhe wasibamba nanyana ungenzani, sigijima njengombani begodu sijika khona la. Angekhe wasibamba nanyana ungenzani.” +Kuthe uSikhukhukazi nakabuyako, wafumana ilimu lakaKomo selilenga ngaphandle wasela woke namanzi uSikhukhukazi ebekamkhelele wona. +“Ahlala angaphasi kweenyazo zabanye. Athanda ukudlala,” kutjho uSikhukhukazi. “Kodwana ngiyazi bona aphephile ekhozini elikghona ukubona likude.” USikhukhukazi uqala phezulu athukiwe bese uqala uKomo uyamomotheka. “Ngiyathokoza ngokuthi ungigadele bona nangisakhambileko,” utjela umnganakhe. +UKomo bekazi kuhle bona akusingilokho okwenzekileko, nanyana bekazizwa kabuhlungu wavuma ngehloko ngebanga lokudinwa. Nje, besele afile yindlala. Ukugijimisa amadzinyani kuqede woke amandla abekanawo. +Ngemva kwesikhathi esithileko, uKomo wasikima walayelisa uSikhukhukazi, uyazibuza bona uzolikghona ikhambo elide lokubuyela endawenakhe na. +UKomo wafika endawenakhe sele kuthoma ukurhwaqela. Wathaba khulu nakabona intundu yamabhala athengwe mlimi. Wathi nakathoma ukudla kwangavuma bona alise. Wadla, wadla, wadla kangangobana waba rondo njengebhaloni elikhulu elinemibalabala, waphaphela phezulu bewayokufika enyangeni. Ngombana khumbula nanyana yini ingenzeka! +  +Yenza indaba le ibemnandi! + +Yini into engakajayeleki okhe wayidla? Dweba isithombe sento leyo. Ngaphasi kwesithombe hlathulula bona beyinuka njani begodu beyinjani nawuyidlako. + + +Tlola isiphetho esitjha sendaba le. Khuyini ebeyingenzeka ngathana uKomo akhange afumane utjani ebekazobudla nakabuyako? Khumbula, nanyana yini ingenzeka!",nbl,isiNdebele,nyana yini Ingenzek,"Once upon a time, Hen, together with her three little chicks, shared a field with Cow. +Cow loved grazing as she walked all the way across the field to visit her friend, Hen. But times were hard. The rain had come late this year, and there was ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",NgoDorah Masig,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nanyana-yini-ingenzeka +there-no-price-being-kind-0,"In a village far away, there lived a very poor boy who herded sheep to feed his family. He was always kind and helpful to his neighbours and was a blessing to his grandparents who raised him from a little boy. His name was Thabo and he was loved by everyone. +“Aah! Thank you, Thabo, for going to the shop for my bread,” Mrs Abbas said. “You can keep the change.” +  + +But Thabo knew that Mrs Abbas needed every cent she had. “That’s all right, Mrs Abbas,” he said, smiling. “There is no price for being kind.” +One day, the farmer who Thabo worked for arrived home with his nephew Simphiwe. Simphiwe was dressed in smart clothes and spoke English fluently. +“Thabo, come and meet Simphiwe,” said the farmer. “Simphiwe lives in the city but will be visiting us for a while. I hope that you two will get along and be company for each other.” Thabo was excited to meet someone his age. Hopefully, they would become good friends. +But Thabo’s excitement soon turned to sadness. As it turned out, Simphiwe was rude and arrogant. He showed no respect for his uncle or any of the other workers on the farm. “These people are so old-fashioned,” Simphiwe said, laughing loudly at the men who rode to work and back home on donkey carts. “And why would anyone choose to live here in the middle of nowhere, anyway?” +Simphiwe also refused to help out with the daily chores on the farm. “I’m a well-educated person. Do you think I go to school just to end up doing manual labour? I’m not going to do any of these chores!”   +Rather than helping, Simphiwe spent his days lazing under a tree, refusing to help prepare the breakfast or lunch or to do any of the chores. Thabo was very disappointed that a boy his age could be so lazy and unkind. “I attend the local village school. There we are taught the value of kindness and hard work. Simphiwe hasn’t learnt these basic things,” thought Thabo. “He is foolish to think that he can go through life like this.” +One day, Simphiwe was bored and decided that he would like to go for a walk in the bush surrounding the farm. Everyone warned him that this was dangerous, as there were stray dogs living in the bush. They were always hungry and not friendly at all! But Simphiwe just laughed. “What do you know?” he said rudely. “I’m smart enough to look after myself.” +Thabo had gone out with the farmer to buy supplies. When he got back, the workers told him that Simphiwe had decided to go for a walk in the bush all by himself. Thabo immediately grabbed a stick and a box of matches and ran to look for Simphiwe. +“He doesn’t realise how much danger he is in,” Thabo whispered to himself while moving through the bush as quickly as possible. “The others told me to leave the rude city boy to learn a lesson, but I don’t want anything bad to happen to Simphiwe. Soon it will be dark, and the bush is a dangerous place, especially for a boy like Simphiwe who has never been out of the city before.” +Thabo had been searching for a long time when suddenly he heard a scream that jolted him. He ran in the direction of the scream and saw Simphiwe in the middle of a pack of stray dogs. The dogs were baring their sharp teeth and getting ready to pounce. Thabo had to think fast. He lit the stick that he had brought and charged at the dogs. +For a while, the dogs still threatened to attack the boys, but eventually they turned around and trotted away. +  + +Simphiwe was shivering with fear. He had twisted his ankle trying to run away from the dogs and was limping in pain. Thabo was strong from all the hard work on the farm, so he carried Simphiwe all the way back to the farm. +Simphiwe was back on his feet a few days later, but something was different about him. He was kinder and less boastful. He was quieter and more respectful to his uncle and all the workers. When he saw Thabo, he thanked him for saving his life and offered him his cellphone as a token of his appreciation, but Thabo refused to accept this gift. He just smiled and said, “There is no price for being kind,” and carried on washing the donkey cart. +  +Get story active! +  + +Draw a picture to illustrate this part of the story: Everyone warned him that this was dangerous, as there were stray dogs living in the bush. They were always hungry and not friendly at all! But Simphiwe just laughed. +Read the story again. Make a list of all the different qualities that Thabo has and make a separate list of Simphiwe’s qualities. Start like this: Thabo is … Simphiwe is … +Read your two lists – the list about Thabo and the list about Simphiwe – aloud. Use your voice to say the words on your lists in ways that put across what they mean.",eng,English,There is no price for being kind,"In a village far away, there lived a very poor boy who herded sheep to feed his family. He was always kind and helpful to his neighbours and was a blessing to his grandparents who raised him from a little boy. His name was Thabo and he was loved by ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Zahida Wahab,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/there-no-price-being-kind-0 +there-no-price-being-kind-0,"In ’n dorpie ver, ver hiervandaan, was daar ’n baie arm seun wat skape opgepas het om sy familie te voed. Hy was altyd vriendelik en het sy bure gehelp en was ’n seën vir sy ouma en oupa wat hom grootgemaak het vandat hy ’n klein seuntjie was. Sy naam was Thabo, en almal was lief vir hom. +“Aa! Dankie dat jy by die winkel vir my gaan brood koop het, Thabo” sê mev. Abbas. “Hou maar die kleingeld.” + + +Maar Thabo weet mev. Abbas het elke sent nodig. “Als reg, mev. Abbas,” sê hy met ’n glimlag. “Vriendelikheid kos niks.” +Op ’n dag bring die boer vir wie Thabo werk, sy nefie Simphiwe huis toe. Simphiwe is netjies aangetrek en praat vlot Engels. +“Thabo, kom ontmoet vir Simphiwe,” sê die boer. “Simphiwe woon in die stad, maar hy kom vir ’n rukkie by ons kuier. Ek hoop julle twee sal goed oor die weg kom en geselskap wees vir mekaar.” Thabo is opgewonde om iemand van sy ouderdom te ontmoet. Hopelik sal hulle goeie maats word. +Maar Thabo se opgewondenheid verander gou in hartseer. Want Simphiwe is onbeskof en arrogant. Hy het geen respek vir sy oom of enige van die ander werkers op die plaas nie. “Hierdie mense is so outyds,” sê Simphiwe, en lag hard vir die mans wat met donkiekarretjies werk toe en huis toe ry. “En hoekom sal enigiemand in elk geval kies om hier in die middel van nêrens te woon?” +Simphiwe weier ook om met die dagtake op die plaas te help. “Ek is ’n geleerde persoon. Dink julle ek gaan skool toe net om hier te kom handearbeid doen? Ek gaan nie enige van hierdie werk doen nie!”   +Eerder as om te help, lê Simphiwe dae lank onder ’n boom en niks doen. Hy weier om te help met ontbyt of middagete of om enige van die take te doen. Thabo is baie teleurgesteld dat ’n seun van sy ouderdom so lui en onvriendelik kan wees. “Ek gaan na die skool op die dorp. Daar leer ons wat die waarde van vriendelikheid en harde werk is. Simphiwe het nie hierdie basiese dinge geleer nie,” dink Thabo. “Hy is dom as hy dink hy kan so deur die lewe gaan.” +Op ’n dag is Simphiwe verveeld en hy besluit om in die bos rondom die plaas te gaan stap. Almal waarsku hom dat dit gevaarlik is, want daar is rondloperhonde wat in die bos woon. Hulle is altyd honger en glad nie vriendelik nie! Maar Simphiwe lag net. “Wat weet julle tog?” sê hy kortaf. “Ek is slim genoeg om na myself te kyk.” +Thabo het saam met die boer gaan voorraad koop. Toe hy terugkom, vertel die werkers hom dat Simphiwe besluit het om alleen in die bos te gaan stap. Thabo gryp dadelik ’n stok en ’n boksie vuurhoutjies en hardloop om na Simphiwe te gaan soek. +“Hy besef nie in hoeveel gevaar hy is nie,” fluister Thabo by homself terwyl hy so vinnig moontlik deur die bos beweeg. “Die ander het vir my gesê om die onbeskofte stadsjapie te los sodat hy ’n les kan leer, maar ek wil nie hê hy moet iets oorkom nie. Dit gaan nou-nou donker wees, en die bos is ’n gevaarlike plek, veral vir ’n seun soos Simphiwe wat nog nooit uit die stad was nie.” +Thabo soek al ’n hele ruk voor hy skielik ’n geskreeu hoor wat hom laat skrik. Hy hardloop in die rigting waarin hy die geskreeu gehoor het en sien vir Simphiwe in die middel van ’n trop rondloperhonde staan. Die honde wys hulle skerp tande en maak gereed om hom te bespring. Thabo moet vinnig dink. Hy steek die stok wat hy saamgebring het, aan die brand en storm op die honde af. +’n Ruk lank dreig die honde nog om die seuns te bespring, maar uiteindelik draai hulle om en draf weg.   + +Simphiwe bewe van vrees. Hy het sy enkel geswik toe hy van die honde probeer weghardloop het en loop hinkepink. Thabo is sterk van al die harde werk op die plaas en daarom dra hy vir Simphiwe die hele pad terug tot op die plaas. +’n Paar dae later is Simphiwe weer op die been, maar iets aan hom is anders. Hy is vriendeliker en spog nie meer so baie nie. Hy is stiller en het meer respek vir sy oom en al die werkers. Toe hy vir Thabo sien, sê hy vir hom dankie dat hy sy lewe gered het en wil vir hom sy selfoon gee as ’n teken van sy dankbaarheid, maar Thabo weier om hierdie geskenk te aanvaar. Hy glimlag net en sê: “Vriendelikheid kos niks,” en gaan voort om die donkiekar te was. + +  +[Get story active!] Raak doenig met stories! +  + +Teken ’n prent om hierdie gedeelte van die storie te illustreer: Almal waarsku hom dat dit gevaarlik is, want daar is rondloperhonde wat in die bos woon. Hulle is altyd honger en glad nie vriendelik nie! Maar Simphiwe lag net. +Lees weer die storie. Maak ’n lys van al die verskillende karaktereienskappe wat Thabo het en maak ’n aparte lys van Simphiwe se karaktereienskappe. Begin so: Thabo is … Simphiwe is … +Lees jou twee lyste – die lys oor Thabo en die lys oor Simphiwe – hardop. Gebruik jou stem om die woorde op jou lys te sê sodat jy die betekenis van die woorde met jou stem oordra.",afr,Afrikaans,There is no price for being kind,"In a village far away, there lived a very poor boy who herded sheep to feed his family. He was always kind and helpful to his neighbours and was a blessing to his grandparents who raised him from a little boy. His name was Thabo and he was loved by ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Zahida Wahab,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/there-no-price-being-kind +there-no-price-being-kind-0,"Emzini othileko kude, bekuhlala umsana otlhaga khulu obekalusa izimvu bona ondle umndeni wekhabo. Bekahlala anomusa, alisizo kibomakhelwana begodu asibusiso kugogo nakubamkhulwakhe, okungibo abamkhulisa kusukela asesemsanyana. Igama lakhe bekunguThabo bekathandwa ngiwo woke umuntu. + +“Arha! Ngithokoza kangangani Thabo, ngokuyongithengela uburotho,” kutjho uMam Abbas. “Ithathe itjhentjhi.” + +Kodwana uThabo bekazi bona uMam Abbas uyitlhoga yoke imali anayo. “Kulungile, Mam Abbas,” utjho amomotheka. “Umusa awubhadelwa.” +Ngelinye ilanga, umnikazi wepulasi uThabo asebenza kilo wafika ekhaya nomzukulwanakhe uSimphiwe. USimphiwe bekambethe kuhle begodu akhuluma isiNgisi kuhle. +“Thabo, iza uzokulotjhisa uSimphiwe,” kutjho umnikazi wepulasi. “USimphiwe uhlala edorobheni kodwana uzosivakatjhela amalangana. Ngiyathemba bona nizokuzwana benibe bangani.” UThabo bekathabele ukuhlangana nomntwana olingana naye. Bekanethemba lokuthi bazokuba bangani. +Kodwana ithabo lakaThabo laphenduka ukudana. Kwavele kwabonakala ukuthi uSimphiwe bekanemikhuba emimbi begodu azikhakhazisa. Bekangahloniphi muntu osebenza epulasini ngitjho nomalumakhe. “Abantwaba baphila isidala,” kutjho uSimphiwe, uhleka abantu abakhamba ngekarana yabodumbana ukuya nokubuya emsebenzini. “Kodwana bangakhetha ukuzokuhlala emmangweni onje vele?” +USimphiwe bekangafuni nokusiza ngemisebenzi yelanga eyenziwa epulasini. “Phela mina ngifundile. Nicabanga ukuthi ngiye esikolweni ngiyela ukuzokwenza imisebenzi engatjho litho? Akunanto engizoyenza mina!”   +Kunokobana asize, uSimphiwe waqeda amalangakhe azihlalele ngaphasi komuthi, angafuni ukusiza ngokwenza ukudla kwekuseni namkha kwemini bekungananto afuna ukuyenza. UThabo wadana khulu nakabona umsana olingana naye alivila kangaka begodu anganamusa. “Ngifunda esikolweni sakhona endaweni le. Sifundiswa ngokuqakatheka kokuba nomusa nokusebenza budisi. USimphiwe akhange azifunde izintwezi ezisisekelo,” kucabanga uThabo. “Uzabe asidlhadlha nakacabanga bona angaphumelela epilweni ngendlela le.” +Ngelinye ilanga, uSimphiwe wabulawa sizungu bewaqunta ukuthatha ikhambo atjhinge ehlathini ebelibhode ipulasi. Woke umuntu wamyelelisa ngokuthi lokho kuyingozi, ngombana bekunezinja zommango ezihlala ehlathini. Bezihlala zilambile begodu zingasi mnganomuntu! Kodwana uSimphiwe wavele wabahleka. “Nazini nina?” Watjho ngokudelela. “Ngihlakaniphile mina ngiyakghona ukuzitlhogomela.” +UThabo bekakhambe nomnikazi wepulasi bayokuthenga izinto ezitlhogekako. Nakabuyako abasebenzi bamtjela bona uSimphiwe uye ehlathini akhamba yedwa. UThabo wadobha isigodo msinyana nebhokisi lomlilo wagijima wayokufuna uSimphiwe. +“Akazi bona usengozini engangani,” uThabo ukhuluma yedwa njengombana akhamba ehlathini arhabile. “Abanye bathe ngilise umsana ohlaza lo wedorobheni afunde isifundo kodwana angifuni bona uSimphiwe ehlelwe yinto embi. Sele kurhwaqela begodu ihlatheli liyingozi, khulu khulu emsaneni onjengoSimphiwe othomako ukuphuma edorobheni.” +Besele kusikhathi eside uThabo azuma, nakazakuthuswa mumuntu orhuwelela kabuhlungu. Wagijima watjhinga ngehlangothini ekuzwakala kilo umuntu orhuwelelako, wabona uSimphiwe abhodwe mhlambi wezinja zommango. Izinja besele ziveze amazinyo zifuna ukumluma. Kwatlhogeka bona uThabo acabange msinyana. Watjhisa isigodo ebekasiphetheko waqotjha izinja ngaso. +Okwesikhatjhana izinja bezisafuna ukubahlasela kodwana ekugcineni zajika zakhamba. + +USimphiwe bekadengezela ngebanga lokuthukwa. Watshinyeka ingogoriyana nakalinga ukubalekela izinja, bekahluza ezwa ubuhlungu. UThabo bekanamandla ngebanga lomsebenzi awenza epulasini, yeke waguga uSimphiwe bebayokufika epulasini. +USimphiwe walulama ngemva kwamalanga athileko, besele kunento ehlukileko ngaye. Besele athoma ukuba nomusa begodu angasazikhukhumezi njengekuthomeni. Bekathulile begodu athoma nokuhlonipha umalumakhe nazozoke iinsebenzi. Kwathi nakabona uThabo, wamthokoza ngokusindisa ipilwakhe bewamnikela umaliledininakhe ukutjengisa bona uyathokoza kodwana uThabo akhange avume ukwamukela isipho. Wavele wamomotheka wathi, “Umusa awubhadelwa,” waraga nokuhlwengisa ikarana yabodumbana. +  +Yenza indatjana le ibemnandi! +  + +Dweba isithombe esifanekisela ingcenye le yendatjana: Woke umuntu wamyelelisa ngokuthi lokho bekuyingozi, ngombana bekunezinja zommango ezihlala ehlathini. Bezihlala zilambile begodu zingasi mnganomuntu! Kodwana uSimphiwe wavele wabahleka. +Funda indatjana godu. Yenza irhelo lobuntu uThabo ebekanabo bese wenze elinye irhelo elitjengisa ubuntu bakaSimphiwe. Thoma ngokuthi: UThabo u … uSimphiwe u … +Fundela amarhelwakho womabili – irhelo elikhuluma ngoThabo nelikhuluma ngoSimphiwe – phezulu. Funda ngendlela ezokusiza umuntu azwisise bona amagama owatlolileko atjho ukuthini.",nbl,isiNdebele,Umusa awubhadelw,"In a village far away, there lived a very poor boy who herded sheep to feed his family. He was always kind and helpful to his neighbours and was a blessing to his grandparents who raised him from a little boy. His name was Thabo and he was loved by ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Umtloli nguZahida Wahab,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umusa-awubhadelwa +there-no-price-being-kind-0,"Kwenye ilali ekude, kwakukho inkwenkwe eyayihlupheke kakhulu isalusa iigusha ukuze yondle intsapho yayo. Yayisoloko inobubele kwaye ibanceda abamelwane bayo kwaye iyintsikelelo kumakhulu notatomkhulu abamkhulisa eseyinkwenkwana. Igama layo yayinguThabo ibe yayithandwa ngumntu wonke. +“Heke! Enkosi, Thabo, ngokuyondithengela isonka evenkileni,” watsho uMam’ uAbbas. “Ungayithatha itshintshi ndikuphile.” +  + +  +Kodwa uThabo wayesazi ukuba uMam’ uAbbas wayezidinga zonke iisenti anazo. “Ungakhathazeki, Mam’ uAbbas,” watsho, encumile. “Ububele abuthengwa ngamali.” +Ngenye imini, umfama awayesebenza kuye uThabo, wafika ekhaya ehamba nomtshana wakhe uSimphiwe. USimphiwe wayenxibe kakuhle esikhupha nangeempumlo isiNgesi. +“Thabo, yiza ndikudibanise noSimphiwe,” watsho umfama. “USimphiwe uhlala edolophini kodwa uza kusityelela ixeshana. Ndiyathemba niza kuvana nize nichithisane isithukuthezi.” UThabo wavuya kakhulu akudibana nomntu oyintanga yakhe. Wayenethemba lokuba baza kuba ziitshomi zokwenene. +Kodwa uvuyo lukaThabo lwatshintsha msinya lwaba kukudana. Kwathi kanti uSimphiwe wayekrwada kwaye ephakamile. Wayengamhloniphi umalume wakhe kwaye engahloniphi nabanye abasebenzi basefama. “Aba bantu bangamaqaba nyhani,” watsho uSimphiwe, watsho eyothula phezulu intsini ehleka amadoda awayekhwela iinqwelo zeedonki ukuya nokubuya emsebenzini. “Inoba ungenwe yintoni umntu okhetha ukuhlala apha kula magqagala phofu?” +USimphiwe wayengafuni nokuncedisa kwimisebenzi yosuku efama. “Ndifundile kaloku mna. Nicinga ukuba ndingaya esikolweni ndakugqiba ndenze imisebenzi efuna amandla? Soze mna ndenze namnye kule misebenzi!” +Kunokuba ancedise, uSimphiwe wachitha iintsuku zakhe ethe didli phantsi komthi, engafuni kuncedisa ekwenzeni ibrakfesi okanye isidlo sasemini okanye ukwenza nayiphi imisebenzi. UThabo yamdanisa kakhulu into yokuba inkwenkwe eyintanga yakhe ibe livila kwaye ibe nolunya kangaka. “Mna ndifunde kwisikolo salapha elalini. Phaya sifundiswa ukubaluleka kobubele nokukhuthala emsebenzini. USimphiwe yena akazifundanga ezi zinto zisisiseko,” wacinga watsho uThabo. “Sisidenge ukuba ucinga ukuba uza kuphila ubomi ngale ndlela.” +Ngenye imini, uSimphiwe wayebhorekile waza wagqiba ekubeni akhe ahambe aye kwihlathi elijikeleze loo fama. Wonke umntu wamlumkisa esithi le nto iyingozi, kuba kukho izinja zasendle ezihlala kwelo hlathi. Zazisoloko zilambile kwaye zingenabuhlobo konke konke! Kodwa uSimphiwe wasuka wahleka. “Nazi ntoni nina?” wakrwadaza watsho. “Ndinengqondo kaloku mna ndiyakwazi ukuzikhusela.” +UThabo wayemke nomfama beyokuthenga izinto. Ekubuyeni kwakhe, abasebenzi bamxelela ukuba uSimphiwe uye wahamba wayokungena ehlathini yedwa. Ngoko nangoko uThabo wathatha intonga yakhe nebhokisi yomatshisi waza wabaleka wayokukhangela uSimphiwe. +“Akayazi ingozi akuyo,” watsho uThabo ezisebezela ngoxa wayetyhutyha elo hlathi ekhawuleza kangangoko. “Abanye bathe kum mandiyeke le nkwenkwe ekrwada yasedolophini ifunde isifundo, kodwa andifuni kwenzeke into embi kuSimphiwe. Kuza kuba mnyama kungekudala, ibe ihlathi liyindawo eyingozi, ngokukodwa kwinkwenkwe efana noSimphiwe engazange yaphuma edolophini ngaphambili.” +UThabo wayesele enexesha elide ekhangela xa ngequbuliso weva isikhalo esamothusayo. Wabaleka esiya ngakwicala esitsho ngakulo waza wabona uSimphiwe engqongwe liqela lezinja zasendle. Ezi zinja zazimkhuphele amazinyo zilungele ukumqwenga. UThabo kwafuneka acinge msinya. Walayita intonga awayeze nayo waza waleqa ezo zinj +  + +“Kangangethutyana, ezo zinja zazisafuna ukuwahlasela la makhwenkwe, kodwa ekugqibeleni zajika zaza zabaleka zemka. +USimphiwe wayengcangcazela luloyiko. Wayekruneke eqatheni xa ezama ukubaleka ezo zinja ibe wayeqhwalela ngenxa yeentlungu. UThabo wayenamandla ngenxa yokusebenza kwakhe efama, ngoko wamthwala uSimphiwe wayokufika naye efama. +USimphiwe wachacha emva kweentsuku ezimbalwa, kodwa yayikho into eyayitshintshile kuye. Wayenobubele noko kwaye engasaqhayisi kangako. Wayethule kunakuqala kwaye emhlonipha umalume wakhe nabo bonke abasebenzi. Xa ebona uThabo, wambulela ngokusindisa ubomi bakhe waza wafuna ukumpha iselfowuni yakhe ukuze ambulele, kodwa uThabo akazange avume ukwamkela esi sipho. Wancuma waza wathi, “Ububele abuthengwa ngamali,” waza waqhubeka ehlamba inqwelo yeedonki. +  +[Get story active!] Yenza ibali linike umdla! + +Zoba umfanekiso obonisa le ndawo ebalini: Wonke umntu wamlumkisa esithi le nto iyingozi, kuba kukho izinja zasendle ezihlala kwelo hlathi. Zazisoloko zilambile kwaye zingenabuhlobo konke konke! Kodwa uSimphiwe wasuka wahleka. +Lifunde eli bali kwakhona. Yenza uludwe lazo zonke izinto ezahlukeneyo ezichaza ubuntu bukaThabo uze wenze olunye uludwe lwezinto ezichaza ubuntu bukaSimphiwe. Qala ngolu hlobo: UThabo ungumntu o-… USimphiwe ungumntu o- … +Funda uludwe oluchaza uThabo noludwe oluchaza uSimphiwe – ngokuvakalayo. Sebenzisa ilizwi lakho ukuze ubize amagama akuludwe lwakho ngendlela ecacisa into ayithethayo.",xho,isiXhosa,Ububele abuthengwa ngam,"In a village far away, there lived a very poor boy who herded sheep to feed his family. He was always kind and helpful to his neighbours and was a blessing to his grandparents who raised him from a little boy. His name was Thabo and he was loved by ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Zahida Wahab,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ububele-abuthengwa-ngamali +there-no-price-being-kind-0,"Emzini othile okude, kwakunomfana ohlupheke kakhulu owayehlala khona owayelusa izimvu ukuze ondle umndeni wakubo. Njalo wayehlala enomusa futhi ewusizo komakhelwane bakhe futhi eyisibusiso kugogo nomkhulu wakhe abamkhulisa kusukela engumfanyana omncane. Igama lakhe kwakunguThabo futhi wayethandwa yibo bonke abantu. +“Hawu! Ngiyabonga, Thabo, ngokuyongithengela isinkwa,” kusho uNkk Abbas. “Wuthathe ushintshi.” +  + +  +Kodwa uThabo wayazi ukuthi uNkk Abbas wayedinga isenti ngalinye emalini anayo. “Kulungile, Mam’uAbbas,” esho, emamatheka. “Umusa awukhokhelwa.” +Ngolunye usuku, umnikazi wepulazi uThabo ayemsebenzela, wafika ekhaya nomshana wakhe uSimphiwe. USimphiwe wayegqoke izimpahla ezinhle futhi esikhuluma kahle isiNgisi. +“Thabo, woza uzobingelela uSimphiwe,” kusho umnikazi wepulazi. “USimphiwe uhlala edolobheni kodwa usivakashele okwesikhashana. Ngithemba ukuthi nina nobabili nizozwana futhi nibe ngabangane.” UThabo wajabula ukuhlangana nomuntu ongangaye. Wayenethemba lokuthi, bazoba ngabangane abakhulu. +Kodwa injabulo kaThabo ngokushesha yaphenduka indumalo. Kwacaca ukuthi, uSimphiwe wayeluhlaza futhi ezikhukhumeza. Wayengamhloniphi umalume wakhe kanye nazo zonke izisebenzi zasepulazini. “Laba bantu bayisidala,” kusho uSimphiwe, efa insini ehleka amadoda ayeya emsebenzini futhi ebuyela ekhaya egibele izinqola zezimbongolo. “Kungani nje kunabantu abakhetha ukuzohlala lapha esigangeni?” +USimphiwe wenqaba ngisho nokusiza ngemisebenzi yansuku zonke yasepulazini. “Mina ngiyisifundiswa. Ucabanga ukuthi ngifundela nje ukwenza imisetshenzana engasile? Akukho msebenzi engizowenza lapha!” +Kunokuba asize, uSimphiwe wachitha izinsuku zakhe ezihlalele ngaphansi kwesihlahla, enqaba ukusiza ukulungiselela ukudla kwasekuseni noma ilantshi noma ukwenza nanoma yimuphi umsebenzi. UThabo wadumala kakhulu ngokuthi umfana ongangaye wayeyivila kangaka futhi engenamusa. “Ngifunda esikoleni sendawo. Lapho sifundiswa ukubaluleka kokubonisa umusa nokuzikhandla. USimphiwe akakazifundi lezi zinto eziyisisekelo,” kucabanga uThabo. “Uyisilima ngokucabanga ukuthi kuzomhambela kahle ekuphileni uma eqhuba kanje.” +Ngolunye usuku, uSimphiwe wayebhorekile futhi wanquma ukuthi wayengathanda ukuthi ake ayohambahamba ehlathini eliseduze nasepulazini. Bonke abantu bamxwayisa ngokuthi kuyingozi lokho, ngoba kwakunezinja ezizulazulayo ezazihlala ehlathini. Zazihlala zilambile futhi zingenabungane neze! Kodwa uSimphiwe wamane wahleka. “Nazini nina?” esho ngokudelela. “Ngihlakaniphe kabi mina ngiyakwazi ukuzinakekela.” +UThabo wayehambe nomnikazi wepulazi beyothenga izinto ezazidingeka. Lapho ebuya, izisebenzi zamtshela ukuthi uSimphiwe wayenqume ukuyohambahamba ehlathini eyedwa. Ngokushesha uThabo wathatha induku nebhokisi likamentshisi futhi wagijima eyofuna uSimphiwe. +“Akazi ukuthi usengozini engakanani,” uThabo ekhuluma yedwa kuyilapho edabula ehlathini ngokushesha ngangokunokwenzeka. “Bashilo abanye ukuthi ngimyeke lo mfana oluhlaza wasedolobheni ukuba afunde isifundo, kodwa angifuni kwenzeke into embi kuSimphiwe. Kuzoba sekumnyama khona manje, futhi ihlathi liyingozi kabi, ikakhulukazi emfaneni onjengoSimphiwe ongakaze aphume edolobheni ngaphambili.” +Kwase kuyisikhathi eside uThabo emcinga lapho ngokuphazima kweso ezwa ukumemeza okwamethusa. Wagijima waya ngalapho ukumemeza kwakuvela ngakhona futhi wabona uSimphiwe ezungezwe ngumhlambi wezinja ezizulazulayo. Izinja zazimkhiphele amazinyo azo acijile futhi sezilungele ukumluma. UThabo kwadingeka acabange ngokushesha. Wakhanyisa induku ayeze nayo futhi waxosha izinja. +  + +  +Okwesikhashana, izinja zazibhavuma zisafuna ukubahlasela abafana, kodwa ekugcineni zajika zahamba. +USimphiwe wayeqhaqhazela wuvalo. Iqakala lakhe laligudlukile lapho ezama ukubalekela izinja futhi wayexhuga ezwa ubuhlungu. UThabo wayenamandla ngenxa yawo wonke umsebenzi ayewenza epulazini, ngakho wathwala uSimphiwe indlela yonke babuyela epulazini. +USimphiwe walulama ezinsukwini ezimbalwa kamuva, kodwa kukhona okwakuhlukile ngaye. Wayenomusa kakhudlwana futhi engasaqhoshi njengakuqala. Wayengasakhulumi kakhulu futhi emhlonipha kakhudlwana umalume wakhe nazo zonke izisebenzi. Lapho ebona uThabo, wambonga ngokusindisa impilo yakhe futhi wamnika iselula yakhe njengesibonakaliso sokumbonga, kodwa uThabo wenqaba ukwamukela lesi sipho. Wamane nje wamamatheka futhi wathi, “Umusa awukhokhelwa,” futhi waqhubeka nokuhlanza inqola yezimbongolo. +  +[Get story active!] Yenza indaba ihlabe umxhwele! + +Dweba umfanekiso ukuze ubonise le ngxenye yendaba: Bonke abantu bamxwayisa ngokuthi kuyingozi lokho, ngoba kwakunezinja ezizulazulayo ezazihlala ehlathini. Zazihlala zilambile futhi zingenabungane neze! Kodwa uSimphiwe wamane wahleka. +Phinda uyifunde indaba. Yenza uhlu lwazo zonke izimfanelo ezihlukahlukene uThabo anazo bese wenza olunye uhlu lwezimfanelo zikaSimphiwe. Qala kanje: UThabo u… USimphiwe u… +Funda izinhlu zakho zombili – uhlu olumayelana noThabo kanye nohlu olumayelana noSimphiwe – ngokuzwakalayo. Sebenzisa izwi lakho ukusho amagama asezinhlwini zakho ngezindlela ezibonisa ukuthi asho ukuthini.",zul,isiZulu,Umusa awukhokhelw,"In a village far away, there lived a very poor boy who herded sheep to feed his family. He was always kind and helpful to his neighbours and was a blessing to his grandparents who raised him from a little boy. His name was Thabo and he was loved by ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Zahida Wahab,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umusa-awukhokhelwa +there-no-price-being-kind-0,"Motsaneng o mongwe wa kgolekgole, go be go na le mošemane wa go diila kudu yo a bego a diša dinku gore a hlokomele lapa la gabo. O be a dula a le botho, a thuša batho ba bangwe e bile e le tšhegofatšo go makgolo le rakgolo wa gagwe bao ba mo godišitšego go tloga bjaneng. Leina la gagwe e be e le Thabo gomme o be a ratwa ke batho ka moka. +“Agaa! Ke a leboga Thabo ka go yo nthekela borotho,” gwa realo Mohumagadi Abbas. “Tšhentšhi ke ya gago.” +  + + +Eupša Thabo o be a tseba gore Mohumagadi Abbas e be e le modiidi. “Aowa, se tshwenyegeng Mohumagadi Abbas,” gwa realo Thabo, a myemyela. “Go bontšha botho ga go nyake le sente ya lešidi.” +Ka letšatši le lengwe, rapolase yo Thabo a bego a mo šomela o ile a fihla gae le motlogolo wa gagwe Simphiwe. Simphiwe o be a apere diaparo tša maemo e bile a ntšha Sejahlapi ka dinko. +“Thabo, etla o tsebane le Simphiwe,” gwa realo rapolase. “Simphiwe o dula toropong eupša o re etetše ka nakwana. Ke holofela gore bobedi bja lena le tla phedišana gabotse le go tlošana bodutu.” Thabo o be a thabile kudu gore o kopane le thaka ya gagwe. Re holofela gore e tla ba bagwera ba bagolo. +Eupša e se kgale, lethabo la Thabo le ile la fetoga manyami. Go ile gwa hwetšagala gore Simphiwe ga a na mekgwa e bile ke senganga. O be a sa hlomphe malome’agwe goba bašomi ba bangwe ka moka ba polaseng. “Batho ba ba šiilwe ke mabaka,” gwa realo Simphiwe a hwile ka disego a sega banna bao ba bego ya eya mošomong le gae ka dikarikana tša go gogwa ke ditonki. “Ga ke kwešiše! Go tla bjang gore motho a no kgetha go phela mo kgole le sekontiri?” +Simphiwe gape o be a gana go thuša ka mešongwana ya letšatši le letšatši polaseng. “Ke rutegile nna. Naa le nagana gore ke tsena sekolo go no re ke tle ke dire mešomonyana ye ya tlasana? Nka se dire mešongwana ye +ya lena!” +Go e na le go thuša, Simphiwe o be a fetša letšatši ka moka a patlame ka fase ga sehlare, a gana go dira dijo tša mesong goba tša matena goba go dira mošomo le ge e le ofe. Thabo o be a nyamišitšwe kudu ke gore mošemane yo e lego thaka ya gagwe a ka tšwafa kudu ka tsela ye le go hloka botho. “Ke tsena sekolo motsaneng wo wa gešo. Re rutwa bohlokwa bja go ba botho le go šoma ka thata. Simphiwe ga se a ithuta dilo tše tša motheo,” gwa realo Thabo ka mogopolong. “Simphiwe ke lešilo ka go ipotša gore o tla atlega bophelong ka maitshwaro a a gagwe.” +Ka letšatši le lengwe, Simphiwe o be a swerwe ke bodutu gomme a phetha ka go ya sethokgweng sa kgauswi le polase gore a yo bethwa ke moya. Batho ka moka ba ile ba mo lemoša gore go kotsi go ya moo, ka ge go be go na le dimpša tša naga moo sethokgweng. Di be di dula di swerwe ke tlala e bile di le bogale kudu! Eupša Simphiwe o ile a no ba sega. “Le tseba’ng lena?” a realo ka lenyatšo. “Nna ke bohlale e bile ke kgona go itlhokomela.” +Thabo o be a sa tšwile le rapolase go yo reka ditlabakelo. Ge a boa, bašomi ba ile ba mmotša gore Simphiwe o ile sethokgweng gore a yo bethwa ke moya a le nnoši. Gateetee Thabo o ile a tšea molamo wa gagwe le lepokisi la mankgwari gomme a kitima gore a yo tsoma Simphiwe. +“Simphiwe ga a lemoge gore o kotsing e kaakaang,” gwa realo Thabo a sebaseba a nnoši a dutše a phatša ka gare ga sethokgwa kapela ka mokgo a ka kgonago. “Ba bangwe ba itše ke tlogele mošemane yo wa go hloka mekgwa wa ditoropong gore a ithute ka lebadi, eupša ga ke nyake Simphiwe a diragalelwa ke selo le ge e le sefe se sebe. Leswiswi le a swara e se kgale, gomme sethokgwa se se kotsi, kudukudu go mošemane wa go swana le Simphiwe yo a tlwaetšego bophelo bja ditoropong feela.” +E be e šetše e le kgale Thabo a tsomana le Simphiwe ge gateetee a ekwa mokgoši wo o ilego wa mo tšhoša. O ile a kitimela thokong ya mokgoši woo gomme a bona Simphiwe a dikaneditšwe ke sehlopha sa dimpša tša naga. Dimpša tšeo di be di ntšhitše meno a tšona a bogale gomme di le kgauswi le go hlasela. Thabo o ile a swanelwa ke go loga leano kapejana. O ile a tšhuma molamo wo a bego a o swere gomme a tšhošetša dimpša tšeo ka kgabo ya wona. +Ka nakwana, dimpša tšeo di be di sa leka go hlasela bašemane bao, eupša mafelelong tša retologa gomme tša tšhaba. +  + +Simphiwe o be a thothomela ka letšhogo. O be a thinyegile kokoilane ge a be a leka go tšhabela dimpša gomme o be a hlotša ka baka la bohloko. Thabo o be a na le matla ka baka la mešomo ka moka ya polaseng, ka gona o ile a rwala Simphiwe go fihlela ba fihla polaseng. +Ka morago ga matšatši a sego kae, Simphiwe o ile a fola, eupša o be a fetogile. O be a le botho kutšwanyana e bile a se sa ikgantšha kudu. O be a se sa bolela kudu e bile a hlompha malome’agwe le bašomi ka moka. Ge a bona Thabo, o ile a mo leboga gore o phološitše bophelo bja gagwe gomme a mo nea sellathekeng e le mpho ya ditebogo, eupša Thabo o ile a gana mpho yeo. O ile a no myemyela, ke moka a re, “Go bontšha botho ga go nyake le sente ya lešidi,” gomme a tšwela pele a itlhatswetša karikana ya ditonki. +  +[Get story active!]  Dira gore kanegelo e be le bophelo! +  + +Terowa seswantšho sa go bontšha karolo ye ya kanegelo: Batho ka moka ba ile ba mo lemoša gore go kotsi go ya moo, ka ge go be go na le dimpša tša naga moo sethokgweng. Di be di dula di swerwe ke tlala e bile di le bogale kudu! Eupša Simphiwe o ile a no ba sega. +Bala kanegelo gape. Ngwala mehuta ya dika tšeo Thabo a nago le tšona gomme o ngwale le tša Simphiwe ka thoko e nngwe. Thoma ka tsela ye: Thabo o … Simphiwe o … +Bala ka go hlaboša dilo tšeo o di ngwadilego, e lego dika tša Thabo le dika tša Simphiwe. Ge o bolela dika tšeo, di bolele ka lentšu leo le tlago go thuša motho go kwešiša gore di bolela eng.",nso,Sepedi,Go bontšha botho ga go nyake le sente ya lešid,"In a village far away, there lived a very poor boy who herded sheep to feed his family. He was always kind and helpful to his neighbours and was a blessing to his grandparents who raised him from a little boy. His name was Thabo and he was loved by ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Zahida Wahab,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/go-bontšha-botho-ga-go-nyake-le-sente-ya-lešidi +there-no-price-being-kind-0,"Holehole Motseng o mong, ho ne ho dula moshanyana e mong ya kojwana di mahetleng ya neng a disa dinku e le hore lelapa labo le fumane se yang ka maleng. O ne a dula a le mosa mme a thusa baahisani ba hae, mme ntatemoholo le nkgono wa hae, ba mo hodiseng ho tloha a sa le monyenyane, ba ne ba nka e le lehloohonolo hore ebe ba na le yena. Lebitso la hae e ne e le Thabo mme o ne a ratwa ke batho bohle. +“Wa bona he moshanyana wa ka! Ke a leboha ka ho ya lebenkeleng ho ya nthekela bohobe,” ha rialo Mme Abbas. “O ka ipolokela tjhentjhe eo.” +  + +Empa Thabo o ne a tseba hore Mme Abbas o hloka sente e nngwe le e nngwe eo a nang le yona. “Tjhe ho lokile hle Mme Abbas,” a rialo a bososela. “Mosa ha o na theko."" +Yaba ka letsatsi le leng rapolasi eo Thabo a mo sebeletsang o fihla hae le motjhana wa hae ya bitswang Simphiwe. Simphiwe o ne a iterekile mme ha a bua a ntsha sekhowa ka dinko. +“Thabo, enwa ke Simphiwe,” ha rialo rapolasi. “Simphiwe o dula toropong mme o re tjhaketse ka nakwana. Ke tshepa hore lona ba babedi le tla utlwana mme le tlosane bodutu.” Thabo o ne a thabetse ho kopana le thaka eo ya hae haholo. O ne a tshepa hore e tla ba metswalle e meholo. +Empa ka potlako thabo ya Thabo ya fetoha maswabi. E se kgale ha hlaka hore Simphiwe ke ngwana ya se nang mekgwa le ya ikgohomosang. O ne a sa hlomphe malome wa hae le basebetsi ba bang kaofela polasing. “Batho bana ba siilwe ke dinako hakaakang,” ha rialo Simphiwe a tshehela hodimo ha ho feta bontate ba yang mosebetsing le ho kgutlela mahae ka dikariki tsa bona tsa ditonki. “Ha e le hantle ha ke utlwisise hore na motho a ka kgetha ho tla dula nahathote mona molato keng.” +Simphiwe o ile a boela a hana ho thusa ka mesebetsi ya letsatsi le letsatsi e etswang polasing. “Ke rutehile nna. Le nahana hore nka ya sekolong ebe ka mora moo ke tlo dulela ho etsana le mesebetsi ya matsoho? Nke ke ka etsa le o le mong wa mesebetsi ena!” +Ho e na le hore Simphiwe a thuse, o ne a qeta letsatsi a pharame tlasa sefate, a hana ho thusa ho etsa dijo tsa hoseng kapa tsa motshehare, kapa ho etsa mosebetsi le ha e le ofe o mong. Thabo o ne a swetsehile haholo hore ebe moshanyana ya lekanang le yena a ka ba botswa le ho hloka mosa hakaalo. “Le nna ke kena sekolo motseng mona. Re rutwa bohlokwa ba ho ba mosa le ho sebetsa ka thata. Simphiwe ha a ithuta letho ka dintho tsena tseo e leng tsa motheo,” ke Thabo eo a buela ka pelong. “Ke lewatla haeba o nahana hore o tla tswella bophelong ka mekgwa ena ya hae.” +Ka letsatsi le leng, Simphiwe a jewa ke bodutu yaba o etsa qeto ya hore o tla otlollella maoto ka hlatheng e potapotileng polasi. Bohle ba ile ba mo lemosa hore ho etsa jwalo ho kotsi kaha ho na le dintja tse lelerang tse phelang hlatheng moo. Di ne di dula di lapile mme di se botswalle ho hang! Empa Simphiwe a shwa ke ditsheho. “Le tsebang na?” a rialo ka ho hloka tlhompho yohle. “Ke hlalefile ho lekana hore ke itlhokomele.” +Thabo o ne a tsamaile le rapolasi ho ya reka dintho tse hlokahalang. Ha a kgutla, basebetsi ba mo bolella hore Simphiwe o entse qeto ya ho otlollela maoto ka hlatheng a le mong. Ka potlako Thabo a nka thupa le tosi ya mollo mme a le tipatipa ho ya sheba Simphiwe. +“Ha a tsebe hore na o kotsing hakaakang,” ke Thabo eo a buela tlase ha a ntse a fohla hlatheng moo ka potlako e kgolo. “Le hoja ba bang ba itse ke tlohele moshanyana enwa wa toropong ya se nang mekgwa hore a ke a utlwe ka letlalo, empa ha ke batle hore Simphiwe a hlahelwe ke kotsi ya letho. E se kgale ho tla be ho fifetse, mme hlatheng mona ho kotsi, haholoholo bakeng sa moshanyana ya kang Simphiwe tjena ya itsebelang bophelo ba toropong feela.” +E ne e se e le nakwana jwale Thabo a ntse a batla ha ka tshohanyetso a utlwa sello se ileng sa mo tshosa. O ile a mathela moo a utlwang sello hona teng mme a bona Simphiwe a potapotilwe ke sehlopha sa dintja. Dintja tseo di ne di betlile meno a tsona a ntjhotjho mme di le haufi le ho mo laumela. Thabo o ne a tlameha ho nahana ka potlako. O ile a laeta thupa eo a tlileng ka yona mme a lelekisa dintja tseo. +Dintja tseo di ile tsa nna tsa leka ho hlasela bashanyana bao ka nakwana, empa qetellong tsa ba furalla mme tsa ikela. +  + +Simphiwe o ne a thothomela ke letswalo. O ne a nonyetsehile leqaqailana ha a leka ho baleha dintja mme jwale o ne a hlotsa, a opelwa. Kaha Thabo o ne a le matla ka lebaka la ho sebetsa ka thata polasing, o ile a pepa Simphiwe tsela yohle ho fihlela ba fihla polasing. +Matsatsi a mmalwa hamorao Simphiwe o ne a se a kgona ho tsamaya hantle hape, empa ho ne ho na le ho fetohileng ka yena. O ne a se a batla a le mosa mme a fokoditse boikgohomoso. O ne a se a sa bue haholo mme a hlompha malome wa hae le basebetsi bohle. Ha a bona Thabo, o ile a mo leboha ka ho pholosa bophelo ba hae mme a re o rata ho mo fa selefounu ya hae e le ho bontsha kananelo, empa Thabo o ile a hana mpho eo. O ile a bososela feela mme a re, “Mosa ha o na theko,” yaba o tswela pele a ntse a hlwekisa kariki ya tonki. +  +[Get story active!]  Eba mahlahahlaha ka pale! +  + +Taka setshwantsho se bontshang karolo ena paleng: Bohle ba ile ba mo lemosa hore ho etsa jwalo ho kotsi kaha ho na le dintja tse lelerang tse phelang hlatheng moo. Di ne di dula di lapile mme di se botswalle ho hang! Empa Simphiwe a shwa ke ditsheho. +Bala pale hape. Ngola mekgwa yohle e sa tshwaneng eo Thabo a nang le yona ebe o etsa lethathamo le leng la mekgwa eo Simphiwe a nang le yona. Qala tjena: Thabo o … Simphiwe o … +Balla hodimo mathathamo ao a mabedi – lethathamo la Thabo le lethathamo la Simphiwe. Sebedisa lentswe la hao ka tsela e fetisang moelelo wa mantswe ao o a balang lethathamong.",sot,Sesotho,Mosa ha o na theko,"In a village far away, there lived a very poor boy who herded sheep to feed his family. He was always kind and helpful to his neighbours and was a blessing to his grandparents who raised him from a little boy. His name was Thabo and he was loved by ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Zahida Wahab,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mosa-ha-o-na-theko +there-no-price-being-kind-0,"Mo motsaneng mongwe o o kgakala, go ne go na le mosimane yo o neng a nna koo mme o ne a humanegile mme a disa dinku gore a kgone go fepa ba lelapa la gagabo. O ne a le bopelonomi ka metlha e bile a rata go thusa baagelani ba gagwe mme e le tshegofatsho mo go rremogolo le mmèmogoloagwe ba ba mo godisitseng fa e sa le a ne a le mosimanyana yo monnye. Leina la gagwe e ne e le Thabo mme o ne a ratiwa ke mongwe le mongwe. +Mmè Abbas a re: “Aha! Ke a leboga Thabo, go bo o nketse lebenkeleng go ya go nthekela borotho, o ka itseela tšhentšhe.” +  + +Mme Thabo ne a itse gore Mmè Abbas o ne a tlhoka sente nngwe le nngwe e a neng a na le yone. A bo a bolela jaana a nyenya: “Go siame, Mmè Abbas, bopelonomi ga bo na tlhwatlhwa.” +Ka letsatsi lengwe, rapolasi yo Thabo a neng a mmerekela, o ne a tla gae le setlogolo sa gagwe e bong Simphiwe. Simphiwe o ne a apere diaparo tse dintle e bile a bua Seesemane sentle. +Rapolasi o ne a re: “Thabo, tla o dumedise Simphiwe, Simphiwe o nna kwa toropong mme o tla bo a re etetse ka nakwana. Ke solofela gore bobedi jwa lona lo tla utlwana mme lo tla kgona go ntshana bodutu.” Thabo o ne a itumeletse go bona thaka ya gagwe. Gongwe, ba ka nna ditsala tse di ntshanang se inong. +Mme go ise go ye kae boitumelo jwa ga Thabo bo ile jwa fetoga bohutsana. O ne a lemoga gore, Simphiwe o ne a sena maitseo e bile o ne a ikgogomosa. O ne a sa tlotle malomaagwe le fa e le ope wa badiri ba bangwe mo polasing. Simphiwe o ne a bolela jaana a tshegela kwa godimo a tshega banna ba ba palamang dikolotsana tsa ditonki go ya tirong le go boa: “Batho ba siilwe ke nako. Mme ke mang tota yo a ka tlhophang go nna mo go senang batho gone?” +Mme gape Simphiwe o ne a gana go thusa ka ditiro tsa letsatsi le letsatsi tsa mo polaseng. “Ke motho yo o rutegileng thata. A lo akanya gore ke ya sekolong fela gore ke feleletse ke dira tiro ya diatla? Nka se dire epe ya ditiro tseno!” +Go na le gore a thuse, Simphiwe o ne a senya malatsi a gagwe a robetse kafa tlase ga setlhare, a gana go thusa go apaya sefitlholo kgotsa dijo tsa motshegare kgotsa go dira epe ya ditiro tseno. Thabo o ne a kgobegile marapo thata go bona mosimane wa thaka ya gagwe a le botswa jaana e bile a sena bopelonomi. Thabo o ne a akanya jaana: “Ke tsena sekolo mo motsaneng wa gaetsho. Kwa sekolong re rutiwa mosola wa go nna bopelonomi le go dira ka natla. Thabo o akanya gore ""Simphiwe ga a ithuta dilo tseno tsa motheo.” “Ke seelele fa e le gore o akanya gore a ka tswelela mo botshelong ka tsela eno.” +Ka letsatsi lengwe, Simphiwe o ne a jewa ke bodutu mme a swetsa gore o tla ya go iphokisa phefo mo sekgweng se se mo polasing. Mongwe le mongwe o ne a mo tlhagisa gore go kotsi go dira jalo, ka gonne go ne go na le dintša tse di timetseng tse di nnang kwa sekgweng. Di ne di nna di tshwerwe ke tlala e bile di ne di se botsalano le e seng! Mme Simphiwe o ne a tshega fela. A bua jaana ka makgakga: “Lona lo itse eng? Nna ke botlhale mme ke kgona go itlhokomela.” +Thabo o ne a ile go reka dilwana le rapolasi. Fa a boa, badiri ba ne ba mmolelela gore Simphiwe o ile a sweditse go ya go iphokisa phefo kwa sekgweng a le nosi. Thabo o ne a phamola thobane le lebokoso la mmetšhise ka bonako mme a taboga go ya go batla Simphiwe. +Thabo o ne a taboga ka bonako a ralala sekgwa mme a bua a le nosi a sebaseba a re: “Ga a lemoge gore o mo kotsing e kana kang. Ba bangwe ba rile ke tlogele mosimane yo senang maitseo yo o tswang kwa toropong gore a ithute sengwe, mme ga ke batle gore Simphiwe a diragalelwe ke sengwe se se bosula. Go ise go ye kae go tla bo go le lefifi, mme go kotsi mo sekgweng, segolobogolo mo mosimaneng yo o tshwanang le Simphiwe yo o iseng a ko a tswe kwa toropong.” +Thabo o ne a ntse a mmatla nako e telele fa ka tshoganyetso a utlwa mongwe a goa mme a tsiboga. O ne a tabogela kwa ntlheng e a utlwang motho a goa mme a bona Simphiwe a le fa gare ga setlhopha sa dintša tsa naga. Dintša tseno di ne di shenne meno a tsone a a bogale mme di ipaakanyetsa go mo garola. Thabo o ne a tshwanelwa ke gore a akanye ka bonako. O ne a tshuba thobane e a neng a tlile ka yone mme a kgotlha dintša ka yone. +Ka lobakanyana, dintša di sa ntse di batla go tlhasela basimane, mme kgabagare di ne tsa retologa di kgobakgoba. +  + + +Simphiwe o ne a roroma ka ntlha ya letshogo. O ne a thinyegile legwejana fa a ne a leka go tshabela dintša mme o ne a tlhotsa ka ntlha ya botlhoko. Thabo o ne a na le maatla ka ntlha ya tiro yotlhe e e boima e a neng a e dira mo polasing, ka jalo o ne a kuka Simphiwe tsela yotlhe go ya kwa polasing. +Malatsi a sekae moragonyana Simphiwe o ne a fodile, mme go ne go na le sengwe se se fetogileng ka ene. O ne a le pelonomi e bile a sa tlhole a ikgantsha thata. O ne a didimetse mme a le maitseo mo go malomaagwe le badiri botlhe. Fa a bona Thabo, o ne a mo leboga go bo a bolokile botshelo jwa gagwe mme a mo naya founo ya gagwe ya selula e le tsela ya go bontsha kanaanelo ya gagwe, mme Thabo o ne a gana go amogela mpho eno. O ne a nyenya fela mme a re, “bopelonomi ga bo na tlhwatlhwa,” mme a tswelela pele a tlhatswa kolotsana ya tonki. +  +Nna le matlhagatlhaga a leinane! +  + +Torowa setshwantsho go tlhalosa karolo eno ya leinane: Mongwe le mongwe o ne a mo tlhagisa gore go kotsi go dira jalo, ka gonne go ne go na le dintša tse di timetseng tse di nnang mo sekgweng. Di ne di nna di tshwerwe ke tlala e bile di ne di se botsalano le e seng! Mme Simphiwe o ne a tshega fela. +Buisa leinane leno gape. Dira lenaane la dinonofo tsotlhe tse di farologaneng tse Thabo a nang le tsone o bo o dira lenaane le lengwe la dinonofo tse Simphiwe a nang le tsone. Simolola jaana: Thabo o … Simphiwe o … + +Buisa manaane a gago a mabedi– lenaane le le buang ka Thabo le lenaane le le buang ka Simphiwe – a buisetse kwa godimo. Dirisa lentswe la gago go bua mafoko a a mo maananeng a gago ka ditsela tse di tlhalosang gore a kaya eng",tsn,Setswana,Bopelonomi ga bo na tlhwatlhw,"In a village far away, there lived a very poor boy who herded sheep to feed his family. He was always kind and helpful to his neighbours and was a blessing to his grandparents who raised him from a little boy. His name was Thabo and he was loved by ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Zahida Wahab,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/bopelonomi-ga-bo-na-tlhwatlhwa +there-no-price-being-kind-0,"Endzaweni lekhashane, kwakuhlala umfana lophuyile lobekalusa timvu kuze ondle umndeni wakubo. Abehlale anemusa futsi alusito kubomakhelwane bakhe futsi abesibusiso kugogo namkhulu wakhe labamkhulisa kusukela asengumfana lomncane. Ligama lakhe bekunguThabo futsi bekatsandvwa ngibo bonkhe bantfu. +“Hawu! Ngiyabonga, Thabo, kungiyela esitolo uyongitsengela sinkhwa,” kusho Make Abbas. “Ungayitsatsa ishintji.” +  + +  +Kodvwa Thabo bekati kutsi Make Abbas abedzinga yonkhe imali lanayo. “Kulungile, Make Abbas,” asho amamatseka. “Ayikho imbhadalo yekuba nemusa.” +Ngalelinye lilanga, umlimi lobekasetjentelwa nguThabo, wefika ekhaya nemshana wakhe Simphiwe. Simphiwe abegcoke kahle futsi asikhuluma ashelela siNgisi. +“Thabo, wota utowubona Simphiwe,” kusho lomlimi. “Simphiwe uhlala edolobheni kodvwa utosivakashela sikhashana. Ngetsemba kutsi nobabili nitawatana futsi nibe bangani.” Thabo abejabulile kuhlangana nemuntfu longuntsanga yakhe. Bekunelitsemba lekutsi bangaba bangani labakhulu. +Kodvwa ngekushesha injabulo yaThabo yagucuka yaba lusizi. Kwavela kutsi Simphiwe abedzelela futsi atikhukhumeta. Abengamhloniphi malume wakhe angahloniphi nato tonkhe tisebenti talelipulazi. “Labantfu laba basidzala,” kusho Simphiwe, ahleka kakhulu emadvodza lagibela tincola letidvonswa yimbongolo nakaya emsebentini nanakabuyela ekhaya. “Futsi nje kungani umuntfu angakhetsa kutowuhlala lapha endzaweni lekhashane nebantfu naletinye tindlu?” +Simphiwe futsi bekala kusita ngemisebenti lebeyentiwa onkhe malanga lapha epulazini. “Ngingumuntfu lofundzile mine. Nicabanga kutsi ngingaya esikolweni kuze ngigcine ngenta nje imisebenti yetandla? Awukho umsebenti lengitawenta kulena!” +Esikhundleni sekutsi asite, Simphiwe abevilapha acitsa emalanga akhe angephansi kwesihlahla, angafuni kusita nakwentiwa kudla kwasekuseni noma kwasemini noma kwenta leminye nje imisebenti yasekhaya. Thabo abedvumateke kakhulu kutsi umfana longuntsanga yakhe angavilapha kangaka futsi angabi nemusa. “Ngifundza esikolweni sakulendzawo. Kulesikolwa sifundziswa kubaluleka kwekuba nemusa nekusebenta kamatima. Simphiwe akatifundzi letintfo letisisekelo,” kucabanga Thabo. “Usiphukuphuku ucabanga kutsi ekuphileni angenta kanjena.” +Ngalelinye lilanga, Simphiwe abebhorekile wancuma kutsi elule tinyawo aye ehlatsini lebelitungelete lelipulazi. Bonkhe bantfu bamecwayisa kutsi kwenta njalo kuyingoti, njengoba bekunetinja letilahlekile lebetihlala kulelihlatsi. Ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi betihlale tilambile futsi tite bungani nakancane! Kodvwa Simphiwe wamane nje wahleka. “Natini nine?” asho ngekwedzelela. “Ngihlakaniphe ngalokwenele kutsi ngingatinakekela.” +Thabo abehambe nemlimi bayotsenga tintfo. Nakabuya, tisebenti tamtjela kutsi Simphiwe uncume kwelula tinyawo aye ehlatsini ayedvwana. Ngekushesha Thabo watsatsa indvuku nelibhokisi lemetjiso wagijima wayobuka Simphiwe. +“Akaboni kutsi usengotini lengakanani,” Thabo akhuluma yedvwa njengoba ahamba angena ehlatsini ngekushesha ngangalokunekwenteka. “Labanye bangitjela kutsi ngiyekele lomfana wasedolobheni lodzelelako atowufundza sifundvo, kodvwa angifuni kwenteke intfo lembi kuSimphiwe. Ngekushesha kutawuba mnyama, futsi lelihlatsi liyindzawo leyingoti, ikakhulukati kumfana lonjengaSimphiwe longazange sekaphume kulelidobha esikhatsini lesendlulile.” +Thabo abesafune sikhatsi lesidze ngesikhatsi ngekushesha eva kukhala lokwamenta wetfuka. Wagijima waya lapho bekeva khona lokukhala futsi wabona Simphiwe asemkhatsini wemhlambi wetinja letilahlekile. Letinja tativete ematinyo ato lacijile futsi tilungela kumbamba timlume. Thabo kwadzingeka acabange ngekushesha. Walayida lendvuku labekete nayo wase ucondza kuletinja. +  + +Sikhashana, letinja tachubeka tisongela kuhlasela labafana, kodvwa ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi tajika tahamba. +Simphiwe abechachatela ngenca yekwesaba. Wasuluka sihlakala ngesikhatsi etama kubalekela letinja futsi abechuta eva buhlungu. Thabo abenemandla ngenca yawo wonkhe lomsebenti lomatima bekawenta kulelipulazi, ngako wetfwala Simphiwe yonkhe indlela wabuyela naye kulelipulazi. +Ngemuva kwemalanga lambalwa Simphiwe besekakhona kuhamba ngetinyawo takhe, kodvwa besekunalokushintjile ngaye. Besekanemusa futsi sekwehlile nekutikhukhumeta. Besekathulile futsi sekamhlonipha kakhulu malume wakhe nato tonkhe letisebenti. Nakabona Thabo, wambonga ngekutsi usindzise kuphila kwakhe futsi wamupha makhalekhikhini wakhe akhombisa kutsi uyabonga, kodvwa Thabo wala kusemukela lesipho. Wamane nje wamamatseka futsi watsi, “Ayikho imbhadalo yekuba nemusa,” wachubeka awasha lencola ledvonswa yimbongolo. +  +[Get story active!] Yenta indzaba ibe nemdlandla! + +Dvweba sitfombe kuze ukhombise lencenye lena yalendzaba: Bonkhe bantfu bamecwayisa kutsi kwenta njalo kuyingoti, njengoba bekunetinja letilahlekile lebetihlala kulelihlatsi. Ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi betihlale tilambile futsi tite bungani nakancane! Kodvwa Simphiwe wamane nje wahleka. +Phindze ufundze lendzaba. Yenta luhla lwato tonkhe timfanelo letehlukile Thabo lanato bese wenta luhla lolwehlukile lwetimfanelo lanato Simphiwe. Cala kanjena: Thabo u… Simphiwe u… +Fundza totimbili letinhlu takho – luhla lolukhuluma ngaThabo neluhla lolukhuluma ngaSimphiwe –utifundze ngalokuvakalako. Sebentisa livi lakho kuze usho emagama lakuletinhlu takho ngetindlela letikhombisako kutsi asho kutsini.",ssw,Siswati,Ayikho imbhadalo yekuba nemus,"In a village far away, there lived a very poor boy who herded sheep to feed his family. He was always kind and helpful to his neighbours and was a blessing to his grandparents who raised him from a little boy. His name was Thabo and he was loved by ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Zahida Wahab,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ayikho-imbhadalo-yekuba-nemusa +there-no-price-being-kind-0,"Kha muṅwe muḓana u re kule, ho vha hu tshi dzula muṅwe mutukana we a vha a tshi shaya vhukuma we a vha a tshi lisa nngu uri a kone u wana masheleni a u ṱhogomela muṱa wa hawe. O vha e na vhuthu tshifhinga tshoṱhe nahone a tshi thusa vhahura vhawe, o vha a tshi tou vha phaṱutshedzo kha vhomakhulu wawe vhe vha mu alusa u bva vhuṱukuni. O vha a tshi pfi Thabo nahone a tshi funwa nga muṅwe na muṅwe. +“Auvhoni-ha, duka-duka ḽanga! Ndo livhuwa Thabo nge na nthengela vhurotho vhengeleni,” vha ralo Vho-Abbas. “Ni nga dzhia tshintshi muḓuhulu wanga.” +  + +Fhedzi Thabo o vha a tshi zwi ḓivha uri yeneyo tshintshi yo vha i tshi ḓo thusa vhukuma Vho-Abbas. “Vha songo vhuya vha ḓidina nga u nṋea tshintshi lini Vho-Abbas,” a ralo a tshi khou ṅwethuwa. “Vhuthu a vhu rengwi.” +Ḽiṅwe ḓuvha rabulasi ane Thabo a shuma khae, a vhuya hayani na muḓuhulu wawe ane a pfi Simphiwe. Simphiwe `o vha o diela nga zwiambaro zwavhuḓi nahone a tshi amba Tshikhuwa nga u tou suvhelela, tshi tshi tou bva nga dziningo. +“Thabo, hoyu ndi Simphiwe,” a ralo rabulasi. “Simphiwe u dzula ḓoroboni, fhedzi o ri dalela lwa tshifhinganyana. Ndi fulufhela uri ni ḓo anḓana na u borolosana.” Thabo o takadzwa nga u ṱangana na thangana yawe. Ri fulufhela uri vha ḓo vha madele mapfani. +Fhedzi dakalo ḽa Thabo ḽo mbo ḓi fheleledza nga u ḓisa maṱungu. Zwi re zwone ndi uri Simphiwe o vha e si na mikhwa nahone o vha a tshi ḓihudza. O vha a sa ṱhonifhi malume awe kana vhaṅwe vhashumi vha bulasini. “Havha vhathu vha ita zwithu zwa tshikale,” u ralo Simphiwe, a tshi khou setshela nṱha musi a tshi vhona vhanna vho ṋamela zwikosikara zwi kokodzwaho nga donngi musi vha tshi bva hayani vha tshi ya mushumoni. “A thi pfesesi uri zwi ḓa hani uri vhathu vha ḓe u dzula henefha fhethu hune ha vha kule nga u rali?” +Simphiwe o vha a sa tendi na luthihi u thusa nga u ita mishumo ya ḓuvha na ḓuvha ine ya itwa bulasini. “Ndo funzea badi hezwi ndi hafha. Ni humbula uri ndi nga ya tshikoloni nda fheleledza nga u ita mushumo wa zwanḓa? Ndi nga si ite heyi mishumo nṋe!” +Nṱhani ha uri Simphiwe a thuse, o vha a tshi ṱwa masiari oṱhe o ganama o ḓinavhela milenzhe fhasi ha muri, a hana u thusa musi hu tshi lugiselelwa zwiḽiwa zwa nga matsheloni kana zwa nga masiari kana u ita mishumo naho i ifhio. Zwenezwo zwo ita uri Thabo a kulee nungo vhukuma ngauri onoyo mutukana ane vha vha thangana dza murole o vha e na vhubva nga u ralo nahone e si na vhuthu. “Ndi dzhena tshikolo henefha muḓanani. Henefho ri funzwa uri ndi zwa ndeme u vha na vhuthu na u vha mushumi wa biko. Simphiwe ha athu guda zwenezwi zwithu zwa mutheo,” ndi Thabo a tshi khou ambela mbiluni. “Ndi tsilu arali a vhona u nga a bvela phanḓa na vhutshilo na yeneyi mikhwa yawe mivhi nga yeneyi nḓila.” +Ḽiṅwe ḓuvha Simphiwe o vha a tshi khou borea nahone a mbo ḓi takuwa uri a onyolose milenzhe nga u ya ḓakani ḽi re henefho bulasini. Vhathu vho mu sevha uri hezwi zwi na khombo, samusi hu na mmbwa dzine dza mona-mona henefho ḓakani. Dzi dzula dzi na nḓala nahone dzi a luma badi. Fhedzi Simphiwe a sokou fa nga zwiseo. “Ni ḓivha’ni vhoiwe mara?” a ralo nga tshiambela. “Ndo ṱalifha lune ndi a kona u ḓiṱhogomela.” +Thabo o vha o ṱuwa na rabulasi u yo renga zwithu. Musi a tshi vhuya, vhashumi vha mu vhudza uri Simphiwe o ṱuwa uri u kha ḓi ya u onyolosa milenzhe ḓakani e eṱhe. Thabo a mbo ḓi dzhia thanda, bogisi ḽa metshisi a gidima a ya u ṱo���a Simphiwe. +“Ha zwi vhoni uri u khomboni khulwane.” Ndi Thabo a tshi khou ambela mbiluni musi a tshi khou fuḓa henefho ḓakani nga luvhilo luhulwane. “Naho vhaṅwe vho mmbudza uri ndi litshe onoyo mutukana a si na mikhwa a bvaho ḓoroboni uri a pfe vhuṱungu nga nṱhani ha u konyolela matanda nḓevheni, fhedzi a thi ṱoḓi uri Simphiwe a dzhene khomboni. Ḽi ḓo swifhala hu si kale nahone hu na khombo ḓakani, zwihuluhulu kha vhatukana vha ngaho Simphiwe we a ḓowela vhutshilo ha ḓoroboni fhedzi.” +Thabo o vha o no fhedza tshifhinga tshilapfu a tshi khou mu ṱoḓa musi a tshi pfa mukosi we wa mu tshuwisa. A gidima o livha fhethu he a pfa mutzhemo nahone a vhona Simphiwe o tangwa nga dzimmbwa. Dzenedzo mmbwa dzo vha dzo sema maṋo, dzi tsini na u mu dzhongondedza. Thabo a mbo ḓi ḓelwa nga muṅwe muhumbulo. A mbo ḓi funga thanda ye a vha o i fara nahone a gidima o livha dzenedzo mmbwa. +Lwa tshifhinganyana, dzenedzo mmbwa dzo shushedza u luma vhenevho vhatukana, fhedzi dza fheleledza dzo vha furalela dza ṱuwa. +  + +Simphiwe o vha a tshi khou tetemela nga nyofho. O vha a tshi vho ṱudza na u pfa vhuṱungu nge a fhirea mulenzhe musi a tshi khou lingedza u shavha dzenedzo mmbwa. Nge a vha e mushumi wa biko bulasini, Thabo o vha e na maanḓa nga zwenezwo a beba Simphiwe vha vhuya vha swika bulasini. +Simphiwe o mbo ḓi fhola nga murahu ha maḓuvha a si gathi a vho kona u tshimbila zwavhuḓi, fhedzi o vha o no shanduka. O vha o no vha na vhuthu nahone u ḓihudza hawe ho vha ho no fhungudzea. O vha a sa tsha ambesa nahone a tshi vho ṱhonifha vhukuma malume awe na vhashumi vhoṱhe. Musi a tshi vhona Thabo, a mu livhuwa nge a mu tshidza nahone a mu ṋea luṱingothendeleki lwawe u sumbedza u livhuwa hawe, fhedzi Thabo ho ngo ṱanganedza tshenetsho tshifhiwa. O mbo ḓi ṅwethuwa nahone a ri, “Mafunda ha rengwi,” a bvela phanḓa na u ṱanzwa tshikosikara tshi kokodzwaho nga donngi. +  +[Get story active!]  Itani uri tshiṱori tshi nyanyule! +  + +Olani tshifanyiso tshi sumbedzaho hetshi tshipiḓa tsha tshiṱori: Vhathu vho mu sevha uri hezwi zwi na khombo, samusi hu na mmbwa dzine dza mona-mona henefho ḓakani. Dzi dzula dzi na nḓala nahone dzi a luma badi. Fhedzi Simphiwe a sokou fa nga zwiseo. +Dovhani ni vhale tshiṱori. Ṅwalani mutevhe wa zwithu zwoṱhe zwi sa fani zwine Thabo a ḓivhelwa zwone ni dovhe ni ṅwale na mutevhe wa zwithu zwine Simphiwe a ḓivhelwa zwone. Thomani nga heyi nḓila: Thabo ndi … Simphiwe ndi … +Vhalelani nṱha yeneyo mitevhe mivhili– mutevhe wa Thabo na mutevhe wa Simphiwe. Vhalani zwe na zwi ṅwala nga ipfi ḽine ḽa bvisela khagala zwine ipfi ḽine na khou ḽi vhala ḽa amba zwone.",ven,Tshivenda,Vhuthu a vhu rengw,"In a village far away, there lived a very poor boy who herded sheep to feed his family. He was always kind and helpful to his neighbours and was a blessing to his grandparents who raised him from a little boy. His name was Thabo and he was loved by ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Zahida Wahab,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/vhuthu-vhu-rengwi +there-no-price-being-kind-0,"Emugangeni wun’wana wa le kule swinene, a ku ri na mufana un’wana wa xisiwana loyi a a risa tinyimpfu leswaku a wundla va ka vona. Minkarhi hinkwayo a a kombisa tintswalo ni ku pfuna vaakelani vakwe, naswona a a ri nkateko lowukulu eka vakokwa wakwe lava n’wi kuriseke ku sukela loko a ha ri ntsongo. Vito rakwe a ku ri Thabo naswona a a rhandziwa hi vanhu. +“Aah! Inkomu, Thabo, ku va u ndzi yele exitolo u ya xava xinkwa,” ku vula Manana Abbas. “Namba u teka cinci.” +  + +Kambe Thabo a a swi tiva leswaku sente yin’wana ni yin’wana leyi Manana Abbas a a ri na yona a yi ta n’wi pfuna swin’wana. “Mi nga vileli Mhani Abbas,” a vula hi ku n’wayitela. “Tintswalo a wu nge ti hakeli.” +Siku rin’wana, n’wamapurasi loyi Thabo a a tirha eka yena u vuye na n’wana wa makwavo wakwe, ku nga Simphiwe. Simphiwe a a ambale swiambalo swo xonga naswona Xilungu a xo huma hi tinhompfu. +“Thabo, tana u ta tivana na Simphiwe,” ku vula n’wamapurasi. “Simphiwe u tshama edorobeni kambe u hi endzele swa nkarhinyana. Ndza tshemba mi ta twanana mi tlhela mi dzumba swin’we.” Thabo a a tsake ngopfu ku hlangana ni ntangha yakwe. A a ri ni ntshembo wa leswaku va ta va vanghana lavakulu. +Kambe ntsako wa Thabo a wu tlhaveriwanga hi dyambu. U kume leswaku Simphiwe a a nga layiwanga naswona a a tele manyunyu. A a delela malume wakwe ni vatirhi va le purasini. “Vanhu lava va ha ri ndzhaku ngopfu,” ku vula Simphiwe a ri karhi a hleka vavanuna lava a va ya entirhweni hi swikalichana swa tidonki va tlhela va vuya hi swona. “Mara swi tisa ku yini leswaku munhu a lava ku ta tshama endhawini ya so?” +Simphiwe a a ala ni ku pfuneta hi mintirho ya siku na siku epurasini. “Mina ndzi xidyondzeki. Xana ndzi nga ya exikolweni ivi ndzi pasela ku ya tirha epurasini? A ku na xin’we xa swilo leswi lexi ndzi nga ta xi endla!” +Ematshan’weni yo pfuna, Simphiwe a a peta dyambu a tihungasela ehansi ka murhi a nga endli nchumu, a ala ku pfuneta ku lunghiselela swakudya swo fihlula kumbe lanji, hambi ku nga va ntirho wihi wun’wana. Thabo a swi n’wi hete matimba ku vona ntangha yakwe yi loloha hi ndlela leyi yi tlhela yi va na mona. “Mina ndzi nghena xikolo kwala mugangeni wa ka hina. Va hi dyondzisa nkoka wa ku va na musa ni ku tirha hi matimba. Simphiwe a nga dyondzisiwanga swilo leswi swa xisekelo,” ku anakanya Thabo. “I vuhunguki ku tibyela leswaku vutomi lebyi a byi hanyaka byi kahle.” +Siku rin’wana Simphiwe a a borhekile kutani a anakanya ku ya tijikajikela enhoveni ekusuhi ni le purasini. Hinkwavo va n’wi byele leswaku u ta tisola, hikuva ku ni timbyana leti lahlekeke enhoveni. Ti tshama ti khomiwe hi ndlala naswona a ti tlangatlangi na vanhu! Kambe Simphiwe a a va hleka. “N’wina mi tiva yini?” a vula hi ku konyolola kunene. “Ndzi tlharihile, ndzi tiva leswi ndzi swi endlaka.” +Thabo a a fambe na n’wini wa purasi va ya xava swo karhi. Loko a vuya, vatirhi va n’wi byele leswaku Simphiwe u ye eku jikajikeni enhoveni. Thabo u hatle a teka nhonga yakwe na mecisi a tsutsuma a ya lava Simphiwe. +“A nga swi tivi leswaku u tihoxa ekhombyeni ra njhani,” Thabo a tivulavulela a ri yexe a ri karhi a ganyuka kunene enhoveni. “Van’wana va ri ndzi tshika jaha leri ra mona ra le xilungwini ri layeka, kambe a ndzi lavi nchumu xo biha xi endleka eka Simphiwe. Ku nga ri khale ku ta va ku dzwiharile, naswona ku na khombo enhoveni, ngopfungopfu eka mufana wo fana na Simphiwe, loyi a sungulaka ku va ehandle ka doroba.” +Thabo a a hete nkarhi wo leha a ri eku laveni loko xikan’wekan’we a twa xirilo lexi n’wi tsuvuleke na misisi. U tsutsumele laha xirilo a xi twala kona kutani a vona Simphiwe a rhendzeriwe hi timbyana leti lahlekeke. Timbyana ta kona se a ti humese na meno yo tontswa ti lava ku n’wi kakatlula. Thabo a a fanele a ehleketa hi ku hatlisa. U lumeke nhonga leyi a a ri na yona a chavisa timbyana hi yona. +Timbyana ti ale no twa ti lava ku luma vafana lava, kambe ti hetelele ti va tshikile ti tsutsuma. +  + +Simphiwe a a rhurhumela hi ku chava. A a suleke ni nenge loko a ri eku tsutsumeni a hlongorisiwa hi timbyana, naswona a a khwita hi ku twa ku vava. Thabo a a ri na matimba hileswi a a tirha swinene epurasini, kutani u bebule Simphiwe a famba na yena epurasini. +Simphiwe se a a horile endzhaku ka masikunyana, kambe a a nga ha ri yena lowa tolo. A a ri na musa naswona a a nga ri na manyunyu ku fana ni le ku sunguleni. A a nga ha vulavuli ngopfu naswona a a xixima malume wakwe ni vatirhi hinkwavo. Loko a vona Thabo, u n’wi nkhensile hileswi a poniseke vutomi bya yena kutani a kombisa ku nkhensa ka yena hi ku lava ku n’wi nyika selfoni yakwe, kambe Thabo a ala ku teka selfoni. U lo n’wayitela ivi a ku, “Tintswalo a wu nge ti hakeli,” ivi a ya emahlweni a hlantswa xikalichana xa tidonki. +  +  +[Get story active!] Endla ntsheketo wu nyanyula! +  + +Dirowa xifaniso lexi kombisaka xiphemu lexi landzelaka xa ntsheketo: Hinkwavo va n’wi byele leswaku u ta tisola, hikuva ku ni timbyana leti lahlekeke enhoveni. Ti tshama ti khomiwe hi ndlala naswona a ti tlangatlangi na vanhu! Kambe Simphiwe a a va hleka. +Hlaya ntsheketo nakambe. Tsala nxanxamelo wa swilo leswi Thabo a a tiviwa hi swona, u tlhela u tsala nxanxamelo wa leswi Simphiwe a a tiviwa hi swona. Sungula hi ndlela leyi: Thabo u … Simphiwe u … +Hlaya minxaxamelo ya wena yimbirhi – nxaxamelo wa matikhomelo ya Thabo ni ya Simphiwe – u hlayela ehenhla. Hlaya hi mpfumawulo wa rito lowu fambisanaka ni leswi marito ya kona ma vulaka swona.",tso,Xitsonga,​Tintswalo a wu nge ti hake,"In a village far away, there lived a very poor boy who herded sheep to feed his family. He was always kind and helpful to his neighbours and was a blessing to his grandparents who raised him from a little boy. His name was Thabo and he was loved by ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Zahida Wahab,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/​tintswalo-wu-nge-ti-hakeli +why-dassies-have-no-tails,"Long, long ago, animals had no tails. They were very unhappy about this, so they called a meeting at the watering hole. +Dassie watched as the animals passed by on their way to the meeting. +“Hurry up! We need to get to the meeting,” shouted Hare as she +hopped by. +“Don’t worry, I’ll follow you!” answered Dassie and he turned his back towards the rays of the warm sun. +“Aren’t you joining us?” asked Monkey as he passed by. +“Don’t worry, I’ll be on my way soon,” replied Dassie lying on his back to warm his tummy. +The last animal to come by was Dassie’s best friend, Tortoise. “Aren’t you coming to the meeting?” she asked. +“Only if my friend can give me a lift,” replied Dassie. +“But my shell is already heavy,” said Tortoise. +“Well, I’m not heavy. You won’t notice any difference with me on top,” said Dassie with a wide smile. + “But my shell is hard and uncomfortable to sit on,” explained Tortoise. +“I’m a dassie! I’m used to sitting on hard rocks!” replied Dassie, jumping on Tortoise’s back. Dassie was heavy, but what could Tortoise do? Dassie was her best friend. +At the meeting, the animals talked about tails. +“I look ugly without a tail,” complained Hyena. +“When I try to turn when I’m running, I fall over because I do not have a tail,” said Cheetah. +“I need an extra limb to free my hands when I swing on the trees and pick fruit,” said Monkey. +  + +  +“Let’s ask the Creator to give us tails,” suggested Lion. +So, the animals turned their faces up to the sky. “Oh, Creator, please give us tails!” they pleaded. +A loud voice boomed from the sky. “Tomorrow morning, go down to the river and there you will find tails on the big tree.” +The animals returned home feeling hopeful and happy. +“I can’t wait to get a tail. Tomorrow, let’s go together to fetch our tails,” said Dassie as Tortoise dropped him at the rock he called ‘home’. +Knowing that she moved slowly, Tortoise woke up early the next morning. It was still dark when she left her home, and the other animals were still sleeping. +As Tortoise passed Dassie’s home, she shouted, “Come on! Let’s go and get our tails!” +“Not today. I’m feeling lazy. I’m just going to sit on this rock and enjoy the sun. Please fetch a tail for me and drop it off on your way home,” said Dassie with a wide smile. “I would love a long, bushy one.” +Tortoise was surprised that Dassie was not coming along. “Will do,” she said happily, realising that at least she would not have to carry Dassie on her back. +At dawn, the other animals made their way to the river in a large group. They were faster than Tortoise, so they passed her along the way. But Tortoise was determined to reach the tree to get a tail for herself and her friend, so she crawled on. +As the animals neared the river, they saw the tree filled with tails. There were short tails, long tails, bushy tails and thin tails. There were beautiful tails and ugly tails. +The animals started to move towards the tree. It was clear that whoever reached it first would have the best choice of tail. Monkey jumped from tree to tree. Lion, Cheetah and Zebra sprinted. Elephant and Rhino made a clumsy dash. Jackal trotted faster as did Pig, but Pig stopped here and there to eat some tasty grubs and roots. Tortoise followed at the back. +Monkey was first to get to the tree. She grabbed the longest tail. Cheetah was second and he took another long tail. The next animals chose tails from the ones left hanging on the tree. +When Pig and Tortoise finally arrived, there were only two tails left. One was a short, stubby tail and the other a thin, curly one. Pig chose the curly tail, so Tortoise got the chubby one. +There was nothing left on the tree, and no one had remembered that Dassie wanted a tail too. +  + +  +From his rock, Dassie could see the animals coming home. They walked with a swagger and swung their tails from side to side. “I cannot wait to get my new tail!” thought Dassie. +Dassie saw Tortoise and Pig walking along. “Did you bring me my tail, Tortoise?” asked Dassie as they drew nearer. +“No, I’m sorry, my friend, but they ran out! Pig and I got the last two tails. Look at my tail,” explained Tortoise, pointing to her stubby tail. “This is all I could get.” +“I should have gone myself!” said Dassie regretfully.  “I am faster than both of you. I could have got myself a really nice tail if only I had not been so lazy.” Tortoise and Pig walked away in silence. +And that’s why dassies don’t have tails – but they still sit on rocks to enjoy the warmth of the sun! +  +Get story active! +* Imagine that the animals had chosen different tails from the tree. Draw a picture of any animal with a different type of tail, such as Tortoise with a lion’s tail or a zebra with a pig’s tail. + +Be a word detective! Look closely at the story. Can you find: the names of four animals - two number words - five words that describe tails? +Pretend that you are Dassie. Write a letter to the Creator asking for another chance to get a tail.",eng,English,Why dassies have no tails,"Long, long ago, animals had no tails. They were very unhappy about this, so they called a meeting at the watering hole. +Dassie watched as the animals passed by on their way to the meeting. +“Hurry up! We need to get to the meeting,” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",by Themba Mabas,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/why-dassies-have-no-tails +why-dassies-have-no-tails,"Lank, lank gelede het die diere nie sterte gehad nie. Hulle was baie ontevrede hieroor en het besluit om by die watergat bymekaar te kom. +Dassie kyk hoe die diere verbystap op pad na die byeenkoms by die watergat. +“Maak gou! Ons moet by die watergat kom,” roep Haas terwyl sy verbyhop. +“Bedaar tog, ek sal jou volg!” antwoord Dassie, en hy draai sy rug om die strale van die warm son te vang. +“Kom jy nie saam nie?” vra Apie toe hy verbykom. +“Bedaar tog, ek sal nou daar wees,” antwoord Dassie, en hy gaan lê op sy rug om sy maag lekker warm te bak. +Die laaste dier wat verbykom, is Dassie se beste vriend, Skilpad. “Kom jy nie saam na die byeenkoms toe nie?” vra sy. +“Net as my vriend my ’n saamrygeleentheid kan gee,” antwoord Dassie. +“Maar my dop is al klaar so swaar,” sê Skilpad. +“Wel, ek is nie swaar nie. Jy sal nie eens die verskil agterkom met my bo-op jou dop nie,” sê Dassie met ’n breë glimlag. +“Maar my dop is hard en ongemaklik om op te sit,” verduidelik Skilpad. +“Ek’s ’n dassie! Ek is gewoond daaraan om op harde rotse te sit!” antwoord Dassie, en spring op Skilpad se rug. Dassie is swaar, maar wat kan Skilpad doen? Dassie is haar beste vriend. +Ná die byeenkoms, praat al die diere oor sterte. +“Ek lyk lelik sonder ’n stert,” kla Hiëna. +“Wanneer ek probeer draai wanneer ek hardloop, val ek om omdat ek nie ’n stert het nie,” sê Jagluiperd. +“Ek het ’n ekstra ledemaat nodig sodat ek my hande kan gebruik om aan bome te swaai en vrugte te pluk,” sê Apie. +  + +  +“Kom ons vra die Skepper om vir ons sterte te gee,” stel Leeu voor. +Die diere kyk toe op na die hemel. “O, Skepper, gee asseblief tog vir ons sterte!” pleit hulle. +’n Harde stem bulder uit die hemel. “Gaan môreoggend af rivier toe en daar sal julle sterte aan die groot boom vind.” +Die diere gaan hoopvol en gelukkig huis toe. +“Ek kan nie wag om ’n stert te kry nie. Kom ons gaan môre ons sterte saam haal,” sê Dassie toe Skilpad hom by die rots wat sy huis is, aflaai. +Omdat sy weet dat sy stadig stap, word Skilpad die volgende oggend vroeg wakker. Dit is nog donker toe sy haar huis verlaat, en die ander diere slaap nog. +Toe Skilpad by Dassie se huis verbystap, roep sy: “Komaan! Kom ons gaan haal ons sterte!” +“Nie vandag nie. Ek voel lui. Ek gaan net hier op hierdie rots sit en die son geniet. Kry asseblief vir my ook ’n stert en laai dit op pad huis toe vir my af,” sê Dassie met ’n breë glimlag. “Ek sal hou van ’n lang, wollerige stert.” +Skilpad is verbaas dat Dassie nie wil saamkom nie. “Ek maak so,” sê sy tevrede toe sy besef dat sy nie vir Dassie op haar rug hoef te dra nie. +Teen dagbreek is al die ander diere in ’n groot groep op pad rivier toe. Hulle is vinniger as Skilpad en stap by haar verby op pad soontoe. Maar Skilpad is vasberade om by die boom uit te kom en vir haar en haar vriend ’n stert te kry en daarom skuifel sy voort. +Toe die diere naby die rivier kom, sien hulle die groot boom vol sterte. Daar is kort sterte, lang sterte, wollerige sterte en dun sterte. Daar is pragtige sterte en lelike sterte. +Die diere begin na die boom toe stap. Dis duidelik dat die een wat eerste daar kom, die beste keuse sal hê. Apie spring van boom tot boom. Leeu, Jagluiperd en Sebra hardloop volspoed. Olifant en Renoster storm vorentoe. Jakkals en Vark draf vinnig, maar Vark stop hier en daar om sappige larwes en wortels te eet. Skilpad is heel agter. +Apie is eerste by die boom. Sy gryp die langste stert. Jagluiperd is tweede en hy kies ’n ander lang stert. Die diere wat ná hulle kom, kies uit die sterte wat nog in die boom hang. +Toe Vark en Skilpad uiteindelik daar aankom, is daar net twee sterte oor. Een is ’n kort, stomp stert en die ander ’n dun, krullerige stert. Vark kies die krullerige stert, en Skilpad kry toe die stomp stert. +Daar bly niks aan die boom oor nie, en niemand onthou dat Dassie ook ’n stert wou hê nie. +Dassie sit op sy rots en sien hoe die diere huis toe kom. Hulle stap spoggerig en swaai hul sterte heen en weer. “Ek kan nie wag vir my nuwe stert nie!” dink Dassie. +  + +  +Dassie sien vir Skilpad en Vark aankom. “Het jy my stert saamgebring, Skilpad?” vra Dassie toe hulle nader kom. +“Nee, ek’s jammer, ou maat, maar die sterte het opgeraak! Ek en Vark het die laaste twee sterte gekry. Kyk na my stert,” verduidelik Skilpad, en wys na haar stomp stert. “Dis al wat ek kon kry.” +“Ek moes self gegaan het!” sê Dassie spyt. “Ek is vinniger as albei van julle. Ek kon ’n baie mooi stert gehad het as ek nie so lui was nie.” Skilpad en Vark stap in stilte weg. +En dis hoekom dassies nie sterte het nie – maar hulle sit nog op rotse en bak lekker in die warm son! +  +Raak doenig met stories! + +Stel jou voor dat die diere ander sterte van die boom af gekies het. Teken ’n prent van enige dier met ’n ander soort stert, soos Skilpad met ’n leeu se stert, of sebra met ’n vark te stert. +Word ’n woordspeurder! Kyk goed na die storie. Kan jy die volgende vind: die name van vier diere – twee getalname – vyf woorde wat sterte beskryf? +Maak of jy Dassie is. Skryf ’n brief vir die Skepper en vra nog ’n kans om ’n stert te kry.",afr,Afrikaans,Hoekom dassies nie sterte het nie,"Long, long ago, animals had no tails. They were very unhappy about this, so they called a meeting at the watering hole. +Dassie watched as the animals passed by on their way to the meeting. +“Hurry up! We need to get to the meeting,” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",deur Themba Mabas,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hoekom-dassies-nie-sterte-het-nie +why-dassies-have-no-tails,"Kudaladala, izilwanyana zazingenamisila. Zazingonwabanga kakhulu yile nto, zaza zabiza intlanganiso ngakumngxuma ezisela kuwo. +UMbila wabukela njengoko izilwanyana zazigqitha endleleni eya entlanganisweni. +“Khawuleza! Kufuneka siye kufika entlanganisweni,” wamemeza uMvundla etsibatsiba edlula. +“Ungakhathazeki, ndiza kukulandela!” waphendula uMbila waza waguqukela ngakwimitha yelanga elifudumeleyo. +“Awuzi kuzibandakanya nathi?” wabuza uNkawu njengoko wayedlula. +“Ungakhathazeki, ndiza kuba ndisendleleni ngokukhawuleza,” waphendula uMbila engqengqa ngomqolo ukufudumeza isisu sakhe. +Isilwanyana sokugqibela ukudlula yayingumhlobo osenyongweni kaMbila, uFudwazana. “Awuyi entlanganisweni?” wabuza. +“Ukuba nje umhlobo wam angandibeleka,” waphendula uMbila. +“Kodwa iqokobhe lam selinzima nje,” watsho uFudwazana. +“Ukuba kunjalo, mna andinzimanga. Sobe uve mahluko xa ndikhwele ngaphezulu,” watsho uMbila ngoncumokazi. +“Kodwa iqokobhe lam liqinile yaye akungebi mnandi ukuhlala kulo,” wacacisa uFudwazana. +“Ndiyimbila! Ndikuqhelile ukuhlala ematyeni aqinileyo!” waphendula uMbila, etsibela kumqolo kaFudwazana. UMbila wayenzima, kodwa wayenokwenza ntoni uFudwazana? UMbila wayengumhlobo wakhe osenyongweni. +Entlanganisweni, izilwanyana zathetha ngemisila. +“Ndikhangeleka mbi ngaphandle komsila,” wakhalaza uNgcuka. +Xa ndizama ukujika xa ndibaleka, ndiyawa kuba andinamsila,” watsho uNgwenkala. +“Ndidinga ilungu elongezelelekileyo ukuze ndikhulule izandla zam xa ndijiwuza emithini ndisikha iziqhamo,” watsho uNkawu. +  + +  +“Masicele uMdali asinike imisila,” wacebisa uNgonyama. +Ngoko ke, izilwanyana zaguquka zajonga phezulu esibhakabhakeni. “Owu, Mdali, sincede siphe imisila!” zacenga. +Ilizwi elikhulu latsho esibhakabhakeni. “Ngomso kusasa, maze nihambe niye emlanjeni kulapho nawufumana khona imisila emthini omkhulu.” +Izilwanyana zagoduka ziziva zinethemba zaye zonwabile. +“Andisangxame ngako ukude ndifumane umsila. Ngomso, masihambe kunye ukuyothatha imisila yethu,” watsho uMbila njengoko uFudwazana wayembeka kwilitye awayelibiza ngokuba ‘likhaya.’ +Esazi ukuba wayehamba ngokucotha, uFudwazana wavuka kwangethuba ngentsasa elandelayo. Kwakusemnyama xa wayeshiya ikhaya lakhe yaye ezinye izilwanyana zazisalele. +Njengoko uFudwazana wayedlula kwikhaya likaMbila, wakhwaza, “Yiza! Masihambe siyokuthatha imisila yethu!” +“Hayi namhlanje. Ndiziva ndisonqena. Ndiza kuvele nje ndihlale kweli litye ndonwabele ilanga. Nceda undithathele umsila uze uwushiye apha endleleni egodukayo,” watsho uMbila ngoncumokazi. “Ndingathanda omde ofukufuku.” +UFudwazana wayemangele ukuba uMbila wayengayi. “Ndakwenjenjalo,” watsho ngokonwaba, eqonda ukuba okuncinane wayengazukunyanzeleka abeleke uMbila emqolo wakhe. +Xa kumpondo zankomo, ezinye izilwanyana zahamba ziliqela elikhulu zaya emlanjeni. Zazikhawuleza kunoFudwazana, ngoko ke zamdlula endleleni. Kodwa uFudwazana wayezimisele ukuya kufika emthini ukuyokuzifumanela umsila kwakunye nomhlobo wakhe, ngoko ke waqhubeka warhubuluza. +Njengoko izilwanyana zazisondela emlanjeni, zabona umthi uzele yimisila. Kwakukho imisila emifutshane, imisila emide, imisila efukufuku nemisila ebhityileyo. Kwakukho imisila emihle nemisila emibi. +Izilwanyana zaqalisa ukuya ngasemthini. Kwakucacile ukuba lowo ufike kuwo kuqala wayeza kukhetha owona mhle umsila. UNkawu watsiba ukusuka komnye umthi aye komnye. UNgonyama, uNgwenkala noQwarhashe babaleka ngesantya esikhulu. UNdlovu noMkhombe bagxadazela betsiba. UDyakalashe waqabadula ngokukhawuleza ngokufana noHagu, kodwa uHagu wema apha naphaya ukuba atye imibungu neengcambu ezinencasa. UFudwazana walandela ngasemva. +UNkawu waba ngowokuqala ukufika emthini. Waxhakamfula owona msila mde. UNgwenkala waba ngowesibini waza wathatha omnye umsila omde. Izilwanyana ezilandelayo zakhetha imisila kuleyo yayishiywe ijinga emthini. +Xa uHagu noFudwazana befika ekugqibeleni, kwakusele imisila emibini kuphela. Omnye umsila wawumfutshane usisinqindi, yaye omnye ubhityile ujikojiko. UHagu wakhetha umsila ojikojiko, ngoko ke uFudwazana wafumana osisinqindi. +Kwakungekho nto iseleyo emthini, yaye kwakungekho mntu wayekhumbula ukuba uMbila naye wayefune umsila. +  + +  +Eselityeni lakhe, uMbila wayebona izilwanyana zibuya zigoduka. Zazihamba ngokuqhayisa yaye zijiwuzisa imisila yazo ngapha nangapha. “Andisangxame ngako ukude ndifumane owam umsila!” wacinga uMbila. +UMbila wabona uFudwazana noHagu besiza. “Undiphathele umsila wam, Fudwazana?” wabuza uMbila ngokuya besondela. +“Hayi, ndiyaxolisa mhlobo wam, kodwa iye yaphela! UHagu nam sifumene emibini yokugqibela. Jonga umsila wam,” wachaza uFudwazana, ekhomba umsila wakhe osisinqindi. “Kuphela kwento endibe nokuyifumana le.” +“Bekumelwe ukuba ndiziyele ngokwam!” watsho uMbila ezisola. “Ndinamendu ngaphezu kwenu nobabini. Ndinge ndizifumanele umsila omhle nyhani ukuba nje bendingonqenanga kangaka.” UFudwazana noHagu bemka bethe cwaka. +Yaye kungeso sizathu ukuba iimbila zingabi namisila – kodwa zisachopha ematyeni ukonwabela ubushushu belanga! +  +Yenza ibali linike umdla! + +Yiba nomfanekiso ngqondweni wokuba izilwanyana zazikhethe imisila eyohlukeneyo emthini. Zoba umfanekiso waso nasiphi na isilwanyana esinomsila owahlukileyo, ofana noFudwazana enomsila wengonyama okanye iqwarhashe elinomsila wehagu. +Yiba ngumcuphi wamagama! Khangela ibali ngenyameko. Ungakwazi ukufumana: amagama ezilwanyana ezine – amagama amanani amabini – amagama amahlanu achaza imisila? +Yenza ngathi unguMbila. Bhalela uMdali incwadi ucele elinye ithuba lokuba ufumane umsila.",xho,isiXhosa,Kutheni iimbila zingenamis,"Long, long ago, animals had no tails. They were very unhappy about this, so they called a meeting at the watering hole. +Dassie watched as the animals passed by on their way to the meeting. +“Hurry up! We need to get to the meeting,” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",likaThemba Mabas,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kutheni-iimbila-zingenamisila +why-dassies-have-no-tails,"Emandulo, izilwane zazingenayo imisila. Zazingathokozile nhlobo ngalokhu, ngakho zabizela umhlangano emthonjeni. +Imbila yayibukela ngesikhathi izilwane zedlula zibheke emhlanganweni. +“Sheshani! Sifuna ukufika emhlanganweni,” kuthetha uNogwaja +egxuma edlula. +“Ungakhathazeki, ngizokulandela!” kuphendula uMbila emva kwalokho ephenduka efulathela imisebe yelanga elifudumele. +“Ingabe wena awuzukuhlanganyela nathi?” kubuza uNkawu +ngenkathi edlula. +“Ungakhathazeki, ngizongena indlela masinyane nje,” kuphendula uMbila elala ngomhlane ukuze afudumeze isisu sakhe. +Isilwane sokugcina esedlula kwabe kuwumngani omkhulu kaMbila, uFudu. “Awuyi yini emhlanganweni?” kubuza yena. +“Umngani wami phela angangibeletha,” kuphendula uMbila. +“Kodwa igobolondo lami livele liyangisinda,” kusho uFudu. +“Hhayi-ke, mina angisindi. Angeke uzwe mehluko ngisho ngingaphezu kwakho,” kusho uMbila emoyizela kakhulu. +“Kodwa igobolondo lami liqinile futhi alizukukuphatha kahle uma uhleli kulo,” kuchaza uFudu. +“Ngiyimbila mina! Ngikujwayele ukuhlala emadwaleni aqinileyo!” kuphendula uMbila, egxumela phezu komhlane kaFudu. UMbila wayesinda, kodwa uFudu wayezokwenzani? UMbila wayewumngani wakhe omkhulu. +Emhlanganweni, izilwane zazikhuluma ngemisila. +“Ngibukeka ngimubi kodwa ngingenawo umsila,” kukhononda uMpisi. +“Uma ngizama ukujika lapho ngigijima, ngiwa phansi ngoba anginawo umsila,” kusho uNgulule. +“Ngidinga isitho esengeziwe ukuze ngikhulule izandla zami ngesikhathi ngishwibeka ezihlahleni lapho ngikha izithelo,”kusho uNkawu. +  + +  +“Masicele kuMdali ukuthi asinikeze imisila,” kuphakamisa uBhubesi. +Ngakho, izilwane zabhekisa ubuso bazo phezulu esibhakabhakeni. “Hawu, Mdali, sicela usiphe imisila!” kucela izilwane. +Izwi elikhulu labhodla livela esibhakabhakeni. “Kusasa ekuseni, yehlelani emfuleni lapho nizothola khona imisila esihlahleni esikhulu.” +Izilwane zabuyela ekhaya zizizwa zinethemba futhi zijabule. +“Sengilangazelela kakhulu ukuthola umsila. Kusasa, masihambisane siyolanda imisila yethu,” kusho uMbila ngesikhathi uFudu emshiya edwaleni uMbila ayelibiza ngokuthi ‘yikhaya’. +Njengoba uFudu wayekwazi ukuthi yena uhamba kancane, wavuka ekuseni kakhulu ngakusasa ekuseni. Kwakusemnyama ngesikhathi esuka ekhaya ezinye izilwane zisalele. +Ngesikhathi uFudu edlula emzini kaMbila, wamemeza, “Woza abo! Masihambe siyolanda imisila yethu!” +“Hhayi namuhla. Ngizizwa ngivilapha nje. Ngizovele ngihlale kuleli dwala ngethamele ilanga. Ngicela ungilandele umsila bese udlula ungishiyela wona endleleni yakho ebheke ekhaya,” kusho uMbila emamatheka kakhulu. “Ngingawuthokozela omude, omfukumfuku.” +UFudu kwammangaza nje ukuthi uMbila akasahambisani naye. “Ngizokwenza njalo,” esho njalo ngokujabula, esebona ukuthi akunani ngoba angeke esabeletha uMbila emhlane wakhe. +Kusempondo zankomo, ezinye izilwane zaphikelela emfuleni ziwumhlambi omkhulu. Zazishesha kakhulu kunoFudu, ngakho zamedlula endleleni. Kodwa uFudu wayezimisele ngokufika esihlahleni ukuze azitholele umsila bese ephathela nomngani wakhe, ngakho waqhubeka nokushoshela. +Lapho izilwane sezisondela emfuleni, zabona isihlahla sigcwele imisila. Kwakukhona imisila emifushane, imisila emide, imisila emfukumfuku nemisila ezacile. Kwakukhona imisila emihle nemisila emibi. +Izilwane zaqala ukusondela esihlahleni. Kwakucaca ukuthi noma ngubani ozofika kuso kuqala uzozikhethela umsila omuhle kunayo yonke. UNkawu wayegxuma esuka kulesi sihlahla ehlala kwesinye. UBhubesi, uNgulule noDube bagijima kakhulu. UNdlovu kanye noBhejane bagijima ngokugxadazela nje. UMpungushe wagijima ngokushesha njengoNgulube, kodwa uNgulube wayede ema ukuze adle ukudla nezimpande ezinambithekayo. UFudu wayelandela ngemuva. +UNkawu waba ngowokuqala ukufika esihlahleni. Wafika wabamba umsila omude kunayo yonke. UNgulule waba ngowesibili wathatha omunye umsila omude. Ezinye izilwane zakhetha imisila kuleyo eyayisele ilenga esihlahleni. +Ngesikhathi uNgulube kanye noFudu befika ekugcineni, kwase kusele imisila emibili kuphela. Owodwa kwakuwumsila omfushane, oyisigqunswana kanye nomunye ozacile, ogoqene. UNgulube wakhetha ogoqene, ngakho uFudu wathola oyisigqunswana. +Kwakungasasele lutho esihlahleni, futhi asikho isilwane esasikhumbulile ukuthi uMbila naye wayewufuna umsila. +  + +  +Esedwaleni lakhe, uMbila wayekwazi ukubona izilwane ziza ekhaya. Zazihamba ngokuzidla zitshikizisa imisila iya le nale. “Sengilangazelela kakhulu nami ukuthola umsila wami omusha!” kucabanga uMbila. +UMbila wabona uFudu noNgulube behamba endleleni. “Ningiphathelile umsila wami, Fudu?” kubuza uMbila ngesikhathi besondela. +“Cha, ngiyaxolisa mngani wami, ibisiphelile! Mina noNgulube sithole imisila emibili yokugcina. Bheka umsila wami nje,” kuchaza uFudu, ekhomba umsila wakhe omfushanyana. “Yikho lokhu engikwazile ukukuthola.” +“Bekufanele ngizihambele ngokwami!” kusho uMbila ngokuzisola. “Ngishesha ukunedlula nobabili. Bengizozitholela umsila omuhle ngempela ukuba angizange ngivilaphe ngale ndlela.” UFudu noNgulube bahamba baqhela bethule. +Yingakho-ke izimbila zingenayo nje imisila – kodwa zisahlala emadwaleni ukuze zithokozele ukufudumala kwelanga! +  +  +Yenza indaba ihlabe umxhwele! + +Ake ucabange nje ukuthi izilwane zazikhethe imisila eyahlukene esihlahleni. Dweba isithombe sanoma yisiphi isilwane esinohlobo olwehlukile lomsila, njengofudu selunomsila webhubesi noma idube selinomsila wengulube. +Yiba ngumseshi wamagama! Bhekisisa indaba. Ungakwazi ukuthola: amagama ezilwane ezine - amagama amabili ezinombolo - amagama amahlanu achaza imisila? +Yenza sengathi unguMbila. Bhala incwadi eya kuMdali ucele elinye ithuba lokuthola umsila.",zul,isiZulu,Kungani izimbila zingenayo imis,"Long, long ago, animals had no tails. They were very unhappy about this, so they called a meeting at the watering hole. +Dassie watched as the animals passed by on their way to the meeting. +“Hurry up! We need to get to the meeting,” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",nguThemba Mabas,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kungani-izimbila-zingenayo-imisila +why-dassies-have-no-tails,"Mehleng ya boholoholo, diphoofolo di ne di se na mehatla. Di ne di sa ho thabela hoo, kahoo tsa bitsa kopano sedibeng. +Pela a shebella ha diphoofolo tse ding di feta ho ya kopanong. +“Phakisang! Re lokela ho fihla ka nako kopanong,” ha hoeletsa Mmutla a tlolatlola a feta. +“Se kgathatsehe, ke tla le latela!” ha araba Pela mme a fetohela kwana a furalla mahlasedi a mofuthu wa letsatsi. +“Ha o tsamaye le rona?” ha botsa Tshwene a feta. +“Se kgathatsehe, ke tla kena tseleng le nna ha morao,” ha araba Pela a kakaletse a futhumeditse mpa ya hae. +Phoofolo ya ho qetela e ileng ya feta ke motswalle wa Pela, Kgudu. “Ha o ye kopanong athe?” a botsa. +“Ha feela motswalle wa ka a ka mpalamisa,” ha araba Pela. +“Empa kgetla ya ka e se ntse e le boima,” ha rialo Kgudu. +“Tjhe bo, ha ke boima nna. O keke wa utlwa phapang hohang ha ke pepile hodima hao,” ha rialo Pela a bososetse haholo. + “Empa kgetla ya ka e thata mme e a kukunela ha o dula hodima yona,” ha hlalosa Kgudu. +“Ke pela! Ke tlwaetse ho dula hodima mafika a thata!” ha araba Pela, a tlolela mokokotlong wa Kgudu. Pela o ne a le boima, empa Kgudu o ne a tla etsang? Pela e ne e le motswalle wa hae wa hlooho ya kgomo. +Kopanong, diphoofolo tsa bua ka mehatla. +“Ke shebeha ke le mobe kantle ho mohatla,” ha tletleba Phiri. +“Ha ke leka ho thinya ha ke matha, ke a wa hobane ha ke na mohatla,” ha rialo Lengau. +“Ke hloka setho se seng ho lokolla matsoho a ka ha ke leketla difateng ke ekga ditholwana,” ha rialo Tshwene. +  + +  +“Ha re kopeng Mmopi ho re fa mehatla,” Tau a tla ka tlhahiso. +Kahoo, diphoofolo tsa lelaletsa difahleho tsa tsona lehodimong. “Oho, Mmopi, re kopa o re fe mehatla!” tsa kopa ka thata. +Ha utlwahala lentswe le phahameng hodimo. “Hosane hoseng, le theohele nokeng mme le tla fumana mehatla sefateng se seholo moo.” +Diphoofolo tsa kgutlela lapeng di ena le tshepo mme di thabile. +“Ke se ke tatetse ho fumana mohatla. Hosane, ha re ye mmoho ho ya lata mehatla ya rona.” ha rialo Pela ha Kgudu a mo theola lefikeng leo a neng a le bitsa ‘lehae’. +Ka ho tseba hore o lenama, Kgudu a tsoha ka matjeke ka le hlahlamang. Ho ne ho sa le lefifi ha a tloha ha hae mme diphoofolo tse ding di sa robetse. +Ha Kgudu a feta lapeng la Pela, a hoeletsa, “Phakisa! Ha re ye re ilo fumana mehatla ya rona!” +“Eseng kajeno. Ke ikutlwa ke kgathetse. Ke batla feela ho dula hodima lefika lena ke natefelwe ke letsatsi. Ke kopa hore o ntlele le mohatla ha o kgutla,” ha rialo Pela ka pososelo e kgolo. “Ke batla o motelele, o boyahadi.” +Kgudu o ne a maketse hore Pela o ne a sa tsamaye le yena. “Ke tla etsa jwalo,” a rialo a thabile, a elellwa hore ha a no jara Pela mokokotlong wa hae. +Ka matjeke, diphoofolo tse ding tsa leba nokeng ka sehlopha se seholo. Di ne di potlakile ho feta Kgudu, kahoo tsa mo feta tseleng. Empa Kgudu o ne a ikemiseditse ho fihla sefateng a fumane mohatla wa hae le wa motswalle wa hae, yaba o tswela pele a ntse a nanara. +Ha diphoofolo di atamela nokeng, tsa bona sefate se tletseng mehatla. Ho ne ho ena le mehatla e mekgutshwane, e metelele, e boya le e mesesane. Ho ne ho ena le mehatla e metle le e mehatla e mebe. +Diphoofolo tsa qala ho atamela sefateng, Ho ne ho hlakile hore ya tla fihla pele ke yena tlang ho kgetha mohatla o motle ho feta. Tshwene a tlola ho tloha sefateng se seng ho ya ho se seng. Tau, Lengau le Qwaha tsa matha ka lebelo. Tlou le Tshukudu tsa matha di hemesela. Phokojwe a matha haholo jwaloka Kolobe, empa Kolobe a tsamaya a ntse a emisa a eja ditholwana le metso. Kgudu a latela ka moraorao. +Tshwene ke yena ya fihlileng pele sefateng. A phamola mohatla o motelele ka ho fetisisa. Lengau ya eba wa bobedi mme a nka mohatla o mong o motelele. Diphoofolo tse ding tsa kgetha mehatla ho e setseng e leketla sefateng. +Ha Kolobe le Kgudu ba fihla qetellong, ho ne ho se ho setse mehatla e mmedi feela. o mong o ne o le mokgutshwane, o le motenya mme o mong o le mosesane, o ikgarile. Kolobe a kgetha o ikgarileng, yaba Kgudu o kgetha o motenya. +Ho ne ho se letho le setseng sefateng, mme ho ne ho se motho ya hopotseng hore Pela le yena o ne a batla mohatla. +  + +  +Lefikeng la hae, Pela o ne a kgona ho bona diphoofolo di kgutlela hae. Di ne di tsamaya ka boikgantsho di tsoka mehatla ya tsona. “Ke se ke tatetse mohatla wa ka o motjha!” Pela a nahana. +Pela a bona Kgudu le Kolobe ba tsamaya mmoho. “O tlile le mohatla wa ka, Kgudu? Pela a botsa ha ba atamela. +“Tjhe, ke maswabi, motswalle, empa e fedile! Nna le Kolobe re fumane ho setse e mmedi feela. Sheba mohatla wa ka,” ha hlalosa Kgudu, a supa mohatla wa hae o motenya. “Ke kgonne ho fumana ona feela.” +“Nka be ke ikisitse ka bonna!” ha rialo Pela a itshola. “Ke lebelo ho le feta le le babedi. Nka be ke iphumanetse mohatla o motle hoja ka se be botswa tjena.” Kgudu le Kolobe ba tsamaya ba sa re letho. +Ke kahoo dipela di hlokang mehatla – empa di ntse di dula Mafikeng ho ora letsatsi le futhumetseng ha monate! +  +  +Eba mahlahahlaha ka pale! + +Nahana feela hoja diphoofolo di ne di kgethile mehatla e fapaneng sefateng. Taka setshwantsho sa phoofolo efe kapa efe e nang le mohatla wa mofuta o mong, jwaloka Kgudu ka mohatla wa Tau kapa qwaha ka mohatla wa kolobe. +Eba lefokisi la mantswe! Shebisisa pale. Na o ka fumana: mabitso a diphoofolo tse nne – mantswe a dinomoro tse pedi – mantswe a mahlano a hlalosang mehatla? +Iketse eka o Pela. Ngola lengolo le yang ho Mmopi moo o kopang monyetla o mong wa ho fumana mohatla.",sot,Sesotho,Hobaneng ha dipela di hloka mehat,"Long, long ago, animals had no tails. They were very unhappy about this, so they called a meeting at the watering hole. +Dassie watched as the animals passed by on their way to the meeting. +“Hurry up! We need to get to the meeting,” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",ke Themba Mabas,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hobaneng-ha-dipela-di-hloka-mehatla +why-dassies-have-no-tails,"Kgalekgale, diphoofolo di be di se na mesela. Di be di sa thabišwe ke se, ka fao di ile tša bitša kopano moleteng wa meetse. +Pelao lebeletše diphoofolo ge di feta di lebile kopanong. +“Ihlaganele! Re swanetše go ya kopanong,” gwa goeletša Mmutla ge a feta ka go tlola. +“O se belaele, ke tla go latela!” gwa araba Pela a furalela mahlasedi a letšatši le borutho. +“Ga o ye le rena?” gwa botšiša Kgabo ge a feta. +“O se belaele, ke tla wela tsela e se kgale” gwa fetola Pela a kaname a tutetša mpa ya gagwe. +Phoofolo ya mafelelo ya go tla e bile mogwera wa Pela wa potego, Khudu. “Ga o ye kopanong?” a botšiša. +“Ge fela mogwera a ka ntšea kgopu,” gwa fetola Pela. +“Efela kgopa ya ka e boima,” a realo Khudu. +“Efela, nna ga ke boima. O ka se kwe phapano ge ke le ka godimo,” a realo Pela ka myemyelo ye kgolo. + “Efela kgopa ya ka e bothata ebile o ka se dule gabotse godimo ga yona,” gwa hlaloša Khudu. +“Ke nna Pela! Ke tlwaetše go dula mswikeng a bothata!” gwa fetola Moswe, a fofela mokokotlong wa Khudu. Pela o be a le boima, efela Khudu o be a tlo dira bjang? Pela e be e le mogwera wa gagwe wa potego. +Kua kopanong, diphoofolo di boletše ka mesela. +“Ke lebelelega ke befile ntle le mosela,” gwa ipelaetša Phiri. +“Ge ke leka go retologa ge ke kitima, ke a wa ka gobane ga ke na mosela,” a realo Lepogo. +“Ke hloka setho se sengwe gore diatla tša ka di lokologe ge ke tekua mehlareng ke fula dienywa,” a realo Kgabo. +  + +  +“A re kgopeleng Mmopi a re fe mesela,” gwa šišinya Tau. +Gomme, diphoofolo tša lebiša difahlego leratadimeng. “Aowa, Mmopi, re fe mesela hle!” tša kgopela. +Lentšu le le golo  le ile la tduma go tšwa leratadimeng. “Mesong ya gosasa, eyang kua nokeng gomme le tlo hwetša mesela mohlareng o mogolo.” +Diphoofolo di boetše gae di tletše kholofelo le lethabo. +“Ke fela pelo ya go hwetša mosela. Gosasa, a re sepele mmogo go tšea mesela ya rena,” a realo Pela ge Khudu a mo tlogela leswikeng le a le bitšago ‘legae’. +Ka go tseba gore o sepetše ka go nanya, Khudu o tsogile mesong kudu. O tlogile gae ka leswiswana gomme diphoofolo tše dingwe di be di sa robetše. +Khudu o rile ge a feta ntlong ya Pela, a goeletša, “Etla! Areye go tšea mesela ya rena!” +“E sego lehono. Ke kwa ke tšwafa. Ke tla dula leswikeng le ka ipshina ka letšatši. Ke kgopela gore o ntšeele mosela o fete o mpha ona ge o boela gae,” a realo Pela ka myemyelo ye kgolo. “Ke rata o motelele, wa maboya +a mantši.” +Khudu o makaditšwe ke go kwa gore Pela ga a ye. “Ke tla dira bjalo,” a realo ka lethabo, a lemoga gore a ka se rwale Moswe mokokotlong wa gagwe. +Ka mahube diphoofolo tše dingwe di ile tša leba nokeng ka sehlopha. Di be di sepediša go feta Khudu, gomme tša mo feta tseleng. Efela Khudu o be a ikemišeditše go fihla mohlareng a tšee mosela wa gagwe le wa mogwera wa gagwe, gomme a tšwela pele go gagaba. +Diphoofolo di rile ge di fihla nokeng, tša bona mohlare wa go tlala mesela. Go be go na le mesela ye mekopana, mesela ye metelele, mesela ya maboya a mantši le mesela ye mesese. Go be go na le mesela ye mebotse le mesela ya go befa. +Diphoofolo di ile tša batamela mohlare. Go be go le molaleng gore yo a ka fihlago mohlareng pele o tlo hwetša mosela o mokaonekaone. Kgabo o ile a fofa mohlareng go ya go o mongwe. Tau, Lepogo le Pitsi ba ile ba kitima ka lebelo la mmutla. Tlou le Tšhukudu ba ile ba kitima. Pukubje le Kolobe ba ile ba kitima ka lebelo, efela Kolobe o be a fela a ema a eja dimela tša todi le medu. Khudu o ile a latela kua morago. +Kgabo e bile wa mathomo go fihla mohlareng. O tšeere mosela o moteleletelele. Go latetše Lepogo gomme le yena a tšea mosela o motelele. Diphoofolo tša go latela di kgethile go mesela ye e bego e šetše e lekelela mohlareng. +Ge Kolobe le Khudu ba fihla, go be go šetše mesela ye mebedi fela. Mosela o tee e be e le o mokopana o mokoto gomme o mongwe e le o mosese, wa go gara. Kolobe o kgethile mosela wa go gara, gomme Khudu a kgetha o mokoto. +Go be go se sa na selo mohlareng, gomme ga go yo a gopotšego gore Moswe le yena o be a nyaka mosela. +  + +  +Go tšwa leswikeng la gagwe, Moswe o be a bona diphoofolo ge di boya gae. Di be di sepela ka manka gomme di iša mesela ka mo le ka mo. “Ke fela pelo ya go hwetša mosela wa ka!” gwa nagana Pela. +Pela o bone Khudu le Kolobe ba sepela. “O ntletše le mosela, Khudu?” gwa botšiša Pela ge ba batamela. +“Aowa, ke maswabi mogwera, efela e ile ya fela! Nna le Kolobe re hweditše mesela ye mebedi ya mafelelo. Lebelela mosela wa ka,” gwa hlaloša Khudu, a šupa mosela wa gagwe o mokopana o mokoto. “Ke se ke se hweditšego.” +“Nkabe ke ile le nna!” a realo Pela ka go itshola.  “Ke na le lebelo go feta lena ba babedi. Nkabe ke hweditše mosela o mobotse kudu ge nkabe ke se ka tšwafa.” Khudu le Kolobe ba ile ba sepela ka setu. +Gomme ke ka fao Pela a se nago mosela – efela o sa dula maswikeng a ipshina ka borutho bja letšatši! +  +  +Dira gore kanegelo e be le bophelo! + +Nagana e ke diphoofolo di kgethile mesela ya go fapana mohlareng. Thala seswantšho sa phoofolo efe goba efe ya go ba le mosela wa go fapana, bjalo ka Khudu ya go ba le mosela wa tau goba pitsi ya go ba le mosela wa kolobe. +E ba letseka la mantšu! Lebelela kanegelo ka šedi. O ka hwetša: maina a diphoofolo tše nne – maina a dinomoro tše pedi – mantšu a mahlano a go hlaloša mesela? +Dira e ke ke wena Pela. Ngwalela Mmopi o kgopele sebaka se sengwe sa go hwetša mosela.",nso,Sepedi,Lebaka leo dipela di hlokago mese,"Long, long ago, animals had no tails. They were very unhappy about this, so they called a meeting at the watering hole. +Dassie watched as the animals passed by on their way to the meeting. +“Hurry up! We need to get to the meeting,” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",ke Themba Mabas,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lebaka-leo-dipela-di-hlokago-mesela +why-dassies-have-no-tails,"Bogologolo tala, diphologolo di ne di se na megatla. Di ne di sa itumelele go nna jaana, ka jalo di ne tsa tshwara kopano kwa letamong. +Pela e ne e lebeletse diphologolo tse di fetang di ya kopanong. +“Itlhaganeleng! Re batla go goroga ka nako kwa kopanong,” ga goa Mmutla a ntse a tlolatlola. +“O seke wa tshwenyega, ke tla go sala morago!” ga araba Pela fa a fetsa a retologa go aramela marang a letsatsi le le bothito. +“A wena ga o ye kopanong?” ga botsa Kgabo a feta ka tsela. + “O seke wa tshwenyega, ke tlaa lo latela mo nakong e khutshwane,” ga araba Pela a kakaletse ka mokwatla go thutafatsa mpa ya gagwe. +Phologolo ya bofelo go tla mo go Pela e ne e le tsala ya gagwe e ba ntshanang sa inong, Khudu. “A ga o tle kopanong?” a botsa. +“Nka dira jalo fa tsala ya me e ka mpega,” ga araba Pela. +“Fela kgopa ya me e setse e le boima,” ga bua Khudu. + “Fela, ga ke bokete. O ka se utlwe gore ke palame mo mokwatleng wa gago,” ga bua Pela ka monyenyo o o edileng. +“Fela kgopa ya me e thata e bile e a kokonela,” ga tlhalosa Khudu.  +“Nna, pela! Ke tlwaetse go nna mo matlapeng a a thata!” ga bua Pela, a palama mo mokwatleng wa Khudu. Pela o ne a le bokete, fela Khudu o ne a ka dira eng? Pela ke tsala ya gagwe ya go wa le go tsoga. +Kwa kopanong diphologolo di ne tsa bua ka megatla. +“Tota ga ke montle fa ke se na mogatla,” Phiri a ngunanguna. +“Fa ke leka go retologa ke ntse ke taboga, ke a wa gonne ga ke na mogatla,” ga bua Lengau. +“Ke tlhoka leoto la tlaleletso go lokolola mabogo a me fa ke palame mo ditlhareng go kga maungo,” ga bua Kgabo. +  + +  + “A re kopeng mmopi go re naya megatla,” Tau a dira tshitshinyo. +“Jaanong diphologolo tsa tsholetsa difatlhego tsa tsona kwa legodimong. “Oh, Mmopi wa rona, re kopa megatla!” ba kopa ka boikokobetso. +Ga utlwa lentswe le le bokete go tswa kwa magodimong. “Ka moso maphakela, le ye kwa nokeng mme le tla fitlhela go na le megatla mo setlhareng se segolo. +Diphologolo tsa boela gae di na le tsholofelo e bile di itumetse. + “Ruri ke fela pelo go iponela mogatla. Kamoso, a re tsamaye mmogo re ye go itseela megatla,” ga bua Pela fa Khudu a mo folosa mo legapeng le o le bitsang ‘legae’. +Ka a ne a itse gore o tsamaya ka bonya, Khudu a tsoga phakela mo letsatsing le le latelang. Go ne go santse go le lefifi fa a tloga mo gae mme diphologolo tse dingwe di ne di santse di robetse. +Fa Khudu a feta gaufi le ntlo ya Pela, a goa, “Tlaa kwano! E tla re ye go tsaya megatla ya rona!” + “E seng gompieno, ke batla go nna fa gae. Ke tlile go nna fa godimo ga lefika ka aramela letsatsi. Tswee-tswee ntlele mogatla koo mme o tlaa nnaya ona fa o boela gae,” ga bua Pela a nyenya. “O ntlele mogatla o moleele, wa boboa +jo bontsi.” +Khudu o ne a gakgametse gore Pela ga a tle go tsamaya nae. “Ke tlaa dira jalo, a bua a itumetse, fa a akanya gore ga a tlo pepa Pela mo mokwatleng wa gagwe. +E rile fa bosigo bo sa, diphologolo dingwe tsa simolola go bothologela kwa nokeng ka makatlanamane. Di ne di tsamaya ka bonako go gaisa Khudu, ka jalo ba mo feta mo tseleng. Fela Khudu o ne a ikemiseditse go fitlha kwa setlhareng go tsaya mogatla wa gagwe le wa tsala ya gagwe, ka jalo a tswelela pele ka go gagaba. +E rile fa diphologolo di le gaufi le noka, tsa bona setlhare se mo go sona go neng go le megatla e le mentsi. Go na le megatla e mekhutshwane le e meleele, megatla ya boboa le e mesesane. Go ne go na le megatla e mentle le e e befileng. +Diphologolo tsa simolola go atamela setlhare. Go ne go le mpaananeng gore diphologolo tse di tla gorogang pele di tla iponela megatla e mentle. Kgabo o ne a tlola go tswa mo setlhareng go ya go se sengwe. Tau, Lengau, le Pitse e tilodi, Tlou le Tshukudu ba ne ba okaoka. Phokoje a goroga ka bonako fela jaaka kolobe, le fa go le jalo kolobe a diega ka a ne a tsamaya a ema go ja digwere le medi ya dijalo. Khudu ene o ne a le kwa morago. +Kgabo ya nna ene wa ntlha go fitlha mo setlhareng. A tsaya mogatla o moleele go feta e mengwe. Lengau ya nna wa bobedi le ene a iponela mogatla o moleele. Diphologolo tse dingwe tsa itlhophela megatla e e setseng, e e neng e lepelela mo setlhareng. +E rile fa Kolobe le Khudu ba goroga, ga bo go setse megatla e le mebedi fela. O mongwe o ne o le mokhutshwane e bile o le phaphati mme o mongwe o le mosesane e bile o tshopegile. Kolobe ya tsaya mogatla o o tshopegileng, mme Khudu a tsaya o mokima. +  + +Go ne go sa sala mogatla ope mo setlhareng, e bile go ne go se ope yo o gakologelwang gore Pela le yona e ne e batla mogatla. +Go tswa mo letlapeng la gagwe, Pela e ne e bona diphologolo tse di tlang gae. Di ne di tsamaya ka boitumelo di tsokotsa megatla ya tsona go tswa mo letlhakoreng le lengwe go ya go le lengwe. “Ga ke itse gore ke tlile go dirang fa ba mpha mogatla wa me!” Pela a buela mo pelong. +Pela a bona Khudu le Kolobe ba tsamaya mmogo. “A lo tlile le mogatla wa me, Khudu?” ga botsa Pela fa ba mo atamela. +“Nnyaya, re maswabi, tsala ya me, re fitlhetse megatla e fedile! Nna le Kolobe re fitlhetse go setse e mebedi ya bofelo. Leba mogatla wa me,” ga tlhalosa Khudu, a supa mogatla wa gagwe o mokhutshwane. “Ke ona fela o o neng o setse.” + “Nka bo ke ile ka bonna!” ga bua Pela ka maswabi. “Ke lebelo go gaisa bobedi jwa lona. Nka bo ke iponetse mogatla o montle e le tota fa nka bo ke se setshwakga.” Khudu le Kolobe ba tsamaya ka setu. +Jaanong ke ka moo dipela di senang megatla– fela ba santse ba dula mo matlapeng ba itumelela bothito jwa letsatsi! +  +  +Nna le matlhagatlhaga a leinane! + +Akanya fela fa diphologolo di ka bo di tlhophile megatla e e farologaneng go tswa mo setlhareng. Thala setshwantsho sa phologolo nngwe le nngwe fela ka mogatla o o farologaneng le e mengwe, jaaka Khudu ka mogatla wa tau kgotsa pitse e tilodi ka mogatla wa kolobe. +Nna letseka la mafoko! Leba leinane ka tsenelelo. A o kgona go bona: maina a diphologolo di le nne – mafoko a mabedi a dinomoro – mafoko a le matlhano a a tlhalosang megatla? +Itsheme o le Pela. Kwalela Mmopi lokwalo o mo kope gore a go neye tšhono e nngwe ya go fiwa mogatla.",tsn,Setswana,Goreng dipela di se na megat,"Long, long ago, animals had no tails. They were very unhappy about this, so they called a meeting at the watering hole. +Dassie watched as the animals passed by on their way to the meeting. +“Hurry up! We need to get to the meeting,” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",ke Themba Mabas,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/goreng-dipela-di-se-na-megatla +why-dassies-have-no-tails,"Kadzeni dzeni, tilwane betingenayo imisila. Betingajabuli ngaloku, ngako-ke tabita umhlangano emgodzini wekunatsa emanti. +Imbila yabukela tilwane tendlula ngendlela tiya emhlanganweni. +“Sheshisa! Kudzingeka siye emhlanganweni,” kwmemeta Logwaja ngesikhatsi azubazuba endlula. +“Ungahlupheki, ngitakulandzela!” kwaphendvula Mbila agucula umhlane wakhe awubhekisa ngasemisebeni yelilanga lelifutfumele. +“Awusijoyini?” kwbuta Ngobiyane ngesikhatsi endlula. +“Ungahlupheki, ngitawuba sendleleni yami masinyane,” kwphendvula Mbila alele ngehlane entela kufutfumalisa sisu sakhe. +Silwane sekugcina kwendlula bekungumngani lomkhulu waMbila, Lufudvu. “Ayi emhlanganweni wena?” kwabuta yena. +“Kuphela-nje nangabe umngani wami angangigibelisa,” kwphendvula Mbila. +“Kodvwa ligobolondvo lami vele liyasindza-nje,” kusho Lufudvu. “Kuhle, mine angisindzi. Ungeke uve nemehluko kutsi ngihleti ngetulu,” kusho Mbila ngalokukhulu kumoyitela. +“Kodvwa ligobolondvo lami licinile futsi angeke uhlale kahle uma uhleti etulu,” kwachaza Lufudvu. +“Ngiyimbila! Ngetayele kuhlala emadvwaleni lacinile!” Kwphendvula Mbila, azuba agibela etulu emhlana waLufudvu. Mbila bekasindza kakhulu, kodvwa yini lebeyingentiwa nguLufudvu? Mbila phela bekungumngani wakhe lomkhulu. +Lena emhlanganweni, tilwane takhuluma ngemisila. +“Ngibukeka ngimubi ngaphandle kwemsila,” kwakhonona Mphisi. +“Uma ngetama kujika nangigijima, ngiyawa ngoba ngite umsila,” kwsho lihlosi. +  + +  +“Ngidzinga lomunye umlente kute kutsi ngikwati kukhulula tandla tami uma ngijikela etihlahleni ngikha titselo,” kwasho Ngobiyane. +“Asiceleni Umdali kutsi asiphe imisila,” Bhubesi wabeka umbono. +Ngako-ke, tilwane tagucula buso bato babheka esibhakabhakeni. “Hawu, Mdali, sicela imisila!” Tacela. +Livi lelikhulu labhavumula livela esibhakabhakeni. “Kusasa ekuseni, nihambe niye lapha entasi emfuleni lapho-ke nitawukhandza imisila kulesihlahla lesikhulu.” +Tilwane tabuyela ekhaya titiva tinelitsemba nenjabulo. +“Angisakhoni kulindza kutsi ngitfole umsila. Kusasa asihambe kanyakanye siyolandza imisila yetfu,” kusho Mbila ngesikhatsi Lufudvu amehlisa edvwaleni lalibita ngekutsi ‘likhaya’. +Lufudvu ngetati kutsi uhamba kancane, ngakusasa wavuka ekuseni kakhulu. Bekusemnyama ngesikhatsi esuka ekhaya lakhe futsi leti letinye tilwane betisaselele. +Ngesikhatsi Lufudvu endlula ekhaya laMbila wamemeta, “Buya wena! Asihambe siyotfola imisila yetfu!” +“Hhayi namuhla, ngiva ngiyavilapha. Ngitawuvele ngihlale kulelidvwala ngitijabulise ngelilanga. Ngicela ungiphatsele umsila wengce uwushiya lapha uma sewubuyela ekhaya kakho,” kusho Mbila ngalokukhulu kumoyitela. “Ngingawutsandza umsila lomudze loneboya lbunyenti.” +Lufudvu wamangala kutsi Mbila abengayi. “Ngitakwenta njalo,” washo ajabulile, asabona kutsi lokungenani angeke ameme Mbila emhlane wakhe. +Ngentsatsakusa, leti letinye tilwane tangenela indlela seticondze emfuleni tilicembu lelikhulu. Betisheshisa kunaLufudvu, ngako-ke tamengca endleleni. Kodvwa Lufudvu bekatimisele kufika esihlahleni atitfolele umsila wakhe newemngani wakhe, ngako wachubeka wakhasa waya embili. +Kwatsi lapho letilwane setisondzela dvute nemfula, tabona lesihlahla sigcwele imisila. Bekukhona imisila lemifisha, imisila lemidze, imisila leneboya nemisila leyondzile. Bekunemisila lemihle nemisila lemibi. +Tilwane tacala taya ngakulesihlahla. Bekucacile kutsi noma ngabe ngubani lofinyelela kucala utawukhetsa umsila loncono. Ngobiyane wazuba esuka esihlahleni waya esihlahleni. Bhubesi, Hlosi naLidvuba bagijima. Ndlovu naBhejane bajaka kwaba busantfusantfu. Jakalazi wacocoma ngesivinini njengaNgulube, kodvwa Ngulube wahamba ema yonkhe indzawo adla timphandze letimnandzi. Lufudvu walandzela ngemuva. +Ngobiyane waba wekucala kufika esihlahleni. Wacukula umsila lomudze kuyendlula yonkhe. Hlosi waba ngewesibili naye watsatsa lomunye lomudze umsila. Leti letilandzelako tilwane takhetsa imisila kulena lebekadze isele ilenga kulesihlahla. +Ngesikhatsi Ngulube naLufudvu befika ekugcineni, bekunemisila lemibili kuphela lebeyisele. Munye umsila bewumfisha ulukhuni, kantsi lona lomunye bewuncama ushwilene. Ngulube wakhetsa lona loshwilene umsila, ngako-ke Lufudvu watfola lona lomkhulu. +Bekute lutfo lobelusele esihlahleni, futsi kute namunye lowakhumbula kutsi Mbila bekafuna umsila naye. +  + +  +Asedvwaleni lakhe, Mbila abetibona tilwane setibuyela ekhaya. Tilwane behamba tijikitisa imisila yato tiyiyisa ngalapha nangalapha. “Angisakhoni kulindzela kutfola umsila wami musha!” kwacabanga Mbila. +Mbila wabona Lufudvu naNgulube beta kanye. “Ungiphatsele umsila wami Lufudvu?” kwabuta Lufundvu ngesikhatsi sebasondzele kakhulu. +“Cha, ngiyacolisa mngani wami, kodvwa iphelile! Mine naNgulube sitfole lena lemibili imisila yekugcina. Buka lowami umsila,” kuchaza Lufudvu akhomba umsila wakhe locinile. “Nguloku kuphela lengikutfolile.” +“Kufanele kutsi ngabe ngiye mine ngekwami!” kwasho Mbila atisola. “Nginematubane kunendlula nobabili nine. Ngabe ngititfolele umsila wami lomuhle-nje kube angikavilaphi kangaka.” Lufudvu naNgulube bahamba bathulile. +Kungako-ke timbila tingenayo imisila – kodvwa solo tisahlala emadvwaleni tijabulele kufutfumala kwelilanga! +  +Yenta indzaba iphile! + +Cabanga kutsi tilwane betikhetse imisila leyehlukene kulesihlahla. Dvweba sitfombe sanoma ngusiphi silwane lesineluhlobo lwemsila lolwehlukile, njengaLufudvu nemsila welibhubesi noma lidvuba nemsila wengulube. +Woba nguseshi wemagama! Buka ngekucophelela endzabeni. Ungawatfola: emagama etilwane letine – mabili emagama etinombolo – emagama lasihlanu lachaza imisila? +Tentise sengatsi unguMbila. Bhala incwadzi leya kuMdali ucele lelinye litfuba lekutfola umsila.",ssw,Siswati,Kungani timbila tibete imis,"Long, long ago, animals had no tails. They were very unhappy about this, so they called a meeting at the watering hole. +Dassie watched as the animals passed by on their way to the meeting. +“Hurry up! We need to get to the meeting,” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",nguThemba Mabas,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kungani-timbila-tibete-imisila +why-dassies-have-no-tails,"Khale, khale wa khaleni, swiharhi a swi ri hava micila. A swi nga tsakisiwi hi leswi, hikwalaho swi vitanile nhlengeletano xihlobyeni. +N’wambila a langutile loko swiharhi hinkwaswo swi ri karhi swi hundza ku ya enhlengeletanini. +“Hatlisa! Hi fanele hi fika enhlengeletanini,” ku huwelela N’wampfundla loko a ri karhi a thamukathamuka. +“U nga vileli, ndzi ta mi sala hi le ndzhaku!” ku hlamula N’wambila a ri karhi a tlhelela endzhaku ku ya orha masana. +“Xana a wu nge vi na hina?” ku vutisa N’wamfenhe loko a ri karhi a hundza. +“U nga vileli, ndzi ta fika ku nga ri khale,” ku hlamula N’wambila a ganamile hi hlana ku kufumeta khwiri rakwe. +Xiharhi xo hetelela ku hundza a ku ri munghana N’wambila lonkulu, N’waxibodze, “Xana a wu ti enhlengeletanini?” a vutisa. +“Ntsena loko munghana wa mina a nga ndzi khandziyisa,” ku hlamula N’wambila. +“Kambe xikhamba xa mina xa ndzi tika,” ku hlamula N’waxibodze. +“Swi kahle, mina a ndzi tiki. U nge voni ku hambana loko mina ndzi ri ehenhla,” ku vula N’wambila n’wayitela lowukulu. +“Kambe xikhamba xa mina xa nonohwa na ku nga tshameki kahle,” ku hlamusela N’waxibodze. +“Mina ndzi mbila! Ndzi toloverile ku tshama ehenhla ka maribye yo nonohwa!” ku hlamula N’wambila, a ri karhi a tlulela ehlaneni ka N’waxibodze. N’wambila a tika, kambe N’waxibodze a ta endla yini? N’wambila a ri munghana wa yena lonkulu. +Enhlengeletanini, swiharhi swi vulavurile hi micila. +“Ndzi languteka ndzi bihile loko ndzi ri hava ncila,” ku vula N’wamhisi. +“Loko ndzi ringeta ku jika loko ndzi tsutsuma, ndzi wela ehansi hikuva ndzi hava ncila,” ku vula N’wayingwe. +“Ndzi lava voko ro engetela ku wisisa mavoko ya mina loko ndzi ri karhi ndzi ncikinyancikinya na misinya ndzi kha mihandzu,” ku vula N’wamfenhe. +  + +  +“A hi kombeleni Muvumbi leswaku a hi nyika micila,” ku ringanyeta N’wanghala. +Kwalaho, swiharhi swi hundzuluxela swikandza ehenhla ematilweni, “Ohoo, Muvumbi, hi kombela u hi nyika micila!” swi kombela. +Dyirito ledyikulu dyi twala kusuka ematilweni. “Mundzuku nimixo, yanani enambyeni kutani mi ta kuma kona micila ensinyeni lowukulu.” +Swiharhi swi tlhelele emakaya swi ri na ku tshemba na ntsako. +“Hambi ri xa rini ndzi ta kuma ncila. Mundzuku, a hi fambi swin’we ku ya kuma micila ya hina,” ku vula N’wambila loko N’waxibodze a ri karhi a n’wi chicha eribyeni leri a ri ri ‘kaya’. +Hi ku tiva leswaku u famba hi ku nanayila, N’waxibodze u pfukile ka ha ri mixo swinene. A ka ha ri na xinyami loko a suka ekaya naswona swiharhi leswin’wana a swa ha etlele. +Loko N’waxibodze a hundza emutini wa N’wambila, a huwelela, “A hi fambi! A hi fambi hi ya kuma micila ya hina!” +“Ku nga ri namuntlha. Ndzi titwa ndzi loloha. Ndzi ya tshama lahaya ribyeni ndzi tiphina hi masana. Ndzi kombela u ndzi tekela ncila u ndzi siyela wona loko u ya ekaya,” ku vula N’wambila hi n’wayitelo lowukulu. “Ndzi nga rhandza wo leha, wo tlhuma.” +N’waxibodze swi n’wi hlamarisile leswaku N’wambila a nga yi. “Ndzi ta endla tano,” a swi vula a tsakile, hi ku lemuka leswaku a nge bebuli N’wambila enhlaneni. +Hi mahlambandlopfu, swiharhi leswin’wana swi fambile ku ya enambyeni hi ntlawa lowukulu. A swi hatlisa kutlula N’waxibodze, hikwalaho swi nga n’wi hundza endleleni. Kambe N’waxibodze a tiyimiserile ku ya fika ensinyeni ku ya tikumela ncila wa yena na wa munghana wa yena, hikwalaho a kasa a ya emahlweni. +Loko swiharhi swi tshinela nambu, swi vonile nsinya wu tele hi micila. A ku ri na micila leyo koma, micila leyo leha, micila leyo tlhuma na micila leyo lala. A ku ri na micila leyo saseka na micila leyo biha. +Swiharhi swi sungurile ku tshinela nsinya. A swi ri erivaleni leswaku loyi a ta hatla a fika u ta hlawula ncila wa kahle. N’wamfenhe a tlula kusuka eka nsinya wun’wana ku ya eka wun’wana. N’wanghala, N’wayingwe na N’wamangwa va tsutsuma. N’wandlopfu na N’wamhelembe va khanswa kunene. N’wamhungubye adlodla tanihi N’wahonci, kambe N’wahonci a yima laha na lahaya ku dya swifufunhunu na timitsu. N’waxibodze a landzela hi le ndzhaku. +N’wamfenhe ku vile yena wo sungula ku fika ensinyeni. U tekile ncila wo leha swinene. N’wayingwe u vile wa vumbirhi na yona u tekile ncila wo leha. Swiharhi leswi nga landzela swi hlawurile micila eka leyi a yi sele ensinyeni. +Loko ekuheteleleni N’wahonci na N’waxibodze va fika, a ku sele micila mimbirhi ntsena. Wun’we a wu komini, wu bumburile na lowuwun’wana wo lala, no gombonyoka. N’wahonci u hlawurile lowo gombonyoka, kwalaho N’waxibodze a teka lowo bumbula. +A ka ha ri hava nchumu ensinyeni, naswona a ku ri hava loyi a nga anakanya leswaku N’wambila na yena a lava ncila. +  + +  +Kusuka eribyeni ra yena, N’wambila a kota ku vona swiharhi loko swi vuya ekaya. A swi famba hi ku bamba na ku pulutisa micila ya swona yi ya hala ni hala. “Ndzi jahile ku kuma ncila wa mina lowuntshwa!” ku anakanya N’wambila. +N’wambila u vonile N’waxibodze na N’wahonci va ri karhi va famba. “Xana u vuyile na wona ncila wa mina, N’waxibodze?” ku vutisa N’wambila loko va ri karhi va tshinela. +“E-e, ndzi khomeli, munghana, kambe yi herile! Mina na N’wahonci hi kumile micila mimbirhi leyo hetelela. Languta ncila wa mina,” ku hlamusela N’waxibodze, a ri karhi a kombetela xincilana xa yena lexo bumbula. “Hi lowu ndzi nga kuma wona.” +“A ndzi fanele ndzi yile hi ndzexe!” ku vula N’wambila hi ku tisola. “Mina ndzi hatlisa kutlula n’wina vambirhi. A ndzi ta va ndzi tikumerile ncila wa kahle ntsena loko a ndzi nga lolowangi.” N’waxibodze na N’wahonci va tifambela va miyerile. +Hikwalaho na namuntlha timbila ti pfumala micila – kambe ta ha tshama ehenhla ka maribye ti tiphina hi ku kufumela ka dyambu! +  +  +Endla ntsheketo wu nyanyula! + +Anakanya loko swiharhi a swi hlawurile micila yo hambanahambana ensinyeni. Dirowa xifaniso xa xiharhi xi ri na ncila wo hambana na lowu xi nga na wona, kufana na N’waxibodze a ri na ncila wa nghala kumbe mangwa yi ri na ncila wa honci. +Vana mulavisisi wa marito! Xiyisisa ntsheketo swinene. Xana u nga kuma: mavito ya swiharhi swa mune -marito mambirhi ya tinhlayo – marito ya ntlhanu lawa ya hlamuselaka micila? +Endla onge hi wena N’wambila. Tsala papila u tsalela Muvumbi u kombela nkarhi wun’wana wa ku nyikiwa ncila.",tso,Xitsonga,Hikwalahokayini timbila ti pfumala mic,"Long, long ago, animals had no tails. They were very unhappy about this, so they called a meeting at the watering hole. +Dassie watched as the animals passed by on their way to the meeting. +“Hurry up! We need to get to the meeting,” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",i Themba Mabas,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hikwalahokayini-timbila-ti-pfumala-micila +why-dassies-have-no-tails,"Ekadeni iimbandana bezinganayo imisila. Bezingakathabi nakancani ngendaba le, yeke zabizela umhlangano emlanjeni. +IMbila beyibukele njengombana ezinye iinbandana zidlula ziya emhlanganweni. +“Khambisani! Kufuze sifike emhlanganweni,” kurhuwelela uMqasa utjho weqa yeqa udlula. +“Ungatshwenyeki, ngizonilandela!” Kuphendula uMbila ngemva kwalokho wafulathela imisebe yelanga elifuthumeleko. +“Kanti awukhambi nathi?” Kubuza iKawu njengombana adlula. +“Ungatshwenyeki, ngizonilandela khona nje,” kuphendula uMbila alele ngomhlana afuthumeza amathumbakhe. +Isibandana samaswaphela esadlula kuMbila bekumnganakhe omkhulu, uKghuru. “Kanti awuyi emhlanganweni?” Uyabuza. +“Nange umnganami angangibhebhula,” kuphendula uMbila. +“Kodwana iqephe lami liyangidisela,” kutjho uKghuru. +“Mara, mina angisibudisi. Angekhe uzwe nokuthi ngikhwele phezulu,” kutjho uMbila amomotheka. + “Kodwana iqephe lami liyaguguna angekhe uhlale kamnandi,” kuhlathulula uKghuru. +“Ngiyimbila! Ngikujayele ukuhlala ematjeni aqinileko!” Kuphendula uMbila, weqela emhlana kaKghuru. UMbila bekabudisi kodwana uKghuru ayikho into ebekangayenza. UMbila bekamnganakhe omkhulu. +Emhlanganweni iimbandana zakhuluma ngemisila. +“Ngimumbi njengombana nginganamsila,” kunghonghoyila uPisi. +“Nangilinga ukujika ngigijima, ngiyawa ngombana anginamsila,” kutjho uNgwe. +“Ngitlhoga isitho esinye ukwenzela bona ngitjhaphulule izandla zami nangilenga emithini ngikha iinthelo,” kutjho uKawu. + + +“Asibaweni umDali asiphe imisila,” kutjho uBhubezi abeka umbono. +Yeke, iimbandana zaqala ezulwini. “Maye, mDali, sibawa usiphe imisila!” Kubawa iimbandana. +Kwezwakala ilizwi elikhulu livela ezulwini. “Kusasa ekuseni kufuze nikhambe niye emlanjeni nizokufumana imisila emuthini omkhulu.” +Iimbandana zabuyela emakhaya zinethemba begodu zithabile. +“Ngiphela ihliziyo bona ngiwufumana nini umsila. Kusasa kuzokufuze sikhambe sobabili siyokuthatha imisilethu,” kutjho uMbila njengombana uKghuru amhlisa edwaleni alibiza ‘ngekhaya.’ +Ngebanga lokuthi uyazi bona ukhamba kabuthaka, uKghuru wavuka ngamasa ngelanga elilandelako. Begade kusesenzima nakasuka emzinakhe, ezinye iimbandana bezisalele. +Njengombana uKghuru adlula kwaMbila, warhuwelela, “Yewize! Asikhambe siyokuthatha imisilethu!” +“Ingasi namhlanjesi. Ngiyadonda. Ngiyokothela ilanga. Ngibawa ungiphathele umsila udlule unginikela wona nawuya kwakho,” kutjho uMbila amomotheka kamnandi. “Ngifuna omude omafuthufuthu.” +UKghuru kwamrara khulu ukuthi uMbila akezi. “Ngizakwenza njalo,” waphendula athabile, bekabona ukuthi angekhe kutlhogeke abhebhule uMbila emhlane. +Nakusako, ezinye iimbandana zatjhinga emlanjeni zisiqhema esikhulu. Bezikhambisa ukudlula uKghuru, yeke zamdlula endleleni. Kodwana uKghuru bekazimisele bona ayokufika emuthini ayokuthatha umsilakhe newomnganakhe yeke waragela phambili. +Kwathi iimbandana nazitjhidela emlanjeni zabona umuthi uzele imisila. Bekunemisila emifitjhani, imisila emide, imisila emafuthufuthu nemisila eyondileko. Bekunemisila emihle memimbi. +Iimbandana zathoma ukutjhidela emuthini. Bekubonakala ukuthi nanyana ngubani ozokufika qangi uzozithathela umsila omuhle. UKawu bekeqa asuka emuthini aye komunye. UBhubezi, uNgwe noDube bagijima ngendlela erarako. UNdlovu noBhejani bagijima kwangathi bayazidosa. UJakalasi wagijima khulu njengoFarigi, kodwana uFarigi bekanande ajama lapha nalapha adla iimbungwana nemirabho emnandi. UKghuru bekabalandele ngemuva. +UKawu waba ngewokuthoma ukufika emuthini. Wazithathela umsila omude. Ungwe waba ngowesibili naye wazithathela umsila omude. Ezinye iimbandana zazithathela imisila ebeyisele ilenga emuthini. +Kwathi uFarigi noKghuru nabafikako, besele kusele imisila emibili kwaphela. Omunye bewumfitjhani usiquntwana, omunye wondile begodu usongene. uFarigi wakhetha osongeneko, uKghuru wathatha osiquntwana. +Kwasala kungasanalitho emuthini akekho noyedwa owakhumbulako bona uMbila naye ufuna umsila. +  + +  +Njengombana asedwaleni lakhe, uMbila bekazibona ezinye iimbandana zibuyela emakhaya. Bezikhamba ngokuziqhenya begodu zijuguja imisila yazo ziyisa ngapha nangapha. “Sengiphela ihliziyo bona ngiwufumana nini umsilami omutjha!” kucabanga uMbila. +UMbila wabona uFarigi noKghuru bakhamba ndawonye. “Ungiphathele umsilami, Kghuru?” kubuza uMbila njengombana batjhidela. +“Awa, ungilibalele mnganami iphelile! Mina noFarigi sifumene imisila emibili yamaswaphela. Qala wami unjani,” kuhlathulula uKghuru, utjho akhomba umsilakhe osiquntu. “Ngilokhu kwaphela engikufumeneko.” +“Yazi ngathana ngiziyele!” Kutjho uMbila azisola.  “Nobabili ngiyanidlula ngokukhambisa. Bengizozifumanela umsila omuhle ngathana bengingadongi kangaka.” UKghuru noFarigi bazithulela bakhamba. +Kungebangelo iimbila zinganayo imisila – kodwana zisahlala emadwaleni zithabele ukutjhisa kwelanga! +Yenza indaba le ibe mnandi! +* Khewucabange iimbandana zithatha imisila ehlukileko emuthini. Dweba isithombe sesibandana sinomsila ohlukileko, njengokuthi iKghuru ibe nomsila weBhubezi namkha iDube libe nomsila weFarigi. + +Funa amagama! Qalisisa endabeni. Linga ukufumana: amagama weembandana ezine – amagama amabili weenomboro – amagama amahlanu ahlathulula imisila? +Yenza kwangathi unguMbila. Tlolela umDali incwadi umbawe akuphe elinye ithuba lokufumana umsila.",nbl,isiNdebele,Kubayini iimbila zinganamisila?,"Long, long ago, animals had no tails. They were very unhappy about this, so they called a meeting at the watering hole. +Dassie watched as the animals passed by on their way to the meeting. +“Hurry up! We need to get to the meeting,” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Umtloli nguThemba Mabas,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kubayini-iimbila-zinganamisila +why-dassies-have-no-tails,"Kale-kale, zwipuka zwo vha zwi si na mitshila. Zwo vha zwi sa zwi funi na luthihi, nga zwenezwo zwa fara muṱangano hune ha nwiwa hone maḓi. +Mbila ya sedza musi zwipuka zwi tshi khou pfuka zwi tshi ya muṱanganoni. +“Ṱavhanyani! Ri tea u ya muṱanganoni,” ha huwelela Muvhuḓa musi u tshi khou thamuwa wo livha henengei. +“Ni songo vhilaela, ndi ḓo ni tevhela nga murahu!” ha fhindula Mbila nahone ya rembuluwa ya furalela masana a ḓuvha. +“A ni khou ṱuwa na riṋe?” ha vhudzisa Ṱhohó musi i tshi khou pfuka nga henefho. +“Ni songo vhilaela, ndi ḓo tevhela hu si kale,” ha fhindula Mbila yo ganama u itela u dudedza thumbu yayo nga masana a ḓuvha. +Tshipuka tsha u fhedza u pfuka nga henefho ndi khonani khulwane ya Mbila, Tshibode. “A ni khou ya muṱanganoni?” tsha vhudzisa. +“Arali fhedzi khonani yanga a nga mmbeba,” hu fhindula Mbila. +“Fhedzi gwangwangwa ḽanga ḽi a lemela,” hu amba Tshibode. +“Habe nṋe a thi tou lemela nga u tou ralo-vho lini. A ni nga ḓo vhuya na zwi ṱhogomela uri ndi nga nṱha,” ha amba Mbila i tshi khou ṅweṅwela. +“Fhedzi gwangwangwa ḽanga ḽo oma nahone a ḽi dzulei zwavhuḓi,” hu ṱalutshedza Tshibode. +“Ndi mbila! Ndo ḓowela u dzula matomboni o khwaṱhaho!” hu fhindula Mbila, i tshi khou thamutshela muṱanani wa Tshibode. Mbila yo vha i tshi lemela, fhedzi Tshibode tsho vha tshi tshi ḓo ita mini? Mbila yo vha i khonani yatsho khulwane. +Zwipuka zwo amba nga ha mitshila kha wonoyo muṱangano. +“Ndi vhonala ndi songo naka ndi si na mutshila,” hu vhilaela Phele. +“Musi ndi tshi lingedza u khona ndi tshi khou gidima, ndi a wa nga ṅwambo wa uri a thina mutshila,” hu amba Didingwe. +“Ndi ṱoḓa tshiṅwe tshanḓa uri ndi kone u awedza zwanḓa zwanga musi ndi tshi khou dembelela mirini uri ndi fule mitshelo,” hu amba Ṱhohó. + + +“Kha ri humbele Musiki uri a ri ṋee mitshila,” hu themendela Ndau. +Nga zwenezwo, zwipuka zwa lilala. “Ohoo, Musiki washu, ri humbela uri u ri ṋee mitshila!” zwa humbela. +Ha pfala ipfi ḽihulu ḽi tshi bva ṱaḓulu. “Matshelo nga matsheloni, tselani mulamboni nahone henengei ni ḓo wana mitshila murini muhulwane.” +Zwipuka zwa humela hayani zwi na fulufhelo nahone zwo takala. +“Ndi tou ndi wana lini mutshila wanga. Kha ri ṱuwe roṱhe matshelo ri yo dzhia mitshila yashu,” hu amba Mbila musi Tshibode tshi tshi i tsitsa tomboni ḽine ya ḽi vhidza ‘hayani.’ +Nga u ḓiḓivha uri tshi tshimbila nga u ongolowa, Tshibode tsha tou buba nga tsha matshelo nga matsheloni. Ho vha hu tsheena luswiswi musi tshi tshi bva hayani nahone zwiṅwe zwipuka zwo vha zwi tshee zwo eḓela. +Musi Tshibode tshi tshi pfuka hayani ha Mbila, tsha vhidzelela. “Iḓani! Kha ri ṱuwe ri ye u dzhia mitshila yashu!” +“Hu si ṋamusi lini. Ndi khou bvafha. Ndi khou ṱoḓa u thoma nda dzula kha heḽi tombo nda ora masana a ḓuvha. Ndi humbela uri ni nḓele na mutshila ni ntsiele wone musi ni tshi ya hayani,” ha amba Mbila i tshi khou ṅwethuwa zwihulu. “Ndi ṱoḓa mulapfu, wa mabubu.” +Tshibode tsho mangadzwa ngauri Mbila yo vha i sa khou ḓa. “Ndi ḓo ita nga u ralo,” tsha fhindula nga dakalo, tsha ṱhogomela uri a tshi nga ḓo tea u beba Mbila. +Nga maḓautsha, zwiṅwe zwipuka zwa thoma u tsela mulamboni zwi zwinzhi. Zwo vha zwi na luvhilo u fhira Tshibode, nga zwenezwo zwa tshi pfuka nḓilani. Fhedzi Tshibode tsho vha tsho ḓiimisela u swika murini uri tshi wane mutshila watsho na wa khonani yatsho, nga zwenezwo tsha kokovha tshi tshi ya phanḓa. +Musi zwipuka zwi tshi vho swika tsini na mulambo, zwa vhona muri wo ḓala mitshila. Ho vha hu na mitshila mipfufhi, mitshila milapfu, mitshila ya mabubu na mitshila misekene. Ho vha hu na mitshila yo nakaho na mitshila yo vhifhaho. +Zwipuka zwa thoma u sendela murini. Zwo vha zwi khagala uri ane a thoma u swika ndi ene ane a ḓo wana mutshila wavhuḓi. Ṱhohó dza thamuwa u bva kha muṅwe muri u kha muṅwe. Ndau, Didingwe na Mbiḓi zwa gidima. Nḓou na Tshugulu zwa gidima nga nḓila ya madebe. Phunguwe ya gidima u fana na Nguluvhe, fhedzi Nguluvhe ya ita i tshi ima u itela u ḽa zwivhungu na midzi. Tshibode tsha tevhela nga murahu. +Ṱhohó ndi yone ye ya thoma u swika murini. Ya dzhia mutshila mulapfusa. Didingwe ndi ḽone ḽa vhuvhili nahone ḽa dzhia muṅwe mutshila mulapfu. Zwipuka zwe zwa tevhela zwa dzhia mitshila ye ya vha i tshi khou ṋembelela murini. +Musi Nguluvhe na Tshibode zwi tshi fheleledza zwo swika, ho vha ho sala mitshila mivhili fhedzi. Muṅwe wo vha u mupfufhi, wo dzenyefhala nahone muṅwe u musekene, wo songana. Nguluvhe ya dzhia wo songanaho, Tshibode tshone tsha dzhia mudenya. +Ho vha hu songo tsha sala tshithu murini nahone a hu na we a humbula uri Mbila yo vha i tshi khou ṱoḓa mutshila-vho. + +Musi Mbila yo dzula tomboni, ya vhona zwipuka zwi tshi khou vhuya hayani. Zwo vha zwi tshi khou tshimbila nga u ṱonga nahone zwi tshi khou dzungudza mitshila yazwo i tshi khou ya ngeno na ngei. “Ndi tou ndi wana lini mutshila wanga muswa!” hu amba Mbila. +Mbila ya vhona Tshibode na Nguluvhe zwi tshi khou tshimbila zwoṱhe. “No nḓela na mutshila, Tshibode?” hu vhudzisa Mbila musi zwenezwo zwipuka zwivhili zwi tshi khou sendela tsini. +“Hai, ni mpfarele badi khonani yanga, fhedzi yo mbo ḓi fhela! Nṋe na Nguluvhe ro wana mitshila mivhili ya u fhedza. Edzanu vhona mutshila wanga,” hu amba Tshibode, tsho sumba mutshila watsho mudenya. “Ndo wana wonoyu fhedzi.” +“Ndo vha ndo tea u ya nga tshavhukoma!” hu amba Mbila i tshi khou ḓisola. “Ndi a ni sia nga luvhilo vhuvhili ha vhoiwe. Ndo vha ndi tshi ḓo vha ndo wana mutshila wavhuḓi ngavhe ndi sa vhe na vhubva.” Tshibode na Nguluvhe zwa ḓi ṱutshela zwo fhumula. +Ndi ngazwo mbila dzi si na mutshila – fhedzi dzi kha ḓi dzula matomboni u itela u ḓiphina nga masana a ḓuvha! +  +Itani uri tshiṱori tshi nyanyule! +* Kha ri ri zwipuka zwo khetha mitshila i sa fani kha muri. Olani tshifanyiso tsha tshipuka naho tshi tshifhio tshi na mutshila u sa fani na une tsha vha nawo, sa Tshibode tshi na mutshila wa ndau kana mbiḓi i na mutshila wa nguluvhe. + +Ivhani fogisi ḽa maipfi! Sedzani tshiṱori nga vhuronwane. Naa ni nga wana: madzina a zwipuka zwiṋa – madzina mavhili – maipfi maṱanu ane a ṱalusa mitshila? +Ḓiiteni u nga ni Mbila. Ṅwalelani Musiki ni mu humbele tshiṅwe tshibuli tsha u wana mutshila.",ven,Tshivenda,Zwo itaho uri mbila dzi sa vhe na mutsh,"Long, long ago, animals had no tails. They were very unhappy about this, so they called a meeting at the watering hole. +Dassie watched as the animals passed by on their way to the meeting. +“Hurry up! We need to get to the meeting,” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Muṅwali Themba Mabas,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/zwo-itaho-uri-mbila-dzi-sa-vhe-na-mutshila +the-boastful-little-weaver-bird,"Once there was a little weaver bird that was very proud of his beautiful yellow feathers and shiny black beak. He sat on the reeds by the side of the river shouting to anyone who would listen, “Look at me! Am I not beautiful? Look at my bright yellow feathers! See how my beak shines in the sun!” +  +The other birds and animals didn’t like the little weaver bird. It wasn’t just that he was boastful, he was also mean. +  +“Hey, Crocodile!” shouted Weaver, “You have really ugly teeth. They are big and jagged and yellow, and you have bits of meat stuck in them! Sies! I bet you wish you had a beautiful beak like mine!” +  +Crocodile slid under the water and thought about how nice it would be if Weaver was stuck in his teeth! +  +When it was time for Weaver to build a nest, he went about it in his usual boastful way. Instead of choosing bits of grass and reed and feathers like the other birds, he picked up pieces of shiny paper and sparkly sweet wrappers, which he wove into the nest. When he was done, his nest sparkled and twinkled in the sun. “Hey, everybody,” shouted Weaver. “Look at my nest! Isn’t it magnificent? See how it shines in the sun!” +  + +  +A tortoise ambled past the reeds and stopped to look at Weaver’s strange nest. “Don’t you wish that you had a home like mine, Tortoise?” tweeted Weaver. “Yours is very dull and boring. See how mine sparkles.” +  +Tortoise shook his head. “I am happy with my shell, Weaver. It keeps me safe, and that is all that is important to me.” +  +Next, a little field mouse poked her head out of a pile of dry leaves. A piece of foil in Weaver’s nest caught her eye. “Wow, Weaver, your nest is very bright,” she squeaked. +Weaver puffed up his feathers. “Isn’t it?” he said proudly. “Are you not tired, Mouse, of living in brown leaves and twigs? How very sad and drab your house is.” +  +“No, Weaver,” said Mouse. “When you are my size, you are on the menu of lots of other animals. When I burrow deep into my pile of leaves, no one can see me and that stops me from being eaten. I’d rather be safe than sorry.” +  +“I am sure that you are just jealous,” sniffed Weaver with his beak in the air. +  +Now there was a big snake near the river that had been sleeping through the winter. When he woke up, he felt very hungry, and so he went in search of something tasty to fill his stomach. He came across the little tortoise basking in the sun. Tortoise took one look at Snake’s flickering tongue and beady eyes and pulled his head straight back into his shell. Snake nudged Tortoise a few times, but it seemed like this was just a hard shell, so he moved on to look for something that he could sink his teeth into. +  +Soon Snake spotted Mouse, who was gathering seeds and other tasty treats for her lunch. He slithered towards her, trying to make as little noise as possible, but his grumbling stomach gave him away. Mouse shot off as fast as her little legs could carry her and squirmed quickly down to the bottom of her pile of dry leaves. She lay there quietly, not moving a whisker. Snake prodded the leaves for a bit, but his tummy was now growling loudly. He was too hungry to dig through all those leaves for a meal as small as Mouse, so he moved on. +  +Soon he found himself down by the river. There, the strangest thing caught his eye. It looked just like a nest, but it sparkled and blinked in the bright sunlight. Snake spotted Weaver flying into the nest. “Funny that a bird would not try to hide his nest from a hungry snake,” said Snake to himself. +  +He crept silently towards the river and wound his way up the reeds to Weaver’s nest. Luckily, just as he was about to poke his head into the nest and eat the little bird, he was spotted by the other birds, who shrieked and cheeped a warning. Weaver shot out of his nest just in time and managed to get away, but Snake knocked the beautiful nest to the ground, where it broke apart. +  + +  +“That will teach you, Weaver, for being such a show-off,” chirped the +other birds. +  +“And look!” cried a little chick, “your feathers have turned brown!” +  +Weaver looked at his wings in horror. They were indeed completely brown. He felt very ashamed. Not only had he nearly been eaten, but his house had been destroyed and his beautiful yellow feathers were quite brown and ordinary, just like lots of the other birds. +  +Weaver had learned his lesson. He stopped showing off and started being kinder to the other animals. Although his feathers turned yellow again, to this day, every winter, they turn brown again to remind him of his foolishness. +  +  +The boastful little weaver bird +* Use clay, playdough or even Prestik to create the characters in the story, or draw your own pictures of them and cut them out. Use your characters to retell the story in your own way! +* Use clay, playdough or even Prestik to create the characters in the story, or draw your own pictures of them and cut them out. Use your characters to retell the story in your own way!",eng,English,The boastful little weaver bird,"Once there was a little weaver bird that was very proud of his beautiful yellow feathers and shiny black beak. He sat on the reeds by the side of the river shouting to anyone who would listen, “Look at me! Am I not beautiful? Look at my bright ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-boastful-little-weaver-bird +the-boastful-little-weaver-bird,"Daar was eenmaal ’n klein vinkie wat baie trots was op sy pragtige geel vere en blink swart snawel. Hy het in die riete langs die rivier gesit en vir almal wat wou luister, geskree: “Kyk na my! Is ek nie pragtig nie? Kyk na my heldergeel vere! Kyk hoe blink my snawel in die son!” +  +Die ander voëls en diere het nie van die vinkie gehou nie. Hy was nie net windmakerig nie, hy was ook gemeen. +  +“Hei, Krokodil!” skree Vinkie, “Jy het rêrig lelike tande. Hulle is lank en ongelyk en geel, en daar sit stukkies vleis tussen jou tande vas! Sies! Ek weet sommer jy wens jy het so ’n pragtige snawel soos ek gehad!” +  +Krokodil gly onder die water in en dink oor hoe lekker dit sou wees as Vinkie tussen sy tande kon vassit! +  +Toe dit tyd raak vir Vinkie om ’n nes te bou, is hy weer ene windmaker. In plaas daarvan om soos die ander voëls stukkies gras en riete en vere te kies, tel hy stukkies blink papier en skitterende lekkergoedpapiertjies op, wat hy in sy nes inweef. Toe hy klaar is, skitter en vonkel sy nes in die son. “Haai, almal,” roep Vinkie. “Kyk na my nes. Is dit nie manjefiek nie? Kyk hoe blink dit in die sonlig!” +  + +  +’n Skilpad kruip verby die riete en gaan staan om na Vinkie se vreemde nes te kyk. “Wens jy nie jy het ’n huis soos myne nie, Skilpad?” tjirp Vinkie. “Jou huis is so vaal en vervelig. Kyk hoe skitter myne.” +Skilpad skud sy kop. “Ek is gelukkig met my dop, Vinkie. Dit hou my veilig, en dit is al wat vir my belangrik is.” +  +Toe steek ’n klein veldmuisie haar kop by ’n hoop droë blare uit. ’n Stukkie foelie in Vinkie se nes vang haar oog. “Sjoe, Vinkie, maar jou nes is darem baie blink,” piep sy. +  +Vinkie pof sy vere op. “Is dit nie?” sê hy trots. “Is jy nie moeg om tussen bruin blare en takkies te woon nie, Muis? Jou huis lyk so saai en oninteressant.” +  +“Nee, Vinkie,” sê Muis. “As jy so klein soos ek is, wil baie ander diere jou opeet. Wanneer ek ’n tonnel in my hoop blare grawe, kan niemand my sien nie, en so word ek nie opgeëet nie. Ek is eerder bang Jan as dooie Jan.” +  +“Ek is seker jy’s net jaloers,” snuif Vinkie met sy snawel in die lug. +  +Naby die rivier is daar ’n groot slang wat die hele winter geslaap het. Toe hy wakker word, is hy baie honger, en hy gaan soek iets lekkers om sy maag vol te maak. Hy sien die klein skilpad wat in die son lê en bak. Skilpad gee een kyk na Slang se flitsende tong en klein kraalogies en trek dadelik sy kop diep in sy dop in. Slang voel-voel ’n paar keer aan Skilpad, maar dit lyk of dit net ’n harde dop is, en daarom gaan soek hy na iets waarin hy sy tande kan laat wegsink. +  +Sommer gou sien Slang vir Muis raak, wat saadjies en ander lekkernye vir middagete versamel. Hy seil na haar toe en probeer om nie ’n geluid te maak nie, maar sy maag wat so grom, verklap hom. Muis hardloop weg so vinnig soos wat haar kort beentjies haar kan dra en skarrel vinnig tot onder in haar hoop droë blare. Sy lê doodstil en roer nie ’n snorbaard nie. Slang voel-voel aan die blare, maar sy maag grom nou kliphard. Hy is te honger om deur al daardie blare te soek na iets om te eet wat so klein soos Muis is, en hy seil weg. +  +Kort voor lank is hy by die rivier. Daar sien hy die vreemdste ding raak. Dit lyk net soos ’n nes, maar dit skitter en blink in die helder sonlig. Slang sien hoe Vinkie in die nes invlieg. “Snaaks dat ’n voël nie sal probeer om sy nes vir ’n honger slang weg te steek nie,” sê Slang vir homself. +  +Hy seil suutjies tot by die rivier en seil teen die riete op tot by Vinkie se nes. Gelukkig sien die ander voëls hom net toe hy sy kop in die nes wil insteek en die klein voëltjie wil opeet. Hulle kwetter en kweel om Vinkie te waarsku. Vinkie skiet net betyds uit sy nes uit en slaag daarin om weg te kom, maar Slang stamp die pragtige nes grond toe, waar dit uitmekaarval. +  + +“Dit sal jou leer, Vinkie, omdat jy so ’n windmaker is,” tjirp die ander voëls. +  +“En kyk!” roep ’n klein voëltjie, “jou vere het bruin geword!” +  +Vinkie kyk geskok na sy vlerke. Hulle is inderdaad heeltemal bruin. Hy voel baie skaam. Hy is amper opgeëet, sy huis is verwoes, en sy pragtige geel vere is nou net bruin en gewoon, net soos baie van die ander voëls s’n. +  +Vinkie het sy les geleer. Hy hou hom nie meer so windmaker nie en is vriendeliker met die ander diere. Al word sy vere weer geel, word dit tot vandag toe nog elke winter weer bruin om hom te herinner aan hoe dwaas hy was. +  +  +Die windmakerige klein vinkie + +Gebruik klei, speeldeeg of selfs wondergom om die karakters in die storie te maak, of teken jou eie prente van die karakters en knip hulle dan uit. Gebruik jou karakters om die storie op jou eie manier oor te vertel! +Ken jy enige ander stories waarin slange of voëls voorkom? Wat gebeur in hierdie stories? Is daar enige ooreenkomste met hierdie storie?",afr,Afrikaans,Die windmakerige klein vinkie,"Once there was a little weaver bird that was very proud of his beautiful yellow feathers and shiny black beak. He sat on the reeds by the side of the river shouting to anyone who would listen, “Look at me! Am I not beautiful? Look at my bright ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-windmakerige-klein-vinkie +the-boastful-little-weaver-bird,"Kudala-dala kwaye kukho ihobohobo elincinci elalizigwagwisa ngeentsiba zalo ezintle ezityheli nomlomo walo okhazimlayo omnyama. Lalihlala kwiingcongolo ezingasemlanjeni likhwaza nabani na owayenokuliphulaphula, “Ndijonge! Andimhlanga? Jonga iintsiba zam eziqaqambileyo ezityheli! Jonga indlela umlomo wam okhazimla ngayo elangeni!” +  +Ezinye iintaka nezilwanyana zazingalithandi ihobohobo elincinci. Yayingeyonto nje yokuba lizigwagwisa, koko lalikwakhohlakele. +  +“Yhee Ngwenya!” wakhwaza uHobohobo, “Unamazinyo amabi gqitha. Makhulu, azingxavula, atyheli, yaye unamasuntswana okutya axinge phakathi kwawo! Phuuu! Ndiqinisekile unqwenela ukuba ube ubunomlomo omhle ofana nowam!” +  +UNgwenya watshona phansti kwamanzi waza wacinga ngendlela ekwakunokuba mnandi ngayo ukuba uHobohobo wayexinge kumazinyo akhe! +  +Xa yayilixesha lokuba uHobohobo akhe indlwana yakhe, wenza njengendlela yakhe yesiqhelo yokuzigwagwisa. Endaweni yokuba akhethe izijungqwana zengca neengcongolo neentsiba ngokufana nezinye iintaka, wachola iziqwengana zamaphepha akhazimlayo namaphepha akhazimlayo okubopha iiswiti, awazolukela endlwaneni. Wathi akugqiba, indlwane yakhe yabe ikhazimla idanyaza elangeni. “Yhe nina,” wakhwaza uHobohobo. “Jongani indlwane yam! Ayintlanga ngokumangalisayo? Jongani indlela ekhazimla ngayo elangeni!” +  + +  +Ufudo lwathi chu ludlula ezingcongolweni lwaza lwema ukuba lujonge indlu kaHobohobo engaqhelekanga. “Awunqweneli ukuba unge unendlu efana neyam, Fudwazana?” wantyiloza uHobohobo. “Eyakho idangele kwaye iyakruqula. Jonga ukuba eyam ikhazimla kangakanani.” +  +UFudwazana wanikina intloko, “Ndonwabile liqokobhe lam Hobohoho. Liyandikhusela, yaye kuphela kwento ebalulekileyo kum leyo.” +  +Okulandelayo, impukwana yedobo yakroba ikwinqumba yamagqabi omileyo. Isiqwengana sefoyile kwindlwana kaHobohobo satsala umdla wayo. “Yho, Hobohobo, indlwane yakho iqaqambe kakhulu,” yatswina. +  +“Ayinjalo?” watsho ngebhongo. Awudinwanga, Mpukwana, kukuhlala kumagqabi amdaka nasezintsaseni? Hayi ukuba lusizi nokunganiki mdla kwendlu yakho.” +  +“Hayi, Hobohobo,” watsho uMpukwana. “Xa ungangam, ujongene nokutyiwa zezinye izilwanyana ezininzi. Xa ndithe ndavunduza ndatshona kwinqumba yamagqabi am, akukho mntu unokundibona yaye oko kunqanda ukuba ndingatyiwa. Ndikhetha ukukhuseleka kunokuba ndizisole.” +  +“Ndiqinisekile ukuba unomona,” enyevula uHobohobo umlomo ewuphakamisele emoyeni. +  +Ngoku kwakukho inyoka enkulu kufutshane nomlambo eyayilele ubusika bonke. Yathi xa ivuka, yaziva ilambe kakhulu, yaza yaya kukhangela into emnandi yokutya ukuzalisa isisu sayo. Yadibana nofudo oluncinci lothe ilanga. UFudwazana wajonga kwakanye kulwimi olulencezayo lukaNyoka namehlo aziingqanda waza warhoxisa intloko yakhe wangena eqokobheni lakhe. UNyoka wamqhoqhoza kambalwa uFudwazana, kodwa kwabonakala ngathi liqokobhe  nje eliqinileyo, ngoko ke wemka eyokukhangela into awayenokuyiluma. + +Kungekudala uNyoka wabona uMpukwana, owayeqokelela iinkozo nezinye izinto ezimnandi eza kwenza isidlo sasemini. Warhubuluzela ngakuye, ezama ukungangxoli kangangoko kwakunokwenzeka, kodwa isisu sakhe esasixuxuzela sambhaqisa. UMpukwana watsiba ngokukhawuleza kangangoko imilenze yakhe yayinokumthwala waza wajubalaza ngokukhawuleza wehlela emazantsi enqumba yamagqabi akhe omileyo. Walala apho ethe cwaka, kungashukumi nelinye ibhovu. UNyoka waxhokonxa amagqabi ithutyana, kodwa ngoku isisu sakhe sasigquma kakhulu. Wayelambe kakhulu ukuba angomba kuwo onke loo magqabi ngesidlo esincinci esingangoMpukwana, ngoko ke wedlulela phambili. +  +Kungekudala wazifumana esezanti ngasemlanjeni. Apho, into engaqhelekanga kakhulu yatsala iliso lakhe. Yayikhangeleka kanye ngathi yindlwane, kodwa yayikhazimla idanyaza kwilanga eliqaqambileyo. UNyoka wabona uHobohobo ebhabha engena endlwaneni. “Isimanga ukuba intaka ingazami ukufihla indlwane yayo kwinyoka elambileyo,” wazixelela uNyoka. +  +Wachwechwa ngokuzola ukuya ngasemlanjeni waza wenyuka ngeengcongolo ukuya kwindlwane kaHobohobo. Ngethamsanqa, xa kanye wayeza kufaka intloko endlwaneni aze atye intakana, wabonwa zezinye iintaka, ezahlahlambayo zatswina zisenza isilumkiso. UHobohobo watsiba waphuma ngokukhawuleza kuselithuba endlwaneni waza wakwazi ukubaleka, kodwa uNyoka wayibetha yawela phantsi indlwane entle, apho yaqhekeka yahlukana. +  + +  +“Oko kuza kukufundisa, Hobohobo, ngokuba lithanda njezu,” zatswina +ezinye iintaka. +  +“Yaye jonga,” yakhwaza intakana, “Iintsiba zakho zijike zamdaka ngebala!” +  +UHobohobo wajonga iintsiba zakhe ngokoyika. Ngokwenene zazimdaka ngokupheleleyo ngebala. Waziva eneentloni. Kwakungaphelelanga nje ukuba ephantse watyiwa, kodwa indlu yakhe yayitshatyalalisiwe yaye neentsiba zakhe ezintle zazimdaka ngebala zifana nje nezezinye iintaka. +  +UHobohobo wayefunde isifundo. Wayeka ukuthanda injezu waza waqalisa ukuba nobubele kwezinye izilwanyana. Nangona iintsiba zakhe zaphinda zajika zaba tyheli kwakhona, kude kube namhla, ubusika ngabunye, zijika zibe mdaka ngebala kwakhona ukumkhumbuza ngobuyatha bakhe. +  +Ihobohobo elincinci elizigwagwisayo + +Sebenzisa udongwe, intlama yokudlala kanti nePrestiki ukwenza abadlali ebalini, okanye zoba eyakho imifanekiso yabo uze uyisike. Sebenzisa abadlali bakho ukubalisa ngokutsha ibali ngendlela yakho! +Ingaba unamanye amabali owaziyo aneenyoka neentaka kuwo? Kwenzeka ntoni kula mabali? Ingaba ikhona indawo afana ngayo neli bali?",xho,isiXhosa,Ihobohobo elincinci elizigwagwisayo,"Once there was a little weaver bird that was very proud of his beautiful yellow feathers and shiny black beak. He sat on the reeds by the side of the river shouting to anyone who would listen, “Look at me! Am I not beautiful? Look at my bright ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",nguNicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ihobohobo-elincinci-elizigwagwisayo +the-boastful-little-weaver-bird,"Ngelinye ilanga kwake kwaba nehlokohloko elalizigabisa ngezimpaphe zalo ezinhle ezinombala ophuzi kanye nomlomo omnyama ocwebezelayo. Lalihleli phezu komhlanga eduze komfula limemeza noma ngubani owayengase alalele, “Ngibukeni! Angimuhle yini? Bukani izimpahle zami ezigqamile eziphuzi! Bukani ukuthi umlomo wami ucwebezela kanjani lapho uhlatshwa yilanga!” +  +Ezinye izinyoni kanye nezilwane zazingalithandi ihlokohloko elincane. Kwakungekhona nje ukuthi laliziqhayisa kuphela, laliphinde libe nonya. +  +“Hheshe, Ngwenya!” kumemeza Ihlokohloko, “Ave unamazinyo amabi ngendlela exakile. Makhulu, acijile futhi aphuzi, futhi unezinsalela zenyama ezisalele kuwo! Phu! Ngiyafunga ukuthi uyafisa sengathi ngabe ubunomlomo omuhle onjengowami!” +  +Ingwenya yanyelela yangena ngaphansi kwamanzi yase icabanga ngokuthi bekungaba kuhle kanjani ukuba Ihlokohloko laligaxele emazinyweni ayo! +  +Ngenkathi sekuyisikhathi sokuthi Ihlokohloko lakhe isidleke, lahamba lazulazula ngokuzigabisa njengokwejwayelekile. Esikhundleni sokukhetha iziqephu zotshani nomhlanga nezimpaphe njengezinye izinyoni, lacosha iziqephu zephepha elicwebezelayo namaphepha akhanyayo okugoqa amaswidi, elabe seliwathungela esidlekeni. Lathi lapho seliqedile, isidleke salo sase sicwebezela futhi sikhanya lapho sihlatshwa yilanga. “Sanibonani nonke,” kumemeza Ihlokohloko. “Bukani isidleke sami! Ingabe asimangalisi na? Sibhekeni ukuthi sicwebezela kanjani elangeni!” +  + +  +Ufudu lwamangala lwedlula emhlangeni futhi lwama lwabuka isidleke esingajwayelekile seHlokohlolo. “Awufisi ngabe ubunekhaya elifana nelami, Fudu?” kutshiloza Ihlokohloko. “Elakho liphuphile futhi liyadikibalisa. Buka elami ukuthi licwebezela kanjani.” +  +Ufudu lwanikina ikhanda lalo, “Ngijabule ngegobolondo lami, Hlokohloko. Lingigcina ngiphephile, futhi lokho kubaluleke kakhulu kimi.” +  +Okulandelayo, igundane elincane lalunguza ngekhanda lalo ngaphansi kwengqumbi yamacembe omileyo. Isiqephu sefoyili elisesidlekeni seHlokohloko sadonsa amehlo alo. “Ewu, Hlokohloko, isidleke sakho sigqamile kakhulu,” kunswininiza igundwane. +Ihlokohloko lafutha izimpaphe zalo. “Usho njalo?” lasho ngokuzigabisa. “Gundane, awukhathele ukuhlala phakathi kwamacembe ansundu nezinswazi? Ave idumaza futhi iyimbi indlu yakho.” +  +“Cha, Hlokohloko,” kwasho Igundane. “Uma unobuncane obungangobami, uyisidlo sezinye izilwane eziningi. Uma ngizifihla ngaphansi kwenqwaba yamacembe ami, akekho ongakwazi ukungibona kanti lokho kungisiza ukuthi ngingadliwa. Kungcono ngiphephe kunokuthi ngizisole.” +  +“Ngiqinisekile ukuthi unomona nje,” kuhogela Ihlokohloko emoyeni +ngomlomo walo. +  +Manje sekunenyoka enkulu eduze komfula ebilokhu ibhacile ubusika bonke. Ngenkathi ivuka, yayizizwa ilambe kakhulu, ngakho yahamba yayocinga okuthile okumnandi okuya esiswini. Yathola ufudu oluncane lotha ilanga. Ufudu lwabona ulimi lweNyoka olunyakazayo kanye namehlo asabuhlalu lwavele lwadonsa ikhanda lalo labuyela ngqo egobolondweni lalo. Inyoka yadudula Ufudu izikhathi ezimbalwa, kodwa kwabonakala sengathi kwakuyigobolondo nje eliqinile, ngakho yaqhubekela phambili yayobheka okunye eyayingase ifake amazinyo ayo kukho. +  +Khona manjalo Inyoka yabona Igundane, elaliqoqa izinhlamvu nokunye okudliwayo okuzoyizayo kwesidlo sasemini. Yahubuluza ngesisu iqonde kulo, izama ukwenza umsindo omncane ngangokusemandleni, kodwa isisu sayo esasikhala ngenxa yendlala senza ukuthi ungaphumeleli lo mzamo. Igundane lantweza ngokushesha ngangamandla ezinyawana zalo lanswininiza ngokushesha lisithela ngaphansi kwengqumbi yamahlamvu omileyo. Lalala lapho lithule du, linganyakazisi ngisho izindevu. Inyoka yahlokoloza amahlamvu kancane, kodwa isisu sayo sasesiduma kuzwakale. Yayisilambe kakhulu ukuthi ingacinga kuwo wonke lawo mahlamvu ukuze ithole ukudla okwakukuncane njengeGundane, ngakho yavele yaqhubekela phambili. +  +Khona manjalo yazithola yehla iqonde phansi emfuleni. Lapho-ke, into engajwayelekile yadonsa amehlo ayo. Yayibukeka njengesidleke nje, kodwa yabe ikhazimula futhi icwebezela lapho ihlatshwa yilanga elikhanyayo. Inyoka yabona Ihlokohloko lindiza lingena esidlekeni. “Kuyahlekisa ukuthi inyoni angeke izame ukufihla isidleke sayo enyokeni elambile,” kwasho Inyoka ikhuluma yodwa. +  +Yahubuluza kancane ibheke emfuleni futhi yashwilingana yenyuka ngomhlanga ibheke esidlekeni seHlokohloko. Ngenhlanhla, ngenkathi nje isizofaka ikhanda layo esidlekene idle inyoni encane, yabonwa ngezinye izinyoni, ezabe sezibanga umsindo wokwexwayisa. Ihlokohloko laphuma liyinhlamvu esidlekeni salo ngesikhathi esifanele futhi lakwazi ukubaleka, kodwa Inyoka yasiwisa phansi bhu isidleke esidle, lapho esavele sahlephuka sahlakazeka. +  + +  +“Lokho kuzokufundisa, Hlokohloko, ngokuzithwala kwakho,” kutshiloza ezinye izinyoni. +  +“Futhi awubheke nje!” kukhala iphuphu, “Izimpaphe zakho seziphenduke +zaba nsundu!” +  +Ihlokohloko labuka izimpiko zalo ngokwesaba. Nebala zase ziphenduke zaba nsundu ngokuphelele. Lazizwa lihlazeke kakhulu. Kwakungekhona nje ukuthi licishe ladliwa kuphela, kodwa indlu yalo yayibhidliziwe kanti nezimpaphe zalo ezinhle eziphuzi zase zinsundu futhi sezijwayelekile, njengeningi lezinye izinyoni. +  +Ihlokohloko lasifunda isifundo salo. Layeka ukuzigabisa futhi laqala ukuba Nomusa kwezinye izilwane. Nakuba izimpaphe zalo zaphenduka zaba phuzi futhi, kuze +kube namuhla, njalo ebusika ziyaphenduka zibe nsundu ukuze zilikhumbuze ngobuwula balo. +  +  +Ihlokohloko elincane elizigabisayo + +Sebenzisa ubumba, inhlama yokudlala noma iPhrestikhi imbala ukwakha abalingiswa abasendabeni, noma udwebe izithombe zakho zabalingiswa, uzisike bese uzikhipha. Sebenzisa abalingiswa bakho ukuxoxa kabusha indaba ngendlela yakho! +Ingabe uyazazi ezinye izindaba ezinezinyoka kanye nezinyoni? Kwenzekani kulezi zindaba? Ingabe kukhona okufanayo kule ndaba?",zul,isiZulu,Ihlokohloko elincane elizigabisayo,"Once there was a little weaver bird that was very proud of his beautiful yellow feathers and shiny black beak. He sat on the reeds by the side of the river shouting to anyone who would listen, “Look at me! Am I not beautiful? Look at my bright ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",nguNicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ihlokohloko-elincane-elizigabisayo +the-boastful-little-weaver-bird,"Kgalekgale go be go na le phorokgohlo yo a bego a kgantšha mafofa a gagwe a maserolane a mabotse le molomo o moso wa go phadima. O be a dula mahlakanokeng ka thoko ga noka gomme a goeletša yo mongwe le yo mongwe yo a bego a ka mo theeletša, “Ntebelele! Ga se nna yo mobotse? Lebelela mafofa a ka a maserolane a go phadima! Bona gore molomo wa ka o phadima bjang mo letšatšing!’’” +  +Dinonyana tše dingwe le diphoofolo di be di sa rate phorokgohlo. O be a sa ikgantšhe fela, o be a swara diphoofolo tše dingwe gampe. +  +“Hei, Kwena!” a goeletša Phorokgohlo, “O na le meno a go befa kudu. Ke a magolo, a go kgopama gape a maserolane, ebile go na le nama ye nnyane mo gare ga ona! O a šišimiša! Ke a tshepa o duma okare nkabe o na le molomo wa botse go swana le wa ka!” +  +Kwena a sobelela ka meetseng gomme a nagana ka fao go bego go tlo ba botse ge nkabe Phorokgohlo a tantšwe gare ga meno a gagwe! +  +Ge nako ya Phorokgohlo ya go aga sehlaga e fihla, o ile a ikgantšha go swana le matšatši a mangwe. Legatong la go kgetha bjang bjo bonnyane le mahlakanoke le mafofa go swana le dinonyana tše dingwe, o topile diripa tša pampiri ya go phadima le diphuthelo tša go nkga bose tša go benya, a di aga sehlaga. O rile ge a fetša, sehlaga sa gagwe sa bekenya, le go phadima letšatšing. “Hei, ka moka ga lena,” gwa goeletša Phorokgohlo. “Lebelelang sehlaga sa ka! Ga se botse? Bonang gore se phadima bjang letšatšing!” +  + +Khudu ye e bego e feta mahlakanokeng e ile ya ema gomme ya lebelela sehlaga sa go makatša sa Phorokgohlo. “Ga o dume ge nkabe o na le legae la go swana le la ka, Khudu?” gwa tswinya Phorokgohlo. “La gago ga le botse ebile le leša bodutu. Bona gore la ka le bekenya bjang.” +  +Khudu o ile a šikinya hlogo, “Ke kgotsofalela kgopa ya ka, Phorokgohlo. E dira gore ke dule ke bolokegile, gomme sa bohlokwa go nna ke sona seo fela.” +  +Morago ga fao, legotlwana la nageng le ile la okamela ka hlogo ya gagwe go tšwa mokgobong wa matlakala a go oma. Seripa sa foile ka sehlageng sa Phorokgohlo se ile sa tanya šedi ya gagwe. “Ijoo, Phorokgohlo, sehlaga sa gago se tagile kudu,” a kwakwaetša. +  +Phorokgohlo o ile a phurulla mafofa. “Ga go bjalo?” a realo ka boikgantšho. “Gase wa lapišwa ke go dula matlakaleng le dikotaneng tše ditsotho, Legotlo? Ntlo ya gago e laetša manyami le go se kgahliše.” +  +“Aowa, Phorokgohlo,” a realo Legotlo. “Ge o lekana le nna, o mo lenaneong la dijo la diphoofolo tše dintši. Ge ke sobelela tlase ka matlakaleng a ka, ga go yo a tla mponago, gomme se se thuša gore ke se jewe. Nka upše ka bolokega go na le go na le gore ke itshole.” +  +“Ke tshepa o no ba o na le mona,” Phorokgohlo a dupa mo moyeng ka molomo wa gagwe. +  +Bjale go be go na le noga ye kgolo ye e bego e robala kgauswi le noka nakong ka moka ya marega. Ge e tsoga, e ikwele e swerwe ke tlala, gomme ya ya go tsoma selo sa bose gore e je. E hweditše khudu ye nnyane e oretše letšatši. Khudu o lebeletše leleme la Noga la go nyedima gatee le mahlo a dipheta gomme a tsenya hlogo ka gare ga kgopa. Noga o ile a phophola Khudu ga mmalwa, efela go be go kwagala eke ke kgopa fela ya bothata, ka fao o ile a tšwela pele go tsoma seo a ka tsenyago meno a gagwe go sona. +  +Ka pejana Noga a bona Legotlo, yo a bego a topa dipeu le dilo tše dingwe tša bose gore a je ka matena. O ile a gagabela go yena, a leka gore a se dire lešata, efela lešata la ka mpeng ya gagwe le ile la mo senyeletša. Legotlo o ile a kitima ka lebelo a sobelela botlase bja mokgobo wa matlakala a gagwe a go oma. O dutše ka setu, a kgonthiša gore ga a dire lešata. Noga o ile a phophola matlakala gannyane, efela mpa ya gagwe e be e lla kudu bjale. O be a swerwe ke tlala kudu ka fao a bego a sa kgone go fetla matlakala ka moka a setšha sejo se sennyane bjalo ka Legotlo, ka fao o ile a fetela pele. +  +Gateetee o ile a ikhwetša a le nokeng. Gona fao, selo sa go makatša se ile sa tanya mahlo a gagwe. Se be se swana le sehlaga, se be se bekenya le go kganya seetšeng sa letšatši sa go phadima. Noga o bone Phorokgohlo a fofela ka sehlageng. “Go a tlaba gore nonyana e se leke go fihlela noga wa go swarwa ke tlala sehlaga,” Noga a ipotša. +  +O ile a khukhuna a batamela noka gomme a ya mahlakanokeng a lata sehlaga sa Phorokgohlo. Ka mahlatse, dinonyana tše dingwe di mmone a sa re o tsenya hlogo ka sehlageng le go ja nonyana ye nnyane, di ile tša tšhoga gomme tša lla sello sa temošo. Phorokgohlo o ile a tšwa ka sehlageng sa gagwe ka lebelo nako e sa dumela gomme a tšhaba. Efela Noga o ile a thula sehlaga sa botse sa felela fase, gomme sa thubega. +  + +  +“Seo ke thuto, Phorokgohlo, ka gobane o a kgantšha,” dinonyana tše dingwe tša realo. +  +“Gomme lebelela!” nonyana ye nnyane a realo, “Mafofa a gago a fetogile ke a matsotho!” +  +Phorokgohlo o ile a lebelela mafofa a gagwe ka letšhogo. E be e le a matsotho ka nnete. O ile a jewa ke dihlong kudu. Ga se a nyaka go jewa fela, efela ntlo ya gagwe le yona e sentšwe gomme le mafofa a gagwe a maserolane a mabotse e be e le a matsotho a go tlwaelega, go swana le a dinonyana tše dingwe tše dintši. +  +Phorokgohlo o ithutile se sengwe. O ile a emiša go ikgantšha gomme a dira boloki diphoofolong tše dingwe. Le ge mafofa a gagwe a fetogile a ba a maserolane gape, le ga bjale, marega a mangwe le a mangwe e ba a matsotho gape go mo gopotša bošilo bja gagwe. +  +Phorokgohlo ye nnyane ya go ikgantšha + +Diriša letsopa, tlhama goba Phrestiki go hlama baanegwa ba ka kanegelong, goba o thale diswantšho tša bona o di ripe. Diriša baanegwa ba gago go anega kanegelo leswa ka tsela ya gago! +Go na le dikanegelo tše dingwe tše o di tsebago tša go ba le dinoga le dinonyana? Go direga eng ka dikanegelong tše? Go na le dilo tša go swana le tša kanegelo ye?",nso,Sepedi,Phorokgohlo ye nnyane ya go ikgantšh,"Once there was a little weaver bird that was very proud of his beautiful yellow feathers and shiny black beak. He sat on the reeds by the side of the river shouting to anyone who would listen, “Look at me! Am I not beautiful? Look at my bright ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",ke Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phorokgohlo-ye-nnyane-ya-go-ikgantšha +the-boastful-little-weaver-bird,"Ho kile ha eba le letholopje le lenyane  le neng e ikgantsha haholo ka masiba a lona a masehla a matle le molomo o motsho o benyang. E ne e dula lehlakeng haufi le noka e hoeleditse ho mang kapa mang ya ka e utlwang. Ntjhebeng! Na ha ke motle? Shebang masiba a ka a kganyang a masehla! Bonang kamoo molomo wa ka o benyang ka teng letsatsing!”” +  +Dinonyana le diphoofolo tse ding di ne di sa rate letholopje le lenyane. E ne e se feela hobane e ne e ithorisa, hape e ne e le lonya. +  +“Hela, Kwena!” ha hoeletsa Letholopje, “O na le meno a mabe e le ka nnete. A maholo a diketsepa ebile a masehla, ebile o na le ditukula tsa dinama menong! Pho! Ke na le bonnete ba hore o lakatsa eka o ka be o ena le molomo o motle o tshwanang le wa ka!” +  +Kwena a holobela ka metsing a inahanela kamoo ho ka bang monate ha a ka hlafuna Letholopje ka meno a hae! +  +Eitse ha ho fihla nako ya hore Letholopje  le ahe sehlaha sa yona, ya etsa seo ka tsela ya yona ya boikgantsho le ho ithorisa. Ho ena le hore a kgethe majwang le mahlaka le masiba jwalo ka dinonyana tse ding, a kgetha dikgetjhana tsa pampiri e benyang le diphuthelwana tsa dipompong tse phatsimang, tseo a ileng a di lohella sehlaheng sa hae. Ha a qeta, sehlaha sa hae se ne se benya se phatsima letsatsing. “Helang, lona kaofela,” ha hoeletsa Letholopje. “Shebang sehlaha sa ka! Na ha se makatse e le ka nnete? Bonang kamoo se benyang ka teng letsatsing!” +  + +  +Kgudu ya feta e totoba lehlakeng moo mme ya emisa ho sheba sehlaha se makatsang sa Letholopje. “Na ha o lakatse eka o ka be o ena le ntlo e ntle jwaloka ena ya ka, Kgudu?” Letholopje la tswibila jwalo. “Ya hao e mpe ebile ha e kgahlise. Bona feela kamoo ya ka e phatsimang ka teng.” +  +Kgudu a sisinya hlooho ya hae, “Ke kgotsofetse nna ka kgaketla ya ka, Letholopje. E a ntshireletsa, mme seo ke sona sa bohlokwa ho nna.” +  +Kamora moo, tweba ya thoteng ya hlahisa hlooho hara mahlaku a ommeng. Sekgetjhana sa foile se sehlaheng sa Lethopje sa mo kgahla. “Kgele, Letholopje, sehlaha sa hao se kganya haholo,” ya rialo e tsetsela. +  +Letholopje la kokomosa masiba a lona, “E ntle akere?” a rialo ka motlotlo, “Na wena ha o kgathale, Tweba, ke ho dula mahlakung le dithupeng tse sootho? Ntlo ya hao e haula le ho ba mpe hakaakang.” +  +“Tjhe, Letholopje,” ha rialo Tweba. “Ha o lekana le nna tjena ka bonyane, o ba dijo tsa diphoofolo tse ding. Ha ke ipata harehare ka tlasa qubu ya mahlaku, ha ho motho ya ka mponang mme seo se etsa hore ke se ke ka jewa. Nka mpa ka dula ke bolokehile ho ena le ho ikwahlaya.” +  +“Ke nahana hore o mpa o le mona feela,” ha rialo Letholopje a shebisitse molomo wa yona hodimo moyeng. +  +Jwale ho ne ho ena le noha e kgolo haufi le noka moo e neng e ntse e ithobaletse mariha kaofela. Ha e tsoha, ya utlwa e lapile haholo, yaba e tsamaya ho ya batlana le se hlabosang se ka tlatsang mpa ya yona. Yaba e kopana le kgudu e orile letsatsi. Kgudu ya sheba leleme la Noha hang feela le mahlo a yona a tshosang mme ya ikgula ya honyela ka hara kgaketla ya yona.   Noha ya kobola Kgudu makgetlo a mmalwa, empa ha bonahala eka ntho eo ke kgaketla e thata feela, kahoo noha ya tswela pele ho ya batla ntho e nngwe eo e ka kgonang ho kenya meno ho yona. +  +Hanghang Noha ya bona Tweba, ya neng a ntse a bokella dithootse le dinthwana tse ding tse monate bakeng sa dijo tsa motsheare. Noha ya hwasha ho ya ho yona, e leka ho se etse lerata hohang, empa mala a yona a lapileng a e senola. Tweba a tjhopoha ka potlako kamoo maotwana a hae a neng a ka mo jara ka teng mme a tjhobela tlatsetlase ka hara qubu ya mahlaku. A dula moo a kgutsitse, a sa sisinyehe le hanyane feela. Noha a leka ho bula mahlaku nakwana, empa mala a hae a ne a korotla le ho feta jwale. O ne a lapile haholo hore a ka tjheka hara mahlaku a makalo ho batlana le dijo tse nyane jwaloka Tweba, kahoo a fetela pele. +  +Ese neng a iphumana a le tlase nokeng. Moo he, a bona ntho e makatsang. E ne e shebahala jwaloka sehlaha, empa e benya e phatsima letsatsing le kganyang. Noha a bona Letholopje a fofela sehlaheng sa hae. “Ho a makatsa hore nonyana ela ha e leke le ho pata sehlaha sa yona ho noha e lapileng,” ha rialo Noha a ipuela a le mong. +  +A nyenyelepa a kgutsitse ho ya nokeng mme a nyolosa mahlaka ho ya sehlaheng sa Letholopje. Ka lehlohonolo, eitse hang ha a re o kenya hlooho ya hae ka sehlaheng mme a je nonyana e nyane eo, o ile a bonwa ke dinonyana tse ding, tse ileng tsa tlatlarietsa mme tsa lemosa e nngwe. Letholopje  a fofa ho tswa sehlaheng sa hae ka yona nako eo mme a kgona ho baleha, empa Noha a dihela sehlaha sa hae se setle fatshe, moo se ileng sa kgaoha dikoto. +  + +  +“Seo se tla o ruta, Letholopje, hore o se ke wa dula o ithorisa hakana,” ha tswibila dinonyana tse ding. +  +“Sheba!” ha hoeletsa ledinyane la nonyana, “Masiba a hao a fetohile a masootho!” +  +Letholopje la  itjheba mapheo le tshohile haholo. Ka nnete a ne a le sootho ka ho phethahala. O ile a utlwa a swabile haholo. O ne a sa batla a jewa ke noha feela, empa le ntlo ya hae e ne e heleditswe mme masiba a hae a matle a masehla a le sootho a tlwaelehile, jwalo feela ka a dinonyana tse ding. +  +Letholopje o ne a ithutile. O ile a tlohela ho tsamaya a ithorisa mme a qala ho ba mosa ho diphoofolo tse ding. Le ha mapheo a hae a ile a ba masehla hape, ho fihlela kajeno, mariha a mang le a mang, a fetoha a masootho hape ho mo hopotsa ka bomaumau ba hae. +  +  +Letholopje le lenyane le ratang ho ithorisa + +Sebedisa letsopa, hlama ya ho bapala kapa  leha e le Prestik ho bopa baphetwa ba paleng, kapa o take ditshwantsho  tsa bona mme o di sehe o di ntshe. Sebedisa baphetwa ba hao ho pheta pale hape ka tsela ya hao! +Na ho na le dipale tse ding tseo o di tsebang tse nang le dinoha le dinonyana ho tsona? Ho etsahala eng dipaleng tseo? Na ho na le dintho tse tshwanang le paleng ena?",sot,Sesotho,Letholopje le lenyane le ratang ho ithoris,"Once there was a little weaver bird that was very proud of his beautiful yellow feathers and shiny black beak. He sat on the reeds by the side of the river shouting to anyone who would listen, “Look at me! Am I not beautiful? Look at my bright ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",ke Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/letholopje-le-lenyane-le-ratang-ho-ithorisa +the-boastful-little-weaver-bird,"Bekukhona lihlokohloko lelincane lebelitigcabha ngebuhle betinsiba talo letimtfubi nemlomo walo lomnyama lomanyatelako. Lahlala emihlangeni ngaseceleni kwemfula limemeta noma ngubani labengalalela. Ngibukeni! Angisimuhle? Bukani tinsiba tami letikhanyako letimtfubi! Bukani kutsi umlomo wami umanyatela njani elangeni!” +  +leti letinye tinyoni netilwane betingalitsandzi lelihlokohloko lelincane. Bekunguloko nje kutsi belitikhukhumeta.boastful, he was also mean. +  +“Hheyi, Ngwenya!” kumemeta Lihlokohloko, “Unematinyo lamabi ngempela. Makhulu futsi akalingani kantsi amtfubi, futsi uneticucu tenyama letikhaceke kuwo! Suka! Ngiyabheja wena ufisa kuba nemlomo lomuhle njengalona wami!” +  +Ngwenya washelela wangena ngaphansi kwemanti wacabanga kutsi kungaba kuhle njani uma Lihlokohloko angakhacela kulamatinyo akhe! +  +Nasekusikhatsi sekutsi Lihlokohloko akhe sidleke sakhe, wachubeka nalendlela yakhe yekutikhukhumeta. Esikhundleni sekukhetsa tincamu tetjani nemhlanga netinsiba njengaletinye tinyoni, wakhetsa emapheshana lamanyatelako nemaphepha ekugoca emaswidi lakhatimulako lawatsatsa wawaphicela kulesidleke. Watsi lapho sekacedzile, sidleke sakhe sacwebetela sakhatimula elangeni. “Hheyi, nine nokhe,” kwamemeta Lihlokohloko. “Bukani sidleke sami! Asisihle nje? Bukani kutsi simanya njani elangeni!” +  + +  +Lufudvu lwatihambela kancane nje lwendlula imihlanga lwase luyema kutobuka lesidleke saLihlokohloko lesingaketayeleki. “Awufisi kuba nelikhaya lelifana naleli lami, Fudvu?” kuhlabela Lihlokohloko. “Yakho iyafifiyela nje futsi iyavilaphisa. Buka kutsi imanya njani leyami.” +  +Fudvu wanikina inhloko, “Ngiyajabula ngeligobolondvo lami, Lihlokohloko. Lingenta ngihlale ngiphephile, futsi nguloko lokubalulekile kimi.” +  +Lokulandzelako, ligundvwane lelincane lesiganga laveta inhloko yalo encunjini yemacembe. Sincamu sefoyili esidlekeni saLihlokohloko sabamba liso lalo. “Hhawu Lihlokohloko, sidleke sakho sikhanya kakhulu,” latswininita. +  +Lihlokohloko wakhukhumukisa tinsiba takhe. “Akusiko?” kwasho yena ngekutigcabha. “Awukadzinwa, Ligundvwane, kuhlala emacembeni lansundvu nemagala lamancane etihlahla? Indlu yakho nje ivisana buhlungu ayinakukhanya.” +  +“Cha, Lihlokohloko,” kwasho Gundvwane. “Uma ungulesayizi yami, ukudla kwaletinye tilwane letinyenti. Uma ngitfunguluta ngishona phansi encunjini yami yemacembe, kute namunye longangibona futsi loko kuvimbela kutsi ngidliwe. Ngingamane ngiphephe kunekutsi ngibe lusizi.” +  +“Nginesiciniseko kutsi umane unemona nje,” kuhogela Lihlokohloko emoyeni ngalomlomo wakhe. +  +Manje bekunenyoka lenkhulu edvute nalomfula leyayikadze ilele busika bonkhe. Yatsi lapho ivuka, yeva ilambe kakhulu, ngako-ke yase iyahamba iyofuna intfo letsite lemnandzi lengayidla kute igcwalise sisu sayo. Yahlangana nelufudvu loluncane lutotsela lilanga. Fudvu walubuka kanye nje lulwimi lwaNyoka lebeluyaluka kanye nemehlo akhe lakhaliphako wabese udvonsa inhloko yakhe uyibuyisela emuva kuleligobolondvo lakhe. Nyoka wagcuzula Fudvu tikhatsi letimbalwa, kodvwa kwabukeka sengatsi lugobolondvo nje lolucinile, ngako wachubeka kuyobuka intfo letsite labengafaka kuyo ematinyo akhe. +  +Ngekushesha Nyoka wabona Gundvwane, lobekabutsa tinhlavu naletinye tintfo letimnandzi lebekatatidla ngesikhatsi sekudla kwasemini. Waphuma wacondza ngakuye, wetama kungabangi umsindvo lomkhulu, kodvwa sisu sakhe lebesikhonona samlahla. Gundvwane waphuma agijima ngalamakhulu ematubane watfubeleta waya ngaphansi kwelencumbi yakhe yemacembe lomile. Walala lapho wabindza wanganyakatisi ngisho emadzevu. Nyoka waphendla lamacembe kwesikhashana, kodvwa sisu sakhe besesikhala kakhulu. Bese alambe kakhulu kutsi bekangagubha kuwo onkhe lamacembe kutsi adle kudla lokuncane njengaGundvwane, ngako-ke wabese sewuyachubeka. +  +Ngekusesha watikhandza asasentasi ngasemfuleni. Khona lapho emehlo akhe akhangwa yintfo lengaketayeleki leyadvonsa emehlo akhe. Beyibukeka njengesidleke, kodvwa beyicwebetela futsi imanya kulokukhanya kwelilanga. Nyoka wabona Lihlokohloko andiza ayongena kulesidleke. “Kuyahlekisa kutsi leya nyoni ngeke seyetame kufihlela inyoka lelambile lesidleke sayo,” kusho Nyoka akhuluma yedvwa. +  +Wahuma ngekuthula wacondza ngasemfuleni wabese ukhuphuka ngemhlanga uya etulu esidlekeni saLihlokohloko. Ngenhlanhla, watsi lapho afuna kufaka inhloko yakhe ekhatsi esidlekeni atodla lenyoni lencane, wabonwa nguletinye tinyoni, letabe setiyantjilota tibanga umsindvo wekwecwayisa. Lihlokohloko waphuma ngemjako esidlekeni sakhe kusenesikhatsi wakwati kubaleka, kodvwa Nyoka washaya lesidleke sakhe lesihle wasiwisela phansi emhlabatsini, lapho satsi nasifika khona sephuka. +  + +  +“Loko kutakufundzisa, Lihlokohloko ngalokutsandza kubukisa,” kuntjilota letinye tinyoni. +  +“Futsi buka!” kukhala lintjwele, “Tinsiba takho setigucuke tabansundvu!” +  +Lihlokohloko watibuka tinsiba takhe ngekwesaba. Nembala besetigucuke tinsundvu. Wativa anemahloni. Bekungesiko nje kuphela kutsi abecishe wadliwa, kodvwa indlu yakhe beyibhidlitiwe netinsiba takhe letinhle letimtfubi besetinsundvu setingule tetayelekile njengencumbi yaletinye tinyoni. +  +Lihlokhloko bekasifundzile sifundvo sakhe. Wakhawula kubukisa futsi wacala kulunga kuletinye tilwane. Noma tinsiba takhe taphindza tagucuka taba mtfubi, kute kube ngunamuhla, bonkhe busika, tiyagucuka tibensundvu futsi kumkhumbuta lobulima bakhe. +  +Lihlokohloko lelitikhukhumetako + +Sebentisa lubumba, inhlama yekudlala noma iprestikhi kwenta balingisi kulendzaba, noma dvweba takho titfombe tabo bese uyatijuba uyatikhipha. Sebentisa labalingisi bakho kuphindza ucoce lendzaba ngeyakho indlela! +Kukhona yini letinye tindzaba lotatiko letinetinyoka netinyoni kuto? Yini leyentekako kuletindzaba? Kukhona yini lokufanako kulendzaba?",ssw,Siswati,Lihlokohloko lelitikhukhumetako,"Once there was a little weaver bird that was very proud of his beautiful yellow feathers and shiny black beak. He sat on the reeds by the side of the river shouting to anyone who would listen, “Look at me! Am I not beautiful? Look at my bright ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",nguNicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lihlokohloko-lelitikhukhumetako +the-boastful-little-weaver-bird,"Bogologolo go ne go na le thaga e nnye yo o neng a ikgantsha thata ka diphofa tse ntle tse diserolwana le molomo wa yona o montsho o o phatsimang. O ne a kotame mo matlhakeng fa thoko ga noka a goa ka lentswe le le neng le utlwa ke botlhe, “Ntebeng! A ga ke montle? Lebang diphofa tsa me tse di serolwana tse di phatsimang! +Lebang molomo o o phatsimisang jaaka marang a letsatsi!” +  +Dinonyane tse dingwe le diphologolo di ne di sa rate thaga e nnye. Ga se fela gore o ne a ikgantsha! o ne gape a le pelomaswe. +  + “Heela wena, Kwena!” ga goa Thaga, “Ka meno a gago a a maswe. A makima, a bogale, ga a phepa, e bile go na le manathwana a dinama fa gare ga ona! Phooo! O eletsa e kete o ka bo o na le molomo o o tshwanang le wa me!” +  +Kwena ya nwela mo metsing mme ya akanya gore go ne go ka nna monate jang fa Thaga e ka bo e tshwaregile mo menong a yona! +  +E rile fa nako ya Thaga ya go aga sentlhaga e fitlha, a tswelela ka boikgantsho jwa gagwe jwa metlha yotlhe. Go na le gore a batle bojang, matlhaka le diphofa tse di dirisiwang ke dinonyane tsotlhe, e ne a itlhophela go dirisa pampiri e e phatsimang le sephuthelo se se lakaselang, mme a se loga go nna sentlhaga. E rile fa a fetsa, sentlhaga sa gagwe sa benya sa galalela mo letsatsing. “Nkadimeng ditsebe,” ga goa Thaga. “Lebang sentlhaga sa me! A ga se sa maratagolejwa? Bona gore se benya jang mo letsatsing!” +  + +  +Khudu ya tlolatlola go kgabaganya matlhaka mme ya ema go leba sentlhaga se se makatsang sa Thaga. “A ga o eletse fa o ka bo o na le legae le le tshwanang le la me, Khudu?” ga bua Thaga. “La gago le maswe e bile le bodutu. Leba gore la me le manyedinyedi jang,” +  +Khudu a tshikinya tlhogo, “Nna pelo ya me e tshweu mo legapeng la me, Thaga. Le a ntshireletsa, se se botlhokwa thata mo go nna,” +  +Morago, ga goroga legotlwana, la ntsha tlhogo fa tlase ga kgobelelo ya matlhare. Matlho a lona a ganelela mo pampiring e e phatsimang. Ijoo, sentlhaga sa gago se a fatlha,” la goa. +  +Thaga ya gogomosa diphofa. “Ga go a nna jalo?” a bua ka boikgogomoso. “A ga o a lapa, Legotlo, go nna ka fa tlase ga matlhare le matlharapana a mathokwa? Legae la gago le tlhomola pelo e bile le bodutu.” +  + “Nnyaya, Thaga,” ga bua Legotlo. “Fa o lekana le nna, o tsongwa ke diphologolo di le dintsi. Fa ke iphitlhile kwa tengteng ga tlhatlagano ya matlhare, ga go yo o ka mponang, ka jalo se se nthusa gore ke se nne mojo wa diphologolo dingwe. Gaaboboi ga go lelwe, go lelwa gaabo mogale.” +  + “Ke a itse gore o buisiwa ke go nna lefufa,” ga bua Thaga a tsholeditse molomo. +Jaanong go ne go na le noga e kgolo gaufi le noka e e neng e robetse go tloga mariga a simologa. E rile fa e phaphama, ya utlwa e tshwerwe ke tlala thata, ke fa e tloga e ya go batla sengwe se e ka itlosang tlala ka sona. A bona Khudu e nnye e arametse marang a letsatsi. E rile fa Khudu e bona Noga e ntsha leleme mo ganong e bile e gototse matlho ya busetsa tlhogo ya yona mo logapeng. Noga a kgorogotsa Khudu makgetlhonyana, a bona e kete ke logapa fela le le thata, a tswela pele go ya go sela dijo tse a ka di tlhafunang ka meno a gagwe. +  +Ka bonako Noga ya bona Legotlo, a ntse a sela dithotse le maungo mangwe a a monate go ipeela dijo tsa motshegare. A gagaba go ya kwa go ena, a nanya gore a se dire mokgwasa, fela mala a gagwe a a neng a duma a mo swabisa. Legotlo a inaya naga, a tsena ka lenga la seloko. A iphitlha ka fa tlase ga tlhatlagano ya matlhare. A iphitlha moo ka tidimalo, a sa itshikinye. Noga a phuruphutsa matlhare nakwana, jaanong mala a gagwe a ne a dumela kwa godimo. O ne a tshwerwe ke tlala mme a se na nako ya go tlhotlhora matlhare otlhe go batla Legotlo le le ka se mo kgoriseng, ka jalo a tswelela pele. +  +Ya re a tsamaya a iphitlhela a le gaufi le noka. Koo, a bona sengwe se se makatsang. Se ne se lebega e kete ke sentlhaga, fela se ne se lakasela e bile se benya mo letsatsing le le galalelang. Noga a bona Thaga e fofela mo sentlhageng. “Go a makatsa gore nonyane ga e a ka ya leka go fitlha sentlhaga gore noga e e tshwerweng ke tlala e seke ya se bona,” noga ya bua ka pelo. +  +A gagaba ka setu a lebile kwa nokeng a tsamaela gaufi le matlhaka go ya kwa sentlhageng sa Thaga. Ka lesego, fa a ipaakanyetsa go tsenya tlhogo ya gagwe mo sentlhageng go ja nonyane e nnye, a bonwa ke dinonyane tse dingwe, tse di neng tsa goa mokgosi. Thaga ya tswa ka lobelo mo sentlhageng nako e santse e le teng mme ya inaya naga, fela noga ya thubaka sentlhaga sa ba sa wela fa fatshe, sa tswa diphatsana “Seo se tla go ruta, wena Thaga, gore boikgantsho ga bo duele,” ga bua dinonyane tse dingwe. +  + +  + “Jaanong bona!” ga bua lemphorwana, “Diphofa tsa gago di fetogile, jaanong di thokwa!” +  +Thaga ya leba diphuka tsa yona ka pelobotlhoko. Ee, tota di ne di le thokwa. O ne a le ditlhong. E seng ka gore o tswile mo leganong la noga, ka gonne ntlo ya gagwe e thubakilwe e bile diphuka tsa gagwe tse di serolwana di fetogile go nna thokwa, di tshwana le tsa dinonyane tse dingwe. +  +Thaga o ne a ithuta go le gontsi. A seka a tlhola a ikgantsha mme a simolola go nna pelonomi mo diphologolong dingwe. Le fa e le gore diphuka di ne tsa boela go nna serolwana gape, go fitlha gompieno, mariga mangwe le mangwe, di fetoga go nna thokwa, go mo gakolola ka bosilo jwa gagwe. +  +  +Thaga e nnye ya moikgantshi + +Dirisa mmopa, tege ya go tshameka kgotsa Poresitiki go ipopela badiragatsi ba leinane, kgotsa ithalele ditshwantsho tsa gago mme o di segolole. Dirisa badiragatsi ba gago go anela leinane gape ka mo o ratang ka teng! +A go na le mainane mangwe a o a itseng a mo go ona go nang le dinoga le dinonyane. Go diragala eng mo mainaneng a? A go na le ditshwano mo leinaneng le?",tsn,Setswana,Thaga e nnye ya moikgantsh,"Once there was a little weaver bird that was very proud of his beautiful yellow feathers and shiny black beak. He sat on the reeds by the side of the river shouting to anyone who would listen, “Look at me! Am I not beautiful? Look at my bright ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",ke Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thaga-e-nnye-ya-moikgantshi +the-boastful-little-weaver-bird,"Ku tshame ku va na n’waxinyenyani lentsongo wa soha loyi a tinyungubyisa swinene hi tinsiva ta yena leto saseka ta xitshopani na nomo wa yena lowo vangama wa ntima. A tshama enhlangeni etlhelo ka nambu a karihela un’wana na un’wana loyi a n’wi yingisela. “Ndzi languteni! Xana a ndzi sasekangi? Languta tinsiva ta mina leto vangama ta xitshopani! Vonani hilaha nomo wa mina wu vangamaka hakona edyambyini!” +  +Swinyenyani leswin’wana na swiharhi a swi nga xi rhandzi xinyenyani lexa soha. A ku nga ri ntsena ku ri xa tikukumuxa, a xi tlhe xi ri na mona. +  +“Heyi, N’wangwenya!” ku huwelela N’wasoha, “U na meno yo biha hakunene. Ya kurile ya siyanana na ku va ya xitshopani, naswona u na swinyamanyamani leswi nga salela eka wona! Phyuu! Ndza hlambanya u navela ku va na nomo wo saseka wo fana na wa mina!” +  +N’wangwenya a nghena endzeni ka mati kutani a anakanya hilaha wi nga sasekaka hakona loko N’wasoha a nga pfaleleka emenweni ya yena! +  +Loko nkarhi wu fika wa leswaku N’wasoha aka xisaka, u yile emahlweni na ku tikukumuxa ka yena ka ntolovelo. Ematshan’weni ya ku hlawula byanyi na nhlanga na tinsiva kufana na swinyanyani swin’wana, u rhwalerile swiphemu swa maphepha layo vangama na swiphutselo swa swiwitsi, leswi a nga rhunga xisaka xa yena hi swona. Loko a hetile, xisaka xa yena a xi hatima na ku vangama edyambyini. “Heyi, hikwenu,” ku huwelela N’wasoha. “Langutani xisaka xa mina! Xana a xi hlamarisi? Vonani hilaha xi vangamaka hakona edyambyini!” +  + +Xibodze xi khunguluka xi hundza tinhlanga xi yima xi languta xisaka xa N’wasoha lexo hlamarisa. “Xana a wu naveli ku va na muti wo fana na wa mina, N’waxibodze?” ku vula N’wasoha. “Wa wena wu dzwiharile na ku nga tsakisi. Vona hilaha wa mina wu vangamaka hakona.” +  +N’waxibodze a dzungudza nhloko, “Ndza tsaka hi xiphambati xa mina, N’wasoha. Xa ndzi hlayisa swinene, naswona sweswo hi leswi swi nga swa nkoka eka mina. Xi tiyisisa vuhlayiseki, hiswona swi nga swa nkoka eka mina.” +  +Lexi nga landzela, a ku xikondlwana lexi nga tlakusa nhloko ya xona hi le ka +nhulu ya makamba yo oma. Xipetlu xa foyili exisakeni xa N’wasoha xi hatlisa ku koka mahlo ya yena. “Heyi, N’wasoha, xisaka xa wena xa vangama swinene,” +xi cema. +  +N’wasoha a tlharamula timpapa ta yena. “Xa vangama?” a vula hi ku tinyubyisa. “Xana a wu karhalanga, N’wakondlo, ku tshama ematlukeni ya buraweni na swimhandzani? Von mabihele na madzonele ya wena.” +  +“E-e, N’wasoha,” ku vula N’wakondlo. “Loko u ringana na mina, u tshamela ro lava ku dyiwa hi swiharhi leswin’wana. Loko ndzi ticelela ehansi ka nhulu ya matluka, ku hava loyi a nga ndzi vonaka naswona leswi swi ndzi endla ndzi nga dyiwi. Swa antswa ndzi hlayiseka kutlula ku tisola.” +  +“Ndza swi tiva ku ri wo va na mavondzo,” N’wasoha a ri karhi a nun’hwetela +emoyeni hi nomo wa yena. +  +Sweswi ku na nyoka yikulu ekusuhi na nambu leyi a yi tlele hi xixika. Loko yi pfuka, a yi twa ndlala swinene, naswona yi fambile yi ya lava swo nandzika ku tata khwiri ra yona. Yi hlanganile na xibodze lexi a xi orha masana. N’waxibodze u lo n’wi languta kan’we ririmi ra N’wanyoka na mahlo ya tindhululwani kutani a tlherisela nhloko ya yena endzeni ka xikhamba. N’wanyoka u gongoserile N’waxibodze kohlayanyana, kambe leswi a swi tikomba leswaku xikhamba lexi a xi tsindziyerile swinene, kutani xifambile ku ya lava swin’wana leswi a yi ta bodlomerisa meno ya yona kona. +  +Hi nkarhinyana N’wanyoka u vonile N’wakondlo, loyi a ri ri karhi a hlengeleta tindoho na swin’wana swo dya nihlikanhi. U nyokoverile a tshunela eka yena, a ri karhi a ringeta hi matimba ku nga bi huwa hilaha a kotaka hakona, kambe khwiri ra yena lera ndlala ri n’wi landzula. N.wakondlo a baleka hi ku hatlisa hilaha swinengani swa yena swi nga kota hakona anghena ehansi ka matluka lamo oma. U badamile kona a nga tshukunyuki, a nga fambafambisi hambi levhu ra yena. N’wanyoka u lavalavile endzeni ka matluka xinkadyana, kambe khwiri ra yona a ri ba huwa swinene. A twa ndlala swinene leswku a nga handza matluka ku kuma swakudya sworingana swo tanihi N’wakondlo, hiloko a hundza. +  +Hi nkarhinyana a tikumile a ri enambyeni. Laha kona, nchumu wo ka wu nga tolovelekangiki wu n’wi koka rinoko. A xi tikomba xi ri xisaka, kambe a xi hatima na ku vangama edyambyini lera miseve. N’wanyoka u vonile N’wasoha a hahela endzeni ka xisaka. “Swa hlekisa leswaku xinyenyani xi nga ringeti ku tumbeta xisaka xa xona eka nyoka leyi twaka ndlala,” N’wanyoka a tibyela. +  +U kasile a miyerile a kongoma enambyeni kutani a fohlafohla hi le nhlangeni ku ya exisakeni xa N’wasoha. Nkateko wa kona, hi nkarhi lowu a nge I hoxa nhloko exisakeni ku dya xinyenyani lexitsongo, u voniwile hi swinyenyani leswin’wana, leswi swi nga cema na ku huwelela swi ri karhi swi kombisa khombo. N’wasoha a huma hi rivilo exisakenihi hi nkarhi a kota ku baleka, kambe N’wanyoka a godya xisaka lexo saseka hinkwaxo xi wela ehansi, laha xi nga tlhantlheka. “Sweswo swi ta ku dyondzisa, N’wasoha, ku rhandza ngopfu ku voniwa,” ku vula swinyenyani leswin’wana. +  + +  +“Nakambe languta!” ku huwelela xinyenyani lexitsongo, “Tinsiva ta wena ti hundzukile ta buraweni!” +N’wasoha a languta timpapa ta yena hi ku chava lokukulu. Hi ntiyiso a ti ri ta buraweni. A khomiwa hi tingana letikulu. A nga ponangi ku dyiwa ntsena, kambe yindlu ya yena yi hodlokile naswona tinsiva ta yena leto saseka ta xitshopani se a ti ri ta buraweni na ku va ta ntolovelo, ti fana na ta swinyenyani swin’wana. +  +N’wasoha u dyondzile dyondzo. U tshikile ku tikukumuxa kutani a sungula ku va na musa eka swiharhi swin’wana. Hambileswi tinsiva ta yena ti nga hundzuka ta xitshopani nakambe, kufikela na namuntlha, hi xixika xin’wana na xin’wana, ti hundzuka ta buraweni nakambe ku n’wi tsundzuxa hi vuphuta bya yena. +  +N’wasoha xinyenyani lexitsongo xa manyunyu + +Tirhisa vumba, vumba byo tlangisa kumbe hambi Prestik ku endla swimunhuhatwa swa le ka ntsheketo, kumbe u dirowa swifaniso swa wena kutani u swi tsemeta. Tirhisa swimunhuhatwa swa wena ku tsheketa nakambe ntsheketo hi ndlela ya wena! +Xana u tiva mitsheketo yin’wana leyi nga na tinyoka na swinyenyani eka yona? Xana ku humelela yini eka mitsheketo leyi? Xana ku na ku fanana na le ka ntsheketo lowu?",tso,Xitsonga,’wasoha xinyenyani lexitsongo xa manyunyu,"Once there was a little weaver bird that was very proud of his beautiful yellow feathers and shiny black beak. He sat on the reeds by the side of the river shouting to anyone who would listen, “Look at me! Am I not beautiful? Look at my bright ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",i Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/n’wasoha-xinyenyani-lexitsongo-xa-manyunyu +the-boastful-little-weaver-bird,"Kwakhe kwaba nehlokohloko ebegade liziqhenya ngamasiba walo amahle atjheli kunye nomlomo onzima omanyazelako. Belihlala emhlangeni magega nomlambo lirhuwelele nanyana ngubani ongalalela. “Qala mina! Ngimuhle? Qala amasibami atjheli akhanyako! Qalani bona umlomami umanyazela kangangani elangeni!” +Ezinye iinyoni neembandana bezingalithandi ihlokohloko elincani. Bekungasi kukuthi beliziqhenya kwaphela kodwana belinelunya. +“Yeyi, Ngwenya!” kurhuwelela Ihlokohloko, “unamazinyo amambi. Makhulu, abukhali, atjheli begodu kuneensalela zenyama hlangana nawo! Shu! Ngiyafunga ufisa ngathana bewunomlomo omuhle njengewami!” +Ingwenya yananaba yangena ngemanzini, yacabanga ngokuthi bekuzokuba mnandi kangangani ngathana ihlokohloko libhajwe emazinywenayo! +Kwathi ngesikhathi sokobana Ihlokohloko lakhe isidleke, lakhamba lajika jika ngokuziqhenya njengenjwayelo. Esikhundleni sokuthatha iinqetjhana zotjani nomhlanga namasiba njengezinye iinyoni, ladobha iinqetjhana zephepha elimanyazelako namaphepha akhanyako wokusonga amaswidi lawathungelela esidlekeni. Kwathi naliqedako, isidleke salo besele simanyazela begodu sikhanya nasihlatjwa lilanga. “Yeyi, nina,” kurhuwelela Ihlokohloko. “Qalani isidleke sami! Kghani asikarisi? Qalani bona simanyazela kangangani elangeni!” +  + +  +  +IKghuru yamangala khulu njengombana idlula emhlangeni, yajama yabukela isidleke ebegade singakajayeleki seHlokohloko. “Kghani nawe ufisa kwangathi ungaba nekhaya elifana nelami, Kghuru?” kutsiyoza iHlokohloko. “Lakho lifiphele begodu liyadondisa. Qala bona lami limanyazela kangangani.” +IKghuru yathintitha ihloko. “Ngithabile ngeqephe lami, Hlokohloko. Liyangivikela, ngilokho okuqakathekileko kimi.” +Okulandelako, ikhondlwana elincani laveza ihloko lahlola lingaphasi kwamakari omileko. Isiqetjhana sefoyili esisesidlekeni seHlokohloko sadosa amehlwalo. “Yoo, Hlokohloko, isidleke sakho siyamanyazela,” litjho litswininiza. +IHlokohloko lakhukhumalisa amasibalo. “Utjho njalo?” latjho ngokuziqhenya. “Awukadinwa, Khondlo, ukuhlala emakarini anzotho neengojwaneni? Iphathisa amahloni begodu yimbi indlwakho.” +“Awa, Hlokohloko” kutjho iKhondlo. “Nange ulingana nami, usisidlo sezinye iimbandana ezinengi. Nangizifihla ngaphasi kwendundu yamakari, akekho ongangibona namkha ongangidla. Kuncono ngiphephe kunokobana ngizisole.” +“Nginesiqiniseko sokobana unomona,” iHlokohloko lidosa umoya liphakamise nomlomalo. +Nje-ke begade kunenyoka ekulu eduze nomlambo ebegade izifihlile ubusika boke. Nayivukako begade ilambe khulu, yeke yakhamba yayokuzuma ukudla okumnandi. Yahlangana nekghuru encani yothele ilanga. IKghuru yabona ilimu leNyoka elisikinyekako kunye namehlo ameruzako yavele larhunyeza ihlokwayo yabuyela ngeqepheni. INyoka yagobola ikghuru iinkhathi ezimbalwa kodwana kwabonakala bona iqephe liqinile, yeke yaragela phambili yayokufuna into engakghona ukufaka amazinyo wayo kiyo. +Kusesenjalo iNyoka yabona iKhondlo, ebelizidobhela imbewu nezinye izinto ezimnandi zesidlo semini. Yarhurhubela ngakilo, ilinga ukungenzi itjhada, kodwana amathumbayo ebekalila enza bona umzamo wayo ungaphumeleli. IKhondlo leqa msinyana ngendlela ebelingakghona ngayo ngeenyawana zalo ezincani litswininiza, msinyana langena ngaphasi kwamakari omileko. Lalala lapho ngokurhabako, langasikinyeka. INyoka yarhubha rhubha emakarini kancazana kodwana amathumbayo besele alila khulu. Beyilambe khulu inganawo amandla wokurhubha woke amakari bona ifumane ukudla okuncani okungange Khondlo, yeke yadlulela phambili. +Msinyana yazifumana sele yehla itjhinga emlanjeni. Kunento erarako eyadosa amehlwayo. Ibonakala kwangathi sidleke kodwana iyamanyazela begodu iyakhanya nayihlatjwa lilanga. INyoka yabona iHlokohloko liphaphela esidlekeni. “Kuyahlekisa ukuthi inyoni ibhalelwa kufihla isidleke sayo enyokeni elambileko,” kutjho iNyoka ikhuluma yodwa. +Yarhurhuba kancani yatjhinga emlanjeni begodu yazisonga songa yakhwela emhlangeni itjhinga esidlekeni seHlokohloko. Ngetjhudu, kwathi nasele izokufaka ihlokwayo ngesidlekeni idle inyoni encani, ezinye iinyoni zayibona, zenza itjhada lokuyelelisa. IHlokohloko laphuma ngebelo ngesidlekeni ngesikhathi esifaneleko lakghona ukubaleka kodwana iNyoka yawisela isidleke esihle phasi, sahlephuka phakathi. + +  +“Lokho kuzokufundisa isifundo, Hlokohloko ngokubukisa kwako,” kutsiyoza ezinye iinyoni. +“Qala nje!” Kulila idzinyani lenyoni, “iinsiba zakho sezinzotho!” +IHlokohloko laqala iinsiba zalo ngokusaba. Kwamambala bezinzotho. Labanamahloni. Ingasi ngombana lipheze ladliwa kwaphela kodwana nendlwalo ibhidliziwe namasibalo amahle atjheli besele anzotho begodu ajayelekile njengewezinye iinyoni. +IHlokohloko lafunda isifundo. Lalisa ukuziqhenya lathoma ukuba nomusa kwezinye iinbandana. Nanyana amasibalo abatjheli godu, bekube namhlanjesi, qobe ebusika, aba nzotho godu bona likhumbule ubudlhadlha balo. +IHlokohloko elincani eliziqhenyako +* Sebenzisa umdaka, ihlama yokudlala namkha iPhrestiki ukwenza abadlali abasendabeni le, namkha udwebe bakho abadlali bese ubasike ubakhiphe. Sebenzisa abadlali bakho bona ucoce yakho indaba, ngendlelakho! +* Inga-kghani uyazazi ezinye iindaba ezineenyoka neenyoni? Khuyini eyenzekako eendabenezo? Inga-kghani kukhona okufanako?",nbl,isiNdebele,IHlokohloko elincani eliziqhenyako,"Once there was a little weaver bird that was very proud of his beautiful yellow feathers and shiny black beak. He sat on the reeds by the side of the river shouting to anyone who would listen, “Look at me! Am I not beautiful? Look at my bright ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Umtloli nguNicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ihlokohloko-elincani-eliziqhenyako +the-boastful-little-weaver-bird,"Ho vhuya ha vha na kutshere kwe kwa vha ku tshi ḓihudza vhukuma nga ṅwambo wa mathenga akwo o nakaho a ṱaḓa na mulomo wakwo mutswu u penyaho. Kwo vha ku tshi kavha kha dziṱhanga nga thungo ha mulambo kwa huwelela uri zwi pfiwe nga muṅwe na muṅwe, “Ḓanu ntsedza! Ndo naka ’thi? Sedzani mathenga anga a ṱaḓa! Vhonani nḓila ine mulomo wanga wa penya ngayo ḓuvhani!” +  +Zwiṅwe zwiṋoni na zwipuka zwo vha zwi sa funi kwonokwo kutshere. Kwo vha ku tshi ḓihudza, zwiṅwe hafhu ndi uri kwo vha ku si na mikhwa. +  +“Inwi, Ngweṋa!” hu huwelela Ḽitshere, “Maṋo aṋu o vhifha badi. A nga madzembe, o sokou ṱhophekana, a na muvhala wa ṱaḓa, nahone o somelwa nga ṋama! Ṱhuu! Ndi a zwi ḓivha uri ni tama ngavhe no vha ni na mulomo u no nga wanga!” +  +Ngweṋa ya sunguvhela maḓini nahone ya humbula uri zwo vha zwi tshi ḓo vha zwavhuḓi lungafhani arali a nga ṱafuna ḽeneḽo Ḽitshere! +Musi hu tshi swika tshifhinga tsha uri Ḽitshere ḽi fhaṱe tshiṱaha, ḽa zwi ita nga nḓila yaḽo yo ḓoweleaho ya u ḓihudza. Nṱhani ha u fhaṱa nga hatsi, ṱhanga na mathenga u fana na zwiṅwe zwiṋoni, ḽa fhaṱa nga bammbiri ḽi penyaho na mabammbiri a u putela maḽegere, ḽa zwi rungelela kha tshiṱaha. Musi ḽi tshi fhedza, tshiṱaha tshaḽo tsha penya tsha tou vhenge-vhenge musi tshi tshi vhonetshelwa nga ḓuvha. He vhoiwe nothe,” ha huwelela Ḽitshere. “Sedzani tshiṱaha tshanga! Tsho naka nga nḓila i mangadzaho,’thi? Ḓanu vhona nḓila ine tsha penya ngayo ḓuvhani!” +  + +  +  +Tshibode tsha pfuka tshi tshi khou kokovha nga ṱhangani, tsha ima tsha lavhelesa tshiṱaha tshi mangadzaho tsha Ḽitshere. “Tshibode, a ni tami ngavhe no vha ni na nnḓu i ngaho yanga?” ḽa ralo Ḽitshere ḽi tshi dzhwee-dzhwe. “Yaṋu a i penyi nahone i a bora. Vhonani nḓila ine yanga ya penya ngayo.” +  +Tshibode tsha dzungudza ṱhoho. “Ndi funa gwangwangwa ḽanga, Ḽitshere. Ḽi ita uri ndi dzule ndo tsireledzea nahone zwenezwo ndi zwone zwa ndeme kha nṋe.” +  +Nga murahu ha zwenezwo ha ḓa mbevha, ya ṱoṱomowa kha thulwi ya maṱari o omaho. Yo vha yo kungwa nga bammbiri ḽi penyaho kha tshiṱaha tsha Ḽitshere. “He vhanna, Ḽitshere, tshiṱaha tshaṋu tshi khou penya vhukuma,” ya ralo i tshi huwelela. +Ḽitshere ḽa dzungudza phapha dzaḽo. “Zwa vhukuma?” ḽa ralo nga u ḓihudza. “Inwi Mbevha, a no ngo neta mara nga u dzula kha ngomu kha maṱari a buraweni na kha zwitanda? Nnḓu yaṋu i a ṱungufhadza nahone yo vhifha ngoho.” +  +“Hai wee, Ḽitshere,” hu amba Mbevha. “Arali ni tshi lingana na nṋe, ni ḽiwa nga zwiṋoni zwinzhi. Musi ndi tshi dzumbama ngomu-ngomu kha thulwi ya maṱari, a hu na ane a nga mmbona nahone zwi ita uri ndi sa ḽiwe. Ndi khwine uri ndi dzumbame nṱhani ha uri ndi ḽiwe.” +  +“Ndi vhona u nga ndi tou vha na vivho,” hu amba Ḽitshere ḽo imisela mulomo nṱha. +  +Ho vha hu na ṋowa khulwane tsini na mulambo ye ya fhedza vhuriha hoṱhe yo eḓela. Ya vuwa yo farwa nga nḓala, nga zwenezwo ya vuwa u itela u zwima tshithu tshine ya nga tshi ḽa. Musi i tshi khou tshimbila ya vhona tshibode tshiṱuku tshi tshi khou ora masana. Musi Tshibode tshi tshi vhona lulimi lwa ṋowa lune lwa ita lu tshi ṱolela-ṱolela na maṱo ayo ane a nga thuthulwa, tsha mbo ḓi fovhedza ṱhoho kha gwangwangwa ḽatsho. Ṋowa ya mbo ḓi gomba Tshibode lwo vhalaho, fhedzi zwi vhonala u nga gwangwangwa ḽa hone ḽo vha ḽo khwaṱha vhukuma, nga zwenezwo ya mbo ḓi ḓiṱutshela ya ya u ṱoḓa tshiṅwe tshithu tshine ya nga nga tshi ḽa. +  +Nga u ṱavhanya ya vhona Mbevha, ye ya vha i tshi khou kuvhanganya mbeu na zwiṅwe zwithu zwi ḓifhaho zwine ya ḓo zwi ḽa nga masiari. Ya swenda yo livha mbevha, ya lingedza u sa ita phosho na ṱhukhu-ṱhukhu, fhedzi thumbu yayo ya lila lwe mbevha ya i vhona. Mbevha ya gidima nga luvhilo luhulwane ya sunguvhela kha thulwi ya maṱari. Ya dzula henefho ya tou hwii, ya sa dzinginyise na lupwiṱi lwayo. Ṋowa ya lingedza u fukula maṱari, fhedzi thumbu yayo ya vho tou ṋaṋa u lilela nṱha zwino. Yo vha yo neta i si tsheena nungo dza u fukula maṱari oṱhe uri i ṱoḓane na Mbevha, ya mbo ḓi ḓiṱutshela. +  +Ndi izwi-ha i tshi ya mulamboni. Musi i henengei ya vhona tshithu tshi mangadzaho vhukuma. Tsho vha tshi tshi nga tshiṱaha, fhedzi tshi tshi penya tsha tou vhenge-vhenge musi tshi tshi vhonetshelwa nga ḓuvha. Ṋowa ya vhona Ḽitshere ḽi tshi khou fhufhela tshiṱahani. “Zwi a mangadza uri tshiṋoni tshi nga lingedza u dzumba tshiṱaha uri tshi sa vhonwe nga ṋowa i re na nḓala,” ndi Ṋowa ine ya khou ḓivhudza zwenezwo. +  +Ya swenda yo livha mulamboni nahone ya songolowa nga ṱhanga ya ya kha tshiṱaha tsha Ḽitshere. Mashudu mavhuya ndi uri musi i tshi vho ṱoḓa u dzhenisa ṱhoho tshiṱahani uri i ḽe tshenetsho tshiṋoni tshiṱuku, yo mbo ḓi vhoniwa nga zwiṅwe zwiṋoni, zwa tzhema na u huwelela u sevha uri hu na khombo. Ḽitshere ḽa tou kusu ḽi tshi bva tshiṱahani, ḽa shavha, fhedzi Ṋowa ya wisela fhasi tshenetsho tshiṱaha tsho nakaho, tsha mbo ḓi fhanduwa. + +  +“Koṱo, Ḽitshere, ni ḓo litsha u ṱonga,” zwa ralo zwiṅwe zwiṋoni. +  +“Nahone ḓanu vhona!” ha huwelela ḽiṅwe fhondo, “mathenga aṋu o no vha buraweni!” +  +Ḽitshere ḽa lavhelesa phapha dzaḽo ḽo tshuwa. Dzo vha dzi buraweni tshoṱhe. Ḽa shona badi. Ḽo ṱoḓa u ḽiwa, nnḓu yaḽo yo vha yo tshinyala nahone mathenga aḽo o nakaho, a ṱaḓa o vha o no vha buraweni nahone o no ḓowelea, a tshi nga a zwiṅwe zwiṋoni zwinzhi. +  +Ḽitshere ḽo guda ngudo i vhavhaho. Ḽo litsha u ḓiṱongisa nahone ḽa vha na vhuthu kha zwiṅwe zwipuka. Naho mathenga aḽo o dovha a vha ṱaḓa, u swika na ṋamusi, vhuriha vhuṅwe na vhuṅwe, a a shanduka a vha na muvhala wa buraweni u itela u ḽi humbudza vhutsilu haḽo. +  +Kutshere kune kwa ḓihudza +* Shumisani vumba, suko ḽa u tambisa kana Presitiki u ita vhabvumbedzwa vha re kha tshiṱori kana ni ole zwifanyiso zwavho ni zwi gere. Shumisani vhabvumbvedzwa vhaṋu u itela u dovha u anetshela tshenetshi tshiṱori nga nḓila yaṋu! +* Naa ni a ḓivha zwiṅwe zwiṱori zwine zwa amba nga ha ṋowa na zwiṋoni? Ho itea mini kha zwenezwo zwiṱori? Naa hu na zwithu zwine zwa fana ngazwo na kha tshiṱori tshenetshi?",ven,Tshivenda,Kutshere kune kwa ḓihudz,"Once there was a little weaver bird that was very proud of his beautiful yellow feathers and shiny black beak. He sat on the reeds by the side of the river shouting to anyone who would listen, “Look at me! Am I not beautiful? Look at my bright ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Muṅwali ndi Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kutshere-kune-kwa-ḓihudza +the-silver-moon-monster,"Flossie, the field mouse, scurried through the grass as fast as her little legs could carry her. “Eish! Eish!” she gasped, “I will never get home in time!” +The sun was already setting. Dark shadows lay all around her. “Eish! Soon it will be night. And then the silver moon monster will be looking for me!” +Flossie was terrified of the moon monster. She often had nightmares about him. But now she couldn’t run any further. Her legs were hurting, her chest was aching. She was just too tired. She stopped beside an old tree and crept in amongst its roots. Would she be safe here? +“Good evening!” said a deep voice from somewhere above her. +Flossie looked up and squeaked in fright. Two round eyes were staring down at her. Two gigantic shiny eyes! Flossie’s heart beat hard and fast inside her chest. Any creature with such huge eyes must surely be very, very big! +“Who are you?” asked Flossie in a shaky voice. “Are you the moon monster?” +The deep voice laughed a furry laugh. “No, I’m not a monster. I’m just a moth. You can call me Maxwell.” +A moth!? Flossie couldn’t believe it! What kind of moth had such gigantic eyes? “Are you a giant moth?” she asked +  +Maxwell laughed his furry laugh again. “Hawu! Those aren’t my eyes,” he said. “Those shiny circles are just patterns on my wings. Look here!” And Maxwell flapped his wings so that Flossie could see how the shiny round patterns moved: up and down, up and down. +  +Maxwell scuttled down the side of the tree trunk, closer to the field mouse. It was nice to have someone to talk to. Not many creatures were out and about at night. +  +“Tell me,” he said. “Why were you in such a hurry? I saw you scurrying through the grass as fast as your little legs would go.” +  +“I was trying to get home before dark,” said Flossie. “But it’s no use now. Night is already here, and my home is still far away.” She began to cry little field mouse tears. +  +Maxwell didn’t understand. “But why do you want to be home?” he asked. “Why do you want to be inside now? Hawu! Night is the loveliest time of all. You can watch the moon rise above the hills. You can see the grass turn silver. You can hear the wind whisper through the leaves.” +  +Flossie shook her head. “No, no! Night is a terrible time. Night is when the silver moon monster comes out and goes hunting.” + +  +“The silver moon monster? Never heard of him!” Maxwell said. +  +So Flossie explained: the silver moon monster flew on silver wings that stretched out wider than a tree. He flew out from the light of the moon, his dark shadow sweeping along the ground. He flew in terrible silence; searching, searching for little mice. And then he grabbed them with his sharp talons and carried them away into the darkness – forever! +  +Maxwell shook his head and let out another deep, furry laugh. “Hawu! That’s not a monster! That’s just an owl. He’s not silver at all; he’s just a dull brown colour. Who’s scared of a boring old owl?” +  +“Eish! Don’t say that!” squeaked Flossie in alarm. “Maybe the silver moon monster hunts for moths as well!” +  +“Ha!” said Maxwell confidently. “I’d like to see him try!” +  +Just then, something moved in the air above them. Flossie looked up to see a huge silver shape flying down from the light of the moon. Two huge silver wings spread wide, casting a dark shadow across the tree roots. +  +Flossie was too terrified to move. She closed her little eyes tightly as the whooshing sound came closer … and closer. She knew what was going to happen next. All her most terrible nightmares were about to come true. +  +Suddenly there was a loud, ugly screech, then a flurry of huge wings. And then silence. +  +“You can open your eyes now,” said Maxwell. +  +Flossie opened her eyes to see the owl disappearing over the treetops. +  + +  +“What happened?” she asked in amazement. “Why did the moon monster fly away?” +  +Maxwell was very pleased with himself. “It’s the patterns on my wings. The owl thought they were eyes – just like you did. And just like you, he thought anyone with such gigantic eyes must be a huge creature. He got quite a fright, let me tell you! Did you hear how he screeched?” +  +“How clever!” said Flossie. +  +“Yes, I am, aren’t I?” agreed Maxwell. “Now you just sleep here close to me. You’ll be safe until sunrise.” +  +So Flossie snuggled up amongst the roots of the tree. Soon she was fast asleep. And she didn’t dream about the silver moon monster at all. Not once. +Activity +* Use toilet rolls, paper, glue, toothpicks and paint or crayons to make a moth. Cut out the shape of the moth’s wings, colour them and, when they are dry, glue them to the toilet roll. Paint the toothpicks black and attach them to the moth to create its feelers.",eng,English,The silver moon monster,"Flossie, the field mouse, scurried through the grass as fast as her little legs could carry her. “Eish! Eish!” she gasped, “I will never get home in time!” +The sun was already setting. Dark shadows lay all around her. “Eish! Soon it ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Written by Jenny Robson,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-silver-moon-monster +the-silver-moon-monster,"Flossie die veldmuis skarrel so vinnig soos haar kort beentjies haar kan dra deur die gras. “ O, toggie!” snak sy na haar asem. “Ek gaan nooit betyds by die huis wees nie!” +Die son begin al sak. Daar is donker skaduwees oral om haar. “O, toggie! Dis amper nag. En dan gaan die silwer maanmonster na my kom soek!” +Flossie is doodbang vir die maanmonster. Sy het gereeld nagmerries oor hom. Maar nou kan sy nie meer hardloop nie. Haar beentjies is seer, haar bors brand. Sy is net te moeg. Sy gaan staan langs ’n ou boom en kruip tussen die wortels in. Sal sy veilig wees hier? +“Goeienaand!” sê ’n diep stem iewers bo haar. +Flossie kyk op en piep benoud van die skrik. Twee ronde oë staar af na haar. Twee blink pieringoë! Flossie se hart klop doef-doef in haar bors. Enige gedierte met sulke groot oë moet beslis baie, baie groot wees! +  +“Wie is jy?” vra Flossie met ’n bewerige stemmetjie. “Is jy die maanmonster?” +  +Die diep stem lag ’n wollerige lag. “Nee, ek is nie ’n monster nie. Ek is net ’n mot. Noem my Maxwell.” +  +’n Mot!? Flossie kan dit nie glo nie! Watter soort mot het sulke pieringoë? “Is jy ’n reusemot?” vra sy. +  +Maxwell lag weer sy wollerige laggie. “Nog nooit! Dis nie my oë nie,” sê hy. “Daardie blink sirkels is net patrone op my vlerke. Kyk hier!” En Maxwell klap sy vlerke sodat Flossie kan sien hoe die blink, ronde patrone beweeg: op en af, op en af. +  +Maxwell fladder teen die boomstam af, nader na die veldmuis toe. Dit is lekker om iemand te hê om mee te gesels. Snags is daar nie baie gediertes wat buite rondskarrel nie. +  +“Sê vir my,” sê hy. “Hoekom is jy so haastig? Ek het gesien hoe jy so vining soos jou kort beentjies jou kan dra deur die gras skarrel.” +  +“Ek wou voor donker by die huis wees,” sê Flossie. “Maar nou is dit te laat. Dis al nag, en my huis is nog ver weg.” Sy begin klein veldmuistraantjies huil. +  +Maxwell verstaan nie. “Maar hoekom wil jy by die huis wees?” vra hy. “Hoekom wil jy nou binne wees? Goeiste! Die nag is die heel beste tyd. Jy kan kyk hoe die maan agter die heuwels uitkom. Jy kan sien hoe die gras silwer begin lyk. Jy kan die wind deur die blare hoor fluister.” +  +Flossie skud haar kop. “Nee, nee! Die nag is ’n verskriklike tyd. Dis in die nag dat die silwer maanmonster uitkom en gaan jag.” +  + +  +“Die silwer maanmonster? Nog nooit van hom gehoor nie!” sê Maxwell. +  +Flossie verduidelik toe: die silwer maanmonster vlieg op silwer vlerke wat breër as ’n boom is. Hy vlieg uit die maanlig uit, en sy donker skaduwee swiep oor die grond. Hy vlieg in vreesaanjaende stilte, op soek na klein muisies. En dan gryp hy hulle met sy skerp kloue en voer hulle weg die donkerte in – vir altyd! +  +Maxwell skud sy kop en lag weer ’n diep, wollerige lag. “A nee a! Dis nie ’n monster nie! Dis net ’n uil. En hy is glad nie silwer nie; hy’s so ’n dowwe bruin kleur. Wie’s nou bang vir ’n vervelige ou uil?” +  +“Nee! Moenie dit sê nie!” piep Flossie benoud. “Dalk jag die silwer maanmonster ook motte!” +  +“Ha!” sê Maxwell selfversekerd. “Ek sal wil sien hoe hy probeer!” +  +Net toe roer iets in die lug bo hulle. Flossie kyk op en sien ’n groot silwer gedaante uit die maanlig op hulle afvlieg. Met die twee reusagtige silwer vlerke wyd uitgesprei, gooi dit ’n donker skaduwee oor die boomwortels. +  +Flossie is te bang om te beweeg. Sy knyp haar ogies styf toe terwyl die swiepgeluid nader ... en nader kom. Sy weet wat volgende gaan gebeur. Al haar ergste nagmerries gaan nou waar word. +  +Skielik is daar ’n harde, aaklige skreegeluid, dan ’n geklap van reusevlerke. En toe stilte. +  +“Jy kan nou maar jou oë oopmaak,” sê Maxwell. +  +Flossie maak haar oë oop en sien hoe die uil oor die boomtoppe verdwyn. + +  +“Wat het gebeur?” vra sy verwonderd. “Hoekom het die maanmonster weggevlieg?” +  +Maxwell is baie in sy skik met homself. “Dis die patrone op my vlerke. Die uil het gedink dis oë – nes jy. En nes jy, het hy gedink iemand met sulke groot oë moet reusagtig groot wees. Hy het hom boeglam geskrik, glo my! Het jy gehoor hoe skree hy?” +  +“Hoe slim van jou!” sê Flossie. +  +“Ja, ek is darem slim, of hoe?” knik Maxwell. “Nou kan jy hier naby my kom slaap. Jy sal veilig wees tot die son opkom.” +  +Flossie kruip knus tussen die boomwortels in. Sommer gou is sy vas aan die slaap. En sy droom glad nie van die silwer maanmonster nie. Nie eens een keer nie. +  +* Gebruik leë toiletrolle, papier, gom, tandestokkies en verf of kryte om ’n mot te maak. Knip die vorm van die mot se vlerke uit, kleur dit in en plak dit op die toiletrol vas wanneer dit droog is. Verf die tandestokkies swart en plak dit aan die mot vas om sy voelers te maak",afr,Afrikaans,Die silwer maanmonster,"Flossie, the field mouse, scurried through the grass as fast as her little legs could carry her. “Eish! Eish!” she gasped, “I will never get home in time!” +The sun was already setting. Dark shadows lay all around her. “Eish! Soon it ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Geskryf deur Jenny Robson,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-silwer-maanmonster +the-silver-moon-monster,"UFlossie, impuku yedobo, wabaleka engceni ngokukhawuleza kangangoko imilenzana yakhe yayinokumthwala. “Yho! Yho!” wakhefuzela, “Andisayi kufika kwangethuba ekhaya!” +Ilanga laliselitshona. Amathunzi obumnyama ayemngqongile. “Yho! Kamsinya kuza kuba sebusuku. Yabe irhamncwa lenyanga ebusilivere liza kuba lindikhangela!” +UFlossie wayeloyika irhamncwa lenyanga. Wayesoloko ephupha kakubi ngalo. Kodwa ngoku wayengasenakuqhubeka abaleke. Imilenze yakhe yayibuhlungu, isifuba sakhe sitshisa. Wayediniwe nje kakhulu. Wema kufutshane nomthi omdala waza warhubuluza wangena phakathi kweengcambu zawo. Ingaba wayeza kukhuseleka apha? +“Molo!” latsho ilizwi elingqokolayo livela ngasentla kwakhe. +UFlossie wajonga phezulu waza wakhala esoyika. Amehlo angqukuva amabini ayemjongele ezantsi. Amehlo amakhulu kakhulu akhazimlayo! Intliziyo kaFlossie yabetha ngamandla yangongoza esifubeni sakhe. Nasiphi na isidalwa esinamehlo amakhulu kangako sinokuba ngokuqinisekileyo sikhulu, kakhulu! +  +“Ungubani?” wabuza uFlossie ngelizwi elingcangcazelayo. “Ingaba ulirhamncwa lenyanga?” +  +Ilizwi elingqokolayo lahleka intsini yobulwanyana “Hayi andililo irhamncwa. Ndilivivingane nje. Ungandibiza ngoMaxwell.” +  +Ivivingane!? UFlossie zange akholelwe! Luhlobo luni lwevivingane olunamehlo amakhulu kangako? “Ingaba ulivivingane elikhulu?” wabuza. +  +UMaxwell wahleka kwakhona intsini yakhe yobulwanyana. “Hayi bo! Asingomehlo am lawo,” watsho. “Ezo zangqa zikhazimlayo ziipateni nje ezisemaphikweni am. Jonga apha!” Waza uMaxwell waqhwaba amaphiko akhe ukuze uFlossie abone indlela iipateni ezikhazimlayo ezazishukuma ngayo: phezulu nasezantsi, phezulu nasezantsi. +  +UMaxwell wehla ecaleni ngesikhondo somthi, kufutshane nempuku yedobo. Kwakumnandi ukuba nomntu wokuncokola. Zazingezininzanga izidalwa ezazihambahamba ebusuku. +  +“Khawutsho,” watsho. “Ubungxamele ntoni kangaka? Ndikubonile ubaleka engceni ngokukhawuleza kangangoko imilenzana yakho ibinokuhamba.” +  +“Bendizama ukuyokufika ekhaya phambi kokuba kuhlwe,” watsho uFlossie. “Kodwa akusancedi nto ngoku. Ubusuku sebufikile, yaye ikhaya lam lisekude kakhulu.” Waqalisa ukulila iinyembezi zempukwana yedobo. +  +UMaxwell zange aqonde. “Kodwa kutheni ufuna ukuba sekhaya?” wabuza. “Kutheni ufuna ukuba ngaphakathi ngoku? Hayi bo! Ubusuku lelona xesha lihle ngaphezu kwawo onke. Ungabukela inyanga iphuma ngaphezu kweenduli. Ungabona ingca ijika isiba busilivere. Ungeva umoya usebeza emagqabini.” +  +UFlossie wanikina intloko. “Hayi, hayi! Ubusuku lixesha eloyikekayo. Ubusuku kuxa irhamncwa lenyanga elibusilivere liphuma liyokuzingela.” +  + +  +“Irhamncwa lenyanga elibusilivere? Zange ndive ngalo!” watsho uMaxwell. +  +Ngoko ke uFlossie wacacisa: irhamncwa lenyanga elibusilivere lalibhabha ngamaphiko abusilivere liwatweze abe makhulu ngaphezu komthi. Lalibhabha lisuka ekukhanyeni kwenyanga, isithunzi salo esimnyama sirhuqa emhlabeni. Lalibhabha ngokuzola okoyikekayo; likhangela, likhangela iimpuku ezincinane. Lize lizixhakamfule ngeenzipho zalo ezibukhali lize lizithwale limke nazo liyokutshona ebumnyameni – ngonaphakade! +  +UMaxwell wanikina intloko waza watsho ngesiqhazolo sentsini yakhe, engqokolayo yobulwanyana. “Hayi bo! Asilorhamncwa elo! Sisikhova nje. Asikho busilivere kwaphela; singumbala nje omdaka ombatshileyo. Ngubani owoyika isikhova esidala esidikayo?” +  +“Hayi bo! Sukuthetha loo nto!” wakhala uFlossie othukile. “Mhlawumbi irhamncwa lenyanga elibusilivere lizingelana namavivingane ngokunjalo!” +  +“Heee!” watsho uMaxwell ngokuzithemba. “Ndingathanda ukulibona lilinga!” +  +Kanye ngelo xesha, kwabakho into eyashukuma ngaphezu kwabo. UFlossie wajonga phezulu wabona imilo enkulu ebusilivere ibhabha isihla ivela ekukhanyeni kwenyanga. Amaphiko amakhulu abusilivere atwezeka kakhulu, eshiya isithunzi esimnyama kwiingcambu zomthi. +  +UFlossie wayesoyika kakhulu ukuba angashukuma. Wawavala amehlwana akhe wawaqinisa njengoko isandi esinengxolokazi sasisondela ... ngokusondela. Wayeyazi into eyayiza kulandela. Onke amaphupha akhe oyikisayo ayeza kuzalisekiseka. +  +Ngesaquphe kwabakho isandi esihlabayo esikhulu, esibi, kwalandela ukubhabha kwamaphiko amakhulu. Kwaza kwathi cwaka. +  +“Ungawavula amehlo akho ngoku,” watsho uMaxwell. +  +UFlossie wavula amehlo akhe waze wabona isikhova sitshonela ngaphaya kwemithi. +  + +  +“Kwenzeke ntoni?” wabuza emangalisiwe. “Kutheni irhamncwa lenyanga libhabhe lemka?” +  +UMaxwell wayeziva ekholiseke kakhulu. Ziipateni emaphikweni am. Isikhova sicinge ukuba ngamehlo – kanye njengohlobo ubucinga ngalo nawe. Yaye ngokufana nawe, ucinge ukuba nabani na onamehlo amakhulu kangaka umelwe kukuba usisidalwa esikhulu. Woyike kakhulu, ndiyakuxelela! Umvile esitsho ngesandi esihlabayo?” +  +“Okungaka ukuhlakanipha!” watsho uFlossie. +  +“Ewe, ndinjalo, akunjalo?” wavuma uMaxwell. “Ngoku lala nje apha ecaleni kwam. Uza kukhuseleka kude kuphume ilanga.” +  +Ngoko ke uFlossie waziqhusheka phakathi kweengcambu zomthi. Ngokukhawuleza wayesele elele cum. Yaye zange aphuphe ngarhamncwa lenyanga elibusilivere. Nakanye. +  +  +* Sebenzisa amaqokobhe ephepha langasese, iphepha, iglu, imicinga yokuvungula, nepeyinti okanye iikhrayoni ukwenza ivivingane. Sika imilo yamaphiko evivingane, wafakele imibala uze, xa sele omile, uwancamathisele kwiqokobhe lephepha langasese. Peyinta imicinga yokuvungula ibe mnyama uze uyincamathisele kwivivingane ukwenza iimpondo.",xho,isiXhosa,Irhamncwa lenyanga elibusilivere,"Flossie, the field mouse, scurried through the grass as fast as her little legs could carry her. “Eish! Eish!” she gasped, “I will never get home in time!” +The sun was already setting. Dark shadows lay all around her. “Eish! Soon it ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Libali likaJenny Robson,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/irhamncwa-lenyanga-elibusilivere +the-silver-moon-monster,"UFlossie, igundane lasendle, wayegijima otshanini ngokuphuthuma okukhulu ngangamandla ezinyawana zakhe ezazingambeletha ngawo. “Eyi! Eyi!” edonsa umoya, “Angeke ngifike ekhaya ngesikhathi!” +  +Ilanga lase livele lizilahla kunina. Amathunzi amnyama ayesemsithile ngapha nangapha. “Eyi! Kungekudala kuzobe sekuhlwile. Emva kwalokho inunukazi yasenyangeni esasiliva izoza izongicinga!” +  +UFlossie wayeyesaba inunukazi yasenyangeni. Wayevamise ukuphupha amaphupho amabi ngayo. Kodwa manje wayengasakwazi ukubaleka kakhulu kunalokho. Imilenze yakhe yayibuhlungu, isifuba sakhe sasibuhlungu. Wayesekhathele kakhulu. Wayesema eduze kwesihlahla esidala esecusha phakathi kwezimpande zaso. Ingabe uzophepha lapha? +  +“Sawubona!” kwasho izwi elindondayo ndawana thize ngaphezu kwakhe. +  +UFlossie wabheka phezulu wayesenswininiza ngokwethuka. Amehlo amabili ayizindilinga ayegqolozele kuye phansi. Amehlo amabili amakhulu akhanyayo! Inhliziyo kaFlossie yayishaya ngamandla nangokushesha esifubeni sakhe. Isilwane esinamehlo amakhulu ngale ndlela kumele sibe sikhulu kakhulu ngempela! +  +��Ungubani wena?” kwabuza uFlossie ngezwi eliqhaqhazelayo. “Ngabe uyinunukazi yasenyangeni?” +  +Izwi elindondayo lahleka ngokuvevezela. “Cha, angiyona inunukazi. Ngiyinundu nje mina. Ungangibiza ngoMaxwell.” +  +Inundu? UFlossie akazange akukholwe lokho! Hlobo luni lwenundu lolu olunamehlo amakhulu kangaka? “Ngabe uyinundu enkulu?” kubuza yena. +  +UMaxwell waphinda wahleka uhlelo lwakhe oluvevezelayo. “Hawu! Lawo akuwona amehlo ami,” kusho yona. “Lezo zindilinga ezikhanyayo ngamaphethini nje asezimpikweni zami. Bheka lapha!” UMaxwell wayesebhakuzisa izimpiko zakhe ukuze uFlossie ezobona ukuthi amaphethini akhanyayo ayindilinga ayenyakaza kanjani: phezulu naphansi, phezulu naphansi. +  +UMaxwell wayesehla ngokushesha ohlangothini lwesiqu sesihlahla, esondela eduze kwegundane lasendle. Kwakumnandi ukuba nomuntu ayezoxoxa naye. Zazingeziningi izilwanyana ezaziphumile zihambahamba ebusuku. +  +“Awungitshele,” kwasho yena. “Kungani ubujahe kangaka? Ngikubonile ugijima phakathi kotshani ngokushesha okusemandleni akho onke ngemilenzana yakho.” +  +“Bengizama ukufika ekhaya ngaphambi kokuthi kuhlwe,” kwasho uFlossie. “Kodwa-ke akusasizi ngalutho manje. Ubusuku sebuvele bulapha, kanti ikhaya lami lisekude.” Waqala ukukhala izinyembezana zegundane lasendle. +  +UMaxwell akazange akuqondisise lokhu. “Kodwa-ke kungani ufuna ukuba sekhaya?” kubuza yena. “Kungani ufuna ukuba sendlini manje? Hawu! Ubusuku yisona isikhathi esimnandi ukwedlula zonke. Ungakwazi ukubona inyanga ikhuphuka phezu kwamagquma. Ungakwazi ukubona utshani buphenduka buba sasiliva. Ungakwazi ukuzwa umoya uhlebeza phakathi kwamaqabunga.” +  +UFlossie wanikina ikhanda. “Cha, cha! Ubusuku yisikhathi esibi. Ubusuku yisikhathi lapho inunukazi yasenyangeni esasiliva ephuma khona ihamba iyozingela.” +  + +  +“Inunukazi yasenyangeni esasiliva? Angibonaze ngezwa ngayo!” kwasho uMaxwell. +  +Ngakho-ke uFlossie wayesechaza: inunukazi yasenyangeni esasiliva yayindiza ngezimpiko ezisasiliva ezazinwebeka zibe nobubanzi obedlula isihlahla. Yayindiza isuka ekukhanyeni kwenyanga, isithunzi sayo esimnyama sedlule emhlabathini. Yayindiza ngokuthula okwesabekayo; ide icinga, icinga amagundane amancane. Emva kwalokho iwabambe ngqi ngamazipho ayo acijile iwathwale iye ebumnyameni – ingunaphakade! +  +UMaxwell wanikina ikhanda emva kwalokho wayesekhipha olunye uhleko olujulile, oluvevezelayo. “Hawu! Akuyona inunukazi! Yisikhova nje. Asinawo nhlobo umbala osasiliva; sinombala onsundu ngokuphuphile nje. Ngubani owesaba isikhova esidala esinsundu esidinayo?” +  +“Hhayi bo! Ungakusho lokho!” kunswininiza uFlossie ngokwethuka. “Mhlawumbe inunukazi yasenyangeni esasiliva izingela nezinundu njalo!” +  +“Ha!” kwasho uMaxwell ngokuzethemba. “Ngifisa ukusibona sikuzama lokho!” +  +Khona manjalo, kwaba khona okunyakaza emoyeni ngaphezu kwabo. UFlossie wabuka phezulu wabona isimo esikhulu esisasiliva sindiza sisuka phezulu ekukhanyeni kwenyanga. Izimpiko ezinkulu ezisasiliva zabe sezivuleka, zenza isithunzi esimnyama ezimpandeni zezihlahla zonkana. +  +UFlossie wayethuke kakhulu ukuthi anganyakaza. Wawavala ngci amehlo ache amancane ngesikhathi umsindo wobuwishiwishi usondela … usondela. Wayesazi ukuthi yini elandelayo ezokwenzeka. Wonke amaphupho akhe amabi kakhulu ayesezophenduka iqiniso. +  +Ngokushesha kwezwakala ukuklwebha okukhulu, nokubi, emva kwalokho kwaba ukubhakuza kwezimpiko ezinkulu. Ngemuva kwalokho kwathuleka du. +  +“Usungawavula amehlo akho manje,” kwasho uMaxwell. +  +UFlossie wavula amehlo akhe wabona isikhova sinyamalala phezu kweziqongo zezihlahla. +  + +  +“Kwenzakaleni?” kubuza yena ngokumangala. “Kungani inunukazi yasenyangeni indize yabaleka?” +  +UMaxwell wayezijabulele kakhulu. “Ngamaphethini asezimpikweni zami. Isikhova besicabanga ukuthi ngamehlo – njengoba nawe ubucabanga. Futhi njengawe, besicabanga ukuthi noma ngubani onamehlo amakhulu kangako kumele abe yisilwane esikhulu ngempela. Sivele sesaba naso, ngikutshele mina! Usizwile ukuthi siklewule kanjani?” +  +“Kwaze kwawukuhlakanipha lokho!” kwasho uFlossie. +  +“Yebo, ngihlakaniphile, akunjalo?” kwavuma uMaxwell. “Manje mane ulale lapha eduze kwami. Uzophepha kuze kuphume ilanga.” +  +Ngakho uFlossie wazishutheka phakathi kwezimpande zesihlahla. Ngokushesha wayesezumekile wubuthongo. Futhi akabange esaphupha nhlobo ngenunukazi yasenyangeni esasiliva. Ngisho nakanye. +  +  +* Sebenzisa imibhobho yamaphepha asendlini encane, iphepha, iglu, izinti zokuvungula kanye nopende noma amakhrayoni ukwenza inundu, uvemvane lwasebusuku phela. Sika ukhiphe isimo samaphiko ovemvane, uwafake umbala, bese kuthi uma sewomile, uwanamathisele embhojeni wephepha lasendlini encane. Faka umbala omnyama ezintini zokuvungula bese uzinamathisela ovemvaneni ukuze wenze izimponjwana zalo",zul,isiZulu,Inunukazi yasenyangeni esasiliv,"Flossie, the field mouse, scurried through the grass as fast as her little legs could carry her. “Eish! Eish!” she gasped, “I will never get home in time!” +The sun was already setting. Dark shadows lay all around her. “Eish! Soon it ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguJenny Robson,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/inunukazi-yasenyangeni-esasiliva +the-silver-moon-monster,"Flossie, legotlo la mašemong, o sepediša ka gare ga bjang ka lebelo leo maoto a gagwe a bego a ka mo kuka. “Eiš! Eiš!” a fegelwa, “Nkase fihle gae ka nako!” +Letšatši le be le šetše le sobela. O be a dikologilwe ke meriti ya leswiswi. “Eiš! Go tlo šegofala e se kgale. Gomme ntatauwane ya ngwedi ya silibera e tlo thoma go nnyaka!” +Flossie o be a tšhošwa ke ntatauwane ya ngweding. O fela a swarwa ke segateledi sa ntatauwane. Efela bjale ga go mo a tlo tšhabelago gona. Maoto a gagwe a be a le bohloko, kgara le yona e le bohloko. O be a lapile kudu. O ile a ema kgauswi le mohlare wa kgale gomme a khuta ka medung ya ona. O tlo bolokega fa? +“Mathapama a mabotse!” gwa kwagala lentšu le lekoto ka godimo ga gagwe. +Flossie o lebeletše godimo gomme a tswinya ka letšhogo. O be a lebeletšwe ke mahlo a nkgokolo a mabedi. Mahlo a magolo kudu a go phadima! Pelo ya Flossie e be e kiba ka maatla le gona ka lebelo kgareng ya gagwe. Sebopiwa sa mahlo a magolo bjalo e swanetše go ba e le se segolo ka go fetiša! +“Ke wena mang?” gwa botšiša Flossie ka lentšu la go thuthumela. “Naa ke wena ntatauwane ya ngweding?” +  +Lentšu le lekoto le ile la sega sesego sa maboya. “Aowa, ga se nna ntatauwane. Ke nna tshwele. O ka mpitša Maxwell.” +  +Tshwele!? Flossie o be a sa tshepe! Tshwele ye bjang ya mahlo a magolo bjalo? “Ke wena tshwele wa lekgema?” a botšiša. +  +Maxwell a sega sesego sa gagwe sa maboya gape. “Aowa! Tšeo ga se mahlo a ka,” a realo. “Didiko tša go phadima ke dipaterone maphegong a ka. Lebelela mo!” Gomme Maxwell a phaphasetša lephego la gagwe gore Flossie a bone gore dipaterone tša go phadima tša didiko di sepela bjang: godimo le tlase, godimo le tlase. +  +Maxwell o ile a sobelela ka thoko ga kutu ya mohlare, kgauswi le legotlo la mašemong. Go bile bose go ba le yo ke bolelago le yena. Dibopiwa tše dintši ga di sepela sepele ka ntle bošego. +  +“Mpotše,” a realo. “Ke ka lebaka la eng o be o ihlaganetše ka tsela ye? Ke go bone o sepediša ka gare ga bjang ka lebelo leo maoto a gago a bego a ka kgona.” +  +“Ke be ke leka go fihla gae pele go e ba leswiswi,” a realo Flossie. “Efela ga go sa thuša bjalo. E šetše e le bošego, gomme gae e sa le kgole.” O ile a thoma go lla a ediša megokgo ya legotlo la mašemong le lennyane. +  +Maxwell o be a sa kwešiši. “Efela ke ka lebaka la eng o nyaka go ba gae?” a botšiša. “Ke ka lebaka la eng o nyaka go ba ka gare gona bjale? Aowa! Bošego ke nako ye botse go feta dinako tšohle. O ka bogela ngwedi o rotoga ka godimo ga meboto. O ka bona bjang bo fetoga go ba bja silibera. O ka kwa phefo o hebaheba gare ga matlakala.” +  +Flossie o ile a šikinya hlogo. “Aowa, aowa! Bošego ke nako ye mpe. Bošego ke nako yeo ntatauwane ya ngweding ya silibera e tšwago ka yona gomme ya ya go tsoma.” +  + +  +“Ntatauwane ya ngweding ya silibera? Ga se nke ka kwa ka yona!” Maxwell a realo. +  +Gomme Flossie a hlaloša: ntatauwane ya ngweding ya silibera e fofile e phatlaladitše maphego a silibera a bophara bja go feta bja mohlare. E fofile go tšwa seetšeng sa ngwedi, moriti wa yona wa go fifala o swiela mo tlase. E fofile ka setu sa go šiiša; e nyaka, e nyaka magotlo a mannyane. Gomme ya a swara ka manala a bogale ya fofela le ona leswiswing – ka go sa felego! +  +Maxwell o šikintše hlogo gomme a sega sesego se sengwe sa maboya se sekoto. “Aowa! Ga se ntatauwane seo! Ke leribiši fela. Ga le na mmala wa silibera le ga tee; ke fela mmala wo tsotho wa lerotho. Ke mang yo a tšhabago leribiši la go tšofala la bodutu?” +  +“Eiš! O seke wa realo!” gwa tswinya Flossie ka letšhogo. “Mo gongwe ntatauwane ya ngweding ya silibera e tsoma le ditshwele!” +  +“Haa!” a realo Maxwell ka boitshepo. “Ke nyaka go e bona e leka!” +  +Ka nako yeo, selo se sengwe se ile sa sepela moyeng ka godimo ga bona. Flossie o lebeletše godimo a bona sebopego sa silibera se segolo se fofela tlase go tšwa seetšeng sa ngwedi. Maphego a silibera a mabedi a magolo a ile a phatlalala, a dira moriti wa leswiswi go putla medu ya mohlare. +  +Flossie o be a tšhogile a tšhaba go šutha. O tswalela mahlo a gagwe a mannyane ka go a tiiša ge modumo wa huuu o batamela kgauswi … le kgauswi. O be a tseba gore go tlo direga eng sa go latela. E be e le nako ya gore digateledi tša gagwe ka moka tša go šiiša di fetoge nnete. +  +Gateetee go ile gwa kwagala sello sa lešata le le golo, le lebe, gwa latela go phuphusela ga maphego a magologolo. Gomme setu. +  +“O ka bula mahlo a gago bjale,” a realo Maxwell. +  +Flossie o butše mahlo gomme a bona leribiši le nyamelela ka godimo ga mehlare. +  + +  +“Go diregile eng?” a botšiša ka makalo. “Ke ka lebaka la eng ntatauwane ya ngweding e sepetše?” +  +Maxwell o be a kgotsofetše ka seo a lego sona. “Ke dipaterone tša maphego a ka. Leribiši le be le nagana gore ke mahlo – go swana le wena. Gomme go swana le wena gape, le naganne gore wa go ba le mahlo a magolo kudu bjalo e swanetše go ba sebopiwa se segolo ka go fetiša. Le tšhogile kudu, e re ke go botše! O kwele ka fao le letšego ka gona?” +  +“O hlalefile bjang!” a realo Flossie. +  +“Ee, ke hlalefile, ga go bjalo?” gwa dumela Maxwell. “Bjale robala mo kgauswi le nna. O tlo bolokega go fihlela letšatši le hlaba.” +  +Gomme Flossie a iphutha gare ga medu ya mohlare. O ile a swara ke boroko e se kgale. Ga se a lora ka ntatauwane ya ngweding ya silibera. Le gatee. +  +Diriša dirolo tša tshwamare, pampiri, sekgomaretši, didukulameno le pente goba dikherayone go dira tshwele. Ripa sebopego sa maphego a tshwele, a khalare gomme, ge a omile, o a kgomaretše rolong ya tshwamare. Penta didukulameno ka boso o di kgomaretše tshweleng go hlama manakana a yona.",nso,Sepedi,tatauwane ya ngweding ya siliber,"Flossie, the field mouse, scurried through the grass as fast as her little legs could carry her. “Eish! Eish!” she gasped, “I will never get home in time!” +The sun was already setting. Dark shadows lay all around her. “Eish! Soon it ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mongwadi ke Jenny Robson,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ntatauwane-ya-ngweding-ya-silibera +the-silver-moon-monster,"Flossie, tweba ya thoteng, a matha hara jwang ka potlako kamoo maotwana a hae a neng a ka mo jara. “Eish! Eish!” a fehelwa, “Nkeke ka kgona ho fihla hae ka nako!” +  +Letsatsi le ne le se le dikela. Diriti tse lefifi di ne di le hohle pela hae. “Eish! Ese kgale e tla be e le bosiu. Mme selalome sa kgwedi se silivera se tla be se batlana le nna!” +  +Flossie o ne a tshaba selalome sa kgwedi. Hangata o ne a phofa ka sona. Empa jwale o ne a sa kgone ho matha ho feta moo. Maoto a hae a ne a le bohloko, mme ho opa ka sefubeng. O ne a hlile a kgathetse haholo. A emisa pela sefate sa kgale mme a itshunya hara metso ya sona. Na o ne a tla bolokeha moo? +  +“Dumela!” ha rialo lentswe le tebileng kaekae ka hodima hae. +  +Flossie a sheba hodimo mme a tsetsela ke ho tshoha. Ho ne ho ena le mahlo a mabedi a kgwidikwe a neng a mo tjametse. Mahlo a mabedi a maholo a benyang! Pelo ya Flossie ya otla ka matla le ka potlako kahara sefuba sa hae. Sebopuwa sefe kapa sefe se nang le mahlo a maholo tjena se tlamehile hore se be se le seholo haholo! +  +“O mang wena?” ha botsa Flossie ka lentswe le thothomelang. “Na o selalome sa kgwedi?” +  +Lentswe le tebileng la tsheha ka setsheho se makgerehla. “Tjhe, ha ke selalome. Ke mpa feela ke le mmoto. O ka mpitsa Maxwell.” +  +Mmoto!? Flossie o ne a sa kgolwe! Ke mmoto wa mofuta ofe o nang le mahlo a maholo hakana? “Na o mmoto o moholohadi?” a botsa +  +Maxwell a tsheha ka setsheho se makgerehla hape. “Hao! Ha se mahlo a ka ano,” a rialo. “Dintho tseo tse benyang tse kgwidikwe ke dipaterone feela mapheong a ka. Sheba mona!” Mme Maxwell a otlanya mapheo a hae hore Flossie a bone kamoo dipaterone tse kgwidikwe tse benyang di tsamayang: hodimo le tlase, hodimo le tlase. +  +Maxwell a theohela tlase lehlakoreng la sefate, a atamela pela tweba ya thoteng. Ho ne ho le monate ho bua le motho e mong. Ha se dibopuwa tse ngata tse neng di le ka ntle bosiu. +  +“A ko mpolelle,” a rialo. “Hantlentle o ne o tatetse hokae? Ke o bone o matha hara jwang mane ka lebelo kamoo maotwana a hao a neng a ka o dumella.” +  +“Ke ne ke leka ho ya fihla lapeng pele ho fifala,” ha rialo Flossie. “Empa ha ho sa na taba hona jwale. E se e le bosiu, mme heso e sa ntse e le hole hole kwana.” A qala ho lla meokgo ya twebanyana ya thoteng. +  +Maxwell o ne a sa utlwisise. “Hobaneng o batla ho ya hae?’ a botsa. “Hobaneng o batla ho kena ka tlung hona jwale? Hao! Bosiu ke nako e ntle ka ho fetisisa. O ka shebella kgwedi ha e hlaha kahodima dithaba. O ka bona jwang ha bo fetoha bo eba silivera. O ka utlwa moya o fokela tlase ka hara makala.” +  +Flossie a sisinya hlooho ya hae. “Tjhe, tjhe! Bosiu ke nako e mpe haholo. Bosiu ke nako eo ka yona selalome sa kgwedi se silivera se tswang ho ya tsoma.” +  + +“Selalome sa kgwedi se silivera? Ha ke eso utlwele ka sona!” Maxwell a rialo. +  +Yaba Flossie o a hlalosa: selalome sa kgwedi se silivera se ne se fofa ka mapheo a silivera a neng a otloloha a eba sephara ho feta sefate. Se ne se fofa ho tswa kganyeng ya kgwedi, seriti sa sona se lefifi se fofa fatshe. Se ne se fofa se kgutsitse ha bohloko; se tsoma, se tsomana le ditwebanyana. Mme se ne se di tjhwabola ka dinala tsa sona tse bohale mme se ya le tsona hole ka hara lefifi – ka ho sa feleng! +  +Maxwell a sisinya hlooho mme a tsheha haholo ka lentswe le tebileng, le makgerehlwa. “Hao! Ha se selalome ! Ke sephoko feela. Ha se silivera hohang; se mmala o bosootho bo sa hlakang. Ke mang ya tshabang sephoko se tsofetseng se tenang?” +  +“Eish! Se ke wa tjho jwalo!” ha rialo Flossie a tshohile. “Mohlomong selalome sa kgwedi se silivera se tsomana le dimmoto hape!” +  +“Ha!” ha rialo Maxwell ka boitshepo. “Ke lakatsa ho mmona a leka seo!” +  +Hanghang, ha ba le ntho e tsamayang moyeng ka hodima bona. Flossie a sheba hodimo mme a bona sebopeho se seholo sa silivera se fofela tlase ho tswa kganyeng ya kgwedi. Mapheo a mabedi a maholo a silivera a ne a phatlaletse, a tlisa seriti se lefifi hodima metso ya sefate. +  +Flossie o ne a tshohile haholo ho ka sisinyeha. A kwala mahlwana a hae ka thata ha modumo o fofang o atamela … o ntse o atamela. O ne a tseba hore ho tlo etsahala eng kamora moo. Ditoro tsohle tsa hae tse tshosang di ne di tlo phethahala. +  +Hanghang ha ba le modumo o moholo, o nyarosang, mme mapheo a boya, a maholo a theoha. Yaba ho a kgutsa. +  +“O ka nna wa bula mahlo a hao jwale,” ha rialo Maxwell. +  +Flossie a bula mahlo a hae mme a bona sephoko se nyamella ka hodima difate. +  + +  +“Ho etsahetse eng?” a botsa a maketse. “Hobaneng ha selalome sa kgwedi se fofetse kwana hole?” +  +Maxwell o ne a ithabetse haholo. “Ke dipaterone tsa mapheo a ka. Sephoko se nahanne hore ke mahlo – jwaloka wena feela. Mme jwaloka wena, se nahanne hore mang kapa mang ya nang le mahlo a maholo hakaalo e tlameha e be e le sebopuwa se seholohadi. Se ile sa tshoha, ke a o jwetsa! Na o ile wa utlwa kamoo se ileng sa etsa lerata ka teng?” +  +“Ke bohlale boo!” ha rialo Flossie. +  +“E, ke bohlale, ha ho jwalo?” Maxwell a dumela. “Jwale, ithoballe pela ka mona. O tla bolokeha ho fihlela hoseng ha letsatsi le tjhaba.” +  +Yaba Flossie o ikgara hara metso ya sefate. E se neng a be a kgalehile. Mme ha a ka a lora ka selalome sa kgwedi se silivera hohang. Le hanngwe. +* Sebedisa dirolo tsa pampiri ya ntlwana, pampiri, sekgomaretsi, dithutswana tsa meno le pente kappa dikerayone ho etsa mmoto. Seha dibopeho tsa mapheo a mmoto, di kenye mebala, mme ha di omme, di kgomaretse ho rolo ya pampiri ya ntlwana. Penta dithutswana tsa meno di be ntsho mme o di kgomaretse ho mmoto ho etsa manaka a ona.",sot,Sesotho,Selalome sa kgwedi se siliver,"Flossie, the field mouse, scurried through the grass as fast as her little legs could carry her. “Eish! Eish!” she gasped, “I will never get home in time!” +The sun was already setting. Dark shadows lay all around her. “Eish! Soon it ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E ngotswe ke Jenny Robson,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/selalome-sa-kgwedi-se-silivera +the-silver-moon-monster,"Flossie, legotlo la naga, o ne a taboga ka lobelo mo tlhageng. “Eish! Eish!” a hemela kwa godimo, “Ga nkitla ke goroga kwa gae ka nako!” +  +Letsatsi le ne le phirima. Meriti ya bosigo e apesa loapi. “Eish! Go tloga go nna bosigo. Mme dimo wa ngwedi ya selefera o tla bo a mpatla!” +  +Flossie o ne a tshaba dimo wa ngwedi. Gangwe le gape o ne a mo etela mo ditorong. Jaanong ga a kitla a kgona go taboga go ya pele. Maoto a gagwe a ne a le botlhoko, sefuba se tuka bolelo. O ne a lapile thata. A ema fa tlase ga setlhare sa bogologolo mme a nanya mo meding ya sona. A o tla bolokesega fa? +  +“Dumela!” ga utlwala lentswe le le bokete le tswa kwa godimo. +  +Flossie a leba kwa godimo mme letshogo la mo aparela. Matlho a a kgolokwe a mabedi a mo tlhomile. Matlho a magolo a a phatsimang! Pelo ya ga Flossie ya iteela kwa godimo ka bonako e kete e tla phatlola sefuba sa gagwe. Sebopiwa sengwe le sengwe se se nang le matlho a magolo jaana se tshwanetse sa bo e le mokaloba! +  +“Ke wena mang?” ga botsa Flossie ka lentswe le le roromang. “A o dimo wa ngwedi?” +  +Lentswe le le bokete la tshega ka modumo o o tshosang. “Nnyaya, ga ke dimo. Ke nna motoutwane fela. O ka mpitsa Maxwell.” +  +O motoutwane? Flossie o ne a sa dumele se o se utlwang! Ke motoutwane wa mofuta mang o o nang le matlho a magolo jaana? “A o motoutwana wa dimo?” a botsa. +  +Maxwell a tshega ka modumo o o tshosang gape. “Ao! Ao ga se matlho a me,” a rialo. Dikgolokwe tse di phatsimang tseo ke dikaelo fela mo diphukeng tsa me. “Leba fa!” Maxwell a phuphuthisa diphuka tsa gagwe gore Flossie a bone gore dikaelo tse di kgolokwe tse di phatsimang di ya: godimo le tlase, godimo le tlase. +  +Maxwell a tshabela mo letlhakoreng la kutu ya setlhare, gaufi le legotlo la lebala. Go ne go itumedisa go nna gaufi le motho yo o ka buang le ene. Ga se dibopiwa di le dintsi tse o ka di bonang di kailakaila bosigo. +  +“Mpolelele,” a rialo. “Goreng o ne o itlhaganetse? Ke go bone o tshaba o tsena mo bojannyeng o sa lebe le kwa morago.” +  +“Ke ne ke batla go fitlha gae letsatsi le ise le phirime,” Flossie a rialo. “Fela ga go tshwenye jaanong. Meriti ya bosigo e gorogile, mme kwa gae go kgakala.” La simolola go rothisa dikeledi tsa legotlo le lennye la lebala. +  +Maxwell o ne a sa tlhaloganye. “Fela goreng o batla go ya gae?” a botsa. “Goreng o batla go nna kwa teng jaanong? Ao! Bosigo ke nako e ntle go di gaisa tsotlhe. O ka boga ngwedi o tlhatloga kwa godimo ga thabana. O ka bona bojang bo fetola mmala go nna selefera. O ka utlwa phefo e foka matlhare a ditlhare.” +  +Flossie a tshikinya tlhogo ya gagwe. “Nnyaya, Nnyaya! Bosigo ga bo ke nako e e bosula. Bosigo ke nako e dimo ya ngwedi ya selefera e tswang go simolola go tsoma.” +  + +  +“Dimo wa ngwedi ya selefera? Ga ke ise ke utlwe ka ene!” Maxwell a rialo. +  +Jaanong Flossie a tlhalosa: dimo wa ngwedi ya selefera o fofa mo diphukeng tsa selefera tse ditelele go feta dikala tsa setlhare. O fofa mo leseding la ngwedi, moriti wa gagwe o montsho o feela lebala. O fofa ka tidimalo e e makatsang, a batla, a batla legotlo le lennye. A bo a mo phamola ka dinala tse di bogale a mo isa kwa lefifing – go ya go ile! +  +Maxwell a tshikinya tlhogo mme a simolola go tshega ka modumo o o tshosang gape. “Ao! Ga se dimo! Ke morubisi fela. Mmala wa gagwe ga se wa selefera, ke mmala o mo phifadu. Ke mang yo o tshabang morubisi wa setena yo o tsofetseng?” +  +“Eish! O seke wa bua jalo!” ga bua Flossie a mo tsibosa. “Ka gongwe dimo wa ngwedi ya selefera o mo letsholong la metoutwane!” +  +“Ha!” ga bua Maxwell ka go itshepa. “Ke batla go mmona a leka!” +  +Go ise go ye kae, sengwe sa fofa godimo ga ditlhogo tsa bona. Flossie a leba kwa godimo go bona sebopego sa mmala wa selefera se fofela kwa tlase go tswa mo leseding la ngwedi. Diphuka di le pedi tse dikgolo tsa phuruloga, tsa tlisa moriti o montsho go kgabaganya mo meding ya setlhare. +  +Flossie o ne a tshogile thata e bile a palelwa ke go tsamaya. A tswala matlho a gagwe a mannye jaaka modumo o utlwala gaufi le ene…wa tla gaufi thata. O ne a itse gore go ya go diragala eng. Ditoro tse di tshosang tse di neng di mo tlhobaetsa di ne di le gaufi le go diragala. +  +Ka tshoganyetso ga utlwala modumo, o o tshosang, morago a utlwa modumo wa diphuka di phuphutha. Ga tloga ga nna tidimalo. +  +“O ka bula matlho a gago jaanong,” Maxwell a rialo. +  +Flossie a bula matlho a gagwe go bona morubusi o fofela kwa godimo ga dikala tsa ditlhare. +  + +  +What happened? she asked in amazement. “Why did the moon monster fly away?’ +  +Maxwell o ne a itumetse thata. “Ke dikaelo tse di mo diphukeng tsa me. Morubisi o ne a akanya gore ke matlho – fela jaaka wena. E bile o ne a akanya go tshwana le wena gore mongwe le mongwe wa matlho a magolo o tshwanetse go bo e le sebopiwa se segolo. Jaanong o ne a tshogile le go feta, e re ke go bolelele sengwe! A o utlwile ka mo a neng a tlhaba mokgosi?” +  +“O matlhajana e le tota!” ga bua Flossie. +  +“Ee, ke botlhale, a ga go jalo?” Maxwell a dumela. “Jaanong robala gaufi le nna. O bolokesegile go fitlha letsatsi le tlhaba.” +  +Ka jalo Flossi a tsena fa gare ga medi ya ditlhare. Go ise go ye kae a tshwarwa ke boroko. Ga a ka a lora ka dimo wa ngwedi ya selefera. Le eseng +* Dirisa rolo ya pampiri ya boithusetso, pampiri, sekgomaretsi, matlhokwana a go phepafatsa meno le pente kgotsa dikherayone go dira motoutwane. Segolola sebopego sa diphuka tsa motoutwane, di khalare, fa di oma, di kgomaretse mo rolong ya pampiri ya boithusetso. Penta matlhokwana a go phepafatsa meno ka bontsho mme o a tshwaraganye le motoutwane go dira dinakana.",tsn,Setswana,Dimo wa ngwedi ya selefer,"Flossie, the field mouse, scurried through the grass as fast as her little legs could carry her. “Eish! Eish!” she gasped, “I will never get home in time!” +The sun was already setting. Dark shadows lay all around her. “Eish! Soon it ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E kwadilwe ke Jenny Robson,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dimo-wa-ngwedi-ya-selefera +the-silver-moon-monster,"Flossie, ligundvwane lasemasimini, wagijima etjanini ngesivinini lesikhulu imilente yakhe lemincane lebeyingametfwala ngaso. “Eyishi! Eyishi!” waphefumula kalukhuni kakhulu, “Ngingeke ngikwati kufika ekhaya ngesikhatsi lesifanele!” +  +Lilanga beselivele lishona. Ematfunti lamnyama besamtungeletile. “Eyishi! Masinyane kutawuba ngusebusuku. Futsi lesilwane lesesabekeko lesilisiliva sasenyangeni sitawube sesifuna mine!” +  +Flossie beketfukile esaba lesilwane lesesabekeko sasenyangeni. Bekahlala abhudza kabi ngaso. Kodvwa manje bekangasakhoni kuchubeka agijime. Imilente yakhe bese ibuhlungu, sifuba sakhe sibuhlungu. Bekasadzinwe kakhulu. Wema edvute nesihlahla lesidzala wabese uyakhasa ungena etimphandzeni taso. Utawuphepha yini lapha? +  +“Sawubona!” kwasho livi lelikhulu kulenye indzawo ngetulu kwakhe. +  +Flossie wabuka etulu wabese uyanswininita ngekwesaba. Emehlo lamabili latindingilizi abebuke phansi kuye. Emehlo lamakhulu kakhulu lamabili lamanyako! Inhlitiyo yaFlossie yashaya ngemandla nangesivinini esifubeni sakhe. Silwane lesinemehlo lamakhulu kangaka, sifanele kuba sikhulu kakhulu! +  +“Ungubani wena?” kwabuta Flossie ngelivi lelichachatelako. “Nguwe lesilwane lesesabekeko sasenyangeni?” +  +Lelivi lelikhulu lahleka kakhulu. “Cha, angisiso silwane lesesabekako. Ngingumvunya. Ungangibita ngekutsi Maxwell.” +  +Umvunya? Flossie akazange akukholwe loko! Luhlobo luni lwemvunya lolunemehlo lamakhulu kangaka? “Ungumvunya lomkhulu yini?” kwabuta yena. +  +Maxwell waphindza futsi wahleka kakhulu. “Hawu! Akusiwo emehlo ami lawo,” kwasho yena. “Letindingilizi letimanyako ngemaphethini etimphikweni tami. Buka lapha!” Maxwell wabese ubhula timphiko takhe kute kutsi Flossie atobona kutsi lamaphethini lamanyako ahamba njani: etulu naphansi, etulu naphansi. +  +Maxwell wehla ngekushesha ngaseluhlangotsini lwesicu salesihlahla, edvute naleligundvwane lasesigangeni. Bekumnandzi kuba nalengingakhuluma naye. Betingatinengi tilwane lebetingaphandle ebusuku. +  +“Ase ungitjele,” kwasho yena. “Kungani bewujake kangaka? Ngikubonile ugijima etjanini ngalesikhulu sivivnini ngemilente yakho lemincane.” +  +“Bengetama kutsi ngifike ekhaya kusengakabi mnyama,” kwasho Flossie. “Kodvwa akusasiti lutfo manje. Busuku sebuvele bufikile, kantsi likhaya lami lisesekhashane kakhulu.” Wacala kukhala tinyembeti teligundvwane lelincane lasesigangeni. +  +Maxwell akatange evisise. “Kodvwa kungani ufuna kuba sekhaya?” kwabuta yena. “Kungani ufuna kuba ngekhatsi manje? Hawu! busuku sikhatsi lesihle kunato tonkhe. Ungabukela inyanga iphuma ngetulu kwetintsaba. Ungabona tjani bugucuka buba lisiliva. Ungeva nemoya uhleba kulamacembe.” +  +Flossie wanikina inhloko yakhe. “Cha! cha! Busuku sikhatsi lesesabekeko. Busuku ngulapho lesilwane lesesabekako lesilisiliva sasenyangeni siphuma siyotingela.” +  + +  +“Silwane lesesabekako lesilisiliva sasenyangeni? Angikate sengive ngaso!” kwasho Maxwell. +  +Ngako-ke Flossie wachaza: lesilwane lesesabekeko senyangeni lesililiva sandiza ngetimphiko letisiliva letendlaleka taba banti kwendlula sihlahla. Sandiza saphuma ekukhanyeni kwalenyanga, sitfunti saso lesimnyama besihula phasi emhlabatsini. Sandiza ngekuthula lokwesabekeko, sifuna, sifuna emagundvwane lamancane. Sase siyawahlwitsa ngaletidladla taso letikhaliphako sawetfwala sahamba nawo ebumnyameni – siphelane! +  +Maxwell wanikina inhloko waphindze waluphosa luhleko lwakhe lolukhulu. “Hawu! Akusiso silwane lesesabekako leso! Leso sikhova-nje. Asisilo lisiliva nakancane, sinembala-nje longakagcami lonsundvu. Ngubani-nje lowesaba lomdodovu wesikhova lesidzinanako?” +  +“Eyishi! Ungasho njalo!” kunswininita Flossie amangele. “Mhlawumbe lesilwane lesesabekeko lesilisiliva sasenyangeni naso sitingela imivunya!” +  +“Hha!” kwasho Maxwell ngekutetsemba. “Ngingatsandza kumbona etama!” +  +Kusenjalo, intfo letsite yanyakata etulu emoyeni ngetulu kwabo. Flossie wabuka etulu wabona intfo lenkhulu lelisiliva indiza iya phansi iphuma kulokukhanya kwenyanga. Timphiko letimbili letilisiliva letinkhulu tendlaleka taba banti, sitfunti sato lesimnyama sambonya timphandze talesihlahla. +  +Flossie beketfuke kakhulu angakhoni nekunyakata. Wavala emehlwana ache wawacinisa ngesikhatsi umsindvo lohhushako usondzela ngakuye ... uphindze usondzela. Bekati kutsi yini lokulandzelako lokutakwenteka. Onkhe lamaphupho akhe lamabi bese advute nekufezeka. +  +Masinyane-nje kwabakhona kumemeta kabuhlungu lokukhulu, kwabese kuba nemsindvo wetimphiko letinkhulu. Kwabese kuba khona kuthula. +  +“Sewungawavula emehlo akho nyalo,” kwasho Maxwell. +  +Flossie wavula emehlwana akhe wabona lesikhova sinyamalala ngetulu kwetihlahla. +  + +  +“Kwentekeni?” kwabuta yena amangele. “Kungani lesilwane lesesabekako sasenyangeni sindizile sahamba?” +  +Maxwell bekajabule kakhulu ngaye. “Ngulamaphethini lesetimphikweni tami. Lesikhova sicabange kutsi ngemehlo – njengoba nawe wentile. Futsi njengawenje, besicabanga kutsi nome ngubani lonemehlo lamakhulu kangaka kufanele kutsi silwane lesikhulu. Wetfuke kakhulu, ngiyakutjela! Uvile kutsi ukhale njani?” +  +“Uhlakaniphe njani!” kwasho Flossie. +  +“Yebo, nginjalo, anginjalo?” kuvuma Maxwell. “Manje sale ulala lapha eceleni kwami. Utawuphepha kute kuphume lilanga. +  +Ngako-ke Flossie wasondzela emkhatsini wetimphandze talesihlahla. Masinyanenje bekasalele. Futsi akatange aphuphe ngalesilwane lesilisiliva lesesabekako sasenyangeni. Ngisho kanye. +* Sebentisa emaroli eliphepha lasemthoyi, liphepha, iglu, tintsi tekuvungula, napendi noma emakhrayoni kwacha umvunya. Sika ukhiphe bunjwa wetimphiko temvunya’, tifake umbala bese uma setomile, tinamatsisele ngeglu kuleroli yeliphepha lasemthoyi. Penda letintsi tekuvungula tibe mnyama bese utinamatsisela kulomvunya kwakha timphondvo tawo.",ssw,Siswati,Silwane lesesabekako lesilisiva sasenyangen,"Flossie, the field mouse, scurried through the grass as fast as her little legs could carry her. “Eish! Eish!” she gasped, “I will never get home in time!” +The sun was already setting. Dark shadows lay all around her. “Eish! Soon it ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguJenny Robson,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/silwane-lesesabekako-lesilisiva-sasenyangeni +the-silver-moon-monster,"Flossie, kondlo ra nhova, u khokhomele hi le byanyini hi ku hatlisa hilaha milenge ya rona yi nga kota hakona. “Eix! Eix! a koka moya, “A ndzi nga swikoti ku fika ekaya hi karhi!” +  +Dyambu a ri ya eku peleni. Mindzhuti leyo dzwihala a yi n’wi rhendzerile. “Eix! Ku nga ri khale ku tava vusiku. Naswona xinghunghumani xa silivhere xa le n’wetini xi ta va xi ndzi lava!” +  +Flossie a xi chava swinene xinghunghumani xa n’weti. A tshamela ro hahama hikwalaho ka xona. Kambe sweswi a nge he swi koti ku tsutsuma a ya emahlweni. Milenge ya yena a yi vava, xifuva xa yena a xi pandza. A tikarhalerile. U yimile ekusuhi ni nsinya kutani a khokhomela a tiflihla hi timitsu ta wona. Xana u ta va a hlayisekile here? +  +“I madyambu lamanene!” ku vula dyirito dyo bonga kusuka ehenhla ka yena. +  +Flossie u langutile ehenhla kutani a cema hi ku chuhwa. Mahlo mambirhi lama rhandzvula a ya n’wi langutile. Mahlo mambirhi lamakulu lamo vangama! Mbilu ya Flossie yi ba hi mahika na hi xihatla endzeni ka xifuva xa yena. Xiharhi xin’wana na xin’wana lexi xi nga na mahlo lamakulu hi ndlela leyi xi fanele xi ri xikulu swinene, nene, nene! +  +“Xana hi wena mani?” ku vutisa Flossie hi rito lero rhurhumela. “Xana hi wena xinghunghumani xa n’weti?” +  +Dyirito ledyo bonga dyi hleka hi xihleko xo hlundzuka. “E-e, a hi mina xinghunghumani. Hi mina phaphatani. U nga ndzu vitana Maxwell.” +  +Phaphatani? Flossie a nga swi kholwi! Xana i phaphatani ra njhani ra mahlo lamakulu hi ndlela leyi? “Xana hi wena xihontlovila xa phaphatani?” a vutisa. +  +Maxwell a hleka xihleko xo hlundzuka nakambe. “Hawu! Lama a hi mahlo ya mina,” a vula. Swirhenszwvutana leswo hatima leswi u swi vonaka ko va ntsena tiphetheni etimpapeni ta mina. Vona laha!” Kutani Maxwell a mpakutela timpapa ta yena leswaku Flossie a kota ku vona lesw swirhendzevutana swo hatima swi fambisaka xiswona.: ehenhla na le hansi, ehenhla na le hansi. +  +Maxwell a jitamela ekusuhi na tlhelo ka rhavi ra nsinya, ekusuhi na kondlo ra nhova. Swi kahle loko kuri na un’wana wo bula na yena. A ku nga ri na swiharhi swo tala leswi jikajikaka nivusiku. +  +“Ndzi byeli laha,” a vula. “Xana a wu jahele? Ndzi ku vone u ri karhi u khokhomela hi le byanyini hi ku hatlisa hilaha milenge ya wena leyitsongo a yi kota hakona.” +  +“A ndzi ringeta ku ya fika ekaya byi nga si sikula,” ku hlamula Flossie. “Kambe sweswi a swa ha pfuni nchumu. Se riperile, naswona kaya ra mina ri le kule swinene.” A sungula ku rila mihloti ya kondlo ra nhova. +  +Maxwell a nga swi twisisi. “Xana hikwalahokayini u lava ku ya ekaya?” a vutisa. Hikwalahokayini u lava ku va endzeni sweswi? Hawu! Vusiku i nkarhi wo rhandzeka eka mikarhi hinkwayo. U nga ha hlalela n’weti loko wu huma hi le henhla ka swintshabyani. U ta vona byanyi byi hundzuka bya silivhere. U ta twa moya wu hunga hi le matlukeni.” +  +Flossie a dzungudza nhloko. “E-e, e-e! Vusiku i nkarhi wo biha swinene. Vusiku hilaha xinghunghumani xa n’weti xa silivhere xi huma hi wona ku ya hlota.” +  + +  +“Xinghunghumani xa n’weti xa silivhere? A ndzi se tshama ndzi twa hi ta xona!” ku vula Maxwell. +  +Kutani Flossie a hlamusela: xinghunghumani xa n’weti xa silivhere xi haha hi timpapa ta silivhere leti tlharamukaka ku tlula nsinya. Xi haha hi ku voninga ka n’weti, ndzhuti wa xona lowo dzwihala wu ri karhi wu fambafamba na ehansi. Xi haha xi miyele lero chavisa; xi ri okarhi xi hlota, xi hlota swikondlwanileswi tsongo. Kutani xi swi vhanyangeta hi min’wana ley tontswa kutani xi va yisa ekule emunyameni – va nga ha vuyi! +  +Maxwell a dzungudza nhloko kutani a tlhela a bulusa xihleko xyn’wana lexikulu, xo hlundzuka. “Hawu! Xexo a hi xinghunghumani! Xexo i xinkhovha. A hi wa silivhere naswitsongo; u na muhlovo wa buraweni. Xana i mani loyi a chavaka xinkhovha xa khale xo borha?” +  +“Eix! U nga vuli sweswo!” ku cema Flossie hi ku chava. “Kumbe xinghunghumani xa n’weti xa silivhere xi hlota na maphaphatani!” +  +“Ha!” ku vula Maxwell hi vutitshembhi lebyikulu. “Ndzi lava ku n’wi vona a ringeta!” +  +Hi nkarhi wolowo, xin’wana xi haha ehenhla ka vona. Flossie u langutile ehenhla ku vona nchumu wa silivhere wu ri karhi wu enhlela ehansi kusuka eka ku voninga ka n’weti. Timpapa timbirhi letikulu ta silivhere ti tlharamuka, ti ri karhi ti vanga munyama ehenhla ka timitsu ta nsinya. +  +Flossie a chuwhile swinene a nga swi koti no famba. U pfarile swmahlwana swa yena swinene loko pfumawulo wa ku haha wu tshinela ekusuhi … n le kusuhi. A tiva leswi a swi ta humelela hi nkarhi lowu landzelaka. Hikwaswo leswi a swi chava hi mbilu ya yena hinkwayo a swi lava ku humelela. +  +Hi nkarhi wolowo ku twala huwa, mpfumawulo wo chavisa, wa ku haha ka timpapa. Endzhaku swi miyela. +  +“U nga pfula mahlo ya wena sweswi,” ku vula Maxwell. +  +Flossie a pfula mahlo ya yena a vona xinkhovha xi ri karhi xi nyamalalela ehenhla ka nsinya. +  + +  +Xana ku humelele yini?” a vutisa hi ku hlamala. “Hikwalahokayini xinghunghumani xa n’weti xi hahele ekule?” +  +Maxwell a tinyungubysa swinene hi yena. “I tiphetheni leti nga timpapeni ta mina. Xinkhovha a xi ehleketa leswaku i mahlo – kufana na wena. Ku fana na wena, u anakanya leswaku un’wana na wun’wana loyi a nga na mahlo lamakulu u fanele ku va xivumbiwa lexikulu. U teriwile hi ku chava, pfumela ndzi ku byela! Xana u twile hilaha a nga cema hakona?” +  +“U n’wi tlhariherile!” ku vula Flossie. +  +“Ina, hi swona, a ndzi tano?” ku pfumela Maxwell. “Sweswi etlela laha kusuhi na mina. U tava hlayiseka ku fikela loko dyambu ri huma. +  +Kutani Flossie a tifihla exikarhi ka timitsu ta nsinya. Hi xihatla a khomiwile hi vurhongo. Naswona a nga lorhanga hi xinghunghumani xa n’weti xa silivhere na switsatsanana. Nakan’we. +  +* Tirhisa rholo ya le xihambukelweni, phepha, glulu, swimhandzani swo xokomulela meno na pende kumbe tikhirayoni ku endla phaphatani. Tsemeta xivumbeko xa timpapa ta phaphatani, ti pend kutanii, loko ti omile, ti namarheti eka rholo ya le xihambukelweni. Penda swimhandzani swo xokomulelo meno hi muhlovo wa ntima kutani u swi namarheta eka phaphatani ku endla switwi.",tso,Xitsonga,Xinghunghumani xa n’weti xa silivhere,"Flossie, the field mouse, scurried through the grass as fast as her little legs could carry her. “Eish! Eish!” she gasped, “I will never get home in time!” +The sun was already setting. Dark shadows lay all around her. “Eish! Soon it ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mutsari i Jenny Robson,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/xinghunghumani-xa-n’weti-xa-silivhere +the-silver-moon-monster,"UFlossie likhondlwana lommango, nanguya urabhula etjanini ngemilenzanakhe emincani le urhabile. “Eish! Eish! Atjho aphefumulela phezulu, “Maye, angekhe ngifike ekhaya kusakhanya.” +  +Ukhamba nje, ilanga liyatjhinga, naku selathoma kubhodwa ziinthunzi. “Eish! Ubusuku sebufikile. Nje, irhorho yenyanga ephazimako izokuthoma ukungizuma-ke kwanjesi!” +UFlossie bekayisaba ngehliziywakhe yoke irhorho le. Kesinye isikhathi ayibhudange nokuyibhudanga. Wabathe uyagijima kwabhala. Iinyawo zibuhlungu, ngapha isifuna siyatjhisa. Udinwe ufile. Uthe angajama eduze komuthi omdala, wabona kuncono azifihle emirajinawo. Ugala bekazitjela bona uphephile. +  +Kuthe asazifihle njalo, wezwa ngelizwi elirhorozako ngehla kwakhe lithi “Lotjha!” +  +UFlossie uthe nakaqala ngehla kwakhe warhidlwa livalo. Nakathi mehlo suka nasi into imrhudulele amehlo amabili arondo. Amehlo amabili amakhulu naphazimulako. Ihliziywakhe yathoma ukurarha isifuba. Into le kuyatjho bona yikulu ngombana naku namehlwayo makhulu. +  +“Ungubani wena?” Kubuza uFlossie ngelizwi elihlengezelako. “Uyirhorho yenyanga ephazimako?” +  +Ilizwi elirhorozakwela lahleka. “Awa, angisiyo irhorho mina. Ngiyiviyaviyani. Ibizo lami nginguMaxwell.” +  +“Iviyaviyani?” uFlossie khenge awakholwe amehlwakhe. Liviyaviyani elinjani elinamehlo amakhulu kangaka? “Uliviyaviyani elikhulu na?” kubuza yena uFlossie. +  +  +UMaxwell wahleka godu ngelizwi elirhorozako. Wathi, “Hawu! Lawa awasiwo amehlwami. Marondo aphazimulako asemaphikwenami. Qala!” UMaxwell wawanyakazisa amaphikwakhe la khona uFlossie azokubona amarondo la nakanyakazako, aya phasi aye phezulu, aya phasi aye phezulu. +  +UMaxwell ehlele phasi hlanu komuthi, atjhidele hlanu kwekhondlwana. Bekumnandi kuMaxwell ukuba nesilwana angacoca naso ngombana azisizinengi iinlwana ezikhambakhamba ebusuku. +  +”Akhungitjele la” kubuza uMaxwell, “Kanti kubayini bewurhabe kangaka? Ngikubonile urabhula etjanini ngemilenzanyanakho le urhabile tle.” +  +“Bengirhabele ukufika ekhaya kusakhanya,” kuphendula uFlossie. “Kodwana akusasizi nje. Ubusuku sebufikile, nekhaya kukude.” Latjho likhihliza isililo ikhondlwana belatshega iinyembezana. +  +Kwamrara lokho uMaxwell. “Kanti kuba yini ufuna ukuba sekhaya?” kubuza yena. “Kubayini ufuna ukuba ngendlini ngalesisikhathi? Hawu! Kumnandi ebusuku. Ungabukela inyanga ikhuphuka ngehla kwemibundu. Ubone utjani buphazima. Bewuzwe nommoya uphephetha amakari wemithi.” +  +UFlossie anikine ihloko. “Awa, awa! Kumbi khulu ebusuku. Phela irhorho yenyanga ephazimako iphuma ebusuku nayiyokuzuma.” + +  +“Irhorho yenyanga ephazimako? Ngithoma ukuyizwa ngawe leyo.” Kutjho uMaxwell. +  +Kwakhani ahlathulula uFlossie: Bona irhorho yenyanga ephazimako le iphapha ngamaphiko amakhulu aphazimako adlula umuthi. Iphapha ebusuku inyanga nayikhanyileko, bese iba nesithunzi esinzima esikhamba phasi ehlabathini. Iphapha nje ithule ithe du, iyazuma, izumana namakhondlwana. Iwadzwebula ngeenzipho zayo ezibukhali, iwathathe iwase emnyameni, ayele futhi angasabuyi. +  +UMaxwell wanikina ihloko, waya ngesihleko esirhorozako. “Hawu! Akusiyirhorho leyo. Sikhova nje. Ayiphazimi, ibhrawunu. Ngubani ongasaba isikhova esidala nesibhorako? +  +“Eish ungatjho njalo wena!” Kubabaza uFlossie ararekile. “Kungenzeka irhorho yenyanga ephazimako iyawazuma namaviyaviyani!” +  +“Ha!” kutjho uMaxwell ngokuzithemba. “Angeze yathoma!” +  +Kusesenjalo, kwaba nento ephapha emmoyeni ngehla kwabo. UFlossie uthe nakaqala phezulu wahlangana nento ekulu ephazimako iphapha ivale umkhanyo wenyanga. Yavula amaphiko la aba makhulu, isithunzi sayo sembesa imirabho yomuthi. +  +UFlossie wathukwa wasaba nokunyakaza. Wawavala khulu amehlo njengombana into le isolo itjhidela. Bekazi kuhle okuzokwenzeka ngokulandelako. Yoke into ebekayibhudanga kumbi besele izokwenzeka. +  +Kwathi kusesenjalo kwazwakala isililo esimbi esikhulu, nokubhabhazela kwamaphiko. Ngemva kwalokho kwathula du. +  +“Ungavula amehlo-ke nje,” kutjho uMaxwell. +  +UFlossie uthe nakavula amehlo isikhova sabe sesiphaphe besayokusithela eenthlorini zemithi. +  +  + +“Kwenzekeni?” kubuza uFlossie ararekile. “Kubayini irhorho leya ibalekile?” +  +  +uMaxwell bekazikhakhazisa kwamambala. “Marondo la asemaphikwenami. Isikhova sicabange ukuthi mamehlo – njengawe. Naso sicabangile bona into nayinamehlo amakhulu, kutjho khona bona yikulu. Sithukwe ukuthukwa ngiyakutjela wena! Usizwile bona silile njani?” +  + “Uhlakaniphile kwamambala!” kutjho uFlossie. +  +  +“Vele ngihlakaniphile” kuvuma yena uMaxwell. Wena lala la hlanu kwami. Uzokuphepha bekuphume ilanga.” +  +UFlossie wafese wangena ngemirajini yomuthi, wabe sele ayile ngobuthongo. Khenge asabhudanga ngerhorho yenyanga ephazimako, nakanye.",nbl,isiNdebele,Irhorho yenyanga ephazimako,"Flossie, the field mouse, scurried through the grass as fast as her little legs could carry her. “Eish! Eish!” she gasped, “I will never get home in time!” +The sun was already setting. Dark shadows lay all around her. “Eish! Soon it ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguJenny Robson,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/irhorho-yenyanga-ephazimako +the-silver-moon-monster,"Mbevha ine ya pfi Flossie, ya dodoma hatsini nga u ṱavhanya nga hune ya nga kona ngaho. “Yooh! Yooh!” ya femuluwa, “Ndi ḓo lenga u swika hayani!” +  +Ḓuvha ḽo vha ḽi tshi vho tota tombo. Yo vha yo tangwa nga mirunzi ya swiswi. “Yooh! Ḽi ḓo kovhela hu si kale. Nahone tshiguru tsha ṅwedzi tsha siḽiva tshi ḓo ḓa tsha nṱoḓa!” +  +Flossie o vha a tshi ofha nga maanḓa tshiguru tsha ṅwedzi. O vha a tshi anzela u lora zwithu zwi ofhisaho nga ha tshenetsho tshiguru. Fhedzi zwino o vha a sa tsha kona u bvela phanḓa a tshi gidima. Milenzhe yawe yo vha i tshi vho rema, khana yawe i na zwiṱhavhi. O vha o neta tshoṱhe. A ima thungo ha muri muhulwane wa kale nahone a sokotela nga fhasi ha midzi yawo. U ḓo vha o tsireledzea afha? +  +“Ndi madekwana!” hu pfala ipfi ḽihulwane nṱha hawe. +  +Flossie a lilala na u vhuvhula nga nyofho. Ho vha hu na maṱo mavhili a tshipulumbu e a vha o mu zwondolola. Maṱo mahulwane mavhili a penyaho! Mbilu ya Flossie ya divhitha nga luvhilo lu si na vhukoni khanani yawe. Ndi ngoho uri tshipuka naho tshifhio tshi re na maṱo mahulwane nga u ralo tshi tea u vha tshi tshihulwane nga maanḓa! +  +“Ni pfi nnyi?” hu vhudzisa Flossie nga ipfi ḽine ḽa khou tetemela. “Ni tshiguru tsha ṅwedzini?” +  +Ipfi ḽihulwane ḽa sea nga tshiseo tsha manzara-nzara. “Hai, a thi tshiguru. Ndi sokou vha tsole zwayo. Ni nga mmbidza Maxwell.” +  +Tsole!? Flossie a sa zwi kholwe na luthihi! Ndi tsole ya mufuda-ḓe i re na maṱo mahulwane nga u rali? “Ni tou vha tsole ya muswonḓa?” a vhudzisa. +  +Maxwell a dovha a sea nga tshiseo tshawe tsha manzara-nzara. “Hayi wee! A si maṱo anga hayo,” a ralo. “Hezwo zwidanga zwi penyaho ndi mitalo ya phapha dzanga. Sedzani hafha!” Ndi izwi-ha Maxwell a tshi vhungedza phapha dzawe uri Flossie a vhone nḓila ine mitalo i penyaho ya sudzuluwa: nṱha na fhasi, nṱha na fhasi. +  +Maxwell a theutshela fhasi thungo ya tsinde ḽa muri, tsini na mbevha. Ndi zwavhuḓi u vha na muthu ane wa nga amba nae. A hu na zwipuka zwinzhi zwine zwa tsa zwi tshi gonya vhusiku. +  +“Ḓanu mmbudza,” a ralo. “Ndi ngani no vha ni tshi khou gidima? Ndo ni vhona ni tshi khou dodoma nga luvhilo luhulwane mahatsini.” +  +“Ndo vha ndi tshi khou lingedza u swika hayani ḽi sa athu kovhela,” hu amba Flossie. “Fhedzi a zwi tsha thusa zwino. Ḽo no kovhela nahone ndi tshee kule vhukuma na hayani.” A thoma u tsengisa miṱodzi ya kubevha. +  +Maxwell ho ngo zwi pfesesa. “Fhedzi ndi ngani ni tshi khou ṱoḓa u ya hayani?” a vhudzisa. “Ndi ngani ni tshi khou ṱoḓa u dzhena nḓuni zwino? Ee! Vhusiku ndi tshifhinga tshavhuḓi u fhira zwoṱhe. Ni nga lavhelesa ṅwedzi musi u tshi ṱaha nṱha ha zwikwara. Ni nga vhona hatsi vhu tshi shanduka ha vha na muvhala wa siḽiva. Ni nga pfa phosho ya maṱari musia tshi vhudzulwa nga muya.” +  +Flossie a dzungudza ṱhoho. “Hai, hai! Vhusiku ndi tshifhinga tshi ofhisaho vhukuma. Tshiguru tsha ṅwedzi tsha siḽiva tshi zwima vhusiku.” +  + +  +“Tshiguru tsha ṅwedzi tsha siḽiva? A thi athu vhuya nda tshi pfa!” Maxwell a ralo. +  +Nga zwenezwo Flossie a ṱalutshedza: tshiguru tsha ṅwedzi tsha siḽiva tshi fhufha tsho ṱharamudza phapha dzatsho dza siḽiva dzo ṱanḓavhuwaho u fhira muri. Tshi fhufha tshedzani tsha ṅwedzi, murunzi watsho mutswu u tshi khou fhufha fhasi. Tshi fhufha tsho tou hwii, tshi sa iti phosho na zwiṱuku-ṱuku; tshi tshi khou ṱoḓa, tshi tshi khou ṱoḓa zwibevha. Tsha zwi bata nga ṋala dzatsho dzi ṱhavhaho, tsha ṱuwa nadzo swiswini – lwa tshoṱhe! +  +Maxwell a dzungudza ṱhoho nahone a dovha a sea nga ipfi ḽihulwane, ḽa manzara-nzara. “Hayi wee! A si tshiguru! Ndi gwitha. A ḽi na muvhala wa siḽiva na luthihi; ḽi na muvhala wa buraweni u sa penyi. Ndi nnyi ane a ofha gwitha ḽa kale ḽi boraho?” +  +“Inwi-wee! Ni songo ralo ni a ḓivha!” hu amba Flossie o tshuwa. “Khamusi tshiguru tsha ṅwedzi tsha muvhala wa siḽiva tshi zwima na tsole!” +  +“Haah!” a ralo Maxwell nga u ḓifulufhela. “Kha tshi lingedze ndi ḓo tshi sumbedza nṋe!” +  +Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga ha mbo ḓi fhufha tshiṅwe tshithu ṱhohoni dzavho. Flossie a lilala a vhona tshithu tshihulwane tsha muvhala wa siḽiva tshi tshi khou fhufhela fhasi tshedzani tsha ṅwedzi. Tsho ṱharamudza phapha mbili khulwane dza siḽiva, dzo ita murunzi wa swiswi u buḓa na midzi ya muri. +  +Flossie o vha o tshuwa lwe a si tsukunyee na zwiṱuku-ṱuku. A bonya maṱo awe maṱuku musi mubvumo wa tshenetsho tshithu u tshi khou sendela ... u tshi khou sendela. O zwi ḓivha uri hu ḓo itea mini nga murahu ha zwenezwo. Zwithu zwoṱhe zwi ofhisaho zwe a vha a tshi zwi lora zwo vha zwi tsini na u itea. +  +Nga khathihi fhedzi ha pfala mutzhemo muhulwane u tshuwisaho, na muya wa u vhungedza ha phapha khulwane. Nga murahu ha zwenezwo ha mbo ḓi tou hwii. +  +“Ni nga bonyolowa zwino,” a ralo Maxwell. +  +Flossie a tshi bonyolowa a vhona gwitha ḽi tshi khou phinyela ṱhodzini dza miri. +  + +  +“Ho itea mini?” a vhudzisa o mangala. “Ndi ngani tshiguru tsha ṅwedzini dzo fhufha?” +  +Maxwell o takadzwa nga vhukuma nga zwine a vha zwone. “Ndi mitalo i re kha phapha dzanga. Gwitha ḽo humbula uri ndi maṱo – u fana na inwi u thomani. Nahone u fana na inwi, ḽo humbula uri muthu ane a vha na maṱo mahulwane nga u ralo u tea u vha e tshivhumbiwa tshihulwane. Ḽo mbo ḓi rengeḓela nga nyofho, ni a ḓivha! No i pfa nḓila ye ḽa tzhema ngayo?” +  +“A no ngo ṱalifha zwone!” a ralo Flossie. +  +“Ee, ndo ṱalifha ’thi?” hu tenda Maxwell. “Iḓani ni eḓele tsini hanga. Ni ḓo vha no tsireledzea u swika ḓuvha ḽi tshi ṱavha.” +  +Nga zwenezwo Flossie a sunguvhela kha midzi ya muri. A mbo ḓi farwa nga khofhe nga u ṱavhanya. Ho ngo vhuya a lora nga ha tshiguru tsha ṅwedzi tsha siḽiva. Na luthihi zwalwo.",ven,Tshivenda,Tshiguru tsha ṅwedzi tsha siḽiv,"Flossie, the field mouse, scurried through the grass as fast as her little legs could carry her. “Eish! Eish!” she gasped, “I will never get home in time!” +The sun was already setting. Dark shadows lay all around her. “Eish! Soon it ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Muṅwali ndi Jenny Robson,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tshiguru-tsha-ṅwedzi-tsha-siḽiva +phama-and-the-mealie-pip,"Phama planted his pip and it grew and grew. It grew so high, it disappeared into the clouds. +“I’m going to climb all the way to the top,” Phama said. Baba sneered.  +A huge voice boomed. “Sniff-splutter-snort-fart! I smell the blood of a young upstart!” +It was the nasty giant. “Catch me if you can,” teased Phama. Phama saw a magic bag. + +Inside was all the gold the nation ever mined. Phama saw a magic singer. +He knew all the songs the nation ever sung. Phama saw a magic goose. She laid enough golden eggs for everyone. +“I will come back with treasure for you,” Phama shouted down to Gogo on the ground. +Gogo sighed. Phama picked a ripe mealie off the stalk. He roasted it over a fire. +He melted butter over the golden pips and wafted the smell up into the giant’s nostrils. +“Bring me my giant toothpick,” the giant shouted. But Phama was gone. +And so was the bag. And the singer. And the goose. Even the mealie stalk was gone. Phama had chopped it down, you see. +  +Nal’ibali fun +Ideas to talk about +Is it right for Phama to take the giant’s treasure without asking? Why/why not? What do you think Phama is going to do with the giant’s treasure bag and the singer? What would you have done differently if you were Phama? +Visual +Draw your own picture of Phama and the nasty giant that shows how big the giant is. +Reading +Be a word detective! Look closely at the story. Can you find the things that Phama or the nasty giant smelled, saw or tasted? +Writing +Imagine that Phama is writing in his diary entry for the day on which he climbed to the top of the mealie stalk. You could start like this: Dear Diary, You will never guess what happened today … +Craft +Save the mealie cobs of mealies you have eaten. Put different coloured paints into small containers. Dip the mealie cobs into the paint, then use them to print different patterns and shapes on paper. +Performance +Imagine that you are the nasty giant. Move around like you think he would while you say “Sniff-splutter-snort-fart! I smell the blood of a young upstart!” in a huge, booming voice.",eng,English,Phama and the mealie pip,"Phama planted his pip and it grew and grew. It grew so high, it disappeared into the clouds. +“I’m going to climb all the way to the top,” Phama said. Baba sneered.  +A huge voice boomed. “Sniff-splutter-snort-fart! I smell the ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Written by Margot Bertelsmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phama-and-the-mealie-pip +phama-and-the-mealie-pip,"Phama het ’n mieliepit. Mamma weet nie dat dit ’n towermieliepit is nie. +“Eendag gaan hierdie mieliepit vir al die mense in die land kos gee,” sê Phama. +Mamma lag. Phama plant sy mieliepit en dit groei en groei. Dit groei tot hoog bo in die wolke. +“Ek gaan opklim tot heel bo,” sê Phama. Baba lag spottend. Toe bulder ’n diep stem. + +“Slurp-hik-snuif-gaap! Ek ruik die bloed van ’n jong knaap!” Dit is die nare reus. “Vang my as jy kan,” +terg Phama hom. Phama sien ’n towersak. Binne-in die sak is al die goud wat die mense in die land al ooit gemyn het. +Phama sien ’n towersanger. Die sanger ken al die liedjies wat die mense in die land al ooit gesing het. +Phama sien ’n towergans. Sy lê genoeg goue eiers vir almal. “Ek sal skatte terugbring, Gogo,” roep Phama vir Gogo op die +grond. Gogo sug. Phama pluk ’n ryp mielie van die plant af. Hy rooster dit oor ’n vuur. +Hy smelt botter oor die goudgeel pitte en laat die geur in die reus se neusgate opdwarrel. +“Bring vir my my reuse-tandestokkie,” bulder die reus. Maar Phama is weg. 6 En die sak ook. En die sanger. +En die gans. Selfs die mielieplant is weg. Want Phama het dit sowaar afgekap. +  +Nal’ibali-pret +Idees om oor te gesels Is dit reg dat Phama die reus se skat vat sonder om te vra? Hoekom/hoekom nie? Wat dink jy gaan Phama met die reus se skatsak en die sanger maak? Wat sou jy anders gedoen het as jy Phama was? +Visueel +Teken jou eie prentjie van Phama en die nare reus wat wys hoe groot die reus is. +Lees +Word ’n woordspeurder! Kyk mooi na die storie. Kan jy die dinge vind wat Phama of die nare reus geruik, gesien of geproe het? +Skryf +Stel jou voor dat Phama in sy dagboek skryf op die dag toe hy tot bo-aan die mielieplant geklim het. Jy kan so begin: Liewe Dagboek, Jy sal nooit raai wat vandag gebeur het nie … +Handwerk +Bêre die mieliestronke van mielies wat jy geëet het. Plaas verskillende kleure verf in klein houers. Doop die mieliestronke in die verf en gebruik dit dan om verskillende patrone en vorms op papier te druk. +Speel toneel +Stel jou voor dat jy die nare reus is. Beweeg rond soos jy dink hy sal terwyl jy sê “Slurp-hik-snuif-gaap! Ek ruik die bloed van ’n jong knaap!” in ’n harde, bulderende stem.",afr,Afrikaans,Phama en die mieliepit,"Phama planted his pip and it grew and grew. It grew so high, it disappeared into the clouds. +“I’m going to climb all the way to the top,” Phama said. Baba sneered.  +A huge voice boomed. “Sniff-splutter-snort-fart! I smell the ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Storie deur Margot Bertelsmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phama-en-die-mieliepit +phama-and-the-mealie-pip,"UPhama wayenethoro yesiphila. UMma wabe angazi bonyana kwakuyithoro yomlingo. +“Ngelinye ilanga, ithoro le izakondla isitjhaba,” kwatjho uPhama. UMma wahleka. + UPhama watjala ithoro yakhe yakhula yabe yakhula. Yakhula yaphakama khulu, yatjhingela emafini. +“Ngiyakhamba ngiyokukhwela ngiye esitlhorini,” kwatjho uPhama. UBaba wahleka kancazana.   +Kwabhodla ilizwi elikhulu. “Nukelela-khafula-thimula-phitjha! Nginukelwa ziingazi zenjinga etja nencani!” + +Kwakulizimuzimu elisilingako. “Ngibamba nange ungakghona,” kurhuga uPhama. +UPhama wabona isikhwama somlingo. Ngaphakathi kwakunegolide yoke isitjhaba esakhe sayemba. +UPhama wabona umvumi womlingo. Wabe azi zoke iingoma isitjhaba esakhe sazivuma. +UPhama wabona irhansi lomlingo. Labekela amaqanda ayigolide alingene woke umuntu. “Ngizokubuya ngikuphathele +umnotho,” uPhama warhuwelela uGogo aphasi. UGogo wakhokha ummoya. UPhama wakha isiphila esivuthiweko ehlangeni. +Wasosa emlilweni. Wancibilikisela ibhodoro eenthorweni eziyigolide wase uvuthelela iphunga phezulu eempumulweni +zezimuzimu. “Ngilethela isivunguli sami esikhulu,” kurhuwelela izimuzimu. Kodwana uPhama gade sele akhambile. + Ngokunjalo nesikhwama. Nomvumi. Nerhansi. Ngitjho nehlanga lesiphila gade lingasekho. UPhama wabe alikapile, uyabona. +  +Ithabo leNal’ibali +Izinto esingakhuluma ngazo +Inga-kghani kulungile ukobana uPhama athathe izinto zezimuzimu eziligugu ngaphandle kokuzibawa? Kubayini besifanele/kubayini besingakafaneli? Ucabanga bona uPhama uyokwenzani ngesikhwama esinezinto zezimuzimu eziligugu kuhlanganise nomvumi? Ngathana bewunguPhama yini ebewuzoyenza ngendlela ehlukileko? +Ukubonakala +Dweba isithombe sakho sikaPhama nezimuzimu elimbi esitjengisa bona izimuzimu likhulu kangangani.  +Ukufunda +Iba ngufokisi wegama! Qalisisa kuhle indatjana. Ungakghona ukuthola izinto lezo uPhama namkha izimuzimu elimbi elizinukeleleko, elizibonileko namkha elizinambithileko? +Ukutlola +Cabanga ngalokho uPhama akutlola kumalangenakhe ngelanga akhwelela ngalo phezulu esiqongolweni sehlanga lesiphila. Ungathoma bunje: Lotjha Malangeni, Angeze waraya ngalokho okwenzeke namhlanjesi. +Ubukghwari +Yonga imibhobho yesiphila yeemphila ozidlileko. Beka iimpende zemibala ehlukeneko ngaphakathi kweemumathi ezincani. Tlubhuza imibhobho yesiphila ngaphakathi kwepende, bese uyisebenzisela ukwenza imigadangiso yamaphetheni namajamo ahlukeneko ephepheni. +Ukwenza +Zicabanga sewulizimuzimu elimbi. Khambakhamba ngendlela ocabanga bona lizakukhamba ngayo lokha nawuthi, “Nukelela-khafula-thimula-phitjha! Nginukelwa ziingazi zenjinga etja nencani!” ngelizwi elikhulu, iphimbo elinamandla.",nbl,isiNdebele,UPhama nethoro yesiph,"Phama planted his pip and it grew and grew. It grew so high, it disappeared into the clouds. +“I’m going to climb all the way to the top,” Phama said. Baba sneered.  +A huge voice boomed. “Sniff-splutter-snort-fart! I smell the ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguMargot Bertelsmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uphama-nethoro-yesiphila +phama-and-the-mealie-pip,"UPhama wayenokhozo lombona. UMama wayengalwazi ukuba lukhozo lomlingo. +“Olu khozo, luyakuze londle isizwe sonke ngenye imini,” watsho uPhama. +UMama wahleka. UPhama nokhozo lombona  UPhama walutyala ukhozo lwakhe lwaza lwakhula lwakhula. +Lwakhula lwenyukela phezulu lwada lwasithela emafini. “Ndiza kugwencela ndinyukele phezulu,” watsho uPhama. +UTata wancuma busineka. Kwagquma ilizwi elikhulu. “Fuu-shwam-shwam-gr-r-r-bhu-u-u! Ndinukelwa ligazi lenkwenkwana.” + +Yayisisigebenga esikhohlakeleyo. “Ndibambe ukuba unakho,” wasinxwala watsho uPhama. +UPhama wabona ingxowa yomlingo. Ngaphakathi kwayo kwakukho yonke igolide eyakha yembiwa sisizwe. +UPhama wabona imvumi yomlingo. Yayizazi zonke iingoma isizwe esakhe sazicula. UPhama wabona irhanisi lomlingo. +Lalizalela amaqanda egolide awonela wonke umntu. “Ndizakuniphathela ubutyebi xa ndibuya,” uPhama wamemeza watsho +kuMakhulu owayesezantsi emhlabeni. UMakhulu watsho ngesingqala. UPhama wakha isikhwebu eludizeni. Wasoja emlilweni. +Wanyibilikisela ibhotolo kwiinkozo zombona waza walirhogolisa elo phunga isigebenga. “Ndiphathele umcinga wam omkhulu +wokuvungula,” isigebenga samemeza. Kodwa uPhama wayengasekho. 6 Ngokunjalo nengxowa. Nemvumi. Nerhanisi. +Kwakumke nditsho nodiza olu lombona. Uyabona, uPhama wayelugawulile. +  +Okokuzonwabisa kwakwaNal’ibali +Izimvo eninokuthetha ngazo +Ingaba kulungile ukuba uPhama athathe ubutyebi bezim engabucelanga? Ngoba/ ngoba kutheni kungenjalo? Ucinga ukuba uza kwenza ntoni ngengxowa yobutyebi bezim nomculi uPhama? Yintoni obuza kuyenza ngokwahlukileyo ukuba ubunguPhama? +Umfanekiso +Zoba umfanekiso wakho kaPhama kunye nezim elibi obonisa ukuba likhulu kangakanani izim. +Ukufunda +Yiba ngumcuphi wamagama! Lijonge ngononophelo ibali. Ungazifumana izinto ezijojwe, zabonwa okanye zangcanyulwa nguPhama okanye lizim elibi? +Ukubhala +Cinga ngokuba uPhama ubhala kwingeniso lakhe ledayari usuku anyuke ngalo waya encotsheni yodiza lombona. Ungaqala kanje: Dayari eThandekayo, ngeke uyazi into endehlele namhlanje … +Ubuchule +Gcina umpha wombona owutyileyo. Faka iipeyinti ezinemibala eyohlukeneyo kwiziqulathi ezincinci. Faka imipha yombona epeyintini, uze uyisebenzise ukushicilela iipateni neemilo ezahlukeneyo ephepheni. +Ukwenza +Cinga ukuba ulizim elibi. Hamba ujikeleze njengoko ucinga ukuba beliza kwenza njalo ngexa usithi “Fuu-shwam-shwam-gr-r-r-bhu-u-u! Ndinukelwa ligazi lenkwenkwana.” ngelizwi elikhulu, elingqokolayo.",xho,isiXhosa,UPhama nokhozo lombon,"Phama planted his pip and it grew and grew. It grew so high, it disappeared into the clouds. +“I’m going to climb all the way to the top,” Phama said. Baba sneered.  +A huge voice boomed. “Sniff-splutter-snort-fart! I smell the ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguMargot Bertelsmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uphama-nokhozo-lombona +phama-and-the-mealie-pip,"UPhama wayenohlamvu lommbila. UMama wayengazi ukuthi kwakuwuhlamvu olunomlingo. +“Ngelinye ilanga, lolu hlamvu luzokondla isizwe,” kusho uPhama. UMama wahleka nje. +UPhama watshala uhlamvu lwakhe, isithombo sase silokhu sikhula, sikhula. +Sakhula saya phezulu kakhulu, saze sayosithela emafini. “Ngizogibela ngize ngiyofika esicongweni,” kusho uPhama. +UBaba wanyipha. 4 5 Kwahlokoma izwi elikhulu. “Ngcingci, nanso inyamazane izithela kimi phela! + +Nginukelwa yigazi lomfanyana!” Kwakuyisiqhwaga esinenhliziyo embi. “Ngibambe phela uma ungase ukwazi,” kugcona +uPhama. UPhama wabona isikhwama somlingo. Ngaphakathi kwaso kwakunegolide lonke elake lembiwa yisizwe salapho. +UPhama wabona umculi onomlingo. Wayazi wonke amaculo ake aculwa yisizwe. +UPhama wabona ihansi elinomlingo. Lalizalele iqanda legolide elalingatholwa yiwo wonke umuntu. +“Ngizokubuyela nomcebo Gogo,” kumemeza uPhama eqondise kuGogo wakhe owayemi phansi. +UGogo wavele waphefumulela phezulu. UPhama wakha isikhwebu esesilungile ohlangeni lommbila. +Wasosa emlilweni. Wancibilikisela ibhotela ezinhlamvini zegolide zommbila kanti-ke lelo phunga lase likhuphukela emakhaleni +esiqhwaga. “Ngilethele uthi lwami lokuvungula olukhulu kakhulu,” kumemeza isiqhwaga. +UPhama wayengasekho lapho. 6 Sasingasekho nesikhwama. Kanye nomculi. Kanye nehansi. Kwakungasekho luhlanga +lommbila futhi. Angithi phela lwase lugencwe lwawiswa phansi uPhama. +  +Okokuzithokozisa kwakwaNal’ibali +Imibono okungaxoxwa ngayo +Ingabe kulungile ngoPhama ukuba athathe amagugu omdondoshiya engawacelanga? Kungani besilungile/besingalungile? Ucabanga ukuthi uPhama uzokwenzani ngesikhwama samagugu omdondoshiya nangomculi? Yini obungayenza ngokuhlukile ukube ubuwuPhama? +Ezibonakalayo +Dweba isithombe sakho sikaPhama kanye nomdondoshiya esibonisa ukuthi umdondoshiya mkhulu kangakanani. +Ukufunda +Yiba umseshi wamagama! Bhekisisa indaba. Ungakwazi yini ukuthola izinto uPhama noma umdondoshiya azihogela, azibona nazinambitha? +Ukubhala +Ake sithi uPhama uyaqala ukubhala kuyidayari yakhe ngosuku agibela ngalo phezulu esiqwini sommbila. Ungase uqale ngokuthi: Dear Dayari, Angeke ukholwe ukuthi kwenzekeni namhlanje … +Umsebenzi wezandla +Gcina izikhwebu zommbila ozidlile. Faka opende abanemibala ehlukahlukene ezitsheni ezincane. Cwilisa izikhwebu zommbila kupende, bese uzisebenzisa ukuze wenze amaphethini kanye nezimo ezingafani ephepheni. +Ukusebenza +Ake sithi ungumdondoshiya omkhulu. Hambahamba ngendlela ocabanga ukuthi angahamba ngayo bese uthi “Hogela-phimisa-finya-suza! Ngizwa igazi lengane!” ngezwi elikhulu, elinamandla.",zul,isiZulu,UPhama nohlamvu lom,"Phama planted his pip and it grew and grew. It grew so high, it disappeared into the clouds. +“I’m going to climb all the way to the top,” Phama said. Baba sneered.  +A huge voice boomed. “Sniff-splutter-snort-fart! I smell the ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguMargot Bertelsmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uphama-nohlamvu-lombila +phama-and-the-mealie-pip,"Phama o be a na le thoro ya lefela. Mma o be a sa tsebe gore e be e le thoro ya maselamose. +“Ka letšatši le lengwe, thoro ye e tlo fepa setšhaba,” Phama a realo. Mma o ile a sega. +Phama o ile a bjala thoro ya gagwe gomme ya gola ya ba ya gola. E bile ye telele kudu, gomme ya nyamelela ka marung. +“Ke tlile go namela ka ya ntlhoraneng,” Phama a realo. Baba o ile a mo kwera. Go ile gwa kwagala lentšu le legolo. +“Ethia-phašaa-forr-puuu! Ke kwa monkgo wa madi a mothomi yo moswa!” E be e le lekgema le lebe. + +“Ntshware ge o kgona,” gwa kaela Phama. Phama o ile a bona mokotla o mogolo wa maselamose. +Ka gare o be o na le gauta ka moka ye e epilwego ke setšhaba. Phama o ile a bona moopedi o mogolo wa maselamose. +O be a tseba dikoša ka moka tše nkilego tša opelwa ke setšhaba. Phama o ile a bona leganse la maselamose. +Le beetše mae a gauta a go lekana batho bohle. “Ke tla go tlela lehumo ge ke boya,” +Phama o ile a goeletša Koko a le kua fase. Koko o ile a hemela godimo. Phama o ile a roba lefela la go butšwa lehlakeng. +O ile a le beša mollong. O ile a tološetša potoro dithorong tša mmala wa gauta gomme monkgo wa fihlela mašoba a nko +ya lekgema. “Mphe sefatameno sa ka se segolo,” gwa goeletša lekgema. Efela Phama o be a sepetše. +Mokotla le wona. Le moopedi. Le leganse. Le lehlaka la lefela le be le sepetše. Phama o le ripile, wa bona. +  +Boipshino bja Nal’ibali +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Ke tshwanelo gore Phama a tšee lehumo la lekgema ntle le go kgopela? Ka lebaka la eng o thekga seo/o sa thekge seo? O nagana gore Phama o tlile go dira eng ka mokotla wa lehumo la lekgema le moopedi? Ke eng se o ka bego o se dirile go fapana ge e be e le wena Phama? +Go bona +Thala seswantšho sa gago sa Phama le lekgema la go boifiša seo se bontšhago ka moo lekgema le lego le legolo ka gona. +Go bala +E ba lephodisa la mantšu! Lebelela kanegelo ka šedi e kgolo. Naa o ka hwetša dilo tšeo Phama goba lekgema la go boifiša a di nkgeletšego, a di bonego, goba a kwelego tatso ya tšona? +Go ngwala +Nagana o ka re Phama o ngwala ka gare ga pukutšatši ya gagwe ka letšatši leo a nametšego ntlhoreng ya lehlaka la lefela. O ka thomiša ka tsela ye: Dumela Pukutšatši, O ka se akanye le gatee gore di diregile eng lehono … +Go dira dilo +Boloka mekgokgothi ya mafela ao o a jelego. Bea dipente tša mebalabala ye e fapanego ka gare ga dikhontheina tše nnyane. Ena mekgokgothi ya mafela ka penteng, ke moka o e šomiše go gatiša diphathene le dibopego mo pampiring. +Go bapala terama +Akanya o ka re ke wena lekgema la go boifiša. Sepelasepela tše o ka rego le be le ka dira bjalo o le gare o re “Ethia-phašaa-forr-puuu! Ke kwa monkgo wa madi a mothomi yo moswa!” ka lentšu le legolo, la lešata.",nso,Sepedi,Phama le thoro ya lefe,"Phama planted his pip and it grew and grew. It grew so high, it disappeared into the clouds. +“I’m going to climb all the way to the top,” Phama said. Baba sneered.  +A huge voice boomed. “Sniff-splutter-snort-fart! I smell the ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mongwadi keMargot Bertelsmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phama-le-thoro-ya-lefela +phama-and-the-mealie-pip,"Phama o ne a ena le pete ya poone. Mme o ne a sa tsebe hore ke pete ya meijiki. “Ka letsatsi le leng, pete ena e tla fepa +setjhaba,” ha rialo Phama,”. Mme a tsheha. Phama a lema pete ya hae mme ya hola yaba ya hola. Ya hola ho ya hodimo hoo e +ileng ya qetella e nyametse marung. +“Ke tla palama ho ya fihla hodimodimo,” Phama a rialo. Ntate a mo tsheha. Lentswe le phahameng la hoeletsa. “Fofonela- +hlwephetsa-nkgisa-monko! Ke nkgelwa ke madi a ntho e sa ntseng e hola!” E ne e le ledimo le kgopo. + + “O ka nna wa ntshwara ha o ka kgona,” Phama a mo qala. Phama a bona mokotla wa meijiki. +Ka hare ho ne ho ena le kgauta yohle eo setjhaba se neng se e epe morafong. Phama a bona sebini sa meijiki. +O ne a tseba dipina kaofela tseo setjhaba se kileng sa di bina. Phama a bona lekgansi la meijiki. +Le ne le behela mahe a kgauta a lekaneng batho bohle. “Ke tla kgutla ke o tlele letlotlo,” +Phama a hoeletsa a shebile tlase ho Nkgono ya neng a le fatshe. Nkgono a fehelwa. +Phama a kga poone e butswitseng lehlakeng. A e besa mollong. A qhibidihisa botoro hodima dipete tsa kgauta mme a pheulela +monko hodimo ho ya nkong ya ledimo. “Ntlisetse lehlokwana la ka la meno le leholohadi,” ledimo la hoeletsa. Empa Phama o ne +a se a tsamaile. 6 Esitana le mokotla. Le sebini. Le lekgansi. Esitana le lehlaka la poone le ne le le siyo. Phama o ne a le kapile le +le fatshe, o a bona. +  +Monate wa Nal’ibali +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Na ho nepahetse hore Phama a inkele letlotlo la senatla ntle le ho kopa? Hobaneng o nahana jwalo/hobaneng o sa nahane jwalo? O nahana hore Phama o ilo etsang ka mokotla wa letlotlo la senatla le sebini? O ne o tla etsang ka tsela e fapaneng haeba o ne o le Phama? +Setshwantsho +Taka setshwantsho sa hao sa Phama le senatla se tshabehang se bontshang ka moo senatla se leng seholo ka teng. +Ho bala +Eba lefokisi la mantswe! Shebisisa pale. Na o ka fumana dintho tseo Phama kapa senatla se tshabehang ba di fofonetseng, ba di boneng kapa ba di latswitseng? +Ho ngola +Nahana eka Phama o ngola taba dayaring ya hae bakeng sa letsatsi leo a hlwelletseng hodima lehlaka la poone. O ka qala tjena: Dayari e Kgahlehang, Le ka mohla o ke ke wa hakanya se etsahetseng kajeno … +Mosebetsi wa matsoho +Boloka diqo tsa poone eo o e jeleng. Beha dipente tsa mebala e fapaneng ka ditshelong tse nyane. Qopetsa diqo tsa poone ka penteng, ebe o di sebedisa ho hatisa dipaterone le disheipi tse fapaneng pampiring. +Tshebetso +Nahana eka o senatla se tshabehang. Tsamaya o potoloha ka moo o nahanang hore o ne a tla etsa ha o ntse o re “Fofonela-hlwephetsa-nkgisa-monko! Ke nkgelwa ke madi a ntho e sa ntseng e hola!” ka lentswe le leholo, le kgarumang.",sot,Sesotho,Phama le pete ya poone,"Phama planted his pip and it grew and grew. It grew so high, it disappeared into the clouds. +“I’m going to climb all the way to the top,” Phama said. Baba sneered.  +A huge voice boomed. “Sniff-splutter-snort-fart! I smell the ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E ngotswe ke Margot Bertelsmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phama-le-pete-ya-poone +phama-and-the-mealie-pip,"Phama o ne a na le tlhaka ya mmidi. Mmaagwe o ne a sa itse fa e le tlhaka ya boselamose. +“Letsatsi lengwe, tlhaka eno e tlaa fepa setšhaba,” ga bua Phama. Mama a tshega. +Phama a jala tlhaka mme ya simolola go gola. E ne ya golela kwa godimo tota ya ba ya nyelelela kwa marung. +“Ke ya go palamela kwa godimodimo,” ga bua Phama. Rre a nyatsa. Ga utlwala lentswe le legolo. +“Nkgelela-gagaša-šuma-phinya! Ke utlwa monkgo wa madi a mogaka!” E ne e le dimo o o makgakga. +“Ntshware fa o kgona,” Phama a mo kgokgontsha. Phama a bona kgetsana ya boselamose. + +E ne e na le gouta yotlhe e e kileng ya epiwa ke setšhaba. Phama a bona moopedi wa moselamose. +O ne a itse dipina tsotlhe tse di kileng tsa opelwa mo setšhabeng. Phama a bona ganse ya boselamose. +E ne e tsala mae a a neng a lekana batho botlhe. “Ke tlaa go tlela ka letlotlo,” Phama a goeletsa go Nkoko kwa tlase. +Nkoko a goga mowa kgakala. Phama a roba segwere se se butswitseng sa mmidi go tswa mo letlhakeng. O ne a o besa. +Morago a tshasa botoro mo ditlhakeng tsa mmidi mme a isa kwa nkong ya ga dimo go mo gadisa. +“Mphe mmutlwana wa me wa meno o mogolo,” ga goa dimo. Fela Phama a bo a ile. 6 Le kgetsana fela jalo. Le moopedi. +Le ganse. Tota le letlhaka la mmidi le ne le ile. Ka go re Phama o ne a le kgetlhile. +  +Monate wa Nal’ibali +Megopolo e re ka buang ka yona +A go siame gore Phama a tseye letlotlo la ga dimo a sa mo kopa? Goreng o re e ne e siame/e ne e sa siama? O akanya gore Phama o tlile go dirang ka kgetsana ya letlotlo la ga dimo le moopedi? Ke eng se o ka bong o se dirile ka tsela e sele fa o ne o le Phama? +Se se bonwang ka matlho +Iterowele setshwantsho sa ga Phama le dimo yo o pelo e maswe se se bontshang gore dimo yono o mogolo go le kana kang. +Go Bala +Nna mophuruphutshi wa mafoko! Leba leinane leno sentle. A o kgona go bona dilo tse Phama kgotsa dimo yo o pelo e maswe ba neng ba di dupelela, ba di bona kgotsa ba di latswa? +Go Kwala +Akanya Phama a kwala mo tayaring ya gagwe letsatsi la fa a ne a pagame kwa godimodimo ga letlhokwa la mmidi. O ne o ka simolola jaana: Tayari e e Rategang, O tla gakgamala fa nka go bolelela ka se se diregileng gompieno … +Botaki +Baya ditlhotlha tsa mmidi o o o jeleng. Baya dipente tsa mebala e e farologaneng mo dikhontheinareng tse dinnye. Ina ditlhotlha tsa mmidi mo penteng, o bo o gatisa diphethene le dipopego tse di farologaneng mo pampiring. +Tiragatso +Ipone o le dimo yo o pelo e maswe. Tsamatsamaya jaaka e kete ke ene fa o ntse o bua o re “Nkgelela-gagaša-šuma-phinya! Ke utlwa monkgo wa madi a mogaka!” ka lentswe le le kwa godimo, le le dumang.",tsn,Setswana,Phama le tlhaka ya mmidi 8,"Phama planted his pip and it grew and grew. It grew so high, it disappeared into the clouds. +“I’m going to climb all the way to the top,” Phama said. Baba sneered.  +A huge voice boomed. “Sniff-splutter-snort-fart! I smell the ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E kwadilwe ke Margot Bertelsmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phama-le-tlhaka-ya-mmidi-8 +phama-and-the-mealie-pip,"Phama bekanenhlavu yemmbila. Make bekangati kutsi bekuyinhlavu yemlingo. “Ngalelinye lilanga, lenhlavu itakondla sive,” +kwasho Phama. Make wahleka.  Phama wahlanyela lenhlavu yakhe futsi yakhula yaphindze futsi yakhula. +Yakhula yaya etulu kangangekutsi yashobela emafini. “Ngitawugibela ngiyofika etulu esicongweni,” kwasho Phama. +Babe wamane-nje wahleka sakuhhalitisa. Kwevakala livi lelikhulu. “Finkh-finkh-hhmmm-hhmmm! +Nginukelwa yingati yemuntfu lomncane!” Bekungulelizimu lelingatsandzeki. “Ngibambe uma ungakhona,” kwasho Phama alicala. + +Phama wabona sikhwama semlingo. Ekhatsi kuso bekunalo lonkhe ligolide lesive lelake lembiwa. +Phama wabona umhlabeleli wemlingo. Bekatati tonkhe tingoma lesive lesake satihlabela. Phama wabona likewu lemlingo. +Latalela emacandza eligolide lenele wonkhe wonkhe. “Ngitawubuya ngikuphatsele umcebo,” Phama wamemeta atjela Gogo +lobekaphansi ebaleni. Gogo waphefumula wakhipha umoya kakhulu. Phama wakha ummbila lovutsiwe kuloluhlanga. Wawosa +emlilweni. Wancibilikisa bhotela etikwaletinhlavu letiligolide wabese uphephetsa leliphunga waliyisa emakhaleni alelizimu. +“Ngiletsele lutsi lwami lwekuvungula ematinyo lolukhulukati,” kwamemeta lelizimu. Kodvwa Phama abesahambile. +Futsi kanjalo nesikhwama besesihambile. Nalomhlabeleli futsi. Nalelikewu futsi. Ngisho naloluhlanga lwemmbila nalo bese +luhambile. Phama bese alujube waluwisa phansi, uyabona. +  +Kwekutijabulisa kwakaNal’ibali +Imibono lokungakhulunywa ngayo +Kulungile yini kutsi Phama atsatse umcebo welizimu ngaphandle kwekuwucela? Kungani kunjalo/kungani kungenjalo? Ucabanga kutsi Phama utawentani ngalesikhwama semcebo welizimu kanye nalomhlabeleli? Yine lebewungayenta leyehlukile uma ngabe bewungu Phama? +Lokubukwako  +Tidvwebele sakho sitfombe saPhama nalelizimu lelibi lesikhombisa kutsi lelizimu likhulu kangakanani. +Kufundza +Bani ngumseshi wemagama! Bukisisa lendzaba. Ungatitfola yini tintfo letanukiswa nguPhama nelizimu, labatibona nalabatinambitsa? +Kubhala +Cabanga ngekutsi Phama ubhala kudayari yakhe lilanga lagibela ngalo etulu eluhlangeni lwemmbila. Ungacala kanjena: Dayari Letsandzekako, Angeke sewucagele nekucagela kutsi kwentekeni lamuhla … +Umsebenti wetandla +Gcina Iminyani yemmbila lowudlile. Faka emapendi lanemibala leyehlukene kutimumatsi letincane. Yenya leminyani yemmbila kulopendi, bese uyisebentisela kwakha emaphethini nabobunjwa labehlukene ephepheni. +Kulingisa +Ticabange ungulelizimu lelibi lelinelunya. Hamba hamba ngendlela locabanga kutsi lingahamba ngayo ngesikhatsi utsi “Finkh-finkh-hhmmm-hhmmm! Nginukelwa yingati yemuntfu lomncane!” ngelivi lelikhulu, lelibhodlako.",ssw,Siswati,Phama nenhlavu yemm,"Phama planted his pip and it grew and grew. It grew so high, it disappeared into the clouds. +“I’m going to climb all the way to the top,” Phama said. Baba sneered.  +A huge voice boomed. “Sniff-splutter-snort-fart! I smell the ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguMargot Bertelsmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phama-nenhlavu-yemmbila +phama-and-the-mealie-pip,"Phama o vha e na thoro ya vhele. Mme awe a vho ngo zwi ḓivha uri yo vha i thoro ya madambi. +“Ḽiṅwe ḓuvha, thoro iyi i ḓo fusha lushaka,” Phama u ralo. Mme awe vha sea.  +Phama a ṱavha thoro yawe nahone ya aluwa yo aluwa. Ya aluwa ya lapfesa, ya mbo ḓi ngalangala ngomu makoleni. +“Ndi ḓo gonya u swika henengei nṱhanṱha,” Phama u ralo. Khotsi vha mwemwela. Ha pfala ipfi ḽihulu. +“A nukhedza-a gomela-a femuluwa-a bvisa na muya! Ndi khou pfa munukho wa malofha a muswa o bvelelaho!” +Ho vha hu ḽidyavhathu ḽi sa takadzi. “Mpfarei arali u tshi kona,” hu swaswa Phama. Phama a vhona tshisagana tsha madambi. + +Ngomu hatsho ho vha hu na musuku woṱhe we lushaka lwa vhuya lwa gwa. Phama a vhona muimbi wa madambi. +O vha a tshi ḓivha nyimbo dzoṱhe dze lushaka lwa vhuya lwa imba. Phama a vhona sekwa ḽa madambi. Ḽo kudzela makumba a +musuku manzhi a eḓanaho muṅwe na muṅwe. “Ndi ḓo vha vhuyela na lupfumo,” Phama u khou amba nga u tou huwelela na +Makhulu awe vha re fhasi. Makhulu vha femela nṱha vha tshi sumbedza u vhofholowa. Phama a phaḓula tshikolo tsho vhibvaho +u bva vheleni. A tshi gotsha muliloni. A ṅokisela boḓoro nṱha ha dzithoro dza muvhala wa musuku a bvisela munukhelelo wa +swika ningoni dza ḽidyavhathu. “Nṋetshedzeni tshinongolamaṋo tshanga,” hu huwelela ḽidyavhathu. Fhedzi Phama o vha o no +ṱuwa.  Na tshisagana na tshone tsho vha tsho ṱuwa. Na muimbi. Na sekwa. Na muri wa vhele wo vha wo ṱuwa. Phama o vha o u +rema, ni khou zwi vhona. +  +Madakalo a Nal’ibali +Zwine ha nga ambiwa nga hazwo +Zwo tea uri Phama a dzhie lupfumo lwa ḽilema a so ngo humbela? Ngani/ndi ngani zwi so ngo tea? Ni vhona u nga Phama u ḓo ita mini nga bege ya lupfumo lwa ḽilema na uḽa muimbi? No vha ni tshi ḓo vha no ita zwifhio zwo fhambanaho na zwe Phama a ita? +Tshifanyiso +Olani tshifanyiso tshi re tshaṋu tsha Phama na ḽilema ḽa mbilummbi tshi no sumbedza uri iḽi ḽilema ndi ḽingafhani. +U Vhala +Ivhani fogisi (dithekhitivi) wa maipfi! Lavhelesani tshiṱori itshi nga vhusedzi. Ni nga kona u wana zwithu zwe zwa nukhedzwa, zwa vhonwa kana zwa thetshelwa nga Phama kana nga ḽilema ḽa mbilummbi? +U Ṅwala +Elekanyani nga ha musi Phama a tshi khou ṅwala tshiṅwalwa kha dayari yawe tsha ḓuvha ḽe a gonya a swika ṱhodzini ya ṱanga ḽa ḽivhele. Ni nga thoma nga heyi nḓila: Ha Dayari yanga, ni nga si vuwe no humbulela uri ho bvelela mini ṋamusi… +U Vhala +Ivhani fogisi (dithekhitivi) wa maipfi! Lavhelesani tshiṱori itshi nga vhusedzi. Ni nga kona u wana zwithu zwe zwa nukhedzwa, zwa vhonwa kana zwa thetshelwa nga Phama kana nga ḽilema ḽa mbilummbi? +U Ṅwala +Elekanyani nga ha musi Phama a tshi khou ṅwala tshiṅwalwa kha dayari yawe tsha ḓuvha ḽe a gonya a swika ṱhodzini ya ṱanga ḽa ḽivhele. Ni nga thoma nga heyi nḓila: Ha Dayari yanga, ni nga si vuwe no humbulela uri ho bvelela mini ṋamusi …",ven,Tshivenda,Phama na thoro ya vhele,"Phama planted his pip and it grew and grew. It grew so high, it disappeared into the clouds. +“I’m going to climb all the way to the top,” Phama said. Baba sneered.  +A huge voice boomed. “Sniff-splutter-snort-fart! I smell the ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Tsho ṅwaliwa nga Margot Bertelsmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phama-na-thoro-ya-vhele +phama-and-the-mealie-pip,"Phama a ri na ndoho ya vele. Manana a nga swi tivi leswaku i ndoho ya masingita. “Siku rin’wana, ndoho leyi yi ta phamela tiko,” +ku vula Phama Manana a hleka.  Phama u byarile ndoho ya yena kutani yi kula, yi kula swinene. +Yi kulele ehenhla swinene, kutani yi nyamalala emapapeni. “Ndzi ta khandziya ndzi ya fika kwale henhla,” ku vula Phama. +Tatana a hlekula. 4 5 Dyirito ledyikulu dyi bokoloka. “Nuhwetela-tshutela-hlekelela-humesa moya! Ndzi twa risema ra ngati ya +xihlangi!” A ku ri xihontlovila xa nsele. “Ndzi khomi loko u swi kota,” ku hlekula Phama. Phama u vonile nkwama wa masingita. + +Endzeni a ku ri na nsuku lowu tiko a ri nga se tshama ri wu cela. Phama u vonile muyembeleri wa masingita. +A tiva tinsimu hinkwato leti tiko a ri nga se tshama ri ti yimbelela. Phama u vonile na galankuna ra masingita. +A ri tshikele mandza ya nsuku yo ringanela un’wana na un’wana. “N’wina ndzi ta mi vuyela na rifuwo,” +Phama a huwelela Kokwani le hansi. Kokwani a koka moya. Phama u tshovile xifaki lexi nga vupfa eka bembele. +A xi oxa endzilweni. A n’okisa botere ehenhla ka tindoho ta nsuku kutani a hundzisa risema ri ya ehenhla ka tinhopfu ta +xihontlovila. “Ndzi tiseli xixokolameno xa mina lexikulu,” ku huwelela xihontlovila. Kambe Phama se a nyamalarile.   +Xikan’we na nkwama. Na muyimbeleri. Na galankula. Ku katsa na xifaki a swi nyamalarile. Phama a ri tsemile ri wela ehansi, +wa swi vona.Phama na ndoho ya vele. +  +Swo tsakisa hi Nal’ibali +Mianakanyo yo bula hayona +Swi lulamile kuva Phama a teka xicelwa lexikulu a nga kombelangi? Hikokwalaho ka yini swi ri tano/hikwalaho ka yini swi nga ri tano? Xana u ehleketa leswaku Phama u ta endla yini hi nkwama lowukulu wa xicelwa na xiyimbeleri? Xana a wu ta va u endle yini swo hambana loko a wu ri Phama? +Xifaniso +Dirowa xifaniso xa wena xa Phama na xihontlovila xo nyangatsa lexi kombisaka hilaha xihontlovila xi nga kula ha kona. +Ku Hlaya +Vana fokisi ra marito! Langutisa swinene eka ntsheketo. Xana u nga kuma swilo leswi Phama kumbe xihontlovila xo nyangatsa xi swi nuheteleke, xi swi voneke kumbe ku swi nantswa? +Ku Tsala +Anakanya leswaku Phama u tsala eka dayari ya yena siku leri a nga khandziya ehenhla ka xitlati xa mavele. U nga sungula hi ndlela leyi: Eka Dayari, A wu nge vhumbi leswi humeleleke namuntlha … +Ntirho wa vutshila +Hlayisa mikhuhle ya swifaki leswi u swi dyeke. Veka tipende ta mihlovo yo hambana eka tikhontheni titsongo. Peta mikhuhle ya swifaki ependeni, kutani u yi tirhisa ku kandziyisa tiphatheni to hambana na swivumbeko ephepheni. +Encenyeta +Anakanya leswaku u xihontlovila xo nyangatsa. Jikajika ku fana na leswi a nga swi endlaka u ri karhi u ku “Nuhwetela-tshutela-hlekelela-humesa moya! Ndzi twa risema ra ngati ya xihlangi!” hi rito lerikulu, ra matimba.",tso,Xitsonga,Phama na ndoho ya vele,"Phama planted his pip and it grew and grew. It grew so high, it disappeared into the clouds. +“I’m going to climb all the way to the top,” Phama said. Baba sneered.  +A huge voice boomed. “Sniff-splutter-snort-fart! I smell the ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mutsari i Margot Bertelsmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phama-na-ndoho-ya-vele +country-mouse-and-city-mouse,"Country Mouse came to town to get a new pair of glasses. City Mouse met her at the station. “Welcome, cousin,” he said. “Nice to see you,” said Country Mouse, although she couldn’t see very much at all. She looked up, but the blue sky was hiding behind grey buildings. Country Mouse put on her glasses. “Where are all the trees?” she asked. “Who needs trees?” said City Mouse. +“Skyscrapers are so much taller!” Country Mouse coughed. “I want to go home.” “Nothing ever happens in the country,” City Mouse said. “Don’t you get bored?” Country Mouse laughed. “Come see for yourself!” +He heard a rustle and a buzz and a scrape-scrape-scrape. “Birds share berries with us,” said Country Mouse. “And bees share honey. Life is sweet!” A shiny round creature appeared, rolling a ball in behind him with his spiny legs. + +“Dung Beetle keeps things clean.” “And what does Caracal do?” “He eats us,” said Country Mouse. “Run!” The first thing City Mouse noticed was the quiet. +Country Mouse lived at the base of a broad tree, under a wide blue sky. “Just listen,” she said.  That was enough for City Mouse. “I’d rather dodge the traffic than a scary wild cat!” Country Mouse stayed in her country home, where she enjoyed the peace and quiet. Once in a while, she ran an errand in the city. But when she went there, she made sure City Mouse was there to protect her. +City Mouse went back to his city apartment. When it got too noisy, even for him, he went to stay with his cousin for a holiday. It seems we love the places we know best. What do you love about where you live? +  +Nal’ibali fun +Ideas to talk about +Do you have cousins? Where do they live? Would you choose to live in the country or in a city? Why? How are the living conditions in villages and cities different? +Visual +Where do you live? Draw a picture of your home and the surrounding area. +Reading +Look closely at the picture of the countryside. Read the text on these pages again and then find each of the animals and objects in the picture.  +Writing +Is your home your favourite place? Or is it somewhere else? Write a list of the reasons you chose your favourite place. +Craft +Use a medium-sized cardboard box to make a home for a mouse. Use small boxes (like matchboxes), bottle tops and other recycled materials to make mouse-sized furniture for the house. You can decorate the furniture with fabric scraps or coloured paper. Finally, use playdough or clay to make some mice to live in the house. +Performance +Retell the story using your own characters in place of Country Mouse and Town Mouse.",eng,English,Country Mouse and City Mouse,"Country Mouse came to town to get a new pair of glasses. City Mouse met her at the station. “Welcome, cousin,” he said. “Nice to see you,” said Country Mouse, although she couldn’t see very much at all. She looked up, but the blue sky was ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Written by Jacqui L’Ange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/country-mouse-and-city-mouse +country-mouse-and-city-mouse,"Plaasmuis kom stad toe om ’n nuwe bril te kry. Stadsmuis ontmoet haar by die stasie. “Welkom, niggie,” sê hy. “Gaaf om jou te sien,” sê Plaasmuis, al kan sy nie eintlik veel sien nie. Sy kyk op, maar die grys geboue steek die blou lug weg. +Plaasmuis sit haar bril op. “Waar is al die bome?” vra sy. “Wie’t bome nodig?” sê Stadsmuis. “Wolkekrabbers is soveel hoër!” Plaasmuis hoes. “Ek wil huis toe gaan.” “Daar gebeur nooit enigiets op die plaas nie,” sê Stadsmuis. “Raak jy nie verveeld nie?” +Plaasmuis lag. “Kom kyk eerder self!” Die eerste ding wat Stadsmuis oplet, is die stilte. Plaasmuis woon langs ’n groot boom, onder die wye blou lug. “Luister net,” sê sy. Hy hoor ’n geritsel en ’n gezoem en ’n gekirts-kirts-kirts. + +“Ons deel die bessies met die voëls,” sê Plaasmuis. “En die bye deel hul heuning met ons. Die lewe is soet!” ’n Blink ronde gogga verskyn en rol ’n bal met sy stekelrige agterpote. “Miskruier maak alles skoon.” “En wat doen Rooikat?” +“Hy eet ons op,” sê Plaasmuis. “Hardloop!” 6 Stadsmuis het genoeg gehad. “Ek sal eerder koes vir die verkeer as vir ’n vreesaanjaende rooikat!” Plaasmuis woon in haar plaashuis waar sy die rus en vrede geniet. +Nou en dan gaan sy stad toe om besigheid te doen. Maar wanneer sy daarheen gaan, maak sy seker dat Stadsmuis daar is om haar te beskerm. Stadsmuis gaan terug na sy woonstel in die stad. Wanneer dit selfs vir hom te woelig raak, gaan hou hy vakansie by sy niggie. Dit lyk of ons lief is vir die plekke wat ons die beste ken. Wat maak die plek waar jy woon vir jou lekker? +  +Nal’ibali-pret +Idees om oor te gesels +Het jy neefs en niggies? Waar woon hulle? Sou jy kies om in die platteland of in ’n stad te woon? Hoekom? Hoe is die lewensomstandighede in dorpe en stede anders? +Visueel +Waar woon jy? Teken ’n prentjie van jou huis en die omgewing. +Lees +Kyk mooi na die prentjie van die veld. Lees weer die teks op hierdie bladsye en vind dan elkeen van die diere en voorwerpe in die prent. +Skryf Is jou huis jou gunstelingplek? Of is dit iewers anders? Skryf ’n lys van die redes waarom jy jou gunstelingplek gekies het. +Handwerk +Gebruik ’n mediumgrootte kartondoos om ’n huis vir ’n muis te maak. Gebruik klein boksies (soos vuurhoutjiedosies), botteltjies en ander herwonne materiaal om muisgrootte meubels vir die huis te maak. Jy kan die meubels met stukkies lap of gekleurde papier versier. Gebruik laastens speeldeeg of klei om ’n paar muise te maak om in die huis te woon. +Speel toneel +Vertel die storie oor deur jou eie karakters in die plek van Plaasmuis en Stadsmuis te gebruik.",afr,Afrikaans,Plaasmuis en Stadsmuis,"Country Mouse came to town to get a new pair of glasses. City Mouse met her at the station. “Welcome, cousin,” he said. “Nice to see you,” said Country Mouse, although she couldn’t see very much at all. She looked up, but the blue sky was ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Storie deur Jacqui L’Ange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/plaasmuis-en-stadsmuis +country-mouse-and-city-mouse,"IKhondlo lemaPlasini lize edorobheni ukuthola amarhalasi amatjha. IKhondlo leDorobheni lalihlangabeza esitetjhini. “Wemukelekile, mzala,” watjho njalo. “Kumnandi ukukubona,” kwatjho iKhondlo lemaPlasini, nanyana gade angaboni kuhle. +Waqala phezulu, kodwana umkayi gade ubhace ngemuva kwemakhiwo etshetlha. IKhondlo lemaPlasini lafaka amarhalasi walo. “Iyephi imithi yoke?” labuza. “Ngubani odinga imithi?’ kwatjho iKhondlo leDorobheni? “Imakhiwo mide khulu!” +IKhondlo lemaPlasini lakhohlela. “Ngifuna ukubuyela ekhaya.” “Akunanto eyenzekako emaplasini,” kwatjho iKhondlo leDorobheni. “Awukholwa sizungu?” IKhondlo lemaPlasini lahleka. “Yiza uzozibonela!” + +Lezwa ubukghwathakghwatha, ukububula nokukarakarabha. “Iinyoni zabelana nathi amabheri,” kwatjho iKhondlo lemaPlasini. “Iinyosi zabelana ngeliju. Ipilo imnandi!” Kwavela isidalwa eziphazimako esirondo, sigeda ibholo phambi kwaso ngemilenzana yaso ejikako. “Ikubabulongwe ihlwengisa izinto.” “IPaka yona yenzani?” “Iyasidla,” kwatjho iKhondlo lemaPlasini. +“Baleka!” Into yokuthoma iKhondlo leDorobheni elayiyelelako kuthula. IKhondlo lemaPlasini lalihlala ngaphasi komuthi omkhulu, ngaphasi komkayi ohlaza nobanzi. “Lalela nje kwaphela,” kwatjho lona. 6 Lokho kwabe kwanele kuKhondlo leDorobheni. “Kungcono ngiphephane neenthuthi kunokuqalana nabokatsu bommango abasabekako!” +IKhondlo lemaPlasini lazihlalela eplasini lekhabo, lapha labe lithabela ukuthula. Labe liya edorobheni ngakanye nalinokuthileko ekufanele likwenze. Kodwa ngasosoke isikhathi naliyako labe lenza isiqiniseko sokobana iKhondlo leDorobheni liba khona ukulivikela. IKhondlo leDorobheni labuyela ekamurweni lalo edorobheni. +Lokha nakuba netjhada khulu nakilo, labe likhamba liyokuhlala nomzala walo ukuyokuphumula. Kubonakala kwangathi sithanda iindawo esizazi ngcono. Khuyini okuthandako mayelana nalapho uhlala khona? +  +Ithabo leNal’ibali +Izinto esingakhuluma ngazo +Inga-kghani unabo abomzala? Bahlala kuphi? Ungakhetha ukuhlala emakhaya namkha edorobheni? Kubayini? Ubujamo bokuhlala buhluka njani emakhaya nemadorobheni?  +Ukubonakala +Uhlala kuphi? Dweba isithombe sekhaya lakho kuhlanganise namacabazi. +Ukufunda +Qalisisa kuhle isithombe ezisemaphandleni. Funda godu iamagama emakhasini la bese uthola esinye nesinye isilwana kuhlanganise nezinto ezisesithombeni. +Ukutlola +Inga-kghani ikhaya lakho liyindawo yakho oyithanda khulu? Namkha ukwenye indawo? Tlola irhelo leenzathu ezenza ukhethe indawo oyithandako. +Ubukghwari +Sebenzisa ibhoksi elikhudlwana ukwenza indlu yekhondlwana. Sebenzisa amabhoksi amancani (afana neengoma zomlilo), iimvalo zamabhodlelo kuhlanganise nezinye iinsetjenziswa ezingenziwa ngobutjha ukwenza ifenitjhara engalingana ngendlini yekhondlwana. Ungahlobisa ifenitjhara ngamaratha wamatjhila namkha iphepha elikhalariweko. Kokugcina, sebenzisa iderhe yokudlala namkha ibumba ukwenza ikhondlo elizakuhlala ngendlini. +Ukwenza +Buyelela ucoce indatjana usebenzise abalingisi bakho esikhundleni seKhondlo lemaPlasini neKhondlo leDorobheni.",nbl,isiNdebele,IKhondlo lemaPlasini neKhondlo leDorobhen,"Country Mouse came to town to get a new pair of glasses. City Mouse met her at the station. “Welcome, cousin,” he said. “Nice to see you,” said Country Mouse, although she couldn’t see very much at all. She looked up, but the blue sky was ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguJacqui L’Ange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ikhondlo-lemaplasini-nekhondlo-ledorobheni +country-mouse-and-city-mouse,"UMpuku yeLali weza edolophini eze kufumana izipeks ezintsha. UMpuku yeDolophu wamkhawulela esititshini. “Wamkelekile, mzala,” watsho. “Kwakuhle ukukubona,” watsho uMpuku yeLali nangona wayengaboni kakuhle konke konke. Waphakamisa amehlo kodwa isibhakabhaka sasisithele ngaphaya kwezakhiwo ezingwevu.  +UMpuku yeLali wanxiba izipeks zakhe. “Iyephi yonke imithi?” wabuza. “Ngubani odinga imithi?” watsho uMpuku yeDolophu. “Izakhiwo eziphakamileyo zinde nangakumbi!” UMpuku yeLali wakhohlela. “Ndifuna ukugoduka.” “Akukho kwanto yenzekayo nje ezilalini,” watsho uMpuku yeDolophu. “Awukhe udikwe yila ndawo?” UMpuku yeLali wahleka. “Yiza uzozibonela!”  +Weva ukurhwashaza nokubhubhuza nokrwe-krwe-krwe. “Iintaka zabelana nathi ngamaqunube,” watsho uMpuku yeLali. “Neenyosi zabelana nathi ngobusi. Ubomi bumnandi!” Kwavela isinambuzane esikhazimlayo esingqukuva siqengqa ibhola phambi kwaso ngemilenze yaso enameva. “UNkubabulongwe ugcina izinto zicocekile.” “UNgqawa yena wenza ntoni?” “Uyasitya,” watsho uMpuku yeLali. “Baleka! + +Into yokuqala uMpuku yeDolophu awayiqaphelayo yinzolo. UMpuku yeLali wayehlala kwisikhondo somthi omkhulu, phantsi kwesibhakabhaka esibanzi esizuba. “Phulaphula,” watsho. +Oko kwaba kwanele kuMpuku yeDolophu. “Kungcono ndiphephe iimoto kunekati yasendle eyoyikekayo!” UMpuku yeLali wahlala kwikhaya lakhe eliselalini, apho wayonwabele ukuba seluxolweni nenzolo khona. Kanye emva kwexesha elide, wayedla ngokuya edolophini ayokwenza ubuntwana-ntwanana. +Kodwa xa esiya khona, wayeqinisekisa ukuba uMpuku yeDolophu ubakhona ukuze amkhusele. UMpuku yeDolophu yena wabuyela kwifleti yakhe esedolophini. Xa ingxolo imongamela, naye buqu, wayehamba ayohlala nomzala wakhe aziphe iholide. Kubonakala ngathi sithanda iindawo esizazi ncakasana. Wena uthanda ntoni ngendawo ohlala kuyo? +  +Okokuzonwabisa kwakwaNal’ibali +Izimvo eninokuthetha ngazo +Unabo abazala? Uhlala phi? Ingaba ungathanda ukuhlala emaphandleni okanye esixekweni? Ngoba? Zohluke kanjani iimeko zokuphila zasezilalini nezasezixekweni? +Umfanekiso +Uhlala phi? Zoba umfanekiso wekhaya lakho kunye neendawo ezilijikelezileyo. +Ukufunda +Jonga ngononophelo kumfanekiso welali. Wufunde kwakhona umbhalo okula maphepha uze ufumane izinto ezizezikaTrevor noLuke emfanekisweni. +Ukubhala +Ingaba ikhaya lakho yindawo yakho oyithandayo? Okanye yenye indawo eyenye? Bhala uluhlu lwezizathu ezenza ukhethe indawo yakho oyithandayo. +Ubuchule +Sebenzisa ibhokisi yekhadibhodi ebubukhulu obuphakathi ukwenza ikhaya lempuku. Sebenzisa iibhokisi ezincinci (njengeebhokisi zematshisi), iziciko zeebhotile kunye nenye imathiriyeli ebisetyenzisiwe kodwa yalungiswa ukuze isetyenziswe kwakhona ukwenza ifanitshala elingene indlu yempuku. Ungayihombisa ngeziqwenga zamalaphu okanye iphepha elimibalabala ifanitshala. Okokugqibela, sebenzisa udongwe lokudlala okanye udongwe ukwenza iimpuku eziza kuhlala endlini. +Ukwenza +Libalise kwakhona ibali usebenzisa abalinganiswa bakho kwindawo yeMpuku yeLali noMpuku yeDolophu.",xho,isiXhosa,UMpuku yeLali noMpuku yeDolophu,"Country Mouse came to town to get a new pair of glasses. City Mouse met her at the station. “Welcome, cousin,” he said. “Nice to see you,” said Country Mouse, although she couldn’t see very much at all. She looked up, but the blue sky was ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguJacqui L’Ange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umpuku-yelali-nompuku-yedolophu +country-mouse-and-city-mouse,"UGundane Wasemakhaya wehlela edolobheni ukuze athole ipheya elisha lezibuko. Usehlangana noGundane Wasedolobheni esiteshini. “Wemukelekile, mzala, bo!” kusho yena. “Ngiyathokoza ukukubona,” kusho uGundane Wasemakhaya, noma engaboni kahle neze. Wabheka phezulu, kodwa isibhakabhaka esiluhlaza sasicashe ngemuva kwezakhiwo ezimpunga +UGundane Wasemakhaya wafaka izibuko zakhe. “Ngabe zikuphi zonke izihlahla?” kubuza yena. “Ubani odinga izihlahla?” kusho uGundane Wasedolobheni. “Izakhiwo eziphakeme zasedolobheni zinde kakhulu kunezihlahla lezo!” UGundane Wasemakhaya wathi ukukhwehlela. “Ngifuna ukuya ekhaya.” “Akukho lutho olwenzeka emakhaya,” kusho uGundane Wasedolobheni. “Uthi kodwa anibulawa isizungu nje lapho?” UGundane Wasemakhaya wahleka. “Woza uzozibonela ngokwakho!” + +Wezwa ukukhwashaza kanye nomsindo wezinyosi kanye nobuklwe-klwe-klwe. “Izinyoni zabelana nathi ngamajikijolo,” kusho uGundane Wasemakhaya. “Kanti-ke izinyosi zabelana nathi ngoju. Impilo imnandi nje lapha!” Kwavela isilwane esiyindilinga, sigingqa ibhola ngemilenze yaso ezacile. “Ibhungane lobulongwe ligcina izinto zihlanzekile.” “Ngabe lesi silwane, uNdabushe, senzani-ke sona?” “Sidla thina phela,” kusho uGundane Wasemakhaya. “Baleka bo!” +Into yokuqala eyaqashelwa uGundane Wasedolobheni ukuthi lapha kwakuthule. UGundane Wasemakhaya wayehlala ngaphansi kwesiqu sesihlahla esikhulu, ngaphansi kwesibhakabhaka esiluhlaza esibanzi. “Ake ulalele nje,” kusho yena +Lokho kwase kwanele kuGundane Wasedolobheni. “Kungcono ngibalekele izimoto kunokuthi ngibhekane nekati lasendle elesabekayo!” UGundane Wasekhaya wahlala emzini wakhe wasemakhaya, lapho ayethokozela khona ukuthula komphefumulo nokwendawo. Wayeke ayokwenza okuthile edolobheni. Kodwa uma eya lapho wayeqiniseka ngokuthi ukhona uGundane Wasedolobheni ongamvikela, UGundane Wasedolobheni wabuyela endlini yakhe yasedolobheni, Uma umsindo usumkhulu nakuye, wayeya eholidini kwamzala wakhe. Sengathi sizithanda kakhulu izindawo esizazi kahle Yini wena oyithanda ngendawo ohlala kuyo? +  +Okokuzithokozisa kwakwaNal’ibali +Imibono okungaxoxwa ngayo +Unabo yini abazala? Bahlala kuphi? Ubungakhetha ukuhlala emaphandleni noma edolobheni? Kungani? Zihluke kanjani izimo zokuphila emaphandleni nasemadolobheni? +Ezibonakalayo +Uhlala kuphi? Dweba isithombe sasekhaya kini nendawo ezungezile. +Ukufunda +Bhekisisa isithombe sikaGundane Wasemakhaya. Phinde ufunde umbhalo kula makhasi bese ufuna ngasinye sezilwane kanye nezinto ezisesithombeni. +Ukubhala +Ingabe ekhaya kini indawo oyithandayo? Noma enye indawo? Bhala uhlu lwezizathu ezikwenza ukhethe indawo oyithandayo.  +Umsebenzi wezandla +Sebenzisa ibhokisi lekhathoni elimaphakathi ngobukhulu ukuze wenzele igundwane indlu. Sebenzisa amabhokisi amancane (njengelamentshisi), izivalo zezigubhu nezinye izinto ezisebenziseka izikhathi eziningi ukuze wenze ifenisha encane yendlu legundwane. Ungahlobisa ifenisha ngezindwangu ezindala noma ngephepha elinombala. Ekugcineni, sebenzisa inhlama yokudlala noma ubumba ukuze wenze igundwane elizohlala endlini. +Ukusebenza +Phinde uxoxe indaba usebenzisa abadlali bakho esikhundleni sika-Gundane Wasemakhaya noGundane Wasedolobheni.",zul,isiZulu,UGundane Wasemakhaya noGundane Wasedolobhen,"Country Mouse came to town to get a new pair of glasses. City Mouse met her at the station. “Welcome, cousin,” he said. “Nice to see you,” said Country Mouse, although she couldn’t see very much at all. She looked up, but the blue sky was ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguJacqui L’Ange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ugundane-wasemakhaya-nogundane-wasedolobheni +country-mouse-and-city-mouse,"Legotlo la dinagamagaeng le ile la ya toropog go ithekela phere ya digalase tša mahlo ye mpsha. Legotlo la Motsesetoropong le kopane le lona seteišeneng. “Ke a go amogela, motswala,” la realo. “Ke thabela go go bona,” la realo Legotlo la Dinagamagaeng, le ge le sa bone go kaalo. Le lebeletše godimo, efela leratadima le letalalerata le be le iphihlile ka morago ga meago ye mepududu. Legotlo la Dinagamagaeng le ile la apara digalase tša lona. “Mehlare ka moka ga yona e kae?” la botšiša. +“Ke mang yo a hlokago mehlare?” la realo Legotlo la Motsesetoropong. “Meagotelele ke ye metelele kudu!” Legotlo la Dinagamagaeng le ile la gohlola. “Ke nyaka go ya gae.” “Ga go se se diregago dinagamagaeng,” Legotlo la Motsesetoropong la realo. “Ga o bolaye ke bodutu?” Legotlo la dinagamagaeng le ile la sega. “Etla o bone ka bowena!” +Selo sa mathomo sa go lemogwa ke Legotlo la Motsesetoropong e bile go homola. Legotlo la Dinagamagaeng le be le dula botlase bja mohlare wa go phatlalala, ka tlase ga leratadima le letalalerata le lephara. “Theeletša,” la realo. Le kwele šwabašwaba le zzzz le kgorr-kgorr-kgorr. “Dinonyana di abelana dithetlwa le rena,” la realo Legotlo la Dinagamagaeng. + +“Gomme dinose di abelana ka mamapo. Bophelo bo bose!” Go ile gwa tšwelela sebopiwa sa nkgokolo sa go phadima, se kgokološa bolo ka maoto a morago. “Dikgobaboloko di dira gore dilo di dule di hlwekile.” “Katse ya nageng yona e dira eng?” “E ja rena,” la realo Legotlo la Dinagamagaeng. “Kitima!” 6 Seo se be se lekane go Legotlo la Motsesetoropong. +“Nka upša ke efoge sephethephethe e sego katse ya nageng ya go tšhoša!” Legotlo la motsemagaeng o ile a dula legaeng la gagwe la magaeng, mo a bego a ipshina ka khutšo le go homola. Ka di nako nyana o be a fela a kitimela motsesetoropong go yo dira se le sela. Efela ge a eya gona o be dira bonnete bja gore Legotlo la Motsesetoropong o gona go mo šireletša. +Legotlo la Motsesetoropong o boetše foleteng ya gagwe ya ka toropong. Ge go eba le lešata, le go yena, o be a eya go dula le motswala wa gagwe ka maikhutšo. Go bonala okare re rata mafelo a re a tsebago kudu, O rata eng ka ga lefelo le o dulago go lona? +  +Boipshino bja Nal’ibali +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Naa o na le batswala? Naa ba dula kae? O ka kgetha go dula dinagamagaeng goba toropong? Ke ka lebaka la eng? Naa maemo a bophelo mo dinagamagaeng le ditoropong a fapafapana bjang? +Go bona +O dula kae? Thala seswantšho sa ntlo ya gago le tikologo ya lefelo leo. +Go bala +Lebelela seswantšho sa dinagamagaeng ka šedi. Bala sengwalwa mo matlakaleng a gape gomme o hwetše e tee ya phoofolo ye nngwe le ye nngwe le dilo tše di lego seswantšhong. +Go ngwala +Naa legae la geno ke lefelo la gago la mmamoratwa? Goba e ka ba e le lefelong le lengwe? Ngwala lenaneo la mabaka a go kgetha lefelo la gago la mmamoratwa. +Go dira dilo +Šomiša khatapokisi ya bogolo bja magareng go dira ngwakwana wa legotlo. Šomiša mapokisana (a bjalo ka mapokisana a mankgware), dikhurumelo tša mabotlelo le didirišwa tše dingwe tše di šomišwago leboelela go dira fenišara ya go lekanela ngwakwana wa legotlo. O ka kgabiša fenišara ka dikgapetlana tša mašela goba pampiri ya mebalabala. Sa mafelelo, šomiša letsopa la sebjalebjale goba letsopa go bopa magotlo a mangwe a go dula ka ngwakwaneng. +Go bapala terama +Anega kanegelo gape o šomiša bakgathatema ba gago e sego Legotlo la Dinagamagaeng le Legotlo la Motsesetoropong.",nso,Sepedi,Legotlo la Dinagamagaeng le Legotlo la Motsesetoropong,"Country Mouse came to town to get a new pair of glasses. City Mouse met her at the station. “Welcome, cousin,” he said. “Nice to see you,” said Country Mouse, although she couldn’t see very much at all. She looked up, but the blue sky was ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mongwadi keJacqui L’Ange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/legotlo-la-dinagamagaeng-le-legotlo-la-motsesetoropong +country-mouse-and-city-mouse,"Tweba ya Mahaeng a tla toropong ho tla batla diborele tse ntjha tsa mahlo. Tweba ya Toropong a mo kgahlanyetsa seteisheneng. “O amohetswe, motswala,” a rialo. “Ke thabela ho o bona,” ha rialo Tweba ya Mahaeng, le ha a ne a sa bone hantle hohang. A sheba hodimo, empa mahodimo a bolou a ne a ipatile kamora meaho e meputswa. +Tweba ya Mahaeng a rwala diborele tsa hae. “Difate kaofela di ile hokae?” a botsa. “Ke mang ya hlokang difate?” ha rialo Tweba ya Toropong. “Meaho e melelelehadi e melele haholo!” Tweba ya Mahaeng a kgohlela. “Ke batla ho ya hae.” “Ha ho letho le etsahalang mahaeng kwana,” Tweba ya Toropong a rialo. “Ha o jewe ke bodutu?” Tweba ya Mahaeng a tsheha. “Tloo o tlo iponela!” + Ntho ya pele eo Tweba ya Toropong a ileng a e elellwa ke kgutso. Tweba ya Mahaeng o ne a dula tlase kutung ya sefate se batsi, ka tlasa lehodimo le nammeng le bolou. “Mamela feela,” a rialo. A utlwa ho shwahlatsa le ho duma le ho ngwapa-ngwapa. “Dinonyana di arolelana menokotshwai le rona,” ha rialo Tweba ya Mahaeng. + +“Mme dinotshi di arolelana kgekge le rona. Bophelo bo monate!” Sebopuwa se benyang se tjhitja sa hlahella, se theta bolo ka pela sona ka menoto ya sona e mesesane. “Kgolabolokwe e hlwekisa dintho.” “Kharakhale yena o etsa eng” “O a re ja,” ha rialo Tweba ya Mahaeng. “Baleha!” + Ho ne ho lekane bakeng sa Tweba ya Toropong. “Nka mpa ka dula ke qoba sephethephethe ho ena le katse e hlaha e tshosang!” Tweba ya Mahaeng o ne a dula lapeng la hae mahaeng, moo a neng a natefelwa ke kgotso le kgutso. Hang o ne a etsa mabaka toropong. Empa ha a ne a eya moo, o ne a etsa bonnete ba hore Tweba ya Toropong o teng ho mo sireletsa. +Tweba ya Toropong a kgutlela bodulong ba hae toropong. Ha ho ne ho eba lerata haholo, esita le ho yena, o ne a tsamaya ho ya dula le motswala wa hae bakeng sa matsatsi a phomolo. Ho bonahala eka re rata dibaka tseo re di tsebang haholo. Ke eng seo o se ratang ka sebaka seo o dulang ho sona? +  +Monate wa Nal’ibali +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Na o na le bomotswala? Ba dula hokae? Na o ka kgetha ho dula mahaeng kapa toropong e kgolo? Hobaneng? Maemo a bophelo a metseng le ditoropong tse kgolo a fapane jwang? +Setshwantsho O dula ho kae? Taka setshwantsho sa ntlo ya heno le sebaka se e potileng. +Ho bala +Shebisisa setshwantsho hantle. Bala mongolo o maqepheng ana hape ebe o fumana e nngwe le e nngwe ya diphoofolo kapa dintho tse setshwantshong. +Ho ngola +Na ntlo ya heno ke sebaka seo e leng thatohatsi ya hao? Kapa na ke sebakeng se seng se sele? Ngola lenane la mabaka ao ka wona o kgethang sebaka sa thatohatsi sa hao. +Mosebetsi wa matsoho +Sebedisa lebokose la khatebote la boholo bo mahareng ho etsa ntlo ya tweba. Sebedisa mabokose a manyane (jwalo ka mabokosana a mollo), dikwahelo tsa dibotlolo le dimatheriale tse hlahisitsweng botjha ho etsa feneshara ya boholo ba tweba bakeng sa ntlo eo. O ka kgabisa feneshara ka dikotwana tsa masela kapa pampiri ya mebala. Qetellong, sebedisa hlama ya ho bapala kapa letsopa ho etsa ditweba tse tla dula ka tlung eo. +Tshebetso +Pheta pale ka ho sebedisa dibapadi tsa hao sebakeng sa Tweba ya Mahaeng le Tweba ya Toropong.",sot,Sesotho,Tweba ya Mahaeng le Tweba ya Toropong,"Country Mouse came to town to get a new pair of glasses. City Mouse met her at the station. “Welcome, cousin,” he said. “Nice to see you,” said Country Mouse, although she couldn’t see very much at all. She looked up, but the blue sky was ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E ngotswe ke Jacqui L’Ange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tweba-ya-mahaeng-le-tweba-ya-toropong +country-mouse-and-city-mouse,"Peba ya kwa Magaeng ekile ya ya toropong go ya go reka diborele tse dintšhwa. E ne ya kopana le Peba ya Motsesetoropo kwa seteišeneng. “O amogetswe ntsalake,” ya rialo. “Ke itumelela go go bona,” ga bua Peba ya kwa Magaeng, lefa tota e ne e sa kgone go bona sentle. A lebelela kwa godimo, fela botala jwa legodimo jwa bo bo fitlhilwe ke dikago tse dithokwa. +Peba ya Magae e ne ya rwala digalase tsa yona. “Ditlhare di kae?” ya botsa. “Ke mang yo o tlhokang ditlhare?” ga botsa Peba ya Motsesetoropo. “Dikago tsa matlhatlaganyane di goletse kwa godimo jang!” Peba ya Magae ya gotlhola. ‘’ Ke batla go ya gae’’. “Mo nageng ga go ke go diragala sepe,” ga bua Peba ya Motsesetoropo. “A ga o jewe ke bodutu?” Peba ya Magae ya tshega. +“Tlaa o iponele!” Sa ntlha fela se Peba ya Motsesetoropo e se itemogetseng e ntse tidimalo le kagiso. Peba ya Magae e ne e dula mo tlase ga setlhare se se sephara, ka fa tlase ga loapi lo lo tala. “Reetsa,” Peba ya Magae ya rialo. E ne ya utlwa kgaratlho le mosumo le mongwapo-ngwapo. “Dinonyane di ja le rona meretlwa,” ga bua Peba ya Magae. + +“Dinotshe le tsona di re abela mamepe. Botshelo bo monate!” Ga tlhagelela sebopiwa se se phatshimang e bile se le kgolokgwe, se kgorometsa bolo fa pele ga Peba ya Motsesetoropo ka maoto a sona a a gwaletseng. “Khukhwana ya boloko (Tlabue) e a phepafatsa.” “Thwane yona e dirang?” “E a re ja,” ga bua Peba ya kwa Magaeng. “Sia!”   +Go ne go lekane tota mo go Peba ya Motsesetoropo. “Nka mpa ka sutela pharakano go na le go sutela katse e e boifisang!” Peba ya Magage ya dula kwa legaeng la gagwe la kwa magaeng, kwa a itumeletseng kagiso le tidimalo. Gangwe le gape o ne a ya go reka kwa torokgolong. Fela fa a ne a le koo, o ne a netefatsa gore Peba ya Motsesetoropo e teng go mo sireletsa. +Peba ya Motsesetoropo ya boela kwa lefelong la bonno lwa yona kwa totopong. Fa go ne go nna modumo thata, o ne a ya malatsing a boikhutso kwa go ntsalae. Go lebega e kete re rata mafelo a re a itseng go gaisa. Ke eng se o se ratang ka ko o dulang gona? +  +Monate wa Nal’ibali +Megopolo e re ka buang ka yona +A o na le bontsalao? O nna kae? A o ne o ka rata go nna kwa magaeng kgotsa kwa ditoropong? Goreng? Botshelo kwa magaeng le kwa ditoropong bo farologane jang? +Se se bonwang ka matlho +O nna kae? Terowa setshwantsho sa legae la lona le lefelo le le le dikologileng. +Go Bala +Leba setshwantsho seno sa kwa magaeng sentle. Bala mokwalo o o mo ditsebeng tseno gape o bo o batla nngwe le nngwe ya diphologolo le dilo tse di mo setshwantshong seno. +Go Kwala +A legae la lona ke lefelo le o le ratang thata? Kgotsa a o rata golo gongwe go sele? Kwala lenaane la mabaka a go bo o ratile lefelo leno.  +Botaki +Dira lebokoso le le mo magareng go dira serubi sa peba. Dirisa mabokose a mannye (jaaka mabokose a mmetšhisi), dikhurumelo tsa mabotlolo le dilo tse dingwe tse di latlhilweng go dira difenitšhara tse dinnye tsa ntlo e e ka lekanang peba. O ka kgona go kgabisa fenitšhara ka makgasa a matsela kgotsa dipampiri tsa mebala e e farologaneng. La bofelo, dirisa tlhabego ya go tshameka kgotsa mmopa go dira dipebanyana tse di tla nnang mo ntlong. +Tiragatso +Bolela leinane la gago gape o dirisa batho ba gago mo boemong jwa Peba ya kwa Magaeng le ya kwa Metsesetoropong.",tsn,Setswana,Peba ya kwa Magaeng le ya kwa Metsesetoropong,"Country Mouse came to town to get a new pair of glasses. City Mouse met her at the station. “Welcome, cousin,” he said. “Nice to see you,” said Country Mouse, although she couldn’t see very much at all. She looked up, but the blue sky was ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E kwadilwe ke Jacqui L’Ange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/peba-ya-kwa-magaeng-le-ya-kwa-metsesetoropong +country-mouse-and-city-mouse,"Gundvwane Wasemaphandleni wefika edolobheni alandze lipheya lelisha letibuko temehlo. Gundvwane Wasedolobheni wamhlangabeta esiteshini. “Wemukelekile, mzala,” kwasho yena. “Kuhle kukubona,” kwasho Gundvwane Wasemaphandleni nanoma-nje abengaboni kubona kahle. Wabuka etulu, kodvwa lesibhakabhaka lesicwebile besibhace ngemuva kwetakhiwo letimphunga. Gundvwane Wasemaphandleni wafaka tibuko takhe. “Tiphi tonkhe letihlahla?” kwabuta yena. +“Ngubani lodzinga tihlahla?” kwasho Gundvwane Wasedolobheni. “Takhiwo letidze, tindze kwendlula!”  Gundvwane Wasemaphandleni wakhwehlela. “Ngifuna kuya ekhaya.” “Kute intfo leyentekako emaphandleni,” kwasho Gundvwane Wasedolobheni. “Awubi naso situnge?”  Gundvwane Wasemaphandleni wahleka. “Wota utibonele wena ngekwakho!” +Intfo yekucala Gundvwane Wasedolobheni layicaphela kwaba ngulokuthula. Gundvwane Wasedolobbheni bekahlala esicwini sesihlahla lesibanti, ngaphansi kwesibhakabhaka lesicwebile lesibanti. “Ase ulalele-nje,” kwasho yena. Weva buhwashahwasha nebuzizizi hwe-hwe-hwe.  “Tinyoni tabelana natsi emagungumence,” kwasho Gundvwane Wasemaphandleni. + +“Bese kutsi tinyosi tona tabelana natsi luju. Imphilo imnandzi!” Kwachamuka silwanyana lesiyindilinga lesicwebetelako, sigicita ibhola embikwaso ngemilente yaso lejikajikako. “Inchubabulongo igcina tintfo tihlobile.” “Caracal (likati lelikhulu lesiganga) yena wentani?” “Udla tsine,” kwasho Gundvwane Wasemaphandleni. “Gijima!” Loko besekwenele kuGundvwane Wasedolobheni. “Ngingamane ngivike timoto nebantfu emgwacweni kunakati wesiganga lowesabekako.” +Gundvwane Wasemaphandleni watihlalela ekhaya lakhe emaphandleni, lapho khona bekajabulela kuthula kwekungabi khona kulwa nekuthula kwekungabi khona kwemsindvo. Ngaletinye tikhatsi bekahle-nje aya edolobheni ayokwenta lokutsite. Kepha bekatsi nakaya khona, bekenta siciniseko sekutsi Gundvwane Wasedolobheni ukhona kute kutsi amuvikele. +Gundvwane Wasedolobheni wabuyela emuva efulethini lakhe lasedolobheni. Bekutsi nakuba nemsindvo kakhulu, naye umphatsa kabi, bekahamba aye eholideni ayohlala nemzala wakhe. Kubonakala sengatsi siyatitsandza tindzawo lesitati kahle kakhulu. Yini lokutsandzako ngalapho uhlala khona? +  +Kwekutijabulisa kwakaNal’ibali +Imibono lokungakhulunywa ngayo +Unabo yini bomzala? Bahlala kuphi? Ungakhetsa kuhlala etindzaweni tasemaphandleni noma edolobheni? Kungani? Timo tekuhlala emaphandleni nasemadolobheni tehluke kanjani? +Lokubukwako +Uhlalaphi? Dvweba sitfombe. selikhaya lakini kanye nendzawo lelitungeletile. +Kufundza +Bukisisa lesitfombe sendzawo yasemaphandleni. Fundza lengcikitsi lekulamakhasi bese utfole tintfo letingenta Trevor naLuke kulesitfombe. +Kubhala +Likhaya lakini liyindzawo yakho loyitsandza kakhulu? Noma ngulenye indzawo? Bhala tizatfu letikwenta ukhetse indzawo yakho loyitsandza kakhulu. +Umsebenti wetandla +Sebentisa libhokisi lekhadibhodi lelikhulu ngalokusemkhatsini kute wakhe likhaya leligundvwane. Sebentisa emabhokisi lamancane (njengemabhokisi emetjiso), tivimbo temabhodlela kanye naletinye tintfo letentiwe umkhicito lomusha kute ekwakha efenisha lenkhulu ngalokusemkhatsini yeligundvwane. Ungahlonipha lefenisha ngeticephu temayadi noma emaphepha lanemibala leyehlukene. Ekugcineni, sebentisa inhlama yekudlala noma lubumba lwekwakha emagundvwane latawuhlala kulendlu. +Kulingisa +Phindza futsi usebentise bakho balingisi esikhundleni seLigundvwane Lasemaphandleni neLigundvwane Lasedolobheni.",ssw,Siswati,Ligundvwane Lasemaphandleni neLigundvwane Lasedolobhen,"Country Mouse came to town to get a new pair of glasses. City Mouse met her at the station. “Welcome, cousin,” he said. “Nice to see you,” said Country Mouse, although she couldn’t see very much at all. She looked up, but the blue sky was ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguJacqui L”Ange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ligundvwane-lasemaphandleni-neligundvwane-lasedolobheni +country-mouse-and-city-mouse,"Mbevha ya Mahayani yo mbo ḓa ḓoroboni u renga mangilasi a maṱo maswa. Mbevha ya Ḓoroboni yo ṱangana nayo tshiṱitshini tsha tshidimela. “No ṱanganedzwa, muzwala,” i ralo. “Ndi zwavhuḓi u ni vhona,” hu amba Mbevha ya Mahayani, naho yo vha i sa khou tou vhona zwavhuḓi. Ya sedza nṱha, fhedzi lutombo lwo vha lwo dzumbama murahu ha zwifhaṱo zwitseṱha. +Mbevha ya Mahayani ya ambara mangilasi ayo. “Ingafhi miri yoṱhe?” i a vhudzisa. “Ndi nnyi a ṱoḓaho miri?” hu amba Mbevha ya Ḓoroboni. “Zwikwetamakole zwo lapfesa!” Mbevha ya Mahayani ya hoṱola. “Ndi khou ṱoḓa u ya hayani.” “Zwi a fana a hu na zwine zwa itea mahayani,” hu amba Mbevha ya Ḓoroboni. “A ni borei?” Mbevha ya Mahayani ya sea. “Iḓani ni ḓivhonele inwi muṋe!”   +Tsha u thoma tshe Mbevha ya Ḓoroboni ya vhona ndi u fhumulesa ha fhethu. Mbevha ya Mahayani yo vha i tshi dzula fhasi ha muri mudenya, fhasi ha lutombo lwo aṱamaho. “Iḓanu thetshelesa,” i ralo. Ya pfa mubvumo u ngaho wa maṱari a tshi khou vhudzulwa nga muya na muungo wa zwikhokhonono na u pfala hu tshi nga hu kokodzwa tshithu fhethu hu konḓaho. + +“Ri kovhana mitshelotshelwana na zwiṋoni,” hu amba Mbevha ya Mahayani. “Na ṋotshi dzi kovhana mutoli na riṋe. Vhutshilo vhu a ḓifha!” Ha bvelela tshivhumbwa tsha tshipulumbu tshi penyaho, tshi tshi khou kungulusa bola phanḓa hatsho nga milenzhe yatsho ya mipfa. “Tshipembenene tshi dzudza zwithu zwo kuna.” “Naa hone Caracal tshi i ita mini?” +“Tshi ḽa riṋe,” hu amba Mbevha ya Mahayani. “Gidimani!” 6 7 Izwo zwo vha zwo eḓana kha Mbevha ya Ḓoroboni. “Ndi nga namba zwanga nda tinya tsitsikano ya vhuendi u fhira zwimange zwa ḓaka zwi ofhisaho!” Mbevha ya Mahayani yo dzula muḓini wayo wa zwiṱentsini, he ya ḓiphiṋa nga mulalo na u fhumula. Luthihi kha tshifhinga yo vha i tshi ḓoroboni u renga zwithu. +Fhedzi musi i tshi ya hone, yo vhona uri Mbevha ya Ḓoroboni yo vha i hone u ḓo i tsireledza. Mbevha ya Ḓoroboni yo humela murahu fuḽetheni yayo. Musi hu tshi vha na phosho nga maanḓa, na khayo, yo ṱuwa yay a u dzula na muzwala nga holodeni. Zwi tou nga ri funa fhethu hune ra hu ḓivhesa. Ni funa mini nga hune na dzula hone? +  +Madakalo a Nal’ibali +Zwine ha nga ambiwa nga hazwo +Ni na vhazwala? Vha dzula ngafhi? Ni nga nanga u dzula mahayani kana ḓoroboni? Ndi ngani? Nzulele ya kutshilele kwa mahayani na nzulele ya ḓoroboni zwi fhambana nga mini?  +Tshifanyiso +Ni dzula ngafhi? Olani tshifanyiso tsha muḓi wa haṋu na vhupo ha tsini nawo. +U Vhala +Lavhelesani tshifanyiso tsha vhupo ha mahayani nga vhuronwane. Vhalani hafhu zwe zwa ṅwaliwa kha masiaṱari aya ni wane tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tsha zwipuka na zwithu zwi re tshifanyisoni itsho. +U Ṅwala +Hayani ha haṋu ndi hone fhethu hune na hu funesa? Kana hu na huṅwe fhethuvho? Ṅwalani mutevhe wa zwiitisi zwa uri ni nange fhethu hune na hu funesa.  +Vhutsila +Shumisani khadibogisi ya muelo wa vhukati kha u ita muḓi wa mbevha. Shumisani zwibogisi zwiṱuku (sa zwibogisi zwa mentshisi), zwithivho zwa maboḓelo na maṅwe matheriaḽavho e a vusuludzwa ni ite fenitshara ya nnḓu iyi i no lingana mbevha. Ni nga nakisa fenitshara nga zwipiḓa zwa malabi kana mabammbiri a re na mivhala. Tsha u fhedza, shumisani vumba ḽa u tambisa kana vumbavumba kha u vhumba mbevha dzi no ḓo dzula nḓuni iyi. +Kushumele +Toololani tshiṱori ni tshi shumisa vhabvumbedzwa vha re vhaṋu vhudzuloni ha Mbevha ya Mahayani na Mbevha ya Ḓoroboni.",ven,Tshivenda,Mbevha ya Mahayani na Mbevha ya Ḓorobon,"Country Mouse came to town to get a new pair of glasses. City Mouse met her at the station. “Welcome, cousin,” he said. “Nice to see you,” said Country Mouse, although she couldn’t see very much at all. She looked up, but the blue sky was ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Tsho ṅwaliwa nga Jacqui L’Ange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mbevha-ya-mahayani-na-mbevha-ya-ḓoroboni +country-mouse-and-city-mouse,"N’wakondlo wa le Tikoxikaya a tile edorobeni ku ta xava manghilazi ya mahlo yantshwa. N’wakondlo wa le Dorobeni u hlangane na yena exitichini. “Ndza ku amukela, mzala,” a vula. “Swa tsakisa ku ku vona,” ku vula N’wakondlo wa le Tikoxikaya, hambileswi a nga swi koti ku vona kahle. U langutile ehenhla, kambe matilo lawa ya wasi a ya tumberile hi miako ya mpunga. N’wakondlo wa le Tikoxikaya ri ambala manghilazi. +“Xana yi ye kwihi misinya hinkwayo?” a vutisa. “Xana i mani a lavaka misinya?” ku vula N’wakondlo wa le Dorobeni. “Miako leyi yi lehile swinene!” N’wakondlo wa le Tikoxikaya a khohlola. “Ndzi lava ku ya ekaya.” “A ku humeleli nchumu etikoxikaya,” ku vula N’wakondlo wa le Dorobeni. “Xana a wu na xivunda?” N’wakondlo wa le Tikoxikaya a hleka. “Tana u ta tivonela hi wexe!”   + +Xosungula lexi N’wakondlo wa le Dorobeni a nga xi lemuka i ku miyela. N’wakondlo wa le Tikoxikaya a tshama ehansi ka nsinya wo anama, ehansi ka matilo ya wasi yo anama. “Wena yingisela,” a vula. U twile vukhwaxakhwaa na ku ninginika na ku kweru-kweru-kweru. “Swinyenyani swi avelana tirhubeyila na hina,” ku vula N’wakondlo wa le Tikoxikaya. “Naswona tinyoxi ti avelana na hina vulombe. Vutomi bya nandziha!” Ku humelela xivumbiwa xa xirhendzevutana xo hatima, xi ri karhi xi khunguluxa bolo emahlweni ka yena hi milenge ya xona leyo lala. ”Xifufunhunu xa vulongo xi basisa ndhawu leyi.” +“Xana Nandzana yena u endla yini?” “U dya hina,” ku vula N’wakondlo wa le Tikoxikaya. “Baleka!”  Sweswo a swi enerile eka N’wakondlo wa le Dorobeni. “Swi nga antswa ndzi papalata ntlimbano wa mimovha ku nga ri ximanga xo chavisa xa le nhoveni!” N’wakondlo wa le Tikoxikaya a tshama etikweni ra ka vona, laha a tiphina hi kurhula na ku hola. +Kan’we endzhaku ka nkarhi lowo leha a endzela doroba. Kambe loko a ya kona, a tiyisisa leswaku N’wakondlo wa le Dorobeni u kona ku n’wi sirhelela. N’wakondlo wa le Dorobeni u tlhelerile endhawini ya yena edorobeni. Loko ku ri na huwa swinene, hambi kuri eka yena, a famba a ya titshamela na mzala wa yena hi tiholodeni. Swi tikomba hi rhandza ndhawu leyi hi yi tivaka ngopfu. Xana wena u rhandza yini hilaha u tshama kona? +  +Swo tsakisa hi Nal’ibali +Mianakanyo yo bula hayona +Xana u na vakhazi? Xana va tshama kwihi? Xana u nga hlawula ku tshama ematikoxikaya kumbe edorobeni? Ha yini? Xana swiyimo swa mahanyelo swi hambana njhani ematikoxikaya na le madorobeni? +Xifaniso +U Tshama kwihi? Dirowa xifaniso xa kaya ra ka n’wina na ndhawu leyi rhendzeleke. +Ku Hlaya +Langutisa kusihi eka xifaniso xa le matikoxikaya. Hlaya tsalwa eka mapheji lawa nakambe kutani u tlhela u kuma swifaniso na swilo ha xin’we exifanisweni. +Ku Tsala +Xana kaya ra wena i ndhawu leyi u yi rhandzaka? Kumbe hi kun’wana? Tsala nxaxamelo wa swivangelo swo hlawula ndhawu ya xirhandzwa. +Ntirho wa vutshila +Tirhisa bokisi ra khadibodo ra sayizi ya le xikarhi ku endla kaya ra kondlo. Tirhisa swibokisana (ku fana na swibokisana swa mencisi), swipfalo swa mabodlhela na switirhisiwa leswi endliweke hi vuntshwa ku endla vhanichara ya xiyindlwana xa kondlo. U nga yi khavisa hi swilapana kumbe phepha ra mihlovohlovo. Xohetelela, tirhisa fulawuri yo tlangisa kumbe vumba ku endla leswaku makondlo ya tshama kona. +Encenyeta +Tsheketa nakambe u tirhisa swimunuhatwa swa wena ematshan’wini ya N’wakondlo wa le Tikoxikaya na N’wakondlo wa le Dorobeni.",tso,Xitsonga,’wakondlo wa le Tikoxikaya na N’wakondlo wa le Doroben,"Country Mouse came to town to get a new pair of glasses. City Mouse met her at the station. “Welcome, cousin,” he said. “Nice to see you,” said Country Mouse, although she couldn’t see very much at all. She looked up, but the blue sky was ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mutsari i Jacqui L’Ange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/n’wakondlo-wa-le-tikoxikaya-na-n’wakondlo-wa-le-dorobeni +why-the-bat-flies-night,"Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, there was a bush rat called Legotlo. Legotlo was a close friend of Mamanthwane – the bat. The two of them were always together. But Mamanthwane was jealous of Legotlo. Legotlo had many friends and everyone liked him more than the bat. Legotlo also had a wife who loved him very much. The bat was jealous of all these things that Legotlo had.  +Legotlo and Mamanthwane always ate together. When the bat cooked, the food was always very good. “How is it that when you make the soup it is so tasty?” asked the bush rat. “I always boil myself in the water, and my flesh is sweet. That’s what makes the soup so good,” explained the bat. But he was lying. Mamanthwane offered to show the bush rat how it was done. He got a pot of warm water that was not hot enough to burn anyone, but he told Legotlo that the water was boiling hot. Then Mamanthwane jumped into the pot and quickly got out again. When Mamanthwane served the soup, it tasted as good as usual. Legotlo was amazed. The bat’s trick really does work, he thought.  + +After they had finished eating, the bush rat went home and told his wife that he was going to make good soup just like the bat’s. His wife asked how he was going to do that. “It’s a secret!” said Legotlo. Legotlo asked his wife to boil some water, which she did. When his wife was not looking, Legotlo jumped into the pot. Soon he was boiling in the water!  +“Help me! Help me!” he screamed. “I am burning!”  +The bush rat’s wife rushed to pull him out, but the damage had already been done. Legotlo was so badly burned that he had lost all his fur. His skin was red and pink from the hot water.  +“Why would you get into a pot of boiling water?” his wife asked.  +“Because Mamanthwane told me that’s what makes his soup taste really good,” said Legotlo.  +When Legotlo’s wife looked at him and saw how injured he was, she cried. She took him to the doctor, but the doctor wasn’t able to help him. Instead, the doctor said that Legotlo would never grow fur again. When Legotlo’s wife heard this sad news, she was very angry! She reported the matter to the king and queen. They ordered all the people of the village to find the bat so that he could be punished.  +  +Everyone turned up to search for the bat. But Mamanthwane had already heard about what was going to happen so he had flown away into the bush and hidden himself. The people of the village looked and looked, but they couldn’t find him anywhere. The next day, the people of the village made their way into the bush to see if they could find Mamanthwane there. They were right – they found Mamanthwane hiding there in a tree. They waited until he was asleep, then they caught him and took him straight to the king and queen. When they arrived at the royal house, Legotlo and his wife were already there. Mamanthwane was ashamed to look his friend, Legotlo, in the eye.  +“Why would you do this to me? We were best friends!” Legotlo said to the bat.  +“Because I was jealous of you,” answered Mamanthwane. “You have everything that I don’t have and everyone loves you and hates me.”  +The people of the village were shocked at Mamanthwane’s response. They wondered why Mamanthwane hadn’t just asked his friend how he had managed to get everyone to love him. Then the king said, “Well, you have just given everyone a reason to hate you even more.” The king and queen ordered the guards to take Mamanthwane to jail. The queen said, “Today we will lock you up! Tomorrow we will decide how to punish you!”  +The next morning when the guards came to fetch Mamanthwane from his jail cell, he was not there. He had escaped and no one knew how. Legotlo and his wife were furious when they heard the news. The king and queen were also very angry. They ordered the people in the village to search for the bat again. All day long the people tried to find and catch Mamanthwane, but they failed. Mamanthwane had found a cave far away from the village that no one knew about. The cave was hard to find. Mamanthwane also decided to change one of his habits – from that day, he only came out to feed when it was dark.  + +And so, that is why even today, you will never see Mamanthwane, the bat, during the day. Only at night will you see him flying around.",eng,English,Why the bat flies at night,"Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, there was a bush rat called Legotlo. Legotlo was a close friend of Mamanthwane – the bat. The two of them were always together. But Mamanthwane was jealous of Legotlo. Legotlo had many friends and ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/why-the-bat-flies-night +why-the-bat-flies-night,"Eendag, lank, lank gelede, was daar ’n bosrot met die naam Legotlo. Legotlo was ’n goeie vriend van Mamanthwane – die vlermuis. Die twee van hulle was altyd saam.  Maar Mamanthwane was jaloers op Legotlo. Legotlo het baie vriende gehad, en almal het meer van hom as van die vlermuis gehou. Legotlo het ook ’n vrou gehad wat baie lief was vir hom. Die vlermuis was jaloers op al hierdie dinge wat Legotlo gehad het.  +  +Legotlo en Mamanthwane het altyd saam geëet. Wanneer die vlermuis gekook het, was die kos altyd heerlik. “Hoe kry jy dit reg om sulke lekker sop te maak?” vra die bosrot. “Ek kook altyd myself in die water, en my vleis is soet. Dis wat die sop so lekker maak,” verduidelik die vlermuis. Maar hy jok.  Mamanthwane bied aan om vir die bosrot te wys hoe hy dit doen. Hy gaan haal ’n pot warm water wat nie warm genoeg is om enigiemand te brand nie, maar hy sê vir Legotlo dat die water kokend warm is. Toe spring Mamanthwane in die pot en spring vinnig weer uit. Toe Mamanthwane die sop opskep, proe dit so lekker soos altyd. Legotlo is verstom. Die vlermuis se plan werk regtig, dink hy.  + +Toe hulle klaar geëet het, gaan die bosrot huis toe en vertel vir sy vrou dat hy net sulke lekker sop soos die vlermuis gaan maak. Sy vrou vra hoe hy dit gaan doen. “Dis ’n geheim!” sê Legotlo. Legotlo vra sy vrou om water te kook, wat sy toe ook doen. Toe sy vrou nie kyk nie, spring Legotlo in die pot. Gou kook hy in die water!  “Help my! Help my!” skree hy. “Ek brand!” Die bosrot se vrou hardloop om hom uit te trek, maar die skade is reeds gedoen. Legotlo is so erg verbrand dat hy al sy hare verloor het. Sy vel is rooi en pienk van die warm water.  +  +“Waarom het jy in ’n pot kookwater gespring?” vra sy vrou.  +“Want Mamanthwane het my vertel dat dit is wat sy sop so lekker maak,” sê Legotlo.  +Toe Legotlo se vrou na hom kyk en sien hoe seer hy gekry het, begin sy huil. Sy vat hom dokter toe, maar die dokter kan hom nie help nie. Die dokter sê net dat Legotlo nooit weer hare sal groei nie. Toe Legotlo se vrou hierdie hartseer nuus hoor, word sy baie kwaad! Sy gaan meld die saak by die koning en koningin aan. Hulle beveel al die mense van die dorp om die vlermuis te vind sodat hy gestraf kan word.  +  +Almal daag op om na die vlermuis te soek. Maar Mamanthwane het al klaar gehoor wat aangaan en hy het in die bos gaan wegkruip. Die mense van die dorp soek en soek, maar hulle kan hom nêrens kry nie.  +  +Die volgende dag gaan die mense van die dorp na die bos toe om te sien of hulle Mamanthwane daar kan vind. Hulle is reg – hulle kry Mamanthwane waar hy in ’n boom wegkruip. Hulle wag tot hy slaap, vang hom en vat hom reguit na die koning en koningin toe.  +  +Toe hulle by die koninklike huis aankom, is Legotlo en sy vrou reeds daar. Mamanthwane is skaam om sy vriend, Legotlo, in die oë te kyk.  +“Waarom het jy dit aan my gedoen? Ons was dan beste vriende!” sê Legotlo vir die vlermuis. “Omdat ek jaloers is op jou,” antwoord Mamanthwane. “Jy het alles wat ek nie het nie, en almal is lief vir jou en haat my.” Die mense vandie dorp is geskok oor Mamanthwane se antwoord.  Hulle wonder waarom Mamanthwane nie net vir sy vriend gevra het hoe hy dit regkry dat almal lief is vir hom nie.  +  +Toe sê die koning: “Wel, jy het so pas vir almal ’n rede gegee om jou nog meer te haat.” Die koning en koningin beveel die wagte om Mamanthwane in die trunk te gooi. Die koningin sê: “Vandag sluit ons jou toe! Môre sal ons besluit hoe om jou te straf!” Die volgende oggend toe die wagte Mamanthwane uit sy tronksel gaan haal, is hy nie daar nie. Hy het ontsnap, en niemand weet hoe nie. Legotlo en sy vrou is woedend toe hulle die nuus hoor. Die koning en koningin is ook baie kwaad. Hulle beveel die mense van die dorp om weer na die vlermuis te gaan soek.  +  +Die mense probeer die hele dag lank om vir Mamanthwane te vind, maar hulle kry hom nêrens nie. Mamanthwane het ’n grot ver weg van die dorp gevind, waarvan niemand weet nie. Die grot is moeilik om te vind. Mamanthwane het ook besluit om een van sy gewoontes te verander – van daardie dag af kom hy slegs ná donker uit om te eet.  + +En daarom sal jy selfs vandag nog nooit vir Mamanthwane, die vlermuis, in die dag sien nie. Net snags sal jy hom sien rondvlieg.",afr,Afrikaans,Waarom die vlermuis snags vlieg,"Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, there was a bush rat called Legotlo. Legotlo was a close friend of Mamanthwane – the bat. The two of them were always together. But Mamanthwane was jealous of Legotlo. Legotlo had many friends and ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/waarom-die-vlermuis-snags-vlieg +why-the-bat-flies-night,"Kudala-dala, kwiminyaka ngeminyaka eyadlulayo, kwakukho ibuzi, impuku yasendle ngamanye amagama, elalibizwa ngokuba nguLegotlo. ULegotlo wayengumhlobo osondele kuMamanthwane – ilulwane. Bona bobabini babesoloko bekunye. Kodwa uMamanthwane wayenomona ngoLegotlo. ULegotlo wayenabahlobo abaninzi kwaye wonke umntu wayemthanda ngaphezu kwelulwane. ULegotlo wayenayo nenkosikazi eyayimthanda kakhulu. Ilulwane lalimonela uLegotlo ngazo zonke ezi zinto wayenazo.  +  +ULegotlo noMamanthwane babesoloko besitya kunye. Xa liphekile ilulwane, ukutya kwakusoloko kunencasa kakhulu. “Yenzeka njani into yokuba wena xa upheke isuphu iba nencasa kakhulu kangaka?” labuza ibuzi. “Ndisoloko ndizibilisa emanzini, kanti inyama yam iswiti. Yiloo nto eyenza ukuba isuphu ibe mnandi kangaka,” lachaza ilulwane. Kodwa laliphosisa.  +  +UMamanthwane wazinikela ekubeni abonise ibuzi indlela okwenziwa ngayo oko. Weza nembiza enamanzi ashushu futhi eshushu ngokwaneleyo kangangokuba angatshisa nabani, kodwa wamxelela uLegotlo ukuba amanzi akwiqondo lokubila. Ngoko ke uMamanthwane watsibela embizeni kodwa wakhawuleza waphuma kwangoko. Wathi uMamanthwane xa ephaka isuphu, yanencasa emnandi ngokwesiqhelo. ULegotlo wamangaliswa. Ngenene icebo lelulwane liyasebenza, wacinga njalo.  + +Emva kokuba begqibe ukutya, ibuzi lagoduka lafika laxelela inkosikazi yalo ukuba laliza kupheka isuphu emnandi njengeyelulwane. Inkosikazi yabuza ukuba liza kuyenza njani isuphu emnandi njengeyelulwane. Lihlebo!” watsho uLegotlo. ULegotlo wacela inkosikazi yakhe ukuba ibilise amanzi, yakwenza oko. Yathi xa inkosikazi ingajonganga, uLegotlo watsibela embizeni. Kwangoko wasuka wabila emanzini!  “Ndincede! Ndincede!” wakhwaza. “Ndiyatsha!”  +Inkosikazi yebuzi yakhawuleza yamtsala yamkhupha, kodwa umonakalo wawusowenzekile. ULegotlo wayetshe kakubi kakhulu kangangokuba wade walahlekelwa bubo bonke uboya bakhe. Isikhumba sakhe sasibomvu napinki ngenxa yamanzi ashushu. “Wena ubungenelani embizeni yamanzi abilayo?” inkosikazi yabuza. “Kungenxa yokuba uMamanthwane undixelele ukuba yinto eyenza ukuba isuphu yakhe ibe nencasa ngenene leyo,” watsho uLegotlo.  +  +Yathi yakumjonga inkosikazi uLegotlo yabona indlela enzakele ngayo, yakhala. Yamsa kwagqirha, kodwa ugqirha wayengakwazi kumnceda. Endaweni yoko, ugqirha wathi uLegotlo akanakuze aphinde amile boya kwakhona. Yathi yakuva ezi ndaba zimbi inkosikazi kaLegotlo yanomsindo kakhulu! Yaxela lo mbandela kukumkani nakukumkanikazi. Bayalela ukuba bonke abantu belali balifumane elo lulwane ukuba lohlwaywe. Wonke umntu waqala wazingela ilulwane. Kodwa uMamanthwane wayesele eve ngako konke okwakuza kwenzeka ngoko ke wabhabha wangena etyholweni wazimela khona. Abantu belali bakhangela bakhangela, kodwa zange bamfumane naphi na.  +  +Ngemini elandelayo abantu belali bangena etyholweni ukuze bafumane uMamanthwane apho. Babenyanisile – bamfumana uMamanthwane ezimele emthini. Bamlinda wade walala, baze bambamba bamsa ngqo kukumkani nokumkanikazi. Bathi bakufika kwikomkhulu, bafumanisa ukuba uLegotlo nenkosikazi yakhe sebelapho. UMamanthwane wayeneentloni ukujonga umhlobo wakhe, uLegotlo emehlweni. “Kutheni undenza into enje? Besingabahlobo benene!” watsho uLegotlo kwilulwane.  +  +“Kungenxa yokuba bendikumonela,” waphendula uMamanthwane. “Unayo yonke into endingenayo futhi bonke abantu bathanda wena kodwa mna bayandicaphukela.” Abantu belali bamangaliswa yimpendulo kaMamanthwane. Babemangaliswa kukuba kutheni uMamanthwane engakhange abuze umhlobo wakhe ukuba wenza njani ukuze wonke umntu amthande. Emva koko ukumkani wathi, “Hayi ke, ubaxelele ngokwakho abantu isizathu ukuze bakucaphukele ngakumbi.”  +  +Ukumkani nokumkanikazi bayalela abalindi ukuba bavalele uMamanthwane etrongweni. Ukumkanikazi wathi, “Namhlanje siyakubamba! Ngomso siza kwenza isigqibo sokuba siza kukohlwaya njani!” Ngentsasa elandelayo bakufika abalindi ukuza kulanda uMamanthwane kwisisele sakhe sasetrongweni, bafumanisa ukuba wayengasekho apho. Wayeqhweshile futhi kwakungekho owaziyo ukuba oko ukwenze njani. ULegotlo nenkosikazi bacaphuka kakhulu bakuva ezo ndaba. Ukumkani nokumkanikazi nabo babevutha ngumsindo. Bayalela abantu elalini ukuba baphinde bazingele ilulwane kwakhona.  +  +Ngayo yonke loo mini abantu bazama ukufumana nokubamba uMamanthwane, kodwa zange baphumelele. UMamanthwane wayefumene umqolomba owawungaziwa mntu kude elalini. Kwakunzima ukuwufumana loo mqolomba. UMamanthwane kwakhona wenza isigqibo sokutshintsha omnye wemikhwa yakhe – ukususela ngaloo mini, wayephumela phandle kuphela xa kumnyama ukuze atye.  + +Nangoku, yiloo nto nanamhlanje, ungenakuze umfumane uMamanthwane, ilulwane, emini. Kusebusuku kuphela apho unokumbona ebhabhela kufutshane.",xho,isiXhosa,Kutheni ilulwane libhabha ebusuku,"Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, there was a bush rat called Legotlo. Legotlo was a close friend of Mamanthwane – the bat. The two of them were always together. But Mamanthwane was jealous of Legotlo. Legotlo had many friends and ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kutheni-ilulwane-libhabha-ebusuku +why-the-bat-flies-night,"Kgalekgale, mengwedi ye mentši ya go feta, go be go na le legotlo la lešoka la go bitšwa Legotlo. Legotlo e be e le mogwera o mogolo wa Mamanthwane – wa mankgagane. Ba be ba phela mmogo. Efela Mamanthwane o be a jela Legotlo mona. Legotlo o be a na le bagwera ba bantši gomme bohle ba be ba mo rata go feta. Legotlo gape o be a na le mosadi wa go mo rata kudu. Mankgagane o be a na le mona go tšohle tšeo Legotlo a bego a na le tšona.  Legotlo le Mamanthwane ba be ba phela ba eja mmogo. Ge go apeile mankgagane, dijo di be di phela di eba bose kudu.  +  +“Nkane ka mehla ge o apea sopo ye e eba bose ka tsela ye?” legotlo la lešoka la botšiša. “Ke phela ke ipidiša ka meetseng gomme letlalo la ka le bose. Ke se se dirago gore sopo e be bose,” mankgagane wa hlaloša. Efela o be o bolela maaka. Mamanthwane a re o tlo bontšha legotlo la lešoka gore o dira bjang seo. A tšea poto ya meetse a go fiša efela e sego ka fao a bego aka fiša motho, efela o boditše Legotlo gore meetse ao a betše a a fiša. Gomme Mamanthwane a fofela ka potong a ba a tšwa. Ge Mamanthwane a sola sopo, ya ba bose go swana le mehleng. Legotlo o be a maketše. Mathaithai a mankgagane a šoma ka nnete, a nagana.  + +Ge ba fetša goja legotlo la lešoka la ya gae gomme la botša mosadi wa lona gore le tlo dira sopo ya bose go swana le ya mankgagane. Mosadi wa gagwe o ile a botšiša gore o tlo e dira bjang. “Ke sephiri!” gwa realo Legotlo. Legotlo o ile a kgopela mosadi wa gagwe go bidiša meetse, gomme a dira seo. Mola mosadi wa gagwe a se a lebelele, Legotlo a fofela ka meetseng a go fiša. Ka bjako ke ge a bela ka meetseng!  +  +“Nthuše! Nthuše!” a goeletša. “Ke a swa!” Mosadi wa legotlo la lešokeng a kitima a mo ntšha, efela go be go šetše go senyegile. Legotlo o be a swele kudu ke ka fao a lobilego maboya a gagwe ka moka. Letlalo la gagwe le be le hwibiditšwe ke meetse ebile e le lepinki.  “Ke ka lebaka la eng o tsena ka potong ya meetse a go bela?” mosadi wa gagwe a botšiša. “Ka lebaka la gore Mamanthwane o mpoditše gore ke se se dirago gore sopo ya gagwe e be bose kudu,” a realo Legotlo.  +  +E rile ge mosadi wa Legotlo a mo lebelela, a bona ka fao a gobetšego ka gona, a lla. O mo išitše ngakeng efela ya se kgone go mo thuša. Ngaka e rile Legotlo a ka se sa tsoga a metše maboya. Mosadi wa Legotlo o rile go kwa taba ye ya go nyamiša, a befelwa kudu! O begile taba ye go kgoši le mmakgoši. Ba laetše batho bohle ba motse gore ba nyake mankgagane a tle a otlwe. Batho bohle ba ile ba ya go nyaka mankgagane. Efela Mamanthwane o be a šetše a kwele ka seo se tlogo direga gomme a fofela lešokeng a ya go khuta. Batho ba motse ba ile ba lebelela, ba ba ba lebelela, efela ba se mo hwetše felo.  +  +Ka letšatši la go latela, batho ba motse ba ile ba ya lešokeng go lebelela Mamanthwane fao. Ba be ba nepile – ba hweditše Mamanthwane fao a khutile mohlareng. Ba eme go fihlela a robala, ba ile ba mo swara gomme ba mo iša go kgoši le mmakgoši thwii. Barile ge ba fihla mošate, ba hwetša Legotlo le mosadi wa gagwe. Mamanthwane o be a lewa ke dihlong tša go lebelela mogwera wa gagwe, Legotlo, ka mahlong.  +  +“O ntirelang ka tsela ye? Re be re le bagwera ba makgonthe!” Legotlo a realo go mankgagane. “Ke ka lebaka la gore ke be ke go jela mona,” gwa araba Mamanthwane. “O na le tšohle tšeo ke se nago tšona, gomme bohle ba a go rata efela nna ba ntlhoile.” Batho ba motse ba ile ba tlabja ke phetolo ya Mamanthwane. Ba ipotšiša gore nkane Mamanthwane a se a botšiša mogwera wa gagwe gore o dirile eng gore batho bohle ba mo rate. Gomme kgoši a re, “Gona, o file batho bohle lebaka la gore ba go hloye le go feta.”  +  +Kgoši le mmakgoši ba laela baletakgoro gore ba iše Mamanthwane kgolegong. Mmakgoši a re, “Lehono re tlo go tswalelela! Re tlo akanya ka kotlo ya gago gosasa!” Mesong ya go latela ge baletakgoro ba etla go tšea Mamanthwane kgolegong, ga se ba mo hwetša. O ngwegile efela ga go yo a tsebago gore bjang. Legotlo le mosadi wa gagwe ba be ba befetšwe kudu ge ba ekwa ditaba tše. Kgoši le mmakgoši le bona ba be ba befetšwe kudu. Ba ile ba laela batho ba motse go nyaka mankgagane gape.  +  +Letšatši lohle batho bohle ba be ba nyaka Mamanthwane, efela ba se mo hwetše. Mamanthwane o hweditše lewa leo le sa tsebjego ke motho kgole le motse. Go be go se bonolo go hwetša lewa leo. Mamanthwane le yena o ile a fetola ye nngwe ya ditlwaelo tša gagwe – go tloga ka letšatši leo, a thoma go tsoma dijo bošego fela.  + +Gomme, ke ka fao le lehono, o ka se bonego Mamanthwane, wa mankgagane, mosegare. O tlo mmona fela bošego a fofa.",nso,Sepedi,Goreng mankgagane o fofa bošego,"Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, there was a bush rat called Legotlo. Legotlo was a close friend of Mamanthwane – the bat. The two of them were always together. But Mamanthwane was jealous of Legotlo. Legotlo had many friends and ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/goreng-mankgagane-o-fofa-bošego +why-the-bat-flies-night,"Kwesukasukela, eminyakeni eminingi eyadlula, kwakukhona igundane lehlathi okwakuthiwa uLegotlo. ULegotlo wayengumngani omkhulu kaMamanthwane – ilulwane. Bobabili babehlale bendawonye njalo. Kodwa uMamanthwane wayenomona noLegotlo. Ulegotlo wayenabangani abaningi futhi wayethandwa kakhulu kunelulwane. ULegotlo wayebuye abe nonkosikazi owayemthanda kakhulu. Ilulwane lalinomona ngazo zonke lezi zinto uLegotlo ayenazo. ULegotlo noMamanthwane babehlale bedla ndawonye. Lapho ilulwane liphekile, ukudla kwakuhlale kumnandi kakhulu.  +  +“Kungani njalo nje uma wena wenze umhlunzi unambitheke kangaka?” kubuza igundane lehlathi. “Mina ngiyazibilisa njalo nje, futhi inyama yami isashukela. Yilokho okwenza umhluzi wami ube mnandi kakhulu,” kuchaza ilulwane. Kodwa lalisenga ezimithiyo. UMamanthwane wazicelela ukukhombisa igundane lehlathi ukuthi kwenziwa kanjani. Wathatha imbiza enamanzi afudumele nje, angashisi ngendlela yokuthi angashisa othile, kodwa watshela uLegotlo ukuthi amanzi ayeshisa lokhu okubilayo. Emva kwalokho uMamanthwane wagxumela phakathi embizeni, wayesephuma ngokushesha futhi. Ngenkathi uMamanthwane esephaka umhluzi, wawunambitheka kamnandi njengokwejwayelekile. ULegotlo wayemangele. Leli su leluwane lisebenza ngempela, ecabanga.  + +  +Lapho sebeqedile ukudla, igundane lehlathi laya ekhaya latshela umkalo ukuthi lizokwenza umhlunzi omnandi ofana nje nowelulwane. Umkalo walibuza ukuthi lokho lalizokwenza kanjani. “Lokho kuyimfihlo!” kusho uLegotlo. ULegotlo wacela umkakhe ukuthi abilise amanzi, wenza kanjalo. Ngenkathi umkakhe enganakile, uLegotlo wagxuma wangena embizeni. Kungekudala wayesebila emanzini! “Ngisize! Ngisize!” ememeza. “Ngiyasha!”Unkosikazi wegundane lehlathi waphuthuma ukumkhiphela ngaphandle, kodwa umonakalo wawusuwenzekile. ULegotlo wayeseshe kabi ngangokuthi bonke uboya bakhe base busukile. Isikhumba sakhe sase sibomvu, futhi siphinki ngenxa yamanzi ashisayo.  +  +“Ubungenelani kodwa embizeni enamanzi abilayo?” kubuza umkakhe. “Ngoba uMamanthwane ungitshele ukuthi yilokho okwenza umhluzi wakhe unambitheke kakhulu ngempela,” kusho uLegotlo. Kwathi uma unkosikazi kaLegotlo embuka futhi ebona ukuthi ulimele kangakani, wakhala. Wamthatha wamhambisa kudokotela, kodwa udokotela wehluleka ukumsiza. Kunalokho, udokotela wathi kuLegotlo ngeke buphinde bumile uboya bakhe. Wathi uma unkosikazi kaLegotlo ezizwa lezi zindaba ezibuhlungu, wathukuthela kakhulu! Wabika lolu daba enkosini nasendlovukazini. Bathumela umyalelo kubo bonke abantu bomuzi ukuthi bathole ilulwane ukuze lijeziswe.  +  +Wonke umuntu weza waqala ukucinga ilulwane. Kodwa-ke uMamanthwane wayevele esezwile ukuthi kuzokwenzekani ngakho wandiza waya ehlathini wazifihla. Abantu bomuzi bacinga, bacinga, kodwa abazange bamthole ndawo. Ngosuku olulandelayo, abantu bomuzi bathatha indlela ebheke ehlathini ukuze babone ukuthi bangamthola yini uMamanthwane lapho. Babeqinisile – bamthola uMamanthwane ecashe lapho esihlahleni. Bamlinda waze walala, base bembamba bahamba baqonda naye enkosini nasendlovukazini.  +  +Lapho befika esigodlweni, uLegotlo nomkakhe base bevele bekhona lapho. UMamanthwane wayenamahloni okubuka umngani wakhe, uLegotlo, emehlweni. “Ukwenzeleni kimi lokhu? Ingani besingabangani abakhulu!” uLegotlo esho elulwaneni. “Yingoba benginomona ngawe,” kuphendula uMamanthwane. “Unazo zonke izinto engingenazo futhi wonke umuntu uyakuthanda, kanti mina bayangizonda.” Abantu bomuzi yabamangalisa kakhulu impendulo kaMamanthwane. Bamangala nje ukuthi kungani uMamanthwane engazange abuze umngani wakhe ukuthi wenza kanjani ukuthi wonke umuntu amthande.  +  +Emva kwalokho inkosi yayisithi, “Hhayi-ke, usunikeze uwonkewonke isizathu sokuthi akuzonde ngokwedlulele manje.” Inkosi kanye nendlovukazi bayalela onogada ukuthi bathathe uMamanthwane bamfake ejele. Indlovukazi yathi, “Namuhla sizokuvalela! Kusasa sizonquma ukuthi sizokujezisa kanjani!” Ngakusasa ekuseni lapho onogada befika bezolanda uMamanthwane egumbini lakhe ejele, wayengekho. Wayeseqile kanti akekho owayazi ukuthi kanjani. ULegotlo nomkakhe bathukuthela uma bezwa lezo zindaba. Inkosi kanye nendlovukazi nabo babethukuthele kakhulu.  +  +Bayalela abantu bomuzi ukuthi bacinge ilulwane futhi. Usuku lonke abantu bazama ukuthola nokubamba uMamanthwane, kodwa behluleka. UMamanthwane wayethole umhume kude nomuzi, owawungaziwa muntu. Lo mhume kwakunzima ukuwuthola. UMamanthwane waphinde wanquma ukuguqula omunye wemikhuba yakhe – ukusuka ngalelo langa, wayesephuma ukuze athole ukudla uma sekumnyama kuphela.  + +Yingakho-ke nanamuhla, ungeke uze umbone uMamanthwane, ilulwane, ngezikhathi zasemini. Ungambona ebusuku kuphela endiza ezungezungeza.",zul,isiZulu,Kungani ilulwane lindiza ebusuku,"Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, there was a bush rat called Legotlo. Legotlo was a close friend of Mamanthwane – the bat. The two of them were always together. But Mamanthwane was jealous of Legotlo. Legotlo had many friends and ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kungani-ilulwane-lindiza-ebusuku +why-the-bat-flies-night,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale, dilemolemo tse ngata tse fetileng, ho ne ho ena le tadi ya morung e bitswang Legotlo. Legotlo e ne e le motswalle wa hlooho ya kgomo wa Mamanthwane – mankgane. Ba ne ba dula ba le mmoho ka dinako tsohle. Empa Mamanthwane o ne a monela Legotlo. Legotlo o ne a ena le metswalle e mengata mme bohle ba ne ba mo rata ho feta mankgane. Legotlo hape o ne a ena le mosadi ya neng a mo rata haholo. Mankgane o ne a ena le lefufa bakeng sa dintho tsohle tseo Legotlo a neng a ena le tsona.  + + +  + + +Legotlo le Mamanthwane ba ne ba dula ba eja mmoho. Ha mankgane a ne a phehile, dijo kamehla di ne di eba monate. “Ke hobaneng ha wena o phehile sopho e eba monate hakana?” ha botsa tadi ya morung. “Kamehla ke kena ka pitseng ke belelle le metsi, mme letlalo la kale monate. Ke kahoo sopho e ebang monate tjena,”ha hlalosa mankgane. Empa one a bua leshano. Mamanthwane a ithaopa ho bontsha tadi ya morung hore ho etsuwa jwang. A nka pitsa ya metsi a futhumetseng a neng a sa tjhese hoo a ka tjhesang mang kapa mang, empa a bolella Legotlo hore metsi ao a betse. Yaba Mamanthwane o tlolela ka hara pitsa mme a ba a tswa ka potlako. Ha Mamanthwane a tshola sopho, ya latsweha ha monate jwaloka tlwaelo. Legotlo o ne a maketse. Leqheka la mankgane le hlile le a sebetsa, a nahana jwalo.  + + +  + + +Ha ba qeta ho ja, tadi ya morung a leba lapeng mme a bolella mosadi wa hae hore o tlilo pheha sopho e monate jwaloka ya mankgane. Mosadi wa hae a mmotsa hore o tlo e pheha jwang. “Ke lekunutu!” ha rialo Legotlo. Legotlo a kopa mosadi wa hae hore a bedise metsi, mme eo a etsa jwalo. Ha mosadi wa hae a sa sheba, Legotlo a tlolela ka hara pitsa. Mme hanghang a belella le metsi ka pitseng! “Nthuseng! Nthuseng!” a hoeletsa. “Ke a tjha!”  + + +  +Mosadi wa tadi ya morung a potlakela ho ya mo ntsha ka moo, empa tshenyo e ne e se e le kgolo. Legotlo o ne a tjhele hampe hoo a ileng a lahlehelwa ke boya ba hae kaofela. Letlalo la hae le ne le le lefubedu le bopinki ka lebaka la metsi a tjhesang. “Hobaneng o ka kena ka hara pitsa ya metsi a belang?” ha botsa mosadi wa hae. “Hobane Mamanthwane o mpolelletse hore seo ke sona se etsang hore sopho ya hae e latswehe tjena,” ha araba Legotlo.  + + +  + + +Ha mosadi wa Legotlo a mo sheba mme a bona kamoo a tjheleng ka teng, a lla. A mo isa ngakeng, empa ngaka ya hloleha ho mo thusa. Ho ena le ho mo thusa, ngaka a re Legotlo a keke a hlola a mela boya hape. Yare ha mosadi wa Legotlo a utlwa ditaba tse bohloko tseo, a halefa haholo! A tlaleha taba ena ho morena le mofumahadi. Ba laela batho bohle ba motseng ho batlana le mankgane e le hore a tle a fuwe kotlo. Batho bohle ba tla ho tla tsomana le mankgane. Empa Mamanthwane o ne a se a utlwetse ka se tlang ho etsahala kahoo o ne a fofile a balehetse morung mme a ipatile. Batho ba motseng ba mmatla, ba mmatla, empa ba se ke ba mo fumana kae kapa kae.  + + +  + + +Tsatsing le hlahlamang, batho ba motseng ba kena tseleng e lebang morung ho ya bona hore ba keke ba fumana Mamanthwane teng. Ba ne ba nepile – ba ile ba fumana Mamanthwane a ipatile sefateng.Ba mo emela ho fihlela a kgaleha, mme yaba ba a mo tshwara mme ba mo isa ho morena le mofumahadi. Eitse ha ba fihla moreneng, Legotlo le mosadi wa hae ba ne ba se ba le moo. Mamanthwane o ne a swabile a sa batle le ho sheba motswalle wa hae, Legotlo, mahlong.  + + + “Hobaneng o nkentse tjee? Re ne re le metswalle ya hlooho ya kgomo!” Legotlo a rialo ho mankgane. “Hobane ke ne ke o monela,” ha araba Mamanthwane. “O na le dintho tsohle tseo nna ke se nang tsona mme bohle ba o rata mme nna ba ntlhoile.” Baahi ba motseng ba ne ba tshositswe ke karabo ya Mamanthwane. Ba ne ba ipotsa hore ke hobaneng ha Mamanthwane a ne a sa ka a botsa feela motswalle wa hae hore o etsa jwang hore bohle ba mo rate. Yaba morena o re, “Jwale he, o se o file batho bohle lebaka la hore ba o hloye le ho feta.” Morena le mofumahadi ba laela balebedi ho isa Mamanthwane tjhankaneng. Mofumahadi a re, “Kajeno re tla o kwalla! Hosane re tla etsa qeto hore re ka o fa kotlo efe!”  + + +  + + +Tsatsing le hlahlamang hoseng ha balebedi ba tla ho lata Mamanthwane phaposing ya tjhankana, o ne a le siyo. O ne a balehile mme ha ho motho ya neng a tseba hore o balehile jwang. Legotlo le mosadi wa hae ba ne ba kgenne haholo ha ba utlwa ditaba tsena. Morena le mofumahadi le bona ba ne ba halefile haholo. Ba laela batho ba motse hore ba ilo batlana le mankgane hape.  + + +  + + +Letsatsi lohle batho ba leka ho fumana le ho tshwara Mamanthwane empa ba hloleha. Mamanthwane o ne a fumane lehaha hole le motse oo leo ho seng motho ya tsebang ka lona. Lehaha leo ho ne ho le thata ho le fumana. Mamanthwane hape a etsa qeto ya ho fetola tse ding tsa ditlwaelo tsa hae – ho tloha tsatsing leo, a tswela ka ntle feela ho ja ha ho le lefifi.  + + + + + + Mme he, ke kahoo le kajeno, o kekeng wa bona Mamanthwane, mankgane, motsheare. O tla mmona bosiu feela a ntse a fofa hohle.",sot,Sesotho,Hobaneng ha mankgane o fofa bosiu,"Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, there was a bush rat called Legotlo. Legotlo was a close friend of Mamanthwane – the bat. The two of them were always together. But Mamanthwane was jealous of Legotlo. Legotlo had many friends and ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hobaneng-ha-mankgane-o-fofa-bosiu +why-the-bat-flies-night,"Khale wa khaleni, khale ka masiku, a ku ri na kondlo ra nhova leri a va ku i Legotlo. Legotlo a ri munghana lonkulu wa Mamanthwane – mangadyani. Havumbirhi ka vona a va tshama va ri swin’we. Kambe Mamanthwane a ri na mavondzo eka Legotlo. Legotlo a ri na vanghana votala naswona un’wana na un’wana a n’wi rhandza ku tlula mangadyane. Nakambe Legotlo a ri ni nsati loyi a a n’wi rhandza swinene. Mangadyane a ri na mavondzo eka swilo hikwaswo leswi Legotlo a ri na swona. Legotlo na Mamanthwane a va dya swin’we mikarhi hinkwayo. Loko mangadyani a sweka, swakudya swa kona a swi tshamela ro nandziha.  + + +  +“Hikwalaho ka yini wena loko u sweka supu yi tshamela ro xawula?” ku vutisa kondlo ra nhova.  “Mikarhi hinkwayo ndzi nghena ndzi tibyabyisa endzeni ka mati, naswona nyama ya mina ya tsokombela. Hi leswi swi endlaka leswaku supu ya mina yi nandziha,” ku hlamusela mangadyane. Kambe o hemba. Mamanthwane u tinyikile ku kombisa kondlo ra nhova leswaku swi endlisiwa ku yini. U kumile poto ra mati yo kufumela lawa a ya nga hisi lero ya nga hisa munhu, kambe a byela Legotlo leswaku mati lawa ya hisa ro vila. Kutani Mamanthwane a tlulela endzeni ka poto kutani a hatla a huma hi ku hatlisa. Loko Mamanthwane a phamela supu, a yi nandziha tanihi masiku. Legotlo swi n’wi hlamarisile swinene. Masalamusi ya mangadyane ya tirha hakunene, a ehleketa leswi.  + + + +  +Loko va hetile ku dya, kondlo ra nhova ri yile ekaya ri fika ri byela nsati leswaku ri ta sweka supu ya kahle ku fana na ya mangadyane. Nsati wakwe u n’wi vutisile leswaku u ya yi sweka njhani. “I xihundla!” ku hlamula Legotlo. Legotlo u kombele nsati wa yena ku virisa mati, leswi a nga swi endla. Loko nsati wa yena a nga ri ku languteni, hiloko Legotlo a tlulela endzeni ka poto. Hi xinkadyana se a vila endzeni ka mati! “Ndzi pfuneni! Ndzi pfuneni!” a kalakala. “Ndza tshwa!”  + + +  + + +Nsati wa kondlo ra nhova a hatlisa a n’wi tsavula, kambe mhaka yo biha se a yi humelerile. Legotlo a tshwile swinene lero a lahlekeriwe hi voya byakwe. Nhlonge yakwe a yi tshwukile na ku va na vupinki hikwalaho ka mati yo hisa. “Hikwalaho ka yini u nghena endzeni ka mati yo vila?” ku vutisa nsati wakwe. “Hikuva Mamanthwane u ndzi byerile leswaku leswi hi swona swi endlaka leswaku supu ya yena yi nandziha swinene,” ku vula Legotlo. Loko nsati wa Legotlo a n’wi languta a vona hilaha a vavisekeke hakona, a rila. U n’wi yisile eka dokodela, kambe dokodela a nga kotanga ku n’wi pfuna. Ematshan’weni yo n’wi pfuna, dokodela a ku Legotlo a nge he pfuki a mirile voya nakambe.  + + +  +Loko nsati wa Legotlo a twa mhaka leyo vavisa mbilu, a hlundzukile swinene! U mangarile mhaka leyi eka hosi na nkosikazi. Va lerisile vanhu hinkwavo va tiko ku lava mangadyane leswaku a ta xupuriwa. Wun’wana na wun’wana u humile ku ya lava mangadyane. Kambe Mamanthwane a swi twile leswi a swi ta humelela kutani a haha a ya tifihla enhoveni. Vanhu va tiko va lava lero na lava, kambe a va n’wi kumanga. Hi siku leri tlhandlamaka, vanhu va tiko va sukile va ya lava Mamanthwane kwale nhoveni. A va tiyisile – va kumile Mamanthwane a tifihlile ensinyeni. Va n’wi rindzile ku kondza loko a etlela, kutani va n’wi khoma va n’wi yisa emahlweni ka hosi na nkosikazi. Loko va fika entsindza, Legotlo na nsati a va fikile. Mamanthwane u khomiwile hi tingana letikulu loko a vona munghana wa yena, Legotlo, loko a n’wi languta emahlweni. “Hikokwalaho ka yini u ndzi endla leswi? A hi ri vanghana lavakulu!” Legotlo a byela mangadyani.  + + +“Hikuva a ndzi ri na mavondzo eka wena,” ku hlamula Mamanthwane. “U na swilo hinkwaswo leswi mina ndzi nga hava naswona wun’wana na wun’wana wa ku rhandza kambe mina va ndzi venga.” Vanhu va tiko va hlamarisiwile swinene hi hlamulo ya Mamanthwane. Va tivutisile leswaku hikwalaho ka yini Mamanthwane a nga vutisangi leswaku u swi kotisa ku yini ku endla leswaku vanhu va n’wi rhandza. Kutani hosi yi ku, “U nyikile xivangelo xa hilaha wun’wana na wun’wana a fanelaka ku ku venga ha kona ku tlurisa.”  + + +  + + +Hosi na nkosikazi va lerisile varindzi ku teka Mamanthwane va n’wi hoxa ekhotsweni. Nkosikazi a ku, “Namuntlha ha ku pfalela! Mundzuku hi ta teka xiboho xa leswi hi nga ta ku xupurisa xiswona!” Hi xamundzuku nimpundzu loko varindzi va fika ku ta teka Mamanthwane endzeni ka khotso, a nga ri kona. A balekile naswona a ku ri hava loyi a swi tiva ku ri njhani. Legotlo na nsati wakwe a va hlundzukile loko va twa mahungu lawa. Hosi na nkosikazi na vona a va hlundzukile swinene. Va lerisile vanhu va tiko ku ya lava mangadyani nakambe. Siku hinkwaro vanhu va ringetile ku lava na ku khoma Mamanthwane, kambe va tsandzekile. Mamanthwane a kumile bakwa kule etikweni leri a ri nga tiviwi hi munhu. Bakwa leri a swi tika ku ri kuma. Mamanthwane u tlhele a teka xiboho xo cinca wun’wani wa mitolovelo yakwe – ku suka siku rero, a huma ntsena ku ya dya loko byi ri vusiku.  + + + + + +  +Hikokwalaho, na namutlha na sweswi, u nge pfuki u vonile Mamanthwane, mangadyani ninhlekanhi. U ta n’wi vona ntsena nivusiku a ri karhi a haha-haha.",tso,Xitsonga,Hikwalaho ka yini mangadyani a haha nivusiku,"Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, there was a bush rat called Legotlo. Legotlo was a close friend of Mamanthwane – the bat. The two of them were always together. But Mamanthwane was jealous of Legotlo. Legotlo had many friends and ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hikwalaho-ka-yini-mangadyani-haha-nivusiku +why-the-bat-flies-night,"Bogologolotala, dingwedi tse dintsi tse di fetileng, go ne go na le peba ya sekgwa e bidiwa Legotlo. Legotlo e ne e le tsala e kgolo ya ga Mamanthwane. Bobedi jwa bone bo ne bo tlhola bo le mmogo ka dinako tsotlhe. Fela Mamanthwane o ne a fufegela Legotlo. Legotlo o ne a na le ditsala tse dintsi mme o ne a ratiwa ke batho botlhe go feta mamanthwane. Gape legotlo o ne a na le mosadi yo o neng a mo rata thata. Mamanthwane o ne a fufegela dilo tsotlhe tse Legotlo o neng a na le tsona tse. Legotlo le Mamanthwane ba ne ba ja mmogo ka metlha. +  +Fa mamanthwane a apeile, dijo di ne le le monate thata ka metlha. “Go tla jang gore fa o dira sopo e nna monate jaana?” ga botsa peba ya sekgwa. “Ka metlha ke ipedisa mo metsing, le letlalo la me le botshe. Ke sona se se dirang sopo monate,” ga tlhalosa mamanthwane. Fela o ne a bua maaka. Mamanthwane o ne a ithaopa go bontsha peba ya sekgwa gore se se diriwa jang. A tlisa pitsa ya metsi a a bothito fela a se molelo thata go fisa ope, fela a bolelela Legotlo gore metsi a molelo thata. Jaanong Mamanthwane o ne a itatlhela mo pitseng mme a tswa gape ka bonako. Fa Mamanthwane a tshola sopo, e ne e utlwala e le monate jaaka gale. Legotlo o ne a maketse. Matlhale a ga mamanthwane a a dira ruri, a akanya.  + +  +Fa ba feditse go ja, peba ya sekgwa o ne a ya gae mme a fitlha a bolelela mosadi wa gagwe gore o tlile go dira sopo e e monate fela jaaka ya ga mamanthwane. Mosadi wa gagwe a botsa gore o ya go e dira jang. “Ke sephiri!” Legotlo a rialo. Legotlo a kopa mosadi wa gagwe go bedisa metsi, mme a dira jalo. Fa mosadi wa gagwe a ne a sa lebelela, Legotlo a itatlhela mo pitseng. Morago ga nakwana o ne a bela mo metsing!  +“Nthuseng! Nthuseng!” a goa. “Ke a ša!” Mosadi wa ga peba ya sekgwa a itlhaganelela go mo gogela kwa ntle, mme fela tshenyo e ne e setse e diregile. Legotlo o ne a šele maswe thata moo e leng gore o ne a latlhegetswe ke boboa jwa gagwe jotlhe. Letlalo la gagwe le ne le le lehibidu le bopinki ka ntlha ya metsi a a belang.  +  +“Ke goreng o ne o tsena mo pitseng ya metsi a a belang?” mosadi wa gagwe a botsa.  “Ka gonne Mamanthwane o mpoleletse gore ke sona se se dirang sopo ya gagwe monate thata,” ga bua Legotlo. Fa mosadi wa ga Legotlo a mo lebelela mme a bona dikgobalo tsa gagwe tse di botlhoko, o ne a lela. O ne a mo isa ngakeng, fela ngaka ga e a ka ya kgona go mo thusa. Bogolo, ngaka e rile Legotlo ga a kitla a tlhola a tlhoga boboa gape.  +  +Fa mosadi wa ga Legotlo a utlwa dikgang tse di botlhoko tse, o ne a tenegile thata! O ne a ya go itsise kgosi le kgosigadi. Ba ne ba laela batho botlhe ba motse go batla mamanthwane gore a tle a otlhaiwe. Batho botlhe ba ne ba tla go batlana le mamanthwane. Fela Mamanthwane o ne a setse a utlwile gore go tlile go diragala eng mme o ne a fofetse kwa sekgweng go ya go iphitlha. Batho ba motse ba ne ba batla gotlhe, mme ba se mmone gope.  +  +Ka letsatsi le le latelang, batho ba motse ba ne ba ya kwa sekgweng go bona gore a ba ka se bone Mamanthwane teng. Ba ne ba nepile –ba fitlhetse Mamanthwane a iphitlhile mo setlhareng. Bane ba mo emela go fitlhela a robala, mme ba mo tshwara ba mo isa kwa go kgosi le kgosigadi. Fa ba fitlha kwa ntlong ya segosi, Legotlo le mosadi wa gagwe ba ne ba setse ba le teng. Mamanthwane o ne a tlhabiwa ke ditlhong tsa go lebelela tsala ya gagwe, Legotlo, mo matlhong.  +  +“Ke goreng o ne o ntira se? Re ne re le ditsala tse di ntshanang se inong!” Legotlo a rialo go mamanthwane. “Ka gonne ke ne ke go fufegela,” Mamanthwane a araba. “O na le sengwe le sengwe se ke se nang sona e bile o ratiwa ke batho botlhe mme nna ga ba nthate.” Baagi ba motse ba ne ba makaditswe ke karabo ya ga Mamanthwane. +  +Ba ne ba ipotsa gore ke goreng Mamanthwane a ne a sa botse tsala ya gagwe gore o dira jang gore a ratiwe ke batho. Jaanong kgosi ya re, “Mme jaanong, o fetsa go fa batho lebaka la gore ba go tlhoe le go feta.” Kgosi le kgosigadi ba ne ba laela batlhokomedi go isa Mamanthwane kgolegelong. Kgosigadi o ne a re, “Gompieno, re tlile go go tswalela! Kamoso re tla tsaya tshwetso ya kotlhao ya gago!”  +  +Mo mosong o o latelang fa batlhokomedi ba tla go tsaya Mamanthwane, o ne a se teng. O ne a ngwegile mme go ne go se motho yo o neng a itse gore jang. Legotlo le mosadi wa gagwe ba ne ba tenegile fa ba utlwa dikgang tse. Kgosi le kgosigadi le bona ba ne ba tenegile. Ba ne ba laela batho ba motse go ya go mmatla gape.  +  +Letsatsi lotlhe batho ba ne ba leka go bona le go tshwara Mamanthwane, mme ba palelwa. Mamanthwane o ne a bone logaga le le kgakala le motse le go neng go se ope yo a itseng ka lona. Logaga le ne le se bonolo go bonwa. Mamanthwane gape o ne a swetsa go fetola mengwe ya mekgwa ya gagwe – go tloga ka letsatsi leo, o ne a tswa fela fa go le lefifi go batla dijo.  + +  +Jaanong, ke sone se le gompieno, ga o kitla o tsamaya o bona Mamanthwane, motshegare. Ke bosigo fela o ka mmonang a fofa.",tsn,Setswana,Ke goreng mamanthwane a fofa bosigo,"Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, there was a bush rat called Legotlo. Legotlo was a close friend of Mamanthwane – the bat. The two of them were always together. But Mamanthwane was jealous of Legotlo. Legotlo had many friends and ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ke-goreng-mamanthwane-fofa-bosigo +lolo-fixes-the-internet,"Lolo was a clever little girl who lived in the village of the Batswana people. This beautiful village was like no other in the world. The people there were really clever and they were ahead of their time. Lolo was the smartest of them all. In Lolo’s village, the internet was the most important tool. If you visited the village, you’d find school children using their computer tablets to find the information they needed to finish their schoolwork. Many people had cars that could fly and they controlled these cars by using the internet. People used the internet for EVERYTHING!  +  +And then one day – POOF! Suddenly the internet was gone. Everyone thought that maybe it had gone down for a while and that it would work again later, but they were wrong. The king and queen of the village made an announcement on the community radio and television stations. They said that the internet would be down for a long time. Everyone in the village was shocked. Lolo watched in amazement as every child in her school panicked. “Our lives are over!” shouted one of her friends grabbing Lolo by her shoulders. One of Lolo’s teachers ran out of the classroom, grabbed her arm and said, “Do something, Lolo! You are the clever one.” Then the teacher ran off crying.  +  + +Lolo could not understand what the fuss was about. “Everyone is behaving as if the world is coming to an end!” she thought. She decided that the next day she would pay the king and queen a visit to find out about the problem. When Lolo arrived at the Royal House, she was welcomed with a glass of warm milk and a plate of chocolate chip biscuits. Lolo ate some of the biscuits while she waited for the king and queen. They were the best biscuits she had ever tasted.  +  +The king and queen arrived and greeted Lolo. They began to talk about the problem in the village. The queen explained that their ministers had found out that the problem was with a satellite that was far, far away – all the way up in space!  “So,” said the queen, “it is not just our village, but the whole world that does not have the internet.” The queen then held Lolo’s hand and said, “My child, we are looking for someone really clever to get into the royal spacecraft, travel into space and fix the satellite.”  +  +“Lolo,” said the king, “you are the only person for the job! If you do this, you will be doing the whole world a favour.”  +Lolo felt excited and nervous all at the same time. She had read that going into space was a dangerous thing to do, but she agreed to go.  +For days, the little girl worked alongside the space crew to prepare for this special mission. She learnt how to fly and control the spacecraft and she learnt how to float in space. Soon Lolo was ready to fly off into space. On the day that Lolo left, everyone was there to watch. People threw flowers at her for good luck. Others sang songs of encouragement. Lolo felt so loved.  +  + +Lolo climbed into the spacecraft and all the technicians turned the engines on. Moments later, the spacecraft left earth. After flying for what seemed like a long, long time, the spacecraft landed at the space station. Lolo could see the satellite from the window. She contacted the king and queen using a special type of radio to let them know that she had arrived safely. Everyone at home celebrated and her parents were especially happy to know that their daughter was alive and well.  +  +But the mission didn’t go quite as planned. For days Lolo struggled to work out what the problem was. She knew that the success of the mission was in her hands and she didn’t want to let everyone down. Eventually the space team’s food and water began to run out. The mission had become very difficult, but still the clever little girl kept working and working, until one day … she had worked it all out! One of the cables on the satellite had burnt out and needed to be replaced. Once Lolo had done that, the internet was back! Everyone in her village and all over the world celebrated.  After a hard, but successful mission, Lolo returned home. She was a hero! The king and queen were so proud of her that they gave her a medal of honour and named their next child after her.",eng,English,Lolo fixes the internet,Lolo was a clever little girl who lived in the village of the Batswana people. This beautiful village was like no other in the world. The people there were really clever and they were ahead of their time. Lolo was the smartest of them all. In ...,"Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lolo-fixes-the-internet +lolo-fixes-the-internet,"Lolo was ’n baie slim dogtertjie wat in die dorp van die Batswana-mense gewoon het. Hierdie pragtige dorp was soos geen ander in die wêreld nie. Die mense van die dorp was regtig slim en hul tyd ver vooruit. Lolo was die slimste van almal. In Lolo se dorp was die internet die belangrikste ding. As jy die dorp sou besoek, sou jy die skoolkinders met hul rekenaartablette vind, besig om inligting te soek wat hulle nodig het om hul huiswerk te doen. Baie mense het motors gehad wat kon vlieg, en hulle het hierdie motors beheer deur die internet te gebruik. Mense het die internet vir ALLES gebruik! +  +En toe, op ’n dag – POEF! Skielik is die internet weg. Almal het gedink die internet is dalk net vir ’n rukkie af en sal weer later werk, maar hulle was verkeerd. +Die koning en koningin van die dorp het ’n aankondiging oor die gemeenskapsradio en televisie gedoen. Hulle het gesê die internet sal vir ’n lang tyd af wees. Almal in die dorp was geskok. Lolo het verstom toegekyk hoe elke kind in haar skool paniekerig raak. “Ons lewens is verby!” skree een van haar maats en gryp Lolo aan haar skouers. Een van Lolo se onderwysers storm by die klaskamer uit, gryp haar aan die arm en sê: “Doen tog iets, Lolo! Jy is die slim een.” Toe hardloop die onderwyser huilend weg. +  + +Lolo kan nie verstaan waaroor die bohaai gaan nie. “Almal tree op asof dit die einde van die wêreld is!” dink sy. Sy besluit dat sy die volgende dag by die koning en koningin sal gaan besoek aflê om uit te vind wat die probleem is. Toe Lolo by die Koningshuis aankom, word sy met ’n glas warm melk en ’n bord sjokoladesplinterkoekies verwelkom. Lolo eet van die koekies terwyl sy vir die koning en koningin wag. Dis die lekkerste koekies wat sy nog ooit geëet het. +Die koning en koningin kom aan en groet vir Lolo. Hulle begin oor die probleem in die dorp gesels. Die koningin verduidelik dat hul ministers uitgevind het dat daar ’n probleem met ’n satelliet is, ’n satelliet wat baie ver weg is – ver weg in die ruimte! +  +“So,” sê die koningin, “dis nie net ons dorp nie, maar die hele wêreld wat nie internet het nie.” Die koningin vat toe Lolo se hand en sê: “My kind, ons is op soek na iemand wat baie slim is, wat in die koninklike ruimtetuig sal klim, na die ruimte sal reis en die satelliet sal regmaak.” “Lolo,” sê die koning, “jy is die enigste een wat dit kan doen! As jy dit doen, sal jy die hele wêreld ’n guns doen.” Lolo voel tegelyk opgewonde en senuweeagtig. Sy het gelees dat dit gevaarlik is om na die ruimte te reis, maar sy stem in om te gaan. +  +Dae lank werk die klein dogtertjie saam met die ruimtespan om vir hierdie spesiale sending voor te berei. Sy leer hoe om te vlieg en die ruimtetuig te beheer en sy leer hoe om in die ruimte te dryf. Sommer gou is Lolo gereed om die ruimte aan te durf. Die dag toe Lolo vertrek, is almal daar om te kom kyk. Mense gooi blomme na haar om haar geluk toe te wens. Ander sing liedjies om haar aan te moedig. Lolo voel dat almal lief is vir haar. +  + +Lolo klim in die ruimtetuig en al die tegnici skakel die enjins aan. Oomblikke later verlaat die ruimtetuig die aarde. Na wat soos ’n ewigheid voel, land die ruimtetuig by die ruimtestasie. Lolo kan die satelliet deur die venster sien. Sy kontak die koning en koningin met ’n spesiale soort radio om hulle te laat weet dat sy veilig aankom het. Almal by die huis vier fees en haar ouers is veral bly om te hoor dat hul dogter lewendig is en dat dit goed gaan met haar. +  +Maar die sending verloop nie heeltemal volgens plan nie. Dae lank sukkel Lolo om vas te stel wat die probleem is. Sy weet die sukses van die sending is in haar hande, en sy wil niemand in die steek laat nie. Uiteindelik begin die ruimtespan se kos en water opraak. Die sending raak baie moeilik, maar die slim klein dogtertjie hou aan werk en werk totdat sy op ’n dag die problem opspoor! Een van die satelliet se kabels het uitgebrand en moet vervang word. Toe Lolo dit gedoen het, is die internet terug! Almal in haar dorp en oor die hele wêreld vier fees. Na ’n moeilike, maar suksesvolle sending keer Lolo terug huis toe. Sy is ’n held! Die koning en koningin is so trots op haar dat hulle vir haar ’n medalje gee en ook hul volgende kind na haar vernoem.",afr,Afrikaans,Lolo maak die internet reg,Lolo was a clever little girl who lived in the village of the Batswana people. This beautiful village was like no other in the world. The people there were really clever and they were ahead of their time. Lolo was the smartest of them all. In ...,"Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lolo-maak-die-internet-reg +lolo-fixes-the-internet,"ULolo wayeyintombazana encinane ekrelekrele eyayihlala elalini yabantu abangaBatswana. Kwakungekho lali intle njengaleyo ehlabathini. Abantu babekrelekrele ngenene kwaye belihambela phambili ixesha. ULolo wayengoyena ukrelekrele ngaphezu kwabo bonke. Elalini kaLolo, i-intanethi yayisesona sixhobo sibalulekileyo. Xa undwendwele kule lali, ubufumana abantwana besikolo besebenzisa iithablethi zabo eziziikhompyutha befuna ulwazi abaludingayo ukuze bagqibezele umsebenzi wabo wesikolo. Abantu abaninzi babeneemoto ezazikwazi ukubhabha kanti babezilawula ezi moto ngokusebenzisa i-intanethi. Abantu bebesebenzisa i-intanethi ngayo YONKE INTO! +  +Kodwa ngenye imini – YHO! Ngesiquphe yasuka yanyamalala i-intanethi. Wonke umntu wacinga ukuba mhlawumbi ihambe okwethutyana kwaye iya kubuya isebenze kwakhona ethubeni, kodwa babesenza impazamo. Ukumkani nokumkanikazi belali benza isaziso kwirediyo yoluntu nakwizikhululo zikamabonakude. Bathi i-intanethi ayizi kubakho kwithuba elide. Wonke umntu elalini wothuka. ULolo wayemangalisiwe kukubona wonke umntwana esikolweni sakhe exhalabile. “Kuphelile ngobomi bethu!” wakhwaza omnye wabahlobo ebamba uLolo emagxeni. Omnye wootitshala bakaLolo wabaleka waphuma eklasini, wambamba ngengalo wathi, “Yiba nento oyenzayo, Lolo! Nguwe okrelekrele kakhulu.” Ootitshala babaleka belila. +  + +ULolo wayengabuqondi obu buphakuphaku ukuba bubangelwa yintoni. “Wonke umntu ubonakala eziva ngathi ihlabathi liya esiphelweni!” wacinga ngolo hlobo. Wenza isigqibo sokuba ngemini elandelayo wayeza kutyelela ukumkani nokumkanikazi ukuze kufunyaniswe ingxaki nesisombululo. Wathi akufika kwiBhotwe leKomkhulu uLolo, wamkelwa ngeglasi yobisi olufudumeleyo nepleyiti yemiqhathane enamasuntswana etshokolethi. ULolo watya eminye imiqhathane ngelixa esalinde ukumkani nokumkanikazi. Yayiyeyona miqhathane imnandi wakhe wayingcamla. +  +Ukumkani nokumkanikazi babulisa uLolo. Baqala bathetha ngengxaki eselalini. Ukumkanikazi wachaza ukuba amaphakathi abo amfumanisile unobangela wengxaki ukuba ukwisixhobo esisemajukujukwini nesikude kakhulu, kude phaya – phezulu kakhulu emajukujukwini! “Ngoko ke,” watsho ukumkanikazi, “asiyolali yethu kuphela, kodwa lonke ihlabathi alinaintanethi.” Ukumkanikazi ke wabamba uLolo ngesandla wathi, “Mntwana wam, enyanisweni sifuna umntu okrelekrele ngenene ukuba angene kwisiphekepheke sasemajukujukwini sekomkhulu ukuze aye emajukujukwini ukuya kulungisa isixhobo seintanethi.” +  +“Lolo,” watsho ukumkani, “nguwe kuphela umntu onokuwenza lo msebenzi! Ukuba uyakwenza oku, uya kuba uncede lonke ihlabathi.” ULolo waziva enegugu kodwa othukile ngaxeshanye. Wayevile ukuba ukuya emajukujukwini yeyona nto iyingozi inokwenziwa ngumntu, kodwa wavuma ukuya. Kwithuba leentsuku, intombazana encinane yasebenza kunye neqela elisebenza emajukujukwini ilungiselela eli phulo lohlobo olulodwa. Wafunda ukubhabha nokulawula isiphekepheke sasemoyeni waze wafunda ukusebenzisa umgaqo wokubhabha. Msinyane uLolo wayelungele ukubhabhela emajukujukwini. Ngemini awahamba ngayo uLolo, wonke umntu wayelapho ebukele. Abantu babephosela iintyatyambo kuye bemnqwenelela ithamsanqa. Abanye babecula iingoma zenkuthazo. ULolo waziva ethandwa kakhulu. +  + +ULolo wangena kwisiphekepheke aze onke amagcisa obuchule aqhuba iinjini. Kwithutyana elifutshane, isiphekepheke sawushiya uMhlaba. Emva kokubhabha ithuba elide, elide kakhulu, isiphekepheke sagaleleka kwisikhululo sesiphekepheke. ULolo wasibona isixhobo ngefesitile. Waqhagamshelana nokumkani kunye nokumkanikazi ngokusebenzisa uhlobo olulodwa lwerediyo ukuze abazise ukuba ufike kakuhle. Wonke umntu ekhaya wayonwabe kakhulu ngokunjalo nabazali bakhe babechwayite kakhulu ukwaziswa ukuba intombazana yabo iphilile futhi yonwabile. +  +Kodwa uhambo aluqhubanga ngendlela ebelucwangciselwe ngayo. Zibe liqela iintsuku uLolo engayichani kakuhle ukuba iphi ingxaki. +Wayesazi ukuba impumelelo yohambo yayisezandleni zakhe kwaye wayengafuni kubaphoxa abantu. Kwacaca ethubeni ukuba iqela lasemajukujukwini laliphelelwa kukutya namanzi. Uhambo lwalunzima kakhulu, kodwa intombazana encinane ekrelekrele yaqhuba ngokusebenza, isebenza, yade ngenye imini… yalifumana iqhinga! Enye ikheyibhile kwisixhobo yayitshile futhi ifuna ukususwa kufakwe enye. Akuba ekwenzile oko uLolo, yabuya i-intanethi! Wonke umntu elalini yakhe nakulo lonke ihlabathi wabhiyoza. +  +Emva kwephulo ebelinzima naxa belinempumelelo, uLolo wagoduka. Wayeliqhawe! Ukumkani nokumkanikazi babe negugu ngaye bade bamnika imbasa yesithwalandwe futhi bathiya usana lwabo olulandelayo ngaye.",xho,isiXhosa,ULolo ulungisa i-intaneth,Lolo was a clever little girl who lived in the village of the Batswana people. This beautiful village was like no other in the world. The people there were really clever and they were ahead of their time. Lolo was the smartest of them all. In ...,"Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ulolo-ulungisa-i-intanethi +lolo-fixes-the-internet,"ULolo kwakuyintombazanyana ehlakaniphile eyayihlala esigodini sabeTswana. Lesi sigodi esihle sasingefaniswe nasinye emhlabeni. Abantu balapho babehlakaniphe ngempela futhi bephambili ngokwesikhathi ababephila kuso. ULolo yena wayehlakaniphe ukubedlula bonke. Esigodini sikaLolo, i-inthanethi kwakuyisisetshenziswa esibaluleke kakhulu. Uma uvakashele isigodi, wawuthola izingane zesikole zisebenzisa amakhompiyutha angamathebhulethi ukuze zithole ulwazi eziludingayo ukuze ziqedele umsebenzi wazo wesikole. Abantu abaningi babenezimoto ezikwazi ukundiza futhi babezilawula lezi zimoto besebenzisa i-inthanethi. Abantu babesebenzisa i-inthanethi KUKHO KONKE! +  +Kwase kuthi ngolunye usuku – CISHI! Ngokuphazima kweso i-inthanethi yayisinyamalele. Wonke umuntu wayecabanga ukuthi mhlawumbe yayiphansi okwesikhashana futhi izophinde isebenze kamuva, kodwa babeshaye phansi. Inkosi kanye nendlovukazi yendawo benza isimemezelo emsakazweni womphakathi naseziteshini zikamabonakude. Bathi i-inthanethi ayizukusebenza isikhathi eside. Wonke umuntu esigodini wayethukile. ULolo wabuka ngokumangala ngesikhathi zonke izingane esikoleni sakhe zitatazela. “Sekuphelile ngempilo yethu!” kumemeza omunye wabangani bakhe ebamba uLolo emahlombe akhe. Omunye wothisha bakaLolo wagijima waphuma ekilasini, wambamba ngengalo wayesethi, “Yenza okuthile, Lolo! Wena phela ungohlakaniphile.” Emva kwalokho uthisha wagijima waqhela ekhala. +  + +ULolo wayengaqondisisi ukuthi ukukhathazeka okungaka kwakumayelana nani. “Wonke umuntu uziphatha sengathi umhlaba usufinyelele ekugcineni!” kucabanga yena. Wanquma ukuthi ngosuku olulandelayo uzovakashela inkosi kanye nenkosikazi ukuze athole okuthile ngenkinga leyo. Wathi lapho efika uLolo eSigodlweni, wamukelwa ngengilazi yobisi olufudumele kanye nepuleti lamakhekhe kashokoledi. ULolo wadla amakhekhe ambalwa ngesikhathi elindele inkosi nendlovukazi. Kwakungamakhekhe amnandi ngendlela ayengakaze ayizwe. +  +Inkosi nendlovukazi bafika babingelela uLolo. Baqala ukukhuluma ngenkinga ekulesi sigodi. Indlovukazi yachaza ukuthi izinduna zabo zase zithole ukuthi inkinga yayikusathelayithi ekude, kude le – phezulu emkhathini! “Ngakho-ke,” kwasho indlovukazi, “akusona nje isigodi sakithi, kodwa yiwo wonke umhlaba ongenayo i-inthanethi.” Indlovukazi yabe isibamba isandla sikaLolo maqede yathi, “Mntanami, sifuna umuntu ohlakaniphe ngempela ongagibela indizamkhathi yasebukhosini, ahambe aye emkhathini bese elungisa isathelayithi.” “Lolo,” kwasho inkosi, “nguwena kuphela umuntu ofanele lo msebenzi! Uma wenza lokhu, uzobe wenzela wonke umhlaba ufefe.” +  +ULolo wazizwa ejabulile futhi enovalo ngasikhathi sinye. Wayeke wafunda ukuthi ukuya emkhathini kwakuyinto eyingozi ukuyenza, kodwa wavuma ukuhamba. Kwaba yizinsuku, intombazanyana isebenza kanye nethimba lomkhathi ukulungiselela lolu hambo olukhethekile. Yafunda ukuhamba emoyeni kanye nokulawula indiza-mkhathi yaphinde yafunda ngokuntanta emkhathini. Ngokushesha nje uLolo wayesekulungele ukundiza aye emkhathini. Ngosuku ahamba ngalo uLolo, wonke umuntu wayekhona ukuzobukela. Abantu babemphonsela izimbali ukumfisela inhlanhla. Abanye babecula izingoma zokumkhuthaza. ULolo wazizwa ethandwa ngempela. +  + +ULolo wagibela kundiza-mkhathi kwase kuthi bonke ochwepheshe badumisa izinjini. Ngemuva kwesikhashana, indiza-mkhathi yawushiya uMhlaba. Ngemuva kokuthi esehambe emoyeni isikhathi esasibukeka siside kakhulu, indiza-mkhathi yathi cabababa esiteshini emkhathini. ULolo wayekwazi ukubona isathelayithi ngefasitela. Wathinta inkosi nendlovukazi esebenzisa uhlobo olukhethekile lomsakazo ebazisa ukuthi wayefike ephephile. Wonke umuntu ekhaya wahalalisa kanti abazali bakhe babejabule ngokukhethekileyo ukwazi ukuthi indodakazi yabo yayisaphila futhi ingumqemane. +  +Kodwa umsebenzi awuzange uhambe kahle ngendlela owawuhlelwe ngayo. Kwaba yizinsuku uLolo esokola ukuthola ukuthi inkinga kwabe kuyini. Wayazi ukuthi ukuphumelela komsebenzi kwakusezandleni zakhe futhi wayengafuni ukwenzela wonke umuntu phansi. Ekugcineni ukudla namanzi kwethimba lasemkhathini kwaqala ukuphela. Umsebenzi wawusuphenduke waba nzima kakhulu, kodwa intombazanyana ehlakaniphile yaqhubeka nokusebenza, isebenza, kwaze kwathi ngolunye usuku … yakuthola okwakonakele! Enye yezintambo zesathelayithi yayishile, idinga ukushintshwa. Wanele wakwenza lokho uLolo, i-inthanethi yabuya! Wonke umuntu osesigodini sakhe kanye nosemhlabeni wonke wagubha. +  +Ngemuva kohambo olunzima kodwa olunempumelelo, uLolo wabuyela ekhaya. Wayeyiqhawekazi! Inkosi kanye nendlovukazi babeziqhenya kakhulu ngaye ngangokuthi bamnikeza indondo yokumhlonipha futhi betha umntwana wabo olandelayo ngegama lakhe.",zul,isiZulu,ULolo ulungisa i-inthaneth,Lolo was a clever little girl who lived in the village of the Batswana people. This beautiful village was like no other in the world. The people there were really clever and they were ahead of their time. Lolo was the smartest of them all. In ...,"Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ulolo-ulungisa-i-inthanethi +lolo-fixes-the-internet,"Lolo e ne e le mosetsanyana yo o botlhale yo o neng a dula kwa motseng wa Batswana. Motse o montle o o ne o sa tshwane le ope mo lefatsheng. Batho ba koo ba ne ba le botlhale thata mme ba ne ba gatetse pele ka tlhabologo. Lolo o ne a le botlhale go ba feta botlhe. Mo motseng wa ga Lolo, inthanete e ne e le sediriswa se se botlhokwa thata. Fa o ne o ka etele motse, o ne o tla bona bana ba sekolo ba dirisa dikhompiuthara tsa bone go batla tshedimosetso e ba e tlhokang go fetsa tiro ya bone ya sekolo. Batho ba le bantsi ba ne ba na le dikoloi tse di neng di kgona go fofa mme ba ne ba laola dikoloi tse ka go dirisa inthanete. Batho ba ne ba dirisa inthanete mo go SENGWE LE SENGWE! +  +Mme ka letsatsi le lengwe – PHAA! Ka ponyo ya leitlho inthanete e ne e ile. Mongwe le mongwe o ne a akanya gore e tsamaile nakwana fela le gore e tla boa e dira gape, fela ba ne ba fositse. Kgosi le kgosigadi ya motse ba ne ba dira pegelo mo diteišeneng tsa baagi tsa thelebišene le seyalemowa. Ba rile inthanete e tla bo e se teng ka lobaka lo loleele. Mongwe le mongwe mo motseng o ne a maketse. Lolo o ne a lebelela ka go makala jaaka ngwana mongwe le mongwe kwa sekolong a ne a tshogile. “Matshelo a rona a fedile!” ga goa mongwe wa ditsala tsa ga Lolo a mo tshwara ka magetla. Mongwe wa barutabana ba ga Lolo a tabogela kwa ntle ga phaposiborutelo, a mo tshwara ka seatla mme a re, “Dira sengwe, Lolo. Ke wena o leng botlhale.” Mme morutabana a tsamaya a lela. +  + +Lolo o ne a sa tlhaloganye gore bothata e ne e le eng. “Mongwe le mongwe o itshwere e kete lefatshe le tla bokhutlong!” a akanya. A swetsa gore mo letsatsing le le latelang o tla etela kgosi le kgosigadi go utlwa ka ga bothata jo. Fa Lolo a goroga kwa Ntlong ya Bogosi, o ne a amogelwa ka galase ya mašwi a a bothito le sejana sa dibisikiti tsa tšhokolete. Lolo o ne a ja dingwe tsa dibisikiti fa a letile kgosi le kgosigadi. E ne e le dibisikiti tse di monate thata tse a kileng a di ja. Kgosi le kgosigadi ba goroga mme ba dumedisa Lolo. Ba ne ba simolola go bua ka mathata a a mo motseng. Kgosigadi a tlhalosa gore mathata e ne e le sathalaete e e kgakala, kgakala – tsela yotlhe go ya kwa lefaufaung! +  +“Ka jalo,” kgosigadi a rialo, “ga e se fela motse wa rona, mme le lefatshe lotlhe ga le na inthanete.” Kgosigadi jaanong a tshwara Lolo ka seatla mme a re, “Ngwanaka, re batlana le motho yo o botlhale thata go tsena mo sesutlhalefaufaung sa bogosi, a ye kwa lefaufaung mme a baakanye sathalaete.” “Lolo,” kgosi a rialo, “ke wena fela motho yo a ka dirang tiro e! Fa o ka dira se, o tla bo o thusitse lefatshe lotlhe.” Lolo o ne a tlala boitumelo gape a tshoga ka nako e le nngwe. O ne a buisitse gore go ya kwa lefaufaung ke selo se se kotsi, fela a dumela go ya. +  +Ka malatsi a mantsi, mosetsanyana o ne a dira gaufi le badiri ba lefaufau go ipaakanyetsa loeto lo lo kgethegileng lo. O ne a ithuta go fofisa le go laola sesutlhalefaufau mme a ithuta le go kokobala mo leafufaung. Ka nakwana Lolo o ne a siametse go fofela kwa lefaufaung. Ka letsatsi le Lolo o neng a tsamaya ka lone, mongwe le mongwe o ne a le teng go lebelela. Batho ba ne ba latlhela ditšheše mo go ene go mo eleletsa masego. Bangwe ba ne ba opela dipina tsa thotloetso. Lolo o na a utlwa lorato. +  + +Lolo o ne a palama mo sesutlhalefaufaung mme badiri ba setegeniki ba tshuba dienjene. Mo nakong e e latelang, sesutlhalefaufau sa tlogela Lefatshe. Morago ga go fofa nako e e telele, sesutlhalefaufau sa goroga kwa seteišeneng sa lefaufau. Lolo o ne a kgona go bona sathalaete go tswa kwa ntle ka letlhabaphefo. O ne a ikgolaganya le kgosi le kgosigadi a dirisa mofuta o o kgethegileng wa seyalemowa go ba itsise gore o gorogile sentle. Mongwe le mongwe kwa gae o ne a keteka mme le batsadi ba gagwe ba ne ba itumeletse gore ngwana wa bone o ne a tshela mme o siame. +  +Fela loeto ga lo a tsamaya ka moo go neng go solofetswe. Ka malatsi a mantis Lolo o ne a sa kgone go bona gore molato o fa kae. O ne a itse gore katlego ya loeto e ne e le mo matsogong a gagwe mme a sa batle go swabisa batho botlhe. Kwa botkhutlong dijo le metsi tsa setlhopha sa lefaufau tsa simolola go fela. Loeto lo ne lwa simolola go ketefala, fela mosetsanyana yo o botlhale a tswelela go dira ka natla, go fitlhela ka letsatsi lengwe … o ne a tla ka tharabololo! Nngwe ya megala ya sathalaete o ne o šele mme go tlhokega o mošwa. Fa Lolo a fetsa go dira seo, inthanete e ne ya boa! Mongwe le mongwe mo motseng wa gagwe le go ralala lefatshe ba keteka. +  +Morago ga loeto lo lo thata, mme le atlegile, Lolo o ne a boela gae. E ne e le mogaka! Kgosi le kgosigadi ba ne ba le motlotlo ka ene mme ba mo abela metlele wa tlotla mme ba teelela ngwana wa bone ka ene.",tsn,Setswana,Lolo o baakanya inthanete,Lolo was a clever little girl who lived in the village of the Batswana people. This beautiful village was like no other in the world. The people there were really clever and they were ahead of their time. Lolo was the smartest of them all. In ...,"Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lolo-o-baakanya-inthanete +lolo-fixes-the-internet,"Lolo ke mosetsanyana wa bohlale yo a bego a dula motseng wa batho ba Batswana. Motse wo wa botse go be go se wa go swana le ona lefaseng. Batho ba lefelo le ba be ba le bohlale kudu go feta nako ye ba lego go yona. Lolo o be a le bohlale go ba feta ka moka. Motseng wa gabo Lolo, inthanete e be e le sedirišwa sa bohlokwa kudu. Ge o etela motseng wo, o tlo hwetša bana ba sekolo ba diriša dithepolete tša bona tša khomphuthara go hwetša tshedimošo ye ba e nyakago go dira mošomo wa sekolo. Batho ba bantši ba be ba na le difatanaga tšeo di ka fofago gomme ba di laola ka inthanete. Batho ba be ba diriša inthanete DILONG TŠOHLE! +  +Gomme ka letšatši le lengwe – OPS! Gateetee inthanete ya tšhaba. Batho bohle ba be ba nagana gore e nyameletše sebakanyana gomme e tlo boa ya šoma, efela go be go se bjalo. Kgoši le mmakgoši wa motse ba dirile tsebišo seyalemoyeng sa setšhaba le diteišeneng tša thelebišene. Ba rile inthanete e tlo hlokega sebaka se setelele. Batho bohle motseng ba be ba tlabegile. Lolo o ile a lebelela ka makalo ge ngwana yo mongwe le yo mongwe sekolong sa gagwe a tlaletšwe. “Maphelo a rena a fedile!” gwa goeletša yo mongwe wa bagwera ba Lolo a mo swara magetleng. Yo mongwe wa barutiši ba Lolo o ile a kitimela ka ntle ga phapošiborutelo, a mo swara ka letsogo a re, “Dira se sengwe, Lolo! Ke wena yo bohlale.” Gomme morutiši a kitima a tšama a lla. +  + +Lolo o be a sa kwešiše gore bothata ke eng. “Batho bohle ba itshwere e ke lefase le fihlile mafelelong!” a nagana. O ipoditše gore ka letšatši la go latela o tlo etela kgoši le mmakgoši go kwa ka ga bothata. E rile ge Lolo a fihla Mošate, a amogelwa ka galase ya maswi a borutho le poleiti ya dikokisana tša tšhokolete tša go khukhurega. Lolo o jele tše dingwe tša dikokisana a emetše kgoši le mmakgoši. E be e le dikokisana tša bose go feta tšohle tše nkilego a di ja. +  +Kgoši le mmakgoši ba fihlile ba dumediša Lolo. Ba ile ba thoma go bolela ka bothata bja mo motseng. Mmakgoši o hlalošitše gore ditona tša bona di hweditše gore bothata bo sathalaeteng ye e bego e le kgole kudu – kgole kua godimo lefaufaung! “Gomme,” a realo mmakgoši, “ga se motse wa rena wo o se nago inthanete, efela lefase ka moka.” Mmakgoši o swere Lolo ka seatla a re, “Ngwanaka, re nyaka motho wa bohlale kudu yo a ka tsenago ka gare ga sephatšamaru sa ka mošate, a ya lefaufaung go lokiša sathalaete.” +�� +“Lolo,” a realo kgoši, “ke wena fela yo a ka kgonago mošomo wo! Ge o ka dira se, o tla be o thušitše lefase lohle.” Lolo a thaba a ba a tšhoga ka nako e tee. O ile a bala a kwa gore go ya lefaufaung ke selo se kotsi, efela a dumela go ya. Mosetsana o šomile le bašomi ba lefaufaung matšatšinyana go lokišetša mošomo wo wa go kgethega. O ithutile go fofiša le go laola sephatšamaru a ba a ithuta le go phapamala lefaufaung. Ka bjako ke ge Lolo a loketše go fofa go ya lefaufaung. Ka letšatši le Lolo a tlogilego ka lona, batho bohle ba be ba tlile go bogela. Batho ba mo fošitše ka maloba go mo lakaletša mahlatse. Ba bangwe ba be ba opela dikoša tša tlhohleletšo. Lolo o ikwele a ratega. +  + +Lolo o nametše sephatšamaru gomme ditheknišene ka moka tša thumaša dientšene. Ka moragonyana, sephatšamaru sa tloga Lefaseng. Ka morago ga go fofa sebaka se setelele kudu, sephatšamaru se ile sa kotama seteišeneng sa lefaufaung. Lolo o be a kgona go bona sathalaete ka lefasetere. O ikgokagantše le kgoši le mmakgoši a diriša seyalemoya sa mohuta wa go ikgetha go ba tsebiša gore o fihlile ka polokego. Batho bohle gae ba ile ba keteka gomme batswadi ba gagwe ba be ba thabile kudu go tseba gore morwedi wa bona o be a sa phela gape ga a na bothata. +  +Efela mošomo ga se wa sepela ka fao go beakantšwego. Lolo o feditše matšatši a sa bone gore bothata ke eng. O be a tseba gore katlego ya mošomo wo e be e le diatleng tša gagwe gomme o be a sa nyake go nyamiša batho bohle. Mafelelong dijo le meetse a sehlopha sa lefaufaung di ile tša thoma go fela. Mošomo o bile bothata kudu, efela mosetsananyana wa bohlale a tšwela pele go šoma le go šoma go fihlela ge letšatši le lengwe … a hwetša gore bothata bo gokae! Ye nngwe ya dithapo tša sathalaete e be e swele gomme go nyakega ye mpšha. Lolo o rile go tsenya ye mpšha inthanete ya boa! Batho bohle ba motseng wa gabo le lefaseng ka bophara ba ile ba keteka. +  +Morago ga mošomo wa bothata, efela wa go atlega, Lolo o ile a boa gae. E be e le mogale! Kgoši le mmakgoši ba be ba ikgantšha ka yena ba mo fa le metale wa tlhompho gomme ba reela le ngwana wa bona wa go latela Lolo.",nso,Sepedi,Lolo o lokiša inthanete,Lolo was a clever little girl who lived in the village of the Batswana people. This beautiful village was like no other in the world. The people there were really clever and they were ahead of their time. Lolo was the smartest of them all. In ...,"Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lolo-o-lokiša-inthanete +lolo-fixes-the-internet,"Lolo e ne e le ngwananyana ya bohlale ya neng a dula motseng wa Batswana. Motse ona o motle o ne o sa tshwane le metse e meng lefatsheng. Batho ba teng ba ne ba le bohlale e le ka nnete mme ba tswetse pele bophelong. Lolo e ne e le yena ya bohlale ho ba feta kaofela. Motsaneng wa habo Lolo, inthanete e ne e le sesebediswa se bohlokwa ka ho fetisisa. Ha o ne o ka etela motsana oo, o ne o tla fumana bana ba sekolo ba sebedisa dithabolete tsa bona tsa khomputa ho batla tlhahisoleseding eo ba e hlokang bakeng sa mosebetsi wa bona wa sekolo. Batho ba bangata ba ne ba ena le dikoloi tse tsebang ho fofa mme ba ne ba laola dikoloi tsena ka ho sebedisa inthanete. Batho ba ne ba sebedisa inthanete bakeng sa DINTHO TSOHLE! +  +Mme he yaba ka tsatsi le leng – NYAME! Hanghang inthanete ya nyamela. Bohle ba ne ba nahana hore mohlomong e mpa e wele feela nakwana mme e tla boela e kgutla hape ha morao, empa ba ne ba fositse. Morena le mofumahadi ba motseng oo ba etsa tsebiso ka radio ya setjhaba le diteishene tsa thelevishene. Ba re inthanete e tla shwa nako e telele. Batho bohle motseng ba ne ba maketse haholo. Lolo a shebella a maketse ha ngwana e mong le e mong sekolong sa hae a tshohile.“Bophelo ba rona bo fedile!” ha hoeletsa e mong wa metswalle ya hae a qhautsa Lolo mahetleng. E mong wa matitjhere a Lolo a tswa ka tlelaseng a matha, a mo tshwara letsoho mme a re, “Etsa ho hong, Lolo! Ke wena ya bohlale.” Yaba titjhere o matha a ntse a lla. +  + +Lolo o ne a sa utlwisise hore ke moferefere wa eng. “Batho kaofela ba etsa ekare ho thwe lefatshe le a fela!” a nahana jwalo. A etsa qeto ya hore tsatsing le hlahlamang o tla etela morena le mofumahadi ho ya utlwa ka bothata bona. Ha Lolo a fihla Moreneng, o ile a amohelwa ka galase ya lebese le futhumetseng le dibisikiti tsa tjhokolete. Lolo a ja tse ding tsa dibisikiti ha a ntse a emetse morena le mofumahadi. Di ne di le monate ho feta tsohle tseo a kileng a di latswa. Morena le mofumahadi ba fihla ba dumedisa Lolo. Ba qala ho bua ka bothata bo motseng. Mofumahadi a hlalosa hore matona a bona a fumane hore bothata bo bakwa ke satalaete e neng e le hole, hole kwana – hodimo sepakapakeng! +  +“Jwale,” ha rialo mofumahadi, “ha se motse wa rona feela, empa ke lefatshe lohle le se nang inthanete.” Yaba mofumahadi o tshwara Lolo ka letsoho mme a re, “Ngwanaka, re batla motho ya leng bohlale e le ka nnete ya ka palamang sefofane sa boreneng sa sepakapaka, a ye sepakapakeng mme a ilo lokisa satalaete.” “Lolo,” ha rialo morena, “ke wena feela ya loketsweng ke mosebetsi ona! Ha o ka etsa sena, o tla be o thusitse lefatshe lohle.” Lolo a ikutlwa a thabile a bile a tshohile ka nako e le nngwe. O ne a kile a bala hore ho ya sepakapakeng ke ntho e kotsi, empa a dumela ho ya. +  +Ka matsatsi a mangata, ngwananyana eo a sebetsa mmoho le basebetsi ba sepakapaka ho lokisetsa mosebetsihadi ona o kgethehileng. A ithuta ho fofisa le ho laola sefofane seo mme a ithuta le ho phaphalla sepakapakeng. E se kgale Lolo o ne a se a loketse ho fofela sepakapakeng. Ka letsatsi leo Lolo a tlohileng ka lona, batho bohle ba ne ba le teng ho tla shebella. Batho ba mo akgella dipalesa ho mo lakaletsa mahlohonolo. Ba bang ba bina dipina tsa kgothatso. Lolo o ne a utlwa lerato leo a ratwang ka lona. +  + +Lolo a palama sefofane sa sepakapaka mme borategeniki bohle ba bulela enjene. Metsotswana kamora moo, sefofane sa sepakapaka sa tloha lefatsheng. Kamora ho fofa nako e neng e utlwahala e le telele haholo, sefofane sena sa fihla seteisheneng sa sepakapakeng. Lolo o ne a kgona ho bona satalaete ka fensetere. A hokahana le morena le mofumahadi a sebedisa mofuta o kgethehileng wa radio ho ba tsebisa hore o fihlile hantle a bolokehile. Batho bohle hae ba ile ba keteka mme batswadi ba hae ba ne ba thabile haholo ho utlwa hore moradi wa bona o ntse a phetse hantle. +  +Empa mosebetsi oo ha o a ka wa tsamaya kamoo o neng o rerilwe ka teng. Ka matsatsi a mangata Lolo a hloleha ho fumana hantle hore bothata ke bofe. O ne a tseba hore katleho ya mosebetsi ona e ne e le diatleng tsa hae mme o ne a sa batle ho swabisa batho bohle. Qetellong dijo tsa sehlopha sa sepakapakeng le metsi tsa qala ho fela. Mosebetsi ona o ne o se o eba boima haholo, empa leha ho le jwalo ngwananyana enwa o ile a tswela pele ho sebetsa, a sebetsa, ho fihlela ka tsatsi le leng … a fumana tharollo! E nngwe ya dikheibole tsa satalaete e ne e tjhele mme ho hlokeha hore ho kenngwe e ntjha. Hang ha Lolo a se a entse seo, inthanete ya kgutla! Batho bohle motsaneng wabo le lefatsheng lohle ba ile ba keteka ka thabo. +  +Kamora mosebetsi o boima, empa o atlehileng, Lolo a kgutlela hae. E ne e le mohale! Morena le mofumahadi ba ne ba le motlotlo ka yena hoo ba ileng ba mo fa mmetlele wa tlotlo mme ba reella ngwana wa bona ya latelang ka yena.",sot,Sesotho,Lolo o lokisa inthanete,Lolo was a clever little girl who lived in the village of the Batswana people. This beautiful village was like no other in the world. The people there were really clever and they were ahead of their time. Lolo was the smartest of them all. In ...,"Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lolo-o-lokisa-inthanete-0 +lolo-fixes-the-internet,"Lolo a ri nhwana lontsongo wo tlhariha swinene loyi a tshama eka tikoxikaya ra vanhu va le Batswana. Tikoxikaya leri a ri sasekile ku tlula matiko hinkwawo emisaveni. Vanhu va tiko leri a va tlharihile hakunene naswona a va ri emahlweni eka mikarhi ya vona. Lolo a tlharihile ku va tlula hinkwavo. Etikweni ra ka va Lolo, inthanete a ku ri xitirhisiwa xa nkoka swinene. Loko u endzela tikoxikaya leri, u ta kuma vana va xikolo va ri karhi va tirhisa tikhompyuta ta tithebulete ku kuma vuxokoxoko lebyi va byi lavaka ku tirha ntirho wa xikolo. Vanhu vo tala a va ri na mimovha leyi hahaka naswona a va tirhisa inthanete ku lawula mimovha leyi. Vanhu a va tirhisa inthanete eka swilo HINKWASWO! +  +Eka siku rin’wana – DZWII! Hi xinkadyana inthanete a yi fambile. Un’wana na un’wana a ehleketa leswaku kumbe yi fambile swa xinkadyana naswona yi ta vuya endzhaku, kambe a swi nga ri tano. Hosi na nkosikazi va le tikweni va endlile xitiviso eka xiyanimoya xa muganga na le ka switichi swa mavonakule. Va vurile leswaku inthanete yi ta kayivela ku ringana nkarhi wo leha. Un’wana na un’wana etikweni u hlamarile swinene. Lolo a languta hi ku hlamala loko n’wana uun’wana na un’wana exikolweni xa yena a va na ntshikelelo. “Vutomi bya hina byi herile!” ku vula un’wana wa vanghana va Lolo a n’wi khomile makatla. Un’wana wa vadyondzisi va Lolo u humile hi ku tsutsuma etlilasini, a n’wi khoma hi voko a ku, “Endla swin’wana, Lolo! Hi wena u nga tlhariha.” Kutani mudyondzisi a tsutsuma a ri karhi a rila. +  + +Lolo a nga swi twisisi leswaku swi tika kwihi. “Un’wana na un’wana u hanya onge misava ya hela!” a ehleketa. U tekile xiboho xa leswaku hi siku leri landzaka u ta endzela hosi na nkosikazi ku ya kumisisa leswaku xiphiqo i yini. Lolo a fika Endlwini ya Vukosi, u amukeriwile hi nghilazi ya masi yo kufumela na ndyelo ya swiphemuphemu swa makokisi ya chokoleti. Lolo u dyile makokisi man’wana loko a ha yimele hosi na nkosikazi. A ma ri makokisi ya xiyimo xa le henhla eka hinkwawo lama a nga tshama a ma dya. +  +Hosi na nkosikazi va fikile va xeweta Lolo. Va sungurile ku vulavula hi xiphiqo lexi nga kona etikweni. Kutani nkosikazi a hlamusela leswaku vaholobye va kumile leswaku xiphiqo a xi ri eka sathelayiti leyi nga ekule, ekule swinene – ku ya le henhla exibakabakeni! “Hikwalaho,” ku vula nkosikazi, “a hi tiko ra hina ntsena, kambe misava hinkwayo yi hava inthanete.” Kutani nkosikazi a khoma voko ra Lolo a ku ka yena, “N’wananga, hi lava munhu loyi a nga na vutlharhi byo kota ku nghena eka xibamubamu xa vukosi, a famba a ya exibakabakeni ku ya lunghisa sathelayiti.” “Lolo,” ku vula hosi, “hi wena ntsena u nga endlaka ntirho lowu! Loko wo endla leswi, u ta va u ri karhi u pfuna misava hinkwayo.” +  +Lolo a titwa a tsakile na ku khomiwa hi nkhenunkhenu hi nkarhi wun’we. U hlayile leswaku ku ya exibakabakeni swi na nghozi ku endla tano, kambe u pfumerile ku ya kona. Eka masiku layotala, nhwana lontsongo u tirhile xikan’we na vatirhikulobye vo ya xibakabakeni ku lulamisela ntirho lowo hlawuleka. U dyondzile hi ta ku hahisa na ku lawula xibamubamu na ku dyondza hi ta ku phaphamala exibakabakeni. Hi xinkadyana Lolo a lulamerile ku haha a ya exibakabakeni. Hi siku leri Lolo a nga famba hi rona, un’wana na un’wana a ri kona ku ta vona. Vanhu a va n’wi hoxela hi swiluva ku n’wi navelela mikateko. Van’wani a va yimbelela tinsimu ta nhlohlotelo. Lolo a titwa a rhandzekile. +  + +Lolo a tlulela endzeni ka xibamubamu kutani van’waxithekiniki hinkwavo va pfulela tinjhini hinkwato. Hi xinkadyana, xibamubamu xi hambana na Misava. Endzaku ko haha ku ringana nkarhi wo leha, nkarhi wo leha swinene, xibamubamu xi phatsamile exitichini xa xibamubamu. Lolo a kota ku vona sathelayiti hi fesitere. U tihlanganisile na hosi na nkosikazi hi ku tirhisa riqingho ro hlawuleka ku va tivisa leswaku u fikile kahle. Un’wana na un’wana etikweni ekaya a tlangela swinene naswona vatswari va yena a va tsakile swinene ku tiva leswaku nhwana wa vona wa hanya naswona u kahle. +  +Kambe riendzo a ri va nga hi ndlela leyi a ri kunguhatiwile ha kona. Ku hundzile masiku yo hlaya Lolo a nga kumi laha xiphiqo xi nga kona. A swi tiva leswaku ku humelela ka ntirho swi le mavokweni ya yena naswona a nga lavi ku khomisa vanhu tingana. Hi xinkadyana swakudya na mati ya ntlawa swi sungula ku hela. Ntirho wu sungula ku tika, kambe nhwana lontsongo lowo tlhariha a ya emahlweni a tirha lero na tirha, ku kondza siku rin’wana … a kuma laha a ku ri na xiphiqo! Yin’wana ya tintambhu ta sathelayiti a yi tshwile naswona a yi fanele ku cinciwa. Loko Lolo a endliletano, inthanete yi vuyile! Un’wana na un’wana etikweni ra ka vona xikan’we na le misaveni hinkwayo va tsaka. +  +Endzhaku ka ntirho lowo tika, kambe lowu humeleleke, Lolo a vuyela ekaya. A ri nghwazi! Hosi na nkosikazi a va tinyungubyisa swinene hi yena hikwalaho va nga n’wi nyika mendlele yo n’wi xixima kutani va thya n’wana wa vona loyi a landzela vito ra yena.",tso,Xitsonga,Lolo a lunghisa inthanete,Lolo was a clever little girl who lived in the village of the Batswana people. This beautiful village was like no other in the world. The people there were really clever and they were ahead of their time. Lolo was the smartest of them all. In ...,"Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lolo-lunghisa-inthanete +boerewors-man,"It was early evening. The Smith family were sitting outside enjoying the smell of boerewors on the braai. +“Dad! Please hurry up!” Hayley moaned. “I’m soooo hungry!” +“Here you go!” her father said a little while later as he handed Haley two pieces of boerewors sausage twisted together. It looked just like a little man. +“A boerewors man!” said her mother and laughed. +Hayley opened her mouth to take a big bite. +“No!” cried a deep voice. “You can’t eat me!” +Hayley jumped up and let go of the Boerewors Man. +“You … you can talk!” she stuttered. +“Of course I can talk!” The little man got up and brushed himself off. “And you can’t eat me!” +“But I’m starving!” Hayley complained. +The Boerewors Man took one look at all the people sitting outside, then he ran across the yard and squeezed under the gate! + +“Catch him!” shouted Hayley. +The Smith family followed Hayley out the gate and ran down the road after the Boerewors Man. They passed another family out walking their dog. +“Where are you going?” asked the father. +“We’re trying to catch the Boerewors Man! Help us!” said Hayley. +So, the Smiths and the other family and their dog all ran down the road trying to keep the little man in sight. +As they turned into the next road, they met a fruit seller wearing a blue-patterned doek that covered her pink, plastic curlers. Hayley shouted to her to help them and the fruit seller joined the party chasing the Boerewors Man. Just then the Boerewors Man began to sing: +“They’ll never catch me, +No matter how they try, +I’m too fast for them +As I run by!” +“Hiip! Hiip!” The fruit seller nearly jumped out of her skin as a shaggy brown pony that was pulling a rickety cart came trotting up behind her. +“We’re after that Boerewors Man,” she explained to the cart driver. +“You can ride with us in the cart,” he offered. +Next a taxi pulled up on the corner. A dozen people poured out and the driver shouted out the window, “Peninsula Road! Come, come, let’s go!” +Hayley turned round to everyone following her and shouted, “Hurry! Look − a taxi!” +“Please can we ride in your taxi? We are chasing the Boerewors Man!” Hayley told the taxi driver. +“Climb in,” said the driver. “I’ll drive after him!” Everyone piled into the taxi and off they went. +Meanwhile the Boerewors Man began to sing another song: +“Horses and taxis, +People and dogs, +I’m going to get away +From those greedy hogs!” +Soon they all reached Rondevlei. By now, the little Boerewors Man was running a little slower, the pony was pulling a little less fast and the taxi wasn’t swerving around the corners quite so much. But they all still kept going. +Into the Rondevlei Nature Reserve the little Boerewors Man ran, with the taxi and cart following close behind. +“Stop! No vehicles allowed!” shouted the guard. Everyone hopped out and ran through the gate after the chuckling Boerewors Man. +“You need to pay!” cried the guard, but no one heard him. So, the guard locked the gate and ran after them. +He found them all standing at the big vlei. The Boerewors Man was shouting to a big hippopotamus, “Quick! Help me get away!” +“Hop onto my back,” grunted the hippo. Everyone watched as the big hippo swam towards the other side of the vlei with the Boerewors Man on its back. +When they had got a quarter of the way across, the hippo said to the Boerewors Man, “You’re going to get wet. Why don’t you climb up to my neck?” +The Boerewors Man did so and they continued across the vlei. +“The water is getting deeper! Climb onto my head!” the hippo called. +The Boerewors Man jumped onto the hippo’s head. He gave a cheeky wave at all the people on the bank and started to sing: +“Horses and taxis, +People and dogs…” + +The hungry group of people glared at the Boerewors Man, but their dark looks soon turned to wide eyes and loud gasps! The Boerewors Man turned to see what they were staring at … +Swish! Just then a fish eagle swooped down and gulped the Boerewors Man whole! +“Oh, no!” said Hayley sadly. “There goes my supper!”",eng,English,The Boerewors Man,"It was early evening. The Smith family were sitting outside enjoying the smell of boerewors on the braai. +“Dad! Please hurry up!” Hayley moaned. “I’m soooo hungry!” +“Here you go!” her father said a little while later as ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kiera-Lee Hayes,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/boerewors-man +boerewors-man,"Dit is vroegaand. Die Smith-gesin sit buite en geniet die reuk van boerewors wat braai. +“Pa! Maak asseblief gou!” kerm Hayley. “Ek is soooo honger!” +“Vir jou!” sê haar pa ’n rukkie later toe hy vir Hayley twee stukke boerewors aangee wat inmekaar gedraai is. Dit lyk net soos ’n klein mannetjie. +“’n Boereworsman!” sê haar ma en lag. +Hayley maak haar mond oop om ’n groot hap te vat. +“Nee!” skree ’n diep stem. “Jy kan my nie eet nie!” +Hayley spring op en laat los die Boereworsman. +“Jy … jy kan praat!” stotter sy. +“Natuurlik kan ek praat!” Die klein mannetjie staan op en vee homself af. “En jy kan my nie eet nie!” +“Maar ek is flou van die honger!” kla Hayley. +Die Boereworsman gee een kyk na die mense wat buite sit, toe hardloop hy oor die erf en wriemel onder die hek deur! + +“Vang hom!” skree Hayley. +Die Smith-gesin volg Hayley by die hek uit en hardloop in die straat af agter die Boereworsman aan. Hulle hardloop verby ’n ander gesin wat met hulle hond gaan stap. +“Waarheen gaan julle?” vra die pa. +“Ons probeer die Boereworsman vang! Help ons!” sê Hayley. +Die Smiths en die ander gesin en hulle hond hardloop toe almal in die straat af en probeer die klein mannetjie in die oog hou. +Toe hulle in die volgende straat kom, kom hulle ’n vrugteverkoper teë wat ’n kopdoek met ’n blou patroon oor haar pienk, plastiekkrullers dra. Hayley skree vir haar om hulle te help en die vrugteverkoper sluit aan by die groepie wat die Boereworsman jaag. Net toe begin die Boereworsman sing: +“Ek is die Boereworsman, +vir my sal julle nie vang, +vir julle is ek nie bang +ek hardloop, want ek kan!” +“Hiert! Hiert!” Die vrugteverkoper skrik haar boeglam toe ’n wollerige bruin ponie wat ’n lendelam karretjie trek agter haar galop. +“Ons jaag daardie Boereworsman,” verduidelik sy vir die drywer op die karretjie. +“Jy kan saam met ons op die karretjie ry,” bied hy aan. +Toe hou ’n taxi op die hoek stil. ’n Dosyn mense bondel by die taxi uit en die bestuurder skree by die venster uit: “Peninsula Road! Kom, kom, laat ons waai!” +Hayley draai om na almal wat haar volg en skree: “Maak gou! Kyk − ’n taxi!” +“Kan ons asseblief in jou taxi ry? Ons jaag die Boereworsman!” sê Hayley vir die taxibestuurder. +“Klim in,” sê die bestuurder. “Ek sal hom volg!” Almal bondel in die taxi in en daar gaan hulle. +Intussen begin die Boereworsman ’n ander liedjie sing: +“Perde en taxi’s, +ek is nie bang, +mense of honde, +niemand kan my vang!” +Gou kom hulle almal by Rondevlei aan. Teen hierdie tyd hardloop die klein Boereworsman al ’n bietjie stadiger, die perd trek nie meer so vinnig nie en die taxi jaag nie meer so woes om die draaie nie. Maar hulle stoom almal nog voort. +Die klein Boereworsman hardloop in die Rondevlei-natuurreservaat in, met die taxi en die perdekarretjie kort op sy hakke. +“Stop! Voertuie verbode!” skree die wag. Almal spring uit en hardloop deur die hek agter die laggende Boereworsman aan. +“Julle moet betaal!” roep die wag, maar niemand hoor hom nie. Die wag sluit toe maar die hek en hardloop agter hulle aan. +Hy vind almal by die groot vlei. Die Boereworsman skree vir ’n groot seekoei: “Gou! Help my om weg te kom!” +“Spring op my rug,” kreun die seekoei. Almal kyk hoe die groot seekoei na die ander kant van die vlei toe swem met die Boereworsman op sy rug. +Toe hulle ’n kwart van die vlei oorgesteek het, sê die seekoei vir die Boereworsman: “Jy gaan nat word. Hoekom klim jy nie tot op my nek nie?” +Die Boereworsman maak so en hulle swem verder oor die vlei. +“Die water raak dieper! Klim op my kop!” roep die seekoei. +Die Boereworsman spring op die seekoei se kop. Hy waai astrant vir al die mense op die wal en begin sing: +“Perde en taxi’s, +ek is nie bang …” + +Die groep honger mense gluur die Boereworsman aan, maar skielik rek hulle oë groot en hulle snak na hul asems! Die Boereworsman draai om om te sien waarna hulle staar … +Swiesj! Net toe swiep ’n visarend af en sluk die Boereworsman heel in! +“Ag nee!” sê Hayley hartseer. “Daar gaan my aandete!”",afr,Afrikaans,Die Boereworsman,"It was early evening. The Smith family were sitting outside enjoying the smell of boerewors on the braai. +“Dad! Please hurry up!” Hayley moaned. “I’m soooo hungry!” +“Here you go!” her father said a little while later as ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kiera-Lee Hayes,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-boereworsman +boerewors-man,"Kwakusandul’ ukutshona ilanga. Usapho lakwaSmith lwaluhleli phandle lonwabele ivumba lesoseji eyayisojiwa. +“Tata! Nceda ukhawulezise!” wakhalaza uHayley. “Ndilambe kakhu-u-u-u-lu mna!” +“Nantso ke!” watsho utata wakhe emva komzuzwana lo gama anika uHayley amaqathana amabini aphithanisiweyo esoseji. Ayekhangeleka ngathi yindodana encinane. +“Indodana yesoseji!” watsho umama wakhe ehleka. +UHayley wakhamisa elungiselela ukuyinkamfula kakhulu ngamazinyo. +“Ungakhe ulinge!” kwatsho ilizwi elingqokolayo. “Awukwazi tu ukunditya!” +UHayley waxhuma wayiyeka Indodana yeSoseji. +“U … u-uyathetha kanti!” uthintithe njalo. +“Ewe ndiyakwazi kakade ukuthetha!” Indodana encinane yaphakama yazivuthulula. “Kwaye awukwazi nje tu ukunditya!” +“Kodwa ndilambile nje!” wakhalaza uHayley. +Indodana yeSoseji yalunguza ijonga wonke umntu owayehleli phandle, yaze yabaleka yanqumla eyadini yaya kuthubeleza elucingweni ukuze iphumele ngaphaya kwamasango! + +“Bamb’ apho!” wahlaba umkhosi uHayley. +Usapho lakwaSmith lwalandela uHayley luphuma esangweni, lwaze lwabaleka luleqa Indodana yeSoseji. Badlula kolunye usapho olwaluwakisa inja yalo. +“Niyaphi?” kwabuza utata. +“Sizama ukubamba Indodana yeSoseji! Sincediseni!” watsho uHayley. +Ngoko ke, usapho lakwaSmith kunye nolunye olu usapho kwakunye nenja yalo babaleka behla ngendlela bezama ukuba le ndodana ingasitheli emehlweni abo. +Xa bejikela, bengena kwisitalato esilandelayo, bahlangana nomthengisi weziqhamo enxibe iqhiya eluhlaza ehonjisiweyo neyayigqume iirolo ezipinki zeplastiki ezaziphothe iinwele zakhe. UHayley wamkhwaza ukuba abancede waze umthengisi weziqhamo wangenelela naye ekusukeleni Indodana yeSoseji. Kanye ngelo xesha Indodana yeSoseji yaqalisa ukucula: +“Soze bandifumane, +Nokuba bangazama kangakanani, +Ndinamendu kunabo +Ndiyagqotsa ke mna!” +“Iyho! Yho!” Umthengisi ziqhamo wothuka waphantsa ukubhubha akubona inqwelwana egoqozayo netsalwa lihashe elimdaka ngebala isiza emva kwakhe. +“Sisukela laa Ndodana yeSoseji,” wacacisela umqhubi wenqwelo. +“Ningakhwela nonke apha enqwelweni,” yacebisa yatsho le ndoda. +Ngokulandelayo kwamisa iteksi ngasekoneni. Kwaphuma abantu abalishumi elinesibini waze umqhubi wakhwaza ekrobe ngefestile, “Abaya ePeninsula Road! Yizani, khwelani masihambeni!” +UHayley waguquka wajonga kuye wonke umntu owayemlandela wakhwaza, “Khawulezani! Jongani – iteksi!” +“Ungasinceda usikhwelise eteksini yakho? Sisukela Indodana yeSoseji!” uHayley wamxelela oko umqhubi weteksi. +“Khwelani,” watsho umqhubi. “Ndiza kunisukelisa ngenqwelo le!” Wonke umntu wazinyanzela apho eteksini baze bahamba. +Kwesi sithuba Indodana yeSoseji yaqalisa ukucula enye ingoma: +“Amahashe neeteksi, +Abantu nezinja, +Mna ndiza kuphuncuka +Kubo bonke oobawashe!” +Kungekudala bonke bafika eRondevlei. Ngoku noko Indodana yeSoseji encinane yayisele ibaleka ngesantya esisezantsi, ihashe lalitsala ngokucothayo kwaye neteksi yayingasatswinisi amavili xa ijika ekoneni ngenxa yesantya esiphezulu. Kodwa bonke babesaqhubeka nokuya phambili. +Baya kungena emyezweni iRondevlei Nature Reserve, Indodana yeSoseji encinane isabaleka, kwaye iteksi nenqwelo zilandela ngasemva kumganyana ongephi. +“Yima! Izithuthi azivunyelwa ukungena apha!” ukhwaze watsho unogada. Wonke umntu wehlika baza babaleka ukuya kungena esangweni beleqisa emva kweNdodana yeSoseji eyayizihlekela. +“Kufuneka nihlawule!” wakhwaza unogada, kodwa akukho namnye owamvayo. Ngoko ke, unogada watshixa isango waza wabasukela. +Wabafumana bonke bemi ngasemgxobhozweni. Indodana yeSoseji yayikhwaza ithetha nemvubu, “Khawuleza! Ndincede undibalekise!” +“Tsibela apha kum emqolo,” yagquma imvubu. Wonke ubani wayebukele lo gama imvubu idada isiya kwelinye icala lomgxobhozo ibeleke Indodana yeSoseji emqolo. +Bathe xa sele bemalunga nekota yomgama wokuwela, yathi imvubu kwiNdodana yeSoseji, “Uza kubamanzi. Kutheni ungenyuki nje uhlale apha entanyeni yam?” +Indodana yeSoseji yenza njalo baze baqhubeka nokuwela emgxobhozweni. +“Kuya kusiba nzulu apha emanzini! Khwela uhlale apha entlokweni yam!” yatsho imvubu. +Indodana yeSoseji yatsiba yahlala kwintloko yemvubu. Yawangawangisa ngetshiki kubo bonke abantu ababemi ecaleni komgxobhozo yaqalisa ukucula: +“Amahashe neeteksi, +Abantu nezinja…” + +Iqela labantu abalambileyo lalijamele ngodano Indodana yeSoseji, kodwa oko kujama kwabo kwaguquka ngephanyazo, batweza amehlo, bathi nkebe imilomo! Indodana yeSoseji yaguquka ifuna ukuqonda ukuba bakhwanqiswe yintoni na … +Swahla! Kanye ngelo xesha ukhozi lwehla lwayithi bimbilili Indodana yeSoseji xa iyonke! +“Owu, yhini na!” watsho uHayley elusizi. “Naso ke sisimka isidlo sam sangokuhlwa!”",xho,isiXhosa,Indodana yeSosej,"It was early evening. The Smith family were sitting outside enjoying the smell of boerewors on the braai. +“Dad! Please hurry up!” Hayley moaned. “I’m soooo hungry!” +“Here you go!” her father said a little while later as ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kiera-Lee Hayes,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/indodana-yesoseji +boerewors-man,"Kwakusanda kuhlwa nje. Umndeni wakwaSmith wawuhleli ngaphandle uthokozela ukunuka kwebhurevosi eyosiwayo. +“Baba! Ngicela usheshise!” kububula uHayley. “Angiseve ngilambi-i-i-le!” +“Thatha-ke!” kusho ubaba wakhe emva kwesikhashana lapho enikeza uHayley amasosishi amabili ebhurevosi asonteke anamathelana. Ayebukeka efana nse nendoda encane. +“Indoda yebhurevosi!” kusho unina, wase ehleka. +UHayley wavula umlomo wakhe ukuze alume kakhulu. +“Ungalokothi!” kukhala izwi elikhulu. “Awukwazi ukungidla!” +UHayley wagxuma wase eyiyeka iNdoda Yebhurevosi. +“Hhayi bo … kanti uyakwazi ukukhuluma!” kungingiza yena. +“Impela ngiyakwazi ukukhuluma!” Indoda encane yasukuma yase izithintitha. “Wena awukwazi ukungidla!” +“Kodwa sengifile yindlala!” kukhononda uHayley. +Indoda Yebhurevosi yababuka kanye abantu abahleli ngaphandle, yase igijima inqamula igceke yashuma ngaphansi kwesango! + +“Yibambeni!” kumemeza uHayley. +Umndeni wakwaSmith walandela uHayley ukuyophuma ngesango, bonke base begijima behla ngomgwaqo belandela iNdoda Yebhurevosi. Bedlula omunye umndeni oqhuba inja yawo. +“Niyaphi?” kubuza ubaba. +“Sizama ukubamba iNdoda Yebhurevosi! Sisizeni!” kusho uHayley. +Ngakho umndeni wakwaSmith kanye nalo omunye umndeni nenja yawo bagijima behla ngomgwaqo bezama ukubamba indoda encane. +Lapho bengena emgwaqweni olandelayo, bahlangana nothengisa izithelo egqoke iduku eliluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka elinamaphethini elimboze amakhela (curlers) eplastiki ephinki. UHayley wammemeza emcela ukuthi abasize, kanti nothengisa izithelo wahlanganyela nabo ekujaheni iNdoda Yebhurevosi. Kusenjalo iNdoda Yebhurevosi yaqala ukucula: +“Angeke banginuke, +Noma bangazama kangakanani, +Ngigijima kakhulu kunabo bonke +Njengoba ngigijima!” +“Yehheni!” Othengisa izithelo wacishe wagxuma waphuma esethuke kakhulu lapho kuqhamuka iponi elimahlikihliki lidonsa inqola egexezelayo, liqhuqha emva kwakhe. +“Sijaha leya Ndoda Yebhurevosi,” echazela oqhuba inqola. +“Ningahamba nathi ngekalishi,” kuzinikela yena. +Kusenjalo kwama itekisi ekhoneni. Kwaphuma abantu abayidazini umshayeli wetekisi wayesememeza ngefasitela ethi, “Peninsula Road! Wozani, wozani, asihambeni!” +UHayley waphendukela kuwo wonke umuntu omlandelayo wamemeza ethi, “Sheshani! Bhekani − nansi itekisi!” +“Singagibela etekisini lakho bandla? Sijaha Indoda Yebhurevosi!” uHayley etshela umshayeli wetekisi. +“Yishoni phakathi,” kusho umshayeli wetekisi. “Ngizoyijaha!” Wonke umuntu washo phakathi etekisini, lasho lashosholoza. +Kusenjalo Indoda Yebhurevosi yaqala ukucula elinye iculo: +“Amahhashi namatekisi, +Abantu nezinja, +Ngizowabalekela +La magovu!” +Kungakapheli sikhathi esingakanani bafika eRondevlei. Manje Indoda Yebhurevosi encane yase igijima kancane, nenqola yeponi nayo yase ishaya kancane kanti netekisi nalo lalingasajiki ngamandla emakhoneni. Kodwa bonke baphikelela phambili. +Indoda Yebhurevosi yagijima yangena eRondevlei Nature Reserve, ilandelwa itekisi kanye nenqola emva kwayo. +“Yimani! Akuvunyelwe zimoto lapha!” kumemeza unogada. Wonke umuntu wehla wase exosha Indoda Yebhurevosi egigithekayo. +“Kumele nikhokhe!” kumemeza unogada, kodwa akukho muntu owamzwayo. Ngakho-ke unogada wakhiyela isango wabaxosha. +Wabathola bonke bemi eduze kwechibi elikhulu. Indoda Yebhurevosi yayimemeza imvubu enkulu ithi, “Shesha! Ngisize ngibaleke!” +“Gxumela emhlane wami,” kubhonga imvubu. Kwakubuka wonke umuntu ngesikhathi imvubu enkulu ibhukuda iya ngakolunye uhlangothi lwechibi neNdoda Yebhurevosi emhlane wayo. +Kwathi sebehambe ikota lohambo, imvubu yathi eNdodeni Yebhurevosi, “Uzoba manzi. Yini ungagibeli emqaleni wami?” +Yenza njalo Indoda Yebhurevosi ngesikhathi bewela ichibi. +“Aya ngokujula amanzi! Gibela ekhanda lami!” kumemeza imvubu. +Indoda Yebhurevosi yagibela ekhanda lemvubu. Yathathaza ngokugcona abantu ababesosebeni yase iqala ukucula ithi: +“Amahhashi namatekisi, +Abantu nezinja …” + +Ithimba elilambile lagqolozela Indoda Yebhurevosi, kanti kusenjalo lokhu kwashintsha, bavula kakhulu amehlo base bebabaza kakhulu! Indoda Yebhurevosi yaphenduka ukuze ibone ukuthi bagqolozeleni … +Shwi-i! Kusenjalo kwehla inkwazi yagwinya yonke Indoda Yebhurevosi! +“Mamo!” kusho uHayley kalusizi. “Wo, sekuphelile njalo ngesidlo sami sakusihlwa!”",zul,isiZulu,Indoda Yebhurevos,"It was early evening. The Smith family were sitting outside enjoying the smell of boerewors on the braai. +“Dad! Please hurry up!” Hayley moaned. “I’m soooo hungry!” +“Here you go!” her father said a little while later as ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kiera-Lee Hayes,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/indoda-yebhurevosi +boerewors-man,"E be e le mathapama. Ba lapa la ga Smith ba be ba dutše ka ntle ba ipshina ka monkgo wa leboroso la go bešwa. +“Ntate! Dira ka pela hle!” gwa ngunanguna Hayley. “Ke swerwe ke tlala kuuudu!” +“Tšea!” tatagwe a realo ka moragonyana e le ge a efa Haley diripa tše pedi tša leboroso tša go raragana. Di be di swana le monna yo monnyane. +“Monna wa Leboroso!” a realo mmagwe a sega. +Hayley o ile a bula molomo wa gagwe gore a ngwathe le legolo. +“Aowa!” gwa kwagala lentšu le lekoto. “O ka se ntše!” +Hayley o ile a fofa a tlogela Monna wa Leboroso. +“O … o kgona go bolela!” a kgamakgametša. +“Ee, ke kgona go bolela!” Monna yo monnyane o ile a emelela a itlhohlora. “Gomme o ka se ntše!” +“Efela ke swerwe ke tlala!” gwa ipelaetša Hayley. +Monna wa Leboroso o ile a lebelela batho bao ba dutšego ka ntle ka moka ga bona, gomme a kitima go putla jarata a khukhumel a ka tlase ga keiti! + +“Mo swareng!” gwa goeletša Hayley. +Ba lapa la ga Smith ba ile ba latela Hayley ba tšwela ka ntle ga keiti ba kitima mmileng ba kitimiša Monna wa Leboroso. Ba fetile ba lapa le lengwe ba sepela le mpša. +“Naa le ya kae?” gwa botšiša tatagwe. +“Re kitimiša Monna wa Leboroso! Re thušeng!” a realo Hayley. +Ka fao, ba ga Smith le ba lapa le lengwe le mpša ya bona ba ile ba kitima mmileng gore ba se timelelwe ke monna yo monnyane. +Ba rile ge ba potela mmileng o mongwe, ba hlakana le morekiši wa dikenywa a apere tuku ya paterone ye talalerata ya go khupetša dikhele tša polastiki tše dipinki. Hayley o ile a mo goeletša gore a ba thuše gomme morekiši wa dikenywa le yena a kitimiša Monna wa Leboroso le bona. Morago ga fao Monna wa Leboroso o ile a thoma go opela: +“Ba ka se tsoge ba ntshwere, +Le ge ba ka leka bjang le bjang, +Ke ba šia ka lebelo +Ge ke kitima!” +“Hiii! Hiii!” Moreki��i wa dikenywa o ile a tšhoga kudu ge pere ye tsotho ya boya bo bokoto ya go goga kariki ya leratha e tšwelela ka morago ga gagwe. +“Re kitimiša Monna wa Leboroso,” a hlalošetša monna wa kariki. +“Le ka sepela le rena ka kariki,” a realo. +Go ile gwa tšwelela thekisi sekhutlwaneng. Batho ba lesomepedi ba ile ba fologa gomme mootledi a goeletša ka lefasetere, “Mmila wa Peninsula! Etlang, etlang, a re yeng!” +Hayley o ile a retologela go bohle bao ba bego ba mo latela gomme a goeletša, “Phakišang! Lebelelang − thekisi!” +“Re ka namela thekisi ya gago? Re kitimiša monna wa leboroso!” Hayley a botša mootledi wa thekisi. +“Namelang,” a realo mootledi. “Ke tla mo kitimiša!” Ka moka ba ile ba pakelana ka thekising gomme ba sepela. +Ka nako yeo Monna wa Leboroso o ile a thoma go opela koša ye nngwe: +“Dipere le dithekisi, +Batho le dimpša, +Ke tlilo di tšhabela +Dikolobe tšela tša megabaru!” +Ka pejana ka moka ba ile ba fihla Rondevlei. Gabjale, Monna wa Leboroso yo monnyane o be a kitima ka go nanya, pere e be e se sa kitima gomme thekisi e be e sa tsenetsene dikhutlwaneng gakaalo. Efela ka moka go be go sepelwa. +Monna wa Leboroso yo monnyane o ile a kitimela ka Lešokeng la Diphoofolo la Rondevlei, a šetšwe morago ke thekisi le kariki. +“Ema! Difatanaga ga di dumelelwe go tsena!” gwa goeletša moletadikgoro. Bohle ba ile ba fologa ba tsena ka kgoro ba kitimiša Monna wa Leboroso yo monnyane yo a bego a sega. +“Le swanetše go lefa!” a realo moletadikgoro, efela ga go yo a mo kwelego. Ka fao, moletadikgoro o ile a notlela kgoro a ba kitimiša. +O ba hweditše ka moka ba eme mohlakeng wo mogolo. Monna wa Leboroso yo monnyane o be a goeletša kubu ye kgolo, “Ka pela! Nthuše gore ke tšhabe!” +“Fofela mokokotlong wa ka,” gwa popoduma kubu. Bohle ba ile ba lebelela ge kubu ye kgolo e rutha e lebile ka mošola wa mohlaka e rwele Monna wa Leboroso yo monnyane mokokotlong wa yona. +Ba rile ge ba le gare ga sebaka sa go lekana kotara ya leeto la go tshela, kubu ya re go Monna wa Leboroso yo monnyane, “O tlile go thapa. Nkane o sa namele molaleng wa ka?” +Monna wa Leboroso yo monnyane o dirile bjalo gomme ba tšwela pele go tshelela mohlakeng. +“Meetse a sobeletša! Namela hlogong ya ka!” ya realo kubu. +Monna wa Leboroso yo monnyane o ile a fofela hlogong ya kubu. O ile a emišetša batho bao ba lego mohlakeng letsogo gomme a thoma go opela: +“Dipere le dithekisi, +Batho le dimpša…” + +Sehlopha sa batho ba go swarwa ke tlala se ile sa lebelela Monna wa Leboroso, efela go fifala ga ditebelelo tša bona gwa fetoga ge ba tomola mahlo ba hemelana! Monna wa Leboroso o ile a retologa go bona gore ba lebeletše eng … +Feu! Ka bjako lenong la dihlapi la fofela tlase la kwametša Monna wa Leboroso! +“Aowaowa!” a realo Hayley a nyamile. “Dijo tša ka tša go lalela di ile!”",nso,Sepedi,Monna wa Leboroso,"It was early evening. The Smith family were sitting outside enjoying the smell of boerewors on the braai. +“Dad! Please hurry up!” Hayley moaned. “I’m soooo hungry!” +“Here you go!” her father said a little while later as ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kiera-Lee Hayes,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/monna-wa-leboroso +boerewors-man,"E ne e le mantsiboya. Ba lelapa la ha Smith ba ne ba dutse ka ntle ba natefetswe ke monko wa boroso e besitsweng. +“Ntate! Ke kopa o etse kapele!” Hayley a tletleba. “Ke lapile haholo!” +“Ke eo he!” ha rialo ntatae kamora nakwana a nea Haley dikotwana tse pedi tsa boroso tse sothilweng mmoho. E ne e shebahala hantle feela jwaloka monnanyana. +“Monna wa boroso!” ha rialo mmae a tsheha. +Hayley a bula molomo ho loma haholo. +“Tjhe!” ha lla lentswe le tebileng. “O se ke wa nja!” +Hayley a tlolela hodimo mme a nyahlatsa Monna wa Boroso. +“O … o… o tseba ho bua!” a rialo a hweleketsa. +“Ehlile ke tseba ho bua!” Monna e monyane a ema a itlhotlhora. “Mme ha o a tshwanela ho nja!” +“Empa ke lapile!” Hayley a tletleba. +Monna wa Boroso a sheba batho bohle ba dutseng ka ntle ha nngwe feela, yaba o balehela ka nqane ho jarete mme a itshunya ka tlasa heke! + +“Mo tshwareng!” ha hoeletsa Hayley. +Ba lelapa la Smith ba latela Hayley ho tswa ka heke mme ba matha ho theosa tsela ba lelekisa Monna wa Boroso. Ba feta ba lelapa le leng ba ntseng ba otlolla maoto ba tsamaisa ntja ya bona. +“Le ya kae?” ha botsa ntate wa teng. +“Re leka ho tshwara Monna wa Boroso! Re thuseng!” ha rialo Hayley. +Yaba ba ha Smith le ba lelapa le leng le ntja ya bona ba matha ho theosa tsela ba leka ho se lahlehelwe ke monna e monyane. +Eitse ha ba thinyetsa tseleng e nngwe, ba kopana le morekisi wa ditholwana a rwetse tuku e dipaterone di bolou e neng e kwahetse dintho tse harelang meriri tse pinki tsa polasetiki. Hayley a mo hoeletsa hore le yena a thuse mme morekisi wa ditholwana a kena tseleng le yena ho lelekisa Monna wa Boroso. Ka yona nako eo, Monna wa Boroso a qalella ho bina: +“Ba keke ba ntshwara le kgale, +Leha ba ka leka hakae, +Ke lebelo ho ba feta +Ha ke matha ke ba feta!” +“Hiip! Hiip!” Morekisi wa ditholwana a batla a tlolela hodimo ke ho tshoha ha pere ya pone e makgisa a sootho e neng e hula kariki e tla e matha kamora hae. +“Re ntse re lelekisa Monna yane wa Boroso,” a hlalosetsa mokganni wa kariki. +“O ka nna wa palama le rona kariking,” a mo araba. +Kamora moo tekesi ya hlahella hukung. Batho ba bangata ba tswa mme mokganni wa tekesi a hoeletsa le fensetereng, “Peninsula Road! Tlong, Tlong kaofela re tsamayeng!” +Hayley a thinya mme a sheba bohle ba mo setseng morao a ba hoeletsa, “Phakisang! Shebang – ke tekesi!” +“Ka kopo, na ebe re ka palama tekesi ya hao? Re lelekisa Monna wa Boroso!” Hayley a bolella mokganni wa tekesi. +“Palamang,” ha rialo mokganni. “Ke tla kganna ka mora hae!” Bohle ba phaellana ka hara tekesi mme ya tloha ka bona. +Nakong eo Monna wa Boroso a qala ho bina pina e nngwe: +“Dipere le ditekesi, +Batho le dintja, +Ke tla ba siya kaofela +Ntho tse meharo tsena!” +Hanghang ba fihla Rondevlei. Ka nako ena, Monna wa Boroso e monyane o ne a se a matha butle, pere ya poni e ne e se e hula hanyane mme le tekesi e ne e sa thinye dihukung ka potlako hakaalo. Empa bohle ba ne ba ntse ba leba pele. +Monna wa Boroso e monyane a kena a matha ka hara Rondevlei Nature Reserve, a setswe morao ke tekesi le kariki. +“Emisa! Ha ho a dumellwa dipalangwang!” ha kgaruma molebedi. Bohle ba theoha mme ba matha ho kena ka heke ba lelekisa Monna wa Boroso ya neng a keketeha. +“Le lokela ho lefa!” ha omana molebedi, empa ha ho motho ya ileng a mo utlwa. Yaba molebedi o notlela heke mme a ba lelekisa. +A ba fumana kaofela ha bona ba eme phulaneng e kgolo. Monna wa Boroso a hoeletsa kubu e kgolo, “Potlaka! Nthuse ke balehe!” +“Tlolela mokokotlong wa ka mona,” ha honotha kubu. Bohle ba shebella ha kubu e kgolo e sesa ho leba ka nqane ho phula e pepile Monna wa Boroso mokokotlong. +Ha ba se ba le kotareng ya tsela ya ho tshelela ka nqane, kubu ya re ho Monna wa Boroso, “O tla ba metsi. Hobaneng o sa palamele ho tlella molaleng wa ka?” +Monna wa Boroso a etsa jwalo mme ba tswela pele ho tshela phulana. +“Metsi a ntse a teba! Nyolohela hloohong ya ka!” ha hoeletsa kubu. +Monna wa Boroso a tlolela hloohong ya kubu. Yaba o dumedisa batho bohle ba emeng lebopong ka ho tella mme a qala ho bina: +“Dipere le ditekesi, +Batho le dintja…” + +Sehlopha sa batho ba lapileng sa tonela Monna wa Boroso mahlo, empa mahlo a bona a fifetseng a fetoha mahlo a maholo le ho hemela hodimo ka ho tshoha! Monna wa Boroso a hetla ho sheba hore ebe ba tjametse eng … +Swish! Ka yona nako eo phakwe ya fofela tlase mme ya phamola Monna wa Boroso kaofela! +“Jowee!” ha rialo Hayley ka maswabi. “Dijo tsa ka ke tseo di eya!”",sot,Sesotho,Monna wa Boroso,"It was early evening. The Smith family were sitting outside enjoying the smell of boerewors on the braai. +“Dad! Please hurry up!” Hayley moaned. “I’m soooo hungry!” +“Here you go!” her father said a little while later as ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kiera-Lee Hayes,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/monna-wa-boroso +sisanda’s-gift,"Every day when eight-year-old Sisanda gets home from school, she changes out of her uniform, eats her lunch and plays a game of umlabalaba with her grandfather. They have so much fun flying their “cows” around the board that she doesn’t want to stop. But then he reminds her that she wants to become a bank manager one day when she grows up. +“How will you do that if you don’t go to high school?” jokes her grandfather. +Sisanda just laughs. “I will go to high school and university too. That’s why I work so hard at school!” +  +Sisanda is quite tall for her age − she takes after her father. Her round face and beautiful smile are her mother’s. Both her parents get up early each morning to go to work at the game reserve close by. By the time Sisanda and her friends start school, coachloads of tourists are already arriving to spot Africa’s finest animals. +For her last birthday, Sisanda had a special treat – her parents got permission for her to have a party at the game reserve. The giraffes at the reserve were curious about this group of people. They stretched out their long necks for the best view of the party and they even seemed to want some of the birthday cake! Sisanda loved the giraffes. All animals were special to her, but it was the quiet and gentle giraffes that stole her heart. She could spend all day watching them. +  +One Friday, Sisanda’s father came home from work early. He looked very upset. +“What’s wrong, Baba?” Sisanda asked. +“Today a swarm of bees stung a mother giraffe,” explained Sisanda’s father. “Her head was so swollen from all the stings that her beautiful eyes were closed. We tried everything to help her, but it was no use – she died. And the saddest part of all is that she had a young calf that still needs her.” +“Oh no!” said Sisanda starting to cry. “I wish there was something I could do. The baby giraffe must be crying just like me.” +Sisanda cried and cried. Her mother tried to comfort her. She even read Sisanda an extra story at bedtime to help her forget how sorry she felt for that baby giraffe. Eventually, Sisanda drifted off to sleep to the sound of her mama’s voice. +  +The next morning Sisanda woke up with an idea! +“Can I go to work with you today?” she asked her baba. “I have a gift for the baby giraffe.” +Her parents looked at each other, smiled and said, “Yes, of course you can come with us.” +It was a warm but cloudy day. Everything in the reserve seemed unusually quiet. +“I think the sun isn’t shining today because it’s sad about the baby giraffe,” said Sisanda. +A great big elephant gazed at the family walking by. +“Maybe he’s wondering why a little girl is going to work with her parents,” said Sisanda’s mother. +Sisanda nodded. “He’s going to get a surprise when he finds out,” she thought. +They found the baby giraffe standing alone. His willowy neck drooped and his big brown eyes looked dull. Sisanda stood as close to him as she could. She opened her small bag and took out a book. Then, to her parents’ surprise, she began to read to the baby giraffe. He turned his head towards her voice and listened as if he could understand every word. At first, Sisanda’s parents thought reading to a giraffe was a strange thing to do, but they changed their minds when they saw how peaceful he looked − his gentle eyes looking at Sisanda. +  +“My story made him feel better,” Sisanda told her grandfather when she got home. +Sisanda went to visit the little giraffe most afternoons and over weekends. And every time she went, she took another story to share. The two new friends looked so good together that even passing tourists took photos of them. +Slowly the little giraffe grew stronger. People at the game reserve were taking really good care of him and all the love from his new friend, Sisanda, worked like magic. +One day the reserve manager asked Sisanda to give her new friend a name. +“I think Thokozani is a good name,” said Sisanda. +The next day the reserve manager phoned Sisanda’s teacher. He invited all Sisanda’s classmates to come and meet Thokozani. The handsome giraffe had grown taller and stronger in the three months since Sisanda’s first visit. +On the day of the outing, forty Grade 3 children waited eagerly for the reserve gates to open. Then Sisanda proudly led everyone to Thokozani. Some of the children looked at the tall giraffe in amazement. Others giggled nervously. Their teacher, Miss Khanyile, just smiled. +  +“Your friend is beautiful, Sisanda. You have been so kind to him,” she said gently. +“What is his name?” asked one of the boys. +“Thokozani,” answered Sisanda. +“Thokozani means ‘rejoice’,” explained Miss Khanyile. +The children sat down and listened while Sisanda read the story she had read to Thokozani on the day they had first met. The reserve manager took photos. Some tourists passing by took photos too. Even a photographer from a local newspaper clicked away. He promised that a photo of them would be in the local newspaper very soon. Everyone cheered. +What a gift! Reading to heal a friend.",eng,English,Sisanda’s gift,"Every day when eight-year-old Sisanda gets home from school, she changes out of her uniform, eats her lunch and plays a game of umlabalaba with her grandfather. They have so much fun flying their “cows” around the board that she ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Gcina Mhlophe,https://nalibali.org/multilingual-story/sisanda’s-gift +sisanda’s-gift,"Elke dag wanneer die agtjarige Sisanda by die huis kom na skool, trek sy haar skooluniform uit, eet haar middagete en speel umlabalaba saam met haar oupa. Hulle het so baie pret om hul “koeie” om die bord te laat vlieg, dat sy nie wil ophou speel nie. Maar dan herinner haar oupa haar dat sy ’n bankbestuurder wil word wanneer sy eendag groot is. +“Hoe sal jy dit doen as jy nie hoërskool toe gaan nie?” terg haar oupa. +Sisanda lag net. “Ek sal hoërskool toe gaan, en universiteit toe ook. Dis hoekom ek so hard werk by die skool!” +  +Sisanda is nogal lank vir haar ouderdom − sy aard na haar pa. Haar ronde gesig en pragtige glimlag kry sy van haar ma. Albei haar ouers staan elke oggend vroeg op om by die wildreservaat daar naby te gaan werk. Teen die tyd dat Sisanda en haar maats in die skool is, kom busse vol toeriste al by die reservaat aan om na Afrika se mooiste diere te kom kyk. +  +Sisanda se vorige verjaardag was baie spesiaal – haar ouers het toestemming gekry om vir haar ’n partytjie in die wildereservaat te hou. Die kameelperde in die reservaat was nuuskierig oor hierdie groep mense. Hulle het hul lang nekke uitgestrek om die partytjie beter te kan sien, en dit het selfs gelyk asof hulle van die verjaardagkoek wil hê! Sisanda hou baie van die kameelperde. Al die diere is vir haar spesiaal, maar dit is die stil en sagmoedige kameelperde wat haar hart gesteel het. Sy sou die hele dag lank na hulle kon kyk. +  +Een Vrydag het Sisanda se pa vroeg huis toe gekom na werk. Hy het baie ontsteld gelyk. +“Wat’s fout, Baba?” vra Sisanda. +“Vandag het ’n swerm bye ’n mamma-kameelperd gesteek,” verduidelik Sisanda se pa. “Haar kop was so geswel van al die bysteke dat haar pragtige oë toe was. Ons het alles probeer om haar te help, maar dit was tevergeefs – sy is dood. En die hartseerste van alles is dat sy ’n jong kalfie het wat haar nog nodig het.” +  +“O, nee!” sê Sisanda en begin huil. “Ek wens daar is iets wat ek kan doen. Die kameelperdkalfie huil seker nes ek.” +Sisanda huil en huil. Haar ma probeer haar troos. Sy lees selfs vir Sisanda met slaaptyd ’n ekstra storie om haar te help vergeet hoe jammer sy vir die kameelperdkalfie voel. Uiteindelik word Sisanda aan die slaap gesus deur die klank van haar mamma se stem. +  +Die volgende oggend word Sisanda met ’n blink plan wakker! +“Kan ek asseblief vandag saam met julle werk toe gaan?” vra sy haar pa. “Ek het ’n geskenk vir die kameelperdkalfie.” +Haar ouers kyk na mekaar, glimlag en sê: “Ja, natuurlik kan jy saam met ons kom.” +Dit is ’n warm, maar bewolkte dag. Alles in die reservaat lyk buitengewoon stil. +  +“Ek dink die son skyn vandag nie omdat dit ook hartseer is oor die kameelperdkalfie,” sê Sisanda. +’n Reuse olifant staar na die gesin wat verbystap. +“Dalk wonder daardie olifant waarom ’n dogtertjie saam met haar ouers by die werk is,” sê Sisanda se mamma. +Sisanda knik. “Hy gaan ’n verrassing kry wanneer hy uitvind,” dink sy. +Hulle vind die kameelperdkalfie waar hy alleen staan. Sy lang nek hang en sy groot bruin oë lyk dof. Sisanda gaan staan so naby aan hom as wat sy kan. Sy maak haar sakkie oop en haal ’n boek uit. Toe, tot haar ouers se verbasing, begin sy vir die kalfie lees. Hy draai sy kop na haar stem toe en luister asof hy elke woord verstaan. Eers dink Sisanda se ouers dis vreemd om vir ’n kameelperd te lees, maar hulle verander gou van gedagte toe hulle sien hoe rustig die kalfie lyk − sy sagte oë kyk na Sisanda. +  +“My storie het hom beter laat voel,” vertel Sisanda vir haar oupa toe sy by die huis kom. +Die meeste middae, en oor naweke, gaan kuier Sisanda vir die kameelperdjie. En elke keer wanneer sy gaan, neem sy nog ’n storie saam om vir hom te lees. Die twee nuwe vriende lyk so goed saam dat selfs toeriste wat verbystap foto’s van hulle neem. +Stadigaan word die kameelperdjie sterker. Mense by die wildreservaat sorg regtig goed vir hom en al die liefde en aandag van sy nuwe maat, Sisanda, doen wondere. +Op ’n dag vra die bestuurder van die reservaat vir Sisanda om vir haar nuwe maat ’n naam te gee. +“Ek dink Thokozani is ’n goeie naam,” sê Sisanda. +Die volgende dag bel die bestuurder van die reservaat Sisanda se onderwyser. Hy nooi al Sisanda se klasmaats om vir Thokozani te kom ontmoet. Die mooi kameelperdjie het in die drie maande vandat Sisanda die eerste keer vir hom kom kuier het, langer en sterker geword. +Die dag van die uitstappie wag veertig Graad 3-kinders gretig vir die reservaat se hekke om oop te maak. Toe lei ’n baie trotse Sisanda almal na Thokozani. Sommige van die kinders staar verstom na die lang kameelperd. Ander giggel senuweeagtig. Hulle onderwyser, juffrou Khanyile, glimlag net. +  +“Jou vriend is pragtig, Sisanda. Jy is so goed vir hom,” sê sy kalm. +“Wat is sy naam?” vra een van die seuns. +“Thokozani,” antwoord Sisanda. +“Thokozani beteken ‘verheug’,” sê juffrou Khanyile. +Die kinders gaan sit en luister terwyl Sisanda die storie lees wat sy die eerste keer vir Thokozani gelees het. Die bestuurder van die reservaat neem foto’s. Sommige toeriste wat verbystap neem ook foto’s. Selfs ’n fotograaf van ’n plaaslike koerant neem foto’s. Hy belowe dat ’n foto van hulle binnekort in die koerant sal verskyn. Almal juig. +Dis darem ’n goeie geskenk! Lees om ’n vriend gesond te maak.",afr,Afrikaans,Sisanda se geskenk,"Every day when eight-year-old Sisanda gets home from school, she changes out of her uniform, eats her lunch and plays a game of umlabalaba with her grandfather. They have so much fun flying their “cows” around the board that she ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Gcina Mhlophe,https://nalibali.org/multilingual-story/sisanda-se-geskenk +sisanda’s-gift,"Yonke imihla xa uSisanda oneminyaka esibhozo efika ekhaya, evela esikolweni, wayekhulula impahla yakhe yesikolo, atye isidlo sakhe sasemini ze adlale umlabalaba kunye notatomkhulu wakhe. Babesonwaba kakhulu xa behambisa “iinkomo” zabo ebhodini kangangokuba wayengafuni ukuyeka. Kodwa ubeye utatomkhulu amkhumbuze ngokuba ufuna ukuba ngumphathi wasebankini ngenye imini xa sele ekhulile. +“Uza kuyenza njani loo nto ukuba akufuni ukuya kwisikolo samabanga aphakamileyo?” wayemqhula atsho utatomkhulu wakhe. +USisanda wayesuka ahleke. “Hayi, ndiza kuya kwisikolo samabanga aphakamileyo nasedyunivesithi ngokunjalo. Yiyo loo nto ndisebenza nzima kangaka esikolweni!” +  +USisanda wayemde kakhulu xa kuthelekiswa neentanga zakhe – wayefuze utata wakhe. Wayefana nomama wakhe ngobuso bakhe obungqukuva kunye noncumo lwakhe oluhle. Bobabini abazali bakhe babevuka kwakusasa baye emsebenzini kumyezo wezilwanyana owawukufutshane. Ngethuba kungena isikolo sikaSisanda kunye nabahlobo bakhe, iinqwelo ngeenqwelo zabakhenkethi zazisele zithontelene emyezweni ukuya kubona izilwanyana zase-Afrika ezihle kunene. +Xa wayebhiyozela usuku lwakhe lokuzalwa kunyaka ophelileyo, uSisanda wafumana isipho esikhethekileyo – abazali bakhe babemfumanele imvume yokuba enze itheko lakhe kumyezo lowo wezilwanyana. Iindlulamthi ezisemyezweni zazinomdla wokusondela kweli qela labantu. Zazitsale iintamo zazo ezinde ukuze zikubone kakuhle okwakusenzeka ethekweni kwaye zazikhangeleka ngathi nazo ziyalifuna iqhekezana lekeyiki. USisanda wayezithanda iindlulamthi. Zonke izilwanyana zazimenza umdla, kodwa yayiziindlulamthi ezithe cwaka nezizolileyo ezazibe umxhelo wakhe. Wayenokuzibukela imini yonke ukuba wayenokunikwa ithuba. +  +Ngomnye uLwesihlanu, utata kaSisanda wabuya emsebenzini phambi kwexesha. Wayebonakala ekhathazeke kakhulu. +“Ingaba kukho into embi, Tata?” wabuza njalo uSisanda. +“Namhlanje ibubu leenyosi lihlasele laluma imazi yendlulamthi,” ucacise watsho utata kaSisanda. “Intloko yayo ibidumbe kokuya kutyiwa ziinyosi kangangokuba amehlo ayo amahle ebevaleke ngci. Sizame yonke into ukuyisindisa, kodwa oko akuncedanga nto – iye yafa. Eyona nto ibuhlungu kukuba isenenkonyana elincinane elidinga ukuba nonina walo.” +“Owu bethuna!” watsho uSisanda eqalisa ukulila. “Akwaba bekukho into endinokukwazi ukuyenza. Elo nkonyana lendlulamthi inokuba lilila njengam lo.” +USisanda walila ixesha elide. Umama wakhe wazama ukumthuthuzela. Wade wazama nokumfundela ibali lesibini ngexesha lokulala ukuzama ukumnceda ukuba alibale ngendlela awayeyisizela ngayo inkonyana yendlulamthi. Ekugqibeleni, uSisanda wade wabiwa bubuthongo ethuthuzelwa sisandi selizwi likamama wakhe. +  +Ngentsasa elandelayo uSisanda wavuka enecebo alicingileyo! +“Ndingaphangela nawe namhlanje?” wabuza kutata wakhe. “Ndinesipho endinqwenela ukusinika inkonyana yendlulamthi.” +Abazali bakhe bajongana, bancumelana baze bathi, “Ngokuqinisekileyo, ungaphangela nathi.” +Yayiyimini eshushu le kodwa kwakusibekele. Emyezweni kwakuzole apha ngendlela engaqhelekanga. +“Ndicinga ukuba ilanga aliphumanga namhlanje kuba lisizela inkonyana yendlulamthi,” watsho uSisanda. +Indlovukazi enkulu kakhulu yajonga olu sapho ludlula kuyo. +“Mhlawumbi ithe nqa ukuba kutheni intombazana encinane iphangela nabazali bayo nje,” watsho umama kaSisanda. +USisanda wanqwala. “Iza kumangaliswa ngakumbi xa ifumanisa esona sizathu,” wacinga njalo uSisanda. +Bayifumana inkonyana yendlulamthi imi yodwa. Yayithokombisile, ijingisa loo ntamo yayo inde namehlo ayo amakhulu namdaka ayekhangeleka edangele. USisanda wasondela kangangoko anakho apha kuyo. Wavula ingxowana yakhe waza wakhupha kuyo incwadi. Emva koko, abazali bakhe besamangalisiwe, waqalisa ukufundela inkonyana yendlulamthi. Yajika intloko ilandela ilizwi lakhe yaze yamamela ngokungathi iyaliqonda igama ngalinye. Ekuqaleni, abazali bakaSisanda babecinga ukuba ukufundela indlulamthi yindlalo kwaye yinto engaqhelekanga, kodwa yaguquka indlela abacinga ngayo xa bebona indlela eyayizole ngayo inkonyana – amehlo ayo anobubele ejonge kuSisanda. +  +“Ibali lam liyenze yaziva ingcono,” uSisanda uxelele utatomkhulu wakhe bakufika ekhaya. +USisanda wayeyindwendwela le ndlulamthi incinane amaxesha amaninzi emva kwemini nangeempelaveki. Kwaye ngalo lonke ixesha eyindwendwela, wayeyiphathela ibali elitsha aza kwabelana ngalo nayo. Aba bahlobo babini batsha babekhangeleka befanelene kakhulu kangangokuba nabakhenkethi abadlulayo babebafota. +Kancinci-kancinci indlulamthi encinane yomelela. Abantu bomyezo wezilwanyana babeyikhathalele kakhulu kwaye nalo lonke uthando eyayilufumana kumhlobo wayo omtsha, uSisanda, lwalusebenza ngokomlingo. +Ngenye imini umlawuli womyezo wezilwanyana wacela uSisanda ukuba amthiye igama lo mhlobo wakhe mtsha. +“Ndicinga ukuba uThokozani ligama elimnandi,” watsho uSisanda. +Ngosuku olulandelayo umlawuli womyezo watsalela utitshala kaSisanda umnxeba. Wamema bonke abantwana abafunda eklasini kaSisanda ukuba beze emyezweni baze kubona uThokozani. Le ndlulamthi intle yayikhulile inde kwaye yomelele kwezi nyangana zintathu ukususela kutyelelo lokuqala lukaSisanda. +Ngomhla wohambo, abantwana abafunda iBanga le-3 abangamashumi amane babelinde ngothakazelelo ukuba kuvulwe amasango omyezo wezilwanyana. Emva koko, ngokuzingca okukhulu, uSisanda wakhokelela wonke ubani kuThokozani. Abanye babantwana bajonga indlulamthi ende bemangalisiwe. Abanye babo babegigitheka ngobuphakuphaku. Utitshala wabo, uNkosazana Khanyile, wasuka nje yena wazincumela. +  +“Umhlobo wakho mhle kakhulu, Sisanda. Umenzele ububele kakhulu,” watsho utitshalakazi ngokuzolileyo. +“Ngubani igama lakhe?” yabuza enye inkwenkwe. +“UThokozani uthetha ukuthi ‘vuyani’,” wacacisa njalo uNkosazana Khanyile. +Abantwana bahlala phantsi bamamela lo gama uSisanda ebafundela ibali awayelifundele uThokozani mhla beqala ukuhlangana. Umlawuli womyezo wabafota. Abakhenkethi ababezidlulela nabo babafota. Kwanentatheli yephephandaba lasekuhlaleni uqobo nayo yabafota. Yathembisa ukuba ifoto yabo iza kupapashwa kwiphephandaba kwakamsinyane. Wonke ubani waqhwaba izandla. +Esinjani sona isipho! Ukufundela impiliso yomhlobo.",xho,isiXhosa,Isipho sikaSisand,"Every day when eight-year-old Sisanda gets home from school, she changes out of her uniform, eats her lunch and plays a game of umlabalaba with her grandfather. They have so much fun flying their “cows” around the board that she ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Gcina Mhlophe,https://nalibali.org/multilingual-story/isipho-sikasisanda +sisanda’s-gift,"Nsuku zonke uma intombazanyana eneminyaka eyisishiyagalolunye enguSisanda ibuya esikoleni, ikhumula umfaniswano wayo, idle isidlo sayo sasemini bese idlala umlabalaba nomkhulu wayo. Bazithokozisa kakhulu lapho bendizisa “izinkomo” zabo zizungeze ibhodi kangangokuthi uSisanda usuke engasafuni ukuyeka. Kodwa umkhulu bese emkhumbuza ukuthi phela ufuna ukuba umphathi webhange uma esekhulile. +“Uzokwenza kanjani lokhu uma ungayi esikoleni samabanga aphezulu?” kuntela umkhulu wakhe. +USisanda uvele azihlekele nje. “Ngizoya esikoleni samabanga aphezulu kanye nasenyuvesi futhi. Yingakho ngisebenza ngokuzikhandla kangaka esikoleni!” + +USisanda mude kakhulu kunontangayabo − ufuze uyise. Ubuso bakhe obuyindilinga kanye nokumamatheka kwakhe okuhle kufuze okukanina. Abazali bakhe bobabili bavuka ekuseni kakhulu njalo bese beyosebenza esiqiwini sezilwane esiseduze. Ngesikhathi uSisanda kanye nabangani bakhe beqala ukufunda, kusuke sekunezindimbane zezivakashi ezifikayo zizobuka izilwane ezinhle kakhulu zaseNingizimu Afrika. +Ngosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa lokugcina, uSisanda wenzelwa okukhethekile – abazali bakhe bamtholela imvume yokuthi idili lakhe lenzelwe esiqiwini. Izindlulamithi zasesiqiwini zazithanda ukwazi ngaleli qembu labantu. Zelula izintamo zazo ezinde ukuze zilibone kahle idili futhi kwakubukeka sengathi zazifuna nokudla ikhekhe losuku lokuzalwa! USisanda wazithanda izindlulamithi. Zonke izilwaze zazikhethekile kuye, kodwa kwakuyizindlulamithi ezithule futhi ezimnene athatheka ngazo. Wayengachitha usuku lonke ezibukela. + +Ngolunye uLwesihlanu, uyise kaSisanda washeshe wabuya emsebenzini. Wayebukeka ethukuthele egane unwabu. +“Kwenzekeni, Baba?” kubuza uSisanda. +“Namhlanje iqulo lezinyosi litinyele umama undlulamithi,” kuchaza uyise kaSisanda. “Ikhanda lakhe belivuvuke kakhulu ngenxa yokutinyelwa, kwaze kwavaleka amehlo akhe amahle. Sizame konke okusemandleni ukumsiza, kodwa kwaba nhlanga zimuka nomoya – waze wafa. Into ebuhlungu kakhulu ukuthi ubenenkonyane encane ebisamdinga.” +“Awu hhe!” kusho uSisanda eqala ukukhala. “Ngifisa sengathi bekungaba khona into ebengingakwazi ukuyenza. Kufanele ukuthi inkonyane yendlulamithi ikhala njengami.” +USisanda wakhala, wakhala. Unina wazama ukumduduza. Waze wafundela noSisanda enye indaba ukuze amsize ukuthi akhohlwe ukuthi wayeyizwela kanjani inkonyane yendlulamithi. Ekugcineni, uSisanda wagcina esezumekile elokhu elalele iphimbo likanina. + +Ngakusasa ekuseni uSisanda wavuka neqhinga! +“Ngabe ngingaya nawe emsebenzini namhlanje?” ebuza uyise. “Nginesipho senkonyane yendlulamithi.” +Abazali bakhe babukana bemangele, bamamatheka base bethi, “Yebo, ungahamba nathi.” +Kwakuwusuku olufudumele kodwa lunamafu. Yonke into esiqiwini yayizwakala ithule ngendlela engejwayelekile +“Ngicabanga ukuthi ilanga alikhanyi namhlanje ngoba nalo liphatheke kabi ngenkonyane yendlulamithi,” kusho uSisanda. +Indlovu enkulu yabuka umndeni ngenkathi wedlula. +“Mhlawumbe izibuza ukuthi kungani intombazanyana iya emsebenzini nabazali bayo,” kusho unina kaSisanda. +USisanda wanqekuzisa ikhanda. “Izomangala uma isithola ukuthi kungani,” kucabanga yena. +Bathola inkonyane yendlulamithi imi yodwa. Intamo yayo encane ende yayilenga nje, futhi amehlo ayo amakhulu ayebukeka egcwele usizi. USisanda wama eduze kwayo ngendlela ayengakwazi ukuthi enze ngayo. Wavula isikhwanyana sakhe wase ekhipha incwadi. Abazali bakhe bamangala nje lapho eseqala ukufundela inkonyane yendlulamithi. Yaphendula ikhanda layo ibheka ngalapho okwakuphuma khona iphimbo lakhe, futhi yalalela sengathi iqonda igama ngalinye. Ekuqaleni, abazali bakaSisanda bacabanga ukuthi ukufundela indlulamithi kwakuyinto exakile umuntu angayenza, kodwa bashintsha imiqondo yabo ngesikhathi sebebona ukuthi yayibukeka inokuthula kanjani – amehlo ayo amnene ebheke uSisanda. + +“Indaba yami imenze wazizwa engcono,” kusho uSisanda kumkhulu wakhe ngesikhathi efika ekhaya. USisanda wayevame ukuvakashela indlulamithi encane ntambama kanye nangezimpelasonto. Kanti njalo uma eya khona, wayephatha enye indaba azokwabelana ngayo nenkonyane. Abangani ababili abasha babebukeka bebahle bendawonye kangangokuthi nezivakashi zazibathatha izithombe. +Kancane, kancane, indlulamithi yaya isimama. Abantu basesiqiwini sezilwane babeyinakekela kakhulu, kanti nalo lonke uthando lomngani wayo omusha, uSisanda, lwalusebenza njengomlingo. +Ngelinye ilanga umphathi wesiqiwi wacela uSisanda ukuthi aqambe umngani wakhe omusha igama. +“Ngicabanga ukuthi lihle igama elithi: Thokozani,” kusho uSisanda. +Ngosuku olulandelayo umphathi wesiqiwi washayela ucingo uthisha kaSisanda. Wamema bonke abafunda noSisanda ukuthi bazobona uThokozani. Indlulamithi enhle yayisikhule yaba yinde futhi yanamandla ezinyangeni ezintathu kusukela ngosuku lokuqala uSisanda eyivakashela. +Ngosuku lokuvakasha, izingane ezifunda iBanga lesi-3 ezingamashumi amane zazilinde zibheke ngamehlo abomvu ukuvulwa kwamasango esiqiwi. USisanda wayesezihola ngokuqhosha zonke sebeya kuThokozani. Ezinye izingane zabuka le ndlulamithi ende ngokumangala. Ezinye zagigitheka kodwa zinovadlwana. Uthisha wazo, uNkosazane Khanyile, wavele wamamatheka nje. + +“Muhle umngani wakho, Sisanda. Umenzele umusa,” esho kamnene. +“Ubani igama lakhe?” kubuza omunye wabafana. +“UThokozani,” kuphendula uSisanda. +“Ukuthi Thokozani phela kusho ukuthi ‘jabulani’,” kuchaza uNkosazane Khanyile. +Izingane zahlala phansi zalalela ngesikhathi uSisanda ezifundela indaba ayeyifundele uThokozani ngosuku ayeqala ukumbona ngalo. Umphathi wesiqiwi wathatha izithombe. Ezinye izivakashi ezazidlula nazo zathatha izithombe. Nomthwebuli-zithombe wephephandaba lendawo naye wathatha izithombe. Wabethembisa ukuthi isithombe sabo sizovela ephephandabeni maduze nje. Wonke umuntu washaya ihlombe. +Saze sasihle lesi sipho! Ukufundelwa kuyamduduza umngani.",zul,isiZulu,Isipho sikaSisand,"Every day when eight-year-old Sisanda gets home from school, she changes out of her uniform, eats her lunch and plays a game of umlabalaba with her grandfather. They have so much fun flying their “cows” around the board that she ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Gcina Mhlophe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isipho-sikasisanda +sisanda’s-gift,"Ngamalanga lokha uSisanda oneminyaka ebunane nakafika ekhaya abuya esikolweni, uhlubula ijinifomu yakhe ambathe izambatho zekhaya, adle ukudla kwakhe kwemini bese uyokudlala umrabaraba nobamkhulwakhe. Bebezwa ubumnandi lokha nabadlulisa “iinkomo” zabo babhoda ibhodo kangangobana uSisanda akasafuni ukulisa. Kodwana ubamkhulwakhe uyamkhumbuza bonyana uthe ufuna ukuba mphathibhanga ngelinye ilanga lokha nasele akhulile. +“Uzakwenza bunjani lokho nangabe awuyi esikolweni esiphakemeko?” kutjho ubamkhulu enza ihlaya. +USisanda ahleke. “Ngizokuya esikolweni esiphakemeko neyunivesithi. Kungebangelo ngisebenza ngamandla kangaka esikolweni!” + +USisanda mude kuneminyaka yakhe – ufuze uyise. Ubuso bakhe oburonjwana nokumomotheka kwakhe okuhle lifuzo likanina. Ababelethi bakhe bobabili bavuka ekuseni ngamalanga bayokusebenza esithamelweni seembandana esiseduze. Ngesikhathi uSisanda nabangani bakhe bathoma esikolweni, kungena iimbhesi ezizele iimvakatjhi abafuna ukuzokubona iimbandana ezihle ze-Afrika. +Ngelanga lakhe lamabeletho eladlulako, uSisanda waphatheka ngokukhethekileko – ababelethi bakhe bamtholela imvumo yokobana enzele umgidi wakhe wamabeletho esithamelweni seembandana. Iindlulamithi zesithamelweni bezimangele kobana kwenzekani ngesiqhema sabantu abanengi kangaka. Zalula iintamo zazo ezide ukuze zibone kuhle umgidi begodu zabonakala sengathi zifuna nekhekhe lamabeletho! USisanda uyazithanda iindlulamithi. Zoke iimbandana bezikhethekile kuye, kodwana ziindlulamithi ezizithobileko azithanda khulu ngehlizwakhe. Angathatha ilanga loke abukelana nazo. + +Ngomunye uLesihlanu, ubaba kaSisanda wabuya emsebenzini frurhu. Khabe abonakala angakathabi nakancani. +“Kwenzenjani, baba?” kubuza uSisanda. +“Namhlanjesi umtjhitjhi weenyosi utinyele indlulamithi esikazi,” kuhlathulula uyise kaSisanda. “Ihlokwakhe beyivuvuke khulu ngonobangela wokutinyelwa amehlwakhe amahle bekavalekile. Sizame koke okusemandleni ukuyisiza, kodwana akhenge kusebenze, – yase iyafa. Okubuhlungu ukudlula koke kukobana inekonyana elisadinga itlhogomelo layo.” +“Bababe!” kutjho uSisanda athoma ukulila. “Ngifisa ngathi ngabe kunento engingayenza. Ngidlumbana bonyana umntwana wendlulamithi utshwenyeke njengami nje.” + +USisanda walila, walila. Unina wazama ukumthulisa. Unina wabe wamfundela iindatjana ngesikhathi sokulala ukumsiza bonyana akhohlwe bona umzwela ubuhlungu kangangani umntwana wendlulamithi. Kusesenjalo, uSisanda wabanjwa buthongo walaliswa liphimbo elipholileko likanina. +Ngelanga elilandelako ekuseni uSisanda wavuka nombono! “Ngingakhamba nani emsebenzini namhlanjesi?” wabuza kuyise. “Nginesipho somntwana wendlulamithi.” +  +Ababelethi bakhe baqalana, bamomotheka base bathi, “Iye, kulungile, ungakhamba nathi.” Kwakulilanga elifuthumeleko kodwana linamafu. +Yoke into esithamelweni yabonakala ithule ngokungakajayeleki. +“Ngicabanga bonyana ilanga alikahlabi namhlanjesi ngombana lidanile ngomntwana wendlulamithi,” kutjho uSisanda. +Indlovu ekulu yaqala umndeni odlulako. “Mhlamunye iyamangala kobana kubayini umntazanyana omncani akhamba nababelethi bakhe emsebenzini,” kutjho unina kaSisanda. +USisanda avume ngehloko. “Uzokumangala nakatholako,” uyacabanga. +Bathola umntwana wendlulamithi ajame yedwa. Alengise intamo yakhe ede namehlwakhe azotho abonakala anganathabo. USisanda wajama eduze kwakhe ngendlela akghona ngayo. Wakhupha ibheganakhe encazana wase ukhupha incwadi. Ngaleso sikhathi, ababelethi bakhe basamangele, wathoma wafundela umntwana wendlulamithi incwadi. Watjhugulula ihlokwakhe waqala ngakuye wase ulalela kwangathi uzwisisa elinye nelinye igama elifundwako. Ekuthomeni, ababelethi bakaSisanda babecabanga bonyana ukufundela indlulamithi kukwenza into esimanga. kodwana batjhugulula imikhumbulo lokha nababona bonyana umntwana wendlulamithi ubukeka anokuthula kangangani – amehlwankhe alungileko aqale uSisanda. + +“Indatjanami imenze wazizwa angcono,” uSisanda wacocela uyisemkhulu lokha nakafika ekhaya. +USisanda esikhathini esinengi ngemva kwamadina nangeempelaveke bekakhamba ayokuvakatjhela indlulamithi encani. Ngasosoke isikhathi nakayako, bekathatha incwadi azomfundela yona. Abangani ababili abatjhaba bebaqaleke babahle nababobabili ngitjho neenkhambi ezidlulako bezibathatha iinthombe. +Kancani, kancani indlulamithi encani yakhula, yabanamandla. Abantu besithamelweni bebayitlhogomela kuhle khulu begodu nethando lomngani wayo omutjha uSisanda belenza umsebenzi osimanga. +Ngelinye ilanga umphathi wesithamelweni wabawa uSisanda bonyana athiye umnganakhe omutjha lo ibizo. +“Ngicabanga bonyana uThokozani ligama elihle,” kutjho uSisanda. +Ngelanga elilandelako umphathi wesithamelo wadosela utitjhere kaSisanda umtato. Wamema boke abafundi betlasi kaSisanda bonyana bazokubona uThokozani. Indlulamithi ehle besele ikhulule yabayide begodu yabanamandla eenyangeni ezintathu solo uSisanda ahlangana nayo. +Ngelanga lekhambo lelo, abafundi bebanga lesi-3 besele bajame ngerhuluphelo bonyana iinyege zesithamelo zivulwe. USisanda ngokuzikhakhazisa wadosa woke umuntu phambili bonyana baye kuThokozani. Abanye abantwana baqala indlulamithi ede ngokumangala. Abanye bagigitheka ngokusaba. Utitjherabo, uKsz Khanyile, wamane wamomotheka. + +“Umnganakho muhle, Sisanda. Ubenomusa khulu kuye,” watjho ngesineke. +“Ngubani ibizo lakhe?” kubuza omunye wabesanyana. +“NguThokozani,” kuphendula uSisanda. +“Ukuthi Thokozani kutjho ukuthi ‘ukuthokoza’,” kuhlathulula uKsz Khanyile. +Abantwana bahlala phasi balalela lokha uSisanda nakabafundela indatjana ayifundela uThokozani ngelanga lokuthoma abahlangana ngalo. Umphathi wesithamelo wabathatha iinthombe. Nezinye iimvakatjhi ezazidlula ngendlela nazo zabathatha iinthombe. Ngitjho nomthathiinthombe wephephandaba naye wabathatha. Umthathiinthombe wathembisa bonyana isithombe sabo sizakuba sephepheni msinyana. Woke umuntu wawahla izandla. +Ukufundela umngani ngomnqopho wokumpholisa. Sisipho esimangazako lesi!",nbl,isiNdebele,Isipho sikaSisand,"Every day when eight-year-old Sisanda gets home from school, she changes out of her uniform, eats her lunch and plays a game of umlabalaba with her grandfather. They have so much fun flying their “cows” around the board that she ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Gcina Mhlophe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isipho-sikasisanda-0 +sisanda’s-gift,"Letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe ge Sisanda wa go ba le mengwaga ye seswai a fihla gae a etšwa sekolong, o hlobola yunifomo, a ja matena a ba a bapala moraloko wa morabaraba le rakgolo wa gagwe. Ba ipshina kudu ba fofiša “dikgomo” borotong ebile ga a sa nyaka le go emiša. Efela ka morago o ile a mo gopotša gore o nyaka go ba molaodi wa panka ka letšatši le lengwe ge a gola. +“O ka dira seo bjang ntle le go ya sekolong sa thuto ya godimo?��� rakgolo wa gagwe a dira metlae. +Sisanda a itshegela. “Ke tla ya sekolong sa thuto ya godimo le yunibesithi. Ke ka fao ke šomag kudu sekolong!” + +Sisanda ke yo motelele kudu go feta mengwaga ya gagwe – o tšeeletše tatagwe. O tšeeletše mmagwe ka sefahlego sa nkgokolo le momyemyelo wo mobotse. Letšatši ka letšatši batswadi ba gagwe ka bobedi ba tsoga e sa le mesong ba ya mošomong lešokeng la diphoofolo la kgauswi. Ka nako ye sekolo sa Sisanda le bagwera ba gagwe se thoma, dihlopha tša baeti di tla be di fihla go tlo bona diphoofolo tše botse tša Afrika. +Ka letšatši la matswalo a gagwe la mafelelo, Sisanda o filwe tshwaro ya go kgethega – batswadi ba gagwe ba mo dumeletše go swarela moletlwana ka lešokeng la diphoofolo. Ka lešokeng la diphoofolo dithutlwa di be di fišagelwa go tseba ka ga sehlopha se sa batho. Di taolotše melala ya tšona ye metelele gore di bone mokete gabotse gomme di be di bonala di nyaka le khekhe ya letšatši la matswalo! Sisanda o be a rata dithutlwa. Diphoofolo ka moka di be di kgethegile go yena, efela o ratile kudu dithutlwa tše di telele tša boleta. O be a ka fetša letšatši ka moka a di lebeletše. + +Ka Labohlano le lengwe, tatago Sisanda o ile a boya mošomong ka pela. O be a bonala a befetšwe. +“Go senyegile kae, Tate?” Sisanda a botšiša. +“Lehono motšhitšhi wa dinose o lomile thutlwa ya mma,” gwa hlaloša tatago Sisanda. “Hlogo ya yona e be e rurugile ka lebaka la go lomiwa gomme le mahlo a yona a mabotse a tswalelegile. Re lekile go e thuša efela, gwa se thuše selo – e ile ya hwa. Sa go kweša bohloko kudu ke gore e be e na le namanyana yeo e lego gore e sa e hloka.” +“Aowaowa!” a realo Sisanda a thoma go lla. “Okare nkabe go na le se nka se dirago. Ngwana wa thutlwa o swanetše go ba a lla bjalo ka nna.” +Sisanda a tšwela pele go lla. Mmagwe o ile a leka go mo homotša. O ile a ba a balela Sisanda kanegelo ya tlaleletšo ka nako ya go robala go mo thuša go lebala ka bohloko bjo a bo kwešitšwego ke ngwana wa thutlwa. Mafelelong, Sisanda o ile a robatšwa ke lentšu la mmagwe. + +Mesong ya go latela Sisanda o ile a tsoga a na le kgopolo! +“Nka ya le lena mošomong lehono?” a botšiša tatagwe. “Ke swaretše ngwana wa thutlwa mpho.” +Batswadi ba gagwe ba ile ba lebelelana, ba myemyela gomme ba re, “Ee, o ka sepela le rena.” +E be e le letšatši le borutho efela go na le maru. Lešokeng la diphoofolo go be go rile tuu ka tsela ya go se tlwaelege. +“Ke nagana gore letšatši ga le tšwelele lehono ka gobane le nyamišitšwe ke ngwana wa thutlwa,” a realo Sisanda. +  +Tlou ye kgolokgolo e be e lebeletše maloko a lapa ge ba sepela. +“Mo gongwe e makatšwa ke ge mosetsana yo monnyane a eya mošomong le batswadi ba gagwe,” a realo mmago Sisanda. +Sisanda a dumela ka hlogo. “E tlile go makatšwa ke seo e tlilego go se bona,” a nagana. +Ba hweditše ngwana wa thutlwa a eme a le tee. Molala wa yona o mo telele o be o lekeletše gomme mahlo a yona a magolo a matsotho a be a laetša bodutu. Sisanda o ile a ema kgauswi le yona ka fao a ka kgonago. O ile a bula mokotlana wa gagwe a ntšha puku. Batswadi ba gagwe ba ile ba makala, a thoma go balela ngwana wa thutlwa. E ile ya retološa hlogo go ya thoko ya lentšu la gagwe gomme ya theeletša ka fao o ka rego e kwešiša lentšu le lengwe le le lengwe. Mathomong, batswadi ba Sisanda ba be ba gopola gore go balela thutlwa ke bohlola, efela ba fetola menagano ge ba bona ka fao e bonalago e le khutšong ka gona – mahlo a yona a go laetša boleta a lebeletše Sisanda. + +“Kanegelo ya ka e dirile gore a ikwe bokaone,” Sisanda a botša rakgolo wa gagwe ge a fihla gae. +Sisanda o ile a ya go etela ngwana wa thutlwa mathapama a mantši le mafelelong a beke. Gomme nako le nako ge a eya o be a eya le kanegelo ye nngwe go e balela. Bagwera ba babedi ba baswa ba be ba kgahliša, ba kgahla le baeti bao bego ba ba bona ge ba feta gomme ba ba tšea le dinepe. +Gannyanegannyane ngwana wa thutlwa a maatlafala. Batho ba kua lešokeng la diphoofolo ba be ba e hlokomela gabotse gomme lerato la go tšwa go mogwera yo moswa, Sisanda,le thušitše kudu. +Letšatši le lengwe molaodi wa lešoka la diphoofolo o ile a kgopela Sisanda gore a reele mogwera wa gagwe yo moswa leina. +“Ke nagana gore Thokozani ke leina le le botse,” a realo Sisanda. +Ka letšatši la go latelamolaodi wa lešoka la diphoofolo o ile a leletša morutiši wa Sisanda mogala. O ile a laletša baithuti ka moka ba ka mphatong wa Sisanda go tla go tsebana le Thokozani. Thutlwa ya botse e be e gotše e le ye telele ebile e tieletše ka dikgwedi tše tharo morago ga ketelo ya mathomo ya Sisanda. +Ka letšatši la leeto, bana ba Kreiti ya 3 ba masomenne ba be ba letetše gore dikgoro tša lešoka la diphoofolo di bulwe ka phišagalelo. Morago Sisanda o ile a ba etelela pele ka moka a ba iša go Thokozani. Bana ba bangwe ba be ba lebeletše thutlwa ye telele ka makalo. Ba bangwe ba be ba sega ebile ba tšhogile. Morutiši wa bona, Mtšana Khanyile,o ile a myemyela. + +“Mogwera wa gago o botse, Sisanda. O tloga o mo loketše kudu,” a realo ka boleta. +“Ke mang leina la gagwe?” gwa botšiša mošemane yo mongwe. +“Thokozani,” gwa araba Sisanda. +“Thokozani e ra gore ‘Thabang’,” gwa hlaloša Mtšana Khanyile. +Bana ba ile ba dula fase ba theeletša Sisanda a bala kanegelo yeo a e baletšego Thokozani ka letšatši la mathomo leo ba kopanego ka lona. Molaodi wa lešoka la diphoofolo o ile a tšea dinepe. Le baeti bao ba bego ba feta ba ile ba tšea dinepe. Le motšeadinepe wa kuranta ya selegae o ile a tšea dinepe. O ba tshephišitše gore senepe sa bona se tla tšwa ka kuranteng e se kgale. Bohle ba ile ba thakgala. +Mpho ye botse bjang! Go balela go fodiša mogwera.",nso,Sepedi,Mpho ya Sisand,"Every day when eight-year-old Sisanda gets home from school, she changes out of her uniform, eats her lunch and plays a game of umlabalaba with her grandfather. They have so much fun flying their “cows” around the board that she ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Gcina Mhlophe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mpho-ya-sisanda +sisanda’s-gift,"Kamehla ha Sisanda ya dilemo di robedi a fihla lapeng ho tswa sekolong, o hlobola diaparo tsa hae tsa sekolo, a je dijo tsa motsheare mme a bapale papadi ya morabaraba le ntatemoholo wa hae. Ba natefelwa haholo ke ho tsamaisa “dikgomo” tsa bona ho potoloha letlapa hoo a qetellang a sa batle ho emisa. Empa ntatemoholo a mo hopotse hore o batla ho ba motsamaisi wa banka ka tsatsi le leng ha a se a hodile. +“O tla ba yena jwang ha o sa ye sekolong se phahameng?” ho rialo ntatemoholo wa hae a swaswa. +Sisanda o itshehela feela. “Ke tla ya sekolong se phahameng ke be ke ye le yunivesiting. Ke kahoo ke sebetsang ka thata tjena sekolong!” + +Sisanda o molelele ho feta dilemo tsa hae – o futsitse ntatae. Sefahleho sa hae se tjhitja le pososelo ya hae e ntle ke tsa mmae. Ka bobedi batswadi ba hae ba tsoha ka matjeke kamehla ho ya mosebetsing polokelong ya diphoofolo tse hlaha e haufi le moo. Ka nako eo Sisanda le metswalle ya hae ba qalang sekolo ka yona, ho be ho se ho tlile dihlopha ka dihlopha tsa bahahlaudi ho tla bona diphoofolo tse kgahlisang ka ho fetisisa tsa Afrika. +Bakeng sa letsatsi la hae la tswalo le fetileng, Sisanda o ile a fumana mpho e ikgethang – batswadi ba hae ba ile ba fumana tumello ya hore a ka tshwarela moketjana wa hae serapeng sa diphoofolo. Dithuhlo tsa moo di ne di makaletse sehlopha sena sa batho. Di ne di otlolla melala ya tsona e melelele ho bona moketjana hantle mme e ne eka di kgaletse le +kuku ya letsatsi la tswalo! Sisanda o ne a rata dithuhlo tseo. Kaofela diphoofolo di ne di kgethehile ho yena, empa e ne e le dithuhlo tse kgutsitseng le tse bonolo tse hapileng pelo ya hae. O ne a ka qeta letsatsi lohle a di shebelletse. +Ka tsatsi le leng ka Labohlano, ntate wa Sisanda a fihla hae pele ho nako a etswa mosebetsing. O ne a shebahala a saretswe haholo. +“Molato ke eng, Ntate?” ha botsa Sisanda. +“Kajeno sehlopha sa dinotshi se ile sa loma mme thuhlo,” ha hlalosa ntata Sisanda. “Hlooho ya hae e ne e ruruhile hohle ka lebaka la ho longwa hoo mahlo a hae a matle a neng a kwalehile. Re lekile tsohle ho mo thusa, empa ho ne ho sa thuse letho – o ile a shwa. Mme taba e bohloko ka ho fetisisa ke hore o ne a ena le namane e nyane e ntseng e mo hloka.” +“Tjhe bo!” ha rialo Sisanda a qala ho lla. “Ekare ho ka be ho ena le ho hong hoo nka ho etsang. Ledinyane la thuhlo le lona ke a kgolwa le ntse le lla jwalo ka nna tjena.” +Sisanda a lla, a lla. Mmae o ile a leka ho mo tshedisa. O bile a ba a balla Sisanda pale ya bobedi ka nako ya ho robala ho mo thusa ho lebala kamoo a utlwileng bohloko ka teng bakeng sa ledinyane la thuhlo. Qetellong, Sisanda a kgaleha a ntse a mametse lentswe la mmae. + +Tsatsing le hlahlamang hoseng Sisanda a tsoha a ena le mohopolo o itseng! +“Na nka ya le lona mosebetsing kajeno?” a botsa ntatae. “Ke na le mpho bakeng sa ledinyane la thuhlo.” +Batswadi ba hae ba shebana, ba bososela mme ba re, “Ee, ho lokile o ka tla le rona.” +E ne e le letsatsi le futhumetseng empa maru a kwahetse. Dintho tsohle tse serapeng sa diphoofolo di ne di kgutsitse ka tsela e sa tlwaelehang. +“Ke nahana hore letsatsi ha le a tjhaba kajeno hobane le utlwisitswe bohloko ke ledinyane la thuhlo,” ha rialo Sisanda. +Tlou e kgolohadi ya tjamela ba lelapa ba fetang moo. +“Mohlomong e makaletse hore ke hobaneng ha ngwananyana eo a tlile mosebetsing le batswadi ba hae,” ha rialo mma Sisanda. +Sisanda a oma ka hlooho. “E tla makala ha e fumana lebaka,” a nahana jwalo. +Ba fumana ledinyane la thuhlo le eme le le leng. Molala wa lona o kebeselang o ne o leketlile mme mahlo a lona a maholo a sootho a ne a shebahala a le bodutu. Sisanda a atamela ho lona haholo kamoo a ka kgonang. A bula mokotlana wa hae o monyane mme a ntsha buka. Mme batswadi ba hae ba makala ha a qala ho balla ledinyane la thuhlo. La thintsha hlooho ya lona la sheba kamoo lentswe le tswang ka teng mme la mamela jwaloka haeka le utlwisisa ditaba kaofela. Qalong batswadi ba Sisanda ba ne ba nahanne hore ho balla thuhlo e ne e le ntho e sa tlwaelehang, empa ba fetola mehopolo ya bona ha ba bona kamoo e shebahalang e ena le kgotso ka teng – mahlo a yona a bonolo a shebile Sisanda. + +“Pale ya ka e ile ya etsa hore le ikutlwe betere,” Sisanda a bolella ntatemoholo wa hae ha a fihla lapeng. +Sisanda o ile a nna a etela ledinyane la thuhlo matsatsi a mang kamora sekolo le mafelong a beke. Mme nako le nako ha a ya teng, o ne a nka pale e nngwe ho ya le balla yona. Metswalle ena e mmedi e metjha e ne e shebahala hantle mmoho hoo bahahlaudi ba fetang ba neng ba bile ba ba nka ditshwantsho. +Butlebutle thuhlo e nyane ya nna ya hola ya eba le matla. Batho ba serapeng sa diphoofolo ba ne ba hlile ba e hlokometse hantle mme le lerato lohle le tswang ho motswalle wa yona, Sisanda, le ne le sebetsa mehlolo. +Ka tsatsi le leng motsamaisi wa polokelo ya diphoofolo a kopa Sisanda hore a fe motswalle wa hae e motjha lebitso. +“Ke nahana hore Thokozani ke lebitso le monate,” ha rialo Sisanda. +Letsatsing le hlahlamang motsamaisi wa polokelo ya diphoofolo a letsetsa titjhere ya Sisanda mohala. A mema bomphato ba Sisanda kaofela ho tla kopana le Thokozani. Thuhlo e bohehang e ne e se e hodile e le telele mme e le matla ho feta dikgweding tse tharo ho tloha ketelong ya pele ya Sisanda. +Ka letsatsi la leeto, bana ba mashome a mane ba Kereiti ya 3 ba ne ba eme hekeng ya polokelo ya diphoofolo ba se ba tatetse hore e bulwe. Yaba ka motlotlo Sisanda o etella bohle pele ho ya ho Thokozani. Bana ba bang ba ne ba shebile thuhlo e telele ka ho makala ho hoholo. Ba bang ba ne ba tsheha empa ba tshohile. Titjhere ya bona yena, Moftsn Khanyile, o ne a bososela feela. +“Motswalle wa hao o motle, Sisanda. O bile mosa ho yena,” a rialo ka bonolo. +“Lebitso la hae ke mang?” ha botsa e mong wa bashanyana. +“Thokozani,” ha araba Sisanda. +“Thokozani e bolela ‘thabang’,” ha hlalosa Moftsn Khanyile. +Bana ba dula fatshe ho mamela ha Sisanda a bala pale eo a e baletseng Thokozani ka letsatsi leo ba kopaneng kgetlo la pele ka lona. Motsamaisi wa polokelong ya diphoofolo a nka ditshwantsho. Bahahlaudi ba neng ba feta moo ba nka ditshwantsho le bona. Esitana le raditshwantsho ya neng a etswa phatlalatsong ya koranta ya lehae a tlanyatsa ka khemera le yena. O ile a tshepisa hore setshwantsho sa bona se tla be se le koranteng haufinyane. Bohle ba etsa ditlatse le mahofi. +A, mpho e ntle ruri! Ho balla motswalle.",sot,Sesotho,Mpho ya Sisand,"Every day when eight-year-old Sisanda gets home from school, she changes out of her uniform, eats her lunch and plays a game of umlabalaba with her grandfather. They have so much fun flying their “cows” around the board that she ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Gcina Mhlophe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mpho-ya-sisanda-0 +sisanda’s-gift,"Letsatsi le letsatsi fa Sisanda wa dingwaga tse robedi a fitlha kwa gae go tswa sekolong, o fetola diaparo tsa gagwe tsa sekolo a apara tsa mo gae, o ja dijotshegare tsa gagwe le go tshameka motshameko wa morabaraba le ntatemogolo wa gagwe. Ba itumelela thata go fofisa “dikgomo” tsa bone mo botong moo a sa batleng go emisa. Mme o mo gopotsa gore o batla go nna motsamaisi wa banka letsatsi lengwe fa a gola. +“O tla dira seo jang fa o sa ye kwa sekolong se segolo?” ga botsa ntatemogolo wa gagwe a dira motlae. +Sisanda o itshegela fela. “Ke tlaa ya kwa sekolong se segolo le kwa yunibesithing. Ke sone se ke dirang ka natla kwa sekolong!” + +Sisanda o moleele thata go fetisa bana ba dingwaga tsa gagwe – o gotsitse rragwe. Sefatlhego sa gagwe se se kgolokwe le monyenyo o montle ke tsa ga mmagwe. Batsadi ba gagwe ka bobedi ba tsoga mo mosong thata letsatsi le letsatsi go ya tirong kwa lefelong le le gaufi la bosireletso jwa diphologolo. Ka nako e Sisanda le ditsala tsa gagwe ba simololang kwa sekolong, go setse go goroga dibese tse di tletseng ka bajanala go tla go bona diphologolo tse di kgatlhisang tsa Afrika. +Ka letsatsi la gagwe la botsalo le le fetileng, Sisanda o ne a amogela mpho e kgethegileng – batsadi ba gagwe ba mo neela tetla ya go tshwarela moletlo kwa lefelong la bosireletso jwa diphologolo. Dithutlwa tse di kwa lefelong la bosireletso jwa diphologolo di ne di šwegašwega go bona setlhopha se sa batho. Di ne tsa otlolola dithamo tsa tsone tse di telele go nna le pono e e gaisang ya moletlo e bile di ne di bonala e kete di batla lenathwana la kuku ya gagwe ya letsatsi la matsalo! Sisanda o ne a rata dithutlwa. Diphologo tsotlhe di ne di kgethegile mo go ene, mme fela e ne e le dithutlwa tse di itidimaletseng tse di bonolo tse a neng a di rata thata. O ne a ka tlhola letsatsi lotlhe a di lebeletse. + +Ka Labotlhano mongwe, rragwe Sisanda o ne a tla gae e sale gale go tswa tirong. O ne a lebega a hutsafetse thata. +“Molato ke eng, Rra?” go ne ga botsa Sisanda. +“Gompieno motshitshi wa dinotshe o lomile mme thutlwa,” go ne ga tlhalosa rragwe Sisanda. “Tlhogo ya gagwe e ne e rurugile thata ka ntlha ya mabolela a otlhe moo matlho a gagwe a mantle a neng a tswalegile. Re lekile ka gotlhe go mo thusa, mme fela go ne go sa thuse sepe – o ne a tlhokafala. Se se botlhoko thata go di gaisa ke gore o ne a na le namane e nnye e e sa ntseng e mo tlhoka.” +“Ao nnyaa tlhe!” ga rialo Sisanda a simolola go lela. “Ke eletsa e kare go ka bo go na le sengwe se nka se dirang. Ngwana thutlwa o tshwanetse a bo a lela fela jaaka nna.” + +Sisanda o ne a lela a bo a lela. Mmagwe o ne a leka go mo gomotsa. O ne a ba a mmuisetsa leinane le lengwe gape ka nako ya go robala go mo thusa go lebala gore o ne a utlwela ngwana thutlwa botlhoko thata go le kana kang. Kwa bokhutlong, Sisanda o ne a thulametswia ke go utlwa lentswe la ga mmagwe. +  +Mo mosong o o latelang Sisanda o ne a tsoga a na le kakanyo! +  +“A nka tla le wena kwa tirong gompieno?” o ne a botsa rragwe. “Ke na le mpho e ke e tshwaretseng ngwana thutlwa.” +Batsadi ba gagwe ba ne ba lebana, ba nyenya mme ba re, “Ee, go siame o ka tla le rona.” +E ne e le letsatsi le le bothito mme go na le maru mo loaping. Sengwe le sengwe mo lefelong la bosireletso jwa diphologolo se ne se lebega se sisibetse ka tsela e e sa tlwaelegang. +“Ke nagana gore letsatsi ga le phatsime gompieno gonne le hutsafaditswe ke ngwana thutlwa,” ga rialo Sisanda. +Tlou e kgolo e ne ya leba balelapa fa ba feta ka tsela. “Ka gongwe o ipotsa gore ke goreng mosetsana yo monnye a ya tirong le batsadi ba gagwe,” ga rialo mmagwe Sisanda. +Sisanda o ne a dumela ka tlhogo. “O tlile go makala fa a lemoga lebaka,” o ne a akanya jalo. +Ba ne ba fitlhela ngwana thutlwa a eme a le nosi. Thamo ya gagwe e telele e bile e le tshesane e ne ya obega mme matlho a gagwe a magolo a masetlha a ne a lebega a le bodutu. Sisanda o ne a emela gaufi le ene ka moo a ka kgonang ka teng. O ne a bula kgetsana ya gagwe e nnye mme a ntsha buka. Mme, se se neng sa makatsa batsadi ba gagwe, o ne a simolola go buisetsa ngwana thutlwa. O ne a retolola tlhogo ya gagwe kwa ntlheng ya lentswe la gagwe mme a reetsa jaaka e kete o tlhaloganya lefoko lengwe le lengwe. La ntlha, batsadi ba ga Sisanda ba ne ba nagana gore go buisetsa thutlwa ke selo se se sa tlwaelegang, mme ba ne ba fetola megopolo ya bone fa ba bona ka moo a neng a bontsha a se na letsapa ka gone – matlho a gagwe a a bonolo a lebeletse Sisanda. + +“Leinane la me le dirile gore a ikutlwe botoka”, Sisanda o ne a bolelela ntatemogolo wa gagwe fa a fitlha kwa gae. +Sisanda o ne a etela thutlwanyana gantsi mo motshegareng le ka malatsi a mafelo a beke. Mme nako le nako fa a ya kwa teng, o ne a tsaya leinane le lengwe go le aroganya le ene. Ditsala tse pedi tse dintšhwa di ne di bonala di itumetse fa di le mmogo moo bajanala ba ba fetang ka tsela ba neng ba ba tsaya dinepe. +Ka iketlo ngwana thutlwa o ne a tia. Batho ba kwa lefelong la bosireletso jwa diphologolo ba ne ba mo tlhokomela sentle mme lerato lotlhe le a neng a le bona go tswa mo tsaleng ya gagwe e ntšhwa, e bong Sisanda, le ne le dira dikgakgamatso. +Ka letsatsi le lengwe motsamaisi wa lefelo la bosireletso jwa diphologolo o ne a kopa Sisanda go neela tsala ya gagwe e ntšhwa leina. +“Ke nagana gore Thokozani ke leina le le siameng,” ga rialo Sisanda. +Letsatsi le le latelang motsamaisi wa lefelo la bosireletso jwa diphologolo o ne a leletsa morutabana wa ga Sisanda mogala. O ne a laletsa barutwana botlhe ba mophato wa ga Sisanda go tla le go kopana le Thokozani. Thutlwa e ntle e ne e godile e le telelenyana mme e tiile thata mo dikgweding tse tharo fa e sale go tloga ka leeto la ntlha la ga Sisanda. +Ka letsatsi la leeto, bana ba le someamane ba Kereite 3 ba ne ba letile ka tlhoafalo gore diheke tsa lefelo la bosireletso jwa diphologolo di bulwe. Morago Sisanda o ne a ba etelela botlhe kwa pele ka boipelo go ba isa kwa go Thokozani. Bana ba bangwe ba ne ba leba thutlwa e telele ka kgakgamalo. Ba bangwe ba ne ba tshegatshega ka letshogo. Morutabana wa bone, Mme Khanyile, o ne a nyenya fela. + +“Tsala ya gago e ntle, Sisanda. O ntse o le bonojana mo go ene,” o ne a bua ka bonolo. +“Leina la gagwe ke mang?” go ne ga botsa mongwe wa basimane. +“Thokozani,” ga araba Sisanda. +“Thokozani e raya ‘boitumelo’,” ga tlhalosa Mme Khanyile. +Bana ba ne ba dula mo fatshe le go reetsa fa Sisanda a buisa leinane le a neng a le buisetsa Thokozani ka letsatsi le ba kopaneng la ntlha ka lone. Motsamaisi wa lefelo la bosireletso jwa diphologolo o ne a tsaya dinepe. Bajanala bangwe ba ba neng ba feta ka tsela le bone ba ne ba tsaya dinepe. Le motsayadinepe go tswa kwa lekwalodikgannyeng la selegae o ne a tsaya dinepe. O ne a solofetsa gore senepe sa bone se tlaa tlhagelela mo lekwalodikgannyeng mo nakong e e sa fediseng pelo. Mongwe le mongwe o ne a duduetsa. +A mpho e ntle! Go buisa go fodisa tsala.",tsn,Setswana,Mpho ya ga Sisand,"Every day when eight-year-old Sisanda gets home from school, she changes out of her uniform, eats her lunch and plays a game of umlabalaba with her grandfather. They have so much fun flying their “cows” around the board that she ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Gcina Mhlophe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mpho-ya-ga-sisanda +sisanda’s-gift,"Onkhe malanga Sisanda loneminyaka lesiphohlongo nakafika ekhaya abuya esikolweni, ukhumula inyifomu yakhe, adle kudla kwakhe kwasemini bese udlala mlabalaba kanye namkhulu wakhe. Bajabula kakhulu bandizisa “tinkhomo” tabo titungelete ibhodi kangangobe Sisanda angabe asafuna nekuyekela. Kepha kusesenjalo, mkhulu wakhe umkhumbuta kutsi ufuna kuba ngumphatsi welibhange ngalelinye lilanga nasakhulile. +“Utawukwenta kanjani loko nangabe ungeke uye esikolweni semabanga laphakeme?” kwasho mkhulu atekula. +Sisanda uvele nje uyahleka. “Ngitawuya esikolweni semabanga laphakeme ngisho nasenyuvesi lombala. Kungako nje ngisebenta ngekutimisela esikolweni!” + +Sisanda mudze kakhulu kuneminyaka yakhe − ufute babe wakhe. Buso bakhe lobuyindzingiliti nekumamatseka lokuhle nguloku kwamake wakhe. Bobabili batali bakhe bavuka ekuseni kakhulu baye emsebentini, esichiwini setilwane dvute nalapho bahlala khona. Ngesikhatsi Sisanda nebangani bakhe befika esikolweni, emabhasi lagcwele tivakashi besavele afika aletse tivakashi titewubuka tilwane tase-Afrika letinhle kakhulu. +Ngelusuku lwakhe lwekutalwa lolwendlulile Sisanda wajajuliswa ngendlela lekhetsekile – batali bakhe batfola imvume yekutsi bangagubhela lidzili lakhe lekutalwa kulesichiwi. Tindlulamitsi lebetikulesichiwi betilangatelela kwati kabanti ngalabantfu. Telula tintsamo tato tifuna kubona kahle lidzili futsi betibukeka sengatsi tifuna nencenye yalelikhekhe! Sisanda bekatitsandza tindlulamitsi. Tonkhe tilwane betikhetsekile kuye, kepha bekatsandza kakhulu tindlulamitsi letithulile futsi letimenene. Bekangacitsa lilanga lonkhe atibukela. + +Ngalomunye Lesihlanu, babe waSisanda wabuya ekhaya ngembi kwesikhatsi lesetayelekile. Bekabukeka angajabuli. +“Konakalephi, Babe?” Kwabuta Sisanda. +“Lamuhla libulo letinyosi lisutele make wendlulamitsi,” kwachaza babe waSisanda. “Inhloko yakhe beyivuvuke kakhulu ngenca yalo lonkhe loludvosi kangangobe emehlo akhe bekavalekile. Setame ngako konkhe lokusemandleni etfu kutsi simsite, kepha akukasebenti – ufile. Lokubuhlungu kakhulu kutsi bekanelitfole lelincane lebelimdzinga.” +“Hhayi bo!” kwasho Sisanda asacala kukhala. “Ngifisa sengatsi kukhona lengingakwenta. Kungenteka kutsi lomntfwana wendlulamitsi ukhala njengami nje.” + +Kwakhala Sisanda. Make wakhe wetama kumthulisa. Wadzimate wamfundzela indzaba leyengetiwe ngesikhatsi sekayolala entela kumsita kutsi akhohlwe kutsi ubuhlungu kangakanani ngalomntfwana wendlulamitsi. Ekugcineni, Sisanda waphatfwa butfongo walala, alaliswa livi lamake wakhe. +  +Ngakusasa ekuseni Sisanda wavuka nembono lotsite! +  +“Ngicela kuhamba nani uma niya emsebentini lamuhla?” wacela babe wakhe. “Nginesipho salomntfwana wendlulamitsi.” +Batali bakhe babukana bobabili, bamamatseka babese batsi, “Yebo, kulungile ungahamba natsi.” +Bekulilanga lelifutfumele kepha linemafu. Yonkhe intfo kulesichiwi beyibonakala ibindze ngendlela lengakavami. +“Ngicabanga kutsi lamuhla lilanga alihlabi ngoba lilusizi ngenca yalomntfwana wendlulamitsi,” kwasho Sisanda. +Indlovu lenkhulu yagolotela lomndeni lobewendlula lapho. +“Mhlawumbe iyamangala kutsi kungani lentfombatana lencane iya emsebentini nebatali bayo,” kwasho make waSisanda. +Sisanda walekutisa inhloko. “Utawumangala nakatfola imphendvulo,” wacabanga. +Batfola umntfwana wendlulamitsi eme yedvwana. Intsamo yakhe lendze beyigobile nemehlo akhe futsi abukeka abutfuntfu. Sisanda wema wasondzela kuye kakhulu ngendlela langakhona ngayo. Wavula sikhwama sakhe lesincane wakhipha incwadzi yakhe. Wabese umangalisa batali bakhe-ke, wabese ufundzela lomntfwana wendlulamitsi. Lomntfwana wendlulamitsi wajikisa inhloko yakhe wayibukisa ngalapho kuchamuka khona livi laSisanda sengatsi uva onkhe lamagama lashiwoko. Ekucaleni, batali baSisanda bacabanga kutsi kufundzela umntfwana wendlulamitsi yintfo lengakatayeleki, kepha bantjintja imicondvo yabo nababona kutsi lomntfwana wendlulamitsi ubukeka abindze kangakanani – emehlo akhe lamnene abuke Sisanda. + +“Indzaba yami imente wativa ancono,” Sisanda watjela mkhulu wakhe nakefika ekhaya. +Sisanda bekavakashela lendlulamitsi lencane tintsambama letinyenti nangetimphelansontfo. Ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi nakaya kuye, bekahamba nendzaba latawabelana naye ngayo. Labangani labasha lababili bebabukeka bakahle nabandzawonye ngisho netivakashi lebetendlula betibatfwebula titfombe. +Kancane kancane lendlulamitsi lencane yacala kubanemandla. Bantfu kulesichiwi bebamnakekela kahle kakhulu futsi analo lonkhe lutsandvo lwemngani wakhe lomusha, Sisanda, lwenta timanga. +Ngalelinye lilanga umphatsi wesichiwi wacela Sisanda kutsi etse lomngani wakhe lomusha ligama. +“Ngicabanga kutsi Thokozani ligama lelikahle,” kwasho Sisanda. +Ngakusasa umphatsi wesichiwi washayela thishela waSisanda lucingo. Wamema bonkhe bantfwana labafundza naSisanda eklasini kutsi bete batewubona Thokozani. Lendlulamitsi lenhle beseyikhule yaba yindze yabuye futsi yaba nemandla etinyangeni letintsatfu nje kusukela ngelilanga lekuvakasha kwaSisanda kwekucala. +Ngelilanga lekuvakasha, bebangemashumi lamane bantfwana belibanga le-3 labebalindze ngekulangatelela kutsi kuvulwe emagede esichiwi. Sisanda-ke lapho wabahola bonkhe ngekutichenya wayobakhombisa Thokozani. Labanye balabantfwana babuka lendlulamitsi ngekumangala. Labanye bagigitseka ngekwesaba. Thishela wabo, Nks. Khanyile, wavele nje wamamatseka. + +“Umngani wakho muhle, Sisanda. Umentele umusa,” washo ngebumnene. +“Ngubani ligama lakhe?” kwabuta lomunye webafana. +“Thokozani,” kwaphendvula Sisanda. +“Thokozani usho kutsi ‘jabulani’,” kwachaza Nks. Khanyile. +Labantfwana bahlala phasi futsi balalela Sisanda afundza indzaba layifundzela Thokozani ngelilanga bahlangana kwekucala. Umphatsi wesichiwi watfwebula tintfombe. Netivakashi lebetendlula lapho nato tatfwebula titfombe. Ngisho nemtfwebulititfombe weliphephandzaba lendzawo naye wabatfwebula. Wabatsembisa kutsi sitfombe sabo sitawuphuma ephephandzabeni masinyane. Wonkhe muntfu wamemeta. +Sipho lesihle kangaka! Kufundza kute welaphe umngani.",ssw,Siswati,Sipho saSisand,"Every day when eight-year-old Sisanda gets home from school, she changes out of her uniform, eats her lunch and plays a game of umlabalaba with her grandfather. They have so much fun flying their “cows” around the board that she ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Gcina Mhlophe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sipho-sasisanda +sisanda’s-gift,"Ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe musi Sisanda a re na vhukale ha miṅwaha ya malo a tshi swika hayani u bva tshikoloni, u bvula yunifomo yawe, a ḽa tshiswiṱulo tshawe a fhedza nga u tamba muravharavha na makhulu wawe vha mukalaha. Vha ḓiphiṋa nga maanḓa nga u tshimbidza “thoga” dzavho u mona na bodo lune ha ṱoḓi u litsha u tamba. Fhedzi, vha mu humbudza uri zwiḽa u ṱoḓou u vha mulangi wa bannga ḓuvha ḽiṅwe musi o no aluwa. +“Ni ḓo zwi itisa hani arali ni sa ṱoḓi u ya sekondari?” makhulu wawe vha mukalaha vha a swaswa. +Sisanda a ḓisetshela. “Ndi ḓo ya sekondari nda dovha nda ya na yunivesithi. Ndi ngazwo ndi tshi shuma nga maanḓa tshikoloni!” + +Sisanda o lapfa u fhira vhukale hawe – o dzhiela khotsi awe. Tshifhaṱuwo tshawe tsha tshipulumbu na u mwemwela ho nakaho ndi zwa mme awe. Vhabebi vhawe vhuvhili havho vha tou ri vhusiku sala nḓuni matsheloni maṅwe na maṅwe vha tshi ya mushumoni vhugalaphukha ha tsini. Nga tshifhinga tshine Sisanda na khonani dzawe vha thoma tshikolo ngatsho, mabisi o ḓalaho vhaendelamashango a vha a tshi khou swika u ḓa u vhona phukha dza Afurika dzo nakaho. +Nga ḓuvha ḽawe ḽa mabebo ḽo fhiraho, Sisanda o tondwa nga nḓila yo khetheaho – vhabebi vhawe vho wana thendelo ya uri a vhe na vhuṱambo vhugalaphukha. Ṱhuḓwa dza vhugalaphukha dzo vha na dzangalelo ḽa u ṱoḓou ḓivha nga ha tshigwada itshi tsha vhathu. Dzo tatamudza mitsinga yadzo milapfu uri dzi vhone zwavhuḓi vhuṱambo nahone dzo ita na u vhonala sa dzine dza khou tama tshipiḓa tsha khekhe ya ḓuvha ḽa mabebo! Sisanda o funa ṱhuḓwa. Phukha dzoṱhe dzo vha dzo khetheaho khae, fhedzi ho vha ṱhuḓwa dzo fhumulaho na u vha na vhulenda dze dza tswa mbilu yawe. A nga fhedza ḓuvha ḽoṱhe a tshi khou dzi ṱalela. + +Nga Ḽavhuṱanu ḽiṅwe, khotsi a Sisanda vho ṱavhanya u vhuya mushumoni. Vho vhonala vho dinalea nga maanḓa. +“Mulandu ndi mini, Baba?” Sisanda o vhudzisa. +“Ṋamusi guma ḽa ṋotshi ḽo luma ṱhuḓwa ya mudzadze,” ho ṱalutshedza khotsi a Sisanda. “Ṱhoho yayo yo vha yo zwimba nga u lumiwa lwe na maṱo ayo a u naka a vha o valea. Ro lingedza zwoṱhe u i thusa, fhedzi zwe vhutoto – ya mbo ḓi fa. Zwi vhavhesaho ndi uri yo vha i na tshiṋamana tshine tsha kha ḓi i ṱoḓa.” +“Nṋe nṋe mayo!” ho amba Sisanda a tshi thoma u lila. “Ndi tama ho vha hu na tshe nda vha ndi tshi nga ita. Tshiṋamana tshi tea u vha tshi tshi khou lila u fana na nṋe.” + +Sisanda a lila o lila. Mme awe vho lingedza u mu khuthadza. Vho ita na u mu vhalela tshiṅwe tshiṱori nga tshifhinga tsha u eḓela u mu thusa uri a hangwe uri o pfela hani vhuṱungu tshiṋamana. Mafhedziseloni, Sisanda o mbo ḓi farwa nga khofhe zwezwo a tshi khou thetshelesa ipfi ḽa mme awe. +Nga matsheloni a ḽi tevhelaho Sisanda o vuwa e na muṅwe muhumbulo! +Nga matsheloni a ḽi tevhelaho Sisanda o vuwa e na muṅwe muhumbulo! +Vhabebi vhawe vha sedzana, vha mwemwela vha ri, “Ee, zwo luga ni nga ṱuwa na riṋe.” +Ho vha hu tshi dudela fhedzi hu na makole. Tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe vhugalaphukha tsho vhonala tsho fhumula nga nḓila i songo ḓoweleaho. +“Ndi humbula uri ḓuvha a ḽongo bva ṋamusi ngauri ḽo ṱungufhalela tshiṋamana,” ho amba Sisanda. +Nḓou khulukhulu ya lavhelesa muṱa u no khou pfuka nga henefho tsini. +“Khamusi i khou mangala kusidzana ku yaho mushumoni na vhabebi vhako,” ho amba mme a Sisanda. +Sisanda a tenda nga ṱhoho. “I ḓo mangala musi i tshi vho ḓivha,” o humbula. +Vho wana tshiṋamana tsho ima tshi tshoṱhe. Mutsinga watsho musekene wa lapfa wo tsela fhasi na maṱo atsho mahulu a burauni a vhonala a songo tsha. Sisanda a ima tsinisa natsho nga hune a kona. O vula bege yawe ṱhukhu a bvisa bugu. Zwenezwo, zwo mangadzaho na vhabebi vhawe, a thoma u vhalela tshiṋamana. Tsha rembulusela ṱhoho yatsho thungo ya ipfi ḽawe tsha thetshelesa sa tshine tsha nga tshi khou pfesesa ipfi ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe. Mathomoni, vhabebi vha Sisanda vho humbula uri u vhalela ṱhuḓwa ndi zwithu zwi songo ḓoweleaho u zwi ita, fhedzi vha shandukisa mihumbulo yavho musi vha tshi vhona nḓila ye ya vhonala i na mulalo ngayo – maṱo ayo a vhulenda o sedza kha Sisanda. + +“Tshiṱori tshanga tsho ita uri tshi pfe tshi khwiṋe,” Sisanda o ṱalutshedza makhulu wawe vha mukalaha musi a tshi swika hayani. +Sisanda o ya u ṱolela tshiṋamana nga masiari manzhi na nga mafhelo a vhege. Tshifhinga tshoṱhe a tshi ya, o ṱuwa na tshiṅwe tshiṱori tshine a ḓo vhala. Khonani mbili ntswa dzo vhonala dzi dzavhuḓi musi dzi dzoṱhe lwe na vhaendelamashango vha fhiraho nga henefho vha foda zwiṋepe zwadzo. +Nga zwiṱuku nga zwiṱuku tshiṋamana tsha vha na nungo. Vhathu vha vhugalaphukha vho vha vha tshi khou tshi ṱhogomela nga maanḓa na lufuno lwoṱhe lu bvaho kha khonani ntswa, Sisanda, lwo shuma sa manditi. +Ḓuvha ḽiṅwe mulangi wa vhugalaphukha a humbela Sisanda uri a ṋee khonani ntswa dzina. +“Ndi humbula uri Thokozani ndi dzina ḽavhuḓi,” ho amba Sisanda. +Nga ḓuvha ḽi tevhelaho mulangi wa vhugalaphukha a founela mugudisi wa Sisanda. A ramba vhagudi vhoṱhe vha kiḽasini ya Sisanda uri vha ḓe vha vhone Thokozani. Ṱhuḓwa ya u naka yo lapfa na u vha na nungo kha miṅwedzi miraru u bva tsha madalo a u thoma a Sisanda. +Nga ḓuvha ḽa lwendo lwa u ḓimvumvusa, vhana vha fuiṋa vha Gireidi ya3 vho lindela nga vhutami uri gethe dza vhugalaphukha dzi vule. Zwenezwo Sisanda nga u ḓihudza a isa muṅwe na muṅwe kha Thokozani. Vhaṅwe vha vhana vha lavhelesa ṱhuḓwa ndapfu vho mangala. Vhaṅwe vha mwemwela vho tshuwa. Mugudisi wavho, Vho Khanyile, vha sokou mwemwela. + +“Khonani yaṋu yo naka, Sisanda. No i ṱhogomela zwavhuḓi,” vho amba nga vhulenda. +“I pfi nnyi?” ho vhudzisa muṅwe wa vhatukana. +“Thokozani,” ho fhindula Sisanda. +“Thokozani zwi amba ‘u takala’,”ho ṱalutshedza Vho Khanyile. +Vhana vha dzula fhasi vha thetshelesa musi Sisanda a tshi vhala tshiṱori tshe a vhalela Thokozani nga ḓuvha ḽe vha ṱangana lwa u thoma. Mulangi wa vhugalaphukha a foda zwiṋepe. Vhaṅwe vha vhaendelamashango vhe vha vha vha tshi khou fhira nga henefho na vhone vha foda-vho zwiṋepe. Na mufodi wa zwiṋepe a bvaho kha gurannḓa yapo a foda-vho. O fulufhedzisa uri tshiṋepe tshavho tshi ḓo vha tshi kha gurannḓa hu si kale. Muṅwe na muṅwe a vhandelela zwanḓa. +Tsha ḓa tsha vha tshifhiwa! U vhalela u fhola khonani.",ven,Tshivenda,Tshifhiwa tsha Sisand,"Every day when eight-year-old Sisanda gets home from school, she changes out of her uniform, eats her lunch and plays a game of umlabalaba with her grandfather. They have so much fun flying their “cows” around the board that she ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Gcina Mhlophe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tshifhiwa-tsha-sisanda +sisanda’s-gift,"Masiku hinkwawo loko Sisanda loyi a ri ni malembe ya nhungu a fika ekaya ku suka exikolweni, a cinca yunifomo, a dya lanci ya yena kutani a thya muravarava na kokwani wa yena. Va vile ni nkarhi wa kahle wa ku hahisa “tihomu” ehenhla ka bodo ku fikela laha a nga ha swi lavi ku ri va yima. Kokwani u n’wi tsundzuxe leswaku kambe u lava ku va mufambisi wa bangi siku rin’wana loko a kurile. +“U ta swi endlisa ku yini loko u nga yi exikolweni xa le henhla?” ku vutisa kokwani a ri karhi a hleka. +Sisanda o hleka. “Ndzi ta ya exikolweni xa le henhla na le yunivhesiti. Hikwalaho ndzi tirhaka hi matimba exikolweni!” + +Sisanda a lehile swinene loko hi languta malembe ya yena – u tekele tata wa yena. Xikandza xa yena lexi xa xirhendzevutani na ku n’wayitela a tekele mana wa yena. Vatswari va yena ha vumbirhi va pfuka ka ha ri mixo va ya entirhweni eka ntanga wa swiharhi lowu nga kwala kusuhi. Loko Sisanda na vanghana va yena va sungula xikolo, vapfhumba vo tala va va va fikile ku vona swiharhi leswo hlawuleka swa Afrika. +Eka siku ra yena ra ku velekiwa ro hetelela, Sisanda u vile ni nkarhi wo hlawuleka swinene – vatswari va yena va kumile mpfumelelo wa ku va ni ntlangu endzeni ka ntanga. Tinhutlwa entangeni tihlamarile swinene hi ntlawa lowu wa vanhu. Tilehisile tinhamu ta tona leto leha ku kota ku vona kahle ntlangu lowu naswona a ti ti komba ti navela khekhe ra ku velekiwa! Sisanda a rhandza tinhutlwa. Swiharhi hinkwaswo a swi ri leswa nkoka eka yena, kambe a ku ri ku miyela na vunene bya nhutlwa lebyi nga yiva mbilu ya yena. A ta heta siku hinkwaro a ri ku ti languteni. +Siku rin’wana hi Ravuntlhanu, tata wa Sisanda u vuyile entirhweni ka ha ri ni nkarhi. A ti komba a tsanile swinene. +“Tatana, i yini lexi nga hoxeka?” ku vutisa Sisanda. +“Namuntlha tinyoxi ti lumile mhani wa xinhutlwani,” ku hlamusela tata wa Sisanda. “Nhloko ya yena a yi pfimbile swinene hi mindyombho ku fikela laha mahlo ya nga pfaleka. Hi ringetile hinkwaswo ku yi pfuna, kambe a swi pfunangi – kutani yi lovile. Lexi vavaka swinene i ku ku na xinhutlwani lexitsongo lexi xi lavaka mana wa xona.” +“Hay’khona!” ku vula Sisanda a ri karhi a rila. “Ndzi navela ku ri loko a ko va na swin’wana leswi a ndzi ta swiendla. Xin’wanani xa nhutlwa xifanele xi ri karhi xi rila ku fana na mina.” +Sisanda u rile lero na ta rila. Mana wa yena u ringetile ku n’wi khongotela. U tlhele a hlayela Sisanda tsheketo wo engetela hi nkarhi wo etlela ku n’wi pfuna ku rivala hi ndela leyi a twela xinhutlwani ku vava. Emakumu, Sisanda u kotile ku tlela a ri karhi a twa rito ra mana wa yena. +Mixo lowu landzelaka Sisandza u tele hi mano! +“Xana ndzi nga famba na n’wina a entirhweni?” a vutisa tata wa yena. “Ndzi na nyiko ya xinhutlwani.” +Vatswari va yena va langutana, van’wayitela va ku, “Ee, u nga famba na hina.” +A ku hisa kambe a ku ri siku leri a ku ri na mapapa. Leswi a swi ri xiswona endzeni ka ntanga a ku miyele hi ndlela yo ka yi nga tolovelekangiki. +“Dyambu a ri tlhavanga namuntlha hikuva ri twa ku vava hi xinhutlwani,” ku vula Sisanda. +Nhutlwa leyikulu a yi honokerile ndyangu loko wu ri karhi wu hundza. +“Kumbexani yi le ku hlamaleni ku ri hikwalaho ka yini nhwana lotsongo a ya entirhweni ni vatswari va yena,” ku vula mana wa Sisanda. +Sisanda a pfumela hi nhloko. “U ta hlamala loko a swi kuma,” a ehleketa +Va kumile xinhutlwani xi ti yimele xi ri xoxe. Nhamu ya xona leyo leha yi korhamile na matihlo ya mpungha ya languteka ya tsanile. Sisanda u yimile ekusuhi na xona. U pfurile xikwamani kutani a humesa buku. Kutani vatswari va yena va hlamarile, u sungula ku hlayela xinhutlwani. Xi jikisile nhloko ya xona hi tlhelo leri rito ra yena a ri huma kona onge xi twisisa marito hinkwawo. Emasungulweni, vatswari va Sisanda a va ehleketa leswaku ku hlayela nhutlwa i mhaka leyi nga tolovelekangiki, kambe va cincile mianakanyo ya vona loko va vona leswi a xi rhulise xiswona – mahlo ya xona lamanene ya langutile Sisanda. + +“Tsheketo wa mina wu n’wi endle a ti twa kahle,” Sisanda a byela kokwani wa yena loko a fika ekaya. Sisanda a endzela xinhutlwani ndyengha wun’wana ni wun’wana na le maheleni ya vhiki. Mikarhi hinkwayo loko a ya, a teka tsheketo wun’wana leswaku a hlayelana ni xinhutlwani. Vanghana lava vantshwa a va tshamaswin’we va ri kahle ku fika laha ni vapfhumba va nga teka swifaniso swa vona vambirhi. +Hi katsongo xinhutlwani xi kote ku tiya.Vanhu entangeni a va xihlayisa swinene na rirhandzu hikwaro leri a xi ri kuma eka munghana wa xona lontshwa, Sisanda, ri endlile masingita. +Siku rin’wana mufambisi wa ntanga a kombela Sisanda ku thya munghana wa yena vito. +“Ndzi ehleketa ku Thokozani i vito ra kahle,” ku vula Sisanda. +Siku leri landzelaka mufambisi wa ntanga u foyinerile mudyondzisi wa Sisanda. U rhambile vadyondzikulorhi ku ta hlangana na Thokozani. Nhutlwa leyo saseka yi kurile na ku leha yi tlhela yi va ni matimba eka tin’hweti tinharhu ku sukela loko Sisanda a endzile ro sungula. +Hi siku ra rendzo, vana va ka Giredi 3 va makumemune va yime hi ku hiseka etinyangweni ta ntanga leswaku ti pfula. Kutani Sisanda hi ku tinyungubyisa u rhangerile hinkwavo ku ya eka Thokozani. Van’wana vana va langutile nhutlwa leyo leha hi ku hlamala lokukula. Van’wana va hlekela endzeni hi ku chava. Mudyondzisi wa vona Manana Khanyile, u lo n’wayitela. + +“Munghana wa wena u sasekile Sisanda. U n’wi khome hi tintswalo swinene,” a vula hi rito ra vunene. +“I mani vito ra yena?” ku vutisa un’wana wa vafana. +“Thokozani,” ku hlamula Sisanda. +“Thokozani swivula kuri ‘Tsakani’,” ku hlamusela Manana Khanyile. +Vana va tshamile ehansi vayingisela loko Sisanda a hlaya tsheketo lowu a nga wu hlaya ro sungula loko a hlangana na Thokozani. Mufambisi wa ntanga u tekile swifaniso. Vapfhumba van’wana na vona va tekile swifaniso. Na mutekaswifaniso wa phephahungu ra muganga u tekile swifaniso. U tshembhisile leswaku xifaniso xa vona xi ta huma eka phephahungu ku nga ri kale. Hinkwavo va ba huwa ya ntsako. +Nyiko yo tani! Ku hlaya ko horisa munghana.",tso,Xitsonga,yiko ya Sisand,"Every day when eight-year-old Sisanda gets home from school, she changes out of her uniform, eats her lunch and plays a game of umlabalaba with her grandfather. They have so much fun flying their “cows” around the board that she ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Gcina Mhlophe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nyiko-ya-sisanda +old-woman-and-her-pig,"One day an old woman was sweeping her home when she found some money that she had forgotten about. She was so happy that she danced around singing. +“Look at this,” she said holding the money up in the air. “Now what shall I do with it? I know! I will go to the market and buy a pig.” +So the next day, she went to the market and bought a nice little pig. She put a collar on the pig, tied a string on the collar and began to walk home with it. On the way, they came across a low wooden fence. +The old woman said, “Please, Pig, get over the fence.” But the pig would not get over the fence. No matter how she pleaded, the pig would not move. + +Just then a dog came trotting up and the old woman said to him, “Dog, Dog! Come here. Please chase this pig. He won’t get over the fence and I won’t get home tonight.” +But the dog would not chase the pig. +So the old woman fetched a bucket of water that was standing just a little way along the fence. “Water, please splash this dog. The dog won’t chase the pig. The pig won’t get over the fence and I won’t get home tonight.” +But the water would not splash the dog. +The old woman saw an ox in the distance. When it came closer, she called, “Ox, Ox, please drink the water. The water won’t splash the dog. The dog won’t chase the pig. The pig won’t get over the fence and it is getting dark. It is time the pig and I were at home.” +But the ox would not drink the water. +Just then a butcher walked by. +She stopped him and begged, “Butcher, Butcher, please take this ox with you. The ox won’t drink the water. The water won’t splash the dog. The dog won’t chase the pig. The pig won’t get over the fence. I can see the moon rising. The pig and I should have been home an hour and a half ago.” +But the butcher would not take the ox… +By now the old woman was getting angry – no one would help her! So she took a rope out of her pocket and said, “Rope, Rope, please tie up the butcher. The butcher won’t take the ox away. The ox won’t drink the water. The water won’t splash the dog. The dog won’t chase the pig. The pig won’t get over the fence, and I see the moonlight. The pig and I should have been home hours ago!” +But the rope would not tie up the butcher. +Just then a mouse ran across the field, and the old woman called, “Mouse, Mouse, please chew the rope. The rope won’t tie up the butcher. The butcher won’t take the ox. The ox won’t drink the water. The water won’t splash the dog. The dog won’t chase the pig. The pig won’t get over the fence and the moon is already high in the sky. The pig and I should be getting ready for bed by now.” +The mouse stopped. He looked at the old woman. “Yes,” said the mouse, “I will chew the rope, if you will give me some cheese.” +So the old woman put her hand deep into her pocket, felt around a bit and then pulled out a tiny piece of cheese which she gave to the mouse. And when the mouse had eaten the cheese, it began to nibble at the rope; the rope began to tie up the butcher; the butcher began to lead the ox; the ox began to drink the water; the water began to splash the dog; the dog began to chase the pig and … the pig jumped over the fence. +The old woman gave a big sigh and walked home. “At last,” she said. +What time did she and her pig get home? Nobody knows. But if this old woman lives near you and you do know, please tell us.",eng,English,The old woman and her pig,"One day an old woman was sweeping her home when she found some money that she had forgotten about. She was so happy that she danced around singing. +“Look at this,” she said holding the money up in the air. “Now what shall I do with it? ...","Guide for this story +Tell this story to younger children. +Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/old-woman-and-her-pig +old-woman-and-her-pig,"Eendag, terwyl ’n ou vrou haar huis uitvee, kom sy af op geld waarvan sy vergeet het. Sy is so bly dat sy ronddans en sing. +“Kyk net hier,” sê sy en hou die geld in die lug op. “Wat sal ek hiermee doen? Ek weet! Ek sal mark toe gaan en ’n vark koop.” +Die volgende dag gaan sy mark toe en koop ’n oulike varkie. Sy sit ’n halsband om die vark se nek, bind ’n tou aan die halsband vas en begin huis toe stap met die vark. Op pad kom hulle by ’n lae houtheining. +Die ou vrou sê: “Spring asseblief oor die heining, Varkie.” Maar die vark wil nie oor die heining spring nie. Al smeek die vrou ook hoe, die vark wil nie roer nie. + +Net toe kom ’n hond verbygedraf en die ou vrou sê vir hom: “Hond, Hond! Kom hier. Jaag asseblief hierdie vark. Hy wil nie oor die heining spring nie, en nou sal ek nie vanaand by die huis kom nie.” +Maar die hond wil nie die vark jaag nie. +Die ou vrou gaan haal toe ’n emmer water wat ’n entjie van die heining af staan. “Water, spat asseblief hierdie hond nat. Die hond wil nie die vark jaag nie. Die vark wil nie oor die heining spring nie, en ek sal nie vanaand by die huis kom nie.” +Maar die water wil nie die hond natspat nie. +Die ou vrou sien ’n os in die verte. Toe hy nader kom, roep sy: “Os, Os, drink asseblief die water. Die water wil nie die hond natspat nie. Die hond wil nie die vark jaag nie. Die vark wil nie oor die heining spring nie, en dit word laat. Dis tyd dat ek en die vark by die huis kom.” +Maar die os wil nie die water drink nie. +Net toe stap ’n slagter verby. +Sy gaan staan en pleit: “Slagter, Slagter, neem asseblief hierdie os saam met jou. Die os wil nie die water drink nie. Die water wil nie die hond natspat nie. Die hond wil nie die vark jaag nie. Die vark wil nie oor die heining spring nie. Ek kan al die maan sien opkom. Ek en die vark moes al ’n uur en ’n half gelede by die huis gewees het.” +Maar die slagter wil nie die os vat nie… +Teen hierdie tyd is die ou vrou al besig om kwaad te raak – niemand wil haar help nie! Sy haal toe ’n stuk tou uit haar sak en sê: “Tou, Tou, bind asseblief die slagter vas. Die slagter wil nie die os vat nie. Die os wil nie die water drink nie. Die water wil nie die hond natspat nie. Die hond wil nie die vark jaag nie. Die vark wil nie oor die heining spring nie, en ek sien reeds die maanlig. Ek en die vark moes ure gelede al by die huis gewees het!” +Maar die tou wil nie die slagter vasbind nie. +Net toe skarrel ’n muis oor die veld, en die ou vrou roep: “Muis, Muis, kou asseblief hierdie tou. Die tou wil nie die slagter vasbind nie. Die slagter wil nie die os vat nie. Die os wil nie die water drink nie. Die water wil nie die hond natspat nie. Die hond wil nie die vark jaag nie. Die vark wil nie oor die heining spring nie, en die maan sit al hoog. Ek en die vark moet nou al regmaak om te gaan slaap.” +Die muis gaan staan. Hy kyk na die ou vrou. “Ja,” sê die muis, “ek sal die tou kou, as jy vir my ’n stukkie kaas gee.” +Die ou vrou sit haar hand diep in haar sak, en haal ’n klein stukkie kaas uit, wat sy vir die muis gee. En toe die muis die kaas geëet het, begin hy aan die tou knaag; die tou begin die slagter vasbind; die slagter begin die os weglei; die os begin die water drink; die water begin die hond natspat; die hond begin die vark jaag en … die vark spring oor die heining. + +Die ou vrou sug diep en stap huis toe. “Uiteindelik,” sê sy. +Hoe laat het sy en haar vark by die huis gekom? Niemand weet nie. Maar as hierdie ou vrou naby jou woon, en jy weet, vertel asseblief vir ons.",afr,Afrikaans,Die ou vrou en haar vark,"One day an old woman was sweeping her home when she found some money that she had forgotten about. She was so happy that she danced around singing. +“Look at this,” she said holding the money up in the air. “Now what shall I do with it? ...","Guide for this story +Tell this story to younger children. +Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-ou-vrou-en-haar-vark +old-woman-and-her-pig,"Ngenye imini ixhegokazi lalitshayela ekhayeni lalo laze labhaqa imali elalisele layilibala kudala. Lavuya kakhulu kangangokuba lajikeleza lidanisa, licula +“Khangela apha,” latsho liyibambile liyiphakamisele phezulu le mali. “Ndiza kuthenga ntoni ngayo bethu? Ndiyazi! Ndiza kuya emarikeni ndizithengele ihagu.” +Ngoko ke ngosuku olulandelayo, laya emarikeni laza lathenga ihagwana encinane entle. Layifaka ikhola le hagu, labophelela intambo kule khola laza layinxula, lagoduka nayo. Endleleni, kwakufuneka betsibe ucingwana olufutshane lwasenkampini. +Ixhegokazi lathi, “Nceda, hagu, tsiba olu cingo.” Kodwa ihagu yala ukutsiba ucingo. Lacenga kangangoko, kodwa ihagu yala ukutsiba ecingweni. + +Kanye ngelo xesha kwathi gqi injana izinkcunkcela laze lathi ixhegokazi kuyo, “Nja, Nja! Yiza apha. Nceda usukele le hagu. Le hagu ayifuni kutsiba ecingweni kwaye soze ndifike ekhaya, ngoku kuhlwile.” +Kodwa inja yala ukuyisukela ihagu. +Ngoko ke ixhegokazi lathatha i-emele yamanzi eyayihleli kude kufuphi nocingo. “Manzi, nceda utshize le nja. Le nja ayifuni ukusukela le hagu. Le hagu ayifuni ukutsiba ecingweni kwaye soze ndifike ekhaya, ngoku kuhlwile.” +  +Kodwa amanzi ala ukutshiza inja. +Ixhegokazi labona inkunzi yenkomo mgama. Yathi yakusondela layikhwaza, “Nkomo, Nkomo, nceda usele la manzi. La manzi awafuni kutshiza le nja. Inja ayifuni kusukela ihagu. Ihagu ayifuni kutsiba ecingweni kwaye kuya kusiba mnyama ngoku. Lixesha lokuba mna nehagu sibe sesisekhaya.” +Kodwa inkomo yala ukuwasela amanzi. +Kanye ngelo xesha kwadlula unosilarha. +Ixhegokazi lammisa laze lamcenga, “Nosilarha, Nosilarha, nceda uthathe le nkomo uhambe nayo. Le nkomo ayifuni kusela amanzi. Amanzi awafuni kutshiza inja. Inja ayifuni kusukela ihagu. Ihagu ayifuni kutsiba ecingweni. Ndibona inyanga iphuma ndiselapha. Mna nehagu bekumele ukuba sesisekhaya kwiyure enesiqingatha edlulileyo.” +Kodwa unosilarha wala ukuyithatha inkomo… +Ngoku ke ixhegokazi laliselifikelwa ngumsindo omkhulu – kungekho bani ufuna ukulinceda! Ngoko ke lakhupha intambo epokothweni yalo laze lathi, “Ntambo, Ntambo, nceda ubophelele lo nosilarha. Lo nosilarha uyala ukuthatha le nkomo. Le nkomo ayifuni kusela la manzi. La manzi akafuni kutshiza le nja. Le nja ayifuni kusukela le hagu. Le hagu ayifuni kutsiba ecingweni, kwaye sele ndibona ukukhanya kwenyanga ngoku. Mna nehagu bekufanele ukuba sele kuziiyure sisekhaya.” +Kodwa intambo yala ukubophelela unosilarha. +Kanye ngelo xesha kwathi gqi impuku inqumla ethafeni, laze ixhegokazi layikhwaza lathi, “Mpuku, Mpuku, grenya le ntambo. Le ntambo ayifuni kubophelela unosilarha. Lo nosilarha akafuni kuthatha le nkomo. Le nkomo ayifuni kusela la manzi. La manzi akafuni kutshiza le nja. Le nja ayifuni kusukela le hagu. Le hagu ayifuni kutsiba ecingweni kwaye nenyanga sele iphezulu esibhakabhakeni ngoku. Mna nehagu sifanele ukuba silungiselela ukulala ngoku.” +Impuku yema. Yalijonga ixhegokazi. “Kulungile,” yatsho, “ndiza kuyigrenya intambo, ukuba wena uza kundinika iqhekeza lesonka samasi.” +Kwa oko ke, ixhegokazi lafaka isandla salo ezantsi epokothweni yalo, laphuthaphutha kancinane laza lakhupha iqhekezana elincinane lesonka samasi lalinika impuku. Emva kokuba impuku ilityile iqhekezana lesonka samasi, yaqalisa ukugrenya intambo; intambo yaqalisa ukubophelela unosilarha; unosilarha waqalisa ukutsala inkomo; inkomo yaqalisa ukusela amanzi; amanzi aqalisa ukutshiza inja; inja yaqalisa ukusukela ihagu yaze … ihagu yalutsiba ucingo. + +Ixhegokazi lenza isingqala laze lagoduka. “Ekugqibeleni,” latsho. +Ingaba lafika nini nehagu ekhaya? Akukho namnye owaziyo. Kodwa ukuba eli xhegokazi lihlala kufuphi nawe kwaye uyazi ukuba lafika nini na, nceda",xho,isiXhosa,Ixhegokazi kunye nehagu yalo,"One day an old woman was sweeping her home when she found some money that she had forgotten about. She was so happy that she danced around singing. +“Look at this,” she said holding the money up in the air. “Now what shall I do with it? ...","Guide for this story +Tell this story to younger children. +Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ixhegokazi-kunye-nehagu-yalo +old-woman-and-her-pig,"Ngelinye ilanga isalukazi sasishanela ikhaya laso lapho sesithola imali esase siyikhohliwe. Sasijabule kangangokuba sagida, sazungeza sicula. +“Awubheke nje,” sisho siphephezelisa imali emoyeni. “Konje ngingenzani ngayo? Ngiyazi! Ngizoya emakethe ngiyothenga ingulube.” +Ngakho ngakusasa saya emakethe sase sithenga ichwane elihle lengulube. Sagqokisa ingulube ukhololo, sabophela intambo kukhololo sase siqala ukuhamba sesiya ekhaya nayo. Endleleni eya ekhaya, bafica uthango lwamapulangwe olungaphakeme. +Isalukazi sathi, “Ngiyakucela, Ngulube, ukuthi weqe uthango.” Kodwa ingulube ayizange ilweqe uthango. Noma sesiyincenga kangakanani, ingulube ayizange inyakaze. + +Ngaleso sikhathi kwaqhamuka inja izihambela nje, isalukazi sase sithi kuyo “We Nja, we Nja! Woza la. Ngicela uxoshe le ngulube. Ayifuni ukweqa uthango, lokho kuchaza ukuthi angeke ngifike ekhaya namhlanje ebusuku. +Kodwa inja ayizange iyixoshe ingulube. +Ngakho isalukazi sayolanda ibhakede elinamanzi elalimi buqamama eduze nothango. “We Manzi, ngicela uthele le nja. Inja ayifuni ukuxosha ingulube. Ingulube ayifuni ukweqa uthango, lokho kuchaza ukuthi angeke ngifike ekhaya namhlanje ebusuku.” +Kodwa amanzi akazange ayithele inja. +Isalukazi sabona inkabi isekude. Yathi uma isondela, samemeza, “We Nkabi, we Nkabi, ngicela uphuze amanzi. Amanzi awafuni ukuthela inja. Inja ayifuni ukuxosha ingulube. Ingulube ayifuni ukweqa uthango, kanti sekuyahwalala. Sekufanele mina nengulube siye ekhaya.” +Kodwa inkabi ayizange iwaphuze amanzi. +Ngaleso sikhathi kwase kwedlula umnikazi webhusha. +Isalukazi sammisa samncenga, “We Mnikazi webhusha, Mnikazi webhusha, ngicela uthathe le nkabi uhambe nayo. Inkabi ayifuni ukuphuza amanzi. Amanzi awafuni ukuthela inja. Inja ayifuni ukuxosha ingulube. Ingulube ayifuni ukweqa uthango. Sengibona kuphakama inyanga. Ingulube nami bekumele ngabe sifike ekhaya ehoreni nesigamu eledlule.” +Kodwa umnikazi webhusha akazange ayithathe inkabi … +Manje isalukazi sase siqala ukuthukuthela – akekho owayekwazi ukusisiza! Ngakho sanquma intambo eyayisephaketheni laso sase sithi, “Ntambo, Ntambo, ngicela ubophe umnikazi webhusha. Umnikazi webhusha akafuni ukuthatha inkabi. Inkabi ayifuni ukuphuza amanzi. Amanzi awafuni ukuthela inja. Inja ayifuni ukuxosha ingulube. Ingulube ayifuni ukweqa uthango, kanti manje sengibona nonyezi. Ingulube nami bekumele ukuba sifike ekhaya emahoreni amaningi edlule!” +Kodwa intambo ayizange imbophe umninibhusha. +Kusenjalo kwadlula igundane ligijima linqamula insimu, isalukazi sase simemeza sithi, “Gundane, Gundane, ngicela ulume intambo. Intambo ayifuni ukubopha umnikazi webhusha. Umnikazi webhusha akafuni ukuthatha inkabi. Inkabi ayifuni ukuphuza amanzi. Amanzi awafuni ukuthela inja. Inja ayifuni ukuxosha ingulube. Ingulube ayifuni ukweqa uthango kanti nenyanga seyiphezulu esibhakabhakeni. Bekufanele ukuba mina nengulube sesilungisela ukulala manje.” +Lama igundane. Labuka isalukazi. “Yebo,” kusho igundane. “Ngizoyiluma intambo, uma unganginika ushizi.” +Ngakho isalukazi safaka isandla saso ekujuleni kwephakethe laso, saphumputha ukuthi kukhonani, sase sikhipha ucezu oluncane lukashizi salunika igundane. Lathi uma seliqedile igundane ukudla ushizi, laqala ukuququda intambo; intambo yaqala ukubopha umnikazi webhusha; umnikazi webhusha waqala ukuqhuba inkabi; inkabi yaqala ukuphuza amanzi; amanzi aqala ukuthela inja; inja yaqala ukuxosha ingulube … ingulube yase yeqa uthango. + +Isalukazi saphefumula kakhulu sase sihamba siya ekhaya. “Hawu, ekugcineni,” kusho sona. +Ngabe safika nini nengulube ekhaya? Akekho owaziyo. Uma lesi salukazi ngabe sihlala ngakini, noma uma wazi, sicela usitshele.",zul,isiZulu,Isalukazi nengulube yaso,"One day an old woman was sweeping her home when she found some money that she had forgotten about. She was so happy that she danced around singing. +“Look at this,” she said holding the money up in the air. “Now what shall I do with it? ...","Guide for this story +Tell this story to younger children. +Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isalukazi-nengulube-yaso +old-woman-and-her-pig,"Letšatši le lengwe mokgekolo o be a swiela ka gae ge a tla hwetša tšhelete yeo a lebetšego ka yona. O be a thabile a bile a bina a opela. +“Lebelela,” a realo a swaretše tšhelete godimo moyeng. “Bjale ke tla dira eng ka yona? Ke a tseba! Ke tla ya mmarakeng ka ya go reka kolobe.” +Letšatši la go latela, o ile mmarakeng a reka kolobe ye nnyane ya botse. O ile a bea kholoro kolobeng, a kgokelela lenti kholorong gomme a sepela a ya gae le yona. Mo tseleng, ba ile ba bona legora la kota la tlase. +Mokgekolo o ile a re, “Hle, Kolobe, tshela legora.” Efela kolobe ga se ya tshela legora. O e kgopetše gantši efela kolobe ya se šuthe. + +Go se go ye kae gwa tšwelela mpša e sepediša gomme mokgekolo a re go yona, “Mpša, Mpša! Etla mo. Rakediša kolobe hle. Ga e tshele legora gomme nka se ye gae bošego bja lehono.” +Efela mpša ga e rakediše kolobe. +Ka fao mokgekolo o ile a tšea pakete ya meetse yeo e bego e e kgauswi le legora. “Meetse, tšhela mpša ye hle. Mpša ga e rakediše kolobe. Kolobe ga e tshele legora gomme nka se ye gae bošego bja lehono.” +Efela meetse a se tšhele mpša. +  +Mokgekolo o ile a bona kgomo kua pejana. E rile ge e batamela, a goeletša, “Kgomo, Kgomo, enwa meetse hle. Meetse ga a tšhele mpša. Mpša ga e rakediše kolobe. Kolobe ga e tshele legora ka mo go a fifala. Nna le kolobe re be re swanetše go ba re le gae ka nako ye.” +Kgomo ya se nwe meetse. +Go se go ye kae gwa feta raleselaga. +O ile a mo emiša a mo kgopela, “Raleselaga, raleselaga, sepela le kgomo ye hle. Kgomo ga e nwe meetse. Meetse ga a tšhele mpša. Mpša ga e rakediše kolobe. Kolobe ga e tshele legora. Ke bona ngwedi o a tšwa. Nna le kolobe re be re swanetše go ba re na le iri le seripa re le gae.” +Efela raleselaga ga se a tšea kgomo… +Bjale mokgekolo o be a thomile go befelwa – ga go yo a tla mo thušago! Ka fao, o ntšhitše thapo morabeng wa gagwe a re, “Thapo, Thapo, hle bofa raleselaga. Raleselaga ga a tšeye kgomo. Kgomo ga a nwe meetse. Meetse ga a tšhele mpša. Mpša ga e rakediše kolobe. Kolobe ga e tshele legora, gomme ke bona seetša sa ngwedi. Nna le kolobe re be re swanetše go ba bjale re na le diiri re le gae!” +Efela thapo ya se bofe raleselaga. +Ka nakwana, legotlo la putla tšhemo, gomme mokgekolo a le bitša, “Legotlo, Legotlo, eja thapo hle. Thapo ga e bofe raleselaga. Raleselaga ga a tšeye kgomo. Kgomo ga a nwe meetse. Meetse ga a tšhele mpša. Mpša ga e rakediše kolobe. Kolobe ga e tshele legora gomme ngwedi o šetše o le godimo lefaufaung. Ka nako ye nna le kolobe re be re swanetše go ba re itokišetša go ya malaong.” +Legotlo le ile la ema. Le ile la lebelela mokgekolo. “Ee,” la realo legotlo. “Ge o ka mpha tšhesenyana ke tla sohla thapo.” +Mokgekolo a sobeletša seatla ka morabeng wa gagwe, a phophola gannyane gomme a ntšha seripa se sennyane sa tšhese a se fa legotlo. Legotlo le rile goja tšhese, la thoma go kokona thapo; thapo ya thoma go bofa raleselaga; raleselaga a thoma go soka kgomo; kgomo ya thoma go nwa meetse; meetse a thoma go tšhela mpša; mpša ya thoma go kitimiša kolobe gomme … kolobe ya tshela legora. + +Mokgekolo o ile a hemela godimo kudu gomme a sepela a ya gae. “Mafelelong,” a realo. +Naa yena le kolobe ba fihlile gae nako mang? Ga go yo a tsebago. Efela ge eba mokgekolo yo o dula kgauswi le wena ebile o a tseba, o re botše.",nso,Sepedi,Mokgekolo le kolobe ya gagwe,"One day an old woman was sweeping her home when she found some money that she had forgotten about. She was so happy that she danced around singing. +“Look at this,” she said holding the money up in the air. “Now what shall I do with it? ...","Guide for this story +Tell this story to younger children. +Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mokgekolo-le-kolobe-ya-gagwe +old-woman-and-her-pig,"Ka tsatsi le leng mosadimoholo o ne a ntse a fiela lapeng ha hae ha a tla fumana tjhelete eo a neng a se a e lebetse. O ne a thabile haholo hoo a ileng a tantsha a ntse a bina. +“Sheba nthwena,” a rialo a phahamiseditse tjhelete moyeng. “Ebe ke tlo etsang ka yona? Ke a tseba! Ke tla ya mmarakeng ke ilo reka kolobe.” +Yaba ka letsatsi le hlahlamang, o ya mmarakeng mme a ithekela kolojana e ntle. O ile a kenya kholloro molaleng wa kolojana eo, a tlamella kgwele khollorong eo mme a qala ho tsamaya a leba hae le yona. Tseleng, ba fihla fenseng ya mapolanka e sa phahamang haholo. +Mosadimoholo a re, “Ke a o kopa hle, Kolobe, tlola terata.” Empa kolobe e ne e hana ho tlola terata. Leha a se a e kopa a e rapela, kolobe ya hana le ho sisinyeha. + +Ka yona nako eo ntja ya tla e ntse e mathamatha mme mosadimoholo a re ho yona, “Ntja, Ntja! Tloo kwano. Ke kopa o lelekise kolobe ena. Ha e batle ho tlola terata mme ha ke no kgona ho ya hae bosiung bona.” +Empa ntja ya se ke ya lelekisa kolobe. +Yaba mosadimoholo o lata emere ya metsi e neng e eme haufi le terata eo. “Metsi, ke kopa hore o tshele ntja ena. Ntja ena ha e batle ho lelekisa kolobe. Kolobe ha e batle ho tlola terata mme ha ke kgone ho ya lapeng bosiung bona.” +  +Empa metsi a se ke a tshela ntja. +Mosadimoholo a bona pholo hole mane. Ha e atamela, a hoeletsa, “Pholo, Pholo, ke kopa o nwe metsi. Metsi a hana ho tshela ntja. Ntja e hana ho lelekisa kolobe. Kolobe e hana ho tlola terata mme ho ba lefifi. Ke nako ya hore nna le kolobe re ye hae.” +Empa pholo ya hana ho nwa metsi. +Ka yona nako eo ha feta raselakga. +A mo emisa mme a mo qekisa, “Raselakga, Raselakga, ke kopa o nke pholo ena. Pholo e hana ho nwa metsi. Metsi a hana ho tshela ntja. Ntja e hana ho lelekisa kolobe. Kolobe e hana ho tlola terata. Ke bona kgwedi e qala ho hlaha. Nna le kolobe re ne re lokela re be re se re le hae nakong ya hora le halofo e fetileng.” +Empa raselakga a hana ho nka pholo… +Nakong ena mosadimoholo o ne a se a teneha – ho ne ho se na motho ya mo thusang! Kahoo a ntsha thapo ka pokothong ya hae mme a re, “Thapo, Thapo, ke kopa o tlame raselakga. Raselakga ha a batle ho nka kgomo. Kgomo ha e batle ho nwa metsi. Metsi ha a batle ho tshela ntja. Ntja ha e batle ho lelekisa kolobe. Kolobe ha e batle ho tlola terata, mme jwale ke se ke bona kganya ya kgwedi. Nna le kolobe re ne re tshwanetse hore ebe re se le hae dihoreng tse mmalwa tse fetileng!” +Empa thapo ya hana ho tlama raselakga. +Ka yona nako eo tweba ya matha e paroletsa tshimo, mme mosadimoholo a e bitsa, “Tweba, Tweba, ke kopa hore o hlafune thapo ena. Thapo e hana ho tlama raselakga. Raselakga ha a batle ho nka kgomo. Kgomo e hana ho nwa metsi. Metsi a hana ho tshela ntja. Ntja e hana ho lelekisa kolobe. Kolobe e hana ho tlola terata mme kgwedi jwale e se e le hodimo haholo. Nna le kolobe re tshwanetse hore ebe re se re itokisetsa ho robala jwale.” +Tweba ya ema. Ya sheba mosadimoholo. “Ee,” ha rialo tweba. “Ke tla hlafuna thapo, ha feela o ka mpha kase.” +Yaba mosadimoholo o kenya letsoho la hae tlase ka hara pokotho ya hae, a phopholetsa hanyane mme a ntsha sekotwana se senyane sa kase mme a se fa tweba. Mme ha tweba e se e jele kase, ya qala ho hlafuna thapo; thapo ya qala ho fasa raselakga; raselakga a qala ho kganna kgomo; kgomo ya qala ho nwa metsi; metsi a qala ho tshela ntja; ntja ya qala ho lelekisa kolobe mme … kolobe ya tlola terata. + +Mosadimoholo a hemela hodimo mme a ikela hae. “Qetellong,” a rialo. +O fihlile lapeng ka nako mang mmoho le kolobe ya hae? Ha ho motho ya tsebang. Empa haeba mosadimoholo enwa a dula haufi le heno mme o tseba, re kopa hore o re bo",sot,Sesotho,Mosadimoholo le kolobe ya hae,"One day an old woman was sweeping her home when she found some money that she had forgotten about. She was so happy that she danced around singing. +“Look at this,” she said holding the money up in the air. “Now what shall I do with it? ...","Guide for this story +Tell this story to younger children. +Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mosadimoholo-le-kolobe-ya-hae +where-grandmother,"Early one morning Duma knocked on her grandmother’s door. +Today was Duma’s birthday and Grandmother had made her a red woollen hat as a gift. +Duma was very excited. A mean-looking hyena opened the door. +“Who are you? Where is Grandmother?” asked Duma. “I am Chidhange, your grandmother’s brother,” snarled the hyena. +“I ran away a long time ago when she called me a thief and a scavenger. +  + +I have come back to show her I am neither.” +“Where is Grandmother?” Duma asked again. She was trembling. +“She is here. And she is not here,” said Chidhange, rubbing his full tummy. +Chidhange burped. He burped a lot of red wool. +“Oh no!” thought Duma. “He’s eaten Grandmother!” +  +She ran away into the bush behind Grandmother’s house. +Chidhange chased after her. +Duma was very frightened. +“But Grandmother is here! She is burning the old grass and leaves. +” When Chidhange saw Grandmother, he got such a fright, he ran right into the fire. +  +“What a silly hyena,” laughed Grandmother. +Chidhange had mistaken Duma’s gift, hidden under the blankets, for Grandmother. +Now he had a belly full of wool and a very sore bottom! +He ran away and he was never seen again. +  +  +Nal’ibali fun +Ideas to talk about +If you were Duma, what would you have done when the hyena opened the door? +If you could replace the hyena as a character which animal would you choose and why? +Do you think it is fair that hyenas are always shown as unfriendly animals in stories? +Visual +Draw or paint a picture to illustrate this part of the story: +When Chidhange saw Grandmother, he got such a fright, he ran right into the fire. +Copy the words onto a separate sheet of paper and attach them to the bottom of your picture. +Reading +Think about what happened in the story and answer the questions. Look for details in the story to help you. +Chidhange said that he had returned to show his sister that he was neither a thief nor a scavenger. +(An animal that is a scavenger is one that feeds on dead animals). D +o you think Chidhange was a thief or a scavenger? Give reasons for your opinion. +Was Chidhange lying when he said about Grandmother, “She is here. And she is not here.”? +What do you think he meant? +How would you have feel if you went to visit a family member and a meanlooking hyena opened the door? +Writing +What other things could the hyena find to eat rather than grandmothers and wool? +Write a suggested “shopping list” for Chidhange. English www.nalibali.org +Performance +Make up another story about Chidhange. +In this story, show that he learnt a lesson from what happened in Where is Grandmother?",eng,English,Where is Grandmother?,"Early one morning Duma knocked on her grandmother’s door. +Today was Duma’s birthday and Grandmother had made her a red woollen hat as a gift. +Duma was very excited. A mean-looking hyena opened the door. +“Who are you? Where ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to  beginner readers (7-10 years old) +Support children between 11 and 13 years by reading this story with them +Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Written by Robert Muponde,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/where-grandmother +where-grandmother,"Vroeg een oggend klop Duma aan haar ouma se deur. +Vandag is Duma se verjaardag, en Ouma het vir haar ’n rooi wolhoed as ’n geskenk gemaak. +Duma is baie opgewonde. Maar ’n nare hiëna maak die deur oop. +“Wie’s jy? Waar is Ouma?” vra Duma. + +“Ek is Chidhange, jou ouma se broer,” grom die hiëna. +“Ek het lank gelede weggehardloop toe sy my ’n dief en ’n aasdier genoem het. +Nou is ek terug om vir haar te wys dat ek nie een van die twee is nie.” +“Waar is Ouma?” vra Duma weer. Sy bewe. “Sy is hier. En sy is nie hier nie,” sê Chidhange, en vryf oor sy vol maag. +  +Chidhange breek ’n wind op – ’n bol rooi wol kom uit sy mond. +“O, nee!” dink Duma. “Hy het vir Ouma opgeëet!” +Sy hardloop tot in die bos agter Ouma se huis. Chidhange hardloop agter haar aan. +Duma is baie bang. “Maar hier is Ouma! Sy is besig om die ou gras en blare te verbrand.” +  +Toe Chidhange vir Ouma sien, skrik hy so groot dat hy reguit in die vuur in hardloop. +“Wat ’n dwase hiëna,” lag Ouma. +Chidhange het ’n fout begaan en Duma se geskenk, wat onder die komberse weggesteek was, vir Ouma aangesien. +Nou het hy ’n maag vol wol en ’n baie seer sitvlak! Hy hardloop weg en niemand het hom ooit weer gesien nie. +  +Nal’ibali-pret +Idees om oor te gesels +  +As jy Duma was, wat sou jy gedoen het toe die hiëna die deur oopmaak? As jy die hiëna as ’n karakter kon vervang, watter dier sou jy kies en hoekom? Dink jy dit is regverdig dat hiënas altyd as onvriendelike diere in stories uitgebeeld word? +  + +Visueel  +  +Teken of verf ’n prent om hierdie deel van die storie te illustreer: Toe Chidhange vir Ouma sien, skrik hy so groot dat hy reguit in die vuur in hardloop. Skryf die woorde op ’n aparte vel papier oor en heg dit aan die onderkant van jou prent vas. + +  +Lees +  +Dink na oor wat in die storie gebeur het en beantwoord die vrae. Soek besonderhede in die storie om jou te help.  Chidhange het gesê dat hy teruggekom het om vir sy suster te wys dat hy nie ’n dief of ’n aasdier is nie. (’n Dier wat ’n aasdier is, is een wat dooie diere vreet). Dink jy Chidhange is ’n dief of ’n aasdier? Gee ’n rede vir jou opinie.  Het Chidhange gejok toe hy van Ouma gesê het: “Sy is hier. En sy is nie hier nie”? Wat dink jy het hy bedoel?  Hoe sou jy gevoel het as jy ’n familielid gaan besoek het en ’n nare hiëna maak die deur oop? +  +Skryf +  +Watter ander dinge kan die hiëna vind om te eet eerder as oumas en wol? Skryf ’n voorgestelde “inkopielysie” vir Chidhange. ssssssss +  +Speel toneel +  +Dink nog ’n storie oor Chidhange uit. Wys in hierdie storie dat hy ’n les geleer het uit wat gebeur het in Waar is Ouma?",afr,Afrikaans,Waar is Ouma?,"Early one morning Duma knocked on her grandmother’s door. +Today was Duma’s birthday and Grandmother had made her a red woollen hat as a gift. +Duma was very excited. A mean-looking hyena opened the door. +“Who are you? Where ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to  beginner readers (7-10 years old) +Support children between 11 and 13 years by reading this story with them +Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Storie deur Robert Muponde,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/waar-ouma +where-grandmother,"Ngelinye ilanga ekuseni uDuma wakokoda emnyango kagogwakhe. +Namhlanjesi kwakulilanga likaDuma lokubelethwa begodu uGogo amenzele ingwani yevolo ebovu njengesipho. +UDuma wabe athabe khulu. +Ipisi ebonakala inelunya yavula umnyango. + +“Ungubani wena? Uphi uGogo?” kwabuza uDuma. +“NginguChidhange, umnakwabo likagogwakho,” kuvungama ipisi. +“Ngabaleka kade lokha nakazangibiza ngesela nesidlangcuba. +Ngibuyile ukuzomtjengisa bonyana angisinjalo.” +  +“Uphi uGogo?” kwabuza uDuma godu. Besele aqhaqhazela. +“Ukhona lapha. Begodu akekho lapha,” kwatjho uChidhange, ahlikihla amathumbu wakhe azeleko. +Chidhange wabhodla. Wabhodla ivolo enengi ebovu. +“Babake!” kucabanga uDuma. “Udle uGogo!” +Wabalekela ehlathini elingemva kwendlu kaGogo. +  +UChidhange wamgijimisa. UDuma khabe athuke khulu.   +“Kodwana uGogo ukhona lapha! Utjhisa utjani obudala namakari.” +Lokha uChidhange nakabona uGogo, wathuka khulu, wagijimela khona emlilweni. +“Ipisi esidlhayela kangaka,” kuhleka uGogo. +UChidhange waphambanisa isipho sikaDuma, sasifihlwe ngaphasi kweengubo, noGogo. +Manjesi wabe namathumbu azele ivolo begodu kubuhlungu ngenzasi! Wabaleka akhange asabonwa godu. +  +Ithabo leNal’ibali +Izinto esingakhuluma ngazo +Angathana bewunguDuma, bewuzokwenzani lokha ipisi ivula umnyango? Nange ujamiselela ipisi njengomlingisi ngisiphi isilwana ongasikhetha begodu kubayini? Ucabanga bona kuhle ukobana ipisi ngaso soke isikhathi itjengiswe njengeenlwana ezinganabuntu eendatjaneni? +Ukubonakala +Dweba namkha penda isithombe ukutjengisa ingcenye le yendatjana: Lokha uChidhange nakabona uGogo, wathuka khulu, wagijimela khona emlilweni. Kopela amagama ephepheni elihlukileko bese uwanamathisela phasi esithombeni sakho. +Ukufunda +Cabanga ngalokho okwenzekileko esithombeni bese uphendula imibuzo. Funa imininingwana endatjaneni ukukusiza. U-Chidhange uthi ubuyele ukutjengisa udadwabo ukobana yena bekangasiso isigebengu namkha umuntu odobhelelako. (Isilwana esidobhelelako ngileso esidla iinlwana ezifileko). Inga-kghani ucabanga bona u-Chidhange bekasigebengu namkha bekamumuntu odobhelelako? Nikela inzathu zombonwakho.  Inga-kghani u-Chidhange bekanamala lokha nakathi uGogwakhe, “Ukhona lapha. Begodu akekho lapha.”? Ucabanga bona bekatjho ukuthini?  Ungazizwa njani nangabe ukhambile wayokuvakatjhela ilunga lomndeni bese ipisi enganamusa ivula umnyango? +Ukutlola +Ngiyiphi enye into ipisi engayithola ukobana iyidle sekunokuthola abobogogo kuhlanganise nevolo? Tlolela u-Chidhange “irhelo lokuthenga” oliphakamisako. +Ukwenza +Yenza godu enye indatjana ngo-Chidhange. Kilendatjana, tjengisa bona ufunde isifundo ngalokho okwenzeke endatjaneni ethi Uphi uGogo?",nbl,isiNdebele,Uphi uGogo?,"Early one morning Duma knocked on her grandmother’s door. +Today was Duma’s birthday and Grandmother had made her a red woollen hat as a gift. +Duma was very excited. A mean-looking hyena opened the door. +“Who are you? Where ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to  beginner readers (7-10 years old) +Support children between 11 and 13 years by reading this story with them +Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguRobert Muponde,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uphi-ugogo +where-grandmother,"Ngenye intseni, uDuma wankqonkqoza elucangweni lukamakhulu wakhe. +Ngale mini yayilusuku lokuzalwa lukaDuma yaye uMakhulu wayemenzele isipho sesankwane sewulu esibomvu. +UDuma wayechulumance kakhulu. Ingcuka eyayibonakala ikhohlakele yavula ucango. +“Ungubani? Uphi uMakhulu?” wabuza uDuma. + +  +“NdinguChidhange, umnakwabomakhulu wakho,” yabhavuma yatsho ingcuka. +“Ndabaleka kudala kakhulu xa wayendibiza ngokuba ndilisela nento ephila ngokutya izinto ezilahliweyo. +Ndibuyile ngoku ukuze ndimbonise ukuba andiyiyo nenye kwezo zinto.” +“Uphi uMakhulu?” wabuza kwakhona uDuma. Wayengcangcazela. +  +“Ulapha. Kwaye akekho apha,” watsho uChidhange, ephulula isisu sakhe esigcweleyo. +UChidhange wabhodla. Wabhodla iwulu eninzi ebomvu. +“Yhoo ngekhe!” wacinga uDuma. “Umtyile uMakhulu!” +Wabaleka wangena kwityholo elalisemva kwendlu kaMakhulu. +UChidhange wamleqa. UDuma wayesoyika kakhulu. +  +“Kodwa uMakhulu waye lapha! Etshisa ingca endala namagqabi.” +Wathi uChidhange akubona uMakhulu, woyika kakhulu, wabaleka wangena zwabha emlilweni. +“Ingcuka enje ukugeza,” wahleka uMakhulu. +UChidhange wayecinga ukuba isipho sikaDuma, esasifihlwe phantsi kweengubo, yayi nguMakhulu. +Ngoku wayenesisu esigcwele mpu yiwulu kwaneempundu ezibuhlungu! +Wabaleka waza akaze aphinde abonwe kwakhona. +  +Okokuzonwabisa kwakwaNal’ibali +Izimvo eninokuthetha ngazo +Ukuba ubunguDuma, ubuza kwenza ntoni xa ibuvula ucango ingcuka? Ukuba ngaba ubunokutshintsha ingcuka njengomlinganiswa sesiphi isilwanyana obungasikhetha kwaye ngoba? Ingaba ucinga ukuba kulungile ukuba iingcuka zisoloko ziboniswa njengezilwanyana ezingenabubele emabalini? +Umfanekiso +Zoba okanye upeyinte umfanekiso ukubonisa le inxenye yebali: Wathi uChidhange akubona uMakhulu, woyika kakhulu, wabaleka wangena zwabha emlilweni. Khuphela la magama kwiphetshana lephepha elohlukileyo uze uwancamathisele kumazantsi omfanekiso. +Ukufunda +Cinga ngento eyenzekileyo ebalini uze uphendule imibuzo. Khangela iinkcukacha eziza kukunceda ebalini. UChidhange uthe ebebuyele ukubonisa oosisi bakhe ukuba akalosela okanye umtyi wezinto ezifileyo. (Isilwanyana esitya izinto ezibolileyo seso sitya izilwanyana ezifileyo). Ingaba ucinga ukuba uChidhange wayelisela okanye umtyi wezinto ezifileyo? Nika izizathu zoluvo lwakho. Ingaba wayephosisa uChidhange xa wayesithi ngoMakhulu, “Ulapha. Kwaye akekho apha.”? Ucinga ukuba wayethetha ukuthini? Ubuza kuziva njani ukuba ubuhambile wayokutyelela ilungu losapho ize ingcuka ebonakala ikhohlakele ivule ucango? +Ukubhala +Zeziphi ezinye izinto enokuzifumana izitye ingcuka kunoomakhulu newulu? Bhalela uChidhange “uluhlu lwezinto ezinokuthengwa” olucetyiswayo. +Ukwenza +Yenza elinye ibali ngoChidhange. Kweli bali, khombisa ukuba ufunde isifundo kwinto eyenzekileyo ku-Uphi uMakhulu?",xho,isiXhosa,Uphi uMakhulu?,"Early one morning Duma knocked on her grandmother’s door. +Today was Duma’s birthday and Grandmother had made her a red woollen hat as a gift. +Duma was very excited. A mean-looking hyena opened the door. +“Who are you? Where ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to  beginner readers (7-10 years old) +Support children between 11 and 13 years by reading this story with them +Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguRobert Muponde,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uphi-umakhulu +where-grandmother,"Ekuseni ngovivi ngelinye ilanga uDuma wangqongqoza emnyango kagogo wakhe. +Namhlanje kwakuwusuku lokuzalwa lukaDuma kanti-ke uGogo wakhe wayemenzele isigqokwana sewuli esibomvu njengesipho. +UDuma wajabula kakhulu. Impisi ebukeka kabi yavula umnyango. +“Uwubani wena? Ukuphi uGogo wami?” kubuza uDuma. +“NginguChidhange, umfowabo kagogo wakho,” kusho impisi ihlinile. +“Ngabaleka kudala ngesikhathi engibiza ngesela kanye nomthuthambi. +Ngibuyile ukuze ngizomkhombisa akuthi angiyona neyodwa yalezi zinto ayengibiza ngazo.” +“Ukuphi uGogo wami?” kuphinda kubuza uDuma. + +Wayeseqhaqhazela-ke manje. +“Ngingathi nje ulapha. Futhi akekho lapha,” kusho uChidhange, ehlikihla isisu sakhe esisuthi kakhulu. +UChidhange wabhodla. Wabhodla iwuli eningi ebomvu. +“Mamo!” kuzicabangela uDuma. “Udle uGogo!” +Wabaleka waya esikhotheni esingemuva kwendlu kaGogo. +UChidhange wamxosha. UDuma wayethuke kakhulu. +  +“Hawu, ulapha kanti uGogo! Uzishisela utshani kanye namahlamvu amadala.” +Lapho uChidhange ebona uGogo, wethuka kakhulu, wagijima waziphonsa emlilweni. +“Yaze yayisilima le mpisi,” kuhleka uGogo. +UChidhange wayenze iphutha lokucabanga ukuthi isipho sikaDuma, esasifihlwe ngaphansi kwezingubo zokulala, kwakuwuGogo. +Njengoba-ke wayesesuthi iwuli kwase kubuhlungu nasezinqeni zakhe! Wabaleka wangaphinde abonwe futhi. +  +Okokuzithokozisa kwakwaNal’ibali +Imibono okungaxoxwa ngayo +Ukube ubuwuDuma, ubuzokwenzenjani ukuba impisi ibivule umnyango? Ukube ubungasebenzisa esinye isilwane esikhundleni sempisi njengomdlali ubungakhetha siphi futhi kungani? Ucabanga ukuthi kulungile yini ukuthi izimpisi zihlale ziboniswa njengezilwane ezingenabo ubungani ezindabeni? + Ezibonakalayo +Dweba noma upende isithombe ukuze ubonise le ngxenye yendaba: Lapho uChidhange ebona uGogo, wethuka kakhulu, wagijima waziphonsa emlilweni. Kopisha amagama kwelinye iphepha eliseceleni bese uwaxhuma ngezansi kwesithombe sakho. +Ukufunda +Cabanga ngalokho okwenzekile endabeni bese uphendula imibuzo. Bheka izinto ezisendabeni ezingakusiza.  U-Chidhange uthe ubuye ngoba ezobonisa udadewabo ukuthi akalona isela noma isilwane esidla izilwane ezifile. (Isilwane esibizwa ngokuthi iskavenja isilwane esidla izilwane ezifile). Ucabanga ukuthi u-Chidhange uyisela noma iskavenja? Nikeza izizathu zombono wakho.  Ingabe u-Chidhange wayeqamba amanga lapho ethi ngoGogo, “Ngingathi nje ulapha. Futhi akekho lapha.”? Ucabanga ukuthi ebeqonde ukuthini? Ubungazizwa kanjani ukube ubuvakashele ilungu lomndeni bese impisi ethusayo ivula umnyango? +Ukubhala +Yiziphi ezinye izinto impisi ebingazidla kunokudla uvolo wogogo? Bhala “uhlu lwezinto ezizothengwa” zika-Chidhange ezituswayo. +Ukusebenza +Qamba enye indaba mayelana no-Chidhange. Kule ndaba, bonisa ukuthi ufunde isifundo kulokho okwenzekile kokuthi Ngabe ukuphi uGogo?",zul,isiZulu,gabe ukuphi uGogo?,"Early one morning Duma knocked on her grandmother’s door. +Today was Duma’s birthday and Grandmother had made her a red woollen hat as a gift. +Duma was very excited. A mean-looking hyena opened the door. +“Who are you? Where ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to  beginner readers (7-10 years old) +Support children between 11 and 13 years by reading this story with them +Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguRobert Muponde,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ngabe-ukuphi-ugogo +where-grandmother,"Mesong ya letšatši le lengwe Duma o ile a kokota lebating la koko wa gagwe. +Lehono e be e le letšatši la matswalo la Duma gomme Koko o be a mo logetše mongatse wa wulu o mohubedu bjalo ka mpho. +Duma o be a thabile kudu. Phiri ya go lebelelega e befetšwe e ile ya bula lebati. +“Ke wena mang? Koko o kae?” gwa botšiša Duma. +“Ke nna Chidhange, buti wa Koko wa gago,” phiri ya rora. +“Ke ile ka tšhaba kgalekgale ge a be a re ke nna kwefa ebile ke mokgokgodi. +Ke boetše go tla go mmontšha gore ga se nna dilo tšeo.” +“Koko o kae?” Duma a botšiša gape. O be a thothomela. +“O gona. Ebile ga a gona,” a realo Chidhange, a forohla mpa ya gagwe ya go tlala. + +Chidhange o ile a potla. O ile a potla wulu ye hubedu ye ntši. +“Aowaowa!” gwa nagana Duma. “O jele Koko!” +O ile a kitimela ka sethokgweng sa ka morago ga ntlo ya Koko. +Chidhange o ile a mo kitimiša. Duma o be a tšhogile kudu.   +  +“Efela Koko o gona fa! O fiša bjang bja kgale le matlakala.” +E rile ge Chidhange a bona Koko, a tšhoga kudu, o ile a kitimela ka mollong. +“Phiri ya setlaela ruri,” Koko a sega. +Chidhange o bone mpho ya Duma, ye e bego e fihlilwe ka tlase ga dikobo, gomme a nagana gore ke Koko. +Bjale o na le mpa ya go tlala wulu le bokamorago bja go ba bohloko kudu! O ile a tšhaba gomme ga se a ka a bonwa gape. +  +Boipshino bja Nal’ibali +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Ge nkabe e be e le wena Duma, ke eng se o ka bego o se dirile ge phiri e be e bula lebati? Ke phoofolo efe ye o bego o ka kgetha go e šomiša bjalo ka moanegwa legatong la phiri, le gona ka lebaka la eng? O nagana gore ke tshwanelo gore diphiri di phele di bontšhwa bjalo ka diphoofolo tšeo di sa lokago ka dikanegelong? +Go bona +Thala goba penta seswantšho go swantšhetša karolo ye ya kanegelo: E rile ge Chidhange a bona Koko, a tšhoga kudu, o ile a kitimela ka mollong. Kopišetša mantšu letlakaleng la ka thoko la pampiri le go a kgomaretša botlaseng bja seswantšho sa gago. +Go bala +Nagana ka seo se diregilego ka kanegelong o be o arabe dipotšišo. Lebelela dintlha ka kanegelong go leka go go thuša.  Chidhange o boletše gore o boile go tla go bontšha kgaetšedi ya gagwe gore ga se lehodu goba lehlalerwa. (Phoofolo ye e bitšwago lehlalerwa ke yeo e phelago ka go ja diphoofolo tše di hwilego). O nagana gore Chidhange e be e le lehodu goba lehlalerwa? Efa mabaka go fahlela kgopolo ya gago. Naa Chidhange o be a bolela maaka ge a be a bolela ka Koko wa gagwe gore, “O gona. Ebile ga a gona.”? O nagana gore o be a era goreng? Naa o ka ba o bile le maikutlo a mohuta ofe ge o ka re o be o etetše leloko la lapa gomme phiri ye e lebelegago e nyatšega ya go bulela lebati? +Go ngwala +Ke dilo dife tše dingwe tšeo phiri e ka ikhweletšago tšona go di ja ka ntle le bokoko le wulu? Ngwala “lenaneo la direkarekane” leo o le šišinyetšago Chidhange. +Go bapala terama +Hlama kanegelo ye nngwe ka ga Chidhange. Ka kanegelong ye, bontšha gore o ithutile thutwana go tšwa go seo se hlagilego go Koko o kae?",nso,Sepedi,Koko o kae?,"Early one morning Duma knocked on her grandmother’s door. +Today was Duma’s birthday and Grandmother had made her a red woollen hat as a gift. +Duma was very excited. A mean-looking hyena opened the door. +“Who are you? Where ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to  beginner readers (7-10 years old) +Support children between 11 and 13 years by reading this story with them +Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mongwadi keRobert Muponde,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/koko-o-kae +where-grandmother,"Hoseng ha tsatsi le leng Duma a kokota lemating la nkgono wa hae. +Kajeno e ne e le letsatsi la tswalo la Duma mme Nkgono o ne a mo lohetse katiba e kgubedu ya ulu jwaloka mpho. +Duma o ne a thabile haholo. Phiri e shebahalang e le kgopo ya bula monyako. +“O mang wena? Nkgono o hokae?” ha botsa Duma. +“Ke nna Chidhange, kgaitsedi ya nkgono wa hao,” ha araba phiri. +“Ke ne ke balehe kgalekgale mohlang a neng a mpitsa leshodu le senokwane. +Ke kgutlile tjena hore ke tlo mmontsha hore ha ke ntho tseo.” +“Nkgono o hokae?” Duma a botsa hape. +O ne a thothomela. “O teng. Hape ha a yo,” ha rialo Chidhange, a sidila mpa ya hae e kgotsheng. Chidhange a bohla. + +A bohla ulu e ngata e kgubedu. +“Tjhe bo!” Duma a nahana. “O jele Nkgono!” +A balehela ka morung o ka mora ntlo ya Nkgono. +Chidhange a mo lelekisa. Duma o ne a tshohile haholo.   +  +“Empa Nkgono o teng! O ntse a tjhesa jwang le makala a ommeng.” +Ha Chidhange a bona Nkgono, a tshoha haholo, a mathela ka hara mollo. +“Phiri e thibaneng hakaakang,” Nkgono a tsheha. +Chidhange o ne a nahanne hore mpho ya Duma, e neng e patilwe ka tlasa dikobo, ke Nkgono. Jwale o ne a tletse ulu ka mpeng mme ho le bohloko ka morao! O ile a baleha mme a se hlole a bonwa hape. +  +Monate wa Nal’ibali Setshwantsho +Setshwantsho +Taka kapa penta setshwantsho ho bontsha karolo ena ya pale: Ha Chidhange a bona Nkgono, a tshoha haholo, a mathela ka hara mollo. Kopiletsa mantswe pampiring e ka thoko mme o a hokele tlase setshwantshong sa hao. +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Haeba o ne o le Duma, o ne o tla etsang ha phiri e bula lemati? Haeba o ne o ka nka sebaka sa phiri jwalo ka sebapadi ke phoofolo efe eo o neng o tla e kgetha mme ke hobaneng? Na o nahana hore ke toka hore diphiri kamehla di bontshwa ka tsela e se nang botswalle dipaleng tse phetwang? +Ho bala +Nahana ka se etsahetseng paleng mme o arabe dipotso. Batla dintlha paleng ho o thusa. Chidhange o itse o ne a kgutlile ho tla bontsha ausi wa hae hore ha se leshodu kapa sebatana se jang dibodu. (Sebatana se jang dibodu ke phoofolo e jang diphoofolo tse shweleng). Na o nahana hore Chidhange e ne e le leshodu kapa sebatana se jang dibodu? Fana ka mabaka bakeng sa maikutlo a hao. Na Chidhange o ne a sa bue nnete ka Nkgono wa hae, “O teng. Hape ha a yo?” O nahana hore o ne a bolelang? O ne o tla ikutlwa jwang haeba ha o etetse setho sa lelapa ebe phiri e tshabehang e fihla e bula lemati? +Ho ngola +Ke dintho dife tse ding tseo diphiri di ka di jang ho fapana le bonkgono le wulu? Ngola “lenane la dintho tse rekwang” bakeng sa Chidhange. +Tshebetso +Etsa pale e nngwe e mabapi le Chidhange. Paleng ena, bontsha hore o ithutile pale ka se etsahetseng ho Nkgono o Hokae?",sot,Sesotho,kgono o hokae?,"Early one morning Duma knocked on her grandmother’s door. +Today was Duma’s birthday and Grandmother had made her a red woollen hat as a gift. +Duma was very excited. A mean-looking hyena opened the door. +“Who are you? Where ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to  beginner readers (7-10 years old) +Support children between 11 and 13 years by reading this story with them +Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E ngotswe ke Robert Muponde,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nkgono-o-hokae +where-grandmother,"Letsatsi lengwe mo mosong, Duma o ne a kokota mo lebating la ga nkoko wa gagwe. +Gompieno e ne e le letsatsi la ga Duma la matsalo mme nkoko o ne a mo logetse mpho ya kuane ya wulu. +Duma o ne a itumetse thata. Phiri e e lebegang e le kgopo ya bula lebati. +“O mang? Nkoko o kae?” ga botsa Duma. +“Ke Chidhange, kgaitsadio nkoko wa gago,” ga rotla phiri. +“Fa e sale ke sia bogologolo fa a ne a mpitsa legodu le sejadibodu. +Ke boetse gae go tla go mmontsha gore ga ke sepe seo.” +  +“Nkoko o kae?” Duma a botsa gape. O ne a roroma. +“O teng fano. Mme ga a yo fano,” ga araba Chidhange, a ntse a apaapa mpa e e neng e bontsha e tletse. +Chidhange a kgobola. O ne a kgobola wulu e khibidu e le ntsi. “Nnyaa, a go ntse jalo!” ga akanya Duma. “O jele Nkoko!” + +Duma o ne a tshaba ka lebelo le legolo a tshabela mo sekgweng fa morago ga ntlo ya ga Nkoko. +Chidhange a mo lelekisa. Duma o ne a tshogile thata. +“Mme Nkoko o gona fano! O fisa tlhaga le matlhare a a omeletseng.” +Fa Chidhange a bona Nkoko, o ne a tshoga tota a ba a itatlhela mo molelong. +“A phiri wa sematla,” Nkoko a tshega. +  +Chidhange o ne a itheile a re mpho ya ga Duma e e neng e le mo tlase ga dikobo ke Nkoko. +Jaanong mpa ya gagwe e ne e tletse ka wulu mme e bile marago a gagwe a le botlhoko! O ne a sia mme a se tlhole a bonala. +  +Monate wa Nal’ibali +Megopolo e re ka buang ka yona +Fa o ne o le Duma, o ne o tla dirang fa phiri e bula setswalo? Fa go ne go ka twe o dirise phologolo e nngwe mo boemong jwa phiri o ne o tla tlhopha go dirisa efe mme ka ntlha yang? A o akanya gore go siame gore bophiri ka metlha ba bontshiwe e le diphologolo tse di seng botsalano mo mainaneng? +Se se bonwang ka matlho +Terowa kgotsa o pente setshwantsho se se bontshang karolo eno ya leinane: Fa Chidhange a bona Nkoko, o ne a tshoga tota a ba a itatlhela mo molelong. Kwala mafoko mo tsebeng e sele o bo o a kgomaretsa kwa tlase mo tsebeng ya gago. +Go Bala +Akanya ka se se diragetseng mo leinaneng leno o bo o araba dipotso. Leba dintlha tse di mo leinaneng leno gore di go thuse. Chidhange o tlhalosa gore o ne a boetse go tla go bontsha kgaitsadie gore ga se legodu e bile ga se sebatana. (Phologolo e e leng sebatana ke phologolo e e jang diphologolo tse di suleng). A o akanya gore Chidhange e ne e le legodu kgotsa sebatana? Ntsha mabaka a go bo o akanya jalo.  A Chidhange o ne a bua maaka fa a ne a bua ka Nkoko a re, “O teng fano. Mme ga a yo fano.”? O akanya gore o ne a raya goreng?  O ne o tla ikutlwa jang fa o ne o ile go etela mongwe wa losika o bo o bulelwa ke phiri e e mabifi? +Go Kwala +Ke dilo dife tse dingwe tse phiri e neng e tla di bona go di ja kwa ntle ga bonkoko le boboa? Kwala “lenaane la dilo tse di rekwang” tse o akantshang gore Chidhange a di reke. +Tiragatso +Dira leinane le lengwe gape ka Chidhange. Mo leinaneng leno, bontsha gore o ithutile sengwe ka se se diragetseng mo go Nkoko o Kae?",tsn,Setswana,koko o kae?,"Early one morning Duma knocked on her grandmother’s door. +Today was Duma’s birthday and Grandmother had made her a red woollen hat as a gift. +Duma was very excited. A mean-looking hyena opened the door. +“Who are you? Where ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to  beginner readers (7-10 years old) +Support children between 11 and 13 years by reading this story with them +Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E kwadilwe ke Robert Muponde,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nkoko-o-kae +where-grandmother,"Ngale linye lilanga ekuseni kakhulu Duma wanconcotsa emnyango waGogo wakhe. +Namuhla bekulilanga lekutalwa laDuma futsi Gogo bekamkoloshele sigcoko ngensontfo lebovu kusipho. +Duma wajabula kakhulu. Imphisi lete umusa yavula umnyango. +“Ungubani wena? Uphi Gogo?” kwabuta Duma. +“NginguChidhange, umnakabogogo wakho,” yasinata imphisi. +“Ngabaleka kadzeni ngesikhatsi angibita ngekutsi ngilisela futsi ngisilwane lesiphila ngetilwane letibolile. +Ngibuyile ngitomkhombisa kutsi angisiko konkhe loko. +“Uphi Gogo?” Duma wabuta futsi. Bekachachatela. +“Ulapha. Futsi akekho lapha,” kwasho Chidhange, ashikisha sisu sakhe lesigcwele. + +Chidhange wabhodla. Wabhodla insontfo lenyenti lebovu. +“Hhayi cha!” kwacabanga Duma. “Sewumdlile Gogo!” +Wabaleka wangena ehlatsini emvakwendlu yaGogo. +Chidhange wamcosha ngemuva. Duma bekesaba kakhulu. +“Kodvwa Gogo ulapha! Ushisa tjani lobudzala nemacembe.” +  +Ngesikhatsi Chidhange abona Gogo, watfuka kakhulu, wagijima wacondza ekhatsi emlilweni. +“Imphisi lesilima kangaka,” kwahleka Gogo. +Chidhange wente liphutsa ngesipho saDuma, lebesifihlwe ngaphansi kwetingubo, tekulala wacabanga kutsi nguGogo. +Nyalo sisu sakhe besesigcwele insontfo nalapha ngemuva kubuhlungu kakhulu. Wagijima wabaleka wangaphindze wabonwa futsi. +  +Kwekutijabulisa kwakaNal’ibali +Imibono lokungakhulunywa ngayo +Kube bewunguDumi, botawenta njani ngesikhatsi imphisi ivula emnyango? Uma ngabe bewungasusa lemphisi njengemlingisi ngusiphi silwane bowungasikhetsa futsi bewungasikhetselani? Ucabanga kutsi kulungile kutsi timphisi etindzabeni tihlale njalo tikhonjiswa njengetilwane letite umusa? +Lokubukwako +Dvweba noma penda sitfombe ukhombise lencenye yalendzaba: Ngesikhatsi Chidhange abona Gogo, watfuka kakhulu, wagijima wacondza ekhatsi emlilweni. Kopela lamagama ekhasini lelehlukile lelihlobile bese uwanamatsisela ngentasi +Kufundza +Cabanga ngaloko lokwenteke kulendzaba bese uphendvula lemibuto. Buka imininingwane lekulendzaba letakusita.  Chidhange ubuyele kukhombisa sisi wakhe bekangasilo lisela noma-ke tilwane letifile. (Sidlatilwane letifile silwane lesidla tilwane letifile). Ucabanga kutsi Chidhange bekalisela noma sidlatilwane letifile? Niketa tizatfu tembono wakho. Chidhange bekacamba emanga yini ngaloko lakusho ngaGogo, Ulapha. Futsi akekho lapha.”? Ucabanga kutsi bekasho kutsini? Bewutawutiva unjani uma ngabe wahamba wayovakashela lilunga lemndeni watfola kutsi imphisi lenelunya ikuvulela umnyango? +Kubhala +Ngutiphi letinye tintfo lebetingadliwa yimphisi kunabogogo nensondvo? Bhala “luhlu lwetintfo letitawutsengwa” loluphawuliwe lwaChidhange.  +Kulingisa +Bhala lenye indzaba ngaChidhange. Kulendzaba, khombise kutsi ufundze sifundvo kuloko lokwenteke ku-Uphi Gogo?",ssw,Siswati,Uphi Gogo?,"Early one morning Duma knocked on her grandmother’s door. +Today was Duma’s birthday and Grandmother had made her a red woollen hat as a gift. +Duma was very excited. A mean-looking hyena opened the door. +“Who are you? Where ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to  beginner readers (7-10 years old) +Support children between 11 and 13 years by reading this story with them +Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguRobert Muponde,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uphi-gogo +where-grandmother,"Maṅwe matshelonitsheloni Duma o khokhonya muṋangoni wa makhulu wawe. +Ṋamusi ho vha hu ḓuvha ḽa mabebo ḽa Duma nahone Makhulu wawe vho vha vho mu itela muṅadzi wa wuḽu mutswuku sa mpho. +Duma o vha o takala. Phele ye ya vha i sa tou takadza ya vula muṋango. “ +Ndi inwi nnyi? Vhangafhi Makhulu wanga?” hu vhudzisa Duma. +“Ndi nṅe Chidhange, khaladzi a makhulu waṋu,” hu amba phele yo bvisa na maṋo. +“Ndo vha ndo shavha kalekale musi makhulu waṋu vha tshi mmbidza mbava na muthu a no ḽa zwo vhulawaho nga vhaṅwe. +Ndo vhuya u ḓa u vha sumbedza a thi tshithihi tshazwo.” +“Makhulu vha ngafhi?” Duma u a vhudzisa hafhu. O vha a tshi khou tetemela. +“Vha hone. Nahone a vhaho,” hu amba Chidhange, i tshi khou ḓiphuphuledza kha thumbu yo ḓalaho. + +Chidhange ya mbo boḓa. Ya boḓa wuḽu tswuku nnzhi. +“Hai nandi!” Hu humbula Duma. “Yo ḽa Makhulu wanga!” +A shavhela ngomu ḓakani murahu ha nnḓu ya Makhulu wawe. +Chidhange ya mu pandamedza. Duma o vha o tshuwesa.   +  +“Fhedzi Makhulu wawe vha hone! Vha khou fhisa hatsi ha kale na maṱari.” +Musi Chidhange i tshi vhona Makhulu wawe, ya vha na nyofho khulu, ya gidima yo livha muliloni. +“Phele iḽa yo oma ṱhoho,” hu sea Makhulu. Chidhange yo vha yo kanganyiswa nga mpho ya Duma, yo dzumbwa fhasi ha +nguvho, ya humbula uri ndi Makhulu. Zwino tshiḽelo tshayo tsho ḓala wuḽu na uri ngeno fhasi hu khou vhavha nga maanḓa! Yo +gidima i tshi shavha a yo ngo dovha ya vhonala hafhu. +  +Madakalo a Nal’ibali +Zwine ha nga ambiwa nga hazwo +Arali no vha ni Duma, no vha ni tshi ḓo ita mini musi phele i tshi fhedza u vula vothi? Arali ni tshi nga ṱusa phele dza muanewa ni nga dzhenisa tshipuka tshifhio vhudzuloni hayo nahone ngani? Ni vhona u nga zwo tea uri phele dzi dzulele u sumbedzwa sa phukha dzi si na vhulenda kha zwiṱori? +Tshifanyiso +Olani tshifanyiso kana ni tou tshi ola nga pennde ni tshi sumbedza tshipiḓa tshi tevhelaho tsha tshiṱori: Musi Chidhange i tshi vhona Makhulu wawe, ya vha na nyofho khulu, ya gidima yo livha muliloni. Ṅwalululani maipfi kha bammbiri ḽiṅwevho ni a nambatedze nga fhasi ha tshifanyiso tshaṋu. +U Vhala +Elekanyani nga zwe zwa bvelela kha itshi tshiṱori ni fhindule mbudziso. Ṱoḓani zwidodombedzwa zwi re kha tshiṱori uri zwi ni thuse. Chidhange o ri o vha o vhuya hafhu uri a sumbedze khaladzi awe uri ha mbava kana muḽazwidu. (Muḽazwidu ndi phukha i no ḽa dziṅwe phuka dzo faho). Ni vhona u nga Chidhange ndi mbava kana muḽazwidu? Tikedzani muhumbulo waṋu.  Chidhange o vha a tshi khou zwifha musi a amba zwi tevhelaho nga ha Makhulu, “Vha hone. Nahone a vhaho.”? Ni vhona u nga o vha a tshi khou amba mini?  Ni nga ḓipfa hani arali ni tshi nga ri no ya u dalela shaka, phele ya mbo ḓi vula vothi? +U Ṅwala +Ndi zwifhio zwiṅwe zwiḽiwa zwe phele ya zwi wana nga nnḓa ha uḽu ya makhulu? Ṅwalani “mutevhe wa zwirengwa” zwe zwa anganywa nga Chidhange. +Kushumele +Ḓisikeleni tshiṅwe tshiṱorivho nga ha Chidhange. Kha tshiṱori itshi, sumbedzani uri o guda pfunzo kha zwe zwa bvelela kha “Makhulu vha ngafhi?”.",ven,Tshivenda,Makhulu vha ngafhi?,"Early one morning Duma knocked on her grandmother’s door. +Today was Duma’s birthday and Grandmother had made her a red woollen hat as a gift. +Duma was very excited. A mean-looking hyena opened the door. +“Who are you? Where ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to  beginner readers (7-10 years old) +Support children between 11 and 13 years by reading this story with them +Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Tsho ṅwaliwa nga Robert Muponde,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/makhulu-vha-ngafhi +where-grandmother,"Hi mixo swinene wa siku rin’wana Duma u gongondzile erivantini ra Kokwani wa yena. +Namuntlha i siku ra Duma ro velekiwa naswona Kokwani u n’wi endlele xigqoko xa wulu xo tshwuka tanihi nyiko. +Duma a tsakile swinene. Mhisi ya nsele yi pfula rivanti. “Xana hi wena mani? Xana u kwihi Kokwani?” ku vutisa Duma +“Hi mina Chidhange, boti wa kokwani wa wena,” ku hlamula mhisi yi hlundzukile. +Ndzi balekile khale loko a ndzi vula khamba na mudyi wa swavan’wana. +Ndzi vuyile ku ta n’wi komba leswaku hinkwaswo leswi a hi ntiyiso.” +“Xana u kwihi Kokwani?” Duma a vutisa nakambe. A ri karhi a rhurhumela. + +“U kona kwala. Kambe a nga kona laha,” ku vula Chidhange, a ri karhi a swoswa kwiri leri nga xurha. +Chidhange a geva. A geva tiwulu to tala to tshwuka. “Hayi khona!” ku anakanya Duma. +“U dyile Kokwani!” U tsutsumile a nghena enhoveni endzhaku ka yindlu ya Kokwani. +Chidhange a n’wi hlongorisa. Duma a chuhile swinene. +“Kambe Kokwani u kona kwala! U le ku hiseni ka byanyi bya khale na matluka.” +Loko Chidhange a vona Kokwani, a chuha swinene, a tsutsumela endzeni ka ndzilo. +“Mhisi leyi ya xiphunta,” ku hleka Kokwani. +Chidhange u kanganyisekile hi nyiko ya Duma, leyi nga tumbetiwa ehansi ka mikumba, ya Kokwani. +Sweswi khwiri ra yena a ri tele hi wulu naswona ri twa kuvava ku ya fika ehansi! U balekile naswona a nga ha kalanga a voniwa nakambe. +  +Swo tsakisa hi Nal’ibali +Xifaniso +Dirowa kumbe penda xifaniso ku kombisa xiphemu lexi xa ntsheketo: Loko Chidhange a vona Kokwani, a chuha swinene, a tsutsumela endzeni ka ndzilo. Kopa marito eka phepha rin’wana no ya namarheta ehansi ka xifaniso. +Mianakanyo yo bula hayona +Loko a wu ri Duma, xana a wu ta va u endle yini eka loko mhisi yi pfule rivanti? Loko u nga sivamhisi tanihi ximunuhatwa xana i xiharhi xihi u nga xi hlawulaka naswona hikwalaho ka yini? Xana u ehleketa swi tshamisekile leswaku timhisi ti tshamela ku kombiwa tanihi swiharhi leswi nga ha va vunghana eka mitsheketo? +Ku Hlaya +Ehleketa hi leswi humeleleke eka ntsheketo no hlamula swivutiso. Langutisa vuxokoxoko eka ntsheketo ku pfuna wena.  Chidhange u vule leswaku u tlhelele ku komba sesi wa yena leswaku a nga ri khambha kumbe xivandzana. (Xiharhi lexi nga xivandzana hi lexi dyaka swiharhi swin’wana leswi feke). Xana u ehleketa leswaku Chidhange a ri khamba kumbe a ri xivandzana? Nyika swivangelo swa vonelo ra wena. Xana Chidhange u hembile loko a ku Kokwana wa xisati, “U kona kwala. Kambe a nga kona laha.”? Xana u ehleketa leswaku a vula yini? Xana u nga titwa njhani loko u vhakela xirho xa ndyangu kutani mhisi ya mona yi ku pfulela rivanti? +Ku Tsala +I yini swilo swin’wana leswi mhisi yi nga swi kumaka ku swi dya handle ka vakokwana va xisati na wulu? Tsala “nxaxamelo wo xava” lowu u wu ringanyetaka wa Chidhange.  +Encenyeta +Endla ntsheketo wun’wana hi Chidhange. Eka ntsheketo lowu, kombisa leswi a swi dyondzeke ku suka eka leswi humeleleke eka Xana u kwihi Kokwani?",tso,Xitsonga,Xana u kwihi Kokwani?,"Early one morning Duma knocked on her grandmother’s door. +Today was Duma’s birthday and Grandmother had made her a red woollen hat as a gift. +Duma was very excited. A mean-looking hyena opened the door. +“Who are you? Where ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to  beginner readers (7-10 years old) +Support children between 11 and 13 years by reading this story with them +Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mutsari i Robert Muponde,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/xana-u-kwihi-kokwani +all-day’s-work,"Hank the Handsome Honey Badger was the best cook in the savannah. +His relentlessness in finding the best ingredients set him apart. +Today’s recipe was simple, but the meal was special. +He was preparing it for Wendy the Warthog. +The poor thing had broken her leg escaping from hungry hyenas. + +The recipe demanded ingredients especially difficult to get. +Hank outwrestled a plump python. It would make tasty meat for the stew. +He endured more than a hundred bee stings while collecting nectar and honey for the drink. +Deadly scorpions showed their displeasure at him digging up their home while foraging for amadumbe. +Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! +  +A puff adder nipped him while he was collecting berries and wild tomatoes. +Puff adder venom is nasty business. +It took Hank several hours to shake it off. +Before long, he arrived at the corner of Warthog Avenue and Baobab Street. +  +The friends savoured the stew, sipping nectar while laughing at the grumpy bullfrogs croaking at the noisy crickets. +“This is your best dish yet,” said Wendy, her tongue searching her face for leftovers. +“It must’ve been an awful chore to prepare.” +“Not at all,” Hank replied airily. “All in a day’s work, really. Just you wait for the mouth-watering puff adder steak I’ve got lined up for tomorrow!”",eng,English,All in a day’s work,"Hank the Handsome Honey Badger was the best cook in the savannah. +His relentlessness in finding the best ingredients set him apart. +Today’s recipe was simple, but the meal was special. +He was preparing it for Wendy the ...",,Written by Bandile Sikwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/all-day’s-work +all-day’s-work,"Hank die sjarmante Ratel is die beste kok in die savanne. +Dis sy vasberadenheid om die beste bestanddele te vind wat hom beter maak as al die ander. +Vandag se resep is eenvoudig, maar die maaltyd is spesiaal. +Hy maak dit vir Wendy die Vlakvark. Die arme ding het haar been gebreek toe sy van honger hiënas probeer wegkom het. + +Die resep bevat bestanddele wat besonder moeilik is om in die hande te kry. +Hank stoei met ’n logge luislang. Sy vleis sal lekker smaak in ’n bredie. +Hy verduur meer as ’n honderd bysteke terwyl hy nektar en heuning bymekaar maak om te drink. +Dodelike skerpioene val hom aan toe hy hulle huis omdolwe op soek na amadumbe. +Eina! Eina! Eina! +  +’n Pofadder pik hom terwyl hy bessies en wilde tamaties bymekaar maak. ’n Pofadder se gif is baie sterk. Hank voel eers ure later weer beter. +Kort voor lank is hy op die hoek van Vlakvarklaan en Kremetartstraat. +Die vriende smul aan die bredie, en drink nektar. +Hulle lag vir die knorrige brulpaddas wat vir die raserige krieke kwaak. +  +“Dis jou beste gereg ooit,” sê Wendy, terwyl sy met haar tong oor haar gesig lek-lek om die laaste krummeltjies by te kom. Dit moes vreeslik baie moeite gewees het om dit te maak.” +“Glad nie,” antwoord Hank vrolik. “Dis sommer kinderspeletjies. Lek jy maar solank jou lippe af vir die watertandlekker pofaddersteak wat op môre se spyskaart is!”",afr,Afrikaans,Sommer kinderspeletjies,"Hank the Handsome Honey Badger was the best cook in the savannah. +His relentlessness in finding the best ingredients set him apart. +Today’s recipe was simple, but the meal was special. +He was preparing it for Wendy the ...",,Storie deur Bandile Sikwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sommer-kinderspeletjies +all-day’s-work,"UHank iNtsele eHle wabe ampheki okhamba phambili ehlathini. +Ukuzimisela kwakhe ukuthola iinthako ezikhamba phambili kwamenza wahluka. +Iresiphi yanamhlanje gade ilula, kodwana isidlo sasikhethekile. +Wabe asilungiselela uWendy iSavukazana. Intwanyana yabantu yaphuka umlenze lokha nayibalekela iimpisi ezilambileko. + +Iresiphi beyifuna iinthako ekungasilula ukuzithola. +UHank wabhudabhudana nehlwathi wayihlula. +Izakwenza inyama emnandi yesitjulo. +Abofezela ababulalako batjengisa ukungathabi kwabo ngaye lokha nakemba ikhaya labo afuna amadumbe. +Etjhu! Etjhu! Etjhu! +  +Irabi lamluma lokha nakabuthelela amabheri namatamati wommango. +Itjhefu yerabi iyinto eyingozi. Kwathatha uHank ama-iri amanengi kobana akghone ukuyithintitha. +Wakghodlhelela ukulunywa ziinyosi ezilikhulu nakathaka inektha neliju lesiselo.  +Kungasikade, wafika ekhoneni leSavukazana Avenue noBaobab Street. +  +Abangani laba bazitenda ngesitjulo, basela inektha lokha nabahleka iinkunzi zeenrhwarhwa ezidinekileko zikgokgozela aboqoqomela abanetjhada. +“Lokhu kukudla kwakho okumnandi khulu,” kwatjho uWendy, ilimu lakhe likhotha umlomo lifuna iinsalela ebusweni bakhe. “Ngicabanga bonyana kube msebenzi omkhulu ukukulungisa.” +“Akusinjalo,” kwaphendula uHank lula. “Koke kube msebenzi welanga, ngiqinisile. +Wena lindela kwaphela inyama yerabi ethontisa amathe engiyibekele kusasa!”",nbl,isiNdebele,Koke ngomsebenzi welang,"Hank the Handsome Honey Badger was the best cook in the savannah. +His relentlessness in finding the best ingredients set him apart. +Today’s recipe was simple, but the meal was special. +He was preparing it for Wendy the ...",,Itlolwe nguBandile Sikwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/koke-ngomsebenzi-welanga +all-day’s-work,"UHank iChebesha eliNomkhitha wayengumpheki ophume izandla kuwo wonke ummandla onengca ende. +Ukungancami kwakhe ukukhangela ezona zithako zifanelekileyo kwakumenza abe nomahluko. +Iresiphi yanamhlanje yayilula, kodwa isidlo sasikhethekile. +Wayesilungiselela uWendy iNxagu. Olo sizana lwalophuke umlenze lubaleka iingcuka ezilambileyo.   + +Iresiphi yayinyanzelisa ukuba kubekho izithako ekunzima kakhulu ukuzifumana. +UHank walwa waze woyisa inamba etyebileyo. Yayiza kwenza inyama enencasa kwisityu sakhe. +Wanyamezela ngaphezulu kwekhulu lolwamvila lweenyosi eqokelela incindi nobusi azakwenza ngabo isiselo. +Oonomadudwane abayingozi babonakalisa ukungamonwabeli xa esimba ikhaya labo ekhangela amadumbe. I +tshhu! Itshu! Itshu! +Irhamba lamnyikila ngoku wayeqokelela amaqunube neetumato zasendle. +Ityhefu yerhamba iyingxaki embi kakhulu. Yamthatha iiyure ezininzi uHank ukuba ayikhuphe kuye.  +  +Kungekudala wafika ekoneni yezitalato iWarthog Avenue kunye nesitalato iBaobab. +Izihlobo zonwabela incasa yesityu, zirhabula incindi ngeli lixa zihleka oonomademfu benxwala iinyenzane ezingxolayo. +“Sesona sidlo sakho sakha sagqwesa esi,” watsho uWendy, elenca ngolwimi iintsalela zokutya ebusweni bakhe. +“Inokuba ibingumsebenzi omkhulu kakhulu ukusipheka.” +“Tu ke ngoku,” waphendula uHank ngokuzingca. “Enyanisweni, lo ngumsebenzi wam wesiqhelo. +Linda nje wena isiteykhi serhamba esivuzisa amathe endisilungiselele ingomso!”",xho,isiXhosa,Konke kungumsebenzi wam wesiqhelo,"Hank the Handsome Honey Badger was the best cook in the savannah. +His relentlessness in finding the best ingredients set him apart. +Today’s recipe was simple, but the meal was special. +He was preparing it for Wendy the ...",,Ibhalwe nguBandile Sikwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/konke-kungumsebenzi-wam-wesiqhelo +all-day’s-work,"UHank iNsele Eyigeza Lensizwa yayipheka kahle ukudlula wonke umuntu enkangala. +Ukuzikhathaza kwakhe ngokuthola izithako ezingcono ukudlula zonke kwakumenza ehluke kakhulu kwabanye. +Indlela yokwenza isidlo sanamhlanje yayilula, kodwa lesi kwakuyisidlo esikhethekile. +Wayesilungiselela iNtibane enguWendy. Wayephuke umlenze bakithi ngenkathi ebalekela izimpisi ezilambile. + +Isidlo esasizokwenziwa sasidinga izithako okwakunzima ukuzithola. +Walunywa yibululu ngesikhathi esaqongelela amajikijolo kanye notamatisi wasendle. +Ubuthi bebululu bunesihlungu esikhulu. +Kwathatha uHank amahora ambalwa ukuthi buphele egazini. +UHank wayelwe nenhlwathi ekhuluphele wayehlula. Yayizoba inyama yesitshulu emnandi.  +Ofezela abanobuthi bakhombisa ukungakuthokozeli ukwemba kwakhe ekhaya labo ukuze bathole amadumbe. +Awu! Awu! Awu! +Wabekezelela ukutinyelwa yizinyosi eziningi ukuze aqongelele amanzi amnandi ezimbali kanye noju okuzophuzwa.  +  + Kungaphelanga sikhathi eside, wafika ekhoneni likaWarthog Avenue noBaobab Street. +Abangani basithokozela isitshulu, nokuphuza ujusi wezimbali ngesikhathi behleka izinkunzi zamaxoxo ezazixokozela zithethisa izinyendle ezibanga umsindo. +“Lesi yisidlo esimnandi ukudlula zonke owake wazipheka,” kusho uWendy, ulimi lwakhe luyaluza lubheka ukudla okungabe kusalele ebusweni bakhe. +“Akubuzwa ukuthi kube umsebenzi omkhulu ukwenza konke lokhu.” +“Lutho mngani,” kuphendula uHank ngokukhulu ukunganaki. “Ubala lolu, khululeka. +Lindela isiteki esiconsisa amathe sebululu engizokuphekela sona kusasa!”",zul,isiZulu,Ubala lolu,"Hank the Handsome Honey Badger was the best cook in the savannah. +His relentlessness in finding the best ingredients set him apart. +Today’s recipe was simple, but the meal was special. +He was preparing it for Wendy the ...",,Ibhalwe nguBandile Sikwan,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ubala-lolu +all-day’s-work,"Hank wa Sesele yo Mobotse e be e le moapei yo mokaonekaone mo molaleng. +Phišagalelo ya gagwe ya go hwetša ditswaki tše dikaonekaone e mo dirile gore a fapane le ba bangwe. +Resipi ya lehono e be e le bonolo, efela sejo sa gona se be se kgethegile. +O be a beakanyetša Wendy wa Kolobesodi. O robegile leoto a tšhaba diphiri tše di bego di swerwe ke tlala. + +Resipi e be e nyaka ditswaki tše go sego bonolo go di hwetša. +Hank o ile a fenya hlware ya go nona ka maatla. +E tlo ba nama ya bose ya setšhuu. O lomilwe ke dinose tša go feta tše lekgolo a ntšha todi le mamapo a seno. +Diphepheng tša mpholo di mo lomile ge a be a epa legae la tšona a ntšha madumbe. Ijoo! Ijoo! Ijoo! +Marabje e ile ya mo loma ge a be a topa dithetlwa le ditamati tša nageng. +Mpholo wa Marabje o kotsi. O tšere diiri tše mmalwa pele e fela mmeleng wa Hank. +  +E se kgale, o ile a fihla khutlong ya Warthog Avenue le Mmila wa Baobab. +Bagwera ba ile ba ipshina ka setšhuu, ba nwa todi ebile ba sega matlametlo a go befelwa a kgalemela ditsentsere tša go dira lešata.  +“Ke sejo sa gago se sekaonekaone se,” a realo Wendy, leleme la gagwe le kitima sefahlegong le setšha mašaledi. “Go beakanya se e swanetše e bile mošomo o boima.” +“Le gatee,” Hank a fetola. “Ke mošomo wa ka mehla, ka nnete. Emela go kwa seteiki sa go rothiša mare sa Marabje se se emetšego gosasa!",nso,Sepedi,Ke mošomo wa ka meh,"Hank the Handsome Honey Badger was the best cook in the savannah. +His relentlessness in finding the best ingredients set him apart. +Today’s recipe was simple, but the meal was special. +He was preparing it for Wendy the ...",,Mongwadi keBandile Sikwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ke-mošomo-wa-ka-mehla +all-day’s-work,"Hank eo e leng Mmamokgwe e Motle e ne e le seapehi se pele naheng. +Tjantjello ya hae ya ho batlana le ditswakwa tse monate ka ho fetisisa e ne e mo qolla ho ba bang. +Resepe ya kajeno e ne e le bonolo, empa dijo di ne di ikgethile. +O ne a di phehela Wendy wa Kolobemuru. O ne a robehile leoto ha a ne a baleha diphiri tse lapileng. + +Resepe e ne e hloka haholoholo ditswakwa tse neng di le thata ho fumaneha. +Hank o ile a kgama le ho hlola masumo a moholo. +E ne e tla etsa setjhu se monate sa nama. +O ile a mamella ho longwa ke dinotshi tse fetang lekgolo a bokella kgekge le mamepe bakeng sa ho etsa se nowang. +Diphepheng tse bolayang di ile tsa mmontsha bohale ha a ntse a tjheka malapa a tsona a batlana le amadumbe. Itjhu! Itjhu! Itjhu! +Marabe a mo loma ha a ntse a bokella monokotshwai le ditamati tse hlaha. +Tjhefo ya marabe ke ntho e mpe haholo. Ho ile ha nka Hank dihora tse mmalwa ho e tlhotlhora.  +  +Ho eso ye kae, a fihla hukung ya Kolobemoru Avenue le Seterata sa Baobab. +Metswalle ya ja setjhu se monate, ya nwa seno sa ditholwana ha e ntse e tsheha dinqanqane tse kgenneng ka lebaka la ditswiritswiri tse lerata. +“Tsena ke dijo tse monate ka ho fetisisa,” ha rialo Wendy, leleme la hae le itatswa. +""O tlamehile hore o be o sebeditse ka thata ho di pheha.” +“Hohang,” Hank a araba a iketlile. “Ha se mosebetsi o thata, ka nnete. +Emela feela ho tla ja seteiki se dutlisang mathe sa marabe seo ke tlang ho se pheha hosane!”",sot,Sesotho,Ha se mosebetsi o that,"Hank the Handsome Honey Badger was the best cook in the savannah. +His relentlessness in finding the best ingredients set him apart. +Today’s recipe was simple, but the meal was special. +He was preparing it for Wendy the ...",,E ngotswe ke Bandile Sikwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ha-se-mosebetsi-o-thata +all-day’s-work,"Hank, e leng Magogwe o montle, e ne e le seapei se se gaisang tota mo letlhagareng. +O ne ka gale a batlana le metswako e e gaisang tota mme seo se ne se mo tlhaola jaaka seapei se se tlhotlhwa. +Resepe ya gompieno e ne e le bonolo fela dijo e le tse di kgethegileng. +O ne a apeela Wendy, e leng kolobe ya naga. +Selo sa Modimo se robegile leoto fa se ne se tswa ka lesoba la mogodu morago ga go lelekisiwa ke diphiri tse di legaba.   + +Resepe e ne e batla dilo tse go seng bonolo go di bona. +Lebolobolo la mo loma a sa ntse a kgetla moretlwa le ditamati. +Botlhole jwa lebolobolo bo botlhoko. +Go mo tsere diura go bo ntsha. Hank o ne a kampana le tlhware e e borethe mme a e fenya. +Motho o ka dira setšhu se se balolang tota ka nama ya yona. +Digokgo tse dikotsi di ne di bontsha go sa itumelang fa di bona a ntse a epa matlo a tsona a tsomana le digwere. +Utšhi! Utšhi! Utšhi! +  +O ne a itshokela malomo a dinotshe a feta lekgolo a leka go rafa mamepe le tswina go dira se se ka nowang. +Go ise go ye kae, a goroga mo sekhutlong sa Mebileng ya Warthog le Baobab. +Ditsala tsa ja setšhu di folosetsa ka tswina e e botshe di ntse di tshega matlametlo a a tsweletseng go goeletsa ditsintsiri tse di tsweletseng go a sera ka modumo.",tsn,Setswana,Tsotlhe fela ke tiro ya letsatsi le le lengwe,"Hank the Handsome Honey Badger was the best cook in the savannah. +His relentlessness in finding the best ingredients set him apart. +Today’s recipe was simple, but the meal was special. +He was preparing it for Wendy the ...",,E kwadilwe ke Bandile Sikwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tsotlhe-fela-ke-tiro-ya-letsatsi-le-le-lengwe +all-day’s-work,"Hank Tshisele tsha Ngamula tsho vha tshi mubiki makone ngei mavhaleni. +U futelela hatsho u wana thimbinywa dza nṱhesa dza u bika zwo vha zwi tshi tshi fhambanyisa na zwiṅwe. +Risipi ya ṋamusi yo leluwa, fhedzi zwiḽiwa zwo vha zwo khethea. +Tsho vha tshi tshi khou zwi dzudzanyela Nguluvheḓaka Wendy. +Yo vha yo vunḓea mulenzhe i tshi khou shavha phele dze dza vha dzo farwa nga ndala. + +Risipi yo ṱoḓa thimbinywa dzine dza konḓa u wanala. +Vuluvulu ḽo tshi luma zwenezwi tshi tshi khou dzhia mitshelotshelwana na maṱamaṱisi a ḓaka. +Vhuṱungu ha vuluvulu ndi mafhungo a vhavhaho vhukuma. +Zwo dzhiela Hank awara dza tshivhalo u fhelisa vhuṱungu uhu. Hank tsho lwa tsha kunda ṱharu khulu. +Tshi ḓo ita ṋama ya muthetshelo u ḓifhaho ya tshitshulu. +Tsho konḓelela u lunwa nga ṋotshi dzi fhiraho ḓana tshi tshi khou dzhia muṋunzwu na mutoli wa u itela u nwa. +Phame dzi re khombo dzo sumbedza u sa tshi takalela musi tshi tshi gwa milindi yadzo tshi tshi khou ṱoḓa madumbe. Evho! Evho! Evho! +  +Hu sa athu fhela tshifhinga, tsha swika khuḓani ya Bada ya Nguluvheḓaka na Tshiṱarata tsha Baobab. +Khonani dza ḓifhelwa nga tshitshulu, dza nwa muṋunzwu ngeno dzi tshi khou sea maḓula mahulu ane a khou vhonala a tshi khou gungula nga nṱhani ha phosho ya dziṱhonono. +“Izwi ndi zwiḽiwa zwaṋu zwa nṱha u swika zwino,” hu amba Wendy, lulimi lwayo lu tshi khou nanzwa tshifhaṱuwo lu tshi kha ḓi ṱoḓa masalela. +“Zwi tea u vha zwo vha mushumo muhulu u zwi dzudzanya.” +“Hai, na luthihi,” Hank tsha fhindula sa madze. “Zwoṱhe ndi mushumoni wa ḓuvha, u tou amba ngoho. +Inwi ivhani no lindela tshiṱeki tshi rothisaho nthe tsha vuluvulu tshine na tshone tshi mudubani wa zwa matshelo!”",ven,Tshivenda,Zwoṱhe ndi mushumoni wa ḓuvha Tsho ṅwaliw,"Hank the Handsome Honey Badger was the best cook in the savannah. +His relentlessness in finding the best ingredients set him apart. +Today’s recipe was simple, but the meal was special. +He was preparing it for Wendy the ...",,Tsho ṅwaliwa nga Bandile Sikwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/zwoṱhe-ndi-mushumoni-wa-ḓuvha-tsho-ṅwaliwa +all-day’s-work,"Hank Xidzidzi xo Saseka a ri xisweki lexi a va tlula hinkwavo emananga. +Nkhikhi wa ku lava swichelachelani swa kahle a swi endla a hambana na lavan’wana. +Swichelachelani swa namuntlha swi olovile, kambe swakudya swa kona swi hlawulekile. +A swi lulamisela Wendy lowa Honcinhova. A a tshoveke nenge hi ku balekela timhisi leta ndlala. +  +Swichelachelani swa kona a swi lava swilo leswi swi tikaka ku swi kuma. +Mhiri yi n’wi lumile loko a ri karhi a hlengeleta tirubeyila na matamatisi ya nhova. +Ku kuma vuxungu bya mhiri i ntirho wo tika swinene. Swi tekile tiawara to tala ku byi dzudza. +Hank u hlurile nhlarhu leyo nona. A ku ta va nyama yo nandziha ya muthotho. +Swipamu leswa vuxungu swi kombisa ku vilela loko a cela magoji ekaya ra swona hi ku lava mihlata. +Eix! Eix! Eix! +  +U tiyisele ku lumiwa hi tinyoxi to tlula dzana loko a ri karhi a hlengeleta mati lamo nyanganya na vulombe ku ri va ta nwa. +Ku nga si va khale, u fikile eka khona ya Gondzo ra Honcinhova na Xitarata xa Ximuwu. +Vanghana va dyile nyama ya muthotho, va ri karhi vanwa jusi yo nyanganya loko va ri karhi va hleka khutla leri nga karhateka hikwalaho ka switswiriri leswi vangaka huwa. +“Leswi i swakudya swa wena swa kahle swinene,” ku vula Wendy, loyi ririmu ra yena a ri ri karhi ri lava leswi nga salela exikandzeni. +“Swi tikombe ku ri ntirho wukulu ku swi sweka.” +“Na switsongo,” ku hlamula Hank a ri karhi a koka moya. +“Hinkwaswo i ntirho wa siku, kahlekahle. +Wena yimela qhatha ra mhiri lero phomisa na marha leri ndzi nga ku vekela rona mundzuku!",tso,Xitsonga,Hinkwaswo i ntirho wa siku,"Hank the Handsome Honey Badger was the best cook in the savannah. +His relentlessness in finding the best ingredients set him apart. +Today’s recipe was simple, but the meal was special. +He was preparing it for Wendy the ...",,Mutsari i Bandile Sikwane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hinkwaswo-i-ntirho-wa-siku +the-lazy-chameleon’s-trick-0,"Long ago, in the peaceful village of Mudavula, there lived a very lazy chameleon. At that time, all the animals farmed the land to feed themselves and their families. All except Chameleon. Because of his laziness, he did not want to work like everyone else. Instead, he thought up a crooked plan so that he could borrow from others and live well. +  +One Monday morning, Chameleon went to Hare to borrow maize meal. Before he arrived at Hare’s house, he changed his skin colour from brown to green. +  +“Please lend me some maize meal,” Chameleon asked. +  +“And when will you pay me back?” Hare asked. +  +“At the end of the month!” Chameleon promised. +  +Hare filled the empty bucket that Chameleon had brought. Chameleon took the maize meal home, smiling as he went. He was thinking about his crooked plan to trick the other animals. He made up a little song to help him remember his plan. +  +‘I will change my colours +But no one will ever know. +I was green when Hare saw me, +With Lizard I’ll be yellow. +Frog will see a black chameleon +With Tortoise, brown I’ll be. +I will change and change my colours. +They will never know it’s me!’ +  +On Tuesday, Chameleon woke up hungry. “I can’t eat porridge every day. I need rice!” Chameleon thought. “I will change my skin colour to yellow and go to Lizard. If I can trick everyone, I will not pay anyone anything!” +  +Chameleon went with his empty bucket to Lizard, who kindly filled it with rice. Chameleon promised to pay Lizard back at the end of the month. +  +On Wednesday, after cooking some rice, Chameleon looked unhappily at his plate. “No! No! Plain rice is not nice. I need meat!” Chameleon thought for a while. “Frog will give me meat!” he decided. +  +Chameleon changed his skin colour to black and ran to Frog’s house with his empty bucket. Frog filled his bucket with meat. Again, Chameleon promised to pay Frog back at the end of the month. +  +“I am missing fruit. I need it!” Chameleon thought on Thursday. “Who has fruit?” Chameleon thought, scratching his head. “Tortoise! Yes, Tortoise!” +  + +  +Chameleon changed his skin colour to brown and went to Tortoise with his empty bucket. He asked Tortoise for fruit, and Tortoise filled his bucket with bananas, oranges and apples. +  +“Thank you, thank you, Mr Tortoise. I will pay you back at the end of the month,” he promised. +  +All the time Chameleon kept singing his song so that he would remember his colour tricks. +  +‘I will change my colours +But no one will ever know. +I was green when Hare saw me, +With Lizard I’ll be yellow. +Frog will see a black chameleon +With Tortoise, brown I’ll be. +I will change and change my colours. +They will never know it’s me!’ +  +When the end of the month came, the animals waited for Chameleon to come and pay them back what he had borrowed. But Chameleon did not come. +  +First, Hare went to Chameleon’s house. “Those of here! Those of here!” Hare called loudly at the gate. +  +Chameleon peeped through the window. When he saw Hare, he remembered his song. “Aah, Mr Hare, I was green when I borrowed your maize meal,” Chameleon said to himself. Quickly, he changed his skin colour to yellow and went to the gate to meet Hare. +  +“I am looking for a green chameleon,” Hare said surprised. +  +“A green chameleon? I live here alone. I moved in not long ago,” Chameleon lied to Hare. +  +Hare left and Chameleon went back into his house. “I am the clever one,” Chameleon boasted aloud, jumping onto the couch. +  +In the days that followed, Lizard, Frog and Tortoise also came looking for the chameleon who had borrowed rice, meat and fruit from them. Chameleon tricked each one by changing his skin colour so that they would not recognise him. +  +Another month passed by. Then Hare, Lizard, Frog and Tortoise met by a big marula tree to gather its delicious golden fruit. Looking at his basket of marulas, Tortoise said, “A green chameleon has moved in at the brown chameleon’s house. That brown chameleon owes me a bucket of fruit.” +  +“No,” said Hare. “A yellow chameleon stays at that house. I am looking for the green chameleon who owes me a bucket of maize meal.” +  +“No,” Lizard said. “A black chameleon stays at that house. I am looking for the yellow chameleon who owes me a bucket of rice.” +  +“No,” Frog said. “A brown chameleon stays at that house. I am looking for the black chameleon who owes me a bucket of meat.” +  +Then Lizard said, “Could it be that one chameleon has tricked us all by changing his skin colour? Let’s all go to the house at the same time.” +  +So Hare, Lizard, Frog and Tortoise marched to Chameleon’s house and shouted for him to come out. +  + +  +Chameleon peeped through the window at the angry animals. He felt ashamed that his laziness had brought him so much trouble, so he went out and begged Hare, Lizard, Frog and Tortoise to forgive him. +  +Hare, Lizard, Frog and Tortoise agreed to forgive Chameleon. “But never again will you get anything from any one of us,” they said. +  +And from that day on, the lazy chameleon had to work for his food just like everyone else. +  +* Was Chameleon borrowing or stealing when he took things from Hare, Frog, Tortoise and Lizard? What is the difference between stealing and borrowing? +* Why do you think it is good to pay back what you borrowed? +* Imagine that you don’t want people to know who you are. Use old clothes, hats, pieces of material and sunglasses to change how you look. Remember that you can also change the way you walk and talk to hide who you are.",eng,English,The lazy chameleon’s trick,"Long ago, in the peaceful village of Mudavula, there lived a very lazy chameleon. At that time, all the animals farmed the land to feed themselves and their families. All except Chameleon. Because of his laziness, he did not want to work like ...",,Written by Pirai Mazungunye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-lazy-chameleon’s-trick-0 +the-lazy-chameleon’s-trick-0,"Lank gelede, in die rustige dorpie Mudavula, het daar ’n baie lui trapsuutjies gewoon. In daardie tyd het al die diere die grond bewerk om vir hulle en hul families kos te voorsien. Almal behalwe Trapsuutjies. Omdat hy so lui was, wou hy nie soos al die ander diere werk nie. Hy dink toe eerder ’n slinkse plan uit sodat hy by die ander kan leen en lekker kan lewe. +  +Een Maandagoggend gaan Trapsuutjies na Haas toe om mieliemeel te leen. Voor hy by Haas se huis aankom, verander hy sy kleur van bruin na groen. +  +“Leen asseblief vir my ’n bietjie mieliemeel,” vra Trapsuutjies. +  +“En wanneer sal jy my terugbetaal?” wil Haas weet. +  +“Aan die einde van die maand!” belowe Trapsuutjies. +  +Haas maak die leë emmer wat Trapsuutjies saamgebring het, vol. Trapsuutjies neem die mieliemeel met ’n glimlag huis toe. Hy dink aan sy slinkse plan om die ander diere om die bos te lei. Hy sing ’n liedjie om hom te help om sy plan te onthou. +  +“Ek sal my kleur verander +Maar niemand sal ooit weet nie. +Ek was groen toe ek Haas my sien, +By Akkedis is ek weer geel. +Padda sal ’n swart trapsuutjies sien +En Skilpad weer ’n bruine. +Ek sal van kleur bly verander. +Hulle sal nooit weet dis ek nie!” +  +Dinsdagoggend word Trapsuutjies honger wakker. “Ek kan nie elke dag pap eet nie. Ek het rys nodig!” dink Trapsuutjies. “Ek sal my kleur na geel verander en na Akkedis toe gaan. As ek almal om die bos kan lei, sal ek niemand enigiets hoef te betaal nie!” +  +Trapsuutjies stap met sy leë emmer na Akkedis toe, en Akkedis is gaaf genoeg om dit vol rys te maak. Trapsuutjies belowe om Akkedis aan die einde van die maand terug te betaal. +  +Woensdag, nadat hy rys gekook het, kyk Trapsuutjies bek-af na sy bord. “Nee! Nee! Gewone rys is nie lekker nie. Ek het vleis nodig!” Trapsuutjies dink ’n rukkie na. “Padda sal vir my vleis gee!” besluit hy. +  +Trapsuutjies verander sy kleur na swart en hardloop na Padda se huis toe met sy leë emmer. Padda maak sy emmer vol vleis. Weer belowe Trapsuutjies om Padda aan die einde van die maand terug te betaal. +  +“Ek kort vrugte. Dis wat ek nodig het!” dink Trapsuutjies Donderdag. “Wie het vrugte?” dink Trapsuutjies en krap sy kop. “Skilpad! Ja, Skilpad!” +  + +Trapsuutjies verander sy kleur na bruin en gaan met sy leë emmer na Skilpad toe. Hy vra Skilpad vir vrugte, en Skilpad maak sy emmer vol piesangs, lemoene en appels. +  +“Dankie, dankie, meneer Skilpad. Ek sal jou aan die einde van die maand terugbetaal,” belowe hy. +  +Die hele tyd sing Trapsuutjies sy liedjie sodat hy sy slinkse plan met sy kleure kan onthou. +  +“Ek sal my kleur verander +Maar niemand sal ooit weet nie. +Ek was groen toe ek Haas my sien, +By Akkedis is ek weer geel. +Padda sal ’n swart trapsuutjies sien +En Skilpad ’n bruine. +Ek sal van kleur bly verander. +Hulle sal nooit weet dis ek nie!” +  +Toe die einde van die maand aanbreek, wag die diere vir Trapsuutjies om dit wat hy geleen het, te kom teruggee. Maar Trapsuutjies daag nie op nie. +  +Eers gaan Haas na Trapsuutjies se huis toe. “Meneer Trapsuutjies, Meneer Trapsuutjies!” roep Haas hard by die hek. +  +Trapsuutjies loer deur die venster. Toe hy vir Haas sien, onthou hy sy liedjie. “Aa, meneer Haas, ek was groen toe ek mieliemeel by jou geleen het,” sê Trapsuutjies vir homself. Vinnig verander hy sy kleur na geel en gaan ontmoet vir Haas by die hek. +  +“Ek is op soek na ’n groen trapsuutjies,” sê Haas verbaas. +  +“’n Groen trapsuutjies? Ek woon alleen hier. Ek het onlangs ingetrek,” jok Trapsuutjies vir Haas. +  +Haas loop weg en Trapsuutjies gaan terug in sy huis in. “Ek is die slim een,” spog Trapsuutjies hardop en spring op die rusbank. +  +Die volgende paar dae kom soek Akkedis, Padda en Skilpad ook na die trapsuutjies wat rys, vleis en vrugte by hulle geleen het. Trapsuutjies lei almal om die bos deur sy kleur te verander sodat hulle hom nie kan herken nie. +  +Nog ’n maand gaan verby. Toe ontmoet Haas, Akkedis, Padda en Skilpad mekaar by ’n groot maroelaboom waar hulle die heerlike goudgeel vrugte bymekaar maak. Terwyl Skilpad na sy mandjie vol maroelas kyk, sê hy: “’n Groen trapsuutjies het in die bruin trapsuutjies se huis ingetrek. Daardie bruin trapsuutjies skuld my ’n emmer vrugte.” +  +“Nee,” sê Haas. “’n Geel trapsuutjies woon in daardie huis. Ek is op soek na die groen trapsuutjies wat my ’n emmer mieliemeel skuld.” +  +“Nee,” sê Akkedis. “’n Swart trapsuutjies woon in daardie huis. Ek is op soek na die geel trapsuutjies wat my ’n emmer rys skuld.” +  +“Nee,” sê Padda. “’n Bruin trapsuutjies woon in daardie huis. Ek is op soek na die swart trapsuutjies wat ’n emmer vleis by my geleen het.” +  +Toe sê Akkedis: “Kan dit wees dat een trapsuutjies ons almal om die bos gelei het deur van kleur te verander? Kom ons gaan almal saam na die huis toe.” +  +Haas, Akkedis, Padda en Skilpad stap toe na Trapsuutjies se huis toe en roep dat hy moet uitkom. +  + +  +Trapsuutjies loer deur die venster na die woedende diere. Hy voel skaam omdat hy so lui was en dit hom in die moeilikheid laat beland het. Hy gaan buitentoe en smeek Haas, Akkedis, Padda en Skilpad om hom te vergewe. +  +Haas, Akkedis, Padda en Skilpad stem in om Trapsuutjies te vergewe. “Maar jy sal nooit ooit weer enigiets by enigeen van ons kry nie,” sê hulle. +  +En van daardie dag af moet die lui trapsuutjies vir sy kos werk, net soos al die ander diere. +  +* Het Trapsuutjies geleen of gesteel toe hy goed by Haas, Padda, Skilpad en Akkedis gevat het? Wat is die verskil tussen steel en leen? +* Hoekom dink jy is dit goed om dit wat jy geleen het, terug te gee? +* Stel jou voor jy wil nie hê mense moet weet wie jy is nie. Gebruik ou klere, hoede, lappe en ’n sonbril om jou voorkoms te verander. Onthou dat jy ook die manier waarop jy loop en praat kan verander om jouself te vermom.",afr,Afrikaans,Die lui trapsuutjies se slinkse plan,"Long ago, in the peaceful village of Mudavula, there lived a very lazy chameleon. At that time, all the animals farmed the land to feed themselves and their families. All except Chameleon. Because of his laziness, he did not want to work like ...",,Geskryf deur Pirai Mazungunye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-lui-trapsuutjies-se-slinkse-plan-0 +the-lazy-chameleon’s-trick-0,"Kudala kakhulu, kwisixekwana esiseluxolweni saseMudavula, kwakuhlala ulovane olonqena kakhulu. Ngelo xesha, zonke izilwanyana zazilima ukuze zizondle zona neentsapho zazo. Zonke ngaphandle koLovane. Ngenxa yokonqena kwakhe, wayengafuni ukusebenza njengabo bonke abanye. Endaweni yoko, wacinga icebo eligwenxa ukuze aboleke kwabanye aphile kakuhle. +  +Ngentsasa yomnye uMvulo, uLovane waya kuMvundla eyokuboleka umgubo wombona. Phambi kokuba afike kwindlu kaMvundla, watshintsha ibala lesikhumba sakhe ukusuka kwelimdaka ukuya kweliluhlaza. +  +“Nceda undiboleke umgubo wombona ,” wacela uLovane. +  +“Uza kundihlawula nini?” wabuza uMvundla. +  +“Ekupheleni kwenyanga!” wathembisa uLovane. +  +UMvundla wazalisa iemere engenanto eyayize noLovane. ULovane wathatha umgubo wombona wagoduka nawo, encumile njengoko wayehamba. Wayecinga ngecebo lakhe eligwenxa ukuqhatha ezinye izilwanyana. Waqamba ingonyana ukumkhumbuza icebo lakhe. +  +‘Ndiza kutshintsha imibala yam +Kodwa akukho mntu uya kuze azi. +Bendiluhlaza ngokuya uMvundla ubendibona, +KuCilikishe ndiza kuba tyheli. +USelesele uza kubona uLovane olumnyama +KuFudwazana, ndakuba mdaka ngombala. +Ndawuyitshintsha-tshintsha imibala yam. +Soze bazi ukuba ndim!’ +  +NgoLwesibini, uLovane wavuka elambile. “Andinakutya isidudu yonke imihla. Ndifuna irayisi!” ULovane wacinga. “Ndiza kulitshintsha ibala lam libe tyheli ndize ndiye kuCilikishe. Ukuba ndingaqhatha wonke umntu andiyi kubhatala mntu nto!” +  +ULovane waya kuCilikishe ne-emere yakhe engenanto, owayizalisa ngobubele ngerayisi. ULovane wathembisa ukuhlawula uCilikishe ekupheleni kwenyanga. +  +NgoLwesithathu, emva kokupheka irayisi, uLovane wajonga ipleyiti yakhe engonwabanga. “Hayi! Irayisi engenanto ayimnandanga. Ndifuna inyama!” ULovane wacinga umzuzwana. “USelesele uza kundinika inyama!” wagqiba. +  +ULovane watshintsha ibala lakhe lamnyama wabaleka waya endlwini kaSelesele ne-emere yakhe engenanto. USele wayizalisa iemere yakhe ngenyama. Kwakhona uLovane wathembisa ukuhlawula uSelesele ekupheleni kwenyanga. +  +“Ndirhalela iziqhamo. Ndiyazifuna!” ULovane wacinga ngoLwesine. “Ngubani oneziqhamo?” ULovane wacinga esonwaya intloko yakhe. “UFudwazana! Ewe, uFudwazana!” +  + +  +ULovane watshintsha isikhumba sakhe samdaka ngebala waya kuFudwazana ne-emere yakhe engenanto. Wacela iziqhamo kuFudwazana, waza uFudwazana wazalisa iemere yakhe ngeebhanana, iiorenji nama-apile. +  +“Enkosi, enkosi, Mnumzana uFudwazana. Ndawukuhlawula ekupheleni kwenyanga,” wathembisa. +  +Lonke ixesha uLovane waqhuba wacula ingoma yakhe ukuze akhumbule amaqhinga akhe emibala. +  +‘Ndiza kutshintsha imibala yam +Kodwa akukho mntu uya kuze azi. +Bendiluhlaza ngokuya uMvundla ubendibona, +KuCilikishe ndiza kuba tyheli. +USelesele uza kubona uLovane olumnyama +KuFudwazana, ndakuba mdaka ngombala. +Ndawuyitshintsha-tshintsha imibala yam. +Soze bazi ukuba ndim!’ +  +Kwathi kwakufika ukuphela kwenyanga, izilwanyana zalinda ukufika kukaLovane ukuza kuzihlawula oko wayekubolekile. Kodwa uLovane zange afike. +  +Okokuqala uMvundla waya endlwini kaLovane. “Abo balapha! Abo balapha!” UMvundla wakhwaza kakhulu esangweni. +  +ULovane wakroba ngefestile. Wathi akubona uMvundla, wakhumbula iculo lakhe. “Awu Mnumzana uMvundla, ndandiluhlaza ngokuya ndandiboleka umgubo wakho wombona,” uLovane wazixelela. Ngokukhawuleza, watshintsha ibala lesikhumba sakhe satyheli waza waya esangweni esiya kudibana noMvundla. +  +“Ndikhangela ulovane oluluhlaza,” watsho uMvundla emangalisiwe. +  +“Ulovane oluluhlaza? Ndihlala ndodwa apha. Ndisandula kufika,” uLovane wamxokisa uMvundla. +  +Wahamba uMvundla waza uLovane wangena endlwini yakhe. “Ndingokrelekrele,” waqhayisa ngokuvakalayo uLovane, etsibela esofeni. +  +Kwiintsuku ezilandelayo, uCilikishe, uSelesele noFudwazana nabo beza kukhangela ulovane olwaluboleke kubo irayisi, inyama neziqhamo. ULovane wabaqhatha bonke ngokutshintsha ibala lesikhumba sakhe ukuze bangamazi. +  +Enye inyanga yedlula. Waza uMvundla, uCilikishe, uSelesele noFudwazana badibana ngasemthini omkhulu wemarula beye kukha iziqhamo zawo ezimnandi ezibugolide. Ekhangele ibhaskithi yeemarula uFudwazana wathi, “Ulovane oluluhlaza luhalala endlwini yolovane olumdaka ngebala. Oluya lovane lumdaka ngebala lundityala i-emere yeziqhamo.” +  +“Hayi,” watsho uMvundla. “Ulovane olutyheli luhlala kulaa ndlu. Ndikhangela ulovane oluluhlaza olundityala i-emere yomgubo wombona.” +  +“Hayi,” watsho uCilikishe. “Ulovane olumnyama luhlala kulaa ndlu. Ndikhangela ulovane olutyheli olundityala i-emere yerayisi.” +  +“Hayi,” watsho uSelesele. “Ulovane olumdaka ngebala luhlala kulaa ndlu. Ndikhangela ulovane olumnyama olundityala i-emere yenyama.” +  +Waza uCilikishe wathi, “Ingaba ulovane olunye lusiqhathe sonke ngokutshintsha ibala lesikhumba salo? Masiye sonke kulaa ndlu ngaxeshanye.” +  +Ngoko ke uMvundla, uCilikishe, uSelesele noFudwazana bahambela phezulu baya endlwini kaLovane baza bamkhwaza ukuba aphume. + +ULovane wakroba ngefestile wabona izilwanyana ezinomsindo. Waziva eneentloni uba ubuvila bakhe bumphathele ingxaki engako, ngoko waphuma waya kucenga uMvundla, uCilikishe, uSelesele noFudwazana ukuba bamxolele. +  +UMvundla, uCilikishe, uSelesele noFudwazana bavuma ukumxolela uLovane. “Kodwa soze uphinde ufumane nto nakowuphi apha kuthi,” batsho. +  +Ukusukela ngaloo mini ukubheka phambili, ulovane olonqenayo kwafuneka lukusebenzele ukutya kwalo, njengamntu wonke. +  +* Ingaba uLovane wayeboleka okanye wayesiba xa wayethatha izinto kuMvundla, uSele, uFudo noCilikishe? Yintoni umahluko phakathi kokuba nokuboleka? +* Kutheni ucinga ukuba kulungile ukuyibuyisa into oyibolekileyo? +* Yiba nomfanekiso ngqondweni wokuba awufuni abantu bakwazi ukuba ungubani. Sebenzisa iimpahla ezindala, iminqwazi, iziqwengana zelaphu neendondo zelanga ukutshintsha indlela okhangeleka ngayo. Khumbula ukuba ungatshintsha nendlela ohamba nothetha ngayo ukuzifihla ukuba ungubani.",xho,isiXhosa,Iqhinga lolovane olonqenayo,"Long ago, in the peaceful village of Mudavula, there lived a very lazy chameleon. At that time, all the animals farmed the land to feed themselves and their families. All except Chameleon. Because of his laziness, he did not want to work like ...",,Ibhalwe nguPirai Mazungunye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iqhinga-lolovane-olonqenayo-0 +the-lazy-chameleon’s-trick-0,"Emandulo, emuzini owawunokuthula wakwaMudavula, kwakuhlala unwabu olwaluvilapha kabi. Ngaleso sikhathi, izilwane zazilima ukuze zizondle zona kanye nemindeni yazo. Zonke zazilima ngaphandle kukaNwabu. Ngenxa yobuvila bakhe, wayengafuni ukusebenza njengezinye izilwane. Kunalokho, wayecabanga isu elibheke eceleni ukuze aboleke kwezinye izilwane ukuze aphile kahle. +  +Ngomunye uMsombuluko ekuseni, uNwabu wahamba waya kuNogwaja ukuze ayokwenana impuphu. Ngaphambi kokuthi afike emzini kaNogwaja, waguqula umbala wesikhumba sakhe usuka konsundu uya koluhlaza okotshani. +  +“Ngicela ungenanele impushana,” kucela uNwabu. +  +“Uzoyibuyisa nini?” kubuza uNogwaja. +  +“Ekupheleni kwenyanga!” kwethembisa uNwabu. +  +UNogwaja wagcwalisa ibhakede elalingenalutho elalifike noNwabu. UNwabu wathatha impuphu wabuyela ekhaya, emoyizela ngesikhathi ehamba. Wayecabanga ngamasu akhe abheke eceleni okulutha ezinye izilwane. Wabe eseqamba ingoma emfushane eyayizomsiza ukuthi akhumbule isu lakhe. +  +‘Ngizoguqula imibala yami +Kodwa akekho namunye ozokwazi. +Bengiluhlaza okotshani ngenkathi uNogwaja engibona, +KuSibankwa ngizoba phuzi. +UXoxo uzobona unwabu olumnyama +KuFudu, ngizoba nsundu. +Ngizoyiguqula, ngiyiguqule imibala yami. +Abasoze bazi ukuthi yimina!’ +  +NgoLwesibili, uNwabu wavuka elambile. “Angikwazi ukudla iphalishi nsuku zonke. Ngidinga ilayisi!” kwakucabanga uNwabu. “Ngizoguqula umbala wesikhumba sami ube phuzi bese ngiya kuSibankwa. Uma ngikwazi ukulutha wonke umuntu, akekho engizomkhokhela utho!” +  +UNwabu wahamba nebhakede lakhe elingenalutho waya kuSibankwa, nesaligcwalisa ngomusa lathi mfi ilayisi. UNwabu wethembisa ukukhokhela uSibankwa ekupheleni kwenyanga. +  +NgoLwesithathu, ngemuva kokupheka ilayisi, uNwabu walibuka ngokudumala ipuleti lakhe. “Cha! Cha! Ilayisi elingenalutho nje alimnandi. Ngidinga inyama!” uNwabu wayecabanga isikhathi esijana. “UXoxo uzonginika inyama!” kunquma yena. +  +UNwabu waguqula umbala wesikhumba sakhe waba mnyama wayesegijima eya emzini kaXoxo nebhakede lakhe elingenalutho. UXoxo wagcwalisa ibhakene lakhe ngenyama. Waphinda, unwabu wethembisa ukukhokhela uXoxo ekupheleni kwenyanga. +  +“Ngikhumbule izithelo. Ave ngizidinga!” kwakucabanga uNwabu ngoLwesine. “Ngubani onezithelo?” kwakucabanga uNwabu, enwaya ikhanda lakhe. “UFudu! Yebo, uFudu!” +  + +  +UNwabu waguqula umbala wesikhumba sakhe waba nsundu emva kwalokho waya kuFudu nebhakede lakhe elingenalutho. Wacela kuFudu izithelo, noFudu waligcwalisa ibhakede lakhe ngobhanana, amawolintshi namahhabhula. +  +“Ngiyabonga, ngiyabonga, Mnu. Fudu. Ngizokukhokhela ekupheleni kwenyanga,” kusho yena ethembisa. +  +Ngaso sonke isikhathi uNwabu wayeqhubeka ecula ingoma yakhe ukuze akwazi ukukhumbula amasu akhe emibala. +  +‘Ngizoguqula imibala yami +Kodwa akekho namunye ozokwazi. +Bengiluhlaza okotshani ngenkathi uNogwaja engibona, +KuSibankwa ngizoba phuzi. +UXoxo uzobona unwabu olumnyama +KuFudu, ngizoba nsundu. +Ngizoyiguqula, ngiyiguqule imibala yami. +Abasoze bazi ukuthi yimina’ +  +Ngenkathi kufika ukuphela kwenyanga, izilwane zalinda uNwabu ukuthi afike azozibuyisela ayekade ekwubolekile. Kodwa-ke uNwabu akazange eze. +  +Kwaqala uNogwaja waya emzini kaNwabu. “Nina enihlala lapha! Nina enihlala lapha!” kwakumemeza uNogwaja ngeliphezulu esangweni. +  +UNwabu walunguza ngewindi. Ngenkathi ebona uNogwaja, wakhumbula ingoma yakhe. “Awu, Mnumzane Nogwaja, ngangiluhlaza okotshani ngenkathi ngenana impuphu yakho,” kwasho uNwabu ngaphakathi. Ngokushesha, waguqula umbala wesikhumba sakhe waba phuzi emva kwalokho waqonda esangweni eyohlangana noNogwaja. +  +“Ngifuna unwabu oluluhlaza okotshani,” kwasho uNogwaja emangele. +  +“Unwabu oluluhlaza okotshani? Ngihlala ngedwa mina lapha. Ngisanda kufika esikhathini esingeside,” kusho uNwabu eqamba amanga kuNogwaja. +  +UNogwaja wahamba uNwabu wase ebuyela emuva endlini yakhe. “Mina ave ngiyisihlakaniphi,” kwakuqhosha uNwabu ephimisela, egxumela kusofa. +  +Ngezinsuku ezalandelayo, uSibankwa, uXoxo noFudu bafika naob befuna unwabu olwalufike luzokwenana ilayisi, inyama nezithelo kubo. Unwabu lwazidida ngasinye lezi zilwane ngokuguqula umbala wesikhumba salo ukuze zingaluboni. +  +Kwedlula enye inyanga. UNogwaja, uSibankwa, uXoxo kanye noFudu bahlangana eduze kwesihlahla samaganu ukuze baqoqe izithelo zaso ezimnandi ezimbala osagolide. Ngesikhathi ebuka ubhasikidi onamaganu, uFudu wathi, “Unwabu oluluhlaza okotshani seluthuthele emzini wonwabu olunsundu. Loluya nwabu olunsundu lungikweleta ibhakede eligcwele izithelo.” +  +“Cha,” kwasho uNogwaja. “Unwabu oluphuzi luhlala kuleya ndlu. Ngifuna unwabu oluluhlaza okotshani olungikweleta ibhakede lempuphu.” +  +“Lutho,” kwasho uSibankwa. “Unwabu olumnyama luhlala kuleya ndlu. Ngifuna unwabu oluphuzi olungikweleta ibhakede lelayisi.” +  +“Cha,” kwasho uXoxo. “Unwabu olunsundu luhlala kuleya ndlu. Mina ngifuna unwabu olumnyama olungikweleta ibhakede lenyama.” +  +Ngemva kwalokho uSibankwa wathi, “Kungenzeka yini ukuthi unwabu olulodwa olusiluthile sonke ngokuguqula umbala wesikhumba salo? Masihambeni siye emzini walo ngesikhathi esisodwa.” +  +Nebala uNogwaja, uSibankwa, uXoxo kanye noFudu bahamba baya emzini kaNwabu bafike bamemeza bethi makaphumele phandle. + +UNwabu walunguza ngewindi wabona izilwane ezazithukuthele kabi. Washaywa amahloni ngobuvila bakhe obase bumfake enkingeni engaka, ngakho waphuma wayoncenga uNogwaja, uSibankwa kanye noFudu ukuba bamxolele. +  +UNogwaja, uSibankwa, uXoxo kanye noFudu bavuma ukumxolela uNwabu. “Kodwa angeke uphinde nangelinye ilanga uthole luthokithi,” kusho bona. +  +Futhi kusukela ngalelo langa, unwabu oluvilaphayo kwamele lusebenze kanzima ukuze luthole ukudla njengazo zonke ezinye izilwane. +  +* Ingabe uNwabu wayeboleka noma wayentshontsha ngenkathi ethatha izinto kuNogwaja, kuXoxo, kuFudu kanye nakuSibankwa? Yimuphi umehluko phakathi +kokuntshontsha nokuboleka? +* Ucabanga ukuthi kungani kukuhle ukukhokha noma ukubuyisela obukubolekile? +* Ake ucabange ukuthi awufuni abantu bakwazi ukuthi ungubani. Sebenzisa izimpahla ezindala, izigqoko, iziqephu zezinto kanye nezibuko zelanga ukuze uguqule indlela obukeka ngayo. Khumbula ukuthi ungakwazi futhi ukuguqula indlela ohamba ngayo nokhuluma ngayo ukuze ufihle ukuthi ungubani.",zul,isiZulu,Icebo lonwabu oluvilaphayo,"Long ago, in the peaceful village of Mudavula, there lived a very lazy chameleon. At that time, all the animals farmed the land to feed themselves and their families. All except Chameleon. Because of his laziness, he did not want to work like ...",,Ibhalwe nguPirai Mazungunye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/icebo-lonwabu-oluvilaphayo-0 +the-lazy-chameleon’s-trick-0,"Mehleng ya kgale, motseng wa kgotso wa Mudavula, ho ne ho dula lempetje le botswa haholo. Ka nako eo, diphoofolo tsohle di ne di lema mobu bakeng sa ho iphedisa le ba malapa a tsona. Kaofela ha tsona ntle le Lempetje. Ka lebaka la botswa ba hae, o ne a sa batle ho sebetsa jwaloka diphoofolo tse ding. Ho ena le hoo, o ile a nahana leqheka la bolotsana hore a tle a adime ho ba bang mme yena a phele ha monate. +  +Hoseng ha Mantaha o mong, Lempetje a ya ha Mmutla mme a adima phofo ya poone. Pele a fihla tlung ya Mmutla, a fetola mmala wa letlalo la hae ho tloha ho o mosootho ho isa ho o motala. +  +“Ke kopa o nkadime phofo ya poone hle,” Lempetje a kopa. +  +“O tla e kgutlisa neng?” Mmutla a botsa. +  +“Ha kgwedi ena e fela!” Lempetje a mo tshepisa. +  +Mmutla a tlatsa emere e sa tshelang eo Lempetje a neng a tlile le yona. Lempetje a nka phofo eo ya poone mme a ya hae, a ntse a bososela ha a tsamaya. O ne a nahanne ka leqheka la hae la bolotsana la ho qhekanyetsa diphoofolo tse ding. A iqapela pinanyana e tlang ho mo thusa ho hopola morero wa hae. +  +‘Ke tla fetola mebala ya ka +Empa ha ho motho ya tla tseba. +Ke ne ke le motala ha Mmutla a mpona, +Ho Mokgodutswane ke tla ba mosehla. +Senqaqane o tla bona lempetje le letsho +Ho Kgudu, ke tla ba mosootho. +Ke tla fetoha ke nne ke fetole mebala ya ka. +Ba keke ba tseba hore ke nna!’ +  +Ka Labobedi, Lempetje a tsoha a lapile. “Nkeke ka ja motoho kamehla. Ke batla raese!” Lempetje a nahana. “Ke tla fetola mmala wa letlalo la ka o be mosehla mme ke ye ho Mokgodutswane. Ha nka qhekanyetsa bohle, nkeke ka lefa le a le mong wa bona eng kapa eng!” +  +Lempetje a tsamaya ka emere ya hae e sa tshelang letho a ya ha Mokgodutswane, ya ileng a mo fa raese ka mosa. Lempetje a tshepisa Mokgodutswane hore o tla mo lefa mafelong a kgwedi. +  +Ka Laboraro, kamora ho pheha raese, Lempetje a sheba sejana sa hae a sa kgotsofala hohang. “Tjhe! Tjhe! Raese e se nang letho ha e monate. Ke hloka nama!” Lempetje a nahana nakwana. “Senqanqane o tla mpha nama!” a qeta jwalo. +  +Lempetje a fetola mmala wa letlalo la hae wa ba motsho mme a mathela ntlong ya Senqanqane ka emere ya hae e sa tshelang. Senqanqane a tlatsa emere eo ka nama. Hape, Lempetje a tshepisa ho lefa Senqanqane ha kgwedi e fela. +  +“Ke hloka ditholwana. Ke a di hloka!” Lempetje a nahana ka Labone. “Ke mang ya nang le ditholwana?” Lempetje a nahana a ingwaya hlooho. “Kgudu! Ehlile, Kgudu!” +  + +Lempetje a fetola mmala wa letlalo la hae wa eba mosootho mme a ya ha Kgudu ka emere e sa tshelang letho. A kopa ditholwana ho Kgudu, mme Kgudu a tlatsa emere ya hae ka dipanana, dilamunu le diapole. +  +“Ke a leboha, ke a leboha, Mong Kgudu. Ke tla o lefa mafelong a kgwedi.” a tshepisa. +  +Nako ena kaofela Lempetje o ne a ntse a bina pina ya hae ele hore a tle a kgone ho hopola maqheka a hae a mebala. +  +‘Ke tla fetola mebala ya ka +Empa ha ho motho ya tla tseba. +Ke ne ke le motala ha Mmutla a mpona, +Ho Mokgodutswane ke tla ba mosehla. +Senqanqane o tla bona lempetje le letsho +Ho Kgudu, ke tla ba mosootho. +Ke tla fetoha ke nne ke fetole mebala ya ka. +Ba keke ba tseba hore ke nna!’ +  +Ha mafelo a kgwedi a fihla, diphoofolo tsa emela Lempetje hore a tlo di lefa seo a se adimileng. Empa Lempetje a se ke a tla. +  +Pele, Mmutla a ya ntlong ya Lempetje. “Batho ba moo! Batho ba moo!” Mmutla a hoeletsa a le hekeng. +  +Lempetje a nyarela ka fenstere. Yare ha a bona Mmutla, a hopola pina ya hae. “Aha, Mong Mmutla, ke ne ke le motala ha ke adima phofo ya hao ya poone,” Lempetje a ipolella jwalo. Ka potlako, a fetola mmala wa letlalo la hae ho ba le lesehla mme a ya hekeng ho ya kopana le Mmutla. +  +“Ke batlana le lempetje le letala,” Mmutla a rialo a maketse. +  +“Lempetje le letala? Ke dula ke le mong mona. Ha se kgale haholo ke falletse mona,” Lempetje a bolella Mmutla leshano. +  +Mmutla a tsamaya mme Lempetje a kgutlela ka tlung. “Ke bohlale e le ka nnete,” Lempetje a ithorisa a bua haholo, a tlolela hodima soufa. +  +Matsatsing a latelang, Mokgodutswane, Senqanqane le Kgudu le bona ba tla ba batlana le Lempetje ya neng a adimile raese, nama le ditholwana ho bona. Lempetje o ne a qhekanyeditse e mong le e mong ka ho fetola mmalwa wa letlalo la hae ele hore ba se ke ba mo lemoha. +  +Kgwedi e nngwe hape ya feta. Yaba Mmutla, Mokgodutswane, Senqanqane le Kgudu ba kopana tlasa sefate se seholo sa marula ho ya bokella ditholwana tse monate tse mmala wa kgauta. Ha a shebile emere ya hae ya dimarula, Kgudu a re, “Lempetje le letala le kene ntlong ya lempetje le lesootho. Lempetje lane le lesootho le nkolota emere ya ditholwana.” +  +“Tjhe,” ha rialo Mmutla. “Lempetje le lesehla le dula ntlong yane. Empa nna ke batlana le lempetje le letala le nkolotang emere ya phofo ya poone.” +  +“Tjhe,” ha rialo Mokgodutswane. “Lempetje le letsho le dula ntlong yane. Ke batlana le lempetje le lesehla le nkolotang emere ya raese.” +  +“Tjhe,” Senqanqane a rialo. “Lempetje le lesootho le dula ntlong yane. Nna ke batlana le lempetje le letsho le nkolotang emere ya nama.” +  +Yaba Mokgodutswane o re, “Na ekaba lempetje le le leng le re qhekanyeditse kaofela ka ho fetola mmala wa letlalo la lona? Ha re yeng ntlong eo kaofela ka nako e le nngwe.” +  +Yaba he Mmutla, Mokgodutswane, Senqanqane le Kgudu ba hwantela ho ya ntlong ya Lempetje mme ba mo hoeletsa hore a tswe ka tlung. + +  +Lempetje a nyarela ka fenstere ho diphoofolo tse halefileng. A ikutlwa a itshwabela ka lebaka la botswa ba hae bo mo kentseng hara mathata a makana, yaba o tswela ka ntle mme a ya kopa tshwarelo ho Mmutla, Mokgodutswane, Senqanqane le Kgudu. +  +Mmutla, Mokgodutswane, Senqanqane le Kgudu ba dumellana ho tshwarela Lempetje. “Empa o keke wa hlola o fumana eng kapa eng ho rona,” ba rialo. +  +Ho tloha letsatsing leo, lempetje le botswa la tlameha ho sebeletsa dijo tsa lona jwaloka bohle. +  +* Na lempetje o ne a adima kapa a utswa ha a ne a nka dintho tsa Mmutla, Senqanqane, Kgudu le Mokgodutswane? Phapang ke efe pakeng tsa ho utswa le ho adima? +* Hobaneng o nahana hore ho lokile ho kgutlisa seo o se adimileng? +* Nahana eka ha o batla hore batho ba se o tsebe hore o mang. Sebedisa diaparo, dikatiba, masela le diborele tsa letsatsi tsa kgale ho iphetola kamoo o shebehang. Hopola hore o ka nna wa fetola le tsela eo o tsamayang le ho bua ka yona ho ipata hore o mang.",sot,Sesotho,Leqheka la lempetje le botsw,"Long ago, in the peaceful village of Mudavula, there lived a very lazy chameleon. At that time, all the animals farmed the land to feed themselves and their families. All except Chameleon. Because of his laziness, he did not want to work like ...",,E ngotswe ke Pirai Mazungunye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/leqheka-la-lempetje-le-botswa-0 +the-lazy-chameleon’s-trick-0,"Kgalekgale, motseng wa go ba le khutšo wa Mudavula, go be go dula leobu la go tšwafa. Ka nako yeo, diphoofolo ka moka di be di lema naga go iphepa le go fepa ba malapa a tšona. Ka moka ka ntle le Leobu. Ka lebaka la go tšwafa ga gagwe, o be a sa nyake go šoma bjalo ka bohle. Go na le gore a šome, o ile a nagana leano la bokgopo la go adima go ba bangwe gore a phele gabotse. +  +Mesong ya Mošupologo o mongwe, Leobu o ile go Mmutla go kgopela bupi. Pele a fihla ntlong ya Mmutla, o fetotše mmala wa letlalo la gagwe o motsotho ya ba o motalamorogo. +  +“Ke kgopela gore o nkadime bupi hle,” Leobu a kgopela. +  +“O tlo ntefa neng?” Mmutla a botšiša. +  +“Mafelelong a kgwedi!” Leobu a tshepiša. +  +Mmutla o ile a tlatša pakete ya go se be le selo ya Leobu ka bupi. Leobu o ile a iša bupi gae, a tšama a myemyela tseleng. O be a nagana ka leanokgopo la gagwe la go hlalefetša diphoofolo tše dingwe. O hlamile koša ya go mo thuša go gopola leano la gagwe. +  +‘Ke tla fetola mebala ya ka +Efela ga go yo a tla tsebago. +Ke be ke le yo motalamorogo ge Mmutla a mpona, +Ka Mokgaditswana ke tla ba yo moserolane. +Segwagwa o tla bona Leobu yo moso +Go Khudu, ke tla ba yo motsotho. +Ke tlo fetola gape le gape mebala ye mentši. +Ba ka se tsebe gore ke nna!’ +  +Ka Labobedi, Leobu o tsogile a swere ke tlala. “Nkase je motepa ka mehla. Ke nyaka raese!” Leobu a nagana. “Ke tlo fetola mmala wa ka ya ba o moserolane gomme ka ya go Mokgaditswana. Ge nka ba hlalefetša ka moka, ga go yo ke tlo mo lefago!” +  +Leobu o ile go Mokgaditswana ka pakete ya go se be le selo, yo ka botho bja gagwe a ilego a e tlatša ka raese. Leobu o tshephišitše Mokgaditswana gore o tlo mo lefa mafelelong a kgwedi. +  +Ka Laboraro, morago ga go apea raese, Leobu o lebeletše poleiti ya gagwe ka manyami. “Aowa! Aowa! Raese ge e le tee ga e bose. Ke nyaka nama!” Leobu a nagana sebakanyana. “Segwagwa o tlo mpha nama!” a nagana. +  +Leobu o fetotše mmala wa gagwe a ba yo moso gomme a kitimela ntlong ya Segwagwa ka pakete ya go se be le selo. Segwagwa o tladitše pakete ya gagwe ka nama. Le ga bjale, Leobu a tshephiša go lefa Segwagwa mafelelong a kgwedi. +  +“Ke duma dienywa. Ke a di hloka!” Leobu a nagana ka Labone. “Ke mang yo a nago le dienywa?” Leobu a nagana, a ngwaya hlogo. “Khudu! Ee, Khudu!” +  + +Leobu o fetotše mmala wa gagwe ya ba o motsotho gomme a ya go Khudu ka pakete ya go se be le selo. O kgopetše Khudu dienywa, gomme Khudu a tlatša pakete ya gagwe ka dipanana, dinamune le diapole. +  +“Ke a leboga, ke a leboga, Morena Khudu. Ke tla go lefa mafelelong a kgwedi,” a tshephiša. +  +Ka dinako tšohle Leobu o be a opela koša ya gagwe gore a gopole go hlalefetša ga gagwe a mebala. +  +‘Ke tla fetola mebala ya ka +Efela ga go yo a tla tsebago. +Ke be ke le yo motalamorogo ge Mmutla a mpona, +Ka Mokgaditswana ke tla ba yo moserolane. +Segwagwa o tla bona Leobu yo moso +Go Khudu, ke tla ba yo motsotho. +Ke tlo fetola gape le gape mebala ye mentši. +Ba ka se tsebe gore ke nna!’ +  +Ge kgwedi e fela, diphoofolo di ile tša emela Leobu gore a di lefe tše a di kolotago. Efela Leobu ga se a ya go di lefa. +  +La mathomo go ile Mmutla ntlong ya Leobu. “Lena ba ka mo! Lena ba ka mo!” Mmutla a goeletša keiting. +  +Leobu o ile a hlola ka lefasetere. O rile ge a bona Mmutla, a gopola koša ya gagwe. “Aa, Mna Mmutla, ke be ke le yo motalamorogo ge ke kgopela bupi bja gago,” Leobu a ipotša. Ka potlako, a fetola mmala wa gagwe a ba yo moserolane gomme a ya keiting go kopana le Mmutla. +  +“Ke nyaka leobu yo motalamorogo,” a realo Mmutla ka makalo. +  +“Leobu yo motalamorogo? Ke dula ke le tee fa. Ga se kgale ke hudugetše fa,” Leobu a fetola mmutla. +  +Mmutla o ile a sepela gomme Leobu a boela ka ntlong ya gagwe. “Ke bohlale nna,” Leobu a itheta ebile a dira lešata, a fofela sofeng. +  +Matšatšing a go latela, Mokgaditswana, Segwagwa le Khudu le bona ba tla go nyaka Leobu yo a kgopetšego raese, nama le dienywa go bona. Leobu o ile a ba hlalefetša ka moka ka go fetola mebala ya letlalo la gagwe gore ba se mo lemoge. +  +Go fetile sebaka sa go lekana kgwedi. Gomme, Mmutla, Mokgaditswana, Segwagwa le Khudu ba kopana mohlareng wa marula o mogolo ba kgoboketša marula a mmala wa gauta a bose. A lebeletše seroto sa gagwe sa marula, Khudu a re, “Leobu yo motalamorogo o hudugetše ntlong ya leobu yo motsotho. Leobu yo motsotho o nkolota pakete ya dienywa.” +  +“Aowa,” a realo Mmutla. “Ka ntlong yela go dula leobu yo moserolane. Ke nyakana le leobu yo motalamorogo wa go nkolota pakete ya bupi.” +  +“Aowa,” a realo Mokgaditswana. “Ka ntlong yela go dula leobu yo moso. Ke nyaka leobu yo moserolane wa go nkolota pakete ya raese.” +  +“Aowa,” a realo Segwagwa. “Ka ntlong yela go dula leobu yo motsotho. Ke nyaka leobu yo moso wa go nkolota pakete ya nama.” +  +Gomme Mogaditswana a re, “E ka be re hlalefeditšwe ke leobu yo tee ka moka ga rena ka go fetola mebala ya letlalo la gagwe? Areyeng ntlong yela ka moka ga rena ka nako e tee.” +  +Gomme Mmutla, Mogaditswana, Segwagwa le Khudu ba sepediša ba lebile ntlong ya Leobu ge ba fihla ba goeletša gore a tšwele ka ntle. +  + +  +Leobu o hlotše diphoofolo tša go befelwa ka lefasetere. O ile a swabišwa ke mathata a go hlolwa ke botšwa bja gagwe, gomme a ya go kgopela Mmutla, Mogaditswana, Segwagwa le Khudu gore ba mo swarele. +  +Mmutla, Mogaditswana, Segwagwa le Khudu ba dumetše go swarela Leobu. “Efela o ka se tsoge o hweditše selo go rena,” ba realo. +  +Go thoma letšatšing leo, leobu wa go tšwafa o ile a thoma go šoma gore a hwetše dijo go swana le diphoofolo tše dingwe. +  +* Naa Leobu o be a adima goba a utswa ge a be a tšea dilo go Mmutla, Segwagwa, Khudu le Mogaditswana? Phapano ke eng gare ga go utswa le go adima? +* Ke ka lebaka la eng o nagana gore go lokile go bušetša se o se adimilego +* Nagana eke ga o nyake gore batho ba tsebe gore o mang. Diriša diaparo tša kgale, mengatse, diripa tša mašela le digalase tša letšatši go fetola ka fao o lebelelegago ka gona. Gopola gore o ka fetola le mosepelo wa gago le tsela ya go bolela gore o se tsebje ke batho.",nso,Sepedi,Thetšo ya leobu la go tšwaf,"Long ago, in the peaceful village of Mudavula, there lived a very lazy chameleon. At that time, all the animals farmed the land to feed themselves and their families. All except Chameleon. Because of his laziness, he did not want to work like ...",,Mongwadi ke Pirai Mazungunye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thetšo-ya-leobu-la-go-tšwafa-0 +the-lazy-chameleon’s-trick-0,"Bogologolotala, mo motseng wa kagiso wa Mudavula, go ne go nna leobu la setshwakga. Mo nakong eo, diphologolo tsotlhe di ne di ruile lefatshe go fula mo go lona le go tlhokomela bana +  +ba tsona. Diphologolo tsotlhe ntle fela le Leobu. Ka ntlha ya botshwakga jwa gagwe, o ne a sa batle go dira go tshwana le diphologolo tse dingwe. Mo boemong jwa se, o ne a tla ka leano le le sokameng la gore a adime fa go ba bangwe gore a tshele sentle. +  +Tsatsi lengwe mo mosong wa Mosupologo, Leobu a ya kwa go Mmutla go adima bopi. Pele a goroga kwa ntlong ya ga Mmutla, a fetola mmala wa gagwe go tswa go bophifadu go nna botala. +  +“Tsweetswee ke kopa o nkadime bopi,” Leobu la ikopela jalo. +  +“Jaanong o tla bo busa leng?” ga botsa Mmutla. +  +“Mafelo a kgwedi!” Leobu la mo solofetsa jalo. +  +Mmutla a tlatsa kgamelo e Leobu le tlileng le e tshotse. Leobu a tsaya bopi a boela gae, a tsamaya a nyenya tsela yotlhe. O ne a ntse a akanya ka matlhajana a gagwe a go tsietsa diphologolo tse dingwe. O ne a itlhamela pinanyana gore a gakologelwe leano le. +  +‘Ke tla fetola mebala +Fela ga go ope yo o tla itseng. +Ke ne ke le motala fa Mmutla a mpona, +Fa ke ya go Mokgatitswane ke tla nna serolwana +Segwagwa se tla bona Leobu le lentsho +Khudu ene o tla mpona ke le phifadu. +Ke tla fetoga ke bo ke fetole mebala. +Ga go ope yo o tla itseng gore ke nna!’ +  +Ka Labobedi, Leobu a tsoga a tshwerwe ke tlala. “Nka se je bogobe letsatsi le letsatsi. Ke batla raese!” Leobu a akanya. “Ke tla iphetola go nna serolwana mme ke ye go bona Mokgatitswane. Fa nka kgona go tsietsa botlhe, ga nkitla ke duela ope sepe!” +  +Leobu a tsaya kgamelo e e lolea a ya kwa go Mokgatitswane, yo ka boikobo a neng a tlatsa kgamelo ya Leobu ka raese. Leobu a solofetsa Mokgatitswane gore o tla e busa mafelo a kgwedi. +  +Ka Laboraro, morago ga go apaya raese, Leobu a bona sejana sa gagwe se sa mo itumedise. “Nnyaya! Nnyaya! Raese e e senang sešebo ga e kitla e nna monate. Ke batla nama!” Leobu a akanya, “Segwagwa se tla mpha nama!” a swetsa. +  +Leobu a fetola mmala wa letlalo go nna montsho pele a tabogela kwa ntlong ya ga Segwagwa ka kgamelo e e lolea. Segwagwa sa tlatsa kgamelo ya gagwe ka nama. Gape-gape, Leobu a solofetsa gore o tla busa nama mafelo a kgwedi. + +  +“Ke tlhoafaletse maungo. Ke a tlhoka e le tota!” Leobu a akanya ka Labone. “Ke mang yo o nang le maugo?” Leobu a buela mo pelong, a ingwaya tlhogo. “Khudu! Ee, Khudu!” +  +Leobu a fetola mmala wa gagwe go nna phifadu mme a ya kwa go Khudu ka kgamelo e e lolea. A kopa Khudu gore a mo adime maungo, mme Khudu a tlatsa kgamelo ka dipanana, dinamune le diapole. +  +“Ke a leboga, ke leboga thata, Rre Khudu. Ke tla go duela mafelo a kgwedi,” a mo solofetsa jalo. Ka dinako tsotlhe Leobu a tswelela go opela pina ya gagwe gore a kgone go gakologelwa go tsietsa diphologolo ka mebala. +  +‘Ke tla fetola mebala +Fela ga go ope yo o tla itseng. +Ke ne ke le motala fa Mmutla a mpona, +Fa ke ya go Mokgatitswane ke tla nna serolwana +Segwagwa se tla bona Leobu le lentsho +Khudu ene o tla mpona ke le phifadu. +Ke tla fetoga ke bo ke fetole mebala. +Ga go ope yo o tla itseng gore ke nna!’ +  +E rile fa bofelo jwa kgwedi bo goroga, diphologolo tsa leta Leobu gore a tle go ba duela se o se adimileng. Fela Leobu la seke a tla go duela. +  +Wa ntlha ya nna Mmutla yo o ileng kwa ntlong ya Leobu. “Ke rona fano! Ke rona fano!” Mmutla a goa ka lentswe le le kwa godimo a le mo kgorong. +  +Leobu a mo okomela ka letlhabaphefo. E rile a bona Mmutla, a gakologelwa pina ya gagwe. “Ao, Rre Mmutla, ke ne ke le motala fa ke adima bopi kwa go wena,” Leobu a buela mo pelong. Ka bonako a fetola mmala wa gagwe go nna serolwana mme a ya kwa kgorong go dumedisa Mmutla. +  +“Ke batla Leobu le le tala,” ga bua Mmutla a akabetse. +  +“Leobu le le tala?” Ke nna fa ke le nosi. Ga se bogologolo ke nna fa,” Leobu la aketsa Mmutla. +  +Mmutla a tsamaya mme Leobu a boela morago kwa ntlong ya gagwe. “Ke tloga ke le botlhale,” Leobu a buela kwa godimo ka boikgantsho, a tlolela mo sofeng ya gagwe. +  +Morago ga malatsi a se kae, Mokgatitswane, Segwagwa le Khudu le bona ba tla go bona Leobu yo o adimileng raese, nama le maungo mo go bona. Leobu a tswelela go ba tsietsa a dirisa mmala wa letlao la gagwe gore ba seke ba mo lemoga. +  +Ga feta kgwedi e nngwe. Jaanong Mmutla, Mokgatitswane, Segwagwa le Khudu ba tshwara kopano mo setlhareng se segolo sa morula go itapolosa ka maungo a a monate a sona. E rile fa a leba mo serotong sa gagwe sa morula Khudu a re, “Leobu le letala le simolotse go nna kwa ntlong ya Leobu le le phifadu. Leobu le le phifadu leo le nkolota kgamelo ya maungo.” +  +“Nnyaya,” Mmutla a rialo. “Ke Leobu le le serolwana le le nnang kwa ntlong eo. Nna ke batla Leobu le le tala le le nkolotang kgamelo ya bopi.” +  +“Nnyaya,” ga bua Mokgatitswane. “Ke Leobu le lentsho le le nnang kwa ntlong eo. Nna ke batla Leobu le le serolwana le le nkolotang kgamelo ya raese.” +  +“Nnyaya,” ga bua Segwagwa. “Leobu le le phifadu le nna kwa ntlong ele. Nna ke batla Leobu le lentsho le le nkolotang kgamelo ya nama,” +  +Mme Mokgatitswane wa re, “A mme e ka nna gore Leobu le re tsieditse rotlhe ka go fetola mmala wa letlalo la gagwe? A re yeng kwa ntlong ya gagwe rotlhe ka nako e le nngwe.” +  +Ka jalo Mmutla, Mokgatitswane, Segwagwa le Khudu ba ya kwa ntlong ya Leobu mme ba goa gore a tswe mo ntlong. +  + +  +Leobu a tlhola ka letlhabaphefo go bona diphologolo tse di šakgetseng. A swaba thata gore botshwakga jwa gagwe bo mo tsentse mo mathateng, a tswa mme a lopa Mmutla, Mokgatitswane, Segwagwa le Khudu gore ba mo itshwarele. +  +Mmutla, Mokgatitswane, Segwagwa le Khudu ba dumela go itshwarela Leobu. “Fela ga o kitla o bona sepe go tswa mo go rona,” ba rialo. +  +Go tloga ka letsatsi leo, leobu la setshwakga la simolola go dira ka natla go bona dijo go tshwana le botlhe. +  +* A Leobu le ne le adima kgotsa le utswa fa le ne le tsaya dilo tsa ga Mmutla, Segwagwa, Khudu le Mokgatitswane? Pharologano ke eng magareng ga go utswa le go adima? +* Goreng o akanya gore go siame go busa sengwe se o se adimileng? +* Itlhome fela gore ga o batle batho ba itse gore o mang. Dirisa diaparo tsa bogologolo, dihutshe, manathwana a masela le digalase tsa matlho gore o seke wa lemogiwa gore o mang. Gakologelwa gore o ka fetola tsela e o tsamayang ka yona le tsela e o buang ka yona gore batho ba se ke ba go lemoga.",tsn,Setswana,Matlhajana a leobu la setshwakg,"Long ago, in the peaceful village of Mudavula, there lived a very lazy chameleon. At that time, all the animals farmed the land to feed themselves and their families. All except Chameleon. Because of his laziness, he did not want to work like ...",,E kwadilwe ke Pirai Mazungunye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/matlhajana-leobu-la-setshwakga +the-big-mistake,"It was a nice, lazy day along the river. Everything was very quiet. The only noise was Little Bird chirping softly while he cleaned Hippo’s big, flat teeth. +  +Hippo was enjoying getting his teeth cleaned. He lay with his head out of the water, his mouth wide open. The sun warmed him and before he knew it, he was drifting off to sleep. He dreamt of a big juicy patch of grass floating right by him and, in his dream, he took a big bite and swallowed. +  +“You ate Little Bird!” The voice woke Hippo up with a fright. It was one of the flamingos. He looked very angry! His pink face was turning red! +  +“You ate Little Bird,” he shouted again, pointing his wing at Hippo. +  +“I would never!” Hippo defended himself. “I eat grass, not little birds! Besides, Little Bird is my friend! I wouldn’t eat him!” +  +“I saw you! He was cleaning your teeth, and you swallowed him up!” +  +Hippo remembered his dream. Now he was scared! Had he swallowed his friend by mistake? Then, as he climbed out of the river, he heard a familiar chirping sound. It was Little Bird! +  +Hippo looked all around to see where Little Bird was. At last, he realised that the sound was coming from inside his tummy. He had swallowed his friend! +  +“See? I told you!” said Flamingo. “You ate Little Bird!” +  +“I ... I didn’t mean to ...” Hippo cried, “We need to rescue him. We have to get him out of my tummy!” +  +By now all the animals living along the river had come closer to find out what was going on. They started coming up with plans. +  +“Let’s send some small fish down into your tummy. They can lead the way for Little Bird to swim back out,” said Monkey. But hearing this, all the small fish quickly swam away. +  +“We can use one of my teeth to cut your stomach open and save Little Bird,” suggested Lion. Hippo didn’t think that sounded like a good idea! +  + +  +“What are we going to do? Little Bird can’t stay in my tummy forever!” said Hippo. But he just couldn’t think of any better ideas. Perhaps he should let Lion cut open his tummy and take out Little Bird. He was just about to agree to it when wise old Owl came to the rescue. +  +“Calm down, everyone,” said Owl. Everyone listened. “Get me a big feather,” he ordered. +  +Quickly, one of the birds flew down to where Flamingo stood and brought back what Owl had asked for. +  +“Wonderful!” said Owl as he flew down to the ground in front of Hippo. “Now open your mouth as wide as you can, and I am going to climb inside!” he said. +  +“Don’t do that! He is going to eat you too!” Monkey warned. +  +“Oh, be quiet!” Owl told them. But softly he said to Hippo, “You had better not! Whatever you do, do not close your mouth while I am in there!” +  +Owl climbed inside Hippo’s huge and scary jaws! Then he began to tickle Hippo’s throat softly with the feather. At first it only made Hippo giggle, but then suddenly... +  +“Gha...gha...ghaaaaa!” Hippo coughed, and Owl and Little Bird came flying out of his mouth! Both of them were dripping with hippo spit. Little Bird hugged Owl and then rushed to hug Hippo too. +  + +  +“I am so sorry!” said Hippo. +  +“Don’t feel bad,” said Little Bird. “I should have woken you up when you fell asleep. I know you didn’t mean to. It was just a mistake, and besides, I am perfectly alright.” +  +Hippo and Little Bird turned to Owl who was busy washing his wings in the river. “Thank you, Owl. You saved the day!” they said. +  +“Pleasure!” said Owl, washing the last bit of spit out of his feathers. “Now, if everyone could be quiet, I can go back to sleep.” +  +Owl flew back to the hollow of a big tree that was his home. All the other animals went back to their own business. Flamingo’s face went back to its usual pink colour, but he was still shaking his head. +  +“Silly bird! He eats you but you still stay friends,” he muttered. Then he went back to his spot, stood on one leg and fell asleep. +  +“I really am sorry,” said Hippo to Little Bird again. “I understand if you don’t want to clean my teeth again.” +  +“But then you will get toothache!” answered Little Bird. “We’ll just make sure that you don’t fall asleep while I’m doing it. Now let’s go and find you some juicy grass to eat. I’m sure you must be hungry.” +  +And off they went. +  +* Have you ever made a big mistake? What happened, and how did you feel about it? +* What happened to make you feel better afterwards? +* Little Bird and Hippo were still friends even though Hippo had nearly eaten Little Bird. Do you think it is important to forgive others if they made a mistake? Why do you say so?",eng,English,The big mistake,"It was a nice, lazy day along the river. Everything was very quiet. The only noise was Little Bird chirping softly while he cleaned Hippo’s big, flat teeth. +  +Hippo was enjoying getting his teeth cleaned. He lay with his head out of ...",,Written by Desirée Botha,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-big-mistake +the-big-mistake,"Dit is ’n luilekker dag langs die rivier. Alles is doodstil. Die enigste geluid is Klein Voëltjie se sagte getjirp terwyl hy Seekoei se groot, plat tande skoonmaak. +  +Seekoei hou daarvan as sy tande skoongemaak word. Hy lê met sy kop buite die water, sy mond wawyd oop. Hy lê in die son en bak en voor hy hom kom kry, sluimer hy in. Hy droom van ’n groot sappige graspol wat by hom verbydryf, en in sy droom vat hy ’n groot hap en sluk. +  +“Jy’t Klein Voëltjie opgeëet!” Die stem laat Seekoei wakker skrik. Dit is een van die flaminke. Hy lyk boos! Sy pienk gesig word bloedrooi! +  +“Jy’t Klein Voëltjie opgeëet,” skree hy weer en beduie met sy vlerk na Seekoei. +  +“Ek sou nooit so iets doen nie!” verdedig Seekoei homself. “Ek eet gras, nie klein voëltjies nie! Buitendien, Klein Voëltjie is my vriend! Ek sou hom nooit opeet nie!” +  +“Ek het jou gesien! Hy was besig om jou tande skoon te maak, toe sluk jy hom in!” +  +Seekoei onthou sy droom. Nou is hy bang! Het hy sy vriend per ongeluk ingesluk? Toe, terwyl hy uit die rivier klim, hoor hy ’n bekende tjirpgeluid. Dis Klein Voëltjie! +  +Seekoei kyk oral rond om te sien waar Klein Voëltjie is. Einde ten laaste besef hy dat die geluid uit sy maag kom. Hy het sy vriend ingesluk! +  +“Sien? Ek het jou gesê!” sê Flamink. “Jy’t Klein Voëltjie opgeëet!” +  +“Ek ... ek het nie bedoel om ...” huil Seekoei. “Ons moet hom red. Ons moet hom uit my maag uit kry!” +  +Teen hierdie tyd het al die diere wat langs die rivier woon, nader gekom om uit te vind wat aangaan. Hulle begin planne beraam. +  +“Kom ons stuur klein vissies in jou maag in. Hulle kan vir Klein Voëltjie ’n pad maak om uit te swem,” sê Apie. Maar toe hulle dit hoor, swem al die klein vissies vinnig weg. +  +“Ons kan een van my tande gebruik om jou maag oop te sny en Klein Voëltjie te red,” stel Leeu voor. Seekoei dink nie dis ’n goeie idee nie! +  + +  +“Wat gaan ons doen? Klein Voëltjie kan nie vir altyd in my maag bly nie!” sê Seekoei. Maar hy kan glad nie aan ’n beter plan dink nie. Dalk moet Leeu maar sy maag oopsny en vir Klein Voëltjie uithaal. Hy is op die punt om in te stem toe wyse ou Uil tot sy redding kom. +  +“Bedaar nou,” sê Uil. Almal luister. “Gaan kry vir my ’n groot veer,” beveel hy. +  +Een van die voëls vlieg vinnig na waar Flamink staan en bring vir Uil wat hy gevra het. +  +“Wonderlik!” sê Uil, vlieg grond toe en gaan sit voor Seekoei. “Maak nou jou mond so groot oop as wat jy kan, en ek gaan binne-in klim!” sê hy. +  +“Moenie dit doen nie! Hy gaan jou ook opeet!” waarsku Apie. +  +“Ag, bly tog stil!” sê Uil. Maar vir Seekoei sê hy saggies, “Jy beter my nie insluk nie! Wat jy ook al doen, moenie jou mond toemaak terwyl ek daar binne is nie!” +  +Uil klim tussen Seekoei se reusagtige en vreesaanjaende kake in! Toe begin hy Seekoei se keel saggies met die veer kielie. Eers giggel Seekoei net, maar toe skielik ... +  +“Ga...ga...gaaaaa!” hoes Seekoei, en Uil en Klein Voëltjie vlieg by sy mond uit! Hulle is van kop tot tone vol seekoeispoeg. Klein Voëltjie gee vir Uil ’n drukkie en hardloop dan om ook vir Seekoei ’n drukkie te gee. +  + +“Ek is so jammer!” sê Seekoei. +  +“Moenie sleg voel nie,” sê Klein Voëltjie. “Ek moes jou wakker gemaak het toe jy aan die slaap geraak het. Ek weet jy het dit nie bedoel nie. Dit was net ’n fout, en buitendien is ek piekfyn.” +  +Seekoei en Klein Voëltjie draai na Uil toe, wat besig is om sy vlerke in die rivier te was. “Dankie, Uil. Jy het die situasie gered!” sê hulle. +  +“Plesier!” sê Uil, terwyl hy die laaste bietjie spoeg uit sy vere was. “En as almal nou sal stilbly, kan ek weer gaan slaap.” +  +Uil vlieg terug na die holte in die boom waar hy woon. Al die ander diere keer terug na dit waarmee hulle besig was. Flamink se gesig word weer sy gewone pienk kleur, maar hy skud nog sy kop. +  +“Lawwe voël! Hy eet jou op, maar julle bly vriende,” mompel hy. Dan stap hy terug na sy staanplek, gaan staan op een been en raak aan die slaap. +  +“Ek is regtig jammer,” sê Seekoei weer vir Klein Voëltjie. “Ek sal verstaan as jy nie weer my tande wil skoonmaak nie.” +  +“Maar dan sal jy tandpyn kry!” antwoord Klein Voëltjie. “Ons sal net seker maak jy raak nie aan die slaap terwyl ek dit doen nie. Kom ons gaan soek lekker sappige gras vir jou om te eet. Ek is seker jy’s honger.” +  +En toe kry hulle koers. +  +* Het jy al ooit ’n groot fout gemaak? Wat het gebeur, en hoe het jy daaroor gevoel? +* Wat het gebeur om jou ná die tyd beter te laat voel? +* Klein Voëltjie en Seekoei is nog altyd vriende, al het Seekoei amper vir Klein Voëltjie opgeëet. Dink jy dit is belangrik om ander te vergewe as hulle ’n fout gemaak het? Hoekom sê jy so?",afr,Afrikaans,Die groot fout,"It was a nice, lazy day along the river. Everything was very quiet. The only noise was Little Bird chirping softly while he cleaned Hippo’s big, flat teeth. +  +Hippo was enjoying getting his teeth cleaned. He lay with his head out of ...",,Geskryf deur Desirée Botha,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-groot-fout +the-big-mistake,"Yayilusuku olumnandi, olungaxakekanga ngasemlanjeni. Yonke into yayithe cwaka. Ingxolo ekuphela kwayo yayinguNtakazana etswitswizela phantsi logama wayecoca amazinyo kaMvubu amakhulu, amcaba. +  +UMvubu wayekonwabele ukuba amazinyo akhe acocwe. Wayelele intloko ingaphandle kwamanzi, umlomo ewuvule ng’a. Ilanga lalimfudumezile kwathi engazanga, wozela walala. Waphupha ngesicuku esikhulu sengca enencasa sidadela ngakuye, waza, ephupheni lakhe, waluma kakhulu waza waginya. +  +“Utye uNtakazana!” Ilizwi lamvusa uMvubu esoyika. Yayingomnye wemikholwane. Wawukhangeleka unomsindo kakhulu! Ubuso bawo obupinki babujika busiba bomvu! +  +“Umtyile uNtakazana,” wamemeza kwakhona, ekhomba uMvubu ngephiko lakhe. +  +“Andisoze!” uMvubu wazithethelela. “Nditya ingca, hayi iintakazana! Ngaphandle koko, uNtakazana ngumhlobo wam! Andinakuze ndimtye!” +  +“Ndikubonile! Ebecoca amazinyo akho, waza wena wamginya!” +  +UMvubu wakhumbula iphupha lakhe. Ngoku wayesoyika! Ingaba wayeginye umhlobo wakhe ngempazamo? Waza xa ephuma emanzini, weva isandi esiqhelekileyo sokutswitswiza. YayinguNtakazana! +  +UMvubu wabhekabheka macala onke ukubona ukuba uphi uNtakazana. Ekugqibeleni, waqonda ukuba isandi sasivela phakathi esiswini sakhe. Wayemginyile umhlobo wakhe! +  +“Uyabona? Ndikuxelele!” watsho uMkholwane. Umtyile uNtakazana!” +  +“Ndi… bendingajonganga ku…” wakhala uMvubu. “Kufuneka simhlangule. Kufuneka simkhuphe esiswini sam!” +  +Ngeli xesha zonke izilwanyana ezihlala ngasemlanjeni zasezisondele ukuzokuqonda ukuba kwakusenzeka ntoni na. Zonke zaqala ukuza namacebo. +  +“Masithumele iintlanzi ezincinci zihle ziye esiswini sakho. Zingakhokela indlela ukuze uNtakazana adade aphume,” watsho uNkawu. Kodwa zakuva oku, zonke iintlanzi ezincinci zadada zemka. +  +“Singasebenzisa elinye lamazinyo am ukusika sivule isisu sakho size sisindise uNtakazana,” wacebisa uNgonyama. UMvubu zange acinge ukuba ngumbono omhle lowo.! + +“Siza kuthini? UNtakazana akanakuhlala esiswini sam umphelo!” watsho uMvubu. Kodwa zange abe nakucinga amanye amacebo abhetele. Mhlawumbi angasuka avumele uNgonyama asike avule isisu sakhe aze akhuphe uNtakazana. Wayesecicini lokuvumela oku xa uSikhova omdala weza kumhlangula. +  +“Thobani umoya, nonke,” watsho uSikhova. Bonke baphulaphula. “Ndiphatheleni usiba olukhulu,” wayalela. +  +Ngokukhawuleza, enye yeentaka yabhabha yehlela apho uMkholwane wayemi khona yaza yabuya nale nto wayeyifunile uSikhova. +  +“Kwaza kwakuhle!” watsho uSikhova njengoko wayebhabhela emhlabeni phambi koMvubu. “Ngoku khamisa kangangoko unakho, ndaye ndiza kugwencela ndingene!” watsho. +  +“Musa ukuyenza loo nto! Uza kukutya nawe!” walumkisa uNkawu. +  +“Hayi, khawuthule!” uSikhova wabaxelela. Kodwa ngokuzola wathi kuMvubu, “Ungakhe ulinge! Nokuba wenza ntoni na, ungawuvali umlomo wakho logama ndiphaya!” +  +USikhova wagwencela wangena kwimihlathi emikhulu neyoyikekayo kaMvubu! Waza waqala ukunyumbaza umqala kaMvubu ngokuthambileyo ngosiba. Ekuqaleni kwamgigithekisa uMvubu, kodwa ngesaquphe … +  +“Ghorho … gorho …gorhooooo!” wakhohlela uMvubu, waza uSikhova noNtakazana baphuma ngomlomo bebhabha! Bobabini babevuza ngamathe kaMvubu. UNtakazana wamanga uSikhova waza wakhawuleza waya kwanga noMvubu. + +“Ndicela uxolo kakhulu!” watsho uMvubu. +  +“Musa ukuva kakubi,” watsho uNtakazana. “Ngendikuvusile usakulala. Ndiyazi ukuba ubungenanjongo zoko. Ibiyimpazamo nje, yaye ngaphezu koko, ndiphile qete.” +  +UMvubu noNtakazana baguqukela kuSikhova owayexakekile ehlamba amaphiko akhe emlanjeni. “Enkosi Sikhova. Uze usincede kakhulu!” batsho. +  +“Kuhle ke!” watsho uSikhova, ehlamba amathe okugqibela kwiintsiba zakhe. “Ngoku ukuba wonke umntu angathi cwaka, ukuze ndingaphinde ndilale.” +  +USikhova wabhabhela kumngxuma womthi omkhulu owawulikhaya lakhe. Zonke ezinye izilwanyana zahamba zaya kwimisebenzi yazo. Ubuso bukaMkholwane baphindela kwibala labo lesiqhelo elipinki, kodwa wayesanikina intloko. +  +“Ntakandini emathileyo! Uyakutya kodwa nihlala nisengabahlobo,” wambombozela. Waza wabuyela endaweni yakhe, wema ngomlenze omnye waza walala. +  +“Ndicela uxolo kakhulu nyhani,” watsho kwakhona uMvubu kuNtakazana. “Ndiyaqonda ukuba awufuni kucoca amazinyo am kwakhona.” +  +“Kodwa kaloku uya kuqaqanjelwa ngamazinyo!” waphendula uNtakazana. “Sawuqinisekisa nje ukuba awulali logama ndiwacoca. Ngoku masihambe siye kukufunela ingca enencasa yokutya. Ndiqinisekile ukuba unokuba ulambile.” +  +Baza bahamba. +  +* Wakha wayenza impazamo enkulu? Kwenzeka ntoni, waye waziva njani ngayo loo nto? +* Kwenzeka ntoni ukuze uzive ubhetele emva koko? +* UNtakazana noMvubu babesengabahlobo nangona uMvubu wayephantse ukumtya uNtakazana. Ucinga ukuba kubalulekile ukubaxolela abanye ukuba bebenze impazamo? Kutheni usitsho nje?",xho,isiXhosa,Impazamo enkulu,"It was a nice, lazy day along the river. Everything was very quiet. The only noise was Little Bird chirping softly while he cleaned Hippo’s big, flat teeth. +  +Hippo was enjoying getting his teeth cleaned. He lay with his head out of ...",,Ibhalwe nguDesirée Botha,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/impazamo-enkulu +the-big-mistake,"Kwabe kuwusuku oluhle oluvilaphisayo nje uma ugudla osebeni lomfula. Yonke into yayithule ithe cwaka. Uwodwa umsindo owawuzwakala okwakungokaNyonencane owayetshiloza kancane ngesikhathi ehlanza amazinyo amakhulu ayisicaba kaMvubu. +  +UMvubu wayekuthokozela ukuhlanzwa amazinyo akhe. Wayelele ekhiphele ikhanda lakhe ngaphandle kwamanzi, umlomo wakhe ewukhamise uvuleke nge. Ilanga lalimfudumeza kwathi engazelele nje wayesezunywe ubuthongo. Waphupha ngesiqephu esikhulu sotshani obuconsisa amathe obabuntanta eduze nje kwakhe, kanti khona ephusheni lakhe, wabuluma utshani wabugwinya. +  +“Udle uNyonencane wena!” Izwi lavusa uMvubu ngokumethusa. Kwakungenye yezinyoni, okuthiwa ngomakholwase. Yayibukeka ithukuthele kakhulu! Ubuso bayo obuphinki base buphenduka buba bomvu! +  +“Udle uNyonencane,” imemeza futhi, ikhomba ngephiko layo kuMvubu. +  +“Angisoze!” kwasho uMvubu ezivikela. “Ngidla utshani, hhayi izinyoni ezincane! Ngaphandle kwalokho nje, uNyonencane wumngani wami! Angeke nje ngamudla!” +  +“Ngikubonile! Ubehlanza amazinyo akho, wena wase umgwinya!” +  +UMvubu walikhumbula iphupho lakhe. Manje wayeseshaywa wuvalo! Ingabe wayegwinye umngani wakhe ngephutha? Emva kwalokho, ngesikhathi etabuluka ephuma emfuleni, wezwa umsindo wokutshiloza ojwayelekile. Lowo kwabe kunguNyonencane! +  +UMvubu waqalaza yonke indawo ebheka ukuthi uNyonencane wayengakuphi. Ekugcineni, wezwa ukuthi lowo msindo wawuvela ngaphakathi esiswini sakhe. Wabe egwinye umngani wakhe! +  +“Uyabona-ke? Ngikutshelile!” kwasho uMkholwase. “Udle uNyonencane!” +  +“Be- ... bengingaqondile uku- ...” kwasho uMvubu ekhala, “Sidinga ukumkhipha otakwini. Kumele simkhiphe esiswini sami!” +  +Manje zonke izilwane ezihlala ngasosebeni lomfula zase zisondele ukuze zizothola ukuthi kwabe kwenzekani. Zaqala ukuza namasu athile. +  +“Masithumele izinhlanzi ezincane phakathi esiswini sakho. Zingahola uNyonencane ukuba abhukude aphume,” kwasho uNkawu. Kodwa zathi zingezwa lokhu, zonke izinhlanzi ezincane zavele zabhukuda zabaleka. +  +“Singasebenzisa elinye lamazinyo ami ukusika sivule isisu sakho bese siphephisa uNyonencane,” kwakuphakamisa uBhubesi. UMvubu wakubona kungelona isu elihle lokho! +  + +“Sizokwenzenjani? UNyonencane akakwazi ukuhlala esiswini sami ingunaphakade!” kwasho uMvubu. Kodwa wayengakwazi ukuqhamuka namasu angcono. Mhlawumbe kwakufanele avumele ukuthi uBhubesi asike avule isisu sakhe bese ekhipha uNyonencane. Wayesezolivuma leli su ngesikhathi uSikhova ohlakaniphile emsindisa. +  +“Yehlisani umoya nonke,” kwasho uSikhova. Zonke izilwane zalalela. “Ngitholeleni uphaphe olukhulu,” kulawula yena. +  +Ngokushesha, enye yezinyoni yandiza yehla yaya lapho kume khona uMakholwase maqede yabuya nalokho okwakucelwe nguSikhova. +  +“Kuhle-ke!” kwasho uSikhova ngesikhathi endiza ehlela phansi phambi kukaMvubu. “Manje vula umlomo kakhulu ngangokusemandleni akho, mina ngizongena ngaphakathi!” kwasho yena. +  +“Ungakwenzi lokho! Uzokudla nawe!” kuxwayisa uNkawu. +  +“Hhayi, thulani!” kwasho uSikhova. Kodwa wayesehleba ebhekise kuMvubu, “Kungangcono ungakwenzi lokho! Noma ngabe yini ongayenza, ungalinge uvale umlomo wakho ngesikhathi ngisephakathi!” +  +USikhova wangena phakathi kwemihlathi emikhulu neyesabekayo kaMvubu! Wayeseqala ukukitaza kancane umphimbo kaMvubu ngophaphe. Ekuqaleni lwenza ukuthi uMvubu agigitheke, kodwa ngemuva kwalokho ngokushesha... +  +“Oho...oho...hoooo!” kukhwehlela uMvubu, khona manjalo uSikhova noNyonencane baphuma bendiza emlonyeni kaMvubu! Bobabili babemanzi begcwele amathe emvubu. UNyonencane wawola uSikhova emuva kwalokho wayowola noMvubu. + +“Ngiyaxolisa kakhulu!” kwasho uMvubu. +  +“Ungaphatheki kabi,” kwasho uNyonencane. “Bekufanele ngikuvuse ngesikhathi ufikelwa wubuthongo. Ngiyazi ukuthi ubungaqondile. Bekuyiphutha nje, futhi ngaphandle kwalokho, ngiphile saka.” +  +UMvubu kanye noNyonencane baphenduka babheka uSikhova owayematasa egeza izimpiko zakhe emfuleni. “Ngiyabonga, Sikhova. Ave ulwenze lwaluhle usuku!” kwasho bona. +  +“Kubonga mina!” kwasho uSikhova, egeza izinsalela zokugcina zamathe ezabe zisezimpapheni zakhe. “Manje-ke, uma nonke ningake nithule du, ngingabuyela ekuzilaleleni.” +  +USikhova wandiza wabuyela engoxweni yesihlahla esikhulu okwakuyikhaya lakhe. Zonke ezinye izilwane zabuyela emisebenzini yazo. Ubuso bukaMkholwase babuyela embaleni wabo ojwayelekile ophinki, kodwa wayelokhu elinikine njalo ikhanda. +  +“Isithutha senyoni lesi! Uyakudla kodwa nisaqhubeka nibe ngabangani,” kungundaza yena. Emuva kwalokho wabuyela endaweni yakhe, wama ngomlenze owodwa maqede wazunywa wubuthongo. +  +“Ngiyaxolisa ngempela,” kwasho uMvubu kuNyonencane futhi. “Ngingaqonda uma ungasafuni ukuphinda uhlanze amazinyo ami futhi.” +  +“Kodwa manje amazinyo akho azonkenketha!” kwaphendula uNyonencane. “Sizokwenza nje isiqiniseko sokuthi awulali ngesikhathi ngenza lokho. Manje-ke ake sihambe sikutholele utshani obuconsisa amathe ozobudla. Ngikholwa ukuthi usulambile manje.” +  +Basuka lapho bahamba. +  +* Wake walenza iphutha elikhulu? Kwenzakalani, futhi wazizwa kanjani ngalokho? +* Yini eyenzekayo eyakwenza wazizwa ungcono ngemuva kwalokho? +* UNyonencane kanye noMvubu babesengabangani nakuba uMvubu wayecishe wadla uNyonencane. Ucabanga ukuthi kubalulekile ukuxolela abanye uma benze iphutha? Kungani usho kanjalo?",zul,isiZulu,Iphutha elikhulu,"It was a nice, lazy day along the river. Everything was very quiet. The only noise was Little Bird chirping softly while he cleaned Hippo’s big, flat teeth. +  +Hippo was enjoying getting his teeth cleaned. He lay with his head out of ...",,Ibhalwe nguDesirée Botha,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iphutha-elikhulu +the-big-mistake,"E ne e le letsatsi le monate, la boiketlo pela noka. Ho ne ho kgutsitse hohle. Modumo o utlwahalang feela e ne e le wa Nonyana e Nyane ha e ntse e kobola hanyane ha e hlwekisa meno a maholo, a sephara a Kubu. +  +Kubu o ne a natefetswe ke ho utlwa meno a hae a hlwekiswa. O ne a dutse moo ka hlooho ya hae e le ka ntle ho metsi, a ahlame haholo feela. Letsatsi le ne le mo futhumaditse ha monate hoo a ileng a iphumana a se a otsela mme a kgaleha. O ile a lora ho ena le jwang bo boholo bo monate bo phaphaletseng bo feta pela hae mona, mme torong ya hae, a bo loma haholo a ba a kwenya. +  +“O jele Nonyana e Nyane!” Lentswe la tsosa Kubu a ba a nyaroha. E ne e le e nngwe ya difolaminko. O ne a shebahala a halefile! Sefahleho sa hae se pinki se fetohile se le sefubedu! +  +“O jele Nonyana e Nyane,” a hoeletsa hape, a supile Kubu ka lepheo la hae. +  +“Le kgale!” Kubu a phea. “Nna ke ja jwang, e seng dinonyana tse nyane! Ho feta moo, Nonyana e Nyane ke motswalle wa ka! Nkeke ka mo ja le kgale!” +  +“Ke o bone! O ne a ntse a hlwekisa meno a hao, mme o mo kwentse!” +  +Kubu a hopola toro ya hae. Jwale o ne a se a tshohile! Na ebe o ne a kwentswe motswalle wa hae ka phoso? Yare ha a tswa ka metsing a noka, a utlwa modumo wa ho kobola o tlwaelehileng. E ne e le Nonyana e Nyane! +  +Kubu a qamaka hohle ho bona moo Nonyana e Nyane a leng teng. Qetellong, a elellwa hore modumo oo o tswa ka hara mpa ya hae. O ne a kwentswe motswalle wa hae! +  +“O a bona? Ke o bolelletse!” ha rialo Folaminko. “O jele Nonyana e Nyane!” +  +“Ke… ke ne ke sa ikemisetsa ho ... ” Kubu a bokolla, “Re lokela ho mo pholosa. Re tshwanetse re mo ntshe ka mpeng ya ka!” +  +Ka nako ena diphoofolo tsohle tse phelang pela noka di ne di se di atametse ho tla utlwa hore ho etsahalang. Tsa qala ho nahana maqheka a ho thusa. +  +“Ha re romelleng ditlhatswana ka hara mpa ya hao. Di ka thusa ho tataisa Nonyana e Nyane ho mmontsha tsela ya ho sesetsa ka ntle,” ha rialo Tshwene. Empa ha di utlwa sena, ditlhatswana tsohle tsa sesa ka potlako ho baleha moo. +  +“Re ka sebedisa le leng la meno a ka ho seha mpa ya hao re e bule mme re pholose Nonyana e Nyane,” Tau a etsa tlhahiso. Kubu ha a ka a utlwa eka ke mohopolo o motle oo! +  + +  +“Re tlo etsa jwang? Nonyana e Nyane a keke a dula a le ka mpeng ya ka molebe!” ha rialo Kubu. Empa ho ne ho se leqheka leo a le nahanang. Mohlomong o ne a lokela ho dumella Tau hore a sehe mpa ya hae mme a ntshe Nonyana e Nyane. O ne a se a re o a dumela, ha Sephoko se bohlale se fihla mme se mo pholosa. +  +“Mamelang, kaofela ha lona,” ha rialo Sephoko. Bohle ba mamela. “Mpatleleng lesiba le leholo,” a ba laela. +  +Ka potlako, e nngwe ya dinonyana ya fofela tlase moo Folaminko a emeng mme ya tla le seo Sephoko a se batlang. +  +“Ke hantle haholo!” ha rialo Sephoko se fofela fatshe ka pela Kubu. “Jwale, ahlama haholo kamoo o ka kgonang, mme ke tla kena ka hara lehano la hao! A rialo. +  +“O se ke wa etsa jwalo! O tla o kwenya le wena!” Tshwene a mo eletsa. +  +“Helang, tholang!” Sephoko sa ba jwetsa. Empa a bua ka bonolo le Kubu a re, “O se ke wa leka! Le ha o ka etsa eng, o se ke wa kwala molomo wa hao ha ke ntse ke le ka hare ka moo!” +  +Sephoko a kena kahara mehlare e meholo e tshosang ya Kubu! Yaba o qala ho tsikinyetsa qoqotho ya Kubu hanyane ka lesiba. Qalong seo se ile sa etsa hore Kubu a keketehe, empa hanghang … +  +“Kga...kga...kgaaaaa!” Kubu a kgohlela, mme Sephoko le Nonyana e Nyane ba tswa ba fofa molomong wa hae! Bobedi ba bona ba ne ba dutla mathe a kubu. Nonyana e Nyane a haka Sephoko mme ha a qeta a mathela ho ya haka le Kubu. +  + +“Ke maswabi haholo!” ha rialo Kubu. +  +“O se ke wa ikutlwela bohloko,” ha rialo Nonyana e Nyane “Ke ne ke tshwanetse ho o tsosa ha ke o bona o kgaleha. Ke a tseba hore ha o a etsa ka boomo. E ne e le phoso feela, mme ho feta moo, ke nna enwa ke phetse hantle.” +  +Kubu le Nonyana e Nyane ba sheba Sephoko ya neng a ntse a hlatswa mapheo a hae ka hara noka. “Re a leboha, Sephoko. O re pholositse kajeno!” ba rialo. +  +“Ke thabile!” ha rialo Sephoko, a hlatswa mathenyana a saletseng mapheong a hae. “Jwale, ha bohle ba ka kgutsa, hore ke kgone ho kgaleha hape.” +  +Sephoko a fofela ka hara sehlaha lesobeng le sefateng se seholo moo e neng e le lehae la hae. Diphoofolo tse ding kaofela tsa kgutlela moo di neng di etswa teng. Sefahleho sa Folaminko sa kgutlela ho mmalwa wa sona o pinki, empa o ne a ntse a sisinya hlooho ya hae. +  +“Sephoqo sa nonyana! O a o ja ha o qeta o ntse o ba motswalle wa hae,” a honotha. Yaba o kgutlela moo a neng a le teng, a ema ka leoto le le leng mme a kgaleha. +  +“Ke maswabi e le ka nnete,” ha rialo Kubu ho Nonyana e Nyane hape. “Ke a utlwisisa haeba o se o sa batle ho hlwekisa meno a ka hape.” +  +“Empa jwale o tla opelwa ke meno!” ha araba Nonyana e Nyane. “Re tla etsa bonnete ba hore ha o kgalehe ha ke ntse ke etsa jwalo. Jwale, ha re tsamaye re ilo batla jwang bo monate boo re ka bo jang. Ke kgolwa hore o lapile.” +  +Ke bale ba tsamaya mmoho. +  +* Na o kile wa etsa phoso e kgolo? Ho ne ho etsahetse eng, mme o ile wa ikutlwa jwang ka seo? +* Ho etsahetse eng se ileng sa o etsa hore o ikutlwe hantle kamora moo? +* Nonyana e Nyane le Kubu ba ile ba dula e ntse e le metswalle le ha Kubu a ne a batlile a eja Nonyana e Nyane. Na o nahana hore ho bohlokwa ho tshwarela ba bang ha ba entse phoso? Hobaneng o tjho jwalo?",sot,Sesotho,Phoso e kgolo,"It was a nice, lazy day along the river. Everything was very quiet. The only noise was Little Bird chirping softly while he cleaned Hippo’s big, flat teeth. +  +Hippo was enjoying getting his teeth cleaned. He lay with his head out of ...",,E ngotswe ke Desirée Botha,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phoso-e-kgolo +the-big-mistake,"E be e le letšatši le lebosana, la go iketla go bapa le noka. Go be go rile tuu. Lešata e be e le la Nonyana ye Nnyane fela e tswirinya ka boleta e le gare e hlwekiša meno a Kubu a magolo a mpepetla. +  +Kubu o be a ipshina ge meno a gagwe a hlwekišwa. O fegile hlogo ka ntle ga meetse, molomo wa gagwe o bulegile. O ile a tutetšwa ke letšatši gomme gateetee, a thoma go otsela. O lorile ka bjang bja todi bjo bogolo bo phaphasela kgauswi le yena, ka torong ya gagwe, a ngatha seripa se segolo gomme a se metša. +  +“O jele Nonyana ye Nnyane!” Lentšu la tsoša Kubu le go mo tšhoša. E be e le yo mongwe wa diflaminko. O be a bonala a befetšwe kudu! Sefahlego sa gagwe se sepinki se be se hwibila! +  +“O jele Nonyana ye Nnyane,” a goeletša gape, lephego la gagwe le šupa Kubu. +  +“Nka se dire seo!” Kubu a itšhireletša. “Ke ja bjang, e sego dinonyana tše dinnyane! Le gona, Nonyana ye Nnyane ke mogwera wa ka! Nka se mo je!” +  +“Ke go bone! O be a hlwekiša meno a gago, gomme o mo meditše!” +  +Kubu o ile a gopola toro ya gagwe. Bjale o be a tšhogile! O meditše mogwera wa gagwe ka phošo? Gomme, ge a etšwa ka nokeng, o kwele go tswirinya go a go tsebago. E be e le Nonyana ye Nnyane! +  +Kubu o ile a lealea a nyaka go bona gore Nonyana ye Nnyane e kae. Mafelelong, o lemogile gore sello se tšwa ka mpeng ya gagwe. O meditše mogwera wa gagwe! +  +“Wa bona? Ke go boditše!” a realo Flaminko. “O jele Nonyana ye Nnyane!” +  +“Ke ... ke be ke sa ikemišetša ...” Kubu a lla, “Re swanetše go mo phološa. Re swanetše go mo ntšha ka mpeng ya ka!” +  +Ga bjale diphoofolo tša go dula go bapa le noka di batametše go bona gore go direga eng. Di ile tša thoma go tla ka maano. +  +“A re romeleng dihlapi tše dinnyane ka mpeng ya gago. Di ka eta Nonyana ye Nnyane pele ge di rutha di tšwela ka ntle,” a realo Kgabo. Efela ge di ekwa se, dihlapi tše dinnyane ka moka di ile tša rutha tša subelela. +  +“Re ka bula mpa ya gago ka le lengwe la meno a ka ra phološa Nonyana ye Nnyane,” gwa šišinya Tau. Kubu ga se a nagana gore se ke kgopolo ye botse! +  + +  +“Re tla dira bjang? Nonyana ye Nnyane a ka se dule ka mpeng ya ka go ya go ile!” a realo Kubu. Efela o be a sa tle ka dikgopolo tše dikaone. Mo gongwe o swanetše go dumelela Tau a bule mpa ya gagwe a ntšhe Nonyana ye Nnyane. O be a le kgauswi le go dumela ge Leribiši la bohlale la go tšofala le etla ka hlakodišo. +  +“Iketleng, ba gešo,” a realo Leribiši. Bohle ba ile ba theeletša. “Ke nyaka lefofa le legolo,” a laela. +  +Ka pela pela, nonyane ye nngwe ya fofela fao Flaminko a bego a eme gona gomme ya boya le se se kgopetšwego ke Leribiši. +  +“Agaa!” a realo Leribiši a fofela tlase pele ga Kubu. “Bjale bula molomo wa gago kudu ka mo o ka kgonago, ke tlile go fofele ka gare!” a realo. +  +“O se dire seo! Le wena o tla go ja!” Kgabo a mo lemoša. +  +“Aowa, homola!” Leribiši a realo. Efela a re go Kubu ka boleta, “Go ka ba kaone ge o ka se dire seo! Go se sengwe le se sengwe se o ka se dirago, o seke wa tswalele molomo ke le ka kua gare!” +  +Leribiši o fofetše ka gare ga mehlagare ye megolo ya go tšhoša ya Kubu! O ile a tsikiditla mogolo wa Kubu ka lefofa ka boleta. Mathomong le dirile gore Kubu a sege, efela gateetee... +  +“Kga...kga...kgaaaaa!” Kubu a gohlola, gomme Leribiši le Nonyana ye Nnyane ba fofela ka ntle ga molomo wa gagwe! Bobedi bo be bo rotha mare a Kubu. Nonyana ye Nnyane o ile a gokara Leribiši a ba a ya go gokara Kubu. +  + +  +“Ke tloga ke le maswabi!” a realo Kubu. +  +“O se belaele,” a realo Nonyana ye Nnyane. “Ke be ke swanetše go go tsoša ge o be o swarwa ke boroko. Ke a tseba e be e se maikemišetšo a gago go dira se. E bile phošo fela, le gona, ke sa le gabotse.” +  +Kubu le Nonyana ye Nnyane ba retologela go Leribiši yo a bego a hlatswa maphego a gagwe nokeng. “Re a leboga, Leribiši. O rarolotše bothata!” ba realo. +  +“Ke a leboga!” a realo Leribiši, a hlatswa mare a mafelelo lephegong la gagwe. “Gona bjale, ge ka moka le ka homola, nka robala.” +  +Leribiši o ile a fofela phagong ya mohlare o mogolo ye e lego legae la gagwe. Diphoofolo ka moka di boetše mererong ya tšona. Sefahlego sa Flaminko se boetše sa ba se pinki, efela o be a sa šikinya hlogo. +  +“Nonyana ya setlaela! O be a go jele efela le sa le bagwera,” a realo. O boetše lefelong la gagwe, a ema ka leoto le letee gomme a swarwa ke boroko. +  +“Ke tloga ke le maswabi,” a realo Kubu go Nonyana ye Nnyane. “Ge o sa nyake go hlwekiša meno a ka gape, ke tla kwešiša.” +  +“Efela leino la gago le tlo ba bohloko!” gwa araba Nonyana ye Nnyane. “Re tla kgonthiša gore ga o swarwe ke boroko ge ke a hlwekiša. Bjale areye go nyaka bjang bja todi gore o je. O swanetše go ba o swerwe ke tlala.” +  +Gomme ba sepela. +  +* Naa o ile wa dira phošo ye kgolo? Go diregile eng, gomme o ikwele bjang ka seo? +* Go diregile eng gore o ikwe bokaone ka morago? +* Nonyana ye Nnyane le Kubu e be e sa le bagwera le ge e le gore Kubu o nyakile go ja Nonyana ye Nnyane. O nagana gore go bohlokwa go swarela batho ba bangwe ge ba dirile phošo? Ke ka lebaka la eng o realo?",nso,Sepedi,Phošo ye kgolo,"It was a nice, lazy day along the river. Everything was very quiet. The only noise was Little Bird chirping softly while he cleaned Hippo’s big, flat teeth. +  +Hippo was enjoying getting his teeth cleaned. He lay with his head out of ...",,Mongwadi ke Desirée Botha,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phošo-ye-kgolo +the-big-mistake,"E ne e letsatsi le lentle, la boiketlo gaufi le noka. Go ne go rena tidimalo. Go utlwala fela modumo wa Nonyane e Nnye e opela ka molodi o o lapolosang, e ntse e phepafatsa meno a Kubu a magolo a a phaphathi. +  +Kubu e ne e itumeletse gore meno a yona a a phepafadiwa. A rapaladitse tlhogo mo godimo ga metsi, a atlhamesitse molomo. Marang a letsatsi a mo thuthafatsa mme e rile a ntse a iketlile a tshwarwa ke boroko. A lora ka tshimo e e bongola ya bojang jo bo lepelelang gaufi le ene, mme mo borokong jwa gagwe, a fula bojang a bo metsa. +  +“O jele Nonyane e Nnye!” Lentswe la tsosa Kubu ka letshogo. E ne e le nngwe ya megolodi. O ne a lebega a šakgetse! Sefatlhego sa gagwe se se pinki se fetogile se le sehibidu. +  +“O jele Nonyane e Nnye,” a goa gape a lebisitse phuka ya gagwe kwa go Kubu. +�� +“Ga nkitla ke dira jalo!” Kubu a ikarabela jalo. “Ke ja bojang, e seng dinonyane tse dinnye! Kwa ntle ga foo, Nonyane e Nnye ke tsala ya me! Ga nkitla ke mo ja!” +  +“Ke go bone! O ne a phepafatsa meno a gago, mme o mo komeditse!” +  +Kubu a gakologelwa toro ya gagwe. Jaanong o ne a tshogile! A o ka bo a meditse tsala ya gagwe ka phoso?” Jaanong e rile a tswa mo nokeng, a utlwa molodi wa nonyane. E ne e le Nonyane e Nnye! +  +Kubu a leba mo matlhakoreng otlhe go bona gore Nonyane e Nnye e kae. Kwa bokhutlong, a lemoga gore modumo o ne o tswa mo mpeng ya gagwe. O ne a meditse tsala ya gagwe! +  +“O a bona? Ke go boleletse!” ga bua Mogolodi “O jele Nonyane e Nnye!” +  +“Ga ke a … ga ke a dira ka bona…” Kubu a bua a lela. “Re tshwanetse go mo pholosa. Re tshwanetse go mo ntsha mo mpeng ya me!” +  +Ka nako e diphologolo tsotlhe tse di nnang gaufi le noka tsa atamela gore di tlhaloganye se se diragetseng. Tsa simolola go loga maano. +  +“A re tsenyeng ditlhapi tse dinnye mo mpeng ya gago. Di ka thusa go bontsha Nonyane e Nnye tsela ya gore a kgone go thuma go tswa mo mpeng,” ga bua Tshwene. Fela e rile ba utlwa se, ditlhaphi tse dinnye tsa ngwega. +  +“Re ka dirisa lengwe la meno a me go sega mpa ya gago le go falosa Nonyane e Nnye,” ga tshitshinya Tau. Kubu a se ka a akanya gore se ga se mogopolo o montle. +  + +  +“Re tlile go dira eng? Nonyane e Nnye a ka se nne mo mpeng ya me go ya go ile!” ga bua Kubu. Fela o ne a se na leano le le botoka. Gongwe a ka letla Tau go sega mpa gore a kgone go ntsha Nonyane e Nnye. O ne a le gaufi le go dumela gore a segiwe mpa fa Morubisi yo o botlhale wa tlhogoputswa a tla ka leano. +  +“Ritibatsang maikutlo, lotlhe fela,” ga bua Morubisi. Botlhe ba mo adima ditsebe. “Ntlisetseng lefofa le legolo,” a ba laela jalo. +  +Ka bonako, nngwe ya dinonyane ya fofela kwa tlase kwa Mogolodi a neng a ntse teng mme a tlisa se Morubisi a neng a se tlhoka. +  +“Gontle tota!” ga bua Morubisi a tsurama fa fatshe gaufi le Kubu. “Jaanong bula molomo wa gago thata ka mo o ka kgonang, mme ke tlile go palama ka fa gare!” a rialo. +  +“O seke wa dira jalo! O tlile go go ja le wena! Tshwene ya mo kgalema. +  +“Wena tswala molomo!” Morubusi wa tlhogoputswa a bua. Fela a re ka bonolo go Kubu, “O ka dira ka mo itseng, fela o seke wa bo wa leka go tswala molomo ke santse ke le mo mpeng ya gago!” +  +Morubisi a palama ka fa gare ga motlhagare o motona o o tshosang wa Kubu! Fa a dira jaana a tsikitla mometso wa ga Kubu go le gonnye ka lefofa. Kwa tshimologong Kubu a tshega, fela ka tshoganyetso… +  +“Gha...gha...ghaaaaa!” Kubu a gotlhola, mme Morubusi le Nonyane e Nnye tsa tswa di fofa go tswa mo molomong wa gagwe! Bobedi jwa tsona di elela mathe a Kubu. Nonyane e Nnye ya atlarela Morubusi mme a taboga a ya go atlarela le Kubu. +  + +  +“Ke kopa maitshwarelo!” ga bua Kubu. +  +“O se ke wa utlwa botlhoko,” ga bua Nonyane e Nnye. “Nkabo ke go tsositse fa o robala. Ke a itse gore e ne e se maikaelelo a gago go nkometsa. E ne e le phoso, le gone, kla sentle.” +  +Kubu le Nonyane e Nnye ba leba Morubusi yo o neng a tlhapa diphuka mo nokeng. “Ke a leboga, Morubisi. O re ntshitse mo sepitleng!” ba rialo. +  +“Le nna pelo ya me e tshweu!” ga bua Morubisi, a feleletsa go tlhapa mathe a bofelo mo diphukeng tsa gagwe. “Jaanong fa go ka nna tidimalo, nka boela ka robola gape.” +  +Morubisi a fofela mo mosimeng wa setlhare se segolo se e neng e le legae la gagwe. Diphologolo tsotlhe tsa ya go tswelela ka ditiro tsa tsona tsa letsatsi le letsatsi. Sefatlhego sa Mogolodi sa boela kwa mmaleng wa sona wa tlwaelo o mopinki, fela o ne a santse a tshikinya tlhogo. +  +“Sematla sa nonyane! O a go ja mme o tswelela go nna tsala ya gagwe,” a bua jalo. Jaanong a boela mo lefelong le a neng a dutse mo go lona, a ema ka leoto le le losi mme a tshwarwa ke boroko. +  +“Ruri ke santse ke kopa maitshwarelo,” Kubu a bolelela Nonyane e Nnye gape. “E bile ke tlaa tlhaloganya fa o ka se tlhole o phepafatsa meno a me gape.” +  +“Fela meno a gago a tlaa nna botlhoko!” ga araba Nonyane e Nnye. “Re tla netefatsa gore ga o tshwarwe ke boroko fa ke phepafatsa meno a gago. Jaanong a re ye go go batlela bojang jo bo matute o tle o je. Ke dumela gore o tshwerwe ke tlala. +  +Ba bo ba tsamaya. +  +* A o kile wa dira phoso e kgolo? Go diragetse eng, o ne wa ikutlwa jang ka yona? +* Ke eng se se diragetseng gore o ikutlwe botoka morago ga fa? +* Nonyane e Nnye le Kubu e ne e le ditsala le fa e le gore Kubu o batlile go ja Nonyane e Nnye. A o akanya gore go botlhokwa go itshwarela batho ba bangwe fa ba dirile phoso? Goreng o rialo?",tsn,Setswana,Phoso e kgolo,"It was a nice, lazy day along the river. Everything was very quiet. The only noise was Little Bird chirping softly while he cleaned Hippo’s big, flat teeth. +  +Hippo was enjoying getting his teeth cleaned. He lay with his head out of ...",,E kwadilwe ke Desiree Botha,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phoso-e-kgolo-1 +the-big-mistake,"A ku ri siku ra kahle, ro lolohisa ku nava ni nambu. Swilo hinkswaswo a swi miyerile. Huwa ntsena a ku ri ya N’waxinyenyani loyi a yimbelela hi rito ra le hansi swinene loko a ri karhi a basisa meno lamakulu, ya swiphepherhele ya N’wampfuvu. +  +N’wampfuvu a tiphina hi ku basisiwa meno. A etlele a humesile na nhloko ematini, na nomo wa yena wu pfulekile swinene. Dyambu a ri n’wi kufumeta kutani loko a nga se swi lemuka, a byi ri karhi byi phaha. A lorha hi banyi lebyi abyi papamala kwala kusuhi na yena kutani, emilorhweni ya yena, a khatlula a khojeta. +  +“U dyile N’waxinyenyani!” Rito ri pfuxa N’wampfuvu hi xitshuketa. A ku ri yin’wana ya micololwani. A languteka a hlundzukile swinene! Xikandza xa yena xa pinki a xi hundzukile xo tshwuka! +  +“U dyile N’waxinyenyani,” a huwelela nakambe, a ri karhi a kombetela N’wampfuvu hi ripiku ra yena. +  +“Ndzi nge swi endli!” N’wampfuvu a tiyimelela.” Mina ndzi dya byanyi, ku nga ri swinyenyani! Handlekaswona, N’waxinyenyani i munghana wa mina! A ndzi nge n’wi dyi!” +  +“Ndzi ku vonile! A ri karhi a basisa meno ya wena, kutani wena u n’wi mita!” +  +N’wampfuvu a tsundzuka norho wa yona. Sweswi a tela hi ku chava! Xana a nga va a mitile munghana wa yena hi xihoxo? Kutani, loko a ri karhi a huma ematini, a twa mpfumawulo wa ku yimbelela. A ku ri N’waxinyenyani! +  +N’wampfuvu u langutile hinkwako ku vona laha N’waxinyenyani a nga va a ri kona. Ekuheteleleni, a lemuka leswaku mpfumawulo wu huma endzeni ka khwiri ra yena. A mitile munghana wa yena! +  +“Wa swi vona? Ndzi ku byerile!” ku vula N’wancololwani. “U dyile N’waxinyenyani!” +  +“A … a ndzi nga lavi ku n’wi …” N’wampfuvu a rila, “Hi fanele hi n’wi ponisa. Hi fanele hi n’wi humesa ekhwirini ra mina!” +  +Hi nkarhi lowu swiharhi hinkwaswo leswi a swi tshama ku nava na nambu a swi tile kwala kusuhi ku ta twisisa leswi nga humelela. Va sungurile ku ta na makungu. +  +“A hi rhumeni swihlampfani endzeni ka khwiri ra wena. Swi ta rhangela N’waxinyenyani ndlela leswaku a kota ku hlambela a huma,” ku vula N’wamfenhe. Kambe ku twa leswi, swihlampfani hinkwaswo swi baleka swi hlambela swi ya ekule. +  +“Hi nga tirhisa rin’we ra meno ya mina ku panda khwiri ra wena leswaku hi ponisa N’waxinyenyani,” ku ringanyeta N’wanghala. N’wampfuvu a nga yi voni yi ri mianakanyo ya kahle! +  + +“Xana hi ta endla yini? N’waxinyenyani a nga fanelanga ku tshama ekhwirini ra mina hilaha ku nga heriki!” ku vula N’wampfuvu. Kambe a ri hava mianakanyo yo antswa. Kumbe a pfumelela N’wanghala ku tsema khwiri ra yena kutani va humesa N’waxinyenyani. A ri ekusuhi na ku pfumela loko N’waxikhovha lowa vutlharhi a ta fika ku ta n’wi ponisa. +  +“Tshamisekani, hinkwenu,” ku vula N’waxikhovha. Hinkwavo va yingisela. “Ndzi kumeleni risiva lerikulu,” a lerisa. +  +Hi xihatla, xin’wana xa swinyenyani xi hahela laha N’wancololwani a yimile kona kutani xi yisa leswi N’waxikhovha a nga swi kombela. +  +“U tirhile!” ku vula N’waxikhovha loko a ri karhi a hahela ehansi emahlweni ka N’wampfuvu. “Sweswi pfula nomo wa wena hilaha u nga kotaka hakona, hikuva ndzi ya tlulela endzeni ka wona!” a vula. +  +“U nga endli sweswo! U ta ku dya na wena!” ku tshinya N’wamfenhe. +  +“Heyii, miyela!” N’waxikhovha a va byela. Kambe hi rito ra le hansi a ku eka N’wampfuvu, “U nga swi endli sweswo! Eka hinkwaswo leswi u nga swi endlaka, u nga pfali nomo wa wena loko ndzi ri le ndzeni!” +  +“N’waxikhovha a tlulela endzeni ka tihlanya ta N’wampfuvu letikulu leto chavisa! Kutani hi ku olova a sungula ku dikida nkolo wa N’wampfuvu hi risiva. Rosungula swi endle N’wampfuvu a hlekelela, kambe hi nkarhinyana … +  +“Khohlo… khohlo… khohlooooo!” N’wampfuvu u khohlorile, N’waxikhovha na N’waxinyenyani va huma va ri karhi va haha kusuka enon’weni wa N’wampfuvu! Havumbirhi a va lo ribya hi marha ya N’wampfuvu. N’waxinyenyani u vukarhile N’waxikhovha kutani va tsutsuma va ya vukarha N’wampfuvu na yena. +  + +  +“Ndzi khomeli!” ku vula N’wampfuvu. +  +“U nga tivoni nandzu,” ku vula N’waxinyenyani. “A ndzi fanele ndzi ku pfuxile loko u khudzehela. Ndza swi tiva leswaku a wu nga lavi ku endla tano. A ku ri xihoxo, naswona, ndzi kahle swinene.” +  +N’wampfuvu na N’waxinyenyani va jikile va languta N’waxikhovha loyi a ri karhi a hlantswa tipiku ta yena enambyeni. “Ha khensa, N’waxikhova. U hi endlele siku!” va vula. +  +“Ku khensa mina!” ku vula N’waxikhovha, a ri karhi a hlantswa swimarhani leswi a swi ri kona etinsiveni. “Sweswi, loko hinkwenu mo miyela, ndzi nga kota ku tlhelela eku etleleni.” +  +N’waxikhovha u hahele ebakweni ra le nsinyeni lowukulu laha a ku ri kaya ra yena. Swiharhi leswin’wani hinkwaswo swi tlhelele ku ya endla leswi a swi endla swona. Xikandza xa N’wancololwani xi tlhelele eka muhlovo wa xona wa ntolovelo wa pinki, kambe a ha dzungudza nhloko. +  +“Xinyenyani lexo phunta! Wa ku dya kambe ma ha ri vanghana,” a n’wunun’wuta. Kutani a tlhelela endhawini ya yena, a yima hi nenge wun’we a khoma hi vurhongo. +  +“Ndza tisola swinene,” ku vula N’wampfuvu eka N’waxinyenyani nakambe. “Ndza swi twisisa loko u nga ha swi lavi ku basisa meno ya mina nakambe.” +  +“Kambe meno ya wena ya ta pandza!” ku hlamula N’waxinyenyani. “Hi ta tiyisisa leswaku a wu etleli loko ndzi endla tano. Sweswi a hi fambi hi ya ku kumela byanyi lebyo nyanganya leswaku u ta dya. Ndza tshemba leswaku ti whayini.” +  +Hiloko va khoma ndlela va famba. +  +* Xana u tshama u endla xihoxo lexikulu? Xana ku humelele yini, naswona u titwise kuyini hiswona? +* Xana ku humelele yini lexi nga endla leswaku u titwa u antswa endzhaku ka swona? +* N’waxinyenyani na N’wampfuvu a va ha ri vanghana hambileswi N’wampfuvu a ri ekusuhi no dya N’waxinyenyani. Xana u anakanya leswaku swi na nkoka ku rivalela van’wana loko va endlile xihoxo? Hikwalahokayini u vula tano?",tso,Xitsonga,Xihoxo lexikulu,"It was a nice, lazy day along the river. Everything was very quiet. The only noise was Little Bird chirping softly while he cleaned Hippo’s big, flat teeth. +  +Hippo was enjoying getting his teeth cleaned. He lay with his head out of ...",,Mutsari i Desirée Botha,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/xihoxo-lexikulu +sefako-and-the-singing-crocodile,"Many years ago, in a faraway village, there lived a beautiful girl called Sefako. Sefako stole the hearts of many men in the village. They would write poems and songs praising her beauty. But Sefako was not interested in marrying any of them, and this made her father angry because he thought it was time for his daughter to settle down. +What Sefako did not know was that she had an unusual secret admirer! And this secret admirer was the crocodile who lived at the river where she fetched water. Every day, a few hours before sunset, Sefako would walk down to the river with her clay pot to fetch water for the evening meal. +Sefako had a habit of taking a short nap under her favourite tree after drawing water from the river. The crocodile often hid in the water watching her sleep. He longed to speak to her but had no idea as to how he could get her attention without scaring her. +One day, the crocodile found the courage to come closer to Sefako after she had fallen sleep. The lovestruck crocodile was so happy to be near Sefako that he started singing about his love for her. +  + +  +Sefako heard the beautiful song and turned in her sleep, thinking that she had to be dreaming. The crocodile did not want Sefako to wake up and see him, so he slid back into the river quickly. +This happened again the next day … and the next … and the next. Sefako would hear the crocodile singing to her in her sleep but when she woke up, there was no one around. She only heard the gentle rustling of the leaves and the cattle bellowing far away. +The singing moved her heart, and Sefako wanted to see the singer more and more. So Sefako began to search for the mysterious voice among the reeds, trees and grass but she found no one. +One day, Sefako decided she would not search for the mysterious singer any longer. Instead, she planned to catch the owner of the beautiful voice! +Sefako collected water from the river as usual and went to lie down under her favourite tree pretending to sleep. As usual, the lovesick crocodile crawled out of the river to sing to her. +When Sefako heard the beautiful voice, she opened her eyes quickly and found herself gazing into the eyes of … A CROCODILE! +Sefako was very scared! Quickly, she leapt to her feet, knocking over her clay pot and spilling all the water on the ground. Then she started to run up the bank but, unfortunately, tripped over a rock and fell, hitting the ground with a heavy thud. The lovesick crocodile, who had followed her, stood nearby watching her. As he crawled closer, Sefako froze with fear. +“Don’t be afraid,” said the crocodile gently. “I have watched you sleeping under that tree for so many days, but I have not hurt you. Why would I eat you now?” Then the crocodile started to sing a soothing song that instantly warmed Sefako’s heart. +  +No longer afraid, the beautiful girl sat up and listened to the voice that she was growing to love. +  +After that, Sefako would rush down to the river to meet the singing crocodile every evening, and after a while, she decided that she wanted to marry him. +  +Eventually, she found the courage to tell her father. +  +Sefako’s father was not pleased at all! “Does this crocodile of yours have any cattle to pay your dowry?” he asked angrily. “Will he be able to give you children and build a home for you?” +  +Even though Sefako’s father did not approve of her marrying the crocodile, her feelings did not change. When her father realised that his daughter was not going to change her mind, he locked her up in one of the village huts. Every day at midday, he would bring her food and check on her. +  +But one day Sefako’s father forgot to lock the hut’s door. Sefako waited a while to make sure it was safe before she opened the door and quickly ran down to the river. +  +As soon as she got there, Sefako called out, “Crocodile, Crocodile, it’s me, Sefako!” The crocodile, who had been looking for her desperately for many days, rose from under the water to greet her. +  +The next day, Sefako’s father discovered that she was missing, and he was furious! Filled with anger, he grabbed a thick stick and followed his daughter’s footprints to the river. He was determined to stop his daughter from marrying the crocodile. +  +When he reached the banks of the river, he saw Sefako swimming in the river with the crocodile beside her. +  +“Sefako, Sefako,” he called. “Come back here immediately! You may not marry that crocodile.” +  + +  +Sefako turned her head and waved to her father before swimming away with the crocodile. The troubled father watched helplessly as his daughter and the crocodile disappeared under the water. +  +Some time later, Sefako returned to visit her village. Her father’s heart was filled with joy to see her. He had missed her so much, and in that moment, he knew what he had to do. +  +“Welcome, welcome, both of you,” he said, running to greet Sefako and the crocodile. And then he turned to the crocodile and said, “Welcome to our family.” +  +* Sefako falls in love with a crocodile. Do you think it is possible to love a crocodile? Why or why not? +* If you could have any animal for a friend, which animal would you choose, and why? +* Draw your favourite animal. Write a song or poem about your animal.",eng,English,Sefako and the singing crocodile,"Many years ago, in a faraway village, there lived a beautiful girl called Sefako. Sefako stole the hearts of many men in the village. They would write poems and songs praising her beauty. But Sefako was not interested in marrying any of them, and ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Written by Rudo Mungoshi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sefako-and-the-singing-crocodile +sefako-and-the-singing-crocodile,"Lank, lank gelede in ’n dorpie ver hiervandaan het daar ’n pragtige meisie met die naam Sefako gewoon. Sefako het al die mans in die dorpie se harte gesteel. Hulle het gedigte en liedjies oor haar skoonheid geskryf. Maar Sefako het nie belanggestel om met enige van hulle te trou nie, en dit het haar pa kwaad gemaak, want hy het gedink dit is tyd dat sy dogter trou. +Wat Sefako nie geweet het nie, is dat sy ’n ongewone geheime bewonderaar het! En hierdie geheime bewonderaar is die krokodil wat by die rivier bly waar sy gaan water haal. Elke dag stap Sefako ’n paar uur voor die son ondergaan met haar kleipot rivier toe om vir aandete te gaan water haal. +Sefako het die gewoonte om ’n rukkie onder haar gunstelingboom te dut nadat sy water uit die rivier gaan haal het. Die krokodil kruip dikwels in die water weg en kyk na haar terwyl sy slaap. Hy wil so graag met haar praat, maar hy weet glad nie hoe hy haar aandag kan trek sonder om haar bang te maak nie. +Op ’n dag skraap die krokodil die moed bymekaar en kom nader aan Sefako nadat sy aan die slaap geraak het. Die verliefde krokodil is so bly om naby Sefako te wees dat hy oor sy liefde vir haar begin sing. +  + +  +Sefako hoor die wonderskone liedjie, draai in haar slaap om en dink dat sy seker droom. Die krokodil wil nie hê Sefako moet hom sien wanneer sy wakker word nie en daarom gly hy vinnig terug in die rivier in. +Die volgende dag gebeur dit weer … en die dag daarna … en die dag daarna. Sefako hoor in haar slaap hoe die krokodil vir haar sing, maar wanneer sy wakker word, is daar niemand nie. Sy hoor net die sagte geritsel van die blare en die beeste wat doer anderkant bulk. +Die sang roer haar hartsnare, en Sefako dink al hoe meer aan hoe graag sy die sanger wil sien. Sefako begin toe tussen die riete, bome en gras na die raaiselagtige stem soek, maar sy vind niemand nie. +Eendag besluit Sefako dat sy nie langer na die raaiselagtige sanger gaan soek nie. Sy beplan eerder om die een aan wie die pragtige stem behoort, te vang! +Sefako gaan haal soos gewoonlik water by die rivier en gaan lê onder haar gunstelingboom en maak of sy slaap. Soos gewoonlik kruip die verliefde krokodil uit die rivier en begin vir haar sing. +Toe Sefako die pragtige stem hoor, maak sy haar oë vinnig oop en sien dat sy in die oë staar van … ’N KROKODIL! +Sefako is baie bang! Sy skop haar kleipot om toe sy vinnig opspring, en al die water mors op die grond uit. Toe begin sy teen die rivierwal op hardloop, maar ongelukkig struikel sy oor ’n rots en val met ’n harde slag op die grond neer. Die verliefde krokodil, wat haar gevolg het, staan daar naby en kyk na haar. Toe hy nader kom, verstar Sefako van vrees. +“Moenie bang wees nie,” sê die krokodil saggies. “Ek kyk al baie dae lank hoe jy onder daardie boom lê en slaap en ek het jou nog nie seergemaak nie. Hoekom sal ek jou nou wil opeet?” Toe sing die krokodil ’n strelende lied wat Sefako se hart onmiddellik laat smelt. +Noudat sy nie meer bang is nie, sit die beeldskone meisie regop en luister na die stem wat sy begin liefkry. +Daarna gaan Sefako elke aand rivier toe om die singende krokodil te ontmoet, en ná ’n rukkie besluit sy dat sy met hom wil trou. +Uiteindelik skraap sy die moed bymekaar om vir haar pa te vertel. +  +Sefako se pa is glad nie ingenome hiermee nie! “Het hierdie krokodil van jou enige beeste om jou bruidskat te betaal?” vra hy briesend. “Sal hy vir jou kinders kan gee en vir jou ’n huis kan bou?” +  +Al wil Sefako se pa nie hê dat sy met die krokodil moet trou nie, verander haar gevoelens nie. Toe haar pa besef sy dogter gaan nie van plan verander nie, sluit hy haar in een van die hutte in die dorp toe. Hy bring elke dag vir haar middagete en kyk hoe dit met haar gaan. +  +Maar op ’n dag vergeet Sefako se pa om die hut se deur te sluit. Sefako wag ’n rukkie om seker te maak dat dit veilig is voor sy die deur oopmaak en vinnig rivier toe hardloop. +  +Toe sy daar aankom, roep Sefako: “Krokodil, Krokodil, dis ek, Sefako!” Die krokodil, wat al dae lank desperaat na haar soek, kom van onder die water te voorskyn om haar te groet. +  +Die volgende dag ontdek Sefako se pa dat sy weg is, en hy is woedend! Blind van woede gryp hy ’n dik stok en volg sy dogter se voetspore tot by die rivier. Hy is vasbeslote om te keer dat sy dogter met die krokodil trou. +  +Toe hy by die rivieroewer aankom, sien hy Sefako in die rivier swem, met die krokodil langs haar. +  +“Sefako, Sefako,” roep hy. “Kom onmiddellik terug! Jy mag nie met daardie krokodil trou nie.” + +  +Sefako kyk om en wuif vir haar pa voordat sy saam met die krokodil wegswem. Die besorgde pa kyk hulpeloos toe terwyl sy dogter en die krokodil onder die water verdwyn. +  +’n Ruk later keer Sefako na die dorpie terug om te kom kuier. Haar pa is oorstelp van vreugde om haar te sien. Hy het baie na haar verlang, en op daardie oomblik weet hy wat hy moet doen. +  +“Welkom, welkom, albei van julle,” sê hy en hardloop om Sefako en die krokodil te groet. En dan draai hy na die krokodil en sê: “Welkom in ons familie.” +  +* Sefako raak verlief op ’n krokodil. Dink jy dit is moontlik om vir ’n krokodil lief te wees? Hoekom of hoekom nie? +* As jy enige dier as ’n maat kon hê, watter dier sou jy kies, en hoekom? +* Teken jou gunstelingdier. Skryf ’n liedjie of gedig oor jou dier.",afr,Afrikaans,Sefako and the singing crocodile,"Many years ago, in a faraway village, there lived a beautiful girl called Sefako. Sefako stole the hearts of many men in the village. They would write poems and songs praising her beauty. But Sefako was not interested in marrying any of them, and ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Geskryf deur Rudo Mungoshi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sefako-and-the-singing-crocodile-0 +sefako-and-the-singing-crocodile,"Kwiminyaka emininzi eyadlulayo, kwisixeko esikude kakhulu, kwakuhlala intombazana entle egama linguSefako. USefako wayexhiphule umxhelo wabafana abaninzi esixekweni. Babebhala imihobe neengoma bencoma ubuhle bakhe. Kodwa uSefako wayengenamdla wokutshata namnye kubo, yaye oku kwakumcaphukisa utata wakhe kuba wayecinga ukuba yayilixesha lokuba intombi yakhe izinze. +Into awayengayazi uSefako yayikukuba wayenento engaqhelekanga eyayimbuka! Yaye le nto yayimbuka emfihlekweni yayiyingwenya eyayihlala emlanjeni apho wayesikha khona amanzi. Yonke imihla, iiyure nje ezimbalwa phambi kokuba litshone ilanga, uSefako wayesihla aye emlanjeni nomphanda wakhe wodongwe ayokukha amanzi ekhelela isidlo sangokuhlwa. +USefako wayenesiqhelo sokulala nje umzuzwana phantsi komthi awayewuthanda kakhulu emva kokuba ekhe amanzi emlanjeni. Ingwenya yayisoloko izimela emanzini imbukele elele. Yayinqwenela ukuthetha naye kodwa yayingazi ukuba ingalutsala njani uhoyo lwakhe ingamoyikisanga. +Ngenye imini ingwenya yafumana isibindi sokusondela kuSefako emva kokuba elele. Ingwenya eyayisifa luthando yayonwabe kakhulu kukuba kufutshane noSefako yaza yaqalisa ukucula ngothando lwayo kuye. + +  +USefako wayiva ingoma emnandi waza waguquka esebuthongweni, ecinga ukuba unokuba wayephupha. Ingwenya yayingafuni ukuba uSefako avuke ayibone, yaza yatshebeleza yabuyela emlanjeni ngokukhawuleza. +Oku kwenzeka kwakhona ngosuku olulandelayo … nolulandelayo … nolulandelayo. USefako wayeyiva ingwenya imculela esebuthongweni, kodwa athi akuvuka, kungabikho mntu ubonakalayo. Into ekuphela kwawayeyiva kukurhashaza ngokuzolileyo kwamagqabi kwakunye neenkomo zikhala zikude. +Ukucula kwayichukumisa intliziyo yakhe, waza uSefako wafuna ukumbona ngakumbi nangakumbi lo mntu uculayo. Ngoko ke uSefako waqalisa ukukhangela ilizwi elifihlakeleyo phakathi kweengcongolo, imithi nengca kodwa akafumana mntu. +Ngenye imini, uSefako wagqiba kwelokuba akazuphinda ayikhangele imvumi. Endaweni yoko, wazimisela ukumbamba umnini welizwi elimnandi! +USefako wakha amanzi emlanjeni njengesiqhelo waza waya kulala phantsi kowona mthi awuthandayo esenza ngathi ulele. Njengesiqhelo, ingwenya eseluthandweni yarhubuluza yaphuma emlanjeni izokumculela. +Wathi uSefako akuva ilizwi elimnandi, wavula amehlo akhe ngokukhawuleza waza wazifumana ejonge kumehlo e… NGWENYA! +USefako wayesoyika kakhulu! Ngokukhawuleza watsiba wema ngeenyawo, wagila ingqayi yakhe yodongwe aza achithekela emhlabeni onke amanzi. Waza waqalisa ukubaleka enyusa udonga lomlambo kodwa, ngelishwa, waqubeka elityeni wawa, wabetheka bhuma kabuhlungu. Ingwenya eseluthandweni, eyayimlandela, yema kufutshane imjongile. Njengoko yayirhubuluza isondela, uSefako wema bhuxe kukoyika. +“Musa ukoyika,” yatsho ngokuthambileyo ingwenya. “Ndikubukele ulele phantsi kwalaa mthi imihla emininzi, kodwa khange ndikwenzakalise. Ndingakutyela ntoni ngoku?” Yaza ingwenya yaqalisa ukucula ingoma ethuthuzelayo eyanyibilikisa intliziyo kaSefako ngoko nangoko. +Ingasoyiki, intombi entle yahlala yathi qwa yaza yaphulaphula ilizwi eyayikhulelwa kukulithanda. +Emva koko, uSefako wayengxama ukuhla ukuya emlanjeni ukuya kudibana nengwenya eculayo yonke imihla ngokuhlwa, kwaza emva kwexesha, wagqiba kwelokuba ufuna ukuyitshata. +Ekugqibeleni, wafumana isibindi sokuba axelele utata wakhe. +  +Utata kaSefako zange onwabe konke konke! “Ingaba le Ngwenya yakho inazo iinkomo zokulobola?” wabuza ngomsindo. “Ingaba iza kukwazi ukukunika abantwana ize ikwakhele ikhaya?” +  +Nakuba utata kaSefako wayengavumelani nokuba uSefako atshate nengwenya, kodwa imvakalelo yakhe zange itshintshe. Wathi utata wakhe akuqonda ukuba intombi yakhe yayingazi kutshintsha ingqondo yayo, wayitshixela kwenye yeerontawuli zesixeko. Yonke imihla emini emaqanda, wayeyiphathela ukutya aze ayibone. +  +Kodwa ngenye imini utata kaSefako walibala ukulutshixa ucango. USefako walinda umzuzwana ukuqinisekisa ukuba akukho ngxaki naphambi kokuba aluvule ucango aze abaleke ngokukhawuleza ukuhla ukuya emlanjeni. +  +Wathi nje ukuba afike apho, uSefako wamemeza, “Ngwenya, Ngwenya, ndim, uSefako!” Ingwenya, eyayimkhangela seyiphelelwa lithemba iintsuku ngeentsuku, yaphuma emanzini ukuza kumbulisa. +  +Ngosuku olulandelayo, utata kaSefako wafumanisa ukuba wayelahlekile, yaye wayenomsindo! Engxalwe ngumsindo, waqubula intonga enkulu walandela imizila yeenyawo zentombi yakhe ukuya emlanjeni. Wayezimisele ukuba uza kuyinqanda intombi yakhe ukuba itshate ingwenya. +  +Wathi akufika kudonga lomlambo, wabona uSefako edada emlanjeni nengwenya isecaleni kwakhe. +  +“Sefako, Sefako,” wakhwaza. “Yiza apha ngoku! Awunakutshata loo Ngwenya.” +  + +  +USefako waguquka waza wawangawangisa kutata wakhe embulisa phambi kokudada emke nengwenya. Utata okhathazekileyo wabukela engenanto inokumnceda njengoko intombi yakhe nengwenya banyamalala phantsi kwamanzi. +  +Ethubeni, uSefako wabuya ukuzokutyelela isixeko sakhe. Intliziyo katata wakhe yayizele luvuyo kukumbona. Wayemkhumbule kakhulu, yaye ngaloo mzuzu, wayazi into amakayenze. +  +“Namkelekile, namkelekile, nobabini,” watsho, ebaleka esiya kubulisa uSefako nengwenya. Waza waguqukela kwingwenya wathi, “Wamkelekile kusapho lwethu.” +* USefako uthandana nengwenya. Ucinga ukuba kungenzeka ukuthanda ingwenya? Ngoba kutheni okanye kungatheni? +* Ukuba unganomhlobo osisilwanyana, sesiphi isilwanyana ongasikhetha, yaye ngoba kutheni? +* Zoba esona silwanyana osithandayo. Bhala ingoma okanye umhobe ngesilwanyana sakho.",xho,isiXhosa,USefako nengwenya eculayo,"Many years ago, in a faraway village, there lived a beautiful girl called Sefako. Sefako stole the hearts of many men in the village. They would write poems and songs praising her beauty. But Sefako was not interested in marrying any of them, and ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Libali likaRudo Mungoshi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/usefako-nengwenya-eculayo +sefako-and-the-singing-crocodile,"Eminyakeni eminingi eyadlula, esigodini esikude, kwakuhlala intombazane enhle ebizwa ngokuthi nguSefako. USefako wayethandwa ngamadoda amaningi esigodini sakubo. Ayeze abhale izinkondlo kanye nezingoma encoma ubuhle bakhe. Kodwa-ke uSefako ayikho indoda ayefuna ukushada nayo kula madoda, into eyamthukuthelisa uyise ngoba wayecabanga ukuthi sekuyisikhathi sokuba indodakazi yakhe nayo ihlale izinze. +Ayengakwazi uSefako wukuthi kwakukhona owayemthanda ongejwayelekile kodwa owayezifihlile! Lona owayemthanda ezifihlile kwakuyingwenya eyayihlala emfuleni lapho ayekha khona amanzi. Nsuku zonke, emahoreni ambalwa ngaphambi kokushona kwelanga, uSefako wayehamba aye emfuleni nokhamba lwakhe ayokha amanzi esidlo sakusihlwa. +USefako wayenomkhuba wokuthatha isihlwashana ngaphansi kwesihlahla asithandayo ngemuva kokukha amanzi emfuleni. Ingwenya yayivamise ukucasha emanzini imbuke elala. Yayifisa ukukhuluma naye kodwa yayingazi ukuthi yayingenza kanjani ukuthi ayinake ngaphandle kokumesabisa. +Ngolunye usuku ingwenya yaqunga isibindi yasondela eduze kukaSefako ngemuva kokuthi esezunywe wubuthongo. Ingwenya eyayisha wuthando yayithokozile ngokuba nje seduze kukaSefako ngangokuthi yaze yaqala ukucula ngothando enalo ngaye. + +  +USefako wayizwa ingoma emnandi wayesephenduka ekhona ebuthongweni, ecabanga ukuthi hleze wayeziphuphela nje. Ingwenya yayingafuni ukuthi uSefako avuke bese eyibona, ngakho yanyelela yabuyela emfuleni ngokushesha. +Lokhu kwaphinda kwenzeka nangosuku olulandelayo … nangolulandelayo … nangolulandelayo. USefako wayezwa ingwenya icula esebuthongweni kodwa uma evuka, yayingabonwa eduze kwakhe. Wayesezwa ukufohlofohloza kwamahlamvu kanye nokubhonga kwezinkomo ebangeni eliqhelile. +Lokhu kucula kwakuyithinta inhliziyo yakhe, uSefako wayeselokhu elangazelela ukumbona lo mculi. Ngakho uSefako waqala ukucinga isimangaliso sezwi phakathi komhlanga, ezihlahleni nasotshanini kodwa akazange alithole. +Ngolunye usuku uSefako wanquma ukuthi angeke asamcinga lo mculi wezimanga. Esikhundleni salokho, wahlela ukumbamba umnikazi walelo zwi elimnandi! +USefako wawakha amanzi emfuleni njengokwejwayelekile wayeseyolala ngaphansi kwesihlahla asithandayo wenza sengathi ulele ubuthongo. Njengokwejwayelekile, ingwenya efayo wuthando yahuquzela yaphuma emfuleni ukuze iyomculela. +Lapho uSefako ezwa izwi elimnandi, wavula amehlo akhe ngokushesha maqede wazithola ebheke ngqo ezinhlamvini zamehlo e… INGWENYA! +USefako wayethuke kakhulu! Ngokushesha, wasukuma wama ngezinyawo, kwathinteka ukhamba lwakhe ase echithekela emhlabathini wonke amanzi. Emva kwalokho waqala wabaleka enyusa usebe lomfula kodwa, ngeshwa, wakhutshwa yitshe wawa, wathi bhu phansi, Ingwenya eyayiguliswa wuthando, eyayimlandela, yama eduze yambuka. Ngesikhathi ihuquzela isondela, uSefako wavele woma wuvalo. +  +“Ungesabi,” kwasho ingwenya ngelipholile. “Bengikubuka ulele ngaphansi kwesihlahla izinsuku eziningi kakhulu, kodwa angikaze ngikulimaze. Pho ngingakudlelani manje?” Emva kwalokho ingwenya yaqala ukucula ingoma epholile eyavele yafudumeza inhliziyo kaSefako ngaso leso sikhathi. +Ingasenakho ukwesaba, intombazane enhle yahlala yalalela izwi okwase kukhula kuyo ukulithanda. +Ngemuva kwalokho, uSefako wayegijima ebheke ezansi emfuleni njalo kusihlwa ukuyohlangana nengwenya, ngemuva kwesikhathi, wanquma ukuthi ufuna ukushada nayo. +Ekugcineni, waqunga isibindi watshela uyise. +Uyise kaSefako wayengathokozile neze! “Ingabe le ngwenya yakho inazo izinkomo zokukhokha ilobolo lakho?” ebuza ngolaka. “Izokwazi ukukunika izingane nokukwakhela umuzi wakho?” +Nakuba uyise kaSefako wayengavumi ukuthi ashade nengwenya, imizwa yakhe ayizange iguquke. Lapho uyise ebona ukuthi indodakazi yakhe angeke iwuguqule umqondo wayo, wayivalela kwenye yamaqhugwane emzini. Nsuku zonke phakathi nemini, wayeyilethela ukudla abuye ayihlole. +Nokho ngolunye usuku uyise kaSefako wakhohlwa ukukhiya umnyango weqhugwane. USefako walinda isikhathi eside waze waqiniseka ukuthi kuphephile wavula umnyango wase egijima ngokushesha ehlela emfuleni. +Athi angafika lapho uSefako amemeze, “Ngwenya, Ngwenya, yimina, uSefako!” Ingwenya, eyayisinezinsuku eziningi imcinga, yavumbuka ngaphansi kwamanzi ukuze imbingelele. +Ngakusasa, uyise kaSefako wathola ukuthi indodakazi ayikho, ngakho wathukuthela! Eqhuma yintukuthelo, wathatha induku enkulu walandela ezinyathelweni zendodakazi yakhe waqonda emfuleni. Wayezimisele ukuvimba indodakazi yakhe ukuthi ishade nengwenya. +Lapho efika osebeni lomfula wabona uSefako ebhukuda emanzini nengwenya eceleni kwakhe. +“Sefako, Sefako,” kumemeza yena. “Buya lapha ngokushesha! Angeke ushade naleyo ngwenya.” +  + +  +USefako waphendula ikhanda wayesephakamisela uyise isandla evalelisa ngaphambi kokuthi abhukude aqhele nengwenya. Uyise okhathazekile, wabuka engenakwenza lutho indodakazi yakhe isithela ngaphansi kwamanzi. +Ngemuva kwesikhathi eside, uSefako wabuya wazovakasha esigodini sangakubo. Inhliziyo kayise yayigcwele injabulo ukumbona. Wayesemkhumbule kakhulu, kanti ngalowo mzuzu, wayesekwazi okwakufanele akwenze. +“Ngiyanemukela, namukelekile, nobabili,” kusho yena, egijimela ukubingelela uSefako kanye nengwenya. Emva kwalokho waphendukela engwenyeni wayesethi, “Siyakwemukela emndenini wethu.” +  +* USefako uzithola esethandana nengwenya. Ucabanga ukuthi kungenzeka ukuthanda ingwenya? Kungani kungenzeka noma kungenzeke? +* Uma ungaba nesilwane esiwumngani, yisiphi isilwane obungasikhetha, futhi kungani? +* Dweba isilwane osithanda kakhulu. Bhala ingoma noma inkondlo ngesilwane sakho.",zul,isiZulu,USefako nengwenya eculayo,"Many years ago, in a faraway village, there lived a beautiful girl called Sefako. Sefako stole the hearts of many men in the village. They would write poems and songs praising her beauty. But Sefako was not interested in marrying any of them, and ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguRudo Mungoshi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/usefako-nengwenya-eculayo-0 +sefako-and-the-singing-crocodile,"Mo mengwageng ye mentši ye e fetilego, motseng wa kua kgole, go be go dula mosetsana yo mobotse wa go bitšwa Sefako. Sefako o utswitše dipelo tša banna ba bantši ba mo motseng. Ba be ba ngwala direto le dikoša ba reta bobotse bja gagwe. Efela Sefako o be a se na kgahlego ya go nyalana le o tee wa bona, gomme taba ye e befedišitše tatagwe yo a bego a nagana gore ke nako ya gore morwedi wa gagwe a nyalwe. +Seo Sefako a bego a sa se tsebe ke gore go be go na le yo a mo rata ka sephiring! Gomme yo a bego a mo rata sephiring ke kwena ya go dula ka nokeng yeo a bego a ekga meetse go yona. Letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe, diiri tše mmalwa pele letšatši le subela, Sefako o be a eya go kga meeetse a go apea dijo tša go lalela nokeng ka pitša ya letsopa. +Sefako o be a tlwaetše go pata borokwana ka tlase ga mohlare morago ga go kga meetse ka nokeng. Kwena e be e phela e mmona a robetše e khutile ka meetseng. E be e nyaka go bolela le yena efela e sa tsebe gore a ka tanya šedi ya gagwe bjang ntle le go mo tšhoša. +Ka letšatši le lengwe kwena e ile ya kgona go batamela Sefako morago ga gore a swarwe ke boroko. Kwena ya go tlala lerato e be e thabetše go ba kgauswi le Sefako gomme ya thoma go opela ka lerato la yona go yena. +  + +  +Sefako o kwele koša ya bose gomme a retologa, a nagana gore o a lora. Kwena e be e sa nyake gore Sefako a phapharege a e bone, gomme e ile ya boela ka nokeng ka lebelo. +Se se diregile gape letšatšing la go latela … le la go latela … le la go latela. Sefako o be a ekwa kwena e mo opelela a robetše efela ge a tsoga, a sa bone motho. O be a ekwa fela lešatana la matlakala le dikgomo tša go lla kgojana. +Moopelo o kgwathile pelo ya gagwe, gomme tumo ya Sefako ya go nyaka go bona moopedi ya golela pele le pele. Ka fao Sefako o ile a thoma go nyaka lentšu la go makatša mahlakanokeng, mehlareng le bjangeng efela a se le hwetše. +Ka letšatši le lengwe, Sefako o ile a tšea sephetho sa gore a ka se sa tšwela pele go nyaka moopedi wa go makatša. Efela, o naganne gore a sware mong wa lentšu le lebose! +Sefako o kgele meetse bjalo ka mehleng gomme a ya go sekama ka tlase ga mohlare wa gagwe wa mmamoratwa a itira eke o swerwe ke boroko. Bjalo ka tlwaelo kwena ya go tagwa ke lerato e ile ya tšwa ka nokeng go ya go mo opelela. +E rile ge Sefako a ekwa lentšu la bose, a bula mahlo ka pela gomme a ikhwetša a lebeletše mahlo a … KWENA! +Sefako o ile a tšhoga kudu! Ka bjako, a fofa, a thula pitša ya gagwe ya letsopa meetse a falalela fase. O ile a thoma go kitimela leribeng, efela ka madimabe, a kgola ke leswika a wa, a betha fase ka mošito o mogolo. Kwena ya go tagwa ke lerato, yeo e mo lateletšego, e ile ya ema ya mo lebelela. E rile ge e batamela, Sefako a kgahla bjalo ka aese ka letšhogo. +“O se tšhoge,” kwena ya realo ka boleta. “Ke be ke go bogela matšatši a mantši ge o robetše ka tlase ga mohlare wola, efela gasenke ka go kweša bohloko. Gona bjale ke tla go ja bjang?” Gomme kwena ya thoma go opela koša ya go thoba matswalo ya ruthufatša pelo ya Sefako ka nakwana. +Mosetsana o mobotse o ile a emelela, a sa hlwe a tšhogile gomme a theeletša lentšu leo a bego a thoma go le rata. +Morago ga seo, Sefako o be a eya nokeng mathapama a mangwe le a mangwe go kopana le kwena ya go opela, gomme ka moragp ga sebakanyana, a tšea sephetho sa gore o nyaka go nyalana le yona. +Mafelelong, o bile le sebete sa go botša tatagwe. +Tatago Sefako o be a sa thabela taba yeo le gatee! “Naa kwena ye ya gago e na le dikgomo tša go lefa magadi?” a botšiša ka pefelo. “E tla kgona go go fa bana ya go agela le legae?” +Le ge tatago Sefako a sa dumela gore a nyalane le kwena, maikutlo a gagwe gase a fetoga. E rile ge tatagwe a lemoga gore morwedi wa gagwe a ka se fetola monagano wa gagwe, a mo notlelela ka go ye nngwe ya dirantabola tša mo motseng. Letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe mosegare, o be a etla go mo hlola a mo tlela le dijo. +Efela ka letšatši le lengwe tatago Sefako o ile a lebala go notlela lebati la rantabola. Sefako o emenyana go kgonthiša gore o bolokegile pele a kitimela nokeng. +O rile go fihla fao, Sefako a goeletša, “Kwena, Kwena, ke nna, Sefako!” Kwena, ye e bego e mo nyaka ka phišagalelo matšatši a mantši, e tšwile ka tlase ga meetse go mo dumediša. +Ka letšatši la go latela, tatago Sefako o ile a lemoga gore o timeletše, gomme a befelwa kudu! Ka pefelo, o tšere patla ye koto gomme a latela mehlala ya morwedi ya go leba nokeng. O be a ikemišeditše go thibela morwedi wa gagwe go nyalana le kwena. +O rile ge a fihla maribeng a noka, a bona Sefako a rutha ka nokeng a na le kwena. +  +“Sefako, Sefako,” a goeletša. “Boya mo ka pela! O kase nyalane le kwena.” +  + +  +Sefako o retolotše hlogo a dumediša tatagwe ka seatla gomme a subelela le kwena. Tatagwe wa go befelwa o ile a lebelela morwedi wa gagwe le kwena ba nyamelela ka tlase ga meetse go se se a ka se dirago. +Ka morago ga sebaka, Sefako o ile a tla go etela motse wa gabo. Pelo ya tatagwe e be e tletše lethabo ge a mmona. O be a mo hlologetše kudu, gomme ka nako yeo o be a tseba se a bego a swanetše go se dira. +“Le amogetšwe, le amogetšwe, ka bobedi bja lena,” a realo, a kitimela go dumediša Sefako le kwena. O ile a retologela go kwena a re, “O amogetšwe ka lapeng la rena.” +  +* Sefako o rata kwena. Naa o nagana gore go a kgonga gore motho a rate kwena? Ka lebaka la eng? +* Ge o ka ba le mogwera wa phoofolo, o ka kgetha phoofolo efe le gona ka lebaka la eng? +* Thala phoofolo ye e lego mmamoratwa wa gago. Ngwala koša goba sereto ka phoofolo ya gago.",nso,Sepedi,Sefako le kwena ya go ope,"Many years ago, in a faraway village, there lived a beautiful girl called Sefako. Sefako stole the hearts of many men in the village. They would write poems and songs praising her beauty. But Sefako was not interested in marrying any of them, and ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mongwadi ke Rudo Mungoshi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sefako-le-kwena-ya-go-opela +sefako-and-the-singing-crocodile,"Dilemong tse ngata tse fetileng, motseng o mong o hole kwana, ho kile ha eba le ngwanana e motle ya neng a bitswa Sefako. Sefako o ne a ratwa ke bahlankana ba bangata motseng oo. Ba ne ba ka ngola dithotokiso le dipina tse rorisang bottle ba hae. Empa Sefako o ne a se na thahasello ya ho nyalwa ke ofe kapa ofe wa bona, mme sena se ile sa halefisa ntate wa hae hobane o ne a nahana hore jwale e se e le nako ya hore moradi wa hae a be le lelapa la hae. +Seo Sefako a neng a sa se tsebe e ne e le hore ho na le motho e mong ya ka sephiring ya neng a mo rata e le ka nnete! Mme morati enwa wa sephiring e ne e le kwena e neng e dula nokeng eo a neng a ekga metsi ho yona. Letsatsi le leng le le leng, dihora tse mmalwa pele letsatsi le dikela, Sefako o ne a theohela nokeng a rwetse nkgo ya hae ya letsopa ho ya kga metsi bakeng sa dijo tsa mantsiboya. +Sefako o ne itlwaeditse ho paqama mme a kgalehe ka tlasa sefate seo a se ratang ha a qeta ho kga metsi nokeng. Kwena hangata e ne e ipata ka metsing mme e mo shebelle ha a sa robetse. E ne e lakatsa ho bua le yena empa e sa tsebe hore e ka etsa seo jwang ntle le ho mo tshosa. +Ka letsatsi le leng kwena ya fumana sebete sa ho atamela ho Sefako kamora hoba a kgalehile. Kwena e tletseng lerato e ne e thabetse ho ba haufi le Sefako hoo e ileng ya qalella ho bina ka lerato la yona ho yena. +  + +  +Sefako o ile a utlwa pina e monate mme a fetoha a ntse a robetse, a nahana hore mohlomong o a lora. Kwena e ne e sa batle hore Sefako a phaphame mme a mmone, kahoo ya kgutlela ka nokeng ka potlako. +Sena se ile sa etsahala hape letsatsing le hlahlamang … le le hlahlamang … le le hlahlamang. Sefako o ne a utlwa kwena e mminela ha a robetse empa ere ha a tsoha, ho be ho se motho haufi. O ne a utlwa feela ho swahlamana ho bobebe ha mahlaku le dikgomo tse llang hojana kwana. +Mmino ona o ne o mo ama pelo, mme Sefako o ne a batla ho bona hore sebini sena ke mang. Kahoo Sefako a qala ho batlana le lentswe lena le makatsang hara lehlaka, difate le jwang empa a se ke a fumana letho. +Ka letsatsi le leng, Sefako a etsa qeto ya hore a keke a hlola a batlana le sebini sena se ipatileng. Ho ena le hoo, a rera ho itshwarela monga lentswe leo le monate hakaalo! +Sefako a ya kga metsi nokeng jwaloka tlwaelo mme a ya paqama ka tlasa sefate sa hae seo a se ratang mme a iketsa eka o kgalehile. Jwalo ka tlwaelo, kwena e maratong ya kgasetsa ka ntle ho noka mme ya qala ho mminela. +Ha Sefako a utlwa lentswe leo le monate, a bula mahlo a hae ka potlako mme a iphumana a tjamelane le mahlo a … KWENA! +Sefako o ne a tshohile haholo! Ka potlako, a tlola a ema ka maoto, a thula nkgo ya hae ya letsopa mme metsi a qhalana fatshe kaofela ha ona. Mme a qalella ho matha ka lebelo ho nyolosa lebopo, empa ka bomadimabe, a kgotjwa ke lejwe mme a wa, a otlana fatshe ka matla a maholo. Kwena e maratong, e neng e mo setse morao, ya ema pela hae e mo shebile. Ha e ntse e mo atamela, Sefako a hwama ke ho tshoha. +  +“O se ke wa tshoha,” ha rialo kwena ka mosa. “Haesale ke o shebella o robetse tlasa sefate sane ka matsatsi a mangata, empa ha ke esoka ke o utlwisa bohloko. Ke eng e ka etsang hore ke o je jwale?” Yaba kwena e qalella ho bina pina a thobang maikuto e ileng ya futhumetsa pelo ya Sefako hanghang. +  +A se a sa tshabe, ngwanana e motle a dula hantle mme a mamela lentswe leo a neng a se a le rata. +  +Kamora moo, Sefako o ne a se a phakisa ho theohela ka nokeng ho ya kopana le kwena e binang mantsiboyeng a mang le a mang, mme kamora nako e itseng, a etsa qeto ya hore o batla ho nyalwa ke kwena eo. +  +Qetellong a ba le sebete sa ho bolella ntatae. +  +Ntate wa Sefako o ne a sa thaba hohang! “Na kwena eo ya hao e na le dikgomo tsa ho lefa bohadi ba hao?” a botsa a halefile. “Na e tla kgona ho o fa bana mme e ahe lelapa le wena?” +  +Leha ntate wa Sefako a ne a sa ananele taba ya hore a nyalwe ke kwena, maikutlo a hae ha a ka a fetoha. Ha ntate wa hae a elellwa hore moradi wa hae o ne a sa tlo fetola maikutlo a hae, a mo kwalla ka ho e nngwe ya mekgoro ya motseng. Kamehla hara mpa ya motsheare, o ne a mo tlisetsa dijo le ho tla mo hlola. +  +Empa ka letsatsi le leng ntata Sefako a lebetse ho notlela lemati la mokgoro. Sefako a ema sebakanyana ho etsa bonnete ba hore ho bolokehile pele a ka bula lemati mme a mathela tlase nokeng. +  +Eitse hang ha a fihla moo, Sefako a hoeletsa, “Kwena, Kwena, ke nna, Sefako!” Kwena, ya neng a ntse a mmatla ka matsatsi a mangata, a tswa ka metsing ho ya mo dumedisa. +  +Letsatsing le hlahlamang, ntata Sefako a fumana hore Sefako ha a yo, mme o ile a halefa haholo! A tletse kgalefo, a phamola thupa e tenya mme a latela mehlala ya maoto a moradi wa hae ho ya nokeng. O ne a hlile a ikemiseditse ho thibela moradi wa hae ho nyalwa ke kwena. +  +Yare ha a fihla lebopong la noka, a bona Sefako a ntse a sesa nokeng mme kwena e le pela hae. +  +“Sefako, Sefako,” a hoeletsa. “Kgutla o tle mona kapelenyana! O keke wa nyalwa ke kwena eno.” +  + +  +Sefako a thintsha hlooho ya hae mme a dumedisa ntate wa hae ka letsoho pele a sesa ho ya pele le kwena. Ntate ya kgathatsehileng a shebella a felletswe ke matla ha moradi wa hae le kwena ba nyamela ka tlasa metsi. +  +Kamora nako e itseng, Sefako a kgutlela motseng wa habo. Pelo ya ntate wa hae e ne e tletse thabo ha a mmona. O ne a mo hopotse haholo, mme ka motsotso oo, o ile a tseba seo a lokelang ho se etsa. +  +“Ke a le amohela, ke a le amohela, le le babedi,” a rialo a mathela ho ya dumedisa Sefako le kwena. Yaba o sheba kwena mme a re, “O amohetswe lapeng la rona +  +* Sefako o ba maratong le kwena. Na o nahana hore ho a kgoneha ho rata kwena? Hobaneng o re E kapa Tjhe? +* Ha o ne o ka ba motswalle le phoofolo efe kappa efe, o ne o ka kgetha phoofolo efe, hobaneng? +* Taka phoofolo eo o e ratang ka ho fetisisa. Ngola pina kapa thotokiso mabapi le phoofolo ya hao",sot,Sesotho,Sefako le kwena e binang,"Many years ago, in a faraway village, there lived a beautiful girl called Sefako. Sefako stole the hearts of many men in the village. They would write poems and songs praising her beauty. But Sefako was not interested in marrying any of them, and ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E ngotswe ke Rudo Mungoshi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sefako-le-kwena-e-binang +sefako-and-the-singing-crocodile,"Dingwaga di le dintsi tse di fetileng, kwa motsenaneng o o kgakala-kgakala, go ne go na le mosetsana yo montle a bidiwa Sefako. Sefako o ne a gapa dipelo di le dintsi tsa banna mo motseng. Ba ne ba kwala dipina le maboko ba galaletsa bontle jwa gagwe. Fela Sefako o ne a se na kgatlhego ya go nyala ope magareng ga bona, mme se se ne sa šakgatsa rraagwe mo go maswe ka gonne o ne a akanya gore ke nako ya gore morwadi wa gagwe a nyalwe. +Se Sefako a neng a sa se itse ke gore o ne a na le mongwe yo sa tlwaelegang yo o neng a mo rata mo sephiring! Mme moeletsi wa sephiri e ne e le kwena e e neng e nna mo nokeng e a neng a gelela metsi mo go yona. Tsatsi lengwe le lengwe, diura di se kae pele letsatsi le tlhaba, Sefako o ne a tsamaya mo leribeng la noka ka nkgo ya gagwe go gelela metsi a go apaya dijo tsa go lalela. +Sefako o ne a itlwaeditse go rapama metsotswana e se mekae ka fa tlase ga setlhare se o se ratang fa a fetsa go gelela metsi mo nokeng. Ka gale kwena e ne e iphitlha mo metsing e mo lebile a robetse. E ne e eletsa go bua le ene fela e sa itse gore e ka bua nae jang kwa ntle ga go mo tshosa. +Ka lengwe la malatsi kwena ya ipeta sebete go tla gaufi le Sefako morago ga go tshwarwa ke boroko. Kwena e e neng e phophoma lorato e ne e itumetse go nna gaufi le Sefako mme ya simolola go opela ka lorato le o mo ratang ka lona. +  + +  +Sefako o ne a utlwa pina e e monate a ntse a pitikologa mo borokong, a akanya gore o a lora. Kwena e ne e sa batle gore Sefako a phaphame mo borokong gore a mmone, ka jalo a nwela mo metsing ka bonako. +  +Se se ne sa diragala gape mo letsatsing le le latelang…le lengwe le le latelang… le le latelang gape. Sefako o ne a utlwa kwena e mo opelela mo borokong fela fa a phaphama, a fitlhela go se ope mo tikologong. O ne a utlwa fela matlhare a gwasa ka bofefo gammogo le maradu a lelela dinamane kgakajana. +  +Molodi wa pina o ne wa gapa maikutlo a gagwe, mme Sefako o ne a rata go bona moopedi le go feta. Ka jalo Sefako a simolola go batla lentswe le le molodi go tswa mo matlhakeng, ditlhareng le mo bojannyeng fela a se bone ope. +  +Ka letsatsi lengwe, Sefako a tsaya tshwetso ya gore ga a kitla a tswelela go batla moopedi wa dikgakgamatso gape. Boemong jwa se, o ne a batla go tshwara mong wa lentswe le le molodi! +  +Sefako a tswelela go ga metsi kwa nokeng jaaka tlwaelo fa a fetsa a ya go lala ka fa tlase ga setlhare se o se ratang a itira yo o tshwerweng ke boroko. Jaaka tlwaelo, kwena e e neng e phophoma lorato ya gagabela mo leribeng la noka go mo opelela. +  +Erile fa Sefako a utlwa lentswe le le molodi, a bula matlho ka bonako mme a fitlhela matlho a gagwe a lebagane le a …KWENA! +  +Sefako o ne a tshogile thata! Ka bonako, kwena ya gagabela mo dinaong tsa gagwe, e itaya nkgwana ya gagwe ya letsopa e tshololela metsi fa fatshe. A simolola go tshabela mo leribeng la noka, ka bomadimabe, a relela mo letlapeng mme a wa, a itaagana fa fatshe ka modumo o mogolo. Kwena e e neng e phophoma lorato, e e neng e mo setse morago, e ne e le gaufi e mo lebile. E rile fa e atamela, Sefako a aparelwa ke letshogo. +  +“O seke wa tshoga,” ga bua kwena ka boikobo. “Ke ne ke go leba o rapame fa tlase ga setlhare malatsi a le mantis, fela ga ke ise ke go tlhasele. Goreng nka fedisa botshelo jwa gago jaanong?” Ka jalo kwena ya simolola go opela pina e e thobang maikutlo mme pelo ya ga Sefako ya ritibala. +  +Jaaka letshogo le fedile, mosetsana yo montle a nna fa fatshe mme a reetsa lentswe le le neng le mo ama pelo le maikutlo. +  +Morago ga fa, Sefako o ne a tabogela kwa nokeng go kopana le kwena e e opelang phirimane nngwe le nngwe, mme morago ga sebaka, a swetsa gore o batla go nyala kwena. +  +Kwa bokhutlong, a ipetsa mafatlha go bolelela rraagwe. +  +Rraagwe Sefako o ne a swabile nko go feta molomo! “A mme kwenanyana e ya gago e na le dikgomo tsa go duela bogadi?” a botsa a šakgetse. “A e tla kgona go go naya bana le go go agela lelapa?” +  +Le fa e le gore rraagwe Sefako o ne a sa mo rebolela go nyala kwena, maikutlo a gagwe ga a ka a fetoga. E rile fa rraagwe a lemoga gore morwadiagwe ga a kitla a fetola maikutlo, a mo lotlelela mo ntlwaneng nngwe ya mo motseng. Letsatsi lengwe le lengwe fa tadi e amusa, a mo tlisetsa dijo le go mo lekola fa a itekanetse. +  +Fela ka letsatsi lengwe rraagwe Sefako a lebala go lotlela mojako ya ntlwana. Sefako a ema nako e telejana go netefatsa gore go bolokesegile pele a bula mojako mme ka bonako a tshabela kwa nokeng. +  +E rile fela fa a goroga, Sefako a goa, “Kwena, Kwena, ke nna Sefako!” Kwena, e e neng e mmatla ka tlhwaafalo malatsi a le mantsi, ya biloga mo metsing go mo dumedisa. +  +Mo letsatsing le le latelang, rraagwe Sefako a lemoga gore o nyeletse, mme a šakgala thata! E rile a ntse a betilwe ke pelo, a phamola molamu mme a latela motlhala wa dinao tsa morwediagwe go ya kwa nokeng. O ne a ipeditse mafatlha gore o tlile go thibela morwediagwe go nyala kwena. +  +Erile fa a goroga mo losing lwa noka, a bona Sefako a thuma mo nokeng mme kwena e le ka fa thoko ga gagwe. +  +“Sefako, Sefako,” a goa. “Boa o tle kwano gona jaanong! Ga wa letlelelwa go nyala kwena eo.” +  + +  +Sefako a retolola tlhogo ya gagwe mme a laela rraagwe ka go tsholetsa seatla mme a tswelela go thuma le kwena. Rre yo o mo kutlobotlhokong a leba go se se o ka se dirang jaaka morwadie le kwena ba nyelela mo metsing. +  +E rile morago ga sebaka se seleele, Sefako a boa jaaka moeng mo motseng. Pelo ya ga rraagwe e ne e phophoma ka boitumelo go mmona. O ne a mo tlhoafaletse thata, mme mo sebakeng se, o ne a itse gore a direng. +  +“Ke a lo amogela, ke lo amogela bobedi jwa lona,” a bua jalo, a taboga go dumedisa Sefako le kwena. A boa a leba kwena mme a re, “O amogetswe mo lelapeng la rona.” +* Sefako o ne a rata kwena thata. A o akanya gore go a kgonagala go rata kwena? Goreng o ka e rata kgotsa wa se e rate? +* Fa e le gore o ne o ka nna tsala ya phologolo, ke phologolo e fe e o neng o ka itlhophela yona, goreng o tlhopha yona? +* Thala setshwantsho sa phologolo e o e ratang. Kwala pina kgotsa leboko ka phologolo e o e ratang.",tsn,Setswana,Sefako le kwena e e opelang,"Many years ago, in a faraway village, there lived a beautiful girl called Sefako. Sefako stole the hearts of many men in the village. They would write poems and songs praising her beauty. But Sefako was not interested in marrying any of them, and ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E kwadilwe ke Rudo Mungoshi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sefako-le-kwena-e-e-opelang +sefako-and-the-singing-crocodile,"Kadzeni eminyakeni leminyenti leyendlulile, kulomunye ummango lokhashane kakhulu, bekuhlala intfombatana lenhle ligama layo kunguSefako. Sefako bekatsandvwa ngemadvodza lamnyenti kulommango. Bebabhala tingoma netinkondlo badvumisa buhle bakhe. Kepha Sefako bekete inshisekelo yekushada nanoma nguyinye yawo, futsi loku kwenta babe wakhe watfukutsela. +Intfo labekangayati Sefako kutsi kukhona lobekamtsandza kepha atifihla! Futsi lona bekamtsandza atifihla bekuyingwenya lebeyihlala kulomfula bebakha emanti kuwo. Onkhe emalanga, ema-awa lambalwa-nje ngembi kwekutsi lilanga lishone, Sefako bekahamba aye emfuleni neludziwo lwakhe ayokha emanti ekupheka kudla kwakusihlwa. +  +Sefako bekanemkhuba wekulala sitfongwana ngaphasi kwesihlahla sakhe lasitsandza kakhulu ngemuva kwekukha emanti kulomfula. Lengwenya beyivamise kutifihla lapha emantini imbukele ngesikhatsi alele. Beyifisa kukhuluma naye kepha beyingati kutsi ingenta kanjani kute kutsi ayinake ngaphandle kwekutsi imtfuse. +  +Ngalelinye lilanga lengwenya yaba nesibindzi sekutsi isondzele kuSefako ngemuva kwekutsi alale. Lengwenya lebeyigcwele lutsandvo kwayijabulisa kakhulu kuba seceleni kwaSefako kangangobe yabese icala kuhlabela ngelutsandvo lebeyimtsandza ngalo. +  + +  +Sefako wayiva lengoma wabese uyagucuka solo alele, acabanga kutsi uyabhudza. Lengwenya beyingafuni kutsi Sefako avuke bese uyayibona, ngakoke yantjuma yabuyela emantini masinyane. +  +Loku-ke kwaphindze kwenteka ngakusasa … nangakusasa … nangakusasa. Sefako bekayiva lengwenya imhlabelela ngesikhatsi alele kepha bekatsi nakavuka, akhandze kungenamuntfu dvute naye. Bekeva-nje emacembe akhwashatela kamnandzi netinkhomo tibhonsa khashane. +  +Lokuhlabela kwatsintsa inhlitiyo yakhe, futsi Sefako wabese ufuna kubona lomhlabeleli njalo njalo. Sefako wabese ucala kufuna lelivi leliyimfihlakalo emihlangeni, etihlahleni nasetjanini kepha akazange alitfole. +  +Ngalelinye lilanga, Sefako watsatsa sincumo sekutsi angeke asachubeka nekufuna lomhlabeleli loyimfihlakalo. Esikhundleni saloko, wahlela kubamba lomnikati walelivi lelimnandzi! +  +Sefako wakha emanti emfuleni njengoba ahlala enta wabese uyocambalala ngaphasi kwesihlahla sakhe lasitsandza kakhulu wenta sengatsi ulele. Njengalokwetayelekile, lengwenya legcwele lutsandvo yakhasa yaphuma emantini yayomhlabelela. +  +Sefako watsi nakeva lelivi lelimnandzi, wavula emehlo akhe masinyane futsi watitfola abuke-ngco ekhatsi emehlweni … ENGWENYA! +  +Sefako wesaba kakhulu! Masinyane, wavuka wema ngetinyawo, kwakhahleleka ludziwo lwakhe lwawa acitseka onkhe emanti. Wagijima wenyusa lusentse lwemfula, ngebhadi, wagilwa lidvwala wawa, washaya phasi kabuhlungu. Lengwenya legcwele lutsandvo, yema eceleni kwakhe yambuka. Yakhasa yasondzela kakhulu kuye, Sefako wavele watfomeka ngenca yeluvalo. +  +“Ungasabi,” kwasho lengwenya ngelivi lelipholile. “Bengiloku ngikubuka ulele ngaphasi kwesihlahla emalanga lamanyenti, kepha ngangakulimati. Ngingakudlelani-ke manje?” Lengwenya yabese ihlabela ingoma yekumdvudvuta leyavele-nje yatsintsa inhlitiyo yaSefako. +  +Ingasasabi, lentfombatana lenhle yavuka yahlala futsi yalalela lelivi lebeseyicale kulitsandza. +  +Ngemuva kwaloko, Sefako bekahamba ngekushesha ashone entasi emfuleni ayohlangana nalengwenya lehlabelako onkhe malanga kusihlwa, ngemuva kwesikhatsi lesitsite, watsatsa sincumo sekutsi ufuna kushada nayo. +  +Ekugcineni, watfola sibindzi sekutjela babe wakhe. +  +Babe waSefako ayizange imjabulisa lendzaba! “Lengwenya yakho inato yini tinkhomo tekukulobola?” wabuta atfukutsele. “Itawukwati yini kukutfolisa bantfwana iphindze futsi ikwakhele likhaya?” +  +Nanoma-nje babe waSefako akazange avume kutsi ashade lengwenya, indlela bekativa ngayo Sefako ngalengwenya ayizange intjintje. Babe wakhe watsi nakabona kutsi indvodzakati yakhe angeke vele iyintjintje ingcondvo yayo, wamkhiyela kulenye indlu yetjani yalapha emmangweni. Onkhe malanga emini, beketa atomhlola futsi amnike nekudla. +  +Kepha ngalelinye lilanga babe waSefako wakhohlwa kukhiya umnyango walendlu yetjani. Sefako walindza sikhashana wenta siciniseko sekutsi bekuphephile kuvula umnyango agijime masinyane ashone entasi emfuleni. +  +Masinyane-nje nakefika lapho, Sefako wamemeta, “Ngwenya, Ngwenya, ngimi, Sefako!” Lengwenya, lebeyiloku imfuna kamatima emalanga lamanyenti, yaphuma emantini yatombingelela. +  +Ngakusasa, babe waSefako wamtfola anyamalele, futsi loko kwamtfukutselisa kakhulu! Atfukutsele kakhulu, watsatsa indvuku lenkhulu walandzela tinyatselo tetinyawo tendvodzakati yakhe wacondza emfuleni. Bekatimisele kuvimba indvodzakati yakhe kutsi ingashadi nalengwenya. +  +Watsi nakefika elusentseni lwemfula, wabona Sefako abhukusha emfuleni nalengwenya ilapha eceleni kwakhe. +  +“Sefako, Sefako,” wammemeta. “Wota lapha masinyane! Angeke uyishade lengwenya.” +  + +  +Sefako wajikisa inhloko yakhe wavilitisela babe wakhe sandla ngembi kwekuhlamba ahambe nalengwenya. Lobabe lokhatsatekile wabuka ngekuphelelwa ngemandla kute langakwenta indvodzakati yakhe ihamba inyamalala nengwenya ngaphansi kwemanti. +Ngemuva kwesikhatsi, Sefako wabuya watovakasha lapha emmangweni. Inhlitiyo yababe wakhe yajabula kakhulu nakambona. Bekamkhumbula kakhulu, futsi ngaleso sikhatsi, wavele-nje wati kutsi ufanele enteni. +“Nemukelekile, nemukelekile, nobabili,” kwasho yena, agijima ayobingelela Sefako nalengwenya. Wabese ukhuluma nalengwenya watsi, “Nemukelekile emndenini wami.” +* Sefako utsandzana nengwenya. Ucabanga kutsi yintfo lengenteka yini kutsi utsandzane nengwenya? Kungani kungenteka noma-ke kungani kungeke kwenteke? +* Nakungenteka ube nemngani losilwane, ngusiphi silwane longasikhetsa, futsi yini lengakwenta kutsi usikhetse? +* Dvweba silwane lositsandza kakhulu. Bhala ingoma noma inkondlo ngalesilwane.",ssw,Siswati,Sefako nengwenya lehlabelako,"Many years ago, in a faraway village, there lived a beautiful girl called Sefako. Sefako stole the hearts of many men in the village. They would write poems and songs praising her beauty. But Sefako was not interested in marrying any of them, and ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguRudo Mungoshi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sefako-nengwenya-lehlabelako +sefako-and-the-singing-crocodile,"Malembe ya khale, etikweni ra le kule, a ku tshama nhwana wo saseka loyi vito ra yena a ku ri Sefako. Sefako a yivile timbilu ta majaha yo tala etikweni. A va tsala swiphato na tinsimu va ndhundhudzela ku saseka ka yena. Kambe Sefako a nga tsakeli ku tekana na un’we wa vona, naswona leswi a swi endla leswaku tatana wa yena a hlundzuka hikuva a anakanya leswaku se i nkarhi wa leswaku nhwana wa yena a va na muti. +Leswi Sefako a nga swi tivi hileswaku kuna un’wana exihundleni loyi a n’wi tsakelaka naswona a nga tolovelekangi! Naswona loyi a n’wi tsakela a ku ri ngwenya leyi a yi tshama enambyeni laha a ka kona mati. Masiku hinkwawo, tiawara tinganitingani dyambu ri nga si pela, Sefako a enhla a ya enambyeni na khuwani rakwe ku ya ka mati ya swakudya swa nimadyambu. +Sefako a ri na ntolovelo wa ku rhongomela ehansi ka nsinya lowu a wu rhandza swinene endzhaku ka ku ka mati enambyeni. Mikarhi yo tala ngwenya a yi tumbela ematini yi n’wi languta loko a etlele. A yi navela ku vulavula na yena kambe a yi nga swi tivi leswaku yi ta swi endlisa kuyini leswaku a swi vona handle ko n’wi chavisa. +Siku rin’wana ngwenya yi vile na xivindzi xa ku tshinela ekusuhi na Sefako endzhaku kaloko a khomiwile hi vurhongo. Rirhandzu leri ngwenya a yi ri na rona a yi tsakile swinene ku va ekusuhi na Sefako laha yi nga sungula ku yimbelela hi rirhandzu leri yi nga na rona eka yena. +  + +  +Sefako u twile risimu lero saseka leri nga n’wi pfuxa evurhongweni, a anakanya onge wa lorha. Ngwenya a yi nga swi lavi leswaku Sefako a pfuka a yi vona, hikwalaho yi rhetela ematini hi xihatla. +  +Leswi swi humelele nakambe hi siku leri landzaka … na leri landzaka … na leri landzaka. Sefako a ta twa ngwenya yi ri karhi yi yimbelelela evurhongweni kambe loko a pfuka, a ku ri hava munhu ekusuhi. A twa ntsena vukhwaxakhwaxa bya matluka na tihomu leti a ti bonga ekule. +  +Ku yimbelela a ku khumba mbilu yakwe, naswona Sefako a nyanya swinene ku lava ku vona muyimbeleri. Kutani Sefako a sungula ku lava rito lero hlamarisa exikarhi ka nhlanga, misinya na le byanyini kambe a nga n’wi kumanga. +  +Siku rin’wana, Sefako u tekile xiboho xa ku nga ha yi emahlweni a lava muyimbeleri lowo hlamarisa. Ematshan’weni, u lukile kungu ra ku phasa n’winyi wa rito lero saseka! +Sefako tanihi ntolovelo u kile mati enambyeni endzhaku a ya etlela ehansi ka nsinya lowu a wu rhandzaka a endla onge u khomiwile hi vurhongo. Tanihi tolovelo, ngwenya leyi a yi taleriwile hi rirhandzu yi kasela ehandle ka nambu ku ta n’wi yimbelelela. +Loko Sefako a twa rito lero saseka, a pfula mahlo yakwe hi xihatla kutani a tikuma a langutanile na mahlo ya … NGWENYA! +Sefako a chuhile swinene! Hi xihatla, a tlakuka a yima hi milenge, a tlumbana na khuwani ra yena ri halatela mati hinkwawo ehansi. Kutani a sungula ku tsutsuma hi le ribuweni ra nambu kambe, xo biha i ku, a khudlunyiwa hi ribye a wa, a wela ehansi hi mpfumawulo lowukulu. Ngwenya leyi a yi taleriwile hi rirhandzu, yi n’wi andzelela, a yimile kwala kusuhi na yona a yi languta. Loko yi kasela kusuhi na yena, Sefako a oma hi ku chava. +“U nga chavi,” ku vula ngwenya hi rito ra kahle. “A ndzi ku vona loko u etlele ehansi ka nsinya hi masiku lamo tala, kambe a ndzi ku vavisanga. Xana ndzi nga ku mitela yini sweswi?” Endzhaku ngwenya yi sungula ku yimbelela risimu ro hola leri hi xinkadyana ri nga kufumeta mbilu ya Sefako. +A nga ha ri na ku chava, nhwana lowo saseka u tshamile kutani a yingisela rito leri a nyanya ku ri rhandza. +Endzhaku ka sweswo, Sefako a tsutsumela enambyeni ku ya hlangana na ngwenya leyi yo yimbelela madyambu man’wana na man’wana, naswona endzhaku ka nkarhi, u tekile xiboho xa ku tekana na yona. +Hi nkarhinyana, a va na xivindzi xa ku byela tatana wa yena. +  +Tatana wa Sefako a nga tsakanga naswitsongo! “Xana ngwenya leyi ya wena yi na tihomu ta ku hakela ndzovolo?” a vula a hlundzukile. “Xana yi ta swi kota ku ku nyika vana na ku ku akela ndyangu?” +  +Hambileswi tatana wa Sefako a nga pfumeli leswaku a tekana na ngwenya, matitwelo ya yena a ya cincanga. Loko tatana wa yena a lemuka leswaku nhwana wa yena a nge swi koti ku cinca mianakanyo ya yena, u n’wi pfalerile eka yin’wana ya tindlu ta mabyanyi ta kwala tikweni. Siku rin’wana na rin’wana ninhlikani, a n’wi tisela swakudya na ku n’wi kamba. +  +Kambe siku rin’wana tatana wa Sefako u rivele ku khiya rivanti ra yindlu leya mabyanyi. Sefako u yimile nkarhinyana ku tiyisisa leswaku ku hlayisekile loko a nga se pfula rivanti kutani hi xihatla a tsutsumela enambyeni. +  +Loko a fikile kona, Sefako a huwelela, “Ngwenya, Ngwenya, hi mina, Sefako!” Ngwenya, leyi a yi n’wi lava hi mahlongati masiku layo tala, yi humelela ematini ku ya n’wi xeweta. +  +Hi siku leri landzelaka, tatana wa Sefako u kumile leswaku a nga ha ri kona, a hlundzukile swinene! A taleriwile hi ku hlundzuka, u tekile nhonga a landzelela mikondzo ya nhwana wa yena ku ya enambyeni. A tiyimiserile ku sivela nhwana wa yena ku tekana na ngwenya. +  +Loko a fika eribuweni ra nambu, u vonile Sefako a ri karhi a hlambela enambyeni na ngwenya etlhelo ka yena. +  +“Sefako, Sefako,” a n’wi vitana. “Tana laha hi ku hatlisa! U nga ka u nga tekani na ngwenya yaleyo.” +  + +  +Sefako u jikisile nhloko yakwe a tatayisela tatana wa yena loko a nga si hlambela na ngwenya va nyamalala. Tatana wa yena loyi a karhatekile na ku hela ntamu a languta loko nhwana wa yena na ngwenya va nyamalala endzeni ka mati. +  +Endzhaku ka nkarhi, Sefako u vuyile ku ta endzela tiko ra ka vona. Mbilu ya tatana wa yena a yi taleriwile hi ntsako ku n’wi vona. A n’wi ehleketa swinene, naswona hi nkarhi walowo, a tiva leswi a fanele a swi endla. +  +“Ndza mi amukela, ndza mi amukela, havumbirhi bya n’wina,” a vula, hi ku tsutsuma a ya xeweta Sefako na ngwenya. Endzhaku a jika a languta ngwenya a ku, “Ha ku amukela endyangwini wa hina.” +* Sefako u rhandzana na ngwenya. Xana u anakanya leswaku swa koteka ku rhandzana na ngwenya? Hikwalahokayini swi koteka kumbe swi nga koteki? +* Loko wo va na xiharhi lexi nga munghana wa wena, xana i xiharhi xihi lexi u nga xi hlawulaka, naswona hikwalahokayini? +* Dirowa xiharhi lexi u xi tsakelaka. Tsala risimu kumbe xiphato hi xiharhi xa wena.",tso,Xitsonga,Sefako na ngwenya yo yimbele,"Many years ago, in a faraway village, there lived a beautiful girl called Sefako. Sefako stole the hearts of many men in the village. They would write poems and songs praising her beauty. But Sefako was not interested in marrying any of them, and ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mutsari i Rudo Mungoshi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sefako-na-ngwenya-yo-yimbelela +sefako-and-the-singing-crocodile,"Ngelinye ilanga, eplasini elikude, bekunomntazana omuhle ibizo lakhe linguSefako. USefako bekakara amadoda amanengi eplasini lalapho. Bebamtlolela iinkondlo neengoma zokukwakwazela ubuhle bakhe. Kodwana uSefako bekanganakareko yokutjhada namunye wabo, begodu loku kwenza uyise wasilingeka ngombana bekacabanga bona indodakazakhe seyikulungele ukuba nomuzayo. +USefako lo ebekangakwazi kukuthi bekanekareko eyifihlo engakajayeleki! Ikareko eyifihlo leyo bekuyingwenya ehlala emlanjeni lapho ebekakha khona amanzi. Mihle namalanga, ema-awareni ambalwa ngaphambi kokutjhinga kwelanga, uSefako bekehlela emlanjeni nomjeka wakhe wokukha amanzi nokudla kwakhe kwantambama. +USefako bekanomukghwa wokubetha isithongwana ngaphasi komuthi awuthandako ngemva kokukha amanzi ngemlanjeni. Ingwenya beyivame ukubhaca ngemanzini imbukele nakaleleko. Beyihlala ilulukela ukukhuluma naye kodwana ingazi bona ingalifunyana njani ithuba lokwenza njalo ngaphandle kokumthusa. +Ngelinye ilanga, ingwenya yaqina isibindi yatjhidela kuSefako ngemva kobana sekalele. Ingwenya esemathandweni yathaba yabhembesa nayizibona ihlanu kwaka-Sefako kangangobana yathoma nokucula ngendlela emthanda ngayo. +  + +  +USefako wezwa ingoma emnandi begodu waphaphama, acabanga bona uyabhudanga. Ingwenya beyingafuni uSefako aphaphame ayibone, yeke yatjhingela ngemanzini ngokurhabako. +Lokhu kwenzeka godu ngakusasa … kwabuye kwenzeka … kwenzeka godu ngokulandelako. USefako bekezwa ingwenya imculela ingoma nakaleleko kodwana nakavukako, angaboni muntu. Ebekakuzwa makari wemithi arhwatjhazelako neenkomo eziwumuzako kude. +Ingoma yamthinta ihliziyo, begodu uSefako bekahlala afuna ukubona umculi wayo. Yeke, uSefako wathoma ukufunisisa ngephimbo elimnandeli hlangana nemihlanga, imithi notjani kodwana azange afunyane litho. +Ngelinye ilanga, uSefako waqunta bona angeze asazitshwenya ngokufunisisa ngephimbo lelo. Kunalokho, wahlela ukufuna umnikazi wephimbo elimnandi! +USefako wakha amanzi ngemlanjeni njengemhleni bese wayokucambalala ngaphasi komuthakhe awuthandako wazenza kwanga ulele ubuthongo. Njengemhleni, ingwenya itjhiswa lithando yarharhabela ngaphandle komlambo iyomculela. +USefako nakezwa iphimbo elimnandi, wavula amehlwakhe ngokurhabako begodu wazifunyana aqalene … NENGWENYA ngemehlweni! +USefako bekathukwe ahlengezela! Wathi uyeqa, wararha umjeka wakhe, kwaphalaka woke amanzi ebekawakhileko. Wathoma wabaleka akhuphuka ngerharheni, kodwana wakhutjwa lilitje waratlaka phasi ngendlela ebuhlungu. Ingwenya emthandako leyo, beyimlandela, yayokujama hlanu kwakhe yambukela. Njengombana irharhabela hlanu kwakhe, uSefako wathukwa waba makhaza. +Ingwenya yathi kuye ngesineke, “Ungasabi.” “Bengihlala ngikubukele nawulele ngaphasi komuthi loya mihle namalanga, kodwana azange ngikulimaze. Ngingathi ngikudlelani-ke nje?” Khonokho, ingwenya yathoma yacula ingoma emnandi eyatjhiriya ihliziyo kaSefako. +Angasenavalo, umntazana omuhle lo wasikima walalela iphimbo ebekahlala alizwa kangangobana naye wayithanda. +Ngemva kwalokho, uSefako bekagijimela ngemlanjeni ahlangabeze ingwenya qobe ntambama, begodu ngemva kwesikhathi, waqunta ukutjhada nayo. +Ngokukhamba kwesikhathi, waba nesibindi sokutjela uyise. +Uyise lakaSefako azange lithabe nakancani! “Kazi ingwenya yakho leyo inazo na iinkomo zokukulobola?” kubuza uyise asilingekile. “Izokukghona na ukukubelethisa abantwana beyikwakhele nekhaya?” +Ngitjho nanyana ubabakhe angazange akwamukele ukuthi atjhade nengwenya, uSefako yena bekasolo ayithanda. Lokha uyise nakalemuka bona indodakazakhe ayizokutjhugulula indlela ezizwa ngayo, wakhamba wayomlodlhelela ngakwenye ikumba yeplasini. Mihle namalanga emini, bekamlethela ukudla amhlole nokuthi unjani +  +Kodwana ngelinye ilanga, uyise walibala ukulodlhela umnyango wekumba. USefako walinda kancani ukuqiniseka bona bengekhe kuzwe muntu nakavula umnyango yeke wavula ngokurhabako wagijimela ngemlanjeni. +  +Wathi nakafika lapho, uSefako wabiza, ""Ngwenya, Ngwenya, ngimi uSefako!"" Ingwenya ebeyisolo imhlulukele amalanga amanengi, yakhuphuka ngaphasi kwamanzi yeza yazomlotjhisa. +  +Ngakusasa, ubaba kaSefako walemuka bona akekho, kwamsilinga khulu lokho! Ngelaka, wathatha umphini odege walandela umtlhala wendodakazakhe otjhinga ngemlanjeni. Bekazimisele ukuvimba indodakazakhe bona ingatjhadi nengwenya. +  +Wathi nakafika ngerharheni lomlambo, wabona uSefako aduda ngemlanjeni nengwenya hlanu kwakhe. +  +“Sefako, Sefako,” kubiza uyise. “Yewuzapha ngokurhabako! Angekhe utjhade nengwenya leyo.” +  + +  +USefako wajika waqala ngakuyise wambabayisa ngaphambi kokududa bebayokutjhinga nengwenya. Uyise otshwenyekileko wabukela kunganalitho angalenza njengombana indodakazakhe itjhinga ngaphasi kwamanzi nengwenya. +Ngokukhamba kwesikhathi, uSefako wabuya wazokuvakatjha eplasini. UYise wathaba wabhembesa nakambonako. Bekamkhumbule kwamanikelela, begodu ngesikhatheso, bekazi bona yini okufuze ayenze. +“Ngiyanamukela, ngiyanamukela, nobabili,” kutjho uyise, agijimela ukuyokulotjhisa uSefako nengwenya. Bese waqala ingwenya wathi, ""Siyakwamukela emndeninethu.""",nbl,isiNdebele,USefako nengwenya eculako,"Many years ago, in a faraway village, there lived a beautiful girl called Sefako. Sefako stole the hearts of many men in the village. They would write poems and songs praising her beauty. But Sefako was not interested in marrying any of them, and ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguRodo Mungoshi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/usefako-nengwenya-eculako +sefako-and-the-singing-crocodile,"Miṅwahani minzhi yo fhiraho kha muṅwe muḓana u re kule, ho vha hu tshi dzula muṅwe musidzana wa lunako ane a pfi Sefako. Sefako o vha a tshi funwa nga vhanna vhanzhi muḓanani wonoyo. Vho vha vha tshi ṅwala zwirendo na nyimbo zwa u khoḓa lunako lwawe. Fhedzi Sefako o vha a sa funi u vhingwa na nga muthihi wavho nahone zwenezwi zwa sinyusa khotsi awe nga ṅwambo wa uri vho vha vho humbula uri tsho vha tsho swika tshifhinga tsha uri ṅwananyana wavho a vhe na muḓi wawe. +  +Zwe Sefako a vha a sa zwi ḓivhi ndi uri ho vha hu na muṅwe a songo ḓoweleaho we a vha a tshi mu funa tshiphirini! Onoyo we a vha a tshi mu funa tshiphirini ho vha hu ngweṋa ye ya vha i tshi dzula mulamboni he a vha a tshi ka hone maḓi. Sefako o vha tshi ya mulamboni ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe hu tshee ho sala awara dzi si gathi uri ḓuvha ḽi kovhele, o fara khali ya u ka maḓi a zwiḽiwa zwa nga madekwana. +  +Sefako o vha o ḓowela u zhambu-zhambu khofhe fhasi ha muri une a u funesa musi o no ka maḓi mulamboni. Kanzhi ngweṋa yo vha i tshi dzumbama maḓini ya mu lavhelesa musi o eḓela. Yo vha i tshi ṱulutshela u amba nae, fhedzi yo vha i sa ḓivhi uri i ḓo zwi itisa hani uri a zwi vhone nga nḓila ine ya ḓo mu ita uri a si tshuwe. +  +Ḽiṅwe ḓuvha ngweṋa ya vha na tshivhindi tsha u sendela tsini na Sefako musi a tshi kha ḓi tou bva u farwa nga khofhe. Yeneyo ngweṋa ye ya vha yo ḓala lufuno yo takalela vhukuma u vha tsini na Sefako lwe ya thoma u imba nga nḓila ine ya mu funa ngayo. +  + +  +Sefako o pfa luimbo lwavhuḓi lwe lwa mu karusa khofheni dzawe, zwa mu ita uri a humbule uri o vha a tshi khou lora. Ngweṋa yo vha i sa ṱoḓi uri Sefako a karuwe a i vhone, nga zwenezwo ya mbo ḓi redzemutshela mulamboni nga u ṱavhanya. +  +Hezwi zwo itea nga ḓuvha ḽi tevhelaho ... ḽe ḽa tevhela ḽeneḽo ... na ḽa nga murahu ha ḽeneḽo. Sefako o vha a tshi pfa ngweṋa i tshi khou imba musi o eḓela, fhedzi musi a tshi karuwa, o vha a sa vhoni muthu. O vha a tshi pfa muungo wa maṱari a vhudzulwaho nga lumuya na kholomo dzi tshi khou lila dzi hangei kule. +  +Honoho u imba ho kwama mbilu ya Sefako, ha ita uri a ṱoḓe u vhona onoyo muimbi nga maṱo matswuku. Ndi izwi-ha Sefako a tshi thoma u ṱoḓana na ḽeneḽo ipfi ḽi mangadzaho kha ṱhanga, mirini na hatsini, fhedzi a si mu wane. +  +Ḽiṅwe ḓuvha Sefako a ḓivhudza uri ha tsha ḓo dovha a ṱoḓana na ipfi ḽi mangadzaho. Nṱhani hazwo, a vhamba maano a u fasha muṋe wa ḽeneḽo ipfi ḽavhuḓi! +  +Sefako a ya u ka maḓi mulamboni sa nga misi, musi a tshi fhedza a ya u shuvhama fhasi ha muri une a u funesa a ḓiita u nga o eḓela. Sa nga misi, ngweṋa ye ya vha i tshi khou fhufhuma lufuno ya kokovha ya bva mulamboni u itela u mu imbela. +  +Musi Sefako a tshi pfa ipfi ḽavhuḓi, a bonyolowa nga u ṱavhanya nahone a ḓiwana o sedzana na ... NGWEṊA! +  +Sefako o vha o tshuwa vhukuma! A mbo ḓi takuwa nga u ṱavhanya, a khuḓa khali yawe, maḓi oṱhe a shulutshela fhasi. A thoma u gidima o livha philiphilini ya mulambo, fhedzi mashudu mavhi ndi uri o mbo ḓi khukhulwa nga tombo a wela fhasi e gegenene. Ngweṋa ye ya vha i tshi khou fhufhuma lufuno ya mu tevhela, ya mu lavhelesa yo ima tsini nae. Musi i tshi kokovhela tsini, Sefako a tshuwa lwe a sa tsukunyee nga nyofho. +  +“Ni songo ofha,” ya ralo ngweṋa nga ipfi ḽa vhulenda. “Ho no fhela maḓuvha manzhi ndi tshi ḓi ni sedza musi no eḓela fhasi ha houḽa muri, fhedzi a thi athu ni pfisa vhuṱungu. Ndi ngani ni tshi vhona u nga ndi nga ni ḽa zwino?” Nga murahu ha zwenezwo ngweṋa ya thoma u imba luimbo lu vhuthedzelaho lwe lwa mbo ḓi kwama mbilu ya Sefako. +  +Nyofho dza mbo ḓi fhela, onoyo musidzana wa lunako a mbo ḓi takuwa a dzula a thetshelesa ipfi ḽe a vha a tshi vho ḽi funa. +  +Nga murahu ha zwenezwo, Sefako o vha a tshi godimela mulamboni madekwana maṅwe na maṅwe uri a ṱangane na ngweṋa i imbaho nahone nga murahu ha tshifhinganyana, a dzhia tsheo ya uri u ṱoḓa u vhingwa nga yeneyo ngweṋa. +  +O fheleledza o vha na tshivhindi tsha u vhudza khotsi awe. +  +Zwenezwo a zwo ngo takadza khotsi a Sefako na luthihi! “Naa iyi ngweṋa yaṋu i na kholomo dza dzekiso?” vha vhudzisa vho sinyuwa. “Naa i ḓo ni ṋea vhana na u ni fhaṱela muḓi?” +  +Naho Khotsi a Sefako vha songo zwi takalela a tshi vhingwa nga yeneyo ngweṋa, maḓipfele awe ho ngo shanduka. Musi khotsi awe vha tshi ṱhogomela uri ṅwananyana wavho ha nga ḓo shandula muhumbulo wawe, vha mu valela kha iṅwe ya nnḓu dza hatsi vha khiṋa. Ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe nga masiari tshivhangalala, vho vha vha tshi mu ḓisela zwiḽiwa na u mu ṱola. +  +Fhedzi ḽiṅwe ḓuvha khotsi a Sefako vha hangwa u khiṋa vothi ḽa yeneyo nnḓu ya hatsi. Fhedzi Sefako a lindela tshifhinganyana uri a vhe na vhungoho ha uri zwo tsireledzea a sa athu vula vothi nahone a godimela mulamboni nga u gidima. +  +Musi a tshi tou swika henengei, Sefako a vhidzelela, “Ngweṋa, Ngweṋa, ndi nṋe Sefako!” Ngweṋa ye ya vha yo fhedza maḓuvha manzhi i tshi khou mu ṱoḓa nga maṱo matswuku, ya bva maḓini ya mu lumelisa. +  +Nga tsha matshelo khotsi a Sefako vha zwi ṱhogomela uri haho nahone vha tou duga nga vhuhali! Vha tshi khou tetemela nga vhuhali, vha dzhia thonga vha tevhela ṋayo dzawe mulamboni. Vho vha vho ḓiimisela thivhela ṅwananyana wavho uri a si vhingwe nga ngweṋa. +  +Musi vha tshi swika philiphilini ya mulambo, vha vhona Sefako a tshi khou bammbela mulamboni na ngweṋa tsini nae. +  +“Sefako, Sefako,” vha vhidzelela. “Iḓani ngeno nga u ṱavhanya, ni khou mpfa! A ni nga ḓo vhingwa nga heyo ngweṋa.” +  + +  +Sefako a rembuluwa nahone a imisa tshanḓa a onesa khotsi awe a sa athu bammbela na ngweṋa. Khotsi awe vho dinaleaho vha sokou ima vho hanganea musi ṅwananyana wavho na ngweṋa vha tshi ṋupela maḓini. +Nga murahu ha tshifhinga, Sefako a dalela muḓana wa hawe. Khotsi awe vha fhufhuma dakalo musi vha tshi mu vhona. Vho vha vho mu ṱuvha vhukuma nahone vho vha vha tshi ḓivha zwine vha tea u zwi ita nga tshenetsho tshifhinga. +“No ṱanganedzwa, no ṱanganedzwa vhuvhili ha vhoiwe,” vha ralo, vha tshi khou gidimela u lumelisa Sefako na ngweṋa. Nga murahu vha rembuluwa vha lavhelesa ngweṋa vha ri, “No ṱanganedzwa muṱani wa hashu.”",ven,Tshivenda,Sefako na ngweṋa i imbaho,"Many years ago, in a faraway village, there lived a beautiful girl called Sefako. Sefako stole the hearts of many men in the village. They would write poems and songs praising her beauty. But Sefako was not interested in marrying any of them, and ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Muṅwali ndi Rudo Mungoshi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sefako-na-ngweṋa-i-imbaho +snails-have-feelings-too,"The snails who lived in Mrs Mondliwa’s garden were very unhappy. +“I’VE HAD IT!” grumbled Slimy Snail. +“Me too,” agreed Speedy, his best friend. “Why can’t we snails be liked more by the other garden bugs?” +“I’m fed up with all of this bad treatment,” continued Slimy. +“Yeah, what’s wrong with us?” asked Speedy. +“I have an idea. Let’s get all the snails together and complain to the other bugs,” suggested Slimy. +“That’s a great idea,” agreed Speedy. “We’ll tell them that they have to like us more.” +The next day, Speedy and Slimy and all the other snails met under the thorn bush to chat to the other garden bugs. +“We snails want to be shown some respect,” said Speedy. “We also want all of you to like us more.” +“NO WAY!” shouted Butterfly. “Snails are awful.” +“YES!” agreed Bee. “Snails must buzz off.” +“You’re a nuisance,” added Caterpillar. +“But what have we ever done wrong?” asked Slimy. +“WHAT! Just look at this bruise on my leg,” began Grasshopper. “Do you know how I got it? From snails! You snails slither your slime all over the place causing us to slip and hurt ourselves. Do you have any idea how slippery that stuff is?” +“We’re so small, we get stuck in your slime,” added Queen Ant. +“Oh dear!” said the snails surprised. “We had no idea.” +“And that’s not all,” Caterpillar said. “Do you know what traffic jams you cause? +You snails are sooooo slow.” +“And that’s not all,” added Butterfly. “Could you please stop eating all the flowers? +You are destroying our beautiful garden.” +The snails felt awful. They had no idea they were causing so many problems. +The little snails felt so bad that they began to cry. +  + +“There must be something good about snails?” Slimy pleaded. +The other bugs were silent. They thought and thought about what might be good about snails. +Eventually, Butterfly said, “NOPE! Sorry, but you snails are just awful. There is not one good thing about you!” +“In fact, we think all the snails should leave the garden. The rest of us have had enough!” added Worm, even though he was quite slimy himself. +“SNAILS OUT! SNAILS OUT!” the bugs began to chant. +“Wait, wait,” said Slimy. “Give us a chance.” +“Yes,” said Speedy. “Give us a chance and we’ll prove that snails can do some good.” +The bugs thought for a moment. “Very well then,” they agreed. “You have two days to prove to us that you are useful, or else, goodbye!” +After the bugs had gone back to their parts of the garden, the snails sat and thought and thought. +“How about we learn to run?” suggested Speedy. +“Great idea,” agreed Slimy. “Come on, snails, let’s get fit!” The snails spent the whole day training, but unfortunately, they found running impossible. +“Oh no!” said the oldest snail. “Now what? We have to come up with an idea that will make the other bugs like us.” +“I’ve got it!” said Slimy. “Let’s try eating weeds instead of flowers.” +“Okay, why not?” agreed the others. So, the snails tried to eat only the weeds in the garden. +“Oh no, this is not going to work. Weeds taste TERRIBLE!” said Speedy after a little while. +  + +The snails felt very sad. Some even started to pack up their homes to leave. +“Hey, I’ve got an idea,” giggled Simphiwe, the youngest snail. “I need you all to meet me at the top of the anthill.” +“Are you crazy? It’ll take us all day to climb up there,” said Slimy. +“Trust me,” said Simphiwe. +Two days passed and the snails finally made it to the top of the anthill. The other bugs gathered at the foot of the anthill to see what the snails were up to. +“So, what’s your great idea?” they demanded. +“Well, um …” said Simphiwe. +“Yes?” said the other bugs. +“You’ll definitely let us stay when you see what we’ve made,” said Simphiwe. +The other bugs stood completely still, their eyes glued to Simphiwe. +“Ta-da,” said Simphiwe moving towards the slope of the anthill. “We’ve made you the most wonderful SLIPPERY SLIDE from all of our snail slime!” +There was a long pause as the bugs all thought about this idea. +“COOOOOL!” they agreed. “Let’s try it out.” +And they did. The bugs all took it in turn to slide down the gooey slippery slide. It was loads of fun. Everyone loved the slide and so it was decided that the snails could definitely stay in the garden!",eng,English,Snails have feelings too!,"The snails who lived in Mrs Mondliwa’s garden were very unhappy. +“I’VE HAD IT!” grumbled Slimy Snail. +“Me too,” agreed Speedy, his best friend. “Why can’t we snails be liked more by the other garden ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",By Lori-Ann Preston,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/snails-have-feelings-too +snails-have-feelings-too,"Die slakke wat in mev. Mondliwa se tuin woon, is baie ongelukkig. +“EK HET GENOEG GEHAD!” brom Slimy Slak. +“Ek ook,” sê sy beste maat, Speedy. “Hoekom hou die ander goggas in die tuin nie van ons nie?” +“Ek is siek en sat om so sleg behandel te word,” gaan Slimy voort. +“Ja, wat’s fout met ons?” vra Speedy. +“Ek het ’n plan. Kom ons kry al die slakke bymekaar en gaan kla by die ander goggas,” stel Slimy voor. +“Dis ’n blink plan,” stem Speedy saam. “Ons sal vir hulle sê dat hulle meer van ons moet hou.” +Die volgende dag kom Speedy en Slimy en al die ander slakke onder die doringbos bymekaar om met die ander tuingoggas te praat. +“Ons wil met respek behandel word,” sê Speedy. “Ons wil ook hê julle moet meer van ons hou.” +“VERGEET DAARVAN!” skree Skoenlapper. “Slakke is aaklig.” +“JA!” stem By saam. “Slakke hoort nie by ons nie.” +“Julle is ’n oorlas,” voeg Ruspe by. +“Maar wat het ons al ooit verkeerd gedoen?” vra Slimy. +“WAT! Kyk net na hierdie kneusplek op my been,” begin Sprinkaan. “Weet jy waar ek dit gekry het? Van slakke! Julle slakke smeer julle slym oraloor en dit laat ons gly en val en seerkry. Het julle enige idee hoe glibberig daardie slym is?” +“Ons is so klein, ons sit vas in julle slym,” sê Mierkoningin. +“O, goeiste!” sê die slakke verbaas. “Ons het dit nie geweet nie.” +“En dis nie al nie,” sê Ruspe. “Weet julle watter verkeersknope julle veroorsaak? +Julle slakke is sooooo stadig.” +“En dis nie al nie,” voeg Skoenlapper by. “Kan julle asseblief ophou om al die blomme op te eet? Julle verwoes ons pragtige tuin.” +Die slakke voel verskriklik sleg. Hulle het geen idee gehad dat hulle soveel probleme veroorsaak nie. Die klein slakkies voel so sleg dat hulle begin huil. + +“Slakke moet darem goed wees vir iets, of hoe?” smeek Slimy. +Die ander goggas raak stil. Hulle dink en dink oor waarvoor slakke moontlik kan goed wees. +Uiteindelik sê Skoenlapper: “NEE WAT! Jammer, maar julle is eenvoudig aaklig. +Daar is niks waarvoor slakke goed is nie!” +“Ek dink eintlik al die slakke moet die tuin verlaat. Die res van ons het genoeg gehad!” sê Wurm, al is hy self maar slymerig. +“WEG MET DIE SLAKKE! WEG MET DIE SLAKKE!” begin die goggas dreunsing. +“Wag, wag,” sê Slimy. “Gee ons nog ’n kans.” +“Ja,” sê Speedy. “Gee ons ’n kans en ons sal vir julle wys dat slakke ook goed en nuttig kan wees.” +Die goggas dink vir ’n oomblik hieroor na. “Nou goed dan,” stem hulle in. “Julle het twee dae om vir ons te bewys dat julle nuttig is vir iets, anders is dit weg met julle!” +Toe die goggas terug is na hulle deel van die tuin, gaan sit die slakke en hulle dink en dink. +“Ons kan altyd leer om te hardloop,” stel Speedy voor. +“Blink plan,” sê Slimy. “Kom, slakke, kom ons raak fiks!” Die slakke oefen die hele dag lank, maar ongelukkig kry hulle dit nie reg om te hardloop nie. +“Ag nee!” sê die oudste slak. “Wat nou? Ons moet met ’n plan vorendag kom wat sal maak dat die ander goggas van ons hou.” +“Ek het dit!” sê Slimy. “Kom ons probeer die onkruid eet in plaas van die blomme.” +“Nou goed, hoekom nie?” stem die ander in. Die slakke probeer toe om net die onkruid in die tuin te eet. +“Ai tog, dit gaan nie werk nie. Onkruid proe AAKLIG!” sê Speedy na ’n rukkie. +  + +Die slakke voel baie hartseer. Party van hulle begin selfs hul huise oppak om te vertrek. +“Haai, ek het ’n idee,” giggel Simphiwe, die jongste slak. “Julle moet my asseblief almal bo-op die miershoop ontmoet.” +“Is jy gek? Dit sal ons dae vat om daar te kom,” sê Slimy. +“Vertrou my,” sê Simphiwe. +Twee dae gaan verby en toe is die slakke uiteindelik bo-op die miershoop. Die ander goggas vergader aan die voet van die miershoop om te kyk wat die slake in die mou voer. +“Nou toe, wat is jou blink plan?” vra die goggas kwaai. +“Wel, um …” begin Simphiwe. +“Ja?” sê die ander goggas. +“Julle sal ons beslis toelaat om in die tuin te bly as julle sien wat ons gemaak het,” kondig Simphiwe aan. +Die ander goggas staan doodstil, hul oë vasgenael op Simphiwe. +“Ta-da,” sê Simphiwe, en beweeg na die kant van die miershoop. “Ons het vir julle die wonderlikste GLIBBERIGSTE GLYBAAN met al ons slakslym gemaak!” +Die goggas is lank stil terwyl hulle hieroor nadink. +“FANTASTIES!” roep hulle. “Kom ons toets dit uit.” +En dis presies wat hulle doen. Die goggas neem almal beurte om teen die glibberige glybaan af te gly. Dit is hope pret. Almal hou van die glybaan en so word daar besluit dat die slakke beslis in die tuin mag bly woon!",afr,Afrikaans,Slakke het ook gevoelens!,"The snails who lived in Mrs Mondliwa’s garden were very unhappy. +“I’VE HAD IT!” grumbled Slimy Snail. +“Me too,” agreed Speedy, his best friend. “Why can’t we snails be liked more by the other garden ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Deur Lori-Ann Preston,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/slakke-het-ook-gevoelens +snails-have-feelings-too,"Inkumba ezazihlala kwisitiya sikaNkosikazi uMondliwa zazingonwabanga kwaphela. +“NDANELE!” wambombozela watsho uSlimy. +“Nam ngokunjalo,” wavumelana naye uSpeedy, umhlobo wakhe osenyongweni. +“Kutheni thina zinkumba singathandwa ngakumbi zezinye izinambuzane zasesitiyeni?” +“Ndikruquke kwade kwathi pheza koku kuphatheka kakubi,” waqhubeka watsho uSlimy. +“Ewe, yintoni le ingalunganga ngathi?” wabuza uSpeedy. +“Ndinecebo, masiqokelelane sonke siziinkumba size sikhalaze kwezinye izinambuzane,” wacebisa uSlimy. +“Ngumbono omhle kakhulu lowo,” wavuma uSpeedy. “Siza kuzixelela ukuba kufuneka zisithande nathi.” +Ngosuku olulandelayo, uSpeedy noSlimy nazo zonke ezinye iinkumba zahlangana phantsi komthi onameva ukuzokuncokola nezinye izinambuzane zasesitiyeni. +“Thina zinkumba sifuna ukuboniswa intlonipho,” watsho uSpeedy. “Kwakhona sifuna nonke nisithande nathi.” +“SOZE!” wakhwaza uBhabhathane. “Iinkumba ziyonyanyeka.” +“EWE!” wavumelana naye uNyosi. “Iinkumba mazimke.” +“Niyinkathazo,” wongeza uMbungu. +“Kodwa sakha sona ntoni?” wabuza uSlimy. +“INTONI! Jonga nje lo mgruzuko usemlenzeni wam,” waqalisa uNtethe. “Niyazi ukuba ndawufumana njani? Kwiinkumba! Nina zinkumba nidyobha yonke le ndawo ngodaka lwenu nisenze sityibilike size sizonzakalise. Niyazi ukuba laa nto ityibilikisa njani?” +“Sibancinane thina, siyaxinga kudaka lwenu,” wongeza uKumkanikazi uMbovane. +“Hayibo!” zatsho iinkumba zimangalisekile. “Besingazi.” +“Yaye akukuphela koko,” watsho uMbungu. “Niyayazi ingxinano eniyenzayo endleleni? Nina zinkumba niyacoooootha.” +“Yaye akuphelelanga futhi koko,” wongeza uBhabhathane. “Ninganceda nipheze ukutya zonke iintyatyambo? Niyasitshabalalisa isitiya sethu esihle.” +Iinkumba zeva kakubi. Zazingazi ukuba zazisenza iingxaki ezininzi kangako. +Iinkumba ezincinane zaziva kabuhlungu kangangokuba zaqalisa ukulila. +  + +“Inokuba ingakhona into elungileyo ngeenkumba?” wafana watsho uSlimy ngelicengayo. +Ezinye izinambuzane zazithe cwaka. Zacinga, zacinga ngento enokuba ilungile ngeenkumba. +Ekugqibeleni uBhabhathane wathi, “HAYI! Uxolo, kodwa nina zinkumba anithandeki niyonyanyeka. Akukho nenye into elungileyo ngani!” +“Eneneni, sicinga ukuba zonke iinkumba kufanele ukuba zimke esitiyeni. Thina sanele!” wongeza uMsundululu, nakuba nje naye wayenolwakhe udaka. +“IINKUMBA MAZIPHUME! IINKUMBA MAZIPHUME!” izinambuzane zaqalisa ukucula. +“Khanime, khanime,” watsho uSlimy. “Khanisinike ithuba.” +“Ewe,” watsho uSpeedy. “Khanisinike ithuba, siza kubonisa ukuba iinkumba zingakwenza okulungileyo.” +Izinambuzane zacinga okomzuzwana. “Kulungile ke,” zavuma. “Nineentsuku ezimbini ukusibonisa ukuba niluncedo, okanye, nihambe kakuhle!” +Emva kokuba izinambuzane zibuyele kwindawo yazo esitiyeni, iinkumba zahlala zacinga, zacinga. +“Kunganjani ukuba sifunda ukubaleka?” wacebisa uSpeedy. +“Ngumbono omhle lowo,” wavuma uSlimy. “Yizani zinkumba, masizomeleze!” Iinkumba zachitha usuku lonke zizilolonga. Kodwa ngelishwa, zafumanisa ukuba akukwazeki ukubaleka. +“Owu bethuna!” yatsho eyona nkumba indala. “Ngoku ithini into? Kufuneka size necebo eliza kwenza ezinye izinambuzane zisithande.” +“Ndilifumene!” watsho uSlimy. “Masizame ukutya ukhula endaweni yeentyatyambo.” +“Kulungile, singazami nje?” zavuma ezinye. Ngoko ke, iinkumba zazama ukutya ukhula kuphela esitiyeni. +“Owu ngekhe, ayizukusebenza le nto. Ukhula luvakala LULUBI” watsho uSpeedy emva kwexeshana. + +Iinkumba zaziva zilusizi kakhulu. Ezinye zaseziqalisile ukupakisha amakhaya azo ukuze zihambe. +“Yheyi, ndinecebo,” wagigitheka uSimphiwe, eyona nkumba incinane. “Ndifuna nonke nidibane nam phezu kwesiduli.” +“Uyagula? Kwakusithatha imini yonke ukunyuka siye apho,” watsho uSlimy. +“Ndithembeni,” watsho uSimphiwe. +Zadlula iintsuku ezimbini zada ekugqibeleni iinkumba zaya kufikelela phezulu esidulini. Ezinye izinambuzane zaqokelelana enyeleni yesiduli ukuyobona ukuba iinkumba zazize nantoni na. +“Ngoku ke, cebo lini eli lihle ninalo?” zafuna ukwazi. +“Eeeee … mm …” watsho uSimphiwe. +“Yheeeee?” zatsho ezinye izinambuzane. +“Ngokuqinisekileyo nakusiyeka sihlale xa nibona ukuba senze ntoni,” wabhengeza uSimphiwe. +Ezinye izinambuzane zema ngxi, amehlo azo ethe ntsho kuSimphiwe. +“Tha-da,” watsho uSimphiwe esiya ngakwithambeka lesiduli. “Sinenzele owakha wamangalisa UMTYIBILIZI ngalo lonke udaka lwethu!” +Kwabakho ukuthi nqumama ixeshana njengoko izinambuzane zonke zazicinga ngale mbono. +“KWAKUHLE KE!” bavumelana. “Masiwulinge.” +Baze benjenjalo. Izinambuzane zonke zabolekisana ukutshibiliza ukuhla kuloo mtyibilizi. Yayilulonwabo olungathethekiyo. Zonke zawuthanda umtyibilizi kwaza kwagqitywa kwelokuba iinkumba ngokuqinisekileyo zazinokuhlala esitiyeni!",xho,isiXhosa,Iinkumba zineemvakalelo nazo!,"The snails who lived in Mrs Mondliwa’s garden were very unhappy. +“I’VE HAD IT!” grumbled Slimy Snail. +“Me too,” agreed Speedy, his best friend. “Why can’t we snails be liked more by the other garden ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Libali likaLori-Ann Preston,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iinkumba-zineemvakalelo-nazo +snails-have-feelings-too,"Iminenke eyayihlala esivandeni sikaNkk Mondliwa yayingajabule neze neze. +“SENGICIKEKILE!” kuvungama uMnenke uSlimy. +“Nami futhi,” kuvuma uSpeedy umngani wakhe omkhulu. “Kungani thina minenke singathandwa kakhulu ngezinye izilwane zasesivandeni?” +“Sengikhathele yikho konke lokhu kuphathwa kabi,” kuqhuba uSlimy. +“Yehheni, yini kodwa engahambi kahle ngathi?” kubuza uSpeedy. +“Nginomcabango othile, masihlanganise ndawonye yonke iminenke bese sikhononda kwezinye izilwanyana,” kuphakamisa uSlimy. +“Wumqondo omuhle lowo,” kuvuma uSpeedy. “Sizozitshela ukuthi kufanele zisithande kakhudlwana kunalokhu.” +Ngosuku olulandelayo, uSpeedy noSlimy kanye neminye iminenke yahlangana ngaphansi kwesihlahla esinameva ukuze ixoxe nezinye izilwanyana zasesivandeni. +“Thina minenke sifuna ukukhonjiswa inhlonipho efanele,” kwasho uSpeedy. “Futhi sifuna ukuthi nonke nisithande kakhudlwana kunalokhu.” +“NGEKE BO!” kumemeza uVemvane. “Iminenke iyenyanyeka.” +“YEBO!” kuvuma uNyosi. “Iminenke kumele isuke lapha.” +“Niyisinengiso,” kwengeza uCimbi. +“Kodwa yini esake sayenza kabi?” kubuza uSlimy. +“INI! Ake ubheke lo mhuzuko emlenzeni wami,” kuqala uNtethe. “Uyazi ukuthi ngawuthola kanjani? Ngenxa yeminenke! Nina minenke nigcoba le minciminci yenu yonke le ndawo nibange ukuthi sishelele bese siyalimala. Niyazi nje ukuthi le nto yenu ishelela kanjani?” +“Thina sibancane kakhulu, sibhajwa kule minciminci yenu,” kwengeza uNdlovukazi Ntuthwane. +“Nkosi yami!” kwasho yonke iminenke imangele. “Besingakwazi lokho.” +“Futhi akupheleli lapho,” kwasho uCimbi. “Ingabe niyazi ukuthi nibanga isiminyaminya esinjani? Nina minenke nihamba nancane kabi.” +“Futhi lokho akuphelele,” kwengeza uVemvane. “Ningeyeke kodwa ukudla zonke izimbali? Nibulala isivande sethu esihle.” +Iminenke yaphatheka kabi. Yayingazi ukuthi idala izinkinga eziningi kangaka. Iminenke emincane yaphatheka kabi yaze yaqala ukukhala. + +“Kufanele ngabe kukhona kodwa okuhle ngeminenke?” kuphakamisa uSlimy. +Zonke ezinye izilwanyana zathula du. Zacabanga, zicabanga ngokungahle kube kuhle mayelana neminenke. +Ekugcineni, uVemvane wathi, “LUTHO! Phephisani, kodwa nina minenke nibabi nje kwaphela. Akukho nto neyodwa enhle ngani!” +“Eqinisweni, sicabanga ukuthi yonke iminenke kufanele ihambe esivandeni. Sonke sesanele ngani!” kwengeza uCimbi, nakuba naye wayeyiminciminci. +“IMINENKE MAYIPHUME! IMINENKE MAYIPHUME!” izilwanyana ziqala ukuhaya. +“Yimani, yimani,” kusho uSlimy. “Sinikezeni ithutshana.” +“Yebo,” kwasho uSpeedy. “Sinikezeni ithuba, sizokhombisa ukuthi iminenke ingakwazi ukwenza okuhle.” +Izilwanyana zacabanga okwesikhashana. “Kulungile-ke,” zisho zivuma. “Ninezinsuku ezimbili ukusikhombisa ukuthi ninosizo, ngaphandle kwalokho, nihambe kahle!” +Ngemuva kokuthi izilwanyana sezibuyele ezingxenyeni zazo zesivande, iminenke yahlala yacabanga, yacabanga. +“Kunganjani uma sifunda ukugijima?” kuphakamisa uSpeedy. +“Wumqondo omuhle,” kuvuma uSlimy. “Wozani minenke, masiqinise imizimba!” +Iminenke yachitha usuku lonke izilolonga. Kodwa-ke ngeshwa yakuthola ukugijima kuyinto engeke yenzeke. +“Awu cha!” kwasho umnenke omdala kunayo yonke. “Manje-ke? Kufanele siqhamuke necebo elizokwenza ezinye izilwanyana zisithande.” +“Sengilitholile!” kwasho uSlimy. “Masizame ukudla ukhula esikhundleni sezimbali.” +“Kulungile, singekwenze ngani lokho?” kuvuma eminye. Ngakho, iminenke yazama ukudla ukhula kuphela esivandeni. +“Hhayi cha, lokhu ngeke kulunge. Ukhula lunambitheka KABI BO!” kwasho uSpeedy ngemuva kwesikhashana. +  + +Iminenke yazizwa idangele kakhulu. Eminye yayo yavele yaqalela ukuqoqa emakhaya ayo ukuze ihambe. +“Hhayi bo, kukhona engikucabangayo,” kugigitheka uSimphiwe, umnenke owawumncane kunayo yonke. +“Ngidinga ukuthi nonke nihlangane nami phezu kwesiduli somuhlwa.” +“Uyahlanya yini wena? Kuzosithatha usuku lonke ukugibela lapho,” kwasho uSlimy. +“Ngethembeni,” kwasho uSimphiwe. +Kwedlula izinsuku ezimbili iminenke yagcina ifikile phezu kwesiduli. Ezinye izilwanyana zahlangana ekuqaleni kwesiduli ukuze zibone ukuthi iminenke yenzani. +“Pho, yiliphi leli su lakho elihle?” zibuza ngenkani. +“E, mm …” kwasho uSimphiwe. +“Yebo?” kwasho ezinye izilwane. +“Nizosivumela noma kanjani ukuthi sihlale uma senibona lokho esikwenzile,” kumemezela uSimphiwe. +Ezinye izilwanyana zahlala zathula du, amehlo azo enamathele kuSimphiwe. +“Nakho-ke,” kwasho uSimphiwe ehamba eya endaweni eyehlelayo yesiduli. “Sinenzele UMSHININIZO oyisimanga owedlula yonke sisebenzisa yonke iminciminci yethu thina minenke!” +Kwake kwamiwa isikhathi eside ngenkathi zonke izilwanyana zicabanga ngaleli su.  +“K-U-HL-E-KE!” zasho ngokuvuma. “Make sikuzame lokhu.” +Nempela zakwenza lokho. Zonke izilwanyana zadedelana ngokushibilika zisuka phezulu emshininizweni oshelelelayo. Kwase kumnandi kusho. Zonke izilwanyana zazizifela ngomshininizo ngakho kwanqunywa ukuthi noma kanjani iminenke izoqhubeka ihlale esivandeni!",zul,isiZulu,Iminenke nayo inemizwa!,"The snails who lived in Mrs Mondliwa’s garden were very unhappy. +“I’VE HAD IT!” grumbled Slimy Snail. +“Me too,” agreed Speedy, his best friend. “Why can’t we snails be liked more by the other garden ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguLori-Ann Preston,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iminenke-nayo-inemizwa +snails-have-feelings-too,"Dikgopa tšeo di bego di dula tšhengwaneng ya Moh Mondliwa di be di sa thaba le gatee. +“KE KWELE!” gwa ngongorega Slimy. +“Le nna,” gwa dumela Speedy, mogwera wa gagwe wa potego. “Ke ka lebaka la eng rena dikgopa re sa ratwe kudu ke dikhunkhwane tše dingwe tša ka tšhengwaneng?” +“Ke lapišitšwe ke tshwarompe ye ka moka,” a tšwela pele Slimy. +“Ee, bothata ke eng ka rena?” gwa botšiša Speedy. +“Ke na le kgopolo, a re kgobokanye dikgopa ka moka re ipelaetše dikhunkhwaneng tše dingwe,” gwa šišinya Slimy. +“Ke kgopolo ye botse yeo,” gwa dumela Speedy. “Re tla ba botša gore ba swanetše go re rata kudu.” +Ka letšatši la go latela, Speedy le Slimy le dikgopa tše dingwe ka moka ba kopana sethokgweng sa meetlwa go boledišana le dikhunkhwane tše dingwe tša ka tšhengwaneng. +“Rena dikgopa re rata go fiwa tlhompho,” a realo Speedy. “Gape re nyaka gore ka moka ga lena le re rate kudu.” +“GA GO KGONEGE!” gwa goeletša Serurubele. “Dikgopa di a boifiša.” +“EE!” gwa dumela Nose. “Dikgopa ga di emenyana.” +“Le a lapiša,” gwa tlaleletša Lešotša. +“Efela re dirile eng se sebe?” gwa botšiša Slimy. +“ENG! Lebelela morurugo leotong la ka,” gwa thoma Tšie. “O a tseba gore o hlotšwe ke eng? Ke dikgopa! Lena dikgopa le kgopha gohle ka seretse sa lena sa go dira gore re redimoge re gobale. Naa le a lemoga gore selo se se redimoša bjang?” +“Re ba bannyane kudu, re tanywa ka gare ga seretse sa lena,” gwa tlatša +Kgošigadi Tšhošwane. +“Oo morategi!” tša realo dikgopa ka go makala. “Re be re sa tsebe.” +“Ga se seo fela,” Lešotša a realo. “Le tseba sephethephethe se le se hlolago? Lena dikgopa le lepologa kuuuudu.” +“Gomme ga se seo fela,” gwa tlaleletša Serurubele. “Le ka kgona go tlogela go ja maloba ohle? Le senya tšhengwana ya rena ya botse.” +Dikgopa tša ikwa di boifiša. Di be di sa tsebe gore di hlola mathata a mantši bjalo. Dikgopa tše dinnyane di ile tša ikwa gampe kudu tša thoma go lla. + +“Go swanetše go ba go na le se sebotse se re se dirago rena dikgopa?” gwa šišinya Slimy. +Dikhunkhwane tše dingwe di be di homotše. Di ile tša naganiša kudu ka ga se sebotse se se dirwago ke dikgopa. +Mafelelong, Serurubele a re, “AOWA! Tshwarelo, efela lena dikgopa le no boifiša. Ga go na le selo se setee se sebotse ka ga lena!” +“Nnete ke gore, re nagana gore dikgopa ka moka di tloge mo tšhengwaneng. Ka moka ga rena re kwele go lekane!” gwa tlatša Seboko, le ge le yena a be a tletše seretse. +“DIKGOPA GA DI SEPELE! DIKGOPA GA DI SEPELE!” dikhunkhwane tša thoma go opela. +“Emang, emang,” a realo Slimy. “Re feng sebaka.” +“Ee,” a realo Speedy. “Re feng sebaka, re tla le bontšha gore dikgopa di ka dira selo se sebotse.” +Dikhunkhwane tša nagana sebakanyana. “Gabotse,” tša kwana. “Le na le matšatši a mabedi fela go re bontšha gore le na le mohola, go sego bjalo, tsela tšhweu!” +Morago ga gore dikhunkhwane di boele dikarolong tša tšona ka tšhengwaneng, dikgopa di ile tša dula tša nagana tša ba tša nagana. +“Go ka ba bjang ge re ka ithuta go kitima?” gwa šišinya Speedy. +“Ke kgopolo ye botse,” gwa dumela Slimy. “Etlang dikgopa, a re tiišeng mebele!” Dikgopa di feditše letšatši lohle tlhahlong. Efela ka maswabi, di paletšwe ke go kitima. +“Aowaowa!” ya realo kgopa ya motšofadi. “Bjale re dira eng? Re swanetše go tla ka kgopolo ye e tlo dirago gore dikhunkhwane tše dingwe di re rate.” +“Ke na le yona!” a realo Slimy. “A re lekeng go ja sekoro legatong la maloba.” +“Go lokile, re sa se jeleng sekoro?” ba bangwe le bona ba dumela. Gomme, dikgopa tša leka go ja sekoro fela ka tšhengwaneng. +“Aowaowa, se se ka se šome. Sekoro se na le tatso ye MPE!” a realo Speedy ka morago ga sebakanyana. + +Dikgopa di ile tša nyama kudu. Tše dingwe di ile tša thoma go phutha magae a tšona gore di sepele. +“Hei, ke na le kgopolo ye nngwe,” gwa sega Simphiwe, kgopa ye nnyanenyane. “Ke nyaka gore ka moka ga lena le kopane le nna ntlhoreng ya mmoto wa ditšhoši.” +“O a gafa? Go tlo re tšea letšatši ka moka go namela mola,” a realo Slimy. +“Ntshepeng,” a realo Simphiwe. +Go fetile matšatši a mabedi gomme dikgopa tša fihla ntlhoreng ya mmoto wa ditšhoši. Dikhunkhwane tše dingwe di kgobokane maotong a mmoto go bona gore dikgopa di nyaka go dira eng. +“Bjalo, kgopolo ya lena ye kgolo ke efe?” ba nyaka go tseba. +“Ee, um …” a realo Simphiwe. +“Ee?” dikhunkhwane tše dingwe tša realo. +“Mafelelong le tlile gore re se sepele ge le bona se re se dirilego,” a realo Simphiwe. +Dikhunkhwane tše dingwe di ile tša ema kgwathe, mahlo a tšona a kgomaretše Simphiwe. +“Tha-da,” a realo Simphiwe a lebile mosekamong wa mmoto wa makeke. “Re o dirile SEREDIMOŠI SA GO REDIMOŠA se sebotse kudu ka seretse sa rena dikgopa ka moka ga rena!” +Go rile hwathe sebakanyana ge dikhunkhwane di nagana ka kgopolo ye. +“GABOOOOTSE!” ba dumela. “A re e lekeng.” +Gomme ba e leka. Dikhunkhwane di ile tša šiedišana ka go redimoga di eya fase seredimošing sa go redimoša. E be e le boithabišo bjo bontši. Bohle ba be ba rata seredimoši gomme gwa kwanwa gore dikgopa di tla tšwela pele go dula ka tšhengwaneng!",nso,Sepedi,Dikgopa le tšona di na le maikutlo!,"The snails who lived in Mrs Mondliwa’s garden were very unhappy. +“I’VE HAD IT!” grumbled Slimy Snail. +“Me too,” agreed Speedy, his best friend. “Why can’t we snails be liked more by the other garden ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Lori-Ann Preston,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dikgopa-le-tšona-di-na-le-maikutlo +snails-have-feelings-too,"Dikgofu tse neng di phela tshimong ya Mof Mondliwa di ne di sa thaba hohang. +“HA KE SA BATLA LETHO!” ho honotha Kgofu e bitswang Slimy. +“Le nna,” Speedy, motswalle wa hae, a dumellana le yena. “Hobaneng ha rona dikgofu re sa ratwe ke dikokwanyana tse ding tsa tshimong mona?” +“Ke kgathetse ke tshwaro ena e mpe ho rona,” Slimy a tswela pele. +“Ehlile, phoso ya rona ke efe?” ha botsa Speedy. +“Ke na le mohopolo, ha re bitse dikgofu tsohle mmoho mme re ilo ipelaetsa ho dikokwanyana tse ding,” Slimy a etsa tlhahiso. +“Ke mohopolo o motle,” Speedy a dumellana le yena. “Re tla ba bolella hore ba lokela ho re rata ho feta.” +Letsatsing le hlahlamang, Speedy le Slimy le dikgofu tse ding tsohle tsa kopana ka tlasa sehlahla sa meutlwa ho ya buisana le dikokwanyana tse ding tsa tshimong. +“Rona dikgofu re batla ho fuwa tlhompho,” ha rialo Speedy. “Hape re batla hore lona bohle le re rate ho feta.” +“LE KGALE!” ha hoeletsa Serurubele. “Dikgofu di mpe.” +“EHLILE!” ha rialo Notshi. “Dikgofu ha di ilo wela kwana.” +“Le a tena,” ha eketsa Mokone. +“Empa re le entse eng e mpe hakana?” ha botsa Slimy. +“ENG! A ko shebe feela ho ruruha tlhafung ya ka,” ha rialo Kgopi. “Na le a tseba hore ke ho fumane jwang? Ho dikgofu! Lona dikgofu le tsamaya le siya slaeme sa lona se nepolohang hohle mona mme se baka hore re thelle re tswe kotsi. Na le a tseba hore ntho eo e thellisa jwang?” +“Re banyane haholo, re tshwaseha ka hara slaeme sa lona,” Mofumahadi Bohlwa le yena a eketsa. +“Helang!” ha rialo dikgofu di maketse. “Re ne re sa tsebe.” +“Mme ha se tseo feela,” ha rialo Mokone. “Na le a tseba hore le sitisa sephethephethe hakae? Lona dikgofu le lenaaama.” +“Mme ha se tseo feela,” ha eketsa Serurubele. “Ebe le ka tlohela ho ja dipalesa kaofela? Le senya tshimo ya rona e ntle” +Dikgofu tsa ikutlwela bohloko. Di ne di sa tsebe hore di baka mathata a mangata hakana. Dikgofu tse nyane tsa utlwa bohloko hoo di ileng tsa ba tsa lla. +  + +“Ho tshwanetse ho be ho ena le ntho e ntle ka rona dikgofu?” Slimy a etsa tlhahiso. +Dikokwanyana tse ding di ne di itholetse. Tsa nahana, tsa nahana mabapi le hore ebe ke eng e lokileng ka dikgofu. +Qetellong, Serurubele a re, TJHE! Ke maswabi, empa lona dikgofu ha le a loka hohang. Ha ho le ntho e le nngwe e lokileng ka lona!” +“Hantlentle, re nahana hore dikgofu kaofela di tswe tshimong mona. Kaofela ha rona re kgathetse ke lona!” ha eketsa Seboko, le ha le yena a ne a ntse a le mmele o thellang ka boyena. +“DIKGOFU HA DI TSWE! DIKGOFU HA DI TSWE!” dikokwanyana tse ding tsa qala ho hoeletsa. +“Butleng, butleng,” ha rialo Slimy. “Re feng sebakanyana.” +“E,” ha rialo Speedy. “Re feng sebaka, re tla le bontsha hore dikgofu le tsona di ka etsa dintho tse molemo.” +Dikokwanyana tsa inahana motsotswana. “Ho lokile he,” tsa dumela. “Le na le matsatsi a mabedi hore le re bontshe hore le na le molemo, ho seng jwalo, tsamayang!” +Kamora hoba dikokwanyana tse ding di kgutlele dikarolong tsa tsona tsa tshimo, dikgofu tsa dula tsa nahana, tsa nahana. +“Ho ka ba jwang ha re ka ithuta ho matha?” Speedy a hlahisa. +“Ke mohopolo o motle,” ha dumela Slimy. “Ha re qaleng, dikgofu tseso, ha re ikwetliseng!” +Dikgofu di ile tsa qeta letsatsi lohle di ikwetlisa. Empa ka bomadimabe, di ne di thatafallwa ke ho matha. +“Tjhe bo!” ha rialo kgofu e tsofetseng ho di feta tsohle. “Jwale re tla etsang? Re lokela ho nahana ditsela tse tla etsa hore dikokwanyana tse ding di re rate.” +“Ke a tseba!” ha rialo Slimy. “Ha re lekeng ho ja lehola ho ena le dipalesa.” +“Ho lokile, ha re etseng jwalo!” bohle ba dumellana. Kahoo, dikgofu tsa leka ho ja lehola feela tshimong. +“Jowee, ena le yona ha e no sebetsa. Lehola le latsweha HAMPE HAHOLO!” ha rialo Speedy kamora nakwana. + +Dikgofu tsa utlwa bohloko haholo. Tse ding tsa ba tsa qala ho pakela thoto ya tsona ho falla. +“Helang, ke na le leqheka,” ha tsheha Simphiwe, kgofu e nyane ho feta. “Ke batla hore kaofela ha lona le kopaneng le nna ka hodima seolo sa bohlwa.” +“Na o fapane hlooho? Ho tla re nka letsatsi lohle ho palama ho ya hodimo mane,” ha rialo Slimy. +“Ntshepeng,” ha rialo Simphiwe. +Matsatsi a mabedi a feta mme dikgofu tsa qetella di fihlile ka hodima seolo sa bohlwa. Dikokwanyana tse ding tsa bokana tlasa seolo sa bohlwa ho ya bona hore na dikgofu di ikemiseditse ho etsa eng. +“Jwale, mohopolo wa lona o bohlale ke ofe he?” tsa botsa di halefile.  +“Ee, kwana…” ha rialo Simphiwe. +“O reng?” ha rialo dikokwanyana tse ding. +“Ha le ka bona seo re se entseng, ruri le tla re dumella hore re dule,” ha hoeletsa Simphiwe. +Dikokwanyana tse ding tsa ema di kgutsitse, di tjametse Simphiwe. +“Ta-da,” ha rialo Simphiwe a tsamaela ho ya motheong wa seolo. “Re le etseditse THELLISANE e monate ka ho fetisisa ka slaeme se tswang ho rona dikgofu!” +Ho ile ha ba le kgutso e telele ha dikokwanyana di sa ntse di nahana ka taba ena. +“KE HANTLE!” tsa dumellana. “Ha re e lekeng re bone.” +Mme tsa etsa jwalo. Dikokwanyana tsohle tsa fana sebaka sa ho thella ho ya tlase ka thellisane e nepolohang. Di ne di natefetswe haholo. Bohle ba ne ba rata thellisane eo mme ka lebaka leo ha etswa qeto ya hore dikgofu di ka nna tsa dula tshimong!",sot,Sesotho,Dikgofu le tsona di na le maikutlo!,"The snails who lived in Mrs Mondliwa’s garden were very unhappy. +“I’VE HAD IT!” grumbled Slimy Snail. +“Me too,” agreed Speedy, his best friend. “Why can’t we snails be liked more by the other garden ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Lori-Ann Preston,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dikgofu-le-tsona-di-na-le-maikutlo +snails-have-feelings-too,"Dikgopa tse di neng di nna mo tshingwaneng ya ga Mme Mondliwa di ne di sa itumela. +“NNA KE UTLWILE!” ga ngongorega Kgopa e e bidiwang Slimy. +“Le nna,” Speedy, tsala ya gagwe a dumelana nae. “Goreng rona dikgopa re sa tshwane le ditshenekegi dingwe tsa mo tshingwaneng?” +“Ke šakgetse tota ka mo re tlhorontshiwang ka teng,” ga tswelela Slimy. +“Ee, tota molato ke eng ka rona?” ga botsa Speedy. +“Ke na le kakanyo, a re epeng pitso ya dikgopa mme re ipelaetse mo ditshenekeging dingwe,” Slimy a dira tshitshinyo. +“Ke kakanyo e ntle,” Speedy a dumelana nae. “Re tshwanetse go ba bolelela gore ba re rate le go feta.” +Mo letsatsing le le latelang, Speedy le Slimy le dikgopa tse dingwe ba kopanela ka fa tlase ga setlhare sa mebitlwa go bua le ditshenekegi dingwe tsa tshingwana. +“Rona dikgopa re kopa go fiwa tlotlo,” ga bua Speedy. “E bile re kopa gore lona lotlhe lo re rate le go feta.” +“LEGOKA!” Serurubele a goa. “Dikgopa di a sisimosa.” +“EE,” Notshe a dumalana nae. “Owaii, Dikgopa a di tloge fa.” +“Lo letshwenyo,” ga tlaleletsa Seboko. +“Ao, re lo siamololetse ka eng?” ga botsa Slimy. +“ENG!” Bona letsadi le le mo leotong la me,” ga bua Tsie. “A o a itse gore ke le bone jang? Ke le filwe ke dikgopa! Lona dikgopa lo tshela dieledi tsa lona gotlhe fela tse re relelang mo go tsona di re ntsha dintho. A lo a itse gore dieledi tsa lona di relela jang?” +“Re bannye e le tota, re tshwarega mo dieleding tsa lona,” ga tlaleletsa Kgosigadi Tshoswane. +“Ruri!” ga bua dikgopa di akabetse. Re ne re sa itse.” +“Fela ga go a felela,” ga bua Seboko. “A lo a itse gore ke eng se se tlholang tlhakatlhakano ya pharakano? Lona dikgopa lo bonya e le ruri.” +“E bile ga go felele foo,” ga tlaleletsa Serurubele. “A lo ka emisa go ja dithunya tsotlhe? Lo bolaya tshingwana ya rona e ntle.” +Dikgopa di ne di swabile. Di ne di sa itse gore di tlhola mathata a le mantsi jaana. Dikgopa tse dinnye di ne di utlwile botlhoko e bile tsa simolola go lela. +  + +“Go tshwanetse ga bo go le sengwe se sentle se rona dikgopa re se dirang?” ga tshitshinya Slimy. +Dikgopa dingwe di ne di didimetse. Di ne di akanya tsa bo tsa akanya ka sengwe se sentle se di ka bong di se dira. +Kwa bokhutlong, Serurubele a re, “NNYAA! Maswabi, fela lona dikgopa lo a sisimosa. Ga go sepe se sentle se lo se dirang!” +“Boammaruri, re akanya gore dikgopa tsotlhe di lelekwe mo tshingwaneng. Rotlhe re utlwile go lekane!” ga bua Seboko le fa e le gore le ene o ne a le borerepu jaaka dikgopa. +“TSAMAYANG DIKGOPA! TSAMAYANG DIKGOPA!” Dikhukhwana tsa simolola go opela. +“Emang, emang,” ga bua Slimy. “Re kopa lo re neye sebaka.” +“Ee,” ga bua Speedy. “Re neyeng sebaka, re tla netefatsa gore dikgopa di ka dira matsetseleko mangwe.” +Dikhukhwane tsa inaya nako ya go akanya. “Go siame ge,” tsa dumalana. “Re tla lo naya malatsi a le mabedi go re lo re supetse fa lo na le mosola, fa go sa nne jalo, lo tla gata kosene!” +Fa dikgopa di se na go boela kwa lefelong la tsona mo tshingwaneng, dikgopa tsa simolola go ja marapo a tlhogo. +“Go ka nna jang fa re ka ithuta go taboga?” Speedy a latlhela tlhware legonyana. +“Kakanyo e ntle,” Slimy a dumelana nae. “Go matshwanedi dikgopa, re tshwanetse go itekanela sentle!” +Dikgopa tsa itshidila motshegare otlhe. Fela ka bomadimabe, mme ba lemoga gore go taboga ga go kgonege. +“Nnyaa tlhe!” ga bua kgopa ya motsofe. “Re ka dirang? Re tshwanetse go tla ka leano le le ka dirang gore dikhukhwane tse dingwe gore di re rate.” +“Ke na le leano!” ga bua Slimy. “A re simololeng go ja mofero e seng dithunya.” +“Go siame, goreng re sa dire jalo?” botlhe ba dumelana. Jalo dikgopa tsa leka go ja mofero fela mo tshingwaneng. +“Nnyaa, se ga se kitla se kgonega. Mefero GA E MONATE!” ga bua Speedy morago ga sebakanyana. + +Dikgopa tsa hutsafala. Dingwe tsa simolola go phutha merwalo ya tsona go huduga. +“Heela, ke na le leano,” ga bua Simphiwe a nyenya, kgopa e nnye mo go tsona. “Ke kopa lotlhe lo kopane le nna kwa tlhoeng ya seolo.” +“A o a tsenwa? Go tla re tsaya letsatsi lotlhe go fitlha koo,” ga bua Slimy. +“Ntshepeng,” ga bua Simphiwe. +Ga feta malatsi a le mabedi pele dikgopa di goroga kwa tlhoeng ya seolo. Dikhukhwane tse dingwe tsa kokoana mo tshimologong ya seolo go bona gore dikgopa di dirang. +“Jaanong, leano la gago ke eng?” ba batla go itse. +“Mmm, ke…” ga bua Simphiwe. +“Ee?” ga bua dikhukhwana tse dingwe. +“Lo tlile go re dumelela gore re nne mo tshingwaneng fa lo bona se re se dirileng,” ga bua Simphiwe. +Dikhukhwana dingwe di ne di lebile ka tlhoafalo, di tlhabile Simphiwe matlho. +“Ta-da,” ga bua Simphiwe a ya kwa mokgokoloseng wa seolo. +“Re lo diretse MOKGOKOLOSA O O RELEDISANG go tswa mo dieleding tsa rona!” +Ga nna tidimalo sebaka se seleele fa dikhukhwana di akanya ka se se buiwang. +“BONTLE E LE TOTA!” ba dumalana. “A re releleng.” +Ba dira fela jalo. Dikhukhwana tsa refosanya mo mokgoloseng o o reledisang. Monate o tswa ka ditsebe. Botlhe ba ne ba rata sereledisa mme ga tsewa tshwetso ya gore dikgopa di nne mo tshingwaneng.",tsn,Setswana,Dikgopa le tsona di na le maikutlo!,"The snails who lived in Mrs Mondliwa’s garden were very unhappy. +“I’VE HAD IT!” grumbled Slimy Snail. +“Me too,” agreed Speedy, his best friend. “Why can’t we snails be liked more by the other garden ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Lori-Ann Preston,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dikgopa-le-tsona-di-na-le-maikutlo-0 +snails-have-feelings-too,"Iminenkhe lebeyihlala engadzeni yaMake Mondliwa beyingakajabuli mbamba. +“NGENELE MANJE!” kukhonona Slimy. +“Nami futsi,” kuvuma Speedy, umngani wakhe lomkhulu. “Kungani tsine minenkhe singatsandvwa kakhulu nguleti letinye tilwanyana tasengadzeni?” +“Ngidziniwe ngiko konkhe lokuphatfwa kabi,” kuchuba Slimy. +“Ya, yini lena lengakalungi ngatsi?” kubuta Speedy. +“Nginembono. Asibiteleni ndzawonye yonkhe iminenkhe bese siyakhonona kuleti letinye tilwanyana,” kwasho Slimy abeka umbono. +“Ngumbono lomuhle kakhulu lowo,” kuvuma Speedy. “Sitawutitjela kutsi kumele kutsi tisitsandze kakhulu.” +Ngakusasa, Speedy naSlimy nayo yonkhe iminenkhe yahlangana ngaphansi kwelihlashana letihlahla temanyeva kutokhuluma naleletinye tilwanyana tasengadzeni. +“Tsine minenkhe sifuna kuhlonishwa,” kwasho Speedy. “Futsi sifuna kutsi nonkhe nisitsandze kakhulu.” +“AWU NGEKE!” kwamemeta Vivane. “Iminenkhe mibi kabi.” +“YEBO!” kwavuma Nyosi. “Iminenkhe ifanele kutsi isuke lapha.” +“Nitintfo letingenamsebenti,” kwengeta Sibungu. +“Kodvwa yini lelembi kangaka lesayenta?” kwabuta Slimy. +“INI! Asewubuke-nje nangu umtfubulela lapha emlenteni wami,” kwacala Ntsetse. “Uyati kutsi ngiwutfole njani? Eminenkheni! Nine minenkhe nibhoca yonkhe lendzawo ngalomfinyila wenu nisibangele kutsi sishelele futsi silimale. Niyati-nje kutsi ishelela kangakanani lentfo yenu?” +“Sibancane kakhulu, siyabhajwa kulomfinyila wenu,” kwengeta Ndlovukati Ntfutfwane. +“Maye babe!” kwasho iminenkhe imangele. “Besingati.” +“Futsi akukapheleli,” kwasho Sibungu. “Niyati kutsi nidala siminyeminye lesinganani lapha endleleni? Nine minenkhe niyanyonyooooba-nje.” +“Futsi akusiko konkhe loko,” kwengeta Vivane. “Ningase nikhawule-nje kudla tonkhe timbali? Nimosha ingadze yetfu lenhle.” +Iminenkhe yeva buhlungu kakhulu. Beyingati kutsi idala tinkinga letiningi kangaka. +  + +Leminenkhe lemincane yeva buhlungu kangangekutsi yacala kukhala. +“Kufanele kutsi kubekhona intfo lenhle ngatsi iminenkhe?” kwasho Slimy abeka umbono. +Leletinye tilwanyana betithulile. Tacabanga futsi tacabanga ngekutsi yini lengabayinhle ngeminenkhe. +Ekugcineni, Vivane watsi, “CHA KUTE! Ncesini, kodvwa nine minenkhe nibabi kakhulu. Kute nayinye intfo lenhle ngani!” +“Ecinisweni sicabanga kutsi yonkhe iminenkhe ifanele iphume lapha engadzeni. Sonkhe tsine labanye vele sesenele!” kwengeta Msundvu, nanoma-nje naye ngekwakhe abeshelela. +“IMINENKHE NGAPHANDLE! IMINENKHE NGAPHANDLE!” letilwanayana tacala tahlabela. +“Manini, manini,” kwasho Slimy. “Sinikeni litfuba.” +“Yebo,” kwasho Speedy. “Sinikeni litfuba, sitanikhombisa kutsi kukhona lokuhle iminenkhe lengakwenta.” +Letilwanyana tacabanga sikhashana. “Kuhle kakhulu-ke,” tavuma. “Ninemalanga lamabili ekusikhombisa kutsi ninemsebenti, noma-ke, hambani kahle!” +Emvakwekuba letilwanyana setihambile tibuyele etindzaweni tato kulengadze, iminenkhe yahlala yacabanga, yaphindze yacabanga. +“Kungaba njani nasingafundza kugijima?” kwasho Speedy abeka umbono. +“Ngumbono lomuhle kakhulu lowo,” kwavuma Slimy. “Buyani minenkhe, sitilolonge sitoba nemitimba lecinile!” Leminenkhe yacitsa lilanga lonkhe itilolonga, kodvwa ngenhlanhla lembi, yatfola kulukhuni kugijima. +“Awu cha!” kwasho umnenkhe lomdzala kunayo yonkhe. “Manje yini? Kumele sivele nembono lotakwenta kutsi leletinye tilwanyana tisitsandze.” +“Ngiyati!” kwasho Slimy. “Ake setame kudla lukhula esikhundleni saletimbali.” +“Kulungile, singahlalelani singenti njalo?” kwavuma leleminye. Ngako-ke leminenkhe yetama kudla lukhula kuphela lapha engadzeni. +“Awu cha, loku kungeke kusebente. Lukhula alunambitseki LUBI KAKHULU! Kwasho Speedy emva kwesikhashana. + +Leminenkhe yeva buhlungu kakhulu. Leminye yayo yaze yacala kupakisha emakhaya ayo yalungela kuhamba. +“Yehheni, nginembono,” kwagigitseka Simphiwe, umnenkhe lomncane kunayo yonkhe. “Nginidzinga kutsi nonkhe nihlangane nami etulu esidvulini.” +“Uyahlanya yini? Kutasitsatsa lilanga lonkhe kukhuphuka siyewufika lapha etulu,” kwasho Slimy. +“Ngetsembeni,” kwasho Simphiwe. +Kwendlula emalanga lamabili kwatsi ekugcineni leminenkhe yaphumelela kufika esicongweni sesidvuli. Leletinye tilwanyana tabutsana ngaphansi kwalesidvuli kutewubona kutsi leminenkhe beyicondze kwentani. +“Nyalo-ke, uyini umbono lomkhulu wakho?” ifuna kwati ngemandla. +“Kukahle-ke, mm ...” kwasho Simphiwe. +“Yebo?” kwasho leletinye tilwanyana. +“Ngempela nitasiyekela sihlale uma nibona loko lesikwentile,” kumemetela Simphiwe. +Leletinye tilwanyana tema tangete tanyakata, emehlo ato anamatsele kuSimphiwe. +“Tha-da,” kwasho Simphiwe ahamba acondza kulomehlelo walesidvuli. “Sinakhele simangaliso SAMSHELELETANE LOSHELELA ngalokwendlulele ngawo wonkhe lomfinyela wetfu tsine minenkhe!” +Kwabakhona kuthula sikhatsi lesidze ngesikhatsi tonkhe letilwanyana ticabanga ngalomcondvo. +“KUUUUUHLE-KE LOKO!” tavuma. “Ase siwuve.” +Futsi-ke takwenta loko. Letilwanyana tanikana ematfuba ekushelela tehle kulomsheleletane loshelelako. Kwaba yinjabulo lenkhulu kakhulu. Wonkhe wonkhe wawutsandza lomsheleletane futsi-ke kwase kuncunywa kutsi iminenkhe kufanele ngempela kutsi ihlale kulengadze!",ssw,Siswati,Iminenkhe nayo inemiva!,"The snails who lived in Mrs Mondliwa’s garden were very unhappy. +“I’VE HAD IT!” grumbled Slimy Snail. +“Me too,” agreed Speedy, his best friend. “Why can’t we snails be liked more by the other garden ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguLori-Ann Preston,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iminenkhe-nayo-inemiva +snails-have-feelings-too,"Tihumba leti a ti tshama exirhapeni xa Man Mondliwa a ti nga tsakanga na switsongo. +“MINA NDZI SWI TWILE!” ku gungula Slimy. +“Na mina,” ku pfumela Speedy, munghana wa yena. “Hikwalahokayini hina tihumba hi nga fani na switsotswana leswin’wana laha xirhapeni?” +“Mina ndzi karhele hi makhomele layo biha lama va hi khomisaka xiswona,” Slimy a yisa emahlweni. +“Ina, i yini lexi nga hoxeka hi hina?” ku vutisa Speedy. +“Ndzi na mianakanyo, a hi hlanganiseni tihumba hinkwato kutani hi rhumela xivilelo eka switsotswana leswin’wana,” ku ringanyeta Slimy. +“Yaleyo i mianakanyo ya kahle,” ku pfumela Speedy. “Hi ta va byela leswaku va fanele va hi rhandza swinene.” +Hi siku leri landzelaka, Speedy na Slimy na tihumba letin’wana va hlanganile ehansi ka xihlahla xa mitwa ku vulavula na switsotswana leswin’wana. +“Hina tihumba hi fanele ku kombiwa nhlonipho,” ku vula Speedy. “Nakambe hi lava leswaku n’wina hinkwenu mi hi rhandza swinene,” +“SWI NGE KOTEKI!” ku huwelela N’waphaphatani. “Tihumba ta nyangatsa.” +“INA!” ku pfumela N’wanyoxi. “Tihumba a ti fambeli ekule.” +“Mi na hansahansa,” ku engetela N’waxivungu. +“Kambe hi tshama hi endla yini xo biha?” ku vutisa Slimy. +“YINI! Vona mbanga leyi ndzi nga na yona laha nengeni wa mina,” ku sungula N’wanjiya. +“Xana wa swi tiva leswaku ndzi yi kume njhani? Kusuka eka tihumba! N’wina tihumba mi rhetisa hinkwakonkwako hi marhekerheke ya n’wina leswi endlaka leswaku hi rheta hi tivavisa. Xana ma swi tiva leswaku swilo leswiya swa n’wina swi rhetisa njhani?” +“Hina hi vatsongo, ha khwekela eka marhekerheke ya n’wina,” ku engetela Nkosikasi N’warisokoti. +“Ohoo varhandziwa!” ku vula tihumba hi ku hlamala. “A hi nga swi anakanyi.” +“A hi sweswo ntsena,” ku vula N’waxivungu. “Xana ma swi tiva leswaku mi wu vanga njhani ntlimbano wa mfambafambo? N’wina tihumba ma nonooooka swinene.” +“A hi sweswo ntsena,” ku engetela N’waphaphatani. “Xana ndzi nga kombela leswaku mi yima ku dya swiluva hinkwaswo? Mi le ku onheni ka xirhapa xa hina lexo saseka.” +Tihumba titwe timbilu ku vava. A ti nga swi tivi leswaku ti le ku vangeni ka swiphiqo swo tala. Swihumbani swi twe timbilu ta swona ti vava kutani swi sungula ku rila. +  + +“Ku fanele ku ri na swin’wana swa kahle hi hina tihumba?” ku ringanyeta Slimy. +Switsotswana leswin’wana a swi miyerile. Swi anakanyile lero na anakanya hi mayelana na swilo swa kahle hi tihumba. +Eku heteleleni, N’waphaphatani a ku, “KU HAVA! Mi ta hi khomela, n’wina tihumba ma nyangatsa. Ku hava na xilo na xin’we xa kahle hi n’wina!” +“Hi ntiyiso, hi anakanya leswaku tihumba hinkwato ti fanele ku suka laha xirhapeni. Hina van’wana hi karhele swi ringene! ku engetela N’waxivungu, hambileswi na yena a ri na ku rhetarheta. +“TIHUMBA HUMANI, TIHUMBA HUMANI!” switsotswana swi sungula ku yowetela. +“Yimani, yimani,” ku vula Slimy. “Hi nyikeni nkarhi.” +“Ina,” ku vula Speedy. “Hi nyikeni nkarhi, hi ta mi komba leswaku tihumba ti nga endla swo karhi swa kahle.” +Switsotswana swi anakanya nkarhinyana. “Swi kahle ke,” va pfumelelana. “Mi na masiku mambirhi ku hi khorwisa leswaku ma pfuna, loko swi nga ri tano, ma hi lomba!” +Endzhaku kaloko switsotswana swi tlhelerile eka tindhawu ta swona exirhapeni, tihumba ti tshamile ti anakanya lero na anakanya. +“Swi nga va njhani loko ho dyondza ku tsutsuma?” ku ringanyeta Speedy. +“I mianakanyo ya kahle,” ku pfumelela Slimy. “A hi yeni tihumba, a hi tiololeni!” Tihumba ti tekile siku hinkwaro ti ri nkarhi ti tiolola, kambe xo biha, va kume leswaku ku tsutsuma a swi koteki. +“Hay’khona e-e!” ku vula humba leyikulu. “Sweswi hi endla yini? Hi fanele hi ta na kungu leri nga ta endla leswaku switsotswana leswin’wana swi hi rhandza.” +“Ndzi ri kumile!” ku vula Slimy. “A hi ringeteni ku dya nhova ku nga ri swiluva.” +“Ina, a hi endleni,” ku pfumelela lavan’wana. Kwalaho, tihumba ti ringeta ku dya nhova ntsena exirhapeni.  +“Hay’khona e-e, leswi swi nge tirhi. Nhova ya BAVA!” ku vula Speedy endzhaku +ka nkarhinyana. + +  +Tihumba ti teriwe hi gome. Tin’wana a ti sungula na ku phutsaphutsa ti lava ku rhurha. +“Heyo, ndzi na mano,” ku hlekelela Simphiwe, humba leyitsongo. “Ndzi lava n’wina hinkwenu mi hlangana na mina le henhla ka xitshuka.” +“Xana ti teka kahle? Swi ta hi tekela siku hinkwaro ku gonya le henhla,” ku vula Slimy. +“Ndzi tshembeni,” ku vula Simphiwe. +Masiku mambrihi ya hundzile naswona tihumba ti swi kotile ku fikelela ehenhla ka xitshuka. Swiaharhi leswin’wana swi hlengeletanile ehansi ka xitshuka ku vona leswi tihumba a ti lava ku endla swona. +“Se, hi yihi mianakanyo ya kahle?” va koxa. +“Yimani, mmm ...” ku vula Simphiwe. +“Ina?” ku vula switsotswana leswin’wana. +“Mi ta hi pfumelela hi tshama loko mi vone leswi hi nga swi endla,” ku tivisa Simphiwe. +Switsotswana leswin’wana swi yima swi nga tshukunyuki, mahlo ya swona ya honokele Simphiwe. +“Tha-ra,” ku vula Simphiwe a ri karhi a kongome enhlohlorhini ya xitshuka. “Hi mi endlele XIBANTSHEKA xo hlamarisa swinene hi marhikirhiki hinkwawo ya tihumba!” +Ku vile na ku miyela nkarhi wo leha loko switsotswana hinkwaswo swi ri karhi swi anakanya hi mianakanyo leyi. +“SWI KAHLEEE SWINENE!” va pfumelelana. “A hi swi ringeteni.” +Kutani va ringeta. Switsotswana hinkwaswo swi cincanile ku rhetarheta eka xibantsheka lexi xo olova no namarhela. A swi tsakisa swinene. Un’wana na un’wana a rhandza xibantsheka kutani ku tekiwa xiboho xa leswaku tihumba ti tshama exirhapeni hilaha ku nga heriki!",tso,Xitsonga,Tihumba na tona ti na switw,"The snails who lived in Mrs Mondliwa’s garden were very unhappy. +“I’VE HAD IT!” grumbled Slimy Snail. +“Me too,” agreed Speedy, his best friend. “Why can’t we snails be liked more by the other garden ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Xi tsariwile hi Lori-Ann Preston,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tihumba-na-tona-ti-na-switwi +snails-have-feelings-too,"Iminenke ehlala engadini kaMama uMondliwa beyingakathabi nakancani. +“NGIDINIWE” kubalabala uMnenke uSlimy. +“Nami ngidiniwe,” kutjho uSpeedy umnganakhe omkhulu. “Kubayini thina singathandwa ngezinye iingogwana zengadi le?” +“Iyangisilinga indlela esiphathwa ngayo le,” kuraga uSlimy. +  +“Iye, kanti thina senzeni engaka?” kubuza uSpeedy. +  +“Nginombono. Asibuthele yoke iminenke siyokunghonghoyila kwezinye iingogwana.” Kutjho uSlimy eza nombono. +  +“Mbono omuhle loyo,” kuvuma uSpeedy. “Sizozitjela bona nathi sifuna ukuthandwa.” +  +Ngakusasa kwakhona, uSpeedy noSlimy nayo yoke iminenke yahlangana ngaphasi kwesihlala sameva bona ikhulume nezinye iingogwana. +  +“Siminenke sisoke nje sifuna ukuhlonitjhwa,” kutjho uSpeedy. “Sifuna bona noke nje nisithande.” +  +“AKUKGHONAKALI!” kubabaza uViyaviyani. “Iminenke ilitshwenyo.” +  +“KUNJALO!” kuvuma uNyosi. “Iminenke kufuze iphele endaweni.” +  +“Niyatshwenya,” kutjho uSbungu. +  +“Senzeni okumbi?” kubuza uSlimy. +  +“UTHINI? Qala isibazi esisenyaweni lameli,” kutjho uNtethe. “Niyazi ngasithola njani? Ngeminenke! Nina nikhamba ninenkezela amafinyela yoke indawo le siwagadange sitjhelele siwe besilimale. Niyazi bona amafinyelenu la atjhelela kangangani?” +  +“Thina abanye sibancancani, sanamathela emafinyelenenu la asisanamathuluki,” kutjho iNdlovukazi uTjhontjhwani. +  +“Awa-ke!” kubabaza iminenke. “Thina besingazi.” +  +“Akupheleli lapho,” kuraga uSbungu. “Niyazi bona nibanga umjeje ongangani endleleni? +  +Phela nina nikhamba kancani khulu.” +  +“Akupheleli lapho,” kuraga uViyaviyani. “Akhenilise ukudla amabhlomu, siyanibawa. +  +Nimotjha ingadi yethu ehle.” +  +Iminenke yathoma ukuzizwa kabuhlungu. Beyingazi bona ibanga imiraro engaka. +  +Iminenke emincani yazizwa kabuhlungu kangangobana beyalila. +  + +  +“Akunanto ehle na eyenziwa minenke?” kubuza uSlimy. +  +Zathula ezinye iingogwana. Zacabanga, zacabangisisa bona kungaba yini ehle iminenke eyiyenzako. +  +Ekugcineni, uViyaviyani wathi, “AWA! Ngiyacolisa, kodwana nina minenke niyatshwenya. Abe akunanto nayinye ehle eniyenzako.” +  +“Eqinisweni, mina ngicabanga ukuthi yoke iminenke ikhambe engadinapha. Soke nje sesidiniwe!” kuraga uVeremu, ngitjho nanyana naye akhamba atjhiya amafinyela. +  +“IMINENKE AYIKHAMBE! AYIKHAMBE!” zatjho iingogwana zitjhagala. +  +“Jamani, jamani,” kutjho uSlimy. “Sinikeleni ithuba.” +  +“Iye,” kutjho uSpeedy. “Sinikeleni ithuba sinitjengise bona nathi kunento ehle esingayenza.” +  +Zacabanga isikhatjhana iingogwana. “Kulungile-ke,” zatjho zivuma. “Ninamalanga amabili enizositjengisa ngawo ukuthi kunento ehle eningayenza, nakungasinjalo, akube yindlela!” +  +Kwathi ngemva kokuthi iingogwana zibuyele lapha zihlala khona engadini, iminenke yahlala phasi, yacabanga, yacabangisisa. +  +“Kungaba njani nasingafunda ukugijima?” kutjho uSpeedy eza nombono. +  +“Mbono omuhle loyo,” kuvuma uSlimy. “Izani-ke minenke sijimeni!” Iminenke yajima ilanga loke, kodwana kwabhala ukugijima. +  +“Awa-ke!” kwatjho umnenke olupheleko. “Sisalindeni? Asize neqhinga elizokwenza ezinye iingogwana zisithande.” +  +“Naku enginakho engqondweni!” kutjho uSlimy. “Kunokuthi sidle amabhlomu asidle ikhula.” +  +“Kulungile!” kuvuma abanye. Nakuya iminenke irhiribidelana nekhula engadini. +  +“Awa-ke, lokhu kona angekhe kusisebenzele. Ikhula LIMBI, alidleki!” kwatjho uSpeedy ngemva kwesikhatjhana. +  + +  +Iminenke yadana khulu. Abanye besele bathutha imizabo bakhamba. +“Mina ngineqhinga,” kutjho uSimphiwe ahleka, umnenke omncani kunabo boke. Ngibawa sihlanganeni soke phezulu esidulini.” +“Uyahlanya? Uyazi bona kuzasithatha ilanga loke ukukhwela isiduleso,” kutjho uSlimy +“Ngibawa ningithembe,” kutjho uSimphiwe. +  +Adlula amalanga amabili yakhwela beyafika esitlhorini sesiduli. Ezinye iingogwana zahlangana phasi ekuthomeni kwesiduli ukuze zibone bonyana iminenke yenzani. +  +“Ngiliphi iqhinga oza nalo?” zifuna ukwazi. +  +“Eh, em …” kutjho uSimphiwe. +  +“Khuluma,” kutjho ezinye iingogwana. +  +“Nizosivumela bona sihlale naningabona lokho esikwenzileko,” kutjho uSimphiwe. +  +Ezinye iingogwana zajama tsi, zisolo ziqale uSimphiwe. +“Nakho-ke,” kwatjho uSimphiwe atjhidela hlanu komkhuphukela wesiduli. “Sinenzele naku UMTJHIBIRIGO ngamafinyela weminenke yoke. +  +Kwathuleka isikhatjhana njengombana zoke iingogwana zicabanga ngento le. +“KULUNGILE!” zatjho zivuma. “Akhesibone bona unjani.” +  +Bakwenza lokho. Zoke iingogwana zadlhegana njengombana zitjhibiriga. Bekumnandi khulu. Zoke iingogwana ziwuthandile umtjhibirigo, bekwaquntwa nokobana iminenke ingasakhambi engadini!",nbl,isiNdebele,Iminenke nayo inemizw,"The snails who lived in Mrs Mondliwa’s garden were very unhappy. +“I’VE HAD IT!” grumbled Slimy Snail. +“Me too,” agreed Speedy, his best friend. “Why can’t we snails be liked more by the other garden ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguLori-Ann Preston,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iminenke-nayo-inemizwa-0 +snails-have-feelings-too,"Khumba dzine dza dzula ngadeni ya Vho-Mondliwa dzo vha dzi songo takala na luthihi. +  +“NṊE NDO ZWI PFA NGOHO!” hu gungula Khumba ine ya pfi Slimy. +  +“Na nṋe,” hu tenda Speedy, khonani yawe khulwane. “Ndi ngani riṋe khumba ri sa funeswi nga zwiṅwe zwikhokhonono zwa ngadeni?” +  +“Ndo neta nga yeneyi nḓila mmbi ine ra farwa ngayo,” Slimy u a bvela phanḓa. +  +“Yaah, naa ro tou tshinya’ni tshingafha-ngafha?” hu vhudzisa Speedy. +  +“Ndo ḓelwa nga muhumbulo. Kha ri vhe na muṱangano wa khumba dzoṱhe, ri gungulele zwiṅwe zwikhokhonono,” hu themendela Slimy. +  +“Ndi muhumbulo wavhuḓi hoyo,” hu tenda Speedy. “Ri ḓo zwi vhudza uri zwi tea u ri funa nga nḓila khulwane.” +  +Nga tsha matshelo, Speedy na Slimy na dziṅwe khumba dzoṱhe vha ṱangana fhasi ha muri wa mupfa u itela u nyeṱula na zwiṅwe zwikhokhonono zwa ngadeni. +  +“Riṋe khumba ri ṱoḓa u ṱhonifhiwa,” a ralo Speedy. “Ri dovha ra ṱoḓa uri noṱhe ni ri fune nga nḓila khulwane.” +  +“ZWI NGA SI KONADZEE!” hu huwelela Tshisusu. “Khumba dzi a ṋengisa.” +  +“EE!” hu tenda Ṋotshi. “Khumba dzi tea u bva dza fhela.” +  + +  +  +“Ni dina badi vhoiwe,” hu engedza Shonzha. +  +“Fhedzi naa ro vhuya ra ni khakhela?” hu vhudzisa Slimy. +  +“MINI! Eḓanu sedza nḓila ye gwendo ḽanga ḽa khuzuwa ngayo,” ya ralo Nzie. “Ni a ḓivha uri ḽo khuzuwa hani? Ndi khumba! Ni tshi kokovha ni sia no ḓodza malembweṱeṱe a vhoiwe hoṱhe-hoṱhe zwa ita uri ri suvhe na u ḓihuvhadza. Naa ni a ḓivha uri izwo zwithu zwi suvha lungafhani?” +  +“Ri vhaṱuku vhukuma, ri a phirimela kha malembweṱeṱe a vhoiwe,” hu engedza Khosana Sunzi. +  +“Vhannani-wele!” hu amba khumba dzo mangala. “Ro vha ri sa zwi ḓivhi na luthihi.” +  +“Nahone a si zwenezwo fhedzi,” hu amba Tshivhungu. “Naa ni a zwi ḓivha uri ni ita uri hu vhe na u tsitsikana huhulwane ha vhuendi? +  +Vhoiwe khumba ni a ongolowa weeeee.” +  +“Nahone a si zwenezwo fhedzi,” hu engedza Tshisusu. “Litshani u ḽa maluvha oṱhe wee!” +  +Ni khou tshinya ngade yashu ya lunako.” +  +Khumba dza ḓisola. Dzo vha dzi sa zwi ḓivhi uri dzo vha dzi tshi khou bveledza thaidzo nnzhi nga u rali. +  +Khumba ṱhukhu dzo pfa vhuṱungu lwe dza thoma u lila. +  +“Hu tea u vha hu na tshithu tshavhuḓi nga ha khumba,” Slimy a luvheledza. +  +Zwiṅwe zwikhokhonono zwa fhumula zwe tshete. Zwa fhedza tshifhinga tshilapfu zwi tshi khou humbula nga zwithu zwavhuḓi nga ha khumba. +  +Tshisusu tsha fheleledza tsho ri, “HAI! Ni mpfarele, fhedzi vhoiwe khumba ni a ṋengisa zwa vhukuma. A hu na tshithu tshavhuḓi nga vhoiwe!” +  +“Zwavhuḓi-vhuḓi ri humbula uri khumba dzoṱhe dzi tea u bva ngadeni. Vhunzhi hashu ro neta ndi zwone!” hu engedza Tshivhungu, naho na tshone tsho vha tshi tshi khou lembukana. +  +“KHUMBA KHA DZI BVE! KHUMBA KHA DZI BVE!” zwikhokhonono zwa thoma u imba. +  +“Imaninyana, imaninyana,” ha amba Slimy. “Ri ṋeeni tshibuli.” +  +“Ee,” ha amba Speedy. “Ri ṋeeni tshibuli nahone ri ḓo ni sumbedza uri khumba dzi nga ita zwithu zwavhuḓi.” +  +Zwikhokhonono zwa humbula lwa tshifhinganyana. “Zwo luga,” zwa tenda. “Ri ni ṋea maḓuvha mavhili uri ni sumbedze uri ni a thusa kana zwa sa ralo, ni ḓo tea u ṱuwa!” +  +Musi zwikhokhonono zwo no ya fhethu ho fhamba-fhambanaho ngadeni, khumba dza fhedza tshifhinga dzi tshi khou humbula. +  +“Zwi nga vha hani arali ra guda u gidima?” ha themendela Speedy. +  +“Ndi muhumbulo wavhuḓi,” ha tenda Slimy. “Kha zwi ite, khumba, kha ri ite nyonyoloso!” Khumba dza fhedza ḓuvha ḽoṱhe dzi tshi khou ita nyonyoloso, fhedzi mashudu mavhi ndi uri dzo kundelwa u gidima. +  +“Vhannani-wele!” ha amba khumba ya kale vhukuma. “Ri ḓo ita mini-ha zwino? Ri tea u ita zwithu zwine zwa ḓo ita uri ri takalelwe nga zwiṅwe zwi khokhonono.” +  +“Ndo zwi wana zwino!” hu amba Slimy. “Kha ri lingedze u ḽa tsheṋe nṱhani ha maluvha.” +  +“Zwo luga, ri nga zwi kona musi?” vhaṅwe vha tenda. Nga zwenezwo khumba dza lingedza u ḽa tsheṋe fhedzi ngadeni. +  +“He vhanna, hezwi zwi nga si ite. Tsheṋe dzi a VHAVHA!” hu amba Speedy nga murahu ha tshifhinganyana. +  + +  +Zwenezwi zwa ṱungufhadza khumba. Dziṅwe dza thoma u goda zwithu mahayani adzo uri dzi dzhene nḓilani. +  +“Hei, vhoiwe, ndi na muhumbulo wavhuḓi,” hu amba Simphiwe, khumba ṱhukhu, a tshi khou setshelela. “Ndi ṱoḓa uri roṱhe ri ṱangane nṱha ha tshiulu.” +  +“Ni a penga naa? Zwi ḓo ri dzhiela ḓuvha ḽoṱhe u gonya hafho nṱha,” hu amba Slimy. +  +“Ri ḓo zwi kona,” hu amba Simphiwe. +  +Ha fhela maḓuvha mavhili nahone khumba dza fheleledza dzo swika nṱha ha tshiulu. Zwiṅwe zwikhokhonono zwa kuvhangana fhasi ha tshiulu u itela u vhona uri khumba dzi ḓo ita mini. +  +“Zwino, no humbula u ita mini?” zwa ṱoḓa u ḓivha. +  +“Ee, umm …” ha amba Simphiwe. +  +“Ee?” hu amba zwiṅwe zwikhokhonono. +  +“Ngoho ndi uri ni ḓo tenda ri tshi dzula musi ni tshi vhona zwe ra ita,” ha amba Simphiwe. +  +Zwiṅwe zwikhokhonono zwa ima zwa si tsukunyee, zwo donolela Simphiwe maṱo. +“Ta-da,” ndi Simphiwe a tshi khou redzemutshela fhasi ha tshiulu. “Ro ni itela TSERERE yavhuḓi vhukuma ya u REDZEMUTSHELA fhasi nga vhulembu hashu ha khumba!” +  +Ha fhumulwa lwa tshifhinga tshilapfu musi zwikhokhonono zwoṱhe zwi tshi khou humbula nga ha wonoyu muhumbulo. +“ZWO ITAAA!” vha tenda. “Kha ri lingedze ri vhone.” +  +Nahone vha redzemuwa. Zwikhokhonono zwoṱhe zwa sielisana u redzemuwa kha tserere i nambatelaho ine ya lembuwa. Zwo takadza vhukuma. Vhoṱhe vha takalela u redzemuwa nahone ha phethwa nga ḽa uri khumba dzi songo tsha ṱuwa, dzi tea u dzula ngadeni!",ven,Tshivenda,Khumba dzi na vhuḓipfi!,"The snails who lived in Mrs Mondliwa’s garden were very unhappy. +“I’VE HAD IT!” grumbled Slimy Snail. +“Me too,” agreed Speedy, his best friend. “Why can’t we snails be liked more by the other garden ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Nga Lori-Ann Preston,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/na-khumba-dzi-na-vhuḓipfi +you’re-too-small,"Mama Tau was coming home! She had been away for a long time studying, and her family missed her. Everyone was very excited. But Thapelo, the youngest of all her children, was the most excited. +On the day of Mama Tau’s arrival, the family spent the morning preparing. The sun was shining outside. Thapelo kicked his ball around on the grass. He wanted to show his mother how much better his soccer was since the last time she had seen him. “Catch this one, Bless,” he shouted to the dog. But Bless just looked at the ball and went inside. +Thapelo followed the dog and went to find his older sister, Refilwe. Refilwe was a DJ. She was so cool that she wore her sunglasses even inside the house. Refilwe was in her room getting music to play for when Mama walked through the front door. “I’m not going to play any of that rap she complains about,” Refilwe said. “Today we will only hear jazz. Just how Mama likes it.” She took off her sunglasses and winked at Thapelo. “Maybe you can dance with Mama.” +Then Refilwe put on her headphones and started nodding her head to the music. +“Can I help you?” asked Thapelo. +“What?” said Refilwe, taking off her headphones. “What did you say?” +“Can I help you?” Thapelo shouted. +“No need to shout,” Refilwe said. “I can hear you perfectly.” Then she shook her head. “This is all on the computer, Thapelo. So, you can’t help. You’re too small. +Thapelo went to find his brother, Saul. He was in the kitchen, baking one of his very special cakes. Whenever there was a special occasion, Saul made a cake. For Thapelo’s last birthday, he had made a chocolate cake with Smarties on top. + +Saul was wearing a striped apron and was stirring the cake mixture in a big bowl. +“This is a lemon cake,” he told Thapelo. “Mama’s favourite.” +“Can I help you?” asked Thapelo. +“No,” he said. “Last time you dropped an egg. Sorry, Thapelo. You’re too small.” +He went to find his other sister, Mampotoko, who was putting up decorations in the lounge. There were paper chains and balloons. “Can I help you?” he asked. +“Here, see if you can blow these up,” she said, handing Thapelo some balloons. He chose a red one and started blowing. He tried and he tried but he couldn’t get enough air into it. +“Oh no,” he said sadly. “I’m too small.” +So Thapelo went to find Ntate. He was sitting at the table, wrapping up a bead necklace for Mama. “This necklace has her favourite colours,” he said. “Purple and green. Isn’t it beautiful?” +Thapelo saw the wrapping paper with stars on it. +“Can I help you wrap the necklace?” asked Thapelo. +“No, sorry, Thapelo, you’re too small,” his father said. +Thapelo felt sad. He looked at their dog, Bless, sitting next to Ntate. “Come, Bless,” he called. But Bless just sat there. “Even Bless thinks I’m too small,” Thapelo thought. +Thapelo went outside and sat on the front step. “I wish I could grow as tall as a giant,” he thought. “Then they’d all be scared of me and nobody would say, ‘You’re too small.’” +Just then he heard a loud shout from inside the house. “Bless! Bless, come back!” +Bless ran past Thapelo and around the corner of the house. And after Bless ran Ntate. Then Saul. Then Refilwe. And then Mampotoko. “That dog has stolen Mama’s present!” Ntate shouted as he passed Thapelo. Thapelo joined them and ran after Bless too. +Bless jumped through a hole in the fence, into the yard next door. “Come back, Bless!” they called. And after a while Bless did come back ... but without the present! +“Oh no, he’s left it next door!” Ntate groaned. “And the Sitholes are away till tomorrow! So, it’s stuck on the other side of the fence till they come back!” +“I could climb through the hole and fetch it,” suggested Thapelo. +“No,” they all said together. “You’re too ...” They stopped. They looked at Thapelo. +“Will you fit?” asked Refilwe. +“Are you small enough?” asked Saul. + +Thapelo crouched down and squeezed himself through the hole. He just fitted through. There, on the grass in the Sithole’s yard, was the wrapped present, with just a little bit of the wrapping paper torn. He picked up the present and squeezed back to the other side of the fence. +“Oh, Thapelo,” said Ntate. “You are a star!” +“Three cheers for Thapelo!” Saul said, and they all hugged him. +Later that afternoon there was a knock on the door. It was Mama! Thapelo rushed into her arms. +“How you’ve grown, my boy,” she said. “Look at how tall you are now.” +“But I’m still too small, Mama,” he said. +“No!” everyone shouted. +“No, you’re not!” said Ntate, “You’re just the right size!”",eng,English,You’re too sm,"Mama Tau was coming home! She had been away for a long time studying, and her family missed her. Everyone was very excited. But Thapelo, the youngest of all her children, was the most excited. +On the day of Mama Tau’s arrival, the family ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Written by Dorothy Dye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/you’re-too-small +you’re-too-small,"Mamma Tau is op pad huis toe! Sy was lank weg om te gaan studeer en haar familie het na haar verlang. Almal is baie opgewonde. Maar Thapelo, haar jongste kind, is meer opgewonde as al die ander. +Op die dag dat Mamma Tau huis toe kom, is haar familie die hele oggend besig om reg te maak daarvoor. Die son skyn. Thapelo skop sy bal op die gras. Hy wil vir sy ma wys hoeveel beter hy sokker kan speel as toe sy hom laas gesien het. “Vang dié een, Bless,” roep hy vir die hond. Maar Bless kyk net vir die bal en loop binnetoe. +Thapelo volg die hond en gaan soek sy ouer suster, Refilwe. Refilwe is ’n platejoggie. Sy is so cool dat sy haar sonbril selfs in die huis dra. Refilwe is in haar kamer, besig om musiek te kies wat sy wil speel wanneer Mamma by die voordeur instap. “Ek gaan niks van daardie rapmusiek speel waaroor sy altyd so kla nie,” sê Refilwe. “Vandag gaan ons net jazz luister. Nes Mamma daarvan hou.” Sy haal haar sonbril af en knipoog vir Thapelo. “Dalk kan jy met Mamma dans.” +Dan sit Refilwe haar oorfone op en begin haar kop op maat van die musiek knik. +“Kan ek jou help?” vra Thapelo. +“Wat?” sê Refilwe en haal haar oorfone af. “Wat het jy gesê?” +“Kan ek jou help?” skree Thapelo. +“Jy hoef nie so te skree nie,” sê Refilwe. “Ek kan jou hoor.” Dan skud sy haar kop. “Dis alles op die rekenaar, Thapelo. So jy kan nie help nie. Jy’s te klein.” +Thapelo gaan soek sy broer, Saul. Hy is in die kombuis, besig om een van sy spesiale koeke te bak. Wanneer daar ’n spesiale geleentheid is, bak Saul altyd ’n koek. Vir Thapelo se vorige verjaardag het hy ’n sjokoladekoek met Smarties bo-op gebak. + +Saul het ’n gestreepte voorskoot aan en roer die koekmengsel in ’n groot bak. “Dis ’n suurlemoenkoek,” sê hy vir Thapelo. “Mamma se gunsteling.” +“Kan ek jou help?” vra Thapelo. +“Nee,” sê hy. “Laas keer het jy ’n eier laat val. Jammer, Thapelo. Jy’s te klein.” +Hy gaan soek sy ander suster, Mampotoko, wat die versierings in die sitkamer ophang. Daar is papierkettings en ballonne. “Kan ek jou help?” vra hy. +“Hier, kyk of jy dit kan opblaas,” sê sy en gee vir Thapelo ’n paar ballonne aan. Hy kies ’n rooie en begin blaas. Hy blaas en blaas, maar hy het nie genoeg asem om die ballon op te blaas nie. +“Ag nee,” sê hy, hartseer. “Ek’s te klein.” +Thapelo gaan soek toe vir Ntate. Hy sit by die tafel, besig om ’n string krale vir Mamma toe te draai. “Hierdie krale is haar gunstelingkleure,” sê hy. “Pers en groen. Is dit nie pragtig nie?” +Thapelo sien die geskenkpapier met die sterre daarop. +“Kan ek help om die krale toe te draai?” vra Thapelo. +“Nee, jammer, Thapelo, jy’s te klein,” sê sy pa. +Thapelo voel hartseer. Hy kyk na hulle hond, Bless, wat langs Ntate sit. “Kom, Bless,” roep hy. Maar Bless sit net daar. “Selfs Bless dink ek’s te klein,” dink Thapelo. +Thapelo gaan buitentoe en gaan sit op die stoeptrappie. “Ek wens ek was so groot soos ’n reus,” dink hy. “Dan sou almal bang wees vir my, en niemand sou sê: ‘Jy’s te klein’ nie.” +Net toe hoor hy iemand in die huis hard roep: “Bless! Kom terug, Bless!” +Bless hardloop verby Thapelo en om die hoek van die huis. En Ntate hardloop agterna. Dan kom Saul. Dan Refilwe. En dan Mampotoko. “Die hond het Mamma se geskenk gesteel!” roep Ntate toe hy verby Thapelo hardloop. Thapelo hardloop saam met hulle agter Bless aan. +Bless spring deur ’n gat in die heining, tot in die erf langsaan. “Kom terug, Bless!” roep hulle. En na ’n rukkie kom Bless terug ... maar sonder die geskenk! +“Ag, nee, hy het dit langsaan gelos!” kreun Ntate. “En die Sitholes kom eers more terug! Nou gaan dit aan daardie kant van die heining lê tot hulle terug is!” +“Ek kan deur die gat klim en dit gaan haal,” stel Thapelo voor. +“Nee,” sê hulle almal gelyk. “Jy’s te ...” Hulle bly stil. Hulle kyk na Thapelo. +“Sal jy kan deurkom?” vra Refilwe. +“Is jy klein genoeg?” vra Saul. + +Thapelo buk af en wurm homself deur die gat. Hy maak dit net-net. Daar, op die gras in die Sitholes se erf, is die toegedraaide geskenk, en net ’n stukkie van die geskenkpapier is geskeur. Hy tel die geskenk op en wurm homself weer deur die gat. +“O, Thapelo,” sê Ntate. “Jy is ’n ster!” +“Drie hoera’s vir Thapelo!” sê Saul, en almal gee hom ’n drukkie. +Later daardie middag is daar ’n klop aan die deur. Dis Mamma! Thapelo hardloop in haar arms in. +“Sjoe, maar jy’t grootgeword, my seun,” sê sy. “Kyk hoe lank is jy.” +“Maar ek is nog steeds te klein, Mamma,” sê hy. +“Nee!” roep almal. +“Nee, jy is nie!” sê Ntate, “Jy is net groot genoeg!”",afr,Afrikaans,Jy’s te klein,"Mama Tau was coming home! She had been away for a long time studying, and her family missed her. Everyone was very excited. But Thapelo, the youngest of all her children, was the most excited. +On the day of Mama Tau’s arrival, the family ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Deur Dorothy Dye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/jy’s-te-klein +you’re-too-small,"UMama uTau wayegoduka! Kwakulixesha elide engekho eyokufunda, yaye usapho lwakhe lwalumkhumbula. Wonke umntu wayechulumancile. Kodwa uThapelo, oyena mncinci kubantwana bakhe, wayengoyena unemincili ukubadlula bonke. +Ngosuku lokufika kukaMama uTau, usapho lwachitha intsasa lulungiselela. Ilanga lalikhanya phandle. UThapelo wayekhabakhaba ibhola engceni. Wayefuna ukubonisa umama wakhe ukuba ukukhaba kwakhe ibhola kwakubhetele kangakanani ukusukela ukugqibela kwakhe ukumbona. “Yibambe, Bless,” wakhwaza watsho enjeni. Kodwa uBless wasuka wayijonga ibhola waza wangena endlwini. +UThapelo walandela inja waza waya kukhangela udadewabo, uRefilwe. URefilwe wayeyiDJ. Kangangokuba wayezithanda wayenxiba iindondo zakhe zelanga nasendlwini. URefilwe wayesegumbini lakhe ekhangela umculo aza kuwudlala xa umama wakhe engena kumnyango ongaphambili. “Andizukudlala nayiphi na irep asoloko eyikhalazela,” watsho uRefilwe. “Namhlanje siza kumamela kuphela ijez. Ngohlobo kanye uMama athanda ngalo.” Wakhulula iindondo zakhe waqobela uThapelo iliso. “Mhlawumbi ungadanisa noMama.” +Waza uRefilwe wafaka izimameli zakhe waqalisa ukunqwala intloko kwisandi somculo. +“Ndingakuncedisa?” wabuza uThapelo. +“Intoni?” watsho uRefilwe, esusa izimameli zakhe. “Ubusithini?” +“Ndingakuncedisa?” wakhwaza uThapelo. +“Akukho sidingo sokuba ukhwaze,” watsho uRefilwe. “Ndikuva kakuhle.” Waze wanikina intloko. “Yonke le nto ikwikhompyutha, Thapelo. Ngoko ke, awunakunceda. Umncinci kakhulu.” +UThapelo waya kukhangela umnakwabo, uSaul. Wayesekhitshini, ebhaka enye yeekeyiki zakhe ezikhethekileyo. Ngalo lonke ixesha kwakukho isehlo esikhethekileyo, uSaul wayebhaka ikeyiki. Kwitheko lokugqibela lomhla wokuzalwa likaThapelo, wayenze ikeyiki yetshokholethi eneeswiti iiSmarties ngaphezulu. + +USaul wayenxibe ifaskoti enemigca kwaye wayezamisa umxube wekeyiki kwisitya esikhulu. “Yikeyiki yelamuni le,” waxelela uThapelo. “Eyona ayithanda kakhulu uMama.” +“Ndingakuncedisa?” wabuza uThapelo. +“Hayi,” watsho. “Kwixa elingaphambili wawisa iqanda. Uxolo, Thapelo. Umncinci kakhulu.” +Wahamba waya kukhangela omnye udadewabo, uMampotoko, owayexhoma imihombiso kwigumbi lokuhlala. Kwakukho amatyathanga ephepha neebhaloni. +“Ndingakuncedisa?” wabuza. +“Ina, bona ukuba ungakwazi na ukuzivuthela ezi,” watsho, enika uThapelo ezinye iibhaloni. Wakhetha ebomvu waza waqalisa ukuvuthela. Wazama, wazama kodwa zange abe nakho ukufaka umoya owaneleyo kuyo. +“Owu hayi,” watsho kalusizi. “Ndimncinci kakhulu.” +Ngoko ke uThapelo wahamba waya kukhangela uTata. Wayehleli etafileni, esongela uMama intsimbi yentamo yamaso. “Le ntsimbi yentamo inemibala ayithandayo,” watsho. “Umfusa noluhlaza. Ayintlanga?” +UThapelo wabona iphepha lokusongela elineenkwenkwezi. +“Ndingakuncedisa ukusongela intsimbi yentamo?” wabuza uThapelo. +“Hayi, uxolo, Thapelo, umncinci kakhulu,” watsho utata wakhe. +UThapelo waziva elusizi. Wajonga inja yabo, uBless, ehleli ecaleni koTata. “Yiza, Bless,” wakhwaza. Kodwa uBless wazihlalela nje apho. “NoBless ngokwakhe ucinga ukuba ndimncinci kakhulu,” wacinga uThapelo. +UThapelo waphuma phandle waza wahlala kwinqwanqwa elingaphambili. “Ndinqwenela ukunga ndingakhula ndibe mde njengesigebenga,” wacinga. “Ngoko ke bakundoyika bonke yaye akukho mntu uya kuthi, ‘Umncinci kakhulu.’” +Ngelo xesha kanye weva ilizwi elikhwazayo liphuma ngaphakathi endlwini. “Bless! Bless, buya!” +UBless wabaleka wegqitha kuThapelo waza wajikela ekoneni yendlu. Yaye emva koBless kwakubaleka uTata. Kulandela uSaul. Kulandela uRefilwe. Kwalandela uMampotoko. “Loo nja ibe isipho sikaMama!” UTata wamemeza njengoko wayedlula kuThapelo. UThapelo wazibandakanya nabo waleqa uBless naye. +UBless watsiba wangena ngomngxuma oselucingweni, kwiyadi esebumelwaneni. “Buya, Bless!” bakwaza. Kwaza emva kwethutyana wabuya uBless ... kodwa ngaphandle kwesipho! +“Owu hayi, usishiye kwammelwane!” wancwina uTata. “Yaye abakwaSithole abekho bakubuya ngomso! Ngoko ke sixinge kweliya cala locingo bade babuye!” +“Ndingatyhoboza emngxunyeni ndiyokusithatha,” wacebisa uThapelo. +“Hayi,” batsho bonke ngaxeshanye. “Um ...” Bema. Bajonga kuThapelo. + +“Ungathubeleza?” wabuza uRefilwe. +“Umncinci ngokwaneleyo?” wabuza uSaul. +UThapelo wazisonga waza watyhudisa wangena emngxunyeni. Wenela ukuba athubeleze. Apho engceni eyadini kaMama uSithole, yayisisipho esisongiweyo, likrazuke kancinci nje iphepha lokusonga. Wasithatha isipho waza watyhudisa waphumela kwelinye icala locingo kwakhona. +“Owu, Thapelo,” watsho uTata. “Ubalasele!” +“Masimqhwabele kathathu uThapelo!” watsho uSaul, baza bonke bamanga. +Emva kwexeshana ngaloo njikalanga kwankqonkqozwa emnyango. YayinguMama! UThapelo wangxama ukuya kuzifaka ezingalweni zakhe. +“Awusakhule ngako, nyana wam,” watsho. “Jonga indlela omde ngayo ngoku.” +“Kodwa ndisemncinci kakhulu, Mama,” watsho. +“Hayi!” bakhwaza bonke. +“Hayi, awunjalo!” watsho uTata, “Ungumlinganiselo ofaneleke kakuhle!”",xho,isiXhosa,Umncinci kakhulu,"Mama Tau was coming home! She had been away for a long time studying, and her family missed her. Everyone was very excited. But Thapelo, the youngest of all her children, was the most excited. +On the day of Mama Tau’s arrival, the family ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Libhalwe nguDorothy Dye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umncinci-kakhulu +you’re-too-small,"UMama Tau wayesebuyela ekhaya! Wayekade engekho isikhathi eside esayofunda, kanti umndeni wakhe wawumkhumbule. Wonke umuntu wayethakase kakhulu. Kodwa uThapelo, omncane kunazo zonke izingane, wayethakase ngokwedlulele. +Ngosuku lokufika kukaMama Tau, umndeni wachitha isikhathi sasekuseni ulungiselela. Ilanga lalibalele phandle. UThapelo wayekhahlela ibhola lakhe liya le nale otshanini. Wayefuna ukuthi unina abone ukuthi ikhono lakhe lokudlala ibhola selingcono kangakanani kusukela agcina ukumbona. “Bamba leli, Bless,” esho ememeza inja. Kodwa-ke uBless wavele walibuka nje ibhola maqede wangena endlini. +UThapelo wayilandela inja wayeseyocinga udadewabo omdala, uRefilwe. URefilwe wayengudijeyi. Wayezizwa ekahle ngangokuthi izibuko zakhe zelanga wayezifake ngisho engaphakathi endlini. URefilwe wayesekamelweni lakhe ehlanganisa umculo azowudlala ngenkathi uMama engena emnyango ongaphambili. “Angeke ngiwudlale lo mculo werephu ahlale ekhononda ngawo,” kwasho uRefilwe. “Namuhla sizozwa umculo wejezi kuphela. Uzoba ngendlela nje ethandwa nguMama.” Wayesekhipha izibuko zakhe zelanga qede wacifela uThapelo iso. “Mhlawumbe wena ungadansa noMama.” +Emva kwalokho uRefilwe wabe esefaka izilalelisi zakhe ezindlebeni maqede waqala ukunqekuzisa ikhanda enanela umculo. +“Ngingakusiza?” kwabuza uThapelo. +“Ini?” kwabuza uRefilwe, esusa izilalelisi ezindlebeni. “Ubuthini?” +“Ngingakusiza na?” kumemeza uThapelo. +“Asikho isidingo sokumemeza,” kwasho uRefilwe. “Ngikuzwa kahle kakhulu.” Emva kwalokho wayesenikina ikhanda. “Konke lokhu kusekhompiyutheni, Thapelo. Ngakho-ke, angeke ukwazi ukusiza. Umncane kakhulu.” +UThapelo wahamba wayocinga umfowabo, uSaul. Wayesekhishini, ebhaka elinye lamakhekhe akhe ekhethelo. Noma nini uma kukhona umcimbi okhethekile, uSau1 wayenza ikhekhe. Ngosuku lokuzalwa lukaThapelo lwakamuva, wayenze ikhekhe likashokoledi elinamaSmatisi phezulu. + +USaul wayegqoke iphinifo elinemithende egovuza inhlama yekhekhe esitsheni esikhulu. “Leli yikhekhe likalamula,” kwasho uThapelo. “Ngelithandwa kakhulu nguMama.” +“Ngingakusiza?” kwabuza uThapelo. +“Cha,” kwasho yena. “Ngenkathi ugcina ukungisiza wawisa iqanda. Ngiyaxolisa, Thapelo. Umncane kakhulu.” +Wahamba wayocinga omunye udadewabo, uMampotoko, owayefaka imihlobiso egunjini lokuphumula. Kwakukhona amaketango enziwe ngamaphepha kanye namabhaluni. “Ngingakusiza?” kwabuza yena. +“Nakhu, bheka ukuthi uzokwazi yini ukuwafutha,” kwasho yena, enikeza uThapela amabhaluni ambalwa. Wakhetha elibomvu wayeseqala ukufutha. Wazama wazama kodwa wehluleka ukufutha umoya owanele kulo. +“Hawu cha,” kwasho yena ngokudangala. “Ngimncane kakhulu.” +Ngakho uThapelo wahamba wayocinga uBaba. Wamthola ehleli ngasetafuleni, egoqela uMama umgexo wobuhlalu. “Lo mgexo unemibala yakhe ayithandayo,” kusho yena. “Obukhwebezane noluhlaza okotshani. Kuhle lokhu, angithi?” +UThapelo wabona iphepha lokugoqa elinezinkanyezi. +“Ngingakusiza ukuthi ugoqe umgexo?” kwabuza uThapelo. +“Cha, phephisa, Thapelo, umncane kakhulu,” kwasho uyise. +UThapelo wazizwa edangele. Wabuka inja yakubo, uBless, ihlezi eduze kukaBaba. “Woza, Bless,” washo ememeza. Kodwa-ke uBless wamane wazihlalela laphaya. “Ngisho noBless ucabanga ukuthi ngimncane kakhulu,” kucabanga uThapelo. +UThapelo waphumela phandle wahlala esitubhini esingaphambili. “Ngifisa sengathi ngingakhula ngibe mude njengesiqhwaga,” kucabanga yena. “Lapho-ke bonke bayongesaba futhi akekho namunye oyothi, ‘Umncane kakhulu.’” +Ngaleso sikhathi nje wayesezwa ukumemeza okukhulu kuphuma ngaphakathi endlini. “Bless! Bless, buya!” +UBless wagijima wedlula ngakuThapela nasekhoneni lendlu. Ngemuva kukaBless kwakugijima uBaba. Emva kwakhe kwaba nguSaul. Kwalandela uRefilwe. Kwase kuphinda kulandela uMampotoko. “Le nja isintshontshe isipho sikaMama!” kuthetha uBaba ngenkathi edlula ngakuThapelo. NoThaphelo wahlanganyela nabo naye esejaha uBless. +UBless wagxuma wangena ngembobo othangweni, wangena egcekeni lakwamakhelwane. “Buya, Bless!” basho bememeza. Kwathi ngemuva kwesikhashana uBless wabuya ... kodwa engasasiphethe isipho! +“Hhayi bo, usishiye kwamakhelwane!” kubhavumulala uBaba. “Kanti nabakwaSithole abekho kuyoze kube kusasa. Ngakho, isipho sizobambeka ngaleya kocingo bayoze babuye!” +“Ngingachusha ngingene embotsheni ngisilande isipho,” kwaphakamisa uThapelo. +“Cha,” besho bonke kanyekanye. “Umkhu- ...” Bama ngqi. Babuka uThapelo. +“Ungakwazi ukwenela lapha?” kwabuza uRefilwe. +“Ngabe umncane ngokwanele?” kwabuza uSaul. +UThapelo waguqa phansi wayesezimpintshela emgodini. Wavele walingana. + +Ngaleya, otshanini begceke lakwaSithole, kwakukhona isipho esigoqiwe, sinendawana encane nje edabukile ephepheni lokugoqa. Wasicosha isipho emva kwalokho wayesechusha futhi ebuyela ohlangothini olungapha kocingo. +“Hha, Thapelo,” kwasho uBaba. “Uyisimanga uqobo!” +“Ihlombe malishaywe kathathu kwenzelwe uThapelo!” kwasho uSandile, bonke base bemsingatha. +Kamuva ngaleyo ntambama kwezwakala ukungqongqoza emnyango. Kwabe kunguMama! UThapelo wagijima eya ezingalweni zikanina. +“Awuve usukhulile, mfana wami,” kwasho yena. “Awuzibuke ukuthi usumude kangakanani manje.” +“Kodwa ngisemncane kakhulu, Mama,” kwasho yena. +“Cha bo!” bamemeza bonke. +“Cha, awumncane!” kwasho uBaba, “Unobukhulu obufanele nje!”",zul,isiZulu,Umncane kakhulu,"Mama Tau was coming home! She had been away for a long time studying, and her family missed her. Everyone was very excited. But Thapelo, the youngest of all her children, was the most excited. +On the day of Mama Tau’s arrival, the family ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguDorothy Dye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umncane-kakhulu +you’re-too-small,"Mma Tau o be a boya gae! O sepetše sebaka se setelele ka dithuto, gomme ba lapa la gagwe ba be ba mo hlologetše. Ka moka ba be ba thabile kudu. Efela Thapelo, ngwana yo monnyane go bana ba gagwe ka moka, o be a thabile go ba feta ka moka. +Ka letšatši le Mma Tau a boilego ka lona, ba lapa ba ile ba dira ditokišetšo mesong. Ka ntle letšatši le be le hlabile. Thapelo o be a raga bolo ya gagwe mo fase. O be a nyaka go bontšha mmagwe ka fao a bapalago kgwele ya maoto bokaone ka gona go tloga mola a mmonego la mafelelo. “Swara ye, Bless,” a laela mpša. Efela Bless ya lebelela bolo ya ikela ka gare ga ntlo. +Thapelo o ile a latela mpša a ya go sesi wa gagwe yo mogolo, Refilwe. Refilwe e be e le DJ. O be a sepela le mabaka ka fao a bego a apara digalase tša gagwe tša letšatši le ka ntlong. Refilwe o be a le ka phapošing ya gagwe a lokiša mmino wo a tlo go bapalago ge Mma a tsena ka lebati la ka pele. “Nka se bapale repo ye a bego a phela a belaela ka yona,” a realo Refilwe. “Lehono re tlo kwa jese fela. Ka tsela ye go ratago Mma.” O ile a hlobola digalase tša gagwe tša mahlo gomme a ponyetša Thapelo leihlo. “Mo gongwe o ka bina le Mma.” +Gomme Refilwe o ile a apara ditheeletši tša gagwe tša ditsebeng gomme a binela mmino ka hlogo. +“Naa nka go thuša?” gwa botšiša Thapelo. +“Eng?” a realo Refilwe, a tloša ditheeletši tša gagwe tša ditsebeng. “O rileng?” +“Naa nka go thuša?” Thapelo a goeletša. +“Ga o hloke go goeletša,” Refilwe a realo. “Ke go kwa gabotse.” O ile a šikinya hlogo. “Dilo tšohle di mo khomphuthareng, Thapelo. Ka fao, o kase kgone go nthuša. O yo monnyane kudu.” +Thapelo o ile a ya go buti wa gagwe, Saul. O be a le ka khitšhining, a paka ye nngwe ya dikhekhe tša gagwe tša go kgethega. Nako le nako ge go be go na le tiragalo ya go kgethega, Saul o be a paka khekhe. Ka letšatši la matswalo a Thapelo la mafelelo, o dirile khekhe ya tšhokolete ya go ba le diSmarties ka godimo. + +Saul o be a apere thetho ya mebalabala gomme a hudua motswako wa khekhe ka sekotlelong se segolo. “Ke khekhe ya swiri,” a botša Thapelo. “Ke ye Mma a e ratago kudu.” +“Naa nka go thuša?” gwa botšiša Thapelo. +“Aowa,” a realo. “La mafelelo o ile wa wiša lee. O tla ntshwarela, Thapelo. O yo monnyane kudu.” +O ile a ya go sesi wa gagwe yo mongwe, Mampotoko, yo a bego a kgabiša phapošibodulo. Go be go na le ditšhaene tša dipampiri le dipalune. “Naa nka go thuša?” a botšiša. +“Swara, leka go budulela moya ka gare ga tše,” a realo, a e fa Thapelo dipalune. O kgethile ye hubedu gomme a thoma go budulela moya ka gare ga yona. O lekile a ba a leka efela a palelwa ke go budulela moya wo o lekanego ka gare. +“Aowaowa,” a realo ka manyami. “Ke nna yo monnyane kudu.” +Gomme Thapelo o ile a ya go Ntate. O be a dutše tafoleng, a phuthela pheta ya molala ya Mma. “Pheta ye e na mebala ye a e ratago kudu,” a realo. “Phepole le talamorogo. Ga se ye botse?” +Thapelo o bone pampiri ya go phuthela ya go ba le dinaledi. +“Nna nka go thuša go phuthela pheta ya molala?” gwa botšiša Thapelo. +“Aowa, o tla ntshwarela, Thapelo, o yo monnyane kudu,” a realo ntate wa gagwe. +Thapelo o ile a nyama. O ile a lebelela mpša ya bona, Bless, e dutše kgauswi le Ntate. “Etla, Bless,” a e bitša. Efela Bless ga se ya ya go yena. “Le Bless e nagana gore ke yo monnyane kudu,” Thapelo a nagana. +Thapelo o ile a ya ka ntle a dula setupung sa ka pele. “Okare nka ba yo motelele bjalo ka lekgema,” a nagana. “Batho bohle ba tlo ntšhaba gomme ga go yo a tlo rego go nna, ‘O sa le yo monnyane kudu.’” +Ka nako yeo a kwa lešata le legolo ka ntlong. “Bless! Bless, boya!” +Bless e ile ya kitima ya feta Thapelo le sekhutlo sa ntlo. Gomme Ntate o ile a kitimiša Bless. Saul o ile a latela. Refilwe le yena. Ka morago gwa latela Mampotoko. “Mpša yela e utswitše mpho ya Mma!” Ntate o ile a goeletša ge a feta Thapelo. Thapelo le yena o ile a tsena fase a kitimiša Bless. +Bless e ile ya tšwa lešobeng la terata gomme ya fofela ka jarateng ya baagišane. “Boya, Bless!” ba realo. Gomme ka morago ga sebakanyana Bless e ile ya boya ... efela e be e se ya swara mpho! +“Ijoo, e e tlogetše ka baagišaneng!” Ntate a bobola. “Ba ga Sithole ga ba gona ba tlo boya gosasa! Ka fao, e tlo ba ka lehlakoreng le lengwe la terata go fihlela ba boya!” +“Nka tsena ka lešoba lela ka ya go e tšea,” gwa šišinya Thapelo. +“Aowa,” ka moka ba realo. “O yo ...” Ba homola. Ba ile ba lebelela Thapelo. +“O ka lekana?” gwa botšiša Refilwe. +“O yo monnyane ka fao o ka lekanago?” gwa botšiša Saul. + +Thapelo o ile a gagaba mo fase a ipitlaganya ka lešobeng. O ile a kgona go tsena. Fale, godimo ga bjang ka jarateng ya Sithole, e be e le mpho ye e phuthetšwego, e na le pampiri ya go phuthela ye nnyane ya go kgeiga. O ile a topa mpho gomme a ipitlaganya gape lešobeng a boela ka lehlakoreng le lengwe la terata. +“Ijoo, Thapelo,” a realo Ntate. “O naledi!” +“Ditheto tše tharo go Thapelo!” Saul a realo, gomme ka moka ga bona ba mo gokara. +Ka morago mo mosegareng go ile gwa kwagala motho a kokota lebating. E be e le Mma! Thapelo o ile a kitimela ka matsogong a gagwe. +��O godile bjang, mošemane wa ka,” a realo. “Lebelela gore o yo motelele bjang bjale.” +“Efela ke sa le yo monnyane kudu, Mma,” a realo. +“Aowa!” bohle ba realo. +“Aowa, ga go bjalo!” a realo Ntate, “O bogolo bjo bo lekanetšego!”",nso,Sepedi,O yo monnyane kudu,"Mama Tau was coming home! She had been away for a long time studying, and her family missed her. Everyone was very excited. But Thapelo, the youngest of all her children, was the most excited. +On the day of Mama Tau’s arrival, the family ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mongwadi ke Dorothy Dye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/o-yo-monnyane-kudu +you’re-too-small,"Mme Tau o ne a etla hae! E ne e le nako e telele a tsamaile lapeng ho ya ithuta, mme ba lelapa la hae ba ne ba mo hopotse. Bohle ba ne ba thabile haholo. Empa Thapelo, kgorula baneng ba hae, ke yena ya neng a thabile ka ho fetisisa. +Ka letsatsi leo Mme Tau a neng a fihla ka lona, lelapa lohle ba qetile nako ya hoseng ba etsa ditokisetso. Letsatsi le ne le tjhabile ka ntle. Thapelo o ne a raha bolo ka ntle jwanng. O ne a batla ho bontsha mme wa hae kamoo bokgoni ba hae ba bolo ya maoto bo ntlafetseng ka teng ho tloha mohlang a ne a mo qetela. “Tshwara moo, Bless,” a hoeletsa ntja. Empa Bless a sheba bolo feela mme a kena ka tlung. +Thapelo a sala ntja morao mme a ya batla kgaitsedi ya hae e moholo, Refilwe. Refilwe e ne e le DJ. O ne a le motle hoo a neng a rwala diborele tsa letsatsi le ka hara ntlo. Refilwe o ne a le ka phaposing ya hae mme a lokisetsa hore mmino o lle hang ha Mme a kena lemating la ka pele. “Ha ke no bapala repe yane eo a sa e rateng,” Refilwe a rialo. “Kajeno re tla mamela jeze feela. Kamoo Mme a e ratang feela.” A rola diborele tsa hae tsa letsatsi mme a robela Thapelo leihlo. “Mohlomong o ka tantsha le Mme.” +Yaba Refilwe o kenya dimamedisi (headphones) tsa hae mme a qala ho oma ka hlooho ho ya ka morethetho wa mmino. +“Na nka o thusa?” ha botsa Thapelo. +“Eng?” ha botsa Refilwe, a rola dimamedisi tsa hae. “O itseng?” +“Na nka o thusa?” Thapelo a buela hodimo. +“Ha ho hlokehe hore o hoeletse,” Refilwe a rialo. “Ke kgona ho o utlwa hantle.” Yaba o sisinya hlooho. “Ntho tsohle di khomputeng, Thapelo. Kahoo, o keke wa kgona ho thusa. O monyane haholo.” +Thapelo a ya batla moholwane wa hae, Saul. O ne a le ka kitjhineng, a baka e nngwe ya dikuku tsa hae tse kgethehileng. Kamehla ha ho ena le moketjana o ikgethang, Saul o ne a baka kuku. Ka letsatsi la tswalo la Thapelo le sa tswa feta, o ne a ile a etsa kuku ya tjhokolete e nang le diSmarties ka hodimo. + +Saul o ne a apere forosekoto se metsero mme a ntse a fuduwa motswako wa kuku ka hara sejana se seholo. “Ena ke kuku ya sirilamunu,” a bolella Thapelo. “E ratwang ke Mme haholo.” +“Na nka o thusa?” ha botsa Thapelo. +“Tjhe,” a rialo. “Nakong e fetileng o ile wa diha lehe fatshe. Ke maswabi, Thapelo. O monyane haholo.” +A tsamaya mme a batlana le kgaitsedi e nngwe ya hae, Mampotoko, ya neng a ntse a etsa mekgabiso ka phaposing ya ho phomola. Ho ne ho ena le diketane tsa pampiri le dibalunu. “Na nka o thusa?” a botsa. +“Nka, ha re bone hore na o ka kgona ho butswela tsena,” a rialo, a fa Thapelo dibalunu tse ding. Thapelo a kgetha e kgubedu mme a qala ho butswela. A leka a ba a leka empa o ne a sa kgone ho e tlatsa moya o lekaneng. +“Ao tjhe,” a rialo a utlwile bohloko. Ke monyane haholo. +Yaba Thapelo o ya ho batla Ntate. O ne a dutse tafoleng, a ntse a phuthela sefaha sa molaleng bakeng sa Mme. “Sefaha sena se na le mebala eo a e ratang,” a rialo. “O perese le o motala. Se setle, ha ho jwalo?” +Thapelo a bona pampiri ya ho phuthela e nang le dinaledi. +“Na nka o thusa ho phuthela sefaha sa molaleng?” ha botsa Thapelo. +“Tjhe, ke maswabi, Thapelo, o monyane haholo,” ha rialo ntatae. +Thapelo a utlwa bohloko. A sheba ntja yabo, Bless, e dutse pela Ntate. “Tloo, Bless,” a e bitsa. Empa Bless ya itulela moo. “Esitana le Bless o nahana hore ke monyane haholo,” Thapelo a nahana jwalo. +Thapelo a tswela ka ntle mme a dula setupung se ka pele. “Ke lakatsa eka nka hola ka ba motelele jwaloka ledimo,” a nahana jwalo. “Mme kaofela ha bona ba ne ba tla ntshaba mme ha ho motho ya neng a tla re ho nna, ‘o monyane haholo.’” +Ka yona nako eo a utlwa motho a hoeletsa ka tlung. “Bless! Bless, kgutla!” +Bless a matha a feta Thapelo mme a potela ka mora ntlo. Mme ka mora Bless ho ne ho matha Ntate. Ya eba Saul. Ya eba Refilwe. Mme ya eba Mampotoko. “Ntja eno e utswitse mpho ya Mme!” Ntate a hoeletsa a feta Thapelo. Thapelo le yena a ba sala morao a lelekisa Bless. +Bless a tlola a tswa le lesobeng la terata, a tlolela ka jareteng ya baahisane. “Kgutla wena Bless!” ba hoeletsa. Mme kamora nakwana Bless a kgutla … empa a sa tshwara mpho! +“Jowee! O e siile ha moahisane!” Ntate a honotha. “Mme ba ha Sithole ha ba yo ba tla kgutla hosane! Kahoo, e tla dula ka nqane ho terata ho fihlela ba kgutla!” +“Nka nna ka kena le lesobeng leno ka se lata,” Thapelo a etsa tlhahiso. +“Tjhe,” ba buela hong. “O mony…” Ba thola. Ba sheba Thapelo. +“O tla lekana?” ha botsa Refilwe. +“Na o monyane ho lekaneng?” ha botsa Saul. + +Thapelo a kgumama fatshe mme a ipetetsa lesobeng. A feta ha bonolo feela. Mane, hodima jwang ka jareteng ya ba ha Sithole, ho ne ho dutse mpho e phuthetsweng, e tabohileng hanyane pampiring ya ho phuthela. A nka mpho eo mme a ipetetsa hape lesobeng ho kgutlela ka nqane ho terata. +“Oho, Thapelo,” ha rialo Ntate. “O mampodi!” +“Ha re opeleng Thapelo hararo!” ha rialo Saul, mme bohle ba mo haka. +Hamorao mantsiboyeng ao ha eba le ho kokota monyako. E ne e le Mme! Thapelo a mathela ka matsohong a hae. +“O hodile hakaakang, moshanyana wa ka,” a rialo. “Bona feela hore o se o le motelele hakae.” +“Empa ke ntse ke le monyane haholo, Mme,” a araba. +“Tjhe!” bohle ba hoeletsa. +“Tjhe, ha o monyane!” ha rialo Ntate, “O boholo bo lekaneng hantle!”",sot,Sesotho,O monyane haholo,"Mama Tau was coming home! She had been away for a long time studying, and her family missed her. Everyone was very excited. But Thapelo, the youngest of all her children, was the most excited. +On the day of Mama Tau’s arrival, the family ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E ngotswe ke Dorothy Dye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/o-monyane-haholo +you’re-too-small,"Mama Tau o ne a tla gae! O ne a seyo mo gae a ile go ithuta nako e telele thata, mme balelapa ba ne ba mo tlhoafaletse thata. Mongwe le mongwe o ne a itumetse thata. Fela Thapelo, ngwana o monnye go botlhe mo lelapeng, o ne a itumetse go gaisa botlhe. +Ka letsatsi le Mama Tau a gorogileng ka lona, balelapa ba ne ba tlhola ba dira dipaakanyo mo mosong. Letsatsi le ne le phatsima kwa ntle. Thapelo o ne a raga kgwele ya dinao mo bojannyeng. O ne a batla go bontsha mmaagwe gore kitso ya gagwe ya kgwele ya dinao e tokafatse jang go tloga nako e o mmoneng a tshameka. “Thiba kgwele eo, Bless,” a laela ntšwa ya gagwe. Fela Bless ya leba kgwele fela ka matlho mme ya tsena mo ntlong. +Thapelo a sala ntšwa morago go ya go bitsa kgaitsadiagwe, Refilwe. Refilwe e ne e le DJ. A le mmamatlhale mo o neng o apara digalase tsa letsatsi le fa a le mo ntlong. Refilwe o ne a le mo phaposing ya gagwe a rulaganya mmino o o neng a tlile go o tshameka fa Mama a tsena ka kgoro ya kwa pele ya ntlo. “Ga ke ye go tshameka mmino wa repe o mme a tlholang a ngongorega ka ona,” ga bua Refilwe. “Gompieno ke ya go tshameka jese. Ka mo Mama a e ratang ka teng.” A apola digalase tsa letsatsi a notela Thapelo leitlho. “O ka nna wa bina le Mama.” +Jaanong Refilwe a tsenya di-headphone a binela pina ka go tshikinya tlhogo. +“A nka go thusa?” ga bua Thapelo. +“Eng?” Refilwe a tsiboga, a ntsha di-headphone. “O ne o reng?” +“A nka go thusa?” Thapelo a buela kwa godimo. +“Ga go tlhokege gore o buele kwa godimo,” ga bua Refilwe. “Ke kgona go go utlwa sentle.” Jaanong a tshikinya tlhogo. “Tsotlhe tse, di mo khomputareng, Thapelo. Ka jalo ga o tlhoke go ka nthusa. O monnye thata.” +Thapelo a ya kwa go mogoloe, Saul. O ne a le mo phaposing ya boapeelo, a baka nngwe ya dikhekhe tse o di ratang bobe. Nako nngwe le nngwe fa go le meletlo e e kgethegileng, Saul o ne a dira khekhe. Ka letsatsi la matsalo a ga Thapelo le le fetileng, o ne a dira khekhe ya tšhokolete a tsentse Disemathisi mo godimo ga yona. + +Saul o ne a apere khiba ya methalothalo a ntse a hudua motswako wa khekhe mo mogopong. “E ke khekhe ya lemone, a bolelela Thapelo. “E e ratwang ke Mama.” +“A nka go thusa?” ga bua Thapelo. +“Nnyaya,” a bua jalo. “Mo nako e e fetileng o ne wa diga lee. Thswarelo, Thapelo. O monnye thata.” +A tswa a ya kwa go kgaitsadiagwe, Mampotoko, yo o neng a kgabisa mo phaposing ya boitapoloso. Go ne go na le dipampiri tse di logilweng semelemethe le dibalune. “A nka go thusa?” a bua jalo. +“Tsaya dibalune ke tse, di futswetswe,” a bua, a mo neela tsona. A tsaya e khibidu a simolola go e futswetsa. A leka gangwe le gape mme a tlholega go tshela mowa ka mo baluneng. +“Nyaya tlhe,” a bua a swabile. “Ke monnye thata.” +Jaanong Thapelo a ya kwa go Ntate. O ne a le fa tafoleng, a phuthela dibaga tsa mo molaleng tsa ga Mama. “Sebaga se se na le mebala e e ratwang ke Mama,” a bua jalo. “Phepole le botala. “Leba gore se sentle jang?” +Thapelo a bona pampiri ya go phuthela e tletse dinaledi. +“A nka go thusa go phuthela sebaga?” ga bua Thapelo. +“Nnyaya, ke maswabi, Thapelo, O monnye thata,” ga bua rraagwe. +Thapelo a sulafalelwa. A leba ntšwa ya bona, Bless, e dutse gaufi le Ntate. “E tla Bless,” a e bitsa. Fela Bless ya ipatlamela fela moo. “Go raya gore le Bless o akanya gore ke monnye thata,” Thapelo a buela mo pelong. +Thapelo a tswela kwa ntle mme a nna mo serepuding. “Ke eletsa e kete nka gola ka lekana le dimo,” a buela mo pelong. “Fa nka nna jalo botlhe ba ka mpoifa mme ga go kitla go nna le yo o nthayang a re, ‘Wenao monnye thata.”’ +Ka yona nako e a utlwa modumo o mogolo o tswa mo ntlong. “Bless! Bless, boa koo!” +Bless ya feta ka bonako gaufi le Thapelo go dikologa sekhutlo sa ntlo. Bless a latelwa ke Ntate. A latelwa ke Saul. Morago ga tla Refilwe. Le ene a latelwa ke Mampotoko. “Ntšwa ele e utswile mpho ya ga Mama!” Ntate a goa a feta gaufi le Thapelo. Thapelo a ba latela a taboga mo morago ga Bless. +Bless a sutlha ka lesoba le le mo legoreng, a tsena mo jarateng ya baagisane. “Boa, Bless!” ba e bitsa. Jaanong morago ga sebakanyana Bless ya boa…fela e sa tshola mpho! +“Nnyaya tlhe, o e tlogetse kwa jarateng ya baagisane,” ga bua Ntate. “Mme e bile ba ga Sithole ba tlile go boa ka moso! Jaanong, e tlile go nna koo go fitlha ba boa!” +“Nka palama legora mme ka ya go e tsaya,” Thapelo a tshitshinya. +“Nnyaya,” botlhe ba buela gongwe. “O sa le…” Ba didimala. Ba leba Thapelo. +“A o ka lekana mo phatlheng ele?” ga botsa Refilwe. +“A o monnye thata?” ga botsa Saul. +Thapelo a khubama a hutaganya mmele gore a lekane mo phatlheng ya legora. + +A kgona go tsena. Fa a fitlha mo bojannyeng mo jarateng ya ga Sithole, a fitlhela mpho e e phuthetsweng, mme pampiri e gagogile go le gonnye. A sela mpho mme a hutaganya mmele gape mo phatlheng ya legora go boela ka fa gae. +“Ao, Thapelo,” ga bua Ntate “O mogaka!” +“A re akgoleng Thapelo!” ga bua Saul, botlhe ba mo atlarela. +Moragonyana mo motshegareng ga utlwala mongwe a konyakonya mo lebating. E ne e le Mama! Thapelo a itatlhela mo mabogong a gagwe. +“O godile jang, mosimane wa me,” a rialo. “Leba gore o moleele jang jaanong.” +“Fela ke sa le monnye thata, Mama,” a bua jalo. +“Nnyaya,” botlhe ba goa. +“Nnyaya, ga o monnye thata!” ga bua Ntate, “O ka mo o tshwanetseng go nna ka teng!”",tsn,Setswana,O monnye that,"Mama Tau was coming home! She had been away for a long time studying, and her family missed her. Everyone was very excited. But Thapelo, the youngest of all her children, was the most excited. +On the day of Mama Tau’s arrival, the family ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E kwadilwe ke Dorothy Dye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/o-monnye-thata +you’re-too-small,"Make Tau bekabuya ekhaya! Bekangekho sikhatsi lesidze afundza, futsi umndeni wakhe bese umkhumbule kakhulu. Bonkhe bebajabulile. Kodvwa Thapelo, lomncane kunabo bonkhe bekajabule kakhulu kubendlula bonkhe. +Ngalelilanga lekufika kwaMake Tau, lomndeni wacitsa sikhatsi sasekuseni ulungiselela. Lilanga beliphumile ngaphandle. Thapelo bekakhahlela ibhola yakhe etjanini. Bekafuna kukhombisa make wakhe kutsi likhono lakhe lekudlala libhola letinyawo selincono kakhulu kangakanani kusukela agcina kumbona. “Bamba lena, Bless,” wamemeta inja. Kodvwa Bless wamane-nje wayibuka lebhola wabese ungena ngekhatsi. +Thapelo wayilandzela lenja wabese uyofuna dzadzewabo lomdzala, Refilwe. Refilwe bekangu-DJ. Bekasesitayeleni kangangobe bekagcoka tibuko takhe telilanga nangekhatsi endlini. Refilwe bekasekamelweni lakhe alungisa umculo labetawudlalela make wakhe nakangena emnyango wangembili. “Angeke ngiwudlale umculo werephu lakhonona ngawo,” kwasho Refilwe. “Namuhla sitawulalela ijezi kuphela. Ngalendlela Make layitsandza ngayo.” Wakhipha tibuko takhe telilanga waficela Thapelo liso. “Mhlawumbe ungadansa naMake.” +Refilwe wabese ufaka emahedifoni, wabese ucala kulekutisa inhloko ananela lomculo. +“Ngingakusita?” kwabuta Thapelo. +“Ini?” kwasho Refilwe, akhipha emahedifoni. “Utsiteni?” +“Ngingakusita?” kwamemeta Thapelo. +“Kute sidzingo sekumemeta,” kwasho Refilwe. “Ngikuva kahle kakhulu.” Wanikina inhloko yakhe ngemuva kwekusho njalo. “Loku konkhe kukungcondvomshini, Thapelo. Ngako-ke angeke ukwati kusita umncane kakhulu.” +Thapelo wahamba wayofuna umnakabo, Saul. Abesekhishini, abhaka lelinye lemakhekhe akhe lakhetsekile. Ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi nakunemcimbi lokhetsekile, Saul bekabhaka likhekhe. Ngelusuku lwaThapelo lwekutalwa lolwengcile, Saul wabhaka likhekhe leshokolethi lebelibekwe Emasimathisi ngetulu. + +Saul bekagcoke sidziya lesinemishi futsi atamatisa lenhlama yalelikhekhe endishini lenkhulu. “Leli likhekhe lelilamula”, watjela Thapelo. “Intsandvokati yamake.” +“Ngingakusita?” kwabuta Thapelo. +“Cha,” kwasho yena. Esikhatsini lesendlulile wawisa licandza. Ncesi, Thapelo. Umncane kakhulu.” +Wahamba wayofuna dzadzewabo lomunye, Mampotoko, labekadze ahlobisa ekamelweni lekuphumula. Bekukhona tinketane temaphepha nemabhaluni. “Ngingakusita?” wabuta. +“Tsatsa naku, bona kutsi ungakhona kufutsa naku?” washo aniketa Thapelo lamanye emabhaluni. Wakhetsa lebovu wabese uyacala uyayifutsa. Wetama, wetama kodvwa akakhonanga kufaka umoya lowenele ekhatsi kuyo. +“Hhayi cha,” washo kalusizi. “Ngimncane kakhulu.” +Ngako Thapelo wabese uyahamba uyofuna Babe. Abehleti etafuleni agocotela umgaco wasentsanyeni webuhlalu waMake. Lomgaco unemibala yakhe layitsandza kakhulu kwendlula leminye,” kwasho yena. “Umbala lobukhwebeletane naloluhlata satjani. Ayisiyinhle?” +Thapelo wabona leliphepha lekugocotela linetinkhanyeti. +“Ngingakusita kugocotela lomgaco?” kwabuta Thapelo. +“Cha, ncesi, Thapelo, umncane kakhulu,” kwasho babe wakhe. +Thapelo weva buhlungu. Wabuka inja yakubo, Bless, ahleti eceleni kwaBabe. “Wota, Bless,” wayibita. Kodvwa Bless wamane-nje watihlalela khona lapho. “Ngisho naBless naye ucabanga kutsi ngimncane kakhulu,” kwacabanga Thapelo. +Thapelo waphumela ngaphandle wefike wahlala esitebhisini sangembili sendlu. “Ngifisa kutsi bengingakhula ngibe mudze njengesidlakela,” kwacabanga yena. “Lapho-ke bonkhe batangesaba, futsi kute namunye longatsi, ‘Umncane kakhulu.” +Kusenjalo weva kumemeta lokukhulu kuphuma ngekhatsi endlini. “Bless! Bless, buya emuva!” +Bless wagijima wendlula Thapelo wasitsela ekhoneni lendlu. Futsi emva kwaBless kwakugijima Babe. Kwalandzela Saul. Kwalandzela Refilwe. Kwabese kulandzela Mampotoko. “Leyanja intjontje sipho saMake!” kwamemeta babe ngesikhatsi endlula Thapelo. Thapelo wabajoyina naye wagijima emvakwaBless. +Bless wazuba waphuma esikhaleni kufenisi, wangena ebaleni lakamakhelwane. “Buya, Bless!” bambita. Kwatsi emva kwesikhatsi Bless wabuya ... kodvwa angakasiphatsi lesipho! +“Hhayi cha, usishiye kamakhelwane!” kwabubula Babe. “Futsi bakaSithole abekho batawubuya kusasa! Ngako-ke sibambeke ngale kwafenisi baze babuye ekhaya!” +“Ngingaphuma kulesikhala ngisilandze,” Thapelo wabeka umbono. +“Cha,” bonkhe basho kanye kanye. “Umncane ka ...” babindza. Babuka Thapelo. +“Utawuphuma?” kwabuta Refilwe. +“Ngabe umncane ngalokwenele?” kwabuta Saul. + +Thapelo wakhokhoba washona phasi wase uyatimpintja ungena kulembobo. Wavele-nje wangena kahle kulembobo. Lapha, etjanini ebaleni kaSithole, bekunalesipho lesigocotelwe, liphepha lesigocotelwe ngalo lidzabuke kancane-nje. Wasitsatsa lesipho wase uyatimpintja futsi kulofenisi ubuyela emuva ekhaya. +“Yebo, Thapelo,” kwasho Babe. “U sihlabani!” +“Batsatfu labadvumisa Thapelo!” kwasho Saul, babese bayamhaga bonkhe. +Ekuhambeni kwesikhatsi ngaleyo ntsambama kwevakala kunconcotsa emnyango. BekunguMake! Thapelo wagijimela emikhonweni yakhe. +“Ukhulile, mfana wami,” kwasho yena. “Buka-nje kutsi umudze kanganani manje.” +“Kodvwa ngisemncane kakhulu, Make,” kwasho yena. +“Cha!” bamemeta bonkhe. +“Cha, awusinjalo!” kwasho Babe, “Ukhule kahle-nje ngalokufanele!”",ssw,Siswati,Umncane kakhulu,"Mama Tau was coming home! She had been away for a long time studying, and her family missed her. Everyone was very excited. But Thapelo, the youngest of all her children, was the most excited. +On the day of Mama Tau’s arrival, the family ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguDorothy Dye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umncane-kakhulu-0 +you’re-too-small,"Mama Tau a vuya ekaya! A yile ekule nkarhi wo leha ku ya dyondza, naswona ndyangu wa yena a wu n’wi kala. Un’wana na un’wana a tsakile. Kambe Thapelo, lontsongo eka vana va yena hinkwavo, a tsakile kutlula hinkwavo. +Hi siku leri Mama Tau a nga fika hi rona, ndyangu wu tekile mixo hinkwawo wu ri karhi wu lulamisa. Dyambu a ri tlhavile ehandle. Thapelo a ri karhi a raha bolo ya yena ebyanyini. A lava ku komba manana wa yena leswaku vuswikoti bya yena bya bolo ya milenge byi antswe kufika kwihi kusukela nkarhi lowu a nga n’wi hi wona. “Khoma leyiwani, Bless,” a huwelela mbyana. Kambe Bless a languta bolo kutani a nghena endzeni. +Thapelo a landzelela mbyana a ya eka sesi wa yena lonkulu, Refilwe. Refilwe a ri DJ. A horile naswona a ambala manghilazi ya yena ya dyambu hambi a ri endzeni ka yindlu. Refilwe a ri ekamareni ra yena a ri karhi a lulamisela vunanga ku byi chaya loko Mama a nghena hi nyangwa wa rivanti ra le mahlweni. “A ndzi lavi ku n’wi tlangela hambi yi ri yihi kumbe yihi ya rhepe leyi a vilelaka hi yona,” ku vula Refilwe. “Namuntlha hi ta yingisela jeze ntsena. Hilaha Mama rhandzaka hakona.” U hluvurile manghilazi ya yena kutani a tsipela Thapelo tihlo. “Kumbexana u ta cina na Mama.” +Kutani Refilwe a ambala swipikara swa le tindleveni a sungula ku pfumelela hi nhloko eka vunanga. +“Xana ndzi nga ku pfuna?” ku huwelela Thapelo. +“Yini?” ku vula Refilwe, a ri karhi a hluvula swipikara swa le tindleveni. “A wu ku yini?” +“Xana ndzi nga ku pfuna?” Thapelo a huwelela. +“A swi lavi u kala u huwelela,” ku vula Refilwe. “Ndzi ku twa kahle.” Kutani a dzungudza nhloko. “Hinkwaswo swi le ka khompyuta, Thapelo. Hikwalaho, a wu nga ndzi pfuni. Wena u ntsongo swinene.” +Thapelo u fambile a ya eka boti wakwe, Saul. A ri ekhixini, a ri karhi a baka khekhe ra yena lero hlawuleka. Hi mikarhi loko ku ri na ntirho wo hlawuleka, Saul a baka khekhe. Eka siku ra ku velekiwa ra Thapelo lo ku nga ha ku hundza, u endlile khekhe ra chokoleti a ri vekela tiSmarties ehenhla. + +Saul a ambarile apuroni ya milayini naswona a hakasela swihlanganisiwa swa khekhe eka nkambani lowukulu. “Leri i khekhe ra xikwavava,” a byela Thapelo. “I xirhndzwa xa Mama.” +“Xana ndzi nga ku pfuna?” ku vutisa Thapelo. +“E-e,” a vula. “Nkarhi lowu nga hundza u wisile tandza. Ndzi khomeli, Thapelo. Wena u ntsongo swinene. +U yile eka sesi wa yena lowun’wana, Mampotoko, loyi a ri karhi a veketela swo khavisa ekamareni ro tshama eka rona. A ku ri na nongoloko wa maphepha na tibaluni. “Xana ndzi nga ku pfuna?” a vutisa. +“Teka leswi, a hi voni loko u kota ku swi pfurhetela,” a vula, a ri karhi a nyika Thapelo tibaluni. U hlawurile leyo tshwuka kutani a sungula ku yi pfurhetela. U ringetile lero na ringeta kambe a nga swi koti ku yi tata hi moya wo ringanela. +“Hayi e-e,” a vula hi ku tsana. “Ndzi ntsongo swinene.” +Kwalaho Thapelo a ya kuma Ntate. A tshamile etafuleni, a ri karhi a phutsela vuhlalu bya le nhan’wini bya Mama. “Vuhlalu lebyi byi na mihlovo leyi a yi rhandzaka,” a vula. “Xivunguvungu na rihlaza. Xana a byi sasekangi?” +Thapelo u vonile phepha ro phutsela leri a ri ri na tinyeleti eka rona. +“Xana ndzi nga ku pfuna ku phutsela vuhlalu bya le nhan’wini?” ku vutisa Thapelo. +“E-e, ndzi khomeli, Thapelo, wena u ntsongo swinene,” ku vula tatana wa yena. +Thapelo a titwa a tsanile. U langutile mbyana ya vona, Bless, yi tshamile ekusuhi na Ntate. “Tana, Bless,” a yi vitana. Kambe Bless yi titshamela kwalahaya. “Na bless na yena u anakanya leswaku ndzi ntsongo swinene.” ku anakanya Thapelo. +Thapelo u yile ehandle a ya tshama eswitepisini swa le mahlweni. “Ndzi navela onge ndzi nga kula kufana na xihontlovila,” a anakanya. “Kutani hinkwavo va ndzi chava naswona ku tava hava wo vula a ku, ‘Wena u ntsongo swinene.” +Hi nkarhi walowo u twile ku huwelela lokukulu endzeni ka yindlu. “Bless! Bless, vuya!” +Bless u tsutsumile a hundza Thapelo ekhonweni ya yindlu. Endzhaku ka Bless a ku tsutsuma Ntate. Ku landzela Saul. Ku landzela Refilwe. Na ku landzela Mampotoko. “Mbyana liya yi yivile nyiko ya Mama!” Ntate a huwelela loko a ri karhi a hundza Thapelo. Thapelo na yena a nghenelela eka ku hlongorisa Bless. +Bless u tlurile hi le mbhoveni wa fense, a nghena ejarateni ra vaakelani. “Vuya, Bless!” va huwelela. Kutani endzhaku ka nkarhi Bless yi vuya … kambe a yi ri hava nyiko! +“Hayi e-e, u yi siyile eka vaakelani!” Ntate a gungula. “Naswona va ka Sithole a va kona kufikela mundzuku! Hikwalaho, yi ta khomeleteka eka tlhelo lerin’wana ra fense kufikela loko va vuya!” +“Ndzi nga khandziya hi le mbhoveni ndzi ya yi teka,” ku ringanyeta Thapelo. +“E-e,” hinkwavo va vula xikan’we. “U lonts …” Va yima. Va languta Thapelo. +“Xana u ta ringana?” ku vutisa Refilwe. + +“Xana u ntsongo ku ringana?” ku vutisa Saul. +Thapelo a khokhovela hi le hansi a manyukuta hi le mbhoveni. U ringanile. Kwalaho, ebyanyini bya le jarateni ra ka Sithole, a ku ri na nyiko leyi phutseriweke, ku ri na ku handzuka kutsongo ka xiphephani xa nyiko. U rhwalerile nyiko kutani a yi manyukutela endzhaku eka tlhelo lerin’wana ra fense. +“Hayi, Thapelo,” ku vula Ntate. “Wena u  nghwazi!” +“Ku ndhundhuzela kanharhi eka Thapelo!” ku vula Saul, kutani hinkwavo va n’wi vukarha. +Endzhaku ka nkarhi hi ndyenga walowo ku ve na ku gongondza erivantini. A ku ri Mama! Thapelo a tsutsumela emavokweni ya yena. +“U kurile swinene, jaha ra mina,” a vula. “Vona leswaku u lehe njhani sweswi.” +“Kambe ndza ha ri ntsongo swinene, Mama,” a vula. +“E-e!” hinkwavo va huwelela. +“E-e, a swi tano!” ku vula Ntate, “U le ka mpimo wa kahle!”",tso,Xitsonga,Wena u ntsongo swinene,"Mama Tau was coming home! She had been away for a long time studying, and her family missed her. Everyone was very excited. But Thapelo, the youngest of all her children, was the most excited. +On the day of Mama Tau’s arrival, the family ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Tsariwe hi Dorothy Dye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/wena-u-ntsongo-swinene +you’re-too-small,"UMama Tau bekabuya ekhaya! Besele kukade akhambile ayokufunda, nomndenakhe nawo besele umkhumbulile. Woke umuntu bekathabile. Kodwana nakunguThaphelo yena, obuphetjhani bekhayapha nguye obekathabe khulu. +  +Ngelanga lokubuya kukaMama Tau, umndeni bewusolo ulungiselela kusukela ekuseni. Ilanga beliphumile ngaphandle. UThapelo bekararha ibholo etjanini. Bekafuna ukutjengisa umamakhe bona ulidlala kuhle kangangani ibholo njengombana kukade amgcina. “Bless, thatha ibholo,” kutjho yena arhuwelela inja. Kodwana uBless wase wayiqala ibholo leyo watjhinga ngendlini. +  +UThaphelo walandela inja wakhamba wayokufuna  usesakhe, uRefilwe. URefilwe bekangu DJ. Bekazitjela, ambatha amabhlere welanga ngendlini. URefilwe bekasekamurweni lakhe ayofuna umbhino azowudlalela uMama lokha nakangena ngomnyango wangaphambili. “Angifuni ukumdlalela i-rap le ahlala abalabala ngayo,” kutjho uRefilwe. “Namhlanjesi ngifuna ukudlala i-jazz kuphela. Ngiyazi uMama uyayithanda. Utjho njalo uhlubula amabhlere welanga utsibhela uThapelo ilihlo. “Mhlamunye uzaba ujayiva noMama.” +  +Ngemva kwalokho uRefilwe wafaka ama-headphone, wathoma wajayivisa ihloko. +  +“Ngikusize?” kubuza uThapelo. +  +“Uthini?” kubuza uRefilwe, akhipha ama-headphones. “Utheni?” +  +“Ngithi ngikusize na?” kurhuwelela uThapelo. +  +“Ungarhuweleli,” kutjho uRefilwe. “Ngikuzwa kuhle nje.” Nakaqeda wanikina ihloko. “Koke kusekhompyutheni, Thapelo. Yeke, angekhe ukghone ukungisiza ngombana usesemncancani.” +  +UThapelo wakhamba wayokufuna umnakwabo uSaul. Bekangekhwitjhini, abhaga ikhekhe alithanda khulu. Nakunento ehle ezokwenzeka ekhaya uSaul uzokubhaga ikhekhe. Ngelanga lamabeletho kaThapelo ubhage ikhekhe letjhokoleti walihlobisa ngama-Smarties ngaphezulu. +  + +  +USaul bekambethe ifaskoti enemida, arura ihlama yekhekhe esitjeni esikhulu. +  +“Likhekhe lelamuna,” utjela uThapelo. “UMama uyalithanda.” +  +“Ngikusize?” kubuza uThapelo. +  +“Awa,” kutjho yena. “Mhla ugcina ukungisiza wawisa iqanda. Ngiyacolisa Thapelo. Usesemncancani.” +  +Wakhamba wayokufuna omunye usesakhe uMampotoko, obekahlobisa ngekamurweni lokuhlala. Bekunamatjheyini wamaphepha namabhaluni. Wathi kuye, “Ngikusize?” +  +“Ngibawa ufuthele amabhaluni la abe nommoya,” atjho anikela uThapelo amabhaluni. Wathatha elibovu wathoma ukulifuthela ummoya. Walinga ngamandlakhe woke kodwana labhala ukuzala ummoya. +  +“Awa-ke,” watjho adanile. “Ngisesemncancani.” +  +Yeke, uThapelo wakhamba wayokufuna uNtate. Bekahlezi etafuleni, aphuthela ubuhlalu bentanyeni bakaMama. “Ubuhlalobu bunemibala ayithandako,” kutjho uNtate. “Bunombala obubende nohlaza. Qala bona buhle kangangani!” +  +UThapelo wabona iinkwekwezi ephepheni lokuphuthela. +  +“Ngikusize ukuphuthela ubuhlalobo?” kubuza uThapelo. +  +“Awa, Thapelo, ngiyacolisa, usesemncancani,” kuphendula ubabakhe. +  +UThapelo wadana. Waqala inja, uBless, ihlezi hlanu kwakaNtate. “Bless, iza,” atjho ayibiza. Kodwana uBless wazihlalela. “NoBless ucabanga bona ngisesemncancani,” uThapelo uyacabanga. +  +UThapelo watjhinga ngaphandle, wazihlalela eentepisini zangaphambili. “Ngifisa ngathana ngingakhula ngibe mkhulu,” uyacabanga. “Boke bazongisaba, begodu akekho ozokuthi ‘ngisesemncancani.’” +  +Asacabanga njalo weza kurhuwelelwa ngendlini. “Bless! Bless, buya!” +  +UBless wagijima wadlula uThapelo wayokusithela ekhoneni lendlu. Walandelwa nguNtate. +  +Ngemva kwalokho walandelwa nguSaul, uRefilwe noMampotoko. “Inja leyo yebe isipho sikaMama!” kurhuwelela uNtate njengombana adlula uThapelo endleleni. UThapelo wagcina wabalandela, naye wagijimisa uBless. +  +UBless wangena entunjeni yedrada, waya ngakwamakhelwana. “Bless! Buya wena! Batjho babiza inja. Kwathi ngemva kwesikhathi uBless wabuya nelize, isipho singekho. +  +“Maye, utjhiye isiphesa ngakwamakhelwana!” kugandelela uNtate. “Napa nabakwaSithole nabo abekho, bazokubuya ksasa! Isiphesa sizokuhlala ngale kwedarada bebabuye.” +  +“Mina ngingangena entunjeni ngiyosilanda,” uThabelo eza nombono. +  +“Awa,” boke batjho kanye kanye. “Usese …” bathula. Baqala uThapelo. +  +“Uzokulingana entunjeni le?” kubuza uRefilwe. +  +“Uzokwanela?” kubuza uSaul. +  + +  +  +UThapelo wakhokhoba wangena entunjeni. Intunja yamlingana. Nasiya isipho etjani ngakwaSithole, isipho esiphuthelweko, iphepha elisiphutheleko lirathuke kancani. Wasidobha isipho, wangena naso entunjeni yedrada wabuyela ekhabo. +  +“Maye, Thapelo,” kutjho uNtate. “Uyikwekwezi.” +  +“Asimthokozise kathathu uThapelo lo!” kutjho uSaul. Boke bamsingatha. +  +Lokha ntambama kwaba nomuntu okokodako emnyango. BekunguMama! UThapelo wagijima wamhlangabeza wawela ezandleni zakhe. +  +“Ukhulile msanami,” kutjho uMama. “Qala bona umude kangangani.” +  +“Kodwana ngimncancani Mama,” kutjho yena. +  +“Awa!” kubabaza woke umuntu. +  +“Awa, akusinjalo!” kutjho uNtate, “Ukhule ngokwaneleko.”",nbl,isiNdebele,Usesemncancan,"Mama Tau was coming home! She had been away for a long time studying, and her family missed her. Everyone was very excited. But Thapelo, the youngest of all her children, was the most excited. +On the day of Mama Tau’s arrival, the family ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguDorothy Dye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/usesemncancani +you’re-too-small,"Mma Tau vho vha vha tshi khou vhuya hayani! Ho vha ho no fhela tshifhinga tshilapfu vho ṱuwa vho ya u guda nahone muṱa wo vha u tshi vho vha ṱuvha. Vhathu vhoṱhe vho vha vho takala. Fhedzi Thapelo, ṅwana wa lupedzi, ndi ene we a vha o takala u fhira vhoṱhe. +  +Nga ḓuvha ḽe Mma Tau vha vha vha tshi ḓo swika ngaḽo, muṱa wo fhedza matsheloni oṱhe u tshi khou ita ndugiselelo. Ḓuvha ḽo vha ḽo ṱavha. Thapelo o vha a tshi khou raha bola yawe hatsini. O vha a tshi khou ṱoḓa u sumbedza mme awe nḓila ye a khwinisa ngayo u rala bola u bva tshee vha guma u mu vhona. “Bless, gavhani,” a vhidzelela mmbwa. Fhedzi Bless ya sokou sedza bola ya dzhena nḓuni. +  +Thapelo a tevhela mmbwa nahone a ya u ṱoḓa khaladzi awe muhulwane, Refilwe. Refilwe o vha e DJ. O vha a tshi funa fesheni lwe a vha a tshi ambara mangilasi a ḓuvha ngomu nḓuni. Refilwe o vha e kamarani yawe a tshi khou dzudzanya muzika une a ḓo u tamba musi Mma vha tshi tou kwaṱa vothini ḽa nga phanḓa. “A thi nga ḓo tamba houḽa muzika wa rap une vha dzulela u vhilaela ngawo,” a ralo Refilwe. “Ṋamusi ri ḓo pfa muzika zwa jazz fhedzi. Ndi ḓo u lidza nga nḓila ine Mma vha u funa ngaho.” A bvula mangilasi awe a ḓuvha nahone a sinyedza Thapelo. “Khamusi ni nga tshina na Mma.” +  +Nga murahu ha zwenezwo Refilwe a dzhenisa zwithu zwa u thetshelesa nḓevheni nahone a thoma u tendelana nga ṱhoho na mubvumo wa muzika. +  +“Ndi nga ni thusa?” hu vhudzisa Thapelo. +  +“Mini?” a ralo Refilwe, a tshi khou bvula zwithu zwa u thetshelesa nḓevheni. “No ri mini?” +  +“Ndi nga ni thusa?” Thapelo a huwelela. +  +“A zwi vhuyi zwa ṱoḓa uri ni huwelele,” Refilwe a ralo. “Ndi kona u ni pfa zwavhuḓi.” Nga murahu ha zwenezwo a dzungudza ṱhoho. “Hezwi zwoṱhe zwi kha khomphyutha, Thapelo. Nga zwenezwo, a thi ṱoḓi thuso. Ni muṱuku nga maanḓa. +  +Thapelo a ṱuwa a ya u ṱoḓa mukomana wawe, Saul. O vha e khishini a tshi khou baka iṅwe ya khekhe dzawe dzo khetheaho vhukuma. Tshifhinga tshoṱhe musi hu tshi vha na tshiitea tsho khetheaho, Saul o vha a tshi baka khekhe. Nga ḓuvha ḽa Thapelo ḽa mabebo ḽine ḽa kha ḓi tou bva u pfuka, o vha o baka khekhe ya tshokoleithi a ṋuṋedza maḽegere a Smarties nga nṱha. +  + +  +Saul o vha o ambara fasikoṱi ya mitalo nahone a tshi khou rithelela suko ḽa khekhe kha mudzio muhulwane. +  +“Heyi ndi khekhe ya tshikavhavhe,” u vhudza Thapelo. “Mma vha a i funesa.” +  +“Ndi nga ni thusa?” hu vhudzisa Thapelo. +  +“Hai,” a ralo. “Habe no vhuya na pwasha kumba. Zwi nga si ite Thapelo. Ni muṱuku nga maanḓa.” +  +A ya u ṱoḓa muṅwe khaladzi awe, Mampotoko, we a vha a tshi khou khavhisa kamarani ya u dzula. Ho vha hu na ngeḓane dza mabammbiri na mabaḽoni. “Ndi nga ni thusa?” a vhudzisa. +  +“Dzhiani, kha ri vhone arali ni tshi nga kona u vhudzulela muya,” a ralo a tshi khou ṋea Thapelo mabaḽoni. A dzhia ḽitswuku a thoma u vhudzulela muya. A lingedza lunzhi lunzhi, fhedzi a kundelwa u vhudzulela muya wo eḓanaho khaḽo. +  +“Nṋe ndo balelwa ngoho,” a amba o ṱungufhala. “Nḓi muṱuku nga maanḓa.” +  +Ndi izwi-ha Thapelo a tshi ṱuwa a ya u ṱoḓa Baba. Vho vha vho dzula kha tshidulo ṱafulani, vha tshi khou putela vhulungu ha Mma. “Hovhu vhulungu ho itwa nga mivhala ine vha i funesa,” vha ralo. “Muvhala wa phephuḽu na mudala. Ho naka, ’thi?” +  +Thapelo a vhona bammbiri ḽa u putela zwifhiwa ḽi na ṋaledzi. +  +“Ndi nga vha thusa u putela vhulungu?” hu vhudzisa Thapelo. +  +“Hai, zwi nga si ite Thapelo, ni muṱuku nga maanḓa,” vha ralo khotsi awe. +  +Thapelo o ri u pfa zwenezwo a ṱungufhala. A lavhelesa mmbwa ya hawe ine ya pfi Bless, yo dzula tsini na Baba. “Iḓani, Bless,” a i vhidza. Fhedzi Bless ya sokou ḓidzulela henefho. “Na Bless i vhona u nga ndi muṱuku nga maanḓa,” Thapelo a elekanya. +  +Thapelo a bvela nnḓa a ya u dzula tshitupuni tsha nga phanḓa. “Ndi tama ngavhe ndo vha ndi tshi nga aluwa nda lapfa sa muswonḓa,” a elekanya. “Ndo vha ndi tshi ḓo ofhiwa nga vhathu vhoṱhe nahone a hu na na muthihi we a vha a tshi ḓo ri, ‘Ni muṱuku nga maanḓa.’” +  +Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga a pfa ipfi ḽihulwane ḽi tshi huwelela ḽi ngomu nḓuni. “Bless! Bless, iḓanu vhuya!” +  +Bless ya gidima ya pfuka Thapelo ya phinyela khonani ya nnḓu. Baba vha i sala murahu vha tshi khou gidima. Vha tevhelwa nga Saul. Ha vha Refilwe. Nga murahu ha vha Mampotoko. “Heiḽa mmbwa yo tswa tshifhiwa tsha Mma!” Baba vha huwelela musi vha tshi khou pfuka Thapelo. Thapelo a vha tevhela na ene a pandamedza Bless. +  +Bless ya sera nga tshivhana tsha dzharaṱani ya muhura. “Vhuyani mani, Bless!” vha vhidzelela. Bless yo fheleledza yo vhuya ... fhedzi i si na tshifhiwa! +  +“Yowee, yo sia tshifhiwa ha muhura!” Baba vha gungula. “Vha ha Sithole a vha ho, vha ḓo vhuya matshelo! Zwi amba uri tshifhiwa tshi ḓo vha dzharani yavho u swika vha tshi vhuya!” +  +“Ndi nga sera nga tshivhana nda yo tshi dzhia,” hu themendela Thapelo. +  +“Hai,” vha amba mazha vhoṱhe. “Ni muṱu ...” Vha fhumula. Vha lavhelesa Thapelo. +  +“Ni ḓo fhelela?” hu vhudzisa Refilwe. +  +“Ni muṱuku lwo eḓanaho?” hu vhudzisa Saul. +  + +Thapelo a kotama nahone a sera nga tshivhana. O mbo ḓi fhelela. Henefho hatsini ha dzharaṱa ya ha Sithole, ho vha hu na tshifhiwa tsho putelwaho, ho vha ho kheruwa tshipiḓa tshiṱuku tsha bammbiri ḽa u putela tshifhiwa. A dzhia tshenetsho tshifhiwa, a dovha a sera nga tshivhana a humela murahu. +  +“No shuma Thapelo,” vha ralo Baba. “Ni ngweṋa!” +  +“Kha ri fhululedze Thapelo luraru!” Saul a ralo nahone vhoṱhe vha mu kuvhatedza. +  +Ngavhuya nga eneo masiari, ha khokhonya muthu vothini. Ho vha hu Mma! Thapelo a ḓiposela zwanḓani zwavho. +  +“A no ngo aluwa zwone duka-duka ḽanga,” vha ralo. “Edzanu vhona nḓila ye na lapfa ngayo zwino.” +  +“Fhedzi ndi tshee muṱuku nga maanḓa Mma,” a ralo. +  +“Hai!” vhoṱhe vha huwelela. +  +“Hai, a ni muṱuku!” vha ralo Baba, “No aluwa lwo linganelaho!”",ven,Tshivenda,muṱuku nga maanḓ,"Mama Tau was coming home! She had been away for a long time studying, and her family missed her. Everyone was very excited. But Thapelo, the youngest of all her children, was the most excited. +On the day of Mama Tau’s arrival, the family ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Muṅwali ndi Dorothy Dye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ni-muṱuku-nga-maanḓa +the-mirror-the-bushveld,"It was a hot day in the African savannah when Rabbit decided to walk down to the stream to drink some water. She was hopping along slowly in the heat along an open dusty path when she saw a mirror flashing in the sunlight. Rabbit had never seen a mirror before, so she wondered what the strange animal was. As she got closer, to her surprise, she saw the veld inside it and a little white rabbit just like herself looking back. Rabbit ran as fast as she could to call for help. +“Help! Somebody please help me!” she cried. +Jackal was resting in the shade of a big tree after hunting. When he heard Rabbit’s calls for help, he pretended he had not heard anything and hoped that other animals would help her because he was tired. But before he knew it, Rabbit ran towards where he was resting. +“Jackal, help! A monster, a monster!” cried the little white rabbit. +“A monster? Where?” asked Jackal, yawning. +“Down by the path on the way to the river. It has swallowed the whole veld and a little white rabbit like me,” sobbed Rabbit. +At first Jackal chased Rabbit away because he could not believe such a thing had happened. “If the monster has swallowed the veld, why are we here and not inside the monster?” +Rabbit could not answer that question, but she kept on asking for help. Jackal went to call Leopard so that all three of them could go together to see the strange monster. + +Jackal and Leopard followed Rabbit to where the monster was. Slowly, they crept up to the mirror. When they got up close, they saw three animals looking at them. The animals inside the monster’s stomach looked just like them! They screamed in fright and ran down to the river to call Hippo. +“Hippo, please come and help us. A monster has swallowed the veld and three animals just like us!” said Jackal, talking as fast as possible. +Hippo didn’t pay much attention to them and continued to enjoy her swim because she thought the animals were trying to trick her. But when she saw how terrified they were, she got out of the water. Then Hippo, Leopard, Jackal and Rabbit rushed to the place where the mirror was. +When they got there, Rabbit and Jackal stayed behind because they were scared that the strange animal would swallow them too. Leopard and Hippo ran forward to attack the strange animal … but when they saw another hippo and leopard running towards them, they ran away screaming, “A monster! A monster!” +The four animals ran to find Lion and told him the story of the strange animal. +“It swallowed a rabbit, a jackal, a leopard and a hippo,” explained the animals, all talking at the same time.  +“It also swallowed the whole veld,” added Rabbit. +“And the animals in its stomach wanted to attack us!” said Hippo. +Lion had never heard of such a thing, so he immediately called his pride of lions together and they rushed off to attack the monster. Rabbit, Jackal, Leopard and Hippo followed closely behind. +On their way, they came across Monkey, who looked like he was searching for something. He jumped in front of Lion. +“Oh Lion, I am so glad to see you,” he said. “Please help me find my mirror. I think someone has stolen it.” +“Out of the way, Monkey. We have something more important to do. We are rushing to attack a monster that has swallowed animals and the veld,” said Lion impatiently. +The monkey moved out of the way but decided to follow the animals because he wanted to see what this monster looked like. +When the animals got near to where the mirror was, the lions, Hippo and Leopard stood still and prepared to attack. Then they ran towards the mirror! But when they saw a group of angry animals running towards them, they all scattered into the long grass. Then some of them lay flat on the ground, some hid behind bossies and some climbed into the trees. +When the monkey realised that what the animals were terrified of was his mirror, he burst out laughing. He ran to it and, looking at himself laughing, said, “I have been looking for you the whole day, my mirror.” + +When the other animals saw Monkey in front of the strange animal and how friendly the monster was to him, they crept out from where they were hiding and started asking Monkey questions about the strange animal. +“This is a mirror, it’s not an animal. You look at yourself in it. See, that’s me in the mirror,” explained Monkey, holding up the mirror. +When the animals heard this, they all had a good laugh and spent a long time just looking at themselves in the mirror.",eng,English,The mirror in the bushveld,It was a hot day in the African savannah when Rabbit decided to walk down to the stream to drink some water. She was hopping along slowly in the heat along an open dusty path when she saw a mirror flashing in the sunlight. Rabbit had never seen a ...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",By Melody Ngomane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-mirror-the-bushveld +the-mirror-the-bushveld,"Dit is ’n snikhete dag in die Afrika-savanne wanneer Hasie besluit om by die stroompie te gaan water drink. In die hitte hop sy stadig met ’n oop, stowwerige paadjie langs toe sy ’n spieël in die sonlig sien flits. Hasie het nog nooit voorheen ’n spieeël gesien nie, en sy wonder watter vreemde dier dit is. Toe sy nader kom, sien sy tot haar verbasing die veld binne-in, en ook ’n klein wit hasie nes sy wat vir haar terugkyk. Hasie hardloop so vinnig sy kan om hulp te kry. +“Help! Iemand help my, asseblief!” roep sy. +Jakkals was besig om in die skadu van ’n groot boom te rus nadat hy gejag het. Toe hy Hasie se hulpkrete hoor, maak hy of hy niks gehoor het nie en hoop die ander diere sal haar help, want hy is moeg. Maar voor hy hom kom kry, hardloop Hasie reguit na waar hy sit en rus. +“Jakkals, help! ’n Monster, ’n monster!” huil die klein wit hasie. +“’n Monster? Waar?” vra Jakkals, en gaap. +“Onder op die paadjie op pad rivier toe. Die monster het die hele veld ingesluk en ook ’n klein wit hasie nes ek,” snik Hasie. +Jakkals jaag eers vir Hasie weg, want hy kan nie glo dat so iets kon gebeur nie. “As die monster die veld ingesluk het, hoekom is ons dan hier en nie binne-in die monster nie?” +Hasie kan nie hierdie vraag antwoord nie, maar sy bly om hulp roep. Jakkals gaan roep vir Luiperd, sodat al drie van hulle saam na die vreemde monster kan gaan kyk. + +Jakkals en Luiperd volg vir Hasie na waar die monster is. Hulle kruip stadig na die spieël toe. Toe hulle naby kom, sien hulle drie diere wat vir hulle kyk. Die diere binne-in die monster se maag lyk nes hulle! Hulle hardloop gillend van vrees af rivier toe om vir Seekoei te gaan roep. +“Seekoei, kom help ons, asseblief. ’n Monster het die veld en drie diere nes ons ingesluk!” sê Jakkals, wat so vinnig hy kan praat. +Seekoei steur haar nie juis aan hulle nie en swem lekker verder, want sy dink die diere probeer haar om die bos lei. Maar toe sy sien hoe vreesbevange hulle is, klim sy uit die water. Seekoei, Luiperd, Jakkals en Hasie jaag na die plek waar die spieël is. +Toe hulle daar aankom, staan Hasie en Jakkals agter, want hulle is bang dat die vreemde dier hulle ook sal insluk. Luiperd en Seekoei storm vorentoe om die vreemde dier aan te val … maar toe hulle nog ’n seekoei en luiperd na hulle toe aangehardloop sien kom, hardloop hulle weg en skree: “’n Monster! ’n Monster!” +Die vier diere hardloop om vir Leeu te vind en vir hom die storie van die vreemde dier te vertel. +“Die dier het ’n hasie, ’n jakkals, ’n luiperd en ’n seekoei ingesluk,” verduidelik die diere terwyl almal gelyk praat. +“Hy het ook die hele veld ingesluk,” voeg Hasie by. +“En die diere in sy maag wou ons aanval!” sê Seekoei. +Leeu het nog nooit van so iets gehoor nie. Hy roep daarom dadelik sy trop leeus bymekaar en hulle hardloop vinnig weg om die monster te gaan aanval. Hasie, Jakkals, Luiperd en Seekoei volg net agter hulle. +Op pad kom hulle vir Apie teë, wat lyk of hy na iets soek. Hy spring voor Leeu in. +“O, Leeu, ek is so bly om jou te sien,” sê hy. “Help my asseblief om my spieël te vind. Ek dink iemand het dit gesteel.” +“Gee pad, Apie. Ons het belangriker dinge om te doen. Ons is op pad om ’n monster aan te val wat diere en die veld ingesluk het,” sê Leeu ongeduldig. +Die apie staan eenkant toe, maar besluit om die diere te volg, want hy wil sien hoe hierdie monster lyk. +Toe die diere naby die plek kom waar die spieël is, gaan staan die leeus, Seekoei en Luiperd doodstil en maak gereed om aan te val. Hulle hardloop na die spieël toe! Maar toe hulle ’n groep woedende diere na hulle toe sien aanstorm, kies hulle koers in die lang gras in. Van hulle gaan lê plat op die grond, party kruip agter bossies weg en ander klim in die bome. +Toe die apie besef dat die diere so bang is vir sy spieēl, bars hy uit van die lag. Hy hardloop na die spieēl toe, kyk na homself en sê: “Ek soek al heeldag na jou, spieēl.” +  + +Toe die ander diere sien hoe Apie voor die vreemde dier staan en hoe vriendelik die monster met hom is, kom hulle uit hul wegkruipplekke en begin vir Apie vrae vra oor die vreemde dier. +“Dit is ’n spieël, nie ’n dier nie. Jy kan jouself daarin sien. Kyk, dis ek in die spieēl,” verduidelik Apie, terwyl hy die spieēl regop hou. +Toe die diere dit hoor, lag hulle almal lekker saam en kyk vir ’n lang tyd na hulself in die spieël.",afr,Afrikaans,Die spieël in die bosveld,It was a hot day in the African savannah when Rabbit decided to walk down to the stream to drink some water. She was hopping along slowly in the heat along an open dusty path when she saw a mirror flashing in the sunlight. Rabbit had never seen a ...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Deur Melody Ngomane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-spieël-die-bosveld +the-mirror-the-bushveld,"Yayilusuku olushushu kumadobo aseAfrika xa uMvundla wagqiba kwelokuba aye emlanjeni ukuyokusela amanzi. Wayeqakatha ngokucotha ebushushwini kwindlela evulekileyo enothuli xa wabona isipili sikhanya elangeni. UMvundla wayengazange akhe asibone isipili ngaphambili ngoko ke wamangala ukuba sisilwanyana sini na esi. Ngokuya esondela, emangalisiwe, wabona idlelo kuso nomvundla omhlophe ofana naye umjongile. UMvundla wabaleka kangangoko wayenakho ukuya kufuna uncedo. +“Ndincedeni bo!” wamemeza. +UDyakalashe wayephumle emthunzini womthi omkhulu emva kokuzingela. Wathi akuva uMvundla ucela uncedo, wenza ngathi zange eve kwanto waza wathemba ukuba ezinye izilwanyana zaziza kumnceda kuba yena wayediniwe. Kodwa phambi kokuba aqonde okwenzekayo, uMvundla wabalekela kweli cala awayephumle ngakulo. +“Dyakalashe nceda! Irhamncwa, irhamncwa!” wamemeza umvundlana omhlophe. +“Irhamncwa? Phi?” wabuza uDyakalashe, ezamla. +“Phaya endleleni eya emlanjeni. Liginye lonke idlelo nomvundlana omhlophe ofana nam,” wakhwina uMvundla. +Ekuqaleni uDyakalashe wamgxotha uMvundla kuba wayengakholelwa ukuba into enjalo yenzekile. “Ukuba irhamncwa liliginyile idlelo, kutheni le nto silapha singekho ngaphakathi kwirhamncwa?” +UMvundla zange abe nakuwuphendula loo mbuzo, kodwa waqhubekeka ukucela uncedo. UDyakalashe wahamba waya kubiza uHlosi ukuze bobathathu baye kubona eli rhamncwa lingaqhelekanga. + +UDyakalashe noHlosi balandela uMvundla ukuya kubona apho irhamncwa likhona. Ngokucotha, bachwechwa baya esipilini. Bathi bakusondela, babona izilwanyana ezithathu zibajongile. Izilwanyana ezisesiswini serhamncwa zazifana nqwa nabo! Bahlokoma ngokoyika baza babaleka ukuya emlanjeni beyokubiza uMvubu. +“Mvubu, nceda uze kusinceda. Irhamncwa liginye idlelo nezilwanyana ezithathu ezifana nathi!” watsho uDyakalashe ethetha ngokukhawulezisa kangangoko wayenokwenza. +UMvubu zange abahoye kakhulu waqhubekeka wonwabela ukuqubha kuba wayecinga ukuba izilwanyana zazizama ukumkhohlisa. Kodwa wathi akubona indlela ababesoyika ngayo waphuma emanzini. Waza uMvubu, uHlosi, uDyakalashe noMvundla bakhawuleza ukuya kwindawo apho sasikhona isipili. +Bathi bakufika apho, uMvundla noDyalakashe basala ngasemva kuba babesoyika ukuba isilwanyana esingaqhelekanga sasiza kubaginya nabo. UHlosi noMvubu babaleka ukuya kuhlasela isilwanyana esingaqhelekanga … kodwa bathi bakubona enye imvubu nehlosi zibaleka zisiza ngakubo, babaleka bekhwaza. “Irhamncwa! Irhamncwa!” +Izilwanyana ezine zabaleka zaya kuNgonyama zamxelela ibali lesilwanyana esingaqhelekanga. +“Siginye uMvundla, uDyakalashe, uHlosi noMvubu,” zachaza izilwanyana zonke zithetha ngaxeshanye. +“Siginye nedlelo lonke,” wongeza uMvundla. +“Zaye izilwanyana ezisesiswini serhamncwa bezifuna ukusihlasela!” watsho uMvubu. +UNgonyama wayengazange ayive into enjalo, waza ngoko nangoko wahlanganisa umhlambi wakhe weengonyama baza bangxama ukuya kuhlasela irhamncwa. UMvundla, uDyakalashe, uHlosi noMvubu balandela kude kufuphi. +Endleleni badibana noNkawu, owayebonakala ngathi kukho into ayikhangelayo. Watsibela phambi koNgonyama. +“Kwowu Ngonyana andisavuyi nje ukukubona,” watsho. “Ndincede ndifumane isipili sam. Ndicinga ukuba kukho umntu osibileyo.” +“Suka endleleni Nkawu. Sinento ebalulekileyo ekufuneka siyenze. Singxamele ukuya kuhlasela irhamncwa eliginye izilwanyana nedlelo,” watsho uNgonyama ekruqukile. +Inkawu yasuka endleleni kodwa yagqiba ekubeni ilandele izilwanyana kuba yayifuna ukubona ukuba likhangeleka njani irhamncwa. +Zathi zakusondela izilwanyana apho sasikhona isipili, iingonyama, uMvubu noHlosi bema ngxi baza balungiselela ukuhlasela. Baza babaleka baya esipilini! Kodwa bathi bakubona iqela lezilwanyana ezinomsindo zibaleka zisiza kubo, bathi qhu saka bangena engceni ende. Baza abanye babo balala ncwaba phantsi, abanye bazimela emva kwezihlahla, baza abanye bagwencela emithini. +Yathi inkawu isakuqonda ukuba le nto yayoyikise izilwanyana yayisisipili sakhe, yaqhwebula yahleka. Yabaleka yaya kuso yaza, izijonge kuso ihleka, yathi, “Bendikukhangela imini yonke, sipili sam.” + +Zathi ezinye izilwanyana zakubona uNkawu phambi kwesilwanyana esingaqhelekanga nendlela irhamncwa elalinobuhlobo ngayo kuye, zachwechwa zaphuma kwiindawo ezazizimele kuzo zaqala ukubuza uNkawu imibuzo ngesilwanyana esasingaqhelekanga. +“Sisipili esi, ayisosilwanyana. Uzibuka kuso. Jongani, ndim lo usesipilini,” wacacisa uNkawu, esiphakamisile isipili. +Zathi zakuva oku izilwanyana, zonke zahleka kakhulu zaza zachitha ixesha elide zizibuka esipilini.",xho,isiXhosa,Isipili ematyholwen,It was a hot day in the African savannah when Rabbit decided to walk down to the stream to drink some water. She was hopping along slowly in the heat along an open dusty path when she saw a mirror flashing in the sunlight. Rabbit had never seen a ...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Libali likaMelody Ngomane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isipili-ematyholweni +the-mirror-the-bushveld,"Kwakuwusuku olushisayo ethafeni lase-Afrika ngesikhathi uNogwaja enquma ukuhamba ehlele emfuleni ukuyophuza amanzana. Wayegxuma kancane ekushiseni endledlaneni evulekile ewubhuqu ngesikhathi ebona isibuko simenyezela elangeni. UNogwajwa wayengakaze asibone isibuko ngaphambilini ngakho-ke wayemangala ukuthi lesi silwane esingajwayelekile sasiyini. Ngesikhathi esondela, wamangala, wabona ukhalo kuso kanye nonogwaja omncane omhlophe njengaye ebuka emuva. UNogwaja wagijima ngokushesha okusemandleni akhe wayofuna usizo. +“Sizani! Ngicela ningisize bo!” ememeza ekhala. +UMpungushe wayeziphumulele emthunzini wesihlahla esikhulu ngemuva kokuzingela. Ngenkathi ezwa ukumemeza kukaNogwaja efuna usizo, wenza sengathi akezwanga lutho futhi wathemba ukuthi ezinye izilwane zizomsiza ngoba yena wayekhathele. Kodwa-ke ngokushesha nje, uNogwaja wavele wagijima waqonda ngqo lapho ayeziphumulele khona. +“Mpungushe, siza! Inunu, inunu!” kukhala unogwaja omncane omhloshana. +“Inunu? Ikuphi?” kubuza uMpungushe, ezamula. +“Ezansi ngasendleleni eqonde emfuleni. Isigwinye lonke ukhalo kanye nonogwaja omncane omhlophe njengami,” kuchiphiza uNogwaja. +Ekuqaleni uMpungushe wamxosha uNogwaja ngoba wayengafuni ukukholwa ukuthi into enjalo yayenzekile. “Uma ngabe inunu igwinye ukhalo, kungani pho silapha futhi singekho ngaphakathi kwayo?” +UNogwaja akakwazanga ukuphendula umbuzo lowo, waqhubeka nokucela usizo. UMpungushe wahamba wayobiza uNgwe yikhona bobathathu bezohamba ndawonye bayobona inunu engejwayelekile. + +UMpungushe noNgwe balandela uNogwaja baya lapho kwakunenunu khona. Kancane kancane, bacathama bafika esibukweni. Ngenkathi sebeseduze nje, babona izilwane ezintathu zibabuka. Izilwane ezazisesiswini senunu zazibukeka zifana nabo nse! Zamemeza ngokwethuka zabaleka zibheke ezansi emfuleni ziyobiza uMvubu. +“Mvubu, sicela uze uzosisiza. Inunu igwinye ukhalo kanye nezilwane ezintathu ezifana nathi nse!” kwasho uMpungushe, ekhuluma ngokushesha okukhulu. +UMvubu akazange abanake kangako futhi waqhubeka nokuthokozela ukubhukuda kwakhe ngoba wayecabanga ukuthi lezi zilwane zazizama ukumphica. Kodwa ngenkathi ebona indlela ezazithuthumela ngayo, wavele waphuma emanzini. Emva kwalokho uMvubu, uNgwe, uMpungushe kanye noNogwaja baphuthuma endaweni lapho kwakukhona isibuko. +Ngesikhathi befika lapho, uNogwaja noMpungushe basala ngemuva ngoba babesaba ukuthi inunu engejwayelekile izobagwinya nabo. UNgwe noMvubu bagijima baya phambili ukuze bayohlasela inunu engejwayelekile … kodwa bathi uma bebona enye imvubu nengwe zigijima ziza kubo, babaleka bekhala, “Inunu! Inunu!” +Lezi zilwane ezine zabaleka ukuze ziyothola uBhubesi zafike zamxoxela indaba yenunu engejwayelekile. +“Igwinye unogwaja, impungushe, ingwe kanye nemvubu,” kuchaza izilwane zonke zikhuluma kanyekanye. +“Iphinde yagwinya lonke ukhalo,” kwengeza uNogwaja. +“Futhi izilwane ezisesiswini sayo bezifuna ukusihlasela!” kwasho uMvubu. +UBhubesi wayengakaze ayizwe into enjalo, ngakho-ke ngokushesha wabizela ndawonye umhlambi wakhe wamabhubesi wabe usugijima uyohlasela le nunu. UNogwaja, uMpungushe, uNgwe kanye noMvubu bawalandela ngemuva eduze nje. +Endleleni yazo zahlangana noNkawu, owayebukeka sengathi ucinga okuthile. Wagxumela phambi kukaBhubesi. +“Hha, Bhubesi, ave ngijabula ukukubona,” kusho yena. “Ngicela ungisize ngithole isibuko sami. Ngicabanga ukuthi kunomuntu osintshontshile.” +“Suka endleleni, Nkawu. Sinento ethile ebaluleke kakhulu okumele siyenze. Siphuthuma ukuyohlasela inunu esigwinye izilwane kanye nokhalo lonke,” kwasho uBhubesi engenasineke. +Inkawu yasuka endleleni kodwa yanquma ukuzilandela lezi zilwane ngoba yayifuna ukubona ukuthi le nunu ibukeka kanjani. +Ngesikhathi izilwane sezisondela lapho kwakukhona isibuko, amabhubesi, uMvubu kanye noNgwe bama bathula du belindele ukuhlasela. Emva lwalokho bagjima beqonde esibukweni! Kodwa-ke lapho bebona iqoqo lezilwane ezithukuthele ligijima liqonde kubo, bahlakazeka bonke bengena otshanini obude. Ezinye zase zilala zithi cu phansi, ezinye zacasha ngemuva kwezihlahlana kanti ezinye zakhwela emithini. +Ngenkathi kuhlaluka enkawini ukuthi lokhu izilwane ezazikwesaba kwabe kuyisibuko sayo, yavele yaqhuma yahleka. Yagijima yaqonda kuso futhi, izibuka ihleka, yathi, “Bengicinga wena usuku lonke, sibuko sami.” + +Lapho ezinye izilwane zibona uNkawu ephambi kwenunu engajwayelekile nokuthi inunu inobungani kanjani kuye, zaqala ukucathama zaphuma lapho bezicashe khona futhi zaqala ukubuza uNkawu imibuzo mayelana nenunu engajwayelekile. +“Lesi yisibuko, akusona isilwane. Uzibuka wena kuso. Bheka, yimina lona osesibukweni,” kuchaza uNkawu, ebambe isibuko esiphakamisele phezulu. +Lapho izilwane zizwa lokhu, zonke zavele zahleka kakhulu, zachitha isikhathi eside zizibuka esibukweni",zul,isiZulu,Isibuko esisehlanzen,It was a hot day in the African savannah when Rabbit decided to walk down to the stream to drink some water. She was hopping along slowly in the heat along an open dusty path when she saw a mirror flashing in the sunlight. Rabbit had never seen a ...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",NguMelody Ngomane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isibuko-esisehlanzeni +the-mirror-the-bushveld,"E be e le letšatši la go fiša kudu kua molaleng wa Afrika ge Mmutla a tšea sephetho sa go theogela moleng go yo nwa meetse. O be a tlola ka go nanya ka gare ga phišo tseleng ya lerole ge a bona seipone se bekenya mahlaseding a letšatši. Mmutla o be a sa ka a bona seipone gomme a makala gore phoofolo e šele ye ke efe. Ge a batamela, sa go mo makatša, o bone naga ka gare ga sona le mmutla o monnyane o mošweu wa go swana le yena o mo lebeletše. Mmutla o ile a kitima ka lebelo ka mo a kgonago a eya go nyaka thušo. +“Thušang! Nthušeng hle!” a goeletša. +Phukubje o be a ikhuditše moriting wa mohlare o mogolo morago ga go tsoma. O rile ge a ekwa Mmutla o kgopela thušo, a itira eke ga a kwe selo gape a holofela gore diphoofolo tše dingwe di tla mo thuša ka ge yena a lapile. Efela ka nakwana, Mmutla o ile a kitimela fao a bego a khuditše gona. +“Phukubje, thuša! Ntatauwane, ntatauwane!” gwa goeletša mmutla o monnyane o mošweu. +“Ntatauwane? Kae?” gwa botšiša Phukubje, a edimola. +“Tlase kua tseleng ya go ya nokeng. E meditše lefase ka moka le mmutla o monnyane o mošweu wa go swana le nna,” gwa lla Mmutla. +La mathomo Phukubje o kobile Mmutla ka ge a be a sa tshepe gore selo se sebjalo se diregile. “Ge e le gore ntatauwane e meditše naga, nkane re le fa re se ka gare ga ntatauwane?” +Mmutla o paletšwe ke go araba potšišo, efela a tšwela pele go kgopela thušo. Phukubje o ile a ya go bitša Nkwe gore ka boraro ga bona ba ye go bona ntatauwane ya go makatša. + +Phukubje le Nkwe ba ile ba latela Mmutla go ya lefelong la ntatauwane. Ka go nanya, ba ile ba khukhuna go ya seiponeng. Ba rile go batamela, ba bona diphoofolo tše tharo di ba lebeletše. Diphoofolo tša ka gare ga mpa ya ntatauwane di be di swana le bona! Ba goeleditše ka letšhogo gomme ba kitimela nokeng go bitša Kubu. +“Kubu, etla o re thuše hle. Ntatauwane e meditše naga le diphoofolo tše tharo tša go swana le rena!” a realo Phukubje, a bolela ka lebelo. +Kubu ga se a ba le taba le bona gomme a tšwela pele go ipshina ka go rutha ka gobane o be a nagana gore diphoofolo di be di leka go mo fora. Efela o rile go bona ka fao ba tšhogilego ka gona, a tšwa ka meetseng. Gomme Kubu, Nkwe, Phukubje le Mmutla ba kitimela lefelong la seipone. +Ba rile ge ba fihla fao, Mmutla le Phukubje ba šalela morago ka ge ba be ba tšhoga gore phoofolo ya go makatša e tlo ba metša le bona. Nkwe le Kubu ba ile ba kitimela pele gore ba hlasele phoofolo ya go makatša … efela ba rile ge ba bona kubu ye nngwe le nkwe di kitima di ba lebile, ba tšhaba ba goeletša, “Ntatauwane! Ntatauwane!” +Diphoofolo tše nne di ile tša ya go Tau gomme tša mmotša ka phoofolo ya go makatša. +“E meditše mmutla, phukubje, nkwe le kubu,” gwa hlaloša diphoofolo ebile di bolela sammaletee. +“E meditše le naga yohle,” gwa tlaleletša Mmutla. +“Gomme diphoofolo tša ka mpeng ya yona di be di nyaka go re hlasela!” a realo Kubu. +Tau ga se ya ka ya kwa ka selo sa go swana le seo, gomme ya bitša seboka sa ditau tša kitima go ya go hlasela ntatauwane. Mmutla, Phukubje, Nkwe le Kubu ba ile ba latela ka morago. +Mo tseleng, ba kopane le Kgabo, yo a bego a bonala a nyakana le se sengwe. O ile a fofela pele ga Tau. +“Ijoo Tau, ke thabetše go go bona,” a realo. “Ke kgopela gore o nthuše go hwetša seipone sa ka. Ke nagana gore go na le yo a se utswitšego.” +“Tloga tseleng Kgabo. Re na le selo sa bohlokwa seo re swanetšego go se dira. Re ihlaganetše go ya go hlasela ntatauwane ye e meditšego diphoofolo le naga,” a realo Tau ka go fela pelo. +Kgabo o tlogile tseleng efela a šala diphoofolo morago ka ge a be a nyaka go bona gore ntatauwane yeo e bjang. +E rile ge diphoofolo di fihla kgauswi le fao go bego go le seipone, ditau, Kubu le Nkwe ba ema gomme ba itokišetša go hlasela. Ba ile ba kitimela seiponeng! Efela ba rile ge ba bona sehlopha sa diphoofolo tša go befelwa se kitimela go bona, ka moka ba phatlalala ka bjangeng bjo botelele. Ba bangwe ba bona ba ile ba patlama fase, ba bangwe ba khutile ka morago ga dithokgwa gomme ba bangwe ba nametše mehlare. +E rile ge Kgabo a lemoga gore diphoofolo di be di tšhošwa ke seipone sa gagwe, a oma ka disego. O ile a kitimela go sona gomme, a itebeletše ge a sega, a re, “Ke hlwele ke go nyaka letšatši lohle, seipone sa ka.” + +E rile ge diphoofolo tše dingwe di bona Kgabo a eme pele ga phoofolo ya go makatša le ka fao ntatauwane e bego e mo swere gabotse, ba tšwa fao ba bego ba khutile gona ba thoma go botšiša Kgabo dipotšišo ka ga phoofolo yeo ya go makatša. +“Se ke seipone, ga se phoofolo. O itebelela ka gare ga sona. Le a bona, ke nna ka seiponeng,” gwa hlaloša Kgabo, a swere seipone. +Diphoofolo di rile go kwa se, tša oma ka disego, gomme tša fetša nako ye telele di itebeletše ka seiponeng",nso,Sepedi,Seipone sa ka sekgweng,It was a hot day in the African savannah when Rabbit decided to walk down to the stream to drink some water. She was hopping along slowly in the heat along an open dusty path when she saw a mirror flashing in the sunlight. Rabbit had never seen a ...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Melody Ngomane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/seipone-sa-ka-sekgweng +the-mirror-the-bushveld,"E ne e le letsatsi le tjhesang thoteng e nngwe Afrika ha Mmutla o theohela phulaneng ho ya nwa metsi. O ne a qhomaqhoma butle ka hara motjheso pela tselana e lerole ha a bona seipone se benya letsatsing. Mmutla o ne a eso ka a bona seipone kahoo a makala hore ebe phoofolo eo e makatsang ke eng. Ha a ntse a atamela, a makala, ha a bona thota ka hara sona le mmutlanyana o mosweu o tshwanang le yena o mo shebile. Mmutla a matha ka lebelo le leholo ho ya kopa thuso. +“Thusang! Ke mang ya ka nthusang hle?” a hoeletsa. +Phokojwe o ne a phomotse tlasa moriti wa sefate se seholo kamora ho tsoma. Ha a utlwa Mmutla a hoeleditse a kopa thuso, a iketsa eka ha a utlwa letho mme a tshepa hore diphoofolo tse ding di tla mo thusa hobane yena o ne a kgathetse. Empa pele a ka nahana, Mmutla a mathela moo Phokojwe a phomotseng teng. +“Phokojwe, nthuse! Selalome, selalome!”’ mmutlanyana o mosweu wa lla. +“Selalome? Hokae?” ha botsa Phokojwe, a idimola. +“Tlase mane pela tselana e lebang nokeng. Se kwentse thota kaofela le mmutlanyana o mosweu o tshwanang le nna,” Mmutla a bokolla. +Pele Phokojwe a qala ka ho leleka Mmutla hobane o ne a sa kgolwe hore ntho e jwalo e ka etsahala. “Haeba selalome se kwentse thota kaofela, hobaneng rona re ntse re le mona, re se ka hara selalome seo?” +Mmutla a hloleha ho araba potso eo, empa a tswela pele ho kopa thuso. Phokojwe a ya bitsa Lengau ele hore ba tle ba ye ba le bararo ho ya bona selalome sena se makatsang. + +Phokojwe le Lengau ba sala Mmutla morao ho ya moo selalome se leng teng. Butlebutle, ba nanara ho atamela seiponeng. Ha ba atamela, ba bona diphoofolo tse tharo di ba shebile. Diphoofolo tse ka hara mpa ya selalome di ne di tshwana le bona hantle! Ba hoeletsa ke ho tshoha mme ba mathela tlase nokeng ho ya bitsa Kubu. +“Kubu, re kopa o tle o tlo re thusa. Selalome se kwentse thota le diphoofolo tse tharo tse tshwanang le rona!” ha rialo Phokojwe, a bua ka potlako e kgolo. +Kubu a se ke a ba nkela hloohong mme a tswela pele ho natefelwa ke ho sesa hobane o ne a nahana hore diphoofolo tseo di leka ho mo qhekanyetsa. Empa yare ha a bona kamoo di tshohileng kateng, a tswa ka metsing. Yaba Kubu, Lengau, Phokojwe le Mmutla ba potlakela moo seipone se leng teng. +Ha ba fihla moo, Mmutla le Phokojwe ba salla morao hobane ba ne ba tshohile hore phoofolo eo e makatsang e tla ba kwenya le bona. Lengau le Kubu ba mathela ka pele ho ya hlasela phoofolo ena e makatsang … empa ha ba bona kubu le lengau di mathela ho bona, ba baleha ba hoeleditse, “Selalome! Selalome!” +Diphoofolo tse nne tsena tsa matha ho ya batla Tau mme tsa mmolella ditaba tsena tsa phoofolo e makatsang. +“E kwentse mmutla, phokojwe, lengau le kubu,” ha hlalosa diphoofolo di bua ka nako e le nngwe. +“Hape e kwentse le thota yohle,” ha eketsa Mmutla. +“Ebile diphoofolo tse ka mpeng ya sona di ne di batla ho re hlasela!” ha rialo Kubu. +Tau o ne a qala ho utlwa ntho e tjena, kahoo a potlaka ho bitsa mohlape wabo wa ditau mmoho mme ba potlaka ho ya hlasela selalome seo. Mmutla, Phokojwe, Lengau le Kubu ba latela ba ntse ba tsamaya butle ka morao. +Tseleng, ba kopana le Tshwene, ya neng a shebahala eka o batlana le ho hong. A tlolela ka pela Tau. +“Kgele, Tau, ke thabetse ho o bona,” a rialo. “Ke kopa o nthuse ho batlana le seipone sa ka. Ke nahana hore ho na le motho ya se utswitseng.” +“Tloha tseleng, wena Tshwene. Re na le ntho ya bohlokwa eo re lokelang ho e etsa. Re tatetse ho ya hlasela selalome se kwentseng diphoofolo le thota,” ha rialo Tau a fela pelo. +Tshwene a sutha tseleng empa a qeta ka hore o tla sala diphoofolo morao hobane o ne a batla ho ya bona hore selalome seo se jwang. +Ha diphoofolo di atamela moo seipone se leng teng, ditau, Kubu le Lengau tsa ema di thotse di loketse tlhaselo. Yaba di mathela seiponeng! Empa yare ha di bona sehlopha sa diphoofolo tse halefileng di etla ho tsona di matha, kaofela ha tsona tsa hasana ka hara jwang bo bolelele. Yaba tse ding di manama fatshe, tse ding tsa ipata kamora dihlahla mme tse ding tsa palama difateng. +Ha tshwene e lemoha hore seo diphoofolo di se tshabang hakana ke seipone sa hae, a wela fatshe ke ditsheho. A mathela ho sona, mme yare ha a itjheba ho sona a ntse a tsheha, a re, “Haesale ke batlana le wena letsheare kaofela, seipone sa ka.” +Yare ha diphoofolo tse ding di bona Tshwene a eme ka pela phoofolo eo e makatsang le kamoo selalome seo se neng se tletse setswalle ho yena, tsa tswa moo di neng di ipatile teng mme tsa qala ho botsa Tshwene dipotso mabapi le phoofolo eo e makatsang. + +“Sena ke seipone, ha se phoofolo. O itjheba ka hara sona. Bona, ke nna enwa ya ka seiponeng,” ha hlalosa Tshwene, a phahamisitse seipoine. +Ha diphoofolo di utlwa sena, kaofela tsa tsheha ha monate mme tsa qeta nako e telele di ntse di itjheba ka seiponeng.",sot,Sesotho,Seipone ka hara moru,It was a hot day in the African savannah when Rabbit decided to walk down to the stream to drink some water. She was hopping along slowly in the heat along an open dusty path when she saw a mirror flashing in the sunlight. Rabbit had never seen a ...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Melody Ngomane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/seipone-ka-hara-moru +the-mirror-the-bushveld,"E ne e le letsatsi le le mogote mo sekgweng sa Aforika fa Mmutla a tsaya tshwetso ya go gwantela kwa molapong go ya go nwa metsi. O ne a tsamaya ka bonya mo mogoteng mo tselaneng e e dithole fa a bona seipone se nyedima mo leseding la letsatsi. Mmutla o ne a ise a bone seipone mo botshelong jwa gagwe ka jalo o ne a akabetse gore ke phologolo ya mofuta mang. Fa a ntse a atamela, a gakgamala, go bona sekgwa ka fa gare ga seipone gammogo le mmutla o monnye o mosweu o o tshwanang le ena o mo lebile. Mmutla a taboga ka lebelo go ya go batla thuso. +“Thusang! Bathong thusang tlhe!” a goa. +Phokojwe o ne a ikhuditse mo moriting wa setlhare se segolo morago ga letsomo. E rile fa a utlwa Mmutla a opa mokgosi, a itira e kete ga a utlwa sepe mme a eletsa e kete diphologolo dingwe di ka mo thusa ka gonne ene o ne a tshwerwe ke letsapa. Fela ka ponyo ya leitlho, Mmutla a tshabela mo o neng a itapolosa gone. +“Phokojwe, tlhe nthuse! Ke serabu, ke serabu!” ga goa mmutla o monnye o mosweu. +“Serabu? Kae?” ga botsa Phokoje a edimola. +“Mo tselaneng e e yang kwa molapong. Se meditse sekgwa sotlhe le mmutla o monnye o mosweu o o tshwanang le nna,” Mmutla a bua a lela. +Kwa tshimologong Phokojwe a leleka Mmutla ka gonne o ne a sa dumele gore se a se buang se diragetse. “Fa e le gore serabu se meditse sekgwa, goreng re santse re le fa, re se mo mpeng ya serabu?” +Mmutla o ne a sa kgone go araba potso eo, fela a tswelela ka go kopa thuso. Phokojwe a ya go bitsa Lengau gore boraro jwa bona bo ye koo go bona serabu se se gakgamatsang. + +  +Phokojwe le Lengau ba latela Mmutla go ya kwa serabu se leng gona. Ba tsamaya ka iketlo, ba nanabela seipone. E rile fa ba le gaufi thata, ba bona diphologolo di le tharo di ba lebile. Diphologolo tse di ka fa gare ga mpa ya serabu di tshwana le bona! Ba goa ka letshogo ba tshabela kwa molapong go bitsa Kubu. +“Kubu, tsweetswee e tla go re thusa. Serabu se meditse sekgwa le diphologolo di le tharo tse di tshwanang fela jaaka rona!” ga bua Phokojwe, a bua ka bonako jo bo kgonagalang. +Kubu o ne a sa ba reetse, a tswelela go ijesa monate ka go thuma gonne a akanya gore diphologolo di batla go mo tsietsa. Fela fa a bona ka mo di tshogileng ka teng, a tswa mo metsing. Jaanong Kubu, Lengau, Phokojwe le Mmutla ba tabogela kwa lefelong le seipone se leng gona. +Fa ba goroga koo, Mmutla le Phokojwe ba ema kwa morago ka gonne ba ne ba tshogile gore phologolo e e makatsang e ka ba kometsa. Lengau le Kubu ba tabogela kwa pele go tlhasela phologolo e e makatsang…fela e rile ba bona Kubu le Lengau tse dingwe di tla di tabogela kwa go bona, ba boela morago ka lebelo ba bile ba goa, “Serabu! Serabu!” +Diphologolo tsotlhe tsa taboga go ya go batla Tau mme tsa mmolelela dikgang tsa phologolo e e sa tlwaelegang. +“E meditse mmutla, phokojwe, lengau le kubu,” ga tlhalosa diphologolo tsotlhe di bua ka nako e le nngwe. +“E bile e meditse le sekgwa,” ga tlaleletsa Mmutla. +“Mme e bile diphologolo tse di mo mpeng ya sona di ne di batla go re tlhasela!” ga bua Kubu. +Tau o ne a ise a utlwe ka tiragalo e e ntseng jaana, ka jalo a bo a bitsa setlhopa sa ditau mme tsotlhe tsa taboga go ya go tlhasela serabu.Mmutla, Phokojwe, Lengau le Kubu ba mo sala morago. +Mo tseleng, ba kopana le Kgabo, yo o neng a lebega e kete o batla sengwe. A tlolela fa pele ga Tau. +“Ao Tau, ke itumelela go go bona,” a bua jalo. “Tsweetswee ke kopa o mpatlise seipone sa me. Ke akanya gore mongwe o se utswitse.” +“Tloga mo tseleng ya me, Kgabo. Go sengwe se se botlhokwa se re tshwanetseng go se dira. Re mo lebelong go ya go tlhasela serabu se se meditseng diphologolo le sekgwa,” ga bua Tau a fela pelo. +Kgabo a tloga mo tseleng fela a swetsa go tsamaya le diphologolo tse dingwe ka gonne o ne a batla go bona gore serabu se lebega jang. +Fa diphologolo di goroga gaufi le fa seipone se leng gona, ditau, Kubu le Lengau tsa ema di ipaakanyeditse go tlhasela. Tsa tloga tsa tabogela kwa seiponeng! Fela e rile di bona setlhopha sa diphologolo tse di šakgetseng di tabogela kwa go tsona, tsotlhe tsa phatlhalala mo bojannyeng jo boleele. Dingwe tsa tsona tsa rapalala fa fatshe, dingwe tsa iphitlha mo ditlhatshaneng, mme dingwe tsa palama ditlhare. +Fa Kgabo a lemoga gore se diphologolo di se tshabang ke seipone sa gagwe, ya wa ka ditshego. Ya tabogela kwa go sona, ya iteba mo go sona ya tshega, ya re “Ke ne ke go batla letsatsi lotlhe, seipone sa me.” + +Fa diphologolo di bona Kgabo a ntse fa pele ga phologolo e e makatsang le ka mo serabu se leng botsalano le yone, tsa tswa mo di neng di ntse di iphitlhile teng mme tsa simolola go botsa Kgabo dipotso malebana le phologolo e e sa tlwaelegang e. +“Se ke seipone, ga se phologolo. O iteba mo go sona. Bonang ke nna mo seiponeng,” ga tlhalosa Kgabo, a tshotse seipone. +Fa diphologolo di utlwa se, le tsona tsa thubega ka setshego mme tsa nna sebaka se seleele di itebile mo seiponeng.",tsn,Setswana,Seipone mo sekgweng,It was a hot day in the African savannah when Rabbit decided to walk down to the stream to drink some water. She was hopping along slowly in the heat along an open dusty path when she saw a mirror flashing in the sunlight. Rabbit had never seen a ...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Melody Ngomane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/seipone-mo-sekgweng +the-mirror-the-bushveld,"Bekulilanga belishisako etigangeni letivulekile letite tihlahla tase-Afrika ngesikhatsi Logwaja ancuma kuhamba ehle aye emfudlaneni ayonatsa emanti. Abezubazuba kancane kulokushisa kwelilanga ahamba endleleni levulekile lenetintfuli ngesikhatsi abona sibuko simanya kulokukhanya kwelilanga. Logwaja abengakaze abone sibuko ngaphambilini ngako-ke wamangala kutsi ngabe silwane sini lesi lesingaketayeleki. Asasondzela, kulesimangaliso sakhe, wabona lesiganga ekhatsi kuso kanye nalogwaja lomncane lomhlophe lofana naye ambuka. Logwaja wagijima ngematubane lamakhulu wayofuna lusito. +“Sitani! Muntfu lotsite ngiyacela ngisite!” wakhala. +Jakalazi abetiphumulele-nje emtfuntini wesihlahla lesikhulu emva kwekutingela. Ngesikhatsi eva Logwaja akhala acela lusito, watsalalisa wenta sengatsi kute lutfo lakuvile futsi wetsemba kutsi letinye tilwane titamsita ngoba yena bekadziniwe. Kodvwa watsi angakateleli, Logwaja wagijima wacondza ngalapho abetiphumulele khona. +“Jakalazi, sita! Silwane lesesabekako, silwane lesesabekako!” kwakhala logwaja lomncane lomhlophe. +“Silwane lesesabekako? Kuphi?” kwabuta Jakalazi atamula. +“Entasi kulendlela leya kulomfudlana. Simite sonkhe lesiganga kanye nalogwaja lomncane lomhlophe lofana nami.” kwafinkhita Logwaja abibitseka. +Ekucaleni, Jakalazi wamcosha loLogwaja ngoba abengakholwa kutsi intfo lenjena yentekile. “Uma utsi lesilwane lesesabekako simite sonkhe siganga, kungani tsine sibe lapha singabikho ngekhatsi kulesilwane lesesabekako?” +Logwaja akawuphendvulanga lowo mbuto, kodvwa wachubeka wacela lusito. Jakalazi wahamba wayobita Ingwe kute kutsi bobatsatfu bahambe bayobona lesilwane lesesabekako lesingatiwa. + +Ingwe naJakalazi balandzela Logwaja baya lapho kunalesilwane lesesabekako. Kancane, banyonyoba baya kulesibuko. Ngesikhatsi basondzela edvute, babona tilwane letintsatfu tibabuka. Letilwane lebetisekhatsi esiswini salesilwane lesesabekako betibukeka tifana nabo ncamashi! Takhala kabuhlungu ngenca yekwesaba tase tiyagijima tayobita Mvumbu. +“Mvubu, siyakucela kutsi ute utosisita. Silwane lesesabekako simite siganga kanye netilwane letintsatfu letifana natsi! ” kwasho Jakalazi, akhuluma ngekusheshisa langakukhona. +Mvubu akazange abanake futsi wachubeka nekutijabulisa ngekubhukusha kwakhe ngoba bekacabanga kutsi letilwane tetama kumkhohlisa. Kodvwa watsi ngekubona kutsi tetfuke njani, waphuma emantini. Ngaleso sikhatsi Mvubu, Ingwe, Jakalazi kanye naLogwaja baphutfuma baya kulendzawo lapho lesibuko sikhona. +Ngesikhatsi befika lapho, Logwaja naJakalazi basalela ngemuva ngoba bebasaba kutsi lesilwane lesesabekako lesingatiwa singabamita nabo. Ingwe naMvubu bagijima baya phambili bayohlasela lesilwane lesesabekako lesingatiwa ... kodvwa batsi nababona lenye ingwe nemvubu tigijima tita ngakubo, bagijima bamemeta kakhulu, “Silwane lesesabekako! Silwane lesesabekako!” +Letilwane letine tagijima tayofuna Bhubesi nekumtjela lendzaba yalesilwane lesesabekako lesingatiwa. +“Samita logwaja, jakalazi, ingwe kanye nemvubu,” kwachaza letilwane tonkhe tikhuluma ngesikhatsi sinye. +“Siphindze futsi samita sonkhe siganga,” kwengeta Logwaja. +“Futsi letilwane letisesiswini saso betifuna kusihlasela!” kwasho Mvubu. +Bhubesi abengakaze ayive intfo lenje, ngako-ke masinyane wabita umhlambi wakhe wemabhubesi ndzawonye babese bayaphutfuma bayohlasela lesilwane lesesabekako. Logwaja, Jakalazi, Ingwe kanye naMvubu balandzela ngemuva dvutane kakhulu. +Endleleni yabo bahlangana naNgobiyane, lobekabukeka kwangatsi kukhona lokutsite lakufunako. Wazuba embikwaBhubesi. +“Awu Bhubesi, ngiyajabula kakhulu kukubona, ” kwasho yena. “Ngicela ungisite ngitfole sibuko sami. Ngicabanga kutsi ukhona losintjontjile.” +“Suka endleleni, Ngobiyane. Sinentfo letsite lebalulekile lekufanele siyente. Sijakele kuyohlasela silwane lesesabekako lesesimite tilwane nesiganga,” kwasho Bhubesi angenakubeketela. +Lengobiyane yakhwesha endleleni kodvwa yancuma kutsi itilandzele letilwane ngoba bekafuna kubona kutsi sibukeka njani lesilwane lesesabekako. +Ngesikhatsi letilwane tifika edvute nalapho lesibuko besikhona, emabhubesi, Mvubu neNgwe bema bangete banyakata futsi balungisela kuhlasela. Babese bayagijima bacondza kulesibuko! Kodvwa batsi nababona licembu letilwane letitfukutsele tigijima ticondze kubo, bonkhe babaleka basabalala bangena etjanini lobudze. Labanye babo babhabhalala phansi, labanye babhaca emva kwelihlashana futsi labanye bagibela etihlahleni. Ngesikhatsi Ngobiyane abona kutsi loku lobekwesabisa letilwane bekungulesibuko sakhe, waphubuka wahleka. Wagijima waya kuso futsi, atibuka ahleka, watsi, “Bengisolo ngifuna wena lonkhe lilanga, sibuko sami.” + +Lapho leletinye tilwane tibona Ngobiyane phambi kwalesilwane lesingatiwa nekutsi besinemusa njani lesilwane lesesabekako kuye, tanyonyoba taphuma lapho betibhace khona tabese tiyacala tibuta Ngobiyane imibuto ngalesilwane lesingatiwa. +“Sibuko lesi, akusiso silwane. Utibuka wena kuso. Bukani, ngimi lona kulesibuko,” kwachaza Ngobiyane abambe lesibuko. +Ngesikhatsi letilwane tiva loku, tonkhe tahleka futsi tacitsa sikhatsi lesiningi titibuka kulesibuko.",ssw,Siswati,Sibuko esigangen,It was a hot day in the African savannah when Rabbit decided to walk down to the stream to drink some water. She was hopping along slowly in the heat along an open dusty path when she saw a mirror flashing in the sunlight. Rabbit had never seen a ...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguMelody Ngomane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sibuko-esigangeni +the-mirror-the-bushveld,"A ku ri siku leri hisaka emananga ya le Afrika loko N’wampfundla a teka xiboho xa ku ya exinambyanini ku ya nwa mati. A ri karhi a tlalambatlalamba katsongo emun’wiini eka ndlela leyi taleke ritshuri loko a vona xivoni xi voninga edyambyini. N’wampfundla a nga se tshama a vona xivoni hikwalaho a nga hlamala leswaku xana i xiharhi xa njhani. Loko a ri karhi a fika ekusuhi, xo n’wi hlamarisa, u vonile xihlahla endzeni ka xona na ximpfundlani xo basa lexi fanaka na yena xi n’wi langutile. N’wampfundla a tsutsuma hilaha a kota hakona ku ya kombela ku pfuniwa. +“Pfunanu! Ndzi kombela un’wani a ndzi pfuna!” a cema. +N’wamhungubye a tiwiserile ehansi ka ndzhuti wa nsinya endzaku ka ku hlota. Loko a twa xikombelo xa N’wampfundla xa ku pfuniwa, u tiendle onge a nga twanga nchumu kutani a tshemba leswaku swiharhi leswin’wana swi ta n’wi pfuna hikuva yena a karhele. Kambe loko a nge se swi tiva, N’wampfundla a tsutsumela laha a wisile kona. +“N’wamhungubye, pfuna! Xinghunghumani, xinghunghumani!” ku cema ximpfundlani lexo basa. +“Xinghunghumani? Kwihi?” ku vutisa N’wamhungubye, hi ku ahlamula. +“Le hansi endleleni ya ku ya enambyeni. Xi mitile nhova hinkwayo na ximpfundlani lexitsongo xo basa xo fana na mina,” ku mpfikula N’wampfundla. +Emasungulweni N’wamhungubye u hlongole N’wampfundla hikuva a nga tshembi leswaku swilo swo fana na leswi swi nga humelela. “Loko ku ri leswaku xinghunghumani xi mitile nhova, hikwalahokayini ha ha ri laha hi nga ri endzeni ka xinghunghumani?” +N’wampfundla a nga swi kotangi ku hlamula xivutiso xexo, kambe u yile emahlweni a kombela ku pfuniwa. N’wamhungubye u yile a ya vitana N’wayingwe leswaku hi vunharhu bya vona va famba swin’we ku ya vona xinghungumani lexo hlamarisa. + +N’wamhungubye na N’wayingwe va landzelerile N’wampfundla ku ya laha ku nga ni xinghunghumani. Hi ku nonoka, va tshinerile laha ku nga ni xivoni. Loko va fika ekusuhi, va vonile swiharhi swinharhu swi va langutile. Swiharhi leswi nga endzeni ka khwiri ra xinghunghumani a swi fana na vona! Va tlhavile mukhosi hi ku chava kutani va tsutsumela enambyeni va ya vitana N’wampfuvu. +“N’wampfuvu, hi kombela u ta hi pfuna. Xinghunghumani xi mitile nhova hinkwayo na swiharhi swinharhu swo fana na hina!” ku vula N’wamhungubye, loyi a vulavula hi ku hatlisa hilaha a kota hakona. +N’wampfuvu a nga va yingiselanga u tiyele emahlweni a tiphina hi ku hlambela hikuva a anakanya leswaku swiharhi swi n’wi tela na maqhinga. Kambe loko a vona hilaha va nga chuwha hakona, u humile endzeni ka mati. Endzhaku N’wampfuvu, N’wayingwe, N’wamhungubye na N’wampfuvu va tsutsumele laha ku nga na xivoni. +Loko va fika kona, N’wampfundla na N’wamhungubye va yimele endzhaku hikuva a va chava leswaku xiharhi lexo hlamarisa xi nga va mita na vona. N’wayingwe na N’wampfuvu va tsutsumele emahlweni ku ya lwisana na xiharhi … kambe loko va vona mpfuvu na yingwe yin’wana swi tsutsumela laha a va ri kona, va tsutsumile va ri karhi va kalakala, “Xinghunghumani! Xinghunghumani!” +Swiharhi leswa mune swi tsutsumile ku ya lava N’wanghala kutani va n’wi rungulela hi ta xiharhi lexo hlamarisa. +“Xi mitile mpfundla, mhungubye, yingwe na mpfuvu,” ku hlamusela swiharhi hinkwaswo swi ri karhi swi vulavula xikan’we. +“Nakambe xi mitile na nhova hinkwayo,” ku engetela N’wampfundla. +“Nakambe swiharhi leswi nga ekhwirini ra xona a swi lava ku hi hlasela!” ku vula N’wampfuvu. +N’wanghala a nga se tshama a twa swilo swo fana na swona, hikwalaho hi xihatla a hlengeleta ntlhambi wa tinghala kutani va hatlisa ku ya lwa na xinghunghumani. N’wampfundla, N’wamhungubye, N’wayingwe na N’wampfuvu va landzelerile hi le ndzhaku. +Endleleni, va hlanganile na N’wamfenhe, loyi a tikomba a ri eku laveni ka xokarhi. U thamukele emahlweni ka N’wanghala. +“Heyi N’wanghala, ndzi tsakile ku ku vona,” a vula. “Ndzi kombela u ndzi pfuna ku lava xivoni xa mina. Ndzi anakanya leswaku un’wana u ndzi yiverile xona. +“Suka endleleni, N’wamfenhe. Ku na swin’wana swa nkoka leswi hi faneleke ku swi endla. Hi tsutsumela ku ya hlasela xinghunghumani lexi miteke swiharhi na nhova,” ku vula N’wanghala hi ku hela mbilu. +N’wamfenhe u sukile endleleni kambe a kunguhata ku sala swiharhi hi le ndzhaku hikuva a lava ku ya vona leswi xinghunghumani xa kona xi langutekisaka xiswona. +Loko swiharhi swi fika ekusuhi na laha xivoni a xi ri kona, tinghala, N’wampfuvu na N’wayingwe swi yima swi tiyisa swi tilulamisela ku hlasela. Endzhaku swi tsutsumele laha a ku ri na xivoni! Kambe loko swi vona ntlhambi wa swiharhi leswo kariha wu ta etlhelweni ra swona, hinkwaswo swi hangalaka swi nghena ebyanyini lebyo leha. Hiloko swin’wana swa swona swi pavalala ehansi, swin’wana swi tumbela endzhaku ka swihlahla kasi swin’wana swi khandziya misinya. +Loko n’wamfenhe a vona leswaku leswi swiharhi swi chavaka xona a ku ri xivoni xa yena, hiloko a fa hi mafenya. U tsutsumele eka xona kutani, loko a ri karhi a tivona, a ku, “Ndzi ku lavile siku hinkwaro, xivoni xa mina.” + +Loko swiharhi leswin’wana swi vona N’wamfenhe emahlweni ka xiharhi lexo hlamarisa na hilaha xinghunghumani a xi ri na xinghana na yena, swi humile laha a swi tifihlile kona kutani swi sungula ku vutisela N’wamfenhe swivutiso mayelana na xiharhi lexo hlamarisa. +“Lexi i xivoni, a hi xiharhi. Wa tivona eka xona. Vona, loyi hi mina endzeni ka xivoni,” ku hlamusela N’wamfenhe, a khomile xivoni. +Loko swiharhi swi twa leswi, hinkwaswo swi hleka swinene kutani swi teka nkarhi wo leha swi ri karhi swi tivona exivonini.",tso,Xitsonga,Xivoni exihlahlen,It was a hot day in the African savannah when Rabbit decided to walk down to the stream to drink some water. She was hopping along slowly in the heat along an open dusty path when she saw a mirror flashing in the sunlight. Rabbit had never seen a ...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Hi Melody Ngomane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/xivoni-exihlahleni +the-mirror-the-bushveld,"Ilanga belitjhisa emmangweni we-Afrika lokha uMqasa nakazakuqunta bona akhambe ayokusela amanzi emlanjaneni. Bekeqayeqa kabuthaka emtjhisweni onjalo endleleni yehlabathi nakazakubona isipili simanyazela elangeni. uMqasa uyathoma ukubona isipili epilwenakhe yoke, yeke wazibuza bona mhlobo bani wesilwane lo. Njengombana atjhidela, naku azakurareka nakaqala isipili ubona ummango nomqasana omhlophe ofana naye umqalile. Nakuya uMqasa uzakuthathela ngebelo uyokufuna isizo. +“Maye, sizani! Ngibawa isizo!” atjho alila. +UJakalasi bekaziphumulele emthunzini ngaphasi komuthi omkhulu njengombana besele aqedile ukuzuma. Uthe nakezwa uMqasa abawa isizo, wenza ngasuthi akakamuzwa, wathemba ukuthi ezinye iinlwana zizamsiza, ngombana nakunguye yena udiniwe. Uthe angakatjheji umqasa besele uza lapha aphumule khona. +  “Jakalasi, ngisiza! Irhorho, irhorho!” kulila umqasana omhlophe. + “Irhorho? Kuphi?” kubuza uJakalasi azamula. +“Phasi endleleni eya emlanjaneni. Iginye ummango woke nomqasana omhlophe onjengami,” kutjho uMqasa ngesibibithwani. +  +Ekuthomeni uJakalasi umqothile uMqasa ngombana angakholwa bona into enjalo yenzekile. “Nangabe irhorho iginye ummango, alo kubayini thina irhorho ingakasiginyi?” +  +UMqasa ubhalelwe kuwuphendula umbuzo loyo, kodwana waraga nokufuna isizo. UJakalasi wakhamba wayokubiza uNgwe ukuthi bobathathu bakhambe bayokubona irhorho erarako le. +  + +  +UJakalasi noNgwe balandela uMqasa lapha irhorho ikhona. Bananaba kabuthaka batjhinga esipilini. Nabatjhidelako, amehlwabo ahlangana neweenlwane ezintathu zibaqalile. Iinlwanezi ezingemathunjini werhorho zifana nabo! Barhuwelela ngevalo, napaya babhebhula iinthende batjhinga emlanjeni kuyokubizwa uMvubu. +  + “Mvubu-ke, akhusisize. Nasiya irhorho iginye ummango neenlwana ezintathu ezifana nathi!” kutjho uJakalasi akhuluma msinyana. +  +UMvubu khenge abatjheje nokubatjheja, waraga nokududa, ngombana bekacabanga bona iinlwanezi zilinga ukumkhohlisa. Kodwana uthe nakabona indlela ebebathukwe ngayo, waphuma ngemanzini. Kwaba nguMvubu, uNgwe, uJakalasi noMqasa barhabele lapha isipili sikhona khona. +  +Nabafika lapho, uMqasa noJakalasi bajamela emva ngombana bebasaba bona islwana esirarakwesi singabaginya nabo. UNgwe noMvubu ngibo-ke abagijimela ukuhlasela isilwana esirarako … kodwana babona enye imvubu nengwe zigijimela kibo, badla phasi barhuwelela bathi, “Irhorho, Irhorho!” +  +Iinlwana ezinezi zagijima zayokufuna uBhubezi, zafika zamtjela indaba yesilwana esirarako. +  + “Siginye umqasa, ujakalasi, ingwe nemvubu,” kuhlathulula iinlwanezi, zoke zikhuluma kanyekanye. +  + “Siginye nommango lo woke,” kuraga uMqasa. +  + “Neenlwana ezingematjhunjinaso bezifuna ukusihlasela!” kwatjho uMvubu. +  +UBhubezi uyathoma thomi ukuzwa ngento enjalo, yeke, msinyana wabiza amanye amaBhubezi akhamba woke kurhatjelwe ukuyokuhlasela irhorho. UMqasa, uJakalasi, uNgwe noMvubu babalandela eduze. +  +Bathe nabasendleleni naku bazakuhlangana noFenyana, obengasuthi kukhona akufunisisako. Wavele weqa wajama phambi kwakaBhubezi. +  + “Awu, Bhubezi, ngithabe kangangani nangikubonako,” kutjho yena. “Ngisize ngithole isipili sami. Ngicabanga bona kukhona osebileko.” +  + “Suka endleleni Fenyana. Kunento eqakathekileko okufuze siyenze. Nasinje sirhabile sisayokuhlasela irhorho eginye iinlwana nommango,” kwatjho uBhubezi aphela ihliziyo. +  +Ifenyana yasuka endleleni, kodwana yaqunta bona izokulandela iinlwanezi ngombana nayo ifuna ukubona irhorho le bona iqaleka njani. +  +Kwathi bona iinlwane zitjhidele lapha isipili sikhona, amabhubezi, uMvubu noNgwe bajama tsi, balungela ukuhlasela. Ngemva kwalokho basuka ngebelo batjhinga esipilini! Kodwana bathe nababona isiqhema seenlwana sibagijimela, napaya baphadlhalala bebayokusithela etjanini obude. Abanye babhambalala ehlabathini, abanye bazifihla ngeenthukgwana, abanye bakhwela imithi. +  +Kuthe bona uFenyana alemuke bona iinlwanezi zisaba isipili sakhe, wahleka wafa. Wagijimela kiso, waziqala kiso ahleka, wathi, “Ngikufune ilanga loke sipili sami.” +  + +Kuthe bona ezinye iinlwana zibone uFenyana phambi kwesilwana esirarako nokuthi besingamenzi litho, zananaba zaphuma lapha bezibhace khona, zathoma zabuza uFenyana imibuzo ngesilwanesi esirarako. +  +“Lesi sipili, akusiso isilwana. Uziqala kiso. Niyabona, ngimi lo esipilini,” kuhlathulula uFenyana asiphathele phezulu isipili. +Zathi nazizwa lokho iinlwana, zahleka zafa, zasolo ziziqale esipilini isikhathi eside.",nbl,isiNdebele,Isipili emmangwen,It was a hot day in the African savannah when Rabbit decided to walk down to the stream to drink some water. She was hopping along slowly in the heat along an open dusty path when she saw a mirror flashing in the sunlight. Rabbit had never seen a ...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguMelody Ngomane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isipili-emmangweni +the-mirror-the-bushveld,"Ḓuvha ḽo vha ḽi tshi khou fhisa luṅwe ngei ḓakani ḽa Afurika musi Muvhuḓa u tshi humbula uri ndi khwine ndi tshi ya tshisimani u nwa maḓi. Wo vha u tshi khou ḓi thamutshela nga u ongolowa kuḓilani ku re na buse ḓuvha ḽi tshi khou vhavhula, wa mbo ḓi vhona tshivhoni tshi tshi khou penya-penya nga nṱhani ha ḓuvha. Muvhuḓa wo vha u sa athu vhuya wa vhona tshivhoni, wa ḓivhudzisa uri ndi tshipuka tsha mufuda-ḓe tshenetshi. Musi u tshi tou sendela tsini, wa mangala musi u tshi vhona ḓaka na muvhuḓa muṱuku mutshena u fanaho nawo kha tshenetsho tshivhoni. Muvhuḓa wa gidima nga luṅwe luvhilo u tshi khou ya u humbela thuso. +  +“Thuso nandi! Ndi khou humbela u thusiwa wee!” wa vhidzelela. +  +Phunguwe yo vha i tshi khou bva u zwima yo ḓi awetshela murunzini wa muri muhulu. Musi i tshi pfa Muvhuḓa u tshi khou vhidzelela u tshi khou ṱoḓa thuso, ya ḓiita u nga a i khou pfa tshithu, i tshi humbula uri zwiṅwe zwipuka zwi ḓo u thusa ngauri yo vha yo neta. Nga khathihi fhedzi, Muvhuḓa wa vha wo swika henefho he ya vha yo ḓiawetshela hone. +  +“Phunguwe wee, nthuseni! Tshiguru, tshiguru nandi!” ndi muvhuḓa muṱuku mutshena une wa khou vhidzelela. +  +“Tshiguru? No tshi vhona gai?” hu vhudzisa Phunguwe, i tshi khou alamuwa. + +“Hangei kuḓilani ku yaho mulamboni. Tsho mila ḓaka ḽoṱhe khathihi na muvhuḓa muṱuku mutshena u fanaho na nṋe,” u ralo Muvhuḓa u tshi khou tswimila. +  +Musi Phunguwe i tshi tou pfa zwenezwo ya pandela Muvhuḓa ngauri yo vha i sa tendi uri zwithu zwo raloho zwi nga vhuya zwa itea. “Arali tshiguru tsho mila ḓaka, ndi ngani ri tshi kha ḓi tshila nahone ri si thumbuni ya tshiguru?” +Muvhuḓa wa kundelwa u fhindula yeneyo mbudziso, fhedzi wa bvela phanḓa u tshi khou humbela u thusiwa. Phunguwe ya ya u vhidza Nngwe u itela uri vhuraru havho vha ye u vhona tshenetsho tshiguru. +  +Phunguwe na Nngwe zwa tevhela Muvhuḓa musi u tshi khou ya u vha sumbedza hune tshiguru tsha vha hone. Nga u tou ongolowa, vha sendela henefho hu re na tshivhoni. Musi vha tshi tou sendela henefho tsini, vha vhona zwipuka zwiraru zwo vha sedza. Zwipuka zwi re thumbuni ya tshiguru zwi tou fana navho! Vha tzhema nge vha vha vho tshuwa, vha gidimela mulamboni u itela u vhidza Mvuvhu. +  +“Mvuvhu, ri khou humbela uri ni ḓe ni ri thuse. Tshiguru tsho mila ḓaka na zwipuka zwiraru zwi fanaho na riṋe!” ndi Phunguwe i no ralo, i tshi khou tou amba nga u ṱavhanyedza. +  +Mvuvhu a yo ngo vhuya ya vha dzhiela nṱha nahone ya bvela phanḓa i tshi khou ḓiphina nga u bammbela ngauri yo vha i tshi khou humbula uri zwipuka zwi khou i fhura. Fhedzi musi i tshi vhona nḓila ye vha vha vho tshuwa ngayo, ya mbo ḓi bva henefho maḓini. Nga zwenezwo, Mvuvhu, Nngwe, Phunguwe na Muvhuḓa vha gidimela henefho he ha vha hu na tshivhoni. +  +Musi vha tshi swika henefho, Muvhuḓa na Phunguwe vha imela murahu ngauri vho vha vha tshi khou ofha uri hetshi tshipuka tshi songo ḓoweleaho tshi ḓo vha mila navho. Fhedzi Nngwe na Mvuvhu vha gidimela phanḓa u itela u ṱhasela tshenetsho tshipuka tshi songo ḓoweleaho … musi vha tshi vhona iṅwe nngwe na mvuvhu zwi tshi khou gidima zwi tshi ḓa zwo vha livha, vha gidima vha tshi khou tzhema, “Tshiguru! Tshiguru nandi!” + +Zwipuka zwiṋa zwa gidima zwa ya u ṱoḓa Ndau nahone zwa i vhudza tshiṱori tsha tshipuka tshi songo ḓoweleaho. +“Tsho mila muvhuḓa, phunguwe, nngwe na mvuvhu,” hu ṱalutshedza zwipuka, zwi tshi khou amba mazha. +  +“Tsho dovha tsha mila na ḓaka ḽoṱhe,” u ralo Muvhuḓa. +“Nahone zwipuka zwi re thumbuni yatsho zwo vha zwi tshi khou ṱoḓa u ri ṱhasela!” ya ralo Mvuvhu. +  +Ndau a i athu vhuya ya pfa zwithu zwo tou raloho, nga u ṱavhanya ndau ya vhidza dziṅwe ndau dza gidima u yo ṱhasela tshiguru. Muvhuḓa, Phunguwe, Nngwe na Mvuvhu zwa tevhela nga murahu. +  +Musi vhe nḓilani, vha ṱangana na Ṱhoho, ye ya vhonala i tshi nga i khou ṱoḓa tshiṅwe tshithu. Ya thamutshela henefho phanḓa ha Ndau. +  +“Ndo takala zwone u ni vhona Ndau,” ya ralo Ṱhoho. “Ndi khou humbela uri ni nthuse ndi wane tshivhoni tshanga. Ndi vhona u nga muṅwe o tshi tswa.” +  +“Ḓanu bva nḓilani iṅwi Ṱhoho. Ri na zwithu zwa ndeme zwine ra tea u zwi ita. Ri khou gidimela u yo ṱhasela tshiguru tshe tsha mila zwipuka na ḓaka,” hu amba Ndau yo dinalea. +  +Ṱhoho ya mbo ḓi bva nḓilani, fhedzi ya tevhela zwenezwo zwipuka ngauri yo vha i tshi khou ṱoḓa u vhona uri tshenetsho tshiguru tsho tou itisa hani. +  +Musi zwipuka zwi tsini na he tshivhoni tsha vha tshi hone, dzindau, Mvuvhu na Nngwe zwa ima zwa tou dzhii zwa lugela u ṱhasela. Zwa gidimela henefho tsini na tshivhoni! Musi zwi tshi vhona tshigwada tsha zwipuka zwo halifhaho zwi tshi khou gidimela khazwo, zwoṱhe zwa balangana zwa shavhela hatsini vhulapfu. Zwiṅwe zwazwo zwa shuvhama fhasi, zwiṅwe zwa dzumbana murahu ha zwiṱaka nahone zwiṅwe zwa gonya miri. +  +Musi Ṱhoho i tshi vhona uri zwipuka zwo vha zwi tshi khou tshuwiswa nga tshivhoni, ya tou fa nga maseo. Ya gidimela khatsho, ya ḓivhona ya sea ya ri, “Tshivhoni tshanga, ndo vha ni tshi khou ni ṱoḓa ḓuvha ḽoṱhe.” +  +Musi zwiṅwe zwipuka zwi tshi vhona Ṱhoho yo ima phanḓa ha tshipuka tshi songo ḓoweleaho na uri tshenetsho tshiguru tsho vha tshi na vhuthu, zwa bva nga u ongolowa he zwa vha zwo dzumbana hone nahone zwa thoma u vhudzisa Ṱhoho nga ha tshipuka tshenetshi tshi songo ḓoweleaho. +  +“Hetshi ndi tshivhoni, a si tshipuka. Ni ḓivhona ngatsho. Vhonani, ndi nṋe a re hafha kha tshivhoni,” ndi Ṱhoho i tshi khou ṱalutshedza, yo imisela tshivhoni nṱha. +  +Musi zwipuka zwi tshi pfa zwenezwi, zwoṱhe zwa tou fa nga maseo nahone zwa ṱwa zwi tshi khou ḓivhona nga tshivhoni.",ven,Tshivenda,Tshivhoni ḓakani ḽihulu,It was a hot day in the African savannah when Rabbit decided to walk down to the stream to drink some water. She was hopping along slowly in the heat along an open dusty path when she saw a mirror flashing in the sunlight. Rabbit had never seen a ...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Nga Melody Ngomane,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tshivhoni-ḓakani-ḽihulu +the-tale-oxpecker-and-buffalo,"In the old days, Oxpecker had a bright yellow bill. He lived in a little hut in a patch of long grass. +Each day he would sweep his hut before setting off into the grass to catch his favourite food. +At night he would climb into his nestbed, his belly full of green grasshoppers, flies and wriggly worms. +If anyone came into the patch of long grass, Oxpecker would fly up and shout at them. He would peck them and make a fuss until they went away. +He liked to live alone, and he didn’t want to share with anyone. One day, while Oxpecker was out searching for insects, he heard a low rumble, +like the sound of thunder rolling in the hills, and something blocked out the sun. “What now?” shrieked Oxpecker, flying up out of the long grass to get a better view. +A big, black animal with heavy horns was walking through the long grass. +  + +“Hello,” said Buffalo. “I haven’t eaten anything in weeks. This long grass is exactly what I need. May I have some?” + “No! Go away!” shouted Oxpecker. “Well, I’ll die if I don’t eat something. There hasn’t been any rain for months. +This is the only patch of long grass around here. Won’t you let me eat some of it, please?” “Didn’t you hear me? +Go away!” said Oxpecker flying around Buffalo’s head. “But you don’t even eat grass,” Buffalo said. And then he tried again, +“We could share the grass.” “I don’t share! This is mine! Mine! Mine! Now go away!” shouted Oxpecker. +  +Buffalo’s forehead wrinkled and his eyes narrowed to slits. He got so angry that his tail swished back and forth, +making a loud clapping sound as it struck the sides of his rump. “Well, if you are going to be rude, I’m going to eat it anyway. +I eat grass, that is what I do, and I am hungry, so here I GO, you rude bird,” said Buffalo about to chomp on some grass. +“You wouldn’t dare!” shrieked Oxpecker. “How are you going to stop me? Look at how big I am. And because you’re being so rude, +I’ve decided that I’m going to eat and eat and eat until I’m full.” And with a loud MUNCH! CRUNCH! Buffalo started to eat. +  +This made Oxpecker so angry that the end of his beak turned bright red. Oxpecker flew around Buffalo’s head shouting and shrieking and whooping, +but Buffalo just kept on eating. Soon all the long grass was gone. To make matters worse, Buffalo put his big hoof right through the roof of Oxpecker’s hut. +Oxpecker flew up onto Buffalo’s back and started pecking away at his skin. “That’s not going to work,” said Buffalo. “My skin is very thick. +Even Lion has tried to bite me with his sharp teeth and I got away. You are too small, Oxpecker. And you deserved what you got. I was willing to share.” +“Well, that’s it then,” said Oxpecker growing suddenly quiet. “I was only angry and rude because that was my home. +Now I have no home and no food – all those delicious green grasshoppers, flies and wriggly worms that lived in the long grass are gone! Everything’s gone.” +  +Buffalo looked back at Oxpecker, who was crying, and then to the bare patch of earth and the broken hut. “I’m sorry I destroyed your home,” he said, +“but maybe I can make it up to you. I have a problem with insects, you see. I mean, just take a look at my back. +There are always far too many insects hanging on and crawling all over me. You could eat them, and it would be really nice to have someone finally get rid of them for me.” +Oxpecker looked up and down Buffalo’s body and noticed all the little insects clinging to Buffalo’s skin. The bird’s tummy rumbled, +but the thought of doing Buffalo a favour after everything he had done, made Oxpecker angrier and angrier. His yellow bill grew redder and redder. +  + “First you ate all my lovely grass!” shouted Oxpecker. “Then you wrecked my house. You actually put your big hoof right through the roof! +Now you want me to eat all these insects as a favour!” He walked up and down Buffalo’s back, pecking at the insects as he talked. +“You really are the worst, Buffalo! As if I would help you,” he said with his little mouth full of insects. +  + +Buffalo simply shrugged and walked off with Oxpecker riding on his back, shouting and eating insects. +And they are still doing that to this day, but Oxpecker never forgave Buffalo, and his yellow beak stayed red forever.",eng,English,The tale of Oxpecker and Buffalo,"In the old days, Oxpecker had a bright yellow bill. He lived in a little hut in a patch of long grass. +Each day he would sweep his hut before setting off into the grass to catch his favourite food. +At night he would climb into his ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-tale-oxpecker-and-buffalo +the-tale-oxpecker-and-buffalo,"Mandulo, uSinqolankomo wayenomlomo otyheli obengezelayo. Wayehlala kungquphantsi omncinane kwithafa elinengca ende. +Yonke imihla ebetshayela ungquphantsi wakhe phambi kokuya engceni ukuya kuzingela okona kutya akuthandayo. +Ebusuku ebeqabela kumandlalo wendlwane yakhe, isisu sizele mpu ziintethe eziluhlaza, iimpukane nemibungu ejubalazayo. +Ukuba kukho umntu ofika kweli thafa linengca ende, uSinqolankomo ebebhabhela phezulu angxole futhi amngxolise. +Ebemnqola abonise ukungonwabi ade ahambe loo mntu. Ebethanda ukuhlala yedwa, futhi engafuni kwabelana namntu nganto. +Ngenye imini, xa uSinqolankomo wayesazingela iintethe, weva ukundila okwakutsholo phantsi, kwakuvakala ngathi sisandi seendudumo ezindulini, +njengento eyayithintela ukuqaqamba kwelanga. “Yintoni leyo?” watswininiza uSinqolankomo, ebhabhela phezulu ephuma kuloo ngca inde ukuze abone kakuhle. +Isilwanyana esikhulu, esimnyama esineempondo ezinkulu sasihamba kuloo ngca. +  + +“Molo,” watsho uNyathi. “Andikhange nditye nto kwiiveki ezimbalwa. Le ngca inde yeyona nto ndiyidinga ngenene. +Ndingakhe ndifumane kuyo?” “Hayi! Suka apha!” wangxola uSinqolankomo. “Kaloku, ndiza kufa ukuba andityi nto. +Seziliqela iinyanga kungekho mvula. Eli thafa linengca ende lilo kuphela elikhoyo apha. Akunakundivumela ndikhe nditye, torho?”  +“Akuvanga ukuba nditheni? Hamba apha!” watsho uSinqolankomo ebhabha ejikeleza intloko kaNyathi. +“Kodwa wena akuyityi ingca,” watsho uNyathi. Waphinda wazama kwakhona, “Singabelana ngengca.” +“Andabelani namntu! Yeyam yonke le! Yeyam! Yeyam! Khawusuke apha ngoku!” wangxola uSinqolankomo. +  +Ibunzi likaNyathi lafingana amehlo akhe acutheka angathi yimisikeko. Wayenomsindo kangangokuba wayeswahlaza umsila wakhe emva naphambili, +usenza isandi esingxolayo ngokungathi kukuqhwaba xa ethwaxa ngawo emacaleni eempundu zakhe. “Hayi ke, xa uza kuba krwada, ndiza kusuka ndizithathele. +Nditya ingca, yinto endiyenzayo leyo, kwaye ndilambile, ngoku ke, NDENZA NJALO, ntakandini ekrwada,” watsho uNyathi xa eza kunqothula ingca. +“Akunakuyenza loo nto!” wantswininiza uSinqolankomo. “Uza kundinqanda njani? Uyabona ukuba ndimkhulu kangakanani. +Phofu nangenxa yobu bukrwada bakho, ndenze isigqibo sokuba ndizakutya nditye nditye ndide ndihluthe.” +Ngokungxolayo kona UKUMAMFUZA! UKUKRWAMZA! uNyathi waqalisa ukutya. +  +Oku kwamenza wanomsindo uSinqolankomo kangangokuba incam yomlomo wakhe yajika yabengezela ukuba bomvu. +USinqolankomo wayebhabha ejikeleza intloko kaNyathi engxola aphinde antswininize ebhomboloza, kodwa uNyathi waqhubeka watya. +Ngephanyazo yonke ingca ende yayiphelile. Kangangendlela awayedelela ngayo, uNyathi wagqobhoza uphahla lukangquphantsi kaSinqolankomo ngophuphu lwakhe. +USinqolankomo wabhabhela phezu komqolo kaNyathi waza waqalisa ukunqola isikhumba sakhe. “Ayizi kunceda nganto loo nto,” watsho uNyathi. +“Isikhumba sam somelele kakhulu. Nkqu noNgonyama ukhe wazama ukundiluma ngamazinyo akhe abukhali kodwa ndaphuncuka. +Wena Sinqolankomo umncinane kakhulu. Uvune into oyilimileyo. Mna bendizimisele ukwabelana nawe.” +“Sekunjalo ke,” watsho uSinqolankomo asuka aphel’ emqaleni amazwi.  “Bendinomsindo ndagqibela ngokuba krwada kuphela kuba lowa ubungumzi wam. +  +Ngoku andinakhaya futhi andinakutya – azisekho zonke ezaa ntethe ziluhlaza zinencasa, iimpukane nemibungu ejubalazayo ebezihlala engceni ende! +Konke akusekho.” UNyathi wajonga emva kuSinqolankomo, owayelila, waphinda wajonga ethafeni lomhlaba elingenanto nasendlwini eseyilibhodlo. +“Ndicela uxolo ngokutshabalalisa ikhaya lakho,” watsho, “kodwa mhlawumbi ndingakunika icebo. Ndinengxaki yezinambuzane, uyabona. +Jonga nje emqolo wam. Kusoloko kukho izinambuzane ezininzi ezijinga nezinyakazela phezu kwawo wonke umzimba wam. +Ungatya zona, kwaye kungakuhle kum xa ekugqibeleni ndinokuba nomntu ondisusela zona.” +  +USinqolankomo wawanyusa ewathoba amehlo akhe emzimbeni kaNyathi wazibona zonke izinambuzane ezazinamathele esikhumbeni sikaNyathi. +Aqala axuxuzela amathumbu entaka, kodwa ingcinga yokwenzela uNyathi ububele emva kwawo wonke umonakalo awenzileyo, +yamcaphukisa ngakumbi nangakumbi uSinqolankomo. Umlomo wakhe waya uba bomvu ngokuba bomvu. “Okokuqala uyitye yonke ingca yam ebintle!” +wangxola uSinqolankomo. “Emva koko ubhodloze indlu yam. Uyigqobhoze uphahla lwayo ngophuphu lwakho olukhulu! +Ngoku ufuna ukuba ndikuncede nditye zonke ezi zinambuzane!” Wahamba-hamba emqolo weNyathi enyuka esihla, +enqola-nqola izinambuzane naxa wayengayeki ukuthetha. “Akukho yakho kodwa, Nyathi! Ucinga ukuba ungancedwa ndim kakade,” +watsho ngomlomo omncinane ozele zizinambuzane. + +UNyathi wasuka wadlikidla amagxa akhe wahamba noSinqolankomo ekhwele emqolo kuye, engxola kodwa eqhuba ngokutya izinambuzane. +Kude kube namhla basenza njalo, kodwa uSinqolankomo zange amxolele uNyathi, kwaye umlomo wakhe owawutyheli sowaba bomvu unaphakade.",xho,isiXhosa,Ibali likaSinqolankomo noNyath,"In the old days, Oxpecker had a bright yellow bill. He lived in a little hut in a patch of long grass. +Each day he would sweep his hut before setting off into the grass to catch his favourite food. +At night he would climb into his ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ibali-likasinqolankomo-nonyathi +the-tale-oxpecker-and-buffalo,"Kudaladala, uHlalanyathi wayenomlomo ophuzi. Wayehlala eqhugwaneni elincane eduze kwesiqinti sotshani obude. +Usuku ngalunye wayeshanela iqhugwana lakhengaphambi kokubabela otshanini lapho wayethola khona ukudla kwakhe ayekukhonzile. +Ebusuku wayecaca angene esidlekeni sakhe, isisu sakhe sigcwele izintethe, izimpukane, kanye nezibungu eziyaluzayo.  + + +Uma kufika noma ngubani esiqeshini sotshani obude, uHlalanyathi wayendiza aphakame bese emthethisa lowo. +Wayebangqofoza futhi enze umsindo kuze kube bayahamba. Wayethanda ukuphila yedwana, futhi engathandi ukwabelana nanoma ngubani.  + + +Langa limbe, ngesikhathi uHlalanyathi ephumile ecinga izinambuzane, wezwa ukundindizela okusholo phansi, +njengomsindo wokuduma kwezulu lisho ezintabeni, kwase kuba nokuthile okusitha ilanga.  + + +“Yini manje?” kuklewula uHlalanyathi, endiza ephakama phezu kotshani obude ukuze akwazi ukubona kangcono.  + + +Isilwane esikhulu, esimnyama esinezimpondo ezisindayo sasihamba sidabula otshanini obude.  + + +  + + +  + + +“Sawubona,” kwasho uNyathi. “Angikaze ngidle lutho kula masonto. Lobu tshani obude yibona ngqo engibudingayo. Ngicela obuncane nje?”  + + +“Lutho! Hamba uye kude!” kumemeza uHlalanyathi. “Kulungile, ngizokufa uma ngingadli okuthile. Bekungekho mvula futhi sekuyizinyanga. +Lesi yisona siqephu sotshani obude esikhona lapha. Ungemane ungivumele ngidle ingxenyana, ngiyakucela?”  + + +“Awungizwanga yini? Hamba uyoshona!” kwasho uHlalanyathi endizandiza ezungeza ikhanda likaNyathi.  + + +“Kodwa awubudli ngisho ukubudla utshani,” kwasho uNyathi. Emva kwalokho waphinda wazama, “Singabelana nje ngotshani.”  + + +“Angabelani mina nabanye! Lokhu ngokwami! Okwami! Okwami! Manje-ke suka lapha!” kumemeza uHlalanyathi.  + + +Isiphongo sikaNyathi sabuya izinhlonze namehlo akhe ancipha aba yimidwana nje. Wathukuthela kakhulu ngendlela yokuthi umsila wakhe wawehla wenyuka, +wenza umsindo omkhulu osankwahla ngesikhathi ushaya izinhlangothi zezinqe zakhe. “Kulungile uma uzokwedelela, ngizobuthatha ngihambe nabo. +Ngidla utshani mina, yilokho engikwenzayo, futhi ngilambile, ngakho-ke UZONGITHOLA KAHLE, nyoni eyedelelayo,”  +kwasho uNyathi sekusele ukuthi abunqampune obunye utshani. “Ngeke ulokothe!” kububula uHlalanyathi. “Uzongivimba kanjani? +Awungibheke ukuthi ngimkhulu kangakanani. Futhi ngoba uyedelela, senginqume ukuthi ngizokudla, ngidle, ngidle ngize ngisuthe.” +  +Ngomsindo omkhulu WOBUHLAFUHLAFU! NOBUKLESHEKLESHE! uNyathi waqala ukudla.  + + +Lokhu kwathukuthelisa uHlalanyathi ngendlela yokuthi isiphetho somlomo wakhe saphenduka saba bomvu ngokugqamile. +UHlalanyathi wandiza wazungeza ikhanda likaNyathi ethetha, ekhala, eklabalasa, kodwa uNyathi wavele waqhubeka nokudla. +Ngokushesha bonke utshani obude base buphelile. Ukwenza izinto zibe zimbi nakakhulu, uNyathi wabeka inselo yakhe enkulu ophahleni lweqhugwane +likaHlalanyathi. UHlalanyathi wandizela emhlane kaNyathi waqala ukuqhofoza isikhumba sakhe.  + + +“Lokho ngeke kukusize ngalutho,” kwasho uNyathi. “Isikhumba sami silugqinsi kabi. +  +Ngisho noBhubesi uke wazama ukungiluma ngamazinyo akhe abukhali kodwa ngaphunyula. Wena umncane kakhulu, Hlalanyathi.  +Futhi kukufanele lokhu okutholile. Mina bengizimisele ukuthi sabelane.”  “Kulungile, sekuphelile manje,” +kwasho uHlalanyathi khona manjalo esehlisa umoya. “Bengicasukile futhi ngedelela kuphela ngoba bekuyikhaya lami. +Manje angisenakhaya futhi anginakudla – zonke lezi zintethe ezimnandi, izimpukane, nezinhlava ebezihlala otshanini obude sezihambile! Konke sekuhambile.”  + + +UNyathi wabheka emuva kuHlalanyathi, owayekhala, wase ebheka isiqeshana esasingasenatshani kanye neqhugwana elihlephukile.  +“Ngiyaxolisa ukuthi ngibhidlize ikhaya lakho,” kwasho yena, “kodwa mhlawumbe ngingakwazi ukukukhokhela. Nginenkinga ngezinambuzane, uyabona. +Ngisho ukuthi, awubheke nje umhlane wami. Kuhlale kukhona izinambuzane eziningi ezilengayo nezihamba emzimbeni wami. +Ungazidla, futhi kungaba kuhle uma ungakwazi ukungiqedela zona.”  + + +  +UHlalanyathi wawubuka phansi naphezulu umzimba kaNyathi maqede waqaphela zonke izinambuzane ezinamathele esikhumbeni sikaNyathi. +Isisu senyoni savele sakhala, kodwa umcabango wokwenzela uNyathi umusa ngemuva kwayo yonke into eyayiyenzile, +wenza uHlalanyathi athukuthele kakhudlwana futhi. Umlomo wakhe waphenduka waba bomvu, waphinde wabomvu kakhulu.  + + +“Okokuqala udle bonke utshani bami obuthandekayo!” kuthetha uHlalanyathi.  + + +“Emva kwalokho uhliphize indlu yami. Eqinisweni ufake inselo yakho enkulu ophahleni lwayo! +Manje usufuna ngidle zonke lezi zinambuzane ukukwenzela umusa!” Wahamba wehla wenyuka emhlane kaNyathi, enqofoza ngesikhathi ekhuluma. +“Umubi ngokwedlulele ngempela, Nyathi! Ungafunga ukuthi ngizokusiza,” washo nomlonyana wakhe ugcwele izinambuzane.  + + + +UNyathi wamane wazithintitha wase esuka ehamba noHlalanyathi egibele emhlane wakhe, ethetha, edla izinambuzane. +Basenza lokho kuze kube yinamuhla, kodwa uHlalanyathi akazange amxolele uNyathi, nomlomo wakhe sewuyolokhu wahlala ubomvu naphakade.",zul,isiZulu,Indaba kaHlalanyathi noNyath,"In the old days, Oxpecker had a bright yellow bill. He lived in a little hut in a patch of long grass. +Each day he would sweep his hut before setting off into the grass to catch his favourite food. +At night he would climb into his ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/indaba-kahlalanyathi-nonyathi +the-tale-oxpecker-and-buffalo,"Indie ou dae het Renostervoël ’n heldergeel snawel gehad. Hy hetin ’n klein hutjie in’n lappie lang gras gewoon.  +Hy het elke dag sy hut uitgevee voordat hy koers gekies het na die gras om sy gunstelingkos te gaan vang. Saans het hy dan in sy nesbed geklim, met sy maag vol groen sprinkane, vlieë en wriemelende wurms.  + + +As enigiemand dit naby die lang gras sou waag, het Renostervoël opgevlieg en op hulle geskree. Hy het hulle gepik en verwilder totdat hulle weggegaan het. Hy het daarvan gehou om alleen te woon, en wou dit nie met enigeen deel nie.  + + +Op ’n dag, terwyl Renostervoël insekte soek, hoor hy ’n diep gerammel, soos die geluid van donderweer in die heuwels, en iets keer die son weg.   + + +“Wat op aarde?” skree Renostervoël en vlieg op uit die lang gras om beter te kan sien. ’n Groot, swart dier met sterk horings loop deur die lang gras.  + + + +“Hallo,” sê Buffel. “Ek het weke laas iets geëet. Hierdie lang gras is presies wat ek nodig het. Kan ek maar daarvan eet?”  + + +“Nee! Gaan weg!” skree Renostervoël. “Wel, ek sal doodgaan as ek nie iets eet nie. Dit het maande laas gereën en hierdie is +die enigste lappie lang gras hier rond. Kan ek asseblief daarvan eet?” “Het jy my nie gehoor nie? Gaan weg!” sê Renostervoël, en vlieg om Buffel se kop.  + + +“Maar jy eet nie eens gras nie,” sê Buffel. En hy probeer weer: “Ons kan die gras deel.” “Ek deel nie! Dis myne! Myne! Myne! Skoert nou!” skree Renostervoël.  + + +Buffel se voorkop trek op ’n plooi en sy oë trek op skrefies. Hy is so kwaad dat sy stert heen en weer swiep en ’n hard klapgeluid maak toe dit teen sy kruis klap. +“Wel, as jy onbeskof gaan wees, gaan ek dit in elk geval eet. Ek eet gras, dis wat ek doen, en ek is honger, +so hier GAAN ek, jou ongepoetste voël,” sê Buffel en mik na die naaste graspol. “Jy sal dit nie waag nie!” gil Renostervoël.  +  + + +“Hoe gaan jy my keer? Kyk hoe groot is ek. En omdat jy so onbeskof is, gaan ek eet en eet en eet totdat ek genoeg gehad het.” +En met ’n harde KNARS! KNARS! begin Buffel eet.  + + +Dit maak Renostervoël so kwaad dat die punt van sy snawel helderrooi word. Renostervoël vlieg om Buffel se kop en skree en gil en gaan tekere, +maar Buffel hou net aan met eet. Gou is al die lang gras weg. Om dinge erger te maak, trap Buffel met sy groot hoef reg deur die dak van Renostervoël se hut.  + + +Renostervoël vlieg tot op Buffel se rug en begin sy vel pik. “Dit gaan nie werk nie,” sê Buffel. “My vel is baie dik.  +Selfs Leeu het my al met sy skerp tande probeer byt, en ek het weggekom. Jy’s te klein, Renostervoël. En jy’t gekry wat jy verdien het.  +Ek was bereid om te deel.”  + + +  +“Wel, dan’s dit hoe dit is,” sê Renostervoël, en raak skielik stil. “Ek was net kwaad en onbeskof omdat dit my huis was.  +Nou het ek nie meer ’n huis of kos nie – al daardie heerlike groen sprinkane, vlieë en wriemelende wurms wat in die lang gras gewoon het, is weg!  +Alles is weg.” Buffel kyk om na die huilende Renostervoël, en dan na die kaal stuk grond en die stukkende hut. +“Ek’s baie jammer dat ek jou huis vernietig het,” sê hy, “maar dalk kan ek jou vergoed daarvoor. Jy sien, ek het ’n probleem met insekte.  +Kyk maar net na my rug. Daar is altyd hopeloos te veel insekte wat oral aan my hang en oor my kruip. Jy kan hulle eet, +en dit sal regtig lekker wees as iemand my uiteindelik kan help om van hulle ontslae te raak.”  +  + + +Renostervoël kyk op en af langs Buffel se rug, en sien al die klein insekte wat aan Buffel se vel vasklou. Die voël se maag grom, +maar die idee om vir Buffel ’n guns te doen na alles wat gebeur het, maak Renostervoël net kwater en kwater. Sy geel snawel word rooier en rooier.  + + +“Eers eet jy al +my lieflike gras op!” skree Renostervoël. “Dan verwoes jy my huis. Jy het sowaar met jou groot hoef die dak stukkend getrap!  +Nou wil jy hê ek moet jou ’n guns doen en al hierdie insekte opeet!” Hy loop op en af op Buffel se rug, en pik aan die insekte terwyl hy praat. +“Jy is vermetel, Buffel! Asof ek jou sal help,” sê hy met sy mond vol insekte.  + + +  + + +Buffel haal net sy skouers op en loop verder, met Renostervoël wat op sy rug ry en bly skree en insekte eet.  +En dit doen hulle tot vandag toe, maar Renostervoël het nooit vir Buffel vergewe nie, en sy geel snawel het vir altyd rooi gebly.",afr,Afrikaans,Die verhaal van Renostervoël en Buffe,"In the old days, Oxpecker had a bright yellow bill. He lived in a little hut in a patch of long grass. +Each day he would sweep his hut before setting off into the grass to catch his favourite food. +At night he would climb into his ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-verhaal-van-renostervoël-en-buffel +the-tale-oxpecker-and-buffalo,"Mehleng ya boholoholo, Motjodi o ne a ena le molomo o bosehla bo kganyang. O ne a dula tlung e nyane ka hara jwang bo bolelele. +Letsatsi ka leng o ne a fiela ntlo ya hae pele a tswa ho leba jwanng ho ya batla dijo tseo a di ratang. Bosiu o ne a palama ka hara bethe ya sehlaha sa hae, +mpa ya hae e tletse marutle, dintsintsi, le diboko tse nyeunyang. Ha ho ne ho ena le motho ya kenang ka hara jwang boo bo bolelele, +Motjodi o ne a fofela hodimo a mo kgarumele. O ne a tla mo kobola a mo etsetse moferefere ho fihlela a baleha. +O ne a rata ho dula a le mong, mme o ne a sa batle ho arolelana le mang kapa mang. +  +Ka tsatsi le leng, ha Motjodi a sa tswile ho ya tsomana le dikokwanyana, a utlwa modumo o korotlelang fatshe, +jwaloka modumo wa lehadima le thwathwaretsang dithabeng, mme ho ne ho ena le ntho e thibileng letsatsi. +“Ke eng jwale?” ha kgaruma Motjodi, a fofela hodimo a tswa ka hara jwang bo bolelele hore a tsebe ho bona hantle. +Phoofolo e kgolo, e ntsho e nang le manaka a boima e ne e ntse e tsamaya ka hara jwang bo bolelele. + +“Dumela,” ha rialo Nare. “Ha ke eso je letho ka dibeke tse ngata. Jwang bona bo bolelele ke sona seo ke se hlokang hantle. Na nka ja bo bong?” +“Tjhe! Tsamaya!” ha kgaruma Motjodi. “Ruri, ke tla shwa haeba ke sa je ho hong. Ke dikgwedi tse mmalwa jwale pula e sa ne. +Sebaka sena ke sona feela se nang le jwang bo bolelele mona. Na o ka se ntumelle hore ke je hanyane feela, ka kopo hle?” + “Na ha o a nkutlwa? Tsamaya!” ha rialo Motjodi o fofa ka hodima hlooho ya Nare. “Empa wena ha o je jwang,” ha rialo Nare. Yaba o leka hape. +“Re ka nna ra arolelana ka jwang.” “Ha ke arolelane le motho! Bona ke ba ka! Ke ba ka! Ba ka! Jwale tsamaya mona!” ha omana Motjodi. +  +Phatla ya Nare ya sosobana mme mahlo a hae a atamelana. A halefa hona hoo mohlatla wa hae o ileng wa foka ho ya kwana le kwana, +o ntse o etsa modumo o phahameng o otlanang ha o ntse o otla mahlakore a marao a hae. “Ho lokile, haeba o batla ho ba tala, ntse ke tla bo nka he. +Ke ja jwang, ke seo ke se etsang, mme ke lapile, jwale he, KE NNA EO, nonyana towe o tellang,” ha rialo Nare a qala ho harola jwang. +“O keke wa etsa jwalo!” Motjodi wa itlatlarietsa. “O tla nthibela jwang? Ntjhebe hore ke moholo jwang. +Mme ka hobane o a tella, ke ikemiseditse hore ke tlo bo ja, ke bo je, ke bo je ho fihlela ke kgora.” Mme Nare a qalella ho HAROLA le ho HLAFUNA jwang. +Sena sa etsa hore Motjodi a halefe hona hoo molomo wa hae o bileng mofubedu qetellong mona. +  +Motjodi a fofela hloohong ya Nare a ntse a hoeletsa le ho itlatlarietsa le ho hemela hodimo, empa Nare a nna tswela pele ho ja. +Hanghang jwang bohle bo bolelele bo ne bo fedile. Ho mpefatsa dintho, Nare a bea leoto la hae le leholo hodima marulelo a ntlo ya Motjodi. +Motjodi a fofela mokokotlong wa Nare mme a qalella ho kobola letlalo la hae. “Seo se keke sa sebetsa,” ha rialo Nare. +“Letlalo la ka le letenya haholo. Esitana le Tau o lekile ho ntoma ka meno a hae a bohale empa ka pholoha. O monyenyane haholo wena, Motjodi. +Mme o tshwanetswe ke seo ke o entseng sona. Ke ne ke ikemiseditse ho arolelana le wena.” “Ho lokile he,” ha rialo Motjodi a qalella ho itholela. +“Ke ne ke halefile le ho ba tala hobane leo e ne e le lehae la ka. Jwale ha ke sa na lehae le dijo – marutle ale kaofela a monate, dintsintsi, +le diboko tse nyeunyang tse neng di phela jwanng bo bolelele di fedile! Ntho tsohle di fedile.” Nare a hetla a sheba Motjodi, +  +ya neng a lla, a boela a sheba le lefatshe le se nang jwang le ntlo e helehileng. “Ke mohau ha ke sentse lehae la hao,” a rialo, +“empa mohlomong nka o lefa ka tsela e nngwe. Ke na le bothata ba dikokwanyana, o a bona. Ke bolela hore, a ko shebe feela mokokotlong wa ka mona. +Ho dula ho ena le dikokwanyana tse ngata haholo tse itshwareleditseng le tse kgasang hohle hodima ka. +O ka nna wa di ja, mme ho tla ba molemo ho nna hore ho be teng ya ntlosetsang tsona.” +Motjodi a sheba hodimo le tlase mmeleng wa Nare mme a elellwa hore ho na le dikokwanyana tse manameng letlalong la Nare. +Mala a nonyana eo a korotla, empa eitse ha a nahana ho thusa Nare kamora hoba a entse ketso e jwalo, Motjodi a halefa le ho feta. +Molomo wa hae o mosehla wa nna wa tlerefala le ho feta. +  +“O qadile ka ho ja jwang ba ka bo botle!” ha omana Motjodi. “Ha o qeta wa senya ntlo ya ka. O ile wa bea leoto la hao le leholo marulelong a ntlo ya ka! +Jwale o batla hore ke je dikokwanyana tseo tsohle ho thusa wena!” A nna a nyolosa a theosa mokokotlong wa Nare, a ntse a kobola dikokwanyana ha a bua. +“Ruri o kgopo ka ho fetisisa, Nare! O nahana hore nna nka thusa wena,” a rialo molomo wa hae o tletse dikokwanyana. + +Nare a ikgaohanela mme a tsamaya Motjodi a ntse a le mokokotlong wa hae, a omana a bile a ntse a ja dikokwanyana. +Mme le kajeno ba ntse ba etsa sena, empa Motjodi ha a eso tshwarele Nare, kahoo molomo wa hae o ntse o le mofubedu le kajeno.",sot,Sesotho,Pale ya Motjodi le Nare,"In the old days, Oxpecker had a bright yellow bill. He lived in a little hut in a patch of long grass. +Each day he would sweep his hut before setting off into the grass to catch his favourite food. +At night he would climb into his ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/pale-ya-motjodi-le-nare +the-tale-oxpecker-and-buffalo,"Kgale, Modiša e be e na le molomo wo moserolane. O be a dula ka rantaboleng ka gare ga bjang bjo botelele. +Ka mehla o be a swiela rantabola pele a eya go nyaka dijo tše a di ratago bjanyeng. +Bošego o be a namela mpete wa sehlaga, mpa e tletše ditšie tše ditalamorago, dintšhi, le diboko tša go sopagana.  + + +Se se bego se etla bjanyeng bjo botelele, Modiša o be a fofela godimo, gomme a goeletša le go di hlabela lešata. O be a tlo di kobola go fihlela di sepela. +O be a rata go dula a le tee, o be a sa rate go abelana se a nago le sona le mang goba mang.  + + +  +Ka letšatši le lengwe ge Modiša a be a nyaka dikhunkhwane kua ntle, o kwele modumo, wo e kego ke modumo wa legadima mebotwaneng, +gomme selo se sengwe sa thiba letšatši. “Ke eng bjale?” gwa tšhoga Modiša, a fofela godimo go tšwa ka mabjanyeng a matelele gore a bogele gabotse.  + + +Phoofolo ye ntsho ye kgolo, ya manaka a boima, e be e sepela ka bjanyeng bjo botelele.  + + +  + + +  + + +“Dumela,” a realo Nare. “Ke na le dibeke ke sa je selo. Bjang bjo botelele bjo ke seo ke se nyakago. Nka bo ja?”  + + +“Aowa! Tloga fa!” gwa goeletša Modiša. “Gape ke tla hwa ge ke sa je se sengwe. Pula e feditše dikgwedi e sa ne. +Bjang bjo botelele ke bjona bjo fela tikologong ye. O ka se ntumelele ka bo ja, ka kgopelo hle?”  + + +“Ga se wa nkwa? Tloga fa!” a realo Modiša a fofa ka godimo ga hlogo ya Nare.  + + +“Efela ga o je bjang,” a realo Nare. Gomme a leka gape, “Re ka abelana bjang.”  + + +“Ga ke abelane! Ke bja ka! Bja ka! Bja ka! Bjale, tloga!” gwa goeletša Modiša.  +  + + +Phatla ya Nare ya šošobana, mahlo a hunyela meselaneng. O befetšwe kudu gomme mosela wa gagwe wa ya pele le morago, +wa dira lešata o betha ka morago. “Ge eba o tlile go tshwenya, ke ile go bo tšea le ge go le bjalo. Ke ja bjang, ke se ke se dirago, gomme ke swere ke tlala, +bjale KE A JA, wena nonyana ye mpe,” a realo Nare a le kgauswi le go ngwatha bjang. “O ka se leke!” gwa lla Modiša.  + + +“O tla nkemiša bjang? Lebelela gore ke yo mogolo bjang. Gomme ka gore o a tshwenya, ke akantše gore ke tla ja, ka ja, ka ja go fihlela ke khora.” +Gomme ka NGATHU! KGRR! ye kgolo! Nare ya thoma goja. Se se befedišitše Modiša kudu ka fao molomo wa gagwe wa fetogela bohubedung bja go taga. +  +Modiša a fofa ka godimo ga hlogo ya Nare a goeletša, a kgadimola le go lla, efela Nare a tšwela pele goja. Gateetee ke ge bjang bjo botelele bo fedile. +Go senya le go feta, Nare a tsenya tlhako ya gagwe ye kgolo marulelong a rantabola ya Modiša.  +Modiša e fofetše mokokotlong wa Nare ya thoma go kobola letlalo la gagwe. “Se se ka se šome,” a realo Nare. “Letlalo la ka ke le lekoto kudu. +Le Tau o lekile go ntoma ka meno a gagwe a bogale efela ka tšhaba. O yo monnyane kudu wena, Modiša. Gomme o swanelwa ke se o se hweditšego. +Ke be ke ikemišeditše go abelana.”  “Go diregile,” a realo Modiša a homola. “Ke be ke befetšwe ebile ke tshwenywa ke gore ke legae la ka le. +Gona bjale, ga ke na legae, ga ke na dijo – ditšie tšela tše di talamorogo tša bose ka moka, dintši le diboko tša go sopagana tše +di bego di dula mabjanyeng a matelele di sepetše! Dilo tšohle di sepetše.”  +  + + +Nare a lebelela Modiša yo a bego a lla ka morago, gomme a lebelela sekgoba sa go hloka bjang le rantabola ya go senyega. +“O ntshwarele ge ke sentše legae la gago,” a realo, “efela mogongwe nka go direla se sengwe. Wa bona, ke na le bothata le dikhunkhwane. +Ke ra gore, lebelela mokokotlo wa ka. Go dula go na le dikhunkhwane tše dintši tše di kotamago go ona ebile di ntshepela gohle fa. +O ka di ja, gomme ke tlo thaba ge ke hweditše motho wa go nkhutšiša tšona.”  + + +Modiša a lebelela mmele wa Nare gomme a bona dikhunkhwane tše dinnyane di kgomaretše letlalo la Nare. +Mpa ya nonyana ya rurumela, efela kgopolo ya go direla Nare mogau morago ga tšohle tše a di dirilego, ya befediša Modiša le go feta. +Molomo wa gagwe o moserolana o ile wa hwibila le go feta.  + + +  +“La mathomo o jele mabjang a ka a mabotse ka moka!” gwa goeletša Modiša. “Ka morago wa senya ntlo ya ka. +O tsentše tlhako ya gago marulelong! Bjale o nyaka gore ke je dikhunkhwane tše ka moka go go direla mogau!” +Ge a bolela, o be a le gare a eya godimo le tlase mokokotlong wa Nare a kobola dikhunkhwane. “O tloga o le yo mobe kudu, Nare! +Tše nka rego ke tlo go thuša,” a realo molongwana wa gagwe o tletše dikhunkhwane.  +  + + +  + + +Nare a itšhikinya a sepela le Modiša a le mokokotlong wa gagwe a goeletša gomme a eja dikhunkhwane. +Le lehono ba sa dira sona seo, efela Modiša ga se a swarela Nare, gomme molomo wa gagwe o moserolane wa dula o hwibitše saruri.",nso,Sepedi,Kanegelo ya Modiša le Nare,"In the old days, Oxpecker had a bright yellow bill. He lived in a little hut in a patch of long grass. +Each day he would sweep his hut before setting off into the grass to catch his favourite food. +At night he would climb into his ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kanegelo-ya-modiša-le-nare +the-tale-oxpecker-and-buffalo,"Khale wa khaleni, N’wamkhacani wa xinyenyani a ri na nomo wo leha wo vangama wa xitshopani. +A tshama eka xiyindlwani lexitsongo laha a ku ri na byanyi byo leha. +Masiku hinkwawo a kukula yindlu ya yena loko a nga si huma a ya ebyanyini ku ya khomela swakudya swa yena leswi a swi tsakelaka. +Nivusiku a khandziya ehenhla ka mubedo exisakeni xa yena, khwiri rilo ndee hi tinjiya, tinhongani na swivungu leswo tshombonyoka. +Loko un’wana a ta laha ku nga na byanyi lebyo leha, N’wamkhacani a ta haha a ya ehenhla a n’wi karihela. +A va jovotela na ku susa nyimpi ku fikela loko va famba. A rhandza ku tshama a ri yexe, naswona a nga rhandzi ku avelana na van’wana. +  +Siku rin’wana, loko N’wamkhacani a humile ku ya lava switsotswani, u twile ku n’unun’utelela ehansi, +loku a ku fana na mpfumawula wa ku baleka ka tilo eswintshabyanini, kutani xin’wana xi pfala dyambu. +“Xana se i yini?” ku cemela N’wamkhacani, a hahela ehenhla ka byanyi ku kota ku swi vona kahle. +Dyiharhi ledyikulu dya ntima dya timhondzo to tika a dyi ri karhi dyi famba eka byanyi lebyo leha. +  + +“Avuxeni,” ku vula N’wanyarhi. “A ndzi si dya nchumu kusukela mavhiki lawa ya nga hundza. Byanyi lebyo leha hi byona ndzi byi lavaka. +Xana ndzi nga byi kuma?” “E-e! Famba!” ku kariha N’wamkhacani. “Kambe, ndzi ta fa loko ndzi nga dyi nchumu. +A ku si na mpfula eka tin’hweti leto tala. Lebyi hi byona byanyi byo leha eka ndhawu leyi. Ndzi pfumeleli ndzi dya byin’wana bya byona, ndza kombela?” +“Xana a wu ndzi twanga na? Fambela lekule!” ku vula N’wamkhacani a ri karhi a haha-haha ehenhla ka nhloko ya N’wanyarhi. +“Kambe wena a wu dyi byanyi,” ku vula N’wanyarhi. Kutani a ringeta nakambe, “Hi nga avelana byanyi.” +“A ndzi avelani na munhu! Lebyi i bya mina! Mina! Mina! Fambela le kule sweswi!��� ku huwelela N’wamkhacani. +  +Gomu ra N’wanyarhi ri khwanyana kutani mahlo ya va matsongo ya pfalekanyana. +A hlundzukile lero ncila wa yena wu pulutela wu ya endzhaku na le mahlweni, +wu ri karhi wu endla mpfumawulo wa le henhla loko wu ri karhi wu ba ematlhelo ka milenge ya yena. +“Swi lulamile loko ku ri leswaku u lava ku delela, ndzi ya byi teka ni famba na byona. Mina ndzi dya byanyi, hileswi ndzi endlaka swona, +naswona ndzi na ndlala, hi leswi ndza byi TEKA, wena xinyenyani xo delela,” ku vula N’wanyarhi a ri karhi a lava ku dya byanyi. +  +“U nge swi endli sweswo!” ku kariha N’wamkhacani. “Xana u ta ndzi sivela njhani? Languta vukulu bya mina. +Hikuva wa delela, ndzi tekile xiboho xa leswaku ndzi ta dya ndzi dya lero na dya ku fikela loko khwiri ra mina ri ku ndee.” +Hi mpfumawulo wa le henhla wo NCAKUNYA! PHORO! N’wanyarhi a sungula ku dya. +Leswi swi hlundzukise N’wamkhacani swinene ku fikela laha makumu ya nomo wa yena ku nga cinca ku va muhlovo wo tshwuka wo hatima. +N’wamkhacani a haha-haha ehenhla ka nhloko ya N’wanyarhi a ri karhi a huwelela hi ku kariha, kambe N’wanyarhi aya emahlweni a dya. +Hi xinkadyana byanyi hinkwabyo lebyo leha a byi herile. Ku pfatlanya xilondza, N’wanyarhi u vekile nenge wa yena lowukulu ehenhla ka lwangu ra yindlu +ya N’wamkhacani. N’wamkhacani u haherile ehenhla ka nhlana wa N’wanyarhi a sungula ku n’wi jovotela nhlonge yakwe. +  +“Sweswo a swi nge tirhi,” ku vula N’wanyarhi. “Nhlonge ya mina yi tsindziyerile swinene. +Hambi ku ri N’wanghala u ringetile ku ndzi luma hi meno ya yena lamo tontswa kambe ndzi phonyokile. +Wena u ntsongo swinene, N’wamkhacani. Nakambe wena u fanela hi leswi u nga swi kuma. Mina a ndzi swi tsakela leswaku hi avelana.” + “Loko swiritano, hi sweswo ke,” ku vula N’wamkhacani loyi a hungute na huwa. “A ndzi hlundzukile na ku ku delela hikuva a ku ri kaya ra mina. +Sweswi a ndza ha ri na kaya hambi swakudya – hinkwato tinjiya letiya ta rihlaza, tinhongani, +na swivungu leswiya swo tshombonyoka leswi a swi tshama eka byanyi lebyiya byo leha swi fambile! Hinkwaswo swi fambile.” +  +N’wanyarhi a languta endzhaku eka N’wamkhacani, loyi a ri karhi a rila, na le ka rivala ra misava leri a ri nga ha ri na nchumu na yindlu leyi hahlukeke. +“Ndzi rivaleli ku va ndzi hodlosile yindlu ya wena,” a vula, “kumbexana ndzi nga ku ririsa. Ndzi na xiphiqo na switsotswani, wa swi vona. +Ndzi vula ku ri, languta enhlaneni wa mina. Ku tshamela ro va na switsotswani leswi tshamaka na ku kasa emirini wa mina hinkwawo. +U nga dya swona, naswona swi nga tsakisa loko ku nga va na loyi ekuheteleleni a nga ndzi susaka swona.” +  +N’wamkhacani a languta ehenhla na le hansi ka miri wa N’wanyarhi kutani a vona switsotswani hinkwaswo leswitsongo leswi nga namarhela miri wa N’wanyarhi. +Khwiri ra xinyenyani ri duma, kambe mianakanyo yo endlela N’wanyarhi tintswalo endzhaku ka leswi a nga swi endla hinkwaswo, +swi endla leswaku N’wamkhacani a hlundzuka na ku hlundzuka. Nomo wa yena wu ya wu nyanya ku tshwuka na ku tshwuka. +“Xosungula u dyile byanyi bya mina byo saseka!” ku huwelela N’wamkhacani. “Endzhaku u hodlosa yindlu ya mina. +U hoxile nenge wa wena ehenhla ka lwangu ra yindlu! Sweswi u lava mina ndzi ku endlela tintswalo ndzi dya switsotswani leswi hinkwaswo!” +U yile ehenhla na le hansi ka nhlana wa N’wanyarhi, a ri karhi jovotela switsotswani loko a ri karhi a vulavula. +“Wena u na tihanyi, N’wanyarhi! Onge mina ndzi ta ku pfuna,” a vula leswi nomo wu tele hi switsotswani. +  + +N’wanyarhi u lo khindlata makatla a famba na N’wamkhacani loyi yena a khandziyile enhlaneni wa yena, a ri karhi a polomba na ku dya switsotswani. +Na namuntlha na sweswi va ha endla sweswo, kambe N’wamkhacani a nga n’wi rivalelangi N’wanyarhi, +naswona nomo wa yena lowa xitshopani wa ha ri wo tshwuka na sweswi.",tso,Xitsonga,tsheketo wa N’wamkhacani na N’wanyarh,"In the old days, Oxpecker had a bright yellow bill. He lived in a little hut in a patch of long grass. +Each day he would sweep his hut before setting off into the grass to catch his favourite food. +At night he would climb into his ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ntsheketo-wa-n’wamkhacani-na-n’wanyarhi +the-tale-oxpecker-and-buffalo,"Bogologolotala, Kalatshomi o ne a na le molomo o o serolwana. O ne a nna mo ntlwaneng e e fa gare ga bojang jo boleele. +Letsatsi lengwe le lengwe o ne a phepafatsa ntlwana ya gagwe pele a ya kwa bojannyeng go iponela dijo tse a di ratang. +Maitsiboa o ne a palama mo bolaong mo sentlhageng, mpa ya gagwe e tletse ditsie tse di tala, dintsi le diboko. +Fa go le mongwe yo o ka tlang mo sebateng sa bojang jo boleele, Kalatshomi o ne a fofela kwa godimo a ba omana. +O ne a ba lomaloma a ba tena go fitlhela ba tsamaya. O ne a rata go nna a le esi, e bile o ne a sa rate go abelana le ope. +  +Ka letsatsi lengwe, fa Kalatshomi a tswile a ile go sela ditsie, a utlwa sengwe se dumela kwa tlase, jaaka modumo wa legadima le itaya mo dithabeng, +mme sengwe se thibile letsatsi.“Ke eng jaanong?” Kalatshomi a bokolela, a fofa go tswa mo bojannyeng jo boleele gore a bone sentle. Phologolo e kgolo, e ntsho ka +dinaka tse di boima e ne e tsamaya mo bojannyeng jo boleele. +  + +“Dumela,” ga bua Nare. “Ga ke ise ke je sepe mo dibekeng di le mmalwa. Bojang jo boleele ke bona ke bo tlhokang. A nka fula bojang jo?” +“Nnyaya! Tsamaya!” Kalatshomi a goa. “Fa go ntse jalo, ke tlile go swa fa ke sa je sepe. Dipula di tlhokile go na ka lebaka le letelele. +Lefelo le ke lone fela le nang le bojang jo boleele mo setsheng se. A o ka ntetla go ja go le gonnye, tsweetswee?” +“A ga o a nkutlwa sentle? Tsamaya!” Kalatshomi a bua a fofa a dikologa tlhogo ya ga Nare. “Kana wena ga o je bojang,” ga bua Nare. +A bo a leka gape, “Re ka nna ra abelana bojang.” “Ga ke abelane! Ke jwa me! Jwa me! Jwa me! Jaanong tsamaya!” ga goa Kalatshomi. +Nare a sosobanya phatla a ngotla le matlho a gagwe. A šakgala thata a pena mogatla go ya kwa pele le kwa morago, +a ntse a bopa, mogatla o itaya matlhakore a mmele. “Fa e le gore o tlile go nna makgakga, ke tlile go bo tsaya. +Ke fula bojang, ke se ke se dirang, mme ke tshwerwe ke tlala, ka jalo, KE A FULA, nonyane ke wena e e makgakga,” ga bua Nare a le gaufi le go fula bojang. +“Leka fela!” ga bua Kalatshomi. “O tlile go nthibela jang? Leba gore ke mogolo jang. Le gone ka gore o makgakga, ke sweditse gore ke tlile go fula, +ke fule ke bo ke fule go fitlha ke kgora.” Ga nna modumo wa go PHUPHURA! le go MUMURA! Nare a simolola go fula. +  +Se sa tena Kalatshomi thata mme molomo wa gagwe wa fetoga wa nna mohibidu. Kalatshomi a fofa go dikologa tlhogo ya ga Nare a goa, +a gwetla, e bile a kgalema, fela Nare a tswelela go fula bojang. Ka bonako fela bojang botlhe jo boleele bo ne bo fedile. +Go utlwisa Kalatshomi botlhoko le go feta, Nare a gata ntlwana ya ga Kalatshomi ka tlhako ya gagwe e kgolo. +Kalatshomi a fofela mo mokwatleng wa ga Nare mme a simolola go kobola letlalo la ga Nare. +  +“Se ga se kitla se thusa ka sepe,” ga bua Nare. “Letlalo la me le lekima thata. Le Tau o setse a lekile go ntoma ka meno a gagwe a a bogale mme ke mo tlhotse. +Wena o monnye thata, Kalatshomi. Makgakga a gago ga a go busetsa sepe. Ke ne ke batla re abelane.” “Fela go siame jaanong,” +ga bua Kalatshomi ka lentswe le le kwa tlase. “Ke ne ke tenegile e bile ke le makgakga ka gonne e le legae la me. +Jaanong ga ke na legae le fa e le dijo – ditsie tsele tse di tala tse di monate, dintsi le diboko tse di neng di nna mo bojannyeng di ile! Tsotlhe fela di ile.” +  +Nare a leba Kalatshomi gape, yo o neng a lela jaanong, jaanong a lebelela mo lebaleng le le senang bojang le ntlwana e e thubegileng. +“Ke maswabi fa ke thubile ntlwana ya gago,” a bua jalo, “fela nka dira sengwe go go thusa. Ke tshwenngwa ke ditshenekegi, o a bona. +Leba fela mokwatla wa me. Go na le ditshenekegi di le dintsi tse di iketlileng di saila mo godimo ga me. +O ka nna wa di ja, e bile nka itumela fa mongwe a ka ntlosetsa ditshenekegi tse.” +Kalatshomi a leba mmele wa ga Nare kwa godimo le kwa tlase mme a bona ditshenekegi tsotlhe tse dinnye di kgomaretse mo letlalong la ga Nare. +Kalatshomi a tshwarwa ke tlala, fela a tenwa ke gore a direle Nare molemo morago ga botlhoko jo Nare a mo utlwisitseng bona. +Molomo wa gagwe o o serolwana wa fetoga bohibidu le go feta. +  +“Sa ntlha o jele bojang jo bo monate jwa me!” Kalatshomi a goa. “Fa o fetsa wa thuba ntlwana ya me. +O gatile le go robakanya dithulelo tsa ntlo ya me ka tlhako ya gago e kgolo! Jaanong o batla ke go direle molemo ka go ja ditshenekegi mo mokwatleng wa gago!” +O ne a ya kwa godimo le kwa tlase mo mokwatleng wa ga Nare, a ntse a kobola ditshenekegi a ntse a bua. “Ruri o Nare e e bosula e nkileng ka e bona! +Jaaka e kete ke tla go thusa,” a bua jalo molongwana wa gagwe o tletse ditshenekegi. + +Nare o ne a tsholetsa magetla a gagwe ka bonya mme a tsamaya le Kalatshomi a palame mo mokwatleng wa gagwe, a omana a ntse a ja ditshenekegi. +Le gompieno ba tswelela fela jalo, fela Kalatshomi ga a ise a itshwarele Nare, mme molomo wa gagwe o o serolwane o ne wa fetogela leruri go nna mohibidu.",tsn,Setswana,Kgang ya ga Kalatshomi le Nare,"In the old days, Oxpecker had a bright yellow bill. He lived in a little hut in a patch of long grass. +Each day he would sweep his hut before setting off into the grass to catch his favourite food. +At night he would climb into his ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kgang-ya-ga-kalatshomi-le-nare +crocodile’s-funeral,"All the animals knew that Crocodile had a big pile of gold in her house, but none of them had ever seen it because Crocodile was nasty and mean. She would chase them away and bite them with her sharp teeth. One hot day in summer, Monkey was out walking by the river when he saw Crocodile lying in the sunshine. Monkey, who was very naughty, picked up a stick and poked Crocodile on the side of her body. Crocodile didn’t move, so Monkey poked her again. + +“She must be dead,” said Monkey. He ran off to tell the other animals. All the animals arrived to have a funeral for Crocodile. They stood around her body and talked. They wanted to know who would get Crocodile’s big pile of gold. They all wanted the gold, of course, but the law of the bushveld said that the gold belonged to Crocodile’s relatives. And that was the problem – nobody knew who Crocodile’s living relatives were. So wise Tortoise called a big meeting on the river bank to find out. +  +First, the birds, with their colorful feathers and beautiful voices, stood up to speak. “We must be the living relatives of our dear mother Crocodile,” they sang together. “Even though Crocodile was not as beautiful as we are, she laid big eggs in the sand. We deserve her big pile of gold.” The other animals shouted, “NOOO!” and the birds sat down. +  +“That is very true,” said Tortoise. “Crocodile did lay big eggs in the sand. Does anyone else have something to say about it?” The lizard clan stood up and hissed at the birds. “That’s rubbish,” said the leader of the lizards. “I know plenty of lizards who also lay eggs, and we aren’t birds at all. The crocodile was a member of our clan because of her scaly skin. We deserve the big pile of gold.” The other animals shouted, “NOOO!” and the lizards sat down. “That is also very true,” said Tortoise. “Crocodile does have scaly skin. Does anyone else have something to say about it?” There was a splash from the river, and four blue heads popped out of the water. “We don’t care if she laid eggs, or had scaly skin,” said the fish. “We have scales too, and we used to watch Crocodile swim underwater every day. She was a fish, just like us. We deserve the big pile of gold.” +  +“Oh no, that’s not true,” said the leader of the lizards. “Just look at her lying there. She has four legs. Show me a fish with four legs.” “But she swam,” said the fish. “Wait!” said Springbok. “Crocodile has four legs. Everyone in the buck clan has four legs too, so she must have been a buck. We deserve the big pile of gold.” “But you don’t lay eggs,” sang the birds. The fish popped out of the river and sprayed water on the birds. The birds took off into the sky and flapped around.“Why did you do that?” asked one of the birds. “If you really are Crocodile’s relatives, then you would love water,” said the fish. “Besides, did you ever see Crocodile fly?” +  +And soon all the animals of the bushveld were fighting amongst themselves and shouting. “Stop, everybody! Stop!” said Tortoise, but no one would listen to him. Suddenly, Tortoise felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around. Something terrible was looking down at him. It had great big eyes and very sharp teeth. It was Crocodile! “I thought you were dead,” said Tortoise, shaking in his shell. “I was sleeping,” said Crocodile in her big voice. “But all this noise woke me up.” Tortoise mumbled an apology and scuttled off into the bushveld. Crocodile turned to the other animals. “Hey!” she shouted. Everyone stopped fighting and was silent. They looked at Crocodile with wide eyes. + +“That’s better,” said Crocodile. “So you all want my gold, do you? Well, firstly, I would like to have dinner with my living relatives. So who wants to stay and eat something delicious?” asked Crocodile licking her lips. “The birds are your relatives,” said the fish, swimming away quickly. “Oh, no, the buck are,” said the birds flying off into the treetops. “They have four legs.” But the buck clan had already disappeared into the bushes. “Well,” said the lizards, “that leaves only us. Oh please, don’t gobble us up, Crocodile.” “Gobble you up?” said Crocodile smiling. “Why would I eat my own relatives? Come on, lizards. Let’s go and have dinner.” +So the lizards followed Crocodile to her hut, where they ate marula cake and drank delicious spring water, and told jokes and laughed until it was dark outside. And from that day on, all the animals knew that the lizards were the true living relatives of Crocodile, and that when she did actually die, they would get her big pile of gold.",eng,English,Crocodile’s funer,"All the animals knew that Crocodile had a big pile of gold in her house, but none of them had ever seen it because Crocodile was nasty and mean. She would chase them away and bite them with her sharp teeth. One hot day in summer, Monkey was out ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/crocodile’s-funeral +crocodile’s-funeral,"Zonke izilwanyana zazisazi ukuba uNgwenya unemfumba enkulu yegolide emzini wakhe, kodwa akakho owakhe wayibona kuba uNgwenya wayenolunya kwaye ekhohlakele. Wayeza kuzileqa azilume ngamazinyo akhe abukhali. Ngosuku olushushu lwasehlotyeni, uNkawu wayephumile ehamba-hamba emlanjeni waze wabona uNgwenya engqengqile egcakamele ilanga. UNkawu, owayeqaqadekile, wachola intonga waze wahlokohla uNgwenya ecaleni emzimbeni wakhe. UNgwenya zange ashukume, waphinda wamhlokohla uNkawu. + +“Ngokuqinisekileyo ubhubhile,” watsho uNkawu. Wabaleka waya kuxelela ezinye izilwanyana. Zonke izilwanyana zafika emngcwabeni kaNgwenya. Zema zijikeleze umzimba wakhe zithetha. Zazifuna ukuqonda ukuba ngubani oza kufumana imfumba enkulu yegolide kaNgwenya. Zonke zaziyifuna igolide, kakade, kodwa umthetho wasematyholweni wawusithi igolide yeyezalamane zikaNgwenya. Ingxaki yayiyileyo – akukho mntu wayesazi ukuba ngoobani izalamane zikaNgwenya eziphilayo. Ngoko ke uFudo olumkileyo wabiza intlanganiso enkulu ngasemlanjeni ukuze kufunyaniswe oko. +Okokuqala iintaka, ngeentsiba zazo ezimibala-bala namazwi azo amnandi, zasukuma zathetha. “Ngokuqinisekileyo sizizalamane zikamama wethu esimthandayo uNgwenya,” zacula kunye. “Nangona uNgwenya wayengemhlanga njengathi, ebebekela amaqanda amakhulu esantini. Sikufanele ukufumana imfumba enkulu yegolide.” Zakhwaza ezinye izilwanyana, “HAYI-I-I!” zaze zahlala phantsi iintaka. “Yinyaniso engenakuphikiswa leyo,” watsho uFudo. “UNgwenya ebebekela amaqanda amakhulu esantini. Ingaba ukhona omnye onento yokuthetha?” +  +Uhlanga lwamacilikishe lwasukuma, lwafuthela iintaka. “Ngamampunge lawo,” yatsho inkokheli yamacilikishe. “Ndazi amacilikishe amaninzi nawo azalela amaqanda, kodwa thina asizontaka kwaphela. UNgwenya ebelilungu lohlanga lwethu ngenxa yesikhumba sakhe esinamaxolo. Sikufanele ukufumana imfumba enkulu yegolide.” Zakhwaza ezinye izilwanyana, “HAYI-I-I!” aze ahlala phantsi amacikilishe. “Yinyaniso engenakuphikiswa leyo,” watsho uFudo. “UNgwenya ebenesikhumba esinamaxolo. Ingaba ukhona omnye onento yokuthetha?” +Kwabakho umtshizo ophuma emlanjeni, kwaze kwatakela ngaphandle kwamanzi iintloko ezine ezizuba. “Asikhathali yinto yokuba yena ebezalela amaqanda, okanye kukuba ebenesikhumba esinamaxolo,” itshilo intlanzi. “Sinamaxolo nathi, kwaye besiqhele ukubukela uNgwenya equbha phantsi kwamanzi yonke imihla. Ebeyintlanzi, njengathi. Sikufanele ukufumana imfumba enkulu yegolide.” “Owu hayi, asiyonyaniso leyo,” yatsho inkokheli yamacilikishe. “Mjonge ngoku elele phaya. Unemilenze emine. Ndibonise intlanzi enemilenze emine.” “Kodwa ebequbha,” yatsho intlanzi. +“Khanimeni!” watsho uBhadi. “UNgwenya unemilenze emine. Wonke umntu kuhlanga lwamabhadi unemilenze emine, ngoko ke ngokuqinisekileyo ebelibhadi. Sikufanele ukufumana imfumba enkulu yegolide.” “Kodwa anizaleli maqanda,” zacula iintaka. Intlanzi yatakela ngaphandle komlambo yaze yatshiza iintaka ngamanzi. Iintaka zasuka zabhabha ukuntingela esibhakabhakeni ziphaphazela. “Uyenzele ntoni loo nto?” yabuza enye yeentaka. “Ukuba benizizalamane zikaNgwenya ngenene, beniya kuwathanda amanzi,” yatsho intlanzi. “Ngaphaya koko, nanikhe nambona uNgwenya ebhabha?” Ngephanyazo zonke izilwanyana etyholweni zazisilwa zodwa zikhwaza. “Yimani, wonke umntu! Yimani!” watsho uFudo, kodwa akakho owayemmamele. +  +Ngephanyazo, weva umbambazelo egxalabeni lakhe, wajonga emva. Kwakukho into eyoyikekayo eyayimjongele ezantsi. Yayinamehlo amakhulu namazinyo abukhali. YayinguNgwenya! “Bendicinga ukuba ubhubhile,” watsho uFudo, engcangcazela eqokobheni lakhe. “Bendilele,” watsho uNgwenya ngelizwi lakhe elikhulu. “Kodwa ndivuswe yiyo yonke le ngxolo.” UFudo wadumzela ecela uxolo waze warhubuluzela ngasematyholweni. UNgwenya wajika wajonga ezinye izilwanyana. “Heyi!” wakhwaza. Wonke umntu wayeka ukulwa kwaze kwathi cwaka. Bajonga uNgwenya bengawatwezanga ngako amehlo. + +“Kwatsho kwabhetele,” watsho uNgwenya. “Kanene nonke nifuna igolide yam, ingaba kunjalo? Kulungile, okokuqala, ndinqwenela ukufumana isidlo sasebusuku nezalamane zam eziphilayo. Ngoko ke ngubani ofuna ukusala ukuze atye ukutya okumnandi?” wabuza uNgwenya ekhotha imilebe yakhe. “Iintaka zizalamane zakho,” yatsho intlanzi, iqubhela kude ngokukhawuleza. “Owu hayi, ngamabhadi,” zatsho iintaka zibhabha zisiya kuthi ngcu phezulu emithini. “Anemilenze emine.” Kodwa uhlanga lwamabhadi lwaluselunyamalele ematyholweni. “Kulungile,” atsho amacilikishe, “ngoku kushiyeke thina sodwa. Uze uncede, ungasityi torho, Ngwenya.” “Ukunitya?” watsho uNgwenya encumile. “Ndingazityela ntoni izalamane zam? Hayini bo, macilikishe. Masihambeni siye kwisidlo sasebusuku.” +Ngoko ke amacilikishe alandela uNgwenya aya endlwini yakhe, apho bafika batya ikeyiki yemarula basela namanzi amnandi asemthonjeni, babebaliselana okuhlekisayo behleka kwade kwarhatyela. Kanti ukususela ngaloo mini, zonke izilwanyana zaba nolwazi lokuba amacilikishe azizalamane zenene eziphilayo zikaNgwenya, kwacaca ukuba mhla wabhubha, ngawo aya kufumana imfumba enkulu yakhe yegolide.",xho,isiXhosa,Umngcwabo kaNgweny,"All the animals knew that Crocodile had a big pile of gold in her house, but none of them had ever seen it because Crocodile was nasty and mean. She would chase them away and bite them with her sharp teeth. One hot day in summer, Monkey was out ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umngcwabo-kangwenya +crocodile’s-funeral,"Al die diere weet dat Krokodil ’n groot hoop goud in haar huis het, maar nie een van hulle het dit al ooit gesien nie, want Krokodil is naar en gemeen. Sy sal hulle wegjaag en hulle met haar skerp tande byt. Een warm somersdag stap Aap langs die rivier toe hy Krokodil in die son sien lê. Aap, wat baie stout is, tel ’n stok op en steek Krokodil in haar sy. Krokodil roer nie, en Aap steek haar weer. + +“Sy moet dood wees,” sê Aap. Hy hardloop om vir die ander diere te gaan vertel. Al die diere kom bymekaar om vir Krokodil ’n begrafnis te hou. Hulle staan om haar en gesels. Hulle wil weet wie Krokodil se groot hoop goud gaan erf. Natuurlik wil almal die goud hê, maar die wet van die bosveld sê dat die goud aan Krokodil se familie behoort. En dis die probleem – niemand weet wie Krokodil se familie is nie. Wyse Skilpad roep toe die diere op die rivierwal bymekaar om uit te vind. Eers staan die voëls, met hul kleurvolle vere en pragtige stemme, op om te praat. “Ons moet die familielede van ons dierbare moeder Krokodil wees,” sing hulle almal saam. “Selfs al was Krokodil nie so mooi soos ons nie, het sy groot eiers in die sand gelê. Ons verdien haar groot hoop goud.” Die ander diere skree: “NEEE!” en die voëls gaan sit. +  +“Dis baie waar,” sê Skilpad. “Krokodil het groot eiers in die sand gelê. Het enigiemand anders iets hieroor te sê?” Die akkedisfamilie staan op en sis vir die voëls. “Dis twak,” sê die leier van die akkedisse. “Ek ken baie akkedisse wat ook eiers lê, en ons is glad nie voëls nie. Krokodil was ’n lid van ons familie, want haar vel is ook vol skubbe. Ons verdien die groot hoop goud.” Die ander diere skree: “NEEE!” en die akkedisse gaan sit. “Dis ook baie waar,” sê Skilpad. “Krokodil het ’n skubberige vel. Het enigiemand anders iets hieroor te sê?” Daar is ’n plons in die rivier, en vier blou koppe verskyn bo die water. “Ons gee nie om of sy eiers gelê het of skubberige vel het nie,” sê die visse. “Ons het ook skubbe, en ons het elke dag vir Krokodil onder die water sien swem. Sy was net ’n vis, soos ons. Ons verdien die groot hoop goud.” +  +“O, nee, dis nie waar nie,” sê die leier van die akkedisse. “Kyk net hoe sy daar lê. Sy het vier bene. Wys vir my ’n vis met vier bene.” “Maar sy’t geswem,” sê die visse. “Wag!” sê Springbok. “Krokodil het vier bene. Al die wildsbokke het ook vier bene, so sy moes ’n wildsbok gewees het. Ons verdien die groot hoop goud.” “Maar julle lê nie eiers nie,” sing die voëls. Die visse plas in die rivier rond en spat die voëls vol water. Die voëls vlieg op en fladder rond. “Waarom het julle dit gedoen?” vra een van die voëls. “As julle regtig familie van Krokodil was, sou julle van water gehou het,” sê die visse. “Buitendien, het julle ooit vir Krokodil sien vlieg?” En sommer gou baklei al die diere van die bosveld onder mekaar. “Stop, almal! Stop!” sê Skilpad, maar niemand luister na hom nie. +  +Skielik voel Skilpad hoe iemand hom op die skouer tik en hy draai om. ’n Verskriklike ding kyk af na hom. Dit het groot oë en baie skerp tande. Dis Krokodil! “Ek dag jy is dood,” sê Skilpad, en bewe binne-in sy dop. “Ek het geslaap,” sê Krokodil met haar diep stem. “Maar die lawaai het my wakker gemaak.” Skilpad mompel ’n verskoning en skarrel weg in die bosveld in. Krokodil draai na die ander diere. “Haai!” skree sy. Hou nou op baklei en bly stil. Hulle kyk met groot oë na Krokodil. + +“Dis beter,” sê Krokodil. “So julle wil almal my goud hê, nie waar nie? Wel, eers wil ek graag aandete eet saam met my ware familielede. Wie wil bly vir ’n smaaklike ete?” vra Krokodil en lek haar lippe af. “Die voëls is jou familie,” sê die visse en swem vinnig weg. “O, nee, die wildsbokke is,” sê die voëls en vlieg tot in die boomtoppe. “Hulle het vier bene.” Maar die wildsbokke het klaar in die bosse verdwyn. “Wel,” sê die akkedisse, “dan bly net ons oor. Moet ons asseblief nie opeet nie, Krokodil.” “Julle opeet?” sê Krokodil met ’n glimlag. “Hoekom sal ek my eie familie opeet? Kom, akkedisse, kom ons gaan eet.” +Die akkedisse volg vir Krokodil na haar hut waar hulle maroelakoek eet en heerlike fonteinwater drink en grappe vertel en lag tot dit donker word buite. En van daardie dag af weet al die diere dat die akkedisse Krokodil se regte familie is, en dat hulle haar groot hoop goud sal erf wanneer sy eendag regtig doodgaan.",afr,Afrikaans,Krokodil se begrafnis,"All the animals knew that Crocodile had a big pile of gold in her house, but none of them had ever seen it because Crocodile was nasty and mean. She would chase them away and bite them with her sharp teeth. One hot day in summer, Monkey was out ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/krokodil-se-begrafnis +crocodile’s-funeral,"Diphoofolo ka moka di be di tseba gore Kwena o na le mokgobo o mogolo wa gauta ka ntlong ya gagwe, efela ga go yo nkilego a o bona ka gobane Kwena o be a se na lešoko gape a le yo mobe. O be a ba koba gape a ba loma ka meno a bogale. Letšatši le lengwe la selemo la go fiša, Kgabo o rile a sepela nokeng a bona Kwena a patlame mo letšatšing. Kgabo wa go ba le mahlale kudu, o ile a topa patla a kgotla Kwena ka thoko ga mmele wa gagwe. Kwena ga se a itšhikinya gomme Kgabo a mo kgotla gape. + +“O swanetše go ba a hwile,” a realo Kgabo. O ile a kitima a ya go botša diphoofolo tše dingwe. Diphoofolo ka moka di ile tša tla polokong ya Kwena. Di eme go dikologa mmele wa gagwe gomme tša bolela. Di be di nyaka go tseba gore ke mang yo a tla tšeago mokgobo o mogolo wa gauta ya Kwena. Ka moka ba be ba nyaka gauta, efela, go ya ka molao wa lešoka gauta ke ya meloko ya Kwena. Gomme seo e be e le bothata – ga go yo a bego a tseba gore meloko ya Kwena e dula kae. Gomme Khudu wa bohlale a bitša kopana leribeng la noka go sedimošwa ka ga seo. La mathomo gwa emelela dinonyana ka mafofa a mebalabala le mantšu a mabotse, tša bolela. “Re swanetše go ba re le maloko a go phela a mmago rena wa go ratega Kwena,” tša opela mmogo. “Le ge Kwena a be a se botse bjalo ka rena, o be a bea mae a magolo mohlabeng. Re swanelwa ke mokgobo o mogolo wa gauta ya gagwe.” Diphoofolo tše dingwe tša goeletša, “AOWAAA!” gomme dinonyana tša dula fase. “Ke nnete,” a realo Khudu. “Kwena o beile mae a magolo mohlabeng. Go na le yo a nyakago go bolela se sengwe ka se?” +  +Leloko la megaditswana la emelela gomme la šutšetša dinonyana. “Ke ditšhila tšeo,” a realo moetapele wa megaditswana. “Ke tseba megaditswane ye mentši ya go bea mae gape, gomme ga re dinonyana le gatee. Kwena e be e le leloko la moloko wa rena ka lebaka la letlalo la gagwe la dikgepetla. Re swanelwa ke mokgobo o mogolo wa gauta.” Diphoofolo tše dingwe tša goeletša, “AOWAAA!” gomme megaditswana ya dula fase. “Ye le yona ke nnete,” a realo Khudu. “Kwena o be a na le letlalo la dikgepetla. Go na le yo a nyakago go bolela se sengwe ka se?” Gwa kwagala phonkgo go tšwa ka nokeng, gomme gwa rotoga dihlogo tše ditalalerata tše nne ka meetseng. “Ga re na taba le gore o beile mae goba o be a na le letlalo la dikgepetla,” tša realo dihlapi. “Le rena re na le dikgepetla, gomme re be e hlwa re bona Kwena a rutha ka tlase ga meetse letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe. E be e le hlapi, bjalo ka rena. Go a swanelwa ke mokgobo o mogolo wa gauta.” +  +“Aowaowa, ga se nnete seo,” a realo moetapele wa megaditswane. “Mo lebelele mola a patlamego. O na le maoto a mane. Mpontšhe hlapi ya go ba le maoto a mane.” “Efela o be a rutha,” tša realo dihlapi. “Ema!” a realo Tshepe. “Kwena o na le maoto a mane. Bohle lelokong la dikgana ba na le maoto a mane, o swanetše go ba e be e le kgana. Re swanelwa ke mokgobo o mogolo wa gauta.” “Efela ga le beye mae,” gwa opela dinonyana. Hlapi ya rotoga ka nokeng gomme ya šašetša dinonyana ka meetse. Dinonyana tša fofela godimo tša phaphasetša maphego. “Le direlang seo?” gwa botšiša nonyana ye nngwe. “Ge nkabe le le meloko ya Kwena ka nnete, le be le tlo rata meetse,” a realo hlapi. “Ntle le seo, nkile la bona Kwena a fofa?” Gomme ka nakwana diphoofolo tša lešoka ka moka tša lwa magareng ga tšona gomme di hlabile lešata. “Emišang, ka moka ga lena! Emišang!” Khudu a realo, gomme gwa se be le yo a mo theeletšago. +Gateetee Khudu a kwa a kgwathwa legetleng gomme a retologa. Selo sa go šiiša se be se mo lebeletše. Se be se na le mahlo a magolo le meno a bogale kudu. E be e le Kwena! “Ke be ke nagana gore o hwile,” a realo Khudu a thuthumela ka kgapetleng ya gagwe. “Ke be ke robetše,” a realo Kwena ka lentšu la gagwe le legolo. “Efela ke tsošitšwe ke lešata le legolo le.” Khudu o ile a kgopela tshwarelo gomme a felela ka lešokeng. Kwena ya retologela go diphoofolo tše dingwe. “Hei!” a goeletša. Bohle ba ile ba emiša go lwa gomme gwa re kgwatha. Ba ile ba tomolela Kwena mahlo. +  + +“Go kaone,” a realo Kwena. “Ka moka ga lena le nyaka gauta ya ka, ga go bjalo? Agaa, sa mathomo, ke tla rata goja dijo tša go lalela le meloko ya ka ya go phela. Ke mang yo a nyakago go šala gomme a ja dijo tša bose?” gwa botšiša Kwena e itatswa melomo. “Meloko ya gago ke dinonyana,” tša realo dihlapi, di rutha ka lebelo. “Aowaowa, ke dikgana,” dinonyana tša realo di fofela godimo ga mehlare. “Di na le maoto a mane.” Efela leloko la dikgana le be le šetše le nyameletše ka lešokeng. “Agaa,” ya realo megaditswane, “go šetše rena fela. Ka kgopelo hle, o se re kwametše, Kwena.” “Ka le kwametša?” a realo Kwena a myemyela. “Goreng nka ja meloko ya ka? Aowa, megaditswane. Areyeng re ye goja dilelalelo.” +Gomme megaditswane ya latela Kwena go ya mokutwaneng wa gagwe fao di jelego khekhe ya marula tša nwa le meetse a sediba a mabose, gomme ya dira metlae le go sega go fihlela go fifala ka ntle. Gomme go tloga letšatšing leo, diphoofolo ka moka di tsebile gore megaditswane ke meloko ya Kwena ya go phela ya nnete, le gore ge a hwile e tlo hwetša mokgobo o mogolo wa gauta wa gagwe.",nso,Sepedi,Poloko ya Kwena | Multilingual stories,"All the animals knew that Crocodile had a big pile of gold in her house, but none of them had ever seen it because Crocodile was nasty and mean. She would chase them away and bite them with her sharp teeth. One hot day in summer, Monkey was out ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/poloko-ya-kwena +crocodile’s-funeral,"Diphoofolo tsohle di ne di tseba hore Kwena o na le qubu e kgolo ya kgauta ka tlung ya hae, empa ha ho le ya mong ya neng a kile a e bona hobane Kwena o ne a kgohlahetse a le lonya. O ne a ba leleka mme a ba loma ka meno a hae a bohale. Ka tsatsi le leng le tjhesang lehlabula, Tshwene o ne a ntse a itsamaela pela noka ha a bona Kwena a robetse letsatsing. Tshwene, ya neng a thibane ditsebe, a thonaka thupa mme a kgotla Kwena ka lehlakoreng la mmele wa hae. Kwena a se ke a sisinyeha, yaba Tshwene o kgotla hape. + +“Mohlomong o shwele,” ha rialo Tshwene. Yaba o a matha ho ya bolella diphoofolo tse ding. Diphoofolo tsohle tsa fihla ho tla etsa lepato la Kwena. Tsa ema di bokanetse mmele wa hae di bua. Di ne di batla ho tseba hore ke mang ya tla fumana qubu e kgolo ya kgauta ya Kwena. Kaofela ha tsona di ne ne di batla kgauta eo, ehlile, empa molao wa morung moo o ne o re kgauta eo ke ya leloko la habo Kwena. Jwale hoo e ne e le bothata – ho ne ho se motho ya tsebang ba leloko la habo Kwena ba sa ntseng ba phela. Yaba Kgudu ya bohlale o bitsa kopano lebopong la noka ho tla fumana hore ke mang wa leloko. +Pele ha qala dinonyana, ka masiba a tsona a mebala le mantswe a monate, tsa ema mme tsa bua. “Ke rona ba lokelang ho ba ba leloko la mme wa rona Kwena mona,” tsa bina mmoho. “Esita leha Kwena a ne a se motle jwalo ka rona, o ne a behela mahe a maholo lehlabatheng. Ke rona re tshwanelwang ke qubu ya hae e kgolo ya kgauta.” Diphoofolo tse ding tsa hoeletsa, “TJHEEE BO!” yaba dinonyana di dula fatshe. “Eo ke nnete,” ha rialo Kgudu. “Kwena o ne a behela mahe a maholo lehlabatheng. Na ho na le e mong ya batlang ho bua ho hong ka taba ee?” +  +Ba leloko la mokgodutswane ba ema, mme ba sheba dinonyana hampe. “Ke ditsiebadimo tseo,” ha rialo moetapele wa mekgodutswane. “Ke tseba mekgodutswane e mengata e behelang mahe le yona, mme hohang ha re dinonyana. Kwena e ne e le setho sa leloko la rona ka lebaka la letlalo la hae le mahwashe. Re tshwanelwa ke ho fumana qubu e kgolo ya kgauta.” Diphoofolo tse ding tsa hoeletsa, “TJHEE BO!” mme mekgodutswane ya dula fatshe. “Eo ke nnete le yona,” ha rialo Kgudu. “Kwena o ne a fela a ena le letlalo le mahwashe. Na ho na le e mong ya nang le seo a ka se buang?” +Ho ile ha ba le ho phakgatsa ha metsi ka nokeng, mme ha hlaha dihlooho tse nne tse botala ba lehodimo ka metsing. “Ha re kgathale le haeba o ne a behela mahe, kapa a ena le letlalo le mahwashe,” ha rialo tlhapi. “Le rona re na le dikeile, mme re ne re dula re shebella Kwena ha a sesa ka tlasa metsi kamehla. E ne e le tlhapi, jwaloka rona. Re tshwanelwa ke ho fumana qubu e kgolo ya kgauta.” “Tjhe bo, ha se nnete,” ha rialo moetapele wa mekgodutswane. “Mo shebang moo a robetseng teng. O na le maoto a mane. Ako mpontshe tlhapi e nang le maoto a mane.” “Empa o ne a sesa,” ha rialo tlhapi. +  +“Butle!” ha rialo Tshepe. “Kwena o na le maoto a mane. Bohle lelokong la ditshepe ba na le maoto a mane, kahoo o ne a tshwanetse hoba tshepe. Re tshwanelwa ke ho fumana qubu e kgolo ya kgauta.” “Empa lona ha le behele mahe,” ha bina dinonyana. Ditlhapi tsa hlahella ka nokeng mme tsa hasa dinonyana ka metsi. Dinonyana tsa fofela hodimo marung mme tsa fofela kwana le kwana. “Hobaneng le entse jwalo?” ha botsa e nngwe ya dinonyana. “Haeba le fela le le leloko la habo Kwena, le ka be le rata metsi,” ha rialo tlhapi. “Ho feta moo, na o kile wa bona Kwena a fofa?” Ho eso ye kae diphoofolo tsohle tsa morung tsa lwantshana ka botsona di hoeleditse. “Emang, kaofela ha lona! Butleng!” ha rialo Kgudu, empa ho ne ho se motho ya batlang ho mamela. Hanghang, Kgudu a utlwa ntho e mo thetsang lehetleng mme a hetla. Ntho e tshosang e ne e mo shebile. E ne e ena le mahlo a maholo le meno a bohale. E ne e le Kwena! “Ke ne ke nahana hore o shwele,” ha rialo Kgudu, a thothomela ka hara ntlwana ya hae. “Ke ne ke robetse,” ha rialo Kwena ka lentswe le leholo. “Empa lerata lena ke lona le ntsositseng.” Kgudu a honotha a kopa tshwarelo mme a ya nyamela ka hara moru. Kwena a fetohela ho diphoofolo tse ding. “Hei lona!” a omana. Bohle ba emisa ho lwana mme ba kgutsa. Ba sheba Kwena ka mahlo a tshohileng. + +“Ha se moo,” ha rialo Kwena. “Jwale kaofela ha lona le batla kgauta ya ka, ho jwalo? Jwale, taba ya pele, ke lakatsa ho ja dijo tsa mantsiboya le ba leloko la ka ba ntseng ba phela. Kahoo, ke mang ya batlang ho dula le nna re je dijo tse monate?” ha botsa Kwena a itatswa melomo. “Dinonyana ke ba leloko la hao,” ha rialo ditlhapi, di sesa di baleha ka potlako. “Tjhe, bo, ditshepe ke tsona,” ha rialo dinonyana di fofela kwana ho ya hodimo difateng. “Di na le maoto a mane.” Empa leloko la ha tshepe le ne le se le nyametse ka hara meru. “Jwale he,” ha rialo mekgodutswane, “ho setse rona feela. Re a o kopa hle, o se ke wa re kwenya, Kwena.” “Ka le kwenya?” ha rialo Kwena a bososela. “Nka ja jwang ba leloko la ka? Tlohang mona, mekgodutswane. Ha re tsamayeng re ilo ja dijo tsa mantsiboya.” +  +Yaba mekgodutswane e latela Kwena ho ya ha hae, moo ba fihlileng ba ja kuku ya marula mme ba nwa metsi a monate a sediba, mme ba phetelana metlae ba tsheha ho fihlela shwalane e tshwara. Mme ho tloha tsatsing leo, diphoofolo kaofela tsa tseba hore mekgodutswane ke yona leloko la nnete la Kwena, mme mohlang a shwang, ba tla fumana qubu ya hae e kgolo ya kgauta.",sot,Sesotho,Lepato la Kwena | Multilingual stories,"All the animals knew that Crocodile had a big pile of gold in her house, but none of them had ever seen it because Crocodile was nasty and mean. She would chase them away and bite them with her sharp teeth. One hot day in summer, Monkey was out ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lepato-la-kwena +crocodile’s-funeral,"Zonke izilwane zabe zazi ukuthi uNgwenya unegolide eliyinqwaba emzini wakhe, kodwa asikho esasike salibona ngoba uNgwenya wayenonya futhi eziqhenya. Wayezixosha, azilume ngamazinyo akhe acijile. Ngelinye ihlobo elishisayo, uNkawu wayehamba eduze komfula ngenkathi ebona uNgwenya elele elangeni. UNkawu owayegangile, wathatha indukwana wahlokoloza uNgwenya ohlangothini lomzimba wakhe. UNgwenya akazange anyakaze, ngakho uNkawu wamhlokoloza futhi.  + + + + + +“Okusho ukuthi ufile,” kwasho uNkawu. Wagijima wayotshela ezinye izilwane. Zonke izilwane zafika ukuze zizokwenza umngcwabo kaNgwenya. Zama zazungeza isidumbu sakhe zakhuluma. Zazifuna ukwazi ukuthi ngubani ozothola inqwaba enkulu yegolide likaNgwenya. Zonke zazifuna igolide, phela, kodwa umthetho wasehlanzeni wawuthi igolide lingelezihlobo zikaNgwenya. Kanti-ke lokho kwakuyinkinga – akekho owayazi izihlobo eziphilayo zikaNgwenya. Ngakho uFudu ohlakaniphileyo wabiza umhlangano omkhulu ngasosebeni lomfula ukuze athole okuthile ngalokhu.  + + +Zisuka amadaka nje, izinyoni, nezimpaphe zazo ezinemibalabala kanye namazwi amtoti, zasukuma ukuze zikhulume. “Siyizihlobo eziphilayo zikamama wethu uNgwenya,” zacula ngokuhlanganyela. “Nakuba uNgwenya ebengemuhle njengathi, ubezalela amaqanda amakhulu esihlabathini. Sikufanele ukuthola inqwaba enkulu yegolide lakhe.” Ezinye izilwane zamemeza, “CHAAA!” izinyoni zase zihlala phansi.  “Kuyiqiniso elingephikwe lokho,” kwasho uFudu. “UNgwenya ubezalela amaqanda amakhulu esihlabathini. Kukhona omunye ofuna ukusho okuthile?” Sasukuma isizwe sezibankwa. “Wumbhedo lowo,” kwasho umholi wezibankwa. “Ngazi izibankwa eziningi nazo ezizalela amaqanda, kodwa kasizona nhlobo izinyoni. UNgwenya ubeyilunga lesizwe sakithi ngenxa yesikhumba sakhe esinamazekecela. Sikufanele-ke ukuthola izindimbane zegolide.” Ezinye izilwane zamemeza, “CHAAA!” izibankwa nazo zase zihlala phansi.  + + +  +“Kuyiqiniso elingephikwe nalelo,” kwasho uFudu. “UNgwenya ubenesikhumba esinamazekecela. Ngabe ukhona omunye onokuthile afuna ukukusho ngalokhu?” Kwezwakala ukukhala kwamanzi, kwase kuvela amakhanda aluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka khona emanzini. “Asinandaba ukuthi ubezalela amaqanda, noma ubenesikhumba esinamazekecela,” kwasho izinhlanzi. “Nathi sinawo amazekecela, futhi besihlale simbona njalo uNgwenya ebhukuda ngaphansi kwamanzi zonke izinsuku. Ubeyinhlanzi, njengathi nje. Ngakho sikufanele ukuthatha inqwaba yegolide.” “Awu, ngeke, akulona iqiniso lokho,” kwasho umholi wezibankwa. “Mbheke njengoba elele laphaya. Unemilenze emine. Ngikhombise inhlanzi enemilenze emine.” “Kodwa ubebhukuda,” kwasho inhlanzi.  +“Kahleni bo!” kwasho uNsephe. “UNgwenya unemilenze emine. Zonke izinyamazane esizweni sezinyamazane zinemilenze emine, okusho ukuthi naye ubeyinyamazane phela. Sikufanele nathi ukuthola le nqwaba yegolide.” “Kodwa nina aniwazaleli amaqanda,” kucula izinyoni. Inhlanzi yaphuma iqhasha emfuleni yathela izinyoni ngamanzi. Izinyoni zasuka zandiza zaya esibhakabhakeni zibhakuza. “Ukwenzeleni lokho?” kwabuza enye yezinyoni. “Uma ngabe niyizihlobo zikaNgwenya ngempela, kumele ngabe niyawathanda phela amanzi,” kwasho inhlanzi. “Ngaphandle kwalokho, nake nambona yini uNgwenya endiza?” Ngokushesha izilwane zehlanze zase zilwa zodwa, zithethisana. “Yimani, nonke! Yimani!” kwasho uFudu, kodwa akekho owamlalela. Khona manjalo uFudu wezwa kukhona omthintayo ehlombe wase ephenduka ebheka emuva. Kwakukhona into embi embuka kabi ingenhla. Yayinamehlo amakhulu namazinyo acijile. KwakunguNgwenya!  “Bengicabanga ukuthi ufile,” kwasho uFudu, eqhaqhazela egobolondweni lakhe. “Bengilele,” kwasho uNgwenya ngezwi lakhe elikhulu. “Kodwa umsindo wenu ungivusile.” UFudu wavungama exolisa, ebaleka eseqonde ehlanzeni. UNgwenya waphendukela kwezinye izilwane.  “Hheyi nina!” esho ethetha. Zonke izilwane zayeka ukulwa zase zithula du. Zabuka uNgwenya ziwaqwebulile amehlo.  + + + +“Kungcono-ke lokho,” kwasho uNgwenya. “Okusho ukuthi nonke nifuna igolide lami, akunjalo? Kulungile, okokuqala, ngizothanda ukuba nesidlo nezihlobo zami eziphilayo. Ngubani ofuna ukuhlala adle okumnandi?” kwabuza uNgwenya ekhotha izindebe zakhe.  “Izinyoni ziyizihlobo zakho,” kwasho izinhlanzi, zibaleka zitshuza emanzini ngokushesha. “Awu, lutho, yizinyamazane eziyizihlobo zakho,” kwasho izinyoni zindiza ziyothi chwa phezulu ezihlahleni. “Zinemilenze emine.” Kodwa isizwe sezinyamazane sase sinyamalale kudala sangena ezihlahleni. “Kulungile-ke,” kwasho izibankwa, “sekusele thina kuphela manje. Siyacela, ungasigwinyi phela, Ngwenya.” “Ngigwinye nina?” kwasho uNgwenya emoyizela. “Ngingazidlelani kodwa izihlobo zami? Wozani, zibankwa. Masihambeni siyodla isidlo.”  + + +Nebala izibankwa zalandela uNgwenya kwaqondwa endlini yakhe, lapho lezi zilwane ezafika zadla khona ikhekhe lamaganu zase ziphuza amanzi amnandi esiphethu, zaxoxelana izindaba zahleka kwaze kwaqala ukuba mnyama phandle. Ukusukela ngalelo langa, zonke izilwane zazi ukuthi izibankwa ziyizihlobo eziphilayo ngempela zikaNgwenya, nokuthi kuyothi mhla esefa ngempela, yizibankwa eziyothola inqwaba yegolide.",zul,isiZulu,Umngcwabo kaNgweny,"All the animals knew that Crocodile had a big pile of gold in her house, but none of them had ever seen it because Crocodile was nasty and mean. She would chase them away and bite them with her sharp teeth. One hot day in summer, Monkey was out ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umngcwabo-kangwenya-0 +crocodile’s-funeral,"Diphologolo tsotlhe di ne di itse gore Kwena o ne a na le mokoa o mogolo wa gauta mo ntlong ya gagwe, mme ga go ope wa bona o o tlileng a o bona ka gonne Kwena o ne a na le pelo e e maswe e bile a se botsalano. O ne a ba lelekisa e bile a ba loma ka meno a gagwe a a bogale. Ka letsatsi lengwe le le mogote la selemo, Tshwene o ne a itsamaela fa thoko ga noka fa a bona Kwena a rapame mo letsatsing. Tshwene, yo o neng a le makgakga, o ne a sela legong mme a kgotla Kwena mo letlhakoreng la mmele wa gagwe. Kwena o ne a sa tshikinyege, mme Tshwene a mo kgotla gape.  + + + + + +“O tshwanetse a be a tlhokafetse,” ga rialo Tshwene. O ne a taboga a ya go bolelela diphologolo tse dingwe. Diphologolo tsotlhe di ne tsa goroga go direla Kwena phitlho. Di ne tsa dikaganyetsa mmele wa gagwe mme tsa bua. Di ne di batla go itse gore ke mang a tlileng go bona gauta ya ga Kwena. Tsotlhe di ne di batla gauta, mme molao wa kwa nageng o ne o re gauta ya ga Kwena ke ya balelapa la ga Kwena. Se e ne e le bothata – go ne go se na yo o itseng balelapa la ga Kwena. Jaanong Khudu yo o botlhale a bitsa pitso mo dintshing tsa noka go batlisisa.  + + +Dinonyane pele, ka diphuka tsa tsone tse di mebalabala le mantswe a tsone a a monate, tsa ema go bua. “Re tshwanetse go nna balelapa ba ga mme wa rona yo o rategang Kwena,” tsa opela mmogo. “Le fa Kwena a ne a se montle jaaka rona, o ne a beela mae mo mmung. Re tshwanelwa ke mokoa wa gagwe wa gauta.” Diphologolo tse dingwe tsa goa, “NNYAA!” mme dinonyane tsa dula mo fatshe. “Seo ke nnete,” ga bua Khudu. “Kwena o ne a beela mae a gagwe mo mmung. A go na le mongwe yo o batlang go bua sengwe?” Balosika la mokgantitswane ba ema, mme ba sumela dinonyane. “Seo ke matlakala,” ga bua moeteledipele wa mekgantitswane. “Ke itse mekgantitswane e mentsi e le yona e beelang mae, mme ga re dinonyane le e seng. Kwena e ne le leloko la losika la rona ka ntlha ya letlalo la gagwe le le magwata. Re tshwanelwa ke gauta ya gagwe.” Diphologolo tse dingwe tsa goa, “NNYAA!” mme mekgantitswane ya dula mo fatshe.  + + +  + + +“Seo le sone ke nnete,” ga bua Khudu. “Kwena o ne a na le letlalo le le magwata. A go na le mongwe yo o batlang go bua sengwe?” Go ne go nna le go phašakana ga metsi go tswa mo nokeng, mme ditlhogo tse nne tsa mmala wa botala jwa legodimo tsa tlhagelela go tswa mo metsing. “Ga re kgathale gore o ne a beela mae, kgotsa o ne a na le letlalo le le magwata,” ga bua ditlhapi. “Le rona re na le letlalo le le magwata, e bile re ne re rata go lebelela Kwena a thuma mo tlase ga metsi letsatsi le letsatsi. E ne  e tlhapi, fela jaaka rona. Re tshwanelwa ke gauta ya gagwe.”  “Nnyaa, seo ga se nnete,” ga bua moeteledipele wa mekgantitswane. “Mo lebeleleng fela a robetse moo. O na le maoto a le mane. Mpontshe tlhapi ya maoto a le mane.”  “Fela o ne a thuma,” ga bua ditlhapi.  + + +  + + +“Emang!” ga bua Tshepe. “Kwena o na le maoto a le mane. Mongwe le mongwe mo losikeng la ditshepe��o na le maoto a le mane. Re tshwanelwa ke mokoa o mogolo wa gauta.”  “Fela ga lo beele mae,” dinonyane tsa opela.  Ditlhapi di ne tsa tlola go tswa mo metsing mme tsa gasa dinonyane ka metsi. Dinonyane di ne tsa tshabela kwa loaping mme tsa fofa. “Ke eng fa lo ne lo dira jalo?” ga botsa nngwe ya dinonyane. “Fa o ne o le wa losika la ga Kwena la nnete, o ne o ka bo o rata metsi,” ga bua tlhapi. “Ntle le moo, a lo kile lwa bona Kwena a fofa?” Morago ga moo ke fa diphologolo tsotlhe tsa naga di lwa ka botsone e bile di goa. “Emisang, lotlhe! Emisang!” ga bua Khudu, mme go se nne le yo o mo reetsang.  + + +Ka nakwana, Khudu a utlwa a kgotliwa mo legetleng la gagwe mme a lebelela kwa morago. Sengwe se se maswe se ne se mo lebeletse. Se ne se na le matlho a magolo le meno a a bogale thata. E ne e le Kwena! “Ke ne ke akanya gore o sule,” ga bua Khudu, a roroma mo legapeng la gagwe. “Ke ne ke robetse,” ga bua Kwena ka lentswe la gagwe le legolo.“Ke tsositswe fela ke modumo o.” Khudu o ne a kopa maitshwarelo a buela kwa tlase mme a nyelela mo gare ga naga. Kwena o ne a retologela go diphologolo tse dingwe. “Hee!” a goa. Botlhe ba emisa go lwa mme ba didimala. Ba ne ba lebelela Kwena ka matlho a a bulegileng.  + + + + + +“Go botoka,” ga bua Kwena. “Lo batla gauta ya me lotlhe, akere? Sa ntlha, ke batla go ja dijo tsa bosigo le balosika la me ba ba tshelang. Jaanong ke mang yo o batlang go nna a ja sengwe se se monate le nna?” Kwena a botsa a latswa molomo wa gagwe. “Dinonyane ke balosika la gago,” ga bua ditlhapi, di thumela kgakala ka bonako. “Ao, nnyaa, ditshepe ke tsona,” ga bua dinonyane di fofela kwa godimo ga ditlhare. “Di na le maoto a le mane.” Fela balosika la ditshepe ba ne ba setse ba nyeleletse mo gare ga sekgwa.  “Mme jaanong,” ga bua mekgantitswane, “se se tlogela rona fela. Tsweetswee, o se ka wa re kometsa, Kwena.” “Ke lo kometsa?” Kwena a bua a nyenya. “Goreng nka ja balosika la me? A reyeng, mekgantitswane. A re yeng go ja dijo tsa bosigo.”  + + + Jaanong mekgantitswane ya sala Kwena morago kwa ntlong ya gagwe, koo ba neng ba ja kuku ya marula mme ba nwa metsi a a monate a motswedi, mme ba dira metlae ba tshega go fitlha go nna lefifi kwa ntle. Go tloga ka lona letsatsi leo, diphologolo tsotlhe di ne di itse gore mekgantitswane e ne e le balosika la mannete la ga Kwena, le gore fa Kwena a sule ka nnete, ba tla tsaya gauta ya gagwe.",tsn,Setswana,Phitlho ya ga Kwen,"All the animals knew that Crocodile had a big pile of gold in her house, but none of them had ever seen it because Crocodile was nasty and mean. She would chase them away and bite them with her sharp teeth. One hot day in summer, Monkey was out ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phitlho-ya-ga-kwena +crocodile’s-funeral,"Swiharhi hinkwaswo a swi swi tiva leswaku N’wangwenya u na nhulu ya nsuku endlwini ya yena, kambe a ku ri hava loyi a nga tshama a yi vona hikuva N’wangwenya a ri na mona na nsele. A tshamela ro va hlongorisa na ku va luma hi meno ya yena lamo tontswa. Siku rin’wana ro hisa ra ximumu, N’wamfenhe a tihumesile a ri karhi a fambafamba etlhelo ka nambu loko a vona N’wangwenya a pavalale emasaneni. N’wamfenhe, loyi a ri na mihupani, u tekile nhonga a dlhokodlha N’wangwenya etlhelweni ra miri wa yena. N’wangwenya a nga kalanga a tshukuvanya, kutani N’wamfenhe a n’wi dlhokodlha nakambe. + +“U fanele a lovile,” ku vula N’wamfenhe. U tsutsumile ku ya byela swiharhi leswin’wana. Swiharhi hinkwaswo swi fika kutani ku endliwa nkosi wa N’wangwenya. Va yimile va rhendzela ntsumbu wa yena va sungula ku vulavula. A va lava ku tiva leswaku I mani loyi a nga ta kuma nhulu ya nsuku ya N’wangwenya. Hinkwavo a va lava nsuku, i ntiyiso, kambe nawu wa le swihlahleni a wu vula leswaku nsuku i wa maxaka ya N’wangwenya. Nakambe leswi a ku ri xiphiqo – a ku ri hava loyi a tiva maxaka ya N’wangwenya lama hanyaka. Kutani N’waxibodze lowo tlhariha a rhamba nhlengeletano leyikulu kwala ntlhelo ka nambu ku ta lavisisa. Ku sungule swinyenyani, na tinsiva ta swona ta muhlovohlovo na marito layo saseka, swi yima swi ku. “Hi fanele hi ri maxaka ya yena lawa ya hanyaka ya manana wa hina la rhandzekaka N’wangwenya,” va yimbelela swin’we. “Hambiloko N’wangwenya a nga sasekanga ku fana na hina, u tshikela mandza lamakulu esaveni. Ha faneriwa hi nhulu leyikulu ya nsuku wa yena.” +Swiharhi leswin’wana swi huwelela, “HAAAAYI!” kutani swinyenyani swi tshama ehansi. “Walowo i ntiyiso lowu hetisekeke,” ku vula N’waxibodze. “N’wangwenya a tshikela mandza lamakulu esaveni. Xana ku na wun’wana loyi a nga na nchumu wo wu vula?” Rixaka ra mikolombyani ri tlakuka, va ri karhi va chavisela swinyenyani. “Sweswo i thyaka,” ku vula hosi ya rixaka ra mikolombyani. “Ndzi tiva mikolombyani yotala leyi na yona yi tshikelaka mandza, kambe hina a hi swinyenyana na katsongo. N’wangwenya a ri xirho xa rixaka ra hina hikwalaho ka hlonge ya yena ya magegetsu. Ha faneriwa hi nhulu leyikulu ya nsuku.” Swiharhi leswin’wana swi huwelela, “HAAAAYI!” kutani mikolombyani yi tshama ehansi. +  +“Walowo i ntiyiso lowu hetisekeke,” ku vula N’waxibodze. “N’wangwenya a ri na nhlonge ya magegetsu. Xana ku na wun’wana loyi a nga na nchumu wo wu vula?” Ku vile na ku biwa ka gandlati ra mati ku suka enambyeni, kutani tinhloko ta mune ta wasi ti huma endzeni ka mati. “A hi na mhaka na leswaku a ri tshikela mandza, kumbe a ri na nhlonge ya magegetsu,” ku vula N’wanhlampfi. “Na hina hina wona magegetsu, naswona a hi tshamela ro vona N’wangwenya a ri karhi a hlambela endzeni ka mati hi masiku hinkwawo. A a ri nhlampfi, ku fana na hina. Ha faneriwa hi nhulu leyikulu ya nsuku.” “Hay’khona, sweswo a hi ntiyiso,” ku vula murhangeri wa mikolombyani. “Vonani lahaya a nga etlela kona. U na milenge ya mune. Ndzi kombeni nhlampfi ya milenge ya mune.” “Kambe a hlambela,” ku vula nhlampfi. +“Yimani!” ku vula N’wamhala. “N’wangwenya u na milenge ya mune. Un’wana na un’wana wa rixaka ra timhala u na milenge ya mune na yena, hikwalaho swi nga endleka na yena a ri mhala. Ha faneriwa hi nhulu leyikulu ya nsuku.” “Kambe a mi tshikeli mandza,” ku yimbelela swinyenyani. Nhlampfi yi humelela endzeni ka nambu yi haxa swinyenyani hi mati. Swinyenyani swi hahela ehenhla swi ba timpiko swi rhendzeleka. “Hikwalaho ka yini u endla tano?” ku vutisa yi n’wana ya tinyenyana. “Loko ku ri leswaku i ntiyiso mi xaka ra N’wangwenya ra ntiyiso, a mi ta rhandza mati,” ku vula nhlampfi. “Handle ka swona u tshama u vona N’wangwenya a ri karhi a haha?” Hi xinkadyana swiharhi hinkwaswo swa nhova a swi sungula ku lwa hi xiswona swi ri karhi swi huwelela. +  +“Yimani, hinkwerhu! Yimani!” ku vula N’waxibodze, kambe a ku ri hava loyi a yingisela. Hi xihatla, N’waxibodze u twile ku khwenutiwa hala nhlaneni wa yena kutani a hundzuluka a languta. A ku ri na xin’wana xo biha lexi a xi n’wi langutile. A xi ri na mahlo lamakulu na meno yo tontswa. A a ri N’wangwenya! “A ndzi ehleketa leswaku u file,” ku vula N’waxibodze, a ri karhi a rhurhumela endzeni ka xiphambati xa yena. “A ndzi etlele,” ku vula N’wangwenya hi dyirito dya yena ledyikulu. “Kambe huwa leyi hinkwayo yi ndzi pfuxile.” N’waxibodze u nghanghamerile a ri karhi a kombela ku khomeriwa kutani a balekela enhoveni. N’wangwenya a jikela eka swiharhi leswin’wana. “Heyi!” a huwelela. Hinkwavo va tshika ku lwa kutani va miyela. Va langutile N’wangwenya hi mahlo yo honoka. + +“Swa nstwa,” ku vula N’wangwenya. “Hikwerhu mi lava nsuku wa mina, a hi swona? Loko swi ri tano, xosungula, ndzi tsakela ku lalela na maxaka ya mina lava hanyaka. Hikwalaho, xana i mani loyi a lavaka ku tshama a dya na mina swin’wana swo xawula?” ku vutisa N’wangwenya a ri karhi a tinantswela milomo. “Swinyenyani i maxaka ya wena,” ku vula N’wanhlampfi, a hlambela a nyamalala hi xihatla. “Hayikhona, timhala hi tona,” ku vula swinyenyani swi ri karhi swi hahela emaninginingini ya nsinya. “Va na milenge ya mune.” Kambe rixaka ra timhala a ri nyamalarile ri nghena enhoveni. “Loko swi ri tano,” ku vula mikolombyani, “leswi swi siya hina ntsena. Yoo ha ku kombela, u nga hi miti, N’wangwenya.” “Ndzi mi mita?” ku vula N’wangwenya a ri karhi a n’wayitela. “Hikwalaho ka yini ndzi nga dya maxaka ya mina? Ehleketani kahle, mikolombyani. A hi fambeni hi ya lalela.” +Mikolombyani yi landzelerile N’wangwenya ku ya endlwini ya yena, laha va nga dya khekhe ra makanyi va nwa na mati yo nandziha ya xihlovo, na ku hlekisana hi misavo ku kondza ri va munyama hala handle. Ku suka siku rero, swiharhi hinkwaswo swi swi tivile leswaku mikolombyani hi wona maxaka ya N’wangwenya ya ntiyiso lawa ya hanyaka, naswona loko a ta fa rifu ra ntiyiso, va ta kuma nhulu leyikulu ya nsuku.",tso,Xitsonga,kosi wa N’wangweny,"All the animals knew that Crocodile had a big pile of gold in her house, but none of them had ever seen it because Crocodile was nasty and mean. She would chase them away and bite them with her sharp teeth. One hot day in summer, Monkey was out ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nkosi-wa-n’wangwenya +the-giraffe-and-the-fox,"Once upon a time there was a giraffe and a bat-eared fox who were very good friends. They were both very good at stealing and spent a lot of time together getting up to no good. +One day Fox was feeling hungry. “Come, my friend,” he said to Giraffe. “Let’s cross the river and steal some food from the farm over there.” +“Great idea!” said the giraffe, licking his lips. “I feel like a tasty watermelon.” +The giraffe and the fox crossed the river. The fox held tightly to the giraffe’s long neck because he could not swim. +On the other side of the river, the clever fox made a hole in the farmer’s fence with his sharp teeth. Then the fox and the giraffe squeezed quietly through the fence to steal food on the other side. The fox stole five eggs from the hen coop and the giraffe chewed through a patch of lettuce. The giraffe was just starting on a juicy watermelon when the fox lifted his nose to the sky and gave a howl. + +“Shhhhh,” hissed the giraffe spitting bits of watermelon all over the fox. +“What do you mean, ‘shhhhh’?” asked the fox wiping his whiskers. “I always sing when I have finished my food. It’s my custom.” +“Well, wait for me to finish my watermelon,” crunched the giraffe. “Otherwise the farmer is going to hear you and come and chase us away.” +The fox was tired of waiting. He lifted his nose to the sky again and started to sing, “Owoooooooo!” +The farmer was having his lunch when he heard the fox howling. He ran outside with his big stick. The fox saw him coming and, being very quick, he dashed through the hole in the fence and was gone before the farmer even saw him. +The poor giraffe, on the other hand, was standing with his front legs wide apart trying to enjoy the last of his watermelon. When he saw the farmer coming, he tried to stand up and run away, but his legs became tangled and he fell over. +“Never, never steal from me again!” shouted the farmer, beating the giraffe with his stick. +When the giraffe eventually escaped, he was bruised all over his body and furious with the fox. He limped over to the river where the fox was snoozing under a bush. +“Some friend you are!” shouted the giraffe, waking the fox. “Thanks to your singing I have been beaten black and blue.” +“Don’t be angry,” said the fox. “I told you I always sing once I have finished my food. Now let’s cross the river and go back home.” +The fox held onto the giraffe’s neck and the giraffe swam out into the river. When the giraffe reached the deepest part of the river, he said to the fox, “I am going to take a bath now. I feel all hot and bothered after that beating.” +“You can’t!” said the fox, staring at the giraffe with bulging eyes. “If you go under the water, I will drown! I cannot swim!” +“But I must bath,” said the giraffe. “It’s my custom.” With that, the giraffe ducked under the water. The fox sputtered and thrashed his paws. +“Help! Help! I’m drowning!” the fox cried. +The giraffe was cross about his beating, but he felt terrible watching the fox splash around in the water. The fox was his friend after all. The giraffe put his head under the water and used it to lift the fox back onto his neck. The fox coughed and choked and held on to the giraffe for dear life. +When they reached the other side of the river, the fox thought about what he had done to his friend. “Giraffe?” he said quietly. +“Yes, Fox,” answered the giraffe. +“I’m sorry for treating you badly. I see that what you did to me was because of the bad way that I treated you earlier,” said Fox. +Giraffe nodded. “It was,” he said. “I was paying you back for what you did to me.” + +“Sorry,” said the fox. +So, the fox and the giraffe had learnt that it is important to treat others the way we want to be treated, and from that day on, they always did so. And, to this day, they are still the best of friends. +Get creative! +After you have read The giraffe and the fox, talk to your children about how they like to be treated by their friends and then use their suggestions to write a list together called, 10 ways to be a good friend.",eng,English,The giraffe and the fox,"Once upon a time, a giraffe and fox were best friends. They were both good at stealing and often got up to no good. While stealing food on a nearby farm one day, the friends get into a fight through which they learn about the meaning of ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-giraffe-and-the-fox +the-giraffe-and-the-fox,"Lank, lank gelede was daar ’n kameelperd en ’n bakoorjakkals wat baie goeie vriende was. Hulle was albei baie goed met steel, en het saam baie kattekwaad aangevang. +Op ’n dag voel Jakkals honger. “Kom, ou maat,” sê hy vir Kameelperd. “Kom ons steek die rivier oor en gaan steel kos op die plaas daar oorkant.” +“Blink plan!” sê die kameelperd en lek sy lippe af. “Ek’s lus vir ’n sappige waatlemoen.” +Die kameelperd en die jakkals steek toe die rivier oor. Die jakkals hou styf aan die kameelperd se lang nek vas, want hy kan nie swem nie. +Aan die ander kant van die rivier maak die slim jakkals met sy skerp tande ’n gat in die boer se draadheining. Toe wriemel die jakkals en die kameelperd stilletjies deur die gat in die draadheining om kos aan die ander kant te gaan steel. Die jakkals steel vyf eiers uit die hoenderhok en die kameelperd eet ’n lappie blaarslaai op. Hy wil net aan ’n sappige waatlemoen begin eet toe die jakkals sy snoet lig en begin tjank. + +“Sjjjjj,” sis die kameelperd en spoeg stukkies waatlemoen oor die jakkals uit. +“Wat bedoel jy, ‘sjjjj’?” vra die jakkals en vee sy snorbaarde af. “Ek sing altyd wanneer ek klaar geëet het. Dis my manier van doen.” +“Wel, wag totdat ek my waatlemoen klaar geëet het,” sê die kameelperd al knarsende. “Anders gaan die boer jou hoor en ons kom wegjaag.” +Die jakkals is moeg gewag. Hy lig weer sy snoet en begin sing, “Auwoooooooo!” +Die boer is besig om middagete te eet toe hy die jakkals hoor tjank. Hy hardloop buitentoe met sy groot stok. Die jakkals sien hom aankom, en omdat hy baie vinnig is, skiet hy deur die gat in die heining en is skoonveld voor die boer hom kan sien. +Die arme kameelperd staan egter met sy voorpote wyd uitmekaar en probeer die laaste stukkie van sy waatlemoen geniet. Toe hy die boer sien aankom, probeer hy opstaan en weghardloop, maar sy bene raak ineengestrengel en hy val om. +“Moet nooit, ooit weer van my steel nie!” skree die boer, en slaan die kameelperd met sy stok. +Toe die kameelperd uiteindelik ontsnap, is sy hele lyf vol kneusplekke, en hy is woedend kwaad vir die jakkals. Hy hink tot by die rivier waar die jakkals onder ’n bos lê en slaap. +“En jy noem jouself ’n vriend!” skree die kameelperd en maak die jakkals wakker. “Dis oor jou gesingery dat ek pimpel en pers geslaan is.” +“Moenie kwaad wees nie,” sê die jakkals. “Ek het jou gesê ek sing altyd wanneer ek klaar geëet het. Kom ons steek nou die rivier oor en gaan huis toe.” +Die jakkals hou aan die kameelperd se nek vas en die kameelperd swem die rivier in. Toe die kameelperd by die diepste deel van die rivier kom, sê hy vir die jakkals: “Ek gaan nou bad. Ek voel warm en sweterig na daardie pak slae.” +“Jy kan nie!” sê die jakkals en staar met uitpeuloë na die kameelperd. “As jy onder die water ingaan, sal ek verdrink! Ek kan nie swem nie!” +“Maar ek moet bad,” sê die kameelperd. “Dis my manier van doen.” En daarmee duik die kameelperd onder die water in. Die jakkals spat en spartel om kop bo water te hou. +“Help! Help! Ek verdrink!” skree die jakkals. +Die kameelperd is kwaad oor sy pak slae, maar dit voel aaklig om die jakkals so in die water te sien rondspartel. Die jakkals is darem tog sy vriend. Die kameelperd druk sy kop onder die water in en gebruik dit om die jakkals tot op sy nek te lig. Die jakkals hoes en proes en klou met alle mag en geweld aan die kameelperd vas. +Toe hulle aan die ander kant van die rivier kom, dink die jakkals oor dit wat hy aan sy vriend gedoen het. “Kameelperd?” sê hy sag. +“Ja, Jakkals,” antwoord die kameelperd. +“Ek is jammer dat ek jou so sleg behandel het. Ek besef nou dat dit wat jy aan my gedoen het, was oor ek jou vroeër so sleg behandel het,” sê Jakkals. +Kameelperd knik. “Dit was,” sê hy. “Ek het jou terugbetaal vir wat jy aan my gedoen het.” + +“Jammer,” sê die jakkals. +En so het die jakkals en die kameelperd geleer dat dit belangrik is om ander te behandel soos jy behandel wil word, en van daardie dag af het hulle dit altyd gedoen. En tot vandag toe is hulle steeds beste vriende. +Wees kreatief! +Nadat jy Die kameelperd en die jakkals gelees het, gesels met jou kinders oor hoe hulle graag deur hul vriende behandel wil word, en gebruik dan hul voorstelle om saam ’n lys te maak met die titel: 10 maniere om ’n goeie vriend te wees.",afr,Afrikaans,Die kameelperd en die jakkals,"Once upon a time, a giraffe and fox were best friends. They were both good at stealing and often got up to no good. While stealing food on a nearby farm one day, the friends get into a fight through which they learn about the meaning of ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-kameelperd-en-die-jakkals +the-giraffe-and-the-fox,"Kgale go ile gwa ba le thutlwa le phukubje ya ditsebe tša mankgagane gomme e le bagwera ba makgonthe. Bobedi bja bona ba be ba kgona go utswa kudu gape ba fetša nako ye ntši ba dira bobe. +Ka letšatši le lengwe Phukubje o be a swerwe ke tlala. “Etla, mogwera,” a realo go Thutlwa. “A re tshele noka re ye go utswa dijo tše dingwe polaseng yela.” +“Ke kgopolo ye botse!” a realo thutlwa a itatswa melomo. “Ke duma legapu la bose.” +Thutlwa le phukubje ba tshela noka. Phukubje ya itshwareletša molaleng o motelele wa thutlwa ka maatla ka ge e sa tsebe go rutha. +Ka mošola wa noka, phukubje ya bohlale ya phula lešoba legoreng la polasa ka meno a yona a bogale. Gomme phukubje le thutlwa ba šwahla legora ba utswa dijo ka mošola. Phukubje e utswitše mae a mahlano sekgotleng sa kgogo gomme thutlwa ya sohla temo ya lethese. Thutlwa ya re e sa thoma ka legapu la bose ke ge phukubje e emišetsa nko lefaufaung gomme ya goeletša. + +“Ššššš,” a realo thutlwa a tshwela phukubje ka diripana tša legapu. +“O ra goreng, ‘ššššš’?” gwa botšiša phukubje e iphumula maledu. “Ka mehla ge ke fetša goja ke a opela. Ke setlwaedi sa ka.” +“Gona, nkemele ke fetše legapu la ka,” a realo thutlwa. “Go sego bjalo rapolasa o tlo go kwa gomme a tla fa a re koba.” +Phukubje e be e lapišitšwe ke go ema. Ya emišetša nko ya yona lefaufaung gape gomme ya thoma go opela, “Owoooooooo!” +Rapolasa o be a eja dijo tša matena ge a ekwa phukubje e lla. O kitimetše ka ntle ka patla ya gagwe ye kgolo. Phukubje ya mmona a etla gomme, ka ge e na le lebelo, ya tšwa ka lešoba la legora, ya sobelela pele rapolasa a e bona. +Thutlwa wa batho, ka lehlakoreng le lengwe, o be a phatlaladitše maoto a pele a ipshina ka go feleletša legapu. O rile go bona rapolasa a etla, a leka go emelela gore a tšhabe, efela a kgolega a wela fase. +“O se ke wa tsoga o nkutsweditše!” a goeletša rapolasa, a betha thutlwa ka patla ya gagwe. +Mafelelong ge thutlwa a kgonne go tšhaba, ke ge a rurugile mmele ohle gomme a befeletšwe phukubje. E ile ya kolakoletša e eya nokeng fao phukubje e bego e robetše gona ka tlase ga sethokgwa. +“O mogwera o mongwe!” thutlwa ya hlaba lešata, e tsoša phukubje. “Ke leboga go opela ga gago ka gobane ke bethilwe go feta.” +“O se befelwe,” a realo phukubje. “Ke go boditše gore ka mehla ge ke fetša dijo ke a opela. Bjale a re tshele noka re boele gae.” +Phukubje a itshwareletša molaleng wa thutlwa gomme ya tsena ka gare ga noka gore e putle. Thutlwa ya re go fihla fao noka e išago fase kudu ya re, “Ke ya go hlapa bjale. Ke a swa ebile ga ke ipshine morago ga go bethwa.” +“O ka se ke!” a realo phukubje a lebeletše thutlwa ebile a tomotše mahlo. “Ge o ka sobelela ka meetseng ke tlo nwelela! Ga ke kgone go rutha!” +“Efela ke swanetše go hlapa,” a realo thutlwa. “Ke setlwaedi sa ka.” Gomme thutlwa a sobelela ka meetseng. Phukubje ya tseremetša le go ragaraga ka marofa a yona. +“Thuša! Thuša! Ke a nwelela!” phukubje ya lla. +Thutlwa o be a befedišitšwe ke go bethwa ga yona, efela a kwela phukubje bohloko ge a phaphasela ka meetseng. Phukubje e be e le mogwera wa gagwe. Thutlwa ya tsenya hlogo ka meetseng gomme ya e diriša go nametša phukubje molaleng wa yona. Phukubje ya gohlola le go kgamega gomme ya itshwareletša ka maatla molaleng wa thutlwa. +Ge ba fihla ka mošola wa noka, phukubje a nagana ka seo a se dirilego mogwera wa gagwe. “Thutlwa?” a realo ka lentšu la tlase. +“Ee, Phukubje,” gwa fetola thutlwa. +“O ntshwarele ka fao ke go swerego ka gona. Ke a bona gore se o ntirilego sona ke ka lebaka la gore o be o lefeletša bobe bjo ke go dirilego bjona,” a realo Phukubje. +Thutlwa a dumela ka hlogo. “Go bjalo,” a realo. “Ke be ke itefeletša.” + +“Ntshwarele,” a realo phukubje. +Gomme, phukubje le thutlwa di ithutile gore o swanetše go swara ba bangwe ka fao o nyakago go swarwa ka gona, gomme go tloga letšatšing leo, ba dira bjalo. Gomme, le lehono e sa le bagwera ba makgonthe. +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Morago ga go bala Thutlwa le phukubje, bolela le bana ba gago ka ga ka fao ba ratago go swarwa ke bagwera ba bona ka gona gomme o diriše ditšhišinyo tša bona go ngwala lenaneo mmogo la go bitšwa, ditsela tše 10 tša go ba mogwera wa mmakgonthe.",nso,Sepedi,Thutlwa le phukubje,"Once upon a time, a giraffe and fox were best friends. They were both good at stealing and often got up to no good. While stealing food on a nearby farm one day, the friends get into a fight through which they learn about the meaning of ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thutlwa-le-phukubje +the-giraffe-and-the-fox,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale ho ne ho ena le thuhlo le mopheme o ditsebe tsa mankgane, mme e ne e le metswalle e meholo. Bobedi ba bona ba ne ba tseba ho utswa mme ba dula ba le mmoho ba etsa dintho tse tswileng tseleng. +Ka tsatsi le leng Mopheme o ne a ikutlwa a lapile. “Tloo, motswalle wa ka,” a rialo ho Thuhlo. “Ha re tshele noka mme re ilo utswa dijo polasing e ka nqane.” +“Ke monahano o motle!” ha rialo thuhlo, a itatswa melomo. “Ke utlwa ke lakatsa lehapu le monate.” +Thuhlo le mopheme ba tshela noka. Mopheme a itshwareletsa ka thata molaleng o molelele wa thuhlo hobane o ne a sa tsebe ho sesa. +Ka nqane ho noka, mopheme ya masene a etsa lesoba terateng ya rapolasi ka meno a hae a bohale. Yaba mopheme le thuhlo ba itshunya lesobeng la terata ka lenyele ho ya utswa dijo ka nqane. Mopheme a utswa mahe a mahlano serobeng sa dikgoho mme thuhlo a hlafuna lethisi e neng e le nngwe. Thuhlo o ne a qala ho ja lehapu le tletseng metsi a monate ha mopheme a phahamisa nko ya hae a ngaya haholo. + +“Shhhhh,” ha hweshetsa thuhlo a tshwela dikotwana tsa lehapu hodima mopheme. +“O bolelang ha o re, ‘shhhhh’?” ha botsa mopheme a itlhakola molomo. “Kamehla ke a bina ha ke qetile ho ja. Ke moetlo wa ka.” +“Ho lokile, nkemele le nna ke qete lehapu la ka,” thuhlo a nna a hlafuna. “Ho seng jwalo rapolasi o tla o utlwa mme a tla ho re lelekisa.” +Mopheme o ne a kgathetse ke ho ema. A nyolla nko ya hae moyeng hape mme a qalella ho bina, “Owoooooooo!” +Rapolasi o ne a ntse a eja dijo tsa motsheare ha a utlwa morpheme o ngaya. A mathela ka ntle a tshwere molamu wa hae o moholo. Mopheme a mmona a etla, mme, ka potlako e kgolo, a monyoha lesobeng la terata mme a baleha pele rapolasi a mmona. +Thuhlo wa batho, ka nqena, o ne a eme a takaladitse ka maoto a ka pele a leka ho natefelwa ke sekotwana sa ho qetela sa lehapu. Ha a bona rapolasi a etla, a leka ho ema ka maoto a balehe, empa maoto a hae a fasahana mme a wela fatshe. +“O se ke wa hlola, le kgale, o nkutswetsa hape!” ha omana rapolasi, a otla thuhlo ka molamu wa hae. +Qetellong ha thuhlo a kgona ho baleha, o ne a ruruhile mmeleng kaofela mme a halefetse mopheme haholo. A qhiletsa ho tshela noka moo mopheme a neng a eme a hemesela teng ka tlasa sefate. +“O mofuta wa motswalle hle!” ha omana thuhlo, a tsosa mopheme. “Ke leboha ho bina ha hao ho entseng hore ke otluwe ho fihlela ke eba botsho le botala.” +“O se ke wa halefa,” ha rialo mopheme. “Ke o bolelletse hore kamehla ke a bina ha ke qeta ho ja. Jwale ha re tshele noka re kgutlele hae.” +Mopheme a itshwareletsa molaleng wa thuhlo mme thuhlo a sesa ka hara noka. Ha thuhlo a fihla moo ho tebileng haholo ka hara noka, a re ho mopheme, “Ke tlilo tola jwale. Kamora ho otlwa hakana ke ikutlwa ke tjhesa ke kgathatsehile.” +“O se ke wa etsa jwalo!” ha rialo mopheme, a tonetse thuhlo mahlo a tshohile haholo. “Ha o ka qwela metsing, ke tla kgangwa ke metsi! Ha ke tsebe ho sesa!” +“Empa ke tshwanetse ho tola,” ha rialo thuhlo. “Ke moetlo wa ka.” Ha a rialo, thuhlo a qwela ka tlasa metsi. Mopheme a pharusela a raharaha ka maoto. +“Thusang! Thusang! Ke a dikela!” mopheme a bokolla. +Thuhlo o ne a kgenne haholo ka ho otlwa ha hae, empa a ikutlwa hampe ha a shebelletse mopheme a pharusela ka hara metsi. Mopheme e ne e le motswalle wa hae leha ho le jwalo. Thuhlo a kenya hlooho ya hae ka hara metsi mme a e sebedisa ho nyollela morpheme hodima molala wa hae. Mopheme a kgohlela a kganngwe mme a itshwareletsa ka thata molaleng wa thuhlo eka o a shwa. +Ha ba fihla ka nqane ho noka, mopheme a nahana ka seo a se entseng ho motswalle wa hae. “Thuhlo?” a rialo a buela fatshe. +“O reng, Mopheme?” ha araba thuhlo. +“Ke maswabi ka ho o tshwara hampe. Ke a bona hore seo o se entseng ho nna e ne e le ka lebaka la tsela e mpe eo ke ileng ka o tshwara ka yona pejana,” ha rialo Mopheme.  +Thuhlo a dumela ka hlooho. “Ho jwalo,” a rialo. “Ke ne ke iphetetsa ho seo o nkentseng sona.” + +“O ntshwarele,” ha rialo mopheme. +Yaba, mopheme le thuhlo ba ithuta hore ho bohlokwa ho tshwara ba bang ka tsela eo le wena o tlang ho thabela hore ba o tshware ka yona, mme ho tloha tsatsing leo, ba dula ba etsa jwalo. Ho fihlela le hodimo lena, e sa ntse e le metswalle ya hlooho ya kgomo. +Eba le boiqapelo! +Ha le qeta ho bala Thuhlo le mopheme, buisana le bana ba hao mabapi le kamoo ba lakatsang hore metswalle ya bona e ba tshware ka teng mme ebe o sebedisa ditlhahiso tsa bona ho ngola lenane mmoho le bitswang, Mekgwa e 10 ya ho ba motswalle wa sebele.",sot,Sesotho,Thuhlo le mopheme,"Once upon a time, a giraffe and fox were best friends. They were both good at stealing and often got up to no good. While stealing food on a nearby farm one day, the friends get into a fight through which they learn about the meaning of ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thuhlo-le-mopheme +the-giraffe-and-the-fox,"Bogologolotala go ne go na le thutlwa le phokojwe e e ditsebe tsa mamathwane ba e neng e le ditsala tse di kgolo thata. Bobedi jwa bone ba ne ba kgona go utswa thata mme ka nako e ntsi ba ne ba nna mmogo ba dira dilo tse di maswe. +Ka letsatsi lengwe Phokojwe o ne a utlwa a tshwerwe ke tlala. “Tlaa, tsala ya me,” a rialo go Thutlwa. “A re tshele noka mme re utswe dijo kwa polaseng ele.” +“Ke leano le le ntle!” ga bua thutlwa, a itatswa dipounama. “Ke utlwa ke eletsa legapu le le monate.” +Thutlwa le phokojwe ba tshela noka. Phokojwe o ne a itshwareletse thata ka thamo ya thutlwa ka a ne a sa itse go thuma. +Kwa karolong e nngwe ya noka, phokojwe yo o botlhale a dira leroba mo terateng ka meno a gagwe a a bogale. Jaanong phokojwe le thutlwa ba itshukunyetsa mo terateng go ya go utswa dijo kwa karolong e nngwe. Phokojwe ya utswa mae a matlhano kwa hokong ya dikoko mme thutlwa ya tshotlha bontlha jwa lethisi. Thutlwa e ne e simolola go ja legapu le le monate fa phokojwe e ne e tsholetsa nko ya yona kwa loaping mme ya bokolela. + +“Shhhhh,” thutlwa ya suma e kgwela manathwana a legapu mo go phokojwe. +“O raya jang fa o re, ‘shhhhh’?” ga botsa phokojwe e iphimola ditedu. “Ka gale ke a opela fa ke fetsa go ja dijo. Ke tlwaelo ya me.” +“Ee jaanong, nkemele ke fetse legapu la me,” thutlwa a phuphura. “E seng jalo rapolase o tlile go go utlwa mme a re lelekise.” +Phokojwe e ne e lapisitswe ke go leta. E ne ya tsholetsa nko ya gagwe kwa loaping gape mme ya simolola go opela, “Owoooooooo!” +Rapolase o ne a ja dijo tsa gagwe tsa motshegare fa a utlwa phokojwe e bokolela. O ne a tabogela kwa ntle le thupa ya gagwe e kgolo. Phokojwe e ne ya mmona fa a tla mme, ka a ne a le bonako, a itatlhela kwa ntle ka leroba la terata mme ke fa ile pele ga rapolase a mmona. +Thutlwa ya batho, mo letlhakoreng le lengwe, o ne a eme ka maoto a yona a kwa pele a bulegile a leka go itumelela legapu la gagwe la bofelo. Fa a bona rapolase a tla, o ne a leka go ema a taboga, maoto a gagwe a kgolagana mme a wela mo fatshe. +“O seka wa ba wa tlhola o nkutswetsa gape!” rapolase a rialo, a betsa thutlwa ka thupa ya gagwe. +Kwa bokhutlong fa thutlwa a ne a kgona go tshaba, mmele wa gagwe otlhe o ne o le matsadi mme a kgotswetse phokojwe. O ne a tlhotsetsa kwa nokeng kwa phokojwe a neng a robetse kwa tlase ga setlhatshana. +“Ga o tsala wena!” ga rialo thutlwa e tenegile, e tsosa phokojwe. “Ke lebogela go opela ga gago, ke iteilwe botlhoko.” +“O seka wa tenega,” ga rialo phokojwe. “Ke go boleletse gore fa ke fetsa go ja ka gale ke a opela. Jaanong a re tshele noka re boele gae.” +Phokojwe ya itshwarelela ka thamo ya thutlwa mme thutlwa ya thuma mo gare ga metsi. Fa thutlwa e fitlha kwa karolong e e boteng ya noka, a raya phokojwe a re, “Jaanong ke ya go tlhapa. Ke ikutlwa ke gotetse le go tshwenyega morago ga go itewa go le.” +“O ka seke!” ga rialo phokojwe, a lebeletse thutlwa ka matlho a a tomogileng. “Fa o ka tsenelela mo metsing, ke tla nwela! Ga ke itse go thuma!” +“Mme ke tshwanetse go tlhapa,” ga rialo thutlwa. “Ke tlwaelo ya me.” Ka seo, thutlwa ya tsenelela mo metsing. Phokojwe ya wela mo gare  mme ya ragaraga ka maoto a yona. + +“Thusang! Thusang! Ke a nwela!” phokojwe ya lela. +Thutlwa e ne e tenegile ka go itewa ga gagwe, mme a utlwisiwa botlhoko ke go lebelela phokojwe e ragaraga mo metsing. Phokojwe e ne e le tsala ya gagwe kwa bokhutlong. Thutlwa ya tsenya tlhogo ya yona mo tlase ga metsi mme ya e dirisa go emisa phokojwe gape mo thamong ya yone. Phokojwe e ne ya gotlhola le go kgamega mme ya itshwarelela ka thutlwa thata. +Fa ba fitlha kwa karolong e nngwe ya noka, phokojwe ya nagana ka se e se dirileng tsala ya yona. “Thutlwa?” a buela kwa tlase. +“Ee, Phokojwe,” ga araba thutlwa. +“Ke maswabi go go tshwara makgwakgwa. Ke a bona gore se o se ntirileng ke ka ntlha ya tsela e ke go tshwereng ka yona nako e le,” ga rialo Phokojwe. +Thutlwa a tshikinya tlhogo ka tumelano. “Ee go jalo”, a rialo. “Ke ne ke go duelela se o se ntirileng.” + +“Maitshwarelo,” ga rialo phokojwe. +Jaanong, phokojwe le thutlwa ba ithuta gore go siame go tshwara batho ka tsela e o batlang go tshwarwa ka yona, mme go tloga ka letsatsi leo, ba ne ba dira jalo ka gale. Mme, go fitlha le gompieno, e santse e le ditsala tsa nnete. +Nna le boitlhamedi! +Fa o feditse go buisa Thutlwa le phokojwe, bua le bana ba gago ka tsela e ba batlang gore ditsala tsa bona di ba tshole ka yona mme morago ba dirise ditshwaelo tsa bona go kwala mmogo lenaane le le bidiwang, ditsela di le 10 tsa go nna tsala e e siameng.",tsn,Setswana,Thutlwa le phokojwe,"Once upon a time, a giraffe and fox were best friends. They were both good at stealing and often got up to no good. While stealing food on a nearby farm one day, the friends get into a fight through which they learn about the meaning of ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thutlwa-le-phokojwe +the-giraffe-and-the-fox,"Kudala-dala kwakukho abahlobo abakhulu, indlulamthi kunye nempungutye eneendlebe ngathi ngamalulwane. Babengamachule okweba kwaye kwixesha elininzi bebekunye kungekho nto ingako bayenzayo. +Ngenye imini uMpungutye wayelambile. “Yiza, mhlobo wam,” watsho kuNdlulamthi. “Masinqumle umlambo siye kuba ukutya kula fama iphaya.” +“Ucinge kakuhle ngqo!” yatsho indlulamthi, ikhotha imilebe yayo. “Ndibawela ivatala enencasa.” +Indlulamthi nempungutye zanqumla umlambo. Impungutye yabambelela nkqi entanyeni ende yendlulamthi kuba yayingakwazi kuqubha. +Kwelinye icala lomlambo, impungutye ekrelekrele yavula umngxuma ecingweni lomlimi ngamazinyo ayo abukhali. Impungutye nendlulamthi zakwazi ukuzinyanzela zithe cwaka kuloo mngxuma osecingweni ukuze ziyo kweba ukutya kwelinye icala. Impungutye yeba amaqanda amahlanu ehokweni yezikhukukazi yaze indlulamthi yahlafuna kwiindawo ezinelethasi, yayisaqalisa ukutya ivatala enencasa xa impungutye yasuka yaphakamisela impumlo yayo phezulu esibhakabhakeni yakhala. + +“Shhhhh,” yafutha indlulamthi itshicela impungutye ngamasuntswana evatala. +“Uthetha ukuthini xa usithi, ‘shhhhh’?” yabuza impungutye isula amabhovu ayo. “Ndiyacula qho xa ndigqiba ukutya. Lisiko lam elo.” +“Hayi ke, ndilinde ndigqibe ivatala yam,” yambombozela indlulamthi. “Kungenjalo umlimi uza kukuva eze afike asigxothe.” +Impungutye yadikwa kukulinda. Yaphinda yaphakamisela impumlo yayo phezulu esibhakabhakeni yaqalisa ukucula, “Owoooooooo!” +Umlimi wayesitya isidlo sakhe sasemini xa wayesiva impungutye ikhala. Waphumela phandle ephethe intonga yakhe enkulu. Impungutye yambona esiza, yaze ngokukhawuleza, yaphuma emngxunyeni osecingweni yabe seyinyamalele umlimi engekayiboni. +Usizana lwendlulamthi, kwelinye icala, lwalumi lungxabalaze ngemilenze yayo yangaphambili lusonwabela ivatala yayo yokugqibela. Ithe yakubona umlimi esiza, yazama ukusukuma ukuze ibaleke, kodwa imilenze yayo yasuka yaphithana yaze yawa. +“Ungaze, ungaze uphinde undibele kwakhona!” wakhwaza umlimi, eyibetha ngentonga yakhe indlulamthi. +Yathi yakukwazi ukubaleka indlulamthi ekugqibeleni, yabe seyinemivumbo umzimba wonke kwaye iqumbele impungutye. Yaqhwalela ukuya ngasemlanjeni apho impungutye yayisabiwe bubuthongo khona phantsi kwetyholo. +“Umhlobo onguye!” yangxola indlulamthi, yatsho yavuka impungutye. “Ndiyakubulela ngokucula kwakho kuba ndibethwe ndamnyama nazuba.” +“Musa ukucaphuka,” yatsho impungutye. “Ndikuxelele ukuba ndicula qho ndakugqiba ukutya. Ngoku masinqumle umlambo sigoduke.” +Impungutye yabambelela entanyeni yendlulamthi yangena emanzini. Yakuba indlulamthi ifike kweyona ndawo inzulu yomlambo, yathi kwimpungutye, “Ndiza kuhlamba ke ngoku. Ndiva ubushushu kwaye ndidubekile ngenxa yokubethwa.” +“Akunakuyenza loo nto!” yatsho impungutye, iyithe ntsho indlulamthi ithe phuhlu iingqanda zamehlo. “Ukuba ungangena phantsi kwamanzi, ndiza kurhaxwa! Kaloku andikwazi kuqubha!” +“Kodwa kunyanzelekile ukuba ndihlambe,” yatsho indlulamthi. “Lisiko lam elo.” Yathi yakutsho, yathi dyumpu emanzini indlulamthi. Impungutye yarhoxozela ibetha ngamandla ngamathupha ayo. +“Nceda! Nceda! Ndiyarhaxwa!” yakhala impungutye. +Indlulamthi yayikhathazwe kukubethwa, kodwa yaba nosizi xa ibukele impungutye itshiza emanzini. Impungutye yayingumhlobo wayo. +Indlulamthi yafaka intloko phantsi kwamanzi yaze yaphakamisa impungutye ngentloko ukuze iyibeke entanyeni yayo. Yakhohlela impungutye itsarhiwe seyithe nca kwindlulamthi ukuze isindise ubomi bayo. Bathi bakufika kwelinye icala lomlambo, impungutye yacinga ngento eyenze umhlobo wayo. “Ndlulamthi?” yatsho ngelecawa. +“Ewe, Mpungutye,” yaphendula indlulamthi. +“Ndicela uxolo ngokukuphatha kakubi kangaka. Ndibonile ukuba into ondenze yona uyenze ngenxa yendlela endiqale ndakuphatha kakubi ngayo,” watsho uMpungutye. +Wanqwala uNdlulamthi. “Kunjalo,” watsho. “Bendiziphindezela kuwe ngenxa yento ondenze yona kuqala.” +  +“Uxolo,” yatsho impungutye. +Ngoko ke, impungutye nendlulamthi zazifunde ukuba kubalulekile ukuphatha abanye ngendlela esifuna ukuphathwa ngayo, kwaze ukususela ngaloo mini, zenza ngolo hlobo. Kude kube namhlanje, zisengabahlobo abakhulu. +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Emva kokuba ufunde elithi Indlulamthi nempungutye, thetha nabantwana bakho ngendlela abathanda ukuphathwa ngayo ngabahlobo babo uze usebenzise izimvo zabo ukubhala uluhlu kunye nabo olubizwa ngale ndlela, iindlela ezili-10 zokuba ngumhlobo olungileyo.",xho,isiXhosa,Indlulamthi nempungutye,"Once upon a time, a giraffe and fox were best friends. They were both good at stealing and often got up to no good. While stealing food on a nearby farm one day, the friends get into a fight through which they learn about the meaning of ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/indlulamthi-nempungutye +the-giraffe-and-the-fox,"Khale ka khaleni a ku ri na N’wanhutlwa na N’wamhungubye wa tindleve ta ximangadyani lava a va ri vanghana vo twanana swinene. Ha vumbirhi a va swi kota swinene ku yiva naswona a va tshama ngopfu swin’we va ri karhi va endla leswo biha. +Siku rin’wana N’wamhungubye a twa ndlala. “Tana, mghana,” a byela N’wanhutlwa. “Tana hi pela nambu hi ya yiva swakudya ensin’wini liya yi nga lee.” +“Ya leyo i mianakanyo ya kahle!” ku vula N’wanhutlwa, a ri karhi tinatswela milomo. “Ndzi twa ndzi navele khalavatla ro tsokombela.” +N’wanhutlwa na N’wamhungubye va perile nambu. N’wamhungubye a khomelele swinene eka nhamu ya N’wanhutlwa leyo leha hikuva yena a nga koti ku hlambela. +Hi tlhelo lerin’wana ra nambu, N’wamhungubye lowo tlhariha u cerile mbovo ehansi ka darata ya nsimu ya murimii hi meno ya yena lamo tontswa. Kutani N’wamhungubye na N’wanhutlwa va manyukuta edarateni va miyerile leswaku va ya yiva swakudya eka tlhelo lerin’wana. N’wamhungubye u yivile mandza ya ntlhanu exilawini xa mbhaha lowu a wu fukamerile naswona N’wanhutlwa yena a ncakunya matluka ya lethasi, naswona a ha ku sungula khalavatla lero tala murhu loko N’wamhungubye a tlakusela nhompfu ya yena ehenhla a sungula ku vukula. + +“Xiiiiii,” ku miyeta N’wanhutlwa loko a ri karhi tshutela swiphemu swa swikampfu swa khalavatla ehenhla ka N’wamuhungubye. +“Xana u vula yini loko u ku, ‘xiiiiiii’?” ku vutisa N’wamhungubye a ri karhi a tisula malebvu. “Mikarhi hinkwayo ndza yimbelela loko ndzi heta swakudya swa mina. I ntolovelo wa mina.” +“Lokoswiritano, ndzi yimeli ndzi hetisa khalavatla ra mina,” ku hlamula N’wanhutlwa. “Lokoswiritano murimi u ta ku twa naswona u ta ta laha ku ta hi hlongola.” +N’wamhungubye a karhele ku rindzela. U tlakusele nhompfu ya yena ehenhla emapapeni nakambe kutani a sungula ku yimbelela, “Owoooooooo!” +Murimi a ri karhi a dya swakudya swa ninhlekani loko a twa N’wamhungubye a ri eku vukuleni. U tsutsumele ehandle na nhonga ya yena leyikulu. N’wamhungubye u n’wi vonile loko a ri eku teni, hikuva u na xihatla, u hatlisile a nghena egojini ra darata kutani a nyamala na murimi a nga si n’wi vona. +Mbuya N’wanhutlwa, hi tlhelo, a yimile a hangalasile na milenge ya le mahlweni a ri ringeta ku tiphina hi mahetelelo ya khalavatla ra yena. Loko a vona murimi a ri karhi a ta, a ringeta ku yima na ku tsutsuma, kambe milenge ya yena yi hakana kutani a wa. +“Nakan’we, nakan’we u nge he pfuki u ndzi yiverile nakambe!” ku vula murimi, a ri karhi a bukutela N’wanhutlwa hi nhonga ya yena. +Endzhaku ka loko N’wanhutlwa a kotile ku baleka, a ri na swilondzo miri wakwe hinkwawo naswona a hlundzukele N’wamhungubye. U khwitile ku kondza a ya fika enambyeni laha N’wamhungubye a pavalale kona hi vurhongo ehansi ka xihlahla. +“Xana i munghana wa njhani!” ku bokoloka N’wanhutlwa, a pfuxa N’wamhungubye. “Ndzi khensa ku yimbelela ka wena ndzi biwile swinene ndzi wa ntima na wasi.” +“U nga hlundzuki,” ku hlamula N’wamhungubye. “Ndzi ku byerile leswaku ndza yimbelela loko ndzi heta ku dya swakudya swa mina. Sweswi a hi peli nambu hi vuyela ekaya.” +N’wamhungubye u khomelele nhamu ya N’wanhutlwa kutani va hlambela va ya eka tlhelo lerin’wana ra nambu. Loko N’wanhutlwa a fika exikarhi ka nambu laha ku nga enta kona, a ku eka N’wamhungubye, “Sweswi ndzi lava ku hlamba. Ndzi twa ku hisa na ku karhateka endzhaku ka loko ndzi biwile.” +“U nga swi endli sweswo!” ku vula N’wamhungubye, a langute N’wanhutlwa hi mahlo lamakulu. “Loko wo nghena endzeni ka mati ndzi ta nwela! A ndzi swi koti ku hlambela!” +“Kambe ndzi fanele ndzi hlamba,” ku vula N’wanhutlwa. “I ntolovelo wa mina.” Loko a heta ku vula tano, N’wanhutlwa o nghena endzeni ka mati. N’wamhunubye u kukutlerile mati na ku ringeta ku hlambela hi mikondzo yakwe. +“Pfunani! Pfunani! Ndza nwela!” ku kalakala N’wamahunbye. +N’wanhutlwa a hlundzukile hi ku biwa ka yena, kambe a twa ku vava ku vona N’wamhungubye xi ri karhi xi phaphamala ematini. Eka hinkwaswo N’wamhungubye a ri munghana wa yena. N’wanhutlwa u nghenisile nhloko yakwe endzeni ka mati a yi tirhisa ku tlakula N’wamhungubye hi nhamu yakwe. N’wamhungubye u khohlorile na ku tlimbeka kambe a khomelela ya N’wanhutlwa ku ponisa vutomi bya yena. +Loko va fika eka tlhelo lerin’wana ra nambu, N’wamhungubye a ehleketa hileswi a nga swi endlela munghana wa yena. “N’wanhutlwa?” a vula hi xiritwana. +“Ahee, N’wamhungubye,” ku hlamula N’wanhutlwa. +“Ndzi kombela u ndzi khomela eka tihanyi leti ndzi ti endleke. Ndza swi vona leswaku leswi u swi endleke eka mina i mhaka ya ndlela ya tihanyi leyi ndzi ku khomeke ha yona ekusunguleni,” ku vula N’wamhungubye. +N’wanhutlwa a pfumela hi nhloko. “Hi swona,” a hlamula. “A ndzo rihisela eka leswi u nga ndzi endla swona.” + +“Ndzi khomeli,” ku vula N’wamhungubye. +Hi ndlela ya leyo, N’wamhungubye na N’wanhutlwa va dyondze leswaku swi na nkoka ku khoma van’wana hi ndlela leyi hi rhandzaka ku khomisiwa xiswona, ku suka siku rero ku ya emahlweni, a va endla tano. Nakambe, na namuntlha, va ha ri vanghana lavakulu swinene. +Sungulani ku va ni vutumbuluxi! +Endzhaku ka ku hlaya N’wanhutlwa na N’wamhungubye, vulavula na vana va wena hilaha va rhandzaka leswaku vanghana va vona va va khomisa xiswona kutani u tirhisa swiringanyeto swa vona ku tsala nxaxamelo lowu vuriwaka, tindlela ta 10 ta ku va munghana wa kahle.",tso,Xitsonga,’wanhutlwa na N’wamhungubye,"Once upon a time, a giraffe and fox were best friends. They were both good at stealing and often got up to no good. While stealing food on a nearby farm one day, the friends get into a fight through which they learn about the meaning of ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/n’wanhutlwa-na-n’wamhungubye +the-giraffe-and-the-fox,"Kwesukasukela, kwakukhona indlulamithi kanye nempungushe enamadlebe afana nawelulwane ezazingabangani abahle. Zombili zazinekhono elihle lokweba kanti zazichitha isikhathi esiningi zindawonye zenza okungalungile. +Ngolunye usuku uMpungushe wayezizwa elambile. “Woza, mngani wami,” esho kuNdlulamithi. “Masiwele umfula sintshontshe ukudla epulazini elingaleya ngaphesheya.” +“Wumbono omuhle lowo!” kwasho indlulamithi, ikhotha izindebe zayo zomlomo. “Ungathi sengiyalinambitha ikhabe.” +Indlulamithi nempungushe zawuwela umfula. Impungushe yabambelela yaqinisa entanyeni yendlulamithi ngoba yayingakwazi ukubhukuda. +Ngaphesheya komfula, impungushe ehlakaniphileyo yavula imbobo ocingweni lomlimi ngamazinyo ayo abukhali. Emva kwalokho impungushe nendlulamithi zazimpintsha ngokuthula ocingweni ukuze zintshontshe ukudla okukolunye uhlangothi. Impungushe yantshontsha amaqanda amahlanu esidlekeni sesikhukhukazi kanti indlulamithi yazihlafunela ulethisi. Yathi lapho isithi izitika ngekhabe eliconsisa amathe kanti impungushe isizophakamisa ikhala layo ilibhekise phezulu esibhakabhakeni maqede ibubule. + +“Shhhhh,” kuhleba indlulamithi iphimisela izicucu zekhabe emzimbeni wempungushe. +“Usho ukuthini uma uthi, ‘shhhhh’?” kubuza impungushe yesula izindevu zayo. “Ngiyacula njalo uma sengiqedile ukudla. Kuyisiko lami nje.” +“Kulungile, ngilinde-ke ngiqede ikhabe lami,” kuhlafuna indlulamithi. “Uma kungenjalo umlimi uzokuzwa bese eza ezosixosha.” +Impungushe yayisikhathele ukulinda. Yaphinda yaliphakamisa ikhala layo maqede yaqala ukucula, “Owoooooooo!” +Umlimi wayesazidlela isidlo sasemini ngenkathi ezwa impungushe ishaya umkhulungwane. Wagijima waphumela phandle nenduku yakhe enkulu. Impungushe yambona eza, njengoba ishesha kakhulu, yagijima kakhulu ingena emgodini ocingweni kwabe iyanyamalala emehlweni ngaphambi kokuthi umlimi ayibone. +Indlulamithi bandla, ngakolunye uhlangothi, yayimile igxamalazile, isazama ukuthokozela isigaxana sokugcina sekhabe. Ngenkathi ibona umlimi eza, yazama ukusukuma bese iyabaleka, kodwa imilenze yayo yaphambana, yakhubeka, yawa. +“Ungaphinde, ungaphinde ungintshontshele futhi!” kumemeza umlimi, eshaya indlulamithi ngenduku. +Ngenkathi indlulamithi iphunyula ekugcineni, yayisinemivimbo kuwo wonke umzimba wayo kanti yayithukuthelele impungushe. Yaxhuga ibheke emfuleni lapho impungushe yayihonqa khona ngaphansi kwesihlahla. +“Lo mngani onguyena!” kuthetha indlulamithi, ivusa impungushe. “Ngiyabonga ngokucula kwakho, mina ngishaywe ngimabokoboko.” +“Ungacasuki,” kwasho impungushe. “Ngikutshelile ukuthi ngiyacula njalo uma sengikuqedile ukudla kwami. Manje, masiwele umfula sibuyele ekhaya.” +Impungushe yabambelela entanyeni yendlumithi, indlulamithi yabhukuda ingena emfuleni. Indlulamithi yathi lapho isifika engxenyeni ejule kakhulu yomfula, yathi kumpungushe, “Sengizogeza manje. Ngizwa konke ukushisa futhi ngikhathazekile ngemuva kokuthi ngishayiwe.” +“Awukwazi!” kwasho impungushe, ibuka indlulamithi ngamehlo amakhulu. “Uma ungena ngaphansi kwamanzi, ngizominza! Angikwazi ukubhukuda!” +“Kodwa kumele ngigeze,” kwasho indlulamithi. “Yisiko lami.” Yathi ingasho njalo, indlulamithi yaziphonsa ngaphansi kwamanzi. Impungushe yagwiliza yashaya izidladla zayo. +“Sizani! Sizani! Ngiyaminza!” kukhala impungushe. +Indlulamithi yayicasukile ngokushaywa kwayo, kodwa yaphatheka kabi ukubuka impungushe igwiliza izungeza emanzini. Phela impungushe kwakungumngani wayo.  +Indlulamithi yafaka ikhanda layo ngaphansi kwamanzi yase isebenzisa lona ukuqukula impungushe ukuze ibuyele entanyeni yayo. Impungushe yayikhwehlela futhi ixhililwe, yabambelela entanyeni yendlulamithi ukuze iphephise impilo yayo. Ngenkathi sezifika ngaphesheya komfula, impungushe yacabanga ngeyayikwenze kumngani wayo. “Ndlulamithi?” esho ngeliphansi.  +“Yebo, Mpungushe,” kuphendula indlulamithi. +“Ngiyaxolisa ngokukuphatha kabi. Ngiyabona ukuthi okwenze kimi kungenxa yendlela embi engikuphathe ngayo phambilini,” kusho uMpungushe.  +UNdlulamithi wanqekuzisa ikhanda. “Kunjalo,” kusho yena. “Bengiphindisela ngalokho okwenze kimi.” + +“Uxolo,” kwasho impungushe. +Nokho-ke, impungushe nendlulamithi zazifundile ukuthi kubalulekile ukuthi uphathe abanye ngendlela esifuna ukuphathwa ngayo nathi, kanti ukusukela ngalelo langa, zazenza kanjalo. Futhi, kuze kube namuhla, zisengabangani abakhulu. +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Ngemuva kokufunda Indlulamithi nempungushe, khuluma nezingane zakho mayelana nokuthi zithanda ukuphathwa kanjani ngabangani bazo bese usebenzisa iziphakamiso zazo ukubhala uhlu ngokuhlanganyela olubizwa ngokuthi, Izindlela eziyi-10 zokuba umngani omuhle.",zul,isiZulu,Indlulamithi nempungushe,"Once upon a time, a giraffe and fox were best friends. They were both good at stealing and often got up to no good. While stealing food on a nearby farm one day, the friends get into a fight through which they learn about the meaning of ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/indlulamithi-nempungushe +dirty-dassie,"Dumi Dassie lay flat on his back, sunning his fuzzy tummy on a big, flat rock. He was nearly asleep when he heard loud giggles. Lazily, he opened one eye. Two little dassies were scampering by. + +“EWWWW!!!” said one of them to the other when they were safely past the rock. “That dassie smells BAD!” They giggled some more as they rushed off. +Dumi sighed, and flicked at a fly that was buzzing around his ear. “It’s not fair!” he thought to himself. “Nobody understands me.” +It was true. Dumi smelled bad because he was dirty. He was dirty because he never washed, but nobody knew why. The truth was, Dumi was scared of water. Once, when he was still a baby, he fell head first into a big muddy puddle. Dumi couldn’t swim, but luckily, his big brother fished him out by his hind legs. Ever since that day, Dumi couldn’t bear to be near water. When the other dassies went to the pool every morning to wash, Dumi slunk off and hid in the bushes. Nobody could get him to change his mind about water – not even his mother! +The days passed – the summer was very hot and there was no rain. Dumi grew dirtier and dirtier. His fur was greasy and matted, and he smelled horrible. Even worse, a swarm of flies followed him wherever he went. Dumi didn’t like this, of course, but he acted like he didn’t care. +One morning, the village elders came to talk to Dumi. They stood far away, and Dumi saw them holding their noses and gasping for air. +“We are sorry, Dumi,” they said, “but as you know it hasn’t rained for a long time. There are many flies around. Flies love dirt, and you are very dirty, so the flies love you! All these flies will make us sick … It is best that you leave this village.” +Poor Dumi! What could he do? Sadly, he slunk off. He walked and walked. The day grew hotter as the sun rose high into the bright blue sky. His head felt heavy, and his feet were so sore! Eventually, he felt he could not walk another step. +“I need some shade!” he said, looking around. There weren’t many trees in this part of the veld, but he saw a small thorn tree not far away. Slowly, Dumi limped over to this little tree. He lay down under it, and fell fast asleep. +Many hours passed. Dumi had been sleeping so soundly that he hadn’t seen the storm clouds gathering in the sky. The sun had disappeared. The sky grew dark. The air grew cooler and cooler, but still the tired dassie slept. At last, the rain began pelting down. +Dumi woke up. Fat raindrops were splashing all over his body! In the dassie village, all the dassies hid from the rain under the big rocks. But here, there was nowhere to hide! At first, when Dumi saw and felt the rain, he screamed and cried and rolled into a little furry ball. “Help!” he yelped. “Somebody help me!” But even the flies were gone, and Dumi was all alone. +Then a strange thing happened. As the cool rain ran over his body, Dumi realised that it felt good. Slowly, he calmed down and after a while, he even dared to open his eyes. “The rain looks pretty,” he said, “and it makes the veld smell fresh!” Then Dumi stood up, and opened his mouth to drink the raindrops. “It tastes good too!” he said in wonder. He was so happy that soon he began to tap his foot and click his fingers. +That was when Dumi turned around, and danced all the way back to the dassie village, singing as he went: “The rain! The rain! I love the rain! Imvula! Imvula! Imvula!” +Dumi arrived at the village at sunset. None of the other dassies saw him – they were all hiding from the rain under big rocks. Dumi didn’t care. He was used to being alone, and anyway, he felt so happy! He ate a few leaves for supper, crawled under a bush and fell fast asleep again. +When Dumi woke up, the rain had stopped and the village looked beautiful and fresh. As the sun rose, a carpet of bright pink flowers burst into bloom. +“Wow!” he said, looking around. +Just then, all the other dassies came walking towards him. They were on their way to the pool to wash. How surprised they were to see the new, clean, sweet-smelling Dumi! +“Dumi! What happened?” they all asked, crowding around him. But instead of speaking, Dumi began to click his fingers and tap his foot … soon he was dancing and singing again. All the dassies joined in, as they made their way to the pool: “The rain! The rain! We love the rain! Imvula! Imvula! Imvula!” + +Get creative! + +Give your children large sheets of paper and suggest that they draw pictures of how Dumi Dassie felt about water at the beginning or the end of the story – or both!",eng,English,Dirty Dassie,"Because Dumi Dassie is very scared of water, he never joins the other dassies when they go to the pool to wash. Dumi gets so dirty that the elders ask him to leave the village. But then it starts raining … + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dirty-dassie +dirty-dassie,"Dumi Dassie lê op sy rug op ’n groot, plat rots, sodat sy wollerige maag in die son kan bak. Hy is byna aan die slaap toe hy ’n gegiggel hoor. Lui maak hy een oog oop. Twee klein dassies draf verby. + +“FOEI!!!” sê een van hulle vir die ander een toe hulle veilig verby die rots is. “Daardie dassie ruik SLEG!” Hulle giggel nog toe hulle wegskarrel. +Dumi sug en klap na ’n vlieg wat om sy oor zoem. “Dis nie regverdig nie!” dink hy by homself. “Niemand verstaan my nie.” +En dis waar. Dumi ruik sleg, want hy is vuil. Hy is vuil, want hy bad nooit nie, maar niemand weet waarom nie. Die waarheid is dat Dumi bang is vir water. Eenkeer, toe hy nog ’n baba was, het hy kop eerste in ’n groot modderpoel geval. Dumi kon nie swem nie, maar gelukkig het sy ouboet hom aan sy agterbene uitgetrek. Sedert daardie dag kan Dumi dit nie verdra om naby water te kom nie. Wanneer die ander dassies elke oggend in die poel gaan was, sluip Dumi weg en gaan kruip in die bosse weg. Niemand kan hom sover kry om van plan te verander oor water nie – nie eens sy ma nie! +Die dae gaan verby – die somer is baie warm en dit reën nie. Dumi raak vuiler en vuiler. Sy pels is olierig en gekoek, en hy ruik aaklig. Om dit nog erger te maak, is daar ’n swerm vlieë wat hom agtervolg waar hy ook al gaan. Dumi hou natuurlik nie hiervan nie, maar hy maak of hy nie omgee nie. +Een oggend kom die oudstes van die dorp om met Dumi te praat. Hulle staan ver van hom af, en Dumi sien dat hulle hul neuse toeknyp en na hul asems snak. +“Ons is jammer, Dumi,” sê hulle, “maar soos jy weet, het dit lanklaas gereën. Daar is baie vlieë in die rondte. Vlieë hou van vullis, en omdat jy so smerig is, is die vlieë dol oor jou! Al hierdie vlieë gaan ons siek maak … Dit is beter dat jy weggaan uit die dorp.” +Arme Dumi! Hartseer sluip hy weg. Hy loop en loop. Die dag word warmer namate die son hoër in die blou lug opstyg. Dumi se kop voel swaar en sy voete is so seer! Uiteindelik voel hy hy kan nie ’n tree verder loop nie. +“Ek moet in die skaduwee kom!” sê hy, en kyk rond. Daar is nie baie bome in hierdie deel van die veld nie, maar hy sien ’n klein doringboom daar naby. Stadig hinkepink Dumi oor na die klein boompie toe. Hy gaan lê onder die boom en raak vas aan die slaap. +Ure gaan verby. Dumi slaap so vas dat hy nie die reënwolke in die lug sien saambondel nie. Die son verdwyn. Die lug word donker. Die lug raak koeler en koeler, maar nog steeds slaap die moeë dassie. Uiteindelik begin die reën neerplof. +Dumi word wakker. Vet reëndruppels spat oor sy hele lyf! In die dassiedorp skuil al die dassies onder die groot rotse teen die reën. Maar hier is daar nêrens vir Dumi om weg te kruip nie! Toe Dumi die eerste keer die reën sien en voel, skree en huil hy en rol homself in ’n klein wolballetjie op. “Help!” kerm hy. “Iemand help my!” Maar selfs die vlieë het padgegee, en Dumi is stoksielalleen. +Toe gebeur ’n vreemde ding. Terwyl die koel reën oor sy lyf stroom, besef Dumi dat dit lekker voel. Stadigaan bedaar hy, en na ’n rukkie waag hy dit selfs om sy oë oop te maak. “Die reën is mooi,” sê hy, “en dit laat die veld vars ruik!” Toe staan Dumi op en maak sy mond oop om die reëndruppels te drink. “Dit smaak ook lekker!” sê hy verwonderd. Hy is so bly dat hy sommer gou sy voet begin stamp en sy vingers klap. +Dis toe dat Dumi omdraai en al die pad tot by die dassie-dorp dans en sing: “Die reën! Die reën! Ek’s dol oor die reën! Imvula! Imvula! Imvula!” +Dumi kom teen sononder by die dorp aan. Nie een van die ander dassies sien hom nie – hulle skuil almal onder die groot rotse teen die reën. Dumi gee nie om nie. Hy is in elk geval gewoond daaraan om alleen te wees, en hy voel so gelukkig! Hy eet ’n paar blare vir aandete, kruip onder ’n bos in en raak weer vas aan die slaap. +Toe Dumi wakker word, het die reën opgehou en die dorp lyk skoon en vars. Toe die son opkom, verskyn ’n tapyt van helderpienk blomme. +“Sjoe!” sê hy en kyk om hom rond. +Net toe kom al die ander dassies na hom toe aangestap. Hulle is op pad na die poel toe om te gaan was. Hoe verbaas is hulle nie om die nuwe, skoon, vars Dumi te sien nie! +“Dumi! Wat het gebeur?” vra hulle almal en drom om hom saam. Maar in plaas daarvan om te praat, begin Dumi sy voet stamp en sy vingers klap … en gou dans en sing hy weer. Al die dassies val in, terwyl hulle koers kies na die poel toe: “Die reën! Die reën! Ons is dol oor die reën! Imvula! Imvula! Imvula!” + + +Wees kreatief! + +Gee vir jou kinders groot velle papier en stel voor dat hulle prente teken van hoe Dumi Dassie oor water gevoel het aan die begin of aan die einde van die storie – of albei!",afr,Afrikaans,Smerige Dassie,"Because Dumi Dassie is very scared of water, he never joins the other dassies when they go to the pool to wash. Dumi gets so dirty that the elders ask him to leave the village. But then it starts raining … + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/smerige-dassie +dirty-dassie,"Dumi wa Pela o be a kaname, mpa ya gagwe ya boya e oretše letšatši godimo ga leswika la papetla le legolo. O be a potuma ge a ekwa go khwikhinyega. Ka botšwa, a bula leihlo le letee. Dipelana tše pedi di be di sepelela kgauswi. + +“IUWWWW!!!” yo mongwe wa tšona a realo ge ba feta kgauswi le leswika ka polokego. “Pela yela e na le monkgo o MOBE!” Ba khwikhwinyega gape ba kitima. +Dumi a hemelana, gomme a boka ntšhi ye e bego e fofa kgauswi le tsebe ya gagwe. “Ga se nnete!” a nagana. “Ga go yo a nkwešišago.” +Ke nnete. Dumi o na le monkgo o mobe ka gobane o be a le ditšhila. O be a le ditšhila ka gobane ga se a ka a hlapa le gatee, gomme go be go se yo a tsebago gore ke ka lebaka la eng go le bjalo. Nnete ke gore, Dumi o be a tšhaba meetse. Ka nako ye e sale lesea, o ile a wela ka bodibeng bja leraga bjo bogolo ka hlogo. Dumi o be a sa kgone go rutha, efela ka mahlatse, buti wa gagwe o ile a mo goga ka maoto a morago. E sa le go tloga letšatši leo, Dumi ga a sa nyaka go ba kgauswi le meetse. Ge dipela tše dingwe di eya go hlapa bodibeng mesong ye mengwe le ye mengwe, Dumi o ya go khuta ka sethokgweng ka setu. Ga go yo a bego a kgona go fetola monagano wa gagwe ka ga meetse – e paletše le mmagwe! +Go fetile matšatši – go be go fiša kudu ka selemo, gomme go se na pula. Ditšhila tša Dumi di ile tša oketšega kudu. Boya bja gagwe bo be bo tshotshoma bo bopile leraga, gomme a nkga gampe. Godimo ga fao, o be a latelwa ke dintšhi tše dintši gohle mo a yago. Dumi o be a sa rate se, efela, o be a itira e ke ga a na taba. +Mesong ye mengwe, bagolo ba mo motseng ba ile ba ya go bolela le Dumi. Ba emetše kgojana, gomme Dumi a ba bona ba swere dinko gomme ba nyaka moya. +“O re swarele, Dumi,” ba realo, “efela bjalo ka ge o tseba ke kgale pula e sa ne. Go na le dintšhi tše dintši. Dintšhi di rata ditšhila, gomme o na le ditšhila, ka fao dintšhi di a go rata! Dintšhi tše ka moka di tlo re lwatša … Go kaone o tloge mo motseng wo.” +Dumi wa batho! O tla dira bjang? Ka manyami, a tloga ka setu. O ile a sepela, a ba a sepela. Phišo e ile ya oketšega ge letšatši le namelela leratadimeng le letalalerata la go taga. Hlogo ya gagwe e be e le boima, gomme maoto a gagwe a le bohloko kudu! Mafelelong a kwa gore a ka se sa kgona go ya pele. +“Ke hloka moriti!” a realo a lebelela ka mathoko. Ga go na mehlare ye mentši karolong ye ya naga, efela a bona mohlare wa meetlwa o monnyane kgauswinyana. Ka go nanya, Dumi a hlotša a ya mohlareng o monnyane. O kaname ka tlase ga ona gomme a swarwa ke boroko. +Go fetile diiri tše dintši. Dumi o ile ka boroko a se bone le ge ledimo le thoma marung. Letšatši le nyameletše. Leratadima le ile fifala. Moya wa thoma go tonya gomme go tonya gwa oketšega, efela pela ya go lapa ya se tsoge. Mafelelong pula e ile ya thoma go tšhologa. +Dumi o ile a tsoga. Mmele wa gagwe o be o pharwa ke marothi a magolo a pula! Motseng wa dipela, dipela ka moka tša khuta ka tlase ga maswika a magolo ge pula e ena. Efela, ga go mo a ka khutago fa! Mathomong, e rile ge Dumi a bona le go kwa pula, a goeletša, a lla, a pshikologela ka bolong ya boya. “Thušang!” a goeletša. “Nthušeng!” Efela le dintšhi di be di tlogile, gomme Dumi o be a le tee. +Gomme gwa direga selo sa go se tlwaelege. Ge pula ya go tonya e rothela mmeleng wa gagwe, Dumi o ile a lemoga gore o kwa bose. A lokologa ka go nanya, gomme ka moragonyana, a ba a bula mahlo. “Pula e botse,” a realo, “gomme e dira monkgo o mobose mo nageng!” Ka morago Dumi o ile a emelela, a bula molomo gore a nwe marothi a pula. “Le ona a bose!” a realo ka makalo. O thabile kudu a ba a thoma go bintšha leoto la gagwe le go thwantšha menwana ya gagwe. +Ka yona nako yeo Dumi a retologa, gomme a bina ge a boela motseng wa dipela, a tšama a opela: “Pula! Pula! Ke rata pula! Pula! Pula! Pula!” +Dumi a fihla motseng ge letšatši le dikela. Dipela tše dingwe ga se tša mmona – ka moka di be di khutetše pula ka tlase ga mswika a magolo. Dumi o be a se na taba. O tlwaetše go phela a le tee, efela, o ikwele a thabile kudu! O laletše ka matlakala a mmalwa, a gagabela ka tlase ga sethokgwa gomme a swarwa ke boroko gape. +Ge Dumi a tsoga, pula e be e khutše gomme naga e le botse go sa fiše. E rile ge letšatši le hlaba, gwa tšwelela mmetse wa maloba a mapinki a go taga ge a khukhuša. +“Agaa!” a realo, a lebelela gohle. +Ka nako yeo, dipela tše dingwe tša tla go yena. Di be di le tseleng yago ya bodibeng go hlapa. Ba makaditšwe ke go bona Dumi wa go nkga bose, wa go hlweka gape yo moswa! +“Dumi! Go diregile eng?” bohle ba botšiša ba mo dikologile. Efela go na le gore a bolele, Dumi a thoma go thwantšha menwana, a bintšha le leoto la gagwe … ke ge a thoma go bina le go opela gape. Dipela ka moka le tšona tša bina le go opela, ge di labile bodibeng: “Pula! Pula! Re rata pula! Pula! Pula! Pula!” + +E ba le boitlhamelo! + +Efa bana ba gago matlakala a magolo a pampiri gomme o šišinye gore ba thale diswantšho tša ka fao Pela Dumi a ikwelego ka gona ka ga meets mathomong goba mafelelong a kanegelo – goba ka moka ga tšona!",nso,Sepedi,Pela ya ditšh,"Because Dumi Dassie is very scared of water, he never joins the other dassies when they go to the pool to wash. Dumi gets so dirty that the elders ask him to leave the village. But then it starts raining … + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/pela-ya-ditšhila +dirty-dassie,"Mmutla Dumi o ne a kakaletse ka mokokotlo, a beile mpa ya hae letsatsing hodima letlapa le leholo le sephara. O ne a otsela a se a tla kgaleha ha a utlwa ho keketeha ho hoholo. Ka ho teneha a bula leihlo le le leng. Mebutlanyane e mmedi e ne e ntse e tlolatlola moo. + +“EWWWW!!!” e mong wa bona a rialo ho e mong ha ba se ba fetile letlapeng. “Mmutla wane o nkga HAMPE!” Ba keketeha hape ba bile ba baleha. +Dumi a fehelwa, mme a foka ntsintsi e neng e entse lerata pela tsebe ya hae. “Nthwena ke leeme!” a nahana jwalo. “Ha ho motho ya nkutlwisisang.” +E ne e le nnete. Dumi o ne a nkga hampe hobane o ne a le ditshila. O ne a le ditshila hobane o ne a eso ka a hlapa, mme ha ho motho ya neng a tseba lebaka. Nnete ke hore, Dumi o ne a tshaba metsi. Ka nako e nngwe, ha a ne a sa le monyane, o kile a wela ka hlooho qanthaneng e tletseng seretse. Dumi o ne a sa tsebe ho sesa, empa ka lehlohonolo, moholwane wa hae a mo hula ka maoto a ka morao. Mme ho tloha tsatsing leo, Dumi o ne a sa batle le ho atamela pela metsi. Ha mebutla e meng e eya letamong hoseng ho hong le ho hong ho ya tola, Dumi o ne a baleha a ilo ipata dihlahleng. Ho ne ho se motho ya ka etsang hore a fetole maikutlo a hae mabapi le metsi – esitana le mme wa hae! +Matsatsi a nna a feta – lehlabula le ne le tjhesa haholo mme ho se pula. Dumi a nna a ba ditshila le ho feta. Boya ba hae bo ne bo le mafura bo nyonyeha, mme a nkga ha bohloko. Ho feta moo, ho ne ho ena le dintsintsi tse ngata tse mo salang morao hohle moo a yang. Leha ho le jwalo, Dumi o ne a sa rate sena, empa o ne a iketsa ekare ha a kgathalle. +Hoseng ho hong, baholo ba motse ba tla ho tla bua le Dumi. Ba emella hole kwana, mme Dumi a bona ba ikwetse dinko mme ba hema ka thata. +“Re mohau, Dumi,” ba rialo, “empa kaha o a tseba hore ke kgale pula e sa ne. Ho na le dintsintsi tse ngata hohle mona. Dintsintsi di rata ditshila, mme wena o ditshila haholo, kahoo dintsintsi di a o rata! Dintsintsi tsena kaofela di tla re kudisa … Ho molemo hore o tsamaye motseng ona.” +Dumi wa batho! O ne a ka etsang? Ka maswabi, a tsamaya. O ile a tsamaya, a tsamaya. Letsatsi la nna la tjhesa le ho feta ha le phahamela hodimo lehodimong le bolou, le hlakileng. Hlooho ya hae e ne e le boima, mme maoto a hae a le bohloko! Qetellong, a ikutlwa a se a sa kgone ho tswela pele. +“Ke hloka moriti!” a rialo, a sheba kwana le kwana. Ho ne ho se na difate tse ngata karolong ena ya naha, empa a bona sefate se senyane sa leoka hojana mane. Butlebutle, Dumi a hlotsa a leba sefatjaneng sena. A fihla a robala ka tlasa sona, mme a kgaleha. +Ha feta dihora tse ngata. Dumi o ne a robetse ha monate hoo a sa kang a bona maru a sefefo a bokana hodimo. Letsatsi le ne le nyametse. Lehodimo la fifala. Moya wa phola, empa mmutla o kgathetseng wa nna wa ithoballa. Qetellong pula ya qala ho fafatsa. +Dumi a phaphama. Marothodi a matenya a pula a ne a otla hodima mmele ohle wa hae! Motseng wa mebutla, mebutla yohle e ne e ipatetse pula ka tlasa mafika a maholo. Empa mona, ho ne ho se moo a ka ipatang! Qalong, ha Dumi a bona le ho utlwa pula, a hoeletsa, a lla mme a ipitika a iketsa bolo ya boya. “Thusang!” a bokolla. “Motho ya ka nthusang hle!” Empa le dintsintsi di ne di tsamaile, mme Dumi a setse a le mong. +Yaba ho etsahala ntho e makatsang. Ha pula e phodileng e nela mmele ohle wa hae, Dumi a elellwa hore ho monate. Butlebutle, a theola maikutlo mme ka mora nakwana, a ba a bula mahlo, “Pula ena e ntle,” a rialo, “mme e etsa hore naha e nkge ha monate!” Yaba Dumi o a ema, a bula molomo wa hae ho nwa marothodi a pula. “E latsweha le ha monate!” a rialo ka ho makala. O ne a thabile hoo a ileng a tila fatshe ka leoto mme a twatlatsa menwana. +Ka nako eo, Dumi a thinya, mme a tantsha a ntse a leba morao a kgutlela motseng wa mebutla, a bina a ntse tsamaya: “Pula! Pula! Ke rata pula! Pula! Pula! Pula!” +Dumi a fihla motseng ha tsatsi le dikela. Ha ho na mmutla o ileng wa mmona – kaofela ha yona e ne e ipatetse pula ka tlasa mafika a maholo. Dumi o ne a sa kgathalle. O ne a tlwaetse ho ba mong, mme leha ho le jwalo, o ne a ikutlwa a thabile haholo! A ja mahlaku a mmalwa bakeng sa dijo tsa mantsiboya, a kena ka tlasa sehlahla mme a kgaleha hape. +Ha Dumi a tsoha, pula e ne e emisitse mme motse o shebahala o le motle, ho phodile. Ha letsatsi le ntse le phahama, dipalesa tse bopinki bo kganyang tsa thunya. +“Kgele!” a rialo, a sheba hohle. +Ka yona nako eo, mebutla yohle e meng ya tla ho tla feta moo a leng teng. E ne e le tseleng ya ho ya letangwaneng ho ya tola. E ne e maketse haholo ho bona Dumi e motjha, ya hlwekileng, ya nkgang ha monate! +“Dumi! Ho etsahetseng?” kaofela ha bona ba botsa, ba mo bokanetse. Empa ho ena le hore a bue, Dumi a qala ho twatlatsa menwana ya hae mme a tila ka leoto … e se neng ke ha a se a tantsha mme a bina hape. Mebutla e meng le yona ya kena, e ntse e labile letangwaneng: “Pula! Pula! Re rata pula! Pula! Pula! Pula!” + +Eba le boiqapelo! + +Efa bana ba hao maqephe a maholo a pampiri mme o hlahise hore ba take ditshwantsho tsa kamoo Mmutla Dumi a neng a ikutlwa ka teng ka metsi qalong kapa qetellong ya pale – kapa di le pedi!",sot,Sesotho,Mmutla o ditsh,"Because Dumi Dassie is very scared of water, he never joins the other dassies when they go to the pool to wash. Dumi gets so dirty that the elders ask him to leave the village. But then it starts raining … + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mmutla-o-ditshila +dirty-dassie,"Pela Dumi o rapame ka mokwatla wa gagwe, a beile mpa ya gagwe mo letsatsing mo letlapeng le legolo, le le sepapetla. O ne tloga a robala fa a utlwa ditshego tse di kwa godimo. Ka botshwakga, a bula leitlho le le lengwe. Dipela tse pedi tse dinnye di ne di feta. + +“AOOOO!!!” ga rialo nngwe ya tsone e bolelela e nngwe fa ba fetile letlapa ka pabalesego. “Pela ele e nkga BOSULA!” Ba tshegatshega gape fa ba tsamaya ka bonako. +Dumi a hemela kwa godimo, a leleka ntshi e e neng e fofa gaufi le tsebe ya gagwe. “Ga go a siama!” a nagana. “Ga go yo o ntlhaloganyang.” +E ne e le nnete. Dumi o ne a nkga ka gonne a le leswe. O ne a le leswe ka gonne o ne a sa tlhape, mme go ne go se ope yo o itseng gore ke goreng a sa tlhape. Nnete e ne e le gore, Dumi o ne a tshaba metsi. Nako nngwe, fa e ne e le lesea, o ne a wela pele ka tlhogo mo metsing a seretse. Dumi o ne a sa kgone go thuma, mme ka lesego, abuti wa gagwe a mo ntsha ka maoto a gagwe a kwa morago. Go tloga ka letsatsi leo, Dumi ga a batle go nna gaufi le metsi. Fa dipela tse dingwe di ya kwa sedibeng moso mongwe le mongwe go ya go tlhapa, Dumi o ne a tsamaya a ya go iphitlha mo ditlhatshaneng. Go ne go se ope yo a ka fetolang mogopolo wa gagwe ka metsi – le e seng mmagwe tota! +Malatsi a feta – selemo se ne se le mogote thata mme go se na pula. Dumi o ne a tswelela go nna leswe. Boboa jwa gagwe bo ne bo le mafura e bile bo kgamathetse, mme o ne a nkga bosula thata. Se se fetang tsotlhe, setlhopha sa dintshi se ne se mo sala morago gongwe le gongwe kwa o neng a ya gone. Dumi o ne a sa rate se, jaaka go solofetswe, mme fela o ne a dira e kete ga a kgathale. +Moso mongwe, bagolo ba motse ba ne ba tla go bua le Dumi. Ba ne ba emetse kgakala, mme Dumi o ne a ba bona ba tshwere dinko tsa bone mme ba felelwa ke mowa. +“Re maswabi, Dumi,” ba rialo, “mme fela jaaka o itse dipula ga di ise di ne ka nako e telele. Go na le dintshi tse dintsi mo. Dintshi di rata leswe, mme o leswe thata, ka jalo dintshi di a go rata! Dintshi tse tsotlhe di tlile go re lwatsa … Go botoka gore o tswe ka motse.” +Dumi wa batho! O ne a tla dirang? Ka kutlobotlhoko, a itsamaela. O ne a tsamaya lobaka lo lo telele. Letsatsi le ne la gotela thata fa le tlhatlogela kwa loaping le le pududu le le phatsimang. Tlhogo ya gagwe e ne ya mo imela, mme maoto a gagwe a ne a le botlhoko thata! A feleletsa a utlwa gore a ka se kgone go tsamaya kgato e nngwe. +“Ke tlhoka moriti!” a rialo, a lebelela gotlhe. Go ne go se na ditlhare tse dintsi mo karolong e ya naga, mme a bona setlhatsana sa mmitlwa gaufi. Ka iketlo, Dumi a tlhotsetsa kwa setlhatshaneng seo. A rapama mo tlase ga sona, mme a ya ka boroko. +Go fetile diura tse dintsi. Dumi o ntse a robetse monate thata mo e bileng a sa bona maru a pula ya matlakadibe a ipopa mo loaping. Letsatsi le ne le nyeletse. Loapi le ne le ntshofala. Phefo e ne e nna tsididi, mme fela pela e e lapileng e ne e robetse. Ga bofelo, pula e ne ya tshologa. +Dumi o ne a tsoga. Marothodi a makima a pula a ne a mo tshela mmele otlhe! Kwa motseng wa dipela, dipela tsotlhe di ne tsa iphitlhela pula mo tlase ga majwe a magolo. Mme fela mo, go ne go se gope kwa a ka iphitlhang teng! Pele, fa Dumi a bona le go utlwa pula, o ne a goa le go lela mme a ikgoloka a itira bolo e e boboa. “Thusang!” a goa. “Bathong thusang!” Mme le dintshi tota di ne di seo, Dumi o ne a le mongwe fela. +Jaanong sengwe se se sa tlwaelegang sa direga. Fa pula e e tsiditsana e tsamaya mo mmeleng wa gagwe, Dumi a lemoga gore ke maikutlo a a monate. Ka iketlo, a ritibala mme moragonyana, a lekeletsa go bula matlho. “Pula e lebega bontle,” a rialo, “e bile e dira gore naga e nkge foreše!” Jaanong Dumi a ema, a bula molomo wa gagwe go nwa marothodi a pula. “Gape e latswega monate!” a bua ka kgakgamalo. O ne a itumetse mme a simolola go phophotha leoto la gagwe le go thwantsha menwana ya gagwe. +Ke fa Dumi a retologa, mme a bina tsela yotlhe go boela kwa motseng wa dipela, a opela a ntse a tsamaya: “Pula! Pula! Ke rata pula! Pula! Pula! Pula!” +Dumi o gorogile kwa motseng fa letsatsi le phirima. Ga go na pela e e mmoneng – botlhe ba ne ba iphitlhetse pula ka fa tlase ga majwe a magolo. Dumi o ne a sa kgathale. O ne a tlwaetse go nna a le esi, le gone, o ne a itumetse thata! O ne a ja matlhare a se kae go lalela, a gagabela ka fa tlase ga setlhatsana mme a ya ka boroko gape. +Fa Dumi a tsoga, pula e ne e emisitse mme motse o ne o le montle o le foreše. Fa letsatsi le tlhaba, go ne ga thunya khapete ya malomo a a pinki. +“Ijoo!” a rialo a lebelela gotlhe. +Ka nako eo, dipela tsotlhe tsa tsamaela kwa go ene. Di ne di le mo tseleng go ya kwa sedibeng go ya go tlhapa. Ba ne ba tshogile thata go bona Dumi yo mošwa, yo o phepa, yo o nkgang monate! +“Dumi! Go diragetse eng?” botlhe ba botsa, ba mo dikaganyeditse. Mme go na le gore a bue, Dumi a simolola go thwantsha menwana mme a phophotha leoto la gagwe … ke fa a bina a opela gape. Dipela tsotlhe tsa tsaya karolo, fa di tsamaela kwa sedibeng: “Pula! Pula! Re rata pula! Pula! Pula! Pula!” + +Nna le boitlhamedi! + +Fa bana ba gago matlhare a magolo a pampiri mme tshitshinya gore ba take ditshwantsho tsa gore Pela Dumi o ne a ikutlwa jang ka metsi kwa tshimologong kgotsa bokhutlong jwa leinane – kgotsa tsoopedi!",tsn,Setswana,Pela e e leswe,"Because Dumi Dassie is very scared of water, he never joins the other dassies when they go to the pool to wash. Dumi gets so dirty that the elders ask him to leave the village. But then it starts raining … + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/pela-e-e-leswe +dirty-dassie,"UDumi iMbila ucambalele ngomqolo, ugcakamele ilanga ejongise phezulu isisu sakhe esimpukumpuku phezu kweliwa elikhulu, elimcaba. Wayesozela seleza kubiwa bubuthongo xa wayesiva intsini ithulwa phezulu. Uvule iliso elinye, ecubhukile. Iimbila ezimbini ezincinane zazizama ukubaleka zikufutshane kuye. + +“PHU-UUUU!!!” yatsho enye kwenye xa zazidlula ngononophelo zigqitha kwelo liwa. “Yhu! Laa mbila inevumba ELIBI!” Zagigitheka kakhulu xa zikhawuleza zigqitha. +UDumi wabefunyeka, ephekuza impukane eyayibhuza ijikeleza ngasendlebeni yakhe. “Akulunganga oku!” wacinga. “Akukho mntu undamkelayo.” +Kwakuyinyaniso oko. UDumi wayenevumba elibi ngenxa yokungcola. Wayengcole kuba wayengahlambi kwaphela, kodwa akukho mntu owayesazi isizathu. Inyaniso yayikukuba, uDumi wayewoyika amanzi. Kwaba kanye eselusana, apho wawa ngentloko esadungeni esasinodaka oluninzi. UDumi wayengakwazi kuqubha, kodwa ngethamsanqa, umkhuluwa wakhe wamkhupha ngemilenze yakhe yangasemva. Ukususela ngaloo mini, uDumi wayengafuni kwaphela ukuba kufuphi namanzi. Xa ezinye iimbila zisiya echibini qho kusasa ukuya kuhlamba, uDumi wayenyamalala aye kuzimela ematyholweni. Akukho mntu wayenokukwazi ukuguqula ingqondo yakhe malunga namanzi – nkqu nomama wakhe! +Zadlula iintsuku – ihlobo lalishushu kakhulu futhi imvula yayingani. UDumi waya ngokungcola waze wangcola. Uboya bakhe babunentsila enamafutha futhi bunebala elimfiliba, kanti wayenuka kakubi kakhulu. Eyona nto yayimbi, wayelandelwa ligquba leempukane naphi apho akhoyo. UDumi wayengakuthandi oku, tu kwaphela, kodwa wayesenza ngathi wayengakhathali. +Ngenye intsasa, abadala belali beza kuthetha noDumi. Babemi kude kuye, waze uDumi wababona bevale iimpumlo zabo ngezandla bemana ukutsala umoya.  +“Sicela uxolo, Dumi,” batsho, “kaloku njengoko usazi kudala ingani imvula. Iimpukane sezininzi kakhulu. Iimpukane zikuthanda kakhulu ukungcola, kanti wena ungcole kakhulu, ngoko ke wena uthandwa ziimpukane! Zonke ezi mpukane ziza kusigulisa … Into eya kusinceda kukuba wena uhambe kule lali.” +Usizana olunguDumi! Wayeza kwenza ntoni? Usizi lwaba kukuba, wasuka wanyamalala. Wahamba waze wahamba. Lwaya ngokuba shushu usuku xa ilanga seliphezulu lidlula esibhakabhakeni esiqaqambe ngombala obhlowu. Waziva esindwa yintloko, iinyawo zakhe ziqaqamba! Ekugqibeleni, waziva ngathi akanakuphinda akwazi ukuya phambili. +“Ndidinga umthunzi!” watsho, ephunguza. Yayingamininzanga imithi kule ndawo yeli thafa, kodwa wabona umthi omfutshane wameva owawungekudanga kuye. Ecothoza, uDumi waqhwalela esiya kulo mthi mncinane. Wangqengqa phantsi kwawo, wabiwa bubuthongo obunzulu.  +Kudlule iiyure ezininzi. UDumi wayelele kamnandi kangangokuba zange awabone namafu emvula esithi fingi esibhakabhakeni. Ilanga lalingabonakali. Isibhakabhaka sasimnyama. Umoya waya uphola ngokuphola, kodwa imbila ediniweyo yayisalele. Ekugqibeleni, imvula yaqalisa ukuna ngamandla. +Wavuka uDumi. Amaqabaza amakhulu emvula ayegaleleka phezu kwawo wonke umzimba wakhe! Elalini yeembila, zonke iimbila zazimela imvula phantsi kwamawa amakhulu. Kodwa apha, kwakungekho khusi lokuzifihla! Ekuqaleni kwemvula, uthe xa uDumi eyiva emzimbeni, watsho ngesikhalo esikrakra, wakhala eziqengqa ezenza ibhola encinane yoboya. “Ncedani bo!” ekhala okwenja. “Khanindincedeni bo!” Kodwa neempukane zazibalekile, uDumi eyedwa jwi. +Kwasuka kwenzeka into engaqhelekanga. Yathi xa imvula iqengqeleka emzimbeni wakhe, uDumi wafumanisa ukuba uziva kamnandi. Engangxamanga, wazola waze emva kwexesha, wade wavula amehlo akhe. “Kuthe kanti imvula yinto entle,” watsho, “futhi ilenza libe nevumba lokuhlaziyeka ithafa!” Wasukuma uDumi, wavula umlomo wakhe ukuze asele amaqabaza emvula. “Amnandi nawo!” watsho emangalisiwe. Wayechwayite kangangokuba waqala wangqisha ngonyawo lwakhe enqakrazisa iminwe yakhe. +Wajika wajonga ngasemva uDumi, waza wabuyela elalini yeembila exhentsa engayeki, ehamba ecula: “Imvula! Imvula! Ndiyayithanda imvula! Imvula! Imvula! Imvula!” +UDumi wafika ngorhatya elalini. Zange zimbone ezinye iimbila – zazizifihle emvuleni zonke phantsi kwamawa amakhulu. UDumi wayengakhathali. Wayekuqhelile ukuba yedwa, kwaye, wayeziva echwayite kakhulu! Watya amagqabi ambalwa njengesidlo sakhe sasebusuku, wakhasela phantsi kwetyholo waphinda wabiwa bubuthongo kwakhona. +Akuba evukile uDumi, wabona ukuba imvula ayisani kodwa yayishiye ilali ibukeka intle kwaye ihlaziyekile. Lathi lakuphuma ilanga, iqela leentyatyambo zombala opinki oqaqambileyo zasuka zadubula.  +“Wowu!” watsho, ephunguza. +Kanye ngelo xesha, zonke ezinye iimbila zazihamba zisiya ngakuye. Zazisendleleni eya echibini zisiya kuhlamba. Indlela ezazimangaliswe ngayo ukubona uDumi omtsha, ococekileyo, nonuka kamnandi!  +“Dumi! Kwenzeke ntoni?” babuza bonke, bemngqongile. Kodwa endaweni yokuthetha uDumi waqala wanqakrazisa iminwe yakhe engqisha nangonyawo lwakhe … kungekudala wayexhentsa ecula kwakhona. Zonke iimbila zangenelela, xa zazihamba zisiya echibini: “Imvula! Imvula! Siyayithanda imvula! Imvula! Imvula! Imvula!” + +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! + +Nika abantwana bakho amacwecwe amakhulu amaphepha ukuze bazobe imifanekiso yendlela uDumi iMbila wayeziva ngayo malunga namanzi ekuqaleni okanye ekupheleni kwebali – okanye kuwo omabini la mathuba!",xho,isiXhosa,UDumi im,"Because Dumi Dassie is very scared of water, he never joins the other dassies when they go to the pool to wash. Dumi gets so dirty that the elders ask him to leave the village. But then it starts raining … + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/udumi-imbila +dirty-dassie,"Dumi N’wavhondo ka ganamrile hi xikosi, a ri karhi a orherisa khwiri ra yena etambeni lerikulu ra xiphepherhele. A ri kusuhi no etlela loko a ta twa huwa yo hleka. Hi vulolo, a pfula tihlo rin’we. A ku ri swivhondwani swimbhirhi leswi a swi ri karhi swi tsutsumatsutsuma. + +“UMMMM!!!” ku vula rin’wana ra wona ri byela laman’wana loko ma hundze tamba ma hlayisekile. “Vhondo leriya ra nun’hwa SWINENE!” Va hleka nakambe loko va ri karhi va hundza hi ku tsutsuma. +Dumi a ahlamula, na ku bakanya nhongani leyi a yi n’wi bela huhwa endleveni ya yena. “Leswi a swi kahle!” a vulavulela embilwini a ri swakwe. “Ku hava loyi a ndzi twisisaka.” +A ku ri ntiyiso. Dumi a ri na risema ro biha naswona a thyakile. A thyakile hikuva a nga hlambi, kambe a ku ri hava loyi a swi tiva leswaku hikokwalaho ka yini. Ntiyiso a ku ri leswaku, Dumi a chava mati. Siku rin’wana, loko a ha ri n’wana, u wele hi nhloko endzeni ka xidziva lexikulu xa ridaka. Dumi a nga swi koti ku hlambela, kambe nkateko wa kona, boti wa yena u n’wi kokile hi milenge ya le ndzhaku a huma. Ku sukela siku rero, Dumi a nga swi tiyiseli ku va ekusuhi na mati. Loko mavhondo laman’wanii ma ya exidziveni mixo wun’wana na wun’wana ku ya hlamba, Dumi a huma a ya tifihla eswihlahleni. A ku ri hava na munhu na un’we loyi a ta endla leswaku a cinca miehleketo ya yena hi ta mati – hambi ku ri manana wa yena! +Masiku ya hundzile – ximumu a xi hisa swinene naswona a ku ri hava mpfula. Dumi u yile emahlweni a nyanya ku thyaka. Voya byakwe a byi ri na girisi byi lukana, naswona a ri na riphunga ro chavisa. Xo biha xa kona, ntshungu wa tinhongani a wu n’wi landzelela hinkwako lomu a ya kona. Dumi a nga swi rhandzi leswi, hambiswiritano, u tiendlile onge a nga na mhaka na swona. +Mixo wun’wana, vakulukumba va tiko va tile ku ta vulavula na Dumi. Va yimile ekule na yena, kutani Dumi a va vona va pfale tinhopfu va ri karhi va lava moya. +“U ta hi khomela, Dumi,” va vulavula, “tanihilaha u swi tivaka ha kona i khale mpfula yi nga se na. Ku na tinhongani to tala hinkwako. Tinhongani ti rhandza thyaka, naswona u na thyaka swinene, hikwalaho tinhongani ta ku rhandza! Tinhongani leti hinkwato ti ta endla leswaku hi vabya … Swa antswa u rhurha laha tikweni ra hina.” +Mbuya Dumi! A ta endla yini? Hi mbilu ku vava, a suka a famba. A famba lero na famba. Siku ri ya ri ri karhi ri xa kutani dyambu ri sungulae ku hisa swinene loko ri ri karhi ri tlakukela ematilweni ya wasi. Nhloko ya yena a yi n’wi tika, naswona milenge ya yena a yi twa ku vava! Endzhaku ka nkarhi, a ti twa leswaku a nge he swi koti ku tlhava goza rin’wana. +“Ndzi lava ndzhuti!” a vulavula, a ri karhi a languta kwala matlhelo. A ku ri hava misinya yo tala eka ndhawu ya nhova leyi, kambe a vona xihlahla xa mitwa lexi a xi nga ri kule ngopfu. Hi ku nonoka, Dumi a khwita a ya eka xinsinyana lexi. A etlela ehansi ka xona, kutani byi phaha. +Tiawara na tiawara ti hundza. Dumi a etlele kahle lero a nga kalanga a vona mapapa ya xidzedze loko ya ri karhi ya khuvangana ehenhla. Dyambu a ri nyamalarile. Xibakabaka xi nyanya ku dzwihala. Moya wu nyanya ku titimela na ku titimela, kambe avhondo lero karhala a ri etlele. Emakumu, mpfula yi sungula ku thona. +Dumi a pfuka. Mathonsi lamakulu a ya ri eku hlatsweni ka miri wa yena! Eka tiko ra Van’wavhondo, maavhondo hikwavo ya titumbetile ehansi ka maribye lamakulu. Kambe laha, a ku ri hava laha a ta tumbela kona! Emasunguleni, loko Dumi a vona na ku twa mpfula, u cemile na ku rila a khunguluka a ya tiseketela hi bolo leyi a yi hlundzukile. “Pfunani!” a tlhava mukhosi. “Ndzi kombela ku pfuniwoo!” Hambi ti ri tinhongani a ti fambile, naswona Dumi a ri swakwe. +Ku humelele mhaka yo hlamarisa. Loko mpfula leyo titimela yi sungula ku tsakamisa miri wa yena, Dumi u lemukile leswaku se a titwa kahle. Hi ku nonokao, a vuyela ehansi endzhaku ka nkarhinyana, u kotile na ku pfula mahlo yakwe. “Mpfula yi languteka yi sasekile,” a vula, “naswona yi endla leswaku nhova yi nun’hwela kahle!” Dumi a yima hi milenge, a pfula nomo wa yena a nwa mathonsi ya mpfula. “Na wona ya nandziha!” a vula hi ku hlamala. A tsakile swinene hikwalaho a nga sungula ku kandziya ehansi hi nenge wa yena uivi a ba madyota hi tintiho. +Hilaha Dumi a nga jika, a cina ndlela hinkwayo loko a ri karhi a tlhelela etikweni ra maavhondo, a ri akrhi a yimbelela a ku: “Mpfula! Mpfula! Ndzi rhandza mpfula! Mpfula! Mpfula! Mpfula!” +Dumi u fikile etikweni hi ku pela ka dyambu. Ku ve hava na wun’we wa nmaavhondo loyi a nga n’wi vona – hinkwavo a va tumberile ehansi ka maribye lamakulu. Dumi a nga ri na mhaka. A toloverile ku titshamela a ri swakwe, naswona, a titwa a tsakile! U dyile makamba matsongo ku lalela, a kasa a ya nghena ehansi ka xihlahla kutani byi khoma nakambe. Loko  +Dumi a pfuka, mpfula a yi yimile naswona tiko a ri languteka ri sasekile na ku tenga. Loko dyambu ri huma, vuandlalo bya swiluva swo tshwukela swi sungula ku baleka swi saseka. +“Wawu!” a vula, a ri karhi a valanga. +Hi nkarhi wolowo, mavhondo laman’wani hinkwawo ma tiler eka yena. A va ri endleleni ya ku ya exidziveni ku ya hlamba. Va hlamarile ku vona Dumi lontshwa, wo basa, no nun’hwela kahle! +“Dumi! Ku humelele yini?” hinkwavo va vutisa, va ri karhi va n’wi rhendzela. Kambe ematshan’weni yo vulavula, Dumi a sungula ku ba madyota hi tintiho na ku ba nenge … hi xinkadyana a ri eku cineni na ku yimbelela nakambe. Mavhondo hinkwawo ma yimbelela na yena, loko va ri karhi va ya exidziveni: “Mpfula! Mpfula! Hi rhandza mpfula! Mpfula! Mpfula! Mpfula!” + +Sungulani ku va ni vutumbuluxi! + +Nyika vana va wena maphepha lamakulu u ringanyeta leswaku va dirowa swifanso swa hilaha Dumi N’wavhondo a titwisa xiswona mayelana na mati emasunguleni kumbe emakumu ka ntsheketo – kumbe ha vumbirhi!",tso,Xitsonga,’wavhondo wa thyak,"Because Dumi Dassie is very scared of water, he never joins the other dassies when they go to the pool to wash. Dumi gets so dirty that the elders ask him to leave the village. But then it starts raining … + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/n’wavhondo-wa-thyaka +dirty-dassie,"UDumi Mbila wayelele ngomhlane, efudumeza isisu sakhe edwaleni elikhulu eliyisicaba. Wayesecishe wazunywa wubuthongo ngenkathi ezwa umsindo omkhulu wokugigitheka. Ngokuvilapha, wavula iso elilodwa. Izimbila ezincane ezimbili zazidlula ngelikhulu ijubane. + +“EWUUU!!!” kwasho enye yazo kwenye ngenkathi sezedlule ngokuphepha edwaleni. “Leya mbila inuka KABI!” Zaphinda zagigitheka kakhudlwana zishesha. +UDumi waphefumula kakhulu, wayesephunga impukane eyayilokhu ibhuza izungeza indlebe yakhe. “Akunabulungiswa!” ezicabangela. “Akekho ongiqondisisayo mina.” +Kwakuyiqiniso. UDumi wayenuka kabi ngoba wayengcolile. Wayengcolile ngoba wayengalokothi ageze, kodwa akekho owayazi ukuthi kungani. Iqiniso wukuthi, uDumi wayewesaba amanzi. Ngelinye ilanga, eseyingane, wawa ngekhanda kuqala ewela obhukwini lodaka. UDumi wayengakwazi ukubhukuda, kodwa ngenhlanhla, umnewabo wamkhipha ngemilenze yakhe yangemuva. Ukusukela ngalelo langa, uDumi wayengasakwazi ukumela ukuba seduze kwamanzi. Lapho ezinye izimbila ziya echibini njalo ekuseni ukuze ziyogeza, uDumi wayenyonyoba ayocasha ezihlahleni. Akekho owakwazi ukumguqula ingqondo yakhe mayelana namanzi – ngisho unina imbala! +Izinsuku zedlula – ihlobo lalishisa kakhulu kungekho mvula. UDumi wayelokhu engcola kakhulu. Uboya bakhe babugcwele amafutha futhi busongene, enuka kabi. Okubana futhi, ukuthi iqulu lezimpukane lalimlandela noma kuphi lapho eya khona. UDumi, vele, wayengakuthandi lokhu kodwa wayenza sengathi akanandaba. +Ngelinye ilanga ekuseni, abantu abadala bendawo beza bazokhuluma noDumi. Bama kude, uDumi wababona bebambe amakhala abo becinana befuna umoya.  +“Siyaxolisa, Dumi,” kusho bona, “kodwa nawe uyazi ukuthi selokhu lingani isikhathi eside. Kukhona izimpukane eziningi lapha. Izimpukane ziyakuthanda ukungcola, kanti wena ungcole kakhulu, ngakho izimpukane ziyakuthanda! Zonke lezi zimpukane zizosigulisa … Kuhle kakhulu ukuthi uwushiye lo muzi.” +UDumi bandla! Wayezokwenzenjani? Wanyonyoba eshiya kabuhlungu. Wahamba, wahamba. Usuku lwaluya ngokushisa njengoba nelanga laliphakamela esibhakabhakeni esikhanyayo esiluhlaza. Ikhanda lakhe lalizwakala lisinda, nezinyawo zakhe zazibuhlungu! Ekugcineni, wezwa ukuthi ngeke esakwazi ukuhamba athathe esinye isinyathelo. +“Ngidinga umthunzana!” kusho yena, eqalaza ngapha nangapha. Kwakungekho zihlahla eziningi kule ngxenye yesiganga, kodwa wabona isihlahla sameva esincane esingekude kakhulu. Kancane kancane, uDumi watotobela kulesi sihlahlana. Walala phansi ngaphansi kwaso, wayeselala wathi zwi. +Kwedlula amahora amaningi. UDumi wayelele kahle ngendlela yokuthi akawabonanga ngisho namafu eqoqana esibhakabhakeni. Ilanga lase linyamalele. Isibhakabhaka saqhubeka nokuba mnyama. Umoya waya ngokuya uphola, uphola, kodwa imbila ekhathele yayisalele. Ekugcineni, imvula yaqala ukuthi chapha, chapha. +UDumi wavuka. Amaconsi amakhulu ayethela wonke umzimba wakhe! Emzini wezimbila, zonke izimbila zacashela imvula ngaphansi kwamadwala amakhulu. Kodwa lapha, kwakungekho lapho ayengacasha khona! Ekuqaleni, ngesikhathi uDumi ebona futhi ezwa imvula, wamemeza, wakhala, wagingqika eseyibhola elincane elinoboya. “Sizani!” enswininiza. “Sizani bakithi!” Kodwa ngisho izimpukane zazingasekho, uDumi wayeyedwa. +Kwase kwenzeka into engejwayelekile. Njengoba imvula epholile yayigobhoza phezu komzimba wakhe nje, uDumi wezwa ukuthi sekumnandi. Kancane kancane, wehlisa umoya, emva kwesikhathi, waze wathi ukuwavula amehlo akhe. “Imvula ibukeka iyinhle,” kusho yena, “futhi yenza esigangeni kunuke ngokuqabulayo!” Emva kwalokho uDumi wasukuma, wavula umlomo ukuze aphuze amaconsi emvula. “Iyanambitheka nayo bo!” esho ngokumangala. Wayejabule kakhulu ngendlela yokuthi ngokushesha waqala ukushaya unyawo phansi nokushaya izithupha zakhe. +Kungalesi sikhathi lapho uDumi aphenduka khona, wadansa indlela yonke ebuyela emzini wezimbila, ecula njengoba ehamba nje: “Imvula! Imvula! Ngiyayithanda imvula! Imvula! Imvula! Imvula!” +UDumi wafika emzini wezimbila ilanga selishona. Azikho izimbila ezambonayo – zonke zazicashele imvula ngaphansi kwamadwala amakhulu. UDumi wayengenandaba. Wayesekwejwayele ukuba yedwa, noma kunjalo, wayezizwa ejabule kabi! Wadla amacembe ambalwa njengesidlo sakusihlwa, wakhasela ngaphansi kwesihlahla futhi waphinde wazumeka, walala futhi. +Lapho uDumi evuka, imvula yayisinqamukile nomuzi usubukeka kahle, uqabulekile. Lapho ilanga liphuma, ukhaphethi wezimbali eziphinki ngokugqamile waqhakaza. +“Yoyoyo!” kwasho yena, eqalaza ngapha nangapha. +Ngaso leso sikhathi, zonke ezinye izimbila zeza kuye. Zaziphikelele echibini ziyogeza. Zamangala nje ukubona uDumi omusha, ohlanzekile, onuka kamnandi! +“Dumi! Kwenzekeni?” zabuza zonke, zimzungeza. Kodwa esikhundleni sokuthi akhulume, uDumi waqala ukushaya izithupha zakhe nokushaya phansi ngonyawo lwakhe … ngokushesha wayesegida, ecula. Zonke izimbila zahlanganyela naye, ngenkathi seziphikelele echibini: “Imvula! Imvula! Siyayithanda imvula! Imvula! Imvula! Imvula!” + +Veza ubuciko bakho! + +Nikeza izingane zakho iziqephu ezinkulu zephepha bese uphakamisa ukuthi zidwebe isithombe sokuthi uDumi Mbila wayezizwa kanjani mayelana namanzi ekuqaleni noma ekugcineni kwendaba – noma kukho kokubili!",zul,isiZulu,Imbila engcolile,"Because Dumi Dassie is very scared of water, he never joins the other dassies when they go to the pool to wash. Dumi gets so dirty that the elders ask him to leave the village. But then it starts raining … + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/imbila-engcolile +the-tortoise’s-song,"Long, long ago, a terrible drought dried up all the streams, rivers, wells and springs. It turned the whole world into a dusty desert. The termites gobbled up every leaf and blade of grass, and the animals were forced to chew on dry twigs just to stay alive.   +  +Because life was so hard, the animals met to talk about the problem. They talked and talked, and talked and talked until eventually they all agreed that the way to find water, was to dig a deep well. Only Hare refused to take part.   +  +“No! Your plan won’t work,” he said, “so I won’t waste my time digging.”   +  +“Then we won’t share our water with you!” said the other animals.   +  +Hare just laughed, but the other animals were sure that their plan would work.   +  +So, that same day, the animals went down to the valley, where the ground was at its lowest. Lion began digging a hole. Then, one after the other, the animals entered the hole to dig – all except Hare and Tortoise.   +  +Hare just sat around laughing. He didn’t want to dig, and nobody forced him to. But it was different for Tortoise – when she crept along to take her turn, the others wouldn’t let her dig.   +  +“No, Tortoise,” they said. “You’re just too slow. You’ll waste too much time!”   + +  +Months passed. There had been lots and lots of digging and at last the hole was deep ... but there was still no sign of water.   +  +“Ha! Ha! Ha! I told you!” laughed Hare. “There’s no water down there!”   +  +“He’s right,” said the warthog to the zebra. “Let’s just give up!”   + +  +“No, let’s carry on. We’ll find water,” said Tortoise. “You wish!” laughed Hare.   +  +Each day, Tortoise watched quietly as the other animals took turns to dig. More time passed and more digging was done, but still there was no sign of water.   +  +One baking hot day, when all the animals lay exhausted in the hot sun near the deep, dry hole, Tortoise again asked if she could have a turn to dig. None of the other animals answered her. Some of them were too tired and miserable to care. Most of them just lay sweating and moaning in their sleep.   +  +Tortoise walked slowly over to the hole and started to dig. The soil was as hard as rock, but she kept on scratching away, flinging the dry soil behind her. “I’m scratching and scratching to find water,” she said as she dug. “It’s not easy, but it will be worth it!”   +  +Soon she made up a little song to help herself keep digging. Tortoise sang it over and over again:   +  +“I am scratching and scratching and scratching for water, I’ll dig, dig, dig and I will find it.”   +  +After some time, Hare came strolling by. When he heard these words drifting out of the hole, he burst out laughing. This woke up the other animals. With an angry roar, Lion leapt into the hole, picked up Tortoise and flung her onto the mound of soil next to the hole.   + +  +“OW!” she cried, as she landed with a thump. “It’s not fair! I also want to dig!”   +  +“Don’t waste our time! Play on the soil next to the hole,” said Lion so sharply that it made Tortoise cry.   +  +Some of the other animals felt sorry for the brave little tortoise.   +  +“Give her a chance!” pleaded Bushbuck.   +  +“Yes,” said Giraffe, “let her try!”   +  +Without a word, Lion climbed out of the hole and made way for Tortoise. Slowly, she wiped away her tears and climbed back down into the hole. Again, she started digging and singing:   +  +“I am scratching and scratching and scratching for water, I’ll dig, dig, dig and I will find it.”   +  +Hare and Monkey rolled about laughing.   +  +Lion threw back his mane and smiled. “I told you it’s a waste of time!” he said.   +  +Rhino stepped forward to peer inside the hole ... when suddenly, THWACK! a lump of wet soil flew out of the hole and hit his face!   +  +“Be careful of my eyes!” he shouted covering his face, but the other animals saw that the soil was wet.   +“Water!” they shouted. “Tortoise has found water!”   +The animals rushed forward, trying to reach the well where water was rising up. The big animals shoved their smaller friends out of the way, but mighty Elephant was bigger than all the others. In a few huge slurps, he drank all the water and started to dig for more. The other animals could only moan and cry – or squeeze the wet soil for tiny drops of water.   +Elephant dug hard and threw out clump after clump of soil. Soon, though, the animals noticed that with each throw, the soil was getting drier, until eventually the soil was completely dry.   +The animals watched sadly. Slowly, one by one they turned towards Tortoise who sat a little way away.   +“Elephant!” shouted Rhino. “Get out!”   +“Tortoise! Tortoise!” the animals shouted loudly. “Please help us!”   +So Tortoise slowly climbed back down into the hole where she began to dig and sing her song again:   +“I am scratching and scratching and scratching for water, I’ll dig, dig, dig and I will find it.”   +This time, the others, joined in too:   +“She’s scratching and scratching and scratching for water...”   +It wasn’t long before Tortoise started throwing wet soil out of the hole. Then she stopped scratching the ground and moved away. The clean, cold water gurgled as it rose up to fill the well.   +The animals sang and danced, and drank as much water as they wanted. Even Hare joined in – and, because everyone was so happy, they forgot to chase him away. Tortoise had saved them all!",eng,English,The tortoise’s song,"Long, long ago, a terrible drought dried up all the streams, rivers, wells and springs. It turned the whole world into a dusty desert. The termites gobbled up every leaf and blade of grass, and the animals were forced to chew on dry twigs just to ...",,Retold by Pirai Mazungunye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-tortoise’s-song +the-tortoise’s-song,"Kudalo, kwake kwaba khona isomiso esashisa yonke imifudlana, imifula, imithombo neziphethu. Umhlaba wonke waphenduka ugwadule olunothuli. Umuhlwa wasobozela wonke amaqabunga notshani okwakusasele, izilwane zaphoqeleka ukuba zize zidle nezinswazi ezomile ukuze ziphile.   +  +Njengoba impilo yabe seyinzima kangako, izilwane zahlangana ukuze zidingide le nkinga. Zaxoxa zaxoxa, zaphinde zaxoxa zaxoxa zaze zagcina zivumelene ngokuthi indlela yokuthola amanzi, kwakuwukuba zimbe umthombo ojulile. UNogwaja kuphela owenqaba ukuba yingxenye yalokhu.   +  +“Ngeke! Icebo lenu ngeke lisebenze,” kusho yena, “ngakho ngeke nje ngichithe isikhathi ngokumba.”   +  +“Ngakho-ke nathi ngeke sabelane nawe ngamanzi ethu!” kwasho ezinye izilwane.   +  +Wavele wazihlekela nje unogwaja, kodwa ezinye izilwane zazinesiqiniseko sokuthi icebo lazo lalizosebenza.   +  +Ngakho-ke, ngalo lona lolo suku, izilwane zehla zaya emhosheni, lapho umhlaba wawushone phansi kakhulu khona. UBhubesi waqala wemba umgodi. Kwalandela omunye, nomunye nomunye, izilwane zangena emgodini zemba – zonke ngaphandle kukaNogwaja noFudu.   +UNogwaja wavele wahlala phansi wazihleka. Wayengafuni ukumba, futhi akekho owamphoqa. Kodwa kwakwehlukile okukaFudu – wayethi uma ethi uyahuquzela ezokumba naye, abanye bangamvumeli ukuba ambe.   +  +“Hhayi ngeke, Fudu,” kusho bona. “Wena wenza kancane kakhulu. Uzosichithela isikhathi nje!”   + +  +Kwaphela izinyanga. Babelokhu bemba kwaze ekugcineni kwaba nomgodi ojulile ... kodwa kungekho neconsi lamanzi.   +  +“Ha! Ha! Ha! Nginitshelile!” kuhleka uNogwaja. “Akukho manzi phansi lapho!”   +  +“Uqinisile kodwa,” kwasho uNtibane utshela uDube. “Asivele siyeke!”   + +  +“Cha, asiqhubeke. Sizowathola amanzi,” kusho uFudu.   +  +“Weeee, uyafisa nje!” kuhleka uNogwaja.   +  +Usuku ngalunye, uFudu wabukela buthule ezinye izilwane zishintshisana ngokumba. Kwadlula isikhathi zilokhu zisaqhubeka nokumba, kodwa kwakungekho phawu lokuthi kukhona amanzi ayezovela.   +  +Ngelinye ilanga elalikhipha umkhovu etsheni, lapho zonke izilwane sezikhathele ziyimvithi zilele elangeni elishisayo eduze nomgodi ojulile nowomile, uFudu waphinde wacela ukuba naye bandla anikwe ithuba lokumba. Izilwane zavele zamziba nje. Ezinye zazo zase zikhathele, sezingasenandaba nokuthi wenzani. Eziningi zazo zazizilalele, zijuluka, zibubula ebuthongweni.   +  +UFudu washaya kancane enwabuluka eya emgodini, waqala wemba. Inhlabathi yayilukhuni satshe, kodwa waqhubeka ehwaya, ephonsa inhlabathi eyomile emva kwakhe. “Ngiyahwaya, ngihwayela ukuthola amanzi,” ezisholo ngenkathi emba. “Akulula, kodwa ngiyazi kuzoba nomvuzo!”   +  +Kungekudala wayeseqambe iculo lakhe lokumsiza ngenkathi emba. UFudu walicula leli culo lakhe eliphindaphinda:   +  +“Ngiyahwaya ngiyahwaya ngihwayela ukuthola amanzi, Ngizomba, ngimbe, ngimbe ngize ngiwathole.”   +  +Emva kwesikhathi, kwaqhamuka uNogwaja ezishayelwa umoya. Wathi uma ezwa lawa mazwi eqhamuka emgodini, waphubuka wahleka. Lokhu kwavusa ezinye izilwane. Ngokubhodla okunentukuthelo, uBhubesi wagxumela emgodini, wacosha uFudu wamphonsa le endundumeni yenhlabathi eduze nomgodi.   + +  +“AWU!” washo ezikhalela, wathi gakla phansi. “Akulungile neze lokhu! Nami ngiyafuna ukumba!”   +  +“Musa ukuchitha isikhathi sethu! Dlala lapho enhlabathini eduze nomgodi,” kwasho uBhubesi ngesankahlu esenza uFudu wavele wakhala.   +  +Ezinye zezilwane zaludabukela bandla ufudu olunesibindi. “Mnikezeni naye ithuba bandla!” kuncenga uNkonka. “Yebo,” kwasho uNdlulamithi, “mvumeleni naye azame bo!”   +  +Engashongo lutho, uBhubesi wanwabela ngaphandle komgodi wadedela uFudu angene. Wanwabuluka-ke, esula izinyembezi zakhe wagibela waphindela emgodini. Waqala phansi, wemba futhi ecula:   +  +“Ngiyahwaya ngiyahwaya ngihwayela ukuthola amanzi, Ngizomba, ngimbe, ngimbe ngize ngiwathole.”   +  +UNogwaja noNkawu babegingqika phansi befa yinsini.   +  +UBhubesi naye waphonsa umhlwenga wakhe emuva wamamatheka. “Nginitshelile ukuthi nizichithela isikhathi nje!” kusho yena.   +  +UBhejane wasondela ngaphambili ukuze alunguze emgodini ... kwathi engazelele wezwa umsindo othi, THWAXA! isigaxa senhlabathi emanzi sandiza siphuma emgodini samshaya ebusweni!   + +“Qaphela, uzongilimaza amehlo!” wamemeza emboza ubuso bakhe, kodwa ezinye izilwane zabona ukuthi inhlabathi yabe imanzi.   +“Amanzi!” zamemeza. “UFudu uthole amanzi!”   +Izilwane zaphuthuma zeza ngaphambili, zizama ukufika emthonjeni lapho amanzi ayephuphuma khona. Izilwane ezinkulu zasunduza lezi ezincanyana endleleni, kodwa uNdlovu omkhulukazi wayemkhulu kunabo bonke abanye. Ngamathamo nje ambalwa, wawaphuza wonke amanzi, waqala wemba efuna amanye. Ezinye izilwane zagcina ngokububula nje zakhala – noma zakhama inhlabathi emanzi ukuze zithole noma amaconsana nje amanzi.   +UNdlovu wemba ngamandla wakhipha izigaxa ngezigaxa zenhlabathi. Kodwa esikhathini esincane nje, izilwane zaqaphela ukuthi inhlabathi ngenhlabathi ayeyiphonsa, yayingathi iya ngokuya yoma kakhulu, kwaze kwathi ekugcineni inhlabathi ephumayo kwaba ngeyome nkwe.   +Izilwane zabukela ngokudangala. Kancane, kancane, isilwane ngasinye saphendukela kuFudu owayehleli kujana nje.   +“Ndlovu!” kumemeza uBhejane. “Phuma!”   +“Fudu! Fudu!” izilwane zamemeza kakhulu. “Sicela usisize bandla!”   +Ngakho uFudu waphinde wagibela waya phansi emgodini lapho aqala ukumba ecula iculo lakhe futhi:   +“Ngiyahwaya ngiyahwaya ngihwayela ukuthola amanzi, Ngizomba, ngimbe, ngimbe ngize ngiwathole.”   +Kodwa manje, ezinye izilwane, zacula kanye naye:   +“Uyahwaya uyahwaya uhwayela ukuthola amanzi...”   +Akuphelanga sikhathi esingakanani uFudu wabe esephonsa inhlabathi emanzi iphuma emgodini. Wabe esema ukuhwaya phansi wadeda. Amanzi ahlanzekile, abandayo aphuphuma eya phezulu agcwalisa umgodi womthombo.   +Izilwane zacula zasina, zaphuza amanzi zazidelisa. Ngisho noNogwaja wahlanganyela nazo – kwazise phela, wonke umuntu wayeneme kakhulu, wakhohlwa nokumxosha. UFudu wayebasindisile bonke!",zul,isiZulu,Iculo lofudu,"Long, long ago, a terrible drought dried up all the streams, rivers, wells and springs. It turned the whole world into a dusty desert. The termites gobbled up every leaf and blade of grass, and the animals were forced to chew on dry twigs just to ...",,Ixoxwa kabusha nguPirai Mazungunye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iculo-lofudu +the-tortoise’s-song,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale, komello e kgolo e ile ya fedisa metsi melatswaneng, dinokeng, diqanthaneng le didibeng. E ile ya fetola lefatshe lohle ho ba lehwatata le tletseng lerole. Masetlaoka a ne a eja mahlaku ohle le jwang kaofela, mme diphoofolo di ne di qobelleha ho ja makala a omeletseng hore feela di kgone ho phela.   +  +Ka lebaka la bophelo bo boima, diphoofolo di ile tsa kopana ho tla buisana ka bothata bona. Di ile tsa buisana tsa ba tsa buisana nako e telele ho fihlela qetellong di dumellana hore tsela ya ho fumana metsi e tla ba ho tjheka sediba se tebileng. Ke Mmutla feela ya ileng a hana ho nka seabo ho seo.   +  +“Tjhe! Leqheka la lona le keke la sebetsa!” a rialo, “kahoo nkeke ka senya nako ya ka ka ho tjheka.”   +  +“Ho mmeng re keke ra o fa metsi a rona!” ha rialo diphoofolo tse ding.   +  +Mmutla a itshehela, empa diphoofolo tse ding di ne di ena le bonnete ba hore morero wa tsona o tla tswella.   +Kahoo, ka lona letsatsi leo, diphoofolo tsa theohela ka thoteng, moo lefatshe le neng le batalletse. Tau a qala ho epa mokoti. Yaba kaofela ha tsona ka bonngwe, diphoofolo tsa nna tsa kena ka mokoting ho tla tjheka – kaofela ha tsona ntle le Mmutla le Kgudu.   +  +Mmutla a itulela thoko mane a tsheha. O ne a sa batle ho tjheka, mme ha ho motho ya ileng a mo qobella ho etsa jwalo. Empa ho Kgudu ho ne ho se jwalo – eitse ha a atamela le yena ho tla etsa mosebetsi, ba bang ba se ke ba mo dumella ho tjheka.   +  +“Tjhe, Kgudu,” ba rialo. “Wena o lenama haholo. O tla senya nako e ngata!”   + +  +Dikgwedi tsa feta. Ho ne ho bile le ho tjheka ho hongata mme qetellong mokoti o ne o tebile ... empa ho ne ho ntse ho se metsi a tswang.   +  +“Ha! Ha! Ha! Ke le bolelletse!” ha tsheha Mmutla. “Ha ho metsi tlase mane!”   +  +“O nepile,” ha rialo Kolobemoru a bua le Qwaha. “Ha re mpe re tloheleng!”   + +  +“Tjhe, ha re tsweleng pele. Re tla fumana metsi,” ha rialo Kgudu.   +  +“O a ithetsa!” ha tsheha Mmutla.   +  +Letsatsi ka leng, Kgudu a shebella a kgutsitse ha diphoofolo di fapanyetsana ka ho tjheka mokoti. Nako ya nna ya feta mme ha nna ha tjhekwa ho ya tlase, empa ho ne ho sa bonahale le ha e le lerothodinyana la metsi.   +  +Ka letsatsi le leng ha ho tjhesa haholo, diphoofolo tsohle di ne di paqame di kgathetse motjhesong wa letsatsi hau le mokoti o tebileng o ommeng, Kgudu hape a botsa hore na a keke a fumana sebaka sa ho tjheka na. Ha ho phoofolo e ileng ya mo araba. Tse ding tsa tsona di ne di kgathetse haholo di bile di hloname hore di ka mo kgathalla. Boholo ba tsona di ne di rapalletse moo di fufuletswe mme di kgona di robetse.   +  +Kgudu a tsamaya butle ho ya mokoting mme a qalella ho tjheka. Mobu o ne o le thata jwaloka lejwe, empa a tswela pele ho ngwapa, a ntse a rahela mobu ka mora hae. “Ke a ngwapa, ke a ngwapa ke batla metsi,” a rialo a ntse a tjheka. “Ha ho bonolo, empa ho tla ba molemo!”   +  +Ka mora nako a iqapela pinanyana e tla mo thusa ho tswela pele ho tjheka. Kgudu a nna a bina pina ena a e phetapheta:   +  +“Ke a ngwapa ke be ke ngwape ke ngwapela metsi, Ke tla tjheka, ke tjheke, ke tjheke ke tla be ke a fumane.”   +  +Ka mora nako e itseng, Mmutla a tla a feta moo. Yare ha a utlwa mantswe ana a tswa ka hara mokoti, a shwa ke ditsheho. Sena sa tsosa diphoofolo tse ding. Tau a rora ke bohale, mme a tlolela ka mokoting, a phahamisa Kgudu mme a mo lahlela ka ntle qubung ya mobu o pela mokoti.   + +  +“ITJHU” a lla ke bohloko ba ho otlana fatshe. “Ha se nnete hono! Le nna ke batla ho tjheka!”   +  +“O se ke wa re senyetsa nako! Bapalla mobung mono pela mokoti,” ha rialo Tau ka bohale hoo Kgudu a ileng a lla.   +  +Diphoofolo tse ding tsa utlwela kgudunyana ya batho bohloko.   +  +“E re le yena a iteke hle!” ha kopa Letsa.   +  +“Ee,” ha rialo Thuhlo, “e re a leke!”   +  +Ntle le ho bua, Tau a tswa ka mokoting mme a fa Kgudu sebaka sa ho kena. Butlebutle, a hlakola meokgo ya hae mme a kena hape ka mokoting. Yaba o qalella ho bina a ntse a tjheka hape:   +  +“Ke a ngwapa ke be ke ngwape ke ngwapela metsi, Ke tla tjheka, ke tjheke, ke tjheke ke tla be ke a fumane.”   +  +Mmutla le Tshwene ba pitika fatshe ke ho keketeha.   +  +Tau a akgela moetse wa hae morao mme a bososela. “Ke le bolelletse hore ke tshenyo ya nako feela!” a rialo.   +  +Tshukudu ya fetela ka pele mme ya nyarela ka hara mokoti ... mme hanghang, HWALAKAHLA! Qubu ya mobu o metsi ya akgelwa ka ntle ho mokoti ya mo otla mahlong!   + +  +“Hlokomela mahlo a ka!” a omana a ikwahetse sefahleho, empa diphoofolo tse ding tsa elellwa hore mobu oo o metsi.   +  +“Metsi!” tsa hoeletsa. “Kgudu o fumane metsi!”   +  +Diphoofolo tsa mathela pele, tsa leka ho hlela mokoti moo metsi a neng a ntse a nyoloha. Diphoofolo tse kgolo tsa sututsa tse nyane tsa di tlosa tseleng, empa Tlou e kgolo o ne a le moholo ho feta ba bang kaofela. A habola makgetlo a mmalwa feela, yaba o se a qetile metsi kaofela mme a qalella ho tjheka hape a batla a mang. Diphoofolo tse ding di ile tsa korotla le ho lla feela – kapa di monya mobu o metsi di batla marothodi a manyane a metsi.   +  +Tlou ya tjheka ka matla mme ya ntsha mobu o mongata feela. Ka mora nako e se kae, diphoofolo tsa elellwa hore ha a ntse a lahlela mobu jwalo, mobu o ne o ntse o oma, ho fihlela qetellong mobu o se o etswa o omme nngo.   +  +Diphoofolo tsa shebella ka pelo tse bohloko. Butlebutle, tsa nna tsa fetoha ka bonngwe tsa sheba moo Kgudu a neng a dutse teng thoko mane.   +  +“Tlou!” ha hweletsa Tshukudu. “Tswaa!”   +  +“Kgudu! Kgudu!” diphoofolo tsa hoeletsa hodimo. “Re kopa o re thuse!”   +  +Yaba Kgudu o theosetsa ka mokoting butle moo a hlileng a qala ho tjheka a ntse a bina pina ya hae hape:   +  +“Ke a ngwapa ke be ke ngwape ke ngwapela metsi, Ke tla tjheka, ke tjheke, ke tjheke ke tla be ke a fumane.”   +  +Kgetlong lena ba bang ba bina le yena:   +  +“O a ngwapa o a ngwapa O ngwapela metsi...”   +  +E se kgale Kgudu a qala ho akgela mobu o metsi ka ntle ho mokoti. Yaba o emisa ho ngwapa lefatshe mme a sutha. Metsi a hlwekileng a batang a kolla mme a tlala sediba seo.   +  +Diphoofolo tsa bina tsa tantsha, mme tsa nwa metsi a mangata kamoo di batlang. Esitana le Mmutla a kenella le yena – mme, ka hobane bohle ba ne ba thabile haholo, ba lebala le ho mo leleka. Kgudu o ne a ba pholositse kaofela!",sot,Sesotho,Pina ya Kgudu,"Long, long ago, a terrible drought dried up all the streams, rivers, wells and springs. It turned the whole world into a dusty desert. The termites gobbled up every leaf and blade of grass, and the animals were forced to chew on dry twigs just to ...",,E phetwa hape ke Pirai Mazungunye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/pina-ya-kgudu +the-tortoise’s-song,"Kudala-dala, imbalela egqugqisayo yomisa yonke imijelo yamanzi, imilambo, amaqula nemithombo. Loo mbalela yajika ilizwe eli lonke layintlango eqhumayo. Iintubi zanqwamza onke amagqabi emithana kwakunye nengca, zaza izilwanyana zanyanzeleka ukuba zihlafune amagqabi omileyo ukuba nje zihlale ziphilile.   +  +Kuba ubomi babunzima, kwafuneka ukuba izilwanyana zidibane ukuze zithethe ngale ngxaki izehleleyo. Zathetha ke, zixoxa, zancwina, zandumzela, zenjenjeyaa, zada ekugqibeleni zavumelana ngokuba indlela yokufumana amanzi, yayikukuba zembe iqula elinzulu. NguMvundla yedwa ke owala ukuthatha inxaxheba kuloo msebenzi.   +  +“Hayi! Icebo lenu alisayi kusebenza konke,” watsho uMvundla, “ngoko ke andisayi kuzimoshela xesha mna, ndisemba.”   +  +“Xa kunjalo ke nathi asizukwabelana nawe ngamanzi wethu!” zatsho ezinye izilwanyana.   +  +UMvundla wavele nje wahleka, kodwa ezinye izilwanyana zona zaziqinisekile ukuba icebo lazo laliza kusebenza.   +  +Kwangalo mini, izilwanyana zehla zaya entlanjeni, apho umhlaba wawusezantsi kakhulu khona. UNgonyama waqalisa ukwemba umngxuma. Kwaza ke, esinye emva kwesinye, izilwanyana zangena emngxunyeni ukuya kwemba – zonke nje ngaphandle koMvundla noFudwazana.   +  +UMvundla wahlala kufuphi, ezihleka izilwanyana. Zange afune ukwemba kwaye akuzange kubekho mntu umnyanzelayo. Kodwa kwakohlukile kuFudwazana – wayesithi xa erhubuluza esiya kwemba, ezinye izilwanyana zingamvumeli ukuba embe.   +  +“Hayi, Fudwazana,” zatsho. “Ucotha kakhulu. Uza kusichithela ixesha elininzi!”   + +  +Zanqengqeleka iinyanga. Kwakukudala kakhulu zisemba kwaza ekugqibeleni umngxuma wanzulu kakhulu ... kodwa kwabe kungekho nethontsi eli lamanzi.   +  +“Ha! Ha! Ha! Bendinixelele!” wahleka waqikileka uMvundla. “Akukho manzi phaya ezantsi!”   +  +“Unyanisile,” yatsho inxagu kwiqwarhashe. “Masivele sincame!   +  +  +“Hayi, masiqhube. Siza kuwafumana amanzi,” watsho uFudwazana.   +  +“Ngumnqweno nje lowo!” wahleka uMvundla.   +  +Ngosuku ngalunye, uFudwazana wayebukela ezolile xa ezinye izilwanyana zibolekisana ngokwemba. Lahamba ixesha, kwembiwa ngakumbi, kodwa akwabikho phawu lwamanzi.   +  +Ngolunye usuku olwalunqanqaza ukutshisa oku, xa zonke izilwanyana zazilele, zidinwe lelo langa litshisayo, kufutshane nomgxuma onzulu, owomileyo, uFudwazana wabuza kwakhona ukuba akangembi na naye. Asikho nasinye isilwanyana esamphendulayo. Ezinye zazidinwe kakhulu, zikhathazekile kwaye zingakhathalele kuphendula loo ntshwaqane wayeyithetha. Uninzi lwazo zazizilelele nje zibilile, zimbombozela kobo buthongo bazo.   +  +UFudwazana wacothoza waya emngxunyeni waza waqalisa ukwemba. Umhlaba wawuqine okwelitye, kodwa waqhubeka ephanda-phanda, ephosa umhlaba owomileyo ngasemva. “Ndiyaphanda, ndiyaphanda ukuze ndifumane amanzi,” wadanduluka ecula njalo lo gama wayesemba. “Akululanga, kodwa kuza kulunga!”   +  +Ngokukhawuleza waqamba ingonyana ukuzikhuthaza ukuba aqhubeke embe. UFudwazana wayicula eyiphinda-phinda:   +  +“Ndiyaphanda ndiyaphanda Ndiphandela amanzi, Ndiza kwemba, ndembe, ndembe Ndaye ndiza kuwafumana la manzi.”   +  +Emva kwexesha, uMvundla weza ethe chu. Wathi akuva la mazwi ephuma emngxunyeni, watsho esingakanani sona isiqhazolo sentsini. Oku kwavusa nezinye izilwanyana. Ngomgqumo omkhulu womsindo, uNgonyama watsibela emngxunyeni, hlasi uFudwazana wamphosa kwinqumba yomhlaba okufutshane nomngxuma.   + +  +“Yho-o-o!” wakhala lo gama esiya kuthi bhaxa phaya phantsi. “Asibobulungisa obu! Nam ndiyafuna ukwemba!”   +  +“Musa ukumosha ixesha lethu apha! Dlala phaya emhlabeni okufuphi nomngxuma,” watsho uNgonyama kabukhali, nto leyo yenza watsho walila uFudwazana.   +  +Ezinye izilwanyana zamsizela uFudwazana okhaliphileyo nomncinci.   +  +“Mnike ithuba naye!” wacenga njalo uMpunzi. “Ewe,” watsho uNdlulamthi, “myeke akhe azame!”   +  +Engenzanga nelimdaka, uNgonyama waphuma emngxunyeni wadedela uFudwazana. Ngokucotha, wazisula iinyembezi zakhe waza watsibela emngxunyeni kwakhona. Kwakhona, waqalisa wemba, ecula:   +  +“Ndiyaphanda ndiyaphanda Ndiphandela amanzi, Ndiza kwemba, ndembe, ndembe Ndaye ndiza kuwafumana la manzi.”   +  +UMvundla noNkawu baqikaqikeka behleka.   +  +UNgonyama wazinzisa isingci sakhe esaye sele sime nkqo, waza wancuma. “Bendinixelele ukuba yinkcitha xesha nje le!” watsho.   +  +UMkhombe wasondela ngaphambilana ukuze akrobe emngxunyeni ... ngequbuliso, TSHWAAA! udaka olumanzi lwabhabha ukuphuma emngxunyeni lwambetha ebusweni!   + +  +“Lumka, uza kuphanyaza amehlo am!” wakhwaza esogquma ubuso bakhe, kodwa ezinye izilwanyana zaqaphela ukuba umhlaba umanzi.   +  +“Amanzi!” zakhwaza zonke. “UFudwazana uwafumene amanzi!”   +  +Izilwanyana zagilana, zishiyisana, iseso sizama ukuya kufika kuqala equleni apho amanzi ayesonyuka etsaza khona. Izilwanyana ezikhulu zatyhiliza abahlobo bazo abancinane ukuba basuke endleleni, kodwa uNdlovu omkhulukazi wayemkhulu ngaphezu kwazo zonke izilwanyana. Wathatha amathamo amakhulu nje ambalwa, wawasela onke loo manzi waza waqalisa, wemba amanye. Ezinye izilwanyana zanelwa nje kukukhalaza zindumzela – okanye ziqhwaye umhlaba lowo umanzi ukuze zifumane amaqabazana nje ambalwa amanzi.   +  +UNdlovu wemba ngokukhuthala, ekhupha kwaye ephosa iimbumba ngeembumba zodaka lomhlaba lowo. Kwahle kwacaca ukuba ngokuya ekhupha ezo mbumba zodaka, loo mhlaba wawuya usoma ngokoma, wada ekugqibeleni woma nko.   +  +Izilwanyana zawubukela loo mbono kalusizi. Ngokucothayo, zaguqukela kuFudwazana owayezihlelele buqelela kuzo.   +  +“Ndlovu!” wakhwaza uMkhombe. “Phuma apho!”   +  +“Fudwazana! Fudwazana!” izilwanyana zakhwazela phezulu. “Yiza wethu, sincede!”   +  +Waza uFudwazana wacothoza ukubuyela apho emngxunyeni, waza waqalisa ukwemba ecula ingoma yakhe kwakhona:   +  +“Ndiyaphanda ndiyaphanda Ndiphandela amanzi, Ndiza kwemba, ndembe, ndembe Ndaye ndiza kuwafumana la manzi.”   +  +Kweli ityeli nezinye izilwanyana zangenelela:   +  +“Uyaphanda, uyaphanda uphandela amanzi ...”   +  +Akuzange kube kudala phambi kokuba uFudwazana aqalise ukuphosela ngaphandle udaka olumanzi. Waza wanqumama ekuqhwayeni umhlaba, wabhekela kude. Amanzi acocekileyo nabandayo abhobhoza enyuka, ezalisa iqula.   +  +Izilwanyana zacula zaxhentsa, zaza zasela amanzi kangangoko zazifuna. NoMvundla nawo wangenelela – kwaye, kuba zonke izilwanyana zazonwabile, zalibaba nokumgxotha. UFudwazana wayebasindise bonke!",xho,isiXhosa,Ingoma yofudo,"Long, long ago, a terrible drought dried up all the streams, rivers, wells and springs. It turned the whole world into a dusty desert. The termites gobbled up every leaf and blade of grass, and the animals were forced to chew on dry twigs just to ...",,Libaliswa kwakhona nguPirai Mazungunye,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ingoma-yofudo +little-mouse,"Lesedi was scared of everything. She was scared of shadows. She was scared of noises. She was even scared of thunder. She was so scared of so many things that everyone called her Little Mouse.   +  +Every night before she went to bed, she did three things. She shut the cupboard doors, just in case there was something hiding inside. She pushed all her shoes and toys under her bed, so that there was no space for anything else to fit there. And, she closed her curtains tightly, so that nothing could come in. Then, she jumped into bed and pulled the duvet right up to her eyes.   +  +“Lesedi,” said her father one night before bed time, “it is time you stopped this. You are old enough to know better. You must stop being such a little mouse.”  +  +“I clean your room every day,” said her mother, kindly, “and I have never seen anything there.” They kissed her goodnight, told her to be brave and to go to bed.   +  +“Yes, Mma. Yes, Tate,” she said and went to her bedroom. “Tonight,” she whispered, “I will try to be brave.”   +  +So, she did three things. She looked in the cupboard and left the door open – just a little. She looked under the bed and only put her slippers there. And, she left just enough space between the curtains so that the moon could shine in. Then she jumped into bed and pulled the duvet right over her head!   + +  +Lesedi was just starting to feel very hot buried under the duvet when she heard a strange sound – a sound that was coming from inside her room!   +  +“Who’s there?” she whispered in a shaky voice, then she put her fingers in her ears so that she could not hear anything. She was so scared, she wanted to open her mouth and scream. No, no, no, she said to herself. I must try to be brave. So she sat up in bed.   +  +“Puk-puk-puket,” a strange voice said. “Oooh, no, no, no! I must try to be brave. I think I’d better go now.”   +  +“Whaa-at?” said Lesedi and dived under the duvet again. “Who’s there?”   +  +“Puk-puk. I’m Mosa. Please, please don’t be angry.”   +  +Lesedi lifted the duvet and peeped out. A shadowy shape moved in the corner and then out stepped ...   +  + “A hen!” said Lesedi. “What are you doing in my room?” Lesedi did not know whether to laugh or cry.   + +  +“It’s a very short story,” said Mosa. “It’s Mrs Kunene’s cat. He’s big and fat and ... and he wants to eat me!”   +  +“But why don’t you hide?” asked Lesedi.   +  +“I am hiding, silly. I’m hiding here,” explained the hen.   +  +“Yes, but you scared me,” said Lesedi.   +  +“Are you scared now?” asked Mosa.   +  +“No,” said Lesedi.   +  +“See! You’ve got nothing to be scared of. Mrs Kunene’s cat doesn’t want to eat you. It’s me he’s after!” said the hen.   +  +“Where is the cat?” asked Lesedi.   +  +“Out there,” said Mosa as she flapped up onto the windowsill and pointed outside. “Look, look, he is still there and he still wants to eat me.”   + +Lesedi looked out of the window and there was Mrs Kunene’s cat. He was big and he was staring up at the window.   +  +“Throw something out there,” said Mosa.   +  +“I can’t do that!” said Lesedi, shocked.   +  +“Why not?” asked Mosa.   +  +“It may hurt him,” explained Lesedi.   +  +“But if he catches me and eats me it will hurt me,” said Mosa as she jumped back down onto the floor. “But now that you’ve found me here, I’d better go.”   +  +“Go where?” asked Lesedi.   +  +“I’ll go to the field,” said Mosa.   +  +“The field? Don’t you belong to someone?” Lesedi asked. She was confused.   +  +“No. I live in the field on my own,” Mosa said, “but sometimes I live ... I live ...”   +  +“Ye-es,” said Lesedi, “you live ... where?”   +  +“Umm ... Ummmm ... here!” said Mosa.   +  +“WHAAT?” Lesedi couldn’t believe what she had just heard!   +  +“Well, I get scared at night so I wait until your light has been switched off. Then I push my way through your curtains,” Mosa clucked. “I wish you didn’t close them so tightly though. It makes getting through very difficult.”   +  +“Sorry,” said Lesedi.   +  +“Then, I try to get under your bed, but I can’t because there are too many shoes and toys there,” the hen clucked sadly. “Then, I try to get into your cupboard, but you always shut the door. So I have been sleeping over there, in the corner, next to that wooden box.”   + +  +“So you were making the noises that I heard,” said Lesedi.   +  +“You make noises too,” said Mosa, “and they scare me, but not as much as Mrs Kunene’s cat. The noises he makes really scare me.”   +  +Lesedi and Mosa stared at each other for a whole minute.   +  +Mosa’s much more scared than I am, thought Lesedi, and she doesn’t even have a home.   +  +“Puk-puk ... Maybe we could be scared together,” suggested Mosa.   +  +“Maybe we could be brave together,” said Lesedi.   +  +“Yes,” said Mosa. “We are already braver because we won’t be scared of each other’s noises.”   +  +So Lesedi and Mosa made plans. They started by opening the curtains. Then Lesedi moved the wooden box under the windowsill.   +  +“This can be your home,” she said. “I will always leave the curtains open. And if you are really scared, you can get under the bed. I will even leave the cupboard door open.”   +  +“And I’ll be very quiet,” said Mosa. “I won’t make any strange noises to scare you at night.”   +  +So, from that night on Lesedi and Mosa started being braver. Mosa lived on top of the wooden box under the windowsill and when she came into the room she gave a soft Puk-puk-puket to say hello. Lesedi smiled in her sleep.   +  +And, guess what ...   +  +Lesedi is no longer scared of shadows or thunder, and everyone has stopped calling her Little Mouse. And Mosa is no longer scared of Mrs Kunene’s cat – she has a safe place to hide and to live.   +  +AND ... every now and then, Mosa leaves three presents on the wooden box and Lesedi, her mother and her father have fresh eggs for breakfast",eng,English,Little Mouse,"Lesedi was scared of everything. She was scared of shadows. She was scared of noises. She was even scared of thunder. She was so scared of so many things that everyone called her Little Mouse.   +  +Every night before she went to bed, ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/little-mouse +little-mouse,"ULesedi wayesoyika yonke into nje. Wayesoyika izithunzi. Wayesoyika iingxolo. Wayesoyika neendudumo. Wayesoyika izinto ezininzi kakhulu kangangokuba bonke abantu babembiza ngokuba nguMpukwana.   +  +Rhoqo ebusuku phambi kokuba alale, wayesenza izinto ezintathu. Wayevala ngci iingcango zeekhabhathi, kungathi kanti kukho into ezimele ngaphakathi apho ekhabhathini. Wayetyhalela phantsi kwebhedi zonke izihlangu zakhe nezinto zakhe zokudlala, ukuze kungabikho ndawo ekunokungena kuyo enye into eza kumhlasela. Athi ke emva koko avale mba iikhethini ukuze kungabikho nto inokungena. Aze angene ebhedini, atsale iduveyi yogqume nkqu namehlo lawo akhe.   +  +“Lesedi,” watsho utata wakhe ngobunye ubusuku phambi kokuba kulalwe, “lixesha lokuba uyiyeke ngoku le nto. Umdala ngokwaneleyo ngoku kwaye ufanele ukuba wazi ngcono. Yeka oku kuba yimpukwana kwakho.”   +  +“Igumbi lakho licocwa ndim yonke imihla,” watsho umama wakhe, ngobubele, “zange khe ndibone nto phaya mna.” Bamphuza bamnqwenelela ubusuku benzolo, bamxelela ukuba akhaliphe, aye kulala.   +  +“Kulungile Mama. Kulungile Tata,” watsho esiya kwigumbi lakhe lokulala.   +  +“Ngobu busuku,” wasebeza ezixelela oko, “ndiza kuzama ukukhalipha.”   +  +Waza ke wenza izinto ezintathu. Wajonga ekhabhathini waza walushiya ucango lwayo luvulekile – kancinci nje. Wajonga phantsi kwebhedi, waza wabeka iimbadada zakhe kuphela. Waza, washiya isithutyana phakathi kweekhethini esanele nje ukuba kungene ukukhanya kwenyanga. Waza wangena ebhedini, wazogquma nentloko ngeduveyi!   + +  +ULesedi wayesaqala ukuva ubushushu obungathethekiyo bokuzingcwaba phantsi kweduveyi ukuva kwakhe isandi esingaqhelekanga – isandi esasivela apha kweli gumbi lakhe!   +  +“Ngubani lowo?” wasebeza ngelizwi elingcangcazelayo, waza wavala iindlebe zakhe ngeminwe ukuze angeva nto. Wayesoyika kakhulu, kangangokuba wayefuna ukuvula umlomo wakhe akhale. Hayi, hayi, hayi, wazixelela oko. Mandizame ukukhalipha. Watsho wathi khwaphululu, wahlala phezu kwebhedi.   +  +“Ko-ko-koo,” latsho ilizwi elingaqhelekanga. “Yho, hayi, hayi, hayi! Mandizame ukukhalipha. Ndicinga ukuba mandihambe ngoku.”   +  +“Intoo-oni?” watsho uLesedi waza watshona phantsi kweduveyi kwakhona. “Ngubani lowo?”   +  +“Ko-ko-koo. NdinguMosa. Nceda, nceda ungabinomsindo.”   +  +ULesedi waphakamisa iduveyi, waza wakroba. Kwashukuma ithinzi ekoneni kwaza kwathi gqi ...   +  +“Isikhukhukazi!” watsho uLesedi. “Wenza ntoni egumbini lam?” ULesedi wayengazi nokuba makahleke okanye akhale.   + +“Libali elifutshane,” watsho uMosa. “Yikati kaMama uKunene. Inkulu futhi ityebile kwaye ... ifuna ukunditya!”   +  +“Kodwa kutheni ungazimeli nje?” wabuza uLesedi.   +  +“Ndizimele nje, gezayo. Ndizimele apha,” sacacisa satsho isikhukhukazi.   +  +“Ewe, kodwa undoyikisile,” watsho uLesedi.   +  +“Uyoyika ngoku?” wabuza uMosa.   +  +“Hayi,” watsho uLesedi.   +  +“Uyabona ke! Wena awunanto mawuyoyike. Ikati kaMama uKunene ayifuni kutya wena. Ndim emsukelayo!” satsho isikhukhukazi.   +  +“Iphi ikati?” wabuza uLesedi.   +  +“Phayaa,” watsho uMosa eqhwaqhwazelisa amaphiko ehlala efesitileni, ekhomba phandle. “Jonga, jonga, isephaya yaye isafuna ukunditya.”   + +  +ULesedi wakroba ngefesitile, nantso ikati kaMama uKunene. Yayinkulu yaye yayijamele ntsho efesitileni.   +  +“Gibisela into phaya kuyo,” watsho uMosa.   +  +“Andinakuyenza loo nto!” watsho uLesedi othukile.   +  +“Ngoba?” wabuza uMosa.   +  +“Mhlawumbi ingayonzakalisa loo nto ndiyigibiseleyo,” wacacisa uLesedi.   +  +“Kodwa ukuba iyandibamba inditye iya konzakalisa mna,” watsho uMosa etsibela phantsi emgangathweni kwakhona. “Kodwa kuba ngoku sowundibhaqile apha, kungcono ndihambe.”   +  +“Uye phi?” wabuza uLesedi.   +  +“Ndiza kuya endle,” watsho uMosa.   +  +“Endle? Awungowamntu na kanene?” wabuza uLesedi. Wayebhidekile.   +  +“Hayi. Ndizihlalela ndodwa endle,” watsho uMosa, “kodwa ngamanye amaxesha ndihlala ... ndihlala ... ”   +  +“Ee-we,” watsho uLesedi, “uhlala ... phi?”   +  +“Emhmm ... emhmmmm ... apha!” watsho uMosa.   +  +“INTOONI?” ULesedi zange ayikholelwe le nto wayegqiba kuyiva!   +  +“Kaloku, mna ndiyoyika ebusuku ndize ndilinde side sicime isibane sakho. Ndize ndingene apha ngokutyhala iikhethini zakho,” uMosa wakokoza esitsho. “Akwaba ubungayivali mba ke noko ifesitile le. Loo nto yenza ukungena kube nzima kakhulu.”   +  +“Uxolo,” watsho uLesedi.   +  +“Emva koko, ndizame ukungena phantsi kwebhedi yakho, kodwa ndingakwazi kuba kuzele izihlangu nezinto zokudlala zakho phaya,” isikhukhukazi sakokoza kalusizi. “Ndize, ndizame ukungena ekhabhathini yakho, kodwa usoloko uluvala mba ucango. Ngoko ke bendisoloko ndilala phayaa, ekoneni, ecaleni kwalaa bhokisana yomthi.”   + +  +“Kanti nguwe lo obusenza le ngxolo bendimana ndiyiva,” watsho uLesedi.   +  +“Nawe nje wenza ingxolo,” watsho uMosa, “kwaye iyandoyikisa, kodwa ayoyikeki ngaphezu kwekati kaMama uKunene. Ingxolo eyenzayo yona indoyikisa kakhulu.”   +  +ULesedi noMosa bathula, bajongana emehlweni umzuzu wonke.   +  +UMosa woyika ngaphezu kwam, wacinga njalo uLesedi, yaye akanalo nekhaya eli lembala.   +  +“Ko-ko-koo ... Mhlawumbi singoyika kunye,” wacebisa watsho uMosa.   +  +“Okanye sibe ngamakhalipha kunye,” watsho uLesedi.   +  +“Ewe,” watsho uMosa. “Sesingamakhalipha kakade ngoku, kuba asizukoyikiswa yile ngxolo eyenziwa kwasithi.”   +  +Ke ngoko uLesedi noMosa baqulunqa amacebo. Baqala bazivula iikhethini. Waza uLesedi wayidudulela phantsi kwefestile ibhokisi yomthi.   +  +“Ingalikhaya lakho elitsha eli,” watsho. “Ndakusoloko ndizishiya zivulekile iikhethini. Ukuba woyika nyhani, ungangena phantsi kwebhedi. Ndakushiya nomnyango wekhabhathi uvulekile.”   +  +“Nam ndakuthi cwaka,” watsho uMosa. “Andizukwenza zandi zingaqhelekanga nezikoyikisayo ebusuku.”   +  +Ngoko ke, ukusukela kobo busuku, uMosa noLesedi baqalisa ukukhalipha. UMosa wahlala phezu kwebhokisi yomthi phantsi kwefestile, aze athi xa engena egumbini enze uKo-ko-koo obulisayo. ULesedi ke wayencuma yena esebuthongweni.   +  +Kwaye, yhaz’intoni ...   +  +ULesedi akasazoyiki izithunzi neendudumo ngoku, yaye bonke abantu bayekile ukumbiza ngokuba nguMpukwana. Kwaye noMosa akasayoyiki ngoku ikati kaMama uKunene – unendawo ekhuselekileyo yokuzimela nanokuhlala kuyo.   +  +KWAYE ... uMosa umana eshiya izipho ezithathu phezu kwebhokisi yomthi, aze uLesedi, nomama wakhe kunye notata wakhe babenamaqanda amatsha esidlo sakusasa.",xho,isiXhosa,UMpukwan,"Lesedi was scared of everything. She was scared of shadows. She was scared of noises. She was even scared of thunder. She was so scared of so many things that everyone called her Little Mouse.   +  +Every night before she went to bed, ...",,Libali likaWendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umpukwana +little-mouse,"ULesedi wayesaba yonke into. Wayesaba izithunzi. Wayesaba imisindo. Wayesaba ngisho nokuduma kwezulu. Wayesaba izinto eziningi kakhulu kangangokuthi wonke umuntu wayesembiza ngokuthi unguGundanyana.   +  +Njalo ebusuku ngaphambi kokuba alale, wayenza izinto ezintathu. Wayevala izicabha zamakhabethe, uma kungenzeka ukuthi kukhona okucashe khona. Wayedudulela zonke izicathulo zakhe namathoyizi ngaphansi kombhede wakhe, ukuze kungasali sikhala esingangena okuthile. Kanti wayewavala ngci amakhethini, ukuze kungabi khona lutho olukwazi ukungena. Bese-ke egxumela embhedeni azemboze ngeduvethi ize ifike emehlweni akhe.   +  +“Lesedi,” kusho uyise ngobunye ubusuku ngaphambi kwesikhathi sokulala, “sekuyisikhathi sokuba ukuyeke lokhu. Usumdala kabi, sekufanele ngabe usuyazazi izinto. Kufanele uyeke ukuziphathisa okwegundanyana.”   +  +“Ngihlanza igumbi lakho zonke izinsuku,” kusho unina, ngesineke, “kanti angikaze ngibone lutho lapha.” Bamqabula bamfisela ubusuku obuhle, bamtshela ukuthi abe nesibindi bese eya kolala.   +  +“Yebo, Mama. Yebo Baba,” washo eseya kolala egumbini lakhe.   +  +“Namuhla ebusuku,” kunyenyeza yena ezikhulumela yedwa, “ngizoba nesibindi.”   +  +Ngakho-ke, wenza izinto ezintathu. Wabheka ekhabetheni washiya izicabha zivulekile – kancanyana nje. Wabheka ngaphansi kombhede wabeka amahliphasi akhe kuphela khona. Wabe eseshiya isikhala esincane ngokwanele phakathi kwamakhethini ukuze inyanga ikhanyise ngaphakathi. Wabe-ke esegxumela embhedeni wadonsa iduvethi yafika phezu kwekhanda lakhe!   + +  +ULesedi wayeseqala ukushiselwa ngaphansi kweduvethi yakhe lapho ezwa umsindo ongejwayelekile – umsindo owawuqhamuka khona lapha egumbini lakhe!   +  +“Ubani lowo?” wahlebeza ngezwi eliqhaqhazelayo, wabe esebeka iminwe yakhe ezindlebeni zakhe ukuze angezwa lutho. Wayesaba kakhulu, wayefuna ukuvula umlomo wakhe adazuluke amemeze. Hhayi, hhayi, hhayi, ezincenga. Kufanele ngizame ukuba nesibindi. Ngakho wahlala ngesinqe embhedeni.   +  +“Ke-ke-kege,” kwasho izwi elingejwayelekile. “Hhayi, ngeke, ngeke, ngeke! Kufanele ngizame ukuba nesibindi. Ngicabanga ukuthi angivele ngihambe manje.”   +  +“Hhe?” kusho uLesedi, washo eziphonsa ngaphansi kweduvethi yakhe futhi. “Ubani lowo?”   +  +“Ke-ke-kege! NginguMosa. Ngiyacela bandla, ngicela ungathukutheli.”   +  +ULesedi waphakamisa ingubo yakhe walunguza. Kunomumo wesithunzi ekhoneni kwase kuthi memfu ...   +  +“Isikhukhukazi!” kusho uLesedi. “Ufunani egumbini lami?” ULesedi wavele wangazi noma ahleke noma akhale yini.   + +  +“Yindaba emfishanyana nje,” kusho uMosa. “Angithi nje yikati likaNkk Kunene. Likhulu futhi likhuluphele, futhi ... futhi lifuna ukungidla!”   +  +“Pho awucashi ngani?” kubuza uLesedi.   +  +“Ngiyacasha, wena hhayi bo. Ngicashile lapha,” kuchaza isikhukhukazi.   +  +“Yebo, kodwa ungethusile,” kusho uLesedi.   +  +“Usethukile njengamanje?” kubuza uMosa.   +  +“Cha,” kusho uLesedi.   +  +“Uyabona! Ngakho-ke asikho isidingo sokwesaba. Ikati likaNkk Kunene alifuni ukudla wena. Yimina elingifunayo!” kusho isikhukhukazi.   +  +“Liphi ikati?” kubuza uLesedi.   +  +“Lile ngaphandle,” kusho uMosa esho enwabela onqenqemeni lwasefasiteleni ekhomba le ngaphandle. “Buka, buka nje, lisekhona laphaya futhi lisafuna ukungidla.”   + +  +ULesedi wabuka ngaphandle ngefasitela, ngempela naliya ikati likaNkk Kunene. Lalilikhulu, futhi ngempela lalithe njo kubona phezulu.   +  +“Phonsa okuthile ngaphandle,” kusho uMosa.   +  +“Ngeke ngikwazi ukukwenza lokho!” kusho uLesedi, ethukile.   +  +“Ngobani?” kubuza uMosa.   +  +“Ngingase ngimlimaze,” kuchaza uLesedi.   +  +“Kodwa yena uma engase angibambe angangidla kanti lokho kungalimaza mina,” kwasho uMosa egxuma ebuyela phansi. “Kodwa njengoba usungitholile nje lapha, sekumele ngihambe.”   +  +“Uye kuphi?” kubuza uLesedi.   +  +“Ngizoya ensimini,” kusho uMosa.   +  +“Ensimini? Kanti awunaye yini umnikazi wakho?” kubuza uLesedi. Wayedidekile.   +  +“Cha. Ngihlala ensimini ngedwa,” kwasho uMosa, “kodwa kwesinye isikhathi ngihlala ... ngihlala ...”   +  +“Ye-yebo,” kwasho uLesedi, “uhlala ... kuphi?”   +  +“Amm ... Ammmm ... lapha!” kusho uMosa.   +  +“INIIIII?” ULesedi akakwazanga ukuyikholwa le nto ayeyizwa!   +  +“Empeleni, ngiyesaba ebusuku ngakho ngiyalinda isibani sakho size sicishwe. Bese ngidlula emakhethinini akho,” kukukuza uMosa. “Ngifisa sengathi ngabe awuwavali ngci amakhethini nokho. Lokho kwenza kube lukhuni kakhulu ukungena.”   +  +“Ngiyaxolisa,” kusho uLesedi.   +  +“Bese-ke ngizama ukungena ngaphansi kombhede wakho, kodwa njengoba kusuke kunezicathulo namathoyizi amaningi kuye kube lukhuni,” isikhukhukazi sasho ngokudabukisa. “Ngiye-ke ngizame ukungena ekhabetheni lakho, kodwa uhlale uwuvalisisile umnyango. Ngakho-ke ngiye ngilale laphaya, ekhoneni, eduze kwebhokisi lokhuni.”   + +  +“Okusho ukuthi uwena obuwenza imisindo le engihlale ngiyizwa,” kusho uLesedi.   +  +“Nawe wenza imisindo eminingi,” kusho uMosa, “bese iyangesabisa, kodwa hhayi ngaphezu kwekati likaNkk Kunene. Imisindo eliyenzayo ivele ingithuthumelise ngempela.”   +  +ULesedi noMosa bagqolozelana isikhathi esingumzuzu wonke.   +  +UMosa wesaba kakhulu kunami, kucabanga uLesedi, kanti akanalo ngisho nekhaya.   +  +“Ke-ke-kege ... Mhlawumbe singazihlalela sobabili sesabe ndawonye,” kwasho uMosa.   +  +“Mhlawumbe singaba nesibindi lapho sindawonye,” kusho uLesedi   +  +“Yebo,” kusho uMosa. “Vele sesinesibindi ngoba ngeke sisayesaba imisindo yethu.”   +  +Ngakho uLesedi noMosa benza amacebo. Baqala ngokuvula amakhethini. ULesedi wadudulela ibhokisi lokhuni ngaphansi konqenqema lwefasitela.   +  +“Leli kungaba yikhaya lakho,” kusho yena. “Ngizohlale ngiwavulile amakhethini. Kungathi uma uzizwa wesaba ngempela, ungene ngaphansi kombhede wami. Ngizoze ngishiye nesicabha sekhabethe sivuliwe.”   +  +“Nami ngeke ngiwubange umsindo,” kusho uMosa. “Ngeke ngiyenze imisindo engejwayelekile ezokwesabisa ebusuku.”   +  +Ngakho-ke kusukela ngalobo busuku uLesedi noMosa baqala ukuba nesibindi. UMosa wahlala phezu kwebhokisi lokhuni ngaphansi konqenqema lwefasitela futhi kuthi uma engena egumbini enze umsinjwana omncane othi Ke-ke-kege embingelela. ULesedi wayemamatheka ebuthongweni.   +  +Kanti-ke, ake uqagele ukuthi ...   +  +ULesedi akasazesabi izithunzi noma ukuduma kwezulu, futhi wonke umuntu useyekile ukumbiza ngoGundanyana. UMosa akasalesabi ikati likaNkk Kunene – phela usenendawo ephephile yokucasha nokuhlala khona.   +  +FUTHI ... ngezikhathi ezithile, uMosa ushiya izipho ezintathu ebhokisini lokhuni bese uLesedi, unina noyise bathole amaqanda amasha ebhulakufesi.",zul,isiZulu,UGundanyan,"Lesedi was scared of everything. She was scared of shadows. She was scared of noises. She was even scared of thunder. She was so scared of so many things that everyone called her Little Mouse.   +  +Every night before she went to bed, ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ugundanyana +little-mouse,"Lesedi o ne a tshaba ntho e nngwe le e nngwe. O ne a tshaba diriti. O ne a tshaba marata. O ne a bile a tshaba le lehadima. O ne a tshaba dintho tse ngata hoo batho ba neng ba mmitsa Twebanyana.   +  +Bosiu bo bong le bo bong ha a ilo robala, o ne a etsa dintho tse tharo. O ne a kwala mamati a dikhabate, ebang mohlomong ho ne ho ena le ho ipatileng ka hare. O ne a sutuletsa dieta tsa hae le dithoye kaofela ka tlasa bethe, e le hore ho se be le sebaka bakeng sa eng kapa eng e ka kenang ka moo. Mme o ne a kwala digaretene tsa hae ka thata, e le hore ho se be le ntho e tla kena. Ha a qeta a tlolele ka hara dikobo mme a ikwahele ka dikobo ho hlela mahlong.   +  +“Lesedi,” ntatae a mmitsa ka bosiu bo bong pele ho robalwa, “ke nako jwale ya hore o tlohele ntho ena. O se o le moholo hore o ka tseba dintho tsa nnete. O lokela ho emisa ho iketsa twebanyana tjena.”   +  +“Ke hlwekisa phaposi ya hao kamehla,” ha rialo mmae ka mosa, “mme ha ke esoka ke bona letho ka moo.” Ba mo aka ba mo fonanisa, ba mmolella hore a be sebete mme a ilo robala.   +  +“Ee, Mme. Ee, Ntate,” a rialo mme a ya phaposing ya hae ya ho robala.   +  +“Bosiung bona,” a hweshetsa, “ke tla leka ho ba sebete.”   +  +Yaba o etsa dintho tse tharo. A sheba ka hara khabate mme a siya lemati a le butse – hanyane feela. A sheba ka tlasa bethe mme a bea disilepere tsa hae feela kamoo. Yaba o siya sebaka se lekaneng feela pakeng tsa digaretene hore ngwedi e tle e kene. Ha a qeta a tlolela betheng mme a hula dikobo hore di mo kwahele le hlooho!   + +  +Lesedi o ne a se a qala ho utlwa motjheso o moholo ke ho ikwahela ka dikobo ha a utlwa modumo o makatsang – modumo o neng o etswa hona ka phaposing ya hae ka mona!   +  +“Ke mang eo?” a hweshetsa ka lentswe le thothomelang, mme a kenya menwana ya hae ka ditsebeng e le hore a se ke a utlwa letho. O ne a tshohile hoo a neng a batla ho bula molomo wa hae a hoeletse. Tjhe, tjhe, tjhe, a ipolella jwalo. Ke lokela ho leka ho ba sebete. Yaba o a tsoha o dula hodima bethe.   +  +“Kok-kok-kook,” ha rialo lentswe le makatsang. “Jonna nna wee! Ke lokela ho ba sebete. Ke nahana hore ke tsamaye jwale.”   +  +“Ke eng?” ha rialo Lesedi mme a itahlela ka tlasa dikobo hape. “Ke mang eo?”   +  +“Kok-kok-kook. Ke nna Mosa. Ke a kopa hle, o se halefe.”   +  +Lesedi a phahamisa dikobo mme a nyarela. Sebopeho se lefifi sa sisinyeha hukung mme sa hlahella ka pepeneneng ...   +  +“Sethole!” ha rialo Lesedi. “O etsang ka phaposing ya ka?” Lesedi o ne a sa tsebe hore a tshehe kapa a lle.   + +  +“Ke pale e kgutshwane haholo,” ha rialo Mosa. “Ke katse ya Mof Kunene. E kgolo ebile e nonne mme ... mme e batla ho ntja!”   +  +“Jwale hobaneng o sa ipate?” ha botsa Lesedi.   +  +“Ke ipatile, wena, Ke ipatile ka mona,” ha hlalosa sethole.   +  +“Ee, empa o ntshositse,” ha rialo Lesedi.   +  +“Na o sa tshohile le hona jwale?” ha botsa Mosa.   +  +“Tjhe,” ha araba Lesedi.   +  +“O a bona! Ha ho ntho eo wena o lokelang ho e tshaba mona. Katse ya Mof Kunene ha e batle ho ja wena. Ke nna eo e mo batlang!” ha rialo sethole.   +  +“E hokae katse eo?” ha botsa Lesedi.   +  +“Mane ka ntle,” ha rialo Mosa a tlolela hodima fensetere banka mme a supa ka ntle. “Sheba, sheba, e ntse e dutse mane mme e ntse e batla ho ntja.”   + +  +Lesedi a sheba ka ntle ho fensetere mme katse ya Mof Kunene e ne e le moo. E ne e le kgolo mme e ne e shebile hodimo fensetereng ena.   +  +“Lahlela ho hong ka ntle mane,” ha rialo Mosa.   +  +“Nkeke ka etsa seo!” ha rialo Lesedi, a maketse.   +  +“Hobaneng?” ha botsa Mosa.   +  +“E ka nna ya mo lematsa,” ha hlalosa Lesedi.   +  +“Empa le nna ha e ka ntshwara ya ntja e ntse e tla nkutlwisa bohloko,” ha rialo Mosa a tlolela fatshe hape. “Empa jwale ka hore o se o mphumane, ke lokela ho tsamaya.”   +  +“O ya kae?” ha botsa Lesedi.   +  +“Ke tla ya thoteng,” ha rialo Mosa.   +  +“Thoteng? Ha o na monga hao?” Lesedi a botsa. O ne a ferekane.   +  +“Tjhe. Ke dula thoteng ke le mong,” Mosa a hlalosa, “empa ka dinako tse ding ke dula ... ke dula ...”   +  +“Ehe,” ha rialo Lesedi, “o dula ... kae?”   +  +“Emm ... Emmmm ... mona!” ha rialo Mosa.   +  +“ENG?” Lesedi o ne a sa kgolwe seo a se utlwang!   +  +“Ke a tshaba bosiu kahoo ke ema ho hlela lebone la hao le tinngwe. Ebe ke itshutuletsa ka hare ke kena le digareteneng tsa hao,” Mosa a kakatletsa. “Ekare o ka be o sa di kwale ka thata tjena. Ho ba thata haholo ho kena ke feta ho tsona.”   +  +“Ke maswabi,” ha rialo Lesedi.   +  +“Jwale ebe ke leka ho kena ka tlasa bethe ya hao, empa ke hlolehe hobane ho na le dieta le dithoye tse ngata ka moo,” sethole sa kakatletsa se hloname. “Jwale, ke leke ho kena ka khabateng ya hao, empa o dula o kwetse lemati la yona. Kahoo ke ne ke ntse ke robala mane, hukung, haufi le lebokoso lane la mapolanka.”   + +  +“Kahoo ke wena o ntseng o etsa marata ao ke a utlwileng,” ha rialo Lesedi.   +  +“Le wena o etsa marata,” ha rialo Mosa, “mme a ya ntshosa, empa e seng jwalo ka katse ya Mof Kunene. Medumo eo e e etsang ruri e a ntshosa.”   +  +Lesedi le Mosa ba tjamelana nako e ka bang motsotso kaofela.   +  +Mosa o tshohile le ho mpheta, Lesedi a nahana jwalo, mme ebile ha a na le lehae.   +  +“Kok-kok-kook ... Mohlomong re ka tshaba mmoho,” Mosa a etsa tlhahiso.   +  +“Mohlomong re ka ba sebete mmoho,” ha rialo Lesedi.   +  +“Ee,” ha rialo Mosa. “Re se re le sebete hobane re keke ra hlola re tshoswa ke medumo eo re e etsang.”   +  +Kahoo Lesedi le Mosa ba etsa leqheka. Ba qala ka ho bula digaretene. Yaba Lesedi o bea lebokoso la mapolanka ka tlasa fensetere.   +  +“Lena e ka nna ya ba lehae la hao,” a rialo. “Kamehla ke tla dula ke siile digaretene di butswe. Mme haeba o ka ikutlwa o hlile o tshohile, o ka nna wa kena ka tlasa bethe. Ke tla be ke siye lemati la khabate le butswe.”   +  +“Mme le nna ke tla kgutsa,” ha rialo Mosa. “Nke ke ka etsa medumo e sa tlwaelehang e ka o tshosang bosiu.”   +  +Kahoo, ho tloha bosiung boo Lesedi le Mosa ba qala ho ba sebete mmoho. Mosa o ne a dula hodima lebokoso la mapolanka ka tlasa fensetere banka mme ha a kena ka tlung o ne a dumedisa ka tsela ya kok-kok-kook. Lesedi o ne a bososela a kgalehile.   +  +Mme o a tseba ke eng ...   +  +Lesedi ha a sa hlola a tshaba diriti le mahadima, mme batho bohle ha basa mmitsa ka lebitso la Twebanyana. Mme Mosa ha a sa tshaba katse ya Mof Kunene – o na le sebaka se bolokehileng moo a ka ipatang le ho phela teng.   +  +MME ... ka matsatsi a mang, Mosa o siya dimpho tse tharo hodima lebokoso la mapolanka mme Lesedi, mmae le ntatae ba dula ba ena le mahe a foreshe bakeng sa dijo tsa hoseng.",sot,Sesotho,Twebanyan,"Lesedi was scared of everything. She was scared of shadows. She was scared of noises. She was even scared of thunder. She was so scared of so many things that everyone called her Little Mouse.   +  +Every night before she went to bed, ...",,Pale ka Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/twebanyana +crocodile-and-the-lost-boy,"A long time ago a little boy sat and cried under a wild fig tree on the bank of a great river. He was lost.   +  +Not too far away, Crocodile wallowed in the water near the edge of the river and watched the little boy. Crocodile was hungry.   +“How can I eat a boy who is so unhappy? I’ll get a terrible stomach ache,” Crocodile said. “Water is the only thing that can make that boy happy again. I must teach him how to swim. And then, when he is happy, I’ll be able to eat him!”   +  +So Crocodile swished his great tail from side to side and slithered up out of the river to where the boy sat.   +  +“Sad boy,” he said, “you are crying because you are lost. I will teach you to swim. The water will make you happy again, and then you will find your way home. Come, climb onto my back.”   +  +So the boy climbed onto Crocodile’s back, and they slipped into the cool water and floated out into the middle of the river.   +  +“Hang on!” shouted Crocodile, and he dived down deep into the water where fish swim, and plants sway in the currents. Then Crocodile floated down the river with the boy on his back. Crocodile swished his tail from side to side and splashed the boy with the cool waters. He turned upside down, so that the boy had to crawl round to his belly in order not to fall off. He streaked across the river, with the boy hanging onto his tail.   +  +They played in the water all day long. Crocodile made the boy laugh, and after a while, the boy felt happy again.  + +Crocodile saw that the boy was laughing and happy. “It is time for him to get off my back and swim in the river, so that I can catch him and eat him,” thought Crocodile. “Now that he has stopped crying he will probably taste quite delicious! But I can’t just throw him off my back, then turn around and bite him without warning. That is not fair. I must follow him in the water and catch him!”   +  +So Crocodile swam to the edge of the river with the boy. “It is time for you to get off my back and swim on your own,” he said.   +  +“Why?” asked the boy. “I like swimming with you. You are my best friend, Crocodile!”   +  +“What? I am your best friend?” asked Crocodile with great surprise.   +  +“Yes, you are,” said the boy. “You taught me to swim and you made me happy again.”   +  +Crocodile gave the boy a big, sad, crooked smile.   +  +“Wow, you have a lot of teeth, Crocodile. I never noticed them before!” said the boy.   +  + +“Don’t mind my teeth, I have them so that I can bite things and eat them, silly boy! Come now, let’s swim back across the river to make sure that you can swim on your own,” said Crocodile.   +  +And so the boy went into the water on his own, and Crocodile followed him. The boy loved being in the water, and he swam like a fish.   +  +Whenever the boy swam close to him, Crocodile said to himself, “Now is the time to eat him! He will taste delicious now that he is happy!” But every time he thought about eating the boy, he got a terrible stomach ache. So Crocodile swam to the bank of the river and flopped down onto the sand.   +  +“Whenever I think of eating that boy I get a terrible, terrible stomach ache,” he cried.   +  +Hoopoe was sitting high up in the wild fig tree. He flew down and perched on a branch close to Crocodile. “What is wrong with you?” he whooped.   + +“I must be ill because I don’t feel like eating that little boy,” answered Crocodile.   +  +“Of course you don’t want to eat him,” said Hoopoe. “He is your friend! You taught him how to swim, and now he is happy again.”   +  +“No! He is not my friend! I taught the boy to swim so that I could eat a happy person. I can’t eat a boy who is sad. He would taste as sad as his tears,” said Crocodile as he swished his tail and glared at Hoopoe.   +  +Hoopoe puffed up his feathers and flew up onto a higher branch in the tree. He thought it was best not to be too close to Crocodile. He cocked his head to one side and said, “Now that the boy is happy again, it is time for him to go back to his family, Crocodile. You will never, ever eat him because he is your friend.”   +  +“I suppose you are right,” sighed Crocodile, and he slithered back into the water. He swam out to the boy who was floating on his back under the warm African sun.   + +  +“Now that you are happy again you must come out of the river and go home to your family,” said Crocodile. “When you get back to the bank of the river, look over to the wild fig tree where you sat and cried. Someone is waiting there for you.”   +“Who?” asked the boy.   +  +“You will know him when you see him,” said Crocodile with a crooked smile, showing his big sharp teeth. And so together, Crocodile and the boy swam across the river to where the wild fig tree stood. Crocodile stayed in the water, while the boy climbed onto the bank of the river.   +  +The boy looked over to the wild fig tree and saw his father sitting in the shade. He ran up to him. “How happy I am to have found you, Father,” he said.   +  +“My son! How happy I am to see you!” said his father. “But I see Crocodile there in the water where you have been swimming! He is very dangerous, and he will eat a little boy like you if he catches you!” He gave his son a big hug. “Thank goodness you are safe now!”   +  +The boy turned and looked back at Crocodile. He was lying in the water near the edge of the river. He could have been a log of wood, he was so still. But just above the water level, his hungry eyes watched the boy. The boy shivered. “I’m cold, Father. Please, let’s go home now.”   +  +Then the boy lifted his arm and waved goodbye to Crocodile. Crocodile swished his tail in answer and floated off silently across the river.",eng,English,Crocodile and the lost boy,"A long time ago a little boy sat and cried under a wild fig tree on the bank of a great river. He was lost.   +  +Not too far away, Crocodile wallowed in the water near the edge of the river and watched the little boy. Crocodile was ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/crocodile-and-the-lost-boy +crocodile-and-the-lost-boy,"Kudaladala, inkwenkwana yayihleli ilila phantsi komthi wamafiya asendle ngakudonga lomlambo omkhulu. Yayilahlekile.   +  +Kude kufuphi nenkwenkwana, uNgwenya wayezibhuqabhuqa emanzini kwinyele yomlambo ebukele inkwenkwana. UNgwenya wayelambile.   +  +“Ndakuyitya njani inkwenkwe engonwabanga? Sakundiqaqambela kakubi isisu,” watsho uNgwenya. “Amanzi yeyonanto inokwenza la nkwenkwe yonwabe kwakhona. Mandimfundise ukuqubha, xa onwabile ndakukwazi ukumtya!”   +  +UNgwenya wawujija-jija umsila wakhe omkhulu, waze wawutyibilikisa ngaphandle komlambo ngakudonga olwaluhleli inkwenkwe.   +  +“Nkwedini equmbileyo,” watsho uNgwenya, “uyalila kuba ulahlekile? Ndiza kukufundisa ukuqubha. Amanzi aza kukwenza wonwabe kwakhona, emva koko uza kuyifumana indlela egodukayo. Yiza, khwela apha kum emqolo.”   +  +Inkwenkwe yakhwela emqolo kuNgwenya baze batyibilikela kumanzi apholileyo, baze badadela embindini womlambo.   +  +“Bambelela!” wakhwaza uNgwenya, waze wantywila phantsi kwamanzi apho iintlanzi ziqubha khona, nezityalo zishukunyiswa ngumsinga. Emva koko uNgwenya wantywila esehlisa umlambo inkwenkwe ikuye emqolo. UNgwenya wawujija-jija umsila wakhe waze wakhwitsha inkwenkwe ngamanzi apholileyo. Wawuguqula umzimba wakhe, ukuze inkwenkwe igaqe ijikeleze isisu sakhe ukuze ingawi. Wawelela ngaphesheya komlambo ekhawulezile, inkwenkwe ibambelele emsileni wakhe.   +  +Badlala apho emanzini imini yonke. UNgwenya wayihlekisa inkwenkwe, emva kwethuba elide, inkwenkwe yayiziva yonwabile kwakhona.   + +  +UNgwenya wayibona ukuba inkwenkwe iyahleka kwaye yonwabile. “Lixesha lokuba ohlike emqolweni wam ngoku aziqubhele emlanjeni, ukuze ndimnqakule ndimtye,” wacinga uNgwenya. “Njengokuba eyekile ukukhala uyakungcamleka kamnandi, kodwa andinakukwazi ukusuka ndimehlise emqolo, ndisuke ndimjikele ndimtye ngaphandle kokumlumkisa. Ayilunganga loo nto. Mandimlandele apha emanzini ndize ndimnqakule!”   +  +Ngoko ke uNgwenya waqubhela enyeleni yomlambo nenkwenkwe. “Lixesha lokuba wohlike ngoku emqolweni wam uziqubhele ngokwakho,” watsho.   +  +“Kuba kutheni?” yabuza inkwenkwe. “Ndiyakuthanda ukuqubha nawe. Ungumhlobo wam wenene, Ngwenya!”   +  +“Intoni? Ndingumhlobo wakho wenene?” wabuza uNgwenya emangalisekile.   +  +“Ewe, unguye,” yatsho inkwenkwe. “Undifundise ukuqubha waze wandonwabisa kwakhona.”   +  +UNgwenya wayinika inkwenkwe olukhulu, olunosizi, nolugoso lona uncumo.   +  +“Yhoo! Kanti maninzi kangaka amazinyo akho, Ngwenya! Khange ndiwaqaphele kuqala,” yatsho inkwenkwe.   + +  +“Sukuwahoya amazinyo am, ndinawo ukuze ndilume izinto ndizitye, nkwenkwe egezayo! Yiza ngoku, masiqubhele ngaphesheya komlambo, ukuze ndiqinisekise ukuba uyakwazi ukuziqubhela ngokwakho,” watsho uNgwenya.   +  +Inkwenkwe yazihambela yaziyela emanzini ngokwayo, waze uNgwenya wayilandela. Inkwenkwe yayikuthanda ukuba semanzini, yaqubha okwentlanzi.   +  +Ngalo lonke ixesha inkwenkwe iqubhela kufutshane kuye, uNgwenya wayezixelela, “Ngoku lixesha lokuba mandimtye, uyakungcamleka kamnandi kuba wonwabile!” Ngalo lonke ixesha ecinga ngokutya inkwenkwe, wayeye aqaqanjelwe sisisu kakubi. UNgwenya wadadela kudonga lomlambo, waze waziphosa ezantsi esantini.   +  +“Ngalo lonke ixesha ndicinga ngokutya la nkwenkwe ndiva iintlungu ezimbi, ezimbi kakhulu zesisu,” walila uNgwenya.   +  +UBhobhoyi wayehleli phezulu emithini wamafiya asendle. Wabhabhela ezantsi wachopha kwisebe lomthi elalikufutshane noNgwenya. “Yintoni ingxaki yakho?” wadanduluka.   + +  +“Makube ndiyagula kuba andirhaleli kuyitya tu la nkwenkwe,” waphendula uNgwenya.   +  +“Nangoku awufanelanga,” watsho uBhobhoyi. “Ngumhlobo wakho! Umfundise ukuqubha ngoku wonwabile kwakhona.”   +  +“Hayi! Asingomhlobo wam! Ndimfundise ukuqubha ukuze nditye umntu owonwabileyo. Asoze nditye inkwenkwe engonwabanga. Uya kungcamleka kakubi njengenyembezi zakhe,” watsho uNgwenya ejija-jija umsila wakhe eqwalasele kuBhobhoyi.   +  +UBhobhoyi wakhukhumalisa iintsiba zakhe wabhabhela kumasebe omthi aphezulu. Wayecinga ukuba asinto ilungileyo ukusondela kuNgwenya. Waphakamisa intloko yakhe wajonga kwelinye icala wathi, “Njengoko inkwenkwe yonwabile kwakhona, lixesha lokuba igoduke iye kusapho lwayo, Ngwenya. Awusokuze uyitye nanini na, kuba ngoku inguye umhlobo wakho.”   +  +“Ndicinga ukuba unyanisile,” watsho ngesingqala uNgwenya, watyilibika ebuyela emanzini. Waqubhela ngakwinkwenkwe eyayidada ngomqolo emanzini, yonwabele ilanga elifudumele kamnandi laseAfrika.   + +  +“Njengokuba wonwabile ngoku kwakhona, phuma emanzini ugoduke uye kusapho lwakho,” watsho uNgwenya. “Wakufika kudonga lomlambo, uze ujonge ngasemthini wamafiya asendle apho ubuhleli khona ulila. Kukho umntu okulindileyo.”   +  +“Ngubani?” yabuza inkwenkwe.   +  +“Uza kumazi xa umbona,” watsho uNgwenya ngoncumo olugoso, eveze loo mazinyo wakhe makhulu atsolo. Bobabini, uNgwenya kunye nenkwenkwe baqubhela kwicala lomlambo apho kwakumi khona umthi wamafiya asendle. UNgwenya wahlala emanzini, ngeli xesha inkwenkwe ikhwela kudonga lomlambo.   +  +Inkwenkwe yajonga ngaphaya komthi wamafiya asendle, yabona utata wayo ehleli emthunzini. Yabaleka yaya kuye, “Indlela endonwabe ngayo ndikufumene, tata,” yatsho inkwenkwe.   +  +“Nyana wam! Ndiyavuya ukukubona!” watsho utata wakhe. “Kodwa ndibona uNgwenya phaya emanzini apho ubuqubha khona. Uyingozi kakhulu, kwaye angayitya inkwenkwe encinane njengawe ukuba angakubamba!” Wamanga unyana wakhe. “Kuhle ke kuba ukhuselekile ngoku!”   +  +Inkwenkwe yajonga ngasemva kuNgwenya. Wayelele emanzini ngasenyeleni yomlambo. Wayephantse ukuba ngathi sisiqobo somthi, wayengashukumi konke konke. Wayebukele inkwenkwe ngaloo mehlo alambileyo evele phezulu kwamanzi. Inkwenkwe yayingcangcazela. “Ndiyagodola, Tata. Masincede sigoduke ngoku.”   +  +Inkwenkwe yaphakamisa ingalo yayiwangawangisa ibulisa apho kuNgwenya. UNgwenya naye wawujija-jija umsila wakhe ezama ukubulisa inkwenkwe, wadada ngokuzolileyo wawela umlambo.",xho,isiXhosa,UNgwenya nenkwenkwe elahlekileyo,"A long time ago a little boy sat and cried under a wild fig tree on the bank of a great river. He was lost.   +  +Not too far away, Crocodile wallowed in the water near the edge of the river and watched the little boy. Crocodile was ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ungwenya-nenkwenkwe-elahlekileyo +crocodile-and-the-lost-boy,"Kudalo umfanyana omncane wayehleli ngaphansi kwesihlahla somkhiwane osebeni lomfula omkhulu ekhala. Wayelahlekile.   +Buqamamana nalapho, uNgwenya wahuquzela emanzini eduze nonqenqema lomfula wabukela umfanyana lo omncane. UNgwenya wayefile ukulamba.   +“Kodwa ngingamudla kanjani umfana odangele kanje? Kusho ukuthi ngiyolunywa yisisu phela,” kusho uNgwenya. “Amanzi kuphela angenza lo mfana aphinde ajabule futhi. Kufanele ngimfundise ukubhukuda. Uzothi- ke lapho eseneme, bese ngiyakwazi ukumsobozela kahle!   +Ngakho uNgwenya watshikizisa umsilakazi wakhe omkhulu waya le nale waminciza waphuma emfuleni, waphumela lapho kwakuhleli khona umfana.   +“Mfana odangele,” kusho yena, “uyakhala ngoba ulahlekile. Ngizokufundisa ukubhukuda. Amanzi yiwo azophinde akujabulise futhi, uzobe sewukwazi ukuthola indlela eqonde ekhaya. Woza, gibela la kimina emhlane.”   +Ngakho-ke umfana wanwabela emhlane weNgwenya, yibo labo beshushuluza bengena emanzini ayephole kamnandi bantantela le phakathi nomfula.   +“Bambelela!” kumemeza uNgwenya, wabe esetshuza eya le phansi emanzini lapho kutshuza khona izinhlanzi, nalapho izitshalo zintengantenga khona zilandela imisinga yamanzi. Wabe uNgwenya esentanta le ezansi nomfula umfana elokhu esemhlane wakhe njalo. UNgwenya watshikizisa umsila wakhe uya le nale echaphazela umfana ngamanzi apholile. Waphenduphenduka, ukuze umfana agaqe azungeze isisu sakhe ukuze angawi phela. “Wayetshuza enqamula umfula, nomfana ethe ne emsileni wakhe.”   +Badlala emanzini usuku lonke. UNgwenya wayemhlekisa umfana, emva kwesikhashana, nempela umfana wayeseneme futhi.   + +UNgwenya wabona ukuthi nempela umfana wayesehleka ejabule futhi. “Sekuyisikhathi sokuba ehle emhlane wami manje azibhukudele emfuleni, ngizobe sengimbamba ngimsobozela kahle,” kuzicabangela uNgwenya. “Njengoba eseyekile ukukhala mhlawumbe uzobe esemnandi ehla esiphundu! Kodwa phela ngeke ngivele ngimphonse le, bese ngiyamudla ngaphandle kwesexwayiso. Akulunganga neze lokho. Kufanele ngimlandele emanzini bese ngiyambamba-ke!”   +  +Ngakho uNgwenya wabhukuda waya onqenqemeni lomfula nomfana. “Sekuyisikhathi sokuba wehle emhlane wami bese uyazibhukudela ngokwakho,” kusho yena.   +“Ngobani?” kubuza umfana. “Ngiyathanda ukubhukuda nawe. Phela wena ungumngani wami omkhulu, Ngwenya!”   +“Uthini? Ngingumngani wakho omkhulu?”kubuza uNgwenya ngokumangala okukhulu.   +“Yebo, impela unguyena,” kuphendula umfana. “Ungifundise ukubhukuda wangenza ngaphinde ngathokoza futhi.”   +UNgwenya wamamatheka kakhulu, ngokudabukisayo, nangobuso obusontekile.   +“Hawu, unamazinyo amaningi bo, Ngwenya. Bengingakaze ngawabona ngaphambilini!” kusho umfana.   + +Nempela umfana wabe esezingenela emanzini, uNgwenya emlandela. Umfana wayekuthanda ukuba semanzini, futhi wayebhukuda kuhle okwenhlanzi.   +Njalo nje lapho umfana ebhukuda eduze naye, uNgwenya wayezicabangela athi, “Manje yiso kanye isikhathi sokuba ngimsobozele! Uzonambitheka kamnandi impela ngoba nangu useneme!” Kodwa njalo lapho ecabanga ngokudla umfana, wayevele alunywe yisisu kabi kakhulu. Ngakho uNgwenya wabhukuda waya osebeni lomfula wazithi dinsi esihlabathini.   +“Njalo uma ngicabanga ukumudla lo mfana ngiphathwa yisisu esibuhlungu ngokwesabekayo,” washo wakhala.   +Inyoni uNukani wayezihlalele phezulu esihlahleni somkhiwane. Wandiza weza ezansi wathi cababa egatsheni elaliseduze noNgwenya. “Hhayi bo kwenzenjani kuwena?” washo etshiloza.   + +  +“Ngisola ukuthi ngiyagula ngoba akuvumi ngidle loya mfanyana,” kuphendula uNgwenya.   +“Hhayi suka, awusafuni vele ukumudla,” kuphendula uNukani. “Ungumngani wakho! Umfundise ukubhukuda, manje useneme futhi.”   +“Cha bo! Akayena umngani wami! Ngifundise lo mfana ukubhukuda khona ngizodla umuntu ojabulile. Angikwazi ukudla umfana odangele. Anganambitheka kabi njengezinyembezi zakhe,” kusho uNgwenya etshikizisa umsila wakhe egqolozele uNukani.   +NoNukani wavusa izimpaphe zakhe wandiza waya egatsheni elingaphezulu nesihlahla. Wabona ukuthi kungcono angasondeli kuNgwenya. Watshekisela ikhanda lakhe eceleni wabe esethi, “Njengoba umfana eseneme futhi, sekuyisikhathi sokuba abuyele emndenini wakhe, Ngwenya. Awusoze, umudle ngoba unguye umngani wakho.”   +“Sengathi uqinisile,” kububula uNgwenya, washo wamincizela wangena emanzini. Wabhukuda waqonda kumfana owayentanta ngomhlane emanzini ngaphansi kwelanga lase-Afrika elifudumele.   + +  +“Manje njengoba seweneme nje futhi, kufanele uphume emanzini ugoduke uye emndenini wakho,” kusho uNgwenya. “Uma usufika osebeni lomfula, ubuke isihlahla somkhiwane wasendle lapho bewuhleli khona ukhala. Kukhona umuntu okulindile lapho.”   +“Ubani?” kubuza umfana.   +“Uzomazi uma usumbona,” kusho uNgwenya emamatheka ngalobo buso obusontekile, kwavela amazinyo akhe amakhulu nacijile. Ngakho-ke bebobabili, uNgwenya nomfanyana, babhukuda banqamula umfula beqonde lapho kwakumi khona isihlahla somkhiwane wasendle. UNgwenya wasala emanzini, ngenkathi umfana ephumela osebeni lomfula.   +Umfana waqalaza phezulu le esihlahleni somkhiwane wabona uyise ehlezi emthunzini. Wagijimela kuyena. “Ngaze ngajabula ukukuthola, Baba,” kusho yena.   +“Ndodana yami! Ngaze ngajabula ukukubona!” kusho uyise. “Kodwa ngibona uNgwenya laphaya emanzini obubhukuda kuwona! Uyingozi kakhulu, futhi angamsobozela umfanyana omncane njengawe uma eke wamthola!” Wamanga umfana wakhe. “Siyabonga impela ngoba uphephile manje!”   +Umfana wase ephenduka wabuka uNgwenya. Wayezilalele emanzini eduze nosebe lomfula. Wawungacabanga ukuthi wugodo nje, wayelele ethule du. Kodwa ngaphezudlwana nje kwamanzi, amehlo akhe alambile amgqolozela umfana. Umfana wayeqhaqhazela. “Ngiyagodola, Baba. Asigoduke manje.”   +Umfana wase ephakamisa ingalo yakhe wavayizela uNgwenya. UNgwenya watshikizisa umsila wakhe ephendula umfana wantanta buthule enqamula umfula.",zul,isiZulu,UNgwenya nomfana olahlekile,"A long time ago a little boy sat and cried under a wild fig tree on the bank of a great river. He was lost.   +  +Not too far away, Crocodile wallowed in the water near the edge of the river and watched the little boy. Crocodile was ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ungwenya-nomfana-olahlekile +crocodile-and-the-lost-boy,"Mehleng ya kgale ka tsatsi le leng moshanyana e mong o ne a dutse lebopong la noka e kgolo ka tlasa sefate sa feiye mme a lla. O ne a lahlehile.   +  +Kaekae haufi le moo, Kwena o ne a ipaqametse ka metsing haufi le lebopo la noka mme a shebelletse moshanyana eo. Kwena o ne a lapile.   +  +“Nka ja jwang moshanyana ya sa thabang? Ke tla longwa ke mala ha bohloko,” ha rialo Kwena. “Metsi ke ona feela a ka etsang hore moshanyana eno a boele a thabe. Ke lokela ho mo ruta ho sesa. Mme he, ha a se a thabile, ke tla kgona ho mo ja!”   +  +Yaba Kwena o tsoka mohatlahadi wa hae ho ya kwana le kwana mme a hahabela ka ntle ho noka a eya moo moshanyana eo a dutseng teng.   +  +“Moshanyana ya hlonameng,” a rialo, “o lla hobane o lahlehile. Ke tla o ruta ho sesa. Metsi a tla etsa hore o thabe hape, mme o tla fumana tsela e lebang heno. Tloo pepe mokokotlong wa ka mona.”   +  +Yaba moshanyana eo o pepa hodima Kwena, mme ba kena ka metsing a phodileng ba phaphalla ho leba bohareng ba noka.   +  +“Itshwarelle!” Kwena a hoeletsa, mme a itahlela tlase botebong ba metsi moo ho sesang ditlhapi, mme dimela di eme hara maqhubu. Yaba Kwena o sesa ho theosa ka noka a ntse a pepile moshanyana. Kwena a nna a isa mohatla wa hae kwana le kwana mme a hasa moshanyana ka metsi a phodileng. A fetoha a sheba hodimo, e le hore moshanyana a tle a kgasetse ka hodima mpa ya hae hore a se ke a wa. A sesa ho parola noka, moshanyana a itshwareleditse ka mohatla wa hae.   +  +Ba bapala ka metsing letsatsi lohle. Kwena a qabola moshanyana, mme ka mora nako e se kae, moshanyana a ikutlwa a thabile hape.   + +  +Kwena a bona hore moshanyana o a tsheha mme o thabile. “Jwale ke nako ya hore ke mo theole a sese ka hara noka, mme ke tle ke kgone ho mo tshwara ke mo je,” Kwena a nahana jwalo. “Ka hore jwale o se a sa lle mohlomong o tla latsweha ha monate! Empa nke ke ka kgona ho mo theola mokokotlong wa ka, ebe ke a fetoha ke a mo loma ke sa mo lemosa. Ha se ntho e lokileng eo. Ke tla tlameha ke mo sale morao ka metsing mme ke mo tshware!”   +  +Yaba Kwena o sesetsa ka lebopong la noka ka moshanyana. “Jwale ke nako ya hore o theohe mokokotlong wa ka mme o sese ka bowena,” a rialo.   +  +“Hobaneng?” ha botsa moshanyana. “Ke rata ho sesa le wena. O motswalle wa ka wa hlooho ya kgomo, Kwena!”   +  +“Eng? Ke motswalle wa hao wa hlooho ya kgomo?” ha botsa Kwena a maketse haholo.   +  +“Ehlile, o yena,” ha rialo moshanyana. “O nthutile ho sesa mme wa nketsa hore ke thabe hape.”   +  +Kwena a sheba moshanyana ka pososelo e kgolo, e lonya, e kgopo.   +  +“Joo, o na le meno a mangata, Kwena. Ke ne ntse ke sa a bone!” ha rialo moshanyana.   + +“Se ke wa tsotella meno a ka, a etseditswe hore ke tle ke kgone ho loma dintho ke di je ka ona, setlokotsebe towe! Tloo kwano, ha re sese re kgutlele ka nqane ho noka hape ho etsa bonnete ba hore o kgona ho sesa o le mong,” ha rialo Kwena.   +  +Yaba moshanyana o kena metsing a le mong, mme Kwena a mo sala morao. Moshanyana o ne a rata ho ba ka metsing, mme a sesa jwaloka tlhapi.   +  +Nako le nako ha moshanyana a sesetsa haufi le yena, Kwena o ne a ipolella a re, “Jwale ke nako ya hore ke mo je! O tla latsweha ha monate hobane o se a thabile!” Empa nako le nako ha a nahana ho ja moshanyana eo, o ne a tshwarwa ke mala ha bohloko. Yaba Kwena o sesetsa lebopong la noka mme a hla a itahlela hodima lehlabathe.   +  +“Nako le nako ha ke nahana ho ja moshanyana enwa ke tshwarwa ke mala a bohlokohloko,” a tletleba.   +  +Nonyana e bitswang Mamokete e ne e dutse hodimo sefateng sa feiye. Ya fofela tlase mme ya tsorama hodima lekala le haufi le Kwena. “Ho etsahalang ka wena?” a hoeletsa.   + +“Mohlomong ke a kula hobane ke utlwa ke sa batle ho ja moshanyana yane,” ha araba Kwena.   +  +“Ehlile ha o batle ho mo ja,” ha rialo Mamokete. “Ke motswalle wa hao! O mo rutile ho sesa, mme jwale o thabile hape.”   +  +“Tjhe! Ha se motswalle wa ka! Ke rutile moshanyana eno ho sesa e le hore ke tle ke kgone ho ja motho ya thabileng. Nke ke ka ja moshanyana ya hlonameng. O ne a tla latswela hampe feela jwaloka meokgo ya hae,” ha rialo Kwena a tsokotsa mohatla wa hae a tjametse Mamokete.   +  +Mamokete a tsukutla masiba a hae mme a fofela hodimo lekaleng le hodimonyana sefateng. O ne a nahana hore ho ne ho le molemo hore a se ke a atamela Kwena haholo. A sekamisetsa hlooho ya hae lehlakoreng mme a re, “Jwale ka hore moshanyana o se a thabile hape, ke nako ya hore a kgutlele habo lapeng, Kwena. Hohang, o keke wa mo ja hobane ke motswalle wa hao.”   +  +“Mohlomong o nepile,” ha rialo Kwena a fehelwa, mme a qwela ka metsing hape. A sesa mme a ya hlahella ho moshanyana ya neng a phaphalletse ka mokokotlo ka tlasa letsatsi le mofuthu la Afrika.   + +  +“Jwale ka hore o se o thabile hape o lokela ho tswa ka metsing jwale o ye hae ho ba lelapa la hao,” ha rialo Kwena. “Ha o hla lebopong la noka, o shebe mane sefateng sa feiye moo o neng o dutse o lla teng. Ho na le motho ya o emetseng moo.”   +  +“Ke mang?” moshanyana a botsa.   +  +“O tla mo tseba ha o mmona,” ha rialo Kwena ka pososelo e kgopameng, a hlahisa meno a maholo a bohale. Mme yaba mmoho, Kwena le moshanyana eo ba sesa ho parola noka ho ya moo sefate sa feiye se leng teng. Kwena a dula ka metsing, mme moshanyana a palama lebopong la noka.   +  +Moshanyana a sheba mane sefateng sa feiye mme a bona ntatae a dutse tlasa moriti. A mathela ho yena. “Ke thabile hakaakang ha ke o fumane, Ntate,” a rialo.   +  +“Mora wa ka! Ke thabile haholo ha ke o fumane!” ha rialo ntatae. “Empa ke bona Kwena mane ka metsing moo o neng o sesa teng! O kotsi haholo, mme o tla ja moshanyana ya kang wena tjena ha a ka o tshwara!” A haka mora hae haholo. “Ke leboha haholo hobane o bolokehile jwale!”   +  +Moshanyana a hetla mme a sheba Kwena. O ne a paqame ka metsing haufi le lebopo la noka. O ne a shebahala jwaloka sekoqo sa patsi, o ne a kgutsitse a sa sisinyehe. Empa ka hodimo ho metsi, mahlo a hae a lapileng a ne a shebile moshanyana. Moshanyana a thothomela. “Ke hatsetse, Ntate. Ke kopa hore re ye hae jwale.”   +  +Moshanyana a phahamisa matsoho a hae a dumedisa Kwena. Kwena ya tsoka mohatla wa yona ha e araba mme ya sesa e kgutsitse e kgutlela ka nqane ho noka.",sot,Sesotho,Kwena le moshanyana ya lahlehileng,"A long time ago a little boy sat and cried under a wild fig tree on the bank of a great river. He was lost.   +  +Not too far away, Crocodile wallowed in the water near the edge of the river and watched the little boy. Crocodile was ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kwena-le-moshanyana-ya-lahlehileng +wait-until-i’m-fat-enough,"Once upon a time, there was a goat that lived in the Transkei. Every year this goat would move to the hills in the early months of summer. She went there because there was far more food and she was able to eat as much as she liked.  +One summer she left to go to the hills. She was walking along the path when suddenly, there in front of her, stood an enormous leopard.  +“Good morning, Ms Goat,” said the leopard. “Where are you going?”  +“Oh, Mr Leopard,” answered the goat, shaking from head to toe with fear, “I’m just going up to the hills to eat the good food there.”  +“Well,” said the leopard. “I’m very sorry for you, but I’m hungry too. So, I’m afraid you’re not going anywhere! I have to eat you right now, right here!”  +“Oh, Mr Leopard,” said the goat. “Don’t do that. No, no, no! Don’t eat me now. Wait until I’m fat enough. Wait until after summer. I will be so much fatter then and you’ll have much, much more to eat.”  + +“Mmmm,” said the leopard. “That’s a good idea. Alright, I won’t eat you now, as long as you promise that when you come back, you will meet me here, at this exact spot.”  +So the frightened goat promised and went on her way. When she reached the hills, she forgot all about the leopard. All summer long she ate the lovely green plants on the hills. When the end of summer came, she was nice and fat. Soon it was time for her to leave the hills and go back home.  +Only as she started walking home, did she remember what she had promised the leopard. With every step that she took, she became more and more afraid. Very soon she was near the place where she had said she would meet the leopard.  +“What am I going to do?” she said aloud.  +Just then a hare hopped by and stopped to say good morning to her.  +“Hello, Ms Goat,” he said. “You look so healthy and fat. But why do you look so sad on such a beautiful day?”  +“Oh, Brother Hare,” said the goat, “my story is very sad. When I came up here at the beginning of summer, I met an enormous leopard. He said he was going to eat me. I begged him not to and said he should wait until I’m fat enough. I told him that he should wait until after summer when I had eaten all the good food up on the hills.”  +“What did he say?” asked the hare.  +“He agreed to wait,” said the goat, “and said that I must meet him at the same spot on my way back. Now I am nearly at that spot and I know that when he sees me, he is going to eat me!” And the goat burst into tears.  +“Dear me! Shame!” said the hare. “That is a sad story. But cheer up. I have a plan. Leave it to me. Just wait here.”  +The hare quickly ran home. He dressed himself up in his very best clothes. He put on a big hat that had a feather in it, and one long dangly earring. Then he grabbed a sheet of paper, a pen and a small saddle, and ran back to the goat.  +When he reached the goat, he strapped the small saddle onto her back and rode on her as if she were a horse. Eventually they reached the place where the goat was to meet the leopard. And there the leopard was, in the middle of the path, waiting.  +“Who are you?” shouted the hare. “What are you doing here?”  +“I am Mr Leopard and I am waiting here to eat Ms Goat,” said the leopard, annoyed. “We made an arrangement. And do tell me, exactly who you are?”  +“I am Mr Hare. I have been sent on a special mission by High Chief Singewe of the greatest African kingdom of all. He has asked me to collect ten leopard skins as a gift for his new wife. How lucky I am that I have met you. Your skin will do very nicely.”  +The hare stopped talking and pulled out his pen and paper and wrote down, One very large … Then he stopped and looked at the leopard.  + +The leopard was so scared of what he had heard that he turned around on the path and ran for his life.  +The goat was very happy and she thanked the hare for saving her. Then the goat and the hare went their separate ways. The hare went back to his home and the goat went back to hers. She was very happy, and much, much fatter than before.",eng,English,Wait until I’m fat enough!,"Once upon a time, there was a goat that lived in the Transkei. Every year this goat would move to the hills in the early months of summer. She went there because there was far more food and she was able to eat as much as she liked.  +One ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/wait-until-i’m-fat-enough +wait-until-i’m-fat-enough,"Lank gelede was daar ’n bok wat in Transkei gewoon het. Elke jaar het hierdie bok in die vroeë somermaande na die heuwels getrek. Sy het dit gedoen omdat daar baie meer kos was en sy soveel kon eet as wat sy wou. +Een somer vertrek sy na die heuwels. Sy stap rustig met die paadjie langs toe daar skielik ’n enorme groot luiperd voor haar staan. +“Goeiemôre, juffrou Bok,” sê die luiperd. “Waarheen is jy op pad?” +“O, meneer Luiperd,” antwoord die bok, en is so bang dat sy van kop tot tone bewe. “Ek gaan maar net na die heuwels om die lekker kos daar te eet.” +“Wel,” sê die luiperd. “Ek is baie jammer vir jou, maar ek is ook honger. So ek is bevrees jy gaan nêrens heen nie! Ek gaan jou nou dadelik net hier opeet!” +“O, meneer Luiperd,” sê die bok. “Moet dit nie doen nie. Nee, nee, nee! Moenie my nou opeet nie. Wag tot ek vet genoeg is. Wag tot na die somer. Ek sal dan baie vetter wees en jy sal soveel meer hê om te eet. + +“Mmmm,” sê die luiperd. “Dis ’n goeie idee. Goed, ek sal jou nie nou opeet nie, solank jy belowe dat jy my op hierdie presiese plek sal ontmoet wanneer jy terugkom.” +Die vreesbevange bok belowe toe en val in die pad. Toe sy by die heuwels kom, vergeet sy heeltemal van die luiperd. Die hele somer lank eet sy die lieflike groen plante teen die heuwels. Toe die somer verby is, is sy lekker vet en rond. Gou is dit tyd vir haar om die heuwels te verlaat en huis toe te gaan. +Eers toe sy begin huis toe stap, onthou sy wat sy die luiperd belowe het. Met elke tree wat sy gee, raak sy banger en banger. Sommer gou is sy naby die plek waar sy beloof het om die luiperd te ontmoet. +“Wat moet ek doen?” vra sy hardop. +Net toe hop ’n haas verby en gaan staan om haar te groet. +“Hallo, juffrou Bok,” sê hy. “Jy lyk so vet en gesond. Maar waarom lyk jy so hartseer op so ’n lieflike dag?” +“Ag, Broer Haas,” sê die bok, “ek het ’n baie hartseer storie. Toe ek aan die begin van die somer hier verby gekom het, het ek ’n enorme groot luiperd raakgeloop. Hy het gesê hy gaan my opeet. +Ek het hom gesmeek om dit nie te doen nie en gesê hy moet wag tot ek vet genoeg is. Ek het vir hom gesê hy moet tot na die somer wag, wanneer ek al die heerlike kos op die heuwels geëet het.” +“Wat het hy gesê?” vra die haas. +“Hy het ingestem om te wag,” sê die bok, “en het gesê ek moet hom op die presiese plek ontmoet wanneer ek op pad terug is. Nou is ek byna by daardie plek, en ek weet hy gaan my opeet as hy my sien!” En die bok bars in trane uit. +“Ai tog! Siestog!” sê die haas. “Dit is ’n hartseer storie. Maar komaan, ek het ’n plan. Los dit vir my. Wag jy net hier.” +Die haas hardloop vinnig huis toe. Hy trek sy heel beste klere aan. Hy sit ’n groot hoed met ’n veer op sy kop, en een lang, swaaiende oorring in sy oor. Toe gryp hy ’n vel papier, ’n pen en ’n klein saal, en hardloop terug na die bok toe. +Toe hy by die bok kom, maak hy die klein saal op haar rug vas en ry op haar asof sy ’n perd is. Uiteindelik kom hulle by die plek waar die bok die luiperd moet ontmoet. En daar sit die luiperd in die middel van die paadjie en wag. +“Wie is jy?” roep die haas. “Wat maak jy hier?” +“Ek is meneer Luiperd en ek wag hier om juffrou Bok te eet,” sê die luiperd vies. “Ons het ’n reëling gehad. En sê vir my wie is jy nou eintlik?” +“Ek is meneer Haas. Hoofman Singewe van die grootste koninkryk in Afrika het my op ’n spesiale sending gestuur. Hy het my gevra om tien luiperdvelle as ’n geskenk vir sy nuwe vrou bymekaar te maak. Hoe gelukkig is ek dat ek jou raakgeloop het. Jou vel sal handig te pas kom.” +Die haas bly stil, haal sy pen en papier uit en skryf, Een baie groot … Toe hou hy op skryf en kyk na die luiperd. + +Die luiperd is so bang oor wat hy gehoor het dat hy net daar op die paadjie omdraai en hardloop dat hy klein word. +Die bok is baie bly en sy sê vir die haas dankie dat hy haar gered het. Toe gaan die bok en die haas elkeen in hul eie rigting. Die haas gaan terug huis toe en die bok gaan na haar huis toe. Sy was baie gelukkig, en baie, baie vetter as voorheen.",afr,Afrikaans,Wag tot ek vet genoeg is!,"Once upon a time, there was a goat that lived in the Transkei. Every year this goat would move to the hills in the early months of summer. She went there because there was far more food and she was able to eat as much as she liked.  +One ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/wag-tot-ek-vet-genoeg +wait-until-i’m-fat-enough,"Kwesukasukela, kwakukhona imbuzi eyayihlala eTranskei. Njalo ngonyaka le mbuzi yayihamba iye emagqumeni ezinyangeni zokuqala zehlobo. Yayiya kule ndawo ngoba kwakunokudla okuningana futhi yayikwazi ukudla ngendlela ethanda ngayo. +Ngahlobo limbe yahamba yaqonda emagqumeni. Yayisazihambela ngendlela nje ngenkathi kuthi memfu phambi kwayo ingangamela yengwe. +“Sawubona, Nkz Mbuzi,” kwasho ingwe. “Ubabele kuphi?” +“Awu, Mnu Ngwe,” kuphendula imbuzi, iphethwe wuvalo, iqhaqhazela ukusuka ekhanda kuya onyaweni, “ngisaya laphaya emagqumeni ukuze ngidle ukudla okumnandi khona.” +“Yebo-ke,” kusho ingwe. “Ngiyakudabukela kodwa, ntombi, ngoba name ngilambile. Ngakho, uxole, akukho lapho oya khona! Kufanele ngikudle khona manje, futhi khona lapha!” +“Kahle bo, Mnu Ngwe,” kwasho imbuzi. “Ungakwenzi lokho. Cha, cha, cha! Ungangidli manje. Linda ngize ngikhuluphale ngokwanele. Linda nje kwedlule ihlobo. Ngizobe sengikhuluphele kakhudlwana lapho, uzobe usunokudla okuningi impela ongakudla. + +“Hhaaa,” kwasho ingwe. “Wumqondo omuhle lowo. Kulungile-ke, ngeke ngikudle manje, inqobo nje uma uthembisa ukuthi uma usubuya, uzongithola khona lapha esime khona.” +Nebala imbuzi eyethukile yathembisa, yayisiqhubeka nohambo lwayo. Yathi uma isifika emagqumeni, yakhohlwa yikho konke mayelana nengwe. Lonke ihlobo yachitha isikhathi idla izimila eziluhlaza ezimnandi ezisemagqumeni. Kwathi uma kufika ukuphela kwehlobo, yayisiyinhle futhi ikhuluphele. Nebala kwase kufike isikhathi sokuthi ishiye amagquma ibuyele ekhaya. +Kungalesi sikhathi isihamba ibuyela ekhaya lapho yakhumbula khona ukuthi yayiyethembiseni ingwe. Isinyathelo ngasinye eyayisithatha lapho ihamba, uvalo oluyiphethe lwaluya lukhula. Akuphelanga sikhathi esingakanani yayisilapho eyayithe izohlangana khona nengwe. +“Ngizokwenze njani?” isho iphumisela. +Kusenjalo kwaqhamuka unogwaja ugxumagxuma, wawusuma usuyibingelela. +“Sawubona, Nkz Mbuzi,” kusho unogwaja. “Ubukeka uphilile futhi ukhuluphele. Kodwa yini ubukeka ukhathazekile ngosuku oluhle kangaka?” +“O, Bhuti Nogwaja,” kwasho imbuzi, “indaba yami ibuhlungu. Ngenkathi ngikhuphuka lapha +ekuqaleni kwehlobo, ngahlangana nengangamela yengwe engangobaba. Yathi izongidla. Ngayincenga ukuthi ingangidli, ngathi ingilinde ngize ngikhuluphale ngokwanele. Ngayitshela ukuthi ayilinde kuze kwedlule ihlobo lapho ngizobe sengidle konke ukudla okuhle laphaya emagqumeni.” +“Yathini-ke yona?” kubuza unogwaja. +“Yavuma ukuthi izolinda,” kwasho imbuzi, “yayisithi kumele ngihlangane nayo endaweni efanayo uma sengibuyela emuva. Manje sengiseduze kwaleyo ndawo futhi ngiyazi ukuthi uma ingibona, vele izongidla!” Imbuzi yavele yakhala izinyembezi. +“Nkosi yami! Kwakubi bandla!” kusho unogwaja. “Yindaba ebuhlungu lena. Kodwa khululeka wena. Nginesu. Yekela kimi konke. Wena linda lapha nje.” +Unogwaja wagijima ngokushesha waya ekhaya. Wafike wagqoka izimpahla zakhe ezinhle ukuzedlula zonke. Wafaka isigqoko esikhulu esasinophaphe kanye necici elide elilengayo. Emva kwalokho wayesethatha iphepha, ipeni nesihlalo somgibeli esincane, wayesegijima ebuyela lapho kunembuzi khona. +Wathi uma efika embuzini, wayigaxa isihlalo emhlane maqede washo phezulu sengathi isilihhashi. Ekugcineni bafika endaweni lapho imbuzi eyayizohlangana khona nengwe. Nebala ingwe yayimi ithe phuhle phakathi nendlela, ilindile. +“Ungubani wena?” kubuza unogwaja. “Wenzani lapha?” +“NginguMnu Ngwe kanti lapha ngilinde uNkz Mbuzi,” kwasho ingwe, icasukile. “Senza isethembiso. Ngitshele-ke, ngempela wena ungubani?” +“NginguMnu Nogwaja. Ngithunyiwe lapha ngenhloso ekhethekile yiNkosi Enkulu uSingewe, yobukhosi obukhulu kunabo bonke kwelase-Afrika. Ingicele ukuthi ngiyiqoqele izikhumba ezilishumi zezingwe ukuze zibe yisipho senkosikazi yayo entsha. Sengibe nenhlanhla nje ukuhlangana nawe. Isikhumba sakho sizoba sihle kakhulu.” +Unogwaja wayeka ukukhuluma wayesekhipha ipeni lakhe nephepha, wabhala phansi, Eyodwa enkulu … Emva kwalokho wayesema ebuka ingwe. + +Ingwe yayethukile ngekuzwileyo ngangokuthi yavele yafulathela yemba yembulula iphephisa impilo yayo. +Imbuzi yayithokoze kakhulu futhi yabonga unogwaja ngokuyisindisa kwakhe. Emva kwalokho imbuzi nonogwaja base beyahlukana ngezindlela. Unogwaja waphindela emzini wakhe kanti nembuzi yabuyela kowayo. Yayijabule kakhulu, futhi yakhuluphala kakhulu kunakuqala.",zul,isiZulu,Linda ngize ngikhuluphale ngokwanele!,"Once upon a time, there was a goat that lived in the Transkei. Every year this goat would move to the hills in the early months of summer. She went there because there was far more food and she was able to eat as much as she liked.  +One ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ixoxwa kabusha nguWendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/linda-ngize-ngikhuluphale-ngokwanele +wait-until-i’m-fat-enough,"Kgalekgale go be go na le pudi yeo e bego e dula Transkei. Ngwaga o mongwe le o mongwe pudi ye e be e eya mebotong dikgwedi tša mathomo tša selemo. E ile fao ka ge go be go na le dijo tše dintši gomme e eja ka fao e ratago. +Selemo se sengwe e ile ya ya mebotong. E be e sepela tseleng gomme gateetee, gwa ema lepogo le legolo kudu pele ga yona. +“Dumela, Mtšana Pudi,” la realo lepogo. “O ya kae?” +“Ee, Mna Lepogo,” gwa fetola pudi e thuthumela go tloga hlogong go fihla monwaneng wa leoto, “Ke ya mebotong go yo ja dijo tša bose.” +“Agaa,” la realo lepogo. “Ke go kwela bohloko, efela le nna ke swerwe ke tlala. Bjalo, ke manyami ga o na mo o tlo yago! Ke tla goja gona bjale, gona fa!” +“Aowa, Mna Lepogo,” pudi ya realo. “O se dire seo. Aowa, aowa, aowa! O se ke wa ntša gona bjale. Ema ke none pele. Ema selemo se fete. Ka nako yeo ke tla be ke nonne gomme o tlo ja dijo tše dintši. + +“Mmmm,” la realo lepogo. “Ke kgopolo ye botse yeo. Go lokile, nka se goje gona bjale, ge o tshephiša gore o tlo boa o kopana le nna gona fa lefelong le.” +Gomme pudi ya go tšhoga ya dira tshephišo gomme ya sepela. E rile go fihla mebotong ya lebala ka lepogo. Selemo sohle e be e eja dimela tše ditalamorogo tša botse mebotong. Mafelelong a selemo ke ge e le botse e nonne. Nako ya gore e tloge mebotong e boele gae ya fihla ka pela. +E rile ge e thoma go boela gae ya gopola se e se tshephišitšego lepogo. Letšhogo la oketšega ka kgato ye nngwe le ye nngwe ye e e tšeago. Ka pejana ya fihla lefelong leo e kwanego le lepogo gore ba tlo kopana gona. +“Ke tla dira bjang?” ya realo e bolelela godimo. +Ka nako yeo mmutla wa tšwelela o tshelatshela gomme wa e dumediša. +“Dumela, Mtšana Pudi,” wa realo. “O lebelelega o phetše gabotse ebile o nonne. Efela o reng o nyamile ka letšatši le lebotse bjalo?” +“Ijoo, Buti Mmutla,” pudi ya realo, “taba ya ka e a nyamiša. Ge ke etla mo mathomong a selemo ke ile ka kopana le lepogo le legolo. Le rile le nyaka go ntša. Ke le kgopetše gore le seke la ntša le eme go fihlela ke nona. Ke rile le eme go fihla ge selemo se fela mola ke jele dijo tše di bose mo +mebotong.” +“La reng?” gwa botšiša mmutla. +“Le dumetše go ema,” pudi ya realo, “gomme la re ke kopane le lona lefelong lona lela. Bjale ke batametše lefelo la gona gomme ke a tseba gore ge le ka mpona, le tlo ntša!” Gomme pudi ya rothiša megokgo. +“Nna ruri! O hlomola pelo!” wa realo mmutla. “Ke taba ye bohloko. Efela thaba. Ke na le leano. E tlogelele nna yeo. Ema mo.” +Mmutla wa kitimela gae ka lebelo. O ile wa apara diaparo tše dibotsebotse. O apare lephephe la go ba le lefofa le lengina le tee le letelele la go bekenya. Wa tšea letlakala la pampiri, le pene, le salanyana, gomme wa kitimela morago go pudi. +O rile go fihla go pudi, wa bofelela sala mokokotlong wa yona gomme wa e namela ka mo o ka rego ka pere. Mafelelong ba fihla fao pudi e swanetšego go kopana le lepogo. Lepogo le be le eme gare ga tsela. +“O mang?” mmutla a botšiša. “O dira eng fa?” +“Ke nna Mna Lepogo, ke emetše goja Mtšana Pudi,” la realo lepogo ka pefelo. “Re kwane. Mpotše gore o mang gabotsebotse?” +“Ke Mna Mmutla. Ke romilwe morerong wa go kgethega ke rongwa ke Kgošikgolo Singewe wa mmušo wo mogologolo wa bohle Afrika. O rile ke kgoboketše matlalo a mapogo a lesome e be mpho ya mosadi wa gagwe yo moswa. Ke bile mahlatse ka kopana le wena. Letlalo la gago le tlo +thuša kudu.” +Mmutla wa tlogela go bolela gomme wa tšea pene le pampiri wa ngwala, Le tee le legolo kudu … Gomme wa ema wa lebelela lepogo. + +Lepogo le tšhošitšwe ke seo le se kwelego gomme la retologa la tšhaba. +Pudi ya thaba kudu gomme ya leboga mmutla gore o e phološitše. Mmutla le pudi tša tšea ditsela tša go fapana. Ka moka tša ya magaeng a tšona. E be e thabile kudukudu, gomme e nonne kudukudu, le go feta pele",nso,Sepedi,Ema go fihlela ke nona!,"Once upon a time, there was a goat that lived in the Transkei. Every year this goat would move to the hills in the early months of summer. She went there because there was far more food and she was able to eat as much as she liked.  +One ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kanegoleswa ka Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ema-go-fihlela-ke-nona +wait-until-i’m-fat-enough,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale, ho ne ho ena le podi e neng e dula Transkei. Selemo le selemo podi ena e ne e leba leralleng dikgweding tsa pele tsa lehlabula. O ne a eya moo hobane ho ne ho ena le dijo tse ngata ho feta mme o ne a kgona ho ja tse ngata ho ya kamoo a batlang. +Ka lehlabula le leng a nyolohela maralleng. O ne a tsamaya tseleng mme hanghang, hona moo ka pela hae, ho ne ho eme nkwe e kgolo. +“Dumela, Mof Podi,” ha rialo nkwe. “O ya hokae?” +“Hela, Mong Nkwe,” ha araba podi, e thothomela mmele kaofela ke tshabo, “ke mpa feela ke nyolohela leralleng lane ho ya ja dijo tse monate teng.” +“Tjhe kwana,” ha rialo nkwe. “Ke mohau ka wena, empa le nna ke lapile. Kahoo, ke maswabi hobane ha ho moo o yang! Ke lokela ho o ja hona jwale, hona mona!” +“Jowe, Mong Nkwe ,” ha rialo podi. “O se etse jwalo hle. Tjhe, tjhe, tjhe! O se ke wa ntja hona jwale. Nkemele hore ke none pele. Ema ho fihlela lehlabula le feta. Ke tla be ke nonne ha monatjana nakong eo mme o tla be o ena le nama e ngata ho feta eo o ka e jang. + +“Mmmm,” ha rialo nkwe. “Ke monahano o motle oo. Ho lokile, nkeke ka o ja hona jwale, ha feela o ka ntshepisa hore ha o kgutlela morao, o tla kopana le nna mona, hona mona moo re emeng teng.” +Yaba podi e tshohileng e a mo tshepisa mme ya tswela pele ka leeto. Ha e fihla leralleng, ya lebala tsohle ka nkwe. Nakong yohle ya lehlabula e ne e itjella dijalo tse tala ha monate ka hodima maralla. Ha lehlabula le fihla pheletsong, e ne e nonne ha monatjana. E se kgale ha fihla nako ya hore e kgutlele morao lapeng labo yona. +Eitse ha e qala ho nka leeto le yang hae, ya hopola seo e se tshepisitseng nkwe. Mohato o mong le o mong oo e neng e o nka, o ne o ntse o eketsa ho tshoha ha yona. E se kgale ke ha e atametse sebaka sane moo e neng e itse e tla kopana le nkwe teng. +“Ke tla etsa jwang?” a rialo a buela hodimo. +Hona hoo mmutla wa tlolatlola o feta mme wa ema ho mo dumedisa. +“Dumela, Mof Podi,” wa rialo. “O shebahala o phetse hantle haholo o nonne. Empa ke hobaneng ha o shebeha o hloname letsatsing le letle hakana?” +“Jowe, Kgaitsedi Mmutla,” ha rialo podi, “taba tsa ka di bohloko haholo. Ha ke ne ke etla hodimo mona qalong ya lehlabula lena, ke ile ka kopana le nkwe e kgolo haholo. O ile a re o batla ho ntja. +Ke ile ka mo kopa hore a se etse jwalo mme ka re a nkemele hore ke none pele. Ke ile ka mmolella hore a emele lehlabula le fete ha ke se ke jele dijo tsohle tse monate tsa ka hodima leralla.” +“O ile a reng?” ha botsa mmutla. +“O ile a dumela ho nkemela,” ha rialo podi, “mme a re ke kopane le yena sebakeng sona sane mohlang ke kgutlang. Jwale ke se ke atametse sebaka seo mme ke a tseba hore ha a mpona, o tlo ntja!” Mme podi ya qala ho bokolla. +“Ao banna! Ke hampe hakaakang!” ha rialo mmutla. “Ke taba tse bohloko ruri. Empa o se utlwe bohloko. Ke na le leqheka. Tlohella taba eo ho nna. Ema mona.” +Mmutla a mathela hae kapele. A apara diaparo tse ntle haholo. A rwala katiba e kgolo e nang le lesiba ho yona le lesale le lelelele le leketlang. Yaba o nka leqephe le leholo, pene le sale e nyane, mme a matha ho kgutlela ho podi. +Ha a fihla ho podi, a tlamella sale e nyane hodima podi mme a e palama jwaloka haeka o palame pere. Qetellong ba fihla sebakeng sane moo podi a neng a tlo kopana le nkwe teng. Mme he, nkwe o ne a le moo, bohareng ba tsela, a eme. +“O mang wena?” ha hoeletsa mmutla. “O etsa eng moo?” +“Ke Mong Nkwe mme ke emetse ho tla ja Mof Podi,” ha rialo nkwe e tenehile. “Re ne re dumellane. Mme he, a ko mpolelle hore wena o mang?” +“Ke nna Mong Mmutla. Ke romilwe ka thomo e kgethehileng ke Morena e Moholo Singewe wa borena bo boholo ka ho fetisisa ba Afrika. O nkopile hore ke mmokelletse matlalo a leshome a dinkwe jwaloka mpho bakeng sa mosadi wa hae e motjha. Ke lehlohonolo hobane ke mona ke kopane le wena. Letlalo la hao le tla lokela mosadi wa morena hantle.” +Mmutla a emisa ho bua mme a ntsha pene ya hae le pampiri a ngola, Le le leng le leholohadi … Yaba o a emisa mme o sheba nkwe. + +Nkwe o ne a tshohile haholo ka lebaka la seo a se utlwileng hoo a ileng a kgutla hona tseleng moo mme a matha ka lebelohadi. +Podi o ne a thabile haholo mme a leboha mmutla ka ho pholosa bophelo ba hae. Yaba podi le mmutla ba a arohana. Mmutla a kgutlela lapeng la hae mme le podi a kgutlela ho la hae. O ne a thabile haholo, mme a bile a nonne le ho feta pele.",sot,Sesotho,kemele hore ke none pele!,"Once upon a time, there was a goat that lived in the Transkei. Every year this goat would move to the hills in the early months of summer. She went there because there was far more food and she was able to eat as much as she liked.  +One ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E phetwa hape ke Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nkemele-hore-ke-none-pele +wait-until-i’m-fat-enough,"Kudala-dala, kwakukho ibhokhwe eyayihlala Phesheya kweNciba. Kunyaka ngamnye le bhokhwe yayihamba iye ezindulini eziluhlaza kwiinyanga zokuqala zasehlotyeni. Yayisiya apho kuba kwakukuninzi ngakumbi ukutya, ngoko ke ikwazi ukutya kangangoko yayifuna. +Ngelinye ihlobo yahamba yaya ezindulini eziluhlaza apho. Yayisazihambela ngendlela yaza ngephanyazo, phambi kwayo, yabona sekumi ihlosi elikhulu. +“Molo, Nkosazana Bhokhwe,” latsho ihlosi. “Uya phi na?” +“Owu, Mnumzana Hlosi,” yaphendula ibhokhwe, ingcangcazela ukususela entloko ukuya ezinzwaneni ngenxa yoloyiko, “ndisaya nje phaya ezindulini ukuya kufuna ukutya okulungileyo kuzo.” +“Kulungile ke,” latsho ihlosi. “Ndinovelwano ngawe, kodwa ndilambe kakhulu. Ngoko ke, ndithi mandikuxelele ukuba akuyi ndawo! Ndifanele ukukutya kanye ngoku, apha kule ndawo!” +“Owu, Mnumzana Hlosi,” yatsho ibhokhwe. “Ungakwenzi oko. Hayi, hayi, hayi! Ungandityi ngoku. Linda ndide ndetyebe ngokwaneleyo. Linda kude kudlule ihlobo. Ndiya kuba ndityebe ngenene kunangoku ngoko, ke kuya kuba kuninzi ukutya kwakho, kuya kuba kuninzi ngakumbi.” + +“Mmmm,” latsho ihlosi. “Luluvo oluhle olo. Kulungile ke, andizi kukutya ngoku, kuphela nje xa unokuthembisa ukuba xa ubuya, siya kudibana apha, kule ndawo kanye.” +Ngoko ke ibhokhwe eyothukileyo yathembisa yaza yahamba indlela yayo. Yathi yakufika ezindulini, yalibala shici ngehlosi. Ngalo lonke ixesha lelo hlobo yayisitya izityalo ezitsha nengca eluhlaza ezindulini apho. Kwathi kudlula ihlobo, yabe ityebe ikhazimla. Liyelafika ke ixesha lokuba izishiye iinduli ezo, igoduke. +Ithe xa iqalisa ukuhamba igoduka, yasikhumbula isithembiso eyayisenze kwihlosi. Ngenyathelo ngalinye eyayilithatha, yaya isoyika ngokoyika. Kungekudala yafika kwindawo eyayithembise ukuba iza kuphinda ihlangane nehlosi kuyo. +“Ndiza kuthini ngoku?” yatsho izibuza ngokukhwaza ibhokhwe. +Kuthe kusenjalo wangcilezela kufutshane umvundla waza wema ukuze ayibulise. +“Molo, Nkosazana Bhokhwe,” watsho. “Ubukeka usempilweni kwaye utyebile, umhle. Kodwa kutheni ukhangeleka ulusizi kangaka nje, ngemini entle kangaka?” +“Owu, Mntakwethu Mvundla,” yatsho ibhokhwe, “ibali lam lilusizi kakhulu. Ndathi xa ndandisiza +apha ekuqaleni kwehlobo, ndadibana nehlosi elikhulu. Lathi liza kunditya. Ndalicenga ukuba lingenzi njalo, ndaze ndathi malilinde ndide ndityebe ngokwaneleyo. Ndalixelela ukuba malilinde kude kudlule ihlobo xa senditye zonke iintlobo zokutya okulungileyo ezindulini.” +“Laze lathini ke?” wabuza umvundla. +“Lavuma ukulinda,” yatsho ibhokhwe, “laze lathi mandidibane nalo kwakuloo ndawo inye xa ndibuya. Ngoku sele ndisondele kule ndawo kwaye ndiyazi ukuba xa linokundibona, liza kunditya!” Yasuka yakhala kakhulu ibhokhwe. +“Sithandwa sam! Ndilusizi torho!” watsho umvundla. “Lilusizi ngenene eli bali lakho. Kodwa ungakhathazeki. Ndinalo icebo. Yekela kum. Linda nje apha.” +Umvundla wabaleka wagoduka. Wafika wanxiba ezona mpahla zawo zintle ngenene. Wathwala umnqwazi omkhulu owawuhonjiswe ngosiba waza wafaka necici elide elijingayo. Wathi ke emva koko wathatha iphepha, ipeni kwakunye nesali encinane, waze wabaleka ebuyela ebhokhweni. +Wakuba ufikile ebhokhweni, wabophelela isali encinane emqolo kuyo waze wayikhwela ngokungathi ukhwele ihashe. Ekugqibeleni bafika kwindawo apho ibhokhwe yayifanele ukuhlangana nehlosi kuyo. Lalilapho ke ihlosi, esiphakathini sendlela, lilindile. +“Ungubani?” wakhwaza umvundla. “Wenzani apha?” +“NdinguMnumzana Hlosi kwaye ndilinde apha ukuze nditye uNkosazana Bhokhwe,” latsho ihlosi, likruqukile. “Besivumelene naye. Khawundixelele kakuhle, kanye-kanye wena ungubani?” “NdinguMnumzana Mvundla mna. Ndithunywe ukuba ndenze umsebenzi obalulekileyo yeyona Nkosi yesiKhundla esiPhezulu, uSingewe, wobukumkani baseAfrika obubona bukhulu. Undicele ukuba ndiqokelele iimfele zamahlosi alishumi njengesipho senkosikazi yakhe entsha. Indlela endinethamsanqa ngayo ukudibana nawe ayithetheki. Ufele lwakho luya kuba luncedo olukhulu.” +Umvundla wakhe wanqumama emva koko waza watsala ipeni yakhe nephepha wabhala phantsi, Enye enkulukazi … Emva koko wema waze wajonga ihlosi. + +Ihlosi loyika kakhulu ngenxa yento elaliyiva laze lajika endleleni yalo labalekela ukusindisa ubomi balo. +Yavuya kakhulu ibhokhwe yaze yabulela kumvundla ngokuyisindisa. Emva koko ibhokhwe nomvundla bohlukana. Umvundla wagoduka nebhokhwe yabuyela ekhayeni layo. Yayivuya kakhulu ibhokhwe, lwada lwangathi luyagqithisa uvuyo lwayo, kwaye yangathi ngoku ityebe kakhulu kunangaphambili.",xho,isiXhosa,Linda ndide ndityebe ngokwaneleyo!,"Once upon a time, there was a goat that lived in the Transkei. Every year this goat would move to the hills in the early months of summer. She went there because there was far more food and she was able to eat as much as she liked.  +One ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Libaliswa ngokutsha nguWendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/linda-ndide-ndityebe-ngokwaneleyo +koketso-loses-the-chickens,"Qho kusasa uKoketso wayencedisa umakhulu wakhe ekupheni iinkukhu ukutya kwihoko yazo engemva kwezindlu. +  +“Tyip, tyip, tyip,” wayekhwaza atsho uMakhulu zize iinkukhu zize zibaleka kuye. “Koko, koko, koko” zazisabela zitsho. “Koko, koko, kooooko!” Xa uMakhulu noKoketso bengqiyama ngocingo ukuze basasaze iinkozo zombona ngaphaya kwalo, iinkukhu zazityhalana, zibhabhazele, zijikeleze, zizame ukutsibana enye phezu kwenye, iyileyo ifuna ukufika kuqala ekutyeni. +  +UKoketso wayesoloko ezibala iinkukhu. “Inye, zimbini, zintathu, zine iinkukhu” wayesitsho, “kwakhona inye, zimbini, zintathu, zine iinkukhu. Ziphelele iinkukhu, Makhulu!” + +Ngenye intsasa ukuvuka kwakhe uKoketso wabona umakhulu enxibe ibhatyi yakhe entle ethwele nomnqwazi. +  +“Kufuneka ndiye kuncedisa uNkosikazi Solomon ekliniki kusasanje,” ucacise watsho uMakhulu, “ngoko ke andinalo ixesha eloneleyo lokupha iinkukhu ukutya. Ungakwazi ukuzipha ukutya wedwa, Koketso? Uyayazi into ekufuneka uyenzile.” +  +UMakhulu wathabatha ibhegi yakhe waze wavula umnyango wangaphambili. Waguquka, wajonga kuKoketso wathi, “Ungalibali ke ukuzigalelela amanzi iinkukhu, kwaye, nangaphantsi kwayiphi na imeko, UNGAKHE UZIVUMELE ukuba ziphume ehokweni!” +  +“Owu, Makhulu,” watsho uKoketso, “Ndiyayazi nje LOO NTO!” +  +“Kulungile ke, ndiyathemba ukuba uyakuqonda oko ngenene,” watsho uMakhulu. “Ulumke ke! Sakubonana ukubuya kwam. Sala kakuhle, Koketso.” +Emva kokuba emkile umakhulu, uKoketso wahlala phantsi watya isidlo sakhe sakusasa. “Ndilambe kakhulu,” watsho ezithethela. “Ezo nkukhu kuza kufuneka zindilinde umzuzwana!” +  +UKoketso watya isitya esikhulu sesidudu waza wasela neglasi yobisi. Emva koko wahlala phantsi esitupini, watya i-apile. +  +“Molo!” watsho ebulisa uTatomkhulu uKoos xa wayedlula ngendlela eqhuba itroli yakhe ehamba kunye nenjana yakhe encinane. +  +“Molo, Mama!” watsho ephakamisa isandla, ejolise kuNkosikazi Zihlangu owayephesheya kwendlela. +  +“Pinky, yiz’odlala,” wakhwaza umzala wakhe, owayephuma evenkileni esekoneni, ephethe ilofu yesonka. +  +“Hayi uxolo, andikwazi. Ndinemisetyenzana ekufuneka ndiyenze,” wakhwaza watsho uPinky ukuphendula. “Akunanto kufuneka uyenzile wena?” +  +Uthe ke ngoko uKoketso wakhumbula ukuba akakaziphi ukutya iinkukhu. “Owu nkosi yam,” watsho, “ezaa ntsizana zeenkukhu zisalambile!” +  +Kwakunjalo kanye kuba, iinkukhu zazingxola, zisilwa kuloo hoko yazo. UKoketso wavula isango ngononophelo. “Tyip, tyip, tyip,” watsho. “Uxolweni, zinkukhu, naku ukutya kwenu.” Wasasaza iinkozo zombona apho phantsi. +  +“Inye, zimbini, zintathu, zine iinkukhu,” wazibala, “kwakhona inye, zimbini, zintathu, zine iinkukhu.” +  +Kusenjalo waqaphela ukuba isitya samanzi eenkukhu somile, asinamanzi waze wakhawuleza ukuya kukha amanzi ekhitshini – kodwa walibala ukuvala isango leenkukhu emva kwakhe! +  +“Owu hayini!” watsho uKoketso ukubuya kwakhe namanzi xa ebona iinkukhu zibaleka zigqiba iyadi yonke. “Owu hayi, hayi, hayi! Iinkukhu ezingevayo! Buyani NGOKU!” +Kodwa iinkukhu zaqhubeka zibaleka – zajikela ngaphaya kwendlu, zaphuma ngesango elikhulu, zehla ngendledlana, zangena esitalatweni! +  +Kwathi gqi indoda ekhwele ibhayisekile etyheli. +  +“Nceda! Nceda!” wakhwaza elila uKoketso. “Khawundincedise ukubamba iinkukhu zikaMakhulu!” +  +“Kulungile ndiza kukunceda,” yatsho loo ndoda, yaze yasukelisa ngaloo bhayisekile yayo, ikhalisa nentsimbi yebhayisekile. + +Uthe njengokuba uKoketso ebaleka emva kwale ndoda, waphantse wabetheka kwinqwelwana kaTatomkhulu uKoos. +  +“Nceda! Nceda!” watsho uKoketso ekhefuzela ngumbefu. “Tatomkhulu uKoos, +khawundincedise sibambe iinkukhu zikaMakhulu!” +  +“Kulungile ndiza kukuncedisa,” watsho uTatomkhulu uKoos, waza waleqa iinkukhu emva kwendoda ekhwele ibhayisekile etyheli. Injana yakhe nayo yayibaleka emva kwakhe, ikhonkotha, ingxola. +  +Uthe lo gama uKoketso ebaleka esihla ngendlela emva kukaTatomkhulu uKoos, wabona umhlobo wakhe, uDikeledi. UDikeledi wayeziqhelisa ukutshibilizisa iskateboard sakhe. +  +“Nceda! Nceda, Dikeledi!” wakhwaza uKoketso. “Khawundincedise ekubambeni iinkukhu zikaMakhulu. +  +“Kulungile ndiza kukuncedisa,” watsho uDikeledi eleqeka emva kweenkukhu naye. +  +Njengokuba uKoketso wayebaleka emva koDikeledi wayecinga ngazo zonke izinto ezimbi ezazinokwehlela iinkukhu. Zazinokutshayiswa ziimoto, okanye zityiwe zizinja. Okanye, zazinokweyela nasemlanjeni, zirhaxwe. “Owu nkosi yam, uya kuthini uMakhulu?” watsho ekhefuzela. Wayenga angalila. +  +“Jonga ndifumene ntoni!” kwatsho ilizwi. Yayilaa ndoda ibikhwele ibhayisekile etyheli. Yayiphethe iinkukhu ezimbini izifake eplastikini yegrosari. +  +“Inye, zimbini iinkukhu,” wabala uKoketso. “Owu, enkosi! Ngoku kufuneka ndikhangele ezinye.” +  +Kanye ngalo mzuzu uTatomkhulu uKoos wafika nezinye iinkukhu ezifake kwikhadibhodi evulekileyo ekwinqwelwana yakhe. “Nazi iinkukhu zakho, mntwan’am!” watsho ekhefuzela. +  +“Inye, zimbini, zintathu, zine iinkukhu” kwabala uKoketso. “Oku kuthetha ukuba ngoku inye, zimbini iinkukhu endizinikwe yindoda ekhwele ibhayisekile etyheli, kwaye inye, zimbini zintathu, zine iinkukhu endizinikwe nguTatomkhulu uKoos. Owu enkosi, enkosi kakhulu! Ngoku kufuneka ndikhangele ezinye.” +  +Kuthe kanye ngaloo mzuzu, wathi gqi uDikeledi etshibiliza ngeskateboard sakhe. “Jonga ndifumene ntoni, Koketso!” watsho ethe khwa inkukhu ekhwapheni lakhe. +  +“Oko ke kuthetha ukuba inye, zimbini, zintathu zine iinkukhu,” watsho uKoketso, ze kwakhona ibenye, zibembini, zibentathu iinkukhu. Owu enkosi, enkosi kakhulu! Kodwa kusekho enye inkukhu elahlekileyo!” +  +Abahlobo bakaKoketso bamncedisa ekufakeni iinkukhu ehokweni. Emva koko bamncedisa ukukhangela le nkukhu yokugqibela kuyo yonke indawo, kodwa akwabikho bani uyifumanayo. +  +Wathi akubuya uMakhulu ekliniki, uKoketso wamenzela iti. “Hlala phantsi, Makhulu,” watsho uKoketso. “Inokuba udinwe kakhulu! Hlala phantsi uphunge iti yakho emnandi utye nantsi nebhiskiti!” +  +UMakhulu wamjongisisa uKoketso. “Ingaba akukho nto yonakeleyo?” wambuza. “Awuqhelanga kundenzela ti.” +  +UKoketso wasuka wasitsho isikhalo. “Owu, Makhulu,” wabhomboloza elila watsho. “Kukho into embi eyenzekileyo ngethuba ubungekho!” Waza ke wamxelela umakhulu wakhe lonke ibali. “Kwaye, kwaye, kwaye” wathintitha phakathi kwezo nyembezi, “enye yezi nkukhu isalahlekile. Kwaye yile uyithanda kakhulu – le ingqoqo.” +  +“Yambi ke loo nto, Koketso,” watsho uMakhulu ngqwabalala. “Leyo yeyona ibeka amaqanda amaninzi ngaphezulu kwazo zonke ezinye ezi. Kulungile, ndiyathemba ke ngoku ukuba ufunde ukuba nenkathalo!” +  +“Owu, ndikufundile oko, Makhulu,” wafixiza watsho uKoketso. “Ndikufundile oko ngokwenene!” +  +Kanye ngaloo mzuzu kwavakala ukukokoza ekoneni yekhitshi. Xa uMakhulu noKoketso bejonga, babona inkukhu elahlekileyo. Yayihleli kamnandi phezu kwempahla ecocekileyo kwingobozi yokufaka iimpahla! + +UMakhulu wayithatha wayiphulula entloko. “Ndiyavuya ubuyile nje,” watsho uMakhulu. +  +“Jonga, Makhulu,” watsho uKoketso esolatha kwingobozi yokufaka iimpahla, “izalele iqanda!” +  +Apho phezu kwempahla ehlanjiweyo, kwakukho iqanda elikhulu, elibrawuni, nelinamachokoza! +  +“Siza kulitya nesidlo sethu sangokuhlwa,” watsho uMakhulu enika uKoketso inkukhu. “Nceda uthathe le nkukhu uyibuyisele kwasehokweni – kwaye uze ke ungaphindi ulibale ukuvala isango!”",xho,isiXhosa,UKoketso ulahle iinkukhu,"Every morning Koketso helps her granny feed the chickens in the chicken coop in their back yard. +  +“Pok, pok, pok,” calls Granny and the chickens come running up to the fence. “Pok, pok, pok,” they say. “Paak, paak, ...",,Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ukoketso-ulahle-iinkukhu +koketso-loses-the-chickens,"Every morning Koketso helps her granny feed the chickens in the chicken coop in their back yard. +  +“Pok, pok, pok,” calls Granny and the chickens come running up to the fence. “Pok, pok, pok,” they say. “Paak, paak, paaaak!” And when Granny and Koketso lean over the low fence to scatter the seed, the chickens push and flap and flutter around, and try to jump over each other to get to the food first. +  +Koketso always counts the chickens. “One, two, three, four chickens,” she says, “and another one, two, three, four chickens. They’re all here, Granny!” + +One morning when Koketso woke up she saw her granny dressed in her best jacket and hat. +  +“I have to help Mrs Solomon at the clinic this morning,” explained Granny, “so I don’t have time to feed the chickens. Will you do it by yourself, Koketso? You know what to do.” +  +Granny picked up her handbag and opened the front door. Then she turned to Koketso and said, “Now don’t forget to give the chickens water, and, whatever you do, DON’T let them out of the coop!” +  +“Oh, Granny,” said Koketso, “I know THAT!” +  +“Well, I hope so,” said Granny. “Be careful now! See you later. Bye, Koketso.” +  +As soon as her granny had left, Koketso sat down to eat her breakfast. “I’m very, very hungry,” she said to herself. “Those chickens will just have to wait for a little while!” +  +Koketso ate a big bowl of porridge and drank a glass of milk. Then she sat on the front doorstep and ate an apple. +  +“Hello!” she said to old Uncle Koos when he came past with his shopping trolley and his little dog. +  +“Good morning, Mme!” she said waving to Mrs Zihlangu across the road. +  +“Come and play with me, Pinky,” she called to her cousin, who was coming out of the shop on the corner, carrying a loaf of bread. +  +“Sorry, I can’t. I’ve got chores,” Pinky called back. “Don’t you?” +  +Koketso suddenly remembered that she hadn’t fed the chickens. “Oh dear,” she said, “those poor, hungry chickens!” +  +Sure enough, the chickens were clucking and squabbling in their coop. Koketso opened the low gate very carefully. “Pok, pok, pok,” she said. “Sorry, chickens, here’s your food.” And she scattered the seed on the ground. +  +“One, two, three, four chickens,” she counted, “and another one, two, three, four chickens.” +  +Then she saw that the chickens’ water bowl was empty and she hurried off to fetch some water from the kitchen – but she forgot to close the gate behind her! +  +“Oh no!” said Koketso when she returned with the water and saw the chickens running all over the yard. “Oh no, no, no! Bad chickens! Come back NOW!” +  +But the chickens kept running – right around the side of the house, down the short path and into the street! +  +A man on a yellow bicycle came riding along. +  +“Help! Help!” cried Koketso. “Please help me catch Granny’s chickens!” +  +“Of course I’ll help you,” said the man, and he raced after the chickens on his bicycle, ringing his bell. + +As Koketso ran after him, she nearly bumped into Uncle Koos’s trolley. +  +“Help! Help!” said Koketso puffing and panting. “Uncle Koos, please help me catch Granny’s chickens!” +  +“Of course I’ll help you,” said Uncle Koos, and off he went after the chickens and the man on the yellow bicycle. His little dog ran behind him, barking loudly. +  +As Koketso ran down the road behind Uncle Koos, she saw her friend, Dikeledi. Dikeledi was practising doing tricks on her skateboard. +  +“Help! Help, Dikeledi!” cried Koketso. “Please help me catch Granny’s chickens!” +  +“Of course I’ll help you,” said Dikeledi as she zoomed off after the chickens. +  +As Koketso ran behind Dikeledi she thought about all the terrible things that could happen to the chickens. They could get run over, or they could be eaten by a dog. Or, they could fall into the river and drown. “Oh no, what will Granny say?” she panted. Koketso felt like crying. +  +“Look what I’ve got!” said a voice. It was the man on the yellow bicycle. He was carrying two of the chickens in a shopping bag. +  +“One, two chickens,” counted Koketso. “Oh, thank you! Now I just have to find the others.” +  +Just then Uncle Koos arrived with some of the chickens in an open cardboard box in his trolley. “Here you go, sweetheart!” he said, out of breath. +  +“One, two, three, four chickens,” counted Koketso. “That means I have one, two chickens from the man on the yellow bicycle, and another one, two, three, four from Uncle Koos. Oh thank you, thank you! Now I just have to find the others.” +  +Just then Dikeledi whizzed up on her skateboard. “Look what I’ve found, Koketso!” she said holding a chicken under her arm. +  +“That makes one, two, three, four chickens,” said Koketso, “and another one, two, three chickens. Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! But there’s still one chicken missing!” +  +Koketso’s friends helped to put the chickens back into their coop. Then they helped her to look everywhere for the last chicken, but no one could find it. +  +When Granny got home from the clinic, Koketso made her some tea. “Sit down, Granny,” said Koketso. “You must be very tired! Sit down and have a nice cup of tea and a biscuit!” +  +Granny looked at Koketso closely. “Is everything alright?” she asked. “You don’t usually make me tea.” +  +Koketso burst into tears. “Oh, Granny,” she wailed. “Something terrible happened while you were out!” Then she told her granny the whole story. “And, and, and,” she sobbed, “one of the chickens is still missing. And it’s your favourite one – the one with the speckles.” +  +“That is a shame, Koketso,” Granny said sternly. “That one laid more eggs than any of the others. Well, I hope you’ve learnt to be more careful!” +  +“Oh, I have, Granny,” sniffed Koketso. “I really have!” +  +Just then there was a squawking noise in the corner of the kitchen. When Granny and Koketso looked, they saw the missing chicken. She was sitting happily on top of a pile of clean washing in the washing basket! + +Granny picked up the chicken and stroked its beak. “I’m glad to have you back,” Granny said. +  +“And look, Granny,” said Koketso pointing to the washing basket, “she’s laid an egg!” +  +There, on top of the washing, was a big, brown, speckled egg! +  +“We’ll have that for supper,” said Granny handing the chicken to Koketso. “Take this chicken back to the coop, please – and this time don’t forget to shut the gate!”",eng,English,Koketso loses the chickens,"Every morning Koketso helps her granny feed the chickens in the chicken coop in their back yard. +  +“Pok, pok, pok,” calls Granny and the chickens come running up to the fence. “Pok, pok, pok,” they say. “Paak, paak, ...",,Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/koketso-loses-the-chickens +koketso-loses-the-chickens,"Elke oggend help Koketso haar ouma om die hoenders in die hoenderhok in hulle agterplaas kos te gee. +  +“Kôk, kôk, kôk,” roep Ouma, en die hoenders hardloop na die heining toe. “Kôk, kôk, kôk,” sê hulle. “Pe-kêk, pe-kêk, pe-kêêk!” En wanneer Ouma en Koketso oor die lae heining leun om die saad te strooi, druk en klap en fladder die hoenders hulle vlerke, en probeer oor mekaar spring om eerste by die kos uit te kom. +  +Koketso tel altyd die hoenders. “Een, twee, drie, vier hoenders,” sê sy, “en nog een, twee, drie, vier hoenders. Hulle is almal hier, Ouma!” + +Een oggend toe Koketso wakker word, sien sy Ouma het haar beste baadjie aan en haar beste hoed op. +  +“Ek moet vanoggend vir mev. Solomon by die kliniek help,” verduidelik Ouma, “en ek het nie tyd om die hoenders kos te gee nie. Sal jy dit asseblief doen, Koketso? Jy weet wat om te doen.” +  +Ouma tel haar handsak op en maak die voordeur oop. Dan draai sy na Koketso en sê: “Moenie vergeet om vir die hoenders water te gee nie, en wat jy ook al doen, MOET hulle NIE uit die hok laat kom NIE!” +  +“Ai, Ouma,” sê Koketso, “DIT weet ek!” +  +“Wel, ek hoop so,” sê Ouma. “Wees versigtig, hoor! Sien jou later. Tata, Koketso.” +  +Toe haar ouma weg is, gaan sit Koketso om haar ontbyt te eet. “Ek is baie, baie honger,” sê sy vir haarself. “Daardie hoenders sal maar net so ’n rukkie moet wag!” +  +Koketso eet ’n groot bak pap en drink ’n glas melk. Toe gaan sit sy op die trappie op die voorstoep en eet ’n appel. +  +“Hallo!” sê sy vir ou Oom Koos toe hy met sy winkeltrollie en sy klein hondjie verbystap. +  +“Goeiemôre, Mme!” sê sy en waai vir mev. Zihlangu oorkant die straat. +  +“Kom speel saam met my, Pinky,” roep sy haar niggie, wat uit die winkel op die hoek kom met ’n brood onder haar arm. +  +“Jammer, ek kan nie. Ek het werk om te doen,” roep Pinky terug. “Het jy nie?” +  +Koketso onthou skielik dat sy nog nie die hoenders kos gegee het nie. “O, toggie,” sê sy, “daardie arme, honger hoenders!” +  +En sowaar, die arme hoenders kloek en kekkel in hulle hok. Koketso maak die lae hekkie baie versigtig oop. “Kôk, kôk, kôk,” sê sy. “Jammer, hoenders, hier’s julle kos.” En sy strooi die saad op die grond. +  +“Een, twee, drie, vier hoenders,” tel sy, “en nog een, twee, drie, vier hoenders.” +  +Toe sien sy dat die hoenders se waterbak leeg is, en sy skarrel weg om in die kombuis te gaan water haal – maar sy vergeet om die hek agter haar toe te maak! +  +“Ag, nee!” sê Koketso toe sy terugkom met die water en sien dat die hoenders die hele werf vol hardloop. “Ag, nee, nee, nee! Stoute hoenders! Kom NOU DADELIK terug!” +  +Maar die hoenders hou aan hardloop – reg om die huis, met die kort paadjie af tot in die straat! +  +’n Man op ’n geel fiets ry verby. +  +“Help! Help!” skree Koketso. “Help my asseblief om Ouma se hoenders te vang!” +  +“Natuurlik sal ek jou help,” sê die man en jaag op sy fiets agter die hoenders aan terwyl hy sy klokkie lui. + +Terwyl Koketso agter hom aanhardloop, hardloop sy byna in Oom Koos se trollie vas. +  +“Help! Help!” sê Koketso hoesend en proesend. “Oom Koos, help my asseblief om Ouma se hoenders te vang!” +  +“Natuurlik sal ek jou help,” sê Oom Koos, en hy kry koers agter die hoenders en die man op die geel fiets aan. Sy klein hondjie hardloop blaffend agterna. +  +Terwyl Koketso agter Oom Koos in die straat af hardloop, sien sy haar maat, Dikeledi. Dikeledi oefen om toertjies op haar skaatsplank te doen. +  +“Help! Help, Dikeledi!” skree Koketso. “Help my asseblief om Ouma se hoenders te vang!” +  +“Natuurlik sal ek jou help,” sê Dikeledi terwyl sy agter die hoenders aan skaats. +Terwyl Koketso agter Dikeledi aanhardloop, dink sy aan al die verskriklike goed wat met die hoenders kan gebeur. Hulle kan raakgery word, of ’n hond kan hulle vang en opeet. Of hulle kan in die rivier val en verdrink. “Ag, nee, wat gaan Ouma sê?” hyg sy. Koketso voel lus om te huil. +  +“Kyk wat het ek!” sê ’n stem. Dit is die man op die geel fiets. Hy dra twee van die hoenders in ’n inkopiesak. +  +“Een, twee hoenders,” tel Koketso. “Baie dankie! Nou moet ek net die ander ook kry.” +  +Net toe kom Oom Koos daar aan met van die hoenders in ’n oop kartonboks in sy trollie. “Hierso, meisiekind!” sê hy uitasem. +  +“Een, twee, drie, vier hoenders,” tel Koketso. “Dit beteken ek het een, twee +hoenders by die man op die geel fiets gekry, en nog een, twee, drie, vier by Oom Koos. Ag, dankie, dankie! Nou moet ek net die ander opspoor.” +  +Net toe kom Dikeledi op haar skaatsplank verbygerits. “Kyk wat het ek gekry, Koketso!” sê sy met ’n hoender onder haar arm. +  +“Dit maak een, twee, drie, vier hoenders,” sê Koketso, “en nog een, twee, drie hoenders. Ag, dankie, dankie, dankie! Maar daar kort nog steeds een hoender!” +  +Koketso se vriende help haar om die hoenders in hulle hok terug te sit. Toe help hulle haar om oral na die laaste hoender te soek, maar niemand kan die hoender vind nie. +  +Toe Ouma van die kliniek af kom, maak Koketso vir haar ’n koppie tee. “Sit gerus, Ouma,” sê Koketso. “Ouma is seker baie moeg! Sit ’n bietjie en geniet ’n lekker koppie tee en ’n koekie!” +  +Ouma kyk stip na Koketso. “Is alles reg?” vra sy. “Jy maak nie gewoonlik vir my tee nie.” +  +Koketso bars in trane uit. “Ag, Ouma,” huil sy. “Iets vreesliks het gebeur terwyl jy weg was!” Toe vertel sy vir haar ouma die hele storie. “En, en, en,” snik sy, “een van die hoenders is nog steeds weg. En dis jou geliefkoosde een – die een met die spikkels.” +  +“Dis ’n narigheid, Koketso,” sê Ouma streng. “Daardie hoender het meer eiers as enige van die ander gelê. Wel, ek hoop jy het nou geleer om versigtiger te wees!” +  +“O, ek het, Ouma,” snuif Koketso. “Ek het regtig!” +  +Net toe is daar ’n kloekgeluid in die hoek van die kombuis. Toe Ouma en Koketso opkyk, sien hulle die hoender wat weg was. Sy sit heel tevrede op ’n stapel skoon wasgoed in die wasgoedmandjie! + +Ouma tel die hoender op en streel oor haar snawel. “Ek is bly jy’s terug,” sê Ouma. +  +“En kyk, Ouma,” sê Koketso en wys na die wasgoedmandjie, “sy’t ’n eier gelê!” +  +Daar, bo-op die wasgoed, lê ’n groot, bruin, gespikkelde eier! +  +“Ons sal dit vir aandete eet,” sê Ouma en gee die hoender vir Koketso aan. “Neem hierdie hoender terug na die hok toe, asseblief – en onthou hierdie keer om die hek toe te maak!”",afr,Afrikaans,Koketso verloor die hoenders,"Every morning Koketso helps her granny feed the chickens in the chicken coop in their back yard. +  +“Pok, pok, pok,” calls Granny and the chickens come running up to the fence. “Pok, pok, pok,” they say. “Paak, paak, ...",,Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/koketso-verloor-die-hoenders +koketso-loses-the-chickens,"Njalo ekuseni uKoketso usiza ugogo wakhe ukuthi aphe izinkukhu ukudla ehhokweni elisemva kwendlu. +  +“Pok, pok, pok,” kumemeza uGogo bese izinkukhu ziza zigijima ocingweni. “Pok, pok, pok,” bese zithi. “Paak, paak, paaaak!” Bese kuthi lapho uGogo kanye noKoketso bencika ocingweni olufushane ukuze basakaze imbewu, izinkukhu ziyadudulana, zishaye amaphiko azo zizungeze, bese zizama nokweqana ukuze zifinyelele ekudleni kuqala. +  +UKoketso uhlale ebala izinkukhu. “Inye, zimbili, zintathu, zine izinkukhu,” kusho yena, “bese kuba nenye eyodwa, ezimbili, ezintathu, ezine izinkukhu. Zikhona zonke, Gogo!” + +Ngelinye ilanga ekuseni lapho uKoketso evuka wabona ugogo wakhe egqoke ijakhethi yakhe ephambili kanye nesigqoko. +  +“Kumele ngiyosiza uNkk Solomon emtholampilo namhlanje ekuseni,” kuchaza uGogo, “ngakho-ke anginaso isikhathi sokuyopha izinkukhu ukudla. Ungakwazi ukwenza lokhu wedwa, Koketso? Uyazi ukuthi kumele wenzeni.” +  +UGogo wathatha isikhwama sakhe, wavula umnyango wangaphambili. Wase ephendukela kuKoketso wathi, “Manje-ke ungakhohlwa ukunikeza izinkukhu amanzi, kanti, kukho konke okwenzayo, UNGAZIVUMELI ukuthi ziphume ehhokweni!” +  +“Hawu, Gogo,” kusho uKoketso, “Ngiyakwazi konke LOKHO!” +  +“Hhayi-ke, ngithemba kanjalo,” kusho uGogo. “Ucophelele bo! Ngizokubona ekuhambeni kwesikhathi. Usale kahle, Koketso.” +Kwathi nje uma sekuhambe ugogo wakhe, uKoketso wahlala phansi wadla isidlo sakhe sasekuseni. “Ngilambe ngokwedlulele,” ezitshela, “leziya zinkukhu kuzomele zithi ukulinda kancane!” +  +UKoketso waqeda indishi enkulu yephalishi wase ephuza ingilazi yobisi. Waseehlala esitebhisweni esisemnyango ongaphambili wadla ihhabhula. +  +“Sawubona!” washo ebingelela imambana enguMalume uKoos lapho edlula nethroli yokuthenga nenja yakhe encane. +  +“Sawubona, Ma!” kusho yena ethathazela uNkk Zihlangu ngaphesheya komgwaqo. +  +“Woza uzodlala nami, Pinky,” esho ememeza umzala wakhe, owayephuma esitolo esisekhoneni, ephethe ulofu wesinkwa. +  +“Uxolo, angeke ngikwazi. Nginemisebenzi okumele ngiyenze,” kuphendula uPinky ememeza. “Wena wunayo?” +  +UKoketso wakhumbula ngaleso sikhathi ukuthi akazange aziphe izinkukhu ukudla. “Mamo,” kusho yena, “usizi lolu ezinkukhwini ezilambile!” +  +Nempela, izinkukhu zazikhala futhi zikhononda ehhokweni lazo. UKoketso wavula isango elifushane ngokukhulu ukucophelela. “Pok, pok, pok,” kusho yena. “Uxolo zinkukhu, naku ukudla kwenu.” Wase esakaza imbewu phansi. +  +“Inye, zimbili, zintathu, zine izinkukhu,” kubala yena, “kanye nenye eyodwa, zimbili, zintathu zine izinkukhu.” +  +Wase ebona ukuthi indishi yamanzi yezinkukhu yayomile wabe esephuma ngejubane eyokha amanzi ekhishini – kodwa wakhohlwa ukuvala isango! +  +“Mamo!” kusho uKoketso lapho ebuya namanzi esebona izinkukhu zigijima yonke indawo egcekeni. “Mamo, hhayi bo, hhayi bo! Zinkukhu ezimbi! Buyani MANJE!” +  +Kodwa izinkukhu zaqhubeka nokugijima – zazungeza indlu, zaphuma eceleni kwendlu ngendledlana zayongena emgwaqweni! +  +Kwaqhamuka indoda eyayigibele ibhayisikili eliphuzi. +  +“Siza! Siza!” kukhala uKoketso. “Ngicela ungisize ukubamba izinkukhu zikaGogo!” +  +“Empeleni ngizokusiza,” kusho indoda, yase ijaha izinkukhu ngebhayisikili, ishaya insimbi yayo. + +Ngenkathi uKoketso esezithendeni zayo, wacishe wazithela phezu kwethroli kaMalume uKoos. +  +“Siza! Siza!” kusho uKoketso ehefuzela. “Malume uKoos, ngicela ungisize ngibambe izinkukhu zikaGogo!” +  +“Kulungile ngizokusiza,” kusho uMalume uKoos, esho elandela izinkukhu kanye nendoda esebhayisikilini eliphuzi. Inja yakhe encane yayilandela, ikhonkotha kakhulu. +  +Lapho uKoketso egijima ehla ngomgwaqo elandela uMalume uKoos, wabona umngani wakhe, uDikeledi. UDikeledi wayezijwayeza ukwenza imigilingwane ku-skateboard sakhe. +  +“Siza! Siza, Dikeledi!” kumemeza uKoketso. “Ngicela ungisize ukuthi ngibambe izinkukhu zikaGogo!” +  +“Kulungile ngizokusiza,” kusho uDikeledi ejaha izinkukhu. +  +Lapho uKoketso egijima ngemva kukaDikeledi wacabanga ngazo zonke izinto ezimbi ezazingenzeka zinkukhwini. Zingashayiswa, noma zidliwe yinja. Noma, zazingaphonseka emfuleni zigwilize. “Mamo, uzothini uGogo?” ehefuzela. UKoketso kwathi akakhihle isililo. +  +“Buka ukuthi ngitholeni!” kusho izwi. Kwakuyindoda esebhayisikilini eliphuzi. +Yayiphethe izinkukhu ezimbili ngesikhwama sokuthenga. +  +“Inkukhu eyodwa, izinkukhu ezimbili,” kubala uKoketso. “Eyi, ngiyabonga! Manje sekumele ngithole ezinye.” +  +Kusenjalo kwafika uMalume uKoos nezinye izinkukhu ezisebhokisini lekhadibhodi elivulekile ethrolini yakhe. “Nazi-ke, mntakwethu!” kusho yena, esenephika. +  +“Inkukhu eyodwa, ezimbili, ezintathu, izinkukhu ezine,” kubala uKoketso. “Lokhu kuchaza ukuthi nginenkukhu eyodwa, izinkukhu ezimbili ezivela endodeni yebhayisikili eliphuzi, kanye nenye inkukhu eyodwa, izinkukhu ezimbili, ezintathu kanye neyesine ezivela kuMalume uKoos. Ngiyabonga kakhulu, ngempela! Manje sekumele ngithole ezinye.” +  +Kusenjalo uDikeledi wavela eseshwibeka nge-skateboard sakhe. “Bheka ukuthi ngitholeni, Koketso!” washo egodle inkukhu ekhwapheni lakhe. +  +“Lokho kwenza ngibe nenkukhu eyodwa, izinkukhu ezimbili, ezintathu, ezine,” kusho uKoketso, “kanye nenye inkukhu eyodwa, ezimbili, ezintathu. Ngiyabonga kakhulu, bakithi, ngiyabonga! Kodwa ayikatholakali inkukhu eyodwa!” +  +Abangani bakaKoketso bamsiza ukubuyisela izinkukhu ehhokweni lazo. Basebemsiza ukufuna inkukhu yokugcina yonke indawo, kodwa akukho namunye owayithola. +  +Lapho uGogo ebuya ekhaya evela emtholampilo, uKoketso wamenzela itiye. “Hlala phansi, Gogo,” kusho uKoketso. “Kufanele ukuthi ukhathele kakhulu! Hlala phansi uzitholele inkomishi emnandi yetiye kanye nebhisikidi!” +  +UGogo wagqolozela uKoketso. “Ngabe konke kuhamba kahle?” kubuza yena. “Awujwayele ukungenzela itiye.” +  +UKoketso wakhihla isililo. “We, Gogo,” kukhala yena. “Kwenzeke into embi kakhulu ngesikhathi ungekho!” Wase etshela ugogo wakhe lonke udaba. “Kanti-ke,” ekhala, “inkukhu eyodwa isalahlekile. Futhi yile oyithandayo – le eyimpangele.” +  +“Kubi impela lokho, Koketso,” kusho uGogo eqinisa izwi. “Leyo ibizalela amaqanda amaningi ukudlula ezinye. Empeleni-ke ngiyethemba ukuthi ufunde ukucophelela kakhulu kunakuqala!” +  +“Yebo, ngifundile, Gogo,” kuhogela uKoketso. “Ngifunde ngempela!” +  +Kusenjalo kwezwakala umsindo wokukhala kwenkukhu ekhoneni lekhishi. Kwathi lapho oGogo noKoketso bebheka, babona inkukhu ebilahlekile. Ibizihlalele ithokozile phezu kwengqumbi yezingubo eziwashiwe kubhasikidi wezingubo ezizowashwa! + +UGogo wathatha inkukhu wase eyiphulula umlomo wayo. “Ngiyajabula ukuthi ubuyile,” kusho uGogo. +  +“Awubheke, Gogo,” kusho uKoketso ekhomba kubhasikidi wezingubo ezizowashwa, “isizalele iqanda!” +  +Laphaya, phezu kwezingubo eziwashiwe, kwakukhona iqanda elikhulu, elinsundu, elinamachofoza! +  +“Lizoba yisidlo sethu sakusihlwa,” kusho uGogo enika uKoketso inkukhu. “Buyisela le nkukhu ehhokweni, ngiyakucela – bese kulokhu ungakhohlwa ukuvala isango!”",zul,isiZulu,UKoketso ulahla izinkukhu,"Every morning Koketso helps her granny feed the chickens in the chicken coop in their back yard. +  +“Pok, pok, pok,” calls Granny and the chickens come running up to the fence. “Pok, pok, pok,” they say. “Paak, paak, ...",,Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ukoketso-ulahla-izinkukhu +koketso-loses-the-chickens,"Mesong ye mengwe le ye mengwe Koketso o thuša Koko go fepa dikgogo ka hokong ye e lego ka jarateng ya bona. +  +“Kip, kip, kip,” Koko o bitša dikgogo gomme di tlo kitimela legoreng. “Kip, kip, kip,” ba realo. “Paak, paak, paaaak!” Gomme ge Koko le Koketso ba ithekga ka legora la tlase gore ba gaše peu, dikgogo di a kgarametšana, tša phaphatha maphego, tša fofafofa, di leka go fofana gore ye nngwe le ye nngwe e fihle dijong pele. +  +Koketso o be a dula a balela dikgogo. “Ke dikgogo tše tee, pedi, tharo, nne,” a realo, “le ye nngwe ye tee, pedi, tharo, nne. Di gona ka moka, Koko!” + +Mesong ye mengwe Koketso o rile ge a tsoga a bona koko wa gagwe a apere jase ye botse kudu le lephephe. +  +“Lehono ke swanetše go thuša Mtšana Solomon kua kliniking,” Koko a hlaloša, “ka fao, ga ke na nako ya go fepa dikgogo. Naa o tla di fepa, Koketso? O tseba se o swanetšego go se dira.” +  +Koko o ile a tšea mokotla wa gagwe a bula lebati la ka pele. Morago a retologela go Koketso a re, “Bjale, o se lebale go fa dikgogo meetse, gomme se o se ratago, O SE di ntšhe ka hokong!” +  +“Aowa, Koko,” a realo Koketso, “ke tseba SEO!” +  +“Ke holofela bjalo,” a realo Koko. “O hlokomele, hle! Ke tla go bona ka morago. Šala gabotse, Koketso.” +Koko wa gagwe o rile go tšwa, Koketso a dula fase a ja dijo tša go fihlola. “Ke swerwe ke tlala kudu,” a ipotša bjalo. “Dikgogo tšela di swanela go emanyana!” +  +Koketso o ile a ja bogobe bja go tlala sekotlelo se segolo a nwa le galase ya maswi. Morago a dula setupung sa ka pele gomme a ja apola. +  +“Dumela!” a realo go Malome Koos yo a bego a feta ka teroli ya gagwe ya mabenkeleng le mpšanyana ya gagwe. +  +“Dumela, Mme!” a realo a emišetša Mtšana Zihlangu yo a bego a putla tseleng seatla. +  +“Etla o bapale le nna, Pinky,” a bitša motswala wa gagwe, yo a bego a etšwa ka lebenkeleng la mo sekhutlwaneng, a swere lofo ya borotho. +  +“Tshwarelo hle, nka se kgone, ke na le mešomo ye ke swanetšego go e dira,” Pinky a fetola. “Wena ga o na mošomo?” +  +Gateetee, Koketso a gopola gore ga se a fepa dikgogo. “Ijoo,” a realo, “dikgogo tša batho, tša go swarwa ke tlala!” +  +Ka nnete, dikgogo di be di lla ka hokong. Koketso o ile a bula keiti ya tlase ka tlhokomelo ye kgolo. “Kip, kip, kip,” a realo. “Le ntshwareleng, dikgogo, dijo tša lena ke tše.” Gomme a gaša dipeu mo fase. +  +“Ke dikgogo tše tee, pedi, tharo nne,” a balela, “le ye yengwe ye tee, pedi, tharo, nne.” +  +O ile a lemoga gore sekotlelo sa meetse a dikgogo se omile gomme a sepediša a ya go kga meetse ka moraleng – efela a lebala go tswalela keiti ge a etšwa! +  +“Aowaowa!” a realo Koketso ge a boa le meetse a bona dikgogo di kitima gohle ka jarateng. “Aowaowa, aowa, aowa! Dikgogo tše di be! Boang gona BJALO!” +  +Efela dikgogo tša tšwela pele ka go kitima – go ya ka thoko ga ntlo, tselaneng ye kopana, tša ya mmileng! +  +Go ile gwa tšwelela monna a reila paesekele ye serolane. +  +“Thuša! Thuša!” a realo Koketso. “Nthuše go swara dikgogo tša Koko hle!” +  +“Ke tla go thuša,” monna a realo, gomme a di kitimiša ka paesekele, a tšama a letša pele ya gagwe. + +E rile ge Koketso a kitima ka morago ga gagwe, a nyaka go thula teroli ya Malome Koos. +  +“Thuša! Thuša!” a realo Koketso a hemelana ebile a fegelwa. “Malome Koos, nthuše go swara dikgogo tša Koko hle!” +  +“Ke tla go thuša,” a realo Malome Koos, a kitimiša dikgogo le monna wa paesekele ye serolwane. Mpšanyana ya gagwe e ile ya mo šala morago, e goba kudu. +  +E rile ge Koketso a kitima mo tseleng ka morago ga Malome Koos, a bona mogwera wa gagwe, Dikeledi. Dikeledi o be a itlwaetša makatika ka sekeitiboto sa gagwe. +  +“Thuša! Thuša, Dikeledi!” a realo Koketso. “Nthuše go swara dikgogo tša Koko hle!” +  +“Ke tla go thuša,” a realo Dikeledi a šetše dikgogo morago. +  +E rile ge Koketso a kitima ka morago ga Dikeledi a nagana ka dilo tše dimpe ka +moka tšeo di ka hlagelago dikgogo. Di ka gatwa goba tša jewa ke dimpša. Goba di +ka wela ka nokeng tša nwelela. “Aowaowa, Koko o tla reng?” a fegelwa. Koketso o +be a nyaka go lla. +  +“Bona gore ke swere eng!” lentšu la realo. E be e le monna wa paesekele ye serolane. O be a swere dikgogo tše pedi ka mokotleng wa go ya mabenkeleng. +  +“Ke dikgogo tše tee, pedi,” Koketso a balela. “Ijoo, ke a leboga! Bjale ke swanetše go hwetša tše dingwe.” +  +Ka nako yeo Malome Koos a fihla le tše dingwe dikgogo ka gare ga lepokisi la khatepote la go bulega a le tsentše ka teroling ya gagwe. “Ke tše, moratiwa!” a realo, a felelwa ke moya. +  +“Ke dikgogo tše tee, pedi, tharo nne,” Koketso a balela. “Go ra gore ke na le dikgogo tše tee, pedi go tšwa go monna wa paesekele, le tše dingwe tše tee, pedi, tharo, nne go tšwa go Malome Koos. Ijoo, ke a leboga, ke a leboga! Bjale, ke swanetše go hwetša tše dingwe.” +  +Ka nako yeo Dikeledi a tšwelela ka sekeitipoto sa gagwe. “Lebelela gore ke hweditše eng, Koketso!” a realo a swere kgogo ka lehwafeng. +  +“Ke dikgogo tše tee, pedi, tharo, nne,” a realo Koketso, “le dikgogo tše dingwe tše tee, pedi, tharo. Ijoo, ke a leboga, ke a leboga, ke a leboga! Efela go sa timeletše kgogo e tee!” +  +Bagwera ba Koketso ba ile ba mo thuša go bušetša dikgogo ka hokong. Ka morago ba mo thuša go lebelela kgogo ye nngwe gohle, efela ga se ba e hwetša. +  +E rile ge Koko a boa kliniking, Koketso a mo direla teye. “Dula fase, Koko,” a realo Koketso. “O swanetše go ba o lapile kudu! Dula fase o nwe teye ya bose ka pisikiti!” +  +Koko a tsitsinkela Koketso. “Naa tšohle di sepela gabotse?” a botšiša. “Ga o ke o ntirela teye.” +  +Koketso o ile a lla. “Aowa, Koko,” a hlaba mokgoši. “Go diregile se sengwe se sebe ge o sepetše!” A anegela Koko wa gagwe ditaba ka moka. “Gomme, gomme, gomme,” a se kgitla sello, “kgogo ye nngwe ga e gona. Gomme ke ye o e ratago kudu – ya go ba le marontho.” +  +“Tšeo di ješa dihlong, Koketso,” Granny a realo a tiišitše. “E be e bea mae a mantši go di feta ka moka. Efela, ke dumela o ithutile go ba le tlhokomelo ye ntši!” +“Ee, ke ithutile, Koko,” a sekhumula Koketso. “Ke ithutile ka nnete!” +  +Ka nakao yeo gwa kwagala sello sa kgogo khoneng ya morale. E rile ge Koko le Koketso ba lebelela, ba bona kgogo ye e bego e timeletše. E be e dutše e thabile godimo ga mokgobo wa diaparo tša go hlatswiwa ka gare ga manki wa go swara diaparo! + +Koko o ile a swara kgogo a e kgwatha molomo. “Ke a thaba ge o boile,” a realo Koko. +  +“Lebelela, Koko,” a realo Koketso a šupa manki wa diaparo, “e beile lee!” +  +Go be go na le lee la marontho le letsotho, le legolo, mo godimo ga diaparo! +  +“Re tla lalela ka lona,” Koko a realo a efa Koketso kgogo. “Bušetša kgogo ye ka hokong, +hle – gomme gabjale o se lebale go tswalela keiti!”",nso,Sepedi,Koketso o timetša dikgogo,"Every morning Koketso helps her granny feed the chickens in the chicken coop in their back yard. +  +“Pok, pok, pok,” calls Granny and the chickens come running up to the fence. “Pok, pok, pok,” they say. “Paak, paak, ...",,Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/koketso-o-timetša-dikgogo +koketso-loses-the-chickens,"Hoseng ho hong le ho hong Koketso o thusa nkgono wa hae ho fepa dikgoho ka serobeng sa dikgoho ka mora ntlo yabo. +  +“Kip, kip, kip,” ho hoeletsa Nkgono mme dikgoho di tle di matha haufi le terata. “Kip, kip, kip,” di tjho jwalo. “Koo, koo, koo!” Mme ha Nkgono le Koketso ba inamela ka hokong ho hasa dithootse, dikgoho di a sututsana di phokane di potolohe hohle, mme di leke ho tlolana hodimo hore di fumane dijo pele. +  +Koketso kamehla o bala dikgoho. “Dikgoho tse; nngwe, pedi, tharo, nne,” o rialo, “tse ding hape tse; nngwe, pedi, tharo, nne. Di felletse, Nkgono!” + +Ka tsatsi le leng hoseng ha Koketso a tsoha a bona nkgono wa hae a apere jase ya hae e ntle le katiba e ntle. +  +“Ke lokela ho ya thusa Mof Solomon mane tleliniking kajeno hoseng,” ha hlalosa Nkgono, kahoo ha ke na nako ya ho fepa dikgoho. Na o ka di fepa o le mong, Koketso? O a tseba seo o lokelang ho se etsa.” +  +Nkgono a nka mokotlana wa hae mme a bula lemati la ka pele. Mme a hetla a re ho Koketso, “Jwale, o se ke wa lebala ho fa dikgoho metsi, mme, leha o ka etsa eng kapa eng, O SE KE WA di bulela tsa tswa ka hokong!” +  +“Hao, Nkgono,” ha rialo Koketso, “ke a TSEBA!” +  +“Ke tshepa jwalo he,” ha rialo Nkgono. “O hlokomele jwale! Ke tla o bona ha morao. Sala hantle, Koketso.” +Eitse hang ha nkgono a tsamaya, Koketso a dula fatshe a ja dijo tsa hoseng. “Ke lapile haholo,” a rialo a bua a le mong. “Dikgoho tsane di tla tlameha ho ema!” +  +Koketso a ja sejana se seholo sa motoho mme a nwa galase ya lebese. Yaba o dula ka ntle setupung mme a ja apole. +  +“Dumela!” a rialo ho Malome Koos ya tsofetseng ha a tlo feta moo ka teroli ya ho reka mabenkeleng a tsamaya le ntjanyana ya hae. +  +“Dumela, Mme!” a rialo a dumedisa Mof Zihlangu a phahamisitse letsoho ka nqane ho tsela. +  +“Tloo o tlo bapala le nna, Pinky,” a bitsa motswala wa hae, ya neng a etswa ka lebenkeleng le hukung, a tshwere lofo ya bohobe. +  +“Ke maswabi, nke ke ka kgona. Ke na le mesebetsi ya lelapa,” a hoeletsa le yena. “Na wena ha o na yona?” +  +Koketso hanghang a hopola hore ha a so fepe dikgoho. “Jowee,” a rialo, “dikgoho tsa batho di lapile!” +Ehlile, dikgoho di ne di kakatletsa di lla ka serobeng sa tsona. Koketso a bula heke e tlase ka hloko. “Kip, kip, kip,” a rialo. “Ntshwareleng, dikgoho, dijo tsa lona ke tsena.” Yaba o hasa dithootse fatshe. +  +“Dikgoho tse; nngwe, pedi, tharo, nne,” a bala, “le dikgoho tse ding tse, nngwe, pedi, tharo, nne.” +  +Yaba o bona hore sekotlolo sa metsi a dikgoho ha se a tshela mme a matha ho ya lata metsi ka kitjhineng – empa a lebala ho kwala heke! +  +“Jonna wee!” ha rialo Koketso ha a kgutla ka metsi mme a bona dikgoho di matha hohle ka jareteng. “Tjhe bo, tjhe, tjhe! Dikgoho tse thibaneng! Kgutlang hona JWALE!” +Empa dikgoho tsa tswela pele ho baleha – tsa potela ka lehlakoreng le leng la ntlo, tsa theosa ka tselana mme tsa kena seterateng! +  +Monna ya palameng baesekele e tshehla a hlaha le mane. +  +“Thusa! Thusa!” ha hoeletsa Koketso. “Ke kopa o nthuse ho tshwara dikgoho tsa Nkgono hle!” +  +“Ho lokile ke tla o thusa,” ha rialo monna eo, mme a lelekisa dikgoho ka baesekele, a ntse a letsa tshepe. + +Ha Koketso a ntse a matha kamora hae, a batla a thula teroli ya Malome Koos. +  +“Thusa! Thusang!” ha rialo Koketso a hemesela a phefumoloha. “Malome Koos, a ko nthuse re tshware dikgoho tsa Nkgono hle ke a o kopa!” +  +“Ho lokile ke tla o thusa,” ha rialo Malome Koos, mme ke elwa a matha kamora dikgoho le monna ya palameng baesekele e tshehla. Ntjanyana ya hae ya matha kamora hae, e ntse e boholela hodimo. +  +Ha Koketso a ntse a matha ho theosa tsela kamora Malome Koos, a bona motswalle wa hae, Dikeledi. Dikeledi o ne a ntse a ikwetlisa ho bapala ka sekeitiboto sa hae. +  +“Thusang! Thusa, Dikeledi!” ha hoeletsa Koketso. “Ke kopa hore o nthuse re tshware dikgoho tsa Nkgono!” +  +“Ho lokile ke tla o thusa,” ha rialo Dikeledi a qalella ho matha a lelekisa dikgoho. +  +Ha Koketso a matha kamora Dikeledi a nahana ka dintho tsohle tse mpe tse ka etsahallang dikgoho tseo. Di ne di ka nna tsa tjhaiswa ke dikoloi, kapa di ne di ka nna tsa jewa ke ntja. Kapa di ne di ka wela ka nokeng tsa kgangwa ke metsi. “Jowe, Nkgono o tla reng?” a rialo a hemela hodimo. Koketso o ne a batla ho lla. +  +“Sheba ke tshwere eng!” ha rialo lentswe. E ne e le monna yane wa baesekele e tshehla. O ne a tshwere tse pedi tsa dikgoho ka hara mokotlana wa mabenkeleng. +  +“Dikgoho tse, nngwe, pedi,” ha bala Koketso. “Oh, ke a leboha! Jwale ke lokela ho fumana tse ding.” +  +Ka yona nako eo Malome Koos a fihla le dikgoho tse ding ka hara lebokoso ka hara teroli ya hae. “Ke tsena he, moratuwa!” a rialo a felletswe ke moya. +  +“Dikgoho tse, nngwe, pedi, tharo, nne,” ha bala Koketso. “Seo se bolela hore ke fumane dikgoho tse, nngwe, pedi, ho monna yane wa baesekele e tshehla, le tse ding tse nngwe, pedi tharo, nne ho Malome Koos. Joo, ke a leboha, ke a leboha! Jwale ke tshwanetse feela ke ho fumana tse ding” +  +Ka yona nako eo Dikeledi a fihla le yena a fofile ka sekeitiboto. “Sheba ke fumane eng, Koketso!” a rialo a kentse kgoho ka lehafing la hae. +  +“Sena se etsa dikgoho tse, nngwe, pedi, tharo, nne,” ha rialo Koketso, “le dikgoho tse ding tse nngwe, pedi, tharo. Ao hle, ke a leboha, ke leboha haholo! Empa ho na le e le nngwe e sa ntseng e lahlehile!” +  +Metswalle ya Koketso ya thusa ho kenya dikgoho ka serobeng sa tsona. Yaba jwale ba mo thusa ho batla hohle ba batla kgoho ya ho qetela, empa ho ne ho sena motho ya e fumanang. +  +Ha Nkgono a fihla hae ho tswa tleliniking, Koketso a mo etsetsa teye. “Dula fatshe, Nkgono,” ha rialo Koketso. “O tshwanetse hore o be o kgathetse haholo! Dula fatshe o nwe kopi e monate ya teye le bisikiti!” +  +Nkgono a sheba Koketso ka hara mahlo. “Na tsohle di lokile?” a mmotsa. “Ha se hangata o nketsetsang teye.” +  +Koketso a qala ho itshela ka dikgapha. “Ao, Nkgono,” a lla. “Ho na le ntho e mpe e etsahetseng ha o ne o le siyo!” Yaba o phetela Nkgono ditaba tseo kaofela. “Ebile, ebile, +ebile,” a lla, e nngwe ya dikgoho e ntse e lahlehile. Mme ke yane eo o e ratang haholo – yane e nang le mathebatheba.” +  +“Ke taba tse mpe haholo, Koketso,” Nkgono a rialo a tiile. “Eno ke yona e neng +e behela mahe a mangata ho feta tse ding kaofela. Ke tshepa hore o ithutile hore o hlokomele ho feta!” +  +“Ke ithutile, Nkgono,” Koketse a hlwephetsa. “Ruri ka nnete ke ithutile!” +  +Ka yona nako eo ha utlwahala lerata la ho kakatletsa hukung ya kitjhine. Ha Nkgono le Koketso ba sheba, ba bona kgoho yane e lahlehileng. E ne e dutse e thabile hodima qubu ya diaparo tse hlwekileng ka hara manki wa diaparo! + +Nkgono a nka kgoho mme a pholla molomo wa yona. “Ke thabile ha ke o fumane hape,” ha rialo Nkgono. +  +“Bona, Nkgono,” ha rialo Koketso a supile manki wa diaparo, “e behetse lehe!” +  +Mane, ka hodima motjhine wa ho hlatswa, ho ne ho ena le lehe le leholo, le sootho, le matheba! +  +“Re tla le ja ka nako ya dijo tsa mantsiboya,” ha rialo Nkgono a neheletsa Koketso kgoho. “Nka kgoho ena o e busetse ka mane ka hokong, ka kopo – kgetlong lena o se ke wa lebala ho kwala heke!”",sot,Sesotho,Koketso o lahlehelwa ke dikgoho,"Every morning Koketso helps her granny feed the chickens in the chicken coop in their back yard. +  +“Pok, pok, pok,” calls Granny and the chickens come running up to the fence. “Pok, pok, pok,” they say. “Paak, paak, ...",,Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/koketso-o-lahlehelwa-ke-dikgoho +the-leopard-the-otter-and-the-mouse,"Once, a very long time ago, all the animals were thin. This was because there was not enough food to eat.  +But Otter, his wife and all his children were quite fat. They didn’t seem to be hungry at all. You see, Otter was very, very clever. He had found a shallow lake full of fish, but he told no one. Every morning he went to the lake and brought back just enough food for himself and his family.  + +Leopard was thin and hungry. He was always looking for something to eat. One day, he saw Otter and noticed how fat he was.  + + +  + + +“Mmmm,” said Leopard. “What is going on here? I think I should watch this otter.”  + + +  + + +So, the next morning he hid himself in the long grass near Otter’s house and waited. At last Otter came along. He walked quite slowly, carrying a basket which seemed to be very heavy. Leopard sprang out of the long grass.  + + +  + +“WHAT have you got in that basket?” Leopard shouted.  + + + + +“Oh! Ummm … firewood! I’m carrying firewood back to my home,” said Otter. But he had forgotten that Leopard had a very good nose that could smell EVERYTHING.  + + +  + + +“Oh no,” growled Leopard, “I can smell fish and I am going to eat it all.”  + + +  + + +Otter knew he was too slow to get away from Leopard, who was a very fast runner. But Otter was VERY clever.  + + +  + + +“Okay,” said Otter. “Let’s sit down under this shady tree.” They sat down and Otter suggested, “Why don’t you make a fire while I go to my house to fetch some salt, pepper and oil, then we can have a delicious meal together.”  + + +  + + +“Good idea,” said Leopard jumping up to search for dry wood for the fire.  + + +  + + +So, Otter went off to his house. Soon he was back with the salt, pepper and oil. He also brought a long piece of strong rope. He put everything on the ground, and began frying the fish.  + + +  + +“Leopard,” he said, “while we are waiting for the fish to cook, let’s play a game. We’ll use this rope. We’ll tie each other to the tree. You may tie me up first. When I say, ‘LOOSE’, you must tighten the rope. When I say, ‘TIGHT’, you must loosen the rope.”  + + +  + + +Now, that was the wrong way round. Everyone knows that tight means tight and loose means loose. But Leopard was hungry. He thought the game would make the time pass more quickly until the fish was cooked.  + + +  + + +“Good idea,” Leopard said.  + + +  + + +Otter stood with his back to the tree. “Okay, ready, LOOSE!”  + + +  + +Leopard jumped up and tied Otter to the tree. After a while Otter shouted, “TIGHT!” and Leopard unfastened the rope to set Otter free.  + + +  + + +“Now, Leopard, it is your turn,” said Otter.  + +Leopard sat with his back against the tree and called out, “LOOSE!”  + + +  + + +Otter quickly tied Leopard tightly to the tree.  + + +  + + +After a little while, Leopard shouted, “OKAY, TIGHT!” But instead of playing the game the way he had explained it, Otter tightened the rope around Leopard. He tied it so tightly that Leopard could not get free.  + +“Come on!” shouted Leopard. “I’m tired of this game now.”  + + +  + + +Otter just laughed. He sat down at the fireside and ate his meal. When he had finished, he packed up the rest of the fish for his family, and went home.  + + +  + + +Leopard roared and roared and roared. “HEEELLLPPP!!!” For the rest of the day and the whole of that night, Leopard called out for someone to help him. No one came.  + + +  + + +Now, luckily for Leopard that is not the end of this story. In the morning, he roared again, “HELP! HEEELLLPPP!!!”  + + +  + +This time, Mouse came by and saw Leopard.  + + +  + + +“What are you doing there, tied up to that tree?” asked Mouse.  + + +  + + +“I was playing a game of loose and tight with Otter and he just left me here to starve,” said Leopard. “Please, please set me free. You have such sharp teeth and you could nibble through the rope quickly.”  + + +  + + +Mouse felt sorry for Leopard, but he knew that if he let Leopard go, he would be eaten. “I’m not sure,” Mouse said.  + + +  + + +“Please,” begged Leopard. “I’ve been here for a day and a night. I’m so thirsty and hungry.”  + + + + +Poor Mouse. He was kind-hearted, but very silly. He started to nibble the rope. He nibbled through a few strands and waited. Nothing happened. Leopard did not move. Mouse then nibbled through all the strands, one after the other, until at last Leopard was free.  + + +  + + +“WRAAAAAA!” roared Leopard. Instead of being thankful, he tried to grab Mouse. “WRAAAA!” he roared again as he struck out with his big paw.  + + + Poor Mouse squeaked and dived for a nearby hole. He was quick, but not quite quick enough. Leopard’s sharp claws hit his back just before he escaped into the hole.  + + + Ever since then, otters and leopards do not talk to each other. Mice do not talk to leopards either. And mice will also not talk to otters because they blame the otters for starting the trouble.  + + +And ever since that day, the poor, poor mouse has stripes on its fur. And everyone knows that those are the scratches once made by the leopard’s claws.",eng,English,"The leopard, the otter and the mouse","Once, a very long time ago, all the animals were thin. This was because there",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-leopard-the-otter-and-the-mouse +the-leopard-the-otter-and-the-mouse,"Kudala-dala mhlamnene, zonke izilwanyana zazibhityile. Oku kwakusenziwa kukuba zazingenakutya kwaneleyo.  + + +  + + +Kodwa yena uNtini, inkosikazi yakhe nabo bonke abantwana bakhe babetyebe kakhulu. Babengabonakali belamba nakancinane. Uyabona, uNtini lo wayekrelekrele kakhulu, kakhulu. Wayefumene ichibi elingekho nzulu nelalizele ziintlanzi, kodwa akazange axelele nomnye umntu. Qho kusasa wayesiya echibini apho, aze abuye nokutya okulingene nje yena kunye nosapho lwakhe.  + + +  + + +UHlosi wayebhityile kwaye elamba. Wayesoloko ezingela ukutya. Ngenye imini wabona uNtini, waze waqaphela indlela atyebe ngayo.  + + +  + + +“Mmmm,” watsho uHlosi. “Kwenzeka ntoni apha? Ndicinga ukuba kuza kufuneka ukuba ndiyiqwalasele le ntini.”  + + +  + + +Ngoko ke, ngentsasa elandelayo wazifihla engceni ende kufuphi nendlu kaNtini waze walinda. Ekugqibeleni wathi gqi uNtini. Wayehamba ngokucotha, ephethe ibhasikithi eyayibonakala inzima kakhulu. UHlosi watsiba, ephuma kuloo ngca inde nefukufuku.  + + +  + + +“YINTONI le uyiphethe ngaloo bhasikithi?” wakhwaza esitsho uHlosi.  + + + + + +  + + +“Owu! Ammm … ziinkuni! Ndivela kutheza, ngoku ndiphethe iinkuni endigoduka nazo,” watsho uNtini. Kodwa wayelibele ukuba uHlosi wayenempumlo ebukhali gqitha, ekwazi ukujoja YONKE NJE INTO.  + + +  + + +“Hayi bo,” wavungama uHlosi, “Ndiva ivumba lentlanzi kwaye ndiza kuyitya yonke.”  + + +  + + +UNtini wayesazi ukuba akanakuze amshiye uHlosi, owayeyimbaleki enamendu kakhulu. Kodwa uNtini wayekrelekrele KAKHULU.  + + +  + + +“Kulungile ke,” watsho uNtini. “Masihlale phantsi kwalo mthi onomthunzi.” Bahlala phantsi waze uNtini wathi, “Kutheni ungabasi nje ngeli lixa mna ndisaya endlwini ukuya kulanda ityuwa, ipepile neoyile, ukuze sitye isidlo esimnandi kunye.”  + + +  + + +“Unyanisile,” watsho uHlosi sele etsiba ukuya kutheza iinkuni ezomileyo ukuze abase.  + + +  + + +Nanko ke, naye uNtini esiya endlwini yakhe. Msinyane wabuya netyuwa, ipepile neoyile. Wayephethe nentambo ende eyomeleleyo. Wabeka phantsi konke, waze waqalisa ukuqhotsa intlanzi ngamafutha.  + + +  + + +“Hlosi,” watsho embiza, “ngoku sisalinde intlanzi ukuba ivuthwe, masibe sidlala umdlalo. Siza kusebenzisa le ntambo. Siza kubophelelana emthini. Ungaqala ngokubophelela mna lo kanye. Xa ndisithi, ‘XENGAXENGISA’, kufuneka uyiqinise intambo. Xa ndisithi, ‘QINISA’, kufuneka uyixengaxengise intambo.”  + + +  + + +Kaloku, yayikukubhidanisa imiyalelo oko. Wonke umntu uyazi ukuba ukuqinisa kuthetha ukuqinisa qha qwaba, ze kona ukuxengaxengisa kuthethe ukuxengaxengisa. Kodwa uHlosi wayelambe kakhulu. Wayecinga ukuba lo mdlalo uza kuhambisa ixesha ngokukhawuleza ukuze ikhawuleze ivuthwe intlanzi.  + + +  + + +“Kulungile,” watsho uHlosi.  + + +  + + +UNtini wema, weyama emthini ngomqolo. “Ngxatsho ke, zilungiselele, XENGAXENGISA!”  + + +  + + +UHlosi waxhuma waze wabophelela uNtini emthini. Ethubeni uNtini wakhwaza esithi, “QINISA!” waza uHlosi wayixengaxengisa intambo ukuze akhululeke uNtini.  + + +  + + +“Ngoku ke, Hlosi, lithuba lakho,” watsho uNtini.  + + +  + + +UHlosi wachopha, weyama emthini ngomqolo waze wakhwaza, “XENGAXENGISA!”  + + +  + + +UNtini wakhawuleza wabophelela uHlosi emthini waqinisa.  + + +  + + +Emva kwexesha, uHlosi wakhwaza, “KULUNGILE, QINISA!” Kodwa endaweni yokudlala umdlalo ngendlela ebewuchaze ngayo, uNtini wayiqinisa ngakumbi intambo leyo ebebophelele ngayo uHlosi. Wayiqinisa kangangokuba uHlosi angakwazi ukukhululeka.  + + +  + + +“Hayi kaloku!” wakhwaza njalo uHlosi. “Ndidiniwe mna ngulo mdlalo ngoku.”  + + +  + + +UNtini wasuka wahleka. Wahlala ngasemlilweni, watya isidlo sakhe. Akuba egqibile, wapakishela usapho lwakhe intlanzi eseleyo, wagoduka.  + + +  + + +UHlosi wagquma kwaye egquma ephindelela ukugquma oku. “NCEDAAANIII!!!” Wakhwaza ngolo hlobo imini yonke nobusuku bayo uHlosi, ecinga ukuba kuya kude kubekho umntu omncedayo. Akuzange kuze namnye umntu.  + + +  + + +Ngoku ke, ngethamsanqa likaHlosi lalingaphelelanga apho ibali. Kusasa, waphinda wagquma, “NCEDANI! NCEDAAANIII!!!”  + + +  + + +Kweli lixa, kweza uMpuku ngeneno akubona uHlosi.  + + +  + + +“Wenza ntoni apha, ingaba ubopheleleke njani kuloo mthi?” wabuza uMpuku.  + + +  + + +“Bendidlala umdlalo wokukhululana nokubophelelana kunye noNtini, kodwa yena uvele nje wandishiya apha ukuze ndityiwe yindlala,” watsho uHlosi. “Nceda, nceda torho ndikhulule. Unamazinyo abukhali kakhulu kwaye ungakwazi ukuyikrekretha msinyane le ntambo.”  + + +  + + +UMpuku wamsizela uHlosi, kodwa wayesazi ukuba xa enokumkhulula, wayeza kutyiwa nguye. “Andiqinisekanga,” watsho uMpuku.  + + +  + + +“Khawundincede torho,” kucenga uHlosi. “Oko ndilapha imini nobusuku bayo. Ndinxaniwe kwaye ndilambe kakhulu.”  + + + +  + + +Usizana olunguMpuku. Wayenentliziyo entle, kodwa egeza ngokugqithisileyo. Waqalisa ke ukukrekretha intambo leyo. Emva kokukrekretha imicu embalwa wakhe waphumla. Akukho nto yatshintshayo. UHlosi wayengekakwazi nokushukuma. UMpuku waphinda wakrekretha yonke imicu eyayishiyekile, omnye emva komnye, wade wakhululeka uHlosi.  + + +  + + +“GRAAAAAA!” wagquma uHlosi. Endaweni yokuba nombulelo, wazama ukuxhakamfula uMpuku. “GRAAAA!” Wagquma kwakhona ezama ukuhlasela uMpuku ngezo ntupha zakhe zibukhali.  + + +  + + +Usizana olunguMpuku lwatswina lwaze lwathi tshwa emngxunyeni okufutshane. Watsiba ngokukhawuleza, kodwa zange akwazi ukukhawuleza ngokwaneleyo. Iinzipho ezibukhali zikaHlosi zamkrwempa emqolo nje phambi kokuba atsibele emngxunyeni, angene ngokupheleleyo.  + + +  + + +Ukususela ngoko, iintini kunye namahlosi azithethisani. Neempuku kananjalo azithethi namahlosi. Ukanti neempuku nazo azithethi neentini kuba zityhola iintini ngokuqala inkathazo.  + + +  + + +Ke ukususela ngaloo mini, usizana lwempuku, esizeleka kakhulu, inemigca esikhumbeni sayo, apha emqolo. Kwaye wonke umntu uyazi ukuba loo migca yenziwa kukukrwentshwa ziinzipho zehlosi.",xho,isiXhosa,"Ihlosi, intini nempuku","Once, a very long time ago, all the animals were thin. This was because there",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2189 +the-leopard-the-otter-and-the-mouse,"Kgalekgale, mehleng ya boholoholo, diphoofolo tsohle di ne di otile. Sena se ne se bakwa ke hore ho ne ho se na dijo tse lekaneng bakeng sa ho ja.  + + +  + + +Empa Qibi, mosadi wa hae le bana ba hae bohle ba ne ba nonne. Ba ne ba shebahala ba sa lapa hohang. O a bona, Qibi o ne a le bohlale haholo. O ne a fumane letsha le sa tebang le neng le tletse ka ditlhapi, empa a se ke a bolella motho. Hoseng ho hong le ho hong o ne a eya letsheng mme a kgutla a nkile dijo tse lekaneng yena le ba lelapa la hae feela.  + + +  + + +Nkwe o ne a otile hape a lapile. O ne a dula a batlana le seo a ka se jang. Ka tsatsi le leng, a bona Qibi mme a elellwa kamoo a nonneng ka teng.  + + +  + + +“Mmmm,” ha rialo Nkwe. “Ho etsahala eng moo? Ke nahana hore ke lokela ho bea qibi ena leihlo.”  + + +  + + +Yaba he, hoseng ha tsatsi le hlahlamang o ipata hara jwang bo bolelele haufi le ntlo ya Qibi mme a ema moo. Qetellong Qibi a tla. O ne a itsamaela butle, a nkile seroto se neng se shebeha se hlile se le boima. Nkwe a tlola a tswa hara jwang bo bolelele.  + + +  + + +“O tshwere ENG ka hara seroto seo?” Nkwe a hoeletsa.  + + + + + +  + + +“Be! Eee … dipatsi! Ke tshwere dipatsi tsa ho besa ke ya le tsona ha ka,” ha rialo Qibi. Empa o ne a lebetse hore Nkwe o na le nko e bohale e neng e ka fofonela NTHO TSOHLE.  + + +  + + +“Tjhe bo,” ha puruma Nkwe, “Ke nkgelwa ke tlhapi mme ke tlilo e ja kaofela.”  + + +  + + +Qibi o ne a tseba hore o lenama haholo hore a ka balehela Nkwe, ya neng a tseba ho matha ka lebelo le leholo. Empa Qibi o ne a le bohlale HAHOLO.  + + +  + + +“Ho lokile,” ha rialo Qibi. “Ha re dule fatshe ka tlasa sefate sane se moriti.” Ba dula fatshe mme Qibi a etsa tlhahiso, “Hobaneng ha wena o sa bese mollo ha nna ke eya hae ho ya lata letswai, pepere le oli, hore re tlo ja dijo tse monate mmoho.”  + + +  + + +“Ke monahano o motle oo,” ha rialo Nkwe a tlolela hodimo ho ya rwalla patsi e ommeng bakeng sa mollo.  + + +  + + +Yaba Qibi o ya ha hae. E se kgale o ne a se a kgutlile le letswai, pepere le oli. Hape a tla le thapo e telele e thata. A bea dintho tsohle fatshe, mme a qala ho hadika tlhapi.  + + +  + + +“Nkwe,” a rialo, “ha re ntse re emetse hore tlhapi e butswe, ha re bapale papadi ena. Re tla sebedisa thapo ena. Re tla tlamellana sefateng. O ka nna wa ntlamella pele. Mme ha ke re, ‘KGWEHLISA’, o lokela ho tiisa thapo. Ha ke re, ‘TIISA’, o lokela ho kgwehlisa thapo.”  + + +  + + +Jwale, eo e ne e le tsela e fosahetseng. Bohle ba a tseba hore tiisa e bolela hore o tlamella ka thata mme kgwehlisa e bolela ho kgwehlisa. Empa Nkwe o ne a lapile. O ile a nahana hore papadi eo e tla tsamaisa nako ka potlako ho fihlela tlhapi e butswa.  + + +  + + +“Ke monahano o motle,” ha rialo Nkwe.  + + +  + + +Qibi a ema a furalletse sefate. “Ho lokile, ke lokile jwale, KGWEHLISA!”  + + +  + + +Nkwe a tlolela hodimo mme a tlamella Qibi sefateng. Ka mora nakwana Qibi a hoeletsa, “TIISA!” mme Nkwe a tlamolla thapo ho lokolla Qibi.  + + +  + + +“Jwale he, Nkwe, ke wena ya tlangwang,” ha rialo Qibi.  + + +  + + +Nkwe a dula a furalletse sefate mme a hoeletsa, “KGWEHLISA!”  + + +  + + +Qibi ka potlako a tlamella Nkwe ka thata sefateng.  + + +  + + +Kamora nakwana, Nkwe a hoeletsa, “HO LOKILE, TIISA!” Empa bakeng sa ho bapala papadi ka tsela eo a neng a e hlalositse ka yona, Qibi a tiisa thapo ho potoloha Nkwe. O ile a e tlamisisa hoo Nkwe a neng a tla hloleha ho itokolla.  + + +  + + +“Tloha mona!” ha omana Nkwe. “Nna ke kgathetse ke papadi ena jwale.”  + + +  + + +Qibi a itshehela. A dula fatshe pela mollo mme a ja dijo tsa hae. Ha a qetile, a pakela tlhapi e setseng ho ya e fa ba lelapa la hae, mme a leba lapeng.  + + +  + + +Nkwe a rora, a puruma, a puruma. “THUSAANG!!!” Letsatsi lohle le bosiu bohle, Nkwe a hoeletsa a kopa motho ya ka mo thusang. Ha ho motho ya ileng a tla.  + + +  + + +Jwale, ka lehlohonolo bakeng sa Nkwe sena ha se pheletso ya pale ena. Hoseng, a rora hape, “THUSANG! THUSAAANG!!!”  + + +  + + +Kgetlong lena, Tadi a feta moo mme a bona Nkwe.   + + +  + + +“O etsang moo, o itlamelletse sefateng tje?” ha botsa Tadi.  + + +  + + +“Ke ne ke bapala papadi ya ho kgwehlisa le ho tiisa mmoho le Qibi mme a ntshiya mona hore ke bolawe ke tlala,” ha rialo Nkwe. “Ke a o kopa hle, a ko ntokolle. O na le meno a bohale haholo mme o ka kgona ho kgaola thapo ena kapele.”  + + +  + + +Tadi a utlwela Nkwe bohloko, empa o ne a tseba hore ha Nkwe a ka lokoloha, a ka mo ja. “Ha ke na bonnete,” ha rialo Tadi.  + + +  + + +“Ke a kopa hle,” ha rapela Nkwe. “Haesale ke dula mona letsatsi lohle le bosiu bohle. Ke nyorilwe haholo ebile ke lapile.”  + + + + + +  + + +Tadi ya batho. O ne a ena le pelo e ntle, empa a le bothoto. A qalella ho poma thapo ka meno. A e loma jwalo ho fihlela ho setse dikgwele tse mmalwa mme a emisa. Ha ho a ka ha etsahala letho. Nkwe ha a ka a sisinyeha. Tadi a poma dikgwele tsohle, e nngwe kamora e nngwe, ho fihlela qetellong Nkwe a se a lokolohile.  + + +  + + +“WRAAAAAA!” Nkwe a rora. Ho ena le ho leboha, a leka ho phamola Tadi. “WRAAAA!” a rora hape pele a hlasela ka leoto le leholo la ka pele.   + + +  + + +Tadi ya batho e ile ya itlola ya mathela mokoting o haufi le moo. O ne a le matjato, empa e seng matjato a lekaneng. Dinala tsa Nkwe tse bohale tsa fumana mokokotlo wa hae hantle pele a nyamela ka mokoting.  + + +  + + +Ho tloha tsatsing leo, diqibi le dinkwe ha di buisane. Ditadi ha di buisane le dinkwe le tsona. Mme ditadi hape ha di buisane le diqibi hobane di re ke molato wa diqibi tse ileng tsa qala mathata.  + + +  + + +Ho tloha tsatsing leo, tadi ya batho e na le mela boyeng ba yona. Mme bohle ba a tseba hore eo ke mengwapo e neng e etswe ke dinala tsa nkwe.",sot,Sesotho,"kwe, qibi le tad","Once, a very long time ago, all the animals were thin. This was because there",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2187 +the-leopard-the-otter-and-the-mouse,"Kudala kakhulu, zonke izilwane zazondile. Lokhu kwakubangelwa wukuthi kwakungekho ukudla okwanele ezingakudla.  + + +  + + +Kodwa uMthini, umkakhe kanye nezingane zabo zonke babekhuluphele impela. Babengabukeki neze belambile. Phela uMthini wayehlakaniphe kakhulu. Wayethole ichibi elingajulile eligcwele izinhlanzi, kodwa akazange atshele muntu. Njalo ekuseni wayehamba aye echibini bese ebuya nokudla okwanele yena kanye nomndeni wakhe.  + + +  + + +UNgwe wayondile futhi elambile. Wayelokhu ecinga okuthile angakudla. Ngolunye usuku, wabona uMthini waqaphela ukuthi ukhuluphele kangakanani.  + + +  + +“Mmmm,” kusho uNgwe. “Kwenzekani lapha? Ngicabanga ukuthi kufanele ngiwubheke lo mthini.”  + + +  + + +Ngakho, ngakusasa ekuseni wacasha otshanini obude eduze komuzi kaMthini walinda. Waze weza uMthini. Wayehamba kancane, eqiqinga nobhasikidi owawubonakala sengathi uyasinda kakhulu. UNgwe wagxuma waphuma emenweni.  + + +  + + +“Uphethe INI kulowo bhasikidi?” kumemeza uNgwe.  + + +“O! Mmmm … izinkuni! Ngiphethe izinkuni zokubasa ngizilethe ekhaya,” kusho uMthini. Kodwa wayesekhohliwe ukuthi uNgwe unekhala elibukhali elikwazi ukuhogela YONKE INTO.  + + +  + + +“Hhayi khona,” kubhodla uNgwe, “Ngizwa kunuka izinhlanzi futhi ngizozidla zonke.”  + + +  + + +UMthini wabe azi kahle ukuthi uyisinokwe esikhulu ukuthi angakwazi ukubalekela uNgwe, ogijima ashiye isithunzi. Kodwa uMthini wayehlakaniphe KABI.  + + +  + +��Kulungile-ke,” kusho uMthini. “Masihlale phansi ngaphansi kwalesi sihlahla esinomthunzi.” Bahlala phansi uMthini waphakamisa ukuthi, “Kungani ungabasi umlilo ngenkathi ngiya kwami ngiyolanda itswayi, upelepele namafutha, emva kwalokho sizitike ngesidlo esimnandi sindawonye.”  + + +  + + +“Yisu elihle lelo,” kwasho uNgwe egxuma eyocinga izinkuni ezomile angazibasa.   + + +  + +Nebala, wahamba uMthini waya emzini wakhe. Emva kwesikhashana wabuya netswayi, upelepele namafutha. Wayephethe nentambo ende eqinile. Wabeka konke phansi, wase eqala ukuthosa izinhlanzi.  + + +  + + +“We Ngwe,” kusho yona, “ngenkathi sisalinde izinhlanzi ukuthi zivuthwe, masidlale umdlalo. Sizosebenzisa le ntambo. Sizobophelana esihlahleni. Ungangibopha kuqala. Uma ngithi, ‘XEGISA’, kufanele uqinise intambo kakhulu. Uma ngithi, ‘QINISA’, kumele uyixegise intambo.”  + +Kodwa-ke, kwakuphambene lokhu. Sonke siyazi ukuthi u-‘qinisa’ usho ukuqinisa kanti ‘ukuxegisa’ kusho ukuxegisa. Kodwa uNgwe wayelambile ngempela. Wayecabanga ukuthi umdlalo uzokwenza isikhathi sihambe ngokushesha zize zivuthwe izinhlanzi.  + + +  + + +“Yisu elihle lelo,” kusho uNgwe.  + + +  + + +UMthini wama waqhiyama ngomhlane esihlahleni. “Kulungile-ke, yima ngomumo, XEGISA!”  + +UNgwe wagxuma waya phezulu wabophela uMthini wamuthi ngqi esihlahleni. Ngemuva kwesikhashana uMthini wamemeza wathi, “QINISA!” noNgwe wayesekhumula intambo ekhulula uMthini.   + + +  + + +“Manje, sekuyithuba lakho, Ngwe,” kusho uMthini.  + + +  + + +UNgwe waqhiyama ngomhlane esihlahleni wayesethi, “XEGISA!”  + + +  + + +Ngokushesha uMthini wabophela uNgwe wamuthi ngqi esihlahleni.  + + +  + + +Ngemuva kwesikhashana, uNgwe wamemeza, “KULUNGILE, QINISA!” Kodwa esikhundleni sokudlala umdlalo ayekade ewuchazile, uMthini wabopha intambo yazungeza uNgwe. Wayibopha wayiqinisa ngendlela yokuthi uNgwe wayengasakwazi ukukhululeka.  + + +  + + +“Yima bo!” kumemeza uNgwe. “Ngikhathele yilo mdlalo manje.”  + + +  + + +UMthini wavele wahleka. Wahlala phansi eduze komlilo wabe esedla ukudla kwakhe. Uthe uma eseqedile, waqoqa izinhlanzi ezazisalele umndeni wakhe, waqonda ekhaya.  + + +  + + +UNgwe wabhonga, wabhonga, wabhonga. “SIIIIZAAANI!!!” Usuku lonke kanye nobusuku bangalelo langa, uNgwe wamemeza ecela usizo. Akekho owaqhamukayo.  + + +  + + +Ngenhlanhla nje kaNgwe indaba yakhe yayingaphelile. Ekuseni, waphinde wabhonga futhi, “SIZANI! SIIIZAAANI!!!”  + + +  + + +Kulokhu-ke, uGundane weza wabona uNgwe.  + +“Wenzani lapha, uboshelwe esihlahleni ngqi nje?” kubuza uGundane.   + + +  + + +“Bengidlala umdlalo wokuxegisa nokuqinisa noMthini ovele wangishiya lapha ngibulawa yindlala,” kusho uNgwe. “Ngicela ungikhulule, ngiyacela. Unamazinyo abukhali kakhulu, ungakwazi ukuququda intambo ngokushesha.”  + + +  + + +UGundane wamdabukela uNgwe, kodwa wayazi ukuthi uma engakhulula uNgwe, wayezodliwa. “Anginasiqiniseko ngalokho,” kusho uGundane.  + + +  + + +“Ngiyacela,” kuncenga uNgwe. “Kade ngilapha usuku lonke nobusuku bonke. Ngomile futhi ngilambile.”  + + + + +UGundane bandla! Wayenenhliziyo enhle, kodwa eyisilinyana. Waqala ukuququda intambo. Waququda izindawana ezimbalwa wase ema. Akwenzekanga lutho. UNgwe akazange anyakaze. UGundane wabe eseququda zonke izingxenyana ezenza lo mkhumbi, enye ngemuva kwenye, uNgwe waze wakhululeka.  + + +  + + +“WAAAAAA!” kubhodla uNgwe. Esikhundleni sokubonga, wazama ukuxhakathisa uGundane. “WAAAA!” ebhodla futhi ngenkathi ebhudukeza ngesidladla sakhe esikhulu.  + + +  + + +UGundane bandla wanswininiza wapulukutshela wangena emgodini oseduze. Wayeshesha, kodwa akakwazanga ukushesha ngokwanele. Amazipho acijile kaNgwe amshaya emhlane uGundane ngaphambi nje kokuthi angene emgodini.  + + +  + + +Ukusukela ngalelo langa, imithini nezingwe akukhulumisani. Namagundane awakhulumi nezingwe. Futhi amagundane awakhulumi nemithini ngoba agxeka yona ngokudala inkathazo.  + + +  + + +Futhi ukusukela ngalelo langa, igundane elizihluphekelayo bandla linemithende eboyeni obusemhlane walo. Kanti wonke umuntu uyazi ukuthi leyo mithende iyimihuzuko eyenziwa yizidladla zengwe ngelinye ilanga.",zul,isiZulu,"Ingwe, umthini negundane","Once, a very long time ago, all the animals were thin. This was because there",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2179 +the-leopard-the-otter-and-the-mouse,"Kgalekgale diphoofolo ka moka di be di otile. Ke ka gobane go be go se na dijo tše di lekanego.  + + +  + + +Efela, moswe, mosadi wa gagwe le bana ba gagwe ka moka ba be ba none kudu. Ba be ba bonala ba se ba swarwe ke tlala le gatee. Wa bona, Moswe o be a le bohlale kudukudu. O hweditše letsha leo le sa išego la go tlala dihlapi, efela a se botše motho le o tee. Mesong ye mengwe le ye mengwe o be a eya letsheng a tla le tša go lekana yena le ba lapa la gagwe.  + + +  + + +Lepogo o be a otile gape a swerwe ke tlala. O be a dula a nyaka dijo. Ka letšatši le lengwe o bone Moswe gomme a lemoga gore o nonne.  + + +  + + +“Mmmm,” a realo Lepogo. ���Go direga eng fa? Ke swanetše go hlokomela Moswe wo.”  + + +  + + +Gomme, mesong ya go latela a khuta ka gare ga mabjang a matelele kgauswi le ntlo ya Moswe. Mafelelong Moswe a tla. O be a sepela ka go nanaya a swere seroto sa go bonala se le boima kudu. Lepogo o ile a taboga a tšwa ka gare ga bjang bjo botelele.  + + +  + + +“O swere ENG ka serotong?” Lepogo a goeletša.  + + + + + +  + + +“Oo! Eee … dikgong! Ke iša dikgong gae,” a realo Moswe. Efela o lebetše goreLepogo o na le nko ya botse ya go kgona go dupelela TŠOHLE.  + + +  + + +“Aowaowa,” gwa ngongorega Lepogo, “Ke kwa monkgo wa dihlapi gomme ke tla di ja ka moka ga tšona.”  + + +  + + +Moswe o tseba gore ga a na lebelo bjalo ka Lepogo, wa lebelo le legolo. Efela Moswe o be a le bohlale KUDU.  + + +  + + +“Go lokile,” a realo Moswe. “A re dule fase moriting wo wa mohlare.” Ba dutše fase gomme Moswe a šišinya, “Nkane o sa gotše mollo ge nna ke eya go tšea letswai, pepere le oli gae, gomme ra tla ra ipshina ka dijo tša bose mmogo.”  + + +  + + +“Ke kgopolo ye botse,” a realo Lepogo a fofa go yo topelela dikgong tša mollo.  + + +  + + +Gomme, Moswe a ya ntlong ya gagwe. Ka pejana a boa le letswai, pepere le oli. O tlile le thapo ya go tia ye telele. O beile dilo tšohle fase gomme a thoma go gadika dihlapi.  + + +  + + +“Lepogo,” a realo, “a re bapale moraloko re sa emetše dihlapi gore di butšwe. Re tla diriša thapo ye. Re tla bofana mohlareng. O ka bofelela nna pele. Ge ke re, ‘NYEFIŠA’, o tiiše thapo. Ge ke re, ‘TIIŠA’, o nyefiše thapo.”  + + +  + + +Bjalo, ke tsela ya go fošagala ye. Bohle ba a tseba gore tiiša ke tiiša nyefiša ke nyefiša. Efela Lepogo o be a swerwe ke tlala. O be a nagana gore moraloko o tlo dira gore nako e sepele ka bjako go fihlela dihlapi di butšwa.  + + +  + + +“Ke kgopolo e botse,” a realo Lepogo.  + + +  + + +Moswe a furalela mohlare. “Go lokile, o itokišitše, NYEFIŠA!”  + + +  + + +Lepogo a fofela godimo a bofelela Moswe mohlareng. Ka morago Moswe a goelela, TIIŠA!” gomme Lepogo a bofolla thapo go lokolla Moswe.  + + +  + + +“Bjalo, Lepogo, ke sebaka sa gago,” a realo Moswe.  + + +  + + +Lepogo a furalela mohlare a re, “NYEFIŠA!”  + + +  + + +Moswe a bofelela Lepogo mohlareng a tiiša.  + + +  + + +Ka morago Lepogo a goelela, “GO LOKILE, TIIŠA!” Efela, go na le gore a bapale moraloko ka fao a o hlalošitšego ka gona, Moswe a tiiša thapo go dikologa Lepogo. A e tiiša gore Lepogo a se lokologe.  + + +  + + +“Aowa!” Lepogo a goeletša. “Bjale moraloko wo o ntapišitše.”  + + +  + + +Moswe o ile a sega. A dula mollong a ja dijo tša gagwe. O rile go fetša a tšea dihlapi tša go šala a ya go di fa ba lapa la gagwe.  + + +  + + +Lepogo la rora, la rora la rora. “THUŠAAANG!!!” Lepogo a goeletša a nyaka thušo mosegare le bošego bjohle. Ga go yo a tlilego.  + + +  + + +Bjale, go Lepogo ka mahlatse gwa se felele fao. Mesong o ile a rora gape, “THUŠANG! THUŠAAANG!!!”  + + +  + + +Gabjale, Legotlo le ile la tla gomme la bona Lepogo.  + + +  + + +“O dira eng fa, o bofeletšwe mohlareng?” Legotlo la botšiša.  + + +  + + +“Ke be ke bapala moraloko wa nyefiša le tiiša le Moswe gomme o ntlogetše fa gore ke bolawe ke tlala,” a realo Lepogo. “Ka kgopelo, hle, ntokolle. O na le meno a bogale, o ka loma thapo ye.”  + + +  + + +Moswe a kwela Lepogo bohloko, efela o be a tseba gore ge a lokolla Lepogo go tla jewa yena. “Ga ke na bonnete,” a realo Legotlo.  + + +  + + +“Ka kgopelo, hle,” Lepogo a kgopela. “Ke bile mo mosegare le bošego. Ke nyorilwe ebile ke swerwe ke tlala.”  + + + + + +  + + +Legotlo la batho. O be a na le pelo ya go loka efela a le setlaela. A thoma go loma thapo. A e lomaloma mahuto a ema. Ga se gwa direga selo. Lepogo ga se a šutha. Legotlo la loma mahuto ohle go fihlela Lepogo a lokologa.  + + +  + + +“RAAAAAA!” Lepogo la rora. Go na le gore le leboge, le leka go swara legotlo. “RAAAA!” la rora gape le foša lerofa la gagwe le legolo.  + + +  + + +Legotlo la batho la lla la tsena ka moleteng wa kgauswi. Le dirile ka bjako le ge e se bjako bjalo. Manala a bogale e Lepogo a mmetha mokokotlo pele a sobelela ka moleteng.  + + +  + + +E sale go tloga nako yeo meswe le mapogo ga ba boledišane. Magotlo le ona ga a bolediše Mapogo. Magotlo le ona ga a boledišane le meswe ka gobane meswe ke yona e thomilego bothata.  + + +  + + +Gomme e sale go tloga ka letšatši leo, magotlo a batho, a na le methaladi boyeng bja ona. Gomme bohle ba tseba gore ke mengwapo ya marofa a Lepogo.",nso,Sepedi,"Lepogo, moswe le legotlo","Once, a very long time ago, all the animals were thin. This was because there",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2191 +the-leopard-the-otter-and-the-mouse,"Eendag, lank, lank gelede, was al die diere baie maer. Dit was omdat daar nie genoeg kos was om te eet nie.  + + +  + + +Maar Otter, sy vrou en al sy kinders was spekvet. Dit het nie gelyk of hulle honger ly nie. Jy sien, Otter was baie, baie slim. Hy het ’n vlak meer vol vis gevind, maar hy het vir niemand daarvan vertel nie. Elke oggend het hy na die meer toe gegaan en net genoeg vis vir hom en sy gesin gevang.  + + +  + + +Luiperd was maer en honger. Hy was altyd op soek na iets om te eet. Op ’n dag sien hy vir Otter en sien ook hoe vet hy is.  + + +  + + +“Mmmm,” sê Luiperd. “Wat gaan hier aan? Ek dink ek moet hierdie otter dophou.”  + + +  + + +Die volgende oggend kruip hy toe in die lang gras naby Otter se huis weg en hy wag. Uiteindelik kom Otter verby. Hy loop stadig en dra ’n mandjie wat baie swaar lyk. Luiperd spring uit die lang gras uit.  + + +  + + +“WAT het jy in daardie mandjie?” grom Luiperd.  + + +“O! Ummm … vuurmaakhout! Ek dra vuurmaakhout terug na my huis toe,” sê Otter. Maar hy het vergeet dat Luiperd ’n baie goeie neus het en ALLES kan ruik.  + + +  + + +“O nee,” grom Luiperd, “ek ruik vis, en ek gaan alles opeet.”  + + +  + + +Otter weet hy is te stadig om weg te kom van Luiperd af, wat baie vinnig kan hardloop. Maar Otter is BAIE slim.  + + +  + +“Goed dan,” sê Otter. “Kom ons sit onder hierdie koelteboom.” Hulle gaan sit en Otter sê: “Waarom maak jy nie ’n vuur terwyl ek huis toe gaan om ’n bietjie sout, peper en olie te gaan haal nie, en dan kan ons ’n heerlike maaltyd saam geniet.”  + + +  + + +“Blink plan,” sê Luiperd wat opspring om droë vuurmaakhout vir die vuur te gaan soek.  + + +  + + +Otter gaan na sy huis toe. Sommer gou is hy terug met die sout, peper en olie. Hy het ook ’n lang stuk sterk tou saamgebring. Hy sit alles op die grond neer en begin die vis braai.  + + +  + + +“Luiperd,” sê hy, “kom ons speel ’n speletjie terwyl ons wag vir die vis om gaar te word. Ons kan hierdie tou gebruik. Ons bind mekaar aan die boom vas. Jy kan my eerste vasbind. Wanneer ek ‘LOS’ sê, moet jy die tou stywer vasbind. Wanneer ek ‘VAS’ sê, moet jy die tou losmaak.”  + + +  + + +Dit was natuurlik verkeerdom. Almal weet vas beteken vas en los beteken los. Maar Luiperd is honger. Hy dink die speletjie sal die tyd vinniger laat omgaan terwyl die vis gaar word.  + + +  + + +“Blink plan,” sê Luiperd.  + + +  + +Otter staan met sy rug teen die boom. “Goed, gereed, LOS!”  + + +  + + +Luiperd spring op en bind Otter aan die boom vas. Na ’n rukkie skree Otter: “VAS!” en Luiperd maak die tou los om Otter vry te laat.  + + +  + + +“Nou is dit jou beurt, Luiperd,” sê Otter.  + + +  + + +Luiperd gaan sit met sy rug teen die boom en roep: “LOS!”  + + +  + + +Gou bind Otter vir Luiperd styf aan die boom vas.  + + +  + + +Na ’n rukkie skree Luiperd: “GOED, VAS!” Maar in plaas daarvan om die speletjie te speel soos hy dit verduidelik het, bind Otter vir Luiperd stywer vas. Hy bind die tou so styf vas dat Luiperd nie kan loskom nie.  + + +  + + +“Komaan!” roep Luiperd. “Ek’s nou moeg vir hierdie speletjie.”  + + +  + + +Otter lag net. Hy gaan sit by die vuur en geniet sy ete. Toe hy klaar is, pak hy die res van die vis vir sy gesin in en gaan huis toe.  + + +  + + +Luiperd brul en brul en brul. “HEEELLLPPP!!!” Die res van die dag en die hele nag roep Luiperd na iemand om hom te kom help. Maar niemand kom nie.  + + +  + + +Gelukkig vir Luiperd is dit nie die einde van die storie nie. Die volgende oggend brul hy weer: “HELP! HEEELLLPPP!!!”  + + +  + + +Hierdie keer kom Muis verby en sien vir Luiperd.  + + +  + + +“Wat doen jy hier, so vasgebind aan die boom?” vra Muis.  + + +  + + +“Ek het ’n speletjie van los en vas met Otter gespeel en hy het my net hier gelos om dood te gaan van die honger,” sê Luiperd. “Maak my asseblief tog los. Jy het sulke skerp tande en jy kan vinnig deur die tou knaag.”  + + +  + + +Muis voel jammer vir Luiperd, maar hy weet as hy vir Luiperd losmaak, sal Luiperd hom opeet. “Ek’s nie seker nie,” sê Muis.  + + +  + + +“Asseblief,” smeek Luiperd. “Ek is al ’n hele dag en nag lank hier. Ek is so dors en honger.”  + + + + +Arme Muis. Hy is goedhartig, maar baie dwaas. Hy begin aan die tou knaag. Hy knaag deur ’n paar drade en wag. Niks gebeur nie. Luiperd roer nie. Toe knaag Muis deur al die drade, een vir een, totdat Luiperd uiteindelik vry is.  + + +  + + +“WRAAAAAA!” brul Luiperd. In plaas daarvan om dankbaar te wees, probeer hy vir Muis gryp. “WRAAAA!” brul hy weer terwyl hy met sy groot poot kap.  + + +  + + +Arme Muis piep en skarrel in ’n gat daar naby in. Muis is vinnig, maar nie vinnig genoeg nie. Luiperd slaan sy skerp kloue in Muis se rug in net voor hy in die gat kan verdwyn.  + + +  + + +Van toe af praat otters en luiperds nie met mekaar nie. Muise praat ook nie met luiperds nie. En muise sal ook nie met otters praat nie, want hulle blameer die otters dat hulle al die moeilikheid begin het.  + + +  + + +En van daardie dag af, het die arme, arme muis strepe op sy pels. En almal weet dit is die krapmerke wat luiperd se kloue gemaak het.",afr,Afrikaans,"Die luiperd, die otter en die muis","Once, a very long time ago, all the animals were thin. This was because there",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2177 +the-sky-falling-down,"One sunny day, Little Chicken went out to look for food. She was walking under a clump of marula trees, when suddenly THWACK! – a fruit from one of the trees fell on her head.  + + +“Ow! Something fell on my head!” clucked Little Chicken. She looked up and saw nothing but the sky. “Oh my goodness,” said Little Chicken. “It must be the sky. The sky is falling down. I must go tell the chief.” So off she went cluck, cluck, clucking, and then she met Rooster pecking in the field.  + + +  + +Rooster looked up from his pecking. “Where are you going, Little Chicken?” he asked.  + + +  + + +“I’m going to tell the chief that the sky is falling down,” explained Little Chicken.  + + +  + + +“That’s awful! May I come with you to give the chief this news?” asked Rooster.  + + +  + + +“Yes,” said Little Chicken, “you may come with me.”  + + +  + +So Little Chicken and Rooster went to tell the chief that the sky was falling down. They walked along clucking and pecking, and then they met Duck at the edge of the farm dam.  + + +  + + +“Where are you going, Little Chicken and Rooster?” asked Duck.  + + +  + + +“We’re going to tell the chief that the sky is falling down,” explained Little Chicken.  + + +  + + +“That’s awful! May I come with you to give the chief this news?” asked Duck.  + + +  + + +“Certainly,” said Little Chicken and Rooster. “Come with us.”  + + +  + + +So Little Chicken, Rooster and Duck went to tell the chief that the sky was falling down. They walked along clucking, pecking and quacking, and then they met Goose.  + + +  + + +“Where are you going?” asked Goose.  + +“We’re going to tell the chief that the sky is falling down,” explained Little Chicken.  + + +  + + +“May I come with you?” asked Goose.  + + +  + + +“Yes,” said Little Chicken, Rooster and Duck.  + + +  + + +So Little Chicken, Rooster, Duck and Goose went to tell the chief that the sky was falling down. They walked along clucking, pecking, quacking and honking, and then they met Turkey.  + + +“Where are you all going?” asked Turkey.  + + +  + + +“We’re going to tell the chief that the sky is falling down,” explained Little Chicken.  + + +  + + +“May I come with you?” asked Turkey.  + + +  + + +“Oh yes, of course you may,” said Little Chicken, Rooster, Duck and Goose.  + + +  + + +So Little Chicken, Rooster, Duck, Goose, and Turkey all went to tell the chief that the sky was falling down. They walked along, clucking, pecking, quacking, honking and gobbling, and then they met Jackal.  + +Jackal asked, “Where are you going, Little Chicken, Rooster, Duck, Goose and Turkey?”  + + +  + + +“Jackal,” they said, “we’re going to tell the chief that the sky is falling down.”  + + +  + + +“Oh! But this is not the way to the chief,” said Jackal. “I know the right way. Shall I show you?”  + + +  + + +“Yes, please, Jackal,” they answered.  + + +  + + +“Follow me then,” said Jackal. “This way, quickly!”  + +So Little Chicken, Rooster, Duck, Goose, Turkey and Jackal all went to tell the chief that the sky was falling down. They walked and walked until they came to a narrow and dark hole. Now, this was the door to Jackal’s cave. But Jackal said, “This is the short way to the chief’s kraal. You’ll soon get there if you follow me. I will go first and you must follow me.”  + + +  + + +“Thank you,” said Little Chicken, Rooster, Duck, Goose and Turkey.  +  + +So Jackal went into his cave. He didn’t go all the way to the end. He stopped halfway and turned around to wait. At last he saw Turkey coming through the dark hole into the cave. Turkey didn’t get very far when suddenly Jackal snapped at him and tore out a whole bunch of feathers.  + + +  + + +“Oh no!” gobbled Turkey. “No, no, no!” He turned around to run out of the cave and bumped straight into Goose. Goose turned and bumped into Duck. Duck turned and bumped into Rooster. Rooster turned and bumped into Little Chicken. And Little Chicken? Little Chicken fell PLOP! on the ground.  + + +Quickly she jumped up, and then every single one of them ran out of the cave as fast as they could! They ran and ran until at last, puffing and panting, Little Chicken, Rooster, Duck, Goose and Turkey got home safely. And that is where they stayed.  + + +  + + +They never trusted Jackal again. Of course, none of them got to the chief’s kraal and no one ever told the chief that the sky was falling down.  + + +  +And … guess what? To this very day, it never has.",eng,English,The sky is falling down!,...,,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-sky-falling-down +the-sky-falling-down,"Ngenye imini ekwakugqatse ubhobhoyi uSikhukukazana waphuma esiya kufunaukutya. Wathi esahamba phantsi kwemithi yemarula embalwa neshinyeneyo, weva ngephanyazo kusithi SWAHLA! – isiqhamo esisuka komnye wemthi leyosawela phezu kwentloko yakhe.  + + +“Owu! Kukho into ewe phezu kwentloko yam!” wakokoza uSikhukukazana. Wajonga phezulu kodwa akabona nto ngaphandle kwesibhakabhaka. “Yho nasoke isimanga,” watsho uSikhukukazana. “Nakanjani sisibhakabhaka. Isibhakabhakasiyawa. Mandiye kukuxelela inkosi oku.” Nanko ke ehamba ekokoza, kokokoko, kokokoko, waze wadibana noMqhagi uxhola-xhola apho ethafeni.  + + +  + + +UMqhagi waphakamisa intloko ekuxholeni kwawo. “Iyaphi na indlela, Sikhukukazana?” wabuza.  + + +  + + +“Ndiya kuxelela inkosi ukuba isibhakabhaka siyawa,” wacacisanjalo uSikhukukazana.  + + +  + + +“Yho iyothusa loo nto! Ndingakukhapha siye kubika ezi ndaba enkosini?” wabuza uMqhagi.  + + +  + + +“Ewe,” watsho uSikhukukazana, “yiza sihambe.”  + + +  + + +Bahamba ke ngoko uSikhukukazana noMqhagi besiya kuxelela inkosi ukubaisibhakabhaka siyawa. Bahamba kunye bekokoza, bexhola-xhola, baze badibananoDada enyeleni yedama lefama le.  + + +  + + +“Niyaphi na, Sikhukukazana noMqhagi?” wabuza uDada.  + +“Siya kuxelela inkosi ukuba isibhakabhaka siyawa,” wachaza uSikhukukazana.  + + +  + + +“Yho iyothusa loo nto! Ndinganikhapha siye kubika ezi ndaba enkosini?” wabuza uDada.  + + +  + + +“Ngokuqinisekileyo,” kwatsho uSikhukukazana noMqhagi. “Yiza sihambe.”  + + +  + + +Bahamba ke ngoko uSikhukukazana, uMqhagi noDada besiya kuxelela inkosiukuba isibhakabhaka siyawa. Bahamba kunye bekokoza, bexhola-xhola, bekwikwiza, baza badibana noRhanisi.  + + +  + + +“Iyaphi na indlela?” wabuza uRhanisi.  + + +  + +“Siya kuxelela inkosi ukuba isibhakabhaka siyawa,” wachaza uSikhukukazana.  + + +  + + +“Ndinganikhapha?” wabuza uRhanisi.  + + +  + +“Ewe,” watsho uSikhukukazana, uMqhagi noDada.  + + +  + + +Bahamba ke uSikhukukazana, uMqhagi, uDada noRhanisi besiya kuxelelainkosi ukuba isibhakabhaka siyawa. Bahamba kunye bekokoza, bexhola-xhola, bekwikwiza kwaye behoki-hokiza ngokunjalo, baza badibana noKarikuni.  + + + + +“Niyaphi na nina nonke?” wabuza uKarikuni.  + + +  + + +“Siya kuxelela inkosi ukuba isibhakabhaka siyawa,” wachaza uSikhukukazana.  + + +  + + +“Ndinganikhapha?” wabuza uKarikuni.  + + +  + + +“Owu ewe, ungahamba nathi,” kwatsho uSikhukukazana, uMqhagi, uDada kunye noRhanisi.  + + +  + + +Bahamba ke uSikhukukazana, uMqhagi, uDada, uRhanisi noKarikuni, bonke besiya kuxelela inkosi ukuba isibhakabhaka siyawa. Bahamba kunyebekokoza, bexhola-xhola, bekwikwiza, behoki-hokiza kwaye begwityi-gwityizangokunjalo, baza ke badibana noDyakalashe.  + + +  + + +UDyakalashe wabuza wenjenje, “Iya phi na indlela, Sikhukukazana, Mqhagi, Dada, Rhanisi nawe Karikuni?”  + + +  + +“Dyakalashe,” batsho bonke, “siya kuxelela inkosi ukuba isibhakabhaka siyawa.”  + + +  + + +“Owu! Kodwa niyalahleka nje, le asiyondlela eya enkosini,” watshouDyakalashe. “Ndiyayazi indlela echanekileyo. Ndinganibonisa?”  + + +  + + +“Ewe, sincede torho, Dyakalashe,” baphendula.  + +“Ndilandeleni ke,” watsho uDyakalashe. “Nantsi indlela, khawulezani!”  + + +  + + +Bahamba ke ngoko uSikhukukazana, uMqhagi, uDada, uRhanisi, uKarikuninoDyakalashe, besiya kuxelela inkosi ukuba isibhakabhaka siyawa. Bahamba, bahamba bade baya kufika emngxunyeni omxinwa nomnyama. Lowo ke, yayingumnyango womqolomba kaDyakalashe. Kodwa uDyakalashe wathi, “Leke yindlela enqumlayo eya kwinkundla yenkosi. Niya kukhawuleza nifike aphoxa nithe nandilandela. Ndiza kungena kuqala nize ke nina nindilandele.”  + + +  + + +“Siyabulela,” watsho uSikhukukazana, uMqhagi, uDada, uRhanisi noKarikuni.  + +Ngoko ke, uDyakalashe wangena emqolombeni wakhe. Zange angene adeafike esiphelweni. Wangena nje, wema emva kocango, wazimela khona, walinda. Ekugqibeleni wabona uKarikuni engena ngomngxuma omnyamaemqolombeni. UKarikuni wayengekayi kude xa uDyakalashe emxhakamfulade wasiphula isipha seentsiba apho kuye.  + + +  + + +“Yhu hayi!” wakhala uKarikuni. “Hayi, hayi, hayi!” Wajika ebalekaukuphuma emqolombeni, waza wangqubeka kuRhanisi. URhanisi nayewajika, waza wangqubeka kuDada. UDada naye wajika, waza wangqubekakuMqhagi. UMqhagi naye wajika, waza wangqubeka kuSikhukukazana. Wathini ke yena uSikhukukazana? USikhukukazana wathi QUKULU! wawaphantsi engalindelanga.  + + +Ngokukhawuleza waxhuma wema ngeenyawo, yaza ingulowo nalowo wathingqe ukuphuma buphuthuphuthu kuloo mqolomba! Babaleka, babaleka badeekugqibeleni bekhefuza futhi bedinwe benjalo, uSikhukukazana, uMqhagi, uDada, uRhanisi noKarikuni, bafika ekhaya bekhuselekile. Kulapho ke bathibahlala khona.  + + +  + + +Zange baphinde bamthembe uDyakalashe. Phofu ke, akuzange kubekhonamnye kubo owaya kufikelela enkundleni yenkosi futhi akakho kubo owakhewaxelela inkosi ukuba isibhakabhaka sasisiwa.  + + +  + + +Kwaye kananjalo … qashisela? Kude kube nanamhla oku, asizange siwe.",xho,isiXhosa,Isibhakabhaka siyawa!,...,,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2167 +the-sky-falling-down,"Ka tsatsi le leng le neng le tjhesa Sethojana a tsamaya ho ya sela dijo. O nea tsamaya ka tlasa difate tse sehlotshwana tsa marula, ha a utlwa POTLO! –tholwana e tswang ho se seng sa difate ya mo wela hloohong.  + + +“Itjhu! Ho na le ntho e nkwetseng hloohong!” ha kakatletsa Sethojana. A shebahodimo mme a se ke a bona letho ntle le lehodimo feela. “Jonna wee,” harialo Sethojana. “E tlamehile hore ebe e le lehodimo. Lehodimo le wela fatshe. Ke tlameha ho ya bolella morena.” Yaba o a matha a ntse a kakatletsa mme akopana le Mokoko o ntse o kobokobola thoteng.  + + +  + + +Mokoko a phahamisa hlooho. “O ya kae, Sethojana?” a botsa.  + + +  + + +“Ke ilo bolella morena hore lehodimo le wela fatshe,” ha hlalosa Sethojana.  + + +  + + +“Ke hampe hakaakang! Na nka tla le wena ho ya tsebisa morena ditaba tsee?” ha botsa Mokoko.  + + +  + + +“Ee,” ha rialo Sethojana, “o ka nna wa tla le nna.”  + + +  + +Yaba Sethojana le Mokoko ba tsamaya ho ya bolella morena hore lehodimo lewela fatshe. Ba tsamaya mmoho ba ntse ba kakatletsa ba kobola fatshe, mme bakopana le Letata lebopong la letamo la polasi.  + + +  + + +“Le ya hokae, Sethojana le Mokoko?” ha botsa Letata.  + + +  + + +“Re ilo bolella morena hore lehodimo le wela fatshe,” ha hlalosa Sethojana.  + + +  + + +“Ke taba tse mpe hakaakang! Na nka tla le lona ho ya tsebisa morena ditabatsee?” ha botsa Letata.  + + +  + +“Ehlile,” ha rialo Sethojana le Mokoko. “Ha re tsamaye.”  + + +  + + +Yaba Sethojana, Mokoko le Letata ba tsamaya mmoho ho ya bolella morena horelehodimo le wela fatshe. Ba tsamaya mmoho ba ntse ba kakatletsa, ba kobolamme ba lla sa letata, yaba ba kopana le Gansi.  + + +  + + +“Le ya kae?” ha botsa Gansi.  + + +  + + +“Re ilo bolella morena hore lehodimo le wela fatshe,” ha hlalosa Sethojana.  + + +  + + +“Na nka tsamaya le lona?” ha botsa Gansi.  + + +  + +“Ee,” ha rialo Sethojana, Mokoko le Letata.  + + +  + + +Yaba Sethojana, Mokoko, Letata le Gansi ba tsamaya ho ya bolella morena horelehodimo le wela fatshe. Ba tsamaya mmoho ba kakatletsa, ba kobola, ba llaseka letata le seka gansi, mme yaba ba kopana le Kalakunu.  + + +“Le ya hokae kaofela ha lona?” ha botsa Kalakunu.  + + +  + + +“Re ilo bolella morena hore lehodimo le wela fatshe,” ha hlalosa Sethojana.  + + +  + + +“Na nka tsamaya le lona?” ha botsa Kalakunu.  + + +  + + +“Ehlile, o ka nna wa tla,” ha rialo Sethojana, Mokoko, Letata le Gansi.  + + +  + + +Yaba Sethojana, Mokoko, Letata, Gansi le Kalakunu kaofela ha bona ba yaho ya bolella morena hore lehodimo le wela fatshe. Ba tsamaya mmoho bakakatletsa, ba kobola, ba lla seka letata, ba lla seka gansi mme ba lla sekakalakunu, yaba ba kopana le Phokojwe.  + + +  + + +Phokojwe a botsa, “Le ya hokae, Sethojana, Mokoko, Letata, Gansile Kalakunu?”  + + +  + +“Phokojwe,” ba rialo, “re ilo bolella morena hore lehodimo le wela fatshe.”  + + +  + + +“Hao! Empa ena ha se tsela e yang moreneng,” ha rialo Phokojwe. “Ke tsebatsela e nepahetseng. Na le batla ke le bontshe?”  + + +  + + +“Ee, ka kopo hle, Phokojwe,” ba araba.  + + +  + + +“Ntateleng he,” ha rialo Phokojwe. “Ha re tsweng le mona, kapele!”  + + +  + + +Yaba Sethojana, Mokoko, Letata, Gansi, Kalakunu le Phokojwe kaofela habona ba ya ho ya bolella morena hore lehodimo le wela fatshe. Ba tsamaya, ba tsamaya ho fihlela ba fihla mokoting o mosesane o lefifi. Jwale, mona ene e le monyako wa lehaha la Phokojwe. Empa Phokojwe a re, “Ena ke tselae kgutshwane e lebang lesakeng la morena. Le tla fihla teng kapele ha le kantatela. Nna ke tla kena pele mme lona le ntatele.”  + + +  + +“Re a leboha,” ha rialo Sethojana, Mokoko, Letata, Gansi le Kalakunu.  + + +  + + +Yaba Phokojwe o kena ka lehaheng. Ha a ka a kenella ho fihla qetellong. Aemisa hare mme a fetoha a ema. Qetellong a bona Kalakunu a etla a tswamokoting o lefifi a kena ka lehaheng. Kalakunu ha a ka a ya hole ha a utlwahang Phokojwe a mo phamola mme a fothola seshoba sa masiba.  + + + “Jowee!” ha lla Kalakunu. “Tjhe bo, tjhe bo!” A fetoha mme a mathela ka ntleho lehaha mme a thula Gansi. Gansi a fetoha a thula Letata. Letata a fetohaa thula Mokoko. Mokoko a fetoha a thula Sethojana. Mme Sethojana yena? Sethojana a wa POTLO! fatshe.  + + +Kapelepele a tlolela hodimo, mme e mong le e mong wa bona a baleha batswa ka lehaheng ka potlako kamoo ba ka kgonang! Ba matha, ba mathaho fihlela qetellong, ba hema ka thata, Sethojana, Mokoko, Letata, Gansi leKalakunu ba fihla lapeng ba bolokehile. Mme yaba ba dula moo.  + + +  + + +Ha ba ka ba hlola ba tshepa Phokojwe le kgale. Ehlile, ha ho le a mong wabona ya ileng a fihla sakeng la morena mme ha ho le a mong ya kileng a bolellamorena hore lehodimo le ne le wela fatshe.  + + + Mme … le a tseba ke eng? Ho fihlela kajeno, ha le eso ka le wa.",sot,Sesotho,Lehodimo le wela fatshe!,...,,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2169 +the-sky-falling-down,"Ngelinye ilanga elalibalele uSikhukukazana waphuma wayofuna ukudla. Wayehamba ngaphansi kwehlashana lezihlahla zomaganu, ngokuphazima kweso KHITHI! – isithelo esiphuma kwesinye sezihlahla sawela phezu kwekhanda lakhe.  + + + +“Eshu! Kukhona okuthile okuwele phezu kwekhanda lami!” kutshiloza uSikhukukazana. Wabuka wayesebheka phezulu akaze abona lutho ngaphandle kwesibhakabhaka. “O, Nkosi yami,” kusho uSikhukukazana. “Kuyoba yisibhakabhaka. Isibhakabhaka siyawa bhu phansi. Kumele ngihambe ngiyotshela inkosi.” Ngakhowahamba etshiyoza, tshiyo, tshiyo emva kwalokho wahlangana noQhude ecoshacosha ensimini.  + +UQhude waphakamisa ikhanda ekucosheni kwakhe. “Uyaphi, we Sikhukukazana?” kubuza yena.  + + +  + + +“Ngizotshela inkosi ukuthi isibhakabhaka siyawa bhu phansi,” kuchaza uSikhukukazana.  + + +  + + +“Kwaze kwakubi! Ngingahamba nawe ukuyisa enkosini lezi zindaba?” kubuza uQhude.  + + +  + + +“Yebo,” kusho uSikhukukazana, “ungahamba nami.”  +  + +Ngakho uSikhukukazana noQhude bahamba bayotshela inkosi ukuthi isibhakabhaka sasiwa bhu phansi. Bahamba njalo betshiyoza futhi becoshacosha, base behlangana noDada osebeni lwedamu lasepulazini.  + + +  + + +“Niyaphi, we Sikhukukazana noQhude?” kubuza uDada.  + + +  + + +“Siyotshela inkosi ukuthi isibhakabhaka siyawa bhu phansi,” kuchaza uSikhukukazana.  + + +  + + +“Kwaze kwakubi lokho! Ngingahamba nani ukuyonikeza inkosi lezi zindaba?” kubuza uDada.  +  + +“Nakanjani,” kusho uSikhukukazana noQhude. “Woza uhambe nathi.”  + + +  + + +Ngakho-ke uSikhukukazana, uQhude noDada bahamba bayotshela inkosi ukuthi isibhakabhaka sasiwa bhu phansi. Bahamba njalo belokhu betshilotshiloza, becoshacosha futhi beklweklweza, emva kwalokho base behlangana noHansi.  + + +  + + +“Niyaphi?” kubuza uHansi.  + + +  + + +“Siyotshela inkosi ukuthi isibhakabhaka siyawa bhu phansi,” kuchaza uSikhukukazana.  + + +  + + +“Ngingakwazi ukuhamba kanye nani?” kubuza uHansi.  + + +  + +“Yebo,” kusho uSikhukukazana, uQhude noDada.  + + +  + + +Ngakho uSikhukukazana,uQhude, uDada noHansi bayotshela inkosi ukuthi isibhakabhaka sasiwa phansi. Ngakho bahamba njalo betshiyoza, becoshacosha, beklweklweza, futhi beheheza, emva kwalokho base behlangana noGalikhuni.  + + + +  + +“Siyahamba siyotshela inkosi ukuthi isibhakabhaka siyawa bhu phansi,” kuchaza uSikhukukazana.  + + +  + + +“Ningangivumela ngihambe kanye nani?” kubuza uGalikhuni.  + + +  + + +“Ehhene, impela ungeza,” kusho uSikhukukazana, uQhude, uDada kanye noHansi.  + + +  + + +Ngakho-ke uSikhukukazana,uQhude, uDada, uHansi, noGalikhuni bahamba bonke bayotshela inkosi ukuthi isibhakabhaka siyawa bhu phansi. Bahamba njalo, betshiyoza, becoshacosha, beklweklweza, beheheza, futhi begubuluza, emva kwalokho babe sebehlangana noMpungushe.  + +UMpungushe wabuza, “Niya kuphi bo, Sikhukukazana, Qhude, Dada, Hansi nawe Galikhuni?”  + + +  + + +“Mpungushe,” kusho bona, “siyahamba siyotshela inkosi ukuthi isibhakabha siyawabhu phansi.”  + + +  + + +“Impela! Kodwa le ndlela ayiyi enkosini,” kusho uMpungushe. “Mina ngiyayazi indlela okuyiyo. Nginikhombise yona?”  + + +  + + +“Yebo, siyakucela, Mpungushe,” bephendula.  + + +  + + +“Ngilandeleni-ke,” kusho uMpungushe. “Masibheke ngapha, ngokushesha!”  + +Nebala uSikhukukazana, uQhude, uDada, uHansi, uGalikhuni noMpungushe bahamba bonke bayotshela inkosi ukuthi isibhakabhaka siyawa phansi. Bahamba bahamba baze bafika emgodini omncanyana omnyama. Manje, lona kwakungumnyango ongena emhumeni kaMpungushe. Kodwa uMpungushe wayesethi, “Lena yindlela enqamulelayo eya emzini wenkosi. Ngokushesha nizofika khona uma nilandela mina. Ngizongena kuqala bese ningilandela.”  + + +  + + +“Siyabonga,” kusho uSikhukukazana, uQhude, uDada, uHansi kanye noGalikhuni.  + + +  + + +Nebala uMpungushe wangena emhumeni wakhe. Akangenanga waze wafika ekugcineni. Wama esephakathi nendawo wayesephenduka elinda. Ekugcineni wabona uGalikhuni engena ngembobo emnyama engenela emhumeni. UGalikhuni akahambanga ibanga elitheni ngenkathi uMpungushe emnephula futhi emhlephula isixha sezimpaphe.  + + +  + + +“Yo, cha!” kukhala uGalikhuni. “Hhayi, hhayi, hhayi!” Waphenduka wagijima ephuma emhumeni wazithela phezu kukaHansi. UHansi naye waphenduka wazithela phezu kukaDada. UDada waphenduka yena wazithela phezu kukaQhude. UQhude waphenduka wayesezithela phezu kukaSikhukukazana. Usikhukukazana yena-ke? USikhukukazana wawa BHU! phansi.  + + +Ngokushesha wagxuma waya phezulu, emva kwalokho zonke lezi zilwane ngasinye zabaleka zaphuma emgodini zagijima kakhulu ngokungangamandla azo! Zagijima zagijima kwaze kwathi ekugcineni, sezihefuzela ziphefumulela phezulu, uSikhukukazana,uQhude, uDada, uHansi kanye noGalikhuni bafika ekhaya bephephile. Kanti yilapho babe sebehlala khona.  + + +  + + +Abaphindanga bamethemba uMpungushe futhi. Impela, akukho namunye kubo owafika emzini wenkosi futhi akukho namunye owake watshela inkosi ukuthi isibhakabhaka sasiwa bhu phansi.  + + +  +Futhi … uyazi ukuthini? Kuze kube namuhla, isibhakabhaka asikaze nje siwe.  + + + + + + +  + + +“Niyaphi nonke?” kubuza uGalikhuni.",zul,isiZulu,Isibhakabhaka bhu phansi! | Story Resources,...,,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2171 +the-sky-falling-down,"Ka letšatši le lengwe Kgogotshadinyana o ile a tšwa go nyaka dijo. O be a sepela katlase ga sehlopha sa mehlare ya marula, ge ka pejana go kwagala THWAA! – seenywago tšwa go o mongwe wa mehlare sa wela hlogong ya gagwe.  + + + + +“Joo! Selo se sengwe se wetše hlogong ya ka!” gwa kokoretša Kgogotshadinyana. Olebeletše godimo gomme a se bone selo ge e se leratadima. “Joo ke mehlolo ye,” gwabolela Kgogotshadinyana. “E swanetše go ba e le leratadima. Leratadima le wela fase. Ke swanetše go yo botša kgoši.” Ka fao a tloga a re kokoko, kokoko, a kokoretša gommeka morago a kopana le Mokoko o kobola ka tšhemong.  + + +  + + +Mokoko a lebela godimo ge a fetša go kobola. “O ya kae, Kgogotshadinyana?” a botšiša.   + + +  + + +“Ke ile go botša kgoši gore leratadima le wela fase,” gwa hlaloša Kgogotshadinyana.  + + +  + + +“Seo ke semaka ruri! Nka ya le wena go botša kgoši ditaba tše?” gwa botšiša Mokoko.  + + +   + +“Ee,” a realo Kgogotshadinyana, “o ka ya le nna.”  + + +  + + +Ka fao Kgogotshadinyana le Mokoko ba ya go botša kgoši gore leratadima le wela fase. Ba be ba sepela mmogo ba kokoretša le go kobola, gomme ka morago ba kopana leLepidibidi leribeng la letamo la polasa.  + + +  + + +“Le ya kae, Kgogotshadinyana le Mokoko?” gwa botšiša Lepidibidi.  + + +  + + +“Re ile go botša kgoši gore leratadima le wela fase,” gwa hlaloša Kgogotshadinyana.  + + +  + + +“Seo ke semaka ruri! Nka ya le lena go botša kgoši ditaba tše?” gwa botšiša Lepidibidi.  + + +  + + +“Gabotse fela,” gwa realo Kgogotshadinyana le Mokoko. “Eya le rena.”  + +Ka fao Kgogotshadinyana, Mokoko le Lepidibidi ba ya go botša kgoši gore Leratadimale wela fase. Ba be ba sepela mmogo ba kokoretša, kobola le go koakoa gomme kamorago ba kopana le Legantshe.  + + +  + + +“Le ya kae?” gwa botšiša Legantshe.  + + +  + + +“Re ile go botša kgoši gore leratadima le wela tlase,” gwa hlaloša Kgogotshadinyana.  + + +  + + +“Nka ya le lena?” gwa botšiša Legantshe.  + + +  + + +“Ee,” gwa relao Kgogotshadinyana, Mokoko le Lepidibidi.  + +Ka fao Kgogotshadinyana, Mokoko, Lepidibidi le Legantshe ba ya go botša kgoši goreleratadima le wela fase. Ba be ba sepela mmogo ba kokoretša, kobola, koakoa le gohohonka, gomme ka morago ba kopana le Lekalakune.  + + + + + +  + + +“Le ya kae ka moka?” gwa botšiša Lekalakune.  + + +  + + +“Re ile go botša kgoši gore leratadima le wela fase,” gwa hlaloša Kgogotshadinyana.  +  + +“Nka ya le lena?” gwa botšiša Lekalakune.  + + +  + + +“Aowi ee, ka nnete o ka no ya,” gwa relao Kgogotshadinyana, Mokoko, Lepidibidile Legantshe.  + + +  + + +Ka fao Kgogotshadinyana, Mokoko, Lepidibidi, Legantshe le Lekalakune ba ya gobotša kgoši gore Leratadima le wela fase. Ba be ba sepela mmogo ba kokoretša, kobola, koakoa, hohonka le go gabura, gomme ka morago ba kopana le Phukubje.  + + +  + +Gwa botšiša Phukubje, “Le ya kae, Kgogotshadinyana, Mokoko, Lepidibidi, Legantshe le Lekalakune?”  + + +  + + +“Phukubje,” ba realo, “re ile go botša kgoši gore leratadima le wela fase.”  + + +  + + +“Ao! Efela ye ga se tsela ya go ya go kgoši,” gwa realo Phukubje. “Ke tseba tsela yamaleba. Nka le bontšha?”  + + +  + + +“Ee, hle, Phukubje,” ba araba.  + +“Bjale ntateleng,” a realo Phukubje. “Tsela ke ye, ya ka pejana!”  + + +  + + +Ka fao Kgogotshadinyana, Mokoko, Lepidibidi, Legantshe, Lekalakune le Phukubjeba ile go botša kgoši gore leratadima le wela fase ka moka. Ba sepetše sebaka gofihlela ba fihla moleteng wo mosesane gape wa leswiswi. Bjale, se ke lebati la lewala Phukubje. Efela Phukubje a re, “Se ke tsela ya go kgaoletša go ya go kgorongya kgoši. E se kgale le tla fihla ge le ka ntatela. Ke tla tsena pele gomme lena leswanelwa ke go ntatela.”  + + +  + + +“Re a leboga,” gwa realo Kgogotshadinyana, Mokoko, Lepidibidi, Legantshele Lekalakune.  + +Ka fao Phukubje ya tsena ka leweng la yona. Ga se a ye go fihla mafelelong. O ile aema gare ga tsela gomme a retologa go ba emela. Mafelelong a bona Lekalakune aetla ka moleteng wa leswiswi ka leweng. Lekalakune ga se a fihle kgole ge ka pejanaPhukubje a mo phuthuma gomme a ntšha ntšhuhla ka botlalo ya mafofa.  + + +  + + +“Joo aowa!” gwa gabutša Lekalakune. “Aowa, aowa, aowa!” A retologa gore atšhabe ka leweng gomme a thula Legantshe thwii. Legantshe a retologa a thulaLepidibidi. Lepidibidi a retologa a thula Mokoko. Mokoko a retologa a thulaKgogotshadinyana. Gomme Kgogotshadinyana? Kgogotshadinyana a wa PHU! mo fase.  + + + + +Ka pejana a tshelela godimo, gomme yo mongwe le yo mongwe wa bona atšhaba ka leweng ka lebelo ka mo a ka kgonago! Ba kitima le go kitima go fihlelamafelelong, Kgogotshadinyana, Mokoko, Lepidibidi, Legantshe le Lekalakuneba fihla gae ka polokego ba fufuletšwe le go hemelana. Gomme ke fao badutšego gona.  + + +  + + +Ga se ba ka ba tshepa Phukubje gape. Ka nnete, ga go le o tee wa bona yo afihlilego kgorong ya kgoši gomme ga go motho yo a ilego a botša kgoši goreleratadima le wela fase le gatee.  + + +  + + +Gomme … o akanya eng? Go fihla nankhono, ga se nke le dire.",nso,Sepedi,Leratadima le wela fase!,...,,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2173 +the-sky-falling-down,"Een sonnige dag gaan Hennetjie uit om kos te soek. Toe sy onder ’n klomp maroelabome deurloop, val ’n vrug van een van die bome skielik KADOEF! op haar kop.  + + + + +“Eina! Iets het op my kop geval!” kloek Hennetjie. Sy kyk op en sien niks behalwe die lug nie. “Goeiste,” sê Hennetjie. “Dit moet die hemel wees. Die hemel val. Ek moet die hoofman gaan vertel.” En daar gaan sy al kloek-kloekend, en toe ontmoet sy vir Hoenderhaan wat in die veld loop en pik.  + + +  + + +Hoenderhaan kyk op. “Waarheen is jy op pad, Hennetjie?” vra hy.  + + +  + + +“Ek gaan vir die hoofman vertel dat die hemel val,” verduidelik Hennetjie.  + + +  + + +“Dis verskriklik! Kan ek saam met jou kom om vir die hoofman hierdie nuus te vertel?” vra Hoenderhaan.  + +“Waarheen is julle op pad, Hennetjie en Hoenderhaan?” vra Eend.  + + +  + + +“Ons gaan vir die hoofman vertel dat die hemel val,” verduidelik Hennetjie.  + + +  + + +“Dis verskriklik! Kan ek saam met julle kom om vir die hoofman hierdie nuus te vertel?” vra Eend.  + + +  + + +“Natuurlik,” sê Hennetjie en Hoenderhaan. “Kom saam met ons.”  + + +  + + +Hennetjie, Hoenderhaan en Eend loop toe om vir die hoofman te gaan vertel dat die hemel val. Hulle loop en kloek, pik en kwaak, en toe ontmoet hulle vir Gans.  + + +  + + +“Waarheen is julle op pad?” vra Gans.  + + +  + + +“Ons gaan vir die hoofman vertel dat die hemel val,” verduidelik Hennetjie.  + +“Kan ek saam met julle kom?” vra Gans.  + + +  + + +“Ja,” sê Hennetjie, Hoenderhaan en Eend.  + + +  + + +Hennetjie, Hoenderhaan, Eend en Gans loop toe om vir die hoofman te gaan vertel dat die hemel val. Hulle loop en kloek, pik, kwaak en blaas, en toe ontmoet hulle vir Kalkoen.  + + + + +Hennetjie, Hoenderhaan, Eend, Gans en Kalkoen loop toe om vir die hoofman te gaan vertel dat die hemel val. Hulle loop en kloek, pik, kwaak, blaas en koel-koel, en toe ontmoet hulle vir Jakkals.  + + +  + + +Jakkals vra: “Waarheen is julle op pad, Hennetjie, Hoenderhaan, Eend, Gans en Kalkoen?”  + + +  + + +“Jakkals,” sê hulle, “ons gaan vir die hoofman vertel dat die hemel val.”  + + +  + + +“O! Maar dis nie die pad na die hoofman toe nie,” sê Jakkals. “Ek ken die regte pad. Moet ek vir julle wys?”  +  + +“Ja, asseblief, Jakkals,” antwoord hulle.  + + +  + + +“Volg my dan,” sê Jakkals. “Toe-toe, hierdie kant toe!”  + + +  + + +Hennetjie, Hoenderhaan, Eend, Gans, Kalkoen en Jakkals loop toe almal om vir die hoofman te gaan vertel dat die hemel val. Hulle stap en stap totdat hulle by ’n nou, donker ingang kom. Dit is natuurlik die ingang na Jakkals se grot. Maar Jakkals sê: “Dit is die kortpad na die hoofman se kraal. Julle sal gou daar wees as julle my volg. Ek sal eerste ingaan en dan moet julle my volg.”  + + +  + + +“Dankie,” sê Hennetjie, Hoenderhaan, Eend, Gans en Kalkoen.  + + +  + + +Jakkals stap toe in sy grot in. Hy stap nie tot aan die end nie. Halfpad gaan staan hy, draai om en wag. Uiteindelik sien hy vir Kalkoen by die donker ingang van die grot inkom. Maar Kalkoen kom nie baie ver nie, want Jakkals hap na hom en trek ’n hele klos vere uit.  + + +  + + +“O, nee!” koel-koel Kalkoen. “Nee, nee, nee!” Hy draai om om uit te hardloop, maar hy hardloop in Gans vas. Gans draai om en hardloop in Eend vas. Eend draai om en hardloop in Hoenderhaan vas. Hoenderhaan draai om en hardloop in Hennetjie vas. En Hennetjie? Hennetjie val KAPLAKS! op die grond.  + + + + +Hennetjie spring vinnig op, en toe hardloop elke enkele een van hulle so vinnig as wat hulle kan uit die grot uit! Hulle hardloop en hardloop tot Hennetjie, Hoenderhaan, Eend, Gans en Kalkoen swoegend en swetend veilig by hul huise is. En dit is waar hulle gebly het.  + + +  + + +Hulle het nooit weer vir Jakkals vertrou nie. Natuurlik het niemand by die hoofman se kraal uitgekom nie, en niemand het ooit vir die hoofman vertel dat die hemel val nie.  + + +  + + +En … raai wat? Tot vandag toe het dit nog nooit gebeur nie.  + + +  + + + +“Waarheen is julle almal op pad?” vra Kalkoen.  + + +  + + +“Ons gaan vir die hoofman vertel dat die hemel val,” verduidelik Hennetjie.  + + +  + + +“Kan ek saam met julle kom?” vra Kalkoen.  + + +  + + +“O ja, natuurlik kan jy,” sê Hennetjie, Hoenderhaan, Eend en Gans.",afr,Afrikaans,Die hemel val!,...,,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2185 +2021,"“I wish I didn’t have to go to school today,” Bhuti Rabbit said when he woke up. “I wish I could stay at home and sleep all day.” +  +In the kitchen Gogo Rabbit was busy making porridge. “Hurry up, children,” she called. “Breakfast is ready.” +  +“Coming, Gogo,” called Sisi Rabbit, bouncing out of bed. Sisi Rabbit always wanted to go to school. +  +“I don’t feel well, Gogo,” Bhuti Rabbit said. “My head is sore and my leg is sore and my throat is sore and even my elbow is sore.” +  +Gogo felt his head and took his temperature. “There’s nothing wrong with you,” she said. “Now get up and get dressed.” +  +Bhuti Rabbit got out of bed. Quickly he dropped his shoes out of the window. “I can’t find my school shoes,” he called. “I can’t go to school because I haven’t got my shoes.” +  +Sisi Rabbit had seen him. “You naughty rabbit,” she scolded. “You tried to hide them. Now hurry up. We’re going to be late.” +  +Bhuti Rabbit ate his porridge. Then he went to sit on the toilet. “My tummy hurts, Gogo,” he cried. “I’ve got such a pain in my tummy. I can’t walk to school.” +  +Gogo brought her big bottle of bitter medicine. “Here you are,” she said, “take two tablespoons of this and it will fix your tummy.” +  +“No, no, no!” shouted Bhuti Rabbit. “My tummy feels better now.” +  +“Off you go then,” said Gogo, giving them their school lunches. “Now learn hard and come home clever.” +  +Bhuti Rabbit dawdled behind his sister. She hopped and skipped and danced and pranced all the way to school, but he crawled along the road feeling sulky. “I don’t want to go to school,” he muttered. “I want to stay in bed.” + +  +Soon they reached the school gates. “Bye-bye, Bhuti,” called Sisi Rabbit, running inside. +  +Bhuti Rabbit looked around. Nobody was watching him. Quickly he hid behind a bush. He sat there, dead still and waited till the bell rang and everyone was inside the school. Then he ran back home. He climbed through the bedroom window and curled up in his bed. Soon he was fast asleep and snoring. +  +At eleven o’clock Bhuti Rabbit had had enough of sleeping. He was bored. He peeped out of the bedroom door. Where was Gogo? Oops. She was sitting in the kitchen, drinking tea with Mrs Dassie from next door. Bhuti Rabbit sighed. It was so boring lying in bed all day. +  +At twelve o’clock Bhuti Rabbit was thirsty. He peeped out of the bedroom door. Where was Gogo? Oh no. She was baking bread in the kitchen. Bhuti Rabbit sighed. He wanted some water to drink and someone to play with. + +At one o’clock Bhuti Rabbit checked again. This time Gogo Rabbit was talking to Umfundisi Fox. Umfundisi was eating some of Gogo’s home-made bread. The smell made Bhuti Rabbit’s mouth water. He wished he could have some of Gogo’s bread, hot from the oven. Bhuti Rabbit sighed. +  +At three o’clock Sisi Rabbit came bouncing home. Bhuti Rabbit jumped out of his window and came running in the front door after her. “Hello, Gogo,” he called. “I’m home from school.” +  +“That was the best day ever,” Sisi Rabbit said. “We had a drawing lesson with a real artist. We learnt to draw comics. And our principal is getting married. She brought cooldrinks and cake and chips for everyone. It was fun, wasn’t it, Bhuti?” +  +“Yes, yes,” said Bhuti Rabbit. His heart was sinking. Oh no. The one day he stayed in bed they got cake at school! +  +“What kind of cake did you get, Bhuti?” Gogo asked. +  +“It was chocolate,” Bhuti Rabbit lied. “Chocolate cake with caramel icing and cherries on the top.” I wish I’d gone to school, Bhuti Rabbit thought. I wish I’d had some of the cake. +  +Just then there was a knock on the door. There stood Bhuti Rabbit’s teacher, Miss Mouse. She was carrying a plate with a big piece of lovely cake. +  +“Hello, Gogo Rabbit,” she said. “I was so sad that Bhuti Rabbit was sick on such a special day that I kept a piece of cake for him. How is he? Is he feeling better?” +  +Oh no. Now Bhuti Rabbit was in trouble. He ran to his room, jumped out the window and went to hide in the tree in the yard. +  +“There he is,” Sisi Rabbit told Gogo. “He’s hiding in the mango tree.” +  +Gogo and Miss Mouse stood under the tree. “You’ve been a very naughty rabbit,” Gogo said sternly. “You ran away from school.” +  +“I’m sorry, Gogo. I’m sorry, Miss Mouse,” Bhuti Rabbit cried. “Please don’t be cross with me.” +  +“We will have to teach you a lesson,” Gogo said. “I wonder what we should do.” +  +“I know,” said Miss Mouse. “Why don’t you make me a cup of tea, and we can eat this delicious piece of chocolate cake. That will teach him that running away from school is very naughty.” +  +So Gogo put the kettle on, and she and Miss Mouse got two spoons and shared the piece of cake between them. Bhuti Rabbit’s mouth watered and his tummy rumbled, but there was no cake for him. Not one tiny crumb. + +From that day on Bhuti Rabbit never ran away from school again. Not even once. Staying in bed all day was just too boring! +  +Get creative! +Imagine that Bhuti Rabbit decided to make a card for Miss Mouse, which he was going to give her when he went to school the next day. What might he have written in this card? Suggest that your children make the card.",eng,English,Bhuti Rabbit’s boring day,"“I wish I didn’t have to go to school today,” Bhuti Rabbit said when he woke up. “I wish I could stay at home and sleep all day.” +  +In the kitchen Gogo Rabbit was busy making porridge. “Hurry up, children,” she called. ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/node/2021 +2021,"“Ek wens ek hoef nie vandag skool toe te gaan nie,” sê Boetie Konyn toe hy wakker word. “Ek wens ek kon by die huis bly en heeldag slaap.” +  +In die kombuis is Ouma Konyn besig om pap te maak. “Maak gou, kinders,” roep sy. “Ontbyt is gereed.” +  +“Ek kom, Ouma,” roep Sussie Konyn, en bons uit die bed. Sussie Konyn wil altyd skool toe gaan. +  +“Ek voel nie lekker nie, Ouma,” sê Boetie Konyn. “My kop is seer en my been is seer en my keel is seer en selfs my elmboog is seer.” +  +Ouma voel aan sy kop en neem sy koors. “Daar’s niks fout met jou nie,” sê sy. “Staan nou op en trek aan.” +  +Boetie Konyn klim uit die bed. Hy gooi vinnig sy skoene by die venster uit. “Ek kan nie my skoolskoene kry nie,” roep hy. “Ek kan nie skool toe gaan nie, want ek het nie my skoene nie.” +  +Sussie Konyn het hom gesien. “Jou stoute konyn,” raas sy. “Jy’t hulle probeer wegsteek. Maak nou gou. Ons gaan laat wees.” +  +Boetie Konyn eet sy pap. Toe gaan hy toilet toe. “Ouma, my maag pyn,” huil hy. “My maag is so seer. Ek kan nie skool toe stap nie.” +  +Ouma gaan haal haar groot bottel bitter medisyne. “Hierso,” sê sy, “drink twee eetlepels hiervan en dan sal jou maag nou-nou beter voel.” +  +“Nee, nee, nee!” sê Boetie Konyn. “My maag voel klaar beter.” +  +“Nou weg is julle,” sê Ouma, en gee hulle skoolkosblikke aan. “Gaan leer nou hard en kom slim huis toe.” +  +Boetie Konyn drentel agter sy sussie aan. Sy huppel en hop en dans en dartel heelpad skool toe, maar hy loop sleepvoet en dikmond agter haar aan. “Ek wil nie skool toe gaan nie,” mompel hy. “Ek wil in die bed bly.” + +  +Gou is hulle by die skoolhekke. “Tata, Boetie,” roep Sussie Konyn en hardloop binnetoe. +  +Boetie Konyn kyk om hom rond. Niemand kyk vir hom nie. Hy kruip gou agter ’n bos weg. Daar sit hy doodstil en wag tot die klok lui en almal in die skool is. Toe hardloop hy terug huis toe. Hy klim deur die slaapkamervenster en krul in sy bed op. Gou is hy vas aan die slaap en snork te heerlik. +  +Om elfuur is Boetie Konyn uitgeslaap. Hy is verveeld. Hy loer om die slaapkamerdeur. Waar is Ouma? Oeps. Sy sit in die kombuis en drink tee saam met hul buurvrou, mev. Dassie. Boetie Konyn sug. Dis so vervelig om heeldag in die bed te lê. +  +Teen twaalfuur is Boetie Konyn dors. Hy loer om die slaapkamerdeur. Waar is Ouma? Ag, nee. Sy bak brood in die kombuis. Boetie Konyn sug. Hy wil gaan water drink en met iemand speel. +  +Om eenuur kyk Boetie Konyn weer. Hierdie keer gesels Ouma Konyn met Eerwaarde Jakkals. Eerwaarde Jakkals eet van Ouma se tuisgebakte brood. Die reuk laat Boetie Konyn se mond water. Hy wens hy kon van Ouma se warm brood eet. Boetie Konyn sug. +  +Teen drie-uur kom Sussie Konyn huppelend huis toe. Boetie Konyn spring by sy venster uit en hardloop agter haar by die voordeur in. “Hallo, Ouma,” roep hy. “Ek is terug van die skool af.” +  +“Dit was die beste dag ooit,” sê Sussie Konyn. “Ons het ’n tekenles by ’n regte kunstenaar gehad. Ons het geleer hoe om strokiesprente te teken. En ons skoolhoof gaan trou. Sy het koeldrank en koek en tjips vir almal gebring. Dit was pret, nè, Boetie?” +  +“Ja, ja,” sê Boetie Konyn. Sy hart sink. Ag, nee. Die een dag wat hy in die bed bly, kry hulle koek by die skool! +  +“Watter soort koek het jy gekry, Boetie?” vra Ouma. +  +“Dit was sjokoladekoek,” jok Boetie Konyn. “Sjokoladekoek met karamelversiersel en kersies bo-op.” Ek wens ek het skool toe gegaan, dink Boetie Konyn. Ek wens ek het koek gekry. +  +Net toe klop iemand aan die deur. Daar staan Boetie Konyn se onderwyseres, Juffrou Muis. Sy dra ’n bordjie met ’n heerlike groot stuk koek. +  +“Hallo, Ouma Konyn,” sê sy. “Dis so jammer dat Boetie Konyn siek was op so ’n spesiale dag. Ek het vir hom ’n stukkie koek gebêre. Hoe gaan dit met hom? Voel hy beter?” +  +O, nee. Nou is Boetie Konyn in die moeilikheid. Hy hardloop na sy kamer toe, spring by die venster uit en gaan kruip in die boom in die agterplaas weg. +  +“Daar is hy,” sê Sussie Konyn vir Ouma. “Hy kruip in die mangoboom weg.” +  +Ouma en Juffrou Muis gaan staan onder die boom. “Jy is ’n baie stoute konyn,” sê Ouma streng. “Jy het stokkies gedraai.” +  +“Ek is jammer, Ouma. Ek is jammer, Juffrou Muis,” huil Boetie Konyn. “Moet asseblief nie vir my kwaad wees nie.” +  +“Ons sal jou ’n les moet leer,” sê Ouma. “Ek wonder wat ons moet doen.” +  +“Ek weet,” sê Juffrou Muis vir Ouma. “Waarom maak jy nie vir ons tee nie, en dan kan ons twee hierdie heerlike stuk sjokoladekoek eet. Dit sal hom leer dat dit baie stout is om stokkies te draai.” +  +Ouma gaan sit die ketel aan en sy en Juffrou Muis kry twee lepels en deel die stuk koek tussen hulle. Boetie Konyn se mond water en sy maag grom, maar daar is niks koek vir hom nie. Nie eens een klein krummeltjie nie. + +Van daardie dag af het Boetie Konyn nooit weer stokkies gedraai nie. Nie eens een keer nie. Om heeldag in die bed te bly, is net te vervelig! +  +Wees kreatief! +Gestel Boetie Konyn besluit hy wil vir Juffrou Muis ’n kaartjie maak wat hy die volgende dag vir haar wil gee wanneer hy weer skool toe gaan. Wat kan hy op hierdie kaartjie skryf? Stel voor dat jou kinders die kaartjie maak.",afr,Afrikaans,Boetie Konyn se vervelige dag,"“I wish I didn’t have to go to school today,” Bhuti Rabbit said when he woke up. “I wish I could stay at home and sleep all day.” +  +In the kitchen Gogo Rabbit was busy making porridge. “Hurry up, children,” she called. ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Deur Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/node/2023 +2021,"“Andikufuni tu ukuya esikolweni namhlanje,” wancwina watsho ezolula uBhuti Mvundla ukuvuka kwakhe. “Ndinqwenela ukuhlala ekhaya ndilale imini yonke.” +  +Ekhitshini uMakhulu Mvundla wayexakekile, epheka isidudu. “Khawulezisani, bantwana,” wakhwaza esitsho. “Isidlo sakusasa silungile.” +  +“Ndiyeza, Makhulu,” kwaphendula uSisi Mvundla, exhuma, evuka ebhedini. USisi Mvundla wayesoloko ekuthakazelela yena ukuya esikolweni. +  +“Andiziva mnandi, Makhulu,” watsho uBhuti Mvundla. “Intloko yam ibuhlungu nomlenze wam uyaqaqamba, kanti nomqala ngokunjalo, nkqu nengqiniba yam ibuhlungu.” +  +UMakhulu wambeka umva wesandla ebunzi, esiva ubushushu. “Akukho nto unayo,” wabuya nelitshoyo. “Vuka unxibe.” +  +UBhuti Mvundla wavuka. Ngokukhawuleza nanko ethatha izihlangu zakhe, ezijula ngefestile. “Andiziboni izihlangu zam zesikolo,” watsho. “Andikwazi ukuya esikolweni kuba izihlangu zam zesikolo azikho.” +  +Kanti, uSisi Mvundla umbhaqile xa esenza oko. “Mvundlandini ogezayo,” watsho emngxolisa. “Ndikubonile uzama ukuzifihla izihlangu zakho. Khawulezisa wethu. Uza kusenza sifike kade esikolweni.” +  +UBhuti Mvundla watya isidudu sakhe. Emva koko nanko esiya kuhlala kwigumbi langasese. “Isisu sam sibuhlungu Makhulu,” wancwina esitsho. “Kuvakala ngathi amathumbu la am ayanqunqeka. Andinakukwazi tu ukuhamba le ndlela inde kangaka iya esikolweni.” +  +UMakhulu wamphathela ibhotile yakhe enkulu yeyeza elikrakrayo. “Thatha apha,” watsho, “sela amacephe amabini kweli yeza uza kuphila ngoku.” +  +“Hayi, hayi, hayi, enkosi,” wakhwaza enikina uBhuti Mvundla. “Isisu sam singcono noko ngoku.” +  +“Hambani ngoku ke ukuba kunjalo,” watsho uMakhulu, ebanika imiphako yabo yesikolo. “Ngoku ke hambani niyofunda, ze nibuye nikrelekrele.” +  +UBhuti Mvundla warhuqeka emva kodadewabo. Udadewabo wayehamba etsibatsiba, ephatha kungcileza, exhentsa ngokonwaba indlela yonke eya esikolweni, ngeli lixa yena uBhuti Mvundla arhuqekayo ngasemva, ecaphuka. “Andifuni kuya sikolweni mna,” wambombozela watsho. “Ndifuna ukulala ebhedini yam qha.” + +  +Ngokukhawuleza bafika egeyithini yesikolo. “Kulungile ke, Bhuti,” watsho uSisi Mvundla, engena ngaphakathi. +  +UBhuti Mvundla walaqaza. Kwakungekho mntu umjongileyo. Ngephanyazo wabaleka, wazimela etyholweni. Wahlala apho ethe cwaka, elinde ukukhala kwentsimbi, ade wonke umntu abe ungene ngaphakathi esikolweni. Akubona ukuba kuthe bhe phandle, wabaleka wagoduka. Wafika wangena ngefesitile engentla kwebhedi yegumbi lakhe lokulala, wazithi luqe ebhedini yakhe, wazisonga. Kungekudala wayelele yoyi, de warhona. +  +Ngentsimbi yeshumi elinanye uBhuti Mvundla wayesele edikiwe kukulala ngoku. Wayenesingathethekiyo isithukuthezi. Wakroba kumngxuma osecangweni lwegumbi lakhe lokulala. Inokuba uphi uMakhulu? Yhoooo. Nanko ehleli ekhitshini, ephunga iti noNkosikazi Mbila wasebumelwaneni. UBhuti Mvundla wazamla. Kwakukruqula ukulala ebhedini imini yonke. +  +Ngentsimbi yeshumi elinambini uBhuti Mvundla waphathwa lunxano. Wakroba kwakhona kucango lwegumbi lakhe lokulala. Wayephi ngoku uMakhulu? Awu madoda. Wayebhaka isonka ekhitshini. UBhuti Mvundla wasitsho isingqala. Wayefuna nje oku kwamanzi okusela kunye nomntu wokudlala naye. +  +Ngentsimbi yokuqala uBhuti Mvundla waya kukroba kwakhona. Ngesi sihlandlo uMakhulu Mvundla wayencokola noMfundisi Mpungutye. UMfundisi wayesitya isonka esasibhakwe nguMakhulu. Ivumba lesonka elimyoli lalimvuzisa izinkcwe uBhuti Mvundla. Wayerhalela ukutya kweso sonka sikaMakhulu simnandi kunene, nesishushu kuba siphuma eontini. UBhuti Mvundla wasitsho isingqala kwakhona. +  +Ngentsimbi yesithathu uSisi Mvundla wangena ekhaya, egqabadula. UBhuti Mvundla wathi phulukutshu, etsiba ngefestile waza weza ebaleka ukuya kungena kumnyango wangaphambili, elandela uSisi Mvundla. “Molo Makhulu,” watsho. “Sendibuyile esikolweni.” +  +“Ibilolona suku lumnandi olu,” watsho uSisi Mvundla. “Besifundiswa ukuzoba ngumzobi wokwenene. Sifundiswe ukuzobela iikhomikhi. Kwaye inqununu yethu iza kutshata kungekudala. Usiphathele iziselo nekeyiki neetshiphsi sonke esikolweni. Bekumnandi kakhulu, andithi, Bhuti?” +  +“Ewe, ewe,” watsho uBhuti Mvundla. Intliziyo yakhe ingasehlungu ngako. Yhooo, yhini madoda. Ngosuku olunye nje qha engayanga esikolweni, abanye abantwana baphiwa ikeyiki! +  +“Ufumene ikeyiki enjani, Bhuti?” wabuza uMakhulu. +  +“Yitshokholethi,” waxoka watsho uBhuti Mvundla. “Ikeyiki yetshokholethi enekharameli namaqunube ngaphezulu.” Akwaba bendiyile esikolweni, uBhuti Mvundla wazicingela njalo. Ngendiyifumene nam ikeyiki. +  +Kanye ngelo thuba kwankqonkqozwa emnyango. Kwakumi utitshala kaBhuti Mvundla, uNkosazana Mpuku. Wayephethe ipleyiti eneqhekeza elikhulu lekeyiki emnandi. +  +“Molo, Makhulu Mvundla,” wabulisa. “Ndive kakubi kakhulu xa ndisiva ukuba uBhuti Mvundla uyagula ngosuku olukhetheke kangaka, ndancama ndamgcinela iqhekeza lekeyiki. Unjani ngoku? Uziva ngcono?” +  +Yhuuu! Ngoku uBhuti Mvundla wayesenkathazweni nyhani. Wabaleka, wangena egumbini lakhe, watsiba ngefestile ukuya kuzimela emthini oseyadini. +  +“Nankuya,” uSisi Mvundla waxelela uMakhulu. “Uzimele phaya emthini wemengo.” +  +UMakhulu kunye noNkosazana Mpuku bema phantsi kwaloo mthi. “Ungumvundlana ogezayo wena,” watsho ngelizwi elingqongqo uMakhulu. “Awukhange uye esikolweni, uzimele.” +  +“Ndicela uxolo, Makhulu. Ndicela uxolo, Nkosazana Mpuku,” watsho uBhuti Mvundla ekhala. “Ndicela ningandiqumbeli torho.” +  +“Kufuneka sikufundise isifundo,” watsho uMakhulu. “Andazi ukuba siza kuba yintoni na bethu eso sifundo.” +  +“Ndiyazi,” watsho uNkosazana Mpuku ngokukhawuleza. “Kutheni ungandenzeli ikomityi yeti nje, ukwenzela ukuba sitye eli qhekeza le keyiki emnandi yetshokholethi. Oko kuza kumfundisa ukuba ukuzimela esikolweni asinto intle nencomekayo leyo.” +  +Ngoko ke, uMakhulu wabilisa iketile, waze yena noNkosazana Mpuku bakhupha amacephe amabini abaza kutya ngawo loo keyiki babelene ngayo. Umlomo kaBhuti Mvundla wawuvuza izinkcwe kwaye nesisu sixuxuzela kukurhala, dwe akayishiyelwa tu yena ikeyiki. Akwabikho nesuntsu nje elisalayo ukuze akhothe. + +  +Ukusukela ngolo suku uBhuti Mvundla zange aphinde angayi esikolweni. Zange angayi nakanye, nokuba imvula sele idyudyuza. Ukususela ngoko, ukulala ebhedini imini yonke yaba yinto emdikayo kakhulu! +  +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Yiba nomfanekiso-ngqondweni kaBhuti Mvundla esithi uza kwenzela uNkosazana Mpuku ikhadi, naza kumnika lona xa eye esikolweni ngosuku olulandelayo. Ucinga ukuba inokuba uza kubhala ntoni kweli khadi? Yalela abantwana bakho benze ikhadi.",xho,isiXhosa,Usuku lukaBhuti Mvundla oludikayo,"“I wish I didn’t have to go to school today,” Bhuti Rabbit said when he woke up. “I wish I could stay at home and sleep all day.” +  +In the kitchen Gogo Rabbit was busy making porridge. “Hurry up, children,” she called. ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Libali likaHelen Brain,https://nalibali.org/node/2025 +2021,"“Ngifisa sengathi ngabe angiyi esikoleni namuhla,” washo njalo uBhuti uNogwaja ngenkathi evuka. “Ngifisa sengathi ngingahlala ekhaya ngilale usuku lonke.” +  +Ekhishini uGogo Nogwaja wayematasa enza iphalishi. “Sheshani we zingane,” esho ememeza. “Isidlo sasekuseni sesilungile.” +  +“Ngiyeza, Gogo,” kusho uSisi uNogwaja, ehla embhedeni. USisi uNogwaja wayefuna ukuya esikoleni njalo nje. +  +“Angizizwa kahle, Gogo,” kwasho uBhuti uNogwaja. “Ikhanda lami libuhlungu nomlenze wami ubuhlungu nomphimbo ubuhlungu, ngisho nendololwane imbala ibuhlungu.” +  +UGogo wamthinta ekhanda wamkala izinga lokushisa komzimba wakhe. “Awunalutho wena,” kusho yena. “Vuka manje-ke bese uyagqoka.” +  +UBhuti uNogwaja waphuma embhedeni. Waphuthuma ukukhipha izicathulo zakhe ngefasitela. “Angiziboni izicathulo zami,” kusho yena. “Ngeke ngiye esikoleni ngoba izicathulo zami azikho.” +  +USisi uNogwaja wayembonile umfowabo. “Lo nogwaja ogangile lona,” ethetha. “Uzame ukuzifihla. Manje, shesha-ke. Sizoshiywa yisikhathi.” +  +UBhuti uNogwaja wadla iphalishi lakhe. Wahamba wayohlala endlini encane. “Isisu sami sibuhlungu, Gogo,” ekhala. “Ngizwa ubuhlungu ngempela esiswini sami. Angeke ngikwazi ukuhamba ngezinyawo ngiye esikoleni.” +  +UGogo waletha ibhodlela lakhe elinomuthi obabayo. “Nazo-ke,” washo njalo, “phuza izinkezo ezimbili zalo muthi, isisu sakho sizolapheka.” +  +“Cha, cha, cha,” kumemeza uBhuti uNogwaja. “Isisu sami sesingcono manje.” +  +“Hambani-ke lapha,” kusho uGogo, ebanikeza imiphako yesikole. “Nifike nifunde +ngokuzimisela nibuye ekhaya senihlakaniphile.” +  +UBhuti uNogwaja wayehamba ezihudula ngemuva kukadewabo. Udadewabo wayegxuma, eqa futhi edansa indlela yonke ebheke esikoleni, kodwa umnewabo ezihudula nje emgwaqeni, ezizwa ethukuthele. “Angifuni ukuya esikoleni,” engundaza. “Ngifuna ukuzilalela nje.” + +  +Ngokushesha bafika emasangweni esikole. “Usale kahle, Bhuti,” kumemeza uSisi uNogwaja, egijima engena ngaphakathi. +  +UBhuti Nogwaja waqalaza. Akekho owayembhekile. Ngokushesha wacasha ngemuva kwesihlahla. Wahlala lapho, ethule engathi nyaka, walinda kwaze kwakhala insimbi, wonke umuntu waba ngaphakathi esikoleni. Emva kwalokho wagijima wabuyela ekhaya. Wacasha wangena ngefasitela lasekamelweni lokulala, wazisonga embhedeni wakhe. Ngokushesha okukhulu wayeselele zwi ubuthongo, ehonqa. +  +Ngehora leshumi nanye uBhuti uNogwaja wayesezidelisile ngokulala. Wayesenesizungu nje. Walunguza emnyango wekamelo. Ngabe uGogo wayekuphi? Hawu. Wayehleli ekhishini, ephuza itiye noNkosikazi Mbila wakwamakhelwane. UBhuti uNogwaja waphefumulela phezulu. Kwakuyisicefe ukulala embhedeni usuku lonke. +  +Ngehora leshumi nambili uBhuti uNogwaja wayomile. Waphinda walunguza emnyango wekamelo lokulala. Ngabe wayekuphi uGogo? Wohhe! Wayebhaka isinkwa ekhishini. UBhuti uNogwaja waphefumulela phezulu. Wayefuna amanzi angawaphuza nothile nje angadlala naye. +  +Ngehora lokuqala uBhuti uNogwaja waphinde wahlola futhi. Kulokhu uGogo wayekhuluma noMfundisi uMpungushe. UMfundisi wayedla isinkwa esasibhakwe nguGogo ekhaya. Iphunga laso lamenza uBhuti uNogwaja waconsa amathe. Wayefisa sengathi ngabe uthola izingcezwana zesinkwa sikaGogo, sishisa siphuma kuhhavini. UBhuti uNogwaja waphefumulela phezulu. +  +Ngehora lesithathu uSisi uNogwaja wabuya ekhaya egxumagxuma. UBhuti uNogwaja wagxuma waphuma ngefasitela lakhe weza esegijima elandela udadewabo eqonde emnyango ongaphambili. “Sawubona, Gogo,” kusho uBhuti uNogwaja. “Sengifikile, ngibuya esikoleni.” +  +“Bekuwusuku oluhle kakhulu,” kusho uSisi uNogwaja. “Sibe nesifundo sokudweba nomdwebi wangempela. Sifunde ukudweba imidwebo ehlekisayo. Kanti uthisha omkhulu wethu uyashada. Ulethe iziphuzo nekhekhe namashibsi kwadla wonke umuntu. Bekumnandi, akunjalo, Bhuti?” +  +“Yebo, yebo,” kwasho uBhuti uNogwaja. Inhliziyo yakhe yavele yashona phansi. Wohhe! +Ngosuku olulodwa nje aluchithe elele embhedeni esikoleni basale bathola ikhekhe! +  +“Uthole nhloboni yekhekhe, Bhuti?” kubuza uGogo. +  +“Bekungelikashokoledi,” kusho uBhuti uNogwaja eqamba amanga. “Ikhekhe likashokoledi onekharameli namasheri phezulu.” Ngifisa sengathi ngabe bengiyile esikoleni, kucabanga uBhuti uNogwaja. Ngifisa sengathi ngabe ngilidlile ikhekhe. +  +Kusenjalo kuzwakale ukungqongqoza emnyango. Kwakumi uthisha kaBhuti uNogwaja, +uNkosazana Gundane. Wayephethe ipuleti linocezu olukhulu lwekhekhe elithandekayo. +  +“Sawubona, Gogo Nogwaja,” kwasho yena. “Ngibe buhlungu enhliziyweni yami ukuthi uBhuti uNogwaja ubegula ngalolu suku olukhethekile ngangokuthi ngimbekele ucezu lwekhekhe. Usenjani? Ngabe usengcono?” +  +Awu hhe! Manje uBhuti uNogwaja wayesesenkingeni. Wagijima waya ekamelweni +lakhe, wagxuma ephuma ngefasitela qede wayocasha esihlahleni egcekeni. +  +“Nanguya laphaya,” uSisi uNogwaja etshela uGogo. “Ucashe esihlahleni sikamango.” +  +UGogo noNkosazana Gundane bama ngaphansi kwesihlahla. “Ube wunogwaja ogange kakhulu,” kusho uGogo ewagcizelela amagama. “Ubalekele isikole!” +  +“Ngiyaxolisa, Gogo. Ngiyaxolisa, Nkosazana Gundane,” kukhala uBhuti uNogwaja. “Ngicela ningangithukutheleli.” +  +“Kuzofanele sikufundise isifundo,” kwasho uGogo. “Ngisazibuza ukuthi kufanele senzeni.” +  +“Ngiyazi,” kwasho uNkosazana Gundane. “Awungenzeli ngani inkomishana yetiye, bese sidla lolu cezu lwekhekhe elimnandi? Lokho kuzomfundisa ukuthi ukubalekela isikole ukuganga okukhulu.” +  +Nebala uGogo wabasela iketela, yena noNkosazana Gundane bathola izipunu ezimbili base babelana ngocezu lwekhekhe. UBhuti uNogwaja wayeselokhu econsa amathe, nesisu sakhe sasiduma, kodwa kwakungekho khekhe ayezolithola. Ngisho imvuthu yodwa le. + +Ukusukela ngalelo langa uBhuti uNogwaja akaphindanga wabalekela isikole futhi. Ngisho nakanye nje. Ukulala embhedeni usuku lonke kwakuyisicefe esinesizungu kabi! +  +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Ake ucabange nje ukuthi uBhuti uNogwaja wayenqume ukwenzela uNkosazana Gundane ikhadi, ayezomnika lona ngenkathi eya esikoleni ngosuku olulandelayo. Yini obekungenzeka ayibhale kuleli khadi? Phakamisa ukuthi zingane zakho zenze ikhadi.",zul,isiZulu,Usuku olunesizungu lukaBhuti uNogwaj,"“I wish I didn’t have to go to school today,” Bhuti Rabbit said when he woke up. “I wish I could stay at home and sleep all day.” +  +In the kitchen Gogo Rabbit was busy making porridge. “Hurry up, children,” she called. ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",NguHelen Brain,https://nalibali.org/node/2027 +2021,"“Ekare nka be ke sa ye sekolong kajeno,” ha rialo Abuti Mmutla ha a tsoha. “Ke lakatsa eka nka be ke dula hae mme ke robala letsatsi lohle.” +  +Ka mane ka kitjhineng Nkgono Mmutla o ne a ntse a pheha motoho. “Phakisang, bana,” a hoeletsa. “Dijo tsa hoseng di se di lokile.” +  +“Re a tla, Nkgono,” ha araba Ausi Mmutla, a tlola ho theoha betheng. Ausi Mmutla kamehla o dula a batla ho ya sekolong. +  +“Ha ke ikutlwe hantle, Nkgono,” Abuti Mmutla a rialo. “Hlooho ya ka e a opa le leoto la ka le bohloko, ebile mmetso wa ka o bohloko esitana le setsu sa ka.” +  +Nkgono a mamela motjheso wa hae ka ho beha letsoho hloohong ya hae. “Ha ho letho le phoso ka wena mona,” a rialo. “A ko tsohe o apare.” +  +Abuti Mmutla a theoha betheng. Ka pele a lahlela dieta tsa hae ka ntle ho fensetere. “Ha ke bone dieta tsa ka tsa sekolo,” a rialo a hoeleditse. “Nkeke ka kgona ho ya sekolong ke sa rwala dieta.” +  +Ausi Mmutla o ne a mmone. “Mmutla towe o thibaneng ditsebe,” a omana.“O no leka ho di pata. Jwale, phakisa. Re tla siuwa ke nako.” +  +Abuti Mmutla a ja motoho wa hae. Yaba o ya ntlwaneng a dula moo. “Mala a ka a bohloko, Nkgono,” a lla. “Mala a ka a loma ha bohloko. Nke ke ka kgona ho ya sekolong.” +  +Nkgono a tla le botlolo ya hae e kgolo ya moriana o babang. “Ha se moo,” a rialo, “enwa dikgaba tse pedi tsa moriana ona mme mala a hao a tla fola.” +  +“Tjhe, tjhe, tjhe,” ha hoeletsa Abuti Mmutla. “Mala a ka ha a sa loma jwale.” +  +“Ho lokile tsamayang he,” ha rialo Nkgono, a ba fa dijo tsa bona tsa sekolong. “Le ithute ka matla le tsebe ho kgutla le le bohlale.” +  +Abuti Mmutla a hulanya maoto kamora kgaitsedi ya hae. Kgaitsedi ya hae o ne a tlolatlola a tantsha a qhomaqhoma tseleng e yang sekolong, empa yena o ne a hulanya maoto a sithabetse moyeng. “Ha ke batle ho ya sekolong,” a korotla. “Ke batla ho kgutlela dikobong.” + +  +Ba qetella ba fihlile hekeng ya sekolo. “Tsamaya hantle, Abuti,” ha rialo Ausi Mmutla, a mathela ka hare. +  +Abuti Mmutla a sheba kwana le kwana. Ho ne ho se motho ya mo shebileng. Kapele a ipata kamora sehlahla. A dula moo, a kgutsitse tu! Mme a emela hore tshepe e lle mme bohle ba kene ka diphaposing tsa sekolo. Yaba o mathela lapeng. A kena ka fensetere ya kamore a fihla betheng ya hae mme a kena dikobong. Ho se hokae a be a se a kgalehile a bile a kgona. +  +Ka hora ya leshome le motso o mong Abuti Mmutla o ne a se a kgathetse ke ho robala. O ne a tshwerwe ke bodutu jwale. A nyarela ka ntle ho lemati la kamore. Nkgono o hokae? Jowe. O ne a dutse ka kitjhineng, a enwa teye le Mof Pela wa moahisane. Abuti Mmutla a fehelwa. Ho ne ho tena haholo ho dula o paqame betheng letsatsi lohle. +  +Ka hora ya leshome le metso e mmedi Abuti Mmutla o ne a nyorilwe. A nyarela lemating la kamore. Nkgono o hokae? Tjhe bo. O ne a baka bohobe ka kitjhineng. Abuti Mmutla a fehelwa. O ne a batla metsi a ho nwa le motho eo a ka bapalang le yena. +  +Ka hora ya pele Abuti Mmutla a sheba hape. Jwale Nkgono Mmutla o ne a se a qoqa le Moruti Mopheme. Moruti o ne a eja bohobe boo Nkgono a bo phehileng. Monko wa bona o ne o dutlisa mathe ho Abuti Mmutla. O ne a lakatsa eka a ka ja bohobe boo ba Nkgono, bo tjhesang bo tswang ka ontong. Abuti Mmutla a fehelwa. +  +Ka hora ya boraro Ausi Mmutla a fihla hae a thabile. Abuti Mmutla a tlola ka potlako ho tswa ka fensetere mme a tla a matha lemating le ka pele ka mora kgaitsedi ya hae. “Dumela, Nkgono,” a hoeletsa. “Ke se ke kgutlile sekolong.” +  +“E ne e le letsatsi le monate ka ho fetisisa,” ha rialo Ausi Mmutla. “Re ile ra rutwa ho taka ke senono sa nnete. Re ithutile ho taka dikhomiki. Mme mosuwehlooho wa rona o a nyalwa. O ne a tlile le dinomaphodi le kuku le ditjhipisi bakeng sa bohle. Ho ne ho le monate e le ka nnete, ha ho jwalo, Abuti?” +  +“Ehlile, ehlile,” ha rialo Abuti Mmutla. Pelo ya hae e ne e utlwile bohloko. Ao bathong. Letsatsi le le leng leo a sa yang sekolong ka lona batho ba fuwe kuku sekolong! +  +“Wena o jele kuku e jwang, Abuti?” ha botsa Nkgono. +  +“E ne e le ya tjhokolete,” Abuti Mmutla a bua leshano. “Kuku ya tjhokolete e tlotsitsweng ka kharamele le tjheri ka hodimo.” Ho ja ka ya sekolong, Abuti Mmutla a nahana jwalo. Ekare nka be ke jele kuku eo le nna. +  +Ka yona nako eo ha kokotwa monyako. Titjhere wa Abuti Mmutla, Moftsn Tweba, o ne a eme monyako. O ne a tshwere poleiti e nang le sekotwana se seholo sa kuku e monate. +  +“Dumelang, Nkgono Mmutla,” a rialo. “Ke ne ke utlwile bohloko ha ke elellwa hore Abuti Mmutla o a kula ka letsatsi le monate tjena, hoo ke ileng ka mmolokela sekotwana sa kuku. O ntse a eya jwang? Na o ikutlwa eka o se a tla fola?” +  +Jonna wee. Jwale Abuti Mmutla o ne a le mathateng. A mathela ka kamoreng ya hae, a tlolela ka ntle ka fensetere mme a ya ipata sefateng se tshimong yabo. +  +“Ke yane mane,” Ausi Mmutla a bolella Nkgono. “O ipatile sefateng sa menko.” +  +Nkgono le Moftsn Tweba ba ema ka tlasa sefate. “O thibane ditsebe e le ka nnete mmutla,” ha rialo Nkgono a omana. “O balehile sekolo.” +  +“Ke maswabi, Nkgono. Ke maswabi, Moftsn Tweba,” Abuti Mmutla a lla. “Ke kopa hore le se ke la nkgalefela.” +  +“Re tla tlameha ho o ruta molao,” Nkgono a rialo. “Ke a ipotsa hore ebe re ka etsa eng.” +  +“Ke a tseba,” ha rialo Moftsn Tweba. “Hobaneng o sa nketsetse teye, mme re je ka kuku ena e monate ya tjhokolete? Seo se tla mo ruta hore ho baleha sekolo ke ntho e sa lokang hohang.” +  +Yaba Nkgono o bedisa metsi ka ketlele, mme yena le Moftsn Tweba ba nka dikgaba mme ba arolelana sekotwana seo sa kuku e monate. Molomo wa Abuti Mmutla o ne o dutla mathe mme mala a hae a korotla ke ho kgala, empa ho ne ho se kuku eo a ka e jang. Ke re ho se le lekumanenyana feela. + +Ho tloha tsatsing leo Abuti Mmutla a se ke a hlola a baleha sekolo hape. Ke re le hanngwe feela. Ho dula dikobong letsatsi lohle ho ne ho le bodutu haholo! +Eba le boiqapelo! +Nahana hoja Abuti Mmutla a ne a ka etsa qeto ya ho etsetsa Moftsn Tweba karete, eo a neng a tla mo fa yona ha a eya sekolong tsatsing le hlahlamang. O ne a tla ngola eng kareteng eo? Hlahisa hore bana ba etse karete.",sot,Sesotho,Letsatsi le bodutu la Abuti Mmut,"“I wish I didn’t have to go to school today,” Bhuti Rabbit said when he woke up. “I wish I could stay at home and sleep all day.” +  +In the kitchen Gogo Rabbit was busy making porridge. “Hurry up, children,” she called. ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/node/2029 +2021,"“O kare nkabe ke sa ye sekolong lehono,” Buti Mmutla a realo ge a tsoga. “O kare nka hlwa ke robetše mo gae letšatši lohle.” +  +Ka moraleng Koko Mmutla o be a apea motepa. “Itlhaganeleng bana,” a realo. +“Dijo tša go fihlola di lokile.” +  +“Re etla, Koko,” Sesi Mmutla a realo, a fofa mpeteng. Sesi Mmutla o be a nyaka go ya sekolong. +  +“Ga ke ikwe gabotse, Koko,” Buti Mmutla a realo. “Hlogo ya ka e a rema, leoto la ka le bohloko le mogolo wa ka o bohloko gomme le sejabana sa ka se bohloko.” +  +Koko a swara hlogo ya gagwe a lekola le phišo ya mmele wa gagwe. “Ga o na bothata,” a realo. “Bjale, tsoga o apare.” +  +Buti Mmutla o ile a tsoga. Ka lebelo a lahlela dieta tša gagwe ka ntle ga lefasetere. “Ga ke bone dieta tša ka tša sekolo,” a realo. “Nka se ye sekolong ka gobane ga ke na dieta.” +  +Sesi Mmutla o mmone. “Mmutla wa go seleka,” a mo kgalema. “O di fihlile. Itllaganele, re tla šalela.” +  +Buti Mmutla o ile a ja motepa wa gagwe. O ile a ya go dula ntlwaneng ya boithomelo. “Mpa ya ka e bohloko, Koko,” a lla. “Ke kwa bohloko kudu ka mpeng. Nka se kgone go ya sekolong.” +  +Koko a mo tlela le lebotlelo le legolo la sehlare sa go baba. “Tšea,” a realo, “enwa malepole a mabedi gomme o tlo fola.” +  +“Aowa, aowa, aowa!” Buti Mmutla a goeletša. “Mpa ya ka e kaone bjale.” +  +“Sepela,” Koko a realo a ba fa dijo tša matena tša sekolong. “Bjale o ithute kudu o boye gae o le bohlale.” +  +Buti Mmutla a ikgoga ka morago ga sesi wa gagwe. O be a tshelatshela, a bina, a fofa tseleng ya go ya sekolong, mola yena a ikgoga a befetšwe. “Ga ke nyake go ya sekolong,” a ngunguna. “Ke nyaka go hlwa mpeteng.” + +  +Gateetee ba fihla dikeiting tša sekolo. “Šala gabotse, Buti,” a realo Sesi Mmutla a kitimela ka gare. +  +Buti Mmutla a lealea. Go be go se yo a mmonago. Ka lebelo a khuta ka morago ga sethokgwa. O dutše fao a re tuu, go fihlela tšhipi e lla gomme bohle ba ya ka sekolong. O ile a kitimela gae. O tsene ka lefasetere la phopošiborabalelo gomme a kudupana mpeteng. O ile a swarwa ke boroko a ba a gona. +  +Buti Mmutla o ile a phapharega ka iri ya lesometee. O be a bolawa ke bodutu. O ile a hlola ka lebati la phapošiborobalelo. Koko o kae? Ijoo. O be a dutše ka moraleng a enwa teye le Mtšana Dassie wa moagišane. Buti Mmutla a hemela godimo. Go bodutu go hlwa mpeteng letšatši ka moka. +  +Ka iri ya lesomepedi Buti Mmutla o be a nyorilwe. O ile a hlola ka lebati la phapošiborobalelo. Koko o be a le kae? Aowa owa. O be a paka borotho ka moraleng. Buti Mmutla a hemela godimo. O be a nyaka go nwa meetse ebile a nyaka go bapala le motho o mongwe. +  +Buti Mmutla a hlola gape ka iri ya pele. Bjale Koko Mmutla o be a bolela le Moruti Phukubje. Moruti o be a eja borotho bja go pakwa ke Koko. Monkgo wa bjona o ile wa dira gore Buti Mmutla a phophiše mare. O be a duma borotho bja Koko, bja go fiša go tšwa ontong. Buti Mmutla a hemela godimo. +  +Ka iri ya boraro Sesi Mmutla a boa gae. Buti Mmutla o ile a fofa ka lefasetere a kitimela lebating a ba ka morago ga gagwe. “Dumela, Koko,” a realo. “Ke boile sekolong.” +  +“Re ipshinne kudu,” Sesi Mmutla a realo. “Re bile le thuto ya go thala e abiwa ke ratiroatla wa nnete. Re ithutile go thala ditshegišo. Gomme hlogo ya sekolo o a nyalwa. O re reketše dinotšididi, khekhe le masimpa. Re ipshinne, ga go bjalo, Buti?” +  +“Ee, ee,” a realo Buti Mmutla. Pelo ya gagwe e be e kgohlomela. Aowaowa. Ba jele khekhe ka letšatši le tee leo a sa yago sekolong ka lona! +  +“O hweditše khekhe ye bjang, Buti?” Koko a botšiša. +  +“Ya tšhokolete,” Buti Mmutla a bolela maaka. “Khekhe ya tšhokolete ya go ba le easing ya kharamele le ditšheri mo godimo.” Nkabe ke ile sekolong, Buti Mmutla a nagana. Ke duma o kare nkabe ke jele khekhe. +  +Motho o ile a kokota ka nako yeo. Morutiši wa Buti Mmutla, Mtšana Legotlo o eme lebating. O be a swere poleiti ya seripa sa khekhe se segolo sa bose. +  +“Dumela, Koko Mmutla,” a realo. “Ke nyamišitšwe ke go kwa gore Buti Mmutla o a lwala ka letšatši la go kgethega ka tsela ye, ke ka fao ke mo swaretšego seripa sa khekhe. O ikwa bjang yena? O kaone?” +  +Aowaowa. Bjale Buti Mmutla o bothateng. O ile a kitimela phapošing ya gagwe, a fofa ka lefasetere a ya go khuta mohlareng ka jarateng. +  +“Ke ola,” Sesi Mmutla a botša Koko. “O khutile mohlareng wa menko.” +  +Koko le Mtšana Legotlo ba ema ka tlase ga mohlare. “O bile mmutla wa go seleka kudu,” Koko a realo ka tiišetšo. “O tšhabile sekolong!” +  +“Ke kgopela tshwarelo, Koko. Ke kgopela tshwarelo, Mtšana Legotlo,” Buti Mmutla a lla. “O se mpefelelwe hle.” +  +“Re tla go lokiša,” a realo Koko. “Ke ipotšiša gore re dire eng.” +  +“Ke a tseba,” a realo Mtšana Legotlo. “Nkane o sa ntirele komiki ya tee, re je seripa se sa khekhe ya tšhokolete ya bose? Se se tlo mo ruta gore go tšhaba sekolong ke go seleka.” +  +Koko a bea ketlele mollong, gomme yena le Mtšana Legotlo ba hwetša mahwana a mabedi gomme ba abelana khekhe. Molomo wa Buti Mmutla wa phophiša mare gomme mpa ya gagwe ya duma, efela o be a se na khekhe. Le ge e ka ba lerathana. + +  +Go tloga letšatšing leo, Buti Mmutla ga se a ka a se ye sekolong. Le gatee. Go hlwa +mpeteng letšatši ka moka go bolaiša bodutu kudu! +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Gopola eke Buti Mmutla o nagana go direla Mtšana Legotlo karata, ye a bego a tlo mo fa yona ge a eya sekolong ka letšatši la go latela. Go be go tla be go ngwadilwe eng ka karateng ye? Šišinya gore bana ba gago ba dire karata ye.",nso,Sepedi,Letšatši la Buti Mmutla la bodutu,"“I wish I didn’t have to go to school today,” Bhuti Rabbit said when he woke up. “I wish I could stay at home and sleep all day.” +  +In the kitchen Gogo Rabbit was busy making porridge. “Hurry up, children,” she called. ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/node/2031 +tortoise-and-the-birds,"A long time ago, when a bird died on earth, its spirit would leave its body and float up to the clouds where it lived as a cloud person, watching over and caring for the birds and animals on earth. +The birds and animals knew about these cloud people. +There came a time when there had been no rain for a whole year. The grass died, the water holes dried up and the animals were starving. The animals and birds came together to decide what to do about the terrible drought. + +  +“I think we should eat the ostrich,” said Lion licking his lips. +  +“No!” gulped Ostrich. +  +“I think we should look for somewhere else to live,” said Monkey. +  +“There���s nowhere else to live,” yelped Wild dog. “The drought is everywhere.” +  +“We need to speak to the cloud people,” said Owl. “They will know what to do.” +  +The birds and animals agreed that the birds would fly up to the clouds and speak to the cloud people. Maybe they would send food down to earth to feed the starving birds and animals. +  +Tortoise and his wife were also at the meeting. Tortoise was very worried. He knew that if the cloud people delivered food to earth, he might be too slow to reach it in time. He was hungry and didn’t want to miss out. +  +“Ahem,” he said. “Do you really think that the cloud people will pay attention to a flock of birds? They need a king to go with them. Somebody to give importance to our request. I shall be their king. I shall speak for all of us.” +  +The birds twittered amongst themselves. Eventually the birds agreed to take Tortoise along as their king. +  +Suddenly Hornbill scratched his head. “How do we get Tortoise up to the clouds?” he asked. Hyena laughed, and Monkey chattered. No one had thought of this problem. There were many ideas. Eventually Owl suggested that the birds could stick feathers onto Tortoise’s legs. If he had enough feathers he might be able to fly. +  +Tortoise looked ridiculous once all the feathers were stuck to his legs. Many of the animals wanted to laugh, but they knew that Tortoise was their last hope for survival. + +  +Everybody held their breath as Tortoise flapped his legs. Slowly he lifted off the ground and rose into the sky. The animals cheered and the birds sang as Tortoise rose higher and higher towards the clouds. +  +When Tortoise and the birds arrived in the clouds, the cloud people were happy to see the birds, and proud that they had chosen to bring their king with them. The cloud people prepared a feast – juicy fruits and tasty vegetables that the birds hadn’t seen for a long time. +  +“Who is this food for?” asked one of the birds excitedly. +  +“Why, it’s for all of you,” said the cloud people. +  +Tortoise wasted no time. He rushed forward greedily and ate every last morsel of food, while the birds watched him. The cloud people were amazed that the birds were not eating, but they thought that it was the birds’ custom to allow their king to eat first. +  +The birds were very angry and very hungry! They rushed towards Tortoise and pulled out all of his feathers. Then they flew back to earth to tell the other animals about Tortoise’s trick. +  +Tortoise’s feathers fluttered down to earth and he found himself stranded in the clouds. He looked around in desperation. If he jumped down to earth he would surely die. Suddenly he noticed Parrot scratching around looking to see if he could find a morsel of food that Tortoise had missed. +  +“Please, Parrot,” begged Tortoise, “tell my wife to build a big pile of leaves for me so that I can jump down from the clouds and not be smashed to death when I land on the hard ground.” +  +Parrot was angry with Tortoise for eating all the food. When he got back to earth he told Tortoise’s wife that her husband had asked her to build a pile of rocks for him to land on. +  +Tortoise’s wife built the pile of rocks. Tortoise looked down from the sky and saw his wife standing next to something. He guessed it was a pile of leaves, so he closed his eyes, held his breath and jumped. + +  +His little round body fell down to earth and landed heavily on the rocks. He cried out as his shell was smashed. +  +Tortoise’s wife rushed to his side and stared in horror at the damage to her husband’s beautiful shell. She nursed him and cared for him until eventually he healed, but the cracks in his shell remained as scars forever – a sign of what he had done to the poor birds. +  +Meanwhile, the cloud people were sad when they saw how the birds had been tricked. They wailed and they cried, and their tears fell down from the sky and watered the earth like rain. The grass and the trees grew again and once again the birds and animals had food. But the birds never trusted any of the tortoises again, and to this day, tortoises hide their heads inside their shells in shame when they see a bird. +  +Get Creative +* Ask your children, “How would the story have been different if Tortoise had shared the cloud people’s food with the birds?” Then encourage them to retell the story changing it in this way. +* Tortoise feels ashamed at the end of the story, so he must have learnt something from what happened! Invite your children to draw a picture of Tortoise and to then write and complete the following sentence in a speech bubble next to their picture: I learnt that I …",eng,English,Tortoise and the birds,"A long time ago, when a bird died on earth, its spirit would leave its body and float up to the clouds where it lived as a cloud person, watching over and caring for the birds and animals on earth. +The birds and animals knew about these cloud ...",,Retold by Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tortoise-and-the-birds +tortoise-and-the-birds,"Lank gelede, wanneer ’n voël op aarde doodgegaan het, het sy siel sy liggaam verlaat en na die wolke gesweef waar dit as ’n wolkmens gewoon het, om oor die voëls en diere op die aarde te waak en vir hulle te sorg. +  +Die voëls en diere het van hierdie wolkmense geweet. +  +Toe kom daar ’n tyd dat dit vir ’n hele jaar glad nie reën nie. Die gras gaan dood, die watergate droog op en die diere ly almal honger. Die diere en voëls hou ’n vergadering om te besluit wat om aan die verskriklike droogte te doen. + +  +“Ek dink ons moet vir Volstruis eet,” sê Leeu en lek sy lippe af. +  +“Nee!” sluk Volstruis. +  +“Ek dink ons moet ’n ander plek soek om te woon,” sê Aap. +  +“Daar is nêrens anders om te woon nie,” tjank Wildehond. “Die droogte is orals.” +  +“Ons moet met die wolkmense gaan praat,” sê Uil. “Hulle sal weet wat om te doen.” +  +Die voëls en diere besluit dat die voëls tot in die wolke sal vlieg om met die wolkmense te gaan praat. Dalk sal hulle kos aarde toe stuur vir die honger diere en voëls. +  +Skilpad en sy vrou is ook by die vergadering. Skilpad is baie bekommerd. Hy weet dat as die wolkmense kos aarde toe stuur, hy dalk te stadig sal wees om daarby uit te kom. Hy is honger en wil nie sy kans verbeur nie. +  +“Ahem,” sê hy. “Dink julle regtig die wolkmense sal hulle aan ’n swerm voëls steur? Die voëls het ’n koning nodig om saam met hulle te gaan. Iemand wat sal wys hoe belangrik ons versoek is. Ek sal hulle koning wees. Ek sal namens almal van ons praat.” +  +Die voëls kwetter onder mekaar. Uiteindelik stem die voëls in om vir Skilpad as hul koning saam te vat. +  +Skielik krap Neushoringvoël sy kop. “Hoe kry ons Skilpad daar bo in die wolke?” vra hy. Hiëna lag en Aap skel. Niemand het aan hierdie probleem gedink nie. Daar is baie idees. Uiteindelik stel Uil voor dat die voëls vere aan Skilpad se pote vasplak. As hy genoeg vere het, sal hy dalk kan vlieg. +  +Skilpad lyk belaglik met al die vere aan sy pote. Baie van die diere wil lag, maar hulle weet Skilpad is hulle laaste kans op oorlewing. + +  +Almal hou asem op toe Skilpad sy pote begin flap. Hy lig stadig van die grond af op en styg in die lug op. Die diere juig en die voëls sing terwyl Skilpad al hoër en hoër vlieg. +  +Toe Skilpad en die voëls by die wolke kom, is die wolkmense bly om die voëls te sien, en trots dat hulle hul koning saamgebring het. Die wolkmense sit ’n feesmaal voor – sappige vrugte en smaaklike groente wat die voëls lanklaas gesien het. +  +“Vir wie is hierdie kos?” vra een van die voëls opgewonde. +  +“Maar dis natuurlik vir almal van julle,” sê die wolkmense. +  +Skilpad laat nie op hom wag nie. Hy storm gulsig vorentoe en eet elke krieseltjie kos op, terwyl die voëls toekyk. Die wolkmense is verstom dat die voëls nie eet nie, maar hulle dink dit is die voëls se gebruik om hulle koning eerste te laat eet. +  +Die voëls is baie kwaad en baie honger! Hulle storm op Skilpad af en trek al sy vere uit. Toe vlieg hulle terug aarde toe om vir die ander diere van Skilpad se kullery te vertel. +  +Skilpad se vere fladder terug aarde toe en hy is gestrand in die wolke. Hy kyk desperaat om hom rond. As hy van die wolke afspring, sal hy hom beslis op die grond te pletter val. Skielik sien hy vir Papegaai, wat rondkrap en kyk of daar nie dalk ’n krummeltjie kos oorgebly het nie. +  +“Asseblief, Papegaai,” smeek Skilpad, “sê vir my vrou om ’n groot hoop blare bymekaar te skraap sodat ek sag kan land as ek van die wolke afspring, en my nie sal doodval wanneer ek die harde grond tref nie.” +  +Papegaai is baie kwaad vir Skilpad omdat hy al die kos opgeëet het. Toe hy terug is op die aarde, sê hy dus vir Skilpad se vrou haar man wil hê sy moet ’n groot hoop klippe bymekaarskraap vir hom om op te land. +  +Skilpad se vrou stapel die klippe op mekaar. Skilpad kyk af en sien sy vrou langs iets staan. Hy raai dat dit ’n hoop blare is. Hy maak sy oë toe, hou sy asem op en spring. + +  +Sy klein ronde lyfie val grond toe en tref die rotse. Hy skree van die pyn toe sy dop kraak. +  +Skilpad se vrou haas haar na haar man toe en kyk met afgryse na die skade aan sy pragtige dop. Sy verpleeg en versorg hom totdat hy weer gesond is, maar die krake in sy dop bly vir altyd daar as ’n teken van wat hy aan die arme voëls gedoen het. +Die wolkmense is hartseer toe hulle sien hoe die voëls verkul is. Hulle huil en huil, en hul trane val uit die lug en reën op die aarde neer. Die gras en die bome begin weer groei en die diere en voëls het weer kos om te eet. Maar die voëls het nooit weer enige van die skilpaaie vertrou nie, en tot vandag toe trek skilpaaie hul koppe van skaamte in hul doppe terug wanneer hulle ’n voël sien. +Wees kreatief! +* Vra jou kinders: “Hoe sou die storie anders verloop het as Skilpad die wolkmense se kos met die voëls gedeel het?” Moedig hulle dan aan om die storie oor te vertel en dit so te verander. +* Skilpad voel aan die einde van die storie skaam, en dus moes hy iets geleer het uit dit wat gebeur het! Nooi jou kinders om ’n prent van Skilpad te teken en om dan die volgende sin in ’n praatborrel langs hul prent neer te skryf en te voltooi: Ek het geleer dat ek …",afr,Afrikaans,Skilpad en die voëls,"A long time ago, when a bird died on earth, its spirit would leave its body and float up to the clouds where it lived as a cloud person, watching over and caring for the birds and animals on earth. +The birds and animals knew about these cloud ...",,Oorvertel deur Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/node/1879 +tortoise-and-the-birds,"Kudala kakhulu, uma kufa inyoni emhlabeni, umoya wayo wawuphuma emzimbeni bese undiza uye phezulu emafini; wawuphila khona njengomuntu wasemafini, wawubheka futhi unakekela izinyoni nezilwane emhlabeni. +  +Izinyoni nezilwane zazazi ngalaba bantu basemafini. +  +Kwafika isikhathi lapho kwakungenamvula khona unyaka wonke. Utshani basha, iziphethu +zoma kwathi izilwane zalamba. Izilwane kanye nezinyoni zahlangana zanquma ukuthi zenzenjani ngesomiso esibi kangaka. + +  +“Ngicabanga ukuthi kufanele sidle intshe,” kwasho uBhubesi ekhotha izindebe zomlomo. +  +“Lutho!” kugwinya uNtshe. +  +“Ngicabanga ukuthi kufanele sicinge enye indawo esingahlala kuyo,” kwasho uNkawu. +  +“Ayikho enye indawo esingahlala kuyo,” kukhonkotha uNkentshane. “Isomiso sikhona yonke indawo.” +  +“Kufanele sikhulume nabantu basemafini,” kwasho uSikhova. “Bona bazokwazi ukuthi kufanele benzeni.” +  +Izinyoni nezilwane zavumelana ngokuthi izinyoni zizondiza ziye phezulu emafini ziyokhuluma nabantu basemafini. Mhlawumbe babezothumela ukudla phansi emhlabeni ukuze izinyoni nezilwane ezibulawa yindlala zidle. +  +UFudu nomkakhe nabo babekhona emhlanganweni. UFudu wayekhathazekile kakhulu. Wayazi ukuthi uma abantu basemafini beletha ukudla emhlabeni, wayezofika emva kwesikhathi lapho okunokudla khona ngenxa yobunokwe. Wayelambe kakhulu futhi wayengazimisele ukuthi angaphuthelwa wukudla. +  +“Wo-hhe,” kwasho yena. “Kodwa ngempela ucabanga ukuthi abantu basemafini bayokwazi ukulalela isiqhoqho sezinyoni? Kumele zihambe nenkosi. Zihambe nothile nje ozokwenza kube nesithunzi nokubaluleka ukucela kwethu. Mina ngizoba yinkosi. Ngizokhulumela thina sonke.” +  +Izinyoni zanyenyeza zifakana imilomo. Ekugcineni izinyoni zavuma ukuhamba noFudu njengenkosi yazo. +  +Khona manjalo uNsingizi wenwaya ikhanda. “Manje uFudu uzofika kanjani emafini?” kubuza yena. UMpisi wagigitheka, noNkawu wanyenyeza. Akekho owayeke wacabanga ngale nkinga. Yayiminingi imibono. Ekugcineni uSikhova waphakamisa ukuthi izinyoni zinamathisele izimpaphe ezinyaweni zikaFudu. Uma enezimpaphe ezanele cishe angakwazi ukundiza. +  +UFudu wayebukeka ehlekisa lapho izinyawo zakhe sezinanyathiselwe ngezimpaphe. Iningi lezilwane lalifuna ukuhleka, kodwa zazazi ukuthi uFudu yithemba lokugcina lokuphila. + +  +Zonke izilwane zazibambe umoya ngenkathi uFudu ebhakuzisa izinyawo zakhe. Kancane, kancane waphakama emhlabathini wandiza waqonda esibhakabhakeni. Izilwane zashaya ihlombe ngenjabulo kwathi izinyoni zacula ngenkathi uFudu endiza eya phezulu emafini. +  +Kwathi uma uFudu nezinyoni kufika emafini, abantu basemafini bajabula kakhulu ukubona izinyoni, futhi baziqhenya ngokuthi zazinqume ukuza nenkosi yazo kubo. Abantu basemafini benza idili – izithelo ezimnandi nemifino enambithekayo nokwakuyinto izinyoni kwase kukudala zayigcina. +  +“Ngokukabani lokhu kudla?” kubuza enye yezinyoni ngenjabulo. +  +“Ubuzelani, okwenu nonke,” kusho abantu basemafini. +  +UFudu akabange esachitha sikhathi. Wahamba ngokukhulu ukushesha nangobugovu wafike wadla konke ukudla okukhona, ngenkathi izinyoni zibukele. Abantu basemafini babemangele nje ukubona ukuthi izinyoni kazidli, kodwa bacabanga ukuthi kuyisiko lezinyoni ukuthi ziyekele inkosi yazo idle kuqala. +[a/w04] +  +Izinyoni zazithukuthele ziqhuma futhi zilambe zifa! Zaphuthuma zaqonda kuFudu zafike zakhipha zonke izimpaphe zazo kuye. Emva kwalokho zandiza zabuyela emuva emhlabeni ukuze ziyotshela zonke ezinye izilwane ngobugovu bukaFudu. +  +Izimpaphe zikaFudu zazindizela zehlela phansi emhlabeni yena wazithola esengumtshingo ubethwa ngubani emafini. Waqalaza ngapha nangapha edinga usizo. Uma egxumela emhlabeni wayezofa nakanjani. Kusenjalo wabona uPholi owayeqhwandaqhwanda efuna ukubona ukuthi angethole yini okuyizinsalela zokudla okushiywe uFudu. +  +“Ngiyakucela, Pholi,” kuncenga uFudu, “tshela umkami angakhele indunduma enkulu ngamacembe yikhona ngizogxuma ngehle emafini ngingawi ngiphahlazeke ngife emhlabathini olukhuni.” +  +UPholi wayediniwe yisenzo sikaFudu ukudla. Wathi uma efika emhlabeni watshela umkaFudu ukuthi uthe akabokwakha indunduma yamadwala ukuze aqathakele phezu kwawo lapha ehla emafini. +  +UmkaFudu wenza indunduma yamadwala. UFudu wabuka phansi wabona umkakhe emile eduze kokuthile. Wazicabangela ukuthi lokho kwabe kuyindunduma yamacembe, ngakho wavala amehlo, wadonsa umoya wayesegxuma-ke. + +  +Umzimba wakhe omncane noyindilinga wawela phansi washaya kabuhlungu emadwaleni. Wakhala kakhulu ngoba igobolondo lakhe lavele laphahlazeka. +  +Umkakhe wagijima waya kuFudu wabuka ethukile ngomonakalo owawudaleke egobolondweni elihle kangaka lomyeni wakhe. Wamelapha emnakekela kwaze kwaba uyelulama kahle, kodwa ukuqhekezeka egobolondweni lakhe kwahlala kuyizibazi zaphakade – kwaba wuphawu lwesenzo ayesenze ezinyonini bandla. +  +Kusenjalo abantu basemafini babephatheke kabi uma bebona izinyoni kudlalwa ngazo ngaleya ndlela. Bachiphiza bakhala, izinyembezi zabo zawa zisuka esibhakabhakeni zamanzisa umhlaba njengemvula. Utshani nezihlahla kwaphinde kwahluma futhi izinyoni nezilwane zaphinde zathola ukudla. Kodwa izinyoni aziphindanga nje zethemba izimfudu futhi, kanti kuze kube namuhla, izimfudu zifihla amakhanda azo ngaphansi kwamagobolondo ngenxa yamahloni uma zibona inyoni.",zul,isiZulu,UFudu nezinyon,"A long time ago, when a bird died on earth, its spirit would leave its body and float up to the clouds where it lived as a cloud person, watching over and caring for the birds and animals on earth. +The birds and animals knew about these cloud ...",,Ixoxwa kabusha nguNicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/node/1881 +tortoise-and-the-birds,"Kudala-dala, xa intaka isifa emhlabeni, umphefumlo wayo wawushiya umzimba wayo undandele emafini apho wawufika uhlale khona njengomntu wasemafini, owaluse nononophele iintaka nezilwanyana emhlabeni. +  +Iintaka nezilwanyana zazisazi ngaba bantu basemafini. +  +Kwafika ixesha lokunqaba kwemvula unyaka wonke. Ingca yoma nko, amanzi aphela emithonjeni nezilwanyana zabhuqwa yindlala. Izilwanyana kunye neentaka zadibana, zaxoxa ngesisombululo kwingxaki leyo yembalela eyayigqugqisile. + +  +“Ndicinga ukuba sitye inciniba ezi,” wabharhumla njalo uNgonyama elenca imilebe yakhe. +  +“Hayi bo!” wakhalima uNciniba. +  +“Ndicinga ukuba kufuneka sikhangele enye indawo esinokuhlala kuyo,” kwatsho uNkawu. +  +“Akukho ndawo yimbi esinokubalekela kuyo,” wagxwala njalo uDyakalashe. “Yimbalela nje tshitshilili, kulo lonke.” +  +“Kufuneka khe sithethe nabantu basemafini,” kwatsho uSikhova. “Baza kuza necebo bona.” +  +Iintaka kunye nezilwanyana zavumelana ukuba iintaka zibhabhele emafini ukuya kuthetha nabantu basemafini. Mhlawumbi babeza kuvuma ukuthumela ukutya emhlabeni ukuze kutye iintaka nezilwanyana ezazilamba. +  +UFudo kunye nonkosikazi wakhe babekho nabo apho entlanganisweni. UFudo wayexhalabile kakhulu. Wayesazi ukuba xa abantu basemafini bathe bathumela ukutya emhlabeni, mhlawumbi wayengashiywa lixesha, afike sele kuphelile. Wayelambe kakhulu, engafuni tu ukuphoswa kukutya oko. +  +“Eeee,” watsho. “Nicinga ukuba abantu basemafini baza kumamela umhlambi weentaka? Kufuneka kubekho ikumkani eza kuhamba nabo. Umntu oza kunika isidima kwisicelo sethu. Ndiza kuba yiloo kumkani yazo ke mna. Ndiza kumela wonke nje umntu.” +  +Iintaka zagqugula. Ekugqibeleni zavumelana ngelithi ziza kuhamba noFudo, abe yikumkani yazo. +  +Ngesiquphe, uMkholwane wazikrwempa entloko. “Siza kumsa njani uFudo emafini?” wabuza. UNgcuka wagigitheka, waza uNkawu wenza engathethekiyo ingxokozelo. Akukho namnye owayekhe wacinga ngale ngxaki. Zawa ngokuwa iimbono. Ekugqibeleni uSikhova wacebisa ukuba iintaka zincamathelise iintsiba zazo emilenzeni kaFudo. Ukuba anganeentsiba ezaneleyo angakwazi ukubhabha. +  +UFudo wabonakala ngathi sisibhanxa zakuba zincanyathelisiwe zonke intsiba emilenzeni yakhe. Izilwanyana ezininzi zazifuna ukumhleka, kodwa zazisazi ukuba uFudo wayelithemba lazo lokugqibela. + +  +Wonke umntu wabamba umzimba xa uFudo ekhabalaza, ephakuzelisa imilenze yakhe. Kancinane, wancothuka emhlabeni wantingela esibhakabhakeni. Izilwanyana zamqhwabela ngeli lixa iintaka zimculela xa uFudo entingela emafini. +  +Bakufika uFudo neentaka emafini, abantu basemafini bavuya kakhulu ukubona iintaka nokuqaphela ukuba zize nekumkani yazo. Abantu basemafini benza isidlo esikhulu – iziqhamo ezimnandi nemifuno emnandi ezingazange zazingcamla iintaka ngaphambili. +  +“Kukutya kukabani konke oku?” yabuza enye yeentaka ivuya. +  +“Kutheni ubuza nje, kokwenu nonke,” batsho abantu basemafini. +  +UFudo akazange achithe xesha. Wakhawuleza ngokurhala okukhulu, watya konke ukutya okwakulapho, nentshela yako lo gama iintaka zimbukeleyo. Bothuka kakhulu abantu basemafini sesi senzo sokungatyi kweentaka, kodwa babuya bacinga ukuba mhlawumbi eli lisiko lakwaNtaka, ukuvumela ukuba kutye inkosi yazo kuqala. +  +Iintaka zazinomsindo kwaye zilambe kakhulu! Zaya kuFudo zigaba, zafika zamxhwitha iintsiba zazo. Emva koko zabhabha, zibuyela emhlabeni ukuya kuxelela ezinye izilwanyana ngamaqhetseba kaFudo. +  +Iintsiba zikaFudo zaqhawuka, zaphasalaka, zawela emhlabeni, waza ke wazifumana eze emafini, engasakwazi ngoku ukubhabha. Wantanyantanyaza engazi nokuba makathini. Xa athe watsibela emhlabeni, wayeza kufa ngokuqinisekileyo. Ngesiquphe wabona uSikhwenene ephanda ngeenzipho, ekhangela intsalela yokutya engabe yayishiywe nguFudo. +  +“Nceda, Sikhwenene,” wacenga uFudo, “xelela umfazi wam ukuba andakhele ingqumba enkulu yamagqabi ukwenzela ukuba ndiwele kuyo xa ndisuka emafini, ukuze ndingakroboki ndife xa ndiwele emhlabeni olukhuni.” +  +USikhwenene wayenomsindo kakhulu kuba uFudo etye konke ukutya wakugqiba. Xa ebuyela emhlabeni waxelela unkosikazi kaFudo ukuba umyeni wakhe umcele ukuba amakhele ingqumba yamatye aza kuchopha kuwo xa esihla, evela esibhakabhakeni. +  +UNkosikazi kaFudo wamisa iqonga lamatye. UFudo wajonga phantsi esesibhakabhakeni, waza wabona unkosikazi wakhe eme ecaleni kwento ethile. Wacinga ukuba leyo yayiyingqumba yamagqabi, waza wavala amehlo akhe ebambe umphefumlo, watsiba. + +  +Umzinjana wakhe ongqukuva wehla, wawela phantsi apho ematyeni. Wakhala kakhulu asakubona iqokobhe lakhe liphahlazeka ematyeni. +  +UNkosikazi kaFudo wabaleka weza kuye, wothuswa yindlela iqokobhe lakhe elihle elalikroboke ngayo. Wamonga wade waphila kodwa lona iqokobhe lahlala licandekile kaninzi, unaphakade – lisikhumbuzo esibi soko awayekwenze kwiintsizana zeentaka. +  +Kwelinye icala, abantu basemafini babelusizi kakhulu bakubona indlela eziqhathwe ngayo iintaka. Bagxwala, bekhwaza zaza iinyembezi zabo zawela emhlabeni, zinkcenkceshela umhlaba njengemvula. Ingca nemithi zakhula kwakhona, zaza ke iintaka nezilwanyana zanokutya kwakhona. Nangona kunjalo, iintaka zange ziphinde zithembe naluphi na ufudo kwakhona, kwaye ukuza kuthi ga ngoku, amafudo asafihla iintloko zawo ngaphantsi kwamaqokobhe awo ngenxa yeentloni xa ebona intaka. +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +* Buza abantwana bakho wenjenje, “Ngelohluke njani ibali ukuba uFudo ebabelene neentaka ngokutya kwabantu basemafini?” Emva koko ke bakhuthaze ukuba babalise ibali ngokutsha baliguqule ngokufakela oko. +* UFudo ufunyenwe ziintloni ekupheleni kwebali, nto leyo ethetha ukuba ikho into ayifundileyo koko kwenzekileyo! Yalela abantwana ukuba bazobe umfanekiso kaFudo bandule babhale begqibezela isivakalisi esilandelayo esikwiqamza lentetho kufuphi nomfanekiso wabo: Ndifunde ukuba …",xho,isiXhosa,UFudo kunye neentak,"A long time ago, when a bird died on earth, its spirit would leave its body and float up to the clouds where it lived as a cloud person, watching over and caring for the birds and animals on earth. +The birds and animals knew about these cloud ...",,Ibali libaliswa ngokutsha nguNicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/node/1883 +tortoise-and-the-birds,"Kgalekgale, ge nonyana e be e ehwa mo lefaseng, moya wa yona o be o etšwa mmeleng wa fofela marung go yo phela bjalo ka mothomaru, a hlokomela dinonyana le diphoofolo tša mo lefaseng. +  +Dinonyana le diphoofolo di be di tseba ka ga bathomaru ba. +  +Go ile gwa hlokega pula ngwaga ka moka. Bjang bo ile bja oma, melete ya meetse ya oma gomme diphoofolo tša bolawa ke tlala. Diphoofolo le dinonyana di ile tša kopana tša bolela gore go dirwe eng ka komelelo ye šoro ye. +“Ke nagana gore re je Mpšhe,” a realo Tau a latswa melomo ya gagwe. +  +“Aowa!” a realo Mpšhe. +  +“Ke nagana gore re hudugele lefelong le lengwe,” a realo Kgabo. +  +“Ga go mo re ka yago go phela gona,” Mpša ya Nageng ya realo. “Komelelo e gohle fa.” +  +“Re hloka go bolela le bathomaru,” a realo Makgohlo. “Ba tlo tseba gore go dirwe eng.” +  +Dinonyana le diphoofolo tša kwana gore dinonyana di tlo fofela marung tša ya go bolela le bathomaru. Mo gongwe ba tlo romela dijo lefaseng go fepa dinonyana le diphoofolo tša go bolawa ke tlala. +  +Khudu le mosadi wa gagwe ba be ba tlile kopanong. Khudu o be a tshwenyegile kudu. O be a tseba gore ge bathomaru ba ka romela dijo lefaseng, o tlo palelwa ke go di fihlelela ka pela. O be a swerwe ke tlala gomme a sa nyake go hlaelwa. +  +“Eya,” a realo. “O nagana gore bathomarung ba ka hlokomela sehlopha sa dinonyana? Ba hloka kgoši ya go sepela le bona. Motho wa go bontšha bohlokwa bja kgopelo ya rena. Ke tla ba kgoši ya bona. Ke tla bolelela rena ka moka.” +  +Dinonyana tša ithera. Mafelelong dinonyana di ile tša nagana go ya le Khudu bjalo ka kgoši ya bona. +  +Gateetee Kgokgoropo a ngwaya hlogo ya gagwe. “Khudu re tla e iša bjang marung?” a botšiša. Phiri ya sega gomme Kgabo ya goeletša. Ga go yo a ilego a nagana ka bothata bjo. Go be go na le dikgopolo tše dintši. Mafelelong Makgohlo a šišinya gore dinonyana di tsenye mafofa maotong a Khudu. Ge a ka ba le mafofa a mantši a ka kgona go fofa. +  +Khudu e ile ya lebelelega ka tsela ye nngwe ka mafofa maotong. Diphoofolo tše dingwe di be di nyaka go sega, efela di be di tseba gore thušo e go Khudu fela. + +  +Bohle ba pitlela moya ge Khudu a phaphasetša maoto a gagwe. E ile ya emelela ya fofela lefaufaung. Diphoofolo di ile tša reta gomme dinonyana tša opela ge Khudu e fofela godimodimo marung. +  +Khudu le dinonyana ba rile go fihla marung, bathomarung ba thabela go bona dinonyana, le go bona gore ba kgethile go tla le kgoši ya bona. Bathomarung ba ile ba beakanya moletlo – dienywa tša todi le merogo ya bose yeo dinonyana di nago le sebaka se setelele di sa e bone. +  +“Dijo tše ke tša mang?” gwa botšiša nonyana ye nngwe ka lethabo. +  +“Kgane, ke tša lena ka moka,” ba realo bathomarung. +  +Khudu ga se ya senya nako. E ile ya kitimela pele ka megabaru ya ja lešaledi le lengwe le le lengwe la dijo, mola dinonyana di lebeletše. Bathomarung ba be ba makatšwa ke gore dinonyana di be di sa je efela tša nagana gore ke setlwaedi sa dinonyana go dumelela kgoši ya bona goja pele. +  +Dinonyana di be di befetšwe kudu ebile di swerwe ke tlala kudu! Di kitimetše Khudu tša hlomola mafofa a gagwe ka moka. Gomme tša fofela morago lefaseng go botša diphoofolo tše dingwe ka ga boradia bja Khudu. +  +Mafofa a Khudu a ile a wela tlase gomme a ikhwetša a gakanegile marung. O ile a lealea ka go gakanega. Ge a ka fofela lefaseng o tlo hwa. Gateetee a bona Lepapagai a fatafata fase go bona ge a ka se hwetše leratha la dijo leo Khudu a sego a le bona. +  +“Ka kgopelo, Lepapagai,” gwa kgopela Khudu, “botša mosadi wa ka gore a age mokgobo wa matlakala gore ke fofe go tšwa mo marung ke se ke ka hwa ge ke wela mmung wa bothata.” +  +Lepapagai o be a befetšwe ka ge Khudu a jele dijo ka moka. O rile go fihla lefaseng a botša mosadi wa Khudu gore monna wa gagwe o kgopela gore a mo agele mkgobo wa maswika wo a tlo welago go ona. +  +Mosadi wa Khudu o ile a aga mokgobo wa maswika. Khudu o ile a lebelela go tšwa lefaufaung gomme a bona mosadi wa gagwe a eme kgauswi le selo se sengwe. O ile a akanya gore ke mokgobo wa matlakala, gomme a tswalela mahlo a gagwe, a pitlela moya a fofa. + +  +Mmejana wa gagwe wa nkgokolo wa wela lefaseng gomme wa betha maswika. O ile a lla ge kgapetla ya gagwe e pšhatlega. +  +Mosadi wa Khudu o ile a batamela gomme a lebelela ka letšhogo kgapetla ye botse ya monna wa gagwe yeo e senyegilego. O ile a mo hlokomela go fihlela a fola, efela menga ya mo kgapetleng ke mabadi a go ya go ile – ke leswao la se a se dirilego dinonyana tša batho. +  +Ka nako yeo, bathomarung ba be ba nyamišitšwe ke ka fao dinonyana di radiilwego ka gona. Ba ile ba lla, gomme megokgo ya bona ya rotha go tšwa lefaufaung ya thapiša lefase bjalo ka pula. Bjang le mehlare di ile tša hloga gape gomme dinonyana le diphoofolo tša ba le dijo. Efela dinonyana ga se nke tša hlwa di sa tshepa dikhudu, le lehono, dikhudu di fihla dihlogo ka gare ga dikgapetla ka dihlong ge di bona nonyana. +E ba le boitlhamelo! +* Botšiša bana ba gago, “Ge nkabe Khudu a abelane dijo tša bathomarung le dinonyana, kanegelo nkabe e fapane bjang?” Ba hlohleletše go anega kanegelo leswa gomme ba tšame ba e fetoša. +* Khudu e lewa ke dihlong mafelelong a kanegelo, go ra gore o ithutile se sengwe ka seo se diregilego! E re bana ba gago ba thale seswantšho sa Khudu gomme ba feleletše lefoko le le latelago ka puduleng ya polelo kgauswi le seswantšho sa bona: Ke ithutile gore ke …",nso,Sepedi,Khudu le dinonyan,"A long time ago, when a bird died on earth, its spirit would leave its body and float up to the clouds where it lived as a cloud person, watching over and caring for the birds and animals on earth. +The birds and animals knew about these cloud ...",,Kanegoleswa ka Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/node/1885 +tortoise-and-the-birds,"Mehleng ya boholoholo, ha nonyana e ne e eshwa lefatsheng, moya wa yona o ne o tswa mmeleng wa yona mme ebe o phaphalla hodimo marung moo e tlang ho phela jwaloka motho wa marung, ya shebileng le ho hlokomela dinonyana le diphoofolo tse lefatsheng. +  +Dinonyana le diphoofolo di ne di tseba ka batho bana ba marung. +  +Ho ile ha tla nako eo ka yona ho neng ho se na pula selemo sohle. Jwang bo ile ba tjha, didiba tsa epsha pshi mme diphoofolo tsa bolawa ke tlala. Diphoofolo le dinonyana di ile tsa kopana mmoho hore di etse qeto ya seo di ka se etsang mabapi le komello e kanakana. + +  +“Ke nahana hore re lokela ho ja mpshe,” ha rialo Tau a itatswa melomo. +  +“Tjhe bo!” ha hoeletsa Mpshe. +  +“Ke nahana hore re lokela ke ho batla sebaka se seng moo re ka phelang teng,” ha rialo Tshwene. +  +“Ha ho sebaka se seng moo re ka yang teng,” ha omana Ntja ya naheng. “Komello e hohle.” +  +“Re lokela ho bua le batho ba marung,” ha rialo Sephoko. “Bona ba tla tseba se lokelang ho etswa.” +  +Dinonyana le diphoofolo tsa dumellana hore dinonyana di tla fofela hodimo marung mme di bue le batho ba marung. Mohlomong ba ne ba tla romela dijo tlase lefatsheng ho tla fepa dinonyana le diphoofolo tse lapang. +  +Kgudu le mosadi wa hae le bona ba ne ba le kopanong eo. Kgudu o ne a kgathatsehile haholo. O ne a tseba hore ha batho ba marung ba romella dijo lefatsheng, a ka nna a ba lenama haholo ho di fihlella ka nako. O ne a lapile mme a sa batle ho foswa ke dijo. +  +“Ee,” a rialo. “Na le nahana hore batho ba marung ba ka hla ba mamela sehlopha sa dinonyana? Ba hloka morena ya ka tsamayang le bona. Motho ya ka bontshang bohlokwa ba kopo ya rona. Ke nna ya tlang ho ba morena wa bona. Ke tla bua lebitsong la rona bohle.” +  +Dinonyana tsa sebaseba di le notshi. Qetellong dinonyana tsa dumela ho tsamaya le Kgudu jwaloka morena wa tsona. +  +Hanghang Hornbill a ingwaya hlooho. “Jwale re tla fihlisa Kgudu jwang marung kwa?” a botsa. Lekanyane la tsheha, mme Tshwene a honotha. Ha ho motho ya neng a nahanne ka bothata bona. Ho ne ho ena le mehopolo e mengata. Qetellong Sephoko a hlahisa hore dinonyana di kenye mapheo maotong a Kgudu. Ha a ka ba le masiba a lekaneng a ka nna a kgona ho fofa. +  +Kgudu o ne a shebeha jwaloka sephoqo ha a se a kentswe masiba maotong a hae. Diphoofolo tse ngata di ne di batla ho tsheha, empa di ne di tseba hore Kgudu ke yena tshepo ya bona ya ho qetela e ka ba phedisang. + +  +Bohle ba ne ba phahamisitse matshwafo ha Kgudu a phukalatsa maoto a hae. Butlebutle a phahama fatshe mme a fofela hodimo sepakapakeng. Diphoofolo tsa mo opela ditlatse mme dinonyana tsa bina ha Kgudu a ntse a nyolohela hodimo le hodimo ho ya marung. +  +Ha Kgudu le dinonyana ba fihla marung, batho ba marung ba ne ba thabetse ho bona dinonyana, mme ba le motlotlo hore di ile tsa nahana ho tla le morena wa tsona. Batho ba marung ba ile ba pheha dijo tse ngata – ditholwana tse tletseng maro le meroho e latswehang eo dinonyana di qetetseng kgale ho di bona. +  +“Dijo tsee ke tsa mang?” ha botsa e nngwe ya dinonyana e thabileng haholo. +  +“Hobaneng, ke tsa lona kaofela,” ha araba batho ba marung. +  +Kgudu a se ke a senya nako. A potlakela kapele ka meharo mme a ja dijo tseo kaofela, ha dinonyana di ntse di mo shebelletse. Batho ba marung ba ne ba makaletse hore dinonyana tsona ha di je, empa ba ile ba nahana hore ke moetlo wa dinonyana ho dumella morena wa tsona ho ja pele. +  +Dinonyana di ne di kgenne haholo mme di lapile! Tsa mathela ho Kgudu mme tsa fihla tsa ntsha masiba a hae kaofela. Yaba di fofela tlase lefatsheng ho ya bolella diphoofolo tse ding ka maqheka ao Kgudu a a entseng. +  +Masiba a Kgudu a fefoha ho theohela lefatsheng mme a iphumana a tshwarehile marung kwana. O ile a sheba kwana le kwana a tlalletswe. Ha a ne a ka tlolela tlase lefatsheng o ne a tla shwa. Hanghang a elellwa Pharote e ntse e ngwapangwapa moo e leka ho bona hore e keke ya fumana dijonyana tse salletseng tseo Kgudu a neng a sa di bona. +  +“Ke a kopa hle, Pharote,” ha kopa Kgudu, “o bolelle mosadi wa ka hore a bokelle qubu e kgolo ya mahlaku hore e tle ere ha ke tlolela fatshe ho tswa mona marung ke tle ke se ke ka otlana ka shwa ha ke wela lefatsheng le thata.” +  +Pharote o ne a halefetse Kgudu hobane a ne a jele dijo kaofela. Yare ha a kgutlela lefatsheng a bolella mosadi wa Kgudu hore monna wa hae o mo kopile hore a ahe qubu ya majwe moo a tlang ho theohela teng. +  +Mosadi wa Kgudu a aha qubu eo ya majwe. Kgudu a sheba tlase a le hodimo marung mme a bona mosadi wa hae a eme pela ntho e itseng. O ile a nahana hore ke qubu ya mahlaku, yaba o kwala mahlo, o hula moya mme o a tlola. + +  +Mmelenyana wa hae o tjhitja wa wela fatshe mme a wela ha bohloko hodima majwe. O ile a lla ke bohloko ha kgaketla ya hae e tjhwatleha. +  +Mosadi wa Kgudu o ile a mathela lehlakoreng la hae mme a sheba ka ho tshoha tshenyeho e etsahetseng ho kgaketla ya monna hae e ntle. O ile a mo oka mme a mo hlokomela ho fihlela a qetelletse a fodile, empa ho peperana ha kgaketla ya hae ha dula e le maqeba ho fihlela kgale – letshwao le bontshang sehloho seo a neng a se etse ho dinonyana tsa batho. +  +Ho sa le jwalo, batho ba marung ba ne ba utlwile bohloko ha ba bona kamoo dinonyana di ileng tsa qhekanyetswa ka teng. Ba bokolla ba lla, mme meokgo ya bona ya wela fatshe ho tswa marung ya kolobetsa lefatshe jwaloka pula. Jwang le difate tsa mela hape mme hape dinonyana le diphoofolo tsa eba le dijo. Empa dinonyana ha di a ka tsa hlola di tshepa dikgudu hape, mme ho fihlela kajeno, dikgudu di dula di ipatile dihlooho tsa tsona ka hara dikgaketla ke ho swaba ha di bona nonyana. +Eba le boiqapelo! +* Botsa bana ba hao, “Pale ee e ne e tla fapana jwang hoja Kgudu a ne a arolelane dijo tsa batho ba maru mmoho le dinonyana?” Jwale ba kgothaletse ho pheta pale hape mme ba e fetola ka tsela ena. +* Kgudu o ikutlwa a swabile qetellong ya pale, kahoo mohlomong o ithutile ho hong ka se etsahetseng! E re bana ba hao ba take setshwantsho sa Kgudu mme ba ngole le ho qetella polelo e latelang ka hara pudulana ya puo pela setshwantsho sa bona: Ke ithutile hore …",sot,Sesotho,Kgudu le dinonyana | Sesotho children stories,"A long time ago, when a bird died on earth, its spirit would leave its body and float up to the clouds where it lived as a cloud person, watching over and caring for the birds and animals on earth. +The birds and animals knew about these cloud ...",,E phetwa hape ke Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/node/1887 +why-monkeys-live-in-trees,"Lion was the king of the beasts. His loud roar made the leaves on the trees tremble. He spent his days hunting for food and sleeping in the sun. He was proud of his roar, and he was proud of his sharp teeth and claws, but he was most proud of his beautiful golden coat and mane. +  +One day as he drank from a pond, Lion noticed that his mane was looking rather patchy. “What’s this?” he grumbled to himself. He turned around and noticed a patch of hair missing from his golden back. Lion was very unhappy. It would not do for a lion to have no hair and no mane. He ran off to see Dr Tortoise to find out what could be done to save his coat. +  +“Hmmm,” said Dr Tortoise thoughtfully. “This is a terribly serious case of something, but I’m not sure what. Let me think …” + +  +“Oh no! This sounds very bad,” gasped Lion, but it wouldn’t do for a great big lion to cry. His knees were shaking. “Will … will I live?” he gasped. +  +“Of course you’ll live,” laughed Dr Tortoise, “you’ve just got a serious case of fleas. You need to go and ask Monkey to pick the fleas off for you. Then you’ll be right as rain.” +  +“Fleas? Is that all?” said Lion looking relieved. He thanked Dr Tortoise and hurried off to find Monkey. +  +Monkey was up to mischief as usual. He was sitting in a tree throwing rotten ngwenya berries at a lazy warthog that was sleeping in the sun. +  +“Monkey!” roared Lion. Monkey jumped and almost fell out of his tree. “Monkey, please could you come and pick the fleas from my coat for me?” asked Lion. +  +“Yes, of course, Your Majesty,” chattered Monkey dropping his last berry and hurrying down the tree. +  +Lion lay in the warm sun as Monkey combed and picked through his mane and fur. Monkey combed and picked. He stroked and groomed. The sun was warm and soon Lion fell fast asleep. +  +When Lion woke up he found that he couldn’t move. He roared with anger when he discovered that Monkey had tied his tail to a tree. The more Lion pulled and wriggled, the tighter the knot in his tail became. A little bushbaby watched with saucer eyes from the tree as Lion struggled and pulled. +  +“I could help you, Lion,” said Bushbaby sweetly, “but you would have to promise not to eat me.” +  +Lion was tired out from his struggles. “Of course I won’t eat you,” he panted. His tummy was growling. Bushbaby looked nervous. “I promise I won’t eat you!” said Lion. +  +So Bushbaby climbed down from the tree and started undoing the knot with his long delicate fingers. Finally Lion was free. He thanked Bushbaby and went on his way. +  +As he walked along, Lion thought about what Monkey had done to him and he felt very cross. He decided to teach Monkey a lesson. He told the other animals to wait five days and to then tell Monkey that Lion had died. +  +Five days later the animals went to Monkey and told him that, sadly, Lion had died. Warthog even pretended to cry. The animals told Monkey that they had decided to say goodbye to Lion by having a party. Monkey loved parties, and so he said, “I’ll definitely be there!” +  +That afternoon Monkey watched the animals line up near the great body of the lion and then walk past him one by one, stroking his mane, kissing his head and saying goodbye. Monkey hopped from one leg to the other. He was hoping to say goodbye to Lion quickly so that he could get to the food at the party. +  +When he reached Lion’s head, he leant over and chattered, “Goodbye you silly old cat. I tricked you properly.” +  +Lion’s eyes flicked open and he jumped up with a R-O-A-R! Monkey got such a fright that he fell over backwards. + +  +Quickly Monkey scrambled to his feet and raced up the closest tree, where he sat chattering and shivering in fright. Lion roared again and shook his giant paw at Monkey, “You and all the other monkeys better not come down from the trees! If you do, I promise you that I’ll eat you for supper!” +  +And to this day, monkeys spend all their time in the trees not daring to come down for fear of becoming Lion’s next meal. +  +Get creative! +Invite your children to draw a picture of the part of the story where Monkey is watching the other animals walk past the body of the lion. Suggest that they draw speech bubbles or thought bubbles for Lion, Monkey and the other animals, and then either write words or draw pictures in the bubbles to show what the animals might be thinking or saying.",eng,English,Why monkeys live in trees | Children Stories,"Lion was the king of the beasts. His loud roar made the leaves on the trees tremble. He spent his days hunting for food and sleeping in the sun. He was proud of his roar, and he was proud of his sharp teeth and claws, but he was most proud of his ...",,Retold by Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/why-monkeys-live-in-trees +why-monkeys-live-in-trees,"Leeu was koning van die diere. Sy harde brul het die blare aan die bome laat bewe. Bedags het hy gejag vir kos en in die son gelê en slaap. Hy was trots op sy brul, en hy was trots op sy skerp tande en kloue, maar hy was die trotsste van alles op sy pragtige goue pels en maanhare. +  +Op ’n dag, terwyl hy by ’n dam water drink, sien Leeu dat sy maanhare vol kaal kolle is. “Wat’s dit?” brom hy by homself. Hy draai om en sien dat die goue hare op sy rug ook vol kaal kolle is. Leeu is baie ongelukkig. Dit sal nie deug as ’n leeu nie hare of maanhare het nie. Hy draf weg om dr. Skilpad te gaan sien en uit te vind wat hy kan doen om sy pels te red. +  +“Hmmm,” sê dr. Skilpad nadenkend. “Dit is ’n uiters ernstige geval van iets, maar ek is nie heeltemal seker van wat nie. Laat ek dink …” + +  +“O, nee! Dit klink verskriklik,” snak Leeu, maar ’n groot leeu mag tog nie huil nie. Sy kniekoppe bewe. “Sal … sal ek dit oorleef?” vra hy. +  +“Natuurlik sal jy dit oorleef,” lag dr. Skilpad, “jy het net ’n ernstige vlooiaanval. Jy moet vir Apie gaan vra om die vlooie te vang. Dan is jy weer so reg soos ’n roer.” +  +“Vlooie? Is dit al?” sê Leeu en lyk verlig. Hy bedank dr. Skilpad en haas hom om Apie te gaan soek. +  +Apie is soos gewoonlik besig om kattekwaad aan te vang. Hy sit in ’n boom en gooi vrot ngwenya-bessies na ’n lui vlakvark wat in die son lê en slaap. +  +“Apie!” brul Leeu. Apie skrik en val byna uit die boom uit. “Apie, kan jy asseblief die vlooie in my pels kom vang?” vra Leeu. +  +“Ja, natuurlik, U Majesteit,” kwetter Apie. Hy laat val sy laaste bessie en skarrel af grond toe. +  +Leeu lê in die warm son terwyl Apie sy maanhare en pels kam en die vlooie vang. Apie kam en vang vlooie. Hy streel en pamperlang. Die son is warm en sommer gou is Leeu vas aan die slaap. +  +Toe Leeu wakker word, kan hy nie roer nie. Hy brul van woede toe hy ontdek dat Apie sy stert aan ’n boom vasgebind het. Hoe meer Leeu trek en wriemel, hoe stywer trek die knoop in sy stert. ’n Klein nagapie kyk met pieringoë uit die boom hoe Leeu spartel en spook. +  +“Ek kan jou help, Leeu,” sê Nagapie liefies, “maar dan moet jy eers belowe om my nie op te eet nie.” +  +Leeu is moeg gespartel. “Natuurlik sal ek jou nie eet nie,” hyg hy. Sy maag grom. Nagapie lyk senuweeagtig. “Ek belowe ek sal jou nie eet nie!” sê Leeu. +  +Nagapie klim toe uit die boom en begin die knoop met sy lang, delikate vingers losknoop. Uiteindelik is Leeu vry. Hy bedank vir Nagapie en loop weg. +  +Terwyl hy loop, besin Leeu oor wat Apie aan hom gedoen het, en hy raak baie kwaad. Hy besluit om Apie ’n les te leer. Hy vertel vir die ander diere om vyf dae te wag en dan vir Apie te vertel dat Leeu dood is. +  +Vyf dae later gaan die diere na Apie toe en vertel hom hartseer dat Leeu ongelukkig dood is. Vlakvark maak selfs of hy huil. Die diere vertel vir Apie dat hulle besluit het om ’n partytjie te hou om van Leeu afskeid te neem. Apie is dol oor partytjies en sê: “Ek sal beslis daar wees!” +  +Daardie middag kyk Apie hoe die diere naby die groot liggaam van die leeu bymekaarkom en dan een-een by hom verbystap. Hulle streel sy maanhare, soen hom op die kop en groet hom. Apie hop van een been na die ander. Hy wil so gou moontlik vir Leeu totsiens sê sodat hy by die partytjiekos kan uitkom. +  +Toe hy by Leeu se kop kom, leun hy oor en kwetter: “Totsiens, jou lawwe ou kat. Ek het jou behoorlik om die bos gelei.” +  +Leeu maak sy oë oop en spring met ’n B-R-U-L orent! Apie skrik so groot dat hy agteroor val. + +  +Apie kom vinnig weer op sy voete en klim rats in die naaste boom, waar hy sit en raas en bewe van vrees. Leeu brul weer en skud sy reuse klou in Apie se rigting: “Jy en al die ander apies moet liewer nie uit die bome kom nie! As julle dit doen, sal ek julle vir aandete eet!” +  +En tot vandag toe woon apies altyd in bome. Hulle durf nie afkom nie, want hulle is steeds bang dat hulle Leeu se volgende maaltyd sal word. +  +Wees kreatief! +Nooi jou kinders om ’n prent te teken van die deel van die storie waar Apie kyk hoe die ander diere verby Leeu se liggaam loop. Stel voor dat hulle praatborrels of denkborrels vir Leeu, Apie en die ander diere teken, en dan woorde in die borrels skryf of prente in die borrels teken om te wys wat die diere dink of sê.",afr,Afrikaans,Waarom apies in bome woon,"Lion was the king of the beasts. His loud roar made the leaves on the trees tremble. He spent his days hunting for food and sleeping in the sun. He was proud of his roar, and he was proud of his sharp teeth and claws, but he was most proud of his ...",,Oorvertel deur Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/node/1777 +why-monkeys-live-in-trees,"Tau e be e le kgoši ya dibata. Go rora ga gagwe ka lešata go be go dira gore matlakala a mehlare a šikinyege. O be a tsoma dijo a robala letšatšing. O be a ikgantšha ka go rora ga gagwe, gape o be a ikgantšha ka meno a gagwe a bogale le marofa efela o be a ikgantšha kudu ka boya bja gagwe bja gauta bjo bobotse le mariri. +  +Letšatši le lengwe Tau o rile a enwa meetse bodibeng, a lemoga gore mariri a gagwe ga se a felela. “Ke eng?” a ngunguna. O ile a retologa gomme a lemoga gore sekodi sa boya bja gagwe ga se gona mokokotlong wa gagwe wa gauta. Tau e be e sa thaba le gatee. Tau e ka se kgone go phela e se na boya le mariri. O ile a kitimela go Ngaka Khudu go kwa gore a ka dira eng go boloka boya bja gagwe. +  +“Hmmm,” a realo Ngaka Khudu a nagana. “Se ke bothata bja go hlolwa ke se sengwe, efela ga ke tsebe gore eng. E re ke nagane …” + +  +“Aowaowa! Se se kwagala gampe,” Tau a hemelana, efela Tau e kgolo ye maatla e ka se lle. Dikhuru tša gagwe di be di thuthumela. “Naa … ke tla phela?” a hemelana. +  +“Ee, o tla phela,” Ngaka Khudu a sega, “o na le bothata bja matsetse. O swanetše go yo kgopela Kgabo gore a a tloše. Gomme o tlo ba botse bjalo ka pula.” +  +“Matsetse? Ke tšona fela?” a realo Tau a ikwa a lokologile. O ile a leboga Ngaka Khudu gomme a sepediša a ya go nyaka Kgabo. +  +Bjalo ka mehleng Kgabo o be a nyaka go seleka. O be a dutše mohlareng a foša kolobesodi ya go tšwafa yeo e bego e robetše letšatšing ka dithetlwa tša ngwenya tša go bola. +  +“Kgabo!” Tau ya rora. Kgabo o ile a fofa a ba a nyaka go wa mohlareng. “Kgabo, ke kgopela gore o tle o tlo tloša matsetse boyeng bja ka?” gwa kgopela Tau. +  +“Ee, ke tla dira bjalo, Kgoši ya ka,” a realo Kgabo a foša thetlwa ya gagwe ya mafelelo gomme a fologa mohlare ka lebelo. +  +Tau e patlame letšatšing le borutho ge Kgabo e kama ebile e a tomola mariring a yona le mo boyeng. Kgabo e ile ya kama le go a tomola. O ile a pholophotha a ba a hlwekiša boya. Letšatši le be le le borutho gomme ka pejana Tau a swarwa ke boroko. +  +Tau o rile ge a tsoga a hwetša e le gore ga a sa kgona go sepela. E ile ya rora ka pefelo ge e lemoga gore Kgabo e bofeletše mosela wa yona mohlareng. Ge Tau e goga le go rarela go ya pele, lehuto moseleng la thatafala go ya pele. Sebota sa mahlo a dikgokolo seo se bego se le mohlareng se be se lebeletše Tau ge e katana le go goga. +  +“Nka go thuša, Tau,” a realo Sebota ka lentšu la bose, “efela o swanetše go ntshepiša gore o ka se nje.” +  +Tau e be e lapišitšwe ke go katana. “Nka se goje,” ya hemelana. Mpa ya gagwe e be e duma. Sebota se ile sa bonala se tšhogile. “Ke a go tshepiša, nka se goje!” a realo Tau. +  +Gomme Sebota sa fologa mohlare sa thoma go bofolla lehuto ka menwana ya sona ye metelele ye boleta. Tau o ile a lokologa mafelelong. O lebogile Sebota gomme a sepela. +  +Tau o rile ge a dutše a sepela, a nagana ka seo Kgabo a mo dirilego sona gomme a befelwa kudu. O ipoditše gore o nyaka go ruta Kgabo thuto. O boditše diphoofolo tše dingwe gore di eme matšatši a mahlano pele di botša Kgabo gore o hlokofetše. +  +Diphoofolo di ile tša ya go Kgabo ka morago ga matšatši a mahlano tša mmotša gore ka manyami, Tau o hlokofetše. Kolobesodi e ile ya itira tše e kego e a lla. Diphofolo di boditše Kgabo gore di gopotše go mo laela ka moletlwana. Kgabo o rata meletlwana gomme a re, “Ke tla ba fao!” +  +Mosegare woo Kgabo a bogela diphoofolo di dirile mothaladi kgauswi le mmele wa tau wo mogolo gomme di feta pele ga gagwe ka e tee ka e tee, di pholophotha mariri a gagwe, tša atla hlogo ya gagwe le go re a sepele gabotse. Kgabo ya tshelatshela ka maoto a yona a šiedišana. O be a holofetše go laela Tau ka lebelo gore a kitimele dijong tša moletlwana. +  +O rile ge a fihla hlogong ya Tau, a ukama a bolela, “O sepele gabotse wena katse ya go tšofala ya setlaela. Ke kgonne go go radia.” +  +Mahlo a Tau a ile a bulega gomme ya fofa ya R-O-R-A! Kgabo o ile a tšhoga gomme a wa ka santhago. + +  +Kgabo o ile a ema ka maoto ka lebelo a kitimela mohlareng wa kgauswi fao a ilego a dula a bobola gomme a thuthumela ka letšhogo. Tau o ile a rora gape gomme a šikinyetša Kgabo lerofa la gagwe le legolo, “Go kaone ge wena le Dikgabo tše dingwe le ka se tsoge le fologile mehlare! Ge le ka leka, ke a go tshepiša, le tlo ba dijo tša ka tša go lalela!” +  +Le go fihla lehono, Dikgabo di itulela mehlareng fao di sa naganego go tla fase ka ge di tšhaba go ba dijo tša Tau tša go latela. +  +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Laletša bana ba gago go thala seswantšho sa karolo ya kanegelo fao Kgabo e lebeletšego diphoofolo tše dingwe di sepela kgauswi le mmele wa tau. Šišinya gore ba thale dipudula tša polelo goba dipudula tša dikgopolo tša Tau, Kgabo le diphoofolo tše dingwe, gomme ba ngwale mantšu goba ba thale diswantšho ka dipuduleng go laetša seo se naganwago goba go bolelwa ke diphoofolo.",nso,Sepedi,Lebaka la go dira gore dikgabo di dule mehlareng,"Lion was the king of the beasts. His loud roar made the leaves on the trees tremble. He spent his days hunting for food and sleeping in the sun. He was proud of his roar, and he was proud of his sharp teeth and claws, but he was most proud of his ...",,Kanegoleswa ka Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/node/1779 +why-monkeys-live-in-trees,"Tau e ne e le morena wa dibatana. Ho puruma ha yona ho ne ho baka hore mahlaku a difate a sisinyehe. O ne a qeta matsatsi a tsoma dijo mme a robala letsatsing. O ne a le motlotlo ka ho puruma ha hae, mme a le motlotlo ka meno le dinala tsa hae tse bohale, empa o ne a le motlotlo ka ho fetisisa ka letlalo la hae le mmala wa kgauta le moetse wa hae. +  +Ka tsatsi le leng yare ha a nwa metsi qanthaneng, Tau a elellwa hore moetse wa hae o shebahala o ena le dipatlopatlo. “Ke eng hoo?” a honotha a bua a le mong. A fetoha mme a lemoha sepatlo moo boya bo tlohileng mokokotlong wa hae o mmala wa kgauta. Tau o ne a kgenne haholo. Ho ne ho sa loka hore tau e hloke boya le moetse. Yaba o a matha ho ya bonana le Ngaka Kgudu ho fumana hore na ebe ho ka etswang ho pholosa letlalo la hae. +  +“Hmmm,” ha rialo Ngaka Kgudu a nahana. “Bona ke bokudi bo bobe haholo bo itseng, empa ha ke na bonnete ba hore ke eng. E re ke nahane …” + +  +“Tjhe bo! Sena se utlwahala eka se sebe haholo,” ha tshoha Tau, empa ha ho tshwanelehe hore tau e kgolo e lle. Mangwele a hae a ne a thothomela. “Na … na ke tla phela?” a rialo a hula moya. +  +“Ehlile o tla phela,” ha tsheha Ngaka Kgudu, “o mpa feela o ena le matsetse a mangata. O lokela ho ya kopa Tshwene ho tlosa matsetse ao ho wena. Mme o tla loka hantle feela jwaloka pula.” +  +“Matsetse? Ke sona seo feela?” ha rialo Tau a imolohile. O ile a leboha Ngaka Kgudu mme a phakisa ho ya batlana le Tshwene. +  +Tshwene o ne a ntse a thibane jwaloka tlwaelo. O ne a dutse sefateng a ntse a akgela menokotshwai e bodileng ho kolobemoru e botswa e neng e robetse letsatsing. +  +“Tshwene!” ha puruma Tau. Tshwene a tlola a ba a batla a ewa sefateng. “Tshwene, ke a kopa na o ka tla ho tla tlosa matsetse aa a letlalong la ka?” ha kopa Tau. +  +“Ee, ho lokile, Motlotlehi,” ha araba Tshwene a lahlela monokotshwai wa ho qetela mme a theoha sefateng ka potlako. +  +Tau a robala letsatsing le futhumetseng ha Tshwene a ntse a mo kama le ho thonaka ka hara moetse le boya ba hae. Tshwene a kama, a thonaka. A pholla, a kama hantle. Letsatsi le ne le futhumetse mme hanghang Tau a kgaleha. +  +Ha Tau a tsoha a fumana hore ha a kgone ho tsamaya. A puruma ke kgalefo ha a elellwa hore Tshwene o tlamelletse mohatla wa hae sefateng. Ha Tau a leka ho hula le ho itshwasolla, lefito la nna la tiya mohatleng. Qwabi e nyane e ne e shebelletse ka mahlo a maholo e le sefateng ha Tau a ntse a leka ho itshwasolla mme a hula. +  +“Nka nna ka o thusa, Tau,” ha rialo Qwabi ka bonolo, “empa o tla lokela ho ntshepisa hore o keke wa ntja.” +  +Tau o ne a kgathetse ka lebaka la ho hula haholo. “Ehlile nke ke ka o ja,” a rialo a hemela hodimo. Mala a hae a ne a rora. Qwabi o ne a shebahala a tshohile. “Ke a o tshepisa nkeke ka o ja!” ha rialo Tau. +  +Yaba Qwabi e theoha sefateng mme ya qala ho fasolla lefito ka menwana ya yona e bonojana, e metelele. Qetellong Tau o ne a lokolohile.  A leboha Qwabi mme a itsamaela. +  +Ha a ntse a tsamaya, Tau a nahana ka seo Tshwene a mo entseng sona mme a ikutlwa a halefile haholo. A etsa qeto ya ho ruta Tshwene thuto. A bollella diphoofolo tse ding ho ema matsatsi a mahlano mme ebe di bolella Tshwene hore Tau o shwele. +  +Matsatsi a mahlano kamora moo diphoofolo tsa ya ho Tshwene mme tsa mmolella hore Tau o shwele. Kolobemoru a ba a iketsa eka o a lla. Diphoofolo tsa bolella Tshwene hore di ikemiseditse ho ya dumedisa Tau ka ho tshwara mokete. Tshwene o ne a rata mekete, kahoo a re, “Ke tla hle ke be teng!” +  +Thapameng eo Tshwene a shebella ha diphoofolo di entse mola haufi le setopo sa Tau mme di ntse di feta ka bonngwe, di pholla moetse wa hae, di suna hlooho ya hae mme di re a tsamaye hantle. Tshwene a nna a tshethema ka maoto a a fapanyetsana. O ne a ikemiseditse ho ya dumedisa Tau ka potlako e le hore a tle a fihle dijong mane moketeng. +  +Eitse ha a fihla hloohong ya Tau, a inamela ho yena a komakoma, “Tsamaya hantle leqheku towe la katse. Ke o laile ka o qhekanyetsa.” +  +Mahlo a Tau a buleha mme a tlola a P-U-R-U-M-A! Tshwene a tshoha haholo hoo a ileng a wa ka mokokotlo. + +  +Ka pelepele Tshwene a kgasa, a ema ka maoto mme a mathela sefateng se haufi, moo a ileng a dula a komakoma a thothomela ke ho tshoha. Tau a rora hape mme a sisinya leoto la ka pele le leholo a supile Tshwene, “Wena le ditshwene tse ding kaofela le se ke la hlola le theoha difateng! Ha le ka etsa jwalo, ke a le tshepisa ke tla le ja ke le etse dijo tsa mantsiboya!” +  +Mme he ho fihlela kajeno, ditshwene di qeta nako e ngata di le hodima difate di tshaba ho theohela fatshe hobane di tla ba dijo tsa Tau.",sot,Sesotho,Hobaneng ha ditshwene di dula difateng,"Lion was the king of the beasts. His loud roar made the leaves on the trees tremble. He spent his days hunting for food and sleeping in the sun. He was proud of his roar, and he was proud of his sharp teeth and claws, but he was most proud of his ...",,E phetwa hape ke Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/node/1781 +why-monkeys-live-in-trees,"UNgonyama wayengukumkani wezilo. Umgqumo wakhe owoyikekayo wawusenza amagqabi emithini angcangcazele. Ixesha lakhe elininzi wayezingela ukutya aze agcakamele ilanga alale. Wayezidla ngaloo mgqumo wakhe woyikekayo, ezidla ngamazinyo akhe neenzipho ezibukhali, kodwa eyona nto wayezidla ngayo ukogqitha zonke ezinye yayiyingubo yakhe ebuboya obubugolide nesingci sakhe. +  +Ngenye imini esasela equleni, uNgonyama waqaphela ukuba isingci sakhe sikhangeleka sinamatshanda. “Kwenzeka ntoni ngoku?” wazibuza bubhavuma. Waguquka buzibhenca waze waqaphela ukuba kukho isihlwitha esixhwithekileyo kobo boya bakhe bubugolide busemqolo. UNgonyama wakhathazeka kakhulu koku. Ayikwazi kaloku ingonyama ukungabinabo uboya kunye nesingci. Wabaleka waya kubonana noGqirha Fudo ukuze afumanise ukuba angenza ntoni na ukukhusela uboya bakhe. +  +“Amhhh,” watsho uGqirha Fudo ekwezinzulu iingcinga. “Le yimeko embi kakhulu ebangelwa kokuthile, kodwa andiqinisekanga ukuba yintoni. Mandikhe ndicinge …” + +  +“Owu hayini! Oku kuvakala ngathi yimeko emandundu,” wakhefuzela efixiza uNgonyama, kodwa kwakungasayi kunceda ukukhala kwengonyama enkulu kangako. Amadolo akhe ayengevezela. “Ingaba … ingaba ndiza kuphila?” wabuza ekhefuzela. +  +“Ngokuqinisekileyo uza kuphila,” wahleka uGqirha Fudo, “ingxaki kukuba uthe mome ziintakumba. Kufuneka uhambe uye kucela uNkawu akuphendle, achobe ezi ntakumba zakho. Emva koko uza kuba ngumqabaqaba.” +  +“Iintakumba? Yiloo nto nje kuphela?” wabuza uNgonyama kuthe qabu. Wabulela kuGqirha Fudo waze wakhawuleza ukuya kukhangela uNkawu. +  +UNkawu wayephezu kwentlondi njengesiqhelo. Wayehleli emthini egibisela ngeengwenye ezibolileyo inxagu ezonqenelayo neyayigcakamele ilanga, ilele. +  +“Nkawu!” wagquma watsho uNgonyama. UNkawu wothuka phantse wawa nakuloo mthi wayekuwo. “Nkawu, ungandinceda uze kundiphendla, uchobe ezi ntakumba kobu boya bam?” wabuza uNgonyama. +  +“Ewe, Kumkani oHloniphekileyo,” washwantshwatha watsho uNkawu elahla loo ngwenye yakhe yokugqibela phantsi waze wehla emthini ngokukhawuleza. +  +UNgonyama wayecambalele kwelo langa lishushu kamnandi lo gama uNkawu aphendla, echoba isingci kunye nesikhumba sakhe. UNkawu waqhubeka nokuphendla echoba. Wakama, evuthulula. Ilanga lalishushu kamnandi waze kwakamsinyane uNgonyama walala yoyi ubuthongo. +  +Ukuvuka kwakhe uNgonyama wafumanisa ukuba akakwazi ukushukuma. Wagquma ngumsindo akufumanisa ukuba uNkawu ubophelele umsila wakhe emthini. Ngokumane ezitsala ezixhuzula ngamandla ezibhijabhija, iqhina elibophelele umsila wakhe lalisiya liqina ngokuqina. UMqha omncinane wayebukele ngalo mehlo akhe makhulu ngathi zisosi esemthini lo gama uNgonyama ezibhijabhija, ezitsalatsala. +  +“Ndingakunceda, Ngonyama,” watsho uMqha emsizela, “kodwa kwakufuneka undithembise ukuba awuzukunditya.” +  +UNgonyama wayediniwe yiloo mizamo yakhe. “Hayi soze ndikutye,” watsho sele ekhefuzela. Isisu sakhe sasingxola. UMqha wayekhangeleka esoyika. “Ndiyathembisa soze ndikutye!” watsho uNgonyama. +  +UMqha wehla emthini waze waqalisa ukukhulula elo qhina ngalo minwe yakhe mide nengcekengceke. Ekugqibeleni uNgonyama wakhululeka. Wabulela kuMqha waze wahamba indlela yakhe. +  +Esahamba njalo, uNgonyama wacinga ngesenzo sikaNkawu waze wanomsindo kakhulu. Wagqiba kwelokuba amfundise isifundo uNkawu. Waxelela ezinye izilwanyana ukuba zilinde iintsuku ezintlanu zize emva kwazo zixelele uNkawu ukuba uNgonyama ufile. +  +Emva kweentsuku ezintlanu izilwanyana zaya kuNkawu zamxelela ukuba zilusizi ukuvakalisa ukuba uNgonyama ufile. UNxagu wazililisa. Izilwanyana zaxelela uNkawu ukuba zigqibe ukuba zibenetheko lokuthi ndlela-ntle kuNgonyama. UNkawu wayewathanda amatheko, ngoko ke wavumela phezulu esithi. “Ngokuqinisekileyo ndiza kuba lapho!” +  +Ngaloo mva kwemini wabukela izilwanyana zifole ecaleni komzimba omkhulu wengonyama, zimane zidlula kuyo nganye nganye, ziphulula isingci sayo, ziyiphuza entloko zisithi ndlela-ntle. UNkawu wangcileza emane esima ngalo umlenze aphinde ame ngalowaa. Wayenethemba lokuthi ndlela-ntle kuNgonyama ngokukhawuleza ukuze adlulele ekutyeni kwetheko. +  +Xa efika kwintloko yeNgonyama, wathoba waze washwantshwatha esithi, “Hamba kakuhle siyathandini sekati endala. Ndikufumene, ndakuqhatha kakuhle.” +  +Amehlo kaNgonyama avuleka ngephanyazo waze waxhuma ngoM-G-Q-U-M-O! UNkawu woyika kakhulu kangangokuba waya kuwa ngomqolo, wagqoloda. + +  +Ngokukhawuleza uNkawu waphakama wema ngeenyawo, wagqotsa ukuya kukhwela kowona mthi ukufutshane, apho wahlala khona eshwantshwatha, engcangcazela kukoyika. UNgonyama wagquma kwakhona etyityimbisela uNkawu uthupha lwakhe olukhulu, “Wena kunye nazo zonke ezinye iinkawu ningaze nihle emithini kwakhona! Ukuba nihlile, ndiyanithembisa ukuba nakuba sisidlo sam sangokuhlwa!” +  +Kude kube nanamhlanje oku, iinkawu zihlala emithini ixesha lazo lonke, zingenasibindi sokuzama ukwehla kuba zisoyika ukuba sisidlo sikaNgonyama esilandelayo. +  +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Mema abantwana bakho ukuba bazobe umfanekiso wendawo esebalini apho uNkawu abukele ezinye izilwanyana zidlula kumzimba wengonyama. Bacebise ukuba bazobe amaqamza eentetho okanye aweengcinga zikaNgonyama, ezikaNkawu nawezinye izilwanyana, baze ke babhale amagama okanye bazobe imifanekiso kuloo maqamza ukubonisa ukuba zicinga ntoni na okanye zithini na izilwanyana.",xho,isiXhosa,Kutheni iinkawu zihlala emithin,"Lion was the king of the beasts. His loud roar made the leaves on the trees tremble. He spent his days hunting for food and sleeping in the sun. He was proud of his roar, and he was proud of his sharp teeth and claws, but he was most proud of his ...",,Libaliswa kwakhona nguNicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/node/1783 +why-monkeys-live-in-trees,"UBhubesi wayeyinkosi yezilwane. Ukubhonga kwakhe kakhulu kwakwenza ukuthi amacembe aqhaqhazele ezihlahleni. Wayechitha isikhathi sakhe ezingela ukudla abuye ethamele ilanga. Wayeziqhenya ngokubhonga kwakhe, futhi wayeziqhenya ngamazinyo namazipho akhe abukhali, kodwa wayeziqhenya kakhulu ngesikhumba sakhe esisagolide nomhlwenga wakhe. +  +Ngelinye ilanga ephuza exhaphozini, uBhubesi waqaphela ukuthi umhlwenga wakhe wawunamashanda. “Kuyini lokhu?” egwavuma ekhuluma yedwa. Waphenduka wase ebona ukuthi kukhona uboya obusukile emhlane wakhe osagolide. UBhubesi waphatheka kabi kakhulu. Wagijima wayobona uDokotela Fudu ukuze athole ukuthi kungenziwani ukuze asindise isikhumba sakhe. +  +“Hmmm,” kusho uDkt Fudu edla amathambo engqondo. “Lesi yisimo sokuthile esibucayi kakhulu, kodwa angazi ukuthi siyini. Awuthi-ke ngidle amathambo engqondo …” + +  +“Mamo! Lokhu kuzwakala sengathi yisimo esibi kakhu,” kusho uBhubesi ebambe ongezansi, kodwa angeke kulunge ukuthi ibhubhesi elikhulu likhale. Amadolo akhe ayeshayisana. “Ngabe … ngabe ngizophila?” esho ebambe ongezansi. +  +“Uzophila noma kanjani,” kuhleka uDkt Fudu, “ukuthi nje unamazenze amaningi. Kumele uyocela uNkawu ukuthi akuchobe amazenze. Konke kuzobe sekubuyela esimweni esijwayelekile.” +  +“Amazenze? Yilokho nje kuphela?” kusho uBhubesi sekwehle uvalo. Wabonga uDkt Fudu wase ephuthuma eyofuna uNkawu. +  +UNkawu wayephethwe ukuganga njengenjwayelo. Wayehleli esihlahleni ejikijela amajikijolo abizwa ngengwenya abolile entibaneni evilaphayo eyayilele elangeni. +  +“Nkawu!” kubhonga uBhubesi. UNkawu wagxuma wacishe wawa esihlahleni. “Nkawu, ngabe ungakwazi ukuzongichoba amazenze ejazini lami?” kubuza uBhubesi. +  +“Yebo, kulungile, Nkosi Yamakhosi,” kubongela uNkawu lapho elahla ijikijolo lokugcina ehla esihlahleni eshesha. +  +UBhubesi walala elangeni elifudumele ngesikhathi uNkawu emkama emchoba umhlwenga noboya. Walokhu emkama emchoba. Wamphulula wase emlungisa kahle. Ilanga lalifudumele, kwathi kungaphelanga sikhathi uBhubesi wayeselele zwi. +  +Lapho uBhubesi esephaphama, wathola ukuthi wayengakwazi ukunyakaza. Wabhonga ngentukuthelo lapho ethola ukuthi uNkawu wayebophele umsila wakhe esihlahleni. Lapho uBhubesi ezama edonsa futhi ezama ukuzithukulula, laya ngokuqina ifindo elisemsileni. Isinkwe esincane sabukela ngamehlo aso asasoso esihlahleni lapho uBhubesi esebunzimeni, edonsa. +  +“Ngingakusiza, Bhubesi,” kusho uSinkwe kamnene, “kodwa kumele uthembise ukuthi angeke ungidle.” +  +UBhubesi wayesekhathele emizamweni yakhe. “Impela angeke ngikudle,”esho ngephika. Kwakukhala nesisu sakhe. USinkwe wayebukeka enovalo. “Ngiyethembisa ukuthi angeke ngikudle!” kusho uBhubesi. +  +Ngakho uSinkwe wehla esihlahleni wase eqala ukumqaqa ifindo ngeminwe yakhe emide ethambile. Ekugcineni, uBhubesi wayesekhululekile. Wabonga uSinkwe wase ehamba. +  +Ngesikhathi ehamba uBhubesi wacabanga ngalokho akwenziwe uNkawu wase ezizwa ethukuthela kakhulu. Wanquma ukufundisa uNkawu isifundo. Watshela ezinye izilwane ukuthi zilinde izinsuku ezinhlanu bese zitshela uNkawu ukuthi uBhubesi ufile. +  +Ngemva kwezinsuku ezinhlanu izilwane zaya kuNkawu zamtshela ukuthi, okudabukisayo ukuthi ushonile uBhubesi. UNtibane waze wenza sengathi uyakhala. Izilwane zatshela uNkawu ukuthi zinqume ukuvalelisa uBhubesi ngokwenza idili. UNkawu wayewathanda amadili, wabe esethi, “Ngizoba lapho noma kanjani!” +  +Ngaleyo ntambama uNkawu wabukela ngesikhathi izilwane zishaye ujenga eduze komzimba webhubesi omkhulu futhi kudlula isilwane ngasinye, siphulula umhlwenga wakhe, siqabula nekhanda lakhe futhi silivalelisa. UNkawu wayegxumagxuma aqale ame ngomunye umlenze abuye ame ngomunye. Wayefisa ukuvalelisa uBhubesi ngokushesha ukuze ayodla edilini. +  +Uthe uma efika ekhanda likaBhubesi, wagoba wase entela, “Ndlelanhle kati elikhulu eliyisiwula. Ngidlale ngawe ngempela.” +  +Kwavuleka amehlo kaBhubesi wase egxuma E-BHO-O-NGA! UNkawu wethuka kakhulu waze wawa, walala ngomhlane. + +  +UNkawu wasukuma ngokushesha wase egibela esihlahleni esasiseduze, lapho ahlala khona etshwekeza futhi eqhaqhazela wuvalo. UBhubesi waphinde wabhonga wase enyakazisa isidladla sakhe esikhulu ekhomba uNkawu, “Wena kanye nazo zonke ezinye izinkawu niyozisiza ngokuthi ningehli ezihlahleni! Uma nike nehla, ngiyanethembisa ukuthi niyoba isidlo sami sakusihlwa!” +  +Kuze kube namhlanje, izinkawu zichitha isikhathi sazo sonke ezihlahleni futhi azicabangi ukwehlela phansi ngoba zesaba ukuba yisidlo esilandelayo sikaBhubesi. +  +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Mema izingane zakho ukuthi zidwebe isithombe sengxenye yendaba lapho uNkawu ebuka khona ezinye izilwane lapho zidlula umzimba webhubesi. Phakamisa ukuthi zidwebe amabhamuza enkulumo noma amabhamuza omcabango kaBhubesi, uNkawu Kanye nezinye izilwane, izingane bese zenza okukodwa phakathi kokubhala amagama noma ukudweba izithombe emabhamuzeni ukuze kukhombise lokho okungenzeka ukuthi kucatshangwa noma kushiwo ngezinye izilwane.",zul,isiZulu,Kungani izinkawu zihlala ezihlahleni | Kids stories,"Lion was the king of the beasts. His loud roar made the leaves on the trees tremble. He spent his days hunting for food and sleeping in the sun. He was proud of his roar, and he was proud of his sharp teeth and claws, but he was most proud of his ...",,Ixoxwa kabusha nguNicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/node/1785 +1639,"Nkululeko and his mama and papa are tortoises. They live together at the bottom of a garden. +  +Now, tortoises don’t need houses like we do because they live in their shells. And the other thing you may know about tortoises, is that they are very, very slow. + +  +Every night, Nkululeko and his mama and papa go to bed very slowly by pulling their legs and heads inside their shells. And every morning, they wake up very slowly too. It is usually about ten o’clock when they finally pop out of their shells and have a delicious breakfast of flowers and leaves. +  +One morning Papa leaned over to Mama and said, “Isn’t it a lovely day to do nothing? It’s just a pity about Nkululeko, he’s always rushing about.” +  +Nkululeko was very fast for a tortoise. On this morning, he was exploring the bushes on the far side of the garden. His parents shook their heads, but Nkululeko was too busy playing in a big pile of crunchy leaves to notice. +  +Nkululeko saw something shiny in the leaf pile. It was a big gold coin. “It’s money!” he said with a smile. “I’m going to use it to go on an adventure.” +  +And so Nkululeko began to walk. He walked through the garden and across the lawn, until he came to the old gate that led onto the street. He crept underneath it. +  +The street was busy. He walked along the pavement and tried not to get trampled by all the people rushing about. He stopped at the corner and caught his breath. It was then that Nkululeko saw something wonderful. +  +In a small parking lot, big taxis were picking people up and driving off to what sounded like the most marvellous places – the city, the beach, the mountain. Nkululeko walked across the street to the parking lot. +  +He went up to the first big taxi and said in his quiet voice, “Hello, I’d like to see the city, or the beach, or even the mountain. Could you help me?” +  +The taxi driver was young and tall. He leaned down and looked at the little tortoise who was holding out a big gold coin. The driver laughed. “This tortoise wants a taxi. How silly!” he said. “Whoever heard of such a thing?” +  +Nkululeko dropped his head sadly and started to walk away. Just then, somebody spoke. “I’ll take you,” said the voice. +  +Nkululeko looked up and saw an old man standing in front of his taxi. +  +“Climb aboard, young tortoise,” said the old man, smiling, “and I’ll show you everything.” +  +Nkululeko smiled broadly and walked up to the taxi. The old man picked him up and put him on the seat. +  +Nkululeko strained his head to look out of the taxi’s window, but it was too high up for him. “Let’s just get you some cushions out of the boot so that you can sit up higher and see better,” said the old man. +  +And then they were off, driving through streets filled with hooting cars and people rushing about. The old man talked as he drove. He told Nkululeko that his name Bra Will, and that he had been driving taxis for fifty years. +  +“My papa is already eighty years old, Bra Will. Tortoises live a very long time, you know,” explained Nkululeko. +  +Bra Will nodded. Outside, the houses were getting bigger. Bra Will said that they would soon be in the city. +  +“Why do you want to see all these places?” Bra Will asked. +  +“Well,” said Nkululeko, “tortoises move very slowly and sometimes I get bored just walking around the garden. I want adventure!” +  +There was a twinkle in Bra Will’s eye. “I understand,” he said. +  +The city was big and noisy. Skyscrapers climbed up into the clouds. There were people and cars everywhere and there seemed to be so much noise! + +  +“This is amazing,” said Nkululeko. +  +“This is nothing,” said Bra Will, “wait until you see the beach. This city is too loud for me, but the beach, now that’s amazing.” +  +And so they left the city. +  +“Open the window,” said Bra Will, “then you will smell the sea.” +  +Nkululeko rolled the window down very slowly. “It smells all salty,” he said, smiling. +  +As they came around a corner something large and blue stretched before them. “What is that?” asked Nkululeko with his mouth hanging open. +  +“That’s the sea,” said Bra Will, laughing. +  +“It’s amazing,” said Nkululeko. +  +The taxi pulled into a small parking lot next to a long stretch of white sand that ran down to the sea. +  +“And this is the beach,” said Bra Will. “Why don’t we stop here for a moment and walk on the soft sand.” +  +Bra Will helped Nkululeko onto the beach. Around him people were playing or lying in the sun. It was very hot. Nkululeko crawled around slowly, waded in the shallow water, and looked at all the pretty shells on the beach. + +  +Next, it was time to go to the mountain. Nkululeko had seen the mountain from his garden, but he’d never ACTUALLY been to the mountain. It was a steep drive up from the beach. It was very windy on the mountain. Nkululeko even saw a man lose his hat to the wind! +  +When the taxi finally stopped, Nkululeko climbed out and gasped. He could see the whole city from up here. He could see the sea and the beach and even his little home in the garden. He thought about his mama and papa. +  +“This is the most beautiful place, Bra Will,” said the tortoise, “and it has been such an adventure driving around with you, but I think it’s time I went home to my mama and papa.” +  +Bra Will winked and drove them back to the taxi rank. Nkululeko thanked him and pulled out the gold coin from his shell. +  +Bra Will shook his head and said, “You keep your money, Nkululeko. It was a pleasure to drive you around. Your happiness was payment enough for me.” +  +Nkululeko waved goodbye and started the slow walk home. On the way, he passed a fruit seller and used the gold coin to buy a box of ripe strawberries, which he carried home on his back. It was getting dark when he found his way into the garden. His mama and papa were waiting for him. +  +“Where have you been?” asked Papa. “We were worried sick.” +  +Nkululeko gave them each a big hug. They shared the strawberries and he told his parents all about his adventure in the taxi. +  +“That sounds fantastic,” said Mama, “but I’m very happy that you’re home, Nkululeko.” +  +“Me too,” he said. “You know I’ve been all over now – north, south, east and west, but out of all the places … home is best.” +  +With that he tucked his head and legs into his shell and fell fast asleep. +  +  +Get creative: +Let your children use egg cartons, cardboard, paint and glue to make the tortoises in the story. They can use other scrap materials (like bottle tops and cereal or biscuit boxes) to make the taxi. Encourage them to use the story props they made to retell the story in their own way. +* Suggest that your children draw a map to show the places Nkululeko went to on his adventure and the order in which he visited them.",eng,English,Tortoise takes a tax,"Nkululeko and his mama and papa are tortoises. They live together at the bottom of a garden. +  +Now, tortoises don’t need houses like we do because they live in their shells. And the other thing you may know about tortoises, is that ...",,By Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/node/1639 +1639,"Nkululeko en sy mamma en pappa is skilpaaie. Hulle woon saam aan die onderpunt van ’n tuin. +  +Skilpaaie het nie soos ons huise nodig nie, want hulle woon in hul doppe. En nog iets wat jy dalk van skilpaaie weet, is dat hulle baie, baie stadig is. + +  +Elke aand gaan slaap Nkululeko en sy mamma en pappa baie stadig deur hulle pote en koppe in hul doppe in te trek. En elke oggend word hulle ook baie stadig wakker. Dit is gewoonlik omtrent tienuur wanneer hulle uiteindelik uit hul doppe kruip en ’n heerlike ontbyt van blomme en blare geniet. +  +Een oggend leun Pappa oor na Mamma en sê: “Wat ’n lieflike dag om niks te doen nie! Dis net jammer dat Nkululeko altyd so bedrywig is.” +  +Nkululeko is eintlik baie vinnig vir ’n skilpad. Dié oggend is hy besig om die bosse aan die verste punt van die tuin te verken. Sy ouers skud hulle koppe, maar Nkululeko is so besig om in ’n groot hoop krakerige blare te speel dat hy hulle nie eens raaksien nie. +  +Nkululeko sien iets in die hoop blare blink. Dit is ’n groot goue muntstuk. “Dis geld!” sê hy met ’n glimlag. “Ek gaan dit gebruik om op ’n avontuur te gaan.” +  +En so begin Nkululeko stap. Hy stap deur die tuin en oor die grasperk, tot hy by die ou hek kom wat na die straat toe lei. Hy kruip onderdeur. +  +Die straat is besig. Hy stap met die sypaadjie langs en probeer om nie vertrap te word deur al die mense wat rondskarrel nie. Op die hoek gaan staan hy om sy asem terug te kry. En dis toe dat Nkululeko iets wonderliks sien. +  +In ’n klein parkeerterrein tel groot taxi’s mense op en ry weg na wat soos die wonderlikste denkbare plekke klink – die stad, die see, die berg. Nkululeko stap oor die straat na die parkeerterrein. +  +Hy stap na die eerste groot taxi toe en sê in sy sagte stem: “Hallo, ek wil graag die stad of die see, of selfs die berg sien. Kan jy my help?” +  +Die taxibestuurder is jong en lank. Hy buig af en kyk na die klein skilpadjie wat ’n groot goue muntstuk na hom uithou. Die bestuurder lag. “Hierdie skilpad wil in ’n taxi ry. Hoe laf!” sê hy. “Wie het nou al van so iets gehoor?” +  +Nkululeko laat hartseer sy kop sak en begin wegstap. Net toe sê ’n stem: “Ek sal jou vat.” +  +Nkululeko kyk op en sien ’n ou man voor sy taxi staan. +  +“Klim in, jong skilpad,” sê die ou man met ’n glimlag, “en ek sal jou alles wys.” +  +Nkululeko glimlag breed en stap na die taxi toe. Die ou man tel hom op en sit hom op die sitplek neer. +  +Nkululeko rek sy nek om by die taxi se venster uit te kyk, maar dit is te hoog vir hom. “Kom ons kry vir jou ’n paar kussings uit die kattebak sodat jy hoër kan sit en beter kan sien,” sê die ou man. +  +En toe is hulle op pad. Hulle ry deur strate vol motors wat toet en mense wat heen en weer jaag. Die ou man gesels terwyl hy bestuur. Hy vertel vir Nkululeko dat sy naam Bra Will is, en dat hy al vyftig jaar lank taxi’s bestuur. +  +“My pappa is al tagtig jaar oud, Bra Will. Skilpaaie word baie oud, weet jy,” verduidelik Nkululeko. +  +Bra Will knik. Buite raak die huise groter. Bra Will sê hulle sal nou-nou in die stad wees. +  +“Waarom wil jy al hierdie plekke sien?” vra Bra Will. +  +“Wel,” sê Nkululeko, “skilpaaie beweeg baie stadig, en soms verveel dit my om net in die tuin rond te loop. Ek is op soek na avontuur!” +  +Daar is ’n vonkel in Bra Will se oog. “Ek verstaan,” sê hy. +  +Die stad is groot en raserig. Wolkekrabbers toring tot bo in die wolke. Daar is mense en motors oral en die lawaai is oorverdowend! + +  +“Dis verstommend,” sê Nkululeko. +  +“Dis niks,” sê Bra Will, “wag tot jy die see sien. Hierdie stad is te raserig vir my, maar die see – dit is regtig fantasties.” +  +En toe ry hulle uit die stad uit. +  +“Maak oop die venster,” sê Bra Will, “dan sal jy die see ruik.” +  +Nkululeko rol die venster baie stadig af. “Dit ruik na sout,” sê hy met ’n glimlag. +  +Toe hulle om ’n hoek kom, strek iets groot en blou voor hulle uit. “Wat’s dit?” vra Nkululeko met sy mond wat oophang. +  +“Dis die see,” sê Bra Will en lag. +  +“Dis ongelooflik,” sê Nkululeko. +  +Die taxi parkeer in ’n klein parkeerarea langs ’n lang strook wit sand wat tot by die see strek. +  +“En dit is die strand,” sê Bra Will. “Kom ons rus ’n rukkie hier en stap op die sagte sand.” +  +Bra Will help vir Nkululeko tot op die strand. Oral om hom speel mense, of lê in die son. Dit is baie warm. Nkululeko kruip stadig rond, waad in die vlak water, en kyk na al die pragtige skulpe op die strand. + +  +Toe is dit tyd om berg toe te gaan. Nkululeko het al die berg uit sy tuin gesien, maar hy was nog nooit REGTIG naby die berg nie. Dit is ’n steil pad van die see af. Dit is baie winderig op die berg. Nkululeko sien selfs ’n man wie se hoed deur die wind geskep en weggewaai word! +  +Toe die taxi uiteindelik stilhou, klim Nkululeko uit en snak na sy asem. Hy kan die hele stad van hier bo af sien. Hy kan die see en die strand en selfs sy klein huisie in die tuin sien. Hy dink aan sy mamma en pappa. +  +“Dit is die heel mooiste plek, Bra Will,” sê die skilpad, “en dit was so ’n groot avontuur om saam met jou rond te ry, maar ek dink dis nou tyd dat ek huis toe gaan na my mamma en pappa toe.” +  +Bra Will knik en ry terug na die taxistaanplek. Nkululeko sê vir hom dankie en haal die goue muntstuk uit sy dop. +  +Bra Will skud sy kop en sê: “Hou jou geld, Nkululeko. Dit was vir my ’n plesier om jou rond te ry. Om jou so gelukkig te sien is genoeg betaling vir my.” +  +Nkululeko wuif totsiens en begin stadig huis toe stap. Op pad stap hy verby ’n vrugteverkoper en hy gebruik die goue muntstuk om ’n boks ryp aarbeie te koop, wat hy op sy rug huis toe dra. Dit begin al donker raak toe hy uiteindelik sy pad terug na die tuin vind. Sy mamma en pappa wag vir hom. +  +“Waar was jy?” vra Pappa. “Ons was siek van bekommernis.” +  +Nkululeko gee hulle albei ’n stywe drukkie. Hulle deel die aarbeie en hy vertel vir sy ouers van sy avontuur in die taxi. +  +“Dit klink fantasties,” sê Mamma, “maar ek is baie bly dat jy weer by die huis is, Nkululeko.” +  +“Ek ook,” sê hy. “Ek was nou oral – noord, suid, oos en wes, maar van al die plekke ... is tuis bes.” +  +En toe trek hy sy kop en pote in sy dop in en raak vas aan die slaap. +  +Wees kreatief! +* Laat jou kinders eierboksies, karton, verf en gom gebruik om die skilpaaie in die storie te maak. Hulle kan ander afvalmateriaal (soos botteldoppies en graankos- of beskuitjiebokse) gebruik om die taxi te maak. Moedig hulle aan om die dinge wat hulle vir die storie gemaak het te gebruik om die storie op hulle eie manier oor te vertel. +* Stel voor dat jou kinders ’n kaart teken om die plekke aan te dui wat Nkululeko op sy avontuur besoek het, en die volgorde waarin hy hulle besoek het.",afr,Afrikaans,Skilpad se taxirit,"Nkululeko and his mama and papa are tortoises. They live together at the bottom of a garden. +  +Now, tortoises don’t need houses like we do because they live in their shells. And the other thing you may know about tortoises, is that ...",,Deur Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/node/1641 +1639,"Nkululeko le mmagwe le tatagwe ke dikhudu. Ba dula mmogo kua tlasenyana ka tšhengwaneng. +  +Bjale, dikhudu ga di hloke dintlo bjalo ka rena ka gobane di dula ka gare ga dikgopa tša tšona. Selo se sengwe seo o ka se tsebago ka ga dikhudu ke gore di sepela ka go nanya kudu kudu. + +  +Bošego bjo bongwe le bjo bongwe, Nkululeko le mmagwe le tatagwe ba ya malaong ka go nanya gomme ba tsenya maoto le dihlogo ka gare ga dikgopa tša bona. Gomme mesong ye mengwe le ye mengwe, ba tsoga ka go nanya gape. Gantši ba tšwa ka gare ga dikgopa tša bona ka iri ya lesome ba fihlola ka dijo tše dibose tša matšoba le matlakala. +  +Mesong ye mengwe Tate o ile a inamela go Mma a re, “Naa letšatši la lehono ga se le lebotse kudu ka fao le swanetšego go dirišwa? Ke kwela Nkululeko bohloko, o dula a itlhaganetše.” +  +Nkululeko o be a na le lebelo kudu go ka ba khudu. Mesong ye ya lehono, o be a hlotletša dithokgwa kua thokonyana ka tšhengwaneng. Batswadi ba gagwe ba ile ba šikinya dihlogo, efela Nkululeko o be a le gare a bapala mokgobong o mogolo wa matlakala a go gwašagwaša gomme a sa lemoge seo. +  +Nkululeko o ile a bona selo sa go phadima mokgobong wa matlakala. E be e le khoine ye kgolo ya gauta. “Ke tšhelete!” a realo ka myemyelo. “Ke tla e diriša go ya go tša bohlagahlaga.” +  +Gomme Nkululeko o ile a thoma go sepela. O ile a sepela ka tšhengwaneng le go putla mabjang, go fihlela a fihla keiting ye e išago mmileng. O ile a khukhumela ka tlase ga yona. +  +Go be go emaemiwa mmileng. O ile a sepela pheibementeng gore a se gatwe ke batho ba go itlhaganela. O ile a ema sekhutlwaneng gomme a khutša. Ke moo Nkululeko a ilego a bona selo sa botse. +  +Lefelong leo dinamelwa di phakago go lona le lennyane, dithekisi tše dikgolo di be di tšea batho di ba iša fao go kwagalago eke ke mafelo a mabotse kudukudu – toropokgolo, lebopo le thaba. Nkululeko o ile a tshela mmila a ya lefelong le dinamelwa di phakago go lona. +  +O ile a ya thekising ya mathomo ye kgolo gomme ka lentšwana la gagwe la tlase a re, “Thobela, ke rata go bona toropokgolo, goba lebopo goba le ge e le thaba. Naa le ka nthuša?” +  +Mootledi wa thekisi ke yo motelele yo moswa. O ile a inama a lebelela khudu ye nnyane yeo e bego e swere khoine ya gauta ye kgolo. Mootledi o ile a sega. “Khudu ye e nyaka thekisi. E a segiša!” a realo. “Ke mang yo a ilego a kwa taba ye bjalo?” +  +Nkululeko o ile a iša hlogo tlase ka manyami gomme a sepela. Morago ga fao, motho yo mongwe o ile a bolela. “Ke’tla go iša,” la realo lentšu. +  +Nkululeko o ile a lebelela godimo gomme a bona mokgalabje a eme pele ga thekisi ya gagwe. +  +“Namela, khudu ye nnyane,” a realo mokgalabje ka myemyelo, “gomme ke tla go bontšha tšohle.” +  +Nkululeko o ile a myemyela kudu gomme a ya thekising. Mokgalabje o ile a mo kuka gomme a mo nametša thekisi. +  +Nkululeko o ile a retolla hlogo gore a bone ka kua ntle ka lefasetere la thekisi, efela le be le le godimo kudu go yena. “E re ke go fe dikhušene tše di lego ka putung gore o dulele godimo o kgone go bona bokaone,” mokgalabje a realo. +  +Ba ile ba sepela, ba otlela mmileng wa go tlala difatanaga tša go letša dipele le batho ba go sepela ka go itlhaganela. Mokgalabje o be a bolela ge a le gare a otlela. O ile a botša Nkululeko gore leina la gagwe ke Bra Will, le gore o otletše dithekisi mengwaga ye masomehlano. +  +“Tate o šetše a na le mengwaga ye masomeseswai, Bra Will. Dikhudu di phela nako ye telelee, wa tseba,” gwa hlaloša Nkululeko. +  +Bra Will a dumela ka hlogo. Ka ntle dintlo di be di gola. Bra Will o rile ba tla fihla toropongkgolo ka pela. +  +“Ke ka lebaka la eng o nyaka go bona mafelo a ka moka ga ona?” Bra Will a botšiša. +  +“Nnete ke gore,” a realo Nkululeko, “dikhudu di sepela ka go nanya kudu gomme ka nako ye nngwe ke lewa ke bodutu ge ke sepela ka tšhengwaneng fela. Ke nyaka bohlagahlaga!” +  +Bra Will o ile a ponya leihlo. “Ke a kwešiša,” a realo. +  +Toropokgolo ke ye kgolo gomme e na le lešata. Meago ye metelele e nameletše marung. Gohle go be go tletše batho le difatanaga gomme go na le lešata le lentši! + +  +“Se se a makatša,” a realo Nkululeko. +  +“Ga se selo mo,” a realo Bra Will, “ema go fihlela o bona lebopo. toropokgolo e na le lešata kudu, efela lebopo, le a kgahliša.” +  +Ba ile ba tloga toropongkgolo. +  +“Bula lefasetere,” a realo Bra Will, “gomme o tlo kwa monkgo wa lewatle.” +  +Nkululeko o ile a bula lefasetere ka go nanya. “Le nkga letswai,” a realo ka myemyelo. +  +Ba rile ge ba fihla sekhutlwaneng selo se sengwe se segolo se setalalerata sa phatlalala pele ga bona. “Ke eng sela?” Nkululeko a botšiša gomme molomo wa šala o ahlame. +  +“Ke lewatle,” a realo Bra Will, a sega. +  +“Le a makatša,” a realo Nkululeko. +  +Thekisi e ile ya ema lefelong le lennyane leo dinamelwa di phakago go lona kgauswi le mohlaba wo mošweu wa go elela ka lewatleng. +  +“Gomme se ke lebopo,” a realo Bra Will. “Nkane re sa emenyana ra sepela mo mohlabeng wa boleta.” +  +Bra Will o ile a thuša Nkululeko go ya lebopong. Gohle batho ba be ba bapala goba ba kaname letšatšing. Go be go fiša kudu. Nkululeko o ile a sepela ka go nanya, a tsena ka meetseng a tlasana, gomme a lebelela dikgopa tše dibotse tša lebopong. + +  +Go ile gwa fihla nako ya gore ba ye thabeng. Nkululeko o bone thaba a le ka tšhengwaneng ya gabo, efela gase a ka A YA thabeng. Go otlela go ya fao go be go namelela go tšwa lebopong. Thabeng go be go na le moya o montši. Nkululeko o bone le mongatse wa monna o tšewa ke moya! +  +Thekisi e rile go ema, Nkululeko a fologa a hemelana. O be a kgona go bona toropokgolo ka moka ga yona a le fao. O be a kgona go bona lewatle le lebopo le legae la gagwe le lennyane ka tšhengwaneng. O ile a gopola mmagwe le tatagwe. +  +“Lefelo le ke le lebotse kudu, Bra Will,” a realo khudu, “leeto la rena e bile bohlagahlaga, efela ke nagana gore bjale ke swanetše go boela gae go mma le tate.” +  +Bra Will o ile a penya leihlo gomme a otlela thekisi ba boela renkeng ya dithekisi. Nkululeko o ile a mo leboga a ntšha khoine ya gauta ka kgopeng ya gagwe. +  +Bra Will o ile a šikinya hlogo a re, “O se mphe tšhelete yeo, Nkululeko. Ke ipshinne ka go sepela le wena. Lethabo la gago ke tefo ye kgolo go nna.” +  +Nkululeko o ile a emiša seatla a mo šadiša gabotse, gomme a thoma go sepela ka go nanya a lebile gae. O ile a bona morekiši wa dikenywa tseleng gomme a reka lepokisi la stroperi tša go butšwa ka khoine ya gauta, gomme a le rwala ka mokokotlong. O fihlile tšhengwaneng ka leswiswana. Mmagwe le tatagwe ba be ba mo emetše. +  +“O be o ile kae?” gwa botšiša Tate. “Re be re tshwenyegile kudu.” +  +Nkululeko o ile a ba gokara ka bobedi bja bona. Ba ile ba ja distroperi gomme a ba botša ka bohlagahlaga bja gagwe bja ka thekising. +  +“Ke taba ya go kgahliša yeo,” a realo Mma, “efela ke thabetše gore o boile, Nkululeko.” +  +“Le nna,” a realo. “wa tseba bjale ke tšwa gohlegohle – leboa, borwa, bohlabela le bodikela, efela gare ga mafelo a ka moka … ga go lefelo la go phala gae.” +  +A tsenya hlogo ya gagwe le maoto ka gare ga kgopa a swarwa ke boroko. +  +E ba le boitlhamelo! +* E re bana ba gago ba diriše dikhathone tša mae, khatepote, pente le sekgomaretši go dira dikhudu ka kanegelong. Ba ka diriša tše dingwe tša maratha (go swana le dikhurumelo tša mabotlelo, mapokisi a diserele le a dipisikiti) go dira thekisi. Ba hlohleletše gore ba anege kanegelo leswa ka tsela ya bona ba diriša didirišwa tša kanegelo. +* Šišinya gore bana ba gago ba thale mmepe wa mafelo ao Nkululeko a ilego go ona ka bohlagahlaga bja gagwe ka tatelano.",nso,Sepedi,Khudu e namela thekis,"Nkululeko and his mama and papa are tortoises. They live together at the bottom of a garden. +  +Now, tortoises don’t need houses like we do because they live in their shells. And the other thing you may know about tortoises, is that ...",,Ka Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/node/1643 +1639,"Nkululeko le Mme wa hae le Ntate wa hae ke dikgudu. Ba ne ba dula mmoho karolong e tlase tshimong mane. +  +Jwale, dikgudu ha di hloke matlo jwaloka nna le wena, hobane di phela ka hara dikgaketla tsa tsona. Hape ntho e nngwe ka dikgudu ke hore di lenama haholo. + +  +Bosiu, Nkululeko le Mmae le Ntatae ba ne ba le lenama ha ba robala, ka ho honyetsa dihlooho le maoto a bona ka hara dikgaketla tsa bona. Hoseng le teng ba ne ba le lenama ha ba tsoha, mme hangata e ne e ka ba ka hora ya leshome ha ba qetella ba tswile ka hara dikgaketla tsa bona mme ba ja dijo tsa hoseng. Dijo tsa hoseng e ne e le dipalesa le mahlaku. +  +Hoseng ho hong Ntate a inamela ka ho Mme mme a re, “Na ha se letsatsi le letle lee bakeng sa ho se etse letho? Ke mohau feela ka Nkululeko hobane o dula a le maphathaphathe a ya kwana le kwana.” +  +Nkululeko o ne a le lebelonyana eka ha se kgudu. O ne a sibolla dihlahla ho ya fihla ka nqane ho tshimo. Batswadi ba hae ba ne ba sisinya dihlooho tsa bona empa yena o ne a ipapalla ka hara qubu ya mahlaku a romotsehang hoo a neng a sa ba bone. +  +Nkululeko a bona ho hong ho benyang qubung ya mahlaku. E ne e le khoine e kgolo ya kgauta. “Ke tjhelete!” a rialo a bososela. “Ke tla nka leeto la tshibollo.” +  +Yaba he o qalella ho tsamaya. O ile a tsamaya ka hara tshimo mme a feta le jwanng, ho fihlela a fihla hekeng ya kgale e neng e tswela ka seterateng. A kgukguna ka tlasa yona. +  +Seterata se ne se tletse batho. O ile a tsamaya ka thoko ho tsela mme a leka hore batho ba ntseng ba feta ba se ke ba mo hata . O ile a emisa hukung mme a kga moya. Ke nakong eo moo Nkululeko a ileng a bona ho hong ho makatsang. +  +Sebakeng se senyane moo ho emang dikoloi, ditekesi tse kgolo di ne di palamisa batho mme di ya dibakeng tse neng di utlwahala eka di monate di ntle – toropong, lewatle, thabeng. Nkululeko a tshela seterata ho ya moo dikoloi di emang teng. +  +A ya tekesing ya pele e kgolo mme a re ka lentswe le bonolo, “Dumela, ke batla ho ya bona toropo, kapa lewatle, kapa thaba. Na o ka nthusa?” +  +Mokganni wa tekesi eo o ne a le motjha a le molelele. A inama mme a sheba kgudu e nyane e tshwereng khoine e kgolo ya kgauta. Mokganni a tsheha. “Kgudu ena e batla tekesi. Ho a qabola hle!” a rialo. “Ke mang ya kileng a utlwa ntho e jwalo?” +  +Nkululeko a inama a utlwile bohloko mme a tsamaya. Ka nako eo, motho e mong a bua. “Ke tla o isa,” ha rialo lentswe. +  +Nkululeko a sheba hodimo mme a bona monnamoholo a eme ka pela tekesi ya hae. +  +“Palama, kgudu e nyane,” ha rialo monnamoholo, a bososela, “mme ke tla o bontsha tsohle.” +  +Nkululeko a bososela haholo mme a leba tekesing. Monnamoholo a mo phahamisa mme a mmea setulong. +  +Nkululeko a otlolla molala wa hae hore a tsebe ho sheba ka ntle ka fensetere ya tekesi, empa e ne e phahame haholo. “E re re o batlele mesangwana ka mane ka buting, e le hore o tle o kgone ho dula hantle o phahame mme o bone hantle,” ha rialo monnamoholo. +  +Yaba ba a tsamaya, ba kganna hara diterata tse tletseng dikoloi tse letsang dihutara le batho ba yang kwana le kwana. Monnamoholo o ne a ntse a bua a kganna. A bolella Nkululeko hore lebitso la hae ke Bra Will, le hore o na le dilemo tse mashome a mahlano kaofela a ntse a kganna ditekesi. +  +“Ntate wa ka o se a na le dilemo tse mashome a robedi, Bra Will. Rona dikgudu re phela bophelo bo bolelele haholo, o a tseba,” ha hlalosa Nkululeko. +  +Bra Will a oma ka hlooho. Ka ntle matlo a ne a ntse a eba maholo. Bra Will a re ba se ba tla fihla toropong e se kgale. +  +“Hobaneng o batla ho bona dibaka tsee tsohle?” ha botsa Bra Will. +  +“Taba ke ena,” ha araba Nkululeko, “dikgudu di tsamaya butle haholo mme ka nako tse ding ke a teneha ke ho tsamaya hohle tshimong. Ke batla tshibollo!” +  +Mahlo a Bra Will a ile a tlala thabo. “Ke a utlwisisa,” a rialo. +  +Toropo e ne e le kgolo e tletse lerata. Meaho e melelele haholo e ne e nyolohela marung. Ho ne ho ena le batho le dikoloi hohle mme e ne e ka ho na le lerata le leholo! + +  +“Ena ke ntho e monate ka ho fetisisa,” ha rialo Nkululeko. +  +“Sena ha eso be letho,” ha rialo Bra Will, “Ema feela ho fihlela o bona lewatle. Ho nna toropo ena e tletse lerata haholo empa ha e le lebopo la lewatle lona, ehlile le letle haholo.” +  +Yaba ba tloha toropong. +  +“Bula fenstere,” ha rialo Bra Will, “o tle o utlwe monko wa lewatle.” +  +Nkululeko a theola fensetere butlebutle. “Ho nkga letswai,” a rialo, a bososela. +  +Eitse ha ba potela hukung ba bona ntho e kgolo ebile e le bolou e namme kapele ho bona. “Ke eng hola?” ha botsa Nkululeko, a ahlamisitse molomo. +  +“Ke lewatle,” ha rialo Bra Will, a tsheha. +  +“Le a makatsa ruri,” ha rialo Nkululeko. +  +Tekesi eo ya emisa sebakeng se senyane sa ho emisa dikoloi, haufi le santa e ngata e tshweu e ikadileng ho ya kena ka hara lewatle. +  +“Mme sena he ke lebopo la lewatle,” ha rialo Bra Will. “E re re emise mona hanyane mme re tsamatsamaye santeng ena e bonolo.” +  +Bra Will a thusa Nkululeko ho ya lebopong. Hohle ho ne ho ena le batho ba bapalang le ba ipaqametseng letsatsing. Ho ne ho tjhesa haholo. Nkululeko a tsamatsamaya moo butle, a qaputsa metsing a sa tebang, mme a sheba dikgaketla tse ntle tse santeng moo. + +  +Kamora moo ya eba nako ya ho ya thabeng. Nkululeko o ne a kile a bona thaba a le tshimong yabo, empa o ne a eso ka a eba HONA thabeng hantle. Ba ile ba kganna moepeng ha ba tloha lewatleng. Ka hodima thaba moya o ne o le mongata. Nkululeko o ile a ba a bona monna e mong a lahlehelwa ke katiba ha e fefolwa ke moya! +  +Eitse ha tekesi e qetella e eme, Nkululeko a theoha mme a makala haholo. O ne a kgona ho bona toropo yohle a le moo. O ne a bona lewatle le lebopo la lona esitana le lehae la hae le tshimo ya teng. Yaba o nahana ka Mme wa hae le Ntate wa hae. +  +“Ena ke tulo e ntle ka ho fetisisa, Bra Will,” ha rialo kgudu, “mme ebile monyaka o moholo ho nna ho tsamaya le wena hohle mona ka koloi ya hao, empa jwale ke nahana hore ke nako ya hore ke lebe lapeng ho Mme le Ntate.” +  +Bra Will a koba leihlo mme a kganna tekesi ho kgutlela renkeng ya ditekesi. Nkululeko a mo leboha, mme a ntsha khoine ya kgauta ka hara kgaketla ya hae. +  +Bra Will a sisinya hlooho mme a re, “Boloka tjhelete ya hao, Nkululeko. E bile thabo ho o tsamaisa hohle. Thabo eo o bileng le yona ke yona tefo e ntekaneng.” +  +Nkululeko a sadisa hantle mme a qala ho tsamaya butle a leba lapeng. Tseleng a kopana le morekisi wa ditholwana mme a sebedisa khoine ya kgauta ho reka lebokoso la ditoroberi tse butswitseng, leo a ileng a le jara hodima kgaketla ya hae. Ho ne ho se ho fifala ha a fumana tsela e kenang tshimong. Mmae le Ntatae ba ne ba mo emetse. +  +“O ne o ntse o le kae?” ha botsa Ntate. “Re ne re kgathatsehile haholo.” +  +Nkululeko a ba haka haholo. Ba arolelana ka ditoroberi mme a phetela batswadi ba hae ka tsohle tseo a di boneng ha a ne a le tekesing. +  +“Ekare ho bile monate bo,” Mme a rialo, “empa ke thabetse feela ha o le hae, Nkululeko.” +  +“Le nna,” a araba. “Le a tseba hore ke se ke etswa hohle jwale – leboya, borwa, botjhabela le bophirima empa ho dibaka tsohle tseo ke di boneng … lehae ke lona le tswang pele.” +  +Ha a tjho jwalo yaba o honyetsa hlooho ya hae le maoto ka hara kgaketla ya hae mme a kgaleha. +  +Iqapele! +* E re bana ba hao ba sebedise ditshelo tsa mahe, khateboto, pente le sekgomaretsi ho etsa dikgudu tse paleng. Ba ka sebedisa dintho tse ding tse lahlilweng (jwaloka dikwahelo tsa dibotlolo le mabokoso a sereyale kapa a dibisikiti) ho etsa tekesi. Ba kgothaletse ho sebedisa diporopo tsa pale tseo ba di entseng ho pheta pale hape ka tsela eo e leng ya bona. +* Hlahisa hore bana ba hao ba take mmapa ho bontsha dibaka tseo Nkululeko a di tsamaileng leetong la hae la ho sibolla le tlhahlamano eo a di etetseng ka yona.",sot,Sesotho,Kgudu o palama tekes,"Nkululeko and his mama and papa are tortoises. They live together at the bottom of a garden. +  +Now, tortoises don’t need houses like we do because they live in their shells. And the other thing you may know about tortoises, is that ...",,Ka Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/node/1645 +1639,"UNkululeko nomama kunye notata wakhe yayiziimfudo. Babehlala bonke emazantsi esitiya. +  +Kaloku iimfudo azidingi zindlu njengathi bantu kuba zihlala kumaqokobhe azo. Kwaye ke enye into onokuba uyayazi ngeemfudo, yeyokuba zicotha kakhulu. + +  +Rhoqo ngokuhlwa, uNkululeko kunye nomama notata wakhe babesiya kulala ngokufaka ngokucothayo imilenze kunye neentloko zabo kumaqokobe abo. Kwaye qho kusasa, babevuka bekwacothozisa kwakanjalo. Kwakuba sekumalunga nentsimbi yeshumi xa bathi ekugqibeleni baphume kumaqokobhe abo baze bafumane isidlo sakusasa esimnandi seentyatyambo kunye namagqabi. +  +Ngenye intsasa uTata wangqiyama kuMama waze wathi, “Ingaba asiyiyo kusini na imini emnandi yokungenzi nto le? Ndilusizi nje nguNkululeko, usoloko ejikeleza engxamile.” +  +UNkululeko wayekhawuleza kakhulu ngathi akalofudo. Ngale ntsasa, wayetyhutyha ematyolweni kwelinye icala elikude lesitiya. Abazali bakhe bahlunguzela iintloko zabo, kodwa yena uNkululeko wayexakeke kakhulu edlala kwinqumba yamagqabi arhwashazayo engabaqapheli nokubaqaphela. +  +UNkululeko wabona into emenyezelayo kuloo nqumba yamagqabi. Yayiyingqekembe enkulu yegolide. “Yimali!” watsho ngoncumo. “Ndiza kuyisebenzisa ukuze ndibe nohambo lwamahlandinyuka olungaqhelekanga noluchulumancisayo.” +  +Ngoko ke uNkululeko waqalisa nolo hambo lwakhe. Wahamba kweso sitiya, enqumla kuloo ngca intle iluhlaza nechetywe kakuhle, de wafika kwisango elidala elalikhokelela esitalatweni. Wathubeleza phantsi kwalo. +  +Kwakuphithizela kakhulu apho esitalatweni. Wahamba ngendledlana esecaleni, ezama ukuba anganyathelwa ngabo bantu bonke baxakekileyo nababengxamile, besiya ngapha nangapha. Wema ekoneni wakhe waphumla. Kwakungelo xesha kanye awathi ngalo uNkululeko wabona into emangalisayo. +  +Kwindawo encinane yokumisa iimoto, kwakukho iiteksi ezinkulu ezazikhwelisa abantu zize zihambe zisiya kwiindawo ngeendawo ezazivakala ngathi zezona ndawo zimnandi kakhulu – esixekweni, elwandle, nasezintabeni. UNkululeko wawela isitalato eso waya kuloo ndawo kumisa kuyo iimoto. +  +Waya kwiteksi yokuqala enkulu waze wathi ngelo lizwi lakhe liphantsi, “Molo, ndingathanda ukubona isixeko, okanye ulwandle, okanye nokuba yintaba ke. Ungandinceda?” +  +Umqhubi weteksi wayemncinane kwaye emde. Wagoba wajonga ufudo oluncinane olwaluphethe ingqekembe enkulu yegolide. Umqhubi wahleka kakhulu. “Olu fudo lufuna ukukhwela iteksi. Alisandicubhulanga nje ngentsini!” watsho. “Ngubani umntu owakha wayiva into enjalo?” +  +UNkululeko wathokombisa intloko yakhe elusizi waze waqalisa ukuhamba esimka apho. Kanye ngelo xesha, kwabakho umntu othethayo. “Ndiza kukusa,” latsho elo lizwi. +  +UNkululeko waphakamisa intloko waze wabona ixhego limi phambi kweteksi yalo. +  +“Khwela fudwazana,” latsho ixhego, lincumile, “kwaye ndiza kukubonisa yonke into.” +  +UNkululeko watsho ngolubanzi uncumo waze wasondela eteksini. Ixhego lamfunqula lambeka esihlalweni. +  +UNkululeko watsala intamo yakhe efuna ukujonga ngefestile yeteksi, kodwa yayiphakame kakhulu, engenakubona. “Masikuphathele imiqamelo ephaya ebhutini ukuze uhlalele phezulwana khon’ ukuze ubone ngcono,” latsho ixhego. +  +Emva koko bemka, behamba ezitalatweni ezizele ziimoto ezikhalisa amaxilongo azo kunye nabantu abakhawulezayo besiya ngapha nangapha. Ixhego lalincokola njengokuba liqhuba nje. Laxelela uNkululeko ukuba igama lalo nguBra Will, kwaye sekuyiminyaka engamashumi amahlanu eqhuba iteksi. +  +“UTata wam sele eneminyaka engamashumi asibhozo ubudala, Bra Will. Iimfudo ziphila ixesha elide kakhulu, uyazi,” wacacisa njalo uNkululeko. +  +UBra Will wanqwala. Ngaphandle, izindlu zazisiya zisiba nkulu ngokuba nkulu. UBra Will wathi sebeza kufika esixekweni. +  +“Kutheni ufuna ukubona zonke ezi ndawo nje?” wabuza uBra Will. +  +“Kaloku,” watsho uNkululeko, “iimfudo zicotha kakhulu kwaye ngamanye amaxesha ndiyadikwa kukuhamba-hamba ndijikeleza esitiyeni. Ndifuna ukwenza izinto ezingamahlandinyuka, nezingaqhelekanga kwanezichulumancisayo!” +  +Kwabakho inkazimlo kwiliso likaBra Will. “Ndiyayiqonda loo nto,” watsho. +  +Isixeko sasisikhulu kwaye sinengxolo eninzi. Izakhiwo eziphakamileyo zazinyuka zisingisele emafini. Kwakukho abantu kunye neemoto kuyo yonke indawo kwaye kwakuvakala kukho ingxolo kakhulu! + +  +“Oku kuyamangalisa,” watsho uNkululeko. +  +“Awukaboni nto wena,” watsho uBra Will, “linda ude ubone ulwandle. Isixeko sinengxolo kakhulu kum, kodwa ulwandle luzolile, oko ke kum kuyamangalisa.” +  +Ngoko ke basishiya isixeko bemka. +  +“Vula ifestile,” watsho uBra Will, “ukuze usezele ivumba lolwandle.” +  +UNkululeko wehlisa ifestile yakhe kancinane. “Lunuka ityuwa,” watsho, encumile. +  +Xa bejika ikona babona isithabazi sento enkulu ezuba nenabileyo phambi kwabo. “Yintoni leyaa?” wabuza uNkululeko umlomo wakhe uthe ng’a. +  +“Lulwandle oluyaa,” watsho uBra Will, ehleka. +  +“Luyamangalisa ngenene,” watsho uNkululeko. +  +Iteksi yamisa kwindawo encinane yokumisa iimoto nesecaleni kwentlabathi emhlophe ehamba iye kungena elwandle. +  +“Olu ke lunxweme lolwandle,” watsho uBra Will. “Kutheni singakhe sime apha umzuzwana sihamba-hambe kwintlabathi ethambileyo.” +  +UBra Will wanceda uNkululeko wambeka elunxwemeni lolwandle. Wayengqongwe ngabantu abadlalayo okanye abaleleyo begcakamele ilanga. Kwakushushu kakhulu. UNkululeko wacothoza erhubuluza kancinane, wangena emanzini angenzulu kuyaphi, waze wabuka bonke oonokrwece abahle abaselunxwemeni. + +  +Into elandelayo, yayilixesha lokuya ezintabeni. UNkululeko wayeyibona intaba xa esesitiyeni sakhe, kodwa wayengazange asondele okanye aye KANYE-KANYE entabeni. Indlela yayithambekile ukunyuka xa kusukwa elunxwemeni apho elwandle. Kwakuvuthuza umoya kakhulu apho ezintabeni. UNkululeko wade wabona umnqwazi wenye indoda uphaphatheka nomoya! +  +Yathi yakumisa iteksi ekugqibeleni, uNkululeko wehlika waze watsala umphefumlo. Wayesibona sonke isixeko phezulu apho. Wayelubona ulwandle kunye nonxweme, ebona nditsho nekhaya lakhe elincinane elisesitiyeni. Wacinga ngomama notata wakhe. +  +“Le yeyona ndawo intle, Bra Will,” lwatsho ufudo, “kwaye ibiluhambo lwamahlandinyuka olungaqhelekanga noluchulumancisayo ukuhamba nawe undiqhubela, kodwa ndicinga ukuba lixesha lokuba ndigoduke ndiye kumama notata ngoku.” +  +UBra Will wamqobela iliso waze waqhuba, babuyela erenkini yeeteksi. UNkululeko wambulela waze wakhupha ingqekembe yegolide kwiqokobhe lakhe. +  +UBra Will wahlunguzela intloko wathi, “Yigcine imali yakho, Nkululeko. Bekumnandi kakhulu ukujikeleza nawe ndikuqhubela. Ukonwaba kwakho kube yintlawulo ngokoneleyo kum.” +  +UNkululeko wawangawangisa esithi asale kakuhle waza waqalisa ukuhamba ecothoza ukugoduka. Endleleni, wagqitha kumthengisi weziqhamo waze ngengqekembe leyo wathenga ibhokisi yamaqunube avuthiweyo, nawathi wayibeleka wagoduka nayo. Kwakuqalisa ukuba mnyama ukungena kwakhe esitiyeni. Umama notata wakhe babemlindile. +  +“Uvela phi?” wabuza utata. “Besikhathazeke kakhulu kukungabuyi kwakho.” +  +UNkululeko wabawola ngothando bobabini. Babelana ngamaqunube waze wababalisela abazali bakhe ngalo lonke uhambo lwakhe lwamahlandinyuka olungaqhelekanga noluchulumancisayo ngeteksi. +  +“Oko kuvakala kumangalisa,” watsho uMama, “kodwa ndivuya kakhulu ubuyele ekhaya, Nkululeko.” +  +“Nam ngokwam,” watsho. “Uyazi ukuba akukho apho ndingayanga khona ngoku – emantla, emazantsi, empuma, nasentshona, kodwa kuzo zonke ezi ndawo ... ayikho egqitha ikhaya.” +  +Ngaloo mazwi watsho etshonisa intloko nemilenze yakhe kwiqokobhe lakhe waze walala yoyi. +  +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +* Vumela abantwana bakho basebenzise iikhadibhodi zokufaka amaqanda, iibhokisi, ipeyinti kunye neglu ukuze benze iimfudo ezisebalini. Bangasebenzisa ezinye izinto ezilahlwayo (ezifana neziciko zeebhotile kunye neebhokisi zesiriyeli okanye zeebhiskiti) ukuze benze iteksi. Bakhuthaze ukuba basebenzise izinto abazenzileyo ezixhasa ibali ukuze babalise ibali ngezabo iindlela.",xho,isiXhosa,Ufudo lukhwela iteks,"Nkululeko and his mama and papa are tortoises. They live together at the bottom of a garden. +  +Now, tortoises don’t need houses like we do because they live in their shells. And the other thing you may know about tortoises, is that ...",,Libali likaKai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/node/1647 +1639,"UNkululeko, nonina noyise babeyizimfudu. Bebehlala ndawonye ezansi nengadi. +  +Phela, izimfudu azizidingi izindlu njengami nawe, ngoba zihlala emagobolondweni azo. Kanti enye into ngezimfudu ukuthi izinto zizenza kancane, ngokutotoba okukhulu. + +  +Ebusuku, uNkululeko nonina noyise base beyolala, nalokho bekwenza kancane, ngokungenisa imilenze yabo namakhanda abo phakathi kwamagobolondo abo. Ekuseni, babevuka kancane, kancane, futhi, kuvame ukuba kuthi ezikhathini zehora leshumi kube yilapho bekhipha khona amakhanda abo emagobolondweni, bese bedla isidlo sasekuseni. Isidlo sasekuseni kwakuba yizimbali namaqabunga. +  +Ngelinye ilanga ekuseni, uBaba watshekela kuMama wase ethi, “Ingabe akulona kodwa usuku oluhle lokuthi sihlale nje singenzi lutho? Ngeshwa-ke uNkululeko uhlale eshesha, eyaluza yonke indawo.” +  +UNkululeko wayeshesha kakhulu kunezinye izimfudu. Wayehlola lokho okwenzeka ezihlahleni kolunye uhlangothi olungaleya nengadi. Abazali bakhe banikina amakhanda, kodwa wayematasatasa kakhulu edlala engqumbini yamaqabunga afohlozelayo ukuthi angababona. +  +UNkululeko wabona okuthile okucwebezelayo engqumbini yamaqabunga. Kwakuwuhlamvu lwemali olukhulu, olusagolide. “Yimali!” kusho yena emamatheka. “Ngizoyokwenza ngalo okuthile okungejwayelekile nje.” +  +Waqala-ke ukuhamba. Wahamba wadabula ingadi wase enqamula igceke elinotshani, waze wayofika esangweni elidala elaliyongena emgwaqweni. Wachusha ngaphansi kwalo. +  +Umgwaqo wawunobuyaluyalu. Wahamba kuphevumenti wase ezama ukuba anganyathelwa ngabantu ababephuthuma. Wama ekhoneni wabamba umoya. Yilapho-ke uNkululeko abona khona into ethile eyisimanga. +  +Endaweni yokupaka encane nje, amatekisi amakhulu ayethatha abantu bese ehamba nabo ebayisa ezindaweni okwakuzwakala sengathi ziyisimanga kakhulu – edolobheni, ebhishi, kanye nasezintabeni. UNkululeko wawela umgwaqo waya endaweni yokupaka. +  +Waya etekisini lokuqala elikhulu wabe esethi ngezwi lakhe elisholo phansi, “Sawubona, ngingathanda ukubona idolobha, noma ibhishi, ngisho nentaba imbala. Uthi ungakwazi nje ukungisiza?” +  +Umshayeli wetekisi wayesemusha nje, emude. Wagoba wase ebuka ufudu oluncane oluphethe uhlamvu lwemali olukhulu olusagolide. Umshayeli wahleka. “Lolu fudu lufuna itekisi. Ubuwula obunje!” kusho yena. “Ubani kodwa owake wezwa into efana nale?” +  +UNkululeko wagebisa ikhanda ngokudangala waqala ukuhamba esuka lapho. Kusenjalo, kwaba khona umuntu okhulumayo. “Ngizokuhambisa,” kusho izwi. +  +UNkululeko waphakamisa ikhanda wabona ikhehla elimi phambi kwetekisi lakhe. +  +“Gibela fudu oluncane,” kusho ikhehla, limamatheka, “ngizokubonisa yonke into.” +  +UNkululeko wamamatheka kakhulu, wase eya etekisini. Ikhehla lamqukula lambeka esihlalweni. +  +Yaba buhlungu intamo kaNkululeko ezama ukulunguza ngefasitela letekisi, kodwa laliphezulu kakhulu kuye. “Ake sikutholele amakhushini ebhuthini, ukuze ukwazi ukuhlalela phezulu, ukwazi ukubona kangcono,” kusho ikhehla. +  +Base beyishaya izula, beshayela emigwaqweni egcwele izimoto ezishaya amahuthi nabantu abaphithizelayo. Ikhehla lalikhuluma ngenkathi lishayela. Latshela uNkululeko ukuthi lalinguBra Will, nokuthi lase lishayele amatekisi iminyaka engamashumi amahlanu. +  +“Ubaba useneminyaka yobudala engamashumi ayisishiyagalombili, Bra Will. Thina zimfudu siphila isikhathi eside kakhulu,” kuchaza uNkululeko. +  +UBra Will wanqekuzisa ikhanda. Ngaphandle izindlu zaziya ngokuba nkulu. UBra Will wathi sebezofika edolobheni. +  +“Kungani ufuna ukubona zonke lezi zindawo?” kubuza uBra Will. +  +“Empeleni,” kusho uNkululeko, “izimfudu zihamba kancane, futhi ngike ngibe nesithukuthezi ngokulokhu ngihamba ngizungeza engadini nje. Bengifuna ukuba nohambo olunokungejwayelekile!” +  +Kwaba nenhlansana esweni likaBra Will. “Ngiyakuqonda lokho,” kusho yena. +  +Idolobha lalilikhulu, kunomsindo. Izakhiwo ezinde zaziphikelele emafini. Kwakunabantu nezimoto yonke indawo, futhi kwakungathi kunomsindo omkhulu kakhulu! + +  +“Kuyinqaba-ke lokhu,” kusho uNkululeko. +  +“Akulutho lokhu,” kusho uBra Will, “Yima wena uze ubone ebhishi. Kunomsindo kakhulu lapha edolobheni, kodwa khona kuyamangaza.” +  +Base belishiya idolobha. +  +“Vula ifasitela,” kusho uBra Will, “uzobe usukwazi ukuhogela ulwandle.” +  +UNkululeko wehlisa ifasitela kancane, kancane ngempela. “Kunuka usawoti nje,” kusho yena, emamatheka. “Ake ubheke lokhuya.” +  +Ngesikhathi bejika ekhoneni kwakukhona into ebanzi, eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka eyayelulekile phambi kwabo. “Yini leya?” kubuza uNkululeko, ekhexe umlomo. +  +“Ulwandle,” kusho uBra Will, ehleka. +  +“Kuyamangaza lokhu,” kusho uNkululeko. +  +Itekisi layoma endaweni yokupaka encane, eduze kwendawo ebanzi enesihlabathi esimhlophe eyehlela olwandle. +  +“Kusebhishi-ke lapha,” kusho uBra Will. “Ake sime lapha okwesikhashana bese sihamba esihlabathini esithambile.” +  +UBra Will welekelela uNkululeko ngokumbeka ebhishi. Eduze kwakhe kwakunabantu abadlalayo noma abethamele ilanga. Kwakushisa kakhulu. UNkululeko wakhasa ezungeza kancane, wagwedla emanzini angashonile, elokhu ebuka wonke amagobolondo amahle ayesebhishi. + +  +Okulandelayo kwaba yisikhathi sokuya entabeni. UNkululeko wayeyibonile intaba esengadini yakubo, kodwa wayengakaze afike NGEMPELA entabeni. Kwakukhuphukela kakhulu ukushayela sekusukwa ebhishi. Kwakunomoya omkhulu phezulu entabeni. UNkululeko wabona nendoda ilahlekelwa isigqoko sayo esapheshulwa umoya! +  +Ekugcineni lapho selima itekisi, uNkululeko waphuma esehefuzela. Wayekwazi ukubona idolobha lonke eselaphaya phezulu. Wayekwazi ukubona ulwandle nebhishi kanye nekhaya lakubo elincane laphaya engadini. Wacabanga ngoMama noBaba. +  +“Lena indawo enhle kakhulu, Bra Will,” kusho ufudu,“futhi ukuhamba nawe ngemoto kube yinto engingenakuyikhohlwa; kodwa ngibona ukuthi sekuyisikhathi sokuthi ngiye ekhaya kuMama noBaba.” +  +UBra Will wacifa ihlo wase eshayela, bebuyela erenkini yamatekisi. UNkululeko wambonga, wakhipha uhlamvu lwakhe lwemali esagolide egobolondweni lakhe. +  +UBra Will wanikina ikhanda wathi, “Gcina imali yakho, Nkululeko. Bekumnandi ukushayela ngikuhambisa ezindaweni ezahlukene. Injabulo yakho yiyo ebe yiholo elanele kimi.” +  +UNkululeko wathathaza evalelisa, wase eqala ukutotoba eya ekhaya. Endleleni, wedlula umuntu othengisa izithelo wase esebenzisa uhlamvu lwakhe lwemali esagolide ukuze athenge ibhokisi lamastrobheri avuthiwe, alithwala ngegobolondo lakhe waya nalo ekhaya. Kwase kuhlwa ngesikhathi ethola indlela engenela engadini. Wayelindwe uMama noBaba wakhe. +  +“Kade ukuphi?” kubuza uBaba. “Bese sikhathazeke kabi.” +  +UNkululeko wabawola kakhulu ngamunye. Babelana ngamastrobheri, wase exoxela abazali bakhe konke ngohambo oluyisimanga ngetekisi. +  +“Kuzwakala kumnandi lokho,” kusho uMama, “kodwa mina ngiyajabula ngoba ususekhaya, Nkululeko.” +  +“Nami futhi,” kusho yena. “Uyazi, sengiye ezindaweni zonke manje – enyakatho, eningizimu, empumalanga nasentshonalanga kodwa ezindaweni zonke … ayikho indawo edlula ikhaya.” +  +Ngemva kokusho njalo wangenisa ikhanda lakhe nemilenze yakhe ngaphakathi kwegobolondo lakhe wase ezumeka walala wathi zwi. +  +* Vumela izingane zakho ukuthi zisebenzise amakhathoni amaqanda, amakhadibhodi, upende kanye neglu ukuze zenze izimfudu zasendabeni. Zingasebenzisa ezinye izinto ezingasenamsebenzi (ezifana nezivalo zamabhodlela kanye namabhokisi esiriyeli noma amabhisikidi) ukuze zenze itekisi. Zikhuthaze ukuthi zisebenzise izinsiza zendaba ezizenzile ukuze zixoxe indaba kabusha ngendlela yazo. +* Phakamisa ukuthi izingane zakho zidwebe ibalazwe ukuze zikhombise izindawo uNkululeko aye kuzo kulolu hambo olungajwayelekile nangokulandela ukulandelana kwezindawo azivakashele.",zul,isiZulu,UFudu ugibela itekis,"Nkululeko and his mama and papa are tortoises. They live together at the bottom of a garden. +  +Now, tortoises don’t need houses like we do because they live in their shells. And the other thing you may know about tortoises, is that ...",,NguKai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/node/1649 +how-the-ostrich-got-long-neck,"Mr Ostrich was kind and gentle and he loved Mrs Ostrich very much. He always helped her with the things she had to do. +  +One day, Mrs Ostrich laid seven eggs in her nest in a hollow in the ground. She fluffed her feathers and sat on her eggs to keep them warm. For days and days she sat there looking after the eggs. +  +“Dear Mrs Ostrich,” said her husband one evening, “you have been sitting on our eggs for so many days. My black feathers are as dark as the night. I will not be seen in the darkness, so I will look after our eggs at night. I will keep them warm for you. Now you will have some time to yourself. You can enjoy yourself until the sun comes up in the morning.” +  +Mrs Ostrich was so happy. She wanted to stretch her legs. She stood up and Mr Ostrich sat down clumsily to cover the eggs. Mrs Ostrich fluffed up her feathers to show how happy she was. Then she left to dance in the fields that were around their nest. +  +Mr and Mrs Ostrich had chosen the place for their nest very carefully. They knew that in this spot it would be difficult to see Mrs Ostrich as she sat on the nest during the day. You see, in those days ostriches had short necks like a guinea-fowl. So, from a little way away, when her head was down, the ostrich mother looked like a bump on the ground. They had chosen this field, which had short grass, because long ago they had learnt that in long grass they could be attacked before they even knew there was any danger. Because they had chosen carefully, they were able to see everything. +  +Mr and Mrs Ostrich also knew how to keep their eggs safe from the fires that sometimes burnt across the fields. They had carefully scratched away the grass so that there was a big circle of dusty sand around their nest. Mr and Mrs Ostrich were very happy with their lovely, safe nest and their seven eggs. +  +But now that Mr Ostrich was sitting on the eggs at night, there was one thing that made him worry. His wife was too happy when she was out in the fields. She danced around with her feathers flying, and it didn’t look like she was alone. +  +“What is she doing?” Mr Ostrich thought. She should not be dancing around like that. She is a mother now and she has eggs to look after. But like a good father he wiggled his body on the ground to cover the eggs and keep them warm. Then he settled down for a long night’s wait while his wife was playing in the fields. +  +One night, the silvery moonlight made strange shadows on the field. The shadows seemed to be dancing. Mr Ostrich was getting very sleepy. His eyes were starting to close when he heard his wife’s laugh. He was wide awake the moment he heard it. He looked up. + +  +At first he could not see anything. He stretched his short neck as far as it would go and then he saw her. Mrs Ostrich was dancing through the grass, between the bushes playing a game of hide-and-seek with a handsome young ostrich. When she hid behind a bush, she stretched her neck as far as she could to make sure that her husband was still sitting on their eggs. +  +Mr Ostrich was angry. He got up from the nest to see what was going on, but then he sat down again. He could not leave the eggs. What if they got cold while he was gone? So he spread his feathers over the eggs and just stretched his neck further and further trying to see what his wife was doing. +  +Every now and then he heard his wife giggle. Every now and then he could see shadows dancing in the field in the moonlight. Each time he saw a shadow, he stretched his neck as far as it would go. But that was all he could do because he had to keep the eggs warm. +  +At last, the long, long night came to an end as the sun rose. As it did, Mr Ostrich could see his wife coming back to sit on the eggs for the day. He tried to get up, but he felt very stiff. The muscles in his neck were hurting. +  +At last he stood up. He was just about to tell his wife how angry he was, when he looked down at his feet. They looked so far away from his head. Suddenly he knew what had happened – during that long night he had stretched his neck further and further and further. + +  +He shook his head. He stamped his feet, but no matter what he did his neck stayed long. Nothing that he did would change it. And his wife? She had a long neck too! She also tried to shake her head and stamp her feet, but it did not help. She had stretched and stretched her neck to see if her husband was still sitting on their eggs! +  +And that is how it happened that Mr and Mrs Ostrich got long necks! And that is why from that night until today every ostrich you see has a long neck too.",eng,English,How the ostrich got a long neck,"Mr Ostrich was kind and gentle and he loved Mrs Ostrich very much. He always helped her with the things she had to do. +  +One day, Mrs Ostrich laid seven eggs in her nest in a hollow in the ground. She fluffed her feathers and sat on ...",,Retold by Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/how-the-ostrich-got-long-neck +how-the-ostrich-got-long-neck,"Mnr. Volstruis was vriendelik en sagmoedig, en hy was baie lief vir mev. Volstruis. Hy het haar altyd gehelp met alles wat sy moes doen. +  +Op ’n dag lê mev. Volstruis sewe eiers in haar nes in ’n holte in die grond. Sy pof haar vere uit en gaan sit op haar eiers om hulle warm te hou. Sy sit dae lank op die nes om die eiers op te pas. +  +“Liefste mev. Volstruis,” sê haar man een aand, “jy sit al so lank op ons eiers. My swart vere is so swart soos die nag. Ek sal nie in die aand gesien kan word nie, en daarom sal ek snags ons eiers oppas. Ek sal hulle vir jou warm hou. Nou sal jy ’n bietjie tyd vir jouself hê. Jy kan dit geniet tot die son soggens opkom.” +  +Mev. Volstruis is so bly. Sy wil haar bene rek. Sy staan op en mnr. Volstruis gaan sit effe lomp om die eiers warm te hou. Mev. Volstruis pof haar vere om te wys hoe bly sy is. Toe stap sy weg om in die veld te gaan dans. +  +Mnr. en mev. Volstruis het die plek vir hulle nes baie versigtig gekies. Hulle het geweet dat dit op hierdie plek baie moeilik sou wees om mev. Volstruis te sien wanneer sy gedurende die dag op haar nes sit. Jy sien, in daardie dae het volstruise kort nekke gehad, soos tarentale. Van ’n entjie weg het die volstruisma, wanneer sy haar kop laat sak, soos ’n hobbel op die grond gelyk. Hulle het hierdie veld gekies, omdat die gras hier kort was, want hulle het lank gelede geleer dat hulle in lang gras aangeval kon word voordat enigiemand nog geweet het dat gevaar dreig. Omdat hulle so goed gekies het, kon hulle alles sien. +  +Mnr. en mev. Volstruis het ook geweet hoe om hulle eiers te beskerm teen die veldbrande in die omgewing. Hulle het die gras sorgvuldig weggekrap sodat daar ’n groot sirkel stowwerige sand om hulle nes was. Mnr. en mev. Volstruis was baie gelukkig met hulle pragtige, veilige nes en hulle sewe eiers. +  +Maar noudat mnr. Volstruis snags op die eiers sit, was daar een ding wat hom bekommer het. Sy vrou was te gelukkig wanneer sy in die veld was. Sy het rondgedans dat haar vlerke fladder, en dit het nie gelyk of sy alleen was nie. +  +“Wat doen sy?” wonder mnr. Volstruis. Sy kan nie so ronddans nie. Sy is nou ’n ma en sy het eiers om op te pas. Maar, soos ’n goeie pa, wriemel hy sy lyf op die grond om die eiers te bedek en hulle warm te hou. Toe maak hy hom gereed vir ’n lang nag se wag terwyl sy vrou in die veld kerjakker. +  +Een aand gooi die silwer maanlig vreemde skaduwees oor die veld. Dit lyk of die skaduwees dans. Mnr. Volstruis raak baie vaak. Sy oë begin net toeval toe hy sy vrou hoor lag. Die oomblik toe hy dit hoor, is hy wawyd wakker. Hy kyk op. + +  +Eers kan hy niks sien nie. Hy strek sy kort nek so ver hy kan en toe sien hy haar. Mev. Volstruis dans deur die gras, en speel wegkruipertjie tussen die bosse met ’n aanvallige jong volstruis. Toe sy agter ’n bos wegkruip, strek sy haar nek so ver sy kan om seker te maak dat haar man nog op die nes met eiers sit. +  +Mnr. Volstruis is kwaad. Hy staan op van die nes om te kyk wat aangaan, maar gaan sit weer. Hy kan nie die eiers so los nie. Wat as hulle koud word terwyl hy weg is? Hy sprei dus sy vere oor die eiers oop en strek net sy nek verder en verder om te probeer sien wat sy vrou doen. +  +Elke nou en dan hoor hy sy vrou giggel. Elke nou en dan kan hy in die maanlig skaduwees oor die veld sien dans. Elke keer as hy ’n skaduwee sien, strek hy sy nek so ver hy kan. Maar dit is al wat hy kan doen, want hy moet die eiers warm hou. +  +Uiteindelik kom die son op en is die lang, lang nag verby. En toe die son opkom, sien mnr. Volstruis sy vrou terugkom om vir die dag op die eiers te sit. Hy probeer opstaan, maar voel baie styf. Die spiere in sy nek is seer. +  +Einde ten laaste staan hy op. Hy is net van plan om vir sy vrou te vertel hoe kwaad hy is, toe hy afkyk na sy pote. Hulle lyk so ver weg van sy kop af. Skielik weet hy wat gebeur het – in daardie lang nag het hy sy nek langer en langer en langer gerek. + +  +Hy skud sy kop. Hy stamp sy pote, maar wat hy ook al doen, sy nek bly lank. Niks wat hy doen, kan dit verander nie. En sy vrou? Sy het ook ’n lang nek! Sy skud ook haar kop en stamp haar pote, maar dit help nie. Sy het haar nek gestrek en gestrek om te kyk of haar man op die eiers sit! +  +En dit is hoe dit gebeur het dat mnr. en mev. Volstruis lang nekke het! En dit is waarom elke volstruis van daardie nag af tot vandag toe, almal lang nekke het.",afr,Afrikaans,Hoe die volstruis ’n lang nek gekry het,"Mr Ostrich was kind and gentle and he loved Mrs Ostrich very much. He always helped her with the things she had to do. +  +One day, Mrs Ostrich laid seven eggs in her nest in a hollow in the ground. She fluffed her feathers and sat on ...",,Oorvertel deur Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hoe-die-volstruis-’n-lang-nek-gekry-het +how-the-ostrich-got-long-neck,"Mna Mpšhe o be a lokile ebile a le boleta gomme a rata Moh Mpšhe kudu. Ka mehla o be a mo thuša ka dilo tšeo a bego a swanetše go di dira. +  +Ka letšatši le lengwe, Moh Mpšhe o ile a beela mae a šupa ka sehlageng sa gagwe ka phagong mo mabung. O ile a phaphasetša mafofa a gagwe gomme a dula godimo ga mae go a tutetša. O dutše fao matšatši a mantši a hlokometše mae. +  +“Moh Mpšhe yo a rategago,” a realo monna wa gagwe mathapama a mangwe, “o dutše godimo ga mae a rena matšatši a mantši. Mafofa a ka a maso a fifetše bjalo ka bošego. Ka leswiswing nka se bonagale, ka fao, ke tla hlokomela mae bošego. Ke tla go tuteletša ona. Le wena o tla ba le nako ya gago. O ka ipshina ka go ba le nako ya gago go fihlela mesong ge letšatši le hlaba.” +  +Moh Mpšhe o be a thabile kudu. O be a nyaka go otlolla maoto. O ile a emelela gomme Mna Mpšhe a dula fase ka tsela ya go se thabiše a khupetša mae. Moh Mpšhe o ile a phaphasetša mafofa go laetša ka fao a thabilego ka gona. Gomme o ile a ya go bina ka mašemong a go dikologa sehlaga sa bona. +  +Mna le Moh Mpšhe ba kgethile lefelo la sehlaga sa bona ka tlhokomelo ye kgolo. Ba tsebile gore fa go tlo ba bothata go bona Moh Mpšhe ge a dutše sehlageng mosegare. Wa bona, matšatšing ao dimpšhe di be di na le melala ye mekopana go swana le kgaka. Bjalo, go tšwa kgojana, ge a be a inamišitše hlogo, mpšhe ya mosadi e be e lebelelega bjalo ka ntotoma mo mabung. Ba kgethile tšhemo ye, ya go ba le mabjang a makopana, ka gore kgale ba ile ba ithuta gore mo go nago le bjang bjo botelele ba ka hlaselwa pele ba tseba gore go na le kotsi. Ka gore ba kgethile ka tlhokomelo, ba be ba kgona go bona tšohle. +  +Mna le Moh Mpšhe ba be ba tseba le go šireletša mae a bona mellong yeo ka nako ye nngwe e tukago go putla mašemo. Ba tlošitše bjang ka tlhokomelo gore go be le sediko se segolo sa mohlaba wa lerole go dikologa sehlaga sa bona. Mna le Moh Mpšhe ba be ba thabišwa kudu ke sehlaga sa bona sa go bolokega se se botse le mae a bona a šupa. +  +Efela ge bjale Mna Mpšhe a dutše godimo ga mae bošego, o be a belaetšwa ke selo se tee. Mosadi wa gagwe o be a thaba kudu ge a le ka ntle ga mašemo. O be a bina a fofiša mafofa a gagwe, gomme go be go sa bonagale gore o tee. +  +“O dira eng?” Mna Mpšhe a nagana. Ga a swanela go bina ka tsela yeo. Ke mma gabjale, gomme o swanetše go hlokomela mae. Efela bjalo ka tate wa kgonthe o ile a šikinya mmele wa gagwe gore a khupetše mae a be borutho. O ile a dula bošego bjo botelele a emela mosadi wa gagwe yo a ralokago mašemong. +  +Bošegong bjo bongwe, seetša sa ngwedi sa selibera se ile sa dira meriti ya go makatša tšhemong. Meriti e be e bonala e bina. Mna Mpšhe o be a potuma kudu. O be a thoma go tswalela mahlo ge a ekwa sesego sa mosadi wa gagwe. O rile ge a se kwa a phapharega. O ile a lebelela godimo. + +  +La mathomo ga se a bona selo. O ile a taolla molala wa gagwe o mokopana ka fa a ka kgonago ka gona gomme a mmona. Moh Mpšhe o be a bina mo bjanyeng, gare ga dithokgwana a bapala papadi ya khuta-o-nyake le mpšhe ye nnyane ye botse. Ge a be a khuta ka morago ga sethokgwa, o be a taolla molala wa gagwe ka fao a ka kgonagao ka gona go kgonthiša gore monna wa gagwe o be a sa dutše godimo ga mae a bona. +  +Mna Mpšhe o be a befetšwe. O ile a emelela sehlageng go bona gore go direga eng, efela a dula fase gape. O be a ka se tlogele mae. Ge a ka tonya a sa ile? Gomme a phatlalatša mafofa a gagwe godimo ga mae a taolla molala le go fetiša a leka gobona seo se dirwago ke mosadi wa gagwe. +  +Nako le nako o be a ekwa mosadi wa gagwe a segela tlase. Nako le nako o be a bona meriti e bina ka tšhemong seetšeng sa ngwedi. Nako le nako ge a be a bona moriti, o be a taolla molala ka fao a ka kgonago ka gona. Efela ke seo fela se a ka se dirago ka ge a be a swanetše go tutetša mae. +  +Mafelelong, e rile ge letšatši le hlaba, bošego bjo boteleletelele bja fihla mafelelong. Bjalo ka ge go diregile, Mna Mpšhe a bona mosadi wa gagwe a etla go dula godimo ga mae letšatši lohle. O lekile go ema efela a palelwa. Mešifa ya molala wa gagwe e be e le bohloko. +  +Mafelelong o ile a emelela. O be a le kgauswi le go botša mosadi wa gawe ka fao a befetšwego ka gona ge a lebelela maotong a gagwe. A be a bonala a le kgole kudu le hlogo ya gawe. Gateetee a tseba gore go diregile eng – bošegong bjo botelele o taolotše molala wa gagwe kutšwana. + +  +O ile a šikinya hlogo ya gagwe. O ile a kiba fase ka maoto a gagwe, efela le ge a dira tšohle, molala wa gagwe wa dula e le o motelele. Ga go selo se a se dirago seo se ka o fetošago. Mosadi wa gagwe yena? Le yena o be a na le molala o motelele! Le yena o lekile go šikinya hlogo ya gagwe a kiba fase ka maoto a gagwe, efela seo ga se sa thuša. O taolotše moalala wa gagwe a ba a o taolla go bona ge eba monna wa gagwe o be a sa dutše godimo ga mae a bona! +  +Gomme ke ka fao Mna and Moh Mpšhe ba bilego le melala ye metelele ka gona! Ke ka fao go thoma bošego bjola go fihla lehono o bonago mpšhe ye nngwe le ye nngwe e na le molala o motelele.",nso,Sepedi,Ka fao mpšhe e hweditšego molala o motelele ka gon,"Mr Ostrich was kind and gentle and he loved Mrs Ostrich very much. He always helped her with the things she had to do. +  +One day, Mrs Ostrich laid seven eggs in her nest in a hollow in the ground. She fluffed her feathers and sat on ...",,Kanegoleswa ka Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ka-fao-mpšhe-e-hweditšego-molala-o-motelele-ka-gona +how-the-ostrich-got-long-neck,"Mong Mpshe o ne a le mosa, a lokile mme o ne a rata Mof Mpshe haholo. Kamehla o ne a mo thusa ka dintho tseo a lokelang ho di etsa. +  +Ka tsatsi le leng, Mof Mpshe a behela mahe a supileng sehlaheng sa hae ka hara mokoti fatshe. O ile a ala masiba a hae mme a fuama mahe a hae ho a futhumetsa. Ka matsatsi a mangata o ile a dula moo a hlokometse mahe ao. +  +“Mof Mpshe ya ratehang,” ha rialo monna wa hae ka bosiu bo bong, “haesale o fuame mahe a rona ka matsatsi a mangata. Masiba a ka a matsho a fifetse jwaloka bosiu. Ha ke no bonahala lefifing, kahoo ke tla hlokomela mahe a rona bosiu. Ke tla o bolokela ona a futhumetse. Mme o tla kgona ho ba le nako ya ho phomola. O ka nna wa natefelwa ho fihlela letsatsi le tjhaba hoseng.” +  +Mof Mpshe o ne a thabile haholo. O ne a batla ho otlolla maoto. A phahama mme Mong Mpshe a dula ha bohlaswa feela ho fuama mahe. Mof Mpshe a hlohlora masiba a hae ho bontsha kamoo a thabileng ka teng. Yaba o a tsamaya ho ya tantsha thoteng e neng e potapotile sehlaha sa bona. +  +Mong le Mof Mpshe ba ne ba kgethile sebaka bakeng sa sehlaha sa bona ka hloko. Ba ne ba tsebile hore sebakeng sena ho tla ba boima ho bona Mof Mpshe ha a fuame mahe motsheare. O a bona, matsatsing ao dimpshe di ne di ena le melala e mekgutshwanyane jwaloka ya kgaka. Kahoo, ho tloha holenyana, ha hlooho ya hae e ne e le tlase, mme mpshe o ne a shebahala jwaloka seolo mobung. Ba ne ba kgethile thota ena, e neng e ena le jwang bo bokgutshwane, hobane kgalekgale ba ne ba kile ba ithuta hore jwanng bo bolelele ba ka nna ba hlaselwa le pele ba tseba hore ho na le kotsi. Hobane ba ne ba kgethile ka hloko, ba ne kgona ho bona dintho tsohle. +  +Mong le Mog Mpshe hape ba ne ba tseba mokgwa wa ho boloka mahe a bona a bolokehile ho mello e neng e tjhesa hlaha ka dinako tse ding. Ba ne ba ile ba kgotha jwang ka hloko e le hore ho be le sedikadikwe se seholo sa lehlabathe le lerole le potileng sehlaha sa bona. Mong le Mof Mpshe ba ne ba thabile haholo ka sehlaha sa bona se setle se bolokehileng le mahe a bona a supileng. +  +Empa jwale ka ha Mong Mpshe o ne a fuame mahe bosiu, ho ne ho ena le ntho e le nngwe e neng e mo kgathatsa. Mosadi wa hae o ne a thaba haholo ha a le thoteng kwana. O ne a tantsha hohle mme masiba a hae a fefoha, mme ho ne ho bonahala eka ha a mong. +  +“O etsang?” Mong Mpshe a nahana. Ha a tshwanela hore a be a tantsha jwalo. Ke mme jwale mme o na le mahe ao a lokelang ho a hlokomela. Empa jwaloka ntate ya lokileng a sisinya mmele wa hae fatshe ho apesa mahe hore a futhumale. Yaba o dula fatshe ho emela bosiu bo bolelele ha mosadi wa hae yena a bapala kwana thoteng. +  +Ka bosiu bo bong, ngwedi e kganyang jwaloka silivera ya etsa diriti tse makatsang thoteng. Diriti tseo e ne eka di a tantsha. Mong Mpshe o ne a otsela haholo. Mahlo a hae a ne a batla a tutubetse ha a utlwa mofumahadi wa hae a tsheha. O ne a se a phaphame ka nako eo a neng a utlwa hoo. A phahamisa mahlo a sheba. + +  +Qalong o ne a sa bone letho. A holla molala o mokgutshwane haholo kamoo a ka kgonang mme a mmona. Mof Mpshe o ne a tantsha hara jwang, pakeng tsa dihlahla a bapala papadi ya maipatile le mpshe e nngwe e ntle ya mohlankana. Ha a ne a ipata ka hara dihlahla, o ne a holla molala haholo kamoo a ka kgonang ho etsa bonnete ba hore monna wa hae o ntse a dutse hodima mahe. +  +Mong Mpshe o ne a halefile. A ema sehlaheng ho shebisisa hore ho etsahalang, empa a boela a dula fatshe. O ne a keke a kgona ho siya mahe. Ho ne ho tla etsahala eng ha a ne a ka hatsela yena a le siyo? Yaba o ala masiba a hae hodima mahe mme a holla molala haholo ho feta ho sheba hore ebe mosadi wa hae o etsa eng. +  +Nako le nako o ne a utlwa mosadi wa hae a keketeha. Nako le nako o ne a kgona ho bona diriti tse tantshang thoteng kganyeng ya kgwedi. Nako ka nngwe ha a ne a bona seriti o ne a holla molala le ho feta ho fihlela o felletse. Empa seo ke sona feela seo a neng a kgona ho se etsa hobane o ne a lokela ho dula a futhumeditse mahe. +  +Qetellong, bosiu bo bolelele lelele ba esa mme letsatsi la tjhaba. Ha le tjhaba, Mong Mpshe o ne a bona mofumahadi wa hae a kgutla ho tla fuama mahe motsheare. O ile a leka ho ema, empa a ikutlwa mmele wa hae o sataletse. Mesifa e molaleng e ne e le bohloko. +  +Qetellong a ema. E ne e le moo a reng o tla bolella mofumahadi wa hae kamoo a kgenneng ka teng, ha a sheba tlase maotong a hae. A ne a bonahala a le hole le hlooho ya hae. Hanghang a tseba se etsahetseng – bosiung boo bo bolelele o ne a sarollotse molala wa hae haholo wa eba molelele. + +  +A sisinya hlooho ya hae. A tila ka maoto fatshe, empa ho tseo tsohle tseo a di entseng molala wa hae wa dula o ntse o le molelele. Ha ho letho leo a le entseng le ileng la fetola hoo. Mme mosadi wa hae yena? Le yena o ile a ba le molala o molelele! Le yena o ile a leka ho sisinya hlooho ya hae mme a tila ka maoto, empa ha se ke ha thusa letho. O ne a ile a holla molala wa hae hangata ho bona hore ebe monna wa hae o ne a ntse a dutse hodima mahe a bona na! +  +Mme he ke kamoo ho ileng ha etsahala hore Mong le Mof Mpshe ba be le melala e melelele! Mme ke kahoo ho tloha bosiung boo ho fihlela kajeno mpshe e nngwe le e nngwe eo o e bonang e nang le molala o molelele.",sot,Sesotho,Kamoo mpshe e neng e fumane molala o molelele ka teng,"Mr Ostrich was kind and gentle and he loved Mrs Ostrich very much. He always helped her with the things she had to do. +  +One day, Mrs Ostrich laid seven eggs in her nest in a hollow in the ground. She fluffed her feathers and sat on ...",,E phetwa hape ke Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kamoo-mpshe-e-neng-e-fumane-molala-o-molelele-ka-teng +how-the-ostrich-got-long-neck,"UMnumzana Nciniba wayenobubele, elungile kwaye wayemthanda kakhulu uNkosikazi Nciniba. Wayesoloko emncedisa kuyo yonke into ayenzayo. +  +Ngenye imini, uNkosikazi Nciniba wazalela amaqanda asixhenxe kwindlwana yakhe eyayikwisigingqana esasisemhlabeni. Wavuthulula iintsiba zakhe waze wahlala kumaqanda akhe ukuze awafukame. Kwaqengqeleka iintsuku ezininzi ehleli apho, efukame loo maqanda. +  +“Nkosikazi Nciniba endimthandayo,” kwatsho umyeni wakhe ngobubele ngenye injikalanga, “ziqengqelekile noko iintsuku ufukame la maqanda ethu. Iintsiba zam zimnyama njengobusuku. Ngoko ke, soze kubekho nabani na ondibonayo ebusuku, kungoko ke ndicebisa ukuba khe kufukame mna ebusuku. Ndiza kukugcinela la maqanda eshushu. Ngoku uza kukhe nawe ube nexesha lokuzihoya. Ungazonwabisa ubusuku bonke kude kuphume ilanga langomso.” +  +UNkosikazi Nciniba kwamvuyisa kakhulu oko. Wayefuna ukukhe olule imilenze yakhe. Waphakama waze uMnumzana Nciniba wahlala ngobutatasholo phezu kwaloo maqanda, wawafukama. UNkosikazi Nciniba wavuthulula iintsiba zakhe ebonisa indlela onwabe ngayo. Emva koko waya kudanisa edlelweni elikufutshane nendlwane leyo yabo. +  +UMnumzana noNkosikazi Nciniba babeyikhethe ngobulumko indawo yokwakha indlwane yabo. Babesazi ukuba kuloo ndawo kwakuza kuba nzima ukubona uNkosikazi Nciniba xa efukama amaqanda abo emini. Uyabona ke, ngezo ntsuku iinciniba ezi zazineentamo ezimfutshane oku kweempangele. Ngoko ke, xa ukude naxa ejonge phantsi umama uNciniba, wayekhangeleka ngathi sisidulana nje esisemhlabeni. Babekhethe idlelo elalinengca emfutshane, kuba babefunde kwakudaladala ukuba kwingca ende bangahlaselwa lula, nangaphambi kokuba baqaphele ukuba basengozini. Ngenxa yokuba bayikhetha ngobunono nobulumko le ndawo, babekwazi ukuyibona yonke into. +  +Kananjalo uMnumzana noNkosikazi Nciniba babesazi ukuba bangawagcina njani na ekhuselekile amaqanda abo kwimililo eyayitshisa loo madlelo kumaxesha athile. Babeyiqhwaye, bayixhwithela kude ngenyameko ingca, ukuze kubekho isangqa sentlabathi esingqonge indlwane yabo. UMnumzana noNkosikazi Nciniba babonwatyiswe kakhulu yindlwane yabo entle nekhuselekileyo, nenamaqanda abo asixhenxe. +  +Kodwa njengokuba ngoku yayinguMnumzana Nciniba owayefukama ebusuku, kwabakho into enye emkhathazayo. Umfazi wakhe wasuka wonwaba kakhulu apho edlelweni. Wayejikeleza, edanisa, kubhabhe zintsiba zakhe, kwaye kwakukhangeleka ngathi akayedwa kolu lonwabo lwakhe. +  +“Ingaba wenza ntoni ke ngoku?” yabhadula njalo ingqondo kaMnumzana Nciniba. Akafanelanga kujikeleza edanisa ngoluya hlobo. Ungumama ngoku kwaye unamaqanda ekufuneka ewafukamile. Kodwa njengotata olungileyo washukumisa nje umzimba wakhe, wogquma kakuhle loo maqanda ukuze awafukame. Wahlala apho ke ezolile, elindile kobo busuku bude, lo gama umfazi wakhe owonwabileyo, edlala edlelweni. +  +Ngobunye ubusuku, inyanga eyayikhanya yenza kwakho izithunzi edlelweni. Ezi zithunzi zakhangeleka ngathi ziyadanisa. UMnumzana Nciniba wayephelile kukozela. Amehlo akhe ayeqalisa ukuvaleka ukuva kwakhe intsini yomfazi wakhe, ehleka. Wavuka wathi qwa kwangaloo mzuzu akuva eso siqhazolo. Waphakamisa amehlo. + +  +Kuqala zange kubekho nto ayibonayo. Watsala loo ntanyana yakhe imfutshane kangangoko anakho waze wambona umfazi wakhe. UNkosikazi Nciniba wayedanisa engceni apho, phakathi kwamatyholo, edlala undize nenye inciniba eyindoda esencinane nenomtsalane. Xa ezimele ngetyholo, wayetsala loo ntamo yakhe kangangoko anakho ukuqinisekisa ukuba umyeni wakhe usahleli phezu kwamaqanda. +  +UMnumzana Nciniba wayenomsindo kakhulu. Waphakama kuloo ndlwane, esiya kukhangela ukuba kuqhubeka ntoni na kanye, kodwa waphinda wazinqanda, wahlala phantsi kwakhona. Wayengakwazi ukuwashiya amaqanda odwa kuloo ndlwane. Wayeza kuthini xa athe abanda lo mzuzu engekho? Ngoko ke watweza amaphiko akhe wogquma amaqanda, waze wamana etsalatsala loo ntamo yakhe ukuze abone ukuba umfazi wakhe wenzani na kanye. +  +Wayemane esiva umfazi wakhe egigitheka. Wayemane ebona izithunzi ezidanisa edlelweni phantsi kokukhanya kwenyanga. Qho xa ebona isithunzi, wayetsala loo ntamo yakhe kangangoko anakho. Kodwa wayephelele ekwenzeni oko kuba kwakufuneka efukamile, egcine amaqanda eshushu. +  +Ekugqibeleni, obo busuku bude bade bafikelela esiphelweni, lavela ilanga. Ukuvela kwalo, uMnumzana Nciniba wambona umfazi wakhe ebuya, eze kufukama imini yonke. Wazama ukuphakama, kodwa wayengakwazi kuba umzimba wakhe wawugogene. Izihlunu zentamo yakhe zaziqaqamba. +  +Ekugqibeleni wade waphakama. Wathi xa aza kuxelela umfazi wakhe indlela anomsindo ngayo, wasuka wabona into eyothusayo xa ajonga phantsi ezinyaweni zakhe. Iinyawo zakhe zazikhangeleka zikude kakhulu kunentloko yakhe. Ngoko nangoko, wayiqonda mhlophe into eyenzekileyo – ngobo busuku bude wayolula, wayitsala kakhulu gqitha intamo yakhe. + +  +Wayishukumisa intloko yakhe. Wangqisha, kodwa kuyo yonke into awayeyenza, intamo yakhe yahlala inde injalo. Kwakungekho nanye into anokuyenza ukuze kutshintshe loo meko. Umfazi wakhe yena? Tyhini, naye wayenale ntamo inde! Naye wazama ukushukushukumisa intloko yakhe engqisha, kodwa zange kuncede oko. Wayeyolule yatsaleka intamo yakhe ngokuyaa ebefuna ukubona ukuba ingaba umyeni wakhe usahleli emaqandeni kusini na! +  +Nako ke okwenzekayo ukuze uMnumzana noNkosikazi Nciniba babeneentamo ezinde! Yiyo loo nto ukususela ngobo busuku kude kube namhlanje zonke iinciniba ozibonayo zineentamo ezinde nazo.",xho,isiXhosa,Indlela eyayifumana ngayo inciniba intamo yayo ende,"Mr Ostrich was kind and gentle and he loved Mrs Ostrich very much. He always helped her with the things she had to do. +  +One day, Mrs Ostrich laid seven eggs in her nest in a hollow in the ground. She fluffed her feathers and sat on ...",,Ibali libaliswa kwakhona nguWendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/indlela-eyayifumana-ngayo-inciniba-intamo-yayo-ende +how-the-ostrich-got-long-neck,"UMnumzane uNtshe wayenomusa futhi emnene futhi wayemthanda kakhulu uNkosikazi uNtshe. Wayehlala emsiza ngalezo zinto okwakumele azenze. +  +Ngelinye ilanga, uNkosikazi uNtshe wazalela amaqanda ayisikhombisa esidlekeni sakhe esasisemgodini ongenalutho. Washaya amaphiko ache wase ehlala kuwo ukuze awagcine efudumele. Wahlala izinsuku eziningi egade amaqanda. +  +“Nkosikazi uNtshe othandekayo,” kusho umyeni wakhe ngelinye ilanga ebusuku, “sewufukamele amaqanda ethu izinsuku eziningi. Izimpaphe zami ezimnyama sezimnyama njengobusuku. Angeke ngibonakale ebusuku, ngakho ngizogada amaqanda ethu ebusuku. Ngizokugcinela wona efudumele. Manje usuzokwazi ukuba nesikhathi sakho. Ungazithokozisa kuze kuphume ilanga ekuseni.” +  +UNkosikazi uNtshe wayethokoze kakhulu. Wayefuna ukulula imilenze yakhe. Wasukuma kwase kuhlala uMnumzane uNtshe ngobukhulu ubudlabha ukuze amboze amaqanda. UNkosikazi uNtshe washaya amaphiko ache ukuze akhombise ukuthi wayethokoze kangakanani. Wase ehamba eyodansa emasimini ayeseduze nesidleke sabo. +  +UMnumzane noNkosikazi uNtshe babekhethe indawo yesidleke sabo ngokukhulu ukucophelela. Babazi ukuthi kule ndawo kuzoba nzima ukubona uNkosikazi uNtshe ngesikhathi ehleli esidlekeni emini. Phela ngalezo zinsuku izintshe zazinemiqala emifishane efana neyempangele. Ngakho, uma ukude, lapho ikhanda lakhe liphansi, umama wentshe wayebukeka njengegqunyana eliphansi. Babekhethe le nsimu eyayinotshani obufushane, ngoba kudala babefunde ukuthi esikhotheni esinotshani obude babengahlaselwa ngaphambi +kokuba bazi ukuthi kukhona ingozi ekhona. Ngoba babekhethe kahle, babekwazi ukubona yonke into. +  +UMnumzane noNkosikazi uNtshe babekwazi futhi nokugcina amaqanda abo ephephile emililweni eyayishisa inkundla ngesinye isikhathi. Babekhiphe ngokucophelela utshani ukuze kube nesiyingi esikhulu somhlabathi onobhuqu ozungeze isidleke sabo. UMnumzane noNkosikazi uNtshe babethokoze kakhulu ngesidleke sabo esihle, esiphephile kanye namaqanda ayisikhombisa. +  +Kodwa njengoba uMnumzane uNtshe wayefukamele ebusuku, kwakukhona enye into eyayimenza akhathazeke. Unkosikazi wakhe wayethokoza kakhulu ensimini laphaya. Wayedansa, amaphiko akhe endizela phezulu, futhi kwakungabukeki sengathi uyedwa. +  +“Wenzani?” kucabanga uMnumzane uNtshe. Akumele ukuba adanse azungeze kanjeyana. Usengumama manje futhi kumele agade amaqanda. Kodwa njengobaba omuhle kumele anyakazise umzimba wakhe phansi ukuze amboze amaqanda futhi awagcine efudumele. Wase ehlala phansi esemlindelweni omude wobusuku ngesikhathi unkosikazi wakhe edlala emasimini. +  +Ngobunye ubusuku, inyanga esasiliva yenza amathunzi axakile ensimini. Izithunzi zazibukeka sengathi ziyadansa. UMnumzane uNtshe wayesozela kakhulu. Amehlo akhe ayeseqala ukuvaleka lapho ezwa ukuhleka komkakhe. Kwaphela nobuthongo lapho ezwa lokho. Wabheka phezulu. + +  +Ekuqaleni akabonanga lutho. Walula umqala wakhe omfushane waya phezulu ngendlela ayengase akwazi ukuthi enze ngayo, wase embona. UNkosikazi uNtshe wayedansa otshanini, phakathi kwezihlahla edlala umacashelana negeza lentshe esencane. Lapho esecashe ngesihlahla, welula intamo yakhe yaya phezulu ngendlela ayengakwazi ukuthi enze ngayo ukuze aqinisekise ukuthi umyeni wakhe wayesahleli phezu kwamaqanda abo. +  +UMnumzane uNtshe wayethukuthele. Wasukuma esidlekeni wayobheka ukuthi kwakwenzekani, kodwa waphinde wahlala phansi futhi. Wayengakwazi ukushiya amaqanda. Kwakuzokwenzekani uma amaqanda egodola ngesikhathi esahambile? Ngakho welula amaphiko akhe phezu kwamaqanda wase elula intamo yakhe yaya phezulu kakhulu ezama ukubona lokho okwenziwa unkosikazi wakhe. +  +Njalo emva kwesikhathi esithile wayezwa unkosikazi wakhe egigitheka. Njalo emva kwesikhashana wayebona izithunzi zidansa ensimini kunyezi. Njalo uma ebona isithunzi, wayelula intamo yakhe iye phezulu ngendlela ayengenza ngayo. Kodwa yilokho kuphela eyekwazi ukukwenza ngenxa yokuthi kwakumele agcine amaqanda efudumele. +  +Ekugcineni, ubusuku obude kakhulu baze baphela lapho sekuphuma ilanga. Ngesikhathi kwenzeka lokho, uMnumzane uNtshe wayembona unkosikazi wakhe lapho esebuya ezohlala phezu kwamaqanda imini yonke. UMnumzana wazama ukusukuma, kodwa wazizwa engakwazi ukusukuma. Zazibuhlungu izicubu zentamo yakhe. +  +Ekugcineni wakwazi ukusukuma. Wayesathi uzotshela umkakhe ukuthi uthukuthele kanjani, lapho ebheka izinyawo zakhe ezansi. Zazibukeka zikude le nekhanda lakhe. Ekugcineni wazi ukuthi kwenzekeni – ngalobu busuku obude wayelule intamo yakhe yaya phezulu, yaphinde yaya phezulu, yaphinde yaya phezulu futhi. + +  +Wanikina ikhanda lakhe. Wagxoba phansi ngezinyawo zakhe, kodwa noma wayezama ukwenzani intamo yahlala inde. Ayikho into ayeyenza eyayingashintsha lokhu. Unkosikazi wakhe yena? Naye futhi wayenentamo ende! Naye wazama ukunikina ikhanda lakhe kanye nokugxoba phansi ngezinyawo zakhe, kodwa akuzange kusize lokhu. Wayelule waphinde welula intamo yakhe ukuze abone ukuthi umyeni wakhe wayesahlezi yini phezu kwamaqanda abo! +  +Kwenzeka kanjalo-ke ukuthi uMnumzane noNkosikazi uNtshe babe nezintamo ezinde! Futhi yingakho kusukela ngalobo busuku ubona yonke intshe inentamo ende futhi.",zul,isiZulu,Yayithola kanjani intshe intamo ende,"Mr Ostrich was kind and gentle and he loved Mrs Ostrich very much. He always helped her with the things she had to do. +  +One day, Mrs Ostrich laid seven eggs in her nest in a hollow in the ground. She fluffed her feathers and sat on ...",,Ixoxwa kabusha nguWendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/yayithola-kanjani-intshe-intamo-ende +detective-gus-the-gorilla,"Gus and Gabby, two good, kind gorillas, lived in a special part of the zoo. They had a little house to sleep in, and a wooden jungle gym to play on. They also had three trees to climb. +  +Gus and Gabby were having lunch. They were eating cabbage and pumpkin and beans and mealies, and lots of oranges and paw-paws and apples and bananas. They loved bananas! +  +Suddenly a little boy’s head popped up over the wall of Gus and Gabby’s garden. +  +“Hello,” he said. +  +“Hello,” said Gus. +  +“Can I come down and play on that jungle gym?” he asked. +  +“Yes,” said Gus. “Jump down into the garden, but mind the thorn bush!” +  +So the little boy jumped down and landed on the grass next to the gorillas. +  +“We have nearly finished eating our lunch, but we still have one banana left,” said Gus. Even though he loved bananas more than any other food, Gus was a very kind gorilla. He held it out to the little boy. +  +“Would you like it?” he asked. + +  +“Yes, please,” said the little boy. He took the banana and smiled. +  +“Where is your mother?” asked Gus. +  +“She is lost,” said the little boy. +  +“Oh. Are you also lost?” asked Gus. +  +“No, I’m not lost. I am here,” answered the little boy. +  +“That is true,” said Gus. “How did your mother get lost?” +  +“We were walking along, eating ice-creams, and when I looked up, she wasn’t there,” said the boy. +  +“I’m sure you’ll find her later on. But let’s play now!” said Gus, and he took the little boy’s hand and lifted him up onto the top of the wooden jungle gym. +  +They had a wonderful afternoon together. Gus walked upside down along the wooden poles of the jungle gym, holding on with his hands and feet, and the little boy did the same. Gus caught a branch hanging over the jungle gym and swung up into a big tree. The little boy did the same. They even hooked their legs over the branches and hung upside down! Gus and the little boy played together all afternoon, until the little boy was too tired to play anymore. +  +“Why don’t you have a rest?” said Gus. +  +“Okay,” said the little boy. He wandered off and fell fast asleep on the clean, sweet-smelling straw bed in Gus and Gabby’s little house. +  +“If he is lost, maybe he can stay here with us forever,” said Gabby. “I would like that!” +  +“I would like that too,” said Gus. +  +Just then the zookeeper arrived. +  +“I think I have important news for you,” he said, and he handed Gus a letter. Then he left, and closed the gate behind him. +  +“It must be important news if it is a letter for Gus!” thought Gabby. “What does the letter say, Gus?” asked Gabby with her big chitty-chatty smile. +  +Gus climbed up onto the top of the jungle gym and opened the letter. “It’s from Policeman Moloi,” he said. +  +“Read it, read it!” said Gabby. +  +Gus held the letter out in front of him and read aloud to Gabby: +  +Dear Gus +  +Please help us. +  +Molefe is missing. He is five years old. He was walking around the zoo with his mother. They were eating ice-creams. Molefe’s mother said she loved chocolate ice-cream, then she asked Molefe what his favourite ice-cream was. But Molefe didn’t answer because he wasn’t there! +  +His mom was very worried. She called, and called, “Molefe, Molefe, where are you?” But there was no answer. +  +Molefe’s mother ran all over the zoo looking for him, but she couldn’t find him. He is missing. Gone! Just like that! +  +Molefe’s mother is crying here at the police station now, Gus. Please help us. +  +If you get any news about Molefe, beat your chest loudly, and we will come running. +  +Best wishes to you, Gus. +  +Your friend +Policeman Moloi +  +Gus was sad. “I think the little boy who is fast asleep in our house may be Molefe,” he said. +  +“Why do you think that, Gus?” asked Gabby. +  +“Because he said his mother was eating an ice-cream when she got lost,” said Gus. “If he is Molefe, we can’t keep him. His mother is crying for him.” +  +“She must be very sad,” said Gabby. “You’re right, Gus, we can’t keep him.” +  +Just then the little boy woke up and came into the garden, rubbing his eyes. +  +“I want my mother. Where is she?” he said. +  +“We will find her,” said Gus. “What is your name little boy?” +  +“I am Molefe,” said the little boy. +  +“I will let Policeman Moloi and your mother know that you are here,” said Gus. Then he stood up straight on top of the jungle gym. He lifted his arms and drummed loudly on his great big chest. +  +Policeman Moloi heard the drumbeat. He ran puffing and panting to the gorillas’ home. Molefe’s mother heard the drumbeat and followed Policeman Moloi. She ran puffing and panting to the gorillas’ home. +  +“There you are, Molefe!” she said. She picked him up and held him close. +  +“They found you, Mom!” said Molefe. +  +“Yes! I was lost without you, Molefe,” she said. “But why are you in here with the gorillas?” +  +“I have been playing on the jungle gym with my friend, Gus,” said Molefe. +  +“Oh ... goodness! Well, we must go home now, Molefe,” said his mother. She looked at Gus. “Thank you for looking after Molefe and playing with him,” she said. +  +Molefe ran up to Gus, and the great big gorilla patted him on the head. Gabby gave him one of her big chitty-chatty smiles. +  +“Bye-bye,” said Molefe, and off he went with his mother. + +  +“Gus, because of you, Molefe is safe,” said Policeman Moloi. “You are a great detective!” +  +The next day the Chief of Police and a big brass band and a camera man and a news reporter arrived at the zoo. A crowd of people followed them. The zookeeper led them all into Gus and Gabby’s garden. The brass band played a tune, the camera man took pictures of Gus, and the reporter wrote a story about Gus and Molefe. The crowd of people cheered. +  +“Gus is a great detective,” said the Chief of Police. “He once caught a famous shopping bag thief and now he has found a lost little boy. Well done, Gus!” Then the Chief of Police handed Gus a great big bunch of yellow bananas and he gave Gabby a great big bunch of pretty yellow flowers. +  +When they had all gone away, Gus and Gabby sat down and ate all the bananas except one. “Would you like the last banana, Gabby?” asked Gus. +  +“No thanks, Gus,” said Gabby with a big chitty-chatty smile. “I’m eating the flowers. You are a famous detective now! You have the last banana!” +  +So he did.",eng,English,"Detective Gus, the gor","Gus and Gabby, two good, kind gorillas, lived in a special part of the zoo. They had a little house to sleep in, and a wooden jungle gym to play on. They also had three trees to climb. +  +Gus and Gabby were having lunch. They were ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/detective-gus-the-gorilla +detective-gus-the-gorilla,"Gus en Gabby, twee goeie, gawe gorillas, woon in ’n spesiale deel van die dieretuin. Hulle het ’n klein huisie waarin hulle slaap, en ’n houtklouterraam om op te speel. Daar is ook drie bome waarin hulle kan klim. +  +Gus en Gabby is besig om middagete te eet. Hulle eet kool en pampoen en boontjies en mielies, en baie lemoene en papajas en appels en piesangs. Hulle is dol oor piesangs! +  +Skielik verskyn ’n klein seuntjie se kop bo die muur van Gus en Gabby se tuin. +  +“Hallo,” sê hy. +  +“Hallo,” sê Gus. +  +“Mag ek afklim en op daardie klouterraam kom speel?” vra hy. +  +“Ja,” sê Gus. “Spring af tot in die tuin, maar oppas vir die doringbos!” +  +Die klein seuntjie spring af en land op die gras langs die gorillas. +  +“Ons is byna klaar met ons middagete, maar ons het nog een piesang oor,” sê Gus. Al hou hy meer van piesangs as van enige ander kos, is Gus ’n baie gawe gorilla. Hy hou dit na die klein seuntjie toe uit. +  +“Wil jy dit hê?” vra hy. +“Ja, asseblief,” sê die klein seuntjie. Hy vat die piesang en glimlag. +  +“Waar is jou mamma?” vra Gus. +  +“Sy het weggeraak,” sê die klein seuntjie. +  +“O! Het jy ook weggeraak?” vra Gus. +  +“Nee, ek het nie weggeraak nie. Ek is mos hier,” antwoord die klein seuntjie. +  +“Dis waar,” sê Gus. “Hoe het jou mamma weggeraak?” +  +“Ons het geloop en roomys eet, en toe ek opkyk, was sy weg,” sê die seuntjie. +  +“Ek is seker jy sal haar later vind. Maar kom ons speel nou!” sê Gus, en hy vat die klein seuntjie se hand en lig hom tot bo-op die houtklouterraam. +  +Hulle het ’n heerlike middag saam. Gus loop onderstebo op die houtpale van die klouterraam deur met sy hande en voete vas te hou, en die klein seuntjie doen dieselfde. Gus gryp ’n tak wat oor die klouterraam hang en swaai op tot in ’n groot boom. Die klein seuntjie doen dieselfde. Hulle haak selfs hul bene oor die takke en hang onderstebo! Gus en die klein seuntjie speel die hele middag saam, totdat die seuntjie te moeg is om verder te speel. +  +“Waarom rus jy nie ’n rukkie nie?” sê Gus. +  +“Goed so,” sê die klein seuntjie. Hy dwaal weg en raak vas aan die slaap op die skoon strooibed wat so lekker ruik in Gus en Gabby se klein huisie. +  +“As hy weggeraak het, kan hy miskien vir altyd by ons bly,” sê Gabby. “Ek sal daarvan hou!” +  +“Ek sal ook daarvan hou,” sê Gus. +  +Net toe kom die opsigter van die dieretuin daar aan. +  +“Ek dink ek het belangrike nuus vir julle,” sê hy, en gee vir Gus ’n brief. Toe draai hy om en maak die hek agter hom toe. +  +“Dit moet belangrike nuus wees as dit ’n brief vir Gus is!” dink Gabby. “Wat staan in die brief, Gus?” vra Gabby en glimlag dat jy net tande sien. +  +Gus klim tot bo-op die klouterraam en maak die brief oop. “Dit is van Polisiekonstabel Moloi,” sê hy. +  +“Lees dit, lees dit!” sê Gabby. +  +Gus hou die brief voor hom uit en lees hardop vir Gabby: +  +  +Beste Gus +  +Help ons asseblief. +  +Molefe is weg. Hy is vyf jaar oud. Hy het saam met sy mamma in die dieretuin gestap. Hulle het roomys geëet. Molefe se mamma het gesê sy hou van sjokoladeroomys, en het toe vir Molefe gevra wat sy gunstelingroomys is. Maar Molefe het nie geantwoord nie, want hy was weg! +  +Sy mamma is baie bekommerd. Sy het geroep en geroep, “Molefe, Molefe, waar is jy?” Maar daar was geen antwoord nie. +  +Molefe se mamma het oral in die dieretuin na hom gesoek, maar sy kon hom nie kry nie. Hy is weg. Skoonveld! Sommer net so! +  +Molefe se mamma staan nou hier by die polisiestasie en huil, Gus. Help ons asseblief. +  +As jy enige nuus van Molefe kry, slaan hard op jou borskas en ons sal almal aangehardloop kom. +  +Beste wense vir jou, Gus. +  +Jou vriend +Polisiekonstabel Moloi +  +Gus is hartseer. “Ek dink die klein seuntjie wat vas aan die slaap in ons huisie lê, is dalk Molefe,” sê hy. +  +“Waarom dink jy so, Gus?” vra Gabby. +  +“Want hy het gesê sy mamma het ’n roomys geëet toe sy weggeraak het,” sê Gus. “As hy Molefe is, kan ons hom nie hou nie. Sy mamma huil oor hom.” +  +“Sy moet baie hartseer wees,” sê Gabby. “Jy’s reg, Gus, ons kan hom nie hou nie.” +  +Net toe word die klein seuntjie wakker en stap tuin toe terwyl hy sy oë vryf. +  +“Ek wil my mamma hê. Waar is sy?” vra hy. +  +“Ons sal haar vind,” sê Gus. “Wat is jou naam, klein seuntjie?��� +  +“My naam is Molefe,” sê die klein seuntjie. +  +“Ek sal vir Polisiekonstabel Moloi en jou mamma laat weet dat jy hier is,” sê Gus. Toe gaan staan hy regop bo-op die klouterraam. Hy lig sy arms op en trommel hard op sy groot borskas. +  +Polisiekonstabel Moloi hoor die tromslae. Hy hardloop swoegend en swetend na die gorillas se huis. Molefe se mamma hoor die tromslae en volg vir Polisiekonstabel Moloi. Sy hardloop swoegend en swetend na die gorillas se huis. +  +“Daar’s jy, Molefe!” sê sy. Sy tel hom op en druk hom styf vas. +  +“Hulle het jou gekry, Mamma!” sê Molefe. +  +“Ja! Ek was verlore sonder jou, Molefe,” sê sy. “Maar waarom is jy hier saam met die gorillas?” +  +“Ek het saam met my vriend Gus op die klouterraam gespeel,” sê Molefe. +  +“O ... goeiste! Wel, ons moet nou huis toe gaan, Molefe,” sê sy mamma. Sy kyk na Gus. “Dankie dat jy na Molefe gekyk en met hom gespeel het,” sê sy. +  +Molefe hardloop na Gus toe, en die groot gorilla tik hom liggies op sy kop. Gabby glimlag vir hom dat jy net tande sien. +  +“Tot siens,” sê Molefe, en hy stap saam met sy mamma weg. +[a/w02] +  +“Gus, dis aan jou te danke dat Molefe veilig is,” sê Polisiekonstabel Moloi. “Jy is ’n baasspeurder!” +  +Die volgende dag kom die Hoof van die Polisie en ’n groot koperblaasorkes en ’n kameraman en ’n verslaggewer by die dieretuin aan. ’n Skare mense volg hulle. Die opsigter van die dieretuin lei hulle almal na Gus en Gabby se tuin. Die koperblaasorkes speel ’n liedjie, die kameraman neem foto’s van Gus, en die verslaggewer skryf ’n storie oor Gus en Molefe. Die skare juig. +  +“Gus is ’n baasspeurder,” sê die Hoof van die Polisie. “Hy het al ’n berugte dief gevang wat inkopiesakke gesteel het en nou het hy ’n klein seuntjie wat weggeraak het, gevind. Knap gedaan, Gus!” Toe gee die Hoof van die Polisie vir Gus ’n groot tros geel piesangs en hy gee vir Gabby ’n groot bos pragtige geel blomme. +  +Toe al die mense weg is, gaan sit Gus en Gabby en eet al die piesangs op; almal behalwe een. “Wil jy dalk die laaste piesang hê, Gabby?” vra Gus. +  +“Nee dankie, Gus,” sê Gabby en glimlag dat jy net tande sien. “Ek eet die blomme. Jy is nou ’n beroemde speurder! Jy kan maar die laaste piesang eet!” +  +En dis presies wat Gus toe doen.",afr,Afrikaans,"Speurder Gus, die gor","Gus and Gabby, two good, kind gorillas, lived in a special part of the zoo. They had a little house to sleep in, and a wooden jungle gym to play on. They also had three trees to climb. +  +Gus and Gabby were having lunch. They were ...",,Deur Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/node/1615 +detective-gus-the-gorilla,"Gus le Gabby, dikorila tše pedi tša go loka, di be di dula karolong ya go kgethega ya lešoka la diphoofolo. Di be di na le ntlwana yeo di bego di robala ka go yona, le tlhako ya go namelwa ke bana ya kota yeo di bego di bapala go yona. Gape di be di na le mehlare ye meraro yeo di bego di e namela. +  +Gus le Gabby di be di eja dijo tša matena. Di be di eja khabetšhe, lephotse le dinawa le mafela le dinamune tše dintši le diphopho le diapole le dipanana. Di be di rata dipanana! +  +Gateetee hlogo ya mošemanyana ya hlodumela ka godimo ga leboto la tšhengwana ya Gus le Gabby. +  +""Dumelang,"" a realo. +  +""Dumela,"" a realo Gus. +  +""Naa nka tla go bapala ka tlhako ya go namelwa ke bana?"" a botšiša. +  +""Ee,"" a realo Gus. ""Fofela ka mo tšhengwaneng, efela o hlokomele sethokgwa sa meetlwa!"" +  +Gomme mošemanyana o ile a fofela godimo ga mabjang kgauswi le dikorila. +  +""Re nyakile go fetša dijo tša rena tša matena, efela go sa na le panana e tee,"" a realo Gus. Le ge a rata dipanana go feta dijo tšohle, Gus e be e le korila ya go loka kudu. O ile a e bontšha mošemanyana. +  +""O a e rata?"" a botšiša. + +  +""Ee, hle,"" a realo mošemanyana. O ile a tšea panana gomme a myemyela. +  +""Mmago o kae?"" gwa botšiša Gus. +  +""O timetše,"" a realo mošemanyana. +  +""Ijoo. Le wena o timetše?"" gwa botšiša Gus. +  +""Aowa, ga se ke timele. Ke fa,"" mošemanyana a araba. +  +""Ke nnete,"" a realo Gus. ""Mmago o timetše bjang?"" +  +""Re be re sepela mmogo re eja diaesekherimo, gomme ka re ge ke lebelela, ka bona a se gona,"" a realo mošemane. +  +""Ke dumela gore o tla mo hwetša. Efela gabjale a re bapale!"" a realo Gus, o ile a swara mošemanyana ka seatla a mo kukela godimo ga tlhako ya go namelwa ke bana ya kota. +  +Ba bile le mosegare o mobotse mmogo. Gus o ile a sepela godimo ga tlhako ya go namelwa ke bana ya kota a hlomile hlogo fase maoto a ile godimo, a itshwareleditše ka diatla le maoto, gomme mošemanyana a mo ekiša. Gus o ile a swara lekala leo le bego le lekelela ka godimo ga tlhako ya go namelwa ke bana gomme a fofela mohlareng o mogolo. Mošemanyana le yena o ile a dira bjalo. Ba ile ba itshwarelela makaleng ka maoto, mebele ya lekelela mola dihlogo di lebeletše fase! Gus o ile a bapala le mošemanyana mosegare ka moka ga ona, go fihlela mošemanyana a lapa a se sa nyaka go bapala. +  +""Ke ka lebaka la eng o sa ikhutše?"" a realo Gus. +  +""Go lokile,"" a realo mošemanyana. O ile a tloga a swarwa ke boroko mpeteng wa mahlaka wa go nkga bose gape wa go hlweka ka ntlwaneng ya Gus le Gabby. +  +""Ge e le gore o timetše, a ka itulela le rena fa,"" a realo Gabby. ""Nka thabela seo!"" +  +""Le nna nka thabela seo,"" a realo Gus. +  +Mohlokomedi wa lešoka o ile a fihla. +  +""Ke nagana gore ke go swaretše ditaba tša bohlokwa,"" a realo, gomme a fa Gus lengwalo. Ka morago o ile a tloga, a tswalela keiti. +  +""Ge eba lengwalo le ke la Gus, e swanetše go ba e le ditaba tša bohlokwa!"" Gabby a nagana bjalo. ""Lengwalo le reng, Gus?"" gwa botšiša Gabby ka myemyelo ya go nyaka ditaba. +  +Gus o ile a namela godimo ga tlhako ya go namelwa ke bana gomme a bula lengwalo. ""Le tšwa go Monna wa Lephodisa Moloi"" a realo. +  +""Le bale, le bale!"" a realo Gabby. +  +Gus o emišitše lengwalo pele ga Gabby a mmalela a hlaboša lentšu: +  +Dumela Gus +  +Re hloka thušo ya gago hle. +  +Molefe o timeletše. O na le mengwaga ye mehlano. O be a sepela le mmagwe thoko ya lešoka la diphoofolo. Ba be ba eja diaesekherimo. Mmago Molefe o rile o rata aesekherimo ya tšhokolete, gomme a botšiša Molefe gore o rata aesekherimo efe. Efela Molefe ga se a araba, ka gobane o be a se gona! +  +Mmagwe o be a tshwenyegile kudu. O ile a goeletša, a ba a goeletša, ""Molefe, Molefe, o mokae?"" Efela ga se gwa ba le phetolo +  +Mmago Molefe o kitimile le lešoka lohle la diphoofolo a mo nyaka, efela ga se a mo hwetša. O timeletše. O sepetše! Ka yona tsela yeo! +  +Gona bjale Mmago Molefe o a lla seteišeneng sa maphodisa, Gus. Re thuše hle. +  +Ge o ka kwa se sengwe ka ga Molefe, o re tsebiše, re tla tla re kitima. +  +Re go lakaletša mahlatse, Gus. +  +Mogwera wa gago +Monna wa Lephodisa Moloi +  +Gus o be a nyamile. ""Ke nagana gore mošemanyana yo a robetšego ka ntlong ya rena e ka ba Molefe,"" a realo. +  +""Ke ka lebaka la eng o nagana bjalo, Gus?"" gwa botšiša Gabby. +  +""Ka gobane o rile mmagwe o be a eja aesekherime ge a timelela,"" a realo Gus. ""Ge e le gore ke Molefe, re tla mo lokolla Mmagwe o a mo llela."" +  +""O swanetše go ba a nyamile,"" a realo Gabby. ""O nepile, Gus, re tla mo lokolla."" +  +Ka nako yeo mošemanyana a phapharega a ya ka tšhengwaneng, a ipikitla mahlo. +  +""Ke nyaka mma. O kae?"" a realo. +  +""Re tla mo hwetša,"" a realo Gus. Ke wena mang?"" +  +""Ke nna Molefe,"" mošemanyana a realo. +  +""Ke tla tsebiša Monna wa Lephodisa Moloi le mmago gore o fa,"" a realo Gus. O ile a ema thwii godimo ga tlhako ya go namelwa ke bana ya kota. O emišitše matsogo godimo a ipetha dikgara ka lešata. +  +Monna wa Lephodisa Moloi o ile a kwa morethetho woo. O ile a kitimela legaeng la dikorila a hemelana. Mmago Molefe o ile a kwa morethetho a latela Monna wa Lephodisa Moloi. O ile a kitimela legaeng la dikorila a hemelana. +  +""O fa, Molefe!"" a realo. O ile a mo kuka gomme a mo gokarela. +  +""Ba go hweditše, Mma!"" a realo Molefe. +  +""Ee! Ke be ke lahlegile ntle le wena, Molefe,"" a realo. ""Efela, nkane o dutše le dikorila fa?"" +  +""Ke be ke bapala tlhakong ya go namelwa ke bana le mogwera wa ka, Gus,"" a realo Molefe. +  +""Ijoo ... batho! Re swanetše go ya gae bjale, Molefe,"" mmagwe a realo. O ile a lebelela Gus. ""Ke leboga ge o ile wa hlokomela le go bapala le Molefe,"" a realo. +  +Molefe o ile a kitimela Gus, gomme korila ye kgolo ya mo phaphatha hlogo. Gabby o ile a myemyela ka myemyelo ya gagwe ye botse. +  +""Gabotse,"" a realo Molefe, a sepela le mmagwe. + +  +""Gus, Molefe o bolokegile ka lebaka la gago,"" a realo Monna wa Lephodisa Moloi. ""O letseka le lebotse!"" +  +Ka letšatši la go latela Molaodi wa Sephodisa le pente ya diphala ye kgolo le monna wa khamera le mmegaditaba ba ile ba fihla lešokeng la diphoofolo. Lešaba la batho le ile la ba šala morago. Mohlokomedi wa lešoka o ile a ba iša ka moka tšhengwaneng ya Gus le Gabby. Diphala di ile tša bapala mmino, gomme monna wa khamera a tšea Gus dinepe, le mmegaditaba a ngwala kanegelo ka ga Gus le Molefe. Lešaba la batho le ile la reta. +  +""Gus ke letseka le lebotse,"" a realo Molaodi wa Sephodisa. ""O ile a swara lehodu la mokotla wa direkwa la go tuma gomme bjale o hweditše mošemanyana wa go timela. O šomile gabotse, Gus!"" Ka morago Molaodi wa Sephodisa a fa Gus ngata ye kgolo ya dipanana tše di serolane tša botse gomme a fa Gabby ngata ye kgolo ya matšoba a maserolane a mabotse. +  +E rile ge ka moka ba sepetše, Gus le Gabby ba dula fase ba ja dipanana ka moka ntle le ye tee. ""Naa o ka rata gja panana ya mafelelo, Gabby?"" gwa botšiša Gus. +  +""Aowa, Gus,"" a realo Gabby ka myemyelo ya gagwe ye botse ye kgolo. ""Ke ja matšoba. Bjale o letseka la go tuma! Eja panana ya mafelelo!"" +  +O ile a dira bjalo.",nso,Sepedi,Korila ya go bitšwa Gus ya Letsek,"Gus and Gabby, two good, kind gorillas, lived in a special part of the zoo. They had a little house to sleep in, and a wooden jungle gym to play on. They also had three trees to climb. +  +Gus and Gabby were having lunch. They were ...",,Ka Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/node/1617 +detective-gus-the-gorilla,"Gus le Gabby, dikorela tse pedi tse mosa, ba ne ba dula karolong e ikgethang ya serapa sa diphoofolo. Ba ne ba ena le ntlwana e nyane eo ba robalang ho yona, le jankele jimi ya mapolanka moo ba neng ba bapalla teng. Hape ba ne ba ena le difate tse tharo tseo ba neng ba di palama. +  +Gus le Gabby ba ne ba eja dijo tsa motsheare. Ba ne ba eja khabetjhe le mokopu le dinawa le poone, le dilamunu le diphopho le diapole le dipanana tse ngata. Ba ne ba rata dipanana! +  +Hanghang hlooho ya moshanyana e monyane ya hlahella ka hodima lebota la tshimo ya Gus le Gabby. +  +""Dumelang,"" a rialo. +  +""Dumela,"" ha arabela Gus. +  +""Na nka theohela kamoo ka tla bapalla jankele jiming eo?"" a botsa. +  +""Ee,"" ha araba Gus. ""Tlolela ka tshingwaneng ka mona, empa o lemohe meutlwa eo!"" +  +Yaba moshanyana eo o tlolela ka hare mme a wela hantle hodima jwang haufi le dikorela. +  +""Re se re tla qeta ho ja dijo tsa motsheare, empa re sa ntse re ena le panana e le nngwe e setseng"" ha rialo Gus. Leha a ne a arta ho ja dipanana ho ef ta dijo dife kapa dife, Gus e ne e le korela e lokileng haholo. A e phahamisa ho e fa moshanyana eo. +  +""Na o batla ho e ja?"" a botsa. + +  +""Ee, ka kopo hle,"" ha araba moshanyana e monyane. A nka panana mme a bososela. +  +""Mme wa hao o hokae?"" ha botsa Gus. +  +""O lahlehile,"" ha araba moshanyana. +  +""Kgele. Na le wena o lahlehile?"" ha botsa Gus. +  +""Tjhe, ha ke a lahleha, ke mona,"" ha araba moshanyana eo. +  +""Ke nnete,"" ha rialo Gus. ""Mme wa hao o lahlehile jwang?"" +  +""Re ne re tsamaya mmoho, re eja aesekerimi, mme eitse ha ke phahamisa mahlo, ka mmona a se a le siyo,"" ha rialo moshanyana. +  +""Ke a tshepa hore o tla mo fumana ha morao. Empa ha jwale ha re bapale!"" ha rialo Gus, mme a nka letsoho la moshanyana eo mme a mo phahamisetsa hodimo a mmea hodima jankele jimi ya mapolanka. +  +Ba ile ba qeta letsheare lohle ba thabile mmoho. Gus a nna a tsamaya a shebisitse hlooho fatshe hodima dipalo tsa mapolanka tsa jankele jimi, a itshwareleditse ka matsoho le maoto, mme moshanyana a mo etsisa. Gus a tshwara lekala le leketlileng ka hodima jankele jimi mme a fofela ka hodimo sefateng se seholo. Moshanyana a mo etsisa. Ba ile ba ba ba haka maoto a bona makaleng mme ba leketlisa dihlooho fatshe! Gus le moshanyana eo ba ile ba bapala mmoho letsheare lohle, ho fihlela moshanyana a se a kgathetse haholo ke ho bapala. +  +""Hobaneng o sa phomole hanyane?"" ha railo Gus. +  +""Ho lokile,"" ha rialo moshanyana. A tsamaela thoko mane mme a fihla a kgaleha hodima bethe ya jwang e hlwekileng, e nkgang ha monate ka hara ntlo ya Gus le Gabby. +  +""Haeba a lahlehile, mohlomong a ka dula le rona mona bophelo ba hae bohle,"" ha rialo Gabby. ""Nka rata seo!"" +  +""Le nna nka rata seo,"" ha rialo Gus. +  +Ka yona nako eo mohlokomedi wa serapa sa diphoofolo a fihla. +  +""Ke nahana hore ke le tshwaretse ditaba tsa bohlokwa,"" a rialo, mme a neha Gus lengolo. Yaba o a tsamaya, mme a kwala heke. +  +""E lokela hore e be e le ditaba tsa bohlokwa ka nnete haeba e le lengolo le ngoletsweng Gus!"" Gabby a nahana jwalo. ""Lengolo leo le reng, Gus?"" ha botsa Gabby ka pososelo ya hae e kgolo e edileng. +  +Gus a palama ho ya ka hodimodimo ho jankele jimi mme a bula lengolo. ""Le tswa ho Lepolesa Moloi,"" a rialo. +  +""Le bale, le bale!"" ha rialo Gabby. +  +Gus a tshwara lengolo ka pela hae mme a le balla hodimo hore Gabby a utlwe: +  +Gus ya ratehang +  +Re kopa o re thuse hle. +  +Molefe o lahlehile. O na le dilemo tse hlano. O ne a ntse a tsamaya le mme wa hae serapeng sa diphoofolo. Ba ne ba ntse ba eja aesekerimi. Mme wa Molefe o re o rata aesekerimi ya tjhokolete, mme o ile a botsa Molefe hore yena aesekerimi eo a e ratang ke efe. Empa Molefe ha a ka a araba, hobane o ne a le siyo! +  +Mme wa hae o ne a kgathatsehile haholo. O ile a hoeletsa, a hoeletsa, ""Molefe, Molefe, o hokae?"" Empa ho ne ho se karabo. +  +Mme wa Molefe o ile a matha hohle ka hara serapa sa diphoofolo a batlana le yena, empa a se ke a mo fumana. O lahlehile. O nyametse! Jwalo feela! +  +Mme wa Molefe o lla haholo mme o mona seteisheneng sa mapolesa, Gus. Ka kopo a ko re thuse hle. +  +Haeba o ka utlwela ho hong ka Molefe, ke kopa o ikotle sefubeng haholo, mme re tla tla re matha. +  +Ka ditumediso, Gus. +  +Motswalle wa hao +Lepolesa Moloi +  +Gus o ne a utlwile bohloko. ""Ke nahana hore moshanyana yane e monyane ya robetseng ka tlung ya rona e ka nna ya eba Molefe,"" a rialo. +  +""Hobaneng o nahana jwalo, Gus?"" ha botsa Gabby. +  +""Hobane o itse mmae o ne a eja aesekerimi ha a tla lahleha,"" ha rialo Gus. ""Haeba e le Molefe, re keke ra kgona ho mmoloka mona. Mme wa hae o ntse a mo llela."" +  +""Ke a kgolwa o utlwile bohloko haholo,"" ha rialo Gabby. ""O nepile, Gus, re keke ra mmoloka mona."" +  +Ka yona nako eo moshanyana e monyane a tsoha mme a tswela ka ntle tshingwaneng, a ntse a ipikitla mahlo. +  +""Ke batla mme wa ka. O kae?"" a rialo. +  +""Re tla mo fumana,"" ha rialo Gus. ""Lebitso la hao o mang moshanyana?"" +  +""Ke Molefe,"" ha araba moshanyana eo. +  +""Ke tla tsebisa Lepolesa Moloi le mme wa hao hore o mona,"" ha rialo Gus. Yaba o a ikotlolla mme o ema ka hodima jankele jimi. A phahamisa matsoho a hae mme a ikotla haholo sefubeng se seholohadi sena. +  +Lepolesa Moloi a utlwa moropa oo o lla. A tswa a matha a hemesela ho ya tlung ya dikorela. Mme wa Molefe a utlwa modumo oo wa moropa mme le yena a sala Lepolesa Moloi morao. O ne a matha a hemela hodimo ho ya tlung ya dikorela. +  +""Ka ba ka o fumana, Molefe!"" a rialo. A mo nka a mo kopa ka diatla. +  +""Ba o fumane, Mme!"" ha rialo Molefe. +  +""Ehlile! Ntle le wena ke ne ke lahlehile, Molefe,"" a rialo. ""Empa ke hobaneng ha o le ka hara sebaka sa dikorela tje?"" +  +""Ke ne ke ntse ke bapala hodima jankele jimi le motswalle wa ka, Gus,"" ha araba Molefe. +  +""Hao ... basadi! Jwale re lokela ho ya lapeng, Molefe,"" ha rialo mme wa hae. A sheba ka ho Gus. ""Ke a leboha ha o ile wa hlokomela Molefe mme wa bapala le yena,"" a rialo. +  +Molefe a mathela ho Gus, mme korela e kgolohadi ya mo phaphatha hloohong. Gabby a mo sheba ka pososelo e mona ya hae e kgolo e tletseng lerato. +  +""Salang hantle,"" ha rialo Molefe, mme yena le mme wa hae ba tsamaya. + +  +""Gus, ka lebaka la hao, Molefe o bolokehile,"" ha rialo Lepolesa Moloi. ""O leteketifi le hlwahlwa!"" +  +Ka letsatsi le hlahlamang Hlooho ya Sepolesa le sehlopha sa mmino wa diletswa le rakhemera le moqolotsi wa ditaba ba fihla serapeng sa diphoofolo. Batho ba bangata ba ba sala morao. Mohlokomedi wa serapa sa diphoofolo a ba kenya ka tshingwaneng ya Gus le Gabby kaofela ha bona. Sehlopha sa mmino wa diletswa sa letsa pina, rakhamera a nka ditshwantsho tsa Gus, mme moqolotsi wa ditaba a ngola pale e mabapi le Gus le Molefe. Mokgopi wa batho wa etsa ditlatse. +  +""Gus ke leteketifi le hlwahlwa,"" ha rialo Hlooho ya Sepolesa. ""O kile a tshwara leshodu le tsebahalang la mekotlana ya ho ya ho reka ya mabenkeleng mme jwale o se a fumane moshanyana ya neng a lahlehile. O sebeditse, Gus!"" Yaba Hlooho ya Sepolesa o fa Gus sehlophahadi sa dipanana tse tshehla mme a fa Gabby sehlopha sa dipalesa tse ntle tse tshehla. +  +Ha bohle ba se ba tsamaile, Gus le Gabby ba dula fatshe mme ba ja dipanana tsohle ntle le e le nngwe feela. ""Na o ka rata ho ja panana ya ho qetela, Gabby?"" ha botsa Gus. +  +""Tjhe, ke a leboha, Gus,"" ha rialo Gabby ka pososelo e mona ya hae e ntle. ""Ke ja dipalesa. O se o le leteketifi le tummeng jwale! O ka nna wa ja panana ya ho qetela!"" +  +Yaba o etsa jwalo.",sot,Sesotho,"Leteketifi Gus, eo e leng kore","Gus and Gabby, two good, kind gorillas, lived in a special part of the zoo. They had a little house to sleep in, and a wooden jungle gym to play on. They also had three trees to climb. +  +Gus and Gabby were having lunch. They were ...",,Ka Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/node/1619 +detective-gus-the-gorilla,"UGus kunye noGabby, iigorila ezimbini ezilungileyo nezinobubele, zazihlala kwindawo ekhethekileyo kumyezo wolondolozo-zilwanyana. Babenendlwana encinane yokulala, kwakunye noojingi abayijim yokuphinyela nokugwencela eyenziwe ngeepali ukuze badlale kuyo. Kananjalo babenayo nemithi yokugwencela ekufutshane apho. +  +UGus kunye noGabby babesitya isidlo sasemini. Babesitya ikhaphetshu nethanga neembotyi kunye nombona, kananjalo babesitya nama-orenji amaninzi neepopo nama-apile kunye neebhanana. Babezithanda kakhulu iibhanana! +  +Ngephanyazo kwathi gqi intloko yenkwenkwana encinane ngaphaya kodonga lwesitiya sikaGus noGabby. +  +""Molweni,"" kutsho le nkwenkwe. +  +""Molo nawe,"" kutsho uGus. +  +""Ndingangena ndize kudlala kwaba jingi benu?"" kubuza le nkwenkwana. +  +""Ewe,"" kutsho uGus. ""Yihla uze apha ezantsi, esitiyeni, kodwa uze ulumkele elo tyholo linameva!"" +  +Kwa-oko inkwenkwana yatsiba, yehlela ezantsi yaze yayakuthi thekence kwingca esecaleni kweegorila. +  +""Sele siza kugqiba ukutya isidlo sethu sasemini, kodwa sisenebhanana enye eseleyo,"" kutsho uGus. Nangona wayezithanda iibhanana ngaphezu kwako nakuphi na okunye ukutya, uGus wayeyigorila enobubele kakhulu. Wayithatha loo bhanana wayinikezela kwinkwenkwana encinane. +  +""Uyayifuna?"" kubuza uGus. + +  +""Ewe, ndingavuya xa unokundinika,"" kutsho inkwenkwana le. Yathatha ibhanana yaze yancuma. +  +""Uphi umama wakho?"" wabuza uGus. +  +""Ulahlekile,"" yatsho inkwenkwana. +  +""Owu. Ingaba nawe ulahlekile?"" wabuza uGus. +  +""Hayi, andilahlekanga mna. Ndinguyelo, ndihleli apha nani,"" yaphendula inkwenkwana. +  +""Yinyaniso leyo,"" watsho uGus. ""Ulahleke njani umama wakho?"" +  +""Besihamba kunye, sisitya ii-ayiskhrim, ndaze ndathi xa ndiphinda ndijonga, wabe sele engabonakali ndawo,"" yatsho inkwenkwana. +  +""Ndiqinisekile ukuba uza kumfumana ekuhambeni kwexesha. Kodwa makhe sibe sidlala okwangoku!"" watsho uGus, waza wabamba inkwenkwana leyo ngesandla waza wayinyusela kwelona nqwanqwa liphezulu koojingi abo. +  +Badlala kamnandi kakhulu bobabini ngaloo mva kwemini. UGus wayenyuka esihla, intloko ijonge ezantsi, kuloo manqwanqwa kajingi, esebenzisa izandla neenyawo ukubambelela, nenkwenkwana le ke yayisenza kwanjalo. UGus wabamba isebe lomthi elalijinga phezu koojingi abo, waza wajinga kulo ukuya kuloo mthi mkhulu wawuphezu koojingi abo. Nenkwenkwana ke nayo yenza njalo. Babede bagweqe amasebe ngemilenze yabo, bajinge bejongise iintloko ezantsi! UGus kunye naloo nkwenkwana incinane badlala bobabini yonke loo mva kwemini, de inkwenkwana le yadinwa kakhulu, ayabisakwazi ke ngoko ukuqhubeka nokudlala. +  +""Kutheni ungakhe uphumle nje?"" watsho uGus. +  +""Kulungile,"" yatsho inkwenkwana. Le nkwenkwana yangqengqa yaza yalala yoyi kuloo bhedi icocekileyo kaGus noGabby, nenevumba lengca eluhlaza enuka kamnandi ekuloo ndlwana yabo encinane. +  +""Ukuba ulahlekile, mhlawumbi angahlala apha nathi okokoko,"" watsho uGabby. ""Ndingayivuyela kakhulu loo nto!"" +  +""Nam ndingayithanda kakhulu loo nto,"" watsho uGus. +  +Kanye ngelo xesha kwafika umgcini womyezo wolondolozo-zilwanyana. +  +""Ndicinga ukuba ndiniphathele iindaba ezibalulekileyo,"" watsho, waza wanika uGus ileta. Emva koko wabashiya, waza walivala ngci isango elo. +  +""Kufanele ukuba ziindaba ezibalulekileyo ngokwenene ezo xa kude kwakho neleta eya kuGus!"" wazicingela njalo uGabby. ""Ingaba ithini loo leta, Gus?"" wabuza etsho ngolo ncumo lwakhe lubanzi luthandekayo uGabby. +  +UGus wakhwela, wenyuka waya kumanqwanqwa aphezulu apho koojingi waza wayivula ileta leyo. ""Ivela kwelaa Polisa linguMoloi,"" watsho njalo uGus. +  +""Yifunde wethu, yifunde!"" watsho uGabby ebungxama. +  +UGus wayibamba wayiphakamisela phezulu ileta leyo apha phambi kwakhe waza wayifundela uGabby: +  +Gus othandekayo +  +Sicela uncedo. +  +UMolefe ulahlekile. Yinkwenkwana eneminyaka emihlanu ubudala. Ebehamba kunye nomama wakhe, bejikeleza apho kumyezo wolondolozozilwanyana, bebuka izilwanyana ezahlukileyo. Bebehamba besitya ii-ayiskhrim. Umama kaMolefe uthe uyayithanda i-ayiskhrim yetshokolethi. Waza wathi xa abuza uMolefe ukuba yeyiphi na i-ayiskhrim ayithandayo, waqaphela ukuba uMolefe khange aphendule, kuba ebengasekho ecaleni kwakhe! +  +Umama wakhe uxhalabe kakhulu. Ukhwaze wakhwaza esithi, ""Molefe, Molefe uphi?"" Kodwa khange kubekho mpendulo. +  +Umama kaMolefe unyuke esehla, wawugqiba wonke lo myezo wolondolozo-zilwanyana, ekhangela uMolefe kodwa khange amfumane. Ngoku ulahlekile. Unyamalele oku kwenaliti engceni! Nje ngolo hlobo! +  +Umama kaMolefe uyalila apha kwisikhululo samapolisa ngoku, Gus. Nceda torho sisengxakini. +  +Ukuba kukho iindaba ozivileyo ngoMolefe, betha isifuba sakho kakhulu nangokuvakalayo, siza kuza sibaleka. +  +Usale kakuhle Gus, wanga unganexesha elimnandi. +  +Umhlobo wakho +IPolisa uMoloi +  +Zamdakumbisa kakhulu ezi ndaba uGus. ""Ndicinga ukuba le nkwenkwana ilele yoyi apha endlwini yethu mhlawumbi ngulo Molefe kuthethwa ngaye apha,"" kutsho uGus. +  +""Kutheni ucinga njalo, Gus?"" kubuza uGabby. +  +""Kuba uthe umama wakhe wayesitya i-ayiskhrim ukulahleka kwakhe,"" watsho uGus. ""Ukuba nguMolefe, asikwazi ukumgcina. Umama wakhe uyamlilela apho akhoyo."" +  +""Inokuba ulusizi kakhulu apho akhoyo,"" kutsho uGabby. ""Unyanisile, Gus, asikwazi kumgcina."" +  +Kanye ngelo xesha inkwenkwana encinane yavuka yaza yeza kubo apho esitiyeni, ityikitya amehlo. +  +""Ndifuna umama wam. Uphi?"" yatsho ibuntlimpinika. +  +""Siza kumfumana,"" watsho uGus. ""Ungubani igama lakho nkwenkwe?"" +  +""NdinguMolefe,"" yatsho inkwenkwana. +  +""Ndiza kuxelela iPolisa uMoloi kunye nomama wakho ukuba ulapha,"" watsho uGus. Emva koko wakhwela wema nkqo phezu kwamanqwanqwa kajingi lowo. Waphakamisa iingalo zakhe waza wabetha njengegubu kakhulu nangokuvakalayo kweso sifuba sakhe sikhulu. +  +IPolisa uMoloi lakuva ukubetha kwegubu. Waya, ebaleka, kwikhaya leegorila, ekhefuzela ngokungathi uyaleqwa. Umama kaMolefe naye wakuva ukubetha kwegubu waza walandela iPolisa uMoloi. Wayekhefuzela, ebaleka ngathi uyaleqwa naye ukuya kwikhaya leegorila. +  +""Yho, saze sakubhaqa Molefe!"" utsho ngochulumanco. Wamfunqula emsondeza kuye, wamanga emthe nkqi ngathi uza kuphuncuka. +  +""Bakufumene, Mama!"" watsho uMolefe. +  +""Ewe! Bendingathi ndilahlekile ngaphandle kwakho, Molefe,"" watsho uMama. ""Kodwa kutheni ukuze ube lapha ezigorileni?"" +  +""Bendidlala kujingi onamanqwanqwa kunye nomhlobo wam, uGus, watsho uMolefe. +  +""Owu ... Nkosi yam! Kulungile ke, kufuneka sigoduke ngoku, Molefe,"" watsho umama wakhe. Wajonga kuGus. ""Enkosi kakhulu ngokugcina uMolefe nokudlala naye,"" watsho. +  +UMolefe wabaleka waya kuGus, yaze igorila enkulu yammbambazela apha entloko. UGabby yena wamncumela ngolo ncumo lwakhe lubanzi uMolefe. +  +""Nisale kakuhle,"" watsho uMolefe, waze wahamba nomama wakhe. + +  +""Gus, ngenxa yakho, uMolefe ukhuselekile,"" latsho iPolisa uMoloi. ""Ungumcuphi osisilumko ngokwenene!"" +  +Ngosuku olulandelayo iNtloko yamaPolisa kunye neqela elikhulu leentambula kunye nomfoti nentatheli bafika apho kumyezo wolondolozo-zilwanyana. Babelandelwa ligquba labantu. Umgcini womyezo wolondolozo-zilwanyana wabakhokelela bonke esitiyeni sikaGus noGabby. Iqela leentambula ladlala ingoma yalo, umfoti wafota uGus, yaze intatheli yabhala inqaku elimalunga noGus kunye noMolefe. Abantu baqhwaba izandla, benza intsholo, bonwabile. +  +""UGus ngokwenene ngumcuphi osisilumko,"" yatsho iNtloko yamaPolisa. ""Wakhe wabamba nesela elaziwayo nelalixhwila iibhegi zegrosari zabantu kwaye ngoku uphinde wafumana inkwenkwana elahlekileyo. Usebenze kakhulu, Gus!"" Emva koko iNtloko yamaPolisa yanika uGus isipha esikhulu seebhanana ezityheli yaze yanika uGabby isipha esikhulu seentyatyambo ezintle nezityheli. +  +Bathi xa sele bemke bonke abantu, uGus noGabby bahlala phantsi baze batya zonke ezo bhanana, kwasala yanye kuphela. ""Uyayifuna ibhanana yokugqibela, Gabby?"" wabuza uGus. +  +""Hayi enkosi, Gus,"" watsho uGabby ngolo ncumo lwakhe lubanzi. ""Ndiza kutya iintyatyambo. Ungumcuphi owaziwayo ngoku. Yitye ibhanana yokugqibela!"" +  +Wenza njalo ngokwenene.",xho,isiXhosa,"UGus, igorila engumcuph","Gus and Gabby, two good, kind gorillas, lived in a special part of the zoo. They had a little house to sleep in, and a wooden jungle gym to play on. They also had three trees to climb. +  +Gus and Gabby were having lunch. They were ...",,Libali lika-Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/node/1621 +detective-gus-the-gorilla,"UGus noGabby, izimfene ezimbili, ezinomusa, babehlala engxenyeni ekhethekile yezu. Babenendlu encane abalala kuyo, kanye nejangijimu (jungle gym) yokhuni abadlala kuyo. Babenazo nezihlahla ezintathu abagibela kuzo. +  +UGus noGabby babedla isidlo sasemini. Babedla iklabishi, nethanga, nobhontshisi, nommbila, namawolintshi, nopopo, namahhabhula kanye nobhanana abaningi. Babebathanda obhanana! +  +Ngokushesha, kwavela ikhanda lomfanyana phezu kodonga lwengadi kaGus noGabby. +  +""Sanibona,"" kusho yena. +  +""Sawubona,"" kusho uGus. +  +""Ngicela ukubuza ukuthi ngabe ngingehla yini ngizodlala kuleyo jangijimu?"" kubuza yena. +  +""Yebo,"" kusho uGus. ""Gxumela phansi engadini, kodwa uqaphele isihlahla esinameva!"" +  +Ngakho-ke umfana omncane wagxumela phansi wase ehlela otshanini eduze kwezimfene. +  +""Besesiqeda nje ukudla isidlo sethu sasemini, kodwa sisenobhanana owodwa osele,"" kusho uGus. Noma wayekuthanda ukudla ubhanana ukudlula konke okunye ukudla, uGus wayeyimfene enomusa. Wawunika umfanyana. +  +""Ngabe uyawufuna?"" kubuza yena. +[a/w01] +  +""Yebo, bandla."" kusho umfanyana. Wathatha ubhanana wase emamatheka. +  +""Uphi umama wakho?"" kubuza uGus. +  +""Ulahlekile,"" kusho umfanyana. +  +""Habe! Ngabe nawe ulahlekile?"" kubuza uGus. +  +""Cha, angilahlekile. Ngilapha,"" kuphendula umfanyana. +  +""Kuyiqiniso lokho,"" kusho uGus. ""Ulahleke kanjani umama wakho?"" +  +""Besihamba, sidla u-ayisikhilimu, kwathi uma ngiphakamisa amehlo, angabe ngisambona,"" kusho umfana. +  +""Ngikholwa ukuthi ngizomthola ekuhambeni kwesikhathi. Kodwa-ke ake sidlale okwamanje!"" kusho uGus. Wase ethatha isandla somfanyana, emqukula embeka phezulu kujangijimu. +  +Bachitha intambama emnandi ndawonye. UGus wahamba ikhanda lakhe libheke phansi kumapali okhuni ejangijimu, ebambelele ngezandla kanye nezinyawo zakhe, kanti-ke nomfanyana wenza okufanayo. UGus wabamba igatsha elalilengela kujangijimu wase eshwibeka eya esihlahleni esikhulu. Umfanyana wenza njalo naye. Babebambelela nangemilenze yabo emagatsheni bese belenga amakhanda abo ebheke phansi! UGus nomfanyana badlala intambama yonke, kwaze kwaba yilapho umfanyana esekhathele ukudlala. +  +""Kungani ungaphumuli?"" kusho uGus. +  +""Kulungile."" kusho umfanyana. Wazumeka walala wathi zwi embhedeni ohlanzekile, wotshani onuka kamnandi endlini encane kaGus noGabby. +  +""Uma kuwukuthi ulahlekile, mhlawumbe angahlala nathi la unomphelo,"" kusho uGabby. ""Ngingakuthanda lokho!"" +  +""Ngingakuthanda nami lokho,"" kusho uGus. +Kusenjalo kwafika umphathi wezu. +  +""Ngicabanga ukuthi ngikuphathele izindaba ezibalulekile,"" kusho yena, wase enika uGus incwadi. Wase ehamba, wavala isango emva kwakhe. +  +""Kufanele ukuthi yizindaba ezibalulekile uma kuyincwadi kaGus!"" kucabanga uGabby. ""Ithini incwadi, Gus?"" kubuza uGabby emamatheke kakhulu. +  +UGus wagibela phezulu kujangijimu wase evula incwadi. ""Ivela kuPhoyisa uMoloi,"" kusho yena. +  +""Yifunde, yifunde!"" kusho uGabby. +  +UGus wabamba incwadi phambi kwakhe wase efundela uGabby kakhulu: +  +Gus Othandekayo +  +Sicela usisize. +  +UMolefe ulahlekile. Uneminyaka emi-5. Ubehamba ezulazula ezu nomama wakhe. Bebedla u-ayisikhilimu. Umama kaMolefe uthi uyawuthanda u-ayisikhilimu kashokoledi, ube esebuza uMolefe ukuthi imuphi u-ayisikhilimu awuthandayo. Kodwa uMolefe akaphendulanga, ngoba ubengasekho! +  +Umama wakhe ubekhathazeke kakhulu. Umemeze waphindaphinda ethi, ""Molefe, Molefe, ukuphi?"" Kodwa akuphendulanga muntu. +  +Umama kaMolefe ugijime kuyo yonke izu emfuna, kodwa akamtholanga. Ulahlekile. Unyamalele! Kanjalo nje! +  +Umama kaMolefe uyakhala la esiteshini samaphoyisa manje, Gus. Sicela usisize. +  +Uma kukhona izindaba ozitholayo ngoMolefe, ushaye isifuba sakho kakhulu, sizobe sesiza lapho sigijima. +  +Okumhlophe kuwe, Gus. +  +Umngani wakho +UPhoyisa uMoloi +  +UGus wayedangele. ""Ngicabanga ukuthi lo mfanyana olele endlini yethu kungenzeka ukuthi unguMolefe,"" kusho yena. +  +""Yini ucabange lokho, Gus?"" kubuza uGabby. +  +""Ngoba uthe umama wakhe ubedla u-ayisikhilimu ngesikhathi elahleka,"" kusho uGus. ""Uma kuwukuthi unguMolefe, angeke sikwazi ukumgcina. Unina uyamkhalela."" +  +""Kumele ukuthi udangele kakhulu,"" kusho uGabby. ""Uqinisile, Gus, asikwazi ukumgcina."" +  +Kusenjalo kwavuka umfanyana weza engadini ecikica amehlo akhe. +  +""Ngifuna umama wami. Ukuphi?"" kusho yena. +  +""Sizomthola,"" kusho uGus. ""Ubani igama lakho, mfanyana?"" +  +""NginguMolefe,"" kusho umfanyana. +  +""Ngizotshela uPhoyisa uMoloi kanye nomama wakho ukuthi ulapha,"" kusho uGus. Wase ema eqondile phezu kwejangijimu. Waphakamisa izingalo zakhe wase eshaya kakhulu isifuba sakhe esikhulukazi. +  +UPhoyisa uMoloi wezwa ukukhala kwesigubhu. Wagijima ehefuzela eya endlini yemfene. Unina kaMolefe wezwa ukukhala kwesigubhu wase elandela uPhoyisa uMoloi. Wagijima ehefuzela eya emzini wezimfene. +  +""Ulapha, Molefe!"" kusho yena. Wamphakamisa wase emgona. +  +""Bakutholile, Mama!"" kusho uMolefe. +  +""Yebo! Bekunzima empilweni yami ngaphandle kwakho, Molefe,"" kusho yena. ""Pho yini ube lapha nezimfene?"" +  +""Bengidlala kujangijimu nomngani wami, uGus,"" kusho uMolefe. +  +""He ... mameshane! Hhayi-ke, kumele sigoduke manje, Molefe,"" kusho unina. Wabuka uGus. ""Ngiyabonga ngokunakekela kwakho uMolefe kanye nokudlala kwakho naye,"" kusho yena. +  +UMolefe wagijima waya kuGus, kanti imfene enkulukazi yamumbambatha ekhanda. UGabby wambuka emamatheka kakhulu. +  +""Nisale kahle,"" kusho uMolefe, wase ehamba nonina. + +  +""Gus, uMolefe uphephile, ngenxa yakho,"" kusho uPhoyisa uMoloi. ""Ungumseshi omuhle!"" +  +Ngosuku olulandelayo kwafika ezu iNhloko yamaPhoyisa kanye nebhendi edlala izinsimbi zomculo kanye nomthwebuli-zithombe kanye nentatheli. Babelandelwa iqulu labantu. Umphathi wezu wabaholela engadini kaGus noGabby. Ibhendi yezinsimbi zomculo yadlala umucu, umthwebuli-zithombe wathatha izithombe zikaGus, kwathi intatheli yona yabhala indaba ngoGus noMolefe. Kwachwaza izihlwele. +  +""UGus ungumseshi omuhle,"" kusho iNhloko yamaPhoyisa. ""Wake wabamba nesela elidumile elalintshontsha izikhwama zokuthengiwe kanti manje usethole umfanyana obelahlekile. Usebenzile, Gus!"" INhloko yamaPhoyisa yase inika uGus isixhawu esikhulu sobhanana ophuzi wase enika uGabby izimbali ezinhle eziphuzi. +  +Lapho sebehambe bonke, uGus noGabby bahlala phansi badla bonke obhanana kwaze kwasala owodwa. ""Ngabe ungawuthanda yini ubhanana wokugcina, Gabby?"" kubuza uGus. +  +""Cha ngiyabonga, Gus,"" kusho uGabby emamatheke kakhulu. ""Ngidla izimbali. Usungumseshi odumile manje! Ungawudla ubhanana wokugcina!"" +  +Wenzenjalo-ke.",zul,isiZulu,"Umseshi uGus, imfene","Gus and Gabby, two good, kind gorillas, lived in a special part of the zoo. They had a little house to sleep in, and a wooden jungle gym to play on. They also had three trees to climb. +  +Gus and Gabby were having lunch. They were ...",,Ngu-Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/node/1623 +gus-gorilla,"Gus was a big gorilla. He lived in the zoo with another gorilla called Gabby. Gus and Gabby had a little house to sleep in and a lovely garden to play in. +The zookeeper was good to Gus and Gabby. He gave them plenty of food to eat − cabbage and pumpkin and beans and mealies, and lots of oranges and paw-paws and apples and … bananas! Gus and Gabby loved bananas more than any other food! +“May I have the last banana?” asked Gabby every day after lunch. And because Gus was a kind gorilla, he always gave Gabby the last banana. +One day, not far from the zoo, Mr van Vliet, the shopping bag thief, grabbed a shopping bag full of food from Gogo who was on her way to the taxi rank. +“Help! Help! Give me back my shopping bag!” shouted Gogo. But Mr van Vliet took no notice of her, and ran off down the road. +Gogo ran up to a policeman standing on the street corner. “Help!” she cried. “That man has snatched my shopping bag!” +“Let’s catch him!” said the policeman, and they both ran after Mr van Vliet. +Mr van Vliet saw them coming, so he jumped over a big gate, and landed in the grounds of the zoo. +“Look!” puffed Gogo. “The thief has run into the zoo!” +“Let’s catch him!” puffed the policeman. +Mr van Vliet was not looking where he was going. He jumped over a wall and fell right onto a thorn bush in Gus and Gabby’s garden. +“Ouch!” he said. +The noise woke Gus and Gabby, who were having an afternoon nap. +“I think somebody is bringing us bananas!” said Gus. +“That’s very kind!” said Gabby. “Let’s go meet him and greet him.” +So they went up to Mr van Vliet. Gus was a very gentle gorilla with good manners. When he saw Mr van Vliet, he stood up on his back legs and beat his chest like a drum to greet him. + +When Mr van Vliet saw Gus do this, he got a terrible fright. He grabbed the shopping bag and tried to climb back over the wall. +“Give me bananas!” said Gus. But Mr van Vliet was already halfway up the wall, so Gus pulled his leg and bit him on his bottom to get him down again. +Mr van Vliet fell back down onto the thorn bush. Gus picked up the shopping bag, and looked inside it. Gus threw out all Gogo’s shopping. And there, at the very bottom of the shopping bag was a big bunch of ripe, yellow bananas. +Gus patted Mr van Vliet gently on his head. “Thank you,” he said. Mr van Vliet said nothing. +“Gabby,” said Gus, “this kind man has brought us a lovely bunch of bananas!” Gabby came dancing over to Gus. Together they sat down next to Mr van Vliet and ate up all the bananas. + +Gogo and the policeman heard the noise. They looked over the wall, and saw Mr van Vliet lying in the thorn bush. +“There is the thief!” said Gogo. +“Give Gogo her shopping bag!” said the policeman. +“Okay,” said a shocked Mr van Vliet. He pick up all the shopping and put it back in Gogo’s shopping bag. Then he reached over the wall and gave it back to Gogo. +“Hmmmph!” said Gogo. And she went off with her shopping bag to buy more bananas, and to catch a taxi home. +Mr van Vliet looked up at the policeman. “I promise I will never steal a shopping bag again!” he said. “But please, I must get away from here. Take me to the police station.” +“Well now, Gus,” said the policeman. “You have caught the famous shopping bag thief! I am taking Mr van Vliet to the police station now, but I will be back to see you tomorrow morning!” +The next morning the policeman brought the Chief of Police and a big brass band and a camera man and a news reporter to the zoo. A crowd of people followed them. The zookeeper led them all into Gus and Gabby’s garden. +“Welcome to the police force, Gus,” said the Chief of Police. “You are now a policeman!” The brass band played a tune, the camera man took pictures of Gus, and the reporter wrote a story about Gus and the famous shopping bag thief. The crowd of people cheered. Then the Chief of Police handed Gus a lovely big bunch of yellow bananas. +“Thank you,” said Gus. “It was really quite easy to catch the shopping bag thief.” He was so happy, he stood up on his back legs and beat his chest. At this all the people hurried from Gus and Gabby’s garden as quickly as they could. +Gus and Gabby settled down to eat the bananas. “Now that I am a policeman, I will have plenty of work to do!” said Gus. +“Yes,” said Gabby proudly. “This time you may have the last banana, Gus.” +“Thank you, Gabby,” said Gus as he tucked into the last banana. +  +Get creative! +After reading the story, suggest that your children do some of these things: decide whether the thief got what he deserved and whether he should have been made to pay for Gogo’s bananas; write the article that they think might have appeared in the newspaper; act out the story.",eng,English,"Gus, the gor","Gus was a big gorilla. He lived in the zoo with another gorilla called Gabby. Gus and Gabby had a little house to sleep in and a lovely garden to play in. +The zookeeper was good to Gus and Gabby. He gave them plenty of food to eat − cabbage ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/gus-gorilla +gus-gorilla,"Gus is ’n groot gorilla. Hy woon in die dieretuin saam met ’n ander gorilla, Gabby. Gus en Gabby het ’n klein huisie waarin hulle slaap en ’n pragtige tuin om in te speel. +Die opsigter van die dieretuin is goed vir Gus en Gabby. Hy gee vir hulle oorgenoeg kos om te eet − kool en pampoen en boontjies en mielies, en baie lemoene en papajas en appels en … piesangs! Gus en Gabby hou meer van piesangs as van enige ander kos! +“Mag ek maar die laaste piesang kry?” vra Gabby elke dag na middagete. En omdat Gus ’n gawe gorilla is, gee hy altyd die laaste piesang vir Gabby. +Op ’n dag, nie ver van die dieretuin af nie, gryp mnr. Van Vliet, die inkopiesakdief, Gogo se inkopiesak vol kos toe sy op pad is na die taxistaanplek. +“Help! Help! Gee terug my inkopies!” skree Gogo. Maar mnr. Van Vliet steur hom nie aan haar nie en hardloop in die pad af. +Gogo hardloop na ’n polisieman toe wat op die straathoek staan. “Help!” skree sy. “Daardie man het my inkopiesak gesteel!” +“Kom ons vang hom!” sê die polisieman, en hulle hardloop albei agter mnr. Van Vliet aan. +Mnr. Van Vliet sien hulle aankom en hy spring oor ’n groot hek. Hy beland in die dieretuin se gronde. +“Kyk!” blaas Gogo. “Die dief het in die dieretuin ingehardloop!” +“Kom ons vang hom!” blaas die polisieman. +Mnr. Van Vliet kyk nie waar hy hardloop nie. Hy spring oor ’n muur en val kaplaks in ’n doringbos in Gus en Gabby se tuin. +“Eina!” skree hy. +Die lawaai maak Gus en Gabby, wat hul middagslapie geniet, wakker. +“Ek dink iemand bring vir ons piesangs!” sê Gus. +“Dis baie gaaf!” sê Gabby. “Kom ons gaan soontoe en sê hallo.” +Hulle stap toe na mnr. Van Vliet toe. Gus is ’n baie saggeaarde gorilla met goeie maniere. Toe hy mnr. Van Vliet sien, gaan staan hy op sy agterpote en slaan op sy bors, soos op ’n trom, om mnr. Van Vliet te groet. + +Toe mnr. Van Vliet sien wat Gus doen, skrik hy hom boeglam. Hy gryp die inkopiesak en probeer weer oor die muur klouter. +“Gee vir my piesangs!” sê Gus. Maar mnr. Van Vliet is al halfpad teen die muur op, en Gus moet aan sy been trek en hom op sy sitvlak byt om hom weer op die grond te kry. +Mnr. Van Vliet val terug tot in die doringbos. Gus tel die inkopiesak op en kyk binne-in. Hy gooi al Gogo se inkopies uit. En daar, heel onder in die inkopiesak, is ’n groot tros ryp, geel piesangs. +Gus tik mnr. Van Vliet liggies op sy kop. “Dankie,” sê hy. Mnr. Van Vliet sê niks. +“Gabby,” sê Gus, “hierdie gawe man het vir ons ’n heerlike tros piesangs gebring!” Gabby kom dansend oor na Gus toe. Saam gaan sit hulle langs mnr. Van Vliet en eet al die piesangs op. + +Gogo en die polisieman hoor die lawaai. Hulle kyk oor die muur en sien mnr. Van Vliet in die doringbos lê. +“Daar’s die dief!” sê Gogo. +“Gee Gogo se inkopies terug!” sê die polisieman. +“Reg so,” sê ’n geskokte mnr. Van Vliet. Hy tel al die inkopies op en pak dit terug in Gogo se inkopiesak. Toe strek hy oor die muur en gee dit vir Gogo terug. +“Hmmmff!” sê Gogo. En sy stap weg met haar inkopiesak om nog piesangs te gaan koop en ’n taxi huis toe te haal. +Mnr. Van Vliet kyk op na die polisieman. “Ek belowe ek sal nooit weer ’n inkopiesak steel nie!” sê hy. “Maar help my asseblief om hier uit te kom. Vat my polisiestasie toe.” +“Wel, Gus,” sê die polisieman. “Jy het die berugte inkopiesakdief gevang! Ek vat mnr. Van Vliet nou polisiestasie toe, maar ek kom julle weer môreoggend sien!” +Die volgende oggend bring die polisieman ’n paar mense saam na die dieretuin. Hy bring die Hoof van die Polisie en ’n groot koperblaasorkes en ’n kameraman en ’n verslaggewer. ’n Skare mense volg hulle. Die opsigter van die dieretuin laat hulle almal in Gus en Gabby se tuin ingaan. +“Welkom in die polisiediens, Gus,” sê die Hoof van die Polisie. “Jy is nou ’n polisieman!” Die koperblaasorkes speel ’n deuntjie, die kameraman neem foto’s van Gus, en die verslaggewer skryf ’n storie oor Gus en die berugte inkopiesakdief. Die skare juig. Toe gee die Hoof van die Polisie vir Gus ’n lieflike groot tros geel piesangs. +“Dankie,” sê Gus. “Dit was regtig maklik om die inkopiesakdief te vang.” Hy is so bly dat hy weer op sy agterpote staan en op sy bors slaan. Toe skarrel al die mense om so vinnig moontlik uit Gus en Gabby se tuin te kom. +Gus en Gabby gaan sit om die piesangs te eet. “Noudat ek ’n polisieman is, sal ek baie werk hê om te doen!” sê Gus. +“Ja,” sê Gabby trots. “Hierdie keer kan jy maar die laaste piesang eet, Gus.” +“Dankie, Gabby,” sê Gus terwyl hy aan die laaste piesang begin smul. +  +Wees kreatief! +Lees die storie saam. Sê dan vir jou kinders om van die volgende te doen: besluit of die dief gekry het wat hy verdien, en of hy vir Gogo se piesangs moet betaal; skryf die berig wat hulle dink dalk in die koerant sou verskyn het; voer die storie op.",afr,Afrikaans,"Gus, die gor","Gus was a big gorilla. He lived in the zoo with another gorilla called Gabby. Gus and Gabby had a little house to sleep in and a lovely garden to play in. +The zookeeper was good to Gus and Gabby. He gave them plenty of food to eat − cabbage ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/gus-die-gorilla +gus-gorilla,"UGus wayeyigorila enkulu. Wayehlala kumyezo wezilwanyana kunye nenye igorila eyayibizwa ngokuba nguGabby. UGus kunye noGabby babenendlwana ababelala kunye kuyo nesitiya esihle ababedlala kuso. +Umgcini-myezo wezilwanyana wayebaphethe kakuhle kakhulu ooGus noGabby. Wayebanika ukutya okuninzi kakhulu – iikhaphetshu namathanga kunye neembotyi nombona, kwakunye nama-orenji amaninzi neepopo nama-apile kunye … neebhanana! UGus noGabby babezithanda iibhanana ngaphezulu kwako konke okunye ukutya! +“Ingaba ndingayifumana le yokugqibela ibhanana?” wayezibuzisa atsho uGabby yonke imihla emva kwesidlo sasemini. Kwaye ngenxa yokuba uGus wayeyigorila enobubele, wayesoloko emnika uGabby loo bhanana yokugqibela. +Ngenye imini, kufutshane nomyezo wezilwanyana lowo, uMnumzana van Vliet, owayexhwila iiplastiki zegrosari zabantu, waxhwila iplastiki ezele ukutya kukaGogo owayesendleleni eya erenkini yeeteksi. +“Ncedani! Ncedani! Heyi, buyisa igrosari yam!” wakhwaza watsho uGogo. Kodwa uMnumzana van Vliet zange amhoye, koko wabaleka wehla ngendlela. +UGogo wabaleka waya kwipolisa elalimi ekoneni yesitalato. “Ndincede torho!” ukhale ngelitsho. “Laa ndoda ixhwile iplastiki ezele yigrosari yam! +“Masimbambe!” latsho ipolisa, baze babekeka emva kukaMnumzana van Vliet bobabini. +UMnumzana van Vliet wababona besiza emva kwakhe, waza ke ngoko watsiba phezu kwesango elikhulu, waza wawela kwicala elinomyezo wezilwanyana. +“Jonga!” watsho ekhefuzela uGogo. “Eli sela libalekele kulo myezo wezilwanyana!” +“Masimbambe” latsho likhefuzela nalo ipolisa. +UMnumzana van Vliet wayengajonganga apho abalekela khona kuba wayejonge ngasemva kubantu abamleqayo. Watsiba udonga waza wawela kwityholo elinameva elisesitiyeni sikaGus noGabby. +“Owu shu!” watsho uMnumzana van Vliet. +Loo ngxolo yavusa uGus noGabby, ababesathe gqwaka kuba kusemva kwemini. +“Ndicinga ukuba kukho umntu osiphathela iibhanana!” watsho uGus. +“Bububele obukhulu ke obo!” watsho uGabby. “Masihambe siye kumkhawulela, simbulise.” +Ngoko ke bahamba baya kuhlangana noMnumzana van Vliet. UGus wayeyigorila enobubele nenesimilo kakhulu. Wathi xa ebona uMnumzana van Vliet, wema ngemilenze yakhe yangasemva, waza wabetha isifuba sakhe ngathi ligubu, embulisa. + +Wathi xa uMnumzana van Vliet ebona uGus esenza oko, woyika kakhulu. Wathi nqaku iplastiki enegrosari waza wazama ukutsiba udonga kwakhona. +“Ndinike ezo bhanana!” watsho uGus. Kodwa uMnumzana van Vliet wayesele ephezu kodonga, ngoko ke uGus wamtsala ngomlenze waze wamluma iimpundwana ezi ukuze abuyele umva. +UMnumzana van Vliet wawela ngaphakathi kwakhona kwelo tyholo linameva. UGus wachola loo plastiki inegrosari waza wajonga ngaphakathi. UGus wazijula phantsi phaya zonke izinto ebezithengwe nguGogo. Waza ekugqibeleni, emazantsi eplastiki yegrosari wafumana isipha seebhanana ezityheli kukuvuthwa. +UGus wambambazela uMnumzana van Vliet ngobubele entloko. “Enkosi,” watsho. UMnumzana van Vliet zange atsho nelimdaka. +“Gabby,” watsho uGus, “le ndoda inesisa isiphathele isipha sebhanana ezimnandi!” UGabby weza edanisa kuGus. Bobabini bahlala phantsi ecaleni kukaMnumzana van Vliet baze bazitya zonke ezo bhanana. + +UGogo nepolisa bayiva loo ngxolo. Bakroba ngaphaya kodonga, baze babona uMnumzana van Vliet ethe tywa kwityholo elinameva. +“Naliya eli sela!” watsho uGogo. +“Nika uGogo iplastiki yakhe yegrosari!” litshilo ipolisa. +“Kulungile,” watsho uMnumzana van Vliet esothukile. Wachola yonke igrosari kaGogo waza wayifaka kwakhona eplastikini yegrosari leyo. Emva koko wayinyusa ngodonga eyibuyisela kwakuGogo. +“Hamba-a-a!” watsho uGogo. Waza wahamba neplastiki yakhe yegrosari esiya kuthenga ezinye iibhanana ukuze abambe iteksi egodukayo. +UMnumzana van Vliet waqwanya wajonga ipolisa. “Ndiyathembisa andisoze ndiphinde ndibe iiplastiki zegrosari zabantu kwakhona!” watsho. “Kodwa nceda, ndikhuphe apha. Ndithathe undise kwisikhululo samapolisa.” +“Hayi ke ngoku, Gus,” latsho ipolisa. “Ubambe elona sela lidumileyo ngokuba iiplastiki zegrosari yabantu! Ngoko ke ndiyambamba uMnumzana van Vliet, ndimsa kwisikhululo samapolisa ngoku, kodwa ndiza kubuya ndize kukubona kwakusasa ngomso!” +Ngentsasa elandelayo ipolisa leza neNtloko yamaPolisa kunye neqela labadlali beentambula kunye nomfoti nentatheli kumyezo wezilwanyana. Babelandelwa ligquba labantu. Bonke umgcini-myezo wabakhokelela esitiyeni sikaGus noGabby. +“Wamkelekile kumkhosi wamapolisa, Gus,” yatsho iNtloko yamaPolisa. “Ngoku ulipolisa elipheleleyo!” Iqela labadlali beentambula badlala ingoma, umfoti wafota uGus, yaze intatheli yabhala ibali ngoGus kunye nesela elidumileyo leeplastiki zegrosari. Abantu baqhwaba izandla bevuyiswa koko. Emva koko iNtloko yamaPolisa yanikezela ngesipha esikhulu seebhanana ezityheli kuGus. +“Enkosi,” watsho uGus.” “Bekulula kakhulu ukubamba isela leeplastiki zegrosari.” Wayevuya kakhulu, watsho waphakama wema ngemilenze yakhe yangasemva waza wabetha isifuba sakhe. Bakubona oku, bonke abantu bangxama bekhawuleza kangangoko ukuphuma esitiyeni sikaGus noGabby. +UGus noGabby bahlala phantsi batya iibhanana. “Njengokuba ke ngoku ndilipolisa, ndiza kuba nomsebenzi omninzi ekufuneka ndiwenzile!” watsho uGus. +“Ewe, kunjalo,” watsho uGabby ngokuzingca. “Kweli lixa ke ibhanana yokugqibela yeyakho, Gus.” +“Enkosi kakhulu, Gabby.” watsho uGus esitya ibhanana yokugqibela. +  +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Emva kokufunda ibali, cebisa ukuba abantwana bakho benze ezinye zezi zinto: yenzani isigqibo sokuba ingaba isela lafumana into elilungeleyo okanye ingaba kwakufuneka lihlawuliswe iibhanana zikaGogo kusini na; bhalani inqaku enicinga ukuba lapapashwa kwiphephandaba leli phephandaba ngalo ngobu bugorha; yenzani umdlalo weqonga osekelwe kweli bali.",xho,isiXhosa,Igorila egama linguGus,"Gus was a big gorilla. He lived in the zoo with another gorilla called Gabby. Gus and Gabby had a little house to sleep in and a lovely garden to play in. +The zookeeper was good to Gus and Gabby. He gave them plenty of food to eat − cabbage ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/igorila-egama-lingugus +gus-gorilla,"UGus wayeyimfene enkulu. Wayehlala ezu nenye imfene eyayibizwa ngokuthi uGabby. UGus noGabby babenendlu encane ebabelala kuyo kanye nengadi enhle ababedlala kuyo. +Umphathi wezu wayebaphethe kahle oGus noGabby. Wayebanika ukudla okwanele – iklabishi, nethanga, nobhontshisi, nommbila, namawolintshi amaningi, nopopo, namahhabhula kanye … nobhanana! UGus noGabby babethanda ubhanana ukudlula konke okunye ukudla! +“Ngicela ubhanana wokugcina?” kucela uGabby njalo ngemva kwesidlo sasemini. Kanti-ke ngenxa yokuthi uGus wayeyimfene enomusa, wayehlale enika uGabby ubhanana wokugcina. +Ngelinye ilanga, budebuduze nezu, uMnu. van Vliet, isela elalintshontsha izikhwama zokuthenga, wamephuca sikhwama esigcwele ukudla uGogo owayeya esikhumulweni samatekisi. +“Sizani bo! Sizani bo! Buyisa isikhwama sami sokuthenga!” kumemeza uGogo. Kodwa uMnu. van Vliet wavele wakushaya indiva lokho, wabaleka wehla ngomgwaqo. +UGogo wagijima ekhuphuka eya ephoyiseni elalimi ekhoneni lomgwaqo. “Siza bo!” kumemeza yena. “Leya ndoda ingephuce isikhwama sokuthenga!” +“Asiyibambe!” kusho iphoyisa, bobabili bajaha uMnu. van Vliet. +UMnu. van Vliet wababona besezithendeni zakhe, ngakho-ke weqa isango elikhulu, wayowela ngaphakathi ezu. +“Awubheke!” kusho uGogo ehefuzela. “Isela selibaleke langena ezu!” +“Asilibambe!” lisho lihefuzela iphoyisa. +UMnu van Vliet wayengabhekanga lapho eya khona. Weqa udonga wase ewela esihlahleni esinameva engadini kaGus noGabby. +“Ashu!” kusho yena. +Umsindo wavusa uGus noGabby, ababesathatha isihlwathi santambama. +“Ngicabanga ukuthi kukhona umuntu osilethele ubhanana!” kusho uGus. +“Waze wanomusa bo!” kusho uGabby. “Asiye kuye simbingelele.” +Ngakho-ke baya kuMnu. van Vliet. UGus wayeyimfene enenhliziyo enhle futhi eziphethe kahle. Lapho ebona uMnu. van Vliet, wema ngemilenze yakhe yangemuva wase eshaya isifuba sakhe njengesigubhu embingelela. + +Lapho uMnu. van Vliet ebona uGus enza lokhu, wethuka kakhulu. Wathatha isikhwama sokuthenga wazama ukweqa udonga. +“Nginikeze ubhanana!” kusho uGus. Kodwa uMnu. van Vliet wayesethe ukukhuphuka kancane ngodonga, ngakho uGus wamdonsa ngonyawo wase emluma ezinqeni ukuze amehlise futhi. +UMnu. van Vliet wawela phansi esihlahleni esinameva. UGus wacosha isikhwama sokuthenga, wase ecinga ngaphakathi kwaso. UGus walahla konke okwakuthengwe uGogo. Kwathi ngaphansi kwezinto ezithengiwe kwaba khona isixheke sobhanana ovuthiwe, ophuzi. +UGus wambambatha uMnu. van Vliet kancane ekhanda. “Ngiyabonga,” kusho yena. UMnu van Vliet akazange athi vu. +“We Gabby,” kusho uGus, “le ndoda enomusa isilethele isixheke esihle sobhanana!” UGabby weza kuGus engqabashiya. Bahlala phansi ndawonye eduze kukaMnu. van Vliet base bedla wonke ubhanana. + +UGogo nephoyisa bezwa umsindo. Base belunguza phezu kodonga, babona uMnu. van Vliet elele esihlahleni sameva. +“Naliya isela!” kusho uGogo. +“Nikeza uGogo isikhwama sakhe sokuthenga wena!” kusho iphoyisa. +“Kulungile,” kusho uMnu. van Vliet ethukile. Wacosha zonke izinto ezazithengiwe wazibuyisela esikhwameni sikaGogo. Wase esiphakamisela phezu kodonga wasibuyisela kuGogo. +“Suka!” kusho uGogo. Wase ehamba nesikhwama sokuthenga ukuze ayothenga omunye ubhanana, athole itekisi eliya ekhaya. +UMnu. van Vliet wabheka phezulu ephoyiseni. “Ngiyethembisa ukuthi angeke ngiphinde ngintshontshe isikhwama sokuthenga futhi!” kusho yena. “Ngiyacela bandla, kumele ngiphume la. Ngiyise esiteshini samaphoyisa.” +“Uyabona-ke, Gus,” kusho iphoyisa. “Ubambe isela elaziwayo elintshontsha izikhwama zokuthenga! Ngihambisa uMnu. van Vliet esiteshini samaphoyisa manje, kodwa ngizobuya ngizokubona kusasa ekuseni!” +Ngakusasa ekuseni iphoyisa leza ezu noMphathi Omkhulu Wamaphoyisa kanye nebhendi edlala umculo, nomthwebuli wezithombe kanye nentatheli. Babelandelwa yiqulu labantu. Umphathi wezu wabahola ebayisa engadini kaGus noGabby. +“Siyakwemukela emaphoyiseni, Gus,” kusho uMphathi Omkhulu Wamaphoyisa. “Usuyiphoyisa manje!” Ibhendi edlala umculo yadlala umucu, umthwebulizithombe wathwebula izithombe zikaGus, kwathi intatheli yona yabhala indaba ngoGus nesela elidumile elintshontsha izikhwama zokuthenga. Kwachwaza izihlwele. Umphathi Omkhulu Wamaphoyisa wase enika uGus isixheke esihle kakhulu nesikhulu sobhanana ophuzi. +“Ngiyabonga,” kusho uGus. “Bekulula kakhulu ukubamba isela lezikhwama zokuthenga.” Wayejabule kakhulu, wema ngemilenze yakhe yangemuva wase ezishaya isifuba. Lokho kwenza abantu baphume ngokushesha engadini kaGus noGabby. +UGus noGabby bahlala phansi ukuze badle ubhanana. “Njengoba sengiyiphoyisa nje, ngizoba nomsebenzi omningi okumele ngiwenze!” kusho uGus. +“Yebo,” kusho uGabby ngeqholo. “Kulokhu ungathatha ubhanana wokugcina, Gus.” +“Ngiyabonga, Gabby,” kusho uGus ngesikhathi ezitika ngobhanana. +  +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Ngemva kokufunda indaba, yenza isiphakamiso sokuthi izingane zakho zenze ezinye zalezi zinto: azunqume ukuthi ngabe isela likutholile yini lokho okulifanele nokuthi ngabe kumele yini likhokhiswe obhanana bakaGogo; azibhale umbhalo ezicabanga ukuthi waphuma ephephandabeni; azilingise indaba.",zul,isiZulu,"UGus, imfene enkulu","Gus was a big gorilla. He lived in the zoo with another gorilla called Gabby. Gus and Gabby had a little house to sleep in and a lovely garden to play in. +The zookeeper was good to Gus and Gabby. He gave them plenty of food to eat − cabbage ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ugus-imfene-enkulu +gus-gorilla,"Gus e be e le korila ye kgolo. E be e dula serapeng sa diphoofolo le korila ye nngwe ya go bitšwa Gabby. Gus le Gabby di be di na le ntlo ye nnyane yeo di bego di dula go yona le tšhengwana ye botse yeo di bego di bapala go yona. +Mohlankedi wa serapa sa diphoofolo o be a loketše Gus le Gabby. O di file dijo tše dintši gore di je – khabetšhe le lephotse le dinawa le mafela, le dinamune tše dintši le diphopho le diapole le … dipanana! Gus le Gabby di be di rata dipanana go feta dijo tšohle! +“Naa nka hwetša panana ya mafelelo?” Gabby o be a botšiša ka mehla ka morago ga matena. Ka gobane Gus e be e le korila ya go loka, ka mehla e be e efa Gabby panana ya mafelelo. +Ka letšatši le lengwe, kgauswi le serapa sa diphoofolo, Mna van Vliet, lehodu la mokotla wa direkwa, o ile a tšeela Koko yo a bego a eya renkeng ya dithekisi mokotla wa direkwa o tletše dijo. +“Thušang! Thušang! Buša mokotla wa ka wa direkwa!” Koko a goeletša. Efela Mna van Vliet ga se a mo lemoga, gomme a sobelela le tsela. +Koko o ile a kitimela monna wa lephodisa yo a bego a eme sekhutlwaneng sa mmila. “Nthuše!” a goeletša. “Monna yola o ntšeetše mokotla wa direkwa!” +“A re mo kitimiše!” lephodisa la realo, bobedi bja bona ba kitimiša Mna van Vliet. +Mna van Vliet o ile a ba bona ba etla, gomme a fofa keiti ye kgolo, a wela ka serapeng sa diphoofolo. +“Lebelela!” a realo Koko a hemelana. “Lehodu le ile ka serapeng sa diphoofolo!” +“A re mo sware!” a realo monna wa lephodisa a hemelana. +Mna van Vliet o be a sa lebelele fao a yago gona. O fofile leboto a wela sethokgweng sa meetlwa ka tšhengwaneng ya Gus le Gabby. +“Ijooo!” a realo. +Lešata le ile la tsoša Gus le Gabby di be di otsetše mosegare. +“Ke nagana gore go na le motho yo a re tlišetšago dipanana!” a realo Gus. +“Ke botho bjoo!” a realo Gabby. “A re ye go yena re mo dumediše.” +Di ile tša ya go Mna van Vliet. Gus e be e le korila ya boleta ya mekgwa ye mebotse. E rile ge e bona Mna van Vliet, ya ema ka maoto a morago ya ipetha kgara bjalo ka moropa e le ge e dumediša. + +E rile ge Mna van Vliet a bona Gus e dira se, a tšhoga kudu. O ile a tšea mokotla wa direkwa gomme a leka go namela leboto gore a boele morago. +“Mphe dipanana!” a realo Gus. Efela Mna van Vliet o be a etla gare ga leboto, gomme Gus ya mo goga ka leoto ya mmetha ka morago gore a wele fase. +Mna van Vliet o ile a wela ka sethokgweng sa meetlwa gape. Gus e ile ya tšea mokotla wa direkwa, gomme ya lebelela ka gare ga ona. Gus e ile ya fošetša ntle dilo tša go rekwa ke Koko ka moka ga tšona. Gomme tlase, ka mokotleng wa direkwa go be go na le ngata ya dipanana tše diserolane tša go butšwa. +Gus o ile a phaphatha Mna van Vliet ka boleta hlogong. “Ke a leboga,” a realo. Mna van Vliet ga se a fetola. +“Gabby,” a realo Gus, “monna yo wa go loka o re tlišeditše ngata ya dipanana!” Gabby e ile ya tla go Gus e bina. Bobedi tša dula kgauswi le Mna van Vliet tša ja dipanana ka moka ga tšona. + +Koko le monna wa lephodisa ba ile ba kwa lešata. Ba ile ba lebelela ka godimo ga leboto gomme ba bona Mna van Vliet a patlame sethokgweng sa meetlwa. +“Lehodu ke lela!” a realo Koko. +“Efa Koko mokotla wa gagwe wa direkwa!” monna wa lephodisa a realo. +“Go lokile,” a realo Mna van Vliet ka makalo. O ile a topa direkwa ka moka a di bušetša mokotleng wa direkwa wa Koko. O ile a o fa Koko ka godimo ga leboto. +“Hmmmph!” a realo Koko. A ya go reka dipanana tše dintši ka mokotla wa gagwe wa direkwa, gomme a namela thekisi ya go ya gae. +Mna van Vliet o ile a lebelela monna wa lephodisa. “Ke tshepiša gore nka se sa tsoga ke utswitše mokotla wa direkwa!” a realo. “Efela hle, ke swanetše go tloga fa. Nkiše seteišeneng sa maphodisa.” +“Agaa, gabjale, Gus,” a realo monna wa lephodisa. “O swere lehodu la go tuma la mokotla wa direkwa! Ke iša Mna van Vliet seteišeneng sa maphodisa gona bjale, efela ke tla boa ka tla go go bona mesong ya gosasa!” +Mesong ya go latela monna wa lephodisa a tla serapeng sa diphoofolo le Lephodisalegolo le sehlopha sa diphala le monna wa khamera le mmega-ditaba. Lešaba la batho le ile la ba šala morago. Mohlokomedi wa serapa sa diphoofolo o ile a ba dumelela go tsena tšhengwaneng ya Gus le Gabby. +“O amogetšwe go ba sephodisa, Gus,” Lephodisa-legolo la realo. “Bjale o lephodisa!” Sehlopha sa diphala se ile sa bapala koša, monna wa khamera a tšea Gus dinepe, gomme mmega-ditaba a ngwala pego ka ga Gus le lehodu la go tuma la mokotla wa direkwa. Lešaba la batho le ile la kgahlega. Ka morago Lephodisa-legolo le ile la neela Gus ngata ye kgolo ya botse ya dipanana tše disorelane. +“Ke a leboga,” a realo Gus. “Go bile bonolo kudu go swara lehodu la mokotla wa direkwa.” O be a thabile kudu, o ile a ema ka maoto a morago a ipetha dikgara. Batho ba rile go bona se ba tšwa ka moka ka tšhengwaneng ya Gus le Gabby ba sepediša. +Gus le Gabby ba ile ba dula fase ba ja dipanana. “Ka gore bjale ke nna lephodisa, ke tlile go ba le mošomo o montši!” a realo Gus. +“Ee,” a realo Gabby ka boikgantšho. “Bjale o ka ja panana ya mafelelo, Gus.” +“Ke a leboga, Gabby,” a realo Gus a tšea panana ya mafelelo. +  +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Ka morago ga go bala kanegelo, šišinya gore bana ba gago ba dire tše dingwe tša dilo tše: nagana ge e ba lehodu le hweditše seo se le swanetšego goba ge e ba le be le swanelwa ke go lefela dipanana tša Koko; ngwala sengwalwa seo ba gopolago gore se ka be se tšweletše ka kuranteng; diragatšang kanegelo.",nso,Sepedi,Korila ya go bitšwa Gus,"Gus was a big gorilla. He lived in the zoo with another gorilla called Gabby. Gus and Gabby had a little house to sleep in and a lovely garden to play in. +The zookeeper was good to Gus and Gabby. He gave them plenty of food to eat − cabbage ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/korila-ya-go-bitšwa-gus +gus-gorilla,"Gus e ne e le korila e kgolo. O ne a dula seratswaneng sa diphoofolo le korila e nngwe e bitswang Gabby. Gus le Gabby ba ne ba ena le ntlo e nyane moo ba robalang le tshingwana e ntle moo ba neng ba bapalla teng. +Mohlokomedi wa seratswana sa diphoofolo o ne a lokile haholo bakeng sa Gus le Gabby. O ne a ba fa dijo tse ngata tsa ho ja – khabetjhe le mokopu le dinawa le poone, le dilamu le diphopho le diapole tse ngata le … dipanana! Gus le Gabby ba ne ba rata dipanana ho feta dijo tse ding kaofela! +“Na nka ja panana ya ho qetela?” ho ne ho botsa Gabby kamehla kamora dijo tsa motsheare. Mme hobane Gus e ne e le korila e mosa, kamehla o ne a fa Gabby panana ya ho qetela. +Ka tsatsi le leng, e seng hole haholo le serapa sa diphoofolo, Mong van Vliet, leshodu le utswang mekotlana ya ho reka mabenkeleng, a hlotha mokotlana wa ho reka o tletseng dijo ho Nkgono ya neng a eya renkeng ya ditekesi. +“Thusang! Thusang! Kgutlisa mokotlana wa ka wa ho reka!” Nkgono a hoeletsa. Empa Mong van Vliet a se ke a mo natsa, a baleha a theosa ka tsela. +Nkgono a mathela lepolesa le neng le eme hukung ya seterata. “Nthuse!” a lla. “Monna yane o sa tswa ntlhotha mokotlana wa ka wa ho reka!” +“Ha re mo lelekise!” lepolesa la rialo, mme ka bobedi ba lelekisa Mong van Vliet. +Mong van Vliet a ba bona ba etla kamora hae, yaba o tlolela ka nqane ho heke e kgolo, mme a wela ka hara jarete ya serapa sa diphoofolo. +“Sheba!” Nkgono a rialo a hemela hodimo. “Leshodu lane le kene serapeng sa diphoofolo!” +“Ha re ilo mo tshwara!” ha rialo lepolesa le hemesela. +Mong van Vliet o ne a sa sheba moo a yang. O ile a tlola lebota feela mme a wela hantle hodima sehlahla sa meutlwa tshingwaneng ya Gus le Gabby. +“Itjhuu!” a hoeletsa. +Lerata la tsosa Gus le Gabby, ba neng ba ithobaletse motsheare. +“Ke nahana hore ho na le motho ya re tlisetsang dipanana!” ha rialo Gus. +“O mosa e le ka nnete!” ha rialo Gabby. “Ha re yo mmona re mo dumedise.” +Yaba ba nyoloha ho ya ho Mong van Vliet. Gus e ne e le korila e bonolo haholo e nang le mekgwa e metle. Eitse ha a bona Mong van Vliet, a ema ka maoto a ka morao mme a ikotla sefuba jwaloka moropa ho mo dumedisa. + +Eitse ha Mong van Vliet a bona Gus a etsa sena, a tshoha haholo. A phamola mokotlana wa ho reka mme a leka ho tlola lebota hape. +“Mphe dipanana!” ha rialo Gus. Empa Mong van Vliet o ne a se a le bohareng ba lebota a nyoloha, yaba Gus o mo hula ka leoto a mo loma marahong hore a theohele fatshe hape. +Mong van Vliet a wela fatshe hodima sehlahla sa meutlwa. Gus a phahamisa mokotlana wa ho reka , mme a sheba ka hare. Gus a ntsha dintho tsohle tse ka mokotlaneng wa Nkgono. Mme tlase mane, ka hara mokotlana wa ho reka ho ne ho ena le sehlahlahadi sa dipanana tse butswitseng tse tshehla. +Gus a phaphatha Mong van Vliet hanyane hloohong. “Ke a leboha,” a rialo. Mong van Vliet a se ke a re letho. +“Gabby,” ha rialo Gus, “monna enwa ya lokileng o re tliseditse sehlahla sa dipanana!” Gabby a tla a ntse a tlolatlola ho Gus. Mmoho ba dula fatshe pela Mong van Vliet mme ba ja dipanana tseo kaofela. + +Nkgono le lepolesa ba utlwa lerata. Ba sheba ka hodima lebota, mme ba bona Mong van Vliet a wetse hodima sehlahla sa meutlwa. +“Leshodu ke lane!” Nkgono a rialo. +“Nea Nkgono mokotlana wa hae!” monna wa lepolesa a rialo. +“Ho lokile,” ha araba Mong van Vliet ya tshohileng. A thonaka dintho tsohle tse rekilweng mabenkeleng mme a di kgutlisetsa ka hara mokotlana wa Nkgono. Yaba o nanabela ka hodima lebota mme a o neheletsa Nkgono. +“Hmmmph!” ha rialo Nkgono. Mme a tsamaya ka mokotlana wa hae wa ho reka ho ya reka dipanana tse ding, le ho palama tekesi e lebang lapeng. +Mong van Vliet a sheba lepolesa. “Ke a tshepisa hore nke ke ka hlola ke utswa mekotlana ya ho reka hape!” a rialo. “Empa ke a kopa hle, ke lokela ho tswa ka mona. Nkise seteisheneng sa sepolesa.” +“Jwale he, Gus,” ha rialo lepolesa. “O tshwere leshodu le tsebahalang ka ho utswa mekotla ya ho reka! Ke isa Mong van Vliet seteisheneng sa sepolesa jwale, empa ke tla kgutla ho tla le bona hape hosane hoseng!” +Letsatsing le hlahlamang hoseng monna wa lepolesa a tla serapeng sa diphoofolo le Mookamedi wa Sepolesa le Sehlopha se binang ka diletswa le monna ya nkang dinepe le moqolotsi wa ditaba. Sehlopha sa batho se ile sa ba latela. Mohlokomedi wa serapeng sa diphoofolo o ile a ba etella pele ho ba isa tshingwaneng ya Gus le Gabby. +“O amohetswe sepoleseng, Gus,” ha rialo Mookamedi wa Sepolesa. “Jwale o se o le lepolesa!” Bente ya letsa pina e monate, rakhemera a nka dinepe tsa Gus, mme moqolotsi wa ditaba a ngola pale e mabapi le Gus le leshodu le tsebahalang la mekotlana ya ho reka. Mokgopi wa batho wa etsa ditlatse. Yaba Mookamedi wa Sepolesa o fa Gus sehlahlahadi se kgadisang sa dipanana tse tshehla. +“Ke a leboha,” ha rialo Gus. “Ho ne ho le bobebe haholo ho tshwara leshodu la mekotlana.” O ne a thabile haholo, a ema ka maoto a ka morao mme a ikotla sefuba. Ha a etsa sena batho bohle ba baleha tshingwaneng ya Gus le Gabby ka potlako kamoo ba ka kgonang. +Gus le Gabby ba dula fatshe ba ja dipanana. “Jwale, jwalo kaha ke se ke le lepolesa, ke tla ba le mosebetsi o mongata oo ke o etsang!” ha rialo Gus. +“Ee,” Gabby a rialo ka motlotlo. “Kgetlong lena o ka nna wa ja panana ya ho qetela, Gus.” +“Ke a leboha, Gabby,” ha rialo Gus a hlile a kenella panana a e ja. +Iqapele! +Kamora ho bala pale ena, hlahisa hore bana ba hao ba etse tse ding tsa dintho tse latelang: ba etse qeto ya hore ebe leshodu le ile la fumana moputso wa lona o le tshwanelang kapa le ne le tshwanetse hore le lefiswe bakeng sa dipanana tsa Nkgono na; ba ngole atikele eo ba nahanang hore e ka be e hlahile koranteng; ba tshwantshise pale ena. +Iqapele! +Kamora ho bala pale ena, hlahisa hore bana ba hao ba etse tse ding tsa dintho tse latelang: ba etse qeto ya hore ebe leshodu le ile la fumana moputso wa lona o le tshwanelang kapa le ne le tshwanetse hore le lefiswe bakeng sa dipanana tsa Nkgono na; ba ngole atikele eo ba nahanang hore e ka be e hlahile koranteng; ba tshwantshise pale ena.",sot,Sesotho,Korila e bitswang Gus,"Gus was a big gorilla. He lived in the zoo with another gorilla called Gabby. Gus and Gabby had a little house to sleep in and a lovely garden to play in. +The zookeeper was good to Gus and Gabby. He gave them plenty of food to eat − cabbage ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/korila-e-bitswang-gus +hare-and-hedgehog,"Many years ago there was a hare that could run faster than any other animal on the farm. He was very, very proud that he could run so fast. He could not help reminding the other animals what a fine runner he was. +“I am faster than the wind,” he boasted again and again to his friend, Hedgehog. +One morning Hare and Hedgehog met at the gate leading to a field on the farm. It did not take Hare long to boast, “I am the best runner in the world. I am faster than the wind.” + +“I don’t think so,” said Hedgehog firmly. “I think even I could run faster than you.” +“A slowcoach like you?” Hare laughed nastily. “You don’t have a hope of running faster than me.” +Hedgehog thought for a bit. Then he spoke quietly, “All right. Let’s see who’s faster. We can race against each other tomorrow. We will run from this gate to the bottom of the field and back again.” +“Fine,” said Hare. “I won’t even have to run to beat you, old Short Legs.” +“You’ll see,” said Hedgehog. “You don’t have to have long legs to win a race, you know. I’ll meet you at this gate tomorrow, just after sunrise. I will win the race. You must promise me that when I do you will never call me Short Legs or Slowcoach again.” +“All right,” agreed Hare, very sure of himself. “If you really want to race me, you can. I promise I will not call you Slowcoach or Short Legs − IF you win. Of course, that’s never going to happen. I am faster than the wind. I will get to the bottom of the field and back while you are still thinking about starting. Then I will be able to call you Short Legs or Slowcoach as often as I like. Ha! Ha!” +Hedgehog told his older brother about the race, “Oh dear,” said his brother, “you have made a terrible mistake. Whatever made you take on something so impossible? Hare is faster than the wind. Now he will be able to call you Slowcoach and Short Legs for the rest of your life.” +“Don’t worry,” said Hedgehog. “I have a plan. A very clever plan. If you help me, we can teach Hare a lesson. He will have to stop boasting − and he will never be able to call me Slowcoach or Short Legs again!” +The next day Hedgehog got to the gate long before Hare. As usual, it took Hedgehog a long time to get there, but he was waiting with a smile on his face when Hare bounded up just before the sun peeped over the hill. +“Good morning, Short Legs. Are you sure you still want to race me? You know you haven’t the slightest chance of winning. Are you ready to be beaten? Remember, I can run faster than the wind,” said Hare. +Hare was so sure that he was going to win that he had even been thinking up some new names to call Hedgehog after the race. This was going to be fun. +Hedgehog just smiled quietly. He stood calmly waiting at the starting line. “Let’s just make sure of the rules,” he said. “We’re going to race to the bottom of the field, and then back to this gate, right?” +“Yes,” said Hare. Then he shouted, “Ready! Steady! Go!” and bounded away as fast as he could. +As he got near to the bottom of the field, he couldn’t help chuckling to himself. “Hedgehog is probably still trying to get started. Oh, he is such a slowcoach.” +Imagine his surprise, then, when Hedgehog popped up cheerfully at the bottom of the field and cried out, “Got here before you!” +Hare stopped for a moment. Then he turned and ran back faster than he had ever run before. He didn’t usually puff and pant, but he was puffing and panting and sweating by the time he touched the gate. He looked over his shoulder. There was no sign of Hedgehog. This time, he was sure he had won. Then a happy voice came from the other side of the gate. “Once again, I got here before you!” It was impossible! But there was Hedgehog, smiling sweetly at him. +Hare could not believe his eyes. Hedgehog had beaten him. He turned away and walked slowly home with his head hanging down. +But how had Hedgehog managed to beat Hare? The truth is that he didn’t run at all. When Hare set off for the bottom of the field, Hedgehog hid near the gate. His brother was already hiding at the bottom of the field. When Hare reached the bottom of the field, it was the brother who popped up and said, “Got here before you!” Hare was so surprised that he didn’t even notice that it was a different hedgehog. When Hare reached the finish, puffing and panting and sweating, all Hedgehog had to do was to come quietly out of his hiding place and say, “Once again, I got here before you!” +Hare never boasted again – at least not to Hedgehog. He became a much nicer friend. He never called Hedgehog nasty names again. And he never found out how Hedgehog had won the race.",eng,English,Hare and Hedgehog,"Many years ago there was a hare that could run faster than any other animal on the farm. He was very, very proud that he could run so fast. He could not help reminding the other animals what a fine runner he was. +“I am faster than the ...",,Retold by Elaine Ridge,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hare-and-hedgehog +hare-and-hedgehog,"Baie jare gelede was daar ’n haas wat vinniger kon hardloop as enige ander dier op die plaas. Hy was baie, baie trots daarop dat hy so vinnig kon hardloop. Hy kon nie help om die ander diere daaraan te herinner hoe goed hy kon hardloop nie. +“Ek is vinniger as die wind,” spog hy weer en weer by sy vriend, Krimpvarkie. +Een oggend ontmoet Haas en Krimpvarkie mekaar by die hek wat na ’n veld op die plaas lei. Dit is ook nie lank voor Haas begin spog nie: “Ek is die beste hardloper in die wêreld. Ek is vinniger as die wind.” +“Ek dink nie so nie,” sê Krimpvarkie beslis. “Ek dink ek kan vinniger as jy hardloop.” +“’n Draaikous soos jy?” gee Haas ’n gemene laggie. “Jy het nie ’n kat se kans om vinniger as ek te hardloop nie.” +Krimpvarkie dink ’n oomblik na. Toe sê hy sag: “Nou goed dan. Kom ons kyk wie is die vinnigste. Ons kan môre teen mekaar resies hardloop. Ons sal van hierdie hek af tot by die verste punt van die veld hardloop, en weer terug.” +“Reg so,” sê Haas. “Ek sal nie eens hoef te hardloop om jou te klop nie, ou Kortbeen.” +“Jy sal sien,” sê Krimpvarkie. “Jy het nie lang bene nodig om ’n resies te wen nie. Ek ontmoet jou môre, net na sonop, by hierdie hek. Ek gaan die resies wen. Jy moet my belowe dat wanneer ek wen, jy my nooit weer Kortbeen of Draaikous sal noem nie.” +“Goed dan,” stem Haas in, baie selfvoldaan. “As jy regtig teen my wil resies hardloop, kan jy. Ek belowe ek sal jou nie Draaikous of Kortbeen noem nie − dis nou AS jy wen. Natuurlik sal dit nooit gebeur nie. Ek is vinniger as die wind. Ek sal tot by die verste punt van die veld en terug hardloop terwyl jy nog dink aan wegspring. Dan sal ek jou so dikwels as wat ek wil Kortbeen of Draaikous kan noem. Ha! Ha!” +Krimpvarkie vertel vir sy ouer broer van die resies. “O, tog,” sê sy broer, “jy het ’n vreeslike fout gemaak. Wat op aarde het jou laat besluit om iets wat so onmoontlik is, aan te pak? Haas is vinniger as die wind. Nou sal hy jou vir die res van jou lewe Draaikous of Kortbeen kan noem.” +“Moenie bekommerd wees nie,” sê Krimpvarkie. “Ek het ’n plan. ’n Baie slim plan. As jy my help, kan ons vir Haas ’n les leer. Hy sal moet ophou spog − en hy sal my nooit weer Draaikous of Kortbeen kan noem nie!” +Die volgende dag is Krimpvarkie lank voor Haas by die hek. Soos gewoonlik neem dit Krimpvarkie ’n lang tyd om daar te kom, maar hy wag met ’n glimlag op sy gesig daar toe Haas aangehop kom net voor die son oor die heuwel loer. +“Goeiemôre, Kortbeen. Is jy seker jy wil steeds teen my resies hardloop? Jy weet jy het nie ’n kat se kans om te wen nie. Is jy gereed om die aftog te blaas? Onthou, ek kan vinniger as die wind hardloop,” sê Haas. +Haas was so seker hy gaan wen dat hy selfs aan nuwe name gedink het wat hy Krimpvarkie na die resies kon noem. Dit sou pret wees. +Krimpvarkie glimlag net stilletjies. Hy staan kalm by die wegspringplek en wag. “Kom ons maak net seker van die reëls,” sê hy. “Ons gaan tot by die verste punt van die veld hardloop, en dan weer terug tot by hierdie hek, reg so?” +“Ja,” sê Haas. Toe skree hy: “Op jou merke! Gereed! Weg!” en toe hop hy weg so vinnig as wat hy kan. +Toe hy naby die punt van die veld kom, kan hy nie help om lekker in sy mou te lag nie. “Krimpvarkie probeer waarskynlik nog om weg te trek. Ai, hy is so ’n draaikous.” +Kan jy jou indink hoe verbaas Haas was toe Krimpvarkie vrolik aan die punt van die veld verskyn en uitroep: “Ek was voor jou hier!” +Haas gaan staan ’n oomblik. Toe draai hy om en hardloop vinniger terug as wat hy nog ooit gehardloop het. Hy hyg en blaas gewoonlik nie, maar hy hyg en blaas en sweet teen die tyd dat hy aan die hek raak. Hy kyk oor sy skouer. Daar is geen teken van Krimpvarkie nie. Hierdie keer is hy seker hy het gewen. Toe sê ’n vrolike stem van die ander kant van die hek af: “Ek is weer voor jou hier!” Dis onmoontlik! Maar daar staan Krimpvarkie, en hy glimlag al te soet vir Haas. +Haas kan nie sy oë glo nie. Krimpvarkie het hom geklop. Haas draai om en stap kop onderstebo huis toe. +Maar hoe het Krimpvarkie dit reggekry om vir Haas te klop? Die waarheid is dat hy glad nie eens gehardloop het nie. Toe Haas na die verste punt van die veld begin hardloop het, het Krimpvarkie naby die hek weggekruip. Sy broer het alreeds aan die punt van die veld weggekruip. Toe Haas by die verste punt van die veld aankom, was dit Krimpvarkie se broer wat skielik verskyn en gesê het: “Ek was voor jou hier!” Haas was so verbaas dat hy nie eens agtergekom het dat dit ’n ander krimpvarkie was nie. Toe Haas hygend en blasend en swetend by die eindstreep aangekom het, moes Krimpvarkie net stilletjies uit sy wegkruipplek kom en sê: “Ek is weer voor jou hier!” +Haas het nooit weer gespog nie – ten minste nie by Krimpvarkie nie. Hy het ’n baie gawer vriend geword. Hy het nooit weer vir Krimpvarkie lelike name genoem nie. En hy het nooit uitgevind hoe Krimpvarkie die resies gewen het nie. +Wees kreatief! +Verbeel jou jy is Krimpvarkie. Skryf vir Haas ’n brief om te verduidelik hoe en waarom jy besluit het om hom te kul.",afr,Afrikaans,Haas en Krimpvarkie,"Many years ago there was a hare that could run faster than any other animal on the farm. He was very, very proud that he could run so fast. He could not help reminding the other animals what a fine runner he was. +“I am faster than the ...",,Retold by Elaine Ridge,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/haas-en-krimpvarkie +hare-and-hedgehog,"Kudala-dala kwakukho umvundla owawubaleka kakhulu, usogqitha zonke ezinye izilwanyana zasefama. Wawuzingca, uzidla kakhulu ngamendu awo. Wawusoloko udlisela, uzikhumbuza ezinye izilwanyana ngokuba yimbaleki kwawo. +“Ndibaleka ndishiya nomoya,” wawuqhayisa utsho, uphinda-phinda loo mazwi kumhlobo wawo, uNcanda. +Ngenye intsasa uMvundla noNcanda badibana esangweni elibakhokelela emasimini, kwasefama apho. UMvundla awuphozisanga maseko, waqalisa ukuqhayisa, “Ndiyeyona mbaleki yakha yakho ehlabathini. Ndibaleka ndishiya nomoya.” +“Andiboni kanjalo mna,” watsho uNcanda ngokuzithemba. “Ndicinga ukuba nam lo ndingakogqitha ngokubaleka.” +“Unwabu olunjengawe?” wahleka uMvundla umsinekele. “Uyaziqhatha ukuba uthi wena ungandodlula ngamendu.” +UNcanda wacinga umzuzwana. Waza wathethela phantsi esithi, “Kulungile. Masibone ukuba ngubani obaleka ngaphezu komnye. Singakhuphisana elugqatsweni ngomso. Siza kubekisa ukusuka kweli sango siye ekupheleni kwamasimi size siphinde sibuye.” +“Kulungile,” watsho uMvundla. “Andizikubaleka nokubaleka ukuze ndiphumelele, Milenzana miFutshane omdala.” +“Uza kubona,” watsho uNcanda. “Akufuneki ude ube nemilenze emide ukuze uphumelele ugqatso, uyazi. Ndiza kuhlangana nawe kweli sango ngomso, ukuphuma kwelanga. Ndiza kuluphumelela ugqatso. Kufuneka undithembise ukuba xa ndiphumelele akusoze uphinde undibize ngamagama anjengooMilenzana miFutshane okanye Nwabu, kwakhona.” +“Kulungile,” wavuma uMvundla, uqinisekile kakhulu ngesiqu sawo. “Ukuba ngokwenene ufuna ugqatso nam, uza kulufumana. Ndiyathembisa ukuba andisoze ndiphinde ndithi Nwabu okanye Milenzana miFutshane – UKUBA uphumelele. Ndiyazi kakade ukuba oko soze kwenzeke. Ndinamendu angaphezulu nakwawomoya. Ndiza kufika ezantsi emasimini ndiphinde ndibuye lo gama wena usacinga ngokusuka. Ngoko ke ndiza kukwazi ukukubiza ngamagama athi Milenzana miFutshane okanye Nwabu kangangoko ndithanda. Ha! Ha!” +UNcanda waxelela umkhuluwa wakhe ngolu gqatso, “Owu zinkosi,” watsho umkhuluwa wakhe, “wenze impazamo enkulu. Yintoni ebangele ukuba ufune ukwenza into engenakwenzeka efana nale? UMvundla unamendu adlula nawomoya. Ngoku uza kukubiza ngamagama afana noNwabu noMilenzana miFutshane ubomi bakho bonke.” +“Ungakhathazeki,” watsho uNcanda, “ndineqhinga. Ndineqhinga elikrelekrele kakhulu. Ukuba uyandinceda, sisobabini singamfundisa isifundo uMvundla. Uza kutsho uyeke ukuzingca nokuqhayisa – kwaye akasoze aphinde andibize ngamagama athi, Nwabu okanye Milenzana miFutshane kwakhona!” +Ngosuku olulandelayo uNcanda wafika kuqala kunoMvundla. Njengesiqhelo, wathatha ixesha elide phambi kokuba afike apho, kodwa wayelinde enoncumo ebusweni bakhe ukufika koMvundla phambi kokuba ilanga lithi chapha endulini. +“Molo, Milenzana miFutshane. Uqinisekile ukuba usafuna ukukhuphisana nam elugqatsweni? Uyazi ukuba akunalo nelincinane ithuba lokuba ungaphumelela. Ingaba ukulungele kusini na ukoyiswa? Khumbula, ndinamendu awodlula nawomoya,” watsho uMvundla. +UMvundla wawuqinisekile ukuba wawuza kuphumelela kangangokuba wawusele ucinga ngamanye amagama amatsha owawuza kumbiza ngawo uNcanda emva kogqatso. Oku kwakuza kuba mnandi kakhulu kuwo. +UNcanda wayezincumele ethe cwaka. Wayemile ezipholele elinde emgceni wokuqalisa ugqatso. “Masiqiniseke ngemithetho,” watsho. “Siza kubaleka siye ezantsi emasimini, size siphinde sibuyele kweli sango, akunjalo?” +“Ewe kunjalo,” watsho uMvundla. Emva koko wakhwaza wathi, “Lungani! Phakamani! Balekani! waza wabaleka kangangoko unakho. +Ngethuba usondela emazantsi emasimini, wawuphelile yintsini. “UNcanda inokuba kungona usazama ukuqala ukubaleka ngoku. Owu, lunwabu ke khona.” +Khawufane ucinge ukuba wamangaliseka kangakanani uMvundla xa uNcanda esithi gqi echulumancile ezantsi emasimini aze athi, “Ndifike kuqala kunawe!” +UMvundla wema okomzuzwana. Emva koko wathi guququ wabaleka ubuyela esangweni ngesona santya siphezulu ungazange wabaleka ngaso ngaphambili. UMvundla wawungafane ukhefuzele, uphefumlele phezulu, kodwa ngaloo mini wawukhefuzela, uphefumlela phezulu ubilile uthe xhopho ngexesha owafika ngalo esangweni. Wabheka ngasemva. Kwakungekho phawu lweNcanda. Ngeli xesha, wawuqinisekile ukuba uphumelele. Kanye ngelo xesha kwavakala ilizwi elonwabileyo kwelinye icala lesango. “Kwakhona, ndifike kuqala kunawe!” Yayingenakwenzeka loo nto! Kodwa ngenene nankuya uNcanda, emncumele kamnandi uMvundla. +UMvundla wawungawakholelwa amehlo wawo. UNcanda wayemshiyile elugqatsweni. Waguquka wemka ucothoza, ukugoduka ujingisa intloko yawo, uthe nyoxo ludano. +Kodwa ingaba wakwazi njani uNcanda ukushiya uMvundla? Inyaniso kukuba zange abaleke kwa-ukubaleka. Wathi nje ukuba uMvundla usuke emgceni usinge ezantsi emasimini, uNcanda wazimela ngasesangweni. Umkhuluwa wakhe wayesele ezimele kade ezantsi emasimini. Xa uMvundla ufika ezantsi emasimini, yayingumkhuluwa kaNcanda owathi gqi wathi “Ndifike kuqala kunawe!” UMvundla wawothuke kakhulu kangangokuba zange uqaphele nokuqaphela ukuba yayiyincanda yimbi leyo yayisitsho. Xa uMvundla wawufika entanjeni, ukhefuzela uphefumlela phezulu kwaye ubilile, konke ekwakufuneka uNcanda akwenze yayikukuphuma ngokuzolileyo kwindawo azimele kuyo athi, “Kwakhona, ndifike kuqala kunawe!” +UMvundla zange uphinde uqhayise kwakhona – ingakumbi uqhayisele uNcanda. Waba ngumhlobo ongcono kakhulu. Zange uphinde umbize ngamagama amabi uNcanda kwakhona. Kwaye zange uyibhaqe indlela uNcanda awamshiya ngayo ukuze aluphumelele ugqatso. +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Yiba nomfanekiso-ntelekelelo wokuba unguNcanda. Bhalela uMvundla ileta umcacisela ukuba umqhathe njani na kwaye kutheni ukuze ufikelele kwisigqibo sokuba wenze oko.",xho,isiXhosa,Umvundla kunye neNcand,"Many years ago there was a hare that could run faster than any other animal on the farm. He was very, very proud that he could run so fast. He could not help reminding the other animals what a fine runner he was. +“I am faster than the ...",,Libaliswa kwakhona ngu-Elaine Ridge,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umvundla-kunye-nencanda +hare-and-hedgehog,"Eminyakeni eminingi edlule kwakukhona unogwaja owawugijima kunazo zonke ezinye izilwane epulazini. Wayeziqhenya kakhulu, impela ngokuthi wayekwazi ukugijima ngesivinini esingaka. Wayengakwazi nokuzibamba elokhu exoxela ezinye izilwane ukuthi ungumsubathi ovelele kanjani. +“Ngigijima ngishiye nesithunzi,” wayeqhoshela ngokuphindelela umngani wakhe, uNhloli. +Ngelinye ilanga ekuseni uNogwaja noNhloli bahlangana esangweni eliholela ensimini yasepulazini. Akuthathanga isikhathi eside ngaphambi kokuthi uNogwaja aqhale ukuziqhayisa, “Ngingumsubathi ohamba phambili emhlabeni wonke. Ngigijima ngishiye nesithunzi.” +“Angicabangi kanjalo,” kusho uNhloli ngesankahlu. “Ngicabanga ukuthi nami ngingagijima ngikushiye.” +“Njengoba ushaya ngonyawo lonwabu nje?” Wahleka inhlinini. “Akukho themba lokuthi ungagijima ungishiye.” +UNhloli wathi ukucabanga isikhashana. Wase ekhulumela phansi, “Kulungile. Ake sibona ukuthi ubani ogijima ukudlula omunye. Singaqhudelana ngokugijima kusasa. Sizogijima sisuke kuleli sango siye ezansi nensimu siphinde sibuye futhi.” +“Usho entshweni,” kusho uNogwaja. “Akuzodingeka nokuthi ngijime ukuze ngikuhlule, Milenze Emifishane omdala.” +“Uzobona,” kusho uNhloli. “Awunayo imilenze emide yokuwina umqhudelwano, uyazi. Sizohlangana kuleli sango kusasa, emva nje kokuphuma kwelanga. Ngizophumelela umqhudelwano. Kumele ungithembise ukuthi uma sengiphumele umqhudelwano ngeke uphinde ungibize uMilenze Emifishane noma uNyawo Lonwabu futhi.” +“Kulungile,” kuvuma uNogwaja, efile ukuzethemba unkabi. “Uma ufuna ngempela ukuqhudelana nami, kulungile. Ngiyethembisa ukuthi ngeke ngikubize ngoNyawo Lonwabu noma uMilenze Emifishane − UMA uwina. Empeleni, into engeke yenzeka leyo. Ngigijima ngishiye nesithunzi. Ngizogijima ngiye ezansi nensimu ngiphinde ngibuye ngesikhathi usacabanga ukusuka. Ngizobe sengikwazi ukukubiza uMilenze Emifishane noma uNyawo Lonwabu kaningi ngendlela engiyithandayo. Ha! Ha!” +UNhloli waxoxela umfowabo omdala ngomqhudelwano, “O nkosi yami,” kusho umfowabo, “wenze iphutha elikhulu. Kazi yini ekwenze ukuthi uvume ukwenza into engasoze yenzeka? UNogwaja ugijima ashiye nesithunzi. Manje usezokwazi ukukubiza uNyawo Lonwabu kanye noMilenze Emifishane impilo yakho yonke.” +“Ungakhathazeki,” kusho uNhloli. “Nginecebo. Icebo elihle kakhulu. Uma ungangisiza, singafundisa uNogwaja isifundo. Kuzomele ayeke ukugabisa − futhi ngeke aphinde akwazi ukungibiza ngoNyawo Lonwabu noma uMilenze Emifishane futhi!” +Ngosuku olulandelayo uNhloli wafika ngaphambi kukanoNogwaja esangweni. Njengenjwayelo, kwathatha uNhloli isikhathi eside ukuba afike lapho, kodwa wayelinde emamathekile ngesikhathi uNogwaja egxumagxuma efika ngaphambi kokuba kuvele ilanga egqumeni. +“Sawubona, Milenze Emifishane. Ngabe usafuna ukuqhudelana nami? Angithi uyazi ukuthi awunalo nethuba elincane lokuwina. Ngabe usukulungele ukwehlulwa? Khumbula ukuthi, ngigijima ngishiye nesithunzi,” kusho uNogwaja. +UNogwaja wayeqinisekile ukuthi uzowina kangangokuthi wayeseqale nokucabanga ngamagama amasha azobiza ngawo uNhloli ngemva komqhudelwano. Kwakuzoba mnandi lokhu. +UNhloli wavele wamamatheka kancane. Walinda engenavalo emgqeni wokuqala komqhudelwano. “Asiqinisekise imithetho,” kusho yena. “Sizogijima siye ezansi nensimu, bese sibuyela kuleli sango, angithi?” +“Yebo,” kusho uNogwaja. Wase ememeza, “Lindela! Phakama! Suka!” wase esuka ethi ntinini ngesivinini angakwazi ukugijima ngaso. +Ngesikhathi efika ezansi nensimu, wayengakwazi nokuzibamba ukuhleka. “Kungenzeka ukuthi uNhloli usazama ukusuka. O, ave eshaya ngonyawo lonwabu.” +Ake ucabange ukuthi wamangala kanjani, ngesikhathi, efika ezansi nensimu uNhloli wathi thushu ezansi nensimu ethokozile wamemeza wathi, “Ngifike kuqala kunawe!” +UNogwaja wama umzuzwana. Wase ephenduka ebuyela emuva ngesivinini esikhulu kunake agijima ngaso phambilini. Wayengavamisanga ukuhefuzela nokuba nephika, kodwa wayehefuzela ephethwe nayiphika futhi ejuluka ngesikhathi ethinta isango. Wajeqeza emuva kwamahlombe akhe. Yayingabonakali nangokhalo iNhloli. Kuleli hlandla, wayeqinisekile ukuthi wayewinile. Kwase kuzwakala izwi lothokozile ngaphesheya kwesango. “Ngiphindile futhi, ngafika la kuqala kunawe!” Kwakuyinto eyayingeke yenzeke! Kodwa nango phela uNhloli, emumamathekela kamnandi. +UNogwaja wayengawakholwa amehlo akhe. UNhloli wayemshiyile. Waphenduka kancane wase ehamba kancane ebuyela ekhaya egebise ikhanda. +Kodwa uNhloli wayemshiye kanjani uNogwaja? Eqinisweni ukuthi akazange agijime nhlobo. Ngesikhathi uNogwaja egijima eya ezansi nensimu, uNhloli ucashe eduze nesango. Umfowabo ubesecashe ezansi nensimu. Ngesikhathi uNogwaja efika ezansi nensimu, umfowabo lo owathi thushu wase ethi, “Ngifike kuqala kunawe!” UNogwaja wayemangele kangangokuthi akazange abone ukuthi kwakuyinhloli ehlukile. Ngesikhathi uNogwaja efika endaweni yokuphela komqhudelwano, ehefuzela ephethwe iphika futhi ejuluka, inye kuphela into okwamele ukuthi uNhloli ayenze kwakuwukuphuma ngokuthula lapho ayecashe khona bese ethi, “Ngiphindile futhi, ngafika kuqala kunawe!” +UNogwaja azange aphinde azigabise futhi – okungenani hhayi kuNhloli. Waba ngumngani omuhle kakhulu. Akazange aphinde abize uNhloli ngamagama amabi futhi. Futhi akazange athole ukuthi uNhloli wawuwina kanjani umqhudelwano. +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Zithathe ngokuthi unguNhloli. Bhala uNogwaja incwadi emchazela ukuthi umhlakaniphele kanjani nokuthi kungani ekhethe ukumhlakaniphela.",zul,isiZulu,UNogwaja neNhlo,"Many years ago there was a hare that could run faster than any other animal on the farm. He was very, very proud that he could run so fast. He could not help reminding the other animals what a fine runner he was. +“I am faster than the ...",,Ixoxwa kabusha u-Elaine Ridge,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/unogwaja-nenhloli +hare-and-hedgehog,"Mengwaga ye mentši kua morago go ile gwa ba le mmutla wo o bego o na le lebelo kudu go feta diphoofolo tšohle tša polaseng. O be a ikgantšha kudu ka lebelo la gagwe la go fetiša tekanyo. O be a dula a gopotša diphoofolo tše dingwe gore ke yena ralebelo wa kgonthe. +“Ke na le lebelo la go feta la phefo,” a ikgantšhetša mogwera wa gagwe Hlong, gape le gape. +Mesong ye mengwe Mmutla le Hlong di hlakane keiting ya go ya tšhemong ya mo polaseng. Mmutla ga se wa tšea sebaka gore o ikgantšhe, “Ke nna ralebelo yo mokaonekaone lefaseng. Ke na le lebelo la go feta la phefo.” +“Ga ke tshephe,” Hlong ya realo ka go tiiša. “Ke nagana gore le nna ka nka kitima ka lebelo la go feta la gago.” +“Molepologi wa go lepologa bjalo ka wena?” Mmutla a sega gampe. “Ga o na kholofelo ya go kitima go feta nna.” +Hlong a nagana sebakanyana. Morago a bolelela tlase, “Go lokile. A re bone gore ke mang yo a nago le lebelo kudu. Re ka phadišana gosasa. Re tla kitima go tloga keiting ye go fihla botlase bja tšhemo gomme ra be ra boya.” +“Go lokile,” a realo Mmutla. “Ga go hlokege le gore ke kitimele go go šia, Maoto a Makopana a go tšofala.” +“O tla bona,” a realo Hlong. “Ga o hloke maoto a matelele gore o thope tšhiano, wa tseba. Ke tla hlakana le wena keiting ye gosasa, ge letšatši le se no hlaba. Ke tla thopa tšhiano. O swanetše go ntshephiša gore ge ke thopa tšhiano o ka se sa mpitša Maoto a Makopana goba Molepologi wa go lepologa gape.” +“Go lokile,” gwa dumela Mmutla, ka boitshepho. “Ge e le gore o tloga o nyaka go šiana le nna, o ka dira bjalo. Ke go tshephiša gore nka se go bitše Maoto a Makopana goba Molepologi wa go Lepologa – GE O KA thopa tšhiano. Le bjalo, seo se ka se direge. Ke na le lebelo la go feta la phefo. Ke tla fihla botlase bja tšhemo ka be ka boya e le gona o sa nagana go ya. Gomme ke tla kgona go go bitša Maoto a Makopana goba Molepologi wa go Lepologa gantši ka moo ke nyakago ka gona. Haa! Haa!” +Hlong o ile a botša buti wa gagwe ka ga tšhiano, “Wena,” a realo buti wa gagwe, “o dirile phošo ye kgolo. Ke eng se se go dirilego gore o dire selo sa go se kgonege ka tsela ye? Mmutla o na le lebelo la go feta la phefo. Bjale o tla kgona go go bitša Maoto a Makopana goba Molepologi wa go Lepologa bophelo bja gago ka moka.” +“O se belaele,” a realo Hlong. “K e na le leano. Leano la bohlale kudu. Ge o ka nthuša, re ka ruta Mmutla thuto. O tla tlogela go ikgantšha – gomme a ka se sa kgona go mpitša Maoto a Makopana goba Molepologi wa go Lepologa gape!” +Letšatši la go latela ge Mmutla a fihla keiting ke ge e le kgale Hlong a fihlile. Bjalo ka mehleng, Hlong o tšere nako ye telele go fihla fao, efela o be a eme a myemyela ge Mmutla a fihla pele letšatši le hlodumela mmotong. +“Dumela, Maoto a Makopana. O na le nnete ya gore o sa nyaka go šiana le nna? O a tseba gore ga o na le sebaka se sennyane sa go thopa tšhiano. Naa o ikemišeditše go šiiwa? Gopola, ke na le lebelo la go feta la phefo,” a realo Mmutla. +Mmutla o be a tshepha gore o ile go thopa tšhiano ebile a šetše a nagana ka maina a maswa ao a tla bitšago Hlong ka ona morago ga tšhiano. Se e tla ba boipshino. +Hlong a myemyela ka setu. O eme mothalading wa go thoma a ikhomoletše. “A re netefatše melao,” a realo. “Re ile go šiana go ya botlase bja tšhemo, ra ba boya mo keiting, a go bjalo?” +“Ee,” a realo Mmutla. Gomme a goeletša, “Itokiše! Iketle! Tloga!” a taboga ka lebelo ka fao a ka kgonago ka gona. +O rile ge a batamela botlase bja tšhemo, a segela teng. “Hlong o swanetše go ba a leka go tloga. Ijoo, ke molepologi bjang.” +Gopola gore o maketše bjang, ge Hlong a tšwelela botlase bja tšhemo ka lethabo a goeletša, “Ke fihlile fa pele ga gago!” +Mmutla a emanyana. O ile a retologa gomme a kitima ka lebelo leo a sa kago a kitima ka lona. O be a sa ke a hemela godimo le gona ka bothata, efela o be a hemela godimo ka bothata a etšwa sethitho ge a swara keiti. O ile a lebelela ka godimo ga legetla la gagwe. Hlong o be a sa bonagale. Ga bjale, o be a na le bonnete bja gore o thopile tšhiano. Go ile gwa kwagala lentšu la go tlala lethabo go tšwa ka lehlakoreng le lengwe la keiti. “Le ga bjale, ke go fihletše pele fa!” Go be go sa kgonege! Efela Hlong, o be a myemyela ka lethabo. +Mmutla o be a sa tshephe seo a se bonago. Hlong o mo šiile. O ile a retologa a leba gae a nanya hlogo e lebeletše tlase. +Efela, e ka ba Hlong o šiile Mmutla bjang? Nnete ke gore ga se a ka a kitima. Mmutla o rile ge a eya botlase bja tšhemo, Hlong a khuta kgauswi le keiti. Buti wa gagwe o be a khutile botlase bja tšhemo. Ke buti wa Hlong yo a tšweletšego a re “Ke fihlile pele ga gago!” ge Mmutla a fihla botlase bja tšhemo, Mmutla o be a maketše ka fao a sego a lemoga le gore e be e le hlong ye nngwe. Ge Mmutla a fihla mafetšong, a hemela godimo ka bothata a bile a etšwa sethitho, Hlong o no tšwa lefelong leo a bego a iphihlile go lona ka setu a re, “Le ga bjale, ke go fihletše pele fa!” +Mmutla ga senke a hlwa a sa ikgantšha – e sego go Hlong. O ile a ba mogwera wa botse. Ga se a hlwa a sa bitša Hlong ka maina a mabe gape. Ebile ga senke a tseba gore Hlong o thopile tšhiano bjang. +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Gopola e ke ke wena  Hlong. Ngwalela Mmutla lengwalo o mo hlalošetše ka fao o mo hlalefeditšego ka gona le gore ke ka lebaka la eng o dirile seo.",nso,Sepedi,Mmutla le Hlong,"Many years ago there was a hare that could run faster than any other animal on the farm. He was very, very proud that he could run so fast. He could not help reminding the other animals what a fine runner he was. +“I am faster than the ...",,Kanegoleswa ka Elaine Ridge,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mmutla-le-hlong +hare-and-hedgehog,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale ho ne ho ena le mmutla o neng o kgona ho matha ka lebelo le fetang phoofolo efe kapa efe polasing. O ne o le motlotlo haholo ka ho ho ba le lebelo le lekaalo. O ne o dula o hopotsa diphoofolo tse ding kamoo ona o leng lebelo ka teng. +“Ke lebelo le ho feta moya,” o ne a dula a ithorisa jwalo ho motswalle wa hae Noko. +Ka tsatsi le leng hoseng Mmutla le Noko ba kopana hekeng e lebisang masimong a polasi. Ha ho a nka Mmutla nako e kae yaba o se a qala ka ho ithorisa, “Ke nna ya lebelo ka ho fetisisa lefatsheng. Ke lebelo le ho feta moya.” +“Ha ke dumele,” ha rialo Noko a tiile. “Hantlentle ke nahana hore le nna nka matha ka lebelo le o fetang.” +“Lenama le kang wena tjee?” Mmutla a tsheha ka ho phoqa. “Ha o kgolwe hore o ka matha ka lebelo le fetang la ka.” +Noko a nahana metsotswana e se mekae. Yaba o buela tlase, “Ho lokile. Ha re bone hore ke mang ya lebelo ho feta e mong. Re ka nna ra tla hlodisana ka lebelo hosane. Re tla matha ho tloha hekeng ena ho ya fihla tlase tshimong mme re kgutle hape.” +“Ho lokile,” ha rialo Mmutla. “Nke ke ka tlameha le ho matha hore ke o hlole, ka Menoto e Mekgutshwane,” +“O tla bona,” ha rialo Noko. “Ha o hloke maoto a malelele hore o tle o hlole lebelo, o a tseba. Ke tla kopana le wena hekeng ena hosane, hang ha letsatsi le qeta ho tjhaba. Ke tla o hlola lebelong lena. O lokela ho ntshepisa hore ha nka o hlola o ke ke wa hlola o mpitsa hore ke Menoto e Mekgutshwane kapa Ralenama hape.” +“Ho lokile,” Mmutla a dumela, a itshepile haholo. “Haeba o hlile o batla ho matha lebelo le nna, o ka nna wa etsa jwalo. Ke a tshepisa hore nke ke ka hlola ke o bitsa Ralenama kapa Menoto e Mekgutshwane – HA o ka hlola. Ehlile, seo se keke sa etsahala. Ke lebelo le fetang le moya. Ke tla ya fihla qetellong ya masimo ana ke be ke kgutle o sa ntse o le mona o nahana ho qala. Mme he ke tla kgona ho o bitsa Maoto a Makgutshwane kapa Ralenama hangata feela kamoo ke batlang. Ha! Ha!” +Noko a bolella moholwane wa hae ka lebelo leo. “Jowee,” ha rialo moholwanae, “o entse phoso e kgolo ka ho fetisisa. Hantlentle ke eng e entseng hore o etse ntho e ka o hlolang jwalo? Mmutla o lebelo le fetang moya. Jwale o tla kgona ho o bitsa Ralenama kapa Maoto a Makgutshwane bophelo ba hao bohle,” +“O se tshwenyehe,” ha rialo Noko, “ke na le leqheka. Leqheka le tla sebetsa hantle haholo. Ha o ka nthusa, re ka ruta Mmutla thuto. O tla tlameha ho tlohela ho be sale a ntse a ithorisa – mme a keke a hlola a kgona ho mpitsa Ralenama kapa Maoto a Makgutshwane hape!” +Tsatsing le hlahlamang Noko a fihla hekeng pele ho Mmutla. Ka tlwaelo, ho nkile Noko nako e telele ho fihla teng empa o ne a eme ka pososelo sefahlehong sa hae ha Mmutla a fihla a matha pele letsatsi le nyarela dithaba. +“Dumela, Maoto a Makgutshwane. Na o tiile o ntse o batla ho beisa le nna? O a tseba hore ha o na monyetla le o monyane feela wa ho ntlhola. Na o loketse ho hlolwa? Hopola, ke matha ka lebelo le fetang moya,” ha rialo Mmutla. +Mmutla o ne a hlile a ena le bonnete ba hore o tla hlola hoo a neng a se a nahanne ka mabitso a matjha ao a tlang ho bitsa Noko ka ona kamora lebelo. Sena se ne se tla natefela haholo, +Noko a ipososella feela a kgutsitse. A ema a sa tshoha le ho tshoha a eme moleng wa ho qala. “Ha re etse bonnete ba hore re tseba melawana,” a rialo, “Re tlilo matha ho fihla tlase qetellong ya masimo, mme re kgutlele morao hekeng yona ena, o a utlwa?” +“Ee,” ha rialo Mmutla. Yaba o a hoeletsa, “Re lokile, Re eme hantle ! Ha re ye!” mme a tlolela pele ka lebelo ka potlako e kgolo kamoo a ka kgonang. +Ha a se a atametse tlase qetellong ya tshimo, a iphumana a tsheha a le mong. “Ke a kgolwa Noko o sa ntse a leka ho tloha. Kgele, ruri ke lenwabo la nnete.” +O se o ka inahanela he, kamoo a ileng a makala, ha a bona Noko a bitoha a thabile tlase tshimong mme a hoeletsa a re, “Ke o fihletse pele!” +Mmutla a ema motsotswana feela. Yaba o a thinya o kgutlela morao a matha ka lebelohadi leo a esong ho mathe ka lona le kgale. O ne a sa ke a hemela hodimo ha a matha, empa jwale o ne a se a hemela hodimo a bile a fufuletswe ka nako eo a fihlang hekeng. A hetla a sheba morao. Ho ne ho se na letshwao la hore Noko o a tla. Nakong ena, o ne a ena le bonnete ba hore o hlotse. Hang ha hlaha lentswe le thabileng ka nqane ho heke. “Ke o siile hape, ke fihlile pele ho wena!” Tjhe bo, ha ho kgonahale! Empa he, Noko o ne a le moo, a bososela haholo a mo shebile. +Mmutla o ne a sa kgolwe mahlo a hae. Noko o ne a mo hlotse. Yaba o a thinya mme o kgutlela hae a swabile a qatile mohatla. +Empa Noko o ne a entse jwang hore a hlole Mmutla? Nnete ke hore hohang ha a ka a matha. Mmutla o ile a tloha ka lebelo ho leba tlase qetellong ya tshimo, Noko yena a ipata haufi le heke. Moholwane wa hae o ne a se a ipatile tlase mane qetellong ya tshimo. Eitse ha Mmutla a fihla tlase tshimong, ke moholwane wa Noko ya ileng a hlahella moo yaba o re, “Ke o fihletse pele!” Mmutla o ne a maketse hona hoo a sa kang a elellwa le hore ke noko esele eo a buang le yona. Ha Mmutla a fihla moo lebelo le fellang, a hemela hodimo a fufulwetswe, seo Noko a neng a lokela ho se etsa feela ke ho hlahella ka pele moo a neng a ipatile teng ebe o re, “Ke o siile hape, ke fihlile pele ho wena!” +Mmutla ha a ka a hlola a ithorisa hape – ebile e seng ho Noko. O ile a fetoha motswalle ya lokileng. Ha a ka a hlola a bitsa Noko ka mabitso a mabe hape. Mme ha a ka a qetella a tsebile kapa ho fumana hore Noko o ne a mo hlole jwang lebelong leo. +Eba le boiqapelo! +Ako nahane feela o se o le Noko. Ngolla Mmutla lengolo o mo hlalosetse hore o ile wa mo qhekanyetsa jwang  le hore ke hobaneng.",sot,Sesotho,Mmutla le Noko,"Many years ago there was a hare that could run faster than any other animal on the farm. He was very, very proud that he could run so fast. He could not help reminding the other animals what a fine runner he was. +“I am faster than the ...",,E phetwa hape ke Elaine Ridge,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mmutla-le-noko +phindulo-and-pumpkin,"The sun looked like a small ripe melon in the sky high above Phindulo’s head. He liked to walk through the bush and listen to the birds singing in the trees. But today was different. There was a big noise coming from deep in the bush. It sounded like an argument. +Phindulo followed the noise until he came to a clearing. In the middle of the clearing, he saw Baboon and Monkey shouting at each other. He also saw an E-N-O-R-M-O-U-S pumpkin. Baboon and Monkey stood on either side of the pumpkin. Baboon showed his big teeth and Monkey chattered and shook his head. They both looked very angry. + +“Hello,” said Phindulo. “What’s going on?” +“Phindulo,” said Monkey, “Baboon is being greedy.” +“Oh, please,” said Baboon. “Monkey is being greedy.” +“I saw it first,” said Monkey. He waved his little fist towards the pumpkin. +“Whoa,” said Phindulo. “Stop! I thought you two were friends?” +“Well, uhh mmm,” said Monkey. “Look, we were out walking when I saw this big pumpkin here. We both ran for it and Baboon got to it first. Now he says that it’s his pumpkin.” +“It is my pumpkin!” said Baboon. “I touched it first, so it’s mine.” +“Well, I saw it first. You would have walked right past it if it wasn’t for me!” said Monkey. +“Oh, please,” said Baboon. +“And now what?” asked Phindulo. He sat down on the grass in front of them. After a long time he said, “Gosh! That is a very big pumpkin.” +“We already know that,” said Baboon and Monkey rolling their eyes. +“It reminds me of our apple tree,” said Phindulo. +“Your apple tree?” asked Monkey frowning. “What are you talking about, Phindulo?” +“Well,” said Phindulo, “just last year, the apple tree in our garden grew so many apples that every cupboard and basket in the house was filled with apples. And no matter how many we ate and made into pies, there were still too many for my mama, my tata and me. It’s sort of like this pumpkin.” +“Yes, Phindulo, but what are we going to do about the pumpkin?” asked Monkey. +“I don’t know,” said Phindulo. “But I can tell you what we did with the apples.” +“What?” asked Monkey. +“We had a party,” said Phindulo. +“A party?” asked Baboon. +“That’s right,” said Phindulo. “We had a big party. We invited everyone. There were friends and neighbours, gogos and grandpas, cousins, nieces and nephews. We decorated our little house with streamers and balloons. Mama made her special apple pies and tata squeezed the older apples into delicious, cool apple juice. We played games together and danced. It really was a lot of fun. And everyone ate until they were full and happy.” +“I love parties,” said Monkey. +“Well, why don’t we have a party?” suggested Baboon. +“Good idea,” said Monkey. “We can share the pumpkin and eat it together!” +“That’s wonderful!” said Phindulo, laughing. +Baboon gave Monkey a big hug. +“Will you come to our party?” Monkey asked Phindulo. +“I would love to,” he said. +Baboon and Monkey smiled happily. And the three friends cooked the very big pumpkin. They each made different things to eat. Monkey baked a pie with a golden crust and gooey centre. Baboon made a spicy soup. Phindulo fried up sweet fritters with cinnamon and sugar! +They did not have any streamers or balloons, but they played games and sang songs and ate as much pumpkin as they wanted. +Soon, other animals arrived. Elephant brought sweet marulas and nuts. Giraffe came with bottles of bubbling spring water to wash down the delicious food. Even Warthog was there with delicious sweet potatoes. +Everyone shared their food and drink. They all laughed and sang and ate until the sun hung low in the sky, like a big ripe melon.",eng,English,Phindulo and the pumpkin,The sun looked like a small ripe melon in the sky high above Phindulo’s head. He liked to walk through the bush and listen to the birds singing in the trees. But today was different. There was a big noise coming from deep in the bush. It sounded ...,,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phindulo-and-pumpkin +phindulo-and-pumpkin,"Die son hang soos ’n klein ryp spanspek in die lug hoog bo Phindulo se kop. Hy hou daarvan om deur die bos te stap en te luister hoe die voëls in die bome sing. Maar vandag is anders. Daar klink ’n groot geraas diep uit die bos op. Dit klink soos ’n stryery. +Phindulo volg die geraas tot hy by ’n oopte kom. In die middel van die oopte sien hy vir Bobbejaan en Apie wat op mekaar skree. Hy sien ook ’n E-N-O-R-M-E pampoen. Bobbejaan en Apie staan aan weerskante van die pampoen. Bobbejaan wys sy lang tande en Apie kwetter en skud sy kop. Albei lyk baie kwaad. + +“Hallo,” sê Phindulo. “Wat gaan hier aan?” +“Phindulo,” sê Apie, “Bobbejaan is gulsig.” +“Ag, asseblief,” sê Bobbejaan. “Apie is die een wat gulsig is.” +“Ek het dit eerste gesien,” sê Apie. Hy wuif sy klein vuisie in die rigting van die pampoen. +“Wag,” sê Phindulo. “Stop! Ek het gedink julle twee is vriende?” +“Wel, h’mm-mmm,” sê Apie. “Kyk, ons het deur die bos gestap toe ek hierdie groot pampoen raakgesien het. Ons het albei na die pampoen toe gehardloop en Bobbejaan het eerste daarby gekom. Nou sê hy dis sy pampoen.” +“Dit is my pampoen!” sê Bobbejaan. “Ek het eerste daaraan geraak, so dis myne.” +“Wel, ek het dit eerste gesien. Jy sou by die pampoen verby gestap het as dit nie vir my was nie!” sê Apie. +“Ag, toe nou,” sê Bobbejaan. +“Wat nou?” vra Phindulo. Hy gaan sit op die gras voor hulle. Na ’n lang ruk sê hy: “Goeiste! Maar dit is ’n baie groot pampoen.” +“Ons weet dit al,” sê Bobbejaan en Apie en rol hulle oë. +“Dit laat my aan ons appelboom dink,” sê Phindulo. +“Julle appelboom?” vra Apie. “Waarvan praat jy, Phindulo?” +“Wel,” sê Phindulo, “net verlede jaar het die appelboom in ons tuin so groot geword en so baie appels gedra dat elke kas en mandjie in die huis vol appels was. En maak nie saak hoeveel ons geëet en hoeveel appeltert ons gebak het nie, daar was nog steeds te veel vir my, my mamma en my tata. Dis ’n bietjie soos hierdie pampoen.” +“Ja, Phindulo, maar wat gaan ons omtrent die pampoen doen?” vra Apie. +“Ek weet nie,” sê Phindulo. “Maar ek kan vir julle vertel wat ons met die appels gedoen het.” +“Wat?” vra Apie. +“Ons het ’n partytjie gehou,” sê Phindulo. +“’n Partytjie?” vra Bobbejaan. +“Dis reg,” sê Phindulo. “Ons het ’n groot partytjie gehou. Ons het almal genooi. Daar was vriende en bure, gogo’s en oupas, niggies en neefs. Ons het ons klein huisie met papierlinte en ballonne versier. Mamma het haar spesiale appelterte gemaak en tata het heerlike, koel appelsap van die ouer appels gemaak. Ons het saam speletjies gespeel en gedans. Dit was regtig baie pret. En almal het geëet tot hulle versadig en gelukkig was.” +“Ek hou baie van partytjies,” sê Apie +“Wel, waarom hou ons nie ’n partytjie nie?” stel Bobbejaan voor. +“Goeie idee,” sê Apie. “Ons kan die pampoen deel en dit saam eet!” +“Dis wonderlik!” sê Phindulo en lag. +Bobbejaan gee vir Apie ’n stywe drukkie. +“Sal jy na ons partytjie toe kom?” vra Apie vir Phindulo. +“Ja, beslis,” sê hy. +Bobbejaan en Apie glimlag bly. En die drie vriende kook die enorme pampoen. Hulle maak elkeen ‘n verskillende gereg om te eet. Apie bak ’n tert met ’n goudbruin kors en ’n heerlike pampoenvulsel. Bobbejaan maak ’n pikante pampoensop. Phindulo bak pampoenkoekies met kaneelsuiker! +Hulle het nie papierlinte of ballonne nie, maar hulle speel speletjies en sing liedjies en eet soveel pampoen as wat hulle wil hê. +Sommer gou kom die ander diere ook aan. Olifant bring soet maroelas en neute saam. Kameelperd kom met bottels borrelende fonteinwater om die heerlike kos mee af te sluk. Selfs Vlakvark bring heerlik soetpatats. +Almal deel hulle kos en drinkgoed. Hulle lag en sing almal totdat die son soos ’n groot, ryp spanspek laag in die lug hang.",afr,Afrikaans,Phindulo en die pampoen,The sun looked like a small ripe melon in the sky high above Phindulo’s head. He liked to walk through the bush and listen to the birds singing in the trees. But today was different. There was a big noise coming from deep in the bush. It sounded ...,,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phindulo-en-die-pampoen +phindulo-and-pumpkin,"Ilanga lalikhangeleka njengevatala evuthiweyo esibhakabhakeni esasiphezulu, kude lee kwintloko kaPhindulo. Wayekuthanda ukuhambahamba ehlathini amamele iintaka zicula emithini. Kodwa usuku lwanamhlanje lwalahlukile. Kwakukho ingxolokazi eyayivela phakathi ehlathini. Kwakuvakala ngathi kukho ingxwabangxwaba. +UPhindulo walandlela isandi sengxolo leyo wade wafika kwindawo elibala elingenamithi. Embindini weli bala wabona uMfene esilwa ngamazwi kunye noNkawu. Kananjalo wabona ithanga E-L-I-K-H-U-L-U. UMfene wayemi kwelinye icala lethanga noNkawu emi kwelinye icala. UMfene wayesineke ngamazinyo akhe amakhulu wabe uNkawu yena ekhankquza, enikina intloko. + +“Molweni,” wabulisa uPhindulo. “Kwenzeka ntoni?” +“Phindulo,” watsho uNkawu, “uMfene unyolukile kwaye unomgrunu.” +“Owu, hayi suka ndincedeni,” watsho uMfene. “NguNkawu onyolukileyo.” +“Ndilibone kuqala eli thanga,” watsho uNkawu. Waphakamisela phezulu inqindana lakhe elincinane, ejolise kweli thanga. +“Hanewu,” watsho uPhindulo. “Yimani! Bendicinga ukuba nobabini ningabahlobo?” +“E-e-e-e mmm,” yatsho iNkawu. “Khangela apha, besizihambela kunye njee suka ndabona eli thanga. Sobabini sibaleke saya kulo waze uMfene wafika kuqala. Ngoku uthi lithanga lakhe.” +“Kakade lithanga lam!” watsho uMfene. “Ndilibambe kuqala, ngoko ke lelam.” +“Kodwa ke, ndilibone kuqala. Ubuza kuhamba udlule kulo ukuba bendingalibonanga!” watsho uNkawu. +“Owu, hayi suka ngumoya lowo,” watsho uMfene. +“Ngoku ke niza kuthini?” wabuza uPhindulo. Wahlala phantsi engceni phambi kwabo. Emva kwethuba elide wathi, “Owu Nkosi! Alilikhulu nje neli thanga.” +“Kowu uthetha into esiyaziyo,” kwatsho uMfene noNkawu ngaxeshanye, begungquzisa amehlo abo. +“Lindikhumbuza umthi wethu wama-apile,” watsho uPhindulo. +“Umthi wenu wama-apile? kwabuza uNkawu. “Uthetha ngantoni na, Phindulo?” +“Kaloku,” watsho uPhindulo, “kulo nyaka uphelileyo, umthi wama-apile osesitiyeni sethu wathwala ama-apile amaninzi kangangokuba ikhabhathi nengobozi nganye endlwini zagcwala ngama-apile. Kangangokuba nokuba ayemangaphi esasinokuwatya, okanye senze nangawo neepayi zama-apile, ayemaninzi kakhulu ukuba angangawam, nomama notata kuphela. Ingathi yinto efanayo nje neli thanga.” +“Ewe Phindulo, kodwa siza kwenza njani ngeli thanga?” wabuza uNkawu. +“Andazi,” utshilo uPhindulo. “Kodwa ndinganixelela ukuba senza ntoni thina ngama-apile.” +“Nenza ntoni?” wabuza uNkawu. +“Sazenzela itheko,” watsho uPhindulo. +“Itheko?” wabuza uMfene. +“Ewe kunjalo,” watsho uPhindulo. “Sabanetheko elikhulu. Samema wonke umntu. Kwakukho abahlobo kunye nabamelwane, oomakhulu nootatomkhulu, ookanina nookabawo, nabatshana. Sahombisa indlu yethu ngamaphepha okuhombisa ayimicwana emabala-bala kunye neebhaloni. UMama wenza iipayi zakhe zama-apile ezikhethekileyo waze utata wacudisa wakhama ama-apile amadala wenza ijusi emnandi nebandayo yama-apile. Sadlala imidlalo sonke sadanisa. Kwakumnandi kakhulu. Wonke umntu watya wahlutha kwaye wonke umntu wayonwabile.” +“Ndiyawathanda amatheko,” watsho uNkawu. +“Ke, kutheni singenzi itheko nje?” wacebisa watsho uMfene. +“Licebo elihle elo,” watsho uNkawu. “Singabelana ngeli thanga size silitye sonke!” +“Yinto entle leyo!” watsho uPhindulo, ehleka. +UMfene wamanga ngobubele uNkawu. +“Uza kuza nawe kwitheko lethu?” uNkawu wabuza uPhindulo. +“Ndingakuthanda kakhulu ukuza ethekweni lenu,” watsho uPhindulo. +UMfene noNkawu bancuma ngolonwabo. Saze esi sithathu sabahlobo sapheka eli thanga likhulu kakhulu. Bobathathu beza neentlobo ezingafaniyo zokutya. UNkawu wabhaka ipayi ebugolide ngaphandle nomphakathi onencindi emnandi. UMfene wenza isuphu enongiweyo. UPhindulo waqhotsa ithanga walinonga ngeswekile nesinamoni! +Babengenawo amaphepha akuhombisa ayimicwana kunye neebhaloni, kodwa badlala imidlalo bacula neengoma baze batya nethanga elininzi kangangoko befuna. +Kungekudala, kwafika nezinye izilwanyana. UNdlovu weza neemarula eziswiti namandongomane. UNdlulamthi weza neebhotile zamanzi omthombo ahlwahlwazayo ukwehlisa oko kutya kumnandi. Nditsho noNxagu wayelapho ephethe iibhatata ezimnandi. +Wonke umntu wazinika kangangoko koku kutya neziselo. Bonke babehleka becula baze batya kwade kwatshona ilanga, lehla langathi yivatala evuthiweyo enkulu.",xho,isiXhosa,UPhindulo kunye nethang,The sun looked like a small ripe melon in the sky high above Phindulo’s head. He liked to walk through the bush and listen to the birds singing in the trees. But today was different. There was a big noise coming from deep in the bush. It sounded ...,,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uphindulo-kunye-nethanga +phindulo-and-pumpkin,"Ilanga lalibukeka njengekhabe elincane elivuthiwe ezulwini phezu kwekhanda likaPhindulo. Wayethanda ukuhamba ehlathini nokulalela izinyoni zicula ezihlahleni. Kodwa kwakuwusuku olwehlukile lolu. Kwakunomsindo omkhulu oqhamuka phakathi ehlathini. Wawuzwakala njengowabantu abaphikisanayo. +UPhindulo walandela umsindo waze wafika eshashalazini elivulekile. Phakathi neshashalazi, wabona uMfene noNkawu bethethisana. Wabona nethanga E-L-I-K-H-U-L-U futhi. UMfene noNkawu babemi ngapha nangapha kwethanga. UMfene wayeveze amazinyo akhe amakhulu kanti uNkawu yena wayevulela emlonyeni enikina nekhanda lakhe. Bobabili babebukeka bethukuthele kakhulu. + +“Sanibonani,” kusho uPhindulo. “Kwenzakalani la?” +“Phindulo,” kusho uNkawu, “uMfene ubulawa ukuba igovu.” +“Kahle-ke,” kusho uMfene. “UNkawu oyigovu.” +“Ngilibone kuqala,” kusho uNkawu. Waphakamisa inqinjana yakhe ekhomba ithanga. +��Ake nithule,” kusho uPhindulo. “Yimani! Bengithi nina nobabili ningabangani nje?” +“Empeleni, e e,” kusho uNkawu. “Bheka, besizihambela nje ngesikhathi ngibona leli thanga elikhulu la. Sagijima sobabili siqonde kulo, kwaba uMfene ofika kuqala kulo. Manje uthi yithanga lakhe.” +“Yithanga lami!” kusho uMfene. “Ngilithinte kuqala, ngakho elami.” +“Empeleni, yimina olibone kuqala. Ngabe uledlulile ukuba angilibonanga!” kusho uNkawu. +“Kahle-ke,” kusho uMfene. +“Into ezothiwani kodwa le?” kubuza uPhindulo. Wahlala phansi otshanini phambi kwabo. Emva kwesikhathi eside wathi, “Yehheni we bantu! Laze lalikhulu ithanga.” +“Sesiyakwazi lokho,” kusho uMfene noNkawu begingqa amehlo abo. +“Lingikhumbuza isihlahla sethu samahhabhula,” kusho uPhindulo. +“Isihlahla senu samahhabhula?” kubuza uNkawu. “Usho ukuthini, Phindulo?” +“Empeleni,” kusho uPhindulo, “nyakenye, isihlahla samahhabhula esisegcekeni lakithi sathela kakhulu kangangokuthi kwagcwala amahhabhula kuwo wonke amakhabethe kanye nobhasikidi abakhona endlini. Kanti akuzange kwenze mehluko ukuthi sasidla amangaki, senze amanye abe wuphaya wamahhabhula, aye maningi kakhulu ukuthi angadliwa umama, ubaba kanye nami. Lokhu kufuze indaba yaleli thanga.” +“Yebo, Phindulo, kodwa sizokwenzenjani ngethanga?” kubuza uNkawu. +“Angazi,” kusho uPhindulo. “Kodwa nginganitshela ukuthi sawenzenjani amahhabhula.” +“Ini?” kubuza uNkawu. +“Senza idili,” kusho uPhindulo. +“Idili?” kubuza uMfene. +“Kunjalo,” kusho uPhindulo. “Saba nedili elikhulu. Samema wonke umuntu. Kwakukhona abangani kanye nomakhelwane, ogogo kanye nomkhulu, abazala kanye nabashana. Sahlobisa indlwana yethu ngezinsiza zokuhlobisa kanye namabhelunde. UMama wenza uphaya wakhe wamahhabhula okhethekile kanti ubaba yena wakhama amahhabhula wenza ujuzi wamahhabhula omnandi, obandayo. Sadlala imidlalo ndawonye sadansa futhi. Kwaba mnandi kakhulu. Kanti wonke umuntu wadla waze wasutha futhi wajabula.” +“Ngiyawathanda amadili,” kusho uNkawu. +“Empeleni, yini singabi nedili?” kusho uMfene. +“Umqondo omuhle lowo,” kusho uNkawu. “Singabelana ngethanga bese silidla ndawonye!” +“Nazo-ke!” kusho uPhindulo, ehleka. +UMfene wawola, wasingatha uNkawu kakhulu. +“Ngabe uzoza kodwa edilini lethu?” kubuza uNkawu kuPhindulo. +“Ngingathanda impela,” kusho yena. +UMfene noNkawu bamamatheka ngenjabulo. Kanti-ke abangani abathathu bapheka ithanga elikhulu kakhulu. Lowo nalowo wenza into eyehlukile ezodliwa. UNkawu wabhaka uphaya onoqweqwe olusagolide, othambe kamnandi ngaphakathi. UMfene wenza isobho elinezinongo. UPhindulo wenza amagwinya amnandi anesinamoni noshukela! +Babengenayo imidweshu yokuhlobisa noma amabhelunde, kodwa badlala imidlalo, bacula namaculo, badla nethanga kakhulu ngendlela ababefuna ngayo. +Kusenjalo, kwafika ezinye izilwane. UNdlovu weza namaganu amnandi kanye nezinhlamvu zemithi ezidliwayo. UNdlulanithi weza namabhodlela amanzi esiphethu ahlwahlwazayo ukuze behlise ukudla okumnandi. NoNtibane wayelapho naye imbala nobhatata omnandi. +Yilowo nalowo wabelana nabanye ngokudla neziphuzo. Bonke bahleka, bacula baphinde badla ilanga laze lehla esibhakabhakeni, lanjengekhabe elikhulu elivuthiwe.",zul,isiZulu,UPhindulo nethang,The sun looked like a small ripe melon in the sky high above Phindulo’s head. He liked to walk through the bush and listen to the birds singing in the trees. But today was different. There was a big noise coming from deep in the bush. It sounded ...,,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uphindulo-nethanga +phindulo-and-pumpkin,"Letšatši le be le lebelelega bjalo ka legapu la go butšwa le le nnyane lefaufaung ka godimo ga hlogo ya Phindulo. O be a rata go sepela lešokeng a theeletša dinonyana ge di opela mehlareng. Efela lehono go fapana le matšatši a mangwe. Go be go na le lešata le legolo la go tšwa ka garegare ga lešoka. Le be le kwagala bjalo ka ngangišano. +Phindulo o ile a latelela lešata go fihlela a fihla molaleng. Mo gare ga molala woo, o ile a bona Tšhwene le Kgabo di hlabelane lešata. O bone gape le lephotse le le G-O-L-O-G-O-L-O. Tšhwene le Kgabo di be di eme ka mathoko a lephotse. Tšhwene e ile ya ntšha meno a yona a magolo gomme Kgabo ya lla ya šikinya hlogo. Ka bobedi bja tšona di be di bonala di befetšwe kudu. + +“Dumelang,” a realo Phindulo. “Go direga eng?” +“Phindulo,” a realo Kgabo, “Tšhwene o na le megabaru.” +“Aowa, hle” a realo Tšhwene. “Kgabo o na le megabaru.” +“Le bonwe ke nna pele,” a realo Kgabo. A emišetša letswele le lennyane thoko ga lephotse. +“Batho wee,” a realo Phindulo. “Emang! Ke be ke gopola gore lena ba babedi le bagwera?” +“Eeh, hmmm,” a realo Kgabo. “Bona mo, re be re sepela ge nna ke tla bona lephotse le le legolo fa. Re ile ra le kitimela bobedi bja rena gomme Tšhwene a mphihlela pele go lona. Bjale o re ke lephotse la gagwe.” +“Ke lephotse la ka!” a realo Tšhwene. “Le swerwe ke nna pele, ka fao ke la ka.” +“Eeh, le bonwe ke nna pele. Ge nkabe e se ka nna nkabe o le fetile o se wa le bona!” a realo Kgabo. +“Aowa, hle,” a realo Tšhwene. +“Ke eng bjale?” gwa botšiša Phindulo. O ile a dula godimo ga bjang mo pele ga bona. Ka morago ga nako ye telele o ile a re, “Ijoo! Ke lephotse le legolo kudu.” +“Re a tseba seo,” ba realo Tšhwene le Kgabo ba kgokološa mahlo. +“Le nkgopotša moapole wa rena,” a realo Phindulo. +“Moapole wa lena?” gwa botšiša Kgabo. “Naa o bolela ka eng, Phindulo?” +“Eeh,” a realo Phindulo, “ngwaga wa go feta, moapole wa ka tšhemong ya rena o dirile diapole tše dintši kudu tša tlala dikhapote ka moka le diroto tša ka mo ntlong. Le morago ga ge tše dintši re di jele ebile re dirile le diphae ka tšona, go ile gwa no šala tše dintši tša mma, tate le nna. Di nyakile go swana le lephotse le.” +“Ee, Phindulo, efela re ile go dira eng ka lephotse?” gwa botšiša Kgabo. +“Ga ke tsebe,” a realo Phindulo. “Efela nka go botša gore re dirile eng ka diapole.” +“Le dirile eng?” gwa botšiša Kgabo. +“Re dirile moletlwana,” a realo Phindulo. +“Moletlwana?” gwa botšiša Tšhwene. +“Go bjalo,” a realo Phindulo. “Re dirile moletlwana wo mogolo. Re memile batho ka moka. Go be go tlile bagwera le baagišane, bokoko, borakgolo, batswala, le batlogolo. Re kgabišitše ntlo ya rena ye nnyane ka diripone le dipalune. Mma o dirile diphae tša diapole tša go ikgetha gomme tate a dira matute a apole a go fola a bose ka diapole tša kgale. Re ile ra bapala meraloko mmogo ra ba ra bina. Go bile bose kudu. Batho ba jele la mpana palega gomme ba be ba thabile.” +“Ke rata meletlwana,” a realo Kgabo +“Gona, nkane re sa dire moletlwana?” gwa šišinya Tšhwene. +“Ke kgopolo ye botse yeo,” a realo Kgabo. “Re ka abelana lephotse gomme ra le ja mmogo!” +“Ke gabotse!” a realo Phindulo, a bile a sega. +Tšhwene o ile a gokara Kgabo. +“Naa o tla tla moletlwaneng wa rena?” Kgabo a botšiša Phindulo. +“Ke rata go tla,” a realo. +Tšhwene le Kgabo ba myemyela ka lethabo. Bagwera ba bararo ba ile ba apea lephotse le legolo. Mongwe le mongwe o dirile dijo tšeo di fapanego. Kgabo o pakile phae ka legogo la gauta le tsina. Tšhwene o ile a dira sopo ya go tšhelwa disepaese. Phindulo o ile a gadika dikokisana tša sinamone le swikiri! +Ba be ba se na diripone le dipalune, efela ba bapetše meraloko ba opela le dikoša gomme ba ja lephotse ka mo ba nyakago ka gona. +Gateetee diphoofolo tše dingwe di ile tša fihla. Tlou o ile a tla le marula a bose le dimake. Thutlwa o tlile le meetse a sediba a maphilo gore ba fetiše dijo tša bose. Le kolobesodi o be a le gona a tlile le dipotata tša bose. +Ka moka ba abelane dijo tša bona le dino. Ka moka ba ile ba sega, ba opela, gomme ba ja go fihlela letšatši le batamela go dikela, o kare ke legapu la go butšwa.",nso,Sepedi,Phindulo le lephotse,The sun looked like a small ripe melon in the sky high above Phindulo’s head. He liked to walk through the bush and listen to the birds singing in the trees. But today was different. There was a big noise coming from deep in the bush. It sounded ...,,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phindulo-le-lephotse +phindulo-and-pumpkin,"Letsatsi le ne le shebahala jwaloka lehapu le lenyane le butswitseng hodimo mane marung ka hodima hlooho ya Phindulo. O ne a rata ho tsamaya ka hara moru a mametse dinonyana tse ntseng di bina difateng. Empa kajeno ho ne ho fapane. Ho ne ho ena le lerata le leholo le tswang harehare morung. Le ne le utlwahala eka ke batho ba qwaketsanang ka mantswe. +Phindulo a latela lerata leo ho fihlela a fihla moo ho bulehileng. Bohareng ba sebaka seo, a bona Tshwene le Api di ntse di omana. Hape a bona mokopu o M-O-H-OL-O-H-A-D-I. Tshwene le Api ba ne ba eme ka mahlakoreng a fapaneng a mokopu oo. Tshwene e ntshitse meno a yona a maholo mme Api e ntse e itlatlarietsa e sisinya hlooho ya yona. Bobedi ba tsona di ne di shebahala di halefile haholo. + +“Dumelang,” ha rialo Phindulo. “Ho etsahalang?” +“Phindulo,” ha rialo Api, “Tshwene o meharo.” +“Butle pele,” ha rialo Tshwene. “Api o meharo.” +“Ke o bone pele,” ha rialo Api. A supa mokopu ka monwananyana wa hae o monyane. +“Butleng,” ha rialo Phindulo. “Emang! Ke ne ke nahana hore le metswalle?” +“Hantlentle, ehh mmm,” ha rialo Api. “Bona, re ne re ntse re itsamaela ha ke tla bona mokopu ona o moholo mona. Ka bobedi ba rona re ile ra o mathela mme Tshwene a fihla ho ona pele. Jwale o re ke mokopu wa hae.” +“Ke mokopu wa ka!” ha rialo Tshwene. “Ke o thetsitse pele, kahoo ke wa ka.” +“Tjhe, ke o bone pele. O ka be o o fetile feela hoja ka se ke ka o bona!” ha rialo Api. +“Oho, tloha mona,” ha rialo Tshwene. +“Jwale?” ha botsa Phindulo. A dula fatshe hodima jwang ka pela bona. Ka mora nako e telele a re, “Kgele! Ehlile ke mokopu o moholohadi ono.” +“Re a tseba,” ha rialo Tshwene le Api ba theta mahlo a bona. +“O nkgopotsa sefate sa rona sa diapole,” ha rialo Phindulo. +“Sefate sa lona sa diapole?” ha botsa Api. “O bua ka eng jwale, Phindulo?” +“Jwale,” ha araba Phindulo, “selemong se sa tswa feta, sefate sa diapole se jareteng ya heso se ile sa bea diapole tse ngata hoo dikhabate le diroto tsohle tse ka tlung di ileng tsa tlala diapole. Ho sa kgathallehe hore re ne re eja tse kae mme re etsa diphae ka tse ngata hakae, ho ne ho ntse ho sala tse ngata haholo bakeng sa mme wa ka, ntate wa ka le nna. Ho tshwana hantle feela le mokopu ona.” +“Ee, Phindulo, empa re tla etsang ka mokopu?” ha botsa Api. +“Ha ke tsebe,” ha rialo Phindulo. “Empa nka le bolella seo re ileng ra se etsa ka diapole.” +“Eng?” ha botsa Api. +“Re ile ra etsa moketjana,” Phindulo a araba. +“Moketjana?” ha botsa Tshwene. +“Ehlile,” ha rialo Phindulo. “Re ile ra tshwara moketjana o moholo. Ra mema batho bohle. Ho ne ho ena le metswalle le baahisane, bonkgono le bontatemoholo, bomotswala le batjhana. Re ile ra kgabisa ntlo ya rona e nyane ka malente le dibalunu. Mme o ile a etsa phae ya hae e ikgethang ya apole mme ntate a tlhotla diapole a etsa lero la diapole le monate le phodileng. Re ile ra bapala dipapadi mmoho mme ra tantsha mmoho. Ho ne ho hlile ho le monate haholo. Mme batho bohle ba ile ba ja ho fihlela ba kgora mme ba ne ba thabile.” +“Ke rata meketjana,” ha rialo Api. +“Jwale, hobaneng re sa etse moketjana?” Tshwene a etsa tlhahiso eo. +“Ke kgopolo e ntle eo,” ha rialo Api. “Re ka arolelana mokopu ona mme ra o ja mmoho!” +“Ke hantle haholo!” ha rialo Phindulo, a tsheha. +Tshwene a haka Api haholo. +“Na o ka tla moketjaneng wa rona?” Api a botsa Phindulo. +“Nka thabela hoo,” a araba. +Tshwene le Api ba bososela ke thabo. Mme metswalle ena e meraro ya pheha mokopu oo o moholohadi. Ba etsa dintho tse fapaneng tse ka jewang. Api a baka phae e nang le lehoho le mmala wa kgauta le bohare bo bonolo. Tshwene a pheha sopho e dinoko. Phindulo a hadika diforithase tse nang le sinamone le tswekere! +Ba ne ba se na malente kapa dibalunu, empa ba bapala dipapadi mme ba bina dipina, yaba ba ja mokopu o mongata kamoo ba ratang. +Hang diphoofolo tse ding tsa fihla. Tlou a tla le dimarula le matokomane a monate. Thuhlo a tla le dibotlolo tsa metsi a tshikgunyang a sediba ho theosetsa dijo tse monate. Esitana le Kolobemoru o ne a le teng ka dipotata. +Bohle ba fana dijo le dino tsa bona. Ba tsheha, ba bina le ho ja mmoho ho fihlela letsatsi le dikela kamora dithaba, jwaloka lehapu le leholo le butswitseng.",sot,Sesotho,Phindulo le mokopu,The sun looked like a small ripe melon in the sky high above Phindulo’s head. He liked to walk through the bush and listen to the birds singing in the trees. But today was different. There was a big noise coming from deep in the bush. It sounded ...,,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phindulo-le-mokopu +promise-promise,"Storks are those birds with the long orange legs and long orange beaks who fly from North to South and back again. Now, a very long time ago, storks were the noisiest birds in the whole world. +They used to talk all the time. By the time they reached Africa on their flight South, each of them was talking about a different thing, all of them were talking at the same time, and not a single one of them had anything interesting to say. +If one stork said, “Fish! I love to fish.” +Another would say, “I love to fish in water. Water is so wet.” +And another would say, “Wet? I hate getting wet.” +And so it went on and on … “You’re never dry if you’re wet.” +“Wet? Can you fly if you are wet?” +“Fly? Why, you just have to flap your wings and you can fly!” + +And it was those last few words that the ostrich heard. He did not like the storks’ chattering, but he forgot about the noise because the one thing he really wanted to do was fly. +So off he went to practise. For days he tried. He ran this way and that. He flapped his wings, but he never lifted off the ground. +“That’s it,” he said. “Not only do those storks talk too much, they talk nonsense. They need to be punished.” +“We can’t stand it either,” complained the other animals. “Let’s go see the wise lizard.” So off they went to the river. +“You want silence?” asked the lizard. “Easy! Just say these words tonight at midnight and you will have silence.” Then he whispered the magic words. “But,” he said, “remember one thing. At midnight on the third day the spell will end. After that you have to come up with your own plan.” +At midnight the animals gathered together. They whispered the magic words and waited for morning. +The next day they were amazed. There was not a sound from the storks and their beaks were shut tightly. At last the animals could hear each other. They were able to talk to each other without having to shout. +The ostrich was delighted, and so he tried again. He ran about. He flapped his wings and practised to fly in peace and quiet, but he never left the ground. Eventually he went back to the storks. There they sat, huddled together with their feathers fluffed and their beaks shut. +“Oh dear,” said the ostrich, “they look so miserable and hungry. They may be irritating, but they have to eat. I wish they could eat without all the talking.” +At midday the animals had a meeting. They knew that they had only until midnight to come up with a plan. +“If the storks open their beaks now, they’ll talk even more,” said the tortoise. +“We have to think of a way to keep those beaks shut,” mumbled the hippo. +“But they have to eat,” said the ostrich … and then he had a brilliant idea. +Just before midnight the animals gathered around the storks. “Do you want to end the spell that keeps your beaks from opening?” they asked. The storks nodded eagerly. +“Well, we can arrange that,” said the ostrich, “but first, you have to make a promise, and a promise is something that can NEVER be broken.” Even the storks knew that. One by one they nodded and agreed to promise whatever the ostrich asked.  +The midnight owl hooted. The storks were ready to open their beaks and chatter in excitement when the ostrich stood straight. “Now,” he said, “remember your promise.” The storks nodded again. “You will each promise NEVER EVER to speak another word.” +The storks’ beaks dropped open in shock, but they had just made a promise. And, of course, they had to do what they had promised. +From that day on storks have been silent. You will still see them clacking their beaks together pretending to make a noise, but a promise is a promise and they have not broken their promise yet. +You will also still see the ostrich running at full speed, flapping his wings trying to fly. But, to this day he has never been able to. And because of their promise not to speak, the storks cannot tell him that ostriches do not fly.",eng,English,A promise is a promise,"Storks are those birds with the long orange legs and long orange beaks who fly from North to South and back again. Now, a very long time ago, storks were the noisiest birds in the whole world. +They used to talk all the time. By the time they ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/promise-promise +promise-promise,"Ooievaars is daardie voëls met die lang oranje bene en lang oranje snawels wat van die Noorde na die Suide vlieg, en weer terug. En baie lank gelede was ooievaars die lawaaierigste voëls in die hele wêreld. +Hulle het aanmekaar gepraat. Teen die tyd dat hulle Afrika bereik het op hulle reis na die Suide, het elkeen van hulle oor iets anders gepraat, en almal het gelyk gepraat, en nie een enkele een van hulle het iets interessants gehad om te sê nie. +As een ooievaar sê: “Vis! Ek is dol oor vis.” +Sê ’n ander ooievaar: “Ek hou daarvan om in die water vis te vang. Water is so nat.” +En dan sê ’n ander een: “Nat? Ek haat dit om nat te word.” +En so gaan dit aan en aan … “Jy is nooit droog as jy nat is nie.” +“Nat? Kan jy vlieg as jy nat is?” +“Vlieg? Wel, jy moet net jou vlerke klap en dan vlieg jy!” + +En dis hierdie laaste paar woorde wat die volstruis hoor. Hy hou nie van die ooievaars se gekwetter nie, maar hy vergeet van die lawaai, want die een ding wat hy regtig wil doen, is om te vlieg. +Hy besluit daarom om te gaan oefen. Hy oefen dae lank. Hy hardloop heen en weer. Hy klap sy vlerke, maar hy kom nie van die grond af nie. +“Genoeg is genoeg,” sê hy. “Daardie ooievaars praat nie net te veel nie, hulle praat ook twak. Hulle moet gestraf word.” +“Ons kan dit ook nie verduur nie,” kla die ander diere. “Kom ons gaan na die wyse akkedis toe.” En hulle kies koers rivier toe. +“Julle wil stilte hê?” vra die akkedis. “Dis maklik! Sê net vannag om middernag die volgende woorde en julle sal stilte hê.” Toe fluister hy die toorwoorde. “Maar,” sê hy, “onthou een ding. Om middernag op die derde dag sal die towerspel eindig. Daarna sal julle jul eie plan moet maak.” +Om middernag kom al die diere bymekaar. Hulle fluister die toorwoorde en wag dat dit lig word. +Die volgende dag is hulle verstom. Daar kom nie ’n geluid uit die ooievaars nie, en hulle snawels bly bot-toe. Uiteindelik kan die diere mekaar hoor. Hulle kan met mekaar praat sonder dat hulle hoef te skree. +Die volstruis is verheug, en hy probeer weer vlieg. Hy hardloop rond. Hy klap sy vlerke en oefen in rus en vrede om te vlieg, maar hy kom nooit van die grond af nie. Uiteindelik gaan hy terug na die ooievaars toe. Daar sit hulle, almal op ’n hoop, met hulle vere opgepof en hulle snawels toe. +“Goeiste,” sê die volstruis, “hulle lyk so ellendig en honger. Hulle is dalk irriterend, maar hulle moet darem eet. Ek wens hulle kon eet sonder om so baie te praat.” +Dié middag kom die diere bymekaar. Hulle weet hulle het net tot middernag om ’n plan te beraam. +“As die ooievaars nou hulle snawels oopmaak, sal hulle net nog meer praat,” sê die skilpad. +“Ons moet aan ’n manier dink om hulle snawels toe te hou,” mompel die seekoei. +“Maar hulle moet eet,” sê die volstruis … en toe kry hy ’n blink plan. +Net voor middernag drom al die diere om die ooievaars saam. “Wil julle hê die towerspel wat julle snawels toe hou, moet eindig?” vra hulle. Die ooievaars knik gretig. +“Wel, ons kan dit reël,” sê die volstruis, “maar eers moet julle ’n belofte maak, en ’n belofte is iets wat NOOIT verbreek mag word nie.” Selfs die ooievaars weet dit. Een vir een knik hulle en stem in om te beloof wat die volstruis hulle ook al vra. +Die middernag-uil hoe-hoe. Die ooievaars is reg om hulle snawels oop te maak en te begin babbel, toe die volstruis homself uitrek. “Nou,” sê hy, “onthou julle belofte.” Die ooievaars knik weer. “Julle sal elkeen belowe om NOOIT OOIT weer ’n enkele woord te sê nie.” +Die ooievaars se snawels val oop van skok, maar hulle het so pas ’n belofte gemaak. En natuurlik moet hulle doen wat hulle beloof het. +Van daardie dag af maak ooievaars geen geluid nie. Jy sal nog sien dat hulle hul snawels op mekaar klap en maak of hulle ’n lawaai maak, maar ’n belofte is ’n belofte en hulle het nog nie hulle belofte verbreek nie. +Jy sal ook sien dat die volstruis steeds volspoed hardloop, sy vlerke klap en probeer vlieg. Maar tot vandag toe kan hy nog nie vlieg nie. En omdat die ooievaars belowe het om nie te praat nie, kan hulle hom nie vertel dat volstruise nie kan vlieg nie.",afr,Afrikaans,’n Belofte is ’n belofte,"Storks are those birds with the long orange legs and long orange beaks who fly from North to South and back again. Now, a very long time ago, storks were the noisiest birds in the whole world. +They used to talk all the time. By the time they ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/’n-belofte-’n-belofte +promise-promise,"Iingwamza ziintaka ezinemilenze emide e-orenji kunye nemilomo emide e-orenji, nezibhabha ukusuka eMantla ziye emaZantsi zize ziphinde zibhabhe zibuyele emva. Nantsi into ke, kudala-dala iingwamza yayizezona ntaka zingxola kakhulu kwihlabathi xa lilonke. +Zazisoloko zithetha ngalo lonke ixesha. Ngexesha ezifika ngalo e-Afrika kolo hambo lwazo luya emaZantsi, intaka nganye kuzo yayithetha ngento eyohlukileyo, zonke zazithetha ngaxeshanye, kwaye kwakungekho nanye kuzo eyayithetha into enomdla. +Ukuba enye ingwamza ithi, “Intlanzi! Ndiyayithanda intlanzi.” +Enye iza kuthi, “Ndiyakuthanda ukuloba iintlanzi emanzini. Amanzi ayamanzisa.” +Enye ke ithi, “Ubumanzi? Andikuthandi tu ukuba manzi.” +Iya kuqhubeka njalo ke loo botyo ingenanquma, kuthiwe … “Awusoze wome xa ukhe wamanzi.” +“Umanzi? Ungakwazi khona ukubhabha xa umanzi?” +“Ukubhabha? Kutheni, ungaqhwaqhwazelisi amaphiko akho nje ubhabhe!” + +Ngawo kanye loo mazwi okugqibela awaviwa yinciniba. Yayingakuthandi ukuncokola +kweengwamza, kodwa yalibala ngengxolo yazo kuba eyona nto yayinqwenela kakhulu ukuyenza yayikukubhabha. +Nantso ke isimka ukuya kuziqhelisa. Kwaqengqeleka iintsuku ezininzi izama. +Yayibaleka iye ngapha ibuye iye ngaphaya. Yaqhwaqhwazelisa loo maphiko ayo, kodwa ayizange ikwazi ukuntinga isuke emhlabeni. +“Hayi ke,” yatsho. “Ezaa ngwamza azithethi kakhulu nje kuphela, zithetha ubuvuvu bodwa. Zifuna ukohlwaywa.” +“Nathi asikwazi ukuyinyamezela ingxolo yazo,” kukhalaza nezinye izilwanyana. “Masihambe siye kubona icikilishe elinobulumko, sicele icebo.” Zahamba ke +zaya emlanjeni. +“Nifuna inzolo?” labuza icikilishe. “Kulula oko! Thethani nje la mazwi ezinzulwini zobusuku ngokuhlwanje, niza kuyifumana inzolo.” Emva koko lasebeza amazwi omlingo. “Kodwa,” litshilo, “nize nikhumbule into enye. Ezinzulwini zobusuku, ngosuku lwesithathu umlingo uza kuphela ungasebenzi. Emva koko kuza kufuneka nize nelenu icebo. +Ezinzulwini zobusuku izilwanyana zaqokelelana. Zasebeza amazwi omlingo zaze zalinda kwayintsasa elandelayo. +Ngosuku olulandelayo zazimangalisiwe. Kwakungekho nesinye isandi esiphuma kwiingwamza kwaye imilomo yazo yayivaleke vingci. Ekugqibeleni ezinye izilwanyana zazikwazi ukuva esinye xa sithetha. Zazikwazi ukuthetha esinye nesinye ngaphandle kokukhwazana. +Inciniba yayivuya kakhulu, yaze yaphinda yaziqhelisa ukubhabha kwakhona. Yabaleka isiya ngapha nangapha. Yayiqhwaqhwazelisa iimpiko zayo kwaye iziqhelisa ukubhabha kwindawo ezolileyo, kodwa zange intingele phezulu, iwushiye umhlaba. Ekugqibeleni yabuyela kwiingwamza. Nazo zihleli phaya, ziqundene ngeentloko, iimpiko zazo zikhukhumele, ziquthe imilomo yazo, ivalekile vingci. +“Owu nkosi yam,” yatsho inciniba, “zikhangeleka zingonwabanga kwaye zilambile. Zingade zibe ziyadika, kodwa noko kufuneka zityile. Ndinqwenela ukuba zingavele zitye nje, ngaphandle kokuthetha.” +Emini emaqanda izilwanyana zabamba intlanganiso. Zazisazi ukuba ezinzulwini zobusuku kufuneka zibe sele zize necebo. +“Ukuba iingwamza zithe zayivula imilomo yazo ngoku, ziza kuthetha nangaphezulu.” latsho ufudo. +“Kufuneka sicinge indlela yokuyigcina ivalekile laa milomo yazo,” imbombozele yatsho imvubu. +“Kodwa kufuneka zityile,” yatsho inciniba … yaze yeza nelona lakhe lakrelekrele icebo. +Kanye phambi kokuba kubethe eyeshumi elinambini ezinzulwini zobusuku, izilwanyana zaqokelelana zahlangana zingqonge iingwamza. “Ingaba niyafuna uphele umlingo onivale imilomo?” kubuza izilwanyana. Iingwamza zanqwala ngothakazelelo. +“Kulungile ke, singakulungisa oko,” yatsho inciniba, “kodwa kuqala, kufuneka nenze isithembiso, kwaye isithembiso sisivumelwano ESINGENAKUNGAFEZEKISWA.” Nditsho nazo iingwamza zaziyazi loo nto. Nganye, nganye zanqwala zivuma ukuba ziyathembisa ukwenza nantoni na inciniba eziyalela ukuba ziyenze. +Isikhova sakhala. Iingwamza zazisele zilungele ukuvula imilomo yazo zincokole ngochulumanco ukuma nkqo kwenciniba isithi “Ngoku ke,” yatsho, “khumbulani isithembiso senu.” Iingwamza zanqwala kwakhona. “Ingwamza nganye iza kuthembisa ukuba AYISOZE KWAKHONA iphinde ithethe nelinye ilizwi.” +Iingwamza zathi nkebe imilomo kukumangaliswa, kuba zazisandul’ ukwenza eso sithembiso. Kwaye ke kwakunyanzelekile zisigcine isithembiso eso. +Ukususela ngaloo mini iingwamza zathula okokoko. Ungazibona zinqwakuzelisa imilomo +yazo zisenza ngathi zenza ingxolo, kodwa isithembiso sisithembiso kwaye zisasigcinile. +Kananjalo uya kuyibona nenciniba ibaleka ngesantya esiphezulu kakhulu, iqhwaqhwazelisa +iimpiko zayo izama ukubhabha. Kodwa, kude kube namhlanje ayikakwazi ukubhabha. Kwaye, ngenxa yesithembiso iingwamza ezasenzayo sokungaphindi zithethe, azikwazi kuyixelela ukuba iinciniba ezi umthetho wazo azikwazi kubhabha.",xho,isiXhosa,Isithembiso sisithembiso,"Storks are those birds with the long orange legs and long orange beaks who fly from North to South and back again. Now, a very long time ago, storks were the noisiest birds in the whole world. +They used to talk all the time. By the time they ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isithembiso-sisithembiso +promise-promise,"ONogolantethe yizinyoni ezinemilenze emide enombala osawolintshi kanye nemilomo emide, ezindiza zisuka eNyakatho ziye eNingizimu ziphinde zibuyele emuva futhi. Manje-ke, endulo onogolantethe babeyizinyoni ezinomsindo kunazo zonke emhlabeni jikelele. +Zazihlale zikhuluma nje. Lapho sezifika e-Afrika ekundizeleni kwazo eNingizimu, yileyo naleyo kuzo yayikhuluma ngento eyahlukile, zonke zazikhuluma kanyekanye, kodwa kwakungekho neyodwa kuzona eyayinento ehlaba umxhwele eyayingayikhuluma. +Uma unogolantethe owodwa uthe,”Inhlanzi! Ngiyakuthanda ukudoba.” +Omunye wawuthi, “Ngiyakuthanda ukudoba emanzini. Amanzi ayamanzisa.” +Omunye wawuthi, “Ukuba manzi? Ngiyakuzonda ukuba manzi.” +Kwakuqhubeka kanjalo-ke … “Angeke wome uma umanzi.” +“Umanzi? Ngabe ungandiza uma umanzi?” +“Ukundiza? Ngani? Kumele ubhule amaphiko akho nje bese ukwazi ukundiza!” + +Kanti kwakuyilawo mazwi ambalwa okugcina eyawezwa intshe. Ayizange ikuthande +ukubanga umsindo konogolantethe ngoba yona into eyayifuna ukuyenza ngempela kwakuwukundiza. +Ngakho yasuka yayozama. Yazama izinsuku eziningi. Yagijima iya ngapha nangapha. Yabhula amaphiko ayo, kodwa ayizange ikwazi ukusuka phansi. +“Ngehlukile mina,” kusho yona. “Akuyikhona kuphela nje ukuthi labo nogolantethe bakhuluma kakhulu, bakhuluma nombhedo futhi. Badinga ukujeziswa.” +“Nathi futhi asikwazi ukumelana nalokhu,” kukhononda ezinye izilwane. “Ake siyobona isibankwa esikhaliphile.” Ngakho baya emfuleni. +“Nifuna kube nokuthula?” kubuza isibankwa. “Kulula! Velani nisho la mazwi, phakathi kwamabili, nizobe seniba nokuthula.” Sase sihlebeza amazwi anomlingo. “Kodwa,” kusho sona, “nikhumbule into eyodwa. Phakathi kwamabili ngosuku lwesithathu uzophela umlingo. Emva kwalokho kuzomele niqhamuke neqhinga lenu.” +Phakathi kwamabili kwahlangana zonke izilwane ndawonye. Zahlebeza amazwi anomlingo zase zilindela ukuthi kuse. +Ngosuku olulandelayo zamangala. Babethule du onogolantethe kanti nemilomo yabo yayivaleke ngci. Ekugcineni izilwane zase zikwazi ukuzwana. Zazikwazi nokuxoxa ngaphandle kokumemeza. +Intshe yayijabule kakhulu, ngakho yazama futhi. Yagijima yehla yenyuka. Yabhula amaphiko ayo yase izijwayeza ukundiza iyodwana nangokuthula, kodwa ayizange isuke phansi. Ekugcineni yabuyela emuva konogolantethe. Babehleli laphaya, beqoqene ndawonye, izimpaphe zabo zimahliphihliphi nemilomo yabo ivaleke ngci. +“Awu bantu,” kusho intshe, “babukeka bedangele kakhulu futhi belambile. Yebo bona bayacasula, kodwa kumele badle nabo. Ngifisa sengathi bangadla, kodwa bayeke ukuxoxa kangaka.” +Emini izilwane zaba nomhlangano. Zazazi ukuthi kwakumele ziqhamuke nelinye iqhinga kungakabi phakathi kwamabili. +“Uma onogolantethe bengavula imilomo yabo manje, bazokhuluma kakhulu ngokwedlulele,” kusho ufudu. +“Kumele sicabange indlela yokugcina imilomo yabo ingathi vu,” kukhononda imvubu. +“Kodwa kumele badle,” kusho intshe … yase iba necebo elihle kakhulu. +Ngaphambi nje kwaphakathi kwamabili izilwane zangunga onogolantethe. “Ngabe niyafuna ukuqeda ukusebenza komlingo owenza ukuthi imilomo yenu ingavuleki?” kubuza zona. Onogolantethe banqekuzisa amakhanda ngomdlandla. +“Empeleni, singakulungisa lokho,” kusho intshe, “kodwa ngaphambi kwalokho kumele nenze isethembiso, phela isethembiso siyinto engenakwephulwa NANINI.” Nonogolantethe babekwazi lokho. Banqekuzisa amakhanda ngamunye ngamunye, bavuma ukugcina +isethembiso noma ngabe yayicelani kubo intshe. +Sakhala isikhova phakathi kwamabili. Onogolantethe base belindele ukuvula imilomo yabo bese bexoxa ngesasasa ngesikhathi intshe ima, iqonda ithi thwi. “Manje-ke,” kusho yona, “nikhumbule isethembiso senu.” Onogolantethe banqekuzisa amakhanda futhi. “Kumele nethembise ngamunye ngamunye ukuthi ANGEKE NIPHINDE NANINI nithi vu futhi.” +Imilomo yonogolantethe yavuleka ngenxa yokwethuka, kodwa babesanda kwenza isethembiso nje. Kanti, vele kwakumele benze lokho ababekuthembisile. +Onogolantethe bathula kusukela ngalolo suku. Namanje usababona beshayisa imilomo yabo benza sengathi babanga umsindo, kodwa isethembiso asiguquki, nabo-ke abakasephuli leso sethembiso. +Namanje usayibona nentshe igijima ngesivinini esiphezulu, ibhula amaphiko ayo izama ukundiza, kodwa, ayikakwazi kuze kube namhlanje. Kanti ngenxa yokuthi bethembisa ukungakhulumi, onogolantethe abakwazi ukuyitshela intshe ukuthi izintshe azindizi.",zul,isiZulu,Isethembiso asiguquk,"Storks are those birds with the long orange legs and long orange beaks who fly from North to South and back again. Now, a very long time ago, storks were the noisiest birds in the whole world. +They used to talk all the time. By the time they ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isethembiso-asiguquki +promise-promise,"Maakabosane ke dinonyana tša maoto a matelele a mmala wa namune le melomo e metelele ya mmala wa namune tša go fofa go tšwa Lebowa go ya Borwa di be di fofele morago gape. Bjale, kgale kgale, maakabosane e be e le dinonyana tša go dira lešata le lentši lefaseng ka bophara. +Ka dinako tšohle a be a dula a bolela. Ge a fofela Borwa a rile go fihla Afrika, le lengwe le le lengwe la bolela ka selo se fapanego, ebile ka moka ga ona a be a bolela ka nako e tee, ga go na le leakabosane le le tee leo le bego le bolela taba ya go kgahliša. +Ge leakabosane le tee le rile, “Hlapi! Ke rata go thea dihlapi.” +Le lengwe le tla re, ” Ke rata go thea dihlapi ka meetseng. Meetse a thapile kudu.” +Gomme le lengwe le tla re, “Thapa? Ke hloile go thapa.” +A tšwela pele bjalo … “Ge o thapile ga o ome le gatee.” +“Thapa? Naa o ka kgona go fofa ge o thapile?” +“Fofa? Ka lebaka la eng, o no phaphasetša maphego a gago gomme o tla kgona go fofa!” + +Gomme ke ona mantšu a mafelelo ao a kwelego ke mpšhe. E be e sa rate go balabala ga maakabosane, efela e ile ya lebala ka ga lešata ka gobane selo se tee seo e bego e se nyaka ke go fofa. +Ka fao e ile ya ya go itlwaetša. E feditše matšatši e leka go fofa. E ile ya kitimela kua le kua. Ya phaphasetša maphego, efela ga se nke ya kgona go fofa. +“Go fedile,” ya realo. “Ga se fela gore maakabosane a a bolela kudu, se sengwe ke gore a bolela lefeela. A swanetše go otlwa.” +“Le rena re ka se a kgotlelele,” gwa belaela diphoofolo tše dingwe. “Areyeng go bona mokgaditswana wa bohlale.” Di ile tša ya nokeng. +“Le nyaka setu?” gwa botšiša mokgaditswana. “Go bonolo! Lehono gare ga bošego le bolele mantšu a gomme go tla re tuu.” A hebeheba mantšu a maleatlana. “Efela,” a realo, “le gopole selo se tee. Gare ga bošego bja letšatši la boraro maleatlana a tla fela. Morago ga gore a fele le tla swanela go tla ka leano la lena.” +Diphoofolo di ile tša kgobokana bošegogare. Di ile tša hebaheba mantšu a maleatlana gomme tša emela bo esa. +Di ile tša makala ka letšatši la go latela. Go be go se na lešata la maakabosane ka ge a be a tswaletše melomo ya ona. Mafelelong diphoofolo di ile tša kgona go kwana ge di bolela. Di ile tša kgona go boledišana gabotse ntle le go goeletša. +Mpšhe e be e thabile, gomme ya leka gape go fofa. E ile ya kitima. E ile ya phaphasetša maphego ya itlwaetša go fofa ka khutšo go se na lešata, efela ga se ya kgona go fofa. Mafelelong e boetše go maakabosane. A dutše fase, a kgobokane ka mafofa a ona a boleta gomme a tswaletše melomo. +“Ijoo,” ya realo mpšhe, “a bonala a le mahlomoleng ebile a swerwe ke tlala. A ka no ba tshwenya efela a swanetše goja. O ka re a ka ja ntle le go dira lešata.” +Diphoofolo di ile tša ba le kopano mosegareng wa sekgalela. Di be di tseba gore di swanetše go hwetša leano pele ga bošegogare. +“Ge maakabosane a ka bula melomo ya ona gona bjale, a tla bolela go feta peleng,” ya realo khudu. +“Re swanetše go hwetša tsela ya go a tswalela melomo,” gwa ngunanguna kubu. +“Efela a swanetše goja,” ya realo mpšhe … ya ba le kgopolo ye bohlale. +E rile ge go batamela bošegogare diphoofolo tša kgobokana go dikologa maakabosane. “Naa le rata go fetšiša maleatlana a go dira gore melomo ya lena e se bulege?” tša botšiša. Maakabosane a dumela ka dihlogo ka phišagalelo. +“Go lokile, re ka beakanya seo,” mpšhe ya realo, “efela sa mathomo, le swanetše go dira tshephišo, gomme tshephišo ke selo seo se KA SE TSOGEGO se tshetšwe.” Le maakabosane a be a tseba seo. Ka o tee ka o tee a dumela a ba a dumela go tshephiša tšeo di kgopetšwego ke mpšhe. +Leribiši la bošegogare le ile la lla. Maakabosane a be a itokišitše go bula melomo a be a balabala ka lethabo ge mpšhe e ema thwii. “Bjale,” a realo, “gopolang tshephišo ya lena.” Maakabosane a dumela ka dihlogo. “Yo mongwe le yo mongwe wa lena o tla tshephiša gore A KA SE TSOGE a boletše lentšu le lengwe gape.” +Melomo ya maakabosane ya bulega ka letšhogo, efela a sa tšwa go fetša go dira tshephišo. Ke nnete, a swanetše go dira seo a se tshephišitšego. +E sa le go tloga letšatši leo maakabosane a sa homotše. Le gabjale o tla a bona a bethantšha melomo a itira e ke a dira lešata, efela tshephišo ke tshephišo gomme ga sešo a tshela tshephišo ya ona le gabjale. +O tla tšwela pele go bona mpšhe e kitima ka lebelo le legolo, e phapasetša maphego e leka go fofa. Efela, le lehono ga e kgone go fofa. Ka lebaka la tshephišo ya ona ya gore a ka se bolele, maakabosane a ka se kgone go e botša gore dimpšhe ga di fofe.",nso,Sepedi,Tshephišo ke tshephišo,"Storks are those birds with the long orange legs and long orange beaks who fly from North to South and back again. Now, a very long time ago, storks were the noisiest birds in the whole world. +They used to talk all the time. By the time they ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tshephišo-ke-tshephišo +promise-promise,"Mekotatsie ke dinonyana tse nang le menoto e melelele e mmala wa lamunu le melomo e melelele e mmala wa lamunu tse fofang ho tloha Leboya ho ya Borwa mme di kgutlele morao hape. Jwale, mehleng ya kgalekgale, mekotatsie e ne e le dinonyana tse lerata ka ho fetisisa lefatsheng lohle. +Di ne di rata ho dula di bua ka dinako tsohle. Ka nako eo di fihlang Afrika ha di fofela Borwa, e nngwe le e nngwe ya tsona e ne e bua ka ntho e fapaneng, kaofela ha tsona di ne di bua ka nako e le nngwe, mme ha ho le e le nngwe e neng e bua ntho e nang +le kelello. +Ha Mokotatsie o le mong o ne o ka re, “Tlhapi! Ke rata tlhapi.” +E nngwe e ne e tla re, “Ke rata ho tshwasa ka metsing. Metsi a metsi haholo.” +Mme e nngwe e be e re, “Metsi? Ke hloile ho ba metsi.” +Ebe di tswela pele jwalojwalo … “Ha o a oma hohang ha o le metsi.” +“Metsi? Na o ka fofa ha o le metsi?” +“Fofa? Hobaneng, o ka nna wa otlanya mapheo a hao feela ebe o kgona ho fofa!” + +Mme ke mantswe ao a ho qetela ao mpshe e ileng ya a utlwa. O ne a sa rate ha mekotatsie e ntse e pepeta, empa a lebala ka lerata hobane ntho e le nngwe feela eo a neng a batla ho e +etsa ke ho fofa. +Yaba he o a tsamaya o ya ho ikwetlisa. A leka ka matsatsi a mangata. A matha a leba kwana le kwana. A otlanya mapheo a hae, empa ha a ka a kgona le ho tloha fatshe. “O a bona he,” a rialo. “Mekotatsie yane ha e bue haholo feela, ebile e bua ditsiebadimo. E hloka ho fuwa kotlo.” +“Le rona e a re tena,” ha tletleba diphoofolo tse ding. “Ha re yeng ho mokgodutswane o bohlale.” Yaba ba tsamaya ho ya nokeng. +“Le batla kgutso?” ha botsa mokgodutswane. “Ho bonolo! Le lokela ho bua mantswe ana feela kajeno hara mpa ya bosiu mme ho tla ba le kgutso,” Mme yaba o hweshetsa mantswe a etsang mehlolo. “Empa” a rialo, “le hopole ntho e le nngwe. Hara mpa ya bosiu ba letsatsi la boraro mantswe ao a tla fellwa ke matla. Kamora moo le tla lokela ho tla ka leano la lona.” +Ka kgitla bosiu bo boholo diphoofolo tsa bokana mmoho. Tsa hweshetsa mantswe a mohlolo mme tsa emela hore bosiu bo se. +Letsatsing le hlahlamang di ne di maketse. Ho ne ho se na le ha e le modumo feela o tswang ho mekotatsie mme melomo ya yona e ne e kwalehile ka thata. Diphoofolo jwale di ne di se di kgona ho utlwana. Di ne di kgona ho buisana ntle le hore di hoeletse. +Mpshe e ne e thabile haholo, kahoo ya leka hape. A matha ho ya kwana le kwana. A phukalatsa mapheo a hae a ikwetlisetsa ho fofa ka kgotso le kgutso, empa o ne a hloleha le ho tloha fatshe feela. Qetellong a kgutlela ho mekotatsie. E ne e dutse mane, e bokane +mmoho ka mapheo a yona a kwahetseng melomo ya yona. +“Ao bathong,” ha rialo mpshe, “e shebeha e hloname ebile e lapile. Leha mekotatsie e tena hakana, empa e lokela ho ja. Ke lakatsa eka feela e ne e ka kgona ho ja ntle le hore e bue haholo.” +Hara mpa ya motsheare diphoofolo tsa tshwara kopano. Di ne di tseba hore di na le ho fihlela hara mpa ya bosiu feela ho tla ka leano le leng. +“Ha mekotatsie e ka bula melomo ya yona hona jwale, e ka bua le ho feta,” ha rialo kgudu. +“Re lokela ho nahana ka tsela e nngwe ya ho etsa hore melomo ya yona e dule e kwetswe,” ha honotha kubu. +“Empa e lokela ho ja,” ha rialo Mpshe … mme a ba le mohopolo o motle. +Yare pele ho kgitla diphoofolo tsa bokana di potile mekotatsie. “Na le batla ho qeta boloi bo entseng hore melomo ya lona e se ke ya buleha?” tsa botsa. Mekotatsie ya oma ka dihlooho e thabetse ditaba tsena. +“Jwale, re ka lokisa hoo,” ha rialo mpshe, “empa pele, le lokela ho tshepisa, mme tshepiso ke ntho e sa lokelang ho rojwa LE KGALE.” Le mekotatsie e ne e tseba taba eno. Ya nna ya oma ka dihlooho ka bonngwe e dumela ho tshepisa eng kapa eng eo mpshe a e kopang. +Sephoko sa bosiu sa lla. Mekotatsie e ne e loketse ho bula melomo ya yona mme e bue ka nyakallo ha mpshe a ema a tsepame. “Jwale,” a rialo, “le hopole tshepiso ya lona,” Mekotatsie ya dumela ka dihlooho hape. “E mong le e mong wa lona o tla tshepisa ho SE HLOLE a bua le ha e le lentswe le le leng HOHANG.” +Melomo ya mekotatsie ya buleha ke ho tshoha, empa e ne e entse tshepiso. Mme, ehlile, e ne e lokela ho etsa seo e se tshepisitseng. +Ho tloha letsatsing leo, mekotatsie haesale e thola. O tla nne o bone e otlanya melomo ya +yona mmoho e etsa ekare e etsa lerata, empa tshepiso ke tshepiso mme kahoo mekotatsie ha +e so robe tshepiso ya yona le kajeno. + +Hape o tla nne o bone mpshe e matha ka lebelohadi, e otlanya mapheo a yona e leka ho +fofa. Empa, ho fihlela tsatsing la kajeno ha e so ka e kgona ho fofa. Mme ka lebaka la tshepiso ya yona ya ho se bue, mekotatsie e ke ke ya kgona ho mmolella hore dimpshe ha di fofe.",sot,Sesotho,Tshepiso ke tshepiso,"Storks are those birds with the long orange legs and long orange beaks who fly from North to South and back again. Now, a very long time ago, storks were the noisiest birds in the whole world. +They used to talk all the time. By the time they ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tshepiso-ke-tshepiso +king-birds,"Long ago when the world was new, Nkwazi, the great fish eagle, called all the birds together. +“As you know,” he said, “Bhubesi the lion is king of the beasts. But why should he speak for us birds? We need to chose our own king … and as I am so majestic, I say it should be me!” +All the birds began to chirp and chatter until one voice rose above the others. “Nkwazi, you are majestic, it’s true,” said the giant eagle owl, Khova. “But my huge eyes see everything that happens. This makes me very wise – and a king really needs wisdom!” +Again the birds twittered loudly, until the kori bustard, Ngqithi spoke. “I think I should be king!” he said. “Kings need to be big and strong, and I am the largest bird of all.” + +The birds began arguing about who should be king. Then a shrill voice suddenly rose above the din, “Excuse me! Excuse me!” It was tiny Ncede, the Neddicky bird. Although the crowd laughed at his cheekiness, they allowed him to speak – but none of them could believe it when he said that HE should be king! +“And what exactly would make you a good king?” asked Nkwazi, after they had all stopped laughing. +“Nothing really,” said Ncede, “but I should have as much chance as anyone else!” + +“All right,” said Nkwazi, “let’s have a competition!” All the birds liked this idea. They agreed that on the first day after the full moon, when the sun touched the tip of the highest mountain peak, they would all take to the air to see who could fly the highest. The winner would become their king. +The big day arrived. The birds watched patiently as the sun rose. Though little Ncede was determined to prove he could be king, he knew his wings were too weak to fly very high. +So, just before the birds took off, he crept silently underneath Nkwazi’s wing feathers. The fish eagle was so busy watching the sun that he didn’t feel a thing. +The instant the sun touched the tip of the mountain, the birds rose high into the sky. Soon most of them grew tired, and only the fish eagle, the owl and the bustard were left in the race. +Khova was the first to drop out. As he sank to the earth, Nkwazi and Ngqithi flew up higher and higher … but after five minutes, the heavy bustard could go no further. “Ah, Nkwazi,” he called sadly as he swooped to the ground, “you win!” + +  +“WHEEE-WHEEE-WHEEE!” shrieked the fish eagle triumphantly, gathering his last drop of strength and climbing a little higher. But suddenly he heard a taunting voice. “Not so fast, Nkwazi!” chirped Ncede, shooting out from under his wing and rising a little above him. “You haven’t won yet!” Poor fish eagle! He was utterly exhausted, and could climb no further. With a groan he fell to the earth. +  +The birds were furious at Ncede’s trickery. As he hit the ground, they rushed angrily at him – but before they could act, the quick little bird zipped into a deserted snake hole. +“Come out!” screeched the birds, “and get the prize you deserve!” But although they guarded the hole all night, Ncede stayed exactly where he was. + +“Let’s take turns to stand guard!” said Nkwazi in the morning. Khova agreed to take the first watch while the others went off to sleep or hunt. He waited for ages, but there was no sign of Ncede. “My eyes are so strong,” he said to himself, “I only need one. I’ll close my right eye and use my left.” A while later he swapped, opening his right eye and closing his left. This went on for some time, until finally he forgot to keep one of his eyes open and fell fast asleep. +This was just what Ncede had been waiting for! Off he flew, straight into the forest. “You fool!” shouted Nkwazi, who had seen Ncede disappearing just as he came to relieve Khova, “YOU FELL ASLEEP!” +Khova was so embarrassed that he decided to hunt by night and sleep by day so that the other birds wouldn’t have a chance to tease him. Meanwhile, Ncede flitters about in the forest, never stopping long enough to be caught. And who became king? Well, the truth is that the birds were so upset with Ncede that they never chose a king!",eng,English,King of the birds,"Long ago when the world was new, Nkwazi, the great fish eagle, called all the birds together. +“As you know,” he said, “Bhubesi the lion is king of the beasts. But why should he speak for us birds? We need to chose our own king … and ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/king-birds +king-birds,"Lank gelede, toe die wêreld nog jonk was, het Nkwazi, die groot visarend, al die voëls bymekaar geroep. +“Soos julle weet,” sê hy, “is Bhubesi die leeu die koning van die diere. Maar waarom moet hy vir ons as voëls praat? Ons moet ons eie koning kies … en omdat ek so koninklik is, sê ek dat ek koning behoort te wees!” +Al die voëls begin kwetter en kweel totdat een stem bo die ander uitstyg. “Nkwazi, jy is koninklik, dit is waar,” sê die reuse-ooruil, Khova. “Maar my groot oë sien alles wat gebeur. Dit maak my baie wys – en ’n koning het regtig wysheid nodig!” +Die voëls kwetter weer luidkeels, totdat die gompou, Ngqithi begin praat. “Ek dink ek behoort koning te wees!” sê hy. “Konings moet groot en sterk wees, en ek is die grootste van al die voëls.” +Die voëls begin stry oor wie koning moet wees. Toe klink ’n skril stem skielik bo die lawaai op. “Verskoon my! Verskoon my!” Dit is klein Ncede, die neddikkie. Al lag die skare voëls vir hom omdat hy so astrant is, laat hulle hom toe om te praat – maar nie een van hulle kan glo wat hulle hoor toe hy sê HY behoort koning te wees nie! + +  +  +“En wat sal jou nogal ’n goeie koning maak?” vra Nkwazi, toe almal uiteindelik ophou lag. +“Niks eintlik nie,” sê Ncede, “maar ek behoort dieselfde kans te kry as enigiemand anders!” +“Nou goed dan,” sê Nkwazi, “kom ons hou ’n kompetisie!” Al die voëls hou van hierdie idee. Hulle stem saam dat op die eerste dag ná die volmaan, wanneer die son aan die punt van die hoogste bergpiek raak, hulle almal sal opvlieg om te kyk wie die hoogste kan vlieg. Die wenner sal dan hulle koning word. +Die groot dag breek aan. Die voëls kyk geduldig hoe die son opkom. Al is klein Ncede vasberade om te bewys dat hy koning kan wees, weet hy sy vlerke is te swak om baie hoog te vlieg. +En toe, net voor die voëls begin vlieg, kruip hy stilletjies onder Nkwazi se vlerkvere in. Die visarend is so besig om die son dop te hou dat hy niks voel nie. +Die oomblik toe die son aan die bergpiek raak, vlieg die voëls hoog in die lug op. Sommer gou word die meeste van hulle moeg, en net die visarend, die uil en die gompou bly oor. +Khova is die eerste om uit te val. Toe hy grond toe sak, vlieg Nkwazi en Ngqithi hoër en hoër … maar na vyf minute kan die swaar gompou nie hoër vlieg nie. “Ai, Nkwazi,” roep hy hartseer terwyl hy grond toe swiep, “jy wen!” + +“WIEEE-WIEEE-WIEEE!” roep die visarend triomfantelik, en gebruik sy laaste bietjie krag om nog hoër te klim. Maar skielik hoor hy ’n tergende stemmetjie. “Nie so haastig nie, Nkwazi!” tjirp Ncede. Hy skiet onder visarend se vlerk uit en vlieg ’n entjie bo hom. “Jy het nog nie gewen nie!” Arme visarend! Hy is doodmoeg en kan nie hoër vlieg nie. Hy sak met ’n kreun terug grond toe. +]Die voëls is woedend oor Ncede se skelmstreek. Toe hy op die grond kom sit, storm hulle briesend op hom af – maar voor hulle iets kan doen, vlieg die klein voëltjie in ’n verlate slanggat in. +“Kom uit!” kras die voëls, “en kom kry die prys wat jy verdien!” Maar al hou hulle die hele nag voor die gat wag, roer Ncede nie. +  +“Kom ons maak beurte om wag te hou!” sê Nkwazi die volgende oggend. Khova stem in om eerste wag te hou terwyl die ander gaan slaap of jag. Hy wag vir ewig, maar daar is geen teken van Ncede nie. “My oë is so skerp,” sê hy vir homself, “ek het net een nodig. Ek sal my regteroog toemaak en my linkeroog oophou.” ’n Rukkie later ruil hy om en maak sy regteroog oop en sy linkeroog toe. Dit hou ’n rukkie aan, totdat hy uiteindelik vergeet om een oog oop te hou en vas aan die slaap raak. + +  +Dis net waarvoor Ncede gewag het! Hy vlieg reguit bos toe. “Jou dwaas!” skree Nkwazi, wat Ncede sien verdwyn net toe hy vir Khova kom aflos, “JY HET AAN DIE SLAAP GERAAK!” +Khova is so verleë dat hy besluit om snags te jag en bedags te slaap sodat die ander voëls nie ’n kans sal kry om hom te terg nie. Intussen fladder Ncede in die bos rond, en gaan sit nooit lank genoeg stil om gevang te word nie. En wie het toe koning geword? Wel, die waarheid is dat die voëls so vies was vir Ncede dat hulle nooit ’n koning gekies het nie!",afr,Afrikaans,Die koning van die voëls,"Long ago when the world was new, Nkwazi, the great fish eagle, called all the birds together. +“As you know,” he said, “Bhubesi the lion is king of the beasts. But why should he speak for us birds? We need to chose our own king … and ...",,Oorvertel deur Anita van Zyl,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-koning-van-die-voëls +king-birds,"Kudala-dala ilizwe liselitsha, uNkwazi, ukhozi lohlobo olungunomakhwezana, lwabiza zonke iintaka. +“Njengoko nisazi,” watsho, “uBhubesi ingonyama ngukumkani wezilwanyana. Kodwa kutheni kufuneka ethethele nathi zintaka? Kufuneka sikhethe owethu ukumkani … kwaye njengokuba ndinobungangamsha, ndithi mayibe ndim lowo!” +Zonke iintaka zaqala ukuxokozela zingxola kwade kwavakala ilizwi lisitsho ngaphezulu kwamanye. “Nkwazi, unobungangamsha, oko kuyinyaniso,” satsho isikhova esikhulu esinguKhova. “Kodwa amehlo am amakhulu abona yonke into eyenzekayo. Oko kundenza ndibe nobulumko – kwaye ukumkani udinga ubulumko!” +Kwakhona iintaka zaxokozela zingxola, kwade kwathetha iseme elinguNgqithi. “Ndicinga ukuba ibe ndim ukumkani!” watsho. “Ookumkani kufuneka babe bakhulu bomelele, kwaye ndim eyona ntaka inkulu neyomelele kunazo zonke iintaka.” + +Zaqala iintaka zaxoxa ngokuba ngubani na ekufuneka abe ngukumkani. Kwavakala ilizwi elibukhali lisitsho ngaphezulu kwaloo ngxokolo, “Uxolo! Uxolo!” YayinguNcede, intaka enetshiki. Nangona isihlwele sasihleka ngenxa yetshiki yakhe, bamvumela ukuba athethe – kodwa zange kubekho namnye kubo owakholelwayo xa esithi NGUYE ofanele ukuba abe ngukumkani! +“Yintoni kanye kanye enokukwenza ube ngukumkani olungileyo?” wabuza uNkwazi, emva kokuba wonke ubani eyekile ukuhleka. +  +“Ngokwenene akukho nto ikhethekileyo,” watsho uNcede, “kodwa ndicinga ukuba nam kufuneka ndilifumene ithuba njengaye wonke umntu!” +“Kulungile,”watsho uNkwazi, “masibe nokhuphiswano!” Zonke iintaka zayithanda loo ngcinga. Bavumelana ukuba ngosuku lokuqala emva kwenyanga epheleleyo, xa ilanga lisencotsheni yentaba, zonke iintaka ziza kubhabha ukuze zikhangele ukuba yeyiphi eyona ntaka ibhabhele phezulu ukogqitha zonke ezinye. Lowo uphumeleleyo uza kuba ngukumkani. +Usuku olubalulekileyo lwafika. Iintaka zalibukela ngomonde ilanga liphuma. Nangona uNcede omncinane wayezimisele ukuba uza kuzibonakalisa ukuba anganguye ukumkani, wayesazi ukuba amaphiko akhe abuthathaka akanakukwazi ukubhabha aye phezulu. Ngoko ke, phambi nje kokuba iintaka zintingele phezulu, wachwechwa ngokuzolileyo wangena phantsi kweentsiba zeempiko zikaNkwazi. Ukhozi olungunomakhwezana lwaluxakeke kakhulu lujonge ilanga kangangokuba zange luve nto kwaphela. +Ngomzuzu elithe ngawo ilanga lafikelela encotsheni yentaba, iintaka zantingela phezulu esibhakabhakeni. Ngokukhawuleza uninzi lwazo lwadinwa, kwaza kwasala ukhozi, isikhova kunye neseme kugqatso. +UKhova woyisakala. Njengokuba wayesihla esiya emhlabeni, uNkwazi noNgqithi bantingela phezulu nangaphezulu … kodwa emva kwemizuzu emihlanu iseme elinzima alizange likwazi ukunyukela phezulu. “Aa Nkwazi”, latsho kalusizi xa lisihla ngokukhawuleza ukuya emhlabeni, “uphumelele!” + +“WHEEE-WHEEE-WHEEE!” lakhala ngelizwi elihlabayo ukhozi ngoloyiso, lisebenzisa onke amandla alo laze lanyukela phezulu. Kodwa ngephanyazo live ilizwi elicaphukisayo. “Ungafane untingele phezulu ngokukhawuleza, Nkwazi!” watswina uNcede, ephuma phantsi kweempiko zokhozi kwaye entingela phezulu kunalo. “Awukaphumeleli!” Usizana lokhozi olungunomakhwezana! Lalidinwe kakhulu, kwaye lalingakwazi ukuba linganyuka liye phezulu ligqithe loo mgama. Lincwina lawela emhlabeni. +Iintaka zavutha ngumsindo ngamaqhinga kaNcede. Uthe xa esithi ngcu emhlabeni, zonda ngaye zonke zinomsindo – kodwa phambi kokuba zenze nantoni na, le ntaka incinane yathi tshwi yangena emngxunyeni wenyoka engasahlaliyo kuwo. + +“Phuma kaloku!” zakhala iintaka, “uze kufumana ibhaso olisebenzeleyo”. Kodwa nangona balindayo apho ngasemngxunyeni ubusuku bonke, uNcede wahlala kulaa ndawo ebehleli kuyo engaphumi. +“Masinikane ithuba lokulinda!” watsho uNkwazi kusasa. UKhova wavuma ukuba uza kuba ngumlindi wokuqala lo gama ezinye izilwanyana zisiya kulala okanye zisiya kuzingela. Walinda ixesha elide kakhulu, kodwa kwakungekho phawu lukaNcede. “Amehlo am omelele,” watsho ezithethela, “ndingasebenzisa elinye kuphela. Ndiza kulivala eli lasekunene ndijonge ngelasekhohlo.” Emva kwexeshana watshintsha ukujonga, wavula elasekunene waze wavala elasekhohlo. Oku kwaqhubeka ixeshana, wade walibala ukugcina iliso lakhe elinye lijongile waza walala yoyi. +UNcede wayelinde kanye oku! Wabhabha wemka waya ehlathini. “Sidengendini!” wakhwaza uNkwazi, owambonayo uNcede esithela xa kanye yena esiza kukhulula uKhova, “ULELE YOYI!” +UKhova waba neentloni waza wagqiba kwelokuba azingele ebusuku aze alale emini ukuze ezinye iintaka zingalifumani ithuba lokumgxeka. UNcede ke yena uphaphazela ehlathini, kungekho ndawo ahlala ixesha elide kuyo ukuze ade abanjwe. Ngubani ke owaba ngukumkani? Enyanisweni, iintaka zazinomsindo ngakuNcede kangangokuba zange zibe samenyula ukumkani wazo!",xho,isiXhosa,Ukumkani weentak,"Long ago when the world was new, Nkwazi, the great fish eagle, called all the birds together. +“As you know,” he said, “Bhubesi the lion is king of the beasts. But why should he speak for us birds? We need to chose our own king … and ...",,Libaliswa kwakhona nguNobuntu Stengile,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ukumkani-weentaka +king-birds,"Kgale kgale nakong ya ge lefase e sa le le leswa, Nkwazi, lenong la dihlapi le legolo, o ile a bitša kgothe kgothe ya dinonyana. +“Bjalo ka ge le tseba,” a realo, “tau ya go bitšwa Bhubesi ke kgoši ya dibata. Efela ke ka lebaka la eng a swanetše go bolelela rena dinonyana? Re nyaka go kgetha kgoši ya rena … nna ke na le bogoši, ke re ga go kgethwe nna!” +Dinonyana ka moka tša thoma go lla go fihlela lentšu le lengwe le hlaboša go feta a mangwe. “Nkwazi, o na le bogoši, ke nnete,” la realo leribiši la lenong le legolo, Khova. “Efela mahlo a ka a magolo a bona tšohle tše di diregago. Se se dira gore ke be bohlale – gomme kgoši e tloga e swanetše go ba bohlale!” +Dinonyana tša lla kudu gape, go fihlela go bolela, Ngqithi. “Ke nagana gore ke swanetše go ba kgoši!” a realo. “Dikgoši di swanetše go ba tše dikgolo tša go tia, gomme ke nna nonyana ye kgolokgolo.” + +Dinonyana tša thoma go ngangišana gore ke mang yo a ka bago kgoši. Ka pejana lentšu la bogale la kwagala ka godimo ga lešata, “Theeletšang! Theeletšang!” E be e le Ncede yo monnyane, nonyana ya Neddicky. Le ge dinonyana tšohle di segile go ba le kgang ga gagwe, di mo dumeletše gore a bolele – efela ga go yo a mo tshepilego ge a re O swanetše go ba kgoši! +“E bang ke eng seo se tla dirago gore o be kgoši ye botse?” gwa botšiša Nkwazi, morago ga ge ka moka ba emišitše go sega. +“Ga go selo,” a realo Ncede, “efela le nna ke swanetše go ba le sebaka bjalo ka mang le mang!” +“Go lokile,” a realo Nkwazi, “a re phadišaneng!” Dinonyana ka moka di ratile kgopolo ye. Di kwane gore letšatši la mathomo ka morago ga ngwedi o dutše, ge letšatši le kgomile ntlha ya thaba ye teleletelele, ka moka dinonyana di tla ya moyeng go bona gore ke efe ye e ka fofelago godimodimo. Mothopasefoka e tla ba kgoši. +Letšatši le legolo le ile la fihla. Dinonyana di ile tša lebelela letšatši le hlaba di sa fele pelo. Le ge Ncede yo monnyane a be a swanetše go bontšha gore a ka ba kgoši, o be a tseba gore maphego a gagwe a bokoa go ka fofela godimo kudu. Ka fao, e rile pele dinonyana di tloga, a khukhunela ka tlase ga mafofa a maphego a Nkwazi ka setu. Lenong la dihlapi le be le dutše le lebeletše letšatši le sa kwe le selo. +Letšatši le ile la kgoma ntlha ya thaba, dinonyana tša fofela godimo lefaufaung. Bontši bja tšona di ile tša lapa ka pela, gomme lenong la hlapi le le tee, leribiši le pastete tša tšwela pele ka phadišano. +Khova e bile wa mathomo wa go tlogela. O rile ge a theogela tlase, Nkwazi le Ngqithi ba fofela godimodimo … efela morago ga metsotso ye mehlano, pastete wa boima a thoma go palelwa. “Aa, Nkwazi,” a bolela ka go nyama a eya tlase, “o thopa sefoka!” + +“WIII-WIII-WIII!” gwa lla lenong la dihlapi ka go thabela phenyo, a goga maatla a gagwe a mafelelo a namelela godingwana. Efela ka pejana a kwa lentšu la go kwera. “E sego ka lebelo le le kaakaa, Nkwazi!” gwa lla Ncede, a etšwa ka tlase ga lefego la gagwe a bile a fofela godingwana go mo feta. “Ga sešo o thopa sefoka!” Lenong la dihlapi la go šokiša! Le be le lapile kudu, gomme le se sa kgona go namelela godimo. A wela lefaseng a tsetla. +Dinonyana di be di befedišitšwe ke botsotsi bja Ncede. O rile ge a fihla mmung, tša mo kitimela ka pefelo – efela pele ba ka dira sengwe, nonyana ye nnyane ya mahlahla ya tsena moleteng wa noga leganateng. + +  +“Etšwa!” gwa goeletša dinonyana, “o tle o tšeye sefoka sa gago sa go go swanela!” Efela le ge ba letše ba letile molete bošego ka moka, Ncede ga se a šutha. +“A re šielaneng ka go leta!” a realo Nkwazi mesong. Khova o dumetše go leta pele mola bangwe ba ile go robala goba go tsoma. O eme sebaka se se telele, efela Ncede a se bonale. “Mahlo a ka a tiile kudu,” a ipotša bjalo, “Ke tla diriša le le tee fela. Ke tla tswalela leihlo la ka go la goja ka bula la ka go la nngele.” Ka morago a šiedišana, a bula la ka go la goja a tswalela la ka go la nngele. A dira se nakonyana, go fihlela ge mafelelong a palelwa le ke go bula le le tee gomme a swarwa ke boroko. + +  +Se ke seo Ncede a bego a se emetše! O ile a fofa. A ya sethokgweng. “Setlaela towe!” gwa goeletša Nkwazi, yo a bonego Ncede a nyamelela ge a etla go khutšiša Khova, “O ROBETŠE!” +Khova o jelwe ke dihlong ka fao a ilego a thoma go tsoma bošego, a robala mosegare gore dinonyana tše dingwe di se ke tša ba le sebaka sa go mo kwera. Ka nako yeo, Ncede o be a phela sethokgweng, a sa eme sebaka se se telele ka ge a sa nyake go swarwa. Ke mang yo a bilego kgoši? Ebang, nnete ke gore dinonyana di be di befedišitšwe ke Ncede ka fao di sa kago tša kgetha kgoši!",zul,isiZulu,Kgoši ya dinonyan,"Long ago when the world was new, Nkwazi, the great fish eagle, called all the birds together. +“As you know,” he said, “Bhubesi the lion is king of the beasts. But why should he speak for us birds? We need to chose our own king … and ...",,Kanegoleswa ka Mpho Masipa,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kgoši-ya-dinonyana +king-birds,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale ha lefatshe le sa le letjha, Nkwazi, ntsu e kgolo, ya bitsa dinonyana tsohle ho bokana mmoho. +“Jwaloka ha le tseba,” a rialo, “Bhubesi eo e leng tau, ke morena wa diphoofolo. Empa ke hobaneng a lokela ho buella le rona dinonyana? Re lokela ho ikgethela morena eo e leng wa rona … mme kaha ke le moholo ka mmele, ke hlahisa hore e be nna!” +Dinonyana kaofela tsa qalella ho buela fatshe le ho honotha ho fihlella lentswe le le leng le hlahella hodima mantswe ohle. “Nkwazi, o moholohadi ka mmele, ke nnete,” ha rialo sephoko se seholo, Khova. “Empa mahlo a ka a maholo a kgona ho bona ntho tsohle tse etsahalang. Sena se etsa hore ke be bohlale haholo – mme morena wa nnete o hloka bohlale!” +Yaba dinonyana di boela di llela hodimo, ho fihlela Lenong Ngqithi a bua. “Ke nahana hore ke nna ya lokelang ho ba morena!” a rialo. “Marena a hloka ho ba maholo a be matla, mme nna ke nonyana e kgolohadi ho feta tsohle.” + +  +Dinonyana tsa qala ho ngangisana ka hore ke mang ya lokelang ho ba morena. Yaba ho hlahella lentswe le hlabang hanghang ka hodima tsona kaofela, “Ntshwareleng! Ntshwareleng!” E ne e le Ncede e monyane, motinyane. Leha ba bang ba ile ba mo tsheha ha a bua ka boitshepo bo jwalo, ba mo dumella ho bua – empa ho ne ho se ya kgolwang ha a re ke YENA ya lokelang ho ba morena! +“Ebe ke eng e kaalo e ka o etsang hore o be morena ya kgabane?” ha botsa Nkwazi, ha ba se ba qetile ho tsheha. +“Ha ho letho, kwana,” ha rialo Ncede, “empa le nna ke lokela ho fumana sebaka jwaloka mang kapa mang!” +“Ho lokile,” ha rialo Nkwazi, “ha re etseng tlhodisano!” Dinonyana tsohle tsa thabela mohopolo oo. Tsa dumellana hore ka letsatsi la pele kamora hoba kgwedi e phethele, ha letsatsi le thetsa sehlohlolong sa thaba e phahameng ka ho fetisisa, di tla tloha kaofela ho fofela hodimo mme di bone hore ke mang ya tla fofela hodimodimo ho feta bohle. Mohlodi e tla ba yena morena wa bona. +Letsatsi le leholo la fihla. Dinonyana tsa shebella ka mamello ha letsatsi le tjhaba. Leha Ncede e monyane a ne a ikemiseditse ho bontsha hore le yena e ka ba morena, o ne a tseba hantle hore mapheo a hae a fokola haholo ho ka fofela hodimodimo. Kahoo, yare pele dinonyana di qala ho fofa, a kgukguna ka lenyele a kena ka tlasa mapheo a Nkwazi. Lenong le ne le shebile letsatsi hoo le sa kang la utlwa letho. +Eitse hang ha letsatsi le thetsa tsullung ya thaba, dinonyana tsa fofela hodimo marung. E se kgale tse ding tsa tsona tsa qala ho kgathala, empa lenong , sephoko le ntsu, tsona tsa sala lebelong di ntse di fofa. +Khova ebile yena wa pele ho tlohela lebelo. Eitse ha a theohela fatshe, Nkwazi le Ngqithi ba fofela hodimo ho feta … empa kamora metsotso e mehlano, lenong le boima le ne le se le sa kgone ho tswela pele. “Oho, Nkwazi,” a hoeletsa a saretswe ha a theohela fatshe, “o mohlodi!” + +“HALAAALA – HALALA!” ha thenthetsa ntsu ka lentswe la tlholo, a bokella matla a ho qetela hore a fofele hodingwana hape. Empa hanghang a utlwa lentswe le mo phoqang. “Eseng jwalo, Nkwazi!” ha rialo Ncede ka lentswe le lesesane, a tswa ka potlako ka tlasa mapheo a hae mme a fofela kahodimonyana ho yena. “Ha o so hlole!” Ntsu ya batho! O ne a kgathetse haholo, mme a ke ke a kgona ho fofela hodimo ho feta moo. Yaba o wela fatshe a dumaela. +Dinonyana di ne di halefetse boqhekanyetsi bona ba Ncede. Eitse fela hang ha a dula fatshe, tsa potlakela ho yena ka bohale bo boholo – empa pele di ka mo etsa ho hong, nonyana e nyane e matjato ya tjhobela ka hara mokoti wa noha. +“Tswa!” ha tlerola dinonyana, “o tlo fumana moputso o o tshwanelang!” Empa leha ba ile ba dula ba lebetse mokoti oo bosiu bohle, Ncede a itulela kamoo a se ke a tswa. +“Ha re fapanyetsaneng ka ho lebela mokoti!” ha rialo Nkwazi hoseng. Khova a dumela ho qala pele ha ba bang ba tsamaya ho ya robala kapa ho ya tsoma. A ema nako e telele, empa ho ne ho sena le letshwaonyana feela la Ncede. “Mahlo a ka a matla,” a ipolella jwalo, “ke hloka le le leng feela. Ke tla kwala leihlo le ka ho le letona mme ke sebedise le ka ho le letshehadi.” Ka mora nakwana a fetoha, a bula leihlo le ka ho le letona mme a kwala le ka ho le letshehadi. A nna a etsa jwalo nako e telele, ho fihlela a se a lebala ho bula leihlo le le leng mme a qetella a kgalehile. + +Sena ke seo Ncede a neng a se emetse! Ke elwa a fofela kwana, a kena ka hara moru. “Sephoqo towe!” ha kgaruma Nkwazi, ya neng a bone Ncede a nyamela morung hang ha a fihla ho tla phomotsa Khova, “O KGALEHILE!” +Khova o ne a swabile haholo hoo a ileng a etsa qeto ya ho tsoma bosiu mme a robale motsheare hore dinonyana tse ding di se ke tsa fumana sebaka sa ho mo soma. Ho sa le jwalo, Ncede o fofa ka lebelo morung, a sa eme nako e telele hore a se ke a tshwarwa. Mme ke mang ya ileng a ba morena? Tjhe, nnete ke hore dinonyana di ne di kgenne ka lebaka la Ncede hoo di qetelletseng di sa kgetha morena!",sot,Sesotho,Morena wa dinonyan,"Long ago when the world was new, Nkwazi, the great fish eagle, called all the birds together. +“As you know,” he said, “Bhubesi the lion is king of the beasts. But why should he speak for us birds? We need to chose our own king … and ...",,Retold by Hilda Mohale,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/morena-wa-dinonyana +king-birds,"Kgale kgale nakong ya ge lefase e sa le le leswa, Nkwazi, lenong la dihlapi le legolo, o ile a bitša kgothe kgothe ya dinonyana. +“Bjalo ka ge le tseba,” a realo, “tau ya go bitšwa Bhubesi ke kgoši ya dibata. Efela ke ka lebaka la eng a swanetše go bolelela rena dinonyana? Re nyaka go kgetha kgoši ya rena … nna ke na le bogoši, ke re ga go kgethwe nna!” +Dinonyana ka moka tša thoma go lla go fihlela lentšu le lengwe le hlaboša go feta a mangwe. “Nkwazi, o na le bogoši, ke nnete,” la realo leribiši la lenong le legolo, Khova. “Efela mahlo a ka a magolo a bona tšohle tše di diregago. Se se dira gore ke be bohlale – gomme kgoši e tloga e swanetše go ba bohlale!” +Dinonyana tša lla kudu gape, go fihlela go bolela, Ngqithi. “Ke nagana gore ke swanetše go ba kgoši!” a realo. “Dikgoši di swanetše go ba tše dikgolo tša go tia, gomme ke nna nonyana ye kgolokgolo.” + +Dinonyana tša thoma go ngangišana gore ke mang yo a ka bago kgoši. Ka pejana lentšu la bogale la kwagala ka godimo ga lešata, “Theeletšang! Theeletšang!” E be e le Ncede yo monnyane, nonyana ya Neddicky. Le ge dinonyana tšohle di segile go ba le kgang ga gagwe, di mo dumeletše gore a bolele – efela ga go yo a mo tshepilego ge a re O swanetše go ba kgoši! +“E bang ke eng seo se tla dirago gore o be kgoši ye botse?” gwa botšiša Nkwazi, morago ga ge ka moka ba emišitše go sega. +“Ga go selo,” a realo Ncede, “efela le nna ke swanetše go ba le sebaka bjalo ka mang le mang!” +“Go lokile,” a realo Nkwazi, “a re phadišaneng!” Dinonyana ka moka di ratile kgopolo ye. Di kwane gore letšatši la mathomo ka morago ga ngwedi o dutše, ge letšatši le kgomile ntlha ya thaba ye teleletelele, ka moka dinonyana di tla ya moyeng go bona gore ke efe ye e ka fofelago godimodimo. Mothopasefoka e tla ba kgoši. +Letšatši le legolo le ile la fihla. Dinonyana di ile tša lebelela letšatši le hlaba di sa fele pelo. Le ge Ncede yo monnyane a be a swanetše go bontšha gore a ka ba kgoši, o be a tseba gore maphego a gagwe a bokoa go ka fofela godimo kudu. Ka fao, e rile pele dinonyana di tloga, a khukhunela ka tlase ga mafofa a maphego a Nkwazi ka setu. Lenong la dihlapi le be le dutše le lebeletše letšatši le sa kwe le selo. +Letšatši le ile la kgoma ntlha ya thaba, dinonyana tša fofela godimo lefaufaung. Bontši bja tšona di ile tša lapa ka pela, gomme lenong la hlapi le le tee, leribiši le pastete tša tšwela pele ka phadišano. +Khova e bile wa mathomo wa go tlogela. O rile ge a theogela tlase, Nkwazi le Ngqithi ba fofela godimodimo … efela morago ga metsotso ye mehlano, pastete wa boima a thoma go palelwa. “Aa, Nkwazi,” a bolela ka go nyama a eya tlase, “o thopa sefoka!” + +“WIII-WIII-WIII!” gwa lla lenong la dihlapi ka go thabela phenyo, a goga maatla a gagwe a mafelelo a namelela godingwana. Efela ka pejana a kwa lentšu la go kwera. “E sego ka lebelo le le kaakaa, Nkwazi!” gwa lla Ncede, a etšwa ka tlase ga lefego la gagwe a bile a fofela godingwana go mo feta. “Ga sešo o thopa sefoka!” Lenong la dihlapi la go šokiša! Le be le lapile kudu, gomme le se sa kgona go namelela godimo. A wela lefaseng a tsetla. +Dinonyana di be di befedišitšwe ke botsotsi bja Ncede. O rile ge a fihla mmung, tša mo kitimela ka pefelo – efela pele ba ka dira sengwe, nonyana ye nnyane ya mahlahla ya tsena moleteng wa noga leganateng. + +  +“Etšwa!” gwa goeletša dinonyana, “o tle o tšeye sefoka sa gago sa go go swanela!” Efela le ge ba letše ba letile molete bošego ka moka, Ncede ga se a šutha. +“A re šielaneng ka go leta!” a realo Nkwazi mesong. Khova o dumetše go leta pele mola bangwe ba ile go robala goba go tsoma. O eme sebaka se se telele, efela Ncede a se bonale. “Mahlo a ka a tiile kudu,” a ipotša bjalo, “Ke tla diriša le le tee fela. Ke tla tswalela leihlo la ka go la goja ka bula la ka go la nngele.” Ka morago a šiedišana, a bula la ka go la goja a tswalela la ka go la nngele. A dira se nakonyana, go fihlela ge mafelelong a palelwa le ke go bula le le tee gomme a swarwa ke boroko. + +  +Se ke seo Ncede a bego a se emetše! O ile a fofa. A ya sethokgweng. “Setlaela towe!” gwa goeletša Nkwazi, yo a bonego Ncede a nyamelela ge a etla go khutšiša Khova, “O ROBETŠE!” +Khova o jelwe ke dihlong ka fao a ilego a thoma go tsoma bošego, a robala mosegare gore dinonyana tše dingwe di se ke tša ba le sebaka sa go mo kwera. Ka nako yeo, Ncede o be a phela sethokgweng, a sa eme sebaka se se telele ka ge a sa nyake go swarwa. Ke mang yo a bilego kgoši? Ebang, nnete ke gore dinonyana di be di befedišitšwe ke Ncede ka fao di sa kago tša kgetha kgoši!",nso,Sepedi,Kgoši ya dinonyan,"Long ago when the world was new, Nkwazi, the great fish eagle, called all the birds together. +“As you know,” he said, “Bhubesi the lion is king of the beasts. But why should he speak for us birds? We need to chose our own king … and ...",,Kanegoleswa ka Mpho Masipa,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kgoši-ya-dinonyana-0 +boy-and-jackal,"There was once a young boy who lived on a farm near a village. He lived with his mother, father and sister. Everybody in his family had their own special job to do. His job was to look after the sheep. +Every morning he took the sheep out into the veld. There the sheep ate the grass and plants. He watched them all day. +There were rocks and bushes at the end of the veld. That was where the jackals lived, but the boy made sure that his sheep did not go close to the rocks. Every evening he took the sheep back to the farm so that they would be safe. + +While the boy went out with the sheep, his sister went to the village to sell vegetables and eggs from their farm. At the market she spoke to everyone. +“My sister always has people to talk to,” said the young boy one day. “She has so many friends and I have none. I am out here, all alone, every day. I never have anyone to talk to.” He looked at his sheep and sighed. +After thinking about this for a long time he came up with a plan. “I know what I will do,” he said. “I will cry ‘Jackal!’ Everyone will come to help me. Then I can say the jackal went back into the bushes. I will help them search. Then I will have someone to talk to. We’ll talk about sheep and jackals and other things.” +So one day he tried out his plan. He started to shout and ran down to the village. +“Jackal! Help!” he called loudly. +The people heard him shouting and ran to help. They came with sticks and stones; with brooms and spades. They came with anything they could find to help chase the jackal away. +Of course, there was no jackal. The boy had lied. But the people did not know this. After searching for a while, some of the people stayed to talk to the boy. This made him very happy. +“I think I will do that again,” he said when everyone had left. “It was so good to have people to talk to.” +When he took the sheep home that night, his family had heard all about him shouting for help and they begged him to tell them what had happened. +“I heard it from the baker,” said his father. +“I was in the village and saw the people running to help,” said his mother. +“Were you scared?” asked his sister. +So the boy told them all about the jackal, and the lie grew bigger and bigger. +One week later the young boy did the same thing. He shouted and ran to the village. “Jackal! Help! Come quickly.” +Once again the villagers came running to help him. Once again they found no jackal. This time they wanted to know what was going on. +“We cannot see any tracks,” someone said. +“Your sheep do not look scared at all,” said someone else. +The villagers did not stay for long and grumbled to each other as they made their way home. +Then the day came when the boy did see a shape move near the rocks. He saw two pointed ears and a long tail. He saw the silver-black fur on its back. His heart thumped loudly. It was a jackal and it was sneaking closer and closer to his sheep. This time he really shouted loudly. +“HELP! HELP! There’s a jackal! Come quickly.” +As he ran towards the village to find help, he saw the jackal bite one of his sheep. He turned and ran back to his flock, shouting all the time. But no one came to help. + +Then the jackal grabbed a lamb and ran back into the bushes by the rocks. The sheep were so frightened that they all ran away. It took the boy hours to find them all and bring them home. +When at last he got home he complained loudly, “Nobody came to help me. I could have been hurt. One of the sheep is hurt and the jackal took one lamb. This time there really was a jackal and nobody listened when I shouted.” +“This time?” asked his father. “What do you mean this time?” +And the young boy had to tell the truth. His father was very angry. +“I will not punish you,” he said. “You will soon find out what happens to people who lie.” +“What?” asked the boy. +“It is simple,” said his father. “Once people know that you have told lies, they will never, ever believe you again, even when you are telling the truth. Nobody trusts a liar.” +And that was punishment enough for the boy. Nobody in the village believed anything he said ever again.",eng,English,The boy and the jack,"There was once a young boy who lived on a farm near a village. He lived with his mother, father and sister. Everybody in his family had their own special job to do. His job was to look after the sheep. +Every morning he took the sheep out into ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/boy-and-jackal +boy-and-jackal,"Daar was eenmaal ’n jong seun wat op ’n plaas naby ’n dorpie gewoon het. Hy het saam met sy ma, pa en suster gewoon. Almal in sy gesin het hulle eie spesiale werk gehad. Sy werk was om die skape op te pas. +Elke oggend het hy die skape veld toe gevat. Daar het die skape die gras en bossies gevreet. Hy het die skape die hele dag lank opgepas. +Aan die rand van die veld was daar rotse en bosse. Dit was die jakkalse se blyplek, maar die seun het seker gemaak sy skape gaan nie te naby aan die rotse nie. Elke aand het hy die skape terug plaas toe gevat sodat hulle veilig sou wees. +Terwyl die seun veld toe gegaan het met die skape, het sy suster dorp toe gegaan om groente en eiers van hulle plaas daar te verkoop. By die mark het sy met almal gesels. +“My suster het altyd mense om mee te gesels,” sê die jong seun op ‘n dag. “Sy het so baie vriende en ek het niemand nie. Ek is elke dag stoksielalleen hier buite. Ek het nooit iemand om mee te praat nie.” Hy kyk na sy skape en sug. +Nadat hy ’n lang ruk hieroor gedink het, kry hy ’n plan. “Ek weet wat om te doen,” sê hy. “Ek sal ‘Jakkals!’ skree. Almal sal my kom help. Dan kan ek sê die jakkals het in die bosse ingehardloop. Ek sal die mense help soek. Dan sal ek iemand hê om mee te praat. Ons sal oor skape en jakkalse en ander dinge gesels.” +Op ’n dag toets hy toe sy plan. Hy begin skree en hardloop na die dorpie toe. +“Jakkals! Help!” roep hy hard. +Die mense hoor hom skree en hardloop om hom te help. Hulle kom met stokke en klippe; met besems en grawe. Hulle kom met enigiets wat hulle kan vind om te help om die jakkals weg te jaag. +Natuurlik is daar geen jakkals nie. Die seun het gejok. Maar die mense weet dit nie. Nadat hulle ’n rukkie gesoek het, bly party van die mense om met die seun te gesels. Dit maak hom baie gelukkig. +“Ek dink ek sal dit weer doen,” sê hy toe almal weg is. “Dit was so lekker om geselskap te hê.” +Toe hy die skape daardie aand huis toe vat, het sy gesin reeds gehoor hoe hy om hulp geroep het, en hulle smeek hom om hulle te vertel wat gebeur het. +“Ek het dit by die bakker gehoor,” sê sy pa. +“Ek was in die dorp en het die mense sien hardloop om jou te help,” sê sy ma. +“Was jy bang?” vra sy suster. +Toe vertel die seun hulle alles van die jakkals, en die leuen word groter en groter. +’n Week later doen die seun dieselfde ding. Hy skree en hardloop na die dorpie toe. “Jakkals! Help! Kom gou.” +Weer hardloop die mense van die dorpie om hom te help. Weer vind hulle geen jakkals nie. Hierdie keer wil hulle weet wat aangaan. +“Ons sien geen spore nie,” sê iemand. +“Jou skape lyk glad nie bang nie,” sê iemand anders. +Die dorpenaars bly nie lank nie, en mompel onder mekaar terwyl hulle terugstap dorp toe. +Toe, op ’n dag, sien die seun regtig iets naby die rotse beweeg. Hy sien twee spits ore en ’n lang stert. Hy sien die silwer-swart pels op die dier se rug. Sy hart klop wild. Dit is ’n jakkals en dit kruip al nader aan die skape. Hierdie keer skree die seun regtig hard. +“HELP! HELP! Jakkals! Kom gou.” +Terwyl hy dorp toe hardloop om hulp te kry, sien hy hoe die jakkals een van sy skape byt. Hy draai om en hardloop terug na sy trop skape en skree die heeltyd om hulp. Maar niemand kom help hom nie. + +Toe gryp die jakkals ’n lam en verdwyn in die bosse by die rotse. Die skape is so bang dat hulle almal weghardloop. Die seun moet ure lank soek om hulle almal te vind en huis toe te vat. +Toe hy uiteindelik tuis kom, kla hy luidkeels: “Niemand het my kom help nie. Ek kon seergekry het. Een van die skape het seergekry en die jakkals het een lam gevat. Hierdie keer was daar regtig ’n jakkals en niemand het geluister toe ek skree nie.” +“Hierdie keer?” vra sy pa. “Wat bedoel jy hierdie keer?” +En die jong seun moes toe maar die waarheid vertel. Sy pa was baie kwaad. +“Ek sal jou nie straf nie,” sê hy. “Jy sal gou genoeg uitvind wat gebeur met mense wat leuens vertel.” +“Wat?” vra die seun. +“Dis eenvoudig,” sê sy pa. “Sodra mense weet dat jy leuens vertel, sal hulle jou nooit, ooit weer glo nie, selfs al vertel jy wel die waarheid. Niemand vertrou ’n leuenaar nie.” +En dit was genoeg straf vir die seun. Niemand in die dorpie het ooit weer enigiets geglo wat hy gesê het nie.",afr,Afrikaans,Die seun en die jakkals,"There was once a young boy who lived on a farm near a village. He lived with his mother, father and sister. Everybody in his family had their own special job to do. His job was to look after the sheep. +Every morning he took the sheep out into ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-seun-en-die-jakkals +boy-and-jackal,"Kwakukho inkwenkwana eyayihlala efama kufutshane nelali. Yayihlala nomama wayo, notata kunye nodade wayo. Wonke ubani kusapho lwakhe wayenomsebenzi wakhe okhethekileyo awayewenza. Owakhe umsebenzi yayikukwalusa iigusha. +Rhoqo kusasa yayikhaphela iigusha izisa edlelweni. Apho iigusha zazisitya ingca notyani. Yayizolusa imini yonke. +Ekupheleni kwedlelo kwakukho amawa namatyholo. Kulapho oodyakalashe babehlala khona, kodwa inkwenkwana yayiqinisekisa ukuba iigusha azisondeli kuloo mawa. Rhoqo ngorhatya yayiziqokelela iigusha izibuyisele efama ukuze zikhuseleke. + +Xa inkwenkwana ikhaphela iigusha, udade wabo wayesiya elalini ukuya kuthengisa imifuno namaqanda asefama. Emarikeni wayethetha naye wonke umntu. +“Udade wethu usoloko enabantu bokuncokola,” yatsho inkwenkwana ngenye imini. “Unabahlobo abaninzi ndibe mna ndingenaye nomnye. Ndilapha edlelweni, ndodwa, imini yonke. Akukho mntu ndingathetha naye.” Yajonga iigusha zayo yanesingqala. +Emva kokucinga oku ixesha elide yeza necebo. “Ndiyayazi into endiza kuyenza,” yatsho. “Ndiza kukhala ndikhwaze ndithi, uDyakalashe! Wonke umntu uza kuza kundinceda. Bakufika ndingathi udyakalashe ubuyele kwasematyholweni. Ndiza kubancedisa simkhangele. Ngaloo ndlela ndiza kuba nomntu wokuthetha. Siza kuthetha ngeegusha noodyakalashe nezinye izinto.” +Ngenye imini ke ngoko yalizama eli qhinga layo le nkwenkwe. Yaqalisa ukukhala ikhwaza yaze yabaleka isiya ngaselalini. +“UDyakalashe! Ncedani!” yakhwaza kakhulu. +Abantu bayiva ikhwaza baze babaleka besiya kunceda. Beza neentonga kunye namatye; imitshayelo kunye nemihlakulo. Beza nayo nantoni na ababenokuyifumana ukuncedisa ukusukela udyakalashe emke. +Kakade nje, kwakungekho dyakalashe. Inkwenkwana yayiphosisa. Kodwa bona abantu babengayazi loo nto. Emva kokukhangela ixeshana, abanye abantu bahlala bancokolisa inkwenkwana. Oku kwayenza yonwaba kakhulu. +“Ndicinga ukuba ndiza kuphinda ndilenze eli qhinga kwakhona,” watsho bakumka bonke abantu. “Bekumnandi kakhulu ukuba nabantu bokuncokola.” +Xa egodukile neegusha ngobo busuku, usapho lwakhe lwalusele luvile ngokukhala kwakhe efuna uncedo baze bamcenga ukuba abaxelele ukuba kwenzeke ntoni. +“Ndive ngombhaki,” watsho utata wakhe. +“Bendiselalini ndaze ndabona abantu bebaleka besiya kunceda,” watsho umama wakhe. +“Ubusoyika?” wabuza udade wabo. +Ngoko ke inkwenkwana yababalisela ngodyakalashe, kwaze ukuphosisa kwanda ngokwanda. +Kudlule iveki le nkwenkwana yenza kwale nto inye. Yakhwaza, ibaleka yaya elalini. “UDyakalashe! Ncedani! Yizani ngokukhawuleza.” +Kwakhona abantu behla elalini bebaleka, beza kuyinceda. Kwakhona zange +bafumane dyakalashe. Kwesi sihlandlo bafuna ukuqonda ukuba kwenzeka ntoni na kanye. +“Asiboni mkhondo kadyakalashe,” watsho omnye. +“Iigusha zakho azikhangeleki zisoyika konke konke,” watsho nomnye. +Abantu belali abazange bahlale xesha lide, bambombozela bagoduka. +Lwafika lona usuku apho inkwenkwana yabona into eshukuma kufutshane namatye. Yabona iindlebe ezimbini ezitsolo kunye nomsila omde. Yabona uboya obusilivere-mnyama emqolo. Ixhala layo langongoza kwangoko. Yayingudyakalashe kwaye wayechwechwa, esondela ezigusheni. Ngeli tyeli wakhwaza kakhulu ngokwenene. +“NCEDANI! NCEDANI! Nanku udyakalashe! Yizani ngokukhawuleza.” +Lo gama abaleka esiya kufuna uncedo elalini, ubone udyakalashe esitya enye yeegusha zakhe. Waguquka ebuyela emhlambini wakhe, ekhwaza ngalo lonke elo xesha. Kodwa akuzange kwabakho nomnye umntu oza kumnceda. + +Uthe ke ngoko udyakalashe waxhwila itakane wabaleka nalo, waya kutshona ematyholweni ngakuloo mawa. Iigusha zazisoyika kakhulu kangangokuba zabaleka zonke. Kwaqengqeleka iiyure le nkwenkwana izama ukuzikhangela ukuze iziqokelele zonke, ize izigoduse. +Ngelingeni yathi yakufika ekhaya, yakhalaza kakhulu, “Akukho namnye umntu oze kundinceda. Ngendenzakele. Enye yeegusha yenzakele kwaye udyakalashe ubaleke nelinye itakane. Kwesi sihlandlo ebekhona ngokwenene udyakalashe kwaye akukho nomnye othe wandimamela ndakukhwaza.” +“Kwesi sihlandlo?” kubuza utata wakhe ngomothuko. “Uthetha ukuthini xa +usithi kwesi sihlandlo?” +Kwanyanzeleka ke ukuba inkwenkwana ithethe inyaniso. Utata wakhe waba nomsindo kakhulu. +“Andisayi kukohlwaya,” utshilo. “Uza kukhawuleza ufumanise ukuba kwenzeka ntoni kubantu abaphosisayo.” +“Kwenzeka ntoni?” yabuza inkwenkwana. +“Kulula,” watsho utata wakhe. “Xa bathe abantu bafumanisa ukuba uyaphosisa, abasayi kuphinda bayikholelwe into oyithethayo kwakhona, nokuba sele uthetha inyaniso. Akukho nabani na olithembayo ixoki.” +Eso yaba sisohlwayo ngokwaneleyo kule nkwenkwana. Akuzange kubekho nomnye umntu kuloo lali owaphinda wayikholelwa into eyithethayo.",xho,isiXhosa,Inkwenkwana nodyakalashe,"There was once a young boy who lived on a farm near a village. He lived with his mother, father and sister. Everybody in his family had their own special job to do. His job was to look after the sheep. +Every morning he took the sheep out into ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/inkwenkwana-nodyakalashe +boy-and-jackal,"Kwakukhona umfana owayehlala epulazini elaliseduze komuzi. Wayehlala nonina, uyise nodadwebo. Umuntu ngamunye kulo mndeni wayenomsebenzi wakhe okhethekile okumele awenze. Umsebenzi womfana kwakuwukwelusa izimvu. +Njalo ekuseni wayethatha izimvu azise edlelweni. Izimvu zazidla utshani nokunye okumilayo. Wayezelusa usuku lonke. +Kwakukhona amadwala nezihlahla emphethweni wedlelo. Kwakuyilapho okwakuhlala khona izimpungushe, kodwa umfana wayenza isiqiniseko sokuthi izimvu zazingasondeli emadwaleni. Njalo ebusuku wayebuyisela izimvu epulazini ukuze ziphephe. + +Ngesikhathi umfana eluse izimvu, udadewabo wayeya emzini eyodayisa imifino namaqanda okwakuvela epulazini labo. Emakethe lapho wayekhuluma nawo wonke umuntu. +“Udadewethu uhlale enabantu akhuluma nabo,” kusho umfana ngolunye usuku. “Unabangani abaningi kodwa mina anginabo. Ngilapha, ngedwa, usuku lonke. Ngihlale ngingenaye umuntu engizokhuluma naye.” Wabuka izimvu zakhe waphefumula kancane. +Ngemva kokucabanga ngalokhu isikhathi eside waqhamuka nesu. “Ngiyazi ukuthi ngizokwenzani,” kusho yena. “Ngizomemeza ngithi nansi ‘iMpungushe!’ Wonke umuntu uzoza azongisiza. Ngizobe sengithi impungushe ibuyele ezihlahleni. Ngizobasiza ukuthi bayifune. Ngizobe sengithola umuntu engingaxoxa naye. Sizoxoxa ngezimvu, izimpungushe kanye nezinye izinto.” +Ngakho ngolunye usuku walizama isu lakhe. Waqala ukumemeza ngenkathi egijima ehlela emzini. +“Impungushe! Sizani bo!” esho ememeza kakhulu. +Abantu bamuzwa ememeza bagijima bayosiza. Bafika nezinduku namatshe; imishanelo namafosholo. Bafika nanoma yini ababeyitholile eyayingasiza ukuxosha impungushe. +Vele, kwakungekho mpungushe. Umfana wayeqamba amanga. Kodwa abantu babengakwazi lokhu. Ngemva kokufuna isikhashana, abanye abantu bahlala ukuze baxoxe nomfana. Lokhu kwamthokozisa kakhulu. +“Ngicabanga ukuphinda futhi,” kusho yena sekuhambe wonke umuntu. “Bekumnandi kakhulu ukuba nabantu engingaxoxa nabo.” +Ngesikhathi ebuyisela izimvu ekhaya ngalobo busuku, abomndeni wakhe base bezwe konke ngokumemeza kwakhe ecela usizo, base bemncenga ukuba abatshele ukuthi kwenzekeni. +“Ngizwe ngombhaki,” kusho uyise. +“Bengisemzini ngabona abantu begijima beyosiza,” kusho unina. +“Ngabe bese wesaba?” kubuza udadewabo. +Ngakho umfana wabaxoxela ngempungushe, kanti namanga alokhu ekhula, ekhula. +Ngemva kwesonto umfana omncane waphinda wenza into efanayo. Wamemeza ngesikhathi egijima ehlela emzini. “Impungushe! Sizani! Sheshani!” +Abantu basemzini baphuma beshesha futhi bezomsiza. Baphinde bangathola mpungushe futhi. Ngalesi sikhathi bafuna ukwazi ukuthi kwenzekani. +“Asiboni minyatheliso yamanqina,” kusho omunye. +“Izimvu zakho azibonakali neze zethukile.” kusho omunye. +Abantu basemuzini abazange bahlale isikhathi eside bakhononda ngesikhathi beya ekhaya. +Kwase kufika usuku lapho umfana abona ngempela khona isithunzi sihamba ngasemadwaleni. Wabona amadlebe amabili acijile nomsila omude. Wabona noboya obumpunga sakuba mnyama emhlane wayo. Inhliziyo yakhe yashaya ngamandla. Kwakuyimpungushe futhi yayisondela inyonyobela izimvu zakhe. Ngalesi sikhathi wamemeza kakhulu ngempela. +“SIZANI! SIZANI! Kukhona impungushe! Sheshani!” +Ngesikhathi egijima eya emzini eyofuna usizo, wabona impungushe iluma enye yezimvu zakhe. Wagijima wabuyela emhlambini wakhe elokhu ememeze njalo. Kodwa akukho muntu owazomsiza. + +Impungushe yabamba izinyane lemvu elilodwa yabaleka nalo yangena ezihlahleni ngasemadwaleni. Izimvu zazethuke kakhulu zabaleka zonke. Kwathatha umfana amahora amaningi ukuthi azithole zonke azibuyisele ekhaya. +Wathi uma esefike ekhaya wakhononda kakhulu, “Akukho muntu ozile wazongisiza. Bekungenzeka ngilimale. Kulimele imvu eyodwa kanti impungushe ithathe izinyane lemvu elilodwa. Kulokhu beyikhona ngempela impungushe kodwa akekho umuntu ongilalele ngesikhathi ngimemeza.” +“Kulokhu?” kubuza uyise. “Usho ukuthini uma uthikulokhu?” +Umfana omncane kwadingeka akhulume iqiniso. Uyise wathukuthela kakhulu. +“Angizukukujezisa,” kusho yena. “Uzofunda maduze nje ukuthi kwenzekani ebantwini abaqamba amanga.” +“Kwenzekani?” kubuza umfana. +“Kulula,” kusho uyise. “Uma abantu sebazi ukuthi uqamba amanga, angeke baphinde bakukholwe nanini, nomasewukhuluma iqiniso. Akekho umuntu okholwa umuntu onamanga.” +Kanti lokho kwaba isijeziso esanele kumfana. Akukho muntu emzini owaphinde wakholwa yinoma yini ayishoyo.",zul,isiZulu,Umfana nempungushe,"There was once a young boy who lived on a farm near a village. He lived with his mother, father and sister. Everybody in his family had their own special job to do. His job was to look after the sheep. +Every morning he took the sheep out into ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umfana-nempungushe +boy-and-jackal,"Go kile gwa ba le mošemanyana yo a bego a dula polaseng kgauswi le motse o mongwe. O be a dula le mmagwe, tatagwe le sesiagwe. Bohle ka lapeng ba be ba na le mešomo ya go kgethega yeo ba bego ba e dira. Wa gagwe mošomo e be e le go hlokomela dinku. +Mesong ye mengwe le ye mengwe o be a eya le dinku lešokeng. Gona fao dinku di be di eja mabjang le dimela. O be a di hlokomela letšatši ka moka. +Go be go na le maswika le dithokgwa mafelelong a lešoka. Ke mo go bego go dula diphukubje, efela mošemane yo o be a netefatša gore dinku ga di batamele mo maswikeng. Mathapama a mangwe le a mangwe o be a iša dinku polaseng gore di bolokege. + +Ge mošemane a tšwile le diku, sesiagwe o be a eya motseng go rekiša merogo le mae a go tšwa polaseng. Kua mmarakeng o be a bolela le batho ka moka. +“Ka mehla sesi o ba le batho bao a bolelago le bona,” a realo mošemanyana ka letšatši le lengwe. “O na le bagwera ba bantši mola nna ke se na le o tee. Ke fa nageng, ke noši, letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe. Ga go na motho yo ke bolelago le yena.” O lebeletše dinku tša gagwe a hemela godimo. +Morago ga go nagana kudu ka ga se a dira leano. “Ke a tseba gore ke tla dira eng,” a realo. “Ke tla goeletša ka re phukubje! Batho bohle ba tla tla go nthuša. Ke tla ba botša gore phukubje e boetše dithokgweng. Ke tla ba thuša go e tsoma. Ke tla ba le batho ba ke bolelago le bona. Re tla bolela ka dinku le diphukubje le dilo tše dingwe.” +O ile a leka leano la gagwe ka letšatši le lengwe. O ile a thoma go goeletša a kitimela motseng. +“Phukubje! Thušang!” a goeletša ka go hlabeletša. +Batho ba mo kwele ge a goeletša gomme ba kitima ba ya go mo thuša. Ba tlile ba swere maswika le dipatla; le maswielo le dipete. Ba tlile le se sengwe le se sengwe seo ba bego ba ka se hwetša gore ba tle go rakediša phukubje. +Phukubje e be e se gona. Mošemane o ba boditše maaka. Efela batho ba be ba sa tsebe ka ga se. Morago ga go putuka sebakanyana, batho ba bangwe ba ile ba šala gore ba bolele le mošemane. Se se ile sa mo thabiša kudu. +“Ke gopola gore ke tla dira se gape,” a realo morago ga gore batho bohle ba sepele. “Go bile bose go ba le batho ba ke bolelago le bona.” +Ge a goroša dinku gae bošego bjoo, lapa la gabo le be le kwele ka ga go goeletša ga gagwe a nyaka thušo gomme ba mo kgopela gore a ba botše seo se diregilego. +“Ke kwele seo ka ralepaka,” a realo tatagwe. +“Ke be ke le motseng gomme ka bona batho ba kitima go ya go thuša,” a realo mmagwe. +“Naa o be o tšhogile?” gwa botšiša sesiagwe. +Mošemane a napa a ba botša tšohle ka ga phukubje, gomme bjalo a oketša maaka kudu. +Morago ga beke e tee mošemane o ile a boeletša seo a se dirilego. O ile a goeletša a kitimela motseng. “Phukubje! Thušang! Etlang ka pela.” +Batho ba mo motseng ba ile ba kitima gape go ya go mo thuša. Le gabjale ga se ba hwetša phukubje. Bjale ba ile ba nyaka go tseba gore go direga eng. +“Ga re bone mehlala,” yo mongwe a realo. +“Le dinku tša gago ga di bonale di tšhogile,” yo mongwe a realo. +Batho ba motseng ga se ba dula nako ye telele ya ba ba a ngunanguna ba lebile gae. +Go ile gwa fihla letšatši leo ka lona mošemane a bonego sebopego se sepela kgauswi le maswika. O bone ditsebe tše pedi tša go ema le mosela o motelele. O bone boya bja mmala wa silibera le boso mokokotlong. Pelo ya gagwe e ile ya betha ka maatla. E be e le phukubje, e be e batamela kgauswi le dinku gannyane-gannyane. Gabjale o ile a goeletša kudu. +“THUŠANG! THUŠANG! Phukubje! Etlang ka pela.” +Ge a kitimela motseng go hwetša thušo, a bona phukubje e loma e tee ya dinku tša gagwe. O ile a boela morago a kitimela mohlapeng wa gagwe, a dutše a goeletša. Efela ga go yo a ilego a tla go mo thuša. + +Phukubje e ile ya swara kwana gomme ya kitimela dithokgwaneng tša maswikeng le yona. Dinku di ile tša tšhoga kudu gomme tša tšhaba. Go tšere mošemane diiri tše dintšhi gore a di hwetše a di tliše gae. +O rile go fihla gae a belaela kudu, “Ga go motho yo a tlilego go nthuša. Ke nyakile go gobala. Nku e tee e gobetše gomme kwana e tšerwe ke phukubje. Gabjale phukubje e be e le gona ka nnete efela ge ke goeletša ga go motho le o tee yo a ntheeleditšego.” +“Gabjale?” gwa botšiša tatagwe. “O ra bjang ge o re gabjale?” +Mošemanyana o ile a swanela go bolela nnete. Tatagwe o be a befetšwe kudu. +“Nka se go otle,” a realo. “Go se go ye kae o tla bona gore go direga eng ka batho ba go bolela maaka.” +“Eng?” gwa botšiša mošemane. +“Go bonolo,” a realo tatagwe. “Ge batho ba ka tseba gore o boletše maaka, ba ka se sa tsoga ba go tshephile, le ge e le gore o tla be o bolela nnete ka nako yeo. Ga go motho yo a tshephago motho wa go bolela maaka.” +Seo e bile kotlo ye kgolo go mošemane. Ga go motho yo a ilego a hlwa a sa tshepha seo se bolelwago ke mošemane yo mo motseng.",nso,Sepedi,Mošemane le Phukubje,"There was once a young boy who lived on a farm near a village. He lived with his mother, father and sister. Everybody in his family had their own special job to do. His job was to look after the sheep. +Every morning he took the sheep out into ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mošemane-le-phukubje +boy-and-jackal,"Ho kile ha eba le moshanyana e mong ya neng a dula polasing e haufi le motse. O ne a dula le mmae, ntatae le kgaitsedi ya hae. Motho e mong le e mong lapeng leo o ne a ena le mosebetsi wa hae o ikgethang. Yena mosebetsi wa hae e ne e le ho alosa dinku. +Kamehla hoseng o ne a ntsha dinku ho di isa naheng. Moo, dinku di ne di fula jwang di eja le dimela. O ne a di disa letsatsi lohle. +Ho ne ho ena le mafika le moru qetellong ya thota. Ke moo ho neng ho dula phokojwe, empa moshanyana eo o ne a etsa bonnete ba hore dinku tsa hae hohang ha di atamele mafikeng ao. Mantsiboyeng a mang le a mang o ne a kgutlisetsa dinku polasing moo di neng di bolokehile teng. + +Ha moshanyana eo a leba naheng le dinku, kgaitsedi ya hae o ne a leba motseng ho ya rekisa meroho le mahe a tswang polasing ya bona. Mmarakeng moo o ne a bua le batho kaofela. +“Kgaitsedi ya ka o dula a ena le batho bao a ka buang le bona,” ha rialo moshanyana eo ka tsatsi le leng. “O na le metswalle e mengata mme nna ha ke na yona. Ke dula naheng mona, ke le mong, tsatsi le leng le le leng. Ha ho motho eo nka buang le yena.” A sheba dinku tsa hae mme a fehelwa. +Kamora ho nahana ka sena nako e telele a tla ka leqheka. “Ke a tseba hore ke tla etsa eng,” a rialo. “Ke tla hoeletsa ke re, Phokojwe! Batho bohle ba tla tla ho tla nthusa. Jwale ke tla re phokojwe e kgutletse morung. Ke tla ba thusa ho e batla. Kahoo ke tla ba le batho bao nka buang le bona. Re tla bua ka dinku le diphokojwe le dintho tse ding.” +Yaba he, ka tsatsi le leng o leka leqheka lena la hae. A qala ho hoeletsa mme a matha a theohela ka motseng. +“Phokojwe! Thusang!” a hoeletsa haholo. +Batho ba mo utlwa a ntse a hoeletsa mme ba matha ho ya mo thusa. Ba tla ba tshwere dithupa le majwe; mafielo le dikgaragu. Ba tla ba tshwere ntho e nngwe le e nngwe eo ba neng ba ka e fumana ho tla lelekisa phokojwe. +Ehlile, ho ne ho se phokojwe mono. Moshanyana eo o ne a le leshano. Batho bona ba ne ba sa tsebe seo. Ka mora ho batlana le yona nako e itseng, batho ba bang ba sala ho bua le moshanyana eo. Sena se ile sa mo thabisa haholo. +“Ke nahana hore ke tla etsa jwalo hape,” a rialo ha batho bohle ba se ba tsamaile. “Ho ne ho hlile ho le monate ho ba le batho bao nka buang le bona.” +Ha a orosa dinku mantsiboyeng ao, ba lelapa labo ba ne ba utlwetse kamoo a ileng a hoeletsa a kopa thuso ka teng mme ba mo kopa hore a ba phetele se etsahetseng. +“Ke utlwile ka ralebaka,” ha rialo ntatae. +“Ke ne ke le motseng mane mme ka bona batho ba matha ho ya thusa,” ha rialo mmae. +“Na o ne o tshohile?” ha botsa kgaitsedi ya hae. +Yaba moshanyana eo o ba qoqela tsohle ka phokojwe eo, mme leshano la hae la nna la hola, la hola jwalo. +Ka mora beke e le nngwe moshanyana eo a pheta ntho eo hape. A hoeletsa a ntse a mathela motseng. “Phokojwe! Thusang! Tlong kapele.” +Yaba hape baahi ba motse ba tswa ba matha ho ya mo thusa. Mme hape ba se ke ba fumana phokojwe. Kgetlong lena ba batla ho tseba hore hantlentle ho etsahala eng. +“Ha re bone mehlala ya letho mona,” ha rialo e mong. +“Dinku tsa hao ha di shebahale di tshohile hohang,” ha rialo motho e mong hape. +Baahi ba motse ha ba ka ba dula nako e telele mme ba honotha ba ntse ba kgutlela motseng ha bona. +Yaba ka tsatsi le leng moshanyana enwa o hlile o bona sebopeho se itseng se tsamatsamaya haufi le mafika. A bona ditsebe tse pedi tse motsu le mohlatla o molelele. O ile a bona boya bo bosootho bo silifera mokokotlong wa yona. Pelo ya hae ya otlela hodimo ka potlako. E ne e le phokojwe mme e ne e ntse e nanya e atamela ho tla dinkung tsa hae. Kgetlong lena o ile a hla a hoeletsa haholo ho feta. +“THUSANG! THUSANG! Phokojwe ke eo! Tlong kapele bo.” +Eitse ha a ntse a matha ho theosetsa ka motseng a ilo batla thuso, a bona phokojwe e loma e nngwe ya dinku tsa hae. A fetoha mme a kgutlela mohlapeng wa hae a matha, a ntse a hoeletsa ka nako eo. Empa ha ho motho ya ileng a tswa ho tla mo thusa. + +Yaba phokojwe e phamola konyana mme e mathela ka hara moru, mafikeng. Dinku di ne di tshohile haholo hoo di ileng tsa baleha kaofela. Ho ile ha nka moshanyana eo dihora tse ngata pele a di bokella kaofela mme a ya le tsona hae. +Eitse qetellong ha a fihla lapeng a omana haholo a tletleba, “Ha ho motho ya ileng a tla nthusa. Nka be ke tswile kotsi. Nku e nngwe e lemetse mme phokojwe e nkile konyana e le nngwe. Kgetlong lena ho ne ho hlile ho ena le phokojwe mme ha ho motho ya ileng a mmamela ha ntse ke hoeletsa.” +“Kgetlong lee?” ha botsa ntatae. “O bolelang ha o rekgetlong lena?” +Yaba moshanyana eo o tlameha ho bua nnete. Ntatae o ne a halefile haholo. +“Nke ke ka o fa kotlo,” a rialo. “O se o tla iphumanela hore ho etsahala eng ka batho ba buang leshano.” +“Eng?” moshanyana eo a botsa. +“Ho bonolo,” ntatae a mo araba. “Hang ha batho ba ka tseba hore o ba bolelletse leshano, ba ke ke ba hlola ba o kgolwa le kgale, le mohlang o seng o bua nnete. Ha ho motho ya kgolwang raleshano.” +Mme hoo ebile kotlo e lekaneng bakeng sa moshanyana eo. Ho ne ho se ho se motho ya kgolwang eng kapa eng eo a e buang.",sot,Sesotho,Moshanyana le Phokojwe,"There was once a young boy who lived on a farm near a village. He lived with his mother, father and sister. Everybody in his family had their own special job to do. His job was to look after the sheep. +Every morning he took the sheep out into ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/moshanyana-le-phokojwe +guinea-fowl-laid-golden-eggs,"Once upon a time there was a very poor man called Mzi. +“The children are hungry, and we have no money to buy food,” cried his wife, Pumla. “What are we going to do?” +“I will go hunting,” said Mzi. “If I can catch some guinea fowl, then we will have a tasty meal.” Off he set into the veld with his catapult and some small stones. Soon he came across a fat guinea fowl in a clearing in the long grass. Mzi took careful aim and was about to fire the catapult when … +“Please don’t shoot,” squawked the guinea fowl. “I am a special bird. I can make you rich.” +Mzi put down the catapult. “What do you mean?” he asked. “Can you really make me rich?” +“I lay golden eggs,” said the guinea fowl. “If you promise not to kill me, I will lay an egg for you.” +Mzi scooped up the bird and hurried home. +“Ah, dinner,” exclaimed Pumla when he got home. “Kill the bird so I can put it in the pot.” +“Oh no,” said Mzi. “This isn’t just any bird. This is a magic guinea fowl that lays golden eggs.” +“You shouldn’t believe everything you hear,” laughed his wife. “Pass me the axe. I’ll kill it myself.” +The poor bird got a terrible fright. It clucked so hard that it laid an egg, right there on the doorstep! Pumla looked at the egg and blinked. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. The egg was definitely golden! + +Carefully Mzi picked it up. “It’s very heavy,” he said. “It must be pure gold.” +“Solid gold!” clucked the guinea fowl proudly. +“We are rich!” shouted Mzi. +“Can I go now?” asked the guinea fowl. +“Of course not,” snapped Pumla, snatching the bird up and putting it in a cage. “You must stay here and lay more eggs.” +Then Pumla and Mzi went off to the gold merchant. They sold the egg for lots of money – enough to buy food for a year and a new dress for Pumla. Mzi was very happy. His children had food, his wife had a new dress and he had a magic guinea fowl that laid golden eggs. +Every morning after that the family found a golden egg in the cage. Soon they had everything their hearts desired: a new house, a shiny black car, a big screen TV, and lots of lovely clothes to wear. Every night they feasted on the best food, and everyone in their town envied them. +But Pumla wasn’t happy. “I want more things! Guinea Fowl, lay me two eggs a day,” she demanded. +“I can only lay one egg per day,” squawked the bird. +“But I need a bigger house,” Pumla said. “I want a better car – a red one this time, and I want to travel around the world, and …” +“But we are so rich,” grumbled Mzi. “Why can’t you just be happy?” +“I want more,” said Pumla. “I want two eggs every day. I want to be the richest person in the whole country.” +“Well, I can’t,” clucked the guinea fowl. “I can only lay one egg a day.” +“You have to,” said Pumla, waving the axe. The guinea fowl was so scared its legs wobbled and then … it pushed and strained and squawked and squeaked and … out popped another egg! Every day it managed to squeeze out two eggs. +A few weeks later Pumla was dissatisfied again. “I want three eggs a day,” she said. “I want to be the richest person in the whole of Africa.” +“I can’t lay three eggs a day,” gasped the guinea fowl. +“Try harder!” shrieked Pumla. “Give me three eggs right this minute, or I will chop off your head!” +The frightened guinea fowl squawked and then it pushed and strained and out popped one egg. Then it pushed and strained and squeezed and squawked and finally out popped a second egg. +“One more,” shouted Pumla, “or I will chop you into little bits!” +The guinea fowl pushed and strained and pushed and strained again, and suddenly … she fell over dead. + +“Now see what you’ve done!” shouted Mzi. “The poor guinea fowl is dead.” +  +“Let’s cut it open,” cried Pumla. “It must be full of eggs.” She grabbed a knife and cut open the guinea fowl’s stomach. But, there were no eggs inside, and they never found a golden egg again.",eng,English,The guinea fowl that laid golden eggs,"Once upon a time there was a very poor man called Mzi. +“The children are hungry, and we have no money to buy food,” cried his wife, Pumla. “What are we going to do?” +“I will go hunting,” said Mzi. “If I can catch some ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/guinea-fowl-laid-golden-eggs +guinea-fowl-laid-golden-eggs,"Daar was eenkeer ’n baie arm man met die naam Mzi. +  +“Die kinders is honger, en ons het geen geld om kos te koop nie,” huil sy vrou, Pumla. “Wat gaan ons doen?” +  +“Ek sal gaan jag,” sê Mzi. “As ek ’n tarentaal kan skiet, sal ons ’n smaaklike maaltyd hê.” En hy kies koers veld toe met sy kettie en ’n paar klein klippies. Sommer gou sien hy ’n vet tarentaal in ’n oopte in die lang gras. Mzi lê versigtig aan en is op die punt om die voël te skiet toe … +“Moet my asseblief nie skiet nie,” krys die tarentaal. “Ek is ’n spesiale voël. Ek kan jou ryk maak.” +Mzi sit die kettie neer. “Wat bedoel jy?” vra hy. “Kan jy my regtig ryk maak?” +“Ek lê goue eiers,” sê die tarentaal. “As jy belowe om my nie dood te maak nie, sal ek vir jou ’n eier lê.” +Mzi raap die voël op en haas hom huis toe. +“Aha, aandete,” roep Pumla uit toe hy by die huis kom. “Slag die voël sodat ek dit in die pot kan sit.” +“O, nee,” sê Mzi. “Dit is nie sommer enige voël nie. Dit is ’n towertarentaal wat goue eiers lê.” +“Jy moet nie alles glo wat jy hoor nie,” lag sy vrou. “Gee vir my die byl aan. Ek sal dit self doodmaak.” +Die arme voël skrik haar boeglam. Sy kloek so hard dat sy net daar op die deur se drumpel ’n eier lê! Pumla kyk na die eier en knip haar oë. Sy vryf oor haar oë en kyk weer. Dis beslis ’n goue eier! + +Versigtig tel Mzi die eier op. “Dis baie swaar,” sê hy. “Dit moet suiwer goud wees.” +“Soliede goud!” kloek die tarentaal trots. +“Ons is ryk!” skree Mzi. +“Mag ek nou maar gaan?” vra die tarentaal. +“Natuurlik nie,” blaf Pumla, gryp die voël en sit haar in ’n hok. “Jy moet hier bly en nog eiers lê.” +Toe gaan Pumla en Mzi na die goudhandelaar toe. Hulle verkoop die eier vir baie geld – genoeg om kos vir ’n jaar te koop, en ’n nuwe rok vir Pumla. Mzi is baie gelukkig. Sy kinders het kos, sy vrou het ’n nuwe rok en hy het ’n towertarentaal wat goue eiers lê. +Elke oggend daarna kry die gesin ’n goue eier in die hok. Sommer gou het hulle alles wat hul harte begeer: ’n nuwe huis, ’n blink swart motor, ’n grootskerm-TV, en baie pragtige klere. Elke aand smul hulle aan die beste kos, en almal in hulle dorp is jaloers op hulle. +Maar Pumla is nie gelukkig nie. “Ek wil nog goed hê! Tarentaal, lê vir my twee eiers per dag,” eis sy. +“Ek kan net een eier op ’n dag lê,” krys die voël. +“Maar ek het ’n groter huis nodig,” sê Pumla. “Ek wil ’n beter motor hê – hierdie keer ’n rooie, en ek wil om die wêreld reis, en …” +“Maar ons is so ryk,” mor Mzi. “Waarom kan jy nie net gelukkig wees nie?” +“Ek wil meer hê,” sê Pumla. “Ek wil elke dag twee eiers hê. Ek wil die rykste persoon in die hele land wees.” +“Wel, ek kan nie,” kloek die tarentaal. “Ek kan net een eier ’n dag lê.” +“Jy moet,” sê Pumla, en swaai die byl. Die tarentaal is so bang haar bene bewe en toe … druk en kreun en krys en piep sy, en … toe lê sy nog ’n eier! Sy kry dit reg om elke dag twee eiers uit te druk. +’n Paar weke later is Pumla weer ontevrede. “Ek wil drie eiers per dag hê,” sê sy. “Ek wil die rykste mens in die hele Afrika wees.” +“Ek kan nie drie eiers per dag lê nie,” hyg die arme tarentaal. +“Probeer harder!” gil Pumla. “Gee op die daad vir my drie eiers, of ek kap jou kop af!” +Die vreesbevange tarentaal krys en toe druk en kreun sy en lê ’n eier. Toe druk en kreun en druk en kreun sy weer en uiteindelik lê sy ’n tweede eier. +“Nog een,” skree Pumla, “of ek kap jou in klein stukkies!” +Die tarentaal druk en steun en druk en steun weer, en skielik … slaan sy morsdood neer. + +  +“Kyk nou wat het jy gedoen!” skree Mzi. “Die arme tarentaal is dood.” +“Kom ons sny haar oop,” skree Pumla. “Sy moet vol eiers wees.” Sy gryp ’n mes en sny die tarentaal se maag oop. Maar daar is geen eiers in haar maag nie, en hulle het nooit weer ’n goue eier gevind nie.",afr,Afrikaans,Die tarentaal wat goue eiers gelê het,"Once upon a time there was a very poor man called Mzi. +“The children are hungry, and we have no money to buy food,” cried his wife, Pumla. “What are we going to do?” +“I will go hunting,” said Mzi. “If I can catch some ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-tarentaal-wat-goue-eiers-gelê-het +guinea-fowl-laid-golden-eggs,"Kudala-dala kwakukho indoda eyayihlupheka kakhulu egama layo yayinguMzi. +“Abantwana balambile, kwaye asinamali yokuthenga ukutya,” walilisela ngelitshoyo umfazi wakhe uPumla. “Siza kwenza njani?” +“Ndiza kuya kuzingela,” utshilo uMzi. “Ukuba ndinokubamba impangele, siza kuba nokutya okumnandi.” Watsho ehamba esiya ethafeni, ephethe isilingi sakhe namatyana amancinane. Kungekudala wahlangana nempangele etyebileyo kwindawo elibala ephakathi kwengca ende. UMzi wajolisa ngobunono kwaye wayesele elungele ukudubula xa … +“Nceda ungandidubuli,” yatsho ikhala impangele. “Ndiyintaka ekhethekileyo. Ndingakwenza ube sisityebi.” +UMzi wasibeka phantsi isilingi sakhe. “Uthetha ukuthini?” wabuza. “Ungandenza ndibe sisityebi ngokwenene?” +“Ndizalela amaqanda egolide,” yatsho impangele. “Ukuba uyathembisa ukuba awusayi kundibulala, ndakukuzalelela iqanda legolide.” +UMzi wayithi hlasi le ntaka waza waxhina ukugoduka. +“Aha, isidlo sangokuhlwa,” watsho ngemincili uPumla ukufika kukaMzi. “Yibulale intaka leyo ukuze ndiyipheke.” +“Owu hayi,” watsho uMzi. “Le asiyontaka nje. Le yimpangele yomlingo ezalela amaqanda egolide.” +“Akufuneki ukuba ukholelwe yiyo yonke nje into oyivayo,” wahleka ngelitshoyo umfazi wakhe. “Khawundigqithisele izembe. Ndiza kuyibulala ngokwam.” +Usizana lwentaka loyika kakhulu. Yakokoza kakhulu kangangokuba yade yazalela iqanda, kanye apho emnyango! UPumla wajonga iqanda waze waqhwanyaqhwanyaza. Watyikitya amehlo akhe waphinda waqwalasela kwakhona. Iqanda eli ngokwenene yayilelegolide! + +Ngononophelo uMzi walithatha. “Linzima kakhulu,” utshilo. “Ngokuqinisekileyo yigolide esulungekileyo.” +“Igolide yokwenene!” yakokoza yatsho impangele ngokuzingca. +“Sizizityebi!” wakhwaza ngovuyo uMzi. +“Ndingahamba ke ngoku? yabuza impangele. +“Hayi, ngeke,” watsho ngomsindo uPumla, esithi nqaku loo ntaka eyifaka ehokweni. “Kufuneka uhlale apha uzalele amanye amaqanda.” +  +Emva koko uPumla noMzi baya kumthengi wegolide. Balithengisa iqanda elo baza bafumana imali eninzi – eyonele ukuba bathenge ukutya konyaka wonke nelokhwe entsha kaPumla. UMzi wonwaba kakhulu. Abantwana bakhe babenokutya, umfazi wakhe enelokhwe entsha kwaye wayenempangele yomlingo ezalela amaqanda egolide. +Emva koko, qho kusasa usapho lwalufumana iqanda legolide ehokweni. Ngethutyana elingephi babanayo yonke into abayinqwenelayo: indlu entsha, umnyobo wemoto emnyama, umabonwakude omkhulu kwakunye neempahla ezininzi nezintle zokunxiba. Rhoqo ngokuhlwa babesiba nesidlo sokona kutya kumnandi, kwaye wonke ubani kwidolophu yabo wayenqwenela obo bomi babo. +Kodwa uPumla wayengonwabanga. “Ndifuna ezinye izinto! Mpangele, ndizalele amaqanda amabini ngosuku,” wayiyalela watsho. +“Ndikwazi ukuzalela iqanda elinye kuphela ngosuku,” ikhale yatsho intaka. +“Mna ndifuna indlu enkulu kunale ndinayo,” watsho uPumla. “Ndifuna imoto engcono kunale – ebomvu kweli tyeli kwaye ndifuna nokukhenketha ihlabathi, kwakunye …” +“Kodwa sele sizizityebi nje,” ungenelele ngomsindo esitsho uMzi. “Kutheni ungoneli kangaka?” +“Ndifuna okungaphezulu koku,” watsho uPumla. “Ndifuna amaqanda amabini ngemini. Ndifuna ukuba sesona sityebi kulo lonke eli lizwe.” +“Hayi ke, andikwazi,” yakokoza isitsho impangele. “Ndizalela iqanda elinye kuphela ngemini.” +“Unyanzelekile,” watsho uPumla, ejiwuzisa izembe. Impangele yoyika kakhulu kangangokuba imilenze yayo yangcangcazela … yatyhala ibulaleka, yakhala itswina kwaze kwaphuma nelinye iqanda! Yonke imihla yakwazi ukuzityhala, izalele amaqanda amabini. +Kudlule iivekana nje ezimbalwa waphinda uPumla akonwaba. “Ndifuna amaqanda amathathu ngosuku,” watsho. “Ndifuna ukuba ngoyena mntu osisityebi kwi-Afrika iphela.” +“Andikwazi ukuzalela amaqanda amathathu ngemini,” ikhefuzele yatsho impangele. +“Zama kangangoko!” watsho ngomsindo uPumla. “Ndinike amaqanda amathathu ngawo lo mzuzu okanye ndiza kukunqumla intloko!” +Impangele eyoyikayo yakhala yaza yatyhala ibulaleka kwade kwaphuma iqanda lalinye. Yaphinda yatyhala ibulaleka yacinezela yakhala kwaze ekugqibeleni kwaphuma iqanda lesibini. +“Elinye kwakhona,” wakhwaza uPumla, “okanye ndiza kukunqunqa ube zizicwili!” +Impangele yatyhala ibulaleka yatyhala, yatyhala ibulaleka kwakhona, yaze ngephanyazo … yathi qikili yafa. + +“Jonga ke into oyenzileyo!” kukhwaze uMzi. “Usizana lwempangele lufile.” +“Masiyiqwangqulule,” kukhale uPumla. “Inokuba izele ngamaqanda ngaphakathi.” Wathi hlasi imela wayiqwangqulula impangele. Kodwa kwakungekho maqanda ngaphakathi, kwaye abazange baphinde balifumane iqanda legolide kwakhona.",xho,isiXhosa,Impangele eyayizalela amaqanda egolide,"Once upon a time there was a very poor man called Mzi. +“The children are hungry, and we have no money to buy food,” cried his wife, Pumla. “What are we going to do?” +“I will go hunting,” said Mzi. “If I can catch some ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/impangele-eyayizalela-amaqanda-egolide +guinea-fowl-laid-golden-eggs,"Kwesukasukela, kwakukhona indoda eyayimpofu kakhulu eyayibizwa ngoMzi. +“Izingane zilambile, asinayo imali yokuthenga ukudla,” kukhala inkosikazi, +uPhumla. “Sizokwenzenjani?” +“Ngizoyozingela,” kusho uMzi. “Uma ngibamba impangele, sizodla kamnandi.” Washo ephuma eya ehlathini nesihlilingi sakhe namatshe amancane. Emva kwesikhashana nje wahlangana nempangele ekhuluphele endaweni evulekile esikhotheni. UMzi wama nesihlilingi sakhe ezilungiselele ukuyinemba ngesikhathi … +“Ungangidubuli,” kukhala impangele. “Ngiyinyoni yekhethelo. Ngingakwenza ucebe.” +UMzi wabeka phansi isihlilingi sakhe. “Usho ukuthini?” kubuza yena. “Ngabe ungangicebisa ngempela?” +“Ngizalela amaqanda egolide,” kusho impangele. “Uma wethembisa ukuthi ngeke ungibulale, ngizokuzalelela iqanda legolide.” +UMzi wathatha impangele waya nayo ekhaya. +“A, yisidlo sakusihlwa-ke lesi,” kumemeza uPhumla ngesikhathi efika ekhaya. “Bulala impangele ngiyifake ebhodweni.” +“Chabo bo,” kusho uMzi. “Le mpangele ayifani nezinye. Le impangele yomlingo ezalela amaqanda egolide.” +“Kumele ungakholelwa kuyo yonke into oyizwayo,” kuhleka inkosikazi yakhe. “Nginike imbazo. Ngizoyibulala ngokwami.” +Impangele yabantu yethuka kakhulu. Yakhala kakhulu kangangoba yaze yazalela iqanda, khona lapho phambi komnyango! UPhumla wabuka iqanda wacwayiza. Wacikica amehlo wabuka futhi. Iqanga legolide ngempela! + +  +UMzi waliphakamisa ngokucophelela. “Lisinda kakhulu,” kusho yena. “Kufanele ukuthi igolide elicolekile.” +“Igolide elicolekile!” kukhala impangele ngokuziqhenya. +“Sesicebile!” kumemeza uMzi. +“Sengingahamba manje?” kubuza impangele. +“Cha,” kuthetha uPhumla, egxavula impangele eyifaka ekhejini. “Kumele uhlale la bese uzalela amanye amaqanda.” +UPhumla noMzi baya kothengisa igolide. Bathengisa iqanda ngemali enkulu – yayiningi kangangoba yayanele ukudla konyaka wonke nengubo entsha kaPhumla. UMzi wayejabule kakhulu. Izingane zakhe zazinokudla, unkosikazi wakhe wayenengubo entsha kanti yena wayenempangele yomlingo ezalela amaqanda egolide. +Njalo ekuseni emva kwalokho umndeni wawuthola iqanda legolide ekhejini. Kungaphelanga sikhathi base benakho konke abakufisayo: indlu entsha, imoto emnyama ecwebezelayo, umabonakude onesikrini esikhulu, kanye nezingubo zokugqoka eziningi ezinhle. Njalo ebusuku babezitika ngokudla okumnandi, futhi wonke umuntu edolobheni langakubo wayefisa ukuba yibona. +Kodwa uPhumla wayengathokozile. “Ngisafuna okunye okuningi! Mpangele, ngizalelele amaqanda amabili ngosuku,” kusho yena ngesankahlu. +“Ngikwazi ukuzalela iqanda elilodwa kuphela ngosuku,” kukhala impangele. +“Kodwa ngidinga indlu enkulu kunale,” kusho uPhumla. “Ngifuna imoto engcono – kulokhu ngifuna ebomvu, ngifuna ukuhamba amazwe omhlaba, bese …” +“Kodwa sicebe kakhulu,” kugwavuma uMzi. “Kungani ungavele uthokoze?” +“Ngifuna okuningi,” kusho uPhumla. “Ngifuna amaqanda amabili nsuku zonke. Ngifuna ukuba umuntu ocebe kunabo bonke ezweni lonke.” +“Ngeshwa, ngeke ngikwazi,” kukhala impangele. “Ngikwazi ukuzalela iqanda elilodwa kuphela ngosuku.” +“Kuzomele wenzenjalo,” kusho uPhumla, esikaza ngezembe. Impangele yayethuke kakhulu nemilenze yayo yaze yaqhaqhazela yase … idudula, ikhanula, yase ikhala, yaphinde yakhala futhi kwase … kuphuma elinye iqanda! Yakwazi ukukhanula amaqanda amabili nsuku zonke. +Ngemva kwamasonto ambalwa uPhumla wayengakeneliswa. “Ngifuna amaqanda amathathu ngosuku,” kusho yena. “Ngifuna ukuba umuntu ocebe kunabo bonke kulo lonke elase-Afrika.” +“Ngeke ngikwazi ukuzalela amaqanda amathathu ngosuku,” kubabaza impangele +“Zama kakhudlwana!” kuthetha uPhumla. “Nginike amaqanda amathathu njengamanje, kungenjalo ngizokunquma ikhanda!” +Impangele eyethukile yakhala yase idudula yakhanula yase izalela iqanda. Yase idudula yase ikhanula, yaphinde yakhanula futhi, yagcina seyikhiphe iqanda lesibili. +“Elinye futhi,” kumemeza uPhumla, “kungenjalo ngizokuqoba ube yizicucu!” +Impangele yadudula yase ikhanula, yase idudula, ikhanula futhi, kusenjalo … yawa, yafa. + +“Buka-ke ukuthi wenzeni!” kumemeza uMzi. “Impangele bandla isifile.” +“Ake siyisike siyivule,” kukhala uPhumla. “Kumele ukuthi igcwele amaqanda.” Wathatha umbese wase evula isisu sempangele. Kodwa, kwakungekho maqanda ngaphakathi, abazange baphinde bathola elinye iqanda legolide futhi.",zul,isiZulu,Impangele eyayizalela amaqanda egolide,"Once upon a time there was a very poor man called Mzi. +“The children are hungry, and we have no money to buy food,” cried his wife, Pumla. “What are we going to do?” +“I will go hunting,” said Mzi. “If I can catch some ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/impangele-eyayizalela-amaqanda-egolide-0 +guinea-fowl-laid-golden-eggs,"Kgale go ile gwa ba le monna wa go hloka a bitšwa Mzi. +“Bana ba swerwe ke tlala, gomme ga re na tšhelete ya go reka dijo,” a realo mosadi wa gagwe, Pumla. “Naa re tla dira bjang?” +“Ke tla ya go tsoma,” a realo Mzi. “Ge nka swara kgaka, gona re tla ba le dijo tša bose.” O ile a leba nageng a swere seragamabje le maswikana. Ka pejana a kopana le kgaka ya go nona e le ka gare ga mabjang a matelele. Mzi o ile a e lebantšha ka tlhokomelo gomme o be a le kgauswi le go thuntšha ka seragamabje ge … +“O se thuntšhe hle,” gwa lla kgaka. “Ke nonyana ye e kgethegilego. Nka go dira mohumi.” +Mzi a bea seragamabje fase. “O ra go reng?” a botšiša. “Ka nnete o ka nkhumiša?” +“Ke beela mae a gauta,” a realo kgaka. “Ge o ka ntshepiša gore o ka se mpolaye, nka go beela lee le le tee.” +Mzi o ile a tšea nonyana a ya gae. +“Aga, dijo tša go lalela,” a realo Pumla ge a fihla gae. “Bolaya nonyana ye gore ke e tsenye ka pitšeng.” +“Aowaowaa,” a realo Mzi. “Ga se nonyana fela ye. Ke kgaka ya maleatlana ya go beela mae a gauta.” +“Ga wa swanela go tshepa sengwe le sengwe se o se botšwago,” gwa sega mosadi wa gagwe. “Mphe selepe. Nna ke tla e bolaya.” +Nonyana ya batho e ile ya tšhoga kudu. Ya kokoretša kudu ka moo e ilego ya bea le lee, gona fao mojako! Pumla o lebeletše lee gomme a ponya leihlo. O ile a tsikitla mahlo a gagwe a lebelela gape. Lee e be e le la gauta! + +Mzi a le topa ka tlhokomelo. “Le boima kudu,” a realo. “E swanetše go ba e le gauta ya nnete.” +“Gauta ya go tia!” gwa kokoretša kgaka ka boikgantšho. +“Re humile!” gwa goeletša Mzi. +“Naa nka sepela bjale?” gwa botšiša kgaka. +“Aowa,” a realo Pumla, a topa nonyana a e lokela ka gare ga serobe. “O swanetše go dula fa o beye mae a mangwe a mantši.” +  +Morago Pumla le Mzi ba ile ba ya go morekiši wa gauta. Ba rekišitše lee ka tšhelete ye ntši kudu – ya go lekana dijo tša ngwaga ka moka le roko ye mpsha ya Pumla. Mzi o be a thabile kudu. Bana ba gagwe ba be ba na le dijo, mosadi wa gagwe a na le roko e mpsha gape o be a na le kgaka ya maleatlana ya go beela mae a gauta. +Morago ga fao, ba lapa ba be ba hwetša lee la gauta mesong ye mengwe le ye mengwe ka serobeng. Ba ile ba ba le ditakatso tša dipelo tša bona ka moka ga tšona ka bjako: ntlo ye mpsha, sefatanaga se seso sa go phadima, TV ye kgolo, le diaparo tše dintši tša botse. Bošego bjo bongwe le bjo bongwe ba be ba lalela ka dijo tše di kaonekaone, gomme batho bohle mo toropong ya bona ba be ba ba duma. +Efela Pumla o be a sa thaba. “Ke nyaka dilo tše dingwe gape! Kgaka, mpeele mae a mabedi ka letšatši,” a laela. +“Ke bea fela lee le tee ka letšatši,” gwa kokoretša kgaka. +“Efela ke nyaka ntlo ye kgolwane,” a realo Pumla. “Ke nyaka sefatanaga se se kaone – bjale ke nyaka se se hubedu, gape ke nyaka go eta lefaseng lohle, le …” +“Efela re humile kudu,” gwa belaela Mzi. “Ke ka lebaka la eng o sa thabe?” +“Ke nyaka go feta mo,” a realo Pumla. “Ke nyaka mae a mabedi letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe. Ke nyaka go ba mohumi yo mogolo nageng ye ka moka.” +“Mme, nkase kgone,” gwa kokoretša kgaka. “Ke kgona go bea lee le tee fela ka letšatši.” +“O swanetše,” a realo Pumla, a pepenkiša selepe. Kgaka e ile ya tšhoga kudu ka fao le maoto a yona a ilego a tekateka gomme … ya kgarametša, ya nganga, ya kokoretša ya … gwa tšwa lee le lengwe! Ka mehla le ka mehla e be e bea mae a mabedi. +Dibeke tše mmalwa ka morago ga fao Pumla a thoma go se sa kgotsofala gape. “Ke nyaka mae a mararo ka letšatši,” a realo. “Ke nyaka go ba mohumi o mogolo Afrika ka bophara.” +“Nkase kgone go bea mae a mararo ka letšatši,” gwa fegelwa kgaka. +“Leka ka maatla!” gwa duduetša Pumla. “Mphe mae a mararo ka motsotso ona o, goba ke go ripa hlogo ye!” +Kgaka ya kokoretša ka letšhogo ya kgarametša, ya nganga, gomme gwa tšwa lee le tee. Ya boya ya kgarametša, ya nganga, ya kokoretša gomme mafelelong gwa tšwa lee la bobedi. +“Le lengwe gape,” gwa goeletša Pumla, “goba ke tla go ntšha diripa!” +Kgaka ya kgarametša, ya nganga, kgarametša, ya nganga gape, gateetee … ya wa ya hwa. + +“Bjale bona gore o dirile eng!” gwa goeletša Mzi. “Kgaka yela e hwile.” +“A re e bue,” gwa lla Pumla. “E swanetše go ba e tletše mae.” O ile a tšea thipa a bua mpa ya kgaka. Efela, go be go se na mae ka mo gare, gomme ga senke ba hlwa ba sa hwetša lee la gauta gape.",nso,Sepedi,Kgaka yeo e beetšego mae a gaut,"Once upon a time there was a very poor man called Mzi. +“The children are hungry, and we have no money to buy food,” cried his wife, Pumla. “What are we going to do?” +“I will go hunting,” said Mzi. “If I can catch some ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kgaka-yeo-e-beetšego-mae-gauta +guinea-fowl-laid-golden-eggs,"Kgalekgale ho ne ho ena le monna ya futsanehileng haholo ya neng a bitswa Mzi. +“Bana ba lapile, mme ha re na tjhelete ya ho reka dijo,” ha omana mosadi wa hae, Pumla. “Re tlilo etsa jwang?” +“Ke tla ya tsoma,” ha rialo Mzi. “Ha nka fumana kgaka e le nngwe feela, re tla ba le dijo tse monate.” Yaba o a tsamaya o ya naheng a nkile seqha sa hae le majwe a manyane. Hang a kopana le kgaka e nonneng sebakeng se bulehileng ka hara jwang bo bolelele. Mzi a supa ka seqha ka tlhokomelo mme o ne a le haufi le ho thunya ka seqha ha … +“Ke a o kopa hle, o se ke wa thunya,” ha lla kgaka, “ke nonyana e ikgethileng. Nka o etsa hore o be morui.” +Mzi a bea seqha fatshe. “O bolelang?” a botsa. “Na o ka hla wa nketsa morui?” +“Ke behela mahe a kgauta,” ha araba kgaka. “Ha o nka ntshepisa hore ha o no mpolaya, ke tla o behella lehe.” +Mzi a phamola nonyana eo mme a potlakela lapeng. +“Aha, dijo tsa mantsiboya,” ha thaba Pumla ha monna a fihla hae. “Hlaba kgaka eo ke tsebe ho e kenya ka pitseng.” +“Tjhe bo,” ha rialo Mzi. “Ena ha se nonyana feela tjena. Ena ke kgaka ya mehlolo e behelang mahe a kgauta.” +“O se ke wa tsamaya o kgolwakgolwa ntho e nngwe le e nngwe eo o e utlwang,” mosadi wa hae a tsheha. “Nneheletse selepe seo. Ke tla e bolaya ka bonna.” +Nonyana ya batho e ne e tshohile haholo. E ile ya kakatletsa haholo hoo e ileng ya behela lehe, hona moo pela monyako! Pumla a sheba lehe leo mme a panya. A pikitla mahlo a hae mme a le sheba hape. Lehe leo le ne le hlile e le la kgauta! + +Mzi a le phahamisa ka hloko. “Le boima haholo,” a rialo. “E lokela hore ebe e le kgauta e phethahetseng.” +“Kgauta ka sebele!” ha kakatletsa kgaka ka motlotlo. +“Re barui!” ha hoeletsa Mzi +“Na nka tsamaya jwale?” ha botsa kgaka. +“Tjhe bo,” ha omana Pumla, a phamola nonyana eo mme a e kenya ka hara hokwana. “O lokela ho dula mona o tsebe ho behela mahe a mang.” +  +Yaba Pumla le Mzi ba a tsamaya ba ya ho mohwebi wa kgauta. Ba rekisa lehe leo la kgauta ka tjhelete e ngata – e neng e lekane ho reka dijo selemo kaofela le mose o motjha bakeng sa Pumla. Mzi o ne a thabile haholo. Bana ba hae ba ne ba ena le dijo, mosadi wa hae a ena le mose o motjha mme yena a ena le kgaka ya mehlolo e behelang mahe a kgauta. +Hoseng ho hong le ho hong kamora moo lelapa leo le ne le fumana lehe ka hokong. E se kgale ba ne ba se ba ena le tsohle tseo pelo tsa bona di di lakatsang: ntlo e ntjha, koloi e ntsho e benyang, TV e sekerini se seholo, le diaparo tse ngata tse ntle tseo ba di aparang. Bosiu bo bong le bo bong ba ne ba ja dijo tse monate tsa maemo, mme batho bohle motseng oo ba ne ba ba honohela. +Empa Pumla o ne a sa thaba. “Ke batla dintho tse ding tse ngata! Kgaka, behela mahe a mabedi ka letsatsi,” a laela jwalo. +“Nka kgona ho behela lehe le le leng feela ka letsatsi,” ha araba nonyana eo. +“Empa ke batla ntlo e kgolo ho feta ena,” Pumla a rialo. “Ke batla koloi e ntle ho feta ena – e kgubedu kgetlong lena, mme ke batla ho hahlaula lefatshe ho pota, mme …” +“Empa re barui,” ha honotha Mzi. “Hobaneng o sa thabele hoo feela?” +“Ke batla tse ding,” ha araba Pumla. “Ke batla mahe a mabedi ka letsatsi le leng le le leng. Ke batla hore ke be motho ya ruileng ho feta bohle naheng ena yohle.” +“Tjhe, kwana nkeke ka kgona,” ha kakatletsa kgaka. “Ke kgona ho behela lehe le le leng feela ka letsatsi.” +“O tlamehile,” ha rialo Pumla, a tsoka selepe. Kgaka e ne e tshohile hoo maoto a yona a neng a thothomela mme yaba … e a sututsa mme ya penya ya kakatletsa ya ba ya lla mme … ha ba ha tswa lehe le leng! Letsatsi le leng le le leng ya kgona ho petetsa e ntsha mahe a mabedi. +Kamora dibeke tse mmalwa kamora moo Pumla o ne a ntse a sa kgotsofala hape. “Ke batla mahe a mararo ka letsatsi,” a rialo. “Ke batla ho ba motho ya ruileng ka ho fetisisa Afrika kaofela” +“Nke ke ka kgona ho behela mahe a mararo ka letsatsi,” ha bua kgaka e tshohile. +“Leka haholwanyane!” ha kgaruma Pumla. “Mphe mahe a mararo hona jwale, kapa ke tla o kgaola hlooho ena!” +Kgaka e tshohileng ya kakatletsa mme ya sututsa le ho penya mme ha betseha lehe le le leng. Yaba e a sututsa ya penya yaba ya kakatletsa mme qetellong ha tlola lehe la bobedi +“Le leng hape,” ha omana Pumla, “kapa ke tla o kgabela ke o etse dikotwana!” +Kgaka ya sututsa ya penya mme ya sututsa ya ba ya penya hape, mme hang … ya wela fatshe ya shwa. + +“Jwale o a bona hore o entseng!” ha kgaruma Mzi. “Kgaka ena ya batho jwale e shwele.” +“Ha re e bue,” ha hoeletsa Pumla. “E tlamehile hore e be e tletse mahe.” A phamola thipa mme a bula mpa ya kgaka eo. Empa ho ne ho sena mahe ka hare, mme ha ba ka ba hlola ba fumana mahe a kgauta hape.",sot,Sesotho,Kgaka e neng e behela mahe a kgaut,"Once upon a time there was a very poor man called Mzi. +“The children are hungry, and we have no money to buy food,” cried his wife, Pumla. “What are we going to do?” +“I will go hunting,” said Mzi. “If I can catch some ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kgaka-e-neng-e-behela-mahe-kgauta +birthday-wish,"“Oh dear,” thought Lethabo’s mama as she sat at the kitchen table. “What shall I do? Tomorrow is Lethabo’s birthday and there’s very little money to buy a present.” +Lethabo stood at the sink humming as she washed the dishes. “Mmmm la la … Mmmm la la.” +  +“Lethabo,” said Mama, “it’s your birthday tomorrow. What can I give you?” +“Oh, Mama,” said Lethabo, “I don’t know what I want.” +“I’ll think of something,” Mama said. +Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. Mama’s fingertips touched the table top. Lethabo liked the sound. “Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum,” she sang quietly as she went into her bedroom. She took off her shoes and sat on her bed. “What do I want for my birthday?” Lethabo said aloud. +“Funny you should ask that!” said a voice. +“Who’s there?” said Lethabo standing up. “I don’t see anybody.” +“I’m under the bed!” said the voice. +“Please come out!” Lethabo jumped back on her bed. “Eeek!” +There, in front of her, stood a spider. He stood on eight long legs. They looked like sticks. +“I’m so sorry I scared you!” The spider bowed his head. “My name is Felix. I’m an Anansi spider.” +  +“I’m Lethabo. I like your hat!” +“Thank you, Lethabo. My hat comes from Ghana! It’s the colours of the flag of Ghana − red, yellow and green.” +“Where’s Ghana?” asked Lethabo. +“It’s very far away in Africa,” answered Felix. +“What’s an Anansi spider?” asked Lethabo. +“I’m from the family of Anansi spiders. We’re famous. We’re from West Africa. Some of us get into trouble a lot, but I don’t. Well, not often anyway,” laughed Felix. +“Why are you here?” Lethabo asked. +“You called me,” said Felix. +“But I didn’t call you!” said Lethabo. +Felix chuckled. “Yes, you did, when you hummed a tune. Now, please close your eyes, I have a surprise for you.” +Lethabo put her hands over her eyes. She could hear Felix scuffling around on the floor. Then a sound filled the room.Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. It was like the noise her mother had made on the table top, but closer and louder. +“Oh what can it be?” she cried. +“Open your eyes!” shouted Felix. +Felix was playing eight drums at the same time. Each tiny foot was on a drum. The drums were in a circle around him. His head was bent as he beat each drum. Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. +  +“Oh I love it!” Lethabo beamed. She jumped around the room singing as he played. +The sound of the drums and Lethabo’s singing filled the small room. It bounced off the walls, rose to the ceiling, dropped onto the carpet, wriggled inside their bellies, tickled their toes and joined the beat of their hearts. +“Lethabo, are you okay?” Her mama’s face peered round the door. +“Oh yes, Mama,” said Lethabo. “I was just thinking about my birthday.” +Lethabo’s mamaclosed the door and went back to the kitchen. “Oh dear, what am I going to do?” she said. +“Felix! Where are you?” Lethabo looked under the bed. “You can come out now.” +“That was close!” said Felix. “Grown-ups like to chase me.” +“Please tell me why you came to see me,” said Lethabo. +“Well, I know it’s your birthday tomorrow. What do you want?” asked Felix. +“A drum, Felix! I want a drum!” Then Lethabo felt sad. “But it’s too late. The shops are closed.” +“Hee, hee,” chuckled Felix. “Justask your mother for a drum. Ask for a drum from West Africa. Now close your eyes again and make a wish. Goodbye, Lethabo!” +Lethabo closed her eyes, “I wish I had a drum,” she said. She opened her eyes. Felix was gone. +“Mama! Mama!” +“What’s the matter, Lethabo?” asked Lethabo’s mama as she ran into the room. +“Mama, I’d like adrum for my birthday!” +“But Lethabo − a drum?” Her mama shook her head. +“Not just any drum, Mama. A drum from West Africa, please.” And she sang as she danced around her room. Dum dum de dum! +Lethabo’s mama listened to the singing. She thought about her father. She remembered him sitting outside their hut in the sun. Between his legs stood a big drum. He was beating it, calling all the men and women of the village to a feast. A fire was blazing. He was smiling at Lethabo, his new granddaughter, as she lay in her mother’s arms. +“Oh, how I miss my father,” Mama thought. “But wait a minute! I still have some of his things in the suitcase under my bed.” +Mama found the old suitcase under the bed. “Oh, no, there are spiders on it!” Mama complained. +At the sound of her voice, the spiders scuttled away. Mama pulled the suitcase out and opened it. Inside she found a small drum − just the right size for Lethabo. +“Oh, thank you, Father! I remember this drum! You made it for Lethabo!” +There wasn’t a sound coming from Lethabo’s bedroom. Quietly, Mama tip-toed to the bedroom and opened the door. The light from the moon shone on her daughter as she slept. Mama putthe drum on the floor next to the bed and kissed Lethabo’s cheek. “Happy birthday, Lethabo,” she said quietly. “Happy birthday from me and from your grandfather.”",eng,English,The birthday wish,"“Oh dear,” thought Lethabo’s mama as she sat at the kitchen table. “What shall I do? Tomorrow is Lethabo’s birthday and there’s very little money to buy a present.” +Lethabo stood at the sink humming as she washed the dishes. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/multilingual-story/birthday-wish +birthday-wish,"“Ai tog,” dink Lethabo se mamma waar sy by die kombuistafel sit. “Wat gaan ek doen? Dit is môre Lethabo se verjaardag en daar is baie min geld vir ’n geskenk.” +Lethabostaan by die opwasbak en neurie terwyl sy die skottelgoed was. “Mmmm la la … Mmmm la la.” +  +“Lethabo,” sê Mamma, “dis môre jou verjaardag. Wat wil jy vir jou verjaardag hê?” +“O, Mamma,” sê Lethabo, “ek weet nie wat ek wil hê nie.” +“Ek sal aan iets dink,” sê Mamma. +Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. Mamma se vingerpunte trommel op die tafelblad. Lethabo hou van die geluid. “Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum,” sing sy saggies terwyl sy na haar kamer toe stap. Sy trek haar skoene uit en gaan sit op haar bed. “Wat wil ek vir my verjaardag hê?” sê Lethabo hardop. +“Snaaks dat jy dit vra!” sê ’n stem. +“Wie’s daar?” sê Lethabo en spring regop. “Ek sien niemand nie.” +“Ek’s onder die bed!” sê die stem. +“Kom asseblief uit!” Lethabo spring weer op haar bed. “Eeek!” +Daar, reg voor haar, staan ’n spinnekop. Hy staan op agt lang bene. Hulle lyk soos stokkies. +“Ek is jammer ek het jou laat skrik!” Die spinnekop buig vorentoe. “My naam is Felix. Ek is ’n Anansi-spinnekop.” +  +“Ek is Lethabo. Ek hou van jou hoed!” +“Dankie, Lethabo. My hoed kom van Ghana af! Dit is die kleure van Ghana se vlag − rooi, geel en groen.” +“Waar is Ghana?” vra Lethabo. +“Dis daar ver bo in Afrika,” antwoord Felix. +“Wat is ’n Anansi-spinnekop?” vra Lethabo. +“Ek kom van die familie van Anansi-spinnekoppe. Ons is beroemd. Ons kom van Wes-Afrika. Party van ons beland dikwels in die moeilikheid, maar nie ek nie. Wel, nie gereeld nie,” lag Felix. +“Hoekom is jy hier?” vra Lethabo. +“Jy het my geroep,” sê Felix. +“Maar ek het jou nie geroep nie!” sê Lethabo. +Felix lag lekker. “Ja, jy het, toe jy die wysie geneurie het. Maak nou asseblief jou oë toe, ek het vir jou ’n verrassing.” +Lethabo sit haar hande oor haar oë. Sy kan hoor hoe Felix oor die vloer skarrel. Dan vul ’n geluid die kamer. Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. Dit klink soos die geluid wat haar ma se vingers op die tafelblad gemaak het, maar nader en harder. +“O, wat kan dit wees?” roep Lethabo. +“Maak oop jou oë!” skree Felix. +Felix speel agt tromme gelyktydig. Elke klein pootjie is op ’n trom. Die tromme staan in ’n sirkel om hom. Sy kop is vooroor gebuig terwyl hy elke trom slaan. Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. +  +“O, ek is mal hieroor!” straal Lethabo. Sy spring in die kamer rond en sing terwyl hy speel. +Die geluid van die tromme en Lethabo se stem vul die klein kamertjie. Dit bons van die mure af, styg op na die plafon, val op die mat, wriemel in hulle mae, kielie hulle tone en speel saam met die ritme van hulle harte. +“Is als reg, Lethabo?” Mamma loer om die deur. +“O ja, Mamma,” sê Lethabo. “Ek dink maar net aan my verjaardag.” +Lethabo se mamma maak die deur toe en gaan terug kombuis toe. “Ai tog, wat gaan ek doen?” sê Mamma. +“Felix! Waar is jy?” Lethabo kyk onder die bed. “Jy kan maar uitkom.” +“Dit was so hittete!” sê Felix. “Grootmense jaag my altyd weg.” +“Sê asseblief vir my hoekom jy na my toe gekom het,” sê Lethabo. +“Wel, ek weet dit is môre jou verjaardag. Wat wil jy graag hê?” vra Felix. +“’n Trom, Felix! Ek wil ’n trom hê!” Toe raak Lethabo hartseer. “Maar dis te laat. Die winkels is al toe.” +“Hie-hie,” lag Felix. “Vra vir jou ma vir ’n trom. Vra vir ’n trom van Wes-Afrika. Maak nou weer jou oë toe en maak ‘n wens. Tot siens, Lethabo!” +Lethabo maak haar oë toe. “Ek wens ek het ’n trom,” sê sy. Sy maak haar oë oop. Felix is weg. +“Mamma! Mamma!” +“Wat’s fout, Lethabo?” vra Lethabo se mamma toe sy in die kamer instorm. +“Mamma, ek wil graag ’n trom vir my verjaardag hê!” +“Maar Lethabo − ’n trom?” Haar mamma skud haar kop. +“Nie sommer enige trom nie, Mamma. ’n Trom van Wes-Afrika, asseblief.” En sy sing terwyl sy in haar kamer ronddans. Dum dum de dum! +Lethabo se mamma luister hoe sy sing. Sy dink aan haar pa. Mamma onthou hoe hy buite hul hut in die son gesit het. Hy het ’n groot trom tussen sy bene vasgehou. Hy het dit geslaan, en so al die mans en vroue van die dorpie na ’n fees uitgenooi. Daar het ’n vuur gebrand. Hy het vir Lethabo, sy nuwe kleindogter, geglimlag terwyl sy in haar ma se arms lê. +“O, hoe mis ek nou my pa,” dink Mamma. “Maar wag ’n bietjie! Ek het nog van sy goedjies in die koffer onder my bed.” +Mamma vind die ou koffer onder die bed. “O, nee, dis vol spinnekoppe!” kla Mamma. +Toe hulle haar stem hoor, skarrel die spinnekoppe weg. Mamma trek die koffer uit en maak dit oop. Binne-in vind sy ’n klein trom − net die regte grootte vir Lethabo. +“O, dankie, Pa! Ek onthou hierdie trom! Jy het dit vir Lethabo gemaak!” +Dis doodstil in Lethabo se slaapkamer. Mamma loop suutjies op haar tone na die slaapkamer en maak die deur oop. Die maanlig skyn op haar dogter terwyl sy slaap. Mamma sit die trom op die vloer langs haar bed neer en soen Lethabo op die wang. “Lekker verjaar, Lethabo,” sê sy sag. “Veels geluk met jou verjaardag van my en oupa.”",afr,Afrikaans,Die verjaardagwens,"“Oh dear,” thought Lethabo’s mama as she sat at the kitchen table. “What shall I do? Tomorrow is Lethabo’s birthday and there’s very little money to buy a present.” +Lethabo stood at the sink humming as she washed the dishes. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/multilingual-story/die-verjaardagwens +birthday-wish,"“Owu Nkosi yam,” wazicingela njalo umama kaLethabo ehleli etafileni yasekhitshini. “Ndiza kwenza njani? Ngomso lusuku lokuzalwa lukaLethabo kwaye andinamali yoneleyo yokumthengela isipho.” +ULethabowayemi ngasesinkini ehamisha ingoma lo gama ahlamba izitya.“Mmmm la la … Mmmm la la.” +“Lethabo,” watsho uMama, “lusuku lwakho lokuzalwa ngomso. Ndinganika ntoni?” +“Owu Mama,” watsho uLethabo, “Andizazi ukuba ndifuna ntoni na.” +“Ndizakukhe ndicinge ngento endinokukunika yona,” uMama utshilo. + Dam dam di dam … dam dam di dam. UMama wayebetha itafile kancinane ngeminwe yakhe. ULethabo wasithanda eso sandi. “Dam dam di dam … dam dam di dam,” wayeculela ezantsi njengokuba esiya kwigumbi lakhe lokulala. Wakhulula izihlangu zakhe wahlala ebhedini. “Ndifuna ntoni ngosuku lwam lokuzalwa?” wazibuza uLethabo ekhwaza. +“Kuyamangalisa ukuba ubuze loo nto!” kwatsho ilizwi. +“Ngubani lowo? wabuza uLethabo esima ngeenyawo. “Ndingaboni mntu nje apha.” +“Ndiphantsi kwebhedi!” latsho ilizwi. +“Nceda uphume apho!” ULethabo watsibela ebhedini yakhe kwakhona. “Iyuuu!” +Apho phambi kwakhe kwakumi isigcawu. Sasimi ngemilenze yaso esibhozo. Yayikhangeleka ngathi zizinti. +“Ndicela uxolo ngokukoyikisa!” Isigcawu sathoba intloko yaso. “Igama lam ndinguFelix. Ndisisigcawu esiluhlobo lwe-Anansi”. + +“Mna ke ndinguLethabo. Ndiyawuthanda umnqwazi wakho!” +“Enkosi, Lethabo. Umnqwazi lo wam uvela eGhana! Imibala yawo yeyeflegi yaseGhana – ubomvu, umthubi naluhlaza.” +“Iphi iGhana?” wabuza uLethabo. +“Ikude kakhulu, ise-Afrika,” waphendula uFelix. +“Yintoni isigcawu sohlobo lwe-Anansi?” wabuza uLethabo. +“Ndiphuma kusapho lwezigcawu zohlobo lwe-Anansi. Siyaziwa kakulu. Sivela eNtshona Afrika. Abanye bethu bazifumana bengene kwezinkulu iingxaki, kodwa mna andinalo elo lishwa. Okanye ke mandithi, oko akwenzeki rhoqo oko,” utdho ehleka uFelix. +“Kutheni ulapha?” uLethabo wabuza. +“Undibizile,” watsho uFelix. +“Kodwa mna andizikhumbuli ndikubiza nje!” watsho uLethabo. +UFelix wahleka. “Ewe nangoku undibizile, ngeliya xesha ubuhamisha, uculela ezantsi. Ngoku ke, nceda uvale amehlo akho, ndinento emangalisayo endikuphathele yona.” +ULethabo wavala amehlo akhe ngezandla zakhe. Wayemva uFelix ehamba-hamba apha endlwini. Kwavakala isandi esazalisa igumbi. Dam dam di dam … dam dam di dam. Eso sandi sasifana neso sasisenziwa ngumama wakhe ngeminwe etafileni, kodwa sasikufutshane sona kwaye sivakala kakhulu. +“Awu, ingaba yintoni bethu?” wavakala esitsho. +“Vula amehlo akho!” kukhwaza uFelix. +UFelix wayebetha amagubu asibhozo ngaxeshanye. Unyawana lwakhe ngalunye lwaluphezu kwegubu. Amagubu ayenze isangqa, emjikelezile. Intloko yakhe yayijikeleza lo gama abetha igubu ngalinye. Dam dam di dam … dam dam di dam. + +“Awu ndiyayithanda!” ULethabo wancuma. Watsiba-tsiba ejikeleza igumbi, ecula lo gama uFelix abetha amagubu. +Isandi samagubu kunye nomculo kaLethabo zazalisa elo gumbi lincinane. Sasingqubeka eludongeni, sinyukele esilingini, sihlele ekhaphethini, siziqhusheke eziswini zabo, sinamzelele iinzwane zabo kwaye sihambelana nesingqi sokubetha kwentliziyo zabo. +“Lethabo, ingaba konke kulungile?” Umama wakhe wakroba ngaphaya kocango. +“Owu, ewe Mama,” watsho uLethabo. “Bendicinga nje ngosuku lwam lokuzalwa.” +Umama kaLethabo wavala ucango wabuyela ekhitshini. “Owu nkosi yam, kazi yinto endiza kuyithini le?” utshilo. +“Felix! Uphi?” ULethabo wakhangela phantsi kwebhedi. “Ungaphuma ke ngoku.” +“Ndiphantse ndabhaqwa!” utshilo uFelix. “Abantu abadala bayathanda ukundigxotha.” +“Nceda undixelele ukuba kutheni uze kundibona,” watsho uLethabo. +“Kulungile ke, ndiyazi ukuba lusuku lwakho lokuzalwa ngomso. Ufuna isipho esiyintoni?” wabuza uFelix. +“Igubu, Felix! Ndifuna igubu!” Kwangoko uLethabo waziva elusizi. “Kodwa sele sishiywe lixesha lokulithenga. Zonke iivenkile sele zivalile.” +“Ha, ha,” wahleka uFelix. “Cela nje igubu kumama wakho. Cela nje igubu laseNtshona Afrika. Ngoku ke cimela kwakhona ze ucele okunqwenelayo entliziyweni yakho. Usale kakuhle Lethabo!” +ULethabo wacimela, “Akwaba bendinegubu,” watsho. Wavula amehlo akhe. UFelix wayesele emkile. +“Mama! Mama!” +“Yintoni, Lethabo?” wabuza umama kaLethabo lo gama abaleka engena kwelo gumbi. +“Mama, ndingathanda ukufumana igubu njengesipho sosuku lwam lokuzalwa!” +“Hayi bo Lethabo − igubu?” Umama wakhe wanikina. +“Ingabilogubu nje, Mama. Incede ibe ligubu elivela eNtshona Afrika. Watsho ecula edanisa egumbini lakhe. Dam dam di dam! +Umama kaLethabo wamamela intombi yakhe icula. Wacinga ngotata wakhe. Wayemkhumbula ehleli phandle egcakamele ilanga. Phakathi kwemilenze yakhe kwakukho igubu elikhulu. Wayelibetha, ebizela onke amadoda nabafazi belali ukuba beze ethekweni. Kwakuvutha umlilo. Wayencumile ejonge uLethabo, umzukulwana osandul’ ukuzalwa, njengokuba wayelele esingathwe ngunina nje. +“Owu, ndiyamkhumbula utata wam,” uMama wacinga njalo. “Kodwa khawume kancinane! Ndisenazo izinto zakhe ezithile phaya esuthikheyisini phantsi kwebhedi yam.” +UMama wayifumana isuthikheyisi endala phantsi kwebhedi. “Owu hayini, kuzele izigcawu nje apha kuyo!” wakhalaza uMama. +Zithe zakuva ilizwi lakhe izigcawu, zabaleka zazimela. Umama wayitsala isuthikheyisi waza wayivula. Ngaphakathi kuyo wafumana igubu elincinane – elibukhulu bulungele kanye uLethabo. +“Owu, enkosi Tata! Ndiyalikhumbula eli gubu! Wawulenzele uLethabo!” +Kwakuthe cwaka egumbini lokulala likaLethabo. Ngokuthe cwaka, uMama wachwechwa waya kwelo gumbi waza wavula ucango. Ukukhanya okuvela enyangeni kwakukhanyisa ebusweni bentombi yakhe lo gama ileleyo. UMama wabeka igubu phantsi ecaleni kwebhedi waze waphuza uLethabo esidleleni. “Min’ emnandi kuwe, Lethabo,” watsho esebeza. “Min’ emnandi kuwe, ngeminqweno emihle evela kum notat’ omkhulu wakho.”",xho,isiXhosa,Umnqweno wosuku lokuzalw,"“Oh dear,” thought Lethabo’s mama as she sat at the kitchen table. “What shall I do? Tomorrow is Lethabo’s birthday and there’s very little money to buy a present.” +Lethabo stood at the sink humming as she washed the dishes. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umnqweno-wosuku-lokuzalwa +birthday-wish,"“Maye mina!” kucabanga umma kaLethabo lokha nakahlezi etafuleni ngekhwitjhini. “Ngizokwenzanjani? Kusasa lilanga likaLethabo lamabeletho kodwana kunemali encani engathenga isipho.” +UBathaile ujame ezinkini ububula ingoma lokha nakahlanza izitja. “Mmmm la la … Mmmm la la.” +“Lethabo” kutjho ummakhe, “lilanga lakho lamabeletho kusasa. Ngingakupha ini?” +“Oh, Mma” kutjho uLethabo, “Angazi ngifunani.” +“Ngizakwenza iqhinga,” kwatjho uMma. + Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. Imino kamma ithintathinta ingaphezulu letafula. ULethabo awuthande umdumo. “Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum,” wavumela ingoma phasi lokha nakaya ngelawini lakhe lokulala. Wakhupha amanyathelo wakhe wahlala phezu kombhede wakhe. “Khuyini engikufunako ngelanga lami lamabeletho?” Kutjho uLethabo akhulumela phezulu. +“Kuyahlekisa kobana ungabuza lokho!” kwatjho ilizwi. +“Ngubani loyo?” kwatjho uLethabo asikima. “Angiboni muntu.” +“Ngingaphasi kombhede!” kwatjho ilizwi. +“Ngibawa uphume!” ULethabo weqela emuva embhedeni wakhe. “Eitjh!” +Lapho, phambi kwakhe, kwakujame iswebu. Sajama ngemilenze ebunane. Ifana neengojwana. +“Ngiyacolisa ngokukwethusa!” Isiswebu sikhothamise ihloko. “Igama lami nginguFelix. Ngisiswebu se-Anansi.” +“NginguLethabo. Ngiyayithanda ingwani yakho!” +“Ngiyathokoza Lethabo. Ingwani yami ibuya eGhana! Inemibala yeflarha leGhana – obovu, osarulani nohlaza satjani.” +“Kukuphi eGhana?” kwabuza uLethabo. +“Kukude khulu le e-Africa,” kwaphendula uFelix. +“Khuyini isiswebu se-Anansi?” kwabuza uLethabo. +“Ngibuya emndenini weenswebu ze-Anansi. Sidumile. Sivela eTjhingalanga Afrika. Abanye bethu bangena emirarweni khulu, kodwana mina anginamraro. Kodwana, ingasi njalo nokho. UFelix wahleka +“Kubayini ulapha?” kwabuza uLethabo. +“Ungibizile,” kwatjho uFelix. +“Kodwana angikakubizi!” kwatjho uLethabo. +Wamomotheka uFelix. “Iye, ungibizile, lokha nawubhina sakububula. Kwanjesi, ngibawa uvale amehlo, ngikuphathele isimanga.” +ULethabo wabeka izandla zakhe emehlweni. Wezwa uFelix akarabha mazombe phasi. Kusenjalo itjhada lazala indlu. Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. Bekulitjhada unina ebekalenza phezu kwetafula, kodwana bekalenzela eduze begodu khudlwana. +“Maye, ingabe khuyini lokho?” watjho alila. +“Vula amehlwakho!” kurhuwelela uFelix. +UFelix bekadlala iingubhe ezibunane ngasikhathi sinye. Umlenze omatsikana ngamunye bewuphezu kwesigubhe. Bekabhodwe ziingubhe. Ihlokwakhe beyiqala phasi lokha nakabetha isigubhe ngasinye. Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. +“Ingikara kangangani!” Kutjho uLethabo ngokumomotheka. Eqayeqa, azombazombe ngelawini abhina lokha uFelix nakabetha iingubhe. +Itjhada leengubhe nokubhina kukaLethabo kuzale ilawana likaLethabo. Itjhada libethe ebodeni, likhuphukele esilinghini, liwele phasi emadeni, lidume ngemathunjinabo, libakitakite amazwani bese lihlangana nokubetha kweenhliziyo zabo. +“Lethabo, ingabe koke kukhamba kuhle?” Ubuso bukammakhe bahlola emnyango. +“Iye akunamraro, Mma,” kwatjho uLethabo. “Bengizicabangela ngelanga lami lamabeletho.” +Umma kaLethabo avale umnyango, abuyele ngekhwitjhini. “Maye mina, ngizokwenzanjani?” watjho njalo. +“Felix! Ukuphi?” ULethabo waqala ngaphasi kombhede. “Ungaphuma kwanjesi.” +“Upheze wangithola!” kwatjho uFelix “Abantu abadala bayakuthanda ukungijimisa.” +“Ngibawa ungitjele kobana kubayini uzongibona?” kwatjho uLethabo. +“Kuhle, ngiyazi kobana lilanga lakho lamabeletho kusasa. Ingabe ufunani?” kwabuza uFelix. +“Isigubhe, Felix! Ngifuna isigubhe!” ULethabo wadana. “Kodwana sekulada khulu. Iintolo sezivaliwe.” +“Hee, hee,” kumomotheka uFelix. “Bawa isigubhe kummakho. Bawa isigubhe seTjhingalanga Afrika. Manjesi vala amehlo godu utjho isifiso sakho. Yewusale kuhle, Lethabo!” +ULethabo wavala amehlo, “Ngifisa sengathi ingabe benginesigubhe.” Watjho njalo. Wavula amehlo. Wathola uFelix sele akhambile. +“Mma! Mma!” +“Kwenzenjani, Lethabo?” kwabuza umma kaLethabo lokha nakagijimela ngelawini. +“Mma, Ngifuna isigubhe ngelanga lami lamabeletho!” +“Kodwana Lethabo − isigubhe?” Ummakhe wathintitha ihloko. +“Ingasinanyana ngesinjani isigubhe, Mma. Isigubhe esivela eTjhingalanga Afrika, ngiyabawa.” Lokha nakabhinako, agida abhodabhoda ngelawini lakhe. Dum dum de dum! +Umma kaLethabo walalela Umbhino. Wacabanga ngobabakhe. Umkhumbula ahlezi ngaphandle kwendlu yakwabo yotjani elangeni. Hlangana nemlenzakhe kwakujame isigubhe esikhulu. Bekasibetha, abiza woke amadoda nabafazi bethreste kobana beze emnyanyeni. Umlilo bewubhebhedlha amalangabu. Wayemomothekela uLethabo, umntwanomntwanakhe omutjha, lokha nakalele ezandleni zikanina. +“Maye, ngikhumbule ubaba kangangani,” kucabanga uMma. “Akhe ujame kancani! Ngisese nezinye izinto zakhe ngesuthikesini ngaphasi kombhede. +Umma wayithola isuthikesi edala ngaphasi kombhede. “Maye, kuneenswebu phezu kwayo!” Kunghonghoyila umma. +Ngokukhulumela kwakhe phezulu, iinswebu zabaleka. Umma wadosa isuthikesi wase uyayivula. Ngaphakathi wathola isigujana esincani – esilingene uLethabo ngobukhulu. +“Maye, ngiyathokoza, Baba! Ngiyasikhumbula isigubhesi! Wasenzela uLethabo!” +Bekunganatjhada elivela ngelawini likaLethabo. Ngokuthula, uMma wananya waya ngelawini likaLethabo wavula umnyango. Umkhanyo wenyanga wakhanyisa indodakazakhe lokha nayileleko. UMma wabeka isigubhe phasi eduze kombhede wase ucabuza uLethabo emhlathini. “Langa lamabeletho elimnandi, Lethabo,” watjho ngokuthula. “Langa lamabeletho elimnandi, kutjho mina nobamkhulwakho.”",nbl,isiNdebele,Iinlokotho ezihle zamalanga wamabeletho,"“Oh dear,” thought Lethabo’s mama as she sat at the kitchen table. “What shall I do? Tomorrow is Lethabo’s birthday and there’s very little money to buy a present.” +Lethabo stood at the sink humming as she washed the dishes. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iinlokotho-ezihle-zamalanga-wamabeletho +birthday-wish,"“O nkosi yami,” kucabanga umama kaLethabo ngesikhathi ehlala etafuleni lasekhishini. “Kumele ngenzenjani? Kusasa usuku lokuzalwa lukaLethabo kanti imali ekhona incane kakhulu ukuthi ingathenga isipho.” +ULethabowayemi kusinki evuma ingoma ngesikhathi egeza izitsha. “Mmmm la la … Mmmm la la.” +“Lethabo,” kusho uMama, “kusasa usuku lwakho lokuzalwa. Yini engingakupha yona?” +“Eyi, Mama,” kusho uLethabo, “nami angazi ukuthi ngifunani.” +“Ngizocabanga okuthile,” kusho uMama. +Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. Kushaya iminwe kamama phezu kwetafula. Wawuthanda lo msindo uLethabo. “Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum,” wacula buthule ngesikhathi eya ekameleni lakhe. Wakhumula izicathulo zakhe wahlala embhedeni wakhe. “Konje ngifunani ngosuku lwami lokuzalwa?” kuphimisela uLethabo. +“Kuyamangaza lokhu okubuzayo!” kusho izwi. +“Ubani lowo?” kusho uLethabo emile. “Angiboni muntu.” +“Ngingaphansi kombhede!” kusho izwi. +“Ngicela uphume!” ULethabo waphinde wagxumela embhedeni wakhe. “Ewu!” +Phambi kwakhe kwakumi isicabucabu. Sasimi ngezinyawo eziyisishiyagalombili ezinde. Zazibukeka sengathi yizinduku. +“Ngiyaxolisa ngokukwethusa!” Isicabucabu sagobisa ikhanda laso. “Igama lami nginguFelix. Ngiyisicabucabu esibizwa nge-Anansi.” +“NginguLethabo. Ngiyasithanda isigqoko sakho!” +“Ngiyabonga, Lethabo. Isigqoko sami sivela eGhana! Sinemibala yeflegi laseGhana − umbala obomvu, ophuzi noluhlaza okotshani.” +“Ikuphi iGhana?” kubuza uLethabo. +“Yizwe lase-Afrika elikude kakhulu,” kuphendula uFelix. +“Siyini isicabucabu esibizwa nge-Anansi?” kubuza uLethabo. +“Ngivela emndenini wezicabucabu ezibizwa ngama-Anansi. Sidumile. Sivela eNtshonalanga ne-Afrika. Abanye bethu bahlale bengena ezinkingeni isikhathi esiningi, kodwa akunjalo kimi. Empeleni, akwenzeki njalo,” kuhleka uFelix. +“Uzokwenzani la?” kubuza uLethabo. +“Ungibizile,” kusho uFelix. +“Cha angikubizanga!” kusho uLethabo. +Wahleka uFelix. “Yebo, ungibizile ngesikhathi uvuma ingoma. Manje-ke ngicela uvale amehlo, kukhona engikuphathele kona ongakulindele.” +ULethabo wavala amehlo akhe ngezandla. Wayezwa uFelix ehla enyuka phansi. Kwase kuba khona umsindo owagcwala igumbi lonke. Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. Wawufana nomsindo owawenziwe umama wakhe phezu kwetafula, kodwa wawuzwakala useduze futhi uzwakala kakhulu. +“Kazi yini leyo?” kusho yena. +“Vula amehlo akho!” kumemeza uFelix. +UFelix wayedlala izigubhu eziyisishiyagalombili ngesikhathi esisodwa. Unyawana oluncane ngalunye lwalusesigujini. Izigubhu zazimzungezile zakhe isikokela. Wayegobise ikhanda ngesikhathi eshaya isigubhu ngasinye. Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. +“Ngiyasithanda!” kumamatheka uLethabo. Wagxuma wazungeza ekamelweni ecula ngesikhathi yena edlala. +Umsindo wokukhala kwezigubhu nokucula kukaLethabo wagcwala igumbi elincane. Washayeka ezindongeni, wakhuphukela esilingini, wawela kukhaphethi, wanyakaza eziswini zabo, wakitaza izinzwane zabo wase uhlangana nesigqi esisezinhliziyweni zabo. +“Ngabe konke kuhamba kahle, Lethabo?” Unina walunguza emnyango. +“Yebo, Mama,” kusho uLethabo. “Bengizicabangela ngosuku lwami lokuzalwa nje.” +Umama kaLethabo wavala umnyango wabuyela ekhishini. “Kodwa nkosi yami, ngizokwenzenjani?” kusho yena. +“Felix! Ukuphi?” ULethabo wabheka ngaphansi kombhede. “Usungaphuma-ke manje.” +“Cishe sabanjwa!” kusho uFelix. “Abantu abadala bayathanda ukungihubha.” +“Ngicela ungitshele ukuthi kungani uzongibona,” kusho uLethabo. +“Empeleni, ngiyazi ukuthi usuku lwakho lokuzalwa kusasa. Ufunani?” kubuza uFelix. +“Isigubhu, Felix! Ngifuna isigubhu!” ULethabo waphinda wazizwa edangele. “Kodwa sengathi sengisho emva kwendaba. Sezivaliwe izitolo.” +“He, he,” kuhleka uFelix. “Vele ucele isigubhu kumama wakho. Cela esivela eNtshonalanga ne-Afrika. Manje, cimeza futhi bese ucabanga okuthile okufisayo. Usale kahle, Lethabo!” +ULethabo wavala amehlo akhe, “Ngiyafisa sengathi ngabe nginesigubhu,” kusho yena. Wavula amehlo akhe. Wayengasekho uFelix. +“Mama! Mama!” +“Kwenzenjani, Lethabo?” kubuza umama kaLethabo ngesikhathi egijima eyongena egunjini lakhe. +“Mama, ngingathanda ukuthola isigubhu ngosuku lwami lokuzalwa!” +“Kodwa Lethabo − isigubhu pho?” Umama wakhe wanikina ikhanda. +“Kungabi yinoma isiphi nje isigubhu, Mama. Makube yisigubhu esiphuma eNtshonalanga ne-Afrika, ngiyakucela bandla.” Wayecula ngesikhathi edansa ezungeza ekamelweni lakhe. Dum dum de dum! +Umama kaLethabo walalela umculo. Wacabanga ngoyise. Wamkhumbula ehleli ngaphandle kweqhugwane labo elangeni. Phakathi kwemilenze yakhe kwakumi isigubhu esikhulu. Wayesishaya, ebiza onke amakhosikazi namadoda asemuzini ukuthi eze edilini. Kwakuvutha umlilo. Wayemamatheka ebuka uLethabo, umzukulu wakhe osanda kuzalwa, ngesikhathi esezingalweni zikanina. +“Awu, ngaze ngamkhumbula ubaba,” kucabanga uMama. “Awume kancane! Ngisenazo ezinye zezinto zakhe epotimendeni elingaphansi kombhede wami.” +UMama wathola ipotimende elidala ngaphansi kombhede. “Awu, ngeke, kugcwele izicabucabu kulo!” kukhononda uMama. +Izicabucabu zabaleka uma zizwa izwi. UMama wadonsa ipotimende wase elivula. Phakathi kulo wathola isigubhu esincane – esilingene uLethabo. +“Awu, ngiyabonga, Baba! Ngiyasikhumbula lesi sigubhu! Wasenzela uLethabo!” +Kwakuthule kuthe nya ekameleni likaLethabo. Ngokuthula, uMama wahamba ngamanzonzwane eya ekamelweni likaLethabo wase evula umnyango. Ukukhanya kwenyanga kwakukhanya ebusweni bendodakazi yakhe ngesikhathi ilele. UMama wabeka isigubhu phansi eduze kombhede wase eqabula uLethabo esihlathini. “Ube nosuku lokuzalwa oluhle, Lethabo,” esho kancane. “Ube nosuku lokuzalwa oluhle olufiselwa yimi nomkhulu wakho.”",zul,isiZulu,Isifiso sosuku lokuzalw,"“Oh dear,” thought Lethabo’s mama as she sat at the kitchen table. “What shall I do? Tomorrow is Lethabo’s birthday and there’s very little money to buy a present.” +Lethabo stood at the sink humming as she washed the dishes. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isifiso-sosuku-lokuzalwa +birthday-wish,"“Hee, ngwanaka,” gwa nagana mmago Lethabo a dula tafoleng ya ka moraleng. “Naa ke tla dira eng? Gosasa ke letšatši laLethabo la matswalo, gomme ga go tšhelete ye e lekanego ya go reka mpho.” +Lethaboo be a hlatswa dibjana sinking a opela ntle le go ntšha lentšu. “Mmmm la la … Mmmm la la.” +“Lethabo,” a realo Mma, “gosasa ke letšatši la gago la matswalo. Naa nka go direla eng?” +“Hee, Mma,” a realo Lethabo, “Ga ke tsebe gore ke nyaka eng.” +“Ke tla nagana ka ga se sengwe,” a realo Mma. +Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. Dintlha tša menwana ya Mma di kgoma bokagodimo bja tafola. Lethabo o be a rata modumo o. “Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum,” o ile a opelela tlase a eya ka phapošing ya gagwe ya borobalelo. O ile a hlobola dieta gomme a dula mpeteng. “Naa ke nyaka mpho efe ya letšatši la ka la matswalo?” Lethabo a realo a bolelela godimo. +“Go a segiša gore o botšiše potšišo yeo!” lentšu la realo. +“Ke mang?” a realo Lethabo a eme ka maoto. “Ga ke bone motho.” +“Ke ka tlase ga mpete!” la realo lentšu. +“Etšwa hle!” Lethabo a fofela mpeteng gape. “Ijoo!” +Mo pele ga gagwe, go be go na le segokgo. Se be se eme ka maoto a matelele a seswai. A be a swana le dipatlana. +“Tshwarelo ge ke go tšhošitše!” Segokgo sa obamiša hlogo. “Leina la ka ke Felix. Ke nna segokgo sa Anansi.” +“Ke nna Lethabo. Ke rata mongatse wa gago!” +“Ke a leboga, Lethabo. Mongatse wa ka o tšwa Ghana! Mebala ye ke ya folaga ya naga ya Ghana − hubedu, serolane le talamorogo.” +“Ghana ke kae?” gwa botšiša Lethabo. +“Ke kgole kudu efela mo Afrika,” gwa araba Felix. +“Segokgo sa Anansi ke eng?” gwa botšiša Lethabo. +“Ke tšwa lelapeng la digokgo tša Anansi. Re tumile. Re tšwa Afrika Bodikela. Bangwe ba rena ba tsena mathateng gantši, efela e sego nna. Gabotse, ga se gantši,” Felix a sega. +“O bewa ke eng fa?” Lethabo a botšiša. +“O mpiditše,” a realo Felix. +“Ga se ka go bitša!” a realo Lethabo. +Felix a sega. “Ee, o mpiditše, ge o be o opela o sa ntšhe lentšu. Bjale, tswalela mahlo, ke go swaretše sengwe sa go makatša.” +Lethabo o ile a tswalela mahlo ka diatla. O be a ekwa Felix a katana mo lebatong. Go ile gwa ba le modumo wa go tlala phapoši. Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. O be o swana le modumo wo o bego o dirwa ke mmagwe godimo ga tafola, efela o le kgauswi ebile o rasa. +“Naa e ka be e le eng?” a lla. +“Bula mahlo a gago!” gwa goeletša Felix. +Felix o be a betha meropa ye seswai ka nako e tee. Leeto le lengwe le le lengwe le lesese le be le le godimo ga moropa. Meropa e be e dirile sediko e mo dikologa. Ge a betha moropa hlogo ya gagwe e be e sekame. Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. +“Agaa, ke rata se!” Lethabo a thaba. O be a fofafofa ka phapošing a bina ge segokgo se opela. +Medumo ya meropa le go opela ga Lethabo ya tlala phapoši ye nnyane. E tletše mabotong, ya nyogela silingeng, ya wela mmeteng, ya kwagala ka dimpeng tša bona, ya tsikiditla menwana ya bona ya maoto gomme ya betha le merethetho ya dipelo tša bona. +“Lethabo, ga o na bothata?” Sefahlego sa mmagwe sa hlolela go tšwa lebating. +“Aowa, Mma,” a realo Lethabo. “Ke be ke nagana ka letšatši la ka la matswalo.” +Mmago Lethabo a tswalela lebati a boela ka moraleng. “Hee, ngwanaka, ke ile go dira eng?” a realo. +“Felix! O gokae?” Lethabo o ile a lebelela ka tlase ga mpete. “Bjale o ka tšwa.” +“O nyakile go nkhweleletša!” a realo Felix. “Batho ba bagolo ba rata go nkoba.” +“Nke o mpotše gore ke ka lebaka la eng o tlile go mpona,” a realo Lethabo. +“Akere, ke a tseba gore gosasa ke letšatši la gago la matswalo. O nyaka eng?” gwa botšiša Felix. +“Moropa, Felix! Ke nyaka moropa!” Morago Lethabo a nyama. “Efela o latetšwe. Mabenkele a tswaletšwe.” +“Hee, hee,” gwa sega Felix. “Kgopela moropa go mmago. Kgopela moropa wa Afrika Bodikela. Bjale, tswalela mahlo a gago o bolele takatso gape. Šala gabotse, Lethabo!” +Lethabo o ile a tswalela mahlo a gagwe, “O kare nkabe ke na le moropa,” a realo. O ile a bula mahlo a gagwe. Felix o sepetše. +“Mma! Mma!” +“Bothata ke eng, Lethabo?” gwa botšiša mmago Lethabo a kitimela ka phapošing. +“Mma, nka thabela moropa ka letšatši la ka la matswalo!” +“Efela Lethabo − moropa?” Mmagwe a šikinya hlogo. +“E sego moropa o mongwe le o mongwe, Mma. Moropa wa go tšwa Afrika Bodikela, hle.” O ile a opela a bile a bina ka phapošing ya gagwe. Dum dum de dum! +Mmago Lethabo o ile a theeletša ge a opela. O ile a gopola tatagwe. O mo gopola a be a oretše letšatši ka morago ga ngwako wa bona. Go be go na le moropa o mogolo gare ga maoto a gagwe. O be a o betha, a bitša banna ka moka le basadi ba mo motseng gore ba tle monyanyeng. Go be go tuka mollo. O be a myemyela a lebeletše Lethabo, motlogolo wa gagwe yo moswa, yo a bego a le ka matsogong a mmagwe. +“Hei, ke hlologetše tate bjang,” gwa nagana Mma. “Efela, emanyana! Ke sa na le dilo tše dingwe tša gagwe ka sutukheising ka tlase ga mpete.” +Mma o hweditše sutukheisi ya kgale ka tlase ga mpete. “Aowa, hle, e nametšwe ke digokgo!” Mma a belaela. +Digokgo di rile go kwa lentšu la gagwe tša phatlalala. Mma o ile a ntšha sutukheisi gomme a e bula. O ile a hwetša moropa o monnyane ka gare – wa go lekana Lethabo. +“Agaa, ke a leboga, Tate! Ke a o gopola moropa o! O be o diretše Lethabo!” +Go be go se na modumo wa go tšwa phapošing ya borobalela ya Lethabo. Mma o ile a nanabela a ya ka phapošing ya Lethabo. Seetša sa ngwedi se be se kganyetša mo morwedi wa gagwe a bego a robetše. Mma o ile a bea moropa fase kgauswi le mpete gomme a atla Lethabo mo lerameng. “Letšatši la matswalo le le botse, Lethabo,” a realo ka setu. “Letšatši la matswalo le le botse go tšwa go nna le rakgolwago.”",nso,Sepedi,Takatso ya letšatši la matswalo,"“Oh dear,” thought Lethabo’s mama as she sat at the kitchen table. “What shall I do? Tomorrow is Lethabo’s birthday and there’s very little money to buy a present.” +Lethabo stood at the sink humming as she washed the dishes. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/takatso-ya-letšatši-la-matswalo +birthday-wish,"“Jo wee,” ho nahana mme wa Lethabo a dutse tafoleng ka kitjhineng. “Ke tla etsa jwang? Hosane ke letsatsi la tswalo la Lethabo mme ke na le tjhelete e nyane bakeng sa ho mo rekela mpho.” +Lethabo o ne a eme sinking a ntse a ipinela ka marameng ha a ntse a hlatswa dijana. “Mmmm la la … Mmmm la la.” +“Lethabo,” ha rialo Mme, “hosane ke letsatsi la hao la tswalo. Nka o fa eng?” +“Ao, Mme,” ha araba Lethabo, “ha ke tsebe hore ke batla eng.” +“Ke tla nahana ka ho hong,” Mme a rialo. +Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. Mme o ne a ntse a kokota tafole ka menwana ya hae. Lethabo o ile a rata modumo oo. “Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum,” a binela tlaase a ntse a leba ka kamoreng ya hae. O ile a rola dieta tsa hae mme a dula hodima bethe. “Ke batla eng bakeng sa letsatsi la ka la tswalo?” Lethabo a buela hodimo. +“Ke hantle ha o botsa potso eo!” ha bua lentswe le itseng. +“Ke mang eo?” ha rialo Lethabo a ema ka maoto. “Ha ke bone motho.” +“Ke ka tlasa bethe!” ha rialo lentswe. +“Ke kopa o tswe mono!” Lethabo a tlolela hodima bethe hape. “Jo wee!” +Hona moo, ka pela hae, a bona sekgo. Se ne se eme ka maoto a sona a malelele a robedi. A ne a shebahala jwaloka dithutswana. +“O ntshwarele haeba ke o tshositse!” Sekgo sa inamisa hlooho ya sona. “Lebitso la ka ke +Felix. Ke sekgo sa Anansi.” +“Nna ke Lethabo. Ke rata katiba ya hao!” +“Ke a leboha, Lethabo. Katiba ya ka e tswa Ghana! Ena ke mebala ya folaga ya Ghana – bofubedu, bosehla le botala.” +“Ghana e hokae?” ha botsa Lethabo. +“E hole kwana Afrika,” ha araba Felix. +“Sekgo sa Anansi ke eng?” ha botsa Lethabo. +“Ke tswa lelapeng la dikgo tsa Anansi. Re tsebahala haholo. Re tswa Afrika e Bophirima. Ba bang ba rona ba dula ba kena mathateng kamehla, empa e seng nna. Eseng haholo, kwana,” ha tsheha Felix. +“Hobaneng o tlile mo?” Lethabo a botsa. +“O mpitsitse,” ha rialo Felix. +“Empa nna ha ke a o bitsa!” ha rialo Lethabo. +Felix a tshehela ka marameng. “Ehlile, o mpitsitse, ha o ne o binela pina yane ka marameng. Jwale, ke kopa hore o kwale mahlo, ke o tshwaretse ho hong ho tlang ho o makatsa.” +Lethabo a kwala mahlo a hae ka matsoho. O ne a ntse a utlwa Felix a hwaratsa ho hong fatshe. Yaba modumo o tlala phaposi eo. Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. E ne eka modumo wane oo mmae a neng a o etsa ha a kokota tafole, empa o le haufi ebile o le hodimo. +“O, ebe ke eng?” a hoeletsa. +“Bula mahlo!” ha hoeletsa Felix. +Felix o ne a letsa meropa e robedi ka nako e le nngwe. Leotwana ka leng la hae le ne le le hodima moropa. Meropa eo e ne e beilwe ka sedikadikwe e mo potile. Hlooho ya hae e ne e iname ha a ntse a otla moropa ka mong. Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. +“Helang, ke a e rata!” Lethabo a bososela. A tlolatlola a potoloha phaposi a ntse a bina a bapala. +Modumo wa meropa le ho bina ha Lethabo tsa tlala ka phaposing eo e nyane. Wa qhoma maboteng, wa nyolohela marulelong, wa wela mmeteng, wa tsamatsamaya ka hara dimpa tsa bona, wa tsikinyetsa menwana ya bona ya maoto mme wa kopanya merethetho ya dipelo tsa bona. +“Lethabo, o ntse o le hantle kamoo?” Mme wa hae a nyarela monyako. +“E, ehlile, Mme,” ha araba Lethabo. “Ke ne ke mpa ke nahana ka letsatsi la ka la tswalo.” +Mme wa Lethabo a kwala lemati mme a kgutlela ka kitjhineng. “Jo nna basadi, ke tla etsa jwang?” a bua a le mong. +“Felix! O hokae?” Lethabo a sheba ka tlasa bethe. “O ka nna wa tswa jwale.” +“Re batlile re tshwarwa!” ha rialo Felix. “Batho ba baholo ba rata ho ntelekisa.” +“Ke kopa o ke o mpolelle hle hore o tlo etsang mona,” ha rialo Lethabo. +“Tjhe, ke a tseba hore hosane ke letsatsi la hao la tswalo. O batla eng?” Felix a botsa. +“Moropa, Felix! Ke batla moropa!” Yaba Lethabo o ikutlwa a hloname. “Empa e se e le kamora nako. Mabenkele a se a kwetswe.” +“Hehe, hehe,” ha keketeha Felix. “Kopa mme wa hao feela hore a o fe moropa. Kopa moropa o tswang Afrika e Bophirima. Jwale, kwala mahlo a hao hape mme o nahane ka seo o se batlang. Sala hantle, Lethabo!” +Lethabo a kwala mahlo a hae, “Ke lakatsa eka nka ba le moropa,” a rialo. O ile a bula mahlo a hae. Felix o ne a tsamaile. +“Mme! Mme!” +“Molato ke eng, Lethabo?” ha botsa mme wa Lethabo ha a kena ka phaposing a matha. +“Mme, ke kopa moropa bakeng sa letsatsi la ka la tswalo!” +“Empa Lethabo − moropa?” Mmae a sisinya hlooho. +“E seng moropa feela, Mme. Moropa o tswang Afrika e Bophirima, ke a o kopa hle.” Yaba o bina a ntse a tantsha ho potapota ka phaposing. Dum dum de dum! +Mme wa Lethabo a mamela mmino oo. A nahana ka ntatae. A mo hopola a dutse ka ntle ho mokgoro wa bona letsatsing. Pakeng tsa maoto a hae ho ne ho eme moropa o moholo. O ne a ntse a o otla, a bitsa banna le basadi bohle ba motse ho tla moketeng. Mollo o ne o tuka. O ne a bososela le Lethabo, setloholo sa hae se setjha, se neng se robetse matsohong a mmae. +“Ao basadi, kamoo ke hopolang ntate wa ka ka teng,” Mme a nahana jwalo. “Empa butle pele! Ke ntse ke ena le tse ding tsa dintho tsa hae ka sutukeising e ka tlasa bethe ya ka.” +Mme a fumana sutukeisi ya kgale ka tlasa bethe. “Jowe, e tletse dikgo ho yona mona!” a tletleba. +Ha di utlwa lentswe la hae, dikgo tsa qhalana tsa tsamaya. Mme a hula sutukeisi mme a e bula. Ka hare a fumana moropa o monyane – o lekaneng Lethabo hantle. +“Ao, ke a o leboha Ntate! Ke ntse ke hopola moropa ona! O ne o o etseditse Lethabo!” +Ho ne ho se modumo o tswang ka kamoreng ya Lethabo. Ka lenyele, Mme a tsamaya ka ditsetsekwane ho ya kamoreng mme a bula lemati. Kganya ya kgwedi e ne e bonesitse hodima moradi wa hae ha a ntse a robetse moo. Mme a bea moropa fatshe pela bethe mme a suna Lethabo lerameng. “Letsatsi le monate la tswalo, Lethabo,” a rialo a hweshetsa. “Letsatsi le monate la tswalo ho tswa ho nna le ntataomoholo.”",sot,Sesotho,Takatso ya letsatsi la tswalo,"“Oh dear,” thought Lethabo’s mama as she sat at the kitchen table. “What shall I do? Tomorrow is Lethabo’s birthday and there’s very little money to buy a present.” +Lethabo stood at the sink humming as she washed the dishes. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/takatso-ya-letsatsi-la-tswalo +birthday-wish,"“Ao bagaetsho,” go ne ga akanya Mme wa ga Lethabo fa a ne a dula mo tafoleng ya kitšhini. “Ke tla dira eng? Kamoso ke letsatsi la matsalo la ga Lethabo mme go na le madi a mannye thata a go reka mpho.” +Lethabo o ne a eme fa sinking a opelela kwa tlase fa a ntse a tlhatswa dijana. “Mmmm la la … Mmmm la la.” +“Lethabo” ga rialo Mama, “kamoso ke letsatsi la gago la matsalo. Ke eng se nka go fang sone?” +“Ao, Mama,” ga bua Lethabo, “Ga ke itse gore ke batla eng.” +“Ke tla akanya sengwe,” ga bua Mama. +Tha tha … tha tha. Dintlha tsa menwana ya ga Mama di ne di ama mo godimo ga tafole. Lethabo o ne a rata molodi wa pina. “Tha tha … tha tha,” o ne a opelela kwa tlase fa a tsena mo phaposing ya gagwe ya borobalo. O ne a rola ditlhako tsa gagwe mme a dula mo godimo ga bolao jwa gagwe. “Ke batla eng ka letsatsi la me la matsalo?” Lethabo o ne a buela kwa godimo. +“Go a makatsa gore o ka botsa seo!” ga bua lentswe. +“Ke mang?” ga bua Lethabo a eme ka dinao. “Ga ke bone ope.” +“Ke ka fa tlase ga bolao!” ga bua lentswe. +“Tsweetswee tswa ka foo!” Lethabo o ne a tlolela kwa morago mo bolaong jwa gagwe. “Ijoo!” +Teng foo, mo pele ga gagwe, go ne go eme segokgo. Se ne se eme ka maoto a sona a le robedi a maleele. E ne e kete ke dithupa. +“Ke maswabi gore ke go tshositse!” Segokgo se ne sa oba tlhogo ya sona. “Leina la me ke Felix. Ke segokgo sa Anansi.” +“Ke nna Lethabo. Ke rata hutshe ya gago!” +“Ke a leboga, Lethabo. Hutshe ya me e tswa kwa Ghana! Ke mebala ya folaga ya Ghana − bohibidu, serolwana le botala.” +“Ghana e kwa kae?” ga botsa Lethabo. +“E kgakalakgakala kwa Aforika,” ga araba Felix. +“Segokgo sa Anansi ke eng?” ga botsa Lethabo. +“Ke tswa mo lelapeng la digokgo tsa Anansi. Re tumile. Re tswa kwa Aforika Bophirima. Bangwe ba rona re tsena mo kotsing gangwe le gape, fela mo go nna ga go jalo. Tota, ga se gantsi mo go kalo,” Felix o ne a tshega. +“Ke goreng o le fano?” Lethabo a botsa. +“O mpiditse,” ga bua Felix. +“Ga ke a go bitsa!” ga bua Lethabo. +Felix o ne a khinkhinyega. “Ee, o mpiditse, fa o ne o opelela molodi wa pina kwa tlase. Jaanong, tsweetswee tswala matlho a gago, ke go tshwaretse sengwe se se ka go makatsang.” +Lethabo o ne a baya diatla tsa gagwe mo matlhong a gagwe. O ne a kgona go utlwa Felix a tletsetletse mo fatshe. Morago go ne ga nna le modumo o o tlatsang phaposi. Tha tha … tha tha. E ne e kete ke modumo o mmaagwe a neng a o dirile mo godimo ga tafole, mme ona o le gaufinyana e bile o le kwa godingwana. +“Ao, seo e ka nna eng?” o ne a botsa. +“Bula matlho a gago!” ga buela Felix kwa godimo. +Felix o ne a tshameka meropa e le robedi ka nako e le nngwe. Leoto lengwe le lengwe le lennye le ne le le mo moropeng. Meropa e ne e mo dikaganyeditse. Tlhogo ya gagwe e ne e obegile fa a letsa moropa mongwe le mongwe. Tha tha … tha tha. +“Ruri ke rata se!” Lethabo o ne a nyenya ka boitumelo. O ne a tlolatlola mo phaposing a opela fa segokgo se ntse se letsa mmino. +Modumo wa meropa le kopelo ya ga Lethabo di ne tsa tlatsa phaposi e nnye. O ne o boa mo maboteng, o tlhatlogela kwa godimo mo siling, o fologela mo mmetsheng, o dikologa mo dimpeng tsa bona, o tsikitlha menwana ya bona ya maoto mme o nna selo se le sengwe le mokibo wa dipelo tsa bona. +“Lethabo, a o siame?” Sefatlhego sa ga mmaagwe se ne se okometse fa lebating. +“Ee, Mama,” ga bua Lethabo. “Ke ne ke jesitse fela mogopolo nala ka letsatsi la me la matsalo.” +Mmaagwe Lethabo o ne a tswala lebati mme a boela kwa kitšhining. “Ao bathong, ke tlile go dira jang?” a bua jalo. +“Felix! O kwa kae?” Lethabo o ne a lebelela ka fa tlase ga bolao. “O ka tswa jaanong.” +“O batlile a mpona!” ga bua Felix. “Bagolo ba rata go nkoba.” +“Tsweetswee mpolelele gore ke goreng o tlile go mpona,” ga bua Lethabo. +“Tota, ke a itse gore kamoso ke letsatsi la gago la matsalo. O batla eng?” ga botsa Felix. +“Moropa, Felix! Ke batla moropa!” Jalo Lethabo o ne a hutsafala. “Mme fela go thari thata. Marekisetso a tswaletswe.” +“Hahaha, hahaha” ga tshegatshega Felix. “Kopa Mme wa gago moropa. Kopa moropa o o tswang kwa Aforika Bophirima. Jaanong tswala matlho a gago gape mme o buele keletso ya gago kwa ntle. Sala sentle, Lethabo!” +Lethabo o ne a tswala matlho a gagwe, “Ke eletsa e kete nka bo ke na le moropa,” O ne a rialo. O ne a bula matlho a gagwe. Felix o ne a ile. +“Mama! Mama!” +“Molato ke eng, Lethabo?” ga botsa mmaagwe Lethabo fa a sianela mo phaposing. +“Mama, nka rata go fiwa moropa ka letsatsi la me la matsalo!” +“Mme fela Lethabo − moropa?” Mmaagwe o ne a tshikinya tlhogo. +“E seng moropa mongwe le mongwe, Mama. Moropa o o tswang kwa Aforika Bophirima, tsweetswee.” E bile o ne a opela le go bina a tletsetletse mo phaposing ya gagwe. Tha tha … tha tha! +Mmaagwe Lethabo o ne a reetsa kopelo. O ne a akanya ka ga rraagwe. O ne a mo gakologelwa a dutse kwa ntle ga ntlwana ya bona mo letsatsing. Fa gare ga maoto a gagwe go ne go eme moropa o mogolo. O ne a o letsa, a bitsa banna le basadi botlhe ba mo motseng go tla moletlong. Molelo o ne o tuka. O ne a nyenya fa a lebile Lethabo, setlogolo sa gagwe se sešwa, fa a robetse mo matsogong a ga mmaagwe. +“Ao, ke tlhologetswe ntate,” go ne ga akanya Mama. “Ema pele! Ke santse ke na le dilo dingwe mo sutukheiseng e e mo tlase ga bolao jwa me.” +Mama o ne a fitlhela sutukheise ya bogologolo ka fa tlase ga bolao. “Ao tlhe, go na le digokgo mo godimo ga yone!” Mama o ne a ngongorega. +Fa di utlwa lentswe la gagwe, digokgo di ne tsa tshaba. Mama o ne a goga sutukheise mme a e bula. Mo teng o ne a fitlhela moropa o mongwe – wa bogolo jo bo siametseng Lethabo tota. +“Ao, ke a leboga, Ntate! Ke gakologelwa moropa o! O o diretse Lethabo!” +Go ne go se na modumo o o tswang mo phaposing ya borobalo ya ga Lethabo. Ka tshisibalo, Mama o ne a kukunela kwa phaposing ya borobalo mme a bula lebati. Lesedi la ngwedi le ne le phatshima mo godimo ga morwadie fa a robetse. Mama o ne a baya moropa mo fatshe mo thoko ga bolao mme a atla lerama la ga Lethabo. “Nna le letsatsi le le monate la Matsalo, Lethabo,” a buela kwa tlase. “Itumelele letsatsi la gago la matsalo go tswa mo go nna le ntatemogolo wa gago.”",tsn,Setswana,Keletso ya letsatsi la matsalo,"“Oh dear,” thought Lethabo’s mama as she sat at the kitchen table. “What shall I do? Tomorrow is Lethabo’s birthday and there’s very little money to buy a present.” +Lethabo stood at the sink humming as she washed the dishes. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/keletso-ya-letsatsi-la-matsalo +birthday-wish,"“Awu nabakitsi,” kucabanga make waLethabo ngesikhatsi ahleti etafuleni lasekhishini. “Ngitawenta njani? Kusasa lusuku lwekutalwa lwaLethabo kantsi futsi nginemali lencane kabi kutsi ngingamtsengela sipho.” +Lethabobekeme esinkini ahlabela ingoma anhhinhhitela futsi ageza titja. “Mmmm la la … Mmmm la la.” +“Lethabo,” kwasho Make, “lusuku lwakho lwekutalwa kusasa. Ufuna ngikuphe ini?” +“Hho, Mama,” kwasho Lethabo, “angitati kutsi ngifunani.” +“Ngitawucabanga lokutsite,” kwasho Make. +Bhum kubhubhum bhum …bhum kubhubhum. Iminwe yamake yatsintsa lingetulu lelitafula. Lethabo wawutsandza lomsindvo. “Bhum kubhubhum bhum …bhum kubhubhum bhum,” wahlabela ngekuthula ahamba aya egumbini lakhe lekulala. Wakhumula ticatfulo takhe wabese uhlala embhedzeni. “Ngifuna sipho sini selusuku lwami lwekutalwa?” Kwasho Lethabo aphimisela kakhulu. +“Kuyahlekisa kutsi ungabuta loko!” kwasho livi. +“Ngubani loyo?” kwasho Lethabo asukuma. “Angiboni muntfu.” +“Ngingaphansi kwembhedze,” kwasho livi. +“Ngicela uphume!” Lethabo wazuba wabuyela emuva embhedzeni wakhe. “Hhayi bo!” +Khona lapho embikwakhe, bekume sayobi. Besime ngetinyawo letisiphohlongo. Betibukeka sengatsi tintsi. +“Ngiyacolisa kukwetfusa!” Lesayobi sagebisa inhloko yaso. “Ligama lami nguFelix. Ngisayobi saka-Anansi.” +“NginguLethabo. Ngiyasitsandza sigcoko sakho!” +“Ngiyabonga, Lethabo. Sigcoko sami sibuya eGhana! Yimibala yemjeka yaseGhana − lobovu, lomtfubi naloluhlata satjani.” +“Ikuphi iGhana?” kwabuta Lethabo. +“Ikhashane kabi le e-Afrika,” kwaphendvula Felix. +“Yini sayobi saka-Anansi?” kwabuta Lethabo. +“Ngivela emndenini wetayobi taka-Anansi. Sidvumile. Sivela eNshonalanga Afrika. Labanye betfu bangena etinkingeni etikhatsini letinyenti, kepha mine angingeni. Angitsi nje, akwenteki njalo njalo,” wahleka Felix. +“Ubekwa yini lapha?” kwabuta Lethabo. +“Ngibitwe nguwe,” kwasho Felix. +“Kodvwa angikakubiti nje mine!” kwasho Lethabo. +Felix wagigitseka. “Yebo, ungibitile, ngesikhatsi uhlabela ingoma unhhinhhitela. Manje-ke, ngicela uvale emehlo akho, nginentfo letakumangalisa.” +Lethabo wavala emehlo akhe ngesandla. Weva Felix akhushutela esiyilweni. Kusenjalo, kwaba nemsindvo lowevakala ligumbi lonkhe. Bhum kubhubhum bhum …bhum kubhubhum bhum. Bewufanana nemsindvo lowentiwe ngumake wakhe etukwe litafula, kepha wevakala udvute kakhulu futsi uvakala kakhulu. +“Hhawu! yini leyo?” wamemeta. +“Vula emehlo akho!” kwamemeta Felix. +Felix bekashaya tigubhu letisiphohlongo ngesikhatsi sinye. Tinyawana takhe ngalunye belusesigujini ngasinye. Letigubhu betimentele indingilizi timtungeletile. Inhloko yakhe beyigobile ngesikhatsi ashaya sigubhu ngasinye. Bhum kubhubhum bhum … bhum kubhubhum bhum. +“Hho ngiyawutsandza!” Lethabo amamatseka. Wagcumagcuma ligumbi lonkhe ahlabela. +Kukhala kwetigubhu nekuhlabela kwaLethabo kwagcwala ligumbi. Kwashayisa elubondzeni, kwasuka phansi kwacondza kusilingi, kwawela kukhaphethi, kwanyakata ngekhatsi etiswini tabo, kwakitalakita tintwane tabo kwabuye futsi kwahlangana nekubhakuta kwetinhlitiyo tabo. +“Lethabo, ngabe konkhe kulungile?” Kwavela buso bamake wakhe emnyango. +“Yebo, Make” kwasho Lethabo. “Bengimane nje ngicabanga ngelusuku lwami lwekutalwa.” +Make waLethabo wavala umnyango wahamba wabuyela ekhishini. Watsi, “Awu! nabakitsi ngitawenta njani?” +“Felix! Ukuphi?” Lethabo wabuka ngaphansi kwembhedze. “Sewungaphuma manje.” +“Sacishe sabanjwa!” kwasho Felix. “Bantfu labadzala bayatsandza kungicosha.” +“Ngicela ungitjele kutsi wentiwe yini kuta lapha utengibona,” kwasho Lethabo. +“Ecinisweni, ngiyati kutsi lusuku lwakho lwekutalwa kusasa. Ufunani?” kwabuta Felix. +“Sigubhu, Felix! Ngifuna sigubhu!” Lethabo wabese utiva alusizi. “Kodvwa sekute sikhatsi. Titolo setivaliwe.” +“Hahaaaa,” kwagigitseka Felix. “Cela make akuphe sigubhu. Mcele sigubhu saseNshonalanga Afrika. Manje vala emehlo akho bese usho sifiso sakho. Salakahle, Lethabo!” +Lethabo wavala emehlo akhe, watsi, “Ngifisa sengatsi ngabe nginesigubhu”. Wabese uvula emehlo akhe. Felix bekangasekho. +“Make! Make!” +“Yini inkinga, Lethabo?” kwabuta make waLethabo agijima acondze egunjini laLethabo. +“Make, ngingatsandza kuba nesigubhu njengesipho selusuku lwami lwekutalwa!” +“Awu! kodvwa Lethabo − sigubhu?” Make wakhe wanikina inhloko yakhe. +“Hhayi nje noma ngabe ngusiphi sigubhu, Make. Ngicela sigubhu lesibuya eNshonalanga Afrika.” Bekahlabela futsi ngesikhatsi adansa egumbini lakhe. Bhum khubhubhum bhum! +Make waLethabo wawulalela lomculo. Bekacabanga ngababe wakhe. Bekamkhumbula ahleti ngaphandle kwendlu yakhe elangeni. Emkhatsini wemilente yakhe kume lesikhulu sigubhu. Bekasishaya, abita onkhe emadvodza nabomake bemmango kutsi bete edzilini. Bekuhhuhhuma umlilo. Bekamamatsekela Lethabo, umtukulu wakhe lomusha wentfombatana, ngesikhatsi alele etandleni tenina. +“Hhohhe, ngiyamkhumbula babe wami,” kwacabanga Make. “Ake ume umzuzwana!?” Ngisenato letinye timphahla takhe eputumendeni ngaphansi kwembhedze.” +Make walitfola leliputumende lelidzala ngaphansi kwembhedze. “Hhawu yehheni bo, kunetayobi etukwalo!” Kwakhonona Make. +Tatsi nativa livi lakhe, tabaleka tonkhe tayobi. Make walidvonsa leliputumende walikhipha wabe uyalivula. Ngekhatsi, watfola sigubhu lesincane − buncane baso bebukahle bumfanele Lethabo. +“Hho, ngiyabonga, Babe! Ngiyasikhumbula lesigubhu!” Wasakhela Lethabo! +Bekute umsindvo lovela egumbini laLethabo lekulala. Ngekunyenya, Make wahamba mantontolwane wacondza egumbini lekulala laLethabo wafike wavula umnyango. Kukhanya kwenyenti bekukhanyisa indvodzakati yakhe ngesikhatsi ilele. Make wabeka lesigubhu phansi esiyilweni eceleni kwembedze wabese wanga Lethabo esihlatsini. “Lusuku loluhle lwekutalwa, Lethabo,” washo akhulumela phansi. “Lusuku loluhle lwekutalwa, ulufiselwa ngimi namkhulu wakho.”",ssw,Siswati,Tilokotfo telusuku lwekutalw,"“Oh dear,” thought Lethabo’s mama as she sat at the kitchen table. “What shall I do? Tomorrow is Lethabo’s birthday and there’s very little money to buy a present.” +Lethabo stood at the sink humming as she washed the dishes. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tilokotfo-telusuku-lwekutalwa +birthday-wish,"“Inwi vhone,” ho humbula mme a Lethabomusi vha tshi khou dzula kha ṱafula ḽa khishini. “Zwino ndi ḓo tou zwi ita hani? Matshelo ndi ḓuvha ḽa mabebo ḽa Lethabo nahone hu na tshelede ṱhukhusa ya u renga tshifhiwa.” +Lethabo o ima kha zinngi a tshi khou ṅuṅuna a tshi khou ralo u ṱanzwa phuleithi. “Mmmm la la … Mmmm la la.”  +“Lethabo,” ho vhidzelela Mme, “matshelo ndi ḓuvha ḽa mabebo ḽaṋu. Ndi nga ni ṋea mini?”  +“Ee, Mma,” hu amba Lethabo, “A thi ḓivhi tshine nda ṱoḓa.”  +“Ndi ḓo humbula nga tshiṅwe tshithu,” Mme vho amba.  +Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. Ṱhodzi dza minwe dza Mme dzo kwama nga nṱha ha ṱafula. Lethabo a takalela muungo. “Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum,” a imbela fhasi zwenezwo a tshi khou ya lufherani lwawe lwa u eḓela. “Ndi tshini tshine nda ṱoḓa nga ḓuvha ḽa mabebo ḽanga?” Lethabo u ambela nṱha.  +“Zwi a mangadza uri ni vhudzisa izwo!” ho amba ipfi.  +“Ndi nnyi a re afho?” ho amba Lethabo o tou ima. “A thi vhoni muthu.”  +“Ndi fhasi ha mmbete!” ho amba ipfi.  +“Ndi humbela uri ni bvele khagala!” Lethabo o fhufhela hafhu kha mmbete wawe. “Ekwe!” +Henefho, phanḓa hawe, ha ima buvhi. Ḽo ima nga milenzhe milapfu ya malo. Yo vha i tshi nga vhutanda.  +“Ndi humbela pfarelo ya u vha ndo ni shushedza!” Buvhi ḽa kotamisela ṱhoho fhasi. “Dzina ḽanga ndi Felix. Ndi nṋe buvhi ḽa Anansi.” +“Ndi nṋe Lethabo. Ndi takalela muṅadzi waṋu!”  +“Ndo livhuwa, Lethabo. Muṅadzi wanga u bva Ghana! Ndi mivhala ya fulaga ya Ghana − mutswuku, wa ṱaḓa na mudala.”  +“Ghana ndi ngafhi?” ho vhudzisa Lethabo.  +“Ndi kulesa hangei Afrika,” ho fhindula Felix.  +“Naa buvhi ḽa Anansi ndi mini?” ho vhudzisa Lethabo.  +“Ndi bva kha muṱa wa mabuvhi a Anansi. Ri a ḓivhea nga maanḓa. Ri bva Afrika Vhukovhela. Vhaṅwe vhashu vha wela khomboni nga maanḓa, fhedzi nne a thi weli. Ee, hu si nga maanḓa nga u tou ralo,” ho sea Felix.  +“Ndi ngani ni fhano?” Lethabo o vhudzisa.  +“No mmbidzelela,” ho amba Felix. +“Fhedzi a thongo ni vhidza!” ho amba Lethabo.  +Felix a mwemwela. “Ee, no mmbidza, musi ni tshi ṅoṅa tshuni. Zwino, ndi humbela uri ni bonye maṱo, ndi na tshine nda tama u ni mangadza ngatsho.”  +Lethabo a vala maṱo awe nga zwanḓa zwawe. O vha a tshi khou pfa Felix a tshi khou palapala fhasi kha fuloro. Ha mbo vha na muungo wo ḓadzaho lufhera Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. Wo vha u tshi nga phosho ye mme awe vha i ita nga nṱha ha ṱafula, fhedzi u tsinisa na u ita phosho. +“Hu nga vha hu mini naa?” o huwelela. +“Vulani maṱo aṋu!” ho huwelela Felix.  +Felix o vha a tshi khou lidza ngoma dza malo nga tshifhinga tshihihi. Nayo iṅwe na iṅwe ṱhukhusa yo vha i kha ngoma. Ngoma dzo vha dzo ita tshitengeledzi u mona nae. Ṱhoho yawe yo vha yo govhea musi a tshi ralo u rwa ngoma iṅwe na iṅwe. Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum.  +“Iina, ndi a i funa!” Lethabo o mwemwela. O fhufha-fhufha na lufhera a tshi khou imbelela zwenezwi Felix a tshi khou lidza ngoma. +Muungo wa ngoma na luimbo lwa Lethabo zwo pfala u mona na lufhera luṱuku. Zwo pfala u bva kha luvhondo na kha siḽini, na kha khaphethe, zwa pfala na kha zwiḽelo zwavho, zwa senengedza na zwikunwe zwavho zwa kwakwana na u rwa ha mbilu dzavho. +“Lethabo, no dzulisea naa?” Tshifhaṱuwo tsha mme awe tsho ṱodzimela u mona na vothi.  +“Ee, Mma,” ho amba Lethabo. “Ndo vha ndi tshi khou tou humbula nga ḓuvha ḽa mabebo ḽanga.”  +Mme a Lethabo vho vala vothi vha mbo ḓi humela khishini. “Nandi naa, zwino ndi ḓo tou zwi itisa hani?” O amba. +“Felix! Ni ngafhi?” Lethabo o sedza fhasi ha mmbete. “Ni nga bvela khagala zwino.”  +“Vho ṱoḓa u ri wanetshedza,” ho amba Felix. “Vhaaluwa vha pfana na u tovhola.”  +“Ndi khou humbela uri ni mmbudze uri ndi ngani no ḓa u mmbona,” ho amba Lethabo.  +“Zwo luga, ndi a zwi ḓivha uri matshelo ndi ḓuvha ḽa mabebo ḽaṋu. Ni ṱoḓa mini?” ho vhudzisa Felix.  +“Ngoma, Felix! Ndi ṱoḓa ngoma!” U bva afha Lethabo a pfa o ṱungufhala. “Fhedzi zwo no lenga nga maanḓa. Mavhengele o vala.”  +“Haa, haa,” ho mwemwela Felix. “Itanu humbela ngoma kha mme aṋu. Humbelani ngoma ibvaho Afrika Vhukovhela. Zwino bonyani maṱo aṋu hafhu ni ite lutamo lwanu Ni sale zwavhuḓi, Lethabo!”  +Lethabo o bonya maṱo awe, “Ndi tama ngavhe ndi na ngoma,” o amba. O mbo di bonyolola maṱo awe. Felix o vha o tuwa.  +“Mma! Mma!”  +“Mulandu ndi mini, Lethabo?” ho vhudzisa mme a Lethabo vha tshi khou ralo u gidimela lufherani.  +“Mma, ndi ḓo takalela ngoma nga ḓuvha ḽa mabebo ḽanga!”  +“Fhedzi Lethabo − ngoma?” Mme awe vho dzungudza ṱhoho yavho.  +“A si ngoma iṅwe na iṅwe, Mma. Ngoma i bvaho Afrika Vhukovhela, ndi khou tou humbela.” A imba zwenezwi a tshi khou tshina u mona na lufhera lwawe. Dum dum de dum!  +Mme a Lethabo vho thetshelesa a tshi khou imba. Vha elelwa khotsi avho. Vha vha elelwa musi vho dzula ḓuvhani nga nnḓa ha nnḓu yavho ya mahatsi. Vhukati ha milenzhe yavho ho ima ngoma khulwane. Vho vha vha tshi khou lidza, vha tshi vhidzelela vhanna na vhafumakadzi vhoṱhe vha muḓana uri vha ḓe vha swiṱule. Mulilo wo vha u tshi khou duga. Vho vha vha tshi khou mwemwela kha Lethabo, muḓuhulu wavho wa musidzana, zwenezwi o takulwa nga mme awe.  +“Hone, ndo ṱuvha hani khotsi anga,” Mme vho humbula. “Fhedzi imani lwa tshifhinga tshi si gathi! Ndi kha ḓi vha na zwiṅwe zwa zwithu zwavho kha suthukheisi i re fhasi ha mmbete wanga.”  +Mme vho bvisa suthukheisi ya kale fhasi ha mmbete. “Ahaa, hai, hu na mabuvhi khayo!” Mme vho gungula.  +A tshi tou pfa ipfi ḽavho, mabuvhi a mbo ḓi shavhela kule. Mme vha kokodza suthukheisi vha i vula. Ngomu hayo vha wana ngoma ṱhukhu – saizi yone-yone ya Lethabo.  +“Ahaa, ndo livhuwa, Muṋe wanga! Ndi kha ḓi elelwa ngoma iyi! Vho i itela Lethabo!” +Ho vha hu si na muungo u bvaho lufherani lwa u eḓela lwa Lethabo. Vho tou ri tshete, Mme vho tshimbila nga zwikunwe vha ya lufherani lwa u eḓela vha vula vothi. Tshedza tsha ṅwedzi tsho vhonala tshi tshi penya kha ṅwananyana wavho zwenezwi o eḓela. Mme vho vhea ngoma fhasi tsini na mmbete vha mama shama ḽa Lethabo. “Ḓuvha ḽa mabebo ḽavhuḓi, Lethabo,” vho ambela fhasi. “Ḓuvha ḽa mabebo ḽavhuḓi u bva kha nṋe na makhulu waṋu vha mukalaha.”",ven,Tshivenda,Lutamo lwa ḓuvha ḽa mabebo,"“Oh dear,” thought Lethabo’s mama as she sat at the kitchen table. “What shall I do? Tomorrow is Lethabo’s birthday and there’s very little money to buy a present.” +Lethabo stood at the sink humming as she washed the dishes. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lutamo-lwa-ḓuvha-ḽa-mabebo +birthday-wish,"“Oh n’wina,” ku ehleketa mana wa Lethabo loko a tshame etafuleni ra le xitangeni. “Xana ndzi nga endla yini? Mundzuku i siku ro velekiwa ka Lethabo naswona a ndzi na mali yo ringana ku n’wi xavela nyiko.” +Lethabo a yimile esinkini a hamutela loko a ri karhi a hlantswa swibye. “Mmmm la la … Mmmm la la.” +“Lethabo,” ku vitana Manana, “Mundzuku i siku ra wena ro velekiwa. Xana ndzi nga ku nyika yini?” +“Aaah, Manana,” ku hlamula Lethabo, “A ndzi tivi ku ri ndzi lava yini.” +“Ndzi ta ehleketa hi xo karhi,” ku vula Manana. +Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. Tintiho ta Manana ti khumbha ehenhla ka tafula. Lethabo a rhandza mpfumawulo lowu. “Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum,” u yimbelerile a miyerile loko a ya ekamareni ro etlela. U hluvule tintanghu a tshama emubedweni. “Xana ndzi lava yini hi siku ra ku velekiwa ka mina?” Lethabo a vulavulela ehenhla. +“Swa hlamarisa ku ri u nga vutisa sweswo!” ku vula rito. +“I mani?” ku vutisa Lethabo a yimile, “A ndzi voni munhu mina.” +“Ndzi le hansi ka mubedwa!” ku vula rito. +“Ndzi kombela u huma!” Lethabo a tlulela ehenhla ka mubedwa. “Haaa!” +Kwala, emahlweni ka yena, a ku yimile pume. A ri yimile hi milenge ya rona yo leha. A yi fana ni swimhandzani. +“Ndzi khomeli ku va ndzi ku chavisile!” Pume ri yisa nhloko ya rona ehansi. “Vito ta mina hi mina Felix. Ndzi pume ra Anansi.” +“Hi mina Lethabo. Ndzi rhandza xiqhoko xa wena!” +“Ndza khensa, Lethabo. Xiqhoko xa mina xi huma eGhana! Mihlovo leyi i ya mujeko wa Ghana – wo tshwuka, xitshopani na rihlaza.” +“Xana Ghana hi kwihi?” ku vutisa Lethabo. +“Ri le kule eAfrika,” ku hlamula Felix. +“Xana pume ra Anansi i pume ra njhani?” ku vutisa Lethabo. +“Ndzi suka eka ndyangu wa mapume ya Anansi. Hi dumile ngopfu. Hi huma eVupeladyanbu bya Afrika. Van’wana va hina va nghena emakhombyeni swinene, marha hayi mina. Kambe, ku nga ri hi mikarhi hinkwayo,” ku hlekelela Felix. +“Hikwalaho ka yini u ri laha?” ku vutisa Lethabo. +“U ndzi vitanile,” ku vula Felix. +“Kambe a ndzi ku vitananga!” ku vula Lethabo. +Felix a gigela. “Ina, u ndzi vitanile, loko u hamutela risimu. Sweswi ndzi kombela u pfala mahlo ndzi na xihlamariso xa wena.” +Lethabo a pfala mahlo hi mavoko ya yena. A swi twa loko Felix a n’wayan’waya ehansi. Mpfumawulo wu tate kamara.Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. A wu fana ni pfumawulo lowu mana wa yena a wu endla ehenhla ka tafula, kambe a wu twakalela ekusuhi naswona wu ba huwa. +“Xana ku nga va ku ri yini?” a rila. +“Pfula mahlo!” ku huwelela Felix. +Felix a chaya mindzhumba ya nhungu hi nkarhi wun’we. Xinengani xin’wana ni xin’wana a xi ri ehenhla ka ndzhumba. Mindzhumba a yi endle xirhendzewutani yi n’wi rhendzerile. Nhloko ya yena a yi voyamile loko a chaya ndzhumba wun’wana ni wun’wana. Dum dum de dum … dum dum de dum. +“Oh ndza swi rhandza!” Lethabo a n’wayitela. U tlulatlule hi kamara a yimbelela loko a ri karhi a chaya. +Mpfumawulo wa mindzhumba na ku yimbelela ka Lethabo swi tate xikamarani. Wu bile khumbi wu tlhela wu vuya, wu gonyela elwangwini, wu wela ehenhla ka khapete, wu chukuvaya endzeni ka khwiri, wu dikida swikunwani ku nghenelela ku ba ka timbilu ta vona. +“Lethabo, u pfukile?” Manana a hlometela hi le rivantini. +“Oh ina, Manana,” ku vula Lethabo. “A ndzi hleketa hi siku ra mina ra ku velekiwa.” +“Mana wa Lethabo u pfale rivanti a tlhelela exitangeni. “Oh n’wina, xana mina ndzi ta endla yini?” a tivutisa a ri swakwe. +“Felix! U le kwihi?” Lethabo a languta ehansi ka mubedwa. “U nga huma sweswi.” +“A ku sale katsongo va hi kuma!” ku vula Felix. “Lavakulu va rhandza ku ndzi hlongola” +“Ndzi byeli ku hikwalaho ka yini u tile u ta ndzi vona,” ku vula Lethabo. +“Eeh, ndza swi tiva leswaku mundzuku i siku ra wena ro velekiwa. U lava yini?” Ku vutisa Felix. +“Ndzhumba, Felix! Ndzi lava ndzhumba!” Lethabo a titwa a tsanile. “Kambe se nkarhi wu fambile. Mavhengele ya pfarile.” +“Hee, hee,” ku gigela Felix. “Kombela mana wa wena a ku nyika ndzhumba. Kombela ndzhumba wa le Vupeladyambu bya Afrika. Sweswi pfala mahlo nakambe u endla xinavelo. Sala kahle, Lethabo!” +Lethabo u pfale mahlo, “Ndzi navela ku va ni ndzhumba,” a vula. A pfula mahlo. Felix a fambile. +“Manana! Manana!” +“Xana ku na mhaka, Lethabo?” ku vutisa mana wa Lethabo a ri karhi a tsutsumela ekamareni. +“Manana, ndzi ta lava ndzhumba hi siku ra ku velekiwa ka mina!” +“Kambe Lethabo − ndzhumba?” Mana wa yena a dzungudza nhloko. +“Ku nga ri ndzhumba wun’wana ni wun’wana, Manana. Ndzhumba wa le Vupeladyambu bya Afrika, ndza kombela.” A ri karhi a yimbelela loko a ri karhi a cina kwala kamareni ra yena. Dum dum de dum! +Mana wa Lethabo a ri karhi a yingisela ku yimbelela. A ehleketa hi tata wa yena. A tsundzuka hi laha a va tshamile ehandle ka yindlu ya mabyanyi emasaneni. Exikarhi ka milenge ya yena a ku ri ni ndzhumba lowukulu. A ri karhi a wu chaya, ku rhamba vavanuna ni vavasati ku ta enkhubyeni. Ndzilo wu ri karhi wu vuvumela. A ri karhi a n’wayitelela Lethabo, ntukulu wa yena wa nhwanyana, loko a etlele emavokweni ya mana wa yena. +“Oh, ndzi navele tata wa mina,” Manana a ehleketa. “Yima nyana! Ndza ha ri na swin’wana swa yena eka sutikheyisi leyi nga ehansi ka mubedwa.” +Manana u kumile sutikheyisi ehansi ka mubedwa. “Ehe, ku na swipamu eka yona!” Manana a vilela. +Hi ku twa rito ra yena, mapume ya balekela kule. Manana u humesele sutikheyisi ehandle kutani a yi pfula. Endzeni u kumile ndzhumba lowutsongo − lowu ringaneleke Lethabo. +“Oh, ndza khensa, Tatana! Ndza wu tsundzuka ndzhumba lowu! U wu endlerile Lethabo!” +A ku ri hava pfumawulo lowu humaka ekamareni ra Lethabo. Manana u nyandlamerile ku ya ekamareni a pfula rivanti. Ku vangama ka n’weti a ku tlhave Lethabo loko a etlela. Manana u tekile ndzhumba ekusuhi ni mubedwa ehansi kutani a ntswontswa Lethabo erhameni. “Va na ni siku ra kahle ra ntsako ra ku velekiwa ka wena, Lethabo,” a hlevetela. “Va na ni siku ra kahle ra ku velekiea ku suka ka mina na kokwani wa wena.”",tso,Xitsonga,Ku navelela siku ro velekiw,"“Oh dear,” thought Lethabo’s mama as she sat at the kitchen table. “What shall I do? Tomorrow is Lethabo’s birthday and there’s very little money to buy a present.” +Lethabo stood at the sink humming as she washed the dishes. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ku-navelela-siku-ro-velekiwa +kamuzu’s-voice,"At the foot of the green hills of Mpumalanga there was a farm. In a field on this farm, Kamuzu the horse always grazed quietly. All the farm animals were friends. They had lots to say to each other, but Kamuzu was shy. He wanted to talk to them, but he could never get the words out. This made him feel lonely and sad. +Early one morning, Kamuzu wanted to say “good morning” to Baas, his donkey friend. He opened his mouth … but nothing happened. His big, horsey voice was missing. +“What’s going on?” asked Kamuzu. “I can only whisper.” He tried again. +“What did you say?” asked Baas as he chewed the grass, licked his hairy donkey lips and stared at Kamuzu. The only reason he asked was because although Kamuzu opened his mouth, only a soft whisper came out. It was odd. +“My voice,” whispered Kamuzu. “I’ve lost it.” +“Lost your voice? But you never say anything anyway, so how did you lose it?” asked Baas. “Don’t worry. I’ll look for your voice on the other side of the river.” +So Baas clip-clopped his way over the river to the other side. But, as soon as he got there and smelt the sweet grass, he forgot all about looking for Kamuzu’s voice and started chomping on the grass. +Back on the other side of the river, Kamuzu was thinking about ways to find his lost voice. “I’ll go down to the pond,” he thought. “I’ll open my mouth, lift up my tongue and ask the fish if they can see my voice under it.” +Kamuzu stopped at the pond and opened his mouth. The fish looked up at him. +“No, Kamuzu, sorry, there is nothing under your tongue. But, don’t worry, we will look under the lily pads and between the pebbles at the bottom of the pond for your voice.” +The fish swam away, but the minute they were under the lily pads, they found such scrumptious food to eat that they forgot all about Kamuzu’s lost voice. +Kamuzu sighed sadly and walked on. He looked everywhere for his voice as he trot-trot-trotted along. Then he came across Snorkel, the pig, and Dozie, the black and white cow. +“What are you looking for?” asked Snorkel. +“My voice. I’ve lost it,” whispered Kamuzu. +“Goodness! How did you manage that?” said Snorkel. “Never mind, I’ll help you look for it.” +“Me too!” said Dozie. “We’ll look in the grass on the other side of the river.” +Poor Kamuzu − the moment Snorkel and Dozie reached the sweet grass on the other side of the river, they stopped and crunched and munched and forgot all about helping him find his voice. +The rabbits were not any help either. They promised to look with their big brown eyes. They promised to listen with their soft brown ears. But when they crossed the river, just like everyone else, all they could think of was the taste of the sweet grass. +Kamuzu looked at his friends. “Nobody’s helping me. Nobody’s looking. Everyone is just munching, crunching, grazing, gobbling and eating,” he whispered sadly. He turned and started to walk back to the farm to continue his search on his own. Kamuzu looked under the bushes. He looked behind the shed. He looked up at the clouds and then he looked towards the hills. +“Oh no, there’s a storm coming! It’s already raining in the hills. That means the river is going to flood.” He turned and galloped back to the river. “I have to warn the animals. But I can only whisper, they’ll never hear me.” +He stood there for a minute and felt the first raindrops plip-plop on his back. The river was already muddy and rising. Everyone was still busy munching, crunching, grazing, gobbling and eating. +Kamuzu opened his mouth, but nothing happened. Not even a whisper came out. Now he was really scared. He had to do something. If his friends tried to cross the river, they would all drown. He tossed his head, shook his mane and stamped the ground with his hooves. None of his friends noticed him. The waters in front of him raced and rushed. +Just then it started to rain harder. All the animals looked up and started to run towards the river. +Kamuzu forgot about his lost voice. He forgot about being shy and he forgot about being sad. He faced the rushing river and, galloping as fast as he could towards it, took an enormous jump right over the raging water. As he landed on the other side he opened his mouth and shouted, “STOP! DON’T CROSS!” + +The animals were shocked. They had never heard such a big, loud voice come out of Kamuzu’s mouth. +“Go back!” Kamuzu shouted. “Go up to the rocks.” +Everyone ran to the rocks to shelter from the rain. They huddled together. +“You saved us, Kamuzu,” said Baas. “Thank you.” +“You found your voice,” said Snorkel. +“Yes,” said Dozie, “it’s nice to hear you. You were always so quiet, we thought you just didn’t want to talk to us.” +“I’m shy,” said Kamuzu. “I never know what to say.” +“But we’re friends,” said the rabbits. “You don’t have to be shy with us.” +“From now on,” said Baas, “we want to hear you speak. Promise you will?” +“Promise! Promise! Promise!” they all said together. +And, Kamuzu, the horse, lifted his head to the sky and shouted, “YES! YES! YES, I PROMISE!”",eng,English,Kamuzu’s voice,"At the foot of the green hills of Mpumalanga there was a farm. In a field on this farm, Kamuzu the horse always grazed quietly. All the farm animals were friends. They had lots to say to each other, but Kamuzu was shy. He wanted to talk to them, but ...",,Avril Wiid,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kamuzu’s-voice +kamuzu’s-voice,"Aan die voet van die groen heuwels van Mpumalanga is daar ’n plaas. In ’n veld op hierdie plaas wei Kamuzu die perd altyd rustig. Al die plaasdiere is vriende. Hulle het baie om oor te gesels, maar Kamuzu is skaam. Hy wil met hulle praat, maar hy kan nooit die woorde uitkry nie. Dit laat hom eensaam en hartseer voel. +Vroeg een oggend wil Kamuzu vir Baas, sy donkievriend, “goeiemôre” sê. Hy maak sy mond oop … maar niks gebeur nie. Sy groot perdestem is skoonveld. +“Wat gaan aan?” vra Kamuzu. “Ek kan net fluister.” Hy probeer weer. +“Wat sê jy?” vra Baas terwyl hy die gras kou, sy harige donkielippe lek en na Kamuzu staar. Die enigste rede waarom hy vra, is omdat Kamuzu sy mond oopmaak, maar Baas net ’n sagte gefluister hoor. Dit is vreemd. +“My stem,” fluister Kamuzu. “Ek het dit verloor.” +“Jou stem verloor? Maar jy het in elk geval nooit iets gesê nie, hoe kon jy dit dan verloor?” vra Baas. “Moenie bekommerd wees nie. Ek sal aan die oorkant van die rivier na jou stem gaan soek.” +Baas klippe-klop toe deur die rivier tot aan die ander kant. Maar toe hy daar aankom, ruik hy die soet gras. Hy vergeet heeltemal om na Kamuzu se stem te soek en begin aan die gras kou. +Aan die ander kant van die rivier dink Kamuzu aan maniere om sy verlore stem terug te kry. “Ek sal na die dammetjie toe stap,” dink hy. “Ek sal my mond oopmaak, my tong oplig en die visse vra of hulle my stem onder my tong kan sien.” +Kamuzu gaan staan by die dam en maak sy mond oop. Die visse kyk op na hom. + +“Nee, jammer Kamuzu, daar is niks onder jou tong nie. Maar moenie bekommerd wees nie, ons sal onder die waterlelies se blare en tussen die klippies op die bodem na jou stem soek.” +Die visse swem weg, maar die oomblik toe hulle onder die waterlelies se blare verdwyn, vind hulle sulke heerlike kos om aan te knibbel dat hulle heeltemal van Kamuzu se verlore stem vergeet. +Kamuzu sug hartseer en stap verder. Hy soek oral na sy stem terwyl hy verder draf-draf-draf. Toe kom hy by Snorkel, die vark, en Dozie, die swart-en-wit koei. +“Waarna soek jy?” vra Snorkel. +“My stem. Ek het dit verloor,” fluister Kamuzu. +“Goeiste! Hoe het jy dit reggekry?” vra Snorkel. “Toemaar, ek sal jou help soek.” +“Ek ook!” sê Dozie. “Ons sal in die gras aan die oorkant van die rivier gaan soek.” +Arme Kamuzu − die oomblik toe Snorkel en Dozie by die soet gras aan die oorkant van die rivier kom, gaan staan en kou hulle knarsend en vergeet heeltemal om hom te help om sy verlore stem te vind. +Die konyne help ook nie eintlik nie. Hulle belowe om met hulle groot bruin oë te kyk. Hulle belowe om met hulle sagte bruin ore te luister. Maar toe hulle aan die oorkant van die rivier kom, is al waaraan hulle kan dink, nes al die ander diere, hoe soet die gras smaak. +Kamuzu kyk na sy vriende. “Niemand help my nie. Niemand soek nie. Almal knars, kou, knaag en knibbel net,” fluister hy hartseer. Hy draai om en begin terugstap plaas toe om alleen verder te soek. Kamuzu kyk onder die bosse. Hy kyk agter die skuur. Hy kyk op na die wolke en toe na die heuwels. +“O nee, daar is ’n storm aan die kom! Dit reën reeds in die heuwels. Dit beteken die rivier gaan oorstroom.” Hy draai om en galop terug rivier toe. “Ek moet die diere waarsku. Maar ek kan net fluister; hulle sal my nooit hoor nie.” +Hy staan ’n oomblik daar en voel hoe die eerste reëndruppels plif-plof op sy rug val. Die rivier is reeds vol modder en die water styg. Almal knars, kou, knaag en knibbel steeds. +Kamuzu maak sy mond oop, maar niks gebeur nie. Hy kan nie eens fluister nie. Nou is hy regtig bang. Hy moet iets doen. As sy vriende die rivier probeer oorsteek, sal hulle almal verdrink. Hy lig sy kop, skud sy maanhaar en stamp met sy hoewe op die grond. Nie een van sy vriende sien hom raak nie. Die water voor hom druis en dreun. +Net toe begin dit harder reën. Al die diere kyk op en begin na die rivier toe hardloop. +Kamuzu vergeet van sy verlore stem. Hy vergeet dat hy skaam is en dat hy hartseer is. Hy hardloop so vinnig as wat hy kan na die skuimende rivier toe, en spring met een reusesprong oor die bruisende water. Toe hy aan die oorkant kom, maak hy sy mond oop en skreeu: “STOP! MOENIE DIE RIVIER OORSTEEK NIE!” + +Die diere is geskok. Hulle het nog nooit so ’n groot, harde stem uit Kamuzu se mond hoor kom nie. +“Gaan terug!” skree Kamuzu. “Klim op teen die rotse.” +Almal hardloop na die rotse om daar teen die reën te skuil. Hulle bondel almal saam. +“Jy het ons gered, Kamuzu,” sê Baas. “Dankie.” +“Jy het jou stem gevind,” sê Snorkel. +“Ja,” sê Dozie, “dis lekker om jou stem te hoor. Jy was altyd so stil, ons het gedink jy wil nie met ons praat nie.” +“Ek is skaam,” sê Kamuzu. “Ek weet nooit wat om te sê nie.” +“Maar ons is vriende,” sê die konyne. “Jy hoef nie skaam te wees vir ons nie.” +“Van nou af,” sê Baas, “wil ons jou hoor praat. Belowe ons jy sal?” +“Belowe! Belowe! Belowe!” sê hulle almal saam. +En Kamuzu die perd lig sy kop op en sê: “JA! JA! JA, EK BELOWE!”",afr,Afrikaans,Kamuzu se stem,"At the foot of the green hills of Mpumalanga there was a farm. In a field on this farm, Kamuzu the horse always grazed quietly. All the farm animals were friends. They had lots to say to each other, but Kamuzu was shy. He wanted to talk to them, but ...",,Avril Wiid,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kamuzu-se-stem +kamuzu’s-voice,"Ngaphasi kweentatjana zeMpumalanga ezilihlaza kwakuneplasi. Esimini yeplasi leli ipera uKamuzu wayehlala adla khona ngokuthula. Zoke iimbandana zeplasi le zazibangani. Bekukunenngi ebezikutjho kwesinye nesinye isibandana, kodwana uKamuzu wayeneenhloni. Bekafuna ukukhuluma nazo, kodwana bekaphelelwa magama. Lokhu kwambangela kobana azizwe anesizungu nokudana. +Ngelinye ilanga ekuseni, uKamuzu wayefuna ukuthi “lotjhani” kuBhasi, umnganakhe ongudumbana. Wavula umlomo … kodwana akhenge kwenzeke litho. Ilizwi lakhe elikhulu lobupera, belingekho. +“Kwenzenjani?” kubuza uKamuzu. “Ngikghona ukuhleba kwaphela.” Wazama godu. +“Utheni?” Kwabuza uBhasi adla utjani, akhotha iindebe zakhe zobudumbana ezinoboya, waqala uKamuzu. Isizathu esisodwa esenza kobana abuze, kukobana, nanyana uKamuzu avula umlomakhe, kwaphuma ilizwi elizwakalela phasi elihlebako. Elalilimbi. +“Ilizwi lami,” kuhleba uKamuzu. “Likhambile.” +“Ilizwi lakho likhambile? Kodwana awukhulumi vele, manjesi likhambe njani?” kubuza uBhasi. “Ungatshwenyeki. Ilizwi lakho ngizayolifuna ngaphatjheya komlambo.” +UBhasi wangena indlela weqa umlambo wayamela ngaphetjheya. Kodwana, kuthe nakafika lapho wase unukelela utjani obumnandi, walibala ngokufuna ilizwi likaKamuzu, wathoma wangenela utjani abudla. +Emuva ngaphetjheya komlambo, uKamuzu bekacabanga ngeendlela zokubuyisa ilizwi lakhe elikhambileko. “Ngizakwehlela edanyaneni,” uyacabanga. “Ngizakuvula umlomami, ngiphakamise ilimu bese ngibawa iimfesi kobana ziqale ilizwi lami ngaphasi kwelimu lami. +UKamuzu wajama edanyaneni wase uvula umlomakhe. Iimfesi zamqala phezulu. +“Awa, Kamuzu, siyacolisa, akunalitho ngaphasi kwelimu lakho. Kodwana, ungatshwenyeki, sizakuliqala ilizwi lakho ngaphasi kwamathuthumbo nahlangana namatjana phasi ngedanyaneni.” +  +Iimfesi zaduda zakhamba, kuthe nazingaphasi kwamathuthumbo, zathola ukudla okumnandi zadla bezalibala koke okumayelana nelizwi likaKamuzu. +UKamuzu wadosa ummoya waragela phambili nekhambo. Waqalisisa koke afuna ilizwi lakhe lokha nakakhambakhambako. Wase uhlangana noMlonyana, isavukazana, noMabalabala ikomo ebhondo. +“Ufunani?” kwabuza uMlonyana. +“Ilizwi lami. Likhambile,” kuhleba uKamuzu. +“Utjho zami! Ukukghone njani lokho?” kwatjho uMlonyana. “Ungatshwenyeki, ngizakusiza ukulifuna.” +“Nami!” kwatjho uMabalabala. “Sizakufuna etjanini ngaphetjheya komlambo.” +UKamuzu wabantu – uMlonyana banoMabalabala bathe nabafika etjanini obumnandi ngaphetjheya komlambo, bajama baruthula, badla, bakhohlwa koke ngokumsiza kobana athole ilizwi lakhe. +Imiqasa beyinganasizo nayo. Yathembisa ukufuna ngamehlo wayo amakhulu azotho. Yathembisa ukulalela ngeendlebe zayo ezikulu, ezibuthakathaka. Kodwana ithe ingeqa umlambo, njengazo zoke ezinye iimbandana, into ezaziyicabanga kwakukunambitheka kotjani obumnandi. +UKamuzu waqala abangani bakhe. “Akekho noyedwa ongisizako. Akekho noyedwa ofunako. Omunye nomunye uyaluma, uyadla, uyahlafunya, uyaphanga, uyetjisa,” wahleba ngehliziyo edanileko. Waphenduka wakhamba wabuyela emuva eplasini ukuyokuthoma ukuzifunela ngokwakhe. UKamuzu wafuna ehlatjhaneni. Wafuna ngemva kwetjhede. Waqala phezulu emafini, waqala nokuyela ngeentatjaneni. +“Bababe, kunamawuruwuru! Seliyana eentajaneni. Lokhu kutjho kobana umlambo uzokuba neenrhurhula.” Waphenduka wagijimela ngemlanjeni. “Kufanele ngiyelelise iimbandana. Kodwana ngikghona ukuhleba kuphela, angekhe bangizwe.” +Wajama lapho kwesikhatjhana wezwa amathosi wezulu wokuthoma athontela emgogodlha wakhe. Umlambo besele unedaka ukhuphuka. Omunye nomunye bekasaluma, adla, ahlafunya, aphanga begodu etjisa. +UKamuzu wavula umlomo, kodwana akhenge kuzwakale litho. Ngitjho nokuhleba akhenge kukghonakale. Besele asaba khulu kwanjesi. Bekufanele kubekhona akwenzako. Nangabe abangani bakhe bazama ukweqa umlambo, bazakutjhingela boke. Wanyikinya ihloko, wathintitha umhlwenga wabetha phasi ngeenyawo. Akekho noyedwa umnganakhe ombonileko. Amanzi phambi kwakhe bekaphakama ngokurhaba. +Kusese njalo izulu lathoma ukuna ngamandla. Zoke iimbandana zaqala phezulu zabe sezigijimela ngemlanjeni. +UKamuzu wakhohlwa ngelizwi lakhe elikhambileko. Wakhohlwa ngokuba namahloni, nangokudana. Waqalana nomlambo orhabileko, wagijimela kiwo ngendlela angakhona ngayo, weqela ngaphakathi komlambo okwatileko. Lokha nakafika ngaphetjheya komlambo wavula umlomakhe warhuwelela, “JAMANI! NINGEYAMI!” +  + +Iimbanadana zethuka. Akhenge khezilizwe ilizwi elikhulu, eliphezulu kangaka liphuma emlonyeni kaKamuzu. +“Buyelani emuva!” kwarhuwelela uKamuzu. “Buyelani phezu kwamadwala.” +Omunye nomunye wabalekela phezu kwamadwala ukuzivikela ezulwini. Babuthelelana ndawonye. +“Usisindisile, Kamuzu,” kwatjho uBhasi. “Siyathokoza.” +“Libuyile ilizwi lakho,” kwatjho uMlonyana. +“Iye,” kwatjho uMabalabala, “kumnandi ukukuzwa. Bewuhlala uthulile ngaso soke isikhathi, besicabanga kobana awufuni ukukhuluma nathi nje kwaphela. +“Ngineenhloni,” kwatjho uKamuzu. “Ngihlala ngingazi kobana ngithini.” +“Kodwana sibangani,” kwatjho umqasa. “Akudingeki kobana ubeneenhloni kithi.” +“Ukusukela kwanjesi,” kwatjho uBhasi, “sifuna ukukuzwa ukhuluma. Thembisa kobana uzakwenza!” +“Thembisa! Thembisa! Thembisa!” Batjho kanye kanye. +UKamuzu, ipera, waphakamisela ihlokwakhe phezulu wase uyarhuwelela, “IYE! IYE! IYE!, NGIYATHEMBISA!”",nbl,isiNdebele,Ilizwi likaKamuzu,"At the foot of the green hills of Mpumalanga there was a farm. In a field on this farm, Kamuzu the horse always grazed quietly. All the farm animals were friends. They had lots to say to each other, but Kamuzu was shy. He wanted to talk to them, but ...",,Avril Wiid,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ilizwi-likakamuzu +kamuzu’s-voice,"Ezantsi kweenduli zaseMpumalanga ezambathiswe yingca eluhlaza kwakukho ifama. Kwidlelo elalikule fama, ihashe uKamuzu lalisoloko lizityela khona ingca ngokuzolileyo. Zonke izilwanyana zale fama zazingabahlobo. Zazininzi izinto ezazincokola ngazo, kodwa uKamuzu wayeneentloni. Wayefuna naye ukuncokola nazo, kodwa ilizwi lakhe lalingaphumi emlonyeni. Oku kwakumenza abe lilolo kwaye kwakumkhathaza. +Ngenye intsasa, uKamuzu wayefuna ukuthi “molo” kuBaas, umhlobo wakhe owayeyidonki. Wavula umlomo … kodwa zange kuphume nto. Ilizwi lakhe elikhulu lobuhashe lalilahlekile. +“Kwenzeka ntoni?” kubuza uKamuzu ebhidekile. “Ndiyasebeza nje kuphela.” Wazama ukuthetha kwakhona. +“Ubusithini?” kubuza uBaas emjonge ngqo uKamuzu, esetyisa ingca, ekwalenca nemilebe yakhe yedonki ephuphuzela uboya. Isizathu sokuba abuze yayikukuba nangona uKamuzu wayevule umlomo, wayesebeza nje kuphela. Oko kwakungaqhelekanga. +“Ilizwi lam,” kusebeza uKamuzu. “Lilahlekile.” +“Ulahlekelwe lilizwi? Kodwa ndingazange ndakuva uthetha nje, lilahleka njani ilizwi?” kubuza uBaas. “Kodwa ke ungakhathazeki. Ndiza kulikhangela ilizwi lakho phaya ngaphesheya komlambo.” +Wenjenjalo ke uBaas ukuqhwayiza ewela umlambo. Kodwa, wathi xa efika ngaphesheya komlambo, weva ivumba elimnandi lengca eluhlaza, waza walibala konke ngokukhangela ilizwi likaKamuzu, suka waqala ukuzityela ingca emnandi. +Kwelinye icala lomlambo, uKamuzu wayeshiyeke ecinga ngeendlela anokufumana ngazo ilizwi lakhe elilahlekileyo. “Ndiza kuhla, ndiye edamini,” ucinge wenza njalo. “Ndiza kuvula umlomo wam, ndiphakamise ulwimi lwam, ze ndicele iintlanzi zikhangele ukuba ingaba ziyakulibona kusini na ilizwi lam phantsi kolwimi.” +UKamuzu wema phezu kwedama wavula umlomo wakhe. Iintlanzi zaze zakhangela ilizwi elo apha ngaphakathi emlonyeni. + +“Hayi khona, Kamuzu xola ndoda, akukho nto phantsi kolwimi lwakho. Kodwa, ungakhathazeki, siza kulikhangela phantsi kwamagqabi enyibiba naphakathi kwamatyana asezantsi apha edamini ilizwi lakho.” +Iintlanzi zadada zemka, kodwa zathi nje ukuba zibe phantsi kweenyibiba, zafumana ukutya okumnandi kakhulu, zaza zatya, zalibala konke ngelizwi likaKamuzu elilahlekileyo. +UKamuzu wenza isingqala esilusizi, waza waqhubeka nohambo lwakhe lokufunisa ngelizwi lakhe. Walikhangela kuyo yonke indawo ilizwi lakhe, edinwe esisinxekenxeke kukuqhuqha indawo yonke. Emva kwexesha elide ekhangela, wahlangana noSnorkel, ihagu, kunye noDozie imazi yenkomo elunga. +“Ukhangela ntoni?” kubuza uSnorkel. +“Ilizwi lam. Lilahlekile,” usebeze watsho uKamuzu. +“Hayi bo! Lilahleka njani ilizwi?” kutsho uSnorkel. “Phofu ungazihluphi, ndiza kukuncedisa ukulikhangela.” +“Nam ndizakukukhangelisa!” utshilo noDozie. “Siza kulikhangela engceni ngaphesheya komlambo.” +Owu usizana olunguKamuzu – bathe nje ukuba ooSnorkel noDozie bafike engceni emnandi engaphesheya komlambo, bema ngxi, baza baqalisa ukugramza besitya, baza balibala ngako konke malunga nokumnceda bamkhangelise ilizwi lakhe. +Kwanemivundla zange ibe luncedo nganto. Yathembisa ngokukhangela ngaloo mehlo ayo makhulu namdaka. Yathembisa ukuba iza kumamela ngezo ndlebe zayo zibhakubhaku, zimdaka. Kodwa yathi nje yakuwela umlambo, njengabo bonke, konke eyayicinga ngako yayiyincasa yengca emnandi. +UKamuzu wajonga kubahlobo bakhe. “Akukho mntu undincedayo. Akukho mntu ukhangelayo. Wonke nje umntu uyagramza, konwatyelwe ukutya okumnandi,” usebeze watsho kalusizi. Waguquka ebuyela efama ukuze aqhubeke nokuzikhangelela ilizwi lakhe ngokwakhe. UKamuzu wakhangela phantsi kwamatyholo. Wakhangela emva kweshedi. Ukhangele naphezulu emafini, waza wajonga nakwezo nduli zimngqongileyo. +“Owu hayini, kukho isiphango esizayo! Sele kusina kakhulu ngaphaya kwezaa nduli. Oko kuthetha ukuba umlambo uza kuzalisa.” Wajika ephala ukubuyela emlanjeni. “Kufuneka ndilumkise ezinye izilwanyana. Kodwa ndiyasebeza nje kuphela, soze zindive.” +Wema apho okomzuzwana uKamuzu, waza waweva amachaphaza emvula okuqala esithi chapha-chapha kuye emqolo. Umlambo wawusele ugquma kwaye uzalisa. Wonke ubani wayesaxakekile ehlafuna, egramza, enkwamla, esitya ingca. +UKamuzu wavula umlomo wakhe ezama ukuthetha, kodwa zange kubekho nto yenzekayo. Akuzange kubekho nosebesebe lo wembala. Ngoku wayesoyika kakhulu. Wayeqonda mhlophe ukuba kufuneka abe nento ayenzayo, kungekonakali. Ukuba abahlobo bakhe bazama ukuwela umlambo, baza kurhaxwa bonke. Wadlokovisa intloko yakhe, waphakamisa isingci sakhe, waze wangqisha ngeempuphu zakhe. Akukho namnye kwizihlobo zakhe owayiqaphelayo loo migudu. Amanzi phambi kwakhe ayequkuqela ngesantya esiphezulu. +Kanye ngelo xesha kwaqalisa ukunetha ngamandla. Zonke izilwanyana zaphakamisa iintloko, zijonga, zaze zaqalisa ukubaleka zisiya emlanjeni. +UKamuzu walibala ngelizwi lakhe elilahlekileyo. Walibala ngokuba neentloni kwakhe, walibala nangokuba lusizi kwakhe. Wajongana namaza omlambo alwatyuza ngesantya esiphezulu waza, ephala ngokukhawuleza kangangoko anako, waya ngqo kuwo, watsho ngomtsi omde phezu kwaloo maza alwatyuzayo, ewelela ngaphesheya. Akuthi gxididi ngaphesheya komlambo, wavula umlomo wakhe waze wakhwaza,“YIMANI! MUSANI UKUWELA!” + +Izilwanyana zazothuke kakhulu. Zange zaliva ilizwi elikhulu, nelikhwaza kangaka liphuma emlonyeni kaKamuzu. +“Jikani!” ukhwaze watsho uKamuzu. “Yiyani emaweni.” +Wonke ubani wabalekela emaweni ukuzikhusela emvuleni. Baqundana apho ngeentloko. +“Usisindisile, Kamuzu,” watsho uBaas. “Enkosi.” +“Ulifumene ilizwi lakho,” watsho uSnorkel. +“Ewe,” wangqina uDozie, “kumnandi ukuva ilizwi lakho. Ubusoloko uthule uthe cwaka, besicinga ukuba awufuni kuthetha nathi.” +“Ndineentloni,” watsho uKamuzu. “Ndisuke ndingazi ukuba ndithini na.” +“Kodwa singabahlobo bakho nje,” yatsho imivundla. “Akukho mfuneko yokuba ube neentloni kuthi.” +“Ukususela namhlanje,” watsho uBaas, “sifuna ukukuva uthetha. Sithembise ukuba uza kuthetha?” +“Thembisa! Thembisa! Thembisa!” zatsho zonke ngaxeshanye.",xho,isiXhosa,Ilizwi likaKamuzu,"At the foot of the green hills of Mpumalanga there was a farm. In a field on this farm, Kamuzu the horse always grazed quietly. All the farm animals were friends. They had lots to say to each other, but Kamuzu was shy. He wanted to talk to them, but ...",,Avril Wiid,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ilizwi-likakamuzu-0 +kamuzu’s-voice,"Ngezansi kwamagquma aseMpumalanga ambozwe utshani obuluhlaza kwakukhona ipulazi. Emadlelweni aleli pulazi, ihhashi elinguKamuzu, lalizidlela buthule. Zazingabangani zonke izilwane zasepulazini. Zazixoxelana okuningi, kodwa uKamuzu wayenamahloni. Wayefuna ukuxoxa nezinye izilwane, kodwa kwakungaphumi lutho emlonyeni wakhe. Lokhu kwakumenza azizwe enesizungu futhi ekhathazekile. +Ngolunye usuku ekuseni, uKamuzu wayefuna ukuthi “sawubona” kuBaas, umngani wakhe oyimbongolo. Wavula umlomo wakhe … kodwa kwangenzeka lutho. Wayelahlekelwe izwi lakhe elikhulu lamahhashi. +“Kwenzenjani?” kubuza uKamuzu. “Ngikwazi ukuhleba kuphela.” Wazama futhi. +“Ubuthini?” kubuza uBaas ehlafuna utshani, ekhotha izindebe zakhe zembongolo eziphuphuzela uboya egqolozele uKamuzu. Isizathu esasibangela ukuthi ambuze ukuthi noma uKamuzu wayevule umlomo wakhe, wayehlebeza kancane. Kukhona okwakungahambi kahle. +“Izwi lami,” kuhlebeza uKamuzu. “Lingilahlekele.” +“Ulahlekelwe izwi lakho? Kodwa awukaze uthi vu vele, lingabe likulahlekele kanjani-ke?” kubuza uBaas. “Ungakhathazeki. Ngizoyobheka izwi lakho phesheya komfula.” +Ngakho uBaas wangqabashiya wawela umfula. Kodwa, wathi uma efika lapho esenuke notshani, wakhohlwa nya ngezwi likaKamuzu, wase eqala ukuzitika ngotshani obumnandi. +Ngakolunye uhlangothi lomfula, uKamuzu wayecabanga ngezindlela angathola ngazo izwi lakhe elilahlekile. “Ngizoya exhaphozini,” ecabanga. “Ngizovula umlomo wami, ngiphakamise ulimi lwami bese ngibuza izinhlanzi ukuthi ziyalibona yini izwi lami ngaphansi kwalo.” +UKamuzu wama exhaphozini wase evula umlomo wakhe. Izinhlanzi zambuka. + +“Cha, Kamuzu, uxolo bandla, akukho lutho ngaphansi kolimi lwakho. Kodwa, ungakhathazeki, sizongena ngaphansi kwamacembe omduze naphakathi kwamatshana asemanzini ayizimbulunga angaphansi exhaphozini siyofuna izwi lakho.” +Izinhlanzi zabhukuda sahamba, kodwa zathi uma zingena ngaphansi kwamacembe omduze, zathola ukudla okumnandi kakhulu ezingakudla zakhohlwa ngezwi likaKamuzu. +UKamuzu waphefumula kalusizi waqhubeka nohambo. Walibheka yonke indawo izwi lakhe ngesikhathi ehamba ethi ngqabashi, ngqabashi, ngqabashi. Wahlangana nengulube enguSnorkel, nenkomo ematshezulu enguDozie. +“Ufunani?” kubuza uSnorkel. +“Izwi lami. Lingilahlekele,” kuhlebeza uKamuzu. +“Mameshane! “Kwenzeke kanjani lokho?” kusho uSnorkel. “Akunandaba nokho, ngizokusiza ukuthi ulifune.” +“Nami futhi!” kusho uDozie. “Sizolibheka otshanini phesheya komfula.” +Awu, bandla, ngoKamuzu wabantu − bathi uma befika otshanini obumnandi  baphesheya komfula oSnorkel noDozie, bama bazitika ngotshani, bakhohlwa ngukumsiza ukuba athole izwi lakhe. +Nonogwaja nabo abakwazanga ukumsiza. Bethembisa ukuthi bazolibheka ngamehlo abo ansundu amakhulu. Bethembisa ukulalela ngamadlebe abo athambile ansundu. Kodwa bathi uma bewela umfula, njengawo wonke umuntu, babecabanga ngobumnandi botshani. +UKamuzu wabheka abangani bakhe. “Akukho muntu ongisizayo. Akukho muntu ofunayo. Wonke umuntu uzitika ngokudla,” wahlebeza kalusizi. Waphenduka waqala ukuhamba ebuyela epulazini ukuze aqhubeke nokufuna eyedwa. UKamuzu wabheka ngaphansi kwamahlahla. Wabheka nangemuva kwegushede. Wabheka naphezulu emafini wase ebheka ngasemagqumeni. +“Maye, kuza isiphepho! Seliyana emagqumeni. Lokhu kuchaza ukuthi umfula uzodla izindwani.” Wase ephenduka engqabashiya ephindela emfuleni. “Kumele ngixwayise izilwane. Kodwa engikwaziyo ukuhleba kuphela, angeke zingizwe.” +Wama lapho umzuzwana, wezwa amathonsi okuqala ethi co, co emhlane wakhe. Umfula sewunodaka futhi uyangenisa. Zonke izilwane zazisazitika ngokuhlafuna zigwinye ukudla. +UKamuzu wavula umlomo wakhe, kodwa kwangenzeka lutho. Akuphumi nakuhlebeza nje lokhu. Wayesethuke ngempela manje. Kwakumele enze okuthile. Uma abangani bakhe babezame ukuwela umfula, babezominza bonke. Wanikina ikhanda lakhe, wanikina nomhlwenga, wagxoba phansi ngamasondo akhe. Akukho noyedwa owambona kubangani bakhe. Amanzi aphambi kwakhe agijima egeleza. +Yaqala ukuna kakhulu imvula ngaleso sikhathi. Zonke izilwane zabheka phezulu zaqala ukugijima zishona ngasemfuleni. +UKamuzu wakhohlwa ngendaba yezwi lakhe elilahlekile. Wakhohlwa ngokuba namahloni, wakhohlwa nangokuba lusizi. Wagijima elibhekise ngasemfuleni ogelezayo, engqabashiya ngamandla ephokophele kuwo, wagxuma kakhulu weqa umfula odla izindwani. Wathi uma ewela ngakolunye uhlangothi wakhamisa wamemeza wathi, “YIMANI! NINGAWELI!” + +Zamangala zonke izilwane. Zazingazange zilizwe izwi elikhulu kangaka, eliphakeme, eliphuma emlonyeni kaKamazu. +“Buyelani emuva!” Kumemeza uKamuzu. “Khuphukelani emadwaleni.” +Wonke umuntu wabaleka wayokhosela emadwaleni ebalekela imvula. Bagozobala ndawonye. +“Usindise izimpilo zethu, Kamuzu,” kusho uBaas. “Siyabonga.” +“Ulitholile izwi lakho,” kusho uSnorkel. +“Kunjalo,” kusho uDozie, “kumnandi ukuzwa izwi lakho. Ubuhlale uthule, besicabanga ukuthi awufuni ukukhuluma nathi.” +“Nginamahloni,” kusho uKamuzu. “Ngihlale ngingazi ukuthi kumele ngithini.” +“Kodwa singabangani bakho,” kusho onogwaja. “Akumele ube namahloni uma unathi.” +“Kusukela namhlanje,” kusho uBaas, “sifuna ukukuzwa ukhuluma. Sethembise ukuthi uzokwenzenjalo?” +“Sethembise! Sethembise! Sethembise!” besho bonke kanyekanye. +Ihhashi elinguKamuzu, laphakamisa ikhanda lalo lamemeza, “YEBO! YEBO! YEBO, NGIYETHEMBISA!”",zul,isiZulu,Izwi likaKamuzu,"At the foot of the green hills of Mpumalanga there was a farm. In a field on this farm, Kamuzu the horse always grazed quietly. All the farm animals were friends. They had lots to say to each other, but Kamuzu was shy. He wanted to talk to them, but ...",,Avril Wiid,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/izwi-likakamuzu +kamuzu’s-voice,"Thitong ga meboto ye metala ya Mpumalanga go be go na le polasa. Pere ya go bitšwa Kamazu e be e phela e fula ka setu ka tšhemong mo polaseng ye. Diphoofolo ka moka tša mo polaseng di be di gwerane. Di be di na le ditaba tše dintši tšeo di bego di di anegelana, efela Kamuzu yena o be a na le dihlong. O be a nyaka go bolela le diphoofolo tše dingwe, efela a palelwa ke go ntšha mantšu. Se se dirile gore a bolawe ke bodutu le go nyama. +Mesong ya letšatši le lengwe, Kamuzu o be a nyaka gore “thobela” go Baas, mogwera wa gagwe wa tonki. O butše molomo … efela gwa se direge selo. Lentšu la gagwe le legolo la pere la se tšwe. +“Go direga eng?” gwa botšiša Kamuzu. “Ke kgona go bolela ka sehebehebe fela.” O ile a leka gape. +“O rileng?” gwa botšiša Baas a sohla bjang, o ile a latswa melomo ya gagwe ya boya ya tonki gomme a lebelela Kamuzu. Lebaka la go dira gore a botšiše ke gore le ge Kamuzu a butše molomo, go kwagetše fela go hebahebetša. Go be go makatša. +“Lentšu la ka,” gwa hebahebetša Kamuzu. “Ga le gona.” +“Ga o sana lentšu? Efela ga o ke o bolela, le sepetše bjang?” gwa botšiša Baas. “Se belaele. Ke tla ya go le nyaka ka mošola wa noka.” +Ka fao Baas o ile a tshelela ka mošola wa noka. Efela o rile go fihla fao a kwa monkgo wa bjang wa bose, o ile a lebala go nyaka lentšu la Kamuzu gomme a thoma go kgakgautha bjang. +Morago ka mošola wa noka, Kamuzu o be a nagana ka ditsela tše a ka hwetšago lentšu la gagwe leo a le lobilego. “Ke tla ya bodibeng,” a gopola. “Ke tla bula molomo wa ka, ka iša leleme godimo gomme ka botšiša hlapi ge eba o kgona go bona lentšu la ka ka tlase ga leleme.” +Kamuzu o ile a ema bodibeng gomme a bula molomo. Hlapi e ile ya lebelela ka ganong ga gagwe. + +“Aowa, Kamuzu, ke maswabi, ga go na selo ka tlase ga leleme la gago. Efela, o se belaele, re tla lebelela lentšu la gago ka tlase ga diphete tša lili le mo maswikeng kua tlase ka bodibeng.” +Hlapi e ile ya rutha ya sepela, efela ba rile ge ba le ka tlase ga diphete tša dilili, ba hwetša dijo tša bose kudu ba lebala ka ga lentšu la Kamuzu. +Kamuzu o ile a hemela godimo ka go nyama gomme a sepela. O lebeletše lentšu la gagwe gohle ge a dutše a kata. O ile a bona Snorkel, kolobe, le Dozie, kgomo ya mebala ye meso le ye mešweu. +“O nyakana le eng?” gwa botšiša Snorkel. +“Lentšu la ka. Le timetše,” gwa hebahebetša Kamuzu. +“Mehlolo! O kgonne bjang go dira seo?” gwa botšiša Snorkel. “Se belaele, ke tla go thuša go le nyaka.” +“Le nna!” a realo Dozie. “Re tla lebelela mabjanyeng ka mošola wa noka.” +Ijoo Kamuzu − ge Snorkel le Dozie ba fihla mabjanyeng a bose ka mošola wa noka, ba ile ba ema ba a kgakgautha gomme ba lebala ka go mo thuša go hwetša lentšu la gagwe. +Mebutla le yona e ile ya hloka thušo. E ile ya tshephiša go mo nyakiša ka mahlo a yona a masotho a magolo. E tshephišitše go theeletša ka ditsebe tša yona tše disotho tša boleta. Efela ba rile go tshela noka, go swana le bohle, ba nagana fela ka tatso ya bjang bja bose. +Kamuzu o ile a lebelela bagwera ba gagwe. “Ga go yo a nthušago. Ga go yo a nnyakišago. Bohle ba a kgakgautha, ba a sohla, ba a kobola le goja,” a hebhebetšaa ka manyami. O ile a retologa a boela polaseng go tšwela pele ka go nyaka. Kamuzu o ile a lebelela ka dithokgweng. O lebeletše ka morago ga lešaka. O lebeletše godimo marung a ba a lebelela mebotong. +“Ijoo, ledimo le etla! Pula e ile ya thoma gona mebotong. Se se ra gore go tla ba le mafula nokeng.” O boetše morago a kata a lebile nokeng. “Ke swanetše go botša diphoofolo tše dingwe ka se. Efela ke bolela ka sehebehebe, ba ka se nkwe.” +O dutše motsotso o tee a kwa marothodi a mathomo a pula a re phara-phara mokokotlong wa gagwe. Noka e be e šetše e na le leraga ebile e hlatloga. Bohle ba be ba tšwela pele ka go kgakgautha, ba sohla, ba kobola ebile ba eja. +Kamuzu o butše molomo efela gwa se direge selo. Ga se a kgona le go hebahebetša. O be a tšhogile bjale. O be a swanela go dira se sengwe. Ge bagwera ba gagwe ba kabe ba lekile go tshela noka, nkabe ka moka ba nweletše. O ile a akga hlogo, a tšokotša moetse, a kiba fase ka dikgwatla. Ga go le o tee wa bagwera ba gagwe yo a mo lemogilego. Meetse pele ga gagwe a ile a hlatloga a elela ka lebelo. +Ka yona nako yeo pula e ile ya thoma go na ka maatla. Diphoofolo ka moka di ile tša lebelela godimo gomme tša kitimela nokeng. +Kamuzu o ile a lebala gore ga a sa na lentšu. O ile a lebala gore o na le dihlong ebile o nyamile. O ile nokeng ya go elela ka lebelo, a kata ka lebelo ka mo a ka kgonago, a fofa noka ye e galefilego. Ge a fihla ka mošola wa noka a ema a goeletša, “EMANG! LE SE TSHELE NOKA!” + +Diphoofolo di ile tša makala. Ga se nke tša kwa lešata le legolo bjalo le etšwa molomong wa Kamazu. +“Boelang morago!” Kamuzu a goeletša. “Eyang kua maswikeng.” +Bohle ba kitimetše maswikeng go itšhereletša puleng. Ba kgobokana gotee. +“O re thušitše, Kamuzu,” a realo Baas. “Ke a leboga.” +“Lentšu la gago le boile,” a realo Snorkel. +“Ee,” a realo Dozie, “re thabela go go kwa o bolela. O be o dula o homotše, ebile re be re gopola gore o no se rate go bolela le rena.” +“Ke na le dihlong,” a realo Kamuzu. “Ga keke ke tseba gore ke reng.” +“Efela re bagwera,” ya realo mebutla. “O se jewe ke dihlong ge o na le rena.” +“Go tloga gabjale,” a realo Baas, “re nyaka go go kwa o bolela. Re tshephiše gore o tla dira bjalo?” +“Re tshephiše! Re tshephiše! Re tshephiše!” ka moka ba realo. +Gomme, Kamuzu, wa pere a emišišetša hlogo godimo a goeletša a re, “EE! EE! EE! KE A LE TSHEPHIŠA!”",nso,Sepedi,Lentšu la Kamuzu,"At the foot of the green hills of Mpumalanga there was a farm. In a field on this farm, Kamuzu the horse always grazed quietly. All the farm animals were friends. They had lots to say to each other, but Kamuzu was shy. He wanted to talk to them, but ...",,Avril Wiid,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lentšu-la-kamuzu +kamuzu’s-voice,"Tlase tlasa maralla a matala a Mpumalanga ho ne ho ena le polasi. Masimong a polasi ena, Kamuzu, eo e leng pere o ne a fula a ikgutseditse. Diphoofolo tsohle tsa polasing moo e ne e le metswalle. Di ne di qoqa ka dintho tse ngata, empa Kamuzu yena o ne a le dihlong. O ne a batla ho bua le tsona, empa o ne a sa kgone ho ntsha lentswe a bue. Sena se ne se etsa hore a ikutlwe a tshwerwe ke bodutu mme a hloname. +Ka matjeke hoseng ho hong, Kamuzu o ne a batla ho ya re “dumela” ho Baas, motswalle wa hae wa esele. A bula molomo … empa ha se ke ha etsahala letho. Lentswe la hae le leholo, la pere le ne le nyametse. +“Ho etsahalang?” ha botsa Kamuzu. “Ke kgona ho seba feela.” A leka hape. +“O itseng?” ha botsa Baas a ntse a thuhisa jwang, a itatswa melomo e tletseng boya mme a tjamela Kamuzu. Lebaka le le leng leo a neng a botsa ka lona ke hobane leha Kamuzu a ne a ile a bula molomo, ho ile ha tswa ho hweshetsa ho honyane feela. Ho ne ho makatsa. +“Lentswe la ka,” ha hweshetsa Kamuzu. “le nyametse.” +“Lentswe la hao le nyametse ? Empa ha o ke o bue letho akere, jwale le nyameditswe ke eng?” ha botsa Baas. “O se ke wa tshwenyeha. Ke tla ya batla lentswe la hao ka mose wane ho noka.” +Yaba Bass o tshethema jwalo a tshela noka ho ya mose wane. Empa eitse hang ha a fihla ka nqane yaba o se a utlwa monko o monate wa jwang, mme a lebala hohang ka lentswe la Kamuzu mme a qala ho fula jwang. +Ka nqane ho noka morao kwana, Kamuzu o ne a ntse a nahana ka ditsela tseo a ka fumanang lentswe la hae le lahlehileng kateng. “Ke tla ya tlase letamong mane,” a nahana jwalo. “Ke tla bula molomo wa ka, ke phahamise leleme la ka mme ke botse ditlhapi hore ebe ha di bone lentswe la ka ka tlasa lona na.” +Kamuzu a emisa letamong mme a bula molomo wa hae. Ditlhapi tsa phahamisa mahlo ho mo sheba. + +“Tjhe, Kamuzu, re maswabi, ha ho letho ka tlasa leleme la hao. Empa o se ke wa kgathatseha, re tla sheba lentswe la hao ka tlasa dipalesa le pakeng tsa mahakwe tlase letangwaneng lena.” +Ditlhapi tsa sesa tsa leba kwana, empa yare feela ha di fihla ka tlasa dipalesa tsa metsi, tsa fumana dijo tse monate haholo hoo di ileng tsa lebala hohang ka lentswe le lahlehileng la Kamuzu. +Kamuzu a fehelwa a utlwile bohloko mme a itsamaela. O ile a batla lentswe la hae hohle ha a ntse a tsamatsamaya tseleng. Mme yaba o kopana le Snorkel, kolobe, le Dozie, kgomo e phatshwana. +“O batlana le eng?” ha botsa Snorkel. +“Lentswe la ka. Le ntahlehetse,” ha hweshetsa Kamuzu. +“Kgele! Ho etsahetse jwang hoo?” ha rialo Snorkel. “O se tshwenyehe, ke tla o thusa ho le batla.” +“Le nna!” ha rialo Dozie. “Re tla sheba hara jwang lebopong la noka.” +Ao, Kamuzu wa batho – hang feela ha Snorkel le Dozie ba fihla mose wane ho noka mme ba fumana jwang bo monate, ba emisa mme ba fula le ho hlafuna ha monate ba lebala hohang ka ho mo thusa ho fumana lentswe la hae. +Mebutlanyane le yona ha e ya ka ya thusa ka letho. E ile ya tshepisa ho sheba ka mahlo a yona a maholo a masootho. Ya tshepisa ho mamela ka ditsebe tsa yona tse sootho tse bonojana. Empa eitse ha e tlolela mose wane ho noka, jwalo ka ba bang bohle, sohle seo e neng e nahana ka sona ke tatso ya jwang bo monate. +Kamuzu a sheba metswalle ya hae. “Ha ho motho ya nthusang. Ha ho motho ya batlang. Bohle ba a fula, ba a hlafuna, ba a loma, ba a ja, ba a thuisa,” a hweshetsa jwalo a hloname. Yaba o a furalla mme o a tsamaya a kgutlela polasing ho ya tswela pele ho ipatlela ka boyena. Kamuzu a sheba ka tlasa dihlahla. A sheba ka mora masaka. A sheba le hodimo marung mme a sheba le mane maralleng. +“Tjhe bo, sefefo se a tla! Pula e se ntse e ena mane maralleng. Seo se bolela hore noka e tlilo ja ditlhokwa.” Yaba o a fetoha mme o matha a kgutlela mane nokeng. “Ke tlamehile ho ya lemosa diphoofolo tsane. Empa ke kgona ho hweshetsa feela, ba ke ke ba nkutlwa.” +A ema moo metsotswana e se mekae mme a utlwa marothodi a pele a pula a mo nela ka mokokotlong. Noka e ne e se e tletse seretse mme metsi a ntse a nyoloha. Bohle ba ne ba ntse ba itjella, ba fula, ba hlafuna, ba kwenya ba bile ba thuisa. +Kamuzu a bula molomo wa hae, empa ha se ke ha tswa letho. Ke re le ha e le mohweshetsanyana feela. Jwale o ne a feela a tshohile. O ne a tlameha ho etsa ho hong. Haeba metswalle ya hae e ne e ka leka ho tshela noka, e ne e tla kgangwa ke metsi. O ile a akga hlooho ya hae, a sisinya moetse mme a tila ka maoto a hae fatshe. Ha ho le a mong wa metswalle ya hae a ileng a mo elellwa. Metsi a ka pela hae ona a ne a ntse a potlaka a phalla. +Yaba hang pula e qala ho na ka matla. Diphoofolo tsohle tsa phahamisa dihlooho tsa sheba mme tsa qala ho mathela nokeng. +Kamuzu a lebala hore o lahlehetswe ke lentswe. A lebala hore o dihlong mme a lebala le hore o hloname. A shebana le noka e hoshang mme a matha ka potlako kamoo a ka kgonang a lebile ho yona, yaba o tlola haholohadi feela ka hodima metsi a halefileng. Eitse ha a fihla ka nqane ho noka a bula molomo wa hae mme a hoeletsa, “EMISANG! LE SE KE LA TSHELA!” + +Diphoofolo di ne di tshohile haholo. Di ne di eso ka di utlwa lentswe le leholo, le phahameng hakana le tswa molomong wa Kamuzu. +“Kgutlelang morao!” Kamuzu a hoeletsa. “Nyolohelang mafikeng mane.” +Bohle ba mathela mafikeng ho ya itshireletsa puleng. Ba bokana mmoho. +“O re pholositse, Kamuzu,” ha rialo Baas. “Re a leboha.” +“O fumane lentswe la hao,” ho rialo Snorkel. +“Ee,” ha rialo Dozie, “ho monate ho o utlwa. O ne o dula o thotse, re ne re nahana hore o mpa o sa batle ho bua le rona.” +“Ke dihlong,” ha rialo Kamuzu. “Kamehla ha ke tsebe seo nka se buang.” +“Empa re metswalle,” ha rialo dimmutla. “Ha ho hlokehe hore o be dihlong ha o ena le rona.” +“Ho tloha hona jwale,” Bass a rialo, “re batla ho o utlwa o bua. Na o tshepisa hore o tla etsa jwalo?” +“Tshepisa! Tshepisa! Tshepisa!” ba rialo bohle. +Mme, Kamuzu, wa pere, a phahamisetsa hlooho ya hae marung mme a hoeletsa, “EYA BO! EHLILE! KE A TSHEPISA!”",sot,Sesotho,Lentswe la Kamuzu,"At the foot of the green hills of Mpumalanga there was a farm. In a field on this farm, Kamuzu the horse always grazed quietly. All the farm animals were friends. They had lots to say to each other, but Kamuzu was shy. He wanted to talk to them, but ...",,Avril Wiid,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lentswe-la-kamuzu +kamuzu’s-voice,"Mo tlase ga dithabana tse ditala tsa Mpumalanga go ne go na le polasa. Mo masimong a mo go yona polasa e, pitse Kamuzu o ne a tlhola a fula ka tidimalo. Diphologolo tsotlhe tsa polasa e ne e le ditsala. Di ne di na le metlotlo e mentsi e di neng di e tlotlelana, mme fela Kamuzu ene o ne a le ditlhong. O ne a batla go bua le bona, feka o ne a sa kgone go ntsha mafoko ape. Se se ne se dira gore a jewe ke bodutu le go hutsafala. +Ka moso mongwe, Kamuzu o ne a batla go dumedisa a re “madume”, go Baas tsala ya gagwe ya tonki. O ne a bula molomo wa gagwe … fela ga se ke ga direga sepe. Lentswe la gagwe le le kima, la pitse le ne le se teng. +“Go diragala eng?” ga botsa Kamuzu. “Ke kgona go seba fela.” O ne a leka gape. +“O ne o reng?” ga botsa Baas fa a ntse a tlhafuna bojang, a latswa dipounama tsa gagwe tsa tonki tse di nang le boboa mme a tlhomile Kamuzu ka matlho. Lebaka le le nosi le a neng a botsa e ne e le gore le mororo Kamuzu a ne a butse molomo wa gagwe, go ne go tswa fela se se neng se utlwala jaaka go seba. Go ne go makatsa. +“Lentswe la me,” ga sebaseba Kamuzu. “Le ile.” +“Lentswe la gago le ile? Mme go a tshwana ka gore ga o nke o bua sepe, le tsamaile jang?” ga botsa Baas. “O se ke wa tshwenyega. Ke tla batla lentswe la gago mo moseja o mongwe wa noka.” +Ka jalo Baas o ne a tshela noka go ya kwa moseja ole. Mme, fa fela a goroga kwa teng le go utlwa monko o o monate wa bojang, o ne a lebala ka ga go batla lentswe la ga Kamuzu mme a simolola go ijela bojang. +Kwa moseja ga noka, Kamuzu o ne a akanya ka ga ditsela tsa go batla lentswe la gagwe le le tsamaileng. “Ke tla fologela kwa mogobeng,” o ne a akanya jalo. “Ke tla bula legano la me, ke tsholetsa loleme lwa me le go botsa ditlhapi gore a di kgona go bona lentswe la me mo tlase ga lona.” +Kamuzu o ne a ema fa mogobeng mme a bula molomo wa gagwe. Ditlhapi di ne tsa mo lebelela. +  + +“Nnyaa, Kamuzu, re maswabi, ga go na sepe mo tlase ga loleme lwa gago. Mme, o se ke wa tshwenyega, re tla le batla kwa tlase mo mogobeng.” +Ditlhapi di ne tsa thuma, fela ka nako ya fa di tsena ka fa tlase ga malomo a mo metsing, di ne tsa bona dijo tse di monate thata mme di ne tsa lebala gotlhe ka ga lentswe le le tsamaileng la ga Kamuzu. +Kamuzu o ne a felelwa ke mowa ka khutsafalo mme a tswelela ka leeto la gagwe. O ne a batla lentswe la gagwe gotlhe fa a ntse a gataka-gataka. Morago o ne a kopana le Snorkel, kolobe, le Dozie, kgomo ya mmala o montsho le bosweu. +“O batla eng?” ga botsa Snorkel. +“Lentswe la me. Le ile,” ga seba Kamuzu. +“Ao bathong! Le kgonne jang go dira seo?” ga rialo Snorkel. “Se tshwenyege, ke tla go thusa go le batla.” +“Le nna!” ga rialo Dozie. “Re tla batla mo bojannyeng jo bo kwa moseja ole ga noka.” +Kamuzu wa batho – nako ya fa Snorkel le Dozie ba fitlha kwa bojannyeng jo bo monate kwa moseja o mongwe wa noka, ba ne ba ema le go tlhafuna le go lebala gotlhe ka ga go mo thusa go batla lentswe la gagwe. +Mebutla le yona e ne se ke ya mo tlhaga thuso epe. E ne ya solofetsa go batla ka matlho a yona a magolo a mmala o mosetlha. E ne ya solofetsa go reetsa ka ditsebe tsa yona tse di bonojana tsa mmala o mosetlha. Mme fela fa e ne e kgabaganya noka, jaaka mongwe le mongwe, se e neng e se gopola fela e ne e le tatso ya bojang jo bo monate. +Kamuzu o ne a leba ditsala tsa gagwe. “Ga go na ope yo o nthusang. Ga go ope yo o batlang. Botlhe ba samagane le go phuphura, go tlhafuna, go fula le go ja,” a sebaseba ka khutsafalo. O ne a retologa mme a simolola go tsamaya a boela kwa polaseng go tswelela ka go ipatlela ka boene. Kamuzu o ne a batla ka fa tlase ga ditlhatsana. O ne a batla mo morago ga šete. O ne a lebelela kwa godimo kwa marung mme morago a leba kwa dithabaneng. +“Ijooo, go tla sefefo! Pula e setse e simolotse go na kwa dithabaneng. Go raya gore noka e tlile go rwalela.” O ne a retologa le go taboga a boela kwa nokeng. “Ke tshwanetse go kgalema diphologolo. Mme ke kgona go seba fela, ga ba kitla ba kgona go nkutlwa.” +O ne a ema foo sebaka sa motsotso mme a utlwa marothodi a pula a wela mo mokwatleng wa gagwe. Noka e ne e setse e tletse seretse le go tlala. Botlhe ba ne santse ba samagane le go phuphura, go tlhafuna, go fula le go ja. +Kamuzu o ne a bula molomo wa gagwe, mme ga se ka ga direga sepe. Le fa e le go sebaseba go ne go sa tswe. Jaanong o ne a tshogile tota. O ne a tlhoka go dira sengwe. Fa ditsala tsa gagwe di ka leka go kgabaganya noka, di tlile go nwela tsotlhe. O ne a lebedisa tlhogo ya gagwe kwa, a tshikinya moetse wa gagwe mme a rutha lefatshe ka ditlhakwana tsa gagwe. Go ne go se ope wa ditsala tsa gagwe yo o neng a mo tsaya tsia. Metsi a ne a taboga le go elela ka lebelo le legolo mo pele ga gagwe. +Moragonyana ga foo pula e ne ya simolola go na thata le go feta. Diphologolo tsotlhe di ne tsa leba kwa godimo mme tsa simolola go tabogela kwa nokeng. +Kamuzu o ne a lebala ka lentswe la gagwe le le tsamaileng. O ne a lebala ka go nna ditlhong mme e bile a lebala le ka go hutsafala. O ne a lebagana le noka e e neng e rwaletse, a tabogela kwa go yona ka bonako ka moo a neng a ka kgona ka teng, a tlola metsi a a neng a šakgetse. Fa a tlhoma ka kwa moseja ga noka, o ne a bula molomo wa gagwe mme a goeletsa kwa godimo, “EMANG! LO SE KE LWA KGABAGANYA!” + +  +Diphologolo di ne di tshogile. Di ne di ise di tsamaye di utlwe lentswe le legolo, le le kwa godimo jalo le tswa mo molomong wa ga Kamazu. +“Boang!” Kamuzu o ne a goeletsa. “Tshabelang kwa matlapeng.” +Botlhe ba ne ba sianela kwa matlapeng go thibelela teng go tswa mo puleng. Ba ne ba nna mmogo. +“O re bolokile, Kamuzu,” ga rialo Baas. “Re a leboga.” +“O bone lentswe la gago,” ga rialo Snorkel. +“Ee,” ga rialo Dozie, “go monate go go utlwa. O ntse o didimetse thata ka gale, ka jalo re ne re nagana gore ga o batle go bua le rona fela.” +“Ke ditlhong,” ga bua Kamuzu. “Ga nke ke itse gore ke re eng.” +“Mme fela re ditsala,” ga bua mebutla. “Ga o tlhoke go nna ditlhong mo go rona.” +“Go simolola jaanong,” ga rialo Baas, “re batla go go utlwa o bua. A o solofetsa gore o tla dira jalo?” +“Solofetsa! Solofetsa! Solofetsa!” ba ne ba bua ka gangwe botlhe. +Mme, Kamuzu, pitse, o ne a tsholeletsa tlhogo ya gagwe kwa loaping mme a goeletsa, “EE! EE! EE, KE A SOLOFETSA!”",tsn,Setswana,Lentswe la ga Kamuzu,"At the foot of the green hills of Mpumalanga there was a farm. In a field on this farm, Kamuzu the horse always grazed quietly. All the farm animals were friends. They had lots to say to each other, but Kamuzu was shy. He wanted to talk to them, but ...",,Avril Wiid,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lentswe-la-ga-kamuzu +kamuzu’s-voice,"Phansi etintsabeni letiluhlata taseMpumalanga bekunelipulasi. Kulenye yetinsimi talelipulasi bekudla lihhashi laKamuzi ngekuthula. Tonkhe tilwane talelipulasi betibangani. Betinalokunyenti lebeticocisana ngako, kepha Kamuzu yena bekanemahloni. Bekafuna kukhuluma nato, kepha bekehluleka kuphimisa emagama. Loku bekumenta ative anesitunge futsi alusizi. +Ngalelinye lilanga ekuseni, Kamuzu bekafuna kutsi “sawubona” kuBaas, umngani wakhe loyimbongolo. Wavula umlomo wakhe … kepha kute lokwenteka. Livi lakhe lelikhulu lelihoshotelako belingekho. +“Kwentekani?” kwabuta Kamuzu. “Ngihleba kuphela.” Wetama futsi! +“Utsiteni?” kwabuta Baas ahlafuna tjani, wakhotsa tidzebe takhe temlomo letineboya wabuye futsi wanchumisela Kamuzu emehlo. Sizatfu lesementa kutsi abute lombuto bekukutsi nanoma Kamuzi avule umlomo wakhe, kwavele nje kwaphuma livi lelipholile lelihlebako. Bekumangalisa. +“Livi lami,” kwahleba Kamuzu. “Lingilahlekele.” +“Ulahlekelwe livi lakho? Kepha uhlala vele ungasho lutfo, manje-ke likulahlekele njani?” kwabuta Baas. “Ungahlupheki. Ngitawulifuna livi lakho ngale kwemfula.” +Ngako-ke Baas wagwacatela wayoshona ngale kwemfula. Kepha, wanele nje kufika lapho wabuye futsi wanukelwa tjani lobumnandzi, wakhohlwa kufuna livi laKamuzu, wavele wacala watidlela tjani. +Emuva ngale kwemfula, Kamuzu bekacabanga ngetindlela tekutfola livi lakhe lelilahlekile. “Ngitawukwehla ngiye esitibeni,” washo aticabangela. “Ngitawuvula umlomo wami, ngiphakamise lulwimi lwami bese ngibuta inhlanti kutsi iyalibona yini livi lami.” +Kamuzi wema esitibeni wabese uvula umlomo wakhe. Inhlanti yaphakamisa emehlo yambuka. + +“Cha, Kamuzi, ncesi, kute lutfo ngaphansi kwelulwimi lwakho. Kepha, ungahlupheki, livi lakho sitawulifuna lapha ngaphansi kwemacembe etimbalitemalili nasemkhatsini wetimbokojwana phansi esitibeni.” +Inhlanti yantjuza yahamba, kepha batsi sebangaphansi kwemacembe emalili, batfola kudla lokumnandzi labebangakudla lokwabenta bakhohlwa konkhe mayelana nelivi laKamuzi. +Kamuzi wadvonsa kanye umoya waphefula wabese uyesuka uyahamba. Wahamba akhekhetela afuna livi lakhe yonkhe indzawo. Wahlangana naSnorkel, ingulube naDozie, inkhomo lebeyinembala lomnyama nalomhlophe. +“Ufunani?” kwabuta Snorkel. +“Livi lami. Lingilahlekele,” washo Kamuzu ahleba. +“Nkhosi yami! Kwenteke njani loko? Ungahlupheki, ngitakusita kutsi ulifune.” +“Nami futsi!” kwasho Dozie. “Sitawulifuna etjanini ngale kwemfula.” +Nebakitsi − kwatsi nje lapho boSnorkel naDozie befika etjanini lobumnandzi ngale kwemfula, befika bema, badla bafukutsa futsi bakhohlwa ngako konkhe mayelana nekumsita atfole live lakhe. +Nabologwaja nabo abatange babe lusito. Betsembisa kufuna ngemehlo abo lamakhulu lansundvu. Betsembisa kulalela ngemadlebe abo latsambile lansundvu. Kepha kwatsi lapho nabewela umfula, njengato tonkhe letinye tilwane, konkhe labesebakucabanga bekukunambitseka kwetjani lobumnandzi. +Kamuzu wabuka bangani bakhe. “Kute longisitako. Kute lofunako. Tonkhe tilwane tiyafukutsa, tiyahlwabula, tiyadla futsi tiyaphanga,” washo ahleba kalusizi. Wagucuka wahamba wabuyela emuva epulasini wayocala kufuna yedvwana. Kamuzu wabuka ngaphansi kwemahlatsi. Wabuka ngemuva kwelishabhu. Wabuka etulu emafini wabuye futsi wabuka naphansi etintsabeni. +“Hhayi bo, kuta sivunguvungu! Selivele liyana etintsabeni. Loku kusho kutsi umfula utawugcwala.” Wajika agabadvula wabuya emuva emfuleni. “Ngifanele ngicaphelise letilwane. “Kepha ngihleba kuphela, angeke bangive.” +Wema lapho sikhashana futsi weva litfonsi lekucala limshaya emhlana. Lomfula besewuvele uneludzaka futsi sewucala kugcwala. Tonkhe tilwane betiloku timatasatasa tifukutsa, tihlwabula, tidla futsi tiphanga. +Kamuzu wavula umlomo wakhe … kepha kute lokwenteka. Kute ngisho kuhoshota kwelivi lokwaphuma emlonyeni wakhe. Manje besasaba kakhulu. Bekufanele ente lokutsite. Nakungenteka bangani bakhe betame kuwela umfula, batawuminta bonkhe. Watjekisa inhloko yakhe, wantjikitisa umdlonga wakhe wabuye wagcoba phansi ngemasondvo akhe. Kute ngisho munye webangani bakhe lowamnaka. Emanti labekasembikwakhe ageleta ngekushesha. +Khona lapho lacala kuna ngemandla. Tonkhe tilwane tabuka etulu tabuye futsi tacala kugijima setijakele emfuleni. +Kamuzu wakhohlwa ngelivi lakhe. Wakhohlwa ngekuba nemahloni wabuye futsi wakhohlwa nangekuba lusizi. Wabukana nemfula lojakele kugcwala, wagabadvula ngekushesha ngawo onkhe emandla akhe washona kuwo, kwambita kutsi azube kakhulu ece lomfula. Watsi nakehlela ngale kwemfula wavula umlomo wakhe futsi wamemeta watsi, “MANINI! NINGEWELI!” + +  +Tonkhe tilwane talelipulasi betibangani. Betingatange setive livi lelikhulu kangaka, lelivakalako liphuma kuKamuzu. +“Buyelani emuva!” Kwamemeta Kamuzu. “Hambani niye etulu emadvwaleni.” +Tonkhe tilwane tagijima tayoshana emadvwaleni kute titivikele kulelitulu. Tahlala taminyetelana ndzawonye. +“Usisindzisile, Kamuzu,” kwasho Baas. “Siyabonga.” +“Ulitfolile livi lakho,” kwasho Snorkel. +“Yebo,” kwasho Dozie, “kuhle kukuva. Bewuhlala njalo ubindzile, besicabanga kutsi umane nje awufuni kusikhulumisa.” +“Nginemahloni,” kwasho Kamuzu. “Ngihlala ngingati kutsi ngitsini,” +“Kepha sibangani,” kwasho logwaja. “Awukafaneli kutsi ube nemahloni kitsi.” +“Kusukela manje kuye embili,” kwasho Baas, “sifuna kukuva ukhuluma. Setsembise kutsi utawenta njalo?” +“Setsembise! Setsembise! Setsembise!” tasho tonkhe kanye kanye. +Wabese-ke, Kamuzu, lihhashi, waphakamisela inhloko yakhe esibhakabhakeni futsi wamemeta watsi, “YEBO! YEBO YEBO, NGIYANETSEMBISA!”",ssw,Siswati,Livi laKamuzu,"At the foot of the green hills of Mpumalanga there was a farm. In a field on this farm, Kamuzu the horse always grazed quietly. All the farm animals were friends. They had lots to say to each other, but Kamuzu was shy. He wanted to talk to them, but ...",,Avril Wiid,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/livi-lakamuzu +kamuzu’s-voice,"Fhasi ha thavha dala dza Mpumalanga ho vha hu na bulasi. Luvhanḓeni lwa bulasi iyi, bere i no pfi Kamuzu yo dzulela u fula yo ḓifhumulela. Phukha dzoṱhe dza bulasini dzo vha dzi dzikhonani. Dzo vha na zwinzhi zwine dza vhudzana, fhedzi Kamuzu yo vha i tshi shona. Yo vha i tshi ṱoḓa u amba nadzo, fhedzi i sa koni u phula maipfi. Izwi zwa ita uri i vhe na vhuludu na u ṱungufhala. +Nga matsheloni maṅwe, Kamuzu yo ṱoḓa u ri “ndi matsheloni“ kha Baas, khonani yayo ya donngi. Ya aṱama mulomo wayo … fhedzi ha sa itee tshithu. Ipfi ḽayo ḽihulu ḽo vha ḽi siho. +“Hu khou itea mini?” Ho vhudzisa Kamuzu. “Ndi kona fhedzi u hevhedza.” Ya lingedza hafhu. +  +“No ri mini?” Ho vhudzisa Baas musi i tshi khou endela u gaya hatsi, ya nanzwa meme dzayo dza vhukuse na u lavhelesa kha Kamuzu. Tshiitisi tshithihi tsha uri i vhudzise ho vha uri naho Kamuzu yo aṱama mulomo wayo, ndi u hevhedza fhedzi he ha pfala. Zwo vha zwi songo ḓowelea. +“Ipfi ḽanga,” ho hevhedza Kamuzu. “A thi tshe naḽo.” +“Ipfi ḽaṋu a ḽi tsheho? Zwi a fana a hu na tshine na amba, zwino no ḽi xedzisa hani?” Ho vhudzisa Baas.“Ni songo vhilaela. Ndi ḓo ṱoḓa ipfi ḽaṋu seli ha mulambo.” +Zwenezwo Baas ya ṱutshela seli na luḽa ha mulambo. Fhedzi, musi i tshi tou swika ngei na u fembedza munukho u ḓifhaho wa hatsi, ya mbo hangwa tshoṱhe nga ha u sedza ipfi ḽa Kamuzu ya thoma u ḓilila nga hatsi. +Murahu kha sia ḽiṅwe ḽa mulambo, Kamuzu yo vha i tshi khou humbula nga nḓila dzine i nga wana ipfi ḽayo ḽo ṱuwaho. “Ndi ḓo tsela tivhani,” yo humbula. “Ndi ḓo aṱama mulomo wanga, nda imisela nṱha lulimi lwanga nda vhudzisa khovhe arali dzi tshi kona u vhona ipfi ḽanga fhasi halwo.” +Kamuzu ya ima tivhani ya aṱama mulomo wayo. Khovhe dza i lavhelesa. + +“Hai, Kamuzu, pfarelo, a hu na tshithu fhasi ha lulimi lwaṋu. Fhedzi, ni songo vhilaela, ri ḓo sedza fhasi ha maluvhana vhukati ha matombo a re fhasi kha tivha ri tshi itela ipfi ḽaṋu.” +Khovhe dza tala dza ṱuwa, fhedzi dzi tshi tou swika kha maluvha, dza wana zwiḽiwa zwa u ḓifha nga maanḓa dza ḽa dza hangwa nga ha ipfi ḽa Kamuzu ḽo xelaho. +Kamuzu ya femuluwa yo ṱungufhala ya fhedza ya ḓitshimbilela. Ya sedza ipfi ḽayo hoṱhe-hoṱhe zwenezwi i tshi khou gada-gada nga henefho tsini. Ya ḓa ya ṱangana na Snorkel, nguluvhe, na Dozie, kholomo ya muvhala mutsu na mutshena. +“Ni khou ṱoḓana na mini?” Ho vhudzisa Snorkel. +“Ipfi ḽanga. Ndo ḽi xedza,” hu hevhedza Kamuzu. +“Ho vhifha! No zwi itisa hani?” Ho amba Snorkel. “Ni songo vhilaela, ndi ḓo ni thusa u ḽi ṱoḓa.” +“Na nṋe-vho!” ho amba Dozie. “Ri ḓo sedza hatsini nga seli na luḽa ha mulambo.” +Kamuzu wa vhathu – tshifhinga tsha musi Snorkel na Dozie vha tshi swika kha hatsi ha u ḓifha nga seli na luḽa ha mulambo, dzo ima dza fula na u gaya dza hangwa zwoṱhe nga ha u i thusa u wana ipfi ḽayo. +Vhoranḓevhe na vhone a vho ngo vhuya vha thusa. Yo fulufhedzisa u sedza nga mato ayo mahulu a buraweni. Ya fulufhedzisa u thetshelesa nga nḓevhe dzayo dza buraweni. Fhedzi musi dzo no wela mulambo, u tou fana na vhaṅwe vhoṱhe, zwoṱhe zwe dza humbula nga hazwo ho vha muthetshelo wa muḓifho wa hatsi. +Kamuzu ya lavhelesa khonani dzayo. “A hu na na muthihi a no khou nthusa. A hu na a no khou sedza. Iṅwe na iṅwe i khou ḓi gaela, u ḓi fulela, u ḓi milela na u ḓi ḽela,” yo hevhedza yo ṱungufhala. Yo rembuluwa ya thoma u tshimbila i tshi humela murahu bulasini u isa phanḓa na u sedza nga tsha vhukoma. Kamuzu yo sedza fhasi ha zwiṱaka. Yo sedza murahu ha shede. Yo sedza nṱha makoleni ya sedza na kha sia ḽa zwitavhana. +“Aiwa, hu na ḓumbu ḽi no khou ḓa! Yo no thoma u na kha zwitavhana. Zwi amba uri mulambo u khou ya u ḓala.” Ya rembuluwa ya gidimela mulamboni. “Ndi tea u tsivhudza phukha. Fhedzi ndi kona fhedzi u hevhedza, a dzi nga ḓo vhuya dza mpfa.” +Yo ima henefho lwa tshifhinga tshilinganaho minete ya pfa mashotha a mvula a u thoma a tshi ri tho, tho kha muṱana wayo. Mulambo wo vha wo no vha na thophe na u thoma u ḓala. Iṅwe na iṅwe yo vha i kati na u ḓi gaela, u ḓi fulela, u ḓi milela na ḓi ḽela. +Kamuzu yo aṱama mulomo wayo, fhedzi ha sa itee tshithu. Na u tou hevhedza zwaho a ho ngo bva. Zwino yo vha i tshi khou ofha tshoṱhe. I tea u ita tshiṅwe tshithu. Arali khonani dzayo dza lingedza u wela mulambo, dzi ḓo kumbiwa dzoṱhe. Yo dzungudza ṱhoho yayo, ya dzungudza vhukuse hayo ha kha mutsinga na u gigidedza fhasi nga khwanḓa dzayo. A hu na na muthihi wa khonani dzayo ye ya zwi vhona. Maḓi e a vha e phanḓa hayo a elela nga u ṱavhanya e manzhi. +Zwi tshe zwo ralo mvula ya tou ṋaṋa u na. Phukha dzoṱhe dza lavhelesa nṱha dza thoma u gidimela thungo ya mulamboni. +Kamuzu yo hangwa nga ipfi ḽayo ḽo xelaho. Yo hangwa nga u vha na ṱhoni yo ita na u hangwa nga u ṱungufhala. Yo sedza maḓi a elelaho nga nungo nahone e manzhi, ya thoma u gada nga u ṱavhanya u ya nga hune ya kona yo livha mulamboni, yo fhufhela seli na luḽa ha maḓi nga maanḓa. Musi i tshi swika nga seli ha mulambo yo aṱama mulomo wayo ya huwelela, “IMANI! NI SONGO PFUKA!” + +Phukha dzo vha dzo mangala. Dzo vha dzi sa athu pfa ipfi ḽihulu nga u rali ḽi tshi bva kha mulomo wa Kamuzu. +“Humelani murahu!” Kamuzu yo huwelela. “Shavhelani kha maḓaba.” +Iṅwe na iṅwe yo shavhela kha maḓaba u dzumbama kha mvula. Dzo kuvhangana fhethu huthihi. +“No ri tsireledza, Kamuzu,” ho amba Baas. “Ri a livhuwa.” +“No wana ipfi ḽaṋu,” ho amba Snorkel. +“Ee,” ho amba Dozie, “ndi zwavhuḓi u ni pfa. No vha no fhumula tshifhinga tshoṱhe, ro humbula uri a ni pfani na u amba na riṋe.” +“Ndi a shona,” ho amba Kamuzu. “Ndo vha ndi sa ḓivhi uri ndi nga ri mini.” +“Fhedzi ri ḓzikhonani,” ho amba ranḓevhe. “A ni tei u shona musi ni na riṋe.” +“U bva zwino u swikela,” ho amba Baas, “ri ṱoḓa u pfa inwi ni tshi amba. Fulufhedzisani uri ni ḓo ita nga u ralo?” +“Fulufhedzisani! Fulufhedzisani! Fulufhedzisani!” Dzoṱhe dza amba khathihi. +Na zwenezwo, Kamuzu, bere, ya imisela ṱhoho yayo makoleni ya huwelela, “EE! EE! EE, NDI A FULUFHEDZISA!”",ven,Tshivenda,Ipfi ḽa Kamuzu,"At the foot of the green hills of Mpumalanga there was a farm. In a field on this farm, Kamuzu the horse always grazed quietly. All the farm animals were friends. They had lots to say to each other, but Kamuzu was shy. He wanted to talk to them, but ...",,Avril Wiid,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ipfi-ḽa-kamuzu +kamuzu’s-voice,"Ehansi ka tintshava ta rihlaza ta le Mpumalanga a ku ri ni purasi. Hanci leyi a va ku i Kamuzu a yi dya ehansi ka nsimu ya purasi leri yi miyerile. Swiharhi hinkwaswo a ku ri vanghana. A va ri na swotala swo swi vula hi vona, kambe Kamuzu a ri ni tingana. A lava ku vulavula na vona, kambe a nga swikoti ku humesa marito. Leswi swi endle leswaku a titwa a ri yexe na ku nyuma. +Loko ka ha ri mixo swinene, Kamuzu a swi lava ku vula leswaku “avuxeni” eka Baas, munghana wa yena wa mbhongolo. A pfula nomo wa yena … kambe a nga vuli nchumu. Rito ra yena lerikulu lero dzika a ri kayivela. +“Ku humelela yini?” ku vutisa Kamuzu, “Ndzi kota ku hlevetela ntsena.” A ringeta kambe. +“U te yini?” ku vutisa Baas loko a ri karhi ncakunya byanyi naku natswa milomo ya yena ya voya a honokele Kamuzu. Xivangelo xo vutisa hi leswi hambi leswi Kamuzu a pfuleke nomo, kambe a ku twala ku hlevetela kutsongo. A swi nga tolovelekangi. +“Rito ra mina,” ku hlevetela Kamuzu. “Ndzi lahlekeriwe hi rito.” +“U lahlekele hi rito? Kambe swa fana a wu vulavuli nchumu, ri lahleke njhani?” ku vutisa Baas. “U nga vileli. Ndzi ta lava rito ra wena hi tlhelo leri n’wana ra nambu.” +Baas u tsemakanye nambu ku ya eka tlhelo lerin’wana ra nambu. Kambe loko a fika kona, u twe risema ra byanyi byo nyanganya kutani a rivala hi ku lava rito ra Kamuzu a sungula ku dya byanyi. +Hala tlhelo lerin’wana ra nambu, Kamuzu a ehleketa hi ndlela yo vuyisa rito. “Ndzi ta ya lahaya tiveni,” a ehleketa. “Ndzi ta pfula nomo wa mina, ndzi humesa ririmi ndzi kombela hlampfi ndzi va vutisa leswaku a va ri voni rito ra mina le hansi ke.” +Kamuzu u yimile etiveni a pfula nomo wa yena, Hlampfi yi languta ehenhla. + +“Hayi, Kamuzu, u ta ndzi rivalela, ku hava nchumu ehansi ka ririmi ra wena. Kambe u nga vileli, hi ta lava rito ra wena hi ku ri langutisa laha hansi ku nga ni swiluva na le xikarhi ka maribye endzeni ka xidziva.” +Hlampfi yi hlamberile yi famba, loko se va fika ehansi laha ku nga ni swiluva, va kume swakudya swa kahle laha va nga rivala hi rito ra Kamuzu leri lahlekeke. +Kamuzu a hefemuteka a famba a ya emahlweni. U lavile hinkwako loko a ri karhi a fambafamba. U hlanganile na Snorkel, nguluve, na Dozie, homu ya muhlovo wa ntima wo basa. +“U lava yini?” ku vutisa Snorkel. +“Rito ra mina, ri ndzi lahlekerile,” ku hlevetela Kamuzu. +“Hey vaka hina! Ri ku lahlekele njhani?” ku vutisa Snorkel. “U nga vileli, ndzi ta ku pfuna ku ri lava.” +“Na mina!” ku vula Dozie. “Hi ta ri lava ebyanyini hala tlhelo lerin’wana ra nambu.” +Kamuzu mbuya – Snorkel na Dozie va hlangane na byanyi lebyo nyanganya hile tlhelo lerin’wana ra nambu, kutani va yima va dya na ku funya byanyi va rivala ku pfuna ku lava rito ra yena. +Mipfundla a yi nga pfuni nchumu. Va tshembise ku lava hi mahlo ya vona lamakulu ya buraweni. Va tshembise ku yingisela hi tindleva ta vona leto olova ta buraweni. Kambe loko va tlula nambu, ku kota lavan’wana, leswi a va swi ehleketa ntsena i byanyi lebyo nyanganya. +Kamuzu a languta vanghana va yena. “A ku na wun’we loyi a ndzi pfunaka. A ku na wun’we loyi a lavaka. Wun’wana na wun’wana u le ku funyeni, nambuteleni, honyahonyekeni na ku dya,” a hlevetela hi mbilu yo vava. A hundzuluka a famba a ya epurasini a ya emahlweni na ku tihlotela rona yena n’wni. Kamuzu a languta ehansi ka swihlahla, a languta endzhaku ka xethe, na ku languta emapapeni nakambe a languta etintshaveni. +“E-e, ku na moya wu taka! Ku na mpfula etintshaveni. Swi vula leswaku nambu wu ta tala.” A hundzuluka a tsutsumela enambyeni. “Ndzi fanele ndzi tsundzuxa swiharhi leswin’wana. Kambe ndzi kota ku hlevetela ntsena, a va nga ndzi twi.” +U yimile ku ringana minete yin’we kutani a twa mathonsi yo sungula ya n’wi thonela enhlaneni. Nambu a wu ri na ridaka naswona a wu khapa. Un’wana na wun’wana a ha ri eku funyeni, nambuteleni, honyahonyekeni na ku dya. +Kamuzu a pfula nomo wa yena kambe ku nga humi nchumu. Hambi ku ri ku hlevetela a swi nga koteki. Sweswi a ri na ku chava lokukulu. A fanele ku endla swin’wana. Loko vanghana va yena vo ringeta ku tlula nambu, va ta fa hinkwavo. U tlakusile nhloko ya yena, a hlakahla ntshiva wa yena na ku ba ehansi hi milenge ya yena. A ku vanga na wun’we wa vanghana va yena loyi a nga swi vona. Mati lama a ma ri emahlweni ka yena a ma tsutsuma hi rivilo. +Hi nkarhi lowu a yi na hi matimba. Swiharhi hinkwaswo swi languta ehenhla swi sungula ku tsutsuma swi kongoma enambyeni. +Kamuzu a rivala hi rito ra yena leri lahlekeke. A rivala hi tingana ta yena a rivala na hi nhlomulo wa yena. U kongome nambu lowu teleke, a tsutsuma hi rivilo lerikulu a wu kongoma, a tlula hi matimba ehenhla ka mati lama kariheke. Loko a wela etlhelweni lerin’wana a pfula nomo wa yena a huwelel, “YIMANI! MI NGA TLULI!” + +Swiharhi swi hlamarile swinene. A va nga si tshama va twa rito lerikulu, ra ku va na huwa ri huma enon’weni wa Kamuzu. +“Tlhelelani endzhaku!” Kamuzu a huwelela. “Khupukelani emaribyeni.” +Un’wana ni un’wana u tsutsumele emarhibyeni ku ya tumbela. Va fambe hi ntlawa. +“U hi ponisile, Kamuzu,” ku vula Baas. “Ndza ku khensa.” +“U ri kumile rito ra wena?” ku vula Snorkel. +“Ee,” ku vula Dozie, “Swikahle ku twa rito ra wena. U tshama u miyerile, a hi hleketa leswaku a wu swi lavi ku vulavula na hina.” +“Ndzi na tingana,” ku vula Kamuzu. “A ndzi tivi ku ri ndzi nga ku yini.” +“Kambe hi vanghana,” ku vula mpfundla. “A wu fanelanga ku va ni tingana loko u ri na hina.” +“Ku suka sweswi,” ku vula Baas, “Hi lava ku ku twa u vulavula, hi tshembhisi leswaku u ta vulavula?” +“Ndza tshembhisa! ndza tshembhisa! Ndza tshembhisa!” hinkwavo va vula tano. +Na Kamuzu, lowa hanci, a yimisela nhloko ya yena ehenhla a huwelelea a ku, “INA! INA! INA, NDZA MI TSHAMBHISA!”",tso,Xitsonga,Rito ra Kamuzu,"At the foot of the green hills of Mpumalanga there was a farm. In a field on this farm, Kamuzu the horse always grazed quietly. All the farm animals were friends. They had lots to say to each other, but Kamuzu was shy. He wanted to talk to them, but ...",,Avril Wiid,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/rito-ra-kamuzu +mr-hare-meets-mr-mandela,"Mr Hare crept out of his forest home. The morning sky was blue. The grass was green. The trees swayed in the cool breeze. The forest was full of the songs of birds. But… +On his doormat lay something he’d never seen before: a brand new R200 note. +Mr Hare picked it up. “What is Mr Leopard doing here?” He turned it around. “Ah! Mr Mandela,” he cried. +His left ear curled up and down as he thought. He looked up at Miss Secretary Bird, who was watching him from a branch in the thorn tree. +“Please call a meeting of all the animals,” he said. “I have an important announcement to make.” +She flew off calling, “Meeting everyone, at the Baobab tree, this morning. Meeting everyone…” +“What is it this time?” everyone wondered, forming a circle under the tree. +Mr Hare stood in the centre. He cleared his throat and began: +“Fellow citizens of the forest, I have important news for you. This,” he said as he waved the R200 note around, “has landed on my doormat. I don’t know what it is or what it means, but it has Mr Mandela’s face on it and so I’m sure it belongs to him…” +“It has my face on it too,” said Mr Leopard with a playful snarl. “So maybe it belongs to me.” +Everyone laughed except for Mr Hare. He was in no mood for jokes. +“I plan to go to the city this very hour to return this important note to Mr Mandela.” +“What?” Mr Buffalo asked, shocked. “You will get lost there.” +“Why would I get lost?” asked Mr Hare, pushing out his chest. +“Because you can’t read,” said Mr Rhino, pointing his sharp horn at Mr Hare. +“Oh nonsense!” snorted Mr Hare. +“It’s true,” Mrs Elephant stomped her foot impatiently. “In the City of Readers almost everyone can read.” +“Well, what could happen to me?” Mr Hare asked. +Mr Lion leapt forward, swishing his whiskers in Mr Hare’s face. “Those who cannot read repeat their mistakes over and over again,” he growled. “And so will you.” +“Hah!” Mr Hare sniggered. “Not me, kitty!” With those words he marched fearlessly right underneath Mrs Elephant. Then he skipped down the path that led to the City of Readers. +Soon he began to hear the noises of the city. And then he saw it. He had never been in the city before. +He glanced at Mr Leopard’s face on the note. It seemed to be warning him not to go. +“But I am the Little Wise One,” Mr Hare said. “I am cleverer by far than anyone in the City of Readers.” And with a leap he entered the city. +The first people he saw were schoolgirls and boys. They looked smart in their blue and yellow uniforms. They carried schoolbags and books. +“Good morning, Mr Hare!” they greeted him. +“Hi there!” Mr Hare called back, proud that they knew him. But he was curious. “How do you know me?” he asked. +“We’ve read about you in our story books,” a girl said. “About how Mr Tortoise tricked you in a race.” +They all laughed. Mr Hare gave them an angry look and went on his way. +He saw people rushing for a train and joined them. At the pay station a man in a smart uniform, standing behind a counter, held out his hand and Mr Hare said, holding up the R200, “I’m on my way to see Mr Mandela.” +The man grabbed the note out of his paw… +“Hey!” Mr Hare protested. +Then the man handed him a R100 note. +Mr Hare examined the note on the train. “It’s turned blue,” he said, puzzled. “And Mr Buffalo has taken Mr Leopard’s place.” He turned the note around. “But Mr Mandela is still here.” He took a carrot out of his pocket and nibbled happily, watching the scenery outside. +“You see, Mr Buffalo,” he said to the R100 note. “Even though I can’t read, I’m on my way to meet Mr Mandela.” +“Excuse me, sir.” +Mr Hare looked up at a man in a blue uniform. “You are not allowed to eat on the train. Can’t you read that?” He pointed to a sign above Mr Hare’s ears that read: +PLEASE DO NOT EAT ON THE TRAIN +“Oh,” Mr Hare said, putting the half-eaten carrot back in his pocket. +He got off at the next station and soon found himself on a busy street. +Bra Tsotsi watched Mr Hare trying to cross the road, and saw what he had in his paw. +“One hundred!” he said, licking his lips. He walked up to Mr Hare. “You seem lost, my brother,” he grinned. “I’m Bra Tsotsi, here to help new visitors to our city.” +“I’m Mr Hare,” he shook hands. “And I’m on my way to Mr Mandela,” Mr Hare said. “To give him this.” He held out the banknote. +“Ah,” said Bra Tsotsi. “Mandela is my best friend. I’ll take it to him.” He grabbed the R100 and disappeared into the crowds. +Mr Hare was not happy about how things were going. He wanted to meet Mr Mandela himself and shake his hand. But now, all he could do was turn around and go back home. And what would he tell the animals about meeting Mandela? +“No,” he decided. “I must find Bra Tsotsi and take back the note.” +Quickly Mr Hare weaved through the bustling crowds, leapt over moving cars, and darted in and out of shops. +“And there he is!” Mr Hare spotted Bra Tsotsi in MaPhiri’s Peri-Peri Chicken Shop, chomping away on a R50 box of Wild Wings. +“Hey, Bra Tsotsi,” Mr Hare said, “give me back my note.” +Bra Tsotsi got such a fright that some peri-peri sauce got stuck in his throat, giving him a fit of hiccups. +“Here hic it hic is hic,” he said, handing over a R50 note. +“Pink?” Mr Hare held up the note, puzzled. “And what happened to Mr Buffalo? But here’s Mr Lion to tell me I need to read to survive in the city! Hah!” He turned it around. “But at least Mr Mandela is still here.” +Mr Hare saw people standing in a taxi queue. Behind them, on the taxi shelter, was a picture of Mr Mandela. +“Ah,” Mr Hare said. “They must all be going to visit Mr Mandela too.” He joined the queue. And when the taxi came he got in. +“Where does Mandela live?” he asked the driver. +“At the end of the long walk to freedom, my friend,” he said with a friendly smile. “I’ll take you there.” +They rode for half an hour, past a school, street hawkers, down a highway, past a church, through a suburb. Finally the driver stopped at a taxi rank. +“Your stop, my friend,” said the driver. “Just walk up this road until you get to a big house with a big gate with a guard outside the gate. That will be R30.” And he took the R50 note out of Mr Hare’s paw. +Mr Hare was about to protest when… +“Your change, sir.” The driver shoved a note in his paw. +Mr Hare looked at the new note. Again it was different to the last one. Instead of Mr Lion, it was Mr Elephant who stared out at him. But when he turned it around there was Mr Mandela, still smiling. Mr Hare smiled back and began to hop up the long road. +On his way he passed a bakery. He stopped, sniffed the air. What was that lovely smell? He pressed his face flat against the bakery window and gazed at doughnuts, pancakes, pies, tarts, fruitcake, biscuits. +Mr Hare hopped into the shop +“Can I help you, sir,” said a lady behind the counter. +“I’d like one of these,” he said, pointing to the doughnuts. “No, no, one of those,” he showed her a slice of milk tart. Then a wedge of chocolate cake, a biscuit, apple crumble, a koeksister. +“Please, sir, you have to make up your mind.” +Mr Hare finally pointed to a Chelsea bun. +“Ah!” the lady smiled. “Good choice.” +She slipped the Chelsea bun into a packet and handed it to him. The next thing he knew, Mr Mandela’s brown note was in her hands. And when she put it back in his paw, it was green! And who do you think had taken the place of Mr Elephant? There was Mr Rhino warning him about the City of Readers. +Mr Hare skipped out of the shop, taking big bites out of his Chelsea bun, and wondering, “How many times will Mr Mandela’s note change colour before I meet him?” Then he saw the guard at the big gate. He skipped up to the guard, greeted him and asked: +“Does Mr Mandela live here?” +“Yes,” he does. +“I’m Mr Hare of the African bush. I have an important note for him.” +The guard said, “Do you have an appointment?” +“No,” said Mr Hare. “I have a note.” +The guard turned and spoke into an intercom. +“Sir, I have a Mr Hare from the forest…” +A deep, chuckling voice crackled on the intercom. “Mr Hare! The great Mr Hare of the African forest?” +“Yes, Mr Mandela.” +“Well, send him in!” +It was a great meeting. The big hand of Mr Mandela shaking the paw of the famous Mr Hare. The two men entertained each other with stories of the city and the forest, of lions and heroes, of freedom and adventure. +Then, Mr Hare told Mr Mandela why he’d come. +“I found this note on my doorstep,” he said, handing over the R10. “It has changed colour so many times, and the faces of all my big friends from the forest have appeared on it. I knew it was yours so I came to give it to you myself.” +Mr Mandela was puzzled, but he accepted the note with a smile. A photographer came to take pictures of Mr Mandela and Mr Hare. And a TV crew came to film them for News at Six. +When Mr Hare came home he called a meeting. He told all the animals about his exciting adventure. He told them about the people he’d met, the places he’d seen. And how he had finally met Mr Mandela. +“And, my friends,” he said, looking smugly at Lion and Elephant and Buffalo and Leopard and Rhino, “I did all this without being able to read one word.” And with that said, the sun set and all the animals went back to their homes for a good night’s rest. +The next morning, Mr Hare was awakened by a thud on his doorstep. +“What was that?” he wondered. “Maybe it’s the angry stomp of Mrs Elephant coming to argue with me.” +He peeped outside. Mrs Elephant wasn’t there. But there was a big envelope on his mat. +He went out and looked around to see who had brought it. There was no one in sight. +Mr Hare opened the envelope. It was a letter: +Dear Mr Hare +The whole country is still talking about your visit. Thank you for telling me all those stories, and for returning the R10 note. I have enclosed a R200 note for you to spend the next time you visit the city. +Warm regards +Nelson Mandela +Because he could not read, Mr Hare was not interested in the letter. But something fell out of the envelope and fluttered onto the mat. +Mr Hare looked down at the R200 note. He could not believe his eyes. +“I don’t believe it!” he cried. “On the very same place as yesterday morning.” +Without wasting time, he called another meeting of all the animals. +“My friends,” he announced, “it’s a great mystery, the note has returned.” He waved it around for all to see. +“And I have to journey back to Mr Mandela to return it to him.” +And, without another word he was away, skipping down the path that led to the City of Readers, the note fluttering in his paw.",eng,English,Mr Hare meets Mr Mande,"Mr Hare crept out of his forest home. The morning sky was blue. The grass was green. The trees swayed in the cool breeze. The forest was full of the songs of birds. But… +On his doormat lay something he’d never seen before: a brand new ...",,Chris van Wyk,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mr-hare-meets-mr-mandela +mr-hare-meets-mr-mandela,"Mnr. Haas kruip uit sy boshuisie. Die oggendlug is blou. Die gras is groen. Die bome wieg saggies in die koel bries. Die voëltjies sing. Maar … +Op sy deurmatjie lê iets wat hy nog nooit voorheen gesien het nie: ’n splinternuwe R200-noot. +Mnr. Haas tel dit op. “Wat doen mnr. Luiperd hier?” Hy draai dit om. “A! Mnr. Mandela,” roep hy uit. +Sy linkeroor wip op en af soos hy dink. Hy kyk op na juffrou Sekretarisvoël, wat hom van ’n tak in die doringboom af dophou. +“Roep asseblief al die diere byeen,” sê hy. “Ek het ’n belangrike aankondiging om te maak.” +Terwyl sy wegvlieg roep sy: “Vergadering, almal, vanoggend by die kremetartboom. Vergadering, almal …” +“Wat is dit hierdie keer?” wonder almal en vorm ’n kring om die boom. +Mnr. Haas staan in die middel. Hy maak keel skoon en begin. “Medeburgers van die bos, ek het belangrike nuus vir julle. Dit,” sê hy terwyl hy die R200-noot rondwaai, “het op my deurmatjie beland. Ek weet nie wat dit is of wat dit beteken nie, maar mnr. Mandela se gesig is daarop en ek is seker dit behoort aan hom …” +“My gesig is ook daarop,” sê mnr. Luiperd met ’n speelse grynslag. “Dalk behoort dit aan my.” +Almal behalwe mnr. Haas lag. Hy is nie in die bui vir grappies nie. +“Ek beplan om onmiddellik stad toe te gaan om hierdie belangrike noot vir mnr. Mandela terug te gee.” +“Wat?” vra mnr. Buffel geskok. “Jy sal verdwaal in die stad.” +“Waarom sal ek verdwaal?” vra mnr. Haas, en stoot sy bors uit. +“Want jy kan nie lees nie,” sê mnr. Renoster, en wys met sy skerp horing na mnr. Haas. +“Onsin!” snork mnr. Haas. +“Dis waar,” stamp mev. Olifant ongeduldig haar poot. “In die Stad van Lesers kan almal lees. En dié wat nie kan lees nie, leer lees.” +“Wel, wat kan met my gebeur?” vra mnr. Haas. +Mnr. Leeu spring vorentoe, en sy snorbaarde swiep in sy gesig. “Dié wat nie kan lees nie, maak weer en weer dieselfde foute,” grom hy. “En jy sal ook.” +“Ha!” giggel mnr. Haas. “Nie ek nie, kietsie!” En met daardie woorde marsjeer hy onder mev. Olifant deur. Toe hop hy in die pad af wat na die Stad van Lesers lei. +Gou hoor hy die geluide van die stad. En toe sien hy dit. Hy was nog nooit voorheen in die stad nie. +Hy loer na mnr. Luiperd se gesig op die noot. Dit lyk of hyhom waarsku om nie te gaan nie. +“Maar ek is die Wyse Klein Een,” sê mnr. Haas. “Ek is baie slimmer as enigeen in die Stad van Lesers.” En met ’n hop is hy binne-in die stad. +Die eerste mense wat hy sien, is skoolseuns en -meisies. Hulle lyk netjies in hulle blou-en-geel uniforms. Hulle dra skooltasse en boeke. +“Goeiemôre, mnr. Haas!” groet hulle. +“Hallo daar!” roep mnr. Haas terug, trots dat hulle weet wie hy is. Maar hy is nuuskierig. “Hoe weet julle wie ek is?” vra hy. +“Ons het in ons storieboeke van jou gelees,” sê ’n meisie. “Oor hoe mnr. Skilpad jou in ’n resies uitoorlê het.” +Hulle lag almal. Mnr. Haas gluur hulle kwaai aan en stap vinnig verder. +Hy sien mense wat haastig ’n trein probeer haal. By die betaalkiosk staan ’n man in ’n deftige uniform agter die toonbank. Hy hou sy hand uit na mnr. Haas. Terwyl mnr. Haas die R200-noot ophou, sê hy: “Ek is op pad na mnr. Mandela toe.” +Die man agter die toonbank gryp die noot uit sy poot … +“Haai!” protester mnr. Haas. +Toe gee die man vir hom ’n R100-noot. +Op die trein bekyk mnr. Haas die noot. “Dit het blou geword,” sê hy dronkgeslaan. “En nou is mnr. Buffel in mnr. Luiperd se plek.” Hy draai die not om. “Maar mnr. Mandela is nog hier.” Hy haal ’n wortel uit sy sak en knibbel daaraan terwyl hy na die landskap buite kyk. +“Sien jy, mnr. Buffel,” sê hy vir die R100-noot. “Selfs al kan ek nie lees nie, is ek op pad om mnr. Mandela te gaan ontmoet.” +“Verskoon my, Meneer.” +Mnr. Haas kyk op na ’n man in ’n blou uniform. “U mag nie op die trein eet nie. Kan u nie die teken lees nie?” Hy wys na ’n teken bo mnr. Haas se ore wat lui: +MOET ASSEBLIEF NIE OP DIE TREIN EET NIE +“O,” sê mnr. Haas, en sit die halfgeëete wortel terug in sy sak. +Hy klim by die volgende stasie af en bevind hom gou in ’n besige straat. +Bra Tsotsi hou mnr. Haas dop terwyl hy oor die straat probeer loop, en sien wat hy in sy poot vashou. +“’n Honderd!” sê hy, en lek sy lippe af. Hy stap gou na mnr. Haas toe. “Jy lyk verlore, broer,” grinnik hy. “Ek is Bra Tsotsi, hier om nuwe besoekers aan ons stad te help.” +“Ek is mnr. Haas,” skud hy blad. “En ek is op pad na mnr. Mandela toe,” sê mnr. Haas, “om dit vir hom te gee.” Hy hou die geldnoot uit. +“A,” sê Bra Tsotsi. “Mandela is my beste vriend. Ek sal dit vir hom neem.” Hy gryp die R100 en verdwyn in die skare. +Mnr. Haas is nie gelukkig met die verloop van sake nie. Hy wou mnr. Mandela self ontmoet het en sy hand geskud het. Maar nou sal hy moet omdraai en huis toe gaan. En wat gaan hy vir die diere vertel oor sy ontmoeting met mnr. Mandela? +“Nee,” besluit hy. “Ek moet Bra Tsotsi vind en die not terugvat.” +Mnr. Haas vleg vinnig deur die woelige skare, spring oor bewegende motors en pyl by winkels in en uit. +“En daar is hy!” Mnr. Haas sien vir Bra Tsotsi in MaPhiri se Peri-Peri-hoenderwinkel, lekker aan’t smul aan ’n R50-boks Vurige Vlerkies. +“Haai, Bra Tsotsi,” sê mnr. Haas, “gee my noot terug.” +Bra Tsotsi skrik so groot dat van die peri-peri-sous in sy keel vassteek en hom laat hik. +“Hier hik is hik dit hik,” sê hy, en oorhandig ’n R50-noot. +“Pienk?” dink mnr. Haas verward toe hy die not ophou. “En wat het van mnr. Buffel geword? +Maar hier is mnr. Leeu om my te vertel ek moet kan lees om in die stad te oorleef! Ha!” Hy draai die noot om. “Maar ten minste is mnr. Mandela nog hier.” +Mnr. Haas sien mense in ’n ry staan vir ‘n taxi. Agter hulle, in die staanplek, is ’n foto van mnr. Mandela. +“A-ha,” sê mnr. Haas. “Hulle gaan seker ook almal vir mnr. Mandela kuier.” Hy gaan staan in die ry. En toe die taxi kom, klim hy in. +“Waar woon mnr. Mandela?” vra hy vir die bestuurder. +“Aan die einde van die lang pad na vryheid, my vriend,” sê hy met ’n vriendelike glimlag. “Ek sal jou soontoe neem.” +Hulle ry ’n halfuur, verby ’n skool, straatsmouse, af met die snelweg, verby ’n kerk, deur ’n woonbuurt. Uiteindelik hou die bestuurder by ’n taxistaanplek stil. +“Jou halte, my vriend,” sê die bestuurder. “Stap net met hierdie straat op tot by die groot huis met die groot hek en die wag wat buite die hek staan. Dit sal R30 wees.” En hy vat die R50-noot uit mnr. Haas se poot. +Mnr. Haas wil begin protesteer toe … +“Jou kleingeld, Meneer.” Die bestuurder druk ’n noot in sy poot. +Mnr. Haas kyk na die nuwe noot. Dit lyk weer anders as die vorige een. In plaas van +mnr. Leeu is dit mev. Olifantwat na hom staar. Maar toe hy dit omdraai is die glimlaggende mnr. Mandela nog daar. Mnr. Haas glimlag terug en begin met die lang pad op hop. +Op pad is daar ’n bakkery. Hy gaan staan en snuif in die lug. Wat is daardie heerlike geur? Hy druk sy gesig plat teen die bakkery se venster en staar na die oliebolle, pannekoeke, pasteie, tertjies, vrugtekoek en koekies. +Mnr. Haas hop tot binne-in die winkel. +“Kan ek jou help, Meneer?” vra ’n vrou agter die toonbank. +“Ek wil graag een van hierdie hê,” sê hy, en wys na die oliebolle. “Nee, nee, een van daardie,” en hy wys na ’n stuk melktert. Toe ’n sny sjokoladekoek, ’n koekie, appeltert, ’n koeksister. +“Asseblief, Meneer, jy moet besluit wat jy wil hê.” +Mnr. Haas wys uiteindelik na ’n rosyntjiebrood. +“A-ha!” glimlag die vrou. “Goeie keuse.” +Sy sit die rosyntjiebrood in ’n papiersakkie en gee dit vir mnr. Haas. Toe hy weer kyk, is +mnr. Mandela se bruin noot in haar hande. En toe sy dit in sy poot terugsit, is dit groen! En +wie dink jy het mev. Olifant se plek gevat? Daar is mnr. Renoster, wat hom waarsku teen +die Stad van Lesers. +Mnr. Haas huppel uit die winkel, hap aan sy rosyntjiebrood en wonder: “Hoeveel keer sal mnr. Mandela se noot nog van kleur verander voordat ek hom ontmoet?” Toe sien hy die wag by die groot hek. Hy hop tot by die wag, groet hom en vra: “Woon mnr. Mandela hier?” +“Ja.” +“Ek is mnr. Haas van die Afrika-bos. Ek het ’n belangrike noot vir hom.” +Die wag vra: “Het u ’n afspraak?” +“Nee,” sê mnr. Haas. “Ek het ’n noot.” +Die wag draai om en praat in die interkom. +“Meneer, ek het ’n mnr. Haas van die bos …” +’n Vriendelike stem kraak oor die interkom. “Mnr. Haas! Die groot mnr. Haas van die Afrika-bos?” +“Ja, mnr. Mandela.” +“Wel, laat hom inkom!” +Dit is ’n wonderlike ontmoeting. Die groot hand van mnr. Mandela skud die beroemde mnr. Haas se poot. Die twee vermaak mekaar met stories oor die stad en die bos, oor leeus en helde, oor vryheid en avontuur. +Toe vertel mnr. Haas vir mnr. Mandela waarom hy gekom het. +“Ek het hierdie noot op my deurmatjie gevind,” sê hy, en oorhandig die R10. “Dit het al baie keer van kleur verander en die gesigte van al my groot vriende in die bos het daarop verskyn. Ek het geweet dis joune, en daarom wou ek dit self vir jou kom gee.” +Mnr. Mandela is verward, maar hy aanvaar die noot met ’n glimlag. ’n Fotograaf neem foto’s van mnr. Mandela en mnr. Haas. En ’n TV-span kom om hulle te verfilm vir Nuus om Ses. +Toe mnr. Haas by die huis kom, roep hy die diere byeen. Hy vertel vir die diere van sy opwindende avontuur – van die mense wat hy ontmoet het en die plekke wat hy gesien het. En hoe hy uiteindelik vir mnr. Mandela ontmoet het. +“En, my vriende,” sê hy, en kyk selfvoldaan na Leeu en Olifant en Buffel en Luiperd en Renoster, “ek het dit alles gedoen sonder dat ek ’n woord kan lees.” En met dié sak die son, en al die diere keer terug na hulle huise vir ’n goeie nagrus. +Die volgende oggend word mnr. Haas wakker van ’n gedoef op sy drumpel. +“Wat was dit?” wonder hy. “Dalk is dit die kwaai gedoef van mev. Olifant wat met my kom stry.” +Hy loer buitentoe, maar mev. Olifant is nie daar nie. Daar is wel ’n groot koevert op sy mat. +Hy gaan uit en kyk rond om te sien wie dit gebring het, maar hy sien niemand nie. +Mnr. Haas maak die koevert oop. Dit is ’n brief: +Beste mnr. Haas +Die hele land praat nog van jou besoek. Dankie dat jy vir my al daardie stories vertel het, en dat jy die R10-noot teruggebring het. Ek sluit ’n R200-noot vir jou in wat jy kan gebruik wanneer jy volgende keer stad toe kom. +Beste wense +Nelson Mandela + Omdat hy nie kan lees nie, stel mnr. Haas nie in die brief belang nie. Maar iets val uit die koevert en fladder tot op die mat +.Mnr. Haas kyk af na die R200-noot. Hy kan sy oë nie glo nie. +“Ek glo dit nie!” roep hy. “Op presies dieselfde plek as gisteroggend.” +Sonder om tyd te mors, roep hy die diere weer byeen. +“My vriende,” kondig hy aan, “dis vir my ’n groot raaisel dat die noot teruggekom het.” Hy waai dit rond sodat almal dit kan sien. “En ek moet teruggaan na mnr. Mandela om dit vir hom terug te gee.” +En sonder nog ’n woord hop hy weg, af met die pad na die Stad van Lesers, met die wapperende noot in sy poot.",afr,Afrikaans,Mnr. Haas ontmoet mnr. Mande,"Mr Hare crept out of his forest home. The morning sky was blue. The grass was green. The trees swayed in the cool breeze. The forest was full of the songs of birds. But… +On his doormat lay something he’d never seen before: a brand new ...",,Chris van Wyk,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mnr-haas-ontmoet-mnr-mandela +mr-hare-meets-mr-mandela,"Nanko uMnumzana Mvundla ethwethwa ephuma ekhayeni lakhe elisehlathini. Isibhakabhaka sasithe wambu ngombala waso ozuba. Ingca iluhlaza yaka. Imithi iman’ ukuvobela ngenxa yaloo mpepho imnandi. Ihlathi lalizaliswe yiloo ntsholo yeengoma zeentaka. Kodwa… +Uthe xa aphumayo wabona into angazanga wayibona ngaphambili ithe thaca apha ngasemnyango: irherheba elitsha kraca le-R200. +UMnumzana Mvundla wayithi hlasi le nto. “Wenzani apha uMnumzana Hlosi?” Wayiguqula kwelinye icala. “Tyhini! UMnumzana Mandela,” wakhuza ngelitshoyo. +Yayimana ilala iphinde ime nkqo indlebe yakhe yasekunxele lo gama akwezinzulu iingcinga. Waphosa amehlo phezulu kuNkosazana Nosiba owayechophe esebeni lomthi onameva, embukele. +“Nceda ubize intlanganiso yazo zonke izilwanyana,” watsho. “Ndinesaziso esibalulekileyo ekufuneka ndisibhengeze.” +Nanko ebhabha, ekhwaza, “Wonke umhlali uyafuneka embizweni, phantsi komthi woMkhomo, ngale ntsasa. Wonke umhlali uyafuneka embizweni …” +“Iyawayintoni ke ngoku?” wonke umntu wayemangalisiwe, kuthiwe nqwadalala kwakhiwe isangqa phantsi kwaloo mthi. +UMnumzana Mvundla wema embindini. Wathinta isikhohlela waza waqhuba wenjenje: +“Mzi wasehlathini, ndineendaba ezibaluleke kakhulu endinga ndingabelana ngazo nani. Le nto,” watsho ephakamisela phezulu irherheba le-R200, “ndiyibone ithe thaca phambi komnyango wam. Andiyazi ukuba iyintoni na okanye ithetha ntoni na, kodwa inobuso bukaMnumzana Mandela kuyo ngoko ke ndiqinisekile ukuba yeyakhe…” +“Bukho nje nobam ubuso apha kuyo,” utshilo uMnumzana Hlosi ngomvungamo wendlalo. “Ngoko ke mhlawumbi makube yeyam.” +Kwathi gquzu intsini wonke umntu ngaphandle kukaMnumzana Mvundla. Wayengacacelanga ziqhulo tu namhlanje. +“Ndiceba ukuya esixekweni ngawo lo mzuzu ukuze ndilibuyisele kuMnumzana Mandela eli phetshana libaluleke kangakanana.” +“Intoni?” kukhuza uMnumzana Nyathi, ngokothuka okukhulu. “Uyakulahleka uthi shu phaya.” +“Yintoni eza kundilahla?” kubuza uMnumzana Mvundla etyhale isifuba. +“Kaloku awukwazi ukufunda,” watsho uMnumzana Mkhombe, esalatha ngophondo lwakhe olutsolo kuMnumzana Mvundla. +“Hayi suka apha, yinkunkuma leyo!” ufuthele phezulu uMnumzana Mvundla. +“Heyi yinyani leyo,” kutsho uNkosikazi Ndlovu engqisha ngonyawo, umonde uphele tu. “KwiSixeko sabaFundayo wonke umntu uyakwazi ukufunda. Kwaye nabo bangekakwazi ukwenza oko, baphuhlisa ukufunda kwabo.” +“Ngoku ke, yintoni enokwenzeka kum?” ubuzile uMnumzana Mvundla. +UMnumzana Ngonyama uthe tancu ngaphambili, evuthulula ubuso bakhe, ephulula namabhovu akhe. “Abo bangakwaziyo ukufunda, bathe gqolo bephindaphinda iimpazamo zabo,” ugqume esitsho. “Nawe ke ngokuqinisekileyo uyakuba kwanjalo.” +“Ha!” uMnumzana Mvundla uthe qhuzu intsinana esileyo. “Hayi mna nokatana!” Ngaloo mazwi utsho enyantsula phantsi kuka Nkosikazi Ndlovu, engenalo nelincinci ixhala. Nanko egqadaza, eman’ ukuphepha izicithi esendleleni eya kwiSixeko sabaFundayo. +Kungekudala iqalisile ukuvakala intsholo yasesixekweni. Ube sele esithi thu esixekweni. Wayengazange wasibona isixeko ngaphambili. +Uthe krwaqu kubuso bukaMnumzana Hlosi kweli phetshana. Ibe ngathi buyamlumkisa, bumnqanda ukuba angaqhubekeki nohambo. +“Hayi ke, mna ndisisiLumkwana esiNcinane,” utshilo uMnumzana Mvundla. “Ndikrelekrele kunabo bonke abakhoyo kwiSixeko sabaFundayo.” Ngomtsi nje omnye olandelayo wabe sele esithi qakatha esixekweni. +Abantu bokuqala awababonayo yayingamakhwenkwana namantombazanyana ahamba isikolo. Babekhangeleka behlakaniphile kwezo yunifomu zizuba natyheli ababezinxibile. Babexwaye oobhaka, bexhakazela neencwadi. +“Molo, Mnumzana Mvundla!” babulise batsho. +“Ewe!” uphendule uMnumzana Mvundla ngokuzingca kuba esaziwa ukuba ungubani. Kodwa wathi xhungu, efuna ukwazi. “Naze njani ukuba ndim?” ubabuzile. +“Sifunde ngawe kwiincwadi zethu zamabali,” itshilo enye intombazana. “Malunga nendlela awakuqhatha ngayo uMnumzana Fudo kugqatso lweembaleki enaninalo.” +Bonke bamwa ngentsini. UMnumzana Mvundla, wabathi gxezu ngamehlo anomsindo waza waqhubeka nendlela yakhe. +Wabona abantu beleqa uloliwe, waza wangenelela kolo gxudululu. Umfo owayenxibe iyunifomu entle, eme ngaphaya kwekhawuntari, wolula isandla sakhe, ze wathi uMnumzana Mvundla, ephethe i-R200, “ndisendleleni eya kubona uMnumzana Mandela.” +Le ndoda yalithi xhwi eli rherheba phakathi kweentupha zake … +“Heyi!” ukhalaze ngelitshoyo uMnumzana Mvundla. +Le ndoda iye yadlulisela kuye irhehreba eliyi-R100. +UMnumzana Mvundla waliqwalaselisa irherheba elo apha ngaphakathi kuloliwe. “Ngoku lijike labazuba,” utshilo emangalisiwe. “Kwaye ngoku nguMnumzana Nyathi othathe indawo kaMnumzana Hlosi.” Walibhencabhenca eli rherheba. “Heke, uMnumzana Mandela usekhona.” Wakhupha umnqatha epokothweni yakhe waza wahlafuna ngolonwabo, ebuka ubuhle belizwe ngefestile. +“Jonga ke, Mnumzana Nyathi,” utshilo eqolozele kweli rherheba le-R100. “Nakubeni ndingakwaziyo ukufunda, ndisendleleni eya kwaMnumzana Mandela.” +“Uxolo, mhlekazi.” +UMnumzana Mvundla uphakamise amehlo wabona lo mfo unxibe iyunifomu ezuba. “Akuvumelekanga ukuba ungatya apha kuloliwe. Awuyiboni laa nto?” Wakhomba ibhodi exhonywe entla kweendlebe zikaMnumzana Mvundla enombhalo ofundeka ngolu hlobo: +NCEDA MUSA UKUTYA KULOLIWE +“O,” utshilo uMnumzana Mvundla, eqhusheka ihafu yomnqatha epokothweni. +Wehla kwisitishi esilandelayo ze wazibona sele egaxeleka kwisitalato esiphithizelayo. +UBra Tsotsi wayembukele uMnumzana Mvundla etatazela exakwe kukuwela indlela, kwaye wayibona nale nto ithe thu phakathi kweentupha zakhe. +“Ikhulu lonke!” watsho sele elenceza imilebe. Waya ngqo kuMnumzana Mvundla. “Ukhangeleka ulahlekile mfo wethu,” watsho ngolo ncumo lukalova. “Mna ndinguBra Tsotsi, ndinceda amandwendwe kwesi sixeko sethu.” +“Mna ke ndinguMnumzana Mvundla,” utsho emxhawula ngesandla. “Ndisendleleni eya kwaMnumzana Mandela,” utshilo uMnumzana Mvundla. “Ndisa oku ndikuphetheyo.” Umbonise ngokupheleleyo eli rherheba lemali. +“Aha,” utshilo uBra Tsotsi. “uMandela ngumhlobo wam omkhulu. Zisa apha ndikusele kuye.” Walixhwila elo rherheba le-R100 waza waphela emehlweni kuloo nginginya. +UMnumzana Mvundla yayingamonwabisanga kwaphela le ndlela izinto eziqhubeka ngayo. Wayefuna ukuhlangana noMnumzana Mandela buqu ze baxhawulane ngezandla. Kodwa ngoku, konke afanele kukukwenza kukuphethuka angene endleleni egodukayo. Ngoku uza kuthini kwizilwanyana xa ebuzwa ngokuhlangana kwakhe noMnumzana Mandela? +“Hayi bo,” ugqibe ngelitshoyo. “Mandikhangele uBra Tsotsi ze ndithathe ela phetshana.” +Ngokukhawuleza uMnumzana Mvundla waphinyela kweso siphithiphithi sabantu, etsiba phezu kweemoto ezibalekayo, engena ephuma ezivenkileni. +“Nankuya!” uMnumzana Mvundla umthe tshe uBra Tsotsi, kwivenkile kaMaPhiri ethengisa inyama yenkukhu eneperi-peri, ezinika kwibhokisi yamaphiko ababayo e-R50. +“Heyi, Bra Tsotsi,” utshilo uMnumzana Mvundla, “zisa apha iphetshana lam.” +UBra Tsotsi wothuka wabanda kangangokuba watsarhwa yiloo peri-peri, nto leyo yamenza wakhutywa akayeka. +“Nantsi hikh thatha hikh uhambe hikh,” watsho, emnika irherheba le-R50. +“Ipinki ngoku?” uMnumzana Mvundla waphakamisa iphetshana elo emangalisiwe. “Ngoku kwenzeke ntoni kuMnumzana Nyathi? Kodwa nanku uMnumzana Ngonyama ozakube endixelela ukuba kufuneka ndifunde ukuze ndibe nokumelana nesixeko! Ha!” Walibhencabhenca eli rherheba. “Kungcono kuba uMnumzana Mandela usekhona.” +UMnumzana Mvundla wabona abantu befolele ukungena eteksini. Ngemva kwabo, kwindawo ekuma kuyo iiteksi, kwakuxhonywe umfanekiso kaMnumzana Mandela. +“Aha,” utshilo uMnumzana Mvundla. “Fan�� ukuba nabo bandwendwela uMnumzana Mandela njengam.” Watsho engena etyhwini apho. Kwaza kwathi kwakufika iteksi, naye wazibetha phakathi. +“Uhlala phi uMandela?” ubuze kumqhubi. +“Ekupheleni kwendlela ende eya enkulelekweni, mhlobo wam,” utsho ngoncumo lobubele. “Ndizakukusa khona.” +Baqhuba esinye isiqingatha seyure, badlula isikolo, bagqitha kubathengisi basezitalatweni, behlisa uhola wendlela, badlula ecaweni, bacanda dolophu. Ekugqibeleni umqhubi weteksi wemisa erenkini. +“Wehla apha ke mhlobo wam,” watsho umqhubi. “Uzakwenyuka ngale ndlela, de ubone isakhiwo esikhulu, ekukho isango elikhulu kunye noonogada ngaphambi kwaso. Iyakuba yi-R30.” Wabe sele etsala irherheba le-R50 elivele phakathi kweentupha zikaMnumzana Mvundla. +Wathi xa aza kukhalaza uMnumzana Mvundla … +“Nantso itshintshi yakho ke mhlekazi.” Umqhubi watsho emfumbathisa irherheba lemali phakathi kweentupha zakhe. +UMnumzana Mvundla ujonge eli phetshana litsha. Kwakhona lalahlukile kwelo lakuqala. Endaweni kaMnumzana Ngonyama, kukho uNkosikazi Ndlovu owayemjamele ntsho. Kodwa wathi akuliguqula, wabona uMnumzana Mandela, esancume apho. UMnumzana Mvundla wamncumela naye waza waqakatha eqhubeka nohambo lwakhe olude. +Wangena endleleni, wahlangana nevenkile ebhaka izonka. Wema, wasezela emoyeni. Livumba lani elo limnandi kangaka? Wayama efestileni, eqwalasele iidonathi, iphen-keyiki, iipayi, iithaths, iikeyiki zeziqhamo, amaqebengwane, amagwinya, iibhiskithi. +UMnumzana Mvundla watakataka wangena evenkileni apho. +“Ndingakunceda mhlekazi,” litshilo inenekazi elalikrobe ngaphaya kwekhawuntari. +“Ndingathanda ukukhe ndifumane enye yezi,” utsho ekhombe kwiidonathi. “Hayi, hayi, enye yezi,” watsho embonisa isilayi sethath yobisi. Waze wabiza isilayi sekeyiki yetshokholethi, ibhiskithi, ingququ eswiti yamaqebengwana, igwinya. +“Nceda mhlekazi, yide utsho ukuba yintoni na kanye oyifunayo.” +UMnumzana Mvundla wakhomba ibhanisi ekugqibeleni. +“Aha!” litshilo eli nenekazi ngoncumo. “Ukhethe kakuhle kakhulu.” +Layithi tshwa loo bhanisi kwisingxotyana sayo laza lamnika. Waqabuka sele iphetshana likaMnumzana Mandela lisezandleni zeli nenekazi. Lathi xa liyifaka ezintupheni zakhe, yaba sele ijike yaluhlaza ngoku! Ucinga ukuba ngubani ngoku owayethabathe indawo kaNkosikazia Ndlovu? Akakho omnye, nguMnumzana Mvubu emlumkisa ngeSixeko sabaFundayo. +Wathi tancu ngaphandle kwevenkile uMnumzana Mvundla, wathi nkamfu kwibhanisi yakhe, wacingisisa, “Ingaba liyakutshintsha kangaphi iphetshana likaMnumzana Mandlela phambi kokuba adibane naye?” Kusenjalo, ubone unogada eme ngasesangweni elikhulu. Waqakatha waya kunogada, wambulisa waza wabuza: +“Ingaba uMnumzana Mandela uhlala apha?” +“Ewe,” kunjalo. +“NdinguMnumzana Mvundla weHlathikazi le-Afrika, ndinephetshana elibalulekileyo lakhe.” +Unogada wahambisa wenjenje, “Ingaba ubumisele idinga naye?” +“Hayi,” utshilo uMnumzana Mvundla. “Kodwa ndinephetshana lakhe.” +Waguquka unogada waza wakhwaza kumboko wokuthetha. +“Mhlekazi, NdinoMnumzana Mvundla apha osuka kwihlathikazi …” +Kwavakala ilizwi elingqokolayo nelirhwexayo kuloo mboko wokuthetha. “UMnumzana Mvundla! Ingqanga, uMnumzana Mvundla weHlathikazi le-Afrika?” +“Ewe, Mnumzana Mandela.” +“Hayi ke, mngenise ngaphakathi!” +Yabayintlanganiso enkulu kakhulu leyo. Isandla esikhulu sikaMnumzana Mandela sixhawula uthupha lukaMnumzana Mvundla wodumo. La madoda mabini oonwabisana ngamyoli wona amabali asesixekweni nawasehlathini, amabali eengonyama namagorha, amabali enkululeko naweehambo zodelo-ngozi. +Emva koko ke, uMnumzana Mvundla waxelela uMnumzana Mandela ukuba ubekwa yintoni na apho. +“Ndifumene eli phetshana ngaphandle komnyango wendlu yam,” utsho, enikezela nge-R10. “Eli phetshana liguquke amatyeli amaninzi ngokombala kwaye bonke nabahlobo bam abakhulu basehlathini bebemana ukuveza ubuzo babo apha kulo. Ndiliqondile ukuba lelakho, yiyo loo nto ndiqonde ukuba ndize kukunika ngokwam.” +UMnumzana Mandela wamangaliseka kakhulu, kodwa walamkela ngoncumo eli phetshana. Umfoti weza kuthatha iifoto zikaMnumzana Mandela kunye noMnumzana Mvundla. Kwabe sele kufika nabasebenzi bakaMabonwa-kude beze kwenza ifilimu yabo ukuze baboniswe kwiNdaba zeNtsimbi yesiThandathu. +Wathi akubuyela ekhaya uMnumzana Mvundla, wabiza intlanganiso. Wazibalisela zonke izilwanyana ngolo hambo lwakhe lunomdla. Wababalisela ngabantu ahlangene nabo neendawo azibonileyo. Kwakunye nangendlela athe, ekugqibeleni, wabonana ngayo noMnumzana Mandela. +“Ee, bahlobo bam,” ulebele ngelo etsho ngoncumo lwendelelo ejonge kuNgonyama, uNdlovu, uNyathi, uHlosi kunye noMvubu, “Ndikwenze konke oku ngaphandle kokufunda kwa-igama elinye nje.” Kuthe ke yakuphuma intlanganiso, nelanga sele litshonile, zonke izilwanyana zabuyela kumakhaya azo ukuze zifumane ukuphumla. +Ngentsasa elandelayo, uMnumzana Mvundla wothuswa yingxolokazi etsho kumnyango wakhe. +“Ingaba yintoni leyo?” ithathe ibeka ingqondo yakhe. “Mhlawumbi nguNkosikazi Ndlovu ungqisha kuba ephethwe ngumsindo, uyawazokundixoxisa.” +Ukrobe kancinci emnyango. UNkosikazi Ndlovu wayengabonakali ndawo apho. Kodwa kwakukho imvulophu enkulu emethini yakhe. +Waphumela ngaphandle, wakroba ekhangela ukuba ngubani lowo uyibeke apho. Kwakungabonakali mntu. +UMnumzana Mvundla wayivula imvulophu. Kwakukho ileta ngaphakathi: +Mnumzana Mvundla othandekayo +Eli lizwe lonke lisabalisa ngokusindwendwela kwakho. Ndiyabulela kakhulu ngamabali amnandi othe wandibalisela wona, kwakunye nokubuyisa irherheba le-R10 lam. Fumana, ngaphakathi ndifake irherheba le-R200 ukuze ulisebenzise xa uphinde wandwendwela isixeko. +Ngeminqweno emihle +Nelson Mandela +Ngenxa yokuba wayengakwazi ukufunda, uMnumzana Mvundla wayengenamdla weleta leyo. Kodwa kukho nto yimbi eyathi qithi kule mvulophu yaze yathi thaca emethini yakhe. +UMnumzana Mvundla waqwalasela eli rherheba le-R200 lalithe thaca phantsi. Wayengayikholelwa ke le ayibonayo. +“Andiyikholelwa ke le!” ukhale ngelitshoyo. “Kule ndawo inye njengentsasa yayizolo.” +Engachithanga xesha, ubize enye intlanganiso yazo zonke izilwanyana. +“Zihlobo zam,” uwuvule kanjalo umlomo wakhe, “hayi ngumhlola ke lo, iphetshana liphinde labuya kwakhona.” Uye waliphakamisa ebonisa wonke umntu. +“Ngoku kufu +Nanko uMnumzana Mvundla ethwethwa ephuma ekhayeni lakhe elisehlathini. Isibhakabhaka sasithe wambu ngombala waso ozuba. Ingca iluhlaza yaka. Imithi iman’ ukuvobela ngenxa yaloo mpepho imnandi. Ihlathi lalizaliswe yiloo ntsholo yeengoma zeentaka. Kodwa… +Uthe xa aphumayo wabona into angazanga wayibona ngaphambili ithe thaca apha ngasemnyango: irherheba elitsha kraca le-R200. +UMnumzana Mvundla wayithi hlasi le nto. “Wenzani apha uMnumzana Hlosi?” Wayiguqula kwelinye icala. “Tyhini! UMnumzana Mandela,” wakhuza ngelitshoyo. +Yayimana ilala iphinde ime nkqo indlebe yakhe yasekunxele lo gama akwezinzulu iingcinga. Waphosa amehlo phezulu kuNkosazana Nosiba owayechophe esebeni lomthi onameva, embukele. +“Nceda ubize intlanganiso yazo zonke izilwanyana,” watsho. “Ndinesaziso esibalulekileyo ekufuneka ndisibhengeze.” +Nanko ebhabha, ekhwaza, “Wonke umhlali uyafuneka embizweni, phantsi komthi woMkhomo, ngale ntsasa. Wonke umhlali uyafuneka embizweni …” +“Iyawayintoni ke ngoku?” wonke umntu wayemangalisiwe, kuthiwe nqwadalala kwakhiwe isangqa phantsi kwaloo mthi. +UMnumzana Mvundla wema embindini. Wathinta isikhohlela waza waqhuba wenjenje: +“Mzi wasehlathini, ndineendaba ezibaluleke kakhulu endinga ndingabelana ngazo nani. Le nto,” watsho ephakamisela phezulu irherheba le-R200, “ndiyibone ithe thaca phambi komnyango wam. Andiyazi ukuba iyintoni na okanye ithetha ntoni na, kodwa inobuso bukaMnumzana Mandela kuyo ngoko ke ndiqinisekile ukuba yeyakhe…” +“Bukho nje nobam ubuso apha kuyo,” utshilo uMnumzana Hlosi ngomvungamo wendlalo. “Ngoko ke mhlawumbi makube yeyam.” +Kwathi gquzu intsini wonke umntu ngaphandle kukaMnumzana Mvundla. Wayengacacelanga ziqhulo tu namhlanje. +“Ndiceba ukuya esixekweni ngawo lo mzuzu ukuze ndilibuyisele kuMnumzana Mandela eli phetshana libaluleke kangakanana.” +“Intoni?” kukhuza uMnumzana Nyathi, ngokothuka okukhulu. “Uyakulahleka uthi shu phaya.” +“Yintoni eza kundilahla?” kubuza uMnumzana Mvundla etyhale isifuba. +“Kaloku awukwazi ukufunda,” watsho uMnumzana Mkhombe, esalatha ngophondo lwakhe olutsolo kuMnumzana Mvundla. +“Hayi suka apha, yinkunkuma leyo!” ufuthele phezulu uMnumzana Mvundla. +“Heyi yinyani leyo,” kutsho uNkosikazi Ndlovu engqisha ngonyawo, umonde uphele tu. “KwiSixeko sabaFundayo wonke umntu uyakwazi ukufunda. Kwaye nabo bangekakwazi ukwenza oko, baphuhlisa ukufunda kwabo.” +“Ngoku ke, yintoni enokwenzeka kum?” ubuzile uMnumzana Mvundla. +UMnumzana Ngonyama uthe tancu ngaphambili, evuthulula ubuso bakhe, ephulula namabhovu akhe. “Abo bangakwaziyo ukufunda, bathe gqolo bephindaphinda iimpazamo zabo,” ugqume esitsho. “Nawe ke ngokuqinisekileyo uyakuba kwanjalo.” +“Ha!” uMnumzana Mvundla uthe qhuzu intsinana esileyo. “Hayi mna nokatana!” Ngaloo mazwi utsho enyantsula phantsi kuka Nkosikazi Ndlovu, engenalo nelincinci ixhala. Nanko egqadaza, eman’ ukuphepha izicithi esendleleni eya kwiSixeko sabaFundayo. +Kungekudala iqalisile ukuvakala intsholo yasesixekweni. Ube sele esithi thu esixekweni. Wayengazange wasibona isixeko ngaphambili. +Uthe krwaqu kubuso bukaMnumzana Hlosi kweli phetshana. Ibe ngathi buyamlumkisa, bumnqanda ukuba angaqhubekeki nohambo. +“Hayi ke, mna ndisisiLumkwana esiNcinane,” utshilo uMnumzana Mvundla. “Ndikrelekrele kunabo bonke abakhoyo kwiSixeko sabaFundayo.” Ngomtsi nje omnye olandelayo wabe sele esithi qakatha esixekweni. +Abantu bokuqala awababonayo yayingamakhwenkwana namantombazanyana ahamba isikolo. Babekhangeleka behlakaniphile kwezo yunifomu zizuba natyheli ababezinxibile. Babexwaye oobhaka, bexhakazela neencwadi. +“Molo, Mnumzana Mvundla!” babulise batsho. +“Ewe!” uphendule uMnumzana Mvundla ngokuzingca kuba esaziwa ukuba ungubani. Kodwa wathi xhungu, efuna ukwazi. “Naze njani ukuba ndim?” ubabuzile. +“Sifunde ngawe kwiincwadi zethu zamabali,” itshilo enye intombazana. “Malunga nendlela awakuqhatha ngayo uMnumzana Fudo kugqatso lweembaleki enaninalo.” +Bonke bamwa ngentsini. UMnumzana Mvundla, wabathi gxezu ngamehlo anomsindo waza waqhubeka nendlela yakhe. +Wabona abantu beleqa uloliwe, waza wangenelela kolo gxudululu. Umfo owayenxibe iyunifomu entle, eme ngaphaya kwekhawuntari, wolula isandla sakhe, ze wathi uMnumzana Mvundla, ephethe i-R200, “ndisendleleni eya kubona uMnumzana Mandela.” +Le ndoda yalithi xhwi eli rherheba phakathi kweentupha zake … +“Heyi!” ukhalaze ngelitshoyo uMnumzana Mvundla. +Le ndoda iye yadlulisela kuye irhehreba eliyi-R100. +UMnumzana Mvundla waliqwalaselisa irherheba elo apha ngaphakathi kuloliwe. “Ngoku lijike labazuba,” utshilo emangalisiwe. “Kwaye ngoku nguMnumzana Nyathi othathe indawo kaMnumzana Hlosi.” Walibhencabhenca eli rherheba. “Heke, uMnumzana Mandela usekhona.” Wakhupha umnqatha epokothweni yakhe waza wahlafuna ngolonwabo, ebuka ubuhle belizwe ngefestile. +“Jonga ke, Mnumzana Nyathi,” utshilo eqolozele kweli rherheba le-R100. “Nakubeni ndingakwaziyo ukufunda, ndisendleleni eya kwaMnumzana Mandela.” +“Uxolo, mhlekazi.” +UMnumzana Mvundla uphakamise amehlo wabona lo mfo unxibe iyunifomu ezuba. “Akuvumelekanga ukuba ungatya apha kuloliwe. Awuyiboni laa nto?” Wakhomba ibhodi exhonywe entla kweendlebe zikaMnumzana Mvundla enombhalo ofundeka ngolu hlobo: +NCEDA MUSA UKUTYA KULOLIWE +“O,” utshilo uMnumzana Mvundla, eqhusheka ihafu yomnqatha epokothweni. +Wehla kwisitishi esilandelayo ze wazibona sele egaxeleka kwisitalato esiphithizelayo. +UBra Tsotsi wayembukele uMnumzana Mvundla etatazela exakwe kukuwela indlela, kwaye wayibona nale nto ithe thu phakathi kweentupha zakhe. +“Ikhulu lonke!” watsho sele elenceza imilebe. Waya ngqo kuMnumzana Mvundla. “Ukhangeleka ulahlekile mfo wethu,” watsho ngolo ncumo lukalova. “Mna ndinguBra Tsotsi, ndinceda amandwendwe kwesi sixeko sethu.” +“Mna ke ndinguMnumzana Mvundla,” utsho emxhawula ngesandla. “Ndisendleleni eya kwaMnumzana Mandela,” utshilo uMnumzana Mvundla. “Ndisa oku ndikuphetheyo.” Umbonise ngokupheleleyo eli rherheba lemali. +“Aha,” utshilo uBra Tsotsi. “uMandela ngumhlobo wam omkhulu. Zisa apha ndikusele kuye.” Walixhwila elo rherheba le-R100 waza waphela emehlweni kuloo nginginya. +UMnumzana Mvundla yayingamonwabisanga kwaphela le ndlela izinto eziqhubeka ngayo. Wayefuna ukuhlangana noMnumzana Mandela buqu ze baxhawulane ngezandla. Kodwa ngoku, konke afanele kukukwenza kukuphethuka angene endleleni egodukayo. Ngoku uza kuthini kwizilwanyana xa ebuzwa ngokuhlangana kwakhe noMnumzana Mandela? +“Hayi bo,” ugqibe ngelitshoyo. “Mandikhangele uBra Tsotsi ze ndithathe ela phetshana.” +Ngokukhawuleza uMnumzana Mvundla waphinyela kweso siphithiphithi sabantu, etsiba phezu kweemoto ezibalekayo, engena ephuma ezivenkileni. +“Nankuya!” uMnumzana Mvundla umthe tshe uBra Tsotsi, kwivenkile kaMaPhiri ethengisa inyama yenkukhu eneperi-peri, ezinika kwibhokisi yamaphiko ababayo e-R50. +“Heyi, Bra Tsotsi,” utshilo uMnumzana Mvundla, “zisa apha iphetshana lam.” +UBra Tsotsi wothuka wabanda kangangokuba watsarhwa yiloo peri-peri, nto leyo yamenza wakhutywa akayeka. +“Nantsi hikh thatha hikh uhambe hikh,” watsho, emnika irherheba le-R50. +“Ipinki ngoku?” uMnumzana Mvundla waphakamisa iphetshana elo emangalisiwe. “Ngoku kwenzeke ntoni kuMnumzana Nyathi? Kodwa nanku uMnumzana Ngonyama ozakube endixelela ukuba kufuneka ndifunde ukuze ndibe nokumelana nesixeko! Ha!” Walibhencabhenca eli rherheba. “Kungcono kuba uMnumzana Mandela usekhona.” +UMnumzana Mvundla wabona abantu befolele ukungena eteksini. Ngemva kwabo, kwindawo ekuma kuyo iiteksi, kwakuxhonywe umfanekiso kaMnumzana Mandela. +“Aha,” utshilo uMnumzana Mvundla. “Fan’ ukuba nabo bandwendwela uMnumzana Mandela njengam.” Watsho engena etyhwini apho. Kwaza kwathi kwakufika iteksi, naye wazibetha phakathi. +“Uhlala phi uMandela?” ubuze kumqhubi. +“Ekupheleni kwendlela ende eya enkulelekweni, mhlobo wam,” utsho ngoncumo lobubele. “Ndizakukusa khona.” +Baqhuba esinye isiqingatha seyure, badlula isikolo, bagqitha kubathengisi basezitalatweni, behlisa uhola wendlela, badlula ecaweni, bacanda dolophu. Ekugqibeleni umqhubi weteksi wemisa erenkini. +“Wehla apha ke mhlobo wam,” watsho umqhubi. “Uzakwenyuka ngale ndlela, de ubone isakhiwo esikhulu, ekukho isango elikhulu kunye noonogada ngaphambi kwaso. Iyakuba yi-R30.” Wabe sele etsala irherheba le-R50 elivele phakathi kweentupha zikaMnumzana Mvundla. +Wathi xa aza kukhalaza uMnumzana Mvundla … +“Nantso itshintshi yakho ke mhlekazi.” Umqhubi watsho emfumbathisa irherheba lemali phakathi kweentupha zakhe. +UMnumzana Mvundla ujonge eli phetshana litsha. Kwakhona lalahlukile kwelo lakuqala. Endaweni kaMnumzana Ngonyama, kukho uNkosikazi Ndlovu owayemjamele ntsho. Kodwa wathi akuliguqula, wabona uMnumzana Mandela, esancume apho. UMnumzana Mvundla wamncumela naye waza waqakatha eqhubeka nohambo lwakhe olude. +Wangena endleleni, wahlangana nevenkile ebhaka izonka. Wema, wasezela emoyeni. Livumba lani elo limnandi kangaka? Wayama efestileni, eqwalasele iidonathi, iphen-keyiki, iipayi, iithaths, iikeyiki zeziqhamo, amaqebengwane, amagwinya, iibhiskithi. +UMnumzana Mvundla watakataka wangena evenkileni apho. +“Ndingakunceda mhlekazi,” litshilo inenekazi elalikrobe ngaphaya kwekhawuntari. +“Ndingathanda ukukhe ndifumane enye yezi,” utsho ekhombe kwiidonathi. “Hayi, hayi, enye yezi,” watsho embonisa isilayi sethath yobisi. Waze wabiza isilayi sekeyiki yetshokholethi, ibhiskithi, ingququ eswiti yamaqebengwana, igwinya. +“Nceda mhlekazi, yide utsho ukuba yintoni na kanye oyifunayo.” +UMnumzana Mvundla wakhomba ibhanisi ekugqibeleni. +“Aha!” litshilo eli nenekazi ngoncumo. “Ukhethe kakuhle kakhulu.” +Layithi tshwa loo bhanisi kwisingxotyana sayo laza lamnika. Waqabuka sele iphetshana likaMnumzana Mandela lisezandleni zeli nenekazi. Lathi xa liyifaka ezintupheni zakhe, yaba sele ijike yaluhlaza ngoku! Ucinga ukuba ngubani ngoku owayethabathe indawo kaNkosikazia Ndlovu? Akakho omnye, nguMnumzana Mvubu emlumkisa ngeSixeko sabaFundayo. +Wathi tancu ngaphandle kwevenkile uMnumzana Mvundla, wathi nkamfu kwibhanisi yakhe, wacingisisa, “Ingaba liyakutshintsha kangaphi iphetshana likaMnumzana Mandlela phambi kokuba adibane naye?” Kusenjalo, ubone unogada eme ngasesangweni elikhulu. Waqakatha waya kunogada, wambulisa waza wabuza: +“Ingaba uMnumzana Mandela uhlala apha?” +“Ewe,” kunjalo. +“NdinguMnumzana Mvundla weHlathikazi le-Afrika, ndinephetshana elibalulekileyo lakhe.” +Unogada wahambisa wenjenje, “Ingaba ubumisele idinga naye?” +“Hayi,” utshilo uMnumzana Mvundla. “Kodwa ndinephetshana lakhe.” +Waguquka unogada waza wakhwaza kumboko wokuthetha. +“Mhlekazi, NdinoMnumzana Mvundla apha osuka kwihlathikazi …” +Kwavakala ilizwi elingqokolayo nelirhwexayo kuloo mboko wokuthetha. “UMnumzana Mvundla! Ingqanga, uMnumzana Mvundla weHlathikazi le-Afrika?” +“Ewe, Mnumzana Mandela.” +“Hayi ke, mngenise ngaphakathi!” +Yabayintlanganiso enkulu kakhulu leyo. Isandla esikhulu sikaMnumzana Mandela sixhawula uthupha lukaMnumzana Mvundla wodumo. La madoda mabini oonwabisana ngamyoli wona amabali asesixekweni nawasehlathini, amabali eengonyama namagorha, amabali enkululeko naweehambo zodelo-ngozi. +Emva koko ke, uMnumzana Mvundla waxelela uMnumzana Mandela ukuba ubekwa yintoni na apho. +“Ndifumene eli phetshana ngaphandle komnyango wendlu yam,” utsho, enikezela nge-R10. “Eli phetshana liguquke amatyeli amaninzi ngokombala kwaye bonke nabahlobo bam abakhulu basehlathini bebemana ukuveza ubuzo babo apha kulo. Ndiliqondile ukuba lelakho, yiyo loo nto ndiqonde ukuba ndize kukunika ngokwam.” +UMnumzana Mandela wamangaliseka kakhulu, kodwa walamkela ngoncumo eli phetshana. Umfoti weza kuthatha iifoto zikaMnumzana Mandela kunye noMnumzana Mvundla. Kwabe sele kufika nabasebenzi bakaMabonwa-kude beze kwenza ifilimu yabo ukuze baboniswe kwiNdaba zeNtsimbi yesiThandathu. +Wathi akubuyela ekhaya uMnumzana Mvundla, wabiza intlanganiso. Wazibalisela zonke izilwanyana ngolo hambo lwakhe lunomdla. Wababalisela ngabantu ahlangene nabo neendawo azibonileyo. Kwakunye nangendlela athe, ekugqibeleni, wabonana ngayo noMnumzana Mandela. +“Ee, bahlobo bam,” ulebele ngelo etsho ngoncumo lwendelelo ejonge kuNgonyama, uNdlovu, uNyathi, uHlosi kunye noMvubu, “Ndikwenze konke oku ngaphandle kokufunda kwa-igama elinye nje.” Kuthe ke yakuphuma intlanganiso, nelanga sele litshonile, zonke izilwanyana zabuyela kumakhaya azo ukuze zifumane ukuphumla. +Ngentsasa elandelayo, uMnumzana Mvundla wothuswa yingxolokazi etsho kumnyango wakhe. +“Ingaba yintoni leyo?” ithathe ibeka ingqondo yakhe. “Mhlawumbi nguNkosikazi Ndlovu ungqisha kuba ephethwe ngumsindo, uyawazokundixoxisa.” +Ukrobe kancinci emnyango. UNkosikazi Ndlovu wayengabonakali ndawo apho. Kodwa kwakukho imvulophu enkulu emethini yakhe. +Waphumela ngaphandle, wakroba ekhangela ukuba ngubani lowo uyibeke apho. Kwakungabonakali mntu. +UMnumzana Mvundla wayivula imvulophu. Kwakukho ileta ngaphakathi: +Mnumzana Mvundla othandekayo +Eli lizwe lonke lisabalisa ngokusindwendwela kwakho. Ndiyabulela kakhulu ngamabali amnandi othe wandibalisela wona, kwakunye nokubuyisa irherheba le-R10 lam. Fumana, ngaphakathi ndifake irherheba le-R200 ukuze ulisebenzise xa uphinde wandwendwela isixeko. +Ngeminqweno emihle +Nelson Mandela +Ngenxa yokuba wayengakwazi ukufunda, uMnumzana Mvundla wayengenamdla weleta leyo. Kodwa kukho nto yimbi eyathi qithi kule mvulophu yaze yathi thaca emethini yakhe. +UMnumzana Mvundla waqwalasela eli rherheba le-R200 lalithe thaca phantsi. Wayengayikholelwa ke le ayibonayo. +“Andiyikholelwa ke le!” ukhale ngelitshoyo. “Kule ndawo inye njengentsasa yayizolo.” +Engachithanga xesha, ubize enye intlanganiso yazo zonke izilwanyana. +“Zihlobo zam,” uwuvule kanjalo umlomo wakhe, “hayi ngumhlola ke lo, iphetshana liphinde labuya kwakhona.” Uye waliphakamisa ebonisa wonke umntu. +“Ngoku kufuneka ndithathe kwa-oluya hambo, ndibuyisele oku kuMnumzana Mandela kwakhona.” +Engaphindanga watsho limbi ilizwi, utaka-take njalo esiya kwindlela emkhokelela kwiSixeko sabaFundayo, lo gama aphephezelisa irherheba phakathi kweentupha zakhe. +neka ndithathe kwa-oluya hambo, ndibuyisele oku kuMnumzana Mandela kwakhona.” +Engaphindanga watsho limbi ilizwi, utaka-take njalo esiya kwindlela emkhokelela kwiSixeko sabaFundayo, lo gama aphephezelisa irherheba phakathi kweentupha zakhe.",xho,isiXhosa,UMnumzana Mvundla Uhlangana noMnumzana Mande,"Mr Hare crept out of his forest home. The morning sky was blue. The grass was green. The trees swayed in the cool breeze. The forest was full of the songs of birds. But… +On his doormat lay something he’d never seen before: a brand new ...",,Chris van Wyk,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umnumzana-mvundla-uhlangana-nomnumzana-mandela +mr-hare-meets-mr-mandela,"UMnumzane uNogwaja waphuma ekhaya lakhe elisehlathini. Isibhakabhaka sasekuseni sasiluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. Utshani buluhlaza okotshani. Izihlahla zinyakazizwa umoya opholile. Ihlathi lalichwaza izingoma zezinyoni. Kodwa … +Kumata wakhe wokusula izinyawo ophambi kwendlu kwakukhona into angakaze ayibone ngaphambilini: imali eyiphepha entsha ewu-R200. +Wayicosha uMnumzane uNogwaja. “Ufunani la uMnumzane uNgwe?” Wayiphendula. “Hawu! UMnumzane uMandela,” kumemeza yena. +Wayelokhu emisa aphinde ehlise idletshana lakhe lakwesokunxele ngesikhathi ecabanga. Wabuka uNkosazane Ntinginono, owayembuka ehleli egatsheni lesihlahla somunga. +“Ngicela ubize umhlangano wazo zonke izilwane,” kusho yena. “Kunesimemezelo esibalulekile engifuna ukusidlulisa.” +Wandiza ememeza, “Masiyeni sonke emhlanganweni, esihlahleni seBaobab, khona manje ekuseni. Masiyeni sonke emhlanganweni …” +“Kazi sekwenzekeni-ke manje?” kuzibuza wonke umuntu, ngesikhathi bakha isikokela ngaphansi kwesihlahla. +UMnumzane uNogwaja wama phakathi kwesikokela. Wathi ukuthinta isikhwehlela wase eqala: +“Zakhamizi zasehlathini, nginezindaba ezibalulekile enginiphathele zona. Lokhu,” washo ngesikhathi ephakamisa u-R200 oyiphepha, “kuwele emateni wami wokusula izinyawo ophambi kwendlu. Angazi ukuthi kuyini nokuthi kusho ukuthini, kodwa kunobuso bukaMnumzane uMandela kukho ngakho nginesiqiniseko sokuthi okwakhe …” +“Kunobuso bami kukho futhi,” kusho uMnumzane uNgwe evungama sakudlala. “Kungenzeka ukuthi kungokwami.” +Kwahleka wonke umuntu ngaphandle kukaMnumzane uNogwaja. Wayengenaso isikhathi samahlaya. +“Ngihlela ukuya edolobheni ngalo leli hora ngiyobuyisela leliphepha elibalulekile kuMnumzane uMandela.” +“Ini?” Kubuza uNyathi, eshaqekile. “Uzolahleka laphaya.” +“Ngizolahlwa yini?” kubuza uMnumzane uNogwaja, ekhipha isifuba sakhe. +“Ngoba awukwazi ukufunda,” kusho uMnumzane uBhejane, ekhomba uMnumzane uNogwaja ngophondo lwakhe olucijile. +“Umbhedo lowo!” kuvungama uMnumzane uNogwaja. +“Yiqiniso,” Kugxoba uNkosikazi uNdlovu ngonyawo lwakhe phansi ngamandla. “Edolobheni leziFundiswa wonke umuntu uyakwazi ukufunda. Kanti labo abangakwazi ukufunda basakufunda.” +“Ngabe, ngingehlelwa yini?” Kubuza uMnumzane uNogwaja. +Kwagxuma uMnumzane uBhubesi, eyaluzisa izindezu ezisebusweni bakhe. “Labo abangakwazi ukufunda baphinda amaphutha abo njalo bephindelela,” esho egwavuma. “Kuzoba njalo nakuwe.” +“We!” Kugigitheka uMnumzane uNogwaja. “Angeke kwenzeke kimi lokho, katshana!” Ngalawo mazwi wahamba enganalo uvalo waphuma ngaphansi kukaNkosikazi uNdlovu. Wase engqabashiya ehla ngendledlana eholela eDolobheni leziFundiswa. +Kungaphelanga sikhathi waqala ukuzwa imisindo yedolobha. Wabe eselibona. Wayengakaze aye edolobheni ngaphambilini. +Wathi jeqe ubuso bukaMnumzane uNgwe emalini eyiphepha. Babungathi bumxwayisa ukuthi angahambi. +“Kodwa ngingoMncinyane oHlakaniphile,” kusho uMnumzane uNogwaja. “Ngihlakaniphe kakhulu kunomuntu wonke oseDolobheni leziFundiswa.” Washo egxuma engena edolobheni. +Abantu bokuqala ababona kwakungamantombazane nabafana besikole. Babebukeka bebahle emifaniswaneni yabo enemibala eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka nophuzi. Babephethe izikhwama zesikole nezincwadi. +“Sawubona, Mnumzane uNogwaja!” bambingelela. +“Sanibonani!” Kumemeza uMnumzane uNogwaja ebingelela naye, eziqhenya ngoba babemazi ukuthi ungubani. Kodwa wayefisa ukwazi ngalokhu. “Ningazelaphi?” kubuza yena. +“Sifunde ngawe ezincwadini zethu zezindaba,” kusho intombazane. “Ngendlela uMnumzane uFudu akukhohlisa ngayo emqhudelwaneni.” +Bahleka bonke. Wababuka kabi uMnumzane uNogwaja wase eqhubeka nohambo lwakhe. +Wabona abantu bejahe isitimela wagijima nabo. Endaweni yokuthenga amathikithi indoda egqoke umfaniswano omuhle eme ngemuva kwekhawunta, yelula isandla sayo uMnumzane uNogwaja, ephakamise u-R200 wathi, “Ngisendleleni yokuyobona uMnumzane uMandela.” +Indoda yathatha imali eyiphepha esidladleni sakhe … +“Hheyi!” Kubhikisha uMnumzane uNogwaja. +Indoda yambuyisela imali eyiphepha ewu-R100. +UMnumzane uNogwaja wahlolisisa imali eyiphepha esitimeleni. “Seyishintshe yaluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka,” kusho yena, emangele. “Kanti noMnumzane uNyathi usethathe indawo kaMnumzane uNgwe.” Waphendula imali eyiphepha. “Kodwa usekhona uMnumzane uMandela.” Wakhipha izaqathi ephaketheni lakhe wadla ethokozile, ebuka lapho behamba khona ngaphandle. +“Uyabona, Mnumzane uNyathi,” esho ku-R100 oyiphepha. “Noma ngingakwazi nje ukufunda, ngisendleleni yokuyohlangana noMnumzane uMandela.” +“Uxolo, mnumzane.” +UMnumzane uNogwaja wabuka indoda egqoke umfaniswano oluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. “Awuvumelekile ukudla esitimeleni. Awukwazi yini ukufunda lokhu?” Wakhomba uphawu olwalungenhla kwamadlebe kaMnumzane uNogwaja olwalufundeka kanje: +SICELA UNGADLELI ESITIMELENI +“O,” kusho uMnumzane uNogwaja, efaka izaqathi zakhe azidle wazishiya zinguhhafu ephaketheni lakhe. +Wehla esiteshini esilandelayo wase ezithola esemgwaqweni omatasatasa kakhulu. +UBra Tsotsi wabuka uMnumzane uNogwaja ngesikhathi ezama ukuwela umgwaqo, wabona nokuthi wayephetheni esidladleni sakhe. +“Ikhulu lamarandi!” kusho yena, ekhotha izindebe zomlomo wakhe. Waya kuMnumzane uNogwaja. +“Ubukeka udukile, mfowethu,” esho esineka. “NginguBra Tsotsi, ngikhona ukuze ngisize izivakashi ezintsha edolobheni lethu.” +“NginguMnumzane uNogwaja,” esho emxhawula. “Kanti ngiya kuMnumzane uMandela,” kusho uMnumzane uNogwaja. “Ngiyomnika lokhu.” Ephakamisa imali eyiphepha. +“Awu,” kusho uBra Tsotsi. “UMandela ungumngani wami omkhulu. Ngizomnika.” Wahlwitha u-R100 wanyamalala esixukwini. +UMnumzane uNogwaja wayengathokozile ngendlela izinto ezazenzeka ngayo. Wayefuna ukuhlangana noMnumzane uMandela uqobo lwakhe amxhawule nokumxhawula futhi. Kodwa manje, inye kuphela into ayengayenza ukuphenduka abuyele ekhaya. Bese ezitshelani izilwane +ngokuhlangana kwakhe noMnumzane uMandela? +“Angeke,” kunquma yena. “Kumele ngimtholile uBra Tsotsi ngithathe imali eyiphepha.” +Ngokushesha uMnumzane uNogwaja waphuma phakathi kwezixuku zabantu, weqa phezu kwezimoto esihambayo, wangena ephuma ezitolo. +“Nanguya!” UMnumzane uNogwaja wabona uBra Tsotsi kwa-MaPhiri’s Peri-Peri Chicken Shop, ezitika ngebhokisi lama-Wild Wings ka-R50. +“We, Bra Tsotsi,” kusho uMnumzane uNogwaja, “buyisa imali yami eyiphepha.” +UBra Tsotsi wathuka kangangokuthi isinongo se-periperi sahlala emphinjeni wakhe, sambangela inkwici. +“Nansi kwici kwici kwici,” esho, emnikeza imali ewu-R50 oyiphepha. +“Seyiphinki?” UMnumzane uNogwaja waphakamisa imali eyiphepha, edidekile. “Useshonephi-ke manje uMnumzane uNyathi? Kodwa nangu uMnumzane uBhubesi engitshela ukuthi ngidinga ukufunda ukuze ngikwazi ukuphila edolobheni! We!” Wayiphendula. “Kodwa okungenani usekhona uMnumzane uMandela.” +UMnumzane uNogwaja wabona abantu bemi emgqeni belinde itekisi. Ngemva kwabo, endaweni +yokukhosela abalinde amatekisi, kwakukhona isithombe sikaMnumzane uMandela. +“Nazo-ke,” kusho uMnumzane uNogwaja. “Kumele ukuba nabo bayovakashela uMnumzane uMandela.” Wama emgqeni. Kwathi uma kufika itekisi naye wagibela. +“Uhlala kuphi uMnumzane uMandela?” ebuza umshayeli. +“Ekugcineni kohambo olude olubheke enkululekweni, mngani wami,” esho ngokumamatheka okukhombisa ubungani. “Ngizokuhambisa khona.” +Bahamba isikhathi esingangesigamu sehora, badlula isikole, abantu abadayisa emgwaqweni, behla ngomgwaqo omkhulu, badlula isonto, bahamba endaweni yokuhlala abantu esedolobheni. Ekugcineni umshayeli wama esikhumulweni samatekisi. +“Wehla lapha, mngani wami,” kusho umshayeli. “Vele ukhuphuke ngalo mgwaqo uze ufike endlini enkulu enesango elikhulu elinonogada ngaphandle. Kumele ukhokhe u-R30.” Wase ethatha u-R50 oyiphepha esidladleni sikaMnumzane uNogwaja. +Wayesezobhikisha uMnumzane uNogwaja ngesikhathi … +“Nanku ushintshi wakho, mnumzane.” Umshayeli washutheka imali eyiphepha esidladleni sakhe. +UMnumzane uNogwaja wabuka imali eyiphepha entsha. Yayihlukile futhi kunedlule. Esikhundleni sikaMnumzane uBhubesi, wayejanyelwe uNkosikazi uNdlovu. Kodwa wathi uma +eyiphendula wamthola esekhona uMnumzane uMandela, esamamatheka. UMnumzane uNogwaja wamamatheka naye wase eqala ukugxumagxuma enyuka ngomgwaqo. +Endleleni yakhe wadlula isitolo esidayisa okubhakiwe. Wama, wahogela umoya. Yini le enuka kamnandi kangaka? Wacindezela ikhala lakhe laba isibaca efasiteleni lesitolo esidayisa okubhakiwe ebuka amadonathi, ama-pancake, ophaya, ama-tart, ama-fruitcake, namabhisikidi. +Washo phakathi esitolo uMnumzane uNogwaja. +“Ngingakusiza, mnumzane,” kukho ileti elalingemva kwekhawunta. +“Ngingathanda okukodwa kwalokhu,” esho, ekhomba amadonathi. “Cha, cha, cha kwalokhu,” emkhombisa ucezu lwe-milk tart. Wase ekhomba i-chocolate cake ewugqinsi, ibhisikidi, i-apple crumble, i-koeksister. +“Ngicela unqume ukuthi ufunani bandla, mnumzane.” +UMnumzane uNogwaja wakhomba i-Chelsea bun. +“Awuboni-ke!” kumamatheka ileti. “Ukhethe kahle.” +Wafaka i-Chelsea bun ephaketheni wase emnika lona. +Kusenjalo, wabona imali eyiphepha elinsundu kaMnumzane uMandela seyisezandleni zeleti. Kanti ngesikhathi seliyibuyisela esidladleni sakhe, yayisiluhlaza okotshani! Ngabe ucabanga ukuthi ubani owayesethathe indawo kaNkosikazi uNdlovu? KwakunguMnumzane uBhejane +emxwayisa ngeDolobha leziFundiswa. +UMnumzane uNogwaja wagxuma waphuma esitolo, eluma kakhulu i-Chelsea bun yakhe, futhi ezibuza nokuthi, “Kazi izoshintsha kangaki imali eyiphepha kaMnumzane uMandela ngaphambi kokuba ahlangane naye?” Wabe esebona unogada esangweni elikhulu. Wagxuma waya kunogada, wambingelela wase embuza ukuthi: +“Ngabe uhlala lapha uMnumzane uMandela?” +“Yebo,” uhlala lapha. +“NginguMnumzane uNogwaja ovela ehlathini lase-Afrika. Ngimphathele ipheshana elibalulekile.” +Unogada wathi, “Ngabe ubulwenzile yini uhlelo lokuzombona?” +“Cha,” kusho uMnumzane uNogwaja. “Nginepheshana.” +Unogada waphenduka wase ekhuluma ku-intercom. +“Mnumzane, nginoMnumzane uNogwaja ovela ehlathini …” +Kwazakala izwi elikhulu, eligigithekayo ku-intercom. “UMnumzane uNogwaja! Usaziwayo onguMnumzane uNogwaja wasehlathini lase-Afrika?” +“Yebo, Mnumzane uMandela.” +“Kulungile, mngenise!” +Wahamba kahle kakhulu umhlangano. Isandla esikhulu sikaMnumzane uMandela sixhawula isidladla sikasaziwayo onguMnumzane uNogwaja. +La madoda womabili azijabulisa ngokuxoxelana izindaba zasedolobheni nezasehlathini, zamabhubesi namaqhawe, zenkululeko kanye nezigigaba. +UMnumzane uNogwaja wabe esetshela uMnumzane uMandela ukuthi ubezothini kuye. +“Ngithole leli pheshana ngaphandle kwesitebhisi somnyango wami,” kusho yena, emnika u-R10. “Leli pheshana lishintshe umbala kaningana, futhi sekuvele ubuso babo bonke abangani bami abakhulu basehlathini kulo. Ngazile ukuthi elakho ngokho ngizokunika lona mina uqobo.” +Kwamdida lokhu uMnumzane uMandela, kodwa wathatha imali eyiphepha emamathekile. Kwafika ozothatha izithombe uMnumzane uMandela noMnumzane uNogwaja. Kwafika nethimba likamabonakude kude lizobashuthela Izindaba zehora leSithupha. +Ekubuyeni kwakhe uMnumzane uNogwaja wabiza umhlangano. Waxoxela zonke izilwane ngezigemegeme ezihlaba umxhwele. Wazixoxela ngabantu ahlangene nabo, nezindawo azibonile. Nokuthi ugcine ebonene noMnumzane uMandela. +“Kanti, bangani bami,” kusho yena, ngokuziqhenya ebuka uBhubesi noNdlovu noNyathi noNgwe noBhejane, “ngikwenze konke lokhu ngingakwazi nokufunda ngisho igama elilodwa.” Esesho kanjalo, ilanga lazilahla kunina nezilwane zagoduka zonke ukuze ziyophumula kahle ebusuku. +Ngakusasa ekuseni, uMnumzane uNogwaja wavuswa into ethi dinsi esitebhisini esiphambi komnyango wakhe. +“Yini leyo?” ezibuza. “Mhlawumbe izigi zikaNkosikazi uNdlovu othukuthele ozoqophisana nami ngamazwi.” +Walunguza ngaphandle. Wayengekho uNkosikazi uNdlovu. Kodwa kwakunemvulophu enkulu kumata wakhe. +Waphuma wayobheka ukuthi yayilethwe ngubani. Kwakungekho muntu. +UMnumzane uNogwaja wavula imvulophu. Kwakuyincwadi: +Mnumzane uNogwaja Othandekayo +Izwe lonke lisakhuluma ngokusivakashela kwakho. Ngiyabonga ngokungixoxela kwakho zonke lezo zindaba, nangokubuyisa kwakho u-R10 oyiphepha. Ngikufakele u-R200 oyiphepha ukuze uwusebenzise ngokuzayo uma uvakashela edolobheni. +Ozithobayo +UNelson Mandela +Ngenxa yokuthi wayengakwazi ukufunda, uMnumzane uNogwaja wayengenandaba nencwadi. Kodwa kukhona into eyawa encwadini yehlela kumata. +UMnumzane uNogwaja wabuka phansi wabona u-R200 oyiphepha. Akazange awakholwe amehlo akhe. +“Angiyikholwa-ke lento!” esho ememeza. “Endaweni efanayo neyayizolo ekuseni.” +Akazange apholise maseko, wabiza omunye umhlangano nazo zonke izilwane. +“Bangani bami,” kumemezela yena, “kuyindida enkulu lokhu, libuyile futhi ipheshana.” Waliphephezelisa ukuze zilibone zonke izilwane. +“Futhi kumele ngithathe uhambo olubuyela kuMnumzane uMandela ukuze ngilibuyisele kuye.” +Waqeda ukusho njalo wangena indlela, ehamba egxuma ehla ngendledlana eholela eDolobheni +leziFundiswa, ipheshana liphephezela esidladleni sakhe.",zul,isiZulu,UMnumzane uNogwaja uHlangana noMnumzane uMande,"Mr Hare crept out of his forest home. The morning sky was blue. The grass was green. The trees swayed in the cool breeze. The forest was full of the songs of birds. But… +On his doormat lay something he’d never seen before: a brand new ...",,Chris van Wyk,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umnumzane-unogwaja-uhlangana-nomnumzane-umandela +mr-hare-meets-mr-mandela,"Mong Mmutla a tswa ka tlung ya hae e morung. Lehodimo le ne le hlakile. Jwang bo ne bo le botala. Difate di ne di foka moyeng o phodileng. Moru o ne o tletse dipina tsa dinonyana. Empa… +Mosemeng wa hae o monyako ho ne ho ena le ntho eo a qalang ho e bona: pampiritjhelete e ntjha ya R200. +Mong Mmutla a e thonaka. “Mong Lengau o etsang mo?” A e fetofetola. “Oho! Mong Mandela,” a rialo a maketse. +Tsebe ya hae e ho le letshehadi ya nna ya tlolatlola ha a ntse a nahana. A sheba hodimo ho Mofts Nonyana wa Mongodi, ya neng a mo shebile a dutse hodima lekala la sefate sa meutlwa. +“Ke kopa o bitse kopano ya diphoofolo tsohle,” a rialo. “Ho na le tsebiso ya bohlokwa eo ke batlang ho e etsa.” +Eo a fofela kwana a ntse a hoeletsa, “Kopano kaofela ha lona, sefateng sa Moduwane, hoseng hona. Bohle ba tle kopanong…” +“Ese e le eng jwale?” bohle ba ipotsa, ba bokana ho etsa sedikadikwe tlasa sefate. +Mong Mmutla a ema bohareng. A kgohlela hanyane mme yaba o a qala, “Badudimmoho bohle ba morung ona, ke le tshwaretse ditaba tsa bohlokwa. Ntho ena,” a rialo a tsoka tjhelete ya R200 hohle, “e wetse mosemeng o monyakong wa ka. Ha ke tsebe hore ke eng kapa e bolela eng, empa e na le sefahleho sa Mong Mandela ho yona mme kahoo ke nahana hore ke ya hae…” +“E na le sefahleho sa ka le nna,” ha bua Mong Lengau ka bohale eka o a swaswa. “Kahoo, mohlomong ke ya ka.” +Bohle ba tsheha ntle le Mong Mmutla. O ne a se na nako ya ho swaswa. +“Ke ikemiseditse ho ya toropong hona jwale ho ya kgutlisetsa pampitshana ena ya bohlokwa ho Mong Mandela.” +“Eng?” ha botsa Mong Nare a tshohile. “O ilo lahleha kwana.” +“Ke tla be ke lahlwa ke eng?” ha botsa Mong Mmutla, a isitse peta pele. +“Hobane ha o tsebe ho bala,” ha araba Mong Tshukudu, a supile Mong Mmutla ka lenaka la hae le bohale. +“Tloha mona!” ha kgaruma Mong Mmutla. +“Ke nnete,” Mof Tlou a tila ka leoto la hae a tenehile. “Toropong ya Babadi batho bohle ba tseba ho bala. Mme ba sa tsebeng ho bala ba ntse ba ithuta ho bala.” +“Jwale, nka hlahelwa ke eng?” Mong Mmutla a botsa. +Mong Tau a tlolela ka pele, a ntse a sisinya maro a hae. “Ba sa tsebeng ho bala ba dula ba pheta diphoso tsa bona hangata.” a rora. “Le wena o tla etsa jwalo.” +“Ha!” Mong Mmutla a halefa. “E seng nna, katsekatse!” Ka mantswe ao a hwanta a sa tshabe letho ho feta ka tlasa Mof Tlou. Yaba o qhomaka ho theosa tsela e lebang Toropong ya Babadi. +Ho se hokae a qala ho utlwa marata a toropo e kgolo. Mme a e bona. O ne a so ka a eya toropong le kgale. +A sheba sefahleho sa Mong Lengau se tjheleteng. Ene eka se mo kgalemela ho se ye moo. +“Empa nna ke Mohlalefi e Monyane,” Mong Mmutla a rialo. “Ke bohlale ho feta batho bohle ba Toropo ya Babadi.” Mme a tlola a tlola ho ya kena toropong. +Batho ba pele bao a ba boneng e ne e le banana le bashanyana ba sekolo. Ba ne ba shebahala hantle ka yunifomo ya bona e mmala o bolou le o mosehla. Ba ne ba jere mekotlana ya sekolo le dibuka. +“Dumela, Mong Mmutla!” ba mo dumedisa. +“Dumelang hle!” Mong Mmutla a dumedisa, a thabetse hore ba mo tsebile hore ke mang. Empa o ne a batla ho tseba. “Le ntsebella kae?” a ba botsa. +“Re badile ka wena dibukeng tsa rona tsa dipale,” ngwananyana a rialo. “Kamoo Mong Kgudu a kileng a oqhekanyetsa lebelong.” +Bohle ba tsheha. Mong Mmutla a ba sheba hampe mme a tswela pele leetong la hae. +A bona batho ba mathela tereneng mme a tsamaya le bona. Seteisheneng sa ho lefa monna e mong ya apereng yunifomo e ntle, a eme kamora khaontara, a ntsha letsoho la hae mme +Mong Mmutla a re, a phahamisitse R200, “Ke tseleng ya ho ya bona Mong Mandela.” +Monna eo a hlotha tjhelete eo ka letsohong la hae…“Helang!” Mong Mmutla a halefa. +Yaba monna eo o mo kgutlisetsa pampiritjhelete ya R100. +Mong Mmutla a hlahloba tjhelete eo ka tereneng. “E fetohile e se e le bolou,” a +rialo, a maketse. “Mme Mong Nare o se a nkile sebaka sa Mong Lengau.” A phethola +pampiritjhelete eo. “Empa Monghadi Mandela o ntse a le teng.” A ntsha sehwete ka pokothong ya hae mme a se ja a thabile, a shebile tse etsahalang ka ntle. +“O a bona he, Mong Nare,” a rialo a bua le tjhelete eo ya R100. “Le ha ke sa tsebe ho bala, ke tseleng ya ho ya bona Mong Mandela.” +“Tshwarelo, Monghadi.” +Mong Mmutla a sheba monna ya apereng yunifomo e bolou. “Ha o a dumellwa ho jella ka tereneng. Ha o kgone ho bala mola?” A supa letshwao le ka hodima ditsebe tsa Mong Mmutla le balehang tjena: +KA KOPO O SE KE WA JELLA KA TERENENG +“O,” Mong Mmutla a rialo, a kgutlisetsa sehwete se sa fellang ka pokothong ya hae. +A theoha seteisheneng se latelang mme hang a iphumana a le seterateng se tletseng batho. +Bra Tsotsi a shebella Mong Mmutla a leka ho tshela mmila, mme a bona seo a se tshwereng ka letsohong. +“Lekgolo!” a rialo, a nyeka melomo. A ya ho Mong Mmutla. “O shebahala o lahlehile, moholwane,” a bososela. “Ke nna Bra Tsotsi, ke thusa baeti ba batjha toropong ena.” +“Ke nna Mong Mmutla,” a dumedisa ka letsoho. “Mme ke tseleng ya ho ya bona Mong Mandela,” Mong Mmutla a rialo. “Ho ya mo fa sena.” A phahamisa tjhelete ya pampiri. +“Kgele,” ha rialo Bra Tsotsi. “Mandela ke motswalle wa ka. Ke tla e isa ho yena.” A hlotha R100 mme a nyamela hara letshwele. +Mong Mmutla o ne a sa thaba kamoo dintho di neng di tsamaya ka teng. O ne a batla ho kopana le Mong Mandela ka sebele mme a mo dumedise ka letsoho. Empa jwale seo a neng a ka se etsa feela ke ho kgutlela hae. Mme o ne a tla reng ho diphoofolo ka ho kopana le Mandela? +“Tjhe,” a etsa qeto. “Ke tlameha ho ya batla Bra Tsotsi ke hlothe pampiri yane.” +Yaba Mong Mmutla o nyenyelepa ka potlako ka hara letshwele le leholo, a tlola ka hodima dikoloi tse tsamayang, mme a kena le ho tswa ka mabenkeleng. +“Ke yane!” Mong Mmutla a bona Bra Tsotsi Lebenkeleng la Kgoho ya Peri-Peri la MaPhiri, a ja lebokoso la Mapheo a Kgoho la R50. +“Hela, Bra Tsotsi,” Mong Mmutla a rialo, “mphe pampiri ya ka.” +Bra Tsotsi a tshoha haholo hoo a ileng a kgangwa ke moro wa peri-peri, mme a kgitlwa ke thaabe. +“Ke hik hik ena hik,” a rialo a mo fa pampiri tjhelete ya R50. +“Pinki?” Mong Mmutla a phahamisa tjhelete eo, a maketse. “Ho se ho etsahetseng ka Mong +Nare? Empa Mong Tau ke enwa a tlo mpolella hore ke hloka ho bala hore ke tsebe ho phela toropong! Ha!” A e fetofetola. “Empa he bonnyane Mong Mandela o ntse a le teng.” +Mong Mmutla a bona batho ba eme moleng wa tekesi. Ka mora bona, moahong wa ditekesi, ho ne ho ena le setshwantsho sa Mong Mandela. +“Aha,” Mong Mmutla a rialo. “Mohlomong ba ilo etela Mong Mandela kaofela ha bona.” Yaba o kena moleng le yena. Eitse ha tekesi etla a palama. +“Mandela o dula hokae?” a botsa mokganni. +“Qetellong ya leeto le le lelele la tokoloho, motswalle wa ka,” a rialo a bososela. “Ke tla o isa teng.” +Ba ile ba tsamaya halofo ya hora, ba feta sekolo, barekisi ba seterateng, ba theosa ka mmila o moholo, ba feta kereke, ba feta motsetoropo. Qetellong mokganni a emisa renkeng ya ditekesi. +“Boemelong ba hao, motswalle,” ho rialo mokganni. “Nyolosa feela ka tsela ena ho fihlela o fihla tlung e kgolo e nang le heke e kgolo le molebedi ka ntle. E tla ba R30.” Yaba o nka R50 e letsohong la Mong Mmutla. +Mong Mmutla o ne a re o tla korotla ha… +“Tjhentjhe ya hao, monghadi.” Mokganni a kenya pampiritjhelete ka letsohong la hae. +Mong Mmutla a sheba tjhelete ena e ntjha. Hape e ne e fetohile e sa Tshwane le ya pele. Bakeng sa Mong Tau, e ne e se e le Mof Tlou ya mo tjametseng. Empa eitse ha a e phethola Mong Mandela one a ntse a le teng, a bososela. Mong Mmutla a bobosela le yena mme a qala ho +tlolatlola ho nyolosa tsela. +Tseleng a feta lebaka. A emisa, a fofonela moyeng. Ke monko wa eng o monate oo? A hatella sefahleho sa hae fensetereng ya lebaka mme a tjamela didonate, dipanekuku, diphae, ditarte, kuku ya ditholwana le dibisikiti. +Mong Mmutla a kena ka lebenkeng. +“Na nka o thusa, monghadi?” ha rialo mofumahadi e mong ka mora khaontara. +“Nka thabela e nngwe ya tsena,” a rialo a supile didonate. “Tjhe, tjhe, e nngwe ya tseno,” a mmontsha selae sa tarte. Yaba kuku ya tjhokolete, bisikiti, phae ya apole, le koeksister. +“Ke a o kopa, monghadi, o lokela ho kgetha e le nngwe.” +Mong Mmutla a qetella a supile bane ya Chelsea. +“Aha!” mofumahatsana eo a bososela. “Ke kgetho e ntle.” +A kenya bane ya Chelsea ka pakaneng mme a mo fa yona. Ha a hopola, pampiritjhelete ya +Mong Mandela e sootho e ne e le ka letsohong la hae. +Empa ha a e kgutlisetsa ka letsohong la hae, e ne e se ele tala! Mme ha o nahana ke mang ya neng a se a le sebakeng sa Mof Tlou? E ne e le Mong Tshukudu a mo lemosa ka Toropo ya Babadi. +Mong Mmutla a tlolatlola ho tswa ka lebenkeleng, a ntse a loma bane ya Chelsea haholo feela, mme a ipotsa, “Pampiri ee ya Mong Mandela e tla fetola mmala hakae pele ke kopana le yena?” Yaba o bona molebedi hekeng e kgolo. A tlola ho ya ho molebedi, a mo dumedisa mme a mmotsa: +“Na Mong Mandela o dula mo?” +“E, ehlile.” +“Ke nna Mong Mmutla wa Moru wa Afrika. Ke na le pampiri ya bohlokwa bakeng sa hae.” +Molebedi a re, “Na o ne o beeleditse kopano?” +“Tjhe,” ha araba Mong Mmutla. “Ke na le pampiri.” +Molebedi a fetoha mme a buela ka hara inthakomo. +“Monghadi, ho na le Mong Mmutla ya tswang morung…” +Lentswe le tebileng le bososelang la hlaha inthakomong. “Mong Mmutla! Mong Mmutla e moholo wa moru wa Afrika?” +“E, Mong Mandela.” +“Ho lokile, ere a kene!” +E bile kopano e ntle haholo. Letsoho le leholo la Mong Mandela le dumedisa letsohwana la Mong Mmutla ya tsebahalang. Banna bana ba babedi ba thabisana ka dipale tsa toropong le morung, tsa ditau, bahale, tokoloho le ditshibollo. +Mme yaba Mong Mmutla o bolella Mong Mandela hore o tletseng. +“Ke fumane pampitshana ena monyakong wa ka.” a rialo, a mo fa R10. “E fetohile mebala hangata haholo, le difahleho tsa metswalle ya ka e meholo ya morung di ne di ntse di hlahella moo. Ke tsebile hore ke ya hao mme ke tlile ho o fa yona ka bonna.” +Mong Mandela o ne a maketse, empa a amohela tjhelete eo ka pososelo. Raditshwantsho a tla nka ditshwantsho tsa Mong Mandela le Mong Mmutla. Le ba televishene ba tla ho tla ba filima bakeng sa Ditaba tsa hora ya Botshelela. +Ha Mong Mmutla a fihla hae a bitsa kopano. A bolella diphoofolo tsohle ka leeto la hae le makatsang. A ba bolella ka batho bao a kopaneng le bona, le dibaka tseo a di boneng. Le kamoo a ileng a qetella a kopane le Mong Mandela. +“Mme, metswalle ya ka,” a rialo, a shebile Tau le Tlou le Nare le Lengau le Tshukudu, “tsena tsohle ke di entse ke ntse ke sa tsebe ho bala le lentswe feela.” Mme ka mora moo, letsatsi la dikela mme diphoofolo tsohle tsa ya malapeng ho ya phomola bosiu. +Hoseng ka tsatsi le hlahlamang, Mong Mmutla a tsoswa ke modumo lemating la hae. +“Ke eng seo?” a ipotsa. “Mohlomong ke ho tila ha Mof Tlou ya halefileng o tlilo ntsekisa. +A nyarela ka ntle. Mof Tlou one a le siyo. Empa ho ne ho ena le enfolopo e kgolo hodima moseme. +O ile a tswela ka ntle ho sheba hore e be e tlisitswe ke mang. Ho ne ho se na motho ka ntle. +Mong Mmutla a bula enfolopo eo. E ne e le lengolo: +Mong Mmutla ya ratehang +Naha yohle entse e bua ka ketelo ya hao. Ke a leboha ka ho mphetela dipale tseo, le ka ho kgutlisa pampiritjhelete ya R10. Ke kentse mona R200 bakeng sa hore o e sebedise ka nako e tlang ha o tlile ho etela toropong. +Ka ditumediso +Nelson Mandela +Hobane o ne a sa kgone ho bala, Mong Mmutla one a se na taba le lengolo. Empa ho ile ha wa ntho e nngwe enfelopong mme ya wela mmateng. +Mong Mmutla a sheba fatshe mme a bona R200. O ne a sa kgolwe mahlo a hae. +“Ha ke kgolwe!” a hoeletsa. “Hona sebakeng sona sela sa maobane hoseng.” +Ntle le ho senya nako, a bitsa kopano ya diphoofolo tsohle hape. +“Metswalle ya ka,” a ba bolella, “ke mohlolo o moholo, pampiri ela e kgutlile.” A e tsoka hohle hore bohle ba e bone. “Mme ke tlameha ho kgutlela leetong la ka ho e kgutlisetsa ho Mong Mandela.” +Mme, ntle le ho bua lentswe le leng o ile a tsamaya, a tlolatlola ho theosa tsela e lebang Toropong ya Babadi, pampiritjhelete e ntse e foka letsohong la hae.",sot,Sesotho,Mong Mmutla o kopana le Mong Mande,"Mr Hare crept out of his forest home. The morning sky was blue. The grass was green. The trees swayed in the cool breeze. The forest was full of the songs of birds. But… +On his doormat lay something he’d never seen before: a brand new ...",,Chris van Wyk,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mong-mmutla-o-kopana-le-mong-mandela +rain-bird,"A little village stood at the edge of a forest. In the heart of this forest, in the highest branches of an enormous tree, lived a very special bird − the bird that made rain. The villagers had always taken the time to keep this bird happy. Every week they would take pieces of bread and fruit, and fresh coconut milk to lay at the base of the tree. Then someone would play a simple tune on the thumb piano and the bird would fly down to the ground to eat and drink. When it had finished, it would raise its dark, shiny blue wings and sing a beautiful song. Within minutes, rain would begin to fall. +For many years rain fell regularly, the crops grew abundantly and there was plenty of food for everyone. But gradually things began to change … the villagers started to neglect the rain bird. “It will rain anyway,” they decided. +But gradually the rain stopped falling. Their crops began to die and their animals grew thin and weak. But still nobody went into the forest to feed the bird that brought the rain – they were all too busy trying to find money to buy food in a neighbouring town. +One day, Ketti went into the forest. She walked and walked until she came to the tall tree in which the rain bird lived. Ketti stared up at the tree, remembering how her granny used to take her into the forest to feed the bird. She took a piece of bread out of her bag and laid it at the base of the tree. Then, because she had no thumb piano, she sang a song. +The rain bird swooped down and began to eat the bread. When it had finished, it sang a few high notes and raised its shiny wings. Then Ketti heard the rumble of thunder and by the time she reached home, giant rain drops were pelting down. +Ketti told her parents what had happened. “Nobody believes in that bird anymore! Don’t waste your bread on it!” scolded her mother. +“If only Granny were alive,” thought Ketti, “she would have believed me!” But Ketti’s granny had died a few years ago leaving Ketti only her old thumb piano. +Two weeks passed but there was no more rain. “I don’t care what they say!” thought Ketti. “We need rain. I’m going to feed the bird again tomorrow!” +Early the next morning, Ketti took a slice of bread and a handful of red berries from the kitchen and made her way to the centre of the forest. But she didn’t know that her father was also awake. He realised what his daughter was going to do. “I’ll teach that disobedient child a lesson!” he said to himself angrily. He snatched his bow and arrows and silently followed Ketti into the forest. +Just as the bird flew down to eat the food that Ketti had set out for it, her father raised his bow and released its deadly arrow. The arrow flew straight into the bird’s heart and it let out a piercing shriek. Terrified, Ketti spun around and saw her father fall to the ground − dead. Looking back at the bird, she saw the arrow fall harmlessly from its body. Then the bird swooped up into the tree. +With a pounding heart, Ketti raced home. Every animal and person she saw on her way lay dead on the ground. At home, she quickly found her granny’s old thumb piano. “This is my only hope!” she thought. “The rain bird is angry. I have to make her happy again!” +Ketti ran back to the big tree. With trembling hands, she began to play the thumb piano. She played and played, until her fingers hurt. Finally, the bird swooped down, ate some berries and sang a few notes. Then, as Ketti played on, it raised its wings … Ketti heard a rustle behind her − her father was alive! “I’m sorry!” he said again and again to the big, blue bird. Then he held out his hand to his daughter and they walked back to the village, where all the people and animals were alive again. +That night the villagers held a meeting. They agreed that they had learned a valuable lesson. And from that day onwards, every week one of them makes a special trip to the forest to feed the bird that brings the rain.",eng,English,The rain bird,"A little village stood at the edge of a forest. In the heart of this forest, in the highest branches of an enormous tree, lived a very special bird − the bird that made rain. The villagers had always taken the time to keep this bird happy. Every ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/rain-bird +rain-bird,"In ’n land met die naam Gaboen, is daar ʼn klein dorpie aan die rand van ʼn woud. In die hart van hierdie woud, in die hoogste takke van ʼn reusagtige boom, woon ʼn baie spesiale voël − die voël wat reën maak. +So lank as wat die dorpsmense kan onthou, probeer hulle om hierdie voël gelukkig te hou. Hulle bêre stukkies brood, vrugte en vars kokosneutmelk, en elke week of twee neem ʼn groep van hulle hierdie lekkernye na die woud. Wanneer hulle dit langs die stam van die boom neersit, speel een van hulle ʼn eenvoudige wyse op ’n duimklavier. Na ʼn rukkie vlieg die voël af grond toe om te eet en te drink. Wanneer sy klaar is, begin sy die pragtigste lied sing. Terselfdertyd lig sy haar donker, blinkblou vlerke op, en minute later begin dit reën. +So gaan dit vir baie jare. Omdat dit gereeld reën, groei die gesaaides goed en daar is baie kos in die dorpie. Maar geleidelik begin dinge verander. Op een of ander manier is die dorpsmense altyd besig, en hulle begin die reënvoël afskeep. “Dit sal in elk geval reën,” sê hulle. “Dit is tyd om op te hou om daardie lawwe ou voël so te bederf!” +Maar die mense is verkeerd. Toe hulle ophou om vir die voël te sorg, hou die reën op val. Die landerye begin opdroog en die plante vrek. Die diere word maer en swak. Steeds gaan niemand in die woud in om vir die voël wat die reën bring kos te gee nie. Nou is hulle almal te besig om geld bymekaar te maak om in die buurdorp te gaan kos koop. +Een snikhete dag besluit ʼn jong meisie met die naam Ketti om ná skool na die woud te gaan. “Dit sal ten minste koel wees daar,” dink sy. Sy stap en stap, en na ʼn rukkie kom sy by die hoë boom waar die reënvoël woon. Ketti kyk in die boom op. Skielik onthou sy hoe haar ouma haar na die woud gebring het om vir die voël kos te gee toe sy nog ʼn klein dogtertjie was. Ketti maak haar skooltas oop en haal ʼn stukkie brood wat in haar kosblik oorgebly het uit. Versigtig sit sy die brood teen die stam van die boom neer. Toe, omdat sy geen duimklavier by haar het nie, sing sy ʼn ou liedjie wat sy van altyd af ken. +Met ʼn harde klapgeluid swiep ʼn pragtige blou voël uit die takke oor Ketti se kop en begin die brood eet. Toe die voël klaar geëet het, maak sy haar bek oop en sing ʼn paar suiwer, hoë note. Toe lig sy haar blinkblou vlerke op, en skielik hoor Ketti die gerammel van donderweer. Toe sy by die huis kom, val die reën in reusedruppels en koel die drooggebakte rooi grond af. +Ketti is baie gelukkig, tot sy vir haar ouers vertel wat gebeur het. “Moenie laf wees nie!” raas haar ma. “Niemand glo meer dat daardie voël enigiets met die reën te make het nie!” +“Jou ma is reg,” sê Ketti se pa. “Die droogte is gebreek en nou is alles weer reg. Moenie brood mors deur daardie gulsige ou voël te gaan voer nie!” +Ketti stry nie met haar ouers nie, maar sy dink tog hulle is verkeerd. “As Ouma nog geleef het,” sê sy vir haarself, “sou sy my geglo het!” Maar Ketti se ouma is ʼn paar jaar gelede dood. Die enigste ding wat Ketti nog van haar het, is haar ouma se ou duimklavier. +Twee weke gaan verby, en geen reën val nie. Die gesaaides begin verskrompel en die honger diere se ribbes staan nog meer uit. Die son bak genadeloos neer uit die verblindende blou lug. “Ek gee nie om wat hulle sê nie!” dink Ketti. “Ons het reën nodig. Ek gaan weer môre vir die voël kos gee!” +Vroeg die volgende oggend vat Ketti ʼn sny brood en ʼn handvol rooi bessies uit die kombuis, en sluip by die huis uit. Sy kies koers na die middel van die woud. Maar wat sy nie weet nie, is dat haar pa ook wakker is. Toe hy sien wat sy dogter doen, besef hy dat sy weer vir die reënvoël gaan kos gee. “Ek sal daardie ongehoorsame kind ʼn les leer!” sê hy vir homself. Hy gryp sy pyl en boog en volg Ketti stilletjies na die woud. +Net toe die voël afvlieg om die kos te eet wat Ketti vir haar neergesit het, lig haar pa sy boog op en skiet die dodelike pyl. Die pyl tref die voël se hart. Die voël skree skril. Ketti tol verskrik in die rondte − net betyds om te sien hoe haar pa morsdood neerval. Ketti gil en draai om − net betyds om te sien hoe die pyl skadeloos uit die voël se blink lyf val. Toe vlieg die voël sonder ʼn skrapie terug na die hoogste takke van die boom. +Ketti hardloop uit die woud uit en wat sy sien, is totale verwoesting. Elke dier en elke mens wat sy teëkom, lê dood op die grond. Met ʼn bonsende hart hardloop sy heelpad huis toe. Sy kry gou haar ouma se duimklavier. “Dit is my enigste hoop!” dink sy. “Die reënvoël is kwaad. Ek moet haar weer gelukkig maak! Ek MOET!” +ʼn Halfuur later is Ketti terug by die stam van die groot boom. Sy is sopnat van die sweet en sy snak na haar asem. ʼn Paar treë verder lê haar pa se lewelose liggaam. Ketti kyk vinnig weg, en met bewende hande begin sy die duimklavier speel. +Sy speel en speel, tot haar vingers pyn. Uiteindelik gebeur dit wat sy die heel graagste wil hê. Die voël swiep neer asof niks gebeur het nie. Die voël eet van die bessies wat steeds op die grond lê, en sing ʼn paar note. Toe, terwyl Ketti verder speel, lig die voël haar vlerke … Ketti hoor ʼn geritsel agter haar. Dit is haar pa wat wakker geword het. “Ek is jammer!” sê hy weer en weer vir die groot, blou voël. Toe hou hy sy hand na sy dogter uit en hulle stap stadig terug na die dorpie. In die dorpie is al die mense en diere weer lewendig. +  +Daardie aand hou die dorpsmense ʼn vergadering. Hulle stem almal saam dat hulle ʼn waardevolle les geleer het. En van daardie dag af gaan daar nie ʼn week verby wat hulle nie spesiaal na die woud stap om vir die voël wat die reën bring, kos te gee nie.",afr,Afrikaans,Die reënvoë,"A little village stood at the edge of a forest. In the heart of this forest, in the highest branches of an enormous tree, lived a very special bird − the bird that made rain. The villagers had always taken the time to keep this bird happy. Every ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-reënvoël +rain-bird,"Enarheni ebizwa ngokuthi yi-Gabon, ithreste elincani lakhiwe ekupheleni kwehlathi. Phakathi kwehlathi leli, phezulu emagatjeni womuthi omkhulu, kuhlala inyoni ekhethekileko –  inyoni eyenza izulu. +Kusukela ekadeni ngendlela abahlali bangakhumbula ngayo, bathethe isikhathi sabo ukwenza inyoni le ihlale ithabile. Babulunga iintshutshuru zobuboro, iintokakana zeenthelo nebisi elihlaza lekhukhunathi, begodu iveke neveke iinqhema ezimbili zabahlali bezithatha ukudlokhu bakuse ehlathini, lokha nabakubeka ngaphasi komuthi, omunye wabo uzakudlala ingoma elula ngepiyano yomuno. Ngemva kwesikhatjhana, inyoni yehlele phasi izokudla beyisele. Ithi ingaqeda, ithome ivume ingoma emnandi khulu. Ngesikhathi eso, ivule iimpiko zayo ezilihlaza-samkayi ezirhanyazelako, ngesikhatjhana, izulu lithome ukuna. +Lokhu kwenzeka iminyaka eminengi. Ngombana izulu belihlala lina, iintjalo bezikhulu ngobunengi begodu bekunokudla okunengi ethresteni. Kodwana kancani kancani izinto zathoma ukutjhuguluka. Ngandlela thileko, abahlali bebahlala bamatasatasa base bathoma ukungasatjheji inyoni yezulu. “Izulu belina nanyana kunjalo,” batjho njalo. “Sikhathi sokulisa ukudedesisa inyoni edala etshanyileko leya!” +Kodwana abantu bebanamanga. Lokha nabalisa ukutlhogomela inyoni, izulu khange lisana. Iintjalo zathoma ukoma nokufa, iinlwana zonda zababuthakathaka. Nanyana kunjalo, akekho noyedwa ethresteni owaya ehlathini ukuyokupha inyoni eletha izulu. Kwanjesi besele bamatasatasa bazama ukuthola imali bayokuthenga ukudla edorobheni eliseduze. +Ngelinye ilanga elalitjhisa khulu, umntazanyana obizwa ngokuthi nguKhethi wacabanga ukuya ehlathini nakuphuma isikolo. “Mhlambe kuzakuphola ngaphaya,” uyazicabangela. Wakhamba, wakhamba, ngemva kwesikhatjhana, wafika emthini omkhulu lapho kwakuhlala khona inyoni yezulu. UKhethi waqala phezulu emthini. Masinyana, wakhumbula kobana ugogwakhe wakhe wamthatha wakhamba naye baya ehlathini ukuyokupha inyoni asesemntwana omncani. UKhethi wavula ibhege yakhe yeencwadi wase ukhupha isitokana soburotho esisele ngesikhathi sesidlo semini.  Ngokutlhogomela wabeka uburotho ngaphasi komuthi. Ngombana bekangayiphathi ipiyano yomuno, wavuma ingoma yakade ebekasoloko ayazi ipilo yakhe yoke. +Ngelikhulu itjhada, inyoni ehle ehlaza-satjani yaphuma hlangana namagatja ngehla kwehloko kaKhethi beyathoma yadla uburotho. Lokho inyoni nayiqedako ukudla, yavula umlomo wayo yavuma amanothi amnandi wephimbo eliphezulu. Yase iphakamisa iimpiko zayo ezirhanyazelako, msinyana uKhethi wezwa ukuraramba kombani. Ngesikhathi afika ekhaya, amathosi amakhulu besele abetha phasi, apholisa umhlaba obovu ingathi ngewokubhaga. +UKhethi wathaba khulu, waze wacocela ababelethi bakhe bonyana kwenzekeni. “Ungabi sidlhadlha wena!” Kuthukana unina. “Akekho umuntu osakholwa ukuthi inyoni leyo ngiyo eletha izulu!” +“Unyoko uqinisile,” kutjho uyise kaKhethi. Ukoma sekuphelile kwanjesi begodu sizakwaneliseka. Ungakhambi uyokumotjha uburotho ngokuyokupha inyoni edala  enomrhobholo leya godu. +Nanyana uKhethi angakhenge aphikisane nababelethi bakhe, wazizwa akholwa kobana bayaphosisa. “Ngathana uGogo bekasaphila,” watjho azicabangela, “bekazongikholwa!” kodwana ugogo kaKhethi wahlongakala iminyaka embalwa edlulileko. Into eyodwa uKhethi ayitjhiyako, bekuyipiyano kagogwakhe edlalwa ngomuno. +Kwadlula iimveke ezimbili, akhange kube nezulu. Iintjalo zathoma ukutjhwaba godu, begodu iimbambo zeenlwana ezilambileko zaphumela ngaphandle ngokudluleleko. Ilanga liphuma emkayini ohlaza-satjani litjhisa ngokunganamusa. “Anginandaba bonyana bathini!” kucabanga uKhethi. “Sidinga izulu. Ngiyoyipha godu inyoni kusasa!” +Ekuseni ngelanga elilandelako, emva kokuthatha isineyi soburotho nomomori obovu ozele isandla ngekhwitjhini, uKhethi wakhukhutha waphuma ngendlini. Wathatha indlela etjhinga phakathi ekabeni yehlathi. Lokho angakhenge akutjheje, kukobana uyise naye wayevukile. Lokha nakabona lokho okwakwenziwa yindodakazi yakhe, wayelela bonyana uyokupha inyoni yezulu godu. “Umntwana ongalaleliko lo ngizamfundisa isifundo!” kwatjho uyise kaKhethi ngokukwata azikhulumela yedwa. Warhwatjha umcibitjholo wakhe walandela uKhethi ehlathini ngokuthula. +Ngesikhathi inyoni nayehlela phasi iyokudla ukudla uKhethi ayibekele khona, uyise wakhupha umcibitjholo wadubula ngesungulo lokufa.  Isungulo latjhinga poro ehliziyweni yenyoni. Inyoni yarhuwelela kabuhlungu. UKhethi, watjhuguluka – ngesikhathi esifaneleko wabona uyise nakawela phasi, wafa khona lapho. UKhethi warhuwelela bewatjhuguluka – ngesikhathi lapho umcibitjholo uwa emzimbeni wenyoni odzegemako unganabungozi.   Khona lapho inyoni, ingakalimali, yeqela egatjeni lomuthi eliphakeme khulu. +UKhethi waphuma wabaleka endaweni yamatlhuwo. Isilwana esinye nesinye nomuntu omunye nomunye ambonako wayelele phasi afile. Ngehliziyo ebethela phezulu, wagijima njalo bewayokungena ekhaya. Masinyana wathola ipiyano kagogwakhe edala yomuno.  “Lokhu kulithemba lami lokugcina!” kucabanga  uKhethi. “Inyoni yezulu ikwatile. Kufanele ngiyenze ithabe godu! NGIFANELE!” +Ngemva kwesiquntu se-iri, uKhathi besele asemthini omkhulu. Umzimbakhe bewumanzi ngengurumela begodu bekanande akhokha ummoya. Amatriya ambalwa ukusuka kuye kwakulele umzimba kayise ongasenapilo. UKhethi waqala eqadi msinyana, ngezandla ezidengezelako, wathoma wabetha ipiyano yomuno. +Wadlala, wadlala, iminwakhe yaze yaba buhlungu. Ekugcineni, lokho agade akufuna khulu ephasini kwenzeka. Inyoni yehlela phasi sengathi akhenge khekwenzeke litho.  Inyoni yadla omunye umomori egade usasele phasi yase ivuma amanothi ambalwa. Kusenjalo, lokha uKhethi nakaragela phambili nokudlala ipiyano, inyoni yaphakamisa amaphiko wayo… UKhethi wezwa uburhwatjharhwatjha ngemva kwakhe. Bekunguyise obesele avukile. “Ngiyacolisa!” wacolisa ngokubuyelelweko enyonini, ekulu elihlaza-satjani. Wase ululela isandla sakhe endodakazini yakhe, base bakhamba kancani babuyela ethresteni. Ehresteni woke umuntu neenlwana bese baphilile godu. +Ngalobo busuku izakhamuzi zethreste zabamba umhlangano. Boke bavumelana ngokobana bafunde isifundo esiqakathekileko.  Ukusukela ngelangelo ukuya phambili, akhenge khekudlule ngitjho neveke yinye kungakathathwa ikhambo lokuya ehlathini ukuyokupha inyoni elethe izulu.",nbl,isiNdebele,Inyoni yezulu,"A little village stood at the edge of a forest. In the heart of this forest, in the highest branches of an enormous tree, lived a very special bird − the bird that made rain. The villagers had always taken the time to keep this bird happy. Every ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/inyoni-yezulu +rain-bird,"Kwakukho ilali encinane eyayimi kwinyele lehlathi. Esizikithini seli hlathi, kwawona masebe aphezulu omthi omkhulu kunene, kwakuhlala eyona ntaka ikhethekileyo – intaka eyenza imvula. Abahlali bale lali, babethe gqolo bezinika ithuba lokugcina le ntaka yonwabile ngamaxesha onke. Babegcina iingququ zesonka, amaqhekeza eziqhamo kunye nobisi olutsha lwekhokhonathi, kwaye rhoqo ngeveki iqela labahlali bale lali bebethatha ezi zimuncumuncu bazise ehlathini bafike bazibeke phantsi kwalo mthi. Bayakuthi ke emva kokuba bezandlele phantsi kwalo mthi, aze omnye adlale ngonyana ithile ngepiyano edlalwa ngeminwe. Kuya kuthi ethubeni, ubone loo ntaka ibhabha isiza ezantsi ukuza kutya ize isele kananjalo. Iya kuthi yakugqiba, uyive iqalisa ukucula eyona ngoma imyoli. Icula njalo uza kuyibona inyusa amaphiko ayo azuba amenyezelayo, kungekudala emva koko, imvula iqalise ukuna. +Iminyaka emininzi imvula yayisina rhoqo, izityalo zikhula ngokwaneleyo kangangokuba kwakukho ukutya okuninzi kuloo lali. Kodwa ke kungekudala, izinto zaqala ukutshintsha … abahlali baloo lali basuka bathanda ukuxakeka zezinye izinto, kwaze oku kwabangela ukuba balibale ngentaka yemvula. “Kuza kunetha nokuba kutheni,” babesitsho. +Kodwa ke ngelishwa, abantu babewuphosile umhlola. Bathe bakuyeka ukuyikhathalela intaka, imvula yayeka ukuna. Izityalo zaqala ukoma nokubuna, nezilwanyana zayimidyubha ebuthisayo. Nangona kunjalo, kwakungekho mntu kuloo lali waphumayo ukuya ehlathini ukuze ondle intaka eyayibazisela imvula. Eyona nto babexakeke yiyo ngoku kukwenza imali ukuze baye kuthenga ukutya kwidolophu abamelene nayo. +Ngaminazala ithile intombazana encinane egama linguKetti yagqiba ekubeni iye ehlathini. Uhambile, wahamba, kwaze emva kwethutyana, wafika kumthi omde eyayihlala kuwo intaka yemvula. UKetti uqwalasele phezulu emthini. Kusenjalo, wakhumbula ngelaa xesha umakhulu wakhe wayehamba naye ukuya apho ehlathini ukuze bondle intaka, nangona yena wayesemncinane. Kwangoko uvule itasi yakhe wakhupha amaqhekezana esonka ebishiyekile. Ngenkathalo nangobunono, ubeke eso sonka phantsi kwaloo mthi. Nanjengoko ke ebengaphethanga piyano edlalwa ngeminwe, uye wacula ingoma. +Ngesandi esidandulukayo esikhulu, intaka yemvula yathi gqi emasebeni phezu kwentloko kaKetti yaze yaqalisa ukutya isonka. Ithe yakugqiba ukutya le ntaka, yavula umlonyana wayo yaze yacula iinowuthi eziphezulu zengoma ngokucwengileyo yaze kwangoko yanyusa amaphiko ayo akhazimlayo. Kwangoko uKetti weva ukundila kwezulu waza wathi efika kowabo, kwabe sele kusiwa amachaphaza amakhulu emvula. +UKetti waxelela abazali bakhe ukuba kwenzeke ntoni. “Akusekho mntu ukholelwayo kulaa ntaka! Musa ukudlala ngesonka sakho uphisa ngaso kuyo!” wamngxolisa njalo umama wakhe. +“Akwaba umakhulu ebesaphila,” wacinga njalo uKetti, “yena ebeza kundikholelwa!” Kodwa ke kwakusele iyiminyaka eliqelana eswelekile umakhulu kaKetti. Inye kuphela into awayesayigcinile uKetti kwezo zikamakhulu, yayiyipiyano yeminwe kamakhulu wakhe. +Zigqithile iiveki ezimbini kungekho nethontsi lemvula. “Andikhathali nokuba bathini!” ucinge watsho uKetti. “Siyayidinga imvula. Ndiza kuya kuyondla kwakhona intaka ngomso!” +Kwangentseni kusuku olulandelayo, uKetti wathatha isilayi sesonka nesandla esigcwele ngamaqunube abomvu kwikhitshi lakowabo, waza wasingisa kumbindi wehlathi. Akazange aqaphele kodwa ukuba utata wakhe naye wayehleli ethe qwa. Wakukrobela oko kuza kwenziwa yintombi yakhe. “Ndiza kumfundisa isifundo kanene lo mntwana ungenambeko!” utshilo ezithethela ngomsindo. Uthe hlasi isaphetha sakhe neentolo zakhe waze wamlandela ngokuthe cwaka uKetti ukuya ehlathini apho. +Ithe kanye xa intaka isihla emthini isiza kudla ukutya ekubekelwe nguKetti, utata wakhe waphakamisa isaphetha sakhe waze wadubula ngotolo olubulalayo. Utolo lwaya kungena ngqo entliziyweni yentaka yaza yatsho ngesikrakra isikhalo. Ngokoyika okukhulu, uKetti waguquka wabona utata wakhe esiwa phantsi – esifa. Wajika wajonga intaka, wabona utolo lusiwa lungayenzanga nomkrwelo emzimbeni loo ntaka. Emva koko intaka yandanda inyukela kwelona sebe liphezulu lomthi. +Intliziyo yakhe iye yabetha ngamandla, wagqotsa ukuya kowabo uKetti. Endleleni eya ekhaya wabona wonke umntu nezilwanyana bethe tywaa emhlabeni, befile. Ekhaya ufumene laa piyano idlalwa ngeminwe kamakhulu wakhe. “Kuphela kwethemba endinalo ke eli!” ucinge watsho. “Intaka yemvula iqumbile. Kufunekandiyonwabise kwakhona!” +UKetti wabaleka wabuyela emthini omkhulu. Ngezandla ezingcangcazelayo, waqalisa ukudlala ipiyano yeminwe. Udlale, wadlala, yade yaqaqamba iminwe yakhe. Ekugqibeleni, nantso intaka ibhabha isiza, yatya amaqunube ambalwa yaze yacula iinowuthi ezimbalwa zengoma. Uthe esadlala ingoma njalo uKetti, intaka yaphakamisa amaphiko ayo… UKetti weva ukurhashaza emva kwakhe – utata wakhe uvukile! “Ndicela uxolo!” utshilo izihlandlo ngezihlandlo ebhekisa kwintaka enkulu eluhlaza. Emva koko wabamba intombi yakhe ngesandla bagoduka bethe chu ukuya elalini. Nalapho elalini, wonke umntu wayevukile kwanezilwanyana ngokunjalo. +Ngobo busuku abahlali belali baye babamba intlanganiso. Bonke baye bavumelana ngamxhelo mnye ukuba bafunde isifundo esibalulekileyo. Ukusukela ngaloo mini, akuzange kuphinde kubekho nanye iveki egqithayo kungakhange kuyiwe ehlathini ukuze kondliwe intaka eyayibazisela imvula.",xho,isiXhosa,Intak’emvu,"A little village stood at the edge of a forest. In the heart of this forest, in the highest branches of an enormous tree, lived a very special bird − the bird that made rain. The villagers had always taken the time to keep this bird happy. Every ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/intak’emvula +rain-bird,"Kwakukhona umuzi owawusekugcineni kwehlathi. Phakathi naleli hlathi, emagatsheni aphezulu esihlahleni esikhulu kakhulu, kwakuhlala inyoni yekhethelo ngempela – inyoni eyayikwazi ukunisa imvula. Abantu babehlala benesikhathi sokugcina inyoni ithokozile. Babethatha izingcezu zezinkwa, izithelo nobisi olusha lukakhukhunathi masonto onke bakubeke phansi kwesihlahla. Omunye wabo wayedlala upiyano oludlalwa ngezithupha, inyoni yayindiza yehlele phansi ukuze idle iphuze. Uma isiqedile, yayiphakamisa amaphiko ayo aluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka akhazimulayo bese icula iculo elimnandi. Kungakapheli namizuzu emingaki, yayiqala ukuna imvula. +Imvula yayina njalo iminyaka eminingi, izitshalo zazikhula kakhulu, futhi kunokudla okuningi emzini. Kodwa izinto zaqala ukushintsha kancane kancane … abantu basemzini baqala ukungayinaki inyoni enisa imvula. “Kuzonetha vele,” kunquma bona. +Imvula nayo yayeka ukuna. Izitshalo zaqala ukufa, nezilwane zazaca futhi zababuthakathaka. Noma kunjalo akekho umuntu emzini owaya ehlathini ukuyopha ukudla inyoni eyayinisa imvula – babematasatasa bonke bezama ukuthola imali yokuthenga ukudla edolobhaneni eliseduze. +Ngelinye ilanga, uKetti waya ehlathini. Wahamba, wahamba, waze wafika esihlahleni eside okwakuhlala kusona inyoni enisa imvula. UKetti wabuka phezulu esihlahleni, ekhumbula ukuthi ugogo wakhe wayaye ahambe kanjani naye beze ehlathini bezopha inyoni ukudla. Wakhipha ucezu lwesinkwa esikhwameni sakhe walubeka phansi kwesihlahla. Njengoba wayengenalo upiyano oludlalwa ngezithupha, wacula iculo. +Kwezwakala umsindo omkhulu inyoni enisa imvula yehlela phansi yase iqala ukudla isinkwa. Uma seyiqedile, yacula amanothi ayingcwenga ambalwa yase iphakamisa amaphiko ayo akhazimulayo. UKetti wezwa ukuduma kwezulu, ngesikhathi efika ekhaya kwase kuqalile ukuna kwamathonsi amakhulu emvula. +UKetti watshela abazali bakhe ukuthi kwenzekeni, “Akusekho muntu okholelwa kuleya nyoni! Ungamosi isinkwa sakho upha leya nyoni!” kuthetha uMama. +“Ukuba uGogo ubesaphila,” kucabanga uKetti, “ubezongikholwa!” Kodwa ugogo kaKetti wayeshone eminyakeni embalwa eyedlule, emshiyele upiyano lwakhe oludala oludlalwa ngezithupha. +Kwadlula amasonto amabili kungekho mvula. “Anginandaba nokuthi bathini!” kucabanga uKetti. “Sidinga imvula. Ngizopha inyoni ukudla futhi kusasa!” +Ngakho ekuseni kakhulu osukwini olulandelayo, uKetti wathatha ucezu lwesinkwa kanye nenkeshezana yamajikijolo abomvu ekhishini, waphuma endlini engabonwa muntu waya phakathi nehlathi. Akazanga ukuthi noyise wayevukile naye. Wabona ukuthi yini eyayizokwenziwa indodakazi yakhe. “Ngizofundisa le ngane engezwa isifundo!” ekhuluma yedwa ngokuthukuthela. Wahlwitha umnsalo nomcibisholo wakhe walandela uKetti ngokuthula ukuya ehlathini. +Ngesikhathi inyoni indizela phansi ukuze idle ukudla uKetti ayeyibekele kona, ubaba wakhe wamisa umnsalo wakhe wase ededela umcibisholo wawo obulalayo. Umcibisholo wandiza waqonda ngqo enhliziyweni yenyoni, inyoni yakliwula ukukliwula okuvala izindlebe. Ethukile, uKetti waphenduka wabona uyise ewela phansi – eseshonile. Uthe uma ephenduka wobona umcibisholo uwa emzimbeni wenyoni ungayilimazanga. Inyoni yandizela phezulu esihlahleni. +UKetti waphuthuma ekhaya, inhliziyo yakhe ishaya ngamandla. Zonke izilwane nabo bonke abantu ayebabona endleleni babelele phansi beshonile. Ekhaya, wafika wathola ngokushesha upiyano oludlalwa ngezithupha oludala lukaninakhulu. “Leli ukuphela kwethemba enginalo!” ecabanga. “Idiniwe inyoni enisa imvula. Kumelengiyijabulise futhi!” +UKetti wagijima wabuyela phansi kwesihlahla esikhulu. Ngeminwe evevezelayo, waqala ukudlala upiyano oludlalwa ngezithupha. Wadlala, wadlala, kwaze kwaba buhlungu iminwe yakhe. Ekugcineni, inyoni yehlela phansi, yadla amajikijolo yase icula amanothi ambalwa. Kwathi ngesikhathi uKetti eqhubeka nokudlala, yaphakamisa amaphiko ayo … UKetti wezwa okuhwashazayo ngemuva kwakhe – uyise wayesevukile! “Ngiyaxolisa!”washo ephindelela enyonini enkulu eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. Welulela isandla indodakazi yakhe base behamba bebuyela emzini, lapho kwase kuvuke bonke abantu nezilwane. +Izakhamuzi zasemuzini zaba nomhlangano ngalobo busuku. Zavumelana ukuthi zifunde isifundo esibaluleke kakhulu. Kanti kusukela ngalolo suku, kuba khona omunye wabo othatha uhambo olukhethekile lokuyopha ukudla inyoni enisa imvula ehlathini, masonto onke.",zul,isiZulu,Inyoni enisa imvu,"A little village stood at the edge of a forest. In the heart of this forest, in the highest branches of an enormous tree, lived a very special bird − the bird that made rain. The villagers had always taken the time to keep this bird happy. Every ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/inyoni-enisa-imvula +rain-bird,"Nageng ya Gabon, go be go na le motse ntlheng ya sethokgwa. Ka gare ga sethokgwa se, makaleng a matelele a mohlare o mogologolo, go be go dula nonyana ye e kgethegilego kudu – nonyana ya go hlola pula. +E sa le go tloga kgale setšhaba sa motse wo se be se ipha nako ya go hlokomela nonyana ye gore e dule e thabile. Ba be ba boloka mathathana a marotho, diripa tša dienywa le maswi a khokhonate a maswa, gomme ka beke goba tše pedi sehlopha sa batho ba motse wo se be se iša matsakana a lešokeng. Ge ba fetša go di bea dijo tšeo botlase bja kutu ya mohlare, mongwe wa bona o be a bapala mmino wa bonolo ka piano ya monwana wa mogogorupa. Ka moragonyana nonyana e tla fofela tlase ya ja ya ba ya nwa. Ge e fetša, e be e tla thoma go opela koša ya bose kudu. Ka nako yeo e tla ba ya emiša maphego a matala a go phadima gape a go fifala, gomme go se go ye kae pula e tla thoma go na. +Se se diregile sebaka sa mengwaga ye mentši. Dimela e be e eba tše dintši ka ge pula e be e ena ka mehla gomme go na le dijo tše dintši motseng. Efela gannyanegannyane dilo di ile tša fetoga. Go diregile gore setšhaba se be dule se swaregile gomme sa thoma go hlokomologa nonyana ya pula. “Pula e tla no na,” ba realo. “Re swanetše go tlogela go pepetletša nonyana yela ya go tšofala ya setlaela!” +Efela batho ba be ba foša. Ba rile go tlogela go hlokomela nonyana, pula ya se sa na. Dimela di ile tša oma tša hwa, gomme diphoofolo tša ota tša felelwa ke maatla. Le ge go le bjalo ga gwa ba le motho o tee yo a ilego lešokeng go fepa nonyana ye e bego e tliša pula. Bjalo ba be ba thomile go nyaka tšhelete gore ba kgone go reka dijo toropong ya kgauswi. +E rile ka letšatši le lengwe go fiša, mosetsana yo monnyane Ketti a gopola go ya lešokeng ka morago ga sekolo. “Kua lešokeng go ka be go fodile,” a gopola bjalo. O ile a sepela a ba a sepela, gomme ka morago ga nako, a fihla mohlareng o motelele wo go ona go dulago nonyana ya pula. Ketti o ile a lebelela godimo mohlareng. Gateetee, a gopola ka fao kokoagwe nkilego a mo iša lešokeng go bona nonyana ge a be a sa le yo monnyane. Ketti o ile a bula mokotlana wa dipuku a ntšha borothwana bja go šala ka nako ye a be a eja matena. O ile bea borothwana tlase kutung ya mohlare. Morago ga fao, ka ge a be a se na piano ya monwana wa mogogorupa, a opela koša ya kgale ye a e tsebilego bophelo bja gagwe ka moka. +Nonyana ye botse ye tala e ile ya tšwa ka makaleng a mohlare ka modumo o mogolo wa go swana le wa selo sa go sepela ka lebelo ya feta ka godimo ga hlogo ya Ketti gomme ya thoma go ja borotho. Nonyana e rile go fetša, ya bula molomo ya opela dinoto tša godimo tše botse tše mmalwa. Morago ya emiša maphego a yona a go phadima gomme ka nakwana Ketti a kwa modumo o mogolo wa go se fele. O rile ge a fihla gae, ya ba go betša marothi a magolo a pula, a fodiša lefase la go hwibitša ke phišo. +Ketti o be a thabile kudu, go fihlela a botša batswadi ba gagwe seo se diregilego. “O se be setlaela!” mmagwe a mo kgala! “Ga go sa na motho yo a dumelago gore nonyana yela e amana le pula ka selo!” +‘Mmago o bolela nnete,’ a realo tatago Ketti. ‘Bjale komelelo e fedile re tla phela gabotse. O se sa hlwa o senya marotho o efa nonyana yela ya go tšofala ya go se kgotsofale!’ +Le ge Ketti a sa ka a ngangišana le batswadi ba gagwe, o ile a ba le kgonthe ya gore ba fošitše. ‘Ge nkabe Koko a be a sa phela,’ a ipotša bjalo, ‘nkabe a tshephile se ke se boletšego!’ Efela Koko wa Ketti o na le mengwaga ye mmalwa a hlokofetše. Selo se tee fela seo Ketti a bego a na le sona, e be e le piano ya monwana wa mogogorupa. +Go fetile dibeke tše pedi pula e sa ne. Dimela di ile tša thoma go pona gape gomme dithapa tša diphoofolo tša go bolawa ke tlala tša tšwela ntle le go feta. Letšatši le ile la fiša tšhirr go tšwa leratadimeng le le tala. ‘Ga ke iše felo ka seo ba se bolelago!’ gwa gopola Ketti. ‘Re hloka pula. Gosasa ke ya go fepa nonyana gape!’ +Mesong ya letšatši la go latela, morago ga go tšea selai sa borotho le dithetlwa tše mmalwa ka khitšhing, Ketti o ile a tšwa ka ngwakong. O ile a ya gare ga lešoka. O be a sa lemoge gore tatagwe le yena o tsogile. O rile go bona se se dirwago ke morwediagwe, a lemoga gore o ya go fepa nonyana ya pula gape. ‘Ngwana wo wa go se theeletše ke tla mo ruta molao!’ a ipotša bjalo a befetšwe. O ile a tšea mesebo le sethibo sa gagwe a latela Ketti lešokeng ka setu. +E rile ge nonyana e fofela tlase go ja dijo tše Ketti a tlilego le tšona, tatagwe a emiša sethibo a lokolla mosebo wa mpholo. Mosebo o lebile thwii mo pelong ya nonyana. Nonyana e ile ya ntšha sello sa go tsenelela. Ka letšhogo, Ketti o ile a dikologa – a bona tatagwe a wela fase a hwa. Ketti a goeletša a sokologa – a bona mosebo o ewa mmeleng wa nonyana ya go phadima efela nonyana e sa gobala. Morago nonyana, e ile ya fofela lekaleng la godimodimo la mohlare e sa gobala felo. +Ketti o tšwile lešokeng ka lebelo a bona tirgalo ya tshenyo. Diphoofolo ka moka le batho ka moka bao a ba bonego ba be ba rapaletše fase ba hwile. O ile a kitimela gae pelo e betha ka maatla. O ile a bona piano ya monwana wa mogogorupa ka pela. ‘Kholofelo yaka e go yona fela!’ a gopola bjalo. ‘Nonyana ya pula e befetšwe. Ke swanetše go dira gore e thabe gape! KE SWANETŠE!’ +Morago ga nako ya go lekana seripa sa iri, Ketti o be a fihlile tlase kutung ya mohlare. Mmele wa gagwe o be o thankgetše ka sethitho ebile a hemelana. Setopo sa tatagwe se be se rapaletše kua kgojana le yena. Ketti o ile a lebelela thoko ka pela, gomme ka diatla tša go thuthumela, a thoma go bapala piano ya monwana wa mogogorupa. +O ile a e bapala a ba a e bapala, go fihlela menwana ya diatla e eba bohloko. Mafelelong, gwa direga seo a bego a se nyaka kudu lefaseng ka bophara. Nonyana ya tšwelela ka mo e rego ga gwa direga selo. Nonyana e ile ya ja tše dingwe tša dithetlwa tše di bego di sa le mo tlase gomme ya opela gannyane. Ge Ketti a dutše a bapala piano, nonyana e ile ya emiša maphego … Ketti o ile a kwa šwahlašwahla ka morago ga gagwe. Tatagwe o be a tsogile. ‘O ntshwarele hle!’ a bušeletša gantšintši go nonyana ye tala ye kgolo. Morago o ile a swara morwediagwe ka seatla ba boela morago motseng ba sepela ka go iketla. Motseng le gona batho ka moka le diphoofolo di be di tsogile di phela gape. +Bošegong bjoo setšhaba sa mo motseng se ile sa ba le kopano. Ka moka ba dumetše gore ba ithutile thuto ya bohlokwa. Gomme go tloga letšatši leo ga se gwa ka gwa feta beke e tee ba se ba tšea leeto la go kgethega go ya lešokeng go fepa nonyana ya bona ya go tliša pula.",nso,Sepedi,onyana ya pu,"A little village stood at the edge of a forest. In the heart of this forest, in the highest branches of an enormous tree, lived a very special bird − the bird that made rain. The villagers had always taken the time to keep this bird happy. Every ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nonyana-ya-pula +rain-bird,"Naheng e bitswang Gabon, motsana o mong tjena o ne o eme qetellong ya moru. Bohareng ba moru ona, makaleng a hodimodimo a sefate se seholo, ho ne ho dula nonyana e ikgethileng – nonyana e neng e nesa pula. +Ho tloha kgale hoo baahi ba neng ba se ba sa hopole, ba ne ba netefatsa hore nonyana ena e dula e thabile. Ba ne ba boloka makumane a bohobe, dikotwana tsa ditholwana le lebese le foreshe la khokhonate, ebe beke le beke kapa tse pedi sehlopha sa baahi ba motse se ne se isa dijo tsena tse monate morung. Ha ba ne ba di bea fatshe ka tlasa sefate seo, e mong wa bona o ne a bapala lehlaso la mmino o bonolo ka piano ya menwana. Kamora nakwana, nonyana e ne e fofela tlase mobung ho ya ja le ho nwa. Ha e qetile ho ja, e ne e qala ho bina pina e monate ka ho fetisisa. Ka yona nako eo, e ne e phahamisa mapheo a yona a lefifi, a benyang a bolou, mme kamora metsotso e seng mekae pula e ne e qala ho na. +Sena se ile sa etsahala ka dilemo tse ngata. Ka lebaka la hobane pula e ne e na kgafetsa, dijalo di ne di hola hantle mme ho ne ho dula ho na le dijo tse ngata bakeng motseng oo. Empa dintho tsa nna tsa fetoha ka hanyane. Baahi jwale ba ne ba se ba dula ba qakehile yaba ba qala ho se natse nonyana ya pula. “Pula e tla nne e ne, akere,” ba ile ba rialo. “Ke nako ya ho tlohela ho senya nonyana yane e tsofetseng!” +Empa batho ba ne ba fositse. Ha ba emisa ho hlokomela nonyana eo, le pula ya emisa ho na. Dijalo tsa qala ho omella mme tsa shwa, le diphoofolo tsa ota mme tsa tsherema. Empa le ha ho le jwalo, ha ho motho motseng ya ileng a ya morung ho ya fepa nonyana e neng e ba tlisetsa pula. Jwale ba ne ba qakehile haholo ba leka ho fumana tjhelete ya ho reka dijo torotswaneng e haufi. +Ka tsatsi le leng le tjhesang haholo, ngwanana ya bitswang Ketti a etsa qeto ya ho ya morung ha a tswa sekolong. “Ho tla be ho phodile kamorung ka moo,” a nahana jwalo a le mong. A tsamaya a tsamaya, mme ka mora nako e itseng, a fihla sefateng se selelele moo ho dulang nonyana ya pula. Ketti a sheba hodimo sefateng. Hanghang a hopola kamoo nkgono wa hae a kileng a mo isa morung ho ya fepa nonyana eo ha a ne a sa le monyane haholo. Ketti a bula mokotlana wa hae wa sekolo mme a ntsha sekotwana sa bohobe se setseng ha a ne a ja sekolong. A bea bohobe boo ka hloko tlase sefateng. Yare ka hobane o ne a se na piano ya monwana, a bina pina ya kgale eo a e tsebileng bophelo ba hae bohle. +Ka modumo o moholo o phahameng, nonyana e ntle e bolou ya theoha makaleng kahodima hlooho ya Ketti mme ya qala ho ja bohobe. Ha nonyana e qetile ho ja, ya bula molomo mme ya binela hodimo dipina tse mmalwa tse monate. Yaba e phahamisa mapheo a yona a benyang mme hanghang Ketti a utlwa ho thwathwaretsa ha leduma. Ka nako eo a neng a fihla habo, ho ne ho se ho tsholoha marothodi a maholo a pula, a phodisa mabala a mafubedu a tjhesang haholo. +Ketti o ne a thabile haholo, ho fihlela a bolella batswadi ba hae se etsahetseng. “Tloha mona!” mmae a mo omanya. “Ha ho sa na motho ya kgolwang hore nonyana eo ke yona e nesang pula!” +“Mmao o nepile,” ho rialo ntata Ketti. “Komello e fedile jwale mme bohle re tla phela hamonate hape. O tlohele ho tsamaya o ilo senya bohobe ba hao bo monate ka ho fepa motsofe oo wa nonyana e meharo hape!” +Leha Ketti a sa ka a phehisana le batswadi ba hae, o ne a na le bonnete ba hore ba fositse. “Hoja nkgono a ne a sa phela,” a ipolella jwalo, “o ne a tla nkgolwa!” Empa nkgono wa Ketti o ne a ile a hlokahala dilemong tse mmalwa tse fetileng. Ntho e le nngwe e neng e setse, e ne e le piano ya monwana ya kgale ya nkgono wa Ketti. +Ha feta dibeke tse pedi mme ho ne ho se pula. Dijalo tsa qala ho sosobana hape mme dikgopo tsa diphoofolo tse lapileng tsa qala ho hlahella le ho feta. Letsatsi la tjhesa le ho feta le hloka mohau ho tswa lehodimong le feela. “Ha ke kgathale hore na ba reng!” Ketti a nahana. “Re hloka pula. Ke ilo fepa nonyana hape hosane!” +Kahoo hoseng ha letsatsi le hlahlamang, kamora ho nka selae sa bohobe le monokotshwai o mofubedu o tletseng letsoho ka kitjheneng, Ketti a nyenyelepa ho tswa ka tlung. A qala ho leba bohareng ba moru. Seo a neng a sa se lemohe, ke hore ntatae le yena o ne a tsohile. Eitse ha a bona seo moradi wa hae a se etsang, a elellwa hore o ilo fepa nonyana ya pula hape. “Ke tla mo ruta thuto ngwana enwa ya sa hlompheng!” a ipolella jwalo a halefile. A phamola seqha sa hae le ditsenene a thotse mme a sala Ketti morao ho ya morung. +Eitse hang ha nonyana e re e fofela fatshe ho ya ja dijo tseo Ketti a e tliseditseng tsona, ntatae a lelatsa seqha sa hae mme a lokolla tsenene e bolayang. Tsenene ya fofela hantle pelong ya nonyana. Nonyana ya bokolla ka seboko se hlabang. A tshohile, Ketti a hetla kapele a harotswe ke letswalo – mme hang a bona ntatae a wela fatshe, a shwele. Ketti a hoeletsa mme a reteleha hape – yaba o bona tsenene e wela fatshe e se na kotsi ho tswa mmeleng o benyang wa nonyana. Yaba nonyana eo, e sa tswa kotsi, e fofela lekaleng le hodimodimo sefateng. +Ketti a mathela ka ntle ho moru a ya sebakeng se mahlonoko ka ho fetisisa. Phoofolo enngwe le enngwe le motho e mong le e mong eo a mmonang o ne a wetse fatshe a shwele. Ka pelo e bohloko, a mathela habo. Ka potlako a fumana piano ya monwana ya nkgono wa hae. “Ena keyona feela tshepo ya ka!” a nahana jwalo. “Nonyana ya pula e halefile. Ke tshwanela ho e thabisa hape! KE TSHWANETSE!” +Halofo ya hora kamora moo, Ketti o ne a se a kgutletse sefateng sane se seholo. Mmele wa hae o ne o tletse mofufutso mme o ne a ntse a fehelwa. Dikgato di se kae ho tloha ho yena ho ne ho tjapaletse setopo sa ntatae ya neng a se a sa phele. Ketti a sheba hosele kapele, mme ka matsoho a thothomelang, a qala ho bapala piano ya monwana. +A bapala a bapala, ho fihlela menwana ya hae e le bohloko. Qetellong, seo a neng a se labalabela lefatsheng sa etsahala. Nonyana ya fofela tlase jwaloka ha eka ha ho a etsahala letho. Nonyana ya ja o mong wa monokotshwai o neng  le fatshe mme ya bina dinoto tse mmalwa. Yaba, ha Ketti a ntse a bapala piano jwalo, nonyana eo e phahamisa mapheo… Kettli o utlwile mokgwathatsa kamora hae. E ne e le ntatae ya neng a qeta ho hlaphohelwa. “Ke maswabi!” a rialo kgafetsa kgafetsa a bua le nonyana e kgolo e bolou. Yaba o otlollela letsoho la hae ho moradi wa hae mme ba tsamaya butle ho kgutlela motseng. Diphoofolo tsohle esita le batho bohle motseng, ho ne ho se ho phelwa hape. +Bosiung boo baahi ba motse ba tshwara pitso. Bohle ba dumellana hore ba ithutile thuto e bohlokwa. Yaba ho tloha tsatsing leo, ho ne ho se beke le ha e le nngwe e fetang ntle le leeto le ikgethang la ho ya morung ho ya fepa nonyana e neng e tlisa pula.",sot,Sesotho,onyana ya pu,"A little village stood at the edge of a forest. In the heart of this forest, in the highest branches of an enormous tree, lived a very special bird − the bird that made rain. The villagers had always taken the time to keep this bird happy. Every ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nonyana-ya-pula-0 +rain-bird,"Mo nageng e e bidiwang Gabon, go ne go na le motsana o monnye fa sekgwa se felelang teng. Mo gare ga sekgwa se, mo dikaleng tse di kwa godimodimo tsa setlhare se segolo thata, go ne go nna nonyane e e kgethegileng – nonyane e e neng e nesa pula. +Fa e sale go simolola bogologolo moo e bile baagi ba motsana ba sa tlholeng ba gakologelwa, baagi ba ne ba netefatsa gore ba tshola nonyane e e itumetse. Ba ne ba baya matlhotlhora a borotho, manathwana a maungo le mašwi a a sa bedisiwang a khokhonate, mme beke le beke kgotsa dibeke tse pedi setlhopha sa baagi ba motse se ne se isa dijo tse di monatenate tse kwa sekgweng. Fa ba sena go di baya mo tlase ga setlhare, mongwe wa bona o ne a tshameka molodi o o bonojana mo pianong e e lediwang ka kgonojwe. Morago ga nakonyana, nonyane e ne e fologela mo fatshe go tla go ja le go nwa. Fa e feditse, e ne e simolola go opela pina e e monate thata. Ka yona nako eo, e ne e tsholetsa diphuka tsa yona tsa mmala o mopududu jo bo tseneletseng, e bile o phatsima, mme mo metsotsong e se kae, pula e ne e simolola go na. +Se se ne sa tswelela dingwaga tse dintsi thata. Ka ntlha ya gore pula e ne e na ka gale, dijalo di ne di gola ka bontsi mme go ne go na le dijo tse dintsi mo motseng. Mme fela ka iketlo dilo di ne tsa simolola go fetoga. Ka tsela nngwe, baagi ba motse ba ne ba tlhola ba samagane le go dira tsele le tsele mme ba ikgatolositse nonyane ya pula. Ba ne ba re “Ga go re sepe, pula e tla na. Ke nako ya gore re emise go senya nonyane e e tsofetseng ele e e makgakga!” +Fela batho ba ne ba fositse. Fa ba ne ba emisa go tlhokomela nonyane, pula le yona e ne ya emisa go na. Dijalo di ne tsa simolola go omelela le go swa, mme diphologolo tsa bopama le go nna bokoa. Go ntse go le jalo, go ne go se ope mo motseng yo o yang kwa sekgweng go fepa nonyane e e neng e nesa pula. Jaanong botlhe ba ne ba samagane le go dira tsele le tsele ba leka go batla madi a go reka dijo mo toropong e e gaufi. +Ka letsatsi lengwe le mogote wa lone o neng o ntsha tlhapi mo bodibeng, mosetsana yo monnye yo o neng a bidiwa Ketti o ne a tsena mo sekgweng fa a tswa kwa sekolong. “Go botokanyana ka gore mo teng mo go tla nna tsiditsana,” o ne a akanya jalo. O ne a tsamaya a bo a tsamaya, mme morago ga nakonyana, o ne a fitlha fa setlhareng se se telele se nonyane ya pula e neng e nna mo go sone. Ketti o ne a lebelela kwa godimo ga setlhare. Ka bonako, o ne a gakologelwa ka moo nkoko wa gagwe a neng a tlhola a tla le ena mo sekgweng go jesa nonyane fa a ne a santse a le monnye. Ketti o ne a bula kgetsana ya gagwe ya dibuka mme a ntsha lenathwana la borotho le le neng le setse mo dijotshegareng tsa gagwe. Ka kelotlhoko o ne a baya borotho mo tlase ga setlhare. Morago, ka gonne o ne a sa tsaya piano e e lediwang ka kgonojwe, o ne a opela pina ya bogologolo e e neng e le kgale a e itse botshelo jwa gagwe jotlhe. +Ka modumo o mogolo wa ka bonako, nonyane e ntle ya mmala o mopududu e ne ya tswa mo dikaleng tse di fa godimo ga tlhogo ya ga Ketti mme ya simolola go ja borotho. Fa nonyane e sena go fetsa, e ne ya bula molomo wa yona mme ya opela dinoto di se kae tse di monate, tse di molotsana. Morago e ne ya tsholetsa diphuka tsa yona tse di phatsimang mme ka bonako Ketti o ne a utlwa go duma ga maru. Ka nako ya fa a goroga kwa gae, go ne go na marothodi a makima, a a neng a timola bolelo jwa lefatshe le le neng le hibitse ka ntlha ya mogote. +Ketti o ne a itumetse thata, go fitlhela a bolelela batsadi ba gagwe gore go diragetse eng. “Tlogela makgakga!” o ne a kgalemelwa ke mmaagwe. “Ga go sa tlhole go na le ope yo o dumelang gore nonyane ke yona e dirang gore pula e ne!” +“Mme wa gago o nepile,” ga rialo rraagwe Ketti. “Leuba le fedile jaanong mme re tla siama. O se ka wa senya gape ka borotho ka go fepa nonyane e e bogagapa ele ya motsofe!” +Le fa Ketti a sa arabisa batsadi ba gagwe, o ne a na le bonnete jwa gore ba ne ba fositse. “Fa fela Nkoko a ne a santse a tshela,” a rialo, “o ne a tla ntumela!” Fela mmemogolo wa ga Ketti o ne a tlhokafetse mo dingwageng di le mmalwanyana tse di fetileng. Selo se le nosi se Ketti o neng a se tlogetse, e ne e le piano ya bogologolo e e lediwang ka kgonojwe ya ga nkoko wa gagwe. +Go ne ga feta dibeke tse pedi mme go ne go se na pula. Dijalo di ne tsa simolola go omelela gape mme dikgopo tsa diphologolo tse di tshwerweng ke tlala di ne tsa simolola go bonala le go feta. Letsatsi le ne le fisa kwa ntle ga kutlwelobotlhoko mo loaping le le phatsimang la mmala o mopududu. “Ga ke kgathale gore ba re eng!” ga akanya Ketti. “Re tlhoka pula. Ke ya go fepa nonyane gape kamoso!” +Ka mahube a letsatsi le le latelang, morago ga go tsaya seripana sa borotho le moretlwa o ka tlala seatla mo phaposing ya boapeelo, Ketti o ne a tswa a ngongoela mo ntlong. O ne a le gaufi le go tsena mo gare ga sekgwa. Se o neng a sa se lemoge, e ne e le gore rraagwe le ene o ne a tsogile. Fa a bona se morwadie o neng a se dira, a lemoga gore o ya go fepa nonyane ya pula gape. “Ke tla ruta ngwana yo o sa reetseng molao yo maitseo!” o ne a bua a le nosi a tenegile. O ne a phamola bora le metswi ya gagwe mme ka tshisibalo o ne a sala Ketti morago go ya kwa sekgweng. +Fela fa nonyane e fologela mo tlase go ja dijo tse Ketti a neng a di e tliseditse, rraagwe o ne a tsholetsa bora jwa gagwe mme a golola motswi wa gagwe o o nang le botlhole. Motswi o ne wa tsena ka tlhamalalo mo pelong ya nonyane. Nonyane e ne ya lela selelo se se tlhabang pelo. Ka letshogo, Ketti o ne a retologa – ka bonako a bona rraagwe a wela fa fatshe, a tlhokafetse. Ketti o ne a goeletsa kwa godimo mme fa a retologa gape – a bona motswi o wa fela kwa ntle ga go gobatsa mmele o o phatsimang wa nonyane. Morago nonyane, kwa ntle ga kgobalo epe, e ne ya fofela kwa lekaleng le le kwa godimodimo la setlhare. +Ketti o ne a tswa ka lebelo mo sekgweng mme a bona pono e e gakgamatsang. Phologolo nngwe le nngwe le motho mongwe le mongwe yo o neng a mmona o ne a robetse fa fatshe a tlhokafetse. Pelo e ne e uba, mme a tabogela kwa gae. Ka bonako o ne a bona piano ya bogologolo e e lediwang ka kgonojwe ya ga nkoko wa gagwe. “E ke yona fela tshepo ya me ya bofelo!” a akanya jalo. “Nonyane ya pula e tenegile. Ke tshwanetse go e itumedisa gape! Ke TSHWANETSE!” +Morago ga halofo ya ura, Ketti o ne a boetse fa tlase ga setlhare se segolo. Mmele wa gagwe o ne o fufutse thata mme o ne a fegelwa. Dikgato di le mmalwa go tswa fa a neng a le teng go ne go robetse setopo sa ga rraagwe. Ketti o ne a lebelela kwa thoko ka bonako, mme ka diatla tse di roromang, a simolola go letsa piano e e lediwang ka kgonojwe. +O ne a e letsa a bo a e letsa, go fitlhela menwana ya gagwe e nna botlhoko. Kwa bokhutlong, go ne ga direga se o neng a se batla go gaisa dilo tsotlhe mo lefatsheng. Nonyane e ne ya fologela kwa tlase jaaka e kete ga go a direga sepe. Nonyane e ne ya ja moretlwa o o neng o santse o le mo fatshe mme ya opela dinotonyana tse di molotsana. Morago, fa Ketti a ntse a tsweletse go letsa piano, nonyane e ne ya tsholetsa diphuka tsa yona … Ketti o ne a utlwa modumonyana mo morago ga gagwe. E ne e le rraagwe yo o neng a sa tswa go tsoga. “Ke maswabi!” a bua gangwe le gape a raya nonyane e kgolo, ya mmala o mopududu. Morago o ne a otlolola seatla sa gagwe kwa go morwadie mme ba tsamaya ka iketlo go boela kwa motseng. Batho botlhe le diphologolo tsotlhe di ne di tshela gape kwa motseng. +Mo bosigong joo baagi ba motse ba ne ba nna le kopano. Ba ne ba dumelana ka bongwe jwa pelo gore ba ithutile thuto e botlhokwa. Mme go simolola ka lona letsatsi leo, go ne go sa fete beke e le nngwe kwa ntle ga leeto le le kgethegileng la go ya kwa sekgweng go fepa nonyane e e neng e nesa pula.",tsn,Setswana,onyane ya pu,"A little village stood at the edge of a forest. In the heart of this forest, in the highest branches of an enormous tree, lived a very special bird − the bird that made rain. The villagers had always taken the time to keep this bird happy. Every ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nonyane-ya-pula +rain-bird,"Eveni lelibitwa ngekutsi yi-Gabon, bekunemmango lebewakhe ngasekugcineni kwelihlatsi. Enkhabeni yelihlatsi, emagaleni lasetulu kakhulu esihlahla lesikhulu, bekuhlala inyoni lekhetsekile − inyoni lebeyinisa litulu. +Konkhe lommango bewukukhumbula kutsi, besesisidze mbamba sikhatsi bayijabulisa lenyoni. Bebagcina kahle tinsalela tesinkhwa, ticentu tetitselo nelubisi lolusha lwekhokhonathi, futsi njalo ngeliviki noma lamabili licembu lebantfu bemmango belitsatsa konkhe lokudla lokumnandzi likuyise ehlatsini. Nasebabeke lokudla ngaphansi kwalesihlahla, lomunye wabo bekabese udlala ishuni lelula kuphiyano ledlalwa ngesitfupha. Ngemuva kwesikhashana, lenyoni beyibese iyandiza yehlela phansi emhlabatsini itewudla lokudla ibuye inatse. Beyitsi ingacedza, bese ihlabela ingoma lemnandzi. Ngaso sona leso sikhatsi, beyivula iphakamise timphiko tayo letimnyama, letimanyatela lokuluhlata sasibhakabhaka, kungakapheli liminithi, litulu bese liyacala liyana. +Loku kwachubeka iminyaka leminyenti. Njengoba litulu belihlala lina njalo nje, tilimo betikhula tandze kakhulu futsi bekuhlala kunekudla lokunyenti kulommango. Kepha ekuhambeni kwesikhatsi tintfo tacala tagucuka. Ngandlelatsite, bantfu balommango bacala kuhlala bamatasatasa ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi babese bacala kungayinaki lenyoni lenisa litulu. “Kuyafana nje, litawuna litulu,” basho njalo. “Sikhatsi manje sekuyekela kumosa leya nyoni lelibele lendzala!” +Kepha labantfu bebenta kabi. Batsi nabayekela kunakekela lenyoni, litulu layekela kuna. Tilimo tacala koma futsi tafa, netilwane nato tondza futsi taba butsakatsaka. Nanoma kunjalo, kute umuntfu lowaphuma kulommango waya ehlatsini wayokondla lenyoni lenisa litulu. Manje-ke besebamatasatasa kakhulu betama kutfola imali yekutsenga kudla edolobheni lelidvute. +Ngalelinye lilanga kushisa kakhulu, intfombatanyana lebeyibitwa ngekutsi nguKetti yancuma kuya ehlatsini nakuphuma sikolwa. “Kuncono kutawube kupholile lapho,” washo aticabangela. Wahamba wahamba, futsi ngemuva kwesikhatsi lesitsite, wefika kulesihlahla lesidze lapho bekuhlala khona lenyoni lenisa litulu. Ketti wabuka etulu esihlahleni. Masinyane nje, wakhumbula ngesikhatsi gogo wakhe ete naye lapha ehlatsini atewupha lenyoni kudla ngesikhatsi asesengumntfwana lomncane. Ketti wavula sikhwama sakhe sesikolwa wabuye futsi wakhipha lucetu lwesinkhwa lebelusele ngesikhatsi sekudla kwakhe kwasemini. Ngekucophelela wabeka lesinkhwa ngaphansi kwesihlahla. Manje-ke ngoba bekete iphiyano ledlalwa ngesitfupha, wahlabela ingoma lendzala lebekayati imphilo yakhe yonkhe. +Ngemsindvo lomkhulu lohumako, inyoni lenhle leluhlata sasibhakabhaka yehla emagaleni esihlahla ngetulu kwenhloko yaKetti futsi yacala kudla lesinkhwa. Kwatsi lenyoni seyicedzile kudla, yavula umlomo wayo yacala yahlabela emanothi lavakala kahle lambalwa, laphakeme. Yabase iphakamisa timphiko tayo leticwebetelako kwatsi futsi kusenjalo Ketti weva kudvuma kwelitulu lokukhulu. Watsi nje nakefika ekhaya, besekwehla lamakhulu ematfonsi emvula, aphotisa lomhlabatsi lobovu loshisa kakhulu. +Ketti wajabula kakhulu, kwate kwaba ngulapho atjela batali bakhe kutsi kwentekeni. “Ungakhulumi bulima!” kwasho make wakhe amtsetsisa. “Kute lobekasakholelwa ekutsini lenyoni beyisesenawo emandla ekunisa litulu!” +“Make wakho ucinisile,” kwasho babe waKetti. “Somiso siphelile manje futsi sesitawuphila kahle. Ungamosi sinkhwa lesikahle uloku wondlana naleya nyoni lenemona futsi!” +Nanoma nje Ketti angatange aphikisane nebatali bakhe, wativa acinisekile kutsi abenti kahle. “Ngifisa sengatsi ngabe gogo usaphila,” washo atitjela, “ngabe uyangikholwa!” Kepha gogo waKetti bekasaneminyaka lembalwa ashonile. Intfo yinye lebeyisalele Ketti bekuyiphiyano ledlalwa ngesitfupha lendzala yagogo wakhe. +Kwendlula emaviki lamabili kute litulu. Tilimo tacala kubuna futsi netimbambo tetilwane letilambile tacala kubonakala kakhulu manje. Lilanga lashisa kakhulu ngalokungenamusa livela kulesibhakabhaka lesiluhlata lesivutsako. “Anginandzaba nekutsi batsini!” kucabanga Ketti. “Sidzinga imvula. Kusasa ngiyahamba ngiyopha lenyoni kudla futsi!” +Ngakoke-ke ekuseni kakhulu ngelilanga lelilandzelako, ngemuva kwekutsatsa lucetu lwesinkhwa nemagungumence lagcwele sandla lawatsatsa edladleni, Ketti wanyenya waphuma endlini. Wahamba wayoshona enkhabeni yelihlatsi. Langakucaphelanga kutsi, babe wakhe naye bekavukile. Watsi nakabona kutsi indvodzakati yakhe yentani, wabona kutsi beyihamba iyopha lenyoni yelitulu kudla. “Ngitamfundzisa sifundvo loya mntfwana longalaleli!” washo atikhulumela atfukutsele. Wahlwitsa butjoki nemcibisholo wakhe wabuye walandzela Ketti ngekuthula wayoshona ehlatsini. +Yatsi nje lapho lenyoni nayehla itewudla kudla kwayo lebekubekwe nguKetti, babe wakhe waphakamisa butjoki bakhe wabuye futsi wakhulula umcibisholo bewunashevu. Lomcibisholo wandiza wacondza ngco enhlitiyweni yalenyoni. Lenyoni yakhala ngelivi lelinkenketako. Ngekwetfuka lokukhulu, Ketti wagucuka wabuka emuva − ngesikhatsi lesifanele wabona babe wakhe awela phansi, wafa. Ketti wamemeta etfukile futsi wagucuka − gesikhatsi lesifanele wabona umcibisholo uwa ngaphandle kwekulimata umtimba walenyoni lecwebetelako. Manje-ke lenyoni, ingakalimali, yaphakama yahlala egaleni lelisetulu kakhulu lesihlahla. +Ketti waphuma ehlatsini agijima waphumela ekuboneni intfo leyammangalisa kakhulu. Wonkhe umuntfu futsi sonkhe silwane lasibona sasilele phansi sifile. Ngenhlitiyo lebeyishaya kakhulu, wagijima yonkhe indlela wayoshona ekhaya kubo. Masinyane nje watfola iphiyano ledlalwa ngesitfupha yagogo wakhe. “Leli ngulo kuphela litsemba lami!” washo acabanga. “Lenyoni yelitulu itfukutsele. Kufanele ngiyente ijabule futsi! KUFANELE NGENTE njalo.” +Ngemuva kwehhafu yeli-awa, Ketti besabuyile ngaphansi kwesihlahla. Umtimba wakhe bewumanti nte umjuluko futsi bekaphefumulela etulu. Bucadlwana nje naye bekulele sidvumbu seyise. Ketti wavele wabuka eceleni masinyane, ngetandla letichachatelako, wacala wadlala lephiyano ledlwalwa ngesitfupha. +Wayidlala, wayidlala, iminwe yakhe yate yaba buhlungu. Ekugcineni, lebekakufuna kakhulu emhlabeni kwabese kuyenteka. Yehla inyoni yahlala phansi kwangatsi kute lokubi lokuke kwabakhona. Lenyoni yadla lamanye alamagungumence labekasolo alapho phansi yabuye futsi yahlabela emagama lambalwa. Ketti wachubeka wadlala lephiyano ledlalwa ngesitfupha, lenyoni yabese iphakamisa timphiko tayo … Ketti weva kukhwashatela emvakwakhe. Bekungubabe wakhe lobekasavukile. “Ngiyacolisa!” kwasho babe wakhe aphindzaphindza kulenyoni leluhlata sasibhakabhaka. Wabese ukhipha sandla sakhe ubamba indvodzakati yakhe wabese uhamba nayo kancane babuyela emuva emmangweni. Emmangweni wakubo tonkhe tilwane nebantfu besebavukile baphila futsi. +Kulobo busuku bantfu bemmango babamba umhlangano. Bonkhe bavuma kutsi bafundze sifundvo lesibalulekile. Kusukela ngalelo langa kuya embili, kute ngisho linye liviki lelendlula kungakabi neluhambo loluya ehlatsini kuyewupha lenyoni lebeyinisa litulu kudla.",ssw,Siswati,Inyoni yelitulu,"A little village stood at the edge of a forest. In the heart of this forest, in the highest branches of an enormous tree, lived a very special bird − the bird that made rain. The villagers had always taken the time to keep this bird happy. Every ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/inyoni-yelitulu +rain-bird,"Ngei shangoni ḽi vhidzwaho upfi Gabon, ho vha hu na muḓana u wanalaho mukanoni wa ḓaka. Tshivhindini tsha ḓaka iḽi, kha matavhi a nṱhesa a muri muhulu nga maanḓa, ho vha hu tshi dzula tshiṋoni tsho khetheaho nga maanḓa – tshiṋoni tshi nisaho mvula. +U bva murahu hangei hune vhadzulapo vha kona u humbula u swika hone, vho vha vha tshi dzulela u ita zwoṱhe zwine zwa ḓo ita uri tshiṋoni tshi takale. Vho vhulunga mathatha a vhurotho, zwipiḓa zwa mitshelo na mafhi a luvhisi a khokhonathi, nahone vhege kana mbili dziṅwe na dziṅwe tshigwada tsha vhadzulapo tsho vha tshi tshi dzhia zwidyantongolo izwi tsha ṱuwa nazwo ḓakani. Musi vho zwi vhea fhasi ha muri, muthihi wavho, o vha a tshi lidza luimbo lu sa konḓi nga mbila. Nga murahu ha tshifhinga nyana, tshiṋoni tsho vha tshi tshi fhufhela fhasi u ḓa u ḽa na u nwa. Musi tsho no fhedza, tsha thoma u imba luimbo lu takadzaho nga maanḓa. Nga tshifhinga tshenetsho, tsha imisa maphapha atsho matswu, a lutombo lu penyaho, nga minetse i si gathi, mvula i thoma u na. +Izwo zwo dzulela u itea lwa miṅwaha minzhi. Ngauri mvula yo dzulela u na tshifhinga tshoṱhe, zwimela zwo mela nga vhunzhi nahone ha vha na zwiḽiwa zwinzhisa kha muḓana. Nga zwiṱuku zwithu zwa thoma u shanduka. Zwa sokou itea uri vhadzulapo vha vhe vho farekanaho nga maanḓa, vha vho thoma u litshedzela tshiṋoni tsha mvula. “Zwi a fana i ḓo ḓi na,” vho amba. “Ndi tshifhinga tsha u litsha u lema tshiṋoni tsha kale tshi sa ḓivhaleli!” +Fhedzi vhathu vho vha vho khakha. Musi vha tshi litsha u ṱhogomela tshiṋoni, mvula yo ima u na. Zwimela zwo thoma u vhuna zwa mbo ḓi oma, ngeno phukha dzo thoma u onda na u sa vha na nungo. Naho zwo ralo, a hu na kha muḓana we a ya ḓakani u sukela tshiṋoni tshe tsha ṋisa mvula. Vhoṱhe vho vha vho farekanea vha tshi khou lingedza u wana tshelede ya u renga zwiḽiwa kha ḓorobo ya nga tsini. +Ḓuvha ḽiṅwe he ḓuvha ḽa vha ḽi tshi khou fhisa nga maanḓa, kusidzanyana ku vhidziwaho Ketti kwo dzhia tsheo ya u ya ḓakani musi tshikolo tsho no bva. “Ndi khwiṋe ngauri hu ḓo vha hu tshi khou rotholela hangei,” o humbulela mbiluni. O tshimbila o tshimbila, nga murahu ha tshifhinga, a swika kha muri mulapfi he tshiṋoni tsha mvula tsha vha tshi tshi dzula hone. Ketti o lavhelesa nṱha ha muri. Na zwenezwo, a mbo ḓi elelwa zwe makhulu wawe vha mukegulu vha ṱuwa nae ḓakani u sukela tshiṋoni musi a tshi kha ḓi vha lutshetshe. Ketti o vula bege yawe ya tshikolo a mbo ḓi bvisa tshipiḓa tsha vhurotho he ha sala u bva kha tshiswiṱulo tshawe. Nga vhuronwani a vhea vhurotho fhasi ha muri. U bva afho, sa izwi o vha a si na mbila, o imba luimbo lwa kale lwe a lu ḓivha u bva a tshe muṱuku. +Nga muungo muhulu tshiṋoni tsha lutombo tsha manakanaka tsha fhufha u bva kha matavhi nga nṱha ha ṱhoho ya Ketti tsha thoma u ḽa vhurotho. Musi tshiṋoni tsho no fhedza, tsha aṱama mulomo watsho tsha thoma u imba notsi dza nṱha dzavhuḓisa vhukuma. Tsha imisela maphapha atsho a u penya nga khathihi fhedzi Ketti a thoma u pfa muthathabo. Nga tshifhinga tshe a swika hayani ngatsho, mashotha mahulu a mvula o vha a tshi khou na, a tshi khou rothodza mavu matswuku a fhisaho vhukuma. +Ketti o vha o takala nga maanḓa, u swikela a tshi vhudza vhabebi vhawe zwe zwa itea. “Ni songo ita zwithu zwi sa ḓivhalei!” Ho semana mme awe. “A hu na muthu a no tenda uri tshiṋoni tshi kha ḓi kwamea nga mafhungo a mvula!” +“Mme aṋu vha amba ngoho,” ho amba khotsi a Ketti. “Gomelelo ḽo fhela zwino nahone zwithu zwi ḓo luga. Ni songo tambisa vhurotho nga u sukela hafhu tshiṋoni tsha kale tshi re na tseḓa!” +Naho Ketti a songo hanedzana na vhabebi vhawe, o pfesesa uri a vha ambi ngoho. “Arali makhulu wa mukegulu vho vha vha tshi kha ḓi tshila,” a ḓivhudza, “vho vha vha tshi ḓo tenda zwine nda amba!” Fhedzi makhulu wa mukegulu wa Ketti vho lovha miṅwaha i si gathi yo fhiraho. Tshithu tshithihi fhedzi tshe Ketti a sala natsho, ndi mbila dza kale dza makhulu wawe vha mukegulu. +Ho fhela vhege mbili ha si tsha vha na mvula. Zwimela zwa thoma u oma hafhu na mbabvu dza zwifuwo dza thoma u bvela nnḓa u fhirisa. Ḓuvha ḽa tou fhisa tshoṱhe u bva kha lutombo ludala lu si na na lukole. “A thi khathali uri vha ḓo ri mini!” ho humbula Ketti. “Ri ṱoḓa mvula. Ndi khou ya u sukela tshiṋoni hafhu matshelo!” +Nga matshelonitsheloni a ḽi tevhelaho, nga murahu ha u dzhia tshiḽai tsha vhurotho na nḓirivhe tswuku dzi si gathi u bva khishini, Ketti o mbo ḓi bva nḓuni. A thoma lwendo lwa u ya tshivhindini tsha ḓaka. Zwe a sa zwi ḓivhe, ndi zwauri na khotsi awe vho vha vho no vuwa. Musi vha tshi vhona zwe musidzanyana wavho a vha a tshi khou ita, vha zwi limuwa uri u khou ya u sukela tshiṋoni tsha mvula hafhu. “Ndi ḓo mu laela vhanzhi hoyu ṅwana a si na mikhwa!” Vho ḓivhudza vho sinyuwa vhukuma. Vha dzhia vhura na misevhe zwavho vha sala Ketti murahu a tshi ya ḓakani vho fhumula. +Zwenezwi tshiṋoni tshi tshi fhufhela fhasi u ṱoḓa u ḽa zwiḽiwa zwe Ketti a tshi lugisela, khotsi awe vha imisela vhura havho nṱha vha litshedzela musevhe wavho wa vhuhali. Musevhe wa tou ṱuwa wo livha kha mbilu ya tshiṋoni. Tshiṋoni tsha ṱavha mukosi wa vhuṱungu. O tshuwa, Ketti a rembuluwa – nga tshifhinga uri a vhone khotsi awe vha tshi wela fhasi, vha lovha na zwenezwo. Ketti a ṱavha gosi a rembuluwa – nga tshifhinga uri a vhone musevhe u tshi wa lu sa huvhadzi u bva kha muvhili u suvhaho wa tshiṋoni. U bva afho tshiṋoni, tshi songo huvhala, tsha fhufhela kha davhi ḽa nṱhesa ḽa muri. +Ketti o gidima u bva ḓakani a shavhela fhethu ho tshinyadzwaho nga maanḓa. Tshifuwo tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe na muthu muṅwe na muṅwe zwe a zwi vhona zwo vha zwo lovha zwi fhasi. Mbilu i tshi khou ralo u rwela nṱha, a gidimela hayani. Nga u ṱavhanya a mbo ḓi dzhia mbila dza makhulu wawe vha mukegulu. “Iḽi ndi ḽone fulufhelo ḽanga ḽa u fhedzisela!” O humbula. “Tshiṋoni tsha u nisa mvula tsho sinyuwa. Ndi tea u tshi takadza hafhu! Ndi A KOMBETSHEDZEA!” +Nga murahu ha awara, Ketti o vha o no humela fhasi ha muri muhulu. Muvhili wawe wo vha wo ṋukala tshoṱhe nga biko nahone a tshi khou femela nṱha vhukuma. Tsininyana na he a vha e hone ho lala tshitumbu tsha khotsi awe tshi si na vhutshilo. Ketti a sedza thungo nga u ṱavhanya, nga zwanḓa zwi tetemelaho, a thoma u lidza mbila. +A lidza o lidza, u swikela minwe yawe i tshi vhavha. Mafheloni, zwe a vha a tshi khou zwi ṱoḓesa ḽifhasini zwa itea. Tshiṋoni tsha fhufhela fhasi sa hu songo iteaho tshithu. Tshiṋoni tsha ḽa dziṅwe dza nḓirivhe dze dza vha dzi tshi kha ḓi vha henefho fhasi tsha imba notsi dzi si gathi. Nga murahu, zwenezwi Ketti a tshi khou lidza, tshiṋoni tsha imisa maphapha atsho … Ketti a pfa u tsukunyea murahu hawe. Ho vha hu khotsi awe vhe vha vha vha kha ḓi tou bva u karuwa. “Pfarelo!” vha amba vha tshi dovholola vha tshi vhudza tshiṋoni tshihulu tsha lutombo. U bva afho vha fara musidzanyana wavho nga tshanḓa vha tshimbila nga u ongolowa vha tshi humela muḓanani. Ngei muḓanani vhathu vhoṱhe na zwifuwo vho vha vha tshi khou tshila hafhu. +Vhusiku honoho vhadzulapo vha fara muṱangano. Vha tendelana uri vho guda pfunzo khulwane. Nahone u bva ḓuvha ḽeneḽo u ya hoya, a hu na vhege ye ya fhela hu songo vha na lwendo lwo khetheaho lwa u ya ḓakani u sukela tshiṋoni tshe tsha ḓisa mvula.",ven,Tshivenda,Tshiṋoni tsha mvu,"A little village stood at the edge of a forest. In the heart of this forest, in the highest branches of an enormous tree, lived a very special bird − the bird that made rain. The villagers had always taken the time to keep this bird happy. Every ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tshiṋoni-tsha-mvula +rain-bird,"Etikweni leri vuriwaka Gabon, a ku ri ni tikoxikaya leri a ri ri emakumu enhoveni. Endzeni ka nhova leyi, eka marhavi lawa ya nga le henhla ka nsinya lowukulu, a ku tshama kona xinyenyani xo hlawuleka – xinyenyani lexi a xi endla mpfula. +Khale ka khaleni ku sukela loko va ha switsundzuka, va endle leswaku xinyenyani lexi xi tshama xi tsakile. A va hlayisa mahlanhla ya xinkwa, mihandzu na masi ya khokhonati, eka vhiki rin’wana ni rin’wana mitlawa mimbirhi a yi teka swakudya leswi yi hekeketa kwale nhoveni. Loko va vekile ehansi ka nsinya, un’wana wa vona a chaya risimu hi piyano hi tintiho. Endzhaku ka nkarhi, xinyenyani lexi a xi haha xi ya ehansi ku ya dya no nwa. Loko xi hetile, xi sungula ku yimbelela risimu ro tsokombela. Hi nkarhi wa lowo, xi tlakuse timpapa ta xona to hatima ta wasi. Ku nga si hela nkarhi, mpfula yi sungule kuna. +Leswi swi humelele malembe yo tala. Hikuva mpfula yi nile ko hlaya, mihandzu yi kule yi tele naswona a ku ri na swakudya swo tala etikweni. Kambe hi kuya ka nkarhi swilo swi sungule ku cinca. Hi mikarhi vaaki a va sungula ku tshama va khomekile ku fika laha va nga rivala hi xinyenyani lexi. “Yi ta na swa fana,” a va vula tano. “I nkarhi wa ku hi yima ku phamela xinyenyana lexa khale xo phunta!” +Kambe vanhu a va endla xihoxo. Va tshikile ku hlayisa xinyenyani lexi kutani mpfula yi yima ku na. Mihandzu yi sungula ku oma na ku fa, swifuwo swi sungula ku ondza na ku hela matimba. Hambiswiritano, a ku ri hava ni munhu na un’we wa le tikweni wo ya enhoveni ku ya phamela xinyenyani lexi a xi nisa mpfula. Hinkwavo va sungula ku tirha va lava mali yo ya xava swakudya eka madorobaakelano. +Hi siku rin’wana loko dyambu ri dya munhu, wanhwana loyi a va ku i Ketti u teke xiboho xo ya enhoveni loko xikolo xi humile. “Swa antswa ku ta va ku horile kona,” a vulavulela embilwini. U fambe lero na famba, endzhaku ka nkarhi, u fikile laha a ku ri na nsinya lowukulu laha xinyenyani xa mpfula a xi tshama kona. Ketti u langute ehenhla ka nsinya. Hi xihatla, a tsundzuka hi laha kokwani wa yena a nga famba na yena enhoveni ku ya phamela xinyenyani loko a ha ri ntsongo. Ketti u pfule beke ya yena a humesa xiphemu xa xinkwa lexi a xisele hi lanci. Hi vurhon’wana u vekile xinkwa ehansi ka nsinya. Hikuva a ri hava piyano ya tintiho, u yimbelele risimu ra kahle leri a ri tiveka ku suka khale. +Hi mpfumawula wo haha hi matimba, xinyenyani xa wasi xi hundle marhavi lawa a ya ri enhlokweni ya Ketti xi sungula ku dya xinkwa. Loko xinyenyani xi hetile, xi pfule nomo xi sungula ku yimbelela tinsimu to hlaya to tsokombela. Hi nkarhinyana xi tlakuse timpapa ta xona kutani Ketti a sungula ku twa ku duma ka tilo. Loko a sala a ya fika ekaya, mathonsi lamankulu a ma ri ku neni,ya timula misava leyi a yi hisa. +Ketti a tsakile swinene, ku fika loko a ya byela vatswari va yena leswi humeleleka. “U nga ti humbi!” a khahliwa hi mana wa yena. “Ku hava na munhu na un’we loyi a tshembhaka leswaku xinyenyani lexiya xi nisa mpfula!” +“Mana wa wena u vulavula ntiyiso,” ku vula tata wa Ketti. “Dyandza ri hluriwile sweswi hi ta va kahle. U nga ha tlangisi xinkwa u ya nyika xinyenyani lexa khale xa makolo nakambe!” +Ketti a nga kalanga a phikizana ni vatswari va yena, u titwe a ri ni ntiyiso wa leswaku va hoxisa. “Loko kokwana a ha hanya,” u vulavulela embilwini, “a ta va a ndzi tshembhile!” kambe kokwani wa Ketti u hundzile emisaveni malembe lawa ya nga ha ku hundza. Lexi kokwani a nga xi siyela Ketti i piyano ya tintiho ya khale. +Mavhiki mambirhi ya hundzile a ku ri hava mpfula. Mihandzu yi sungula ku vuna nakambe na swiharhi leswi a swi ri ni ndlala swi sungula ku vonaka timbambu ku tlula khale. Dyambu ri dlaya vusokoti ku suka ka tilo ra wasi. “A ndzi na mhaka ku ri va ri yini!” ku hleketa Ketti. “Hi lava mpfula, mundzuku ndzi ya phamela xinyenyani nakambe!” +Ka ha ri mixo swinene, loko a hetile ku teka swilayi swa xinkwa na ti rhubeyila to tata xandla ku suka ekhixini, Ketti a nyokovele a huma endlwini, u sungula ku khoma riendzo rakwe ra ku ya endzeni ka nhova. A nga swi lemukangi leswaku tata wa yena a pfukile. Loko a vona leswi nhwana wa yena a swiendleke, u vone leswaku u ya eku phameleni ka xinyenyani xa mpfula nakambe. “Ndzi ta dyondzisa n’wana wo ka a nga yingisi dyondzo!” a vula leswi a hlundzukile. U tekile vurha na nseve a landzelela Ketti ku ya enhoveni. +Loko xinyenyani xi ku xi hahela ehansi ku ya dya swakudya swa Ketti, tata wa yena u humesile vurha na nseve a copa hi nseve wa vukarhi. Nseve wu hahe ku ya embilwini ya xinyenyani. Xinyenyani xi be nkalanga lowukulu. Hi ku chava, Ketti u rhendzeleke kwalaho – hi nkarhi lowu a nga vona tata wa yena a wela ehansi, a lovela kwalaho. Ketti u cemile a jika – hi nkarhi lowu u vone nseve wu hahela ehansi wu nga vavisanga miri lowo hatima wa xinyenyana. Xinyenyani a xi nga vavisekangi, xihahele emalembelembeni ya rhavi ra nsinya. +Ketti u tsutsumile hi ku chavisa hi leswi humeleleke. Munhu un’wana ni un’wana a ri ehansi. Mbilu yi ri karhi yi ba, u tsutsumele a tlhelela ekaya. U hatle a kuma piyano ya kokwani wa yena ya khale. “Loku hi kona ku tshemba ka mina!” a vulavulela embilwini. “Xinyenyani xa mpfula xi hlundzukile swinene. Ndzi fanele ndzi xi tsakisa nakambe! NDZA FANELA!” +Loko ku nga si hela hafu ya awara, Ketti a fikile ehansi ka nsiya lowukulu. Miri wa yena a wu tsakame kunene na ku hefemulela ehenhla. Kwala kusuhi a ku etlele tata wa yena loyi a lovile. Ketti u langute etlhelo hi ku hatlisa. Hi mavoko lawa a ya rhurhumela, u sungule ku chaya piyano ya tintiho. +U chaye piyano ku fika laha tintiho ta yena ti nga twa ku vava. Eku heteleleni, lexi a xi lava ku tlula hinkwaswo emisaveni xi endlekile. Xinyenyani xi chikile o nge a ku humelelanga nchumu. Xinyenyani xi dye tirhubeyila loko a ha ri ehansi na ku yimbelela tinsimu. Endzhaku Ketti a sungula ku chaya, xinyenyani xi tlakusa timpapa … Ketti u twe ku tshukunyuka endzhaku ka yena. A ku ri tata wa yena loyi a tlakukeke. “Ndzi khomeli!” u vule a vuyelela eka xinyenyani xa wasi lexikulu. Kutani a khoma voko ra n’wana wa yena wa nhwana va famba hi ku nonoka va tlhelela ekaya. Etikweni vanhu hinkwavo na swiharhi a swi hanya nakambe. +Vusiku byebyo vaakitiko vakhome khorho. Va pfumalelanile leswaku va dyondze dyondzo ya nkoka swinene, naswona ku suka kwalaho, vhiki na vhiki a va teka riendzo ro ya enhoveni ku ya phamela xinyenyani lexi a xi nisa mpfula.",tso,Xitsonga,yenyani ya mpfu,"A little village stood at the edge of a forest. In the heart of this forest, in the highest branches of an enormous tree, lived a very special bird − the bird that made rain. The villagers had always taken the time to keep this bird happy. Every ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nyenyani-ya-mpfula +lion-and-monkey,"One day Grandpa wanted to teach us a lesson about trust and gratitude, so he told us a story about the lion and the monkey… +The lion and the monkey lived in a thick jungle. The lion roamed the jungle floor, while the monkey lived in the treetops. One day the lion saw some meat on top of a banana leaf on the jungle floor. “There’s a free and easy meal for me,” he thought. +The lion moved towards the middle of the banana leaf, but as he sunk his teeth into the meat, the ground gave way beneath him. Together with the meat and the banana leaf, he fell into a deep pit. +“How was the lion to have known that a free meal is not always free; that an easy meal is not always as easy as it seems?” commented Grandpa. “How could the king of the jungle have known that a hunter had dug a deep pit and covered it with the banana leaf, then placed the meat in the middle of the leaf and covered the leaf with sand to disguise it.” +The pit was so narrow that the lion could only stand upright, on his hind legs. He made frantic efforts to climb out of the deep pit, but with each attempt the red soil crumbled under his claws and he sank back to the bottom of the pit. The exhausted lion was still there at dusk when suddenly he saw a tail pass by. The tail belonged to a monkey who had jumped over the pit. The lion called desperately for help. +“What is the royal one doing in such a deep dark place?” asked the monkey looking into the pit. +“I fell in,” said the lion in a weak voice. “I have been here all day. Please help me.” +The monkey hesitated and started to walk away, but the lion begged him again. Then the monkey said, “I am told that all the animals that ever did you a good turn, never lived to tell the story.” +“I know you are too smart to believe lies told by my enemies,” said the lion. “Please, please help me.” +In the end the monkey took pity on the lion and lowered his tail into the pit like a rope. The lion held on to the monkey’s tail and climbed up it. But even when he was out of the pit, the lion hung onto the monkey’s tail. +“Let me go! Haven’t I helped you out of the deep pit as you begged me to?” the monkey asked the lion. +But the lion tightened his grip on the monkey’s tail even more, and when the monkey looked into the lion’s eyes, he saw the look of hunger. “Please let me go!” the monkey cried. But the lion’s grip only got tighter. +Suddenly, an old woman appeared. She was on her way to her farm when she saw the animals arguing. She stopped and asked them why they were quarrelling. The monkey told her how he had helped the lion out of the deep pit. “But now he is holding onto my tail and he won’t let me go,” he complained. +“Is this true?” the old woman asked the lion. The lion nodded in agreement. Then the old woman said to the monkey, “Clasp your hands and say, ‘I am about to die for my kindness. I am about to die for my kindness.’” So the monkey did this. +The old woman then turned to the lion and said, “Clasp your paws and say, ‘Someone is about to die for his kindness. Someone is about to die for his kindness.’” The lion raised his free front paw and repeated the old woman’s words. +“No!” said the old woman, “I said clasp your paws, and I mean your two front paws, and then say the words.” As the lion obeyed her command and clasped his paws, the monkey escaped and ran away. The lion chased the monkey until the monkey climbed up a nearby tree. Crestfallen, the lion looked back at the spot where they had seen the old woman, but she was no longer there. +Grandpa paused and looked at our faces that had suddenly lit up at the happy ending for the monkey.",eng,English,The lion and the monkey,"One day Grandpa wanted to teach us a lesson about trust and gratitude, so he told us a story about the lion and the monkey… +The lion and the monkey lived in a thick jungle. The lion roamed the jungle floor, while the monkey lived in the ...",,Ikeogu Oke,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lion-and-monkey +lion-and-monkey,"Eendag wou Oupa vir ons ʼn les leer oor vertroue en dankbaarheid, en toe vertel hy vir ons die storie van die leeu en die apie … +Die leeu en die apie het in ʼn digte oerwoud saam met baie ander diere gewoon. Die leeu het op die grond rondgeloop, en die apie het in die boomtoppe geswaai. Die apie het soms afgekom grond toe om kos te soek, of wanneer hy tussen bome wat ver uitmekaar was, moes loop. +Eendag sien die leeu ʼn stuk vleis op ʼn breë piesangblaar op die oerwoudvloer. “Hier is ʼn gratis en maklike maaltyd vir my,” dink hy. “Dit gaan heerlik smaak!” +Die leeu stap na die middel van die piesangblaar om by die watertandlekker vleis uit te kom, maar net toe hy sy tande in die vleis slaan, gee die grond onder hom pad. Hy val saam met die vleis en die piesangblaar in ʼn diep put. +“Hoe moes die leeu weet dat ʼn gratis maaltyd nie altyd gratis is nie; dat ʼn maklike maaltyd nie altyd so maklik is soos dit lyk nie?” sê Oupa. “Hoe moes Odum, die koning van die oerwoud, geweet het die vleis is die aas van ʼn geslepe jagter? Die jagter het ʼn diep put gegrawe en dit met ʼn piesangblaar bedek. Toe het hy die vleis in die middel van die blaar neergesit en die blaar met sand bedek om die aas weg te steek. Hoe moes die trotse leeu geweet het iemand sou hom in sy eie oerwoud so ʼn nare streep trek?” vra Oupa. +Toe sing Oupa vir ons ʼn liedjie: +“Mgbe iche na obu n’efu, +Lezie anya! +Lezie anya ma obu n’efu, +Lezie anya!” +En dit beteken: +“Wanneer jy dink iets is gratis, +wees versigtig! +Maak baie seker dit is regtig gratis, +Wees versigtig!” +Die put was so nou dat die leeu net op sy agterbene kon regop staan – ʼn baie ongemaklike posisie vir ʼn leeu. Hy kyk om hom rond en sien die rooi grond bo sy kop. Dit lyk soos ʼn gladde, ronde ringmuur. Die leeu probeer alles om uit die diep put te klim, maar elke keer verkrummel die rooi grond onder sy kloue, en hy val terug na die bodem van die put. +Teen skemer is die leeu steeds in die diep put. Hy is so moeg dat hy nie eens genoeg krag het om die vleis te eet nie. Toe sien hy skielik ʼn stert verbyswiep. Die stert behoort aan Enwe, die apie. Hy het oor die put gespring. Die leeu roep desperaat om hulp. Enwe is baie verbaas oor wat hy sien toe hy in die diep put afkyk! +“Wat doen die koning van die oerwoud in so ʼn diep, donker put?” vra hy vir die leeu. +“Ek het ingeval,” sê die leeu met ʼn moeë stem. “Ek is al van vanoggend af hier. Nou is die son besig om onder te gaan. Ek wil nie hier doodgaan nie. Help my asseblief.” +Die apie huiwer en begin wegstap, maar die leeu smeek al hoe harder. Toe sê die apie vir die leeu: “Ek hoor dat nie een van die diere wat al vir jou ʼn klip uit die pad gerol het, geleef het om die storie te vertel nie.” +“Ek weet my vriende is te slim om hierdie leuens te glo wat my vyande vertel,” sê die leeu, “en ek beskou jou as een van my vriende. Help my asseblief.” +Op die ou end kry die apie die leeu jammer en hy laat sy stert soos ʼn tou in die diep put afsak. Die leeu hou aan die apie se stert vas en klim boontoe. Maar toe hy uit die put is, wil die leeu nie die apie se stert laat los nie. +“Waarom hou jy nog steeds my stert vas? Los my! Het ek jou nie uit die diep put gehelp soos jy my gevra het nie?” vra die apie vir die leeu. +Maar die leeu hou die apie se stert al stywer vas, en toe die apie in die leeu se oë kyk, is hy vreesbevange. Hy het nog nooit voorheen in ʼn honger leeu se oë gekyk nie. “Laat my asseblief gaan!” huil die apie. Maar die leeu klou die apie se stert net stywer vas, en die uitdrukking in sy oë raak nog meer vreesaanjaend. +Skielik verskyn ʼn ou vrou. Sy is op pad na haar plaas toe en sien hoe die diere redekawel. Sy gaan staan en vra hulle waaroor hulle stry. Die apie vertel haar hoe hy die leeu uit die diep put gehelp het. “Maar nou wil hy nie my stert laat los nie,” kla die apie. +Nadat die apie sy kant van die storie vertel het, vra die ou vrou vir die leeu of dit waar is. Die leeu knik instemmend. Toe sê die ou vrou vir die apie: “Vou jou hande saam en sê: ‘Ek gaan sterf vir my goedhartigheid. Ek gaan sterf vir my goedhartigheid.’” Die apie vou toe sy hande saam en sê: “Ek gaan sterf vir my goedhartigheid. Ek gaan sterf vir my goedhartigheid.” +Die ou vrou draai na die leeu toe en sê: “Vou jou pote saam en sê, ‘Iemand gaan sterf vir sy goedhartigheid. Iemand gaan sterf vir sy goedhartigheid.’” Die leeu lig toe sy een voorpoot op en sê: “Iemand gaan sterf vir sy goedhartigheid. Iemand gaan sterf vir sy goedhartigheid.” +“Nee!” sê die ou vrou,  “ek het gesê vou jou pote saam, en ek bedoel albei jou voorpote, en sê dan die woorde.” Toe die leeu doen wat sy sê en sy voorpote saamvou, ontsnap die apie en hardloop weg. Die leeu jaag die apie tot hy in ʼn boom daar naby klim. Teleurgesteld kyk die leeu terug na die plek waar hy die ou vrou gesien het, maar sy is nie meer daar nie. +Oupa bly stil en kyk na ons gesigte wat skielik ophelder omdat die storie ʼn gelukkige einde vir die apie het. Toe begin hy sing: +“Ihe oma m egbula m o; +Ihe oma m egbula m o; +Onye m mere nma egbulam o; +Ihe oma m egbula m o.” +En dit beteken: +“ Laat my goedhartigheid nie my dood veroorsaak nie; +Laat my goedhartigheid nie my dood veroorsaak nie; +Laat iemand wat ek gehelp het my nie doodmaak nie; +Laat my goedhartigheid my nie doodmaak nie.”",afr,Afrikaans,Die leeu en die apie: ʼn storie uit Nigerië,"One day Grandpa wanted to teach us a lesson about trust and gratitude, so he told us a story about the lion and the monkey… +The lion and the monkey lived in a thick jungle. The lion roamed the jungle floor, while the monkey lived in the ...",,Ikeogu Oke,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-leeu-en-die-apie-ʼn-storie-uit-nigerië +lion-and-monkey,"Ngenye imini uTatomkhulu wayefuna ukusifundisa isifundo sokuthembeka nokuba nombulelo, ngoko ke wasibalisela ibali lengonyama nenkawu… +Ingonyama nenkawu zazihlala kwihlathi elishinyeneyo. Ingonyama yayizula ihlathi lonke phantsi, lo gama inkawu yayihlala phezulu ezincotsheni zemithi. Ngenye imini ingonyama yabona iqatha lenyama libekwe phantsi kwigqabi lomthi webhanana. “Naku ukutya okusimahla nokundizele lula ndingakusebenzelanga,” yacinga njalo. +Ingonyama yasondela embindini wegqabi lebhanana, kodwa yathi nje ukuba ilume ngamazinyo ayo, suka umhlaba wavuleka phantsi kwayo. Yatshona kuloo mngxuma unzulu ingonyama neqatha elo lenyama kunye negqabi lebhanana. +“Yayingayazi njani ingonyama into yokuba ukutya okusimahla akusoloko kusimahla; nokutya okufumaneka lula akufumaneki lula njengokuba kubonakala njalo?” watsho uTatomkhulu. “Wayengakwazi njani ukumkani wasehlathini, ukuba umzingeli womba umngxuma onzulu waza wawugquma ngegqabi lebhanana. Emva koko wabeka inyama esazulwini segqabi lebhanana waza igqabi waligquma ngentlabathi ukuze umgibe ungabonakali.” +Umngxuma wawumxinwa kangangokuba ingonyama yayikwazi ukuma nkqo kuphela, imi ngemilenze yayo yangasemva. Ingonyama yazama ukuphuma kulo mngxuma unzulu, kodwa ngomtsi ngamnye umhlaba obomvu wawudilika udilizwa ziinzipho zayo ize iphinde iyokuwela ezantsi emngxunyeni. Ingonyama ediniweyo yayisahleli apho kuloo mngxuma unzulu ngorhatya ukubona kwayo umsila ugqitha. Loo msila yayingumsila wenkawu eyayiwutsibile yona umngxuma. Ingonyama yakhwaza icela uncedo. +“Kumkani wenza ntoni emngxunyeni onzulu nomnyama kangaka?” yayibuza ngelitshoyo inkawu, ijonge emngxunyeni. +“Ndiwele apha,” yatsho ingonyama ngelizwi elibonakalisa ukuphelelwa ngamandla. “Kudala ndilapha okoko kwakusasa. Nceda undisindise.” +Inkawu yathandabuza yaze yasuka yahamba, kodwa ingonyama yazinga ngokuyicenga. Yathi inkawu engonyameni, “Kuthiwa zonke izilwanyana ezakhe zakunceda, zange ziphile ukuze zikwazi ukubalisa elo bali.” +“Ndiyazi ukuba ukrelekrele ukuba ungakholelwa kubuxoki obuxelelwa ziintshaba zam ngam,” yatsho ingonyama, “Nceda undisindise.” +Ekugqibeleni inkawu yayisizela ingonyama yaza yafaka umsila wayo emngxunyeni ukuze usetyenziswe njengentambo. Ingonyama yabambelela kumsila wenkawu yagwencela, yenyuka yaphuma. Kodwa yathi naxa sele iphumile emngxunyeni yaqhubeka iwubambe nkqi umsila wenkawu. +“Ndiyeke! Andikuncedanga na ndakukhupha emngxunyeni onzulu njengoko ubundicelile?” inkawu yabuza ingonyama. +Kodwa ingonyama yawuqinisa ngakumbi umsila wenkawu. Yathi inkawu xa ijonga ingonyama emehlweni, yabona indlela ingonyama eyayilambe ngayo. “Nceda undiyeke ndihambe!” yakhala inkawu. Kodwa ingonyama yaye iwuqinisa ngakumbi umsila wenkawu. +Ngephanyazo kwathi gqi ixhegokazi. Lalisendleleni eya kwifama yalo ukubona kwalo ezi zilwanyana zibini zixambulisana. Lema labuza ukuba zilwela ntoni na. Inkawu yalichazela indlela ethe yanceda ngayo ingonyama yayikhupha emngxunyeni onzulu. “Kodwa ngoku ibambe nkqi umsila wam ayifuni kundiyeka ndihambe,” yakhalaza. +“Ingaba oku yinyaniso?” ixhegokazi labuza ingonyama. Ingonyama yanqwala ivuma. Ixhegokazi lathi kwinkawu, “Dibanisa iintupha zakho uthi, ‘Ngoku ndiza kufa ndifela inceba yam. Ngoku ndiza kufa ndifela inceba yam.’” Ngokwenene ke, inkawu yenza njalo. +Ixhegokazi laguquka labhekisa kwingonyama lathi, “Dibanisa iintupha zakho uthi, ‘Kukho oza kufa efela inceba yakhe. Kukho oza kufa efela inceba yakhe.’” Ingonyama yanyusa inqina layo elingabambanga nto yaphinda oko yayikuxelelwa lixhegokazi. +“Hayi!” latsho ixhegokazi, “Ndithe dibanisa iintupha zakho, kwaye ndithetha iintupha zakho zamanqina omabini angaphambili, uze uthethe la mazwi.” Lo gama ingonyama ithobela umyalelo wexhegokazi idibanisa iintupha zayo, inkawu yaphuncuka yabaleka yemka. Ingonyama yayileqa inkawu yade yakhwela emthini owawukufutshane. Idakumbile, ingonyama yabheka ijonga kwindawo ababelibone kuyo ixhegokazi, kodwa ixhegokazi lalingasekho apho. +UTatomkhulu wanqumama wasijonga ebusweni,wasifumana sibonakala sichwayitile kuba inkawu isindile kwingonyama ekhohlakeleyo.",xho,isiXhosa,Ingonyama kunye nenkawu,"One day Grandpa wanted to teach us a lesson about trust and gratitude, so he told us a story about the lion and the monkey… +The lion and the monkey lived in a thick jungle. The lion roamed the jungle floor, while the monkey lived in the ...",,Ikeogu Oke,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ingonyama-kunye-nenkawu +lion-and-monkey,"Ngelinye ilanga uMkhulu wayefuna ukusifundisa isifundo esithile mayelana nokwethembana nokubonga, ngakho wasixoxela indaba yebhubesi nenkawu… +Ibhubesi nenkawu kwakuhlala ehlathini elicinene kakhulu. Ibhubesi lalizulazula phansi, ngesikhathi inkawu yona ihlala phezulu ezihlahleni. Ngelinye ilanga ibhubesi labona isigaxa senyama sibekwe phansi phezu kwehlamvu likabhanana. “Nasiya isidlo samahhala engizosithola kalula,” licabanga. +Ibhubesi laya maphakathi nehlamvu likabhanana kodwa lathi lisaluma inyama, lakhalakathela emgodini. Lakhalakathela emgodini ojulile nenyama nehlamvu likabhanana. +“Lalizokwazi kanjani ibhubhesi ukuthi isidlo samahhala asihlali njalo kungesamahhala; nokuthi into ebukeka izotholakala kalula ayihlali itholakala kalula njengoba kubukeka?” kusho uMkhulu. “Yayizokwazi kanjani inkosi yehlathi ukuthi umzingeli oyiqili wayegubhe umgodi ojulile, wawuvala ngehlamvu likabhanana wase ebeka inyama phakathi nehlamvu likabhanana wamboza ngesihlabathi ukuze kungabonakali ukuthi yinto amdoba ngayo?” +Umgodi wawumncane kangangokuthi ibhubesi lalikwazi ukuma liqonde ngemilenze yalo yangemuva kuphela. Lenza yonke imizamo yokuphuma emgodini ojulile, kodwa ngaso sonke isikhathi uma lizama ukuphuma isibomvu sasiwohloka ngaphansi kwezidladla zalo libuye liphonseke ekujuleni komgodi. Lahlala lapho ibhubesi elikhathele kwaze kwahlwa ngesikhathi libona ngokuphazima kweso umsila uthi pheshe. Kwakuwumsila wenkawu eyayeqe umgodi. Ibhubesi lamemeza licela usizo. +“Wenzani wena wasebukhosini endaweni ejulile nemnyama kangaka?” kubuza inkawu ilunguze emgodini. +“Ngikhalakathele,” kusho ibhubhesi ngezwi elibuthakathaka. “Sengihlale lapha usuku lonke. “Ngicela ungisize.” +Inkawu yake yanokungabaza yahamba, kodwa ibhubesi layincenga futhi. Inkawu yase ithi, “Ngatshelwa ukuthi zonke izilwane ezike zakusiza ngokuthile, azange ziphile ukuze zixoxe indaba yazo.” +“Ngiyazi ukuthi uhlakaniphe kakhulu ukuthi ungalalela amanga owawatshelwa yizitha zami,” kusho ibhubesi. “Ngicela ungisize bandla.” +Inkawu yagcina isilidabukela ibhubesi yase yehlisela umsila wayo emgodini njengentambo. Ibhubhesi labamba umsila wenkawu lenyuka ngawo. Kodwa lathi noma seliphumele ngaphandle laqhubeka nokubamba umsila wenkawu. +“Ngidedele! Angikukhiphanga yini emgodini ojulile ngenxa yokungincenga kwakho?” inkawu ibuza ibhubesi. +Kodwa ibhubesi lawubamba lawuqinisa kakhudlwana umsila wenkawu, futhi yathi uma inkawu ibuka amehlo ebhubesi, yabona indlela elalibuka ngayo eyayikhombisa ukulamba. “Ngicela ungidedele!” kukhala inkawu. Kodwa laya liyibamba liyiqinisa inkawu. +Kusenjalo, kwaqhamuka isalukazi. Sasiya epulazini laso ngesikhathi sibona izilwane ziqophisana ngamazwi. Sama sazibuza ukuthi zixabana ngani. Inkawu yasitshela ukuthi ilisize kanjani ibhubesi elalikhalakathele emgodini ojulile. “Kodwa manje libambe umsila wami alifuni ukuwudedela,” ikhononda. +“Ngabe kuyiqiniso lokhu?” kubuza isalukazi ebhubesini. Ibhubesi lavuma ngekhanda. Isalukazi satshela inkawu ukuthi, “Hlanganisa izandla zakho bese uthi, ‘Sengizofela ukulunga kwami. Sengizofela ukulunga kwami.’” Ngakho inkawu yenza kanjalo. +Isalukazi saphendukela ebhubesini sathi, “Hlanganisa izidladla zakho bese uthi, ‘Kukhona umuntu ozofela ukulunga kwakhe. Kukhona umuntu ozofela ukulunga kwakhe.’” Ibhubesi laphakamisa isidladla salo esingabambe lutho lase liphinda amazwi esalukazi. +“Cha bo!” kusho isalukazi, “Ngithe hlanganisa izidladla zakho, futhi ngichaza izidladla zakho zangaphambili, bese usho amazwi.” Ngesikhathi ibhubesi lenza esikushilo, lihlanganisa izidladla zalo, yaphunyula yabaleka inkawu. Ibhubesi lajaha inkawu yaze yagibela esihlahleni esiseduze. Ibhubesi labheka emuva endaweni lapho ababebone khona isalukazi ngenkulu indumalo, kodwa sasingasekho. +Umkhulu wathi ukuma kancane wase ebuka ubuso bethu base bugcwele injabulo ngenxa yokuphetha kahle kwendaba yenkawu.",zul,isiZulu,Ibhubesi nenkawu,"One day Grandpa wanted to teach us a lesson about trust and gratitude, so he told us a story about the lion and the monkey… +The lion and the monkey lived in a thick jungle. The lion roamed the jungle floor, while the monkey lived in the ...",,Ikeogu Oke,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ibhubesi-nenkawu +lion-and-monkey,"Ka tsatsi le leng Ntatemoholo o ne a batla ho re ruta thuto e maelana le tshepo le teboho, yaba o re phetela pale ka tau le tshwene.… +Tau le tshwene di ne di dula morung o teteaneng o nang le diphoofolo tse ding tse ngata. Tau e ne e sasanka fatshe ha tshwene yona e ne e dula hodima difate. Ka nako e nngwe tshwene e ne e theohela fatshe e tlo selasela dijo, kapa ha e ntse e tlola pakeng tsa difate tse arohaneng. +Ka tsatsi le leng tau ya bona sehlethela sa nama se beilweng hodima lekala le sephara la panana, fatshe hona morung moo. “Dijo tsa mahala tse fumanehang habonolo ke tseo”, a nahana jwalo, “Mh, di tla latsweha hamonate hakaakang, banna!” +Tau ya atamela bohareng ba lekala la panana ho nanabela nama e shebehang e dutlisa mathe, empa eitse hang ha a kenya meno ho yona, mobu o ka tlasa hae wa buleha. Yaba o wela ka lemeneng mmoho le nama le lekala la panana. +“Tau e ne e tla tseba jwang hore dijo tsa mahala hangata ha se tsa mahala; hore dijo tse fumanehang habonolo hangata ha di fumanehe ha bonolo jwaloka ha di shebeha?” ho rialo Ntatemoholo. “Odum, morena wa meru, o ne a tla tseba jwang hore nama eo e ne e le leraba le tjheilweng ke setsomi? Setsomi se ne se ile sa tjheka lemena mme sa le kwahela ka lekala la panana. Yaba se bea nama bohareng ba lekala mme sa kwahela lekala ka lehlabathe ho pata sefi seo. Ebe tau e makoko e ne e tla tseba jwang hore ho na le motho ya ka e phelephanyetsang ka tsela e jwalo morung oo e leng wa yona?” ho botsa Ntatemoholo. +Yaba Ntatemoholo o re binela pina: +“Mgbe iche na obu n’efu, +Lezie anya! +Lezie anya ma obu n’efu, +Lezie anya!” +E bolelang: +“Ha o nahana hore ke ya mahala, +Hlokomela!! +Hlokomela ho netefatsa hore ke ya mahala, +Hlokomela!” +Mokoti o ne o le monyane hoo tau e neng e ka kgona feela ho ema ka maoto a morao – e leng seemo se tshophodi haholo bakeng sa tau. Yaba e sheba kwana le kwana mme ya bona lefatshe le lefubedu ka hodima yona le le boreledi jwaloka lebota la silindara. Tau ya leka ka hohle ho hlwella ka hodima lemena, empa nako le nako ha e leka, mobu o ne o heleha ka tlasa maoto a yona mme e be e wela hape lemeneng. +Tau ya dula jwalo ka lemeneng leo ho fihlela e eba mantsiboya. E ne e kgathetse hona hoo e neng e se na le matla a ho ja nama. Yaba hanghang e bona mohatla o feta. Mohatla oo e ne e le wa Enwe, tshwene. O ne a ile a tlolela ka nqane ho mokoti. Tau ya hoeletsa e tlalletswe ke naha  e batla thuso. Enwe e ile ya makatswa ke seo e se bonang ha e sheba ka hara mokoti! +“Ebe morena o etsang sebakeng se tebileng se lefifi hakana?” e botsa tau. +“Ke wetse,” tau ya araba ka lentswe le fokolang. “Haesale ke le ka mona ho tloha hoseng. Jwale letsatsi le se le tla dikela. Ha ke batle ho shwela ka mona. Ako nthuse hle, ke a o kopa.” +Tshwene ya qeaqea pele mme ya qala ho itsamaela, empa tau ya e kopa ka mohau o fetisisang. Yaba tshwene e re ho tau, “Ke bolelletswe hore diphoofolo tsohle tse kileng tsa o etsetsa molemo o itseng, ha di a ka tsa phela hore di phete pale kamora moo.” +“Ke a tseba hore metswalle ya ka e hlalefile haholo hore e ka tsamaya e ntse e kgolwa mashano a kang ano a bolelwang ke dira tsa ka,” ho rialo tau. “mme ke o  nka jwaloka e mong wa metswalle ya ka. Ka kopo, a ko nthuse hle.” +Qetellong tshwene ya qenehela tau mme ya theolela mohatla wa yona jwalo ka thapo ka hara lemena. Tau ya itshwareletsa ka mohatla wa tshwene mme ya hlwella ka hodimo ka ona. Empa le ha e se e le ka hodima mokoti, tau ya dula e ntse e tshwere mohatla wa tshwene e o tiisitse. +“Hobaneng o ntse o tshwere mohatla wa ka? Ntlohele! Akere ke o thusitse ho tswa ka mokoting jwaloka ha o ne o nthapela?” Tshwene ya botsa tau. +Empa tau ya nna ya tiisa ho tshwara mohatla wa tshwene le ho feta, eitse ha tshwene e sheba ka hara mahlo a tau, ya bona mahlo a ileng a e tshosa haholo. E ne e so ka e sheba ka hara mahlo a tau e lapileng haesale e le yona. “Ke a o kopa hle, ntlohele!” tshwene ya hoeletsa. Empa tau ya nna ya tiisa le ho feta mohatleng mme mahlo a yona a ntse a eketseha ho tshabeha. +Hanghang, ha hlaha mosadimoholo e mong. O ne a ikela polasing ya hae ha a tla bona diphoofolo tsena tse pedi di qhwebeshana. A ema mme a ba botsa hore di tsekisanang. Tshwene ya mmolella hore e thusitse tau hore e tswe ka mokoting. “Empa jwale e ntse e tshwere mohatla wa ka e o tiisitse ha e batle ho ntlohela”, tshwene ya tletleba jwalo. +Kamora hoba tshwene e hlahise lehlakore la yona la taba tsena, mosadimoholo a botsa tau hore na ebe ke nnete na. Tau ya dumela ka ho oma ka hlooho. Yaba mosadimoholo o re ho tshwene. “Kopanya matsoho a hao o re,” ‘Jwale ke tlo bolawa ke mohau wa ka. Jwale ke tlo bolawa ke mohau wa ka.’” Yaba tshwene e kopanya matsoho e re, “Jwale ke tlo bolawa ka lebaka la mohau wa ka. Jwale ke tlo bolawa ka lebaka la mohau wa ka.” +Yaba mosadimoholo o retelehela ka ho tau a re, “Kopanya matsoho a hao o re, ‘Motho e mong o tlo shwela mohau wa hae. Motho e mong o tlo shwela mohau wa hae’”. Tau ya phahamisa leoto la yona la kapele le sa tshwarang ya re, “Motho e mong o tlo shwela mohau wa hae. Motho e mong o tlo shwela mohau wa hae”. +“Tjhe!” ho rialo mosadimoholo, “Ke itse o kopanye maoto a tshwarane, mme ke bolela maoto a hao a kapele, mme o bue mantswe ana.” Eitse ha tau e leka ho etsa jwalo mme e kopanya maoto a kapele, tshwene ya tjhopola ya baleha. Tau ya lelekisa tshwene ho fihlela tshwene e hlwella sefateng se haufi. Crestfallen, tau eo, ya hetla ya sheba mane moo di boneng mosadimoholo, empa o ne a se a le siyo. +Ntatemoholo a emisa mme a sheba difahlehlo tsa rona tseo jwale di neng di thabile ka lebaka la qetelo e monate hlakoreng la tshwene. Yaba o qala ho bina:   +“Ihe oma m egbula m o; +Ihe oma m egbula m o; +Onye m mere nma egbulam o; +Ihe oma m egbula m o.” +E leng se bolelang: +“Mohau wa ka ha o se ke wa mpolaya; +Mohau wa ka o se ke wa mpolaya; +Motho eo ke mo thusitseng a se ke a mpolaya; +Mohau wa ka o se ke wa mpolaya” +Odum ke tau ka se- Igbo. +Enwe ke tshwene ka se-Igbo.",sot,Sesotho,Tau le Tshwene,"One day Grandpa wanted to teach us a lesson about trust and gratitude, so he told us a story about the lion and the monkey… +The lion and the monkey lived in a thick jungle. The lion roamed the jungle floor, while the monkey lived in the ...",,Ikeogu Oke,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tau-le-tshwene +mini-meerkat-makes-friend,"“Mini, it’s time to gather food!” said Mama Meerkat one morning. “I’m sending you somewhere new today!” +Mini Meerkat’s pointy ears pricked up. “Where?” she asked. She loved foraging for food in exciting new places. +“Last week a tree blew over in the storm,” said Mama Meerkat. “Its trunk has made a bridge over the pool at the bottom of the koppie. Go down there, cross the tree bridge and see if you can find anything good for us to eat on the other side of the pool.” +Off went Mini Meerkat. “I’m small, but I’m good at finding food!” she sang to herself as she scurried over the koppie towards the flatter land below. After a while, she saw Owl sitting sleepily in the branches of a tree. “Good morning, Owl,” said Mini Meerkat politely. +“Good morning,” said Owl in a faraway voice. “Where are you going, all by yourself?” +“I’m going to cross over the dark pool to look for food,” said Mini Meerkat proudly. +“Well, be careful,” said Owl. “You don’t have sharp claws like I do!” +Mini Meerkat walked past a few more bushes and trees. Then she saw Jackal lounging in the shade of a big bush. “Well, well, it’s Mini Meerkat,” said Jackal in a friendly voice. “Where are you off to?” +“I’m going to look for food on the other side of the pool,” said Mini Meerkat. +“Hmm, be careful,” said Jackal. “You don’t have sharp teeth like I do!” +By now, Mini Meerkat could see the water of the pool glittering in the distance. She hurried on towards it. After a while she met Rabbit. He was lolling in the long grass in the sunshine. “Good morning, Mini,” he drawled, as he chewed on a long blade of grass. “Where are you rushing off to?” +“I’m going to cross over the pool and look for food on the other side,” explained Mini Meerkat. +“Ooooh,” said lazy Rabbit “You’re brave! Aren’t you scared of IT?” +“What is IT?” asked Mini Meerkat in a small voice. +“You know,” said Rabbit, “The THING that lives in the pool!” +“I’m not scared!” said Mini Meerkat, and off she went again. But as she drew closer to the pool, she began to wish she hadn’t met Rabbit. What was IT, and what would IT do to her? +At last she reached the tree bridge. “I won’t look down,” she said to herself. Briskly, she hopped up onto the trunk and began to make her away along it. But when she reached the middle, she couldn’t resist peering into the dark water … and there IT was! A face peering back at her! Mini Meerkat didn’t want to show how scared she was, so she pulled an ugly face … but to her horror, the THING made an ugly face too! +With her heart thumping, Mini Meerkat turned and raced back towards her home. She rushed past Rabbit, who was fast asleep, but stopped when she reached Jackal. “Help!” she panted, “there’s a THING in the pool! What shall I do?” +“Don’t worry,” said Jackal, “take a big stone with you and show it to the THING! That will frighten it away!” +So Mini Meerkat picked up a big stone and returned to the pool. But when she got to the middle of the tree bridge and looked down at the THING, it was holding a stone too! +She dropped the stone and rushed back along the tree bridge, past Rabbit and Jackal, until she reached the foot of the tree in which Owl was snoozing. “Owl, Owl!” she called in a squeaky, scared voice. “Help me! There’s a THING in the pool! What shall I do?” +“Hmmmm,” said Owl thoughtfully. “Take a stick with you and show it to the THING! That will do the trick!” he said. +So Mini Meerkat found herself a big, long stick, and feeling much calmer, she returned to the tree bridge. But when she held the stick in the air and looked down at the water, she saw that the THING was holding a big stick too! +Terrified, Mini Meerkat tossed the stick into the water, and ran panting past Rabbit, Jackal and Owl, all the way up the koppie to her own home. Exhausted she fell on the ground beside Mama Meerkat and told her what had happened. +“Poor little Mini,” said Mama Meerkat in a soothing voice. “Don’t worry! I know exactly what you need to do. After you’ve had a rest, go back down to the pool. Don’t take any sticks or stones with you. When you get to the middle of the tree bridge, look down at the water again, but this time, when you see the THING, smile at it!” +“Smile?” asked Mini Meerkat surprised. She could hardly believe what her mother was saying. +“Yes, smile,” said Mama Meerkat. “I promise it will work.” +Of course Mama Meerkat was right. When Mini reached the middle of the tree bridge, she looked down and smiled. To her great surprise, the THING smiled back at her in the friendliest possible way! Mini Meerkat waved at the THING and it waved back at her. Mini was thrilled! She skipped across the tree bridge, and after several happy hours, returned home with a pile of delicious roots tucked under each arm. +That evening, as the meerkats sat down to eat their tasty feast, Mini Meerkat told Mama what had happened. “When I smiled at the thing, it smiled back at me!” she said. +“I know,” said Mama. +“And when I waved at the THING, it waved at me too!” said Mini Meerkat. +“I know,” said Mama Meerkat again. +“I think it wants to be my friend!” said Mini. +“I know,” said Mama. +Mini Meerkat thought for a while. “But Mama,” she said, “what is the THING?” So Mama Meerkat told her. What do you think Mama Meerkat said?",eng,English,Mini meerkat makes a friend,"“Mini, it’s time to gather food!” said Mama Meerkat one morning. “I’m sending you somewhere new today!” +Mini Meerkat’s pointy ears pricked up. “Where?” she asked. She loved foraging for food in exciting new ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mini-meerkat-makes-friend +mini-meerkat-makes-friend,"“Minnie, dis tyd om te gaan kos soek!” sê Mamma Meerkat een oggend. “Ek gaan jou vanoggend na ʼn nuwe plek toe stuur!” +Minnie Meerkat spits haar skerp oortjies. “Waarheen?” vra sy. Sy hou baie daarvan om op nuwe, opwindende plekke te gaan kos soek. +“Verlede week het die storm ʼn boom omgewaai,” sê Mamma Meerkat. “Die boomstam het ʼn brug oor die poel onder die koppie gevorm. Gaan soontoe, stap oor die boombrug en kyk of jy aan die oorkant van die poel iets lekkers kan kry vir ons om te eet.” +Minnie Meerkat spring dadelik weg. “Ek is klein, maar ek kan goed kos soek!” sing sy terwyl sy oor die koppie skarrel na die meer gelyke grond. Na ʼn rukkie sien sy vir Uil wat vakerig op ’n boomtak sit. “Goeiemôre, Uil,” sê Minnie Meerkat hoflik. +“Goeiemôre,” sê Uil met ʼn veraf stem. “Waarheen is jy so alleen op pad?” +“Ek gaan oor die brug oor die donker poel stap om kos te soek,” sê Minnie Meerkat trots. +“Wel, wees versigtig,” sê Uil. “Jy het nie skerp kloue soos ek nie!” +Minnie Meerkat stap verby nog ʼn paar bosse en bome. Toe sien sy vir Jakkals in die skaduwee van ʼn groot bos lê. “Wel, wel, is dit nie Minnie Meerkat nie,” sê Jakkals met ʼn vriendelike stem. “Waarheen is jy op pad?” +“Ek gaan kos soek aan die oorkant van die poel,” sê Minnie Meerkat. +“Hmm, wees versigtig,” sê Jakkals. “Jy het nie skerp tande soos ek nie!” +Nou kan Minnie Meerkat al die water van die poel in die verte sien blink. Sy hardloop vinnig verder. Na ʼn rukkie kom sy vir Konyn teë. Hy lê rustig in die lang gras en geniet die sonskyn. “Goeiemôre, Minnie,” sê hy temerig, terwyl hy aan ʼn lang grasspriet kou. “Waarheen is jy so haastig op pad?” +“Ek gaan kos soek aan die oorkant van die poel,” verduidelik Minnie Meerkat. +“Ooee,” sê Konyn lui.  “Jy is dapper! Is jy nie bang vir die DING nie?” +“Watter DING?” vra Minnie Meerkat met ʼn klein stemmetjie. +“Jy weet,” sê Konyn, “Die DING wat in die poel woon!” +“Ek is nie bang nie!” sê Minnie Meerkat, en sy laat spaander. Maar hoe nader sy aan die poel kom, hoe meer wens sy sy het nooit vir Konyn teëgekom nie. Wat is die DING, en wat sal DIT aan haar doen? +Uiteindelik kom sy by die boombrug. “Ek sal nie afkyk nie,” sê sy vir haarself. Sy spring vinnig op die boomstam en begin hardloop. Maar toe sy in die middel kom, kan sy haarself nie keer nie, en sy kyk af in die donker water … en daar is DIT! ʼn Gesig kyk vir haar! Minnie Meerkat wil nie hê die DING moet sien hoe bang sy is nie, en sy trek skewebek … maar tot haar afgryse trek die DING ook skewebek! +Met haar hartjie wat doef-doef klop, draai Minnie Meerkat om en hardloop so vinnig as wat sy kan terug na haar huis toe. Sy storm verby Konyn, wat vas aan die slaap is, maar gaan staan toe sy by Jakkals kom. “Help!” hyg sy, “daar is ʼn DING in die poel! Wat moet ek doen?” +“Moenie bang wees nie,” sê Jakkals, “vat ʼn groot klip en wys dit vir die DING! Dit sal hom laat skrik en hy sal verdwyn!” +Minnie Meerkat tel toe ʼn groot klip op en hardloop terug na die poel toe. Maar toe sy in die middel van die boombrug kom en afkyk na die DING, hou hy ook ʼn klip vas! +Sy laat val die klip en hardloop oor die boombrug terug, verby Konyn en Jakkals, totdat sy by die boom kom waar Uil sit en sluimer. “Uil, Uil!” roep sy met ʼn bang piepstemmetjie. “Help my! Daar’s ʼn DING in die poel! Wat moet ek doen?” +“Hmmmm,” sê Uil terwyl hy nadink. “Vat ʼn stok saam met jou en wys dit vir die DING! Dit sal werk!” sê hy. +Minnie Meerkat kry ʼn groot, lang stok en voel sommer baie kalmer toe sy terughardloop na die brug toe. Maar toe sy die stok in die lug hou en in die water afkyk, sien sy dat die DING ook ʼn groot stok vashou! +Vreesbevange gooi Minnie Meerkat die stok in die water en hardloop hygend verby Konyn, Jakkals en Uil, en oor die koppie tot by haar eie huis. Sy val moeg op die grond langs Mamma Meerkat neer en vertel haar wat gebeur het. +“Arme klein Minnie,” sê Mamma Meerkat gerusstellend. “Moenie bang wees nie! Ek weet presies wat jy moet doen. As jy klaar gerus het, gaan jy terug na die poel toe. Jy neem nie enige stokke of klippe saam nie. Wanneer jy in die middel van die boombrug kom, kyk jy weer af in die water, maar hierdie keer glimlag jy wanneer jy die DING sien!” +“Glimlag?” vra Minnie Meerkat verbaas. Sy kan skaars glo wat haar ma sê. +“Ja, glimlag,” sê Mamma Meerkat. “Ek belowe jou dit sal werk.” +Natuurlik is Mamma Meerkat reg. Toe Minnie in die middel van die boombrug kom, kyk sy af en glimlag. En tot haar groot verbasing glimlag die DING vir haar met sy heel vriendelikste glimlag! Minnie Meerkat waai vir die DING en hy waai terug. Minnie is so bly! Sy huppel oor die boombrug, en na baie, gelukkige ure gaan sy terug huis toe met ʼn stapel heerlike knolle onder elke arm. +Daardie aand, toe die meerkatte gaan sit om hulle smaaklike feesmaal te geniet, vertel Minnie Meerkat vir Mamma wat gebeur het. “Toe ek vir die DING glimlag, het hy vir my geglimlag!” sê sy. +“Ek weet,” sê Mamma. +“En toe ek vir die DING waai, het hy teruggewaai!” sê Minnie Meerkat. +“Ek weet,” sê Mamma Meerkat weer. +“Ek dink hy wil my maat wees!” sê Minnie. +“Ek weet,” sê Mamma. +Minnie Meerkat dink vir ʼn rukkie daaroor na. “Maar Mamma,” sê sy, “wat is die DING?” En toe vertel Mamma Meerkat vir haar. Wat dink jy het Mamma Meerkat gesê?",afr,Afrikaans,Minnie Meerkat kry ʼn maat,"“Mini, it’s time to gather food!” said Mama Meerkat one morning. “I’m sending you somewhere new today!” +Mini Meerkat’s pointy ears pricked up. “Where?” she asked. She loved foraging for food in exciting new ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/minnie-meerkat-kry-ʼn-maat +mini-meerkat-makes-friend,"“Mini, lixesha lokuqokelela ukutya!” utshilo uMama uGala ngenye intsasa. “Ndiza kuthuma kwenye indawo entsha namhlanje!” +UMini Gala wandwebisa iindlebe zakhe. “Uza kundithuma phi?” wabuza. Wayekuthanda ukukhangela ukutya kwindawo ezintsha. +“Kule veki iphelileyo isiphango sisiphule umthi,” watsho uMama uGala. “Isiqu sawo senze umchankcatho phezu kwequla elisezantsi kwentatyana. Yiya phaya, usebenzise umthi lowo ukuwela, ukhangele ukuba awunakufumana ukutya okumnandi ngaphesheya kwequla kusini na.” +Wahamba uMini Gala. “Ndimncinane, kodwa ndiyakwazi ukukhangela ukutya!” waziculela njengokuba wayebaleka esihla kwintatyana esiya ngakumhlaba othe tyaba. Emva kwethutyana, wabona iSikhova sizozelela kumasebe omthi. “Molo Sikhova” wabulisa uMini Gala ngesimilo. +“Molo,” satsho isikhova ngelizwi elozelayo. “Uyaphi uhamba wedwa nje?” +“Ndiza kuwela kweli qula limdaka ndiyokufuna ukutya ngaphesheya” watsho uMini Gala ngokuzingca. +“Kulungile, ulumke,” satsho iSikhova. “Awunazinzipho ezibukhali njengezam!” +UMini Gala wadlula amatyholo nemithi embalwa. Wabona uDyakalashe ezipholele emthunzini wetyholo elikhulu. Ah! Nanku uMini Gala,” watsho uDyakalashe ngobubele. “Uyaphi?” +“Ndiyokukhangela ukutya ngaphesheya kwequla,” watsho uMini Gala. +“Hmm, ulumke,” watsho uDyakalashe. “Awunamazinyo abukhali njengawam!” +UMini Gala wayesele ewabona ngoku amanzi equla emenyezela kude kufutshane. Wakhawuleza ukuya ngasequleni. Emva komzuzwana wadibana noMvundla. Wawuzingqengqele engceni ende ugcakamele ilanga. “Molo Mini,” wabulisa uzekelela kuba wawusitya ingca. “Ungxamele phi na?” +“Ndiza kuwela eli qula ndiyokufuna ukutya ngaphesheya,” wacacisa uMini Gala. +“Ooooh,” watsho uMvundla owonqenayo “Uligorha! Akuyoyiki INTO?” +“Andoyiki NTONI?” wabuza uMini Gala ngelizwi lakhe elincinane. +“Uyayazi,” watsho uMvundla, “Laa NTO ihlala equleni!” +“Andoyiki!” watsho uMini Gala, watsho eqhubeka nohambo lwakhe. Kodwa njengokuba esondela equleni, waqala wanqwenela ukuba akwaba ebengadibenanga noMvundla.Yintoni le NTO, kwaye iza kumenza ntoni? +Ekugqibeleni wafika emthini ongumchankcatho. “Andizikujonga phantsi,” wazithethela. Ngokukhawuleza, watsibela emthini wachankcatha kuwo. Kodwa uthe xa esesizikithini akakwazi ukuzibamba wajonga emanzini amdaka… nantso wayibona INTO! Wabona ubuso obumjongileyo! UMini Gala khange afune ukuzibonakalisa indlela awayesoyika ngayo, ngoko ke wenzenza mbi ebusweni …. kodwa nayo le NTO yazenza mbi ebusweni waze woyika kakhulu! +Ixhala lakhe lingongoza, uMini Gala wajika wagqotsa ukuya ngasekhaya. Wadlula engxamile kuMvundla owawulele cum, kodwa wema akufika kuDyakalashe. “Ndincede” watsho ekhefuzela, “kukho INTO equleni! Ndenze ntoni?” +“Ungazihluphi,” watsho uDyakalashe, “thatha ilitye elikhulu uze uyibonise lona laa NTO! Oko kuza kuyoyikisa ibaleke!” +UMini Gala wachola ilitye elikhulu wabuyela equleni. Kodwa uthe akufika embindini womchankcatho wajonga phantsi ejonga INTO, waza wayibona iphethe ilitye nayo! + +Waliphosa ilitye waza wabaleka echankcatha emthini, wadlula kuMvundla nakuDyakalashe, wade wafika phantsi komthi apho iSikhova sasilele khona. “Sikhova, Sikhova!” wakhwaza esoyika. “Ndincede! Kukho INTO equleni! Ndenze ntoni?” +“Hmmmm,” satsho iSikhova sicinga. “Thatha intonga uze uyibonise yona INTO leyo! Oko kuza kukunceda!” satsho. +UMini Gala wafumana intonga ende waza ezolile, wabuyela emthini ongumchankcatho. Kodwa uthe akuyiphakamisa intonga yakhe wajonga ezantsi emanzini wayibona INTO iphethe intonga enkulu nayo! +Esoyika, uMini Gala waphosa intonga yakhe equleni waza wabaleka edlula ekhefuzela kuMvundla, kuDyakalashe nakwiSikhova. Wanyuka intatyana ebaleka njalo waya kufika ekhayeni lakhe. Wazijula phantsi ecaleni kukamama wakhe ediniwe waza wambalisela ukuba kwenzeke ntoni. +“Owu Mini sana lwam,” watsho uMama uGala ngelizwi elithuthuzelayo. “Ungakhathazeki! Ndiyazi kanye into ekufuneka uyenze. Emva kokuba uphumlile, uze uphinde uye equleni. Ungaphathi ntonga okanye ilitye. Xa ufikile esizikithini somchankcatho, uze ujonge ezantsi emanzini, kodwa kwesi sihlandlo, xa uyibona INTO uze uyincumele!” +“Ndiyincumele?” wabuza uMini Gala othukile. Wayengakukholelwa okuthethwa ngumama wakhe. +“Ewe, uze uyincumele!,” waphendula uMama uGala. “Ndiyakuthembisa iza kusebenza le nto ndikuxelela yona.” +Ngokwenene, uMama uGala wayenyanisile. Ukufika kukaMini esizikithini somchankcatho wajonga phantsi wancuma. Kwenzeka okungalindelekanga, INTO yamncumela nayo uMini ngeyona ndlela ikholisayo! UMini Gala wawangawangisa ngesandla sakhe yaza neNTO yenza kwangokunjalo. UMini wavuya kakhulu! Watsiba-tsiba ukuwela ngomchankcatho, waza emva kweyure ezininzi zolonwabo wabuyela ekhaya ephethe intaphane yeengcambu ezimnandi ezithe khu phantsi kwekhwapha ngalinye. +Ngobo busuku, njengokuba amagala ayehlala phantsi eza kutya isidlo sawo esimnandi, uMini Gala wabalisela umama wakhe ngako konke okwenzekileyo. “Ndathi xa ndiyincumela INTO, nayo yandincumela!” watsho. +“Ndiyazi,” watsho uMama. +“Ndathi xa ndiwangawangisa ngesandla sam,nayo INTO yawangawangisa!” watsho uMini Gala. +“Ndiyazi,” waphendula uMama uGala kwakhona. +“Ndicinga ukuba ifuna ukuba ngumhlobo wam!” watsho uMini. +“Ndiyazi,” waphendula uMama. +UMini Gala wacinga umzuzwana. “Kodwa Mama,” watsho “yintoni laa NTO?” UMama uGala wamxelela. Ucinga ukuba uMama uGala wathini?",xho,isiXhosa,UMini Gala wakha ubuhlobo,"“Mini, it’s time to gather food!” said Mama Meerkat one morning. “I’m sending you somewhere new today!” +Mini Meerkat’s pointy ears pricked up. “Where?” she asked. She loved foraging for food in exciting new ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umini-gala-wakha-ubuhlobo +mini-meerkat-makes-friend,"“Mini, sekuyisikhathi sokuyofuna ukudla!” kusho uMama uBubhibhi ngolunye usuku ekuseni. “Ngizokuthuma kwenye indawo entsha namhlanje!” +UBubhibhi uMini wamisa amadletshana akhe acijile. “Kuphi?” kubuza yena. Wayethanda ukuyofuna ukudla ezindaweni ezintsha ezivusa isasasa. +“Umuthi uwiswe isivunguvungu ngesonto eledlule,” kusho uMama uBubhibhi. “Isiqu sawo senze ibhuloho phezu kwesiziba esingezansi negquma. Iya laphaya, uwele ngebhuloho lomuthi bese ubheka ukuthi angeke yini usitholele ukudla ngaphesheya kwesiziba.” +Wasuka wahamba uBubhibhi uMini. “Ngimncane, kodwa nginekhono lokuthola ukudla!” eziculela ngesikhathi esho ngejubane ehla egqumeni eya endaweni esezansi eyithafa. Emva kwesikhashana, wabona uSikhova ehleli engquphazela egatsheni lomuthi. “Sawubona, Sikhova,” kusho uBubhibhi uMini ngenhlonipho. +“Sawubona,” kuvumela phansi uSikhova. “Uyaphi kodwa uwedwa?” +“Ngizowela isiziba esimnyama ukuze ngiyofuna ukudla,” kusho uBubhibhi uMini ngokuziqhenya. +“Kulungile, kodwa uqaphele,” kusho uSikhova. “Awunawo amazipho abukhali njengawami!” +UBubhibhi uMini wedlula ezihlahleni nasemithini. . Wase ebona uMpungushe ezihlalele ngaphansi komthunzi wesihlahla esikhulu. “Awu, nguwe kanti, Bubhibhi uMini,” kusho uMpungushe ngezwi elinobungani. “Uyaphi?” +“Ngiyofuna ukudla ngaphesheya kwesiziba,” kusho uBubhibhi uMini. +“Eyi, kodwa uqaphele,” kusho uMpungushe. “Awunawo amazinyo abukhali njengawami!” +Ngalesi sikhathi, uBubhibhi uMini wayesekubona ukukhazimula kwamanzi esizibeni kujana. Waphuthuma kuwo. Ngemuva kwesikhashana wahlangana noNogwaja. Wayegingqika otshanini obude elangeni . “Sawubona, Mini,” ekhuluma enensa, ngesikhathi ehlafuna umucu wotshani obude. “Uphuthumaphi?” +“Ngizowelela ngaphesheya kwesiziba ngiyofuna ukudla,” kuchaza uBubhibhi uMini. +“Oooo,” kusho uNogwaja ovilaphayo “Unesibindi! Ngabe awuyesabi INTO?” +“Yini leyo NTO?” kubuza uBubhibhi uMini ngezwi elincane. +“Uyayazi,” kusho uNogwaja, “INTO ehlala esizibeni!” +“Angesabi!” kusho uBubhibhi uMini, eqhubeka nohambo. Kodwa ngesikhathi esasondela eduze nesiziba, ,waqala ukufisa sengathi ngabe wayengahlangananga noNogwaja. Ngabe yini leyo NTO, futhi INTO leyo izomenzani? +Ekugcineni wafika ebhulohweni lomuthi. “Angeke ngibuke phansi,” ezitshela. Washesha wagibela esiqwini somuthi waqala ukuwelela ngaphesheya. Kodwa wathi uma efika maphakathi nesiqu somuthi akaze akwazi ukuzibamba, wabuka phansi … nansiya INTO! Ubuso bayo bubheke ngakuye! UBubhibhi uMini akazange afune ukukhombisa ukuthi wethukile, wase ekhombisa ubuso obungebuhle … kodwa kwamethusa ukuthi, le NTO ikhombise ubuso obubi nayo futhi! +Inhliziyo kaBubhibhi uMini yayishaya ngamandla ngesikhathi egijima ebuyela ekhaya. Wagijima wadlula uNogwaja, owayelele, kodwa wama uma efika kuMpungushe. “Ngisize!” esho ehefuzela, “kukhona INTO esizibeni! Kumele ngenzenjani?” +“Ungakhathazeki,” kusho uMpungushe, “thatha itshe elikhulu bese uyikhombisa lona le NTO! Lizoyethusa!” +Ngakho uBubhibhi uMini wathatha itshe elikhulu wase ebuyela esizibeni. Kodwa wathi uma efika maphakathi nebhuloho lesiqu somuthi wabheka phansi kuleya NTO, nayo yayiphethe itshe elikhulu! +Walahla itshe wagijima wabuyela emuva ngebhuloho lesiqu somuthi, wedlula uNogwaja noMpungushe, waze wafika ngaphansi komuthi okwakulele kuwo uSikhova. “Sikhova, Sikhova!” ememeza ngezwi elivevezelayo elikhombisa ukwethuka. “Ngisize! “Kukhona INTO esizibeni! Kumele ngenzenjani?” +“Mmmmm,” kucabanga uSikhova. “Hamba nenduku bese ukhombisa leya NTO induku! Kuzokusiza lokho!” kusho yena. +Ngakho uBubhibhi uMini wazitholela induku enkulu, ende, futhi wayezwa selwehlile uvalo, wabuyela ebhulohweni lesiqu somuthi. Kodwa wathi uma ephakamisa induku ebuka phansi, wabona INTO iphethe induku enkulu nayo futhi! +Eshaywa uvalo, uBubhibhi uMini walahla induku emanzini, wagijima ehefuzela, wedlula uNogwaja, uMpungushe noSikhova, wakhuphuka egqumeni wayongena ekhaya. Wawa phansi eduze kukaMama uBubhibhi ngenxa yokukhathala, watshela unina ukuthi kwenzekeni. +“Awu, Mini, bandla,” kusho uMama uBubhibhi ngezwi eliduduzayo. “Ungakhathazeki! Ngiyazi ukuthi yini okumele uyenze. Ngemuva kokuphumula kancane, buyela esizibeni. Ungahambi nazinduku noma namatshe. Uma ufika maphakathi nebhuloho lomuthi, , ubheke emanzini futhi, kodwa manje uma ubona INTO, uyimamathekele!” +“Ngimamatheke?” kubuza uBubhibhi uMini ngokumangala. Wayengakholwa ukuthi umuzwe kahle umama wakhe. +“Yebo, umamatheke,” kusho uMama uBubhibhi. “Ngiyakwethembisa ukuthi kuzosebenza lokhu.” +Nangempela wayeqinisile uMama uBubhibhi. Ngesikhathi uMini efika maphakathi nebhuloho lesiqu somuthi, wabuka phansi wamamatheka. Kwamumangaza kakhulu ukuthi, neNTO yambuka ngobuso obunobungani ngendlela angazange ayicabange! UBubhibhi uMini wathathazela INTO nayo yamthathazela. UMini wajabula kakhulu! Wangqabashiya phezu kwebhuloho lesiqu somuthi, ngemuva kwamahora ambalwa ethokozile, wabuyela ekhaya nenqwaba yezimpande ezimnandi ngaphansi kwengalo ngayinye. +Kusihlwa ngalelo langa, ngesikhathi umndeni wobubhibhi uhleli phansi udla isidlo sawo esimnandi, uBubhibhi uMini waxoxela uMama kuthi kwenzakaleni. “Ngithe uma ngimamatheka, INTO yangimamathekela nayo futhi!” kusho yena.“Ngiyazi,” kusho uMama. +“Kanti ngithe ngesikhathi ngithathaza, neNTO, yangithathazela futhi!” kusho uBubhibhi uMini. +“Ngiyazi,” kusho uMama uBubhibhi futhi. +“Ngicabanga ukuthi ifuna ukuba ngumngani wami!” kusho uMini. +“Ngiyazi,” kusho uMama. +UBubhibhi uMini athi ukucabanga isikhashana. “Kodwa Mama,” kusho yena, “iyini leya NTO?” UMama uBubhibhi wase emtshela. Ngabe ucabanga ukuthi wathini uMama uBubhibhi?",zul,isiZulu,UBubhibhi uMini uthola umngan,"“Mini, it’s time to gather food!” said Mama Meerkat one morning. “I’m sending you somewhere new today!” +Mini Meerkat’s pointy ears pricked up. “Where?” she asked. She loved foraging for food in exciting new ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ububhibhi-umini-uthola-umngani +mini-meerkat-makes-friend,"“Mini, ke nako ya go nyaka dijo!” a realo Mma Moswe mesong ye mengwe. “Ke go roma lefelong le leswa lehono!” +Ditsebe tša Mini Moswe tša go šupa godimo tša emelela. “Kae?” a botšiša. O be a rata go tsoma dijo mafelong a maswa a go kgahliša. +“Beke ya go feta mohlare o ile wa wišwa ke ledimo,” a realo Mma Moswe. “Kutu ya ona e dirile leporogo godimo ga bodiba  kua tlase ga mmoto. Eya kua tlase, o tshele leporogo la mohlare o bone ge eba o ka se hwetše se re ka se jago sa bose ka mošola wa bodiba.” +Mini Moswe o ile a sepela. “Ke yo monnyane, efela ke kgona go nyaka dijo!” o be a ikopelela a dutše a tshera-tshera a lebile mmotong go ya mo naga e lekanetšego kua tlase. Moragonyana, o ile a bona Leribiši le dutše makaleng a mohlare le swerwe ke boroko. “Dumela, Leribiši,” a realo Mini Moswe ka boleta. +“Dumela,” gwa fetola Leribiši ka lentšu la kua garegare. “O ya kae o le tee bjalo?” +“Ke ya go nyaka dijo ka mošola wa bodiba bjo boso,” a realo Mini Moswe ka lethabo. +“O hlokomele,” a realo Leribiši. “Wena ga o na marofa a bogale bjalo ka a ka!” +Mini Moswe o ile a sepela a feta dithokgwa tše mmalwa le mehlare. O ile a bona Phukubje e dutše moriting wa sehlahla se segolo. “Agaa, ke Mini Moswe,” a realo Phukubje ka lentšu le bonolo. “O lebile kae?” +“Ke ya go nyaka dijo ka mošola wa bodiba,” a realo Mini Moswe. +“Hmm, o hlokomele,” a realo Phukubje. “Wena ga o na meno a bogale bjalo ka a ka!” +Gabjale, Mini Moswe o be a šetše a bona meetse a bodiba a phadima kua kgojana. O ile a sepediša go ya go ona. Moragonyana o ile a gahlana le Mmutla. O be a duletše letšatši ka gare ga mabjang a matelele. “Dumela, Mini,” a realo a sohla letlakala le letelele la bjang. “O itlhaganetše kae?” +“Ke ya go tshela bodiba go nyaka dijo ka mošola,” gwa hlaloša Mini Moswe. +“Ooooh,” a realo Mmutla wa go tšwafa. “Naa ga o SE tšhabe?” +“Ga ke tšhabe ENG?” gwa botšiša Mini Moswe ka lentšu le lennyane. +“O a tseba,” a realo Mmutla, “SELO sa go dula ka bodibeng!” +“Ga ke se tšhabe!” a realo Mini Moswe, a sepela. Efela o rile ge a batamela bodiba, a akanya eke nkabe a se a ka a kopana le Mmutla. O be a bolela ka ENG, gomme SELO seo se tla ntira eng? +Mafelelong o ile a fihla leporogong la mohlare. “Nkase lebelele tlase,” a ipotša bjalo. Ka tlhokomelo, a fofela kutung ya mohlare gomme a sepela godimo ga yona. Efela o rile ge a fihla gare, a palelwa ke go kgotlelela go se lebelele ka meetseng a maso … gomme SELO se be se le fao! Sefahlego se ile sa mo lebelela! Mini Moswe o be a sa nyake go laetša ka fao a tšhogilego ka gona, o ile a šošobantšha sefahlego … efela sa go mo tšhoša ya ba gore, SELO sela le sona se šošobantšhitše sefahlego! +Pelo ya gagwe ke ge e bethabetha, Mini Moswe o ile a retologa gomme a kitimela gae. O kitimile a feta Mmutla yo a bego a swerwe ke boroko, efela ge a fihla go Phukubje a ema. “Thuša!” a realo a hemela godimo, “go na le SELO bodibeng! Ke tla dira bjang?” +“Se belaele,” a realo Phukubje, “sepela le leswika le legolo gomme o fihle o le bontšhe SELO seo! Se tla tšhoga!” +Mini Moswe o ile a topa leswika le legolo gomme a boela bodibeng. Efela o rile ge a fihla gare ga leporogo la mohlare a lebelela SELO kua tlase, a bona le sona se swere leswika! +O ile a lahla leswika a kitima a tshela leporogo la mohlare, a feta Mmutla le Phukubje, go fihlela a fihla botlaseng bja mohlare moo Leribiši le bego le gona. “Leribiši, Leribiši!” a goeletša ka lentšu la go tswinya la go tšhoga. “Nthuše! Go na le SELO ka bodibeng! Naa ke tla dira bjang?” +“Hmmmm,” a realo Leribiši a nagana. “Tšea thupa o fihle o bontšhe SELO seo thupa! E tla go thuša!” a realo. +Mini Moswe o ile a tšea thupa ye kgolo ye telele gomme maswafo a ya fase, a napa a boela leporogong la mohlare. Efela o rile ge a emišeditše thupa moyeng a lebelela ka meetseng, a bona SELO le sona se swere thupa ye kgolo! +Ka letšhogo, Mini Moswe a wetša thupa ka meetseng a kitima a feta Mmutla, Phukubje le Leribiši, a feta mmotwana a ya gae. O ile a wela fase ka go lapa kgauswi le Mma Moswe gomme a mo anegela tšohle tše di diregilego. +“Ijoo, Mini wa ka,” a realo Mma Moswe ka lentšu la kwelobohloko. “Se belaele! Ke tseba gabotse se o swanetšego go se dira. Morago ga ge o ikhuditše, o boelele kua bodibeng. O se ye le dithupa goba maswika. Ge o fihla gare ga leporogo la mohlare, o lebelele ka meetseng, efela ga bjale, ge o bona SELO, o myemyele!” +“Ke myemyele?” gwa botšiša Mini Moswe ka makalo. O be a sa kgone go tshepa se se bolelwago ke mmagwe. +“Ee, o myemyele,” a realo Mma Moswe. “Seo se tla go thuša ke a go tshepiša.” +Ka nnete, Mma Moswe o be a nepile. Ge Mini a fihla gare ga leporogo la mohlare, o lebeletše tlase gomme a myemyela. O ile a makala kudu, SELO le sona se ile sa myemyela ka go laetša bonolo! Mini Moswe o ile a dumediša SELO ka go se emišetša seatla gomme le sona sa mo emišetša seatla. Mini o ile a thaba! O ile a kitima a tshela leporogo, gomme morago ga diiri tše mmalwa tša lethabo, a boya gae a gokere mokgobo wa medu ya bose ka tlase ga letsogo le lengwe le le lengwe. +Mathapameng ao ge meswe e dutše fase goja dijo tša bose, Mini Moswe o ile a anegela Mma tše diragetšego. “Ke rile ge ke myemyela, SELO le sona sa myemyela!” a realo. +“Ke a tseba,” a realo Mma. +“Ke rile ge ke emišetša SELO seatla, le sona sa nkemišetša seatla!” a realo Mini Moswe. +“Ke a tseba,” a realo gape Mma Moswe. +“Ke gopola gore se nyaka go ba mogwera wa ka!” a realo Mini. +“Ke a tseba,” a realo Mma. +Mini Moswe a nagana sebakanyana. “Efela Mma,” a realo, “SELO sela ke eng?” Mma Moswe o ile a mmotša. Naa o gopola gore Mma Moswe o rileng?",nso,Sepedi,Mini Moswe o hwetša mogwer,"“Mini, it’s time to gather food!” said Mama Meerkat one morning. “I’m sending you somewhere new today!” +Mini Meerkat’s pointy ears pricked up. “Where?” she asked. She loved foraging for food in exciting new ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mini-moswe-o-hwetša-mogwera +mini-meerkat-makes-friend,"“Mini, ke nako ya ho ya sela!” ho rialo Mme Mosha hoseng ho hong. “Kajeno ke o roma sebakeng se seng se setjha!” +Ditsebe tse motsu tsa Mini Mosha tsa qahama. “Hokae?” a botsa. O ne a rata ho ya batlana le dijo dibakeng tse ntjha tse kgahlang. +“Bekeng e fetileng sefate se ile sa fefolwa ke sefefo sa wa.” Ho rialo Mama Mosha. “Kutu ya sona e entse borogo hodima letamo tlase mane . Theohela tlase mola, tshela borogo boo ba sefate mme o bone hore na ebe o ke ke wa fumana ho hong ho monate hoo re ka ho jang ka nqane ho letamo”. +Yaba Mini Mosha o a tsamaya. “Ke monyane, empa ke tseba ho fumana dijo!” a ipinela jwalo a ntse a tlolatlola ho ya tlase phuleng. Kamora nakwana, a bona Sephoko se dutse se otsela hodima lekala la sefate. “Dumela, Sephoko,” Ho rialo Mini Mosha ka boikokobetso. +“Dumela,” ho rialo Sephoko ka lentswe le tlase. “O ya kae o tsamaya o le mong tje?” +“Ke ilo tshelela ka nqane ho letamo lane le lefifi ho ya batla dijo,” Ho rialo Mini Mosha a le motlotlo. +“Tjhe, o ilhokomele.”  Ho rialo Sephoko. Ha o na manala a bohale jwaloka nna!” +Mini Mosha a feta dihlahla le difate tse mmalwa. Yaba o bona Phokojwe a dutse ka tlasa moriti wa sehlahla se seholo. “He banna, ke Mini Mosha,” ho rialo Phokojwe ka lentswe le tletseng setswalle. “O habile kae na?” +“Ke ilo sela dijo ka nqane ho letamo,” Ho araba Mini Mosha. +“Hmm, o itlhokomele” ho rialo Phokojwe. “Ha o na meno a bohale jwalo ka nna!” +Ka nako eo, Mini Mosha o ne a se a bona metsi a letamo a phatsima hojana. Yaba o potlakela teng. Kamora nakwana a kopana le Mmutla. O ne o ntse o tlolatlola hara jwang bo bolele letsatsing. “Dumela Mini,” a rialo a ntse a hlafuna lehlaku le lelelele la jwang. “O tatetse hokae hakaale?” +“Ke ilo tshela letamo mme ke selasele dijo ka mose wane. “ho hlalosa Mini Mosha. +“Ooooh,” ho rialo Mmutla ya botswa. “O na le sebete! Na ha o E  tshabe?” +“Ha ke tshabe  ENG?” Ho botsa Mini Mosha ka lentswe le lesesane. +“O a tseba,” ho araba Mmutla,  “NTHO yane e dulang ka hara letamo!” +“Ha ke e tshabe!” ho rialo Mini Mosha, yaba o tswela pele hape. Empa yare ha a atamela letamong, a qala ho lakatsa eka a ka be a sa kopana le Mmutla. O ne a bua ka ENG, mme NTHO ee e ne e tla mo etsang? +Qetellong a fihla borogong ba sefate. “Ha ke no sheba fatshe,” a rialo a bua a le mong. Ka hloko, a tlolela hodima kutu ya sefate mme a qala ho tsamaya hodima yona. Empa eitse ha a fihla bohareng, ha a ka a kgona ho ithiba ho nyarela ka metsing a lefifi… mme E NE E le moo! Sefahleho se neng se mo tonetse mahlo! Mini Mosha o ne a sa batle ho bontsha hore o tshohile hakaakang. Yaba o busa difahleho a iketsa mobe… empa se makatsang, NTHO  ena e ile ya busa difahleho le yona ya mpefala! +Pelo ya hae e ne e otlaotla, Mini Mosha a fetoha mme a nka ka sekaja ho kgutlela lapeng labo. A matha a feta Mmutla, ya neng a ile le sephumo sa boroko, empa a ema ha a bona Phokojwe. “Thusang!” a rialo a hemela hodimo, “ho na le NTHO  ka letamong! Ke tla etsa jwang?” +“O se ke wa tshwenyeha,” ho rialo Phokojwe, “nka lejwe le leholo mme o le bontshe NTHO eo! Le tla e tshosa mme e tla baleha!” +Yaba Mini Mosha o thonaka lejwe le leholo mme a kgutlela letamong. Empa eitse ha a fihla bohareng ba borogo ba sefate, mme a sheba fatshe ho NTHO yane, le yona e ne e tshwere lejwe! +O ile a lahla lejwe mme a kgutlela morao ka borogo boo ba sefate, a feta Mmutla le Phokojwe, ho fihlela a fihla qetellong ya sefate seo Sephoko a neng a ntse a otsela ho sona. “Sephoko, Sephoko!” a hoeletsa ka lentswe le lesesane, le tshohileng. “Nthuse hle! Ho na le NTHO ka letamong ka mane! Ke tla etsa jwang?” +“Hmmmm,” ho rialo Sephooko se nahana. “Nka molamu o tsamaye le wona o o bontshe NTHO eo! Ke wona o tla o thusa!” a rialo. +Yaba Mini Mosha o iphumanela molamu o motenya, o mo lelele, mme yare ha a ikutlwa a kokobetse matshwafo, a kgutlela borogong ba sefate hape. Empa eitse ha a phahamisa tsoka molamu mme a sheba tlase ka metsing, a bona NTHO ela le yona e phahamisitse molamu o motenya! +A tshohile, Mini Mosha a lahlela molamu oo kametsing a matha lebelo a feta Mmutla, a feta Phokojwe a ba a feta le Sephoko, a nyolosa thota a le mong a leba lapeng labo. A fihla a kgathetse haholo a itahlela fatshe pela Mme Mosha mme a mmolella se etsahetseng. +“Ao Mininyana wa ka…,” ho bua Mme Mosha ka lentswe le bonolo. “O se ke wa tshwenyeha! Ke tseba hantle seo o lokelang ho se etsa. Ha o se o phomotse, o kgutlele tlase letamong. O se ke wa nka melamu kapa majwe afe kapa afe hape. Ha o fihla bohareng ba borogo ba sefate, o shebe tlase ka metsing hape, empa nakong ena ha o bona NTHO eo, o e shebe ebe o tsheha le yona!” +“Ke bososele?” ho botsa Mini Mosha a maketse. O ne a hlile a sa kgolwe seo mme wa hae a se bolelang. +“E, o bososele,” ha rialo Mme Mosha. “Ke a o tshepisa, seo se tla sebetsa.” +Ehlile, Mme Mosha o ne a nepile. Ha Mini a fihla bohareng ba borogo ba sefate, a sheba fatshe mme a bososela. A makala ha NTHO yane le yona e bososela e mo shebile ka tsela e tletseng setswalle haholo! Mini Mosha a phahamisa leoto a dumedisa NTHO ena mme le yona ya dumedisa e phahamisa leoto. Mini o ne a natefetswe! O ile a tlolatlola ho ya ka nqane ho borogo, mme kamora dihora tse mmalwa tsa monyaka, a kgutlela lapeng a nkile qubu ya metso e monate a e kentse ka tlasa sephaka ka seng. +Phirimaneng eo, ha Mosha a dula fatshe ho ja dijo tsa bona tse monate, Mini Mosha a qoqela Mme se etsahetseng. “Eitse ha ke bososella NTHO yane, le yona ya bososela e ntjhebile!” a rialo. +“Ke a tseba”, ho rialo Mme. +“Mme ha ke E dumedisa ka letsoho, le yona ya ntumedisa jwalo feela!” Mini Mosha a jwetsa mmae. +“Ke a tseba,” Mme Mosha a rialo hape. +“Ke nahana hore e batla ho ba motswalle wa ka,” ho bolela Mini +“Ke a tseba,” Ho araba Mme. +Mini Mosha a nahana ho se hokae. “Empa Mme,” a botsa “NTHO eo ke eng?” Yaba Mme Mosha o a mmolella. O nahana hore Mme Mosha o ile a reng ho yena?",sot,Sesotho,Mini Mosha o fumana motswalle,"“Mini, it’s time to gather food!” said Mama Meerkat one morning. “I’m sending you somewhere new today!” +Mini Meerkat’s pointy ears pricked up. “Where?” she asked. She loved foraging for food in exciting new ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mini-mosha-o-fumana-motswalle +squirrel-and-sun,"One morning, when the animals woke up, they were surprised to see that there was no sign of the sun rising in the eastern sky. +“What’s going on?” all the small animals asked their parents. +“Just be patient!” said their mothers and fathers. “The sun must be feeling lazy today. Soon it will rise as usual, and we can go down to the waterhole for a drink.” +But the animals were wrong. Though they waited and waited, the world stayed dark. After several hours, they decided to have a meeting to discuss the problem. +“What shall we do?” asked Hippopotamus. +“It’s very simple,” said Giraffe. “We all need to look for the sun. We can’t live without light!” +The other animals agreed, so off they all went in many different directions, determined to find the sun. +“I’ll start by looking in the trees in the big forest,” said Squirrel to herself. She explored every tree where she scampered and played each day. At first, she found nothing but darkness. As she got deeper and deeper into the forest, she noticed a very pale glow far ahead of her. “There it is!” she said excitedly. “I knew I would find the sun here!” Squirrel was right. After travelling for another hour, she finally found the sun, tangled up in the dense branches of a tall tree. “Don’t worry, Sun!” said Squirrel. “I may be small, but my teeth are very sharp! I’ll gnaw off these branches and set you free in no time.” +“Thank you, Squirrel,” groaned the sun. “I’ve been battling to get out of this tree for hours, but the more I struggle, the more tangled up I become.” +So the little squirrel began to nibble and gnaw at the branches. It was hard work, but she didn’t give up. After half an hour, she had freed the sun a little; and after another hour, there were only a few small branches and twigs still holding the sun in the top of the tree. But now the squirrel had a problem − the more branches she gnawed away, the hotter the sun burnt. Squirrel began to sweat. Soon she smelled her fur singeing and smoking. Her mouth was so dry that she could hardly speak. “I’m sorry, Sun, but I can’t carry on,” she croaked. “Your heat is just too strong for me! Look, my tail is burning!” +The sun was desperate to get free. “Please carry on, Squirrel!” Sun said. “I need to get out of this tree so I can light up the world each day. All the animals and birds and plants need my light and warmth to live.” +Squirrel knew that this was true. So although her beautiful brown fur had turned black, and her tail had burnt right off, she carried on chewing her way through the branches that were trapping the sun. +More time passed. By now Squirrel had nearly freed the sun, but her eyes were hurting so terribly that she had to close them. Again, she felt she just couldn’t carry on. “Please, Sun,” she said, “I really need to stop now. My eyes are damaged and I need to rest them.” But again the sun begged her to carry on, and so she did. +At last she chewed away the last scraps of bark and wood that were holding the sun back. Slowly, the sun glided up into the sky, and as it did, so dawn spread a pink glow across the world. As the sun rose, it spoke to the squirrel. “Thank you so much, little friend!” Sun said. “You have worked hard to save me, and by doing so you have also saved all the animals and birds and plants. What can I do for you in return?” +Squirrel thought for a few moments. She had always wanted to fly. “Give me wings,” she said, “so I can fly high in the sky.” +“All right,” said the sun, “you now have a pair of wings, and you will be able to fly even faster and further than the birds. Because you have hurt your eyes by helping me, you will sleep in the day and wake at night. Although your eyes can’t cope with the light any more, you’ll be able to see and hear really well at night!” +And that is how the squirrel became a bat. She was too busy swooping around at night to miss her tail and her brown fur and her life as a squirrel in the treetops. And even though she could no longer enjoy the sun’s light, she still felt its warmth in her heart.",eng,English,Squirrel and the sun,"One morning, when the animals woke up, they were surprised to see that there was no sign of the sun rising in the eastern sky. +“What’s going on?” all the small animals asked their parents. +“Just be patient!” said their ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/squirrel-and-sun +squirrel-and-sun,"Een oggend, toe die diere wakker word, is hulle verbaas om te sien dat daar geen teken is dat die son in die ooste gaan opkom nie. +“Wat gaan aan?” vra al die klein diertjies vir hulle ouers. +“Wees net geduldig!” sê hulle mammas en pappas. “Die son is seker vandag ʼn bietjie lui. Dit sal netnou soos gewoonlik opkom, en dan kan ons gaan water drink by die watergat.” +Maar die diere is verkeerd. Hulle wag en wag, maar die wêreld bly donker. Na ʼn hele paar uur besluit hulle om ʼn vergadering te hou om die probleem te bespreek. +“Wat gaan ons doen?” vra Seekoei. +“Dis baie eenvoudig,” sê Kameelperd. “Ons moet almal na die son gaan soek. Ons kan nie sonder die son se lig lewe nie!” Die ander diere stem saam. Toe vertrek hulle in verskillende rigtings, vasberade om die son te vind. +“Ek sal in die bome van die groot woud begin soek,” sê Eekhoring vir haarself. Sy soek in elke boom waar sy elke dag dartel en speel. Eers vind sy net donkerte. Toe sy dieper en dieper in die woud ingaan, sien sy ʼn baie dowwe skynsel ver voor haar. “Daar’s dit!” roep sy opgewonde. “Ek het geweet ek sal die son hier kry!” Eekhoring is reg. Na ʼn uur kry sy uiteindelik die son, verstrengel in die ruie takke van ʼn hoë boom. “Moenie bekommerd wees nie, Son!” sê Eekhoring. “Ek is dalk klein, maar my tande is baie skerp! Ek sal die takke afknaag en jou in ʼn japtrap loskry.” +“Dankie, Eekhoring,” kreun die son. “Ek sukkel al ure lank om uit hierdie takke los te kom, maar hoe harder ek probeer, hoe meer verstrengel raak ek.” +Die klein eekhoring begin aan die takke knibbel en knaag. Dit is harde werk, maar sy gee nie op nie. Na ʼn halfuur het sy die son al effens los; en na nog ʼn uur is daar net ʼn paar klein takkies en stokkies waaraan die son vassit. Maar nou het die eekhoring ʼn probleem − hoe meer takke sy afkou, hoe warmer brand die son. Eekhoring begin sweet. Sommer gou ruik sy hoe haar pels skroei en rook. Haar mond is so droog dat sy skaars kan praat. “Ek is jammer, Son, maar ek kan nie meer nie,” sê sy hees. “Jy is net te warm vir my! Kyk, my stert is aan die brand!” +Die son is desperaat om los te kom. “Hou asseblief aan, Eekhoring!” sê Son. “Ek moet uit hierdie takke loskom sodat ek elke dag vir die wêreld kan lig gee. Al die diere en voëls en plante het my lig en warmte nodig om te oorleef.” +Eekhoring weet dit is waar. Al is haar pragtige bruin pels swart gebrand en al is haar stert heeltemal afgebrand, hou sy aan om deur die takke te knaag wat die son steeds vashou. +Nog tyd gaan veryby. Teen hierdie tyd het Eekhoring die son byna heeltemal losgewikkel, maar haar oë kry so seer dat sy hulle moet toemaak. Eekhoring is gedaan en voel dat sy regtig nie meer kan nie. “Asseblief, Son,” sê sy, “ek kan nie meer nie. My oë is beskadig en ek moet hulle rus.” Maar weer smeek die son haar om voort te gaan, en so hou Eekhoring aan. +Uiteindelik kou sy die laaste stukkies bas en hout af wat die son vashou. Stadig begin die son in die lug opstyg, en sprei ʼn pienk gloed oor die aarde uit. Terwyl die son opkom, praat hy met die eekhoring. “Baie dankie, my klein vriendjie!” sê Son. “Jy het hard gewerk om my te red, en so het jy al die diere en voëls en plante gered. Wat kan ek nou vir jou doen?” +Eekhoring dink ʼn rukkie hieroor na. Sy wou nog altyd vlieg. “Gee vir my vlerke,” sê sy, “sodat ek hoog in die lug kan vlieg.” +“Nou goed,” sê die son, “nou het jy ʼn paar vlerke, en jy sal selfs vinniger en verder as die voëls kan vlieg. Maar omdat jou oë seergekry het toe jy my gehelp het, sal jy bedags slaap en snags wakker wees. En al kan jou oë nie meer die lig verdra nie, sal jy snags baie goed kan sien en hoor!” +En dit is hoe die eekhoring ʼn vlermuis geword het. Sy was so besig om snags rond te vlieg dat sy nie haar stert en haar bruin pels en haar lewe as ʼn eekhoring in die boomtoppe gemis het nie. En al kon sy nie meer die sonlig geniet nie, het sy steeds die son se warmte in haar hart gevoel.",afr,Afrikaans,Eekhoring en die son,"One morning, when the animals woke up, they were surprised to see that there was no sign of the sun rising in the eastern sky. +“What’s going on?” all the small animals asked their parents. +“Just be patient!” said their ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/eekhoring-en-die-son +squirrel-and-sun,"Ngenye intsasa, ukuvuka kwazo zonke izilwanyana, kwakungekho mkhondo wokuphuma kwelanga esibhakabhakeni ngasempumalanga. +“Namhlanje ilanga inoba liyonqena ukuphuma,” zatsho. “Kwakamsinyane liza kuphuma njengesiqhelo, kwaye siza kutsho sikwazi ukuya kusela amanzi equleni.” +Kodwa izilwanyana zaziphazama. Zalinda, zalinda kodwa kwahlala kumnyama, ilanga lingaphumi. Ngoko ke zagqiba kwelokuba zithi saa kuwo onke amacala ohlukileyo zikhangele ilanga. +“Ndiza kuqala ndikhangele emithini phaya ehlathini,” wacinga njalo uNomatse. Wakhangela kuyo yonke imithi awayedlala kuyo imihla ngemihla. Kuqala zange afumane nto ngaphandle kobumnyama. Waya ngokuya engena ngokungena ehlathini, waqaphela ukukhanya okuluzizi phaya phambili. “Naliyaa!” watsho echulumancile. “Bendisazi ukuba ndiza kulifumana apha ilanga!” UNomatse wayeyichanile indawo elikuyo. Emva kokuhamba esiya phambili, wade walifumana ilanga liphithene namasebe omthi omde. “Ungakhathazeki Langa!” watsho uNomatse. Ndingaba ndimncinane, kodwa amazinyo am abukhali kakhulu! Ndiza kuwakrukra la masebe ndikukhulule.” +“Enkosi,” lancwina latsho ilanga. “Kudala ndizama ukuphuma kulo mthi sekuziiyure ezininzi, kodwa ngokuye ndizama kungona, ndiya ndiphithana nangaphezulu.” +Kwa oko, uNomatse omncinane waqalisa ukukrukra amasebe. Yayingumsebenzi onzima, kodwa zange anikezele. Emva kweyure, lalisele likhululekile kancinane ilanga kwaze emva kwenye iyure, kwabe sekusele amasebe namasetyana amancinane nambalwa asabambe ilanga phezulu emthini. Kodwa kwakukho ingxaki – njengokuba unomatse wayekrukra amasebe ngobuninzi bawo, lalisiya litshisa kakhulu ilanga. +Kwakamsinyane uNomatse weva ivumba loboya bakhe burhawuka kwaye buqhuma. “Uxolo Langa , kodwa andikwazi kuqhubeka nokukukhulula,” watsho. “Ubushushu bakho buyandoyisa! Jonga, umsila wam uyatsha!” +Ilanga lalinxunguphele lifuna ukukhululeka. “Nceda qhubeka undikhulule Nomatse! latsho iLanga. “Kufuneka ndiphume apha kulo mthi ukuze ndikwazi ukukhanyisela ihlabathi yonke imihla. Yonke into ifuna ukukhanya kwam kunye nobushushu bam ukuze iphile.” +UNomatse wayesazi ukuba oko kuthethwa lilanga yinyaniso. Ngoko ke nangona uboya bakhe obubrawuni babujike bamnyama nomsila wakhe utshe waphela, waqhubeka ekrukrutha amasebe elalibhabhiseke kuwo ilanga. +Ekugqibeleni uNomatse walikhulula ilanga, kodwa amehlo akhe ayebuhlungu kakhulu kangangokuba kwafuneka awavale. “Nceda, Langa,” wacenga watsho “Andikwazi kuqhubeka, ndiyayeka ngoku. Amehlo am onzakele kwaye kufuneka ndiwaphumze.” Kodwa ilanga lamcenga limcela ukuba angayeki koko aqhubeke, waza naye wenza njalo. +Ekugqibeleni waligrenya lonke ixolo kunye nomthi walo owawuphithanise ilanga. Kancinane, lanyukela esibhakabhakeni, laza njengokuba linyuka kwakho ukubengezela okupinki okunabele kulo lonke ihlabathi. Njengokuba ilanga linyuka, lalithetha noNomatse. “Enkosi kakhulu, mhlobo wam omncinane!” latsho iLanga. “Usebenze nzima kakhulu ukundisindisa, kwaye ngokwenza oko usindise zonke izilwanyana neentaka nezityalo. Ndingakwenzela ntoni mna ukukubulela?” +UNomatse wacinga imizuzwana. Wayesoloko enqwenela ukubhabha. “Ndinike iimpiko,” watsho, “ukuze ndibhabhe ndintingele phezulu esibhakabhakeni.” +“Kulungile, latsho ilanga, ngoku uneempiko ezimbini, kwaye uza kukwazi ukubhabha ngokukhawuleza kuneentaka. Ngenxa yokuba amehlo akho onzakele ngela xesha ubundinceda, uza kulala emini uze uvuke ebusuku. Nangona amehlo akho engasakwazi ukumelana nokukhanya konke konke, uza kukwazi ukubona kwaye uve kakuhle kakhulu kunjalo nje ebusuku!” +Yiloo nto ke uNomatse wajika waba lilulwane nje. Wayexakekile ejikeleza ngobusuku engenalo kwaphela ixesha lokucinga ngomsila wakhe ongekhoyo noboya bakhe obubrawuni nobomi bakhe njengonomatse ophezulu emithini. Nangona wayengasakwazi ukonwabela ukukhanya kwelanga, wayesabuva ubushushu balo ngaphakathi entliziyweni yakhe.",xho,isiXhosa,UNomatse kunye neLang,"One morning, when the animals woke up, they were surprised to see that there was no sign of the sun rising in the eastern sky. +“What’s going on?” all the small animals asked their parents. +“Just be patient!” said their ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/unomatse-kunye-nelanga +squirrel-and-sun,"Ngelunye usuku ekuseni, ngesikhathi izilwane zivuka, kwakungekho lutho olukhombisa ukuphuma kwelanga esibhakabhakeni esisempumalanga. +“Kungenzeka ukuthi ilanga liphethwe ubuvila nje namhlanje,” kusho zona. “Lizophuma maduze njengenjwayelo, bese sikwazi ukuyophuza emgodini wamanzi.” +Kodwa izilwane zazenza iphutha. Zalinda, zalinda kodwa umhlaba walokhu umnyama nje. Ngakho zanquma ukuphuma ngezindlela ezahlukene ukuze zithole ilanga. +“Ngizoqala ngibheke ezihlahleni zikadukathole wehlathi,” kucabanga iSinkwe. Sabheka esihlahleni ngasinye esasidlala kusona nsuku zonke. Ekuqaleni asitholanga lutho, ngaphandle kobumnyama kuphela. Ngesikhathi singena ekujuleni kwehlathi, sabona ukukhazimula okuncane maphambidlana naso. “Naliya!” sisho ngesasasa. “Ngazile ukuthi ngizolithola lapha ilanga!” Sasiqinisile iSinkwe. Ngemuva kokuhamba ibangana, sagcina sesilitholile ilanga, libambeke emagatsheni esihlahla eside. “Ungakhathazeki, Langa!” kusho iSinkwe. “Noma ngimncane nje, kodwa amazinyo ami abukhali kakhulu! Ngizoququda la magatsha bese ngiyakukhulula.” +“Ngiyabonga,” kububula iLanga. “Sekuphele amahora amaningi ngizama ukuzikhipha kulesi sihlahla, kodwa bekuthi uma ngizama, kuqhubeke nokubambeka kwami.” +Ngakho-ke iSinkwe esincane saqala ukuququda amagatsha. Kwakuwumsebenzi onzima, kodwa asizange siyeke. Ngemuva kwehora, sase silikhulule kancane ilanga; ngemuva kwelinye ihora, kwase kusele amagatshana kanye nezintana nje okusabambe ilanga phezu kwesihlahla. Kodwa kwakukhona inkinga − ngesikhathi iSinkwe simatasatasa siququda amagatsha, laliya ngokushisa kakhulu ilanga. +Dukuduku, iSinkwe sezwa ukunuka kokusha koboya baso, sabona nentuthu.”Ngiyaxolisa, Langa, kodwa angeke ngikwazi ukuqhubeka,” kusho sona. “Uyashisa kakhulu kimina! Buka nje, umsila wami uyasha!” +ILanga lalingenza noma yini ukuze likhululeke. “Ngicela uqhubeke, Sinkwe!” kusho iLanga. “Ngidinga ukuphuma kulesi sihlahla ukuze ngikwazi ukukhanyisela umhlaba usuku ngalunye. Yonke into idinga ukukhanya kanye nokufudumala kwami ukuze iphile.” +ISinkwe sasazi ukuthi kwakuyiqiniso lokho okwakushiwo yiLanga. Noma uboya baso obuhle base bushintshe bamnyama, futhi nomsila waso wawushe waze wanqamuka,  saqhubeka nokuququda amagatsha ayebambe iLanga. +Emva kwesikhathi, kwase kusele kancane ukuthi iSinkwe  sikhulule iLanga, kodwa amehlo aso ayebuhlungu kakhulu kangangokuthi kwadingeka ukuthi siwavale. “Ngiyakuncenga bandla, Langa,” kusho sona, “kumele ngiyeke ngempela manje. Amehlo ami alimele futhi ngidinga ukuwaphumuza.” Kodwa iLanga laphinde lasincenga futhi ukuthi siqhubeke, ngakho saqhubeka. +Ekugcineni saluma igxolo kanye nokhuni lokugcina olubambe iLanga. Lakhuphuka kancane liya esibhakabhakeni, kanti ngesikhathi lenza kanjalo, kwaba khona ukukhazimula okuphinki okwagcwala umhlaba wonke. Ngesikhathi ilanga liphakama, lakhuluma neSinkwe: “Ngiyabonga kakhulu, mngani wami omncane!” kusho iLanga. “Usebenze kanzima ukuze ungisindise, futhi  ngokwenzenjalo ususindise zonke izilwane, izinyoni kanye nezitshalo. Ngingakwenzelani ngalokho na?” +ISinkwe  sathi ukucabanga isikhashana. Kade sasifuna ukundiza. “Ngiphe amaphiko,” kusho sona, “ukuze ngikwazi ukundiza ngiye phezulu esibhakabhakeni.” +“Kulungile,” kusho iLanga, “usunawo manje amaphiko amabili, futhi usuzokwazi ukundiza ngesivinini esikhulu uye phezulu kakhulu kunezinyoni. Ngenxa yokuthi ulimaze amehlo akho ngesikhathi ungisiza, uzolala emini bese uvuka ebusuku. Noma amehlo akho engeke esakwazi ukumelana nokukhanya, uzokwazi ukubona kanye nokuzwa kahle impela ebusuku!” +Sashintsha kanjalo-ke iSinkwe  saba iLulwane. Lalimatasatasa kakhulu lindiza liya phezulu ebusuku kangangokuthi lalingawukhumbuli umsila walo, uboya balo obunsundu kanye nempilo yalo njengeSinkwe  phezulu ezihlahleni. Noma lalingasakwazi ukuthokozela ukukhanya kweLanga, lalisakuzwa ukufudumala kwalo enhliziyweni yalo.",zul,isiZulu,ISinkwe nelang,"One morning, when the animals woke up, they were surprised to see that there was no sign of the sun rising in the eastern sky. +“What’s going on?” all the small animals asked their parents. +“Just be patient!” said their ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isinkwe-nelanga +squirrel-and-sun,"Mesong ye mengwe, diphoofolo di rile ge di tsoga, tša makatšwa ke go bona go se sešupo sa gore letšatši le hlaba ka bohlabela. +“Go direga eng?” diphoofotšwana ka moka di ile tša botšiša batswadi ba tšona. +“Se feleng pelo!” ba realo bommago tšona le bo tatago tšona. “Letšatši le swanetše go ba le tšwafa lehono. E se kgale le tla hlaba bjalo ka mehleng, gomme re tla ya go nwa meetse mokoting wa meetse.” +Efela diphoofolo di be di fošitše. Le ge di eme sebaka, lefase le ile la no fela le fifetše. Morago ga diiri tše mmalwa di ile tša gopola go swara kopano go boledišana ka ga bothata bjo. +“Naa re tla dira bjang?” gwa botšiša Kubu. +“Go bonolo kudu,” a realo Thutlwa. “Bohle re swanetše go nyaka letšatši. Re ka se phele ntle le seetša!” +Diphoofolo tše dingwe di ile tša dumela, gomme ka moka di ile tša sepela tša leba mahlakoreng a go fapana, di phegeletše go hwetša letšatši. + +“Ke tla thoma ka go lebelela mehlareng ka sethokgweng se segolo,” Sehlora a ipotša bjalo. O hlohlomišitše mehlare ka moka mo a bego a kitima a bile a raloka letšatši ka letšatši. La mathomo, o hweditše leswiswi fela. Ge a subelela ka garegare ga sethokgwa, o ile a lemoga letago le go galoga kua pele ga gagwe. “Ke lela!” a realo ka lethabo. “Ke tsebile gore ke tla hwetša letšatši fa!” Sehlora o be a nepile. Morago ga go sepela iri ye nngwe gape, o ile a hwetša letšatši, le rarane makaleng a go kikitlana a mohlare o motelele. “Se belaele, Letšatši!” a realo Sehlora. “Le ge ke le yo monnyane, meno a ka a bogale kudu! Ke tla loma makala a ka meno ka go lokolla ka nakwana ye nnyane.” +“Ke a leboga, Sehlora,” gwa tsetla Letšatši. “Go fetile diiri ke leka go tšwa mohlareng wo efela ge ke leka go tšwa ke raragana le go feta peleng.” +Ka fao Sehlora se sennyane se ile sa thoma go kobola le go loma makala. Go be go le bothata efela ga senke a lahlela toulo. Morago ga seripa sa iri, letšatši le be le tšweletše gannyane; morago ga iri ye nngwe letšatši le be le swerwe godimo mohlareng ke makala a manyane a mmalwa fela le dithabjana. Efela bjale Sehlora o bile le bothata − ge a tloša makala a mantši ka meno, phišo ya letšatši e be e oketšega. Sehlora o ile a thoma go tšwa sethitho. O ile a thoma go nkgelela boya bja gagwe bo e swa ebile bo etšwa muši  . Legano la gagwe le be le omile ka fao a sa kgonego le go bolela. “O tla ntshwarela, Letšatši, nkase kgone go tšwela pele,” o bolela a lapile “Phišo ya gago e mphiša kudu! Lebelela, mosela waka o a swa!” +Letšatši le be le tloga le nyaka go lokologa. “Tšwela pele hle, Sehlora!” a realo Letšatši. “Ke nyaka go tšwa mohlareng wo ke dire seetša lefaseng ka moka letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe. Diphoofolo ka moka le dinonyana le mehlare di nyaka seetša sa ka le borutho gore di phele.” +Sehlora o be a tseba gore se ke nnete. Le ge boya bja gagwe bjo botsotho bo ntshofetše, le mosela wa gagwe o swele, o ile a tšwela pele go sohla makala ao a bego a tantše letšatši. +Go fetile nako ye telele. Bjale Sehlora o kgauswi le go lokolla Letšatši, efela mahlo a gagwe a be a le bohloko ka moo a ilego a a tswalela. Gape, o ile a kwa gore a ka se sa kgona go tšwela pele. “Ka kgopelo hle, Letšatši,” a realo, “Ke nyaka go ema bjale. Mahlo aka a gobetše, gome ke nyaka go a khutšiša.” Efela Letšatši o ile a mo kgopela gore a tšwele pele, gomme a dira bjalo. +Mafelelong o ile a sohla mašaledi a matswamati a mafelelo le dikota tše di bego di swareletše Letšatši. Ka go nanya, Letšatši le ile la namelela godimo marung, gomme ge le dira bjalo, mahwibi a ala seetša se sepinki lefaseng ka bophara. Ge Letšatši le hlaba, le ile la bolela le Sehlora. “Ke leboga kudu, mogwera wa ka yo monnyane!” a realo Letšatši. “O šomile boima go nthuša, bjalo ka go dira seo o phološitše diphoofolo, dinonyana le mehlare. Ke go leboge bjang?” +Sehlora o ile a nagana metsotswana. Ke kgale a duma go fofa. “Mphe maphego,” a realo, “gore ke fofe kua godimo lefaufaung.” +“Go lokile,” a realo Letšatši, “o na le maphego a mabedi bjale, gomme o tla kgona go fofa ka lebelo le go fofela kgole go feta dinonyana. Ka gobane o gobaditše mahlo a gago o be o nthuša, o tla robala mosegare, wa tsoga bošego. Le ge mahlo a gago a se sa kgona go kgotlelela seetšeng, o tla kgona go bona le go kwa gabotse bošego!” +Ke ka fao Sehlora se fetogilego mankgagane. O be a duletše go fofa bošego a sa nagane ka mosela wa gagwe le boya bja gagwe bjo botsotho le bophelo bja gagwe bjalo ka Sehlora godimo ga mehlare. Le ge a se sa ipshina ka seetša sa letšatši, o be a ekwa borutho bja sona ka pelong.",nso,Sepedi,Sehlora le letšatš,"One morning, when the animals woke up, they were surprised to see that there was no sign of the sun rising in the eastern sky. +“What’s going on?” all the small animals asked their parents. +“Just be patient!” said their ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sehlora-le-letšatši +squirrel-and-sun,"Hoseng ho hong, ha diphoofolo di tsoha, di ne di maketse ho bona hore ha ho sesupo sa Letsatsi le tjhabang ka botjhabela. +“Ho etsahala eng?” diphoofotswana tsohle tse nyane tsa botsa batswadi ba tsona. +“E bang le mamello hanyane!” ho rialo bomma tsona le bontata tsona. “Mohlomong Letsatsi le mpa le le botswa kajeno. Le tla tjhaba haufinyane jwaloka tlwaelo, mme re tla kgona ho theohela tlase phuleng ho ya nwa metsi.” +Empa diphoofolo tseo di ne di fositse. Le ha di ile tsa ema tsa ba tsa ema, lefatshe le ile la dula le ntse le le lefifi. Kamora dihora tse mmalwa, di ile tsa etsa qeto ya ho epa pitso ya ho tshohla ka bothata bona. +“Re tla etsa jwang?” ha botsa Kubu. +“Ho bonolo haholo,” ho rialo Thuhlo. “Bohle re tshwanela ho tsomana le Letsatsi. Re ke ke ra kgona ho phela ntle le kganya!” +Diphoofolo tse ding tsa dumela, kahoo tsa tutumolotseha ho ya dibakeng tse fapaneng, di ikemiseditse ho fumana Letsatsi. +“Ke tla qala ka ho sheba difateng tse ka morung o moholo,” ke Motjhalla eo a bua a le mong. A phenyekolla sefate ka seng moo a hlolang a bapalla teng Letsatsi le leng le le leng. Qalong ha a ka a fumana letho haese lefifi feela. Ha a ntse a kenella harehare morung, a elellwa kganyanyana e lerootho pele mane. “Ke lane!” a rialo a thabile. “Ke tsebile hore ke tla le fumana Letsatsi mona!” Motjhalla o ne a nepile. Kamora hoba a tsamaile hora e nngwe hape, o ile a qetella a fumane Letsatsi, le tshwasehile ka hara makala a teteaneng a sefate se selelele. “O se kgathatsehe, Letsatsi!” ho rialo Motjhalla. “Le ha ke le monyane tjena, meno a ka a bohale haholo! Ke tla kgaola makala ano kaofela mme ke o lokolle ka potlako.” +“Ke a leboha, Motjhalla,” ho tsetsela Letsatsi. “Haesale ke leka ho itshwasolla sefateng sena ka dihora tse ngata, empa ha ke ntse ke leka ho itshwasolla, ke ntse ke tshwaseha le ho feta.” +Yaba he Motjhalla o monyane o qala ho phura le ho hlahlatha makala. E ne e le mosebetsi o boima, empa ha o a ka wa nyahama pelo. Kamora halofo ya hora, o ne a se a lokollotse karolo e nyane ya Letsatsi; mme kamora hora enngwe hape, ho ne ho se ho ne ho setse makala a mmalwa feela a masesane a neng a ntse a tshwasitse Letsatsi hodimodimo sefateng. Empa jwale Motjhalla o ne a e na le bothata – ha a ntse a kgaola makala a mangata, Letsatsi le ne le ntse le mo tjhesa le ho feta. Motjhalla a qala ho fufulelwa. Yaba hang o se a utlwa ho nkga boya ba hae eka bo a tjha. Lehano la hae le ne le omme hoo a neng a hloleha le ho bua. “O ntshwarele, Letsatsi, empa nke ke ka kgona ho tswela pele,” a bua a kgathetse. “Motjheso wa hao o matla haholo ho nna! Sheba, mohatla wa ka o a tjha!” +Letsatsi le ne le hlile le batla ho lokoloha. “Tswela pele hle, Motjhalla, ke a o kopa!” Letsatsi a kopa. “Ke lokela ho tshwasolloha sefateng sena hore ke kgone ho kgantsha lefatshe Letsatsi ka leng. Diphoofolo tsohle le dinonyana le dijalo di hloka kganya ya ka le mofuthu wa ka hore di phele.” +Motjhalla o ne a tseba hore ke nnete. Kahoo, le ha boya ba hae bo botle bo bosootho bo ne bo se bo fetohile bo le botsho, le mohatla wa hae o se o fedile ke ho tjha, o ile a tswela pele ho hlafuna hara makala ao a neng a tshwasitse Letsatsi. +Nako ya nna ya feta. Jwale Motjhalla o ne a se a le haufi le ho tshwasolla Letsatsi, empa mahlo a hae a ne a le bohloko hona hoo a neng a lokela ho tutbala. Yaba o boela a ikutlwa hore a ke ke kgona ho tswela pele. “Ke a o kopa hle, Letsatsi,” a rialo, “ke lokela ho emisa e le ka nnete jwale. Mahlo a ka a thefulehile mme ke tshwanela ho a phomotsa.” Empa Letsatsi la boela la mo kopa ho tswela pele, kahoo a nna a tswela pele. +Qetellong a kgaola le dithutswana tsa ho qetela tse neng di tshwasitse Letsatsi. Butlebutle Letsatsi la nyolohela hodimo marung, mme ha le etsa jwalo, mafube a ala kganya e kgubetswana lefatsheng ka bophara. Ha Letsatsi le ntse le nyoloha, la bua le Motjhalla. “Ke leboha haholo, motswallenyana wa ka!” Letsatsi la rialo. “O sebeditse ka thata ho mpholosa, mme ka ho etsa jwalo o pholositse le diphoofolo tsohle le dinonyana le dijalo. Ebe nka o etsetsa eng ho o leboha?” +Motjhalla a nahana metsotswana e se mekae. Haesale a ntse a batla ho fofa. “Mphe mapheo,” a rialo, “hore ke tle ke fofele hodimo sepakapakeng.” +“Ho lokile,” Letsatsi la araba, “jwale o na le mapheo a mabedi, mme o tla kgona ho fofa ka potlako o be o fofele hodimo le ho feta dinonyana tse ding. Ka lebaka la hore o thefutse mahlo a hao ha o nthusa, o tla robala motsheare mme o tsohe bosiu. Le ha mahlo a hao a se a sa kgone ho sheba kganyeng ya Letsatsi, o tla kgona ho bona le ho utlwa hantle haholo bosiu!” +Ke kahoo Motjhalla a ileng a fetoha mankgane. O ne a duletse ho fofa bosiu hoo a neng a sa nahane le ka mohatla wa hae le boya ba hae bo bosootho le bophelo ba hae jwaloka Motjhalla hodima difate. Le ha a ne a se a sa natefelwe ke kganya ya Letsatsi, o ne a ntse a utlwa mofuthu wa lona ka pelong ya hae.",sot,Sesotho,Motjhalla le Letsats,"One morning, when the animals woke up, they were surprised to see that there was no sign of the sun rising in the eastern sky. +“What’s going on?” all the small animals asked their parents. +“Just be patient!” said their ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/motjhalla-le-letsatsi +haruki’s-tail,"Long, long ago, hares had beautiful, long, fluffy white tails which they wagged whenever they felt happy or excited. At that time, all the hares lived on an island, separated from the mainland by a wide, foaming river. Though the hares knew how to swim, they could never reach the mainland, because in this river lived dozens and dozens of big, green, hungry crocodiles. These crocodiles loved nothing more than delicious hare for breakfast, lunch and supper. So every day all the mother hares told their little ones, ‘KEEP AWAYfrom the sandy banks! KEEP AWAY from the water!KEEP AWAY from those terrifying, hungry crocodiles!’ +As long as the little hares listened to their mothers, they led perfectly happy lives, hopping about under the trees and gobbling the grasses and flowers that grew all around them. But when the hares grew bigger, some of them longed for a life of adventure. ‘It must be so exciting on the mainland!’ they said to each other. ‘There must be wonderful things to eat there, and lots and lots of interesting animals to play with. It’s not fair that we can’t go there!’ +One day, an especially frisky young hare called Haruki suddenly had a brilliant idea. ‘Guess what?’  he boasted to his friends. ‘Today I’m going to escape to the mainland!’ None of his friends believed him, but Haruki didn’t care. ‘Watch me!’ he said, bounding over to the sandy bank of the river. +When Haruki reached the edge of the water, he shouted boldly, ‘Hey, King of the Crocodiles! Come out of the water! The King of the Hares wants to talk to you!’ Haruki’s friends shivered and gasped as a huge grinning crocodile pulled its powerful body out onto the sand. They had never seen anything so terrifying. The crocodile rolled its eyes slowly, then said in a deep, rumbling voice, ‘Yes, what can I do for you, you cheeky little creature?’ +‘Well,’ said Haruki boldly, not looking at all frightened, ‘I think it’s time for us kings to compare our kingdoms. First I will count all the crocodiles, and then you can count all the hares. Then we will be able to see which of us has the mightiest kingdom.’ +The crocodile king could hardly believe his luck. He imagined the delicious feast he would have as soon as it was his turn to do the counting. ‘Good idea,’ he said softly, running his tongue slowly over his yellow, pointed teeth. Then he turned and waddled back into the river. Soon the water was churning, as a long row of crocodiles began lining up behind him in the river. +‘Here I go!’ said Haruki, grinning at his friends. He bounded onto the back of the first crocodile, wagging his tail as he began to count. His friends gasped in amazement as they saw what he was doing. ‘One! Two! Three!’ he counted loudly, leaping from one spiny crocodile back to the next. ‘Four! Five! Six! Seven!’ he carried on, wagging his long, white tail wildly as he jumped closer and closer to the mainland. After ten minutes, his friends could only see a little speck, shouting and jumping in the distance. +‘Ninety eight! Ninety nine! One hundred!’ Now there were no more crocodiles in front of Haruki − only the sandy bank of the mainland. As he leapt off the back of the final crocodile, he let out a whoop of joy. ‘HA, HA! I TRICKED YOU!’ he bragged as he flew through the air and landed on the sand. ‘You nasty crocodiles have just made a bridge for me to reach the mainland!’ When the last crocodile heard these words, he whipped his huge head around and bit off Haruki’s wagging tail with a loud SNAP! Haruki squeaked with fright, but carried on bouncing all the way up the bank. He didn’t really care that he had lost his tail because he had gained his freedom. And to this day, hares have short, stubby tails, just like Haruki!",eng,English,Haruki’s T,"Long, long ago, hares had beautiful, long, fluffy white tails which they wagged whenever they felt happy or excited. At that time, all the hares lived on an island, separated from the mainland by a wide, foaming river. Though the hares knew how to ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/haruki’s-tail +haruki’s-tail,"Lank, lank gelede het hase lang, wollerige wit sterte gehad wat hulle gewaai het wanneer hulle gelukkig of opgewonde was. In hierdie tyd het al die hase op ʼn eiland gewoon, wat van die vasteland afgesny was deur ʼn breë, skuimende rivier. Al kon die hase swem, kon hulle nooit by die vasteland uitkom nie, want in die rivier het ’n hele klomp groot, groen, honger krokodille gewoon. Hierdie krokodille se gunstelingkos was haasvleis vir ontbyt, haasvleis vir middagete en haasvleis vir aandete. Elke dag het al die mamma hase vir hulle kleintjies gesê: “BLY WEG van die sanderige wal! BLY WEG van die water! BLY WEG van daardie verskriklike, honger krokodille!” +Solank die klein hasies na hulle mammas geluister het, was hulle salig gelukkig. Hulle het onder die bome rondgehop en die gras en blomme geëet wat daar gegroei het. Maar toe die hase groter word, smag sommige van hulle na ʼn lewe vol avontuur. “Dit moet so opwindend op die vasteland wees!” sê hulle vir mekaar. “Daar moet wonderlike dinge wees om te eet, en baie, baie interessante diere om mee te speel. Dit is nie regverdig dat ons nie soontoe kan gaan nie!” +Op ʼn dag kry ʼn besonder baldadige jong hasie, Haruki, skielik ʼn briljante idee. “Raai wat?” spog hy by sy vriende. “Vandag gaan ek na die vasteland ontsnap!” Nie een van sy vriende glo hom nie, maar Haruki gee nie om nie. “Hou my dop!” sê hy, en bons oor na die sanderige wal van die rivier. +Toe Haruki by die rand van die water kom, skree hy dapper: “Ahooi, Koning van die Krokodille! Kom uit die water uit! Die Koning van die Hase wil met jou praat!” Haruki se vriende bibber en snak na hulle asems toe ʼn groot, grinnikende krokodil sy kragtige lyf op die sand uitsleep. Hulle het nog nooit enigiets so skrikwekkends gesien nie. Die krokodil rol sy oë stadig, en sê dan met ʼn diep, dreunstem: “Ja, wat kan ek vir jou doen, jou parmantige klein kalant?” +“Wel,” sê Haruki dapper, en lyk glad nie bang nie, “ek dink dis tyd dat ons as konings ons koninkryke met mekaar vergelyk. Eers wil ek al jou krokodille tel, en dan kan jy al die hase tel. Dan sal ons sien wie van ons die magtigste koninkryk het.” +Die krokodil kan skaars sy geluk glo. Hy dink net aan die heerlike fees wat hy gaan hê wanneer dit sy beurt is om te tel. “Goeie idee,” sê hy sag, en lek stadig met sy tong oor sy skerp geel tande. Toe draai hy om en waggel terug rivier toe. Sommer gou woel en bruis die water toe ʼn lang ry krokodille agter hom in die rivier in ʼn ry inval. +“Hier gaan ek!” sê Haruki, en grinnik vir sy vriende. Hy spring op die rug van die eerste krokodil, en waai sy stert toe hy begin tel. Sy vriende is stom van verbasing toe hulle sien wat hy doen. “Een! Twee! Drie!” tel hy hardop, en spring van die rug van een stekelrige krokodil na die volgende. “Vier! Vyf! Ses! Sewe!” gaan hy voort, en waai sy lang, wit stert wild terwyl hy nader en nader aan die vasteland kom. Na tien minute kan sy vriende nog net ʼn klein wit spikkeltjie in die verte sien spring. +“Agt-en-negentig! Nege-en-negentig! Eenhonderd!” tel Haruki. Nou is daar nie meer krokodille voor Haruki nie − net die sanderige wal van die vasteland. Toe hy van die laaste krokodil se rug af spring, skree hy van vreugde. “HA, HA! EK HET JULLE GEFOP!” spog hy terwyl hy deur die lug trek en op die sand te lande kom. “Julle nare krokodille het so pas vir my ʼn brug gemaak om by die vasteland te kom!” Toe die laaste krokodil hierdie woorde hoor, swaai hy sy groot kop om en byt Haruki se waaiende stert met ʼn harde HAP morsaf! Haruki gil van vrees, maar hop gou teen die wal uit. Hy gee nie regtig om dat hy sy stert verloor het nie, want hy het sy vryheid gewen. En tot vandag toe het hase kort, stomp stertjies, net soos Haruki.",afr,Afrikaans,Haruki se stert,"Long, long ago, hares had beautiful, long, fluffy white tails which they wagged whenever they felt happy or excited. At that time, all the hares lived on an island, separated from the mainland by a wide, foaming river. Though the hares knew how to ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/haruki-se-stert +haruki’s-tail,"Ekadeni imiqasa kade inemisila emide emihle, emide, enamaboya emhlophe egade ziyitjikizisa lokha nayithabileko namkha nayithakasileko. Ngesikhatheso, yoke imiqasa beyihlala phezu kwesihlengele, esihlukaniswe nenarhambala ngobubanzi, nangomlambo ophehla amagwebu. Nanyana imiqasa beyikwazi ukududa, beyingakghoni ukufika enarhenimbala, ngombana ngemlanjeni bekuhlala amadazeni weengwenya ezikulu, ezilihlaza satjani nezilambileko. Iingwenyezi ayikho into ebeziyithanda ukudlula ukudla isidlo sekuseni, semini nesentambama somqasa. Ngalokho-ke ngamalanga boke abonina bemiqasa bebatjela abentwana babo bonyana, “BADLALELE KUDE neendawo ezimagega nelwandle ezinesanda! BADLALELE KUDE namanzi! BADLALELE KUDE nendawo ezineengwenya ezithusako nezilambileko!” +Lokha imiqasana nayisalalele abomanina, yaphila ipilo ehle enethabo, yeqayeqa ngaphasi kwemithi iphangelana utjani namathuthumbo akhula magega nayo. Kodwana lokha imiqasa nasele ikhulile, eminye yayirhalela ipilo etjengisa isibindi. “Kufuze ukuba mnandi khulu enarhenimbala!” batjho njalo komunye nomunye. “Kufuze ukuba nezinto ezimnandi zokudla khona, kunye neenlwana ezinengi ekungadlalwa nazo. Akukalungi bonyana singakwazi ukuya khona!” +Ngelinye ilanga, umqasa omncani khulukhulu othanda ukudlala obizwa ngokuthi nguHaruki, waba nombono omuhle khulu. “Niyazi kobana yini?” waqhotjhela abangani bakhe. “Namhlanjesi ngizokubalekela enarhenimbala!” Akekho ebanganini bakhe owamkholwako, kodwana uHaruki akhenge abenendaba. “Ningiqale!” watjho yena, eqela endaweni emagega nomlambo enesanda. +Lokha uHaruki nafika emphethweni womLambo, warhuwelela ngokuzithemba, “Yeyi, Kosi yeeNgwenya! Phuma ngemanzini! IKosi yemiQasa ifuna ukukhuluma nawe!��� Abangani bakaHaruki bathuthumela, badosa ummoya lokha ingwenya ekekenisileko idosela umzimbayo onamandla esandeni. Akhange khebayibone into ethusa kangakaya. Ingwenya yageda amehlwayo kabuthaka, yase ithi, ngelizwi elikhulu, elibhodlako, “Iye, ngingakwenzelani, wena sidalwa esincani esinekani?” +“Kuhle,” kwatjho uHaruki ngokuzithemba, angatjengisi ukwesaba nakancani, “Ngicabanga bonyana sikhathi sethu njengamakhosi bonyana silinganise imibuso yethu. Kokuthoma ngizakubala zoke iingwenya, nawe ungabala yoke imiqasa. Ngalokho sizakwazi ukubona bonyana ngubani phakathi kwethu unombuso onamandla.” +Ikosi eyingwenya akhenge ikholwe itjhudu layo. Yacabanga ngesidlo esimnandi ezokubanaso lokha nasele kusikhathi sayo sokubala. “Mqondo omuhle loyo,” yatjho kabuthaka, ikhambisa ilimi layo kabuthaka phezu kwamazinyo asarulani, amasungulwana. Yaphenduka, sakuzisonga yabuyela ngemanzini. Msinyana amanzi azamazama, lokha iingwenya nazithoma ukurhema zenza umjeje omude ngemva kwakhe ngemlanjeni. +“Awuzwake!” kwatjho uHaruki, akekenisele abangani bakhe. Weqela phezu komhlana wengwenya yokuthoma, watjikizisa umsilakhe lokha nakathoma ukubala. Abangani bakhe badosa ummoya ngokumangala lokha nababona lokho ayekwenza. “Kunye! Kubili! Kuthathu!” ubalela phezulu, weqa asuke phezu komhlana wenye iingwenya, eqele phezu kwenye. “Kune! Kuhlanu! Kuthandathu! Kukhomba!” waragela phambili, atjikizisa umsila wakhe omude, omhlophe lokha nakeqako asondela eduze nenarhambala. Ngemuva kwemizuzu emihlanu, abangani bakhe bebabona intwanyana encani nje inande irhuwelela yeqa kude le nabo. +  +“Matjhumi alithoba nabunane! Matjhumi alithoba nathoba! Likhulu!” Kwanjesi bekungasenangwenya phambi kukaHaruki – besele kusesandeni magega nelwandle. Lokha nakeqela phasi asuka emhlana wengwenya yokugcina, warhuwelela ngokuthaba okukhulu. “YELELE! YELELE! NGINIDLELEZELE!” wazikghantjhela lokha nakaphezulu emmoyeni eqela esandeni. “Nina zingwenya ezinelunya ningenzele ibhlorho lokuya ngenarhenimbala!” lokha ingwenya yokugcina nayizwa amagama la, yajuguja ihlokwayo yabetha umsila kaHaruki MSINYANA khulu! UHaruki warhuwelela ngokuthuka, kodwana waragela phambili eqayeqa yoke indlela magega nelwandle. Akhenge abanendaba nokuthi ulahlekelwe msila ngombana uyitholile ikululeko yakhe. Kungalokho nanamhlanjesi, imiqasa inemisila emifitjhani, eziintontjana, njengoHaruki.",nbl,isiNdebele,Umsila kaHaruk,"Long, long ago, hares had beautiful, long, fluffy white tails which they wagged whenever they felt happy or excited. At that time, all the hares lived on an island, separated from the mainland by a wide, foaming river. Though the hares knew how to ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umsila-kaharuki +haruki’s-tail,"Kudala onogwaja babenemisila emihle, emide, emfabamfaba ababeyitshikizisa uma bezizwa bethokozile noma besese. Ngaleso sikhathi bonke onogwaja babehlala esiqhingini, behlukaniswe nezwe loqobo umfula omkhulu okhephuzela amagwebu. Noma onogwaja babekwazi ukubhukuda, babengeke bakwazi ukufika ezweni loqobo ngoba kulo mfula kwakuhlala izingwenya eziningi ezinkulu, eziluhlazana okotshani, ezilambile. Ayikho into eyayithandwa yilezi zingwenya ukudlula isidlo esimnandi sasekuseni, sasemini nesakusihlwa esingunogwaja. Ngakho zonke izinsuku omama bonogwaja babetshela izingane zabo bathi, ‘NINGASONDELI esihlabathini sosebe lomfula! NINGASONDELI emanzini!NINGASONDELI kulezo zingwenya ezesabekayo, ezilambile!’ +Ngenkathi besalalela omama babo onogwaja abancane, babephila impilo emnandi, begxumagxuma ngaphansi kwezihlahla bephanga utshani nezimbali ezazikhula endaweni ebazungezile. Kodwa kwakuthi lapho onogwaja sebekhula beba bakhudlwana abanye babo bafisa impilo enezigemegeme. ‘Kufanele ukuba mnandi ezweni loqobo!’ kusho omunye komunye. ‘Kufanele kube nezinto ezinhle ezidliwayo laphaya, kanye nezilwane eziningi esingadlala nazo. Akulungile ukuba singakwazi ukuya laphaya!’ +Ngelinye ilanga unogwaja otshekulayo obizwa ngoHaruki waba neqhinga elihle kakhulu. ‘Niyazi ukuthini?’ eqhoshela abangani bakhe. ‘Namhlanje ngizokweqa ngiye ezweni loqobo!’ Akekho noyedwa owamkholwa kubangani bakhe, kodwa wayengenandaba nalokhu uHaruki. ‘Ngibukeni!’ washo etshekula eya esihlabathini sosebe lomfula. +Uma esefike onqenqemeni lwamanzi wamemeza ngokuzethemba, ‘We Nkosi yeziNgwenya! Phuma emanzini! INkosi yoNogwaja ifuna ukukhuluma nawe!’ Abangani bakaHaruki baqhaqhazela babamba ongezansi ngesikhathi kuphuma ingwenya enkulu esinekile, umzimba wayo onamandla uba sesihlabathini. Babengakaze bayibone into eyesabeka kangaka. Ingwenya yaphendula amehlo ayo kancane, yase ikhuluma ngezwi layo elibhongayo ithi, ‘Yebo, yini engingakwenzela yona silwane esincane esinesibindi?’ +‘Empeleni,’ kusho uHaruki ngokuzethemba, engakukhombisi nhlobo ukwesaba, ‘Ngicabanga ukuthi sekuyisikhathi sokuthi thina maKhosi siqhathanise imibuso yethu. Ngizoqala ngokubala zonke izingwenya wena bese ubala bonke onogwaja. Sizobe sesibona-ke ukuthi ubani onombuso omkhulu kunowomunye.’ +INkosi yezingwenya ayizange iyikholwe inhlanhla yayo. Yacabanga ngedili elimnandi ezoba nalo ngesikhathi sekuyithuba layo lokubala. ‘Umqondo omuhle lowo,’ isholo phansi, ikhotha kancane amazinyo ayo aphuzi acijile. Yase iphenduka ibathaza ibuyela emfuleni. Ngokushesha kwaphehleka amanzi ngesikhathi izingwenya zima zilandelana emfuleni ngemuva kwayo. +‘Nazo-ke!’ kusho uHaruki, esinekela abangani bakhe. Wagibela emhlane wengwenya yokuqala etshikizisa umsila wakhe ngesikhathi eqala ukubala. Abangani bakhe babamba umoya ngokumangala ngesikhathi bebona into ayeyenza. ‘Inye! Zimbili! Zintathu!’ ebala kakhulu, egxuma esuka phezu komhlane onezinciji omunye eya komunye. ‘Zine! Zinhlanu! Ziyisithupha! Ziyisikhombisa!’ waqhubeka, etshikizisa umsila wakhe omude, omhlophe ngamandla ngesikhathi egxuma eya ngokuya esondela ezweni loqobo. Ngemuva kwemizuzu eyishumi abangani bakhe base bebona icashazana elincane, limemeza futhi ligxuma kude. +‘Eyamashumi ayisishiyagalolunye nesishiyagalombili! Eyamashumi ayisishiyagalolunye nesishiyagalolunye! Eyekhulu!’ Manje kwakungasekho zingwenya phambi kukaHaruki − kwakukhona izihlabathi zosebe lwezwe loqobo. Ngesikhathi esuka emhlane wengwenya yokugcina, wezwakalisa umsindo wenjabulo. ‘HA, HA! NGINIKHOHLISILE!’ waziqhoshela ngesikhathi endiza emoyeni eyomela esihlabathini. ‘Nina zingwenya ezimbi ningakhele ibhuloho lokuthi ngiyofika ezweni loqobo!’ Ngesikhathi ingwenya yokugcina izwa la mazwi yaphendula ikhanda layo elikhulu yaluma yanqamula umsila kaHaruki otshikizayo NGOKUQHUNSULA okukhulu! UHaruki wakhala ngokwethuka kodwa waqhubeka nokugxumagxuma ekhuphuka osebeni. Wayengenandaba nokuthi wayelahlekelwe umsila wakhe ngoba wayethole inkululeko. Namanje onogwaja banemisila emifishane, eyisinqamu njengekaHaruki!",xho,isiXhosa,Umsila kaHaruk,"Long, long ago, hares had beautiful, long, fluffy white tails which they wagged whenever they felt happy or excited. At that time, all the hares lived on an island, separated from the mainland by a wide, foaming river. Though the hares knew how to ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umsila-kaharuk +haruki’s-tail,"Kudala-dala, imivundla yayinemisila emide, emihle nemfumamfuma emhlophe neyayiyijiwuzisa xa ivuya okanye ichulumancile. Ngelo xesha, imivundla yayihlala esiqithini, esasahlulwe emhlabeni ngumlambo obanzi owawulephuza amagwebu. Nangona imivundla yayikwazi ukuqubha, yayingakwazi ukufikelela kwicala elinomhlaba onabantu, kuba kaloku kulo mlambo kwakuhlala inqwaba yeengwenya ezinkulu, eziluhlaza nezilambileyo. Akukho nto zaziyithanda kakhulu ukodlula umvundla njengesidlo sazo sakusasa, esasemini nesangokuhlwa ezi ngwenya. Ngoko ke, mihla le, oomama bemivundla babexelela amantshontsho abo ukuba, ‘BAHAMBELE KUDE kumanxweme esanti! BAHAMBELE KUDE emanzini! BAHAMBELE KUDE kwezo ngwenya zinoburhalarhume zilambileyo!’ +Ukuba ngenene amantshontsho abamamele oonina, baye baphile ubomi obugqwesileyo nobuzele lulonwabo, ubabone betsiba-tsiba phantsi kwemithi benqwamza nengca kunye neentyatyambo ezazikhula apho ayehlala khona. Kodwa ke yayisithi xa ikhulile le mivundla, inqwenele ubomi obungummangaliso. ‘Inokuba kumnandi kweliya cala lomhlaba onabantu!’ wawubeva bexelelana ngelitshoyo. ‘Inokuba kukho izinto ezimnandi esinokuzitya phaya, kunye nezilwanyana ezininzi esinokudlala nazo. Hayi, ayimnandanga into yokuba sibe asikwazi ukuya phaya!’ +Ngenye imini, umvundlana okhethekileyo nodlamke kakhulu ogama linguHaruki, waziva unombono okhethekileyo. ‘Uyazi yintoni?’ uqhayise watsho koontanga bakhe. ‘Namhlanje ndiza kusaba ndiye kweli cala lingesosiqithi!’ Akukho namnye kubahlobo bakhe owamkholelwayo, kodwa akazange akunanze oku uHaruki. ‘Zenikhangele! Utshilo, waze waxhumela kunxweme lomlambo olunesanti. +Uthe akufika kumnyele wamanzi uHaruki, wakhwaza ngokuzingca, ‘Wheyi, Nkosi yeeNgwenya! Phuma emanzini! INkosi yemiVundla ifuna ukuthetha nawe!’ Kuthe kwakuthi thu ingwenya enkulu sele isinekile, itsalela umzimba wayo onamandla ngaphandle emanzini isiya esantini, abahlobo bakaHaruki bangcangcazela bakhefuzela. Abazange bayibone into eyayisoyikeka kangako. Ingwenya ijikelezise amehlo ayo ngokucothayo, yaze yathetha ngelizwi elinzulu nelidumzelayo, ‘Ewe, ndingakwenzela ntoni, nyamakazanandini esileyo encinci?’ +‘Oya,’ watsho ngokuziqhenya uHaruki, ekhangeleka engoyiki kwaphela, ‘Ndicinga ukuba kufikelele ixesha lokuba thina zinkosi sithelekise ubukhosi bethu. Kuqala, ndiza kuzibala zonke iingwenya, emva koko ungayibala yonke imivundla. Oku ke kuza kusenza sibone ukuba ingaba ngubani phakathi kwam nawe onobona bukhosi bukhulu.’ +Ingaba ucinga ukuba iNkosi yeeNgwenya ingayivuma le nto aza nayo uHaruki? Fumana okwenzekileyo kwiveki ezayo! +Inkosi yeengwenya yayingalikholelwa ithamsanqa elifumeneyo. Yayinomfanekiso ngqondweni wetheko lesidlo eyayiza kuba nalo xa sele ingumjikelo wayo ekubaleni. ‘Intle le mbono,’ itshilo ngelisebezayo, ihambisa ngokucothayo ulwimi lwayo kuloo mazinyo ayo atyheli atsolo. Emva koko iphethukile yabhadazela ngasemlanjeni. Emva koko amanzi azamazama, oku kusenzeka kuba kwakukho umgca omde weengwenya owawuthe tse emva kwayo apha emlanjeni. +‘Nantso ke!’ utshilo uHaruki, esinekela abahlobo bakhe. Uxhumele kumqolo wengwenya yokuqala, ejiwuzisa umsila wakhe ngoku aqalayo ukubala. Abahlobo bakhe basuka bakhefuzela bemangaliswe koko babekubona. ‘Inye! Zimbini! Zintathu!’ wabala ekhwaza, etsiba ukusuka kumqolo wengwenya nganye esiya komnye. ‘Zine! Zintlanu! Zintandathu! Zisixhenxe! Waqhubekeka, ejiwuzisela kude umsila wakhe omde omhlophe ngokuya esondela ngokusondela apha kweli cala lomhlaba ungesosiqithi. Emva kwemizuzu elishumi, into eyayibonwa ngabahlobo bakhe yayisele iyintlantsana nje, ikhwaza itsibatsiba phaya qelele. +‘Amashumi asithoba anesibhozo! Amashumi asithoba anesithoba! Ikhulu!’ Ngeli thuba ke kwakungasekho ngwenya iphambi kwakhe uHaruki – into eyayikho lunxweme lwesanti lwalo mhlaba ungesosiqithi. Uthe xa etsiba esehla kumqolo wengwenya yokugqibela, wenza umkhwazo wovuyo. HEKE! HEKE! NDINIQHATHILE! NGCIPH` NANDIWEZA!’ uqhayise watsho ngeli lixa antingela emoyeni esiya kuthi gxada esantini. ‘zingwenyandini ezinoburhalarhume nindenzele ibhlorho yokuwela ndize kufika kweli cala lingesosiqithi!’ Ithe ingwenya yokugqibela yakuva la mazwi, yaguqula ngokukhawuleza intloko yayo enkulu yaze yaluma loo msila ujiwuzayo kaHaruki ngoMNQWAMZO omkhulu! UHaruki wankwiniza luloyiko, kodwa waqhubekeka exhumaxhuma ukuya elunxwemeni. Wayengayinanzanga nakanye into yokuswela kwakhe umsila kuba wayeyifumene inkululeko yakhe. Kunanamhlanje, imivundla inemisila emifutshane, etyebileyo, njengoHaruki!",zul,isiZulu,Umsila kaHaruk,"Long, long ago, hares had beautiful, long, fluffy white tails which they wagged whenever they felt happy or excited. At that time, all the hares lived on an island, separated from the mainland by a wide, foaming river. Though the hares knew how to ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umsila-kaharuki-0 +haruki’s-tail,"Kgale, kgale mebutla e be e na le mesela ye mešweu ye mebotse, e metelele ya boya yeo e bego e e tšokotša ge e thabile goba e nyakaletše. Ka nako yeo, mebutla yohle e be e dula sehlakahlakeng, gomme noka ye phara ya lephilo e se arogantše le karolokgolo ya naga. Le ge mebutla e be e tseba go rutha, e ka se tsoge e fihlile karolongkgolo ya naga, ka gobane ka nokeng ye go be go dula dikwena tše dintši tše dikgolo, tše ditalamorogo tša go swarwa ke tlala. Dikwena tše di be di rata goja mmutla wa bose ka difihlolo, matena le dilalelo. Ka fao ka mehla bommago mebutla ba be ba botša bana ba bona ba re, ‘RALOKELANG KGOLE le mariba a mohlaba! RALOKELANG KGOLE le meetse! RALOKELANG KGOLE le dikwena tšeo tša go tšhoša tša go swarwa ke tlala!’ +Ge fela dikgabitlana di be di theeletša bommago tšona, di be di phela maphelo a lethabo, di tlolatlola ka fase ga mehlare e bile di kobola mabjang le matšoba ao a melago fao. Ge mebutla e gola, e mengwe ya yona e be e duma bophelo bja bohlagahlaga. ‘Go swanetše go le bose karolongkgolo ya naga!’ ya botšana bjalo. ‘Go swanetše go ba le dilo tša go makatša tša go jewa, le diphoofolo tše dintši tša go kgahliša tšeo re ka ralokago le tšona. Ga se toka gore re seke ra ya fao!’ +Ka letšatši le lengwe, mmutla o monnyane wa bohlale wa go bitšwa Haruki gateetee wa ba le leano. ‘Le a tseba ke eng?’ a kgantšhetša bagwera ba gagwe. ‘Lehono ke tlile go ngwegela karolongkgolo ya naga!’ Bagwera ba gagwe ga se ba tshepa seo, efela Haruki o be a sa tshwenywe ke seo. ‘Le tla mpona!’ a realo, a tlolatlola go ya leribeng la noka la santa. +Ge Haruki a fihla magomong a meetse, a goeletša ka bogale, ‘Hela, Kgoši ya Dikwena! Etšwa ka meetseng! Kgoši ya mebutla e nyaka go bolela le wena!’ Bagwera ba Haruki ba ile ba tatamela, ba hemela godimo ge ba bona kwena ye kgolo ya go šena e gogela mmele wa yona o maatla santeng. Ga senke ba bona selo sa go tšhoša ka tsela ye. Kwena e ile ya phethola mahlo a yona ka go nanya, gomme ya bolela ka lentšu la peisi la makgwakgwa, ‘Ee, nka go thuša ka eng, wena sebopiwa se sennyane sa kgang?’ +‘Eeh,’ a realo Haruki ka bogale, a sa laetše letšhogo, ‘ke nagana gore ke nako ya gore rena magoši re bapetše mebušo ya rena. Ke tla thoma ka go bala dikwena ka moka ga tšona pele, gomme ka morago wa bala mebutla ka moka. Ke mo re tla bonago gore ke mang gare ga rena yo a nago le mmušo o mogolo kudu.’ +Kgoši ya dikwena e be e sa tshepe mahlatse a yona. O be a nagana ka mokete o mobose wo a tla bago le wona ka pejana ge nako ya gagwe ya go thoma go balela e fihla. ‘Leano la botse,’ a realo ka boleta, a kitimiša leleme ka go nanya ka godimo ga meno a gagwe a maserolane a dintlha. O ile a reologa a boela ka meetseng. Gateetee ke ge meetse a biloga, e le ge molokoloko wa dikwena o ema ka morago ga gagwe ka nokeng. +‘Ke a thoma bjalo!’ a realo Haruki, a šenela bagwera ba gagwe. O fofetše mokokotlong wa kwena ya mathomo, a tšokotša mosela ge a thoma go bala. Bagwera ba gagwe ba ile ba hemela godimo ka makalo ge ba bona se a se dirago. ‘Tee! Pedi! Tharo!’ a balela godimo, a fofa go tloga mokokotlong wa kwena go ya go wa e nngwe. ‘Nne! Tlhano! Tshela! Šupa!’ a tšwela pele, a tšokotša mosela wa gagwe o motelele o mošweu ka maatla a dutše a fofela kgauswi le karolokgolo ya naga. Morago ga metsotso ye lesome, bagwera ba gagwe ba be ba bona fela selwana se sennyane, a goeletša a le gare a fofa a sobelela. +‘Masomesenyane-seswai! Masomesenyane-senyane! Lekgolo!’ Go be go se sa na dikwena mo pele ga Haruki − e le fela leriba la mohlaba la karolokgolo ya naga. O rile ge a fologa mokokotlong wa kwena ya mafelelo, a dira lešata la lethabo. ‘HA, HA! KE GO HLALEFEDITŠE!’ a itheta a fofela moyeng gomme a kotama mohlabeng. ‘Lena dikwena tša go tšhabega, le ntiretše leporogo la go fihla karolongkgolo ya naga!’ Ge kwena ya mafelelo e ekwa mantšu a, ya fošetša hlogo ya yona ye kgolo morago gomme ya ngwatha mosela wa go tšokotšwa wa Haruki gwa kwagala NGATHU! Haruki a bokolela ka letšhogo, efela a tšwela pele ka go tshelatshelela leribeng. O be a se na taba le go re o lahlegetšwe ke mosela ka gobane o hweditše tokologo ya gagwe. Go fihla le nankhono, mebutla e na le mesela ye mennyane ye mekopana, bjalo ka Haruki!",nso,Sepedi,Mosela wa Haruk,"Long, long ago, hares had beautiful, long, fluffy white tails which they wagged whenever they felt happy or excited. At that time, all the hares lived on an island, separated from the mainland by a wide, foaming river. Though the hares knew how to ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mosela-wa-haruki +haruki’s-tail,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale dipela di ne di na le mehatla e metle, e melelele, e boya bo bosweu eo di neng di e tsoka ka dinako tsohle ha di thabile kapa di nyakalletse. Ka nako eo, dipela tsohle di ne di dula sehlekehlekeng, se arohantsweng le karolo e kgolo ya naha ke noka e sephara e tletseng lekweba. Leha dipela di ne di tseba ho sesa, di ne di ke ke tsa fihlella nahang, hobane nokeng ena ho ne ho dula dikwena tse ngata tse kgolo, tse tala, tse lapileng. Dikwena tsena ho ne ho se seo di se ratang ho feta nama ya pela e hlabosang bakeng sa dijo tsa hoseng, tsa motsheare le tsa mantsiboya. Kahoo kamehla bomme bohle ba dipela ba ne ba laya bana ba bona “BAPALLANG HOLE le mabopo a tletseng lehlabathe! BAPALLANG HOLE le metsi! BAPALLANG HOLE le dikwena tsane tse tshabehang tse lapileng!” +Ha feela dipela tse nyane di ne di mamela bomma tsona, di ne di iphelela bophelo bo monate ba thabo, di itlolatlolela ka tlasa difate mme di itjella jwang le dipalesa tse neng di mela hohle moo. Empa ha dipela tseo di hola, tse ding tsa tsona di ne di labalabela bophelo ba ho sibolla tse ntjha. “Ho tlameha ho ba monate karolong e kgolo ya naha!” di ne di bolellana jwalo. “Ho tshwanela ho ba le dintho tse makatsang tseo re ka di jang moo, le diphoofolo tse ding tse ngata tse kgahlang tseo re ka bapalang le tsona, ha se toka ho hang hore ebe ha re kgone ho ya moo!” +Ka tsatsi le leng, pela enngwe e nyane ya setlokotsebe e bitswang Haruki ya nahana leqheka hanghang. “Le a tseba keng?” a bua jwalo ho metswalle ya hae. “Kajeno ke tlilo balehela ka mose wane ho noka!” Ha ho le a mong a ileng a mo kgolwa ho metswalle ya hae, empa Haruki o ne a sa kgathale. “Le tla mpona!” a rialo, a tlolatlola ho ya lebopong la noka le tletseng lehlabathe. +Ha Haruki a fihla qalong ya metsi, a hoeletsa ka sebete, “Hela, morena wa Dikwena! Etswa ka metsing kamoo! Morena wa Dipela o batla ho bua le wena!” Metswalle ya Haruki e ne e thothomela e hemela hodimo ha kwena e kgolo e senneng e ntsha mmele wa yona o matla kantle ho metsi ho tla lehlabatheng. Ba ne na qala ho bona ntho e tshabehang jwaloka eo. Kwena ya phethola mahlo a yona butle, mme ya bua ka lentswe le tebileng le makgerehlwa, “E, nka o thusa ka eng sebopuwa towe se senyane?” +“Eeh,” ho bua Haruki ka sebete, a sa bonahale a tshohile ho hang, “ke nahana hore ke nako jwale hore rona marena re bapise mebuso ya rona. Pele, ke tla bala dikwena tsohle, mme le wena o ka bala dipela tsohle. Jwale re tla kgona ho bona hore ke ofe ho rona ya nang le mmuso o moholo o matla ka ho fetisisa.” +Morena wa dikwena o ne a sa kgolwe lehlohonolo la hae. O ne a nahana feela ka mokete o monate oo a neng a tla ba le ona hang ha a fumana monyetla wa hae wa ho bala. “Ke monahano o motle oo,” a rialo a le bonolo, a mathisa leleme la hae butle menong a hae a masehla a tjhorileng. Yaba o a thinya o kgutlela ka nokeng. Hanghang metsi a ne a tuduana, ha mola o molelele wa dikwena o qala ho koloka kamora hae, ka nokeng. +“Ke nna eo he!” ho rialo Haruki, a sena le metswalle ya hae. A qhomela mokokotlong wa kwena ya pele, a tsoka mohatla ha a ntse a qala ho bala. Metswalle ya hae e ne e tshohile e hula moya ha e bona seo a se etsang. “Nngwe! Pedi! Tharo!” a balla hodimo, a ntse a qhomela mokokotlong wa kwena enngwe ho ya ho enngwe. “Nne, Hlano! Tshelela! Supa!” a tswela pele, a ntse a tsoka mohatla wa hae o molelele o mosweu ha a ntse a qhoma ho ella haufi le karolo e kgolo ya naha. Kamora metsotso e leshome, metswalle ya hae e ne e kgona feela ho bona nthwana e nyane e ntse e qhoma hole mane, e hoeletsa ha e bala. +“Mashome a robong a metso e robedi! Mashome a robong a metso e robong! Lekgolo!” Jwale ho ne ho se ho se na dikwena kapela Haruki – e le lebopo le lehlabathe feela ho ya karolong e kgolo ya naha. Eitse ha a qhoma a tloha mokokotlong wa kwena ya ho qetela, a etsa mohoo wa thabo. “HA, HA! KE O QHEKANYEDITSE!” a ithorisa jwalo ha a fofa moyeng a bile a jethemela lehlabatheng. “Dikwena ting tse tshabehang le nketseditse borokgo feela hore ke fihle karolong e kgolo ya naha!” Ha kwena ya ho qetela e utlwa mantswe ana, ya betsetsa hlooho ya yona morao mme ya loma mohatla o ntseng o tsoka wa Haruki ka modumo o moholo wa BJARA! Haruki a bokolla ke letswalo, empa a nna a qhomela pele ho ya lebopong. O ne a sa kgathale hakaalo ka hore o lahlehetswe ke mohatla hobane o ne a fumane tokoloho. Ho fihlela lena le hodimo, dipela di na le mehatla e mekgutshwane e bokopa, jwaloka Haruki!",sot,Sesotho,Mohatla wa Haruk,"Long, long ago, hares had beautiful, long, fluffy white tails which they wagged whenever they felt happy or excited. At that time, all the hares lived on an island, separated from the mainland by a wide, foaming river. Though the hares knew how to ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mohatla-wa-haruki +haruki’s-tail,"Bogologolo tala, mebutla e ne e na le megatla e mentle, e meleele, e mesweu mme e na le maboanyana e mebutla e neng e e tsokotla nako le nako fa e ikutlwa e itumetse kgotsa e kgatlhilwe ke sengwe. Ka nako eo, mebutla yotlhe e ne e nna mo setlhakatlhakeng, se se neng se kgaogantswe le lefatshe ke noka e kgolo, e e phophomang lofulo. Le mororo mebutla e ne e itse go thuma, e ne e ka se tsamaye e fitlhe kwa lefatsheng, gonne mo nokeng e go ne go nna dikwena tse dintsintsi, tsa mmala o motala, tse di tshwerweng ke tlala. Dikwena di ne di sa rate sepe go gaisa mmutla o o monate ka sefitlholo, dijotshegare le selalelo. Ka jalo letsatsi lengwe le lengwe bomme botlhe ba mebutla ba ne ba bolelela bana ba bona, “TSHAMEKELANG KGAKALA le dintshi tsa noka tse di nang le mošawa o montsi! TSHAMEKELANG KGAKALA le metsi!TSHAMEKELANG KGAKALA le dikwena tse di setlhogo tseo, tse di tshwerweng ke tlala!” +  +Fa fela mebutla e mennye e ne e reetsa bomme ba yona, e ne e tshela sentle e itumetse, e tlolatlola mo tlase ga ditlhare le go kumakuma majang le malomo a a neng a gola gaufi le mo mebutla e neng e nna teng. Mme fela fa mebutla e ne e gola le go tlhalefa, e ne e eletsa botshelo jwa go lekelela. “Go tshwanetse ga bo go le monate tota kwa lefatsheng!” e ne e raana jalo. “Go tshwanetse ga bo go na le dilo tse di monate tse re ka di jang kwa, le diphologolo tse dintsintsi tse di kgatlhisang tse re ka tshamekang le tsona. Ga go a siama gore re palelwe ke go ya koo!” +Ka letsatsi le lengwe, mmutla o monnye o segolo bogolo o neng o tletse matlhagatlhaga wa leina la Haruki ka bonako o ne wa nna le kakanyo e e botlhale. “Le a itse gore ke eng?” o ne a ipela fa pele ga ditsala tsa gagwe. “Gompieno ke tlile go ngwegela kwa lefatsheng!” Go ne go se ope wa ditsala tsa gagwe yo o neng a mo dumela, mme Haruki o ne a sa kgathale. “Lona ntebeleleng!” o ne a rialo, a tabogataboga mo losing lo lo tletseng mošawa la noka. +Fa Haruki a fitlha fa metsi a simololang fa teng, o ne a goeletsa ka bopelokgale, “Hee, Kgosi ya Dikwena! Tswa mo metsing! Kgosi ya Mebutla e batla go bua le wena!” Ditsala tsa ga Haruki di ne di roroma le go felelwa ke mowa fa kwena e kgolo e e nyenyang e tswela kwa ntle mo mošaweng ka mmele wa yona o o nang le maatla. Ba ne ba ise ba tsamaye ba bone sepe se se setlhogo thata jaana. Kwena e ne ya dikolosa matlho a yona ka iketlo, mme morago ka lentswe le le tebileng, le le kwa tlase ya re, “Ee, o batla ke go direla eng, setshedinyana ke wena se se matepe?” +“Tota,” ga bua Haruki ka bopelokgale, a bontsha a se na letshogo le e seng, “Ke nagana gore ke nako ya gore rona dikgosi re bapise bogosi jwa rona. Lwantlha ke tla bala dikwena tsotlhe, mme morago o ka bala mebutla yotlhe. Morago re tla kgona go bona gore ke mang wa rona yo o nang le bogosi jo bogolo.” +Kgosi ya dikwena o ne a sa kgone go dumela lesego la gagwe. O ne a akanya fela ka moletlo wa dijo tse di rokotsang mathe o a neng a le gaufi le go nna le ona fa e nna tšhono ya gagwe ya go bala. “Ke kakanyo e ntle,” a bua ka bonolo, a tsamaisa loleme la gagwe ka iketlo mo menong a gagwe a mmala o o serolwana, a a neng a le ntlha. Morago o ne a retologa mme a boela a tsena ka iketlo le ka mabela mo nokeng. Ka bonako metsi a ne a fetlhega, gonne mola o moleele wa dikwena o ne wa simolola go bopega mo morago ga gagwe mo teng ga noka. +“Ke nna yoo!” ga rialo Haruki, a nyenya a lebile ditsala tsa gagwe. O ne a tlolela mo godimo ga mokwatla wa kwena ya ntlha, a tsokotla mogatla wa gagwe fa a simolola go bala. Ditsala tsa gagwe di ne di fegelwa ka ntlha ya kgakgamalo fa di bona se a neng a se dira. “Nngwe! Pedi! Tharo!” o ne a balela kwa godimo, a tlolatlola go tswa mo godimo ga mokwatla wa kwena go ya kwa go o o latelang. “Nne! Tlhano! Thataro! Supa!” o ne a tswelela, a tsokotla mogatla wa gagwe o moleele, o mosweu ka tlhagafalo fa a tlolela gaufi le lefatshe. Morago ga metsotso e le lesome, ditsala tsa gagwe di ne di bona fela letshwaonyana le lennye, le le goeletsang le go tlola kwa kgakajana kwa. +“Somearobongwe-robedi! Somearobongwe-robonngwe! Lekgolo!” Jaanong go ne go sa tlhole go na le dikwena dipe mo pele ga Haruki – e le fela losi le le tletseng mošawa la lefatshe. Fa a tlolela kwa ntle go tswa mo godimo ga kwena ya bofelo, o ne a tshela lošalaba lwa boitumelo. “HA, HA! KE LE TSIEDITSE!” o ne a thetha fa a fofa mo moweng le go tlhoma mo mošaweng. “Dikwena ke lona le bosula le sa tswa go ntirela borogo jwa gore ke fitlhe mo lefatsheng!” Fa kwena ya bofelo e utlwa mafoko a, e ne ya retolosa tlhogo ya yona ka bogale mme ya natha ka modumo o o kwa godimo mogatla wa ga Haruki o o neng o tsokodiwa ya re GAU! Haruki o ne a lelela kwa tlase ka letshogo, mme o ne a tswelela go tlolatlola go fitlha kwa losing. Tota o ne a sa kgathalele gore o latlhegetswe ke mogatla wa gagwe gonne o ne a bone kgololesego ya gagwe. Mme le go fitlha gompieno, mebutla e na le megatla e mekhutshwane, e mekima, fela jaaka Haruki!",tsn,Setswana,Mogatla wa ga Haruk,"Long, long ago, hares had beautiful, long, fluffy white tails which they wagged whenever they felt happy or excited. At that time, all the hares lived on an island, separated from the mainland by a wide, foaming river. Though the hares knew how to ...",,Mogatla wa ga Haruk,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mogatla-wa-ga-haruki-0 +haruki’s-tail,"Kwesukasukela, kudzala kakhulu bologwaja bebanemisila lemihle, lemidze, lefutjutelako lemhlophe lebebahlala njalo bayintjikitisa noma ngabe kunini nabativa bajabulile. Ngaleso sikhatsi, bonkhe bologwaja bebahlala esichingini, lebesihlukene nesiganga, sehlukaniswe ngulomkhulu umfula lonemagwebu. Nanoma nje labologwaja bebakwati kuhlamba kepha bebangakhoni kufika esigangeni, ngoba kulomfula bekuhlala, imihlambi nemihlambi yetingwenya letinkhulu, letiluhlata futsi letilambile. Bekute lokunye kudla lokumnandzi kwasekuseni, kwasemini nakwakusihlwa lebetitsandza kukudla letingwenya ngaphandle kwalogwaja. Ngako-ke bonkhe bologwaja lababomake bebatjela bantfwababo batsi, “NINGASONDZELIelusentseni lwemfula lolunenhlabatsi! NINGASONDZELI emantini!NINGASONDZELI kuleto tingwenya letetfusanako futsi letilambile!” +Labologwaja labancane bebaphila imphilo lekahle kakhulu kuphela nje nabalalela bomake babo, bebacolosha yonkhe indzawo ngaphansi kwetihlahla futsi badla bonkhe tjani netimbali lebetimila yonkhe indzawo lapho bebakhona. Kepha kwatsi lapho labologwaja labancane bakhula, babese bacala kulangatelela imphilo yekufuna kwati tintfo. “Kufanele kubamnandzi kakhulu kuhlala esigangeni!” basho batikhulumela. “Kufanele kutsi kunetintfo letimnandzi kakhulu letidliwako lapho, netilwane letinyenti letichazanako lesingadlala nato. Akusikahle kutsi asikwati kuya lapho!” +Ngalelinye lilanga, lomunye logwaja lomncane lonemdlandla ligama lakhe lebekunguHaruki, wavele nje waba nembono lomuhle kakhulu. “Cagelani kutsini?” watikhukhumeta kubangani bakhe. “Lamuhla ngitawubaleka ngiye esigangeni.” Kute ngisho namunye webangani bakhe lowamkholwa, kepha Haruku akatange abe nendzaba. Watsi, “Ngibukeleni!”, wacondza elusentseni lwemfula lolunenhlabatsi. +Haruki watsi nakefika ekugcineni kwemanti, wamemeta ngesibindzi, “Hheyi wena, Nkhosi yeTingwenya! Phuma lapho emantini! Inkhosi yaboLogwaja ifuna kukhuluma nawe!” Bangani baHaruki batfutfumela futsi bamangala ngesikhatsi ingwenya lenkhulu levete ematinyo ihudvula umtimba wayo iphuma emantini iya esigangeni. Bebangakate sebayibone intfo letfusa kangaka. Lengwenya yagicita emehlo ayo kancane, yabese ikhuluma ngelivi lelindondako, lelindzindzitelako, “Yebo, ngingakwentela ini, wena silwanyana lesedzelelako?” +“Hhayi-ke,” kwasho Haruki ngalokukhulu kutetsemba, abukeka angesabi lutfo, “Ngicabanga kutsi sesikhatsi setfu tsine tinkhosi sekutsi sicatsanise imibuso yetfu. Kwekucala nje ngitawubala tonkhe tingwenya bese kutsi nawe-ke sewubala bonkhe bologwaja. Sitawubese siyabona-ke kutsi ngubani emkhatsini wetfu lonembuso lonemandla kakhulu.” +Lenkhosi yetingwenya ayimange iyikholwe inhlanhla yayo. Yacabanga ngelidzili lekudla lokumnandzi lebeyitawuba nalo masinyane nje nasekulitfuba layo lekubala. “Ngumbono lomuhle loyo,” yasho ngelivi lelipholile, iloku igijimisa lulwimi lwayo kancane etukwematinyo ayo lamtfubi futsi lacijile. Yabese iyagucuka yakhushutela yabuyela ekhatsi emfuleni. Masinyane nje emanti acala ayalutela, ngenca yetingwenya lebeseticalile tishaye ludvwendvwe emvakwayo emfuleni. +“Nako ngishona!” kwasho Haruki, asinatela bangani bakhe. Wamema emhlana wengwenya yekucala, ajikitisa umsila wakhe-ke wabese uyacala uyabala. Bangani bakhe babefutela ngekumangala nababona kutsi wentani. “Kunye! Kubili! Kutsatfu!” wabala amemeta kakhulu, azuba asuka kumunye umhlaba wengwenya lomashwilishili aya kulomunye lolandzelako. “Kune! Sihlanu! Sitfupha! Sikhombisa!” wachubeka wamemeta, ajikitisa ngekuhlanya umsila wakhe lomudze, lomhlophe ngesikhatsi aya ngekusondzela kakhulu esigangeni. Ngemuva kwemaminitsi lalishumi, bangani bakhe besebabona licashati nje kuphela, limemeta lizuba le khashane. +“Emashumi layimfica nesiphohlongo! Emashumi layimfica nemfica! Likhulu!” Manje, besekute tingwenya embi kwaHaruki − besekusele nje lusentse lwesiganga lolunenhlabatsi. Watsi nje nakatsi uyazuba wehla emhlana wengwenya yekugcina, wamemeta wevakalisa lenkhulu injabulo, “HA, HA! NGINENTE TILIMA!” washo atigcabha ngesikhatsi andiza emoyeni ayowela enhlabatsini. “Nine tingwenya letimbi nicedza kungakhela libhuloho lekutsi ngifike esigangeni!” Ingwenya yekugcina nayiva lamagama, yajikisa masinyane inhloko yayo lenkhulu yaluma umsila waHaruki lebewujikita, kwevakala lomkhulu umsindvo wekungcutfuka, NGCUTFU! Haruki wanswininita ngalokukhulu kwetfuka, kepha wachubeka nekucolosha wayoshona elusentseni. Bekanganandzaba kutsi sewulahlekelwe ngumsila wakhe ngoba sewutfole inkhululeko. Futsi-ke kute kube ngulamuhla, bologwaja banemisila lemifisha, letiguntu, njengewaHaruki!",ssw,Siswati,Umsila waHaruki?,"Long, long ago, hares had beautiful, long, fluffy white tails which they wagged whenever they felt happy or excited. At that time, all the hares lived on an island, separated from the mainland by a wide, foaming river. Though the hares knew how to ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umsila-waharuki +haruki’s-tail,"Kalekale mivhuḓa yo vha i na mitshila mitshena ya u naka, milapfu ya u vha na vhukuse ye ya vha i tshi i dzungudza musi i tshi pfa yo takala kana u nyanyulea. Nga tshifhinga itsho, mivhuḓa yoṱhe yo vha i tshi dzula kha tshiṱangadzime, yo fhandekanywa na shango nga mulambo wo ṱanḓavhuwaho wa mabulo. Naho mivhuḓa yo vha i tshi kona u bammbela, yo vha i nga si swika shangoni, ngauri kha mulambo uyu ho vha hu tshi dzula ngweṋa dzo vhalaho khulwane, dala dzi re na nḓala. Ngweṋa idzi dzo vha dzi sa funi tshiṅwe tshithu nga nnḓani ha mivhuḓa i ḓifhelelaho u itela vhuragane, tshiswiṱulo na tshilalelo. Zwino ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe mivhuḓa ya vhomme yo vhudza vhana vhayo, “TAMBELANI KULE na khunzikhunzi ya muṱavha! TAMBELANI KULE na maḓi!TAMBELANI KULE na ngweṋa idzo dzi shavhisaho na u vha na nḓala!” +Zwenezwi mivhuḓa miṱuku i tshi ralo u dzulela u thetshelesa vhomme ayo, yo tshila vhutshilo ho ḓalaho dakalo nga maanḓa, i tshi dzulela u thamuwa fhasi ha miri na u ḽa hatsi na maluvha zwe zwa mela henefho. Fhedzi musi mivhuḓa i tshi aluwa ya vha mihulwane, miṅwe yayo yo tama vhutshilo ha vhuḓifungi. “Hu tea u vha hu tshi takadza shangoni!” yo vhudzana. “Hu tea u vha hu na zwithu zwavhuḓisa zwa u la hangei, na zwipuka zwinzhisa zwi takadzaho zwa u tamba nazwo. A si zwavhuḓi uri ra si kone u ya hangei!” +Ḓuvha ḽiṅwe, kuṅwe kuvhuḓana kwo ḓalaho u tamba kune kwa pfi Haruki kwa mbo ḓi sokou vha na muhumbulo wavhuḓi nga maanḓa. “Ni a ḓivha ndi mini?” Kwa ṱongisela khonani dzakwo. “Ṋamusi ḽino ndi khou ḓo ngalangala nda ya shangoni!” A hu na na muthihi kha khonani dzakwo we a ku tenda, fhedzi Haruki kwa sa zwi dzhiele nzhele. “Ntsedzeni!” Kwa amba, ku tshi khou thamutshela kha muṱavha we wa vha u nga thungo ha mulambo. +Musi Haruki ku tshi swika lukomboni lwa maḓi, kwa huwelela nga vhuhali, “Hei iwe, Khosi ya ngweṋa! Bvela nnḓa ha maḓi! Khosi ya mivhuḓa i ṱoḓa u amba na iwe!” Khonani dza Haruki dza tetemela na u femela nṱha musi ngweṋa khulwane vhukuma yo sema na mano i tshi bvisela muvhili wawo wa maanḓa muṱavhani. Dzo vha dzi sa athu u vhuya dza vhona tshithu tshi ofhisaho nga u rali. Ngweṋa yo bonyolosa maṱo ayo nga u ongolowa, ya konaha u amba nga ipfi ḽo dzikaho ḽa manzaranzara, “Ee, ndi nga u thusa nga mini, iwe kukhokhonono ku si na ṱhonifho?” +“Zwo luga,” ho amba Haruki kwo ḓikhwaṱhisa, ku sa sumbedzi u tshuwa na khathihi, “Ndi humbula uri ndi tshifhinga tsha uri riṋe mahosi ri vhambedze mivhuso yashu. Ndi ḓo thoma nga u vhala ngweṋa dzoṱhe, u bva afho ni ḓo vhala mivhuḓa yoṱhe. Ra ḓo kona u vhona uri ndi nnyi kha riṋe a re na muvhuso wo khwaṱhaho.” +Khosi ya ngweṋa ya sa kholwe zwavhuḓi mashudu ayo. Ya humbula nga maḽiwa a u ḓifha ane ya ḓo a ḽa musi hu tshi swika tshifhinga tshayo tsha u vhala. “Muhumbulo wavhuḓi,” ya ambela fhasi, i tshi khou tambisa lulimi lwayo nga u ongolowa kha mano a ṱaḓa na u vha na ṱhodzi. U bva afho ya rembuluwa ya swenda i tshi humela murahu maḓini. Hu si kale maḓi a vha o no thoma u rithea, musi mutevhe mulapfu wa ngweṋa u tshi thoma u fola murahu hayo maḓini. +“Ndi a ṱuwa zwino!” ho amba Haruki, tshi tshi khou mwemwela kha khonani dzatsho. Tsha thamutshelakha muṱana wa ngweṋa ya u thoma tshi tshi khou dzungudza mutshila watsho zwenezwo tshi tshi khou thoma u vhala. Khonani dzatsho dza femuluwa dzo mangala musi dzi tshi vhona zwe tsha vha tshi tshi khou ita. “Nthihi! Mbili! Raru!” Tsha vhalela nṱha, tshi tshi khou thamuwa u bva kha muṱana wa mipfa wa ngweṋa u ya kha muṅwe. “Iṋa! Ṱhanu! Rathi! Sumbe!” Tsha isa phanḓa, tshi tshi khou dzungudza mutshila watsho mutshena mulapfu nga nḓila ya u sa londa tshi tshi khou ralo u thamutshela tsinisa na shango. Nga murahu ha minetse ya fumi, khonani dzatsho dzo vha dzi tshi kona u vhona fhedzi kuthu kuṱukuṱuku, ku tshi khou huwelela na u thamuwa hangei phanḓa. +“Fuṱahemalo! Fuṱaheṱahe! Dana!” Zwa zwino ho vha hu si tshe na ngweṋa dziṅwe phanḓa ha Haruki – ho tou sala fhedzi muṱavha wa shangoni. Musi tshi tshi thamuwa u bva kha muṱana wa ngweṋa ya u fhedzisela, tsha ṱavha mukosi muhulu wa dakalo. “AHAA, AHAA! NDO U FHURA!” Tsha ḓiṱongisa tshi tshi khou ralo u thamuwa tsha swika tsha wela muṱavhani. “Inwi ngweṋa dzi sa ḓivhalekani no ita muratho wa uri ndi kone u wetshela seli shangoni!” Musi ngweṋa ya u fhedzisela i tshi pfa maipfi aya, ya rembulusa ṱhoho yayo khulwane ya luma mutshila wa Haruki we wa vha u tshi khou dzungudziwa nga phosho ya maḓi yo iteaho nga TSHIHAḒU! Haruki tsha zhamba nga nyofho, fhedzi tsha isa phanḓa na u thamuwa tshi tshi yela nnḓa ha maḓi. Tsho vha tshi si na na ndavha nazwo uri tsho ṱoḓa u xetshelwa nga mutshila ngauri tsho vha tsho wana mbofholowo yatsho. U swika na ṋamusi, mivhuḓa i na mitshila mipfufhi yo itaho midenya, u tou fana na wa Haruki!",ven,Tshivenda,Mutshila wa Haruk,"Long, long ago, hares had beautiful, long, fluffy white tails which they wagged whenever they felt happy or excited. At that time, all the hares lived on an island, separated from the mainland by a wide, foaming river. Though the hares knew how to ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mutshila-wa-haruki +haruki’s-tail,"Khale ka khaleni, mipfundla a yi ri ni micila yo saseka yo leha ya voya byo basa leyi a yi puluta hi yona loko yi tsakile kumbe ku nyanyuka. Hi nkarhi lowu, mipfundla hinkwayo a yi tshama exihlaleni, kule ngopfu na le misaveni, va hambanisiwile hi nambu lowutaleke. Hambi leswi mipfundla a yi kota ku hlambela, a yi nga ta fika laha ku nga ni misava hikuva eka nambu lowu a ku ri ni tingwenya letikulu ta rihlaza leti a ti fa hi ndlala. Tingwenya leti a ti rhandza ngopfu ku fihlula, ku dya swakudya swa nanhlikanhi na ku lalela hi vunandzi bya mpfundla. Kutani eka masiku hinkwawo mana wa swipfundlani a tshamela ku byela tincece leswaku, “FAMBELANI KULE na ribuwa leri nga ni sava! FAMBELANI KULE na le matini! FAMBELANI KULE na le ka tingwenya letiya to chavisa na ku twa ndlala!” +Leswi swipfundlani a swi yingisela mana wa swona, swi hanye vutomi lebyinene bya ntsako, swi tlulatlula kwala hansi ka mirhi na ku dya byanyi na swiluva leswi hlukeke kwala kusuhi. Kambe loko swipfundlani swi kula, swin’wana swi tsakele ku tokota vutomi byin’wana. “Ku fanele ku tsakisa le misaveni!” va ri karhi va byeletelana. “Ku fanele ku ri ni swakudya swo hlamarisa le misaveni, na swiharhi swo tala swo tlanga na swona. A swi kahle ku va ri a hi fanelanga kuya.” +Siku rin’wana, ngopfungopfu xipfundlana lexi a xi ri ni voya lebyikulu a va ku i Haruki xi tele hi mano ya kahle swinene. “Mi nga bvumba ku i yini?” a bombisela vanghana va yena. “Namutlha ndzi ta baleka ndzi ya emisaveni!” A ku ri hava na wun’we wa vanghana va yena loyi a n’wi tshemba, kambe sweswo a swi vilerisanga Haruki. “Yimani mi langutisa!” a va byela, a ri karhi a tsutsumela eribuweni ra nambu. +Loko Haruki a fika etlhelo ka nambu, u huwelerile hi vurhena, “Hey, Hosi ya Tingwenya! Huma endzeni ka mati! Hosi ya Mipfundla yi lava ku vulavula na wena!” Vanghana va Haruki varhurhumela hi ku chava, va hefemulela ehenhla loko ngwenya leyikulu leyi cinamiseke meno yi ri karhi yi humesela dyimiri esaveni. A va nga si tshama va vona nchumu wo chavisa ku fana na lowu. Ngwenya yi pfula mahlo hi ku nonoka, yi vulavula hi rito ro dzika ra mabvarabvara yi ku, “Hi mina loyi, xana ndzi nga ku pfuna xana, wena xiharhi lexitsongo xo ka xi nga pfuni nchumu?” +“Eee,” ku vula Haruki hi vurhena, a nga languteki a chuhile naswitsongo. “Ndzi ehleketa leswaku i nkarhi wa leswaku hina tihosi hi ringanisa mimfumo ya hina. Xosungula ndzi ta hlaya tingwenya, kutani wena u ta hlaya mipfundla. Hi kona hi nga ta tiva leswaku i mani loyi a nga ni mfumo lowu nga ni matimba swinene.” +Hosi ya tingwenya a yi nga tshembi nkateko lowu. A anakanya hi swakudya leswo xawula leswi a ta dya swona loko ku ri nkarhi wa yena wo hlaya. “I mianakanyo ya kahle,” a vula hi rito ro olova a ri karhi a humesa ririmu ra yena hi ku nonoka eka meno ya yena lamo tontswa ya xitshopani. Kutani a jika a nga jahangi a tlhelela enambyeni. Ku nga si hela nkarhi ku vile ni hansahansa endzeni ka mati, loko tingwenya ti ri karhi tifola layini ti landzelela hosi ya tona endzeni ka mati. +“Ndza famba!” ku vula Haruki, a ri karhi a n’wayitelela vanghana va yena. U khandziyile enhlaneni wa ngwenya yo sungula, a ri karhi a puluta ncila loko a sungula ku hlayela. Vanghana va yena va tele hi ku chava loko va vona leswi a ri ku swi endleni. “N’we! Mbirhi! Nharhu!” a hlayela ehenhla, a ri karhi a tlula ku suka ka nhlana wun’wana ku ya eka lowu landzelaka. “Mune! Ntlhanu! Tsevu! Nkombo!” a ya emahlweni. A ri karhi a puluta swinene ncila wa yena lowo leha wo basa loko a ri ekusuhi ni le misaveni. Endzhaku ka khume ra timinetse, a va vona ntsena xilo xitsongo xi ri karhi xi huwelela na ku tlula empfhukeni. +“Makumekayenhungu! Makumekayekaye! Dzana!” Hi nkarhi lowu a ku ri hava tingwenya emahlweni ka Haruki – kambe ribuwa ra sava ra le misaveni. Loko a ha tlula ku suka ka nhlana wa ngwenya yo hetisela, u huwelele hi ntsako lowukulu. “HA HA! NDZI MI HUMBILE!” U ti be xifuva kutani a tlulela ehenhla a wela emisaveni. “N’wina tingwenya to phunta mi ndzi endlele buloho ra ku ndzi fikisa emisaveni!” Loko ngwenya leyo hetisela yi twa leswi, yi hundzuluxa dyinhloko yi kakatlula ncila wa Haruki lowu a wu puluta yi ku wu KHATLU! Haruki a tlula hi ku chava, kambe a famba a ri karhi a cina a ri karhi a ya eribuweni. A nga ri ni mhaka na ncila lowu a nga lahlekeriwa hi wona hikuva se a kumile ntshuxeko. Ku fika na namutlha, mipfundla yina micila yo koma, ya swifundzwani, ku fana ni Haruki!",tso,Xitsonga,cila wa Haruk,"Long, long ago, hares had beautiful, long, fluffy white tails which they wagged whenever they felt happy or excited. At that time, all the hares lived on an island, separated from the mainland by a wide, foaming river. Though the hares knew how to ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ncila-wa-haruki +rabbit’s-good-idea,"Long ago, when rabbits and foxes were still friends, rabbits had fine long tails and short, little ears. One day Rabbit said to Fox, “Let’s go fishing”. +“Good idea”, said Fox, feeling hungry, “But what will we fish with?” asked Rabbit, because they had no fishing rod. +“Oh, you can just dangle your fine long tail in the water”, said Fox, “and when a fish nibbles, you’ll just swish it up onto the bank”. +“Good idea”, said Rabbit, and with that, the two friends went down to the river. +When they got there, Rabbit sat down and let his fine long tail dangle down into the water, and Fox sat beside him… and they waited. And waited. +“I’m tired of this”, said Fox. “Can’t you hurry up and catch a fish?” +Rabbit was just about to say that he was tired of this too and that Fox could take a turn fishing with his bushy tail when “OUCH” cried Rabbit. “Something has caught hold of my tail! Quick, Fox, have a look, it’s a big one. It’s pulling me into the water!” +Fox looked down, and what did he see? “That’s no fish, Rabbit, it’s Turtle at the end of your tail and you know what Turtle is like!” +Rabbit gasped. Turtle was not the type to let go. “Help me, dear fox. Pull hard or your friend is going to drown!” +So Fox did what any good friend would do. He grabbed hold of Rabbits short little ears and pulled, and tugged, and pulled with all his might. And as he pulled, Rabbit’s ears grew longer and longer. But Turtle, being Turtle, hung onto Rabbits tail, until finally…SNAP, the tail broke right off and Fox and Rabbit landed safely on the bank. From that day on, rabbits have a short little tail and a pair of fine long ears!",eng,English,Rabbit’s good ide,"Long ago, when rabbits and foxes were still friends, rabbits had fine long tails and short, little ears. One day Rabbit said to Fox, “Let’s go fishing”. +“Good idea”, said Fox, feeling hungry, “But what will we fish with?” asked ...",,Carole Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/rabbit’s-good-idea +tumi-and-the-three-wishes,"Ntate says goodbye to Tumi. “Be good today. No matter what you do, don’t go into my room. Don’t talk to Phathu the Parrot.” +“Hello,” says Tumi. Phathu the Parrot doesn’t say a word.  What’s that in Phathu’s cage? A dusty whistle! +Tumi wipes it clean and blows it. Phathu the Parrot speaks, “Hello, mighty one. Your three wishes are my command.” +Tumi’s tummy hurts. He has had too many sweets.  “Tumi! I cannot get in, the door won’t open.” Ntate is home. + +“Did you talk to Phathu the Parrot, Tumi?” Tumi is scared. POOF! POOF! “I wish ... all these sweets would go away.” +“I wish ... I had all the sweets in the world.”  “I wish ... “Tumi!” Ntate looks out of the window. All he sees is the ocean. +“What did you do?” Phathu the Parrot laughs. “Tumi wished you had millions of rands so that you could have a mansion and he +could have his own bedroom.” “He just never said where ...” Ntate is not pleased. +“You don’t listen. You are naughty just like him. +There is always a trick with this parrot.”  POOF! Lying in his bed that night, Tumi thinks, “My last wish had better be good. +  +Nal’ibali fun +Ideas to talk about +What three wishes would you have made? What lesson do you think Tumi might have learnt after his third wish? What are wishes? How do we create or make wishes? What or who grants our wishes?  +Visual +Draw a picture of three wishes that you would ask Phathu for. +Reading +Look carefully at the picture on the first two pages of the story.  How many cows and dragons can you see at the table? What food is available for them to eat? What do you think they are drinking?  Can you find Dumisani, Belinda and her mom? +Writing +Draw a picture of Tumi and Phathu with a thought bubble for each of them. In Tumi’s thought bubble write down his third wish, starting with these words: I wish ... In Phatu’s thought bubble, write down what he gave Tumi, starting with these words: I think I will give Tumi … +Craft +Use a cardboard toilet roll or paper-towel roll together with paint, kokis, glue, feathers, coloured tissue or crépe paper to make your own magical parrot. Give your parrot a name. +Performance +Retell the story with yourself as the main character. Also, replace Tumi’s wishes with three wishes of your own.",eng,English,Tumi and the three wishes,"Ntate says goodbye to Tumi. “Be good today. No matter what you do, don’t go into my room. Don’t talk to Phathu the Parrot.” +“Hello,” says Tumi. Phathu the Parrot doesn’t say a word.  What’s that in Phathu’s cage? A dusty ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Written by Mabel Mnensa,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tumi-and-the-three-wishes +tumi-and-the-three-wishes,"Ntate groet vir Tumi. “Jy moet vandag soet wees. Moenie in my kamer ingaan nie. En moenie met Phathu die Papegaai praat nie.” +Tumi luister nie vir Ntate nie. “Hallo,” sê Tumi. Phathu die Papegaai bly doodstil. Wat lê daar in Phathu se hok? ’n Stowwerige +fluitjie! Tumi vee dit skoon en blaas die fluitjie. “Goeiedag, magtige een,” sê Phathu die Papegaai. “Ek kan drie van jou wense laat +waar word.” Tumi het maagpyn. Hy het te veel lekkers geëet. “Tumi! Ek kan nie inkom nie. Ek kry nie die deur oop nie.” + +Ntate is by die huis. “Het jy met Phathu die Papegaai gepraat, Tumi?” Tumi is bang. SJOEF! SJOEF! “Ek wens … al hierdie +lekkers verdwyn.” “Ek wens … ek het al die lekkers in die wêreld.” “Ek wens … “Tumi!” Ntate kyk by die venster uit. Al wat hy +rondom hom kan sien, is die oseaan. “Wat het jy aangevang?” Phathu die Papegaai lag. “Tumi het gewens dat jy sakke vol geld sal +kry sodat julle in ’n groot huis kan woon en hy sy eie slaapkamer kan hê. Hy het net nooit gesê waar die huis moet wees nie!” +Ntate is vies. “Jy luister nie. Jy is stout, nes hy. Daardie papegaai is altyd vol streke.” SJOEF! Toe hy later daardie aand in sy bed +lê, dink Tumi: “My laaste wens moet ’n goeie wens wees.” +  +Nal’ibali-pret +Idees om oor te gesels +Wat sou jou drie wense gewees het? Watter les dink jy het Tumi dalk ná sy derde wens geleer? Wat is wense? Hoe skep of maak ons wense? Wat of wie laat ons wense waar word? +Visueel +Teken ’n prentjie van drie wense waarvoor jy vir Phathu sou vra. +Lees +Kyk mooi na die woorde en prentjie op die laaste bladsy.  Wat was Tumi se derde wens?  Gebruik die prent om die besonderhede uit te werk van wat Phathu besluit het om aan Tumi toe te staan.  Hoe dink jy het Tumi gevoel toe hy by die venster uitkyk?  Wat dink jy het hy volgende gedoen? +Skryf +Teken ’n prentjie van Tumi en Phathu met ’n denkborrel vir elkeen van hulle. Skryf in Tumi se denkborrel sy derde wens neer, en begin met hierdie woorde: Ek wens … Skryf in Phathu se denkborrel neer wat hy vir Tumi gegee het, en begin met hierdie woorde: Ek dink ek sal die volgende vir Tumi gee  +Handwerk +Gebruik ’n toiletrol of ’n handdoekpapierrol van karton saam met verf, kokipenne, gom, vere, gekleurde sneespapier of kreukelpapier om jou eie towerpapegaai te maak. Gee jou papegaai ’n naam. +Speel toneel +Vertel die storie oor met jouself as hoofkarakter. Vervang ook Tumi se wense met drie wense van jou eie.",afr,Afrikaans,Tumi en die drie wense,"Ntate says goodbye to Tumi. “Be good today. No matter what you do, don’t go into my room. Don’t talk to Phathu the Parrot.” +“Hello,” says Tumi. Phathu the Parrot doesn’t say a word.  What’s that in Phathu’s cage? A dusty ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Storie deur Mabel Mnensa,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tumi-en-die-drie-wense +tumi-and-the-three-wishes,"UBaba uvalelisa uTumi. “Uziphathe kuhle namhlanje. Nanyana ungenza ini, ungalingi ungene ngelawini lami. +Ungakhulumi noPhathu iPolipoli.” 4 5 “Lotjha,” kutjho uTumi. UPhathu, iPolipoli akatjho litho. Khuyini lokhu okungehogweni +kaPhathu? Yifengwana enethuli! UTumi uyayisula bese uyayivuthela. “Lotjha, wena onamandla,” kutjho uPhathu, iPolipoli, +“Iimfiso zakho ezintathu zimyalo kimi.” Amathumbu kaTumi abuhlungu. Udle amaswidi amanengi. “Tumi! Angikghoni ukungena, +umnyango awuvuleki.” UBaba ufikile. “Ukhe wakhuluma noPhathu iPolipoli, Tumi?” UTumi uyesaba. PHUF! PHUF! “Ngifisa ... + +woke amaswidi la akhambe.” “Ngifisa ... ukuba namaswidi woke wephasinapha.” 6 7 “Ngifisa ... “Tumi!” UBaba uhlola +ngefesdere. Ubona ilwandle nje kwaphela. “Wenzeni?” UPhathu, iPolipoli uyahleka. “UTumi ufise bonyana ube neengidi +zamaranda uzokwazi ukuba nendlu ekulu bese abe nelawu lakhe.” Nokho akhenge atjho bonyana kuphi!” UBaba akakathabi. +“Awulaleli. Uganga njengaye. Kuhlala kusetjenziswa iqhinga kupolipoli lo.” PHUF! Lokha nakalele embhedenakhe ngobusuku +lobo, uTumi uyacabanga, “Isifiso sami sokugcina kufanele sibe sihle khulu.” +  +Ithabo leNal’ibali  +Izinto esingakhuluma ngazo +Ngiziphi iimfiso ezintathu ozabe uzenzile? Ucabanga bona ngisiphi isifundo okungenzeka uTumi usifundile ngemuva kwesifiso sakhe sesithathu? Yini iimfiso? Sizibumba njani namkha sizenza njani iimfiso? Yini namkha ngubani osinikela iimfiso zethu? +Ukubonakala +Dweba isithombe seemfiso ezintathu ozazibawa kuPhathu. +Ukufunda +Qalisisa kuhle amagama nesithombe esisekhasini lokugcina.  Besiyini isifiso sakaTumi sesithathu?  Sebenzisa isithombe ukwenza imininingwana yalokho uPhathu acabange ukukunikela uTumi.  Ucabanga bona uTumi kungenzeka uzizwe njani lokha nakaqala ngaphandle kwefesdere?  Ucabanga bona yini elandelako ayenzileko? +Ukutlola +Dweba isithombe sakaTumi noPhathu ngebhamuza yomcabango malungana nomunye nomunye wabo. Ebhamuzeni yomcabango kaTumi tlola isifiso sakhe sesithathu, usithome ngalamagama: Ngifisa … Ebhamuzeni yomcabango kaPhathu, tlola lokho akunikele uTumi, uthome ngalamagama: Ngicabanga bona ngizakunikela uTumi … +Ubukghwari +Sebenzisa ikhadbhoksi lerolo yethoyilethi namkha irolo yethawula lephepha ngepende namakhokhi, idlhu, amasiba, ithitjhu ekhalariweko namkha iphepha elitjhwabeneko ukobana uzenzele ubhobhorhayakho onomlingo. Nikela ubhobhorhayakho ibizo. +Ukwenza +Buyelela utjho indatjanakho wena ube mlingisi oqakathekileko. Okhunye godu, jamiselela iimfiso zakaTumi ngeemfiso okungezakho ezintathu.",nbl,isiNdebele,UTumi neemfiso ezintathu,"Ntate says goodbye to Tumi. “Be good today. No matter what you do, don’t go into my room. Don’t talk to Phathu the Parrot.” +“Hello,” says Tumi. Phathu the Parrot doesn’t say a word.  What’s that in Phathu’s cage? A dusty ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguMabel Mnensa,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/utumi-neemfiso-ezintathu +tumi-and-the-three-wishes,"UTata uvalelisa kuTumi. “Uze uziphathe kakuhle namhlanje. Uze ungayi egumbini lam. Uze ungathethi noPhathu iSikhwenene.” + UTumi akamphulaphuli uTata. “Molo,” utsho uTumi. UPhathu iSikhwenene akatsho nelinye ilizwi. Yintoni le isendlwini +kaPhathu? Impempe enothuli! UTumi uyayosula icoceke aze ayivuthele. “Molo, sikhulu sam,” utsho uPhathu iSikhwenene, +“Iminqweno yakho emithathu ndiza kuyizalisekisa.” Isisu sikaTumi sibuhlungu. Utye iiswiti ezininzi kakhulu. “Tumi! +Andikwazi kungena, ucango aluvuleki.” UTata ubuyile. “Tumi, uthethile noPhathu iSikhwenene?” UTumi uyoyika. NAKO! +NAKO! + +“Ndinqwenela ukuba … zonke ezi switi zingabikho.” “Ndinqwenela ukuba … bendinganazo zonke iiswiti emhlabeni.” + “Ndinqwenela … UTata ukroba ngefestile. Eyona nto ayibonayo lulwandle kuphela. “Wenze ntoni?” UPhathu iSikhwenene +uyahleka. “UTumi ubenqwenela ukuba ube nezigidi zeeRandi ukuze ube nepomakazi lendlu aze naye abe negumbi lokulala +elilelakhe.” ”Qha khange atsho ukuba phi!” UTata akonwabanga. “Awuphulaphuli. Uyageza ufana nje nalo. Esi sikhwenene +sisoloko sineqhinga.” NAKO! Elele ebhedini yakhe ngoba busuku, uTumi uyacinga, “Umnqweno wam wokugqibela kufanele +ibengowona ulungileyo.” +  +Okokuzonwabisa kwakwaNal’ibali +Izimvo eninokuthetha ngazo +Yeyiphi iminqweno emithathu obungabe uyenzile? Sesiphi isifundo ocinga ukuba usifundile uTumi emva komnqweno wakhe wesithathu? Yintoni iminqweno? Uyidala okanye uyenze njani iminqweno? Yintoni okanye ngubani onika iminqweno? +Umfanekiso +Zoba umfanekiso weminqweno emithathu ongayicela kuPhathu. +Ukufunda +Jonga ngononophelo amagama nemifanekiso ekwiphepha lokugqibela.  Ubuyintoni umnqweno wesithathu kaTumi?  Sebenzisa umfanekiso ukufumanisa iinkcukacha zento agqibe ekubeni ayinike uTumi uPhathu.  Ucinga ukuba inoba uzive njani uTumi ukujonga kwakhe efestileni?  Ucinga ukuba yintoni elandelayo ayenzileyo? +Ukubhala +Zoba umfanekiso kaTumi noPhathu nengcinga ekwiqamza lentetho kuye ngamnye. Kwiqamza lengcinga likaTumi bhala phantsi umnqweno wakhe wesithathu, uqala ngala magama: Ndinqwenela … Kwiqamza lengcinga likaPhathu, bhala phantsi into ayinike uTumi, uqala ngala magama: Ndicinga ukuba uTumi ndiza kumnika …  +Ubuchule +Sebenzisa iroli yephepha lendlu yangasese lekhadibhodi okanye yetawuli yephepha kunye nepeyinti, iikhoki, iglu, iintsiba, ithishu emibalabala okanye iphepha lekriphu ukuzenzela esakho isikhwenene sasezingcingeni. Thiya igama isikhwenene sakho. +Ukwenza +Libalise kwakhona ibali wena ungumlinganiswa oyintloko. Tshintsha kananjalo, iminqweno kaTumi ngeyakho iminqweno emithathu.",xho,isiXhosa,UTumi neminqweno emithathu,"Ntate says goodbye to Tumi. “Be good today. No matter what you do, don’t go into my room. Don’t talk to Phathu the Parrot.” +“Hello,” says Tumi. Phathu the Parrot doesn’t say a word.  What’s that in Phathu’s cage? A dusty ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguMabel Mnensa,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/utumi-neminqweno-emithathu +tumi-and-the-three-wishes,"UBaba uvalelisa kuTumi. “Uziphathe kahle namhlanje. Ungangeni egumbini lami. Ungakhulumi noPholi onguPhathu.” +“Sawubona,” kusho uTumi. UPhathu, uPholi, uyazithulela nje. Ngabe yini le esekhejini likaPhathu? Yimpempe egcwele uthuli! +UTumi uyayesula ize ihlanzeke bese eyifutha. “Sawubona, wena wangasenhla,” kusho uPholi onguPhathu, “Ngizokwenzela +noma yikuphi okufisayo okuthathu.” UTumi ulunywa yisisu. Usedle amaswidi amaningi kakhulu. “Tumi! Angikwazi ukungena, +umnyango awuvuleki.” Usebuyile phela uBaba. “Ngabe uke wakhuluma noPholi onguPhathu, Tumi?” UTumi useyesaba. + +PHUFU! PHUFU! “Ngifisa … sengathi wonke la maswidi anganyamalala.” “Ngifisa … sengathi ngabe nginawo wonke … +amaswidi akhona emhlabeni.”  “Ngifisa … “Tumi!” UBaba ulunguza ngefasitela. Into kuphela ayibonayo wulwandle. +“Wenzeni-ke manje?” UPholi onguPhathu uyahleka. “UTumi ubefisa sengathi ungaba nezigidi zamaRandi ukuze ube nendlu +enkulu bese yena ebe negumbi lakhe lokulala.” Inkinga nje ukuthi akashongo ukuthi ibe kuphi nendawo! UBaba akajabulile +neze. “Awulaleli.  Ugange njengaye. Kuhlale kugcwele ubuqili nje kulo pholi.”  PHUFU! Esalele embhedeni wakhe ngalobo +busuku, uTumi uyacabanga, “Isifiso sami sesithathu kumele sibe sihle.” +  +Okokuzithokozisa kwakwaNal’ibali +Imibono okungaxoxwa ngayo +Yiziphi izifiso ezintathu obungazenza? Yisiphi isifundo ocabanga ukuthi uTumi usifundile ngemva kokwenza isifiso sesithathu? Ziyini izifiso? Sizenza kanjani izifiso? Ubani osinika lokho esikufisayo? +Ezibonakalayo +Dweba isithombe sezifiso ezintathu ongazicela kuPhathu. +Ukufunda +Bhekisisa amagama kanye nesithombe ekhasini lokugcina.  Sasiyini isifiso sikaTumi?  Sebenzisa isithombe ukuze ubonise imininingwane yalokho uPhathu akhetha ukukunika uTumi.  Ucabanga ukuthi uTumi wazizwa kanjani lapho ebheka efasiteleni?  Ucabanga ukuthi yini ayenza ngemva kwalokho? +Ukubhala +Dweba isithombe sikaTumi noPhathu kanye negwebu lo muntu ngamunye lalokho abakucabangayo. Egwebini likaTumi bhala isifiso sakhe sesithathu, uqale ngaleli gama: Ngifisa … Egwebini likaPhathu, bhala lokho akunike uTumi, uqale ngalawa magama: Ngicabanga ukuthi ngizonika uTumi … +Umsebenzi wezandla +Sebenzisa ikhathoni lethishu noma lethawula lephepha kanye nopende, amakhukhi, i-glue, izimpaphe, ithishu enombala noma iphepha le-crépe ukuze wenze upholi wakho wemilingo. Qamba upholi wakho igama. +Ukusebenza +Phinde uxoxe indaba njengomdlali oyinhloko. Yisho izifiso zakho ezintathu esikhundleni kwezikaTumi.",zul,isiZulu,UTumi nezifiso ezintathu,"Ntate says goodbye to Tumi. “Be good today. No matter what you do, don’t go into my room. Don’t talk to Phathu the Parrot.” +“Hello,” says Tumi. Phathu the Parrot doesn’t say a word.  What’s that in Phathu’s cage? A dusty ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguMabel Mnensa,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/utumi-nezifiso-ezintathu +tumi-and-the-three-wishes,"Ntate o laela Tumi. “O be ngwana wa mekgwa lehono. O se ye ka phapošing ya ka. O se bolele le Phathu wa Lepapagai.” +Tumi ga a theeletše Ntate. “Dumela,” a realo Tumi. Phathu wa Lepapagai ga a fetole. Go na le eng ka gare ga hoko ya Phathu? +Nakana ya go ba le lerole! Tumi o ile a e phumula gomme a e letša. “Dumela, ramaatla,” a realo Phathu wa Lepapagai, “ditumo tša +gago tše tharo ke taelo go nna.” Mpa ya Tumi e bohloko. O jele malekere a mantši. “Tumi! Ke palelwa ke go tsena, lebati le gana +go bulega.” Ntate o boile gae. “O boletše le Phathu wa Lepapagai, Tumi?” Tumi o tšhogile. + +“Ke duma okare ... Nka ba le malekere ohle lefaseng.” PUUM! “Ke duma okare … malekere a ka moka a ka tloga mo go nna.” +“Ke duma okare ... PUUM! PUUM! Ntate gase a thaba. “Ga o theeletše. O seleka bjalo ka yena. Lepapagai le le dula le na le +maleatlana.” Ge a kaname mpeteng wa gagwe bošegong bjoo, Tumi a nagana, “Takatso ya mafelelo e swanetše go ba ye botse.” +“Tumi!” Ntate o ile a lebelela ka ntle ka lefasetere. O bona lewatle fela. “O dirile eng?” Phathu wa Lepapagai o ile a sega. +“Tumi o bile le takatso ya gore o be le dimilione tša Diranta gore o kgone go ba le ntlo ye kgolokgolo gomme a be le phapoši ya +gagwe ya go robalela. Ga se a bolele gore kae!” +  +Boipshino bja Nal’ibali +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Ke dilo dife tše tharo tšeo o ka bego o kganyogile go di dira? Ke thuto efe ye o naganago gore Tumi o ithutile yona morago ga kganyogo ya gagwe ya boraro? Naa dikganyogo ke eng? Naa re hlama goba re dira bjang dikganyogo? Ke eng goba ke mang yo a re fago dikganyogo tša rena? +Go bona +Thala seswantšho sa dikganyogo tše tharo tše o ka di kgopelago Phathu.  +Go bala +Lebelela mantšu le seswantšho ka šedi letlakaleng la mafelelo.  Naa kganyogo ya boraro ya Tumi e bile efe?  Šomiša seswantšho go utolla dintlha tša seo Phathu a tšerego sephetho sa go se fa Tumi. O nagana gore Tumi a ka ba a ikwele bjang ge a be a lebelela ka ntle ga lefasetere? O nagana gore o dirile eng morago ga moo? +Go ngwala +Thala seswantšho sa Tumi le Phathu ka pudula ya kakanyo go se sengwe le se sengwe sa tšona. Go pudula ya kakanyo ya Tumi, ngwala kganyogo ya gagwe ya boraro, o thomiše ka mantšu a: Ke kganyoga … Go pudula ya kakanyo ya Phathu, ngwala seo a se filego Tumi, o thomiše ka mantšu a: Ke nagana gore nka fa Tumi … +Go dira dilo +Šomiša khatapokisi ya thoilete-rolo goba pampiri ya go phumola diatla gammogo le pente, dikoki, sekgomaretši, mafofa, thišu ya mebalabala goba pampiri ya kherepe go dira lepapagai la gago la semaka. Efa lepapagai la gago leina. +Go bapala terama +Anega kanegelo gape o šomiša wena bjalo ka moanegwathwadi. Gape, šomiša dikganyogo tša gago tše tharo legatong la dikganyogo tša Tumi.",nso,Sepedi,Tumi le ditumo tše tharo,"Ntate says goodbye to Tumi. “Be good today. No matter what you do, don’t go into my room. Don’t talk to Phathu the Parrot.” +“Hello,” says Tumi. Phathu the Parrot doesn’t say a word.  What’s that in Phathu’s cage? A dusty ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mongwadi keMabel Mnensa,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tumi-le-ditumo-tše-tharo +tumi-and-the-three-wishes,"Babe uvalelisa Tumi. “Utiphatse kahle namuhla. Ungangeni ekamelweni lami. Ungamkhulumisi Phathu Hohhoko noma-ke +Pherothi.” “Sawubona,” kusho Tumi. Phathu Hhoko akasho lutfo. Yini loku lokulapha ehhokweni laPhathu? Yimfengwane +legcwele tintfuli! Tumi uyayesula iyahloba futsi uyayishaya. “Sawubona, wena lonemandla.” “Tifiso takho letintsatfu +tingumyalo wami.” Tumi ubulawa sisu. Udle emaswidi lamanyenti kakhulu. “Tumi! Angikhoni kungena, lomnyango +awuvuleki.” + +Babe sewubuyile. “Umkhulumisile Phathu Hhoko, Tumi?” Tumi wetfukile. PHUUFU! PHUUFU! “Ngifisa ... +Kutsi onkhe lamaswidi angesuka aye khashane.” “Ngifisa ... Kutsi benginawo onkhe emaswidi lakhona lapha emhlabeni.” +“Ngifisa ... “Tumi!” Babe ubuka ngaphandle efasitelweni. Konkhe lakubonako lwandle. “Wente ini?” Phathu Hhoko uyahleka. +“Tumi abefisa kutsi ngabe unetigidzi temaRandi khona utoba nendlu lenkhulu khona atekuba nelikamelo lekulala lakhe yedvwa. +“Kodvwa akasho kutsi kuphi ...” Babe akajabuli. “Awulaleli. Awuva. Uwuva ufana naye-nje. Njalo-nje kubanebucili +ngalohhoko.” PHUUFU! Alele embhedzeni wakhe ngalobo busuku, Tumi uyacabanga, “Sifiso sami sekugcina sifanele kutsi sibe +sihle.” +  +Kwekutijabulisa kwakaNal’ibali +Imibono lokungakhulunywa ngayo +Ngutiphi tifiso letintsatfu longatenta? Ngusiphi sifundvo locabanga kutsi Tumi usifundzile ngemuva kwesifiso sakhe sesitsatfu? Yini tifiso? Sitakha noma sitenta kanjani tifiso? Yini noma-ke ngubani loniketa tifiso tetfu? +Lokubukwako +Dvweba sitfombe setifiso letintsatfu lotawuticela kuPhathu +Kufundza +Bukisisa lamagama netitfombe letisekhasini lekugcina.  Yini tifiso taTumi?  Sebentisa lesitfombe kute utfole imininingwane yaloko Phathu lancume kukunika Tumi.  Ucabanga kutsi Tumi utive anjani ngesikhatsi abuka ngaphandle ngelifasitelo? Ucabanga kutsi yini layentile ngemuva kwaloko? +Kubhala +Dvweba sitfombe saTumi naPhathu lesinelibhamuta lenkhulumo lemcabango langamunye wabo. Ebhamuteni lenkhulumo laTumi bhala sifiso sesitsatfu, ucale ngalamagama: Ngifisa … Ebhamuteni lenkhulumo lemcabango laPhathu, bhala phasi loko lakunike, ucale ngalamagama: Ngicabanga kutsi ngitawunika Tumi … +Umsebenti wetandla +Sebentisa iroli yelikhadibhodi yeliphepha lasemthoyi noma iroli yelithawula leliphepha kanye napendi, emakokisi, iglu, tinsiba, ithishu lenemibala leyehlukene noma liphepha lelishwilene lekutakhela wakho pholi. Nika pholi wakho ligama. +Kulingisa +Phindza futsi ucoce lendzaba wena ube ngumlingisi. Lokunye futsi, esikhundleni setifiso taTumi faka takho letintsatfu.",ssw,Siswati,Tumi netifiso letitsatfu,"Ntate says goodbye to Tumi. “Be good today. No matter what you do, don’t go into my room. Don’t talk to Phathu the Parrot.” +“Hello,” says Tumi. Phathu the Parrot doesn’t say a word.  What’s that in Phathu’s cage? A dusty ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguMabel Mnensa,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tumi-netifiso-letitsatfu +tumi-and-the-three-wishes,"Khotsi vha ri Tumi a sale zwavhuḓi. “Ni ḓifare zwavhuḓi ṋamusi. Ni songo dzhena lufherani lwanga. Ni songo amba na Phaṱhu +Tshiṋoni tsha Pherothi.”  Tumi ha thetshelesi Khotsi awe. “Hurini,” hu amba Tumi. Phaṱhu Tshiṋoni tsha Pherothi tsha sa fhindule. +Hu na mini ngomu ha hoko ya Phaṱhu? Ndwevha i re na buse! Tumi a i phumula ya kuna a i lidza. “Hurini, muhulwane wanga,” +hu amba Phaṱhu Tshiṋoni tsha Pherothi, “Zwine na tama zwiraru ndi ndaela kha nṋe.” Thumbuni ya Tumi hu a vhavha. O ḽa +maḽegere manzhisa. “Tumi! A thi koni u dzhena, muṋango u khou hana u vulea.” Khotsi vho vhuya hayani. “Tumi, no amba na +Phaṱhu Tshiṋoni tsha Pherothi?” + +Tumi o tshuwa. DZULI DZULI! DZULI DZULI! “Ndi tama ... Maḽegere aya a tshi nga ṱuwa oṱhe.” “Ndi tama ... Ndi na +maḽegere oṱhe shangoni.”  “Ndi tama ... “Tumi!” Khotsi awe vha lavhelesa nnḓa nga fasiṱere. Zwine vha khou vhona fhedzi +ndi lwanzhe. “No ita mini?” Phaṱhu Tshinoni tsha Pherothi tsha sea. “Tumi o tama arali vha tshi nga vha na miḽioni dza +dzirannda u itela uri vha vhe na nnḓu khulu na uri a kone u dzula lufherani lwawe. U tou vha a songo bula uri ngafhi!” Khotsi +awe a vho ngo takala. “A ni thetshelesi. Ni a levha sa onoyu. Hu dzulela u vha na vhufhura nga tshiṋoni itshi.” DZULI DZULI! +O eḓela mmbeteni wawe vhusiku honoho, Tumi a humbula, “Tshine nda tama tsha u fheleledza tshi fanela u vha tsha khwine.” +Phaṱhu Tshinoni tsha Pherothi tsha sea. “Tumi o tama arali vha tshi nga vha na miḽioni dza dzirannda u itela uri vha vhe na nnḓu +khulu na uri a kone u dzula lufherani lwawe. U tou vha a songo bula uri ngafhi!” +  +Madakalo a Nal’ibali +Zwine ha nga ambiwa nga hazwo +Ndi zwithu zwifhio zwiraru zwe na vha ni tshi nga tama u zwi ita? Ni vhona u nga Tumi a nga vha o guda mini nga murahu ha lutamo lwawe lwa vhuraru? Lutamo ndi mini? Lutamo ri lu sika kana u lu thoma hani? Ndi nnyi a no fhindula lutamo lwashu? +Tshifanyiso +Olani tshifanyiso zwiraru zwine na vha na lutamo lwa u humbela kha Phathu.  +U Vhala +Lavhelesani nga vhusedzi kha maipfi na tshifanyiso zwi re kha siaṱari ḽa u fhedza.  Lutamo lwa Tumi ya vhuraru ndi lufhio?  Shumisani tshifanyiso kha u wana zwidodombedzwa zwa zwe Phathu a nanga u fha Tumi.  Ni vhona u nga Tumi o ḓipfa hani musi a tshi sedza nnḓa nga fasiṱere?  Ni vhona u nga o ita mini tshi no tevhela? +U Ṅwala +Olani tshifanyiso tsha Tumi na Phathu tshi re na bulo ḽa mihumbulo ḽa muṅwe na muṅwe wavho. Kha bulo ḽa mihumbulo ḽa Tumi, ṅwalani lutamo lwawe lwa vhuraru, ni thome nga maipfi haya: Ndi na lutamo … Kha bulo ḽa mihumbulo ḽa Phathu, ṅwalani zwe a ṋea Tumi, ni thome nga maipfi haya: Ndi vhona u nga ndi ḓo fha Tumi … +Vhutsila +Shumisani khadibodo ya rolo ya thoiḽethipheipha kana rolo ya thavhula ya bammbiri khathihi na pennde, khokhi, guḽuu, mithenga, thishu ya muvhala kana bammbiri bwindi ḽa crépe kha u ita khwamba (pherothi) ya vhuṱolo/ manditi yaṋu. Rinani khwamba yaṋu dzina. +Kushumele +Toololani tshiṱori tshine khatsho muanewadendele ha vha inwi. Itani na u dzhenisa lutamo lwaṋu vhudzuloni ha zwiraru zwa Tumi.",ven,Tshivenda,Tumi na zwine a tama zwiraru,"Ntate says goodbye to Tumi. “Be good today. No matter what you do, don’t go into my room. Don’t talk to Phathu the Parrot.” +“Hello,” says Tumi. Phathu the Parrot doesn’t say a word.  What’s that in Phathu’s cage? A dusty ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Tsho ṅwaliwa nga Mabel Mnensa,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tumi-na-zwine-tama-zwiraru +tumi-and-the-three-wishes,"Ntate a ku tata eka Tumi. “Tikhomi kahle namuntlha. U nga yi ekamareni ya mina. U nga vulavuli na Phathu lowa Hokwe.”   +Tumi a nga yingiselangi Ntate. “Ahee,” ku vula Tumi. Phathu lowa Hokwe a nga hlamuli na rito na rin’we. Xana i yini lexi nga eka +nkele wa Phathu? Xitswiriri lexi nga na ritshuri. Tumi a xi sulasula kutani a xi chaya. “Ahee, wena wa matimba,” ku vula Phathu +wa Hokwe, “Ku tsakela ka wena kunharhu i xileriso xa mina.” Khwiri ra Tumi ra vava. U dyile swiwitsi swo tala. “Tumi! A ndzi +nge swi koti ku nghena, rivanti a ri pfuleki.” Ntate u vuyile. “Xana u vulavurile na Phathu lowa Hokwe, Tumi?” Tumi u chuhwile. + +PHUUU! PHUUU! “Ndzi tsakela … swiwitsi leswi hinkwaswo swi nga nyamalala.” “Ndzi tsakela … loko a no va na swiwitsi +hinkwaswo swa laha misaveni.” 6 7 “Ndzi tsakela … “Tumi!” Ntate u languta ehandle hi fasitere. Leswi a swi vonaka ntsena i +lwandle. “Xana u endlile yini?” Phathu wa Hokwe a hleka. “Tumi a tsakela leswaku u va na mamiliyoni ya tirhandi leswaku u va +na yindlu leyikulu na leswaku a va na kamara rakwe ro etlela. A nga vulanga leswaku kwihi!” Ntate a nga tsakanga. “A wu +yingisi. Wa siringa kufana na yena. Yi tshama yi ri na vukanganyisi hokwe leyi.” PHUUU! Loko a etlele emubedweni vusiku +byebyo, Tumi a anakanya, “Ku tsakela ka mina ko hetelela i ku ndzi titwa kahle.” +  +Swo tsakisa hi Nal’ibali +Mianakanyo yo bula hayona +Hi swihi swilo swinharhu leswi a wu ta va u navele ku swi endla? Hi yihi dyondzo u ehleketa leswaku Tumi a nga va a yi dyondzile endzhaku ka ku navela ka yena ka vunharhu? I yini ku navela? Xana u vumba njhani kumbe ku endla ku navela? I yini kumbe i mani a nyikaka ku navela ka hina? +Xifaniso +Dirowa xifaniso xa swilo swinharhu leswi a wu ta navela ku swi vutisa Phathu. +Ku Hlaya +Langutisa hi vukheta eka marito na xifaniso eka pheji ro hetelela.  I yini ku navela ka Tumi ka vunharhu?  Tirhisa xifaniso ku kuma vuxokoxoko bya leswi Phathu a boheke ku nyika Tumi.  Xana u ehleketa leswaku Tumi a nga va a titwe njhani loko a langutisa hi fasitere?  Xana u ehleketa leswaku u endle yini leswi landzelaka? +Ku Tsala +Dirowa xifaniso xa Tumi na Phathu ni baloni leyi nga ni miehleketo endzeni eka un’wana na un’wana. Eka baloni ya Tumi leyi nga ni miehleketo endzeni tsala ehansi ku navela ka yena ka vunharhu, u sungula hi marito lawa: Ndzi navela … Eka baloni ya Phatu leyi nga ni miehleketo endzeni, tsala ehansi leswi a nyikeke Tumi, ku sungula hi marito lawa: Ndzi ehleketa leswaku ndzi ta nyika Tumi …  +Ntirho wa vutshila +Tirhisa khadibodo ya thixu ya le xihambukelweni kumbe rholo ya thawula ra phepha na pende, makokisi, dlulu, tinsiva, thixu ya mihlovo kumbe phepha ra mihlovo ku endla pharoto ya wena ya masalamusi. Thya vito pharoti ya wena. +Encenyeta +Tsheketa nakambe ntsheketo u ri ximunuhatwankulu. Nakambe, siva ku navela ka Tumi hi swilo swinharhu leswi u swi navelaka.",tso,Xitsonga,Tumi na ku tsakela ka yena kunharhu,"Ntate says goodbye to Tumi. “Be good today. No matter what you do, don’t go into my room. Don’t talk to Phathu the Parrot.” +“Hello,” says Tumi. Phathu the Parrot doesn’t say a word.  What’s that in Phathu’s cage? A dusty ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mutsari i Mabel Mnensa,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tumi-na-ku-tsakela-ka-yena-kunharhu +the-magic-hour,"Not so long ago, in fact in the time when my great-great-grandmother was a young girl, a chicken and a cow were friends. +One day, as they walked along the fields, Chicken fluffed her feathers and wiggled her tail feathers. She was fidgety. Cow noticed this as she slowly chewed her cud. +“What is wrong, Chicken?” Cow asked while she swished her tail. +“Do you hear that?” Chicken looked around the fields, and then back at Cow. +“No,” said Cow. “Am I supposed to hear something?” Cow turned her head this way and that way so that the huge old bell around her neck jingled and jangled. It created a very loud noise which rolled across the dewy fields. +“That’s exactly what I mean,” said Chicken. “There are no other animal sounds on this farm. And why do you think that is?” +Cow continued chewing her cud while considering the question. +“Because,” Chicken rudely interrupted Cow’s thinking, “the farmer has shipped all our friends and family off to the slaughterhouse.” +  + +Cow got such a fright that she swallowed the cud she was chewing in one big gulp. This made her burp loudly and in a very unladylike manner! +“We have to escape because one of us is next! We need to get away before that happens,” Chicken said. +“Escape?” Cow asked while looking at Chicken with big eyes. +“Yes, we must escape tonight! But we must be careful of the farmer. We must make sure he does not hear nor see us leaving,” said Chicken. Cow nodded in agreement. +That evening, as soon as the lights in the farmhouse went out and they could hear the farmer snoring, Chicken and Cow set off. +Chicken used her beak to hold onto the clapper of the bell around Cow’s neck. They had to be as quiet as possible if they wanted their escape to be successful. +Once they were in the Great Green Wood, Chicken let go of Cow’s bell and they stood silently listening for a while. They had no idea where they were going and they were a bit scared. +From a branch above them, came the call of a swallow. +“Hey strangers! Here! Up here! Are you lost …?” Swallow wanted to know. +“No, we are not. We are escaping from the farm because the farmer had all our friends and family sent to the slaughterhouse. One of us, if not both, is next, so we decided to escape,” answered Chicken. +“Not wise, not wise,” called Swallow from above. “The Great Green Wood is full of wild animals and this is the time the big cats roam around looking for a delicious meal – such as a tasty cow or chicken. You are running from a bad situation to an even worse one, I would say.” +“Well, we can’t go back …” Cow said, looking around anxiously. +“Why not?” Swallow chattered. “All you have to do, is show the farmer that there is a better way.” +“A better way?” clucked Chicken. She could not believe what she was hearing. +“Yes,” said Swallow. “Remember that I am the advisor to the King. I know these things. You need to show the farmer your real value.” +For the rest of the evening the three sat together thinking and talking and coming up with a plan. +Now, luckily the Great Green Wood was a place of magic where anything was possible, so Swallow sent all the birds of the forest out to gather as many vegetable seeds as they could find. +With all the seeds gathered carefully, Swallow looked at the two friends. +“You have to take all these seeds back to the farm and plant them in the fields the farmer has prepared. But each seed must be in the ground before the magic hour.” Swallow looked at Chicken and Cow and up at the moon. “You must be quick. There are a lot of seeds here and not much time.” +Chicken and Cow struggled to carry all the seeds between just the two of them, but before long they were busy in the fields planting the seeds as fast as they could. + +Just as Chicken was covering the last of the seeds with some soil, the magic hour struck and Unkulunkulu opened the sky. Soft rain fell on the newly planted fields and all the differing kinds of seeds started sprouting and growing. Soon there were vegetables growing as far as you could see. The farmer’s fields looked wonderful. +When the farmer walked out to his fields that morning, he could not believe his eyes. Not only were there baskets of fresh vegetables lined up in neat rows, but there were also plenty of eggs and many buckets of fresh milk. Chicken and Cow stood nearby looking very proud, and the farmer knew this was all the result of their hard work. +The farmer was very grateful and from that day on, the farmer, Chicken and Cow lived happily together on the farm. +  +Get story active! +  + +Choose a part of the story that does not have an illustration and draw a picture for it. Copy out the words of the story that go with your picture or ask someone to help you do this. Paste the page with the story to the bottom of your picture. +Pretend that you are Cow and Chicken. Write a thank you letter to Swallow for helping you. +Start your own small garden in a plastic bottle. Lay the bottle on its side and cut off the side facing up. Put good soil in the bottle. Plant a few beans and water them. Place your garden in the sun.",eng,English,The Magic Hour,"Not so long ago, in fact in the time when my great-great-grandmother was a young girl, a chicken and a cow were friends. +One day, as they walked along the fields, Chicken fluffed her feathers and wiggled her tail feathers. She was fidgety. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",By Thato Kgaje,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-magic-hour +the-magic-hour,"Nie so lank gelede nie, trouens, in die tyd toe my ooroumagrootjie nog ’n jong meisie was, was daar ’n hoender en ’n koei wat vriende was. +Eendag, terwyl hulle in die lande stap, pof Hoender haar vere op en wikkel haar stertvere. Sy is rusteloos. Koei sien dit raak terwyl sy stadig staan en herkou. +“Wat’s fout, Hoender?” vra Koei terwyl sy haar stert heen en weer piets. +“Hoor jy dit?” Hoender kyk in die lande rond, en dan weer na Koei. +“Nee,” sê Koei. “Is ek veronderstel om iets te hoor?” Koei draai haar kop hierdie kant toe en daardie kant toe sodat die groot ou klok om haar nek klingel en klangel. Dit maak ’n harde geluid wat oor die doubedekte lande rol. +“Dis presies wat ek bedoel,” sê Hoender. “Daar is geen ander dieregeluide op hierdie plaas nie. En hoekom dink jy is dit so?” +Koei bly herkou terwyl sy oor die vraag nadink. +“Omdat,” sê Hoender onbeskof terwyl Koei nog staan en dink, “die boer al ons vriende en familielede weggestuur het om geslag te word.” +  +  +            +Koei skrik so groot dat sy haar herkoutjie heel insluk. Sy breek ’n harde wind op, wat glad nie is soos ’n dame haar gedra nie! +“Ons moet ontsnap, want een van ons is volgende! Ons moet wegkom voor dit gebeur,” sê Hoender. +“Ontsnap?” vra Koei terwyl sy met groot oë na Hoender staar. +“Ja, ons moet vanaand ontsnap! Maar ons moet versigtig wees vir die boer. Ons moet seker maak hy sien of hoor ons nie,” sê Hoender. Koei knik instemmend. +Daardie aand, toe die ligte in die plaashuis afgaan en hulle die boer kan hoor snork, val Hoender en Koei in die pad. +Hoender byt met haar snawel aan die klepel van Koei se klok vas, want hulle moet so stil moontlik wees as hulle wil wegkom sonder dat iemand hulle hoor. +Toe hulle in die Groot Groen Woud kom, laat los Hoender Koei se klok en hulle staan vir ’n rukkie doodstil en luister. Hulle het geen idee waarheen hulle op pad is nie en voel so ’n bietjie bang. +Op ’n tak bo hulle hoor hulle ’n swaeltjie roep. +“Haai, vreemdelinge! Hier! Hier bo! Het julle verdwaal …?” wil Swaeltjie weet. +“Nee, ons het nie. Ons het weggeloop van die plaas af, want die boer het al ons vriende en familie gestuur om geslag te word. Een van ons, of albei, is volgende, en daarom het ons besluit om weg te loop,” antwoord Hoender. +“Nie slim nie, nie slim nie,” roep Swaeltjie van bo af. “Die Groot Groen Woud is vol wilde diere, en dis nou juis die tyd wanneer die groot katte rondloop op soek na ’n lekker maaltyd – soos ’n sappige, smaaklike koei of ’n hoender. As julle my vra, sou ek sê julle het nou van die wal af in die sloot beland.” +“Wel, ons kan nie teruggaan nie …” sê Koei, en kyk benoud rond. +“Hoekom nie?” kwetter Swaeltjie. “Al wat julle hoef te doen, is om vir die boer te wys dat daar ’n beter manier is.” +“’n Beter manier?” kloek Hoender. Sy kan nie glo wat sy hoor nie. +“Ja,” sê Swaeltjie. “Onthou, ek is die Koning se raadgewer. Ek weet hoe hierdie dinge werk. Julle moet vir die boer wys wat julle werklike waarde is.” +Die res van die aand sit die drie saam en dink en gesels om ’n plan te beraam. +Gelukkig is die Groot Groen Woud ’n towerwoud waar enigiets moontlik is, en daarom stuur Swaeltjie al die voëls in die woud uit om soveel groentesaad as wat hulle kan vind, bymekaar te maak. +Toe al die saad veilig bymekaar gemaak is, kyk Swaeltjie na die twee vriende. +“Julle moet al hierdie saad terugneem na die plaas toe en dit in die landerye plant wat die boer reggemaak het. Maar elke saadjie moet voor die toweruur in die grond wees.” Swaeltjie kyk na Hoender en Koei en toe na die maan. “Julle moet gou maak. Daar is baie saadjies en die tyd is min.” +Hoender en Koei sukkel om al die saadjies tussen hulle twee teruggedra te kry, maar kort voor lank is hulle besig om die saadjies so vinnig as moontlik in die landerye te plant. +  +         +Net toe Hoender die laaste saadjies met ’n bietjie grond toekrap, slaan die toweruuur en Unkulunkulu maak die hemel se sluise oop. Sagte reën sak uit op die saadjies wat hulle geplant het en al die verskillende soorte saadjies ontkiem en begin groei. Sommer gou staan daar groente so ver as wat die oog kan sien. Die boer se landerye lyk lieflik. +Toe die boer daardie oggend na sy lande toe stap, kan hy sy oë nie glo nie. Daar staan mandjies vol vars groente in netjiese rye, en dan is daar ook nog baie eiers en ’n klomp emmers vars melk. Hoender en Koei staan daar naby en lyk baie trots. En die boer weet dis alles te danke aan hulle harde werk. +Die boer is baie dankbaar, en van daardie dag af het die boer, Hoender en Koei gelukkig saam op die plaas gewoon. +  +[Get story active!] Raak doenig met stories! + +Kies ’n deel van die storie wat nie ’n illustrasie het nie en teken ’n prent daarvoor. Skryf die woorde van die storie neer wat by jou prent pas, of vra iemand om jou te help om dit te doen. Plak die bladsy met die storie onder jou prent vas. +Maak of jy Koei en Hoender is. Skryf ’n briefie om vir Swaeltjie dankie te sê dat hy jou gehelp het. +Begin jou eie klein tuintjie in ’n plastiekbottel. Laat die bottel plat lê, met die oopgesnyde kant na bo. Maak die bottel vol goeie grond. Plant ’n paar boontjies en maak dit nat. Plaas jou tuintjie in die son.",afr,Afrikaans,Die toweruur,"Not so long ago, in fact in the time when my great-great-grandmother was a young girl, a chicken and a cow were friends. +One day, as they walked along the fields, Chicken fluffed her feathers and wiggled her tail feathers. She was fidgety. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Deur Thato Kgaje,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-toweruur +the-magic-hour,"Kwixeshana nje elingephi elidluleyo, phofu xa ukhokho kakhokho wam wayeseyintombazana, inkukhu nenkomo zazingabahlobo. +Ngenye imini, xa zazihamba emasimini, uNkukhu waphakamisa iintsiba zakhe waza watshikizisa isisila sakhe. Wayesoyika. UNkomo wayibona le nto njengoko wayehlafuna esetyisa. +“Yintoni ingxaki, Nkukhu?” wabuza uNkomo ejiwuzisa umsila wakhe. +“Uyayiva le nto itshoyo?” uNkukhu walaqaza emasimini, emva koko wajonga uNkomo. +“Hayi,” watsho uNkomo. “Ikhona into evakalayo?” UNkomo wajika intloko eyijongisa ngapha aphinde ayijongise ngaphaya kangangokuba ikloko enkulu endala eyayijinga entanyeni yakhe yayinkqewuza. Yayisenza ingxolo enkulu eyavakala kuloo masimi anombethe. +“Yile nto kanye ndizama ukuyitsho,” watsho uNkukhu. “Akukho zandi zezinye izilwanyana kule fama. Ucinga ukuba kutheni kunjalo nje?” +UNkomo waqhubeka ezihlafunela umetyiso wakhe ngoxa esacinga ngalo mbuzo. +“Kaloku,” ngobukrwada uNkukhu wamphazamisa uNkomo esacinga, “umfama uthathe bonke abahlobo neentsapho zethu wabasa kwindawo ekuxhelwa kuyo.” +  +          +UNkomo wothuka kangangokuba wayiginya ngaxesha linye yonke ingca awayeyetyisa. Loo nto yamenza wabhodla kakhulu ngendlela amanenekazi angafanelanga abhodle ngayo! +“Kuza kufuneka siqhweshe kuba kuza kulandela omnye wethu! Kufuneka siqwheshe ingekenzeki loo nto,” watsho uNkukhu. +“Siqhweshe?” uNkomo wabuza emthe ntsho uNkukhu ngaloo mehlo akhe makhulu. +“Ewe, simele siqhweshe ngokuhlwanje! Kodwa kuza kufuneka simlumkele umfama. Simele siqiniseke ukuba akasiva xa sihambayo,” watsho uNkukhu. UNkomo wanqwala evumelana naye. +Ngalo ngokuhlwa, kuthe nje ukuba kucinywe izibane kwindlu yomfama baza beva umfama erhona, uNkukhu noNkomo bangena endleleni. +UNkukhu wasebenzisa umlomo wakhe ukuze abambelele kwintsimbi yekloko eyayijinga entanyeni kaNkomo. Kwakufuneka bangavakali kangangoko kunokwenzeka ukuba babefuna ukuphumelela xa beqhwesha. +Bathe xa bekwiHlathi Elikhulu Eliluhlaza, uNkukhu wayiyeka ikloko kaNkomo baza bema bethe cwaka bemamele kangangexeshana. Babengazi nokuba baya phi kwaye besoyika. +Kwisebe lomthi eliphezu kwabo, beva bekhwazwa yinkonjane. +“Heyi nina! Ndim lo! Apha phezulu! Nilahlekile …?” uNkonjane wayefuna ukwazi. +“Hayi, asilahlekanga. Siqhweshe efama kuba umfama uthathe bonke abahlobo neentsapho zethu wabasa kwindawo ekuxhelwa kuyo. Omnye wethu, okanye sobabini, uza kulandela, ngoko sigqibe ekubeni siqhweshe,” waphendula uNkukhu. +“Nimuncu, nimuncu,” wakhwaza uNkonjane ephezulu. “Ihlathi Elikhulu Eliluhlaza ligcwele zizilwanyana zasendle ibe ngoku lixesha ezizula ngalo iikati ezinkulu zikhangela ukutya okumnandi – okufana nenkomo okanye inkukhu emuncisa iintupha. Mna ndithi nibaleka into ebuhlungu niza kwebuhlungu nangakumbi.” +“Hayi, asinakuba sajika …” uNkomo watsho, elaqaza enexhala. +“Ngoba?” uNkonjane watsho. “Into ekufuneka niyenze nje, kukuxelela umfama ukuba ikho indlela ebhetele yokwenza izinto.” +“Indlela ebhetele?” watsho uNkukhu. Wayengayikholelwa le nto ayivayo. +“Ewe,” watsho uNkonjane. “Khumbulani ukuba mna ndingumcebisi kaKumkani. Ndiyazazi ezi zinto. Kufuneka nibonise umfama indlela enixabiseke ngayo.” +Kwinxalenye eseleyo yalo ngokuhlwa aba bathathu bahlala kunye bacinga baza bathetha baza beza necebo. +Ngethamsanqa kwathi kanti iHlathi Elikhulu Eliluhlaza liyindawo yomlingo apho nantoni na inokwenzeka, ngoko uNkonjane wathumela zonke iintaka zasehlathini ukuba ziye kuqokelela imbewu yemifuno eninzi kangangoko kunokwenzeka. +Emva kokuba yonke loo mbewu iqokelelwe ngobunono, uNkonjane wajonga aba bahlobo babini. +“Kufuneka nithathe yonke le mbewu nibuyele nayo efama nize niyityale kumasimi awaphethuleyo umfama. Kodwa imbewu nganye kufuneka ibe sele ityaliwe ngaphambi kweyure yomlingo.” UNkonjane wajonga kuNkukhu nakuNkomo waza wajonga phezulu enyangeni. “Kufuneka nikhawulezise. Ininzi le mbewu kwaye ixesha lincinci.” +UNkukhu noNkomo basokola ukuthwala yonke loo mbewu bebobabini nje qha, kodwa kungekudala baqalisa ukutyala imbewu emasimini ngokukhawuleza kangangoko babenako. +  +         +Uthe xa uNkukhu egqumelela imbewu yokugqibela ngomhlaba, yagaleleka iyure yomlingo waza uThixo wavula isibhakabhaka. Kwana imvula etsho kancinci kuloo masimi asandula ukulinywa ibe zonke iintlobo zeembewu zaqalisa ukuntshula nokukhula. Kungekudala kwakukhula imifuno kuyo yonke indawo. Amasimi omfama ayemahle. +Uthe xa umfama ephuma esiya emasimini akhe ngalo ntsasa, akayikholelwa into ayibona ngamehlo akhe. Kwakungadweliswanga iibhaskiti zemifuno esandula ukukhiwa kuphela, kodwa kwakukho namaqanda amaninzi namabhakethe amaninzi obisi olusandula ukusengwa. UNkukhu noNkomo babemi apho bebonakala bezidla, ibe umfama wayesazi ukuba yonke loo nto yayibangelwe kukukhuthala kwabo. +Umfama wayenombulela kakhulu ibe ukususela loo mini, umfama, uNkukhu noNkomo baphila kamnandi kunye kulo fama. +  +  +[Get story active!]  Yenza ibali linike umdla! +  + +Khetha indawo apha ebalini engenamzobo uze uzobe umfanekiso wayo. Khuphela amagama alapha ebalini aza kuhamba nomfanekiso wakho okanye ucele umntu akuncedise ekwenzeni le nto. Namathelisa iphepha elinebali + ezantsi komfanekiso. +Zenze ngathi unguNkomo noNkukhu. Bhala ileta eya kuNkonjane ukuze umbulele ngokuba enincedile. +Qala igadi encinci ngebhotile yeplastiki. Lalisa ibhotile ngecala uze uyisike kweli cala lijonge phezulu. Galela umhlaba ochumayo kule bhotile. Tyala iimbotyi ezimbalwa uze uzinkcenkceshele. Beka igadi yakho elangeni.",xho,isiXhosa,Iyure yomlingo,"Not so long ago, in fact in the time when my great-great-grandmother was a young girl, a chicken and a cow were friends. +One day, as they walked along the fields, Chicken fluffed her feathers and wiggled her tail feathers. She was fidgety. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",NguThato Kgaje,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iyure-yomlingo +the-magic-hour,"Esikhathini esingekudala kakhulu, empeleni ngesikhathi lapho ukhokhokazi wami eseyintombazane, unkukhu nonkomazi babengabangane. +Ngolunye usuku, lapho behamba emasimini, uNkukhu wathintitha izimpaphe zakhe futhi watshikizisa nomsila wakhe onezimpaphe. Wayengahlalisekile. UNkomazi wakubona lokhu njengoba ayetshisa ngesineke. +“Kwenzenjani, Nkukhu?” Kubuza uNkomazi enyakazisa umsila. +“Uyakuzwa lokho?” UNkukhu waqalaza emasimini, wabuye wabheka uNkomazi. +“Cha,” kusho uNkomazi. “Kukhona okumele ngikuzwe?” UNkomazi wajikisa ikhanda lakhe walibhekisa le nale ukuze insimbi endala enkulu esentanyeni yakhe ikhale kakhulu. Yenza umsindo omkhulu kakhulu owagcwala wonke amasimu anamazolo. +“Yilokho kanye engikushoyo,” kusho uNkukhu. “Ayikho eminye imisindo yezilwane kuleli pulazi. Ucabanga ukuthi kungani kunjalo?” +UNkomazi waqhubeka etshisa njengoba esacabanga ngalo mbuzo. +“Kungenxa yokuthi,” uNkukhu ephazamisa ngendelelo ukucabanga kukaNkomazi, “umninipulazi uhambise bonke abangane bethu nomndeni emadeleni.” +  + +  +UNkomazi wethuka kakhulu kangangoba wagwinya umetshiso wakhe ngomthamo owodwa omkhulu. Lokhu kwamenza wabhodla kakhulu ngendlela engenasizotha! +“Kudingeka sibaleke ngoba omunye wethu uzolandela! Kudingeka sihambe ngaphambi kokuba lokho kwenzeke,” kusho uNkukhu. +“Sibaleke?” kubuza uNkomazi ebheka uNkukhu ngamehlo amakhulu. +“Yebo, kumele sibaleke namuhla ebusuku! Kodwa kumele siqaphele umninipulazi. Kumele siqikelele ukuthi akasizwa futhi akasiboni lapho sihamba,” kusho uNkukhu. UNkomazi wanqekuzisa ikhanda evuma. +Ngalobo busuku, lapho nje kucisha izibani endlini yasepulazini futhi bezwa umninipulazi esehona, uNkukhu noNkomazi baphuma bahamba. +UNkukhu wasebenzisa uqhwaku lwakhe ukuze abambe izinsimbi zingashayani entanyeni kaNkomazi. Kwakumele bangenzi umsindo kangangokunokwenzeka uma babefuna ukubaleka kwabo kube yimpumelelo. +Lapho sebeseHlathini Elikhulu Eliluhlaza, uNkukhu wayiyeka insimbi kaNkomazi futhi bama bathula du balalela okwesikhashana. Babengazi ukuthi babeyaphi futhi babethukile. +Egatsheni elingenhla kwabo, bezwa ukumemeza kukankonjane. +Webantu bambe! Ngilapha! Ngilapha phezulu! Ingabe nidukile …?” UNkonjane efuna ukwazi. +“Cha, asidukile. Siyabaleka epulazini ngoba umninipulazi uhambise bonke abangane bethu nomndeni emadeleni. Omunye wethu, uma kungekhona ukuthi sobabili, uyalandela, ngakho sinqume ukubaleka,” kuphendula uNkukhu. +“Akuhlakaniphile, neze,” kumemeza uNkonjane engenhla. “Ihlathi Elikhulu Eliluhlaza ligcwele izilwane zasendle futhi yilesi sikhathi okuhambahamba ngaso amakati amakhulu efuna isidlo esimnandi – njengonkomazi noma unkukhu omnandi. Ngingase ngithi, nibalekela isimo esibi niya kwesibi nakakhulu.” +“Nokho, asinakubuyela emuva …” kusho uNkomazi, eqalaza ngokukhathazeka. +“Kungani?” kusho uNkonjane. “Okumele nje nikwenze, wukubonisa umninipulazi ukuthi kukhona indlela engcono.” +“Indlela engcono?” kubuza uNkukhu. Wayengakukholwa lokho ayekuzwa. +“Yebo,” kusho uNkonjane. “Khumbula ukuthi ngingumeluleki weNkosi. Ngiyazazi lezi zinto. Kudingeka nibonise umninipulazi inzuzo yenu yoqobo.” +Ngabo bonke lobo busuku laba abathathu bahlala ndawonye becabanga futhi bexoxa futhi beza neqhinga. +Manje-ke, ngenhlanhla Lelihlathi Elikhulu Eliluhlaza laliyindawo yomlingo lapho noma yini yayingenzeka, ngakho uNkonjane wathumela zonke izinyoni zaleli hlathi ukuba ziyobutha izimbewu zemifino eziningi kangangokunokwenzeka. +Lapho zonke izimbewu sezibuthiwe ngokucophelela, uNkonjane wabuka laba bangane ababili. +“Kumele nithathe zonke lezi zimbewu nibuyele nazo epulazini futhi nizitshale emasimini umninipulazi awalungiselele. Kodwa imbewu ngayinye kumele ibe semhlabathini ngaphambi kwehora lomlingo.” UNkonjane wabuka uNkukhu noNkomazi, wayesebuka phezulu enyangeni. “Kumele nisheshe. Kunezimbewu eziningi lapha kanti isikhathi sincane.” +UNkukhu noNkomazi bazabalaza ukuzithwala zonke izimbewu bona nje bobabili, kodwa kwathi kungakabiphi base bematasa emasimini betshala izimbewu ngokushesha ngangokunokwenzeka. +Lapho nje uNkukhu esegqiba izimbewu zokugcina ngenhlabathi, ihora lomlingo lashaya futhi uNkulunkulu wavula isibhakabhaka. Kwana imvula eshaya kancane emasimini ayesanda kutshalwa futhi zonke izinhlobo zezimbewu zaqala ukuqhuma nokukhula. Ngokushesha imifino yakhula yonke indawo. Amasimu omninipulazi abukeka kahle kakhulu. + +  +Lapho umninipulazi ephuma eya emasimini akhe ekuseni ngalelo langa, akakukholwanga lokho akubona. Akukhona nje kuphela ukuthi kwakunobhasikidi bemifino emisha beklele emigqeni eqondile, kodwa futhi kwakunamaqanda amaningi kanye namabhakede amaningi obisi olusha. UNkukhu noNkomazi babemi eduze nalapho bebukeka beziqhenya kakhulu, futhi umninipulazi wayazi ukuthi konke lokhu kwakungumphumela wokuzikhandla kwabo. +Umninipulazi wayegcwele ukubonga okukhulu futhi kusukela ngalolo suku kuqhubeke, umninipulazi, uNkukhu noNkomazi bahlala ngokujabula ndawonye epulazini. +  +  +[Get story active!] Yenza indaba ibe mnandi! + +Khetha ingxenye yendaba engenawo umfanekiso bese udweba isithombe sayo. Kopisha amazwi endaba ahambisana nesithombe sakho noma ucele othile ukuba akusize ukwenza lokhu. Namathisela ikhasi elinendaba ngezansi kwesithombe sakho. +Yenza sengathi unguNkomazi noNkukhu. Bhalela uNkonjane incwadi yokubonga ngokukusiza kwakhe. +Qala ingadi yakho encane ebhodleleni lepulasitiki. Lalisa ibhodlela ngohlangothi bese usika uhlangothi olungaphezulu. Faka umhlabathi okahle ebhodleleni. Tshala obhontshisi abambalwa bese ubanisela. Beka ingadi yakho elangeni.",zul,isiZulu,Ihora lomlingo,"Not so long ago, in fact in the time when my great-great-grandmother was a young girl, a chicken and a cow were friends. +One day, as they walked along the fields, Chicken fluffed her feathers and wiggled her tail feathers. She was fidgety. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",NguThato Kgaje,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ihora-lomlingo +the-magic-hour,"Mehleng ya kgale, hantlentle, dilemong tseo nkgono wa nkgono wa ka e neng e sa le ngwanananyana, kgoho le kgomo e ne e le metswalle. +Ka tsatsi le leng, ha ba ntse ba tsamaya masimong, Kgoho a tsukutla mapheo a hae mme a tsoka mapheo a mohatleng. O ne a hlile a sa dudiseha. Kgomo a lemoha sena ha a ntse a thuisa dijo tsa hae. +“Bothata ke eng, Kgoho?” Kgomo a botsa a ntse a tsoka mohatla wa hae. +“Na o a utlwa?” Kgoho a qamaka hohle masimong, mme a sheba Kgomo hape. +“Tjhe,” ha rialo Kgomo. “Na ho na le seo ke lokelang ho se utlwa?” Kgomo a sheba kwana le kwana hoo tshepe e kgolo ya kgale e molaleng wa hae e ileng ya ketetsa ya lla. E ile ya baka lerata le leholo haholo le ileng la tlala masimo ao a mongobo. +“Ke sona seo ke buang ka sona,” ha rialo Kgoho. “Ha ho medumo ya diphoofolo tse ding polasing ena. O nahana hore ke hobaneng ho le jwalo?” +Kgomo a tswela pele ho thuisa dijo a ntse a nahanisisa potso eo. +“Hobane,” Kgoho a kenella menahano ya Kgomo hampe feela, “rapolasi o tsamaisitse metswalle ya rona kaofela le ba malapa a rona a ba isa selagepala.” +  +         +Kgomo a tshoha haholo hoo a ileng a kwenya dijo tseo a neng a ntse a di thuisa kapele haholo. Sena se ile sa baka hore a bohle haholo ka tsela e sa tshwaneleng motho wa mosadi! +“Re lokela ho baleha hobane e mong ho rona mona o tlo latela! Re lokela ho baleha mona pele seo se etsahala,” Kgoho a rialo. +“Re balehe?” Kgomo a botsa a tonetse Kgoho  mahlo. +“E, re lokela ho baleha kajeno bosiu! Empa re lokela ho ba sedi re hlokomele rapolasi. Re tshwanetse re netefatse hore ha a re utlwe le ho re bona ha re tsamaya,” ha rialo Kgoho. Kgomo a oma ka hlooho a dumela. +Bosiung boo, hanghang ha mabone a polasing a tima, mme ba utlwa hore rapolasi o kgalehile o a kgona, Kgoho le Kgomo ba ipetsa. +Kgoho a sebedisa molomo wa hae ho tshwara tshepe e molaleng wa Kgomo. Ba ne ba lokela ho tsamaya ba kgutsitse kamoo ba ka kgonang haeba ba ne ba batla ho baleha ka katleho. +Hang ha ba le Great Green Wood, Kgoho a tlohela tshepe ya Kgomo mme ba ema ba kgutsitse ba mametse nakwana e itseng. Ba ne ba sa tsebe hore ba ya hokae mme ba ne ba tshohile  hanyane. +Lekaleng le ka hodima bona, ha hlaha sello sa lefokotsane. +“Dumelang methaka! Mona! Hodimo mona! Le lahlehile…? Lefokotsane o ne a batla ho tseba. +“Tjhe, ha re a lahleha. Re balehile polasing hobane rapolasi o rometse metswalle le ba malapa a rona selagepale. E mong wa rona, ebang e se rona ka bobedi, o tla latela, kahoo re entse qeto ya ho baleha,” ha araba Kgoho. +“Ha se bohlale, hohang,” ha rialo Lefokotsane a le hodimo. “Great Green Wood e tletse diphoofolo tse hlaha mme ena ke yona nako eo dikatse tse kgolo di sasankang hohle di tsoma dijo tse monate – tse kang kgomo kapa kgoho e hlabosang. Le balehile maemong a mabe ho tla ho a mabe ka ho fetisisa, motho a ka tjho jwalo.” +“Owee, re keke ra kgutlela morao …” Kgomo a rialo, a sheba kwana le kwana a kgathatsehile. +“Hobaneng?” Lefokotsane a botsa. “Seo le lokelang ho se etsa feela ke ho bontsha rapolasi hore ho na le tsela e nngwe e molemo.” +“Tsela e molemo ho feta?” ha kakatletsa Kgoho. O ne a sa kgolwe seo a se utlwang. +“E,” ha rialo Lefokotsane. “Hopolang hore ke nna moeletsi wa Morena. Ke tseba ntho tsena. Le lokela ho bontsha rapolasi bohlokwa ba lona ba nnete.” +Mantsiboya ao oohle ba bararo bana ba dula mmoho ba nahana, ba bua mme ba rera taba. +Jwale, ka lehlohonolo Great Green Wood e ne e le sebaka sa mehlolo moo eng kapa eng e neng e kgonahala, kahoo Lefokotsane a romela dinonyana tsohle tsa morung ho ya bokella dipeo tsa meroho tse ngata kamoo di neng di ka kgona ka teng. +Ka dipeo tsohle tse bokelletsweng ka hloko, Lefokotsane a sheba metswalle ena e mmedi. +“Le lokela ho nka dipeo tsena kaofela le kgutlele le tsona polasing mme le di jale masimong ao rapolasi a a lokisitseng. Empa peo ka nngwe e lokela ho ba ka tlasa mobu pele ho hora ya mehlolo.” Lefokotsane a sheba Kgoho le Kgomo mme a sheba le hodimo kgweding. “Le lokela ho potlaka. Ho na le dipeo tse ngata mona mme nako yona ha eyo.” +Kgomo le Kgoho ba sokola ho jara dipeo tsohle ba le babedi feela, empa e se neng ke ha ba theohetse ka thata masimong ba jala dipeo kapele kamoo ba ka kgonang. +  +         + +Eitse ha Kgoho a ntse a kwahela peo ya ho qetela ka mobu, hora ya mehlolo ya otla mme Unkulunkulu a bula lehodimo. Pula e bobebe ya nela masimong a sa tswa jalwa mme mefuta yohle e fapaneng ya dipeo ya qalella ho thunya le ho hola. E se kgale ke ha ho se ho ena le meroho e holang hohle moo mahlo a neng a kgona ho fihla. Masimo a rapolasi a shebeha a le matle haholo. +Ha rapolasi a tsoha a tsamaya hara masimo a hae hoseng hoo, o ne a sa kgolwe mahlo a hae. E ne e se feela diroto tsa meroho e foreshe tse neng di eme ka mela e kgahlisang, hape ho ne ho ena le mahe a mangata le diemere tse ngata tsa lebese le foreshe. Kgoho le Kgomo ba ema haufi ba le motlotlo haholo, mme rapolasi a tseba hore tsena di bile teng ka lebaka la mosebetsi wa bona o thata. +Rapolasi o ne a thabile a leboha haholo mme ho tloha tsatsing leo, rapolasi, Kgoho le Kgomo ba dula ka thabo mmoho polasing eo. +  +  +[Get story active!]  Eba mahlahahlaha ka pale! +  + +Kgetha karolo ya pale e se nang setshwantsho mme o take setshwantsho ho yona. Kopolla mantswe a pale a tsamaelanang le setshwantsho sa hao kapa o kope motho e mong ho o thusa ho etsa sena. Manamisa leqephe le nang le pale tlasa setshwantsho sa hao. +Iketse eka o Kgomo le Kgoho. Ngola lengolo la teboho le yang ho Lefokotsane hobane a ile a o thusa. +Iqalle seratswana sa meroho ka hara botlolo ya polastiki. Robatsa botlolo eo ka lehlakore mme o sehe lehlakoreng le ka hodimo. Tshela mobu o motle ka hara botlolo. Jala dinawa tse mmalwa mme o di nosetse. Bea tshingwana ya hao letsatsing.",sot,Sesotho,Hora ya Mehlolo,"Not so long ago, in fact in the time when my great-great-grandmother was a young girl, a chicken and a cow were friends. +One day, as they walked along the fields, Chicken fluffed her feathers and wiggled her tail feathers. She was fidgety. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Thato Kgaje,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hora-ya-mehlolo +the-magic-hour,"Nakong ye e fetilego, ka nako ye makgolokhukhu-khukhu e be e sa le mosetsana, kgogo le kgomo e be e le bagwera. +Ka letšatši le lengwe, ge ba be ba sepela mašemong, Kgogo o ile a phaphasetša mafofa a gagwe ebile a iša mafofa a mosela wa gagwe ka mo le ka mo. O be a  tshwenyegitle. Kgomo o lemogile seo ge a be a otla ka go nanya. +“Bothata ke eng, Kgogo?” Kgomo a botšiša a le gare a iša mosela ka mo le ka mo. +“Naa o a kwa?” Kgogo a lebelela ka mašemong, a buša a lebelela Kgomo. +“Aowa,” a realo Kgomo. “Go na le se ke swanetšego go se kwa?” Kgomo a retologela hlogo ka mo le ka mola gore tšhipi ya kgale ye kgolo molaleng wa gagwe e lle ka lešata. E hlotše modumo wa lešata kudu wa go kwalakwala go putla mašemo a go tlala phoka. +“Ke se ke bolelago ka sona,” a realo Kgogo. “Ga go na medumo ya diphoofolo tše dingwe polaseng ye. O nagana gore ke ka lebaka la eng go le bjalo?” +Kgomo a tšwela pele go otla a naganiša potšišo. +“Ka gobane,” Kgogo a tsena Kgomo gare ka go hloka mekgwa a sa le gare a nagana, “rapolasa o išitše bagwera ba rena ka moka le ba malapa kua go bolawago diphoofolo gona.” +  +         +Kgomo a tšhoga kudu ka fao a ilego a metša dijo ka moka tšeo a bego a di otla ka nako e tee. Se se dirile gore a kgebe ka lešata ka tsela ye e sa laetšego bosadi! +“Re swanetše go tšhaba ka gobane yo mongwe wa rena o tlo latela! Re swanetše go tšhaba pele seo se direga,” a realo Kgogo. +“Tšhaba?” Kgomo a botšiša a tomoletše Kgogo mahlo. +“Ee, re swanetše go tšhaba bošego bja lehono! Efela re swanetše go hlokomela rapolasa. Re swanetše go kgonthiša gore a seke a re kwa le go re bona ge re sepela,” a realo Kgogo. Kgomo o dumetše ka hlogo. +Mathapameng ao, ba kwele rapolasa a ona morago ga gore mabone a ka ntlong ya polasa a timiwe, Kgogo le Kgomo ba ile ba sepela. +Kgogo o swere selo sa ka gare ga tšhipi ye e lego molaleng wa Kgomo ka molomo. Ba be ba sa swanela go dira lešata ge ba nyaka gore go tšhaba ga bona go atlege. +Ba rile go fihla Koteng ye Talamorogo ye Kgolo, Kgogo a tlogela tšhipi ya Kgomo gomme ba ema ba theeletša sebakanyana. Ba be ba sa tsebe gore ba ya kae ebile ba na le poifonyana. +Lekaleng la ka godimo ga bona, go ile gwa kwagala peolane. +“Dumelang ba go se tsebje! Fa! Gona fa! Le timetše …?” Peolane o be a nyaka go tseba. +“Aowa, ga se ra timela. Re tšhabile polaseng ka gobane rapolasa o išitše bagwera ba rena ka moka le ba malapa kua go bolawago diphoofolo gona. O tee wa rena, goba bobedi bja rena, re tlo latela, ka fao re naganne go tšhaba,” gwa fetola Kgogo. +“Gase bohlale seo, gase bohlale seo,” a realo Peolane a le godimo. “Kota ye Talamoro ye Kgolo e tletše diphoofolo tša naga gomme ye ke nako ya gore dikatse tše dikgolo di sepele gohle di nyaka dijo tša bose – tša go swana le kgomo ya bose le kgogo. Le tšhabela maemo a mabe ka go ya go a mabe ka go fetišiša, ke a le botša.” +“Efela, re ka se boele morago …” Kgomo a realo, a lealea ka pelaelo. +“Ka lebaka la eng?” Peolane a bobola. “Se le swanetšego go se dira, ke go bontšha rapolasa gore go na le tsela ye kaone.” +“Tsela ye kaone?” Kgogo a kekeretša. O be a sa tshepe se a se kwago. +“Ee,” a realo Peolane. “Gopola gore ke nna moeletši wa Kgoši. Ke a di tseba dilo tše. Le swanetše go bontšha rapolasa bohlokwa bja lena.” +Boraro bjo bo dutše mmogo mathapameng ao ba nagana le go bolela le go tla ka leano. +Bjale, ka mahlatse Kota ye Talamoro ye Kgolo e be e le lefelo la maselamose fao se sengwe le se sengwe se bego se kgonagala, ka fao Peolane o ile a romela dinonyana tša lešoka ka moka gore di ye go kgoboketša dipeu tša merogo tše dintši ka fao di ka kgonago ka gona. +Mola dipeu ka moka di kgobokeditšwe ka hlokomelo, Peolane o ile a lebelela bagwera ba babedi. +“Le swanetše go iša dipeu tše ka moka le boele le tšona polaseng le di bjale mašemong ao rapolasa a a beakantšego. Efela peu ye nngwe le ye nngwe e swanetše go ba mobung pele ga iri ya maselamose.” Peolane o lebeletše Kgogo le Kgomo a lebelela gape godimo ngweding. “Le swanetše go potlaka. Go na le dipeu tše dintši mo efela nako ke ye nnyane.” +Kgogo le Kgomo ba be ba palelwa ke go rwala dipeu ka moka ba le babedi fela, efela gateetee ke ge ba le mašemong ba bjala dipeu ka potlako ka fao ba ka kgonago ka gona. +  +         +Ge Kgogo a sa khupetša dipeu tša mafelelo ka mobu, iri ya maselamose e ile ya fihla gomme Unkulunkulu a bula leratadima. Go nele pula ye sese mašemong go fetšwa go bjalwa gomme dipeu tša mehutahuta tša hloga tša gola. Gateetee ke ge go tletše merogo go fihla kgole fao mahlo a ka bonago. Mašemo a rapolasa a be a kgahliša. +E rile ge rapolasa a eya mašemong mesong yeo, a se tshepe seo mahlo a gagwe a se bonago. Go be go se gwa tlala diroto tša merogo ye meswa fela methalading ye mebotse, efela go be go na le mae a mantši gape le dipakete tše dintši tša maswi. Kgogo le Kgomo ba be ba le kgauswi gomme ba ikgantšha ka seo, gomme rapolasa a tseba gore seo se diregile ka lebaka la mošomo wa bona o boima. +Rapolasa o lebogile kudu gomme go thoma letšatšing leo, rapolasa, Kgogo le Kgomo ba dula mmogo polaseng ka lethabo. +  +  +[Get story active!]  Dira gore kanegelo e be le bophelo! +  + +Kgetha karolo ya kanegelo ya go hloka seswantšho gomme o  thale seswantšho sa yona. Kopolla mantšu a ka kanegelong a go sepelelana le kanegelo ya gago goba o kgopele motho yo mongwe a go thuše go dira se. Kgomaretša letlakala la kanegelo ka tlase ga seswantšho sa gago. +Dira eke ke wena Kgomo le Kgogo. Ngwalela Peolwane yo a go thušitšego lengwalo la go mo leboga. + +Thoma tšhengwana ya gago ye nnyane ka lebotlelong la polastiki. Robatša lebotlelo fase gomme o ripe lehlakore la ka godimo. Tsenya mobu o mobotse ka lebotlelong. Bjala dinawa tše mmalwa gomme o di nošetše. Bea tšhengwana ya gago letšatšing",nso,Sepedi,Iri ya maselamose,"Not so long ago, in fact in the time when my great-great-grandmother was a young girl, a chicken and a cow were friends. +One day, as they walked along the fields, Chicken fluffed her feathers and wiggled her tail feathers. She was fidgety. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Thato Kgaje,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iri-ya-maselamose +the-magic-hour,"Kungakabi kudzala kakhulu, ecinisweni ngesikhatsi khokho wakhokho wami aseyintfombatana lencane, inkhukhu nenkhomo bekubangani. +Ngalelinye lilanga, kuhamba ensimini, iNkhukhu yashaya timphiko tayo futsi yanyakatisa tinsiba temsila wayo. Beyingakakhululeki. INkhomo yakubona loko njengoba yayihlafuna kancane kancane. +“YeNkhukhu, yini inkinga?” Kubuta iNkhomo ijikitisa umsila. +“Uyakuva loko?” INkhukhu icalata kulensimi, bese ibuka iNkhomo. +“Angikuva” kusho iNkhomo. “Kukhona yini lokufanele ngikuve?” INkhomo yajikisa inhloko yayo yabuka ngalapha nangalapha kangangekutsi insimbi lenkhulu lendzala lesentsanyeni yayo yakhala futsi yaklabalasa. Yabanga umsindvo lomkhulu lowevakala kuletinsimu letinematolo. +“Ngisho loko kanye,” kusho iNkhukhu. “Kute lomunye umsindvo wetilwane kulelipulazi. Ucabanga kutsi yini lena?” +INkhomo yachubeka ihlwabula njengoba icabanga ngalombuto. +  + +  +“Ngoba umlimi uhambise bonkhe bangani kanye nemndeni wetfu wabayisa endlini yekuhlatjwa,” iNkhukhu ngekwedzelela iphatamisa kucabanga kweNkhomo. +INkhomo yashaywa luvalo kangangekutsi yavele yamita konkhe loku beyikuhlafuna. Loku kwayenta yabhodla kakhulu futsi ngendlela lengatsandzeki! +“Kufanele sibaleke ngoba munye wetfu utawulandzela! Kudzingeka kutsi sihambe ngaphambi kwekutsi loko kwenteke,” kusho iNkhukhu. +“Sibaleke?” INkhomo ibuta iNkhukhu njengoba iyibuke ngemehlo lamakhulu. +“Yebo, kufanele sibaleke lamuhla ebusuku! Kodvwa kufanele sicaphele umlimi. Kufanele siciniseke kutsi akasiva futsi akasiboni nasihamba,” kusho iNkhukhu. INkhomo yavuma ngenhloko. +Ngalobo busuku, ngemuva nje kwekucinywa kwemalambu kulendlu yalelipulazi futsi setiva nekutsi umlimi soyahona, iNkhukhu neNkhomo babaleka. +INkhukhu yasebentisa umlomo wayo lomudze kuze ibambe lensimbi lesentsanyeni yeNkhomo. Kwakufanele babindze batsi dvu nabafuna kubaleka ngalokuphumelelako. +Batsi nasebaseHlatsini Lelikhulu Leliluhlata, iNkhukhu yayekela lensimbi lesentsanyeni yeNkhomo bema bathula sikhashana balalela. Bebangati kutsi bayakuphi futsi bebesaba kancane. +Egaleni lebelingetulu kwabo, kwevakala livi lenkonjane. +“Yeyi nine! Ngilana! Ngilana ngetulu kwenu! Nilahlekile yini …?” INkonjane beyifuna kwati. +“Cha asikalahleki. Sibaleke epulazini ngoba umlimi uhambise bonkhe bangani kanye nemndeni wetfu wabayisa endlini yekuhlatjwa. Munye wetfu, nakungasitsi sobabili, bekaladzela, ngako sibone kuncono kutsi sibaleke,” kuphendvula iNkhukhu. +“Akusiko kuhlakanipha,” kusho iNkonjani etulu. “Lihlatsi Lelikhulu Leliluhlata ligcwele tilwane tesiganga futsi lesi sikhatsi lapho emakati lamakhulu ehla enyuka khona afuna kudla lokumnandzi – njengenkhomo noma inkhukhu lenambitsekako. Ngingatsi nje nibalekela simo lesibi niya kulesibi nakakhulu.” +“Kahle, angeke sibuyele emuva …” kusho iNkhomo, icalata ngekukhatsateka. +“Kungani ningabuyeli?” kubuta iNkhonjane. “Lokufanele nikwente, kukhombisa umlimi kutsi kunendlela lencono.” +“Indlela lencono?” kubuta iNkhukhu ngelivi leliphasi. Yayingakukholwa loko beyikuva. +“Yebo,” kusho iNkhonjane. “Khumbula kutsi ngimi loweluleka iNkhosi. Ngiyatati letintfo. Kufanele nikhombise umlimi kubaluleka kwenu.” +Busuku bonkhe laba bobatsatfu bahlala ndzawonye bacabanga futsi bakhuluma bachamuka nelicebo +Nyalo, ngenhlahla Lelihlatsi Lelikhulu Leliluhlata beliyindzawo yetimanga lapho bekwenteka khona noma yini, ngako iNkonjane yahambisa tonkhe tinyoni telihlatsi kutsi tiyobutsa tinhlanyelo tetibhidvo letinyenti. +Nasekubutfwe tonkhe letinhlanyelo ngekucophelela, leNkonjane yabuka labangani lababili. +“Kufanele nitsatse tonkhe letinhlanyelo nibuyele nato epulazini nitihlanyele emasimini lalungiswe ngumlimi. Kodvwa inhlanyelo ngayinye kufanele niyifake emhlabatsini ngaphambi kweli-awa lemlingo.” INkonjane yabuka leNkhukhu naleNkhomo yabuka nasenyangeni. “Kufanele nisheshise. Kunetinhlanyelo letinyenti lapha futsi sikhatsi asikho.” INkhukhu neNkhomo bakutfola kumatima kwetfwala tonkhe letinhlanyelo bobabili, kodvwa ngekushesha besebasemasimini bahlanyela letinhlanyelo masinyane. +Yatsi nje iNkhukhu nayimbonya inhlanyelo yekugcina ngemhlabatsi, li-awa lemlingo lefika Nkulunkulu wavula sibhakabhaka. Imvula lelula yanetsa lamasimi lasandza kuhlanyelwa futsi tonkhe letinhlanyelo letehlukene tacala kuchuma futsi takhula. Ngekushesha besekumila tibhidvo lebetikhula kuyoyonkhe indzawo. Emasimu alomlimi bekabukeka amahle. +  + +  +Umlimi nakahamba aya emasimini ekuseni, akakukholwanga lakubona. Bekungasiwo nje emabhasikidi lanetibhidvo letinsha labelayine kahle lapho kuphela, kodvwa bekuphindze kunemacandza lamanyenti nemabhakede elubisi lolusha. INkhukhu neNkhomo kwema dvutane kubonakala kutigcabha, futsi umlimi bekati kutsi loku kubangelwe ngumsebenti lomkhulu weNkhukhu neNkhomo. +Umlimi bekajabule kakhulu futsi kusukela ngalelo langa, umlimi, iNkhukhu kanye neNkhomo kwahlala ngekujabula ndzawonye kulelipulazi. +  +[Get story active!] Yenta indzaba isebente! +• +• +•",ssw,Siswati,Li-awa lemlingo,"Not so long ago, in fact in the time when my great-great-grandmother was a young girl, a chicken and a cow were friends. +One day, as they walked along the fields, Chicken fluffed her feathers and wiggled her tail feathers. She was fidgety. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",nguThato Kgaje,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/li-awa-lemlingo +the-magic-hour,"Khale ka khaleni, hi nkarhi lowu kokwa wa kokwa wa mina a ha ri xinhwanyetana, huku na homu a va ri vanghana. +Siku rin’wana, loko va ri karhi va tifambela emasin’wini, N’wahuku u lo na swipfuketana a tlharhamula timpapa na xipesu. A a vonaka a karhatekile. N’wahomu u swi xiyile sweswo loko a ri karhi a gayela swakudya swa yena. +“Swi lo yini, he N’wahuku?” ku vutisa N’wahomu a ri karhi a puluta ncila. +“U swi twile?” N’wahuku a languta hala na hala emasin’wini, a tlhela a languta N’wahomu. +“E-e,” ku vula N’wahomu. “Ku na leswi ndzi faneleke ndzi swi twa?” N’wahomu a languta hala na hala lerova xingelengele xa khale lexikulu enhan’wini yakwe xi ba swi nyawula. Xi twale hinkwako emasin’wini lawa a ma weriwe hi mberha. +“Hi leswi ndzi vulaka swona,” ku vula N’wahuku. “A ku twali swiharhi swin’wana epurasini leri. U ehleketa leswaku swi vangiwa hi yini?” +N’wahomu a ya emahlweni a gayela byanyi loko a ha ehleketa hi xivutiso lexi. +Loko N’wahomu a ha ehleketa, N’wahuku a nghenelela a ku, “Xivangelo hileswi n’wini wa purasi a nga rhwala vanghana ni mindyangu ya hina hinkwayo a yi yisa ebucharini.” + +  +Sweswo swi chavise N’wahomu lerova a khojometa byanyi lebyi a a ri karhi a byi gayela, ivi a geva hi ndlela yo ka yi nga tsakisi! +“Hi fanele hi baleka hikuva ku ta landzela mina kumbe wena! A hi fambe hi nga si va nyama,” ku vula N’wahuku. +“Hi baleka?” ku vutisa N’wahomu a honolele N’wahuku. +“Ina, hi fanele hi baleka namuntlha nivusiku! Kambe n’wini wa purasi a nga fanelanga a hi twa kumbe a hi vona loko hi famba,” ku vula N’wahuku. Hiloko N’wahomu a pfumela hi nhloko. +Hi vusiku byebyo, loko ku timiwe timboni endlwini naswona va twa n’wini wa purasi a ba mantonoro, N’wahuku na N’wahomu va suke va baleka. +N’wahuku u khome nsimbhi ya xingelengele lexi nga enhan’wini ya N’wahomu hi nomu leswaku xi nga rhasi. Leswaku va kota ku baleka, a va nga fanelanga va twiwa hi munhu. +Loko se va fike eHlathini Lerikulu, N’wahuku u tshike nsimbhi ya xingelengele xa N’wahomu, ivi va yimanyana va yingisela. A va nga ku tivi lomu a va ya kona naswona a va chuhile. +Hiloko va twa rito ra mbewulana leyi a yi ri erhavini ehenhla ka vona. +“He switaswifamba! Ndzi haleno! Mi lo lahleka …?” ku vutisa N’wambewulana. +“Kahle-kahle a hi lahlekanga. Hi baleke epurasini hikuva n’wini wa rona u rhwale vanghana ni mindyangu ya hina a va yisa ebucharini. Hi ku vona leswaku ku ta landzela hina, hi vone swi antswa ku baleka,” ku hlamula N’wahuku. +“E-e, sweswo a hi vutlhari nikatsongo,” ku vula N’wambewulana a ri ehenhla ka murhi. “Phela Hlathi Lerikulu ri tele swiharhi swa nhova, naswona lowu i nkarhi wa swivandzana wo famba swi lava swakudya swo xawula – swo tahihi homu kumbe huku. Leswi swi fana ni ku balekela yingwe mi ta tihoxa enon’weni wa nghala.” +“Kambe ku tlhela a hi nge tlheli …” ku vula N’wahomu a ri karhi a languta hala na hala, a karhatekile swinene. +“Swi ta tsandza kwihi?” ku huwelela N’wambewulana. “Leswi mi nga swi endlaka i ku komba n’wini wa purasi leswaku ku na ndlela yo antswa.” +“Ndlela yo antswa?” ku vutisa N’wahuku hi ku nkekela. Sweswo a swi n’wi hlamarisa. +“Ina,” ku vula N’wambewulana. “Mi nga rivali leswaku mina ndzi mutsundzuxi wa Hosi. Ndza swi tiva swilo leswi. Mi fanele mi komba n’wini wa purasi leswaku mi va nkoka ko fikela kwihi.” +Lavanharhu va hete vusiku byebyo va karhi va kunguhata leswi va nga swi endlaka. +Nkateko wa kona Hlathi Lerikulu a ri ri ndhawu ya swihlamariso, laha a swi koteka ku endla xin’wana ni xin’wana. Hikwalaho, Nwambewulana u rhume tinyanyana hinkwato ta le hlathini rero ti ya rholela mbewu yo tala swinene ya matsavu. +Loko se mbewu hinkwayo yi hlengeletiwile, N’wambewulana u languta vanghana vakwe lavambirhi. +“Mi fanele mi teka timbewu leti hinkwato mi tlhela na tona epurasini, mi fika mi ti byala emasin’wini lawa n’wini wa purasi a ma rimeke. Kambe mi fanele mi byala mbewu hinkwayo ku nga si fika nkarhi wa xihlamariso.” N’wambewulana a languta N’wahuku na N’wahomu, ivi a languta n’weti. “Hatlisani. Mbewu leyi yi tele kambe ku sale nkarhi wutsongo.” +N’wahuku na N’wahomu va dodombisane ni mbewu liya hinkwayo va ri vambirhi, va fika va yi byala emasin’wini hi xihatla lexikulu. +  +[a/w 02] +Loko N’wahuku a ha gobela mbewu yo hetelela, nkarhi wa xihlamariso wu fikile, ivi Unkulunkulu a tisa mpfula. Yi nele masimu lama ha ku byariwaka, hiloko timbewu hinkwato ta mixakaxaka ti sungula ku tlhava ti kula. Hi ku hatlisa a k +u vonaka matsavu hinkwako emasin’wini. Masimu ya n’wini wa purasi a ma sasekile. + +Loko n’wini wa purasi a ya emasin’wini mixo wolowo, u sale a hlamele. U vone swirhundzu swa matsavu swi longoloxiwe swi landzelelana kahle, ku tlhela ku va ni mandza ni mabakete yo tala ya meleke. N’wahuku na N’wahomu a va yime etlhelo ka swona hi ku tinyungubyisa lokukulu, kutani n’wini wa purasi u nambe a swi vona leswaku sweswo hinkwaswo swi endleke hikwalaho ka vona. +N’wini wa purasi u tsake ngopfu naswona ku sukela siku rero, yena na N’wahuku na N’wahomu va tshamisane hi ku rhula epurasini. +  +[Get story active!] Endla ntsheketo wu nyanyula! + +Hlawula xiphemu xa ntsheketo lexi nga riki na xifaniso ivi wena u dirowa xifaniso. Kopa marito ya ntsheketo lama fambisanaka na xifaniso xa wena kumbe u kombela un’wana a ku pfuna. Teka phepha leri nga na ntsheketo u ri namarheta ehansi ka xifaniso xa wena. +Titeke u ri N’wahomu ni N’wahuku. Tsalela N’wambewulana papila u n’wi nkhensa hileswi a ku pfuneke. +Sungula xirhapa xa wena lexitsongo hi ku tirhisa bodlhela ra pulasitiki. Lata bodlhela ivi u tsema ehenhla ka rona. Chela misava yo nona ebodlheleni. Byala tinyawa ti nga ri tingani ivi u ti cheleta. Veka xirhapa xa wena edyambyini.",tso,Xitsonga,karhi wa xihlamariso,"Not so long ago, in fact in the time when my great-great-grandmother was a young girl, a chicken and a cow were friends. +One day, as they walked along the fields, Chicken fluffed her feathers and wiggled her tail feathers. She was fidgety. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Thato Kgaje,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nkarhi-wa-xihlamariso +the-magic-hour,"Miṅwahani i si minzhi nga u tou ralo, musi makhulu wa makhulu wanga vha tshee musidzana, khuhu na kholomo dzo vha dzi khonani. +Ḽiṅwe ḓuvha, musi dzi tshi khou tshimbila masimuni, khuhu ya babamisa phapha dzayo ya dzungudza na mithenga mutshilani wayo. Yo vha yo tshuwa. Kholomo ya zwi vhona musi i tshi khou ḓi endela u dzeula. +“Mulandu ndi mini, Khuhu?” Kholomo ya vhudzisa musi i tshi khou dzungudza mutshila wayo. +“No zwi pfa?” Khuhu ya sedza u mona na masimu, ya dovha ya sedza Kholomo. +“Hai,” ndi Kholomo i no ralo. “Naa hu na zwe nda vha ndo tea u zwi pfa?” Kholomo ya sedza ngeno na ngei lwe ḓilogo ḽihulwane ḽi re mutsingani wayo ḽa lila ḽe ngende-ngende. Ḽo ita phosho khulwane ye ya pfala na seli ha masimu oṱhe a re na ṅwando. +“Ndi zwine nda khou amba zwone zwenezwo,” ndi Khuhu i no ralo. “A hu pfali mibvumo ya zwiṅwe zwipuka kha ino bulasi. Ni vhona u nga zwi khou itiswa nga mini?” +Kholomo ya bvela phanḓa u dzeula ngeno i tshi khou humbulusisa nga yeneyo mbudziso. +“Ngauri,” Khuhu ya mbo ḓi dzhenelela musi Kholomo i tshi kha ḓi humbula, “rabulasi o dzhia khonani dzashu dzoṱhe na miṱa yavho a vha isa silahani.” +  +[a/w 01] +Kholomo ya tshuwa lwe ya mila nga khathihi zwe ya vha i tshi khou zwi dzeula ye kwiti. Ya boḓela nṱha nga nḓila i shonisaho i songo teaho muthu wa tshifumakadzini! +“Ri tea u shavha ngauri hu ḓo tevhela muṅwe washu! Ri tea u ṱuwa zwi sa athu itea,” ndi Khuhu i no ralo. +“U shavha?” Kholomo ya vhudzisa ngeno yo sedza Khuhu nga maṱo ayo mahulwane. +“Ee, ri tea u shavha ano madekwana! Fhedzi ri tea u vha na vhulondi musi zwi tshi ḓa kha rabulasi. Ri tea u ita vhungoho ha uri ha ri pfi kana u ri vhona musi ri tshi ṱuwa,” ndi Khuhu i no ralo. Kholomo ya tenda nga ṱhoho. +Eneo madekwana, musi hu tshi tou dzimiwa mavhone a bulasini nahone vha tshi pfa rabulasi a tshi khou hona, Khuhu na Kholomo vha dzhena nḓilani. +Khuhu ya shumisa mulomo wayo u fara tsimbi i re ngomu ha ḓilongo ḽi re mutsingani wa Kholomo uri i sa ite phosho. Vho vha vho tea u fhumula vhe tshete, uri vha kone u shavha vha sa vhoniwi. +Musi vho no swika Ḓakani Ḽihulwane ḽa miri ya maṱari Madala, Khuhu ya litsha u fara ḓilogo ya Kholomo nahone vha imanyana lwa tshifhinganyana vha thetshelesa vho tou hwii. Vho vha vha sa ḓivhi hune vha khou ya hone nahone vho vha vho tshuwanyana. +Kha tavhi ḽi re nṱha havho, vha pfa u lila kha Ṱhambelamaḓi ye ya vha yo kavha henefho. +“Hei vhoiwe! Ngeno! Ndi ri ngeno nṱha! Naa no xela ...?” Ṱhambelamaḓi yo vha i tshi ṱoḓa u ḓivha. +“Hai a ro ngo xela. Ro shavha bulasini ngauri rabulasi o dzhia khonani dzashu dzoṱhe na miṱa yavho a vha isa silahani. Zwino ho sala uri hu dzhiiwe muṅwe washu, kana vhuvhili hashu, ndi ngazwo ro shavha,” hu fhindula Khuhu. +“A si vhuṱali, a si vhuṱali na luthihi u ita zwenezwo,” ndi Ṱhambelamaḓi i no ralo i nga nṱha. “Ḓaka Ḽihulwane ḽa miri ya maṱari Madala ḽo ḓala zwipuka zwa ḓaka nahone hetshi ndi tshifhinga tshine zwimange zwihulwane zwa vha zwi tshi khou mona-mona, zwi tshi ṱoḓa zwiḽiwa zwi ḓifhaho – zwi ngaho kholomo i ḓifhaho kana khuhu. Ndi vhona u nga ni khakhathini khulwane u fhira ye na shavha khayo.” +“Zwi khou pfala, fhedzi ri nga si humele murahu …” ndi Kholomo i no ralo, i tshi khou ṱinga-ṱinga yo tshuwa. +“Ndi ngani?” ndi Ṱhambelamaḓi i no ralo. “Zwine na nga ita ndi u sumbedza rabulasi uri hu na nḓila ya khwine.” +“Nḓila ya khwine?” ndi Khuhu i tshi khou ambela fhasi. Yo mangadzwa vhukuma nga zwe ya vha i tshi khou zwi pfa. +“Ee,” ndi Ṱhambelamaḓi i no ralo. “Ni songo hangwa uri nṋe ndi mueletshedzi wa Khosi. Ndi a zwi ḓivha hezwi zwithu. Ni tea u sumbedza rabulasi uri ni vha ndeme vhukuma.” +Vhuraru havho vha fhedza eneo madekwana vho dzula vha tshi khou humbula na u amba nga zwine vha nga zwi ita. +Zwi takadzaho ndi uri Ḓaka Ḽihulwane ḽa miri ya maṱari Madala ho vha hu fhethu hu re na vhuṱolo he tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tsha vha tshi tshi konadzea, nga zwenezwo Ṱhambelamaḓi ya ruma zwiṋoni zwoṱhe zwa ḓakani uri zwi kuvhanganye mbeu nnzhi dza zwimela nga hune zwa nga kona ngaho. +Musi ho no kuvhanganywa mbeu dzoṱhe nga vhuronwane, Ṱhambelamaḓi ya lavhelesa idzo khonani mbili. +“Ni tea u dzhia hedzi mbeu dzoṱhe ni ṱuwe nadzo bulasini ni dzi ṱavhe masimuni e mulimi a a lima. Fhedzi mbeu iṅwe na iṅwe i tea u ṱavhiwa hu sa athu swika awara ya vhuṱolo.” Ṱhambelamaḓi ya lavhelesa Khuhu na Kholomo ya lilala ya lavhelesa ṅwedzi. “Ni songo tsha ima-ima. Hu na mbeu nnzhi hafha nahone tshifhinga tsho no ṱuwa.” +Khuhu na Kholomo vho kundelwa u hwala mbeu dzoṱhe vhe vhavhili, fhedzi nga murahu ha tshifhinganyana vho vha vho no vha masimuni vha tshi khou ṱavha mbeu nga u ṱavhanya nga hune vha nga kona ngaho. +  +[a/w 02] +Musi Khuhu i tshi khou fukedza mbeu dza u fhedza mavuni, ha rwa awara ya vhuṱolo nahone Ṅwali a vula makole. Mvula ya tseula ya na masimuni ane a kha ḓi tou bva u ṱavhiwa, mbeu dza mifuda yoṱhe dza mela na u aluwa. Nga murahu ha tshifhinganyana zwimela zwo vha zwo no ḓadza hoṱhe-hoṱhe. Masimu a rabulasi a vhonala o naka. +Musi rabulasi a tshi tshimbila masimuni awe eneo matsheloni, a mangadzwa vhukuma nga zwe a zwi vhona. Ho vha ho temba miroho ine ya kha ḓi tou bva u kiwa, ho vhewa na makumba manzhi na mabakete na mafhi. Khuhu na Kholomo vho ima henefho tsini vha tshi vhonala vho takala nahone rabulasi a zwi ḓivha uri ndi mishumo yavho ya biko. +Rabulasi a livhuha vhukuma nahone u bva nga ḽeneḽo ḓuvha, rabulasi, Khuhu na Kholomo vha tshilisana vhoṱhe nga dakalo bulasini. +  +  +[Get story active!] Itani uri tshiṱori tshi nyanyule! +  + +Khethani tshipiḓa tsha tshiṱori tshi si na tshifanyiso ni tshi olele tshifanyiso. Kopani maipfi a tshiṱori ane a tshimbidzana na tshifanyiso tshaṋu kana ni humbele muṅwe muthu uri a ni thuse u ita zwenezwi. Nambatedzani siaṱari ḽi re na tshiṱori nga fhasi ha tshifanyiso tshaṋu. +Ḓiiteni Kholomo na Khuhu. Ṅwalelani Ṱhambelamaḓi vhurifhi ni i livhuhe nge ya ni thusa. +Ḓiiteleni ngade ṱhukhu kha boḓelo ḽa pulasiṱiki. Ḽi vheeni nga lurumbu ni ḽi gere u bva fhasi u ya nṱha. Shelani mavu o nonaho kha ḽeneḽo boḓelo. Ṱavhani ṋawa dzi si gathi ni dzi sheledze. Vheani ngade yaṋu ḓuvhani.",ven,Tshivenda,Awara ya vhuṱolo,"Not so long ago, in fact in the time when my great-great-grandmother was a young girl, a chicken and a cow were friends. +One day, as they walked along the fields, Chicken fluffed her feathers and wiggled her tail feathers. She was fidgety. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Thato Kgaje,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/awara-ya-vhuṱolo +the-magic-hour,"Ngaleya minyaka, kuhle kuhle ngesikhathi ukhokho asesemntazanyana, uKukhu noKomo bebabangani. + +Kwathi ngelinye ilanga bazikhambela emasimini, uKukhu wabetha iinsiba zakhe bewasikinya neensiba ezisemsileni. Bekangakatjhaphuluki. UKomo wakubona lokho njengombana etjisa kabuthaka. +“Umraro yini Kukhu?” Kubuza uKomo ajuguja umsila. +“Uyakuzwa lokho?” UKukhu uqala mahlangothi woke wesimu bese uqala uKomo godu. +“Awa,” kutjo uKomo. “Kunento ekufuze ngiyizwe?” UKomo wajikisela ihlokwakhe ngapha nangapha kangangobana ibhelakhe edala esentanyeni yalila khulu. Yenza itjhada elikhulu elazwakala kiyo yoke isimu enombethe. +“Naso into engikhuluma ngayo,” kutjho uKukhu. “Alikho nalinye itjhada leenlwana emmangwenapha. Ucabanga bona kubayini?” +UKomo waraga nokwetjisa njengombana acabangisisa ngombuzo lo. +“Ngombana,” ngokudelela uKukhu uthikazisa uKomo asacabanga, “umlimi uthethe boke abangani nomndenethu wabasa esilarheni.” + +UKomo wathukwa kangangobana wagwinya koke ebekakwetjisa ngesikhathi sinye. Lokho kwenza bona abhodlele phezulu ngendlela engasiyihle! +“Kufuze sibaleke ngombana omunye wethu uzokulandela! Kufuze sikhambe ngaphambi kobana lokho kwenzeke,” kutjho uKukhu. +“Sibaleke?” Kubuza uKomo aqale uKukhu ngamehlo amakhulu. +“Iye, kufuze sibaleke ebusuku banamhlanjesi! Kodwana kufuze sitjheje umlimi. Kufuze senze isiqiniseko sokobana akasizwa begodu akasiboni nasibalekako,” kutjho uKukhu. UKomo usikinya ihloko ukutjengisa ukuthi uyavuma. +Ebusuku bamhlokho, ngemva kobana amalambha wepulasini acime begodu bezwa umlimi arhona uKukhu noKomo baphuma bakhamba. +UKukhu wabambelela esinjaneni yebhele esentanyeni kaKomo ukwenzela bona ingabangi itjhada. Bekufuze bangabangi itjhada nelincani bona bakghone ukubaleka ngepumelelo. +Kwathi nabafika eHlathini eliKhulu eliHlaza, uKukhu walisa ibhele kaKomo, bajama bathula balalela isikhatjhana. Bebangazi bona bayephi begodu bebathukiwe. +Kuzwakala ilizwi lekonjani egatjeni elingehla kwabo. +“Yeyi nina! Ngila! Phezulwa! Nilahlekile …?” Ikonjani ifuna ukwazi. +“Awa, asikalahleki. Sibalekela umlimi ngombana uthethe abangani nomndenethu wabasa esilarheni. Omunye wethu namkha sobabili uzokulandela, yeke siqunte bona sibaleke, kuphendula uKukhu. +“Budlhadlha enibenzakobu,” kukhuza iKonjani ingehla kwabo. “IHlathi eliKhulu eliHlaza lizele ngeembandana zommango begodu lesi sikhathi sokobana iimbandana ezinjengamabhubezi nezingwe ziphume ziyokuzuma ukudla okumnandi – njengoKukhu owehla esiphundu namkha uKomo. Nibalekele ubujamo obumbi naya kobumbi khulu ngiyanitjela.” +“Emva khona asibuyeli …” kutjho uKomo aqala ngapha nangapha atshwenyekile. +“Kubayini?” Kubuza uKonjani. “Ekufuze nikwenze, kutjengisa umlimi bona kunenye indlela encono.” +“Indlelencono?” Kubuza uKukhu. Akakukholwa akuzwako. +“Iye,” kutjho uKonjani. “Ukhumbule bona ngingumeluleki weKosi. Ngiyazazi iintwezi. Kufuze nitjengise umlimi bona niqakatheke kangangani.” +Abathathwaba baqede ubusuku bamhlokho bacabanga bakhuluma bebeza neqhinga. +Nokho, ngetjhudu iHlathi eliKhulu eliHlaza beliyindawo yomlingo, nanyana yini beyingenzeka endaweni le, uKonjani wathumela zoke iinyoni zehlathi bona ziyokufuna imbewu yemirorho enengi ngendlela ezingakghona ngayo. +Ngemva kobana sekubuthelelwe imbewu ngokutjhejisisa, uKonjani waqala abangani bakhe ababili. +“Kufuze nithathe imbewu le nibuyele nayo emuva bese niyitjala endaweni umlimi ayilimileko. Kodwana yoke imbewu kuzokufuze ibe sehlabathini ngaphambi kobana kubethe i-awara lomlingo.” UKonjani uqala uKukhu noKomo waqala naphezulu enyangeni. “Kufuze nirhabe. Imbewu le yinengi begodu isikhathi sincani.” +UKukhu noKomo batlhaga nokuthwala yoke imbewu babobabili kodwana kungasikade besele bamajadu batjala imbewu esimini barhabe ngendlela erarako. + +Kuthe uKukhu nakavala imbewu yokugcina ngehlabathi, i-awara lomlingo labetha uZimu wavula isibhakabhaka. Izulu elina kancani lanetha iintjalo ezitjha ezitjalwe esimini begodu yoke imihlobo yembewu yathoma ukuhluma nokukhula. Msinyana kwazala imirorho yoke indawo. Isimu yomlimi yaba yihle khulu. +Kuthe lokha umlimi nakaya emasiminakhe ekuseni, akhange akholwe amehlwakhe. Bekunganabomantji abazele ngemirorho abarhenyiswe kuhle kwaphela kodwana bekunamaqanda amanengi namathunga azele ibisi. UKukhu noKomo bebazijamele eduze baziqhenya begodu umlimi wavele wabona ukuthi lo, mphumela wokusebenza kwabo budisi. +Umlimi wathaba kwamambala, kusukela mhlokho umlimi, uKukhu noKomo bahlala epulasini ngokuthula begodu bathabile. +  +  +Yenza indatjana le ibemnandi! +  + +Khetha isiqetjhana sendatjana enganasithombe bese udweba isithombe sayo. Kopa amagama asendatjaneni akhambisana nesithombe sakho namkha ubawe omunye akusize ngokwenza lokho. Namathisela ikhasi lendatjana enzasi kwesithombe sakho. +Yenza kwangathi unguKomo noKukhu. Tlolela uKonjani umthokoze ngokunisiza. +Yenza isivande esincani ngebhodlelo leplastiki. Lalisa ibhodlelo ngehlangothi bese usika incenye engaphezulu. Faka ihlabathi ehle ngebhodlelweni. Tjala amabhontjisi ambalwa uwathelele. Beka isivande sakho elangeni.",nbl,isiNdebele,I-Awara Lomlingo,"Not so long ago, in fact in the time when my great-great-grandmother was a young girl, a chicken and a cow were friends. +One day, as they walked along the fields, Chicken fluffed her feathers and wiggled her tail feathers. She was fidgety. ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",NguThato Kgaje,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/i-awara-lomlingo +prince-sugar-and-awande-the-baker,"There was once a prince named Sugar. Prince Sugar was named after his love of sweet treats like cakes, biscuits, tarts, doughnuts and puddings. Prince Sugar was so spoilt that he wouldn’t share any of his sweet treats with the village children. +“Nobody eats my cakes! Understand, Mary? That is the law!” said Prince Sugar to the royal baker. “The cakes, biscuits and tarts all belong to me and me alone.” +One day, a mysterious new baker arrived in the village. She started handing out slices of cake and biscuits to all the children. When Prince Sugar heard about this, he became very angry and sent his guards to arrest the baker and bring her to him. +“How dare you enter my village and start giving out treats to the children. It is against the law!” shouted Prince Sugar angrily. +“Your Highness, I apologise sincerely. Please allow me to fix my mistake by baking for you alone,” replied the baker, whose name was Awande. “I will bake you a new treat every day. These treats I bake are very special. You have to eat the whole treat within a day.” +“Of course, I’ll be able to finish a treat every day!” said the Prince greedily. +“Very well,” replied Awande with a smile. +So, every morning, Prince Sugar received a freshly baked treat, which he gobbled up. As the days passed, the treats seemed to be tastier and bigger. Prince Sugar was very happy, and he finished all these delicious cakes, biscuits and tarts without sharing even a tiny piece with the village children. + +But as the treats grew bigger and bigger, Prince Sugar found that he could no longer finish them. He had to store them in a secret part of the palace so that Awande wouldn’t know that he wasn’t finishing a treat every day. +After a few weeks, Prince Sugar had had to store so many treats that no more would fit into the secret place. So, he called his servants and Mary, the royal baker, and ordered them to throw away some of the treats. +“Make sure that Awande doesn’t see you doing this,” he commanded. +So, the next morning Mary and the servants carried the leftover treats deep into the forest behind the palace. But a mysterious thing happened: that night, while everyone slept, all the treats that had been thrown in the forest reappeared in the palace! +The next morning, Awande, the baker, arrived with a fresh sweet treat and demanded to see Prince Sugar. +“Did you think I would not know if you threw my treats away? Did you not agree to eat the whole treat that I sent by the end of the same day? I warned you in the beginning that my treats were special and that you would have to finish each one,” said Awande angrily. +Prince Sugar started to feel a little afraid and his stomach felt a little sick, but he ate and ate until he had finished the leftover treats plus the one that Awande had brought that day. +“I no longer enjoy the treats,” said Prince Sugar the next morning when Awande arrived with the treat of the day. +“A promise is a promise, your Highness,” said Awande. + +The prince looked sad. “What can I do to stop you from baking treats for me every day?” asked Prince Sugar. +“You are called Prince Sugar because you love sweet things. Yet, because of your laws, other children don’t know sweetness,” replied Awande. “So, you must eat and eat the treats, until the children’s mouths are sweet.” With that, the baker turned around and walked out of the palace, leaving a big, tasty cake for Prince Sugar to eat. +Prince Sugar thought and thought about what Awande had said but he did not understand. How could the children’s mouths be sweet if he was the only one eating Awande’s treats? So, the prince went for a walk in the garden where it was quiet. He had to think of a way to stop Awande from bringing sweet treats to him every day. +As he was walking along, a soccer ball flew over the high garden wall and landed in in the bushes. Next a scruffy little boy appeared over the wall to fetch the ball. When he saw Prince Sugar, he nearly fell over with fright. +“Your Highness, I am so sorry. I just came to get the ball back,” said the terrified boy. +Prince Sugar was so busy thinking of a plan to stop getting sweet treats that he forgot to be angry. +“Before you fetch your ball,” he said, “please tell me what would make your mouth sweet.” +“Things made with sugar, your Highness,” said the little boy shyly. “Cakes and doughnuts and biscuits – all the things we are not allowed to eat.” +The little boy looked so sad when he said this that Prince Sugar suddenly felt ashamed. For the first time, he saw how selfish he had been. He had so many treats that he no longer enjoyed them, but the village children had not tasted anything sweet for a very, very long time. +The prince hurried back into the palace and sent for Awande. +“Awande,” he said, “I’ve been selfish and silly. I would like to have a party for the people of the village. Please bake your treats for the children and their parents too. From today, everyone may eat sweet things if they wish to.” +Awande smiled. “With pleasure, your Highness!” she said, and she baked the fanciest and most delicious cakes, biscuits and tarts that the village people had even seen or tasted. And they ate and ate until they were satisfied. +The following morning, Awande, the baker, had disappeared without a trace. Prince Sugar continued to hold parties for the people of the village – but now he and Mary did the baking themselves.",eng,English,"Prince Sugar and Awande, the baker","There was once a prince named Sugar. Prince Sugar was named after his love of sweet treats like cakes, biscuits, tarts, doughnuts and puddings. Prince Sugar was so spoilt that he wouldn’t share any of his sweet treats with the village ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Written by Ayanda Hlatshway,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/prince-sugar-and-awande-the-baker +prince-sugar-and-awande-the-baker,"Daar was eendag ’n prins met die naam Suiker. Prins Suiker is so genome omdat hy so lief was vir soetgoed, soos koek, koekies, terte, oliebolle en poeding. Prins Suiker was ’n bedorwe brokkie en wou nooit enige van sy soetgoed met die kinders van die dorp deel nie. +“Niemand eet van my koek nie! Verstaan jy, Mary? Dis die wet!” sê Prins Suiker vir die koninklike bakker. “Die koek, koekies en terte is alles myne, net myne.” +Op ’n dag kom ’n raaiselagtige nuwe bakker in die dorp aan. Sy begin vir al die kinders koek en koekies uitdeel. Toe Prins Suiker hiervan hoor, is hy woedend, en hy stuur sy wagte om die bakker te arresteer en na hom toe te bring. +“Hoe durf jy in my dorp inkom en lekkernye vir die kinders begin uitdeel. Dis teen die wet!” skree Prins Suiker woedend. +“Ek vra opreg om verskoning, u Hoogheid. Gee my asseblief ’n kans om my fout reg te stel deur net vir u te bak,” antwoord die bakker, wie se naam Awande is. “Ek sal elke dag vir u ’n nuwe soet lekkerny bak. Die soetgoed wat bak, is baie spesiaal. U moet die hele lekkerny binne ’n dag opeet.” +“Natuurlik sal ek elke dag ’n soet lekkerny kan opeet!” sê die prins gulsig. +“Dan is dit reg so,” antwoord Awande met ’n glimlag. +Elke oggend kry Prins Suiker ’n varsgebakte soet lekkerny, wat hy verorber. Namate die dae verbygaan, lyk dit of die soetgoed al hoe lekkerder en groter word. Prins Suiker is baie gelukkig, en hy eet al die heerlike koek, koekies en terte op sonder om ’n krummeltjie met die kinders van die dorp te deel. + +Maar namate die soetgoed al hoe groter raak, begin Prins Suiker al hoe meer sukkel om dit op te eet. Hy moet dit op ’n geheime plek in die paleis wegsteek sodat Awande nie uitvind dat hy nie elke dag al die soetgoed opeet nie. +Ná ’n paar weke moet Prins Suiker soveel soetgoed wegsteek dat niks meer in sy geheime wegsteekplek kan pas nie. Hy roep toe sy diensknegte en vir Mary, die koninklike bakker, en beveel hulle om van die soetgoed weg te gooi. +“Maak seker Awande sien nie dat julle dit doen nie,” beveel hy. +Die volgende oggend dra Mary en die diensknegte die oorskiet tot diep in die woud agter die paleis. Maar toe gebeur ’n vreemde ding: daardie aand, terwyl almal slaap, verskyn al die soetgoed wat in die woud weggegooi is, weer in die paleis! +Die volgende oggend kom Awande, die bakker, met ’n varsgebakte soet lekkerny aan en vra om Prins Suiker te sien. +“Het u gedink ek sal nie weet as u my soetgoed weggooi nie? Het u nie ingestem om elke dag alles wat ek daardie dag stuur, teen die einde van dieselfde dag op te eet nie? Ek het u aan die begin gewaarsku dat my lekkernye spesiaal is en dat u elkeen sal moet opeet,” sê Awande kwaai. +Prins Suiker begin effens bang voel en hy voel ook effens naar op sy maag, maar hy eet en eet tot hy al die oorskiet opgeëet het en ook dit wat Awande met haar saamgebring het. +“Ek geniet nie meer die soetgoed nie,” sê Prins Suiker die volgende oggend toe Awande met die soet lekkerny vir die dag daar opdaag. +“Belofte maak skuld, u Hoogheid,” sê Awande. + +Die prins lyk hartseer. “Wat kan ek doen om te keer dat jy elke dag vir my soetgoed bak?” vra Prins Suiker. +“U naam is Prins Suiker omdat u so lief is vir soetgoed. En tog is dit as gevolg van u wette dat ander kinders nie soetgoed ken nie,” antwoord Awande. “Daarom moet u eet en eet tot die kinders se monde soet word.” Daarmee draai die bakker om en stap uit die paleis uit. Maar sy laat ’n heerlike, groot koek agter wat Prins Suiker moet opeet. +Prins Suiker dink en dink oor wat Awande gesê het, maar hy verstaan nie. Hoe kan die kinders se monde soet word as hy die enigste een is wat Awande se soetgoed eet? Die prins gaan stap toe in die tuin, waar dit baie stil is. Hy moet aan ’n manier dink om Awande te keer om elke dag vir hom soetgoed te bring. +Terwyl hy stap, vlieg ’n sokkerbal oor die hoë tuinmuur en beland in die bosse. Daarna klim ’n verslonsde seuntjie oor die muur om die bal te kom haal. Toe hy vir Prins Suiker sien, skrik hy hom boeglam. +“Ek is so jammer, u Hoogheid. Ek het net die bal kom haal,” sê die vreesbevange seuntjie. +Prins Suiker is so besig om aan ’n plan te dink om nie meer die soetgoed te kry nie dat hy vergeet om kwaad te wees. +“Voor jy jou bal gaan haal,” sê hy, “vertel asseblief vir my wat jou mond soet sal maak.” +“Goed met suiker in, u Hoogheid,” sê die seuntjie skamerig. “Koek en oliebolle en koekies – al die goed wat ons nie mag eet nie.” +Die seuntjie lyk so hartseer wanneer hy dit sê dat Prins Suiker skielik skaam kry. Vir die eerste keer sien hy hoe selfsugtig hy is. Hy het soveel soetgoed dat hy dit nie meer geniet nie, maar die kinders van die dorp het baie lank al geen soetgoed om te eet nie. +Die prins gaan vinnig terug in die paleis in en laat roep Awande. +“Awande,” sê hy, “ek was selfsugtig en simpel. Ek wil graag vir die mense van die dorp ’n partytjie hou. Bak asseblief jou soetgoed ook vir die kinders en hul ouers. Van vandag af mag almal soetgoed eet as hulle wil.” +Awande glimlag. “Met plesier, u Hoogheid!” sê sy, en sy bak die mooiste en heerlikste koeke, koekies en terte wat die mense van die dorp nog ooit gesien of geproe het. En hulle eet en eet tot hulle versadig is. +Die volgende oggend is daar geen teken van Awande, die bakker, nie. Prins Suiker gaan voort om vir die mense van die dorp partytjies te hou – maar nou is hy en Mary self die bakkers.",afr,Afrikaans,"Prins Suiker en Awande, die bakker","There was once a prince named Sugar. Prince Sugar was named after his love of sweet treats like cakes, biscuits, tarts, doughnuts and puddings. Prince Sugar was so spoilt that he wouldn’t share any of his sweet treats with the village ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Deur Ayanda Hlatshway,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/prins-suiker-en-awande-die-bakker +prince-sugar-and-awande-the-baker,"Kwaye kukho inkosana eyayinegama elinguSwekile. INkosana uSwekile yathiywa elo gama ngenxa yothando lwayo lwezimuncumuncu eziswiti ezifana neekeyiki, iibhisikithi, iikeyiki ezineziqhamo, iidowunathi neepudini. INkosana uSwekile wayetefiswe kangangokuba wayengenakuze abelane nabanye abantwana belali ngezimuncumuncu zakhe. +“Akukho mntu utya iikeyiki zam! Uyaqonda, Mary? Lo ngumthetho!” watsho uNkosana uSwekile ebhekisa kumbhaki wasebhotwe. “Iikeyiki, iibhisikithi, neekeyiki ezineziqhamo zonke zezam ndodwa.” +Ngenye imini, umbhaki omtsha ongaziwayo wafika elalini. Waqalisa ukunika bonke abantwana izilayi zekeyiki neebhisikithi. Wathi uNkosana uSwekile akuva ngale nto, wacaphuka kakhulu waza wathumela oonogada bakhe ukuba baye kubamba umbhaki bamzise kuye. +“Ungena njani elalini yam uze uqalise ukunika abantwana izimuncumuncu. Kukuphikisana nomthetho oko!” wangxola ngomsindo uNkosana uSwekile. +“Mhlonipheki, ndixolisa ngokungazenzisiyo. Nceda undivumele ndilungise impazamo yam ngokubhakela wena wedwa,” waphendula umbhaki owayenegama elinguAwande. “Ndiza kukubhakela isimuncumuncu esitsha yonke imihla. Ezi zimuncumuncu ndizibhakayo zikhetheke kakhulu. Kufuneka usitye usigqibe ngemini enye.” +“Kakade, ndakuba nakho ukusigqiba isimuncumuncu yonke imihla!” yatsho iNkosana ngokurhala. +“Kulungile ke,” waphendula uAwande ngoncumo. +Ngoko ke, ngazo zonke iintsasa, uNkosana uSwekile wayefumana isimuncumuncu esisandula kubhakwa, awayesinkwamla ngomzuzu. Ngokuya zidlula iintsuku, izimuncumuncu zaziya ziba nencasa ngakumbi, zinkulu nangaphezulu. UNkosana uSwekile wayonwabe kakhulu, wayezigqiba zonke iikeyiki ezimnandi, iibhisikithi neekeyiki ezineziqhamo engabelani nangesuntswana nabantwana belali. + +Kodwa ngokuya izimuncumuncu ziba zikhulu ngokuba zikhulu, uNkosana uSwekile wafumanisa ukuba wayengasakwazi ukuzigqiba. Kwafuneka ukuba azigcine kwindawo esekhusini ebhotwe ukuze uAwande angazi ukuba wayengasasigqibi isimuncumuncu yonke imihla. +Emva kweeveki ezimbalwa, iNkosana uSwekile kwakufuneke egcine izimuncumuncu ezininzi kangangokuba zange zibe sanela kwindawo esekhusini. Ngoko ke wabiza izicaka zakhe noMary, umbhaki wasebhotwe, wabayalela ukuba bazilahle ezinye izimuncumuncu. +“Niqinisekise ukuba uAwande akaniboni nisenza le nto,” wayalela. +Ngoko ke, ngentsasa elandelayo, uMary nezicaka bazithwala iintsalela zezimuncumuncu baya kuzilahla phakathi ehlathini elisemva kwebhotwe. Kodwa kwenzeka into engummangaliso: ngobo busuku xa wonke umntu wayelele, zonke izimuncumuncu ezazilahlwe ehlathini zabonakala kwakhona ebhotwe! +Ngentsasa elandelayo, uAwande, umbhaki, wafika nesimuncumuncu esinencasa esisandula ukubhakwa waza wafuna ukubonana neNkosana uSwekile nakanjani. +“Ubucinga ukuba andizukwazi ukuba ulahle izimuncumuncu zam? Wawungazange uvume ukutya sonke isimuncumuncu endisithumeleyo ekupheleni kolo suku lunye? Ndakulumkisa ekuqaleni ukuba izimuncumuncu zam zikhethekile yaye kwakufuneka uzigqibe,” watsho uAwande ngomsindo. +UNkosana uSwekile waqalisa ukuziva esoyika kancinci sabe nesisu sakhe sivakala ngathi siyagula kancinci, kodwa watya, watya wada wazigqiba iintsalela zezimuncumuncu ngokunjalo nesi uAwande awayesizisile ngaloo mini. +“Andisazonwabeli izimuncumuncu,” watsho uNkosana uSwekile ngosuku olulandelayo akufika uAwande nesimuncumuncu sosuku. +“Isithembiso sisithembiso, Mhlonipheki,” watsho uAwande. + +INkosana yakhangeleka ilusizi. “Ndingenza ntoni ukukuyekisa ukundibhakela isimuncumuncu yonke imihla?” wabuza uNkosana uSwekile. +“Ubizwa ngokuba unguNkosana uSwekile kuba uthanda izinto eziswiti. Kodwa, ngenxa yemithetho yakho, abanye abantwana abayazi incasa eswiti,” waphendula uAwande. Ngoko ke, kufuneka uzitye izimuncumuncu, ide imilomo yabantwana ibe nencasa eswiti.” Esakuba etshilo umbhaki, waguquka wahamba waphuma ebhotwe, eshiyela uNkosana ikeyiki enkulu, enencasa ukuba ayitye. +UNkosana uSwekile wacinga wacinga ngento awayeyithethile uAwande kodwa zange ayiqonde. Yayiza kuba nencasa njani imilomo yabantwana ukuba yayinguye kuphela owayesitya izimuncumuncu zikaAwande? Ngoko ke uNkosana uSwekile waya kuhambahamba esitiyeni apho kwakuthe cwaka. Kwakufuneka acinge ngendlela anokumyekisa ngayo uAwande ukumzisela izimuncumuncu eziswiti yonke imihla. +Esahambahamba njalo, ibhola yesoka yaqabela ngaphaya kodonga oluphakamileyo lwesitiya yaza yawela ematyholweni. Okulandelayo inkwenkwana emdakana yavela ngaphaya kodonga izokuthatha ibhola. Yathi yakubona uNkosana uSwekile, yaphantsa yawela ngaphakathi kukoyika. +“Mhlonipheki, ndicela uxolo kakhulu. Bendize nje ukuzokuthatha ibhola,” yatsho inkwenkwe eyoyikayo. +UNkosana uSwekile wayexakeke kakhulu kukucinga icebo lokuyekisa ukufumana izimuncumuncu ezinencasa wada walibala ukuba nomsindo. +“Phambi kokuba uthathe ibhola yakho,” watsho, “nceda undixelele ukuba yintoni enokwenza umlomo wakho ube nencasa eswiti.” +“Zizinto ezenziwe ngeswekile, Mhlonipheki,” yatsho inkwenkwana ngeentloni. “Iikeyiki, needowunathi neebhisikithi – zonke izinto esingavumelekanga ukuba sizitye.” +Inkwenkwana yakhangaleka ilusizi kakhulu xa ithetha oku kangangokuba uNkosana uSwekile ngesiquphe waziva eneentloni. Okokuqala, wabona indlela awayezicingela yedwa ngayo. Wayenezimuncumuncu ezininzi kangangokuba wayengasazonwabeli, kodwa abantwana belali bengakhange bangcamle nto inencasa eswiti ixesha elide kakhulu. +Inkosana yangxama yabuyela ebhotwe yathumela ukuba kubizwe uAwande. +“Awande,” watsho, “Bendisoloko ndizicingela mna ndodwa ndaye ndigeza. Ndingathanda ukuba netheko labantu belali. Nceda ubhakele abantwana izimuncumuncu zakho, ngokunjalo nabazali babo. Ukusukela namhlanje, wonke umntu angazitya izinto eziswiti ukuba uyathanda.” +UAwande wancuma. “Nakanjani, Mhlonipheki!” watsho, waza wabhaka ezona keyiki zakha zamnandi, iibhisikithi neekeyiki ezineziqhamo abantu belali abakha bazibona okanye bazingcamla. Baza batya, batya bada bonela. +Ngentsasa elandelayo, uAwande, umbhaki, wayenyamalele kungazeki ukuba waya kutshona phi. UNkosana uSwekile waqhubekeka ukuba namatheko abantu belali – kodwa ngoku yena noMary babebhaka ngokwabo.",xho,isiXhosa,INkosana uSwekile noAwande umbhak,"There was once a prince named Sugar. Prince Sugar was named after his love of sweet treats like cakes, biscuits, tarts, doughnuts and puddings. Prince Sugar was so spoilt that he wouldn’t share any of his sweet treats with the village ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Libali lika-Ayanda Hlatshway,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/inkosana-uswekile-noawande-umbhaki +prince-sugar-and-awande-the-baker,"Kwakukhona umntwana wasebukhosini obizwa ngokuthi uShukela. UMntwana uShukela wayethiwe kanje ngenxa yothando lwakhe lwezinto ezimnandi ezifana namakhekhe, amabhisikidi, amathathi, amadonathi kanye nophudingi. UMntwana uShukela wayetotosiwe ngendlela yokuthi wayengakwazi ngisho ukwabelana ngezinto ezimnandi nezingane zesigodi. +“Akekho umuntu odla amakhekhe ami! Uyezwa, Mary? Lowo ngumthetho!” kwasho uMntwana uShukela eqondise kumbhaki wasebukhosini. “Amakhekhe, amabhisikidi kanye namathathi konke ngokwami futhi okwami ngedwa.” +Ngolunye usuku, kwafika umbhaki ongaqondakali esigodini. Waqala ukuphana ngezingcezu zamakhekhe namabhisikidi kuzo zonke izingane. Lapho uMntwana uShukela ezwa ngalokhu, wathukuthela kakhulu wayesethumela abaqaphi bakhe ukuthi babophe umbhaki bese bemletha kuye. +“Awukwazi wena ukungena esigodini sami bese uvele unikeza izingane izicoficofi. Lokho kungukwephula umthetho!” kuthetha uMntwana uShukela ecasukile. +“Wena weNkosi, ngixolisa kakhulu. Ngicela ungivumele ngilungise iphutha lami ngokuthi ngibhakele wena kuphela,” kuphendula umbhaki ogama lakhe kwakungu-Awande. “Ngizokubhakela okusha okumnandi nsuku zonke. Lezi zicoficofi engizibhakayo zikhethekile kakhulu. Kumele udle sonke isicoficofi ngosuku olulodwa.” +“Ngempela, ngizokwazi ukuqeda isicoficofi nsuku zonke!” kwavuma uMntwana ngobugovu obukhulu. +“Kuhle kakhulu,” kuphendula u-Awande ngokumoyizela. +Ngakho, njalo nje ekuseni, uMntwana uShukela wayethola isicoficofi esibhakwe ngalelo langa, ayesimimilita. Ngokuqhubeka kwezinsuku, izicoficofi zaziba mnandi kakhulu futhi ziba nkulu. UMntwana uShukela wayejabule kakhulu, futhi wayewaqeda wonke la makhekhe, amabhisikidi namathathi amnandi ngaphandle kokuzipha ngisho nocezu izingane zesigodi. + +Kodwa-ke lapho izicoficofi zilokhu ziba nkulu, uMntwana uShukela wayengasakwazi ukuziqeda. Kwakumele azigcine endaweni efihlekile yesigodlo yikhona u-Awande engezukwazi ukuthi akasiqedi isicoficofi sosuku nosuku. +Ngemuva kwamasonto ambalwa, uMntwana uShukela wayesebeke izicoficofi eziningi ngale ndlela yokuthi zazingasakwazi ukungena endaweni eyimfihlo. Ngakho-ke, wabiza abasebenzi bakhe kanye noMary, umbhaki wasebukhosini, wabatshela ukuthi balahle ezinye zalezi zicoficofi. +“Niqinisekise ukuthi u-Awande akaniboni nenza lokhu,” kuyalela yena. +Ngakho-ke, ngakusasa ekuseni uMary kanye nabasebenzi bathatha izicoficofi ezazisele baziyisa ekujuleni kwehlathi elingemuva kwesigodlo. Kodwa-ke kwavele kwenzeka into eyisimangaliso: ngalobo busuku, ngesikhathi wonke umuntu elele, zonke izicoficofi ezazilahlwe ehlathini zaphinda zavumbuka esigodlweni! +Ngakusasa ekuseni, u-Awande, umbhaki, wafika nesicoficofi esisha esimnandi wafuna ukubona uMntwana uShukela. +“Ubucabanga ukuthi angeke ngazi ukuthi uzilahlile izicoficofi zami? Awuzange yini uvume ukuthi uzosidla sonke isicoficofi engisithumelayo ngokuphela kwalona lolo suku? Ngakwexwayisa ekuqaleni ukuthi izicoficofi zami zikhethekile ngathi nokusho kufanele usiqede ngasinye,” kwasho u-Awande ngokucasuka. +UMntwana uShukela waqala ukuzwa esenokwesaba okuncane nesisu sakhe wasizwa sesigulagula, kodwa wadla, wadla, kwaze kwabe uyaziqeda zonke izinsalela zezicoficofi kuhlanganisa naleso u-Awande ayesilethile ngalolo suku. +“Angisazithokozeli lezi zicoficofi,” kwasho uMntwana uShukela ngakusasa ekuseni lapho u-Awande efika nesicoficofi sosuku. +“Isethembiso yisethembiso, wena weNkosi,” kwasho u-Awande. + +Umntwana wayebukeka edangele. “Yini engingayenza ukukumisa ukungibhakela izicoficofi nsuku zonke?” kwabuza uMntwana uShukela. +“Ubizwa ngoMntwana uShukela nje ngoba uyazithanda izinto ezimnandi nezinoshukela. Kodwa, ngenxa yemithetho yakho, ezinye izingane kazibazi ubumnandi obusashukela,” kwaphendula u-Awande. “Ngakho, kumele ube lokhu uzidla izicoficofi, imilomo yezingane ize ibe noshukela.” Esekushilo lokho, umbhaki waphenduka wayesephuma esigodlweni, eshiya elikhulu ikhekhe, elinambithekayo ukuze uMntwana uShukela alidle. +UMntwana uShukela wacabanga, wacabanga ngalokho u-Awande ayekushilo kodwa akaze akuqondisisa. Yayizoba noshukela kanjani imilomo yezingane uma ngabe kwakunguye yedwa odla izicoficofi zika-Awande? Ngakho-ke, umntwana wathi ukuhambahamba esivandeni lapho kwakuthule khona. Kwakufanele acabange indlela yokuyekisa u-Awande ukuletha izicoficofi ezimnandi nsuku zonke. +Ngesikhathi esazihambela nje, ibhola lezinyawo landiza ngaphezu kothango olude lwesivande lawela ezihlahleni. Okulandelayo, umfanyana omahlikihliki nje wavela phezu kothango ezolanda ibhola. Ngenkathi ebona uMntwana uShukela, wacishe wawa phansi ngenxa yovalo. +“Wena weNkosi, ngiyaxolisa kakhulu. Ngize ukuzolanda ibhola nje,” kwasho umfana owesabayo. +UMntwana uShukela wayematasa ecabangana nesu lokumisa ukuthola izicoficofi ezimnandi ngangokuthi waze wakhohlwa ngisho ukucasuka. +“Ngaphambi kokuthi ulande ibhola lakho,” kusho yena, “ngicela ungitshele ukuthi yini engenza umlomo wakho ube mnandi sashukela.” +“Izinto ezenziwe ngoshukela, wena Wenkosi,” kwasho umfanyana ngamahlonyana. +“Amakhekhe namadonathi kanye namabhisikidi – zonke nje izinto thina esingavunyelwe ukuthi sizidle.” +Umfanyana wayebukeka edangele ngesikhathi esho lokhu ngangokuthi uMntwana uShukela wavele wazizwa eseshaywa amahloni. Okokuqala ngqa, wabona ukuthi ubelokhu ezicabangela yena yedwa. Wayethole izicoficofi eziningi ngale ndlela yokuthi wayengasazithokozeli, kodwa izingane zesigodi zazingakaze zinambithe nanoma yini emnandi sashukela esikhathini eside kakhulu. +Umntwana waphuthuma emuva esigodlweni wathumela ukuthi kubizwe u-Awande. +“Awande,” kwasho yena, “bengilokhu ngizicabangela mina ngedwa futhi nginobulima. Ngingathanda ukuba nomcimbi oqondiswe kubantu besigodi. Ngicela ubhake izicoficofi zakho wenzele izingane kanye nabazali bazo. Ukusukela namuhla, wonke umuntu angazidla izinto ezimnandi ezisashukela uma efisa kanjalo.” +U-Awande wamoyizela. “Ngokuthokoza okukhulu, wena Wenkosi!” kwasho yena, wase ewabhaka amakhekhe, amabhisikidi namathathi ahlotshisiwe namnandi kakhulu abantu besigodi ababengakaze bawabone noma bawanambithe. Hhawu, badla, badla baze basutha. +Ngakusasa ekuseni, u-Awande, umbhaki, wayesenyamalele kungaziwa namkhondo wokuthi ukuphi. UMntwana uShukela waqhubeka nokwenzela abantu besigodi imicimbi – kodwa manje yena noMary base bezibhakela bona ngokwabo.",zul,isiZulu,"UMntwana uShukela no-Awande, umbhak","There was once a prince named Sugar. Prince Sugar was named after his love of sweet treats like cakes, biscuits, tarts, doughnuts and puddings. Prince Sugar was so spoilt that he wouldn’t share any of his sweet treats with the village ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe ngu-Ayanda Hlatshway,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umntwana-ushukela-no-awande-umbhaki +prince-sugar-and-awande-the-baker,"Go ile gwa ba le morwa wa kgoši wa go bitšwa Swikiri. Morwa wa kgoši Swikiri o filwe leina le ka ge a be a rata dilo tša swikiri go swana le dikhekhe, dipisikiti, dithate, ditonate le diphuding. Morwa wa kgoši Swikiri ba be ba mo lemile kudu ka fao a bego a sa nyake go abelana dilo tša gagwe tša swikiri le bana ba mo motseng. +“Ga go yo a jago dikhekhe tša ka! Wa kwešiša, Mary? Ke molao!” a realo Morwa wa kgoši Swikiri go mopaki wa ka mošate. “Dikhekhe, dipisikiti le dithate ke tša ka gape ke tša ka ke le tee.” +Ka letšatši le lengwe, go ile gwa tla mopaki yo moswa wa go makatša mo motseng. O ile a thoma go fa bana ka moka dikhekhe le dipisikiti. Morwa wa kgoši Swikiri o rile go kwa ka se, a befelwa kudu a ba a romela baletakgoro ba gagwe go swara mopaki gomme ba mo tliše go yena. +“O tsena motseng wa gešo wa fihla ka go fa bana mabose bjang. Seo se kgahlanong le molao!” a realo Morwa wa kgoši Swikiri ka pefelo. +“Mohlomphegi, ke kgopela tshwarelo ka nnete. Hle ntumelele go phošolla phošo ya ka ka go pakela wena o le noši,” gwa fetola mopaki yoo leina la gagwe e lego Awande. “Ke tla go pakela sejo sa bose letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe. Dilo tša bose tše ke di pakago di kgethegile kudu. O swanetše go ja sejo seo ka moka o se fetše ka letšatši le letee.” +“Le bjalo, ke tla kgona go fetša sejo sa bose ka letšatši le letee!” a realo Morwa wa Kgoši ka megabaru. +“Ke gabotse,” gwa fetola Awande ka myemyelo. +Gomme, mesong ye mengwe le ye mengwe, Morwa wa Kgoši o be a amogela sejo sa go pakiwa se seswa, seo a bego a tlo se ja ka moka. E rile ge matšatši a feta, dijo tša ba bose kudu gape ya ba tše di kgolwane. Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri o be a thabile kudu, gomme o feditše dikhekhe, dipisikiti le dithate ka moka ntle le go abela bana ba mo motseng le ge e ka ba lerathana. + +Efela ge dijo di e ba tše dikgolwane kudu, Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri o ile a palelwa ke go di fetša. O ile a swanela go di fihla karolong ya sephiri ya phaleisi gore Awande a se tsebe gore o be a sa fetše sejo letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe. +Morago ga dibeke tše mmalwa, Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri o ile a swanela go boloka dijo tše dintši ka fao e lego gore ga di sa lekana lefelong la sephiri. Gomme, o ile a bitša mošomedi wa gagwe le Mary, mopaki wa ka mošate, a ba laela gore ba lahle tše dingwe tša dijo tšeo. +“Le kgonthiše gore Awande ga a le bone ge le dira seo,” a ba laela. +Gomme, mesong ya go latela Mary le bašomedi ba lahlile dijo tša go šala ka gare ga sethokgwa sa ka morago ga phaleisi. Efela, go diregile selo sa go tlaba: bošego bjoo, mola batho bohle ba robetše, dijo ka moka tše di lahlilwego sethokgweng di ile tša bonala ka phaleising gape! +Mesong ya go latela, Awande, wa mopaki, o fihlile a swere sejo se sebose se seswa a nyaka go bona Morwa wa Kgoši. +“O be o nagana gore nkase tsebe gore o lahla dijo tša ka tša bose? Ga se wa dumela go fetša sejo sa bose ka moka ka letšatši le ke o filego sona? Ke go lemošitše mathomong gore dijo tša ka tša bose di kgethegile gomme o tlo swanela go di fetša nako le nako,” a realo Awande ka pefelo. +Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri o ile a thoma go tšhoganyana gomme le teng ya gagwe ya thoma go se be bose ga nnyane, efela o ile a ja a ba a ja go fihlela a fetša dijo tša bose tša go šala le seo Awande a se tlišitšego sa letšatši leo. +“Ga ke sa ipshina ka dijo tša bose,” a realo Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri mesong ya go latela ge Awande a fihla le sejo sa bose sa letšatši leo. +“Tshephišo ke tshephišo, Mohlomphegi,” a realo Awande. + +Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri o be a bonala a nyamile. “Ke dire eng gore o se hlwe o mpakela dijo tša bose letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe?” gwa botšiša Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri. +“O bitšwa Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri ka gobane o rata dijo tša go ba le swikiri. Le ge go le bjalo, ka lebaka la melao ya gago, bana ba bangwe ga ba tsebe mabose a,” gwa fetola Awande. “Ka fao, o swanetše go ja o be o je dijo tša bose, go fihlela melomo ya bana e eba le swikiri.” Morago ga seo, mopaki a retologa a tšwa ka phaleising, a tlogela khekhe ya bose ye kgolo gore Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri a e je. +Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri o ile a nagana kudu ka seo se boletšwego ke Awande efela ga se a kwešiše. Melomo ya bana e ka ba le swikiri bjang mola e le yena a le tee yo a jago dijo tša bose tša Awande? Gomme, morwa wa kgoši o ile a sepela ka tšhengwaneng fao go bego go homotše. O be a swanetše go nagana ka tsela ya go thibela Awande go mo tlišetša dijo tša bose ka mehla. +O rile ge a dutše a sepela, kgwele ya maoto ya tshela lebota la tšhengwana le letelele gomme ya wela sethokgweng. Ka morago ga yona go tšweletše mošemanyana wa ditšhila a latelela kgwele. O rile ge a bona Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri, a nyaka go wa ka letšhogo. +“Mohlomphegi, ke kgopela tshwarelo. Ke latile fela kgwele,” a realo mošemane a tšhogile. +Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri o be a nagana ka leano la go emiša go hwetša dijo tša bose ebile a lebetše le go befelwa. +“Pele o tšea kgwele ya gago,” a realo, “ke kgopela gore o mpotše gore ke eng seo se tlogo dira gore molomo wa gago o be le swikiri.” +“Dilo tša go dirwa ka swikiri, Mohlomphegi,” a realo mošemanyana a lewa ke dihlong. “Dikhekhe, detonate le dipisikiti – dilo ka moka t��e re sa dumelelwego go di ja.” +Mošemanyana o be a bonala a nyamilwe ge a bolela ka fao Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri a ilego a lewa ke dihlong ka nakwana. E be e le la mathomo, a lemoga gore o inaganela a le tee. O be a na le dijo tša bose tše dintši tšeo a sa hlwego a ipshina ka tšona, efela bana ba mo motseng ga senke ba kwa tatso ya selo sa swikiri sebaka se setelele telele. +Morwa wa kgoši o ile a akgofa a ya ka phaleising gomme a laela gore Awande a bitšwe. +“Awande,” a realo, “Ke be ke inaganela ke le tee ebile ke le setlaela. Ke nyaka go direla batho ba mo motseng moletlo. Hle o pakele bana ba mo motseng le batswadi ba bona dijo tša bose. Go thoma lehono, batho bohle ba ka ja dijo tša bose ge ba nyaka.” +Awande o ile a myemyela. “Ke a leboga, Mohlomphegi!” a realo, gomme a paka dikhekhe, dipisikiti le dithate tša maemo a godimo gape tša bose kudu tšeo batho ba mo motseng ba di bonego goba go kwa tatso ya tšona. Gomme ba ile ba ja ba ja go fihlela ba kgotsofala. +Mesong ya go latela, Awande, wa mopaki, o ile a nyamelela ntle le mohlala. Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri o ile a tšwela pele go direla batho ba mo motseng meletlo – efela bjale go be go paka yena le Mary.",nso,Sepedi,"Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri le Awande, wa mopak","There was once a prince named Sugar. Prince Sugar was named after his love of sweet treats like cakes, biscuits, tarts, doughnuts and puddings. Prince Sugar was so spoilt that he wouldn’t share any of his sweet treats with the village ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mongwadi ke Ayanda Hlatshway,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/morwa-wa-kgoši-swikiri-le-awande-wa-mopaki +prince-sugar-and-awande-the-baker,"Ho kile ha eba le kgosana e neng e bitswa Sugar. Kgosana Sugar o ne a rehelletswe ka dintho tse tswekere tseo a neng a di rata haholo jwaloka dikuku, dibisikiti, dithate, didonate le diphuding. Kgosana Sugar o ne a terebehile haholo hoo a neng a sa rate ho abelana ka dimonamone tsa hae tse tswekere le bana ba motseng. +“Ha ho motho ya jang dikuku tsa ka! O a nkutlwa, Mary? Oo ke molao!” ha rialo Kgosana Sugar ho mobaki wa moreneng. “Dikuku, dibiskiti le dithate ke tsa ka kaofela ke le mong, nna ke le mong.” +Ka tsatsi le leng, mobaki ya makatsang e motjha a fihla motseng. A qala ka ho fana ka diselae tsa kuku le dibiskiti ho bana bohle. Ha Kgosana Sugar a utlwa ka seo, a halefa haholo mme a romela balebedi ba hae ho ya tshwara mobaki eo mme ba mo tlise ho yena. +“O se nka kae sebete sa ho kena motseng wa ka mme o qale ho fana ka dimonamone ho bana bohle? Seo se kgahlanong le molao!” ha omana Kgosana Sugar a halefile. +“Morena ka, ke kopa tshwarelo e le ka nnete. Ka kopo hle ntumelle hore ke lokise phoso eo ya ka ka ho bakela wena feela o le mong,” ha araba mobaki eo lebitso la hae e neng e le Awande. “Ke tla o bakela semonamone se setjha letsatsi le letsatsi. Dimonamone tsena tseo ke di bakang di kgethehile. O lokela ho ja semonamone kaofela ka letsatsi le le leng.” +“Ehlile, ke tla kgona ho qeta semonamone ka letsatsi le leng le le leng!” ha rialo Kgosana ka meharo. +“Ke hantle,” ha araba Awande a bososela. +Kahoo, hoseng ho hong le ho hong, Kgosana Sugar o ne a fumana dimonamone tse foreshe tse bakilweng, tseo a neng a di kometsa kaofela. Ha matsatsi a ntse a tsamaya, dimonamone tsa nna tsa eba monate ho feta le ho ba kgolo ho feta. Kgosana Sugar o ne a thabile haholo, mme a qeta dikuku, dibiskiti le dithate tse monate tseo kaofela ntle le ho abela bana ba bang ba motseng le ha e le sekotwana feela. + +Empa yare ha dimonamone tsena di ntse di hola di hola. Kgosana Sugar a fumana hore ha a sa kgona ho di qeta. A tlameha hore a di pate sebakeng sa sephiri paleising moo ele hore Awande a se ke a tseba hore o ne a se a sa qete dimonamone tseo kamehla. +Kamora dibeke tse mmalwa, Kgosana Sugar o ile a tlamehla ho boloka dimonamone tse ngata haholo hoo di neng di se di sa felle tulong ya sephiri. Kahoo, a bitsa basebeletsi ba hae le Mary, mobaki wa moreneng, mme a ba laela hore ba lahle tse ding tsa dimonamone tseo. +“Le etse bonnete ba hore Awande ha a le bone ha le etsa sena,” a ba laela. +Yaba hoseng ha letsatsi le hlahlamang Mary le basebeletsi ba nkela dimonamone tse setseng hare morung o ka mora paleisi. Empa ha etsahala ntho e makatsang: bosiung boo, ha batho bohle ba robetse, dimonamone tsohle tse neng di lahletswe morung tsa hlahella hape ka hara paleisi! +Hoseng ha letsatsi le hlahlamang, Awande, mobaki, a fihla a tshwere dimonamone tse foreshe tse tswekere mme a kopa ho bona Kgosana Sugar. +“O ne o nahana hore nke ke ka tseba hore o lahla dimonamone tsa ka? Na ha o a ka wa dumela hore o tla ja dimonamone tseo ke o romellang tsona pele letsatsi leo le dikela? Ke o lemositse qalong hore dimonamone tsa ka di kgethehile le hore o tla tlameha hore o qete e nngwe le e nngwe,” ha rialo Awande a halefile. +Kgosana Sugar a qala ho ikutlwa a tshohile hanyane mme mala a hae a le bohlokonyana, empa a ja ho fihlela a qeta dimonamone tse setseng mmoho le tseo Awande a tlileng le tsona letsatsing leo. +“Ha ke sa natefelwa ke dimonamone tsena,” ha rialo Kgosana Sugar hoseng ho hlahlamang ha Awande a fihla ka dimonamone tsa letsatsi. +“Tshepiso ke tshepiso, Motlotlehi,” ha rialo Awande. + +Kgosana o ne a shebahala a hloname. “Nka etsa jwang hore o tlohele ho nketsetsa dimonamone letsatsi le leng le le leng?” ha botsa Kgosana Sugar. +“O bitswa Kgosana Sugar hobane o rata dintho tse tswekere. Empa, ka lebaka la melao ya hao, bana ba bang ha ba tsebe tatso e tswekere,” ha araba Awande. “Kahoo, o lokela ho ja o be o je dimonamone tsena, ho fihlela melomo ya bana e na le tswekere.” Ha a rialo, mobaki a thinya mme a tswa paleising, a sia kuku e kgolo e monate hore Kgosana Sugar a e je. +Kgosana Sugar a nahana a nahanisisa ka seo Awande a se buileng empa a se ke a utlwisisa. Ho ka tla jwang hore melomo ya bana e be tswekere empa e le yena feela ya neng a ja dimonamone tsa Awande? Kahoo, kgosana a tsamaya ho otlolla maoto tshimong moo ho neng ho kgutsitse. O ne a tlameha ho nahana ka tsela ya ho thibela Awande hore a se ke a hlola a mo tlisetsa dimonamone tse tswekere letsatsi le letsatsi. +Yare ha a ntse a tsamaya jwalo, bolo ya maoto ya wela ka nqane ho lebota le phahameng mme ya wela ka hara dihlahla. Kamora moo moshanyana e monyane ya marantha a hlahella ka hodima lebota a tlo lata bolo. Yare ha a bona Kgosana Sugar, a batla a wela ka nqane ke ho tshoha. +“Motlotlehi, o ntshwarele hle. Ke ne ke mpa ke tlo lata bolo feela.” Ha rialo moshanyana ya tshohileng. +Kgosana Sugar o ne a duletse ho nahana ka leano la ho thibela ho fumana dimonamone tse tswekere hoo a ileng a lebala ho halefa. +“Pele o lata bolo ya hao,” a rialo, “ke kopa o mpolelle hore ke eng e ka etsang hore molomo wa hao o be tswekere.” +“Ke dintho tse entsweng ka tswekere, Motlotlehi,” ha rialo moshanyana ka dihlong. “Dikuku le didonate le dibiskiti – dintho tsohle tseo re sa dumellwang ho di ja” +Moshanyana e monyane o ne a shebahala a hloname ha a bua jwalo hoo Kgosana Sugar a ileng a utlwa a swabile. Lekgetlo la pele, a bona kamoo a neng a inahanela ka teng. O ne a ena le dimonamone tse ngata hoo a neng a se a sa natefelwe ke tsona, empa bana ba motseng ba ne ba eso ka ba latswa letho le nang le tswekere ka nako e telele telele. +Kgosana a mathela morao paleising mme a romela hore ho bitswe Awande. +“Awande,” a rialo, “Ke ne ke inahanela nna feela. Ke batla ho ba le moketjana bakeng sa batho ba motse. Ke kopa hore o bake dimonamone tsa hao bakeng sa bana le batswadi ba bona. Ho tloha kajeno, batho bohle ba ka ja dintho tse tswekere kamoo ba batlang.” +Awande a bososela. “Nka thabela seo, Motlotlehi wa rona!” a rialo, mme a baka dikuku tse ntle ka ho fetisisa tse monate ho fetisisa, dibiskiti le dithate tse monate tseo baahi ba motse ba neng ba eso ka ba di bona kapa ho di latswa. Mme ba eja, ba eja ho fihlela ba kgotsofala. +Hoseng ha letsatsi le hlahlamang, Awande, mobaki, o ne a nyametse jwaloka mohudi. Kgosana Sugar a tswela pele ho etsa meketjana bakeng sa batho ba motse – empa jwale yena le Mary ba ne ba baka ka bobona.",sot,Sesotho,"Kgosana Sugar le Awande, mobak","There was once a prince named Sugar. Prince Sugar was named after his love of sweet treats like cakes, biscuits, tarts, doughnuts and puddings. Prince Sugar was so spoilt that he wouldn’t share any of his sweet treats with the village ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E ngotswe ke Ayanda Hlatshway,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kgosana-sugar-le-awande-mobaki +prince-sugar-and-awande-the-baker,"Go kile ga bo go na le kgosana e bidiwa Sukiri. Kgosana Sukiri o filwe leina le ka gonne a ne a rata dilo tsa sukiri jaaka dikhekhe, dibesikiti, dithate, magwenya le diphuding. Kgosana Sukiri o ne a le megagaru thata mo e bileng a ka se arogane marotho a gagwe a sukiri le bana ba bangwe mo motseng. +“Ga go ope yo o ka jang dikhekhe tsa me! A o a nkutlwa, Mary? Se ke molao!” ga bua Kgosana Sukiri a laela mobaki. “Dikhekhe, dibesikiti le dithate tsotlhe ke tsa me ke le esi.” +Ka letsatsi lengwe, ga goroga mobaki o montšhwa mo motseng. A simolola go abela bana botlhe ba mo motseng dilaye tsa khekhe le dibesikiti. E rile fa Kgosana Sukiri a utlwa ka tiragalo e, a šakgala thata a bo a romela basireletsi ba gagwe go ya go golega mobaki le go mo tlisa fa pele ga gagwe. +“Ke eng se se dirang gore o tle mo motseng wa me mme o simolole go fa bana dilo tse di tshwanetseng nna fela. O robile molao!” ga goa Kgosana Sukiri a šakgetse. +“Motlotlegi, ke kopa maitshwarelo ka boikokobetso. Tsweetswee ntetle go siamisa phoso ka go bakela wena o le esi,” ga araba mobaki o leina la gagwe e leng Awande. “Ke tla go bakela se se monate se se ntšhwa letsatsi le letsatsi. Tse ke di bakang tse di kgethegile tota. O tshwanetse go di fetsa tsotlhe ka letsatsi le le lengwe.” +“Tota ke tla dira jalo, ke tla kgona go di fetsa ka letsatsi le le lengwe!” ga bua Kgosana ka megagaru. +“Ke a leboga,” ga araba Awande a nyenya. +Ka jalo moso mongwe le mongwe, Kgosana Sukiri o ne a amogela dilo tse di monate tse di tswang fela mo isong, mme a bo kometsaa fela ka bonako. Fa malatsi a ntse a feta, dilo tse tsa nna monate le go feta mme le mothamo le one o oketsega. Kgosana Sukiri o ne a itumetse thata, mme a fetsa dikhekhe tsotlhe tse di monate, dibesikiti le dithate kwa ntle ga go abela ope wa bana ba mo motseng. + +Jaanong fa dilo tse di monate di ntse di oketsega nako nngwe le nngwe, Kgosana Sukiri a se tlhole a kgona go di fetsa. A simolola go di boloka mo lefelong la sephiri mo paleising gore Awande a seke a itse gore o ne a sa kgone go di fetsa letsatsi le letsatsi. +Morago ga dibeke di se kae, Kgosana Sukiri o ne a tshwanetse go boloka dibakwa tse dintsi thata go fitlha lefelo la sephiri le tlala. Ka jalo a bitsa batlhanka ba gagwe le Mary, mobaki wa kwa bogosing, mme a ba kopa gore ba latlhe dibakwa tse dingwe. +“Lo netefatseng gore Awande ga a lo bone fa lo dira se,” a ba laela jalo. +Ka jalo, mo letsatsing le le latelang Mary le badiri ba tsaya dijo tse di setseng ba di isa kwa mpeng ya sekgwa se se kitlaneng mo morago ga paleise. Fela ga diragala dikgakgamatso: mo bosigong joo, fa botlhe ba robetse, dijo tsotlhe tse di latlhetsweng kwa sekgweng tsa iponatsha gape mo paleiseng! +Mo mosong o o latelang, Awande, wa mobaki, a tlisa tse di monate tse di sa tswang go ntshiwa mo isong mme a dira kopo ya go bona Kgosana Sukiri. +“O ne o akanya gore ga nkitla ke itse gore o latlha dilo tse ke go baketseng tsona? A ga o a dumela gore o tla fetsa tsotlhe tse ke di bakang mo letsatsing le le lengwe? Ke lekile go go tsibosa kwa tshimologong gore mebako ya me e kgethegile le gore o tshwanetse go di fetsa tsotlhe,” Awande a bua a šakgetse. +Kgosana Sukiri a simolola go tshoga mme mala a gagwe a simolola go sega, fela a ja, a bo a ja go fitlha a fetsa mebako yotlhe e e setseng go akaretsa a Awande a a tlisitseng mo letsatsing leo. +“Mebako e ga e sa nnatefela,” ga bua Kgosana Sukiri mo mosong o o latelang fa Awande a goroga ka mebako ya letsatsi leo. +“Tsholofetso ga e tlhabise ditlhong, Motlotlegi,” ga bua Awande. + +Kgosana e ne e utlwile botlhoko. “Ke eng se nka se dirang go emisa gore o se tlhole o mpakela letsatsi lengwe le lengwe?” ga botsa Kgosana Sukiri. +“O bidiwa Kgosana Sukiri ka gonne o rata dilo tsa sukiri. Jaanong, ka ntlha ya melao ya gago, bana ba bangwe ga ba kitla ba itse tswina,” ga araba Awande. “Ka jalo o tshwanetse go ja, o bo o je mebako yotlhe, go fitlha melomo ya bana e nna tswina.” Ka seo, mobaki a retologa a tswa mo paleiseng, a tlogela khekhe e kgolo e e tswina gore Kgosana Sukiri a e je. +Kgosana Sukiri a akanya, a bo a akanya ka se Awande a se buileng fela o ne a sa tlhaloganye. Legano la bana le ka nna tswine jang fa e le ene fela a jang mebako ya ga Awande? Ka jalo Kgosana ya tswa go iphokisa phefo mo tshingwaneng fa go neng go le tidimalo. O ne a tshwanetse go akanya ka tsela e a ka emisang Awande go tlisa mebako e e monate letsatsi lengwe le lengwe. +Fa a ntse a kailakaila, kgwele ya dinao ya wela mo tshingwaneng mo ditlhareng. Ga latela mosimanyana yo o tletseng seretse a tswelela go tla go sela bolo. E rile fa a bona Kgosana Sukiri, a batla go wela fa fatshe ka ntlha ya letshogo. +“Motlotlegi, ke kopa maitshwarelo, ke tlile fela go tsaya kgwele,” ga bua mosimane yo o tshogileng. +Kgosana Sukiri yo o neng a le mo dikakanyong tsa go dira leano la gore a ka emisa jang go fiwa mebako ya sukiri a lebala go šakgala. +“Pele o tsaya kgwele ya gago,” a rialo, “mpolelele gore o ka dira jang gore legano la gago le nne tswina.” +“Ka dijo tse di dirilweng ka sukiri, Motlotlegi,” ga bua mosimane yo monnye a le ditlhong. “Dikhekhe, magwenya le dibesikiti – dilo tsotlhe tse re sa dumelelwang go di ja.” +Mosimane yo monnye o ne a swabile fa a bua se mme Kgosana Sukiri a tlhajwa ke ditlhong. E ne e le la ntlha a bona ka mo a ntseng a le megagaru ka teng. O na le mebako e le mentsi e e e sa tlholeng e mo natefela, fela bana ba mo motseng ga ba ise ba utlwe tswina ya mebako, mo nakong e telele thata. +Kgosana a boela mo paleising ka bonako mme a kopa gore Awande a bidiwe. +“Awande,” a rialo, “ke nnile megagaru le bosilo. Ke batla go direla baagi ba motse moletlo. Tsweetswee baka dilo tse monate tse di tla jewang ke bana le batsadi ba bona. Go tloga gompieno, mongwe le mongwe a ka ja mebako e e tswina fa a eletsa go dira jalo. +Awande a nyenya. “Ke tla dira jalo motlotlegi!” a bua jalo, a simolola go baka tse di monate tse di kgatlhisang, dikhekhe, dibesikiti le dithate tse batho ba motse ba iseng ba di bone kgotsa ba di ja. Mme ba ja ba bo ba ja go fitlha ba kgotsofala. +Mo mosong o o latelang, Awande, mmaki, a nyelela go se yo o itseng kwa a ileng. Kgosana Sukiri a tswelela go direla batho ba motse meletlo – fela mo nakong e, ena le Mary ba ne ba baka tse di monate ka bobona.",tsn,Setswana,"Kgosana Sukiri le Awande, mobak","There was once a prince named Sugar. Prince Sugar was named after his love of sweet treats like cakes, biscuits, tarts, doughnuts and puddings. Prince Sugar was so spoilt that he wouldn’t share any of his sweet treats with the village ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E kwadilwe ke Ayanda Hlatshway,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kgosana-sukiri-le-awande-mobaki +prince-sugar-and-awande-the-baker,"Kwake kwabakhona inkhosana ligama layo bekunguShukela. Inkhosana Shukela yetsiwa leligama ngenca yelutsandvo lwayo lwemibhako lemnandzi lenongotelako njengemakhekhe, emabhisikithi, emathathi, emadonathi, nabophudingi. Inkhosana Shukela beyonakele kangangekutsi beyingababeli nebantfwana balesigodzi umbhako wayo lomnandzi lonongotelako. +“Kute lodla emakhekhe ami! Uyevisisa Mary? Lowo ngumtsetfo!” kwasho Inkhosana Shukela kulombhaki wasebukhosini. “Lamakhekhe, emabhisikithi nemathathi konkhe kwami futsi mine ngedvwa.” +Ngalelinye lilanga kwefika umbhaki kulesigodzi. Wacala wapha bonkhe bantfwana tincetu temakhekhe nemabhisikithi. Ngesikhatsi Inkhosana Shukela iva ngaloku, yatfukutsela kakhulu yase itfumela bogadzi bayo kutsi bambophe lombhaki bese bammikisa kuyo. +“Usitsatsaphi sibindzi lesingaka sekungena esigodzini sami bese ucala upha bantfwana umbhako lomnandzi. Kuphambene nemtsetfo!” kumemeta Inkhosana Shukela ngekutfukutsela. +“Wena Waphakatsi, ngiyacolisa ngempela. Ngicela ungivumele ngilungise liphutsa lami ngekutsi ngibhakele wena wedvwa,” kwaphendvula lombhaki ligama lakhe lelalingu-Awande. “Ngitakubhakela umbhako lomusha lomnandzi onkhe emalanga. Lombhako lomnandzi lengiwubhakako ukhetsekile. Ufanele kutsi uwudle wonkhe lombhako ngelilanga.” +“Kunjalo, ngitawukhona kucedza umbhako lomnandzi onkhe emalanga!” kwasho Inkhosana ngebukhali. +“Kuhle kakhulu loko,” kwaphendvula Awande amoyitela. +Ngako-ke, onkhe emalanga ekuseni, Inkhosana Shukela beyitfola umbhako lomnandzi lomusha, labekawushwabudzela ngekushesha awucedze. Ekuhambeni kwemalanga, lombhako lomnandzi wabonakala kungatsi sewuya ngekuba mnandzi ngalokwendlulele futsi uba mukhulu kakhulu. Inkhosana Shukela yajabula kakhulu, futsi yawacedza onkhe lamakhekhe lamnandzi, emabhisikithi nemathathi ngaphandle kwekwabela bantfwana bakulesigodzi ngisho lucetwana-nje. + +Kepha lapho lombhako lomnandzi uya ngekuba mkhulu kakhulu, Inkhosana Shukela yatfola kutsi angeke isakhona kukucedza. Kwadzingeka kutsi awugcine encenyeni lesitsele yalesigodlo kute kutsi Awande angete ati kutsi akasawucedzi lombhako wakhe lomnandzi onkhe emalanga. +Emva kwemaviki lambalwa, Inkhosana Shukela abesagcine umbhako wakhe lokumnandzi lomningi kangangekutsi besekute lomunye lotawenela kulendzawo lesitsele. Ngako-ke wabita tisebenti takhe naMary, lombhaki wasebukhosini, wabese ubatjela kutsi abawulahle lomunye walombhako lomnandzi. +“Yentani siciniseko kwekutsi Awande akaniboni nenta loku,” waba nika umtsetfo. +Ngako-ke, ngakusasa ekuseni Mary naletisebenti betfwala lombhako lomnandzi lebewusele bayowufaka ekhatsi ehlatsini lelingemuva kwalesigodlo. Kodvwa kwenteka intfo lemangalisako: ngalobo busuku, ngesikhatsi bonkhe balele, wonkhe lombhako lomnandzi lobewulahlwe ehlatsini wabonakala esigodlweni! +Ngekusa ekuseni, Awande, umbhaki, wefika nembhako lomnandzi lomusha, wafuna kubona Inkhosana Shukela ngemandla. +“Ucabange kutsi ngingeke ngati uma ulahle lombhako wami lomnandzi? Awuzange uvuma kudla wonkhe lombhako lomnandzi lengikutfumela wona ngekuphela kwelilanga. Ngakwecwayisa ekucaleni kutsi umbhako wami lomnandzi ukhetsekile futsi nekutsi kufanele uwucedze wonkhe,” kwasho Awande ngekutfukutsela. +Inkhosana Shukela yacala yeva yesaba kancane nesisu sakhe saba sengatsi siyagula kancane, kodvwa wadla waphindzaphindza wawucedza lombhako losele nalona abewuletsile Awande ngalelo langa. +“Angisawujabuleli lombhako lomnandzi,” kwasho Inkhosana Shukela ngakusasa ekuseni ngesikhatsi Awande efika nembhako lomnandzi wangalelo langa. +“Sitsembiso, sitsembiso, wena Waphakathi,” kwasho Awande. + +Inkhosana Shukela yabukeka ilusizi. “Yini lengingakwenta kukumisa lokungibhakela lombhako lomnandzi onkhe emalanga?” kwabuta Inkhosana Shukela. +“Ubitwa ngekutsi uyiNkhosana Shukela ngoba utsandza tintfo letinongoteleko. Kantsi, ngenca yemitsetfo yakho, labanye bantfwana abakwati kunongotela,” kwaphendvula Awande. “Ngako-ke, ufanele kutsi udle uphindzaphindze lombhako lomnandzi, kute kunongotele lemilomo yalabantfwana.” Ngekucedza kusho loko, lombhaki wagucuka wahamba waphuma kulesigodlo, washiya likhekhe lelikhulu lelimnandzi leNkhosana Shukela kutsi ilidle. +Inkhosana Shukela yacabanga yacabanga ngaloku lokushiwo ngu-Awande kodvwa ayizange ikuvisisa. Imilomo yalabantfwana itawunongotela njani nangabe bekungiyo yodvwa lebeyidla lombhako lomnandzi wa-Awande? Ngako-ke, lenkhosana yahamba yaya engadzeni lapho bekuthule khona. bekafuna kucabanga indlela yekumisa Awande kutsi angabe asayiletsela umbhako lomnandzi onkhe emalanga. +Isahamba, libhola letinyawo landiza ngetulu kwelubondza loludze lwengadze laye layowela ehlashaneni. Lokulandzelako kwavela umfanyana lomncane longcolile ngetulu kwalolubondza atotsatsa lebhola. Ngesikhatsi abona Inkhosana Shukela, waphose wawa ngenca yekwetfuka. +“Wena Waphakathi, ngiyacolisa. Ngite-nje kutotsatsa lebhola,” kwasho lomfana lowetfukile. +Inkhosana Shukela beyiphisheke kakhulu icabanga lisu lekumisa lokutfola lombhako lomnandzi kangangobe yakhohlwa kutfukutsela. +“Ngaphambi kwekutsatsa lebhola yakho,” kwasho yona, “ngicela ungitjele kutsi yini lengenta umlomo wakho unongotele.” +“Tintfo letentiwe ngashukela wena Waphakathi,” kwasho lomfanyana ngemahloni. “Emakhekhe, emadonathi nemabhisikithi – tonkhe tintfo lesingakavunyelwa kutsi sitidle.” +Lomfanyana wabukeka alusizi ngesikhatsi asho loku yaze Inkhosana Shukela yativa inemahloni. Yatibona kwekucala-ngca kutsi beyinemona ingabacabangeli kangakanani labanye bantfu. Abenembhako lomnandzi lomnyenti kakhulu labengasawujabuleli, kodvwa labantfwana balesigodzi bebangakaze banambitse intfo lenongotelako sikhatsi lesidze kakhulu. +Lenkhosana yasheshisa yabuyela esigodlweni yase itfumela kutsi kubitwe Awande. +“Awande,” kwasho yena, “Benginemona ngingacabangelani futsi ngikhohlakele. Ngitsandza kuba nelidzili lebantfu balesigodzi. Ngicela kutsi ubhake umbhako wakho lomnandzi ubhakele labantfwana nebatali babo futsi. Kusuka namuhla, wonkhe wonkhe angatidla tintfo letinongotelako nabatsandza kutidla.” +Awande wamoyitela. “Ngentfokoto, wena Waphakathi!” kwasho yena, futsi wabhaka lamahle kakhulu nalamnandzi kwendlula emakhekhe, emabhisikithi nemathathi labantfu balesigodzi labebangakate sebawabone noma bawanambitse. Futsi bawadla, baphindze bawadla baze baneliseka. +Ngakusasa ekuseni, Awande, umbhaki, abesanyamalele futsi kwangatfolakali neluhala lwekutsi ushonephi. Inkhosana Shukela yachubeka nekwentela bantfu balesigodzi emadzili – kodvwa manje besekubhaka yena naMary ngekwabo.",ssw,Siswati,"Inkhosana Shukela na-Awande, umbhak","There was once a prince named Sugar. Prince Sugar was named after his love of sweet treats like cakes, biscuits, tarts, doughnuts and puddings. Prince Sugar was so spoilt that he wouldn’t share any of his sweet treats with the village ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe ngu-Ayanda Hlatshway,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/inkhosana-shukela-na-awande-umbhaki +prince-sugar-and-awande-the-baker,"Ku tshame ku va na hosana leyi a va ku i Chukele. Hosi Chukele u thyiwile vito leri hikwalaho ka ku rhandza ka yena swakudya swo nyanganya ku fana na makhekhe, mabisikiti, thatsi, tidonati na phudin’i. Hosi Chukele a onhiwile lero a nga koti ku avelana ni vana van’wana swakudya swa yena leswo nyanganya etikweni. +“Ku hava loyi a dyaka makhekhe ya mina! Wa swi twisisa, Mary? Walowo i nawu!” Ku vula Hosi Chukele eka mubaki wa le vuhosini. “Makhekhe, mabisikiti na tithatsi hikwaswo i swa mina na mina ntsena.” +Siku rin’wana, mubaki un’wana wo hlamarisa o tshuka a humelerile etikweni. U sungurile ku phakela swilayi swa makhekhe na mabisikiti eka vana hinkwavo. Loko Hosi Chukele a twa hi leswi, u hlundzukile kutani a rhumela varindzi va yena ku ya khoma mubaki va n’wi tisa eka yena. +“Hikwalahokayini u nghena etikweni ra mina u nyika vana swo nandziha. Leswi swi lwisana na nawu!” ku bokoloka Hosi Chukele a hlundzukile. +“Hosi ya mina. Ndza tisola swinene. Ndzi kombela ku lulamisa xihoxo xa mina hi ku bakela wena ntsena,” ku hlamula mubaki loyi vito ra yena a ku ri Awande. “Ndzi ta ku bakela swo nandziha siku rin’wana na rin’wana. Leswi ndzi swi bakaka swihlawulekile swinene. U fanele ku dya swakudya leswi swi hela hi siku.” +“Ina, ndzi ta swi kota ku heta swakudya leswo nandziha hi siku!” ku vula Hosi hi makolo. +“Swi kahle,” ku hlamula Awande hi n’wayitelo. +Hikwalaho, mixo wun’wana na wun’wana, Hosi Chukele a kuma switshongo leswi bakiweke, leswi a swi mitetela kunene. Loko masiku ma karhi ma famba, switshongo swi ya swi tikomba swi nandziha na ku kula. Hosi Chukele a tsakile swinene, naswona a heta makhekhe lamo nandziha, mabisikiti na tithatsi a nga avelananga hambi xipetlunyana xitsongo na vana va le tikweni. + +Kambe loko switshongo swi ya swi karhi swi kula na ku kula, u kumile lesi Hosi Chukele waku a nge he swi koti ku swi heta. A fanele a swi tumbeta eka ndhawu ya le xihundleni xa ntsindza leswaku Awande a nga swi tivi leswaku a nga ha swi koti ku heta switshongo masiku hinkwawo. +Endzhaku ka mavhiki matsongo, Hosi Chukele a fanele a tumbeta switshongo swo tala lero a swi nga ha ringani eka ndhawu yo fihlela eka yona. Kutani, a vitana malandza ya yena na Mary, mubaki wa le vuhosini, kutani a va lerisa ku ya cukumeta swin’wana swa switshongo leswi. +“Tiyisisani leswaku Awande a nga mi voni loko mi endla leswi,” a lerisa. +Kwalaho, mixo lowu landzelaka Mary na vatirhi lavan’wana va tekile switshongo leswi a swi sele va ya swi lahla enhoveni endzhaku ka ntsindza. Kambe nchumu wo hlamarisa wu humelerile vusiku byebyo, loko hinkwavo va ha etlele, switshongo hinkwaswo leswi a swi cukumetiwile enhoveni swi humelerile entsindza! +Mixo lowu landzelaka, Awande, mubaki, u fikile na switshongo leswo tsokombela kutani a koxa ku vona Hosi Chukele. +“Xana u anakanya leswaku a ndzi nga swi tivi leswaku u cukumetile switshongo swa mina? Xana a wu pfumelanga leswaku u ta dya u heta switshongo hinkwaswo hi ku pela ka dyambu rero? Ndzi ku tshimyile emasungulweni leswaku switshongo swa mina swi hlawulekile na leswaku u fanele ku heta xin’wana na xin’wana,” ku vula Awandle a hlundzukile. +Hosi Chukele a sungule ku tela hi ku chava naswona khwiri ra yena a ri sungula ku vabya, kambe yena u yile emahlweni a dya na ku dya kufikela loko a heta leswi a swi sele ku katsa na leswi Awande a tile na swona siku rero. +“A ndza ha tiphini hi switshongo,” ku vula Hosi Chukele hi siku leri landzelaka loko Awande a fika na switshongo swa siku rero. +“Xitshembiso i xitshembiso, Hosi ya mina,” ku vula Awande. +Hosi a yi languteka yi tsanile. “Xana ndzi nga endla yini ku ku yimisa ku ndzi bakela switshongo masiku hinkwaswo?” ku vutisa Hosi Chukele. + +“Va ri hi wena Hosi Chukele hikuva u rhandza swilo swo nyanganya. Ina, hikwalaho ka milawu ya wena, vana lavan’wana a va ku tivi ku nyanganya,” ku hlamula Awande. “Hikwalaho, u fanele u dya na ku dya switshongo, ku kondza loko milomo ya vana yi nyanganya.” Hi marito yalawo, mubaki a hundzuluka a huma entsindza, a siyile khekhe lerikulu lero nandziha leswaku Hosi Chukele a ri dya. +Hosi Chukele a anakanya lero na anakanya hi leswi Awande a nga ha ku swi vula kambe a nga swi twisisanga. Xana milomo ya vana yi ta nyanganya njhani loko ku ri hi yena a ri yexe a dyaka switshongo swa Awande? Kwalaho, hosanna yi fambafambile exirhapeni laha a ku miyerile. A lava ku anakanya hi ndlela ya ku yimisa Awande ku tisa switshongo swo nyanganya eka yena siku na siku. +Loko a ri karhi a fambafamba, bolo ya milenge yi hahile khumbi ra xirhapa kutani yi nghena enhoveni. Lexi nga landzela a ku ri jaha ra misisi yo javaringa loyi a ta ku ta teka bolo. Loko a vona Hosi Chukele, u lavile ku wa hikwalaho ka ku chava. +“Hosi ya mina, ndza tisola. Ndzi tile ntsena ku ta teka bolo,” ku vula jaha lero chuha. +Hosi Chukele a ha khomekile hi ku anakanya hi kungu ra ku yimisa switshongo swo nyanganya lero a rivale na ku kariha. +“U nga si teka bolo ya wena,” a vula, “ndzi kombela u ndzi byela leswaku i yini lexi xi nga endlaka leswaku nomo wa wena wu nyanganya.” +“Swilo leswi nga endliwa hi chukele, Hosi ya mina,” ku vula jaha leritsongo hi tingana. “Makhekhe na tidonati na mabisikitsi – swilo hinkwaswo leswi hi nga pfumeleriwiki ku swi dya.” +Jaha leritsongo a ri tikomba ri tsanile loko ri vula leswi kufikela loko Hosi Chukele a tela hi tingana. Rosungula, a vona hilaha a ri na makwanga hakona. A ri na switshongo swo nandzhiha swo tala leswi a nga ha tiphini hi swona, kambe vana va le tikweni a va se tshama va natswa nchumu wo nyanganya ku ringana nkarhi wo leha, leha. +Hosana yi hatlisile yi tlhelela entsindza kutani yi rhuma vatirhi ku landza Awande. +“Awande,” a vula, “A ndzi ri na makwanga na ku va xiphunta. Ndzi lava ku va na nkhuvo na vanhu va le tikweni. Ndzi kombela u bakela vana na vatswari va vona switshongo swa wena. Kusuka namuntlha, un’wana na un’wana a nga dya swilo swo nyanganya loko a swi lava. +Awande a n’wayitela. “Hi mbilu yo basa, Hosi ya mina!” a vula, kutani a baka makhekhe yo saseka na ku nandziha swinene, mabisikiti na tithatsi leswi vanhu va le tikweni a va nga si tshama va swi vona kumbe ku swi nantswa. Kutani va dya lero na dya kufikela laha va nga enela. +Mixo lowu landzelaka, Awande, mubaki, u nyamalarile a nga ha kumeki. Hosi Chukele u yile emahlweni ku va na mikhuvo na vanhu va tiko – kambe sweswi yena na Mary va tibakela hi voxe.",tso,Xitsonga,"Hosi Chukele na Awande, mubak","There was once a prince named Sugar. Prince Sugar was named after his love of sweet treats like cakes, biscuits, tarts, doughnuts and puddings. Prince Sugar was so spoilt that he wouldn’t share any of his sweet treats with the village ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Tsariwile hi Ayanda Hlatshway,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hosi-chukele-na-awande-mubaki +prince-sugar-and-awande-the-baker,"Bekunomntwanekosini obizwa ngokuthi nguSwigiri. Umntwanekosi uSwigiri igameli walifumana ngebanga lokuthi uthanda izinto ezimnandi njengamakhekhe, amabhiskidi, amatharthi, amadonathi nephudingi. Umntwanekosi uSwigiri bekatefa khulu kangangobana bekangafuni nokupha abanye abantwana benarheni yekhabo izinto zakhe ezimnandi. +“Akekho umuntu odla amakhekhe wami! Uyangizwa, Mary? Loyo mthetho!” kutjho umNtwanekosi uSwigiri atjela umbhagi webukhosini. “Amakhekhe, amabhiskidi netharthi ngezami, ngezami kwaphela.” +Ngelinye ilanga, kwafika umbhagi omutjha ongaziwako enarheni le. Wathoma ukupha boke abantwana iinqetjhana zamakhekhe namabhiskidi. Kwathi lokha umNtwanekosi uSwigiri nakezwa ngendaba le, wasilingeka khulu wathumela abonogada bakhe bona bayokubopha umbhagi bamlethe kuye. +“Uyenza njani into yokuthi ungene enarhenami ufike uphe abantwana izinto ezimnandi. Kuphambene nomthetho!” kurhuwelela umNtwanekosi uSwigiri asilingekile. +“Ayidle izitjhiyele, wena webuKhosini, ngibetha isandla phezu kwesinye. Ngibawa ungivumele ngilungise umtjhapho engiwenzileko ngibhagele wena kwaphela,” kuphendula umbhagi, igama lakhe bekungu-Awande. “Ngizokubhagela iinkhanakhana ezitjha qobe langa. Izinto engizibhagako zikhetheke kwamambala. Kufuze uzidle zoke uziqede ngaphambi kobana kutjhinge ilanga.” +“Akusimraro loyo, ngizoziqeda ngelanga ezifike ngalo!” kutjho umNtwanekosi omarhamaru. +“Kulungile,” kuphendula u-Awande amomotheka. +Yeke, ngamalanga ekuseni umNtwanekosi uSwigiri bekafumana iinkhanakhana ezitjha ezibhagiweko, bekazigomojela zoke. Njengombana amalanga akhamba, iinkhanakhana bezibamnandi khulu begodu ziba zikulu. UmNtwanekosi uSwigiri bekathabe kwamambala begodu bekawaqeda woke amakhekhe amnandi, amabhiskidi netharthi ngaphandle kobana aphe abantwana benarheni ngitjho isiqetjhana lesi. + +Kodwana njengombana iinkhanakhana ziba zikulu, umNtwanekosi uSwigiri wabona ukuthi sele kubudisi bona aziqede. Kwafuze azifihle endaweni efihlekileko yesigodlweni ukwenzela bona u-Awande angazi ukuthi akasaziqedi iinkhanakhana qobe langa. +Ngemva kweemveke ezimbalwa, umNtwanekosi uSwigiri besele afihle iinkhanakhana ezinengi khulu kangangobana besele ingasekho indawo. Yeke, wabiza iinsebenzi zakhe noMary, umbhagi webukhosini, wabayala bona balahle ezinye iinkhanakhana. +Wabayala wathi, “nenze isiqiniseko sokobana u-Awande akaniboni nanizilahlako.” +Yeke, ngelanga elilandelako ekuseni uMary neensebenzi bathatha iinkhanakhana ebegade zisele bayozilahla phakathi ehlathini ebelingemva kwesigodlo. Kodwana kwenzeka into erarako: Ngobusukobo, ngesikhathi woke umuntu alele, zoke iinkhanakhana ebegade zilahliwe ehlathini zabuyela esigodlweni! +Ngelanga elilandelako ekuseni, u-Awande, umbhagi, weza nezinye iinkhanakhana ezitjha, wafuna ukubona umNtwanekosi uSwigiri. +“Ucabanga ukuthi bengekhe ngazi nawulahla iinkhanakhana zami? Akhange uvume bona uzozidla zoke iinkhanakhana engikupha zona uziqede ngelanga engikuphe ngalo? Ngakutjela kusukela ekuthomeni bona iinkhanakhana zami zikhethekile begodu kuzokufuze uziqede qobe langa,” kutjho u-Awande asilingekile. +UmNtwanekosi uSwigiri wathoma ukuthukwa kancazana, amathumbakhe athoma ukubabuhlungu kodwana wadla, wadla bewaziqeda zoke iinkhanakhana eziseleko kuhlanganise naleza u-Awande ebekazilethe mhlokho. +“Angisazithabeli iinkhanakhanezi,” kutjho umNtwanekosi uSwigiri ngelanga elilandelako ekuseni u-Awande nakafikako alethe iinkhanakhana zamhlokho. +“Isithembiso sithembiso wena webuKhosini,” kutjho u-Awande. +  + +  +Umntwanekosi wabonakala adanile. “Khuyini engingayenza bona ungasangibhageli iinkhanakhana qobe langa?” kubuza umNtwanekosi uSwigiri. +“Ubizwa ngokuthi umNtwanekosi uSwigiri ngombana uthanda izinto ezineswigiri. Ngebanga lemithethwakho abanye abantwana abazazi izinto ezineswigiri,” kuphendula u-Awande. “Yeke, kufuze udle, uzidle iinkhanakhanezi, bekube kulapho imilomo yabantwana izwakala iswigiri.” Ngemva kwalokho umbhagi waphenduka wakhamba, watjhiyela umNtwanekosi uSwigiri ikhekhe elikhulu elimnandi bona alidle. +UmNtwanekosi wacabanga, wacabanga ngamezwi akhulunywe ngu-Awande kodwana akhange awazwisise. Imilomo yabantwana izokuba neswigiri njani nange kunguye kwaphela odla iinkhanakhana zaka-Awande? Yeke, umNtwanekosi wakhamba khamba esivandeni, bekunganatjhada. Bekufuze acabange ukuthi uzomlisisa njani u-Awande bona angasaziletha iinkhanakhana qobe langa. +  +Njengombana akhamba khamba, ibholo leenyawo ladlula ngaphezu kweboda elide lesivande lawela emithini. Kwalandela umnsanyana omahlikihliki ebodeni azokuthatha ibholo. Wapheze wawa nakabona umNtwanekosi uSwigiri ngebanga lokuthukwa. +  +“Wena weBukhosini, ungilibalele. Ngizokuthatha ibholo kwaphela,” kutjho umsanyana obekathukiwe. +  +UmNtwanekosi uSwigiri bekalokhu acabanga iqhinga lokwenza bona angasafumani iinkhanakhana ezimnandi kangangobana wakhohlwa nokusilingeka. +  +Wathi, “ngaphambi kobana uthathe ibholwakho, ngibawa ungitjele yini engenza umlomakho ube neswigiri.” +  +“Zizinto ezenziwe ngeswigiri, wena webuKhosini” kutjho umsanyana omncani asaba. “Amakhekhe, amadonathi namabhiskidi – zoke izinto esingakavunyelwa bona sizidle.” +  +Umsanyana beka bonakala adane khulu nakakhuluma indaba le kangangobana umNtwanekosi uSwigiri wezwa ubuhlungu khulu. Kukokuthoma, abona ukuthi bekamarhamaru kangangani. Bekafumana iinkhanakhana ezinengi khulu kangangobana besele angasazithabeli kodwana sele kusikhathi eside abantwana benarheni bangadli izinto ezineswigiri. +  +Umntwanekosi wabuyela esigodlweni ngokurhabako wayala bona kubizwe u-Awande. +  +Wathi, “Awande, bengimarhamaru begodu ngisidlhayela. Ngifuna ukwenzela abantu benarha le umnyanya. Ngibawa ubhagele abantwana nababelethi babo. Kusukela namhlanjesi woke umuntu angadla izinto ezineswigiri ngendlela afuna ngayo.” +  +U-Awande wamomotheka. Wathi, “ngizokwenza njalo, wena webuKhosini!” Wabhaga amakhekhe amnandi, amabhiskidi netharthi abantu benarheni abangakhenge bayibone namkha bayidle. Badla, badla bebaneliseka. +  +Ngelanga elilandeleko ekuseni, u-Awande, umbhagi, walahleka kwangazi muntu bona uyekuphi. UmNtwanekosi uSwigiri waragela phambili enzela abantu benarheni le iminyanya – kodwana nje besele kunguye noMary ababhagako.",nbl,isiNdebele,"UmNtwanekosi uSwigiri no-Awande, umbhag","There was once a prince named Sugar. Prince Sugar was named after his love of sweet treats like cakes, biscuits, tarts, doughnuts and puddings. Prince Sugar was so spoilt that he wouldn’t share any of his sweet treats with the village ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe ngu-Ayanda Hlatshway,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umntwanekosi-uswigiri-no-awande-umbhagi +prince-sugar-and-awande-the-baker,"Ho vhuya ha vha na muṅwe mukololo ane a pfi Swigiri. Mukololo Swigiri o irwa ḽeneḽo dzina nga nṱhani ha uri o vha a tshi funesa zwiḽiwa zwine zwa ṱapila zwi ngaho makhekhe, mabisikitsi, dzithathi, magwinya na dziphudini. Mukololo Swigiri o vha e ndeṅwa i re na tseḓa lwe a vha a tshi ḽa zwenezwo zwiḽiwa zwi ṱapilaho e eṱhe a dzima vhana vha muḓanani. +“Ni songo ṋea muthu makhekhe anga! Zwi khou pfala, Mary? Mulayo u ralo!” a ralo Mukololo Swigiri a tshi vhudza mubaki wa vhuhosini. “Makhekhe, mabisikitsi na thathi zwoṱhe ndi zwanga, ndi zwanga ndi ndoṱhe.” +Ḽiṅwe ḓuvha ha ḓa mubaki muswa wa mufumakadzi muḓanani. Onoyo mubaki a mbo ḓi thoma u ṋea vhana vhoṱhe zwiḽai zwa khekhe na mabisikitsi. Musi Mukololo Swigiri a tshi pfa zwenezwi, a sinyuwa zwihulu nahone a rumela vhalindi uri vha fare onoyo mubiki vha mu ḓise khae. +“No tou dzhenwa nga’ni lune na ḓa muḓanani wanga na vho thoma u ṋea vhana zwiḽiwa zwo bakiwaho. Mulayo a u tendi!” ha huwelela Mukololo Swigiri o sinyuwa. +“Pfarelo Musanda wanga, ndi khou ḓisola tshoṱhe. Ndi humbela uri vha ntendele ndi lugise vhukhakhi hanga nga u bakela vhone fhedzi,” hu fhindula mubaki ane a pfi Awande. “Ndi ḓo vha bakela zwithu zwi ḓifhaho ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe. Ndi ḓo vha bakela zwithu zwo khetheaho. Vha tea u ḽa zwenezwo zwithu zwi ḓifhaho vha zwi fhedze nga ḓuvha.” +“A zwi dini hezwo, ndi ḓo zwi fhedza ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe!” hu amba Mukololo nga vhupangwa. +“Zwi ḓo ita mathina!,” hu fhindula Awande a tshi khou ṅwethuwa. +  +Nga zwenezwo, matsheloni maṅwe na maṅwe, Mukololo Swigiri o vha a tshi ṋewa zwithu zwine zwa kha ḓi tou bva u bakiwa, nahone a zwi govhedza. Musi maḓuvha a tshi khou ḓi ṱanḓulukana, zwithu zwo bakiwaho zwe a vha a tshi ṋewa zwone zwo vha zwi tshi pfala zwi tshi ḓifha nahone zwi tshi engedzea. Mukololo Swigiri a takala na zwikunwe nahone a ḽa a zwi fhedza zwoṱhe, makhekhe, mabisikitsi na thathi dzi ḓifhaho a sa vhuye a ṋea vhana vha muḓanani na kupiḓa zwakwo. +  + +  +Fhedzi musi zwenezwi zwithu zwo bakiwaho zwi tshi khou ḓi engedzea, Mukololo Swigiri a ṱhogomela uri a nga si tsha kona u zwi ḽa a zwi fhedza. O vha a tshi tea u zwi vhea fhethu hune ha vha tshiphirini uri Awande a sa ḓivhe uri o vha a sa tsha kona u zwi ḽa a zwi fhedza ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe. +Nga murahu ha vhege dzi si gathi, Mukololo Swigiri a vho kombetshedzea u vhea zwithu zwinzhi zwo bakiwaho lwe zwa si tsha eḓana fhethu hawe ha tshiphirini. Ndi izwi-ha a tshi vhidza vhashumeli vhawe na Mary, mubaki wa vhuhosini, a vha vhudza uri vha laṱe zwiṅwe zwa zwithu zwo bakiwaho. +A vha laedza a ri: “Ni ite vhungoho ha uri Awande ha ni vhoni musi ni tshi zwi laṱa.” +Nga zwenezwo, nga tsha matshelo nga matsheloni Mary na vhashumeli vha dzhia zwithu zwo bakiwaho zwe zwa sala vha zwi isa ḓakani ḽi re murahu ha pfamo. Fhedzi ha itea tshithu tshi mangadzaho: vhusiku honoho, musi vhathu vhoṱhe vho eḓela, zwithu zwoṱhe zwo bakiwaho zwe zwa laṱiwa ḓakani zwo mbo ḓi dovha zwa bvelela pfamoni! +Nga tsha matshelo nga matsheloni, Awande, mubaki, a swika na zwiḽiwa zwi ḓifhaho zwine zwa kha ḓi tou bva u bakiwa, a humbela u vhona Mukololo Swigiri. +“Naa no vha ni tshi humbula uri ndi nga si zwi ḓivhe arali na laṱa zwi��iwa zwanga? Naa a no ngo tenda uri ni ḓo ḽa zwiḽiwa zwine nda zwi ḓisa na zwi fhedza nga ḓuvha? Ndo ni vhudza uri zwiḽiwa zwanga zwo khethea na uri ni tea u zwi fhedza,” a ralo Awande o halifha. +  +Mukololo Swigiri a ḓipfa a tshi vho ofhanyana nahone a farwa nga dangani, fhedzi a ḽa, a ḽa u swika a tshi fhedza zwiḽiwa zwoṱhe zwe zwa vha zwo sala na zwe Awande a ḓa nazwo ḽeneḽo ḓuvha. +  +“A thi tsha ḓiphina nga zwiḽiwa zwaṋu zwo bakiwaho,” hu amba Mukololo Swigiri nga tsha matshelo nga matsheloni musi Awande a tshi ḓa na zwiḽiwa zwo bakiwaho zwa ḽeneḽo ḓuvha. +  +“Fulufhedziso ndi fulufhedziso Musanda wanga,” a ralo Awande. +  + +  +Mukololo a vhonala o ṱungufhala. “Ndi nga ita mini u ni thivhela uri ni sa tsha mbakela zwiḽiwa zwi ṱapilaho ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe?” hu vhudzisa Mukololo Swigiri. +  +“Ni vhidzwa Mukololo Swigiri nga ṅwambo wa uri ni funa zwithu zwi ṱapilaho. Fhedzi nga nṱhani ha milayo ye na i vhea, vhaṅwe vhana a vha ḓivhi zwiḽiwa zwi ṱapilaho,” hu fhindula Awande. “Nga zwenezwo ni tea u ḽa, ni ḽe zwiḽiwa zwo bakiwaho u swika milomo ya vhana i tshi ṱapila.” Nga murahu ha zwenezwo, mubaki a mbo ḓi rembuluwa a ṱuwa pfamoni, a siela Mukololo Swigiri khekhe khulwane i ḓifhaho uri a i ḽe. +  +Mukololo Swigiri a fhedza tshifhinga tshilapfu a tshi khou humbula nga zwe Awande a zwi amba, fhedzi a sa zwi pfesese. Milomo ya vhana i nga ṱapila hani arali hu ene e eṱhe ane a ḽa zwiḽiwa zwi ṱapilaho zwa Awande? Ndi izwi-ha mukololo a tshi mbo ḓi ya ngadeni hu si na phosho uri a tshimbile-tshimbile henefho. O vha a tshi tea u humbula nga ha nḓila ya u thivhela Awande uri a si tsha mu ḓisela zwithu zwi ṱapilaho ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe. +  +Musi a tshi khou tshimbila, a vhona bola i tshi pfuka luvhondo lulapfu nahone ya wela henefho zwiṱakani. Nga murahu ha zwenezwo kutukana ku re na tshika kwa gonya luvhondo ku tshi khou tevhela yeneyo bola. Kwonokwo kutukana kwa tshuwa lwe kwa nga ku sa wa musi ku tshi vhona Mukololo Swigiri. +  +“Pfarelo Musanda wanga. Ndo ḓa u dzhia bola,” ha amba onoyo mutukana o tshuwaho. +  +Mukololo Swigiri o vha a tshi kha ḓi humbula nga ha nḓila ya u thivhela u ṋewa zwiḽiwa zwi ṱapilaho lwe a hangwa u sinyuwa. +Mukololo a ri: “Ni sa athu dzhia bola, ndi humbela uri ni mmbudze uri ndi mini zwine zwa ḓo ita uri mulomo waṋu u ṱapile.” +“Ndi zwithu zwi re na swigiri, Musanda wanga,” kwa ralo kutukana nga ipfi ḽi re na ṱhoni. “Makhekhe na magwinya na mabisikitsi – zwithu zwoṱhe zwe ra si tendelwe u zwi ḽa.” +Kwonoko kutukana kwa vhonala kwo ṱungufhala musi ku tshi amba zwenezwi lwe Mukololo Swigiri a farwa nga ṱhoni. Lwa u tou thoma a vhona nḓila ine a vha na tseḓa ngayo. O vha e na zwiḽiwa zwinzhi zwi ṱapilaho zwe a vha a sa tsha ḓiphina ngazwo, fhedzi ho vha ho no fhela tshifhinga tshilapfu vhukuma vhana vha muḓanani vha sa athu ḽa tshiḽiwa naho tshi tshini tshi ṱapilaho. +Mukololo a mbo ḓi gidimela pfamoni a laedza uri hu vhidzwe Awande. +Mukololo a ri: “Awande, ndi na tseḓa nahone ndi tsilu. Ndi ṱoḓa uri ri itele vhathu vha muḓanani tshimima. Ndi humbela uri ni bakele vhana na vhabebi vhavho zwithu zwi ḓifhaho. U bva ṋamusi, muṅwe na muṅwe a nga ḽa zwithu zwi ṱapilaho arali a tshi funa.” +Awande a ṅwethuwa. “Ndi a livhuwa, Musanda wanga!” a ralo nahone a baka makhekhe, mabisikitsi na thathi dza vhuimo ha nṱha, dzi ḓifhaho vhukuma dze vhathu vha muḓanani vha vha vha sa athu u dzi vhona kana u dzi thetshela. Vha ḽa, vha ḽa u swika vha tshi fushea. +Nga tsha matshelo nga matsheloni, Awande, mubaki, a ngalangala zwa sa ḓivhee uri o fhelela ngafhi. Mukololo Swigiri a bvela phanḓa a tshi ita zwimima na vhathu vha muḓanani – fhedzi zwino ho baka ene na Mary.",ven,Tshivenda,Mukololo Swigiri na Awande wa mubak,"There was once a prince named Sugar. Prince Sugar was named after his love of sweet treats like cakes, biscuits, tarts, doughnuts and puddings. Prince Sugar was so spoilt that he wouldn’t share any of his sweet treats with the village ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Muṅwali ndi Ayanda Hlatshway,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mukololo-swigiri-na-awande-wa-mubaki +day-to-remember,"“Hurry up, Neo, we don’t have much time!” said Hope putting down her heavy bag. Hope and Josh were waiting for Neo. They were all going to the park as part of Hope’s plan! Hope had started hatching a plan after reading the new book her mother had bought her. It was about a girl who had bravely saved her village from a scary creature. Hope had enjoyed the book so much that she had finished it in a day and had even dreamt about the scary creature that night! +  +“I hope that what you’ve planned for us will be fun. Why are you in such a hurry?” Neo asked Hope as he shut the front door. Neo was wearing his favourite pirate hat and eye patch. “I’m as clueless as you are, Neo. Hope just asked me to bring my kite to the park,” said Josh pointing to his kite. “Trust me, you’ll enjoy this!” said Hope as she walked off ahead of her friends. Neo and Josh followed, trying to keep up. When they got to the park, they saw the mayor surrounded by a large crowd of people. +  + +“What’s going on?” Josh asked a woman standing nearby. “Well, for a long time, the mayor got lots of complaints because there wasn’t enough shade in the park,” she said. “So, he made sure that lots of new trees were planted and today he’s here to celebrate this with everyone.” “Oh no! The park is too full for my plan to work,” said Hope, disappointed. “What plan?” asked Neo and Josh at the same time, looking at each other. “Do you remember the story I read about the brave girl who saved her village?” asked Hope. “Well, I was hoping we could make a scary creature, tie it to Josh’s kite and then fly it over the park. But now look!” said Hope pointing to the happy people standing around the mayor. +  +Neo saw how sad Hope was. “Nice plan, Hope!” he said. “Let’s go over there behind that big bush. No one will see us there.” Josh and Hope nodded in agreement and off they went. “Josh, you go and find some sticks. Neo, take off your pirate hat and eye patch,” instructed Hope as she took her karate clothes and a balloon out of her bag. Josh found some thin sticks next to a dustbin and the three friends sat behind the bush using string from Hope’s bag to tie them together in a cross-shape for the creature’s body. Then Hope blew up the balloon and tied that on for the creature’s head. They dressed the creature in Hope’s karate clothes and Neo’s pirate hat and eye patch. Josh tied the creature onto his kite. And then they were ready! + +The children hid behind the bush and loosened the kite’s string. A strong gust of wind took the creature off into the sky. Up, up, up it went, racing across the sky away from them. In the meantime, Bella and her mom had arrived at the park to walk Noodle. When Noodle saw the creature dangling in the sky, he started barking and pulling on his leash. Bella tried to hold onto Noodle’s leash, but he pulled so hard that she had to let go. Off went Noodle across the park. Bella and her mom chased after him. +  +Then the creature started to float down towards the mayor’s head as he was making his speech! Noodle was running towards him still barking at the creature – and Bella and her mom were not far behind. Josh pulled on the kite’s string, trying to get the creature up higher into the sky, but it was too late. Noodle leapt up at the creature, knocking over the mayor. Bits of paper with the mayor’s speech on it flew all over the park, and people started running in all directions. +  + +Neo, Josh, Hope, Bella and her mom raced over to help. They found the mayor on the ground next to the creature with Noodle still barking at it. The children helped to calm Noodle down while Bella’s mom helped the mayor up. +  + +  +Then Hope explained her plan and how it had gone wrong. The mayor listened, and when Hope had finished, he just looked at her … and then he started laughing. “Well, now you can write your own scary creature story,” the mayor suggested. Even though Hope’s plan did not quite work out, it was a day they would all remember!",eng,English,A day to remember,"“Hurry up, Neo, we don’t have much time!” said Hope putting down her heavy bag. Hope and Josh were waiting for Neo. They were all going to the park as part of Hope’s plan! Hope had started hatching a plan after reading the new book her ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Lorato Trok,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/day-to-remember +day-to-remember,"“Khawulezisa, Neo, asinaxesha lininzi!” watsho uHope ebeka phantsi ingxowa yakhe enzima. UHope noJosh babelinde uNeo. Bonke babesiya epakini njengenxenye yesicwangciso sikaHope! UHope wayeqale ukucinga isicwangciso emva kokufunda incwadi entsha umama wakhe awayemthengele yona. Yayingentombazana eyayisindise ngobukroti ilali yayo kwisidalwa esasisoyikeka. UHope wayonwabela incwadi kangangokuba wagqiba ukuyifunda ngosuku wada waphupha ngesidalwa esoyikekayo ngobo busuku! +  +“Ndiyathemba ukuba loo nto usicwangcisele yona iza kusonwabisa. Kutheni ungxame kangaka nje?” UNeo wabuza uHope njengoko wayevala ucango olungaphambili. UNeo wayenxibe umnqwazi wakhe awuthandayo wabaphangi baselwandle nesicikwana esikhusela iliso. “Andazi nto tu ndiyafana nawe, Neo. UHope ucele nje ukuba ndize nekayiti yam epakini,” watsho uJosh ekhomba ikayiti yakhe. “Ndithembeni, niza kuyonwabela le nto!” watsho uHope ehamba ngaphambili kwabahlobo bakhe. UNeo noJosh balandela, bezama ukungashiyeki. Bathi bakufika epakini, babona usodolophu erhangqwe yinyambalala yabantu. “Kwenzeka ntoni?” uJosh wabuza inkosikazi eyayimi kufutshane. + +“Kaloku, ixesha elide, usodolophu ubesoloko efumana izikhalazo kuba kungekho mthunzi waneleyo epakini,” yatsho. “Ngoko ke uqinisekise ukuba kutyalwe imithi emininzi emitsha yaye namhlanje ulapha ukuzovuyisana ngoku nomntu wonke.” “Yho hayi! Ipaka izele kakhulu ukuba isicwangciso sam singasebenza,” watsho uHope, edanile. “Esiphi isicwangciso?” wabuza uNeo noJosh ngaxeshanye, bejongana. +  +“Nisakhumbula ngebali lentombazana elikroti eyasindisa ilali yayo?” wabuza uHope. “Kaloku, bendinethemba lokuba siza kwenza isidalwa esoyikekayo, sisibophelele kwikayiti kaJosh size sisibhabhise phezu kwepaka. Kodwa jonga ngoku!” watsho uHope ekhomba abantu abonwabileyo berhanqe usodolophu. UNeo wabona indlela uHope awayelusizi ngayo. “Sisicwangciso esihle eso, Hope!” watsho. “Masiye phaya emva kwelaa tyholo likhulu. Akukho mntu uza kusibona phaya.” UJosh noHope banqwala bevumelana baza bahamba. +  +“Josh, hamba uye kufuna izinti. Neo, khulula umnqwazi wakho wabaphangi baselwandle nesiciko sokukhusela iliso,” wayalela uHope njengoko wayekhupha iimpahla zakhe zekarati nebhaloni kwingxowa yakhe. UJosh wazifumana izinti ezibhityileyo ngasemgqomeni wenkunkuma baza abahlobo abathathu bahlala emva kwetyholo besebenzisa umtya osuka kwingxowa kaHope ukuzoluka ziphambane ukwenza umzimba wesidalwa. Waza uHope wavuthela ibhaloni wayibophelela yenza intloko yesidalwa. Basinxibisa isidalwa iimpahla zikaHope zekarati, nomnqwazi kaNeo wabaphangi baselwandle nesiciko esikhusela iliso. UJosh wasibophelela isidalwa kwikayiti yakhe. Baza balunga! + +Abantwana bazimela emva kwetyholo bakhulula intambo yekayiti. Umoya onamandla wasithatha isidalwa wasinyusela esibhakabhakeni. Senyuka, senyuka, senyuka, sibhabha esibhakabhakeni kude nabo. Ngaxesha nye, uBella nomama wakhe babefikile epakini bezokuwakisa uNoodle. Wathi uNoodle akubona isidalwa sijinga esibhakabhakeni, waqalisa ukukhonkotha exhuzula umnxeba wokulawula inja. UBella wazama ukubamba umnxeba wokulawula kaNoodle, kodwa waxhutha kakhulu kangangokuba kwafuneka amyeke. Nanko ebaleka uNoodle enqumla ipaka. UBella nomama wakhe bamleqa. +  +Saza isidalwa saqala ukundandela ezantsi sibhekise ngakwintloko kasodolophu kanye xa wayesenza intetho yakhe! UNoodle wayebalekela ngakuye esakhonkotha isidalwa – noBella nomama wakhe bengekudanga belandela ngasemva. UJosh wawutsala umtya wekayiti, ezama ukunyusa isidalwa sinyukele esibhakabhakeni, kodwa kwaba sekukade. UNoodle waxhumela isidalwa, wagila usodolophu wamwisa. Amaphetshana anentetho kasodolophu aphaphatheka agcwalisa ipaka, baza abantu baqalisa ukubalekela macala onke. + +UNeo, noJosh noHope noBella nomama wakhe babaleka baya kunceda. Bamfumana ephantsi usodolophu ecaleni kwesidalwa noNoodle esasikhonkotha. Abantwana bancedisa ukuzolisa uNoodle logama uBella nomama wakhe babenceda bephakamisa usodolophu. + +Waza uHope wacacisa ukuba izicwangciso zakhe zonakele njani. Waphulaphula usodolophu, wathi esakugqiba uHope, wamjonga nje … waza waqalisa ukuhleka. “Kaloku, ngoku ungabhala elakho ibali lesidalwa esoyikekayo,” wacebisa watsho usodolophu. + +Nangona isicwangciso sikaHope singazange sisebenze, yayilusuku ababeza kulukhumbula bonke!",xho,isiXhosa,Usuku lokukhunjulw,"“Hurry up, Neo, we don’t have much time!” said Hope putting down her heavy bag. Hope and Josh were waiting for Neo. They were all going to the park as part of Hope’s plan! Hope had started hatching a plan after reading the new book her ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Lorato Trok,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/usuku-lokukhunjulwa +day-to-remember,"“Maak gou, Neo, ons het nie baie tyd nie!” sê Hope en sit haar swaar sak neer. Hope en Josh wag vir Neo. Hulle is almal op pad park toe as deel van Hope se plan! Hope het ’n plan begin beraam nadat sy die nuwe boek gelees het wat haar ma vir haar gekoop het. Dit gaan oor ’n meisie wat dapper haar dorpie van ’n vreesaanjaende monster red. Hope het die boek so baie geniet dat sy dit binne ’n dag klaar gelees het, en selfs daardie nag van die vreesaanjaende monster gedroom het! “Ek hoop net jou plan gaan pret wees. Hoekom is jy so haastig?” vra Neo vir Hope toe hy die voordeur toetrek. Neo het sy gunstelingseerowerhoed op en dra ook ’n oogklap. +  +“Ek weet net so min soos jy, Neo. Hope het my net gevra om my vlieër saam te bring park toe,” sê Josh en beduie na sy vlieër. “Vertrou my, julle gaan dit geniet!” sê Hope terwyl sy voor haar maats uitstap. Neo en Josh volg haar en probeer bybly. Toe hulle by die park kom, sien hulle die burgemeester, met ’n groot skare mense om hom. “Wat gaan aan?” vra Josh vir ’n vrou wat daar naby staan. + +  +“Wel, die burgemeester het die afgelope maande baie klagtes ontvang omdat daar nie genoeg skaduwee in die park is nie,” sê sy. “Daarom het hy baie nuwe bome laat aanplant, en vandag is hy hier om dit saam met almal te vier.”  “Ag, nee! Die park is te vol vir my plan om te werk,” sê Hope teleurgesteld. “Watter plan?” vra Neo en Josh gelyk en kyk na mekaar. “Onthou julle die storie wat ek gelees het van die dapper meisie wat haar dorp gered het?” vra Hope. “Wel, ek het gehoop ons kan ’n vreesaanjaende monster maak, dit aan Josh se vlieër vasbind en dit dan oor die park laat vlieg. Maar kyk nou!” sê Hope, en wys na die glimlaggende mense wat rondom die burgemeester staan. +  +Neo sien hoe hartseer Hope is. “Blink plan, Hope!” sê hy. “Kom ons gaan sit agter daardie groot bos. Niemand sal ons daar sien nie.” Josh en Hope knik instemmend en kies koers soontoe. “Josh, gaan soek jy ’n paar stokkies. Neo, haal jou seerowerhoed en oogklap af,” gee Hope instruksies terwyl sy haar karateklere en ’n ballon uit haar sak haal. Josh vind ’n paar dun stokkies langs ’n vullisdrom. Die drie maats gaan sit agter die bos en gebruik die tou uit Hope se sak om die stokkies in ’n kruisvorm aan mekaar vas te bind vir die monster se lyf. Toe blaas Hope die ballon op en bind dit daaraan vas vir die monster se kop. Hulle trek Hope se karateklere vir die monster aan en sit vir hom Neo se seerowerhoed en oogklap op. Josh maak die monster aan sy vlieër vas. En toe is hulle gereed! + +Die kinders kruip agter die bos weg en laat die vlieër se tou afrol. ’n Sterk rukwind trek die monster hoog in die lug in op. Hoër en hoër vlieg dit op in die lug, al verder van hulle af weg. Intussen het Bella en haar ma by die park aangekom om met Noodle te gaan stap. Toe Noodle die monster in die lug sien hang, begin hy blaf en trek aan sy leiband. Bella probeer aan Noodle se leiband vashou, maar hy trek so hard dat sy moet laat los. Daar hardloop Noodle deur die park, met Bella en haar ma agterna. +  +Toe sweef die monster stadig af tot reg bo die burgemeester se kop terwyl hy nog besig is om sy toespraak te maak! Noodle hardloop steeds blaffend agter die monster aan – met Bella en haar ma op sy hakke. Josh trek aan die vlieër se tou en probeer om die monster hoër in die lug te laat opvlieg, maar dit is te laat. Noodle spring in die lug op om die monster te gryp en stamp die burgemeester om. Stukkies papier met die burgemeester se toespraak daarop waai die park vol, en mense begin in alle rigtings hardloop. + +Neo, Josh, Hope, Bella en haar ma kom vinnig nader om te help. Hulle vind die burgemeester op die grond langs die monster, met Noodle wat steeds daarvoor blaf. Die kinders help om Noodle stil te maak terwyl Bella se ma die burgemeester ophelp. + +Toe verduidelik Hope haar plan en hoe dit skeefgeloop het. Die burgemeester luister, en toe Hope klaar is, kyk hy na haar … en bars uit van die lag. “Wel, nou kan jy jou eie storie oor ’n vreesaanjaende monster skryf,” stel die burgemeester voor. + +  +En selfs al het Hope se plan nie heeltemal uitgewerk nie, is dit ’n dag wat hulle almal sal onthou!",afr,Afrikaans,’n Dag om te onthou,"“Hurry up, Neo, we don’t have much time!” said Hope putting down her heavy bag. Hope and Josh were waiting for Neo. They were all going to the park as part of Hope’s plan! Hope had started hatching a plan after reading the new book her ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Lorato Trok,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/’n-dag-om-te-onthou +day-to-remember,"“Shesha, Neo, asinaso isikhathi esiningi!” kusho uHope ebeka phansi isikhwama sakhe esisindayo. UHope noJosh babelinde uNeo. Bonke babeya epaki njengengxenye yecebo likaHope!UHope wayeqale ukwakha icebo emva kokufunda incwadi entsha ayeyithengelwe unina. Yayimayelana nentombazane eyayisindise isigodi sayo ngobuqhawe esilwaneni esesabekayo. UHope wayeyithokozele ngempela le ncwadi kangangokuba wayeqede ukuyifunda ngosuku olulodwa vo waze wasiphupha nokusiphupha lesi silwane esesabekayo ngalobo busuku! +“Ngethemba ukuthi lokho osihlelele khona sizokuthokozela. Kodwa wena ujaheni kangaka?” uNeo ebuza uHope ngenkathi evala umnyango wangaphambili. UNeo wayefake isigqoko sakhe asithandayo sezigebengu zasolwandle nendwangu yakhona yokuvala iso.“Nami angazi njengawe nje, Neo. UHope ungicele ukuthi ngiphathe ikhayithi lami siye epaki,” kusho uJosh ekhomba ikhayithi.“Ngethembeni, nizokuthokozela lokhu!” kusho uHope esuka ehola abangani bakhe. UNeo noJosh balandela, bezama ukuhambisana naye.Bathe uma befika epaki, babona imeya ihaqwe yisixuku esikhulu sabantu. “Kwenzekani?” uJosh ebuza owesifazane owayemi eduze nje. + +“Phela, sekuyisikhathini eside, kukhalazwa kumeya ngokuthi awukho umthunzi owanele epaki,” emphendula. “Ngakho, yenza isiqiniseko sokuthi kutshalwe izihlahla eziningi ezintsha kanti namuhla izele ukuzobungaza lokhu nabantu bonke.”“Awu bakithi! Ipaki igcwele kakhulu ukuthi ngingakwazi ukusebenzisa icebo lami,” kusho uHope, ejabhile.“Liphi icebo?” kubuza uNeo noJosh ngasikhathi sinye, bebukana. +“Niyayikhumbula indaba engiyifundile mayelana nentombazane enesibindi eyasindisa isigodi sangakubo?” kubuza uHope. “Empeleni, benginethemba lokuthi singazakhela isilwane esesabekayo, sisibophele ekhayithini likaJosh bese siyindizisa phezu kwepaki. Kodwa manje bhekani!” kusho uHope ekhomba abantu abeneme ababemi bezungeze imeya.UNeo wabona ukuthi uHope wayejabhe kangakanani. “Icebo elihle lelo, Hope!” kusho yena. “Asihambe siye laphaya ngemuva kwalesiya sihlahla esikhulu. Akekho ozosibona laphaya.” UJosh noHope banqekuzisa amakhanda bevumelana nalokhu base nempela beqonda khona. +“Josh, ake uhambe uyofuna izinti. Neo, khumula isigqoko sakho sezigebengu zasolwandle nepheshi lelo,” kuyalela uHope ekhipha izingubo zakhe zekarate nebhelunde esikhwameni sakhe.UJosh wathola izinti ezincane eduze nomgqomo kadoti, abangani abathathu base behlala emva kwezihlahla besebenzisa izintambo eziphuma esikhwameni sikaHope ukuze bazibophe njengesiphambano emzimbeni wesilwane abasenzile. UHope wase elifutha ibhelunde elibophela ekhanda lesilwane.Isilwane basigqokisa izembatho zikaHope zekarate nesigqoko nendwangu yeso kwezigebengu zasolwandle kukaNeo. UJosh wabophela isilwane ekhayithini lakhe. Konke-ke kwabe sekumi ngobumo! + +Izingane zacasha emva kwezihlahla zabe sezidedela intambo yekhayithi. Umfutho womoya onamandla wafukula isilwane sabheka phezulu esibhakabhakeni. Senyuka, senyuka, senyuka sibheke phezulu, sintweza le esibhakabhakeni siqhela kubo. +Ngaleso sikhathi, uBella nonina base befikile epaki ukuzohambisa uNoodle. Lapho uNoodle ebona isilwane silenga esibhakabhakeni, waqala ukukhonkotha ezama ukudlubulundela entanjeni yakhe. UBella wazama ukubamba intambo kaNoodle, kodwa wayedonsa ngamandla kakhulu kunaye kwaze kwadingeka ukuba amdedele. Nango-ke uNoodle esegijima edabula ipaki. UBella nonina balandela ngejubane emva kwakhe. +Isilwane saqala ukuntanta sehla siqonde ngqo ekhanda lemeya ngenkathi isethula inkulumo yayo! UNoodle naye wayengazibekile phansi egijima eqonde kuyona esasikhonkotha belu isilwane – uBella nonina babelapha ngemva kwakhe. +UJosh wadonsa intambo yekhayithi, ezama ukukhuphulela isilwane lesi phezulu esibhakabhakeni, kodwa babe sebephuzile. UNoodle wathi egxumela isilwane lesi, washayisa imeya yawa phansi. Izingcucu zamaphepha enkulumo yemeya zaphephuka zagcwala ipaki lonke, nabantu baqala ukubaleka bashona ndawo zonke. + +UNeo, uJosh, uHope, uBella nonina baphuthuma khona ukuze bayosiza. Bafica imeya isephansi eduze kwesilwane uNoodle elokhu esikhonkotha. Izingane zasiza ukuthulisa uNoodle ngenkathi unina kaBella esiza imeya. +UHope wase elichaza icebo lakhe nokuthi lalingaphumelelanga kanjani. Imeya yalalela, kwathi lapho uHope eseqedile, yasimze yambuka nje … yabe isiphubuka ihleka. “Uyabona-ke, manje usungabhala eyakho indaba yesilwane esesabekayo,” kuphakamisa imeya. + +Ngisho noma icebo likaHope lingazange liphumelele, kodwa kwaba usuku bonke ababeyohlale belukhumbula!",zul,isiZulu,Usuku esiyohlale silukhumbu,"“Hurry up, Neo, we don’t have much time!” said Hope putting down her heavy bag. Hope and Josh were waiting for Neo. They were all going to the park as part of Hope’s plan! Hope had started hatching a plan after reading the new book her ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Lorato Trok,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/usuku-esiyohlale-silukhumbula +day-to-remember,"“Yenza msinya Neo, asinasikhathi!” kutjho uHope abeka isikhwama sakhe esibudisi phasi. UHope banoJosh bebalindele uNeo. Boke bebaya ephageni njengokweqhinga likaHope! +UHope besele athome ukutlama iqhinga ngemva kokufunda incwadi etja ayithengelwe ngunina. Beyiphathelene nomntazana obenesibindi sokuphephisa indawo yekhabo esilwaneni esithusako. UHope wayithabela incwadi le kangangoba waqeda ukuyifunda ngelanga linye, wabe wabhudanga ngesilwana esithusako leso ebusuku lobo! +“Ngiyathemba bona lokho osihlelele khona kuzosithabisa. Kubayini urhabe kangaka?”kubuza uNeo kuHope lokha nakavala umnyango wangaphambili. UNeo bekathwele ingwani yakhe yephayirethi ayithandako nepetjhi yokuvala ilihlo. +“Angazi litho njengawe, Neo. UHope sewangibawa bona ngize nekhayithi yami ephageni,” kutjho uJosh akhomba ikhayithi yakhe.“Ngithembani, nizokuthabela lokhu!” kutjho uHope asuka akhamba phambi kwabangani bakhe. UNeo noJosh balandela, bazama ukukhambisana naye. +Lokha nabafika ephageni, babona usodorobho abhodwe siqubuthu esikhulu sabantu. “Kwenzakalani?” UJosh wabuza umma ogade ajame eduze. + +“Sekusikhathi eside usodorobho athola iinghonghoyilo ezinengi ngombana akunamthunzi owaneleko ephageni,” kwatjho umma loyo. “Ngalokho-ke, waqinisekisa bona imithi eminengi emitjha iyatjalwa, manje namhlanjesi ulapha kobana azokugidinga lokhu nomuntu woke.” +“Afeke! Iphaga izele khulu kobana iqhinga lami lingasebenza,” kwatjho uHope, adanile.“Qhinga bani?” kwabuza uNeo banoJosh ngasikhathi sinye, baqalane. +“Uyayikhumbula indatjana engiyifundileko emayelana nomntazana onesibindi owasindisa indawo yekhabo?” kubuza uHope. “Alo-ke, benginethemba lokobana singenza isilwana esithusako, sisibophelele ekhayithini kaJosh bese sisiphaphisa ngehla kwephaga. Kodwana manjesi qalani!” kutjho uHope akhomba abantu abathabileko abajame babhode usodorobho. +UNeo wabona bonyana uHope udane kangangani. “Liqhinga elihle, Hope!” watjho njalo. “Asikhambeni siyengehlapha ngemva kwehlathi elikhulu lela. Akekho ozasibona laphaya.” UJosh noHope bavumelana ngeenhloko bakhamba. +“Josh, khamba uyokufuna iingojwana. Neo, thula ingwanakho yephayirethi nepetjhakho yokuvala ilihlo leyo.” kulayela uHope lokha nakakhupha izambatho zakhe zekarati nebhamuza ngebhegeni yakhe. +UJosh wathola iingojwana ezidweni eduze nomgqomu weenzibi, abangani abathathu laba bahlala ngemuva kwehlathi basebenzisa intambo yebhege kaHope ukubopha iingojwana ngokuziphambanisa ukwenza isibumbeko somzimba wesilwana. UHope wavuthela ibhamuza wayibophelela esigojwaneni njengehloko yesilwana. +Bavunulisa isilwana lesi izambatho zikaHope zekarati nengwani kaNeo yephayirethi nepetjhi yokuvala ilihlo. UJosh wabophelela isilwana lesi kukhayithi yakhe. Bese bazilulungiselele! + +Abantwana laba babhaca ngemuva kwehlatjhana base batjhaphulula intambo yekhayithi. Ummoya omkhulu waphephula isilwana saya phezulu emkayini. Saphakama, saphakama, saphakama saya phezulu, siphephuka emkayini kude nabo. +Ngesikhathi leso, uBella nonina besele bafikile ephageni bazokukhambisa uNoodle. Lokha uNoodle nakabona isilwana siphephezela emmoyeni, wathoma wakhonkotha adosa intambo abotjhwe ngayo. UBella wazama ukukakarela intambo ebophe uNoodle, kodwana wadosa ngamandla okwabangela bona uBella ayilise intambo. Nanguya uNoodle athuwelela aratha ephageni. UBella nonina bagijima ngemuva kwakhe. +Isilwana sathoma saphephukela phasi ngehla kwehloko kasodorobho lokha nakasathula ikulumo yakhe! UNoodle wagijimela ngenca kasodorobho akhonkotha isilwana – noBella banonina bebangasikude noNoodle. +UJosh wadosa intambo yekhayithi, azama ukusa isilwana phezulu emkayini, kodwana kwabe sele kulada. UNoodle weqela isilwana, watjhayisa usodorobho. Amaphetjhana anekulumo kasodorobho aphapha azala iphaga, abantu babaleka batjhinga emahlangothini woke. + +UNeo, uJosh, uHope, uBella nonina bagijima bayokusiza. Bathola usodorobho awele phasi eduze nesilwana, uNoodle wabasolo akhonkotha isilwana. Abantwana basiza ukuthulisa uNoodle lokha unina kaBella asiza usodorobho ukuphakama. +UHope wase uhlathulula iqhinga lakhe nokobana batjhaphe nakuza kuphi. Usodorobho walalela, lokha uHope sele aqedile, wamane wamqala … wathoma wahleka. “Nje-ke, sewungatlola yakho indatjana emayelana nesilwana esithusako,” kwatjho usodorobho abeka umbono. + +Nanoma iqhinga likaHope lingazange liphumelele kuhle, kwabalilanga abazalikhumbula boke!",nbl,isiNdebele,Ilanga elizakukhunjulw,"“Hurry up, Neo, we don’t have much time!” said Hope putting down her heavy bag. Hope and Josh were waiting for Neo. They were all going to the park as part of Hope’s plan! Hope had started hatching a plan after reading the new book her ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Lorato Trok,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ilanga-elizakukhunjulwa +day-to-remember,"“Itlhaganele Neo, ga re na nako!” Hope a realo a bea mokotla wa gagwe fase. Hope le Josh ba be ba emetše Neo. Ba be ba eya phakeng e le leano la go logwa ke Hope!Hope o thomile go loga leano morago ga go bala puku ye mpšha ye a e reketšwego ke mmagwe. E be e bolela ka mosetsana wa bogale yo a phološitšego motse wa gabo go sebopiwa sa go tšhoša. Hope o ipshinne ka puku ye kudu a fetša go e bala ka moka ka letšatši le letee, gomme a ba a lora ka sebopiwa sa go tšhoša bošegong bjoo! +“Ke dumela gore re tlo ipshina ka leano la gago. Ke ka lebaka la eng o itlhaganetše bjalo?” Neo a botšiša Hope a tswalela lebati la ka pele. Neo o be a apere mongatse wa gagwe wa mahoduwatle wa mmamoratwa le phetšhe ya leihlo.“Le nna ga ke tsebe selo bjalo ka wena, Neo. Hope o kgopetše gore ke tle le khaethe ya ka phakeng,” a realo Josh a šupa khaethe ya gagwe. +“Ntshepeng, le tlile go ipshina ka se!” a realo Hope a sepela pele ga bagwera ba gagwe. Neo le Josh ba mo latela, ba leka go mo swara.Ge ba fihla phakeng, ba hweditše meyara a dikologilwe ke sehlopha sa batho ba bantši. “Go diragala eng?” Josh a botšiša mosadi yo a bego a eme kgauswi. + +“Ke gore, ke sebaka meyara a hwetša dipelaelo tše dintši ka ge go se na moriti wo o lekanegeo phakeng,” a realo. “Ka fao, o kgonthišitše gore go bjalwa mehlare ye mentši gomme lehono o tlile fa go keteka se le batho bohle.” +“Aowa batho! Phaka e tletše kudu gore leano la ka le šome,” a realo Hope, a swabile.“Leano lefe?” Neo le Josh ba botšiša sammaletee, ba lebelelane. +“Le gopola kanegelo ye ke e badilego ka ga mosetsana yo bogale wa go phološa naga ya gabo?” gwa botšiša Hope. “Gabotsebotse, ke be ke nagana gore re ka hlama sebopiwa sa go tšhoša, ra se bofelela khaetheng ya Josh gomme ra e fofiša mo phakeng. Efela bjale lebelela!” a realo Hope a šupa batho bao ba thabilego ba eme go dikologa meyara. +Neo o bone ka fao Hope a nyamilego ka gona. “Leano le lebotse, Hope!” a realo. “Areyeng ka morago ga sethokgwa sela se segolo. Ga go motho yo a tla re bonago fale.” Josh le Hope ba dumela ka dihlogo gomme ba sepela. +“Josh, eya go lebelela dithatana. Neo, tšola mongatse wa gago wa mahoduwatle le phetšhe ya leihlo,” gwa laela Hope a ntšha diaparo tša gagwe tša karate le palune ya gagwe mokotleng wa gagwe. +Josh o hweditše dithatana kgauswi le motomo wa ditlakala gomme bagwera ba bararo ba dula ka morago ga sethokgwa ba diriša lenti la go tšwa mokotleng wa Hope go di bofanya mmogo ka sebopego sa sefapano go dira mmele wa sebopiwa. Gomme Hope a budulela palune a e bofelela go dira hlogo ya sebopiwa. +Ba apešitše sebopiwa diaparo tša Hope tša karate le mongatse wa mahoduwatle le phetšhe ya leihlo ya Neo. Josh o bofeletše sebopiwa khaetheng ya gagwe. Ba be ba lokile bjale! + +Bana ba khutile ka morago ga sethokgwa gomme ba lokolla lenti la khaethe. Phefo ye kgolo ye maatla e ile ya fofišetša sebopiwa lefaufaung. Godimo, godimo, godimo, sa sobelela, se kitima lefaufaung se ba tlogetše. +Ka nako yeo, Bella le mmagwe ba be ba fihlile phakeng go sepela le Noodle. Erile ge Noodle a bona selo sa go lekelela lefaufaung, a thoma go goba, a goga thapo ye a kgokilwego ka yona. Bella o lekile go swarelela thapo ya Noodle, efela a goga ka maatla a ba a e tlogela. Noodle o ile a kitima go selaganya phaka. Bella le mmagwe ba ile ba mo kitimiša. +Sebopiwa se ile sa thoma go theogela tlase go ya hlogong ya meyara ge a be a efa polelo! Noodle o be a kitimela thoko ga gagwe a sa goba sebopiwa – gomme Bella le mmagwe ba mo šetše morago. +Josh o gogile lenti la khaethe, a leka go iša sebopiwa godingwana lefaufaung, efela go be go se sa kgonega. Noodle o be a fofela sebopiwa, a wišetša meyara fase. Dipampiri tša polelo ya meyara di ile tša phatlalala gohle phakeng, gomme batho ba thoma go tšhabela gohle. + +Neo, Josh, Hope, Bella le mmagwe ba kitimela go yo thuša. Ba hweditše meyara a le mo fase kgauswi le sebopiwa, Noodle e be e le gare e sa goba. Bana ba be ba thuša go homotša Noodle mola mmago Bella a thuša go emiša meyara. +Gomme Hope o ile a hlaloša leano la gagwe le ka fao le sepetšego bošaedi ka gona. Meyara o theeleditše gomme ge Hope a fetša, a mo lebelela … a thoma go sega. “Agaa, bjale o ka ngwala kanegelo ya gago ya sebopiwa sa go tšhoša,” meyara a šišinya. + +Le ge leano la Hope le sa šoma gabotse, e bile letšatši le yo mongwe le yo mongwe a tlo le gopolago!",nso,Sepedi,Letšatši le re le gopolago,"“Hurry up, Neo, we don’t have much time!” said Hope putting down her heavy bag. Hope and Josh were waiting for Neo. They were all going to the park as part of Hope’s plan! Hope had started hatching a plan after reading the new book her ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Lorato Trok,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/letšatši-le-re-le-gopolago +day-to-remember,"“Phakisa, Neo, re siilwe ke nako!” ha rialo Hope a bea mokotlana wa hae o boima fatshe. Hope le Josh ba ne ba emetse Neo. Kaofela ha bona ba ne ba eya phakeng ele karolo ya morero wa Hope!Haesale Hope a qadile ho rera taba ena kamora hoba a badile buka e ntjha eo mmae a neng a mo reketse yona. E ne e le mabapi le ngwananyana ya ileng a pholosa motse wa habo ka sebete ditleneng tsa sebopuwa se tshosang. Hope o ne a ile a natefelwa ke buka eo haholo hoo a ileng a qeta ho e bala ka letsatsi le le leng feela mme a ba a lora ka sebopuwa seo se tshosang hona bosiung boo! +“Ke tshepa hore seo o re lokiseditseng sona se tla re natefela. O tatetseng hakaale?” Neo a botsa Hope a bile a kwala lemati la ka pele. Neo o ne a rwetse katiba ya hae eo a e ratang ya diphaerete le petjhe leihlong.“Le nna ke lefifing jwaloka wena feela, Neo. Hope o nkopile feela hore ke tle le khaete ya ka phakeng,” ha rialo Josh a supa khaete ya hae. +“Ntshepeng, le tlo natefelwa ke sena!” ha rialo Hope a tsamaya ka pela metswalle ya hae. Neo le Josh ba mo latela, ba leka ho phakisa le yena.Ha ba fihla phakeng, ba bona majoro a potapotilwe ke letshwele la batho. “Ho etsahala eng?” Josh a botsa mosadi ya neng a eme haufi le moo. + + “Haesale ho tloha kgale, majoro a ntse a fumana ditletlebo tse ngata ka lebaka la hobane ho ne ho se na moriti o lekaneng phakeng,” a rialo. “Kahoo, o ile a etsa bonnete ba hore ho jalwa difate tse ngata tse ntjha mme he kajeno o tlile mona ho tla keteka sena mmoho le batho bohle.” +“Jowee! Phaka ena e tletse haholo hore morero wa ka o ka phethahala,” ha rialo Hope, a swabile.“Morero wa eng?” ha botsa Neo le Josh ka nako e le nngwe, ba shebane.“Na le hopola pale eo ke e badileng e mabapi le ngwananyana ya sebete ya ileng a pholosa motse wa habo?” ha botsa Hope. “Kwana, ke ne ke hopotse hore re tla etsa sebopuwa se tshosang, re se tlamelle khaeteng ya Josh mme ebe re e fofisa ka hodima phaka. Empa jwale sheba!” ha rialo Hope a supile batho ba thabileng ba bokanetseng majoro. +Neo a bona kamoo Hope a hlonameng ka teng. “Ke morero o motle, Hope!” a rialo. “Ha re yeng mane ka mora dihlahla tsela tse kgolo. Ha ho na motho ya tlang ho re bona moo.” Josh le Hope ba oma dihlooho ba dumellana le yena mme yaba kaofela ba a tsamaya. +“Josh, tsamaya o ilo batla dithupa. Neo, wena rola katiba ya hao ya diphaerete le petjhe ya leihlo,” ha laela Hope a ntsha diaparo tsa hae tsa karate le balunu ka mokotlaneng wa hae.Josh a fumana dithupa tse tshesane haufi le moqomo wa matlakala mme metswalle ena e meraro ya dula kamora sehlahla ba sebedisa kgwele e tswang mokotlaneng wa Hope bakeng sa ho di tlamella mmoho ba di entse sefapano bakeng sa mmele wa sebopuwa. Yaba Hope o butswela balunu mme a e tlamella ho etsa hlooho ya sebopuwa. +Ba apesa sebopuwa seo ka diaparo tsa Hope tsa karate le katiba ya Neo ya diphaerete le petjhe ya leihlo. Josh a faseletsa sebopuwa seo khaeteng ya hae. Mme jwale ba ne ba lokile! + +Bana ba ipata kamora sehlahla mme ba fasolla kgwele ya khaete. Moya o matla wa pheulela sebopuwa seo hodimo marung. Ke sela se leba hodimo-dimo kwana, se fofela hodimo marung hole le bona.Ka nako eo, Bella le mmae ba ne ba fihlile phakeng ho ya tsamaisa Noodle. Ha Noodle a bona sebopuwa se leketlile hodimo sepakapakeng, a qala ho bohola le ho hula lebanta le molaleng wa hae. Bella a leka ho tshwara lebanta la Noodle ka thata, empa Noodle o ne a hula ka matla hoo a ileng a tlameha ho mo tlohela. Yaba Noodle o mathela kwana ho ya ka nqane ho phaka. Bella le mmae ba mo lelekisa. +Yaba sebopuwa seo se qalella ho fofela tlase ho ya hloohong ya majoro ha a ntse a fana ka puo ya hae! Noodle o ne a mathela ho yena a ntse a bohola sebopuwa seo – mme Bella le mmae ba ne ba se hole ba mo setse morao.Josh a hula kgwele ya khaete, a leka ho nyollela sebopuwa hodimo marung, empa ho ne ho se ho le morao. Noodle a qhomela hodimo sebopuweng, a thesela majoro. Dikgetjhana tsa pampiri tse nang le puo ya majoro tsa fofela hohle phakeng, mme batho ba qalella ho matha ba phasalla ba ya kwana le kwana. + +Neo, Josh, Hope, Bella le mmae ba matha ho ya thusa. Ba fumana majoro a wetse fatshe pela sebopuwa sane mme Noodle a ntse a se bohola. Bana ba thusa ho thodisa Noodle ha mme wa Bella yena a thusa majoro ho ema. +Yaba Hope o hlalosa morero wa hae le kamoo o sa tsamayang hantle ka teng. Majoro a mamela, mme yare ha Hope a qeta, a mo sheba … yaba o qalella ho tsheha. “Tjhe, jwale o ka ngola pale ya hao e buang ka sebopuwa se tshosang,” majoro a etsa tlhahiso. + +Leha morero wa Hope o ne o sa tswella hantle, leo e bile letsatsi leo bohle ba tlang ho dula ba le hopola!",sot,Sesotho,Letsatsi leo re tlang ho le hoop,"“Hurry up, Neo, we don’t have much time!” said Hope putting down her heavy bag. Hope and Josh were waiting for Neo. They were all going to the park as part of Hope’s plan! Hope had started hatching a plan after reading the new book her ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Lorato Trok,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/letsatsi-leo-re-tlang-ho-le-hoopla +day-to-remember,"“Itlhaganele Neo, ga re na nako!” Hope a rialo a baya kgetse ya gagwe e e boima mo fatshe. Ene le Josh ba ne ba emetse Neo. Ba ne ba ya kwa phakeng e le karolo ya leano la ga Hope!Hope o simolotse go loga leano fa a fetsa go buisa buka e ntšhwa e mmaagwe a mo e reketseng. E ne e le ka ga mosetsanyana yo o pelokgale yo o bolokileng motse wa gaabo kgatlhanong le phologolo e e tshosang. Hope o itumeletse buka eo thata mme o ne a fetsa go e buisa ka letsatsi le le lengwe fela a bo a lora ka ga phologolo eo bosigong joo! +“Ke tshepa gore leano la gago le tla re itumedisa. Goreng o itlhaganetse jaana?” Neo a botsa a tswala mojako wa mo pele. O ne a apere diaparo tsa gagwe tse a di ratang thata, hutshe le petšhe ya leitlho tsa magodu a lewatle.“Le nna ga ke itse sepe fela jaaka wena, Neo. Hope o nkopile gore ke tle ka khaete ya me kwa phakeng”, Josh a rialo a supa khaete ya gagwe. +“Ntshepeng, lo tlile go itumelela se!” Hope a rialo a tsamaya ka bonako mo pele ga ditsala tsa gagwe. Neo le Josh ba ne ba mo sala morago, ba leka go mo fitlhelela.Fa ba fitlha kwa phakeng, ba bone ratoropo a kgobokanetswe ke setlhopha sa batho ba bantsi. “Go diragala eng?” Josh a botsa mosadi yo o neng a eme gaufi. + +“Ke gore, ka nako e telele, ratoropo o ne a utlwa dingongorego tsa gore ga gona moriti o montsi kwa phakeng,” a rialo. “Ka jalo, o ne a netefatsa gore go jalwa ditlhare tse dintsi mme o ne a le koo go keteka le botlhe.”“Ao bathong! Phaka e tletse thata gore leano la me le dire,” Hope a rialo, a swabile.“Leano lefe?” Neo le Josh ba botsa ka nako e le nngwe, ba lebelelana. +“A lo gopola leinane le ke le buisitseng la mosetsana yo o pelokgale yo o bolokileng motse wa gaabo?” Hope a botsa. “Ke ne ke akantse gore re tla dira sebopiwa se se tshosang, re se gokelele mo khaeteng ya ga Josh mme re se fofise mo phakeng. Fela jaanong bona!” Hope a rialo a kaya batho ba ba kgobokanetseng ratoropo ba itumetse.Neo a bona ka moo Hope o neng a utlwile botlhoko ka teng. “A leano le lentle, Hope!” a rialo. “A re yeng kwa morago ga setlhare se segolo sele. Ga go yo o tla re bonang kwa.” Josh le Hope ba dumelana ka tlhogo mme ba tsamaya. +“Josh, tsamaya o ye go batla dikgong. Wena Neo, apola hutshe ya gago o ntshe petšhe ya gago ya leitlho,” Hope a rialo a ntsha diaparo tsa gagwe tsa karate le balune mo kgetsaneng ya gagwe.Josh o ne a bona dikgong tse di tshesane mo thoko ga motomo wa matlakala mme ditsala tse tharo di ne tsa dula mo morago ga setlhare ba dirisa kgole e e tswang mo kgetsaneng ya ga Hope go gokelela dikgong mmogo ka sebopego sa letshwao le sefapaano go dira mmele wa sebopiwa. Jaanong Hope a butswela balune mme a e gokelela go dira tlhogo ya sebopiwa.Ba ne ba apesa sebopiwa diaparo tsa ga Hope tsa karate le diaparo tsa ga Neo tsa magodu a lewatle, hutshe le petšhe ya leitlho. Josh a gokelela khaete ya gagwe mo sebopiweng. Jaanong ba ne ba siame! + +Bana ba ne ba ema kwa morago ga setlhare mme ba repisa kgole ya khaete. Phefo e kgolo e e bokete e ne ya phamola sebopiwa ya se isa lefaufaung. Godimo, godimo, godimo, sa tsamaya, se taboga mo lefaufaung se ba katogile. +Ka nako eo, Bella le mmaagwe ba ne fetsa go goroga mo phakeng go tsamaisa Noodle. E rile fa Noodle a bona sebopiwa se akgega mo lefaufaung, o ne a simolola go bogola le go goga kgole ya gagwe. Bella o ne a leka ka thata go tshwarelela kgole ya ga Noodle, fela a e goga thata mo Bella o neng a tshwanelwa ke go e tlogela. Noodle a taboga mo gare ga phaka. Bella le mmaagwe ba taboga mo morago ga gagwe.Jaanong sebopiwa sa simolola go fologela kwa tlase go ela kwa tlhogong ya ga ratoropo fa a ne a bua le baagi! Noodle o ne a tabogela kwa ntlheng ya gagwe a ntse a tsweletse go bogola sebopiwa a se lelekisa – le Bella le mmaagwe ba ntse ba le mo morago ga gagwe. +Josh o ne a goga dikgole tsa khaete, a leka go fofisetsa sebopiwa gape kwa godimo kwa lefaufaung, fela go ne go setse go le thari. Noodle o ne a tlolela sebopiwa, a digela ratoropo mo fatshe. Dipampiri tsa puo ya ga ratoropo di ne tsa fofa tsa tlalatlala le phaka, mme batho ba simolola go tshabela dintlheng tsotlhe. + +Neo, Josh, Hope, Bella le mmaagwe ba taboga go ya go thusa. Ba ne ba fitlhela ratoropo a wetse mo fatshe fa thoko ga sebopiwa Noodle a ntse a tsweletse go se bogola. Bana ba ne ba thusa go didimatsa Noodle fa mmaagwe Bella ene a thusa go emisa ratoropo. +  +Jaanong Hope a tlhalosa leano la gagwe le gore go senyegile kae. Ratoropo o ne a reeditse mme fa Hope a fetsa go bua, a mo lebelela fela … mme a simolola go tshega. “Mme jaanong, o ka ikwalela leinane la gago ka ga sebopiwa se se tshosang,” ratoropo a tshitshinya. + +Le fa e le gore leano la ga Hope ga le a diragala jaaka a ne a eleditse, e ntse letsatsi le mongwe le mongwe a tla le gopolang.",tsn,Setswana,Letsatsi le re le gopolang,"“Hurry up, Neo, we don’t have much time!” said Hope putting down her heavy bag. Hope and Josh were waiting for Neo. They were all going to the park as part of Hope’s plan! Hope had started hatching a plan after reading the new book her ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Lorato Trok,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/letsatsi-le-re-le-gopolang +day-to-remember,"“Hatlisa, Neo, a ha ha ri na nkarhi!” ku vula Hope a ri karhi a rhula nkwama wa yena lowo tika. Hope na Josh a va yimele Neo. Hinkwavo a va ya ephakeni tanihi xiphemu xa rhengu ra Hope!Hope u sungule ku luka rhengu leri endzhaku ka loko a hlaye buku yintshwa leyi a nga yi xavela hi mana wa yena. A yi vulavula hi nhwanyana loyi a nga va ni vurhena kutani a ponisa tiko ra ka vona eka xivumbiwa lexo chavisa. Hope u tiphine hi buku leyi swinene lero u yi hete hi siku rin’we laha a nga tlhela a lorha hi xivumbiwa lexo chavisa vusiku byebyo! +“Ndzi tshemba leswaku leswi u nga hi lulamisela swona swi ta tsakisa. Hikwalahokayini u jahile swonghasi?” Neo a vutisa Hope loko a ri karhi a pfala rivanti ra le mahlweni. Neo a ambale xigqoko xa yena lexi a xi rhandzaka xa makhamba na xipfalatihlo.“A ndzi tivi nchumu ndzi tifanela na wena, Neo. Hope u ndzi kombele ntsena leswaku ndzi ta na khayiti ya mina ephakeni,” ku vula Josh a ri karhi a kombetela khayiti ya yena. +“Ndzi tshembeni, mi ta tiphina!” ku vula Hope a ri karhi a hatlisa ku ya rhangela vanghana va yena. Neo na Josh va landzelela, va ringeta ku n’wi kuma.Loko va fika ephakeni, va vona meyara a rhendzeriwile hi ntshungu lowukulu wa vanhu. “Ku humelela yini?” Josh a vutisa wansati loyi a yimile kwala kusuhi. + +“Hi swona, i khale, meyara a ri karhi a kuma swivilelo swa leswaku a ku na mindzhuti yo ringanela ephakeni,” a vula. “Hikwalaho, u tiyisisile leswaku ku byariwa misinya leyintshwa leyo tala naswona namuntlha u tile ku ta tlangela leswi na un’wana na un’wana.”“Yhoo e-e! Phaka yi tele ngopfu leswaku rhengu ra mina ri tirha,” ku vula Hope, a tsanile.“Rhengu rihi?” ku vutisa Neo na Josh xikan’we, va langutanile. +“Ma ha wu tsundzuka ntsheketo lowu ndzi nga wu hlaya mayelana na nhwanyana wa nhenha loyi a nga ponisa tiko ra ka vona?” ku vutisa Hope. “Ma tiva, ndzi navela leswaku hi endla xivumbiwa xo chavisa, hi xi bohelela eka khayiti ya Josh kutani hi xi hahisa ehenhla ka phaka. Kambe sweswi vonani!” ku vula Hope hi ku kombetela eka vanhu lava a va tsakile va rhendzele meyara.Neo a ku vona ku tsana ka Hope. “I makungu ya kahle, Hope!” a vula. “A hi fambeni lahaya ndzhaku ka khwati leriya rikulu. A ku na munhu loyi a nga ta hi vona lahaya.” Josh na Hope va pfumela hi tinhloko kutani va famba. +“Josh, famba u ya lava swimhandzana. Neo, hluvula xigqoko xa wena xa makhamba na xipfalatihlo xa wena,” ku lerisa Hope loko a ri karhi a humesa mpahla ya yena ya karati na baluni enkwameni.Josh u kume swimhandzana swo lala kusuhi na thini ra thyaka hiloko vanghana lavanharhu va tshama endzhaku ka xihlahla va tirhisa ntambhu leyi a yi ri endzeni ka nkwama wa Hope va swi bohelela swin’we swi endla xivumbeko xa xihambano ku endla miri wa xivumbiwa. Endzhaku Hope a pfurhetela baluni a yi bohelela ku endla nhloko ya xivumbiwa. +Va ambarisile xivumbiwa mpahla ya Hope ya karati na xigqoko xa makhamba xa Neo na xipfalatihlo. Josh a bohelela xivumbiwa eka khayiti ya yena. Se a va lulamile! + +Vana va tumbele endzhaku ka xihlahla va chucha ntambhu ya khayiti. Moya lowukulu wa matimba wu rhwala xivumbiwa lexiya xi ya ehenhla emapapeni. Xi ya ehenhla, ehenhla, ehenhla xi tsemakanya mapapa ekule na vona. +Hi nkarhi walowo, Bella na mana wa yena a va fikile ephakeni ku ta rhendzelekisa Noodle. Loko Noodle a vona xivumbiwa lexi xi ncikinyaka emapapeni, a sungula ku vukula na ku koka ntambhu yo lawula ku n’wi fambisa. Bella a ringeta ku khoma ntambhu ya Noodle, kambe a koka hi matimba ku kondza a n’wi tshika a famba. Noodle a tsutsuma a tsemakanya phaka. Bella na mana wa yena va n’wi hlongorisa hi le ndzhaku. +Endzhaku xivumbiwa xi sungula ku phaphamala xi rhelela xi kongomile nhloko ya meyara loyi a ri karhi a vulavula! Noodle a tsutsuma a n’wi kongomile a ri karhi a vukula xivumbiwa – Bella na mana wa yena a va nga ri kule.Josh a koka ntambhu ya khayiti, a ringeta ku gonyisela xivumbiwa ehenhla emapapeni, kambe a hlwerile. Noodle a tlulela ehenhla eka xivumbiwa, a tlumba meyara. Swipetlu swa phepha ra mbulavulo lowu meyara a wu hlaya swi haha na phaka hinkwayo, kutani vanhu va sungula ku tsutsuma hi matlhelo hinkwawo. + +Neo, Josh, Hope, Bella na mana wa yena va tsutsuma ku ya pfuna. Va kume meyara a ri ehansi kusuhi na xivumbiwa na Noodle loyi a ha xi vukula. Vana va pfuneta ku khongotela Noodle loko mana wa Bella a ri karhi a pfuna meyara ku pfuka. +Endzhaku Hope a hlamusela rhengu ra yena na hilaha ri nga hoxekisa xiswona. Meyara a yingisela, endzhaku loko Hope a hetile, a n’wi languta kunene … hiloko a sungula ku hleka. “Swi lulamile, sweswi u nga tsala ntsheketo wa wena hi xivumbiwa lexo chavisa,” ku ringanyeta meyara. + +Hambileswi rhengu ra Hope ri nga kala ri nga tirhangi hi ku hetiseka, ri ve siku leri va nga ta ri tsundzuka hinkwavo!",tso,Xitsonga,Siku leri ri nga rivalekik,"“Hurry up, Neo, we don’t have much time!” said Hope putting down her heavy bag. Hope and Josh were waiting for Neo. They were all going to the park as part of Hope’s plan! Hope had started hatching a plan after reading the new book her ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Lorato Trok,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/siku-leri-ri-nga-rivalekiki +day-to-remember,"“Ṱavhanyani, Neo, a ri tshena tshifhinga!” hu amba Hope a tshi khou vhea fhasi mukhwama u lemelaho. Hope na Josh vho vha vho lindela Neo. Vhoṱhe vho vha vha tshi khou ya phakhani sa tshipiḓa tsha maano a Hope!Hope o mbo thoma u vhamba maano nga murahu ha u vhala bugu ntswa ye mme awe vha mu rengela. Yo vha i tshi amba nga ha musidzana we a tsireledza muvhundu wa hawe kha ḓithu ḽi shushaho. Hope o ḓiphiṋa nga iyo bugu lwe zwa ita uri a i fhedze nga ḓuvha ḽithihi nahone o ita na u lora nga ha ḓithu ḽi shushaho vhusiku uho! +“Ndi a fulufhela uri maano e na ri vhambela a ḓo nyanyula. Ndi ngani no dzhaya?” Neo u vhudzisa Hope zwenezwi a tshi khou vala munango wa nga phanḓa. Neo o vha o ambara muṅadzi wawe a u funesaho wa ḽihokokolwanzhe na phetsho ya iṱoni.“Nṋe sa inwi a thi ḓivhi tshithu, Neo. Hope o nkhumbela uri ndi ḓe na khaithi yanga phakhani,” hu amba Josh a tshi khou sumba khaithi yawe. +“Fulufhelani, ni ḓo ḓiphiṋa nga hezwi!” hu amba Hope zwenezwi a tshi khou tshimbilela phanḓa ha khonani dzawe. Neo na Josh vho tevhela, vha tshi khou lingedza u tshimbila nae fhethu huthihi.Musi vha tshi swika phakhani, vho vhona ṋeḓorobo o kuvhanganelwa nga gogo ḽihulu ḽa vhathu. “Hu khou itea mini?” Josh u vhudzisa muṅwe mufumakadzi o imaho henefho tsini. + +“Inwi, ndi kale ṋeḓorobo a tshi khou ṱanganedza mbilaelo nnzhi nga ha uri a hu na mirunzi minzhi phakhani,” u ralo. “Zwenezwo, o mbo ḓi ita uri hu ṱavhiwe miri miswa minzhi nahone ṋamusi u fhano u ḓo pembelela izwi na vhathu vhoṱhe.”“Evho! Phakha yo dalesa lune maano anga ha nga ḓo shuma,” hu amba Hope, o kulea nungo. +“Maano a mini?” hu vhudzisa Neo na Josh mazha, vha tshi khou sedzana.“Ni a humbula tshiṱori tshe nda vhala nga ha musidzana wa muhali we a tsireledza muvhundu wa hawe?” hu vhudzisa Hope. “Fhedzi ha, ndo vha ndi khou lavhelela uri ri ḓo ita ḓithu ḽi shushaho, ra ḽi vhofhelela kha khaithi ya Josh ra kona ha u i fhufhisa nga henefha nṱha phakhani. Zwino vhonani!” hu amba Hope a tshi sumba kha vhathu vho imaho vho kuvhanganela ṋeḓorobo nga dakalo. +Neo o mbo vhona uri Hope o ṱungufhala hani. “Hope, ndi maano avhuḓi!” u ralo. “Kha ri ṱutshele hangei murahu ha ḓaka ḽihulu. A hu na ane a ḓo ri vhona.” Josh na Hope vha tenda nga ṱhoho nahone vha mbo ḓi ya.“Josh, iyani u ṱoḓa zwitanda. Neo, bvulani muṅadzi waṋu wa ḽihokokolwanzhe na phetsho ya iṱoni,” Hope u ṋea ndaela a tshi khou bvisa zwiambaro zwawe zwa karati na baḽoni ngomu mukhwamani wawe.Josh a wana zwitandana zwisekene tsini ha gokoko ḽa mathukhwi nahone khonani tharu dza mbo dzula murahu ha zwiṱaka hu tshi khou shumiswa muḓali u bvaho ngomu ha mukhwama wa Hope u vhofhekanya zwitandana nga tshivhumbeo tsha tshifhambano u sika muvhili wa ḓithu. Hope o mbo ḓadza muya ngomu ha baḽoni a ḽi vhofhelela kha ṱhoho ya ḓithu. +Vha ambadza ḓithu nga zwiambaro zwa Hope zwa karati na nga muṅadzi wa Neo wa ḽihokokolwanzhe na phetsho ya iṱoni. Josh a vhofhelela ḓithu kha khaithi yawe. Na zwenezwo vha vha vho no ḓilugisela! + +Vhana vho dzumbama murahu ha zwiṱaka vha vhofholola thambo ya khaithi. Muya wa maanḓa u rotholaho wa mbo fhufhisela ḓithu muyani. Nṱha, nṱha, nṱha ḽa mbo ḓi ya, ḽi khou ralo u ṱutshela kule navho.Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, Bella na mme awe vho vha vho swika phakhani u onyolosa milenzhe ya Noodle. Musi Noodle i tshi vhona ḓithu ḽi khou fhefheḓa muyani, ya thoma u huvha na u kokodza thambo ye ya vhofhiwa ngayo. Bella o lingedza u fara o khwaṱhisa kha thambo yo vhofhaho Noodle, fhedzi yone ya kokodza nga maanḓa u swikela a tshi litshedza. Noodle ya mbo ḓi ya na phakha. Bella na mme awe vha i gidimedza nga murahu. +Zwenezwo ḓithu ḽa mbo thoma u fhefheḓa ḽi tshi tsa fhasi ḽi tshi yela thungo lwa ṱhoho ya ṋeḓorobo zwenezwi a khou ṋea muvhigo! Noodle yo vha i tshi khou gidima i tshi yela thungo lwa ṋeḓorobo i tshi khou ralo u huvha ḓithu – ngeno Bella na mme awe vha murahu fhedzi vha si kule. +Josh a kokodza thambo ya khaithi, a khou lingedza uri ḓithu ḽi vhuelele hafhu nṱha muyani, fhedzi o vha o no lenga. Noodle ya fhufhela nṱha kha ḓithu, i tshi khou thula ṋeḓorobo. Zwipiḓa zwa mabambiri zwi re na tshipitshi tsha ṋeḓorobo khazwo zwa hasekana phakha yoṱhe, ngeno vhathu vha khou shavhela masia o fhambanaho. + +Neo, Josh, Hope, Bella na mme awe vha gidimela uyo thusa. Vho wana ṋeḓorobo a fhasi tsini ha ḓithu ngeno Noodle i khou endela u huvha ḓithu. Vhana vho thusa u dzikisa Noodle ngeno mme a Bella vho thusa u vusa ṋeḓorobo. +Zwenezwo Hope a ṱalutshedza uri ndi ngani maano awe a songo tshimbila zwavhuḓi. Ṋeḓorobo a thetshelesa, nahone musi Hope o fhedza, a sokou mu lavhelesa … a mbo thoma u sea. “Zwino ni nga kona u ṅwala tshiṱori tshaṋu tsha ḓithu ḽi shushaho,” ṋeḓorobo vha dzinginya. + +Na musi maano a Hope a songo tou shuma zwavhuḓi, ho vha ḓuvha ḽine vhoṱhe vha ḓo ḽi humbula!",ven,Tshivenda,Ḓuvha ḽi sa hangwe,"“Hurry up, Neo, we don’t have much time!” said Hope putting down her heavy bag. Hope and Josh were waiting for Neo. They were all going to the park as part of Hope’s plan! Hope had started hatching a plan after reading the new book her ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Lorato Trok,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ḓuvha-ḽi-sa-hangwei +day-to-remember,"“Sheshisa, Neo, site sikhatsi lesinyenti!” kwasho Hope abeka phansi sikhwama sakhe lesisindzako. Hope naJosh bebamele Neo. Bonkhe bebaya epaki njengeluhlelo lwaHope!Hope wacala kucabanga ngelisu lelitsite ngemva kwekufundza lencwadzi lensha labekamtsengele yona make wakhe. Beyingentfombatana lebeyisindzise ngebuchawe ummango wakubo lolidolobhana esilwaneni lesesabisako. Hope bekayijabulele lencwadzi kangangobe wayifundza wayicedza ngelilanga waphindze futsi waphupha ngalesilwane lesesabisako ngalobo busuku! +“Ngiyetsemba kutsi loku losihlelele kona kutawusijabulisa. Kungani ujake kangaka?” Neo wabuta Hope nakavala sivalo semnyango sangembili. Neo bekagcoke sigcoko sakhe semaphayirethi lasitsandzako sekuvala liso langanhlanye.“Nami angati lutfo njengawe, Neo. Hope uvele wangicela kutsi ngite nekhayithi yami epaki,” kwasho Josh akhomba ikhayithi yakhe. +“Ngetsembeni, nitakujabulela loku!” kwasho Hope ngesikhatsi ahamba embi kwebangani bakhe. Neo naJosh balandzela, betama kumkhandza.Nabefika epaki, babona sodolobha atungeletwe sicuku lesikhulu sebantfu. “Kwentekani?” Josh wabuta make lobekamile eceleni. + +“Kahle hle, sesikhatsi lesidze, sodolobha atfole tikhalo letinyenti ngoba bekute umtfunti lowenele lapha epaki,” kwasho lomake. “Ngako-ke, wenta siciniseko sekutsi kuhlanyelwa tihlahla letinyenti letinsha futsi namuhla ulapha kutobungata loku akanye nabo bonkhe.”“Awu cha! Lepaki igcwele kakhulu kutsi lelisu lami lingasebenta,” kwasho Hope, ajabhile. +“Liphi lisu?” kwabuta Neo naJosh kanye kanye, babukana.“Niyayikhumbula lendzaba lengayifundza lebeyikhuluma ngentfombatana lenesibindzi leyasindzisa ummango wakubo lolidolobhana?” kwabuta Hope. “Kahle hle, bengetsemba kutsi besingenta silwanyana lesesabekako, sisibophele kulekhayithi yaJosh bese sisiphaphisa etikwalepaki. Kodvwa manje bukani!” kwasho Hope akhomba labantfu labajabulile labeme batungeleta sodolobha. +Neo wabona kutsi ulusizi njani Hope. “Lisu lelihle lelo, Hope!” kwasho yena. “Asambeni siye lapha ngemuva kwalela hlatsi lelikhulu. Kute namunye lotasibona lapha.” Josh naHope bavuma ngetinhloko base bayahamba baya khona.“Josh, wena hamba uyofuna tindvuku. Neo, khumula lesigcoko sakho semaphayirethi nesichibi sekuvala liso langahlanye,” kwasho Hope akhipha timphahla takhe tekarati nebhaluni esikhwameni sakhe.Josh watfola tindvuku letincama eceleni kwemgcoma wetibi futsi labangani labatsatfu bahlala emuva kwalelihlatsi basebentisa intsambo lephume esikhwameni saHope kutibopha ndzawonye time njengesiphambano tente umtimba walesilwanyana. Hope wabese ufutsa lebhaluni wase uyibophela kuto tenta inhloko yalesilwanyana. +Bagcokisa lesilwanyana timphahla taHope tekarati kanye nesigcoko saNeo nesichibi sekuvala liso langanhlanye. Josh wabophela lesilwane kukhayithi yakhe. Ngaleso sikhatsi besebalungele! + +Labantfwana babhaca ngemuva kwalelihlatsi base bacekisa lentsambo yekhayithi. Kwavela umoya lonemandla watsatsa lesilwanyana wasiphaphisela etulu esibhakabhakeni. Etulu, etulu, etulu sahamba, sigijima esibhakabhakeni khashane nabo.Ngaleso sikhatsi, Bella namake wakhe bese bafikile lapha epaki batohambisa Noodle. Ngesikhatsi Noodle abona lesilwanyana silenga esibhakabhakeni, wacala kusikhonkhotsa kulelibhande lakhe. Bella wetama kulibambisisa lelibhande laNoodle, kodvwa wadlutfula kamatima kangangoba wabese uyaliyekela. Wesuka wahamba Noodle wancamula ipaki. Bella namake wakhe bagijima ngemuva kwakhe. +Manje lesilwanyana sacala kuntanta phansi sicondze enhloko yasodolobha njengoba abesatfula inkhulumo yakhe! Noodle bekagijima acondze kuye solo akhonkhotsa lesilwanyana – naBella namake wakhe bebangekho khashane ngemuva.Josh wadvonsa lentsambo yekhayithi, etama kutsi lesilwanyana siphakame siye etulu esibhakabhakeni, kodvwa bese kwephutekile. Noodle wazubela lesilwanyana, washayisa losodolobha wawa. Emaphepha lanenkhulumo yasodolobha, andiza yonkhe ipaki, nebantfu bacala bagijima babaleka ngato tonkhe tindlela. + +Neo, Josh, Hope, Bella namake wakhe bagijimela kuyosita. Batfola losodolobha aphasi eceleni kwalesilwanyana naNoodle solo asikhonkhotsa. Labantfwana basita kubindzisa Noodle ngesikhatsi make waBella asita losodolobha kutsi aphakame. +Hope wabese-ke uchaza ngalelisu lakhe nekutsi lonakele njani. Losodolobha walalela, watsi uma sekacedzile Hope, wamane wambuka nje … wabese ucala kuhleka. “Kuhle-ke, manje sewungabhala yakho indzaba ngesilwanyana lesisabisako,” losodolobha wabeka umbono. + +Noma nje lisu laHope alizange lisebenta kahle, kwaba lilanga labayolikhumbula bonkhe!",ssw,Siswati,Lilanga lelitawukhunjulw,"“Hurry up, Neo, we don’t have much time!” said Hope putting down her heavy bag. Hope and Josh were waiting for Neo. They were all going to the park as part of Hope’s plan! Hope had started hatching a plan after reading the new book her ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Lorato Trok,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lilanga-lelitawukhunjulwa +amazing-tale-floating-zimkhitha,"There was once a girl named Zimkhitha who never stopped laughing. She made her dad mad. One day he was driving her home from school. When he reached the beginning of their road, he’d had enough! He stopped the car. +“Are you going to stop laughing or are you going to walk home?” he asked. But Zimkhitha just laughed louder. +“Right,” he said, “you can walk home.” He made her get out of the car and he drove home. + +“Where’s Zimkhitha?” asked her mom when her dad walked in the front door. “I’m cooking her favourite dinner.” +“Oh dear,” her dad said. “I made her walk home from the corner because she wouldn’t stop laughing.” +“My precious baby?” cried Zimkhitha’s mom. “You made my precious baby walk home? All alone? We’d better go and find her.” They looked and looked, but there was no sign of Zimkhitha. +“Where did you leave her?” asked Mom. “Where is she, Ron?” +“Oh dear,” muttered Zimkhitha’s dad, checking under every bush and up every tree. +“Zimkhitha!” called her mom. “Where are you?” +A woman stopped her car. “Can I help you?” she asked. +“We’ve lost our little girl,” said Zimkhitha’s mom. “Have you seen her?” +The woman drove round the block and came back to report, “I saw a black cat, and a yellow dog, and a man selling bananas. But I didn’t see a little girl anywhere.” +Zimkhitha’s dad looked up, and there Zimkhitha was, floating high, high in the sky above them, like a big pink balloon. +“Oh my word!” exclaimed Mom. “How in the world did she get up there?” +The kind woman stared up into the sky, watching Zimkhitha bobbing about in the clouds. “Is she … laughing?” she asked. +“Zimkhitha always laughs,” said her mom and dad together. “We can’t stop her. Listen.” From high, high up in the sky Zimkhitha’s laugh came tinkling down like a little bell. +“Oh no!” cried her mom, wringing her hands. “She might fall into the sea.” +“Or, onto a rose bush,” groaned her dad. +“I am a scientist,” said the kind woman, “and one of the first things we learn is that air floats. She must have swallowed so much air from laughing that she has floated up like a balloon.” +“Oh, oh, oh,” cried Zimkhitha’s parents. +“There’s only one way to get her down,” said the kind woman. “We’ll have to make her cry.” +“Oh dear,” said her mother. “That’s not easy. She’s such a giggling child.” +“We’ll have to shout something horrible to her,” said Zimkhitha’s dad, sobbing into his handkerchief. +“We need lots and lots of people to all shout at once,” said the woman. “She’ll never hear just the three of us.” So they rang all the doorbells, and asked the people to come outside. Zimkhitha’s dad stopped the traffic and asked everyone to come and help. Soon a big crowd had gathered, and they were pointing and waving and filming Zimkhitha on their cellphones. +Zimkhitha laughed and laughed. It was the funniest thing she had ever seen. +“What are we going to say to make her cry?” asked the kind woman. +“I know!” said Zimkhitha’s dad, and he told them what to say. +“One, two, three, altogether now…” ordered the kind woman. +And with that, the crowd pointed into the sky and roared, “Hey, Zimkhitha! We can see up your dress!” Far up in the clouds Zimkhitha heard them. She looked down and saw five hundred people pointing at her dress, and she stopped laughing. +Down she floated. But as she came down the clouds tickled her, and she thought how funny it was to be so far up while everyone else was down there. And she began to laugh again. +“Oh dear,” said her dad. “That didn’t work.” +“I know!” said her mom. “Tell her we can see her spotted panties.” +So the crowd took a deep breath and shouted at the top of their lungs, “Hey, Zimkhitha! We can see your spotty panties!” + +And Zimkhitha stopped laughing and floated down fifty metres. But as she looked at the huge traffic jam and the TV crew and the thousands of people watching her, she started to laugh again. And up she went again. +The kind woman shook her head. “We’re going to have to be a little bit meaner,” she said firmly. “Any minute now the wind will catch her, and she will float away forever. What is the worst thing you can think of to say to her?” +They all put their heads together and thought and thought and thought. Finally they had it. +“Altogether now,” called Zimkhitha’s dad, standing on the roof of a Mercedes Benz. “Everybody shout as loudly as you can, all at once.” +And the whole crowd of four thousand people, and the yellow dog, and the black cat, and the man selling bananas all shouted at once, “HEY ZIMKHITHA! WE CAN SEE YOUR PANTIES, AND THERE’S A HOLE IN THEM!” + +And Zimkhitha stopped laughing. +Down she came. Down, down, down. Even further down, and further down and further down, until finally she was almost on the ground. +“My precious baby!” cried her mom, grabbing her legs and pulling her back to Earth. “Thank goodness you’re safe!” +Zimkhitha looked at the crowd of people all cheering and laughing and clapping their hands. She was so embarrassed that she covered her face and ran home. +“Oh dear,” said her dad. “We’ve hurt her feelings. She’s very upset.” +So the people put their heads together again and thought of the right thing to say to cheer her up. +“Altogether now,” called her mom. +And they shouted, “HEY, ZIMKHITHA! WE WERE ONLY JOKING!” +Zimkhitha stopped running. +“WE PROMISE YOU!” they all shouted. “WE COULDN’T REALLY SEE YOUR PANTIES, BECAUSE YOU’RE WEARING PINK TROUSERS!” +And Zimkhitha started to laugh. +“Oops, grab her quickly,” shouted her mom. +And they did. Just in time.",eng,English,The amazing tale of floating Zimkhith,"There was once a girl named Zimkhitha who never stopped laughing. She made her dad mad. One day he was driving her home from school. When he reached the beginning of their road, he’d had enough! He stopped the car. +“Are you going to stop ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/amazing-tale-floating-zimkhitha +amazing-tale-floating-zimkhitha,"Daar was eenmaal ’n meisie met die naam Zimkhitha wat nooit ophou lag het nie. Sy het haar pa gek gemaak. Op ’n dag gaan haal hy haar by die skool. Toe hy aan die punt van hulle straat kom, het hy genoeg gehad! Hy hou stil. +“Gaan jy ophou lag of gaan jy verder huis toe stap?” vra hy. Maar Zimkhitha lag net harder. +“Reg,” sê hy, “jy kan huis toe stap.” Hy laat haar uit die motor klim en hy ry huis toe. + +“Waar’s Zimkhitha?” vra haar ma toe haar pa by die voordeur instap. “Ek kook haar gunstelingkos.” +“O, toggie,” sê haar pa. “Ek het haar laat huis toe stap van die hoek af omdat sy nie wou ophou lag nie.” +“My dierbare klein dogtertjie?” huil Zimkhitha se ma. “Jy het my dierbare dogtertjie laat huis toe stap? Heeltemal alleen? Ons moet haar gaan soek.” Hulle soek en soek, maar daar is geen teken van Zimkhitha nie. +“Waar het jy haar afgelaai?” vra haar ma. “Waar is sy, Ron?” +“Ai, tog,” mompel Zimkhitha se pa, en kyk onder elke bos en in elke boom. +“Zimkhitha!” roep haar ma. “Zimkhitha, waar is jy?” +’n Vrou in ’n motor hou stil. “Kan ek julle help?” vra sy. +“Ons het ons dogtertjie verloor,” sê Zimkhitha se ma. “Het jy haar dalk gesien?” +Die vrou ry om die blok, kom terug en sê: “Ek het ’n swart kat en ’n geel hond gesien, en ’n man wat piesangs verkoop. Maar ek het nêrens ’n dogtertjie gesien nie.” +Zimkhitha se pa kyk op, en daar sweef Zimkhitha hoog, hoog bo hulle in die lug, soos ’n groot pienk ballon. +“O, goeiste,” roep Ma. “Hoe op aarde het sy daar bo gekom?” +Die gawe vrou kyk in die lug op, en sien hoe Zimkhitha op die wolke dans. “Lag … lag sy?” vra die vrou. +“Zimkhitha lag altyd,” sê haar ma en pa tegelyk. “Ons kan haar nie maak ophou nie. Luister.” Van hoog bo uit die lug kom Zimkhitha se lag aangesweef soos die geluid van ’n klokkie wat klingel. +“O, nee!” roep haar ma, en wring haar hande saam. “Netnou val sy in die see.” +“Of binne-in ’n roosboom,” kreun haar pa. +“Ek is ’n wetenskaplike,” sê die gawe vrou, “en een van die eerste dinge wat ons leer, is dat lug opstyg. Sy moes so baie lug ingesluk het van al die gelag dat sy soos ’n ballon in die lug opgestyg het.” +“Ai, ai, ai,” huil Zimkhitha se ouers. +“Daar is net een manier om haar af te kry,” sê die gawe vrou. “Ons sal haar moet laat huil.” +“Goeiste,” sê haar ma. “Dit gaan nie maklik wees nie. Sy is so ’n giggelende kind.” +“Ons sal vir haar iets vreesliks moet skree,” sê Zimkhitha se pa, en snik in sy sakdoek. +“Ons het baie mense nodig wat almal saam kan skree,” sê die vrou. “Sy sal nooit net die drie van ons hoor nie.” Hulle lui toe al die deurklokkies en vra die mense om buitentoe te kom. Zimkhitha se pa stop die verkeer en vra almal om te kom help. Gou is daar ’n groot skare byeen, en hulle wys en wuif en neem foto’s van Zimkhitha met hulle selfone. +Zimkhitha lag en lag. Dit is die snaaksste ding wat sy nog ooit gesien het. +“Wat gaan ons sê om haar te laat huil?” vra die gawe vrou. +“Ek weet!” sê Zimkhitha se pa, en hy sê vir hulle wat om te sê. +“Een, twee, drie, almal saam …” beveel die gawe vrou. +En toe kyk die skare in die lug op en skree: “Haai, luister Zimkhitha! Ons kan onder jou rok insien!” Hoog bo in die wolke hoor Zimkhitha hulle. Sy kyk af en sien vyf honderd mense wat na haar rok wys, en sy hou op lag. +Sy begin ondertoe sweef. Maar terwyl sy sweef, kielie die wolke haar, en sy dink hoe snaaks dit is dat sy so hoog in die lug is terwyl al die ander mense daar onder is. En sy begin weer lag. +“Ag, nee,” sê haar pa. “Dit het glad nie gewerk nie.” +“Ek weet!” sê haar ma. “Sê vir haar ons kan haar kolletjiesbroekie sien.” +Die skare haal diep asem en skree so hard hulle kan: “Haai, luister Zimkhitha! Ons kan jou kolletjiesbroekie sien!” + +En Zimkhitha hou op lag en sweef vyftig meter ondertoe. Maar sy kyk na die groot verkeersknoop en die TV-span en die duisende mense wat na haar kyk, en sy begin weer lag. En daar sweef sy weer op in die lug. +Die gawe vrou skud haar kop. “Ons gaan iets onaangenamer moet sê,” sê sy ferm. “Die wind kan haar nou enige oomblik skep en dan sal sy vir altyd wegsweef. Wat is die ergste ding waaraan julle kan dink wat ons vir haar kan sê?” +Hulle sit almal koppe bymekaar en dink en dink en dink en dink. Uiteindelik het hulle dit. +“Almal saam,” roep Zimkhitha se pa, wat op die dak van ’n Mercedes Benz staan. “Almal skree so hard julle kan, almal tegelyk.” +En toe skree die skare van vier duisend mense, en die geel hond, en die swart kat, en die man wat piesangs verkoop almal saam: “HAAI ZIMKHITHA! ONS KAN JOU BROEKIE SIEN, EN DAAR IS ’N GAATJIE DAARIN!” + +En Zimkhitha hou op lag. +Sy kom afgesweef. Af, af, af. Nog verder af, en af, en af, tot sy uiteindelik byna op die grond is. +“My dierbare klein dogtertjie!” huil haar ma, gryp haar bene vas en trek haar terug tot op die grond. “Dankie tog jy is veilig!” +Zimkhitha kyk na die skare mense wat almal juig en lag en hande klap. Sy is so verleë dat sy haar gesig met haar hande bedek en begin huis toe hardloop. +“Ai, tog,” sê haar pa. “Ons het haar gevoelens seergemaak. Sy is baie ontsteld.” +En die mense sit toe weer koppe bymekaar en dink aan die regte ding om te sê om haar op te beur. +“Almal saam,” roep haar ma. +En hulle skree: “HAAI, ZIMKHITHA! DIT WAS NET ’N GRAPPIE!” +Zimkhitha gaan staan stil. +“ONS BELOWE JOU!” skree hulle almal saam. “ONS KON NIE REGTIG JOU BROEKIE SIEN NIE, WANT JY HET DAN ’N PIENK LANGBROEK AAN!” +En toe begin Zimkhitha lag. +“Oeps, gryp haar gou!” skree haar ma. +En hulle doen dit. Net betyds.",afr,Afrikaans,Die verstommende verhaal van swewende Zimkhith,"There was once a girl named Zimkhitha who never stopped laughing. She made her dad mad. One day he was driving her home from school. When he reached the beginning of their road, he’d had enough! He stopped the car. +“Are you going to stop ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-verstommende-verhaal-van-swewende-zimkhitha +amazing-tale-floating-zimkhitha,"Kwakunomntazana igama lakhe kwakunguZimkhitha owayehlekela futhi. Wayekwatisa uyise ngesenzo sakhesi. Ngelinye ilanga khabe abuyomthatha esikolweni amusa ekhaya ngekoloyi lokha nabafika ekuthomeni kwendlela yabo, wabesele adinekile. Wajamisa ikoloyi. +“Uzokulisa ukuhleka nanyana uzakukhamba ngeenyawo ukuya ekhaya?” kwabuza uyise. Kodwana uZimkhitha wamane wahleka khulu. +“Siyavumelana?” kwabuza uyise, “ungazikhambela uye ekhaya.” Wamkhiphela ngaphandle kwekoloyi watjhayela waya ekhaya. + +“Uphi uZimkhitha?” kwabuza unina lokha uyise nakangena ngomNyango wangaphambili. “Ngipheka ukudla akuthandako kwantambama.” +“Maye mina,” kwatjho uyise. “Ngimkhambise ngeenyawo ukuza ekhayapha ukusuka ekhoneni ngombana bekaloku ahlekela futhi.” +  +“Umntwanami engimthanda kangaka?” kulila unina kaZimkhitha. “Wenze umntwanami engimthandako azikhambele yedwa ukuza ekhaya? Uyedwa zwi? Kungcono sikhambe siyomfuna.” Bafuna bafunisisa, kodwana bekunganatshwayo likaZimkhitha. +“Umtjhiyephi?” kwabuza umma. “Uphi, Sitjhaba?” +“Maye mina,” kububula uyise kaZimkhitha, afuna ngaphasi nangaphezu kwemithi yoke. +“Zimkhitha!” kubiza unina. “Ukuphi?” +Umfazi othileko Wajamisa ikoloyi. “Nginganisiza?” kwabuza umfazi. +“Silahlekelwe mntazanyana wethu,” kutjho unina kaZimkhitha. “Khewambona?” +Umfazi wafunafuna, wabhoda ibhlogo wase uyabuya azokubika. “Ngibone ukatsu onzima, inja esarulani, nendoda ethengisa amabhanana.” +Uyise kaZimkhitha waqala phezulu, nanguya uZimkhitha lapho akhona, ulenge emmoyeni, phezulu emkayini ngehla kwabo, njengebhaloni ebukhobe. +“Nako umhlolo!” kubabaza umma. “Ingabe ufike njani phezulu kangakaya?” +Umfazi olungileko naye aqale phezulu emkayini, abone uZimkhitha aya le nale emafini. “Ingabe … uyahleka?” kwabuza umfazi. +“UZimkhitha uhlala ahleka,” kwatjho unina noyise kanye kanye. “Asikghoni ukumlisisa. Lalela!” Ukusuka phezulu, phezulu emkayini ihleko likaZimkhitha lehla lizwakala njengesimbi encani. +“Bababe!” kulila umma, aziphulula isandla. “Angawela ngelwandle.” +“Namkha, esithukghwini samathuthumbo ahlabako.” Kububula ubaba. +“Ngingusosayensi,” kwatjho umfazi olungileko, “enye yezinto zokuthoma esizifundako kulenga emmoyeni lokhuya. Kungenzeka ugwinye ummoya omnengi lokha nakahlekako okumenze waphephuka walenga emmoyeni njengebhaloni. +“Awu, awu, awu,” kulila ababelethi bakaZimkhitha. +“Yinye kwaphela indlela yokumehlisela phasi,” kwatjho umfazi olungileko. “Kufanele simenze alile.” +“Maye mina,” kwatjho unina. “Akusilula lokho. Umntwana othanda ukuhleka khulu.” +“Kuzakufanela simrhuwelele sithi kunento ethusako,” kwatjho uyise kaZimkhitha, alilela ngesakadugwini sakhe. +“Sidinga abantu abanengi khulu abazokurhuwelela boke kanye kanye,” kwatjho umfazi. “Angekhe asizwe thina nasisobathathu kwaphela-nje.” Base bayasuka babetha zoke iinsimbi zeminyango, babawa abantu bonyana baphumele ngaphandle. Uyise kaZimkhitha wajamisa iinkoloyi wabawa abantu bonyana beze boke bazobasisa. Masinyana isiqubuthu esikhulu bese sihlangene, bebakhomba, bakhwaya begodu bathwebula uZimkhitha ngabofunjathwako babo. +UZimkhitha walokhu ahleke njalo. Bekuyinto ehlekisakho angakhenge akhe ayibone. +“Khuyini esingakutjho okungamenza alile?” Kwabuza umfazi olungileko. +“Ngiyazi!” kwatjho uyise kaZimkhitha, wase uyabatjela lokho abangakutjho. +“Kunye, kubili, kuthathu, asitjhweni kanye kanye manjesi …” kulawula umfazi olungileko. +Ngalokho-ke, isiqubuthu sakhomba phezulu emkayini sase siyabhodla, “Yeyi, Zimkhitha! Siyalibona irogo lakho!” Kude le emafini uZimkhitha wabezwa. Waqala phasi wabona iinkulungwana ezihlanu zabantu zikhomba irogo lakhe, walisa ukuhleka. +Wehlela phasi. Kodwana uthe nakehlela phasi amafu amkitakita, wase ucabanga ngokobana bekumnandi kangangani ukuba kude le phezulu lokha woke omunye umuntu aphasi le. Wathoma wahleka godu. +“Maye mina,” kwatjho uyise. “Akukasizi lokhuya.” +“Ngiyazi!” kwatjho unina. “Mtjeleni bonyana sibona amaphenti wakhe anemimabalabala.” +Isiqubuthu sakhokha ummoya sase sirhuwelela ngamezwi wabo woke, “Yeyi, Zimkhitha! Sibona amaphenti wakho anemimabalabala.” +UZimkhitha walisa ukuhleka wase wehlela phasi ibanga elimamitha amatjhuni amahlanu. Kodwana uthe nakaqala umjeje weenkoloyi nesiqhema sakwa-TV, kunye neenkulungwana zabantu ezimqalileko, wathoma phasi wahleka godu. Waragela phambili nokuhleka. +Umfazi olungileko wanyikinya ihloko. “Kufanele kube ngathi sibabukhadlana,” watjho ngokuzimisela. “Nanyana ngasiphi isikhathi ukusukela nje ummoya ungamthola, uzokulengela futhi aye kude. Khuyini okumbi khulu ongakucabanga ongakutjho kuye?” +Base bahlanganisa iinhloko boke, bacabanga, bacabanga, bacabanga. Ekugcineni balithola iqhinga. +“Kanye kanye kwanjesi,” kurhuwelela uyise kaZimkhitha, ajame phezu kwephahla le-Mercedes Benz. “Woke umuntu akarhuwelele ngendlela akghona ngayo, soke kanye kanye.” +Soke isiqubuthu seenkulungwana ezine zabantu, inja esarulani, ukatsu onzima nendoda ethengisa amabhanana, barhuwelela boke kanye kanye. “YEYI ZIMKHITHA! SIBONA AMAPHENTI WAKHO, ANEEMBOBO!” +UZimkhitha walisa ukuhleka. +Wehlela phasi. Wehla, wehla, wehla. Wehlela phasi, phasi, phasi khulu, pheze wafika ehlabathini. +“Umntwanami engimthanda kangaka!” kulila unina, ambamba imilenze amdosela phasi emHlabeni. “Ngiyathokoza uphephile!” +UZimkhitha waqala isiqubuthu sabantu, boke bebakwakwazela, bahleka, bawahla nezandla. Waphathwa ziinhloni kangangokuthi wavala amehlwakhe, wabalekela ekhaya. +“Maye mina,” kwatjho uyise. “Silimaze ummoyakhe. Ukwate khulu.” +Abantu bahlanganisa iinhloko godu, bacabanga ngento efaneleko abangayitjho engamthabisa. +“Kanye kanye njenganje,” kurhuwelela unina. +Base bayarhuwelela, “YEYI, ZIMKHITHA! BESIMANE SENZA IHLAYA!” +UZimkhitha walisa ukugijima. +“SIYAKUTHEMBISA!” barhuwelela boke. “BESINGAWABONI KWAMAMBALA AMAPHENTI WAKHO, NGOMBANA WEMBETHE IBHRUGU ELIBUKHOWE!” +UZimkhitha wathoma wahleka. +“Eitjh, mbambe msinyana ngomkhono,” kurhuwelela unina. +Bakwenza lokho. Ngesikhathi esifaneleko.",nbl,isiNdebele,Indatjana esimanga kaZimkhitha olenge emmoyen,"There was once a girl named Zimkhitha who never stopped laughing. She made her dad mad. One day he was driving her home from school. When he reached the beginning of their road, he’d had enough! He stopped the car. +“Are you going to stop ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/indatjana-esimanga-kazimkhitha-olenge-emmoyeni +amazing-tale-floating-zimkhitha,"Kwaye kukho intombazana egama linguZimkhitha eyayikuthanda kakhulu ukuhleka. Kwakumcaphukisa kakhulu utata wakhe oku kuhleka. Ngenye imini wayemgodusa ngemoto, bevela esikolweni. Bathi xa befika ekuqaleni kwesitalato sabo, wabe sele edikwe nyhani! Wemisa imoto. +“Uza kude uyeke ukuhleka okanye uza kugoduka ngeenyawo?” wabuza. Kodwa uZimkhitha wanga uyaqinisa ukuhleka. +“Kulungile ke,” utshilo, “hamba ngeenyawo ugoduke.” Wamkhupha emotweni waza waqhuba yena wagoduka, emshiya apho. + +“Uphi uZimkhitha?” wabuza umama wakhe ukungena kukatata wakhe. “Ndipheka okona kutya akuthandayo.” +“E-e, S’thandwa,” watsho utata wakhe. “Ndithe makahambe ngeenyawo ukusuka phaya ekoneni kuba ebengayeki ukuhleka.” +“Usana lwam?” wakhala wenjenjalo umama kaZimkhitha. “Uthe usana lwam malugoduke ngeenyawo? Lodwa? Masiye kumkhangela.” Bakhangela, bakhangela, kodwa wayengabonakali ndawo uZimkhitha. +“Umshiye phi?” wabuza uMama. “Uphi Ron umntwan’am?” +“Owu madoda,” wambombozela ngesingqala njalo utata kaZimkhitha, ekhangela ezicithini nasemithini. +“Zimkhitha,” wakhwaza umama wakhe. “Zimkhitha, uphi?” +Mfazi uthile wemisa imoto yakhe. “Ndinganinceda?” wabuza. +“Silahlekelwe yintombi yethu encinane,” watsho umama kaZimkhitha. “Ukhe wayibona?” +Lo mfazi wajikeleza isitalato ngemoto wabuya wazisa ingxelo, “Ndibone ikati emnyama, inja etyheli nendoda ethengisa ibhanana. Kodwa andibonanga ntombazana naphi na.” +Utata kaZimkhitha waphakamisa amehlo wambona, nankuya uZimkhitha, ebhabha phezulu, phezulu esibhakabhakeni, njengebhaloni epinki. +“Owu bantu bakuthi,” kukhuza uMama. “Ufikelele njani phaya phezulu?” +Umfazi onobubele wajonga phezulu esibhakabhakeni, ebukele uZimkhitha ebhabha emafini. “Ingaba … u-u-u-yahleka?” wabuza. +“UZimkhitha wasoloko ehleka,” batsho bobabini umama notata wakhe. “Asikwazi ukumenza angahleki. Mamela.” Iphuma phezulu esibhakabhakeni intsini kaZimkhitha, yayivakala ngathi yintsimbi ekhenkcezayo. +“Owu hayini!” ukhale watsho umama wakhe, ethwele izandla entloko. “Mhlawumbi uzakuwela elwandle.” +“Okanye kwimithana enameva,” kuncwina utata wakhe. +“Ndingusonzululwazi,” watsho umfazi onobubele, “enye yezinto zokuqala esizifundileyo yeyokuba umoya uyabhabha. Inoba uginye umoya omninzi ngexesha ebehleka watsho wabhabha njengebhaloni.” +“Yho, yho, yho, yho” bakhala njalo abazali bakaZimkhitha. +“Inye kuphela indlela esingamthoba ngayo,” watsho umfazi onobubele. “Kufuneka simenze alile.” +“Owu Nkosi,” kutsho umama wakhe. “Oko akulula. Yintombazana ehlala igigitheka leya.” +“Kufuneka sikhwaze, simazise ngento embi,” watsho utata kaZimkhitha, elilela kwitshefu yakhe. +“Kufuneka sifumane abantu abaninzi, size sikhwaze sonke ngaxeshanye,” utshilo umfazi onobubele. “Akasoze asive thina sobathathu.” Ngoko ke bankqonkqoza kuzo zonke izindlu ezikufutshane, bacela abantu ukuba baphume phandle. Utata kaZimkhitha wamisa zonke iimoto, wacela wonke umntu ukuba aze kunceda. Ngethutyana nje elingephi kwakuzele kunyakazela ngabantu ababesolatha, bewangawangisa, befota uZimkhitha ngeeselula zabo. +UZimkhitha wahleka, wahleka. Le, yayiyeyona nto ihlekisayo wakhe wayibona. +“Siza kuthini ukuze simenze alile?” kubuza umfazi onobubele. +“Ndiyazi!,” watsho utata kaZimkhitha, waza wabaxelela ukuba bathini. +“Inye, zimbini, zintathu, masitsho sonke sithi …” kuyalela umfazi onobubele. +Ngalo myalelo, isihlwele solatha esibhakabhakeni saza saduma, “We Zimkhitha! Siyabona ngaphantsi kwelokhwe yakho!” Phezulu emafini uZimkhitha wabeva. Wajonga ezantsi, wabona abantu abangamakhulu amahlanu bolathe ilokhwe yakhe, waze wayeka ukuhleka. +Wehlela ngezantsi. Kodwa njengokuba esihla nje, amafu amnyumbaza, waza wacinga ukuba kuyahlekisa ukuba phezulu kangako, lo gama wonke umntu esezantsi. Waze waqalisa ukuhleka kwakhona. +“Owu Nkosi yam,” watsho utata wakhe. “Le nto ayisebenzanga.” +“Ndiyazi!” watsho umama wakhe. “Masimxelele ukuba siyayibona ipenti yakhe enamachokoza.” +Ngoko ke isihlwele saphefumla kakhulu saza sakhwaza kangangoko sinakho sathi, “We Zimkhitha! Siyayibona ipenti yakho enamachokoza!” + +UZimkhitha wayeka ukuhleka, waza wehlela ezantsi kangangeemitha ezingamashumi amahlanu. Kodwa uthe xa ejonga umngcelele weemoto neentatheli zikamabonwakude namawakawaka abantu abambukeleyo, waqalisa ukuhleka kwakhona. Wasuka wanyuka kwakhona. +Umfazi onobubele wahlunguzela intloko. “Kuza kufuneka sibe ngathi sithetha kakubi ukodlula oku,” watsho, egxininisisa. “Ngawo nawuphi na umzuzu umoya ungavuka aze abhabhe emke umphelo. Yeyiphi eyona nto imbi eniyicingayo esinokuyithetha kuye?” +Bahlanganisa iintloko bacinga, bacinga, bacinga. Ekugqibeleni bayifumana. +“Sisonke ke ngoku,” wakhwaza utata kaZimkhitha, ekhwele phezulu kwiMercedes Benz. “Wonke umntu makakhwaze kangangoko anakho, ngaxeshanye.” +Sonke eso sihlwele samawaka amane abantu nenja emthubi, ikati emnyama kunye nendoda ethengisa iibhanana sakhwaza ngaxeshanye, “WE ZIMKHITHA! SIYAYIBONA IPENTI YAKHO, KWAYE INOMGQOBHO!” + +UZimkhitha wayeka kwa oko ukuhleka. +Nanko esihla. Wehla, wehla, wehla. Wehla ngakumbi nangakumbi wada ekugqibeleni wasondela kakhulu emhlabeni. +“Umntwana wam endimthandayo!” wakhala umama wakhe, emthi nqaku ngemilenze emtsalela eMhlabeni. “Ndibulela ukuba ungenzakalanga!” +UZimkhitha wajonga elo gquba labantu laliyiyizela lihleka limqhwabela izandla. Wayeneentloni kangangokuba wazigquma, ubuso wabaleka wagoduka. +“Owu Nkosi yam,” watsho utata wakhe. “Simkhathazile. Ngoku uqumbile.” +Ngoko ke abantu baphinda badibanisa iintloko bacinga into efanelekileyo abanokuyithetha, ukumenza angaqumbi. +“Masitsho sonke ngoku,” wakhwaza umama wakhe. +Bonke baduma besithi, “WE ZIMKHITHA! BESIKUQHULA!” +UZimkhitha wema, wayeka ukubaleka. +“SINYANISILE!” bakhwaza bonke. “BESINGENAKUYIBONI IPENTI YAKHO, KUBA UNXIBE IBHULUKHWE EPINKI!” +Waza ke uZimkhitha waqala ukuhleka. +“Yho, mbambe kamsinyane,” wakhwaza umama wakhe. +Bamthi nqaku bambamba. Kanye ngexesha elifanelekileyo.",xho,isiXhosa,Ibali elimangalisayo likaZimkhitha owayebhabh,"There was once a girl named Zimkhitha who never stopped laughing. She made her dad mad. One day he was driving her home from school. When he reached the beginning of their road, he’d had enough! He stopped the car. +“Are you going to stop ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ibali-elimangalisayo-likazimkhitha-owayebhabha +amazing-tale-floating-zimkhitha,"Kwakukhona intombazane eyayibizwa ngoZimkhitha eyayingazange yayeka ukuhleka. Wayecasula ubaba wakhe. Ngelinye ilanga wayemhambisa ekhaya besuka esikoleni. Ngesikhathi efika ekuqaleni komgwaqo wabo, wayengasakwazi ukumelana nalokhu! Wamisa imoto. +“Ngabe uzoyeka ukuhleka noma uzoya ekhaya ngezinyawo?” kubuza yena. Kodwa uZimkhitha wahleka kakhulu kunakuqala. +“Kulungile,” kusho yena, “ungaya ekhaya ngezinyawo.” Wamehlisa emotweni wahamba ngemoto waya ekhaya. + +“Uphi uZimkhitha?” kubuza umama wakhe ngesikhathi ubaba wakhe engena ngomnyango ongaphambili. “Ngimphekela isidlo sakusihlwa asithandayo.” +“Mamo,” kusho ubaba wakhe. “Ngimenze weza ekhaya ngezinyawo esuka ekhoneni ngoba ubengayeki ukuhleka.” +“Awu Nkosi yami, ngabe kwenzekeni kumntanami?” kukhala umama kaZimkhitha. “Wenze umntanami weza ekhaya ngezinyawo? Yedwa nje? Kuzomele siyomfuna simthole.” Bafuna, bafuna, kodwa uZimkhitha wayengabonakali nangalukhalo. +“Umshiye kuphi kanti?” kubuza uMama. “Ukuphi, Ron?” +“Mamo,” kungundaza ubaba kaZimkhitha, ebheka ngaphansi kwesikhotha ngasinye naphezu kwesihlahla ngasinye. +“Zimkhitha,” kumemeza umama wakhe. “Zimkhitha, ukuphi?” +Owesifazane wamisa imoto yakhe. “Ngabe nginganisiza?” kubuza yena. +“Silahlekelwe intombazanyana yethu,” kusho umama kaZimkhitha. “Ngabe uke wayibona?” +Owesifazane wayobheka ngemoto endaweni eseduze nalapho wase ebuya ezobika, “Ngibone ikati elimnyama, nenja ephuzi, nendoda edayisa ubhanana. Kodwa angizange ngiyibone ndawo intombazanyana.” +Ubaba kaZimkhitha wabheka phezulu, nanguya uZimkhitha, wayentanta eya phezulu, phezulu esibhakabhakeni phezu kwabo, njengebhelunde eliphinki. +“Maye!” kubabaza uMama. “Kazi ufike kanjani phezulu laphaya?” +Owesifazane onomusa wabheka esibhakabhakeni, ebuka uZimkhitha egwijisa emafini. “Ngabe … uyahleka?” kubuza yena. +“UZimkhitha uhlale ehleka,” kusho umama nobaba wakhe kanyekanye. “Asikwazi ukumyekisa. Lalelani.” Kuvela phezulu, phezulu esibhakabhakeni ukuhleka kukaZimkhitha kwehla kukhala njengensimbi encane. +“Maye!” kukhala umama wakhe, esonta izandla zakhe. “Kungenzeka awele olwandle.” +“Noma, esihlahleni samarozi,” kugquma ubaba wakhe. +“Ngingusosayensi,” kusho owesifazane onomusa, “futhi into yokuqala esiyifundayo ukuthi umoya uyaphakama. Kungenzeka ukuthi ugwinye umoya omningi ekuhlekeni kwakhe waze wandizela phezulu njengebhelunde.” +“O, o, o,” kukhala abazali bakaZimkhitha. +“Inye kuphela indlela yokumehlisa,” kusho owesifazane onomusa. “Kumele sonke simkhalise.” +“Maye,” kusho umama wakhe. “Akulula lokho. Uyingane ethanda ukuhleka kakhulu.” +“Kumele simemeze sisho into engemnandi kuye,” kusho ubaba kaZimkhitha, ekhalela edukwini lakhe. +“Sidinga abantu abaningi kakhulu ukuze bamemeze bonke kanyekanye,” kusho owesifazane. “Angeke asizwe thina sobathathu nje.” Ngakho bashaya zonke izinsimbi zaseminyango, bacela abantu ukuthi baphumele phandle. Ubaba kaZimkhitha wamisa izimoto wase ecela wonke umuntu ukuthi azosiza. Kungekudala kwase kukhona isixuku esikhulu, futhi babekhomba, bethathaza futhi, bethatha uZimkhitha nezithombe zevidiyo ngomakhalekhukhwini babo. +UZimkhitha wahleka, wahleka. Kwakuyinto ehlekisa kakhulu ayeseke wayibona. +“Sizothini okuzomenza ukuthi akhale?” kusho owesifazane onomusa. +“Ngiyazi ukuthi singathini!” kusho ubaba kaZimkhitha, wase ebatshela ukuthi bathini. +“Kunye, kubili, kuthathu, asishoni sonke …” kuyalela owesifazane onomusa. +Ngakho-ke, isixuku sakhomba esibhakabhakeni samemeza, “We, Zimkhitha! Sibona ngaphansi kwengubo yakho!” UZimkhitha wabezwa ephezulu emafini. Wabuka phansi wabona abantu abangamakhulu amahlanu bekhomba ingubo yakhe, wayeka ukuhleka. +Wehla. Kodwa ngesikhathi ehlela phansi wakitazwa amafu, wase ecabanga ukuthi kuhlekisa kanjani lokho kuba phezulu kangaka ngesikhathi wonke umuntu elaphaya ezansi. Wase eqala ukuhleka futhi. +“Maye,” kusho ubaba wakhe. “Akusebenzanga lokho.” +“Ngiyazi ukuthi singathini,” kusho umama wakhe. “Mtsheleni ukuthi siyalibona iphenti lakhe elimagqabhagqabha.” +Ngakho isixuku sadonsa umoya samemeza kakhulu, “We, Zimkhitha! Siyalibona iphenti lakho elimagqabhagqabha!” + +UZimkhitha wase eyeka ukuhleka wehlela phansi ibanga elingamamitha angamashumi amahlanu. Kodwa ngesikhathi ebuka isiminyaminya sezimoto nethimba likamabonakude nezinkulungwane zabantu ababembuka, waqala ukuhleka futhi. Wase ekhuphuka futhi. +Owesifazane onomusa wanikina ikhanda lakhe. “Kumele sizame ukusho okuthile okuyichilo kunalokhu,” washo ngezwi eliqinile. “Noma inini kusukela manje uzobanjwa umoya, bese endiza unomphela. Yini embi kunazo zonke eniyicabangayo esingayisho kuye?” +Bahlanganisa amakhanda bacabanga, bacabanga, bacabanga. Bayithola ekugcineni. +“Manje sonke kanyekanye,” kumemeza ubaba kaZimkhitha, eme phezu kweMercedes Benz. “Wonke umuntu makamemeze kakhulu ngendlela angakwazi ukwenza ngayo, sonke ngesikhathi esisodwa.” +Isixuku sabantu abayizinkulungwane ezine, nenja ephuzi, ikati elimnyama, nendoda edayisa ubhanana kwamenyezwa, “WE ZIMKHITHA! SIYALIBONA IPHENTI LAKHO, FUTHI LINEMBOBO!” + +UZimkhitha wayeka ukuhleka. +Wehlela phansi. Wehla, wehla, wehla. Wehla futhi, wehla futhi, wehla futhi, waze wacishe wathinta phansi. +“Mntanami omuhle!” kukhala umama wakhe, ebamba imilenze yakhe emehlisela eMhlabeni. “Ngibonga ukuthi uphephile!” +UZimkhitha wabuka isixulu sabantu ababemhalalisela, behleka futhi beshaya izandla zabo. Wayeshaywa amahloni kangangokuba wamboza ubuso bakhe wagijima waya ekhaya. +“Maye,” kusho ubaba wakhe. “Simzwise ubuhlungu. Uphatheke kabi kakhulu.” +Ngakho abantu bahlanganisa amakhanda futhi bacabanga into enhle engamenza azizwe ekahle. +“Kanyekanye manje,” kumemeza umama wakhe. +Base bememeza, “WE, ZIMKHITHA! BESINCOKOLA NJE!” +UZimkhitha wayeka ukugijima. +“SIKWATHEMBISA!” bamemeza bonke. “EMPELENI BESINGALIBONI IPHENTI LAKHO, NGOBA UFAKE IBHULUKWE ELIPHINKI!” +UZikhitha wase eqala ukuhleka. +“O hhe, mbambeni ngokushesha,” kumemeza umama wakhe. +Benza kanjalo. Ngesikhathi.",zul,isiZulu,Indaba emangazayo kaZimkhitha owayentanta emoyen,"There was once a girl named Zimkhitha who never stopped laughing. She made her dad mad. One day he was driving her home from school. When he reached the beginning of their road, he’d had enough! He stopped the car. +“Are you going to stop ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/indaba-emangazayo-kazimkhitha-owayentanta-emoyeni +amazing-tale-floating-zimkhitha,"Go be go na le mosetsana wa go bitšwa Zimkhitha yo a bego a phela a sega. O be a befediša tatagwe. Ka letšatši le lengwe o be a otlela a etšwa go mo tšea sekolong ba eya gae. O rile go fihla mathomong a tsela, a kwa gore ga a sa kgotlelela! O ile a emiša sefatanaga. +“Naa o ile go emiša go sega goba o tla sepela ka maoto go ya gae?” a botšiša. Efela Zimkhitha o ile a segela godimo. +“Agaa,” a realo, “o tla sepela ka maoto go ya gae.” O mo ntšhitše ka koloing gomme yena a otlela a ya gae. + +“Naa Zimkhitha o kae?”gwa botšiša mmagwe ge tatagwe a tsena lebating la ka pele. “Ke apea dijo tša go lalela tše a di ratago.” +“Aa mogatšaka,” a realo tatagwe. “Ke mo fološitše ka re a sepele ka maoto kua khoneng ka ge a sa emiše go sega.” +“Ngwana wa ka yo mobotse?” mmago Zimkhitha a lla. “O rile ngwana wa ka yo mobotse a tle gae ka maoto? A nnoši? Re swanetše go yo mo tšea.” Ba ile ba lebelela kua le kua efela ba se bone Zimkhitha. +“O mo tlogetše kae?” gwa botšiša Mmagwe. “O kae, Ron?” +“Ijoo mogatšaka,” a realo tatago Zimkhitha, a lebelela ka tlase ga sethokgwana se sengwe le se sengwe le mohlare o mongwe le o mongwe. +“Zimkhitha!” mmagwe a goeletša. “O mokae?” +Mosadi yo mongwe o ile a ema ka koloi. “Naa nka le thuša?” a botšiša. +“Ngwana wa rena wa mosetsana o timetše,” a realo mmago Zimkhitha. “Naa ga se wa mmona?” +Mosadi yola o ile a a dikologa sehlopha sa mengwako a boya, “Ke bone katse ye ntsho le mpša ye serolane, le monna wa go rekiša dipanana. Ga se ke bone mosetsana.” +Tatago Zimkhitha o ile a lebelela godimo, gomme a bona Zimkhitha, a phaphametše, a phaphametše godimo, godimo lefaufaung ka godimo ga bona, bjalo ka palone ye pinki. +“Ijoo!” gwa goeletša Mmagwe. “O ile bjang godimo?” +Mosadi wa go loka o ile a lebelela godimo, a lebelela Zimkhitha a sobelela ka marung. “Naa … o a sega?” a botšiša. +“Zimkhitha o phela a sega,” mmagwe le tatagwe ba bolela sammaletee. “Re palelwa ke go mo tlogediša go sega. Theeletša.” Go tšwa godimo, godimo lefaufaung go be go kwagala sesego sa Zimkhitha gomme se kwagala tlase bjalo ka tšhipi ye ellago. +“Aowa hle!” mmagwe a lla a thintha diatla. “A ka wela lewatleng.” +“Goba ka sethokgwaneng sa dirosa,” tatagwe a ngunanguna. +“Ke nna rasaense,” a realo mosadi wa go loka, “gomme ye nngwe ya dilo tša mathomo tše re ithutago ke go phaphamala moyeng. A ka no ba a meditše moya o montši ge a sega gomme a phaphamala bjalo ka palune.” +“Ijoo, ijoo, ijoo,” batswadi ba Zimkhitha ba lla. +“Go na le tsela e tee fela yeo ka yona re ka mmušago fa tlase,” a realo mosadi wa go loka. “Re swanetše go mo dira gore a lle.” +“Aa,” a realo mmagwe. “Seo ga se bonolo. Ke ngwana wa go dula a sega.” +“Re swanetše go goeletša re bolele selo sa go mo tšhoša,” tatago Zimkhitha a realo, a llela ka gare ga sakatuku. +“Re hloka batho ba bantši gore ba goeletše ka nako e tee,” a realo mosadi. “Ge re le bararo fela a ka se re kwe.” Ba ile ba kokota mejakong ka moka, gomme ba kgopela batho ka moka go tšwela ka ntle. Tatago Zimkhitha o ile a emiša moela wa difatanaga gomme a kgopela bohle go tla go thuša. Gateeetee gwa kgobokana lešaba le le ntši, gomme ba šupa, ba emiša matsogo ebile ba tšea Zimkhitha filimi ka megalathekeng ya bona. +Zimkhitha o ile a sega a ba a sega. E be e le selo sa go segiša kudu seo a kilego a se bona. +“Re ka reng go mo dira gore a lle?” gwa botšiša mosadi wa go loka. +“Ke a tseba!” a realo tatago Zimkhitha, gomme a ba botša gore ba reng. +“Tee, pedi, tharo, ka moka bjale …” gwa laela mosadi wa go loka. +Ka seo, lešaba la šupa lefaufaung gomme la goeletša, “Hei, Zimkhitha! Re bona go fihla godimo ka rokong ya gago!” Godimo marung Zimkhitha o ile a ba kwa. O lebeletše tlase gomme a bona batho ba makgolo a mahlano ba šupile roko ya gagwe gomme a emiša go sega. +O ile a phaphamala a leba tlase. Efela o ile a tsikiditlwa ke maru ge a etla tlase, a nagana gore go bose kudu go ba godimo mola bohle ba le tlase. O ile a thoma go sega gape. +“Ijoo mogatšaka,” a realo tatagwe. “Se ga se sa šoma.” +“Ke a tseba!” a realo mmagwe. “Mmotše gore re kgona go bona borokgwana bja gagwe bja ka gare bja maronthodi.” +Lešaba le ile la hemela ka gare gomme la goeletša kudukudu, “Hei, Zimkhitha! Re kgona go bona borokgwana bja gago bja ka gare bja maronthodi.” + +Gomme Zimkhitha o ile a emiša go sega gomme a phaphamala dimetara tše masomehlano go ya tlase. Efela o rile ge a bona moela wo mogolo wa difatanaga le bašomedi ba thelebišene le batho ba diketekete ba mo lebeletše, a thoma go sega gape. O ile a boelela godimo gape. +Mosadi wa go loka o ile a šikinya hlogo. “Re tla swanela go thatafatša letsogo gannyane,” a gatelela seo. “Motsotso ofe goba ofe go tloga gabjale phefo e tla mo swara, gomme o tla phaphamala a se sa boya. Ke eng ye mpempe ye o ka mmotšago yona?” +Ba kopantše dihlogo ba nagana, ba nagana, ba nagana. Mafelelong ba ile ba e hwetša. +“Ka moka bjale,” a realo tatago Zimkhitha, a eme godimo ga Mercedes Benz. “Ka moka ga lena le goeletše kudukudu ka nako e tee.” +Lešaba ka moka la batho ba dikete tše nne, le mpša ye serolane, le katse ye ntsho le monna wa go rekiša dipanana ba goeletša ka nako e tee, “HEI ZIMKHITHA! RE KGONA GO BONA BOROKGWANA BJA GAGO BJA KA GARE, GOMME BO NA LE LEŠOBA!” + +Zimkhitha o ile a emiša go sega. +O ile a theogela tlase. Tlase, tlase, tlase. A tla tlase tlase, le tlase tlase le tlase tlase, go fihlela a fihla mo mabung. +“Ngwana wa ka yo mobotse!” mmagwe a lla, a swara maoto a gagwe a mo gogela Lefaseng. “Ke leboga ge o bolokegile!” +Zimkhitha a lebelela lešaba la go reta le go sega le opa diatla. O be a swabile ka fao a ilego a ikhupetša sefahlego gomme a kitimela gae. +“Ijoo ngwanaka,” a realo tatagwe. “Re mo kwešitše bohloko. O befetšwe kudu.” +Lešaba le kopantše dihlogo gape la bolela ka selo sa botse seo ba ka se bolelago sa go mo thabiša. +“Ka moka bjale,” a realo mmagwe. +Ba goeletša, “HEI, ZIMKHITHA, RE BE RE SWASWA!” +Zimkhitha o ile a ema a se sa kitima. +“RE A GO TSHEPHIŠA!” ba goeletša. “GA GO KA MOO RE BEGO RE TLA KGONA GO BONA BOROKGWANA BJA GAGO BJA KA GARE, KA GOBANE O APERE BOROKGO BJO BO PINKI!” +Gomme Zimkhitha o ile a thoma go sega. +“Agaa, mo sware ka pela,” gwa goeletša mmagwe. +Ba ile ba mo swara. E sa le nako.",nso,Sepedi,onwane ya go makatša ya Zimkhitha wa go phapham,"There was once a girl named Zimkhitha who never stopped laughing. She made her dad mad. One day he was driving her home from school. When he reached the beginning of their road, he’d had enough! He stopped the car. +“Are you going to stop ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nonwane-ya-go-makatša-ya-zimkhitha-wa-go-phaphamala +amazing-tale-floating-zimkhitha,"Ho kile ha eba le ngwananyana e mong ya neng a bitswa Zimkhitha ya neng a sa tlohele ho tsheha. O ne a halefisa ntatae. Ka letsatsi le leng o ne a tswa mo lata sekolong ka koloi ho leba lapeng. Ba sa ntsane ba qala ho kena tseleng ya bona feela, o ne a se a tenehile ho feta! O ile a emisa koloi. +“Na o tla tlohela ho tsheha kapa o tla tsamaya ka maoto ho ya lapeng?” a botsa. Empa Zimkhitha o ile a tshehela hodimo le ho feta. +“Ho lokile,” a rialo, “o ka nna tsamaya ka maoto ho ya hae.” Yaba o mo theola koloing ya hae mme a e kganna ho leba hae. + +“Zimkhitha o kae?” mmae a botsa jwalo ha ntatae a kena monyako o ka pele. “Ke mo phehela dijo tseo a di ratang.” +“Oho,” ntatae a araba. “Ke itse a tsamaye ka maoto ho tloha hukung yane hobane o ne a sa batle ho tlohela ho tsheha.” +“Moradinyana wa ka?” ho botsa mme wa Zimkhitha. “O entse hore moradinyana wa ka a tsamaye ka maoto ho tla hae? A le mong? Re tla lokela ho ya mmatla.” Ba ile ba mmatla ba mmatla, empa ho ne ho se le letshwaonyana feela la moo Zimkhitha a leng teng. +“O mo siile kae?” Mmae a botsa. “Ngwanaka o kae, Ron?” +“Ao banna,” ho honotha ntata Zimkhitha, a shebisisa ka tlasa sehlahla se seng le se seng le hodimo sefateng se seng le se seng. +“Zimkhitha,” ho hoeletsa mmae. “Zimkhitha, o hokae?” +Mosadi e mong a emisa koloi ya hae. “Na nka le thusa?” a botsa. +“Re lahlehetswe ke moradinyana wa rona,” ho araba mme wa Zimkhitha. “Na ho na le moo o mmoneng?” +Mosadi eo a kganna ho potoloha sebaka seo mme a kgutla ho tla ba tlalehela, “Ke bone katse e ntsho, le ntja e tshehla, le monna ya rekisang dipanana. Empa ha ho moo ke boneng ngwananyana e monyane teng.” +Ntata Zimkhitha a sheba hodimo, mme a bona Zimkhitha a le mane, a phaphalletse hodimo, hodimo sepakapakeng ka hodima bona, jwaloka balunu e kgolo e pinki. +“Jowee!” ha kgotsa Mme. “Ekaba ho tlile jwang hore a fihle hodimo mola?” +Mosadi ya mosa a sheba hodimo sepakapakeng, a shebelletse Zimkhitha a ntse a fofa hodimo marung. “Na ebe o a …. tsheha?” a botsa. +“Zimkhitha o dula a tsheha,” ha rialo mmae le ntatae mmoho. “Ha re kgone ho mo thibela. Mamela.” Ho tswa hodimodimo marung, ditsheho tsa Zimkhitha di ne di utlwahala di theohela tlase jwaloka tshepe e nyane. +“Tjhe bo!” ho hoeletsa mmae, a tsoka matsoho. “O tla wela ka hara lewatle.” +“Kapa ka hara meutlwa ya dipalesa,” ho honotha ntatae. +“Nna ke rasaense,” ho rialo mosadi ya mosa, “mme e nngwe ya dintho tsa pele tseo re ithutang tsona ke hore moya o a phaphalla. Mohlomong o ile a kwenya moya o mongata haholo ha a ntse a tsheha hoo a fofetseng hodimo jwaloka balunu.” +“Jo, jo, jonna we,” ho makala batswadi ba Zimkhitha +“Re na le tsela e le nngwe feela ya ho etsa hore a theohele fatshe,” ho rialo mosadi ya mosa. “Re tla tlameha ho mo llisa.” +“Ao basadi,” ho rialo mmae. “Hoo ho ke ke ha eba bonolo. Ke ngwana ya dulang a keketeha feela.” +“Re tla tlameha ho hoeletsa ho hong ho tshosang ho yena.” ho rialo ntata Zimkhitha, a llela ka hara sakatuku sa hae. +“Re hloka batho ba bangata haholo, hore ba tlo hoeletsa ka nako e le nngwe,” ho rialo mosadi eo. “A keke a re utlwa ha re le bararo feela.” Yaba ba tsamaya ba kokota menyako ena kaofela, mme ba kopa batho hore ba tswele ka ntle. Ntata Zimkhitha a emisa sephethephethe mme a kopa batho bohle hore ba tlo thusa. Kapele ke ha ho se ho bokane letshwele le leholo, mme batho ba ne ba supa le ho dumedisa ka matsoho ba bile ba nka filimi ya Zimkhitha ka diselefounu tsa bona. +Zimkhitha a tsheha a ba a tsheha. O ne a qala ho bona ntho e qabolang jwalo. +“Jwale re tla reng ho etsa hore a lle?” ha botsa mosadi ya lokileng. +“Ke a tseba!” ho rialo ntata Zimkhitha, mme a ba bolella hore ba reng. +“Nngwe, pedi, tharo, ha re yeng mmoho …” ha laela mosadi ya mosa. +Mme ha a tjho jwalo, letshwele la supa hodimo marung mme la hoeletsa, “Hela, Zimkhitha! Re kgona ho bona ka tlasa mose wa hao!” Hodimodimo marung kwana Zimkhitha a ba utlwa. A sheba fatshe mme a bona batho ba makgolo a mahlano ba supile mose wa hae, mme a kgaotsa ho tsheha. +Yaba o fofela tlase. Empa yare ha a ntse a theohela tlase maru a mo tsikinyetsa, mme a nahana kamoo ho qabolang ka teng ho ba hodimodimo kwana mme batho ba bang kaofela ba le tlase mane, yaba o qala ho tsheha hape. +“Ao banna,” ntatae a rialo. “Ha e a sebetsa.” +“Ke a tseba!” ha bua mmae. “Mmolelleng hore re kgona ho bona penti ya hae e matheba.” +Yaba letshwele le hula moya haholo mme ba hoeletsa haholo, “Hela, Zimkhitha! Re kgona ho bona penti ya hao e matheba!” + +Yaba Zimkhitha o emisa ho tsheha mme a fofela tlase ka dimitara tse mashome a mahlano. Empa yare ha a sheba dikoloi tse petetsaneng mmileng le boradikhemera ba TV le diketekete tsa batho ba mo shebelletseng, a qala ho tsheha hape. Mme a leba hodimo hape. +Mosadi ya mosa a sisinya hlooho. “Re tla tlameha ho ba kgoponyana jwale,” a rialo a tiisitse. “Neng kapa neng ho tloha jwale moya o tla mo fumana, mme o tla fofela hole ka ho sa feleng. Ke eng e mpe ka ho fetisisa eo re ka mmolellang yona?” +Yaba bohle ba kopanya dihlooho mme ba nahana ba nahana ba nahana. Qetellong ba e fumana. +“Bohle jwale,” ha hoeletsa ntata Zimkhitha, a eme hodima koloi ya Mercedes Benz. “Motho e mong le e mong a hoeletse haholo kamoo a ka kgonang, bohle ka nako e le nngwe.” +Mme letshwele lohle la batho ba dikete tse nne, le ntja e tshehla, le katse e ntsho le monna ya rekisang dipanana bohle ba hoeletsa ka nako e le nngwe, “HELA ZIMKHITHA! RE BONA PENTI YA HAO MME E NA LE LESOBA!” + +Yaba Zimkhitha o tlohela ho tsheha. +A theohela tlase. Tlase, tlase, tlase. A tswela pele ho ya tlase haholo, tlase haholo, ho fihlela a batla a fihla fatshe. +“Oho, moradinyana wa ka!” ho rialo mmae, a mo tshwara ka maoto mme a mo hulela tlase Lefatsheng. “Re leboha Modimo ha o bolokehile!” +Zimkhitha a sheba letshwele la batho bohle ba neng ba mo etsetsa ditlatse ba tsheha ba bile ba opa matsoho. O ne a swabile haholo hoo a ileng a ikwahela sefahleho mme a mathela habo. +“Ao bathong,” ho rialo ntatae. “Re mo utlwisitse bohloko. O kgenne ka nnete.” +Yaba kahoo batho ba boela ba kopanya dihlooho mme ba nahana ka ntho e ntle eo ba ka e buang ho mo thabisa. +“Ha re yeng bohle jwale,” ha hoeletsa mmae. +Yaba ba a hoeletsa, “HELA, ZIMKHITHA! RE NE RE MPA RE BAPALA HLE!” +Zimkhitha a tlohela ho matha. +“RE A O TSHEPISA!” kaofela ba hoeletsa. “RE NE RE SA BONE PENTI YA HAO HLE, HOBANE O TENNE BORIKGWE BO PINKI!” +Mme Zimkhitha a qala ho tsheha. +“Jowe, mo tshwareng kapele hle,” ha hoeletsa mmae. +Mme ba etsa jwalo. Kapele a eso fofe hape.",sot,Sesotho,Pale e makatsang ya Zimkhitha ya fofang,"There was once a girl named Zimkhitha who never stopped laughing. She made her dad mad. One day he was driving her home from school. When he reached the beginning of their road, he’d had enough! He stopped the car. +“Are you going to stop ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/pale-e-makatsang-ya-zimkhitha-ya-fofang +amazing-tale-floating-zimkhitha,"Go kile ga nna le mosetsana leina la gagwe e le Zimkhitha yo o neng a se ke a emisa go tshega. O ne a galefisa rraagwe. Ka letsatsi le lengwe o ne a kgweetsa sejanaga a mo isa gae go tswa kwa sekolong. Fa a simolola go tsena mo tseleng e e lebang gae, o ne a setse a utlwile! O ne a emisa koloi. +“A o tlile go emisa go tshega kgotsa a o tlile go tsamaya ka maoto go ya kwa gae?” o ne a botsa. Mme fela Zimkhitha o ne a tshegela kwa godimo le go feta. +“Go siame,” o ne a rialo, “o ka nna wa tsamaya wa ya gae ka maoto.” O ne a mo folosa mo sejanageng mme ene a kgweetsa go ya gae. + +“Zimkhitha o kae?” go ne ga botsa mmaagwe fa rraagwe a tsena mo mojakong o o kwa pele. “Ke apeile dijo tse a di ratang thata tsa selalelo.” +“Ao mmaabo,” rraagwe a rialo. “Ke dirile gore a tle gae ka maoto go tswa kwa tsela e retologang teng gonne o ne a sa batle go emisa go tshega.” +“Ngwanake yo ke mo ratang?” ga lela mmaagwe Zimkhitha. “O dirile gore ngwanake yo ke mo ratang a tle gae ka maoto? A le nosi? Re tshwanetse go tsamaya re ye go mmatla.” Ba ne ba batla ba be ba batla, mme go ne go se motlhala wa ga Zimkhitha. +“O mo tlogetse kwa kae?” Mme o ne a botsa. “O kae, Ron?” +“Ao mogatsaka,” go ne ga buela rraagwe Zimkhitha kwa tlase, a tlhola ka fa tlase ga setlhatshana sengwe le sengwe le mo godimo ga setlhare sengwe le sengwe. +“Zimkhitha!” ga bitsa mmaagwe. “O kwa kae?” +Mosadi o ne a emisa sejanaga sa gagwe. “A nka go thusa?” a botsa. +“Re timeletswe ke mosetsana wa rona yo monnye,” ga bua mmaagwe Zimkhitha. “A o mmone?” +Mosadi o ne a kgweetsa go dikologa mo lefelong la bona mme a boela fa go bona go ba begela, “Ke bone katse e ntsho, le ntšwa e e serolwana, le monna yo o rekisang dipanana. Fela ga ke a bona mosetsana yo monnye gope.” +Rraagwe Zimkhitha o ne a lebelela kwa godimo, mme kwa ga bo go le Zimkhitha, a kokobetse kwa godimo, kwa godimodimo mo loaping fa godimo ga bone, jaaka balune e kgolo e pinki. +“Bathong wee!” ga rialo Mme a maketse. “Go tlile jang tota gore a fitlhe kwa godimodimo kwa?” +Mosadi yo o pelonomi o ne a lebelela mo loaping, a lebeletse jaaka Zimkhitha a tsena le go tswa mo marung. “A mme … o a tshega?” a botsa. +“Zimkhitha o a tshega ka gale,” ga bua mmaagwe le rraagwe mmogo ka nako e le nngwe. “Ga re kgone go mo emisa. Reetsa.” Go tswa kwa godimo, kwa godimodimo mo loaping setshego sa ga Zimkhitha se ne se tsidima jaaka tleloko e nnye. +“Ao nnyaa tlhe!” ga lela mmaagwe, jaaka e kete o gamola sengwe ka diatla tsa gagwe. “A ka nna a wela mo lewatleng.” +“Kgotsa, mo setlhatshaneng sa ditšheše tse di mebutlwa,” ga lela rraagwe. +“Ke rasaense,” ga bua mosadi yo o pelonomi, “mme nngwe ya dilo tsa ntlha tse re di ithutang ke gore mowa o a kokobala. O tshwanetse a bo a meditse mowa o montsi thata ka ntlha ya go tshega mo e leng gore o dirile gore a kokobale kwa godimo jaaka balune.” +“Ijooo, ijoooo,” ga lela batsadi ba ga Zimkhitha. +“Go na le tsela e le nngwe fela ya go dira gore a fologe,” ga rialo mosadi yo o pelonomi. “Re tshwanetse re dire gore a lele.” +“Ao tlhe Mma,” ga rialo mmaagwe. “Seo ga se bonolo. Ke ngwana yo o ratang go tshegatshega thata.” +“Re tshwanetse go goeletsa sengwe se se utlwisang botlhoko kwa go ene,” ga bua rraagwe Zimkhitha, a lelela mo sakatukung ya gagwe. +“Re tlhoka batho ba bantsintsi gore ba goeletse botlhe ka gangwe,” ga bua mosadi. “A ka se utlwe fa e le rona fela re le bararo.” Ka jalo ba ne ba kokota mo mejakong yotlhe, mme ba kopa batho go tswela kwa ntle. Rraagwe Zimkhitha o ne a emisa pharakano mme a kopa batho botlhe go tla go thusa. Ka bonako go ne go kokoane boidiidi jwa batho, mme ba ne ba supa le go dumedisa le go tsaya Zimkhitha ditshwantsho ka diselulafounu tsa bona. +Zimkhitha o ne a tshega le go tshega. Mo go ene e ne e le sengwe se se tshegisang thata se a neng a ise a tsamaye a se bone gope. +“Re tlile go bua re re eng go mo dira gore a lele?” ga botsa mosadi yo o pelonomi. +“Ke a itse!” ga rialo rraagwe Zimkhitha, mme a ba bolelela gore ba bue ba reng. +“Nngwe, pedi, tharo, jaanong rotlhe …” ga laela mosadi yo o pelonomi. +Mme ka seo, setlhopha sa batho se ne sa kaya kwa loaping mme sa goa, “Hee, Zimkhitha! Re kgona go bona ka fa tlase ga mosese wa gago!” Kgakala kwa godimo mo marung Zimkhitha o ne a ba utlwa. O ne a lebelela kwa tlase mme a bona ba le makgolo a matlhano ba supile mosese wa gagwe, mme a emisa go tshega. +O ne a kokobala go ela kwa tlase. Fela fa a fologa maru a ne a mo tshikitla, mme a akanya gore go monate jang go nna kwa godimo kwa kgakala thata jaana fa batho ba bangwe botlhe ba le kwa tlase kwa. Mme o ne a simolola go tshega gape. +“Ao bathong,” ga rialo rraagwe. “Leano leo ga le a dira.” +“Ke a itse!” ga rialo mmaagwe. “Mmolelele gore re kgona go bona penti ya gagwe e e nang le marontho.” +Ka jalo setlhopha sa batho se ne sa tsaya mowa kgakala mme ka mantswe a bone otlhe ba goeletsa, “Hee, Zimkhitha! Re kgona go bona penti ya gago e e marontho!” +  + +  +Mme Zimkhitha o ne a emisa go tshega le go kokobala a fologela kwa tlase dimetara tse sometlhano. Fela fa a leba pharakano e ntsintsi e e sa suteng le setlhopha sa babegakgang ba TV le diketekete tsa batho ba ba mo lebileng, o ne a simolola go tshega gape. Mme o ne a ya kwa godimo gape. +Mosadi yo o pelonomi o ne a tshikinya tlhogo ya gagwe. “Re tlile go tlhoka go nna setlhogo go feta,” o ne a rialo a tiisitse lentswe. “Nako nngwe le nngwe go tloga jaanong o tla tshwarwa ke phefo, mme o tla fofela kgakala leruri. Ke eng se se botlhoko se le naganang gore re ka se mo raya?” +  +Ba ne ba kopanya ditlhogo botlhe mme ba akanya ba be ba akanya. Kwa bokhutlong ba ne ba tla ka leano. +  +“Rotlhe jaanong,” ga goeletsa rraagwe Zimkhitha, a eme mo godimo ga Mercedes Benz. “Mongwe le mongwe a goeletse kwa godimo ka moo a ka kgonang ka teng, ka gangwe.” +  +Mme setlhopha sotlhe sa batho ba ka nna dikete di le nne, le ntšwa e serolwana, le katse e ntsho, le monna yo o rekisang dipanana ba ne ba goeletsa botlhe ka gangwe, “HEE ZIMKHITHA! RE KGONA GO BONA PENTI YA GAGO, E NA LE LEROBA!” +  + +Mme Zimkhitha o ne a emisa go tshega. +O ne a fologa. A fologela kwa tlase, tlase, tlase. Kwa tlase le kwa tlase thata, le kwa tlase thata, go fitlhelela a batla a kgoma lefatshe. +“Ngwanake yo montle!” ga lela mmaagwe, a phamola maoto a gagwe le go mo goga a mmusetsa mo Lefatsheng. “Ke lebogela gore o babalesegile!” +Zimkhitha o ne a leba setlhopha sa batho ba bantsintsi ba ba neng ba itumetse le go opa diatla. O ne a tlhabilwe ke ditlhong thata mme a khurumetsa sefatlhego sa gagwe le go sianela kwa gae. +“Ao bathong,” rraagwe a rialo. “Re mo utlwisitse botlhoko. O utlwile botlhoko.” +Ka jalo batho ba ne ba kopanya ditlhogo gape mme ba akanya ka ga selo se se siameng se ba ka se buang go mo itumedisa. +“Rotlhe jaanong,” ga kopa mmaagwe. +Mme ba ne ba goeletsa, “HEE, ZIMKHITHA! RE NE RE DIRA MOTLAE FELA!” +Zimkhitha o ne a emisa go taboga. +“RE A GO SOLOFETSA!” ba ne ba goeletsa botlhe. “RE NE RE SA KGONE GO BONA PENTI YA GAGO, KA GONNE O APARE BORUKGWE JO BOPINKI!” +Mme Zimkhitha o ne a simolola go tshega. +“Ijoo, mo tshwareng ka bonako,” ga goa mmaagwe. +Mme ba ne ba dira jalo. Fela ka nako.",tsn,Setswana,Leinane le le makatsang la ga Zimkhitha yo o kokobetseng,"There was once a girl named Zimkhitha who never stopped laughing. She made her dad mad. One day he was driving her home from school. When he reached the beginning of their road, he’d had enough! He stopped the car. +“Are you going to stop ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/leinane-le-le-makatsang-la-ga-zimkhitha-yo-o-kokobetseng +amazing-tale-floating-zimkhitha,"Kwake kwaba khona intfombatana ligama layo bekunguZimkhitha beyihleka ingacedzi. Bekamtfukutselisa babe wakhe. Ngalelinye lilanga bekamhambisa ngemoto asuka esikolweni amyisa ekhaya. Watsi nakefika lapho kucala khona umgwaco loya ekhaya, bekasenele! Wemisa imoto. +“Utawuyekela kuhleka noma utawuhamba ngetinyawo uye ekhaya?” wabuta. Kepha Zimkhitha wavele nje wahleka kakhulu. +“Kulungile,” washo, “hamba ngetinyawo uye ekhaya.” Wamehlisa emotweni wachubeka washayela imoto waya ekhaya. + +  +“Uphi Zimkhitha?” kwabuta make wakhe ngesikhatsi babe wakhe angena emnyango wangembili. “Ngipheka kudla lakutsandzako kwantsambama” +“Awu nebakitsi!,” kwasho babe wakhe. “Ngitsite akahambe ngetinyawo kusuka lapha ekhoneni ngoba ahleka angacedzi.” +“Umntfwanani loligugu kangaka?” kumemeta make waZimkhitha. “Uhambise umntfwanani loligugu kangaka ngetinyawo kuta ekhaya? Yedvwana nje? Kuncongo sihambe siyomfuna.” Bamfuna bamfuna, kepha bekute luphawu lwaZimkhitha. +“Umshiyephi?” kwabuta Make. “Uphi, Ron?” +“Awu nebakitsi,” kwasho babe waZimkhitha, abuka kuwo onkhe emahlatsi nasetulu kuto tonkhe tihlahla. +“Zimkhitha!” kwamemeta make wakhe. “Ukuphi?” +Lomunye make wemisa imoto yakhe. “Nginganisita yini?” wabuta. +“Silahlekelwe yintfombatanyana yetfu,” kwasho make waZimkhitha. “Ingabe umbonile?” +Lomake washayela imoto yakhe wajikeleta ibhlokhi wabese ubuyisa umbiko, “Ngibone likati lelimnyama, inja lemtfubi, nendvodza itsengisa bhanana. Kepha kute intfombatanyana lengiyibonile.” +Babe waZimkhitha wabuka etulu, nango Zimkhitha, antanta etulu, etulu esibhakabhakeni ngetulu kwabo, njengebhaluni lenkhulu lebovana. +“Hhawu yehheni bo!” kwekhuta Make. “Ufike njani khona lapha?” +Lomake lonemusa wagcolotela sibhakabhaka, abuka Zimkhitha antanta emafini. “Ingabe … uyahleka?” wabuta. +“Zimkhitha uhlala njalo ahleka,” kwasho make nababe wakhe kanyekanye. “Asikwati kumyekelisa. Lalela.” Kusuka etulu, etulu esibhakabhakeni luhleko lwaZimkhitha lwehlala phansi luncenceta njengensimbi lencane. +“Hhayi bo!” kumamemeta make wakhe, ashwila tandla takhe. “Kungenteka aweleelwandle.” +“Noma, etukwelihlatsi letimbali terozi,” kwabubula babe wakhe. +“Ngingusosayensi,” kwasho lomake lonemusa, “yinye yetintfo lesitifundzako kutsi umoya uyantanta. Kungenteka kutsi ugwinye umoya lomnyenti ngesikhatsi ahleka kangangoba sewuntanta njengebhaluni.” +“Hhawu, hhawu, hhawu?” kwakhala batali baZimkhitha. +“Yinye kuphela indlela lesingamehlisa ngayo,” kwasho lomake lolungile. “Kuifanele kutsi simente akhale.” +“Awu nebakitsi,” kwasho make wakhe. “Loko akusilula. Ungumntfwana lohlala njalo agigitseka.” +“Kufanele simemete simtjele intfo lembi kakhulu,” kwasho babe waZimkhitha, akhala abibitsekela edukwini lakhe lekutesula. +“Sidzinga bantfu labanyenti labatawumememta kanye kanye,” kwasho lomake. “Angeke asive tsine nje sisobatsatfu.” Ngako-ke bashaya tonkhe tinsimbi teminyango, bacela kutsi bonkhe bantfu baphumele ngaphandle. Babe waZimkhitha wemisa tonkhe timoto futsi wacela wonkhe muntfu kutsi ete abasite. Masinyane nje besekubutsene sicuku sebantfu lesikhulu, futsi bebakhomba, bakhweba batsebula lifilimu ngaZimkhitha ngabomakhalekhikhini babo. +Zimkhitha wahleka, wahleka. Bekuyintfo lebeyimhlekisa kakhulu langakate asayibone. +“Yini lesingayisho letawumenta akhale?” kwabuta lomake lonemusa. +“Ngiyati!” kwasho babe waZimkhitha, wabese uyabatjela kutsi batsini. +“Kunye, kubili, kutsatfu, sonkhe kanyekanye … kwasho lomake lolungile. +Ngalawo mavi, lesicuku sakhomba esibhakabhakeni futsi samemeta satsi, “Hheyi wena, Zimkhitha! Sibona ngaphansi kweliloko lakho!” Khona lapho etulu esibhakabhakeni Zimkhitha wabeva. Wabuka phansi wabona bantfu labangemakhulu lasihlanu bakhomba liloko lakhe, wabese uyayekela kuhleka. +Wantanta wehla. Kepha watsi lapho ehla, emafu amkitalakita, wabese ucabanga kutsi kumnandzi kangakanani kubasetulu kangaka abe wonkhe umuntfu alapha phansi. Waphindze wacala wahleka. +“Awu nebakitsi,” kwasho babe wakhe. “Loko akusebentanga.” +Ngiyati! kwasho make wakhe. “Mtjele kutsi sibona iphenti yakhe lenemacabhacabha.” +Ngako-ke lesicuku saphefumula kakhulu sabese simememta ngawo onkhe emandla aso, “Hheyi wena, Zimkhitha! Sibona iphenti yakho lemacabhacabha!” + +Zimkhitha wayekela kuhleka futsi wehla masinyane emamitha langemashumi lasihlanu. Kepha watsi nakabona timoto letinyenti timile nebantfu be-TV netinkhulungwane tebantfu timbukela, wacala wahleka futsi. Waphindze wabuyela emuva futsi. +Lomake lonemusa wanikina inhloko yakhe. “Kutawudzingeka kutsi sitsi kuba nelunya kakhudlwana,” washo ngekugcizelela. ���Nanoma kunini manje umoya utawumbamba, futsi utawuntanta ahambe ulomphelo. Yini leningacabanga kuyisho kuye?” +Bonkhe bahlanganisa tinhloko tabo ndzawonye babese bayacabanga, bacabanga, bacabanga. Ekugcineni bakutfola. +“Bonkhe kanyekanye,” kwamemeta babe waZimkhitha, eme etukweMercedes Benz. “Bonkhe bamemeta ngawo onkhe emandla abo, kanyekanye.” +Sonkhe sicuku sebantfu labatinkhulungwane letine, nalenja lemtfubi, nelikati lelimnyama, nalendvodza lebeyitsengisa bhanana bamememta kanyekanye, “HHEYI WENA ZIMKHITHA! SIBONA IPHENTI YAKHO, FUTSI INEMBOBO!” +  + +Zimkhitha wayekela kuhleka. +Wehla weta. Wehla, wehla, wehla. Wehlela phansi kakhulu, kakhulu, kakhulu, kwate kwaba ngulapho asacishe aphansi emhlabatsini. +“Mntfwanami loligugu!” kwamemeta make wakhe, ambamba ngemilente yakhe futsi amdvonsela Emhlabeni. “Siyabonga, uphephile!” +  +Zimkhitha wabuka lesicuku sebantfu lebesibongelela futsi sihleka sibuye sishaye netandla. Wativa anemahloni kangangobe wavala emehlo akhe wabaleka waya ekhaya. +“Awu nebakitsi,” kwasho babe wakhe. “Simephule umoya. Utfukutsele kakhulu.” +Bantfu baphindze futsi bahlanganisa tinhloko tabo ndzawonye bacabanga ngentfo lelungile lebebangayisho kumenta kutsi ajabule. +“Bakanye kanye futsi,” kwamemeta make wakhe. +Bamemeta batsi, “HHEYI WENA, ZIMKHITHA! BESIDLALA!” +Zimkhitha wayekela kugijima. +“SIYAKWETSEMBISA!” bamemeta bonkhe kanye kanye. “BESINGAYIBONI IPHENTI YAKHO, NGOBA BEWUGCOKE LIBHULUKO LELIBOVANA!” +Zimkhitha waphindza futsi wacala kuhleka. +“Hhawu, mbambe masinyane,” kwamememta make wakhe. +Futsi benta njalo. Ngesikhatsi lesifanele.",ssw,Siswati,Indzaba lemangalisako yaZimkhitha lontantako,"There was once a girl named Zimkhitha who never stopped laughing. She made her dad mad. One day he was driving her home from school. When he reached the beginning of their road, he’d had enough! He stopped the car. +“Are you going to stop ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/indzaba-lemangalisako-yazimkhitha-lontantako +amazing-tale-floating-zimkhitha,"Ho vhuya ha vha na muṅwe musidzana we a vha a tshi pfi Zimkhitha we a sa vhuye a ima u sea. O ita uri khotsi awe vha nge vha a penga. Ḓuvha ḽiṅwe vho vha vha tshi khou mu reila u bva tshikoloni u ya hayani. Musi vha tshi swika mathomoni a bada, vho vha vho no dinalea! Vha imisa goloi. +“U khou ya u litsha u sea kana u khou ṱoḓa u ya hayani nga milenzhe naa?” Vho vhudzisa. Fhedzi Zimkhitha a setshela nṱha. +“Zwo luga,” vho amba, “U nga ya hayani nga milenzhe.” Vho mu bvisa goloini vha reila vha ya hayani. + +  +“Zimkhitha u ngafhi?” Ho vhudzisa mme awe musi khotsi awe vha tshi dzhena nga vothi ḽa phanḓa. “Ndi khou bika zwiḽiwa zwine a zwi takalela nga maanḓa.” +“Mufumakadzi wanga,” khotsi awe vho amba. “Ndo mu tsitsa uri a ḓo tshimbila u bva khoneni ngauri o vha a sa khou ima u sea.” +“Ṅwananga ndi mu funesaho?” Mme a Zimkhitha vha a lila. “Vho ita uri ṅwananga ndi mu funesaho a tshimbile nga milenzhe u vhuya hayani? A eṱhe? Ndi khwiṋe ri tshi ya u mu ṱoḓa.” Vho sedza vho sedza, fhedzi Zimkhitha a sa wanale. +“Vho mu sia ngafhi?” Ho vhudzisa Mme. “U ngafhi, Ron?” +“Mufumakadzi wanga,” ho kakamela khotsi a Zimkhitha, vha tshi khou sedza fhasi ha tshiṱaka tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe na nṱha ha muri muṅwe na muṅwe. +“Zimkhitha!” Ho vhidzelela mme awe. “Ni ngafhi?” +Mufumakadzi a imisa goloi yawe. “Ndi nga vha thusa?” O vhudzisa. +“Ro xedza kusidzanyana kwashu,” ho amba mme a Zimkhitha. “Vho mu vhona naa?” +Mufumakadzi a reila u mona na buḽoko a vhuya u ḓa u vhiga, “Ndo vhona tshimange tshitswu, na mmbwa ya ṱaḓa, na munna a rengisaho miomva. Fhedzi a thongo vhona kusidzanyana.” +Khotsi a Zimkhitha vha sedza nṱha, Zimkhitha khou ḽa, u khou fhefheḓa nṱha, nṱha tshikhalani nṱha havho, u fana na baḽuni ḽa piṅki. +“Na ndi naa!” Ho vhidzelela Mme. “O swikisa hani afho nṱha?” +Mufumakadzi wa u luga a lavhelesa kha lutombo, a sedza Zimkhitha a tshi khou fhefheḓa kha makole. “U khou … sea naa?” O vhudzisa. +“Zimkhitha u dzulela u sea,” ho amba mme na khotsi awe mazha. “A ri koni u mu litshisa. Thetshelesani.” U bva nṱhanṱha kha lutombo u sea ha Zimkhitha ho pfala hu tshi khou lila sa bele ṱhukhu. +“Hai nandi!” Ho lila mme awe, vha tshi khou ṱanzwa zwanḓa nga muya. “A nga wela lwanzheni.” +“Kana, kha tshiṱaka tsha dzuvha,” ho gungula khotsi awe. +“Ndi nṋe rasaintsi,” ho amba mufumakadzi wa u luga, “tshiṅwe tsha zwithu zwa u thoma u guda ndi uri muya u a fhefheḓa. U tea u vha o mila muya munzhi musi a tshi khou sea zwa ita uri a fhefheḓe u fana na baḽuni.” +“Oho, oho, oho,” ho amba vhabebi vha Zimkhitha. +“Hu na nḓila nthihi fhedzi ya u vhuya fhasi,” ho amba mufumakadzi wa u luga. “Ri tea u ita uri a lile.” +“Mukalaha wanga,” ho amba mme awe. “A zwo ngo leluwa hezwo. Ndi ṅwaṋa a dzulelaho u sea.” +“Ri tea u mu huwelela nga tshithu tshiṅwe tshi si tshavhuḓi,” ho amba khotsi a Zimkhitha, vha tshi khou phumula miṱodzi nga tshidugwana. +“Ri ṱoḓa vhathu vhanzhi nga maanḓa uri vha ḓo huwelela khathihi,” ho amba mufumakadzi. “A nga si kone u ri pfa arali ri vhararu fhedzi.” Vha mbo ḓi lidza bele dza mavothi dzoṱhe, vha humbela vhathu uri vha bvele nnḓa. Khotsi a Zimkhitha vha imisa vhuendi vha humbela muṅwe na muṅwe uri a ḓe a thuse. Hu si kale vhathu vhanzhi vha vha vho kuvhangana, vha vha vha tshi khou sumbedzela na u ṱaṱaisa na Zimkhitha nga ṱhingothendeleki dzavho. +Zimkhitha a sea o sea. Zwo vha zwi zwithu zwi takadzesaho zwe a vhuya a zwi vhona. +“Ri ḓo amba mini tshine tsha ḓo ita uri a lile?” Ho amba mufumakadzi wa u luga. +“Ndi a ḓivha!” Ho amba khotsi a Zimkhitha, vha vha vhudza uri vha ri mini. +“Nthihi, mbili, raru, roṱhe khathihi zwino …” Vho ṋea ndaela ho amba mufumakadzi wa u luga. +Nga zwenezwo fhedzi, tshigwada tsha sumba kha lutombo tsha huwelela, “Na ndi naa, Zimkhitha! Ri khou kona u vhona rokho yaṋu!” Kule hangei makoleni Zimkhitha a vha pfa. A lavhelesa fhasi a vhona vhathu vha maḓana maṱanu vho sumba kha rokho yawe, a ima u sea. +A fhefheḓa a tshi vhuya fhasi. Zwenezwi a tshi khou vhuya fhasi makole a mu senengedza, a humbula uri zwi takadza hani u vha kule hangei ngeno vhathu vhaṅwe vha fhasi hangei. A thoma u sea hafhu. +“Mufumakadzi wanga,” ho amba khotsi awe. “Hezwo a zwo ngo shuma.” +“Ndi a ḓivha!” ho amba mme awe. “Kha vha mu vhudze uri ri kho vhona phenthi yawe ya zwithomathoma.” +Zwenezwo tshigwada tsha femuluwa tsha huwelela nga mukosi muhulu vho fhelela, “Na ndi naa, Zimkhitha! Ri kho vhona phenthi yanu ya zwithomathoma!” + +  +Ndi honeha Zimkhitha a tshi ima u sea a fhefheḓela fhasi nga mithara ya fuṱhanu. Fhedzi a lavhelesa kha vhuendi ho imaho na vhashumi vha TV na zwigidi zwa vhathu vhane vha khou mu ṱalela, A thoma u sea hafhu. A humela nṱha hafhu. +Mufumakadzi wa u luga a dzungudza ṱhoho yawe. “Ri kombetshedzea u vha na tshiṱuhu zwiṱuku,” a amba o khwaṱhisa ipfi. “Tshifhinga tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe u bva zwino muya u nga mu wana, ha vha hu hone hune a ḓo fhefheḓela kule lwa tshoṱhe. Ndi tshifhio tshithu tsho vhifhesaho tshine vha humbula u tshi amba khae?” +Vha mbo ḓi thoma u kovhana mihumbulo uri vha ḓo tandulula thaidzo iyi. Nga murahu vha pfana kha ḽithihi. +“Roṱhe khathihi zwino,” ho huwelela khotsi a Zimkhitha, ho imiwa kha ṱhanga ya Mercedes Benz. “Muṅwe na muṅwe a huwelela nga mukosi muhulu, vhoṱhe khathihi.” +Tshigwada tshoṱhe tsha vhathu vha zwigidi zwiṋa, na mmbwa ya ṱaḓa, na tshimange tshitswu, na munna a rengisaho miomva vha huwelela khathihi, “NA NDI NAA ZIMKHITHA! RI KHOU VHONA PHENTHI YAṊU, NAHONE I NA BULI!” + +Na zwenezwo Zimkhitha a ima u sea. +Fhasi a tsela. Fhasi, fhasi, fhasi. U swika fhasi, na fhasifhasi, u swikela a tsinisa na mavuni. +“Ṅwananga ndi mu funesaho!” Ho lila mme awe, vha tshi khou mu gavha nga milenzhe vha mu kokodzela mavuni. “Ndo livhuwa nga maanḓa no tsireledzea!” +  +Zimkhitha a lavhelesa kha tshigwada tsha vhathu vhoṱhe, vho takala na u sea na u vhandelela zwanḓa zwavho. O vha o shona lwe a vhuya a vala tshifaṱuwo a shavhela hayani. +“Mufumakadzi wanga,” ho amba khotsi awe. “Ro vhaisa vhupfiwa hawe. O sinyuwa nga maanḓa.” +Zwenezwo vhathu vha langana hafhu nga ha tshithu tshavhuḓi tshine vha nga amba tshine tsha ḓo mu takadza. +“Roṱhe khathihi zwino,” ho huwelela mme awe. +Vha mbo ḓi ṱavha mukosi, “NA NDI NAA, ZIMKHITHA! RO VHA RI TSHI KHOU TOU SWASWA!” +Zimkhitha a litsha u gidima. +“RI A NI FULUFHEDZISA!” Vhoṱhe vha ṱavha mukosi. “A RONGO KONA U VHONA PHENTHI YAṊU ZWAVHUKUMA, NGAURI NO AMBARA VHURUKHU HA PIṄKI!” +Zimkhitha a thoma u sea. +“Ai, mu fareni nga u ṱavhanya,” ho huwelela mme awe. +Vha ita nga u ralo. Nga tshifhinga.",ven,Tshivenda,ganetshelo i mangadzaho ya Zimkhitha wa u fhefheḓa muyan,"There was once a girl named Zimkhitha who never stopped laughing. She made her dad mad. One day he was driving her home from school. When he reached the beginning of their road, he’d had enough! He stopped the car. +“Are you going to stop ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nganetshelo-i-mangadzaho-ya-zimkhitha-wa-u-fhefheḓ-muyani +amazing-tale-floating-zimkhitha,"A ku ri ni wa nhwana loyi vito ra yena a ku ri Zimkhitha loyi a nga yimi ku hleka. U hlundzukise tatana wa yena. Siku rin’wana a chayela a ya ekaya ku suka exikolweni. Loko a sungula ku fika emasungulweni ya patu, se a karhele! A yimisa movha. +“U ta miyela ku hleka kumbe u ta famba hi milenge ku ya kaya?” a vutisa. Kambe Zimkhitha a nyanya ku hlekela ehenhla. +“Hi swona,” a vula, “u nga famba hi milenge.” U n’wi tshike a huma emovheni kutani a chayela a ya ekaya. + +Xana u kwihi Zimkhitha? Ku vutisa mana wa yena loko tata wa yena a nghena hi nyangwa. “Ndzi le ku swekeni ka swakudya swo lalela leswi a swi rhandzaka.” +“Oh murhandziwa,” ku vula tata wa yena. “Ndzi n’wi byele leswaku a famba hi milenge ku suka ekhonweni hikuva a nga yimi ku hleka.” +“N’wana wa mina lowo saseka?” ku rila mana wa Zimkhitha, “U byele n’wana wa mina lowo saseka a famba hi milenge ku vuya ekaya? A ri yexe? A hi fambi hi ya n’wi lava.” Va lave lero no lava, kambe na xitshwati xa Zimkhitha a va xi vonangi. +“U n’wi siye kwihi?” ku vutisa mana yena. “U kwihi, Ron?” +“Oho murhandziwa,” ku nghanghamela tata wa Zimkhitha, va languta eka xikhwati xin’wana ni xin’wana na le henhla ka nsinya wun’wana ni wun’wana. +“Zimkhitha!” ku huwelela mana yena. “U le kwihi?” +Wansati a yimisa movha. “Xana ndzi nga mi pfuna?” a vutisa. +“Hi lahlekeriwe hi n’wana wa hina lontsongo wa nhwanyana,” ku vula mana wa Zimkhitha. “A wu n’wi vonanga xana?” +Wansati u chayele a rhendzeleka ni miako a ta vika a ku, “Ndzi vone ximanga xa ntima, na mbyana ya xitshopani, na wanuna loyi a xavisa tibanana. Kambe a ndzi vonanga nhwana lontsongo.” +Tatana wa Zimkhitha a languta ehenhla, hi laha Zimkhitha a ri kona, a phaphamala ehenhla ku fana ni baluni ya muhlovo wa pinki. +“Yo manano!” ku hlamala mana wa yena. “Xana u fikise ku yini kwala henhla?” +Wansati lowa mbilu yo basa a langute ehenhla, a vona Zimkhitha a haha hi ku nonoka ehenhla emapapeni. “U le ku … ku hlekeni?” a vutisa. +“Zimkhitha a tshamela ro hleka,” ku vula manana na tatana wa yena hi nkarhi wun’we. “Hi nge n’wi yimisi. Yingisela.” Ku suka ehenhla, ehehla emapapeni ku hleka ka yena ku twala ku fana ni nsimbi leyitsongo leyi nga eku beni. +“Oho!” ku rila mana wa yena, a ri karhi a swoswa swandla. “A nga wela elwandle.” +“Kumbe, kumbe eka xihlahla xa xiluva,” ku cema tata wa yena. +“Kambe ndzi mutivi wa sayense,” ku vula wansati, “xin’wana lexi ndzi xi dyondzeke i ku moya wa phaphamala. U fanele a mitile moya wo tala hi ku hleka ka yena ku fika laha a nga phaphamala ku fana ni baluni.” +“Hoo, hoo, hoo,” ku rila vatswari va Zimkhitha. +“Ku na ndlela yin’we ya ku a nga vuya laha hansi,” ku vula wansati. “Hi fanele hi endla a rila.” +“Oho murhandziwa,” ku vula mana wa yena. “Sweswo a swi olovi, i n’wana wo tshamela ro hleka.” +“Hi fanele hi endla nchumu wo chavisa eka yena,” ku vula tatana wa Zimkhitha, a ri karhi a rilela exidukwanini. +“Hi lava vanhu votala leswaku va huwelela hi nkarhi wun’we,” ku vula wansati. “A nge swi koti ku hi twa hi ri vanharhu.” Va ririse tinsimbhi ta le mavatini, va kombela vanhu va huma. Tatana wa Zimkhitha a yimisa timovha na ku kombela vanhu ku ri va ta va ta pfuna. Hi ku hatlisa a ku ri ni ntshungu, a va ri karhi va kombetela na ku teka swifaniso hi tiqingho ta vona. +Zimkhitha a hleka lero na hleka. A ku ri nchumu wo hlekisa lowu a nga tshamangiki a wu vona. +“Xana hi ta endla yini ku ri a rila?” ku vutisa wansati wa tintswalo. +“Ndza swi tiva!” ku vula tata wa Zimkhitha, a va byela leswi va faneleke ku swi vula. +“N’we, mbirhi, nharhu, hinkwerhu sweswi …” ku lerisa wansati wa tintswalo. +Hi ku endla sweswo, ntshungu wu kombetele ehenhla wu huwelela, “Hey, Zimkhitha! Hi vona endzeni ka rhoko ya wena!” Kwale henhla emapapeni Zimkhitha u va twile. U langutile ehansi a vona vanhu va ntlhanu wa madzana va kombetele rhoko ya yena, kutani a yima ku hleka. +A phaphamala a ri karhi a chika. Loko a ri karhi a chika, mapapa ya n’wi dikida, a ehleketa hi ku hlekisa ka swona ku va ehenhla loko un’wana ni un’wana a ri ehansi. A sungula ku hleka nakambe. +“Oho murhandziwa,” ku vula tatana wa yena. “Leswi a swi tirhangi.” +“Ndza switiva!” ku vula mana wa yena. “N’wi byeleni leswaku hi vona xirhangisi xa yena xa mavalavala.” +Ntshungu wu koke moya kutani wu huwelela hi marito ya vona hinkwawo, “Hey, Zimkhitha! Hi vona xirhangisi xa wena xa mavalavala!” + +  +Zimkhitha a tshika ku hleka a vuya ehansi hi timitara ta makumentlhanu. Kambe loko a languta nkwetlembetano wa timovha na vanhu va TV na magidigidi ya vahlaleri, u sungule ku hleka kambe. A ya ehenhla nakambe. +Wansati loyi wa tintswalo a hlakahla nhloko. “Hi fanele hi va ni timbilu ta lunya,” A vula a tiyisile. “Nkarhi wun’wana ni wun’wana ku suka sweswi moya wu ta n’wi khukhula a phaphamala hi laha ku nga heriki. Hi wihi nchumu wo biha lowu mi wu ehleketaka ku wu vula eka yena?” +Hinkwavo va sungula ku dya marhambu ya nhloko va ehleketa lero na ehleketa. Emaheteleleni va xi kumile. +“Sweswi hinkwerhu,” ku vitana tatana wa Zimkhitha, va yimile ehenhla ka lwangu ra Mercedes Benz. “Hinkwerhu a hi huweleleni swinene hi laha hi kotaka hakona, hinkwerhu sweswi.” +Ntshungu wa kwalomu ka magidi ya mune ya vanhu, mbyana ya xitshopani, ximanga xa ntima na wanuna loyi a xavisaka tibanana va huwelela hi rito rin’we va ku, “HEY ZIMKHITHA! HI VONA XIRHANGISI XA WENA, NASWONA XI NA MBHOVO!” + +Zimkhitha u tshikile ku hleka. +U vuyele ehansi, a fika ehansi, hansi, hansi. U fike ehansi swinene, ehansi, hansi, hansi ku fikela ehansi, ku fikela loko a fika ekusuhi ni misava. +“N’wana wa mina wo saseka!” ku rila mana wa yena, a n’wi khoma hi milenge a n’wi vuyisela emisaveni. “Hi khensa loko u hlayisekile!” +Zimkhitha u langutile ntshungu lowu a wu ri karhi wu ba mandla na ku hleka va ba ni mavoko. U khomiwe hi tingana ku fikela laha a nga tipfala xikandza a tsutsumela ekaya +“Oho murhandziwa,” ku vula tatana wa yena. “Hi vavise ku titwa ka wena. U hlundzukile swinene.” +Vanhu va sungula ku ba mavoko na ku hleketa hi laha va nga n’wi tsakisaka ha kona. +“Hi hinkwerhu sweswi,” ku vula mana wa yena. +Va huwelela va ku, “HEY, ZIMKHITHA! A HO BULA NA WENA!” +Zimkhitha a tshika ku tsutsuma. +“HA KU TSHEMBHISA!” Va huwelerile hinkwavo. “A HI NGA VONI NA XIRHANGISI XA WENA, HIKUVA U AMBALE BURUKU RO TSHWUKELA!” +Nakambe Zimkhitha a sungula ku hleka. +“Hey, hatlisani mi n’wi khoma,” ku huwelela mana wa yena. +Va endle tano. Hi ku hatlisa.",tso,Xitsonga,tsheketo wo hlamarisa wo phaphamala ka Zimkhith,"There was once a girl named Zimkhitha who never stopped laughing. She made her dad mad. One day he was driving her home from school. When he reached the beginning of their road, he’d had enough! He stopped the car. +“Are you going to stop ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ntsheketo-wo-hlamarisa-wo-phaphamala-ka-zimkhitha +silly-thukile,"Once upon a time there was a young man whose name was Thukile. He lived with his mother in a tiny house. They were very poor and the only money his mother made was by selling the eggs that her hen laid. +Thukile was so lazy that he did nothing. He would lie in the shade in the summer and sit by the fire in the winter. His mother could not get him to help with anything. +One Monday morning she was so upset that she said, “Thukile, if you do not go and work for your food I will make you leave this house forever.” + +This worried Thukile. “I had better do something,” he said. “This time my mother sounds very cross.” +So on Tuesday, he went to the farmer across the river and asked for a job. The farmer got Thukile to fix his fence. For this he was paid a few silver coins. Thukile had never had any money in his life. He held the coins in his hand and bounced them up and down so that he could see them shine in the sun. But before he had even crossed the river, he had lost all the coins. +“You silly boy,” said his mother when he got home, “you should have put them safely in your pocket.” +“Oh,” said Thukile, “I’ll do that next time.” +On Wednesday, Thukile went out again. “May I help you with your cows?” he asked another farmer. +“Yes,” said the farmer, “and I will give you a jar of milk to pay you for your work.” +At the end of the day, the farmer gave Thukile the jar of milk. Thukile took the jar and put it into the large pocket of his coat exactly as his mother had said he should. Splish! Splash! Splosh! The milk spilt out as he walked along the road and the jar was empty long before he got home. +“Dear me!” said his mother. “You ARE silly! You should have carried the jar on your head.” +“Okay,” said Thukile, “I’ll do that next time.” +On Thursday, Thukile went to a woman who made yoghurt. She agreed to give him some yoghurt if he helped her. That afternoon she gave Thukile the yoghurt. It was in an open plastic container that was wrapped in a cloth. Thukile walked home with the container on his head because that’s what his mother had said he should do. But by the time he got home, there was very little yoghurt left in the container. Some of it had dripped out, some of it had got stuck in his hair. +“You silly, silly boy, Thukile,” said his mother, “you should have carried it very carefully in your hands.” +“Oh!” said Thukile. “Okay, I’ll do that next time.” +On Friday, Thukile went out again. This time he worked for a baker. The baker had nothing except a dog to give Thukile for his work. So at the end of the day the baker paid him by giving him the dog. Thukile took the dog and walked home carrying it very carefully in his hands. +“This is how my mother said I should carry you,” Thukile told the dog. But before long, the dog began to whine and wriggle. Then, it started to scratch and nip him so badly that he had to let it go. +When he got home, his mother said to him, “Oh, Thukile, you are so silly. You should have tied a string to its collar and let it follow behind you.” +“Okay,” said Thukile, “I’ll do that tomorrow.” +The next day was Saturday and Thukile went to work for a butcher. This time he was paid with a nice piece of meat. He took the piece of meat, tied a string around it and did exactly what his mother had said − he dragged it along behind him! By the time he got home, the meat was completely spoilt. +This time his mother was very angry with him. “What am I going to do with you?” she asked. “Tomorrow is Sunday and now we will have only cabbage to eat for dinner. You are so silly, you should have carried the meat on your shoulders.” +“I’ll do that next time,” replied Thukile. +On the Monday, Thukile went out again and worked for someone who gave him a donkey as payment. Now although Thukile was very strong, he found it difficult to get the donkey on his shoulders. He struggled and struggled, but at last he had the donkey up and on his shoulders, just the way his mother had told him. Then he began to walk home slowly. +On Thukile’s way home, he had to pass a house where a very rich man lived. The rich man had only one daughter. She was very beautiful, but for years and years she had not said a word. She had also never laughed in her life. The doctors said that she would only be able to speak again if someone made her laugh. The rich man was so worried about his daughter that he said anyone who made her laugh, could marry her. +The beautiful girl was looking out the window as Thukile passed with the donkey on his shoulders. The donkey’s legs were sticking up in the air and it looked so funny that the girl burst out laughing. At once she was able to speak again. + +The rich man was so happy, and he kept his promise − he said his daughter and Thukile could be married. Thukile became a very rich man just because he had been silly enough to carry a donkey on his shoulders! +From that day on, Thukile lived in a big house together with his wife and his mother who never had to work again. And, of course, Thukile never had to carry anything else himself again.",eng,English,Silly Thukile,"Once upon a time there was a young man whose name was Thukile. He lived with his mother in a tiny house. They were very poor and the only money his mother made was by selling the eggs that her hen laid. +Thukile was so lazy that he did ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/silly-thukile +silly-thukile,"Eendag was daar ’n jong man met die naam Thukile. Hy het saam met sy ma in ’n klein huisie gewoon. Hulle was baie arm en die enigste geld wat sy ma verdien het, was om die eiers wat haar hen gelê het, te verkoop. +Thukile was so lui dat hy niks gedoen het nie. Hy het in die somer in die skaduwee gelê en in die winter by die vuur gesit. Sy ma kon hom nie sover kry om met enigiets te help nie. +Een Maandagoggend is sy so ontsteld dat sy sê: “Thukile, as jy nie gaan werk vir jou kos nie, sal ek jou vir altyd wegstuur.” + +Dit maak Thukile bekommerd. “Ek moet seker iets doen,” sê hy. “Hierdie keer klink my ma baie kwaad.” +Dinsdag gaan hy na die boer oorkant die rivier en vra hom vir werk. Die boer laat Thukile sy heining regmaak. Die boer gee hom ’n paar silwer muntstukke vir die werk. Thukile het in sy hele lewe nog nooit enige geld gehad nie. Hy hou die muntstukke in sy hand en laat dit op en af bons sodat hy dit in die son kan sien blink. Maar nog voordat hy die rivier oorgesteek het om by die huis te kom, het hy reeds al die muntstukke verloor. +“Jou dwase seun,” sê sy ma toe hy by die huis kom, “jy moes die geld veilig in jou sak gebêre het.” +“O,” sê Thukile, “volgende keer sal ek dit doen.” +Woensdag gaan vra Thukile vir ’n ander boer: “Kan ek jou met jou koeie help?” +“Ja,” sê die boer, “en ek sal jou ’n beker melk gee as betaling vir jou werk.” +Aan die einde van die dag gee die boer vir Thukile die beker melk. Thukile neem die beker en sit dit in sy groot jassak, net soos sy ma gesê het hy moet. Sjloep! Sjloep! Sjloep! Die melk stort uit terwyl hy stap, en lank voor hy by die huis kom, is die beker melk leeg. +“Ai tog!” sê sy ma. “Jy IS dwaas! Jy moes die beker op jou kop gedra het.” +“Goed,” sê Thukile, “ek sal dit volgende keer doen.” +Donderdag gaan Thukile na ’n vrou wat jogurt maak. Sy stem in om vir hom van die jogurt te gee as hy haar help. Daardie middag gee sy vir Thukile van die jogurt. Sy sit dit in in ’n oop plastiekhouer wat met ’n doek toegedraai is. Thukile sit die houer op sy kop en stap huis toe, want dit is wat sy ma gesê het hy moet doen. Maar teen die tyd dat hy by die huis kom, is daar baie min jogurt in die houer oor. Van die jogurt het uitgestort, en van die jogurt het in sy hare beland. +“Jou dwase, dwase seun, Thukile,” sê sy ma, “jy moes dit baie versigtig in jou hande gedra het.” +“O!” sê Thukile. “Goed dan, ek sal dit volgende keer doen.” +Vrydag gaan Thukile weer uit. Hierdie keer werk hy vir ’n bakker. Die bakker het niks behalwe ’n hond om vir Thukile as betaling te gee nie. Aan die einde van die dag betaal die bakker hom dus deur vir hom die hond te gee. Thukile neem die hond en dra dit versigtig in sy hande terwyl hy huis toe stap. +“Dit is hoe my ma sê ek jou moet dra,” sê Thukile vir die hond. Maar kort voor lank begin die hond tjank en wriemel. Toe begin die hond hom so erg krap en byt dat Thukile dit moet loslaat. +Toe hy by die huis kom, sê sy ma vir hom: “Ai, Thukile, jy is so dwaas. Jy moes ’n tou aan sy halsband vasgemaak het en die hond agter jou laat aanloop het.” +“Reg so,” sê Thukile, “ek sal dit môre doen.” +Die volgende dag is Saterdag en Thukile gaan werk vir ’n slagter. Hierdie keer word hy met ’n lekker stuk vleis betaal. Hy neem die stuk vleis, bind ’n tou om dit, en doen presies soos wat sy ma gesê het − hy sleep dit agter hom aan! Toe hy by die huis kom, is die vleis heeltemal bederf. +Hierdie keer is sy ma baie kwaad vir hom. “Wat gaan ek met jou doen?” vra sy. “Môre is Sondag en nou sal ons net kool hê vir aandete. Jy is so dwaas! Jy moes die vleis op jou skouers gedra het.” +“Ek sal dit volgende keer doen,” antwoord Thukile. +Maandag gaan Thukile weer uit en werk vir iemand wat hom ’n donkie as betaling gee. Al is Thukile baie sterk, vind hy dit moeilik om die donkie op sy skouers te tel. Hy sukkel en sukkel, maar uiteindelik het hy die donkie op sy skouers, net soos sy ma vir hom gesê het. Toe begin hy stadig huis toe stap. +Op pad huis toe moet Thukile verby die huis van ’n baie ryk man stap. Die ryk man het net een dogter. Sy is beeldskoon, maar vir jare lank het sy nog geen woord gesê nie. Sy het ook nog nooit in haar lewe gelag nie. Die dokters sê sy sal net weer kan praat as iemand haar laat lag. Die ryk man is so bekommerd oor sy dogter dat hy ‘n belofte maak dat enigiemand wat haar kan laat lag, met haar mag trou. +Die beeldskone meisie kyk by die venster uit net toe Thukile met die donkie op sy skouers verbystap. Die donkie se bene steek in die lug op en dit lyk so snaaks dat die meisie uitbars van die lag. En dadelik kan sy weer praat. + +Die ryk man is so bly, en hy hou sy belofte − hy sê Thukile en sy dogter mag trou. En Thukile word ’n baie ryk man net omdat hy dwaas genoeg was om ’n donkie op sy skouers te dra! +Van daardie dag af het Thukile in ‘n groot huis saam met sy vrou en sy ma gewoon. Sy ma het nooit weer nodig gehad om te werk nie. En natuurlik het Thukile nooit weer nodig gehad om self iets te dra nie.",afr,Afrikaans,Dwase Thukile,"Once upon a time there was a young man whose name was Thukile. He lived with his mother in a tiny house. They were very poor and the only money his mother made was by selling the eggs that her hen laid. +Thukile was so lazy that he did ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dwase-thukile +silly-thukile,"Ekadeni kwakunesokana igama lalo kwakunguThukile. Wayehlala nonina endlini yekhabo encani. Babetlhaga khulu, begodu imali ekukuphela kwayo unina wayeyithola ngokuthengisa amaqanda abekelwe sikhukhukazi sakhe. +UThukile wayelivila kangangokuthi wayengenzi litho. Ehlobo uzakuzilalela emthunzini, ahlale emlilweni ebusika. Unina bekangakghoni ukuthola isizo lakhe ngananyana yini. +Ngomunye uMvulo ekuseni unina wayekwatile wase uthi, Thukile, nangabe awukhambi uyokusebenzela ukudla kwakho ngizokwenza bonyana ukhambe ekhayapha ungasabuya. + +Lokhu kwamtshwenya uThukule. “Kungcono kubekhona engikwenzako,” kwatjho uThukile. “Kwanjesi umma uzwakala akwate khulu.” +  +Ngalokho-ke ngoLesibili, waya kusomaplasi ngaphetjheya komlambo wayokubawa umsebenzi. Usomaplasi waqatjha uThukile bonyana azokulungisa idrada. Ngokwenza umsebenzi lo, uThukile wabhadelwa iinhlavu zesiliva ezimbalwa. UThukile akhenge akhe abenemali epilweni yakhe. Waphatha iinhlavu zakhe ngezandla aziphosela phasi naphezulu bonyana akwazi ukuzibona ziphazima elangeni. Kodwana ngaphambi kobana eqe umlambo, besele azilahle zoke iinhlavu zakhe. +“Sidlhayela somsana,” kwatjho unina lokha nakafika ekhaya, “bekufanele uzibulunge kuhle ngesikhwameni sakho.” +“Maye,” kwatjho uThukile, “Ngizakwenza njalo ngesikhathi esizako.” +NgoLesithathu, uThukile waphuma godu. “Ngingakusiza mayelana neenkomo?” wabawa omunye usomaplasi. +“Iye,” kwatjho usomaplasi, “ngizokunikela ijege yebisi njengembadela yakho yomsebenzi owenzileko.” +Ekupheleni kwelanga, usomaplasi wanikela uThukile ijege yebisi. UThukile wathatha ijege wayifaka esikhwameni esikhulu sejasi yakhe njengombana unina atjhwile. Kghapha! Kghuthu! Kghapha! Ibisi laphalaka lokha nakakhamba endleleni, lokha nakafika ekhaya kwabesele kukade ijege ingasanabisi. +“Utjho zami!” kwatjho unina. “USIDLHAYELA! Bekufanele uthwale ijege ehloko.” +“Kulungile,” kwatjho uThukile, “Ngizakwenza njalo ngesikhathi esizako.” +NgoLesine, uThukile waya emfazini owenza iyogathi. Wavuma ukumnikela iyogathi nangabe uyamsiza. Ngemva kwamadina wanikela uThukile iyogathi. Beyingaphakathi kwesiphathi seplastiki esivulekileko siphuthelwe ngetjhila. UThukile wabeka isiphathi ehloko waya ekhaya ngombana ngilokho unina athi kufanele akwenze. Kodwana ngesikhathi afika ekhaya, besele iyincani iyogathi esele ngesiphathini. Enye yayo yakghaphaka, enye yayo yakghamathela eenhluthwini zakhe. +“Usidlhadlha somsana, Thukile,” kwatjho unina, “bekufanele uyiphathe kuhle ngezandla zakho.” +“Kunjalo!” kwatjho uThukile. “Kulungile, Ngizakwenza njalo ngesikhathi esizako.” +NgoLesihlanu, uThukile wakhamba godu. Kwanjesi wasebenzela umbhagi. Umbhagi bekanganalitho ngaphandle kwenja angayipha uThukile ngomsebenzakhe. Ngalokho-ke ekupheleni kwelanga umbhagi wabhadela uThukile ngokumnkela inja. UThukile wathatha inja waya ekhaya ayiphethe kuhle ngezandla zakhe. +“Le yindlela umma athe kufanele ngikuphathe ngayo,” uThukile watjela inja. Kodwana kungasikade, inja yathoma ukububula ngokufuna ukukhambakhamba. Kusenjalo, yathoma ukumnghwara nokumkarabha kabuhlungu waze wayiyekela yakhamba. +Nakafika ekhaya, unina wathi kuye, “Maye Thukile, usidlhadlha kangangani. Bekufanele uyibophe ngentambo entanyeni bese uyayidosa ikulandele ngemva.” +“Kulungile,” kwatjho uThukile, “Ngizakwenza njalo kusasa.” +Ilanga elilandelako kwakuMgqibelo, uThukile wayokusebenzela usosilarha. Kwanjesi wabhadelwa ngesitoki senyama esihle. Wathatha isitoki senyama, wasitantela ngentambo, wenza ngendlela unina atjho ngayo – isitoki senyama wasidosa ngemva kwakhe! Lokha nakafika ekhaya, inyama besele imotjhakele yoke. +Kwanjesi unina wamkwatela khulu. “Ngizokwenzani ngawe?” wabuza “Kusasa nguSondarha sizokuba nekhabitjhi yodwa esingayidla ngesikhathi sesidlo santambama. Usidlhayela kangangani, bekufanele uthwale inyama ngamahlombe.” +“Ngizakwenza njalo ngesikhathi esizako,” kuphendula uThukile. +NgoMvulo, uThukile waphuma godu, wasebenzela umuntu owamnikela udumbana njengomrholo. Kwanjesi, nanyana uThukile bekanamandla, kwabanzima kuThukile ukusa udumbana emahlombe. Watlhagatlhaga, kodwana ekugcineni waphakamisela udumbana phezulu wambeka emahlombe, ngendlela unina antjele ngayo. Wase ukhambe kancani waya ekhaya. +Lokha uThukile nakasendleleni eya ekhaya, bekufanele adlule indlu lapho bekuhlala khona isikhumukani. Isikhumukani lesi besinendodakazi yinye kwaphela. Beyiyihle khulu, kodwana besele aneminyakanyaka angakhulumi. Ubengakhenge akhe ahleke epilweni yakhe. Abodorhodere bathi uzakukghona ukukhuluma godu nange kuba nomuntu ongamenza ahleke. Isikhumukani besitshwenyekile ngendodakazi yaso le saze sathi nanyana ngubani ongamenza ahleke, angayitjhada. +Umntazana omuhle bekahlole ngefesdere lokha uThukile nakadlula nodumbana emahlombe wakhe. Imilenze kadumbana yayilenge emmoyeni, lokhu kwabonala kuhlekisa kangangokuthi umntazana wezwakala ahlekela phezulu. Wathoma wakhuluma godu. + +  +Isikhumukani sathaba khulu, begodu sasigcina isithembiso saso – wathi indodakazi yakhe banoThukile bangatjhada. uThukile wabasikhumukani ngombana wabasidlhayela ngokwaneleko kobana athwale ngitjho nodumbana emahlombe. +Ukusukela ngelangelo, uThukile wahlala nomkakhe endlini ekulu begodu nonina ongakhenge asaragela phambili nokusebenza godu. Okhunye, kukobana uThukile akhenge asathwala nanyana khuyini ngokwakhe.",nbl,isiNdebele,UThukile osidlhaye,"Once upon a time there was a young man whose name was Thukile. He lived with his mother in a tiny house. They were very poor and the only money his mother made was by selling the eggs that her hen laid. +Thukile was so lazy that he did ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uthukile-osidlhayela +silly-thukile,"Kudaladala kwakukho indodana egama linguThukile. Wayehlala nomama wakhe kwindlwana yabo encinane. Babehlupheke kakhulu kwaye umama wakhe wayefumana imalana ngokuthengisa amaqanda esikhukukazi sakhe. +UThukile wayesonqena kakhulu kangangokuba wayengenzi nto tu kwaphela. Ehlotyeni wayengqengqa emthunzini, aze ebusika ahlale, othe umlilo. Umama wakhe wayengakwazi nokumthuma ukuba ancede ngayo nayiphi na into. +Ngomnye uMvulo umama kaThukile wayenomsindo kakhulu kangangokuba wathi, “Thukile, ukuba awuphakami uyokusebenzela ukutya kwakho ndiza kuqinisekisa ukuba uphuma uphele kule ndlu. + +Oku kwamkhathaza uThukile. “Kungcono kubekho into endiyenzayo,” watsho. “kweli ityeli umama wam uvakala ekhathazeke kakhulu.” +Ngoko ke ngoLwesibini, waya kumfama ohlala phesheya komlambo wayokucela umsebenzi. Umfama wathi uThukile makabiye iyadi yakhe. Ngokwenza oko wahlawulwa iingqekembe ezimbalwa zesilivere. UThukile wayengazange wanayo imali ebomini bakhe. Wazibamba ezo ngqekembe esandleni sakhe emana ezijula phezulu ukuze zimenyezele elangeni. Phambi kokuba awele emlanjeni zazisele zilahlekile zonke ezo ngqekembe. +“Sihibandini senkwenkwe,” utshilo umama wakhe esakufika ekhaya, “bekufuneka uzifake epokothweni eziya ngqekembe ukuze zikhuseleke.” +“O,kunjalo?” watsho uThukile, “Ndakwenza loo nto kanye kwixa elizayo.” +NgoLwesithathu, uThukile waphinda wahamba kwakhona. “Ndingakunceda ngeenkomo zakho?” wabuza omnye umfama. +“Ewe ungandalusela ezi nkomo,” waphendula umfama, “ndize ke ndikunike ingqayi yobisi njengentlawulo yomsebenzi wakho.” +Ekupheleni kosuku, umfama wanika uThukile ingqayi yobisi. UThukile wayithatha wayifaka epokothweni enkulu yedyasi yakhe njengoko wayeyalelwe ngumama wakhe. Kratya! Krapha! Kratya! Lwachitheka ubisi njengokuba ehamba endleleni, lwade lwaphela ubisi engqayini phambi kokuba afike ekhaya. +“Zinkosi zam!” utshilo umama. “USISIPHUKUPHUKU NGENENE! Bekufuneka uyithwale entloko ingqayi.” +“O, kulungile,” utshilo uThukile, “ndakwenza njalo kwixa elizayo.” +NgoLwesine, uThukile waya kumfazi owayesenza iyogathi. Lo mfazi wavuma ukumnika umsebenzi waza wathi uza kumnika iyogathi ukuba umncedisile. Ngaloo mva kwemini lo mfazi wamnika iyogathi ngenene uThukile. Yayikwisikhongozeli esivulekileyo nesithambileyo seplastiki, yaza yagqunywa ngelaphu ngaphezulu. UThukile wahamba wagoduka ethwele eso sikhongozeli entloko kuba umama wakhe wayethe makenze njalo. Kodwa ngexesha efika ekhaya, kwakusele iyogathi encinane kakhulu. Enye yayichithekile yaza enye yancamathela ezinweleni zakhe. +“Sihibandini senkwenkwe enguThukile,” watsho umama wakhe, “ngowuyiphethe kakuhle ngezandla zakho.” +“O, kulungile!” watsho uThukile. “Kulungile, ndakwenza njalo kwixa elizayo.” +NgoLwesihlanu, uThukile wahamba efuna umsebenzi kwakhona. Ngolu suku wasebenzela umbhaki-zonka. Lo mbhaki wayengenanto anokumnika yona ngaphandle kwenja. Ekupheleni kosuku umbhaki wamhlawula ngokumnika inja. UThukile wayithatha inja waza wagoduka eyiphethe kakuhle ngezandla zakhe. +“Le yindlela umama wam athe ndikuphathe ngayo,” uThukile uxelele inja leyo. Kodwa kungekudala, inja yaqalisa yakhwina yagqushalaza. Emva koko yamkrwempa yamluma, wade wanyanzeleka ukuba ayiyeke. +Akufika ekhaya, umama wakhe wathi kuye, “Owu Thukile, usisihiba. Bekufuneka ubophelele intambo apha entanyeni yayo uze uyitsale ikulandele.” +“Kulungile,” utshilo uThukile, “ndakwenza njalo kusasa.” +Usuku olulandelayo yayinguMgqibelo kwaye uThukile waya kusebenza esilarheni. Kweli ityeli wahlawulwa ngesixingaxinga esihle senyama. Wayithatha loo nyama, wayibophelela ngentambo wenza kanye njengoko umama wakhe ebemxelele ukuba enze njalo – wayitsala emva kwakhe! Xa efika ekhaya, inyama yayonakele yonke. +Ngaloo mini umama wakhe waba nomsindo kakhulu. “Ndiza kukuthini kanye?” wabuza. “Ngomso yiCawa kwaye siza kutya ikhaphetshu kuphela ngesidlo sangokuhlwa. Usisiphukuphuku, bekufuneka uyixwayile loo nyama.” +“Ndakwenza njalo kwixesha elizayo,” waphendula uThukile. +NgoMvulo uThukile wayokusebenzela umntu owamhlawula ngedonki. Ngoku, nangona uThukile wayomelele wakufumanisa kunzima ukuxwaya idonki. Waputalaza, waputalaza, wada ekugqibeleni wakwazi ukuyixwaya idonki. Waza waqalisa ke ngohambo lwakhe olugodukayo, ecothoza. +Endleleni yakhe egodukayo, wadlula indlu apho kwakuhlala khona indoda esisityebi. Esi sityebi sasinentombi enye kuphela. Yayintle kakhulu, kodwa yayiyiminyaka emininzi ingasathethi. Kananjalo, yayingazange ihleke nokuhleka ebomini bayo bonke. Oogqirha bathi uyakuze akwazi ukuthetha mhla kwabakho umntu othe wamhlekisa. Indoda esisityebi yayikhathazeke kakhulu yintombi yayo kangangokuba yathembisa ukuba nabani na onokuthi ayihlekise intombi yakhe, uya kuyitshatisa naye. +Le ntombazana intle yayikrobe ngefestile xa kwakugqitha uThukile exwaye idonki emagxeni. Imilenze yedonki yayijonge phezulu ikhabalaza emoyeni kwaye loo mbono wawukhangeleka uhlekisa kakhulu, kangangokuba le ntombazana yatsho ngesiqhazolo sentsini. Ngoko nangoko yakwazi ukuthetha kwakhona le ntombazana. + +Indoda esisityebi yayonwabe kakhulu, yaza yasigcina nesithembiso sayo – yathi intombi yakhe ingatshata noThukile. UThukile waba yindoda esisityebi kakhulu ngenxa yokuba waba nje waba sisiphukuphuku esathi saxwaya idonki emagxeni aso! +Ukususela ngaloo mini, uThukile wahlala endlwini enkulu ehlala nomfazi wakhe kunye nomama wakhe, ekwakungasafuneki ukuba asebenze kwakhona. Ewe nje, noThukile zange kuphinde kubekho mfuneko yokuba athwale enye into kwakhona.",xho,isiXhosa,Isihiba esinguThukile,"Once upon a time there was a young man whose name was Thukile. He lived with his mother in a tiny house. They were very poor and the only money his mother made was by selling the eggs that her hen laid. +Thukile was so lazy that he did ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isihiba-esinguthukile +silly-thukile,"Kwasukasukela. Kwakukhona umfana ogama lakhe linguThukile. Wayehlala nomama wakhe endlini encane. Babempofu kakhulu kanti ukuphela kwemali eyayitholwa umama yayivela ekudayiseni amaqanda ayezalelwa isikhukhukazi sakhe. +UThukile wayeyivila elikhulu, wayehlala angenzi lutho. Wayelala emthunzini ehlobo bese ehlala eduze nomlilo ebusika. Umama wakhe wayengakwazi ukumenza ukuthi asize nanganoma yini. +Ngomunye uMsombuluko ekuseni wayethukuthele kakhulu wathi, “Thukile, uma ungayi ukuyosebenzela ukudla kwakho ngizokwenza ukuthi uhambe ungaphinde ubuye lapha ekhaya.” + +Lokhu kwamkhathaza uThukile. “Sengathi kumele ngenze okuthile ngalokhu,” kusho yena. “Namhlanje umama uzwakala ethukuthele kakhulu.” +Ngakho ngoLwesibili, wayofuna umsebenzi kumlimi awayengaphesheya komfula. Umlimi wathi uThukile akalungise ucingo. Ngalokhu wakhokhelwa imali eyizinhlamvu zesiliva ezimbalwa. UThukile wayengakaze abe nemali empilweni yakhe. Wabamba imali ewuhlweza ezandleni zakhe wahamba ede eyiphonsa phezulu eyinqaka ukuze ayibone icwebezela elangeni. Walahlekelwa yiyo yonke imali yakhe ngaphambi kokuba awele umfula. +“Silima ndini somfana,” kusho umama wakhe ngesikhathi efika ekhaya, “bekumele uyifake kahle ephakatheni lakho.” +“O,” kusho uThukile, “ngizokwenzenjalo ngokuzayo.” +NgoLwesithathu, uThukile wahamba futhi. “Ngabe ngingakusiza ngezinkomo zakho?” ebuza omunye umlimi. +“Yebo,” kusho umlimi, “ngizokukhokhela ngojeke wobisi ngomsebenzi wakho.” +Ekupheleni kosuku, umlimi wanika uThukile ujeke wobisi. UThukile wathatha ujeke wawufaka ephaketheni elikhulu lejazi lakhe njengoba wayetshelwe ukuthi enze kanjalo umama wakhe. Phaxa! Phaxa! Phaxa! Lwachitheka lonke ubusi ngesikhathi ehamba endleleni kanti nojeke wawungasaphethe lutho ngesikhathi efika ekhaya. +“Kodwa nkosi yami!” kusho umama wakhe. “UYISILIMA! Bekumele uthwale ujeke ekhanda lakho.” +“Kulungile,” kusho uThukile, “ngizokwenzenjalo ngokuzayo.” +NgoLwesine, uThukile waya kowesifazane owayenza iyogathi. Wavuma ukuthi uzomnika iyogathi uma engamsiza. Ntambama ngalolo suku wanika uThukile iyogathi. Yayisesiqukathini seplastiki esivulekile esimbozwe ngendwangu. UThukile waya ekhaya ethwele isiqukathi ekhanda lakhe ngoba yilokho ayethe akwenze umama wakhe. Ngesikhathi efika ekhaya, kwase kusele iyogathi encane esiqukathini. Enye yayo yayichithekile, enye yayo yayinamathele ezinweleni zakhe. +“Thukile, silima ndini somfana,” kusho umama wakhe, “bekumele uyiphathe ngokucophelela ngezandla zakho.” +“O!” kusho uThukile. “Kulungile, ngizokwenzenjalo ngokuzayo.” +NgoLwesihlanu, uThukile wahamba futhi. Ngalolu suku wasebenzela umbhaki. Umbhaki wayengenayo enye into ayengaholela ngayo uThukile ngomsebenzi wakhe ngaphandle kwenja. Ngakho ekupheleni kosuku umbhaki wamkhokhela ngokumnika inja. UThukile wathatha inja waya ekhaya eyiphethe ngokucophelela ezandleni zakhe. +“Umama wami wathi kumele ngikuphathe kanje,” kusho uThukile enjeni. Kungaphelanga sikhathi esingakanani, inja yaqala ukukhala nokupaquza. Yase, iqala ukumklwebha nokumnepheza kakhulu kangangokuba waze wayidedela. +Uma efika ekhaya, umama wakhe wathi kuye, “O, Thukile, awuve uyisiduphunga. Bekumele ubophele intambo emqaleni wayo bese uyihola.” +“Kulungile,” kusho uThukile, “ngizokwenzenjalo kusasa.” +Usuku olulandelayo kwakunguMgqibelo, kanti uThukile wayosebenzela umnikazi webhusha. Ngalolo suku wakhokhelwa ngesigaxa senyama esihle. Wathatha isigaxa senyama, wasibopha ngentambo wase enza njengoba ebetshelwe umama wakhe − wasihudula emva kwakhe! Ngesikhathi efika ekhaya, yase yonakele iphelile inyama. +Umama wakhe wamthukuthelela kakhulu. “Ngizokwenzani kodwa ngawe?” kubuza yena. “Kusasa yiSonto manje-ke kuzomele sidle iklabishi esidlweni sakusihlwa. Ave uyisilima, bekumele uthwale inyama ehlombe lakho.” +“Ngizokwenzenjalo ngokuzayo,” kuphendula uThukile. +NgoMsombuluko, uThukile wahamba wayosebenzela omunye umuntu futhi owamkhokhela ngembongolo. Manje-ke noma uThukile wayenamandla, wakuthola kunzima ukugibeza imbongolo emahlombe akhe. Wazama wazama, kodwa ekugcineni waze wayigibeza imbongolo emahlombe akhe, ngendlela umama wakhe ayemtshele ngayo. Wase eqala uhambo lwakhe elubhekise ekhaya kancane. +Endleleni kaThukile ebheke ekhaya kwakumele adlule endlini okwakuhlala kuyo indoda enothe kakhulu. Isicebi lesi sasinendodakazi eyodwa. Yayiyinhle kakhulu, kodwa kwase kudlule iminyaka eminingi kakhulu ingathi vu. Yayingakaze futhi ihleke empilweni yayo. Odokotela babethe iyophinde ikwazi ukukhuluma futhi uma kukhona umuntu oyihlekisile. Indoda enothile yayikhathazeke kakhulu ngendodakazi yayo kangangokuthi yathi noma ubani ozokwenza ukuthi indodakazi yayo ihleke, angashada nayo. +Indodakazi enhle yayibuka phandle ngesifasitela ngesikhathi kudlula uThukile ethwele imbongolo emahlombe akhe. Imilenze yembongolo yayibheke phezulu futhi lokhu kwakuhlekisa kangangoba yaze yaphubuka yahleka intombazane. Ngaso leso sikhathi yakwazi ukuphinde ikhulume futhi. + +Indoda enothile yayijabule kakhulu, yasigcina isethembiso sayo – yathi indodakazi yayo noThukile bangashada. UThukile waba indoda enothe kakhulu ngenxa yokuthi waba isilima kangangokuthi wathwala imbongolo emahlombe akhe! +Kusukela ngalolo suku, uThukile wahlala endlini enkulu kanye nonkosikazi nomama wakhe okungazange kuphinde kudingeke ukuthi asebenze futhi. Kanti, phela , noThukile akazange aphinde athwale enye into emahlombe akhe futhi.",zul,isiZulu,Isiwula esinguThukile,"Once upon a time there was a young man whose name was Thukile. He lived with his mother in a tiny house. They were very poor and the only money his mother made was by selling the eggs that her hen laid. +Thukile was so lazy that he did ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isiwula-esinguthukile +silly-thukile,"Kgale lesogana leo le bego le bitšwa Thukile le be le dula le mmago lona ka ngwakong wo monnyane. Ba be ba hlaka kudu gomme mmagwe a tsenya tšhelete ka go rekiša mae a bego a bewa ke kgogo ya gagwe. +Thukile o be a tšwafa ebile a sa dire selo. Ka selemo o be a sekama moriting gomme marega a dulela mollo. +Mesong ya Mošupologo o mongwe, mmago Thukile o be a befetšwe a re, “Thukile, ge o sa ye go šoma gore o kgone go ithekela dijo, ke tla go koba ka mo ngwakong sa ruri.” + +“Ke swanetše go dira se sengwe,” Thukile a realo. “Bjale mma o kwagala a befetšwe kudu.” +Ka Labobedi, Thukile o ile a kgopela mošomo go rapolase wa ka moše wa noka. Rapolase o kgopetše Thukile go lokiša legora la gagwe gomme a mo lefa ka dikhoine tša silibera tše mmalwa. Thukile o ile a fofišetša dikhoine godimo le fase gore a kgone go bona go phadima ga tšona letšatšing. Efela o ile a timetša dikhoine tšela ka moka pele a tshela noka. +“Aa mošemane wa setlaela,” a realo mmagwe, “nkabe o di tsenye ka potleng.” +“Eya,” a realo Thukile, “ka moso ke tla dira bjalo.” +Ka Laboraro, Thukile o ile a kgopela rapolase yo mongwe, “Naa nka go thuša ka dikgomo tša gago?” +“Ee,” a realo rapolase, “ke tla go lefa ka jeke ya maswi.” +Mafelelong a letšatši, rapolasa o file Thukile jeke ya maswi. Thukile o ile a e tsenya ka potleng ya jase go latela se boletšwego ke mmagwe. Tsorr! Tsorr! Tsorr! Maswi a ile a tšhologa gomme a fihla gae le jeke e se sa na selo. +“Thukile, moratiwa!” a realo mmagwe. “O be o swanetše go rwala jeke hlogong ya gago.” +“Go lokile,” a realo Thukile, “ka moso ke tla dira bjalo.” +Ka Labone, Thukile o ile a šomela mosadi wa go dira yokate. O ile a leboga Thukile ka yokate. E be e le ka setšhelong sa polastiki sa go bulega sa go phuthelwa ka lešela. Thukile o ile a rwala setšhelo hlogong bjalo ka ge mmagwe a mo laetše. Efela ge a fihla gae go be go šetše yokate ye nnyane ka setšhelong. +“Aa mošemane wa setlaela,” a realo mmagwe, “o be o swanetše go se swara ka diatla.” +“Eya!” a realo Thukile. “Ka moso ke tla dira bjalo.” +Ka Labohlano, Thukile o ile a šoma lepakeng. Monglepaka o ile a leboga Thukile ka go mo fa mpša. Thukile o ile a kuka mpša ka diatla tša gagwe gabotse a ya le yona gae. Go se go ye kae, mpša e ile ya thoma go ngwapa le go loma Thukile gampe ka moo a ilego a swanelwa ke go e tlogela. +Mmagwe o ile a re, “Ijoo, Thukile, nkabe o e bofe ka thapo molaleng gomme e go šale morago.” +“Go lokile,” a realo Thukile, “gosasa ke tla dira bjalo.” +Letšatši la go latela e be e le Mokibelo gomme Thukile o ile a ya go šomela raleselaga. O ile a lefa Thukile ka seripa sa nama ye botse. Thukile o tšere nama, a e bofa ka thapo a e gogobiša ka morago ga gagwe! Ge a fihla gae nama e be e senyegile. +“Ke ile go dira eng ka wena?” mmagwe a botšiša. “Gosasa ke Sontaga, gomme sejo se re tlago lalela ka sona ke khabetšhe fela. O be o swanetše go atha nama magetleng a gago.” +“Ka moso ke tla dira bjalo,” gwa fetola Thukile. +Ka Mošupologo, Thukile o šometše motho yo a ilego a mo leboga ka tonki. Thukile o ile a katana-katana, efela mafelelong a kgona go atha tonki magetleng a gagwe. O ile a ya gae a sepela ka go nanya. +Thukile o ile a feta ntlong ya monna wa mohumuhumi. Monna wa mohumi o be a na le morwedi o tee fela, efela ke mengwagangwaga a sa kgone go bolela. Gape ga se a ka a sega bophelong bja gagwe. Dingaka di rile o tla kgona go bolela gape ge feela a ka segišwa ke motho yo mongwe. Monna wa mohumi o ile a tshepiša gore motho yo a ka mo dirago gore a sege o tla mo nyala. +Mosetsana o be a lebeletše ka lefasetere ge Thukile a be a feta a athile tonki magetleng. Maoto a tonki a be a akaletše moyeng gomme a be a segiša ka mo e lego gore mosetsana yo o ile a iphetša ka disego. A napa a kgona go bolela gape ka bonako. + +Monna wa mohumi o be a thabile kudu, gomme a phethagatša tshepišo ya gagwe – morwedi wa gagwe le Thukile ba ka nyalana. Thukile o ile a huma. O ile a dula ka ngwakong o mogolo le mosadi wa gagwe le mmagwe yo a ilego a tlogela go šoma. Le Thukile ga se a ka a hlwa a sa ithwalela eng goba eng gape.",nso,Sepedi,Thukile wa Sethotho,"Once upon a time there was a young man whose name was Thukile. He lived with his mother in a tiny house. They were very poor and the only money his mother made was by selling the eggs that her hen laid. +Thukile was so lazy that he did ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thukile-wa-sethotho +silly-thukile,"Kgalekgale ho ne ho ena le mohlankana ya bitswang Thukile. O ne a dula le mmae tlung e nyane. Ba ne ba futsanehile haholo mme tjheletana eo mmae a neng a kgona ho e etsa e ne e le ka ho rekisa mahe a neng a behelwa ke kgoho ya hae. +Thukile o ne a le botswa hoo a neng a sa etse letho. O ne a ka paqama moriting ha e le lehlabula mme a dule mollong ha e le mariha. Mmae o ne a sa kgone ho mo qobella hore a mo thuse ka ntho efe kapa efe. +Ka tsatsi le leng Mantaha hoseng mmae o ne a halefile hoo a ileng a re, “Thukile, haeba o sa tsamaye ho ya sebetsa bakeng sa hore o iphepe ke tla o leleka tlung ena ya ka.” + +Sena se ile sa kgathatsa Thukile. “Ke tla tshwanela ho etsa ho hong,” a rialo. “Kgetlong lena mme o utlwahala a halefile e le ka nnete.” +Yaba ka Labobedi o ya ho rapolasi ya mose wane ho noka mme a kopa mosebetsi. Rapolasi a re Thukile a lokise terata ya hae. Bakeng sa mosebetsi ona o ile a lefshwa ka dikhoine tse mmalwa tsa silivera. Thukile o ne a eso ka a eba le tjhelete hohang bophelong ba hae. A tshwara dikhoine tseo ka letsohong la hae mme a nna a di bapadisa a di tlolatlodisa hore a kgone ho di bona hantle di benya letsatsing. Pele a tshelela ka nqane ho noka o ne a se a lahlehetswe ke dikhoine tsa hae kaofela. +“Moshanyana towe ya sethoto,” mmae a rialo ha a fihla lapeng, “o ne o tshwanetse hore ebe o ile wa di boloka hantle ka pokothong ya hao.” +“Oh,” ho rialo Thukile, “ke tla etsa jwalo nakong e tlang.” +Ka Laboraro Thukile a tsamaya hape. “Na nka o thusa ka dikgomo tsa hao?” a botsa rapolasi e mong. +“Ho lokile,” ho rialo rapolasi, “mme nna ke tla o fa jeke ya lebese e le tefo bakeng sa mosebetsi wa hao.” +Ha letsatsi le dikela rapolasi a nea Thukile jeke ya lebese. Thukile a nka jeke eo mme a e kenya ka pokothong e kgolo ya jase ya hae, hantle ka tsela eo mmae a neng a mo laetse ka yona. Qhapha! Qhapha! Qhapha! Lebese la tsholoha jwalo ha a ntse a tsamaya tseleng mme jeke e ne e se e sena letho ka nako eo a fihlang lapeng. +“Ao basadi!” ho rialo mmae. “O FELA O LE SETHOTO! O ne o tshwanetse hore ebe o rwetse jeke eo hloohong ya hao.” +“Ho lokile,” ho rialo Thukile, “ke tla etsa jwalo nakong e tlang.” +Ka Labone, Thukile a ya ho mosadi ya etsang yokate. O ile a dumela hore o tla mo fa yokate haeba a ka mo thusa. Mantsiboyeng ao a fa Thukile yokate. E ne e tshetswe setshelong sa polasetike se bulehileng se neng se phuthetswe ka lesela. Thukile a ya lapeng a rwetse setshelo seo hloohong hobane ke seo a ileng a se bolellwa ke mmae hore a se etse. Empa yare ka nako eo a fihlang lapeng ka yona, ho ne ho setse yokate e nyane haholo ka hara setshelo. E nngwe ya yona e ne e tsholohetse fatshe, e nngwe ya yona e ne e kgomaretse moriring wa hae. +“Thukile, o moshanyana ya thotofetseng,” mmae a rialo “o ne o tshwanetse hore o e tshware hantle ka matsoho a hao.” +“Oh!” ho rialo Thukile. “Ho lokile, ke tla etsa jwalo nakong e tlang.” +Ka Labohlano, Thukile a tsamaya hape. Kgetlong lena o ile a ya sebeletsa ralebaka. Ralebaka o ne a se na letho ha e se feela ntja eo a neng a ka e fa Thukile bakeng sa mosebetsi wa hae. Yaba pheletsong ya letsatsi ralebaka o mo lefa ka ho mo fa ntja. Thukile a nka ntja eo mme a tsamaya ho leba lapeng a e kukile ka hloko ka matsohong a hae. +“Mme wa ka o itse ke o tshware tjena,” Thukile a bolella ntja eo. Ese kgale, ntja ya qala ho tsetsela le ho meneka. Yaba e qala ho mo ngwapa le ho mo loma ha bohloko hoo a ileng a tlameha ho e tlohela. +Ha a fihla lapeng, mmae a re ho yena, “Oho, Thukile, o sethoto ka nnete. O ne o tlamehile hore ebe o ile wa e fasa ka lerapo molaleng mme wa e tshwara hore e kgone ho o sala morao.” +“Ho lokile,” ho rialo Thukile, “Ke tla etsa jwalo hosane.” +Tsatsing le latelang e ne e le Moqebelo mme Thukile o ile a ya sebeletsa raselaga. Kgetlong lena o ile a lefshwa ka leqa le leholo la nama. Yaba o nka leqa leo la nama, a le tlama ka lerapo mme a etsa hantle seo mmae a mo laetseng sona – a e hulanya kamora hae a ntse a tsamaya! Ka nako eo a fihlang hae ka yona nama eo e ne e senyehile hohle. +Nakong ena mmae o ne a mo halefetse le ho feta. “Ke tlilo etsa jwang ka wena?” a botsa. “Hosane ke Sontaha mme re tlilo ja khabetjhe feela bakeng sa dijo tsa mantsiboya. O sethoto, o ne o tlamehile ho jara nama eo mahetleng a hao.” +“Ke tla etsa jwalo nakong e tlang,” ho araba Thukile. +Ka Mantaha, Thukile a tsamaya hape mme a ya sebeletsa motho e mong ya ileng a mo fa tonki bakeng sa tefo. Jwale, leha Thukile a ne a le matla haholo, ho ne ho le boima ho yena ho jara tonki eo mahetleng a hae. A leka ka hohle, a sokola, empa qetellong a kgona ho nyollela tonki eo mahetleng a hae, jwalo feela ka ha mmae a mo laetse. Yaba o qala ho tsamaya butle a leba lapeng. +Tseleng e lebang lapeng, Thukile o ne a tlameha ho feta pela ntlo ya moruihadi e mong tjena. Monna eo wa morui o ne a ena le moradi a le mong feela. O ne a le motle haholo, empa ka dilemo tse ngata o ne a eso ka a bua lentswe le le leng. Hape o ne a eso ka a tsheha bophelong bohle ba hae. Dingaka di ne di itse o tla kgona ho bua hape ha ho ka ba le motho ya ka etsang hore a tshehe. Monna wa morui o ne a ngongorehile ka moradi wa hae hoo a ileng a re motho ofe kapa ofe ya ka etsang hore a tshehe, o tla mo dumella ho mo nyala. +Ngwanana eo ya motle o ne a shebile ka ntle ho fensetere ha Thukile a feta a jere tonki mahetleng a hae. Maoto a tonki a ne a satalletse a ile hodimo moyeng mme hoo ho ne ho qabola haholo hoo ngwanana eo a ileng a keketeha haholo. Mme hang o ile a qala ho tseba ho bua hape. + +Monna wa morui o ne a thabile haholo, mme a boloka tshepiso ya hae – o ile a re moradi wa hae le Thukile ba ka nna ba nyalana. Thukile o ile a fetoha moruihadi feela ka lebaka la hore o ne a bile sethoto hoo a ileng a jara tonki mahetleng a hae! +Ho tloha letsatsing leo, Thukile a dula tlung e kgolo le mosadi wa hae le mmae ya ileng a se hlole a sebetsa hape bophelong ba hae. Mme he, haele Thukile yena a se hlole a lokela ho jara eng kapa eng ka boyena hape.",sot,Sesotho,Thukile ya Sethoto,"Once upon a time there was a young man whose name was Thukile. He lived with his mother in a tiny house. They were very poor and the only money his mother made was by selling the eggs that her hen laid. +Thukile was so lazy that he did ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thukile-ya-sethoto +silly-thukile,"Ka nako e nngwe go kile ga bo go na le monna yo monnye yo leina la gagwe e neng e le Thukile. O ne a nna le mmaagwe mo ntlong e nnye thata. Ba ne ba humanegile thata mme mmaagwe o ne a kgona go dira madi fela ka go rekisa mae a a neng a beelwa ke kgogo ya gagwe. +Thukile o ne a le botswa thata moo o neng a sa dire sepe. O ne a robala mo meriting ka selemo le go nna fa isong ka mariga. Mmaagwe o ne a sa kgone go mo kopa gore a thuse ka sepe fela. +Ka moso mongwe wa Mosupologo o ne a hutsafetse thata moo a neng a re, “Thukile, fa o sa tsamaye o ye go direla dijo tsa gago ke tla dira gore o ntswele mo ntlong e ruri.” +Se se ne sa tshwenya Thukile. “Ke tshwanetse go dira sengwe,” a rialo. “Mo nakong e mme o utlwala a tenegile tota.” +Ka jalo ka Labobedi, o ne a ya kwa go rapolasa go kgabaganya noka mme a kopa tiro. Rapolasa o ne a mo kopa go baakanya legora la gagwe. Go dira se o ne a duelwa madi a se kae a tshipi. Thukile o ne a ise a ke a nne le madi mo botshelong jwa gagwe. O ne a tshwara madi a tshipi mo seatleng sa gagwe mme a a tlolatlodisa gore a kgone go a bona a phatsima mo letsatsing. Fela pele ga a kgabaganya noka, o ne a latlhile madi otlhe. +“Mosimane ke wena wa sematla,” ga rialo mmaagwe fa a goroga kwa gae, “o tshwanetse o ka bo o a tsentse sentle ka pabalesego mo kgetsaneng ya gago.” +“Ao,” ga rialo Thukile, “Ke tla dira jalo mo nakong e tlang.” +Ka Laboraro o ne a tswa gape. “A nka go thusa ka dikgomo tsa gago?” a botsa rapolasa yo mongwe. +“Ee,” ga bua rapolasa, “mme ke tla go fa morufa wa mašwi go go duela tiro ya gago.” +Fa letsatsi le tla kwa bokhutlong, rapolasa o ne a naya Thukile morufa wa mašwi. Thukile o ne a tsaya morufa mme a o tsenya mo teng ga kgetsana e kgolo ya jase ya gagwe fela jaaka mmaagwe a ne a rile o tshwanetse go dira. Phatšha! Phatšha! Phatšha! Mašwi a ne a tshologa fa a tsamaya mo tseleng e bile morufa o ne o setse o le lolea pele ga a fitlha kwa gae. +“Ao Modimo wa me!” ga rialo mmaagwe. “O sematla TOTA! O tshwanetse o kabo o beile morufa mo tlhogong ya gago.” +“Go siame,” ga rialo Thukile, “Ke tla dira jalo mo nakong e tlang.” +Ka Labone, Thukile o ne a ya kwa go mosadi yo o neng a dira yokate. O ne a dumela go mo fa yokate fa a ka mo thusa. Mo thapameng eo o ne a fa Thukile yokate. E ne e le mo teng ga setshodi se se bulegileng sa polasetiki se se neng se phuthetswe ka letsela. Thukile o ne a tsamaya go ya gae a beile setshodi mo tlhogong ya gagwe gonne ke se mmaagwe a neng a rile o tshwanetse go se dira. Fela ka nako ya fa a goroga kwa gae, go ne go setse yokate e nnye thata mo teng ga setshodi. Nngwe e ne e tshologile, fa e nngwe e ne e kgomaretse mo moriring wa gagwe. +“Sematla ke wena, mosimane wa sematla, Thukile,” ga rialo mmaagwe, “o tshwanetse o ka bo o e tshwere sentle ka kelotlhoko mo diatleng tsa gago.” +“Ao!” ga rialo Thukile. “Go siame, ke tla dira jalo mo nakong e tlang.” +Ka Labotlhano, Thukile o ne a tswa gape. Mo nakong e o ne a direla ralebaka. Ralebaka o ne a sena sepe se a ka se nayang Thukile go mo duelela tiro ya gagwe ntle le ntšwanyana. Kwa bofelong jwa letsatsi ralebaka o ne a mo duela ka go mo naya ntšwanyana. Thukile o ne a tsaya ntšwanyana mme a ya gae a e tshwere ka kelotlhoko mo diatleng tsa gagwe. +“Ke ka moo Mme a ntaetseng gore ke go tshware ka teng,” Thukile o ne a bolelela ntšwanyana. Fela pele ga ba ya kgakala, ntšwanyana e ne ya simolola go ngongorega le go itulatula. Morago, e ne ya simolola go mo ngapa le go mo loma botlhoko moo o neng a patelesega go e tlogela e tsamaya. +Fa a fitlha kwa gae, mmaagwe o ne a re, “Ao Thukile, o sematla tota. O tshwanetse go ka bo o bofeletse mogala mo molaleng wa yona mme wa dira gore e go sale morago.” +“Go siame,” ga rialo Thukile, “Ke tla dira seo kamoso.” +Letsatsi le le latelang e ne e le Lamatlhatso mme Thukile o ne a ya go direla raselaga. Mo nakong e o ne a duelwa ka lenathwana le lentle la nama. O ne a tsaya lenathwana la nama, a golegela mogala mo go lone mme a dira fela ka moo mmaagwe a neng a mo laetse ka teng – o ne a e goga mo morago ga gagwe! Fa a goroga kwa gae, nama e ne e senyegile. +Ka nako e mmaagwe o ne a mo tenegetse tota. “Ke tla dira eng ka wena?” a botsa. “Kamoso ke Latshipi mme jaanong re tlile go lalela ka khabetšhe fela. O sematla tota, o tshwanetse o kabo o rwele nama mo magetleng a gago.” +“Ke tla dira seo mo nakong e tlang,” ga araba Thukile. +Ka Mosupologo, Thukile o ne a tswa gape mme a direla mongwe yo o neng a mo duela ka tonki. Jaanong le mororo Thukile a ne a nonofile thata, o ne a sa kgone go pega tonki mo magetleng a gagwe. O ne a kgaratlha, a kgaratlha, mme kwa bofelong o ne a tsholetsa tonki le go e baya mo magetleng a gagwe, ka moo mmaagwe a mmoleletseng ka teng. Morago o ne a simolola go tsamaya a ya gae ka iketlo. +Mo tseleng ya ga Thukile ya go boela gae, o ne a tshwanetse go feta fa ntlong e go neng go nna monna yo o neng a humile thata mo go yona. Monna wa mohumi o ne a na le morwadi a le mongwe. O ne a le montle thata, fela e ne e setse e le dingwagangwaga a sa bue le fa e le lefokonyana. Gape o ne a ise a tsamaye a tshege mo botshelong jwa gagwe. Dingaka di ne di rile a ka kgona go bua fela gape fa mongwe a ka dira gore a tshege. Monna wa mohumi o ne a tshwenyegile thata ka ga morwadie moo a neng a re motho yo a ka mo tshegisang, a ka mo nyala. +Mosetsana yo montle o ne a lebile kwa ntle ka letlhabaphefo fa Thukile a feta a rwele tonki mo magetleng a gagwe. Maoto a tonki a ne a akgega mo moweng mme go ne go tshegisa moo mosetsana a neng a thubega ka setshego. Mme ka gangwe o ne a kgona go bua gape. + +Monna wa mohumi o ne a itumetse thata, mme a diragatsa tsholofetso ya gagwe – o ne a re morwadie le Thukile ba ka nyalana. Thukile o ne a nna monna wa mohumi fela ka ntlha ya gore o nnile sematla ka go rwala tonki mo magetleng a gagwe! +Go simolola ka letsatsi leo, Thukile o ne a nna mo ntlong e kgolo le mosadi wa gagwe le mmaagwe yo o neng a sa tlhole a tlhoka go dira gape. E bile, e le ruri, Thukile o ne a sa tlhole a tlhoka go tshwara sepe ka boene gape.",tsn,Setswana,Thukile wa Semat,"Once upon a time there was a young man whose name was Thukile. He lived with his mother in a tiny house. They were very poor and the only money his mother made was by selling the eggs that her hen laid. +Thukile was so lazy that he did ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thukile-wa-sematla +silly-thukile,"Kwesukasukela, bekukhona indvodza, ligama layo bekunguThukile. Bekahlala namake wakhe endlwaneni lencane. Bebaphuye kakhulu futsi imali lebebanayo bekunguleyo make wakhe bekayitfola ngekutsengisa emacandza labekatalelwa sikhukhukati sakhe. +Thukile bekavilapha kangangobe bekangenti lutfo. Bekahlala emtfuntini ehlobo abuye futsi otse umlilo ebusika. Make wakhe wehluleka kutsi amente amsite nanoma ngabe yini. +Ngalomunye uMsombuluko ekuseni bekatfukutsele kakhulu kangangobe watsi, “Thukile, nangabe awuhambi uyosebentela kudla kwakho ngitakwenta kutsi uphume uhambe lapha endlini ungabuyi.” + +Loku kwenta Thukile wakhatsateka. “Ngifanele ngente lokutsite,” washo atitjela. “Nyalo Make uvakala atfukutsele.” +Ngako-ke ngaLesibili, waya kumlimi lobekangesheya kwemfula wayocela umsebenti. Lomlimi wenta Thukile kutsi amlungisele fenisi wakhe. Wabese umholela ngetinhlavu letimbalwa temali lengemasiliva. Thukile bekangatange asabe nemali emphilweni yakhe. Waphatsa lemali yakhe letinhlavu tesiliva wabuye wayijika etulu naphansi kute kutsi atibone letinhlavu timanyatela elangeni. Kepha kwatsi asengakaweli nemfula bekasayilahle yonkhe lemali. +“Lesilima semfana,” kwasho make wakhe ngesikhatsi efika ekhaya, “ufanele kutsi ngabe utifake ngekuphepha ekhikhini lakho.” +“Hho,” kwasho Thukile, “ngitawenta njalo esikhatsini lesitako.” +NgaLesitsatfu, Thukile wahamba futsi. “Ngicela kukwelusela tinkhomo takho?” wacela lomunye umlimi. +“Yebo,” kwasho lomlimi, “ngitawubese ngikupha lijeke lelubisi kute ngikukhokhele ngemsebenti wakho wekungelusela.” +Ekupheleni kwelusuku, umlimi wapha Thukile lijeke lelubisi. Thukile watsatsa lelijeke walifaka ekhikhini lelijazi lakhe njengobe atjelwe kutsi ente njalo. Khapha! Khapha! Khapha! Lolubisi-ke beluloku lukhaphaka, lucitseka ngesikhatsi ahamba endleleni aya ekhaya futsi akusalanga lutfo kulelijeke asesekhashane nekufika ekhaya. +“Hhawu kwami!” kwasho make wakhe. “Ulibele! Ufanele kutsi ngabe wetfwele lelijeke enhloko.” +“Kulungile,” kwasho Thukile, “Ngitawenta njalo esikhatsini lesitako.” +NgaLesine, Thukile wahamba waya kulomunye make lowenta iyogathi. Wavuma kumupha iyogathi nakamsita. Ngaleyo mini wapha Thukile iyogathi. Beyikusimumatsi selipulasitiki lesivulekile sabese sivalwa ngendvwangu. Thukile waya ekhaya etfwele lesimumatsi enhloko ngoba nguloko make wakhe latsi abokwenta. Kepha ngesikhatsi efika ekhaya, besekucishe kunganalutfo kulesimumatsi. Lenye yayo beyicitsekile, lenye beyimnamatsele etinweleni takhe. +“Wena mfana lolibele, Thukile,” kwasho make wakhe, “bewufanele kutsi uyiphatse kahle ngetandla.” +“Hho, Kulungile,” kwasho Thukile, “Ngitawenta njalo esikhatsini lesitako.” +NgaLesihlanu, Thukile wahamba futsi. Manje wasebentela umbhaki. Lombhaki bekete lutfo ngaphandle kwenja lebekangayinika Thukile njengemsebenti wakhe. Ngako-ke ekupheleni kwelusuku wamholela ngekumnika lenja. Thukile wahamba waya ekhaya aphetse kahle lenja etandleni takhe. +“Lena nguyona ndlela make wami langitjele kutsi ngikuphatse ngayo,” Thukile watjela lenja. Kepha kungakapheli sikhatsi lesingakanani, lenja yacala yinhinhila yabuye yakhwishitela. Yabese-ke, icala kumhhwebha nekumluma kabuhlungu kangangoba wayiyekela yahamba. +Nakefika ekhaya, make wakhe watsi, “Awu! Thukile, ulibele. Bewufanele kutsi uyibophe ngentsambo lapha entsanyeni bese uyayidvonsa iyakulandzela.” +“Kulungile”, kwasho Thukile, “Ngitawenta njalo kusasa.” +Lilanga lelilandzelako bekunguMgcibelo futsi Thukile wahamba wayosebentela umnikati welisilaha. Manje bamkhokhela ngesigadla lesihle senyama. Watsatsa lesigadla senyama, wasibopha ngentsambo wabe wente ngco loko make wakhe lamtjele kona − wasihudvula emvakwakhe. Ngesikhatsi efika ekhaya, lenyama beseyimoseke iphelele. +Manje make wamtfukutselela kakhulu. “Kodvwa ngitawenjani nje ngawe?” watibuta. “Kusasa Lisontfo futsi sitawudla liklabishi kuphela njengekudla kwetfu kwantsambama. Ulibele, bewufanele kutsi ngabe wetfwele lenmyama yakho emahlombe.” +“Ngitawenta njalo esikhatsi lesitako,” kwaphendvula Thukile. +NgeMsombuluko, Thukile wahamba futsi wayosebentela lomunye umuntfu lowamholela ngembongolo. Manje-ke, nanoma nje Thukile bekanemandla kakhulu, wakutfola kulukhuni kwetfwala lembongolo emahlombe akhe. Wadzadzalata wadzadzalata, kepha ekugcineni wakhona kubeka lembongolo emahlombe akhe, ngaleyo ndlela make wakhe lamtjela yona. Wacala-ke wahamba waya ekhaya ahamba kancane. +Endleleni leya ekhaboThukile lapho bekuhlala khona indvodza lenjingile. Lendvodza lenjingile beyinendvodzakati yinye. Beyiyinhle kakhulu, kepha besekuminyakanyaka ingasho lutfo. Futsi beyingakate seyihleke emphilweni yayo. Bodokotela batsi itawuhleka kuphela nakungaba nemuntfu longayihlekisa. Lenjinga-ke beseyikhatsateke kangangoba yatsi nanoma ngabe ngubani longenta indvodzakati yayo ihleke, angayishada. +Lentfombatana lenhle beyibuka ngaphandle kwelifasitelo ngesikhatsi ibona Thukile endlula etfwele imbongolo emahlombe. Imilente yalembongolo beyivele ngalapha nangalapha kwaThukile futsi ibuke etulu ngendlela lehlekisako kangangoba lentfombatana yachumisa luhleko. Ekugcineni yacala yakhuluma. +  +Lenjinga yajabula kakhulu, futsi yasigcina nesitsembiso sayo − yatsi indvodzakati yayo naThukile bangashadiswa. Thukile waba yindvodza lenjingile ngoba walibala ngalokwenele kutsi atfwale imbongolo emahlombe akhe! +Kusukela ngalelo langa, Thukile wahlala endlini lenkhulu nemfati wakhe namake wakhe lobekasete sidzingo sekutsi asebente futsi. Futsi, kunjalo phela, kute lokunye Thukile laphindze waba nesidzingo sekukwetfwala futsi.",ssw,Siswati,Thukile Lolibele,"Once upon a time there was a young man whose name was Thukile. He lived with his mother in a tiny house. They were very poor and the only money his mother made was by selling the eggs that her hen laid. +Thukile was so lazy that he did ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thukile-lolibele +silly-thukile,"Kalekale ho vha hu na muṱhannga we a vha a tshi pfi Thukile. O vha a tshi dzula na mme awe kha kuḓu kuṱuku. Vho vha vhe zwishai nga maanḓa nahone tshelede ye vha vha vhe  nayo yo vha i tshi bva kha u rengisa makumba e khuhu dzavho dza kudzela. +  +Thukile o vha a tshi bvafha nga maanḓa lwe a vha a sa iti tshithu. O vha a tshi eḓela fhasi ha murunzi nga tshilimo a ora mulilo nga vhuria. Mme awe vho kundelwa u mu vhudza uri a vha thuse nga zwiṅwe-vho. +Nga maṅwe matsheloni a Musumbuluwo vho vha vho sinyuwa nga maanḓa lwe vha ri, “Thukile, arali na sa ya u shumela zwiḽiwa zwaṋu ndi ḓo ni pandela lwa tshoṱhe fhano muḓini.” + +Izwi zwo vhilaedza Thukile. “Ndi khwiṋe ndi tshi ita tshiṅwe tshithu,,” o amba. “Zwino mme anga vha pfala vho sinyuwa nga maanḓa.” +Ha ri nga Ḽavhuvhili, a mbo ḓi ya kha rabulasi nga seli ha mulambo a humbela mushumo. Rabulasi a ri Thukile a lugise ḓaraṱa yawe. U ita izwi o badelwa nga mangwende a siḽivhere. Thukile o vha a sa athu u vhuya a vha na tshelede vhutshiloni hawe. O fara mangwende nga zwanḓa zwawe a a posa nṱha na fhasi uri a ḓo kona u a vhona a tshi penya nga ḓuvha. Fhedzi a sa athu na u pfuka mulambo, a vha o no xedza mangwende oṱhe. +“Inwi mutukana a sa ḓivhalekani,” ho amba mme awe zwenezwi a tshi swika hayani, “no vha no tea no a vhea zwavhuḓi tshikwamani tsha vhurukhu haṋu.” +“Ohoo,” ho amba Thukile, “Ndi ḓo ita nga u ralo tshifhinga tshi ḓaho.” +Nga Ḽavhuraru, Thukile o ḓo ṱuwa hafhu. “Ndi nga vha thusa nga kholomo dzavho naa?” O humbela muṅwe rabulasi. +“Ee,” ho amba rabulasi, “ndi ḓo ni fha dzhege ya mafhi sa wone muholo wa mushumo waṋu.” +Musi ḓuvha ḽi tshi kovhela, rabulasi a fha Thukile dzhege ya mafhi. Thukile a dzhia dzhege a i vhea ngomu tshikwamani tshihulwane tsha nguvhoyawe sa zwe mme awe vha amba uri u tea u itisa zwone. Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Mafhi o shuluwa zwenezwi a tshi khou tshimbila nga bada nahone ndi musi hu kale dzhege i si tshe na tshithu phanḓa ha musi a tshi swika hayani. +“Mathina zwithu zwa hone!”Ho amba mme awe. “Ni TOU vha tsilu! No vha no tea no tou hwala dzhege nga ṱhoho yaṋu.” +“Ndi zwone,” ho amba Thukile, “Ndi ḓo ita nga u ralo tshifhinga tshi ḓaho.” +Nga Ḽavhuṋa, Thukile o ya kha mufumakadzi we a vha a tshi ita yogathi. O tenda u ḓo mu ṋea yogathi arali a tshi nga mu thusa. Masiari ayo o ṋea Thukile yogathi. Ho vha hu tshifaredzi tsha puḽasiṱiki tsho vuleaho tshe tsha vha tsho putelwa nga labi. Thukile o tshimbila a ya hayani na tshifaredzi tshi kha ṱhoho yawe ngauri ndi zwe mme awe vha amba uri u tea u ita zwone. Fhedzi nga tshifhinga tshe a swika hayani, ho vha ho sala yogathi ṱhukhusa kha tshifaredzi. Vhunzhi hayo yo vha yo elela, iṅwe yo vha i mavhudzini awe. +“Inwi tsilu, tsilu ḽa mutukana, Thukile,” ho amba mme awe, “no vha no tea no tshi fara zwavhuḓi nga zwanḓa zwaṋu.” +“Ohoo!” Ho amba Thukile. “Ndi zwone, Ndi ḓo ita nga u ralo tshifhinga tshi ḓaho.” +Nga ḽa Vhuṱanu, Thukile a bva hafhu. Tshifhinga itshi a ya ha mubaki. Mubaki o vha a si na tshithu nga nnḓani ha mmbwa ya u  ṋea Thukile sa mbadelo ya mushumo wawe. Musi ḓuvha ḽi tshi kovhela mubaki o mu badela nga mmbwa. Thukile a dzhia mmbwa a ya hayani o i fara zwavhuḓi nga zwanḓa zwawe. +“Izwi ndi zwe mme anga vha amba uri ndi tea u  hwalisa zwone,” Thukile o vhudza mmbwa. Fhedzi hu sa athu na u fhela tshifhinga, mmbwa ya thoma u gugula na u sa dzulisea. U bva afho, ya thoma u mu palapala na u mu veta lu vhavhaho lwe a vhuya a i litshedza. +Musi a tshi swika hayani, mme awe vha ri khae, “Inwi, Thukile, Ni tou vha tsilu ḽa mafhedziselo. No vha no tea no vhofha thambo kha khoḽa yawo  na i tendela uri i ni sale murahu.” +“Ndi zwone,” ho amba Thukile, “Ndi ḓo ita nga u ralo matshelo.” +Nga ḽi tevhelaho ho vha hu Mugivhela Thukile a ya u shuma kha muṋe wa butshara. Zwa zwino o badelwa nga tshipiḓa tsha ṋama tshavhuḓisa. A dzhia tshipiḓa tsha ṋama, a tshi vhofha nga thambo a ita zwenezwiḽa zwe mme awe vha amba – a tshi kokodza nga murahu! Nga tshifhinga tshe a swika ngatsho hayani, ṋama yo vha yo tshinyala tshoṱhe. +Zwa zwino mme awe vho vha vho sinyuwa nga maanḓa. “Ndi ite mini nga inwi?” Vho vhudzisa. “Matshelo ndi Swondaha ri na khavhitshi fhedzi ya u ḽa tshiswiṱulo. Ni tou vha tsilu, no vha no tea no hwala ṋama nga mahaḓa aṋu.” +“Ndi ḓo ita izwo tshifhinga tshi ḓaho,” ho fhindula Thukile. +Nga Musumbuluwo, Thukile o ya u shuma hafhu kha muṅwe we a mu fha donngi sa muholo. Naho Thukile o vha e na nungo, o wana zwi tshi mu konḓela u isa donngi kha mahaḓa awe. O lwa nazwo o lwa nazwo, fhedzi mafheloni a kona u hwala donngi a i vhea mahaḓani awe, sa zwe mme awe vha mu vhudzisa zwone. A thoma u tshimbila nga u ongolowa a tshi ya hayani. +Musi Thukile e nḓilani ya u ya hayani, o tea nga u fhira tsini na nnḓu ye munna wa tshigwili a vha a tshi dzula khayo. Muuna wa tshigwili o vha e na ṅwana muthihi wa musidzana. O vha o naka nga maanḓa, fhedzi lwa miṅwaha na miṅwaha o vha a sa athu u vhuya a bula na ipfi ḽithihi zwaḽo. O vha a sa athu na u sea vhutshiloni hawe hoṱhe. Madokotela vho amba uri u ḓo kona fhedzi u amba hafhu arali muṅwe muthu a ita uri a see. Muuna wa tshigwili o vhilaela nga maanḓa nga ṅwananyana wawe lwe a vhuya a amba uri ane a ḓo ita uri a see, a nga mu mala. +Musidzana wa lunako o vha o sedza nnḓa nga fasiṱere musi Thukile a tshi pfuka na donngi i mahaḓani awe. Milenzhe ya donngi yo vha i tshi khou nembelela muyani nahone zwa vhonala sa zwi takadzaho lwe musidzana a tou fhela nga u sea. Nga khathihi a vha a tshi vho kona u amba. + Tshigwili tsho vha tsho takala, tsha phetha na phuluphedziso yatsho – tsha amba uri musidzana watsho na Thukile vha nga malana. Thukile a mbo ḓi vha tshigwili tsha munna nga nṱhani ha uri o ita zwithu zwa vhutsilu nga u hwala donngi nga mashaḓa awe! +U bva ḓuvha iḽo u ya hoya, Thukile o dzula kha ḽiḓu ḽihulu na mufumakadzi wawe na mme awe vhe vha sa tsha vhuya vha shuma hafhu. Nahone, Thukile ha ngo tsha dovha a hwala tshiṅwe tshithu hafhu nga ene muṋe.",ven,Tshivenda,Thukile a sa ḓivhalekan,"Once upon a time there was a young man whose name was Thukile. He lived with his mother in a tiny house. They were very poor and the only money his mother made was by selling the eggs that her hen laid. +Thukile was so lazy that he did ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thukile-sa-ḓivhalekani +silly-thukile,"Khale ka khaleni a ku ri ni jaha leri vito ra rona a va ku i Thukile. A tshama na mana wa yena eka yindlu yitsongo. A va siwanekile swinene naswona manana wa yena a kuma mali hi ku xavisa mandza lawa a ya tshikela hi mbhaha ntsena. +Thukile a loloha lero a nga endli nchumu. Hi ximumu a ta etlela endzhutini kasi hi xixika a tshama endzilweni. Mana wa yena a nga ha swikoti ku n’wi byela leswaku a pfuneta. +Siku rin’wana hi Musumbunuku a hlundzukile ku fikela loko a n’wi byela a ku, “Thukile, loko u nga yi ku ya tirhela swakudya swa wena ndzi ta ku hlongola laha u nga ha vuyi.” + +Leswi swi vilerisile Thukile. “Ndzi fanele ndzi endla xokarhi,” a vula. “Sweswi manana u ti komba a hlundzukile.” +Hi Ravumbirhi u yi le eka n’wapurasi loyi a ri entsungeni wa nambu a ya kombela ntirho. N’wapurasi u n’wi nyike ntirho wo lunghisa darata. Ku endla leswi u hakeriwe hi macheleni matsongo ya silivhere. Thukile a nga si tshama a khoma mali evuton’wini bya yena. U khomile macheleni lawa hi xandla na ku ma hoxa ehenhla na le hansi leswaku a ta ma vona loko ya vangamisiwa hi dyambu. Kambe loko a nga si khupuka nambu, a lahlile macheleni lawaya hinkwawo. +“Wena mfana wa mihupani,” ku vula mana wa yena loko a fika ekaya, “a wu fanele u ma hoxile exikhwameni a ya ta hlayiseka.” +“Oho,” ku vula Thukile, “Ndzi ta endla tano nkarhi lowu taka.” +Hi Ravunharhu, Thukile u humile nakambe. “Ndzi nga ku pfuna hi tihomu ta wena xana?” a kombela n’wapurasi wun’wana. +“Ina,” ku hlamula n’wapurasi, “ndzi ta ku hakela hi bakiti ra ntswamba endzaku ka loko u tirhile.” +Loko siku ri herile, n’wapurasi u nyikile Thukile bakiti ra ntswamba. Thukile u tekile bakiti kutani a hoxa endzeni ka xikhwama lexikulu xa jazi tanihi laha mana wa yena a n’wi byeleke ha kona. Gaba! Gaba! Gabaa! Ntswamba wu halakile loko a famba endleleni kutani bakiti a ri nga ha ri na nchumu loko a sala a ya fika ekaya. +“Murhandziwa wa mina!” ku vula mana wa yena. “U phuntile! A wu fanele u rhwale bakiti hi nhloko.” +“Oho,” ku vula Thukile, “Ndzi ta endla tano nkarhi lowu taka.” +Hi Ravumune, Thukile u yile eka wansati loyi a endla yogati. U pfumerile ku n’wi nyika yogati loko o n’wi pfuna. Hi ndzhenga wa siku u nyikile Thukile yogati. A yi ri eka xikhomo lexi a xi nga pfariwangi lexi a xi phutseriwile hi lapi. Thukile u fambile a ya ekaya na xikhomo enhlokweni ya yena tanihi laha mana wa yena a n’wi byeleke ha kona. Loko a ya fika ekaya, a ku ri na yogati yitsongo endzeni ka xikhomo. Leyin’wana yi halakile, yi n’wana a yi namarhele misisi yakwe. +“Wena u xiphunta, mfana wa xiphunta, Thukile,” ku vula mana wa yena, “a wu fanele u rhwale hi vukheta hi mavoko ya wena.” +“Oho,” ku vula Thukile, “Ndzi ta endla tano nkarhi lowu taka.” +Hi Ravuntlhanu, Thukile u humile nakambe. Sweswi a tirhela mubaki. Mubaki a ri hava nchumu handle ka mbyana ku nyika Thukile eka ntirho lowu a nga wu endla. Loko siku ri herile u n’wi hakerile hi mbyana. Thukile u tekile mbyana a famba na yona ekaya a yi khome hi vukheta hi mavoko. +“Hi leswi manana wa mina a nga te ndzi ku rhwarisa xiswona,” Thukile a byela mbyana. Kambe hi xinkadyana mbyana yi sungula ku n’unun’uta na ku tshukuvanya. Kutani yi sungula ku n’wi n’wayetela na ku n’wi luma swinene ku fika laha a nga yi tshika. +Loko a fika ekaya, mana wa yena a ku ka yena, “Eehh, Thukile, u phuntile. A wu fanele u bohe ntambu enhan’wini u yi pfumelela yi ku landzelela.” +“Oho,” ku vula Thukile, “Ndzi ta endla tano mundzuku.” +Siku leri landzaka a ku ri Mugqivela kutani Thukile u yile a ya tirhela muxavisi wa nyama. Sweswi u hakeriwe hi nyama ya kahle swinene. U teke qatha ra nyama a boha ntambu a endla leswi mana wa yena a nga n’wi byela swona – u kokakoke nyama hi le ndzhaku! Loko a fika ekaya, nyama a yi onhakile swinene. +Sweswi mana wa yena a n’wi hlundzukerile swinene. “Xana ndzi ta endla yini ha wena?” a vutisa. “Mundzuku i Sonto naswona hi salele hi khavichi yin’we leswaku hi ta lalela ha yona. U phuntile wa tiva. A wu fanele u byarhe nyama leyi emakatleni.” +“Ndzi ta endla tano nkarhi lowu taka,” ku hlamula Thukile. +Hi Musumbunuku, Thukile u humile nakambe a ya tirhela un’wana loyi a nga n’wi nyika mbhongolo tanihi hakelo. Hambi leswi Thukile a tiyile swinene, swi n’wi tikerile ku teka mbhongolo a yi byarha emakatleni. U karhateke lero na karheteka, emaheteleleni u tlakurile mbhongolo hi makatla, tanihi leswi mana wa yena a n’wi byele ha kona. A sungula ku famba hi ku nonoka. +Loko Thukile a ri endleleni yo ya ekaya, u hundzile yindlu ya n’wankumi. N’wankumi a ri ni nhwana wun’we. A sasekile swinene, kambe eka malembe ni malembe a nga se tshama a vulavula hambi ri ri rito rin’we. A nga si tshama a hleka evuton’wini bya yena. Madokodela va vule leswaku u ta kota ku vulavula loko munhu un’wana a n’wi hlekisa. N’wankumi a vilela swinene hi nhwana loyi ku kondza a vula leswaku loyi a nga ta endla leswaku a hleka u ta n’wi teka a va nsati wa yena. +Nhwana lowo saseka a langute hi fasitere loko Thukile a hundza ni mbhongolo yi ri emakatleni ya yena. Milenge ya mbhongolo a yi ri emoyeni naswona a swi hlekisa ku fika laha nhwana a nga ba xihleko. Hi nkarhi walowo a sungula ku vulavula nakambe. + +N’wankumi a tsakile swinene. U hlayise xitshembiso xa yena a vula leswaku nhwana wa yena na Thukile va nga tekana. Thukile u hundzuke n’wankumi hi mhaka ya ku va a phuntile ku ringana ku rhwala mbhongolo hi makatla! +  +Ku sukela siku rero, Thukile u tshamile eka yindlu leyikulu ni nsati wa yena na mana wa yena loyi a nga ha faneli ku tirha nakambe, naswona Thukile a nga ha faneli ku rhwala swilo nakambe.",tso,Xitsonga,Thukile wa xiphunt,"Once upon a time there was a young man whose name was Thukile. He lived with his mother in a tiny house. They were very poor and the only money his mother made was by selling the eggs that her hen laid. +Thukile was so lazy that he did ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thukile-wa-xiphunta +malusi-and-bath-monster,"Every word that follows is true − I promise. Cross my heart that I won’t lie, and if I do I’ll eat a fly! +My older sister, Zandi, and I like to play in the garden all day. We stamp around in the mud and dig deep holes. Forget shoes − bare feet are much better. You get to feel the mud squishing up between your toes. I love it! +Mama always says, “Ai, you two! Only pigs like mud that much.” Sometimes she worries that we’re getting too dirty. I see her shaking her head − but there’s always a smile on her face. Anyway, it’s okay because there’s nothing better than a warm bath after playing in the garden. +But Zandi is worse than me − much worse. I just get my hands and feet dirty. Zandi gets everything dirty. She jumps right into the holes and rolls around in the mud. She gets her hair dirty and her arms dirty. She even gets her nose dirty. +Mama says, “It’s bath time you two!” +But Zandi won’t come inside. “Malusi,” she says to me, “I’m staying right here − in this hole!” +I tell her that she’ll have to come inside for a bath. Zandi just shakes her head. “You’re a very silly boy, Malusi,” she laughs. +But I love all those soapy bath bubbles. Now it’s time to scrub the dirt off my feet. I scrub and scrub and scrub. Now my feet are clean − no more squishy mud. Now it’s time to clean my face. I scrub and scrub and scrub. That feels so good. +Then Zandi walks in. She’s still all dirty − from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. She takes one look at me and gets a weird look on her face. “Malusi,” she says, “aren’t you scared of the Bath Monster?” +“There’s no such thing as a Bath Monster,” I laugh. +“Oh yes, there is,” says Zandi. “It comes up through the plug hole and has three arms and four eyes and it’s always hungry.” I think Zandi is just trying to scare me. +“And I’ll tell you something,” says Zandi, “there’s nothing the Bath Monster likes more than to eat cleanchildren. That’s why I’m not going to bath. That scary Bath Monster hates the taste of dirt.” +Okay, so now I’m just a little bit scared. Maybe there really is a Bath Monster. +Zandi gives me a big smile, “Okay, Malusi. Enjoy your bath − but don’t get eaten up!” She walks out of the bathroom and goes straight to bed. She’s going to make her bed all dirty, but at least she won’t be eaten by the Bath Monster. Eek! +“Don’t be scared, Malusi,” I say to myself. “There’s no such thing as a Bath Monster.” +And then it happens! At first there’s a soft gurgling sound − like water going down the drain. Then I hear a strange groaning and a loud rumbling. Then there is a squeaking and a squelching and a whoosh. And finally something shoots right up out of the plug hole: THE BATH MONSTER! + Before I can do anything, the Bath Monster lifts its three big arms into the air and waves them around − and around − and around. Then it blinks its four big eyes and says in a deep, watery voice, “You’re not the dirty one. That’s your sister, isn’t it? She always says nasty things about me − and they’re not true. None of the Bath Monsters like to eat children.” +“You don’t?” I say, feeling very relieved. +“Not at all,” laughs the Bath Monster. “I don’t mind eating soap and sponges every now and again − and I like to eat old socks − but I’d never eat a child.” Then the Bath Monster gives me a big smile. “And the Toilet Monster doesn’t like to eat children either. Neither does the Shower Monster. The only monster who does like to eat children, is the Bed Monster. But don’t worry, Malusi, it never eats clean children − only dirty ones, who go straight to bed without taking a bath!” +Oh, no! What about Zandi! Very quickly, I tell the Bath Monster all about my sister. +“There’s no time to waste,” says the Bath Monster. “Scoop up a glass of water and run as fast as you can to Zandi’s room.” +I get there just in time − the Bed Monster’s mouth is wide open. It’s about to swallow Zandi. “Go away, monster!” I shout. Then I throw the water all over my sister. +“Hooray!” shouts the Bath Monster. “The dirt is washed away. Now she’s clean and safe.” +That’s right. I saved Zandi from the Bed Monster! And this is exactly what I tell Mama when she asks me why I threw a glass of water on my sister. I don’t know if she believes me. But every word of it is true − I promise. Cross my heart that I won’t lie, and if I do I’ll eat a fly!",eng,English,Malusi and the Bath Monster,"Every word that follows is true − I promise. Cross my heart that I won’t lie, and if I do I’ll eat a fly! +My older sister, Zandi, and I like to play in the garden all day. We stamp around in the mud and dig deep holes. Forget shoes − ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/malusi-and-bath-monster +malusi-and-bath-monster,"Elke woord wat volg is waar − op my erewoord. En as ek lieg, eet ek ’n vlieg! +Ek en my ouer suster, Zandi, speel graag heeldag in die tuin. Ons slof in die modder rond en grawe diep gate. Vergeet van skoene − kaalvoet is die beste. Jy kan voel hoe die modder tussen jou tone inwriemel. Ek is mal daaroor! +Mamma sê altyd: “Haai, julle twee! Net varke hou so baie van modder.” Soms raak sy bekommerd dat ons te vuil raak. Ek sien hoe sy haar kop skud − maar sy glimlag altyd. In elk geval, dis goed so, want daar is niks lekkerder as ’n warm bad nadat jy in die tuin gespeel het nie. +Maar Zandi is baie erger as ek − baie, baie erger. Ek maak net my hande en voete vuil. Zandi is vuil van kop tot tone. Sy spring in die gate en rol in die modder rond. Haar hare en haar arms word vuil. Selfs haar neus se punt word vuil. + +Mamma sê: “Dis badtyd, julle twee!” +Maar Zandi wil nie inkom nie. “Malusi,” sê sy vir my, “ek bly net hier − in hierdie gat!” +Ek sê vir haar sy sal moet inkom om te kom bad. Zandi skud net haar kop. “Jy is ’n baie lawwe seun, Malusi,” lag sy. +Maar ek hou sommer baie van al die seepborrels in die bad. Nou’s dit tyd om die modder en grond van my voete af te was. Ek skrop en skrop en skrop. Nou is my voete skoon − niks meer modder nie. Nou was ek my gesig. Ek skrop en skrop en skrop. Dit voel so lekker. +Toe kom Zandi binne. Sy is nog vol modder − van haar kroontjie tot haar toontjies. Sy gee my een kyk en kry ’n vreemde uitdrukking op haar gesig. “Malusi,” sê sy, “is jy nie bang vir die Badmonster nie?” +“Daar is nie so iets soos ’n Badmonster nie,” lag ek. +“O, ja, daar is,” sê Zandi. “Hy kom deur die propgaatjie en het drie arms en vier oë en hy is altyd honger.” Ek dink Zandi probeer my net bangmaak. +“En ek sal jou nog iets vertel,” sê Zandi, “daar is niks waarvan die Badmonster meer hou as om skoon kinders op te vreet nie. Dis hoekom ek nie gaan bad nie. Daardie verskriklike Badmonster hou niks van vuil kinders nie.” +O, aarde, nou is ek net ’n bietjie bang. Dalk is daar regtig ’n Badmonster. +Zandi glimlag breed: “Reg, Malusi. Geniet jou bad − maar moenie dat die Badmonster jou opgevreet nie!” Sy stap by die badkamer uit en gaan reguit bed toe. Sy gaan haar bed vuilsmeer, maar ten minste sal die Badmonster haar nie opvreet nie. Eek! +“Moenie bang wees nie, Malusi,” sê ek vir myself. “Daar is nie iets soos ’n Badmonster nie.” +En toe gebeur dit. Eers hoor ek ’n sagte gorrelgeluid − soos water wat in die drein afloop. Toe hoor ek ’n vreemde gekreun en toe ’n harde gerammel. Toe is daar ’n gepiep en ’n suiggeluid en ’n swoesj. En skielik skiet iets uit die propgaatjie op: DIE BADMONSTER! + +Voor ek enigiets kan doen, lig die Badmonster sy drie groot arms op en swaai hulle al in die rondte – weer – en weer – en weer. Toe knip hy sy vier groot oë en sê in ’n diep, waterige stem: “Jy is nie die vuil enetjie nie. Dis mos jou suster, nie waar nie? Sy sê altyd nare goed van my − en dis nie waar nie. Nie een van die Badmonsters eet graag kinders nie.” +“O, nie?” sê ek baie verlig. +“Glad nie,” lag die Badmonster. “Ek gee nie om as ek elke nou en dan seep en sponse moet eet nie − en ek hou van ou sokkies − maar ek eet nooit kinders nie.” Toe glimlag die Badmonster breed. “En die Toiletmonster eet ook nie kinders nie. En die Stortmonster ook nie. Die enigste monster wat graag kinders eet, is die Bedmonster. Maar moenie bekommerd wees nie, Malusi, hy eet nooit skoon kinders nie − net vuil kinders wat gaan slaap sonder om te bad!” +O, nee! Wat van Zandi! Gou-gou vertel ek vir die Badmonster van my suster. +“Ons het nie tyd om te mors nie,” sê die Badmonster. “Skep ’n glas water uit en hardloop so vinnig as wat jy kan na Zandi se kamer.” +Ek kom net betyds daar aan − die Bedmonster se bek is wawyd oop. Hy wil vir Zandi insluk. “Weg is jy, monster!” skree ek. Toe gooi ek die water oor my suster uit. +“Hoera!” skree die Badmonster. “Die vuilgoed is afgespoel. Nou’s sy skoon en veilig.” +Dis reg. Ek het Zandi van die Bedmonster gered! En dis presies wat ek vir Mamma vertel toe sy vra waarom ek ’n glas water oor my suster uitgegooi het. Ek weet nie of sy my glo nie. Maar elke enkele woord is waar − op my erewoord. En as ek lieg, eet ek ’n vlieg!",afr,Afrikaans,Malusi en die Badmonster,"Every word that follows is true − I promise. Cross my heart that I won’t lie, and if I do I’ll eat a fly! +My older sister, Zandi, and I like to play in the garden all day. We stamp around in the mud and dig deep holes. Forget shoes − ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/malusi-en-die-badmonster +malusi-and-bath-monster,"Akukho nalinye igama elingeyonyani kula alandelayo – ndiyathembisa. Ndiyafunga ngenene andisayi kuphosisa, kwaye ukuba ndithe ndaphosisa ndiza kutya impukane ihleli! +Mna kunye nosisi wam omdala kunam, uZandi, sithanda ukudlala egadini imini yonke. Sigxovuza, siziqikaqike eludakeni, sombe nemingxuma enzulu. Sizijula phaya izihlangu – ukwenza oku unganxibanga zihlangu kungcono kakhulu. Uyaluva udaka lunamzela kamnandi apha phakathi kweenzwane zakho. Ndiyithanda kakhulu loo nto! +UMama usoloko esithi kuthi, “Kowu, nina nobabini! Ziihagu kuphela ezithanda udaka kangaka.” Ngamanye amaxesha ude akhathazeke kuba siba mdaka kakhulu. Ndimbona ehlunguzela intloko – kodwa kusoloko kukho uncumo ebusweni bakhe. Kodwa asibi nangxaki, kuba ayikho into emnandi ukodlula ibhafu yamanzi ashushu emva kokudlala egadini. +Kodwa uZandi yena uyandodlula – wowu ude agqithise mpela. Mna iba zizandla neenyawo kuphela ezibamdaka. Kodwa kuZandi kubamdaka yonke nje indawo. Ugxampuza kanye kuloo mingxuma, aze aziqikaqike eludakeni. Kuba mdaka ukusuka ezinweleni ukuya ezingalweni kuye. Nditsho nempumlo le yembala iba mdaka. + +UMama uye emva kwethuba athi, “Lixesha lokuhlamba kuni nobabini!” +Kodwa unotshe ukuba uZandi angene endlwini. “Malusi,” uye atsho kum, “Ndiza kuhlala kanye apha – kulo mngxuma!” +Ndiye ndimcenge, ndimxelela ukuba kufuneka angene endlwini aze kuhlamba. UZandi uye avele ahlunguzele njee intloko. “Owu hayi wethu musa ukundihlekisa wena, Malusi,” uhleka atsho. +Kodwa mna ndithanda kanye loo maqampu esepha ebhafini. Ndilola, ndilole, ndilole konke nje ukungcola kum. Ngoku ndizibona iinyawo zam zicocekile – kungasekho ludaka luphaxazayo. Ngoku lixesha lokucoca ubuso bam. Ndibuhlamba, ndibuhlambe, ndibuhlambe bonke nje. Konke oku kuvakala kamnandi. +Kusenjalo kungena uZandi. Usemdaka – ukusuka entloko ukuya ezinzwaneni. Undithi krwaqu kube kanye ajike ebusweni abe mbi. “Malusi,” uye atsho, “akuloyiki iGongqongqo laseBhafini?” +“Akukho nto injalo apha, akukho Gongqongqo laseBhafini,” ndivele ndimhleke nje. +“Ewe nangoku, likhona,” kutsho uZandi. “Liphuma kulo mngxuma wokuchitha amanzi kwaye lineengalo ezintathu namehlo amane kwaye lisoloko lilambile.” Ndicinga ukuba uZandi uzama njee ukundoyikisa. +“Ndiza kukuxelela enye into,” utsho uZandi, “akukho nto ithandwa liGongqongqo laseBhafini njengokutya abantwana abacocekileyo. Yiyo loo nto ndingazukuhlamba mna. Ela Gongqongqo loyiyekayo laseBhafini liyakucaphukela ukungcamla ubumdaka.” +Yho yeha ke, ngoku ingathi ndiqalisa ukuba nokoyikanyana okuncinane. Kukho into ethi mhlawumbi ngokwenene likhona iGongqongqo laseBhafini. +UZandi undincumela ngolubanzi uncumo, “Kulungile ke, Malusi. Ukonwabele ukuzihlamba – kodwa uze ungatyiwa ligongqongqo!” Uphume apho kwigumbi lokuhlambela waya ngqo ebhedini, wayokulala. Uza kuyingcolisa ibe yiloo nto, yonke ibhedi yakhe, kodwa ke akasayi kutyiwa liGongqongqo laseBhafini. Yu-u!  +“Musa ukoyika, Malusi,” ndizomeleze ndatsho. “Akukho nto injalo apha, akukho Gongqongqo laseBhafini.” +Kanye ngelo xesha yenzeka into! Kuqala kubekho isandi ngathi sesokurharhaza – njengamanzi ehla edreyinini. Emva koko ndive isandi esingaqhelekanga ngathi kuyancwinwa kwaza kwangathi kuyaduduma. Emva koko kubekho ukuntswiniza nokugxampuza, kwaza kwavakala isandi esithi wahla. Ekugqibeleni kwabakho into etsibayo ephuma emngxunyeni wokuchitha amanzi. IGONGQONGQO LASEBHAFINI! + +Phambi kokuba nditsho nenelimdaka, iGongqongqo laseBhafini lanyusa iingalo zalo ezinkulu lawangawangisa ngazo lizijikelezisa. Laqhwanyaza ngaloo mehlo alo mane lathi, ngelizwi elingqokolayo, “Ayinguwe lo umdaka. Ngusisi wakho, anditsho? Usoloko ethetha kakubi ngam – kodwa akutshoyo akuyonyaniso. Akukho namnye kuthi maGongqongqo aseBhafini othanda ukutya abantwana.” +“Anikuthandi?” nditshilo, ndiziva ndikhululeka noko. +“Hayi, konke-konke,” lihleke latsho iGongqongqo laseBhafini. “Andikuchasanga ukutya isepha neziponji ngamanye amaxesha – kwaye ndiyakuthanda nokutya iikawusi ezindala – kodwa andisoze ndimtye umntwana.” Kanye ngelo xesha iGongqongqo laseBhafini landincumela ngolubanzi lona uncumo. “Nditsho neGongqongqo leNdlu yangaSese nalo alikuthandi ukutya abantwana. Nditdho neli leShawa iGongqongqo alikuthandi ukutya abantwana. IGongqongqo elithanda ukutya abantwana leleBhedi kuphela. Kodwa ungakhathazeki, Malusi, alibatyi abantwana abacocekileyo – litya abamdaka kuphela, abaya kulala bengakhange bahlambe.” +Owu, hayi bo! Uza kuthini uZandi! Ngokukhawuleza, ndixelele iGongqongqo laseBhafini konke malunga nodade wethu. +“Masingachithi xesha, akukho xesha lokulibazisa,” litshilo iGongqongqo laseBhafini. “Yikha iglasi yamanzi uze ubaleke kangangoko unakho uye egumbini likaZandi.” +Ndifike kanye ngexesha elifanelekileyo – iGongqongqo laseBhedini lalisele likhamisile, liwuvule ng’a umlomo. Sele lilungele ukumthi bimbilili uZandi. “Mka, gongqongqo!” ndakhwaza njalo. Ndawathi quba loo manzi kudade wethu. +“Halala!” lakhwaza iGongqongqo laseBhafini. “Ubumdaka buhlambekile. Ngoku ucocekile kwaye ukhuselekile.” +Kunjalo. Ndimsindisile uZandi kwiGongqongqo laseBhedini! Oku kuko kanye endikuxelele uMama xa endibuza ukuba kutheni ndichithele udade wethu ngeglasi yamanzi. Andazi ke nokuba uyandikholelwa kusini na. Kodwa konke kuyinyaniso – ndiyathembisa. Ndiyafunga ngenene ukuba andisoze ndiphosise, kwaye ukuba ndiyaphosisa ndiza kutya impukane!",xho,isiXhosa,UMalusi kunye neGongqongqo laseBhafin,"Every word that follows is true − I promise. Cross my heart that I won’t lie, and if I do I’ll eat a fly! +My older sister, Zandi, and I like to play in the garden all day. We stamp around in the mud and dig deep holes. Forget shoes − ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umalusi-kunye-negongqongqo-lasebhafini +malusi-and-bath-monster,"Izwi elilandelayo ngalinye ngalinye liyiqiniso – ngiyakutshela. Ngiyafunga ngiyagomela ukuthi angeke ngiqambe amanga, uma ngingaqamba amanga ngizodliswa impukane! +Udadewethu omdala, uZandi, nami sithanda ukudlala engadini usuku lonke. Sixova udaka ngezinyawo sigubhe nemigodi ejulile. Khohlwa ngezicathulo – kungcono kakhulu ukushaya ngoCetshwayo. Uzwa udaka luputshuka phakathi kwezinzwane zakho. Ngiyakuthanda lokhu! +UMama uhlale ethi, “Hheyi, nina nobabili! Izingulube kuphela ezithanda udaka kangaka.” Ngesinye isikhathi ukhathazeka ngokungcola kwethu kakhulu. Ngiyambona nje esenikina ikhanda – kodwa ubuso bakhe buhlale bumamatheka. Akunandaba-ke kodwa, ngoba ayikho into engcono kunokugeza ngamanzi afudumele ngemva kokudlala engadini. +Kodwa mina ngingcono kunoZandi – ngingcono kakhulu. Ngingcolisa izandla nezinyawo zami kuphela. UZandi ungcola yonke indawo. Ugxuma angene emigodini azigingqe odakeni. Ungcolisa izinwele nezingalo zakhe. Ungcolisa nekhala lakhe imbala. + +UMama uthi, “Sekuyisikhathi sokugeza, kini nobabili!” +Kodwa uZandi akafuni ukungena endlini. “Malusi,” esho kimi, “ngiyahlala la – kulo mgodi!” +Ngimtshela ukuthi kuzomele angene endlini azogeza. UZandi unikina ikhanda. “Awuve uyisithutha, wena Malusi,” esho ehleka. +Kodwa ngiyawathanda lawo magwebu ensipho yokugeza. Manje sekuyisikhathi zokukhuhla ukungcola kuphume ezinyaweni. Ngiyakhuhla, ngikhuhle ngiphinde ngikhuhle. Njengoba izinyawo zami sezihlanzekile nje – alusekho udaka. Manje sekuyisikhathi sokuhlamba ubuso bami. Ngiyakhuhla, ngikhuhle ngiphinde ngikhuhle. Kwaze kwamnandi bo! + Sekungena uZandi ngaleso sikhathi. Usangcolile – kusukela ekhanda lakhe ukuyosho ezinzwaneni zakhe. Ungibuka kanye akhombise ubuzo obungebuhle. “Malusi,” kusho yena, “awuyesabi yini iNunu yakuBhavu?” +“Ayikho into okuthiwa yiNunu yakuBhavu,” ngisho ngihleka. +“Yebo, ikhona,” kusho uZandi. “Ingena ngesivimbo samanzi sikabhavu, inezingalo ezintathu namehlo amane, futhi ihlale ilambile.” Ngicabanga ukuthi uZandi uzama ukungethusa nje. +“Futhi ngizokutshela okunye okuthile,” kusho uZandi, “ayikho into ethandwa yiNunu yakuBhavu njengokudla izingane ezihlanzekile. Yingakho nje ngingeke ngigeze. Le Nunu yakuBhavu eyesabekayo ayikuthandi ukunambitheka kokungcola.” +Kulungile, kodwa manje ngithukile kancane. Kungenzeka ukuthi ikhona ngempela iNunu yakuBhavu. +UZandi ungibuka ngokumamatheka okukhulu, “Kulungile-ke, Malusi. Thokozela ukugeza – kodwa ungadliwa!” Uphuma egumbini lokugeza aqonde ngqo embhedeni. Uzowungcolisa umbhede wakhe, kodwa okungenani angeke adliwe yiNunu yakuBhavu. Mamo! +“Ungesabi, Malusi,” ngiziqinisa isibindi. “Ayikho into okuthiwa iNunu yakuBhavu.” +Yenzeka indaba enkulu! Kwaqale kwaba khona umsindo osholo phansi wokuntontoloza – ofana nowamanzi ehla edreyinini. Kusenjalo sengizwa ukububula okungajwayelekile nokuvungazela okukhulu. Bese kuba khona ukuklwiklwiza nokunswininiza, bese kuba khona okuqhamukayo. Kuthi memfu okuthile kuphuma emgodini weplaki kabhavu: INUNU YAKUBHAVU! + + Ngingakakwazi ukwenza lutho, iNunu yakuBhavu iphakamisele izingalo zayo ezinkulu emoyeni bese izinyakazisa emoyeni, zizungeze – zizungeze – ziphinde zizungeze futhi. Bese icwayiza ngamehlo ayo amakhulu amane, isho ngezwi elikhulu, elinomsindo wamanzi, “Awuyona le ngane engcolile. Udadewenu lowo, akunjalo? Uhlale esho izinto ezingezinhle ngami – kanti azilona iqiniso. Ayikho neyodwa iNunu yakuBhavu ethanda ukudla izingane.” +“Awuthandi ukudla izingane?” Ngisho, ngizizwa ngikhululekile kakhulu. +“Nhlobo,” kuhleka iNunu yakuBhavu. “Anginankinga ngokudla insipho neziponji njalo ngemuva kwesikhathi esithile – futhi ngithanda ukudla amasokisi amadala – kodwa angikaze ngidle ngane.” INunu yakuBhavu ibe isimamatheka kakhulu. “Kanti neNunu yaseNdlini Yangasese ayithandi ukudla izingane. NeNunu yaseShaweni ngokunjalo. Inunu okungukuphela kwayo ethanda ukudla izingane, yiNunu yaseseMbhedeni. Kodwa ungakhathazeki, Malusi, ayizidli izingane ezihlanzekile – idla ezingcolile kuphela, ezilala zingagezile!” +Mamo! Kazi uZandi yena! Ngokushesha, ngitshela iNunu yakuBhavu konke ngodadewethu. +“Ungabe usachitha sikhathi,” kusho iNunu yakuBhavu. “Yikha ingilazi yamanzi ugijime ngesivinini esikhulu uye egumbini lokulala likaZandi.” +Ngifika khona ngesikhathi esifanele – iNunu yaseMbhedeni seyikhamise kakhulu. Isizogwinya uZandi. “Suka, nunu!” Kumemeza mina. Ngibhunyele udadewethu ngamanzi umzimba wonke. +“Ngcingci!” kumemeza iNunu yakuBhavu. “Kugezeke konke ukungcola. Manje usehlanzekile, futhi uphephile.” +Kunjalo. Ngisindise uZandi eNunwini yaseMbhedeni! Kanti yilokho engikutshela uMama uma engibuza ukuthi kungani ngithele udadewethu ngamanzi asengilazini. Angazi noma uyakukholwa yini lokhu. Kodwa igama ngalinye ngalinye liyiqiniso – ngiyakutshela. Ngiyafunga ngiyagomela ukuthi angeke ngiqambe amanga, uma ngingaqamba amanga ngizodliswa impukane!",zul,isiZulu,UMalusi neNunu yakuBhavu,"Every word that follows is true − I promise. Cross my heart that I won’t lie, and if I do I’ll eat a fly! +My older sister, Zandi, and I like to play in the garden all day. We stamp around in the mud and dig deep holes. Forget shoes − ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umalusi-nenunu-yakubhavu +malusi-and-bath-monster,"Lentšu le lengwe le le lengwe le le latelago ke nnete − ke a tshephiša. Ke a ikana gore nka se bolele maaka, ge nka bolela maaka ke tla ja ntšhi! +Nna le sesi wa ka Zandi, re rata go bapala ka tšhengwaneng letšatši ka moka. Re gatakela leraga gomme ra epa melete ya go sobelela go ya fase. Ka dieta lebala − go kaone kudu ka maoto. O kgona go kwa leraga ge le swamela gare ga menwana ya maoto. Ke rata gona! +Mma ka mehla o re, “Ai, lena ba babedi! Ke dikolobe fela tšeo di dirago se.” Ka nako ye nngwe o belaetšwa ke gore re ba le ditšhila kudu. Ke mmona a šikinya hlogo − efela o dula a myemyela. Le ge go le bjalo, go lokile ka gobane ga go se se phalago go hlapa ka meetse a borutho morago ga go bapala ka tšhengwaneng. +Efela Zandi o ba ditšhila go feta nna − o ba ditšhila kudukudu. Nna ke tšhilafala diatla le maoto fela. Zandi o nthankgela gohle. O fofela ka meleteng gomme a pshikologa lerageng. O thankgetša meriri ya gagwe le matsogo. O tšhilafatša le nko ya gagwe. + +Mma a re, “Lena ba babedi, ke nako ya go hlapa!” +Efela Zandi ga a tle ka ntlong. “Malusi,” a mpitša, “ke dula gona mo − ka moleteng wona wo!” +Ke ile ka mmotša gore a tle go hlapa. Zandi o ile a šikinya hlogo. “O mošemane wa setlaela kudu, Malusi,” a sega. +Efela ke rata maphilo ao a sesepe sa go hlapa. Bjale ke nako ya go ikgohla maoto. Ke ile ka a gohla, ka a gohla gape, ka a gohla gapegape. Maoto a ka bjale a hlwekile − ga a sa na maraga a go swamela. Bjale ke nako ya go hlapa sefahlego sa ka. Ke a se gohla, ka se gohla gape, ka se gohla gapegape. Go bose kudu. +Zandi o ile a tsena. O sa thankgetše − go tloga hlogong go fihla dintlheng tša menwana ya maoto. O ile a nkutswa ka leihlo gomme sefahlego sa gagwe sa thoma go makatša. “Malusi,” a realo, “naa ga o tšhabe Ntatauwane ya ka Pafong?” +“Ga go na selo se bjalo ka seo,” ka sega. +“Ee, se gona,” a realo Zandi. “E tšwelela lešobeng la plaka gomme e na le matsogo a mararo le mahlo a mane, ebile e dula e swerwe ke tlala.” Ke gopola gore Zandi o leka go ntšhošetša. +“Gomme ke tla go botša se sengwe,” a realo Zandi, “ga go selo se ratwago ke Ntatauwane ya ka Pafong go feta goja bana ba go hlweka. Ke ka fao ke sa hlapego. Ntatauwane ya ka Pafong ya go tšhoša, e hloile tatso ya ditšhila.” +Go lokile, bjale ke thoma go tšhoga. Go ra gore Ntatauwane ya ka Pafong e gona ka nnete. +Zandi o ile a myemyela kudu, “Go lokile, Malusi. O ipshine ka go hlapa − efela o se lewe!” O ile a tšwa ka phapošing ya bohlapelo a leba malaong. O ya go thankgetša malao a gagwe, efela a ka se lewe ke Ntatauwane ya ka Pafong. Aa! +“O se tšhoge, Malusi,” ka ipotša bjalo. “Ga go na selo se go thwego ke Ntatauwane ya ka Pafong.” +Go ile gwa diragala! La mathomo go ile gwa kwagala modumo wa meetse a elela − bjalo ka meetse a elela ka moeleng. Ka morago gwa kwagala motsetlo wo mogolo le korutlo ye kgolo. Morago gwa kwagala go tswinya le phankgaa le huuuuuu. Mafelelong selo se ile sa tšwa ka lešobeng la plaka: NTATAUWANE YA KA PAFONG! + + Ke sešo ke dira selo, Ntatauwane ya ka Pafong e ile ya emišetša matsogo a yona a mararo moyeng gomme ya a dikološa − ya a dikološa gape − ya a dikološa gapegape. E ile ya ponyaponya mahlo a yona a magolo a mane gomme ka lentšu la peisi la ka meetseng ya re, “Ga se wena o nago le ditšhila. Ke Sesiago, akere? O phela a bolela dilo tše dimpe ka nna − tše e sego dinnete. Ga go le e tee ya Dintatauwane tša ka Pafong yeo e ratago goja bana.” +“Ga o je bana?” Ka realo, ke ikwa ke imologile. +“Le gatee,” Ntatauwane ya ka Pafong ya sega. “Ga ke na bothata le goja sesepe le diphontšhe nako le nako − gape ke rata goja disokisi tša kgale − efela nka se tsoge ke jele ngwana.” Morago Ntatauwane ya ka Pafong e ile ya myemyela kudu. “Le Ntatauwane ya ka Ntlwaneng ya Boithomelo ga e rate goja bana. Go bjalo le ka Ntatauwane ya ka Šawareng. Ntatauwane e tee ya go rata go ja bana, ke Ntatauwane ya mo Mpeteng. Efela se belaele, Malusi, ga e ke eja bana ba go hlweka − e ja ba go ba le ditšhila fela, ke mang yo a yago mpeteng a se a hlapa!” +Ijoo, aowa! Bjalo Zandi yena! Ka potlako, ke ile ka botša Ntatauwane ya ka Pafong ka sesi wa ka. +“Ga wa swanela go senya nako,” ya realo Ntatauwane ya ka Pafong. “Tšhela meetse ka galaseng gomme o kitimele ka phapošing ya Zandi ya malao ka lebelo ka mo o ka kgonago ka gona.” +Ke ile ka fihla e sa le nako − Ntatauwane ya mo Mpeteng e ahlamišitše molomo wa yona kudu. E kgauswi le go metša Zandi. “Tloga, ntatauwane!” ka goeletša. Ke ile ka tšhela mmele wa sesi ka moka ga ona ka meetse. +“Hureee!” Ntatauwane ya ka Pafong ya goeletša. “Ga a sa na ditšhila. Bjale o hlwekile ebile o bolokegile.” +Go lokile. Ke phološitše Zandi go Ntatauwane ya mo Mpeteng! Se ke seo ke se botšago Mma ge a mpotšiša gore ke ka lebaka la eng ke tšhela sesi ka galase ya meetse. Ga ke tsebe gore o a ntshepa naa. Efela ke mmoditše nnete fela − ke a tshepiša. Ke a ikana gore nkase bolele maaka, gomme ge nka bolela maaka ke tla ja ntšhi!",nso,Sepedi,Malusi le Ntatauwane ya ka Pafong,"Every word that follows is true − I promise. Cross my heart that I won’t lie, and if I do I’ll eat a fly! +My older sister, Zandi, and I like to play in the garden all day. We stamp around in the mud and dig deep holes. Forget shoes − ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/malusi-le-ntatauwane-ya-ka-pafong +malusi-and-bath-monster,"Lentswe le leng le le leng le tla latela mona ke nnete – ke a tshepisa. Ke a hlapanya nkeke ka bua leshano, haeba nka bua leshano, ke tla ja tshintshi! +Nna le kgaitsedi ya ka e moholo ho nna, Zandi, re rata ho bapalla tshimong letsatsi lohle. Re tilatila ho potoloha ka hara seretse mme re tjheke mekoti e tebileng. Lebala ka dieta – ho tsamaya ka maoto ho monate ho feta. O mamella ha monate ha seretse se kenella pakeng tsa menwana ya hao. Ke se rata haholo! +Mme o hlola a re, “Hei, lona ba babedi! Ke dikolobe feela tse ratang seretse jwalo.” Ka nako e nngwe o a kgathatseha hore mohlomong re ba ditshila haholo. Ke hlola ke mmona a sisinya hlooho – empa ho dula ho ena le pososelo sefahlehong sa hae. Leha ho le jwalo, ho lokile hobane ha ho ntho e molemo ho feta ho hlapa ka metsi a futhumetseng kamora ho bapalla tshimong. +Empa Zandi yena o etsa hampe le ho feta nna – hampe haholo. Nna ke silafatsa matsoho le maoto feela. Zandi yena o silafatsa ntho tsohle. O tlolela hantle ka hara mekoti mme a pitike ka hara seretse. O silafatsa moriri wa hae esitana le diphaka tsa hae. Ke re o silafatsa le nko ya hae. + +Mme o re, “Lona ba babedi, ke nako ya ho hlapa!” +Empa Zandi ha a batle ho kena ka tlung. “Malusi,” o rialo ho nna, “Ke sala hona mona – ka hara mokoti ona!” +Ka mmolella hore o lokela ho kena ka tlung ho tla itlhatswa. Zandi a sisinya hlooho ya hae feela. “O thibane wena Malusi,” a tsheha. +Empa nna ke rata lekweba lane la metsi a sesepa. Jwale ke nako ya ho kutletsa ditshila tse maotong. Ke a ikutletsa, ke ikutletse ke be ke ikutletse. Jwale maoto a ka a hlwekile – ha ho sa na seretse se ditshila. Jwale ke nako ya ho itlhatswa sefahleho. Ka se hlatswa, ka se hlatswa, ka ba ka se hlatswa. Ho monate bo. +Jwale Zandi o a kena. A ntse a le ditshila – ho tloha hloohong ho ya qetellong ya menwana ya maoto. A ntjheba hang feela mme a fetoha sefahlehong. “Malusi,” a rialo, “na ha o tshabe Setshosa sa ka Bateng?” +“Ha ho na ntho e bitswang Setshosa sa Bateng mona,” ka itshehela. +“Ehlile, se teng,” Zandi a rialo. “Se tswa se hlaha le lesobeng leno la metsi mme se na le matsoho a mararo le mahlo a mane mme se dula se lapile,” ke nahana hore Zandi o mpa a leka ho ntshosa feela. +“Mme ke tla o bolella ntho e nngwe ke ena,” ho rialo Zandi, “ha ho ntho eo Setshosa sa Bateng se e ratang ho feta ho ja bana ba hlwekileng. Ke kahoo nna ke sa tlong ho hlapa. Setshosa sane sa Bateng ha se rate tatso ya ditshila.” +Ho lokile, jwale ekare ke se ke qala ho tshoha hanyane. Mohlomong Setshosa sa Bateng se fela se le teng. +Zandi a bososela haholo a ntjhebile, “Ho lokile Malusi. Natefelwa ke metsi a ho hlapa – feela o lemohe o se ke wa jewa!” A tswa ka phaposing ya ho hlapela mme a leba betheng ho ya robala. O ilo silafatsa bethe ya hae haholo, empa he, a ke ke a jewa ke Setshosa sa Bateng. Jowe!  +“O se ke wa tshaba, Malusi,” ka ipolella jwalo. “Ha ho na ntho e bitswang Setshosa sa Bateng mona.” +Yaba hang ho a etsahala! Ka qala ka ho utlwa modumo o tlase wa dipudulana – o kang metsi a mathang ho ya tlase dereining. Jwale ke se ke utlwa modumo o makatsang wa ho dumaela le o phahameng ekang wa ho robeha ha ntho. Hang ho se ho ena le modumo o kang molodi le o reng hwalakahla le o bjabjaretsang. Mme qetellong ha ba le ntho e thunyang ho ya hodimo e tswa lesobeng la bate: SETSHOSA SA BATENG! + +Pele nka etsa eng kapa eng, Setshosa sa Bateng sa phahamisetsa matsoho a sona a maholo a mararo moyeng mme sa a tsokela kwana le kwana – sa a potolosa – le ho a potolosa. Yaba se panya ka mahlo a sona a maholo a mane mme sa re ka lentswe le tebileng, le tletseng metsi, “Ha o ditshila wena. Ke kgaitsedi ya hao e ditshila, akere? O dula a bua ntho tse mpe ka nna kamehla – mme ha se nnete. Ha ho Ditshosa tsa Bateng tse ratang ho ja bana.” +“Ha o je bana?” Ka rialo, letswalo le itse kokololo. +“Hohang,” Setshosa sa Bateng sa tsheha. “Ha ke tswafe ho ja sesepa le sepontjhe ka dinako tse ding – ebile hape ke rata dikausu tsa kgale – empa hohang nke ke ka ja ngwana.” Yaba Setshosa sa Bateng se bososela le nna . “Le Setshosa sa Ntlwana ha se rate ho ja bana le sona. Esitana le Setshosa sa Shawareng. Setshosa se le seng feela se ratang ho ja bana, ke Setshosa sa Betheng. Empa o se kgathatsehe, Malusi, ha se je bana ba hlwekileng – se ja ba ditshila feela, ba fetelang betheng feela ho ya robala ba sa itlhatswa!” +Jowe! Zandi yena! Ka potlako, ka bolella Setshosa sa Bateng tsohle ka kgaitsedi ya ka. +“Ha re se ke ra senya nako,” ho rialo Setshosa sa Bateng. “Ekga metsi ka galase mme o mathe kapele kamoo o ka kgonang ho ya kamoreng ya Zandi.” +Ka fihla moo hantle ka nako – Setshosa sa Betheng se se se ahlamisitse molomo wa sona haholo. Se se se tlo kwenya Zandi. “Tsamaya, wena setshosa!” ka hoeletsa. Yaba ke hasa metsi ao hohle hodima kgaitsedi ya ka. +“Huree!” ha hoeletsa Setshosa sa Bateng, “Ditshila di hlatswitswe. Jwale o hlwekile mme o bolokehile.” +Ke nnete. Ke pholositse Zandi ho Setshosa sa Betheng! Mme sena ke seo ke se bolellang Mme wa ka ha a mpotsa hore ke hobaneng ke tshetse kgaitsedi ya ka ka metsi a tletseng galaseng. Ha ke tsebe le haeba o a nkgolwa. Empa lentswe le leng le le leng la seo ke se buang ke nnete – ke a tshepisa. Ke hlapanya ka Bakwena ba ntswetse hore haeba ke bua leshano, ke tla ja tshintshi!",sot,Sesotho,Malusi le Setshosa sa Bateng,"Every word that follows is true − I promise. Cross my heart that I won’t lie, and if I do I’ll eat a fly! +My older sister, Zandi, and I like to play in the garden all day. We stamp around in the mud and dig deep holes. Forget shoes − ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/malusi-le-setshosa-sa-bateng +something-special,"“Coo-coo-coo, come in, my beauties!” +Every evening, Jasmien’s grandmother called her chickens in to roost, and closed them inside to keep them safe from hungry animals. +And every morning, Jasmien let the chickens out again and collected the eggs they laid. +It was her favourite part of the day. Grandmother’s chickens came in all shapes and sizes, but Jasmien liked one best of all. +Lady was a speckled hen. She had a curly comb and a fanned-out tail. +When Jasmien gave scraps to the chickens, she always made sure Lady got first choice. +  + +One day, Lady disappeared.   Jasmien looked everywhere, but Lady was gone. +“Maybe a buzzard ate her,” Eddie said. +“Or a mongoose?” +  +Jasmien didn’t want to think about that. “Lady, you are my special,” Jasmien crooned. +“You shouldn’t have favourites,” Gran scolded. +“Every chicken is special in its own way.” But Jasmien couldn’t help it. She loved Lady best. +  +Three long weeks passed without Lady. Until the morning Jasmien went to let the chickens out. +She heard a cheep-cheep sound. It was Lady, with six fluffy chicks following her! +“Coo-coo-coo,” Gran said. “Clever Lady, hiding away to hatch your eggs!” +Now Jasmien had even more specials. +Ideas to talk about +Lady was special to Jasmien. What or who is special to you? How are you special? Do you sometimes feel special and sometimes not? Why? +Visual +Look closely at the picture on the first two pages of the story. How many of the following can you find: + + chickens + eggs + baskets +windows +doors + chimneys + +Reading +Do a wordsearch! Find each of these words in the story and then find what each of them describes: clever, curly, fluffy, hungry, long, speckled. +Writing +Draw a picture of Lady and her six chicks. Give each chick a name. Write each name under each chick’s picture or ask someone to write it for you. +Craft +Draw an egg shape on some white cardboard or paper, then cut it out. (Ask an adult for help you if necessary.) Decorate your egg by drawing different patterns on it or painting it. +Performance +How many ways can you say the sound words in the story, coo-coo-coo and cheepcheep? Can you say them like an adult chicken and then like a chick? Read the story aloud saying these words in ways that fit with the events in the story. Or, ask someone to read the story to you, then join in when they say these sound words.",eng,English,Something spec,"“Coo-coo-coo, come in, my beauties!” +Every evening, Jasmien’s grandmother called her chickens in to roost, and closed them inside to keep them safe from hungry animals. +And every morning, Jasmien let the chickens out ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to  to younger children.  +Support children who are learning to read by reading this story with them +Beginner readers (7-10 years old)  would enjoy reading this story on their own",Written by Jacqui Lange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/something-special +something-special,"“Kiep-kiep-kieep, kom-kom, skatties!” +Jasmien se ouma roep elke aand haar hoenders om te kom slaap. Dan maak sy hulle binne toe sodat hulle veilig is teen honger diere. +En elke oggend laat Jasmien die hoenders uit, en maak die eiers wat hulle gelê het bymekaar. Dis vir haar die lekkerste deel van die dag +  +Ouma se hoenders is ’n mengelmoes van verskillende vorms en groottes, maar daar is een waarvan Jasmien die meeste hou. +Lady is ’n gespikkelde hen. Sy het ’n kam wat baie mooi krul en ’n waaierstert. +Wanneer Jasmien vir die hoenders afvalkossies gee, maak sy altyd seker dat Lady eerste kry. +  + +  +Op ’n dag raak Lady weg.Jasmien soek oral, maar Lady is skoonveld. +“Dalk het ’n jakkalsvoël haar gevang,” sê Eddie. +“Of ’n muishond?” Jasmien wil nie daaraan dink nie. +  +“Jy’s my gunsteling, Lady,” koer Jasmien. +“Jy moenie ’n gunsteling hê nie,” raas Ouma. +“Elke hoender is op hul eie manier spesiaal.” +Maar Jasmien kan nie help nie. Sy is die heel liefste vir Lady. +  +Drie lang weke gaan verby sonder Lady. Tot een oggend toe Jasmien die hoenders uitlaat. +Sy hoor ’n gepiep-piep. Dis Lady, met ses donsige kuikens wat haar volg! +“Kiep-kiep-kieep,” sê Ouma. +“Slim Lady, jy’t gaan wegkruip om jou eiers uit te broei!” +Nou het Jasmien selfs nog meer gunstelinge. +Idees om oor te gesels + +Lady was spesiaal vir Jasmien. Wat of wie is vir jou spesiaal? +Hoe is jy spesiaal? Voel jy soms spesiaal en soms nie? Hoekom? + +Visueel +Kyk mooi na die prentjie op die eerste twee bladsye van die storie. Hoeveel van die volgende kan jy vind: + + hoenders   +eiers +mandjies +vensters   +deure   +skoorstene + +Lees +Doen ’n woordsoektog! Soek elkeen van hierdie woorde in die storie en vind dan wat elkeen van hulle beskryf: slim, krul, donsige, honger, lang, gespikkelde. +Skryf +Teken ’n prentjie van Lady en haar ses kuikens. Gee elke kuiken ’n naam. Skryf elke naam onder elke kuiken se prentjie of vra iemand om dit vir jou te skryf. +Handwerk +Teken ’n eiervorm op ’n wit karton of papier en knip dit dan uit. (Vra ’n grootmens om jou te help indien nodig.) Versier jou eier deur verskillende patrone daarop te teken of dit te verf +Speel toneel +Op hoeveel maniere kan jy die klankwoorde in die storie sê, kiep-kiep-kieep en piep-piep? Kan jy hulle sê soos ’n volwasse hoender en dan soos ’n kuiken? Lees die storie hardop en sê hierdie woorde op maniere wat pas by die gebeure in die storie. Of vra iemand om die storie vir jou voor te lees en praat dan saam wanneer hulle hierdie klankwoorde sê.",afr,Afrikaans,My gunsteling,"“Coo-coo-coo, come in, my beauties!” +Every evening, Jasmien’s grandmother called her chickens in to roost, and closed them inside to keep them safe from hungry animals. +And every morning, Jasmien let the chickens out ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to  to younger children.  +Support children who are learning to read by reading this story with them +Beginner readers (7-10 years old)  would enjoy reading this story on their own",Storie deur Jacqui L’Ange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/my-gunsteling +something-special,"“Tjhu-tjhu-tjhu, ngenani mphalaphala zami!” +Qobe ngantambama, ugogo kaJasmien wayebiza iinkukhu zakhe kobana zingene ngehogweni zibekele, bese uzivalela ngaphakathi kobana zivikeleke eenlwaneni ezilambileko. +Begodu qobe ekuseni, uJasmien gade azivulela ziphume bese abuthe amaqanda eziwabekelileko. +Bekusikhathi sakhe selanga asithandako leso. +  +Iinkukhu zikagogo bekungezamabumbeko nobukhulu boke obuhlukileko, kodwana uJasmien bekathanda yinye kwaphela. +ULady kwakuyikukhu emacabhacabhana. +Beyinesidlhogoriya esisongeneko nomsila ophephezelako. +Lokha uJasmien nakapha iinkukhu iintshutshurwana, bekaqinisekisa bonyana uLady uthola ezikhethekileko zezinga eliphambili. +  + +Ngelinye ilanga, uLady walahleka. +UJasmien waqala yoke indawo, kodwana uLady gade angekho. +“Mhlamunye idlanga limdlile,” kutjho u-Edie. “Nofana budzobhelani? +UJasmien bekangafuni ukucabanga ngalokho. +  +“Lady, uyintandokazi yami,” uJasmien ukhulumela phasi. +“Awukafaneli ukuba nentandokazi,” kukhalima uGogo. +“Ikukhu enye nenye ikhethekile ngendlela yayo ehlukileko.” +Kodwana uJasmien gade angakghoni, bekathanda uLady khulu.   +  +Iimveke ezintathu ezide zadlula uLady angekho. +Kwabe kwafika isikhathi sikaJasmien sokukhupha iinkukhu ekuseni. +Wezwa itjhada lobutjhwi-tjhwi-tjhwi. +BekunguLady, namadzinyani asithandathu amafukufukwana amlandela! +“Tjhu-tjhu-tjhu,” kwatjho uGogo. +“Uhlakaniphile Lady, ubhace waphandlisela amaqanda wakho!” +Kwanjesi uJasmien unokukhethekileko okunengi.  +  +Izinto esingakhuluma ngazo +Udade bekakhethekile ku-Jasmien. Yini namkha ngubani okhethekileko kuwe? Wena ukhetheke njani? Inga-kghani kwesinye isikhathi uzizwa ukhethekile kodwana kwesinye isikhathi awuzizwa ukhethekile? Kubayini? +Ukubonakala Qalisisa kuhle isithombe emakhasini amabili wokuthoma wendatjana. Kungaki kwalokhu okulandelako ongakuthola: + + iinkukhu +amaqanda +iimantji +amafesdere   +iminyango + iintjhimela + +Ukufunda +Setjha amagama! Thola elinye nelinye lamagama la endatjaneni bese uthola bona elinye nelinye lalamagama lihlathulula ini: ukuhlakanipha, ukutshopheka, amavukuvuku, ede, ukuba namacatjhazana. +Ukutlola +Dweba isithombe sikaDade namadzinyanakhe asithandathu. Nikela elinye nelinye idzinyani ibizo. Tlola elinye nelinye ibizo ngaphasi kwesithombe selinye nelinye idzinyani namkha bawa omunye umuntu akutlolele lona. +Ubukghwari +Dweba ijamo leqanda kwelinye ikhadbhoksi elimhlophe namkha ephepheni, bese uyalisika. (Bawa umuntu omdala akusize nangabe kuyatlhogeka.) Hlobisa iqanda lakho ngokudweba amaphetheni ahlukahlukeneko kilo namkha ulipende. +Ukwenza +Zingaki iindlela ongatjho ngazo amagama wetjhada elithi, tjhwi-tjhwi-tjhwi nelithi tjhutjhu-tjhu endatjaneni? Amagama la ungawatjho njengekukhu edala bese uwatjho njengedzinyani lekukhu? Fundela indatjana phezulu utjho amagama la ngeendlela ezikhambisana nezehlakalo ezisendatjaneni. Namkha, bawa omunye umuntu akufundele indatjana, bese uyangena nasele atjho amatjhada wamagama la.",nbl,isiNdebele,Into ekhethekileko,"“Coo-coo-coo, come in, my beauties!” +Every evening, Jasmien’s grandmother called her chickens in to roost, and closed them inside to keep them safe from hungry animals. +And every morning, Jasmien let the chickens out ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to  to younger children.  +Support children who are learning to read by reading this story with them +Beginner readers (7-10 years old)  would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguJacqui Lange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ekhethekileko +something-special,"“Tyip-tyip-tyip, ngenani, nina nitsho ngobuhle!” +Rhoqo ngokuhlwa, umakhulu kaJasmien wayebiza iinkuku zakhe ukuba zize kulala, aze azivalele ngaphakathi ukuzigcina zikhuselekile kwizilwanyana ezilambileyo. +Yaye kwintsasa nganye uJasmien wayezivulela kwakhona aze aqokelele amaqanda eziwabekileyo. +Eli yayilelona xesha limnandi losuku kuye. +  +Iinkuku zikaMakhulu zaziziimilo nobungakanani obahlukileyo, kodwa uJasmien wayethanda enye kakhulu ngaphezu kwazo zonke. +ULady wayesisikhukukazi esingqoqo. +Wayenongele olujikojiko nesisila esithe saaa. +Xa uJasmien wayezipha iinkuku ukutya okuyintsalela, wayesoloko eqinisekisa ukuba uLady ufumana okona kumnandi. + +Ngenye imini, uLady wanyamalala. +UJasmien wakhangela kuyo yonke indawo, kodwa uLady wayengekho. +“Mhlawumbi isangxa simtyile,” watsho uEddie. +“Okanye umhlangala?” UJasmien wayengafuni ukucinga ngaloo nto. +“Lady, ungokhethekileyo kum,” watsho uJasmien kamnandi. +  +“Akufanelekanga ukuba ube nobakhethayo kwabanye,” wangxola uKhulu. +Inkuku nganye ikhethekile ngendlela yayo.” +Kodwa uJasmien wayengakwazi ukuzinceda. +ULady wayengoyena amthanda kakhulu. +  +Kwadlula iiveki ezintathu zonke engekho uLady. +Kwada kwasa uJasmien wayakuvulela iinkuku. +Weva isandi sikatswitswi tswitswi. +YayinguLady elandelwa ngamantshontsho amathandathu anoboya obuntofontofo! +“Tyip-tyip-tyip,” watsho uKhulu. +“Lady okrelekrele, uzimele ukuya kuqandusela amaqanda akho!” Ngoku uJasmien wayenezinye ezikhethekileyo. +Izimvo eninokuthetha ngazo +ULady wayekhethekile kuJasmien. Yintoni okanye ngubani okhethekileyo kuwe? Ukhetheke njani? Ingaba ngamanye amaxesha uziva ukhethekile kwaye ngamanye ungakhethekanga? Ngoba? +Umfanekiso +Jonga ngononophelo umfanekiso okumaphepha amabini okuqala ebali. Zingaphi onokuzifumana kwezi: + + iinkukhu +amaqanda   +iibhaskithi +iifestile +ingcango +iitshimini + +Ukufunda +Khangela amagama! Khangela ngalinye lala magama ebalini uze ufumane into echazwa lilo ngalinye kuwo: krelekrele, phothekile, mpukumpuku, lambile, nde, namachokoza. +Ukubhala +Zoba umfanekiso kaLady namantshontsho akhe amathandathu. Thiya igama intshontsho ngalinye. Bhala igama ngalinye ngezantsi komfanekiso wentshontsho okanye ucele umntu akubhalele lona. +Ubuchule +Zoba imilo yeqanda kwikhadibhodi okanye ephepheni elimhlophe, uze ulisike ulikhuphe. (Cela umntu omdala akuncede ukuba kuyimfuneko.) Hombisa iqanda lakho ngokuzoba iipateni ezohlukeneyo kulo okanye ulipeyinte. +Ukwenza +Ziindlela ezingaphi ongazitsho ngayo izandi ezisebalini, Tyip-tyip-tyip notswitswi? Ungazitsho njengenkukhu endala kunye nanjengentshontsho? Lifunde ngokuvakalayo ibali usitsho la magama ngendlela ezifanele izehlo ezisebalini. Okanye, cela umntu ukuba akufundele ibali, uze ke ungene xa besitsho la magama ezi zandi.",xho,isiXhosa,Into ekhethekileyo,"“Coo-coo-coo, come in, my beauties!” +Every evening, Jasmien’s grandmother called her chickens in to roost, and closed them inside to keep them safe from hungry animals. +And every morning, Jasmien let the chickens out ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to  to younger children.  +Support children who are learning to read by reading this story with them +Beginner readers (7-10 years old)  would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguJacqui Lange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ekhethekileyo +something-special,"“Ku-ku-ku-ku, ngenani ngaphakathi bobahle bami!” +Njalo kusihlwa, uGogo kaJasmien wayebizela izinkukhu zakhe ehhokweni, bese ezivalela ngaphakathi ukuze ziphephe ezilwaneni ezilambile. +Futhi njalo ekuseni, uJasmien wayekhipha izinkukhu bese eqongelela amaqanda ezaziwazalele. +Kwakuyisikhathi sosuku asithanda kakhulu leso. +Izinkukhu zikaGogo zaziyimimo kanye nobukhulu obehlukene, kodwa uJasmien wayethanda eyodwa ukudlula zonke. ULady wayeyisikhukhukazi esiyimpangele. Wayenesicholo esisongene kanye nesisila esivulekile. Lapho uJasmien enikeza izinkukhu izimvuthu, wayehlala eqinisekisa ukuthi uLady uphiwa kuqala. + +UJasmien wabheka yonke indawo, kodwa uLady wayengekho ndawo. +“Mhlawumbe uheshane umdlile,” kusho uEddie. “Noma ngabe udliwe uchakide yini bakithi?” +UJasmien wayengafuni nokucabanga ngalokho. +Lady, uyintandokazi yami wena,” kusholo phansi uJasmien. “Akumele ube nezintandokazi,” kuthetha uGogo. +  +“Inkukhu ngayinye ingeyekhethelo ngendlela yayo.” +Kodwa uJasmien wayengakwazi ukuzibamba. +Wayethanda uLady ukudlula zonke ezinye. Ngelinye ilanga, wanyamalala uLady. +Kwedlula amaviki amade amathathu engatholakali uLady. +  +Kwaze kwaba yingelinye ilanga ekuseni lapho uJasmien eyokhipha izinkukhu. +Wezwa umsindo owenziwa amachwane. +KwakuwuLady, elandelwa amachwane ayisithupha amfamumfamu! +“Ku-ku-ku,” kusho uGogo. “Uhlakaniphile wena Lady, uvele wacasha ukuze uchamusele amaqanda akho!” +Manje-ke uJasmien wayenokukhethekile okwengeziwe.  +Imibono okungaxoxwa ngayo +U-Lady wayekhethekile ku-Jasmien. Ubani noma yini ekhethekile kuwe? Wena ukhetheke kanjani? Ingabe ngezinye izikhathi uzizwa ukhethekile futhi kwezinye uzizwa ungakhethekile? Kungani? +Ezibonakalayo +Bhekisisa isithombe emakhasini amabili okuqala endaba. Kungaki kulokhu ongakuthola: + + izinkukhu +amaqanda +obhasikidi + amafasitela +izicabha +ushimula + +Ukubhala +Dweba isithombe sika-Lady namachwane akhe ayisithupha. Yetha ichwane ngalinye igama. Bhala igama ngalinye phansi kwesithombe sechwane noma ucele othile akubhalele. +Umsebenzi wezandla +Dweba isimo seqanda ekhathonini elimhlophe noma ephepheni, bese uyasisika. (Cela umuntu omdala ukuba akusize uma kudingeka.) Hlobisa iqanda lakho ngokudweba amaphethini ahlukile kulo noma uliphende. +Ukusebenza +Ungayisho ngaziphi izindlela eziningi imisindo esendabeni ethi, Ku-ku-ku nethi amfamumfamu? Ungakwazi yini ukuwasho njengenkukhu esikhulile nanjengechwane? Funda indaba ngokuzwakalayo usho le misindo ngendlela ehambisana nezinto ezenzeka endabeni. Noma, cela othile ukuba akufundele indaba, bese uyabajoyina lapho sebesho leyo misindo",zul,isiZulu,Okuyikhethekile,"“Coo-coo-coo, come in, my beauties!” +Every evening, Jasmien’s grandmother called her chickens in to roost, and closed them inside to keep them safe from hungry animals. +And every morning, Jasmien let the chickens out ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to  to younger children.  +Support children who are learning to read by reading this story with them +Beginner readers (7-10 years old)  would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguJacqui Lange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/okuyikhethekile +something-special,"“Khuu-khuu-khuu, tsenang, bommasebotsana ba ka!” +Mathapama a mangwe le a mangwe, koko wa Jasmien o bitša dikgogo tša gagwe gore di tsene ka gare di ikhutše, gomme a di notlelela go di šireletša diphoofolong tša go swarwa ke tlala. +Gomme mesong ye mengwe le ye mengwe, Jasmien o ntšhetša dikgogo ka ntle gape gomme a kgoboketša mae ao di a beilego. Ke karolo ya letšatši yeo a bego a e rata kudu. +Dikgogo tša Koko di be di le ka dibopego le bogolo bja go fapana, efela Jasmien o be a rata ye nngwe go di feta ka moka. Lady e be e le kgogotshadi ya go ba le maronthwana. E be e na le mafofa a mogaro le mosela wa fene. Ge Jasmien a be a efa dikgogo marathana a dijo, o be a kgonthiša gore Lady e hwetša dijo pele.   + +Ka letšatši le lengwe, Lady o ile a nyamela. +Jasmien o nyakile gohle, efela Lady o be a ile. +“Mo gongwe o jelwe ke lenong,” Eddie a realo. “Goba monkgose?” +Jasmien o be a sa nyake go nagana ka se. +  +“Lady, o kgethegile go nna,” Jasmien a realo. +“Ga se wa swanela go rata ye nngwe go feta tše dingwe,” +Koko a mo kgalemela. “Kgogo ye nngwe le ye nngwe e kgethegile ka tsela ya yona.” +Efela Jasmien o be a palelwa ke seo. O be a rata Lady go di feta ka moka. +  +Go fetile dibeke tše tharo tše ditelele Lady a sa bonagale. +Go fihlela mesong yeo Jasmien a ile a ya go ntšhetša dikgogo ka ntle. O ile a kwa modumo wa tšiipi- tšiipi. +E be e le Lady, a latelwa ke matsuane a dikafofa a tshela! +“Khuu-khuu-khuu,” Koko a realo. “Lady wa bohlale, o be o khutile gore o ye go phaphaša mae!” +Bjale Jasmien o na le dikgogo tša go kgethega tše dintši. +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Lady e be e kgethegile go Jasmien. Ke eng goba ke mang yo a kgethegilego go wena? O bohlokwa ka tsela efe? Naa o fela o ikwa o ka re o bohlokwa gomme ka dinako tše dingwe go se bjalo? Ke ka lebaka la eng? +Go bona +Lebelela seswantšho ka šedi mo matlakaleng a mabedi a mathomo a kanegelo. Ke tše kae tša dilo tše di latelago tšeo o ka di hwetšago: + + dikgogo + mae + diroto + mafasetere + mabati + ditšhemele + +Go bala +Dira mošomo wa go nyakana le mantšu! Hwetša le lengwe le le lengwe la mantšu a ka kanegelong gomme o hwetše seo lentšu le lengwe le le lengwe le se hlalošago: hlalefile, leetse, mafofana, swerwe ke tlala, telele, maronthwana. +Go ngwala +Thala seswantšho sa Lady le matswiana a yona a tshela. Efa letswiana le lengwe le le lengwe leina. Ngwala leina le lengwe le le lengwe ka fase ga seswantšho sa letswiana goba kgopela yo mongwe gore a go ngwalele lona. +Go dira dilo +Thala sebopego sa lee godimo ga khatapokisi goba pampiri ye tšhweu, ke moka o ripe seswantšho seo. (Kgopela motho yo mogolo gore a go thuše ge go hlokega.) Kgabiša lee la gago ka go thala dibopego tše di fapafapanego godimo ga lona goba ka go le penta. +Go bapala terama +Ke ditsela tše kae tše o ka bitšago medumo ya mantšu a ka kanegelong, khuukhuu-khuu le tšiipi- tšiipi? O ka a bitša o ka re o kgogo ye e gotšego go iphetša, wa fetša wa a bitša o ekiša letswiana? Bala kanegelo o hlaboša lentšu o bitša mantšu a ka ditsela tše di swanetšanago le ditiragalo ka kanegelong. Goba, kgopela motho yo mongwe gore a go balele kanegelo, gomme o mo šale morago ge a bitša mantšu a a go swanetšana le modumo.",nso,Sepedi,Selo sa go kgetheg,"“Coo-coo-coo, come in, my beauties!” +Every evening, Jasmien’s grandmother called her chickens in to roost, and closed them inside to keep them safe from hungry animals. +And every morning, Jasmien let the chickens out ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to  to younger children.  +Support children who are learning to read by reading this story with them +Beginner readers (7-10 years old)  would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mongwadi keJacqui Lange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/selo-sa-go-kgethega +something-special,"“Kip-kip-ki-i-ip! Kenang baratuwa ba ka!” +Bosiu bo bong le bo bong, nkgono wa Jasmien o ne a bitsa dikgoho tsa hae ho kena ka hokong, mme a di kwalle hore di bolokehe mme di se ke tsa jewa ke diphoofolo tse lapileng. +Mme hoseng ho hong le ho hong, Jasmien o ne a ntsha dikgoho mme a bokelle mahe ao di a behetseng. Eo e ne e le karolo eo a e ratang ya letsatsi. +Dikgoho tsa Nkgono di ne di le ka mefuta e fapaneng le boholo bo fapaneng, empa Jasmien o ne a rata e le nngwe ho feta tse ding kaofela. Lady e ne e le kgoho e maroboko. E ne ena le masiba a ikgarileng hloohong le setono se qhalakaneng. Ha Jasmine a ne a fa dikgoho dijo, o ne a etsa bonnete ba hore o qala ka Lady pele. + +Ka letsatsi le leng, Lady a nyamela. +Jasmien a batla hohle, empa Lady o ne a ile. +“Mohlomong o jelwe ke lenong,” Eddie a rialo. “Kapa letodi?” +Jasmien o ne a sa batle ho nahana ka seo. +  +“Lady, o kgoho ya ka e kgethehileng,” Jasmien o ne a rialo. +“Ha o a tlameha ho ba le tseo o di ratang ho feta tse ding,” Nkgono a mo omanya. “Kgoho e nngwe le e nngwe e kgethehile ka tsela ya yona.” +Empa Jasmien o ne a sa iketse. O ne a rata Lady ho feta tse ding tsohle.   +  +Dibeke tse tharo tse telele tsa feta Lady a sa bonahale. +Ho fihlela hoseng hoo ka hona Jasmien a ileng ho ya ntshetsa dikgoho ka ntle. +A utlwa modumo wa koo-koo. +E ne e le Lady, a ena le ditsuonyana tse tsheletseng tse boya bo bonolo di ntse di mo latela! +“Koo-kookoo,” ha rialo Nkgono. “O bohlale, Lady, o ne o ipatile hore o fuame mahe a hao!” +Jwale Jasmien a ba le tse kgethehileng tse ngata. +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Lady o ne a kgethehile ho Jasmien. Ke eng kapa ke mang ya kgethehileng ho wena? Hobaneng o kgethehile? Na ka dinako tse ding o ikutlwa o kgethehile mme ka dinako tse ding o sa kgetheha? Hobaneng? +Setshwantsho +Sheba ka hloko setshwantshong se maqepheng a mabedi a qalang a pale. Ke tse kae tsa tse latelang tseo o ka di fumanang: + + dikgoho + mahe + diroto + difenstere +mamati + ditjhomela + +Ho bala +Etsa patlo ya mantswe! Fumana mantswe ana paleng ebe o fumana hore le leng le le leng la wona le hlalosang: bohlale, matsetlela, boya bo bongata, lapile, telele, matheba. +Ho ngola +Taka setshwantsho sa Lady le ditsuonyana tsa hae tse tsheletseng. Reha tsuonyana e nngwe le e nngwe lebitso. Ngola lebitso ka leng tlasa setshwantsho sa tsuonyana e nngwe le e nngwe kapa kopa motho e mong ho o ngolla wona. +Mosebetsi wa matsoho +Taka sheipi ya lehe khatebotong kapa pampiring e tshweu, ebe o e seha le ho e ntsha. (Kopa motho e moholo ho o thusa haeba ho hlokeha.) Kgabisa lehe la hao ka ho taka dipaterone tse fapaneng kapa ho penta ho yona. +Tshebetso +Ke ditsela tse kae tseo o ka bitsang mantswe a modumo ana a paleng, koo-kookoo le koo-koo? Na o ka a bitsa jwalo ka kgoho e kgolo le hape jwalo ka tsuonyana? Bala pale ka lentswe le phahameng o bitsa mantswe ana ka ditsela tse tsamaellanang le diketsahalo tse paleng. Kapa, kopa motho e mong ho o balla pale ena, ebe o a kenya ha ba bitsa mantswe ana a medumo.",sot,Sesotho,tho e Kgethehileng,"“Coo-coo-coo, come in, my beauties!” +Every evening, Jasmien’s grandmother called her chickens in to roost, and closed them inside to keep them safe from hungry animals. +And every morning, Jasmien let the chickens out ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to  to younger children.  +Support children who are learning to read by reading this story with them +Beginner readers (7-10 years old)  would enjoy reading this story on their own",E ngotswe ke Jacqui Lange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ntho-e-kgethehileng +something-special,"“Kibi-kibi-kibi, tlang kwano, bomontlenyane ba me!” +Maitseboa a mangwe le a mangwe, nkoko wa ga Jasmien, o bitsa dikoko tsa gagwe go di tlhatlhela, go di tswalela gore di babalesege mo diphologolong tse di legaba. +Moso o mongwe le o mongwe, Jasmien o a di bulela mme o tsaya mae a di a beetseng. Se e ne e le tiro e a neng a e rata bobe. +Dikoko tsa ga nkoko di tla ka dipopego le bogolo jo bo farologaneng, fela Jasmien o ne a rata e nngwe go di gaisa tsotlhe. Lady o ne a le mebalabala. O ne a na le mafofa a a golaganeng le mogatla o o phukaletseng. +Fa Jasmien a di fa mafofora, o ne a netefatsa gore o abela Lady pele ga tsona tsotlhe. + +Letsatsi lengwe Lady a nyelela. Jasmien a batla gotlhe fela, mme ga se thuse sepe. +“Ka gongwe o jelwe ke phakalane, ga bua Eddie. “Kgotsa tshipo?” +Jasmien o ne a sa batle go akanya jalo. +“Lady, o mmamoratwa wa me,” Jasmien a bua ka lentswe le le kwa tlase. +“Ga o a tshwanela go nna le bommamoratwa,” Nkoko a kgalema. “Koko nngwe le nngwe e kgethegile ka tsela ya yona.” +Fela Jasmien o ne a sa kgone go fitlha seo. O ne a rata Lady phetelela. +  +Ga feta dibeke tse tharo e sa bonale. +Go fitlhelela letsatsi lengwe mo mosong fa Jasmien a se na go bulela dikoko jaaka gale. A utlwa modumonyana wa go kokoretsa ga koko. +E ne e le Lady, a setswe morago ke dikokwana tse thataro ka boboanyana jo bo boleta! +“Kibi-kibi-kibi,” ga bitsa Nkoko. “O botlhale tota Lady, o ntse o iphitlhile go thuthusa mae!” +Jaanong Jasmien a nna le bommamoratwa ba bantsinyana. +Megopolo e re ka buang ka yona +Lady e ne e le motho wa botlhokwa mo go Jasmien. Ke eng kgotsa ke mang yo e leng motho wa botlhokwa mo go wena? Ke eng se se dirang gore o nne motho yo o botlhokwa? A ka dinako dingwe o ikutlwa o le motho wa botlhokwa mme ka dinako dingwe o se ene? Goreng? +Se se bonwang ka matlho +Leba setshwantsho se se mo ditsebeng tse pedi tsa ntlha tsa leinane leno sentle. O kgona go bona di le kae mo go tse di latelang: L dikoko L mae L diroto L difensetere L mabati L dipeipi tsa mosi +Go Bala +Batla mafoko! Batla lengwe le lengwe la mafoko ano mo leinaneng mme o bone se lengwe le lengwe le se tlhalosang: botlhale, matshopo, boboa, tlala, telele, marabaka. +Go Kwala +Terowa setshwantsho sa Lady le dikokwana tsa yone tse thataro. Naya kokwana nngwe le nngwe leina. Kwala leina lengwe le lengwe mo tlase ga setshwantsho sa kokwana nngwe le nngwe kgotsa o kope mongwe go go kwalela. +Botaki +Terowa sebopego sa lee mo khatebotong nngwe e tshweu kgotsa mo pampiring, o bo o le sega. (Kopa mogolo mongwe gore a go thuse fa go tlhokega.) Kgabisa lee la gago ka go terowa diphethene tse di farologaneng mo go lone kgotsa o le pente +Tiragatso +O kgona go bitsa mafoko a modumo a a mo leinaneng la gago ka ditsela di le kae tse di farologaneng, kibi-kibi-kibi le kibi-kibi-kibi? A o kgona go di bua jaaka koko e kgolo le jaaka kokwana? Balela leinane leno kwa godimo o bitsa mafoko ano ka ditsela tse di tsamaisanang le ditiragalo tse di mo leinaneng. Kgotsa, kopa mongwe go go balela leinane leo, o bo o kopanela le ene fa a dira modumo wa mafoko ao.",tsn,Setswana,Sengwe se se kgethegileng,"“Coo-coo-coo, come in, my beauties!” +Every evening, Jasmien’s grandmother called her chickens in to roost, and closed them inside to keep them safe from hungry animals. +And every morning, Jasmien let the chickens out ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to  to younger children.  +Support children who are learning to read by reading this story with them +Beginner readers (7-10 years old)  would enjoy reading this story on their own",E kwadilwe ke Jacqui Lange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sengwe-se-se-kgethegileng +something-special,"“Kuku-kuku-kuku, ngenani bomuhle bami!” +Onkhe emalanga kusihlwa, gogo waJasmien bekabita tinkhukhu takhe titolala, bese uyativalela kuze atigcine tiphephile kuletilwane letilambile. Bekutsi futsi njalo ekuseni, Jasmien atikhiphele ngaphandle letinkhukhu futsi bese ugcogca emacandza letiwatalele. +Bekuyincenye yakhe yelilanga labeyitsandza kakhulu kwendlula konkhe. +Tinkhukhu taGogo tatibumbeke ngekwehlukana futsi tingalingani ngebukhulu, kodvwa Jasmien bekatsandza yinye kwengca tonkhe. Nkhosatana bekanemacashati. +Bekanesichova lesishwilene nesisila lesivulekile. +Ngesikhatsi Jasmien apha tikhukhu tikhokho, bekenta siciniseko ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi kutsi Nkhosatana utfola kwelikhetselo lekucala.  + +Ngalelinye lilanga, Nkhosatana wanyamalala. +Jasmien wafuna yonkhe indzawo, kodvwa Nkhosatana abengekho. +“Mhlawumbe udliwe ngulohheya,”kwasho Eddie. “Noma imbolwane?” +Jasmien akafunanga kucabanga ngaloko. +“Nkhosatana, ungulokhetsekile wami,” Jasmien ahlabelela ngelivi leliphansi. +“Akukafaneli kutsi ube nalotitsandza kakhulu kwendlula letinye,” kwatsetsa Gogo. +“Yonkhe inkhukhu ikhetsekile ngendlela yayo.” +Kodvwa Jasmien abengakhoni kutibamba. Abetsandza Nkhosatana kwendlula tonkhe.   +  +Kwendlula emaviki lamatsatfu lamadze Nkhosatana angekho. +Kwaze kwaba kungalelinye lilanga ekuseni Jasmien ahamba ayovulela tinkhukhu. +Weva umsindvo webutjiyo-tjiyo. +BekunguNkhosatana, anemantjwele lasitfupha laphuphuma boya amlandzela! +“Kuku-kuku-kuku,” kwasho Gogo. +“Nkhosatana Lohlakaniphile, uyabhaca kute uchobosele emacandza akho!” +Manje Jasmien abesanatinyenti letikhetsekile. +Imibono lokungakhulunywa ngayo +Lady bekakhetsikile kuJasmien. Yini noma-ke ngubani lokhetsekile kuwe? Ukhetseke kanjani? Ngalesinye sikhatsi utiva ukhetsekile yini noma cha? Kungani? +Lokubukwako +Bukisisa lesitfombe kulamakhasi ekucala lamabili alendzaba. Kungaki kwaloku lokulandzelako longakutfola: + + tinkhukhu +emacandza +emabhasikidi + emafasitelo + iminyango +boshimela + +Kufundza +Funa emagama! Tfola ngalinye lalamagama kulendzaba bese futsi utfola nekutsi ngalinye lawo lichaza ini? hlakanipha, shwilana, fukutela, lambile, kudze, macahacabha. +Kubhala +Dvweba sitfombe saLady emantjwele akhe lasitfupha. Nika lintjwele ngalinye ligama. Bhala ligama ngalinye ngaphasi kwesitfombe selintjwele n oma-ke ucele lomunye akubhalele. +Umsebenti wetandla +Dvweba bunjwa lolicandza ekhadibhodini lemhlophe noma ephepheni, bese uyamsika uyamkhipha. (Cela umuntfu lomdzala akusite uma ngabe kunesidzingo.) Hlobisa licandza lakho ngekulidvweba emaphethini lehlukene noma uwapende. +Kulingisa +Tingaki tindlela longasho ngato emagama emisindvo lekulendzaba, kuku-kukukuku, webutjiyo-tjiyo? Ungayisho yini njengenkhukhu lendzala uphindze futsi uyisho njengelintjwele? Fundza lendzaba uphimise usho lamagama ngetindlela letifanele tehlakalo talendzaba. Noma, cela lomunye akufundzele lendzaba, bese-ke uyangena uma sebasho lemisindvo.",ssw,Siswati,Intfo letsite lekhetsekile,"“Coo-coo-coo, come in, my beauties!” +Every evening, Jasmien’s grandmother called her chickens in to roost, and closed them inside to keep them safe from hungry animals. +And every morning, Jasmien let the chickens out ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to  to younger children.  +Support children who are learning to read by reading this story with them +Beginner readers (7-10 years old)  would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguJacqui Lange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/intfo-letsite-lekhetsekile +something-special,"“Khokhokho, kha vha dzhene, vhana vhanga vha u nakelela!” +Madekwana maṅwe na maṅwe, makhulu wa Jasmien vha vhidzela khuhu dzavho ngomu uri dzi ḓo eḓela, vha dzi valela ngomu u itela u dzi tsireledza kha phukha dzi re na nḓala. +Na uri matsheloni maṅwe na maṅwe, Jasmien u vulela khuhu hafhu na u kuvhanganya makumba e dza kudzela. +Ho vha hu tshipiḓa tsha ḓuvha tshine a tshi funesa. +Khuhu dza makhulu dzo vha dzi dza zwivhumbeo zwoṱhe na saizi, fhedzi Jasmien o vha a tshi takalela nthihi ya vhuḓisa kha dzoṱhe. Lady ho vha hu phambo ya mivhala. +Yo vha i na mithenga yo songekanaho na mutshila wo ṱharamuwaho. +Musi Jasmien a tshi ṋea khuhu zwiḽiwa, o vha a tshi vhona uri Lady i wana zwavhuḓisa. + +Ḓuvha ḽiṅwe, Lady ya ngalangala. +Jasmien a sedza hoṱhehoṱhe, fhedzi Lady yo vha yo ṱuwa. +“Khamusi yo ḽiwa nga tshiṋoni tshi no pfi bazadi,” hu amba Eddie. “kana nga lukhohe?” +Jasmien ha ngo ṱoḓa u humbula nga izwo. +  +“Lady, no khethea nga maanḓa kha nṋe,” hu ambela fhasi Jasmien. +“A ni tei u vha na dzine na dzi takalela,” hu kaidza Makhulu. +“Khuhu iṅwe na iṅwe yo khethea nga nḓila yayo.” +Fhedzi Jasmien a vha a sa koni. +O vha a funesaho Lady nga maanḓa. +  +Vhege tharu ndapfu dza fhela Lady i siho. U swika nga matsheloni musi Jasmien a tshi ya u vulela khuhu. A pfa muungo wa zwikukwana. +Ho vha hu Lady, na zwikukwana zwa rathi zwi i tevhelaho! +“Khokhokho,” hu amba Makhulu. “Lady yo thanyaho, yo dzumbama i tshi itela u alamela makumba!” +Zwino Jasmien o mbo ḓi vha na zwinzhi zwo khetheaho +Zwine ha nga ambiwa nga hazwo +Lady ndi wa tshipentshela kha Jasmien. Ndi mini kana ndi nnyi a re wa tshipentshela kha inwi? Inwi ni wa tshipentshela nga mini? Hu na tshifhinga tshine na ḓipfa ni wa tshipentshela na tshine na ḓipfa ni si wa tshipentshela? Ndi ngani? +Tshifanyiso +Lavhelesani nga vhusedzi tshifanyiso tshi re kha masiaṱari mavhili a u thoma a tshiṱori itshi. Ni nga wana zwingana zwa zwi tevhelaho: + + khuhu +makumba  manngi/tshirundu +mafasiṱere + mahothi + tshimini + +U Vhala +Itani ṱhalamaipfi! Wanani ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe ḽa maipfi aya afho tshiṱorini ni kone u wana uri ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe ḽao ḽi ṱalutshedza mini: ṱalifha, songana, bubu, nḓala, ndapfu, khanga. +U Ṅwala +Olani tshifanyiso tsha Lady na zwikukwana zwawe zwa rathi. Rinani tshikukwana tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe dzina. Ṅwalani dzina nga ḽithihi nga ḽithihi nga fhasi ha tshikukwana tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe kana ni humbele muṅwe muthu a ni ṅwalele. +Vhutsila +Olani tshivhumbeo tsha gumba kha khadibodo kana bammbiri, ḽi gereni. Nakisani gumba ḽaṋu nga u ola phetheni dzo fhambanaho khaḽo kana ni tou ola nga pennde. +Kushumele +Ni nga bula maipfi a mibvumo a tevheleaho a re tshiṱorini nga nḓila nngana, khokhokho na zikukwana? Ni nga kona u a bula u nga ni khuhu ya phambo na musi ni tshi nga tshikukwana? Vhalelani nṱha tshiṱori itshi ni tshi bula maipfi aya nga nḓila ine a yelana na zwiwo zwi re tshiṱorini. Kana, humbelani muṅwe muthu a ni vhalele tshiṱori, ni kone u edzisela musi vha tshi bula aya maipfi a mibvumo",ven,Tshivenda,Tshiṅwe tshithu tsho khetheaho,"“Coo-coo-coo, come in, my beauties!” +Every evening, Jasmien’s grandmother called her chickens in to roost, and closed them inside to keep them safe from hungry animals. +And every morning, Jasmien let the chickens out ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to  to younger children.  +Support children who are learning to read by reading this story with them +Beginner readers (7-10 years old)  would enjoy reading this story on their own",Tsho ṅwaliwa nga Jacqui Lange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tshiṅwe-tshithu-tsho-khetheaho +something-special,"“Qoo-qoo-qoo, nghenani, swimatsatsa swa mina!” +Vusiku byin’wana na byin’wana, kokwani wa Jasmien a vitana tihuku ta yena ehokweni, ku ti pfalela ku ti sirhelela eka swiharhi leswi nga ni ndlala. +Naswona mixo wun’wana na wun’wana, Jasmien a pfulela tihuku nakambe na ku hlengeleta mandza lawa ti nga ma tshikela. A ku xiphemu lexi a xi rhandza esikwini. +Tihuku ta kokwani a ti hambanile hi swivumbeko na hi vukulu, kambe Jasmien a rhandza yin’we eka hinkwato. +Lady a ku mbhaha wa ku va na mbala. A ri na xijuju xo khonyana na xipesu xa tinsiva to hungela. Loko Jasmien a nyika tihuku mahlahla, a tiyisisa leswaku Lady hi yena wo rhanga. + +Siku rin’wana, Lady a nyamalala. +Jasmien u lavalavile hinkwako, kambe Lady a fambile. “Kumbexana koti ri n’wi dyile,” ku vula Eddie. +“Kumbe hi nkala?” +Jasmien a nga lavi ku anakanya hi swona. +“Lady, u hlawulekile eka mina,” ku thembendhela Jasmien. “A wu fanelanga u va na swirhandzwa,” ku tshinya Kokwani. +“Huku yin’wana na yin’wana yi hlawulekile hi mukhuva wa yona.” +Kambe Jasmien a tsandzeka ku tikhoma. a rhandza Lady swinene. +  +Mavhiki manharhu ya hundzile Lady a nga vonakangi. Ku fikela loko Jasmien a ya pfulela tihuku ku ri tihuma. U twile pfumawulo wa vuciyociyo. +A ku ri Lady, a ri na swikukwani swa tsevu swa tinsiva to olova swi n’wi landzelela! +“Qoo-qoo-qoo,” Kokwani a vula. “Lady wo tlhariha, u yile ku ya tumbela leswaku u tlhotlhorha mandza!” +Sweswi Jasmien a ri na swo tala swo hlawuleka. +Mianakanyo yo bula hayona +Wansati a hlawulekile eka Jasmien. I yini kumbe i mani a nga hlawuleka eka wena? Xana u hlawuleke njhani? Xana nkarhi wun’wana u twa u hlawulekile kasi nkarhi wun’wana u twa u nga hlawulekangi? Ha yini? +Xifaniso +Langutisa swinene eka xifaniso eka mapheji yambirhi yo sungula ya ntsheketo. I1swingani eka leswi u nga swi kumaka: + + tihuku +mandza +swirhundzu   +mafasitere   +mavanti + tichimele + +Ku Tsala +Dirowa xifaniso xa Huku na tsevu wa swikukwana swa yona. Thya vito xikukwanaxin’wana na xin’wana. Tsala vito eka xifaniso xa xikun’wana xin’wana na xin’wana kumbe u kombela un’wana a ku tsalela. +Ntirho wa vutshila +Dirowa xivumbeko xa tandza eka khadibodo yin’wana yo basa kumbe phepha, kutani u ri tsema. (Kombela munhu lonkulu kuva a ku pfuna loko swi boha.) Khavisa tandza ra wena hi ku dirowa tiphatheni to hambana eka yona kumbe u yi penda.",tso,Xitsonga,Swin’wana swo hlawulek,"“Coo-coo-coo, come in, my beauties!” +Every evening, Jasmien’s grandmother called her chickens in to roost, and closed them inside to keep them safe from hungry animals. +And every morning, Jasmien let the chickens out ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to  to younger children.  +Support children who are learning to read by reading this story with them +Beginner readers (7-10 years old)  would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mutsari i Jacqui Lange,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/swin’wana-swo-hlawuleka +momma-moeng’s-surprise-0,"It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the jar of jam on her head and off she marched to Gogo Moeng’s house. Baby Beka’s balloon went bobbity-bob and Momma’s slipslops went pliff-ploff, pliff-ploff down the dusty path until she met Sipho coming out of the Tip-Top shop. +“Where are you going, Momma Moeng?” asked Sipho. “Baby Beka and I are going to Gogo Moeng’s house. It’s her birthday today,” replied Momma. “I’ve got a packet of crispy potato chips for Gogo Moeng. Can I come too?” asked Sipho. “Of course,” Momma smiled and off they marched. Sipho’s packet of crispy potato chips went crinkle-crinkle, Baby Beka’s balloon went bobbity-bob and Momma’s slipslops went pliff-ploff, pliff-ploff down the dusty path until they came to Mr Chapalala, who was feeding his chickens. “Where are you going?” he asked. “We’re going to Gogo Moeng’s house. +It’s her birthday,” answered Momma. “I’ve got a chubby chicken for Gogo Moeng. Can you give it to her?” asked Mr Chapalala. “Of course,” said Momma tucking the chubby chicken under her arm and off marched Momma, Baby Beka and Sipho. The chubby chicken went chuk-chuk-chook, chuk-chuk-chook, the packet of crispy potato chips went crinkle-crinkle, Baby Beka’s balloon went bobbity-bob and Momma’s slipslops went pliff-ploff, pliff-ploff down the dusty path until they came to Mrs Makabelo’s home-bake shop. “We must get a birthday cake for Gogo,” said Momma. They went inside. +Ting-a-ling went the doorbell. “Good morning, Mrs Makabelo. Did you know today is Gogo Moeng’s birthday?” “Oh yes,” said Mrs Makabelo. “I have baked a special cake for her, but I can’t leave the shop. Could you take it to her?” “Of course,” offered Momma, but there was a problem − Momma needed two hands to carry the cake. So, she made a plan. She put the chubby chicken on top of the jar of jam that she was carrying on her head. Now she had two hands to carry the special birthday cake. Off marched Momma, Baby Beka and Sipho through the ting-a-ling door. + +When Baby Beka smelt the cake he mumbled, “Nummy, nummy, num-num.” The chubby chicken went chuk-chuk-chook, chuk-chuk-chook, the packet of crispy potato chips went crinkle-crinkle, Baby Beka’s balloon went bobbity-bob and Momma’s slipslops went pliff-ploff, pliff-ploff down the dusty path until they met Valecia. “Where is everyone going?” asked Valecia. “We’re going to Gogo Moeng’s house. It is her birthday,” explained Sipho. “I’ve got a bunch of flowers for Gogo Moeng. Can I come too?” asked Valecia. “Of course,” said Momma and off they marched. The bunch of flowers made Valecia sneeze, “Achoo! +A-AAchoooo!” The chubby chicken went chuk-chuk-chook, chuk-chuk-chook, the packet of crispy potato chips went crinkle-crinkle, Baby Beka’s balloon went bobbity-bob and Momma’s slipslops went pliff-ploff, pliff-ploff down the dusty path until they saw Mr Sithole digging in his vegetable garden. “Where are you all going, Momma Moeng?” Mr Sithole asked. “We’re going to Gogo Moeng’s house. It’s her birthday,” she replied. “I have a trolley full of vegetables for her,” said Mr Sithole. “Please could you give it to her?” “Of course,” answered Momma. But now Momma had a BIG problem − there was too much to carry! She had to think of a plan. First, she took Baby Beka off her back and then tied the chubby chicken onto her back with the soft blanket. Baby Beka SCREAAAAMED! So Momma put the chubby chicken on top of the trolley and tied Baby Beka onto her back with the soft blanket. Baby Beka was happy and the chubby chicken was very happy to peck at all the vegetables. But Momma wasn’t happy with this so she put the chubby chicken on Valecia’s head. +The feathers tickled Valecia’s nose and made her sneeze even more, “AAAAA-CHOOOOO!” Valecia wasn’t happy. So, Momma took the chubby chicken and put it on Sipho’s head and she gave him Valecia’s flowers to hold. Now Valecia had two hands free to hold the cake. And Momma had two hands free to push the trolley. Everyone was happy and off they marched to Gogo Moeng’s house. The wheels of the trolley went squeak-squeak-squeak. Valecia had icing from the cake on her cheeks so her tongue went slurp-slurp-slurp. Baby Beka mumbled, “Nummy, nummy, num-num.” The chubby chicken went chuk-chuk-chook, chukchuk-chook, the packet of crispy potato chips went crinklecrinkle, Baby Beka’s balloon went bobbity-bob and Momma’s slipslops went pliff-ploff, pliff-ploff down the dusty path all the way to Gogo’s house. Momma knocked on the front door. Sipho whistled. +Valecia shouted. But there was NO REPLY. Momma pushed the front door open and they all went inside. But there was NO ONE THERE. They looked in the kitchen − NOBODY. They looked in the bedroom − NOBODY. They looked everywhere. Where could Gogo be? Momma said, “Let’s get cooking and maybe Gogo will turn up.” So that is what everyone did – everyone except Baby Beka. He sat on the kitchen counter next to the window and watched until he saw Gogo walking way down the path at the very bottom of the steep hill. “Gogo! Gogo!” he called. Everyone looked. “GOGO! GOGO!” everyone shouted together. “GOGO!” Way down at the bottom of the steep hill Gogo said, “EE EE. +Someone is calling me. Now I can’t go to the shops to buy my birthday supper.” Gogo turned round and walked all the way up the steep hill. Her slippers went shuffle-shuffle on the dusty path. Finally she reached the back door. When she opened it everyone started singing a happy-birthday song. On the table were the vegetable pie and jam tarts that Momma had made, newly laid eggs from the chubby chicken, the special birthday cake and the crispy potato chips. The table was decorated with flowers and Baby Beka’s beautiful blue balloon. “THIS IS MY BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!” said Gogo. And she should know, because Gogo had already had at least eighty or ninety birthdays before this one! GET CREATIVE! Write a list of all the things that the people in the story gave to make Gogo’s birthday celebration special. Now add three things that you would like to have given Gogo if you had visited her on her birthday +  +GET CREATIVE! +Write a list of all the things that the people in the story gave to make Gogo’s birthday celebration special. Now add three things that you would like to have given Gogo if you had visited her on her birthday.",eng,English,Momma Moeng’s surprise,It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the jar of ...,"Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Story by Joan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/momma-moeng’s-surprise-0 +momma-moeng’s-surprise-0,"Dit het alles begin toe Momma Moeng ’n fles konfyt vir Gogo Moeng se verjaardag gemaak het. Toe het Baba Beka sy beste blou ballon gevind. Hy wou dit vir Gogo gee vir haar verjaardag. Momma het vir Baba Beka op haar rug vasgemaak met ’n sagte kombersie. Toe het sy die fles konfyt op haar kop gesit en na Gogo Moeng se huis gestap. Baba Beka se ballon maak bompe-kebomp en Momma se plakkies maak flip-flap, flip-flap-flop in die stowwerige paadjie af, tot sy vir Sipho ontmoet wat uit die Tip-Top-winkel kom. “Waarheen is julle op pad, Momma Moeng?” vra Sipho. +“Ek en Baba Beka gaan na Gogo Moeng se huis toe. Dis vandag haar verjaardag,” antwoord Momma. “Ek het ’n pakkie kraakvars skyfies vir Gogo Moeng. Kan ek saamkom?” vra Sipho. “Natuurlik,” glimlag Momma en daar gaan hulle. Sipho se pakkie kraakvars skyfies maak girts-garts, Baba Beka se ballon maak bompe-kebomp en Momma se plakkies maak flip-flap, flip-flap-flop in die stowwerige paadjie af, tot hulle by mnr. Chapalala kom wat sy hoenders kos gee. “Waarheen gaan julle?” vra hy. “Ons gaan na Gogo Moeng se huis toe. Dis haar verjaardag,” antwoord Momma. +“Ek het ’n lekker vet hoender vir Gogo Moeng. Kan julle dit vir haar neem?” vra mnr. Chapalala. “Natuurlik,” sê Momma. Sy sit die vet hoender onder haar arm en daar gaan Momma, Baba Beka en Sipho. Die vet hoender maak pe-kêk, pe-kêk, pe-kêk, die pakkie kraakvars skyfies maak girts-garts, Baba Beka se ballon maak bompe-kebomp en Momma se plakkies maak flip-flap, flip-flap-flop in die stowwerige paadjie af, tot hulle by mev. Makabelo se koekwinkel kom. “Ons moet ’n verjaardagkoek vir Gogo koop,” sê Momma. Hulle gaan binnetoe. Tieng-’n-lieng lui die deurklokkie. “Goeiemôre, mev. Makabelo. +Het jy geweet dit is vandag Gogo Moeng se verjaardag?” “O, ja,” sê mev. Makabelo. “Ek het ’n spesiale koek vir haar gebak, maar ek kan nie die winkel alleen laat nie. Kan julle dit vir haar neem?” “Natuurlik,” bied Momma aan, maar daar is ’n probleem − Momma het twee hande nodig om die koek te dra. Toe maak sy ’n plan. Sy sit die vet hoender bo-op die fles konfyt wat sy op haar kop dra. Nou het sy twee hande om die spesiale verjaardagkoek te dra. En so stap Momma, Baba Beka en Sipho uit by die tieng-’n-lieng-deur. Toe Baba Beka die koek ruik, sê hy: “Njammie, njammie, njam, njam.” + +Die vet hoender maak pe-kêk, pe-kêk, pe-kêk, die pakkie kraakvars skyfies maak girts-garts, Baba Beka se ballon maak bompe-kebomp en Momma se plakkies maak flip-flap, flip-flap-flop in die stowwerige paadjie af, tot hulle vir Valecia ontmoet. “Waarheen gaan julle almal?” vra Valecia. “Ons gaan na Gogo Moeng se huis toe. Dis haar verjaardag,” verduidelik Sipho. “Ek het ’n bos blomme vir Gogo Moeng. Kan ek ook kom?” vra Valecia. “Natuurlik,” sê Momma, en daar gaan hulle. Die bos blomme laat Valecia nies: “Atiesjoe! A-A-Atiesjoe!” Die vet hoender maak pe-kêk, pe-kêk, pe-kêk, die pakkie kraakvars skyfies maak girts-garts, Baba Beka se ballon maak bompe-kebomp en Momma se plakkies maak flip-flap, flip-flap-flop in die stowwerige paadjie af, tot hulle vir mnr. Sithole sien wat in sy groentetuin skoffel. “Waarheen gaan julle almal, Momma Moeng?” vra mnr. Sithole. “Ons gaan na Gogo Moeng se huis toe. Dis haar verjaardag,” antwoord sy. +“Ek het ’n trollie vol groente vir haar,” sê mnr. Sithole. “Kan julle dit asseblief vir haar neem?” “Natuurlik,” antwoord Momma. Maar nou het Momma ’n GROOT probleem − daar is te veel goed om te dra! Sy moet aan ’n plan dink. Eers haal sy vir Baba Beka van haar rug af en bind toe die vet hoender met die sagte kombersie op haar rug vas. Baba Beka SKREEU! Momma sit toe die vet hoender bo-op die trollie en maak weer vir Baba Beka met die sagte kombersie op haar rug vas. Baba Beka is tevrede en die vet hoender is baie gelukkig, want sy kan aan al die groente pik. Maar Momma is nie gelukkig hiermee nie, en daarom sit sy die vet hoender op Valecia se kop. Die vere kielie Valecia se neus en laat haar nog meer nies: “AAAAA-TIESJOOE!” +Valecia is nie gelukkig nie. Momma vat toe die vet hoender en sit dit op Sipho se kop. Sy gee ook vir hom Valecia se blomme om vas te hou. Nou het Valecia twee hande vry om die koek vas te hou. En Momma het twee hande vry om die trollie te stoot. Almal is gelukkig en daar gaan hulle na Gogo Moeng se huis toe. Die wiele van die trollie maak skwiek-skwiek-skwiek. Valecia het van die koek se versiersuiker op haar wange, en haar tong lek slurp-slurp-slurp. Baba Beka sê: “Njammie, njammie, njam-njam.” Die vet hoender maak pe-kêk, pe-kêk, pe-kêk, die pakkie kraakvars skyfies maak girts-garts, Baba Beka se ballon maak bompe-kebomp en Momma se plakkies maak flip-flap, flip-flap-flop in die stowwerige paadjie af al die pad tot by Gogo se huis. +Momma klop aan die voordeur. Sipho fluit. Valecia roep. Maar daar is GEEN ANTWOORD nie. Momma stoot die voordeur oop en hulle gaan almal binne. Maar daar is NIEMAND DAAR NIE. Hulle kyk in die kombuis − NIEMAND nie. Hulle kyk in die slaapkamer − NIEMAND nie. Hulle kyk oral. Waar kan Gogo wees? Momma sê: “Kom ons begin kos maak, en dan sal Gogo dalk opdaag.” En dis toe wat almal doen – almal behalwe Baba Beka. Hy sit op die kombuistoonbank langs die venster en uitkyk tot hy Gogo doer onder in die paadjie aan die voet van ’n baie steil bult sien stap. “Gogo! Gogo!” roep hy. Almal kyk. “GOGO! GOGO!” almal roep tegelyk. “GOGO!” Doer onder aan die voet van die steil bult sê Gogo: “EE EE. Iemand roep my. Nou kan ek nie winkel toe gaan om my verjaardagete te koop nie.” Gogo draai om en stap al die pad met die steil bult op. +Haar pantoffels maak slof-slof in die stowwerige paadjie af. Uiteindelik kom sy by die agterdeur. Toe sy dit oopmaak, begin almal vir haar ’n verjaardagliedjie sing. Op die tafel is die groentepastei en konfyttertjies wat Momma gemaak het, eiers wat die vet hoender so pas gelê het, die spesiale verjaardagkoek en die kraakvars skyfies. Die tafel is versier met die blomme en Baba Beka se pragtige blou ballon. “DIT IS MY BESTE VERJAARDAG OOIT!” sê Gogo. En sy behoort te weet, want Gogo het al ten minste tagtig of negentig verjaardae voor hierdie een gevier! WEES KREATIEF! Maak ’n lys van al die dinge wat die mense in die storie gee om Gogo se verjaardag spesiaal te maak. Voeg nou drie dinge by wat jy graag sal wou gee as jy vir Gogo op haar verjaardag kon gaan kuier. +  +WEES KREATIEF! +Maak ’n lys van al die dinge wat die mense in die storie gee om Gogo se verjaardag spesiaal te maak. Voeg nou drie dinge by wat jy graag sal wou gee as jy vir Gogo op haar verjaardag kon gaan kuier.",afr,Afrikaans,Momma Moeng se verrassing,It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the jar of ...,"Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Storie deur Joan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/momma-moeng-se-verrassing-0 +momma-moeng’s-surprise-0,"Koke kwathoma mhlazana uMomma Moeng apheka ijemu yelanga lamabeletho kaGogo Moeng. Umntwana uBeka wathola ibhaloni yakhe ehlaza sasibhakabhaka ehle khulu. Bekafuna ukuyipha uGogo ngelanga lakhe lamabeletho. UMomma wabhebhula umntwana uBeka ngengutjana ethambileko. Wathwala ibhodlelo lejemu ehloko wase uyakhamba aya kwaGogo Moeng. Ibhaloni yomntwana uBeka yabe ithi bhopibhopi-bhooo namaphacaphaca kaMomma athi phaca-phaca, phaca-phaca endleleni elibhudu wabe wahlangana noSipho aphuma ngevikilini iTip-Top. “Uyaphi Momma Moeng?” kwabuza uSipho. “Sinomntwana uBeka siya kwaGogo Moeng. Lilanga lakhe lamabeletho namhlanjesi,” kuphendula uMomma. “Nginepakana yamatjhipsi arhwamuzelako kaGogo Moeng. Ngingakhambisana nani?” kwabuza uSipho. “Kulungile,” uMomma wamomotheka base bayakhamba. Amatjhipsi kaSipho bekathi tjhwarha-tjhwarha, ibhaloni yomntwana uBeka ithi bhopibhopi-bhooo namaphacaphaca kaMomma athi phaca-phaca, phaca-phaca endleleni elibhudu babe bafika kuNomzana Chapalala, obekapha iinkukhu zakhe. “Niyaphi na?” kubuza uNomzana Chapalala. “Siya kwaGogo Moeng. Lilanga lakhe lamabeletho,” kuphendula uMomma. “Nginekukhu enonileko nasi kaGogo Moeng. Ningamphathela yona?” kwabuza uNomzana Chapalala. “Kulungile,” kwatjho uMomma afaka ikukhu ngekhwatjheni base bayakhamba, yena, umntwana uBeka noSipho. Ikukhu enonileko yathi gege-ge-ge-ge, gogo-go-go-go, ipakana yamatjhipsi yathi tjhwarha-tjhwarha, ibhaloni yomntwana uBeka yathi bhopibhopi-bhooo namaphacaphaca kaMomma athi phaca-phaca, phaca-phaca endleleni elibhudu bebafika evikilini lokubhaga likaMma Makabelo. “Kufanele sithengele ugogo ikhekhe lamabeletho,” kwatjho uMomma. Bangena ngaphakathi. Ting-ting, kutjho itlogo yomnyango. “Lotjhani, Mma Makabelo. Bewazi bonyana namhlanjesi lilanga lamabeletho likaGogo Moeng?�� “Iye, ngiyazi,” kutjho uMma Makabelo. “Ngimubhagele ikhekhe elikhethekileko, kodwana angekhe ngikghone ukutjhiya ivikili. Ungangikhambela nalo?” “Kulungile,” kwavuma uMomma, kodwana bekunomraro – uMomma bekatlhoga izandla ezimbili zokuphatha ikhekhe. Kodwana wenza iplani. Wabeka ikukhu enonileko phezu kwebhodlelo lejemu egade alithwele ehloko. Wase uba nezandla ezimbili zokuphatha ikhekhe lamabeletho elikhethekileko. Nanguya uMomma, umntwana uBeka noSipho baphuma ngomnyango othi ting-ting bakhamba. Lokha umntwana uBeka nakezwa iphunga lekhekhe wabubula, “Naami, nammi, nam-nam.” Ikukhu enonileko yathi gege-ge-ge-ge, gogo-go-go-go, ipakana yamatjhipsi yathi tjhwarha-tjhwarha, ibhaloni yomntwana uBeka yathi bhopibhopi-bhooo namaphacaphaca kaMomma athi phacaphaca, phaca-phaca endleleni elibhudu bebahlangana noValecia. “Niyaphi noke nje?” kwabuza uValecia. “Siya kwaGogo Moeng. Lilanga lakhe lamabeletho,” kwahlathulula uSipho. “Nginesitjhutjana samathuthumbo wakaGogo Moeng. Ngingeza nami?” kwabuza uValecia. “Kulungile,” kwatjho uMomma bebafulathela bakhamba. Isitjhutjana samathuthumbo sabangela uValecia ukuthimula, “Eytjhu! A-A-A-Eythiya!” Ikukhu enonileko yathi gege-ge-ge-ge, gogo-go-go-go, ipakana yamatjhipsi yathi tjhwarha-tjhwarha, ibhaloni yomntwana uBeka yathi bhopibhopi-bhooo namaphacaphaca kaMomma athi phacaphaca, phaca-phaca endleleni elibhudu bebabona uNomzana Sithole ahlakula ngengadini yakhe yemirorho. “Niyaphi noke nje, Momma Moeng?” uNomzana Sithole wabuza. “Siya kwaGogo Moeng. Lilanga lakhe lamabeletho,” waphendula. “Nginemirorho yakhe ezele itroli,” kwatjho uNomzana Sithole. “Ungangikhambela nayo uyomnikela?” “Kulungile,” kwaphendula uMomma. Kodwana uMomma wazithola anomraro OMKHULU – besele zizinengi khulu izinto ekumele aziphathe! Kwafanela bona aluke amano. Kokuthoma, wehlisa umntwana uBeka emhlana, wabophelela ikukhu enonileko emhlana wakhe ngengutjana ethambileko. Umntwana uBeka WARHUWELELA! UMomma wase ubeka ikukhu enonileko phezu kwetroli, wabhebhula umntwana uBeka emhlana ngengutjana ethambileko. Umntwana uBeka kwamthabisa lokho nekukhu enonileko nayo yathabela ukuqhobolaqhobola yoke imirorho engetrolini. Kodwana uMomma akhenge kumthabise lokhu, ngalokho-ke, wase ubeka ikukhu enonileko ehloko kaValecia. Iinsiba zakghwatha ipumulo kaValecia wathimula khulu, “EEEE-EEEEEYTHIYA!” UValecia akhange kumthabise lokhu, uMomma wase uthatha ikukhu enonileko wayibeka ehloko kaSipho, wamnikela namathuthumbo kaValecia bonyana awaphathe. Kwanjesi izandla Amavilo wetroli enza itjhada athi tswiri-tswiri-tswiri. UValecia bekaneswigiri yekhekhe emhlathini ilimu lakhe lazwakala lisithi, hlwa-hlwa-hlwa. Umntwana uBeka wabubula, “Nammi, nammi, nam-nam.” Ikukhu enonileko yathi gege-ge-ge-ge, gogo-go-go-go, ipakana yamatjhipsi yathi tjhwarha-tjhwarha, ibhaloni yomntwana uBeka yathi bhopibhopi-bhooo namaphacaphaca kaMomma athi phaca-phaca, phaca-phaca endleleni elibhudu bebayokufika kwa Gogo Moeng. UMomma wakokoda emnyango wangaphambili. USipho wabetha umlozi, uValecia warhuwelela, kodwana KWANGABA NEPENDULO. UMomma wasunduza umnyango wangaphambili wavuleka, boke bangena ngaphakathi. Kodwana KWAKUNGANAMUNTU. Bafuna ngephunyaneni – AKUNAMUNTU. Bafuna ngelawini lokulala – AKUNAMUNTU. Bafuna yoke indawo. Ingabe uGogo uyephi? UMomma wathi, “Asiphekeni mhlamunye uGogo uzakuvela.” Lokho-ke, ngilokho okwenziwa ngomunye nomunye – woke umuntu ngaphandle komntwana uBeka. Wahlala etafulaneni yangephunyaneni eduze nefesdere, bewabona uGogo kude akhamba ngendledlana ngaphasi kwentatjana edephileko. zikaValecia zombili zaseziyatjhaphuluka bonyana zingaphatha ikhekhe. NoMomma izandla zakhe zombili zatjhaphuluka bonyana zingasunduza itroli. Boke babethabile base bayakhamba batjhinga kwaGogo Moeng. “Gogo! Gogo!” kubiza umntwana uBeka. Boke baphakamisa amehlo baqala. “GOGO! GOGO!” boke barhuwelela ngesikhathi sinye. “GOGO!” Kude le phasi entatjaneni edephileko uGogo wathi, “EE EE EE. Kunomuntu ongibizako, manjesi angisakghoni ukuya eentolo ngiyozithengela ukudla kwentambama kwelanga lami lamabeletho.” Ugogo wajika wanqopha phezu kwentatjana edephileko. Amasliphasi wakhe akhamba asithi, tjhofo-tjhofo endleleni elibhudu. Ekugcineni wafika emnyango wangemva. Lokha nakavula umnyango, woke umuntu wathoma wabhina ingoma yethabo yelanga lamabeletho. Phezu kwetafula bekunephayi yemirorho, netarti yejemu eyenziwe nguMomma, amaqanda amatjha abekelwe yikukhu enonileko, ikhekhe lelanga lamabeletho elikhethekileko namatjhipsi wamatapula arhwamuzelako. Itafula beyihlotjiswe ngamathuthumbo nangebhaloni ehle ehlaza sasibhakabhaka yomntwana uBeka. “LELI LILANGA LAMI LAMABELETHO ELIHLE KUNAWO WOKE!” kwatjho uGogo. Kufanele akwazi lokho ngombana uGogo sele abe namalanga wamabeletho amatjhumi abunane nanyana alithoba ngaphambi kwaleli! VEZA UBUKGHWARI BAKHO! Tlola irhelo lazo zoke izinto abantu abasendabeni abaziphe uGogo ukwenza ukugidinga ilanga lakhe lamabeletho kube yikethelo. Bese ungezelela ngezinto ezintathu egade ungathanda ukuzipha uGogo nangabe gade ukhgonile ukumvakatjhela ngelanga lakhe lamabeletho.",nbl,isiNdebele,Isimanga sikaMomma Moeng,It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the jar of ...,"Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Umtloli nguJoan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isimanga-sikamomma-moeng +momma-moeng’s-surprise-0,"Konke kwaqala mhla uMomma uMoeng wenza ingqayi yejem, eyenzela uMakhulu uMoeng njengesipho sosuku lokuzalwa kwakhe. USana uBeka lwafumana eyona bhaloni luyithandayo embala uzuba. Wayefuna ukuyinika uMakhulu ngosuku lokuzalwa kwakhe. UMomma uMoeng wabeleka uSana uBeka ngebhayana elithambileyo. Emva koko wathwala ingqayi yejem entloko waze wahamba esiya kwaMakhulu uMoeng. Ibhaloni yoSana uBeka yayisithi bhaku-bhaku-bhaku zaye iiflopsi zikaMomma uMoeng zisithi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa njengokuba esihla ngendledlana enothuli, de wadibana noSipho ephuma kwivenkile yakwaTip-Top. “Uyaphi, Momma uMoeng?” wabuza uSipho. “Mna noSana uBeka siya kwaMakhulu uMoeng. Namhlanje lusuku lwakhe lokuzalwa,” waphendula uMomma uMoeng. “Ndinepakethi yetships zeetapile ezikramzelayo endinokumnika yona uMakhulu uMoeng. Ingaba ndingahamba nani ukuya kuye nam?” wabuza uSipho. +“Ngokuqinisekileyo,” wancuma uMomma uMoeng, baze bahamba bonke. Ipakethi kaSipho yeetships zeetapile ezikramzelayo yayisithi rhwasharhwasha-rhwasha, ibhaloni yoSana uBeka isithi bhaku-bhakubhaku zaye iiflopsi zikaMomma uMoeng zona zisithi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa lo gama behla ngendledlana enothuli, de badibana noMnumzana uShabalala, owayesipha iinkukhu zakhe ukutya. “Niyaphi na?” wabuza. “Siya kwaMakhulu uMoeng. +Lusuku lokuzalwa kwakhe,” waphendula uMomma uMoeng. “Ndinenkukhu etyetyisiweyo endinokuyinika uMakhulu uMoeng. Ndinganiphathisa yona ukuze nimnike?” wabuza uMnumzana uShabalala. “Ngokuqinisekileyo,” watsho uMomma uMoeng eyithi khatha phantsi kwekhwapha loo nkukhu ityetyisiweyo waze wahamba noSana uBeka kunye noSipho. Inkukhu etyetyisiweyo yayingxola ikokoza isithi ko-ko-ko-ko, ko-koko-ko, ize ipakethi yeetships ezikramzelayo ithi rhwasha-rhwasharhwasha, ibhaloni yoSana uBeka ithi bhaku-bhaku-bhaku zaze iiflops zikaMomma zathi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ukuhla ngendledlana enothuli bade bafika evenkileni yokubhaka kaNkosikazi uMakabelo. “Kufuneka sithengele uMakhulu uMoeng ikeyiki yosuku lokuzalwa,” watsho uMomma uMoeng. Bangena ngaphakathi. +Nkqim-nkqi yakhala intsimbi yokunkqonkqoza. “Molo, Nkosikazi uMakabelo. Ingaba uyazi ukuba namhlanje lusuku lokuzalwa lukaMakhulu uMoeng?” “Owu, ewe,” watsho uNkosikazi uMakabelo. “Ndimbhakele ikeyiki ekhethekileyo, kodwa andikwazi kuyishiya ivenkile. Ndinganiphathisa ukuze nimnike yona?” “Ngokuqinisekileyo,” wavuma uMomma uMoeng, kodwa kwakukho ingxaki eza kuvela – uMomma uMoeng kwakufuneka enezandla ezibini zokuphatha ikeyiki. Ngoko ke wacinga icebo. +Wathatha inkukhu etyetyisiweyo wayibeka phezu kwengqayi yejem awayeyithwele. Ngoko ke waba nazo izandla ezibini zokuphatha ikeyiki ekhethekileyo yosuku lokuzalwa. Wahamba ke uMomma uMoeng, uSana uBeka kunye noSipho bephuma kuloo mnyango uthi nkqim-nkqi. Lwathi lwakuva ivumba lekeyiki uSana uBeka lwanambitha lusithi, “ncam, ncam, ncam, ncam.” Inkukhu etyetyisiweyo yayingxola ikokoza isithi ko-ko-ko-ko, ko-koko-ko, ize ipakethi yeetships ezikramzelayo ithi rhwasha-rhwasharhwasha, ibhaloni yoSana uBeka ithi, bhaku-bhaku-bhaku zaze iiflops zikaMomma uMoeng zithi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ukuhla ngendledlana enothuli de badibana noValecia. +  + +“Kuyiwaphi ngumntu wonke?” ubuzile uValecia. “Siya kwaMakhulu uMoeng. Lusuku lwakhe lokuzalwa,” wacacisa uSipho. “Ndinesipha seentyatyambo endinokumnika sona uMakhulu uMoeng. Ndingeza nam?” wabuza uValecia. “Ngokuqinisekileyo,” watsho uMomma uMoeng baze bahamba bonke. Isipha seentyatyambo samenza wathimla uValecia, “Atshuu! A-A-Atshuuuu!” Inkukhu etyetyisiweyo yayingxola ikokoza isithi ko-ko-ko-ko, ko-koko-ko, ize ipakethi yeetships ezikramzelayo ithi rhwasha-rhwasharhwasha, ibhaloni yoSana uBeka ithi, bhaku-bhaku-bhaku zaze iiflops zikaMomma uMoeng zathi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ukuhla ngendledlana enothuli de babona uMnumzana uSithole epeta esitiyeni sakhe semifuno. +“Niyaphi na nonke, Momma uMoeng?” wabuza uMnumzana uSithole. “Siya kwaMakhulu uMoeng. Lusuku lwakhe lokuzalwa,” waphendula uMomma uMoeng. “Ndinenqwelwana ezele yimifuno yakhe,” watsho uMnumzana uSithole. “Ningandinceda niyithathe nize nimnike yona?” “Ngokuqinisekileyo,” waphendula uMomma uMoeng. Kodwa ngoku uMomma uMoeng waba nengxaki ENKULU – zazininzi kakhulu izinto ekufuneka aziphathe! Kwafuneka ecinge icebo. Kuqala wehlisa uSana uBeka emqolo waze wabeleka inkukhu etyetyisiweyo ngebhayana elithambileyo. +USana uBeka LWAKHALA KAKHU-U-U-LU! Ngoko ke uMomma uMoeng wakhwelisa inkukhu etyetyisiweyo kwinqwelwana waze wabeleka uSana uBeka ngebhayana elithambileyo. USana uBeka lonwaba kakhulu yaze nenkukhu etyetyisiweyo yavuyela ukumana inqola yonke loo mifuno. UMomma zange akuthande oku ngoko ke wayithwalisa uValecia inkukhu etyetyisiweyo. Iintsiba zayenza yarhawuzela impumlo kaValecia kwaye zamenza wathimla nangaphezulu, “AAAAATSHUUUUU!” UValecia wayengonwabanga. Ngoko uMomma uMoeng wathatha inkukhu etyetyisiweyo wayithwalisa uSipho waza wamphathisa neentyatyambo zikaValecia. Ngoku uValecia wayenezandla ezibini zokuphatha ikeyiki. NoMomma uMoeng wayenezandla ezibini zokutyhala inqwelwana enemifuno. Wonke ubani wayonwabile baza bahamba ukuya kwaMakhulu uMoeng. +Amavili enqwelwana ayesithi tswi-tswi-tswi. UValecia wayeneswekile yokuhombisa ikeyiki ezidleleni zakhe ngoko ke wayezikhotha esithi, lence, lence, lence. USana uBeka lwalunambitha lusithi “ncam ncam ncam ncam.” Inkukhu etyetyisiweyo yayingxola ikokoza isithi ko-koko-ko, ko-ko-ko-ko, ize ipakethi yeetships ezikramzelayo ithi rhwasharhwasha-rhwasha, ibhaloni yoSana uBeka ithi bhaku-bhaku-bhaku zaze iiflops zikaMomma zathi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ukuhla ngendledlana enothuli ukuya endlwini kaMakhulu uMoeng. UMomma uMoeng wankqonkqoza kumnyango wangaphambili. USipho wahlaba ikhwelo. UValecia wakhwaza. Kodwa KWAKUNGEKHO MPENDULO. UMomma uMoeng watyhala ucango lwangaphambili baza bangena ngaphakathi bonke. Kodwa KWAKUNGEKHO BANI APHO. Bakhangela ekhitshini – AKUKHO MNTU. Bakhangela kwigumbi lokulala – AKUKHO MNTU. Bakhangela kuyo yonke indawo. Ingaba uyephi uMakhulu uMoeng? UMomma uMoeng wathi, “Masiqalise ukupheka mhlawumbi uMakhulu uMoeng angabuya athi gqi.” +Ngoko ke yiloo nto kanye ethe yenziwa ngabo bonke – wonke umntu ngaphandle koSana uBeka. Lwaluhleli phezu kwekhawuntari yasekhitshini esecaleni kwefestile lukrobile, lwade lwabona uMakhulu uMoeng esiza ehamba ngendledlana esesezantsi kwenduli elithambeka. “Makhulu! Makhulu!” lwakhwaza. Wonke umntu wakroba. “MAKHULU! MAKHULU!” bonke bakhwaza ngaxeshanye. “MAKHULU!” Phaya emazantsi enduli uMakhulu wathi “EE, EE, EE. Kukho umntu ondikhwazayo. Ngoku andikwazi kugqitha ezivenkileni ndizithengele isidlo sangokuhlwa sosuku lwam lokuzalwa.” UMakhulu wajika waza wanyuka loo nduli ilithambeka. Izilipasi zakhe zazisithi shixi-shixi, shixi-shixi kulo ndledlana inothuli. Ekugqibeleni wafika kumnyango wangasemva. +Xa ewuvula wonke umntu waqala ukucula ingoma yokubhiyozela usuku lokuzalwa. Phezu kwetafile kwakukho ipayi eyenziwe ngemifuno kunye nezimuncumuncu zejem ezenziwe nguMomma uMoeng, amaqanda asandula ukuzalelwa yinkukhu etyetyisiweyo, ikeyiki ekhethekileyo yosuku lokuzalwa kunye neetships ezikramzelayo ezenziwe ngeetapile. Itafile yayihonjiswe ngeentyatyambo kunye nebhaloni entle ezuba yoSana uBeka. “OLU LOLONA SUKU LWAM LOKUZALWA NDILONWABELEYO!” watsho uMakhulu. Kwaye oko wayekwazi ngokwenene, kuba uMakhulu wayesele ebhiyozele imihla yokuzalwa engamashumi asibhozo okanye engamashumi alithoba phambi kolu suku! SEBENZISA UBUGCISA BAKHO! Bhala uluhlu lwazo zonke izinto abantu abasebalini abazipha uMakhulu ukulungiselela ukuba umbhiyozo wosuku lokuzalwa kwakhe ube ngokhethekileyo. Emva koko yongeza izinto ezintathu obungathanda ukuzipha uMakhulu ukuba nawe ubuye kwakhe ngosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa. +  +SEBENZISA UBUGCISA BAKHO! +Bhala uluhlu lwazo zonke izinto abantu abasebalini abazipha uMakhulu ukulungiselela ukuba umbhiyozo wosuku lokuzalwa kwakhe ube ngokhethekileyo. Emva koko yongeza izinto ezintathu obungathanda ukuzipha uMakhulu ukuba nawe ubuye kwakhe ngosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa.",xho,isiXhosa,UMomma uMoeng wenze okungalindelekang,It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the jar of ...,"Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Libali likaJoan Rankin Imifanekis,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umomma-umoeng-wenze-okungalindelekanga-0 +momma-moeng’s-surprise-0,"Kwaqala lapho uMama uMoeng enza ujamu ogcwele ibhodlela wosuku lokuzalwa lukaGogo uMoeng. UMntwana uBheka wase ethola ibhelunde lakhe eliphambili eliluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. Wayefuna ukulinika uGogo ngosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa. UMama wabeletha uMntwana uBheka ngengubo ethambile. Wase ethwala ibhodlela likajamu ehamba eqonde endlini kaGogo Moeng. Ibhelunde loMntwana uBheka lathi bham-bham-bham kanti ophaqa bakaMama bona bathi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ngenkathi ehla ngendlela ewubhuqu waze wahlangana noSipho ephuma esitolo i-Tip-Top. “Uyaphi, Mama uMoeng?” kubuza uSipho. +“Mina noMntwana uBheka siya endlini kaGogo uMoeng. Usuku lwakhe lokuzalwa namhlanje,” kuphendula uMama. “Nginamashibusi amazambane aklamuzela kamnandi kaGogo uMoeng. Ngingeza nami?” kubuza uSipho. “Impela,” uMama wamamatheka, baqhubeka nendlela yabo. Iphakethe lamashibusi amazambane aklamuzelayo lathi klamuklamu, ibhelunde loMntwana uBheka lalithi bham-bham-bham ngesikhathi ophaqa bakaMama bethi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa, behla ngendlela ewubhuqu baze bafika kuMnumzane uShabalala, owayepha izinkukhu zakhe ukudla. “Niyaphi?” kubuza yena. “Siya endlini kaGogo Moeng. Usuku lwakhe lokuzalwa,” kuphendula uMama. “Nginenkukhu ekhuluphele kaGogo uMoeng. +Ngabe ningamnika yona?” kubuza uMnumzane uShabalala. “Ungabe usabuza,” kusho uMama efaka inkukhu ekhuluphele ngaphansi kwekhwapha, beqhubeka nohambo oMama, uMntwana uBheka noSipho. Inkukhu ekhuluphele yathi kuku-kuku-kuku, iphakethe lamashibusi lathi klamu-klamu, ibhelunde likaMntwana uBheka lathi bham-bham-bham ngesikhathi ophaqa bakaMama bethi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa, behla ngendlela ewubhuqu baze bafika esitolo sombhako wasekhaya sikaNkosikazi uMakabelo. “Kumele sitholele uGogo ikhekhe losuku lokuzalwa,” kusho uMama. Bangena phakathi. +Khence-khence, kukhala insimbi emnyango. “Sawubona, Nkosikazi uMakabelo. Ngabe bewazi ukuthi namhlanje usuku lokuzalwa lukaGogo uMoeng?” “O, yebo,” kusho uNkosikazi uMakabelo. “Ngimbhakele ikhekhe lekhethelo, kodwa angikwazi ukushiya la esitolo. Ningangihambisela lona?” “Ubala lolo,” kuzinikela uMama, kodwa kwakunenkinga − uMama wayedinga izandla ezimbili ukuze aphathe ikhekhe. Ngakho, waqhamuka nesu. Wabeka inkukhu ekhuluphele phezu kwebhodlela likajamu ayelithwele. Manje wayesenezandla ezimbili ayezophatha ngazo ikhekhe lekhethelo. +Baqhubeka nohambo oMama, uMntwana uBheka noSipho bephuma ngomnyango okhala insimbi ethi khence-khence. Lapho uMntwana uBheka ezwa iphunga lekhekhe wanambitha, “ncam, ncam, ncam.” Inkukhu ekhuluphele yathi kuku-kuku-kuku, iphakethe lamashibusi lathi klamu-klamu, ibhelunde likaMntwana uBheka lithi bham-bham-bham ngesikhathi ophaqa bakaMama bethi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa behla ngendlela yobhuqu baze bahlangana noValecia. “Ngabe nilibangisephi?” kubuza uValecia. “Siya endlini kaGogo Moeng. Usuku lwakhe lokuzalwa,” kuchaza uSipho. + +“Nginezimbali zikaGogo uMoeng. Ngingeza nami?” kubuza uValecia. “Ungabe usabuza,” kusho uMama, babeqhubeka njalo nendlela. Izimbali zenza ukuthi uValecia athimule, “Athi! A-A-Athiiii!” Inkukhu ekhuluphele yathi kuku-kuku-kuku, iphakethe lamashibusi lathi klamu-klamu, ibhelunde likaMntwana uBheka lithi bham-bham-bham ngesikhathi ophaqa bakaMama bethi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa behla ngendlela yobhuqu baze babona noMnumzane Sithole elima esivandeni sakhe. “Nilibangise kuphi nonke, Mama uMoeng?” kubuza uMnumzane uSithole. “Siya endlini kaGogo Moeng. Usuku lwakhe lokuzalwa,” kuphendula uMama. “Nginenqola egcwele imifino yakhe,” kusho uMnumzane Sithole. “Ngingacela nimnike yona?” +“Ush’ entshweni,” kuphendula uMama. Kodwa manje uMama wayesenenkinga ENKULU – wayesethwele izinto eziningi! Kwakumele aqhamuke neqhinga. Waqala, wehlisa uMntwana uBheka emhlane wase ebophela inkukhu ekhuluphele ngengubo ethambile. UMntwana uBheka WAKHALA KAKHU-U-U-LU! Ngakho kwadingeka ukuthi abeke inkukhu ekhuluphele enqoleni bese ephinda ebeletha uMntwana uBheka ngengubo ethambile. Wathokoza uMntwana uBheka kanti nenkukhu ekhuluphele yakuthokozela ukungqofa yonke imifino. Kodwa uMama wayengathokozile ngalokhu ngakho wabeka inkukhu ekhuluphele ekhanda likaValecia. Izimpaphe zakitaza ikhala likaValecia zamenza wathimula kakhulu futhi, “AAAAA-THIIIII!” +Akuzange kumthokozise lokhu uValecia. Ngakho, uMama wathatha inkukhu ekhuluphele wayibeka ekhanda likaSipho wase emnika nezimbali zikaValecia ukuthi azibambe. Manje uValecia wayesenezandla ezimbili ezingaphethe lutho ayengabamba ngazo ikhekhe. Kanti uMama wayesenezandla ezimbili ezingaphethe lutho ayengaqhuba ngazo inqola. Wonke umuntu wayethokozile ngakho baqhubeka nendlela eya endlini kaGogo uMoeng. Amasondo enqola akhala athi nsege-nsege-nsege. UValecia wayenokhilimu wekhekhe esihlathini sakhe ngakho ulimi lwathi khothi-khothi-khothi. UMntwana uBheka wanambitha, “ncam-ncam-ncam.” Inkukhu ekhuluphele yathi kuku-kuku-kuku, iphakethe lamashibusi lathi klamu-klamu, ibhelunde likaMntwana uBheka lathi bham-bham-bham ngesikhathi ophaqa bakaMama bethi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa behla ngendlela yobhuqu baze bayongena endlini kaGogo. UMama wangqongqoza emnyango wangaphambili. +USipho washaya ikhwela. Wamemeza uValencia. Kodwa AKUPHENDULANGA MUNTU. UMama wadudula isicabha sangaphambili base bengena bonke. Kodwa KWAKUKHALA IBHUNGEZI. Babheka ekhishini − KWAKUNGEKHO MUNTU. Babheka ekamelweni lokulala − KWAKUNGEKHO MUNTU. Babheka yonke indawo. Ngabe uphi uGogo? UMama wathi, “Ake sivele sipheke mhlawumbe uGogo uzoqhamuka.” Ngakho yilokho okwenziwa yibo bonke – yebo yibo bonke ngaphandle kukaMntwana uBheka. Wahlala phezu kwekhabethe lasekhishini eduze kwefasitela walokhu ebuka waze wabona uGogo ehamba ezansi kwegquma elingumqansa. “Gogo! Gogo!” kumemeza yena. Bonke babheka ngakhona. “GOGO! GOGO!” kumemeza wonke umuntu kanyekanye. “GOGO!” Le ezansi negquma elingumqansa uGogo wathi, “EE, EE, EE. +Kukhona umuntu ongibizayo. Manje angeke ngisakwazi ukuyothenga ukudla kwakusihlwa kosuku lwami lokuzalwa.” UGogo waphenduka wase ekhuphuka igquma eliwumqansa. Izicathulo zakhe zithi shi-shi-i endleni yobhuqu. Ekugcineni wafika emnyango ongemuva. Lapho ewuvula, wonke umuntu waqala ukucula iculo lokumfisela usuku lokuzalwa olumnandi. Etafuleni kwakukhona uphaya wemifino kanye namathathi kajamu okwakwenziwe uMama, kunamaqanda asanda kuzalelwa yinkukhu ekhuluphele, ikhekhe lekhethelo losuku lokuzalwa kanye namashibusi amazambane aklamuzelayo. Itafula lalihlotshiwe ngezimbali kanye nebhelunde elihle eliluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka likaMntwana uBheka. +“LOLU USUKU LOKUZALWA OLUHLE KUNAZO ZONKE ENGAKE NGABA NAZO!” kusho uGogo. Futhi wayekwazi kangcono lokhu, ngoba uGogo wayesebe nezinsuku zokuzalwa okungenani ezingamashumi ayisishiyagalombili noma ezingamashumi ayisishiyagalolunye ngaphambi kwalolu! VEZA UBUCIKO BAKHO! Bhala uhlu lwezinto zonke abantu abazikhipha ukuze benze umgubho wosuku lokuzalwa lukaGogo lube ngolukhethekile. Manje-ke yengeza izinto ezintathu obungathanda ukuzinika uGogo uma wawukwazile ukumvakashela ngosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa. +  +VEZA UBUCIKO BAKHO! +Bhala uhlu lwezinto zonke abantu abazikhipha ukuze benze umgubho wosuku lokuzalwa lukaGogo lube ngolukhethekile. Manje-ke yengeza izinto ezintathu obungathanda ukuzinika uGogo uma wawukwazile ukumvakashela ngosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa.",zul,isiZulu,UMama uMoeng wenza Obekungalindelekile,It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the jar of ...,"Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Indaba kaJoan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umama-umoeng-wenza-obekungalindelekile-0 +momma-moeng’s-surprise-0,"Tsohle di qadile mohlang Mme Mamoeng a etsang botlolo ya jeme bakeng sa letsatsi la tswalo la Nkgono Mamoeng. Yaba Ntjhanyana Beka o fumana balunu ya hae e ntle e bolou. O ne a batla ho e fa Nkgono bakeng sa letsatsi la hae la tswalo. Mme a pepa Ntjhanyana Beka ka kobo ya hae e bonojwana. Yaba o rwala botlolo ya jeme hloohong mme ke elwa a hwanta ho ya tlung ya Nkgono Mamoeng. Balunu ya Ntjhanyana Beka e ne e ntse e re bobbity-bob mme meqathatso ya Mme e ntse e re phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ho theosa tselana e lerole ho fihlela a kopana le Sipho a tswa lebenkeleng la Tip-Top. +“O ya kae, Mme Mamoeng?” ho botsa Sipho. “Nna le Ntjhanyana Beka re ya ha Nkgono Mamoeng. Ke letsatsi la hae la tswalo kajeno.” ho araba Mme. “Ke reketse Nkgono Mamoeng pakete ya ditjhipisi tsa ditapole. Na le nna nka tla?” ha botsa Sipho. “Ehlile,” Mme a bososela mme ba tsamaya kaofela mmoho. Pakete ya ditjhipisi tsa ditapole tsa Sipho e ne e ntse e re kekerekere, kekere-kere, Balunu ya Ntjhanyana Beka e ne e ntse e re bobbity-bob mme meqathatso ya Mme e ntse e re phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ho theosa tselana e lerole ho fihlela ba fihla ha Mong Chapalala, ya neng a ntse a fepa dikgoho tsa hae. +“Le ya kae?” yaba o a ba botsa. “Re ya ha Nkgono Mamoeng. Ke letsatsi la hae la tswalo kajeno,” ha araba Mme. “Ke na le kgoho e nonneng bakeng sa Nkgono Mamoeng. Na le ka mo fa yona?” ha botsa Mong Chapalala. “Ehlile,” ha rialo Mme a kgwaela kgoho ka lehafing mme yaba Mme, Ntjhanyana Beka le Sipho ke bale ba hwanta. Kgoho e nonneng ya nna ya re kooko, koko, kooko, pakana ya ditjhipisi tsa ditapole tse romotsehang ya nna ya re kekere-kere, kekere-kere, Balunu ya Ntjhanyana Beka yona ya nna ya re bobbity-bob mme meqathatso ya Mme yona ya nna ya re phaqaphaqa, phaqa-phaqa ho theosa tselana e lerole ho fihlela ba fihla lebenkeleng la ho baka la Mof Makabelo. “Re lokela ho rekela Nkgono kuku ya letsatsi la tswalo,” ho rialo Mme. Ba kena ka hare. Tshepe ya monyako ya re kete-kete-kete. “Dumela, Mof Makabelo. Na o ne o tseba hore kajeno ke letsatsi la tswalo la Nkgono Mamoeng?” “Eya bo,” ho rialo Mof Makabelo. “Ke mo baketse kuku e ikgethang, empa nke ke ka kgona ho siya lebenkele feela. Na le ka tsamaya le yona la mo isetsa yona?” “Ehlile,” +Mme a dumela, empa ho ne ho ena le bothata – Mme o ne a hloka matsoho a mabedi ho nka kuku eo. Kahoo, a etsa leqheka. A bea kgoho e nonneng hodima botlolo ya jeme eo a e rwetseng hloohong. Jwale o ne a se a ena le matsoho a mabedi ao a ka nkang kuku ya letsatsi le ikgethang la tswalo. Yaba Mme, Ntjhanyana Beka le Sipho ke bao hape ba hwanta ho tswa lemating le reng ting-a-ling. Eitse ha Ntjhanyana Beka a utlwa monko wa kuku a tsetsela, “Nnate-nate, nnate-nate.” Kgoho e nonneng ya re kooko, koko, kooko, pakana ya ditjhipisi tsa ditapole tse romotsehang ya nna ya re kekere-kere, kekere-kere, balunu ya Ntjhanyana Beka yona ya nna ya re bobbity-bob mme meqathatso ya Mme yona ya nna ya re phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ho theosa tselana e lerole ho fihlela ba kopana le Valecia. “Le ya kae, kaofela ha lona?” ha botsa Valecia. +“Re ya ha Nkgono Mamoeng. Ke letsatsi la hae la tswalo,” ha hlalosa Sipho. “Ke na le sehlopha sa dipalesa mona bakeng sa Nkgono Mamoeng. Na le nna nka tla le lona?” ha botsa Valecia. “Ehlile,” ha rialo Mme mme bohle ba hwanta ba tsamaya. Sehlopha sa dipalesa tsa etsa hore Valecia a ithimole, “Heee! Heeethiyaaaa!” Kgoho e nonneng ya re kooko, koyiko, kooko, koyiko, pakana ya ditjhipisi tsa ditapole tse romotsehang ya nna ya re kekerekere, kekere-kere, balunu ya Ntjhanyana Beka yona ya nna ya re bobbity-bob mme meqathatso ya Mme yona ya nna ya re phaqaphaqa, phaqa-phaqa ho theosa tselana e lerole ho fihlela ba bona Mong Sithole a ntse a peta tshimong ya hae ya meroho. “Le lebile hokae kaofela ha lona, Mme Mamoeng?” Mong Sithole a botsa. “Re ya ha Nkgono Mamoeng. Ke letsatsi la hae la tswalo,” a araba. “Ke na le teroli e tletseng meroho bakeng sa hae,” ha rialo Mong Sithole. “Na ebe le ka mo fa yona?” “Ehlile,” ha araba Mme. Empa jwale Mme o ne a ena le BOTHATA bo boholo – ho ne ho ena le dintho tse ngata tseo a lokelang ho di nka! O ile a tlameha ho nahana leqheka. Pele, a qala ka ho theola Ntjhanyana Beka ka mokokotlong mme a pepa kgoho e nonneng ka kobo e bonojwana. + +Ntjhanyana Beka a BOKOLLA! Yaba Mme o bea kgoho e nonneng hodima teroli mme a pepa Ntjhanyana Beka ka kobo e bonojwana. Ntjhanyana Beka o ne a thabile mme le kgoho e nonneng e ne e thabile haholo hobane e ne e kobola meroho kaofela e moo. Empa Mme o ne a sa thabiswa ke sena kahoo a bea kgoho e nonneng hloohong ya Valecia. Masiba a ile a tsikinyetsa nko ya Valecia mme a etsa hore a ithimole le ho feta, “HEEEE-THIYAAAAA!” Valecia o ne a sa thaba. Kahoo Mme a nka kgoho e nonneng a e bea hodima hlooho ya Sipho mme a mo fa dipalesa tsa Valecia hore a di tshware. Jwale Valecia o ne a se a sa tshwara letho ka matsohong a mabedi mme a ka kgona ho tshwara kuku. Mme Mme a ena le matsoho a mabedi a sa tshwarang letho hoo a neng a ka kganna teroli. Bohle jwale ba ne ba thabile yaba ba kena tseleng ho ya ha Nkgono Mamoeng. +Mabidi a teroli a nna a re kikiri-kiri, kikiri-kiri. Valecia o ne a ena le aesenshuka e tswang kukung marameng a hae kahoo leleme la hae le ntse le re laqa-laqa-laqa. Ntjhanyana Beka o ntse a honotha, “Nnate-nate, nnate, nnate-nate.” Kgoho e nonneng ya re kooko, koyiko, kooko, koyiko, pakana ya ditjhipisi tsa ditapole tse romotsehang ya nna ya re kekere-kere, kekere-kere, balunu ya Ntjhanyana Beka yona ya nna ya re bobbiti-bob mme meqathatso ya Mme yona ya nna ya re phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ho theosa tselana e lerole ho ya fihla tlung ya Nkgono. Mme a kokota monyako o ka pele. Sipho a letsa molodi. Valecia a hoeletsa. Empa ho ne ho se KARABO. Mme a sututsa lemati la ka pele a le bula mme bohle ba kena ka tlung. +Empa ho ne ho SE NA MOTHO MOO. Ba sheba ka kitjhining – HA HO MOTHO. Ba sheba ka phaposing ya ho robala – HO SE MOTHO. Ba sheba hohle. Ebe Nkgono o kae? Mme a re, “Ha re qaleng ka ho pheha mohlomong Nkgono o tla fihla.” Yaba bohle ba etsa jwalo – bohle ntle feela le Ntjhanyana Beka. Yena a dula hodima tafole ka kitjhining haufi le fensetere mme a sheba ka ntle ho fihlela a bona Nkgono a theosa ka tsela tlasetlase qetellong ya leralla le moepa. “Nkgono! Nkgono!” a hoeletsa. Bohle ba sheba. “NKGONO! NKGONO!” bohle ba hoeletsa mmoho. “NKGONO!” Tlasetlase leralleng le moepa Nkgono a re, “WEE WEE WEE. Ho na le motho ya mpitsang. Jwale nke ke ka kgona ho ya mabenkeleng ho ya reka dijo tsa mantsiboya bakeng sa letsatsi la ka la tswalo.” Nkgono a thinya mme a kgutlela morao a nyolosa leralla. Diselipara tsa hae di ntse di re shwaa-shwaa, shwaa-shwaa tselaneng e lerole. Qetellong a fihla lemating le ka morao. +Yare ha a le bula bohle ba qala ho mminela pina ya letsatsi la tswalo. Tafoleng ho ne ho ena le phae e entsweng ka meroho le ditarete tsa jeme tseo Mme a neng a di entse, mahe a sa tswa behelwa a tswang kgohong e nonneng, kuku e ikgethang ya letsatsi la tswalo le ditjhipisi tsa ditapole tse romotsehang. Tafole e ne e kgabisitswe ka dipalesa le balunu e ntle e bolou ya Ntjhanyana Beka. “LENA KE LETSATSI LA KA LA TSWALO LE BILENG MONATE KA HO FETISISA!” ha rialo Nkgono. O ne a hlile a tseba, hobane Nkgono o ne a se a kile a eba le matsatsi a tswalo a ka bang mashome a robedi kapa a robong a tlileng pele ho lena! IQAPELE! Ngola lenane la dintho tsohle tseo batho ba paleng ena ba di fileng Nkgono ho etsa hore letsatsi la hae la tswalo e be le ikgethang. Jwale kenya dintho tse ding tse tharo tseo o neng o ka rata ho di fa Nkgono hoja o ne o ka ya mmona ka letsatsi la hae la tswalo. +  +IQAPELE! +Ngola lenane la dintho tsohle tseo batho ba paleng ena ba di fileng Nkgono ho etsa hore letsatsi la hae la tswalo e be le ikgethang. Jwale kenya dintho tse ding tse tharo tseo o neng o ka rata ho di fa Nkgono hoja o ne o ka ya mmona ka letsatsi la hae la tswalo.",sot,Sesotho,Mme Mamoeng o Thabisa Nkgono,It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the jar of ...,"Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Pale ka Joan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mme-mamoeng-o-thabisa-nkgono-0 +momma-moeng’s-surprise-0,"Dilo tsotlhe di simolotse fa Mama Moeng a ne a diretse Nkoko Moeng morufa wa jeme ka letsatsi la gagwe la botsalo. Mme Lesea Beka o ne a bona balunu ya gagwe e ntle go gaisa ya mmala o mopududu. O ne a batla go e naya Nkoko ka letsatsi la gagwe la botsalo. Mama o ne a belega Lesea Beka mo mokwatleng wa gagwe ka kobo e e boleta. Morago o ne a baya morufa wa jeme mo tlhogong ya gagwe mme a tsamaya go leba kwa ntlong ya ga Nkoko Moeng. Balunu ya ga Lesea Beka e ne e re bo-bo-bo mme borampheetšhane ba ga Mama ba ne ba re tshe-tshe-tshe-tshe mo tselaneng e e lerole go fitlha ba kopana le Sipho a tswa mo lebenkeleng la Tip-Top. “O ya kae, Mama Moeng?” go ne ga botsa Sipho. +“Nna le Lesea Beka re ya kwa ga Nkoko Moeng. Ke letsatsi la gagwe la botsalo gompieno,” go ne ga araba Mama. “Ke tshwaretse Nkoko Moeng pakana ya ditšhipisi tse di gautsegang tsa ditapole. A le nna nka tla?” Sipho o ne a botsa. “Ebu,” Mama o ne a nyenya mme ba ne ba tswa ba tsamaya. Pakana ya ga Sipho ya ditšhipisi tse di gautsegang tsa ditapole e ne e re tšhrrrr-tšhrrrr, balunu ya ga Lesea Beka e ne e re bo-bo-bo mme borampheetšhane ba ga Mama ba ne ba re tshe-tshe-tshe-tshe mo tselaneng e e lerole go fitlhelela ba fitlha fa go Ntate Chapalala, yo o neng a fepa dikgogo tsa gagwe. “Le ya kae?” o ne a botsa. “Re ya kwa ga Nkoko Moeng. Ke letsatsi la gagwe la botsalo,” Mama o ne a araba. +“Ke tshwaretse Nkoko Moeng kgogo e kima. Ke kopa o mo fe yone?” go ne ga botsa Ntate Chapalala. “Ebu,” go ne ga rialo Mama a sukunyetsa kgogo e kima mo tlase ga letsogo la gagwe mme ba tsamaya e le Mama, Lesea Beka le Sipho. Kgogo e kima e ne e re koko-kokoro, koko-kokoro-koko, pakana ya ditšhipisi tse di gautsegang tsa ditapole e ne e re tšhrrrr-tšhrrrr, balunu ya ga Lesea Beka e ne e re bo-bo-bo mme borampheetšhane ba ga Mama ba ne ba re tshe-tshe-tshe-tshe mo tselaneng e e lerole go fitlhelela ba fitlha kwa lebenkeleng la ga Mme Makabelo la lepaka le le mo gae. “Re tshwanetse go batlela Nkoko kuku ya letsatsi la botsalo,” Mama o ne a rialo. Ba ne ba tsena mo teng. Tleloko ya mo lebating e ne ya re tinki-linki. “Madume, Mme Makabelo. A o ne o itse gore gompieno ke letsatsi la botsalo la ga Nkoko Moeng?” +“Ee, go ntse jalo,” go ne ga rialo Mme Makabelo. “Ke mo baketse kuku e e kgethegileng, mme fela nka se kgone go tswa mo lebenkeleng. Ke kopa o mo isetse yone tlhe?” “Go siame,” Mama o ne a dumela, mme fela go ne go na le bothata – Mama o ne a tlhoka diatla tse pedi go tshwara kuku. Ka jalo, o ne a loga leano. O ne a baya kgogo e kima mo godimo ga morufa wa jeme o a neng a o rwele mo tlhogong ya gagwe. Jaanong o ne a na le diatla tse pedi tse di lolea go tshwara kuku e e kgethegileng ya letsatsi la botsalo. Mama, Lesea Beka le Sipho ba ne ba tswa ka lebati la tinki-linki. Fa Lesea Beka le utlwa monko wa kuku le ne la ngunanguna, “Mmmmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm.” Kgogo e kima e ne e re koko-kokoro, koko-kokoro-koko, pakana ya ditšhipisi tse di gautsegang tsa ditapole e ne e re tšhrrrr-tšhrrrr, balunu ya ga Lesea Beka e ne e re bo-bo-bo mme borampheetšhane ba ga Mama ba ne ba re tshe-tshe-tshe-tshe mo tselaneng e e lerole go fitlhelela ba kopana le Valecia. +“Le ya kae?” go ne ga botsa Valecia. “Re ya kwa ga Nkoko Moeng. Ke letsatsi la gagwe la botsalo,” go ne ga tlhalosa Sipho. “Ke tshwaretse Nkoko Moeng ngata ya malomo. A le nna nka tla?” go ne ga botsa Valecia. “Ebu,” Mama o ne a rialo mme ba ne ba tswa ba tsamaya. Ngata ya malomo e ne e dira gore Valecia a ethimole, “Ethiii! E-E-E-thiii!” Kgogo e kima e ne e re koko-kokoro, koko-kokoro-koko, pakana ya ditšhipisi tse di gautsegang tsa ditapole e ne e re tšhrrrr-tšhrrrr, balunu ya ga Lesea Beka e ne e re bo-bo-bo mme borampheetšhane ba ga Mama ba ne ba re tshe-tshe-tshe-tshe mo tselaneng e e lerole go fitlhelela ba bona Ntate Sithole a epa mo tshingwaneng ya gagwe ya merogo. “Lo ya kae lotlhe, Mama Moeng?” go ne ga botsa Ntate Sithole. + +“Re ya kwa ga Nkoko Moeng. Ke letsatsi la gagwe la botsalo,” o ne a araba. “Ke mo tshwaretse teroli e e tletseng merogo,” go ne ga rialo Ntate Sithole. “Tsweetswee ke kopa le mo feng yone?” “Ebu,” Mama o ne a araba. Fela jaanong Mama o ne a na le bothata jo BOGOLO – go ne go na le dilo tse dintsi tse a tshwanetseng go di tshwara! O ne a tshwanetse go tla ka leano. La ntlha, o ne a belogolola Lesea Beka mme o ne a bofelela kgogo e kima mo mokwatleng wa gagwe ka kobo e e boleta. Lesea Beka le ne la GOA! Ka jalo Mama o ne a baya kgogo e kima mo godimo ga teroli le go belega Lesea Beka mo mokwatleng wa gagwe ka kobo e e boleta. Lesea Beka o ne a itumetse le kgogo e kima e ne e itumeletse thata go tlopinya mo merogong yotlhe. Fela Mama o ne a sa itumelela se ka jalo o ne a baya kgogo e kima mo tlhogong ya ga Valecia. Diphofa di ne di tsikitla nko ya ga Valecia mme tsa dira gore a ethimole le go feta, “EEEEEEE-THIIIIIII!” Valecia o ne a sa itumela. +Ka jalo, Mama o ne a tsaya kgogo e kima mme a e baya mo tlhogong ya ga Sipho le go mo naya malomo a ga Valecia gore a a tshware. Jaanong Valecia o ne a na le diatla tse pedi tse di lolea go ka tshwara kuku. Mme Mama o ne a na le diatla tse pedi tse di lolea go kgorometsa teroli. Batho botlhe ba ne ba itumetse mme ba ne ba tsamaya go ya kwa ga Nkoko Moeng. Maotwana a teroli a ne a re tswirrr-tswirr-tswirr. Valecia o ne a na le aesing ya kuku mo marameng a gagwe mme loleme la gagwe le ne le re latswi-latsi-latswi. Lesea Beka le ne le ngunanguna le re, “Mmmmm, mmmm, mmmm.” +Kgogo e kima e ne e re koko-kokoro, koko-kokoro-koko, pakana ya ditšhipisi tse di gautsegang tsa ditapole e dira tšhrrrr-tšhrrrr, balunu ya ga Lesea Beka e ne e re bo-bo-bo mme borampheetšhane ba ga Mama ba ne ba re tshe-tshe-tshe-tshe mo tselaneng e e lerole go fitlha kwa ntlong ya ga Nkoko. Mama o ne a konyakonya mo lebating le le kwa pele. Sipho o ne a letsa molodi. Valecia o ne a goa. Mme fela go ne GO SE NA KARABO. Mama o ne a kgorometsa lebati la kwa pele le go le bula mme botlhe ba ne ba tsena mo teng. Fela go ne GO SE NA OPE MOO. Ba ne ba leba mo phaposi boapeelo − OPE. Ba ne ba leba mo phaposing ya borobalo − OPE. Ba ne ba leba mo gotlhe. Nkoko a ka tswa a le kae? Mama o ne a re, “Tla re simololeng go apaya mme gongwe Koko o tla tla.” Mme ke seo batho botlhe ba neng ba se dira – batho botlhe kwa ntle ga Lesea Beka. O ne a dula mo khaontareng ya phaposi boapeelo gaufi le letlhabaphefo mme a lebelela go fitlhelela a bona Nkoko a fologela mo tselaneng e e mo tlasetlase ga mokgokolosa. “Nkoko! Nkoko!” o ne a bitsa. Batho botlhe ba ne ba lebelela. “NKOKO! NKOKO!” batho botlhe ba ne ba goeletsa mmogo. “NKOKO!” Kwa tlasetlase ga mokgokolosa Nkoko o ne a re, “IJOOOO-JOOOO. +Go na le mongwe yo o mpitsang. Jaanong nka se kgone go ya kwa mabenkeleng go ithekela dijo tsa delalelo tsa letsatsi la me la botsalo.” Nkoko o ne a retologa le go tlhatloga mokgokolosa. Diselepere tsa gagwe di ne di re tšhofff-tšhoff mo tselaneng e e tletseng lorole. Kwa bokhutlong o ne a fitlha mo lebating la kwa morago. Fa a le bula batho botlhe ba ne ba simolola go opela pina ya keleletso masego. Mo godimo ga tafole go ne go na le phae ya merogo le diterete tsa jeme tse Mama o neng a di dirile, mae a a sa tswang go beelwa ke kgogo e kima, kuku e e kgethegileng ya letsatsi la botsalo le ditšhipisi tse di gautsegang tsa ditapole. Tafole e ne e kgabisitswe ka malomo le balunu ya mmala o montle o mopududu ya ga Lesea Beka. +“LE KE LETSATSI LA ME LE LE GAISANG LA BOTSALO!” Nkoko o ne a rialo. Mme o tshwanetse go itse, gonne Nkoko o ne a setse a nnile le bonnye malatsi a le masomearobedi kgotsa masomearobonngwe a botsalo pele ga le! NNA LE BOITLHAMEDI! Kwala lenane la dilo tsotlhe tse batho ba mo leinaneng ba di fileng Nkoko go dira keteko ya letsatsi la gagwe la botsalo go nna e e kgethegileng. Jaanong tsenya dilo tse tharo tse o neng o ka batla go di fa Nkoko fa nka bo o mo etetse ka letsatsi la gagwe la botsalo. +  +NNA LE BOITLHAMEDI! +Kwala lenane la dilo tsotlhe tse batho ba mo leinaneng ba di fileng Nkoko go dira keteko ya letsatsi la gagwe la botsalo go nna e e kgethegileng. Jaanong tsenya dilo tse tharo tse o neng o ka batla go di fa Nkoko fa nka bo o mo etetse ka letsatsi la gagwe la botsalo.",tsn,Setswana,Kgakgamatso ya ga Mama Moeng,It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the jar of ...,"Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leinane ka Joan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kgakgamatso-ya-ga-mama-moeng +momma-moeng’s-surprise-0,"Tšohle di thomile ge Momma Moeng a direla Koko Moeng seswaro sa jamo sa letšatši la matswalo. Lesea Beka o ile a hwetša palune ya gagwe ye talalerata ye kaonekaone. O be a nyaka go efa Koko ka letšatši la matswalo a gagwe. Momma o ile a bopula Lesea Beka mokokotlong wa gagwe ka kobo ya boleta. O ile a rwala seswaro sa jamo hlogong ya gagwe a ya ntlong ya Koko Moeng. Palune ya Lesea Beka ya re bubuubuu gomme diramphašane tša Momma tša re phatha-phatha phatha-phatha tseleng ya lerole go fihlela ba kopana le Sipho yo a bego a etšwa lebenkeleng la Tip‑Top. “Naa le ya kae, Momma Moeng?” gwa botšiša Sipho. “Nna le Lesea Beka re ya ntlong ya Koko Moeng. Lehono ke letšatši la matswalo a gagwe,” gwa fetola Momma. +“Ke swaretše Koko Moeng phakhete ya disimpa tša go dirwa ka matsapane tša go khukhurwa. Naa le nna nka tla?” gwa botšiša Sipho. “Ee,” Momma o ile a myemyela gomme ba sepela. Phakhethe ya disimpa tša go dirwa ka matsapane tša go khukhurwa tša Sipho tša re khurr khurr, palune ya Lesea Beka ya re bubuubuu gomme diramphašane tša Momma tša re phatha-phatha phatha-phatha tseleng ya lerole go fihlela ba fihla go Mna Chapalala, yo a bego a efa dikgogo tša gagwe dijo. “Naa le ya kae?” a botšiša. “Re ya ntlong ya Koko Moeng. Ke letšatši la matswalo a gagwe,” gwa fetola Momma. “Ke swere kgogo ya go nona ya Koko Moeng. Naa o ka mo fa yona?” gwa botšiša Mna Chapalala. “Ee,” a realo Momma a phathakga kgogo ya go nona ka fase ga lehwafa la gagwe gomme Momma, Lesea Beka le Sipho ba sepela. +Kgogo ya go nona ya re koo-koo-koo, koo-koo-koo, phakhethe ya disimpa tša go dirwa ka matsapane tša go khukhurwa tša re khurr khurr, palune ya Lesea Beka ya re bubuubuu gomme diramphašane tša Momma tša re phatha-phatha phatha-phatha, tseleng ya lerole go fihlela ba fihla lepakeng la Mdi Makabelo. “Re swanetše go hweletša Koko khekhe ya letšatši la matswalo,” a realo Momma. Ba ile ba ya ka gare. Ting-tong gwa lla pele ya lebati. “Thobela, Mdi Makabelo. Naa o a tseba gore lehono ke letšatši la matswalo a Koko Moeng?” “Oo ee,” a realo Mdi Makabelo. “Ke mo paketše khekhe ye e kgethegilego, efela nka se tlogele lebenkele le se na motho. Naa o ka ya go mo fa yona?” “Ee,” a realo Momma, efela go be go na le bothata − Momma o be a nyaka diatla tše pedi tša go rwala khekhe. Ka fao, o ile a loga leano. +O ile a bea kgogo ya go nona godimo ga seswaro sa jamo seo a bego a se rwele hlogong. Bjale o be a na le diatla tše pedi tša go rwala khekhe ya matswalo ya go kgethega. Momma, Lesea Beka le Sipho ba ile ba tšwa ka lebati la ting-tong. E rile ge Lesea Beka a ekwa monkgo wa khekhe a ngunanguna, “Boseee, boseee.” Kgogo ya go nona ya re koo-koo-koo, koo-koo-koo, phakhethe ya disimpa tša go dirwa ka matsapane tša go khukhurwa tša re khurr khurr, palune ya Lesea Beka ya re bubuubuu gomme diramphašane tša Momma tša re phatha-phatha phatha-phatha, tseleng ya lerole go fihlela ba kopana le Valecia. “Naa le ya kae?” gwa botšiša Valecia. “Re ya ntlong ya Koko Moeng. Ke letšatši la matswalo a gagwe,” gwa hlaloša Sipho. “Ke swaretše Koko Moeng ngatana ya maloba. Naa nka ya le lena?” gwa botšiša Valecia. “Ee,” a realo Momma gomme ba sepela. +Ngatana ya maloba e ile ya dira gore Valecia a ethimole, “Ethiaa! E-E-E-thiaa!” Kgogo ya go nona ya re koo-koo-koo, koo-koo-koo, phakhethe ya disimpa tša go dirwa ka matsapane tša go khukhurwa tša re khurr khurr, palune ya Lesea Beka ya re bubuubuu gomme diramphašane tša Momma tša re phatha-phatha phatha-phatha, tseleng ya lerole go fihlela ba bona Mna Sithole a epa ka tšhemong ya gagwe ya merogo. “Naa le ya kae, Momma Moeng?” gwa botšiša Mna Sithole. “Re ya ntlong ya Koko Moeng. Ke letšatši la matswalo a gagwe,” a fetola. “Ke mo swaretše teroli ya go tlala merogo,”a realo Mna Sithole. “Naa le ka mo fa yona?” “Ee,” gwa araba Momma. Efela bjale Momma o na le bothata bjo BOGOLO – dilo tšeo a swanetšego go di rwala e be e le tše dintši! O be a swanetše go loga leano. O thomile ka go tshotshola Lesea Beka mokokotlong gomme a bopula kgogo ya go nona mokokotlong ka kobo ya boleta. Lesea Beka O ILE A GOELETŠA! Ka fao Momma o ile a bea kgogo ya go nona godimo ga teroli gomme a bopula Lesea Beka mokotlong ka kobo ya boleta. + +Lesea Beka o be a thabile gomme kgogo ya go nona yona e be e thabile kudu ka gore e tla kobola merogo ka moka ga yona. Efela Momma o be a sa thabišwe ke se gomme a rweša kgogo ya go nona hlogong ya Valecia. Mafofa a ile a kgwatha nko ya Valecia a dira gore a ethimole le go feta pele, “EEEEE-THIAAAAA!” Valecia o be a se a thaba. Ka fao, Momma o ile a tšea kgogo ya go nona a e rweša hlogong ya Sipho gomme a mo fa le maloba a Valecia gore a a sware. Bjale diatla tše pedi tša Valecia tša go se sware selo di ka swara khekhe. Gomme diatla tše pedi tša Momma tša go se sware selo di ka kgarametša teroli. Batho ka moka ba be ba thabile gomme ba sepela ba ya ntlong ya Koko Moeng. Maotwana a teroli a ile a re tswiri-tswiri-tswiri. Mahlaa a Valecia a be a na le aesing ya khekhe ka fao leleme la gagwe le ile la re latswi-latswi-latswi. +Lesea Beka a ngunanguna, “Boseee, boseee.” Kgogo ya go nona ya re koo-koo-koo, koo-koo-koo, phakhethe ya disimpa tša go dirwa ka matsapane tša go khukhurwa tša re khurr khurr, palune ya Lesea Beka ya re bubuubuu gomme diramphašane tša Momma tša re phatha-phatha phatha-phatha, tseleng ya lerole ba lebile ntlong ya Koko. Momma o ile a kokota lebating la ka pele. Sipho o ile a letša molodi. Valecia a goeletša. Efela go be GO SE NA PHETOLO. Momma o ile a kgarametša lebati la ka pele la bulega gomme ka moka ga bona ba tsena. Efela go be GO SE NA MOTHO. Ba lebeletše ka moraleng – GA GO NA MOTHO. Ba lebelela ka phapošing ya borobalelo − GA GO NA MOTHO. Ba ile ba lebelela gohle. Naa Koko a ka be a le kae? Momma a re, “A re apeeng mogongwe Koko o tla tla.” Batho ka moka ba ile ba apea – batho ka moka kantle le Lesea Beka. +O ile a dula khaontareng ya ka moraleng kgauswi le lefasetere gomme a lebelela go fihlela a bona Koko a sobelela mo tseleng patogeng ya mmoto wa mokonya. “Koko! Koko!” a goeletša. Batho ka moka ba ile ba lebelela. “KOKO! KOKO!” batho ka moka ba ile ba goeletša. “KOKO!” Tlase kua patogeng ya mmoto wa mokonya Koko o ile a re, “EE EE EE. Go na le motho yo a mpitšago. Bjale nka se kgone go ya mabenkeleng go reka dijo tša letšatši la matswalo a ka tša go lalela.” Koko o ile a retologa a namelela mmoto wa mokonya. Disiliphere tša gagwe tša re phatha-phatha tseleng ya lerole. Mafelelong o ile a fihla lebating la ka morago. O rile ge a le bula batho ka moka ba thoma go opela koša ya letšatši la matswalo le le botse. +Tafoleng go be go na le phae ya go dirwa ka merogo le dikokisana tša jamo tša go dirwa ke Momma, mae a maswa a go beela ke kgogo ya go nona, khekhe ya letšatši la matswalo ya go kgethega le disimpa tša go dirwa ka matsepane tša go khukhurwa. Tafola e be e kgabišitšwe ka maloba le palune ye talalerata ya Lesea Beka. “LE KE LETŠATŠI LA KA LA MATSWALO LE LE KAONEKAONE!” a realo Koko. Gomme o swanetše go tseba, ka gobane Koko bonnyane o šetše a bile le matšatši a matswalo a masomeseswai goba masomesenyane pele ga letšatši le! E BA LE BOITLHAMELO! Ngwala lenaneo la dilo ka moka tšeo batho ba ka kanegelong ba di filego Koko go dira gore keteko ya letšatši la matswalo a gagwe e be ye e kgethegilego. Bjale tlaleletša ka dilo tše tharo tše o bego o ka rata go di fa Koko ge nkabe o mo etetše ka letšatši la matswalo a gagwe. +  +E BA LE BOITLHAMELO! +Ngwala lenaneo la dilo ka moka tšeo batho ba ka kanegelong ba di filego Koko go dira gore keteko ya letšatši la matswalo a gagwe e be ye e kgethegilego. Bjale tlaleletša ka dilo tše tharo tše o bego o ka rata go di fa Koko ge nkabe o mo etetše ka letšatši la matswalo a gagwe.",nso,Sepedi,Semaka sa Momma Moeng,It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the jar of ...,"Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kanegelo ka Joan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/semaka-sa-momma-moeng-0 +momma-moeng’s-surprise-0,"Konkhe kwacala ngesikhatsi Make Moeng entela Gogo Moeng libhodlela lajamu welusuku lwakhe lwekutalwa. Umntfwana Bheka wabese utfola ibhaluni yakhe layitsandzako leluhlata sasibhakabhaka. Bekafuna kuyipha Gogo Moeng ibe sipho selusuku lwakhe lwekutalwa. Make wamema Umntfwana Bheka emhlane wakhe ngelibhayi lelintofotelako. Wabese utsatsa lelibhodlela lajamu uletfwala enhloko yakhe wase uyahamba ucondza endlini yaGogo Moeng. Ibhaluni yeMntfwana Bheka yayiloku ibhabhatela, bhabha-bhabha, bhum, nemaphacaphaca aMake avakala aatsi phaca-phece, phaca-phece ehla ngendlela lenetintfuli wate wahlangana naSipho aphuma esitolo iTip-Top. “Uyaphi Make Moeng?” kwabuta Sipho. +“Umntfwana Bheka nami siya endlini yaGogo Moeng. Lusuku lwakhe lwekutalwa namuhla,” kwaphendvula Make. “Ngineliphakethi lemashibusi emazambane laklamtelako aGogo Moeng. Ngingeta nami?” kwabuta Sipho. “Yebo,” Make amoyitela babese bayahamba. Liphakethi laSipho lemashibusi emazambane latsi khwashakhwasha, ibhaluni yeMntfwana Bheka yona beyibhabhatela bhabha-bhabha, bhum, bese kutsi emaphacaphaca aMake bona bebavakala baloku batsi phaca-phece, phaca-phece bahamba aphacatela behla ngendlela lenetintfuli bate befika kaMnumzane Chapalala, labekondla tinkhukhu takhe. “Niyaphi?” wabuta. “Siya endlini yaGogo Moeng. Lusuku lwakhe lwekutalwa,” kwaphendvula Make. +“Nginesibhubukati senkhukhu saGogo Moeng. Ningamnika yona?” kubuta uMnumzane Chapalala. “Yebo,” kwasho Make afaka lesibhubukati senkhukhu ekhwapheni lakhe basho futsi bachubeka neluhambo lwabo, Make, Umntfwana Bheka naSipho. Lesibhubukati senkhukhu sihamba sitsi khushu-khushu, khushukhushu, liphakethi lemashibusi emazambane litsi khwashakhwasha, ibhaluni yeMntfwana Bheka iyabhabhatela bhabhabhabha, bhum emaphacaphaca aMake aphacatela phaca-phece, phaca-phece behla ngendlela lenetintfuli baze befika esitolo sekubhaka ekhaya saNkhosikati Makabelo. “Kumele sitfole likhekhe laGogo lelusuku lwekutalwa,” kwasho Make. Bangena ngekhatsi. Yevakala insimbi yasemnyango ntintintinti. “Sawubona Nkhosikati Makabelo. Bewati nje kutsi namuhla lusuku lwaGogo Moeng lwekutalwa?” “Yebo,” kwasho Nkhosikati Makabelo. “Ngimbhakele likhekhe lelikhetsekile, kodvwa-ke ngeke ngishiye sitolo sisodvwana. +Ungangihambela nalo yini umnike?” “Yebo,” kwavuma Make, kodvwa bekunenkinga − Make bekadzinga tandla letimbili kubamba lelikhekhe. Ngako-ke wabese wenta lisu. Wabeka lesibhubukati senkhukhu etulu kwalelibhodlela lajamu labekaletfwele enhloko yakhe. Manje-ke besekanetandla letimbili tekubamba lelikhekhe lelikhetsekile lelusuku lwekutalwa. Nako besuka bahamba Make, Umntfwana Bheka naSipho baphuma kulomnyango lokhala utsi ntinti-ntinti. Ngesikhatsi Umntfwana Bheka anukelwa ngulelikhekhe wevakala sekamumula, “Nandzi, nandzi, nandzi-nandzi.” Lesibhubukati senkhukhu sahamba sitsi khushu-khushu, khushukhushu, liphakethi lemashibusi emazambane laklamutelako litsi khwasha-khwasha, ibhaluni yeMntfwana Bheka iyabhabhatela bhabha-bhabha, bhum, emaphacaphaca aMake nawo atsi phacaphece, phaca-phece bahamba behla ngendlela lenetintfuli baze bahlangana naValecia. “Niyaphi nonkhe?” kwabuta Valecia. +“Siya endlini yaGogo Moeng. Lusuku lwakhe lwekutalwa,” kwachaza Sipho. “Nginesicheke setimbali taGogo Moeng. Ngingeta nami?” kwabuta Valecia. “Yebo,” kwasho Make. Nako besuka bamasha. Lesicheke setimbali senta Valecia watsimula, “Yetsi! Yeeeetsiiii!” Lesibhubukati senkhukhu satsi khushu-khushu, khushu-khushu, liphakethi lemashibusi emazambane lakhwashata khwashakhwasha, ibhaluni yeMntfwana Bheka iyabhabhatela bhabhabhabha, bhum emaphacaphaca aMake atsi, phaca-phece, phaca-phece bahamba behla ngendlela lenetintfuli baze bobona Mnumzane Sithole alima engadzeni yakhe yetibhidvo. “Niyaphi nonkhe nine, Make Moeng?” kwabuta Mnumzane Sithole. “Siya endlini yaGogo Moeng. Lusuku lwakhe lwekutalwa,” waphendvula. “Nginethroli legcwele tibhidvo takhe,” kwasho Mnumzane Sithole. + +“Ngiyacela nifane nimnike tona.” “Kulungile,” kwasho Make. Kodvwa manje besekanenkinga LENKHULU Make − bese kukunyenti kakhulu lokwasekufanele kutsi akwetfwale! Kwadzingeka acabange lisu. Kwekucala, wehlisa Umntfwana Bheka emhlane wase umema lesibhubukati senkhukhu ngalelibhayi lelintofotelako. Umntfwana Bheka WAKHALA WACACAMBA! Ngako-ke Make wabeka lesibhubukati senkhukhu etulu ethrolini wabese umema Umntfwana Bheka emhlane ngalelibhayi lelintofotelako. Umntfwana Bheka wajabula kakhulu nesibhubukati senkhukhu sakujabula kakhulu kukofoya tonkhe letibhidvo. Kodvwa Make akazange ajabule ngaloku, ngako-ke wabeka lesibhubukati senkhukhu enhloko yaValecia. Letinsiba tatsintsa imphumulo yaValecia tase timenta kutsi atsimule kakhulu kunakucala, “EEEEE-TSIIII!” +Valecia abengakajabuli. Ngako-ke, Make watsatsa lesibhubukati senkhukhu wasibeka enhloko yaSipho. Waphindze wanika naletimbali taValecia kutsi atiphatse. Manje Valecia besanetandla letimbili letikhululekile tekuphatsa likhekhe. Futsi Make besanetandla letimbili letikhululekile tekushova ithroli. Wonkhe umuntfu bese ajabulile base bayesuka bayamasha baya endlini yaGogo Moeng. Emasondvo ethroli ahamba atsi nswigi-nswigi-nswigi. Valecia abenekhilimu yelikhekhe etihlatsini takhe ngako-ke lulwimi lwakhe lwalukhotsa lekhilimu lutsi ncwe-ncwe-ncwe. Umntfwana Bheka wamumula, “Nandzi, nandzi, nandzi.” Lesibhubukati senkhukhu sahamba sitsi khushu-khushu, khushu-khushu, liphakethi lemashibusi emazambane litsi khwasha-khwasha, ibhaluni yeMntfwana Bheka iyabhabhatela itsi bhabha-bhabha, bhum, emaphacaphaca aMake atsi phaca-phece, phaca-phece bahamba aphacatela behla ngendlela lenetintfuli bacondze endlini yaGogo Moeng. Make wanconcota emnyango wangembili. Sipho washaya inkwela. +Valecia wamemeta. Kodvwa BEKUTE IMPHENDVULO. Make wachilita sivalo sangembili kwavuleka babese bayangena bonkhe. Kodvwa BEKUTE LOKHONA. Babuka ekhishini – KUTE MUNTFU. Babuka ekamelweni lekulala – KUTE MUNTFU. Babuka yonkhe indzawo. Ukuphi Gogo Moeng? Make watsi, “Asipheke mhlawumbe Gogo utawuvela.” Nguloko-ke lokwentiwa nguye wonkhe umuntfu – ngaphandle kweMntfwana Bheka. Wahlala kukhawunta yasekhishini eceleni kwelifasitelo waze wabona Gogo ahamba ngendlela lephansi kweligcuma. “Gogo! Gogo!” wamemeta. Wonkhe umuntfu wabuka. “GOGO! GOGO!” bonkhe bamemeta kanyekanye. “GOGO!” Lapha entasi phasi kweligcuma Gogo watsi, “EE EE EE. +Kukhona longibitako. Manje ngingeke ngisakwati nekuya etitolo ngiyotsenga kudla kwami kwantsambama kwelusuku lwami lwekutalwa.” Gogo wajika wabese uyahamba ukhuphuka lentsatjana. Emahliphasi akhe ahamba atsi shafu-shafu kulendlela lenetintfuli. Ekugcineni wefika emnyango wangasemuva. Nakavula umnyango, wonkhe umuntfu wacala kuhlabela ingoma yekuhalalisela lusuku lwekutala. Etafuleni bekunephayi yetibhidvo nemathatsi ajamu lentiwe nguMake, emacandza lasandza kutalelwa ngulesibhubukati senkhukhu, likhekhe lelikhetsekile lelusuku lwekutalwa kanye nemashibusi emazambane laklamtelako. Litafula belihlotjiswe ngetimbali nebhaluni yeMntfwana Bheka lesasibhakabhaka. +“LOLU LUSUKU LWAMI LWEKUTALWA LOLUTENDLULA TONKHE!” kwasho Gogo. Futsi kufanele ati, ngoba Gogo abesake lokungenani waba nemashumi lasiphohlongo noma layimfica etinsuku tekutalwa ngembi kwalolu! KHOMBISA LIKHONO LAKHO LEBUCIKO! Bhala luhla lwato tonkhe tintfo bantfu labakulendzaba lebatiletsa kwenta lidzili lelusuku lwekutalwa lwaGogo lube ngulolukhetsekile. Nyalo yengeta tintfo letintsatfu lobewungatsandza kutinika Gogo kube bewumvakashele ngalolusuku lwakhe lwekutalwa. +  +KHOMBISA LIKHONO LAKHO LEBUCIKO! +Bhala luhla lwato tonkhe tintfo bantfu labakulendzaba lebatiletsa kwenta lidzili lelusuku lwekutalwa lwaGogo lube ngulolukhetsekile. Nyalo yengeta tintfo letintsatfu lobewungatsandza kutinika Gogo kube bewumvakashele ngalolusuku lwakhe lwekutalwa.",ssw,Siswati,Simangaliso saMake Moeng,It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the jar of ...,"Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguJoan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/simangaliso-samake-moeng +momma-moeng’s-surprise-0,"Zwoṱhe zwo thoma musi Mme Moeng a tshi itela Gogo Moeng dzhomela ḽa dzhamu ḽa ḓuvha ḽa mabebo. Nga murahu Ṅwana Beka a wana baḽuni yawe dala ya khwiṋesa. O vha a tshi khou ṱoḓa u ṋekedza Gogo u itela ḓuvha ḽa mabebo ḽavho. Mme o vhofha Ṅwana Beka muṱanani wawe nga nguvho ya vhuphuvhephuvhe. Nga murahu a vhea dzhomela ḽa dzhamu nṱha ha ṱhoho yawe nahone a bva a livha nḓuni ya Gogo Moeng. Baḽuni ya Ṅwana Beka yo thoma u ita tete-te na hone zwienḓa zwa Mme zwa thoma u sokou kwa kwa, kwa kwa nḓilani ya buse u swika a tshi ṱangana na Sipho a bvaho vhengeleni ḽa Tip-Top. +“Ni khou ya ngafhi, Mme Moeng?” hu vhudzisa Sipho. “Ṅwana Beka na nṋe ri khou ya nḓuni ya Gogo Moeng. Ṋamusi ndi ḓuvha ḽavho ḽa mabebo,” ha fhindula Mme. “Ndi na phakhete ya khavhelo dza maḓabula dza Gogo Moeng. Ndi nga tevhela-vho?” hu vhudzisa Sipho. “Ndi zwone,” Mme a ṅwethuwa na hone u bva afho vha matsha. Phakhete dza khavhelo dza maḓabula dza Sipho dza sokou ri kwatzhakwatzha, baḽuni ya Ṅwana Beka ya sokou ri tete-te na zwienda zwa Mme zwa sokou pfala zwi tshi ri kwa kwa, kwa kwa kha nḓila ya mabuse u swika vha tshi swika kha Vho Chapalala, vha vha vha tshi khou ṋea khuhu dzavho zwiḽiwa. “Ni khou ya ngafhi?” vha a vhudzisa. “Ri khou ya nḓuni ya Gogo Moeng. Ṋamusi ndi ḓuvha ḽa mabebo ḽavho,” hu fhindula Mme. “Ndi na khuhu yo putelwaho ya tshitendevhute ya Gogo Moeng. +Ni nga vha ṋekedza?” hu vhudzisa Vho Chapalala. “Ndi zwone,” hu amba Mme a tshi vhea khuhu yo putelwaho gokwani ḽawe na hone u bva afho Mme, Ṅwana Beka na Sipho vha ṱuwa. Khuhu yo putelwaho yo sokou ri ko kokoko-ko kokoko, kukuliko-kukulikokukuliko, phakhethe ya khavhelo dza maḓabula ya sokou ri kwatzhakwatsha, baḽuni ya Ṅwana Beka ya pfala i tshi ri tete-te ngeno masandazi a Mme a tshi ri kwa kwa, kwa kwa nḓilani ya buse u swika vha tshi swika vhengeleni ḽa u ḓibakela zwa hayani ḽa Vho Makabelo. “Ri fanela u wana khekhe ya ḓuvha ḽa mabebo ya Gogo,” hu amba Mme. Vha mbo ḓi dzhena. +Bele ya muṋangoni ya ḽila ya ri ndele-ndele. “Ndi matsheloni, Vho Makabelo. Vho vha vha tshi zwi ḓivha uri ṋamusi ndi ḓuvha ḽa Gogo Moeng ḽa mabebo?” “Ohoo ee,” hu amba Vho Makabelo. “Ndo vha bakela khekhe yo khetheaho, fhedzi a thi nga koni u bva vhengeleni. Ni nga vha ṋekedza?” “Ndi zwone,” hu tenda Mme, fhedzi ho vha hu na thaidzo − Mme o vha a tshi khou ṱoḓa zwanḓa zwivhili u fara khekhe. Ngauralo, a vhamba maano. A vhea khuhu yo putelwaho nṱha ha dzhomela ḽa dzhamu ḽe a vha o ḽi hwala nga ṱhoho. Zwino u na zwanḓa zwivhili zwa u fara khekhe yo khetheaho ya ḓuvha ḽa mabebo. Mme, Ṅwana Beka na Sipho vho mbo ḓi matsha vha tshi pfukha vothi ḽi lilaho ndele-ndele. Musi Beka a tshi pfa u nukhelela ha khekhe a ṋuṋuna, “Muḓifho, u tou kula na ḽino.” Khuhu yo putelwaho i sokou ri ko kokoko-ko kokoko, phakhethe ya khavhelo dza maḓabula dzi sokou ri kwatzha-kwatzha, baḽuni ya Ṅwana Beka i sokou ri tete-te na hone zwienda zwa Mme zwa ri kwa kwa, kwa kwa nḓilani ya buse u swika vha tshi ṱangana na Valecia. “Vhathu ni khou ya ngafhi?” hu vhudzisa Valecia. +“Ri khou ya nḓuni ya Gogo Moeng. Ndi ḓuvha ḽavho ḽa mabebo,” hu ṱalutshedza Sipho. “Ndi na mbunda ya maluvha ya Gogo Moeng. Ndi nga ṱuwa na vheiwe?” hu vhudzisa Valecia. “Ndi zwone,” hu amba Mme na hone vha mbo ḓi ṱuwa. Mbunda ya maluvha yo ita uri Valecia a hetsemule, “Atsia! A-A-Atsia!” Khuhu yo putelwaho ya sokou ri ko kokoko, ko kokoko, phakhethe ya khavhelo dza maḓabula ya sokou ri kwatzha-kwatzha, baḽuni ya Ṅwana Beka ya sokou ri tete-te na masandazi a Mme a sokou ri napu napu, napu napu nḓilani ya buse u swika vha tshi vhona Vho Sithole vha tshi khou bva ngadeni yavho ya miroho. “Ni khou ya ngafhi vheiwe noṱhe, Mme Moeng?” Vho Sithole vho vhudzisa. “Ri khou ya nḓuni ya Gogo Moeng. + +Ndi ḓuvha ḽavho ḽa mabebo,” vha fhindula. “Ndi na ṱhiroḽi yo ḓalaho nga miroho,” hu amba Vho Sithole. “Ni nga vha ṋekedza?” “Ndi zwone,” hu fhindula Mme. Fhedzi zwino Mme u na thaidzo KHULWANE – hu na zwithu zwinzhi zwine a tea u fara! U khou tea u vhamba maano. Tsha u thoma, o tsitsa Ṅwana Beka muṱanani wawe, a vhofha khuhu yo putelwaho muṱanani nga nguvho ya vhuphuvhephuvhe. Ṅwana Beka A ṰAVHA MUKOSI! Ngauralo Mme a vhea khuhu yo putelwaho kha ṱhiroḽi a beba Ṅwana Beka muṱanani nga nguvho ya vhuphuvhephuvhe. Ṅwana Beka o vha o takala na khuhu yo putelwaho na yone yo vha yo takala nga maanḓa u tshotshonya miroho yoṱhe. Fhedzi Mme o vha a songo takala nga izwi, ngauralo a vhea khuhu yo putelwaho kha ṱhoho ya Valecia. Mathenga o sengenedza ningo ya Valecia na hone a ita uri a hetsemule a tshi isa phanḓa, “AAAAA-TSIAAAAA!” Valecia o vha a songo takala. +Ngauralo, Mme a dzhia khuhu yo putelwaho a vhea kha ṱhoho ya Sipho nahone a mu ṋetshedza Maluvha a Valecia uri a a fare. Zwino Valecia o vha na zwanḓa zwivhili zwine zwa nga fara khekhe. Na hone Mme o vha e na zwanḓa zwivhili zwi songo faraho tshithu zwine zwa nga sukumedza ṱhiroḽi. Muṅwe na muṅwe o vha o takala na hone vho mbo ḓi matsha vha tshi ya nḓuni ya Gogo Moeng. Mavhili a ṱhoroḽi a pfala a tshi ri kwetshe-kwetshe-kwetshe. Valecia u pfa u rothola ha khekhe kha marama awe he lulimi lwawe lwa sokou ri mnamna-mna. Ṅwana Beka a ṋuṋuna, “Muḓifho, u tou kula na ḽino.” Khuhu yo putelwaho ya sokou ri ko kokoko, ko kokoko, phakhethe ya khavhelo dza maḓabula dza sokou ri kwatzha-kwatzha, baḽuni ya Ṅwana Beka ya sokou ri tete-te na hone masandazi na one a ri kwa kwa, kwa kwa nḓilani ya buse u ya nḓuni ya Gogo. Mme o khokhonya vothini ḽa phanḓa. Sipho a lidza muludzi. Valecia a ṱavha mukosi. Fhedzi ho vha hu SI NA PHINDULO. +Mme o sukumedza vothi ḽa nga phanḓa ḽa vulea na hone vhoṱhe vha dzhena. Fhedzi ho vha HU SI NA MUTHU NGOMU. Vho lavhelesa ngomu khishini – A HU NA MUTHU. Vha sedza lufherani lwa u eḓela – A HU NA MUTHU. Vha sedza hoṱhe-hoṱhe. Gogo vha nga vha vhe ngafhi? Mme ari, “Kha ri thome u bika nahone Gogo vha ḓo vhuya.” U itela uri zwe muṅwe na muṅwe a ita – muṅwe na muṅwe nga nnḓa ha Ṅwana Beka. O dzula vurannḓani ya tshiṱanga tsini na fasiṱere a sedza u swikela a tshi vhona Gogo vha tshi khou tshimbila nḓilani fhasi ha thavha yo tsaho. “Gogo! Gogo!” u a vhidzelela. +Muṅwe na muṅwe u a sedza. “GOGO! GOGO!” vhathu vho huwelela khathihi. “GOGO!” Ngei fhasi-fhasi ha kutavha kwo ṱoswaho Gogo vhari, “EE EE EE. Muṅwe u khou mbidzelela. Zwino a thi nga ḓo ya mavhengeleni u renga tshilalelo tshanga tsha ḓuvha ḽa mabebo.” Gogo vha rembuluwa vha tshimbila vha tshi gonya kutavhana. Masandazi avho a tshi sokou ri napu-napu nḓilani ya buse. Mafheleledzoni vha swika vothini ḽa murahu. Musi vha tshi vula, muṅwe na muṅwe a thoma u imba luimbo lwa ḓuvha ḽa mabebo. Ṱafulani ho vha hu na phai ya miroho na jamu zwe Mme a ita, makumba ane a kha ḓi bva u kudzelwa nga khuhu yo putelwaho, khekhe ya ḓuvha ḽa mabebo yo khetheaho na khavhelo dza maḓabula. Ṱafula ḽo vha ḽo khavhiswa nga maluvha na baḽuni yo nakaho ya Ṅwana Beka ya lutombo. +“HEḼI NDI ḒUVHA ḼANGA ḼA MABEBO NGA HU SA FHELI!” hu amba Gogo. Nahone vha tea u zwi ḓivha, ngauri Gogo vho no vha na henefha kha maḓuvha a mabebo a fumalo kana fuṱahe phanḓa ha heḽi! KHA VHA SUMBEDZE VHUKONI! Ṅwalani mutevhe wa zwithu zwe vhathu vha re kha tshiṱori vha ṋetshedza u ita vhuṱambo ha Gogo ho khetheaho. Zwino engedzani zwithu zwiraru zwe na vha ni tshi ḓo takalela u ṋetshedza Gogo arali no vha no vha dalela nga ḓuvha ḽavho ḽa mabebo.  +  +KHA VHA SUMBEDZE VHUKONI! +Ṅwalani mutevhe wa zwithu zwe vhathu vha re kha tshiṱori vha ṋetshedza u ita vhuṱambo ha Gogo ho khetheaho. Zwino engedzani zwithu zwiraru zwe na vha ni tshi ḓo takalela u ṋetshedza Gogo arali no vha no vha dalela nga ḓuvha ḽavho ḽa mabebo.",ven,Tshivenda,Tshimangadzo tsha Mme Moeng,It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the jar of ...,"Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Tshiṱori nga Joan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tshimangadzo-tsha-mme-moeng +momma-moeng’s-surprise-0,"Hinkwaswo swi sungule loko Momma Moeng a endlile jarha ya jamu a endlela Kokwani Moeng eka siku ra vona ro velekiwa. Kutani Beka N’wana u kumile baluni ya kahle ya wasi. A lava ku yi nyika Kokwani hi siku ra vona ra ku velekiwa. Momma u beburile Beka N’wana enhlaneni hi xinkumbani lexo olova. Kutani a teka jarha ya jamu a yi veka ehenhla ka nhloko a famba ku ya vona Kokwani Moeng endlwini yakwe. Baluni ya Beka N’wana yi yile ehenhla yi ku bam-bam loko Momma a ya hala ni hala a endla tlhap-tlhap, tlhap-tlhap a rhelela ehansi hi ndlela ya ritshuri ku kondza loko a ya hlangana na Sipho a ri karhi a huma evhengeleni ra ka Tip-Top. “Xana u ya kwihi, Momma Moeng?” ku vutisa Sipho. “Mina na Beka N’wana hi ya endlwni ya Kokwani Moeng. Namuntlha i siku ra yena ra ku velekiwa,” ku hlamula Momma. “Ni na phakiti ra mazimba ku ya nyika Kokwani Moeng. Ndzi nga famba na mina?” ku vutisa Sipho. +“Ina,” Momma a n’wayitela kutani va sungula ku famba. Phakiti ra Sipho ra mazimba a ya karhi ya ku khiri-khiri, baluni ya Beka N’wana yi ri karhi yi ku bam-bam, naswona switlhaputlhapu swa Momma swi ri karhi swi ku tlhap-tlhap, tlhap-tlhap va rhelela hi ndlela ya ritshuri ku kondza loko va fika eka Tatana Chapalala, loyi a ri karhi a nyika tihuku swakudya. “Xana mi ya kwihi?” a vutisa. “Hi ya endliwni ya Kokwani Moeng. I siku ra ku velekiwa ka yena,” Ku vula Momma. “Ndzi na huku yo nona ku ya nyika Kokwani Moeng. Xana mi nga ndzi nyikelela yena?” ku vutisa Tatana Chapalala. “Ina,” ku vula Momma a ri karhi a mana huku leyo nona hi laha hansi ka voko kutani va khoma ndlela va famba, Momma, Beka N’wana na Sipho. Huku leyo nona yi ri karhi yi ku ko-ko, ko-ko, ko-ko, phakiti ra Sipho ra mazimba ya karhi ya ku khiri-khiri, baluni ya Beka N’wana yi ri karhi yi ku bum-bum, kasi switlhaputlhapu swa Momma swi ri karhi swi ku tlhap-tlhap, tlhap-tlhap va rhelela hi ndlela ya ritshuri ku fikela loko va fika eka vhengele ro baka ra Mhani Makabelo. +“Hi fanele xi xavela Kokwani khekhe ra siku ra ku velekiwa,” ku vula Momma. Vanghenile endzeni. Ngele-ngele, ku rila bele ya rivati. “Avuxeni Mhani Makabelo. Xana a wu switiva leswaku namutlha i siku ra ku velekiwa ka Kokwani Moeng?” “Oho ina,” ku vula Makabelo. “Ndzi n’wi bakele khekhe ro hlawuleka, kambe a ndzi nga swikoti ku sukela vhengele. Xana mi nga swi kota ku famba na rona na?” “Ina,” ku pfumela Momma, kambe a ku ri na xiphiqo − Momma a lava mavoko mambirhi leswaku a kota ku rhwala khekhe. Kutani, a endla kungu. U tekile huku leyo nona a yi tlhandleka ehenhla ka jarha ya jamu leyi a yi rhwarile enhlokweni. Sweswi a ri na mavoko mambirhi yo khoma khekhe ra siku ro hlawuleka ro tswariwa. +Kutani Momma, Beka N’wana na Sipho va huma hi nyangwa wa rivanti ro ngele-ngele. Loko Beka N’wana a twa nuhele wa khekhe a tinantswela milomu, “Nambu, nambu, nambu.” Huku leyo nona yi ri karhi yi ku ko-ko, ko-ko, ko-ko, phakiti ra sipho ra mazimba a ya kha ya ku khiri-khiri, baluni ya Beka N’wana yi ri karhi yi ku bum-bum, kasi switlhaputlhapu swa Momma swi ri karhi swi ku tlhap-tlhap, tlhap-tlhap va rhelela hi ndlela ya ritshuri ku kondza loko va hlangana na Valecia. “Swi ya kwhi leswi hinkwaswo?” ku vutisa Valecia. “Hi ya endlwini ya Kokwani Moeng. I siku ra yena ra ku velekiwa,” ku hlamusela Sipho. “Ndzi na xikatsa xa swiluva swa Kokwani Moeng. Xana ndzi nga ta?” ku vutisa Valecia. “Ina,” ku vula Momma kutani va famba. Xikatsa xa swiluva swi endle leswaku Valecia a etshemula, “Etshi! etshi! etshi!” Huku leyo nona yi ri karhi yi ku ko-ko, ko-ko, ko-ko, phakiti ra Sipho ra mazimba ma karhi ma ku khiri-khiri, baluni ya Beka N’wana yi ri karhi yi ku bum-bum, naswona switlhaputlhapu swa Momma swi ri karhi swi ku tlhap-tlhap, tlhap-tlhap va rhelela hi ndlela ya ritshuri ku kondza loko va fika eka Tatana Sithole loyi a ri karhi a tirha exirhapeni xa matsavu. + +“Xana mi ya kwihi, Momma Moeng?” ku vutisa Tatana Sithole. “Hi ya endlwini ya Kokwani Moeng? I siku ra yena ra ku velekiwa,” a hlamula. “Ndzi n’wi khomele tiroli leyi taleke hi matsavu,” ku vula Tatana Sithole. “Ndzi kombela mi n’wi nyikelela?” “Ina,” ku hlamula Momma. Kambe Momma a ri na xiphiqo LEXIKULU − a ku ri na swotala swo swi rhwala! A fanele a endla kungu. Xosungula, u chichile Beka N’wana enhlaneni kutani a bebula huku leyo nona hi xinkumbani lexo olova Beka N’wana a NCEEEEEEMA! Kutani Momma u vekile huku leyo nona endzeni ka tiroli kutani a yi boha a tlhela a bebula Beka N’wana enhlaneni hi xikumbani lexo olova. Beka N’wana a tsakile na huku leyo nona a yi tsakile hikuva a yi jovota matsavu. Kambe Momma a nga tsakangi hileswi kutani a teka huku a yi rhwexa Valecia. +Tinsiva ta yona ti hlohlonya tinhopfu ta Valecia na ku n’wi etshemurisa, “EEEEENTSHI!” Valecia a nga tsakangi. Kutani, Momma u tekile huku leyo nona a yi rhwexa Sipho na ku n’wi khomisa swiluva swa Valecia a swi khoma. Sweswi Valecia a ri na mavoko mambirhi lawa a ya ta khoma khekhe. Naswona Momma a ri na mavoko mambirhi ya ku khoma a susumeta tiroli. Hinkwavo a va tsakile kutani va famba va ya endlwini ya Kokwani. Mavhilwa ya tiroli a ma ku tswikiri-tswikiri. Valecia a ri na mixiririka emarhameni ya ku n’oka ka khekhe kutani ririmi ri ku lakatsi-lakatsi-lakatsi. Beka N’wana a ri karhi a nambutela, “Nambu, nambu, nambu.” Huku leyo nona yi ku ko-ko, ko-ko, koko, yi ri karhi yi dya phakiti ra mazimba ma karhi ma ku khiri-khiri, baluni ya Beka N’wana yi ku bum-bum, kutani switlhaputlhapu swa Momma swi ku tlhap-tlhap, tlhap-tlhap endleleni ya ku ya endlwini ya Kokwani. Momma u gogondzile erivatini. Sipho u bile noti. +Valecia a huwelela. Kambe a ku ri hava NHLAMULO. Momma u susumetile rivanti ri pfuleka hikwavo va nghena. Kambe a ku ri HAVA MUNHU. Va langutile exitangeni – A KU RI HAVA MUNHU – Va langutile eka kamara ro etlela – A KU RI HAVA MUNHU. Va langutile hinkwako. Xana Kokwani a nga va a ri kwihi? Momma a ku, “A hi swekeni kumbexani Kokwani u ta fika.” Hinkwavo va endlile tano – hinkwavo handle ka Beka N’wana. U tshamile exitangeni ekusuhi na fasitere a languta kutani a vona Kokwani a ri karhi a rhelela hi ndlela ehansi ka ntshava. “Kokwani! Kokwani!” a huwelela. Un’wana na un’wana a languta. “KOKWANI! KOKWANI!” un’wana na un’wana a huwelela. +“KOKWANI!” Ehansi ka xirhelelo xa le hansi ka ntshava Kokwani a ku, “EE EE EE. Ku na loyi a ndzi vitanaka. Sweswi a ndzi nge ha swikoti ku ya xava swakudya swa mina swo lalela swa siku ra mina ra ku velekiwa.” Kokwani u jikile a gonya ntshava. Switlhaputlhapu swakwe swi karhi swi ku tlhap-tlhap, tlhap-tlhap endleleni ya ritshuri. Ekuheteleleni a fika eka rivati ra le ndzhaku. Loko a pfula hinkwavo va sungula ku yimbelela risimu ra siku ra ku velekiwa. Etafuleni a ku ri na phayi ya matsavu na thati ya jamu leyi Momma a nga yi endla, mandza lawa ya nga ha ku tshikeriwa hi huku leyo nona, khekhe lero hlawuleka na mazimba. Tafula a ri khavisiwile hi swiluva na baluni ya N’wana Beka. +“LERI I SIKU RA KU TSWARIWA KA MINA RA KAHLE KU TLULA HINKWAWO!” ku vula Kokwani. Naswona a swi tiva, hikuva Kokwani a ri na masiku ya ku velekiwa yo ringana kwalomu ka makumenhungu kumbe makumekaye loko leri nga si fika! ENDLA VUTUMBULUXI! Tsala swilo hinkwaswo leswi vanhu va nga nyikela eka ntsheketo ku endla leswaku ku tlangeriwa ka siku ra ku velekiwa ra Kokwani ri va leri hlawulekeke. Sweswi engetela swilo swinharhu leswi a wu ta swi engetela leswi a wu ta n’wi xavela Kokwani loko a wu lo n’wi vhakela hi siku rakwe ra ku velekiwa +  +ENDLA VUTUMBULUXI! +Tsala swilo hinkwaswo leswi vanhu va nga nyikela eka ntsheketo ku endla leswaku ku tlangeriwa ka siku ra ku velekiwa ra Kokwani ri va leri hlawulekeke. Sweswi engetela swilo swinharhu leswi a wu ta swi engetela leswi a wu ta n’wi xavela Kokwani loko a wu lo n’wi vhakela hi siku rakwe ra ku velekiwa.",tso,Xitsonga,Xihlamariso xa Momma Moeng,It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the jar of ...,"Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ntsheketo hi Joan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/xihlamariso-xa-momma-moeng +going-away,"I sit alongside my grandmother on the grass. We have been watching a caterpillar change into a butterfly. Gran says this is called +metamorphosis. “Metamorphosis” is a big word in my vocabulary. “Watch, Yusuf,” Gran whispers.  The chrysalis where the +caterpillar is hiding cracks opens slowly, piece by piece until a red and black butterfly comes out. The butterfly rests for a while, +drying its wings, and then flutters away.  4 5 Gran says that all of Nature’s creatures are born, grow, and then move away. +Birds do that, too. They migrate to warmer places during winter. The stray ginger cat that slept in our sandpit also went away.  + +I wonder who I will grow up to be. Will I go away? I don’t want to. Mum sometimes says we will need to move to another house +where there are better schools. That makes me feel sad. We have always lived with Gran. If we move away, the new garden +might not be as magical as this one. I might be all alone there. I am afraid. “Look, Yusuf!” Gran cries out. On the wall, +watching us is a ginger cat. She jumps down and walks over to the sandpit. She curls up on the sand. Our stray cat has returned +to her sandpit home.  I decide that it will be okay if I go away, too. I can always return home to Gran’s magical garden. +  +Nal’ibali fun +Ideas to talk about +Yusuf lives with his mom and gran. Who do you live with? Think about changes have you experienced in your life. How did you feel about these changes when they happened? How do you feel about them now? +Visual +Look closely at the picture on the first two pages of the story. Can you find:  three birds, two spiders, a caterpillar, a chrysalis, and a butterfly? +Reading +This is a story about change. Can you find all the different changes in the story that Yusuf sees or thinks about? +Writing +Write an acrostic poem about change. Start each line of your poem with a letter from word “change”. +Craft +Make a butterfly. Fold a sheet of paper in half. Paint some dots of paint on one half of the page and then fold the paper over so that the paint prints on the other half as well. Open the paper. When the paint is dry, draw the outline of a butterfly with open wings across the painted sheet of paper. Cut out the butterfly shape. Glue the middle part of it to a toilet roll. Add some feelers made from paper or paper clips. +Performance +Role play a butterfly’s life cycle: 1. a caterpillar moving along a leaf and eating it 2. the caterpillar making a chrysalis 3. the caterpillar inside the chysallis 4. the chrysallis cracking open and the butterfly coming out 5. the butterfly flying around.",eng,English,Going away,"I sit alongside my grandmother on the grass. We have been watching a caterpillar change into a butterfly. Gran says this is called +metamorphosis. “Metamorphosis” is a big word in my vocabulary. “Watch, Yusuf,” Gran whispers.  The ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Written by Zaheera Jina Asva,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/going-away +going-away,"Ek sit langs my ouma op die gras. Ons kyk hoe ’n ruspe in ’n skoenlapper verander. Ouma sê ’n mens noem dit metamorfose. +“Metamorfose” is ’n groot woord. “Kyk, Yusuf,” fluister Ouma. Die papie waarin die ruspe wegkruip, kraak stadig, stukkie vir +stukkie oop, totdat ’n rooi-en-swart skoenlapper uitkom. Die skoenlapper rus, laat haar vlerke droog word en fladder dan weg. +Ouma sê al die diere in die natuur word gebore, groei en gaan dan weg. Voëls doen dit ook. Hulle migreer in die winter na warmer +plekke. Die wilde gemmerkat wat in ons sandput geslaap het, is ook weg. Ek wonder wie ek gaan wees wanneer ek groot is. + +Sal ek weggaan? Ek wil nie. Mamma sê ons moet na ’n ander huis toe trek waar daar beter skole is. Dit maak my hartseer. +Ons het nog altyd by Ouma gewoon. As ons wegtrek, sal die nuwe tuin dalk nie ’n towertuin wees nie. Ek mag dalk +stoksielalleen wees. Ek is bang. “Kyk, Yusuf!” roep Ouma. Op die muur sit ’n gemmerkat vir ons en kyk. Sy spring af en stap na +die sandput toe. Sy krul haar in die sandput op. Ons wilde kat het huis toe gekom. Alles sal goed gaan as ek ook moet wegtrek. +Ek kan altyd terugkom na Ouma se towertuin toe. +  +Nal’ibali-pret +Idees om oor te gesels +Yusuf woon by sy ma en ouma. Saam met wie woon jy? Dink aan veranderinge wat jy in jou lewe ervaar het. Hoe het jy oor hierdie veranderinge gevoel toe dit gebeur het? Hoe voel jy nou daaroor? +Visueel +Kyk mooi na die prentjie op die eerste twee bladsye van die storie. Kan jy die volgende vind: * drie voëls * twee spinnekoppe * ’n ruspe * ’n papie * ’n skoenlapper? +Lees +Dit is ’n storie oor verandering. Kan jy al die verskillende veranderinge in die storie vind wat Yusuf sien of waaroor hy dink? +Skryf Skryf ’n lettervers oor verandering. Begin elke reël van jou gedig met ’n letter van die woord “verander”. +Handwerk +Maak ’n skoenlapper. Vou ’n vel papier in die helfte. Verf ’n paar kolletjies verf op die een helfte van die bladsy en vou dan die papier sodat die verf ook op die ander helfte afdruk. Maak die papier oop. Wanneer die verf droog is, teken die buitelyn van ’n skoenlapper met oop vlerke op die geverfde vel papier. Sny die skoenlappervorm uit. Plak die middelste deel daarvan op ’n toiletrol vas. Voeg ’n paar voelers by wat van papier of skuifspelde gemaak is. +Speel toneel +Voer ’n skoenlapper se lewensiklus op: 1. ’n ruspe wat op ’n blaar beweeg en dit vreet 2. die ruspe wat ’n papie word 3. die ruspe binne-in die papie 4. die papie wat oopbars en die skoenlapper wat uitkom 5. die skoenlapper wat rondvlieg.",afr,Afrikaans,Om weg te gaan,"I sit alongside my grandmother on the grass. We have been watching a caterpillar change into a butterfly. Gran says this is called +metamorphosis. “Metamorphosis” is a big word in my vocabulary. “Watch, Yusuf,” Gran whispers.  The ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Storie deur Zaheera Jina Asva,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/om-weg-te-gaan +going-away,"Ngihlezi eduze nogogo phasi etjanini. Sibukele isibungu sitjhuguluka siba liviyaviyani. Ugogo uthi lokhu litjhugulukopilo. +“Itjhugulukopilo” ligama elikhulu kulwazimagama lami. “Bukela, Yusuf,” kuhleba uGogo. Ikhukhuni lapho isibungu sizifihla +khona iyaphadlheka ivuleke kancanikancani, ngentokanatokana, bekufike lapho iviyaviyani elinokubovu nokunzima liphuma +khona. Iviyaviyani liyaphumula, lomise amaphiko walo, bese liphaphe likhambe.  Ugogo uthi zoke iindalwa zemvelo +ziyabelethwa, zikhule, bese ziyakhamba. Neenyoni zenza njalo nazo. Ebusika zifudukela eendaweni ezifuthumeleko. + +Nokatsu osarhemere oyinyariya olala ekasini yethu yehlabathi naye ukhambile. Ngiyazibuza bonyana ngizokukhula ngibe yini. +Nami ngizokukhamba? Kodwana angifuni. Ngezinye iinkathi umma uthi kufanele sithuthele kenye indlu lapho kuneenkolo +ezingcono khona. Lokho kuyangidanisa. Besisolo sihlala noGogo. Nangabe siyafuduka, ingadi etja kungenzeka ingabi nomlingo +njenga le. Ngizakuba ngedwa kwaphela. Ngiyesaba. 6 “Qala, Yusuf!” kurhuwelela uGogo. Okusiqalileko ebodeni, ngukatsu +wombala osarhemere. Weqela phasi bese uya ekasini lehlabathi. Uzisonga ehlabathi. Ukatsu wethu oyinyariya ubuyile ekhaya. +Ngithethe isiqunto sokobana kulungile nangikhambako nami. Ngizakuhlala ngibuyela ekhaya engadini kaGogo yomlingo. +  +Ithabo leNal’ibali  +Izinto esingakhuluma ngazo +U-Yusuf uhlala nommakhe kuhlanganise nogogo. Wena uhlala nobani? Cabanga ngamatjhuguluko lawo obe nawo epilweni yakho. Wazizwa njani ngamatjhuguluko la lokha nakenzekako? Njenganje uzizwa njani ngawo? +Ukubonakala +Qalisisa kuhle isithombe emakhasini amabili wokuthoma wendatjana. Ungakghona ukuthola: * iinyoni ezintathu * isibungu * iinswebu ezimbili * ikhathaphila *iviyaviyani?   +Ukufunda  +Le yindatjana ekhuluma ngetjhuguluko. Inga-kghani uyakghona ukuthola amatjhuguluko ahlukeneko endatjaneni abonwa ngu-Yusuf namkha lawo awacabangako? +Ukutlola  +Yenza ikondlo yephazeli emalungana netjhuguluko. Thoma omunye nomunye umuda wekondlwakho ngeledere elibuya egameni elithi “itjhuguluko”. +Ubukghwari +Yenza iviyaviyani. Bhinca iphepha libe yihafu. Penda enye ihafu ngamacaphazana wepende bese ubhinca iphepha ulivale ukuze imigadangiso yepende ipende godu kwenye ihafu. Vula iphepha. Lokha ipende nayomileko, dweba ijamo leviyaviyani livule amaphiko buvundla ephepheni elipendiweko. Sika ijamo leviyaviyani. Namathisela ingcenye ephakathi yayo ngedlhuerolini yethoyilethi. Faka iimpondo ozenze ngephepha namkha ngamatlibhu wephepha. +Ukwenza +Yenza umdlalo ngomzombe wepilo yeviyaviyani: 1. ikhathaphila ikhamba phezu kwekari bese iyalidla 2. ikhathaphila yenza iimbungu 3. ikhathaphila ngaphakathi kweembungu 4. iimbungu zenza amabharasi ziyavuleka bese kuphuma iviyaviyani 5. iviyaviyani liphapha kiyo yoke indawo.",nbl,isiNdebele,Ukukham,"I sit alongside my grandmother on the grass. We have been watching a caterpillar change into a butterfly. Gran says this is called +metamorphosis. “Metamorphosis” is a big word in my vocabulary. “Watch, Yusuf,” Gran whispers.  The ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguZaheera Jina Asva,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ukukhamba +going-away,"Ndihleli ecaleni komakhulu engceni. Sibukele umbungu utshintsha usiba libhabhathane. UKhulu uthi le nto ibizwa ngokuba +yinguquko-milo. “Inguqukomilo” ligama elikhulu kwisigama endinaso. “Bukela, Yusuf,” uKhulu uyasebeza. Uphunguphungu +uvuleka kancinane apho kuzimele khona umbungu, kancinci kancinci, lide ibhabhatane elibomvu namnyama liphume. Ibhabhatane +liyaphuma, lisomisa amaphiko alo, lize libhabhazele limke. UKhulu uthi zonke izinambuzane zeNdalo ziyazalwa, zikhule, zize +zihambe. Iintaka zenza kanjalo nazo. Zifudukela kwiindawo ezifudumeleyo ebusika. + +Ikati ejinja engumduka eyayilele kwindawo yethu yesanti yokudlala abantwana nayo yemka. Azi ukuba mna ndizakukhula ndibe +yintoni na. Ingaba nam ndizakuhamba? Andifuni mna ukuhamba. UMama uthi kufuneka sifudukele komnye umzi apho kukho +izikolo ezingcono khona. Loo nto indenza lusizi. Oko sahlala noKhulu. Ukuba siyahamba, isitiya esitsha singangabi sesomlingo. +Nam ndizakuba lilolo. Ndiyoyika. “Jonga, Yusuf!” uKhulu uyakhwaza. Eludongeni, yikati ejinja, isibukele. Iyehla itsibele +kwisanti yokudlala abantwana. Izisonga esantini. Ikati yethu engumduka ibuyele ekhaya. Kuyakulunga ukuba nam ndiyafuduka. +Ndingasoloko ndibuyela ekhaya kwisitiya sikaKhulu somlingo. +  +Okokuzonwabisa kwakwaNal’ibali +Izimvo eninokuthetha ngazo +UYusuf uhlala nomama nomakhulu wakhe. Uhlala nabani? Cinga ngotshintsho olukwehleleyo ebomini bakho. Uzive njani ngolu tshintsho ukwenzeka kwalo? Uziva njani ngalo ngoku? +Umfanekiso +Jonga ngononophelo umfanekiso okumaphepha amabini okuqala ebali. Ungafumana:  iintaka ezintathu izigcawu ezibini umbungu  uphunguphungu  ibhabhathane? +Ukufunda +Eli libali elimalunga notshintsho. Ungalufumana lonke utshintsho olwahlukeneyo uYusuf alubonayo okanye acinga ngalo ebalini? +Ukubhala +Bhala umbongo lowo oonobumba abathile badityaniswayo ukupela igama malunga notshintsho. Qala umgca ngamnye wombongo wakho ngonobumba ovela kwigama “utshintsho”. +Ubuchule +Yenza ibhabhathane. Songa uxwebhu phakathi. Peyinta imigca ethile yamachaphaza kwisiqingatha esinye sephepha uze usonge iphepha ukuze ipeyinti ishicilele kwesinye isiqingatha ngokunjalo. Vula iphepha. Xa yomile ipeyinti, zoba umphandle webhabhathane elivule amaphiko kwiphetshana lephepha elipeyintiweyo. Sika imilo yebhabhathane. Ncamathisela indawo ephakathi kwiroli yephepha lendlu yangasese. Faka iimpondo zesilwanyana ezenziwe ngephepha okanye ngeziqhoboshi maphepha. +Ukwenza +Dlala umjikelo wobomi bebhabhathane: 1. umbungu ujikeleza igqabi kwaye uyalitya 2. umbungu usenza uphunguphungu 3. umbungu phakathi kukaphunguphungu 4. uphunguphungu eqhekeka evuleka kwaye kuphuma ibhabhathane 5. ibhabhathane libhabha lijikeleza.",xho,isiXhosa,Ukuham,"I sit alongside my grandmother on the grass. We have been watching a caterpillar change into a butterfly. Gran says this is called +metamorphosis. “Metamorphosis” is a big word in my vocabulary. “Watch, Yusuf,” Gran whispers.  The ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguZaheera Jina Asva,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ukuhamba +going-away,"Ngihleli eduze kukaGogo otshanini. Sibukele isibungu sishintsha siba uvemvane. UGogo uthi le nguquko ibizwa ngokuthi +yimethamofosisi. “Imethamofosisi” yigama elikhulu. “Bheka, Yusuf,” kuhlebeza uGogo. Igobolondo ebekucashe kulo isibungu +liyaklayeka bese livuleka kancane, ucezu nocezu, kuze kuphume uvemvane olunombala obomvu nomnyama. +Uvemvane luyaphumula, lomisa izimpiko zalo, bese lundiza luya kude. UGogo uthi zonke izidalwa zeNdalo ziyazalwa, zikhule +zibe-ke sezihamba. Nezinyoni ziyakwenza lokho futhi. Zindiza ziye ezindaweni ezifudumele ebusika. + +Nembodla ensunjwana eyayilala endundumeni yethu yesihlabathi nayo yahamba. Ngiyazibuza ukuthi mina ngizokhula ngibe +ubani. Ngabe ngiyoya kwenye indawo? Angifuni ukwenza kanjalo. UMama uthi sidinga ukuthutha siye komunye umuzi lapho +kuzoba khona izikole ezingcono. Lokho kuyangidabukisa. Selokhu ngaba yimina nje ngihlala noGogo. Uma sithutha, ingadi +entsha kungenzeka ingabi nomlingo njengale. Kungenzeka ngibe ngedwa. Ngiyesaba. “Bheka, Yusuf!” kumemeza uGogo. +Imbodla ensunjwana, isibuyile ihleli odongeni. Igxumela phansi bese iya endundumeni yesihlabathi. Ifike izisonge phezu +kwesihlabathi. Ikati lethu ebeledukile selibuyele ekhaya. Kulungile ukuthi nami kengithuthe. Ngiyakwazi ukubuye ngibuyele +engadini enomlingo kaGogo. +  +Okokuzithokozisa kwakwaNal’ibali +Imibono okungaxoxwa ngayo +U-Yusuf uhlala nomama wakhe nogogo. Wena uhlala nobani? Cabanga ngezinguquko ezenzeke ekuphileni kwakho. Wazizwa kanjani ngalezi zinguquko lapho zenzeka? Uzizwa kanjani ngazo manje? +Ezibonakalayo Bhekisisa isithombe emakhasini amabili okuqala endaba. Ungakwazi yini ukuthola:  izinyoni ezintathu  izicabucabu ezimbili  isibungu  i-chrysalis  umvemvane? +Ukufunda +Lena indaba emayelana noshintsho. Ungakwazi yini ukuthola zonke izinto ezishinthile ezihlukile ezisendabeni u-Yusuf azibonayo noma acabanga ngazo?  +Ukubhala +Bhala inkondlo ye-acrostic emayelana noshintsho. Qala umusho ngamunye wenkondlo ngohlamvu olusegameni elithi “ushintsho”. +Umsebenzi wezandla +Yenza umvemvane. Goqa iphepha lube uhhafu. Penda amadothi athile kapende ohlangothini olulodwa lwekhasi bese ugoqa iphepha ukuze upende unamathele kolunye uhlangothi. Vula iphepha. Lapho upende usuwomile, dweba isiqu somvemvane oluvule amaphiko ulandela amadothi opende kulo lonke iphepha. Sika isiqu somvemvane. Namathisela ingxenye emaphakathi kuyiroli yephepha lasethoyilethi. Nezela ezinye izingxenye zomvemvane ezenziwe ngephepha noma amakliphu ephepha. +Ukusebenza +Dlala umjikelezo wokuphila komvemvane: 1. isibungu esihamba emacembeni futhi siwadle 2. isibungu esishintsha sibe i-chrysalis 3. isibungu esiphakathi kwe-chysallis 4. i-chrysallis iyavuleka bese kuphuma umvemvane 5. umvemvane olundizayo.",zul,isiZulu,Ukugoduk,"I sit alongside my grandmother on the grass. We have been watching a caterpillar change into a butterfly. Gran says this is called +metamorphosis. “Metamorphosis” is a big word in my vocabulary. “Watch, Yusuf,” Gran whispers.  The ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguZaheera Jina Asva,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ukugoduka +going-away,"Ke dula kgauswi le Koko wa ka mo bjanyeng. Re lebeletše seboko se fetoga serurubele. Koko o re se se bitšwa metamofose. +“Metamofose” ke lentšu le legolo leo. “Bogela, Yusuf,” Koko a mo sebela. Khrisalisi yeo seboko se iphihlilego ka gare ga yona e +palega ka go nanya, seripa ka seripa, go fihlela serurubele sa mmala o mohubedu le o moso se tšwela ka ntle. +Serurubele se ile sa ikhutša, sa omiša maphego a sona. Gomme se ile sa fofa. Koko o re diphedi tša Tlhago ka moka di a tswalwa, +tša gola, gomme tša tloga. Dinonyana le tšona, di dira seo. Ka marega di ya mafelong a borutho. Katse ye e timetšego ya mmala wa +gemere ye e bego e robetše moleteng wa rena wa mohlaba le yona e sepetše. Ke ipotšiša gore ke tla ba mang ge ke gola. + +Ke tlo sepela? Ga ke nyake . Mma o re re swanetše go hudugela ntlong ye nngwe fao go nago le dikolo tše di kaone. +Se se a nnyamiša. Ke kgale re dula le Koko. Ge re tloga, go ka direga gore tšhengwana ye mpsha e hloke maselamose. +Nka no ba tee. Ke a boifa. “Lebelela, +Yusuf!” a realo Koko. Mo lebotong, e re lebeletše, ke katse ya mmala wa gemere. +E a fofa gomme ya ya moleteng wa rena wa mohlaba. E iphutha godimo ga mohlaba. Katse ya rena ya go timela ye e bego e +sepetše e boile gae. Le nna ge nka tloga, go tla loka. Ke tla boya gae tšhengwaneng ya maselamose ya Koko. +  +Boipshino bja Nal’ibali +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Yusuf o dula le mmagwe le koko wa gagwe. Naa wena o dula le bomang? Nagana ka ga diphetogo tšeo o itemogetšego tšona mo bophelong bja gago. Naa o ikwele bjang ka ga diphetogo tše ge di be di direga? Naa o ikwa bjang ka tšona gabjale? +Go bona +Lebelela seswantšho ka šedi mo matlakaleng a mabedi a mathomo a kanegelo. O ka hwetša:  dinonyana tše tharo digokgo tše pedi  seboko  mokone  serurubele? +Go bala +Kanegelo ye e bolela ka ga phetogo. O ka hwetša diphetogo tše di fapafapanego ka kanegelong tšeo Yusuf a di bonago goba a naganago ka tšona? +Go ngwala +Ngwala sereto sa go nyalelana ka mantšu mabapi le phetogo. Thomiša mothaladi o mongwe le o mongwe wa sereto sa gago ka tlhaka ya go tšwa go lentšu le “phetogo”. +Go dira dilo +Dira serurubele. Mena letlakala ka seripagare. Rothišetša marontho a mmalwa a pente go seripagare se tee sa letlakala gomme o mene pampiri gore pente e gatiše ka seripagareng sa karolo ye nngwe. Bula pampiri. Ge pente e omile, thala sebopego sa serurubele se se nago le diphego tša go bulega go kgabaganya letlakala le le pentilwego. Ripa sebopego sa serurubele. Kgomaretša karolo ya sona ya gare godimo ga thoilete-rolo. Tsenya manakana ao a dirilwego ka pampiri goba ka ditlelipi tša pampiri. +Go bapala terama +Diragatša dikgato tša go gola ga serurubele: 1. seboko seo se thethago ka lehlare se eja lehlare leo 2. seboko seo se dirago mokone 3. seboko seo se lego ka gare ga mokone 4. mokone yo a palegago a bulega gomme gwa tšwelela serurubele 5. serurubele seo se fofafofago le tikologo.",nso,Sepedi,Go sepe,"I sit alongside my grandmother on the grass. We have been watching a caterpillar change into a butterfly. Gran says this is called +metamorphosis. “Metamorphosis” is a big word in my vocabulary. “Watch, Yusuf,” Gran whispers.  The ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mongwadi keZaheera Jina Asva,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/go-sepela +going-away,"Ke dula pela nkgono wa ka hodima jwang. Re shebelletse popane/katepilara ha e fetoha ho ba serurubele. Nkgono o re sena se +bitswa methamofosisi. “Methamofosisi” ke lentswe le leholo ho tlotlontswe ya ka. “Sheba, Yusuf,” Nkgono a hoeshetsa. +Kerisalisi moo popane/katepilara e patileng e buleha butle, sekotwana ka sekotwana, ho fihlela serurubele se bofubedu le botsho se etswa. +Serurubele se a phomola, se omisa mapheo a sona, mme se fofela hole.  Nkgono o re dibopuwa tsa Tlhaho tsohle di a tswalwa, +di a hola mme di tsamaye. Dinonyana le tsona di etsa jwalo. Di fallela dibakeng tse futhumetseng nakong ya mariha. + +Katse e mmala wa kgemere e lahlehileng e neng e robala lehlabatheng la heso e tsamaile le yona. Ke a ipotsa hore ke tlo hola +mme ka be eng. Na le nna ke tla tsamaya? Ha ke batle. Mme o re re hloka ho fallela ntlong e nngwe moo ho nang le dikolo tse +maemo a fetang tse ding. Seo se a ntlhonamisa. Haesale re dula le Nkgono. Ha re ka tsamaya mona, tshimo e ntjha e ka nna ya se +be ya mohlolo. Nka nna ka jewa ke bodutu. Ke a tshaba.  “Sheba, Yusuf!” Nkgono a hoeletsa. Hodima lebota, re shebilwe ke +katse e mmala wa kgemere. E tlolela fatshe mme e tsamaya ho ya lehlabatheng. E fihla e iphutha moo hodima lehlabathe. +Katse ya rona e lahlehileng e se nang monga yona e kgutletse hae lehlabatheng la yona’ after ‘hae. Ho lokile le ha nka tsamaya le +nna. Nka nna ka kgutlela hae tshimong ya Nkgono ya mehlolo. +  +Monate wa Nal’ibali +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Yusuf o dula le mme le nkgono ba hae. O dula le mang? Nahana ka diphetoho tseo o bileng le tsona bophelong ba hao. O ikutlwile jwang ka diketsahalo tsee ha di ne di etsahala? O ikutlwa jwang mabapi le tsona hona jwale? +Setshwantsho +Sheba ka hloko setshwantshong se maqepheng a mabedi a qalang a pale. Na o ka fumana: dinonyana tse tharo  dikgo tse pedi Kgofu  kgetla ya seboko  serurubele? +Ho bala +Ena ke pale e mabapi le phetoho. Na o ka fumana diphetoho tsohle tse sa tshwaneng paleng eo Yusuf a e bonang kapa a nahanang ka yona? +Ho ngola +Ngola thothokiso ya diletere e mabapi le phetoho. Qala mola ka mong wa thothokiso ya hao ka letere e tswang ho lentswe lena “phetoho”. +Mosebetsi wa matsoho +Etsa serurubele. Mena pampiri ka halofo. Rothetsa matheba a pente halofong e le nngwe ya leqephe ebe o mena pampiri hore pente e hatise halofo e nngwe. Bula pampiri. Ha pente e omme, taka bokantle ba serurubele se butseng mapheo ho parola pampiri e pentilweng. Seha sheipi ya serurubele. Kgomaretsa karolo ya sona ka tlelu pampiring ya ntlwana. Kenya manakana a entsweng ka pampiri kapa dikotwana tsa pampiri. +Tshebetso +Bapala karolo ya lebidi la bophelo la serurubele: 1. kgofu e tsamayang lekgasing mme e le ja 2. kgofu e etsa kgetla ya seboko 3. kgofu e kahara kgetla ya seboko 4. kgetla ya seboko e a petsoha mme ho tswa serurubele 5. serurubele se fofa hohle.",sot,Sesotho,Ho tsamay,"I sit alongside my grandmother on the grass. We have been watching a caterpillar change into a butterfly. Gran says this is called +metamorphosis. “Metamorphosis” is a big word in my vocabulary. “Watch, Yusuf,” Gran whispers.  The ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E ngotswe ke Zaheera Jina Asva,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ho-tsamaya +going-away,"Ke dula gaufi le nkoko wa me mo bojannyeng. Re lebeletse seboko se fetoga go nna serurubele. Nkoko a re seno se bidiwa +phetaphetogo. “Phetaphetogo” ke lefoko le le bofitlha. “Lebelela, Yusuf,” Nkoko a ntshebela. Mokone o seboko se iphitlhileng +mo go ona o bulega ka iketlo, ka dikarolwana, go fitlhelela serurubele sa mmala o mohibidu le bontsho se tswa. Serurubele se a +iketla, se omeletsa diphuka mme se fofele kgakala. Nkoko a re dibopiwa tsotlhe tsa Tlhago di a tsalwa, di gole mme di tsamaye. +Le dinonyane di dira jalo. Di fudugela kwa mafelong a a bothitho mo pakeng ya mariga. + +Katse e thamaga ya letimela e e neng e robala mo mosimeng wa rona wa motlhaba le yona e ile. +Ke ipotsa gore ke ya go gola go nna eng. A le nna ke tlaa tsamaya? Ga ke batle go dira jalo.  +Mme a re re tlhoka go fudugela kwa ntlong e nngwe moo go nang le dikolo tse di botoka. Seo se nkutlwisa botlhoko. +Ga re bolo go nna le Nkoko. Fa re ka fuduga, tshingwana e ntšhwa e ka nne ya se nne ntle. Nka nna ka jewa ke bodutu. +Ke a boifa. 6 “Bona, Yusuf!” ga bua Nkoko. Katse e thamaga ke ele mo loboteng e re lebeletse. E a tlola mmme e ya +kwa mosimeng wa motlhaba. E a ikhuna mo motlhabeng. Katse ya rona ya letimela e boetse gae. Le nna ke tlaa siama fa +nka fuduga. Nka nna ka boela gae kwa tshingwaneng e e gakgamatsang ya ga Nkoko. +  +Monate wa Nal’ibali  +Megopolo e re ka buang ka yona +Yusuf o nna le mmaagwe le nkoko wa gagwe. Wena o nna le mang? Akanya ka diphetogo tse o di dirileng mo botshelong jwa gago. O ne wa ikutlwa jang ka diphetogo tseno fa di direga? O ikutlwa jang ka tsone gone jaanong? +Se se bonwang ka matlho +Leba setshwantsho se se mo ditsebeng tse pedi tsa ntlha tsa leinane leno sentle. A o kgona go bona:  dinonyane tse tharo  digokgo tse pedi  seboko  mokone  serurubele? +Go Bala +Seno ke leinane le le buang ka phetogo. A o kgona go bona diphetogo tsotlhe tse di farologaneng mo leinaneng leno tse Yusuf a di bonang kgotsa a akanyang ka tsone? +Go Kwala +Kwala leboko ka phetogo eno. Simolola mola mongwe le mongwe wa leboko la gago ka tlhaka e e tswang mo lefokong “phetogo”, +Botaki +Dira serurubele. Mena tsebe ya pampiri ka bogare. Mo karolong e nngwe ya tsebe dira marontho ka pente o bo o mena pampiri ka tsela ya gore marontho a le a gatisege le mo karolong e nngwe ya tsebe. Bula pampiri. Fa pente e omile, terowa setshwantsho sa serurubele se paraladitse diphuka mo tsebeng eno e e pentilweng mebalabala. Sega tsebe eno gore e nne le sebopego sa serurubele. Kgomaretsa bogare jwa sone mo toilet roll ka glue. Mo teng ga yone tsenya dipampiri le manathwana a dipampiri. +Tiragatso +Tshameka terama ya modikologo wa botshelo jwa serurubele: 1. serurubele se tsamaya mo letlhareng e bile se le ja 2. serurubele se dira mokone 3. serurubele mo teng ga mokone 4. mokone o a bulega mme serurubele se a tswa 5. serurubele se ntse se fofa-fofa.",tsn,Setswana,Khudug,"I sit alongside my grandmother on the grass. We have been watching a caterpillar change into a butterfly. Gran says this is called +metamorphosis. “Metamorphosis” is a big word in my vocabulary. “Watch, Yusuf,” Gran whispers.  The ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E kwadilwe ke Zaheera Jina Asva,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/khuduga +going-away,"Ngihlala maIungana nagogo wami etjanini. Sibukela sibungu sigucuka siba luvivane. Gogo utsi loku kubitwa ngekutsi yimethamofisisi kugucuka kwesibungu sibe luvivane. “Methamofosisi.” ligama lelikhulu. “Bukela, Yusuf,” Kuhleba Gogo. +Loku lokusamagobolondvo lapho lesibungu sibhace khona ayacetuka kuvuleka kancane, lucetu ngelucetu, kuze kube ngulapho kuphumela ngaphandle luvivane lolubovu nalokumnyama. +Loluvivane luyaphumula sikhashana, lomisa timphiko talo, ngemuva kwaloko lubhula timphiko talo luyandiza luyahamba.  Gogo utsi tonkhe tidalwa teMvelo tiyatalwa, tikhule, bese tiyahamba tiya kulenye indzawo. +Tinyoni tenta njalo, nato. Tiyesuka etindzaweni tato tiye etindzaweni letifutfumele ebusika. Lelikati lelijinja lelibhungukile lebelilala kulomgodzi wetfu wesihlabatsi, nalo lahamba laya kulenye indzawo. + +Ngifisa kwati kutsi ngitawukhula ngibe ngubani. Ngabe ngitawuhamba ngiye kulenye indzawo? Angifuni kwenta njalo. Make utsi sidzinga kusuka siye kulenye indlu lapho kunetikolo letincono khona. Loko kungivisa buhlungu. +Besihlala naGogo sonkhe sikhatsi. Uma sisuka siya kulenye indzawo, lengadze lensha kungenteka kutsi ingabi yemlingo njengalena. Kungenteka kutsi ngibe ngedvwa kulendzawo. Ngiyesaba.  “Buka, Yusuf!” kwasho Gogo kakhulu. +Elubondzeni, lokusibukako, likati lelijinja. Lizuphela phansi libese liyahamba liya kulomgodzi wesihlabatsi. Liyatigoca kulesihlabatsi. Likati letfu lelibhungukile libuyile ekhaya. Ngincuma kutsi kungaba kuhle nangingahamba ngiye kulenye indzawo, nami. Ngingahlala njalo ngibuya ekhaya kulengadze yaGogo yemlingo. +  +Kwekutijabulisa kwakaNal’ibali +Imibono lokungakhulunywa ngayo +Yusuf uhlala namake nagogo wakhe. Uhlala nabani? Cabanga ngetingucuko lohlangabetene nato emphilweni yakho. Wativa unjani ngaletingucuko ngesikhatsi tenteka emphilweni yakho? Manje utiva unjani ngato? +Lokubukwako +Bukisisa lesitfombe kulamakhasi ekucala lamabili alendzaba. Ungatitfola: tinyoni letintsatfu tayobe letimbili  tibungu  tinambistimatsi tesibungu luvivane +Kufundza +Lena yindzaba lemayena nekuntjintja noma-ke kugucuka. Ungatitfola yini tonkhe tingucuko letikhona kulendzaba Yusuf latibonako noma laticabangako? +Kubhala +Bhala inkondlo letinhlavu letakha emagama lemayelana nekugucuka. Cala umugca ngamunye wenkondlo ngeluhlavu loluku “ingucuko”. +Umsebenti wetandla +Yakha luvivane. Goba likhasi leliphepha libe yihhafu. Penda emacashati kuyinye ihhafu yaleliphepha bese uyagoba leliphepha kute kutsi lependi apende nakulena lenye ihhafu. Vula leliphepha. Uma lependi asomile, dvweba lomnyele welivivane lelivule timphiko kuleliphepha lelipendiwe. Sika ukhiphe lobunjwa weluvivane. Namatsisela lencenye lesemkhatsini kuroli yeliphepha lasemthoyi. Faka timphondvo letakhiwe ngeliphepha noma tifasamaphepha. +Kulingisa +Dla ulingise umjikeleto wemphilo yeluvivane: 1. sibungu lesihamba ecembeni futsi lesilidlako 2. sibungu senta siphungamathi 3. sibungu ngekhatsi kusiphungamathi 4. siphungamathi sivula bese luvivane liyaphuma 5. luvivane lindiza.",ssw,Siswati,Kuhamba uye kulenye indzawo,"I sit alongside my grandmother on the grass. We have been watching a caterpillar change into a butterfly. Gran says this is called +metamorphosis. “Metamorphosis” is a big word in my vocabulary. “Watch, Yusuf,” Gran whispers.  The ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguZaheera Jina Asva,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kuhamba-uye-kulenye-indzawo +going-away,"Ndo dzula tsini ha makhulu wanga hatsini. Ri khou ṱalela lunguvhi lu tshi khou shanduka lwa vha tshisusu. Makhulu vha ri zwi vhidza upfi tshanduko. “Tshanduko” ndi ipfi ḽihulwane. “Sedzani, Yusuf,” Makhulu vha a hevhedza. +Kha tsumbanḓila hune lunguvhi lwo dzumbama hu a balea ha vulea nga u ongolowa, tshipiḓa nga tshipiḓa, u swikela tshisusu tsha muvhala mutswuku na mutswu tshi tshi bvela nnḓa. +Tshisusu tshi a awela, tshi tshi khou omisa phapha dzatsho, tsha kona u fhufha tsha ṱuwa. Makhulu vha ri zwivhumbwa zwoṱhe zwa mupo zwi a bebwa, zwa aluwa, zwa kona u ṱuwa. Zwiṋoni zwi ita zwenezwo, nazwo. +Zwi a pfuluwa zwa ya fhethu hu dudelaho vhuriha. Tshimange tsha muvhala wa dzhinzha tsho xelaho tshe tsha vha tshi eḓela mulindini wa muṱavha washu na tshone tsho ṱuwa. Ndi a ḓivhudzisa uri ndi ḓo aluwa nda vha mini. + +Ndi ḓo ṱuwa na nṋe? A thi ṱoḓi u ṱuwa. Mme anga vha ri ri fanela u pfulutshela kha iṅwe nnḓu fhethu hune hu na zwikolo zwa khwine. Zwi a nṱungufhadza. Ndi kale ri tshi dzula na Makhulu. Arali ra ṱuwa, ngade ntswa a i nga ḓo vha i mangadzaho. +Ndi nga kha ḓi vha ndi ndoṱhe. Ndi a ofha. 6 “Lavhelesani, Yusuf!” Makhulu vha huwelela. Nṱha ha luvhondo, ri khou sedzwa, ndi tshimange tsha dzhinzha. Tsha fhufhela fhasi tsha tshimbila tsha ya mulindini wa muṱavha. +Tsha ḓiputa muṱavhani. Tshimange tshashu tshe tsha vha tsho xelatsho vhuya hayani. Zwi ḓo vha zwavhuḓi arali na nṋe nda ṱuwavho. Ndi ḓo vhuya hayani tshifhinga tshoṱhe ngadeni ya madambi ya Makhulu. +  +Madakalo a Nal’ibali +Zwine ha nga ambiwa nga hazwo +Yusuf u dzula na mme awe na makhulu. Inwi ni dzula na nnyi? Elekanyani nga tshanduko dze na ṱangana nadzo vhutshiloni. Tshanduko idzi no dzi ṱanganedza nga nḓilaḓe musi dzi tshi bvelela? Ni dzi ṱanganedza nga nḓilaḓe zwino? +Tshifanyiso +Lavhelesani nga vhusedzi tshifanyiso tshi re kha masiaṱari mavhili a u thoma a tshiṱori itshi. Ni nga kona u wana: L zwiṋoni zwiraru L mabuvhi mavhili L shonzha L sumbanḓila/tshireḓakhuni L tshisusu? +U Vhala +Hetshi ndi tshiṱori tshi no amba nga ha tshanduko. Ni nga kona u topola tshanduko dzo fhambanaho dzi re kha itshi tshiṱori dzine Yusuf a dzi vhona kana a humbula nga hadzo? +U Ṅwala +Ṅwalani tshirendo tsha maḽeḓeremapeleṱi nga ha tshanduko. Thomani mutaladzi muṅwe na muṅwe nga ḽeḓere ḽi re kha ipfi “tshanduko”, +Vhutsila +Itani/Vhumbani tshisusu. Petani bammbiri nga vhukati. Shumisani pennde ya u ola kha u ita zwithoma kha hafu ya siaṱari ni kone u peta bammbiri u itela uri pennde i gannḓiseevho na kha iḽa iṅwe hafu. Vulani bammbiri. Musi pennde yo no oma, talani tshivhumbeo tsha tshisusu tsho ṱharamudzaho mabesu u buḓa na bammbiri iḽi. Gerani tshivhumbeo tsha tshisusu. Nambatedzani tshipiḓa tsha vhukati tsha muṱoḓo kha rolo ya thoiḽethepheipha. Dzhenisani zwiphuphuledzi zwo itiwaho nga bammbiri kana zwipereṱe zwa mabammbiri. +Kushumele +Itani ḽitambwa ḽa tshitendeledzi tsha vhutshilo ha tshisusu: 1. shonzha ḽi tshi khou ḽa ṱari ḽine ḽa khou tshimbila khaḽo 2. shonzha ḽi tshi khou ita sumbanḓila 3. shonzha ḽi nga ngomu ha sumbanḓila 4. sumbanḓila tshi a thathaba tsha vulea nahone tshisusu tsha bvela nnḓa 5. tshisusu tshi khou monamona tshi tshi fhufha.",ven,Tshivenda,U ṱuw,"I sit alongside my grandmother on the grass. We have been watching a caterpillar change into a butterfly. Gran says this is called +metamorphosis. “Metamorphosis” is a big word in my vocabulary. “Watch, Yusuf,” Gran whispers.  The ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Tsho ṅwaliwa nga Zaheera Jina Asva,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/u-ṱuwa +going-away,"Ndzi tshema ekusuhi na kokwani ebyanyini. Hi le ku voneni ka xivungu lexi cincaka xi va phaphatani. Kokwani u ri leswi swi vuriwa methamofosisi. “Methamofosisi” i rito lerikulu. “Languta, Yusuf,” ku hlevetela Kokwani. +Xikhamba lexi xivungu xi nga tumbela eka xona xa baleka xi pfuleka hi ku nonoka, xiphemu hi xiphemu, kufikela laha phaphatani ro tshwuka na ka ntima ri humaka. Phaphatani ri wisa, ri omisa timpapa ta rona, kutani ri haha ri famba. +Kokwani u ri swivumbiwa swa Ntumbuluko swa tswariwa, swi kula, kutani swi rhurha swi famba. Na swinynyana naswona, swi endlatano. Swi rhurela eka tindhawu leti kufumelaka hi xixika. + +Ximanga lexi xo pawuluka lexi a xi tlele egojini ra sava lexi pfumala kaya na xona xi fambile. A ndzi tivi ku ri loko ndzi kula ndzi tava munhu wa njhani. Xana na mina ndzi ta famba? A ndzi swi lavi. Manana u ri hi fanele hi rhurhela eka yindlu yin’wana laha ku nga na swikolo swo antswa. +Leswi swi ndzi vavisa mbilu. A hi tshama na Kokwani mikarhi hinkwayo. Loko ho famba hi ya ekule, xirhapa lexintshwa swi nga endleka xi nga ha vi xo hlamarisa. Swi nga endleka ndzi va ndzexe. Mina ndza chava. “Vona, Yusuf!” +Kokwani a huwelela. Ekhumbini, wa hi languta, i ximanga lexiya xo pawuluka. Xi tlula kutani xi famba xi ya eka goji ra sava. Xi khondla esaveni. Ximanga xa hina lexi a xi lahlekile xi vuyile ekaya. Swi nga va kahle loko ndzi famba, na mina. Ndzi nga tshamela ro vuya eka xirhapa xa Kokwani lexo hlamarisa. +  +Swo tsakisa hi Nal’ibali +Mianakanyo yo bula hayona +Yusuf u tshama na manana na kokwana va yena. Xana u tshama na mani? Ehleketa hi ku cinca loku u hlanganeke na kona evuton’wini bya wena. Xana u titwe njhani hi ku cinca loku loko ku humelerile? Xana u titwa njhani hi swona sweswi? +Xifaniso +Langutisa swinene eka xifaniso eka mapheji yambirhi yo sungula ya ntsheketo. Xana u nga kuma: swinyenyena swinharhu  swipame swimbirhi  xivungu xifufunhunhu  phaphatana? +Ku Hlaya +Lexi i xihungwana xa macincelo. Xana u nga kuma ku cinca ko hambana eka xihungwana lexi Yusuf a xi vonaka kumbe ku ehleketa hi swona?  +Ku Tsala +Tsala ntsheketo wo rhangisa maletere ya ku cinca. Sungula xivulwa xin’wana ni xin’wana xa ntsheketo wa wena hi letere ku suka eka rito “cinca”, +Ntirho wa vutshila +Endla phaphatana. Petsa phepha hi le xikarhi. Penda mathonsi yan’wana ya pende eka hafu eka tlhelo rin’we ra pheji kutani u petsa phepha ku endlela leswaku pende yi vonakala na le tlhelo lerin’wana. Pfula phepha. Loko pende yi omile, dirowa makumu ya phaphatana yi phurumule timpapa eka phepha leri pendiweke. Tsema xivumbeko xa phaphatana. Tota dlulu exikarhi ka rona u namarheta phepha ra xihambukelo. Katsa swin’wana ku suka ephepheni kumbe swiphephana leswi tsemiweke +Encenyeta +ntlangu wo hundzuluka wa vutomi bya phaphatana: 1. xivungu xi famba etlukeni kutani xi ri dya 2. xivungu xi hundzuka xifufunhunhu 3. xivungu endzeni ka xifufunhunhu 4. xifufunhunhu xi pfula xiphambati kutani ku huma phaphatana 5. phaphatana ra haha.",tso,Xitsonga,Ku ya ekule,"I sit alongside my grandmother on the grass. We have been watching a caterpillar change into a butterfly. Gran says this is called +metamorphosis. “Metamorphosis” is a big word in my vocabulary. “Watch, Yusuf,” Gran whispers.  The ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mutsari Zaheera Jina Asva,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ku-ya-ekule +jeb’s-chocolate,"Jeb and the little girl walked along. They almost walked into a fight! Two boys were hitting one another. Jeb thought for a moment. “Would you like some chocolate?” The boys stopped fighting. “Yes!” + +  +  +Jeb and the little girl and the two boys walked on. They almost walked into a lady with a dog. The dog got such a fright when he saw Jeb and the little girl and the two boys, that he ran away. It took a long time to catch him. The lady was very hot and cross.  +Would you like some chocolate?” The lady smiled. “Yes! Thank you!” Jeb gave her his last bit of chocolate. He had no chocolate for himself. But he had friends! +Ideas to talk about +When Jeb shared his chocolate with others, they became his friends. How else could he have made new friends? What does friendship mean to you? What makes people feel lonely? Have you ever felt lonely? +Visual +Draw a picture of yourself feeling lonely +Writing +Write a thank-you letter to someone who has made a difference in your life by being kind to you. +Reading +Go to the activity sheet here:  Write a number in each box to put the pictures in order. Find the text in the story that goes with each picture +Craft +Use a paper plate or cut out a cardboard circle. On one side draw a “feeling lonely” face and on the other side, draw a “feeling happy” face.",eng,English,Jeb’s chocolate,"Jeb and the little girl walked along. They almost walked into a fight! Two boys were hitting one another. Jeb thought for a moment. “Would you like some chocolate?” The boys stopped fighting. “Yes!” + +Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Written by Lesley Beake,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/jeb’s-chocolate +jeb’s-chocolate,"Jeb is nuut. Hy het nie maats nie. Hy is eensaam. +Hy loop hartseer en skop teen ’n klip. Hy het sjokolade in sy sak, maar dit help nie. +Hy voel nog steeds hartseer. Hy het sjokolade, maar hy het nie maats nie. +  +Jeb loop byna in ’n klein dogtertjie vas. Sy huil. +“Um … kan ek jou help?” +“Nee.” +Jeb dink ’n oomblik na. “Wil jy sjokolade hê?” +Die dogtertjie glimlag. “Dankie.” +Jeb en die dogtertjie stap verder. Hulle loop byna in ’n bakleiery vas! Twee seuns is besig om te baklei. + +Jeb dink ’n oomblik na. “Wil julle sjokolade hê?” +Die seuns hou op baklei. “Ja!” +Jeb en die dogtertjie en die twee seuns stap verder. + Hulle loop byna in ’n vrou met ’n hond vas. +Die hond skrik so groot toe hy vir Jeb en die dogtertjie en die twee seuns sien, dat hy weghardloop. +Dit vat lank om hom weer te vang. Die vrou kry baie warm en is kwaad. +“Wil jy sjokolade hê?” Die vrou glimlag. “Ja! Dankie!” +Jeb gee vir haar die laaste van sy sjokolade. Nou het hy geen sjokolade vir homself oor nie. +Maar hy het maats! +Idees om oor te gesels +Toe Jeb sy sjokolade met ander gedeel het, het hulle sy vriende geword. Hoe anders kon hy nuwe vriende gemaak het? Wat beteken vriendskap vir jou? Wat laat mense eensaam voel? Het jy al ooit eensaam gevoel? +Visueel +Teken ’n prentjie van jouself wat eensaam voel. +Lees +Gaan hier na die aktiwiteitsblad:  Skryf ’n nommer in elke blokkie om die prente in volgorde te plaas. Soek die teks in die storie wat by elke prent pas. +Skryf +Skryf ’n dankiesêbriefie aan iemand wat ’n verskil in jou lewe gemaak het deur gaaf te wees met jou. +Handwerk +Gebruik ’n papierbord of sny ’n kartonsirkel uit. Teken aan die een kant ’n “voel eensaam”-gesig en aan die ander kant ’n “voel gelukkig”-gesig. +Speel toneel +Gebruik die korrek genommerde prente om die storie oor te verte",afr,Afrikaans,Jeb se sjokolade,"Jeb and the little girl walked along. They almost walked into a fight! Two boys were hitting one another. Jeb thought for a moment. “Would you like some chocolate?” The boys stopped fighting. “Yes!” + +Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Storie deur Lesley Beake,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/jeb-se-sjokolade +jeb’s-chocolate,"UJeb wabe amutjha. Bekanganabo abangani. +Bekanesizungu. +  +Bekakhamba adanile, ararha ilitje. Bekanetjhokoledi ngesikhwameni sakhe, kodwana akhange isize. +Bekasazizwa adanile. Bekanetjhokoledi, kodwana bekanganabo abangani. +  + +  +UJeb wapheze watjhayisa umntazanyana omncani. +Bekalila. +“Hmm … ngingakusiza?” +“Awa.” +UJeb wacabanga isikhatjhana. “Ungayithabela itjhokoledi?” +Umntazanyana wamomotheka. “Ngiyathokoza.” +  +UJeb nomntazanyana bakhambisana. Bapheze bazithela phezu kwepi! Abesana ababili bebalwa. +UJeb wacabanga isikhatjhana. “Ningayithabela itjhokoledi?” +Abesana balisa ukulwa. “Iye!” +  +UJeb nomntazanyana nabesana ababili baragela phambili nekhambo. Bapheze bazithela phezu kukadade okhamba nenja. +Inja yathuka khulu lokha nayibona uJeb nomntazanyana nabesana ababili, yabaleka. +Kwathatha isikhathi ukuyibamba. Udade gade asitjha begodu asilingekile. +  +“Ungayithabela itjhokoledi?” +Udade lo wamomotheka. “Iye! Ngiyathokoza!” +UJeb wamnikela isiquntu sokugcina setjhokoledi. Bekangasenayo itjhokoledi engeyakhe. +Kodwana bekasele anabangani! +Izinto esingakhuluma ngazo +Lokha u-Jeb abelana nabanye ngetjhokolede yakhe, baba bangani bakhe. Ngiyiphi enye indlela ebekangenza ngayo abangani abatjha? Butjho ukuthini ubungani kuwe? Yini eyenza abantu babe nesizungu? Wakhe wazizwa unesizungu? +Ukubonakala +Dweba isithombe sakho uzizwa unesizungu. +Ukufunda +Tjhinga ephepheni lomsebenzi lapha:  Tlola inomboro kwelinye nelinye ibhoksi ukobana uzilandelanise kuhle iinthombe. Thola iamagama endatjaneni ekhambisana nesinye nesinye isithombe. +Ukutlola +Tlolela omunye umuntu owenze umahluko epilweni yakho incwadi yokumthokoza ngokuba nomusa kwakhe kuwe. +Ubukghwari +Sebenzisa ipleyidi lephepha namkha sika ikhadbhoksi libe siyingilizi. Kwelinye ihlangothi dweba ubuso “obuzizwa bunesizungu” bese kuthi kweliye ihlangothi, udwebe ubuso “obuzizwa buthabile”. +Ukwenza +Sebenzisa iinthombe ezinonjorwe kuhle ukobana utjho ngobutjha indatjana.",nbl,isiNdebele,Itjhokoledi yakaJe,"Jeb and the little girl walked along. They almost walked into a fight! Two boys were hitting one another. Jeb thought for a moment. “Would you like some chocolate?” The boys stopped fighting. “Yes!” + +Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguLesley Beake,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/itjhokoledi-yakajeb +jeb’s-chocolate,"UJeb wayemtsha kuloo ndawo. +Wayengenabahlobo. Wayelilolo. +  +Wayehamba elusizi, ekhaba amatye. Wayenetshokholethi epokothweni yakhe, kodwa yayingamncedi nganto. +Wasala eselusizi. Wayenetshokholethi, kodwa wayengenabahlobo.  + +UJeb waphantsa wagila intombazanana. Yayilila. +“E-e-h… Ndingakunceda?’’ +‘Hayi.’ +UJeb wacinga okomzuzwana. Ungayithanda itshokholethi? +Intombazanana yancuma. “Enkosi.” +  +UJeb nentombazanana bahamba kunye. Baphantsa ukugaxeleka kumlo! Amakhwenkwe amabini ayesilwa. +UJeb wacinga umzuzwana. Ningayithanda itshokholethi? +Amakhwenkwe ayeka ukulwa. “Ewe!” +  +UJeb nentombazanana namakhwenkwe amabini baqhubeka bahamba. Baphantsa ukugaxeleka kwinenekazi elihamba nenja. +Inja yoyika kakhulu isakubona uJeb nentombazanana namakhwenkwe amabini, kangangokuba yabaleka. +Kwathatha ixesha elide ukuyibamba. Inenekazi lalishushu kakhulu kwaye licaphuka +“Ungayithanda itshokholethi?” +Inenekazi lancuma. “Ewe! Ndiyabulela!” +UJeb walinika iqhezu lokugqibela letshokholethi. Wayengenayo yena itshokholethi. +Kodwa abahlobo bona wayenabo! +Izimvo eninokuthetha ngazo +Uthe akwabelana ngetshokoledi yakhe nabanye uJeb, baba ngabahlobo bakhe. Yeyiphi enye indlela ongabe ubenze ngayo abahlobo abatsha? Buthetha ntoni kuwe ubuhlobo? Yintoni eyenza abantu bazive bengamalolo? Ingaba wake waziva ulilolo? +Umfanekiso +Zoba umfanekiso wakho uziva ulilolo. +Ukufunda +Yiya kwiphetshana lemisetyenzana apha:  Bhala inani kwibhokisi nganye ukuze ubeke imifanekiso ngokulandelelana. Fumana umbhalo ohambelana nomfanekiso ngamnye ebalini. +Ukubhala +Bhalela ileta yombulelo umntu owenze umahluko ebomini bakho ngokuba nobubele kuwe. +Ubuchule +Sebenzisa ipleyiti yephepha okanye usike isangqa sekhadibhodi. Kwicala elinye zoba ubuso “bokuziva ulilolo” kwaye kwelinye icala, zoba ubuso “bokuziva wonwabile”. +Ukwenza +Sebenzisa imifanekiso enonjolwe ngokuchanekileyo ukulibalisa kwakhona ibali.",xho,isiXhosa,Itshokholethi kaJe,"Jeb and the little girl walked along. They almost walked into a fight! Two boys were hitting one another. Jeb thought for a moment. “Would you like some chocolate?” The boys stopped fighting. “Yes!” + +Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguLesley Beake,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/itshokholethi-kajeb +jeb’s-chocolate,"UJeb wayemusha. Engenaye noyedwa umngani. +Wayenesizungu. +  +Wayehamba edangele, ekhahlela amatshe. +Wayenoshokoledi ephaketheni lakhe, kodwa lokhu akuzange kusize. Wayesazizwa edangele. +Wayenoshokoledi kodwa wayengenabo abangani. + +  +  + UJeb wazithela phezu kwentombazanyana. Yayikhala. +“E … ngabe kukhona engingakusiza ngakho?” +“Cha.” +UJeb wacabanga kancane. “Ngabe ungawuthokozela ushokoledi?” +Intombazanyana yamamatheka. “Ngiyabonga.” +  +UJeb kanye nentombazanyana bahambisana. Babona sebeqhamukela kwababelwa! Kwakulwa abafana ababili. +UJeb wathi ukucabanga umzuzwana. +“Ngabe ningawuthokozela ushokoledi?” +Abafana bayeka ukulwa. “Yebo!” +  +UJeb nentombazanyana kanye nabafana ababili baqhubeka nohambo. Nakho sebezithela phezu kowesifazane nenja.  +Inja yethuka kakhulu lapho ibona uJeb nentombazanyana kanye nabafana ababili, nokwabangela ukuthi ibaleke. +Kwathatha sikhathi eside ukuthi bayibambe. Owesifazane wayethukuthele egane unwabu. +  +“Ngabe ungawuthokozela ushokoledi?” +Owesifazane wamamatheka. “ +“Yebo! Ngingabonga kakhulu!” UJeb wamnika ushokoledi wokugcina osele. Yena akazange asalelwe ushokoledi. +Kodwa-ke wayesenabangani! +Imibono okungaxoxwa ngayo +Lapho u-Jeb epha abanye ushokholethi wakhe, baba abangani bakhe. Iyiphi enye indlela abengenza ngayo abangani? Kusho ukuthini ukuba nabangani kuwe? Yini eyenza abantu bazizwe benesizungu? Wake wazizwa unesizungu? +Ezibonakalayo +Dweba isithombe sakho uzizwa unesizungu. +Ukufunda +Iya kuleli phepha lomsebenzi: Bhala izinombolo ebhokisini ngalinye ukuze ulandelanise izithombe ngononina. Funa umbhalo endabeni ohambisana nesithombe ngasinye. +Ukubhala +Bhala incwadi yokubonga eya kumuntu owenze umehluko ekuphileni kwakho ngokukubonisa umusa. +Umsebenzi wezandla +Sebenzisa ipuleti lephepha noma usike isiyingi ekhathonini. Kolunye uhlangothi dweba ubuso bomuntu “ozizwa enesizungu” bese kolunye uhlangothi, udweba ubuso “obujabulile”. +Ukusebenza +Sebenzisa izithombe ezibhalwe izinombolo ngokunembile ukuze uphinde uxoxe indaba.",zul,isiZulu,Ushokoledi kaJe,"Jeb and the little girl walked along. They almost walked into a fight! Two boys were hitting one another. Jeb thought for a moment. “Would you like some chocolate?” The boys stopped fighting. “Yes!” + +Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguLesley Beake,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ushokoledi-kajeb +jeb’s-chocolate,"Jeb e be e le yo moswa. O be a se na bagwera. +O be a bolawa ke budutu. O be a sepela a nyamile, a raga maswika. +O be a na le tšhokolete ka potleng, efela gase ya thuša. O be a sa ikwa a nyamile. O be a na le tšhokolete, efela a se na bagwera. + +  + Jeb o nyakile a sepelela kgauswi le mosetsanyana. O be a lla. ‘Ijoo … nka go thuša?’ ‘Aowa.’ Jeb a tšea sebakanyana a nagana. +‘O nyaka tšhokolete?’ Mosetsanyana o ile a myemyela. ‘Ke a leboga.’ Jeb o ile a sepela le mosetsanyana. Ba nyakile go hwetša batho ba elwa! Bašemane ba babedi ba be ba elwa. Jeb a tšea sebakanyana a nagana. ‘Le nyaka tšhokolete?’ Bašimane ba ile ba emiša go lwa. ‘Ee!’ + Jeb le mosetsanyana le bašemane ba babedi ba ile ba sepela mmogo. Ba nyakile go hwetša lekgarebe la go ba le mpša. +Mpša e ile ya tšhoga kudu ge e bona Jeb le mosetsanyana le bašemane ba babedi, gomme ya tšhaba. +Go tšere nako ye telele go e swara. Lekgarebe le be le fufulelwa ebile le befetšwe. ‘O nyaka tšhokolete?’ Lekgarebe le ile la myemyela. ‘’Ee! Ke a leboga!’ Jeb o ile a mo fa seripa sa mafelelo sa tšhokolete ya gagwe. Yena o be a se sa na tšhokolete. Efela o be a na le bagwera! +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Ge Jeb a be a abelana ka tšhokolete ya gagwe le ba bangwe, ba feleleditše ba eba bagwera ba gagwe. Ke ka tsela efe ye nngwe yeo re ka bego re feleleditše re le bagwera? Naa go ba le segwera go šupa eng go wena? Ke eng se se dirago gore batho ba ikwe ba le bodutung? Naa o kile wa ikwa o le bodutung? +Go bona +Thala seswantšho sa gago o ikwa o le bodutung. +Go bala Eya letlakaleng la mošomo mo:  Ngwala nomoro go lepokisi le lengwe le le lengwe go bea diswantšho ka tatelano. Hwetša sengwalwa ka kanegelong seo se sepelelanago le seswantšho se sengwe le se sengwe. +Go ngwala +Ngwalela motho yo a dirilego phapano bophelong bja gago ka go go swara ka botho. +Go dira dilo +Šomiša poleiti ya pampiri goba ripa khatapokisi ya nkgokolo. Ka lehlakoreng le tee thala sefahlego sa “go ikwa o le bodutung” gomme ka lehlakoreng le lengwe o thale sefahlego sa “go ikwa o thabile”. +Go bapala +terama Šomiša diswantšho tše di filwego dinomoro ka tshwanelo go anega kanegelo gape.",nso,Sepedi,Tšhokolete ya Je,"Jeb and the little girl walked along. They almost walked into a fight! Two boys were hitting one another. Jeb thought for a moment. “Would you like some chocolate?” The boys stopped fighting. “Yes!” + +Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mongwadi keLesley Beake,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tšhokolete-ya-jeb +jeb’s-chocolate,"Jeb o ne a le motjha. O ne a se na metswalle hohang. O ne a qetwa ke bodutu. O ne a tsamaya a hloname, a raha majwe. +O ne a ena le tjhokolete ka pokothong ya hae, empa e ne e sa thuse. O ne a ntse a ikutlwa a hloname. +O ne a ena le tjhokolete, empa a se na metswalle. + +  +  + Jeb a batla a thula ngwananyana e monyane. O ne a lla. ‘Eh … na nka o thusa?’ ‘Tjhe.’ Jeb a nahana motsotswana. ‘na o ka thabela tjhokolete?’ Ngwananyana eo a bososela. ‘Ke a leboha.’ Jeb le ngwananyana eo ba tsamaya mmoho. Ba batla ba kena ka hara ntwa! Bashemane ba babedi ba ne ba lwana. Jeb a nahana motsotswana. ‘Na le ka thabela tjhokolete?’ Bashemane bao ba tlohela ho lwana. ‘E!’ +Jeb le ngwananyana le bashemane ba babedi ba tswela pele ho tsamaya. Ba batla ba thula mosadi e mong le ntja ya hae. Ntja ya tshoha haholo ha e bona Jeb le ngwananyana le bashemane ba babedi ba neng ba lwana, hoo e ileng ya baleha. +Ho ile ha nka nako e telele ho e tshwara. Mosadi eo o ne a tjhesa haholo a kgenne. ‘Na o ka thabela tjhokolete?’ Mosadi eo a bososela. “E! Ke a leboha!’ Jeb a mo fa sekotwana sa ho qetela sa tjhokolete. Ho ne ho se tjhokolete e mo saletseng. Empa o ne a ena le metswalle! +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Ha Jeb a arolelana tjhokolete ya hae le batho ba bang, ba bile metswalle. A ka be a iketseditse metswalle e metjha ka ditsela dife tse ding? Setswalle se bolelang ho wena? Ke eng se etsang hore batho ba ikutlwe ba tshwerwe ke bodutu? Na o kile wa ikutlwa o tshwerwe ke bodutu? +Setshwantsho +Taka setshwantsho sa hao moo o ikutlwang o tshwerwe ke bodutu. +Ho bala +Eya leqepheng la mosebetsi mona:  Ngola palo lebokoseng ka leng ho beha ditshwantsho ka tlhahlamano. Fumana mongolo paleng e tsamayang le setshwantsho ka seng. +Ho ngola +Ngola lengolo la ho leboha le yang ho motho ya tlisitseng phapang bophelong ba hao ka ho ba mohau ho wena. +Mosebetsi wa matsoho +Sebedisa poleiti ya pampiri kapa ntsha sedikadikwe sa khateboto. Lehlakoreng le le leng taka sefahleho sa motho ya “jewang ke bodutu” lehlakoreng le leng, taka sefahleho sa motho ya “ikutlwang a thabile”.",sot,Sesotho,Tjhokolete ya Je,"Jeb and the little girl walked along. They almost walked into a fight! Two boys were hitting one another. Jeb thought for a moment. “Would you like some chocolate?” The boys stopped fighting. “Yes!” + +Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E ngotswe ke Lesley Beake,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tjhokolete-ya-jeb +jeb’s-chocolate,"Jeb o ne a le montšhwa. O ne a se na ditsala. O ne a jewa ke bodutu. +O ne a tsamaya a hutsafetse, a ntse a raga letlapa. O ne a na le tšhokolete mo kgetsaneng ya gagwe, mme e ne e sa thuse ka sepe. +O ne a ntse a hutsafetse. O ne a na le tšhokolete mme a se na ditsala. + +  + Jeb o batlile go thula mosetsanyana. O ne a lela. ”Um … a nka go thusa?” ”Nnyaa.” Jeb a akanya nakwana. ”A o ka rata nka go fa tšhokolete?” Mosetsanyana a nyeba. ”Ke a leboga.” Jeb le mosetsanyana ba tsamaya mmogo. Ba ne ba batlile ba fitlhela ntwa e fagile! Go ne go lwa basimane ba babedi. Jeb a akanya nakwana. ”A lo ka rata nka lo fa tšhokolete?” Basimane ba tlogela go lwana. ”Ee!” + Jeb le mosetsanyana le basimane ba babedi ba tsamaya mmogo. Ba ne ba batlile ba kopana le mosadi le ntšwa. Ntšwa e ne ya tshoga tota fa e bona Jeb le mosetsanyana le basimane ba babedi ba ba neng ba lwana, mme ya sia. Go mo tseile nako e telele go e tshwara. Mosadi o o ne a šakgetse mo go maswe. ”A o ka rata nka go fa tšhokolete?” Mosadi a nyeba. ‘’Ee! Ke a leboga!” Jeb a mo fa lenathwana la bofelo la tšhokolete. O ne a sa salelwa ke sepe. Fela o ne a na le ditsala! +  +Megopolo e re ka buang ka yona +Fa Jeb a ne a fa ba bangwe tšhokolete ya gagwe, ba ne ba nna ditsala tsa gagwe. Tsela e nngwe e a neng a ka dira ditsala tse disha ka yone e ne e ka nna efe? Botsala bo raya goreng mo go wena? Ke eng se se dirang gore batho ba ikutlwe ba jewa ke bodutu? A o kile wa ikutlwa o jewa ke bodutu? +Se se bonwang ka matlho +Terowa setshwantsho sa gago o ikutlwa o le bodutu. +Go Bala +Ya kwa tsebeng ya tiro fano: Kwala nomoro mo lebokosong lengwe le lengwe gore o beye ditshwantsho tseno ka thulaganyo ya tsone. Batla mokwalo mo leinaneng leno o o tsamayang le setshwantsho sengwe le sengwe. +Go Kwala +Kwala lekwalo la go leboga o kwalela motho yo o go thusitseng thata mo botshelong ka gore a nne pelonomi mo go wena. +Botaki +Dirisa poleiti ya pampiri kgotsa o sege sediko sa khateboto. Kafa letlhakoreng le lengwe terowa setshwantsho sa sefatlhego sa “motho a le bodutu” mme kafa letlhakoreng le lengwe terowa setshwantsho sa sefatlhego sa “motho a itumetse”. +Tiragatso +Dirisa ditshwantsho tse di tshwailweng ka dinomoro sentle go tlotla leinane la gago.",tsn,Setswana,Tšhokolete ya ga Je,"Jeb and the little girl walked along. They almost walked into a fight! Two boys were hitting one another. Jeb thought for a moment. “Would you like some chocolate?” The boys stopped fighting. “Yes!” + +Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E kwadilwe ke Lesley Beake,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tšhokolete-ya-ga-jeb +jeb’s-chocolate,"Jeb bekamusha. Bekete bangani. Bekanesitunge. Bekahamba kalusizi, akhahlela litje. Bekaneshokolethi ekhikhini lakhe, kodvwa ayitange isite. +Abesolo ativa alusizi. Bekaneshokolethi, kodvwa bekete bangani.  Jeb wacishe watitsela etikwentfombatanyana. +Beyikhala. “Ng … ngingakusita?” “Cha.” Jeb wacabanga sikhashana. “Ungayitsandza ishokolethi?” Lentfombatanyana yamoyitela. + +  +“Ngiyabonga.” Jeb nalentfombatanyana bachubeka bahamba. Bacishe batitsela emphini! Bafana lababili bebalwa. +Jeb wacabanga sikhashana. “Ningayitsandza ishokolethi?” +Labafana bayekela kulwa. “Yebo!” Jeb nalentfombatanyana kanye nalabafana lababili bachubeka bahamba. +Bacishe batitsela kulomunye make anenja.  Lenja yetfuka kakhulu ngesikhatsi ibona Jeb nalentfombatanyana kanye nalabafana lababili labebalwa, yabaleka. Kwatsatsa sikhatsi lesidze kutsi ayibambe. Lomake bekeva kushisa kakhulu futsi atfukutsele. “Ungayitsandza ishokolethi?” Lomake wamoyitela. “Yebo! Ngiyabonga!” Jeb wamnika lucetwana lwakhe lwekugcina lweshokolethi. Wasala ete ishokolethi lengeyakhe. Kodvwa bekanebangani! +Imibono lokungakhulunywa ngayo +Ngesikhatsi Jeb abela labanye emashokholedi akhe, baba bangani bakhe. Nguyiphi lenye indlela yekwenta bangani labasha? Busho kutsini budlelwano kuwe? Yini leyenta bantfu bative banesitunge? Wake wativa unesitunge? +Lokubukwako +Dvweba sitfombe sakho uphetfwe situnge. +Kufundza +Lapha yani ekhasini lemsebenti: Bhala inombolo ebhokisini ngalinye kute ubeke titfombe ngekulandzelana. Tfola itheksthi endzabeni lehambisana nesitfombe ngasinye. +Kubhala +Bhala incwadzi ubhalele umuntfu lowente umehluko emphilweni yakho ngekutsi akwentele umusa. +Umsebenti wetandla +Sebentisa lipuleti leliphepha noma-ke usike ukhiphe indingilizi yelikhadibhodi. Ngakulinye licala dvweba buso lobukhombisa kutsi “ngiphetfwe situnge” bese kutsi ngakuleli lelinye licala, dvweba buso lobukhombisa kutsi “ngijabulile”. +Kulingisa +Sebentisa titfombe letibhalwe kahle tinombolo ucoce kabusha indzaba",ssw,Siswati,Shokolethi waJe,"Jeb and the little girl walked along. They almost walked into a fight! Two boys were hitting one another. Jeb thought for a moment. “Would you like some chocolate?” The boys stopped fighting. “Yes!” + +Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguLesley Beake,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/shokolethi-wajeb +jeb’s-chocolate,"Jeb o vhuya a ṱoḓa thulana na kusidzanyana. Kwo vha ku tshi khou lila. “Um … ndi nga mu thusa?” “Hai.” Jeb a humbula lwa tshifhinganyana. “Ni nga takalela tshokhoḽeithi?” Kusidzanyana kwa mwemwela. “Ndi a livhuwa.” +  + +Jeb na kusidzanyana vha mbo tshimbila vhoṱhe. Vho vhuya vha ṱoḓa na u ṱangana na nndwa! Vhatukana vhavhili vho vha vha tshi khou lwa. Jeb a humbula lwa tshifhinganyana. “Ni nga tama tshokhoḽeithi?” Vhatukana vha litsha ulwa. “Ee!” +Jeb na kusidzanyana na vhatukana vhavhili vha tshimbila vhoṱhe. Vho vhuya vha ṱoḓa u thulana na mufumakadzi we a vha e na mmbwa. Mmbwa yo vha yo tshuwa musi i tshi vhona Jeb na kusidzanyana na vhatukana vhavhili vhe vha vha vha tshi khou lwa, lwe ya fhedza nga u shavha. Zwo dzhia tshifhinga tshilapfu u i fara hafhu. Mufumakadzi o vha o neta nahone o sinyuwa. +Zwine ha nga ambiwa nga hazwo +Musi Jeb a tshi ṋea vhaṅwe tshokoḽeithi yawe, ho mbo ḓi vuwa vhukonani. Inwi no vha ni tshi nga vha no shumisa iṅwe nḓila ifhio kha u fhaṱa vhukonani? Vhukonani hu amba mini kha inwi? Ndi zwifhio zwi no ita uri vhathu vha pfe vhe na vhumvumvu? No no vhuya na pfa ni na vhumvumvu? +Tshifanyiso +Olani tshifanyiso tshaṋu tsha musi ni na vhumvumvu. +U Vhala +Iyani kha bammbiri ḽa mushumo ḽi re hafha:  Ṅwalani nomboro tshibogisini tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe u itela u vheya zwifanyiso zwi tshi tou tevhekana. Wanani mafhungo a no bva kha tshiṱori a no yelana na tshifanyiso tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe. +U Ṅwala +Ṅwalelani muṅwe muthu luṅwalo lwa ndivhuho nge a ni thusa vhutshiloni haṋu nge a vha na vhulenda. +Vhutsila +Shumisani phuleithi ya bammbiri kana ni gere tshitendeledzi kha khadibodo. Kha luṅwe lurumbu olani tshifhaṱuwo tshi no ri “ndi na vhumvumvu” kha luṅwe lurumbu ni ole tshifhaṱuwo tsha “ndo takala” +Kushumele +Shumisani zwifanyiso zwo nomboriwaho nga ngona kha u toolola tshiṱori.",ven,Tshivenda,Tshokhoḽeithi ya Je,"Jeb and the little girl walked along. They almost walked into a fight! Two boys were hitting one another. Jeb thought for a moment. “Would you like some chocolate?” The boys stopped fighting. “Yes!” + +Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Tsho ṅwaliwa nga Lesley Beake,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tshokhoḽeithi-ya-jeb +jeb’s-chocolate,"Jeb a ri lontshwa. A ri hava vanghana vo tala. A ri na xivundza. A famba a tsanile, a ri karhi a raha maribye. A ri na chokoleti exikhwameni xa yena, kambe a swi nga n’wi pfuni. A ha titwa a tsanile. A ri na chokoleti, kambe a ri hava vanghana. + +  +Jeb a ri kusuho no tlumbana na nhwana lontsongo. A ri eku rileni. “Em … xana ndzi nga ku pfuna?” “E-e.” Jeb a anakanya nkarhinyana. “Xana u nga tsakela chokoleti?” Nhwana lontsongo a n’wayitela. “Inkomu.” +Jeb na nhwana lontsongo va khomisana ndlela. Va lave ku fika laha a ku ri na nyimpi! Vafana vambirhi a va ri ekulweni. Jeb a anakany nkarhinyana. “Xana mi nga tsakela chokoleti?” Vafana va tshika ku lwa. “Ina!” +Jeb na nhwana lontsongo na vafana lavambirhi va ya emahlweni va famba. Va lave ku fika laha a ku ri na sesi loyi a ri na mbyana. Mbyana yi teriwile hi ku chava loko yi vona Jeb na nhwana lontsongo na vafana lavamabirhi vo lwa, laha yi nga baleka. Swi tekile nkarhi wo leha ku yi khoma. Sesi a julukile swinene naswona a hlundzukile.  +Xana u nga tsakela chokoleti?” Sesi a n’wayiterile. “Ina! Ndza khensa!” Jeb u n’wi nyikile xiphemu xa chokoleti ya yena xo hetelela. A ha ri hava chokoleti yin’wana ya yena. Kambe se a ri na vanghana! +Mianakanyo yo bula hayona +Loko Jeb a phemela van’wana chokoleti ya yena, va hundzuke vanghana va yena. I ndlela yihi yin’wana a tava a endle vanghana vantshwa? Xana xinghana xi vula yini eka wena? I yini swi endlaka vanhu va va na xivundza? Xana u tshama u titwa u ri na xivundza? +Xifaniso +Dirowa xifaniso xa wena u twa xivundza. +Ku Hlaya +Yana eka phepha ra gingiriko laha: https://nalibali.org/story-supplies/activity-sheets Tsala nomboro eka bokisi ha rin’we ku vekela swifaniso hi ku landzelelana. Kuma hungu eka ntsheketo leri fambelanaka na xifaniso xin’wana na xin’wana. +Ku Tsala +Tsala papila u khensa munhu un’wana loyi a tiseke ku hambana evuton’wini bya wena hi ku ku komba malwandla. +Ntirho wa vutshila +Tirhisa xibye xa phepha kumbe u tsema xirhendzevutana eka khadibodo. Hi tlhelo rin’wana dirowa xikandza xa “matitwelo ya xivundza” kasi eka tlhelo rin’wana, dirowa xikandza xa “matitwelo yo tsaka”. +Encenyeta +Tirhisa kahle swifaniso leswi nomboriweke ku tsheketa nakambe ntsheketo.",tso,Xitsonga,Chokoleti ya Je,"Jeb and the little girl walked along. They almost walked into a fight! Two boys were hitting one another. Jeb thought for a moment. “Would you like some chocolate?” The boys stopped fighting. “Yes!” + +Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mutsari i Lesley Beake,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/chokoleti-ya-jeb +what-does-angel-look,"One day at school, Teacher Jane told them about angels. Sharon was so excited about what she had learnt that she told her mom about all the good things that angels do as soon as she got home that day. +“Mom, what does an angel look like?” she asked as she ate her after-school snack. +“I don’t know, my darling. What did Teacher Jane say an angel looks like?” +Mom asked. +  +[a/w 01] +“She said we would know an angel when we see one,” Sharon said, sighing. She wished that Teacher Jane had told them exactly what an angel looked like. At least then Sharon would know what to look for! +“Don’t you believe Teacher Jane?” Mom asked. +“I don’t know. I’m just wondering how I will recognise an angel if I don’t know what to look for,” Sharon said. Then she finished her snack and put her plate and cup in the kitchen sink. +“Come help me clean the table, please,” said Mom. “Put the vegetable peels in the compost bin and please put the bread away too.” +“Yes, Mom,” said Sharon and immediately did what her mother had asked her +to do. +When her dad came home from work that evening, Sharon ran to greet him at the door. She took his work bag to carry it for him. Her dad gave her a hug and smiled at her. +“Dad, I have a question,” Sharon said without giving her dad a chance to sit down. +“Yes, my dear, what is your question?” her dad asked with a big smile. +“Dad, what does an angel look like?” +“Well, angels are good, kind and lovely,” her father said. +“I know. Teacher Jane said that too. But what I want to know is what they really look like,” Sharon said. +Her father looked at her and thought for a while. Then he said, “I will take you out over the weekend so that we can see one.” +Sharon was very excited. “You know where to look?” she asked in amazement. “Mom!” she shouted. “Dad knows where to find angels!” +“That’s wonderful, Sharon. I’m happy you will finally have an answer to your question,” Mom said. She looked at Sharon’s dad with a big grin on her face. +The next morning in the school taxi Sharon told all her friends that she was going to see an angel on the weekend. Her friends smiled politely because they like Sharon, but they did not believe what she said. +Then she told her teacher about her plans for the weekend. Teacher Jane asked her to come and tell the class all about her adventure on Monday. +On Saturday morning, Sharon woke up early to do her chores. Then she bathed, dressed neatly and had breakfast. All that was left, was to wait for her dad to get ready. Soon enough Sharon was buckled into the backseat of the car and they were on their way. +“Dad, is it far?” she asked happily. +“We’ll be there soon,” he said with a smile. They drove a little while longer before stopping at a retirement home. +“Here we are,” Dad said taking off his seatbelt. +“A retirement home?” Sharon was confused. What were angels doing at a retirement home? +“Aah, good morning,” said a young man walking towards them. “You must be Sharon. I’ve drawn up a list of things that you could do to help out at the home today.” He smiled at Sharon and handed a sheet of paper to her dad. +Dad read the list. First, Sharon helped Dad sweep the yard. Then they cleaned the chairs that the old people used when they sat in the sun. Sharon did her work as quickly as she could so that her dad could take her to see an angel. +“Next, we’ll clean the dining hall,” said Dad. They swept and dusted and polished until everything was sparkling and clean. +Finally, it was lunchtime. Sharon and her dad washed their hands and faces and went to the dining hall. There Sharon helped to serve the meal and then enjoyed sitting with everyone as they told her stories from long ago. They also played some board games. Then one granny said to Sharon, “You’re such an angel,” and gave her a big hug. +“What is your name, my angel?” asked another granny. +“I’m Sharon,” she answered with a smile and rushed off to her dad. +“The grannies called me an angel. Then I remembered that you were supposed to show me one today, Dad,” she said. +Her father smiled and pointed to their reflections in a mirror nearby. “Sharon, that is what an angel looks like.” +  +[a/w 02] +Sharon stared at herself for moment and smiled. She couldn’t wait to go to school on Monday to explain to her friends and teacher how much she enjoyed doing the good work of being an angel. +  +  +Get story active! +  + +What do you think angels look like? Draw a picture of an angel. Cut out and paste material for the clothing and wool or string for the hair. +Write a poem that tells us what you think about angels. +Make an “I’m your angel” jar for someone you love. Invite that person to put little notes of easy things – like Make me a cup of tea – that they would like you to do for them in the jar. As often as you can, take out one of the notes and do something nice for the person that you love.",eng,English,What does an angel look like?,"One day at school, Teacher Jane told them about angels. Sharon was so excited about what she had learnt that she told her mom about all the good things that angels do as soon as she got home that day. +“Mom, what does an angel look like?” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Njabulo Mokoena,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/what-does-angel-look +what-does-angel-look,"Sharon hou baie van haar skool, haar maats en haar gesin. +Op ’n dag by die skool vertel juffrou Jane vir hulle van engele. Sharon is so opgewonde oor wat sy geleer het dat sy dadelik, toe sy daardie dag ná skool by die huis kom, vir haar ma vertel van al die goeie dinge wat engele doen. +“Hoe lyk ’n engel, Mamma?” vra sy toe sy ná skool haar middagete eet. +  + + +“Ek weet nie, my skat. Hoe sê juffrou Jane lyk ’n engel?” vra Mamma. +“Sy sê ons sal weet dis ’n engel wanneer ons een sien,” sê Sharon en sug. Sy wens juffrou Jane het hulle vertel presies hoe ’n engel lyk. Dan sal Sharon ten minste weet waarna om te soek! +“Glo jy nie wat juffrou Jane sê nie?” vra Mamma. +“Ek weet nie. Ek wonder net hoe ek ’n engel sal herken as ek nie weet waarna om te soek nie,” sê Sharon. Toe eet sy klaar en gaan sit haar bord en beker in die opwasbak in die kombuis. +“Kom help my asseblief om die tafel skoon te maak,” sê Mamma. “Gooi die groenteskille in die komposhouer en bêre die brood, asseblief.” +“Ja, Mamma,” sê Sharon en doen dadelik dit wat haar ma gevra het. +Toe haar pa daardie aand ná werk by die huis kom, hardloop Sharon deur toe om hom te groet. Sy vat sy werktas en dra dit vir hom. Haar pa gee haar ’n drukkie en glimlag vir haar. +“Ek wil iets vra, Pappa,” sê Sharon, sonder om hom kans te gee om te gaan sit. +“Ja, my skat, wat wil jy weet?” vra haar pa en glimlag breed. +“Hoe lyk ’n engel, Pappa?” +“Wel, engele is goed, gaaf en pragtig,” sê haar pa. +“Ek weet. Dis wat juffrou Jane ook sê. Maar ek wil weet hoe hulle regtig lyk,” sê Sharon. +Haar pa kyk na haar en dink ’n rukkie. Dan sê hy: “Ek sal jou die naweek neem om na een te gaan kyk.” +Sharon is baie opgewonde. “Weet jy waar om te kyk?” vra sy verwonderd. “Mamma!” roep sy, “Pappa weet waar om engele te vind!” +“Dis wonderlik, Sharon. Ek is bly jy gaan uiteindelik ’n antwoord op jou vraag kry,” sê Mamma. Sy glimlag breed vir Sharon se pa. +Die volgende oggend in die taxi op pad skool toe, vertel Sharon vir al haar maats dat sy die naweek ’n engel gaan sien. Haar maats glimlag beleefd, want hulle hou van Sharon, maar hulle glo nie wat sy sê nie. +Toe vertel sy vir haar juffrou van haar planne vir die naweek. Juffrou Jane vra haar om Maandag vir die klas van haar avontuur te kom vertel. +Saterdagoggend word Sharon vroeg wakker en maak al haar werkies klaar. Toe bad sy, trek netjies aan en eet ontbyt. Al wat oorbly, is om vir haar pa te wag om reg te maak. Sommer gou is Sharon op die agtersitplek van die kar vasgegordel en is hulle op pad. +“Is dit ver, Pappa?” vra sy vrolik. +“Ons is sommer nou daar,” sê hy en glimlag. Hulle ry nog ’n entjie voordat hulle by ’n ouetehuis stilhou. +“Hier is ons,” sê Pappa en maak sy veiligheidsgordel los. +“’n Ouetehuis?” Sharon is verward. Wat doen engele by ’n ouetehuis? +“Aa, goeiemôre,” sê ’n jong man wat na hulle toe aangestap kom. “Jy moet Sharon wees. Ek het ’n lys gemaak van die dinge wat jy kan doen om vandag hier by die tehuis uit te help.” Hy glimlag vir Sharon en gee vir haar pa ’n vel papier. +Pappa lees die lysie. Eers help Sharon vir Pappa om die erf te vee. Toe maak hulle die stoele skoon waarop die bejaardes in die son sit. Sharon doen haar werk so vinnig sy wat kan sodat haar pa haar kan neem om ’n engel te sien. +“Nou gaan ons die eetsaal skoonmaak,” sê Pappa. Hulle vee en stof af en vryf die meubels blink totdat alles silwerskoon is. +Uiteindelik is dit tyd vir middagete. Sharon en haar pa was hulle hande en gesig en gaan eetsaal toe. Daar help Sharon om die etes te bedien. Sy geniet dit om by almal te sit terwyl hulle vir haar stories van lank gelede vertel. Hulle speel ook bordspeletjies. Toe sê een tante vir Sharon: “Jy’s ’n regte engel,” en gee vir haar ’n stywe drukkie. +“Wat is jou naam, my engel?” vra ’n ander ou tante. +“Ek is Sharon,” antwoord sy met ’n glimlag en hardloop na haar pa toe. +“Die ou tannies noem my ’n engel. Toe onthou ek Pappa is veronderstel om vandag vir my ’n engel te wys,” sê sy. +Haar pa glimlag en wys na hul weerkaatsings in ’n spieël daar naby. “Dis hoe ’n engel lyk, Sharon.” +  + +Sharon staar vir ’n oomblik na haarself en glimlag. Sy kan nie wag om Maandag skool toe te gaan om vir haar maats en juffrou Jane te vertel hoeveel sy dit geniet het om die goeie werk van ’n engel te doen nie. +  +[Get story active!] Raak doenig met stories! + +Hoe dink jy lyk engele? Teken ‘n prent van ’n engel. Knip materiaal vir die klere en wol of tou vir die hare uit en plak dit op die prent. +Skryf ’n gedig wat vir ons sê wat jy van engele dink. +Maak ’n “Ek is jou engel”-fles vir iemand vir wie jy lief is. Nooi daardie persoon om klein notas van maklike dinge – soos Maak vir my ’n koppie tee – wat hulle graag wil hê jy vir hulle moet doen, in die fles te sit. Haal gereeld een van die notas uit die fles en doen iets goeds vir die persoon vir wie jy lief is.",afr,Afrikaans,Hoe lyk ’n engel?,"One day at school, Teacher Jane told them about angels. Sharon was so excited about what she had learnt that she told her mom about all the good things that angels do as soon as she got home that day. +“Mom, what does an angel look like?” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Njabulo Mokoena,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hoe-lyk-’n-engel +what-does-angel-look,"Ngelinye ilanga esikolweni, uTitjhere uJane wabatjela ngeengilozi. USharon wathaba khulu ngakufundileko kangangobana wathi nakafika ekhaya mhlokho, akhange amotjhe isikhathi watjela ummakhe ngazo zoke izinto ezihle ezenziwa ziingilozi. +“Mma, ziqaleka njani iingilozi?” uyabuza ngapha udla ukudla kwakhe akufumene nakabuya esikolweni. +“Angazi, sithandwa sami. Kghani uTitjhere uJane unitjele ukuthi ziqaleka njani?” +kubuza uMma. + +“Uthe sizoyazi ingilozi nasingayibona,” kuphendula uSharon, adosa umoya. Ufisa ngathana uTitjhere uJane ubatjelile bona ziqaleka njani iingilozi. Lokho bekuzokwenza bona uSharon azi ukuthi ufuna into enjani! +“Awumkholwa uTitjhere uJane?” Kubuza uMma. +“Angazi. Ukuthi ngiyazibuza ukuthi ngizoyazi njani ingilozi nangingaziko bona ngizoyibona ngani,” kutjho uSharon. Uceda ukudla kwakhe ngemva kwalokho ubeka isitja nekomitjakhe ezinkini esekhwitjhini. +“Ngibawa uzongisiza sihlwengise itafula,” kutjho uMma. “Thatha amakelo wemirorho awafake endaweni yakamanyoro ngibawa ususe noburothobo.” +“Kulungile, Mma,” kutjho uSharon msinyana wenza izinto unina ambawe bona azenze. +Kuthe ntambama ubabakhe nakabuya emsebenzini, uSharon wagijimela emnyango wayomulotjhisa. Wathatha isikhwama sakhe somsebenzi wamphathela sona. Ubabakhe wamsingatha wamomotheka. +“Baba nginombuzo,” uSharon uvele uyakhuluma akasanikeli ubabakhe nethuba lokuhlala phasi. +“Awu, mntwanami uthini umbuzwakho?” Ubabakhe umbuza amomotheka. +“Baba, ziqaleka njani iingilozi?” +“Yazi, iingilozi zilungile, zinomusa nethando,” kutjho ubabakhe. +“Ngiyazi. NoTitjhere uJane utjho njalo. Kodwana engifuna ukukwazi kukuthi ziqaleka njani,” kutjho uSharon. +Ubabakhe wamqala wacabanga isikhatjhana. Ngemva kwalokho wathi, “Ngizokukhamba nawe ngepelaveke siyoyibona.” +Kwamthabisa khulu ukuzwa lokho uSharon. “Uyazi siyozifuna kuphi?” Ubuza amomotheka. “Mma!” Uyarhuwelela. “Ubaba uyazi ukuthi siyozifumana kuphi iingilozi!” +“Kuhle lokho, Sharon. Kuyangithabisa ukuthi ekugcineni uzoyifumana ipendulo yombuzwakho,” kutjho uMma. Waqala ubaba kaSharon afuna ukuhleka. +Kwathi ngelanga elilandelako ekuseni ekhumbini uSharon watjela abangani bakhe ukuthi uyokubona ingilozi ngepela veke. Abangani bakhe bamomotheka bangafuni ukuhlekisa ngaye ngombana bayamthanda uSharon, kodwana abakukholwa abatjela khona. + +Ngemva kwalokho watjela utitjherakhe ngazokwenza ngepelaveka. UTitjhere uJane wambawa bona ngoMvulo acocele abanye abafundi ngakubonileko. +Kwathi ngoMgqibelo ekuseni, uSharon wavuka ekuseni wenza umsebenzakhe wekhaya. Wahlamba, wambatha kuhle bewadla nokudla kwekuseni. Ngemva kwalokho walindela ubabakhe bona azilungise. Esikhathini esingaphelisi ihliziyo uSharon besele azibophe ngebhande esihlalweni esingemuva ekoloyini bakhamba. +“Baba, kukude?” Ubuza athabile. +“Sizokufike kungasikade,” ukhuluma amomotheka. Batjhayela isikhatjhana ngaphambi kobana bafike ekhaya labalupheleko. +“Sesifikile,” ubaba utjho atjhaphulula ibhande lakhe. +“Ekhaya labalupheleko?” USharon urarekile. Iingilozi zenzani ekhaya labalupheleko? +“Arha, lotjhani,” kulotjhisa isokana eliseselitjha liza ngakibo. “Kufuze bona unguSharon. Ngikutlolele irhelo lezinto ozozenza bona usisize ekhayapha.” Uyamomotheka njengombana akhuluma noSharon begodu unikela uyise iphetjhana. +Ubaba ufunda iphetjhana. Kokuthoma, Sharon kufuze usize ubaba sithanyele ijarada. Ngemva kwalokho bahlwengisa iintulo abantu abalupheleko abahlala kizo nabothele ilanga. USharon wenza umsebenzakhe arhabile ukwenzela bona ubabakhe ayomtjengisa ingilozi. +“Okulandelako, siyokuhlwengisa indawo yokudlela,” kutjho ubabakhe. Bathanyela, bathintitha bebaphoritjha, bekwaba kulapho koke kumanyazela. +Ekugcineni, besele kusikhathi sokudla. USharon nobabakhe bahlamba izandla nobuso batjhinga endaweni yokudlela. Nabafika lapho uSharon wasiza ngokupha abantu ukudla bewathabela nokuhlala nabo njengombana bamcocela iindatjana zakade. Badlala nemidlalo. Omunye ugogo wathi kuSharon, “uyingilozi,” bewamsingatha. +“Ungubani igama lakho, ngilozami?” Kubuza omunye ugogo. +“NginguSharon,” uphendula amomotheka nakacedako wagijimela kubabakhe. +Wathi, “abogogo bangibiza ngengilozi. Lokho kwenze ngakhumbula bona uthe uzongikhombisa yona namhlanjesi Baba.” +Ubabakhe wamomotheka nakacedako wamtjengisa iinthunzi ezivela esibonibonini esiseduze nabo. “Sharon, le yindlela ingilozi eqaleka ngayo.” + +USharon waziqala isikhatjhana wamomotheka. Besele aphela ihliziyo ukuthi ilanga langoMvulo lifika nini ayokutjela abangani bakhe notitjhere bona ukuthabele kangangani ukwenza umsebenzi omuhle wokuba yingilozi. +  +Yenza indaba le ibemnandi! +  + +Ucabanga ukuthi ziqaleka njani iingilozi? Dweba isithombe sengilozi. Sika bewunamathisele amatjhila wezambatho newula namkha intambo yeenhluthu. +Tlola ikondlo usitjele bona ucabangani ngeengilozi. +Yenzela umuntu omthandako umjeka otlolwe ukuthi, “Ngiyingelozakho.” Bawa umuntu loyo atlole izinto ezilula emaphetjhaneni – njengokuthi Ngenzela itiye – okuzizinto abafuna ubenzele zona bese uwafaka emjekeni loyo. Thatha iphetjhana elilodwa bese wenzela umuntu omthandako okuthileko okuhle, kwenze kanengi ngendlela ongakghona ngayo.",nbl,isiNdebele,Iqaleka njani ingilozi?,"One day at school, Teacher Jane told them about angels. Sharon was so excited about what she had learnt that she told her mom about all the good things that angels do as soon as she got home that day. +“Mom, what does an angel look like?” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",NguNjabulo Mokoena,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iqaleka-njani-ingilozi +what-does-angel-look,"Ngenye imini esikolweni, uTitshalakazi uJane wabaxelela ngeengelosi. USharon wayenemincili yinto ayifundileyo kangangokuba wabalisela umama wakhe ngazo zonke izinto ezintle ezenziwa ziingelosi ukufika nje kwakhe ekhaya ngaloo mini. +“Mama, injani ingelosi?” wabuza njengoko wayesitya ukutya kwakhe kwasemva kwesikolo. +  + +  +""Andazi, sana lwam. UTitshalakazi uJane uthe zinjani iingelosi kanti yena?” wabuza uMama. +“Uthe siza kuyazi ingelosi xa siyibona,” watsho uSharon, ebutyhafa. Akwaba uTitshalakazi uJane wayebaxelele ukuba injani kanye kanye ingelosi. USharon wayeza kutsho azi ukuba makajonge ntoni! +“Awumkholelwa na uTitshalakazi uJane?” uMama wabuza. +“Andazi. Ndiyazibuza ukuba ndiza kuyibona njani ingelosi xa ndingazi nokuba kujongwa ntoni,” watsho uSharon. Emva koko wagqibezela ukutya kwakhe waza wabeka ipleyiti nekomityi yakhe esinkini. +“Khawuzondincedisa ukline itafile,” watsho uMama. “Lahla amaxolo emifuno kula mgqomo wesichumisi uze uqoqoshe nesiya sonka torho.” +“Ewe, Mama,” watsho uSharon waza ngoko nangoko wenza izinto umama wakhe amcele ukuba azenze. +Ukufika kukatata wakhe evela emsebenzini ngaloo ngokuhlwa, uSharon wabaleka wayokumhlangabeza emnyango. Wathatha ibhegi yakhe yasemsebenzini waza wamphathela yona. Utata wakhe wamanga waza wamncumela. +“Tata, ndicel’ ukubuza,” uSharon watsho engekamniki nethuba lokuhlala phantsi utata wakhe. +“Ewe, mntanam, uthini umbuzo wakho?” wabuza utata wakhe enoncumo olukhulu. +“Tata, injani ingelosi?” +“Eh, iingelosi zilungile, zinobubele kwaye ziyathandeka,” watsho utata wakhe. +“Ndiyazi. UTitshalakazi uJane utshilo naye. Kodwa ndifuna ukwazi ukuba zinjani xa uzijongile,” watsho uSharon. +Utata wakhe wamjonga waza wacinga kangangexeshana. Emva koko wathi, “Ngempelaveki ndiza kukukhupha siyobona enye yazo.” +USharon wavuya kakhulu. “Uyayazi indawo ekuyo?” wabuza emangalisiwe. “Mama!” wakhwaza. “UTata uyazi ukuba ziphi iingelosi!” +“Intle loo nto, Sharon. Ndiyavuya uza kude ufumane impendulo yombuzo wakho,” watsho uMama. Wajonga utata kaSharon enoncumo olukhulu. +Ngentsasa elandelayo kwiteksi yesikolo uSharon waxelela zonke iitshomi zakhe ukuba wayeza kuyobona ingelosi ngempelaveki. Iitshomi zakhe zamncumela nje ke kuba zimthanda uSharon, kodwa zazingayikholelwa le nto wayeyithetha. +Emva koko wachazela utitshala wakhe ngento awayeza kuyenza ngempelaveki. UTitshalakazi uJane wamcela ukuba ngoMvulo eze kubalisela iklasi ngalo lonke uhambo lwakhe lwangempelaveki. +NgoMgqibelo kusasa, uSharon wavuka kwakusasa waza wenza imisebenzi yakhe. Emva koko wahlamba, wanxiba kakuhle waza watya ibrakfesi. Inye nje qha into eyayishiyekile, kukulinda utata wakhe ukuba alungise. Kungekudala uSharon wayesesitulweni sangasemva emotweni ebophe ibhanti ibe bahamba. +“Tata, kukude?” wabuza evuya. +“Sesiza kufika,” watsho encumile. Bahamba ngemoto umganyana baza bayokumisa kwikhaya labantu abadla umhlalaphantsi. +“Heke safika,” watsho uTata ekhulula ibhanti lakhe lesitulo. +“Ikhaya labantu abadla umhlalaphantsi?” uSharon wayedidekile. Zifuna ntoni iingelosi kwikhaya labantu abadla umhlalaphantsi? +“Tyhini, molweni,” watsho omnye umfana esiza ngakubo. “Inoba unguSharon. Ndiye ndabhala uludwe lwezinto ongazenza ukuze usincedise kweli khaya namhlanje.” Wancumela uSharon waza wanika utata wakhe iphepha. +UTata walufunda olu ludwe. Okokuqala, uSharon wancedisa uTata batshayela iyadi. Emva koko baklina izitulo abahlala kuzo abantu abadala xa begcakamele ilanga. USharon wawukhawulezisa kangangoko umsebenzi wakhe ukuze utata wakhe amse kwingelosi. +“Ngoku, siza kuklina iholo yokutyela,” watsho uTata. Batshayela baza bosula uthuli baza bapolisha de yonke into yamenyezela. +Ekugqibeleni, kwabetha ixesha lesidlo sasemini. USharon notata wakhe bahlamba izandla nobuso babo baza baya kwiholo yokutyela. Apho uSharon wancedisa ekuphakeni ukutya waza wakuvuyela ukubuthela bonke abantu njengoko babembalisela amabali akudala. Badlala nemidlalo yebhodi. Emva koko omnye umakhulu wathi kuSharon, “Uyingelosi yokwenyani wena,” waza wamanga kakhulu. +“Ngubani igama lakho, ngelosi yam?” wabuza omnye umakhulu. +“NdinguSharon,” waphendula encumile waza wakhawuleza waya kutata wakhe. +“Oomakhulu bathe ndiyingelosi. Ndatsho ndakhumbula ukuba ubufanele undibonise yona namhlanje, Tata,” watsho. +Utata wakhe wancuma waza wakhomba umfanekiso wabo kwisipili esikufutshane. “Sharon, inje ke ingelosi xa uyijongile.” +  + +  +USharon wazijonga kangangexeshana waza wancuma. Wawungathi awusafiki uMvulo azokuya esikolweni axelele iitshomi zakhe notitshala indlela akuthande ngayo ukwenza umsebenzi omhle wokuba yingelosi. +  +[Get story active!] Yenza ibali linike umdla! +• + +Bhala umbono osixelela into oyicingayo ngeengelosi. + +•",xho,isiXhosa,Injani ingelosi?,"One day at school, Teacher Jane told them about angels. Sharon was so excited about what she had learnt that she told her mom about all the good things that angels do as soon as she got home that day. +“Mom, what does an angel look like?” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Njabulo Mokoena,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/injani-ingelosi +what-does-angel-look,"Ngolunye usuku esikoleni, uThisha uJane wabatshela ngezingelosi. USharon wajabula kakhulu ngalokho ayekufundile kangangokuba watshela unina ngazo zonke izinto ezinhle ezenziwa yizingelosi, lapho nje efika ekhaya ngalolo suku. +  + +  +“Mama, ibukeka kanjani ingelosi?” embuza njengoba edla i-snack sakhe sangemva kwesikole. +“Angazi, sthandwa sami. UThisha uJane uthe ibukeka kanjani ingelosi?” kubuza uMama. +“Uthe sizoyazi ingelosi lapho siyibona,” kusho uSharon, ekhokha umoya. Wafisa ngathi ngabe uThisha uJane wayebatshele ngokuqondile ukuthi ibukeka kanjani ingelosi. Okungenani uSharon wayezokwazi ukuthi yini okumele ayibheke! +“Awumkholwa uThisha uJane?” kubuza uMama. +“Angazi. Ngiyazibuza nje ukuthi ngizoyibona ngani ingelosi uma ngingazi nokuthi yini okumele ngiyibheke,” kusho uSharon. Wayeseqeda i-snack sakhe futhi wabeka ipuleti lakhe nenkomishi kusinki ekhishini. +“Ngicela uze uzongisiza sihlanze itafula,” kusho uMama. “Faka amakhasi emifino emgqonyeni womquba futhi ngicela ususe isinkwa.” +“Kulungile, Mama,” kusho uSharon futhi ngokushesha wenza lokho unina ayemcele ukuba akwenze. +Lapho uyise ebuya ekhaya evela emsebenzini ngalobo busuku, uSharon wagijima wayombingelela emnyango. Wathatha isikhwama sakhe somsebenzi wamphathela sona. Uyise wamanga futhi wamamatheka embuka. +“Baba, nginombuzo,” kusho uSharon engamniki nethuba lokuhlala phansi. +“Yebo, sthandwa sami, uthini umbuzo wakho?” kubuza uyise emamatheka kakhulu. +“Baba, ibukeka kanjani ingelosi?” +“Phela, izingelosi zilungile, zinomusa futhi zinhle,” kusho uyise. +“Ngiyazi. UThisha uJane usho kanjalo naye. Kodwa engifuna ukukwazi ukuthi zibukeka kanjani ngempela,” kusho uSharon. +Uyise wambuka wayesecabanga isikhashana. Khona-ke wathi, “Ngizophuma nawe ngempelasonto ukuze sihambe siyoyibona.” +USharon wajabula kakhulu. “Uyazi ukuthi sizobheka kuphi?” ebuza ngokumangala. “Mama!” ememeza. “UBaba uyazi ukuthi singazitholaphi izingelosi!” +“Kwakuhle lokho, Sharon. Ngiyajabula ukuthi ekugcineni uzothola impendulo yombuzo wakho,” kusho uMama. Wabuka ubaba kaSharon ubuso bakhe bugcwele insini. +Ekuseni ngakusasa etekisini yesikole uSharon watshela bonke abangane bakhe ukuthi wayezobona ingelosi ngempelasonto. Abangane bakhe bamamatheka ngesizotha ngoba babemthanda uSharon, kodwa babengakukholwa lokho ayekusho. +Wabe esetshela uthisha wakhe ngezinhlelo zakhe zempelasonto. UThisa uJane wamcela ukuba eze azoxoxela ikilasi ngalo lonke uhambo lwakhe ngoMsombuluko. +NgoMgqibelo ekuseni, uSharon wavuka ekuseni kakhulu wenza imisebenzi yakhe yasendlini. Wayesegeza, wagqoka kahle futhi wadla ukudla kwasekuseni. Manje, kwase kusele nje ukuba alinde uyise aqede. Ngokushesha, uSharon wayesehleli esihlalweni esingasemuva emotweni ezifase ngebhande futhi babe sebesendleleni. +“Baba, kukude?” ebuza ngokujabula. +“Sizofika ngokushesha,” kusho uyise emamatheka. Bahamba isikhashana ngemoto ngaphambi kokuba bame ekhaya labathathe umhlalaphansi. +“Safika,” Ubaba esho ekhumula ibhande lakhe lesihlalo. +“Ikhaya labathathe umhlalaphansi?” uSharona wadideka. Yini izingelosi ezaziyenza ekhaya labathathe umhlalaphansi? +“Aah, sanibona,” kusho insizwa iza ngakubo. “Kumelwe ukuthi unguSharon. Ngibhale uhlu lwezinto ongazenza ukusiza lapha ekhaya namuhla.” Yamamatheka ibheke uSharon futhi yanika uyise iphepha. +Ubaba wafunda lolu hlu. Okokuqala, uSharon wasiza uyise washanela igceke. Base becoca izihlalo ezisetshenziswa abantu abakhulile lapho behlala elangeni. USharon wenza umsebenzi wakhe ngokushesha ngangokunokwenzeka ukuze uyise amthathe ayobona ingelosi. +“Okulandelayo, sizococa ihholo lokudlela,” kusho uBaba. Bashanela futhi badasida futhi bapholisha kwaze kwaba yilapho yonke into icocekile icwebezela. +Ekugcineni, kwase kuyisikhathi selantshi. USharon noyise bageza izandla nobuso futhi baya ehholo lokudlela. Belapho uSharon wasiza ngokuphaka ukudla futhi wajabulela ukuhlala nawo wonke umuntu njengoba babemxoxela izindaba zakudala. Babuye badlala nemidlalo edlalwa ebhodini. Khona-ke omunye ugogo wathi kuSharon, “Uyingelosi enhle yazi,” futhi wamanga ngemfudumalo. +“Ungubani igama lakho, ngelosi yami?” kubuza omunye ugogo. +“NginguSharon,” waphendula emamatheka wayesegijima eya kuyise. +“Ogogo bangibize ngokuthi ngiyingelosi. Ngase ngikhumbula ukuthi bekumele ungibonise yona namuhla, Baba,” esho. +Uyise wamamatheka futhi wakhomba izithunzi zabo esibukweni esasiseduze nabo. “Sharona, ibukeka kanje ingelosi.” +  + +  +USharon wazibuka okwesikhathi esithile futhi wamamatheka. Wayengeve ejahile ukuya esikoleni ngoMsombuluko ukuze ayochazela abangane bakhe nothisha wakhe indlela ayekujabulele ngayo ukwenza umsebenzi omuhle wokuba yingelosi. +  +[Get story active!] Yenza indaba ibe mnandi! +• + +Bhala inkondlo esitshela ngalokho okucabangayo ngezingelosi. + +•",zul,isiZulu,Ibukeka kanjani ingelosi?,"One day at school, Teacher Jane told them about angels. Sharon was so excited about what she had learnt that she told her mom about all the good things that angels do as soon as she got home that day. +“Mom, what does an angel look like?” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Njabulo Mokoena,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ibukeka-kanjani-ingelosi +what-does-angel-look,"Ka letsatsi le leng ha a le sekolong, Titjhere Jane a ba bolella ka mangeloi. Sharon o ne a thabetse seo a ithutileng sona hoo hang ha a fihla lapeng letsatsing leo a ileng a bolella mme wa hae ka dintho tsohle tse ntle tseo mangeloi a di etsang. +“Mme, lengoloi le shebahala jwang?” a botsa jwalo ha a ntse a ja seneke sa hae sa ka mora sekolo. +“Ha ke tsebe nnana. Titjhere Jane o itse lengeloi le shebahala jwang?” ha botsa Mme. +  + + +“O itse re tla tseba lengeloi ha re le bona,” ha rialo Sharon a fehelwa. O ne a lakatsa eka Titjhere Jane a ka be a ba boleletse hore na hantlentle lengeloi le shebahala jwang. Bonyane Sharon o ne a ka tseba hore a shebe eng! +“E le hore ha o dumele seo Titjhere Jane a o boleletseng sona?” ha botsa Mme. +“Ha ke tsebe. Ke mpa ke ipotsa hore na ke tla lemoha lengeloi jwang haeba ke sa tsebe hore na le shebahala jwang,” ha rialo Sharon. Yaba o qeta seneke sa hae mme o beha poleiti le kopi sinking ya kitjhine. +“Ako nthuse ho hlwekisa tafole ena,” ha rialo Mme. “Lahlela makgapetla a meroho moqomong wa manyolo mme ha o qeta ke kopa o hleke le bohobe boo.” +“Ho lokile Mme,” ha rialo Sharon mme hanghang a etsa seo mme wa hae a mo kopileng sona. +Ha ntate wa hae a fihla hae ho tswa mosebetsing mantsiboyeng ao, Sharon a matha ho ya mo kgahlanyetsa monyako. A mo nkela mokotla wa hae wa mosebetsi. Ntate wa hae a mo haka mme a mo sheba a bososetse. +“Ntate, ke na le potso,” ha rialo Sharon le pele ntate wa hae a ka dula fatshe. +“Ho lokile moradi, e reng potso ya hao?” ha botsa ntate ka pososelo e kgolo. +“Ntate, lengeloi le shebahala jwang?” +“Ehh, mangeloi a molemo, a mosa ebile a a rateha,” ha rialo ntate wa hae. +“Ke a tseba. Titjhere Jane o tjhulo jwalo le yena. Empa seo ke batlang ho se tseba ke hore na ha e le hantle a shebahala jwang,” ke Sharon eo. +Ntate wa hae a mo sheba mme a nahana ho se hokae. Yaba o re, “mafelong a beke ke tla o ntsha e le hore re lo bona le le leng.” +Sharon o ne a thabile haholo. “O tseba moo re lo le sheba teng?” a botsa a hloletswe. “Mme!” ke yena eo a hweletsa. “Ntate o a tseba hore na mangeloi a fumanwa hokae!” +“Tseo ke ditaba tse monate Sharon. Ke thabile hore qetellong o tla fumana karabo ya potso ya hao,” ha rialo Mme. A ntano lahlela leihlo ho ntate wa Sharon ka sefahleho se tletseng pososelo e kgolo. +Hoseng ha letsatsi le hlahlamang ka tekesing e yang sekolong Sharon a bolella metswalle yohle ya hae hore o lo bona lengeloi ka mafelobeke. Metswalle ya hae ya bososela ka mosa hobane e ne e rata Sharon, empa e ne e sa dumele seo a ba bolellang sona. +Yaba jwale o bolella titjhere ya hae ka seo a tlo se etsa ka mafelobeke. Titjhere Jane a mo kopa hore ka Mantaha a tlo bolella tlelase ka sohle seo a se sibolotseng. +Ka Moqebelo hoseng, Sharon a di raha e le hore a phethe mesebetsi ya hae. A hlapa, a apara ka makgethe mme a ja dijo tsa hoseng. Yaba o emela ntate wa hae hore a qete ba tsebe ho tsamaya. E se kgale Sharon o ne a se a itlamme ka lebanta setulong se ka morao sa koloi mme ba ne ba le tseleng. +“Moo re yang ho hole Ntate?” a botsa ka thabo yohle. +“E se kgale re tla be re fihlile,” Ntate a rialo a bososela. Ba tsamaya nakwana pele ba ema lehaeng la maqheku. +“Ha se moo he, re fihlile,” ha rialo Ntate a fasolla lebanta. +“Lehaeng la maqheku?” Sharon o ne a ferekane. Mangeloi a ne a etsang lehaeng la maqheku? +“Aah, dumelang,” ha rialo mohlankana e mong a tla a ba lebile. “O tlameha o le Sharon. Ke ngotse lethathamo la dintho tseo o ka di etsang ho thusa lehaeng kajeno.” A sheba Sharon a bososela mme a fa ntate wa hae leqephe la pampiri. +Ntate a bala lethathamo. Qalong, Sharon a thusa Ntate ho fiela jarete. Ka mora moo ba hlwekisa ditulo tseo bontatemoholo le bo nkgono ba di sebedisang ha ba orile letsatsi. Sharon a etsa mosebetsi wa hae kapele e le hore ntate wa hae a tle a lo mo bontsha lengeloi. +“Ka mora mona re tla lo hlwekisa ka holong ya ho jella,” ha rialo Ntate. Ba fiela le ho phumula lerole ho tlotsa pholishe ho fihlela ntho e nngwe le e nngwe e hlwekile hlweko. +Qetellong nako ya dijo tsa motshehare ya fihla. Sharon le ntate wa hae ba hlapa matsoho le difahleho mme ba leba holong ya ho jella. Ka holong ka moo Sharon a thusa ho aba dijo mme ka mora moo a thabela ho dula le bohle ha ba ntse ba mo phetela dipale tsa bona tsa mehleng ya kgale. Ba boela ba bapala merabaraba. Yaba nkgono e mong o re ho Sharon, “O lengeloi ngwanana,” mme a mo haka haholo. +“Lebitso la hao o mang, lengeloinyana la ka?” ha botsa nkgono e mong. +“Ke nna Sharon,” a araba a bososela mme a mathela ho ntate wa hae. +“Bo nkgono ba mpitsitse lengeloi. Yaba ke a hopola hore o lokela ho tlo mpontsha le leng tsatsing lena Ntate,” a rialo. +Ntate wa hae a bososela mme a supa ditshwantsho tsa bona tse hlahileng ka seiponeng se haufi le moo ba leng teng. “Sharon, lengeloi le shebahala tjena.” +  + +Sharon a itjheba metsotswana mme a bososela. O ne a se a tatetse hore Mantaha e fihle a ye sekolong ho ya hlalosetsa metswalle ya hae le titjhere ya hae hore na o natefetswe hakaakang ke ho etsa mebebetsi e metle ya ho ba lengeloi. +  +[Get story active!] Eba mahlahahlaha ka pale! +  + +nahana hore mangeloi a shebahala jwang? Toroya setshwantsho sa lengeloi. Seha lesela mme o le kgomaretse hore e be diaparo le ulu kapa kgwele bakeng sa moriri. +Ngola thothokiso e re bolellang hore na o nahana eng ka mangeloi. +Etsa setshelo se ngotsweng “ke lengeloi la hao” bakeng sa motho eo o mo ratang. Kopa motho eo hore a kenye ka hara setshelo seo dintlha tse nyenyane tsa dintho tse bonolo – dintho tse kang Nketsetse kopi ya tee – tseo a ka ratang hore o mo etsetse tsona. Hangata kamoo o ka kgonang, ntsha e nngwe ya dintlha tseo mme o etse ntho e ntle bakeng sa motho eo o mo ratang.",sot,Sesotho,Lengeloi le shebahala jwang?,"One day at school, Teacher Jane told them about angels. Sharon was so excited about what she had learnt that she told her mom about all the good things that angels do as soon as she got home that day. +“Mom, what does an angel look like?” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Njabulo Mokoena,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lengeloi-le-shebahala-jwang +what-does-angel-look,"Ka letšatši le lengwe sekolong, Morutiši Jane o ile a ba botša ka barongwa. Sharon o be a thabile kudu ka seo a ithutilego sona moo gateetee ka morago ga sekolo a ilego a botša mmagwe ka dilo ka moka tše dibotse tšeo barongwa ba di dirago. +“Mma, morongwa o swana le eng?” e le Sharon a botšiša mmagwe a dutše a eja dijo tša ka morago ga sekolo. +“Ga ke tsebe ngwana’ka. Morutiši Jane yena o itše morongwa o swana le eng?” gwa botšiša mmagwe. +  + + +“Morutiši o itše re tla tseba morongwa ge re ka mmona,” gwa realo Sharon a hemela fase. Sharon o be a duma ge nkabe Morutiši Jane a ba boditše tlwaa gore morongwa o swana le eng. Seo se be se tla mo thuša go tseba gore o nyakana le sebopiwa sa mohuta mang! +“Na ga o kgolwe Morutiši Jane?” gwa botšiša Mmagwe. +“Ga ke tsebe. Ke no ba ke ipotšiša gore ke tlo tseba morongwa bjang mola ke sa tsebe le gore ke sebopiwa sa mohuta mang,” gwa realo Sharon. Ke moka a fetša dijo tša gagwe gomme a bea sekotlelo sa gagwe le komiki sinking ya ka khitšhing. +“Ke kgopela o tlo nthuša go hlwekiša tafola,” gwa realo Mmagwe. “Lahlela matlakala ao a morogo ka motomong wa morole, o bee le borotho bjoo.” +“Go lokile, Mma,” gwa realo Sharon gomme gateetee a dira seo mmagwe a mmoditšego sona. +Ge tatagwe a boa mošomong bošegong bjoo, Sharon o ile a mo kitimela gomme a mo dumediša. O ile a rwalela tatagwe mokotla wa mošomo. Tatagwe o ile a mo gokarela gomme a myemyela le yena. +“Tate, ke na le potšišo,” gwa realo Sharon le pele tatagwe a ka dula fase. +“Tlaa natšo ngwana’ka, potšišo efe?” e le tatagwe a botšiša a myemyela kudu. +“Tate, morongwa o swana le eng?” +“Eh, barongwa ba lokile, ba botho e bile ba na le lerato,” gwa realo tatagwe. +“Ke a tseba. Morutiši Jane le yena o boletše bjalo. Se ke nyakago go se tseba ke gore barongwa ba swana le eng,” gwa realo Sharon. +Tatagwe a mo lebelela gomme a ja marapo a hlogo ka nakwana. Ke moka a re, “Mafelobekeng ke tla go tšea ka yo go bontšha morongwa.” +Sharon o ile a thaba kudu. “Naa o tseba mo ba lego?” a botšiša tatagwe ka makalo. A goeletša a re, “Mma! Tate o re o tseba mo barongwa ba lego!” +“Ke taba tše dibotse, Sharon. Ke thabišwa ke gore mafelelong o tla hwetša karabo ya potšišo ya gago,” gwa realo Mmagwe. A lebelela tatago Sharon ka sefahlego sa go myemyela kudukudu. +Mesong e latelago ka thekising ya go ya sekolong, Sharon o ile a botša bagwera ba gagwe ka moka gore o yo bona morongwa mafelobekeng. Bagwera ba gagwe ba ile ba myemyela ka botho ka gore ba rata Sharon, eupša ba be ba sa kgolwe se a bego a se bolela. +Ke moka o ile a botša morutiši wa gagwe ka leeto la gagwe la mafelobeke. Morutiši Jane o ile a mmotša gore ge a boa ka Mošupologo, a tle a botše klase ka moka gore o sepetše bjang. +Mesong ya Mokibelo, Sharon o ile a tsoga kapela gomme a dira mešongwana ya ka gae. Ke moka a hlapa, a apara gabotse le go ja dijo tša mesong. Go be go šetše feela gore yena le tatagwe ba wele tsela. E se kgale, ke ge Sharon a nametše koloi ya gabo ka morago gomme ba wela tsela. +“Tate, naa ke kgole?” gwa botšiša Sharon ka lethabo. +“Re a fihla e se kgale,” tatagwe a realo a myemyela. Ba ile ba otlela sebakanyana gomme ba fihla legaeng la go hlokomela batšofadi. +“Re fihlile,” gwa realo tatagwe a ipofolla lepanta la ka koloing. +“Lefelong la go hlokomela batšofadi?” e le Sharon a gakanegile. Barongwa ba be ba dira’ng lefelong la go hlokomela batšofadi? +“Masa a sele,” gwa realo lesogana le ba lebile. “O swanetše go ba o le Sharon. Ke go ngwaletše dilo tše o ka re thušago ka tšona lehono lefelong le.” Lesogana leo la myemyela le Sharon gomme la nea tatagwe pampiri. +Tatago Sharon o bala dilo tšeo. Sa pele, Sharon o ile a thuša Tatagwe go swiela jarata. Ke moka ba phumola ditulo tšeo batšofadi ba dulago go tšona ge ba orela letšatši. Sharon o ile a dira mošomo wa gagwe kapela e le gore tatagwe a yo mmontšha morongwa. +“Ga bjale re yo hlwekiša phapoši ya go jela,” gwa realo Tatagwe. Ba ile ba swiela phapoši yeo le go e pholiša go fihlela dilo ka moka di hlwekile wa go hlweka e bile di phadima! +Mafelelong gwa fihla nako ya matena. Sharon le tatagwe ba ile ba hlapa diatla le mahlo gomme ba ya phapošing ya go jela. Ge ba le moo, Sharon o ile a thuša go solela batšofadi gomme a thabela go dula le bona ka ge ba be ba mmotša dinonwane. Ba ile ba ba ba raloka le dipapadi. Ke moka koko yo mongwe o ile a re go Sharon, “O a tseba wena o morongwa,” gomme a mo gokarela. +“Ke wena mang, wena morongwa yo botsana?” gwa botšiša koko. +“Ke nna Sharon,” gwa realo Sharon a myemyela e bile a akgofela go tatagwe. +“Tate, bokoko ba ba mpitša morongwa. Ba nkgopoditše gore etse lehono o itše o tlo mpontšha morongwa,” gwa realo Sharon. +Tatagwe a myemyela gomme a mo šupetša seiponeng sa kgauswi le bona. “Sharon, morongwa o swana le motho yo o mmonago moo.” + +Sharon o ile a itebelela moo seiponeng ka nakwana gomme a myemyela. O be a fela pelo ya go boela sekolong ka Mošupologo gore a yo hlalosetša bagwera ba gagwe le morutiši gore o ipshinne ka go dira mošomo o mobotse wa go ba barongwa. +  +  +[Get story active!] Dira gore kanegelo e be le bophelo! +  + +O nagana gore barongwa ba swana le eng? Terowa seswantšho sa morongwa. Ripa lešelana o dire diaparo, o tšee le wulu goba dithatswana o dire moriri ka tšona. +Ngwala sereto sa go re botša seo wena o se naganago ka barongwa. +Direla moratiwa wa gago mogopo wa go ngwalwa gore, “Ke nna morongwa wa gago.” Kgopela motho yoo gore a tsenye melaetšana ka mogopong woo, ya go swana le gore Ntirele tee – e lego dilo tše a ka ratago o mo direla tšona. Nako le nako, ntšha molaetšana o tee gomme o direle moratiwa wa gago selo se sebotse seo a se kgopetšego.",nso,Sepedi,Morongwa o swana le eng?,"One day at school, Teacher Jane told them about angels. Sharon was so excited about what she had learnt that she told her mom about all the good things that angels do as soon as she got home that day. +“Mom, what does an angel look like?” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Njabulo Mokoena,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/morongwa-o-swana-le-eng +what-does-angel-look,"Sharon o ne a rata sekolo, ditsala tsa gagwe le lelapa la gagabo. +Ka letsatsi lengwe kwa sekolong, Morutabana Jane o ne a ba bolelela ka baengele. Sharon o ne a itumetse thata ka se a se ithutileng mo e leng gore fa a fitlha kwa gae ka letsatsi leo, o ne a bolelela mmaagwe ka dilo tsotlhe tse dintle tse baengele ba di dirang. +Fa a ntse a ja seneke sa morago ga sekolo o ne a botsa mmaagwe jaana: “Mama, moengele o ntse jang?” +Mama o ne a re: “Ga ke itse moratiwa.” A bo a mmotsa a re: “Morutabana Jane o ne a re moengele o ntse jang?” +  + + +Sharon o ne a hemela kwa godimo, a bo a re: “O ne a re re tla itse moengele fa re mmona.” Mme o ne a eletsa e kete Morutabana Jane o kabo a ba boleletse gore tota moengele o ntse jang. Bobotlana Sharon a ka bo a itse gore a batle eng! +Mama o ne a mmotsa jaana: “A ga o dumele Morutabana Jane?” +Sharon o ne a re: “Ga ke itse. Ke ipotsa fela gore ke tla bona jang moengele fa ke sa itse gore ke batla eng.” Go tswa foo a fetsa go ja seneke sa gagwe mme a baya poleite le kopi ya gagwe mo sinking ya kitšhini. +Mama a bo a re: “Tsweetswee ke kopa o tle go nthusa go phepafatsa tafole. Tsenya matlape a merogo mo bining ya monontsha mme o bo o baya le borotho tsweetswee.” +Sharon a bo a re: “Ebu, Mama.” A bo a dira se mmaagwe a mo kopileng go se dira ka bonako. +Maitseboa ao, fa rraagwe a tla gae go tswa tirong, Sharon o ne a sianela kwa kgorong go ya go mo dumedisa. O ne a tsaya kgetsi ya gagwe ya kwa tirong a bo a mo tshwarela yone. Rraagwe o ne a mo tlamparela a bo a nyenya. +Kwantle ga go naya rraagwe sebaka sa go nna fa fatshe, Sharon o ne a re: “Papa, ke na le potso.” +Rraagwe a botsa jaana ka monyenyo o mogolo: “Bua ke utlwe, moratiwa, potso ya gago ya reng?” +“Papa, moengele o ntse jang?” +Rraagwe a re: “Mma re bone, baengele ba molemo, ba pelonomi e bile ba a ratega.” +Sharon a re: “Ke a itse. Morutabana Jane le ene o ne a rialo. Mme ke ne ke batla go itse gore tota ba lebega jang.” +Rraagwe o ne a mo leba a bo a akanya go sekae. Morago ga foo a re: “Ke tla tsamaya le wena ka mafelobeke gore re ye go bona mongwe wa bone.” +Sharon o ne a itumetse thata. A botsa jaana a gakgametse: “A o itse gore o ka ba batla kae?” A bo a goa a re: “Mama, Papa o itse gore re ka bona kae baengele!” +Mama a re: “Go a itumedisa Sharon. Ke a itumela gore kgabagare o tla bona karabo ya potso ya gago.” A leba rraagwe Sharon a bo a mo ntshetsa meno. +Moso o latelang mo thekising ya sekolo, Sharon o ne a bolelela ditsala tsa gagwe tsotlhe gore o ile go bona moengele ka mafelobeke. Ditsala tsa gagwe di ne tsa nyenya ka maitseo ka gonne ba rata Sharon, mme ba ne ba sa dumele se a se buang. +Go tswa fo o ne a bolelela morutabana wa gagwe ka dithulaganyo tsa gagwe tsa mafelobeke. Morutabana Jane o ne a mo kopa gore a boe a tle go bolelela tlelase yotlhe ka maitemogelo a gagwe ka Mantaga. +Ka Matlhatso mo mosong, Sharon o ne a tsoga phakela gore a dire ditiro tsa gagwe tsa mo gae. Go tswa foo, a tlhapa, a apara bontle a bo a ja sefitlholo. Se se neng se setse fela e ne e le go letela rraagwe gore a ipaakanye. Go ise go ye kae Sharon o ne a dutse mo setulong sa kafa morago mo koloing a ipofile ka lebanta mme ba wela mo tseleng. +A botsa jaana ka boitumelo: “Papa, a go kgakala?” +O ne a nyenya a bo a re: “Re tla tloga re goroga.” Ba ne ba tsamaya go sekaenyana pele ga ba ema mo legaeng la bagodi. +Papa a ntsha lebanta la gagwe a bo a re: “Re gorogile.” +Sharon o ne a tlhakane tlhogo a akanya jaana: “Legae la bagodi?” Baengele ba dira eng mo legaeng la bagodi? +Lekawana lengwe le le neng la ba atamela le ne la re: “Agee, dumelang, o tshwanetse wa bo o le Sharon. Ke dirile lenaane la dilo tse lo tla di dirang go re thusa mo legaeng la rona gompieno.” O ne a nyenya le Sharon a bo a naya rraagwe pampiri. +Papa a bala lenaane. Sa ntlha, Sharon o ne a thusa Papa go feela jarata. Go tswa foo ba phepafatsa ditulo tse batsofe ba di dirisang fa ba dula mo letsatsing. Sharon o ne a dira tiro ya gagwe ka bonako ka mo a ka kgonang ka teng gore rraagwe a tle a mo ise gore a ye go bona moengele. +Papa a re: “Morago ga mo, re tla phepafatsa holo e go jelwang mo go yone.” Ba ne ba feela, ba phimola lerole le go politšha go fitlhela sengwe le sengwe se le phepa e bile se phatsima. +Kgabagare, e ne e le nako ya dijo tsa motshegare. Sharon le rraagwe ba ne ba tlhapa diatla le difatlhego tsa bone mme ba tsena mo holong e go jelwang mo go yone. Fa ba le koo, Sharon o ne a thusa go tshola dijo mme morago ga foo a itumelela go dula le botlhe koo fa ba ntse ba mmolelela mainane a bogologolo. Ba ne ba tshameka gape le metshameko ya morabaraba. Morago ga foo nkoko mongwe o ne a raya Sharon a re: “O moengele tota,” a bo a mo tlamparela ka lorato. +Nkoko yo mongwe o ne a botsa jaana: “Leina la gago ke mang moengele wa me?” +O ne a araba a nyenya a re: “Ke nna Sharon.” A bo a itlhaganela kwa go rraagwe. +A re: “Papa, bonkoko ba ne ba re ke moengele. Mme ke ne ka gakologelwa gore o ne o tshwanetse go mpontsha moengele gompieno.” +Rraagwe o ne a nyenya mme a mmontsha ditshwano tsa bone mo seiponeng se se gaufi, a bo a re: “Sharon, ke kafa moengele a lebegang ka teng.” +  + + +Sharon o ne a itebelela go sekae a bo a nyenya. O ne a itlhaganeletse go ya sekolong ka Mantaga gore a ye go tlhalosetsa ditsala tsa gagwe le morutabana kafa a ileng a itumelela ka teng go dira tiro e e molemo ya go nna moengele. +  +  +[Get story active!] Nna le matlhagatlhaga a leinane! +  + +O akanya gore baengele ba lebega jang? Torowa setshwantsho sa moengele. E segolole o bo o kgomaretsa dilo tse e tla nang diaparo le wulu kgotsa mogala gore e nne moriri. +Kwala poko e e re bolelelang gore o akanya eng ka baengele. +Direla mongwe yo o mo ratang botlolo ya “Ke moengele wa gago.” Kopa motho yoo gore a tsenye melaetsanyana ya dilo tse di motlhofo – tse di jaaka Ntirele kopi ya teye – tse a ka ratang gore o di mo direle a bo a e tsenya mo teng ga botlolo eo. Ka makgetlo a mantsi ka mo o ka kgonang ka teng, ntsha molaetsa o le mongwe mme o direle motho yo o mo ratang sengwe se sentle.",tsn,Setswana,Moengele o ntse jang?,"One day at school, Teacher Jane told them about angels. Sharon was so excited about what she had learnt that she told her mom about all the good things that angels do as soon as she got home that day. +“Mom, what does an angel look like?” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Njabulo Mokoena,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/moengele-o-ntse-jang +what-does-angel-look,"Ngalelinye lilanga esikolweni, Thishela Jane wabatjela ngetingilosi. Sharon abejabule kakhulu ngaloko bekakufundzile kangangekutsi ngekushesha nakefika ekhaya ngalelo langa watjela make wakhe ngako konkhe lokuhle tingilosi letikwentako. +“Make, ibukeka njani ingilosi?” wabuta njengoba adla kudla kwakhe lokulula ngemuva kwesikolwa. +  + +  +“Angati, sthandwa sami. Thishela Jane utsite ingilosi ibukeka njani?” kubuta Make. +“Utsite sitayati ingilosi nasiyibona,” kusho Sharon, akhokha umoya. Abefisa shengatsi Thishela Jane ngabe ubatjelile kutsi ingilosi ibukeka njani. Lokungenani Sharon abengati kutsi abukeni! +“Awumkholelwa Thishela Jane?” kubuta Make. +“Angati. Ngiyatibuta nje kutsi ingilosi ngitayibona njani nangabe ngingati kutsi ngibukeni,” kusho Sharon. Wacedzela kudla kwakhe lokulula futsi wabeka lipulede nenkomishi esinkini lesekhishini. +“Ngicela ute ungisite sihlante litafula,” kusho Make. “Faka emacembe etibhidvo emgconyeni wemcuba futsi ngicela ususe nesinkhwa.” +“Kulungile, Make,” kusho Sharon futsi ngekushesha wenta loko make wakhe labemcele kutsi akwente. +Babe wakhe nakefika ekhaya abuya emsebentini ngalobobusuku, Sharon wagijima wayombingelela emnyango. Watsatsa sikhwama sakhe sasemsebentini wamphatsela sona. Babe wakhe wamanga futsi wamamatseka. +“Babe, nginembuto,” kusho Sharon ngaphandle kwekunika babe wakhe litfuba lekutsi ahlale phansi. +“Yebo, sthandwa sami, utsini umbuto wakho?” kubuta babe wakhe amamatseka kakhulu. +“Babe, ingilosi ibukeka njani?” +“Ecinisweni, tingilosi tinhle, tinemusa futsi tiyatsandzeka,” kusho babe wakhe. +“Ngiyati. Thishela Jane naye ushito njalo. Kodvwa lengifuna kukwati kutsi tibukeka njani,” kusho Sharon. +Babe wakhe wambuka wacabanga sikhashana. Wase utsi, “Sitawuphuma ngemphelasontfo kuze sibone leyodvwa.” +Sharon abejabule kakhulu. “Uyati kutsi utibuka kuphi?” abuta amangele. “Make!” amemeta. “Babe uyati lapho singatfola khona tingilosi!” +“Kuhle loko, Sharon. Ngiyajabula kutsi ekugcineni utayitfola imphendvulo yembuto wakho,” kusho Make. Wabuka babe waSharon ngekumamatseka lokukhulu ebusweni. +Ngakusasa ekuseni etekisini lesikolwa Sharon watjela bonkhe bangani bakhe kutsi bekayobona ingilosi ngemphelasontfo. Bangani bakhe bamamatseka ngesizotsa ngoba bayamtsandza Sharon, kodvwa bebangakukholelwa labatjela kona. +Ngako watjela thishela wakhe ngetinhlelo takhe tangemphelasontfo. Thishela Jane wamcela kutsi ete atowutjela likilasi lonkhe ngeluhambo lwakhe ngeMsombuluko. +NgeMgcibelo ekuseni, Sharon wavuka ekuseni kakhulu kuze ente imisebenti yakhe. Ngemuva kwaloko wageza, wagcoka kahle wase udla kudla kwasekuseni. Lobesekusele, kwakukulindza babe wakhe kutsi alungele kuhamba. Ngekushesha Sharon abesahleti esitulweni lesingemuva emotweni futsi besebasendleleni bahamba. +“Kukhashane yini yeBabe?” abuta ajabulile. +“Sitawufika masinyane,” washo amamatseka. Bashayela sikhashana ngaphambi kwekutsi beme ekhaya lalasebakhulile. +“Sesifikile,” kwasho Babe akhumula libhande lesitulo semoto. +“Ekhaya lalasebakhulile?” Sharon abedidekile. Betentani tingilosi ekhaya lalasebakhulile? +“Sanibonani,” kusho lijaha lita kubo. “Kufanele kube ungu-Sharon. Ngente luhla lwetintfo lokufanele utente kuze usisite lapha ekhaya lamuhla.” Wamoyitela kuSharon wase uniketa babe wakhe liphepha. +Babe wakhe wafundza loluhla. Kwekucala, Sharon wasita Babe kutsanyela libala. Ngemuva kwaloko bahlanta letitulo labantfu labadzala labahlala kuto nabatsamela lilanga. Sharon wenta umsebenti wakhe ngekushesha kuze babe wakhe amtsatse ayobona ingilosi. +“Ngemuva kwaloko sitawuhlanta indlu yekudlela,” kusho Babe. Batsanyela batsintsitsa lutfuli futsi bapholisha kwacwebetela futsi kwahlanteka. +Ekugcineni, kwasekusikhatsi selikhefu. Sharon nababe wakhe bageza tandla tabo nebuso bahamba baya endzaweni yekudlela. Kuleyo ndzawo Sharon wasita ngekuniketa bantfu kudla wase ujabulela kuhlala nabo njengoba bebamcocela tindzaba takadzeni. Baphindze badlala imidlalo yemabhodi. Ngemuva kwaloko lomunye gogo watsi kuSharon, “Uyingilosi,” futsi wamanga. +“Ungubani ligama lakho, ngilosi yami?” kubuta lomunye gogo. +“NginguSharon,” waphendvula amamatseka futsi wagijima waya kubabe wakhe. +Watsi, “Labogogo bangibita ngengilosi. Ngibese ngiyakhumbula kutsi bekufanele ungikhombise yinye lamuhla, Babe.” +Babe wakhe wamamatseka futsi wakhomba esibukweni lesisedvutane labebatibona kuso. “Sharon, ingilosi ibukeka njena-ke.” +  + +  +Sharon watibuka sikhashana wase uyamamatseka. Abekulangatelele kubuyela esikolweni ngeMsombuluko ayochazela bangani bakhe nathishela kutsi ukujabulele kangakanani kwenta umsebenti lomuhle wekuba yingilosi. +  +[Get story active!] Yenta indzaba ibe nemdlandla! + +Ucabanga kutsi tingilosi tibukeka njani? Dvweba sitfombe sengilosi. Juba futsi unamatsisele intfo yemphahla kanye neboya noma intsambo yetinwele. +Bhala inkhondlo lesitjela loko lokucabangako ngetingilosi. +Yakha lijeke lelibhalwe kutsi “Ngiyingilosi yakho” ulakhele umuntfu lomtsandzako. Mema loyo muntfu kutsi abhale emanotsi lamancane etintfo letilula – njengekutsi Ngentele inkomishi yelitiya – langatsandza kutsi umentele tona awafake kulelijeke. Kanyenti ngangalokungenteka, khipha manye emanotsi futsi wentele umuntfu lomtsandzako lokutsite lokuhle.",ssw,Siswati,Ingilosi ibukeka njani?,"One day at school, Teacher Jane told them about angels. Sharon was so excited about what she had learnt that she told her mom about all the good things that angels do as soon as she got home that day. +“Mom, what does an angel look like?” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",nguNjabulo Mokoena,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ingilosi-ibukeka-njani +what-does-angel-look,"Siku rin’wana exikolweni, Thicara Jane u va dyondzise hi tintsumi. Sharon a a tsake ngopfu hi leswi a nga swi dyondza lerova loko a fika ekaya a hlamusela mana wa yena swilo hinkwaswo leswinene leswi tintsumi ti swi endlaka. +“Mama, ntsumi yi languteka njhani?” a vutisa loko a ri karhi a dya swakudya swo khomisa. +“A ndzi swi tivi n’wananga. Thicara Jane u te ntsumi yi languteka njhani?” ku vutisa Mama. +  + + +“U te ntsumi a yi kohli,” ku vula Sharon hi ku hefemulela ehenhla. A swi ta antswa loko Thicara Jane a a va byele ndlela leyi ntsumi yi langutekaka ha yona hakunene. Kutani Sharon a a ta tiva lexi a lavaka xona! +“Xana a wu swi pfumeli leswi Thicara Jane a swi vuleke?” ku vutisa Mama. +“A ndzi tiyiseki. Ndzo tivutisa leswaku ndzi ta yi tiva njhani ntsumi loko ndzi nga swi tivi leswaku yi languteka njhani,” ku vula Sharon. Hiloko a heta swakudya swa yena a ya veka ndyelo na khapu ekhixini esinkini. +“Tana u ta ndzi pfuna ku basisa tafula,” ku vula Mama. “Chela masalela ya miroho ebinini yo endla quva, ivi u veka xinkwa endhawini ya xona.” +“Hi swona Mama,” ku vula Sharon ivi a hatlisa a endla leswi mana wakwe a n’wi kombeleke ku endla swona. +Loko tata wakwe a vuya hi le ntirhweni madyambu wolawo, Sharon u n’wi tsutsumerile a n’wi hlanganisa enyangweni. U n’wi mukele bege yakwe ya ntirho. Tata wakwe u n’wi angarhile, a n’wi languta hi ku n’wayitela. +“Papa, ndzi na xivutiso,” ku vula Sharon, tata wakwe ni ku tshama a nga si tshama. +“Hi swona n’wananga, xi ri yini xivutiso xa kona?” ku vutisa tata wakwe hi ku n’wayitela lokukulu. +“Papa, ntsumi yi languteka njhani?” +“Kahlekahle, tintsumi ti lulamile, ti ni musa ni rirhandzu,” ku vula tata wakwe. +“Sweswo ndza swi tiva. Thicara Jane na yena u vule tano. Kambe leswi ndzi lavaka ku tiva swona hi leswaku ti languteka njhani,” ku vula Sharon. +Tata wakwe u n’wi langute nkarhinyana a ri karhi a ehleketa. Hiloko a ku, “Hi mahelovhiki ndzi ta ku humesa hi ya vona ntsumi.” +Sharon a a tsake na swikunwana. “Wa ku tiva lomu yi nga kona?” a vutisa hi ku hlamala. “Mama!” ku huwelela yena. “Papa wa ku tiva lomu tintsumi ti nga kona!” +“Sweswo swa tsakisa, Sharon. Se u ta kuma nhlamulo ya xivutiso xa wena,” ku vula Mama. Hiloko a languta tata wa Sharon hi ku n’wayitela lokukulu. +Hi mixo lowu landzelaka loko a ri exibazanini xa xikolo, Sharon u byele vanghana vakwe hinkwavo leswaku u ya vona ntsumi hi mahelovhiki. Vanghana vakwe va lo n’wayitela, hikuva a va nga swi tshembi leswi a swi vuleke, hambileswi a va n’wi rhandza. +Hiloko a byela na thicara rakwe leswi a kunguhateke ku swi endla hi mahelovhiki. Thicara Jane u n’wi kombele leswaku hi Musumbhunuku a ta a lunghekele ku hlamusela tlilasi hinkwayo leswi a swi voneke. +Hi Mugqivela nimoxo, Sharon u hatle a pfuka a endla mintirho ya le ndlwini. Hiloko a hlamba, a ambala kahle ivi a fihlula. Yena se a a lunghekile, a yimele tata wakwe ntsena. A swi tekanga nkarhi leswaku Sharon a tikuma a tshame emovheni a tifasile exitulwini xa le ndzhaku, hiloko movha wu suka, hi leswiya! +“Ka Papa, xana i kule?” a vutisa a tsakile. +“Hi ta fika ku nga ri khale,” a vula hi ku n’wayitela. Va fambe mpfhukanyana ivi va fika va yima ekaya ra vadyuhari. +“Se hi fikile,” ku vula Papa a ri karhi a hakunula bandhi. +“Ekaya ra vadyuhari?” Sharon a a pfilunganyekile. Tintsumi ti endla yini ekaya ra vadyuhari? +“Hoyohoyo,” ku vula jaha rin’wana ri ri karhi ri va hlanganisa. “U fanele u ri Sharon. Ndzi tsale swilo leswi mi nga hi pfunaka ha swona laha kaya namuntlha.” U langute Sharon a ri karhi a n’wayitela ivi a nyika tata wakwe phepha leri nga ni nxaxamelo wa swilo leswi va faneleke va swi endla. +Tatana u hlaye swilo swa kona. Xo sungula, Sharon u pfune Papa ku kukula jarata. Endzhaku va basise switulu leswi tirhisiwaka hi vadyuhari loko va orha masana. Sharon u hatle a endla ntirho wa yena leswaku tata wakwe a ya n’wi komba ntsumi. +“Sweswi hi fanele hi basisa holo yo dyela eka yona,” ku vula Papa. Va yi kukurile va tlhela va sula ritshuri va hetelela hi ku yi policha ku fikela loko yi basa yi ku paa. +Hiloko ku fika nkarhi wa lanji. Sharon na tata wakwe va hlambe mavoko ni swikandza ivi va ya eholweni yo dyela eka yona. Sharon u fike a pfuneta ku phama swakudya ivi a dzumba kwalaho ni van’wana va ri karhi va n’wi byela mintsheketo ya khale. Va tlhele va tlanga mirhavarhava. Hiloko mukhegula un’wana a ku eka Sharon, “Wa tiva u ntsumi,” kutani a n’wi angarha hi rirhandzu. +“Vonani ntsumi yonghasi! Hi wena mani, ka khegu?” ku vutisa mukhegula un’wana. +“Hi mina Sharon,” a hlamula hi ku n’wayitela ivi a tsutsumela eka tata wakwe. +“Papa, vakokwana lava va ndzi vula ntsumi. Hiloko ndzi tsundzuka leswaku kambe u fanele u ndzi komba yona namuntlha,” ku vula yena. +Tata wakwe u n’wayiterile ivi a kombetela exivonini lexi a xi ri kwalaho. “Sharon, ntsumi yi languteka hi ndlela liya.” +  + +Sharon u tinyange nkarhinyana ivi a n’wayitela. A a lava ri hatla ri xa leswaku a ta ya exikolweni hi Musumbhunuku a hlamusela vanghana va yena na thicara leswaku u tiphinile hi ku endla ntirho lowunene wa ku va ntsumi. +  +[Get story active!] Endla ntsheketo wu nyanyula! +  + +U ehleketa leswaku tintsumi ti languteka njhani? Dirowa xifaniso xa ntsumi. Endla swiambalo hi swilapana leswi u swi tsemeke ivi u endla misisi hi wulu kumbe xintambhyana. +Tsala xiphato lexi hlamuseleka leswi u swi ehleketaka hi tintsumi. +Endlela munhu loyi u n’wi rhandzaka bodlhela leri tsariweke leswaku “Ndzi ntsumi ya wena.” Kombela munhu wa kona a teka swiphephana leswi tsariweke swilo swo olova ku swi endla – swo tanihi Ndzi endlele tiya – leswi a nga tsakelaka leswaku u n’wi endlela swona, a swi hoxa ebodlheleni. Hi ku famba ka nkarhi, humesa xin’wana xa swiphephana leswi, u endlela munhu loyi u n’wi rhandzaka swokarhi leswi a swi tsaleke.",tso,Xitsonga,tsumi yi languteka njhani?,"One day at school, Teacher Jane told them about angels. Sharon was so excited about what she had learnt that she told her mom about all the good things that angels do as soon as she got home that day. +“Mom, what does an angel look like?” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Njabulo Mokoena,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ntsumi-yi-languteka-njhani +what-does-angel-look,"Ḽiṅwe ḓuvha tshikoloni, Mudededzi Vho-Jane vho vha vhudza nga ha vharuṅwa. Sharon o takadzwa nga zwe a zwi guda lwe musi mme awe vha tshi tou swika hayani ḽeneḽo ḓuvha, a vha vhudza zwithu zwoṱhe zwavhuḓi zwine zwa itwa nga vharuṅwa. +“Mma, muruṅwa u hani?” a vhudzisa musi a tshi khou ḽa tshidyangudyangu tsha nga murahu ha musi tshikolo tsho no bva. +“A thi ḓivhi, gomba komba ḽanga. Mudededzi Vho-Jane vho ri muruṅwa u hani?” hu vhudzisa Mma. +  +[a/w 01] + +“Vho ri arali ra mu vhona ri ḓo zwi ḓivha uri ndi muruṅwa,” u ralo Sharon, a tshi khou femuluwa. U tama ngavhe Mudededzi Vho-Jane vho vha vho vha vhudza nḓila ine muruṅwa a vha ngayo. Zwo vha zwi tshi ḓo thusa Sharon u ḓivha nḓila zwine a tea u zwi sedza! +“Naa a ni tendi zwe Mudededzi Vho-Jane vha ni vhudza zwone?” hu vhudzisa Mma. +“A thi ḓivhi. Ndi khou ḓivhudzisa uri ndi ḓo ḓivha hani muruṅwa arali ndi sa ḓivhi zwine nda tea u zwi sedza,” u ralo Sharon. Ndi izwi a tshi fhedza u ḽa tshidyangudyangu tshawe, a vhea phuleithi na khapu kha sinki khishini. +“Ndi humbela ni ḓe ni nthuse u kunakisa ṱafula,” vha ralo Mma. “Dzhiani makanda ni a pose kha bini ya mupfudze, ni tshi fhedza ni dzhie na vhurofho ni vhu vhee.” +“Ndi ḓo ita nga u ralo, Mma,” u ralo Sharon nahone a mbo ḓi ita zwe mme awe vha mu humbela uri a zwi ite. +Musi khotsi awe vha tshi bva mushumoni eneo madekwana, Sharon a gidima a vha ṱanganedza muṋangoni. A dzhia bege yavho ya mushumoni a vha farela yone. Khotsi awe vha mu kuvhatedza nahone vha ṅwethuwa. +“Baba, ndi na mbudziso,” ndi Sharon a no ralo a songo vhuya a vha ṋea tshikhala uri vha thome vha dzule fhasi. +“Zwo luga gomba komba ḽanga, ni khou ṱoḓa u vhudzisa mini?” ndi khotsi awe vha no ralo vho ṅwethuwa zwihulu. +“Baba, muruṅwa u hani?” +“Eeh, vharuṅwa ndi vhavhuḓi, vha na vhuthu nahone vho naka,” ndi khotsi awe vha no ralo. +“Ndi a zwi ḓivha. Na Mudededzi Vho-Jane vho ralo. Fhedzi tshine nda ṱoḓa u tshi ḓivha ndi uri vharuṅwa vha hani zwa vhukuma?” ndi Sharon a no ralo. +Khotsi awe vha mu sedza nahone vha humbulanyana. Nga murahu vha ri, “Musi vhege i tshi fhela ri ḓo ṱuwa ra ya u ṱoḓa muruṅwa.” +Sharon a takala zwihulu. “Vha a ḓivha uri ri ḓo mu ṱoḓela ngafhi?” a vhudzisa o mangala. “Mma” a huwelela. “Baba vha a ḓivha hune ra nga wana hone vharuṅwa!” +“Ndi zwavhuḓi badi hezwo, Sharon. Ndi takalela uri ni ḓo fheleledza no wana phindulo ya mbudziso yaṋu,” vha ralo Mma. Vha lavhelesa khotsi a Sharon vha tshi khou ṅweṅwela zwihulu. +Nga tsha matshelo nga matsheloni musi e thekhisini i yaho tshikoloni Sharon a vhudza khonani dzawe dzoṱhe uri u ḓo vhona muruṅwa mafheloni a vhege. Khonani dzawe dza ṅwethuwa nga vhulenda ngauri dzi funa Sharon, fhedzi vho vha vha sa tendi zwe a zwi amba. +Ndi izwi-ha a tshi vhudza mudededzi wawe zwe a dzudzanya u zwi ita mafheloni a vhege. Mudededzi Vho-Jane vha mu humbela uri nga Musumbuluwo a ḓe a ime phanḓa ha kilasi a vha vhudze zwoṱhe zwe a zwi ita. +Sharon a vuwa nga Mugivhela hu tshee matsheloni-tsheloni a ita mishumo yawe. Nga murahu ha zwenezwo a ṱamba, a ambara zwavhuḓi nahone a ḽa zwiḽiwa zwa nga matsheloni. A lindela khotsi awe uri vha lugele u ṱuwa nae. Nga murahu ha tshifhinganyana vha dzhena nḓilani, Sharon o vha o dzula tshiduloni tsha nga murahu goloini o ḓivhofha nga bannda. +“Baba, ndi kule?” a vhudzisa o takala. +“Ri ḓo swika hu si kale,” vha ralo vha tshi khou ṅwethuwa. Vha reila lwa tshifhinganyana vha mbo ḓi swika vha ima hayani ha vhalala. +“Ro swika,” vha ralo Baba vha tshi khou vhofholola bannda ḽa goloi. +“Hafha ndi hayani ha vhalala musi?” Sharon o vha o ḓaḓa. Vharuṅwa vha ṱoḓa’ni hayani ha vhalala? +“A u vhoni-ha! Ndi matsheloni avhuḓi vhathu,” a ralo muṱhannga a tshi khou ya khavho. “Ndi fulufhela uri ndi inwi Sharon. Ndo ṅwala mutevhe wa zwithu zwine na nga ri thusa ngazwo fhano hayani ṋamusi.” A ṅwethuwa o sedza Sharon nahone a ṋea khotsi awe bammbiri. +Khotsi awe vha vhala mutevhe wa zwenezwo zwithu. Sharon o thoma nga u thusa Khotsi awe u swiela dzharaṱa. Vha tshi fhedza vha kunakisa zwidulo zwine vhalala vha dzula khazwo musi vha tshi ora ḓuvha. Sharon a ita mushumo wawe nga u ṱavhanya uri musi a tshi fhedza khotsi awe vha mu ise u yo vhona muruṅwa. +“Ri tshi fhedza hafha, ri ḓo ya u kunakisa holo ya u ḽela,” vha ralo Baba. Vha swiela, vha phumula buse nahone vha pholisha u swikela zwithu zwoṱhe zwi tshi penya nahone zwo kuna. +Tsha mbo ḓi swika tshifhinga tsha zwiḽiwa zwa nga masiari. Sharon na khotsi awe vha ṱamba zwanḓa na tshifhaṱuwo vha ya holoni ya u ḽela. Henengei Sharon a thusa u avha zwiḽiwa, a tshi fhedza a dzula fhasi na vhaṅwe a ḓiphina nga u thetshelesa musi vhathu vha tshi khou anetshela zwiṱori zwavho zwa kale. Vha tamba na muravharavha. Ndi izwi-ha muṅwe wa vhenevho vhakegulu a tshi ri kha Sharon, “Ni tou vha muruṅwa ni a ḓivha,” a mu kuvhatedza zwihulu. +“Ni pfi nnyi muruṅwa wanga,” ha vhudzisa muṅwe mukegulu. +“Ndi pfi Sharon,” a fhindula a tshi khou ṅwethuwa, ndi izwi-ha a tshi gidimela ha khotsi awe. +“Vhakegulu vho mmbidza muruṅwa. Ndi izwi-ha ndi tshi humbula uri vho vha vho tea u ntsumbedza muruṅwa ṋamusi, Baba,” a ralo Sharon. +Khotsi awe vha ṅwethuwa nahone vha sumba zwifanyiso zwavho kha tshivhoni tshe tsha vha tshi henefho tsini. “Sharon, yeneyo ndi nḓila ine muruṅwa a vha ngayo.” +  +[a/w 02] + +Sharon a ḓisedza lwa tshifhinganyana nahone a ṅwethuwa. O vha a tshi tou ri Musumbuluwo u swika lini uri a ṱalutshedze khonani dzawe na mudededzi nḓila ye a ḓiphina ngayo nga u ita mushumo wavhuḓi wa u vha muruṅwa. +  +[Get story active!] Itani uri tshiṱori tshi nyanyule! +  + +Ni vhona u nga vharuṅwa vha hani? Olani tshifanyiso tsha muruṅwa. Gerani labi ni ḽi nambatedze uri ḽi vhe zwiambaro ni shumise uḽu kana thambo u ita mavhudzi. +Ṅwalani tshirendo tshine tsha ri vhudza zwine na zwi humbula nga ha vharuṅwa. +Itani mudzio ni u ṅwale uri “nṋe ndi muruṅwa waṋu” ni u ṋee muthu ane na mu funa. Humbelani onoyo muthu uri a dzhie wonoyo mudzio a dzhenise notsi ṱhukhu dza zwithu zwi sa konḓi – zwi ngaho Nnyiteleni tie – zwine a ḓo ṱoḓa uri ni mu itele zwone. Musi nyimele i tshi tenda, ni nga kha ḓi dzhia dzenedzo notsi na vhala na itela muthu ane na mu funa tshiṅwe tshithu tshavhuḓi.",ven,Tshivenda,Muruṅwa u hani?,"One day at school, Teacher Jane told them about angels. Sharon was so excited about what she had learnt that she told her mom about all the good things that angels do as soon as she got home that day. +“Mom, what does an angel look like?” ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Njabulo Mokoena,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/muruṅwa-u-hani +timi-and-the-barber,"Timi and his mother lived in Mozala Town. There was something very unusual about Timi – his hair! It grew very quickly. It grew so quickly that every Saturday, Timi’s mother had to take him to the barber to have his hair cut. And if there was one thing that Timi really didn’t like, it was having his hair cut! Haircut time was worry time for Mom because Timi would cry. “I don’t want to have my hair cut!” he always said. + +Mom would cuddle him before they set off to the barbershop, but as soon as they arrived, Timi would burst into tears. Then Mom would have to do all sorts of things to try to get Timi to sit still while he was having his hair cut. Sometimes she would give him some biscuits. Timi loved biscuits, but he would gobble them down and start crying again. Sometimes Mom would break into a dance. She would dance to the left. She would dance to the right. She would shake her body, but Timi just cried and cried. +  +As soon as Jango, the barber, got ready to cut Timi’s hair, Timi got ready to cry even more! First, he would sniffle, then he would sob, and then he would let out a loud cry, “Hiyaa, hiyaa, hiyaa!” “It’s only a haircut, Timi. It’s not painful,” Jango would say, trying to calm Timi down, but that made Timi cry even louder. Sometimes Jango would sing to comfort Timi, but still Timi kept crying. One day, Timi cried so loudly that some passers-by peeped into the barbershop to see what would make a boy cry so loudly! “Oh, my goodness! It is only a young boy having his hair cut,” they said. Timi did not care that people came to stare at him. He cried and cried until Jango had finished cutting his hair. Another day, he wailed so loudly that Grandma Binite came limping in with her walking stick. She lived next door to the barbershop, but had been woken up from her afternoon nap by Timi’s loud wails. +  +“Oh, my word!” Grandma Binite said. “I thought something terrible was going on!” Then she limped back to her house to get Timi a piece of tasty grilled fish she had made. “I’m sure this will make him stop crying,” she thought. But when she gave Timi the fish, he popped it into his mouth, chewed and swallowed … and then went on crying! After Timi had left with his mother that day, Jango sat down with a cup of tea and thought and thought. Surely there had to be a way to stop Timi from crying while his hair was being cut! And that’s when Jango had his good idea! “That’s it! I’ve solved it,” he shouted excitedly. On Timi’s next visit, as soon as Jango took out his scissors, he began to tell Timi a story. +  +“Once there was a young boy who did not like to get his hair cut, so he let it grow and grow,” said Jango. “It grew until his head was full of knotty strands of hair. Soon the knotty strands became twisted together.” “What happened next?” asked Timi, who had stopped crying. “Flies and other insects decided to make their homes in his hair,” continued Jango. “So, what happened to him?” asked Timi, looking worried. “The young boy began to pull at his hair and to scratch because the insects that were crawling around on his head made it very, very itchy. He pulled and scratched, and pulled and scratched all day long. Soon, his head and his hands began to hurt from all the pulling and scratching,” said Jango. “Oh, how awful! What happened next?” asked Timi, feeling sorry for the boy. “His head and hands became swollen,” continued Jango. “One day, his mom brought him to my shop. As soon as they got here, he hopped on the chair to have his haircut. He sat still so that I could give him the best haircut ever.” +  + +“Really?” asked Timi. “Oh, yes!” said Jango. “And when I had finished cutting the boy’s hair – just as I have done yours now – the boy gave me a very big hug.” Timi looked at his head. His haircut was finished! He had been enjoying the story so much that he hadn’t noticed Jango cutting his hair. He jumped out of the chair and gave Jango a big hug. And do you know what? Timi never cried again at the barbershop because Jango had a new story to tell him at every visit! And Timi’s mom was very happy because Jango’s stories meant an end to her weekly haircut worries.",eng,English,Timi and the barber,"Timi and his mother lived in Mozala Town. There was something very unusual about Timi – his hair! It grew very quickly. It grew so quickly that every Saturday, Timi’s mother had to take him to the barber to have his hair cut. And if there was ...",,Ndidi Chiazor-Enenm,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/timi-and-the-barber +timi-and-the-barber,"UTimi nomama wakhe babehlala kwiDolophu iMozala. Kukho into eyayingaqhelekanga kakhulu ngoTimi – iinwele zakhe! Zazikhula ngokukhawuleza okukhulu. Zazikhula ngokukhawuleza kangangokuba umama wakhe wayemsa kumchebi weenwele qho ngoMgqibelo ukuze achebe iinwele zakhe. Kanti ukuba kwakukho into awayengayithandi ngenene uTimi, yayikukucheba iinwele zakhe! Ixesha lokucheba iinwele yayilixesha lokukhathazeka kuMama kuba uTimi wayesuka akhale. “Andifuni mna zichetywe iinwele zam!” wayesoloko esitsho. + +UMama wayemanga phambi kokuba baye kwindlu yomchebi weenwele, kodwa babesithi xa bengena kuyo, iinyembezi zimpompoze emehlweni kaTimi. Emva koko uMama wayesenza konke anokukwenza ukuze uTimi ahlale ngokuzola xa kuchetywa iinwele zakhe. Maxa wambi wayemnika iibhisikithi. UTimi wayezithanda iibhisikithi, kodwa wayesuka aziphange aphinde aqalise ukukhala. Maxa wambi uMama waye adanise. Wayedanisa aye ngasekhohlo. Adanise aye ngasekunene. Wayetyityimbisa umzimba wakhe, kodwa uTimi wayekhala angayeki. Kwangoko emva kokuba uJango, umchebi weenwele, elungele ukucheba iinwele zikaTimi, uTimi wayezilungiselela ukuba akhale kakhulu! Kuqala, wayebefixiza, emva koko abibitheke, asuke asitsho isikhalo sivakale, “Hihoo, hihoo, hihoo!” “Kukucheba iinwele nje kuphela, Timi. Akubuhlungwanga,” wayesitsho njalo uJango, ezama ukudambisa uTimi kodwa oko kwakumenza akhalele phezulu ngakumbi uTimi. +  +Maxa wambi uJango wayecula ngelinge lokuthuthuzela uTimi, kodwa uTimi aqhube ngokukhala. Ngenye imini, uTimi wakhalela phezulu kangangokuba bade bakroba endlwini yokucheba iinwele abantu ababedlula befuna ukuqonda ukuba ingaba yintoni eyenza ukuba inkwenkwe ibhonge kangaka! “Owu, nkosi yam! Yinkwenkwana echetywa iinwele nje kuphela,” batsho. UTimi wayengakhathali naxa abantu besiza kumkroba. Wayekhala, akhale ade agqibe uJango ukucheba iinwele zakhe. Ngenye imini, wakhalela phezulu kangangokuba uMakhulu uBinite weza ejingxela ehamba ngomsimelelo wakhe. Wayehlala ecaleni kwendlu yokucheba iinwele, kodwa wayevuswe yingxolo yesikhalo sikaTimi esathe ngqwa ngaloo mva kwemini. +  +“Owu, zinkosi!” watsho uMakhulu uBinite. “Bendicinga ukuba kukho into embi eyenzekayo!” Waphinda wajingxela ukubuyela endlwini yakhe ukuya kulandela uTimi intwana yentlanzi enencasa awayeyosile. “Ndiqinisekile oku kuya kwenza ukuba ayeke ukukhala,” wacinga ngolo hlobo. Kodwa emva kokuba enike uTimi intlanzi, wayiphosa emlonyeni wakhe, wahlafuna waze waginya … emva koko waqhuba ngokukhala! Emva kokuba uTimi ehambile nomama wakhe ngaloo mini, uJango wahlala phantsi ephunga iti waza wacinga waqhuba ngokucinga. Ngokuqinisekileyo kwakufanele ukuba kubekho indlela yokunqumamisa uTimi ekukhaleni xa kuchetywa iinwele zakhe! Kwafika xa kulapho uluvo oluhle engqondweni kaJango! “Yheke! Ndisifumene isisombululo sengxaki,” wakhwaza ngemincili. +  +Wathi xa esiya kwakhona uTimi, msinyane akuba ethathe isikere uJango, waqalisa ngokubalisela uTimi ibali. “Kwakukho inkwenkwana eyayingathandi ukuchetywa iinwele zayo, yaza yaziyeka zakhula, zakhula,” watsho uJango. “Zakhula yade intloko yayo yagqunywa yimicu yeenwele enamaqhina. Kwangoko imicu enamaqhina yaphothana kunye.” “Kwaza kwenzeka ntoni emva koko?” wabuza uTimi, owayeseyekile ukulila. “Iimpukane nezinye izinambuzane zakhela izindlu zazo ezinweleni zayo,” waqhuba watsho uJango. “Ke, kwenzeka ntoni kuye?” wabuza uTimi, ekhangeleka ekhathazekile. “Le nkwenkwana yaqala yamana ukutsala iinwele zayo nokuzonwaya kuba izinambuzane zazirhoqo-rhoqoza kwintloko yakhe ziyenza irhawuzele kakhulu, kanobom. Yayizitsala izonwaya, iphinde izitsale izonwaye imini yonke. Kungekudala, intloko yayo kunye nezandla zayo zaqala zaba buhlungu ngenxa yokusoloko itsala futhi isonwaya,” watsho uJango. “Yho, imbi loo nto! Kwalandela ntoni?” wabuza uTimi, enosizi ngale nkwenkwe. +  +“Yadumba intloko yayo nezandla zayo ngokunjalo,” waqhuba uJango. “Ngenye imini, umama wayo wayizisa apha kule yam indlu yokucheba iinwele. Msinyane bakuba befikile, yatsibela esitulweni ukuze zichetywe iinwele zayo. Yahlala ngokuzola ukuze ndiyichebe kakuhle kakhulu.” +  + +  +“Nyhani?”wabuza uTimi. “Ewe, kunjalo!” watsho uJango. “Ndathi ndakugqiba ukucheba iinwele zaloo nkwenkwe – njengokuba sendigqibe ngezakho ngoku – inkwenkwe yandanga kakhulu.”UTimi wabuka intloko yakhe. Zazigqityiwe ukuchetywa iinwele zakhe! Wayonwabele eli bali kakhulu kangangokuba zange aqaphele ukuba uJango uyaqhuba ngokucheba iinwele zakhe. Waxhumela ngaphaya kwesitulo waze wamanga kakhulu uJango. Uyazi? UTimi zange aphinde akhale kwakhona endlwini yokucheba iinwele kuba uJango wayenebali elitsha ambalisela lona ngotyelelo ngalunye lwakhe! Umama kaTimi wayonwabe kakhulu kuba amabali kaJango aba sisiphelo seenkathazo zokuchetywa kweenwele ayedla ngokuba nazo ngeveki nganye.",xho,isiXhosa,UTimi nomchebi weenwele,"Timi and his mother lived in Mozala Town. There was something very unusual about Timi – his hair! It grew very quickly. It grew so quickly that every Saturday, Timi’s mother had to take him to the barber to have his hair cut. And if there was ...",,Ndidi Chiazor-Enenm,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/utimi-nomchebi-weenwele +timi-and-the-barber,"UTimi nonina babehlala eDolobheni iMozala. Kwakukhona okuthile okwakungajwayelekile ngoTimi – izinwele zakhe! Zazikhula ngokushesha okukhulu. Zazikhula kakhulu ngangokuthi njalo ngoMgqibelo, umama kaTimi wayemthatha amuse kumgundi wezinwele ukuze agunde izinwele zakhe. Kanti kwakukhona into eyodwa uTimi ayengayithandi ngempela, lokho kwakungukugundwa izinwele zakhe! Isikhathi sokugunda izinwele kwakuyisikhathi sokukhathazeka kuMama ngoba uTimi wayevele akhale. “Angifuni mina ukugundwa izinwele zami!” wayehlale esho njalo. + +UMama wayemsingatha ngaphambi kokuthi bahambe baye endaweni yomgundi wezinwele, kodwa kwakuthi nje bangafika, uTimi avele aqhumuke akhale izinyembezi. Emva kwalokho uMama usezokwenza zonke izinto ukuzama ukwenza ukuthi uTimi ahlale athule ngesikhathi egundwa izinwele zakhe. Ngesinye isikhathi wayemnika amabhisikidi. UTimi wayezifela ngamabhisikidi, kodwa wayewagwinya bese eqala phansi ngokukhala. Ngesinye isikhathi uMama wayevele adanse. Wayedansa aye ngakwesokunxele. Adanse aye ngakwesokudla. Wayenyukunya umzimba wakhe, kodwa uTimi wayevele akhale angayeki. Ngesikhathi nje uJango, umgundi wezinwele, elungela ukugunda izinwele zikaTimi, uTimi yena wayelungela ukukhala nakakhulu! Okokuqala, wayehubula amafinyela, emva kwalokho akhalele phansi, bese emva kwalokho aqhumuke asikhihle kuzwakale, “Hihihi, hihihi, hihihi!” +  +“Wukugunda nje kuphela, Timi. Akubuhlungu,” kusho uJango, ezama ukuthulisa uTimi, kodwa lokho kwakumenza uTimi ukuthi akhale kakhudlwana. Ngesinye isikhathi uJango wayecula ukuze aduduze uTimi, kodwa uTimi aqhubeke nokukhala. Ngolunye usuku, uTimi wakhala kakhulu ngendlela yokuthi ababedlula ngendlela baze balunguza endlini yokugundela ukuze babone ukuthi yini lena eyayingenza umfana ukuthi akhale kakhulu kangaka! “Awu, nkosi yami! Wumfana omncane nje ogundwa izinwele,” kusho bona. UTimi wayengenandaba ukuthi abantu babeza bezomgqolozela. Wakhala, wakhala uJango waze waziqeda izinwele zakhe. +  +Ngolunye usuku, waklabalasa ngendlela yokuthi uGogo Binite weza eseqhuga nobhoko lwakhe. Wayehlala kwamakhelwane eduze kwendlu yokugundela, kodwa wayevuswe esihlwathini sakhe santambama wubuqanduqandu bokukhala kukaTimi. “Hawu, Nkosi yami!” kusho uGogo Binite. “Bengicabanga ukuthi kukhona okubi okwenzekayo!” Emva kwalokho wayeseqhuga ebuyela emuva endlini yakhe eyothathela uTimi iqashana lenhlanzi ethosiwe ayenzile. “Ngikholwa ukuthi lokhu kuzomenza ayeke ukukhala,” kucabanga yena. Kodwa ngesikhathi enikeza uTimi inhlanzi, wayifaka emlonyeni, wahlafuna qede wagwinya … emva kwalokho waqhubeka nokukhala! +  +Ngemuva kokuthi uTimi esehambile nonina ngalolo suku, uJango wahlala phansi nenkomishi yetiye wayesecabanga, ecabanga. Ngempela, kwakufanele kube nendlela yokuyekisa uTimi ukukhala ngesikhathi egundwa izinwele zakhe! Futhi kungalesi sikhathi lapho uJango afikelwa khona yicebo elihle! “Nazo-ke! Sengiyixazululile,” ememeza ngokuthokoza. Ngokuvakasha kukaTimi okulandelayo, wathi lapho uJango esesikhipha isikelo sakhe, waqala ukuxoxela uTimi indaba. “Kwakukhona umfana omncane owayengafuni ukugunda izinwele zakhe, ngakho wazidedela ukuthi zikhule, zikhule,” kwasho uJango. “Zakhula ikhanda lakhe laze lagcwala izintambo ezimafindofindo ezinwele. Ngokushesha izintambo ezimafindofindo zaphothana ndawonye.” +  +“Yini okulandelayo okwenzeka?” kubuza uTimi, owayesethule engasakhali. Izimpukane nezinye izinambuzane zanquma ukuthi zizakhele amakhaya azo ezinweleni zakhe,” kuqhubeka uJango. “Pho, kwenzekani kuye?” kubuza uTimi, ebukeka ekhathazekile. +  +“Umfana omncane waqala ukudonsa izinwele zakhe nokuzenwaya ngoba izinambuzane ezazihamba zizungeza ekhanda lakhe zazilenza lilume kakhulu. Wayedonsa abuye enwaye, adonse abuye enwaye usuku lonke. Ngokushesha, ikhanda lakhe kanye nezandla zakhe kwaqala ukuba buhlungu ngenxa yokudonsa nokwenwaya,” kusho uJango. “Hawu, kuyesabisa! Kwenzekani emva kwalokho?” kubuza uTimi, edabukela umfana. “Ikhanda lakhe nezandla kwavuvukala,” kuqhuba uJango. “Langa limbe, unina wamletha esitolo sami. Banele bafika nje lapha, wagxuma wahlala esihlalweni ukuze agundwe izinwele zakhe. Wahlala wathula du ukuze ngimgunde kahle kakhulu.” + +“Ngempela?” kubuza uTimi. “Ehhene!” kwasho uJango. “Lapho sengiqedile ukugunda izinwele zomfana – njengoba nje sengiziqedile ezakho – umfana wangiwola kakhulu.” UTimi wabuka ikhanda lakhe. Isitayela asigundile sase siphelile! Wayekade ethokozele indaba kakhulu ngendlela yokuthi akazange aqaphele nokuthi uJango wayemgunda izinwele zakhe. Wagxuma ehla esihlalweni wabamba uJango wamwola kakhulu. Uyazi-ke ukuthini? UTimi akaphindanga wakhala endlini yokugundela ngoba uJango wayenendaba entsha amxoxela yona kulokho nalokho kuvakasha! Nomama kaTimi wayejabule kakhulu ngoba izindaba zikaJango zazisho ukuphela kokukhathazeka kwamasonto onke ngokugundwa kwezinwele.",zul,isiZulu,UTimi kanye nomgundi wezinwele,"Timi and his mother lived in Mozala Town. There was something very unusual about Timi – his hair! It grew very quickly. It grew so quickly that every Saturday, Timi’s mother had to take him to the barber to have his hair cut. And if there was ...",,Ndidi Chiazor-Enenm,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/utimi-kanye-nomgundi-wezinwele +timi-and-the-barber,"Timi en sy mamma woon in Mozala Town. Daar is iets baie ongewoon aan Timi – sy hare! Dit groei baie vinnig. Dit groei so vinnig dat Timi se mamma hom elke Saterdag haarkapper toe moet vat om sy hare te laat sny. En as daar een ding is waarvan Timi regtig nie hou nie, is dit om sy hare te laat sny! Timi se mamma raak bekommerd as dit tyd is om Timi se hare te laat sny, want dan huil Timi. “Ek wil nie my hare laat sny nie!” sê hy altyd. + +Mamma gee hom gewoonlik ’n drukkie voordat hulle haarkapper toe gaan, maar sodra hulle daar aankom, bars Timi in trane uit. Dan moet Mamma allerhande dinge probeer om Timi te kry om stil te sit terwyl sy hare gesny word. Soms gee sy vir hom koekies. Timi is mal oor koekies, maar sodra hy die koekies opgeëet het, begin hy weer huil. Soms begin Mamma sommer ’n dansie doen. Sy dans ’n paar treetjies na links. Sy dans ’n paar treetjies na regs. Sy wikkel haar lyf, maar Timi hou net aan met huil. Sodra Jango, die haarkapper, gereed maak om Timi se hare te sny, maak Timi gereed om harder te huil! Eers snuif hy, dan snik hy en dan huil hy kliphard: “Wê, wêe, wêe!” “Ek sny net jou hare, Timi. Dis nie seer nie,” sê Jango om Timi te laat bedaar, maar dit laat Timi net harder huil. Soms sing Jango om Timi te troos, maar Timi hou net aan met huil. Eendag huil Timi so hard dat ’n paar mense wat verby loop, by die haarkapper inloer om te sien wat ’n seuntjie so hard laat huil! “Goeiste! Dis net ’n seuntjie wat sy hare laat sny,” sê hulle. +  +Timi gee nie om dat mense na hom kom staar nie. Hy huil en huil tot Jango sy hare klaar gesny het. Op ’n ander dag grens hy so hard dat Ouma Binite met haar kierie ingeskuifel kom. Sy woon langs die haarkapper, maar Timi se gehuil het haar middagslapie versteur. “Ai, toggie!” sê Ouma Binite. “Ek het gedink iets vreesliks het gebeur!” Toe skuifel sy terug huis toe om vir Timi ’n lekker stukkie gebraaide vis te gaan haal. “Ek is seker dit sal hom laat bedaar,” dink sy. Maar toe sy vir Timi die vis gee, prop hy dit in sy mond, kou en sluk … en huil net verder! Toe Timi en sy mamma daardie dag huis toe gaan, gaan sit Jango met ’n koppie tee en dink en dink. Daar moet tog ’n manier wees om te keer dat Timi huil terwyl sy hare gesny word! En dis toe Jango sy blink plan kry! “Ditsem! Ek weet wat om te doen,” roep hy opgewonde. Toe Timi die volgende keer daar kom, haal Jango sy skêr uit en begin dadelik vir Timi ’n storie vertel. +  +“Eendag was daar ’n seuntjie wat nie daarvan gehou het om sy hare te laat sny nie, en toe laat hy dit groei en groei,” sê Jango. “Dit het gegroei tot sy kop vol gekoekte stringe hare was. Sommer gou het die gekoekte stringe in mekaar vasgedraai.” “Wat het toe gebeur?” vra Timi, wat ophou huil het. “Vlieë en ander goggas het besluit om hul neste in sy hare te maak,” gaan Jango voort. “En wat het toe met hom gebeur?” vra Timi bekommerd. “Die seuntjie het aan sy hare begin trek en krap, want die goggas wat op sy kop rondgekruip het, het dit vreeslik laat jeuk. Hy het heeldag lank getrek en gekrap, en getrek en gekrap. Gou was sy kop en sy hande seer van al die getrek en gekrap,” sê Jango. “O, dis aaklig! Wat het toe gebeur?” vra Timi, en voel jammer vir die seuntjie. “Sy kop en sy hande het opgeswel,” vertel Jango verder. “Op ’n dag het sy mamma hom na my toe gebring. Toe hy hier kom, het hy op die stoel gespring om sy hare te laat sny. Hy het doodstil gesit sodat ek vir hom die beste haarsny ooit kon gee.” + +“Regtig?” vra Timi. “O, ja!” sê Jango. “En toe ek sy hare klaar gesny het – net soos ek nou joune gesny het – het die seuntjie my ’n stywe drukkie gegee.” Timi kyk na sy hare. Sy hare is klaar gesny! Hy het die storie so baie geniet dat hy nie eens agtergekom het Jango sny sy hare nie. Hy spring uit die stoel en gee vir Jango ’n stywe drukkie. En weet julle wat? Timi het nooit weer by die haarkapper gehuil nie, want Jango het elke keer vir hom ’n nuwe storie vertel! En Timi se mamma was baie gelukkig, want met Jango se stories het sy haar nie meer elke week oor Timi se haarsny bekommer nie.",afr,Afrikaans,Timi en die haarkapper,"Timi and his mother lived in Mozala Town. There was something very unusual about Timi – his hair! It grew very quickly. It grew so quickly that every Saturday, Timi’s mother had to take him to the barber to have his hair cut. And if there was ...",,Ndidi Chiazor-Enenm,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/timi-en-die-haarkapper +timi-and-the-barber,"Timi le mmagwe ba be ba dula Toropong ya Mozala. Go be go na le selo sa go makatša ka ga Timi – meriri ya gagwe! E be e gola ka lebelo. E be e gola ka lebelo ka fao e lego gore Mokibelo o mongwe le o mongwe, mmago Timi o be a swanela go mo iša go mokoti gore meriri ya gagwe e kotiwe. Ge go na le selo se setee seo Timi a bego a sa se nyake, ke go kota meriri ya gagwe! Nako ya go kota meriri e be e le nako ya matshwenyego go Mma ka gobane Timi o be a lla. “Ga ke nyake go kota meriri ya ka!” o be a phela a realo. + +Mma o be a mo gokara pele ba eya go motho wa go kota, efela ge ba fihla fao, Timi o be a lla ka megokgo. Gomme Mma o be a mo kunkuretša go leka gore Timi a iketle ge ba mo kota meriri. Ka nako ye nngwe o be a mo fa dikokisana. Timi o be a rata dikokisana, efela o be a tlo di ja a thome a lle gape. Ka nako ye nngwe Mma o be a tlo bina. O be a tlo binela ka go la nngele. O be a tlo binela ka go la goja. O be a tlo tšokotša mmele wa gagwe, efela Timi o be a tlo tšwela pele le go lla. Ge Jango, mokoti, a swanetše go thoma go kota meriri ya Timi, Timi o be a itokišetša go lla le go fetiša! La mathomo, o tlo sekhumula, gomme a llela tlase, ka morago a bokolele, “Hiyaa, hiyaa, hiyaa!”  “O kota meriri fela, Timi. Ga go bohloko,” Jango o tlo realo, a leka go homotša Timi, efela seo se be se dira gore Timi a bokolele le go feta. +  +Ka nako ye nngwe Jango o be a opela go leka gore Timi a homole, efela Timi o be a tšwela pele go lla. Ka letšatši le lengwe, Timi o bokoletše kudu ka fao bafeti ba tsela ba ilego ba tsena ka lebenkeleng la meriri go bona gore ke eng sa go dira gore mošemane a bokolele ka tsela ye! “Batho, wee! Ke mošemanyana yo a kotago meriri,” ba realo. Timi o be a se na taba gore batho ba tlile go mmona. O tšwetše pele ka go lla go fihlela Jango a fetša go mo kota meriri. Ka letšatši le lengwe, o hlabile mokgoši ka fao Koko Binite a ilego a tla a hlotša a swere patla ya gagwe. O be a dula kgauswi le lebenkele la meriri, efela o tsošitšwe borokong bja mosegare ke mokgoši wa Timi. +  +“Batho, wee!” Koko Binite a realo. “Ke be ke nagana gore go na le se šoro se diregago!” O ile a hlotša a boela ka ngwakong wa gagwe go tšeela Timi seripa sa hlapi ye a e bešitšego. “Ke dumela gore se se tlo dira gore a emiše go lla,” a nagana. Efela o rile ge a efa Timi hlapi, a e putetša, a e sohla a e kwametša … gomme a tšwela pele go lla! Timi o rile go tloga le mmagwe letšatšing leo, Jango a dula fase ka komiki ya teye a nagana a ba a nagana. Nnete gona go swanetše go ba le tsela ya go thibela Timi go lla ge a kota meriri! Gomme ke nako ye Jango a ilego a tlelwa ke kgopolo ye botse! “Ke yona! Ke e rarolotše,” a goeletša ka lethabo. Ka ketelo ya go latela ya Timi, e rile ge Jango a ntšha sekero, a thoma go anegela Timi kanegelo. “Kgale go ile gwa ba le mošemanyana yo a bego a sa nyake go kotwa meriri, ka fao o ile a e tlogela ya gola ya ba ya gola,” a realo Jango. “E gotše go fihlela hlogo ya gagwe e tlala ka ditlhale tša mahuto. Go se go ye kae ditlhale tša mahuto tša sopagana.” “Go diregile eng sa go latela?” gwa botšiša Timi, a emišitše go lla. +  +“Dintšhi le dikhunkhwane tše dingwe di ile tša fetola hlogo ya gagwe bodulo bja tšona,” gwa tšwela pele Jango. “Gomme gwa direga eng ka yena?” Timi a botšiša, a bonala a tshwenyegile. “Mošemanyana o ile a thoma go goga meriri ya gagwe le go ingwaya ka gobane dikhunkhwane tše di bego di gagaba hlogong ya gagwe di be di dira gore a hlohlonelwe kudukudu. O be a goga a ngwaya, a goga a ngwaya, letšatši ka moka. Go se go ye kae, hlogo ya gagwe le diatla tša gagwe tša thoma go ba bohloko ka lebaka la go goga le go ngwaya,” a realo Jango. “Batho, se a tšhoša seo! Gwa direga eng sa go latela?” gwa botšiša Timi, a kwela mošemanyana bohloko. “Hlogo ya gagwe le diatla di ile tša ruruga,” Jango a tšwelapele. “Ka letšatši le lengwe, mmagwe o ile a mo tliša lebenkeleng la ka. Ba rile go fihla fa, a fofela setulong gore meriri ya gagwe e kotwe. O dutše ka go iketla gore ke mo kote gabotsebotse.” +  + +“Ka nnete?” gwa botšiša Timi. “Ee, go bjalo!” a realo Jango. “Gomme ke rile go fetša go kota mošemanyana meriri – bjalo ka fao ke dirilego ya gago gona bjale – mošemane a nkgokara ka kgokaro ye kgolo.” Timi o ile a lebelela hlogo ya gagwe. O be a feditše go kotwa! O be a ipshina ka kanegelo ka fao a sego a lemoga gore Jango o feditše go kota meriri ya gagwe. O fofile setulong gomme a gokara Jango ka kgokaro ye kgolo. O a tseba ke eng? Timi ga senke a hlwa a sa lla lebenkeleng la meriri ka gobane Jango o be a mo anegela kanegelo ye mpšha ka ketelo ye nngwe le ye nngwe! Gomme mmago Timi o be a thabile kudu ka gobane dikanegelo tša Jango di fedišitše matshwenyego a gagwe a go kota meriri a beke ka beke.",nso,Sepedi,Timi le mokot,"Timi and his mother lived in Mozala Town. There was something very unusual about Timi – his hair! It grew very quickly. It grew so quickly that every Saturday, Timi’s mother had to take him to the barber to have his hair cut. And if there was ...",,Ndidi Chiazor-Enenm,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/timi-le-mokoti +timi-and-the-barber,"Timi le mme wa hae ba ne ba dula Mozala Town. Ho ne ho ena le ntho e sa tlwaelehang mabapi le Timi – moriri wa hae! O ne o hola kapele. O ne o hola kapele hoo Moqebelo o mong le o mong, mme wa Timi a neng a tlameha ho mo isa ho mokuti wa meriri ho ya kuta moriri wa hae. Mme ha ho ne ho na le ntho e le nngwe eo Timi a neng a sa e rate, e ne e le ho kutwa moriri! Nako ya ho kuta moriri e ne e le nako e ngongorehisang Mme hobane Timi o ne a dula a lla. “Ha ke batle ho ya kuta moriri!” o ne a dula a rialo. + +Mme o ne a mo haka ka matsohong a hae pele ba eya sebakeng sa ho kuta meriri, empa hang feela ha ba fihla, Timi o ne a qalella ho bokolla. Jwale ebe Mme o tla qala ho etsa dintho tsena kaofela ho leka ho etsa hore Timi a dule a tsitsitse ha a ntse a kutwa moriri. Ka nako e nngwe o ne a mo fa dibisikiti. Timi o ne a rata dibisikiti, empa o ne a di bjabjaretsa kapele mme a qalelle ho lla hape. Ka nako tse ding Mme o ne a tantsha ka pela hae. O ne a tantshetsa ka ho le letshehadi. A tantshetse ka ho le letona. O ne a sisinya mmele wa hae, empa Timi o ne a lla a sa kgathalle letho. Hang ha Jango, mokuti wa meriri, a itokisetsa ho kuta Timi, Timi o ne a itokisetsa ho lla le ho feta! Pele o ne a qala ka ho hlefetsa, ebe o a lla, a qetella ka ho bokolla, “Iyoo, Iyoo, iyoo!” +  + “O kutwa moriri feela, Timi. Ha ho bohloko,” Jango o ne a rialo, a leka ho kokobetsa Timi, empa seo se ne se etsa hore Timi a lle le ho feta. Ka nako e nngwe Jango o ne a bina ho leka ho thodisa Timi, empa Timi o ne a tswela pele ho lla. Ka tsatsi le leng, Timi a llela hodimo hoo batho ba fetang ka ntle ba ileng ba nyarela ka sebakeng sa ho kuta meriri ho bona hore moshanyana eo o lliswa ke eng hakana! “Ao, bathong! Ke moshanyana feela ya kutwang moriri ,” ba rialo. Timi o ne a sa kgathalle hore batho ba ne ba tla ho mo shebella. O ne a lla haholo ho fihlela Jango a qeta ho mo kuta. Ka tsatsi le leng, a bokolla haholo hoo Nkgono Binite a ileng a hlotsa a kena ka lere la hae. O ne a dula tlung e pela sebaka sa ho kuta meriri, mme o ne a tsositswe ke seboko sa Timi a ntse a robetse, a iphomoletse motshehare. +  +“Ao, bathong!” Nkgono Binite a rialo. “Ke ne ke nahana hore ho na le ntho e mpe e etsahalang!” Yaba o hlotsa a ikgutlela ha hae ho ya latela Timi leqa la tlhapi eo a e hadikileng e monate. “Ke tshepa hore sena se tla etsa hore a tlohele ho lla,” a nahana jwalo. Empa yare ha a fa Timi tlhapi, a e akgela ka molomong wa hae, a e hlafuna mme a e kwenya … yaba o tswela pele ho lla! Kamora hoba Timi le mme wa hae ba tsamaile tsatsing leo, Jango a dula fatshe a nwa tee mme a nahanisisa. Ruri ho ne ho tlameha hore ho be le tsela ya ho etsa hore Timi a se ke a lla hakana ha a kutwa moriri! Ke moo Jango a ileng a tlelwa ke mohopolo o motle! “Ha se moo! Ke fumane tharollo,” a hoeletsa a thabile. Ha Timi a etla lekgetlong le latelang, eitse hang ha Jango a ntsha sekere sa hae, a qala ho phetela Timi pale. “Ho kile ha eba le moshanyana ya neng a sa rate ho kutwa moriri, kahoo o ne a o tlohela hore o hole, o be molelele,” ha rialo Jango. “Moriri o ile wa hola ho fihlela hlooho ya hae e tletse mafitofito a moriri. Ho se hokae mafito ao a harelana.” “Ha etsahala eng kamora moo?” ha botsa Timi, ya neng a se a sa lle. +  +  +  +“Dintsintsi le dikokwanyana tse ding tsa iketsetsa mahae ka hara moriri wa hae,” Jango a tswela pele. “Jwale, ha etsahala eng ka yena?” ha botsa Timi, a shebahala a kgathatsehile. “Moshanyana enwa a qala ho hula moriri wa hae mme a ingwaya hobane dikokwanyana tse neng di tsamaya hloohong ya hae di ne di etsa hore e lome haholo. O ne a o hula a ingwaya, a o hula a ingwaya letsatsi lohle. Kamora nakwana hlooho ya hae le matsoho a hae tsa qala ho ba bohloko ka lebaka la ho hulwa le ho ngwauwa,” ha rialo Jango. “Kgele, ke ntho e mpe hakaakang! Ha etsahalang ka mora moo?” Timi a botsa, a qenehela moshanyana eo. “Hlooho ya hae le matsoho tsa ruruha,” ha tswela pele Jango. “Ka tsatsi le leng, mme wa hae a mo tlisa sebakeng sa ka sa ho kuta meriri. Mme hang ha ba fihla mona, a tlolela setulong hore ke kute moriri wa hae. O ile a dula a kgutsitse ele hore ke tle ke kgone ho mo kuta hantle ka ho fetisisa.” + +“Ka nnete?” ha botsa Timi. “Ehlile!” ha rialo Jango. “Mme yare ha ke qetile ho kuta moriri wa moshanyana eo – jwalo feela ka ha ke entse ka wa hao hona jwale – moshanyana eo a nhaka haholo feela.” Timi a sheba hlooho ya hae. O ne a qetile ho kutwa moriri! O ne a natefetswe ke pale haholo hoo a sa kang a elellwa hore Jango o ntse a mo kuta. A tlola, a theoha setulong mme a haka Jango haholo feela. Mme le a tseba ke eng? Timi ha a ka a hlola a lla hape sebakeng sa ho kuta meriri hobane Jango o ne a dula a ena le pale e ntjha eo a mo phetelang yona ha a etla! Mme mme wa Timi o ne a thabile haholo hobane dipale tsa Jango di ne di bolela pheletso ya ho kgathatseha ha hae ka ho kuta moriri ha beke le beke.",sot,Sesotho,Timi le mokuti wa merir,"Timi and his mother lived in Mozala Town. There was something very unusual about Timi – his hair! It grew very quickly. It grew so quickly that every Saturday, Timi’s mother had to take him to the barber to have his hair cut. And if there was ...",,Ndidi Chiazor-Enenm,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/timi-le-mokuti-wa-meriri +timi-and-the-barber,"Timi le mmaagwe ba ne ba nna mo motseng o o bidiwang Mozala. Go ne go na le sengwe se se sa tlwaelegang ka Timi – moriri wa gagwe! O ne o gola ka bonako. O ne o gola ka bonako thata mme mmaagwe a tshwanelwa ke go mo isa kwa go mmeodi Matlhatso mangwe le mangwe. Fa go ne go le sengwe se Timi a neng a se ila, e ne e le go beola moriri! Nako ya go beola moriri e ne e le ya matshwenyego ka gonne Timi o ne a lela. “Ga ke batle go beola moriri wa me!” o ne a rialo ka gale. + +Mmaagwe o ne a mo tuntuletsa pele ba ya kwa go mmeodi, fela fa ba goroga, Timi o ne a tsholola dikeledi. Ka jalo Mmaagwe o ne a tshwanetse go dira tsotlhe go leka go dira gore Timi a nne bokgwabo fa a beolwa moriri. Ka dinako dingwe o ne a mo naya dibisikiti. Timi o ne a rata dibisikiti, fela o ne a di kometsa ka bonako mme a simolola go lela gape. Ka dinako dingwe Mmaagwe o ne a bina. A binela kwa molemeng. A binela kwa mojeng. A tshikinya mmele wa gagwe, fela Timi a tswelela ka go lela le go lela. Fa jaanong Jango, mmeodi, a ipaakanyetsa go beola moriri wa Timi, Timi o ne a ipaakanyetsa go lela le go feta! Sa ntlha o tla sunetsa, a bo a sisa pelo, mme a bo simolola go lelela kwa godimo, “Hiyaa, hiyaa, hiyaa!” “Ke beola moriri fela, Timi. Ga go botlhoko,” Jango o ne a bua jalo, a leka go ritibatsa maikutlo a Timi, fela se se ne se dira gore Timi a lele le go feta. Ka dinako dingwe Jango o ne a opela go gomotsa Timi, fela Timi a tswelela go lela. +  +Ka letsatsi lengwe, Timi o ne a lelela kwa godimo mo bafeti ka tsela ba neng ba tlhola gore go diragala eng mo lebentleleng la mmeodi se se dirang gore mosimane a lelele kwa godimo jalo! “Mogalammakapaa! Ke mosimanyana fela yo o beolwang moriri,” ba bua jalo. Timi o ne a se na sepe le gore batho ba mo tlhomile matlho. O ne a lela a bo a lela go fitlha Jango a fetsa go beola moriri wa gagwe. Ka letsatsi lengwe, o ne a bokolela kwa godimo gore Nkoko Binite a tle a ikokotlela ka thobane ya gagwe. O ne a agile gaufi le lebentlele la go beola, fela o ne a tsositswe mo borokong jwa maitseboa ke selelo se se tlhabang pelo sa ga Timi. “Batho ba Modimo!” ga bua Nkoko Binite. “Ke ne ke akanya gore ke sengwe se se boitshegang se se diragalang fa!” A bo a boela morago kwa gae a ntse a tlhotsa go tsaya tlhapi e e monate e e gadikilweng go tla go e naya Timi. “Ke akanya gore se se tla dira gore a didimale,” a akanya jalo. Fela e rile a naya Timi tlhapi, a e latlhela mo ganong, a e tlhafuna mme a e kometsa … mme a tswelela ka go lela! +  +Morago ga gore Timi a bothologe le mmaagwe tsatsi leo, Jango a nna fa fatshe ka kopi ya teye mme a akanya a bo a akanya. Tota go sengwe se se ka dirwang go khutlisa selelo sa Timi fa a beolwa moriri! Mme se sa naya Jango leano le lentle! “Ke gone! Ke bone tharabololo,” a goa ka boitumelo. Fa Timi a tla gape go beola, morago ga gore Jango a ntshe sekero, a simolola go anela Timi leinane. “E rile ka letsatsi lengwe ga bo go le mosimane yo o neng a sa rate go beolwa, ka jalo a tlogela moriri wa gagwe o gola o be o gola,” ga bua Jango. “Moriri o ne wa gola go fitlhela e nna letšhiri le le komota. Go ise go ye kae letšhiri la simolola go bofagana.” “Ga bo go diragala eng?” ga botsa Timi a kgaoditse go lela. “Dintshi le ditshenekegi dingwe tsa ikagela dintlhaga mo moriring wa gagwe,” Jango a tswelela.“Jaanong, go ne ga diragala eng ka ene?” Ga botsa Timi a tshwenyegile. +  +“Mosimane o ne a simolola go goga moriri wa gagwe le go ingwaya tlhogo ka gonne ditshenekegi di ne di saila mo tlhogong ya gagwe di dira gore e tlhotlhonye. A goga moriri a ingwaya, a goga moriri a ingwaya letsatsi lotlhe. Moragonyana tlhogo ya gagwe le diatla tsa simolola go nna botlhoko ka ntata ya go goga le go ngwaya,” ga bua Jango. “Ijo, se se a boitshega! Go bo go diragala eng gape?” ga botsa Timi a utlwela mosimane botlhoko. “Tlhogo ya gagwe le mabogo a gagwe a ruruga,” Jango a tswelela. “Ka letsatsi lengwe mmaagwe a mo tlisa mo lebenkeleng la me. E rile fela ba se na go goroga fa, a nna fa setulong gore tlhogo ya gagwe e beolwe. O ne a nna ka tshisibalo gore ke mo neye peolo e e gaisang tsotlhe.” +  + +“Ruri?” ga botsa Timi. “Ee ruri!” ga bua Jango. “E rile fa ke fetsa go beola moriri wa mosimane – jaaka ke fetsa go beola wa gago jaanong – mosimane a bo a ntlamparela.” Timi a bo a leba tlhogo ya gagwe. Go beolwa tlhogo go fedile! O ne a itumelela leinane thata mo o neng e bile a sa lemoge gore Jango o beola moriri wa gagwe. A tlola mo setulong a atlarela Jango. Jaanong o itse gore go ne ga diragala eng? Timi ga a ka a tlhola a lela gape kwa lebenkeleng la mmeodi ka gonne Jango o ne a mo anela leinane ka dinako tsotlhe fa a tlile go beola! Mme mmaagwe Timi o ne a itumetse ka gonne mainane a Jango a ne a khutlisitse matshwenyego a beke nngwe le nngwe a go beolwa.",tsn,Setswana,Timi le mmeod,"Timi and his mother lived in Mozala Town. There was something very unusual about Timi – his hair! It grew very quickly. It grew so quickly that every Saturday, Timi’s mother had to take him to the barber to have his hair cut. And if there was ...",,Ndidi Chiazor-Enenm,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/timi-le-mmeodi +timi-and-the-barber,"Timi na manana wa yena a va tshama eDorobeni ra Mozala. A ku ri na swin’wana swo ka swi nga tolovelekangiki hi Timi – misisi ya yena! A yi kula hi ku hatlisa. A yi kula hi ku hatlisa lero Mugqivela wun’wana na wun’wana, manana wa Timi a fanele a n’wi heleketa ku ya kera misisi. Loko ku ri na xilo xin’we lexi Timi a nga xi rhandzi, a ku ri ku kera misis! Nkarhi wa ku kera misisi a ku ri karhi wo vilerisa swinene eka Manana hikuva Timi a rila. “Mina a ndzi lavi misisi ya mina yi keriwa!” a tshamela ro vula. + +Manana a ta n’wi xinga loko va nga si famba va ya laha va keraka kona misisi, kambe loko va kala va fika, Timi a khulukisa mihloti. Endzhaku Manana a ta endla swilo hinkwaswo ku ringeta ku endla leswaku Timi a tshamiseka loko a ri karhi a keriwa misisi. Mikarhi yin’wana a n’wi nyika makhekhe. Timi a rhandza makhekhe, kambe a ta ma himela a ma heta kutani a sungula ku rila nakambe. Mikarhi yin’wana Manana a n’wi cinela. A ta a cina a ya eximatsini. A ta a cina a ya exineneni. A tshombonyokisa miri wa yena, kambe Timi a rila lero na rila. Loko Jango, mukeri wa misisi, a lulamerile ku kera misisi ya Timi, Timi a tilulamisela ku rila swinene! Xosungula, a mpfikula, a ta a bikula, endzhaku a balekisa xirilo xa le henhla, “Yooo, yooo, yooo!” “Ko va ku kera misisi ntsena, Timi. A swi vavi,” ku vula Jango, ku ri ku ringeta ku khongotela Timi, kambe leswi a swi endla leswaku Timi a rilela ehenhla swinene. Mikarhi yin’wana Jango a yimbelela ku mbuwetela Timi, kambe a ya emahlweni a rila. +  +Siku rin’wana, Timi a rilela ehenhla swinene kufikela laha vahundzi hi ndlela va nga hlometela endzeni ka ndhawu yo kerela misis ku vona leswaku i yini xi endlaka mufana a rilela ehenhla swinene! “Eee, mino! Ntsena ko va mufana lontsongo loyi a keriwaka misisi,” va vula. Timi a a nga ri na mhaka na swona loko vanhu va ta ku ta n’wi hlalela. U rile lero na rila kufika laha Jango a nga heta ku n’wi kera misisi. Eka rin’wana siku, a kolola kufika laha Kokwani Binite a nga ta a ri karhi a khwita hi mugogojeo wa yena. A tshama ekusuhi na laha ku keriwaka kona misisi, kambe a pfuxiwile eka vurhongo bya yena bya ndzhenga hi ku kolola ka Timi. “Eee, mananee!” ku vula Kokwani Binite. “A ndzi ehleketa leswaku ku endleka swo biha!” Kutani a khwita a tlhelela ekaya ra yena ku ya kumela Timi xiphemu xa nhlampfi yo nandziha leyi a nga yi oxa. “Ndza tshemba leswaku lexi xi ta endla leswaku a yima ku rila,” a anakanya. Kambe loko a nyika Timi nhlampfi, yena a yi khojometa enon’weni, a yi ncakunya a yi mita … kutani a ya emahlweni na ku rila! +  +Endzhaku kaloko Timi a fambile na manana wa yena siku rero, Jango u tshamile ehansi na bikiri ra tiya a anakanya lero na anakanya. Ntiyiso ku fanele ku va na ndlela yo yimisa Timi ku rila loko a keriwa misisi! Hi kona laha Jango a nga ta na miehleketo ya kahle! “Hi sweswo! Ndzi swi kotile,” a huwelela hi ntsako. Eka ku endza loku landzelaka ka Timi, endzhaku ka loko Jango a tekile xikero xa yena, u sungule ku tsheketela Timi ntsheketo. “Ku tshame ku va na mufana lontsongo loyi a nga rhandzi leswaku misisi ya yena yi keriwa, kutani a yi tshika yi kula yi kula,” ku vula Jango. “Yi kule lero nhloko ya yena yi tala hi mafundzu yo javaringa. Ku nga ri khale mafundzu lamo javaringa ma sungule ku lukana.” “Xana ku humelele yini endzhaku?” ku vutisa Timi, loyi se a yime ku rila. +  +“Tinhongani na switsotswani swin’wana swi tekile xiboho xa ku endla misisi ya yena kaya ra swona,” Jango a ya emahlweni. “Kutani, xana ku humelele yini hi yena?” ku vutisa Timi, loyi a languteka a ri eku vileleni. “Mufana lontsongo u sungule ku tikokakoka misisi na ku tin’waya hikuva switsotswani leswi a swi kokova enhlokweni ya yena a swi endle leswaku yi hlohlonya, yi hlohlonya swinene. A tikokakoka na ku tin’waya, a tikokakoka na ku tin’waya siku hinkwaro. Hi xihatla, nhloko ya yena na mavoko ya yena ya sungule ku twa ku vava hi ku kokakoka na ku n’waya n’waya,” ku vula Jango. “Eee, ku biha ka swona! Xana ku humelele yini endzhaku ka sweswo?” ku vutisa Timi, a ri karhi a twela mufana vusiwana. “Nhloko ya yena na mavoko ya yena ya sungule ku pfimba,” Jango a ya emahlweni. “Siku rin’wana, manana wa yena a n’wi tisa laha ka mina. Loko va fika laha, a tlulela ehenhla ka xitulu leswaku misisi ya yena yi keriwa. A tshama a nga ninginiki leswaku ndzi n’wi kera khati ya kahle swinene.” + +“Ntiyiso?” ku vutisa Timi. “Eee, ina!” ku vula Jango. “Endzhaku ka loko ndzi hetile ku n’wi kera misisi – ku fana na sweswi ndzi nga heta ya wena – mufana luya a ndzi vukarha swinene.” Timi u langutile nhloko ya yena. Se a herile ku keriwa misisi! A tiphina hi ntsheketo swinene lero a nga swi lemukangi na leswaku Jango a n’wi kera misisi. U tlurile a chika exitulwini kutani a vukarha Jango. Xana a wu swi tiva? Timi a nga ha rilanga nakambe loko a ri laha ku keriwaka misisi hikuva Jango a ri na ntsheketo wuntshwa ku n’wi tsheketela nkarhi wun’wana na wun’wana loko a ta! Naswona manana wa Timi a tsakile swinene hikuva mitsheketo ya Jango a yi vula makumu ya swivilelo swa ku keriwa ka vhiki na vhiki.",tso,Xitsonga,Timi na mukeri wa misis,"Timi and his mother lived in Mozala Town. There was something very unusual about Timi – his hair! It grew very quickly. It grew so quickly that every Saturday, Timi’s mother had to take him to the barber to have his hair cut. And if there was ...",,Ndidi Chiazor-Enenm,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/timi-na-mukeri-wa-misisi +the-pouch-gold,"One morning a homeless man woke up. He had spent the previous night begging for food, but no one had shown him any kindness. His stomach was growling because he was very hungry. Desperate to find food, he walked through the village market begging merchants for their leftovers.  + + +  + + +“Please … please … It’s been two days since I have eaten. Please give your leftovers to a poor homeless man,” he pleaded.  + + + +  + +But most people pretended he was invisible. Those who saw him, threw rotten fruit at him and called him names like “street rat” and “slum dog”.  + + +  + + +After many tries and many insults, the man decided to go scratching through a nearby rubbish dump, hoping he might find food there. While he was searching through piles of old rubbish, he suddenly saw a small leather pouch that was tied at the top with string. He picked it up and opened it. It was full of gold coins! With a heart filled with joy, he counted his treasure.  + + +  + + +“One, two, three … a hundred gold coins!” he said when he had finished counting. “This will feed me for the rest of my life.”  + + +  + + +As the man ran back into the market place looking forward to having a full stomach, he heard a merchant shouting, “Listen everyone! I have lost my pouch of gold coins and I will reward anyone who brings it to me!”  + + +  + + +The homeless man had a kind heart and he felt bad for the merchant. He decided to do the right thing.  + + +  + + +“Is this the pouch you have lost?” he asked, holding up the pouch he had found.  + + +  + + +“Oh my, you’ve found it!” said the merchant taking the pouch and counting the gold coins inside.  + + +  + + +The homeless man waited a while then he asked softly, “Sir, you said something about a reward?”  + + +  + + +“Reward?” scoffed the merchant. “Why should I give you a reward? You have already stolen some of the coins!”  + + +  + + +“I have not taken anything from the pouch. Please, can I have the reward you promised?” asked the homeless man.  + +“The pouch I lost had two hundred gold coins in it. Now it only has a hundred coins. You have already stolen more than your reward,” said the merchant angrily.  + + +  + + +“Please, sir, I have not stolen anything,” explained the homeless man. “All the coins are in the pouch, exactly as I found them.”  + + +  + + +“Go away, before I call the king’s guards to arrest you,” shouted the merchant.  + + +  + + +“I may not seem like much to you, but I am an honest man,” said the homeless man. “Call the guards and I will prove myself before the king.”  + + +  + + +So, the merchant called the guards. Then the merchant followed them and the homeless man to the king.  + + +  + + +“What can I do to help the two of you?” asked the king when the merchant and the homeless man were standing in front of him.  +  + +The merchant was the first to speak. He told the king his side of the story. He explained how many gold coins had been in his lost pouch and how the homeless man had stolen half of them.  + + +  + + +The king listened to the merchant, then he turned to the homeless man and asked, “What do you have to say for yourself?”  + + +  + + +“My king, I found the pouch on the rubbish dump and it had only a hundred gold coins in it,” said the homeless man bowing his head as he spoke. “That is the truth.”  +  + +The king thought for a while and then he said, “Merchant, am I correct? You say that your pouch had two hundred gold coins in it.”  + + +  + + +“Yes, my king,” said the merchant.  + + +  + + +“I see,” said the king stroking his long beard. “Well, I believe both of you and I can solve this easily! Merchant, you said that the pouch you lost had two hundred gold coins in it. That is a lot of gold to carry around in a small pouch. But, the pouch this homeless man found only had a hundred gold coins inside. That means that this is not the pouch that you lost. I order you to give it to the homeless man immediately.”  + + + + + +  + + +And so, the merchant had no choice but to give the pouch to the homeless man. The homeless man’s honesty had paid off and he lived a long and happy life, with plenty to eat every day.",eng,English,The pouch of gold,"One morning a homeless man woke up. He had spent the previous night begging for food, but no one had shown him any kindness. His stomach was growling because he was very hungry. ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to beginner readers +Support pre-teens (up to 13 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Phumlani Mavimbela,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-pouch-gold +the-pouch-gold,"Ekuseni ngolunye usuku indoda engenakhaya yavuka. Yayichithe ubusuku bangayizolo icela ukudla, kodwa akukho noyedwa owayeyikhombise umusa. +  +Isisu sayo sasiduma ngoba yayilambe kakhulu. Inexhala lokuthola ukudla, yahamba yangena emakethe yomuzi ihamba icela kwabathengisayo izinsalela zokudla. +  +“Ngiyacela … bandla … Sekuyizinsuku ezimbili ngigcinile ukudla. Ngicela unikeze izinsalela zokudla kule ndoda echakile nengenakhaya,” isho incenga. + +Kodwa iningi labantu lalithatha sengathi akabonakali lo mfokazi. +  +Labo ababembona, bamphonsela izithelo ezibolile futhi babembiza ngamagama afana nokuthi “igundane lomgwaqo” nokuthi “yinja yasezichakeni”. +  +Ngemuva kokuzama kaningi ithukwa kaningi, indoda yanquma ukuthi ihambe iyohlwaya endundumeni kadoti, ngethemba lokuthi ingakuthola ukudla lapho. +  +Ngesikhathi ihlwaya ezindundumeni zodoti omdala, ingalindele nje yahlangana nesikhwama esincane sesikhumba esasiboshwe ngentambo sathiwa ngqi phezulu. +  +Yasicosha maqede yasivula. Sasigcwele izinhlamvu zemali yegolide! Ngenhliziyo egcwele injabulo, yabala imali yayo. +  +“Lunye, zimbili, zintathu … ikhulu lezinhlamvu zemali yegolide!” yasho ngenkathi isiqedile ukubala. “Le izongodla impilo yami yonke.” +  +Ngenkathi indoda igijima ibuyela emakethe isilindele ukusutha, yezwa umthengisi ememeza ethi, +“Lalelani nonke! Ngilahlekelwe yisikhwama sami ebesinezinhlamvu zemali yegolide kanti ngiyoklomelisa noma ngubani ongangibuyisela sona!” +  +Indoda engenakhaya yayinenhliziyo enhle futhi yayimzwela ubuhlungu umthengisi. Yanquma ukwenza into efanele. +  +“Ngabe yiso lesi isikhwama esikulahlekele?” ibuza, iphakamisela phezulu isikhwama esicoshile. +  +“O nkosi yami, usitholile!” kwasho umthengisi ethatha isikhwama maqede ebala izinhlamvu zemali eyigolide. +  +Indoda engenakhaya yalinda isikhathi emva kwalokho yabuza ngeliphansi, “Mnumzane, ubusho okuthile ngomklomelo?” +�� +“Umklomelo?” kubhuqa umthengisi. “Kungani kumele ngikunikeze umklomelo? Usuvele uyintshontshile enye yale mali!” +  +“Angikaze ngithathe lutho esikhwameni. Ngiyacela, unganginika phela umklomelo obuwuthembisile?” kucela indoda engenakhaya. +  +“Isikhwama esingilahlekele besinezinhlamvu zemali ezingamakhulu amabili phakathi. +Manje sesinezinhlamvu eziyikhulu kuphela. Usuvele untshontshe ngaphezu komklomelo wakho,” kwasho umthengisi ngentukuthelo. +  +“Ngiyakucela, mnumzane, angintshontshanga lutho,” kuchaza indoda engenakhaya. +“Zonke izinhlamvu zemali zisesikhwameni, zinjengoba bengizitholile.” +  +“Suka ngaphambi kokuthi ngibize abaqaphi benkosi ukuthi bazokubopha,” kumemeza umthengisi. +  +“Kungenzeka ngibukeke ngingelutho kuwena, kodwa ngiyindoda ethembekile,” kusho indoda engenakhaya. +“Biza abaqaphi ngizogeza igama lami phambi kwenkosi.” +  +Ngakho, umthengisi wabiza abaqaphi. Umthengisi wabalandela bekanye nendoda engenakhaya baqonda enkosini. +  +“Yini engingayeza ukunisiza nina nobabili?” kwabuza inkosi ngenkathi umthengisi nendoda engenakhaya bemile phambi kwayo. + Umthengisi waba ngowokuqala ukuthi akhulume. +Watshela inkosi uhlangothi lwakhe lwendaba. +Wachaza ukuthi kwakukade kunezinhlamvu ezingaki zemali yegolilde esikhwameni sakhe esasikade silahlekile nokuthi indoda engenakhaya yayiyintshontshe kanjani ingxenye yaleyo mali. + Inkosi yalalela umthengisi, emva kwalokho yaphenduka yabheka indoda engenakhaya yayibuza yathi, “Yini ofuna ukuyisho ukuziphendulela?” + “Nkosi yami, ngithole isikhwama endaweni yokulahla izibi kanti besinezinhlamvu zemali yegolide eziyikhulu kuphela,” kusho indoda engenakhaya igobisa ikhanda ngenkathi ikhuluma. +“Yilona lelo iqiniso.” + Inkosi yacabanga isikhashana yase ithi, “Mthengisi, ngabe ngikhuluma iqiniso? +Uthe isikhwama sakho besinezinhlamvu zemali yegolide ezingamakhulu amabili phakathi.” + “Yebo, nkosi yami,” kwasho umthengisi. + “Ngiyabona,” kwasho inkosi iphulula ubhebhenene lwentshebe yayo. +“Kulungile, ngiyanikholwa nobabili, futhi ngingayixazulula kalula le nto! +Mthengisi, uthe isikhwama esikulahlekele besinezinhlamvu zemali yegolide ezingamakhulu amabili. +Lelo yigolile eliningi kakhulu ukuthi ungahamba nalo esikhwameni esincane. +Kepha, isikhwama esitholwe yile ndoda engenakhaya besinezinhlavu zemali yegolide eziyikhulu kuphela ngaphakathi. + Lokhu kuchaza ukuthi akusona isikhwama esikulahlekele. Ngikuyalela ukuthi unikeze le ndoda engenakhaya isikhwama njengamanje.” + +  +Ngakho, umthengisi kwakungekho ayengabe esakwenza ngaphandle kokunikeza indoda engenakhaya isikhwama. +Ukuthembeka kwendoda engenakhaya kwakuthele izithelo futhi emva kwalokho yaphila isikhathi eside ijabulile, isinokuningi ezokudla nsuku zonke.",zul,isiZulu,Isikhwama esinegolide,"One morning a homeless man woke up. He had spent the previous night begging for food, but no one had shown him any kindness. His stomach was growling because he was very hungry. ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to beginner readers +Support pre-teens (up to 13 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",NguPhumlani Mavimbela,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isikhwama-esinegolide +the-pouch-gold,"Ka  tsatsi  le  leng  hoseng  monna  ya  hlokang  lehae  a  tsoha.  O  ne  a  qetile  bosiu  bo  fetileng  a  kopa  dijo  bathong,  empa  ho  ne  ho  se  motho  ya  mo  hauhetseng.  Mala  a  hae  a  ne  a  korotla  ka  lebaka  la  ho  lapa  haholo.  Ka  hobane  o  ne  a  shwele  ke  tlala,  a  tsamaya  hara  mmaraka  wa  motse  a  ntse  a  kopa  barekisi  dijo  tsa  bona  tse  setseng.  +“Ke  a  kopa  hle  …  ke  a  kopa  …  E  se  e  le  matsatsi  a  mabedi  jwale  ke  eso  je  letho.  Ke  kopa  le  fe  monna  ya  se  nang  lehae  ya  futsanehileng  masalla  a  lona  a  dijo,”  a  kopa  jwalo.  + +Empa  batho  ba  bangata  ba  iketsa  eka  ha  ba  mmone. +Ba  neng  ba  mmona,  ba  mo  lahlella  ditholwana  tse  bodileng  mme  ba  mmitsa  ka  mabitso  a  mabe  a  kang  “tadi  ya  seterateng”  le  “ntja  e  ditshila”.  +Kamora  diteko  tse  ngata  le  dithohako  tse  ngata,  monna  eo  a  etsa  qeto  ya  ho  ya  batla  dijo  moqomong  wa  matlakala  o  haufi,  a  tshepile  hore  a  ka  fumana  dijo  teng. +Ha  a  ntse  a  batla  dijo  ka  hara  dithotobolo  tsa  matlakala,  hanghang  a  bona  sepatjhe  se  senyane  sa  letlalo  se  neng  se  fasitswe  hodimo  ka  kgwele. +A  se  phahamisa  mme  a  se  bula.  Se  ne  se  tletse  dikhoine  tsa  kgauta!  Ka  pelo  e  tletseng  thabo,  a  bala  letlotlo  la  hae.  +“Nngwe,  pedi,  tharo  …  lekgolo  la  dikhoine  tsa  kgauta!”  a  rialo  ha  a  qetile  ho  di  bala.  “Tsena  di  tla  mphepa  bophelo  ba  ka  bohle.”  +  +Yare  ha  monna  eo  a  mathela  mmarakeng  a  tatetse  ho  ya  ja  ho  fihlela  a  kgora,  a  utlwa  morekisi  e  mong  a  hoeleditse, +  +“Mamelang  mona  kaofela!  Ke  lahlehetswe  ke  sepatjhe  sa  ka  sa  dikhoine  tsa  kgauta  mme  ke  tla  putsa  motho  ofe  kapa  ofe  ya  ka  se  tlisang  ho  nna!”  +  +Monna  ya  hlokang  lehae  o  ne  a  ena  le  pelo  e  ntle  mme  a  utlwa  a  hauhela  morekisi.  Yaba  o  etsa  qeto  ya  ho  etsa  ntho  e  nepahetseng.  +  +“Na  ke  sona  sepatjhe  se  o  lahlehetseng  see?”  a  botsa,  a  phahamiseditse  hodimo  sepatjhe  seo  a  se  fumaneng.  +  +“Jowee,  o  se  fumane!”  ha  rialo  morekisi  a  nka  sepatjhe  mme  a  bala  dikhoine  tsa  kgauta  tse  ka  hare.  +  +Monna  ya  se  nang  lehae  a  ema  sebakanyana  mme  yaba  o  botsa  ka  tlhompho,  “Monghadi,  o  ile  wa  bua  ho  hong  ka  moputso?”  +  +“Moputso?”  ha  omana  morekisi.  “Hobaneng  ke  lokela  ho  o  fa  moputso?  O  se  o  utswitse  tse  ding  tsa  dikhoine!”  +  +“Ha  ke  a  nka  letho  ka  sepatjheng  seno.  Ke  a  o  kopa,  na  o  ka  mpha  moputso  oo  o  o  tshepisitseng?”  ha  botsa  monna  ya  se  nang  lehae.  +“Sepatjhe  se  ntahlehetseng  se  ne  se  ena  le  dikhoine  tsa  kgauta  tse  makgolo  a  mabedi  ka  hare. +  Jwale  se  se  se  ena  le  dikhoine  tse  lekgolo  feela.  O  se  o  utswitse  tse  ngata  ho  feta  moputso  oo  ke  neng  ke  tla  o  fa  ona,”  ha  rialo  morekisi  ka  kgalefo.  +  +“Ke  a  kopa,  monghadi,  ha  ke  a  utswa  letho,”  ha  hlalosa  monna  ya  se  nang  lehae.  “Dikhoine  kaofela  di  ka  mono  ka  sepatjheng,  jwalo  feela  kaha  ke  di  fumane.”  +“Tsamaya,  pele  ke  o  bitsetsa  balebedi  ba  morena  ba  tlo  o  tshwara,”  ha  omana  morekisi.  +  +“Leha  ke  shebahala  ke  se  letho  ho  wena,  empa  ke  monna  ya  tshepahalang,”  ha  rialo  monna  ya  se  nang  lehae. +  +“Bitsa  balebedi  bao  mme  ke  tla  ipaka  ka  pele  ho  morena.”  +  +Kahoo,  morekisi  a  bitsa  balebedi.  Yaba  morekisi  o  ba  sala  morao  le  monna  ya  se  nang  lehae  ho  ya  ho  morena.  +  +“Nka  etsang  ho  le  thusa  lona  ba  babedi?”  ha  botsa  morena  ha  morekisi  le  monna  ya  se  nang  lehae  ba  ema  ka  pela  hae.  +Morekisi  ke  yena  ya  ileng  a  bua  pele.  O  ile  a  bolella  morena  lehlakore  la  hae  la  ditaba. +A  hlalosa  hore  ho  ne  ho  ena  le  dikhoine  tse  kae  tsa  kgauta  ka  hara  sepatjhe  se  lahlehileng  le  kamoo  monna  ya  se  nang  lehae  a  utswitseng  halofo  ya  tsona  ka  teng.  +  +Morena  o  ile  a  mamela  morekisi,  yaba  o  fetohela  ka  ho  monna  ya  se  nang  lehae  a  botsa,  “Wena  o  reng  ha  o  ipuella?”  +  +“Morena’ka,  ke  fumane  sepatjhe  seno  thotobolong  ya  matlakala  mme  se  ne  se  ena  le  dikhoine  tsa  kgauta  tse  lekgolo  feela,”  ha  rialo  monna  ya  se  nang  lehae  a  inamisitse  hlooho  ha  a  bua.  “Eo  ke  yona  nnete.”  +  +Morena  a  nahana  nakwana  e  itseng  mme  yaba  o  re,  “Morekisi,  na  ke  nepile?  O  re  sepatjhe  sa  hao  se  ne  se  ena  le  dikhoine  tsa  kgauta  tse  makgolo  a  mabedi?”  +  +“Ee,  morena’ka,”  ha  araba  morekisi.  +  +“Ke  a  bona,”  ha  rialo  morena  a  pholla  ditedu  tsa  hae  tse  telele. +“O  a  bona,  ke  kgolwa  hore  lona  ka  bobedi  le  ka  rarolla  taba  ena  ha  bobebe!  Morekisi,  o  itse  sepatjhe  se  o  lahlehetseng  se  ne  se  ena  le  dikhoine  tse  makgolo  a  mabedi.  +Eo  ke  kgauta  e  ngata  haholo  hore  o  ka  nna  wa  tsamaya  ka  yona  hohle  ka  sepatjheng  se  senyane  tjena.  +Empa  sepatjhe  seo  monna  enwa  ya  se  nang  lehae  a  se  thotseng  se  ne  se  ena  le  dikhoine  tsa  kgauta  tse  lekgolo  feela  ka  hare.  +  +Seo  se  bolela  hore  sena  ha  se  sepatjhe  se  o  lahlehetseng.  Ke  o  laela  hore  o  fe  monna  ya  se  nang  lehae  sepatjhe  seo  hanghang.”  + +  +Mme  kahoo,  morekisi  a  hloka  seo  a  ka  se  etsang  ntle  le  ho  fa  monna  ya  se  nang  lehae  sepatjhe  seo. +Ka  lebaka  la  ho  tshepahala  ha  monna  ya  se  nang  lehae,  a  fumana  moputso  mme  a  phela  ha  monate  ka  nako  e  telele,  a  ena  le  dijo  tse  ngata  tseo  a  di  jang  kamehla.",sot,Sesotho,Sepatjhe sa kgaut,"One morning a homeless man woke up. He had spent the previous night begging for food, but no one had shown him any kindness. His stomach was growling because he was very hungry. ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to beginner readers +Support pre-teens (up to 13 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Phumlani Mavimbela,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sepatjhe-sa-kgauta +the-pouch-gold,"Een oggend word ’n hawelose man wakker. Hy het die vorige aand oral vir kos gevra, maar niemand het hom iets gegee nie. Sy maag grom, want hy is baie honger. Desperaat om kos te kry, stap hy deur die dorpsmark en smeek die handelaars vir hul oorskiet. +  +“Asseblief … asseblief … ek het twee dae laas geëet. Gee asseblief jul oorskiet vir ’n arme hawelose man,” pleit hy. + +  +Maar die meeste mense maak of hy onsigbaar is. Dié wat hom sien, gooi hom met vrot vrugte en snou hom name toe soos “straatrot” en “rondloperhond”. +  +Na baie probeerslae en baie beledigings, besluit die man om in ’n rommelhoop daar naby te gaan krap vir kos. Terwyl hy deur vragte ou rommel soek, sien hy skielik ’n klein leersakkie wat aan die bokant met tou toegebind is. Hy tel dit op en maak dit oop. Dit is vol goue munte! Met ’n hart wat oorloop van vreugde, tel hy sy skat. +  +“Een, twee, drie … eenhonderd goue munte!” sê hy toe hy klaar getel het. “Hiermee sal ek die res van my lewe kan kos koop.” +  +Terwyl die man terughardloop mark toe en uitsien na ’n vol maag, hoor hy ’n handelaar skree: “Luister, almal! Ek het my sak met goue munte verloor en ek sal vir enigiemand wat dit vir my bring ’n beloning gee!” +  +Die hawelose man het ’n goeie hart en hy voel jammer vir die handelaar. Hy besluit om die regte ding te doen. +  +“Is dit die sakkie wat jy verloor het?” vra hy vir die handelaar, en hou die sakkie wat hy gevind het op. +  +“Goeiste, jy het dit gevind!” sê die handelaar. Hy vat die sakkie en tel die munte. +  +Die hawelose man wag ’n rukkie en vra toe sag: “Meneer, u het iets van ’n beloning gesê?” +  +“Beloning?” sê die handelaar smalend. “Waarom moet ek vir jou ’n beloning gee? Jy het reeds van my munte gesteel!” +  +“Ek het niks uit die sakkie gevat nie. Kan ek asseblief die beloning kry wat u belowe het?” vra die hawelose man. +  +“Daar was tweehonderd goue munte in die sakkie wat ek verloor het. Nou is daar slegs eenhonderd munte in. Jy het reeds meer as jou beloning gesteel,” sê die handelaar woedend. +  +“Asseblief, meneer, ek het niks gesteel nie,” verduidelik die hawelose man. “Al die munte is in die sakkie, net soos ek dit gevind het.” +  +“Maak dat jy wegkom, voor ek die koning se wagte roep om jou te arresteer,” skreeu die handelaar. +  +“U mag dalk dink ek is nie veel werd nie, maar ek is ’n eerlike man,” sê die hawelose man. “Roep die wagte, en ek sal voor die koning bewys dat ek die waarheid praat.” +  +Die handelaar laat kom toe die wagte. Toe gaan die handelaar saam met hulle en die hawelose man na die koning toe. +  +“Wat kan ek vir julle twee doen?” vra die koning toe die handelaar en die hawelose man voor hom staan. +  +Die handelaar praat eerste. Hy vertel die koning sy kant van die storie. Hy verduidelik hoeveel goue munte hy in die sakkie gehad het wat hy verloor het, en hoe die hawelose man die helfte daarvan gesteel het. +  +Die koning luister na die handelaar, en daarna draai hy na die hawelose man en vra: “Wat het jy vir jouself te sê?” +  +“My koning, ek het die sakkie op die rommelhoop gevind en daar was slegs eenhonderd goue munte daarin,” sê die hawelose man met ’n geboë hoof terwyl hy praat. “Dis die waarheid.” +  +Die koning dink ’n rukkie en sê dan: “Handelaar, is ek korrek? Jy sê daar was tweehonderd goue munte in jou sakkie.” +  +“Ja, my koning,” sê die handelaar. +  +“Ek sien,” sê die koning en streel oor sy lang baard. “Wel, ek glo albei van julle en ek kan dit maklik oplos! Handelaar, jy sê daar was tweehonderd goue munte in die sakkie wat jy verloor het. Dit is baie goudstukke om in ’n klein sakkie rond te dra. Maar in die sakkie wat hierdie hawelose man gevind het, was daar slegs eenhonderd goue munte. Dit beteken dit is nie die sakkie wat jy verloor het nie. Ek beveel jou om dit onmiddellik vir die hawelose man te gee.” + +  +En so moes die handelaar toe maar die sakkie vir die hawelose man gee. Die man  se eerlikheid het hom gebaat, en hy het’n lang en gelukkige lewe gelei, en elke dag oorgenoeg kos gehad om te eet.",afr,Afrikaans,Die sakkie goud,"One morning a homeless man woke up. He had spent the previous night begging for food, but no one had shown him any kindness. His stomach was growling because he was very hungry. ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to beginner readers +Support pre-teens (up to 13 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Deur Phumlani Mavimbela,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-sakkie-goud +the-pouch-gold,"Ngenye intsasa indoda engenakhaya yavuka ngokwesiqhelo. Yayichithe ubusuku bephezolo ingqiba, icela ukutya, kodwa zange kubekho nomnye umntu oyenzela ububele. +Isisu sasigrugruza kuba yayilambe kakhulu. Iqhutywa yingxingo neentsizi zokukhangela ukutya njalo, yazulazula kwiindawo ezithengisayo kuloo lali, ingqiba kubarhwebi ukuze ifumane ukutya okushiyekileyo nemibeko. +“Ncedani … ncedani … Sezimbini iintsuku ndingasatyi. Ncedani nikani indoda engenakhaya nesweleyo ukutya kwenu okushiyekileyo,” yabongoza isitsho le ndoda. + +Kodwa abantu abaninzi benza ngathi ayibonakali emehlweni abo le ndoda. Abo bayibonayo, babeyigibisela ngeziqhamo ezibolileyo, beyenyelisa nangamagama amabi afana nala athi “wena uyimpuku yesitrato” kanye “uyinja yasebugxwayibeni”. +Emva kwemizamo emininzi nezithuko ezininzi,le ndoda yenza isigqibo sokuya kuphanda kwindawo ekuchithwa kuyo inkunkuma ekufutshane, ngethemba lokufumana ukutya apho. +Ithe isaphanda kwezo ngqimba zenkunkuma ebolileyo, yafumana ingxowa encinane eyenziwe ngesikhumba eyayibotshelelwe phezulu ngomtya. Yayiphakamisa yaza yayivula. +Yayizele ziingqekembe zegolide! Ngentliziyo ephuphuma luvuyo, yabala indyebo yayo ethe yayifumana. +“Inye, zimbini, zintathu … zilikhulu iingqekembe zegolide!” yatsho yakugqiba ukubala. “Ezi ziya kundondla ubomi bam bonke.” +Yathi xa le ndoda ibaleka ibuyela kwindawo yorhwebo ijonge phambili ekuhlohleni isisu sayo, yeva umrhwebi ekhwaza esithi, “Mamelani nonke! Ndilahlekelwe yingxowa yam yeengqekembe zegolide kwaye ndiya kumnika ibhaso nabani na onokuyibuyisela kum ingxowa leyo yam asakuyichola!” +Indoda engenakhaya yayilunge kakhulu, ngoko ke yamsizela umrhwebi lowo. Yenza isigqibo sokwenza into elungileyo. +“Ingaba yiyo le ingxowa ekulahlekeleyo?” yabuza, iphakamisele phezulu ingxowa leyo eyayiyichole. +“Owu, ewe, yiyo kanye le!” watsho umrhwebi ethatha ingxowa ebala iingqekembe zegolide ezazingaphakathi kuyo. +Indoda engenakhaya yalinda umzuzwana yaza yabuza ngelizwi eliphantsi, “Mnumzana, ubuthethe ngebhaso?” +“Ibhaso?” wamnyevulela umrhwebi. “Kutheni kufuneka ndikunike ibhaso nje? Sowuzibile nje ezinye iingqekembe!” +“Akukho nto ndiyithathe engxoweni. Ndicede wethu, kutheni ungandiniki ibhaso obuthembise ngalo nje?” yabuza indoda engenakhaya. +“Ingxowa ibindilahlekele ibineengqekembe zegolide ezingamakhulu amabini kuyo. Ngoku le ineengqekembe zegolide ezilikhulu kuphela. Sowuthathe ngaphezu kwebhaso lakho,” watsho ngomsindo umrhwebi. +“Uxolo Mnumzana, akukho nto ndiyibileyo,” yachaza njalo indoda engenakhaya. “Zonke iingqekembe ezisengxoweni, zisenjengoko bendizifumene, ncam.” +“Hamba suka apha, ndingekabizi abalindi bakakumkani ukuba bakubambe,” wangxola umrhwebi. +""Nokuba ndibonakala ndingafani nawe, kodwa ndiyindoda ethembekileyo,” yatsho indoda engenakhaya. “Biza abalindi ukuze ndibeke ubungqina bam phambi kukakumkani.” +Ngoko ke, umrhwebi wabiza abalindi. Umrhwebi wabalandela yaze yalandela nendoda engenakhaya ukuya kukumkani. +“Ndinganenzela ntoni nina nobabini?” wabuza ukumkani xa umrhwebi nendoda engenakhaya babemi phambi kwakhe. +Kwaqala kwathetha umrhwebi. Waxelela ukumkani icala lakhe lebali. Wazichaza ke umrhwebi ukuba bezingaphi na iingqekembe zegolide ebezisengxoweni elahlekileyo nendlela indoda engenakhaya ebe ngayo isiqingatha sazo. +Ukumkani wamamela umrhwebi waza wajika wajonga kwindoda engenakhaya wabuza, “Uthini ke wena?” +“Kumkani, ingxowa ndiyichole kwindawo ekuchithwa kuyo inkunkuma inekhulu kuphela leengqekembe zegolide,” yatsho indoda engenakhaya ithokombise intloko yayo ngelixa ithetha. “Yinyaniso emsulwa leyo.” +Ukumkani wacinga okwethutyana waza wathi, “Mrhwebi, ndikuve kakuhle? Uthi ingxowa yakho ibineengqekembe zegolide ezingamakhulu amabini kuyo.” +“Ewe, kumkani wam,” watsho umrhwebi. +“Ndiyabona,” watsho ukumkani ephulula intshebe yakhe ende. +“Ewe, ndiyanikholelwa nobabini kwaye ndingakusombulula ngendlela elula oku! Mrhwebi uthi ingxowa ebikulahlekele ibineengqekembe zegolide ezingamakhulu amabini. +Ininzi kakhulu loo golide ayinakuphatheka ngengxowa encinane. Kodwa, ingxowa efunyenwe yile ndoda engenakhaya ibineengqekembe zegolide ezilikhulu kuphela kuyo. Oko kuthetha ukuba le asiyongxowa ebikulahlekele. Ndikuyalela ke ngoko ukuba uyinikezele kwindoda engenakhaya le ingxowa kwangoku ndithetha nawe.” + + +  +Ngoko ke, umrhwebi wayengenakwenza ngakumbi, wanyanzeleka ukuba ayinikezele kwindoda engenakhaya leyo ingxowa enegolide. +Ukuthembeka kwendoda engenakhaya kwayihlawula, yaza yaphila ubomi obude nobonwabelekayo, yahlala inokutya okuninzi yonke imihla yokuphila kwayo.",xho,isiXhosa,Ingxowa yegolide,"One morning a homeless man woke up. He had spent the previous night begging for food, but no one had shown him any kindness. His stomach was growling because he was very hungry. ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to beginner readers +Support pre-teens (up to 13 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Libali likaPhumlani Mavimbela,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ingxowa-yegolide +the-pouch-gold,"Mesong ye mengwe monna wa go hloka legae o ile a tsoga. +O feditše bošego bja go feta se a je selo, efela ga go yo a mmontšhitšego botho bofe goba bofe. Mala a gagwe a be a lla ka lebaka la tlala. Ka go nyaka dijo, o ile a sepelela mmarakeng wa motse a kgopela gore barekiši ba mo fe mašaledi a bona.  + + +  + + +“Ka kgopelo … hle … Ke na le matšatši a mabedi ke sa je. Hle efang monna wa go hloka legae mašaledi a lena,” a kgopela.  + + + + +  +Efela batho ba bantši ba dirile eke ga a bonale. +Bao ba mmonego, ba mo fošitše ka dienywa tša go bola gomme ba mmitša ka maina a bjalo ka “legotlo la mmileng” le “mpša ya ditlakaleng”.  + + +  + + +  +Morago ga go leka gantši le mahlapa a mantši, monna a nagana go ya go tsoma thotobolong ya kgauswi, a holofela go hwetša dijo fao. +  +Ge a dutše a tsoma mekgobong ya ditlakala tša kgale, gateetee a bona sekhwama sa mokgopa se sennyane sa go kgokelelwa kua godimo ka motato. O se topile gomme a se bula. +Se be se tletše dikhoine tša gauta! Ka pelo ya go tlala lethabo, o ile a bala lehumo la gagwe.  + + +  + + +“Tee, pedi, tharo … dikhoine tša gauta tše lekgolo!” a realo ge a fetša go balela. “Di tlo mphepa bophelo bja ka bjohle.”  + +  +Monna o rile ge a boela lefelong la mmaraka a lebeletše go yo tlatša mpa, a kwa morekiši a goeletša, +  +“Theeletšang ka moka! Ke lahlegetšwe ke sekhwama sa ka sa digauta gomme ke tlo putsa mang goba mang yo a ka se bušago go nna!”  + + +  + + +Monna wa go hloka legae o be a na le pelo ye botse gomme a kwela morekiši bohloko. O naganne go dira se se lokilego.  + + +  + + +“Ke sekhwama se o se lahlilego se?” a botšiša a emiša sekhwama se a se hweditšego.  + + +  + + +“Ijoo, o se hweditše!” a realo morekiši a tšea sekhwama a bala dikhoine tša ka gare.  + + +  + + +Monna wa go hloka legae a emanyana gomme a botšiša ka boleta, “Morena, o boletše se segwe ka ga go putsa?”  + + +  + + +“Moputso?” gwa gerula morekiši. “Ke go putsetša eng? O šetše o utswitše dikhoine tše dingwe!”  + + +  + + +“Ga se ka tšea selo sekhwameng. Mphe moputso wo o o tshepišitšego hle?” monna wa go hloka legae a kgopela.  + + +  + + +“Sekhwama sa go lahlega se be se se na le dikhoine tše makgolopedi ka gare. Bjale se na le tše lekgolo fela. O utswitše go feta moputso,” a realo morekiši ka pefelo.  + + +  + + +“Hle, morena, ga se ka utswa selo,” monna wa go hloka legae a hlaloša. “Dikhoine tšohle di ka sekhwameng, ka tsela ye ke di hweditšego di le ka gona.”  + + +  + + +“Tloga fa pele ke bitša baletakgoro ba kgoši gore ba go sware,” morekiši a goeletša.  + + +  + + +“Nka bonala ke se selo go wena, efela ke monna wa go tshepagala,” monna wa go hloka legae a realo. “Bitša baletakgoro gomme ke kgonthiša nnete ya ka go bona.”  + + +  + + +Gomme morekiši a bitša baletakgoro. Ka morago morekiši a latela baletakgoro le monna wa go hloka legae go ya go kgoši.  + + +  +“Nka le thuša ka eng lena ba babedi?” gwa botšiša kgoši ge morekiši le monna wa go hloka legae ba eme pele ga gagwe.  + + +  + + +Go boletše morekiši pele. O boditše kgoši lehlakore la gagwe la ditaba. +  +O hlalošitše ka dikhoine tša gauta tše dintši tšeo di bego di le ka sekhwameng le ka fao monna wa go hloka legae a utswitšego seripa sa tšona.  + + +  + + +Kgoši ya theeletša morekiši, gomme ya botšiša monna wa go hloka legae, “Wena o reng?”  + + +  +“Kgoši ya ka, ke hweditše sekhwama kua thotobolong se na le dikhoine tše lekgolo fela,” a realo monna wa go hloka legae a bolela a inamišitše hlogo. “Ke nnete seo.”  + + +  + + +Kgoši a nagana sebakanyana gome ka morago a re, “Morekiši, ke bolela nnete? O re sekhwama se be se na le dikhoine tše makgolopedi ka gare.”  + + +“Ee, kgoši ya ka,” a realo morekiši.  + + +“Ke a bona,” a realo kgoši a kgwatha ditedu tša gagwe tše di telele. + + +“Agaa, ke nagana gore nna le lena re ka rarolla se gabonolo! Morekiši, o re sekhwama se timetše se na le dikhoine tše makgolopedi ka gare.  +Ke gauta ye ntši yeo go ka sepela ka yona ka gare ga sekhwama se sennyane.  +Efela, sekhwama sa go hwetšwa ke monna wa go hloka legae se be se na le dikhoine tše lekgolo fela ka gare. Se se ra gore se ga se sekhwama se o se timeditšego.  +Ke go laela gore o se fe monna wa go hloka legae gona bjale.”  + + + + + +  + + +Gomme ka fao, morekiši o be a se na kgetho ntle le go  fa monna wa go hloka legae sekhwama.  +Botshepegi bja monna wa go hloka legae bo mo phološitše gomme a phela bophelo bjo botelele gape bja lethabo, a nale dijo tše dintši ka mehla.",nso,Sepedi,Sekhwama sa gaut,"One morning a homeless man woke up. He had spent the previous night begging for food, but no one had shown him any kindness. His stomach was growling because he was very hungry. ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to beginner readers +Support pre-teens (up to 13 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Phumlani Mavimbela,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sekhwama-sa-gauta +ghost-granny’s-pyjamas,"One dark night, Onke was fast asleep in his little bed, in his little room, in the house he shared with Mama, Papa, Granny, and his little pet dog called Puppy. Puppy was asleep on a red blanket at the foot of Onke’s bed. She was snoring quietly and dreaming of catching squirrels in the park. +Suddenly Onke heard a loud noise and woke up with a fright. “What’s that noise?” he said, shaking. He pulled the blanket over his head. “I hope it’s not a monster or a scary ghost. I don’t like ghosts.” +CRUNCH! “There it is again,” he said, trying to sound brave. “I have to find out what made that noise.” So Onke picked up the green plastic torch he kept on his bedside table, and shone it around the room. +“Do you think a ghost made that noise?” Onke asked Puppy, who was still fast asleep and dreaming about chasing squirrels. Onke patted her head. +HOO! HOO! A new noise came from outside. +“Is that a ghost?” asked Onke, shining his torch through the window. + +A big, fat brown thing, covered in feathers, with a yellow beak, sat on the branch outside. Onke laughed and said, “That’s not a ghost. It’s just a big owl sitting in the tree outside my room. But I wonder what made that crunching sound?” +HOO! HOO! The big owl spread its wings and flew off across the garden. +“Owls hunt for mice and rats at night, that’s why people never get to see them. It’s quite lucky to see an owl,” said Onke. “Isn’t that right, Puppy?” +But Puppy was still fast asleep, so Onke rubbed her furry little tummy and she snored and rolled over on her red blanket. +“Maybe I’m just being silly,” thought Onke. But then he saw something dark and scary in a corner of the room. It looked like a big monster with vulture wings and lion’s claws and long tusks like a warthog’s. +“Is that a ghost?” he said, shining his torch into the corner of the room. Onke laughed when he saw what it really was. “That’s not a ghost! It’s just my dirty clothes, hanging on a chair. I should have put those away like Mama asked me to. Isn’t that right, Puppy?” But Puppy was still fast asleep and was now drooling onto her red blanket. +“But what was that crunching noise I heard earlier?” said Onke. CRUNCH! He heard the noise again and shivered. “That must be a ghost,” he thought, “and it sounds like it’s floating around just outside my room.” +Onke was trying to be very brave, even though his knees shook like jelly. He peeked out from behind his bedroom door, and looked into the dark passage. +But there was nothing there, just his parents’ shoes next to the wall, and Puppy’s water bowl on a little mat. Onke crept along the carpet in the passage, past his parents’ bedroom, and peeked into the kitchen. +“It’s a ghost!” he shouted, shining his torch onto a black shadow standing near the stove. The ghost wore blue pyjamas with fluffy sheep on them. +“Those are Granny’s pyjamas,” said Onke. “Why have you stolen Granny’s pyjamas, Ghost?” Onke shone his torch up to look at the ghost’s face. There was Granny! +“Onke,” said Granny, her mouth hanging open in shock. “You gave me such a fright. I thought you were a ghost.” +“I thought you were a ghost,” Onke said, giggling. “What are you doing in the kitchen so late at night, Granny?” +“I couldn’t sleep,” said Granny, “so I came into the kitchen for a mug of warm milk and some biscuits. Do you want to have a midnight snack with me?” Onke smiled and nodded his head. +So he and Granny sat at the kitchen table chatting quietly as they dunked delicious crunchy butter-biscuits into mugs of warm milk. Then they made a toasted sandwich to share, with pickles, ham, cheese, tomato, and fresh green lettuce. + +When they had finished eating and drinking, they brushed their teeth for the second time that evening. Then Onke said goodnight to Granny and went back to his bedroom. As he opened the door, Puppy jumped up and barked. +“Puppy,” said Onke, patting her head, “it’s only me, you silly dog. Did you think I was a ghost?” +Puppy licked his face and rolled over on her red blanket. +“I solved a mystery tonight. Did you know that, Puppy?” asked Onke. +But Puppy had already curled up and closed her eyes. +“That looks like a good idea,” said Onke. “Goodnight, Puppy.” +“Goodnight,” said a friendly ghost on the ceiling, who was just passing through the house looking for warm milk and biscuits to eat. +But Onke was already fast asleep.",eng,English,A ghost in Granny’s pyjamas,"One dark night, Onke was fast asleep in his little bed, in his little room, in the house he shared with Mama, Papa, Granny, and his little pet dog called Puppy. Puppy was asleep on a red blanket at the foot of Onke’s bed. She was snoring quietly ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ghost-granny’s-pyjamas +ghost-granny’s-pyjamas,"Een donker nag is Onke vas aan die slaap in sy klein bedjie, in sy klein kamertjie, in die huis wat hy met Mamma, Pappa, Ouma en sy klein hondjie, Puppy, deel. Puppy slaap op ’n rooi kombers aan die voetenent van Onke se bed. Sy snork saggies en droom dat sy eekhorings in die park jaag. +Skielik hoor Onke ’n harde geluid en hy skrik vervaard wakker. “Wat was daardie geluid?” sê hy, bewend. Hy trek die kombers oor sy kop. “Ek hoop nie dit is ’n monster of ’n bangmaakspook nie. Ek hou nie van spoke nie.” +KRAAK! “Daar’s dit weer,” sê hy, en probeer dapper klink. “Ek moet uitvind waar daardie geluid vandaan kom.” Onke tel die groen plastiekflits, wat hy op sy bedkassie bêre, op en skyn met die flits in die kamer rond. +“Dink jy dis ’n spook wat so lawaai?” vra Onke vir Puppy, wat steeds vas slaap en droom dat sy eekhorings jaag. Onke vryf oor haar kop. +HOE! HOE! Nou is daar ’n ander geluid buite. +“Is dit ’n spook?” vra Onke, en skyn met sy flits deur die venster. + +’n Groot, vet ding, vol vere, en met ’n geel snawel, sit op die tak buite. Onke lag en sê: “Dis nie ’n spook nie. Dis net ’n groot uil wat in die boom buite my venster sit. Maar ek wonder waar daardie kraakgeluid vandaan kom?” +HOE! HOE! Die groot uil sprei sy vlerke en vlieg weg oor die tuin. “Uile jag snags muise en rotte, en dis waarom mense hulle nooit sien nie. ’n Mens is nogal gelukkig as jy ’n uil sien,” sê Onke. “Nie so nie, Puppy?” +Maar Puppy is in droomland. Onke vryf toe maar haar wollerige magie en sy snork en rol om op haar rooi kombers. +“Dalk is ek sommer net laf,” dink Onke. Maar dan sien hy iets donker en vreesaanjaend in die hoek van sy kamer. Dit lyk soos ’n groot monster met aasvoëlvlerke en leeukloue en lang tande, soos ’n vlakvark s’n. +“Is dit ’n spook?” sê hy, en skyn met sy flits in die hoek van sy kamer. Onke lag toe hy sien wat dit regtig is. “Dis nie ’n spook nie! Dis net my vuil klere wat oor ’n stoel hang. Ek moes dit weggepak het, soos Mamma my gevra het. Of hoe, Puppy?” Maar Puppy slaap vas en kwyl nou op haar rooi kombers. +“Maar wat is daardie kraakgeluid wat ek netnou gehoor het?” sê Onke. KRAAK! Hy hoor weer die geluid en begin bewe. “Dit moet ’n spook wees,” dink hy, “en dit klink asof dit net buite my kamer rondsweef.” +Onke probeer baie dapper wees, al bewe sy knieë soos jellie. Hy loer agter sy kamerdeur uit, en kyk in die donker gang af. +Maar daar is niks daar nie, net sy ouers se skoene teen die muur, en Puppy se waterbak op ’n klein matjie. Onke kruip op die mat in die gang af, verby sy ouers se slaapkamer, en loer by die kombuis in. +“Dis ’n spook!” skree hy, en skyn sy flits op ’n swart skaduwee wat langs die stoof staan. Die spook dra blou pajamas met wollerige skapies op. +“Dis mos Ouma se pajamas,” sê Onke. “Waarom het jy Ouma se pajamas gesteel, Spook?” Onke skyn met sy flits in die spook se gesig. Dis Ouma! +“Onke,” sê Ouma, haar mond wawyd oop van skok. “Jy het my nou baie groot laat skrik. Ek het gedink jy’s ’n spook.” +“Ek het gedink Ouma is ’n spook,” sê Onke en giggel. “Wat doen Ouma so laat in die aand in die kombuis?” +“Ek kon nie slaap nie,” sê Ouma, “toe kom ek kombuis toe vir ’n beker warm melk en koekies. Wil jy ’n middernaghappie saam met my geniet?” Onke glimlag en knik sy kop. +Hy en Ouma gaan sit by die kombuistafel en gesels saggies terwyl hulle heerlike, bros botterkoekies in bekers warm melk doop. Toe maak hulle ’n geroosterde toebroodjie wat hulle deel, met piekels, ham, kaas, tamatie en vars groen blaarslaai. + +Toe hulle klaar geëet en gedrink het, borsel hulle vir die tweede keer daardie aand hul tande. Toe sê Onke vir Ouma goeienag en gaan terug na sy kamer toe. Toe hy die deur oopmaak, spring Puppy op en blaf. +“Puppy,” sê Onke, en vryf oor haar kop, “dis net ek, jou lawwe hond. Het jy gedink ek is ’n spook?” +Puppy lek sy gesig en rol om op haar rooi kombers. +“Ek het vanaand ’n raaisel opgelos. Het jy dit geweet, Puppy?” vra Onke. +Maar Puppy het reeds opgekrul en haar oë toegemaak. +“Dit lyk na ’n goeie idee,” sê Onke. “Lekker slaap, Puppy.” +“Lekker slaap,” sê ’n vriendelike spook teen die plafon, wat deur die huis sweef op soek na warm melk en koekies. +Maar Onke is lankal in droomland.",afr,Afrikaans,’n Spook in Ouma se pajamas,"One dark night, Onke was fast asleep in his little bed, in his little room, in the house he shared with Mama, Papa, Granny, and his little pet dog called Puppy. Puppy was asleep on a red blanket at the foot of Onke’s bed. She was snoring quietly ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Deur Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/’n-spook-ouma-se-pajamas +ghost-granny’s-pyjamas,"Bošego bjo bongwe go le leswiswi, Onke o be a swerwe ke boroko mpeteng wa gagwe o monnyane, ka phapošing ya gagwe ye nnyane, ka ntlong ye a dulago go yona le Mma, Tate, Koko le mpšanyana ya gagwe ya go bitšwa Puppy. Puppy e be e robetše ka lepayana le lehubedu maotong a mpete wa Onke. O be a gona ka setu a lora a swara dihlora phakeng. +Gateetee, Onke a kwa lešata le legolo gomme a tsoga ka letšhogo. “Lešata le ke la eng?” a realo, a thuthumela. O ile a ikhupetša ka lepai. “Ke holofela gore ga se ntatauwane goba sepoko sa go tšhoša. Ga ke rate dipoko.” +PHAA! “E thomile gape,” a realo, a leka go ba bogale. “Ke swanetše go hwetša gore ke eng seo se dirago lešata.” Gomme Onke a tšea thotšhe ya polasetiki ye talamorogo tafoleng ya kgauswi le mpete wa gagwe, gomme a lebelela ka yona ka phapošing. +“O nagana gore ke sepoko se se dirilego lešata lela?” Onke a botšiša Puppy ye e bego e ithobaletše e lora e kitimiša dihlora. Onke o ile a e phaphatha hlogo. +HOO! HOO! Lešata le leswa la kwagala ka ntle. +“E ka ba ke sepoko?” gwa botšiša Onke, a kgantšhetša thotšhe lefasetereng. + +Selo se segolo se setsotho, sa mafofa, sa molomo wo moserolane, se dutše lekaleng ka ntle. Onke a sega a re, “Ga se sepoko. Ke makgohlo o mogolo o dutše mohlareng ka ntle ga phaphoši ya ka. Efela, ke ipotšiša gore ke eng ye e dirilego lešata lela?” +HOO! HOO! Makgohlo o mogolo wa phurulla maphego wa fofa go putla tšhengwana. +“Bomakgotlo ba tsoma magotlo bošego, ke ka fao batho ba sa kego ba ba bona. Ke mahlatse a magolo go bona makgotlo,” a realo Onke. “Ga go bjalo, Puppy?” +Efela Puppy e be e sa swerwe ke boroko, gomme Onke a forohla mpa ya gagwe ya maboya ye nnyane, a gona, a tsena lepaing la gagwe le lehubedu. +“Mogongwe ke dira metlae fela,” gwa nagana Onke. Efela ka morago o ile a bona go fifala gwa go tšhoša khoneng ya phapoši. Go bego swana le ntauwane ye kgolo ya maphego a lenong, le marofa a tau le manaka a matelele a go swnana le a kolobesodi. +“E kaba ke sepoko?” a realo, a kgantšhetša thotšhe sekhutlwaneng sa phapoši. Onke o ile a sega ge a bona gore ke eng. “Ga se sepoko! Ke diaparo tša ka tša ditšhila mo setulong. Ke be ke swanetše go di tloša bjalo ka ge Mma a ntaetše. Ga go bjalo, Puppy?” Efela Puppy o be a swerwe ke boroko ebile a wišetša ditete lepaing la gagwe le lehubedu. +“Efela lešata le ke le kwelego ka pele e be e le la eng,” a realo Onke. PHAA! A kwa lešata gape gomme a thuthumela. “E swanetše go ba e le sepoko,” a nagana, “gomme go kwagala e ke se dikologa phapoši ya ka.” +Onke o be a leka go ba bogale, le ge dikhuru tša gagwe di šikinyega bjalo ka jeli. A hlolela ka lebati la phapoši ya gagwe, a lebelela phathiseng ye sese. +Efela go be go se na selo fao, ntle le dieta tša batswadi ba gagwe kgauswi le leboto, le sekotlelo sa meetse sa Puppy mo mmeteng o monnyane. Onke o ile a gagaba mmeteng wa phathise, a feta phapošiborobaleleo ya batswadi ba gagwe, gomme a hlolela ka moraleng. +“Ke sepoko!” a goeletša, a lebiša thotšhe moriting o moso wa go ema kgauswi le setofo. Sepoko se be se apere dipitšama tše diso tša go ba le nku ya boya bja boleta. +“Ke dipitšama tša Koko,” a realo Onke. “Nkane o utswitše dipitšama tša Koko, wena Sepoko?” Onke a lebiša thotšhe ya gagwe sefahlegong sa sepoko. Ke Koko! +“Onke,” a realo Koko, a ahlama ka letšhogo. “O ntšhošitše kudu. Ke be ke nagana gore o sepoko.” +“Ke be ke nagana gore o sepoko,” Onke a realo, a sega. “O dira eng ka moraleng bošego bjalo, Koko?” +“Ke be ke sa swarwe ke boroko,” a realo Koko, “gomme ka tla ka m o moraleng go hwetša galase ya maswi a borutho le dipisikiti. O nyaka goja seneke sa gare ga bošego le nna?” Onke o ile a myemyela, a dumela ka hlogo. +Gomme yena le Koko ba dula tafoleng ba bolela ntle le go dira lešata ba le gare ba thapiša dipisikiti tša potoro tša go khukhura tša bose ka dikomiking tša maswi a borutho. Gomme ba beša borotho ba bo abelana, le diphikile, hemo, tšhese, tamati le lethisi ye tala ye nanana. + +Ba rile go fetša goja le go nwa, ba hlapa meno la bobedi mathapameng ao. Gomme Onke a lakaletša Koko gore a be le bošego bjo bobose a ya ka phapošiborabalelo. O rile ge a bula lebati, a fofela ke Puppy ya goba. +“Puppy,” a realo Onke, a e phaphatha hlogo, “ke nna, wena mpša ya metlae. O be o nagana gore ke nna sepoko?” +Puppy ya mo latswa sefahlego gomme ya kgokologela lepaing la yona le lehubedu. +“Ke rarolotše lekunutu bošegong bjo. O a tseba, Puppy?” gwa botšiša Onke. +Efela Puppy e be e šetše e kudupane gomme ya tswalela mahlo. +“Seo se bonagala bjalo ka kgopolo ye botse,” a realo Onke. “E ba le bošego bjo bobose, Puppy.” +“E ba le bošego bjo bobose,” gwa bolela sepoko sa go rata batho kua siling, se be se putla ka ntlong se nyaka maswi a borutho le dipisikiti gore se je. +Efela Onke o be a šetše a swerwe ke boroko.",nso,Sepedi,Sepoko ka dipitšama tša Koko,"One dark night, Onke was fast asleep in his little bed, in his little room, in the house he shared with Mama, Papa, Granny, and his little pet dog called Puppy. Puppy was asleep on a red blanket at the foot of Onke’s bed. She was snoring quietly ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sepoko-ka-dipitšama-tša-koko +ghost-granny’s-pyjamas,"Ka bosiu bo bong bo lefifi, Onke o ne a kgalehile betheng ya hae e nyane, ka kamoreng ya hae e nyane, tlung eo a neng a dula ho yona le Mme, Ntate, Nkgono le ntjanyana ya hae e bitswang Puppy. Puppy o ne a robetse hodima kobo e kgubedu maotong a bethe ya Onke. O ne a honela tlaase a bile a lora a lelekisa dikwirele pakeng. +Hanghang Onke a utlwa lerata le leholo mme a phaphama a tshohile. “Ke lerata la eng leo?” a rialo a thothomela. A hula dikobo a ikgurumetsa ka tsona. “Ke tshepa hore ha se setshosa kapa sepoko se tshabehang. Ha ke rate dipoko.” +KGWAHLA! “Ke leo hape,” a rialo, a leka ho iketsa sebetenyana. “Ke lokela ho batlisisa hore ke eng e etsang lerata leo.” Yaba Onke o nka totjhe e tala ya polasetiki eo a neng a e beile tafoleng e pela bethe ya hae, mme a bonesa ka yona hohle ka phaposing. +“Na o nahana hore ke sepoko se entseng lerata leo?” Onke a botsa Puppy, ya neng a ntse a kgalehile a itorela ka ho lelekisa dikwirele. Onke a mo phaphatha hloohong. +HOO! HOO! Ha hlaha lerata le leng le letjha le tswang ka ntle. +“Na ebe ke sepoko?” ha botsa Onke, a bentsha totjhe ya hae ho bonesa fensetereng. + +Ntho e kgolo, e nonneng e sootho, e tletseng masiba, e nang le molomo o motsu o mosehla, e ne e dutse hodima lekala ka ntle. Onke a tsheha mme a re, “Ha se sepoko ntho yane. Empa feela e le sephoko se seholo se dutseng sefateng ka ntle ho phaposi ya ka. Empa ke a ipotsa hore ke eng e neng e etsa lerata lane le kgwahlatsang?” +HOO! HOO! Sephoko se seholo sa phukalatsa mapheo a sona mme sa fofela kwana ho parola tshimo. +“Diphoko di tsoma ditweba le ditadi bosiu, ke kahoo batho ba sa keng ba di bona. Hantlentle ke lehlohonolo ho bona sephoko,” ha rialo Onke. “Na ha ho jwalo, Puppy?” +Empa Puppy o ne a ntse a ile le sephume sa boroko, yaba Onke o pholla mpanyana ya yona e boya, mme ya hona ya thetehela kobong ya yona e kgubedu. +“Mohlomong ke mpa ke tshoha difotle,” Onke a nahana jwalo. Empa jwale a bona ntho e nngwe e lefifi e tshosang hukung ya phaposi. E ne e shebahala jwaloka setshosa se seholo se nang le mapheo a lenong le dinala tsa tau le nko e telele e kang ya kolobemoru. +“Na ke sepoko seo?” a rialo, a lebisa kganya ya totjhe hukung ya phaposi. Onke a tsheha ha a bona hore ke eng hantlentle. “Ha se sepoko! Empa feela e le diaparo tsa ka tse ditshila, tse leketlileng setulong. Hoja ka di tlosa ka di bea hantle jwaloka ha Mme a ne a nkopile. Na ha ho jwalo, Puppy?” Empa Puppy o ne a ntse a ithobaletse mme jwale diqhenqhe tsa hae di wela hodima kobo e kgubedu. +“Empa e ne e le modumo wa eng ola o kgwahlatsang oo ke o utlwileng pejana?” ha rialo Onke. KGWAHLA! A utlwa modumo oo hape mme a thothomela. “E tlameha hore e be e le sepoko,” a nahana jwalo, “mme e utlwahala eka e fofa moyeng ka ntle ho phaposi ya ka.” +Onke o ne a leka ho ba sebete, leha mangwele a hae a ne a thothomela jwalo ka jeli. A nyarela ka ntle ho lemati la kamore ya hae, mme a sheba phaseitjheng e lefifi. +Empa ho ne ho se na letho teng, e le feela dieta tsa batswadi ba hae di beilwe pela lebota, le sejana sa metsi sa Puppy hodima mmata o monyane. Onke a nanya hodima mmata phaseitjheng, a feta kamore ya batswadi ba hae, mme a nyarela ka kitjhineng. +“Ke sepoko!” a hoeletsa, a bentshetsa totjhe ya hae hodima seriti se setsho se emeng haufi le setofo. Sepoko seo se ne se apere dipijama tse bolou tse nang le nku e boya ho tsona. +“Tseo ke dipijama tsa Nkgono,” ha rialo Onke. “Hobaneng o utswitse dipijama tsa Nkgono, wena Sepoko?” Onke a shebisa lebone la totjhe hodimo hore a bone sefahleho sa sepoko. E ne e le Nkgono! +“Onke,” ha rialo Nkgono, molomo wa hae o ahlame ke ho tshoha. “O ntshositse haholo. Ke nahanne hore o sepoko.” +“Ke nahanne hore wena o sepoko,” Onke a rialo a keketeha. “O etsang ka kitjhineng bosiu bo bokana, Nkgono?” +“Ke ne ke sa kgone ho robala,” ha rialo Nkgono, “kahoo ka tla ka mona ka kitjhineng ho tla batla kopi ya lebese le tjhesang le dibisikiti. Na o batla ho ja le nna seneke sa bosiu bo boholo?” Onke a bososela mme a oma ka hlooho. +Yaba yena le Nkgono ba dula tafoleng ya kitjhine ba qoqela fatshe ba ntse ba qopetsa dibisikiti tsa botoro tse monate ka hara mabekere a lebese le futhumetseng. Yaba hape ba etsa samentjhise e besitsweng, e nang le diphikile, heme, kase, tamati, le lethise e foreshe e tala mme ba e arolelana. + +Ha ba qetile ho ja le ho nwa, ba borosela meno a bona lekgetlo la bobedi bosiung boo. Yaba Onke o fonanisa Nkgono mme a leba kamoreng ya hae. Eitse ha a bula lemati, Puppy a tlola mme a bohola. +“Puppy,” ha rialo Onke, a mo phaphata hloohong, “ke nna, semaumau towe sa ntja. O ne o nahana hore ke sepoko?” +Puppy a mo nyeka sefahlehong mme a ipotoka hodima kobo ya hae e kgubedu. +“Ke rarollotse qaka bosiung bona. Na o a e tseba taba eo, Puppy?” ha botsa Onke. +Empa Puppy o ne a se a ikgarile kobong a kwetse mahlo a hae. +“Ke mohopolo o motle oo,” ha rialo Onke. “Robala ha monate, Puppy.” +“Robala hantle,” ha rialo sepoko se ratang batho hodimo mane marulelong, se neng se mpa se iphetela ntlong eo se batlana le lebese le futhumetseng le dibisikiti. +Empa Onke o ne a se a kgalehile.",sot,Sesotho,Sepoko ka hara dipijama tsa Nkgono,"One dark night, Onke was fast asleep in his little bed, in his little room, in the house he shared with Mama, Papa, Granny, and his little pet dog called Puppy. Puppy was asleep on a red blanket at the foot of Onke’s bed. She was snoring quietly ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ka Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sepoko-ka-hara-dipijama-tsa-nkgono +ghost-granny’s-pyjamas,"Ngobunye ubusuku obumnyama thsu, u-Onke wayelele yoyi kwibhedana yakhe encinane, eyayikwigunjana lakhe, kwindlu awayehlala kuyo noMama, uPapa, uMakhulu, kunye nenjana esisilo-qabane sakhe uPuppy. UPuppy wayelele naye kwingutyana ebomvu emazantsi ebhedi ka-Onke. Wayerhona ngokuzolileyo ephupha ngathi ubamba oonomatse epakini. +Ngephanyazo u-Onke weva ingxolokazi enkulu waze wothuka, esoyika. “Yingxolo yantoni ngoku leyo?” watsho engcangcazela. Wayitsala ingubo yakhe, wazigquma. “Ndiyathemba ukuba ayilogongqongqo okanye isiporho esoyikekayo eso. Andizithandi mna tu iziporho.” +KRWAM! “Nantso kwakhona,” watsho, ezama ukuzomeleza. “Kufuneka ndijonge ukuba yenziwa yintoni na loo ngxolo.” Ngoko ke u-Onke wathatha itotshi yakhe eluhlaza neyenziwe ngeplastiki awayeyibeke etafileni eyayisecaleni kwebhedi yakhe, waza wakhanyisa ngayo, ejikelezisa ilitha layo kwelo gunjana lakhe. +“Ucinga ukuba le ngxolo yenziwa sisiporho?” u-Onke ubuza uPuppy, owayesalele yoyi ephupha ngathi usukela oonamatse. U-Onke wambambazela entloko uPuppy. +HUU! HUU! Kwavakala ingxolo entsha ngoku isitsho ngaphandle. +“Ingaba sisiporho eso?” kwabuza u-Onke, ekhanyisa ngetotshi yakhe, eyijolise efestileni. + +Wabona into enkulu, etyebileyo nebrawuni ngombala, eneentsiba nomlomo otyheli, neyayihleli kwisebe lomthi owawungaphandle. U-Onke wahleka waze wathi, “Ayisosiporho esi. Sisikhova nje esikhulu, esihleli emthini ngaphandle kwegumbi lam. Kodwa kazi ukuba yintoni na le yenza le ngxolo ikrwamzayo?” +HUU! HUU! Isikhova esikhulu satweza amaphiko aso sabhabha, semka sinqumla esitiyeni. +“Izikhova zizingela iimpuku ebusuku, yiyo le nto abantu bengaziboni kwaphela izikhova emini. Lithamsanqa ukubona isikhova,” watsho u-Onke. “Akunjalo na Puppy?” +Kodwa uPuppy wayesalele yoyi, ngoko ke u-Onke wamphulula kweso siswana sakhe sinoboya waze warhona nangakumbi uPuppy, eguquguquka kuloo ngutyana yakhe ibomvu. +“Mhlawumbi kukoyika nje,” wazicingela njalo u-Onke. Kodwa wathi xa esagqiba kutsho, wabona into emnyama neyoyikekayo ekoneni yegumbi lakhe. Le nto yayikhangeleka njengegongqongqo elikhulu elineempiko zexhalanga kunye neenzipho zengonyama namabamba amade afana nawenxagu. +“Ingaba sisiporho eso?” watsho, ekhanyisa ngetotshi yakhe kuloo kona yegumbi. U-Onke waphela yintsini akubona ukuba yintoni na kanye-kanye leyo. “Ayisosiporho esi! Ziimpahla zam ezimdaka, ezijinga esitulweni. Bendifanele ukuba ndizisusile ezi mpahla nanjengoko umama ebendiyalele. Akunjalo na Puppy?” Kodwa uPuppy wayesalele yoyi kwaye ngoku wayevuza nezinkcwe, zivuzela kuloo ngubo yakhe ibomvu. +“Kodwa ibisisandi santoni bethu esiya sikrwamzelayo nebendisive kuqala,” kwatsho u-Onke. KRWAM! Waphinda wayiva loo ngxolo waze wangcangcazela wabanda. “Inokuba sisiporho ngenene ke eso,” wazicingela njalo, “kwaye sivakala ngathi sibhabha apha ngaphandle kwegumbi lam.” +U-Onke wazama ukuziqinisa, nangona amadolo akhe ayengevezela okwejeli. Wakroba ezimele emva kocango lwegumbi lakhe, wajonga kuloo paseji imnyama. +Kodwa kwakungekho nto apho, izizihlangu nje zabazali bakhe ezazoyanyiswe ngodonga kuphela, kunye nesitya samanzi kaPuppy esasisemethini encinane. U-Onke wakhasa ekhaphethini eyayisepasejini, wadlula kwigumbi lokulala labazali bakhe, waze waya kukroba ekhitshini. +“Isiporho!” wakhwaza, ekhanyisa ngetotshi yakhe kwisithunzi esimnyama esasimi ngasesitovini. Isiporho sasinxibe iipijama ezizuba ezihonjisiweyo nezazithiwe wambu ngoboya begusha. +“Ziipijama zikaMakhulu ezo,” watsho u-Onke. “Uzibele ntoni iipijama zikaMakhulu, Siporhondini?” U-Onke wakhanyisa ngetotshi yakhe ukuze abone ubuso besiporho. Tyhini nguMakhulu! +“Onke,” watsho uMakhulu, ethe ng’a umlomo kukothuka. “Indlela ondoyikise ngayo. Bendicinga ukuba usisiporho.” +“Mna ke bendicinga ukuba nguwe isiporho,” watsho u-Onke, egigitheka. “Wenza ntoni ekhitshini ebusuku kangaka, Makhulu?” +“Ndiphuthelwe,” watsho uMakhulu, “ngoko ke ndeza apha ekhitshini ukuze ndifumane ubisi olushushu kunye neebhiskiti. Uyafuna ukufumana ishwamshwam lasezinzulwini zobusuku kunye nam?” U-Onke wancuma wanqwala. +Ngoko ke u-Onke kunye noMakhulu bahlala etafileni yasekhitshini bancokola ngokuzolileyo, bemana ukunkxuza iibhiskiti ezenziwe ngebhotolo ezikrwamzayo ezikomityini zabo zobisi olushushu. Emva koko benza isandweji eyojiweyo eneepikile, ihem, itshizi, itumato kunye nelethasi, baza bohlulelana ngayo. + +Ukugqiba kwabo ukutya nokuphunga, bahlamba amazinyo abo okwesibini ngobo busuku. Emva koko ke u-Onke wathi busuku benzolo kuMakhulu, wabuyela kwigumbi lakhe lokulala. Ukuvula kwakhe ucango, uPuppy waxhuma wakhonkotha. +“Puppy,” watsho u-Onke, embambazela entloko, “ndim nje, njanana yam. Ingaba ucinga ukuba ndisisiporho?” +UPuppy wakhotha ubuso bakhe waze waziqengqela kwingutyana yakhe ebomvu. +“Ngokuhlwanje ndisombulule iqhina elinzima. Ingaba uyayazi loo nto, Puppy?” wabuza u-Onke. +Kodwa uPuppy wayesele ezisongile, ewavale mba amehlo akhe. +“Oko kukhangeleka njengelona cebo lakhayo,” watsho u-Onke. “Busuku benzolo, Puppy.” +“Busuku benzolo,” kwatsho isiporho esinobubele esasisesilingini, nesasigqitha kwelo gumbi lakhe ukuya kukhangela ubisi olushushu kunye neebhiskiti ukuze sitye. +Kodwa u-Onke wayesele elele yoyi yena.",xho,isiXhosa,Isiporho esinxibe iipijama zikaMakhulu,"One dark night, Onke was fast asleep in his little bed, in his little room, in the house he shared with Mama, Papa, Granny, and his little pet dog called Puppy. Puppy was asleep on a red blanket at the foot of Onke’s bed. She was snoring quietly ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Libali likaKai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isiporho-esinxibe-iipijama-zikamakhulu +ghost-granny’s-pyjamas,"Ngobunye ubusuku obumnyama, u-Onke wayelele zwi embhejaneni wakhe omncane, egunjini lakhe lokulala elincane, endlini ayehlala kuyo noMama, noBaba, noGogo, kanye nenja encane engumngani wakhe ebizwa ngoMdlwane. UMdlwane wayelele engutsheni ebomvu ezinyaweni zombhede ka-Onke. Wayehona kancane futhi ephupha ngokubamba izinkwe epaki. +Kusenjalo u-Onke wezwa umsindo omkhulu wase evuka ethukile. “Ngabe uyini lowo msindo?” kusho yena, eqhaqhazela. Wazimboza ikhanda ngengubo. “Ngifisa sengathi kungebe inunu noma yisipoki esisabekayo. Angizithandi izipoki.” +PHAHLA! “Nanso futhi,” kusho yena, ezama ukuqina isibindi. “Kumele ngithole ukuthi yini eyenza lowo msindo.” Ngakho-ke u-Onke wathatha ithoshi leplastiki eliluhlaza okotshani ayeligcina etafuleni eliseceleni kombhede, wase elikhanyisa elizungezisa igumbi. +“Ngabe ucabanga ukuthi lowo msindo wenziwe yisipoki?” kubuza u-Onke kuMdlwane, owayesalele ethe zwi futhi ephupha ngokujaha izinkwe. U-Onke wamumbambatha ekhanda. +HHOO! HHOO! Kwezwakala umsindo omusha owawuvela ngaphandle. +“Ngabe yisipoki yini leso?” kubuza u-Onke, ekhanyisa ithoshi lakhe efasiteleni. + +Kwakukhona into enkulu, ekhuluphele ensundu, embozwe yizimpaphe, enomlomo ophuzi, eyayihleli egatsheni ngaphandle. U-Onke wahleka wase ethi, “Akusona isipoki. Yisikhova esikhulu nje esihleli ngaphandle kwegumbi lami. Kodwa ngiyafisa ukwazi ukuthi yini le eyenza umsindo wokuphahlazeka?” +HHOO! HHOO! Isikhova esikhulu sanweba amaphiko aso sase sindiza siwela ingadi. +“Izikhova zizingela amagundane nezingoso ebusuku, yingakho abantu bengaziboni nhlobo. Kuyinhlanhla enkulu ukubona isikhova,” kusho u-Onke. “Ngabe akunjalo, Mdlwane?” +Kodwa uMdlwane wayelele ethe zwi, ngakho u-Onke wahlikihla isisu sakhe esincane esinoboya wase ehona wase ephendukela engutsheni yakhe ebomvu. +“Mhlawumbe umqondo wami udlala ngami nje,” kucabanga u-Onke. Kodwa kusenjalo wabona okuthile okumnyama nokwesabekayo ekhoneni legumbi. Kwakubukeka sengathi yinunu enkulu enamaphiko okhozi namazipho ebhubesi kanye namazinyo amade afana nawentibane. +“Ngabe yisipoki lesi?” kusho yena, ekhanyisa ithoshi lakhe ekhoneni legumbi. U-Onke wahleka lapho ebona ukuthi empeleni kwakuyini. “Akusona isipoki! Yizingubo ezingcolile nje ezilenga esitulweni. Bekufanele engabe ngizibeke ngendlela uMama ayethe ngizibeke ngayo. Akunjalo, Mdlwane?” Kodwa uMdlwane wayesalele ethe zwi futhi namathe akhe ayesevuzela engutsheni yakhe ebomvu. +“Kodwa ngabe ubuyini lowo msindo wento ephahlazekayo owenzeke phambilini?” kusho u-Onke. PHAHLA! Wezwa umsindo futhi wase eqhaqhazela. “Kufanele ukuthi yisipoki leso,” kucabanga yena, “futhi kuzwakala sengathi sindiza emoyeni ngaphandle kwegumbi lami.” +U-Onke wayezama ukuziqinisa isibinjana, noma amadolo akhe ayeqhaqhazela njengojeli. Walunguza ngemva komnyango wegumbi lakhe lokulala, wase ebheka ephaseji elimnyama. +Kodwa kwakungekho lutho lapho, kwakukhona izicathulo zabazali bakhe nje eduze nodonga, kanye nendishi yamanzi kaMdlwane kumata omncane. U-Onke wanyonyoba kukhaphethi ephaseji, wadlula igumbi lokulala labazali bakhe, wase elunguza ekhishini. +“Yisipoki!” esho ememeza, ekhanyisa ithoshi esithunzini esimnyama esime eduze kwesitofu. Isipoki sasigqoke amaphijama aluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka anezimvu ezinomfonomfo kuwo. +“Amaphijama kaGogo lawo,” kusho u-Onke. “Uwantshontsheleni amaphijama kaGogo, Sipoki?” U-Onke wakhanyisa ithoshi lakhe ukuze abuke ubuso besipoki. KwakuwuGogo! +“Onke,” kusho Gogo, esekhamisile nje ngenxa yokwethuka. “Waze wangethusa. Bengicabanga ukuthi uyisipoki.” +“Bengicabanga ukuthi nguwe oyisipoki,” kusho u-Onke, egigitheka. “Wenzani ekhishini ebusuku kangaka, Gogo?” +“Bengingakwazi ukulala,” kusho uGogo, “ngakho-ke ngize ngeza ekhishini ukuze ngizitholele ubisi olushisayo kanye namabhisikidi. Ngabe ufuna ukuzitholela okokubamba umoya kwaphakathi namabili nami?” U-Onke wamamatheka wase enqekuzisa ikhanda lakhe. +Ngakho yena kanye noGogo bahlala etafuleni lasekhishini bexoxela phansi bede begcobhoza amabhisikidi aklamuzelayo ezinkomishini ezinobisi olushisayo. Base bezenzela isemishi elithosiwe abazokwabelana ngalo, elilinama-pickles, i-ham, ushizi, utamatisi, kanye nolethisi oluhlaza omusha. + +Lapho sebeqedile ukudla nokuphuza, baxubha amazinyo abo okwesibili ngalobo busuku. U-Onke wabe esefisela uGogo ubuthongo obumnandi wase ebuyela egunjini lakhe lokulala. Lapho evula umnyango, uMdlwane wagxuma wase ekhonkotha. +“We Mdlwane,” kusho u-Onke, emumbambatha ekhanda, “yimina nje, nja ecabanga okungasile. Ngabe ubucabanga ukuthi ngiyisipoki?” +UMdlwane wakhotha ubuso bakhe wase ephenduka engutsheni yakhe ebomvu. +“Ngisombulule impicabadala kusihlwa nje. Ngabe ubukwazi lokho, Mdlwane?” kubuza u-Onke. +Kodwa uMdlwane wayesezigoqile wase evala amehlo akhe. +“Kubukeka kuyisu elihle lokho,” kusho u-Onke. “Ulale kahle, Mdlwane.” +“Ulale kahle,” kusho isipoki esinobungani esasisophahleni, esasidlula endlini sifuna ubisi olushisayo kanye namabhisikidi esizokudla. +Kodwa u-Onke wayeselele zwi.",zul,isiZulu,Isipoki esigqoke amaphijama kaGogo,"One dark night, Onke was fast asleep in his little bed, in his little room, in the house he shared with Mama, Papa, Granny, and his little pet dog called Puppy. Puppy was asleep on a red blanket at the foot of Onke’s bed. She was snoring quietly ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",NguKai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isipoki-esigqoke-amaphijama-kagogo +momma-moeng’s-surprise,"It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. +Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the jar of jam on her head and off she marched to Gogo Moeng’s house. +Baby Beka’s balloon went bobbity-bob and Momma’s slipslops went pliff-ploff, pliff-ploff down the dusty path until she met Sipho coming out of the Tip-Top shop. “Where are you going, Momma Moeng?” asked Sipho. +“Baby Beka and I are going to Gogo Moeng’s house. It’s her birthday today,” replied Momma. +“I’ve got a packet of crispy potato chips for Gogo Moeng. Can I come too?” asked Sipho. +“Of course,” Momma smiled and off they marched. +Sipho’s packet of crispy potato chips went crinkle-crinkle, Baby Beka’s balloon went bobbity-bob and Momma’s slipslops went pliff-ploff, pliff-ploff down the dusty path until they came to Mr Chapalala, who was feeding his chickens. +“Where are you going?” he asked. +“We’re going to Gogo Moeng’s house. It’s her birthday,” answered Momma. +“I’ve got a chubby chicken for Gogo Moeng. Can you give it to her?” asked Mr Chapalala. +“Of course,” said Momma tucking the chubby chicken under her arm and off marched Momma, Baby Beka and Sipho. +The chubby chicken went chuk-chuk-chook, chuk-chuk-chook, the packet of crispy potato chips went crinkle-crinkle, Baby Beka’s balloon went bobbity-bob and Momma’s slipslops went pliff-ploff, pliff-ploff down the dusty path until they came to Mrs Makabelo’s home-bake shop. +“We must get a birthday cake for Gogo,” said Momma. They went inside. Ting-a-ling went the doorbell. “Good morning, Mrs Makabelo. Did you know today is Gogo Moeng’s birthday?” +“Oh yes,” said Mrs Makabelo. “I have baked a special cake for her, but I can’t leave the shop. Could you take it to her?” +“Of course,” offered Momma, but there was a problem − Momma needed two hands to carry the cake. So, she made a plan. She put the chubby chicken on top of the jar of jam that she was carrying on her head. Now she had two hands to carry the special birthday cake. Off marched Momma, Baby Beka and Sipho through the ting-a-ling door. +When Baby Beka smelt the cake he mumbled, “Nummy, nummy, num-num.” +The chubby chicken went chuk-chuk-chook, chuk-chuk-chook, the packet of crispy potato chips went crinkle-crinkle, Baby Beka’s balloon went bobbity-bob and Momma’s slipslops went pliff-ploff, pliff-ploff down the dusty path until they met Valecia. +“Where is everyone going?” asked Valecia. +“We’re going to Gogo Moeng’s house. It is her birthday,” explained Sipho. +“I’ve got a bunch of flowers for Gogo Moeng. Can I come too?” asked Valecia. +“Of course,” said Momma and off they marched. +The bunch of flowers made Valecia sneeze, “Achoo! A-A-Achoooo!” +The chubby chicken went chuk-chuk-chook, chuk-chuk-chook, the packet of crispy potato chips went crinkle-crinkle, Baby Beka’s balloon went bobbity-bob and Momma’s slipslops went pliff-ploff, pliff-ploff down the dusty path until they saw Mr Sithole digging in his vegetable garden. + +  +“Where are you all going, Momma Moeng?” Mr Sithole asked. +   “We’re going to Gogo Moeng’s house. It’s her birthday,” she replied. +   “I have a trolley full of vegetables for her,” said Mr Sithole. “Please could you give it to her?” +     “Of course,” answered Momma. +    But now Momma had a BIG problem − there was too much to carry! She had to think of a plan. +   First, she took Baby Beka off her back and then tied the chubby chicken onto her back with the soft blanket. Baby Beka SCREAAAAMED! +So Momma put the chubby chicken on top of the trolley and tied Baby Beka onto her back with the soft blanket. Baby Beka was happy and the chubby chicken was very happy to peck at all the vegetables. But Momma wasn’t happy with this so she put the chubby chicken on Valecia’s head. The feathers tickled Valecia’s nose and made her sneeze even more, “AAAAA-CHOOOOO!” +Valecia wasn’t happy. So, Momma took the chubby chicken and put it on Sipho’s head and she gave him Valecia’s flowers to hold. Now Valecia had two hands free to hold the cake. And Momma had two hands free to push the trolley. Everyone was happy and off they marched to Gogo Moeng’s house. +The wheels of the trolley went squeak-squeak-squeak. Valecia had icing from the cake on her cheeks so her tongue went slurp-slurp-slurp. Baby Beka mumbled, “Nummy, nummy, num-num.” The chubby chicken went chuk-chuk-chook, chuk-chuk-chook, the packet of crispy potato chips went crinkle-crinkle, Baby Beka’s balloon went bobbity-bob and Momma’s slipslops went pliff-ploff, pliff-ploff down the dusty path all the way to Gogo’s house. +Momma knocked on the front door. Sipho whistled. Valecia shouted. But there was NO REPLY. Momma pushed the front door open and they all went inside. But there was NO ONE THERE. They looked in the kitchen − NOBODY. They looked in the bedroom − NOBODY. They looked everywhere. Where could Gogo be? +Momma said, “Let’s get cooking and maybe Gogo will turn up.” +So that is what everyone did – everyone except Baby Beka. He sat on the kitchen counter next to the window and watched until he saw Gogo walking way down the path at the very bottom of the steep hill. +“Gogo! Gogo!” he called. Everyone looked. +“GOGO! GOGO!” everyone shouted together. “GOGO!” +Way down at the bottom of the steep hill Gogo said, “EE EE EE. Someone is calling me. Now I can’t go to the shops to buy my birthday supper.” +  + +  +Gogo turned round and walked all the way up the steep hill. Her slippers went shuffle-shuffle on the dusty path. Finally she reached the back door. When she opened it everyone started singing a happy-birthday song. +On the table were the vegetable pie and jam tarts that Momma had made, newly laid eggs from the chubby chicken, the special birthday cake and the crispy potato chips. The table was decorated with flowers and Baby Beka’s beautiful blue balloon. +“THIS IS MY BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!” said Gogo. And she should know, because Gogo had already had at least eighty or ninety birthdays before this one! +  +Get creative! +Write a list of all the things that the people in the story gave to make Gogo’s birthday celebration special. Now add three things that you would like to have given Gogo if you had visited her on her birthday.",eng,English,Momma Moeng’s surprise,"It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. +Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the ...",,Joan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/momma-moeng’s-surprise +momma-moeng’s-surprise,"Dit het alles begin toe Momma Moeng ’n fles konfyt vir Gogo Moeng se verjaardag gemaak het. Toe het Baba Beka sy beste blou ballon gevind. Hy wou dit vir Gogo gee vir haar verjaardag. +Momma het vir Baba Beka op haar rug vasgemaak met ’n sagte kombersie. Toe het sy die fles konfyt op haar kop gesit en na Gogo Moeng se huis gestap. +Baba Beka se ballon maak bompe-kebomp en Momma se plakkies maak flip-flap, flip-flap-flop in die stowwerige paadjie af, tot sy vir Sipho ontmoet wat uit die Tip-Top-winkel kom. “Waarheen is julle op pad, Momma Moeng?” vra Sipho. +“Ek en Baba Beka gaan na Gogo Moeng se huis toe. Dis vandag haar verjaardag,” antwoord Momma. +“Ek het ’n pakkie kraakvars skyfies vir Gogo Moeng. Kan ek saamkom?” vra Sipho. +“Natuurlik,” glimlag Momma en daar gaan hulle. +Sipho se pakkie kraakvars skyfies maak girts-garts, Baba Beka se ballon maak bompe-kebomp en Momma se plakkies maak flip-flap, flip-flap-flop in die stowwerige paadjie af, tot hulle by mnr. Chapalala kom wat sy hoenders kos gee. +“Waarheen gaan julle?” vra hy. +“Ons gaan na Gogo Moeng se huis toe. Dis haar verjaardag,” antwoord Momma. +“Ek het ’n lekker vet hoender vir Gogo Moeng. Kan julle dit vir haar neem?” vra mnr. Chapalala. +“Natuurlik,” sê Momma. Sy sit die vet hoender onder haar arm en daar gaan Momma, Baba Beka en Sipho. +Die vet hoender maak pe-kêk, pe-kêk, pe-kêk, die pakkie kraakvars skyfies maak girts-garts, Baba Beka se ballon maak bompe-kebomp en Momma se plakkies maak flip-flap, flip-flap-flop in die stowwerige paadjie af, tot hulle by mev. Makabelo se koekwinkel kom. +“Ons moet ’n verjaardagkoek vir Gogo koop,” sê Momma. Hulle gaan binnetoe. Tieng-’n-lieng lui die deurklokkie. “Goeiemôre, mev. Makabelo. Het jy geweet dit is vandag Gogo Moeng se verjaardag?” +“O, ja,” sê mev. Makabelo. “Ek het ’n spesiale koek vir haar gebak, maar ek kan nie die winkel alleen laat nie. Kan julle dit vir haar neem?” +“Natuurlik,” bied Momma aan, maar daar is ’n probleem − Momma het twee hande nodig om die koek te dra. Toe maak sy ’n plan. Sy sit die vet hoender bo-op die fles konfyt wat sy op haar kop dra. Nou het sy twee hande om die spesiale verjaardagkoek te dra. En so stap Momma, Baba Beka en Sipho uit by die tieng-’n-lieng-deur. +Toe Baba Beka die koek ruik, sê hy: “Njammie, njammie, njam, njam.” +Die vet hoender maak pe-kêk, pe-kêk, pe-kêk, die pakkie kraakvars skyfies maak girts-garts, Baba Beka se ballon maak bompe-kebomp en Momma se plakkies maak flip-flap, flip-flap-flop in die stowwerige paadjie af, tot hulle vir Valecia ontmoet. +“Waarheen gaan julle almal?” vra Valecia. +“Ons gaan na Gogo Moeng se huis toe. Dis haar verjaardag,” verduidelik Sipho. +“Ek het ’n bos blomme vir Gogo Moeng. Kan ek ook kom?” vra Valecia. +“Natuurlik,” sê Momma, en daar gaan hulle. +Die bos blomme laat Valecia nies: “Atiesjoe! A-A-Atiesjoe!” +Die vet hoender maak pe-kêk, pe-kêk, pe-kêk, die pakkie kraakvars skyfies maak girts-garts, Baba Beka se ballon maak bompe-kebomp en Momma se plakkies maak flip-flap, flip-flap-flop in die stowwerige paadjie af, tot hulle vir mnr. Sithole sien wat in sy groentetuin skoffel. +“Waarheen gaan julle almal, Momma Moeng?” vra mnr. Sithole. +“Ons gaan na Gogo Moeng se huis toe. Dis haar verjaardag,” antwoord sy. +“Ek het ’n waentjie vol groente vir haar,” sê mnr. Sithole. “Kan julle dit asseblief vir haar neem?” +“Natuurlik,” antwoord Momma. +Maar nou het Momma ’n GROOT probleem − daar is te veel goed om te dra! Sy moet aan ’n plan dink. +Eers haal sy vir Baba Beka van haar rug af en bind toe die vet hoender met die sagte kombersie op haar rug vas. Baba Beka SKREEU! +Momma sit toe die vet hoender bo-op die waentjie en maak weer vir Baba Beka met die sagte kombersie op haar rug vas. Baba Beka is tevrede en die vet hoender is baie gelukkig, want sy kan aan al die groente pik. Maar Momma is nie gelukkig hiermee nie, en daarom sit sy die vet hoender op Valecia se kop. Die vere kielie Valecia se neus en laat haar nog meer nies: “AAAAA-TIESJOOE!” +Valecia is nie gelukkig nie. Momma vat toe die vet hoender en sit dit op Sipho se kop. Sy gee ook vir hom Valecia se blomme om vas te hou. Nou het Valecia twee hande vry om die koek vas te hou. En Momma het twee hande vry om die waentjie te stoot. Almal is gelukkig en daar gaan hulle na Gogo Moeng se huis toe. +Die wiele van die trollie maak skwiek-skwiek-skwiek. Valecia het van die koek se versiersuiker op haar wange, en haar tong lek slurp-slurp-slurp. Baba Beka sê: “Njammie, njammie, njam-njam.” Die vet hoender maak pe-kêk, pe-kêk, pe-kêk, die pakkie kraakvars skyfies maak girts-garts, Baba Beka se ballon maak bompe-kebomp en Momma se plakkies maak flip-flap, flip-flap-flop in die stowwerige paadjie af al die pad tot by Gogo se huis. +Momma klop aan die voordeur. Sipho fluit. Valecia roep. Maar daar is GEEN ANTWOORD nie. Momma stoot die voordeur oop en hulle gaan almal binne. Maar daar is NIEMAND DAAR NIE. Hulle kyk in die kombuis − NIEMAND nie. Hulle kyk in die slaapkamer − NIEMAND nie. Hulle kyk oral. Waar kan Gogo wees? +Momma sê: “Kom ons begin kos maak, en dan sal Gogo dalk opdaag.” +En dis toe wat almal doen – almal behalwe Baba Beka. Hy sit op die kombuistoonbank langs die venster en uitkyk tot hy Gogo doer onder in die paadjie aan die voet van ’n baie steil bult sien aankom. +“Gogo! Gogo!” roep hy. Almal kyk. +“GOGO! GOGO!” almal roep tegelyk. “GOGO!” +Doer onder aan die voet van die steil bult sê Gogo: “EE EE EE. Iemand roep my. Nou kan ek nie winkel toe gaan om my verjaardagete te koop nie.” +Gogo draai om en stap al die pad met die steil bult op. Haar pantoffels maak slof-slof in die stowwerige paadjie af. Uiteindelik kom sy by die agterdeur. Toe sy dit oopmaak, begin almal vir haar ’n verjaardagliedjie sing. + +Op die tafel is die groentepastei en konfyttertjies wat Momma gemaak het, eiers wat die vet hoender so pas gelê het, die spesiale verjaardagkoek en die kraakvars skyfies. Die tafel is versier met die blomme en Baba Beka se pragtige blou ballon. +“DIT IS MY BESTE VERJAARDAG OOIT!” sê Gogo. En sy behoort te weet, want Gogo het al ten minste tagtig of negentig verjaardae voor hierdie een gevier! +  +Wees kreatief! +Maak ’n lys van al die dinge wat die mense in die storie gee om Gogo se verjaardag spesiaal te maak. Voeg nou drie dinge by wat jy graag sal wou gee as jy vir Gogo op haar verjaardag kon gaan kuier.",afr,Afrikaans,Momma Moeng se verrassing,"It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. +Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the ...",,Joan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/momma-moeng-se-verrassing +momma-moeng’s-surprise,"Konke kwaqala mhla uMomma Moeng wenza ingqayi yejem, eyenzela uMakhulu Moeng njengesipho sosuku lokuzalwa kwakhe. USana uBeka wafumana eyona bhaloni ayithandayo embala uzuba. Wayefuna ukuyinika uMakhulu ngosuku lokuzalwa kwakhe. +UMomma uMoeng wabeleka uSana uBeka ngebhayana elithambileyo. Emva koko wathwala ingqayi yejem entloko waze wahamba esiya kwaMakhulu uMoeng. +Ibhaloni yoSana uBeka yayisithi bhaku-bhaku-bhaku zaye iiflopsi zikaMomma uMoeng zisithi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa njengokuba esihla ngendledlana enothuli, de wadibana noSipho ephuma kwivenkile yakwaTip-Top. “Uyaphi, Momma uMoeng?” wabuza uSipho. +“Mna noSana uBeka siya kwaMakhulu uMoeng. Namhlanje lusuku lwakhe lokuzalwa,” waphendula uMomma uMoeng. +“Ndinepakethi yetships zeetapile ezikramzelayo endinokumnika yona uMakhulu uMoeng. Ingaba ndingahamba nani ukuya kuye nam?” wabuza uSipho. +“Ngokuqinisekileyo,” wancuma uMomma uMoeng, baze bahamba bonke. +Ipakethi kaSipho yeetships zeetapile ezikramzelayo yayisithi rhwasha-rhwasha-rhwasha, ibhaloni yoSana uBeka isithi bhaku-bhaku-bhaku zaye iiflopsi zikaMomma uMoeng zona zisithi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa lo gama behla ngendledlana enothuli, de badibana noMnumzana uShabalala, owayesipha iinkukhu zakhe ukutya. +“Niyaphi na?” wabuza. +“Siya kwaMakhulu uMoeng. Lusuku lokuzalwa kwakhe,” waphendula uMomma uMoeng. +“Ndinenkukhu etyetyisiweyo endinokuyinika uMakhulu uMoeng. Ndinganiphathisa yona ukuze nimnike?” wabuza uMnumzana uShabalala. +“Ngokuqinisekileyo,” watsho uMomma uMoeng eyithi khatha phantsi kwekhwapha loo nkukhu ityetyisiweyo waze wahamba noSana uBeka kunye noSipho. +Inkukhu etyetyisiweyo yayingxola ikokoza isithi ko-ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko-ko, ize ipakethi yetships ezikramzelayo ithi rhwasha-rhwasha-rhwasha, ibhaloni yoSana uBeka ithi bhaku-bhaku-bhaku zaze iiflops zikaMomma zathi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ukuhla ngendledlana enothuli bade bafika evenkileni yokubhaka kaNkosikazi uMakabelo. +“Kufuneka sithengele uMakhulu uMoeng ikeyiki yosuku lokuzalwa,” watsho uMomma uMoeng. Bangena ngaphakathi. “Nkqim-nkqi yakhala intsimbi yokunkqonkqoza. “Molo, Nkosikazi uMakabelo. Ingaba uyazi ukuba namhlanje lusuku lokuzalwa lukaMakhulu uMoeng?” +“Owu, ewe,” watsho uNkosikazi uMakabelo. “Ndimbhakele ikeyiki ekhethekileyo, kodwa andikwazi kuyishiya ivenkile. Ndinganiphathisa ukuze nimnike yona?” +“Ngokuqinisekileyo,” wavuma uMomma uMoeng, kodwa kwakukho ingxaki eza kuvela – uMomma uMoeng kwakufuneka enezandla ezibini zokuphatha ikeyiki. Ngoko ke wacinga icebo. Wathatha inkukhu etyetyisiweyo wayibeka phezu kwengqayi yejem awayeyithwele. Ngoko ke waba nazo izandla ezibini zokuphatha ikeyiki ekhethekileyo yosuku lokuzalwa. Wahamba ke uMomma uMoeng, uSana uBeka kunye noSipho bephuma kuloo mnyango uthi nkqim-nkqi. +Lwathi lwakuva ivumba lekeyiki uSana uBeka lwanambitha lusithi, “ncam, ncam, ncam, ncam.” +Inkukhu etyetyisiweyo yayingxola ikokoza isithi ko-ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko-ko, ize ipakethi yetships ezikramzelayo ithi rhwasha-rhwasha-rhwasha, ibhaloni yoSana uBeka ithi, bhaku-bhaku-bhaku zaze iiflops zikaMomma uMoeng zithi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ukuhla ngendledlana enothuli de badibana noValecia. +“Kuyiwaphi ngumntu wonke?” ubuzile uValecia. +“Siya kwaMakhulu uMoeng. Lusuku lwakhe lokuzalwa,” wacacisa uSipho. +“Ndinesipha seentyatyambo endinokumnika sona uMakhulu uMoeng. Ndingeza nam?” wabuza uValecia. +“Ngokuqinisekileyo,” watsho uMomma uMoeng baze bahamba bonke. +Isipha seentyatyambo samenza wathimla uValecia, “Atshuu! A-A-Atshuuuu!” +Inkukhu etyetyisiweyo yayingxola ikokoza isithi ko-ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko-ko, ize ipakethi yetships ezikramzelayo ithi rhwasha-rhwasha-rhwasha, ibhaloni yoSana uBeka ithi, bhaku-bhaku-bhaku zaze iiflops zikaMomma uMoeng zathi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ukuhla ngendledlana enothuli de babona uMnumzana uSithole epeta esitiyeni sakhe semifuno. +“Niyaphi na nonke, Momma uMoeng?” wabuza uMnumzana uSithole. +“Siya kwaMakhulu uMoeng. Lusuku lwakhe lokuzalwa,” waphendula uMomma uMoeng. +“Ndinenqwelwana ezele yimifuno yakhe,” watsho uMnumzana uSithole. “Ningandinceda niyithathe nize nimnike yona?” +“Ngokuqinisekileyo,” waphendula uMomma uMoeng. +Kodwa ngoku uMomma uMoeng waba nengxaki ENKULU – zazininzi kakhulu izinto ekufuneka aziphathe! Kwafuneka ecinge icebo. +Kuqala wehlisa uSana uBeka emqolo waze wabeleka inkukhu etyetyisiweyo ngebhayana elithambileyo. USana uBeka LWAKHALA KAKHU-U-U-LU! +Ngoko ke uMomma uMoeng wakhwelisa inkukhu etyetyisiweyo kwinqwelwana waze wabeleka uSana uBeka ngebhayana elithambileyo. USana uBeka lonwaba kakhulu yaze nenkukhu etyetyisiweyo yavuyela ukumana inqola yonke loo mifuno. UMomma zange akuthande oku ngoko ke wayithwalisa uValecia inkukhu etyetyisiweyo. Iintsiba zayenza yarhawuzela impumlo kaValecia kwaye zamenza wathimla nangaphezulu, “AAAAA-TSHUUUUU!” +UValecia wayengonwabanga. Ngoko uMomma uMoeng wathatha inkukhu etyetyisiweyo wayithwalisa uSipho waza wamphathisa neentyatyambo zikaValecia. Ngoku uValecia wayenezandla ezibini zokuphatha ikeyiki. NoMomma uMoeng wayenezandla ezibini zokutyhala inqwelwana enemifuno. Wonke ubani wayonwabile baza bahamba ukuya kwaMakhulu uMoeng. +Amavili enqwelwana ayesithi tswi-tswi-tswi. UValecia wayeneswekile yokuhombisa ikeyiki ezidleleni zakhe ngoko ke wayezikhotha esithi, lence, lence, lence. USana uBeka wayenambitha esithi “ncam ncam ncam ncam.” Inkukhu etyetyisiweyo yayingxola ikokoza isithi ko-ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko-ko, ize ipakethi yetships ezikramzelayo ithi rhwasha-rhwasha-rhwasha, ibhaloni yoSana uBeka ithi bhaku-bhaku-bhaku zaze iiflops zikaMomma zathi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ukuhla ngendledlana enothuli ukuya endlwini kaMakhulu uMoeng. +UMomma uMoeng wankqonkqoza kumnyango wangaphambili. USipho wahlaba ikhwelo. UValecia wakhwaza. Kodwa KWAKUNGEKHO MPENDULO. UMomma uMoeng watyhala ucango lwangaphambili baza bangena ngaphakathi bonke. Kodwa KWAKUNGEKHO BANI APHO. Bakhangela ekhitshini – AKUKHO MNTU. Bakhangela kwigumbi lokulala – AKUKHO MNTU. Bakhangela kuyo yonke indawo. Ingaba uyephi uMakhulu uMoeng? +UMomma uMoeng wathi, “Masiqalise ukupheka mhlawumbi uMakhulu uMoeng angabuya athi gqi.” +Ngoko ke yiloo nto kanye ethe yenziwa ngabo bonke – wonke umntu ngaphandle koSana uBeka. Wayehleli phezu kwekhawuntari yasekhitshini esecaleni kwefestile ekrobile, wade wabona uMakhulu uMoeng esiza ehamba ngendledlana esesezantsi kwenduli elithambeka. +“Makhulu! Makhulu!” wakhwaza. Wonke umntu wakroba. +“MAKHULU! MAKHULU!” bonke bakhwaza ngaxeshanye. “MAKHULU!” +Phaya emazantsi enduli uMakhulu wathi “EE, EE, EE. Kukho umntu ondikhwazayo. Ngoku andikwazi kugqitha ezivenkileni ndizithengele isidlo sangokuhlwa sosuku lwam lokuzalwa.” +UMakhulu wajika waza wanyuka loo nduli ilithambeka. Izilipasi zakhe zazisithi shixi-shixi, shixi-shixi kulo ndledlana inothuli. Ekugqibeleni wafika kumnyango wangasemva. Xa ewuvula wonke umntu waqala ukucula ingoma yokubhiyozela usuku lokuzalwa. +Phezu kwetafile kwakukho ipayi eyenziwe ngemifuno kunye nezimuncumuncu zejem ezenziwe nguMomma uMoeng, amaqanda asandula ukuzalelwa yinkukhu etyetyisiweyo, ikeyiki ekhethekileyo yosuku lokuzalwa kunye neetships ezikramzelayo ezenziwe ngeetapile. Itafile yayihonjiswe ngeentyatyambo kunye nebhaloni entle ezuba yoSana uBeka. +“OLU LOLONA SUKU LWAM LOKUZALWA NDILONWABELEYO!” watsho uMakhulu. Kwaye oko wayekwazi ngokwenene oko, kuba uMakhulu wayesele ebhiyozele imihla yokuzalwa engamashumi asibhozo okanye engamashumi alithoba phambi kolu suku! +  +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Bhala uluhlu lwazo zonke izinto abantu abasebalini abazipha uMakhulu ukulungiselela ukuba umbhiyozo wosuku lokuzalwa kwakhe ube ngokhethekileyo. Emva koko yongeza izinto ezintathu obungathanda ukuzipha uMakhulu ukuba nawe ubuye kwakhe ngosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa.",xho,isiXhosa,UMomma uMoeng wenze okungalindelekang,"It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. +Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the ...",,Joan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umomma-umoeng-wenze-okungalindelekanga +momma-moeng’s-surprise,"Kwaqala lapho uMama uMoeng enza ujamu ogcwele ibhodlela wosuku lokuzalwa lukaGogo uMoeng. UMntwana uBheka wase ethola ibhelunde lakhe eliphambili eliluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. Wayefuna ukulinika uGogo ngosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa. +UMama wabeletha uMntwana uBheka ngengubo ethambile. Wase ethwala ibhodlela likajamu ehamba eqonde endlini kaGogo Moeng. +Ibhelunde loMntwana uBheka lathi bham-bham-bham kanti ophaqa bakaMama bona bathi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ngenkathi ehla ngendlela ewubhuqu waze wahlangana noSipho ephuma esitolo i-Tip-Top. “Uyaphi, Mama uMoeng?” kubuza uSipho. +“Mina noMntwana uBheka siya endlini kaGogo uMoeng. Usuku lwakhe lokuzalwa namhlanje,” kuphendula uMama. +“Nginamashibusi amazambane aklamuzela kamnandi kaGogo uMoeng. Ngingeza nami?” kubuza uSipho. +“Impela,” uMama wamamatheka, baqhubeka nendlela yabo. +Iphakethe lamashibusi amazambane aklamuzelayo lathi klamu-klamu, ibhelunde loMntwana uBheka lalithi bham-bham-bham ngesikhathi ophaqa bakaMama bethi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa, behla ngendlela ewubhuqu baze bafika kuMnumzane uShabalala, owayepha izinkukhu zakhe ukudla. +“Niyaphi?” kubuza yena. +“Siya endlini kaGogo Moeng. Usuku lwakhe lokuzalwa,” kuphendula uMama. +“Nginenkukhu ekhuluphele kaGogo uMoeng. Ngabe ningamnika yona?” kubuza uMnumzane uShabalala. +“Ungabe usabuza,” kusho uMama efaka inkukhu ekhuluphele ngaphansi kwekhwapha, beqhubeka nohambo oMama, uMntwana uBheka noSipho. +Inkukhu ekhuluphele yathi kuku-kuku-kuku, iphakethe lamashibusi lathi klamu-klamu, ibhelunde likaMntwana uBheka lathi bham-bham-bham ngesikhathi ophaqa bakaMama bethi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa, behla ngendlela ewubhuqu baze bafika esitolo sombhako wasekhaya sikaNkosikazi uMakabelo. +“Kumele sitholele uGogo ikhekhe losuku lokuzalwa,” kusho uMama. Bangena phakathi. Khence-khence, kukhala insimbi emnyango. “Sawubona, Nkosikazi uMakabelo. Ngabe bewazi ukuthi namhlanje usuku lokuzalwa lukaGogo uMoeng?” +“O, yebo,” kusho uNkosikazi uMakabelo. “Ngimbhakele ikhekhe lekhethelo, kodwa angikwazi ukushiya la esitolo. Ningangihambisela lona?” +“Ubala lolo,” kuzinikela uMama, kodwa kwakunenkinga − uMama wayedinga izandla ezimbili ukuze aphathe ikhekhe. Ngakho, waqhamuka nesu. Wabeka inkukhu ekhuluphele phezu kwebhodlela likaJamu ayelithwele. Manje wayesenezandla ezimbili ayezophatha ngazo ikhekhe lekhethelo. Baqhubeka nohambo oMama, uMntwana uBheka noSipho bephuma ngomnyango okhala insimbi ethi khence-khence. +Lapho uMntwana uBheka ezwa iphunga lekhekhe wanambitha wathi ncam, ncam, ncam. +Inkukhu ekhuluphele yathi kuku-kuku-kuku, iphakethe lamashibusi lathi klamu-klamu, ibhelunde likaMntwana uBheka lithi bham-bham-bham ngesikhathi ophaqa bakaMama bethi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa behla ngendlela yobhuqu baze bahlangana noValecia. +“Ngabe nilibangisephi?” kubuza uValecia. +“Siya endlini kaGogo Moeng. Usuku lwakhe lokuzalwa,” kuchaza uSipho. +“Nginezimbali zikaGogo uMoeng. Ngingeza nami?” kubuza uValecia. +“Ungabe usabuza,” kusho uMama, babeqhubeka njalo nendlela. +Izimbali zenza ukuthi uValecia athimule, “Athi! A-A-Athiiii!” +Inkukhu ekhuluphele yathi kuku-kuku-kuku, iphakethe lamashibusi lathi klamu-klamu, ibhelunde likaMntwana uBheka lithi bham-bham-bham ngesikhathi ophaqa bakaMama bethi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa behla ngendlela yobhuqu baze babona noMnumzane Sithole elima esivandeni sakhe. +“Nilibangise kuphi nonke, Mama uMoeng?” kubuza uMnumzane uSithole. +“Siya endlini kaGogo Moeng. Usuku lwakhe lokuzalwa,” kuphendula uMama. +“Nginenqola egcwele imifino yakhe,” kusho uMnumzane Sithole. “Ngingacela nimnike yona?” +“Ush’ entshweni,” kuphendula uMama. +Kodwa manje uMama wayesenenkinga ENKULU – wayesethwele izinto eziningi! Kwakumele aqhamuke neqhinga. +Waqala, wehlisa uMntwana uBheka emhlane wase ebophela inkukhu ekhuluphele ngengubo ethambile. UMntwana uBheka WAKHALA KAKHU-U-U-LU! +Ngakho kwadingeka ukuthi abeke inkukhu ekhuluphele enqoleni bese ephinda ebeletha uMntwana uBheka ngengubo ethambile. Wathokoza uMntwana uBheka kanti nenkukhu ekhuluphele yakuthokozela ukungqofa yonke imifino. Kodwa uMama wayengathokozile ngalokhu ngakho wabeka inkukhu ekhuluphele ekhanda likaValecia. Izimpaphe zakitaza ikhala likaValecia zamenza wathimula kakhulu futhi, “AAAAA-THIIIII!” +Akuzange kumthokozise lokhu uValecia. Ngakho, uMama wathatha inkukhu ekhuluphele wayibeka ekhanda likaSipho wase emnika nezimbali zikaValecia ukuthi azibambe. Manje uValecia wayesenezandla ezimbili ezingaphethe lutho ayengabamba ngazo ikhekhe. Kanti uMama wayesenezandla ezimbili ezingaphethe lutho ayengaqhuba ngazo inqola. Wonke umuntu wayethokozile ngakho baqhubeka nendlela eya endlini kaGogo uMoeng. +Amasondo enqola akhala athi nsege-nsege-nsege. UValecia wayenokhilimu wekhekhe esihlathini sakhe ngakho ulimi lwathi khothi-khothi-khothi. UMntwana uBheka wanambitha wathi ncam-ncam-ncam. Inkukhu ekhuluphele yathi kuku-kuku-kuku, iphakethe lamashibusi lathi klamu-klamu, ibhelunde likaMntwana uBheka lathi bham-bham-bham ngesikhathi ophaqa bakaMama bethi phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa behla ngendlela yobhuqu baze bayongena endlini kaGogo. +UMama wangqongqoza emnyango wangaphambili. USipho washaya ikhwela. Wamemeza uValencia. Kodwa AKUPHENDULANGA MUNTU. UMama wadudula isicabha sangaphambili base bengena bonke. Kodwa KWAKUKHALA IBHUNGEZI. Babheka ekhishini − KWAKUNGEKHO MUNTU. Babheka ekamelweni lokulala − KWAKUNGEKHO MUNTU. Babheka yonke indawo. Ngabe uphi uGogo? +UMama wathi, “Ake sivele sipheke mhlawumbe uGogo uzoqhamuka.” +Ngakho yilokho okwenziwa yibo bonke – yebo yibo bonke ngaphandle kukaMntwana uBheka. Wahlala phezu kwekhabethe lasekhishini eduze kwefasitela walokhu ebuka waze wabona uGogo ehamba ezansi kwegquma elingumqansa. +“Gogo! Gogo!” kumemeza yena. Bonke babheka ngakhona. +“GOGO! GOGO!” kumemeza wonke umuntu kanyekanye. “GOGO!” +Le ezansi negquma elingumqansa uGogo wathi, “EE, EE, EE. Kukhona umuntu ongibizayo. Manje angeke ngisakwazi ukuyothenga ukudla kwakusihlwa kosuku lwami lokuzalwa.” +UGogo waphenduka wase ekhuphuka igquma eliwumqansa. Izicathulo zakhe zithi shi-shi-i endleni yobhuqu. Ekugcineni wafika emnyango ongemuva. Lapho ewuvula, wonke umuntu waqala ukucula iculo lokumfisela usuku lokuzalwa olumnandi. +Etafuleni kwakukhona uphaya wemifino kanye namathathi kajamu okwakwenziwe uMama, kunamaqanda asanda kuzalelwa yinkukhu ekhuluphele, ikhekhe lekhethelo losuku lokuzalwa kanye namashibusi amazambane aklamuzelayo. Itafula lalihlotshiwe ngezimbali kanye nebhelunde elihle eliluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka likaMntwana uBheka. +“LOLU USUKU LOKUZALWA OLUHLE KUNAZO ZONKE ENGAKE NGABA NAZO!” kusho uGogo. Futhi wayekwazi kangcono lokhu, ngoba uGogo wayesebe nezinsuku zokuzalwa okungenani ezingamashumi ayisishiyagalombili noma ezingamashumi ayisishiyagalolunye ngaphambi kwalolu! +  +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Bhala uhlu lwezinto zonke abantu abazikhipha ukuze benze umgubho wosuku lokuzalwa lukaGogo lube ngolukhethekile. Manje-ke yengeza izinto ezintathu obungathanda ukuzinika uGogo uma wawukwazile ukumvakashela ngosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa.",zul,isiZulu,UMama uMoeng wenza Obekungalindelekile,"It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. +Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the ...",,Joan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umama-umoeng-wenza-obekungalindelekile +momma-moeng’s-surprise,"Tsohle di qadile mohlang Mme Mamoeng a etsang botlolo ya jeme bakeng sa letsatsi la tswalo la Nkgono Mamoeng. Yaba Ntjhanyana Beka o fumana balunu ya hae e ntle e bolou. O ne a batla ho efa Nkgono bakeng sa letsatsi la hae la tswalo. +Mme a pepa Ntjhanyana Beka ka kobo ya hae e bonolwana. Yaba o rwala botlolo ya jeme hloohong mme ke elwa a hwanta ho ya tlung ya Nkgono Mamoeng. +Balunu ya Ntjhanyana Beka e ne e tse e re bobbity-bob mme meqathatso ya Mme e ntse e re phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ho theosa tselana e lerole ho fihlela a kopana le Sipho a tswa lebenkeleng la Tip-Top. “O ya kae, Mme Mamoeng?” ho botsa Sipho. +“Nna le Ntjhanyana Beka re ya ha Nkgono Mamoeng. Ke letsatsi la hae la tswalo kajeno.” ho araba Mme. +“Ke reketse Nkgono Mamoeng pakete ya ditjhipisi tsa ditapole. Na le nna nka tla?” ha botsa Sipho. +“Ehlile,” Mme a bososela mme ba tsamaya kaofela mmoho. +Pakete ya ditjhipisi tsa ditapole tsa Sipho e ne entse e re kekere-kere, kekere-kere, Balunu ya Ntjhanyana Beka e ne entse e re bobbity-bob mme meqathatso ya Mme e ntse e re phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ho theosa tselana e lerole ho fihlela ba fihla ha Mong Chapalala, ya neng a ntse a fepa dikgoho tsa hae. +“Le ya kae?” yaba o a ba botsa. +“Re ya ha Nkgono Mamoeng. Ke letsatsi la hae la tswalo kajeno,” ha araba Mme. +“Ke na le kgoho e nonneng bakeng sa Nkgono Mamoeng. Na le ka mo fa yona?” ha botsa Mong Chapalala. +“Ehlile,” ha rialo Mme a kgwaela kgoho ka lehafing mme yaba Mme, Ntjhanyana Beka le Sipho ke bale ba hwanta. +Kgoho e nonneng ya nna ya re kooko, koko, kooko, pakana ya ditjhipisi tsa ditapole tse romotsehang ya nna ya re kekere-kere, kekere-kere, Balunu ya Ntjhanyana Beka yona ya nna ya re bobbity-bob mme meqathatso ya Mme yona ya nna ya re phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ho theosa tselana e lerole ho fihlela ba fihla lebenkeleng la ho baka la Mof Makabelo. +“Re lokela ho rekela Nkgono kuku ya letsatsi la tswalo,” ho rialo Mme. Ba kena ka hare. Tshepe ya monyako ya re Kete-kete-kete. “Dumela, Mof Makabelo. Na o ne o tseba hore kajeno ke letsatsi la tswalo la Nkgono Mamoeng?” +“Eya bo,” ho rialo Mof Makabelo. “Ke mo baketse kuku e ikgethang, empa nke ke ka kgona ho siya lebenkele feela. Na le ka tsamaya le yona la mo isetsa yona?” +“Ehlile,” Mme a dumela, empa ho ne ho ena le bothata – Mme o ne a hloka matsoho a mabedi ho nka kuku eo. Kahoo, a etsa leqheka. A bea kgoho e nonneng hodima botlolo ya jeme eo a e rwetseng hloohong. Jwale o ne a se a ena le matsoho a mabedi ao a ka nkang kuku ya letsatsi le ikgethang la tswalo. Yaba Mme, Ntjhanyana Beka le Sipho ke bao hape ba hwanta ho tswa lemating le reng ting-a-ling. +Eitse ha Ntjhanyana Beka a utlwa monko wa kuku a tsetsela, “Nnate-nate, nnate-nate.” +Kgoho e nonneng ya re kooko, koko, kooko, pakana ya ditjhipisi tsa ditapole tse romotsehang ya nna ya re kekere-kere, kekere-kere, balunu ya Ntjhanyana Beka yona ya nna ya re bobbity-bob mme meqathatso ya Mme yona ya nna ya re phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ho theosa tselana e lerole ho fihlela ba kopana le Valecia. +“Le ya kae, kaofela ha lona?” ha botsa Valecia. +“Re ya ha Nkgono Mamoeng. Ke letsatsi la hae la tswalo.” Ha hlalosa Sipho. +“Ke na le sehlopha sa dipalesa mona bakeng sa Nkgono Mamoeng. Na le nna nka tla le lona?” ha botsad Valecia. +“Ehlile,” ha rialo Mme mme bohle ba hwanta ba tsamaya. +Sehlopha sa dipalesa tsa etsa hore Valencia a ithimole, “Heee! Heee-thiyaaaa!” +Kgoho e nonneng ya re kooko, koyiko, kooko, koyiko, pakana ya ditjhipisi tsa ditapole tse romotsehang ya nna ya re kekere-kere, kekere-kere, balunu ya Ntjhanyana Beka yona ya nna ya re bobbity-bob mme meqathatso ya Mme yona ya nna ya re phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ho theosa tselana e lerole ho fihlela ba bona Mong Sithole a ntse a peta tshimong ya hae ya meroho. +“Le lebile hokae kaofela ha lona, Mme Mamoeng?” Mong Sithole a botsa. +“Re ya ha Nkgono Mamoeng. Ke letsatsi la hae la tswalo,” a araba. +“Ke na le teroli e tletseng meroho bakeng sa hae,” ha rialo Mong Sithole. “Na ebe le ka mo fa yona?” +“Ehlile,” ha araba Mme. +Empa jwale Mme o ne a ena le BOTHATA bo boholo – ho ne ho ena le dintho tse ngata tseo a lokelang ho di nka! O ile a tlameha ho nahana leqheka. +Pele, a qala ka ho theola Ntjhanyana Beka ka mokokotlong mme a pepa kgoho e nonneng ka kobo e bonojwana. Ntjhanyana Beka a BOKOLLA! +Yaba Mme o bea kgoho e nonneng hodima teroli mme a pepa Ntjhanyana Beka ka kobo e bonojwana. Ntjhanyana Beka o ne a thabile mme le kgoho e nonneng e ne e thabile haholo hobane e ne e kobola meroho kaofela e moo. Empa Mme o ne a sa thabiswa ke sena kahoo a bea kgoho e nonneng hloohong ya Valecia. Masiba a ile a tsikinyetsa nko ya Valicia mme a etsa hore a ithimole le ho feta, “HEEEE-THIYAAAAA!” +Valecia o ne a sa thaba. Kahoo Mme a nka kgoho e nonneng a e bea hodima hlooho ya Sipho mme a mo fa dipalesa tsa Valencia hore a di tshware. Jwale Valencia o ne a se a sa tshwara letho ka matsohong a mabedi mme a ka kgona ho tshwara kuku. Mme Mme a ena le matsoho a mabedi a sa tshwarang letho hoo a neng a ka kganna teroli. Bohle jwale ba ne ba thabile yaba ba kena tseleng ho ya ha Nkgono Mamoeng. +Mabidi a teroli a nna a re kikiri-kiri, kikiri-kiri. Valecia o ne a ena le aesenshuka e tswang kukung marameng a hae kahoo leleme la hae le ntse le re laqa-laqa-laqa. Ntjhanyana Beka o ntse a honotha, “Nnate-nate, nnate, nnate-nate.” Kgoho e nonneng ya re kooko, koyiko, kooko, koyiko, pakana ya ditjhipisi tsa ditapole tse romotsehang ya nna ya re kekere-kere, kekere-kere, balunu ya Ntjhanyana Beka yona ya nna ya re bobbiti-bob mme meqathatso ya Mme yona ya nna ya re phaqa-phaqa, phaqa-phaqa ho theosa tselana e lerole ho ya fihla tlung ya Nkgono. +Mme a kokota monyako o ka pele. Sipho a letsa molomo. Valencia a hoeletsa. Empa ho ne ho se KARABO. Mme a sututsa lemati la ka pele a le bula mme bohle ba kena ka tlung. Empa ho ne ho SENA MOTHO MOO. Ba sheba ka kitjhining – HA HO MOTHO. Ba sheba ka phapusing ya ho robala – HO SE MOTHO. Ba sheba hohle. Ebe Nkgono o kae? +Mme a re, “Ha re qaleng ka ho pheha mohlomong Nkgono o tla fihla.” +Yaba bohle ba etsa jwalo – bohle ntle feela le Ntjhanyana Beka. Yena a dula hodima tafole ka kitjhining haufi le fensetere mme a sheba ka ntle ho fihlela a bona Nkgono a theosa ka tsela tlasetlase qetellong ya leralla le moepa. +“Nkgono! Nkgono!” a hoeletsa. Bohle ba sheba. +“NKGONO! NKGONO!” bohle ba hoeletsa mmoho. “NKGONO!” +Tlasetlase leralleng le moepa Nkgono a re, “WEE WEE WEE. Ho na le motho ya mpitsang. Jwale nke ke ka kgona ho ya mabenkeleng ho ya reka dijo tsa mantsiboya bakeng sa letsatsi la ka la tswalo.” +Nkgono a thinya mme a kgutlela morao a nyolosa leralla. Diselipara tsa hae di ntse di re shwaa-shwaa, shwaa-shwaa tselaneng e lerole. Qetellong a fihla lemating le ka morao. Ya re ha a le bula bohle ba qala ho mminela pina ya letsatsi la tswalo. +Tafoleng ho ne ho ena le phae e entsweng ka meroho le ditarete tsa jeme tseo Mme a neng a di entse, mahe a sa tswa behelwa a tswang kgohong e nonneng, kuku e ikgethang ya letsatsi la tswalo le ditjhipisi tsa ditapole tse romotsehang. Tafole e ne e kgabisitswe ka dipaletsa le balunu e ntle e bolou ya Ntjhanyana Beka. +“LENA KE LETSATSI LA KA LA TSWALO LE BILENG MONATE KA HO FETISISA!” ha rialo Nkgono. O ne a hlile a tseba, hobane Nkgono one a se a kile a eba le matsatsi a tswalo a ka bang mashome a robedi kapa a robong a tlileng pele ho lena! +  +Eba le boiqapelo! +Ngola lenane la dintho tsohle tseo batho ba paleng ena ba di fileng Nkgono ho etsa hore letsatsi la hae la tswalo e be le ikgethang.  Jwale kenya dintho tse ding tse tharo tseo o neng o ka rata ho di fa Nkgono hoja o ne o ka ya mmona ka letsatsi la hae la tswalo.",sot,Sesotho,Mme Mamoeng o Thabisa Nkgono,"It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. +Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the ...",,Joan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mme-mamoeng-o-thabisa-nkgono +momma-moeng’s-surprise,"Tšohle di thomile ge Momma Moeng a direla Koko Moeng seswaro sa jamo sa letšatši la matswalo. Lesea Beka o ile a hwetša palune ya gagwe ye talalerata ye kaonekaone. O be a nyaka go efa Koko ka letšatši la matswalo a gagwe. +Momma o ile a bopula Lesea Beka mokokotlong wa gagwe ka kobo ya boleta. O ile a rwala seswaro sa jamo hlogong ya gagwe a ya ntlong ya Koko Moeng. +Palune ya Lesea Beka ya re bubuubuu gomme diramphašane tša Momma tša re phatha-phatha phatha-phatha tseleng ya lerole go fihlela ba kopana le Sipho yo a bego a etšwa lebenkeleng la Tip-Top. “Naa le ya kae, Momma Moeng?” gwa botšiša Sipho. +“Nna le Lesea Beka re ya ntlong ya Koko Moeng. Lehono ke letšatši la matswalo a gagwe,” gwa fetola Momma. +“Ke swaretše Koko Moeng phakhete ya disimpa tša go dirwa ka matsepane tša go khukhurwa. Naa le nna nka tla?” gwa botšiša Sipho. +“Ee,” Momma o ile a myemyela gomme ba sepela. +Phakhethe ya disimpa tša go dirwa ka matsepane tša go khukhurwa tša Sipho tša re khurr khurr, palune ya Lesea Beka ya re bubuubuu gomme diramphašane tša Momma tša re phatha-phatha phatha-phatha tseleng ya lerole go fihlela ba fihla go Mna Chapalala, yo a bego a efa dikgogo tša gagwe dijo. +“Naa le ya kae?” a botšiša. +“Re ya ntlong ya Koko Moeng. Ke letšatši la matswalo a gagwe,” gwa fetola Momma. +“Ke swere kgogo ya go nona ya Koko Moeng. Naa o ka mo fa yona?” gwa botšiša Mna Chapalala. +“Ee,” a realo Momma a phathakga kgogo ya go nona ka fase ga lehwafa la gagwe gomme Momma, Lesea Beka le Sipho ba sepela. +Kgogo ya go nona ya re koo-koo-koo, koo-koo-koo, phakhethe ya disimpa tša go dirwa ka matsepane tša go khukhurwa tša re khurr khurr, palune ya Lesea Beka ya re bubuubuu gomme diramphašane tša Momma tša re phatha-phatha phatha-phatha, tseleng ya lerole go fihlela ba fihla lepakeng la Mdi Makabelo. +“Re swanetše go hweletša Koko khekhe ya letšatši la matswalo,” a realo Momma. Ba ile ba ya ka gare. Ting-tong gwa lla pele ya lebati. “Thobela, Mdi Makabelo. Naa o a tseba gore lehono ke letšatši la matswalo a Koko Moeng?” +“Oo ee,” a realo Mdi Makabelo. “Ke mo paketše khekhe ye e kgethegilego, efela nkase tlogele lebenkele le se na motho. Naa o ka ya go mo fa yona?” +“Ee,” a realo Momma, efela go be go na le bothata − Momma o be a nyaka diatla tše pedi tša go rwala khekhe. Ka fao, o ile a loga leano. O ile a bea kgogo ya go nona godimo ga seswaro sa jamo seo a bego a se rwele hlogong. Bjale o be a na le diatla tše pedi tša go rwala khekhe ya matswalo ya go kgethega. Momma, Lesea Beka le Sipho ba ile ba tšwa ka lebati la ting-tong. +E rile ge Lesea Beka a ekwa monkgo wa khekhe a ngunanguna, “Boseee, boseee.” +Kgogo ya go nona ya re koo-koo-koo, koo-koo-koo, phakhethe ya disimpa tša go dirwa ka matsepane tša go khukhurwa tša re khurr khurr, palune ya Lesea Beka ya re bubuubuu gomme diramphašane tša Momma tša re phatha-phatha phatha-phatha, tseleng ya lerole go fihlela ba kopana le Valecia. +“Naa le ya kae?” gwa botšiša Valecia. +“Re ya ntlong ya Koko Moeng. Ke letšatši la matswalo a gagwe,” gwa hlaloša Sipho. +“Ke swaretše Koko Moeng ngatana ya maloba. Naa nka ya le lena?” gwa botšiša Valecia. +“Ee,” a realo Momma gomme ba sepela. +Ngatana ya maloba e ile ya dira gore Valecia a ethimole, “Ethiaa! E-E-E-thiaa!” +Kgogo ya go nona ya re koo-koo-koo, koo-koo-koo, phakhethe ya disimpa tša go dirwa ka matsepane tša go khukhurwa tša re khurr khurr, palune ya Lesea Beka ya re bubuubuu gomme diramphašane tša Momma tša re phatha-phatha phatha-phatha, tseleng ya lerole go fihlela ba bona Mna Sithole a epa ka tšhemong ya gagwe ya merogo. +“Naa le ya kae, Momma Moeng?” gwa botšiša Mna Sithole. +” Re ya ntlong ya Koko Moeng. Ke letšatši la matswalo a gagwe,” a fetola. +“Ke mo swaretše teroli ya go tlala merogo,”a realo Mna Sithole. “Naa le ka mo fa yona?” +“Ee,” gwa araba Momma. +Efela bjale Momma o na le bothata bjo BOGOLO – dilo tšeo a swanetšego go di rwala e be e le tše dintši! O be a swanetše go loga leano. +O thomile ka go tshotshola Lesea Beka mokokotlong gomme a bopula kgogo ya go nona mokokotlong ka kobo ya boleta. Lesea Beka O ILE A GOELETŠA! +Ka fao Momma o ile a bea kgogo ya go nona godimo ga teroli gomme a bopula Lesea Beka mokotlong ka kobo ya boleta. Lesea Beka o be a thabile gomme kgogo ya go nona yona e be e thabile kudu ka gore e tla kobola merogo ka moka ga yona. Efela Momma o be a sa thabišwe ke se gomme a rweša kgogo ya go nona hlogong ya Valecia. Mafofa a ile a kgwatha nko ya Valecia a dira gore a ethimole le go feta pele, “EEEEE-THIAAAAA!” +Valecia o be a se a thaba. Ka fao, Momma o ile a tšea kgogo ya go nona a e rweša hlogong ya Sipho gomme a mo fa le maloba a Valecia gore a a sware. Bjale diatla tše pedi tša Valecia tša go se sware selo di ka swara khekhe. Gomme diatla tše pedi tša Momma tša go se sware selo di ka kgarametša teroli. Batho ka moka ba be ba thabile gomme ba sepela ba ya ntlong ya Koko Moeng. +Maotwana a teroli a ile a re tswiri-tswiri-tswiri. Mahlaa a Valecia a be a na le aesing ya khekhe ka fao leleme la gagwe le ile la re latswi-latswi-latswi. Lesea Beka a ngunanguna, “Boseee, boseee.” Kgogo ya go nona ya re koo-koo-koo, koo-koo-koo, phakhethe ya disimpa tša go dirwa ka matsepane tša go khukhurwa tša re khurr khurr, palune ya Lesea Beka ya re bubuubuu gomme diramphašane tša Momma tša re phatha-phatha phatha-phatha, tseleng ya lerole ba lebile ntlong ya Koko. +Momma o ile a kokota lebating la ka pele. Sipho o ile a letša molodi. Valecia a goeletša. Efela go be GO SE NA PHETOLO. Momma o ile a kgarametša lebati la ka pele la bulega gomme ka moka ga bona ba tsena. Efela go be GO SE NA MOTHO. Ba lebeletše ka moraleng – GA GO NA MOTHO. Ba lebelela ka phapošing ya borobalelo − GA GO NA MOTHO. Ba ile ba lebelela gohle. Naa Koko a ka be a le kae? +Momma a re, “A re apeeng mo gongwe Koko o tla tla.” +Batho ka moka ba ile ba apea – batho ka moka kantle le Lesea Beka. O ile a dula khaontareng ya ka moraleng kgauswi le lefasetere gomme a lebelela go fihlela a bona Koko a sobelela mo tseleng patogeng ya mmoto wa mokonya. +“Koko! Koko!” a goeletša. Batho ka moka ba ile ba lebelela. +“KOKO! KOKO!” batho ka moka ba ile ba goeletša. “KOKO!” +Tlase kua patogeng ya mmoto wa mokonya Koko o ile a re, “EE EE EE. Go na le motho yo a mpitšago. Bjale nka se kgone go ya mabenkeleng go reka dijo tša letšatši la matswalo a ka tša go lalela.” +Koko o ile a retologa a namelela mmoto wa mokonya. Disiliphere tša gagwe tša re phatha-phatha tseleng ya lerole. Mafelelong o ile a fihla lebating la ka morago. O rile ge a le bula batho ka moka ba thoma go opela koša ya letšatši la matswalo le le botse. +Tafoleng go be go na le phae ya go dirwa ka merogo le dikokisana tša jamo tša go dirwa ke Momma, mae a maswa a go beela ke kgogo ya go nona, khekhe ya letšatši la matswalo ya go kgethega le disimpa tša go dirwa ka matsepane tša go khukhurwa. Tafola e be e kgabišitšwe ka maloba le palune ye talalerata ya Lesea Beka. +“LE KE LETŠATŠI LA KA LA MATSWALO LE LE KAONEKAONE!” a realo Koko. Gomme o swanetše go tseba, ka gobane Koko bonnyane o šetše a bile le matšatši a matswalo a masomeseswai goba masomesenyane pele ga letšatši le! +  +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Ngwala lenaneo la dilo ka moka tšeo batho ba ka kanegelong ba di filego Koko go dira gore keteko ya letšatši la matswalo a gagwe e be ye e kgethegilego. Bjale tlaleletša ka dilo tše tharo tše o bego o ka rata go di fa Koko ge nkabe o mo etetše ka letšatši la matswalo a gagwe.",nso,Sepedi,Semaka sa Momma Moeng,"It all started when Momma Moeng made a jar of jam for Gogo Moeng’s birthday. Then Baby Beka found his best blue balloon. He wanted to give it to Gogo for her birthday. +Momma tied Baby Beka to her back with a soft blanket. Then she put the ...",,Joan Rankin,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/semaka-sa-momma-moeng +we-have-go,"It was Tuesday and there was no school. All the children were meeting at the library for a special day. It was International Literacy Day and people all over the world were going to read and write and listen to stories on the same day. +Neo was so excited. His favourite author, Joan Rankin, was coming to the library to read from the books she had written, and his dad had promised to take him to see her. Neo had written a special book about her, and he couldn’t wait to give it to her. +But when Neo got up on Tuesday morning, there was a funny noise coming from the kitchen. He went to look. The washing machine was making a terrible rattling, coughing noise as if it was going to explode. + + +Neo’s dad came to see. “Oh no!” he said. “The pump must be broken. It’s going to cost so much to get it fixed. We might have to buy a whole new washing machine.” +“We can’t afford a new washing machine,” Neo’s mom said. “Please, can’t you fix it? I have to go to work, and there’s so much dirty washing.” +Dad hated seeing Neo’s mom so upset so he said, “I’ll fix it. Neo will help me. I’ll find a website that shows me how to mend broken washing machines.” +“But, Dad, you promised to take me to the library,” said Neo. +“That will have to wait, Neo. The washing machine is more important. Maybe Gogo can take you,” said Dad. +“I’m going out today,” said Gogo, shaking her head. “I’m sorry, Neo. You’ll have to go next week.” +Neo was very upset. “But, Dad, you promised me you would take me to the library,” he said. “We have to go soon.” +Dad fetched his toolbox and googled, “How to fix a washing machine pump” on his cellphone. +“Here you go,” he said to Neo, showing him the page. “This doesn’t look too difficult.” And with that, he pulled the washing machine out and turned it around so he could take off the back. +But fixing the machine was more difficult than it looked. +“There’s a drawing here,” Dad grumbled, looking at his phone. “But it’s so small, I can’t see what goes where.” + +Then Dad dropped one of the screws and it rolled under the fridge, so he had to pull the fridge out to get the screw. Neo looked at the clock. It was half past nine. Only half an hour until Joan Rankin arrived at the library. +“Please, Dad,” he said, hopping from one leg to the other. +“Please, hurry so we can go to the library. We have to go now.” +“I’m busy here and you are not helping, Neo!” Dad looked cross. +Neo was upset. His father had promised to take him, but now everything was going wrong. +“NO, NO, NO,” yelled Dad. “I don’t believe it!” +“What?” Neo asked in a small voice. +“Now my phone’s battery is flat!” Dad shouted. “Please fetch me the charger.” +But at that very moment the power went out. +“Oh no,” said Neo. “Now the electricity is off.” +Dad seemed very angry. “This is the worst Tuesday ever. I’m halfway through fixing the machine and now I can’t read about what to do next.” +Neo nodded. “Yes, it is the worst Tuesday ever. You can’t fix the machine, and I’m missing Joan Rankin,” but he didn’t say any more because he could see that Dad was very upset. Neo slumped down at the kitchen table and hid his head in his arms. +Dad packed away his tools. “There’s not much we can do now,” he said. +Neo lifted his head a little bit. The clock said ten to ten. They could still make it to the library – they’d be late, but he’d still see Joan Rankin and he could still give her his present. He turned the pages of the little book he’d made. He’d written the story and drawn the pictures, and Gogo had helped him put it together and make a cover. Dad was calming down. He picked up Neo’s book. “What’s this, Neo?” he asked. +“My book,” Neo said in a tiny voice. “I was going to give it to my favourite author at the …” He didn’t finish the sentence. +“Come on,” called Dad, grabbing his car keys. “We have to go NOW! We can still get to the library in time if we hurry.” +Joan Rankin had begun to read her story to the children when Neo and Dad hurried into the library. Neo found a seat at the back and settled down to listen. Her story was wonderful, and so were her pictures. Neo hoped he’d be able to draw like that one day. +And the best of all? When she’d finished and Neo showed her his book, she thought it was wonderful. +“Did you really write this story all by yourself?” she asked him. +“Yes,” said Neo. “And I drew the pictures too. It’s a present for you, Ma’am.” +Then Joan Rankin opened her bag and took out one of her books. Inside she wrote, “For Neo, who makes beautiful books”, and she signed her name in big letters and gave it to him. +Neo was so happy. He held the book so tightly he never wanted to let it go. +Just then Dad came over. “You won’t believe it,” he said. “I found a book on how to fix washing machines, and look − the drawings are big and clear. Why didn’t you tell me the library had books like this, Neo?” + +Dad gave Neo a hug. “Books are awesome. Their batteries never run flat, and you can even read them when the electricity goes off.” +Neo smiled a happy smile and nodded. That was true. You can read a book anywhere and anytime.",eng,English,We have to go!,"It was Tuesday and there was no school. All the children were meeting at the library for a special day. It was International Literacy Day and people all over the world were going to read and write and listen to stories on the same day. +Neo ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/we-have-go +we-have-go,"Dit is Dinsdag en die skool is gesluit. Al die kinders ontmoet mekaar by die biblioteek vir ’n spesiale dag. Dit is Geletterdheidsdag en mense van oral oor die wêreld gaan op dieselfde dag stories lees en skryf, en na stories luister. +Neo is so opgewonde. Sy gunstelingskrywer, Joan Rankin, kom na die biblioteek om voor te lees uit van die boeke wat sy geskryf het, en sy pa het belowe hy sal hom vat om na haar te gaan luister. Neo het ’n spesiale boek oor haar geskryf, en kan nie wag om dit vir haar te gee nie. +Maar toe Neo Dinsdagoggend opstaan, kom daar ’n snaakse geluid uit die kombuis. Hy gaan kyk. Die wasmasjien maak ’n nare, rammelende hoesgeluid asof dit gaan ontplof. + +Neo se pa kom kyk. “Ag, nee!” sê hy. “Die pomp moes gebreek het. Dit gaan so duur wees om dit te laat regmaak. Ons sal dalk ’n nuwe wasmasjien moet koop.” +“Ons kan nie ’n nuwe wasmasjien bekostig nie,” sê Neo se ma. “Kan jy dit nie asseblief regmaak nie? Ek moet gaan werk, en daar is so baie vuil wasgoed.” +Pa hou niks daarvan as Neo se ma so ontsteld is nie, en hy sê: “Ek sal dit regmaak. Neo kan my help. Ek sal ’n webwerf soek wat vir my wys hoe om stukkende wasmasjiene reg te maak.” +“Maar Pa, jy het belowe om my biblioteek toe te vat,” sê Neo. +“Dit sal moet wag, Neo. Die wasmasjien is belangriker. Dalk kan Gogo jou vat,” sê Pa. +“Ek gaan vandag uit,” sê Gogo, en skud haar kop. “Ek is jammer, Neo. Jy sal moet wag tot volgende week.” +Neo is baie ontsteld. “Maar Pa, jy het belowe om my biblioteek toe vat,” sê hy. “Ons moet nou-nou gaan.” +Pa gaan haal sy gereedskapskis, vat sy selfoon en tik op Google in: “Hoe om ’n wasmasjien se pomp reg te maak”. +“Daar’s hy,” sê hy vir Neo, en wys vir hom die bladsy. “Dit lyk nie te moeilik nie.” En daarmee trek hy die wasmasjien vorentoe en draai dit om sodat hy die agterkant kan afhaal. +Maar dit is moeiliker as wat dit lyk om die wasmasjien reg te maak. +“Daar’s ’n tekening hier,” mompel Pa en kyk na sy foon. “Maar dit is klein, ek kan nie sien wat hoort waar nie.” + +Toe laat Pa een van die skroewe val en dit rol onder die yskas in sodat hy die yskas moet vorentoe trek om die skroef te kry. Neo kyk na die horlosie. Dit is halftien. Nog net ’n halfuur voor Joan Rankin by die biblioteek aankom. +“Asseblief, Pa,” sê hy, en spring van een been na die ander. “Maak asseblief gou sodat ons biblioteek toe kan gaan. Ons moet nou gaan.” +“Ek is besig hier en jy help nie, Neo!” Pa lyk vies. +Neo is ontsteld. Sy pa het belowe om hom te vat, maar nou loop alles verkeerd. +“NEE, NEE, NEE,” skree Pa. “Ek glo dit nie!” +“Wat nou?” vra Neo in ’n klein stemmetjie. +“Nou is my foon se battery pap!” skree Pa. “Gaan haal asseblief die batterylaaier.” +Maar op daardie oomblik gaan die krag af. +“Ag nee,” sê Neo. “Nou is die krag af.” +Pa lyk baie kwaad. “Dit is die slegste Dinsdag ooit. Ek is halfpad klaar met die wasmasjien en nou kan ek nie lees wat om volgende te doen nie.” +Neo knik. “Ja, dit is die slegste Dinsdag ooit. Pa kan nie die masjien regmaak nie, en ek gaan nie vir Joan Rankin sien nie,” maar hy sê niks nie, want hy kan sien Pa is baie omgekrap. Neo gaan sit by die kombuistafel en laat sak sy kop op sy arms. +Pa pak sy gereedskap weg. “Daar’s nie veel wat ons nou kan doen nie,” sê hy. +Neo lig sy kop effens op. Die horlosie sê tien voor tien. Hulle kan nog steeds biblioteek toe gaan – hulle sal laat wees, maar hy sal nog vir Joan Rankin kan sien en steeds vir haar sy geskenk kan gee. Hy blaai deur die bladsye van die klein boekie wat hy gemaak het. Hy het die storie geskryf en die prente geteken, en Gogo het hom gehelp om dit bymekaar te sit en ’n omslag te maak. Pa is besig om te bedaar. Hy tel Neo se boek op. “Wat’s dit, Neo?” vra hy. +“My boek,” sê Neo in ’n klein stemmetjie. “Ek wou dit vir my gunstelingskrywer gee by die …” Hy maak nie sy sin klaar nie. +“Kom,” roep Pa, en gryp sy motorsleutels. “Ons moet NOU gaan! Ons kan steeds betyds by die biblioteek wees as ons gou maak.” +Joan Rankin het al begin om haar storie vir die kinders te lees toe Neo en Pa haastig by die biblioteek aankom. Neo vind ’n sitplek in die agterste ry en gaan sit om te luister. Haar storie is wonderlik, en haar prente ook. Neo hoop hy kan ook eendag so teken. +En die beste van alles? Toe sy klaar is en Neo vir haar sy boek wys, dink sy dit is wonderlik. +“Het jy regtig self hierdie storie geskryf?” vra sy vir hom. +“Ja,” sê Neo. “En ek het die prente geteken. Dit is ’n geskenk vir jou, mevrou.” +Toe maak Joan Rankin haar sak oop en haal een van haar boeke uit. Binne-in skryf sy: “Vir Neo, wat pragtige boeke maak”, en sy skryf haar naam in groot letters en gee dit vir hom. +Neo is so gelukkig. Hy hou die boek so styf vas asof hy dit nooit weer wil laat gaan nie. +Net toe kom Pa aangestap. “Jy sal dit nie glo nie,” sê hy vir Neo. “Ek het ’n boek gekry oor hoe om wasmasjiene reg te maak, en kyk − die tekeninge is groot en duidelik. Waarom het jy nie vir my gesê daar is boeke soos hierdie een in die biblioteek nie, Neo?” + +Pa gee vir Neo ’n drukkie. “Boeke is fantasties. Hulle batterye raak nooit pap nie, en jy kan hulle selfs lees wanneer die krag afgaan.” +Neo glimlag bly en knik. Dit is waar. Jy kan ’n boek enige tyd en op enige plek lees.",afr,Afrikaans,Ons moet gaan!,"It was Tuesday and there was no school. All the children were meeting at the library for a special day. It was International Literacy Day and people all over the world were going to read and write and listen to stories on the same day. +Neo ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ons-moet-gaan +we-have-go,"KwakungeLesibili begodu khabe kungayiwa esikolweni. Boke abantwana kwakufanele bahlangane ebuthelelweni leencwadi ngombana kwakulilanga eliqakathekileko. KwakuliLanga leenTjhaba lokuFunda nokuTlola, begodu abantu bephasini loke bebazokutlola, bafunde bebalalele neendatjana ngalo ilangelo. +UNeo wayethabe khulu. Umtloli amthanda khulu, u-Joan Rankin waye azokuza ebuthelelweni leencwadi azokufunda iincwadi azitlolileko, begodu uyise wayemthembise ukumphekelela ayokubona umtloli lo. UNeo wayetlole incwadi ekhethekileko ngo-Joan Rankin, wayengasakghoni ukuzibamba afuna ukumnikela incwadakhe. +Kodwana ngeLesibili ekuseni lokha uNeo nakavukako, kwakunetjhada elirarako elivela ngephunyaneni. Wakhamba wayokuhlola. Wathola umtjhini wokuhlanza wenza itjhada elimbi elirhoroza sakukhohlela sengathi uzokuthuthumba. + +Uyise kaNeo wayokuqala. “Baba ke!” watjho njalo.” Kutjho ukuthi ipompi iphukile. Izokubiza kangangani ukuze ilungiswe! Kuzokufuneka sithenge umtjhini omutjha tjha.” +“Angekhe sikghone ukuthenga umthini omutjha,” kutjho unina kaNeo. “Ngiyakubawa, angekhe ukwazi ukuwulungisa? Kufanele ngiye emsebenzini, kodwana kunezambatho ezinengi ezifuna ukuhlanzwa.” +Ubaba kaNeo akhange athande ukubona unina kaNeo angakathabi, ngalokho-ke wathi, “ngizawulungisa. UNeo uzangisiza ukufuna iwebhusayidi etjengisa bonyana imitjhini ephukileko ilungiswa bunjani.” +“Baba, kodwana ungithembise ukungiphekelela ebulungelweni leencwadi,” kutjho uNeo. +“Lokho kufanele kulinde, Neo. Umtjhini wokuhlanza uqakatheke khulu. Mhlambe uGogo uzakuphekelela,” kutjho uBaba. +“Ngisazikhupha namhlanjesi,” kutjho uGogo anikina ihloko. “Ngiyacolisa, Neo. Uzakufanela ukuya ngeveke ezako.” +UNeo wakwata khulu. “Kodwana Baba, ungithembise bonyana uzongisa ebulungelweni leencwadi,” watjho njalo. “Kufanele siye khona msinyana.” +UBaba wathatha ibhokisi lamathulusi wagugula, “Ipompo yomtjhini wokuhlanza ilungiswa njani” watlola kufunjathwako wakhe. +“Arha-ke,” watjho kuNeo, amtjengisa Ikhasi. “Lokhu akubonakali kulikhuni khulu.” Ngalokho-ke, wadosa umtjhini wokuhlanza wase uyawutjhugulula ukuze akghone ukukhupha ingemuva. +Ukulungisa umtjhini kwabalikhuni kunalokha nakawukuqalileko. +“Kunomdwebo lapha,” kububula uBaba, aqale ufunjathwako wakhe. “Kodwana muncancani, angikghoni ukubona bonyana khuyini okuyakuphi.” + +Ubaba wawisa esinye seenkrufu sasesigedekela ngaphasi kwesiqandisi, kwafanela bonyana adose isiqandisi ukuze athole isikrufu. UNeo waqala isikhathi. Bekuli-iri lethoba nesiquntu. Bekusele isiquntu se-iri bonyana u-Joan Rankin afike ebulungelweni leencwadi. +“Baba, ngiyakubawa,” kwatjho uNeo, eqayeqa ngokudlheganisa iinyawo. “Ngiyakubawa, yenza msinyana sizokwazi ukuya ebulungelweni leencwadi. Kufanele sikhambe nje.” +“Ngiyasebenza lapha, awusizi ngalitho, Neo!” Kutjho uBaba abonakala akwatile. +UNeo bekangakathabi. Uyise umthembise ukumphekelela, kodwana izinto bezingasakhambi kuhle sikhatheso. +“AWA, AWA, AWA,” kurhuwelela uBaba. “Angikholwa-ke kwanjesi!” +“Khuyini?” Kubuza uNeo ngelizwanyana. +“Ibhethri lami alisenamandla kwanjesi!” kurhuwelela ubaba. “Ngibawa uyongithathela itjhajara.” +Khona ngesikhatheso igezi yakhamba. +“Baba ke,” kubabaza uNeo. “Igezi ikhambile kwanjesi.” +Ubaba ubonakala akwate khulu. “Lo nguLesibili omumbi khulu. Sengiseduze nokuqeda ukulungisa umtjhini, kwanjesi angisakwazi ukufunda bonyana kufanele ngenzeni okulandelako.” +UNeo wanikina ihloko. “Iye, nguLesibili omumbi khulu. Awukghoni ukulungisa umtjhini, +nami ngibhalelwa kuyokubona u-Joan Rankin,” kodwana akhenge asatjho okhunye ngombana wabona bonyana uyise bekakwate khulu. UNeo wabetha itafula yangephunyaneni ngezandla begodu wafaka ihloko hlangana nezandla zakhe. +Ubaba wapaka amathuluso wakhe wawasusa. “Akukho okunengi esingakwenza kwanjesi,” watjho njalo. +UNeo wavusa ihloko kancani. Iwatjhi yathi mizuzu elitjhumi ukuya e-irini letjhumi. Basengafika ebulungelweni leencwadi – bangaladelwa, kodwana angakghona ukubona u-Joan Rankin begodu angakghona ukumnikela isipho sakhe. Wase uphendla amakhasi wencwajana encani ayitlolileko. Utlole indatjana wase udweba neenthombe, uGogo wamsiza ukuyihlanganisa nokuyikhavara. Ubaba wehlisa ummoya. Wase uthatha incwadi kaNeo. “Khuyini lokhu, Neo?” Kwabuza uBaba. +“Yincwadi yami,” Kwatjho uNeo ngelizwanyana. “Bengiyoyinikela umtloli engimthandako e…” Akhange asawuqeda umutjho. +“Yiza,” kutjho uBaba, adobha iinlodlhelo zekoloyakhe. “Kufanele sikhambe khona NJE! Sisengafika ebulungelweni leencwadi ngesikhathi lokha nasingareya msinyana.” +U-Joan Rankini bekathoma ukufundela abantwana indatjanakhe lokha uNeo banoyise barhabela ngebulungelweni leencwadi. UNeo wathola indawo yokuhlala ngemuva wase uhlala phasi uyalalela. Indatjanakhe yayimnandi, ngitjho neenthombe zakhona zazizihle. UNeo wafisa sengathi angadweba njengaye ngelinye ilanga. +Okuhle kunakho koke! Lokha nakaqedako uNeo wamtjengisa incwadakhe, wacabanga bonyana imnandi. +“Ingabe indatjana le uyitlole wena ngokwakho kwamambala?” Wabuza uNeo. +“Iye,” kuvuma uNeo. “Begodu neenthombe nazo zidwetjwe ngimi. Sisipho sakho, Kosazana.” +U-Joan Rankin wavula ibhege yakhe wakhupha enye yeencwadi zakhe. Ngaphakathi watlola ukuthi, “NgeyakaNeo, owenza iincwadi ezihle,” wase utlikitla igama lakhe ngamagabhadlhela wabese uyamnikela. +UNeo wathaba khulu. Wakakarela incwadi angasafuni ukuyilisa. +Ngesikhatheso uyise waya kuye. “Angekhe ukholwe,” kutjho yena. “Ngithole incwadi emayelana nokulungiswa kwemitjhini yokuhlanza, qala – imidwebo mikhulu begodu icacile. Kubayini ungangitjeli kobana kunebulungelo leencwadi elifana naleli, Neo? +Ubaba wanga uNeo. “Iincwadi zisimanga. Amabhethri wazo akaphelelwa mamandla nakanye, begodu ungakghona ukuzifunda nanyana igezi ingakhamba.” +UNeo wamomotheka ukumomotheka kwethabo wase unikina ihloko. Liqiniso. Incwadi ungayifuna nanyana kukuphi ngesinye nesinye isikhathi.",nbl,isiNdebele,Kufanele sikhambe!,"It was Tuesday and there was no school. All the children were meeting at the library for a special day. It was International Literacy Day and people all over the world were going to read and write and listen to stories on the same day. +Neo ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kufanele-sikhambe +we-have-go,"KwakungoLwesibini kwaye kwakungekho sikolo. Bonke abantwana babeza kuhlangana kwithala leencwadi kuba yayilusuku olukhethekileyo. YayiluSuku lweLitheresi lweZizwe ngeZizwe kwaye abantu kulo lonke ihlabathi babeza kufunda, babhale baze baphulaphule amabali, konke nje ngosuku olunye. +UNeo wayechulumance kakhulu. Oyena mbhali amthandayo, uJoan Rankin, wayesiza kwelo thala leencwadi esiza kufunda izicatshulwana zeencwadi azibhalileyo, kwaye utata wakhe wayemthembisile ukuba uza kumsa, aye kumbona. UNeo wayebhale incwadi ekhethekileyo malunga naye, kwaye wayengasakwazi ukulinda phambi kokuba ayinikezele kuye le ncwadi. +Kodwa akuvuka ngentsasa yangoLwesibini uNeo, kwakuvakala ingxolo engaqhelekanga iphuma ekhitshini. Waya kukroba. Umatshini wokuhlamba impahla wawusenza ingxolo embi kakhulu, unesandi sokukhexezela ngathi uza kugqabhuka. + +Utata kaNeo waza kujonga naye. “Iyho!” watsho. “Impopo inokuba yophukile. Kuza kuxabisa imali eninzi kakhulu ukuyilungisa. Mhlawumbi kuza kufuneka sithenge umatshini omtsha.” +“Asinayo nje imali yokuthenga umatshini omtsha,” watsho umama kaNeo. “Khawuncede wethu, awunakusilungiselela kwalo? Kufuneka ndiye emsebenzini, kwaye ininzi kakhulu impahla emdaka.” +Utata wayengakuthandi ukubona umama kaNeo ekhathazeke kakhulu ngoko ke wathi, “Ndiza kuyilungisa. UNeo uza kundincedisa. Ndiza kukhangela iwebhusayithi ebonisa indlela yokulungisa oomatshini bokuhlamba impahla abophukileyo.” +“Kodwa Tata, ubundithembise ukuba uza kundisa kwithala leencwadi,” watsho uNeo. +“Oko kuza kufuneka kulinde, Neo. Umatshini wokuhlamba impahla ubaluleke ngaphezulu. Mhlawumbi uGogo angakusa,” watsho uTata. +“Ndisaphuma namhlanje,” watsho uGogo, ehlunguzela intloko. “Uxolo, Neo. Kwakufuneka uye kwiveki ezayo.” +UNeo wayekhathazeke kakhulu. “Kodwa, Tata, ubundithembise ukuba uza kundisa kwithala leencwadi,” watsho. “Kufuneka sihambe kwakamsinyane.” +UTata walanda ibhokisi yakhe yezixhobo zokusebenza waza wakhangela ku-google, “Indlela yokulungisa impompo yomatshini wokuhlamba impahla” kwiselula yakhe. +“Nantso ke,” watsho kuNeo, embonisa elo khasi. “Oku akukhangeleki kunzima kakhulu.” Watsho sele ewutsala umatshini wokuhlamba impahla, wawuguqula ukuze akwazi ukukhupha umva wawo. +Kodwa ukulungisa umatshini wokuhlamba kwakunzima ngaphezulu kunokuba kwakukhangeleka njalo. +“Kukho umfanekiso apha,” wambombozela uTata, ejonge iselula yakhe. “Kodwa mncinane kakhulu, andiboni ukuba yintoni engena phi na.” + +Nanko uTata ewisa esinye sezikrufu saze saqengqeleka, satshona ngaphantsi kwesikhenkcezisi, ngoko ke kwafuneka atsale isikhenkcezisi ukuze asifumane isikrufu. UNeo wajonga ixesha. Yayilicala emva kwentsimbi yethoba. Kwakusele isisiqingatha nje seyure phambi kokuba uJoan Rankin afike kwithala leencwadi. +“Nceda, Tata,” watsho, etsiba ngomlenze omnye aze abuye atsibe ngomnye. “Nceda, khawulezisa ukuze sihambe siye kwithala leencwadi. Kufuneka sihambe ngoku.” +“Ndixakekile apha kwaye akundincedisi, Neo!” UTata wakhangeleka equmbile. +UNeo wayekhathazekile. UTata wakhe wayemthembise ukuba uza kumsa, kodwa ngoku yonke into yayingahambi ngendlela efanelekileyo. +“HAYI, HAYI, HAYI,” wakhwaza uTata. “Andiyikholelwa ke le!” +“Yintoni?” UNeo wabuza ngelizwi elincinane. +“Ngoku ndehlelwe yibhetri yeselula yam!” wakhwaza uTata. “Nceda undiphathele itshaja.” +Kuthe kanye ngaloo mzuzu wemka umbane. +“Owu hayi bo,” watsho uNeo. “Ngoku nombane umkile” +Utata wakhangeleka enomsindo kakhulu. “Lo ngoyena Lwesibini wakhe wambi. Ndiphakathi kanye ekulungiseni lo matshini kodwa ngoku andikwazi kufunda ukuba ndenze ntoni na elandelayo.” +UNeo wanqwala. “Ewe, lo ngoyena Lwesibini wakhe wambi. Awukwazi ukulungisa umatshini, kwaye nam ndiza kuphoswa nguJoan Rankin,” kodwa zange aqhubeke kuba wayembona uTata ukuba ukhathazeke kakhulu. UNeo wahlala etafileni yasekhitshini waqubuda efihla intloko yakhe ngeengalo zakhe. +Utata waqoshelisa izixhobo zakhe. “Akukho nto ingako esinokuyenza ngoku,” watsho. +UNeo waphakamisa kancinane intloko yakhe. Iwotshi yayisithi ilishumi imizuzu phambi kwentsimbi yeshumi. Babesenakho ukuya kufika kwithala leencwadi – babeza kufika emva kwexesha, kodwa wayeza kumbona uJoan Rankin kwaye wayesenakho ukumnika isipho sakhe. Watyhila amaphepha encwadana ayenzileyo. Wayebhale ibali wazoba nemifanekiso, kwaye uGogo wayemncedise ekuyidibaniseni nasekuyenzeleni iqweqwe. Umsindo nokukhathazeka kukaTata kwakudamba. Waphakamisa incwadi kaNeo. “Yintoni le, Neo?” wabuza watsho. +“Yincwadi yam,” uNeo waphendula ngelizwi elincinane. “Bendiza kuyinika oyena mbhali ndimthandayo kwi…” Zange asigqibe eso sivakalisi. +“Yiza khawuleza,” wakhwaza uTata, esithi hlasi izitshixo zakhe zemoto. +“Kufuneka sihambe NGOKU! Singafika ngexesha kwithala leencwadi ukuba siyakhawuleza.” +Xa uNeo noTata wakhe bangena kwithala leencwadi bengxamile, uJoan Rankin wayesele eqalile ukufundela abantwana ibali lakhe. UNeo wafumana isitulo ngasemva waze wahlala phantsi waphulaphula. Ibali lakhe lalimnandi kakhulu, ngokunjalo nemifanekiso yakhe yayimihle. UNeo wayenethemba lokuba ngenye imini naye uya kuzoba njengaye. +Eyona nto yaba mnandi yintoni kanene? Wathi akugqiba uJoan Rankin, waze uNeo wambonisa incwadi yakhe, nawacinga ukuba iyamangalisa uJoan Rankin. +“Ingaba eli bali ngokwenene uzibhalele ngokwakho uwedwa?” wambuza. +“Ewe,” watsho uNeo. “Nemifanekiso ndiyizobe ngokwam. Sisipho sakho, Mama.” +UJoan Rankin wavula ibhegi yakhe waze wakhupha enye yeencwadi zakhe. Ngaphakathi kuyo wabhala, “YekaNeo, owenza iincwadi ezintle”, waze wasayina igama lakhe ngoonobumba abakhulu, wamnika yona. +UNeo wayevuya kakhulu. Wayibamba nkqi loo ncwadi, engafuni nokuyibeka phantsi. +Kanye ngelo xesha wathi gqi uTata. “Awusoze ukukholelwe ke oku,” watsho. “Ndifumene incwadi efundisa ngendlela yokulungisa oomatshini bokuhlamba impahla, kwaye jonga – imifanekiso mikhulu kwaye icacile. Kutheni ungandixelelanga nje ukuba kwithala leencwadi kukho iincwadi ezifana nale, Neo?” + +UTata wamanga uNeo. “Iincwadi ziyamangalisa. Aziphelelwa ziibhetri zona, kwaye ungakwazi ukuzifunda nokuba umbane umkile.” +UNeo watsho ngoncumo lolonwabo waza wanqwala. Oko kwakuyinyaniso. Incwadi ungayifunda nokuba kuphi na nokuba kunini na.",xho,isiXhosa,Kufuneka sihambe ngoku!,"It was Tuesday and there was no school. All the children were meeting at the library for a special day. It was International Literacy Day and people all over the world were going to read and write and listen to stories on the same day. +Neo ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kufuneka-sihambe-ngoku +we-have-go,"KwakungoLwesibili futhi kungafundwa. Zonke izingane zazizohlanganela emtatsheni wezincwadi ngoba kwakuwusuku olukhethekile. KwakuwuSuku Lomhlaba Wonke Lokwazi Ukufunda Nokubhala kanti abantu emhlabeni wonke babezofunda, babhale, futhi balalele izindaba ngalo lona lolo suku. +UNeo wayegcwele injabulo. Umbhali wakhe amthandayo, uJoan Rankin, wayezoba khona emtatsheni wezincwadi ezofunda izincwadi azibhalile, futhi ubaba wakhe wayethembise indodakazi ukuthi uzoyihambisa iyombona. UNeo wayebhale incwadi ekhethekile ngaye, futhi wayengasakwazi ukulinda ukumnika yona. +Kodwa lapho uNeo evuka ngoLwesibili ekuseni, kwakukhona umsindo oxakile ophuma ekhishini. Wayobheka. Umshini wokuwasha wawenza umsindo okhehlezelayo, ofuze ukukhwehlela, kwakungathi uzoqhuma. + +Ubaba kaNeo wazobheka. “Ohhe!” kusho yena. “Kungenzeka ukuthi kufe iphampu. Kuzobiza ukuyilungisa. Kungenzeka kudingeke ukuthi sithenge umshini wokuwasha omusha.” +“Angeke sikwazi ukuthenga umshini wokuwasha omusha,” kusho umama kaNeo. “Ngeke kodwa wawulungisa, bandla? Kumele ngiye emsebenzini, futhi kunezingubo eziningi ezingcolile.” +Ubaba wayengathandi ukubona umama kaNeo ephatheke kabi kangaka, ngakho wathi, “Ngizowulungisa. uNeo uzongisiza. Ngizothola isizindalwazi esizongikhombisa ukuthi ilungiswa kanjani imishini ephukile.” +“Kodwa Baba, ubungithembise ukuthi sizoya emtatsheni wezincwadi,” kusho uNeo. +“Kuzomele kume kancane lokho, Neo. Ubaluleke kakhulu umshini wokuwasha. Mhlawumbe angakuhambisa uGogo,” kusho uBaba. +“Ngiyaphuma nami namhlanje,” kusho uGogo, enikina ikhanda lakhe. “Ngiyaxolisa, Neo. Kuzomele uye ngesonto elizayo.” +UNeo waphatheka kabi kakhulu. “Kodwa, Baba, ubungithembisile ukuthi uzongisa emtatsheni wezincwadi,” kusho yena. “Kumele sihambe masinyane nje.” +UBaba walanda ibhokisi lakhe lamathuluzi wase ecinga ikhasi ku-google kumakhalekhukhwini wakhe lapho okuthi khona: “Ilungiswa kanjani iphampu yomshini wokuwasha”. +“Nanti,” esho kuNeo, emkhombisa ikhasi. “Lokhu akubukeki kunzima kakhulu.” Wabe esedonsa umshini wokuwasha, wase ewuphendula ukuze akwazi ukuwuvula ngemuva. +Kodwa ukulungisa umshini kwakunzima kunendlela okwakubukeka ngayo. +“Kunomdwebo lapha,” kukhonona uBaba, ebheke ucingo lwakhe. “Kodwa mncane kakhulu, angikwazi ukubona ukuthi yini engena kuphi.” + +Kusenjalo uBaba wawisa esinye isikru esagingqika sayongena ngaphansi kwefriji, kwadingeka ukuthi asuse ifriji ukuze akhiphe isikru. UNeo wabuka iwashi. Kwase kugamenxe ihora lesishiyagalolunye. Kusele isigamu sehora ngaphambi kokuba kufike uJoan Rankin emtatsheni wezincwadi. +“Ngiyakucela bandla, Baba,” esho, egxuma ngalo omlenze abuye agxume ngomunye. “Ngicela, usheshise ukuze sikwazi ukuya emtatsheni wezincwadi. Kumele sihambe manje.” +“Ngimatasatasa la futhi awungisizi ngalutho, Neo!” UBaba wayebukeka ethukuthele. +UNeo wayephatheke kabi. Ubaba wakhe wayemthembise ukumhambisa, kodwa manje kwakungasahambi ngokohlelo. +“LUTHO, LUTHO, LUTHO,” kumemeza uBaba. “Angikukholwa lokhu!” +“Yini?” Kubuza uNeo ngezwi elincane. +“Seliyaphela ibhethri locingo lwami!” kumemeza uBaba. “Ngicela ungilandele ishaja.” +Kodwa kwathi kusenjalo kwathi nyampu ugesi. +“Ohhe,” kusho uNeo. “Sekuhambe nogesi.” +Ubaba wayebukeka ethukuthele kakhulu. “Lolu nguLwesibili olubi kunabo bonke. Bese ngiphakathi nokulungisa umshini kodwa manje angisakwazi ukufunda ukuthi yini elandelayo okumele ngiyenze.” +UNeo wanqekuzisa ikhanda. “Yebo, nguLwesibili olubi kunabo bonke. Awukwazi ukulungisa umshini, kanti nami ngizophuthelwa nguJoan Rankin,” kodwa akabange esaqhubeka ngoba wayebona ukuthi uBaba uthukuthele kakhulu. UNeo wazilahlela etafuleni lasekhishini wafihla ikhanda lakhe ngezingalo. +UBaba waqoqa amathuluzi akhe. “Akukho okutheni esingakwenza njengamanje,” kusho yena. +UNeo waphakamisa ikhanda lakhe kancane. Iwashi lalithi kusele imizuzu eyishumi ngaphambi kokushaya kwehora leshumi. Babesengakwazi ukufika emtatsheni wezincwadi – bazofika ngemva kwesikhathi, kodwa uzokwazi ukubona uJoan Rankin futhi uzokwazi ukumnikeza isipho sakhe. Waphenya amakhasi encwadi encane ayeyenzile. Wayebhale indaba futhi wadweba izithombe, kanti uGogo wayemsize ukuthi ayihlanganise kanye nangokwenza ikhava. UBaba wayezama ukwehlisa umoya. Wacosha incwadi kaNeo. “Yini le, Neo?” kubuza yena. +“Incwadi yami,” kusho uNeo ngezwi elincane, “bengizoyinikeza umbhali engimthandayo, e …” Akazange awuqede umusho. +“Woza,” kumemeza uBaba, ethatha izikhiya zakhe zemoto. “Kumele sihambe MANJE! Sisengakwazi ukufika ngesikhathi emtatsheni wezincwadi uma nje singasheshisa.” +UJoan Rankin wayeseqalile ukufundela izingane indaba yakhe ngesikhathi uNeo noBaba wakhe bengena emtatsheni wezincwadi begijima. UNeo wathola isihlalo emuva wase ehlala phansi ukuze alalele. Yayimnandi indaba kaJoan, kanjalo nezithombe zakhe. UNeo wayefisa sengathi angakwazi ukudweba njengaye ngelinye ilanga. +Kambe yini eyabanhle nakakhulu? Lapho eseqedile nangemva kokuba uNeo esemkhombise incwadi yakhe, wacabanga ukuthi iyisimanga. +“Ngabe yonke le ndaba ibhalwe nguwe wedwa ngempela?” kubuza yena. +“Yebo,” kusho uNeo. “Kanti ngidwebe nezithombe futhi. Yisipho sakho, Mama.” +UJoan Rankin wabe esevula isikhwama sakhe wase ekhipha enye yezincwadi zakhe. Ngaphakathi kwayo wabhala ukuthi, “EkaNeo, obhala izincwadi ezimnandi”, wase esayinda igama lakhe ngamagama amakhulu, wase emnikeza yona. +Yayichichima injabulo kaNeo. Wankonkoshela incwadi engafuni ukuyidedela. +Kuthe kusenjalo kweza uBaba. “Angeke ukukholwe lokhu,” kusho yena. “Ngithole incwadi emayelana nokuthi ikhandwa kanjani imishini yokuwasha, ake ubheke nje – imidwebo mikhulu futhi icacile. Kungani ungangitshelanga ukuthi umtapo wezincwadi unezincwadi ezifana nale, Neo?” +UBaba wawola uNeo. “Izincwadi zinhle kakhulu. Amabhethri azo awapheli, futhi ungazifunda noma kusahambe ugesi.” +UNeo wamamathekiswa yinjabulo wase enqekuzisa ikhanda. Kwakuyiqiniso elimsulwa lelo. Ungafunda incwadi noma yikuphi futhi noma yinini.",zul,isiZulu,Kumele sihambe manje!,"It was Tuesday and there was no school. All the children were meeting at the library for a special day. It was International Literacy Day and people all over the world were going to read and write and listen to stories on the same day. +Neo ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kumele-sihambe-manje +we-have-go,"E be e le Labobedi gomme go sa iwe sekolong. Bana ka moka ba be ba ile go kopana bokgobapukung ka letšatši la go kgethega. E be e le Letšatši la Tsebo ya go Bala le go Ngwala la Boditšhabatšhaba gomme batho ka moka lefaseng ba be ba eya go bala le go ngwala le go theeletša dikanegelo ka lona letšatši leo. +Neo o be a thabile kudu. Mongwadi wa gagwe wa mmamoratwa, Joan Rankin, o be a ile go tla bokgobapukung go tlo bala dipuku tšeo a di ngwadilego, gomme tatagwe o be a mo tshepišitše go mo iša fao gore a ye go mmona. Neo o be a ngwadile puku ya go kgethega ka ga yena, gomme a fela pelo ya go mo fa yona. +Efela e rile ge Neo a tsoga mesong ya Labobedi, a kwa lešata la go makatša go tšwa ka moraleng. O ile a ya go lebelela. Motšhene wa go hlatswa diaparo o be o dira lešata le lebe, lešata la mogohlolo o ka re o tloga o thunya. + +Tatago Neo o ile a tla go bona. “Aowa, hle!” a realo. “Pompo e swanetše go ba e robegile. Go e lokiša go tlo bitša mašeleng a mantši. Re ka no swanelwa ke go reka motšhene wa go hlatswa diaparo o moswa.” +“Re ka se be le tšhelete ya go reka motšhene wa go hlatswa diaparo o moswa,” Mmago Neo a realo. “Naa, o ka se kgone go o lokiša? Ke swanetše go ya mošomong, gomme go na le diaparo tša ditšhila tše dintšhi.” +Tate o be a sa rate go bona mmago Neo a befetšwe ka tsela ye gomme a re, “Ke tla o lokiša. Neo o tla nthuša. Ke tla hwetša weposaete ya go laetša ka fao go lokišwago metšhene ya go hlatswa diaparo.” +“Efela Tate, o ntshepišitše gore o tla nkiša bokgobapukung,” a realo Neo. +“Seo se tla swanela go ema, Neo. Motšhene wa go hlatswa diaparo o bohlokwa kudu. Mogongwe Koko a ka ya le wena,” a realo Tate. +“Ke na le mo ke yago lehono,” a realo Koko, a šikinya hlogo ya gagwe. “Ke maswabi, Neo. O tla swanela go ya beke ye e tlago.” +Neo o be a befetšwe kudu. “Efela, Tate, o ntshepišitše gore o tla nkiša bokgobapukung,” a realo. “Re swanetše go ya ka pela.” +Tate o ile a tšea lepokisi la gagwe la dithulusi gomme a kukula sellathekeng sa gagwe, “Ka fao nka lokišago pompo ya motšhene wa go hlatswa diaparo”. +“Wa bona,” a realo go Neo, a mmontšha letlakala. “Se ga se bonale se le thata kudu.” Gomme, a goga motšhene wa go hlatswa diaparo a o retološa gore a ntšhe bokamorago. +Efela go lokiša motšhene go ile gwa thatafala go feta ka fao go bego go bonala ka gona. +“Go na le sethalwa fa,” gwa ngunanguna Tate a lebeletše sellathekeng sa gagwe. “Efela ke se sennyane, ga ke kgone go bona gore go diragala eng.” + +Ka morago Tate o ile a wiša se sengwe sa dikurufi sa pshikologela ka tlase ga setšidifatši, ka fao a swanelwa ke go goga setšidifatši gore a hwetše sekurufi. Neo o ile a lebelela sešupanako. E be e le seripagare go tšwa go iri ya sennyane. Seripagare sa iri pele ga ge Joan Rankin a fihla bokgobapukung. +“Hle, Tate,” a realo, a taboga ka go fapanya maoto. “Itlhaganele, hle, gore re ye bokgobapukung. Re swanetše go sepela gona bjale.” +“Ke swaregile fa ebile ga o nthuše, Neo!” Tate o be a bonala a befetšwe. +Neo o be a tshwenyegile. Tatagwe o be a mo tshepišitše gore o tla mo iša, efela gabjale dilo ka moka ga di sepele gabotse. +“AOWA, AOWA, AOWA,” gwa goeletša Tate. “Ga ke tshepe!” +“Ke eng?” Neo a botšiša ka lentšu le lennyane. +“Mogala wa ka o fedile petiri!” Tate a goeletša. “Ntlele le tšhatšhara.” +Efela ka yona nako yeo mabone a tšhaba. +“Aowa, hle,” a realo Neo. “Mohlagase bjale o tšhabile.” +Tate o be a bonala a befetšwe kudu. “Le ke Labobedi le lebe kudukudu. Ke tla gare ka go lokiša motšhene wo bjale ga ke sa kgona go bala gore ke dire eng sa go latela.” +Neo a dumela ka hlogo. “Ee, ke Labobedi le lebe kudukudu. O ka se lokiše motšhene, gomme ke hlaelwa ke Joan Rankin,” efela ga se a bolele se sengwe gape ka gobane o be a bona gore Tate o befetšwe kudukudu. Neo a inama tafoleng ya ka moraleng gomme a fihla hlogo ya gagwe ka gare ga matsogo. +Tate o ile a paka dithulusi tša gagwe. “Ga go sa na seo re tla se dirago bjale,” a realo. +Neo a o ile a emiša hlogo ya gagwe gannyane. E be e le metsotso ye lesome go ya go iri ya lesome sešupanakong. Ba ka fihla bokgobapukung – ba tla latelwa, efela o tla kgona go bona Joan Rankin a ba a mo fa mpho ya gagwe. O ile a phetla matlakala a puku ye nnyane yeo a bego a e dirile. O ngwadile kanegelo a ba a thala le diswantšho, gomme Koko o mo thušitše go e dira le go dira lekgata. Moya wa Tate o be o theoga. O ile a topa puku ya Neo. “Ke eng se, Neo?” a botšiša. +“Ke puku ya ka,” a realo Neo ka lentšu le lennyane. “Ke be ke eya go e fa mongwadi wa ka wa mmamoratwa kua …” Ga se a fetša lefoko. +“Etla,” a realo Tate, a tšea dinotlelo tša sefatanaga. “Re swanetše go sepela GONA BJALE! Ge re ka itlhaganela re ka fihla bokgobapukung ka nako.” +Joan Rankin o be a thomile go balela bana kanegelo ge Neo le Tate ba sepediša ba tsena ka bokgobapukung. Neo o ile a hwetša setulo kua morago a dula fase a theeletša. Kanegelo ya gagwe e be e le bose le diswantšho tša gagwe di le botse. Neo o be a holofela gore ka le lengwe la matšatši o tla kgona go thala ka tsela yeo. +Go feta tšohle? E rile ge a feditše, gomme Neo a mmontšha puku ya gagwe, a gopola gore ke ye botse. +“Naa o ngwadile kanegelo ye ka bowena?” a mmotšiša. +“Ee,” a realo Neo. “Gomme ke thadile le diswantšho. Ke mpho ya gago, Mohumagadi.” +Gomme Joan Rankin a bula mokotla wa gagwe a ntšha ye nngwe ya dipuku tša gagwe. Ka gare a ngwala, “Ya Neo, wa go dira dipuku tše di botse”, gomme a saena leina la gagwe ka ditlhaka tše dikgolo gomme a mo fa. +Neo o be a thabile kudu. O ile a swara puku ka go e kgwahlišetša a sa nyake go e tlogela le gatee. +Tate a fihla ka nako yeo. “O ka se tshepe,” a realo. “Ke hweditše puku ya go bolela ka go lokiša metšhene, lebelela – dithalwa tša gona ke tše dikgolo ebile di bonagala gabotse. Nkane o be o sa mpotše gore bokgobapuku bo na le dipuku tša go swana le tše, Neo?” + +Tate a gokara Neo. “Dipuku di botse. Dipetiri tša tšona ga di fele, gape o ka di bala le ge mohlagase o tšhabile.” +Neo a myemyela ka myemyelo ya lethabo a ba a dumela ka hlogo. Seo ke nnete. O ka bala puku mo gohle le ka nako efe goba efe.",nso,Sepedi,Re swanetše go sepela!,"It was Tuesday and there was no school. All the children were meeting at the library for a special day. It was International Literacy Day and people all over the world were going to read and write and listen to stories on the same day. +Neo ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/re-swanetše-go-sepela +we-have-go,"E ne e le Labobedi mme ho ne ho se na sekolo. Bana bohle ba ne ba kopane laeboraring bakeng sa letsatsi le ikgethileng. E ne e le Letsatsi la Tsebo ya ho Bala le ho Ngola la Lefatshe mme batho hohle lefatsheng ba ne ba tla bala ba be ba ngole le ho mamela dipale ka lona letsatsi leo. +Neo o ne a nyakalletse haholo. Mongodi eo a mo ratang haholo, Joan Rankin, o ne a etla laeboraring ho tla bala dibukeng tseo a di ngotseng, mme ntatae o ne a tshepisitse hore o tla mo isa ho ya mmona. Neo o ne a ngotse buka e ikgethang mabapi le yena, mme o ne a tatetse ho ya mo neha yona. +Empa eitse ha Neo a tsoha hoseng ha Labobedi, ho ne ho ena le lerata le sa tlwaelehang le tswang ka kitjhineng. Yaba o ya ho ya sheba. Motjhine wa ho hlatswa o ne o etsa lerata le lebe le thothomelang, leo ekang o a kgohlela, jwaloka haeka o tla qhoma. + +Ntate wa Neo o ile a tla ho tla sheba. “Ao banna!” a rialo. “Ekare pompo e robehile. E tlo ja tjhelete e ngata bakeng sa ho e lokisa. Re tla tlameha ke ho reka motjhine o mong o motjha.” +“Re keke ra kgona ho reka motjhine wa ho hlatswa o motjha,” ha rialo mme wa Neo. “Ke a o kopa hle, na o keke wa o lokisa? Ke lokela ho ya mosebetsing, mme ho na le diaparo tse ngata tse ditshila.” +Ntate o ne a sa rate ho bona mme wa Neo a sa thaba jwalo, kahoo a re, “Ke tla o lokisa. Neo o tla nthusa. Ke tla sheba webosaete e mpontshang hore nka lokisa jwang metjhine ya ho hlatswa e robehileng.” +“Empa Ntate, o ntshepisitse hore o tla nkisa laeboraring,” ha rialo Neo. +“Seo se tla lokela ho ema, Neo. Motjhine wa ho hlatswa o bohlokwa ho feta hajwale. Mohlomong Nkgono a ka o isa,” Ntate a araba. +“Ho na le moo ke yang kajeno,” ha rialo Nkgono, a sisinya hlooho. “Ke maswabi, Neo. O tla lokela ho ya bekeng e tlang.” +Neo o ne a saretswe haholo. “Empa, Ntate, o ne o ntshepisitse hore o tla nkisa laeboraring,” a rialo. “Re lokela ho tsamaya ka sebakanyana.” +Ntate a lata lebokoso la hae la disebediswa mme a batla ho google, “Kamoo o ka lokisang pompo ya motjhine wa ho hlatswa” selefounong ya hae. +“Ha se moo,” a rialo ho Neo, a mmontsha leqephe leo. “Ha ho shebahale ho le boima hakaalo.” Mme ha a rialo, a hula motjhine a o ntshetsa ka ntle yaba o a o fetola hore a tle a o bule ka morao. +Empa ho lokisa motjhine ho ne ho le thata ho feta kamoo ho shebahalang ka teng. +“Ho na le setshwantsho mona,” Ntate a honotha, a shebile founo ya hae. “Empa se senyane, hohang ha ke bone hore ke kenya eng kae.” + +Yaba Ntate o diha sekurufu se seng mme sa thetehela ka tlasa sehatsetsi, kahoo a lokela ho hula le sehatsetsi hore a tle a ntshe sekurufu seo. Neo a sheba tshupanako. E ne e le metsotso e mashome a mararo kamora hora ya borobong. Ho ne ho setse halofo ya hora feela pele Joan Rankin a fihla laeboraring. +“Ke a kopa hle, Ntate,” a rialo, a ntse a tlolatlola ka leoto le leng a fetohele ho le leng. “Ka kopo, etsa kapele re tsebe ho ya laeboraring. Re lokela ho tsamaya hona jwale.” +“Ke maphathephathe mona, Neo, mme ha o nthuse ka letho!” Ntate o ne a shebahala a tenehile. +Neo o ne a kgenne. Ntatae o ne a mo tshepisitse ho mo isa, empa jwale dintho di ne di sa tsamaye hantle. +“TJHE, TJHE, BO!” Ntate a kgaruma. “Ha ke kgolwe!” +“Ke eng?” Neo a botsa ka lentswe le lesesane. +“Jwale beteri ya founo ya ka e shwele!” Ntate a omana. “Ako ntatele tjhajara ka mane.” +Empa ka yona nako eo, motlakase wa tima. +“Tjhe bo,” ha rialo Neo. “Jwale motlakase o timme.” +Ntate o ne a shebahala a kgenne haholo. “Lena ke Labobedi le lebe ka ho fetisisa. Ke bohareng ba ho lokisa motjhine ona mme jwale ha ke kgone ho bala hore ke lokela ho etsa eng kamora mona.” +Neo a oma ka hlooho. “E, ke Labobedi le lebe ka ho fetisisa. Ha o kgone ho lokisa motjhine, mme nna ke fetwa ke ho ya bona Joan Rankin,” empa ha a ka a hlola a bua ho hong hobane o ne a elellwa hore Ntate o kgenne e le ka nnete. Neo a putlama setulong se tafoleng mme a kenya hlooho ya hae ka hara diphaka tsa hae. +Ntate a pakela disebediswa tsa hae hape. “Ha ho seo re ka se etsang jwale,” a rialo. +Neo a phahamisa hlooho ya hae hanyane. Tshupanako jwale e ne e se e re metsotso e leshome pele ho hora ya leshome. Ba ne ba ka nna ba fihla laeboraring – ba ne ba tla fihla morao ho nako, empa o ne a tla nne a bone Joan Rankin mme o ne a ka nna a kgona ho mo fa mpho ya hae. A phetla maqephe a bukana eo a e entseng. O ne a ngotse pale mme a takile le ditshwantsho, mme Nkgono o ne a ile a mo thusa ho e kopanya mmoho le ho etsa khabara. Ntate jwale o ne se a theotse moya. A phahamisa buka ya Neo. “Ke eng ee, Neo?” a botsa. +“Ke buka ya ka,” Neo a rialo ka lentswe le lenyane. “Ke ne ke ilo e fa mongodi eo ke mo ratang ka ho fetisisa mane …” Ha a ka a qeta le polelo eo. +“Tloo,” Ntate a mmitsa, a phamola dinotlolo tsa koloi. “Re lokela ho tsamaya HONA JWALE! Re ka nna ra fihla laeboraring ka nako ha re ka potlaka” +Joan Rankin o ne a se a qadile ho balla bana pale ya hae ha Neo le Ntatae ba kena ba tatile laeboraring. Neo a fumana setulo moraorao mme a dula fatshe a mamela. Pale ya hae e ne e le monate, esitana le ditshwantsho tsa hae. Neo o ne a tshepa hore o tla kgona ho taka jwaloka yena ka letsatsi le leng. +Ha etsahala eng ka mora moo? Eitse ha a qeta mme Neo a mmontsha buka ya hae, a e bona e le ntle haholo. +“Na o hlile o ngotse pale ee ka bowena?” a mmotsa. +“E,” Neo a araba. “Mme ke takile le ditshwantsho tseo. Ke mpho ya hao e tswang ho nna, Mme.” +Yaba Joan Rankin o bula mokotlana wa hae mme a ntsha buka e nngwe ho tsa hae. Ka hara yona a ngola, “Ho Neo, ya etsang dibuka tse ntle,” mme a saena lebitso la hae ka ditlhaku tse kgolo a mo fa yona. +Neo o ne a thabile. O ile a tiisa buka eo haholo a sa batle le hore e tswe matsohong a hae. +Ka yona nako eo Ntate a atamela. “O keke wa dumela sena,” a rialo. “Ke fumane buka e hlalosang kamoo o ka lokisang metjhini ya ho hlatswa ka teng, sheba – ditshwantsho tsa teng di kgolo di a bonahala. Hobaneng o sa ka wa mpolella hore laeborari e na le dibuka tse kang tsee, Neo?” + +Ntate a haka Neo. “Dibuka di lokile haholo. Dibeteri tsa tsona ha di shwe, mme o ka nna wa di bala le ha motlakase o timme.” +Neo a bososela ka thabo mme a oma ka hlooho. E ne e le nnete. O ka kgona ho bala buka ya hao kae kapa kae, neng kapa neng.",sot,Sesotho,Re lokela ho ya teng!,"It was Tuesday and there was no school. All the children were meeting at the library for a special day. It was International Literacy Day and people all over the world were going to read and write and listen to stories on the same day. +Neo ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/re-lokela-ho-ya-teng +we-have-go,"Go ne go le Labobedi mme go ne go se na sekolo. Bana botlhe ba ne ba kopana kwa laeborari ba kopanela letsatsi le le kgethegileng. E ne e le Letsatsi la Kitso ya go buisa le go kwala mme batho go tswa mo lefatsheng lotlhe ba ne ba tlile go buisa le go kwala le go reetsa mainane ka lone letsatsi le. +Neo o ne a itumetse tota. Mokwadi wa gagwe yo a mo ratang, Joan Rankin, o ne a tlile go tla mo laeborari go buisa go tswa mo dibukeng tse a neng a di kwadile, mme rragwe o ne a mo solofeditse go mo isa gore a mmone. Neo o ne a kwadile buka e e kgethegileng ka ene, mme o ne a gakaletse go mo fa yone. +Mme fa Neo a tsoga mo mosong wa Labobedi, go ne go utlwala modumo o o sa tlwaelegang go tswa mo kitšhining. O ne a ya go leba. Motšhini o o tlhatswang o ne o dira modumo o o tudukanang mo go boitshegang, e kete motho a gotlhola e bile e kare o tlile go thunya. + +Rragwe Neo o ne a tla go bona. “Ao nnyaa!” o ne a rialo. “Pompo e tshwanetse ya bo e robegile. Go tlile go ja madi a mantsi thata go e baakanya. Re ka nna ra tshwanela go reka motšhini o o feletseng o montšhwa.” +“Re ka se kgone go reka motšhini o o tlhatswang o montšhwa,” mmagwe Neo o ne a rialo. “A o ka se kgone go o baakanya, tsweetswee? Ke tshwanetse go ya tirong, mme go na le diaparo tse dintsi tse di leswe.” +Ntate o ne a sa rate go bona mmagwe Neo a hutsafetse jalo mme o ne a re, “Ke tla o baakanya. Neo o tla nthusa. Ke tla batla webosaete e e mpontshang go baakanya metšhini e e tlhatswang e e robegileng.” +“Mme fela Ntate, o ntsholofeditse go nkisa kwa laeborari,” ga rialo Neo. +“Iketle pele ka seo, Neo. Motšhini o o tlhatswang o botlhokwa thata. Ka gongwe Koko a ka go isa kwa teng,” Ntate o ne a rialo. +“Go na le kwa ke yang teng gompieno,” Koko o ne a rialo, a tshikinya tlhogo ya gagwe. “Ke maswabi, Neo. O tla tshwanela go ya koo mo bekeng e tlang.” +Neo o ne a utlwile botlhoko tota. “Mme fela Ntate, o ntsholofeditse gore o tlile go nkisa kwa laeborari,” o ne a rialo. “Re tshwanetse go tsamaya ka bonako.” +Ntate o ne a ya go tsaya lebokoso la gagwe la didiriswa mme o ne a batla tshedimosetso ka google, “Tsela ya go baakanya pompo ya motšhini o o tlhatswang” mo selefounung ya gagwe. +“O a bona!,” o ne a raya Neo, a mmotsha tsebe. “Se ga se bontshe se le boima.” Mme jalo, o ne a goga motšhini a o ntsha fa o nnang teng le go o retolola gore a kgone go ntsha karolo ya ona e e ka fa morago. +Mme go baakanya motšhini go ne go le boima thata go feta ka moo go neng go bonala ka teng. +“Go na le setshwantsho fa,” Ntate o ne a ngongorega, a lebile mo founung ya gagwe. “Mme e nnye thata, ga ke kgone go bona gore eng se tsena fa kae.” + +Ke fa Ntate a digela sekurufu sengwe mo fatshe mme se ne sa kgokologela mo tlase ga setsidifatsi, jalo o ne a tshwanetse go goga setsidifatsi gore a ntshe sekurufu. Neo o ne a leba nako. E ne e le metsotso e le someamararo morago ga ura ya borobonngwe. Go ne go setse metsotso e le someamararo fela gore Joan Rankin a goroge kwa laeborari. +“Tsweetswee, Ntate,” o a ne a rialo, a ntse a tlolatlola. “Tsweetswee, dira ka pele gore re kgone go ya kwa laeborari. Re tshwanetse go tsamaya jaanong.” +“Ke tshwaragane le tiro fa mme ga o thuse, Neo!” Ntate o ne a lebega a tenegile. +Neo o ne a hutsafetse. Rragwe o ne a mo solofeditse go mo isa, mme jaanong sengwe le sengwe se ne se sa tsamaye sentle. +“NNYAA, NNYAA, NNYAA,” Ntate o ne a goa. “Ga ke dumele se!” +“Ke eng?” Neo o ne a botsa ka lentswe le lennye. +“Jaanong beteri ya founu ya me e kwa tlase!” Ntate o ne a goa. “Tsweetswee ntlele tšhajara.” +Mme ka nako eo motlakase o ne wa tima: +“Ao nnyaa,” ga rialo Neo. “Jaanong motlakase o timile.” +Ntate o ne a bonala a tenegile. “O ke Labobedi o o maswe go feta. Ke ne ke le gaufi le go fetsa go baakanya motšhini mme jaanong ga ke kgone go buisa ka ga se se latelang se ke tshwanetseng go se dira.” +Neo o ne a oba tlhogo. “Ee, ke Labobedi o o maswe thata. Ga o kgone go baakanya motšhini, mme ke tlhaela go bona Joan Rankin,” mme o ne a se ke a bua sepe gape gonne o ne a kgona go bona gore Ntate o ne a hutsafetse thata. Neo o ne a itatlhela mo fatshe fa tafoleng ya kitšhini mme o ne a fitlha tlhogo ya gagwe mo gare ga matsogo a gagwe. +Ntate o ne a phutha le go baya didiriswa tsa gagwe. “Ga go sepe se se kalo se re ka se dirang jaanong,” o ne a rialo. +Neo o ne a tsholetsa tlhogo ya gagwe go se kae. Tshupanako e ne re ke metsotso e le lesome pele ga ura ya lesome. Ba ne ba santse ba ka ya kwa laeborari – ba ne ba tla nna thari, mme o ne a santse a ka kgona go bona Joan Rankin e bile o ne a santse a ka kgona go mo naya mpho ya gagwe. O ne a phetlha ditsebe tsa buka e nnye e o neng a e dirile. O ne a kwadile leinane le go thala ditshwantsho, mme Koko o ne a mo thusitse go e kopanya le go mo direla tsebe ya kwa ntle. Ntate o ne a kgwa mowa. O ne a sela buka ya ga Neo. O ne a botsa “Ke eng se, Neo?” +“Buka ya me,” go ne ga rialo Neo ka lentswe le lennye. “Ke ne ke tlile go e neela mokwadi wa me yo ke mo ratang kwa …” Ga a ka a fetsa polelo. +“Tla re tsamaye,” ga bitsa Ntate, a phamola dinotlolo tsa koloi ya gagwe. “Re tshwanetse go tsamaya JAANONG! Re santse re ka fitlha kwa laeborari ka nako fa re ka itlhaganela.” +Joan Rankin o ne a simolotse go buisetsa bana leinane la gagwe fa Neo le Ntate ba itlhaganela go tsena mo laeborari. Neo o ne a bona setilo kwa morago mme o ne a nna mo fatshe go reetsa. Leinane la gagwe le ne le le monate, mme le ditshwantsho tsa gagwe di ne di le dintle. Neo o ne a solofela le go eletsa gore o tla kgona go thala jalo ka letsatsi lengwe. +Mme se se gaisang mo go tsone tsotlhe? Fa a sena go fetsa mme Neo a mmotsha buka ya gagwe, o ne a nagana gore e ntle. +“A o kwadile leinane le lotlhe ka bowena?” o ne a mmotsa. +“Ee,” ga rialo Neo. “E bile ke thadile le ditshwantsho. Ke mpho ya gago, Mma.” +Ke fa Joan Rankin a bula kgetse ya gagwe mme a ntsha nngwe ya dibuka tsa gagwe. O ne a kwala mo teng, “Ke ya ga Neo, yo o dirang dibuka tse dintle “, mme o ne a saena leina la gagwe ka ditlhaka tse dikgolo le go mo fa yone. +Neo o ne a itumetse tota. O ne a tlamparela buka mme a sa batle go e tlogela. +Ka yone nako eo Ntate o ne a tla fa go ene. “Ga o kitla o dumela, ” o ne a rialo. “Ke bone buka e e ka ga tsela ya go baakanya metšhini e e tlhatswang, mme bona – ditshwantsho di dikgolo e bile di bonala sentle. Goreng o ne o sa mpolelele gore laeborari e na le dibuka tse di jaana, Neo?” + +Ntate o ne a tlamparela Neo. “Dibuka di a kgatlhisa. Dibeteri tsa tsone ga di nke di fela, mme o ka kgona go di buisa le fa motlakase o tima.” +Neo o ne a nyenya ka boitumelo le go tsenya tlhogo. E ne e le nnete. O ka buisa buka gongwe le gongwe ka nako nngwe le nngwe.",tsn,Setswana,Re tshwanetse go tsamaya!,"It was Tuesday and there was no school. All the children were meeting at the library for a special day. It was International Literacy Day and people all over the world were going to read and write and listen to stories on the same day. +Neo ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/re-tshwanetse-go-tsamaya +we-have-go,"BekunguLesibili futsi bekungayiwa esikolweni. Bonkhe bantfwana bebatawuhlangana emtapolwati bahlanganele lusuku lolukhetsekile. BekuLusuku Lekufundza Nekubhala futsi bantfu labavela mhlaba wonkhe bebatawufundza baphindze babhale babuye futsi balalele tindzaba ngalo lona lolo lusuku. +Neo bekajabule kakhulu. Umbhali lamtsandza kakhulu, Joan Rankin, bekatawuba khona emtapolwati atewufundza tincwadzi latibhalile, futsi babe wakhe bekametsembise kumyisa ayombona. Neo bekabhale incwadzi lekhetsekile ngaye, futsi bekangasakhoni nekulindza kutsi amnike. +Kepha Neo watsi nakavuka ngaLesibili ekuseni, bekunemsindvo longetayeleki lebewuchamuka ekhishini. Wahamba wayobuka. Umshini wekuwasha bewenta umsindvo lomkhulu, losakukhwehlela kube sengatsi utawuchuma. + +Babe waNeo weta watewubuka. “Hhayi bo!” kwasho yena. “Kungahle kusho kutsi kwephuke iphampu. Kutawubita imali lenyenti kuwulungisa. Kungenteka kudzingeke kutsi sitsenge umshini lomusha.” +“Angeke sibe nemali yekutsenga umshini lomusha,” kwasho make waNeo. “Ungete wawulungisa yini? Ngifanele kutsi ngiye emsebentini, futsi kunewashini lenyenti lengcolile.” +Babe bekangatsandzi kubona make waNeo aphatseke kabi wabese utsi, “Ngitawulungisa. Neo utangisita. Ngitawutfola iwebhusayithi letangikhombisa kutsi umshini lophukile ulungiswa kanjani.” +“Kepha Babe, ungetsembise kungiyisa emtapolwati,” kwasho Neo. +“Loko kutawumela kutsi kume, Neo. Lomshini wekuwasha ubaluleke kakhulu. Mhlawumbe Gogo angakuyisa,” kwasho Babe. +“Ngiyatikhipha lamuhla,” kwasho Gogo, anikina inhloko yakhe. “Ngiyacolisa, Neo. Utawuya kuleliviki lelitako.” +Neo waphatseka kabi kakhulu. “Kepha, Babe, ungetsembise kutsi utangiyisa emtapolwati,” kwasho yena. “Sifanele kutsi sihambe masinyane.” +Babe walandza libhokisi lakhe lemathulusi waphindze futsi wagugula ku-inthanethi, kumakhalekhikhini wakhe kutsi “Ilungiswa kanjani iphampu yemshini wekuwasha”. +“Nako-ke,” washo kuNeo, wamkhombisa likhasi. “Loku akubukeki kulukhuni.” Watsi ngekusho njalo, wadvosa umshini wekuwasha wabuye futsi wawugucula kute kutsi akhiphe loku lokuwuvale ngemuva. +Kepha kulungisa lomshini bekulukhuni kwendlula indlela bekubukeka ngayo. +“Kunemdvwebo lapha,” kwavungama Babe, abuka lucingo lwakhe. “Kepha mncane kakhulu, angikhoni kubona kutsi ini ingena kuphi.” + +Babe wawisa sinye setikulufu sagicika sangena ngaphasi kwefriji, ngako-ke kwadzingeka kutsi advose ifriji kute akwati kutfola lesikulufu. Neo wabuka liwashi. Bese ishaye igabence insimbi yemfica. Besekusele nje ihhafu yeli-awa kutsi Joan Rankin afike emtapolwati. +“Ngiyakucela tsine, Babe,” washo agucumagcuma anjintja imilente. “Ngicela, kutsi usheshise kute kutsi sikwati kuya emtapolwati. “Sifanele kutsi sihambe manje.” +“Ngimatasatasa lapha futsi awungisiti, Neo!” Babe wabukeka atfukutsele. +Neo waphatseka kabi. Babe wakhe bekametsembise kutsi utamyisa, kepha manje yonkhe intfo ayihambi ngendlela lefanele. +“CHA, CHA, CHA,” kwatsetsa Babe. “Angikukholwa loku!” +“Ini?” Neo wabuta ngelivi lelincane. +“Manje libhethri lelucingo lwami selinemlilo lomncane!” kutsetsa babe. “Ngicela ungilandzele sifakamlilo.” +Kepha ngaso sona leso sikhatsi kwacisha gezi. +“Hhayi bo,” kwasho Neo. “Manje sekucishe gezi.” +Babe wabukeka atfukutsele kakhulu. “Lona nguLesibili lomubi kakhulu lengingatange sengimbone. Sengisemkhatsini wekucedza kuwulungisa lomshini kepha manje angisakwati kufundza kutsi yini lokulandzelako lengifanele kutsi ngikwente.” +Neo walekutisa inhloko. “Yebo, nguLesibili lomubi kakhulu lengingatange sengiwubone. Awukhoni kulungisa umshini, futsi ngishiywa nguJoan Rankin,” kepha akachubekanga nekusho lokunye lokunyenti ngobe bekabona kutsi Babe bekatfukutsele kakhulu. Neo watitsi bhaca etafuleni lasekhishini watfukusa inhloko yakhe emikhonweni yakhe. +Babe wapakisha emathulusi akhe. “Kute lesingakwenta manje,” kwasho yena. +Neo waphakamisa inhloko yakhe kancane. Liwashi belitsi alishumi emaminithi lasele kutsi kushaye insimbi yelishumi. Bebasengakhona kufika emtapolwati – batawufika ngemuva kwesikhatsi lebesibekiwe, kepha bekatawumbona Joan Rankin futsi bekasengakhona kumnika sipho sakhe. Wavula emakhasi alencwadzi lencane labekayentile. Bekabhale indzaba futsi advwebe nemidvwebo, futsi Gogo bekamsitile kutsi ayihlanganise abuye futsi ente nekhava. Babe bekehlise umoya. Watsatsa incwadzi yaNeo. “Yini lena, Neo?” kwabuta yena. +“Yincwadzi yami,” Neo washo ngelivi lelincane. “Bengitawuyinika umbhali lengimtsandza kakhulu e …” Akatange awucedzele lomushe. +“Asihambe,” kwamemeta Babe, ahlwitsa tikhiya takhe temoto. “Sifanele kutsi sihambe MANJE! Sisengafika emtapolwati ngesikhatsi lesifanele uma singaphangisa.” +Joan Rankin besacalile kufundzela bantfwana indzaba yakhe ngesikhatsi Neo naBabe wakhe bangena ngekushesha emtapolwati. Neo watfola sihlalo ngemuva wabese uhlala phasi kute alalele. Indzaba yakhe beyimnandzi, kantsi futsi netitfombe tayo nato betitinhle. Neo wafisa kutsi sengatsi naye angakwati kudvweba kanjena ngalelinye lilanga. +Futsi advwebe letinhle kakhulu? Watsi nasacedzile, Neo wabese umkhombisa incwadzi yakhe, wacabanga kutsi yinhle kakhulu. +“Ingabe lendzaba utibhalele yona wena ngekwakho?” washo ambuta. +“Yebo,” kwasho Neo. “Futsi naletitfombe tidvwetjwe ngimi. Sipho sakho, Make.” +Joan Rankin wabese uvula sikhwama sakhe watsatsa yinye yetincwadzi takhe. Ngekhatsi kwayo wabhala kutsi, “YaNeo, lowenta tincwadzi letinhle”, wabese futsi usayina ligama lakhe ngetinhlavu temagama letinkhulu wabese uyamupha. +Neo wajabula kakhulu. Wabamba lencwadzi wayicinisa bekangasafuni kuyibeka phasi. +Kwatsi kusenjalo Babe wakhe weta kuye. “Angeke ukukholwe loku,” kwasho yena. “Ngitfole incwadzi lemayelana nekulungisa imishini, futsi buka – lemidvwebo mikhulu futsi icacile. Bewungangitjeli ngani kutsi umtapolwati unetincwadzi letinje, Neo?” + +Babe wabamba Neo wamsondzeta esifubeni sakhe. “Tincwadzi tiyamangalisa. Emabhethri ato akaphelelwa ngumlilo, futsi uyakwati nekutifundza ngisho nome ngabe gezi ucishile.” +Neo wamamatseka ngenjabulo wabuye wavuma,a ngenhloko. Loko bekuliciniso. Incwadzi ungayifundza nome ngabe ukuphi futsi nanome ngabe ngusiphi sikhatsi.",ssw,Siswati,Kufanele kutsi sihambe!,"It was Tuesday and there was no school. All the children were meeting at the library for a special day. It was International Literacy Day and people all over the world were going to read and write and listen to stories on the same day. +Neo ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kufanele-kutsi-sihambe +we-have-go,"Ho vha hu nga Ḽavhuvhili nahone hu si na tshikolo. Vhana vhoṱhe vho vha na muṱangano wa ḓuvha ḽo khetheaho ḽaiburari. Ho vha hu Ḓuvha ḽa Ḽitheresi na uri vhathu vha ḽifhasi ḽoṱhe vho vha vha tshi khou ya u vhala, u ṅwala na u thetshelesa zwiṱori nga ḓuvha ḽeneḽo. +Neo o vha o takala nga maanḓa. Muṅwali wawe a mu takalelaho, Joan Rankin, o vha a tshi khou ḓa ḽaiburari u vhala bugu dze a dzi ṅwala, nahone khotsi awe vho mu fulufhedzisa u ṱuwa nae uri a ye u mu vhona. Neo o vha o ṅwala bugu yo khetheaho nga hae, nahone o vha a tshi vhona u nga zwi khou lenga uri a ḓo mu ṋea yone. +Fhedzi musi Neo a tshi vuwa nga matsheloni a Ḽavhuvhili, ho vha hu na phosho i songo ḓoweleaho i bvaho khishini. O ya u sedza. Mutshini wa u kuvha wo vha u tshi khou ita phosho ya u thathaba hu si havhuḓi, u tshi gomela u tshi nga u ḓo thuthuba. + +Khotsi a Neo vho ḓa u lavhelesa. “Tshukhwi!” vho amba. “Phaiphi i tea u vha yo vunḓea. U i lugisa zwi ḓo ḓura nga maanḓa. Ri ḓo tea u tou renga mutshini muswa wa u kuvha.” +“Ri nga si kone u swikela mutshini muswa wa u kuvha,” Mme a Neo vho amba. “Nga khumbelo, vha nga si kone u u lugisa naa? Ndi tea u ya mushumoni, nga thungo hu na zwiambaro zwo tswukalaho nga maanḓa.” +Khotsi vho vha vha sa takaleli u vhona mme a Neo vho dinalea, zwenezwo vha mbo ri, “Ndi ḓo ita uri u lugisiwe. Neo u ḓo nthusa. Ndi ḓo wana webusaithi ine ya ḓo ntsumbedza uri mitshini ya u kuvha i lugiswa hani.” +“Fhedzi Khotsi, vho mpfulufhedzisa u mphelekedza ḽaiburari,” ho amba Neo. +“Izwo zwi ḓo tea u vha zwo ima, Neo. Mutshini wa u kuvha ndi wone wa ndeme nga maanḓa. Khamusi Makhuluvha ḓo ni fhelekedza,” ho amba khotsi. +“Hu na hune nda khou ya hone ṋamusi,” ho amba Makhulu, vha tshi khou dzungudza ṱhoho. “Ni mpfarele, Neo. Ni ḓo tea u ya vhege i ḓaho.” +Neo o vha o dinalea nga maanḓa. “Fhedzi, Khotsi, vho mphulufhedzisa uri vha ḓo mphelekedza ḽaiburari,” o amba: “Ri tea u ṱuwa hu si kale.” +Khotsi vha dzhia bogisi ḽavho ḽa thulusi vha thoma u guguḽa, “Phaiphi ya mutshini wa u kuvha i lugiswa hani” kha luṱingothendeleki lwavho. +“Khezwo,” vho amba na Neo, vha tshi khou mu sumbedza siaṱari. “A zwi vhonali zwi tshi konḓa nga maanḓa.” Nga zwenezwo, vha mbo ḓi kokodzela mutshini wa u kuvha nnḓa vha u rembulusa uri vha ḓo kona u vula nga murahu hawo. +Fhedzi u lugisa mutshini zwo vha zwi tshi konḓa u fhira zwe zwa vha zwi tshi vhonalisa zwone. +“Hu na zwe zwa oliwa hafha,” Khotsi vha ṅuṅuna, vha tshi khou sedza kha founu yavho. “Fhedzi ndi tshiṱukusa, a thi koni u vhona uri ndi mini tshi dzhenaho ngafhi.” + +Zwo ralo Khotsi vha wisa tshiṅwe tsha zwikurufu tsha kungulutshela nga fhasi ha firidzhi, vha kombetshedzea u kokodzela firidzhi nga thungo uri vha ḓo wana tshikurufu. Neo a sedza watshi. Ho vha hu hafu u bva kha awara ya vhuṱahe. Ho tou sala hafu ya awara uri Joan Rankin a swike ḽaiburari. +“Nga khumbelo, baba,” o amba, a tshi khou thamuwa nga mulenzhe nga muthihimuthihi. “Nga khumbelo, kha vha ṱavhanye uri ri ḓo ya ḽaiburari. Ri tea u ṱuwa zwino.” +“Ndi khou shuma nahone inwi a ni khou vhuya na thusa na luthihi, Neo!” Khotsi vha vhonala vho sinyuwa. +Neo o vha o dinalea. Khotsi awe vho mu fulufhedzisa u ḓo mu fhelekedza, fhedzi zwa zwino zwithu a zwi khou tshimbila nga nḓila yone. +“HAI, HAI, HAI,” ho zhamba khotsi. “A thi zwi kholwi!” +“Mini?” Neo o vhudzisa nga kuipfi kuṱuku. +“Zwino biṱiri ya founu yanga yo fhela!” Khotsi vho huwelela. “Ndi khou humbela uri ni nnḓisele tshadzhara.” +Fhedzi zwi tshe zwo ralo muḓagasi na wone wa khauwa. +“Hai nandi,” ho amba Neo. “Zwino muḓagasi wo khauwa.” +Khotsi vha vhonala vho sinyuwa nga maanḓa. “Iḽi ḽi tou vha Ḽavhuvhili ḽo vhifhaho vhukuma. Ndo vha ndi tsini na u fhedza u lugisa mutshini zwa zwino a thi koni u vhala zwine nda tea u ita.” +Neo a tenda nga ṱhoho. “Ee, ndi Ḽavhuvhili ḽo vhifhaho nga ngoho. A vha koni u lugisa mutshini, ngeno nṋe ndi tshi khou ṱahela Joan Rankin,” fhedzi ha ngo tsha amba zwinzhi nge a vhona uri khotsi vho sinyuwa nga maanḓa. Neo o dzhena nga fhasi ha ṱafula ḽa khishini a dzumba ṱhoho yawe nga mikoṅwo yawe. +Khotsi vho paka zwishumiswa zwavho. “A hu na zwine ra nga ita,” vho amba. +Neo a imisela nṱha ṱhoho yawe zwiṱuku. Watshi ya ri ndi minetse ya fumi u ya kha awara ya fumi. Vha nga kha ḓi swika ḽaiburari – vha ḓo vha vho lenga, fhedzi u ḓo kona u vhona Joan Rankin nahone u ḓo kona na u mu ṋea tshifhiwa tshawe. A rembulusa masiaṱari a tshubugwana tshe a tshi ita. Ndi ene o ṅwalaho tshiṱori na u ola zwifanyiso, na uri Makhulu vho mu thusa nga u i paṱekanya na u ita khavara. Khotsi vho vha vha tshi khou dzika. Vha dzhia bugu ya Neo. “Ndi mini itshi, Neo?” vho vhudzisa. +“Ndi bugu yanga,” Neo o amba nga kuipfi kuṱuku. “Ndo vha ndi tshi khou ya u i ṋea muṅwali ndi mu funesaho kha …” Ha ngo tsha fhedza na fhungo. +“Iḓani ngeno,” ho huwelela Khotsi, vha tshi khou dzhia khii dza goloi. “Ri tea u ṱuwa ZWINO! Ri nga ḓi swika ḽaiburari vha sa athu u fhedza arali ra ṱavhanya.” +Joan Rankin o vha o no thoma u vhalela vhana tshiṱori tshawe musi Neo na Khotsi awe vha tshi dzhena ḽaiburari nga u hwenya. Neo o wana vhudzulo murahu a dzula fhasi a thetshelesa. Tshiṱori tshawe tsho vha tshi mangandzaho, na zwifanyiso zwawe na zwone zwo ralo-vho. Neo a fulufhela uri na ene u ḓo kona u ola nga u tou ralo ḽiṅwe ḓuvha. +Tshe tsha ḓo nakesa kha zwoṱhe. Musi o fhedza Neo a vha u musumbedza bugu yawe, a vhona zwi zwithu zwi mangadzaho nga maanḓa. +“Itshi tshiṱori no tou tshi ṅwana inwi muṋe naa?” O mu vhudzisa. +“Ee,” ho amba Neo. “Ndo ita na u ola zwifanyiso. Ndi tshifhiwa tshavho, vhomme.” +Zwenezwo Joan Rankin a mbo ḓi vula bege yawe a mbo bvisa iṅwe ya bugu dzawe. Nga ngomu a ṅwala, “Ndi ya Neo, ane a ita bugu dzo nakaho”, a mbo ḓi saina dzina ḽawe nga maḽeḓere mahulwane a mu ṋekedza yone. +Neo o vha o takala nga maanḓa. A i fara lwe a vha a sa ṱoḓi u fhambana nayo. +Zwi tshe zwo ralo Khotsi vha ḓa nga tsini. “Ni nga si zwi kholwe,” vho amba. “Ndo wana bugu ya u lugisa mitshini ya u kuvha, sedzani – nyolo ndi khulwane nahone dzi a vhonala. Ndi ngani ni songo mmbudza uri ḽaiburari hu na bugu dzi fanaho na iyi, Neo?” + +Khotsi vha kuvhatedza Neo. “Bugu dzi a mangadza. Biṱiri dzadzo a dzi fheli, nahone ni nga dzi vhala na musi muḓagasi wo khauwa.” +Neo a mwemwela a tshi sumbedza u takala na u tenda nga ṱhoho. Izwo ho vha hu ngoho. U nga vhala bugu huṅwe na huṅwe nga tshifhinga tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe.",ven,Tshivenda,Kha ri ṱuwe!,"It was Tuesday and there was no school. All the children were meeting at the library for a special day. It was International Literacy Day and people all over the world were going to read and write and listen to stories on the same day. +Neo ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kha-ri-ṱuwe +we-have-go,"A ku ri Ravumbirhi naswona a ku ri hava xikolo. Vana hinkwavo a va hlangana elayiburari eka siku lero hlawuleka. A ku ri Siku ra ku Hlaya naswona vanhu emisaveni hinkwayo a va ya hlaya ku tsala no yingisela mitsheketo hi siku leri. +Neo a tale ntsako. Mutsari wa yena loyi a n’wi rhandzaka, Joan Rankin, a ri kuteni elayiburari ku ta hlaya buku ya yena leyi a yi tsaleke, naswona tata wa yena a n’wi tshembisile ku famba na yena ku ya n’wi vona. Neo a tsarile buku yo hlawuleka hi yena, a a swi lava swinene ku n’wi nyika yona. +Kambe loko Neo a pfuka hi Ravumbirhi namixo, a ku ri na pongo yin’wana a yi huma exitangeni. U yile ku ya vona. Muchini wo hlantswa a wu endla pongo yo gudlagudla, huwa yo khohlolakhohlola o nge wu lava ku buluka. + +Tata wa Neo u tile ku ta vona. “Yoo, e-e!” a vula. “Mpopo yi tshovekile. Swi ta durha ngopfu ku yi lunghisa. Swi nga endleka hi ya xava muchini wuntshwa lowu heleleke.” +“A hi nga swi koti ku fikelela muchini wuntshwa,’ ku vula mana wa Neo. “Ha kombela, u nge swi koti ku wu lunghisa xana? Ndzi fanele ni ya entirhweni, naswona ku na swiambalo swo tala leswi nga ni thyaka.” +Tatana a nga tsakeli ku vona manana a hlundzukile hikwalaho a ku, “Ndzi ta wu lunghisa. Neo u ta ndzi pfuna. Ndzi ta kuma webusayiti leyi kombisaka ku lunghisa muchini lowu tshovekeke.” +“Kambe Tatana, u ndzi tshembhisile leswaku u ta famba na mina elayiburaru,” ku vula Neo. +“Sweswo swi ta yima, Neo. Muchini wo hlatswa i wa nkoka. Kumbexana kokwani va ta famba na wena,” ku vula Tatana. +“Mina na ti humesa namuntlha,” ku vula Kokwani, a ri karhi a dzungudza hloko. “U ta ndzi rivalela Neo, u ta fanela u ya vhiki leri taka.” +Neo a khunguvanyekile. “Kambe Tatana, u ndzi tshembisile leswaku u ta famba na mina elayiburari,” a hlamusela. “Hi fanele hi famba ku nga ri khale.” +Tatana u yi le a ya teka xibokisani xa tithulusi kutani a gugula, “Xana u nga lunghisa njhani pompo ya muchini wo hlantswa” eka selifoni ya yena. +“Hi leswi u nga swiendlaka,” a vula leswi eka Neo, a n’wi kombeta pheji. “Leswi a swi kombi swi tika.” Hi nchumu wolowo, u kokile muchini wo hlantswa na ku wu hundzuluxa leswaku a pfula hala ndzhaku. +Kambe ku lunghisa muchini a swi tika ku tlula leswi a swi ti kombisa xiswona. +“Ku na laha ku nga dirowhiwa la,” ku n’unun’uta Tatana, a langutise foyini ya yena. “Kambe i xitsongo swinene, a ndzi koti ku vona ku xihi xi ya kwihi.” + +Tatana u wisile xikurufu xin’we xi khunguluka xi ko xi nghena ehansi ka xigwitsirisi, a fanele a koka xigwitsirisi ku kota ku humesa xikurufu. Neo a languta nkarhi. A ku ri hafu ku bile awara ya kaye. Ku sale ntsena hafu ya awara ku nga si fika Joan Rankin elayiburari. +“Na kombela Tatana,” a vula, a ri karhi a yimayimeka. “Na kombela, hatlisa leswaku hi ya elayiburari. Hi fanele hi ya sweswi.” +“Ni le ku tirheni naswona a wu le ku pfuneni, Neo!” Tatana u languteke a hlundzukile. +Neo a khunguvanyekile. Tata wa yena a n’wi tshembisile ku famba na yena, kambe sweswi hinkwaswo a swi nga fambi kahle. +“E-E, E-E, E-E,” ku huwelela Tatana. “A ndzi kholwi!” +“I yini?” ku vutisa Neo hi xiritwana. +“Sweswi betiri ya foyini yi herile!” ku huwelela Tatana. “Ndzi kombela u ndzi landzela chajara.” +Hi nkarhi ni nkarhi gezi a ri tshamela ku famba. +“Yoo, e-e” ku vula Neo. “Sweswi gezi ri fambile.” +Tatana u vonake a hlundzukile swinene. “Leri i Ravumbirhi ro biha swinene. A ndzi ri exikarhi ndzi ri karhi ndzi lunghisa muchini sweswi a ndza ha swi koti ku hlaya leswaku ndzi fanele ndzi endla yini.” +Neo a pfumela hi nhloko. “I ntiyiso, i Ravumbirhi ro biha swinene. U nge swi koti ku lunghisa muchini, naswona ni le ku kayeleni ka Joan Rankin,” kambe a nga ha vulanga nchumu hikuva Tatana wa yena u hlundzukile swinene. Neo u ti lahlele ehansi ka tafula ra le xitangeni a ti tumbeta hi mavoko ya yena. +Tatana u pakile tithululusi ta yena. “Ku hava lexi hi nga xi endlaka,” a vula. +Neo u tlakusile hloko ya yena switsongo. Nkarhi a wu ku khume ra timinete ku nga si ba awara ya khume. Va nga ha swikota ku fika elayiburari – va ta fika va sungurile, kambe a nga ha swi kota ku vona Joan Rankin na ku n’wi nyika nyiko ya yena. U pfule mapheji ya buku leyi a nga yi endla. Laha a tsaleke ntsheketo na ku dirowha swifaniso, naswona Kokwani u n’wi pfunile ku yi hlanganisa na ku endla khavara. Moya wa Tatana u wu ri karhi wu enhla. A teka buku ya Neo. “I yini lexi Neo?” a vutisa. +“I buku ya mina,” Neo a vula hi xiritwana. A ndzi fanele ndzi yi nyiketa mutsari loyi ndzi n’wi rhandzaka eka …” a nga ha hetanga xivulwa xa yena. +“A hi fambi,” ku vula Tatana, a ri karhi a teka makhiya ya movha. “Hi fanele hi famba SWESWI! Hi nga ha fika hi nkarhi loko ho hatlisa.” +Joan Rankin a sungurile ku hlayela vana ntsheketo loko Neo na Tata wa yena va hatlisela ku fika elayiburari. Neo u kumile xitulu endzhaku na ku tshama ehansi a yingisela. Ntsheketo wa yena a wu hlamarisa swinene, na swifaniso swa wona. Neo a tsakela ku va a nga kota ku dirowha hi ndlela ya leyo siku rin’wana. +Swa kahle swinene eka swona? Loko a hetile Neo u n’wi kombile buku ya yena, naswona u vonile yi ri yo hlamarisa swinene. +“Xana u tsarile buku leyi wena hi wexe?” a n’wi vutisa. +“Ina” ku hlamula Neo. “Naswona ndzi tlhele ndzi dirowha swifaniso. I nyiko eka wena, Mhani.” +Joan Rankin u pfurile nkwama wa yena a humesa buku. Endzeni ka yona a tsala ku ri, “Eka Neo, loyi a endlaka tibuku to saseka,”U sayinile vito ra yena hi maletere lamakulu a n’wi nyika yona. +Neo a tsakile swinene. U khomile buku leyi hi ntamu a nga lavi ku yi tshika. +Hi nkarhinyana Tatana a ta fika. “U nge tshembi,” a hlamusela. “Ndzi kumile buku ya hi laha ndzi nga lunghisaka ha kona muchini wo hlantswa, naswona vona – swifaniso i swikulu naswona swa vonakala. Hikwalaho ka yini u nga ndzi byelanga leswaku layiburari yi na tibuku to fana na leti, Neo?” +Tatana u vukarhile Neo. “Tibuku ta tsakisa.Tibetiri ta tona a ti heli, naswona u nga hlaya na hambi gezi ri fambile.” +Neo a n’wayitela na ku pfumela hi nhloko. Lowu i ntiyiso. U nga hlaya buku kun’wana na kun’wana nkarhi wihi kumbe wihi.",tso,Xitsonga,Hi fanele hi famba!,"It was Tuesday and there was no school. All the children were meeting at the library for a special day. It was International Literacy Day and people all over the world were going to read and write and listen to stories on the same day. +Neo ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hi-fanele-hi-famba +thembela-wind,"“Haai, Thembela!” calls Mama. “It’s too windy to be outside. Come in or you’ll catch a cold.” +But Thembela doesn’t listen because she’s having too much fun. Her hair lifts up-up-up above her head, and now it’s flapping all around her ears. Her dress feels like a kite and Thembela is sure that if she wanted to, she could fly away − right into the sky. +“The wind is wonderful, Mama,” she laughs. “I don’t want to come inside.” + +“You have to, Thembela,” replies Mama. “It’s no good out there − too dangerous.” +Thembela lifts her arms out to her sides and flaps them up and down like a bird. “Okay, okay,” she smiles. “I’ll come inside.” +And with that, she takes a jump. Off she goes across the garden and she feels like she’s flying. The wind wraps itself around her and carries her all the way back to Mama, who closes the door behind her. +“Shoo, Thembela! Aren’t you tired from all that flying? Why don’t you take a warm bath and then it’s straight to bed.” +When Mama comes to tuck Thembela in, she says, “Haai, Thembela, you must be the only person in the whole world who likes the wind.” Before Mama leaves, Thembela asks for the curtains to be opened so that she can watch the clouds as they sail on by and the tops of the trees as they sway here-and-there. She kisses her Mama goodnight and falls asleep. +That weekend, Mama has to go into the city, so Aunt Ida comes over to stay. +“Oh my,” says Aunt Ida with a great, big sigh, “I heard on the news that there’s a storm on the way!” +All day long the clouds gather in the sky until it’s as dark as night. Then the rain starts to fall. Thembela can’t believe her eyes. It’s more rain than she has ever seen and soon there are big puddles everywhere. But Thembela smiles. She pulls on her raincoat and puts on her gumboots and out she goes. +“No, Thembela!” cries Aunt Ida. “You come in right now!” +But Thembela doesn’t listen because she’s having too much fun. She laughs as the wind blows through her raincoat and fills up her hood like a big balloon. “If I lift my arms,” she giggles, “I could fly!” +Then Aunt Ida runs out in her pink dressing gown and carries Thembela back inside. “No one likes the wind,” says Aunt Ida. “It’s loud and it’s cold and it’s just not nice.” +When Aunt Ida comes to tuck her in, Thembela asks for the curtains to be opened so that she can watch the trees sway and the clouds sail by. But Aunt Ida says, “No! Definitely no, and no again!” She closes the curtains. “Now let’s just hope the house doesn’t float away with all this rain,” says Aunt Ida with a shiver. +Thembela hears the boom of thunder and the drumming of rain on the roof. Now the wind blows on the walls. It knocks on the door and rattles the windows. It howls down the chimney and gives Aunt Ida such a fright that she hides behind the couch. The roof creaks and the floorboards squeak and the trees whistle loudly. + +Aunt Ida cries out, “Oh dear, we’re all going to blow away!” But Thembela is not afraid. She jumps out of bed and runs downstairs. Quickly she pulls on her gumboots and grabs her umbrella, and then bravely she marches outside. The wind is howling and rolling and the rain is falling and thunder claps in the sky. +“It’s me, Wind,” says Thembela. “Why are you so angry? Do you really think that no one likes you? Now don’t be silly. You’re loud and you’re cold, but you’re so much fun − and I like you. I LIKE YOU WIND!” +Suddenly, the thunder stops and all the dark clouds are chased away. And in no time the rain has disappeared. When Thembela looks up, she sees that the sky is clear. The moon is full and all the stars are shining. Now the wind blows gently all around her, lifting up her umbrella and softly kissing her cheeks. +“Thank you, Wind,” says Thembela. “Thank you for chasing the rain away.” +Then Thembela turns around and walks back inside. She helps Aunt Ida up from behind the couch and makes her a warm cup of tea. +“Oh my,” says Aunt Ida, “I don’t like the wind at all.” But Thembela just smiles.",eng,English,Thembela in the wind,"“Haai, Thembela!” calls Mama. “It’s too windy to be outside. Come in or you’ll catch a cold.” +But Thembela doesn’t listen because she’s having too much fun. Her hair lifts up-up-up above her head, and now it’s flapping all ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thembela-wind +thembela-wind,"“Haai, Thembela!” roep Mamma. “Dis te winderig buite. Kom in, jy sal verkoue kry.” +Maar Thembela luister nie, want sy het te veel pret. Haar hare lig op-op-op bo haar kop, en nou waai dit om haar ore. Haar rok voel soos ’n vlieër en Thembela is seker as sy wil, kan sy wegvlieg − in die lug in op. + “Die wind is wonderlik, Mamma,” lag sy. “Ek wil nie inkom nie.” + +“Jy moet, Thembela,” antwoord Mamma. “Dit is te gevaarlik buite.” +Thembela lig haar arms op en laat hulle in die wind op en af fladder soos ’n voël se vlerke. “Nou goed dan,” glimlag sy. “Ek sal inkom.” +En toe spring sy. Sy waai oor die tuin en dit voel of sy vlieg. Die wind draai hom om haar en dra haar al die pad terug na Mamma toe. Mamma maak die deur agter haar toe. +“Sjoe, Thembela! Is jy nie moeg gevlieg nie? Waarom gaan klim jy nie in ’n lekker warm bad nie. En dan is dit reguit bed toe.” +Toe Mamma vir Thembela kom nag sê, sê sy: “Haai, Thembela, jy is seker die enigste mens in die hele wye wêreld wat van die wind hou.” Voor Mamma gaan, vra Thembela haar om die gordyne oop te trek sodat sy kan kyk hoe die wolke verbyseil en hoe die boomtoppe heen en weer in die wind wieg. Sy gee vir Mamma ’n nagsoentjie en raak aan die slaap. +Daardie naweek moet Mamma stad toe gaan en daarom kom Tant Ida by haar bly. +“O tog,” sê Tant Ida en sug moedeloos. “Ek hoor op die nuus daar is ’n storm op pad!” +Heeldag lank pak die wolke in die lug saam totdat dit so donker soos die nag is. Toe begin dit reën. Thembela kan haar oë nie glo nie. Dit is meer reën as wat sy al ooit gesien het en gou is daar oral groot poele water. Maar Thembela glimlag breed. Sy trek haar reënjas en reënstewels aan en gaan buitentoe. +“Nee, Thembela!” roep Tant Ida. “Kom nou dadelik in!” +Maar Thembela luister nie, want sy het te veel pret. Sy lag wanneer die wind deur haar reënjas waai en haar kappie soos ’n groot ballon laat uitbol. “As ek my arms oplig,” giggel sy, “kan ek vlieg!” +Toe hardloop Tant Ida in haar pienk nagrok buitentoe en dra Thembela binnetoe. “Niemand hou van die wind nie,” sê Tant Ida. “Dit waai hard en dis koud en dit is nie lekker nie.” +Toe Tant Ida vir haar kom nagsê, vra Thembela haar om die gordyne oop te trek sodat sy kan sien hoe die bome in die wind wieg en die wolke verbyseil. Maar Tant Ida sê: “Nee! Beslis nie, en weer eens nee!” Sy trek die gordyne toe. “En kom ons hoop nou net die huis spoel nie weg met al hierdie reën nie,” sê Tant Ida bibberend. +Thembela hoor die donderslae en sy hoor hoe die reën op die dak neerhamer. Nou waai die wind teen die mure aan. Dit slaan teen die deur en ratel teen die vensters. Dit huil in die skoorsteen af en maak Tant Ida so bang dat sy agter die rusbank wegkruip. Die dak kraak en die vloerplanke piep en die bome fluit hard. +Tant Ida roep uit: “O toggie, ons gaan almal wegwaai!” Maar Thembela is nie bang nie. Sy spring uit die bed en hardloop met die trappe af. Sy trek vinnig haar reënstewels aan en gryp haar sambreel, en dan stap sy dapper buitentoe. Die wind huil en blaas en die reën stort neer en die donderslae en weerligstrale klap. +“Dis ek, Wind,” sê Thembela. “Hoekom is jy so kwaad? Dink jy regtig niemand hou van jou nie? Moenie laf wees nie. Jy waai hard en jy is koud, maar jy is soveel pret − en ek hou van jou. EK HOU VAN JOU, WIND!” +Skielik raak die donderslae stil en al die donker wolke waai weg. En soos blits hou dit op met reën. Toe Thembela opkyk, sien sy dat die lug helder is. Die maan is vol en al die sterre skyn. Nou waai die wind liggies om haar, lig haar sambreel op en soen haar saggies op die wang. +“Dankie, Wind,” sê Thembela. “Dankie dat jy die reën weggewaai het.” +Toe draai Thembela om en stap weer binnetoe. Sy help Tant Ida om agter die rusbank op te staan en maak vir haar ’n koppie warm tee. +“O tog,” sê Tant Ida, “ek hou glad nie van die wind nie.” Maar Thembela glimlag net.",afr,Afrikaans,Thembela in die wind,"“Haai, Thembela!” calls Mama. “It’s too windy to be outside. Come in or you’ll catch a cold.” +But Thembela doesn’t listen because she’s having too much fun. Her hair lifts up-up-up above her head, and now it’s flapping all ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thembela-die-wind +thembela-wind,"“Yeyi, Thembela!” kubiza uMma. “Kunommoya ngaphandle. Buya, uzakungenwa mgomani.” +Kodwana uThembela akalaleli ngombana udlala kamnandi. Iinhluthu zakhe ziphaphela phezulu-phezulu ngaphezu kwehlokwakhe, njenganje sezirhatjheke zamvala iindlebe. Irogo lakhe ungathi yikhayithi, noThembela unethemba bonyana nange afuna angaphapha – ayokungena emkayini. +“Ummoya umnandi, Mma,” uyahleka. “Angifuni ukungena ngendlini.” + +“Ufanele, Thembela,” kuphendula uMma. “Akukalungi ngaphandlapho − kunobungozi khulu.” +UThembela uphakamisela izandla zakhe phezulu, uzisa phasi naphezulu njengenyoni. “Kulungile, kulungile,” wamomotheka. “Ngizakungena ngaphakathi.” +Utjho njalo uyeqa. Weqela ngale kwengadi, uzizwa ngathi uyaphapha. Ummoya wamvala, wamguga wambuyisela emuva kumma, owavala umNyango ngemva kwakhe. +“Tjhii, Thembela! Awukadinwa Kuphapha lokhuya? Kubayini ungangeni emanzini afuthumeleko udude bese utjhinge embhedeni” +Lokha uMma nakazokwembesa uThembela, uthi, “Hayi, Thembela, kufanele kube nguwe wedwa umuntu ephasini othanda ummoya.” Ngaphambi kobana uMma akhambe, uThembela wabawa kobana amakhethini avulwe ukuze akwazi ukubukela amafu lokha nakakhambako asithela ngemithi lokha nakaswayekako aya le nale. Wacabuza unina kobana alale kamnandi, wase uyalala. +Ngepelaveke leyo, umma kwakufanele aye edorobheni, uKghari uNozulu uyeza uzokuhlala nomntwana. +“Maye mina,” kutjho ukghari uNozulu ngokukhokha ummoya okukhulu, “Ngizwe endabeni batjho kunamawuruwuru ezako!” +Ilanga loke amafu ayebutha emkayini kwaze kwabanzima sengathi kusebusuku. Izulu lathoma lana. uThembela akakholwa amehlwakhe. Kunezulu angazange akhe alibone, masinyana kwase kunamachitjana yoke indawo. UThembela wamomotheka. Ufaka ijasakhe yezulu namabhudzi wase uphumela ngaphandle wakhamba. +“Awa, Thembela!” kulila ukghari uNozulu. “Buyela ngendlini njenganje!” +UThembela azange alalele ngombana bekadlala kamnandi. Uyahleka lokha ummoya nawuphephula ijasakhe yezulu bese uzalisa ingwanakhe ibe ngathi yibhaloni ekulu. “Nangiphakamisa izandla zami,” uyahleka, “Ngingaphapha!” +Ukghari uNozulu wagijima waya ngaphandle ngegawuni yakhe ebukhobe, waguga uThembela wambuyisela ngendlini. “Akekho umuntu othanda ummoya,” kutjho ukghari u-Nozulu. “Liyarasa, kumakhaza begodu alisilihle.” +Ukghari uNozulu uzomembesa, uThembela ubawa kobana amakhethini avulwe ukuze akwazi ukubukela imithi lokha iya le nale, amafu adlula ngaphezu kwayo. Kodwana ukghari uNozulu wathi, “Awa! Ngiyala ngithi awa, ngiyabuyelela ngithi awa!” Uvala amakhethini. “Asithembe kobana indlu angekhe iphephuke nalo izulweli,” kutjho ukghari uNozulu ngothuthumela. +UThembela uzwa ukuduma kombani nokubetha kwamathosi wezulu phezu kwendlu. Kwanjesi ummoya besele ubetha phezu kwamaboda. Libetha umNyango namafesdere. Libubulisa itjhimela begodu lokho kuthusa ukghari uNozulu kangangokuthi sele abhace ngemva kwesofa. Umfulelo nephasi bekutlikitlikiza, imithi ivunguzela kunetjhada elikhulu. + +Ukghari uNozulu uyalila, “Maye mina, soke sizokuphephuka!” Kodwana uThembela akasabi. Weqa uphuma embhedeni wagijima wehla ngeentebhisi. Masinyana wafaka amabhudzwakhe wathatha i-amburela yakhe, waphuma ngokuzithemba waya ngaphandle. Ummoya uyavunguza begodu uyaphephula nezulu liyana, umbani uyatlabha emkayini. +“Ngimi, Mmoya,” kutjho uThembela. “Ingabe ukwateleni kangaka? Ingabe ucabanga bonyana akekho noyedwa okuthandako? Ungabi sidlhayela. Unetjhada begodu umakhaza, kodwana uyakarisa – begodu ngiyakuthanda. NGIYAKUTHANDA MMOYA!” +Msinyana ukuduma kwathula, nawo woke amafu anzima abaleka. Kungakapheli isikhathi izulu lanyamalala. Lokha uThembela nakaqala phezulu, wabona umkayi ungasenamafu. Inyanga izele nazo zoke iinkwekwezi ziyakhanya. Kwanjesi ummoya uvunguza kamnandi eduze kwakhe, uphakamisa i-amburela, umcabuze emihlathini. +“Ngiyathokoza, Mmoya,” kutjho uThembela. “Ngiyathokoza ngokucotjha zulu.” +UThembela wase uyajika, wabuyela ngendlini. Wasiza ukghari uNozulu ngemva kwesofa, wase umenzela itiye etjhisako. +“Maye mina,” kutjho ukghari uNozulu, “Ummoya angiwuthandi nakancani.” Kodwana uThembela wamane wamomotheka.",nbl,isiNdebele,UThembela emmoyen,"“Haai, Thembela!” calls Mama. “It’s too windy to be outside. Come in or you’ll catch a cold.” +But Thembela doesn’t listen because she’s having too much fun. Her hair lifts up-up-up above her head, and now it’s flapping all ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uthembela-emmoyeni +thembela-wind,"“Heyi, Thembela!” wakhwaza uMama. “Kuvuthuza umoya ombi phandle. Ngena endlwini okanye uza kungenwa yingqele.” +Kodwa uThembela akakuphulaphulanga oko kuba wayonwabe kakhulu. Iinwele zakhe ziyaphaphazela zinyuke ziye phezulu, zize zithi gqume phezu kweendlebe zakhe. Ilokhwe yakhe yayingathi yikayiti, kwaye uThembela wayeqinisekile ukuba xa ebefuna, ebenokukwazi ukubhabha – abhabhe aye phezulu esibhakabhakeni. +“Umoya uphephezela kamnandi Mama,” uhleke watsho. “Andifuni kungena ngaphakathi.” + +“Kunyazelekile ungene Thembela,” uphendule uMama. “Akulunganga ukuba ube phandle – kuyingozi kakhulu apho.” +UThembela uphakamisa iingalo zakhe azelule emacaleni, aze amana ezinyusa ezithoba okwentaka ebhabhayo. “Kulungile ke, kulungile,” utsho encumile. “Ndiza kungena endlwini.” +Wanele nje ukuba atsho, watsiba. Wanqumla iyadi kwaye eziva ngathi uyabhabha. Umoya wamgubungela waza wamthwala wambuyisela kuMama, othe wavala ucango esakungena. +“Shu, Thembela! Awudinwanga kokwakubhabha kungakaya ubukwenza? Kutheni ungangeni ebhafini uhlambe ngamanzi ashushu uze emva koko uye ngqo ebhedini yakho nje?” +Xa uMama esiza kombathisa uThembela uthe, “Hayi, Thembela, inokuba nguwe kuphela umntu othanda umoya apha ehlabathini.” Phambi kokuba uMama ahambe, uThembela ucele ukuba avule umdiyadiya ukuze abone amafu ehamba, abone nemithi ishukuma kancinane apha naphaya. Uphuze uMama wakhe walala yoyi. +Ngaloo mpelaveki, uMama kwakufuneka aye edolophini, ngoko ke uMakazi uIda kwakufuneka aze kuhlala naye. +“Owu Nkosi yam,” utshilo uMakazi uIda enesingqala, “ndive ezindabeni ukuba kuza kubakho isiphango!” +Amafu afingiza esibhakabhakeni imini yonke, kwade kwamnyama ngathi kusebusuku. Emva koko kwaqalisa ukunetha. UThembela akazange akukholelwe oko akubonayo. Kwakusina ngohlobo angazange alubone, kwaze ngokukhawuleza kwakho amadama kuyo yonke indawo. Kodwa uThembela uncumile. Unxibe isikhwehle sakhe kunye neegambutsi zakhe waze waphuma phandle. +“Hayi, Thembela!” wakhwaza uMakazi u-Ida. “Ngena ngaphakathi ngoku!” +Kodwa uThembela akazange aphulaphule kuba wayonwabe kakhulu. Wayehleka xa umoya umpompa uzalise isikhwehle sakhe kunye nomnqwazi wakhe, ibe ngathi yibhaloni enkulu. “Ukuba ndinokwenyusa iingalo zam,” ugigitheka atsho, “ndingabhabha!” +Kanye ngelo xesha uMakazi uIda uphume ebaleka enxibe igawuni yakhe epinki, waze wamthi hlasi uThembela wamfunqula, wamngenisa endlwini. “Akakho umntu owuthandayo umoya,” utshilo uMakazi uIda. “Uvuthuza ngamandla, uyabanda kwaye awutsho kamnandi nje kwaphela.” +Wathi xa uMakazi uIda ezokumombathisa, uThembela wacela ukuba kuvulwe umdiyadiya ukuze akwazi ukubona imithi ishukuma namafu ehamba. Kodwa uMakazi uIda uthe, “Hayi! Nakanye, ayisoze yehle ke leyo tu!” Wawuvala umdiyadiya. “Ngoku masithembe ukuba le ndlu ayisayi kukhukuliswa yile mvula,” watsho uMakazi uIda ehlasimla. +UThembela weva izithonga zeendudumo nokunetha kwemvula phezu kwendlu. Umoya ngoku wawuvakala uvuthuza kwiindonga zendlu. Wawunkqonkqoza emnyango ushukumisa neefestile. Wawungxola ungena ngetshimini, usoyikisa uMakazi u-Ida, kangangokuba wazimela emva kwesofa. Uphahla lwakrekreza aze amaplanga omgangatho nawo atshixiza, nemithi yatsho ngenzwinini yomlozi onezothe. + +UMakazi uIda wakhala, “Owu Nkosi, siza kuphaphatheka sonke!” Kodwa uThembela wayengoyiki. Waxhuma ebhedini wabaleka wehla ngamanqwanqwa. Ngokukhawuleza wanxiba iigambutsi zakhe wathatha nesambreli sakhe. Emva koko waphuma ngobukroti waya phandle. Umoya wawuvuthuza uvela macala onke kwaye nemvula isina neendudumo zigqekreza esibhakabhakeni. +“Ndim, Moya,” watsho uThembela. “Kutheni unomsindo kangaka? Ingaba ucinga ukuba akukho mntu ukuthandayo? Yithi uyadlala. Nokuba uyangxola kwaye uyabanda, kodwa uyonwabisa kakhulu – kwaye ndiyakuthanda. NDIYAKUTHANDA MOYA!” +Ngephanyazo, zayeka iindudumo aze amafu amnyama emka. Kwakamsinyane nemvula yanika isiqabu. Akujonga phezulu uThembela, wabona isibhakabhaka sityhilile. Inyanga yayiphelele kwaye zonke iinkwenkwezi zimenyezela. Ngoku umoya wawuphephezela kamnandi kuye, unyusa isambreli sakhe umphuza kancinane nangothando ezidleleni zakhe. +“Enkosi, Moya,��� utshilo uThembela. “Enkosi ngokuyidudula imvula.” +Emva koko uThembela waguquka wangena endlwini. Wancedisa uMakazi uIda ukuba aphakame emva kwesofa waze wamenzela ikomityi yeti eshushu. +“Owu Nkosi,” utshilo uMakazi u-Ida, “Andiwuthandi kwaphela umoya.” Kodwa yena uThembela wasuka wancuma.",xho,isiXhosa,UThembela emoyen,"“Haai, Thembela!” calls Mama. “It’s too windy to be outside. Come in or you’ll catch a cold.” +But Thembela doesn’t listen because she’s having too much fun. Her hair lifts up-up-up above her head, and now it’s flapping all ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uthembela-emoyeni +thembela-wind,"“Hhayi, Thembela!” kumemeza uMama. “Kunomoya omkhulu, akufanele ukuba ube phandle. Ngena endlini, uzongenwa umkhuhlane.” +Kodwa uThembela akalaleli ngoba kumnandi phandle. Izinwele zakhe ziphakama ziye phezulu, phezulu, phezulu, zedlule ikhanda lakhe, bese ziwa zimboza izindlebe zakhe. Ingubo yakhe izwakala sengathi yikhayithi futhi uThembela usekholwa ukuthi ukuba ubefuna, ubezondiza – ayoshona esibhakabhakeni. +“Umnandi umoya, Mama,” esho ehleka. “Angifuni ukungena endlini.” + +“Kumele ungene, Thembela,” kuphendula uMama. “Akukuhle lapho phandle − kuyingozi kakhulu.” +UThembela uphakamisa izingalo zakhe ezinhlangothini zakhe bese ezibhakuzisa, ezishonisa phezulu naphansi njengenyoni. “Kulungile-ke, kulungile,” esho emamatheka. “Ngizongena endlini.” +Wanele washo njalo, wagxuma. Wadabula ingadi, futhi wazizwa sengathi uyandiza. Uzungezwa umoya bese uyamthwala umbuyisele kuMama, ovala umnyango emva kwakhe. +“Awu, Thembela! Awukhathele kodwa ngemva kwakho konke lokhu kundiza? Kunganjani uyogeza ngamanzi afudumele bese uyolala?” +Ngesikhathi uMama ezomembathisa uThembela embhedeni, uthi, “Hhayi, Thembela, cishe nguwe wedwa umuntu othanda umoya emhlabeni wonke.” Ngaphambi kokuba uMama ahambe, uThembela ucela ukuthi kuvulwe amakhethini khona ezobuka amafu ngesikhathi edlula, kanye nezicongo zezihlahla ezinyakaza zishone le nale. Uqabula uMama wakhe emfisela ubusuku obuhle bese eyazumeka. +Ngaleyo mpelasonto, uMama kumele aye edolobheni, ngakho u-Anti Ida uyeza uzohlala naye. +“Awu Nkosi yami,” kusho u-Anti Ida ngokwethuka okukhulu, “ngizwe ezindabeni kuthiwa kuza isiphepho!” +Lihlanganisa amafu usuku lonke, isibhakabhaka size sibe mnyama sengathi kusebusuku. Ibe seyiqala ukuna imvula. UThembela akakukholwa lokhu akubonayo. Yimvula enkulu kakhulu kunake wayibona kanti emva kwesikhashana nje sekuba khona amabhaka amakhulu yonke indawo. Kodwa uThembela uyamamatheka. Ugqoka ijazi lakhe lemvula bese efaka amabhuzu akhe aphumele phandle. +“Hhayi, Thembela!” kumemeza u-Anti Ida. “Ngena endlini njengamanje!” +Kodwa uThembela akezwa nakuzwa ngoba kumnandi phandle. Uyahleka lapho umoya ufutha ijazi lakhe lemvula nesigqoko salo sibukeke sengathi ibhelunde elikhulu. “Uma ngingaphakamisa izingalo zami,” esho ehleka, “ngingakwazi ukundiza!” +U-Anti Ida ugijima ngegawuni yakhe ephinki aqukule uThembela abuyele naye endlini. “Akekho umuntu othanda umoya,” kusho u-Anti Ida. “Unomsindo, uyabanda futhi ayikho nje into emnandi kuwo.” +Ngesikhathi u-Anti Ida ezomembathisa embhedeni, uThembela ucela ukuthi ikhethini lihlale livuliwe ukuze akwazi ukubona izihlahla zinyakaza, namafu edlula. Kodwa u-Anti Ida uthi, “Cha! Ngeke bo, ngiyaphinda ngithi cha!” Uvala amakhethini. “Manje ake sethembe nje ukuthi indlu ayizumuka kule mvula engaka,” kusho u-Anti Ida eqhuqha. +UThembela uzwa ukuduma kwezulu nokushaya kwamathonsi emvula phezu kwendlu. Manje umoya ushaya ezindongeni. Ungqongqoza emnyango udlikizise namafasitela. Uhhewula wehle ngoshemula wethuse u-Anti Ida aze ayocasha ngemuva kukasofa. Kutsegeza uphahla, namapulangwe aphansi akhale nezihlahla zishaye ikhwela kakhulu. + + U-Anti Ida uyamemeza, “O nkosi yami, sonke sizophephuka!” Kodwa uThembela akesabi lutho. Ugxuma aphume embhedeni agijime ehlele esitezi esingezanzi. Ushesha afake amabhuzu akhe athathe isambulela sakhe, aphumele phandle ngokuzethemba. Umoya uyahhewula, uza uphenduphenduka, nemvula nayo ayiyekile ukuna, nezulu liduma liqhume laphaya phezulu. +“Yimina, Moya,” kusho uThembela. “Kungani uthukuthele kangaka? Ngabe ucabanga ukuthi ngempela akekho umuntu okuthandayo? Akunjalo. Unomsindo futhi uyabanda, kodwa uyathokozisa – futhi ngiyakuthanda. NGIYAKUTHANDA MOYA!” +Ngokushesha, kwanqamuka ukuduma, wonke amafu amnyama ahamba. Emva kwesikhashana nje yase inyamalele nemvula. Uthe uma ebheka phezulu uThembela, wabona ukuthi izulu selicwebile. Kunenyanga egcwele, nezinkanyezi zithi benye benye. Manje umoya omzungezile usuphephetha kancane, uphakamise isambulela sakhe bese umqabula izihlathi kancane. +“Ngiyabonga, Moya,” kusho uThembela. “Ngiyabonga ngokuxosha imvula.” +UThembela wabe esephenduka ebuyela endlini. Usesiza ukusukumisa u-Anti Ida ngemva kukasofa amenzele inkomishi yetiye eshisayo. +“O nkosi yami,” kusho u-Anti Ida, “angiwuthandi nhlobo umoya.” Kodwa uThembela uvele amamatheke nje.",zul,isiZulu,UThembela udlala emoyen,"“Haai, Thembela!” calls Mama. “It’s too windy to be outside. Come in or you’ll catch a cold.” +But Thembela doesn’t listen because she’s having too much fun. Her hair lifts up-up-up above her head, and now it’s flapping all ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uthembela-udlala-emoyeni +thembela-wind,"“Haai, Thembela!” a realo Mma. “Go na le moya o montšhi ka fao ntle. Tsena ka ngwakong, go sego bjalo o tla tsenwa ke phefo.” +Efela Thembela ga a theeletše ka ge a ipshina kudu. Meriri ya gagwe e fofela godimodimo ga hlogo ya gagwe, ebile e mo kgoma le ditsebe. Roko ya gagwe e kwagala okare ke khaete gomme Thembela o na le bonnete bja gore ge a rata, a ka fofa – a fofela lefaufaung. +“Moya o bose bjang, Mma,” a sega. “Ga ke nyake go tla ka ngwakong.” + +“O swanetše, Thembela,” gwa fetola Mma. “Moo ntle ga gwa loka – go kotsi kudu. +Thembela o ile a emiša matsogo ka mathoko a a iša godimo le fase bjalo ka nonyana. “Go lokile, go lokile,” ka myemyelo. “Ke tla tla ka ngwakong.” +Ge a realo, a fofa. O putlile ka tšhengwaneng a ikwa okare o a fofa. Moya o ile wa mo phuthela wa mo iša go Mma, yo a ilego a mo tswalelela ka mo gare. +“Ijoo, Thembela! Ga wa lapišwa ke go fofa? Nkane o sa hlape ka meetse a borutho gomme wa ya malaong?” +Ge Mma a etla go robatša Thembela a re, “Haai, Thembela, lefaseng ka moka go swanetše go ba e le wena fela yo a ratago moya.” Pele Mma a tloga, Thembela o ile a kgopela gore digarteine di bulwe gore a bone maru ge a sepela le bogodimo bja mehlare ge e eya ka mo le ka mo. O ile a atla mmagwe gomme a swarwa ke boroko. +Mafelelong a beke yeo, Mma o be a swanetše go ya toropong, gomme Mmane Ida a tla go šala ka gae. +“Ijoo,” a realo Mmane Ida a hemela godimo kudu, “ke kwele ditabeng gore go na le ledimo leo le tlago!” +Letšatši lohle maru a be a kgobokane lefaufaung go fihlela go fifala tše e kego ke bošego. Pula e ile ya thoma go na. Thembela ga a tshepe seo a se bonago. Ke pula ye ntši kudu ye a sa kago a e bona gomme go tletše meetse gohle. Efela Thembela o a myemyela. O tšeere jase ya pula, a tšea le dikamputsu a tšwa. +“Aowa, Thembela!” Mmane Ida a goeletša. “Tsena ka mo ngwakong gona bjale!” +Efela Thembela ga a mo theeletše ka ge a ipshina kudu. O a sega ge moya o tsena jaseng ya gagwe ya pula ebile o tlala ka mongatseng bjalo ka palune ye kgolo. “Ge nka emiša matsogo aka,” a sega, “nka fofa!” +Mmane Ida o ile a kitimela ka ntle a apere kaone ya gagwe ye pinki gomme a kuka Thembela a mmuša ka ngwakong. “Ga go yo a ratago moya,” a realo Mmane Ida. “O dira lešata, o a tonya, o dio se be gabotse.” +Ge Mmane Ida a etla go mo robatša, Thembela o kgopela gore digarteine di bulwe a kgone go bona mehlare ge e eya ka mo le ka mo le maru a sepela. Efela Mmane Ida o re, “Nkase seke! Ka nnete nka seke, ebile nka seke!” O tswalela digarteine. “A re holofele gore ngwako o ka se gogolwe ke pula ye,” gwa bolela Mmane Ida a tetemela. +Thembela o kwa modumo wa magadima le marothodi mo marulelong. Bjale moya o fokela mabotong. O kokota lebating le go šikinya mafasetere. O tsena ka tšhemene gomme wa tšhoša Mmane Ida a ba a khuta ka morago ga sofa. Marulelo le mapolanka a mo tlase a ile a tšokotšega gomme mehlare ya letša melodi. + Mmane Ida a goeletša, “Joo moratiwa, re tla gogolwa ka moka!” Efela Thembela ga a fšiege. O theoga malaong a kitimela lebatong la ka tlase. O ile a apara dikamputsu ka pela a tšea le amporela, gomme a ya ka ntle bjalo ka mogale. Moya o foka ka maatla, pula e a na le medumo e a kidimetša lefaufaung. +“Ke nna, Moya,” a realo Thembela. “Nkane o befetšwe? Naa o gopola gore ga go yo a go ratago? O seke wa itira setlaela. O dira lešata ebile o a tonya, efela ke ipshina ka wena – gape ke a go rata. KE A GO RATA MOYA!” +Gateetee, medumo ya ema le maru a le a maso a phatlalala. Pula ya nyamelela ka bjako. Ge Thembela a lebelela godimo, a bona lefaufau le hlwekile. Go na le ngwedi o mogolo gomme le dinaledi di a phadima. Bjale go foka moya wa bose go mo dikologa, a emiša amporela ya gagwe gomme wa mo atla gabosele marameng a gagwe. +“Ke a leboga, Moya,” a realo Thembela. “Ke leboga ge o rakile pula.” +Thembela o ile a retologa gomme a tsena ka ngwakong. O ile a thuša Mmane Ida go tšwa ka morago ga sofa gomme a mo direla komiki ya kofi ya borutho. +“Aowa,” a realo Mmane Ida, “ga ke rate moya.” Efela Thembela o ile a myemyela.",nso,Sepedi,Thembela moyeng,"“Haai, Thembela!” calls Mama. “It’s too windy to be outside. Come in or you’ll catch a cold.” +But Thembela doesn’t listen because she’s having too much fun. Her hair lifts up-up-up above her head, and now it’s flapping all ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thembela-moyeng +thembela-wind,"“Hela bo, Thembela!” ho hoeletsa Mme. “Ho moya haholo ka ntle ka mono. Kena ka tlung, ho seng jwalo o tla tshwarwa ke sefuba.” +Empa Thembela ha a mamele hobane o natefetswe haholo. Moriri wa hae o fofela ka hodima hlooho ya hae, mme jwale o ntse o mo thetsa le ditsebe tsena. Mose wa hae o utlwahala jwalo ka khaete mme Thembela o na le bonnete ba hore ha a ne a rata, o ne a ka fofela hole kwana – hodimo marung. +“Moya ona o monate hle Mme,” a tsheha. “Ha ke batle ho kena ka tlung.” + +“O tshwanetse Thembela,” ho araba Mme. “Ha ho a loka ka ntle ka mono – ho kotsi haholo.” +Thembela a phahamisetsa matsoho a hae lehlakoreng mme a a isa hodimo le tlase jwaloka nonyana. “Ho lokile he,” a bososela. “Ke tla kena ka tlung.” +Ha a rialo, a tlola. Ke elwa a potoloha jarete mme a ikutlwa eka o a fofa. Moya wa mo phuthela mme wa mo sutuletsa kwana ho Mme, mme yena a mo kwalla ka hare. +“Shu, Thembela! Ha o a kgathala ke ho fofa hakana? Hobaneng o sa hlape ka metsi a futhumetseng mme ha o qeta ebe o ilo robala?” +Ha Mme a tla ka kamoreng ho tla robatsa Thembela, a re, “Kgele, Thembela, ke a kgolwa hore ke wena feela lefatsheng mona motho ya ratang moya.” Pele Mme a tsamaya, Thembela a mo kopa hore a bule digaretene hore a tle a shebelle maru ha a ntse a potoloha esitana le makala a difate ha a ntse a eya kwana le kwana. A suna mme wa hae ho mo fonanisa yaba o a kgaleha. +Mafelong ao a beke, Mme o ne a tlameha ho ya toropong, kahoo Mmangwane Ida a tla ho tla sala ntlong. +“Helang,” ho rialo Mmangwane Ida a hemela hodimo, “Ke utlwile ditabeng ho thwe ho tlo ba le sefefo !” +Motsheare ohle maru a ne a ntse a bokellana hodimo ho fihlela ho eba lefifi jwaloka bosiu. Yaba pula e qala ho na. Thembela ha a kgolwe mahlo a hae. Ho na pula e ngata ka tsela eo a so kang a e bona mme hang ho tletse diqanthana tsa metsi hohle mona. Empa Thembela o a bososela. O hula jase ya hae ya pula mme o rwala dikgohlopo tsa hae mme o mathela ka ntle. +“Tjhe, Thembela!” ho hoeletsa Mmangwane Ida. “Kena ka tlung hona jwale!” +Empa Thembela ha a mamele hobane o natefetswe haholo. O a tsheha ha moya o ntse o pheula jase ya hae ya pula mme o tlala ka hara katiba ya yona jwaloka balunu. “Ha nka phahamisa diphaka tsa ka,” o rialo a keketeha, “nka nna ka fofa!” +Jwale Mmangwane Ida o mathela ka ntle a apere kaone ya hae e pinki mme o kgutla a nkile Thembela ho kena le yena ka tlung. “Ha ho na motho ya ratang moya,” ho rialo Mmangwane Ida. “O lerata ebile o a bata mme hohang ha o a loka.” +Ha Mmangwane Ida a tla ho tla mo katela dikobo , Thembela o mo kopa hore a bule digaretene hore a tle a kgone ho shebella difate ha di fokwa ke moya le maru ha a potoloha sebakeng. Empa Mmangwane Ida o re, “Tjhe! Le kgale, hohang bo!” O kwala digaretene. “Jwale ha re tshepeng hore ntlo ena e keke ya hoholwa ke metsi ka lebaka la pula ena e kana,” ho rialo Mmangwane Ida a thothomela. +Thembela o utlwa ho duma ha maru le sefefo le ho otla ha pula hodima marulelo. Jwale moya o foka ka matla hoo o phunyelletsang maboteng. O kokota monyako mme o thothometsa difensetere. O butswela ho theosa tjhemene mme o tshosa Mmangwane Ida haholo hoo a ipatang kamora soufa. Marulelo a a ngwapeha mme fatshe ekare ho a peperana le difate di letsa molodi. + +Mmangwane Ida a hoeletsa, “Jowee, kaofela ha rona re tlo pheulelwa kwana!” Empa Thembela ha a tshabe letho. O theoha betheng kapele mme o mathela tlase ka ditepisi. Kapele o rwala dikgohlopo tsa hae mme o nka sekgele, mme ka sebete o tswela ka ntle. Moya o ntse o tswibila le ho foka ka matla mme pula e a na le maru a a duma. +“Ke nna, Moya,” ho rialo Thembela. “Hobaneng o halefile hakaale? Na ka nnete o nahana hore ha ho motho ya o ratang? Tloha mona. O lerata ebile o a bata, empa o natefela haholo – mme nna ke a o rata. KE A O RATA MOYA!” +Hanghang sefefo sa emisa mme maru ohle a matshomatsho a baleha. E se kgale pula le yona e emisitse. Ha Thembela a sheba hodimo, o bona mahodimo a hlakileng. Kgwedi e tletse mme dinaledi tsohle di a benya. Jwale moya o foka butle moo a emeng teng, o phahamisa sekgele sa hae mme ekare o suna marama a hae hamonatjana. +“Ke a leboha, Moya,” ho rialo Thembela. “Ke a leboha ka ho leleka pula yane.” +Jwale Thembela o a fetoha mme o kena ka tlung. O thusa Mmangwane Ida hore a phahame kamora soufa mme a mo etsetsa kopi ya teye. +“Atjhe,” ho rialo Mmangwane Ida, “hohang ha ke rate moya hle.” Empa Thembela yena a bososela feela.",sot,Sesotho,Thembela moyeng,"“Haai, Thembela!” calls Mama. “It’s too windy to be outside. Come in or you’ll catch a cold.” +But Thembela doesn’t listen because she’s having too much fun. Her hair lifts up-up-up above her head, and now it’s flapping all ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thembela-moyeng-0 +thembela-wind,"“Haai, Thembela!” ga bitsa Mama. “Go na le phefo e ntsi kwa ntle. Tsena mo teng kgotsa o tla tsenwa ke mofikela.” +Fela Thembela ga a reetse gonne o itumetse thata. Moriri wa gagwe o fofela kwa godimo-dimo ga tlhogo ya gagwe, mme jaanong o fofafofa mo ditsebeng tsa gagwe. Mosese wa gagwe o utlwala jaaka khaete mme Thembela o na le bonnete jwa gore fa a ne a batla go fofa, o ne a ka fofela kgakala – ka tlhamalalo mo loaping. +“Phefo e siame, Mama,” o a tshega. “Ga ke batle go tsena mo ntlong.” + +“O tshwanetse, Thembela,” go araba Mama. “Ga go a siama kwa ntle koo – go kotsi thata.” +Thembela o tsholetsa matsogo a gagwe mo matlhakoreng mme o a isa kwa tlase le kwa godimo jaaka nonyane. “Go siame, go siame,” o a nyenya. “Ke tla tsena mo teng.” +Mme morago ga go bua jalo, o a tlola. O tsamaya go ralala tshingwana mme o utlwa e kete o a fofa. Phefo e ithatelela ka ene le go mmusetsa kwa go Mama, yo o tswalang lebati fa a fetsa go tsena. +“Ao bathong, Thembela! A ga o lapisiwe ke go fofa moo? Ke goreng o sa tlhape mo bateng ya metsi a a bothito mme morago o tsene ka tlhamalalo mo bolaong.” +Fa Mama a tla go apesa Thembela dikobo sentle, a re, “Haai, Thembela, e tshwanetse ya bo e le wena fela motho yo o ratang phefo mo lefatsheng lotlhe.” Pele Mama a tsamaya, Thembela o kopa gore digaretene di bulwe gore a kgone go lebelela maru a ntse a tsamaya le dikarolo tse di kwa godimo tsa ditlhare di ntse di tshikinyega. O atla Mama wa gagwe gore a robale sentle mme morago o a thulamela. +Ka mafelo ao a beke, Mama o tshwanetse go ya kwa toropong, ka jalo Rakgadi Ida o tla go sala kwano. +“Ao ruri bathong,” ga rialo Rakgadi Ida a hemela kwa ntle ka ntlha ya go fela pelo, “Ke utlwile mo dikgannyeng gore sefefo se mo tseleng!” +Letsatsi lotlhe maru a kokoana mo loaping go fitlhela go nna lefifi la bosigo. Morago pula e simolola go na. Thembela ga a dumele matlho a gagwe. Ke pula e ntsi thata e a iseng a tsamaye a e bone mme ka bonako go ikgelela metsi a pula gongwe le gongwe. Fela Thembela o a nyenya. O ntsha jase ya gagwe ya pula e bile o rwala dibutshe tsa gagwe tsa pula le go tswela kwa ntle. +“Nnyaa, Thembela!” ga ngongorega Rakgadi Ida. “Tsena mo ntlong gone jaanong!” +Mme Thembela ga a reetse ka gonne o utlwa monate thata. O a tshega fa phefo e pheula jase ya gagwe ya pula le go tlala mo kaping le go e dira jaaka balune e kgolo. “Fa ke tsholetsa matsogo a me,” o a tshegatshega, “Nka fofa!” +Morago Rakgadi Ida o tabogela kwa ntle a apere jase mme o tsholetsa Themebela le go mmusetsa mo teng. “Ga go na ope yo o ratang phefo,” ga rialo Rakgadi Ida. “E modumo mme e tsididi e bile tota ga e monate le e seng.” +Fa Rakgadi Ida a tla go mo apesa dikobo sentle, Thembela o kopa gore digaretene di bulwe gore a kgone go lebelela ditlhare di tshikinyega le maru a sutasuta mo loaping. Mme Rakgadi Ida a re, “Nnyaa! Ke a gana, e seng gape!” O tswala digaretene. “Jaanong a re solofele gore ntlo ga e kokobale mo metsing ka ntlha ya pula e ntsi e,” ga rialo Rakgadi Ida a tetesela. +Thembela o utlwa modumo wa maru le go rotha ga pula jaaka modumo wa moropa. Jaanong phefo e foka mo maboteng. E itaya mo mojakong le go tsosa modumo mo matlhabaphefong. E tsena ka maatla go fologela mo sentshamosing mme se se tshosa Rakgadi Ida thata mo e leng gore o iphitlha mo morago ga soufa. Dithulelo di a tshikinyega mme diboto tsa fa fatshe di a roroma le ditlhare di letsa molodi o o kwa godimo. + +Rakgadi Ida o goa ka letshogo, “Ao bathong, rotlhe re tlile go fokwa ke phefo!” Fela Thembela ga a boife. O tswa mo bolaong mme o tabogela kwa tlase mo direpoding. Ka bonako o rwala dibutshe tsa gagwe tsa pula le go phamola sekgele sa gagwe, morago o gwantela kwa ntle ka bopelokgale. Phefo e foka ka maatla e bile pula e a na le maru a duma ka bogale mo loaping. +“Ke nna, Phefo,” ga bua Thembela. “Ke gore eng o galefile jaana? A o tsaya gore ga go na ope yo o go ratang? Jaanong o se ka wa itira sematla. O modumo e bile o tsididi, mme o a itumedisa – e bile ke a go rata. KE A GO RATA PHEFO!” +Ka bonako, modumo wa maru o a kgaotsa mme maru otlhe a mantsho a kobelwa kgakala. Mme mo nakong e se kae pula e nyeletse. Fa Thembela a leba kwa godimo, o bona gore loapi le a apoga. Ngwedi e tletse mme dinaledi tsotlhe di a phatsima. Jaanong phefo e foka ka iketlo gaufi le ene, e tsholetsa sekgele sa gagwe le go mo atla ka bonolo mo marameng a gagwe. +“Ke a leboga, Phefo,” ga bua Thembela. “Ke lebogela gore o kobile pula.” +Morago Thembela o a retologa le go tsamaya a boela mo teng ga ntlo. O thusa Rakgadi Ida go tswa mo morago ga soufa mme o mo direla kopi e e bothito ya tee. +“Ao bathong,” ga rialo Rakgadi Ida, “Ga ke rate phefo le e seng.” Fela Thembela o a nyenya fela.",tsn,Setswana,Thembela mo phefong,"“Haai, Thembela!” calls Mama. “It’s too windy to be outside. Come in or you’ll catch a cold.” +But Thembela doesn’t listen because she’s having too much fun. Her hair lifts up-up-up above her head, and now it’s flapping all ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thembela-mo-phefong +thembela-wind,"“Hhayi, Thembela” kusho Make. “Umoya uhhusha kakhulu kutsi ungaba ngaphandle. Ngena ngekhatsi utawutfola umkhuhlane.” +Kepha Thembela akalaleli ngoba uyatijabulisa. Tinwele takhe tiyaphakama, tiyaphakama, tiyaphakama, ngetulu kwenhloko yakhe futsi manje setishayisa etindlebeni takhe. Liloko lakhe livakala njengekhayithi futsi Thembela unesiciniseko sekutsi uma afuna, angandiza ahambe − ayoshona esibhakabhakeni. +“Lomoya umnandzi, Make,” uyahleka. “Angifuni kungena ngekhatsi.” + +“Kufanele ungene, Thembela,” kuphendvula Make. “Akusikahle lapho − kuyingoti kakhulu.” +Thembela uphakamisa imikhono yakhe futsi utibhula lapha emaceleni uya etulu naphansi njengenyoni. “Kulungile, kulungile,” uyamamatseka. “Ngitawungena ngekhatsi.” +Ngekusho njalo, wazuba. Nango ashona engadzeni futsi utiva sengatsi uyandiza. Umoya utigocotela lapha kuye futsi umfuca indlela yonkhe leya kuMake, lowavala umnyango emvakwakhe. +“Shu, Thembela! Awukadzinwa nguko konkhe lokundiza? Yini ungayi kuyogeza ngemanti lafutfumele bese ucondza ngco embhedzeni.” +Ngesikhatsi Make atewulalisa Thembela, utsi, “Hhayi, Thembela, kuyawube nguwe kuphela umuntfu emhlabeni wonkhe lotsandza umoya.” Ngembi kwekutsi make ahambe, Thembela umcela kutsi avule emakhethini kute kutsi akhone kubona emafu nakantjweza endlula nelingetulu letihlahla natinyikanyika lapha nalapha. Wamanga make wakhe amfisela butfongo lobumnandzi wabese uyalala. +Ngaleyo mphelansontfo, Make kufanele aye edolobheni, ngako-ke kufika Anti Ida. +“Hhawu yehheni,” kusho Anti Ida, kakhulu, “Ngive etindzabeni kutsi kuta sivunguvungu!” +Lonkhe lilanga emafu ahlangana ndzawonye kwate kwaba mnyama. Litulu labese liyacala liyana. Thembela akawakholwanga emehlo akhe. Kungetulu kwaloko lake wakubona futsi masinyane nje kwagcwala tititjana temanti yonkhe indzawo. Kepha Thembela uyahleka. Ugcoka lijazi lakhe lelitulu ubuye futsi ugcoka emagambhudzi futsi nguye loya aphuma. +“Cha, Thembela!” kumemeta Anti Ida. “Ngena ngekhatsi khona manje.” +Kepha Thembela akalaleli ngoba uyatijabulisa kakhulu. Uyahleka ngesikhatsi umoya uhhusha uphuma ejazini lakhe lemvula futsi ukhukhumikisa sigcoko sakhe njengebhaluni. Nangiphakimasa imikhono yami,” uyagigitseka, “Ngingandiza!” +Manje Anti Ida uyagijima uphumela ngaphandle ugcoke tembatfo takhe tekulala letibovana futsi utsatsa Thembela umbuyisa ngekhatsi endlini. “Kute lotsandza umoya,” kusho Anti Ida. “Unemsindvo futsi uyabandza, vele nje awumnandzi.” +Ngesikhatsi Anti Ida eta atewumlalisa, Thembela umcela kutsi amvulele emakhethini kute kutsi akhone kubona tihlahla tinyikanyika nemafu antjweza. Kepha Anti Ida watsi, “Cha! Ngicinisile ngitsi cha, ngiyaphindza futsi ngitsi cha!” Uvala emakhethini. “Manje asetsembe kutsi lendlu angeke ihambe nelitulu,” kusho Anti Ida ngekwesaba. +Thembela uva kudvuma kwelitulu nekushaya kwematfonsi elitulu eluphahleni lwendlu. Manje umoya sewushaya emabondza endlu!” ushaya emnyango ubuye futsi unyikatise emafasitelo. Wehla ngashimela ubanga umsindvo futsi wesabisa Anti Ida kangangoba udzimate ubhaca ngemuva kwabosofa. Luphahla luyafafabuka nemabhodi eluphahla abanga umsindvo netihlahla nato tibanga umsindvo kakhulu. +Anti Ida uyamememta, “Awu nebakitsi, sitawupheshulwa ngumoya sonkhe!” Kepha Thembela akesabi. Uyazuba uphuma embhedzeni futsi uyagijima wehla titebhisi. Masinyane ugcoka emagambhudzi akhe futsi uhlwitsa nesambulelo sakhe, ngekutetsemba lokukhlu uphumela ngaphandle. Umoya uyahhusha kabuhlungu futsi ubanga umsindvo nelitulu liyana nekudvuma kubhadlabula esibhakabhakeni. +“Ngimi, Moya,” kusho Thembela. “Kwentiwa yini utfukutsele kangaka?” Ingabe ucabanga kutsi kute yini lokutsandzako? Manje ungenti bulima. Ubanga umsindvo futsi uyabandza, kodvwa uyangijabulisa kakhulu − futsi ngiyakutsandza. NGIYAKUTSANDZA MOYA!” +Masinyane nje, lokudvuma kwancamuka futsi onkhe lamafu lamnyama ayahamba. Futsi kungakapheli nesikhatsi lesingakanani litulu liyanyamalala. Thembela nakabuka etulu, ubona sibhakabhaka sicwebile. Inyanga igcwele futsi tonkhe tinkhanyenti tiyakhanya. Manje umoya sewuhhusha kamnandzi uyamtungeleta, uphakamisa sambulelo sakhe futsi wanga kamanandzi tihlatsi takhe. +“Ngiyabonga Moya,��� kusho Thembela. “Ngiyabonga kutsi ucoshe litulu.” +Manje Thembela uyagucuka futsi uyahamba ubuyela endlini. Usita Anti Ida kutsi aphume ngemuva kwabosofa futsi umentela litiya lelishisako. +“Awu nabakitsi,” kusho Anti Ida, “Angiwutsandzi nani nani umoya.” Kepha Thembela uyamamatseka.",ssw,Siswati,Thembela emoyeni.,"“Haai, Thembela!” calls Mama. “It’s too windy to be outside. Come in or you’ll catch a cold.” +But Thembela doesn’t listen because she’s having too much fun. Her hair lifts up-up-up above her head, and now it’s flapping all ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thembela-emoyeni +thembela-wind,"“Hey, Thembela!” ku huwelela manana. “Ku na moya wukulu a wu fanelanga ku va ehandle. Nghena haleni handle ka swona u ta khoma hi xirhami.” +Kambe Thembela a nga yingisanga hikuva a ri ku tiphineni swinene. Misisi ya yena a yi ya ehenhla ku hundza nhloko ya yena, a yi hunga tindleve ta yena. Rhoko ya yena a yi fana ni khayindi naswona Thembela a ri ni ntiyiso wa leswaku loko a swi lava a nga haha a ya emapapeni. +“Moya lowu wu kahle swinene, manana,” a hleka. “Mina a ndzi swi lavi ku nghena.” +“U fanele u vuya, Thembela,” ku hlamula manana. “A ku kahle kwahala handle – ku na khombo swinene.” +Thembela a tlakula mavoko ya yena hi le matlhelo a ma yisa henhla ni le hansi ku fana ni nyenyani. “Oho, oho,” a n’wayitela. “Ndzi le ku vuyeni.” +  +Hi nkarhi wa lowo, a tlulela ehenhla. A hundza a ya exirhapeni a titwa onge u le ku haheni. Moya wu n’wi phutsela wu n’wi rhwala wu n’wi yisa eka manana, wu tlhela wu pfala rivanti. +“Xoo, Thembela! A wu karhalanga ku haha xana? Hikwalaho ka yini u nga hlambi hi mati yo kufumela kutani u kongoma emubedweni.” +Loko manana a ya n’wi funengeta a ku, “Hayi, Thembela, u fanele u ri wexe emisaveni hinkwayo loyi a rhandzaka moya.” Loko manana a nga si suka, Thembela a kombela manana wa yena ku pfula makheteni leswaku a ta vona loko mapapa ya famba ehenhla ka misinya, na loko marhavi ya ya hala ni hala. A ntswotswa mana wa yena a ku vusiku a byi ve lebyinene kutani a tlela. +Eku heleni ka vhiki, manana a fanele a ya edorobeni, kutani Hahani Ida vatile ku ta tshama na yena. +“E e,” ku vula Hahani Ida, hi ku hefemuteka lokukulu, “ Ndzi twe emahungwini va ku kutava na xidzedze lexukulu lexi nga endleleni!” +Siku hinkwaro mapapa a ya ri karhi ya hlengeletana ku fikela loko ku ku dzhwi ku fana ni na vusiku. Kutani mpfula yi sungula ku na. Thembela a nga tshembi leswi a swi vona hi mahlo. A ku ri ni mpfula leyikulu leyi a a nga si tshama a yi vona naswona hi xihatla a ku ri ni swidziva leswikulu hinkwako. +“Hayi, Thembela!” ku huwelela Hahani Ida. “Nghena endzeni sweswi!” +Kambe Thembela a nga swi twi hikuva a ri ku tiphineni swinene. A hleka loko moya wu ba xikhwehle na ku tata xihuku xa kona hi moya ku fana ni baluni. “Loko ndzo tlakusa mavoko ya mina,” a hlekelela, “Ndzi nga haha!” +Hahani Ida a tsutsuma hi gaweni ra yena ra muhlovo wa pinki a tlakula Thembela a vuya na yena endzeni ka yindlu. “Ku hava loyi a rhandzaka moya,” ku vula Hahani Ida. “Wu na huwa, wa titimela naswona a wu kahle.” +Loko Hahani Ida a n’wi funengeta, Thembela a kombela leswaku ku pfuriwa makheteni leswaku a ta vona loko misinya yi biwa hi moya na loko mapapa ya famba. Kambe Hahani Ida a ku, “E-e! Ndzi nge pfumeli nakatsongo, e-e nakambe,” ku vula Hahani Ida a ri karhi a rhurhumela. +Thembela a twa ku baleka ka tilo na huwa ya mpfula elwangwini. Sweswi moya a wu ba makhumbi, wu gongondza erivantini na ku ninginisa mafasitere. Wu hungela chimini na ku nyika Hahani Ida ku chava ku fikela laha a nga tumbela endzhaku ka sofa. Lwangu ri ninginika na mapulanga ya le hansi ya endla huwa kutani misinya yona yi ba noti lowukulu. + +Hahani Ida a ba nkalanga, “Yooo weee, hi ta khukhuriwa hinkwerhu!” Kambe Thembela a nga chuhangi. A tlula emubedweni a tsutsumela eh +ansi. Hi ku hatlisa a koka magabutsu a teka na xambhulela, hi vurhena a humela ehandle. Moya wu ri karhi wu ba huwa na ku hunga, na mpfula yi ri ku neni na tilo ri ri karhi ri baleka emapapeni. +“Hi mina loyi, Moya” ku vula Thembela. “U hlundzukise ha yini? U ehleketa leswaku ku hava loyi a ku rhandzaka xana? U nga ehleketisi sweswo. U ba huwa naswona wa titimela, kambe wa tsakisa swinene, ndza ku rhandza. NDZA KU RHANDZA SWINENE!” +Hi ku hatlisa, tilo ri yima ku baleka na mapapa ya ntima ya sungula ku tsutsuma. Ku nga si hela nkarhi mpfula yi hangalaka. Loko Thembela a languta ehenhla, a vona mapapa ya hangalakile. N’weti a wu ri lowukulu na tinyeleti hikwato ti ri karhi ti vangama. Sweswi moya a wu hunga kahle kwala kusuhi na yena, wu tlakula xambhulela xa yena na ku ntswotswa marhama ya yena. +“Ndza khensa, Moya,” ku vula Thembela. “Ndza khensa loko u hlongole mpfula.” +Thembela a hundzuluka a tlhelela endzeni ka yindlu. A pfuna Hahani Ida ku suka a yima laha a tumbele kona endzhaku ka sofa a n’wi endlela khapu ya tiya yo kufumela. +“E e,” ku vula Hahani Ida, “A ndzi rhandzi moya nakatsongo.” Kambe Thembela a n’wayitela.",tso,Xitsonga,Thembela emoyeni.,"“Haai, Thembela!” calls Mama. “It’s too windy to be outside. Come in or you’ll catch a cold.” +But Thembela doesn’t listen because she’s having too much fun. Her hair lifts up-up-up above her head, and now it’s flapping all ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thembela-emoyeni-0 +gold-star-and-kiss-thoko,"Friday was always the big day of the “Star Awards”. +So far, Thoko had earned a yellow star for her maths sums, a red star for her neat writing and a blue star for “clean hands”. Green stars were for helping Mrs McKensie carry her big bag from her car to the classroom. You got a gold star for reading. Gold stars rocked! +Stars were always awarded just before the school bell rang and everyone rushed out to meet their mums, dads, grannies or aunts in the playground. Everyone, except Thoko, who lived close by and could walk home. Thoko lived with her mama at the back of her Gogo’s dressmaking shop. +Friday was also great because Thoko got money to buy a treat on her way home. And this Friday was an extra lucky Friday because Thoko reached the car park just in time to help Mrs McKensie carry her big bag to the classroom. Maybe she’d win a green star. A gold star for reading would be better, of course. +Lately, Thoko had made a special effort with her reading – to read with expression, to pause after a comma and to stop at a full stop to catch her breath. The best reader was Brendan, who the children called “Greedy Eyes” because he devoured so many books. +Thoko helped Mrs McKensie hand out worksheets. Friday’s worksheet was all about time − and it was going far too slowly for Thoko. If only she could make all the hands on the drawn clocks spin and stop at Star Awards Time! During music, she couldn’t wait for the last line of a new song to end. Waiting for the Star Awards was painful. +The final period of the school day was a free one, so Thoko decided to read. And while she read, she forgot all about time − first one book, then another and another. By the time she had added the titles to her reading list, Mrs McKensie was ready to announce the star winners. +Shane, Rhapelang, Corne and Taitum all got yellow stars. Gift, Gaswin, Aydon, Chleo and Kay-Lee got red stars. Roche, Shaunique and Miscka got green stars. And Dana Rose, who had managed to wash green glitter off her fingers during break, received a blue star. Then Thoko heard her name called. +“Thoko and Brendan,” announced Mrs McKensie, looking through the reading lists. Brendan had read five books and Thoko had read six! She felt like melting with happiness as Mrs McKensie placed a gold star on her forehead. +“Clang-a-lang!” went the school bell and Thoko raced through the school gates. She couldn’t wait to show Mama and Gogo her gold star. When she reached Mrs Ismail’s spicy doughnut stand, her face was hot from running. Mrs Ismail’s little daughter, Sharifa, was pretending to be a shopkeeper. She handed Thoko a spicy doughnut in a paper bag and smiled sweetly. “Thank you,” said Thoko and sped off. +“Mama! Gogo!” she called, bursting through the front door, “Look what I got?” +Gogo looked up from her sewing and Mama peeped around a corner. +“Molo, Thoko!” they said. “How was school?” +“Look!” said Thoko. Mama and Gogo looked while Thoko pointed to her forehead. +“Look at what, Thoko?” asked Gogo. +“My gold star!” said Thoko impatiently. +“What gold star?” asked Mama. +“This one,” said Thoko, running a finger across her forehead. But all she felt was smooth skin! The gold star was gone! Thoko burst into tears as she explained how she had received a gold star for reading. +“Where did you have it last?” asked Mama. +“At school,” replied Thoko. +“And what did you do after school?” asked Gogo. In tears, Thoko went over her route from school. +“Well, it’s only a paper star,” said Mama. But it wasn’t. It was a very special gold star. +“Dry your tears and we’ll go and look for your gold star,” said Gogo. +Gogo helped Thoko retrace her steps around the corner and along the road back to school. And there at Mrs Ismail’s doughnut stand they found Thoko’s gold star − stuck to the forehead of Mrs Ismail’s little girl! When Mrs Ismail heard Thoko’s sad story, she said, “Sharifa darling, that gold star you picked up belongs to Thoko.”  But little Sharifa had fallen in love with Thoko’s gold star. And when Mrs Ismail tried to remove it, she screamed so loudly that passers-by thought she was being murdered. +Gogo turned to Thoko. “Sharifa’s too small to understand what is fair. But you are old enough to be thoughtful. Let her keep your gold star,” she said. Thoko thought for a while. The corners of the gold star had curled up, and it looked as if it was about to fall off again. “Okay,” said Thoko, “Sharifa can keep it.” But inside, she still felt sad. Gold stars were not that easy to win. +Then at bedtime, Gogo brought Thoko something special she had made – a glittery gold star on a hairclip. “That’s for being such a good reader,” said Gogo. Then she kissed Thoko on the forehead and whispered, “And that’s for being such a kind, thoughtful girl.” Thoko touched her forehead and thought a little more as she drifted off to sleep: “Gold stars get curly corners and fall off. Kisses last forever!”",eng,English,A gold star and kiss for Thoko,"Friday was always the big day of the “Star Awards”. +So far, Thoko had earned a yellow star for her maths sums, a red star for her neat writing and a blue star for “clean hands”. Green stars were for helping Mrs McKensie carry her big ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/gold-star-and-kiss-thoko +gold-star-and-kiss-thoko,"Vrydag is altyd die groot dag van die “Sterpryse”. +Thoko het al ʼn geel ster vir haar wiskundesomme verdien, ʼn rooi ster vir haar netjiese handskrif, en ʼn blou ster vir “skoon hande”. ʼn Mens kry ʼn groen ster wanneer jy juffrou McKensie help om haar groot sak van haar motor na die klaskamer te dra. En ʼn goue ster is vir lees. Goue sterre is die beste! + +Die sterre word altyd uitgedeel net voor die skoolklok lui en almal uitstorm om hulle ma’s, pa’s, oumas of tannies op die speelgrond te ontmoet. Almal, behalwe Thoko, want sy woon naby die skool en kan huis toe stap. Thoko woon saam met haar ma agter Gogo se kleremakerswinkel. +Vrydae is ook spesiaal, want dan kry Thoko geld om op pad huis toe iets lekkers te koop. En hierdie Vrydag is sy ekstra gelukkig, want Thoko was net betyds in die parkeerterrein om juffrou McKensie te help om haar groot sak klas toe te dra. Dalk sal sy ʼn groen ster kry. ʼn Goue ster vir lees sal natuurlik nog beter wees. +Thoko het die afgelope tyd ekstra hard geoefen om te lees – om met gevoel te lees, ná ʼn komma asem te skep, en om na ʼn punt te stop. Die beste leser is Brendan. Die kinders noem hom “Snoep Ogies” omdat hy so baie boeke verslind. +Thoko help juffrou McKensie om werkblaaie uit te deel. Vrydag se werkblad gaan oor tyd − en dit gaan heeltemal te stadig verby vir Thoko. As sy net al die wysers op die getekende horlosies kon aandraai en by die tyd vir die Sterpryse kon laat stop! In die musiekklas kan sy nie wag vir die laaste reël van ʼn nuwe liedjie om te eindig nie. Dit is swaar om te wag vir die Sterpryse. +Hulle het die laaste periode van die skooldag vry, en Thoko besluit om te lees. En terwyl sy lees, vergeet sy heeltemal van die tyd − sy lees eers een boek, toe nog een, en toe nog een. Toe sy klaar die titels van die boeke op haar leeslys geskryf het, is juffrou McKensie gereed om die Sterpryse toe te ken. +Shane, Rhapelang, Corné en Taitum kry almal geel sterre. Gift, Gaswin, Aydon, Chleo en Kay-Lee kry rooi sterre. Roche, Shaunique en Miscka kry groen sterre. En Dana Rose, wat darem pouse die groen blinkertjies van haar vingers afgewas het, kry ʼn blou ster. Toe hoor Thoko hoe haar naam geroep word. +“Thoko en Brendan,” kondig juffrou McKensie aan, en kyk na die leeslyste. Brendan het vyf boeke gelees en Thoko ses! Sy voel of sy kan wegsmelt van geluk toe juffrou McKensie ʼn goue ster op haar voorkop plak. +“Klang-klang!” lui die skoolklok, en Thoko hardloop deur die skoolhekke. Sy kan nie wag om vir Mama en Gogo haar goue ster te wys nie. Toe sy by mevrou Ismail se oliebolstalletjie kom, is sy rooi in die gesig van die hardloop. Mevrou Ismail se klein dogtertjie, Sharifa, maak of sy die winkelier is. Sy gee vir Thoko ʼn oliebol in ʼn papiersakkie en glimlag liefies. “Dankie,” sê Thoko en hardloop vinnig huis toe. +“Mama! Gogo!” roep sy, en storm by die voordeur in. “Kyk wat het ek gekry!” +Gogo kyk van haar naaldwerk af op en Mama loer om die hoek. +“Molo, Thoko!” sê hulle. “Hoe was die skooldag?” +“Kyk!” sê Thoko. Mama en Gogo kyk terwyl Thoko na haar voorkop wys. +“Kyk na wat, Thoko?” vra Gogo. +“My goue ster!” sê Thoko ongeduldig. +“Watter goue ster?” vra Mama. +“Dié een,” sê Thoko, en trek haar vinger oor haar voorkop. Maar sy voel net haar gladde vel! Die goue ster is weg! Thoko bars in trane uit terwyl sy vertel hoe sy ʼn goue ster gekry het vir lees. +“Waar het jy dit laas gehad?” vra Mama. +“By die skool,” antwoord Thoko. +“En wat het jy na skool gedoen?” vra Gogo. In trane vertel Thoko van haar pad huis toe na skool. +“Wel, dit is net ʼn papierster,” sê Mama. Maar dit is nie. Dit is ʼn baie spesiale goue ster. +“Droog jou trane af, en dan gaan soek ons jou goue ster,” sê Gogo. +Gogo help Thoko om op haar spore terug te loop, om die hoek en langs die pad terug tot by die skool. En by mevrou Ismail se oliebolstalletjie kry hulle Thoko se goue ster − op Sharifa se voorkop! Toe mevrou Ismail Thoko se hartseer storie hoor, sê sy: “Sharifa my skat, daardie goue ster wat jy opgetel het, behoort aan Thoko.” Maar klein Sharifa is dol oor Thoko se goue ster. En toe mevrou Ismail dit probeer aftrek, skree sy so hard dat verbygangers dink sy word vermoor. +Gogo draai na Thoko toe. “Sharifa is te klein om te verstaan wat regverdig is. Maar jy is oud genoeg om bedagsaam te wees. Laat haar toe om jou goue ster te hou,” sê sy. Thoko dink ʼn rukkie daaroor na. Die hoekies van die goue ster het opgekrul en dit lyk of dit weer gaan afval. “Nou goed dan,” sê Thoko, “Sharifa kan dit maar hou.” Maar diep binne haar voel sy nog hartseer. Dis nie so maklik om ʼn goue ster te kry nie. + +Toe dit slaaptyd is, bring Gogo vir Thoko iets spesiaals wat sy gemaak het – ʼn goue ster vol blinkertjies op ʼn haarknip. “Dit is omdat jy so ʼn goeie leser is,” sê Gogo. Toe soen sy Thoko op die voorkop en fluister, “En dit is omdat jy so ʼn liewe, bedagsame kind is.” Thoko raak aan haar voorkop en dink ‘n bietjie voor sy aan die slaap raak. “Goue sterre se punte krul om en hulle val af. Soentjies hou vir altyd!”",afr,Afrikaans,ʼn Goue ster en ʼn soentjie vir Thoko,"Friday was always the big day of the “Star Awards”. +So far, Thoko had earned a yellow star for her maths sums, a red star for her neat writing and a blue star for “clean hands”. Green stars were for helping Mrs McKensie carry her big ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ʼn-goue-ster-en-ʼn-soentjie-vir-thoko +gold-star-and-kiss-thoko,"ULwesihlanu yayisoloko ilusuku olubalulekileyo “lweeMbasa eziziiNkwenkwezi”. +Ukuza kuthi ga ngoku, uThoko wayesele efumene inkwenkwezi etyheli yezibalo, ebomvu yokubhala kakuhle nomsebenzi ococekileyo kunye nezuba “yezandla ezicocekileyo”. Iinkwenkwezi eziluhlaza zezokuncedisa uNksk McKensie, ngokumphathisa ingxowa yakhe enkulu ukusuka emotweni ukuya eklasini. Inkwenkwezi egolide yeyokufunda. Iinkwenkwezi ezigolide yayizezona zona! + +Iinkwenkwezi zazisoloko zinikezelwa phambi kokuba kukhale intsimbi yokuphuma kwesikolo xa kanye wonke ubani engxamele ukuphuma aye kuhlangana nomama, utata, umakhulu okanye umakazi ebaleni lokudlala. Wonke ubani waya kuhlangana nomzali wakhe, ngaphandle kukaThoko, owayehlala kufutshane nesikolo wayehamba ngeenyawo ukugoduka. UThoko wayehlala nomama wakhe emva kwevenkile yokuthunga impahla kaMakhulu wakhe. +Enye into eyayibangela ukuba uLwesihlanu abelusuku olumnandi kakhulu kuThoko kukuba wayefumana imali yokuthenga izimuncumuncu endleleni egodukayo. Lo ke uLwesihlanu yayinguLwesihlanu wethamsanqa elikhulu kuba uThoko wafikisana noNksk McKensie kwindawo yokumisa iimoto waza wamncedisa wamphathisa ingxowa yakhe enkulu wayisa eklasini. Mhlawumbi wayeza kuphumelela inkwenkwezi eluhlaza. Kodwa ngokuqinisekileyo, inkwenkwezi egolide yayingcono kakhulu. +Kutsha nje, uThoko wenza iinzame ezithe chatha zokufunda kakuhle – xa efunda ubonakalisa iimvakalelo, uyanqumama emva kwekoma kwaye uyema kwisingxi ukuze aphefumle. Oyena mlesi wayefunda kakuhle kakhulu yayinguBrendan, abanye abantwana ababembiza ngokuthi “nguMehlwayabawa” kuba wayefunda iincwadi ezininzi kakhulu. +UThoko wancedisa uNksk McKensie wahambisa amaphepha okusebenzela. La maphepha okusebenzela ngoLwesihlanu ayemalunga nexesha – kwaye lalicotha kakhulu namhlanje kuThoko. Ukuba nje wayenakho ukuhambisa iintsiba zewotshi esephepheni zikhawuleze zifike zime kwiXesha leeMbasa eziziiNkwenkwezi! Ngexesha lomculo, wayengakwazi ukulinda ukuba kude kufikwe kumgca wokugqibela weculo elitsha. Ukulinda iiMbasa eziziiNkwenkwezi kwakubuhlungu kakhulu. +Kwakuhleliwe nje ngephiriyodi yokugqibela esikolweni, kungenziwa nto. Ngoko ke uThoko wagqiba kwelokuba afunde. Lo gama wayefunda, walibala kwaphela ngexesha – kwaqala iyincwadi yanye, kwaza kwalandela enye nenye ngokunjalo. Ngethuba esongeza ngalo izihloko zeencwadi kuluhlu lweencwadi azifundileyo, uNksk McKensie wayesele ekulungele ukubhengeza abaphumelele iinkwenkwezi. +UShane, uRhapelang, uCorne kunye noTaitum bonke bafumana iinkwenkwezi ezityheli. UGift, uGaswin, uAydon, uChleo noKay-Lee bona bafumana iinkwenkwezi ezibomvu. URoche, uShaunique kunye noMiscka bafumana iinkwenkwezi eziluhlaza. UDana Rose, owakwaziyo ukuhlamba ubumenyemenye obuluhlaza eminweni yakhe ngexesha lesidlo sasemini, wafumana inkwenkwezi ezuba. Kusenjalo, uThoko weva igama lakhe libizwa. +“UThoko kunye noBrendan,” wabhengeza uNksk McKensie, ejonge kuluhlu lweencwadi ezifundiweyo. UBrendan wayefunde iincwadi ezintlanu waze yena uThoko wafunda ezintandathu! UThoko wayengathi anganyibilika luvuyo njengokuba uNksk McKensie wayebeka inkwenkwezi egolide kwibunzi lakhe. +“Khelekenkce, khelekhenkce!” yakhala intsimbi yesikolo waze uThoko wagqotsa ukuphuma emasangweni esikolo. Wayengxamele ukubonisa uMama noMakhulu inkwenkwezi yakhe egolide. Xa wayefika kwindawo uNksk Ismail awayethengisa kuyo amaqebengwana, ubuso bakhe babushushu kukubaleka. Intombazanana kaNksk Ismail, uSharifa, wayezenza unovenkile. Wanika uThoko iqebengwane walifaka kwingxowana yephepha emncumele. “Enkosi,” watsho uThoko wagqotsa engxamile. +“Mama! Makhulu!” wakhwaza, engena kumnyango ongaphambili, “Jongani ndifumene ntoni?” +UMakhulu waphakamisa amehlo kumthungo wakhe waza uMama wakroba ekoneni. +“Molo, Thoko!” babulisa. “Bekunjani esikolweni?” +“Jongani!” watsho uThoko. UMama noMakhulu bajonga lo gama uThoko abolathisa kwibunzi lakhe. +“Sijonge ntoni, Thoko?” wabuza uMakhulu. +“Inkwenkwezi yam egolide!” watsho uThoko ephelelwe ngumonde. +“Inkwenkwezi egolide etheni?” wabuza uMama.. +“Le,” watsho uThoko, efuna ngomnwe kwibunzi lakhe. Kodwa awakuvayo yayilulusu lwakhe olumpuluswa! Inkwenkwezi egolide yayingekho! UThoko wasuka wakhala njengokuba ecacisa indlela ayifumene ngayo inkwenkwezi egolide yokufunda. +“Uzigqibele phi usenayo?” wabuza uMama. +“Esikolweni,” waphendula uThoko. +“Uye wenza ntoni ukuphuma kwesikolo?” wabuza uMakhulu. UThoko wachaza indlela yakhe ukusuka esikolweni, elila njalo. +“Eshi, yinkwenkwezi yephepha nje kuphela,” watsho uMama. Kodwa yayingelophepha nje. Yayiyinkwenkwezi egolide ekhetheke kakhulu. +“Sula iinyembezi sihambe siye kuyikhangela inkwenkwezi yakho egolide,” watsho uMakhulu. +UMakhulu wanceda uThoko ukulanda umkhondo, waphinda indlela ebeyihambile, bajika ekoneni baza bahamba ngendlela ebuyela esikolweni. Xa befika kwindawo yokuthengisa amaqebengwana kaNksk Ismail bayifumana inkwenkwezi kaThoko – ithe nca kwibunzi lentombazanana yakhe! Esakuba elivile ibali likaThoko elilusizi wathi, “Sharifa sithandwa sam, laa nkwenkwezi uyicholeyo yekaThoko.” Kodwa uSharifa omncinane wayeyithanda le nkwenkwezi igolide kaThoko. Xa uNksk Ismail wayezama ukuyisusa, wakhala kakhulu baze abantu abadlulayo bacinga ukuba uyabulawa. +UMakhulu wajonga kuThoko. “USharifa mncinane kakhulu ukuqonda ukuba yintoni ebubulungisa nengebubo. Kodwa wena umdala ngokwaneleyo kwaye uyakwazi ukucinga. Myeke ayigcine inkwenkwezi egolide yakho,” watsho. UThoko wacinga umzuzwana. Iikona zenkwenkwezi egolide zaziphethukile zijonge phezulu, kwaye yayikhangeleka ngokungathi iza kuphinda iwe kwakhona. “Kulungile,” watsho uThoko. “USharifa angayigcina.” Kodwa wayesebuhlungu ngaphakathi. Iinkwenkwezi ezigolide akulula ukuziphumelela. + +Ngexesha lokulala, uMakhulu waphathela uThoko isipho esikhethekileyo athe wamenzela sona – inkwenkwezi egolide emenyezelayo ethungelwe kwisihombiso sasentloko. “Le yeyokuba ngoyena mlesi ofunde iincwadi ezininzi,” watsho uMakhulu. Emva koko waphuza uThoko ebunzi wamsebezela esithi, “Oku kokokuba yintwazana enovelwano necingela abanye.” UThoko wabamba ibunzi lakhe waza wacinga kancinane phambi kokuba abiwe bubuthongo. “Iinkwenkwezi ezigolide ziba neekona eziphethukayo kwaye ziyawa. Ukuphuzwa kona kuhlala naphakade!”",xho,isiXhosa,Inkwenkwezi egolide nokuphuzwa kukaThoko,"Friday was always the big day of the “Star Awards”. +So far, Thoko had earned a yellow star for her maths sums, a red star for her neat writing and a blue star for “clean hands”. Green stars were for helping Mrs McKensie carry her big ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/inkwenkwezi-egolide-nokuphuzwa-kukathoko +gold-star-and-kiss-thoko,"ULwesihlanu lwaluhlale luwusuku olukhulu “lweMiklomelo Yezinkanyezi”. +Kuze kube manje, uThoko wayesethole inkanyezi ephuzi yezibalo, inkanyezi ebomvu yokubhala ngobunono nenkanyezi eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka “yezandla ezihlanzekile”. Izinkanyezi eziluhlaza okotshani kwakungezokusiza ngokuphathisa uNkosikazi McKensie isikhwama sakhe esikhulu ukusuka emotweni yakhe ukuya egumbini lokufunda. Umuntu wayethola inkanyezi esagolide yokufunda. Izinkanyezi ezisagolide zazingefaniswe nezinye! + +Izinkanyezi zazihlale ziklonyeliswa ngaphambi kokuthi kukhale insimbi yokuphuma kwesikole bese zonke izingane zigijima ziya komama, kobaba, kogogo noma ko-anti bazo enkundleni yezemidlalo. Ngaphandle kukaThoko, owayehlala eduze nesikole futhi owayeya ekhaya ngezinyawo. UThoko wayehlala noMama wakhe ngemuva kwesitolo sokuthunga sikaGogo wakhe. +ULwesihlanu lwaluwusuku olukhethekile futhi ngoba uThoko wayethola imali yokuzithengela oncamnce endleleni eya ekhaya. Kanti uThoko waba nenhlanhla futhi ngalolu Lwesihlanu ngoba wafika endaweni yokupaka izimoto ngesikhathi sokuthi asize uNkosikazi McKensie ekuthwaleni isikhwama sakhe esikhulu aye egumbini lokufundela. Mhlawumbe uzowina inkanyezi eluhlaza okotshani. Noma phela bekungaba ngcono ukuthola inkanyezi esagolide. +Kamuva nje, uThoko ubesenze imizamo mayelana nokufunda kwakhe – ukufunda akhombise imizwa, ukuphumula kancane ngemuva kukakhefana bese eyama ngemuva kukangqi ukuze adonse umoya. UBrendan wayengumpetha ekufundeni, izingane eziningi zazimbiza ngokuthi “uMehlo Ayaphanga” ngoba wayesefunde izincwadi eziningi. +UThoko wasiza uNkosikazi McKensie ukuthi akhiphe amaphepha okusebenzela. Iphepha lokusebenzela langoLwesihlanu laliphathelene nesikhathi – kanti sasihamba kancane ngempela kuThoko. Wayefisa sengathi angakwazi ukwenza izinti zamawashi adwetshiwe zizungeze bese zima eSikhathini Semiklomelo Yezinkanyezi! Ngesikhathi somculo, wayengasakwazi ukulinda ukuthi kuphele umugqa wokugcina weculo elisha. Kwakunzima ukulinda iMiklomelo Yezinkanyezi. +Babengenzi lutho ngesikhathi sesifundo sokugcina, ngakho uThoko wanquma ukufunda. Kanti ngesikhathi efunda, wakhohlwa nya ngesikhathi – wathatha incwadi yokuqala, kwalandela enye nenye. Ngesikhathi esefake izihloko zezincwadi ohlwini lwezincwadi azifundile, uNkosikazi McKensie wayeseme ngomumo ukumemezela abawine izinkanyezi. +UShane, uRapelang, uCorne noTaitum bonke bathola izinkanyezi eziphuzi. UGift, uGaswin, u-Aydon, uChleo noKay-Lee bathola izinkanyezi ezibomvu. URoche, uShaunique noMiscka bathola izinkanyezi eziluhlaza okotshani. Kanti-ke uDana Rose, owayekwaze ukugeza asuse uqhakaza oluhlaza okotshani eminweni yakhe ngesikhathi sekhefu, wathola inkanyezi eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. UThoko wezwa sekubizwa igama lakhe. +“Thoko noBrendan,” kumemezela uNkosikazi McKensie, ebuka izinhlu zezincwadi ezifundiwe. UBrendan ufunde izincwadi ezinhlanu kanti uThoko ufunde eziyisithupha! Wagcwala injabulo ngesikhathi uNkosikazi McKensie enamathisela inkanyezi enombala osagolide esiphongweni sakhe. +“Kenqe, kenqe!” kukhala insimbi yesikole. UThoko waphuma ngejubane emasangweni esikole. Wayesejahe ukukhombisa uMama noGogo inkanyezi yakhe esagolide. Ngesikhathi efika esitodlwaneni samadonathi anongwe ngezipayisi, ubuso bakhe base bushisa ngenxa yokugijima. Indodakazi encane kaNkosikazi Ismail, uSharifa, yayizenza umninisitolo. Wanikeza uThoko idonathi elinongwe ngezipayisi elifakwe ephaketheni lephepha wase emamatheka kamnandi. “Ngiyabonga,” kusho uThoko esuka ngejubane. +“Mama! Gogo!” ememeza, engena nezicabha emnyango ongaphambili, “Bhekani ukuthi ngitholeni?” +UGogo wayeka umthungo wakhe walunguza, noMama walunguza naye. +“Sawubona, Thoko!” kusho bona. “Bekunjani esikoleni?” +“Bhekani!” kusho uThoko. UMama noGogo babheka ngesikhathi uThoko ebakhombisa isiphongo sakhe. +“Sibhekeni, Thoko?” kubuza uGogo. +“Inkanyezi yami esagolide!” kusho uThoko ngokunengwa. +“Iphi inkanyezi esagolide?” kubuza uMama. +“Le,” kusho uThoko, efuna ngeminwe yakhe esiphongweni. Kodwa wezwa isiphongo sakhe esibushelelezi kuphela! Yayilahlekile inkanyezi esagolide! UThoko wakhihla isililo ngesikhathi echaza ukuthi ubethole inkanyezi esagolide yokufunda. +“Bewukuphi ngesikhathi ugcina ukuba nayo?” kubuza uMama. +“Esikoleni,” kuphendula uThoko. +“Wenzeni ngemva kokuphuma kwesikole?” kubuza uGogo. UThoko wachaza indlela yakhe esuka isikoleni echiphiza. +“Nokho, bekuyinkanyezi eyenziwe ngephepha nje,” kusho uMama. Cha, akunjalo. Bekuyinkanyezi esagolideyekhethelo. +“Sula izinyembezi, sizohamba siyobheka inkanyezi yakho esagolide,” kusho uGogo. +UGogo wasiza uThoko wabuyela emuva ngendlela abehambe ngayo, bajika ekhoneni bahamba ngendlela eya esikoleni. Laphaya esitodlwaneni samadonathi sikaNkosikazi Ismail bathola inkanyezi esagolide kaThandi – inamathele esiphongweni sentombazanyana kaNkosikazi Ismail encane! Ngesikhathi uNkosikazi Ismail ezwa indaba kaThoko ebuhlungu, wathi, “Sharifa mntakwethu, ekaThoko leyo nkanyezi esagolide.” Kodwa inganyana enguSharifa yayiyithanda kakhulu inkanyezi kaThoko esagolide. Kwathi ngesikhathi uNkosikazi Ismail ezama ukuyisusa, uSharifa wakhala sengathi uyabulawa. +UGogo waphendukela kuThoko. “USharifa usemncane ukuthi angazi ukuthi buyini ubulungiswa. Kodwa wena usumdala ngokwanele ukuthi ungamcabangela. Myeke ayigcine inkanyezi yakho esagolide, ” kusho yena. UThoko wathi ukucabanga isikhashana. Amachopho enkanyezi esagolide ayesegoqekile, futhi yayibukeka sengathi izophinde iwe futhi. “Kulungile,” kusho uThoko, “Angayigcina uSharifa.” Kodwa wayesazizwa engemnandi ngaphakathi. Kwakungelula ukuwina izinkanyezi ezisagolide. + +Kwathi ngesikhathi sokulala, uGogo walethela uThoko into yekhethelo ayemenzele yona – insiza yokubopha izinwele enenkanyezi enoqhakaza enombala osagolide. “Lokhu okokuba ngumfundi ovelele,” kusho uGogo. Wase eqabula uThoko esiphongweni enyenyeza ethi, “Lokhu okokubaintombazane enomusa ecabangela abanye abantu.” UThoko wabamba isiphongo sakhe wase ethi ukucabanga ngalokhu ngesikhathi elala: “Izinkanyezi ezisagolide zigoqana amachopho bese ziyawa. Ukuqatshulwa kuhlala ungunaphakade!”",zul,isiZulu,Inkanyezi esagolide nokuqatshulwa kukaThoko,"Friday was always the big day of the “Star Awards”. +So far, Thoko had earned a yellow star for her maths sums, a red star for her neat writing and a blue star for “clean hands”. Green stars were for helping Mrs McKensie carry her big ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/inkanyezi-esagolide-nokuqatshulwa-kukathoko +gold-star-and-kiss-thoko,"Labohlano e be e dula e le letšatši le legolo la “Kabo ya Difoka tša Dinaledi”. +Go fihla ga bjale, Thoko o hweditše naledi e serolane ka dipalo, naledi ye hubedu ka ge mongwalo wa gagwe o hlwekile le naledi ye talalerata ka ge a na le “diatla tša go hlweka”. Dinaledi tše talamorogo e be e le tša go thuša Moh McKensie go rwala mokotla wa gagwe o mogolo go tšwa sefatanageng sa gagwe go ya phaphošing ya borutelo. O hweditše naledi ya gauta ka go bala. Dinaledi tša gauta di a kgahliša! + +Dinaledi ka mehla di be di abiwa pele tšhipi ya sekolo e lla le pele bohle ba ka kitimela ntle go bommagobona, botatagobona, bokoko ba bona, goba bommane ba bona lepatlelong la go bapalela. Bohle, ntle le Thoko, ka ge a be a dula kgauswi gomme a sepela ka maoto go ya gae. Thoko o be a dula le mmagwe ka morago ga lebenkele la koko’agwe mo go rokwago diaparo. +Ka Labohlano go bile bose ka gobane Thoko o bile le tšhelete ya go reka sa bose ge a le tseleng ya go ya gae. Labohlano leo e bile Labohlano la mahlatse ka go fetiša go Thoko ka gobane o fihlile mo go phakiwago difatanaga ka nako go thuša Moh McKensie go mo rwalela mokotla wa gagwe o mogolo go ya phapošing ya borutelo. Mo gongwe o tla thopa naledi ye talamorogo. Efela go ka ba kaone ge a ka hwetša naledi ya gauta. +Moragonyana Thoko o itekile kudu ka go bala – go bala ka tlhagišo, go ema ka morago ga fegelwana le go ema mo go lego khutlo gore a heme. Yo a badilego bokaonekaone ke Brendan, yoo bana ba mmitšago “Mahlo a megabaru” ka ge a badile dipuku tše dintši kudu. +Thoko o ile a thuša Moh McKensie go aba matlakalatšhomo. Letlakalatšhomo la Labohlano le be le bolela ka nako – gomme go Thoko nako e be e nanya. Ge go be go kgonega o be a ka sepetša manaka a dišupanako ka moka ka lebelo tše di thadilwego gomme a emiša ka Nako ya Kabo ya Difoka tša Dinaledi! Ge go be go opelwa o be a fela pelo ya gore ba fihle mothalading wa mafelelo wa koša ye mpsha. Go be go le bohloko go emela Kabo ya Difoka tša Dinaledi. +Pakanathuto ya mafelelo sekolong, go be go sa dirwe selo, ka fao Thoko o ile a akanyetša go bala. Ge a dutše a bala, o ile a lebala ka ga nako – o thomile ka puku e tee gomme ya latelwa ke ye nngwe gwa latela ye nngwe gape. Ka nako ye a fetša go tsenya dithaetlele lenaneong la gagwe la go bala, ke ge Moh McKensie a thoma go bolela maina a bao ba thopilego dinaledi. +Shane, Rhapelang, Corne le Taitum ka moka ba hweditše dinaledi tše diserolwane. Gift, Gaswin, Aydon, Chleo le Kay-Lee ba hweditše dinaledi tše dihubedu. Roche, Shaunique le Miscka ba hweditše dinaledi tše ditalamorogo. Dana Rose yo a kgonnego go hlapa sebenyane se se talamorogo menwaneng ya gagwe ya diatla ka nako ya go khutša, o hweditše naledi ye talalerata. Thoko o ile a kwa leina la gagwe le bitšwa. +“Thoko le Brendan”, gwa tsebiša Moh McKensie, a lebeletše mananeo a go bala. Brendan o badile dipuku tše hlano gomme Thoko o badile tše tshela! O kwele eke o tla nyaoga ka lethabo ge Moh McKensie a bea naledi ya gauta phatleng ya gagwe. +“Kweteng – kweteng!” gwa lla tšhipi ya sekolo gomme Thoko a kitima ka lebelo a etšwa ka keiti ya sekolo. O be a fela pelo ya go bontšha Mmagwe le Koko’agwe naledi ya gagwe ya gauta. Ge a fihla fao Moh Ismail a rekišago dikokisana tša go ba le sepaese gona, ke ge sefahlego sa gagwe se šetše se fiša ka lebaka la go kitima. Morwedi wa Moh Ismail o monnyane, Sharifa, o be a itira eke ke yena mohlokomedi wa lebenkele. O ile a fa Thoko kokisana ya sepaese e le ka gare ga mokotla wa pampiri gomme a myemyela ka lethabo. “Ke a leboga,” a realo Thoko gomme a kitima. +  +“Mma! Koko!” a goelela, a bile a tsena ka lebati la ka pele, “Lebelelang gore ke hweditše eng?” +Koko’agwe o ile a lebelela a be a roka gomme Mmagwe a nyarela go tšwa khutlong. +“Dumela, Thoko!” ba dumediša. “Go bile bjang sekolong?” +“Lebelelang!” a realo Thoko. Mmagwe le Kokoagwe ba ile ba lebelela ge Thoko a šupa phatleng ya gagwe. +“Re lebelele eng, Thoko?” gwa botšiša Koko. +“Naledi ya ka ya gauta!” gwa fetola Thoko ka go fela pelo. +“Naledi ya gauta ye efe?” gwa botšiša Mmagwe. +“Ye,” a realo Thoko, a šupa phatleng ka monwana. O kwele a swara letlalo la boreledi! Naledi ya gauta e be se gona! Thoko o ile a lla ge a be a le gare a hlaloša ka moo a hweditšego naledi ya gauta ka go bala. +“O e bone neng la mafelelo?” gwa botšiša Mmagwe. +“Sekolong,” gwa fetola Thoko. +“Ka morago ga sekolo o dirile eng?” gwa botšiša Koko’agwe. Thoko o ile a hlaloša ka ga leeto la gagwe la go boa sekolong gomme a bolela a lla. +“Naledi ye ke ya pampiri,” a realo Mmagwe. Ga go bjalo. E be e le naledi ye kgethegilego kudu ya gauta. +“Iphumule mekgogo gomme re tla ya go lebelela naledi ya gago ya gauta,” a realo Koko’agwe. +Koko’agwe o ile a thuša Thoko go lota mehlala ya gagwe go dikologa khutlo le mo tseleng ya go boela sekolong. Ba hweditše naledi ya Thoko ya gauta lefelong la go rekiša dikokisana la Moh Ismail − e kgomaretše phatleng ya morwedi wa Moh Ismail yo monnyane! Moh Ismail o rile go kwa taba ya Thoko ya manyami a re, “Sharifa moratiwa, naledi ya gauta ye o e topilego ke ya Thoko.” Sharifa o be a šetše a thomile go rata naledi ya Thoko ya gauta. Moh Ismail o rile ge a leka go e kgoromolla, a lla kudu ka fao bafeti ba tsela ba ilego ba gopola gore o a bolawa. +Koko’agwe o ile a retologela go Thoko. “Sharifa e sale yo monnyane kudu go ka kwešiša gore go phetha toka ke eng. Efela wena o yo mogolo o swanetše go kwešiša. Mo fe naledi ya gago ya gauta,” a realo. Thoko o ile a gopodišiša sebakanyana. Dikhutlo tša naledi ya gauta di be di phuthegile, gomme e bonala eke e ka wa gape. “Go lokile,” a realo Thoko, “Sharifa a ka e tšea.” Efela ka teng, o be a sa nyamilwe. Ga go bonolo go thopa dinaledi tša gauta. + +Ka nako ya go robala, Koko’agwe o ile a tlišetša Thoko sengwe se se kgethegilego se a mo diretšego sona – sepatišetšamoriri sa go ba le naledi ya gauta ya go bekenya. “Ke ka gobane o le sebadi se hlwahlwa,” a realo Koko’agwe. Morago o ile a atla Thoko phatleng a hebaheba, “Ke ka gobane o le mosetsana wa go loka wa go šomiša monagano.” Thoko o ile a swara phatla ya gagwe a nagana gannyane gomme a ya go robala: “Dinaledi tša gauta di menagana dikhutlo gomme tša wa. Go atla ke selo sa go ya go ile!”",nso,Sepedi,Thoko o hwetša naledi ya gauta ebile o a atlw,"Friday was always the big day of the “Star Awards”. +So far, Thoko had earned a yellow star for her maths sums, a red star for her neat writing and a blue star for “clean hands”. Green stars were for helping Mrs McKensie carry her big ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thoko-o-hwetša-naledi-ya-gauta-ebile-o-atlwa +gold-star-and-kiss-thoko,"Labohlano haesale e le letsatsi le leholo la “Dikgau tsa Dinaledi”. +Ho fihlela jwale, Thoko o ne a se a fumane naledi e tshehla bakeng sa dipalo tsa Mmetse, naledi e kgubedu bakeng sa mongolo o makgethe le naledi e bolou bakeng sa “matsoho a hlwekileng”. Dinaledi tse tala e ne e le tsa ho thusa Mof McKensie ho kuka mokotlana wa hae o moholo ho tloha koloing ho ya ka phaposing ya borutelo. O fumane naledi ya kgauta bakeng sa ho bala. Dinaledi tsa kgauta di tswa pele! + +Dinaledi di ne di dula di ntshwa pele tshepe ya ho tswa ha sekolo e lla mme bohle ba tswa ba potlakile ho ya kopana le bomma bona, bontata bona, bonkgonwa bona kapa borakgadia bona lebaleng la dipapadi. Bohle, kantle ho Thoko, ba neng ba dula haufi, ba ne ba kgona ho otlolla maoto ba ya lapeng. Thoko o ne a dula le mmae kamora lebenkele la ho roka diaparo la Nkgonwae. +Labohlano e ne e boetse e le letsatsi le monate hobane Thoko o ne a fuwa tjhelete ya ho ithekela dimonamone tseleng ha a ya hae. Labohlano lena e ne e le Labohlano la lehlohonolo ka ho fetisisa hobane Thoko o ile a finyella pakeng ya makoloi hantle ka nako e nepahetseng, bakeng sa ho thusa Mof McKensie ho jara mokotlana wa hae o moholo ho o isa phaposing ya borutelo. Mohlomong o ne a tla fumana naledi e tala. Naledi ya kgauta bakeng sa ho bala le yona e ne e tla ba betere, ehlile. +Morao tjena, Thoko o ne a ile a etsa matsapa a ho ntlafatsa ho bala ha hae – ho bala ka bokgabane, ho kgefutsa kamora feelwane le ho emisa ho letshwao la kgutlo bakeng sa ho kga moya. Mmadi ya ipabotseng e bile Brendan, eo bana ba neng ba mmitsa “Mahlo a Meharo” hobane o ne a bala dibuka tse ngata ho feta. +Thoko o ile a thusa Mof McKensie ho fana ka maqephe a mosebetsi. Maqephe a mosebetsi a Labohlano e ne e le feela a nako – mme nako e ne e dieha haholo bakeng sa Thoko. Ha fela a ne a ka kgona ho etsa hore matsoho ane a tshupanakong e takilweng a potolohe mme a emise ha a fihla Nakong ya Dikgau tsa Dinaledi! Ka nako ya mmino, o ne a se a sa ipatle, a tatetse hore mola wa ho qetela wa pina e ntjha o fihle. Jo, ho emela Dikgau tsa Dinaledi ho ne ho le bohloko hle. +Nakothuto ya ho qetela ya letsatsi la sekolo e ne e le e se nang thuto, kahoo Thoko a ikemisetsa ho bala. Yare ha a ntse a bala, a qetella a lebetse ka nako – a qala ka buka ya pele, yaba ho tla e nngwe, le e nngwe hape. Ka nako eo a seng a ekeditse dihlooho tsa dibuka lenaneng la hae la ho bala, Mof McKensie e ne e se e le malalaalaotswe ho tsebisa bahlodi ba dinaledi. +Shane, Rapelang, Thabang le Lebohang, bohle ba ile ba fumana dinaledi tse tshehla. Gift, Gaswin, Palesa, Lefaso le Kay-Lee ba fumana dinaledi tse kgubedu. Babiki, Dineo le Miscka ba fumana dinaledi tse tala. Mme Nthabeleng, ya ileng a kgona ho hlatswa mabenyane a neng a le matsohong a hae ka nako ya kgefutso, a fumana naledi e bolou. Yaba Thoko o utlwa lebitso la hae le bitswa. +“Thoko le Brendan,” Mof McKensie a hoa jwalo, a shebile manane a ho bala. Brendan o ne a badile dibuka tse hlano, mme Thoko yena a badile tse tsheletseng! Yaka a ka qhibidiha ke thabo ha Mof McKensie a maneha naledi ya kgauta phatleng ya hae. +“Kete-kete-kete!” tshepe ya sekolo ya lla mme Thoko a nka ka sekaja ho ya tswa ka diheke tsa sekolo. O ne a se a tatetse ho ya bontsha Mmae le Nkgonwae naledi ya hae ya kgauta. Ha a feta setendeng sa Mof Ismail sa makwenya a monate, sefahleho sa hae se ne se tjhesa ke ho matha. Moradinyana wa Mof Ismail, Sharifa, o ne a ikgakantse eka ke monga lebenkele. A nea Thoko lekwenya le nang le senoko se monate le le ka mokotlanyaneng wa pampiri a nto bososela ha monate. “Ke a leboha”, a rialo Thoko a bile a nka ka sekaja. +“Mme! Nkgono!” a hoeletsa a se a itshohlometsa ka monyako wa ka pele, “shebang hore ke fumane eng?” +Nkgono a inamoloha moo a ntseng a roka teng yaba Mme yena o nyarela hukung. +“Dumela, Thoko!” ba rialo. “Ho ne ho le jwang sekolong?” +“Shebang!” ho rialo Thoko. Mme le Nkgono ba sheba moo Thoko a supileng teng phatleng ya hae. +“Re shebe eng, Thoko?” ho botsa Nkgono. +“Naledi ya ka ya kgauta!” ho rialo Thoko a se a teneha. +“Naledi efe ya kgauta?” ha botsa Mme. +“Ena,” ho rialo Thoko, a phopholetsa ka menwana phatleng ya hae. Empa a utlwa letlalo le boreledi feela! Naledi ya Kgauta e ne e ile! Thoko a bokolla ha a ntse a hlalosa kamoo a ileng a fumana naledi ya kgauta ka teng bakeng sa ho bala. +“O qetetse neng ho e bona?” ho botsa Mme. +“Sekolong,” Thoko a araba. +“O ile wa etsang ha sekolo se etswa?” ha botsa Nkgono. A ntse a lla, Thoko a bolela tsela yohle eo a e tsamaileng ho tswa sekolong. +“Tjhe bo, kwana e ne mpa e le naledi ya pampiri feela,” ho rialo Mme. Empa ha ho jwalo. E ne e le naledi e ikgethileng haholo ya kgauta. +“Hlakola meokgo he, re tla ya re ilo batlana le naledi ya hao ya kgauta,” ho rialo Nkgono. +Nkgono a thusa Thoko ho menahana le mehlala ka tsela eo a tlileng ka yona ho tloha hukung ho ya mmileng o lebang sekolong. Mme ha ba fihla ha Mof Ismail moo ho rekiswang makwenya ba fumana naledi ya kgauta ya Thoko – e maname phatleng ya moradinyana wa Mof Ismail! Ha Mof Ismail a utlwa pale e bohloko ya Thoko, a re, “Sharifa rato la ka, naledi eno eo o e thotseng fatshe ke ya Thoko.” Empa Sharifa o ne a se a rata naledi ya kgauta ya Thoko haholo. Eitse ha Mof Ismail a leka ho e tlosa, a bokolla haholo hoo bafeta ka tsela ba ileng ba nahana hore o a fenethwa. +Nkgono a sheba Thoko. “Sharifa o monyane haholo ho ka utlwisisa se lokileng. Empa wena o se o le moholo hoo o ka kgonang ho mo nahanela. Mo tlohele a inkele naledi ya hao ya kgautla,” a rialo. Thoko a e nahaninisa metsotswana e se mekae. Dihuku tsa naledi ya kgauta di ne di se di kobehile, mme e ne e shebahala eka e ka tloha e wa hape. “Ho lokile” ha rialo Thoko, “Sharifa a ka nna a e nka.” Empa ka hare o ne a ntse a hlokofetse. Ho ne ho se bonolo jwalo ho hapa dinaledi tsa kgauta. + +Yaba ka nako ya ho robala, Nkgono o tlisetsa Thoko ho hong ho kgethehileng hoo a ho entseng – naledi e phatsimang ya kgauta e tleliping ya moriri. “Sena ke bakeng la hobane o le mmadi ya hlwahlwa,” ho rialo Nkgono. Yaba o suna Thoko phatleng mme a hweshetsa, “Ebile ke ka lebaka la hobane o le ngwanana ya mosa ya bohlale.” Thoko a itshwara phatleng mme a nahana haholwanyane ha a ntse a eya le sephume sa boroko: Dinaledi tsa kgauta di a kobeha di be di wele fatshe. Athe ho suna ho na le moelelo wa nako e telele!”",sot,Sesotho,Thoko o fuwa naledi ya kgauta o bile o a sunw,"Friday was always the big day of the “Star Awards”. +So far, Thoko had earned a yellow star for her maths sums, a red star for her neat writing and a blue star for “clean hands”. Green stars were for helping Mrs McKensie carry her big ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thoko-o-fuwa-naledi-ya-kgauta-o-bile-o-sunwa +goggles-to-the-rescue,"One night, Jay woke up and saw a bright light in the sky. Something was flying extremely fast towards the window. Suddenly, it stopped. A door slid open, and a funny looking creature got out. “Arp! Hello, my name is Goggles. Arp,” the creature said. Jay just stared. “Arp! Can you hear me? Do you know how to talk? Arp!” Goggles asked. Jay tried to talk but no sound came out. “Arp! Can you tell me what – arp! – these are?” Goggles held up a plastic bag, a plastic bottle and an empty tin. +“They are growing all over Earth. They are on the land and in the rivers and floating in the sea. Are they good to eat?” The creature tried to take a bite out of the bottle. “No, don’t eat that! It’s plastic!” Jay’s voice was loud and clear again. “People drop their rubbish in the streets, and it blows into the rivers and floats down to the sea. Sometimes hungry fish and turtles think it’s food, and they eat it and die. Plastic and glass and tin last a long, long time, so the land and the rivers and the sea and the beaches are full of rubbish.” Goggles looked sad. “What if … arp! … what if I beam all the litter into space? + +I’ll make a new planet for me to live on and Earth can be clean again and the fish won’t eat the plastic. Arp! Is that a good idea?” “Sure,” Jay said. Goggles jumped back into the spaceship. “Arp! If you need me, shout my name three times,” Goggles called as the spaceship moved away. Jay watched the spaceship rise higher and higher. It was beaming up litter off the streets, out of the rivers, off the beaches and out of the sea. The next day, everyone woke up to a bright, shiny new Earth. +No litter anywhere. Clean water, clean streets, clean everything. Everyone loved Clean Earth. Earth beautiful. They will feel so happy in their dreams that they will want to carry on doing those things when they wake up. Arp.” And that’s just what happened. Goggles sent golden dream dust floating and flying around the world. That night, millions and millions of people dreamed they were doing things to care for the forests and fields and mountains and rivers and beaches and seas. +They felt happy and peaceful in their dreams. And when they woke up, they went off and did exactly what they had been dreaming about. They made Earth beautiful again. But nobody changed how they lived. They still threw their rubbish into the streets. In a very short time indeed, the streets and the rivers and the beaches looked just as bad as before. Jay decided to call Goggles for help. “Goggles, Goggles, Goggles! Earth is in trouble again!” ZAP! The spaceship appeared. “Arp! This time I’m going to try my dream dust,” Goggles told Jay. “Everyone on Earth will dream that they are picking up rubbish, arp! and planting trees, arp! and recycling, arp! and doing all the things that help keep  +  +Nal’ibali fun +Ideas to talk about +What does littering do to our environment? What can you do to take care of your environment? +Visual +Draw a picture to show what you think the golden dream dust looked like when it was flying all over the world.  +Reading +Re-read the paragraph in which Jay explains how rubbish lands up in our rivers and seas, and on our beaches. Create a diagram to show how this happens. Draw small, labelled pictures and arrows between the pictures. +Writing +Write a newspaper article about the different ways in which Goggles helped to make Earth beautiful again. Don’t forget to give the article a catchy title! Draw picture to go with it. +Craft +Reuse materials like tins, plastic jars and cardboard boxes that often get thrown away. Decorate them using paper, glitter, paint and/or crayons to make things that you and other family members can use, like pencil holders, vases and storage containers. Make a poster with one or two practical ideas on how we can take care of the environment.",eng,English,Goggles to the rescue,"One night, Jay woke up and saw a bright light in the sky. Something was flying extremely fast towards the window. Suddenly, it stopped. A door slid open, and a funny looking creature got out. “Arp! Hello, my name is Goggles. Arp,” the creature ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Written by Liz Sparg,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/goggles-to-the-rescue +goggles-to-the-rescue,"Een aand word Jay wakker en sien ’n helder lig in die lug. Iets vlieg baie vinnig na die venster toe. Skielik stop dit. ’n Deur gly oop en ’n snaakse wese klim uit. “Arp! Hallo, my naam is Goggles. Arp,” sê die wese. Jay staar net. “Arp! Kan jy my hoor? Kan jy praat? Arp!” vra Goggles. Jay probeer praat, maar geen geluid kom uit nie. “Arp! Kan jy vir my sê wat – arp! – hierdie is?” Goggles wys vir Jay ’n plastieksak, ’n plastiekbottel en ’n leë blik. “Hulle groei orals op die aarde. +Hulle is op die land en in die riviere en dryf in die see. Is dit goed om te eet?” Die wese probeer ’n hap uit die bottel vat. “Nee, moenie dit eet nie! Dis plastiek!” Jay se stem is weer hard en duidelik. “Mense gooi hul vullis in die strate, en dit waai in die riviere in en dryf af na die see toe. Soms dink honger visse en seeskilpaaie dat dit kos is, en dan eet hulle dit en gaan dood. Plastiek en glas en blik hou baie lank, en daarom is die land en die riviere en die see en die strande vol vullis.” +Goggles lyk hartseer. “Sê nou … arp! … sê nou ek stuur al die rommel in die ruimte in? Ek sal vir my ’n nuwe planeet maak om op te woon, en die aarde kan weer skoon wees en die visse sal nie die plastiek eet nie. Arp! Is dit ’n goeie idee?” “Ja, beslis,” sê Jay. Goggles spring terug in die ruimteskip in. “Arp! As jy my nodig het, skree my naam drie keer,” roep Goggles terwyl die ruimteskip wegbeweeg. Jay kyk hoe die ruimteskip al hoe hoër styg. + +Hy sien hoe die rommel uit die strate, uit die riviere, van die strande af en uit die see in die ruimte opgesuig word. Die volgende dag word almal wakker op ’n silwerskoon, blink, nuwe aarde. Nêrens is daar rommel nie. Skoon water, skoon strate, skoon alles. Almal was baie bly oor die skoon aarde. herwinning doen, arp! en alles wat help om die aarde mooi te hou. Hulle sal so gelukkig voel in hul drome dat hulle daardie dinge sal wil aanhou doen wanneer hulle wakker word. Arp.” +En dis net wat gebeur. Goggles strooi goue droomstof oor die hele wêreld. Daardie aand droom miljoene der miljoene mense dat hulle dinge doen om vir die woude en velde en berge en riviere en strande en seë te sorg. In hul drome voel hulle gelukkig en vreedsaam. En toe hulle wakker word, gaan hulle en doen presies wat hulle gedroom het. Hulle maak die aarde weer mooi. Maar niemand het verander hoe hulle lewe nie. Hulle het nog steeds hul vullis in die strate gegooi. +Kort voor lank het die strate en die riviere en die strande net so sleg gelyk soos vroeër. Jay het besluit om Goggles te roep om te help. “Goggles, Goggles, Goggles! Die aarde is weer in die moeilikheid!” ZAP! Die ruimteskip verskyn. “Arp! Hierdie keer gaan ek my droomstof probeer,” sê Goggles vir Jay. “Almal op die aarde sal droom dat hulle vullis optel, arp! en bome plant, arp! en +  +Nal’ibali-pret +Idees om oor te gesels W +at doen dit aan ons omgewing as rommel gestrooi word? Wat kan jy doen om vir jou omgewing te sorg? +Visueel +Teken ’n prent om te wys hoe jy dink die goue droomstof gelyk het toe dit oor die hele wêreld gestrooi is. +Lees +Lees weer die paragraaf waarin Jay verduidelik hoe vullis in ons riviere en seë en op ons strande beland. Maak ’n diagram om te wys hoe dit gebeur. Teken klein prentjies met byskrifte en pyltjies tussen die prente. +Skryf +Skryf ’n koerantberig oor die verskillende maniere waarop Goggles gehelp het om die aarde weer mooi te maak. Moenie vergeet om die artikel ’n interessante titel te gee nie! Teken ’n prent om daarmee saam te gaan.  +Handwerk +Hergebruik materiaal soos blikkies, plastiekbottels en kartondose wat dikwels weggegooi word. Versier dit met papier, blinkertjies, verf en/of kleurkryt en verander dit in dinge wat jy en ander familielede kan gebruik, soos potloodhouers, blompotte en houers. Maak ’n plakkaat met een of twee praktiese idees oor hoe ons vir die omgewing kan sorg.",afr,Afrikaans,Goggles kom help,"One night, Jay woke up and saw a bright light in the sky. Something was flying extremely fast towards the window. Suddenly, it stopped. A door slid open, and a funny looking creature got out. “Arp! Hello, my name is Goggles. Arp,” the creature ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Storie deur Liz Sparg,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/goggles-kom-help +goggles-to-the-rescue,"Ngobunye ubusuku, uJay waphaphama wabona ilampa elikhanyako emkayini. Kwakunento eyabe iphapha ngokurhaba okukhulu itjhinga efesdereni. Kusesenjalo, yajama. Umnyango wavuleka, kwaphuma isidalwa esasiqaleka simangaza. “Aphu! Lotjhani, igama lami nginguGoggles. Aphu,” kwatjho isidalwa. UJay wamane warhudula amehlo. “Aphu! Uyangizwa? Uyakwazi ukukhuluma? Aphu!” kwabuza uGoggles. UJay wazama ukukhuluma kodwana akhange kube netjhada eliphumako. +“Aphu! Ungangitjela bonyana kuzizini – aphu! – lezi?” UGoggles waphakamisa umgodlana weplastiki, ibhodlelo leplastiki nebhlege elinganalitho. “Zizele iphasi loke. Zisemhlabeni nemilanjeni begodu zithaya ngelwandle. Ingabe ziyadliwa?” Isidalwa lesi sazama ukuluma ibhodlelo. “Awa-ke, ungakudli lokho! Yiplastiki!” ilizwi likaJay khabe liphezulu begodu lizwakala kuhle godu. “Abantu balahlela iinzibi zabo eentaradeni, bese ziphephukela ngemilanjeni, zithayele nangelwandle. +Ngezinye iinkhathi iimfesi neenkguru ezilambileko zicabanga bonyana kukudla, zidle bese ziyafa. Iimplastiki, amarhalasi namabhlege kuhlala isikhathi eside khulu, ngalokho umhlaba nemilambo kunye nelwandle kuzele iinzibi,” kwatjho uGoggles abonakala angakathabi. “Kuzakwenzekani nange ... aphu!... kuzakwenezekani nange ngingathumela iinzibi lezi zoke emkayini? Ngizazenzela iplanethi yami etja engizakuhlala kiyo nePhasi lingahlwengeka godu neemfesi angekhe zisadla iimplastiki. + +Aphu! Ingabe mbono omuhle lowo?” “Kunjalo,” kwatjho uJay. UGoggles weqa wabuyela ngesikepeni somkayi. “Aphu! Nangabe uyangidinga, rhuwelela igama lami kathathu,” kurhuwelela uGoggles lokha isikepe somkayi nasele sikhamba. UJay waqala isikepe somkayi lokha nasiya ngokuya sinyukela phezulu. Besithatha zoke iinzibi eentradeni, emilanjeni, magega namalwandle nangemalwandle. Ngelanga elilandelako, woke umuntu wavuka ePhasini elitjha elihlwengekileko neliphazimako. Kunganalapha kuneenzibi. Amanzi atsengileko, iintrada ezihlwengekileko, yoke into yayihlwengekile. +Woke umuntu wabe athanda iPhasi eliHlwengekileko. zoke izinto ezizakugcina iPhasi lilihle. Bazazizwa bathabe khulu emabhudangweni wabo kobana bafune ukuragela phambili benze izinto lezo lokha nabavukako. Aphu.” Kwenzeka lokho. UGoggles wathumela ithuli legolide lamabhudango larhatjheka belaphapha ephasini mazombe. Ngalobo ubusuku, iingidi neengidi zabantu zabhudanga zenza izinto ukutlhogomela amahlathi namasimu neentaba nemilambo namagega nelwandle namalwandle. Bazizwa bathabile begodu banokuthula emabhudangweni wabo. +Lokha nabavukako, bakhamba bayokwenza lokho egade bakubhudanga. Benza iPhasi laba lihle godu. Kodwana akekho owatjhugulula indlela agade aphila ngayo. Baragela phambili baphosela iinzibi zabo eentradeni. Ngesikhatjhana esifitjhani nje, iintrada nemilambo namalwandle kwabonakala kukumbi njengaphambili. UJay wathatha isiqunto sokubiza uGoggles bonyana azokusiza. “Goggles, Goggles, Goggles! Iphasi lisemrarweni godu!” VE! Isikepe somkayi savela. “Aphu! Kwanjesi ngizokuzama ibhudango lami lethuli,” uGoggles watjela uJay. “Woke umuntu ePhasini uzakubhudanga adobha iinzibi, aphu! batjala nemithi, aphu! benza izinto kabutjha, aphu! begodu benza +  +Ithabo leNal’ibali +Izinto esingakhuluma ngazo +Kwenzani ukusilaphaza ebhodulukweni lethu? Ungenzani bona utlhogomela ibhoduluko lakho? +Ukubonakala +Dweba isithombe esitjengisa ucabanga bona ibhudango lethweli lerhawuda lifana nani lokha nabeliphapha kilo loke iphasi mazombe. +Ukufunda +Funda godu indima lapha u-Jay ahlathulula khona ngendlela iinsila ezifika ngayo emilanjeni yethu kunye nemalwandle. Yakha idayegramu etjengisa bona lokhu kwenzeka njani. Dweba iinthombe ezincani ezileyibuliweko kuhlanganise namasungulo hlangana neenthombe. +Ukutlola +Tlola i-athikili yephephandaba ngeendlela ezihlukeneko lapha i-Goggles esiza khona ukwenza iPhasi libe lihle godu. Ungakhohlwa ukunikela i-athikili isihloko esikarisako! Dweba isithombe esizakukhambisana nayo. +Ubukghwari +Iinsetjenziswa ezinokungasetjenziswa godu ezifana namabhlege, iinjege zeplastiki namabhoksi wamakhadbhoksi lawa esikhathini esinengi owathola alahliwe. Ahlobise usebenzise iphepha, izinto ezibenyazelako, ipende begodu/namkha amakhrayoni uzenze izinto lezo wena namanye amalunga womndeni eningazisebenzisa, ezinjengezinto zokufaka amapensela, amavasi kuhlanganise neemumathi zokufaka izinto. Yenza iphosta ngombono munye namkha angaba mabili ephrakthikhali etjho indlela esingatlhogomela ngayo ibhoduluko.",nbl,isiNdebele,UGoggles uyasiz,"One night, Jay woke up and saw a bright light in the sky. Something was flying extremely fast towards the window. Suddenly, it stopped. A door slid open, and a funny looking creature got out. “Arp! Hello, my name is Goggles. Arp,” the creature ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguLiz Sparg,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ugoggles-uyasiza +goggles-to-the-rescue,"Ngobunye ubusuku uJay wavuka waza wabona ukukhanya okuqaqambileyo esibhakabhakeni. Kwakukho into eyayibhabha ngesantya esikhulu isiza ngasefestileni. Ngokukhawuleza, yema. Lwavuleka ucango, kwaphuma isidalwa esingaqhelekanga. “Grwa! Molo, igama lam ndinguGoggles. Grwa,” satsho esi sidalwa. UJay wavele wandwanya. “Grwa! Uyandiva? Uyakwazi ukuthetha? Grwa!” wabuza uGoggles. UJay wazama ukuthetha kodwa akwaphuma lizwi. “Grwa! Ungandixelela ukuba – grwa! +– zintoni ezi?” uGoggles waphakamisa ingxowa yeplastiki, ibhotile yeplastiki kunye netoti engenanto. “Ziyakhula kuwo wonke umhlaba lo. Zikhona emhlabeni, emilanjeni kwaye ziyandanda naselwandle. Ingaba ziyatyiwa?” Esi sidalwa sazama ukuluma ibhotile. “Hayi, musa ukuyitya loo nto! Yiplastiki!” Ilizwi likaJay lalivakala licacile kwakhona. +“Abantu balahla inkunkuma yabo ezitalatweni, ize ibhabhele emilanjeni iyokutsho elwandle. Ngamanye amaxesha iintlanzi namafudo aselwandle zicinga ukuba kukutya, zize zizitye zife. Iiplastiki neeglasi neetoti zihlala ixesha elide ngoko ke umhlaba nemilambo nakwiibhitshi kugcwele inkunkuma nje.” UGoggles wabonakala elusizi. “Kunganjani … grwa! … kunganjani ukuba ndingavele ndiyitshise ngemitha yonke le nkunkuma iye esibhakabhakeni? Ndiza kwenza iplanethi entsha endiza kuhlala kuyo noMhlaba nawo uza kucoceka kwakhona neentlanzi nazo azizukutya plastiki. + +Grwa! Ingaba eli ingalicebo elihle?” “Ngokuqinisekileyo,” watsho uJay. UGoggles watsiba waphindela kwisiphekepheke. “Grwa! Ukuba uyandidinga, uze ukhwaze igama lam kube kathathu,” uGoggles wakhwaza njengoko isiphekepheke sasihamba simka. UJay wasibukela isiphekepheke sisonyuka ngokonyuka. Sasitshisa ngemitha yonke inkunkuma esezitalatweni, emilanjeni, kwiibhitshi naselwandle. Ngosuku olulandelayo, wonke umntu wavukela kuMhlaba omtsha oqaqambileyo nokhazimlayo. Kwakungekho nkunkuma naphi na. Amanzi acocekileyo, izitalato ezicocekileyo, into yonke icocekile. Wonke umntu wayewuthanda uMhlaba oCocekileyo. ngokutsha, grwa! Kwaye besenza zonke izinto ezinceda ukugcina uMhlaba umhle. Baya kuvuya kakhulu emaphupheni abo kangangokuba baya kuvuka befuna ukuqhubeka besenza ezo zinto. +Grwa.” Yaye kwenzeka kanye loo nto. UGoggles wathumela uthuli olugolide lwamaphupha lwandanda kwaye lwabhabha phezu komhlaba wonke. Ngobusuku, izigidi ngezigidi zabantu zaphupha zisenza izinto ukukhathalela amahlathi namasimi neentaba, nemilambo neebhitshi kwanamalwandle. Baziva bonwabile kwaye beseluxolweni emaphupheni abo. Yaye xa babevuka, bahamba bayokwenza kanye le nto babephupha ngayo. Bawenza wamhle kwakhona uMhlaba. Kodwa akukho namnye owayitshintshayo indlela aphila ngayo. Baqhubeka belahla inkunkuma yabo ezitalatweni. +Ngexesha nje elifutshane, izitalatalo nemilambo kunye neebhitshi zakhangeleka zimdaka njengakuqala. UJay wathatha isigqibo sokuba abize uGoggles azokunceda. “Goggles, Goggles, Goggles! UMhlaba usengxakini kwakhona!” GQI! Savela isiphekepheke. “Grwa! Kweli ityeli ndiza kulinga uthuli lwam lokuphuphisa,” uGoggles waxelela uJay. “Bonke abantu eMhlabeni baza kuphupha bechola inkunkuma, grwa! Kwaye betyala imithi, grwa! Besebenzisa izinto  +  +Okokuzonwabisa kwakwaNal’ibali +Izimvo eninokuthetha ngazo +Yenza ntoni inkunkuma kwindalo yethu? Yintoni ongayenza ukulondoloza okusingqongileyo kwakho? +Umfanekiso +Zoba umfanekiso ukubonisa ukuba ucinga ngokuba belunjani uthuli lwasemaphupheni olugolide ngexa belubhabha emhlabeni wonke. +Ukufunda +Wufunde kwakhona umhlathi apho uJay acacisa indlela efika ngayo inkunkuma kwimilambo nakumalwandle ethu, kunye nakwiibitshi zethu. Zenzele owakho umzobo ukubonisa ukuba kwenzeka kanjani oku. Zoba imifanekiso emincinci, efakwe iileyibhile kunye neentolo phakathi kwemifanekiso. +Ukubhala +Bhala inqaku lephephandaba elimalunga neendlela ezahlukeneyo ezo iiGoggles zincede ngazo ukwenza ukuba libe lihle kwakhona iHlabathi. Ungalibali ukulinika isihloko esimnandi inqaku! Zoba umfanekiso ohamba nalo. +Ubuchule +Yisebenzise kwakhona imathiriyeli efana neetoti, iibhotile zeplastiki nebhokisi zamakhadibhodi eziqhele ukulahlwa. Zihombise usebenzisa iphepha, iglitha, ipeyinti kunye/okanye iikhrayoni kwaye uzenze izinto ezo wena namalungu osapho lwakho ninokuzisebenzisa, njengeziqulathi zeepensile, iivazi neekhonteyina zokugcina. Yenza iposta enoluvo olunye okanye ezimbini ezinokusetyenziswa ekubeni sikugcina njani okusingqongileyo.",xho,isiXhosa,UGoggles usisindisile,"One night, Jay woke up and saw a bright light in the sky. Something was flying extremely fast towards the window. Suddenly, it stopped. A door slid open, and a funny looking creature got out. “Arp! Hello, my name is Goggles. Arp,” the creature ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguLiz Sparg,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ugoggles-usisindisile +goggles-to-the-rescue,"Ngobunye ubusuku, uJay wavuka wase ebona ukukhanya okugqamile okukhulu esibhakabhakeni. Kwakukhona into eyayindiza ngokushesha okukhulu iza efasiteleni. Kusenjalo, yama. Kwavuleka umnyango, kwase kuphuma isidalwa esibukeka sixakile nje. “Grrr! Sawubona, igama lami nginguGoggles. Grrr,” kusho isidalwa. UJay wavele wandwaza nje. “Grrr! Ngabe uyangizwa? Ngabe uyakwazi ukukhuluma? Grrr!” kubuza uGoggles. UJay wazama ukukhuluma kodwa akakwazanga kuphimisa lutho. +“Grrr! Ngabe ungakwazi ukungitshela – Grrr! – ukuthi yini lokhu?” UGoggles wayephakamise isikhwama seplastiki, ibhodlela leplastiki nethini elingenalutho. “Lezi zinto zikhula yonke indawo eMhlabeni. Lezi zinto zisendaweni eyomile kanye nasemifuleni futhi zintanta nasolwandle. Ngabe zifanele ukudliwa?” Isidalwa sazama ukuluma ibhodlela. “Cha, ungakudli lokho! Iplastiki!” Izwi likaJay laphinde lezwakala kakhulu kahle futhi. +“Abantu balahla udoti emgwaqweni, bese uphephukela emifuleni, untante wehlele olwandle. Ngesinye isikhathi izinhlanzi kanye nezimfudu ezilambile zicabanga ukuthi ukudla, zikudla bese ziyafa. Iplastiki, izingilazi namathini kuhlala isikhathi eside kakhulu, ngakho-ke indawo eyomile nemifula nolwandle kanye namabhishi kugcwele udoti.” UGoggles wabukeka edangele. “Kungenzekani uma … grrr! … e ngingamunca ngamaza yonke imfucuza iye emkhathini? +Ngingazenzela iplanethi entsha engingahlala kuyo, kanti uMhlaba wona ungahlanzeka, nezinhlanzi angeke zisadla iplastiki. Grrr! “Impela,” kusho uJay.  UGoggles wagxuma wabuyela kumkhumbimkhathi. “Grrr! Uma ungidinga, umemeze igama lami kathathu,” kumemeza uGoggles ngesikhathi umkhumbimkhathi usuka uhamba. UJay wabukela ngesikhathi umkhumbimkhathi uphakama ukhuphukela le phezulu. Wawumunca udoti uwususa emigwaqweni, emifuleni, emabhishi kanye nasolwandle. Ngosuku olulandelayo, wonke umuntu wavukela eMhlabeni ogqamile, okhazimulayo omusha. + +Kwakungekho mfucuza ndawo. Amanzi ayehlanzekile, imigwaqo ihlanzekile, kuhlanzeke yonke into. Wonke umuntu wayethanda uMhlaba Ohlanzekile. ube muhle. Bazozizwa bethokozile emaphusheni abo kangangokuthi bazofuna ukuqhubeka nokwenza lezo zinto uma bevuka. Grrr.” Nangempela yilokho okwenzeka. UGoggles waletha uthuli lwamaphupho olusagolide olwaluntanta lundiza yonke indawo emhlabeni wonke. Ngalobo busuku, izigidi ngezigidi zabantu zaphupha zenza okuthile kokunakekela amahlathi kanye namasimu kanye nezintaba kanye nemifula kanye namabhishi kanye nezilwandle. +Bazizwa bejabulile futhi benokuthula emaphusheni abo. Kanti kwathi uma sebevukile, bahamba bayokwenza lokho ababephupha ngakho. Benza uMhlaba waba muhle futhi. Kodwa akukho muntu owashintsha indlela aphila ngayo. Babesalahla udoti emgwaqweni. Esikhathini esifushane nje, imigwaqo nemifula namabhishi kwaphinde kwabukeka kabi njengakuqala. UJay wanquma ukuthi kwase kuyisikhathi sokucela usizo kuGoggles. “Goggles, Goggles, Goggles! +UMhlaba usenkingeni futhi!” QHAMU! Kwavele kwaqhamuka umkhumbimkhathi. “Grrr! Kuleli hlandla ngizozama uthuli lwami lwamaphupho,” kusho uGoggles kuJay. “Wonke umuntu eMhlabeni uzophupha ecosha udoti, grrr! etshala nezihlahla, grrr! futhi esebenzisa kabusha imfucuza, grrr! bese enza konke okwenza uMhlaba  +  +Okokuzithokozisa kwakwaNal’ibali +Imibono okungaxoxwa ngayo +Ukulahla udoti kuwenzani umhlaba wethu? Yini ongayenza ukuze unakekele umhlaba? +Ezibonakalayo +Dweba isithombe ukuze ubonise indlela ocabanga ukuthi i-golden dream dust yayibukeka ngayo lapho indiza emhlabeni wonke. +Ukufunda +Phinde ufunde isigaba lapho uJay echaza indlela udoti ofika ngayo emifuleni nasezilwandle. Dweba ukuze ubonise ukuthi lokhu kwenzeka kanjani. Dweba izithombe ezincane, ezibhalwe amagama nezinemicibisholo phakathi kwezithombe. +Ukubhala +Bhala isihloko sephephandaba mayelana nezindlela ezihlukile ama-Goggle asize ngayo uMhlaba waphinde waba muhle. Ungakhohlwa ukubhala isihloko esidonsa amehlo! Dweba nesithombe esihambisana naso. +Umsebenzi wezandla +Phinde usebenzise izinto ezinjengamathini, ojeke bepulastiki kanye namabhokisi amakhathoni avame ukulahlwa. Wahlobise usebenzisa amaphepha, i-glitter, upende kanye/noma amakrayoni futhi ukwenze kube yinto wena namanye amalungu omndeni eningakusebenzisa, njengezinkomishi zokufaka amapensela, amavasi nezitsha zokugcina izinto. Yenza izingqwembe ezibonisa indlela eyodwa noma ezimbili ezisebenzayo zokuthi singawunakekela kanjani umhlaba.",zul,isiZulu,Waze wasiza Goggles,"One night, Jay woke up and saw a bright light in the sky. Something was flying extremely fast towards the window. Suddenly, it stopped. A door slid open, and a funny looking creature got out. “Arp! Hello, my name is Goggles. Arp,” the creature ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguLiz Sparg,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/waze-wasiza-goggles +goggles-to-the-rescue,"Bošego bjo bongwe, Jay o ile a phapharega gomme a bona seetša sa go kganya leratadimeng. Selo se sengwe se be se fofa ka lebelo le legolo se lebile lefasetereng. Ka nakwana, se ile sa ema. Lebati le ile la bulega, gomme gwa tšwa sebopiwa sa go tlaba. “Arp! Dumela, leina la ka ke Dikokolose. Arp,” sa realo sebopiwa. Jay o ile a no lebelela. “Arp! O a nkwa? O kgona go bolela? Arp!” gwa botšiša Dikokolose. Jay o lekile go bolela efela lentšu la gana go tšwa. “Arp! O ka mpotša gore ke eng – arp! – tše?” +Dikokolose a emiša mokotla wa polasetiki, lebotlelo la polasetiki le thini ya go se be le selo. “Di mela Lefaseng lohle. Di mo nageng le ka dinokeng gape di phaphamala le ka lewatleng. Di ka jewa?” Sebopiwa sa leka go ngatha lebotlelo. “Aowa, o se je selo seo! Ke polasetiki!” Lentšu la Jay le be le le le legolo ebile le kwagala gabotse gape. “Batho ba lahla ditlakala mebileng, gomme tša fofela ka dinokeng tša phaphasela go ya lewatleng. +Ka nako ye nngwe dihlapi le dikhudu di nagana gore ke dijo, gomme di a di ja tša hwa. Polasetiki, galase le thini di ba gona sebaka se setelele kudu, ka fao naga le dinoka le lewatle le mabopo a tletše ditlakala.” Dikokolose o be a bonala a nyamile. “Ge … arp! … ge nka iša ditlakala tšeo ka moka sekgobeng ka seetša? Ke tlo itirela planete ye mpsha ye ke tlo dulago go yona gomme Lefase le ka hlweka gape dihlapi tša se sa ja polasetiki. Arp! Ke kgopolo ye botse yeo?” “Ee,” Jay a realo. Dikokolose o ile a fofela morago ka sephatšamarung. “Arp! Ge o nhloka, o goeletše leina la ka gararo,” + +Dikokolose a realo ge sephatšamaru se sepela. Jay o lebeletše sephatšamaru se subelela godimodimo. Se be se iša ditlakala tša mebileng godimo ka seetša, tša tšwa dinokeng, mabopong le ka lewatleng. Ka letšatši la go latela, batho ge ba tsoga Lefase e be e le le leswa le kganya le go bekenya. Go be go se ditlakala. Meetse a go hlweka, mebile ya go hlweka, dilo tšohle di be hlwekile. Batho bohle ba be ba rata Lefase la go Hlweka. dilo gape, arp! ba dira dilo ka moka tša go dira gore Lefase le be botse. Ba tlo thaba kudu ditorong tša bona ka fao ba tlogo nyaka go dira seo ge ba tsoga. Arp.” +Gomme seo se diragetše. Dikokolose o rometše toro ya lerole ya gauta ya phaphasela le go fofa go dikologa lefase. Bošegong bjoo, dimilione tša batho ba lorile ba hlokomela dithokgwa le mapatlelo le dithaba le dinoka le mabopo le mawatle. Ba ikwele ba thabile ebile ba na le khutšo ditorong tša bona. Ba rile ge ba tsoga, ba ya go dira se ba lorilego ka sona. Ba dirile gore Lefase le boele le be botse. Efela ga go yo a fetotšego tsela ya gagwe ya go phela. Ba tšwetše pele go lahlela ditlakala mebileng. +Ka nako ye nnyane fela, mebila, dinoka le mabopo a ile a tlala ditlakala. Jay o ile a nagana go bitša Dikokolose gore a tle go thuša. “Dikokolose, Dikokolose, Dikokolose! Lefase le bothateng gape!” THANKGO! Sephatšamaru sa tšwelela. “Arp! Bjale ke tlo leka toro ya ka ya lerole,” Dikokolose a botša Jay. “Batho bohle lefaseng ba tlo lora ba tloša ditlakala, arp! ebile ba bjala mehlare, arp! ebile ba diriša  +  +Boipshino bja Nal’ibali +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Naa go lahla ditlakala gohle go dira eng go tikologo ya rena? O ka dira eng go hlokomela tikologo ya gago? +Go bona +Thala seswantšho go bontšha seo o naganago gore lerole la toro ya gauta le be le lebelelega bjang ge le be le fofafofa le lefase ka bophara. +Go bala +Bala temana gape fao Jay a hlalošago ka gona ka moo ditlakala di feleletšago di tsene ka dinokeng le mawatleng a rena, le mabopong a rena. Hlama seswantšho go bontšha ka moo se se diregago ka gona. Thala diswantšho tše nnyane tše di swailwego le marungwana magareng ga diswantšho. +Go ngwala +Ngwala pego ya kuranteng mabapi le ditsela tše di fapafapanego tšeo Goggles e thušitšego go dira gore Lefase le be botse gape. O se lebale go fa pego thaetlele ye e nago le maatlakgogedi! Thala seswantšho se se swanetšanago le pego. +Go dira dilo +Šomiša gape didirišwa tše di swanago le ditshitswana, meruswi ya polastiki le dikhatapokisi tše gantši di felago di lahlwa. Di kgabiše o šomiša pampiri, sephadimiši, pente le/goba dikhrayone o be o di fetoše go ba dilo tšeo wena le ba lapa la geno le ka di šomišago, go swana le mekotlana ya diphensele, dibase le dikhontheina tša bobolokelo. Dira phoustara ka kgopolo e tee goba tše pedi tše di ka kgonagalago mabapi le ka moo re ka hlokomelago tikologo.",nso,Sepedi,Goggles wa go hlakodiš,"One night, Jay woke up and saw a bright light in the sky. Something was flying extremely fast towards the window. Suddenly, it stopped. A door slid open, and a funny looking creature got out. “Arp! Hello, my name is Goggles. Arp,” the creature ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mongwadi ke Liz Sparg,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/goggles-wa-go-hlakodiša +goggles-to-the-rescue,"Ka bosiu bo bong, Jay a tsoha mme a bona kganya e benyang hodimo sepakapakeng. Ho ne ho ena le ntho e fofang ka potlako e kgolo e lebile fenstereng.   Hanghang, ya emisa. Lemati la buleha, mme sebopuwa se makatsang sa tswa ka moo.  “Arp! Dumela, lebitso la ka ke Goggles. Arp,” sebopuwa sa rialo.   Jay a tona mahlo.  “Arp! Na o a nkutlwa? Na o tseba ho bua? Arp!” +Goggles a botsa.  Jay a leka ho bua empa ha se ke ha tswa modumo ka hanong.  “Arp! Na o ka mpolella hore dintho tsena – arp! – ke ding?” Goggles a phahamisa mokotlana wa polastiki, botlolo ya polastiki le kotikoti e sa tshelang. “Di mela hohle Lefatsheng mona. Di naheng hape di ka hara dinoka mme di phaphalla le lewatle. Na di lokile bakeng sa ho jewa?”  Sebopuwa seo sa leka ho loma botlolo hanyane.  “Tjhe bo, o se ke wa ja ntho eo! Ke polastiki!” Lentswe la Jay le ne le phahame le hlakile hape. “Batho ba lahlela matlakala a bona diterateng, mme a fefohela dinokeng a theohele lewatleng. +Ka nako tse ding ditlhapi le dikgudu tse lapileng di nahana hore ke dijo, mme di a a ja mme di shwe. Polastiki le galase le kotikoti di dula nako e telele, telele, kahoo naha le dinoka le lewatle le mabopo di tletse matlakala,” Goggles a shebeha a hloname.  “Ho ka ba jwang …. arp! … ho ka ba jwang ha nka tjhesa ka hulela matlakala ohle sebakeng? Ke tla iketsetsa polanete e ntjha eo nka dulang ho yona mme Lefatshe le ka hlweka hape mme ditlhapi di keke tsa hlola di ja polastiki. + +Arp! Na ke mohopolo o motle oo?”  “Ho lokile,” ha rialo Jay.  Goggles a tlolela ka seketswaneng sa moyeng hape. “Arp! Haeba o ntlhoka, bitsa lebitso la ka makgetlo a mararo,” Goggles a hoeletsa ha seketswana sa moyeng se tloha. Jay a shebella seketswana sa moyeng ha se nyolohela hodimodimo. Se ne se hulela matlakala ho sona se a tlosa diterateng, se a ntsha dinokeng, se a tlosa mabopong se a ntsha le mawatleng.  Letsatsing le hlahlamang, batho bohle ba tsoha ho Lefatshe le kganyang le letjha. Ho se matlakala hohle. Metsi a hlwekile, diterata di hlwekile le dintho tsohle di hlwekile. +Batho bohle ba ne rata Lefatshe le Hlwekileng.  thusang ho boloka Lefatshe le le letle. Ba tla ikutlwa ba thabile ditorong tsa bona hoo ba tla batla ho dula ba etsa dintho tseo ha ba tsoha. Arp. ”  Mme seo sa tsahala jwalo feela.   Goggles a romela lerole la toro la kgauta le fofa hohle lefatsheng. Bosiung boo, dimilione le dimilione tsa batho ba lora eka ba etsa dintho tse hlokomelang meru le dithota le dithaba le dinoka le mabopo le mawatle. Ba ikutlwa ba thabile ba tletse kgotso ditorong tsa bona. Mme yare ha ba tsoha, ba tswa ba ya etsa hantle tsona dintho tseo ba neng ba lora ba di etsa. Ba etsa hore Lefatshe le be letle hape. +Empa ha ho motho ya ileng a fetola tsela ya ho phela. Ba ile ba nna ba lahlela matlakala a bona diterateng. Ka nako e seng kae, diterata le dinoka le mabopo di ne di silafetse jwaloka pele hape. Jay a etsa qeto ya ho bitsa Goggles a kope thuso. “Goggles, Goggles, Goggles! Lefatshe le mathateng hape!”  FUTHU! Sekepe sa moyeng sa hlahella.  “Arp! Kgetlong lena ke tla leka lerole la ka la toro,” Goggles a bolella Jay. “Batho bohle ba Lefatsheng ba tla lora eka ba phutha matlakala, arp! mme ba jala difate, arp! ba a resaekela, arp! mme ba etsa dintho tsohle tse  +  +Monate wa Nal’ibali +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Ho lahlaka matlakala ho etsang tikolohong ya rona? O ka etsang ho hlokomela tikoloho ya heno? +Setshwantsho +Taka setshwantsho ho bontsha hore o nahana hore lerole la kgauta la torong le ne le shebeha jwang ha le fofa ho potoloha lefatshe. +Ho bala +Bala hape serapa moo Jay a hlalosang kamoo matlakala a qetellang a kene dinokeng le mawatleng a rona, le mabopong a mawatle a rona. Etsa daekramo ho bontsha ka moo sena se etsahalang. Taka ditshwantsho tse nyane, tse leibotsweng le tse nang le metsu dipakeng tsa ditshwantsho. +Ho ngola +Ngola sengolwa sa koranta se mabapi le ditsela tse fapaneng tseo ka tsona Goggles e thusitseng ho etsa hore Lefatshe le be letle hape. Se ke wa lebala ho fa sengolwa sehlooho se hohelang! Taka setshwantsho se tsamayang le sengolwa sa hao. +Mosebetsi wa matsoho +Sebedisa hape disebediswa tse jwalo ka makotikoti, dibotlolo tsa polasetiki le mabokose a khateboto tse atisang ho lahlwa. Di kgabise ka ho sebedisa pampiri, mabenyane, pente le/kapa dikerayone ebe o di fetola dintho tseo wena le ditho tsa lelapa leno le ka di sebedisang, jwalo ka ditshelo tsa dipensele, divase le ditshelo tsa polokelo. Etsa phoustara o sebedisa mohopolo o le mong kapa e mmedi ya dintho tse ka etswang hore re hlokomele tikoloho.",sot,Sesotho,Goggles o ilo pholos,"One night, Jay woke up and saw a bright light in the sky. Something was flying extremely fast towards the window. Suddenly, it stopped. A door slid open, and a funny looking creature got out. “Arp! Hello, my name is Goggles. Arp,” the creature ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E ngotswe ke Liz Sparg,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/goggles-o-ilo-pholosa +goggles-to-the-rescue,"Letsatsi lengwe bosigo e ne ya re Jay a thanya a bona lesedi le le phatshimang mo loaping. Sengwe se ne se fofa ka lebelo le legolo tota mme se tla se lebile letlhabaphefo. Ka ponyo ya leitlho sa ema. Lebati la bulega mme ga tswa sebopiwa se se maswe e le ruri. “Aph! Madume, leina la me ke Goggles, Aph,” ga bua sebopiwa. Jay a se lebelela fela ka tidimalo. Sebopiwa sa leka go loma lebotlolo. “Aph! A o a nkutlwa? A o itse go bua? Aph!” Goggles a mmotsa. +Jay a leka go bua mme lentswe la gana go tswa. “Aph! A ke o mpolelele gore tota fa o ntse o re – aph! – jaana o kayang?” Goggles a tsholetsa kgetsana ya polasetiki, lebotlolo la polasetiki le moteme o o senang sepe. “Di a ntsifala go ralala lefatshe. O di fitlhela mo lefatsheng le mo dinokeng mme e bile di kokobala le mo lewatleng. A di siametse go jewa?” Sebopiwa sa leka go kuma lebotlolo. “Nnyaa, o se ka wa ja selo seo! Ke polasetiki!” Lentswe la ga Jay le ne le le kwa godimo mme e bile le tlhapile. “Batho ba latlhela matlakala a bona fela mo mebileng, mme a feleletsa a tsewa ke phefo e a gogolela mo dinokeng a bo a kokobala mo lewatleng. Nakonngwe ditlhapi le dikgadubane di a aja ka jaana di ithaa di re ke dijo mme di feleletse di sule. +Dipolasetiki, digalase le meteme di nna sebaka se seleele tota, ka jalo seno se dira gore lefatshe, dinoka, lelwatle le mabopo di tletse matlakala.” Goggles o lebega a tlhoname. Fa nka ….aph!... fa nka dira gore matlakala a otlhe a a iponatse kwa loaping go ka nna jang? Ka go dira jalo ke tlaa bo ke dira gore go nne le polanete e ntšhwa e nka tshelang kwa go yona mme lefatshe le ka boa la nna phepa gape mme e bile le ditlhapi ga di kitla di tlhola di ja dipolasetiki. Aph! A se ga se kakanyo e ntle?” +“Ke kakanyo e ntle e le ruri,” ga araba Jay.  Goggles a tlolela gape mo sesutlhalefaufaung.  “Aph! Fa o ntlhoka, bitsa leina la me gararo,” Goggles a goeletsa fa sesutlhalefaufau se tsamaya.  Jay a tlhoma sesutlhalefaufau matlho fa se ntse se tlhatlogela kwa godimodimo. Se ne se phepheulela matlakala otlhe a a mo mebileng, mo dinokeng, mo mabopong le mo lewatleng kwa loaping. Mo letsatsing le le latelang fa batho botlhe ba tsoga ba fitlhela lefatshe le galalela. Go ne so se le fa e le matlakala. + +Metsi, mebila le dilo tsotlhe fela di ne di le phepa. Batho botlhe ba ne ba rata lefatshe le le phepa. le nne le le phepa ka dinako tsotlhe. Ba tlaa itumela thata mo ditorong tsa bona moo ba tlaa ratang go tswelela ba dira seno fa ba tsogile. Aph.” Goggles a latlhela lerole la gagwe la ditoro mo lefatsheng mme la nna le kokobetse jalo. Mo bosigong jona joo, didikadike tsa batho tsa lora di tlhokomela dikgwa, masimo, dithaba, dinoka, mabopo le mawatlemagolo. Ba ne ba ikutlwa ba itumetse thata e bile ba na le kagiso mo ditorong tsa bona. E ne ya re fa ba tsoga, ba bo ba tswelela go dira tsona dilo tse ba neng ba di lora fa ba robetse. +Ka go dira jalo, ba ne ba dira gore lefatshe le nne lentle thata le le phepa gape. Le fa go ntse jalo, batho ga ba a ka ba fetola tsela e ba tshelang ka yona. Ba ne ba tswelela go latlhela matlakala mo mebileng. Go ise go ye kae, ke fa mebila, dinoka le mabopo di tletse matlakala fela jaaka di ne di ntse pele. Jay a swetsa go bitsa Goggles go kopa thusa. “Goggles, Goggles, Goggles! +Lefatshe le mo mathateng ale gape!” ZAP! Sesutlhalefaufau sa goroga. “Aph! Jaanong key a go leka go dirisa toro ya me ya lerole,” Goggles a itsise Jay. Ke ya go dira gore batho botlhe mo lefatsheng ba lora ba sela matlakala, aph! Le go jala ditlhare. Aph! Le go dirisa dilo gape, aph! Le go dira dilo tsotlhe fela tse di ka dirang gore lefatshe . +  +Monate wa Nal’ibali  +Megopolo e re ka buang ka yona +Go latlhela matlakala gongwe le gongwe go dirang mo tikologong ya rona? Ke eng se o ka se dirang go tlhokomela tikologo ya lona? +Se se bonwang ka matlho +Dira setshwantsho go bontsha gore o akanya gore lerole la mmala wa gauta le le mo torong le ne le lebega jang fa le foka mo lefatsheng lotlhe. +Go Bala +Bala gape temana e mo go yone Jay a tlhalosang gone gore matlakala a fitlha jang mo dinokeng le mo mawatleng a rona, le mo matshitshing a rona a lewatle. Dira tayakeramo go bontsha gore seno se direga jang. Terowa ditshwantsho tse dinnye, tse di nang le dileibole le metsu mo gare ga ditshwantsho tseno. +Go Kwala +Kwala setlhogo sa lekwalodikgang se se buang ka ditsela tse di farologaneng tse Goggles e thusitseng ka tsone go dira gore Lefatshe e nne lefelo le lentle gape. O se ka wa lebala go dira gore setlhogo sa teng e nne se se gogelang! Terowa setshwantsho se se tsamaisanang le setlhogo seno. +Botaki +Dilo tse di tshwanang le ditopisi, dijeke tsa polasetiki le mabokoso tse gantsi di nang le go nna di latlhwa, boa o di dirise gape. Di kgabise o dirisa pampiri, mabenyane, pente le/kgotsa dikerayone mme o dire gore e nne dilo tse wena le maloko a mangwe a lelapa ba ka kgonang go di dirisa, jaaka dikhonteinara tse di bayang diphensele, di-vase le dikhonteinara tse go bolokelwang dilo mo go tsone. Dira polakate ka kgopolo e le nngwe kgotsa di le pedi ka gore re ka tlhokomela jang tikologo ya rona.",tsn,Setswana,Goggles mosirelets,"One night, Jay woke up and saw a bright light in the sky. Something was flying extremely fast towards the window. Suddenly, it stopped. A door slid open, and a funny looking creature got out. “Arp! Hello, my name is Goggles. Arp,” the creature ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E kwadilwe ke Liz Sparg,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/goggles-mosireletsi +goggles-to-the-rescue,"Ngalobunye busuku, Jay wavuka wabese ubona sibane lelikhanya kakhulu esibhakabhakeni. Bekunentfo letsite lebeyindiza ngesivinini lesikhulu kakhulu icondze efasitelweni. Masinyane-nje, yabese iyema. Kwavuleka sivalo, kwabese kuphuma silwane lebesibukeka sihlekisa. “Aphu! Sawubona, ligama lami nguGoggles. Aphu!” kwasho lesilwane. Jay wamane wahlahla emehlo-nje wasibuka. “Aphu! Uyangiva? Uyakwati kukhuluma? Aphu!” kwabuta Goggles. +Jay wetama kukhuluma kodvwa livi alizange liphume. “Aphu! Ungangitjela kutsi – aphu! – yini loku?” Goggles waphakamisa sikhwama seliplastiki, libhodlela leplastiki kanye nesikotela lesingenalutfo. “Tiyandza wonkhe umhlaba. Tiseveni nasemifuleni futsi tintanta elwandle. Ngabe tikahle kutsi tingadliwa?” Lesilwane setama kuluma umtsamo kulelibhodlela. “Cha, ungakudli loko! Liplastiki! Livi laJay belivakala kakhulu futsi licacile. “Bantfu balahla tibi tabo esitaladini, bese tiyaphephuka tingena emifuleni futsi tintante tiyofika elwandle. +Ngaletinye tikhatsi tinhlanti timfundvu taselwandle ticabanga kutsi kudla, bese tiyakudla bese tiyafa. Ingilazi neplastiki nesikotela kuhlala sikhatsi lesidze kakhulu, ngako-ke live nemifula kanye nelwandle nemabhishi kugcwele tibi. Goggles wabukeka abuhlungu enhlitiyweni. “Kungaba njani uma … aphu! … kungabanjani uma ngiphakamisela tonkhe letibi emkhatsini? Ngitawukwakha iplanethi lensha yami lengitawuhlala kuyo bese Umhlaba uyahloba futsi netinhlanti tingeke tiwadle lamaplastiki. Aphu! Ngabe kungumbono lomuhle loko? “Ucinisile,” kwasho Jay. + +Goggles wazupha wabuyela emuva kulomkhumbimkhatsi. “Aphu! Uma ungidzinga, memeta ligama lami emahlandla lamatsatfu,” kwamemeta Goggles ngalesikhatsi lomkhumbimkhatsi usuka uhamba. Jay wawubuka lomkhumbimkhatsi uphakama uya etulu, etulu. Bewuphakamisela tibi etulu utisusa etitaladini, utikhipha emifuleni, utisusa emabhishi futsi utikhipha naselwandle. Ngelilanga lelilandzelako, wonkhe umuntfu wavuka aseMhlabeni lomusha nalocwebetelako. +Bekute tibi nanoma ngukuphi. Emanti lahlobile, titaladi letihlobile, yonkhe intfo ihlobile. Wonkhe umuntfu wawutsandza Umhlaba Lohlobile. letisita kugcina Umhlaba umuhle. Batawutivela bajabule kakhulu emaphusheni abo kangangobe batawufuna kuchubeka nekwenta leto tintfo nabavuka. Aphu.” Futsi ngiko kanye loko lokwenteka. Goggles watfumela liphupho lelutfuli loluligolide lobelundiza futsi luntanta wonkhe umhlaba. Ngalobo busuku tigidzi netigidzi tebantfu baphupha benta tintfo tekunakekela emahlatsi netiganga netintsaba nemifula nemabhishi netilwandle. +Bativa bajabulile futsi banekuthula emaphusheni abo. Futsi batsi ngesikhatsi sebavuka, bahamba bayokwenta loko bebaphupha ngako. Benta Umhlaba waphindze wabamuhle futsi. Kodvwa kute lowantjintja indlela lababephila ngayo. Bebasolo balahla tibi tabo etitaladini. Ngesikhatsi lesifisha kakhulu ngempela, letitaladi nelemifula kanye nalamabhishi besekubukeka kabi njengoba bekunjalo ngaphambili. Jay wancuma kutsi abite Goggles atewusita. +“Goggles, Goggles, Goggles! Umhlaba usenhluphekweni futsi!” TFUSHU! Lomkhumbimkhatsi wavela. “Aphu! Manje ngitawutama liphupho lami lelutfuli,” kwasho Goggles watjela Jay. Wonkhe wonkhe emhlabeni utawuphupha kutsi babutsa tibi, aphu! futsi sebahlanyela tihlahla, aphu! Baphindze futsi bakhe tintfo letinsha ngetintfo lebesetilahliwe, aphu! Futsi bente tonkhe letintfo. +  +Kwekutijabulisa kwakaNal’ibali +Imibono lokungakhulunywa ngayo +Kulahlwa kwetibi kwentani endzaweni yetfu? Yini longayenta kunakekela indzawo yetfu? +Lokubukwako +Dvweba sitfombe kukhombisa kutsi ucabanga kutsi lutfuli loluyigolide lweliphupho belibukeka njani ngesikhatsi lindiza umhlaba wonkhe. +Kufundza +Phindza futsi ufundze indzima lapho khona Jay achaza kutsi inkhukhuma ifika njani emifuleni yetfu naselwandle, kanye nasemabhishi etfu. Dvweba idayagramu ukhombise kutsi loku kwenteka njani. Dvweba titfombe letincane, letinemalebuli kanye nemicibisholo emkhatsini wetitfombe. +Kubhala +Bhala i-athikili yeliphephandzaba mayelana netindlela letehlukene lapho khona Goggles asita khona kwenta Umhlaba ube muhle futsi. Ungakhohlwa kunika le-athikili sihloko lesihehako! Dvweba titfombe letitawuhamba kanye nayo. +Umsebenti wetandla +Phindza usebentise tintfo letifanana netikotela, emabhodlela emaplastiki nemabhokisi emakhadibhodi lavamise kulahlwa. Hlobisa usebentise liphepha, lokucwebetelako, ipendi kanye/noma emakhrayoni bese ukwenta kube tintfo wena nemndeni wakho leningatisebentisa, njengekwekufaka emapeniseli, emavasi kanye netimumatsi tekugcina tintfo. Yenta iphosta lenemcondvo munye noma mibili lephatsekako mayelana nekutsi singasinakekela kanjani simondzawo yetfu.",ssw,Siswati,Goggles uyasindzis,"One night, Jay woke up and saw a bright light in the sky. Something was flying extremely fast towards the window. Suddenly, it stopped. A door slid open, and a funny looking creature got out. “Arp! Hello, my name is Goggles. Arp,” the creature ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguLiz Sparg,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/goggles-uyasindzisa +goggles-to-the-rescue,"Vhuṅwe vhusiku, Jay o vuwa a vhona tshedza tshi penyaho lutomboni. Tshiṅwe tshithu tsho vha tshi tshi khou fhufha nga luvhilo luhulu tshi tshi khou ḓela fasiṱereni.   Nga khathihi fhedzi, tsha ima. Vothi ḽa vulea, tshivhumbiwa tshi songo ḓoweleaho tsha bvela nnḓa. “Nandi! Hurini, dzina ḽanga ndi Goggles. Nandi,” hu amba tshivhumbiwa.   Jay a sokou lavhelesa. “Nandi! Ni khou mpfa? Ni a kona u amba? Nandi!” hu vhudzisa Goggles. Jay o lingedza u amba fhedzi ipfi ḽa sa bve. +“Nandi! Ni nga mmbudza uri – nandi! – izwi ndi mini?” Goggles tsho imisela bege ya puḽasiṱiki nṱha, boḓelo ḽa puḽasiṱiki na tshikoṱikoṱi tshi si na tshithu. “Zwi khou mela hoṱhehoṱhe Shangoni. Zwi shangoni na milamboni na u papamala lwanzheni. Zwi a ḽiwa?” Tshivhumbiwa tsha lingedza u ḽa boḓelo. “Hai, ni songo tshi ḽa! Ndi puḽasiṱiki!” +Ipfi ḽa Jay ḽo vha ḽi tshi khou pfala zwavhuḓi hafhu. “Vhathu vha laṱela mathukhwi avho zwiṱaraṱani, a hwaliwa nga muya a kudzwa milamboni na u papamala lwanzheni. Tshiṅwe tshifhinga khovhe dzi re na nḓala na zwibode zwa maḓini zwi humbula uri ndi zwiḽiwa, zwi mbo ḽa nahone zwa fa. Puḽasiṱiki na ngilasi na tshikoṱikoṱi zwi dzula tshifhinga tshilapfu, zwenezwo mavu na milambo na lwanzhe na dzibitshini zwo ḓalesa mathukhwi.” + +Goggles tsha vhonala tsho ṱungufhala. “Arali … nandi! … arali nda isa mathukhwi oṱhe tshikhalani? Ndi nga vhunba pulanete ntswa ine nda ḓo dzula khayo nahone Shango ḽi nga kuna hafhu na khovhe a dzi tsha ḓo ḽa puḽasiṱiki. Nandi! A si muhumbulo wavhuḓi uyo?” “Ee,” hu amba Jay. Goggles tsha fhufhela ngomu ha tshiendatshikhalani. “Nandi! Arali ni tshi nṱoḓa, vhidzelelani dzina ḽanga luraru,” hu huwelela Goggles zwenezwi tshiendatshikhalani tshi tshi khou ṱuwa. Jay a lavhelesa tshiendatshikhalani tshi tshi gonya u ya nṱhanṱha. Tsho vha tshi tshi khou dzhia thukhwi yoṱhe zwiṱaraṱani, u bva ngomu milamboni, ngomu dzibitshini na u bvisa ngomu lwanzheni. Nga ḓuvha ḽi tevhelaho, muṅwe na muṅwe o vuwa kha Shango ḽiswa ḽi penyaho. Hu si na mathukhwi hoṱhehoṱhe. Maḓi o kunaho, zwiṱaraṱa zwo kunaho, tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tsho kunaho. +Muṅwe na muṅwe o funa Shango ḽo Kunaho. pfa vho takala miloroni yavho lune vha ḓo ṱoḓa u bvela phanḓa na u ita izwi zwithu musi vha tshi vuwa. Nandi.” Izwo ndi zwone zwe zwa itea. Goggles tsha rumela muloro watsho wa musuku u tshi khou papamala na u fhufha na ḽifhasi ḽoṱhe. Vhusiku honoho, dzimiḽioni na dzimiḽioni dza vhathu vho lora vha tshi khou ita zwithu zwi sumbaho ndondolo ya maḓaka na midavhi na dzithavha na milambo na dzibitshi na maḓanzhe. +Vha pfa vho takala nahone vha na mulalo miloroni yavho. Nahone musi vha tshi vuwa, vho mbo ḓi tou vutshela u ita zwenezwo zwe vha lora ngazwo. Vho ita uri Shango ḽi nake hafhu. Fhedzi a hu na we a shandukisa matshilele awe. Vho ḓi bvela phanḓa na u laṱela mathukhwi zwiṱaraṱani. Nga kufhinga kuṱukuṱuku, zwiṱaraṱa na milambo na dzibitshi zwa vhonala zwo tshikafhala sa kale. Jay a dzhia tsheo ya u vhidza Goggles uri tshi ḓe u thusa. “Goggles, Goggles, Goggles! Shango ḽi khakhathini hafhu!” NGA KHATHIHI FHEDZI! Tshiendatshikhalani tsha bvelela. “Nandi! Zwino ndi khou ya u lingedza muloro wanga,” Goggles tsho vhudza Jay. “Muṅwe na muṅwe Shangoni u ḓo lora a khou doba thukhwi, nandi! Na u ṱavha miri, nandi! Na u bikulula thukhwi, nandi! Na u ita zwithu zwoṱhe zwi thusaho u dzudza Shango ḽo naka.  +  +Madakalo a Nal’ibali +Zwine ha nga ambiwa nga hazwo +U lakatedza hu ita mini vhuponi hashu? Ni nga ita mini kha u tsireledza vhupo haṋu? +Tshifanyiso +Olani tshifanyiso tsha u sumbedza uri ni vhona u nga buse ḽo vha ḽi tshi khou vhonala ḽi hani musi ḽi tshi khou fhufha kha ḽifhasi ḽoṱhe. +U Vhala +Vhalani hafhu phara i re kha hune Jay a ṱalutshedza uri malakati a dzhena hani milamboni yashu na maḓanzheni ashu, na bitshini dzashu. Olani tshifanyiso (nyolo) ni tshi sumbedza uri hezwi zwi itea hani. Olani zwifanyiso zwiṱuku, zwi re na ḽeibuḽu na misevhe yo sumbaho zwifanyiso. +U Ṅwala +Ṅwalani atikiḽi ya gurannḓa nga ha nḓila dzo fhambanaho dze Guguḽu (Goggles) ya thusa ngadzo kha u ita uri Ḽifhasi ḽi nake hafhu. Ni so ngo hangwa u ṋea ṱhoho i no kunga! Olani tshifanyiso tshi no sumbedza iyi ṱhoho.  +Vhutsila +Shumisani hafhu matheriaḽa ane a nga sa zwikoṱi, mabuṱebuṱe (maboḓelo) a puḽasiṱiki na makhadibogisi zwine zwa anzela u laṱiwa. Zwi nakiseni ni tshi shumisa mabammbiri, zwipenyeleli (glitter), pennde na/kana khirayoni uri zwi vhe zwithu zwine inwi na vha muṱa wa haṋu na nga zwishumisa, kha u longa zwa u ṅwala ngazwo, sa vasi na zwifaro (zwifaredzi) zwa u vhulunga zwithu. Itani phosiṱara i no sumbedza muhumbulo muthihi kana mivhili ya uri ri nga vhavhalela hani vhupo.",ven,Tshivenda,Goggles tsho thus,"One night, Jay woke up and saw a bright light in the sky. Something was flying extremely fast towards the window. Suddenly, it stopped. A door slid open, and a funny looking creature got out. “Arp! Hello, my name is Goggles. Arp,” the creature ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Tsho ṅwalwa nga Liz Sparg,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/goggles-tsho-thusa +goggles-to-the-rescue,"Vusiku byin’wana, Jay u pfukile kutani a vona rivoni leri a ri vangama ematilweni. A ku ri na nchumu lowu a wu haha hi ku hatlisa wu kongomile efasitereni. Hi xihatla,wu yima. Rivanti ri pfuleka, kutani xiharhi lexo hlekisa xi huma. “Arp! Ahee, vito ra mina ndzi Goggles. Arp,” ku vula xivumbiwa. Jay a honokile. “Arp! Xana wa ndzi twa? Xana u kota ku vulavula,” Arp! Goggles a vutisa. Jay u ringetile ku vulavula kambe rito ri nga humi. “Arp! Xana u nga ndzi byela i yini – arp! – leswi?” +Goggles a khomile beke ya pulasitiki, bodhlele ra pulasitiki na thini ro va hava nchumu. “Swi mila Misava hinkwayo. Swi kona emisaveni na emilambyeni na ku phaphamala elwandle. Swi lulamerile ku dyiwa?” Xiharhi xi ringetile ku luma bodhlele. “E-e, u nga dyi xexo! I pulasitiki!” Rito ra Jay a ri ri henhla na ku twala kahle nakambe. “Vanhu va lahlela thyaka ra vona eswitarateni, naswona ri hahela emilambyeni kutani ri phaphamalela elwandle. +Mikarhi yin’wana tihlampfi na mafutsu swi anakanya leswaku i swakudya, kutani swa swi dya ivi swi fa. Pulasitiki na nghilazi na thini swi tshama nkarhi wo leha, leha, hikwalaho misava na milambu na lwandle na tibichi swi tele hi thyaka.” Goggles a languteka a tsanile. “Xana swi nga va njhani … arp! … loko ndzo teka thyaka leri ndzi ya na rona exibakabakeni? Ndzi nga endla pulanete leyintshwa ya mina leswaku ndzi tshama eka yona naswona Misava yi ta basa nakambe naswona tihlampfi a ti nge he dyi tipulasitiki. Arp! Xana leswi i mianakanyo ya kahle?” “Ina,” ku vula Jay. + +Goggles a tlulela endzeni ka xibamubamu. “Arp! Loko u ndzi lava, huwelela vito ra mina kanharhu,” Goggles a vulavula loko xibamubamu xi ri karhi xi famba.” Jay a languta xibamubamu loko xi ri karhi xi ya emalembelembeni. Xi kukula thyaka leri a ri ri ri eswitarateni, emilambyeni, hambi tibichini na le lwandle. Hi siku leri landzelaka, un’wana na un’wana u pfukile eka Misava leyintshwa yo vangama, Misava leyintshwa leyi vangamaka. A ku ri hava thyaka hinkwakonkwako. Mati layo basa, switarata leswi baseke, hinkwaswo leswi baseke. Un’wana na un’wana a rhandza Misava leyi Baseke. saseka. +Va ta titwa va tsakile emilorhweni lero va ta lava ku ya emahlweni va endla swilo leswi loko va pfuka. Arp.” Leswi hiswona leswi nga humelela. Goggles u rhumerile xo basisa xa nsuku leswaku xi phaphamala emilorhweni emisaveni hinkwayo. Vusiku byebyo, mamiliyoni na mamiliyoni ya vanhu va lorhile va ri karhi va endla swilo leswi hlayisaka swihlahla na masimu na tintshava na milambu na tibichi na malwandle. Va titwile va tsakile na ku rhula emilorhweni ya vona. Loko va pfuka, va fambile ku ya endla hi ndlela leyi a va lorha hakona. Kambe ku hava loyi a nga cinca leswi a va hanyisa xiswona. +A va ha cukumeta thyaka eswitarateni. Hi nkarhi wutsongo hi ntiyiso, switarata na milambu na tibichi a swi languteka kutlula khale. Jay u tekile xiboho xa ku vitana Goggles ku ta pfuna. “Goggles, Goggles, Goggles! Misava yi le khombyeni nakambe!” ZAP! Xibamubamu xi humelela. “Arp! Sweswi ndzi ta ndzi ta ringeta norho wa mina wo basisa,” Goggles a byela Jay. “Un’wana na un’wana wa le Misaveni u ta lorha a ri karhi a rhwalela thyaka, arp! na ku byala mirhi, arp! na ku vuyelerisa, arp! na ku endla hinkwaswo leswi endlaka leswaku Misava yi  +  +Swo tsakisa hi Nal’ibali +Mianakanyo yo bula hayona +Xana ku thyakisa swi endla yini eka mbango wa hina? Xana u nga endla yini ku hlayisa mbango wa hina? +Xifaniso +Dirowa xifaniso ku kombisa leswi u ehleketaka leswaku nkungwa wo tshwuka wu fana na swona loko wu ri karhi wu haha emisaveni hinkwayo. +Ku Hlaya +Hlaya nakambe ndzimana laha Jay a hlamuselaka hilaha malakatsi ya fikaka ha kona emilambyeni na malwandle ya hina, na tibichi ta hina. Vumba dayagiramu ku komba hilaha leswi swi endlekaka ha kona. Dirowa swifaniso leswitsongo, swo leburiwa na minseve exikarhi ka swifaniso. +Ku Tsala +Tsala xitsalwana xa phephahungu hi tindlela to hambana leti Goggles yi pfunaka ku endla Misava yi saseka nakambe. U nga rivali ku nyika xitsalwana nhlokomhaka yo koka mahlo! Dirowa xifaniso xo fambisana na yona. +Ntirho wa vutshila +Tirhisa nakambe swilo ku fana na swikotikoti, thikhontheni ta pulasitiki na mabokisi ya makhadibodo leswi talaka ku cukumetiwa. Swi khavisi u tirhisa phepha, swo hatimisa, pende na/kumbe tikhirayoni no swi hundzuluxa ku va swilo leswi wena na swirho swin’wana swa ndyangu mi nga swi tirhisaka, ku fana na swo khoma tipensele, tivhasi na tikhontheni to hlayisela kona. Endla phositara leyi nga na nchumu wun’we kumbe yimbirhi yo komba hilaha hi nga hlayisaka mbango.",tso,Xitsonga,Goggles a pfun,"One night, Jay woke up and saw a bright light in the sky. Something was flying extremely fast towards the window. Suddenly, it stopped. A door slid open, and a funny looking creature got out. “Arp! Hello, my name is Goggles. Arp,” the creature ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mutsari i Liz Sparg,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/goggles-pfuna +temo-and-the-plant-thieves,"Temo was a clever young girl who lived in the village of Qunu. She loved going to school and learning new things. +One day at school, her class learnt about planting and growing vegetables. Temo was so fascinated by this idea that she could not wait to get home to tell her parents about it. +BRRRRING! The last school bell of the day rang and all the children rushed out of their classrooms to make their way home. +When Temo arrived home, her mother and father were in the kitchen having tea. +  +“Hello, Mama. Hello, Papa,” she said as she walked into the kitchen. +“Hello, Temo,” answered her parents. +“How was your day at school today?” asked her mother. +“It was good! I learnt something very interesting,” replied Temo excitedly while making her way to her bedroom. +Temo’s parents wondered what their daughter was talking about, but before they could ask her to explain, she had disappeared. +  +In her bedroom, Temo took off her school uniform and put on her other clothes. But these were not her everyday other clothes. She put on her overalls, gumboots and a hat. +Temo walked back into the kitchen. “Ta-da! Mama and Papa, look!” she said. +Her parents were very surprised. Temo never wanted to do any chores at home, so why was she suddenly dressed in work clothes? +“Why are you dressed like that, Temo?” her father asked. +  +“Because I want to start growing my own vegetables, Papa,” she said excitedly. +“So, you want to have your own garden here at home?” her mother asked. +“Yes, Mama,” Temo replied. +  +Temo’s parents looked at each other and wondered how Temo would manage to take care of a garden when she +complained about chores as simple as making them tea. But they decided to have faith in her anyway. +So Temo and her father went outside and chose a piece of land in their yard where Temo could start her garden. Then Temo’s father went inside to change into his overalls. +  + +  +First, Temo and her father used a garden fork to break up the ground they had chosen. This helped make the +soil soft for planting seeds. It also helped loosen unwanted weeds and stones under the soil. Next, they raked all the +unwanted weeds and stones from the soil. Temo and her father put all the weeds into big black plastic bags and threw them into the dustbin. +  +The next day when Temo came back from school, she quickly changed out of her school uniform and went into her garden +with her father. Her father had bought some seeds for them to plant. So, they planted and planted! They planted spinach, +carrot, tomato and bean seeds. Then Temo watered the soil to help the seeds grow. Every day after that Temo was excited to come home from school and water her garden. +  +But there was a little problem: while no one was looking, the animals were starting to eat Temo’s vegetable plants! +One day, when she came home from school, Temo found the goats feeding in her garden. She chased them away and ran into the house. +“Mama! Papa! The goats are eating my vegetable plants. Why didn’t you watch out for them?” she said, crying. +  +“Sorry, Temo,” apologised her father. “Mama and I were taking a nap. Let’s go outside and see what we can do.” +So they went into the garden. What a mess the goats had made! But at least only a small part of the garden had been damaged. +“Let’s build a fence around the garden, Papa,” Temo suggested. +  +“That’s a good idea!” Papa replied. +So Temo and her father built a fence around the garden so the goats could no longer get in. +The next day when she came home from school, Temo found the cows eating her plants. The cows had been clever enough to open the garden gate with their horns! +  +Temo tried to chase the cows away, but it only took one cow with large, sharp horns to look at her and she was terrified! +The cows looked so big! So she ran into the house. +“Mama! Papa! This time the cows are eating my vegetable plants,” she said. +  + +  +Temo and her father went outside and found the cows grazing in Temo’s garden. Her father chased them away. +“Papa, why don’t we lock the gate with a padlock?” Temo suggested. “That way the cows won’t be able to open the gate again.” +Her father thought that was a good idea so they went and bought a padlock and they locked the gate. +  +The next day when Temo came back from school, she found not the goats, not the cows, but the birds eating the plants in her garden! +She chased them away and ran to tell her parents. +“Mama! Papa! Now the birds are eating my vegetable plants,” she cried. +  +Temo’s father went outside with her to see what the problem was. +“I don’t know what to do now, Temo,” said her father scratching his head as he thought hard. +“I know what we can do,” said Temo quickly. “We can put a net over the garden, then the birds won’t be able to get to the plants.” +  +And Temo was right! She never had to worry about any animals eating the plants in her garden again. +No goats could get in, no cows could get in and no birds could get in either. +The plants in her garden grew and grew, and soon the vegetables were ready for picking! Temo’s mother cooked a tasty +soup of beans, carrots, spinach and tomatoes and they all enjoyed a meal that had come from Temo’s garden.",eng,English,Temo and the plant thieves.,"Temo was a clever young girl who lived in the village of Qunu. She loved going to school and learning new things. +One day at school, her class learnt about planting and growing vegetables. Temo was so fascinated by this idea that ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/temo-and-the-plant-thieves +temo-and-the-plant-thieves,"UTemo wayeyintombazane ehlakaniphile eyayihlala emzananeni waseQunu. Wayethanda ukuya esikoleni nokufunda izinto ezintsha. +Ngolunye usuku esikoleni, ikilasi lakhe lafunda ngokutshala nokukhulisa imifino. +UTemo wayethathekile kakhulu ngale ndaba kangangokuthi wayesejahe kakhulu ukufika ekhaya axoxele abazali bakhe ngayo. +KENQEKENQEKENQE! Insimbi yokugcina yokuphuma kwesikole yakhala izingane zonke zaphuma emakilasini azo ukuze zigoduke. +Lapho uTemo efika ekhaya, unina noyise babesekhishini beziphuzela itiye. +  +“Sawubona, Mama. Sawubona, Baba,” washo engena ekhishini. +“Yebo, Temo,” bephendula abazali bakhe. +“Belunjani usuku lwakho namuhla esikoleni?” kubuza unina.“Bekumnandi! Ngifunde okuthile okungithathekisilekakhulu,” +kwaphendula uTemo ngenjabulo ngenkathi eqonde ekamelweni lakhe lokulala. +  +Abazali bakaTemo bazibuza ukuthi indodakazi yabo yayikhuluma ngani, kodwa ngaphambi kokuba bamcele ukuthi achaze, wayesenyamalele. +Egumbini lakhe, uTemo wakhumula umfaniswano wesikole wagqoka ezinye izingubo zakhe. +Kodwa lezi kwakungezona izingubo zakhe ezijwayelekile. Wagqoka i-ovaloli, wafaka amagambhuthi nesigqoko. +UTemo waphinde wangena ekhishini. “Ta-da! Mama noBaba, bukani!” kusho yena. +Abazali bakhe bamangala kakhulu. UTemo wayengathandi nje ukwenza umsebenzi wasekhaya, pho kungani wayegqoke izingubo zokusebenza? +  +“Kungani ugqoke kanjalo, Temo?” uyise ebuza.“Ngoba ngifuna ukuqala ukutshala imifino yami, Baba,” washo ngentokozo. +“Usho ukuthi ufuna ukuba nengadi yakho la ekhaya?” kubuza unina.“Yebo, Mama,” kuphendula uTemo. +Abazali bakaTemo babhekana base bezibuza ukuthi uTemo uzokwazi kanjani ukunakekela ingadi +ngoba uhlale ekhononda ngemisebenzi yasendlini elula njengokwenza itiye. Kodwa bakhetha ukumkholwa. +Ngakho-ke uTemo noyise baphumela phandle bakhetha indawo ethile egcekeni labo lapho uTemo +ayengaqala khona ingadi yakhe. Uyise kaTemo wayesengena ngaphakathi ukuze agqoke i-ovaloli yakhe. +  + +  +Okokuqala, uTemo noyise basebenzisa imfoloko yasengadini ukuvukuza inhlabathi ababeyikhethile. +Lokhu kwasiza ukwenza inhlabathi ithambe ukuze kutshalwe imbewu. Kwaphinde kwasiza ukukhipha +ukhula namatshe angadingeki ngaphansi komhlaba. Okulandelayo, bahhala lonke ukhula olungadingeki namatshe avela enhlabathini. +  +UTemo noyise bafaka lonke ukhula ezikhwameni ezinkulu ezimnyama zepulastiki base bekulahla emigqonyeni kadoti. +Ngakusasa lapho uTemo evela esikoleni, wakhumula umfaniswano wakhe wesikole washeshisa wangena engadini yakhe noyise. +Uyise wayethenge imbewu ukuze bayitshale. Ngakho-ke, batshala, batshala! Batshala imbewu yesipinashi, ekakherothi, +ekatamatisi nekabhontshisi. UTemo wase enisela inhlabathi ukusiza imbewu ukuba imile. +Nsuku zonke emva kwalokho uTemo wayekujabulela kakhulu ukubuyela ekhaya uma evela esikoleni anisele ingadi yakhe. +  +Kodwa kwakukhona inkinga encane: ngenkathi kungekho muntu obonayo, izilwane zase ziqala ukudla imifino kaTemo! +Ngolunye usuku, lapho evela esikoleni, uTemo wathola izimbuzi zidla engadini yakhe. Wazixosha zabaleka wabe esegijimela endlini. +“Mama! Baba!Izimbuzi zidla izitshalo zami zemifino. Aningigadelanga ngani kodwa?” esho ekhala. +“Phephisa, Temo,” kuxolisa uyise. “Mina nomama besisacambalele. Ake siphumele phandle sibone ukuthi yini esingayenza.” +  +Ngakho-ke bayongena engadini. Yeka umonakalo owawenziwe yizimbuzi! Kodwa okungenani yingxenye encane nje yensimu eyayinomonakalo. +“Ake sakhe uthango sibiyele ingadi, Baba,” kusho uTemo.“Umqondo omuhle lowo!” kuphendula uBaba. +Ngakho-ke uTemo noyise bakha uthango oluzungeze ingadi ukuze izimbuzi zingabe zisakwazi ukungena. +Ngosuku olulandelayo lapho ebuya ekhaya evela esikoleni, uTemo wathola izinkomo zidla izitshalo zakhe. +Izinkomo zase zihlakaniphe ngokwanele sezikwazi ukuvula isango lengadi ngezimpondo zazo! +  +UTemo wazama ukuxosha izinkomo, kodwa kwaba yinkomo eyodwa nje, enezimpondo ezinkulu nezicijile eyamgqolozela +wafa uvalo! Izinkomo zazibukeka zizinkulu kakhulu! Ngakho wagijima wabalekela endlini. +“Mama! Baba! Manje-ke sekuyizinkomo ezidla izitshalo zami zemifino,” kusho yena. +  + +UTemo noyise baphumela phandle bathola izinkomo zizitika engadini kaTemo. Uyise wazixosha. +“Baba, kungani singalikhiyi ngengidi isango?” kuphakamisa uTemo. “Ngaleyo ndlela izinkomo ngeke ziphinde zikwazi ukuvula isango.” +Uyise wabona kungumqondo omuhle lowo, ngakho bahamba bayothenga ingidi bakhiya isango. +Ngosuku olulandelayo lapho uTemo ebuya esikoleni, akatholanga zona izimbuzi, akatholanga zona izinkomo, +kodwa izinyoni ezazidla izitshalo ensimini yakhe! Wazixosha wabe esegijimela ukuyotshela abazali bakhe. +  +“Mama! Baba! Manje sekuyizinyoni ezidla izitshalo zami zemifino,” wakhala. +Uyise kaTemo waphumela naye ngaphandle ukubona ukuthi kwakuyini inkinga. +“Angisazi ukuthi sengizokwenzenjani manje, Temo,” kusho uyise enwaya ikhanda njengoba wayesacabanga kanzima. +  +“Sengiyazi ukuthi yini esingayenza,” kusho uTemo ngokushesha. “Singabeka inethi phezu kwengadi, izinyoni ngeke zikwazi ukufika ezitshalweni.” +Nempela uTemo wayeqinisile! Wayengeke aphinde akhathazeke nganoma yiziphi izilwane ezidla izitshalo +engadini yakhe futhi. Akukho zimbuzi ezazingangena, akukho zinkomo ezazingangena futhi akukho zinyoni ezazingangena. +Izitshalo ensimini yakhe zakhula, zakhula, ngokushesha imifino yabe seyilungele ukuvunwa! +Unina kaTemo wapheka isobho elimnandi likabhontshisi, ukherothi, isipinashi kanye notamatisi, bonke basithokozela isidlo esasivele engadini kaTemo.",zul,isiZulu,UTemo namasela Ezitshalo,"Temo was a clever young girl who lived in the village of Qunu. She loved going to school and learning new things. +One day at school, her class learnt about planting and growing vegetables. Temo was so fascinated by this idea that ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/utemo-namasela-ezitshalo +temo-and-the-plant-thieves,"Temo is ’n slim jong meisie wat in die dorpie Qunu woon. Sy geniet dit om skool toe te gaan en nuwe dinge te leer. +By die skool leer haar klas op ’n dag hoe om groente te plant en te kweek. Temo is so opgewonde +hieroor dat sy nie kan wag om by die huis te kom om haar ouers daarvan te vertel nie. +TRRRRIENG! Die laaste skoolklok van die dag lui en die kinders storm by hul klaskamers uit om huis toe te gaan. +  +Toe Temo by die huis kom, drink haar ma en pa tee in die kombuis. +“Hallo, Mamma. Hallo, Pappa,” sê sy toe sy by die kombuis instap.“Hallo, Temo,” antwoord haar ouers. +“Hoe was jou skooldag vandag?” vra haar ma. +“Lekker! Ek het ’n baie interessante ding geleer,” antwoord Temo opgewonde terwyl sy na haar slaapkamer toe stap. +Temo se ouers wonder waarvan sy praat, maar voor hulle haar kan vra om te verduidelik, is sy weg. +  +In haar slaapkamer trek Temo haar skoolklere uit en trek ander klere aan. +Maar dit is nie haar gewone klere nie. Sy trek haar oorpak en rubberstewels aan en sit ’n hoed op. +Temo stap terug kombuis toe. “Ta-da! Kyk, Mamma en Pappa!” sê sy. +Haar ouers is baie verbaas. Temo wil nooit enige werkies in en om die huis doen nie, so waarom het sy skielik werkklere aan? +“Hoekom het jy daardie klere aan, Temo?” vra haar pa. +“Want ek wil my eie groente begin kweek, Pappa,” sê sy opgewonde. +  +“Wil jy jou eie tuin hier by die huis hê?” vra haar ma. +“Ja, Mamma,” antwoord Temo. +Temo se ouers kyk na mekaar en wonder hoe Temo dit gaan regkry om ’n tuin te versorg as sy kla oor +eenvoudige takies, soos om vir hulle tee te maak. Maar hulle besluit om haar ’n kans te gee. +Temo en haar pa gaan toe buitentoe en kies ’n stuk grond in hul erf waar Temo haar tuin +kan aanlê. Toe gaan trek Temo se pa sy oorpak aan. +  + +  +Eers gebruik Temo en haar pa ’n tuinvurk om die grond los te maak. Dit help om die grond sag te maak sodat +hulle saad kan plant. Dit help ook om ongewenste onkruid en klippies onder die grond los te maak. +Toe hark hulle al die ongewenste onkruid en klippies op. Temo en haar pa stop al die onkruid in groot swart plastieksakke en gooi dit in die vullisdrom. +  +Die volgende dag toe Temo na skool by die huis kom, trek sy gou haar skoolklere uit en gaan saam met haar pa tuin toe. +Haar pa het vir hulle saad gekoop om te plant. Hulle plant en plant! Hulle plant spinasie, wortels, tamaties +en boontjies. Toe gee Temo die saadjies water om hulle te help groei. Temo is elke dag opgewonde om na skool by die huis te kom sodat sy haar tuin kan natlei. +Maar daar is ’n klein probleempie: terwyl niemand kyk nie, begin die diere die klein groenteplantjies in Temo se tuin opeet! +  +Eendag, toe sy na skool by die huis kom, vind Temo bokke wat in haar tuin wei. Sy jag hulle weg en hardloop huis toe. +“Mamma! Pappa! Die bokke eet my groenteplantjies. Hoekom het julle nie my plantjies opgepas nie?” sê sy huilend. +“Jammer, Temo,” sê haar pa. “Ek en Mamma het ’n uiltjie geknip. Kom ons gaan buitentoe en kyk wat ons kan doen.” +Temo en haar pa gaan tuin toe. Die bokke het omtrent amok gemaak! Maar ten minste is net ’n klein deel van die tuin verniel. +“Kom ons bou ’n heining om die tuin, Pappa,” stel Temo voor. +  +“Dis ’n blink plan!” antwoord Pappa.Temo en haar pa bou toe ’n heining om die tuin sodat die bokke nie meer kan inkom nie. +Die volgende dag toe Temo na skool by die huis kom, sien sy dat die koeie besig is om haar +plantjies te eet. Die koeie was slim genoeg om die tuinhekkie met hul horings oop te maak! +Temo probeer die koeie wegjaag, maar toe een koei met lang, skerp horings na haar kyk, skrik sy haar yskoud! +Die koeie lyk so groot! Sy hardloop huis toe.“Mamma! Pappa! Nou eet die koeie my groenteplantjies,” sê sy. +  + +Temo en haar pa gaan buitentoe en sien dat die koeie in Temo se tuin wei. Haar pa jaag hulle weg. +“Hoekom sluit ons nie die hek met ’n hangslot nie, Pappa?” stel Temo voor. “Dan sal die koeie nie weer die hek kan oopmaak nie.” +Haar pa dink dis ’n goeie idee, en hulle gaan koop ’n hangslot en sluit die hek. +Die volgende dag toe Temo na skool by die huis kom, kry sy nie die bokke of die koeie nie, maar +die voëls wat die plante in haar tuin opeet! Sy jaag hulle weg en hardloop om vir haar ouers te gaan vertel. +  +“Mamma! Pappa! Nou eet die voëls my groenteplantjies,” roep sy. +Temo se pa gaan saam met haar buitentoe om te kyk wat die probleem is. +“Ek weet nie wat ons nou kan doen nie, Temo,” sê haar pa terwyl hy sy kop krap en diep dink. +  +“Ek weet wat ons kan doen,” sê Temo vinnig. “Ons kan ’n net oor die tuin span, en dan sal die voëls nie by die plantjies kan uitkom nie.” +En Temo is reg! Sy hoef nooit weer bekommerd te wees dat enige diere die plante +in haar tuin sal eet nie. Nie ’n bok of koei of selfs ’n voël kan inkom nie. +Die plante in haar tuin groei en groei, en sommer gou is die groente gereed om gepluk te word! Temo +se ma maak ’n heerlike sop van boontjies, wortels, spinasie en tamaties, en hulle smul almal aan die kos uit Temo se tuin.",afr,Afrikaans,Temo en die plantdiewe,"Temo was a clever young girl who lived in the village of Qunu. She loved going to school and learning new things. +One day at school, her class learnt about planting and growing vegetables. Temo was so fascinated by this idea that ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/temo-en-die-plantdiewe +temo-and-the-plant-thieves,"Temo e ne e le mosetsana yo monnye yo o botlhale a nna mo motseng wa Qunu. O ne a rata go ya sekolong le go ithuta dilo tse dintšhwa. +Ka letsatsi lengwe kwa sekolong, baithuti ba mophato wa gagwe ba ne ba ithuta ka go jala le go godisa merogo. +Temo o ne a kgatlhwa thata ke kakanyo e mme a fitlha a bolelela batsadi ba gagwe kwa gae ka ga se. +TRRRRING! Tshipi ya bofelo ya sekolo ya lela mme baithuti ba tswa mo phaposing ka lebelo go leba gae. +  +Fa Temo a goroga kwa gae, mmaagwe le rraagwe ba ne ba le mo kitšhining ba nwa teye. +“Dumela, Mama. Dumela Papa,” a bua jalo a tsena mo kitšhining. +“Dumela, Temo,” ga araba batsadi ba gagwe.“Letsatsi la gago le ne le jang kwa sekolong gompieno?” ga botsa mmaagwe. +  +“Go ne go le monate! Ke ithutile sengwe se se kgatlhisang,” Temo a araba a phophoma ka boitumelo +a le mo tseleng go ya kwa phaposing ya gagwe ya go robala. +Batsadi ba ga Temo ba ne ba akabetse gore morwadiabona o bua ka eng, fela pele +ba mmolelela gore a ba tlhalosetse, a bo a setse a nyeletse. +Mo phaposing ya gagwe, Temo a apola yunifomo ya sekolo mme a apara diaparo tse dingwe. +Fela tse e ne e se diaparo tsa gagwe tsa ka gale. O ne a apara obarolo, dibutsu tsa kwa tshingwaneng le hutshe. +  +Temo a bo a boela mo kitšhining. “Ta-da! Mama le Papa, bonang!” a bua jalo. +Batsadi ba gagwe ba ne ba kgakgametse. Temo o ne a sa rate go dira ditiro tsa fa gae, goreng jaanong a apere diaparo tsa go dira? +“Goreng o apere diaparo tseo, Temo?” ga botsa rraagwe. +“Ka gonne ke batla go simolola go ijalela merogo, Papa,” a bua a itumetse. +“Jaanong, o batla go itirela tshingwana ya merogo fa gae?” ga botsa mmaagwe. +  +“Ee, Mama,” Temo a araba. +Batsadi ba ga Temo ba tlhomana matlho ba akabetse gore Temo a ka kgona jang go tlhokomela +tshingwana ya merogo a ntse a rata go ngunanguna ka ditiro tse di bonolo jaaka go dira teye. Fela ba swetsa go nna le tshepo mo go ene. +Ka moo, Temo le rraagwe ba tswela kwa ntle mme ba tlhopha karolwana ya setsha mo jarateng mo +Temo a neng a ka simolola tshingwana ya gagwe ya merogo teng. Jaanong rraagwe Temo a tsena mo ntlong go apara oborolo. +  + +Sa ntlha Temo le rraagwe ba ne ba dirisa foroko ya tshingwana go tlhagola le go baakanya mmu wa setsha +se ba neng ba tlile go jala mo go sona. Se se ne sa thusa go dira mmu boleta gore ba kgone go jala disata. +Foroko e ne ya thusa le go ntsha mefero le matlapa ka fa tlase ga mmu. Fa ba fetsa ba haraka mofero le matlapana +go tswa mo mmung. Temo le rraagwe ba ne ba tsenya mofero mo polasetiking e ntsho mme ba e latlhela mo motomong wa matlakala. +  +Mo letsatsing le le latelang fa Temo a goroga go tswa kwa sekolong, o ne a apola diaparo tsa sekolo mme a ya kwa +tshingwaneng ya gagwe le rraagwe. Rraagwe o ne a rekile disata tse ba tlileng go di jala. Ka jalo ba jala ba bo ba jala! +Ba ne ba jala disata tsa sepinatšhe, digwete, ditamati le dinawa. Jaanong Temo a bo a nosetsa mmu gore disata di kgone +go mela. Letsatsi lengwe le lengwe morago ga moo Temo o ne a itumelela go tla gae go tla go nosetsa tshingwana ya gagwe. +  +Fela go ne go na le bothata bo bonnye: fa go se ope yo o lebileng, diphologolo di ne di simolola go ja merogo mo tshingwaneng ya ga Temo ya merogo! +Ka letsatsi lengwe, fa a goroga go tswa kwa sekolong, Temo a fitlhela dipodi di ja merogo mo tshingwaneng ya gagwe. O ne a di leleka mme a tabogela kwa ntlong. +“Mama! Papa! Dipodi di ja merogo ya me. Goreng lo sa tlhokomele gore di se dire jalo?” a bua a lela. +“Maitshwarelo, Temo,” rraagwe a kopa maitshwarelo. “Nna le Mama re ne re robetse. A re yeng kwa ntle re bone se re ka se dirang.” +  +Ka jalo ba ya kwa tshingwaneng. Dipodi di ne di dirile tshenyo e ntsi thata! Fela e ne e le karolo e nnye ya tshingwna e e neng e senyegile. +“A re ageng legora go dikologa tshingwana, Papa,” Temo a dira tshitshinyo. +“Ke mogopolo o montle!” ga bua Papa. +Ka jalo Temo le rraagwe ba ne ba aga legora go dikologa tshingwana gore dipodi di se tlhole di kgona go tsena. +Mo letsatsing le le latelang fa a boa kwa sekolong, Temo a fitlhela dikgomo di ja dijalo tsa gagwe. +Dikgomo di ne tsa nna botlhale ka go bula legora la tshingwana ka dinaka tsa tsona! +  +Temo a leka go leleka dikgomo, mme nngwe ya dikgomo ka dinaka tse dikgolo, tse di bogale ya mo leba mme a tshoga thata! +Dikgomo di ne di lebega di le dikgolo thata! Ke fa a tshabela mo ntlong. +“Mama! Papa! Jaanong dikgomo di ja merogo mo tshingwaneng ya me ya merogo,” a rialo. +  + +  +Temo le rraagwe ba tswela kwa ntle mme ba fitlhela dikgomo di fula mo tshingwaneng ya ga Temo. Rraagwe a di leleka. +“Papa, goreng re sa notlele legora ka senotlolo se segolo?” Temo a dira tshitshinyo. “Se se ka dira gore dikgomo di se ke tsa kgona go bula legora gape.” +Rraagwe a akanya gore ke leano le lentle mme ba tsamaya go ya go reka senotlolo se segolo ba bo ba notlela legora. +Mo letsasing le le latelang fa Temo a boa kwa sekolong, dijalo tsa gagwe di ne di jewa, e se dipodi, e se +dikgomo, e le dinonyane mo tshingwaneng ya gagwe! A di lelekisa mme a taboga go ya go bolelela batsadi ba gagwe. +  +“Mama! Papa! Jaanong dinonyane di ja dijalo merogo mo tshingwaneng ya me,” a bua a lela. +Rraagwe Temo a ya kwa ntle le ene go bona gore bothata ke eng. +""Ga ke itse gore ke direng jaanong, Temo,” ga bua rraagwe a ingwaya tlhogo fa a ntse a akanya thata. +“Ke a itse gore re ka dirang,” Temo a bua ka bonako. “Re ka tsenya letloa mo godimo ga tshingwana, jaanong dinonyane ga di kitla di kgona go ja dimela.” +  +Tota Temo o ne a nepile! O ne a se tlhole a tshwenyega ka diphologolo tse di jang mabele mo tshingwaneng ya gagwe +gape. Ga go dipodi tse di ka tsenang, ga go dikgomo tse di ka tsenang e bile ga go dinonyane tse di ka tsenang. +Dimela mo tshingwaneng ya gagwe tsa gola tsa bo tsa gola, go ise go ye kae merogo e ne e setse e siame go ka kotulwa! +Mmaagwe Temo o ne a apaya sopo e e monate ya dinawa, digwete, sepinatšhe le ditamati mme botlhe ba ja dijo tse di monate tse di tswang mo tshingwaneng ya ga Temo.",tsn,Setswana,Temo le magodu a dime,"Temo was a clever young girl who lived in the village of Qunu. She loved going to school and learning new things. +One day at school, her class learnt about planting and growing vegetables. Temo was so fascinated by this idea that ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/temo-le-magodu-dimela +temo-and-the-plant-thieves,"Temo e ne e le ngwananyana ya bohlale ya neng a dula motseng wa Qunu. O ne a rata ho ya sekolong le ho ithuta dintho tse ntjha. +Ka tsatsi le leng sekolong, tlelaseng ya hae ba ile ba ithuta ka ho jala le ho hlokomela meroho. Temo o ile a +thabiswa ke mohopolo ona hoo a neng a tatetse ho ya lapeng ho ya bolella batswadi ba hae ka ona. +KETE-KETE-KETE! Tshepe ya ho qetela ya sekolo ya lla mme bana bohle ba mathela ka ntle +ho diphaposi tsa bona mme ba kena tseleng e yang malapeng a bona. +  +Ha Temo a fihla lapeng, mme wa hae le ntate wa hae ba ne ba dutse ka kitjhineng ba nwa teye. +“Dumela, Mme, Dumela, Ntate,” a rialo ha a kena ka kitjhineng.“Dumela, Temo,” ha araba batswadi ba hae. +“Letsatsi la hao le ne le le jwang kajeno sekolong?” ha botsa mmae. +“Le ne le le monate! Ke ithutile ntho e kgahlisang ruri,” Temo a araba ka nyakallo a fetela ka phaposing ya hae ya ho robala. +Batswadi ba Temo ba makala hore jwale ebe moradi wa bona o bua ka eng, empa yare le pele ba ka mo kopa hore a hlalose, a be a se a nyametse. +Ka phaposing ya hae ya ho robala, Temo a hlobola diaparo tsa hae tsa sekolo mme a apara tse ding. +Empa tsena e ne e se diaparo tsa hae tse tlwaelehileng. A apara dioforolo, a rwala dikgohlopo le katiba. +  +Temo a ya ka kitjhineng hape. “Ta-da! Mme le Ntate, shebang!” a rialo. +Batswadi ba hae ba ne ba maketse haholo. Temo o ne a sa rate ho etsa mesebetsi efe kapa efe ya lelapa, +kahoo, ke hobaneng jwale a ne a apere diaparo tsa ho sebetsa?“Hobaneng o apere jwalo, Temo?” ntatae a mmotsa. +“Hobane ke batla ho qala ho itjalla meroho ya ka, Ntate,” a rialo a thabile. +“O bolela hore o batla ho ba le seratswana sa hao hona lapeng moo?” ha botsa mmae. +“Eya, Mme,” Temo a araba. +  +Batswadi ba Temo ba shebana mme ba ipotsa hore ebe Temo o tla kgona jwang ho hlokomela serapa sa meroho +empa a dula a tletleba ka ho etsa mesebetsi ya lelapa e bobebe jwaloka ho ba etsetsa teye feela. Leha ho jwalo ba etsa qeto ya hore ba mo tshepe. +Yaba Temo le ntatae ba tswela ka ntle ho ya kgetha sebaka se itseng ka hara tshimo moo Temo a neng a tla qala seratswana sa hae +teng. Jwale ntate wa Temo a kena ka tlung ho ya apara dioforolo tsa hae le yena. +  + +  +Pele, Temo le ntatae ba sebedisa fereko ya ho lema ho phethola mobu oo ba o kgethileng. Sena se ile sa ba thusa ho +thapisa mobu oo bakeng sa ho jala peo. Hape ho ile ha thusa ho lokolla lehola le sa batleheng le majwe a ka tlasa mobu. +Kamora moo, ba haraka kaofela lehola le sa batleheng le majwe a tswang mobung. Temo le ntatae ba kenya lehola lohle ka +hara mekotla ya polasetiki e meholo, e metsho mme ba e lahlela ka hara meqomo ya matlakala. +  +Ka letsatsi le hlahlamang ha Temo a kgutla sekolong, a phakisa ho hlobola diaparo tsa sekolo mme a ya tshimong le ntatae. +Ntatae o ne a rekile dipeo tse itseng hore ba tlo di jala. Yaba ba qalella ho lema le ho jala! Ba jala sepinatjhe, dihwete, tamati le +dinawa. Yaba Temo o nosetsa mobu oo ho thusa hore peo e mele. Letsatsi le leng le le leng kamora moo Temo o ne a dula a +thabetse ho tla hae ha sekolo se etswa ho tla nosetsa seratswana sa hae. +Empa ho ne ho ena le bothatanyana bo le bong: ha ho ne ho se motho ya shebileng, diphoofolo di ne di qala ho ja meroho ya Temo eo a e jetseng! +  +Ka tsatsi le leng, ha a fihla hae ho tswa sekolong, Temo a fumana dipodi di ntse di fula tshingwaneng ya hae. A di lelekisa, tsa baleha mme a mathela ka tlung. +“Mme! Ntate! Dipodi di ja meroho ya ka eo ke e jetseng. Hobaneng le sa ka la di sheba?” a rialo a lla. +“Tshwarelo, Temo,” ntatae a kopa tshwarelo. “Nna le mmao re ne re robetse. Ha re ye ka ntle re ilo bona hore re ka etsang.” +Yaba ba ya tshingwaneng. Dipodi di ne di sentse hakaakang! Empa bonyane di ne di sentse karolo e nyane ya tshimo. +“Ha re kampele tshingwana ena ka terata, Ntate,” Temo a etsa tlhahiso. +  +“Oo ke mohopolo o motle!” ha araba Ntate. +Yaba Temo le ntatae ba kampela tshingwana ka terata e le hore dipodi di se ke tsa hlola di kena. +Tsatsing le hlahlamang ha a fihla lapeng a etswa sekolong, Temo a fumana dikgomo di eja dijalo tsa hae. Dikgomo +di ne di ile tsa ba bohlale ba ho bula heke ya tshingwana ka manaka a tsona! +Temo a leka ho di tebela moo, empa eitse ha kgomo e le nngwe feela e nang le manaka a bohale e mo sheba, +tshoha haholo! Dikgomo di ne di shebahala di le kgolo! Yaba o mathela ka tlung. +“Mme! Ntate! Kgetlong lena ke dikgomo tse jang meroho ya ka,” a rialo. +  + +  +Temo le ntatae ba tswela ka ntle mme ba fumana dikgomo di ntse di fula tshingwaneng ya Temo. Yaba ntatae o a di tebela. +“Ntate, hobaneng ha re sa notlele heke ena ka senotlolo se hakwang?” Temo a etsa tlhahiso. “Ka tsela eo dikgomo di keke tsa kgona ho bula heke hape.” +Ntatae a nahana hore oo ke mohopolo o motle mme yaba ba tsamaya ho ya reka senotlolo se hakwang mme ba notlela heke ka sona. +Tsatsing le hlahlamang ha Temo a kgutla sekolong, a se ke a fumana dipodi, kappa dikgomo, empa a fumana dinonyana di +eja dijalo tse tshingwaneng ya hae! A di tebela mme a matha ho ya bolella batswadi ba hae. +  +“Mme! Ntate! Jwale e se e le dinonyana tse jang dijalo tsa ka,” a lla. +Ntate wa Temo a tswela ka ntle le yena ho ya bona hore bothata ke bofe. +“Ha ke sa tseba hore ke etse eng jwale, Temo,” ha rialo ntatae a ingwaya hlooho a nahanne ka thata. +“Ke a tseba hore re ka etsang,” ha rialo Temo ka potlako. “Re ka apesa tshimo ena ka nete, mme dinonyana di keke tsa kgona ho fihla dijalong.” +  +Mme Temo o ne a nepile! O ne a sa tlo hlola a tshwenngwa ke diphoofolo tse jang dijalo tse tshingwaneng ya hae +hape. Ho ne ho se dipodi tse tla kgona ho kena, ho se dikgomo tse tla kena, mme ho se dinonyana tse tla kena. +Dijalo tse tshingwaneng ya hae tsa nna tsa hola tsa ba tsa hola, mme ho eso ye kae meroho e ne e se e loketse +ho kguwa! Mme wa Temo a pheha sopho e monate ya dinawa, dihwete, sepinatjhe le ditamati mme bohle ba natefelwa ke dijo tse tswang tshingwaneng ya Temo.",sot,Sesotho,Temo le mashodu a dijalo,"Temo was a clever young girl who lived in the village of Qunu. She loved going to school and learning new things. +One day at school, her class learnt about planting and growing vegetables. Temo was so fascinated by this idea that ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/temo-le-mashodu-dijalo +temo-and-the-plant-thieves,"Temo a ri nhwana lontsongo wo tlhariha swinene loyi a tshama etikweni ra le Qunu. A rhandza ku ya exikolweni na ku dyondza swilo leswintshwa. +Siku rin’wana exikolweni, tlilasi yi dyondzile hi ku byala na ku kurisa matsavu. Temo a tsakisiwa hi +mianakanyo leyi lero a tsakela ku hatlisa a fika ekaya ku ya byela vatswari va yena hi yona. +NGEEEEE! Nsimbi yo hetelela ya siku ra xikolo yi ba kutani vana hinkwavo va huma hi xihatla etitlilasini ta vona va khoma ndlela yo ya ekaya. +  +Loko Temo a fika ekaya, manana na tatana wa yena a va ri exitangeni va ri karhi va nwa tiya.“Ahee, Mhani. +Ahee, Papa,” u swi vurile loko a ri karhi a nghena exitangeni. +“Ahee, Temo,” ku hlamula vatswari va yena. +“Xana a ri ri njhani siku ra wena exikolweni?” ku vutisa manana wa yena. +  +“A ri ri kahle! Ndzi dyondzile swin’wana swo tsakisa,” ku hlamula Temo a tsakile loko a ri karhi a ya ekamareni rakwe. +Vatswari va Temo va hlamala leswaku nhwana wa vona u vulavula hi yini, kambe loko va nga si n’wi kombela leswaku a hlamusela, se a nyamalarile. +Ekamareni ra yena, Temo u hluvurile yunifomo ya xikolo a ambala swiambalo swin’wana swa yena. +Kambe leswi a swi nga ri swiambalo swa yena swa masiku hinkwawo. U ambarile mugqokakan’we wa yena, mavhaterebutsu na xihuku. +  +Temo a tlhelela exitangeni. “Tha-da! Mhani na Papa, vonani!” a vula. +Vatswari va yena va hlamarile swinene. Temo a nga swi rhandzu ku endla mitirho ya le kaya, +hikwalahokayini a hatle a ambala swiambalo swo tirha hiswona? +“Hikwalahokayini u ambarile hi ndlela yaleyo, Temo?” ku vutisa tatana wa yena. +“Hikuva ndzi lava ku sungula ku byala matsavu ya mina, Papa,” a vula a tsakile. +“Kutani, u lava ku va na ntanga wa wena kwala kaya?” ku vutisa manana wa yena. +  +“Ina, Mhani,” ku hlamula Temo.Vatswari va Temo va langutana va hlamala leswaku Temo u ta swi kotisa ku yini +ku hlayisa ntanga wakwe loko a vilela hi mitirho yo olova kufana na ku va endlela tiya. Kambe va tekile xiboho xa ku n’wi tshembha hambiswiritano. +Hiloko Temo na tatana wa yena va ya ehandle ku ya hlawula xiphemu xa ndhawu ejarateni laha +Temo a nga ta sungula ntanga wa yena. Endzhaku tatana wa Temo a ya enndlwini ku ya cinca a ambala mugqokakan’we. +  + +Xosungula, Temo na tatana wa yena va tirhisile fokosipedi ku pfupfunya misava leyi va nga yi hlawula. +Leswi swi pfuna ku olovisa misava leswaku ku byariwa mbewu. Swi tlhele swi pfuna ku olovisa ku tsuvulela +nhova na maribye ehansi ka misava. Lexi landzelaka, va harikele ekule nhova na maribye emisaveni. Temo na tatana +wa yena va cherile nhova na maribye endzeni ka pulasitiki leyikulu ya ntima va swi chela endzeni ka diromu ro chela thyaka. +  +Hi siku leri landzelaka loko Temo a vuya exikolweni, hi ku hatlisa a cincile yunifomo ya yena ya xikolo kutani a +ya entangeni na tatana wa yena. Tatana wa yena a xavile mbewu leswaku va ta yi byala. Kutani, va byala na ku byala! +Va byarile xipinichi, tikherotso, matamatisi na mbewu ya tinyaw. Endzhaku Temo a cheleta misava ku pfuneta swibyariwa +ku mila. Siku na siku endzhaku ka sweswo Temo a tsakile ku vuya ekaya kusuka exikolweni a ta cheleta ntanga wa yena. +  +Kambe a ku ri na xiphiqo xitsongo: loko ku ri hava loyi a langutile, swifuwo a swi sungula ku dya swibyariwa swa matsavu ya Temo! +Siku rin’wana, loko a vuya exikolweni, Temo u kumile timbuti ti ri karhi ti dya swibyariwa swa yena entangeni. U ti hlongorisile a tsutsumela endzeni ka yindlu. +“Mhani! Papa! Timbuti ti le ku dyeni ka swibyariwa swa matsavu ya mina. Hikwalahokayini mi nga swi langutisangi?” a vula, hi ku rila. +“Hi khomeli, Temo,” ku tisola tatana wakwe. “Mina na Mhani a hi badamile. A hi yi ehandle hi ya vona leswi hi nga swi endlaka.” +Kwalaho va ya entangeni. Timbuti ti endlile hansahansa! Kambe a ku ri xiphemu xitsongo xa ntanga lexi nga onhiwa. +  +“A hi akeleti rihlampfu hi rhendzela ntanga, Papa,” ku ringanyeta Temo. +“Yaleyo i mianakanyo ya kahle!” ku hlamula Papa. +Kutani Temo na tatana wa yena va aka rihlampfu ri rhendzela ntanga leswaku timbuti ti nga ha swi koti ku nghena. +Hi siku leri landzelaka loko a nghena ekaya a vuya exikolweni, Temo u kumile tihomu ti ri karhi ti dya swibyariwa swa yena. +  +Tihomu ti swi tlhariherile ku ringana laha ti nga pfula nyangwa wa ntanga hi timhondzo ta tona! +Temo u ringetile ku hlongorisa tihomu, kambe ku vile homu yin’we ya timhondzo letikulu, to tontswa ku va yi n’wi languta +kutani a tela hi ku chava! Tihomu a ti languteka ti kurile! Hikwalaho a tsutsumela endlwini. +“Mhani! Papa! Sweswi i tihomu leti dyaka swibyariwa swa mina swa matsavu,” a vula. +  + +  +Temo na tatana wa yena va yile ehandle va kuma tihomu ti ri karhi tidya entangeni wa Temo. Tatana wa yena a ti hlongola. +“Papa, hikwalahokayini hi nga lotleli nyangwa hi ganju?” ku ringanyeta Temo. “Hi ndlela yaleyo tihomu a ti nge swi koti ku pfula nakambe.” +Tatana wa yena u anakanyile a swi vona leswaku leyi i mianakanyo ya kahle kutani va famba va ya xava ganju kutani va lotlela nyangwa. +Hi siku leri landzelaka loko Temo a vuya exikolweni, a kuma leswaku a hi timbuti, a hi tihomu, kambe i swinyenyani +swi dyaka swibyariwa entangeni wa yena! U swi hlongorile kutani a tsutsuma a ya byela vatswari va yena. +  +“Mhani! Papa! Sweswi swinyenyani swi dya swibyariwa swa matsavu ya mina,” a rila. +Tatana wa Temo u yile na yena ehandle ku ya vona leswaku xiphiqo i yini. +“A ndza ha swi tivi leswaku ndzi nga endla yini sweswi, Temo,” ku vula tatana wa yena a ri karhi n’waya nhloko loko a ri karhi a anakanya hi matimba. +“Ndza swi tiva leswaku hi nga endla yini,” ku vula Temo hi ku hatlisa. “Hi nga vekela nete ehenhla ka ntanga, kutani swinyenyani swi nge swi koti ku fikelela swibyariwa.” +  +Nakambe Temo a tiyisile! A nga ha vilelangi hi xiharhi xihi kumbe xihi leswaku xi dya swibyariwa entangeni wa +yena nakambe. A ku ri hava mbuti leyi a yi ta nghena, a ku ri hava tihomu leti a ti nghena naswona na swinyenyani a swi nga ha ngheni. +Swibyariwa entangeni swi kula na ku kula, hi xinkadyana matsavu a ya ringanerile ku khiwa! Manana wa +Temo u swekile supu yo nandziha ya tinyawa, tikherotso, xipinichi na matamatisi kutani hinkwavo va tiphina hi swakudya leswi a swi huma entangeni wa Temo.",tso,Xitsonga,Temo na makhamba ya swibyariw,"Temo was a clever young girl who lived in the village of Qunu. She loved going to school and learning new things. +One day at school, her class learnt about planting and growing vegetables. Temo was so fascinated by this idea that ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/temo-na-makhamba-ya-swibyariwa +temo-and-the-plant-thieves,"UTemo wayeyintombazana encinane ekrelekrele eyayihlala kwilali yaseQunu. Wayekuthanda ukuya esikolweni nokufunda izinto ezintsha. +Ngenye imini esikolweni, iklasi yakhe yafunda ngokutyala nokukhulisa imifuno. UTemo wayethabathekile ngulo +mbono kangangokuba wayengxamele ukugoduka ayokubalisela abazali bakhe ngale nto. +NKQENKQENKQE! Yakhala intsimbi yokugqibela yokuphuma kwesikolo baza bonke abantwana bagilana ukuphuma kumagumbi abo okufundela begoduka. +  +Xa efika ekhaya uTemo, umama notata wakhe babesekhitshini bephunga iti. +“Molo, Mama. Molo, Tata,” watsho njengoko engena ekhitshini. +“Molo, Temo,” baphendula batsho abazali bakhe.“Belunjani usuku lwakho esikolweni namhlanje?”wabuza umama wakhe. +“Beluluhle! Ndifunde into enomdla kakhulu,” waphendula uTemo enemincili logama esiya ngasegumbini lakhe lokulala. +  +Abazali bakaTemo bathi nqa ukuba intombi yabo ithetha ngantoni, kodwa phambi kokuba bamcele ukuba achaze, wayesele ethe shwaka. +  +Kwigumbi lakhe lokulala, uTemo wakhulula iyunifom yesikolo wanxiba ezinye iimpahla zakhe. Kodwa +ezi yayingezizo ezi azinxiba mihla yonke. Wanxiba iovaroli, iigambhutsi kunye nomnqwazi. +UTemo wabuyela ekhitshini. “Ndim-lo! Mama noTata, jongani!” watsho. +Abazali bakhe babemangalisiwe kakhulu. UTemo wayesoloko engafuni kwenza misetyenzana ekhaya, ngoko ke kwakutheni ngesiquphe wanxiba iimpahla zokusebenza? +“Kutheni unxibe ngolo hlobo, Temo?” wabuza utata wakhe. +“Kuba ndifuna ukuqalisa ukutyala eyam imifuno, Tata,” watsho enemincili. +“Ngoku ke, ufuna ukuba nesitiya esisesakho semifuno apha ekhaya?” wabuza umama wakhe. +  +“Ewe, Mama,” waphendula watsho uTemo. +Abazali bakaTemo bajongana bekhwankqisiwe ukuba uTemo wayeza kukwazi njani ukulondoloza isitiya xa +wayekhalazela ukwenza imisetyenzana elula enjengokubenzela iti. Kodwa bagqiba kwelokuba bamthembe noko kunjalo. +Ngoko ke uTemo notata wakhe baphuma phandle baza bakhetha umhlatyana kwiyadi yabo apho uTemo wayenokuqalisa +isitiya sakhe. Waza utata kaTemo wangena endlwini ukuyokutshintshela kwi-ovaroli. +  + +Okokuqala, uTemo noyise basebenzisa ifolokhwe yokumba ukupeta umhlaba ababewukhethile. +Oku kwanceda ukwenza ukuba umhlaba uthambele ukutyala imbewu. Kwanceda nokuxegisa ukhula +olungafunekiyo namatyana aphantsi komhlaba. Okulandelayo, barhugula lonke ukhula olungafunekiyo +kwakunye namatyana asemhlabeni. UTemo notata wakhe balufaka lonke ukhula kwiingxowa ezinkulu zeplastikhi baza bazilahla kwimigqomo yenkunkuma. +  +Ngosuku olulandelayo akubuya esikolweni uTemo, wakhawuleza watshintsha iyunifom yakhe yesikolo waza +wangena esitiyeni notata wakhe. Utata wakhe wayethenge imbewu ababeza kuyityala. Baza batyala, batyala! +Batyala imbewu yesipinashi, eyeminqathe, eyetumato neyeembotyi. Waza uTemo wawunkcenkceshela umhlaba ukuncedisa +imbewu ukuba ikhule. Yonke imihla ukusukela ngoko, uTemo wayekuthakazelela qho ukugoduka ukuze ankcenkceshele isitiya sakhe. +  +Kodwa yayikhona ingxakana: xa kwakungekho mntu ujongileyo, izilwanyana zaziqalisa ukutya izityalo zemifuno zikaTemo! +Ngenye imini, xa wayefika ekhaya evela esikolweni, uTemo wafumana iibhokhwe zisitya esitiyeni sakhe. Wazigxotha waza wabaleka wangena endlwini. +Mama! Tata! Iibhokhwe zitya izityalo zam. Kutheni ningazigadanga nje?” watsho, elila. +“Uxolo Temo,” waxolisa watsho utata wakhe. “UMama nam besisathe ngqwa. Masiphume sibone ukuba singenza ntoni na.” +Ngoko ke baya esitiyeni. Ongakanani wona umonakalo ezaziwenzile iibhokhwe! Kodwa okuxolisayo yindawo nje encinane yesitiya eyayonakalisiwe. +  +“Masisibiyele isitiya, Tata,” wacebisa watsho uTemo. +“Ngumbono omhle lowo!” waphendula uTata. +Ngoko ke uTemo notata wakhe basibiyela isitiya ukuze iibhokhwe zingabi nakuphinda zingene. +  +Ngosuku olulandelayo xa uTemo wayevela esikolweni, wafika iinkomo zisitya izityalo zakhe. Iinkomo +zazikrelekrele ngokwaneleyo ukuba zivule isango lesitiya ngeempondo zazo. +UTemo wazama ukuzigxotha iinkomo, kodwa yaba nye nje inkomo eneempondo ezinkulu nezitsolo, eyamjonga waza woyika! +Iinkomo zazikhangeleka zinkulu kakhulu! Ngoko ke wabaleka wangena endlwini. +“Mama! Tata! Kweli ityeli ziinkomo ezitya izityalo zam,” watsho. +  + +UTemo notata wakhe baphuma phandle baza bafumana iinkomo zisitya esitiyeni sikaTemo. Utata wakhe wazigxotha. +“Tata, kutheni singalitshixi ngeqhaga nje isango?” wacebisa watsho uTemo. “Ngolo hlobo iinkomo azizukwazi ukuvula isango kwakhona.” +Utata wakhe wacinga ukuba ngumbono omhle lowo baza bahamba baya kuthenga iqhaga balitshixa isango. +Ngosuku olulandelayo xa uTemo evela esikolweni, zange afumane zibhokhwe, zange afumane zinkomo, +kodwa wafumana iintaka zisitya izityalo esitiyeni sakhe! Wazigxotha waza wabaleka ukuya kuxelela abazali bakhe. +  +“Mama! Tata! Ngoku ziintaka ezitya izityalo zam zemifuno,” wakhala. +Utata kaTemo waphuma phandle noTemo ukuya kubona ukuba yintoni ingxaki. +“Andazi ukuba mandenze ntoni ngoku, Temo,” watsho utata wakhe esonwaya intloko ecinga nzulu. +“Ndiyayazi into esinokuyenza,” watsho uTemo ngokukhawuleza. “Singogquma isitiya ngomnantha, ukuze iintaka zingakwazi ukufikelela ezityalweni.” +  +Yaye uTemo wayechanile! Zange aphinde abe nokukhathazeka kwakhona zizilwanyana ezitya izityalo esitiyeni sakhe. +Akukho zibhokhwe zazinokungena, nazinkomo zazinokungena yaye neentaka zazingena kungena. +Izityalo esitiyeni sakhe zakhula, zakhula, yaye ngokukhawuleza imifuno yakulungela ukukhiwa! Umama kaTemo +wapheka isophi enencasa yeembotyi, iminqathe, isipinatshi neetumato baza bonke bonwabela isidlo esasiphuma kwisitiya sikaTemo.",xho,isiXhosa,UTemo namasela Ezityalo,"Temo was a clever young girl who lived in the village of Qunu. She loved going to school and learning new things. +One day at school, her class learnt about planting and growing vegetables. Temo was so fascinated by this idea that ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/utemo-namasela-ezityalo +temo-and-the-plant-thieves,"Temo bekuyintfombatane lencane lehlakaniphile lebeyihlala emaphandleni eQunu. Bekatsandza kuya esikolweni futsi afundze tintfo letinsha. +Ngalelinye lilanga esikolweni, liklasi lakhe lafundza ngekuhlanyela nekukhulisa tibhidvo. +Temo watsatseka ngalomcondvo kangangoba akakhonanga kulindza ate afike ekhaya kute atjele batali bakhe ngawo. + NKELE-NKELE-NKELE! Yakhala insimbi yekugcina yelusuku nebantfwana bonkhe bajakela kuphuma emaklasini abo babambe indlela lecondze ekhaya. +  +Ngesikhatsi Temo afika ekhaya babe namake wakhe bebasekhishini banatsa litiya. +“Sawubona Make, Sawubona Babe,” washo asangena ekhishini. +“Sawubona Temo,” kwaphendvula batali bakhe. +  +“Belinjani lilanga lakho esikolweni namuhla?” kwabuta make wakhe. +“Belikahle! Ngifundze lenye intfo lebeyichazana,” kwaphendvula Temo ngemdlandla ngesikhatsi ahamba aya ekamelweni lakhe. +Batali baTemo bamangala kutsi indvodzakati yabo ikhuluma ngani, kodvwa ngaphambi kwekutsi bamcele kutsi achaze, abesanyamalele. +Ekamelweni lakhe, Temo wakhumula inyifomu yakhe yesikolo wagcoka letinye timphahla. +  +Kodvwa bekungesito timphahla takhe tasekhaya tamalanga onkhe. Wagcoka i-ovaroli, emagambhudzi nesigcoko. +Ekamelweni lakhe, Temo wakhumula inyifomu yakhe yesikolo wagcoka letinye timphahla. +Kodvwa bekungesito timphahla takhe tasekhaya tamalanga onkhe. Wagcoka i-ovaroli, emagambhudzi nesigcoko. +Temo wahamba wabuyela emuva ekhishini. “Ehhe! Make naBabe, bukani!” kwasho yena. +  +Batali bakhe bamangala kakhulu. Temo amengafuni kwenta leminye imisebenti yasekhaya, manje-ke kungani namuhla asagcoke timphahla tekusebenta? +“Kungani ugcoke kanjalo Temo?” kwabuta babe wakhe. +“Kungoba ngifuna kucala kuhlanyela tibhidvo tami Babe,” washo ngenjabulo. +“Hho, ufuna kuba neyakho ingadze lapha ekhaya,” kwabuta make wakhe. +“Yebo Make,” kwaphendvula Temo. +  +Batali baTemo babukana emehlweni bamangala kutsi Temo utawukhona njani kunakekela ingadze ekubeni akhonona +ngemiseti yasekhaya lelula njengekubentela litiya. Kodvwa basale bancuma kutsi bamkholwe. +Manje-ke Temo nababe wakhe baphuma baya ngaphandle ebaleni bayokhetsa indzawana lapho Temo angacala khona +ingadze yakhe. Babe waTemo wabese ubuyela ngekhatsi endlini wayontjintja wagcoka ema-ovaroli akhe. +  + +  +Kwekucala, Temo nababe wakhe basebentisa imfologo yasengadzeni kuvukuta lomhlaba lebawukhetsile. +Loku kwasita kwenta lomhlaba watsamba walungela kuhlanyela. Kwaphindza futsi kwasita kukhipha lukhula +kanye nematje langafuneki ngaphansi kwalomhlaba. Lokulandzelako bahhaliga bakhipha lonkhe lukhula nematje +langadzingeki kulomhlaba. Temo nababe wakhe bafaka lonkhe lukhula labalukhiphile emasakeni lamnyama eplastiki babese bakulahla etibini. +  +Ngelilanga lelilandzelako Temo nakabuya esikolweni, washehsa wantjintja inyifomu yakhe yesikolo +wase uya engadzini yakhe nababe wakhe. Babe wakhe abetsenge tinhlanyelo labatotihlanyela. Ngako-ke +bahlanyela, bahlanyela! Bahlanyela sipinashi, ticadze, ematamatisi, nenhlanyelo yemabhontjisi. +Temo wabese uyawunisela lomhlaba kute kutsi kwelekelela lenhlanyelo kutsi imile. Emva kwaloko, +Temo bekakujabulela kufika ekhaya nakabuya esikolweni bese unisela ingadze yakhe. +  +Kodvwa bekukhona inkinga lencane: ngesikhatsi kute lobukako tilwane beseticala kudla letitjalo tetibhidvo taTemo! +Ngalelinye lilanga ngesikhatsi afika ekhaya abuya esikolweni, Temo wakhandza timbuti tidla +engadzeni yakhe. Waticosha wabese ugijima ungena endlini. +“Make! Babe! Timbuti tidla titjalo tetibhidvo tami. Beningatigadzi ngani ngani?” washo akhala. +  +“Ncesi, Temo,” kwacolisa babe wakhe. “Make nami besisatsetse sitfongwana. Asiphume siye ngaphandle siyobona kutsi yini lesingayenta.” +Babese-ke bayahamba baya engadzeni. Inyakanyaka leyentiwe timbuti! Kodvwa lokungenani +yincenye lencane yengadze lemoshekile. +“Asakhe fenisi situngeletele lengadze Babe,” Temo wancoma. +  +“Ngumcondvo lomuhle lowo!” kwaphendvula Babe. +Temo nababe wakhe-ke bakha fenisi watungeleta lengadze kute kutsi timbuti tinganophindza tingene. +Ngelilanga lelilandzelako nakafika ekhaya abuya esikolweni, Temo wakhandza tinkhomo tidla titjalo takhe. Letinkhomo +betihlakaniphe ngalokwenele kuvula ligede ngetimphondvo tato! +  +Temo wetama kuticosha letinkhomo, kodvwa yaba yinye nje inkhomo lenetimphondvo letinkhulu leticijile leyambuka wabese +ufikelwa kwesaba! Letinkhomo betibukeka titinkhulu kakhulu! Ngako-ke wagijima wangena endlini. +“Make! Babe! Nyalo letinkhomo tidla titjalo tami tetibhidvo,” kwasho yena. +  + +Temo nababe wakhe baphumela ngaphandle bakhandza letinkhomo tidla engadzeni yaTemo. Babe wakhe waticosha. +“Babe, kungani singakhiyi leligede ngenkanankana?” kwancoma Temo. “Ngaleyo ndlela letinkhomo tingeke tikhone kuvula leligede futsi.” +Babe wakhe wacabanga kutsi ngumcondvo lomuhle lowo ngako-ke bahamba bayotsenga inkanankana base bayalikhiya leligede. +  +Ngelilanga lelilandzelako ngesikhatsi Temo abuya esikolweni, akatange akhandze timbuti noma tinkhomo, +kodvwa wakhandza tinyoni tidla titjalo engadzeni yakhe! Waticosha wabese uyagijima wayotjela batali bakhe. +“Make! Babe! Nyalo letinyoni tidla titjalo tami tetibhidvo,” wakhala. +Babe waTemo waphumela ngaphandle naye kuyobuka kutsi ngabe inkinga yini. +“Angati kutsi kufanele ngenteni manje, Temo,” kwasho babe waTemo enwaya inhloko ngesikhatsi acabanga kakhulu. +  +“Ngiyakwati lesingakwenta,” kwasho Temo ngekushesha. “Singabeka inethi ngetulu kwalengadze, lapho-ke ngeke tinyoni tikhone kufinyelela kuletitjalo.” +Futsi Temo bekacinisile! Bekangeke asakhatsateka nganoma ngutiphi tilwane letidla titjalo engadzeni yakhe futsi. +Kute timbuti betingangena, kute tinkhomo betingangena futsi kute tinyoni betingangena. +Titjalo engadzeni yakhe takhula, takhula, masinyane tibhidvo besetilungele kukhiwa! Make waTemo wapheka lisobho +lelimnandzi lemabhontjisi, ticadze, sipinashi nematamatisi futsi bonkhe bajabulela kudla lebekubuya engadzeni yaTemo.",ssw,Siswati,Temo nemasela etitjalo,"Temo was a clever young girl who lived in the village of Qunu. She loved going to school and learning new things. +One day at school, her class learnt about planting and growing vegetables. Temo was so fascinated by this idea that ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/temo-nemasela-etitjalo +temo-and-the-plant-thieves,"Temo e be e le mosetsana yo monnyane wa bohlale yo a bego a dula motseng wa Qunu. O be a rata go ya sekolong le go ithuta dilo tše diswa. +Ka letšatši le lengwe sekolong, mphato wa gagwe o ile wa ithuta ka ga go lema le go bjala merogo. Temo o be a kgahlilwe +ke kgopolo ye kudu ka fao a bego a fela pelo ya go fihla gae gore a botše batswadi ba gagwe ka yona. +TINGGGG! Tšhipi ya mafelelo ya sekolo ya lla gomme bana ka moka ba kitima ba etšwa ka diphapošiborutelong ba lebile gae. +  +Ge Temo a fihla gae, mmagwe le tatagwe ba be ba enwa teye ka moraleng. +“Dumela, Mma. Dumela, Tate,” a realo ge a tsena ka moraleng. +“Dumela, Temo,” gwa araba batswadi ba gagwe. +“Letšatši la gago le bile bjang sekolong?” gwa botšiša mmagwe. +  +“Le bile bose! Ke ithutile se sengwe sa go kgahliša,” gwa fetola Temo ka lethabo a lebile phapošing ya gagwe ya malao. +Batswadi ba Temo ba ile ba makala gore Temo o bolela ka eng, efela pele ba mo kgopela gore a hlaloše, a nyamelela. +Ka phapošing ya gagwe ya malao, Temo o ile a hlobola yunifomo ya gagwe a apara diaparo tše dingwe. +  +Efela e be e se diaparo tša letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe. O apere diobarolo, diputsu le lephephe. +Temo o ile a boela ka moraleng. “Halala! Mma le Tate, lebelelang!” a realo. Batswadi ba gagwe ba be ba maketše kudu. +Temo o be a sa ke a dumela go dira mešomo ya ka gae, ke ka lebaka la eng gateetee a apere diaparo tša mošomo? +  +“Ke ka lebaka la eng o apere ka tsela yeo, Temo?” tatagwe a botšiša. +“Ka gobane ke nyaka go thoma go bjala merogo ya ka, Tate,” a realo ka lethabo. +“Bjalo, o nyaka go ba le tšhengwana ya gago ka mo gae?” mmagwe a botšiša.“Ee, Mma,” Temo a fetola. +  +Batswadi ba Temo ba ile ba lebeletšana ba ipotšiša gore Temo o tlo kgona bjang go hlokomela tšhengwana mola +a balabala ge a swanetše go dira mešomo ye bonolo bjalo ka go ba direla teye. Efela ba akantše gore ba nyaka go mo tshepa le ge go le bjalo. +Gomme Temo le tatagwe ba ya ka ntle ba kgetha seripa sa naga ka jarateng fao +Temo a ka thomago tšhengwana ya gagwe. Tatago Temo o ile a ya ka gae go apara diobarolo tša gagwe. +  + +  +Sa pele, Temo le tatagwe ba dirišitše foroko ya tšhengwana go epa fase. Se se thušitše ka go letefatša mabu gore ba kgone go bjala dipeu. +Se thušitše gape go letefatša ngwang wa go se nyakege le maswika a ka tlase ga mabu. +Sa go latela, ba harakile ngwang wa go se nyakege le maswika mmung. Temo le tatagwe ba tsentše ngwang ka +dipolasetiking tše dikgolo tše diso ba di lahlela ka gare ga motomo wa matlakala. +  +Ka letšatši la go latela Temo o rile ge a boa sekolong, a hlobola yunifomo ya sekolo ka pela a ya le tatagwe ka tšhengwaneng +ya gagwe. Tatagwe o rekile dipeu tše ba tlo di bjalago. Gomme, ba bjala ba bjala! Ba bjetše dipeu tša sepenetšhe, dikherote, +ditamati le dinawa. Gomme Temo a nošetša mabu go thuša dipeu gore di mele. Ka letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe morago ga fao +Temo o be a thabela go tla gae ge sekolo se etšwa le go nošetša tšhengwana ya gagwe. +Efela go be go na le bothatanyana: ge go be go se yo a lebeletšego, diphoofolo di be di thoma goja dimela tša merogo tša Temo! +  +Ka letšatši le lengwe, o rile ge a eya gae go tšwa sekolong, Temo a hwetša dipudi di eja dimela ka tšhengwaneng ya gagwe. O di kobile gomme a kitimela ka ntlong. +“Mma! Tate! Dipudi di ja dimela tša ka tša merogo. Nkane le be le sa di lebelele?” a realo, a lla. +“O re swarele, Temo,” tatagwe a kgopela tshwarelo. “Nna le Mma re be re sekame. Areye ka ntle re bone gore re ka dira eng.” +Gomme ba ya ka tšhengwaneng. Dipudi di sentše bjang! Efela go kaone ka gobane di sentše karolo ye nnyane ya tšhengwana fela. +“A re ageletše tšhengwana ka legora, Tate,” Temo a šišinya. +  +“Ke kgopolo ye botse yeo!” Tate a fetola. +Gomme Temo le tatagwe ba ageletša tšhengwana ka legora gore dipudi di se sa tsena. +Ka letšatši la go latela ge a boa gae go tšwa sekolong, Temo a hwetša dikgomo di eja dimela tša gagwe. Dikgomo +di bile bohlale kudu tša bula keiti ya tšhengwana ka manaka a tšona! +  +Temo o ile a leka go koba dikgomo, efela kgomo ye tee ya manaka a bogale a magolo, e ile ya mo lebelela gomme a tšhoga! +Dikgomo e be e le tše dikgolo! Gomme o ile a kitimela ka ntlong. +“Mma! Tate! Bjale dikgomo di ja dimela tša ka tša merogo,” a realo. +  + +Temo le tatagwe ba tšwetše ka ntle ba hwetša dikgomo di fula ka tšhengwaneng ya Temo. Tatagwe o ile a di koba. +“Tate, nkane re sa notlele keiti ka senotlelo?” Temo a šišinya. “Dikgomo di ka se sa kgona go bula keiti gape.” +Tatagwe o naganne gore ke kgopolo ye botse yeo gomme ba ya go reka senotlelo ba notlela keiti. +Ka letšatši la go latela Temo o rile ge a boa sekolong, a se hwetše dipudi, le dikgomo, efela dinonyana di eja dimela ka +tšhengwaneng ya gagwe! O di kobile a kitimela batswading ba gagwe go ba botša. +  +“Mma! Tate! Bjale dinonyana di ja dimela tša ka tša merogo,” a lla. +Tatago Temo o ile a ya le yena ka ntle go bona gore bothata ke eng. +“Ga ke tsebe gore ke dire eng bjale, Temo,” a realo tatagwe a ingwaya hlogo ge a dutše a nagana kudu. +“Ke tseba gore re ka dira eng,” Temo a realo ka pejana. “Re ka apeša nete ka godimo ga tšhengwana, gomme dinonyana di ka se fihlelele dimela.” +  +Gomme Temo o be a nepile! Ga se a hlwa a sa belaetšwa ke diphoofolo tša goja dimela tša tšhengwana ya gagwe gape. +Ga go dipudi tše di tlogo tsena, ga go dikgomo tše di tlogo tsena gape ga go dinonyana tše di tlogo tsena. +Dimela tša ka tšhengwaneng ya gagwe di ile tša gola tša gola, gomme e se kgale ya ba nako ya go kga merogo! Mmago +Temo o apeile sopo ya bose ya dinawa, dikherote, sepenetšhe le ditamati gomme ka moka ba ipshina ka dijo tša go tšwa ka tšhengwaneng ya Temo.",nso,Sepedi,Temo le mahodu a dime,"Temo was a clever young girl who lived in the village of Qunu. She loved going to school and learning new things. +One day at school, her class learnt about planting and growing vegetables. Temo was so fascinated by this idea that ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/temo-le-mahodu-dimela +how-to-be-superhero,"Timo woon in ’n klein dorpie tussen berge, groen velde en pragtige woude, maar sy gunstelingplek is die park. Hy hou van die park, want hy voel soos ’n superheld wanneer hy rondhardloop, op die klimraam klim en op die rondomtalie draai. +Elke dag wanneer Timo na skool by die huis kom, trek hy sy skoolklere uit en eet die heerlike toebroodjie wat sy ouma vir hom maak. Dan doen hy sy huiswerk en, wanneer dit klaar is, hardloop hy buitentoe en roep: “Ouma, Ouma, dis speeltyd!”En Ouma roep agterna: “Timo, wag! Wil jy nie hê ek moet vir jou ’n storie lees nie?” +“Nee, Ouma, ek wil gaan speel en verken,” antwoord Timo, al klaar op pad na sy maats wat by die hek vir hom wag. +  + +“Daar is baie plekke wat jy in storieboeke kan verken, Timo,” sê Ouma altyd. “Boeke kan vir jou baie dinge leer en jou na plekke toe vat waar jy nog nooit was nie.”Timo giggel net en sê: “Ouma, boeke kan my nêrens heen vat nie. Net karre kan dit doen!” En dan hardloop hy in die straat af na die park toe om met sy maats te gaan speel.Een middag wag Timo se beste maat, Ben, vir hom by die hek. +“Hei, Timo, is jy reg om te gaan speel?” vra Ben.“Ek’s altyd reg,” sê Timo en jaag resies teen sy beste maat in die straat af. Hulle wil albei eerste by die park wees. +Toe hulle daar kom, wag Timo se ander maats vir hulle. Pamela sit op die swaai en huil, terwyl Noma en Siya langs haar staan. Hulle lyk bekommerd.Timo staan nader om uit te vind wat aangaan. “Wat het met Pamela gebeur?” vra hy.“Sy was op die swaai en Siya het dit per ongeluk te hard gestoot. Pamela het van die swaai af geval en nou bloei haar knie,” verduidelik Noma. +“Ag, nee! Wat gaan ons doen?” vra Ben.“Als reg, ek weet wat om te doen,” sê Noma terwyl sy haar rugsak nader trek en ’n klein sakkie uithaal. +“Wat’s dit?” vra Timo.“Dis ’n noodhulpsakkie. Ek gaan eers Pamela se knie skoonmaak en dan hierdie pleister opplak sodat dit beter voel,” sê Noma.Die maats is verbaas dat Noma presies weet wat om te doen. Toe die pleister opgeplak is, sê Pamela dat sy baie beter voel en weer wil speel. Al die maats is gelukkig en verlig en hulle sê vir Noma dankie. +Almal hardloop na die klimraam toe – behalwe Timo. Hy wonder hoe Noma geweet het wat om te doen. Hy wil weet waar ’n mens hierdie soort dinge kan leer, want superhelde is veronderstel om te weet hoe om mense te help! +Timo stap na waar Noma besig is om te klim en vra: “Noma, hoe het jy geweet wat om te doen?”Noma glimlag en sê: “Ek het dit in ’n storieboek gelees.” +“Jy het al daardie goed uit ’n storieboek geleer?” vra Timo. Hy is nie seker hy kan glo wat Noma hom vertel nie.“Ja, Timo. Ek wil ’n dokter wees wanneer ek groot is sodat ek mense kan help. Wanneer ek storieboeke lees, leer ek hoe dokters mense help,” sê Noma.Timo is verstom! +“Ek wil ’n superheld wees en ook mense help. Dink jy storieboeke kan my leer hoe om dit te doen?” vra hy.“Ja, natuurlik!” sê Noma. “Storieboeke kan ’n mens baie dinge leer. Neem net boeke by die biblioteek uit en begin lees.” +Die volgende dag toe hy na skool by die huis kom, trek Timo sy skoolklere uit en eet die heerlike toebroodjie wat sy ouma vir hom gemaak het. Toe doen hy sy huiswerk. +Hy is net klaar toe Ouma hom roep. “Timo, jou maats is hier. Hulle wag vir jou om saam met hulle park toe te gaan.” +“Sê asseblief vir hulle ek sal later kom, Ouma,” antwoord Timo.Ouma kan nie haar ore glo nie! Timo is altyd haastig om park toe te gaan. “Waarom gaan jy nie nou dadelik nie?” vra sy.“Ek wil graag hê Ouma moet vir my ’n storie lees voor ek gaan, asseblief,” sê Timo.Ouma glimlag bly. “Dis nuut! Hoekom wil jy vandag hê ek moet vir jou ’n storie lees?” vra sy. +“Want Noma sê stories kan my leer hoe om ’n superheld te wees en my maats te help,” sê Timo terwyl hy opgewonde op en af spring. +“Dis mos my kind!” sê Ouma terwyl sy ’n storieboek optel. +Ouma en Timo gaan sit toe saam en lees daardie storieboek – en nog een, en nog een. En elke middag daarna, voordat Timo in die park gaan speel, vra hy vir Ouma om vir hom te lees.",afr,Afrikaans,Hoe om ’n superheld te wees,"Timo lived in a small village surrounded by mountains, green fields and beautiful forests, but his favourite place was the park. He loved it there because he felt like a superhero when he ran around, climbed on the jungle gym and spun on the ...",,Bubele Retshe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hoe-om-’n-superheld-te-wees +how-to-be-superhero,"UTimo wayehlala kwidolophana erhanqwe ziintaba, amasimi aluhlaza namahlathi amahle, kodwa eyona ndawo wayeyithanda kakhulu yayiyipaka. Wayekuthanda phaya kuba wayeziva eliqhawe elibalaseleyo xa ebaleka ejikeleza, ekhwela kwiqonga elijikelezayo lokudlala, ubhubhubhu ngamanye amagama. +Yonke imihla xa uTimo wayebuya esikolweni, wayekhulula iyunifomu yakhe aze atye amaqebengwane ahlohliweyo amnandi awayemenzele wona uninakhulu. Emva koko wayesenza umsebenzi wesikolo wasekhaya aze, akugqiba, abaleke aphume ekhwaza, “Khulu, Khulu, lixesha lokudlala!” +UMakhulu wayemkhwaza, “Timo, yima! Awufuni ndikufundele ibali?” +“Hayi Khulu, ndidinga ukudlala kwaye ndihlole iindawo,” uTimo wayephendula, sele esendleleni eyokudibana neetshomi zakhe ezazimlinde esangweni. +  + +“Zininzi iindawo ongazihlola kwiincwadi zamabali, Timo,” uKhulu wayesakutsho. “Iincwadi zingakufundisa izinto ezininzi zikuse kwiindawo ongazange uye kuzo.” +UTimo wayegigitheka aze athi, “Khulu, iincwadi azinakundisa ndawo. Ziimoto kuphela ezinokukwenza oko!” Wayesitsho abaleke ehlise umgaqo esiya epakini nabahlobo bakhe.Ngenye injikalanga, oyena mhlobo kaTimo osenyongweni, uBen wayemlinde esangweni. +“Hee Timo, ukulungele ukudlala?” wabuza uBen.“Ndisoloko ndilungile,” watsho uTimo ehlisa umgaqo nomhlobo wakhe osenyongweni. Bobabini babefuna ukuya kufika kuqala epakini. +Bathi bakufika apho, abanye abahlobo bakaTimo babebalindile. UPamela wayehleli kujingi elila, logama uNoma noSiya babemi ecaleni kwakhe. Babebonakala bekhathazekile.UTimo wasondela ukuya kufumanisa ukuba kwakuqhubeka ntoni. “Kwenzeke ntoni kuPamela?” wabuza.“Ubekujingi waza uSiya wamtyhala ngamandla ngempazamo. UPamela wawa kujingi yaye ngoku idolo lakhe liyopha,” wachaza uNoma.“Owu hayi! Siza kuthini?” wabuza uBen. +“Kulungile, ndiyazi ukuba ndenze ntoni,” watsho uNoma evula kubhaka wakhe ekhupha ingxowana encinane. +  +“Yintoni leyo?” wabuza uTimo. +  +“Yikiti yoncedo lokuqala. Ndiza kucoca idolo likaPamela ndize ndibeke le plasta ukuze azive engcono,” watsho uNoma. +Abahlobo babemangele kuba uNoma wayeyazi ncam into amakayenze. Isakuba iplasta ifakiwe, uPamela wathi uziva ngcono kakhulu waye wafuna ukuphinda adlale kwakhona. Bonke abahlobo baziva bonwabbile yaye bekhululekile baza bambulela uNoma. +Bonke abahlobo babaleka baya kwiqonga lokudlala – ngaphandle koTimo. Wayezibuza ukuba uNoma waze njani into amakayenze. Wayefuna ukwazi ukuba ezi zinto zinje wawunokuzifundela phi kuba amaqhawe abalaseleyo amelwe kukwazi indlela yokunceda abantu!UTimo wasondela apho kuNoma waza wambuza, “Noma, waze njani ukuba mawenze ntoni?” +UNoma wancuma waza wathi, “Ndafunda kwincwadi yamabali.”“Wakufunda konke oku ngokufunda incwadi yamabali?” wabuza uTimo. Wayengaqinisekanga ukuba angakholelwa kule nto yayithethwa nguNoma. +  +“Ewe, Timo. Ndifuna ukuba ngugqirha xa ndimdala ukuze ndincede abantu. Xa ndifunda iincwadi zamabali, ndifunda ngendlela oogqirha abanceda ngayo abantu,” watsho uNoma.UTimo wayemangalisiwe! “Ndifuna ukuba liqhawe elibalaseleyo nam ndincede abantu. Ucinga ukuba iincwadi zamabali zingandinceda ukuba ndikwenze oko?” wabuza. +“Ewe, kunjalo!” watsho uNoma. “Iincwadi zamabali zingakufundisa izinto ezininzi. Zithathe nje kwiithala leencwadi uze uqalise ukufunda.” +Ngosuku olulandelayo, esakubuya esikolweni, uTimo watshintsha iyunifomu yesikolo waza watya amaqebengwane ahlohliweyo amnandi awayewalungiselelwe nguninakhulu. Wandula wenza umsebenzi wesikolo wasekhaya. +Wayesandula ukugqiba xa uKhulu emkhwaza. “Timo, abahlobo bakho sebefikile. Bakulindile ukuba uye epakini nabo.” +“Nceda, Khulu, baxelele ukuba ndiza kuba nabo emzuzwini,” waphendula uTimo. +UKhulu zange abe nako ukukukholelwa oko wayekuva! UTimo wayesoloko engxamele ukuya epakini. “Kutheni ungahambi ngoku?” wabuza.“Ndingathanda ukuba undifundele ibali phambi kokuba ndihambe, ndiyacela,” +watsho uTimo. +UKhulu wancuma onwabile. “Yantsha ke leyo! Kutheni ufuna ukuba ndikufundele ibali namhlanje?” wabuza.“Kuba uNoma uthi amabali angandifundisa ukuba ndingaliqhawe elibalaseleyo ndize ndincede abahlobo bam,” watsho uTimo etsibatsiba yimincili. +“Yinkwenkwana yam ke leyo!” watsho uKhulu njengoko wayethatha incwadi yamabali. +Ngoko ke, uKhulu noTimo bahlala phantsi kunye baza bafunda loo ncwadi yamabali – nenye, nenye. Ngazo zonke iinjikalanga emva koko, phambi kokuba uTimo aye kudlala epakini, wayecela uKhulu ukuba amfundele.",xho,isiXhosa,Wenza njani ukuze ube liqhawe elibalaseleyo,"Timo lived in a small village surrounded by mountains, green fields and beautiful forests, but his favourite place was the park. He loved it there because he felt like a superhero when he ran around, climbed on the jungle gym and spun on the ...",,Bubele Retshe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/wenza-njani-ukuze-ube-liqhawe-elibalaseleyo +how-to-be-superhero,"UTimo wayehlala esigodini esincane esizungezwe yizintaba, amathafa aluhlaza kanye namahlathi amahle, kodwa indawo yakhe ayithandayo kwakuyipaki. Wayethanda lapho ngoba wayezizwa enjengeqhawe elikhulu uma egijima ezungeza, enombela emjikelweni futhi ephinda ezungeza emzungezweni. +Nsuku zonke uma uTimo efika ekhaya ephuma esikoleni, wayephuma ashintshe umfaniswano wakhe bese edla isemitshi elimnandi uninakhulu ayemenzele lona. Emva kwalokho wabe esenza umsebenzi wakhe wesikole owenziwa ekhaya futhi, uma eseqedile, wayephuthuma phandle ememeza, “Gogo, Gogo, sekuyisikhathi sokudlala!” +UGogo uzobe esembiza ethi, “Timo, linda! Awufuni ukuthi ngikufundele indaba?” +“Cha, Gogo, ngidinga ukudlala nokuhlola izinto,” kuphendula uTimo, esevele esesendleleni eyohlangana nabangani bakhe ababemlinde esangweni. +  +  + +“Kukhona izindawo eziningi ongakwazi ukuzihamba uzihlole ezincwadini zezindaba, Timo,” kusho uGogo. “Izincwadi zingakufundisa izinto eziningi futhi zikuthathe zikuyise ezindaweni ongakaze uye kuzo.” +UTimo wayevele agigitheke bese ethi, “Gogo, izincwadi azinakungiyisa ndawo. Yizimoto kuphela ezingakwenza lokho!” Emva kwalokho wayegijima ehle ngomgwaqo aye epaki nabangani bakhe.Ngenye intambama, umngani omkhulu kaTimo, uBen, wayemlinde esangweni. +“Hheyi, Timo, ngabe usulungele ukudlala?” kwabuza uBen.“Ngihlale ngilungile njalo nje,” kwasho uTimo egijima ehla ngomgwaqo nomngani wakhe omkhulu. Bobabili babefuna ukufika epaki kuqala. +Ngenkathi befika lapho, abanye abangani bakaTimo babebalindele. UPamela wayehleli emjikelweni ekhala, kanti uNoma noSiya babemile eduze kwakhe. Babebukeka bekhathazekile.UTimo wasondela eduze ukuze athole ukuthi kwabe kwenzakalani. “Kwenzekeni kuPamela?” kubuza yena. +“Ubekade esemjikelweni kanti uSiya uzomdudula mawala engaqondile. UPamela uwile emjikelweni, manje idolo lakhe seliyopha,” kwachaza uNoma. +“Awu bandla! Sizokwenzenjani?” kwabuza uBen.“Kulungile, ngiyakwazi okumele sikwenze,” kwasho uNoma ebamba isikhwama sakhe esitshathwa emhlane ekhipha okuyisikhwanyana. +“Yini lokho?” kwabuza uTimo. +“Ikhithi yosizo lokuqala. Ngizogeza idolo likaPamela bese nginamathisela le plasta ukuze azizwe engcono,” kwasho uNoma. +Abangani bamangala ukuthi uNoma wayazi kahle ukuthi kumele enzeni. Kwathi uma iplasta isinanyathiselwe, uPamela wathi uzizwa esengcono kakhulu esefuna ukudlala futhi. Bonke abangani bazizwa bejabule futhi bekhululekile base bebonga kuNoma. +Bonke abangani bagijima sebeqonde kuginqigonqo – ngaphandle kukaTimo. Wayemangele ukuthi uNoma ukwaze kanjani okufanele akwenze. Wayefuna ukwazi lapho kwakufundwa khona uhlobo lwalezi zinto ngoba amaqhawe amakhulu kwakufanele azi ukuthi abasiza kanjani abantu! +UTimo wahamba waya lapho uNoma ayenombela khona wambuza, “Noma, ukwaze kanjani okufanele ukwenze?”UNoma wamoyizela wayesethi, “Ngakufunda encwadini yezindaba.”“Konke lokhu ukufunde ngokufunda nje incwadi yezindaba?” kwabuza uTimo. Wayengenasiqiniseko sokuthi angakukholwa okwakukade kushiwo nguNoma. +“Yebo, Timo. Ngifuna ukuba ngudokotela uma ngikhula ukuze ngikwazi ukusiza abantu. Ngenkathi ngifunda izincwadi zezindaba, ngifunda ngokuthi odokotela babasiza kanjani abantu,” kwasho uNoma. +UTimo wayemangele! “Ngifuna ukuba yiqhawe elikhulu ngisize abantu nami. Ucabanga ukuthi izincwadi zezindaba zingangisiza ngikwazi ukwenza lokho?” kubuza yena. +“Yebo, noma kanjani!” kwasho uNoma. “Izincwadi zezindaba zingakufundisa izinto eziningi. Vele uzitholele zona emtatsheni wezincwadi uqale ukufunda.” +Ngosuku olulandelayo, lapho efika ekhaya ebuya esikoleni, uTimo wakhumula umfaniswano wakhe wesikole wayesedla isemitshi lakhe elimnandi uninakhulu ayemenzele lona. Emva kwalokho wayesenza umsebenzi wakhe wesikole owenziwa ekhaya. +Wayeqeda nje ngenkathi uGogo embiza. “Timo, abangani bakho sebelapha. Balindele wena ukuze uhambe nabo niye epaki.”“Ngicela ubatshele ukuthi ngizobuye ngibabone ngokuhamba kwesikhathi, Gogo,” kuphendula uTimo. +UGogo wayengazikholwa izindlebe zakhe! UTimo wayehlala ejahele ukuhamba aye epaki. “Kungani ungahambi khona manje?” kwabuza yena. +“Bengingathanda ungifundele indaba ngaphambi kokuthi ngihambe, ngiyacela,” kwasho uTimo. +UGogo wamoyizela ngokujabula. “Kusha lokho! Kungani ufuna ngikufundele indaba namuhla?” kwabuza yena.“Ngoba uNoma uthi izindaba zingangifundisa ukuba yiqhawe elikhulu bese ngisiza abangani bami,” kwasho uTimo ngesikhathi egxumagxuma ngokujabula. +“Nango-ke umfana wami!” kwasho uGogo ngesikhathi ethatha incwadi yezindaba. +Ngakho-ke, uGogo kanye noTimo bahlala ndawonye phansi base befunda incwadi yezindaba – nenye, kanye nenye futhi. Njalo ntambama ngemuva kwalokho, ngaphambi kokuthi uTimo ahambe ayodlala epaki, wayecela uGogo ukuthi amfundele.",zul,isiZulu,Indlela yokuba yiqhawe elikhulu,"Timo lived in a small village surrounded by mountains, green fields and beautiful forests, but his favourite place was the park. He loved it there because he felt like a superhero when he ran around, climbed on the jungle gym and spun on the ...",,Bubele Retshe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/indlela-yokuba-yiqhawe-elikhulu +how-to-be-superhero,"Timo o be a dula motseng o monnyane wa go dikologwa ke dithaba, mašemo a matalamorogo le dithokgwa tše dibotse, efela o be a rata phaka. O be a rata lefelo leo ka gobane o be a ikwa e le mogalegale ge a be a kitima fao, a namela jimi ya mapolanka le go dikologa ka motšheneng wa go dikologa. +Ka mehla ge Timo a fihla gae go tšwa sekolong, o be a tšola yunifomo a ja sangwetše ye bose ye a e diretšwego ke koko wa gagwe. O be a dira mošomo wa gagwe wa gae gomme, ge a feditše, o be a kitimela ka ntle a goeletša, “Koko, Koko, ke nako ya go bapala!” +Gomme Koko o be a tlo mmitša, “Timo, ema! Ga o nyake ke go balela kanegelo?” +“Aowa, Koko, ke nyaka go bapala le go hlohlomiša,” Timo o be a tlo fetola, a le tseleng go yo kopana le bagwera ba gagwe bao ba mo emetšego keiting. +  + +“Go na le mafelo a mantši ao o ka a hlohlomišago ka dipukung tša dikanegelo, Timo,” Koko o be a tlo realo. “Dipuku di ka go ruta dilo tše dintši tša ba tša go iša mafelong ao o sa kago wa fihla go ona.” +Timo o be a tlo sega a re, “Koko, dipuku di ka nkiša gohle. Ke difatanaga fela tše di ka dirago seo!” Gomme o be a tlo kitima tseleng a eya phakeng le bagwera ba gagwe.Mosegare o mongwe, mogwera wa Timo wa potego, Ben, o be a mo emetše keiting. +“Hei, Timo, o loketše go bapala?” gwa botšiša Ben. +“Ke dula ke loketše seo,” a realo Timo a šiana le mogwera wa gagwe mmileng. Yo mongwe le yo mongwe o be a nyaka go fihla phakeng pele.Ge ba fihla fao, bagwera ba Timo ba bangwe ba be ba ba emetše. Pamela o be a dutše tekung a lla, mola Noma le Siya ba eme kgauswi le yena. Ba be ba bonagala ba tshwenyegile. +Timo o ile a batamela go kwa gore go direga eng. “Go diregile eng ka Pamela?” a botšiša. +“O be a kadiela gomme Siya a mo kgarametša kudu ka phošo. Pamela o ile a wa tekung, bjale khuru ya gagwe e tšwa madi,” gwa hlaloša Noma.“Aowaowa! Re tla dira bjang?” gwa botšiša Ben. +“Go lokile, ke tseba gore ke tlo dira eng,” a realo Noma a tšea mokotla wa gagwe wa mokokotlong gomme a ntšha mokotlana ka gare ga wona. +“Ke eng seo?” Timo a botšiša.“Ke ditlabakelo tša thušo ya pele. Ke tlo hlwekiša khuru ya Pamela gomme ka beya pantiši ye gore a kwe bokaone,” a realo Noma. +Bagwera ba be ba makaditšwe ke gore Noma o tseba se a swanetšego go se dira gabotse. O rile go bea pantiši, Pamela a re o ikwa a le kaone ebile o nyaka go bapala gape. Bagwera bohle ba ikwa ba thabile ebile ba imologile gomme ba leboga Noma. +Bagwera bohle ba ile ba šiana ba lebile jiming ya mapolanka – kantle le Timo. O be a ipotšiša gore Noma o tsebile bjang se a swanetšego go se dira. O be a nyaka go tseba gore o ka ithuta kae dilo tše bjalo ka tše ka gobane bagalegale ba swanetše go tseba go thuša batho! +Timo a ya fao Noma a bego a namela gomme a mmotšiša, “Noma, o tsebile bjang gore o swanetše go dira eng?” +Noma a myemyela gomme a re, “Ke badile ka seo ka pukung ya kanegelo.”“O ithutile tšohle o bala puku ya kanegelo?” gwa botšiša Timo. O be a se na bonnete bja gore o tlo tshepa se Noma a se boletšego. +“Ee, Timo. Ke nyaka go ba ngaka ge ke gola gore ke kgone go thuša batho. Ge ke bala dipuku tša dikanegelo, ke ithuta ka fao dingaka di thušago batho ka gona,” a realo Noma. +Timo o be a maketše! “Ke nyaka go ba mogalegale le nna ke thuše batho. O nagana gore dipuku tša dikanegelo di ka nthuša go dira seo?” a botšiša.“Ee, go bjalo!” a realo Noma. “Dipuku tša dikanegelo di ka go ruta dilo tše dintši. Di kgopele kua bokgobapukung gomme o thome go bala.” +Ka letšatši la go latela, ge a fihla gae go tšwa sekolong, Timo o ile a tšola yunifomo ya gagwe ya sekolo, a ja sangwetše ye bose ye Koko wa gagwe a mo diretšego yona. Morago ga fao o ile a dira mošomo wa gagwe wa gae. +O be a feditše ge Koko a mmitša. “Timo, bagwera ba gago ke ba ba fihlile. Ba go emetše gore le ye phakeng.”“Koko, ba botše gore ke tla ya go bona ka morago hle,” gwa fetola Timo. +Koko o be a sa tshepe se a se kwago! Timo o be a dula a itlhaganetše go ya phakeng. “Ke ka lebaka la eng o sa ye gona bjale?” a botšiša.“Ke rata gore o mpalele kanegelo pele ke eya fao, hle,” a realo Timo. +Koko a myemyela ka lethabo. “Ke taba ye mpšha yeo! Ke ka lebaka la eng o nyaka ke go balela kanegelo lehono?” a botšiša. +“Ka lebaka la gore Noma o re dikanegelo di ka nthuta go ba mogalegale ka thuša bagwera ba ka,” Timo a realo a fofela godimo le tlase ka lethabo. +“Ke mošemane wa ka yoo!” a realo Koko a topa puku ya kanegelo. +Gomme, Koko le Timo ba dula fase mmogo ba bala puku yeo ya kanegelo – le ye nngwe, le ye nngwe. Gomme, mosegare o mongwe le o mongwe morago ga seo, pele Timo a eya go bapala phakeng, o be a kgopela Koko gore a mmalele.",nso,Sepedi,Ka fao o ka bago mogalegale,"Timo lived in a small village surrounded by mountains, green fields and beautiful forests, but his favourite place was the park. He loved it there because he felt like a superhero when he ran around, climbed on the jungle gym and spun on the ...",,Bubele Retshe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ka-fao-o-ka-bago-mogalegale +how-to-be-superhero,"Timo o ne a dula motsaneng o potapotilweng ke dithaba, masimo a matala le meru e metle, empa sebaka seo a neng a se rata ka ho fetisisa e ne e le phakeng. O ne a rata ho ya moo hobane o ne a ikutlwa eka ke mohale wa mehlolo ha a matha hohle, a palama jankele jiming mme a potoloha ho mmelekorone. +Kamehla ha Timo a fihla hae a etswa sekolong, o ne a hlobola diaparo tsa sekolo mme a je samentjhise e latswehang eo nkgono wa hae a mo etseditseng yona. Ha a qeta o ne a etsa mosebetsi wa hae wa sekolo mme, ere ha a qetile, a mathele ka ntle a hoeleditse, “Nkgono, Nkgono, ke nako ya ho bapala!” +Mme Nkgono o ne a mmitsa a hoeleditse, “Timo, butle! Ha o batle ke o balle pale?” +“Tjhe, Nkgono, ke hloka ho ya bapala le ho sibolla,” Timo o ne a araba jwalo, a se ntse a le tseleng ho ya kopana le metswalle ya hae e mo emetseng hekeng. +  + +“Ho na le dibaka tse ngata tseo o ka di sibollang dibukeng tsa dipale, Timo,” Nkgono o ne a rialo. “Dibuka di ka o ruta dintho tse ngata mme tsa o isa dibakeng tseo o esokang o eya ho tsona.” +Timo o ne a keketeha a re, “Nkgono, ha ho moo dibuka di ka nkisang teng. Ke dikoloi feela tse ka etsang seo!” Ebe o matha ho theosa mmila a leba phakeng le metswalle ya hae. +Letsatsi le leng motsheare wa mantsiboya, motswalle e moholo wa Timo, Ben, o ne a mo emetse hekeng.“Hela, Timo, na o se o loketse ho bapala?” ha botsa Ben. +“Ke dula ke le malala-a-laotswe,” ha rialo Timo a matha ho theosa seterata le motswalle wa hae wa sebele. Bobedi ba bona ba ne ba batla ho fihla phakeng pele.Ha ba fihla moo, metswalle e meng ya Timo e ne e ba emetse. Pamela o ne a dutse moswinking a lla, ha Noma le Siya ba eme pela hae. Ba ne ba shebeha ba kgathatsehile. +Timo a atamela ele hore a tle a utlwe hore ho etsahala eng. “Ho etsahala eng ka Pamela?” a botsa. +“O ne a dutse hodima moswinki mme Siya a mo sutumetsa haholo ka phoso. Pamela a wa moswinkig mme jwale lengwele la hae le tswa madi,” ha hlalosa Noma.“Jowee! Jwale re tlo etsa jwang?” ha botsa Ben.“Ho lokile, ke tseba seo re ka se etsang,” ha rialo Noma a hula mokotlana wa hae o jarwang mme a ntsha mokotlanyana o monyane. +“Ke eng seo?” Timo a botsa. +“Ke mokotlana wa thuso ya pele. Ke tla hlwekisa lengwele la Pamela mme ebe ke bea polastara ena ho fokotsa bohloko,” ha rialo Noma. +Metswalle ya hae e ne e makaletse Noma hore o tsebile hantle seo a ka se etsang. Hang +ha polastara e beilwe, Pamela a re o ikutlwa a le betere haholo mme o ne a batla ho bapala hape. Metswalle yohle e ne e thabile mme e kgotsofetse, mme ba leboha Noma. +Metswalle yohle ya matha ka lebelo ho leba jankele jiming – ntle le Timo. O ne a ipotsa hore ebe ho tlile jwang hore Noma a tsebe seo a lokelang ho se etsa. O ne a batla ho tseba hore ke hokae moo motho a ka ithutang dintho tse kang tsena hobane bahale ba mehlolo ba lokela ho tseba mekgwa ya ho thusa batho! +Timo a ya moo Noma a neng a ntse a palama teng mme a mmotsa, “Noma, o tsebile jwang seo o lokelang ho se etsa?”Noma a bososela a re, “Ke e badile bukeng ya dipale.”“O ithutile tseo kaofela ka ho bala buka ya dipale?” ha botsa Timo. O ne a se na bonnete ba hore a ka dumela seo Noma a se buang. +“E, Timo. Ke batla ho ba ngaka ha ke hola ele hore ke tle ke thuse batho. Ha ke bala dibuka tsa dipale, ke ithuta kamoo dingaka di thusang batho ka teng,” ha rialo Noma. +Timo o ne a maketse! “Ke batla ho ba mohale wa mehlolo mme ke thuse batho le nna. Na o nahana hore dibuka tsa dipale di ka nthusa ho etsa seo?” a botsa.“E, ehlile!” ha rialo Noma. “Dibuka tsa dipale di ka o ruta dintho tse ngata. O ka di lata feela +laeboraring mme wa qalella ho bala.” +Tsatsing le hlahlamang, ha a fihla hae ho tswa sekolong, Timo a hlobola diaparo tsa hae tsa sekolo mme a ja samentjhise e latswehang eo nkgono wa hae a mo etseditseng yona. Yaba o etsa mosebetsi wa sekolo. +O ne a sa tswa qeta ha Nkgono wa hae a mmitsa. “Timo, metswalle ya hao e teng. Ba o emetse hore le tlo ya phakeng.” +“Ke kopa o ba bolelle hore ke tla tla ho bona ha morao, Nkgono,” ha araba Timo. +Nkgono o ne a sa kgolwe ditsebe tsa hae! Timo o ne a dula a tatetse ho ya phakeng. “Hobaneng o sa ye hona jwale?” a botsa.“Ke kopa hore o mpalle pale pele ke tsamaya, hle,” ha rialo Timo. +  +Nkgono a bososela ke thabo. “Ke taba tse ntjha bo! Hobaneng o batla hore ke o balle pale kajeno?” a botsa. +“Hobane Noma o re dipale di ka nthuta hore ke be mohale wa mehlolo jwang le ho thusa +metswalle ya ka,” Timo a rialo a ntse a tlolatlola ke thabo. +“Ha se moo moshanyana wa nkgono!” Nkgono a rialo a nka buka ya pale. +Yaba he, Nkgono le Timo ba dula fatshe mmoho mme ba bula buka eo ya pale – le e nngwe, le e nngwe. Mme motsheare o mong le o mong wa mantsiboya kamora moo, pele Timo a leba phakeng ho ya bapala, o ne a kopa Nkgono hore a mmalle.",sot,Sesotho,Kamoo o ka bang mohale wa mehlolo,"Timo lived in a small village surrounded by mountains, green fields and beautiful forests, but his favourite place was the park. He loved it there because he felt like a superhero when he ran around, climbed on the jungle gym and spun on the ...",,Bubele Retshe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kamoo-o-ka-bang-mohale-wa-mehlolo +how-to-be-superhero,"Timo o ne a nna mo motsaneng o o neng o dikanyeditswe ke dithaba, lebopo le le tala le dikgwa tse dintle, fela lefelo le o neng a le rata go gaisa ke kwa phakeng. O ne a rata lefelo +le ka gonne fa a le mo go lona o ne a ikutlwa jaaka mogaka wa bagaka fa a taboga, a palama setshamekiswa sa tshidilo mmele le fa a pitika mo godimo ga modikolosa. +Letsatsi lengwe le lengwe fa Timo a tla gae go tswa sekolong, o tla apola yunifomo ya sekolo a bo a ja sangweje e e monate e a e diretsweng ke nkokoagwe. Fa a fetsa a bo a dira tiro ya sekolo, mme fa a fetsa, o tla bo a tabogela kwa ntle a goa, “Nkoko, Nkoko, ke nako ya go tshameka!” +Mme Nkoko o tla mmitsa, “Timo, ema! Ga o batle ke go buisetsa leinane?” +“Nnyaa, Nkoko, ke batla go tshameka le go batlisisa,” Timo o tla araba, a setse a le mo tseleng go kopana le ditsala tsa gagwe tse di mo emetseng mo ntle. + +“Go na le mafelo a le mantsi a o ka a batlisisang mo dibukeng tsa mainane, Timo,” Nkoko a bo a rialo. “Dibuka di ka go ruta dilo di le dintsi tsa bo tsa go isa kwa mafatsheng a le mantsi a o seng o ye kwa go one.” +Timo a bo a tshega mme a re, “Nkoko, dibuka ga di kitla di nkisa gope. Ke dikoloi fela tse di ka dirang jalo!” A bo a taboga ka lebelo mo mmileng a ya kwa phakeng le ditsala tsa gagwe. +Tsatsi lengwe motshegare, tsala e kgolo ya ga Timo, e bong Ben, o ne a mo emetse kwa ntle.“He, Timo, a o ipaakanyeditse go tshameka?” ga botsa Ben. +“Ke nna ke ipaakantse ka dinako tsotlhe,” ga bua Timo a taboga mo mmileng le tsala ya gagwe e kgolo. Bobedi jwa bona bo ne bo batla go goroga kwa phakeng pele ga botlhe. +Fa ba fitlha koo, ditsala dingwe tsa ga Timo di ne di ba emetse. Pamela o ne a ntse mo +moswinking a lela, mme Noma le Siya ba ne ba ntse gaufi le ene. Ba ne ba lebega ba tshwenyegile.Timo a atamela go tlhotlhomisa se se diragetseng. “Go diragetseng eng ka Pamela?” a botsa. +“O ne a le mo moswinking mme Siya a o kgorometsa thata ka phoso. Pamela a wa mo moswinking mme jaanong lengole la gagwe le tswa madi,” Noma a tlhalosa. +“Nnyaa tlhe! Re tlile go dirang?” ga botsa Ben.“Go siame, ke itse gore re tshwanetse go dira eng,” ga bua Noma a tsaya kgetsana ya gagwe e e belegwang mme a ntsha kgetsana mo go yona. +“Ke eng seo?” ga botsa Timo.“Ke kgetsana ya thuso ya potlako. Ke tla phepafatsa lengole la ga Pamela mme ke tla kgomaretsa polasetara gore a ikutlwe botoka,” ga bua Noma.Ditsala di ne di gakgametse gore Noma o itse sentle se a neng a tshwanetse go se dira. Fa a +fetsa go mo tsenya polasetara, Pamela a re o ikutlwa botoka mme e bile o batla go tswelela +go tshameka. Ditsala tsotlhe di ne di itumetse e bile ba gololesegile mme ba leboga Noma.Bana botlhe ba tabogela mo setshamekisweng sa tshidilo – ntle le Timo. O ne a ipotsa gore +Noma o itsitse jang gore o ne a tshwanetse go dira eng. O ne a batla go itse gore o ka ithuta +ka dilo di tshwana le tse ka gonne mogaka wa bagaka o tshwanetse go itse gore a ka thusa +batho jang! +Timo a ya kwa go Noma, fa a palameng teng mme a botsa, “Noma, o itsitse jang gore o direng?”Noma a nyenya mme a re, “Ke buisitse mo bukeng ya mainane.” +“O itsitse tsotlhe tse ka go buisa buka ya mainane?” ga botsa Timo. O ne a sa itse gore a dumele se Noma a mmolelelang sona. +“Ee, Timo. Ke batla go nna ngaka fa ke gola gore ke kgone go thusa batho. Fa ke buisa dibuka tsa mainane, ke ithuta ka gore dingaka di thusa batho jang,” ga bua Noma. +Timo o ne agakgametse! “Ke batla go nna mogaka wa bagaka gore ke kgone go thusa batho le nna. A o akanya gore dibuka tsa mainane di ka nthusa?” a botsa. +“Ee, tota!” ga bua Noma. “Dibuka tsa mainane di ka go ruta dilo di le dintsi. O ka iponela tsona kwa laeborari mme wa simolola go buisa.” +Mo letsatsing le le latelang, fa a goroga kwa gae go tswa sekolong, Timo a apola yunifomo +ya sekolo mme a ja sangweje e e monate e nkokoagwe a mo diretseng yona. Fa a fetsa a dira tiro ya sekolo. +E ne e le gona a fetsang fa Nkoko a mmitsa. “Timo, ditsala tsa gago di gorogile. Ba go emetse gore o ye kwa phakeng le bona.” +“Tsweetswee ba bolelele gore ke tla ba bona nakonyana e e tlang, Nkoko,” Timo a araba.Nkoko o ne a sa dumele ditsebe tsa gagwe! Timo ka gale o ne a itlhaganela go ya kwa phakeng. “Goreng o sa tsamaye gona jaanong?” a botsa. +“Ke batla gore o mpuisetse leinane pele ke tsamaya, tsweetswee,” ga bua Timo. +Nkoko a nyenya ka boitumelo. Ke dikgakgamatso! Goreng o batla ke go buisetse leinane +gompieno?” a botsa.“Ka gonne Noma a re mainane a ka nthuta gore ke nne mogaka wa bagaka le gore ke thuse ditsala,” Timo a bua a tlolatlola ka boitumelo. +“O ke mosimane wa me!” ga bua Nkoko a tsaya buka ya mainane. +Jaanong, Nkoko le Timo ba nna fa fatshe mmogo mme ba buisa buka ya mainane – ba buisa e nngwe, le e nngwe gape. Ba dira se motshegare mongwe le mongwe, pele Timo a ya go tshameka kwa phakeng, a kopa Nkoko go mmuisetsa.",tsn,Setswana,Ka moo o ka nnang mogaka wa bagak,"Timo lived in a small village surrounded by mountains, green fields and beautiful forests, but his favourite place was the park. He loved it there because he felt like a superhero when he ran around, climbed on the jungle gym and spun on the ...",,Bubele Retshe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ka-moo-o-ka-nnang-mogaka-wa-bagaka +how-to-be-superhero,"Timo a tshama eka tikoxikaya leritsongo leri rhendzeriweke hi tintshava, masimu ya rihlaza na swihlahla leswo saseka, kambe ndhawu leyi a yi tsakela swinene a ku ri ephakeni. A yi rhandza hikuva a titwa a ri nghwazi leyikulu loko a ri karhi a tsutsumatsutsuma kona, a khandziya kona mijombe ya tintambhu a tlhela a ndziwilika eka mijombe lowo rhendzeleka. +Siku rin’wana na rin’wana loko Timo a vuya exikolweni, a cinca yunifomo ya yena a dya sangweji leyo nandziha leyi kokwana wa yena a nga n’wi endlela. Endzhaku a endla ntirhokaya wa yena kutani, loko wu herile, a tsutsumela ehandle a huwelela, ��Kokwani, Kokwani, i nkarhi wo tlanga!” +Kutani Kokwani a ta n’wi vitana, “Timo, yima! Xana a wu swi lavi leswaku ndzi ku hlayela ntsheketo?” +“E-e, Kokwani, ndzi lava ku tlanga na ku valanga,” Timo a a hlamula, hi nkarhi wolowo a va a ri karhi a huma ku ya hlangana na vanghana va yena lava a va n’wi yimerile egedeni. +  + +“Ku na tindhawu to tala leti u nga ti valangaka eka tibuku ta mitsheketo, Timo,” Kokwani a vula. “Tibuku ti nga ku dyondzisa swo tala na ku ku yisa etindhawini leti u nga si tshamaka u ya.” +Timo a hlekelela a ku, “Kokwani, tibuku ti nge ndzi yisi helo. I mimovha ntsena yi nga endlaku tano!” Endzhaku a tsutsuma a rhelela hi patu a ya ephakeni na vanghana va yena. +Hi ndzhenga wun’wana, munghana wa Timo lonkulu, Ben, a n’wi yimerile egedeni.“He, Timo, xana u lulamerile ku ya tlanga?” ku vutisa Ben. +“Ndzi tshama ndzi lulamerile,” ku vula Timo a ri karhi a tsutsuma hi xitarata na munghana wa yena lonkulu. Havumbirhi a va lava ku fika ephakini rosungula.Loko va fika kona, vanghana va Timo lavan’wana a va va rindzerile. Pamela a tshamile emijombeni a ri karhi a rila, loko Noma na Siya va yimile etlhelo ka yena. A va languteka va khunguvanyekile. +Timo a va tshinelela ku twisisa leswaku ku humelela yini. “Ku humelele yini hi Pamela?” a vutisa. +“A ri emijombeni kutani Siya hi xihoxo a wu susumeta swinene. Pamela a huma emijombeni a ya wa naswona sweswi tsolo ra yena ri huma ngati,” ku hlamusela Noma.“Ixi e-e! Xana se hi ta endla yini?” ku vutisa Ben.“Swi lulamile, ndza swi tiva leswaku ndzi ta endla yini,” ku vula Noma a ri karhi a teka nkwama wa yena kutani a humesa xinkwamani.“I yini xexo?” ku vutisa Timo. +“I khiti ya mpfuno wo sungula. Ndzi ta basisa tsolo ra Pamela endzhaku ndzi namarheta bandichi leyi leswaku ri ta antswa,” ku vula Noma. +Vanghana va hlamarile hikuva Noma a swi tiva hi xiviri leswi a ta swi endla. Loko bandichi yi namarhetiwile, Pamela u te u titwa a antswa naswona u lava ku tlanga nakambe. Vanghana hinkwavo va titwe va tsakile na ku ntshuxeka kutani va khesa Noma. +Vanghana hinkwavo va tsutsumile va ya eka mijombe wa tintambhu – handle ka Timo. A ha hlamarile leswaku Noma a swi tiva njhani leswi a swi endla. A lava ku tiva leswaku u nga swi dyondza kwihi swilo swa muxaka lowu hikuva tinghwazi letikulu ti fanele ku tiva hilaha ti nga pfunaka vanhu hakona! +Timo u yile laha Noma a ri karhi a khandziya kona kutani a vutisa, “Noma, xana u swu tivise kuyini leswi a wu swi endla?” +Noma a n’wayitela a ku, “Ndzi swi hlayile eka buku ya mina ya mitsheketo.” +“Xana u dyondzile leswi hinkwaswo hi ku hlaya eka buku ya mitsheketo?” ku vutisa Timo.A nga tivi leswaku a kholwa leswi Noma a swi vuleke. +“Ina, Timo. Ndzi lava ku va dokodela loko ndzi kula leswaku ndzi ta pfuna vanhu. Loko ndzi hlaya tibuku ta mitsheketo, ndzi dyondza hilaha madokodela ma pfunaka vanhu hakona,” ku vula Noma. +Timo a hlamarile! “Na mina ndzi lava ku va nghwazi leyikulu ndzi pfuna vanhu. Xana u ehleketa leswaku tibuku ta mitsheketo ti nga ndzi pfuna ku endla sweswo?” a vutisa.“Ina, i ntiyiso!” ku vula Noma. “Tibuku ta mitsheketo ti nga ku dyondzisa swilo swo tala. Ti kumele tona elayiburari kutani u sungula ku ti hlaya.” +Hi siku leri tlhandlamaka, loko a fika ekaya a vuya exikolweni, Timo u cincile yunifomo ya xikolo kutani a dya sangweji leyi kokwani wa yena a nga n’wi endlela yona. Endzhaku a endla ntirhokaya wa yena. +A ha ku heta loko Kokwani a n’wi vitana. “Timo, vanghana va wena va fikile. Va ku yimerile leswaku u ta ya ephakeni na vona.” +“Ndzi kombela u va byela leswaku ndzi ta va na vona endzhaku ka nkarhi, Kokwani,” ku hlamula Timo.Kokwani a nga tshembangi leswi tindleve ta yena ti nga swi twa! Timo a tshama a jahele ku ya ephakeni. “Hikwalahokayini u nga yi sweswi?” a vutisa.“Ndzi lava leswaku u ndzi hlayela ntsheketo loko ndzi nga si famba, ndza kombela,” ku vula Timo. +Kokwani a n’wiyetala hi ntsako. “Leswi i swintshwa! Hikwalahokayini u lava ndzi ku hlayela ntsheketo namuntlha?” a vutisa. +“Hikuva Noma u ri mitsheketo yi nga ndzi dyondzisa ku va nghwazi leyikulu na ku pfuna vanghana va mina,” Timo a swi vula a ri karhi a tlulela ehenhla na le hansi hi ntsako. +“I jaha ra mina rero!” ku vula Kokwani loko a ri karhi a teka buku ya mitsheketo. +Kwalaho, Kokwani na Timo va tshama swin’we ehansi va hlaya buku ya mitsheketo – na yin’wana, na yin’wana. Kusuka kwalaho ndzhenga wun’wana na wun’wana, loko Timo a nga si ya eku tlangeni ephakeni, a kombela Kokwani ku n’wi hlayela.",tso,Xitsonga,Ku va nghwazi leyikulu,"Timo lived in a small village surrounded by mountains, green fields and beautiful forests, but his favourite place was the park. He loved it there because he felt like a superhero when he ran around, climbed on the jungle gym and spun on the ...",,Bubele Retshe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ku-va-nghwazi-leyikulu +how-to-be-superhero,"Timo lived in a small village surrounded by mountains, green fields and beautiful forests, but his favourite place was the park. He loved it there because he felt like a superhero when he ran around, climbed on the jungle gym and spun on the merry-go-round. +Every day when Timo came home from school, he would get changed out of his school uniform and eat the delicious sandwich that his grandmother had made for him. Then he would do his homework and, when it was done, he would rush outside shouting, “Granny, Granny, it’s playtime!” +And Granny would call after him, “Timo, wait! Don’t you want me to read you a story?”“No, Granny, I need to play and explore,” Timo would reply, already on his way to meet his friends who were waiting for him at the gate. + +“There are many places that you can explore in storybooks, Timo,” Granny would say. “Books can teach you lots of things and take you to places that you have never been.”Timo would giggle and say, “Granny, books can’t take me anywhere. Only cars can do that!” Then he would run off down the road to the park with his friends.One afternoon, Timo’s best friend, Ben, was waiting for him at the gate.“Hey, Timo, are you ready to play?” asked Ben. +“I’m always ready,” said Timo racing down the street with his best friend. They both wanted to get to the park first.When they got there, Timo’s other friends were waiting for them. Pamela was sitting on the swing crying, while Noma and Siya were standing next to her. They looked worried. +Timo moved closer to find out what was going on. “What happened to Pamela?” he asked. +“She was on the swing and Siya accidently pushed it too hard. Pamela fell off the swing and now her knee is bleeding,” explained Noma.“Oh no! What are we going to do?” asked Ben.“It’s okay, I know what to do,” said Noma reaching for her backpack and taking out a small bag. +“What is that?” Timo asked. +“It’s a first aid kit. I will clean Pamela’s knee and then put on this plaster so that it feels better,” said Noma. +The friends were surprised that Noma knew exactly what to do. Once the plaster was on, Pamela said she felt much better and she wanted to play again. All the friends felt happy and relieved and they thanked Noma.All the friends raced over to the jungle gym – except Timo. He was wondering how Noma had known what to do. He wanted to know where you could learn these kinds of things because superheroes are supposed to know how to help people! +  +Timo walked over to where Noma was climbing and asked, “Noma, how did you know what to do?”Noma smiled and said, “I read it in a storybook.” +“You learnt all of that from reading a storybook?” asked Timo. He wasn’t sure he could believe what Noma had said.“Yes, Timo. I want to be a doctor when I grow up so that I can help people. When I read storybooks, I learn about how doctors help people,” said Noma. +Timo was amazed! “I want to be a superhero and help people too. Do you think storybooks could help me do that?” he asked.“Yes, of course!” said Noma. “Storybooks can teach you lots of things. Just get them from the library and start reading.” +The next day, when he got home from school, Timo changed out of his school uniform and ate the delicious sandwich that his grandmother had made for him. Then he did his homework.He had just finished when Granny called him. “Timo, your friends are here. They are waiting for you to go to the park with them.” +“Please tell them I will join them later, Granny,” answered Timo. +  +Granny could not believe her ears! Timo was always in a hurry to go to the park. “Why aren’t you going right now?” she asked.“I’d like you to read me a story before I go, please,” said Timo.Granny smiled happily. “That’s new! Why do you want me to read you a story today?” she asked. +“Because Noma says stories can teach me how to be a superhero and help my friends,” Timo said as he jumped up and down excitedly. +“That’s my boy!” said Granny as she picked up a storybook.So, Granny and Timo sat down together and read that storybook – and another, and another. And every afternoon after that, before Timo went to play in the park, he asked Granny to read to him.",eng,English,How to be a superhero,"Timo lived in a small village surrounded by mountains, green fields and beautiful forests, but his favourite place was the park. He loved it there because he felt like a superhero when he ran around, climbed on the jungle gym and spun on the ...",,Bubele Retshe,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/how-to-be-superhero +dog,"When the world was young, Dog was a wild thing. He spent his days wandering the land alone. At night he lay his head on his fuzzy paws and kept guard over his cave. Nobantu, the first woman, lived in a small hut near Dog’s cave. One evening as she walked home, Nobantu saw Dog with his head on his fuzzy paws, sleeping with one eye open, and she felt sorry for him. + +“I wonder what I can do to help Dog?” she thought. “He looks so lonely.” As Nobantu thought about a plan, Dog woke up and barked at her. “Dog,” she called out, “you are an excellent guard.” “Yes,” Dog growled, “I’m the best guard in the whole bushveld. My ears are so good that I can hear the smallest noise, my eyes can see in the dark, and I always sleep with one eye open.” “Amazing,” said Nobantu. “Could you please teach me how to be a good guard? Come to my hut tomorrow at sunset. If you do, I’ll give you a hot meal to eat.” +  +Dog had never eaten a hot meal before, but it sounded good. At sunset the following day, Dog came wandering through the bushveld towards Nobantu’s hut. He greeted her and growled, “Now you must watch what I do. I’ll teach you how to be a good guard.” Then Dog lay down outside Nobantu’s hut, with his head on his fuzzy paws. He fell asleep with one eye open. That night he chased away a few wild animals. In the morning Nobantu brought him a hot meal in an old tin bowl. +  +“Here you go,” said Nobantu. Dog gobbled up the meal. +“Did I teach you how to be a good guard?” he barked. +“I think I’ve nearly got it,” answered Nobantu with a smile, “but maybe you could show me again tonight. If you do, I’ll give you a hot meal AND I’ll make a little bed for you to sleep on.” Dog licked his lips. The hot meal had been delicious, and he’d never slept on a little bed before. +  +At sunset, Dog came wandering through the bushveld towards Nobantu’s hut. Just as she had promised, there was a little bed waiting for him. It was soft and comfortable – much more comfortable than a cave floor – and Dog fell asleep immediately with one eye open. That night he chased away a few wild animals. In the morning Nobantu brought him a hot meal in an old tin bowl. +  +“Here you go,” said Nobantu. Dog gobbled up the meal. +“Did I teach you how to be a good guard?” he barked. +“I think I’ve nearly got it,” answered Nobantu with a smile, “but maybe you could show me again tonight. If you do, I’ll give you a hot meal, you can sleep on the little bed again, AND I’ll scratch your back.” Dog licked his lips. The hot meal had been delicious, and the little bed was comfortable – much more comfortable than a cave floor – and he’d never had anyone scratch his back before. +  +At sunset, Dog came wandering through the bushveld towards Nobantu’s hut. He lay down on the little bed. Nobantu sat next to him and scratched his back. What a wonderful feeling! Dog barked with happiness, then fell asleep on the little bed with one eye open. That night he chased away a few wild animals. In the morning Nobantu brought him a hot meal in an old tin bowl. Dog gobbled up the meal. “You know, Nobantu,” Dog barked, “for three nights in a row I’ve tried my best to teach you how to be a good guard, but you don’t seem to get it at all. I don’t think you’ll ever learn how to do it.” +  +“I won’t?” asked Nobantu with a smile. “No, I don’t think so,” answered Dog. “The problem is that you sleep inside, your ears are too small, and you can’t see in the dark. So, I have a better idea. Instead of me teaching YOU how to be a good guard, I could just guard your hut for you. In return you can feed me, give me a bed to sleep on and scratch my back.” “And what about playing?” asked Nobantu. “Playing?” frowned Dog. Nobantu showed Dog how to play with a stick. It was wonderful! +  + +When they were done, they agreed that Dog would stay and be Nobantu’s guard dog. As the sun set that night, Dog fell asleep on his little bed with a smile on his face, and both his eyes closed. And that is how he and his children, and their children’s children came to live with people, and that’s why dogs are no longer wild things that wander the bushveld and sleep in caves all alone.",eng,English,Dog,"When the world was young, Dog was a wild thing. He spent his days wandering the land alone. At night he lay his head on his fuzzy paws and kept guard over his cave. Nobantu, the first woman, lived in a small hut near Dog’s cave. One evening as she ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dog +dog,"Ngoko laliselitsha ihlabathi, uNja wayeyinto yasendle. Wayechitha iintsuku zakhe ezulazula ethafeni yedwa. Ebusuku wayebebeka intloko phezu kwamathupha akhe afipheleyo aze agade umqolomba wakhe.UNobantu, umfazi wokuqala, wayehlala kungquphantsi omncinane kufuphi nomqolomba kaNja. Ngenye injikalanga wathi esahamba egoduka, uNobantu wabona uNja ebeke intloko yakhe phezu kwamathupha akhe afipheleyo, elele kodwa elinye iliso elivulile, wasuka wamsizela. +  + +  +“Ingaba yintoni endinokuyenza ukuze ndincede uNja?” wacinga. “Ubukeka enesithukuthezi kakhulu.”Uthe uNobantu esacinga icebo, wasuka wavuka uNja wamkhonkothela.“Nja,” wakhwaza, “ungumlindi ogqibeleleyo.” “Ewe,” wagragrama uNja, “Ndingoyena mlindi ubalaseleyo kulo lonke eli thafa lamatyholo liphelele. Iindlebe zam zibukhali kangangokuba ndiva nengxolwana encinane, amehlo am ayabona ebumnyameni, kanti ndisoloko ndilala ndilivulile elinye iliso.” +  +“Kuyamangalisa oko,” watsho uNobantu. “Ungandinceda undifundise ukuba ngumlindi olungileyo? Yiza kungquphantsi wam ngenjikalanga yangomso. Ukuba uyakwenza oko, ndiya kukunika isidlo esishushu utye sona.”UNja wayengazange akhe atye ukutya okushushu ngaphambili, kodwa kwakuvakala kulungile oko. +Ukutshona kwelanga ngosuku olulandelayo, uNja wazula-zula ethafeni elinamatyholo esiya ngakungquphantsi kaNobantu. Wambulisa waza wagragrama, “Ngoku kufuneka ujonge endikwenzayo. Ndiza kukufundisa ukuba ngumlindi olungileyo.”UNja wangqengqa phandle ngakungquphantsi kaNobantu, ebeke intloko yakhe phezu kwamathupha akhe amfiliba. Wozela walala evule elinye iliso. +Ngobo busuku wagxotha izilwanyana ezimbalwa zasendle. Kusasa uNobantu wamnika isidlo esishushu ngesitya esidala.“Thatha,” watsho uNobantu.UNja wasilwabiza eso sidlo.“Ndikufundisile ke ukuba ngumlindi olungileyo?” wakhonkotha. +“Ndicinga ukuba ndiphantse ndakufunda oko,” waphendula ngoncumo uNobantu, “kodwa mhlawumbi ungaphinda undibonise nangobusuku banamhlanje. Ukuba wenza njalo, ndiya kukunika isidlo esishushu FUTHI ndiza kukwandlalela ibhedi encinane ukuze ulale kuyo ndikonwaye umhlana wakho.” +UNja wakhotha imilebe yakhe. Isidlo esishushu sasimnandi kakhulu, futhi wayengazange akhe alale ebhedini encinane ngaphambili. +Ukutshona kwelanga, uNja wazula-zula ethafeni elinamatyholo esiya ngakungquphantsi kaNobantu. Njengoko wayethembisile, kwakukho ibhedi encinane eyayimlindile. Yayitofotofo isonwabisa – yayisonwabisa ngaphezulu kakhulu kunomgangatho womqolomba – waza uNja walala kwangoko kodwa elivulile elinye iliso.Ngobo busuku wagxotha izilwanyana zasendle ezimbalwa. Kusasa uNobantu wampha isidlo esishushu ngesitya esidala senkcenkce. +“Khawufumane,” watsho uNobantu.UNja wasilwabiza eso sidlo.“Ingaba ndikufundisile ke ukuba ngumlindi olungileyo?” wakhonkotha. +“Ndicinga ukuba sendifundile noko,” waphendula ngoncumo uNobantu, “kodwa mhlawumbi ungaphinda undifundise ngobu busuku banamhlanje. Ukuba wenza njalo, ndiya kukunika isidlo esishushu, ungaphinda ulale kwibhedi encinane kwakhona, FUTHI ndiza kukonwaya umhlana wakho.” +UNja wakhotha imilebe yakhe. Isidlo esishushu sasimnandi kakhulu, futhi yayitofotofo kamnandi ibhedi encinane – ngaphezulu kakhulu kunomgangatho womqolomba – kanti zange akhe afumane mntu omonwaya umhlana ngaphambili. +  +Ukutshona kwelanga, uNja wazula-zula ethafeni elinamatyholo esiya ngakungquphantsi kaNobantu. Wangqengqa ebhedini encinane. UNobantu wahlala ecaleni kwakhe wamonwaya umhlana. Kuvakala kamnandi kakhulu oko! UNja wakhonkotha ngenxa yovuyo, waza walala ebhedini encinane kodwa elivulile elinye iliso. +Ngobo busuku wagxotha izilwanyana zasendle ezimbalwa. Kusasa uNobantu wampha isidlo esishushu ngesitya esidala senkcenkce. UNja wasilwabiza eso sidlo. +“Uyazi, Nobantu,” uNja wakhonkotha, “sezintathu iintsuku zobusuku ezilandelelanayo ndizama kangangoko ukukufundisa ukuba ngumlindi olungileyo, kodwa akude ufunde nakancinane. Phofu andiqondi ukuba uya kuze ufunde ukukwenza oku.”“Andinakukwazi?” wabuza ngoncumo uNobantu. +“Hayi, andiqondi,” waphendula uNja. “Ingxaki kukuba ulala ngaphakathi kungquphantsi, iindlebe zakho zincinane kakhulu, kwaye akuboni ebumnyameni. Ngoko ke, ndinecebo eliphucukileyo. Endaweni yokuba mna ndifundise WENA indlela yokuba ngumlindi olungileyo, ndingangumlindi kangquphantsi wakho. Ungandibulela ngokundondla, undinike ibhedi yokulala nangokonwaya umhlana wam.” +  +“Uthini ngokudlala?” wabuza uNobantu.“Ukudlala?” wafinga iintshiyi uNja.UNobantu wabonisa uNja indlela yokudlala ngenduku. Kwaba mnandi kakhulu! +   +Bakuba begqibile, bavumelana ngokuthi uNja makahlale abe yinja engumlindi kaNobantu.Lathi litshona elaloo mini, uNja wabe elala ebhedini yakhe encinane enoncumo ebusweni bakhe, futhi ecimele ngawo omabini amehlo akhe. +Kwenzeka ngaloo Ndlela ke ukuze yena nabantwana bakhe, nabantwana babantwana babo baze kuhlala nabantu, futhi kungenxa yoko izinja zingasezozidalwa zasendle ezizula-zula ematyholweni nezilala zodwa emiqolombeni.",xho,isiXhosa,Unj,"When the world was young, Dog was a wild thing. He spent his days wandering the land alone. At night he lay his head on his fuzzy paws and kept guard over his cave. Nobantu, the first woman, lived in a small hut near Dog’s cave. One evening as she ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/unja +dog,"Loko misava ya ha ri yitsongo, N’wambyana a ri nchumu wa le nhoveni. Hi masiku hinkwawo a tshamela ro yingayinga ni nhova a ri yexe. Nivusiku a lata nhloko ya yena ehenhla ka mikondzo ya yenayo khondliwa kutani a rindza bako ra yena. +Nobantu, wansati wo sungula, a tshama exindlwanini lexitsongo ekusuhi na bako ra N’wambyana. Madyambu ya n’wana loko a ri endleleni yo ya ekaya, Nobantu u vonile N’wambyana na nhloko ya yena ehenhla ka mikondzo ya yena, a etlele a pfurile tihlo rin’we, kutani a n’wi twela vusiwana. + +“A ndzi tivi leswaku ndzi nga endla yini ku pfuna N’wambyana?” a anakanya. “U tikomba a ri na xivundza.”Loko Nobantu a ha anakanya hi kungu, N’wambyana a pfuka a n’wi vukula. +“N’wambyana,” a vitana, “u murindzi wa kahle swinene.”“Ina,” ku bongela N’wambyana, “Ndzi murindzi wa kahle swinene ekhwatini leri hinkwaro.  +Tindleve ta mina ti twa swinene lero ndzi kota ku twa na huwa yitsongo swinene, mahlo ya mina ya kota ku vona emunyamini, naswona ndzi tshama ndzi pfule tihlo rin’we.” +“Swa hlamarisa,” ku vula Nobantu. “Xana u nga swi kota ku ndzi dyondzisa ku va murindzi wa kahle? Tana endlwini ya mina mundzuku loko dyambu ri pela. Loko wo endla tano, ndzi ta ku nyika swakudya swo hisa u dya.” +N’wambyana a nga se tshama a dya swakudya swo hisa, kambe a swi twala swi ri kahle. +Loko dyambu ri pela hi siku leri landzaka, N’wambyana u tile a ri karhi a yingayinga ekhwatini a kongome eka yindlu ya Nobantu. A n’wi xeweta kutani a bonga, “Sweswi u fanele ku xiya leswi ndzi nga ta swi endla. Ndzi ta ku dyondzisa ku va murindzi wa kahle.” +N’wambyana a pavalala ehansi ehandle ka yindlu ya Nobantu, ni nhloko ya yena ehenhla ka mikondzo ya yena yo khondliwa. U etlerile a pfurile tihlo ra yena rin’we. +Vusiku byebyo u hlongorile swihari swa nhova swo hlayanyana. Nimixo Nobantu u n’wi tiserile swakudya swo hisa hi xindhichani xa khale xa nsimbhi.“Hi leswi yana emahlweni,” ku vula Nobantu.N’wambyana a mitetela swakudya hinkwaswo. +  +“Xana ndzi ku dyondzisile ku va murindzi wa kahle?” a vukula.“Ndzi anakanya leswaku ndzi swi khomile katsongo,” ku hlamula Nobantu hi ku n’wayitela, “kambe u nga tlhela u ndzi komba nakambe namuntlha nimadyambu. Loko wo endlatano, ndzi ta ku nyika swakudya swo hisa NASWONA ndzi ta ku endlela xibedwama leswaku u ta etlela eka xona.” +N’wambyana a tinantswela milomo. Swakudya swo hisa a swi nandziha, naswona a nga se tshama a etlela eka xibedwana. +Loko dyambu ri pela, N’wambyana u tile a ri karhi a yingayinga ekhwatini a kongome eka yindlu ya Nobantu. Tanihilaha a tshembiseke hakona, a ku ri na xibedwana lexi a xi n’wi yimerile. A xi olova na ku mpfeketa – a xi mpfeketa ku tlula bako ra le hansi – kutani hi nkarhi wolowo N’wambyana u hatlise a etlela a pfurile tihlo rin’we. +Vusiku byebyo u hlongorile swihari swa nhova swo hlayanyana. Nimixo Nobantu u n’wi tiserile swakudya swo hisa hi xindhichani xa khale xa nsimbhi.“Hi leswi yana emahlweni,” ku vula Nobantu. +N’wambyana a mitetela swakudya hinkwaswo.“Xana ndzi ku dyondzisile ku va murindzi wa kahle?” a vukula. +“Ndzi anakanya leswaku ndzi swi khomile katsongo,” ku hlamula Nobantu hi ku n’wayitela, “kambe u nga tlhela u ndzi komba nakambe namuntlha nimadyambu. Loko wo endlatano, ndzi ta ku nyika swakudya swo hisa, u nga kota ku etlela eka xibedwana nakambe, NASWONA ndzi ta ku n’waya nhlana.” +N’wambyana a tinatswela milomo. Swakudya swo hisa a swi nandziha, naswona xibedwana – a xi mpfeketa ku tlula bako ra le hansi – naswona a ku se tshama ku va na loyi a n’wi n’wayaka nhlana. +Loko dyambu ri pela, N’wambyana u tile a ri karhi a yingayinga ekhwatini a kongome eka yindlu ya Nobantu. U fike a pavalala eka xibedwana. Nobantu a tshama kwala tlhelo ka yena a n’wi n’waya nhlana. Ndzi titwa kahle swinene! N’wambyana a vukula hi ntsako, kutani a etlela ehenhla ka xibedwana a pfurile tihlo rin’we. +Hi vusiku byebyo u hlongorile swiharhi swa nhova swo hlayanyana. Nimixo Nobantu u n’wi tiserile swakudya swo hisa hi xindhichani xa khale xa nsimbhi. N’wambyana a mitetela swakudya hinkwaswo. +  +“Wa tiva, Nobantu,” ku vukula N’wambyana, “eka vusiku lebyinharhu hi ku landzelelana ndzi ringetile hilaha ndzi nga kotaka ha kona ku ku dyondzisa ku va murindzi wa kahle, kambe a swi tikombi leswaku wa swi khoma. A ndzi ehleketi leswaku u ta pfuka u swi kotile ku swi endla.”“A ndzi nga swi koti?” ku vula Nobantu a ri karhi a n’wayitela. +“E-e, a ndzi ehleketi hi ndlela yaleyo,” ku hlamula N’wambyana. “Xiphiqo i ku u etlela endzeni, tindleve ta wena i titsongo, naswona a wu swi koti ku vona exinyamini. Lokoswiritano, ndzi na mianakanyo yo antswa. Ematshan’weni ya leswaku mina ndzi dyondzisa WENA ku va murindzi wa kahle, ndzi nga ku rindzela yindlu ya wena. Ku vuyisela wena u ta ndzi phamela swakudya, u ndzi nyika mubedo wo etlela na ku ndzi n’waya nhlana.” +""Ku huhwa ke?” ku vutisa Nobantu.“Ku huhwa?” N’wambyana a khwanyanise xikandza.Nobantu u kombetile N’wambyana ku huhwa hi tinhonga. A swi tsakisa swinene! + +Loko va hetile, va twananile leswaku N’wambyana u ta tshama naswona u ta va mbyana yo rindza Nobantu. +Loko dyambu ri pela hi vusiku byebyo, N’wambyana u etlerile eka xibedwana xa yena a ri karhi a n’wayitela exikandzeni xakwe, naswona mahlo ya yena hamambirhi a ya pfalekile. +Leswi hi leswi yena na vana va yena, na vana va vana va vona va nga sungurisa xiswona ku tshama na vanhu, naswona timbyana a ta ha ri swilo swa nhova leswi yingayingaka na makhwati na ku etlela emabakweni swi ri swoxe.",tso,Xitsonga,’wambyan,"When the world was young, Dog was a wild thing. He spent his days wandering the land alone. At night he lay his head on his fuzzy paws and kept guard over his cave. Nobantu, the first woman, lived in a small hut near Dog’s cave. One evening as she ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/n’wambyana +dog,"Toe die wêreld nog jonk was, was Hond ’n wilde dier. Hy het die land alleen deurkruis. Snags het hy met sy kop op sy wollerige pote gelê en sy grot bewaak. +Nobantu, die eerste vrou, het in ’n klein hut naby Hond se grot gewoon. Een aand toe sy huis toe stap, sien Nobantu hoe Hond met sy kop op sy wollerige pote met een oog oop lê en slaap. Sy voel jammer vir hom. + +“Ek wonder wat ek kan doen om vir Hond te help?” dink sy. “Hy lyk so eensaam.”Terwyl Nobantu aan ’n plan dink, word Hond wakker en blaf vir haar.“Hond,” roep sy, “jy hou so goed wag.” +“Ja,” grom Hond, “ek hou die beste wag in die hele bosveld. My ore is so goed dat ek die sagste geluid kan hoor, my oë kan in die donker sien, en ek slaap altyd met een oog oop.” +“Ongelooflik,” sê Nobantu. “Kan jy my asseblief leer hoe om net so goed soos jy wag te hou? Kom môre teen sononder na my hut toe. As jy kom, sal ek vir jou lekker warm kos gee om te eet.” +  +Hond het nog nooit voorheen lekker warm kos geëet nie, maar dit klink goed.Met sononder die volgende dag, stap Hond deur die bosveld tot by Nobantu se hut. Hy groet haar en grom: “Hou my nou mooi dop. Ek sal jou leer hoe om goed wag te hou.” +Toe gaan lê Hond buite Nobantu se hut met sy kop op sy wollerige pote. Hy raak aan die slaap met een oog oop. +Daardie nag jaag hy ’n paar wilde diere weg. Die volgende oggend bring Nobantu vir hom lekker warm kos in ’n ou blikkommetjie.“Hierso,” sê Nobantu.Hond verorber die kos.“Het ek jou geleer hoe om goed wag te hou?” blaf hy. +“Ek dink ek weet amper hoe,” antwoord Nobantu met ’n glimlag, “maar dalk kan jy my vanaand weer wys. As jy dit doen, sal ek vir jou lekker warm kos gee EN ek sal vir jou ’n bed maak om op te slaap.” +Hond lek sy lippe af. Die warm kos was heerlik en hy het nog nooit voorheen op ’n bed geslaap nie. +Met sononder stap Hond deur die bosveld tot by Nobantu se hut. Net soos wat sy belowe het, wag daar ’n bed vir hom. Dis sag en gemaklik – baie gemakliker as ’n grotvloer – en Hond raak dadelik aan die slaap met een oog oop. +Daardie nag jaag hy ’n paar wilde diere weg. Die volgende oggend bring Nobantu vir hom lekker warm kos in ’n ou blikkommetjie.“Hierso,” sê Nobantu.Hond verorber die kos.“Het ek jou geleer hoe om goed wag te hou?” blaf hy. +“Ek dink ek weet amper hoe,” antwoord Nobantu met ’n glimlag, “maar dalk kan jy my vanaand weer wys. As jy dit doen, sal ek vir jou lekker warm kos gee, jy kan weer op die bed slaap, EN ek sal jou rug krap.”Hond lek sy lippe af. Die warm kos was heerlik en die bed was gemaklik – baie gemakliker as ’n grotvloer – en niemand het nog ooit sy rug gekrap nie. +Met sononder stap Hond deur die bosveld tot by Nobantu se hut. Hy gaan lê op die bed. Nobantu sit langs hom en krap sy rug. Hoe salig! Hond blaf van geluk, en raak dan op die bed aan die slaap met een oog oop. +Daardie nag jaag hy ’n paar wilde diere weg. Die volgende oggend bring Nobantu vir hom lekker warm kos in ’n ou blikkommetjie. Hond verorber die kos. +“Jy weet, Nobantu,” blaf Hond, “ek het nou drie nagte in ’n ry my bes probeer om jou te leer hoe om goed wag te hou, maar dit lyk nie of jy dit onder die knie kry nie. Ek dink nie jy gaan ooit leer hoe om dit te doen nie.”“Nie?” vra Nobantu met ’n glimlag. +“Nee, ek dink nie so nie,” antwoord Hond. “Die probleem is dat jy binne slaap, jou ore is te klein, en jy kan nie in die donker sien nie. Ek het ’n beter idee. In plaas daarvan dat ek vir JOU leer hoe om goed wag te hou, kan ek liewer wag hou buite jou hut. In ruil daarvoor kan jy vir my kos gee, ’n bed om op te slaap en jy kan my rug krap.” +“En wat van speel?” vra Nobantu.“Speel?” frons Hond.Nobantu wys vir Hond hoe om met ’n stok te speel. Dis fantasties! + +Toe hulle klaar is, stem hulle saam dat Hond sal bly en Nobantu se waghond sal wees.Toe die son daardie aand sak, raak Hond op sy bedjie aan die slaap met ’n glimlag op sy gesig, en albei oë toe. +En dit is hoe hy en sy kinders, en hulle kinders se kinders by mense gaan bly het, en dit is waarom honde nie meer wilde diere is wat in die bosveld ronddwaal en stoksielalleen in grotte slaap nie.",afr,Afrikaans,Hond,"When the world was young, Dog was a wild thing. He spent his days wandering the land alone. At night he lay his head on his fuzzy paws and kept guard over his cave. Nobantu, the first woman, lived in a small hut near Dog’s cave. One evening as she ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hond +dog,"Ngesikhathi umhlaba usemncane, uNja kwakuyinto yasendle. Wayechitha izinsuku zakhe ezulazula ezweni yedwa. Ebusuku wayelalisa ikhanda lakhe phezu kwezidladlana zakhe ezehlukile bese ehlola umgede wakhe. +UNobantu, owesifazane wokuqala, wayehlala eqhugwaneni elincane eduze komhume kaNja. Ngobunye ubusuku ngesikhathi ehamba eqonde ekhaya, uNobantu wabona uNja nezidladla zakhe ezehlukile nje, elele evule iso elilodwa, wamdabukela. + +“Angazi ukuthi yini engingayenza ukuze ngisize uNja?” ecabanga. “Ubukeka enesizungu.”Ngesikhathi uNobantu ecabanga ngecebo, uNja wavuka wase emkhonkotha.“We Nja,” kumemeza yena, “ungumqaphi omuhle kakhulu.” +“Yebo,” kugwavuma uNja, “Ngingumqaphi omuhle kunabo bonke kulo lonke ihlanze. Amadlebe ami abukhali kakhulu ngangokuthi ngingezwa ngisho umsindo omncane kakhulu, amehlo ami akwazi ukubona ebumnyameni, futhi ngihlala ngilala ngivule iso elilodwa.” +“Kuyamangalisa,” kwasho uNobantu. “Ungangifundisa ukuthi ngingaba kanjani wumqaphi omuhle ngiyacela bandla? Woza eqhugwaneni lami kusasa ngokushona kwelanga. Uma wenza lokho, ngiyokunikeza ukudla okufudumele ukuze udle.” +UNja wayengakaze akudle ukudla okushisayo ngaphambilini, kodwa kwakuzwakala kukuhle. +Ngokushona kwelanga ngosuku olulandelayo, uNja weza ephuphutheka esikhotheni eqonde eqhugwaneni likaNobantu. Wambingelela wase egwavuma, “Manje kufanele ubheke engikwenzayo. Ngizokufundisa ukuba wumqaphi omuhle.” +Emva kwalokho uNja walala phansi ngaphandle kweqhugwane likaNobantu, nekhanda lakhe liphezu kwezidladla zakhe ezehlukile. Walala neso elilodwa livuliwe.Ngalobo busuku waxosha izilwane zasendle ezimbalwa. Ekuseni uNobantu wamlethela ukudla okushisayo ngesitsha sethini esidala. +“Nakho-ke,” kusho uNobantu.UNja wakugwinya wakuqeda ukudla.“Ngabe ngikufundisile ukuthi ube wumqaphi omuhle?” ekhonkotha. +“Ngicabanga ukuthi ngicishe ngakwazi,” kuphendula uNobantu ngokumamatheka, “kodwa mhlawumbe ungangikhombisa futhi namuhla ebusuku. Uma ukwenza lokho, ngizokunika isidlo esishisayo FUTHI ngizokwakhela umbhejana ukuze ukwazi ukulala kuwo.” +UNja wakhotha izindebe zakhe. Isidlo esishisayo sasikade simnandi, futhi wayengakaze alale embhedeni omncane ngaphambilini. +Ngokushona kwelanga, uNja weza ephuphutheka ehlanzeni ebheke ngaseqhugwaneni likaNobantu. Njengalokhu ayethembisile, kwakukhona umbhejana owawulindele uNja. Wawuthambile futhi unethezekile – unethezeke ngaphezudlwana kwephansi lomhume – uNja wazunywa ubuthongo ngokushesha evule iso elilodwa. +Ngalobo busuku waxosha izilwane zasendle ezimbalwa. Ekuseni uNobantu wamlethela isidlo esishisayo ngesitsha sethini esidala.“Nakho-ke,” kwasho uNobantu.UNja wakugwinya wakuqeda ukudla. +“Ngabe ngikufundisile yini ukuba wumqaphi omuhle?” ekhonkotha. +“Ngicabanga ukuthi ngicishe ngakuthola,” kuphendula uNobantu emamatheka, “kodwa mhlawumbe ungangikhombisa futhi namuhla ebusuku. Uma ukwenza lokho, ngizokunika ukudla okushisayo, ubuye ukwazi ukulala embhejaneni futhi, FUTHI ngizokwenwaya emhlane.” +UNja wakhotha izindebe zomlomo wakhe. Ukudla okushisayo bekungeve kumnandi, umbhejana ubunethezekile – unethezeke kakhudlwana kunephansi lomhume – futhi akakaze nje enwaywe emhlane phambilini. +Ngokushona kwelanga, uNja weza ephaphatheka echusha ehlanzeni ebheke ngaseqhugwaneni likaNobantu. Walala phansi embhedeni omncane. UNobantu wahlala eduze kwakhe wayesemenwaya emhlane wakhe. Kwaze kwamnandi bo! +UNja wakhonkotha ngenjabulo, emva kwalokho wazumeka embhedeni omncane neso elilodwa libhekile. Ngalobo busuku waxosha izilwane zasendle ezimbalwa. Ekuseni, uNobantu wamlethela ukudla okushisayo ngesitsha sethini esidala. UNja wakugwinya wakuqeda ukudla. +“Uyazi Nobantu,” kukhonkotha uNja, “ubusuku obuthathu izinsuku zilandelana, ngizame konke okusemandleni ukukufundisa ukuba wumqaphi omuhle, kodwa kubonakala sengathi akukho nhlobo okufundayo. Angicabangi ukuthi uyoke ufunde ukuthi kwenziwa kanjani.”“Ngeke ngikwazi?” kubuza uNobantu emoyizela. +“Cha, angicabangi kanjalo,” kuphendula uNja. “Inkinga wukuthi ulala ngaphakathi, izindlebe zakho zincane kakhulu, futhi awukwazi ukubona ebumnyameni. Ngakho, nginesu elingcono. Esikhundleni sokuthi mina ngifundise WENA ukuthi ube wumqaphi omuhle, ngingavele ngikuqaphelele iqhugwane lakho. Ukukhokhela lokho ungangondla, unginike umbhede wokulala bese ungenwaya umhlane.” +“Manje uthini-ke mayelana nokudlala?” kubuza Nobantu.“Ukudlala?” kuhwaqa uNja.UNobantu wakhombisa uNja ukuthi kudlalwa kanjani ngenduku. Kwakuyisimangaliso! + +Ngenkathi sebeqedile, bavumelana ngokuthi uNja uzohlala abe yinja engumqaphi kaNobantu.Ngenkathi ilanga lishona ngalelo langa, uNja wazumeka embhedeni omncane egcwele ukumamatheka ebusweni bakhe, futhi wawavala womabili amehlo. +Futhi kwenzeka kanjalo ukuthi yena kanye nezingane zakhe, nezingane zezingane zakhe zihlale kanye nabantu, futhi yingakho izinja zingasezona nje izinto zasendle ezizulazula ehlanzeni nezihlala zodwa emihumeni.",zul,isiZulu,Unj,"When the world was young, Dog was a wild thing. He spent his days wandering the land alone. At night he lay his head on his fuzzy paws and kept guard over his cave. Nobantu, the first woman, lived in a small hut near Dog’s cave. One evening as she ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/unja-0 +dog,"Ge lefase e be e sa le le lennyane, Mpša e be e le phoofolo ya nageng. O feditše matšatši a gagwe a sepela nageng a le tee. Bošego o bea hlogo ya gagwe marofeng a boleta a leta lewa la gagwe. +Nobantu, mosadi wa mathomo, o dutše ka rantaboleng ye nnyane kgauswi le lewa la Mpša. Mathapama a mangwe ge a eya gae, Nobantu o bone Mpša a tsentše hlogo marofeng a gagwe a boleta, a robetše a butše leihlo le letee, gomme a mo kwela bohloko. + +“Ke ipotšiša gore ke dire eng go thuša Mpša?” a nagana. “O bonala a bolaya ke bodutu.”Ge Nobantu a nagana leano, Mpša o ile a tsoga a mo goba.“Mpša,” a mmitša, “o moleti yo hlwahlwa.” +“Ee,” Mpša a bogola, “Ke nna moleti yo mokaonekaone lešokeng lohle. Ditsebe tša ka di kwa gabotse kudu ka fao ke kgonago le go kwa lešata le lennyanenyane, mahlo a ka a kgona go bona ka leswiswing, gomme ka dinako tšohle ke robala ke butše leihlo le letee.” +“Go a makatša,” a realo Nobantu. “Nke o nthute go ba moleti yo hlwahlwa hle? Etla mokutwaneng wa ka gosasa ge letšatši le dikela. Ge o ka tla, ke tlo go fa dijo tša go fiša gore o je.” +Mpša ga senke a ja dijo tša go fiša, efela seo se kwagetše e le taba ye botse.Ge letšatši le sobela ka moswane, Mpša o ile a tšwelela ka lešokeng a labile mokutwaneng wa Nobantu. O ile a mo dumediša a ba a bogola, “Bjale o swanetše go lebelela gore ke dira eng. Ke tla go ruta go ba moleti yo mokaonekaone.” +Mpša o ile a sekama ka ntle ga mokutwana wa Nobantu, a tsentše hlogo gare ga marofa a boleta. O swerwe ke boroko a butše leihlo le letee.Bošegong bjoo o kitimišitše diphoofolo tša nageng tše mmalwa. Mesong Nobantu o mo tlišeditše dijo tša go fiša ka sekotlelo sa lesenke sa kgale. +“Ke tše,” a realo Nobantu.Mpša o ile a ja dijo.“Naa ke go rutile go ba moleti yo hlwahlwa?” a goba. +“Ke nagana gore ke nyakile go swaranyana,” gwa araba Nobantu ka myemyelo, “efela mo gongwe o ka mpontšha gape bošego. Ge o ka mpontšha ke tla go fa dijo tša go fiša KA BA KA go direla mpete o monnyane wo o tla robalago go ona.” +Mpša o ile a itatswa melomo. Dijo tša borutho di be di le bose, gomme o be a sa ka a robala mpeteng o monnyane. +Ge letšatši le sobela, Mpša o ile a tšwelela ka lešokeng a lebile mokutwaneng wa Nobantu. Bjalo ka ge a tshephišitše, mpete o monnyane o be o mo emetše. O be o le boleta ebile o le mabothobotho – o le mabothobotho kudu go feta lebato la ka leweng – gomme Mpša a swarwa ke boroko a butše leihlo le letee. +Bošegong bjoo o kitimišitše diphoofolo tša nageng tše mmalwa. Mesong Nobantu o mo tlišeditše dijo tša go fiša ka sekotlelo sa lesenke sa kgale.“Ke tše,” a realo Nobantu.Mpša o ile a ja dijo.“Naa ke go rutile go ba moleti yo hlwahlwa?” a goba. +“Ke nagana gore ke nyakile go swaranyana,” gwa araba Nobantu ka myemyelo, “efela mogongwe o ka mpontšha gape bošego. Ge o ka mpontšha ke tla go fa dijo tša go fiša, o ka robala mpeteng o monnyane gape, GOMME ke tla go ngwaya mokokotlo.” +Mpša o ile a itatswa melomo. Dijo tša borutho di be di le bose, le mpete o monnyane o le mabothobotho go feta lebato la ka leweng – gomme ga go motho yo ilego a mo ngwaya mokokotlo. +Ge letšatši le sobela, Mpša o ile a tšwelela ka lešokeng a lebile mokutwaneng wa Nobantu. O ile a robala mpeteng o monnyane. Nobantu o ile a dula kgauswi le yena gomme a mo ngwaya mokokotlo. Ke kwa bose bjang! Mpša o ile a goba ka lethabo, gomme a swarwa ke boroko mpeteng o monnyane a butše leihlo le letee. +Bošegong bjoo o kitimišitše diphoofolo tša nageng tše mmalwa. Mesong Nobantu o mo tlišeditše dijo tša go fiša ka sekotlelo sa lesenke sa kgale. Mpša o ile a ja dijo. +“Wa tseba, Nobantu,” Mpša a goba, “mašegong a mararo a go latelana ke lekile ka mo ke kgonago go go ruta go ba moleti yo hlwahlwa, efela o bonala o se wa swara selo. Ke nagana gore o ka se tsoge o kgonne.”“Nka se kgone?” gwa botšiša Nobantu ka myemyelo. +“Aowa, ga ke bone,” gwa araba Mpša. “Bothata ke gore o robala ka gare, ditsebe tša gago ke tše dinnyane kudu, le gona o ka se kgone go bona ge go le leswiswi. Bjalo, ke na le kgopolo ye botse. Go na le gore ke rute WENA go ba moleti yo hlwahlwa, nka go letela mokutwana wa gago. Wena o tlo mphepa, wa mpha mpete wo ke tlo robalago go ona wa ba wa nngwaya mokokotlo.” +“Go bapala gona?” gwa botšiša Nobantu.“Go bapala?” Mpša a šošobanya sefahlego.Nobantu o ile a bontšha Mpša go bapala ka kota. Go bile bose! + +Ge ba fetša ba kwane gore Mpša o tlo dula fao a ba mpša ya go leta Nobantu. +Ge letšatši le sobela bošegong bjoo, Mpša o ile a swarwa ke boroko mpeteng wa gagwe, a myemyela sefahlegong, gomme a tswaletše mahlo a mabedi. +Gomme ke ka fao yena le bana ba gagwe, le bana ba bana ba bona ba thomilego go dula le batho, gomme ke ka fao dimpša e sa hlwego e le diphoofolo tša nageng tša go sepela lešokeng ebile di robala ka maweng di le tee.",nso,Sepedi,Mpš,"When the world was young, Dog was a wild thing. He spent his days wandering the land alone. At night he lay his head on his fuzzy paws and kept guard over his cave. Nobantu, the first woman, lived in a small hut near Dog’s cave. One evening as she ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mpša +dog,"Ha lefatshe le ne le sa le letjha, Ntja e ne e le ntho e hlaha. E ne e qeta matsatsi a yona e solla naheng e le nngwe. Bosiu e ne e robala e beile hlooho ya yona hodima maoto a yona a boya mme e lebetse lehaha la yona. +Nobantu, mosadi wa pele, o ne a dula ntlong e nyane haufi le lehaha la Ntja. Ka bosiu bo bong ha a ntse a tsamaya a eya hae, Nobantu a bona Ntja e beile hlooho ya yona hodima maoto a yona a boya, e robetse, e butse leihlo le leng , mme a utlwa a e hauhela. + +“Ke a ipotsa hore ebe nka etsang ho thusa Ntja?” a nahana jwalo. “E shebahala e jewa ke bodutu.”Ha Nobantu a ntse a nahana leqheka, Ntja ya tsoha mme ya mmohola.“Ntja,” a e bitsa, “o molebedi ya kgabane.” +“Ee,” Ntja ya rora, “Ke nna molebedi ya fetang bohle morung ona ohle. Ditsebe tsa ka di utlwa hantle hoo ke kgonang ho utlwa le leratanyana le lenyane feela, mahlo a ka a bona lefifing, mme kamehla ke robala ke butse leihlo le le leng.” +“Ho a makatsa,” ha rialo Nobantu. “Na o ka nthuta ho ba molebedi ya hlwahlwa? Tloo tlung ha ka hosane ha letsatsi le dikela. Ha o ka tla, ke tla o tsholela dijo tse tjhesang.” Ntja e ne e eso ka e eja dijo tse tjhesang haesale, empa ho ne utlwahala eka di monate. +Ha letsatsi le dikela tsatsing le hlahlamang, Ntja ya tla e tsamaya hara moru e lebile ntlong ya Nobantu. Ya mo dumedisa e bile e rora, “Jwale o lokela ho sheba hore ke etsang. Ke tla o ruta hore o ka ba molebedi ya hlwahlwa jwang.” +Yaba Ntja e robala fatshe ka ntle ho ntlo ya Nobantu, e beile hlooho ya yona hodima maoto a boya. Ya kgaleha e ntse e butse leihlo le le leng. +Bosiung boo ya lelekisa diphoofolo tse mmalwa tse hlaha. Hoseng Nobantu a e tlisetsa dijo tse tjhesang ka sekotlolong sa kgale sa lesenke.“Ke tsena he,” ha rialo Nobantu.Ntja ya ja dijo tseo ya di qeta.“Na ke o rutile ho ba molebedi ya hlwahlwa?” ya bohola. +“Ke nahana hore ke se ke tla tseba,” ha araba Nobantu a bososela, “empa mohlomong o ka mpontsha hape kajeno bosiu. Ha o ka etsa jwalo, ke tla o fa dijo tse tjhesang MME ke be ke o etsetse le bethenyana moo o tla robala teng.” +Ntja ya itatswa melomo. Dijo tse tjhesang di ne di le monate, mme e ne e esoka e robala betheng e nyane pele ho moo. +Ha letsatsi le dikela, Ntja ya tla e tsamaya hara moru e lebile ntlong ya Nobantu. Jwalo feela kaha a ne a tshepisitse, ho ne ho ena le bethenyana e mo emetseng. E ne e le bonojwana e sa kukunele – e le bonojwana ha monate ho feta fatshe ka lehaheng – mme Ntja ya kgaleha hang e ntse a butse leihlo le le leng.  +Bosiung boo ya lelekisa diphoofolo tse mmalwa tse hlaha. Hoseng Nobantu a e tlisetsa dijo tse tjhesang ka sekotlolong sa kgale sa lesenke.“Ha se moo he,” ha rialo Nobantu.Ntja ya ja dijo tseo ya di qeta.“Na ke o rutile ho ba molebedi ya hlwahlwa?” ya bohola. +“Ke nahana hore ke se ke tla tseba,” ha araba Nobantu a bososela, “empa mohlomong o ka mpontsha hape bosiung bona. Ha o ka etsa jwalo, ke tla o fa dijo tse tjhesang, o ka robala bethenyaneng ena hape, MME ke tla o ngwaya mokokotlo.” +Ntja ya itatswa melomo. Dijo tse tjhesang di ne di le monate, le bethenyana e robatsa ha monate – ha monate ho feta fatshe ka lehaheng – mme e ne e esoka e eba le motho ya e ngwayang mokokotlo pele ho moo. +Ha letsatsi le dikela, Ntja ya tla e tsamaya hara moru e lebile ntlong ya Nobantu. Ya robala bethenyaneng ya hae. Nobantu a dula pela yona mme a e ngwaya mokokotlo. Ya utlwa monate haholo! Ntja ya bohola ke ho utlwa monate, mme ya kgaleha hodima bethenyana e ntse e butse leihlo le le leng. +Bosiung boo ya lelekisa diphoofolo tse mmalwa tse hlaha. Hoseng Nobantu a e tlisetsa dijo tse tjhesang ka sekotlolong sa kgale sa lesenke. Ntja ya ja dijo ya di qeta. +“O a tseba, Nobantu,” Ntja ya bohola, “ka masiu a mararo a latelanang ke lekile ka hohle ho o ruta ho ba molebedi ya hlwahlwa, empa ke bona eka ha o utlwisise hohang. Ke nahana hore o keke wa hlola o ithuta ho etsa sena.”“Nkeke?” ha botsa Nobantu a bososela. +“Tjhe, ha ke nahane jwalo,” ha araba Ntja. “Bothata ke hore o robala ka tlung, ditsebe tsa hao di nyane haholo, mme ha o kgone ho bona lefifing. Kahoo, ke na le mohopolo o betere. Ho ena le hore nna ke rute WENA hore o be molebedi ya hlwahlwa, e ka mpa ya eba nna molebedi wa ntlo ya hao. Bakeng sa sena wena o ka mphepa, wa mpha bethe moo nka robalang teng mme wa nngwaya mokokotlo.” +“Jwale ho bapala teng?” ha botsa Nobantu.“Ho bapala?” ha makala Ntja.Nobantu a bontsha Ntja kamoo ho bapalwang ka thupa. Ho ne ho le monate haholo! + +Ha ba qetile, ba dumellana hore Ntja e tla dula mme e be ntja e lebelang ya Nobantu. Ha letsatsi le dikela bosiung boo, Ntja ya kgaleha bethenyaneng ya yona ka pososelo sefahlehong sa yona, mme mahlo a yona e a kwetse ka bobedi. +Mme ke kamoo yena le bana ba hae, le bana ba bana ba hae ba qetelletseng ba dula le batho, mme ke kahoo dintja e seng e se dintho tse hlaha tse sollang hara moru mme di robala mahaheng di le ding.",sot,Sesotho,tj,"When the world was young, Dog was a wild thing. He spent his days wandering the land alone. At night he lay his head on his fuzzy paws and kept guard over his cave. Nobantu, the first woman, lived in a small hut near Dog’s cave. One evening as she ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ntja +dog,"Fa lefatshe le sa le lešwa, Ntšwa e ne e le phologolo ya naga. O ne a tshela ka go kailakaila mo nageng a le esi. Bosigo o ne a baya tlhogo ya gagwe godimo ga maroo a boboa e nna molebeledi wa legaga la gagwe. +Nobantu, mosadi wa ntlha, o ne a nna mo ntlwaneng gaufi le legaga la Ntšwa. Ka letsatsi lengwe fa a tsamaya a lebile gae, Nobantu a bona Ntšwa e beile tlhogo godimo ga maroo a boboa, e robetse ka leitlho le le lengwe, mme a e utlwela botlhoko. + +“Ke ipotsa gore nka dira eng go thusa Ntšwa?” a akanya. “O lebega a jewa ke bodutu.”Fa Nobantu a ntse a loga leano, Ntšwa ya tsoga mme ya mmogola.“Ntšwa,” a bitsa, “o molebeledi yo o matsetseleko.” +“Ee,” Ntšwa ya rora, “Ke molebeledi yo o gaisang mo nageng yotlhe. Ditsebe tsa me di utlwa sentle mme ke kgona go utlwa le medumo e e kwa tlase thata, matlho a me a kgona go bona mo lefifing, mme e bile ke robala ke butse leitlho le le lengwe.” +“Bontle e le tota” ga bua Nobantu. “Tsweetswee, a o ka nthuta go nna molebeledi yo o tlhwatlhwa? E tla kwa ntlwaneng ya me ka moso ka lotlatlana. Fa o ka dira jalo, ke tla go fa dijo tse di bolelo gore o je.” +Ntšwa e ne e ise e je dijo tse di bolelo mo botshelong jwa yone, fela ya bona e le mogopolo o montle. +Ka lotlatlana letsatsi le le latelang, Ntšwa a tla a ntse a kailakaila go tswa kwa nageng go ya kwa ntlwaneng ya ga Nobantu. A mo dumedisa mme a rora, “Jaanong o tshwanetse go leba se ke se dirang. Ke tla go ruta go nna molebeledi yo o tlhwatlhwa.” +Jaanong Ntšwa ya rapama kwa ntle ga ntlwana ya ga Nobantu, tlhogo e laditswe mo godimo ga maroo a boboa. A tshwarwa ke boroko leitlho le le lengwe le butswe. +Mo bosigong joo a lelekisa diphologolo di se kae tsa naga. Mo mosong Nobantu a mo fa dijo tse di bothito mo mogopong wa bogologolo wa thini. +“Dijo ke tse,” ga bua Nobantu.Ntšwa ya ja dijo ka bonako.“A ke go rutile go nna molebeledi yo o tlhwatlhwa?” a bogola. +“Ke akanya jalo,” ga araba Nobantu ka monyenyo, “fela o ka nna wa mpontshaa gape maitseboa. Fa o ka dira jalo, ke tla go fa dijo tse di bolelo MME e bile ke tla go direla bolao jo bonnye jo o robalang mo go bona.” +Ntšwa a itatswa dipounama. Dijo tse di bolelo di ne di le monate, mme e bile ga a ise a robale mo bolaong mo botshelong jwa gagwe. +Ka lotlatlana, Ntšwa a tla a kailakaila go tswa kwa nageng go ya kwa ntlwaneng ya ga Nobantu. Jaaka a ne a solofeditse, go ne go na le bolao jo bonnye bo mo emetse. Bo ne bo le boleta e bile bo le manobonobo – bo le monate go gaisa go robala fa fatshe mo legageng – Ntšwa ya robala ka bonako ka leitlho le le lengwe le butswe. +Mo bosigong joo a leleka diphologolo tsa naga di le mmalwa. Mo mosong Nobantu a mo fa dijo tse di bothito mo mogopong wa bogologolo wa thini. +“Dijo ke tse,” ga bua Nobantu.Ntšwa ya ja dijo ka bonako.“A ke go rutile go nna molebeledi yo o tlhwatlhwa?” a bogola. +“Ke akanya jalo,” ga araba Nobantu ka monyenyo, “fela o ka nna wa mpontsha gape maitseboa. Fa o ka dira jalo, ke tla go fa dijo tse di bolelo, o ka nne wa robala mo bolaong gape, E BILE ke tla go sidila mokwatla.” +Ntšwa a itatswa dipounama. Dijo tse di bolelo di ne di le monate, bolao bo ne bo le manobonobo – manobonobo go gaisa go robala fa fatshe kwa legageng – mme e bile ga a ise a sidilolwe mokwatla mo botshelong jwa gagwe. +Ka lotlatlana, Ntšwa a tla a kailakaila go tswa kwa nageng go ya kwa ntlwaneng ya ga Nobantu. Ya robola mo bolaong jo bonnye. Nobantu a e sidila mokwatla. A maikutlo a mantle! Ntšwa ya bogola ka boitumelo, mme ya robala ka bonako ka leitlho le le lengwe le butswe. +Mo bosigong joo a leleka diphologolo tsa naga di le mmalwa. Mo mosong Nobantu a mo fa dijo tse di bothito mo mogopong wa bogologolo wa thini. Ntšwa ya ja dijo ka bonako. +“O a itse ke eng, Nobantu,” Ntšwa ya bogola, “malatsi a le mararo a a latelanang ke lekile ka bojotlhe go go ruta go nna molebeledi yo o tlhwatlhwa, fela go itshupa o ise o tshware sepe. Ga ke akanye gore o tla kgona go ithuta se.”“Ga nkitla ke kgona?” ga botsa Nobantu a nyenya. +“Nnyaya, Ga ke akanye jalo,” ga araba Ntšwa. “Bothata ke gore o robala ka fa gare ga ntlo, ditsebe tsa gago di dinnye, e bile ga o kgone go bona mo lefifing. Ka jalo ke na le leano le le botoka. Go na le gore nna ke rute WENA go nna molebeledi yo o tlhwatlhwa, Nna ke tla nna molebeledi wa ntlo ya gago. Wena o tla mphepa ka dijo, wa mpha bolao go robala wa bo wa ntshidila mokwatla.” +“Jaanong motshameko ona?” ga botsa Nobantu.“Motshameko?” Ntšwa ya mo dilola.Nobantu a bontsha Ntšwa tsela ya go tshameka ka thobane, Go ne go le gontle!  +Fa ba feditse, ba dumelana gore Ntšwa e tla nna fa gae mme e nne molebeledi wa ga Nobantu.Ka lotlatlana maitseboeng ao, Ntšwa ya tshwarwa ke boroko mo bolaong ka monyenyo mo sefatlhegong le matlho a le mabedi a tswetswe. +Ke ka moo ene le bana ba gagwe, le bana ba bona ba simolotseng go nna le batho, e bile ke ka moo dintšwa e sa tlholeng e le diphologolo tsa naga tse di kailakailang mo nageng e bile di robala mo magageng ba le nosi.",tsn,Setswana,tšw,"When the world was young, Dog was a wild thing. He spent his days wandering the land alone. At night he lay his head on his fuzzy paws and kept guard over his cave. Nobantu, the first woman, lived in a small hut near Dog’s cave. One evening as she ...",,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ntšwa +hair-magic,"UZinhle wayekuthanda ukudlala ugqaphu ebaleni lokudlala kunye nabahlobo bakhe uSindi noZongi. Inye kuphela into eyayimkhathaza. Xa abahlobo bakhe bexhumaxhuma, iinwele zabo zaziphephethekela phezulu nasezantsi, ziphinde zijuleke ukusuka ecaleni ukuya kwelinye. UZinhle wayenesihlwitha esishinyeneyo seenwele ezithambileyo ezazisenza imilo enkulu engqukuva, futhi zazingakwazi ukuya ngapha nangapha njengezabo. + +Ngenye intsasa yangoMgqibelo uZinhle wabuza umama wakhe, “Mama, kutheni ezam iinwele zingakhuli zihle njengeenwele zabahlobo bam? Iinwele zabo zibhabhela macala xa sidlala ugqaphu. Kuhle kakhulu oko! Ndiziva ndilusizi kuba ezam iinwele azikwazi kushukuma njalo. Zihlala zimi ndawonye!” “Nangona iinwele zakho zahlukile kwezabahlobo bakho, nazo zintle njengezabo!” watsho uMama. UZinhle wajika ubuso wabukeka elusizi, kodwa umama wakhe wamncumela. “Khawuzijonge, Zinhle,” watsho. “Iinwele zakho zihluma ezingcanjini zazo ziye phezulu, ngokwemithi nezityalo. Ngokunjalo zingqukuva kwaye zinkulu ngokomhlaba esihlala kuwo. Unakho ukudlala-dlala ngazo nawe wenze iipateni neemilo ezintle ngazo. Iinwele zakho zingummangaliso – kanti oko kukhethekile!” +  +La mazwi amonwabisa uZinhle. Wabaleka waya phandle ukuya kuxelela abahlobo bakhe ngeenwele zakhe ezingummangaliso. Kodwa akuba exelele uZongi noSindi okuthethwe nguMama wakhe, bajongana, basuka bayothula phezulu intsini. +“Iinwele zingaba ngummangaliso njani?” wabuza uZongi. “Ha-ha-ha!” wahleka uSindi. “Khawuyeke iziqhulo, Zinhle! Ummangaliso? Ayikho wethu loo nto!” +Amehlo kaZinhle azala ziinyembezi, kodwa zange ade alile. Wayengafuni ukuba uZongi noSindi bamhleke kwakhona. Kanye ngelo xesha, amantombazana abona uMakhulu ebawangawangisela isandla. Wayemi ngasemnyango wakhe kufuphi nabo.“Jongani, siyabizwa nguMakhulu,” watsho uZinhle. +  +Bobathathu aba bantwana babethanda ukuncedisa uMakhulu. Wayebabalisela amabali amaninzi abaphe neziqhamo ezomisiweyo qho xa beye kumtyelela. Ngoko ke uZinhle, uZongi noSindi bakhawuleza baya kuqonda ababizelwa kona nguMakhulu. +“Andiphilanga namhlanje,” watsho uMakhulu. “Ndifuna ukunithuma kwaNtuli niye kuthatha iyeza.” +Abantwana babelusizi kukuva ukuba uMakhulu akaphilanga baze bavuma ukuya kumlandela iyeza. +“Ndiza kunizobela imephu ukuze ningalahleki,” watsho uMakhulu. “Imephu iya kunikhokelela kwaTata uNtuli, oya kuninika iyeza lesiNtu.” UMakhulu wangena ngaphakathi waya kuthatha iphepha nepenisile ukuze azobe imephu. Wakhangela edrowini yakhe, kodwa akafumana phepha. “Kuza kufuneka ukuba ndenze elinye icebo,” watsho. +  +Wawajonga ngokuwaqwalasela amantombazana nganye. Wasuka wathi, “Zinhle, uneenwele ezintle kakhulu. Zibukeka zomelele. Mandiziphothe ngokuvula imiqolo ukuze ndenze imephu kuzo. Imephu iya kuninceda ukuba nifike kwaNtuli.” UMakhulu wahlala esitulweni sakhe esibomvu asithanda kunene, waze uZinhle wahlala emethini phambi kwakhe. UMakhulu waphotha iinwele zikaZinhle. Amanye amantombazana ayebukele ngomdla. UMakhulu wathi xa ekama iinwele futhi eziphotha ngokweepateni ezahluka-hlukileyo, uZongi noSindi bamangaliswa bubude beenwele zikaZinhle. “Wowu! Unyanisile umama wakho,” watsho uSindi. “Iinwele zakho ZINGUWO ummangaliso! Nangona zibukeka zimfutshane, zinde kunokuba umntu ezicingela!” +  +“Inene,” watsho uZongi. “Ngumnqa omkhulu lo!” +UZinhle wabancumela ngovuyo. +Akuba egqibile uMakhulu ukuphotha iinwele zikaZinhle, imiqolo yayibukeka ncam njengemephu eza kukhokelela abantwana kwaNtuli! Bathi xa babehamba kwindledlana emxinwa ethafeni, uZongi noSindi bamana besima beziqwalasela ngobunono iinwele zikaZinhle ukuqinisekisa ukuba basahamba ngentsingiselo echanekileyo. Baluqhuba uhambo lwabo ngengoma ababeyiqambile: +“UMakhulu akaphilanga, uMakhulu akaphilanga. +Siya kwaNtuli, siya kulanda amayeza esiNtu – amayeza okunyanga uMakhulu!” +  +Ekugqibeleni abantwana bafika kwaNtuli. Apho uTata uNtuli wabanika iingxowana ezimbini zeyeza likaMakhulu. Endleleni yawo egodukayo amantombazana aphinda asebenzisa imephu yemiqolo kaZinhle ukuze ibakhokele. Ekufikeni kwabo endlwini kaMakhulu, bamnika iyeza lakhe. Ngentsasa elandelayo, uZinhle, uZongi noSindi baya endlwini kaMakhulu ukuya kujonga ukuba ingaba uziva ebhetele na. Bafika enkcenkceshela isitiya sakhe. +  + +  +“Molweni bantwana bam,” watsho ngoncumo olukhulu uMakhulu. “Ndiziva ndisemandleni amakhulu namhlanje, ndiyanibulela!” Amantombazana avuyiswa kukuva ukuba kuthe kanti bamncedile uMakhulu, kodwa ikhona enye into eyayifike ezingqondweni zawo. “Makhulu, unganceda uphothe iinwele zam ngendlela ozenze ngayo iinwele zikaZinhle?” wabuza uSindi. “Nezam, torho!” watsho uZongi. “Ngokuqinisekileyo,” watsho uMakhulu. “Ngenani ngaphakathi.” +Ngexesha leendaba esikolweni ngentsasa elandelayo, abahlobo abathathu baxelela iklasi ngeendlela zabo zokulungisa iinwele ezingummangaliso. Ngexesha lokuphumla, bathi besaqala ukudlala ugqaphu abanye abantwana bababuza ngemiqolo yeenwele zabo ezobe imephu eya kwaNtuli. “Ngummangaliso wenene,” watsho omnye, baza bangqina bonke abanye.",xho,isiXhosa,Ummangaliso weenwele,"Zinhle loved skipping in the playground with her friends Sindi and Zongi. Just one thing worried her. When her friends skipped, their hair flew up and down, and flicked from side to side. Zinhle had a thick mop of soft hair that formed a big round ...",,Mbali Kgame,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ummangaliso-weenwele +hair-magic,"Zinhle loved skipping in the playground with her friends Sindi and Zongi. Just one thing worried her. When her friends skipped, their hair flew up and down, and flicked from side to side. Zinhle had a thick mop of soft hair that formed a big round shape, and it never moved in the same way as theirs did. + +One Saturday morning Zinhle asked her mother, “Mama, why doesn’t my hair grow down like my friends’ hair? Their hair flies about when they skip. It looks so pretty! It makes me sad that my hair doesn’t move like that. It just stays still!” “Your hair may be different from your friends’ hair, but it’s just as beautiful as theirs!” said Mama. Zinhle made a sad face, but her mama just smiled at her. “Look around you, Zinhle,” she said. “Your hair grows from the roots up, like the trees and plants. It’s also round and big, just like the earth we live on. You can play around with it too and make beautiful patterns and shapes in it. Your hair is magical – and that is special!” +  +These words made Zinhle happy. She ran outside to tell her friends about her magical hair. But when she told Zongi and Sindi what Mama had said, they just looked at each other, and burst out laughing. “How can hair be magic?” asked Zongi. “Ha-ha-ha!” laughed Sindi. “Don’t joke like that, Zinhle! Magic? Never!” Zinhle’s eyes filled with tears, but she didn’t cry. She didn’t want Zongi and Sindi to laugh at her again. Just then, the girls saw Gogo waving to them. She was standing in her doorway nearby. +“Look, Gogo’s calling us,” said Zinhle. +The three children loved helping Gogo. She told them lots of stories and gave them dried fruit every time they visited her. So Zinhle, Zongi and Sindi hurried to find out why Gogo was calling them. “I’m not well today,” said Gogo. “I want to send you to kwaNtuli to get some medicine.” The children were sad to hear that Gogo wasn’t well and agreed to go and get her some medicine. +  +“I’ll draw you a map so you won’t get lost,” said Gogo. “The map will lead you to Baba Ntuli’s place, and he’ll give you some herbs.” Then Gogo went inside to find paper and a pencil to draw the map. She looked in her drawer, but she couldn’t find any paper. “I’ll have to make another plan,” she said. She looked carefully at each of the girls. Then she said, “Zinhle, you have very beautiful hair. It looks strong. I will braid cornrows to make a map in your hair. The map will help you get to kwaNtuli.” Gogo sat on her favourite red chair, and Zinhle sat on the mat in front of her. Gogo braided Zinhle’s hair. The other girls watched eagerly. As Gogo combed and braided different patterns, Zongi and Sindi were amazed by the length of Zinhle’s hair. +  +“Wow! Your mama is right,” said Sindi. “Your hair really IS magical! It looks so short, but it’s longer than you think!” “It’s true,” said Zongi. “It’s a big surprise!” +Zinhle smiled at them happily. When Gogo had finished braiding Zinhle’s hair, the cornrows looked just like a map to guide the children to kwaNtuli! As they walked along the narrow paths through the veld, Zongi and Sindi often stopped and studied Zinhle’s hair to make sure that they were still going in the right direction. While they walked, they sang a song they had made up: +“Gogo’s not well, Gogo’s not well. We’re going to kwaNtuli, we’re going to fetch herbs – herbs to make Gogo well!” The children finally arrived at kwaNtuli. There Baba Ntuli gave them two packets of herbs for Gogo. On their way home the girls again used Zinhle’s cornrow map to guide them. When they arrived safely at Gogo’s house, they gave her the medicine. The next morning, Zinhle, Zongi and Sindi went to Gogo’s house to see if she was better. When they arrived, they found her watering her garden. + +“Good morning, my children,” said Gogo with a big smile. “I’m feeling much stronger today, all thanks to you!” The girls were happy to hear that they had helped Gogo, but they were thinking about something else too. “Gogo, would you please braid my hair the same way you did Zinhle’s hair?” asked Sindi. +“Mine too, please!” said Zongi. “Of course,” said Gogo. “Come inside.” +During news time at school the next morning, the three friends told their class all about their magic hairstyles. At break, they had just started skipping when some children asked to see their cornrows that made a map to kwaNtuli. “It really is magic,” said someone, and everyone else agreed.",eng,English,Hair magic,"Zinhle loved skipping in the playground with her friends Sindi and Zongi. Just one thing worried her. When her friends skipped, their hair flew up and down, and flicked from side to side. Zinhle had a thick mop of soft hair that formed a big round ...",,Mbali Kgame,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hair-magic +hair-magic,"Zinhle hou daarvan om op die speelgrond saam met haar maats, Sindi en Zongi, tou te spring. Net een ding pla haar. Wanneer haar maats spring, wip hulle hare op en af, en waai heen en weer. Zinhle het ’n dik bos sagte hare wat groot en rond om haar kop uitwaaier, en dit beweeg nooit soos hulle s’n nie. + +Een Saterdagoggend vra Zinhle vir haar ma: “Mamma, hoekom is my hare nie soos my maats se hare nie? Hulle hare waai heen en weer wanneer hulle spring. Dit lyk so mooi! Dit maak my hartseer as my hare nie soos hulle s’n beweeg nie. My hare staan net stil!” “Jou hare is dalk anders as jou maats se hare, maar dit is net so mooi soos hulle s’n!” sê Mamma. Zinhle trek ’n hartseer gesig, maar haar mamma glimlag net vir haar. “Kyk om jou rond, Zinhle,” sê sy. “Jou hare groei van hul wortels af op, soos die bome en plante. Dis ook groot en rond, nes die aarde waarop ons woon. Jy kan daarmee rondspeel en pragtige patrone en vorms daarin maak. Jou hare is towerhare – en dit is spesiaal!” +  +Hierdie woorde maak Zinhle gelukkig. Sy hardloop buitentoe om vir haar maats van haar towerhare te gaan vertel. Maar toe sy vir Zongi en Sindi vertel wat Mamma gesê het, kyk hulle net na mekaar en bars uit van die lag. +“Wat maak jou hare towerhare?” vra Zongi. “Ha-ha-ha!” lag Sindi. “Moenie grappies maak nie, Zinhle! Towerhare? Nooit!” +Zinhle se oë skiet vol trane, maar sy huil nie. Sy wil nie hê Zongi en Sindi moet weer vir haar lag nie. +Net toe sien die meisies hoe Gogo vir hulle waai. Sy staan by die voordeur van haar huis. +“Kyk, Gogo roep ons,” sê Zinhle. +Die drie kinders hou baie daarvan om vir Gogo te help. Sy vertel vir hulle baie stories en elke keer wanneer hulle vir haar gaan kuier, gee sy vir hulle droëvrugte. Daarom hardloop Zinhle, Zongi en Sindi om uit te vind hoekom Gogo hulle roep. +“Ek voel nie vandag lekker nie,” sê Gogo. “Ek wil julle na kwaNtuli stuur om medisyne te gaan haal.” +  +  +  +Die kinders is hartseer om te hoor dat Gogo siek voel en stem in om vir haar medisyne te gaan haal. +“Ek sal vir julle ’n kaart teken sodat julle nie verdwaal nie,” sê Gogo. “Die kaart sal julle na mnr. Ntuli se plek toe lei, en hy sal vir julle kruie gee.” Toe gaan Gogo binnetoe om papier en ’n potlood te gaan haal om die kaart te teken. Sy kyk in haar laai, maar daar is nie papier nie. “Ek sal ’n ander plan moet maak,” sê sy. +Sy kyk goed na elkeen van die meisies. Dan sê sy: “Zinhle, jy het pragtige hare. Dit lyk sterk. Ek sal klein vlegseltjies in rye op jou kop vleg om ’n kaart in jou hare te maak. Die kaart sal julle help om by kwaNtuli uit te kom.” +Gogo gaan sit op haar geliefde rooi stoel, en Zinhle gaan sit op die mat voor haar. Gogo vleg Zinhle se hare. Die ander meisies hou haar met groot belangstelling dop. Terwyl Gogo verskillende patrone kam en vleg, is Zongi en Sindi verstom oor hoe lank Zinhle se hare is. +  +“Sjoe! Jou mamma is reg,” sê Sindi. “Jy HET regtig towerhare! Dit lyk so kort, maar dis langer as wat ’n mens dink!” +“Dis waar,” sê Zongi. “Dis ’n groot verrassing!” +Zinhle glimlag bly vir hulle. +Toe Gogo Zinhle se hare klaar gevleg het, lyk die vlegseltjies net soos ’n kaart om die kinders na kwaNtuli te lei! Terwyl hulle langs die smal paadjies deur die veld stap, gaan staan Zongi en Sindi gereeld en kyk na Zinhle se hare om seker te maak hulle stap nog in die regte rigting. Terwyl hulle stap, sing hulle ’n liedjie wat hulle opgemaak het: +  +“Gogo voel olik, +Gogo voel olik. +Ons gaan na kwaNtuli, +ons gaan kruie haal – +kruie om Gogo gesond te maak!” +Uiteindelik kom die kinders by kwaNtuli aan. Daar gee mnr. Ntuli vir hulle twee sakkies kruie vir Gogo. Op pad huis toe gebruik die meisies weer Zinhle se vlegseltjie-kaart om vir hulle die pad te wys. Toe hulle veilig by Gogo se huis aankom, gee hulle vir haar die medisyne. Die volgende oggend gaan Zinhle, Zongi en Sindi na Gogo se huis toe om te kyk of sy beter voel. Toe hulle daar aankom, is sy besig om haar tuin nat te lei. + +“Goeiemôre, meisies,” sê Gogo met ’n breë glimlag. “Ek voel vandag baie sterker, en dis alles aan julle te danke!” +Die meisies is bly om te hoor dat hulle vir Gogo gehelp het, maar hulle dink ook aan iets anders.",afr,Afrikaans,Towerhare,"Zinhle loved skipping in the playground with her friends Sindi and Zongi. Just one thing worried her. When her friends skipped, their hair flew up and down, and flicked from side to side. Zinhle had a thick mop of soft hair that formed a big round ...",,Mbali Kgame,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/towerhare +hair-magic,"UZinhle wayekuthanda ukweqa ingqathu enkundleni yokudlala nabangani bakhe oSindi noZongi. Kunento eyodwa nje eyayimkhathanza. Lapho abangani bakhe beqa ingqathu, izinwele zabo zazinyakaza ziye phezulu naphansi, futhi zinyakaze ziye lena nalena. UZinhle wayenezinwele ezithambile eziwugqinsi olwenza isimo esiyindilinga enkulu, futhi zazinganyakazi ngendlela efanayo nezabangani bakhe. + +NgoMgqibelo mumbe ekuseni uZinhle wabuza unina, “Mama, kungani izinwele zami zingakhuli njengezinwele zabangani bami? Izinwele zabo ziyandiza nje uma beqa ingqathu. Zibonakala zizinhle! Kungenza ngiphatheke kabi ukuthi izinwele zami azinyakazi kanjalo. Zihlala zithule nje!” “Izinwele zakho zingase zehluke kwezabangani bakho, kodwa nazo zinhle nje njengezabo!” kwasho uMama. UZinhle waba nobuso obudangele, kodwa unina wammoyizelela. “Bheka eduze kwakho, Zinhle,” kusho yena. “Izinwele zakho zikhula zisuka ezimpandeni ziye phezulu, njengezihlahla kanye nezitshalo. Kanti ziyindilinga futhi zinkulu, zifana ncamashi nomhlaba esiphila kuwo. Ungadlala ngazo nawe bese wenza amaphethini nezimo ezinhle kuzo. Izinwele zakho ziwumlingo – futhi lokho kungokwekhethelo!” +  +La mazwi amenza uZinhle wajabula. Wagijima waphumela phandle eyotshela abangani bakhe ngezinwele zakhe eziwumlingo. Kodwa wathi lapho etshela uZongi kanye noSindi ukuthi uMama utheni, bavele babhekana base bephela yinsini. +“Zingaba wumlingo kanjani izinwele?” kubuza uZongi. “Ha-ha-ha!” kuhleka uSindi. “Ungahlekisi kanjalo, Zinhle! Umlingo? Lutho!” +Amehlo kaZinhle agcwala izinyembezi, kodwa akazange akhale. Wayengasafuni ukuthi uZongi noSindi baphinde bamhleke. +Khona ngaso leso sikhathi, amantombazane ayesebona uGogo ewaqhweba. Wayemile emnyango oseduze. +“Bhekani, uGogo uyasibiza,” kwasho uZinhle. +  +Izingane ezintathu zazithanda ukusiza uGogo. Wayezixoxela izindaba eziningi futhi ezinikeza nezithelo ezomisiwe njalo nje uma zimvakashele. Ngakho uZinhle, uZongi noSindi baphuthuma baya kuGogo ukuyothola ukuthi wayebabizelani. “Angiphilile kahle namuhla,” kwasho uGogo. “Ngifuna ukunithuma niye kwaNtuli niyongitholela umuthi.” +Izingane zadumala ukuzwa ukuthi uGogo wayengaphilile kahle zase zivuma ukuthi zihambe ziyomtholela umuthi. +“Ngizonidwebela ibalazwe ukuze ningeduki,” kwasho uGogo. “Ibalazwe lizosiza ukuniholela emzini kaBaba uNtuli, uzoninikeza amakhambi athile.” Emva kwalokho uGogo wangena ngaphakathi wayothatha iphepha nepensela ukuze adwebe ibalazwe. Wabheka ediloweni, kodwa kazange athole phepha. “Kuzomele ngenze elinye isu,” kwasho yena. Wayesebheka ngokucophelela intombazane ngayinye. Emva kwalokho wayesethi, “Zinhle, unezinwele ezinhle kakhulu. Zibonakala ziqinile. Ngizokweluka imiqhino ukuze ngenze ibalazwe ezinweleni zakho. Ibalazwe lizonisiza ukufika kwaNtuli.” +  +UGogo wahlala esihlalweni sakhe esibomvu asikhonzile, uZinhle wayesehlala ecansini phambi kwakhe. UGogo wayeseluka izinwele zikaZinhle. Amanye amantombazane abuka ngokulangazelela. Ngenkathi uGogo ekama ebuye eluka amaphethini ahlukahlukene, uZongi noSindi bamangaliswa wubude bezinwele zikaZinhle. +“Hawu! Umama wakho uqinisile,” kwasho uSindi. “Izinwele zakho IMPELA ziwumlingo! Zibukeka zimfishane ngempela, kodwa zinde kunalokhu okucabangayo!” +“Yiqiniso,” kwasho uZongi. “Yinto engalindelekile le!” +UZinhle wamoyizela ngenjabulo lapho ebabheka. Lapho uGogo eseqedile ukweluka izincwele zikaZinhle, imigqa yayibukeka nje njengebalazwe eliqondisa izingane kwaNtuli! Ngesikhathi behamba ezigwaqaneni eziyimincingo esigangeni, uZongi noSindi babelokhu bema bebheka izinwele zikaZinhle ukwenza isiqiniseko sokuthi basahamba ngendlela efanele. Ngenkathi behamba, babecula ingoma abaziqambele yona: +  +“UGog’ akaphilile kahle, +UGog’ akaphilile kahle. Siya kwaNtuli, siyoland’ amakhathakhathana – amakhathakhathan’ okuphilis’ uGogo!” +Ekugcineni izingane zafika kwaNtuli. Lapho-ke uBaba uNtuli wazinikeza amaphakeshana amabili emithi kaGogo. Endleleni ebuyela ekhaya, amantombazane asebenzisa ibalazwe lemigqa yemiqhino esekhanda likaZinhle ukuwaqondisa. Athi uma esefika ephephile emzini kaGogo, amnikeza umuthi. +Ngakusasa ekuseni, uZinhle, uZongi kanye noSindi bahamba baya emzini kaGogo ukuze bayobona ukuthi wayesengcono yini. Lapho befika khona, bamthola enisela isivande sakhe. + +“Sanibonani, zingane zami,” kwasho uGogo emoyizela kakhulu. “Ngizizwa ngingcono kakhulu namuhla, konke ukubonga ngikwedlulisa kini!” +Amantombazane ajabula ukuzwa ukuthi ayemsizile uGogo, kodwa ayecabanga ngokunye futhi. +“Gogo, ngingacela yini ukuba ungeluke izinwele zami ngendlela efanayo nalena owenza ngayo izinwele zikaZinhle?” kucela uSindi. +“Nezami futhi, ngiyacela!” kwasho uZongi. +“Nakanjani,” kwasho uGogo. “Ngenani ngaphakathi.” +  +Ngesikhathi sezindaba esikoleni ngakusasa ekuseni, abangani abathathu batshela ikilasi labo ngezitayela zabo zezinwele eziwumlingo. Ngesikhathi sekhefu, base beqala nje ukweqa ingqathu ngenkathi ezinye izingane zicela ukubona imiqhino eyayenza ibalazwe eliya kwaNtuli. “Kungumlingo ngempela,” kwasho othile, bonke abanye bavuma.",zul,isiZulu,Umlingo wezinwele,"Zinhle loved skipping in the playground with her friends Sindi and Zongi. Just one thing worried her. When her friends skipped, their hair flew up and down, and flicked from side to side. Zinhle had a thick mop of soft hair that formed a big round ...",,Mbali Kgame,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umlingo-wezinwele +hair-magic,"Zinhle o be a rata go bapala kgati mokgotheng le bagwera ba gagwe Sindi le Zongi. O be a belaetšwa ke selo se setee. Ge bagwera ba gagwe ba be ba bapala kgati, meriri ya bona e be e fofela godimo le tlase, gape e eya le ka mathoko. Zinhle o na le mmopo o mokoto wa meriri ya boleta ya go bopa sebopego sa nthokolo se segolo, gomme e be e sa fofe bjalo ka ya ba bangwe. + +Mesong ya Mokibelo o mongwe Zinhle o ile a botšiša mmagwe, “Mma, nkane meriri ya ka e sa golele fase bjalo ka meriri ya bagwera ba ka? Meriri ya bona e a fofa ge ba bapala kgati. E botse! Ke nyamišwa ke gore meriri ya ka ga e fofe bjalo ka ya bona. Ga e šikinyege!” “Meriri ya bagwera ba gago e ka be e fapana le ya gago, efela e botse bjalo ka ya bona!” a realo Mma. Zinhle a dira sefahlego sa go nyama, efela mmagwe o ile a myemyela. “Lebelela ka mathoko ohle, Zinhle,” a realo. “Meriri ya gago e mela go tloga medung go ya godimo, bjalo ka mehlare le dimela. Gape ke nthokolo ebile ke ye megolo, bjalo ka lefase le re phelago go lona. O ka dira se o se ratago ka yona, wa dira dipaterone tša botse le dibopego ka yona. Meriri ya gago e na le maleatlana – gomme seo se kgethegile!” +  +Mantšu a a thabišitše Zinhle. O ile a kitimela ka ntle go botša bagwera ba gagwe ka meriri ya gagwe ya maleatlana. Efela o rile ge a botša Zongi le Sindi se Mmagwe a mmoditšego, ba ile ba lebelelana, ba sega. +“Meriri e ka ba le maleatlana bjang?” gwa botšiša Zongi. +“Ha-ha-ha!” gwa sega Sindi. “O se dire metlae ka se, Zinhle! Maleatlana? E ka se ke!” +Mahlo a Zinhle a ile a tlala meokgo, efela ga se a lla. O be a sa nyake gore Zongi le Sindi ba mo sege gape. +Ka nako yeo, basetsana ba bona Koko a ba emišetša seatla. O be a eme lebating la gagwe kgauswi. +“Lebelela, Koko o a re bitša,” a realo Zinhle. +Bana ba bararo ba ba rata go thuša Koko. O ba anegetše dikanegelo tše dintši a ba a ba fa dienywa tša go omišwa nako le nako ge ba mo etela. Gomme Zinhle, Zongi le Sindi ba ile ba sepediša go kwa gore Koko o ba biletša eng. +  +“Ga ke ikwe gabotse lehono,” a realo Koko. “Ke nyaka go le roma kua kwaNtuli go reka dihlare.” +Bana ba ile ba nyamišwa ke go kwa gore Koko o be a sa ikwe gabotse gomme ba kwana gore ba ye go mo rekela dihlare. +“Ke tla le thalela mmepe gore le se timele,” a realo Koko. “Mmepe o tlo le iša lefelong la Tate Ntuli, gomme o tlo le fa mešunkwane.” Gomme Koko a ya ka ntlong go hwetša pampiri le phensele gore a thale mmepe. O lebeletše ka laiking ya gagwe efela a se hwetše pampiri. “Ke swanetše go loga leano le lengwe,” a realo. +O ile a lebelela mosetsana yo mongwe le yo mongwe ka šedi. Gomme a re, “Zinhle, o na le meriri ye mebotse kudu, e tiile. Ke tlo go loga dikhonrose go dira mmepe meriring ya gago. Mmepe o tlo le thuša go fihla kua kwaNtuli.” +  +Koko o ile a dula setulong se sehubedu se a se ratago kudu, gomme Zinhle a dula mmetseng pele ga gagwe. Koko o ile a loga meriri ya Zinhle. Basetsana ba bangwe ba ile ba bogela ka tumo. Ge Koko a kama le go loga dipaterone tša go fapana, Zongi le Sindi ba makaditšwe ke botelele bja merri ya Zinhle. +“Ijoo! Mmago o be a bolela nnete,” a realo Sindi. “Meriri ya gago ka nnete E na le maleatlana! E lebelelega e le ye mekopana efela ke ye metelele!” +“Ke nnete,” a realo Zongi. “Ke semaka se segolo!” +Zinhle a myemyela ka lethabo. +E rile ge Koko a fetša go loga meriri ya Zinhle, dikhonrose tša swana le mmepe wa go hlahla bana go ya kua kwaNtuli! Ge ba sepela tseleng ye sese nageng, Zongi le Sindi ba be ba ema gantši ba lebelela meriri ya Zinhle go kgonthiša gore ba sa swere tsela ya nnete. Ge ba sepela ba be ba opela koša ye ba ithometšego yona: +  +“Koko ga a ikwe gabotse, +Koko ga a ikwe gabotse. +Re ya kua kwaNtuli, +re ya go tšea mešunkwane – +mešunkwane ya go fodiša Koko!” +Bana ba ile ba fihla kua kwaNtuli. Gona fao Tate Ntuli o ile a ba fa diphakhethe tše pedi tša mešunkwane tša Koko. Basetsana ge ba eya gae ba dirišitše mmepe wa Zinhle wa khonrose gape go ba hlahla. Ba rile go fihla ba bolokegile ntlong ya Koko, ba mo fa dihlare. Mesong ya go latela, Zinhle, Zongi le Sindi ba ile ntlong ya Koko go bona ge eba o kaonafetše. Ge ba fihla, ba hweditše a nošetša tšhengwana. + +“Dumelang, bana ba ka,” a realo Koko ka myemyelo ye kgolo. “Ke ikwa ke tiieletše lehono, ke a le leboga!” +Basetsana ba be ba thabetše go kwa gore ba thušitše Koko, efela go be go na le se sengwe seo ba bego ba nagana ka sona. +“Koko, o ka loga meriri ya ka go swana le ya Zinhle?” gwa botšiša Sindi. +“Le ya ka, hle!” a realo Zongi. +“Ee,” a realo Koko. “Tsenang ka gare.” +Mesong ya go latela ka nako ya ditaba sekolong, bagwera ba bararo ba ile ba botša mphato wa bona ka ga ditaele tša meriri ya bona tša maleatlana. Ka nako ya go khutša, ba be ba sa tšwa go thoma go bapala kgati ge bana ba bangwe ba kgopela go bona dikhonrose tša bona tša go dira mmepe wa go ya kua kwaNtuli. “Ke maleatlana ka nnete,” yo mongwe a realo, gomme bohle ba dumela.",nso,Sepedi,Maleatlana a merir,"Zinhle loved skipping in the playground with her friends Sindi and Zongi. Just one thing worried her. When her friends skipped, their hair flew up and down, and flicked from side to side. Zinhle had a thick mop of soft hair that formed a big round ...",,Mbali Kgame,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/maleatlana-meriri +hair-magic,"Zinhle o ne a rata ho tlola kgati lebaleng la ho bapala mmoho le metswalle ya hae Sindi le Zongi. Ho na le ntho e le nngwe feela e neng e mo tshwenya. Ha metswalle ya hae e tlola, meriri ya bona e ne e eya hodimo le tlase, ebile e eya kwana le kwana. Zinhle o ne a ena le moriri o teteaneng, o mongata, o bonolo o neng o entse sebopeho se seholo se tjhitja, mme o ne o sa sisinyehe hohang jwaloka ya bona. +  + +Ka Moqebelo o mong hoseng Zinhle a botsa mmae, “Mme, hobaneng ha nna moriri wa ka o sa hole o eya tlase jwaloka moriri wa metswalle ya ka? Meriri ya bona e fofela kwana le kwana ha ba tlola. E shebahala e le metle haholo! Nna ke utlwa bohloko ha moriri wa ka o sa sisinyehe jwaloka ka ya bona. O dula nqa e le nngwe feela!” +  +“Moriri wa hao leha o fapane le meriri ya metswalle ya hao, le ona o ntse o le motle feela jwaloka ya bona!” ha rialo Mme. Zinhle a sekamisa hlooho a hloname, empa mmae a bososela feela a mo shebile. “Sheba hohle mona, Zinhle,” a rialo. “Moriri wa hao o hola ho tloha motsong ho ya hodimo, jwaloka difate le dimela. Hape o tjhitja ebile o moholo, jwalo feela ka lefatshe leo re phelang ho lona. O ka nna wa o bapadisa le wena mme wa etsa dipaterone le dibopeho tse ntle ka ona. Moriri wa hao o na le meijiki – mme seo se kgethehile!” +  +Mantswe ana a ile a thabisa Zinhle haholo. A tswela ka ntle a matha ho ya bolella metswalle ya hae mabapi le moriri wa hae wa meijiki. Empa eitse ha a bolella Zongi le Sindi seo Mme a se buileng, ba shebana mme ba wa fatshe ka ditsheho. +“Moriri o ka ba le meijiki jwang?” ha botsa Zongi. +“Ha-ha-ha!” ha tsheha Sindi. “Tlohela ho swaswa mona, Zinhle! Meijiki? Le kgale!” +Zinhle a tlala dikgapha ka mahlong, empa a se ke a lla. O ne a sa batle hore Zongi le Sindi ba mo tshehe hape. +Ka nako eo, bananyana bana ba bona Nkgono a ntse a ba hwehla ka letsoho. O ne a eme monyakong wa ntlo ya hae e haufi. +“Shebang, Nkgono o a re bitsa,” ha rialo Zinhle. +  +Bana bana ba bararo ba ne ba rata ho thusa Nkgono. O ne a ba bolella dipale tse ngata mme a ba fa mangangajane kamehla ha ba mo etetse. Yaba Zinhle, Zongi le Sindi ba matha ho ya bona hore ke hobaneng ha Nkgono a ba bitsa. +“Ha ke a phela ha monate kajeno,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Ke batla ho le roma kwana ha Ntuli ho ya batla moriana.” +Bana ba ne ba utlwile bohloko ha ba utlwa hore Nkgono ha a phela hantle mme ba dumela ho ya mmatlela moriana. +“Ke tla le etsetsa mmapa hore le se ke la lahleha,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Mmapa ona o tla le isa sebakeng sa Ntate Ntuli, mme yena o tla le fa ditlhare tse itseng.” Yaba Nkgono o kena ka tlung ho ya batla pampiri le pentshele ho taka mmapa. A sheba ka laeng ya hae, empa a se ke a fumana pampiri. “Ke tla tlameha ho etsa leano le leng,” a rialo. +  +A sheba ngwananyana ka mong ka hloko. Yaba o re, “Zinhle, o na le moriri o motle haholo. O shebahala o le matla. Ke tla loha mela mme ke etse mmapa moriring wa hao. Mmapa ona o tla le thusa ho ya ha Ntuli.” +Nkgono a dula setulong sa hae seo a se ratang, mme Zinhle a dula hodima mmata ka pela hae. Nkgono a qala ho loha moriri wa Zinhle. Bananyana ba bang ba shebella ka kgahleho. Ha Nkgono a ntse a kama le ho loha dipaterone tse fapaneng, Zongi le Sindi ba ne ba makaletse bolelele ba moriri wa Zinhle. +“Helang! Mme wa hao o ne a nepile,” ha rialo Sindi. “Moriri wa hao o fela O ena le meijiki! O shebahala o le mokgutshwane, empa hantlentle o motelele ho feta kamoo re nahanang ka teng!” “Ke nnete,” Zongi a tlatseletsa. “Ke semaka se seholo!” Zinhle a bososela ke thabo. +  +Ha Nkgono a qetile ho loha moriri wa Zinhle, mela e hloohong e ne e shebahala hantle jwaloka mmapa bakeng sa ho tataisa bana ho ya ha Ntuli! Ha ba ntse ba tsamaya tseleng e tshesane hara thota, Zongi le Sindi ba tsamaya ba ema mme ba sheba moriri wa Zinhle ho etsa bonnete ba hore ba ntse ba tsamaya tseleng e nepahetseng. Ha ba ntse ba tsamaya, ba bina pina eo ba iqapetseng yona: +“Nkgono ha a phela hantle, +Nkgono ha a phela hantle. +Re ya ha Ntuli, +re ilo lata ditlhare – ditlhare tse tla phedisa Nkgono!” +  +Bana ba qetella ba fihlile ha Ntuli. Moo Ntate Ntuli a ileng a ba fa diphuthelwana tse pedi tsa ditlhare hore ba di fe Nkgono. Tseleng e lebang lapeng bananyana bana ba sebedisa moloho wa Zinhle hape ho ba tataisa. Ha ba fihla ba bolokehile ha Nkgono, ba mo fa meriana. +Hoseng ha letsatsi le hlahlamang, Zinhle, Zongi le Sindi ba ya ha Nkgono ho ya bona hore ebe o phetse na. Ha ba fihla teng, ba mo fumana a ntse a nosetsa tshimong ya hae. + +“Dumelang, bana ba ka,” ha rialo Nkgono ka pososelo e kgolo. “Ke ikutlwa ke ena le matla kajeno, ke leboha lona!” +Bananyana bao ba ne ba thabile ho utlwa hore ba thusitse Nkgono, empa ba ne ba nahanne le ka ntho e nngwe hape. +“Nkgono, na o ka loha moriri wa ka jwaloka wa Zinhle?” ha botsa Sindi. +“Le wa ka hle, Nkgono!” ha rialo Zongi. +“Ehlile,” Nkgono a araba. “Kenang ka tlung.” +  +Ka nako ya ditaba sekolong hoseng ha letsatsi le hlahlamang, metswalle e meraro ya bolella bana ba tlelase ya bona ditaba tsohle mabapi le ditaele tsa bona tsa meriri. Ka nako ya kgefutso, ba ne ba sa tswa qala ho tlolatlola ha bana ba bang ba kopa ho bona meloho ya bona e neng e entse mmapa o yang ha Ntuli. “E feela e le ya meijiki ka nnete,” ha rialo e mong, mme bohle ba dumellana.",sot,Sesotho,Meijiki wa morir,"Zinhle loved skipping in the playground with her friends Sindi and Zongi. Just one thing worried her. When her friends skipped, their hair flew up and down, and flicked from side to side. Zinhle had a thick mop of soft hair that formed a big round ...",,Mbali Kgame,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/meijiki-wa-moriri +hair-magic,"Zinhle a rhandza ku tlanga khadi erivaleni ra mitlangu na vanghana va yena Sindi na Zongi. Ku na nchumu wun’we lowu wu n’wi vilerisaka. Loko vanghana va yena va tlula, misisi ya vona yi hahela ehenhla na le hansi, na ku bakanyeka yi ya hala na hala. Zinhle a ri na misisi yo bumbula no olova leyi a yi endla xivumbeko lexikulu xa xirhendzevutani, naswona a yi nga fambafambi tanihi ya lavan’wana. + +Hi Mugqivela wun’wani nimixo Zinhle u vutisile manana wa yena, “Manana, hikwalahokayini misisi ya mina yi nga kuleli ehansi ku fana na ya vanghana va mina? +Misisi ya vona ya hahahaha loko va ri karhi va tlula. Yi languteka yi sasekile! Leswi swi endla leswaku mbilu ya mina yi vava loko misisi ya mina yi nga fambafambi ku fana na yona. Yi yima yi ku tshiri!” +  +“Misisi ya wena yi nga va yi hambanile na ya vanghana va wena, kambe yi sasekile ku fana na ya vona!” ku vula Manana. Zinhle a kombisa xikandza xo tsana, kambe manana wa yena a n’wayitela a n’wi langutile. “Languta kwala kusuhi na wena, Zinhle,” a vula. “Misisi ya wena yi kula ku suka etimitswini ivi yi ya ehenhla, ku fana na misinya na swimilani. Nakambe i ya xirhendzevutani na ku kula, ku fana na misava leyi hi tshamaka eka yona. U nga tlhela u tlanga hi yona na wena na ku endla tiphetheni to saseka na swivumbeko swo hambana hi yona. Misisi ya wena yi na masingita – naswona sweswo swi hlawulekile!” +  +Marito lawa ya tsakisile Zinhle. U tsutsumerile ehandle ku ya byela vanghana va yena hi misisi ya yena ya masingita. Kambe loko a byela Zongi na Sindi hi leswi Manana a nga n’wi byela swona, va lo langutana, kutani va fa hi ku hleka. +“Njhani misisi yi ri na masingita?” ku vutisa Zongi. +“Khe-khe-khe!” ku hleka Sindi. “U nga buli hi ndlela yaleyo, Zinhle! Masingita? E-e!” +Mahlo ya Zinhle ya tala mihloti, kambe a nga rilangi. A nga lavi leswaku Zongi na Sindi va n’wi hleka nakambe. +Hi nkarhi wolowo, vanhwana va vonile Kokwani a ri karhi a va tatayisela. A yimile enyangweni wa yena kwala kusuhi. +  +“Langutani, Kokwani wa hi vitana,” ku vula Zinhle. +Vanhwana lavanharhu a va rhandza ku pfuna Kokwani. A va tsheketela mitsheketo yo tala na ku va nyika mihandzu leyi nga omisiwa hi mikarhi hinkwayo loko va n’wi endzela. Hiloko Zinhle, Zongi na Sindi va hatlisa ku ya twa leswaku Kokwani a va lavela yini. “A ndzi pfukangi kahle namuntlha,” ku vula Kokwani. “Ndzi lava ku mi rhuma eka kwaNtuli mi ya ndzi kumela murhi.” +  +Vana a va tsakanga ku twa leswaku Kokwani a nga pfukangi kutani va pfumela ku ya n’wi kumela murhi. +“Ndzi ta mi dirowela mepe hikwalaho mi nge lahleki,” ku vula Kokwani. “Mepe wu ta mi yisa eka Tatana Ntuli, kutani u ta mi nyika mitsembyani.” Kwalaho Kokwani a nghena endzeni ku ya teka phepha na penisele ku ta dirowa mepe. U langutile eka dirowara ya yena, kambe a nga kumangi phepha. Ndzi fanele ndzi luka kungu rin’wana,” a vula. Hi vukheta u langutile vanhwana hi un’we un’we. Kutani a ku, “Zinhle, u na misisi yo saseka. Yi languteka yi tiyile. Ndzi ta yi luka makholo ndzi endla mepe emisisini ya wena. Mepe lowu wu ta mi pfuna ku fika eka kwaNtuli.” +  +Kokwani a tshama eka xitulu xa yena lexo tshwuka lexi a xi rhandza, kutani Zinhle a tshama esangwini emahlweni ka yena. Kokwani a luka misisi ya Zinhle. Vanhwana lavan’wani va langutile hi ku tiyimisela. Loko Kokwani a ri karhi a fefa na ku luka tiphetheni to hambanahambana, Zongi na Sindi a va hlamarisa hi vulehi bya misisi ya Zinhle. “Eeeh! Manana wa wena va tiyisile,” ku vula Sindi. “Misisi ya wena i ntiyiso YI na masingita! Yi languteka yi komile, kambe yi lehe ku tlula leswi u ehleketaka swona!” “I ntiyiso,” ku vula Zongi. “Leswi swa hlamarisa!” Zinhle a va n’wayitelela hi ntsako. +  +Loko Kokwani a hetile ku luka misisi ya Zinhle, makholo lawa a ya fana swinene na mepe wo letela vana ku ya eka kwaNtuli! Loko va ri karhi va famba exindledyanini enhoveni, Zongi na Sindi a va tshamela ro yima va hlaya misisi ya Zinhle ku tiyisisa leswaku va ha ya etlhelweni leri nga rona. Loko va ri karhi va famba a va yimbelela risimi leri va nga tiqambhela rona: +“Kokwani a nga pfukangi, Kokwani a nga pfukangi. +Hi ya eka kwaNtuli, Hi ya teka mitsembyani – mitsembyani yo horisa Kokwani!” +Ekuheteleleni vana va kale va ya fika eka kwaNtuli. Kona Tatana Ntuli u va nyikile swiputsa swimbirhi swa mirhi ya Kokwani. Endleleni yo tlhelela ekaya nakambe vanhwana va tirhisile mepe wa makholo ya Zinhle ku va letela. Va fike va hlayisekile endlwini ya Kokwani, va n’wi nyikile mirhi yakwe. Hi mixo lowu landzelaka, Zinhle, Zongi na Sindi va yile endlwini ya Kokwani ku ya vona loko a antswa. Loko va fika, va n’wi kume a ri karhi a cheleta ntaga wa yena. + +“Avuxeni, vana va mina,” ku vula Kokwani hi n’wayitelo lowukulu. “Namuntlha ndzi titwa ndzi tiyile, hinkwaswo ndzi khensa n’wina!” +Vanhwana a va tsakile ku twa leswaku va pfunile Kokwani, kambe a va ehleketa hi swin’wana na vona. +“Kokwani, ndzi kombela u ndzi luka misisi ya mina ku fana na leswi u nga swi endla eka misisi ya Zinhle?” ku vula Sindi. +“Na ya mina, ndza kombela!” ku vula Zongi. +“Ina,” ku vula Kokwana. “Nghenani endzeni.” +  +Hi nkarhi wa mahungu exikolweni hi mixo lowu landzelaka, vanghana lavanharhu va byerile ntlawa wa vona mayelana na masingita ya misisi ya vona. Hi nkarhi wa bureki, a ku ri loko va ha ku sungula ku huhwa khadi loko vana van’wana va kombela ku vona makholo ya misisi ya vona leyi endlaka mepe wo ya eka kwaNtuli. “I ntiyiso yi na masingita,” ku vula un’wana, kutani hinkwavo va pfumela.",tso,Xitsonga,Misisi ya Masingit,"Zinhle loved skipping in the playground with her friends Sindi and Zongi. Just one thing worried her. When her friends skipped, their hair flew up and down, and flicked from side to side. Zinhle had a thick mop of soft hair that formed a big round ...",,Mbali Kgame,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/misisi-ya-masingita +hair-magic,"Zinhle o ne a rata go tshameka kgati mo patlelong le ditsala tsa gagwe Sindi le Zongi. Go sengwe se le sengwe fela se se neng se mo tshwenya. Fa ditsala tsa gagwe di tlolatlola, meriri ya bona e ne e ya kwa godimo le kwa tlase, e fetela go tswa letlhakoreng le lengwe go ya go le lengwe. Zinhle o ne a na le moriri o o bonolo mme o pitlagane o ipopile o le kgolokwe, mme le ka motlha ope o sa fetele kwa le kwa jaaka ya bone. + +Lamatlhatso mongwe mo mosong Zinhle o ne a botsa mmaagwe, “Mama, goreng moriri wa me o sa golele kwa tlase go tshwana le wa ditsala tsa me? Meriri ya bona e ya kwa godimo le kwa tlase fa re tshameka kgati. E a kgatlhisa! Nna ke utlwa botlhoko gonne wa me ga o dire jalo. Ga o tshikinyege!” “Moriri wa gago o ka bo o farologane le wa ditsala tsa gago, fela o montle fela go tshwana le wa bona!” ga bua Mama. Sefatlhego sa ga Zinhle sa lebega se swabile, fela mmaagwe a nyenya a mo lebile. “Itebe, Zinhle,” a bua jalo. “Moriri wa gago o gola go simolola kwa meding, fela jaaka ditlhare le dimela. O kgolokwe e bile o mogolo, fela jaaka lefatshe le re tshelang mo go lona. O ka tshameka ka ona wa dira ditaele le dibopego tse dintle ka ona. Moriri wa gago ke wa metlholo – mme se se o dira o o kgethegileng!” +  +Mafoko a a itumedisa Zinhle. A tabogela kwa ntle go bolelela ditsala tsa gagwe ka moriri wa gagwe wa metlholo. Fela e rile a bolelela Zongi le Sindi se mmaagwe a mmoleletseng sona, ba bo ba lebelelana, mme ba thubega ka setshego. +“Moriri e ka nna wa metlholo jang?” ga botsa Zongi. +“Ha-ha-ha!” Sindi a tshega. “O se dire metlae e e ntseng jaana, Zinhle! Metlholo? Legoka!” +Matlho a Zinhle a tlala dikeledi, fela a seke a lela. O ne a sa batle gore Zongi le Sindi ba mo tshege gape. +Ka yona nako eo, basetsana ba bona Nkoko a tsholetsa letsogo a ba bitsa. O ne a eme mo mo gare ga mojako wa gagwe gaufinyane le bone. +“Bona, Nkoko o a re bitsa” ga bua Zinhle. +  +Basetsana ba bararo ba ne ba rata go thusa Nkoko. O ne a ba anela mainane a le mantis mme e bile a ba fa maungo a a omisitsweng ka gale fa ba mo etetse. Ka jalo Zinhle, Zongi le Sindi ba potlaka go utlwa gore Nkoko o ba biletsa eng. +“Ga ke a tsoga sentle gompieno,” Nkoko a rialo. “Ke batla go lo roma kwaNtuli go nthekela melemo.” +Basetsana ba ne ba utlwile botlhoko go utlwa gore Nkoko ga a tsoga sentle mme ba dumela go ya go reka melemo. +“Ke tla lo thalela mmepe gore lo seke lwa latlhega,” ga bua Nkoko. “Mmepe o tla lo isa kwa lefelong la ga Baba Ntuli, mme o tla lo naya dikgwere.” Morago Nkoko a tsena mo ntlwaneng go tsaya pampiri le phensele go thala mmepe. A leba mo šelofong, fela a seke a bona pampiri. “Ke tla tshwanela ke go loga leano le lengwe,” a rialo. +  +A leba mosetsana mongwe le mongwe ka kelotlhoko. Mme a bo a re, “Zinhle, o na le moriri o montle e le tota. O lebega o nonofile. Ke tla go loga ditsela go dira mmepe ka moriri wa gago. Mmepe o tla lo thusa go ya kwaNtuli.” +Nkoko a nna mo setulong sa gagwe se a se ratang, mme Zinhle a nna mo mmeteng fa pele ga gagwe. Nkoko a loga moriri wa ga Zinhle. Basetsana ba bangwe ba ne ba lebile ka kelotlhoko. Fa Nkoko a tsweletse go mo kama le go loga ditaele le ditsela tse di farologaneng, Zongi le Sindi ba ne ba akabaditswe ke boleele jwa moriri wa Zinhle. +“Mmaloo! Mmaago o nepile,” ga bua Sindi. “E le ruri moriri wa gago KE wa metlholo! O bonagala o le mokhutshwane, fela o moleele go feta ka mo o lebegang!” +“Ke nnete,” ga bua Zongi. “Ke dikgakgamatso!” +Zinhle a nyenya ka boitumelo. +  +Fa Nkoko a fetsa go loga moriri wa Zinhle, mologo o ne o bonagala jaaka mmepe go bontsha bana go ya kwaNtuli! Fa ba ntse ba tsamaya mo mebileng e e pitlaganeng mo sekgweng, Zongi le Sindi ba tsamaya ba ema go buisa moriri wa Zinhle go netefatsa gore ba ntse ba tsamaya ka tsela e e siameng. Fa ba ntse ba tsamaya, ba ne ba opela pina e ba itlhametseng yona: +“Nkoko o a lwala, Nkoko o a lwala. +Re ya kwa kwaNtuli, re ya go tsaya dikgwere – +dikgwere tse di tla alafang Nkoko!” +  +Basetsana ba goroga kwaNtuli. Kwa teng Baba Ntuli a ba fa diphuthelwana di le pedi tsa dikgwere go fa Nkoko. Fa ba le mo tseleng go boela gae ba dirisa moriri wa ga Zinhle go netefatsa fa ba ntse ba le mo tseleng e e siameng. Fa ba goroga ka pabalesego kwa gae, ba mo fa melemo. +Mo mosong o o latelang, Zinhle, Zongi le Sindi ba ya kwa ntlong ya Nkoko go ya go mo tlhola. Fa ba goroga, ba mo fitlhela a nosetsa tshimo ya gagwe. + +“Dumelang, bana ba me,” Nkoko a rialo ka monyenyo o mogolo. “Ke ikutlwa botoka thata gompieno, ke leboga lona thata!” +Basetsana ba ne ba itumeltse go utlwa gore ba thusitse Nkoko, fela ba ne ba akanya ka sengwe gape. +“Nkoko, a o ka loga moriri wa me go jaaka o logile Zinhle?” ga kopa Sindi. +“Le wa me, tsweetswee!” ga bua Zongi. +“Go siame,” ga bua Nkoko. “Tsenang mo ntlong.” +  +Ka nako ya dikgang kwa sekolong mo letsatsing le le latelang, basetsana ba le bararo ba bolelela ditsala tsa bona mo phaposing ka ditaele tsa meriri ya bona tsa metlholo. Ka nako ya dijo, ba ne ba simolotse go tshameka kgati fa mosetsana mongwe a kopa go bona mologo wa mmepe wa go ya kwaNtuli. “Ruri ke moriri wa metlholo,” ga bua mongwe, mme botlhe ba dumelana le ene.",tsn,Setswana,Moriri wa metlholo,"Zinhle loved skipping in the playground with her friends Sindi and Zongi. Just one thing worried her. When her friends skipped, their hair flew up and down, and flicked from side to side. Zinhle had a thick mop of soft hair that formed a big round ...",,Mbali Kgame,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/moriri-wa-metlholo +the-three-wishes,"There was once a woman who lived with her husband next to the Hlimbitwa River. Every day the woman left their home and went to the forest to chop wood. Every day her husband would give her a bottle of water and some food so that she had something to drink and eat while she was deep in the forest.  +One day she went out and chose a big tree to chop down.  +“This one will be good,” she said. “It is very big and I will get a lot of wood out of it.”  +She took her axe in her hands and swung it up ready to start chopping. Just as she was about to chop she heard a voice pleading with her to stop.  +  + +  +“Who said that?” she asked.  +“Look down here,” said the voice, “and whatever you do, please, please do not chop down this tree.”  +The woman was shocked at what she heard, but when she saw where the voice was coming from, she did not know what to say! Down on the ground near the roots of the tree, was the tiniest man the woman had ever seen. Her mouth dropped open and she could not believe what she was seeing. Eventually, she got over her shock.  +“I beg you, please don’t hurt this tree,” said the tiny man.  +“Well … well of course,” she said. “I can do what you ask. I can search for another tree if this one is so important to you.”  +  +“Thank you. You have done something that has made me very happy,” said the tiny man. “You have a kind heart and because of this I will grant you three wishes, no matter what they are.” And then, the little man disappeared. No matter where the woman searched in the forest, he was nowhere to be found.  +Eventually, she gave up searching and headed for home. All the way home she shook her head and mumbled to herself still surprised by what had happened.  +When she reached home she sat down outside to rest, still wondering if someone had played a trick on her.  +All that thinking made her hungry. “Is our supper ready yet?” she asked her husband who had come to sit next to her.  +“Oh, no,” he answered, “not yet. It will only be ready in a few hours.”  +  +The woman groaned. “I’m so hungry, I wish I had a piece of meat to eat.”  +No sooner were the words out of her mouth when – swisssh – a piece of meat appeared on the empty plate on the ground next to her. She stared at it and so did her husband.  +“What is this?” he asked surprised by what had happened.  +The woman told him everything that had happened in the forest that morning. Her husband stared at her and she could see that he was becoming angry.  +When she stopped talking he shouted at her, “WHATTT? You should have thought before you said that you wished for some meat. You are so silly that I wish that piece of meat was stuck to your nose.”  +Before the woman could say hayibo! the piece of meat was stuck to her nose. She grabbed it and pulled, but it wouldn’t come off. Her husband tried pulling. They both pulled and pulled, but it was no good. The piece of meat was stuck to the end of her nose.  + +  +“Oh, no,” said the woman. “Now what?”  +“I don’t know, but it has to come off,” said the man.  +Then the woman realised that she had better do something in a hurry before her husband said another word.  +“I wish this meat was off my nose!” she shouted.  +And in a second the meat lay on the plate again. And there they sat, the woman and her husband, staring at each other. There would be no wishes for money, or clothes, or a bigger house, or happiness. There would be no wishes at all, but … at least they had a good piece of meat for their dinner!",eng,English,The three wishes,There was once a woman who lived with her husband next to the Hlimbitwa River. Every day the woman left their home and went to the forest to chop wood. Every day her husband would give her a bottle of water and some food so that she had ...,,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-three-wishes +the-three-wishes,"Daar was eenmaal ’n vrou wat saam met haar man langs die Hlimbitwarivier gewoon het. Elke dag het die vrou hul huis verlaat om in die woud te gaan hout kap. Elke dag het haar man vir haar ’n bottel water en kos saamgegee sodat sy iets sou hê om te drink en te eet terwyl sy diep in die woud hout kap.  +Op ’n dag gaan sy weer na die woud en kies ’n groot boom om af te kap.  +“Dit sal ’n goeie een wees,” sê sy. “Dit is baie groot en sal vir my baie hout gee.”  +Sy tel haar byl op en swaai dit, gereed om te begin kap. Net toe sy wil kap, hoor sy ’n stem wat haar smeek om nie te kap nie.  +  + +  +“Wie het dit gesê?” vra sy.  +“Kyk af,” sê die stem, “en wat jy ook al doen, moet asseblief tog nie hierdie boom afkap nie.”  +Die vrou is geskok toe sy dit hoor, maar toe sy sien waar die stem vandaan kom, is sy sprakeloos! Onder op die grond, naby die wortels van die boom, staan die kleinste mannetjie wat die vrou nog ooit gesien het. Haar mond val oop en sy kan haar oë nie glo nie. Uiteindelik kom sy weer tot verhaal.  +“Ek smeek jou, moet asseblief nie hierdie boom seermaak nie,” sê die klein mannetjie.  +“Wel … wel, goed dan,” sê sy. “Ek kan doen wat jy vra. Ek kan ’n ander boom gaan soek as hierdie boom vir jou so belangrik is.”  +“Dankie. Jy het iets gedoen wat my baie gelukkig maak,” sê die klein mannetjie. “Jy het ’n goeie hart, en daarom sal ek vir jou enige drie wense gun.” En toe verdwyn die klein mannetjie. Dit maak nie saak waar die vrou in die woud soek nie, hy is skoonveld.  +  +Uiteindelik hou sy op soek en gaan huis toe. Die hele pad huis toe skud sy haar kop en mompel by haarself, steeds verbaas oor wat gebeur het. Toe sy by die huis kom, gaan sit sy buite om te rus en wonder steeds of iemand probeer het om haar ’n poets te bak.  +Al die gedink maak haar honger. “Is ons aandete al gereed?” vra sy haar man wat langs haar kom sit het.  +“O, nee,” antwoord hy, “nog nie. Dit sal eers oor ’n paar uur gereed wees.”  +Die vrou kreun. “Ek is so honger. Ek wens ek het ’n stukkie vleis gehad om te eet.”  +Skaars het sy die woorde gesê of – swoep – verskyn ’n stukkie vleis op die leë bord langs haar op die grond. Sy en haar man staar daarna.  +  +“Wat is dit?” vra haar man verbaas oor wat gebeur het. Die vrou vertel hom alles wat daardie oggend in die woud gebeur het. Haar man staar haar aan en sy kan sien hy is besig om baie kwaad te word.  +Toe sy stilbly, skree hy vir haar: “WAATT? Jy moes gedink het voor jy vir ’n stukkie vleis gewens het. Jy is so dwaas, ek wens daardie stukkie vleis sit aan jou neus vas.”  +Voor die vrou nog hayibo! kan sê, sit die vleis aan haar neus vas. Sy gryp dit en trek, maar dit kom nie los nie. Haar man probeer trek. Hulle trek en trek, maar dit help niks. Die stukkie vleis sit aan die punt van haar neus vas.  +  + +  +“Ag, nee,” sê die vrou. “Wat nou?”  +“Ek weet nie, maar dit moet afkom,” sê die man.  +Toe besef die vrou sy moet gou iets doen voor haar man weer ’n woord  +kan sê.  +  +“Ek wens die vleis sit nie meer aan my neus vas nie!” skree sy.  +En binne ’n oogwink lê die vleis weer op die bord. En daar sit hulle, die vrou en haar man, en staar na mekaar. Daar sou geen wense vir geld, of klere, of ’n groter huis, of geluk wees nie. Daar sou hoegenaamd geen wense wees nie, maar … ten minste het hulle ’n lekker stukkie vleis vir aandete!",afr,Afrikaans,Die drie wense,There was once a woman who lived with her husband next to the Hlimbitwa River. Every day the woman left their home and went to the forest to chop wood. Every day her husband would give her a bottle of water and some food so that she had ...,,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-drie-wense +the-three-wishes,"Kwaye kukho inkosikazi eyayihlala nomyeni wayo kufuphi noMlambo iHlimbitwa. Yonke imihla le nkosikazi yayilishiya ikhaya labo, ihambe iye ehlathini ukuya kutheza iinkuni. Yonke imihla umyeni wayo wayeyinika ibhotile yamanzi nokutya ukuze ibe nento yokusela neyokutya xa ingene phakathi ehlathini.  +Ngenye imini yayiphumile le nkosikazi, iye kutheza yaze yakhetha umthi omkhulu ukuba iwugawule uwe.  +“Lo uya kukulungela kakuhle kakhulu ukugawulwa,” yatsho. “Mkhulu kakhulu kwaye ndiya kufumana iinkuni ezininzi kuwo.”  +Yakhupha izembe layo, yalibamba ngazo zozibini izandla zayo, yalijiwuzisela phezulu sele ilungele ukuqalisa ukugawula. Ithe xa kanye iza kugawula yeva ilizwi liyicenga ukuba iyeke.  +  + +  +“Ngubani lowo utshoyo?” yabuza njalo.  +“Jonga phantsi apha,” latsho eli lizwi, “kwaye nantoni na oyenzayo, uze uncede, nceda ungawugawuli, uwuwise phantsi loo mthi.”  +Le nkosikazi yothuswa kakhulu koko ikuvileyo, kodwa yathi xa ibona apho lalivela khona eli lizwi, ayakwazi nokuba mayithini! Phantsi emhlabeni, ecaleni kweengcambu zomthi, kwakukho eyona ndoda incinane eyakhe yabonwa yile nkosikazi. Yasuka yathi nkebe umlomo ikhamisile, ingakukholelwa eyayikubona. Ekugqibeleni kwaphela ukothuka.  +“Ndiyakubongoza torho, nceda ungawutshabalalisi lo mthi,” yatsho le ndoda encinane.  +“Ee … ndiyavuma xa usitsho,” watsho. “Ndiyasamkela isicelo sakho. Ndingazingela omnye umthi xa lo ubaluleke kangaka kuwe.”  +  +“Ndiyabulela. Wenze eyona nto indivuyisa kakhulu,” yatsho indoda encinane. “Unentliziyo entle kakhulu kwaye ngenxa yesi senzo sihle kangaka usenzileyo, ndiza kuphumeza iminqweno yakho emithathu, nokuba iyintoni na.” Emva koko, yanyamalala indoda encinane. Le nkosikazi yaba ngayizingela kuzo zonke iindawo ehlathini, zange iyifumane le ndoda ingaqhelekanga.  +Ekugqibeleni yakuncama le nkosikazi ukuzingela le ndoda, yagoduka. Kuyo yonke loo ndlela igodukayo yayihlunguzela intloko, imbombozela imane ikhuza yodwa ngenxa yokumangaliswa kokwenzekileyo. Yakuba ifikile ekhaya yahlala phantsi ecaleni kwendlu ukuze iphumle, isazibuza ukuba ingaba kukho umntu obedlala ngayo kusini na. Zonke ezo ngcinga zayilambisa nangakumbi. “Ingaba sesilungile isidlo sethu sangokuhlwa?” yabuza umyeni wayo owayesuke waza kuhlala ecaleni kwayo.  +“Owu, hayi,” waphendula umyeni, “asikalungi. Kusasele nje iiyure ezimbalwa phambi kokuba silunge.”  +Le nkosikazi yancwina. “Andilambe ngako, akwaba bekukho nokuba liqathana nje lenyama endinokulitya.”  +  +Kungekudala ewathethile loo mazwi – thaxa – inyama epleyitini eyayithe tshitshilili apha kanye phambi kwakhe. Wakhupha amehlo aziingqanda kwanomyeni wakhe ngokunjalo.  +“Yintoni le?” wabuza umyeni emangaliswe yiloo nto yayisenzeka.  +Le nkosikazi yamxelela yonke into eyayenzeke ehlathini kuloo ntsasa. Umyeni wayo wayijamela yaze nayo le nkosikazi yabona ukuba umyeni uthe fixi ngumsindo.  +Yathi yakugqiba ukuthetha le nkosikazi, umyeni wayo wangxola ngelizwi elingqwabalala wathi, “INTONIII? Kaloku ubufanele ukuba uye wacinga phambi kokuba uxele ukuba unqwenela ukufumana inyama. Ugeza kakhulu, akwaba loo nyama ibinokuncamathela kuloo mpumlo yakho.” Le nkosikazi yathi ingekatsho nokuthi hayi-bo! labe iqatha lenyama selincamathele empumlweni yayo. Yalibamba ilitsala, kodwa alasuka tu elo qatha lenyama. Umyeni naye wazama ukuyisusa. Bobabini bancedisana, batsala, batsala, kodwa zange baphumelele ukulisusa. Inyama yayincamathele nca elungqamekweni lwempumlo yale nkosikazi.  + +  +“Owu, hayi,” yatsho le nkosikazi. “Kuza kuthiwani ngoku?”  +“Andazi, kodwa ifanele ukusuka,” yatsho indoda.  +Le nkosikazi yaqonda ukuba kufanele ukuba nento eyenzayo kwamsinyane phambi kokuba umyeni wayo akhuphe elinye ilizwi.  +“Ndinqwenela ukuba le nyama isuke empumlweni yam!” yakhwaza ngelo le nkosikazi.  +Ngomzuzwana nje inyama yaphinda yaba sepleyitini kwakhona. Bahlala apho, le nkosikazi nomyeni wayo, bejamelene. Kwakungekho minqweno yimbi abanokuyisebenzisa ukuze bafumane imali, okanye iimpahla, okanye indlu enkulu, okanye ulonwabo. Kwakungasayi kuphinda kubekho minqweno yanto kwaphela,  +kodwa … okungenani babenenyama emnandi yesidlo sangokuhlwa!",xho,isiXhosa,Iminqweno emithathu,There was once a woman who lived with her husband next to the Hlimbitwa River. Every day the woman left their home and went to the forest to chop wood. Every day her husband would give her a bottle of water and some food so that she had ...,,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iminqweno-emithathu +the-three-wishes,"Kwake kwakhona umame owayehlala nomyeni wakhe eduze noMfula iHlimbithwa. Nsuku zonke umame wayesuka ekhaya labo aye ehlathini ayogawula izinkuni. Nsuku zonke umyeni wakhe wayemnika ibhodlela lamanzi nokudla ukuze abe nokuthile akudlayo nakuphuzayo ngesikhathi esekujuleni kwehlathi.  +Ngolunye usuku waphuma wayeseqoka isihlahla esikhulu ayezosigawula.  +“Lesi sizolunga kakhulu,” kusho yena. “Sikhulu ngempela kanti futhi ngizothola izinkuni eziningi kuso.”  +Wathatha imbazo yakhe wathi ukuyivivisela phezulu eselungele ukuqala ukugawula. Ngenkathi esezoqala agawule wezwa izwi elalimcela ukuthi ame angaqhubeki nokugawula.  +  + +  +“Ubani osho lokho?” kubuza yena.  +“Bheka lapha phansi,” kwasho izwi, “noma yini oyenzayo, ngicela ungasigawuli lesi sihlahla.”  +Umame wayethukile ngayekuzwile, kodwa wathi uma ebona lapho kwakuqhamuka khona izwi, akazanga ukuthi athini! Phansi enhlabathini eduze kwezimpande zesihlahla, kwakukhona indoda encane kakhulu umami ayengakaze ayibone selokhu kwathi nhlo. Wamane wakhexa umlomo akaze akholwa akubonayo. Ekugcineni kwedlula ukwethuka.  +  +“Ngiyakucela, ungasilimazi lesi sihlahla,” kusho indoda encane.  +“Yebo … kunjengoba usho,” kusho yena. “Ngingakwenza okucelayo. Ngingafuna esinye isihlahla uma ngabe lesi sibaluleke kangako kuwena.”  +“Ngiyabonga. Wenze into engithokozise kakhulu,” kwasho indoda encane. “Unenhliziyo emnene kanti ngenxa yalokho nje ngizokwenzela izifiso ezintathu, noma ngabe yiziphi.” Emva kwalokho, indoda encane yabe isiyanyamalala. Noma ngabe umame wayeyicinga kuphi nehlathi, le ndoda yayingasabonwa nangokhalo.  +Ekugcineni walahla izandla ngendaba yokucinga wayesebhekisa amabombo ekhaya. Yonke indlela ebheke ekhaya wayenikina ikhanda futhi edamame ehhomuzela ubala esalokhu emangele ngokwenzekile. Wathi uma efika ekhaya wahlala phansi phandle ukuze aphumule, ezibuza eziphendula ukuthi kungabe kunomuntu othile yini omluthe ngemilingo na.  +Yonke leyo micabango yamenza ukuthi alambe. “Ngabe isidlo sethu sakusihlwa sesilungile?” ebuza umyeni wakhe owayesefike wahlala eduze kwakhe.  +  +“Hhayi, lutho,” ephendula, “asikalungi. Sizolunga emahoreni ambalwa ezayo.”  +Umame wakhononda. “Ngilambe kabi, ngifisa sengathi ngingathola iqatha lenyama engingazidlela lona.”  +Akuphelanga sikhathi ewakhiphile lawo mazwi ngomlomo wakhe – zwiii – kwase kukhona iqatha lenyama epuletini elingenalutho phansi eceleni nje kwakhe. Walibuka leli puleti, nomyeni wakhe wenza njalo.  +“Yini lena?” kubuza umyeni wakhe emangazwa okwenzekile.  +  +Umkakhe wamtshela konke okwakwenzekile ehlathini ekuseni ngalelo langa. Umyeni wakhe wambuka, kanti wayebonakala eseqala ukuthukuthela.  +Wathi uma eqeda ukukhuluma, umyeni wakhe wamthethisa ethi, “UTHINII- I? Bekufanele ucabange ngaphambi kokuba uthi ufisa kube nenyama. Awuhlakaniphile ngangokuthi ngifisa sengathi ngabe lelo qatha lenyama linanyathiselwa ekhaleni lakho.”  +Ngaphambi kokuthi umame lona athi hhayi bo! Iqatha lenyama lase linamathele ekhaleni lakhe. Walibamba walidonsa kodwa alifunanga ukusuka. Umyeni wakhe wazama ukulidonsa. Bobabili balidonsa, balidonsa, kodwa akwenzekanga lutho. Iqatha lenyama lalinamathele echosheni lekhala lakhe.  +  + +  +“Hhayi bo!” kusho umame. “Yini manje?”  +“Angazi, kodwa kumele lisuke,” kusho indoda.  +Emva kwalokho umame wabona ukuthi kufanele enze okuthile ngokushesha ngaphambi kokuthi umyeni wakhe akhiphe elinye igama.  +“Ngifisa sengathi le nyama ingasuka ekhaleni lami!” kuthetha lo mame.  +Kwathi ngemuva komzuzwana inyama yabe isihleli epuletini futhi. Base behlalake, owesifazane nomyeni wakhe, babukana. Ngeke kube bikho zifiso zokuba nemali, noma izingubo, noma indlu enkudlwana noma injabulo. Ngeke kube khona zifiso nhlobo, kodwa … akunani-ke bandla, babeneqatha elihle lenyama elalizoba yisidlo sabo sakusihlwa!",zul,isiZulu,Izifiso ezintathu,There was once a woman who lived with her husband next to the Hlimbitwa River. Every day the woman left their home and went to the forest to chop wood. Every day her husband would give her a bottle of water and some food so that she had ...,,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/izifiso-ezintathu +the-three-wishes,"Ho kile ha eba le mosadi ya neng a dula le monna wa hae haufi le Noka ya Hlimbitwa. Kamehla mosadi enwa o ne a tloha lapeng ha hae mme a eya morung ho ya kapa patsi. Kamehla monna wa hae o ne a mo fa botlolo ya metsi le dijo hore a tle a be le seo a ka se nwang le ho se ja ha a ntse a le ka harehare ho moru. Ka tsatsi le leng a tsamaya mme a fihla a kgetha sefate se seholo seo a tlang ho se kapa.  +“Sena se tla loka,” a rialo. “Se seholo haholo mme ke tla fumana patsi e ngata ho sona.”  +A tshwara selepe sa hae ka matsohong mme a se tsokotsa hodimo a loketse ho qalella ho kapa. Eitse moo a reng o tla kapa sefate a utlwa lentswe le mo kopang hore a emise.  +  + +  +“Ke mang ya buang?” a botsa.  +“Sheba tlase mona,” ha rialo lentswe, “mme seo o batlang ho se etsa, ke a o kopa hle, o se ke wa kapa sefate sena.”  +Mosadi eo o ne a tshohile haholo ha a utlwa seo, empa yare ha a bona moo lentswe le hlahang teng, a se ke a tseba hore a ka reng! Fatshe mane haufi le metso ya sefate, ho ne ho dutse monna e monyanenyane ka ho fetisisa eo mosadi a qalang ho mmona. Haesale a ahlamisitse molomo a sa kgolwe seo a se bonang. Qetellong tshabo ya feela. “Ke a kopa hle, o se ke wa utlwisa sefate sena bohloko,” ha rialo monnanyana eo.  +  +“Ehlile… ho lokile,” a rialo. “Nka etsa seo o se kopang. Nka nna ka ya batla sefate se seng haeba sena se le bohlokwa hakaalo ho wena.”  +“Ke a leboha. O entse ntho e nthabisitseng haholo,” ha rialo monnanyana eo. “O na le pelo e mosa mme ka lebaka leo ke tla o fa ditakatso tsa hao tse tharo, ho sa kgathallehe hore ke dife.” Mme yaba monnanyana eo o a nyamela. Mosadi eo a mmatla hohle morung oo empa ha se be moo a mo fumanang.  +  +Qetellong a nyahama ho mmatla mme a leba ha hae lapeng. Tseleng yohle e lebang lapeng o ne a ntse sisinya hlooho a honotha a makaletse se etsahetseng tsatsing leo. Ha a fihla hae a dula ka ntle a phomola, a ntse a ipotsa hore ebe ho na le motho ya bapalang ka yena na. Ho nahana hoo ha etsa hore a lape. “Na dijo tsa mantsiboya di se di lokile?” a botsa monna wa hae ya neng a qeta ho tla dula pela hae. “Tjhe, bo,” a araba, “ha di eso butswe. Di tla loka kamora dihora tse mmalwa feela.”  +  +Mosadi a honotha. “Ke lapile hona hoo ke lakatsang eka nka fumana leqa la nama leo nka le jang.”  +Le pele mantswe ao a tswa kaofela molomong wa hae – hashaaa – leqa la nama la hlahella hodima sekotlolo se sa tshwarang letho fatshe pela hae mona. A e tonela mahlo mme le monna wa hae a etsa jwalo.  +  +“Ke eng hoo?” monna a botsa a maketse ke se tswa etsahala. +Mosadi wa hae a mmolella tsohle tse etsahetseng morung hoseng hoo. Monna wa hae a mo tonela mahlo mme mosadi a bona hore monna wa hae o halefile.  +Yare ha a qeta ho bua monna a mo omanya a re ho yena, “ENG? O ka be o ile wa nahanisisa pele o re o lakatsa nama. O sethoto haholo hoo ke lakatsang eka leqa leo la nama le ka kgomarela nkong ya hao mono.” Pele mosadi a ka re helang bo! leqa la nama la kgomarela nkong ya hae. A le tshwara a le hula, empa la se ke la tloha. Monna wa hae a leka ho le hula. Bobedi ba bona ba le hula, ba le hula, empa ha se thuse letho. Leqa leo la nama le ne le kgomaretse nkong ya mosadi eo.  +  + +  +“Jo wee,” ha rialo mosadi. “Jwale re tla etsang?”  +“Ha ke tsebe, empa e tshwanetse ho tloha,” ha rialo monna.  +Yaba mosadi o lemoha hore o tshwanetse ho etsa ho hong ka potlako pele monna wa hae a bua lentswe le leng hape.  +“Ke lakatsa eka nama ena e ka tloha nkong ya ka mona!” a hoeletsa.  +Mme ka ho panya ha leihlo nama eo ya be e le ka sekotlolong hape. Mme ba dula moo, mosadi le monna wa hae, ba tjamelane. Ho ne ho se ho se ditakatso tse setseng bakeng sa tjhelete, diaparo, kapa ntlo e kgolo, kapa thabo. Ho ne ho se ho se ditakatso tse setseng hohang, empa … bonyane ba ne ba ena le leqa la nama e monate bakeng sa dijo tsa mantsiboya!",sot,Sesotho,Ditakatso tse tharo,There was once a woman who lived with her husband next to the Hlimbitwa River. Every day the woman left their home and went to the forest to chop wood. Every day her husband would give her a bottle of water and some food so that she had ...,,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ditakatso-tse-tharo +the-three-wishes,"Go be go na le mosadi yo a bego a dula le monna wa gagwe kgauswi le Noka ya Hlimbitwa. Ka mehla mosadi o be a tloga a eya sethokgweng go rwalela dikgong. Ka mehla monna wa gagwe o be a mo fa lebotlelo la meetse le dijonyana gore a be le sa go nwa le goja ge a le ka sethokgweng.  +Ka letšatši le lengwe o ile a kgetha go rema mohlare o mogolo.  +“Wo o tlo loka,” a realo. “Ke o mogolo kudu gomme ke tlo hwetša dikgong tše dintši go ona.”  +O swere selepe ka diatleng a se iša godimo gore a thome go rema. Ge a re o a rema a kwa lentšu le mo kgopela gore a eme.  +  + +  +“Ke mang yo a rego bjalo?” a botšiša.  +“Lebelela fa tlase,” lentšu la realo, “se o se dirago, ka kgopelo, hle, o se reme sehlare se.”  +Mosadi o tšhošitšwe ke seo a se kwelego, efela ge a bona fao lentšu le tšwago gona, ga se a tsebe gore a reng! Tlase, kgauswi le medu ya mohlare, e be e le monna yo monnyane kudu yo a sa kago a mmona. Molomo wa gagwe wa bulega, gomme a se tshepe se a se bonago. Mafelelong letšhogo la fela.  +“Ke a go kgopela, hle, se kweše mohlare wo bohloko,” monna yo monnyane a realo.  +“Ee … le bjalo,” a realo. “Nka dira se o se kgopelago. Nka tsoma mohlare o mongwe ge wo o le bohlokwa go wena.”  +  +“Ke a leboga. O dirile selo sa go nthabiša kudu,” monna yo monnyane a realo. “O na le pelo ya go loka gomme ke tlo go fa ditumo tše tharo, dife goba dife.” Gomme monna yo monnyane a timelela. Mosadi a tsoma gohle sethokgweng, a se mo hwetše.  +Mafelelong a tlogela go tsoma, a ya gae. Ge a le tseleng a šikinya hlogo, a ngunanguna a sa makaditšwe ke seo se diregilego. O rile go fihla gae a dula fase ka ntle a khutša, o sa belaela ge eba ga go yo a mo hlalefetšago naa.  +Go nagana gwa mo swariša tlala. “Dijo tša go lalela di lokile?” a botšiša monna wa gagwe a dutše kgauswi le yena. “Aowa,” a araba, “ga se tša loka. Di tlo loka morago ga diiri tše mmalwa.” Mosadi a tsetsela. “Ke swerwe ke tlala kudu o kare nka ja nama.”  +  +Ka lebelo la go feta la mantšu a go tšwa molomong wa gagwe – swisssh – gwa ba le nama ka poleiting ya go se be le selo ya go tšwa tlase kgauswi le yena. A e lebelela, gomme le monna wa gagwe a e lebelela. “Ke eng se?” a botšiša a makaditšwe ke se se diregilego. Mosadi o mmoditše tšohle tšeo di diregilego lešokeng. Monna wa gagwe a mo lebelela gomme a mmona gore o a befelwa. Ge a fetša go bolela a mo kgadimola, “ENGGG? Nkabe o naganne pele o bolela gore o duma nama. O setlaela kudu ebile o kare nkabe nama e ka kgomarela nko ya gago.” Pele mosadi a re aowa! Nama ya kgomarela nko ya gagwe. A e swara a e goga, efela ya se tloge. Monna wa gagwe o lekile go e goga. Bobedi ba goga, ba goga gape. Nama ya kgomarela go fihla mafelelong a nko ya gagwe.  +  + +  +“Aowaowa,” mosadi a realo. “Bjale?”  +“Ga ke tsebe, efela e swanetše go tloga,” a realo monna.  +Gomme mosadi a lemoga gore o swanetše go dira se sengwe pele monna wa gagwe a bolela lentšu le lengwe.  +“Ke duma gore nkabe nama ye e ka tloga nkong ya ka!” a realo.  +Ka motsotswana nama ya ba ka poleiting. Gomme mosadi le monna wa gagwe ba dutše fale, ba lebelelane. Go ka se be le ditumo tša tšhelete, goba diaparo, goba ntlo ye kgolwane, goba lethabo. Go ka se be le ditumo, efela … efela ba bile le nama ya bose ya go lalela!",nso,Sepedi,Ditumo tše tharo,There was once a woman who lived with her husband next to the Hlimbitwa River. Every day the woman left their home and went to the forest to chop wood. Every day her husband would give her a bottle of water and some food so that she had ...,,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ditumo-tše-tharo +the-old-woman’s-soup,"Once upon a time, there was an old woman who sold the best soup at the village market. It was delicious, hot chicken soup. Nobody in the village knew the old woman’s name. Nobody knew where she lived. And nobody knew why her soup was so tasty nor why it was so hot. They did not even think about these things. They just bought the soup and ate it. Each morning, the old woman would come to the market. She always carried the big black pot filled with chicken soup on her head and then sat down with it under a tree in the shade. Before long, she would have sold all the soup. Then she would carefully fold her money in a cloth, put it in her pocket, put the empty pot back on her head and leave. + +There was a boy called Fezile who lived in the village not far from the market. He liked the chicken soup very much. Actually, he loved it and could not get enough. He wanted to find out where the old woman who made such delicious soup came from. One day when the old woman put her empty pot on her head and left the market, Fezile followed her. He was careful to stay in the shadows, and behind the trees and bushes, so that she did not see him. He followed her a long, long way down a path that led away from the village and then up a steep hill. He was still climbing up, up, up when evening came. Fezile was afraid, but he kept on walking.  +  +At last, the woman came to a little house on the steep hill. She put the pot down in front of the house. Fezile waited until the woman had gone inside the house and closed the door. Then he crept closer to look inside the pot. Suddenly, Fezile heard the door opening. Quickly he hid in a place where he could see the old woman easily. She walked up to the pot and began to sing: +“Magic pot, magic pot, +Make soup for me, so hot, hot, hot. +Make soup with chicken. Make chicken soup. +Make soup for me to sell and for people to buy. +Oh magic pot, oh magic pot!” +  +Very soon the pot was filled with chicken soup! Steam came out of the big black pot and the smell was so good that it made Fezile hungry. Once the old woman had gone back inside the house, Fezile crept up to the big pot. He looked under it. Although the pot was filled to the brim with hot chicken soup, there was no fire burning under it. “I must have some of this soup,” Fezile said to himself. “I am so hungry!” He stretched forward and put his hand into the pot to take a piece of chicken. Suddenly the old woman came out of her house and saw Fezile with his hand in the pot. “OH! Oh! Oh!” she cried. “NO! NO! NO!” Fezile turned and ran as fast as he could. The old woman ran after him, shouting, but she couldn’t catch him. +Fezile ran and ran until, at last, he was safely home. He told his mother and father all about the old woman and her magic pot. They all went outside and looked up at the hill, and there they saw steam rising into the sky. “Yes,” said Fezile’s parents, “look at that. We can see the steam from the magic pot.” The old woman never returned to the market and no one went up that steep hill to visit her. They were all too afraid. But from then on, when anyone in the village sees clouds around the top of the hill, they say, “Look! Look up there! It is the steam from the old woman’s magic pot.”",eng,English,The old woman’s soup,"Once upon a time, there was an old woman who sold the best soup at the village market. It was delicious, hot chicken soup. Nobody in the village knew the old woman’s name. Nobody knew where she lived. And nobody knew why her soup was so tasty nor ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-old-woman’s-soup +the-old-woman’s-soup,"Lank gelede was daar ’n ou vrou wat die lekkerste sop by die mark op die dorp verkoop het. Dit was heerlike, warm hoendersop. Niemand in die dorp het geweet wat die ou vrou se naam is nie. Niemand het geweet waar sy woon nie. En niemand het geweet waarom haar sop so smaaklik is, of so warm nie. Hulle het nie eens hieroor gedink nie. Hulle het net die sop gekoop en dit geëet. +  +Die ou vrou het elke oggend na die mark toe gekom. Sy het altyd die groot swart pot vol hoendersop op haar kop gedra en dan met die pot onder ’n boom in die skaduwee gaan sit. Kort voor lank sou al die sop verkoop wees. Dan sou sy versigtig haar geld in ’n lappie toevou, dit in haar sak sit, die leë pot weer op haar kop sit en vertrek. + +In die dorp, nie ver van die mark nie, het ’n seun met die naam Fezile gewoon. Hy het baie van die hoendersop gehou. Eintlik was hy versot daarop en kon nie genoeg daarvan kry nie. Hy wou uitvind waar die ou vrou wat sulke lekker sop maak vandaan kom. Eendag, toe die ou vrou haar leë pot op haar kop sit en die mark verlaat, volg Fezile haar. Hy is versigtig om in die skaduwees te bly, en agter die bome en bosse, sodat sy hom nie moet sien nie. Hy volg haar baie, baie ver met ’n paadjie langs wat weg van die dorp af lei en toe op teen ’n steil heuwel. Hy is nog besig om op, op, op te klim toe dit donker word. Fezile is bang, maar hy hou aan loop. +  +Uiteindelik kom die vrou by ’n klein huisie op die steil heuwel aan. Sy sit die pot voor die huis neer. Fezile wag totdat die vrou binnetoe gaan en die deur toemaak. Toe kruip hy nader om in die pot te loer. Skielik hoor Fezile die deur oopgaan. Hy kruip vinnig op ’n plek weg waar hy die ou vrou maklik kan sien. Sy stap na die pot toe en begin sing: +“Towerpot, towerpot, +Kook sop vir my, ’n hele lot. +Kook sop met hoender. Kook hoendersop. +Kook sop vir koop en vir verkoop. +O towerpot, o towerpot!” +  +Sommer gou is die pot vol hoendersop! Die stoom trek uit die groot, swart pot en dit ruik so lekker dat Fezile honger raak. Toe die ou vrou weer terug is in die huis, kruip Fezile nader aan die groot pot. Hy kyk onder die pot. Al is die pot boordensvol warm hoendersop, brand daar   geen vuur onder die pot nie. “Ek moet van hierdie sop eet,” sê Fezile vir homself. “Ek is so honger!” Hy strek  vorentoe en steek sy hand in die pot om ’n stukkie hoender te gaps. Skielik kom die ou vrou uit haar huis uit en sien vir Fezile met sy hand in die pot. “Ai! Ai! Ai!” skree sy. “NEE! NEE! NEE!” Fezile draai om en hardloop so vining as wat hy kan. Die ou vrou hardloop skreeuend agter hom aan, maar sy kan hom nie vang nie. +  + +Fezile hardloop en hardloop tot hy uiteindelik veilig by die huis kom. Hy vertel vir sy ma en pa van die ou vrou en haar towerpot. Hulle gaan almal buitentoe en kyk op na die heuwel. Daar sien hulle stoom in die lug opstyg. “Ja,” sê Fezile se ouers, “kyk daar. Ons kan die stoom uit die towerpot sien trek.” Die ou vrou het nooit weer na die mark toe gekom nie, en niemand het daardie steil heuwel aangedurf om haar te besoek nie. Hulle was almal te bang. Maar van toe af sê die dorpenaars elke keer wanneer hulle wolke rondom die heuwel sien: “Kyk! Kyk daar bo! Dit is die stoom uit die ou vrou se towerpot.”",afr,Afrikaans,Die ou vrou se sop,"Once upon a time, there was an old woman who sold the best soup at the village market. It was delicious, hot chicken soup. Nobody in the village knew the old woman’s name. Nobody knew where she lived. And nobody knew why her soup was so tasty nor ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-ou-vrou-se-sop +the-old-woman’s-soup,"Kgalekgale go be go na le mokgekolo yo a bego a rekiša sopo ye kaonekaonemmarakeng wa motse. E be e le sopo ya kgogo ya go fiša, ye bose. Mo motseng ga go yo a bego a tseba leina la mokgekolo yo. Ga go yo a bego a tseba mo a bego a dula. Gomme ga go yo a bego a tseba gore ke ka lebaka la eng sopo ya gagwe e be e na le tatso goba e fiša. Ga se nke ba nagana ka dilo tše. Ba be ba no reka sopo ba ja. +  +Mesong ye mengwe le ye mengwe mokgekolo o be a etla mmarakeng. O be a phela a rwele poto ye ntsho ye kgolo ya go tlala sopo ya kgogo hlogong ya gagwe gomme a dule le yona meriting ka tlase ga mohlare. Sopo e be e fela ka pela. Gomme o be a phuthela tšhelete ya gagwe ka tlhokomelo ka lešela, a e tsenya potleng ya gagwe, a bea poto ya go se be le selo hlogong gape gomme a sepela. +  + +Go be go na le mošemane wa go bitšwa Fezile yo a bego a dula motseng wa go se be kgole le mmaraka. O be a rata sopo ya kgogo kudu. O be a e rata gomme e sa mo tlapele. O be a nyaka go tseba gore mokgekolo wa go dira sopo ye bose gakaaka o tšwa kae. Ka letšatši le lengwe e rile ge mokgekolo a bea poto ya go se be le selo hlogong a tloga, Fezile a mo latela. O hlokometše gore a dule ka meriting, le ka morago ga mehlare le dihlahla, gore a se ke a mmona. O ile a mo latela sebaka se setelele go ya tlase tseleng ya go ya kgakala le motse, gomme ya namelela mmotong. O be a sa dutše a namelela godimo le godimo ge le thapama. Fezile o be a boifa, efela a tšwela pele go sepela. +  +Mafelelong mokgekolo o ile a fihla ntlwaneng mmotong wa go namelela. O ile a bea poto fase mo pele ga ntlo. Fezile o ile a ema go fihlela mosadi a tsena ka ntlong gomme a tswalela lebati. Ka morago o ile a khukhuna a batamela gore a bone ka gare ga poto. Gateetee, Fezile a kwa lebati le bulega. O ile a uta fao a tla kgonago go bona mokgekolo gabonolo. O ile potong gomme a thoma go opela: +“Poto ya maleatlana, poto ya maleatlana, +Ntirele sopo, ya go fiša, fiša, fiša. +Dira sopo ka kgogo. Dira sopo ya kgogo. +Ntirele sopo ye nka e rekišago, ye batho ba tlo e rekago. +Mmalo poto ya maleatlana, mmalo poto ya maleatlana!” +  +Go se go ye kae ke ge poto e tletše ka sopo ya kgogo! Mušimeetse wa tšwa ka gare ga poto ye kgolo ya sopo gomme e na le monkgo o mobose kudu ebile o swariša Fezile tlala. E rile ge mokgekolo a boetše ka ntlong, Fezile a khukhuna a ya potong ye kgolo. O ile a lebelela ka tlase ga yona. Le ge poto e be e tletše go fihla molomong ka sopo ya go fiša ya kgogo, go be go sa tuke mollo ka tlase ga yona. “Ke swanetše go nwa sopo ye,” Fezile a ipotša. “Ke swere ke tlala kudu!” O batametše pele gomme a tsenya seatla ka potong gore a ntšhe seripa sa kgogo. Gateetee mokgekolo a tšwa ka ntlong gomme a bona Fezile le seatla sa gagwe se le ka potong. “MMALO! Mmalo! Mmalo!” a goeletša. “AOWA! AOWA! AOWA!” Fezile o ile a retologa gomme a kitima ka lebelo. Mokgekolo o ile a mo kitimiša a hlabile lešata efela ga se a mo swara. +  + +Fezile o ile a kitima, a kitima go fihlela a fihla gae ka polokego. O boditše mmagwe le tatagwe ka mosadi wa poto ya maleatlana. Ka moka ba tšwetše ka ntle ba lebelela mmotong, gomme ba bona mušimeetse o rotogela lefaufaung. “Ee,” ba realo batswadi ba Fezile, “lebelela. Re bona mušimeetse go tšwa potong ya maleatlana.” Mokgekolo ga se nke a boela mmarakeng gomme ga go yo a ilego a mo etela mmotong woo. Ka moka ba be ba boifa. Efela go tloga ka nako yeo, ge batho ba motse ba bona maru go dikologa mmoto, ba re, “Lebelela! Lebelela kua godimo! Ke mušimeetse wa go tšwa potong ya maleatlana ya mokgekolo.”",nso,Sepedi,Sopo ya mokgekolo,"Once upon a time, there was an old woman who sold the best soup at the village market. It was delicious, hot chicken soup. Nobody in the village knew the old woman’s name. Nobody knew where she lived. And nobody knew why her soup was so tasty nor ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sopo-ya-mokgekolo +the-old-woman’s-soup,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale ho kile ha eba le mosadimoholo e mong ya neng a rekisa sopho e monate ka ho fetisisa mmarakeng wa motse. E ne e le sopho ya kgoho e mathemalodi, e tjhesang. Ho ne ho se motho motseng moo ya tsebang lebitso la mosadimoholo eo. Ho se motho ya tsebang moo a dulang. Mme ho se motho ya tsebang hore ke hobaneng ha sopho ya hae e ne e latsweha ha monate tjena le hore ke hobaneng e ne e tjhesa hakana. Ba ne ba sa nahane le ka dintho tsena. Ba ne ba reka feela sopho mme ba e ja. +  +Hoseng ho hong le ho hong, mosadimoholo o ne a tla mmarakeng. O ne a dula a rwetse pitsa e kgolo e ntsho e tletseng sopho ya kgoho hloohong mme a fihla a dula le yona ka tlasa moriti wa sefate. E eso be neng o ne a tla be a rekisitse sopho eo kaofela. Jwale o ne a tla qalella ho phuthela tjhelete ya hae hantle ka hloko ka lesela, a e kenya ka pokothong ya hae, a boele a rwale pitsa ya hae e sa tshelang letho hloohong mme a tsamaye. +  + +  +Ho ne ho ena le moshanyana ya bitswang Fezile ya neng a dula motseng o seng hole le mmaraka. O ne a rata sopho ya kgoho haholo. Hantlentle, o ne a e rata hoo a neng a sa kgotsofale. O ne a batla ho tseba hore mosadimoholo ya etsang sopho e monate hakaalo o tswa hokae. Ka tsatsi le leng ha mosadimoholo a rwala pitsa ya hae e sa tshelang letho mme a tloha mmarakeng, Fezile a mo sala morao. O ne a hlokometse hore a tsamaye meriting, ka mora difate le hara dihlahla, e le hore mosadimoholo a se ke a mmona. O ile a mo sala morao sebaka se selelele, se selelele ho theosa tsela e neng e tloha motseng e leba hodimo leralleng. O ne a ntse a nyolosetsa hodimo, hodimo, hodimo ha shwalane e tshwara. Fezile o ne a tshaba, empa a tswela pele ho tsamaya. +  +Qetellong mosadimoholo a fihla ntlong e nyane e ka hodima leralla le moepa. A bea pitsa fatshe ka pela ntlo. Fezile a ema ho fihlela mosadi eo a kena ka tlung mme a kwala lemati. Yaba o kgukguna ho ya sheba ka hara pitsa. Hanghang, Fezile a utlwa lemati le buleha. Ka potlako a ipata sebakeng seo ho sona a neng a kgona ho bona mosadimoholo ha bonolo. Mosadimoholo a ya pitseng mme a qala ho bina: +“Pitsa ya mehlolo, pitsa ya mehlolo, +Nketsetse sopho, e tjhesang, e tjhesang haholo. +Etsa sopho ka kgoho. Etsa sopho ya kgoho. +Nketsetse sopho eo ke tlang ho e rekisa mme batho ba e reke. +Oho pitsa ya mehlolo, oho pitsa ya mehlolo!” +  +Ka potlako pitsa ya be e tletse sopho ya kgoho! Ha tswa phofodi pitseng e kgolo, e ntsho mme lephoka la yona le le monate hoo le ileng la etsa hore Fezile a lape. Eitse hang ha mosadimoholo a kgutlela ka tlung, Fezile a kgukguna ho ya pitseng e kgolo. A sheba ka tlasa yona. Leha pitsa e ne e tletse tswete ka sopho e tjhesang ya kgoho, ho ne ho se na mollo o tukang ka tlasa yona. “Ke tshwanetse ke je sophonyana ena hanyane,” Fezile a ipolella jwalo. “Ke lapile haholo!” A ikotlollela ka pele mme a kenya letsoho la hae ka hara pitsa hore a inkele leqa la nama. Hanghang mosadimoholo a tswa ka tlung ya hae mme a bona Fezile a kentse letsoho ka pitseng. “JO! Jo! Jonna wee!” a hoeletsa. “TJHE! TJHE! TJHE!” Fezile a fetoha mme a matha ka lebelo le leholo kamoo a ka kgonang. Mosadimoholo a mo lelekisa, a ntse a hoeletsa, empa a hloleha ho mo tshwara. +  + +  +Fezile a matha, a matha ho fihlela, qetellong, a fihlile lapeng habo a bolokehile. A bolella mmae le ntatae tsohle ka mosadimoholo le pitsa ya hae ya mehlolo. Bohle ba tswela ka ntle mme ba sheba leralleng, mme ba bona phofodi e tswa e nyolohela sepakapakeng. “Ee,” ha rialo batswadi ba Fezile, “sheba mane. Re kgona ho bona phofodi e tswang pitseng ya mehlolo.” +  +Mosadimoholo eo a se ke a hlola a kgutlela mmarakeng mme ha ho motho ya ileng a nyolohela leralleng leo le moepa ho ya mo etela. Batho bohle ba ne ba tshaba haholo. Empa ho tloha nakong eo, ha mang kapa mang motseng oo a bona maru a le ka hodima leralla, o re, “Sheba! Sheba hodimo mane! Ke phofodi e tswang pitseng ya mehlolo ya mosadimoholo.”",sot,Sesotho,Sopho ya Mosadimoholo,"Once upon a time, there was an old woman who sold the best soup at the village market. It was delicious, hot chicken soup. Nobody in the village knew the old woman’s name. Nobody knew where she lived. And nobody knew why her soup was so tasty nor ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sopho-ya-mosadimoholo +the-old-woman’s-soup,"Kudala-dala kwakukho ixhegokazi elalithengisa eyona suphu ibalaseleyo emarikeni yaselalini. Yisuphu emnandi, eshushu yenkukhu. Akukho mntu owayelazi igama leli xhegokazi. Akukho mntu wayelazi ukuba lalihlala phi. Akukho nomntu owayesazi ukuba kwakutheni yayinencasa kangako isuphu yakhe nokuthi kwakutheni yayiba shushu kangako. Babengazicingi nokuzicinga ezi zinto. Babethenga isuphu batye kuphela. Qho kusasa, eli ixhegokazi lalisiya emarikeni. Lalisoloko lithwala imbiza enkulu emnyama ezele yisuphu yenkukhu entloko lize lihlale nayo phantsi komthi emthunzini. Kungekudala lilapho, beliza kuba seliyithengise yaphela isuphu. Emva koko beliqhinela imali yalo elaphini, liyifake epokothweni, lithwale imbiza yalo engenanto entloko, landule ukuhamba. +  + +  +Kwakukho inkwenkwe eyayibizwa ngokuba nguFezile eyayihlala elalini kufuphi nemarike. Yayithanda le suphu yenkukhu kakhulu. Enyanisweni, yayiyithanda kangangokuba yayingeneli yiyo. Yafuna ukwazi ukuba ingaba eli xhegokazi elalisenza isuphu emnandi kangaka lalivela phi. Ngenye imini ixhegokazi lathwala imbiza yalo entloko laze lemka emarikeni, uFezile walilandela. Wayehamba ngokuqaphela emana ezifihla ngezithunzi, emva kwemithi namatyholo, ukuze lingamboni. Walilandela umgama omde, omde ohla ngendlela ephumayo elalini iphinde inyuke iqhina. Wayesaqabela phezulu, phezulu, phezulu xa ilanga litshona. Wayesoyika uFezile kodwa waqhuba ngokuhamba. +  +Ekugqibeleni ixhegokazi lafika endlwini encinane phezulu endulini eseqhineni. Labeka imbiza phantsi phambi kwendlu. UFezile walinda ukuba ixhegokazi lide lingene endlwini lize livale umnyango. Wachwechwa wasondela ukuze akrobe phakathi embizeni. Ngephanyazo, uFezile weva sekuvuleka umnyango. Wakhawuleza wazifihla apho wayeza kulibona lula ixhegokazi. Lahamba laya embizeni laqala lacula:  +“Mbiza emangalisayo, mbiza emangalisayo +Ndenzele isuphu, ibe shushu, shushu, shushu. +Yenza isuphu yenkukhu. Yenza isuphu yenkukhu. +Yenza isuphu ukuze ndithengise nokuthi abantu bathenge. +Owu mbiza emangalisayo, owu mbiza emangalisayo!” +  +Kwangoko imbiza yazala yisuphu yenkukhu! Kwakuphuma umphunga embizeni enkulu emnyama kanti nevumba layo lalimnandi kakhulu wade waziva elambile uFezile. Lakuba libuyele endlwini ixhegokazi, uFezile wachwechwela embizeni enkulu. Wakroba ngaphantsi kwayo. Nangona imbiza yayizele ntli yisuphu eshushu yenkuku, kwakungekho mlilo uvutha phantsi kwayo. “Kufuneka ndifumane intwana yale suphu,” wathetha yedwa uFezile. “Ndilambe kakhulu!” Wolula isandla sakhe waze wasifaka embizeni ukuze athathe iqhekeza lenkukhu. Ngephanyazo laphuma endlwini ixhegokazi laza lambhaqa uFezile esasifake embizeni isandla sakhe. “OWU! Owu! Owu!” lakhala. “HAYI! HAYI! HAYI!” Wajika uFezile wabaleka ngamendu kangangoko wayenakho. Ixhegokazi lamleqa, lingxola, kodwa zange likwazi ukumbamba. +  +  + +UFezile wabaleka, wabaleka wade ekugqibeleni, wafika ekhuselekile ekhaya. Waxelela umama notata wakhe ngako konke malunga nexhegokazi nangembiza yalo emangalisayo. Bonke baphuma phandle baphakamisela amehlo abo endulini, baze bawubona umphunga owawunyuka usiya phezulu esibhakabhakeni. “Ewe,” batsho abazali bakaFezile, “jongani phaya. Siyawubona umphunga ophuma embizeni emangalisayo.” Zange liphinde libuyele emarikeni ixhegokazi futhi akukho mntu owakhe waya endulini eseqhineni ukuya kulityelela. Wonke umntu wayesoyika kakhulu. Kodwa ukususela ngoko, xa kukho umntu waselalini obona amafu ajikeleze najinga phezu kwenduli, kwakusithiwa, “Jongani! Jongani phaya phezulu! Ngumphunga ophuma embizeni emangalisayo yexhegokazi.”",xho,isiXhosa,Isuphu yexhegokaz,"Once upon a time, there was an old woman who sold the best soup at the village market. It was delicious, hot chicken soup. Nobody in the village knew the old woman’s name. Nobody knew where she lived. And nobody knew why her soup was so tasty nor ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isuphu-yexhegokazi +the-old-woman’s-soup,"Bogologolotala go kile ga bo go le mosadimogolo yo o neng a rekisa sopo e e di gaisang tsotlhe mo mmarakeng wa motse. E ne e le sopo e e monate, e e molelo ya koko. Go ne go se motho yo o neng a itse leina la mosadimogolo mo motseng. Go se motho yo o neng a itse gore o nna kae. E bile ga go motho yo o neng a itse gore ke goreng sopo ya gagwe e ne e le monate e bile e le molelo. Ba ne ba sa akanye ka dilo tse. Ba ne ba reka sopo mme ba ijela. +  +Moso mongwe le mongwe, mosadimogolo o ne a tla mo mmarakeng. Ka gale o ne a tla a rwele pitsa e kgolo e ntsho e tletse sopo ya koko a bo a nna le yona ka fa tlase ga setlhare mo tlase ga moriti. Go ise go ye kae, o tla bo a rekisitse sopo yotlhe. A bo a phuthela madi a gagwe ka lesela, a a tsenya mo kgwatlheng, a baya pitsa e e lolea mo tlhogong a bo a tsamaya. +  + +  +  +Go ne go na le mosimane a bidiwa Fezile yo o neng a nna mo motseng gaufi le mmaraka. O ne a rata sopo ya koko thata. Go bua boamaruri, o ne a e rata mme e bile a sa kgore. O ne a batla go itse gore mosadimogolo yo o dirang sopo e e monate jaana o tswa kae. Ka letsatsi lengwe fa mosadimogolo a baya pitsa ya gagwe e e lolea mo tlhogong a tswa mo mmarakeng, Fezile a mo sala morago. O ne a le kelotlhoko go tsamaya mo meriting, le fa morago ga ditlhare le ditlhatshana, gore mosadimogolo a seke a mmona. O ne a mo sala morago sebaka se seleele, ka tselana e e kgakajana e e neng e tswa mo motseng mme e tlhatlogela mo thabaneng. O ne a ntse a palama, a palama, a bo a palama go fitlha ka phirimane. Fezile o ne a boifa, fela a tswelela go tsamaya. +  +Morago ga nako e telele mosadi a goroga mo ntlwaneng e e mo godimo ga thabana. A baya pitsa fa pele ga ntlo. Fezile a leta go fitlha mosadi a tsena mo ntlong a bo a tswala lebati. A atamela go bona se se fa gare ga pitsa. Ka tshoganyetso, Fezile a utlwa lebati le bulega. A iphitlha ka bonako mo lefelong le o neng a ka kgona go bona mosadimogolo bonolo. Mosadimogolo a ya kwa pitseng mme a simolola go opela: +“Pitsa ya boselamose, pitsa ya boselamose, +Ntirele sopo, e e molelo, molelo, molelo. +Ntirele sopo ka koko. Ntirele sopo ya koko. +Ntirele sopo e nka e rekisang mme batho ba e reke. +Tsweetswee pitsa ya boselamose, tsweetswee pitsa ya boselamose!” +  +Go ise go ye kae ke fa pitsa e tletse sopo ya koko! Mosi o o bolelo o tswa mo pitseng e kgolo e ntsho ka monko o o monate o ileng wa tshwarisa Fezile tlala. E rile fa mosadimogolo a fetsa go tsena mo ntlong, Fezile a nanya ka bofefo a ya mo pitseng e kgolo. A leba ka fa tlase ga pitsa. Le fa e le gore pitsa e ne e phophoma ka sopo e e molelo ya koko, go ne go se na molelo o o tukang ka fa tlase ga yona. “Ke tshwanetse go itshelela sopo,” Fezile a bua a le esi. “Ke tshwerwe ke tlala thata!” A otlololela seatla kwa pele a se tsenya mo pitseng go tsaya kabetla ya nama ya koko. Ka bonako mosadi a tswa mo ntlwaneng ya gagwe mme a bona Fezile a tsentse seatla mo pitseng. “IJO NNA WEE! Ijo nna wee! Ijo nna wee!” a goa. “NNYAYA! NNYAYA! NNYAYA!” Fezile a tswa a taboga ka bonako thata. Mosadimogolo a mo lelekisa, a ntse a goa, fela a seke a mo tshwara. +  + +  +Fezile a taboga thata, a ba a fitlha a babalesegile kwa gae. A bolelela mmaagwe le rraagwe tsotlhe tse a di boneng ka mosadi le pitsa ya boselamose. Botlhe ba tswela kwa ntle go leba kwa godimo ga thabana, mme ba bona mosi wa pitsa o tlhatlogela kwa godimo. “Ee,” ga bua jalo batsadi ba ga Fezile, “bona sele. Re kgona go bona mosi o o tswang mo pitseng ya boselamose.” Mosadimogolo a se tlhole a boela kwa mmarakeng mme le batho ba se ka ba tlhola ba ya kwa godimo ga thabana go mo etela. Ba ne ba boifa thata. Fela go tloga fa, fa mongwe le mongwe a bona maru mo gaufi le thabana, ba re, “Leba! Leba kwa godimo kwa! Ke mosi o o tswang mo pitseng ya boselamose ya mosadimogolo.”",tsn,Setswana,Sopo ya mosadimogolo,"Once upon a time, there was an old woman who sold the best soup at the village market. It was delicious, hot chicken soup. Nobody in the village knew the old woman’s name. Nobody knew where she lived. And nobody knew why her soup was so tasty nor ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sopo-ya-mosadimogolo +the-old-woman’s-soup,"Emandulo kwakukhona isalukazi esasithengisa isobho eliwedlula wonke emakethe yesigodi. Kwakulisobho elimndandi, lenkukhu elishisayo. Akukho muntu kulesi sigodi owayazi igama lalesi salukazi. Akekho owayazi ukuthi sihlalaphi. Futhi akekho owayazi ukuthi kungani isobho laso libe mnandi ngale ndlela, lishise. Babengacabangi nakucabanga ngalezi zinto. Babevele bathenge isobho balidle. +  +Njalo ekuseni isalukazisasiza emakethe. Sasihlale sithwala ekhanda ibhodwe elikhulu elimnyama eligcwele isobho lenkukhu bese sihlala phansi nalo emthunzini ngaphansi kwesihlahla. Kungakapholi maseko, sizobe sesilithengise lonke isobho. Emva kwalokho sizoyigoqa ngokucophelela imali yaso ngendwangu, siyifake ekhukhwini laso, sibuyisele ibhodwe elingasenalutho ekhanda bese sihamba. +  + +Kwakukhona umfana okuthiwa uFezile owayehlala esigodini esingekude nasemakethe. Wayelikhonzile kakhulu isobho lenkukhu. Eqinisweni, wayelithanda futhi engalideli. Wayefuna ukwazi ukuthi isalukazi esasipheka isobho elimnandi kangaka sasiphumaphi. Ngolunye usuku lapho isalukazi sithwala ibhodwe laso elingasenalutho sifulathela imakethe, uFezile wasilandela. Wayeqikelela ukuthi uhlala esemathunzini, ngemuva kwemithi nezihlahla, ukuze singamboni. Wasilandela ibanga elide, ehla ngendlela eyayiphuma esigodini bese ibheka egqumeni eliqonsayo. Wayesakhuphuka eya phezulu, phezulu, phezulu ngesikhathi kufika ukuhlwa. UFezile wayesaba, kodwa waqhubeka wahamba. +  +Ekugcineni isalukazi safika endlini encane esemqanseni. Sabeka ibhodwe phansi ngaphambi kwendlu. UFezile walinda isalukazi saze sangena ngaphakathi endlini sase sivala umnyango. Emva kwalokho uFezile wagaqa wasondela ukuze abheke phakathi ebhodweni. Ngokushesha, uFezile wezwa kuvuleka umnyango. Wacasha ngokushesha endaweni lapho ayezobona khona isalukazi kalula. Sahamba saqonda ebhodweni sase siqala ukucula: “Bhodwe lomlingo, bhodwe lomlingo,  +Ngenzele isobho, lishise, lishise, lishise ngempela.  +Yenza isobho ngenyama yenkukhu. Yenza isobho lenkukhu.  +Ngenzele isobho ukuze ngithengise futhi abantu balithenge.  +Wo bhodwe lomlingo, wo bhodwe lomlingo!” +  +Ngokuphazima kweso ibhodwe lase ligcwele isobho lenkukhu! Kwaphuma isisi ebhodweni elikhulu elimnyama kanti iphunga lalimnandi ngangokuthi lenza uFezile wavele walamba. Lapho isalukazi sesiphindele endlini, uFezile wagaqa waqonda ebhodweni elikhulu. Wabuka ngaphansi kwalo. Nakuba ibhodwe laligcwele lichichima yisobho lenkukhu elishisayo, kwakungekho mlilo owawuvutha ngaphansi kwalo. “Kumele ngiyithole ingxenyana yaleli sobho,” ezitshela uFezile. “Ave ngilambile!” Welulekela phambili wafaka isandla sakhe ebhodweni maqede wathatha iqatha lenkukhu. Khona manjalo saphuma isalukazi endlini yaso sabona uFezile nesandla sakhe sisebhodweni. “Hawu! Hawu! Hawu!” simemeza. “HHAYI! HHAYI! HHAYI!” UFezile waphenduka wabaleka ngelikhulu ijubane. Isalukazi sagijima simlandela, sithetha, kodwa sehluleka ukumbamba. +  + +  +UFezile wagijima, wagijima, kwathi ekugcineni wafika ekhaya ephephile. Waxoxela unina noyise konke ngesalukazi nebhodwe laso lomlingo. Baphuma bonke babheka phezulu entabeni, base besibona isisi sishunqa sibheke esibhakabhakeni. “Yebo,” kwasho abazali bakaFezile, “ake nibheke lokhuya. Siyakwazi ukubona isisi esiphuma ebhodweni lomlingo.” Isalukazi asiphindanga sabuyela emakethe kanti akekho owake wakhuphukela egqumeni eliqonsile ukusivakashela. Bonke bebesaba kakhulu. Kodwa-ke kusukela lapho, kwakuthi uma umuntu wasesigodini ebona amafu ezungeze phezulu egqumeni, avele athi, “Bheka! Bheka laphaya phezulu! Yisisi esiphuma ebhodweni lomlingo lesalukazi.”",zul,isiZulu,Isobho lesalukazi | Multilingual stories,"Once upon a time, there was an old woman who sold the best soup at the village market. It was delicious, hot chicken soup. Nobody in the village knew the old woman’s name. Nobody knew where she lived. And nobody knew why her soup was so tasty nor ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isobho-lesalukazi +the-old-woman’s-soup,"Khale wa khaleni a ku ri ni wansati wa khale loyi a xavisa supu ya kahle ku tlula mpimo emakete wa tiko. A yi nandziha, supu yo hisa ya huku. A ku ri hava na wun’we etikweni loyi a tiva vito ra wansati lowa khale. A ku ri hava loyi a tiva laha a tshama kona. Naswona a ku ri hava na wun’we loyi a tiva leswaku hikwalaho ka yini supu ya yena yi ri ni nantswo naswona hikwalaho ka yini yi hisa. A va nga ehleketi hi swilo leswi. Ntsena a va xava supu kutani va tidyela. +Mixo wun’wana na wun’wana, wansati lowa khale a ta emakete. A tshamela ro ta na mbita ya ntima leyikulu leyi taleke hi supu ya huku ehlokweni ya yena kutani a fika a tshama ehansi ka nsinya endzhutini. Ku nga si hela nkarhi wo leha, a va a hetile ku xavisa supu. Kutani a ta petsa mali liya kahle eka nkhamu wakwe, a wu hoxa endzeni ka xikhwama, a rhwala mbita leyi pfumalaka nchumu ehlokweni a suka a famba. +  + +  +A ku ri na wa jaha loyi a va ku i Fezile loyi a tshama etikweni ku nga ri kule na le makete. A rhandza supu leya huku swinene. Hi ntiyiso, a yi rhandza lero a yi nga n’wi dini. A lava ku tiva laha wansati wa khale loyi a endla supu yo nandzika a humaka kona. Siku rin’wana loko wansati wa khale a rhwarile mbita leyi pfumalaka nchumu ehlokweni yakwe a suka emakete, Fezile u n’wi sarile endzhaku. A yima hi vukheta emindzhutini, na le ndzhaku ka misinya na swihlahla, leswaku a nga koti ku n’wi vona. U n’wi landzelerile, eka ndlela ya xirhelelo leyi a yi n’wi humesa etikweni ku ya fika exigangeni. A ha gonyela ehenhla, henhla, henhla loko vusiku byi ta fika. Fezile a tela hi ku chava, kambe a ya emahlweni a famba. +  +Emakumu wansati a fika eka yindlu leyitsongo ehenhla ka xintshabyani. U rhurile mbita emahlweni ka yindlu. Fezile u yimile ku fikela loko wansati a nghenile endzeni ka yindlu na ku pfala rivanti. Kutani a nyandlamela ekusuhi ku ya languta endzeni ka mbita. Hi xinkadyana, Fezile u twile ku pfuriwa ka rivanti. Hi xihatla a ya tumbela laha a ta kota ku vona wansati wa khale hi ku olova. U fambile a ya embiteni kutani a sungula ku yimbelela: +“Mbita ya masingita, mbita ya masingita, +Ndzi endleli supu, yo hisa, hisa, hisa. +Endla supu hi nyama ya huku. Endla supu ya huku. +Ndzi endleli supu ndzi ta xavisa na leswaku vanhu va xava. +Oh mbita ya masingita, oh mbita ya masingita!” +  +Hi xihatla mbita a yi tele hi supu ya huku! Nkahelo a wu huma eka mbita leyikulu ya ntima naswona risema ra kona a ri ri kahle swinene ri endla Fezile a twa ndlala. Loko wansati wa khale fambile a tlhelela endzeni ka yindlu, Fezile u kasile a ya eka mbita leyikulu. U langutile ehansi ka yona. Hambileswi mbita a yi khapa hi supu ya huku, a ku ri hava ndzilo lowu a wu pfurha ehansi ka yona. “Ndzi fanele ndzi dya supu leyi,” Fezile a vulavulela embilwini. “Ndzi twa ndla swinene!” U tshunerile ekusuhi a tshambuluta voko a ri hoxa endzeni ka mbita a teka qhata ra huku. Hi xinkadyana wansati a huma endzeni ka yindlu ya yena kutani a vona Fezile na voko ra yena ri ri endzeni ka mbita. “Yoh! Yoh! Yoh!” a rila. “E-E! E-E! E-E!” Fezile u jikile a suka a tsutsuma swinene hilaha a ng kotaka ha kona. Wansati wa khale a n’wi hlongorisa, a ri karhi a huwelela, kambe a nga kotanga ku n’wi khoma. +  + +  +Fezile u tsutsumile lero na tsutsuma, ekuheteleleni, u fikile ekaya a hlayisekile. U byerile manana na tatana wa yena hikwaswo hi wansati wa khale na mbita ya masingita. Hinkwavo va humile va ya ehandle ku ya languta ehenhla ka xintshabyani, kona va vona nkahelo wu ri karhi wu huma wu ya ehenhla emapapeni. “Ina,” ku vula vatswari va Fezile, “languta lahaya. Hi vona nkahelo lowu humaka embiteni ya masingita.” Wansati wa khale a nga ha tlhelelanga emakete naswona a ku ri hava na wun’we loyi a gonyeke ehenhla ka xintshabyanja ku ya n’wi endzela. Hinkwavo a va chava. Kambe ku sukela kwalaho ku ya emahlweni, loko vanhu hinkwavo va vona mapapa ya khuvangana ehenhla ka xintshabyana, va ri, “Langutani! Langutani le henhla! I nkahelo lowu humaka eka mbita ya masingita ya wansati wa khale.”",tso,Xitsonga,Supu ya wansati wa khale,"Once upon a time, there was an old woman who sold the best soup at the village market. It was delicious, hot chicken soup. Nobody in the village knew the old woman’s name. Nobody knew where she lived. And nobody knew why her soup was so tasty nor ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/supu-ya-wansati-wa-khale +ginger,"Dimpho and Sello’s mom had a problem. “My feet felt like blocks of ice last night!” she told the children one Monday morning. “They were so cold I couldn’t sleep. Now I’m very tired!”  +  + + +“I know!” said Sello. “Why don’t you wear socks in bed tonight?”  + + +“What a good idea!” said Mama. “My children are so clever!”  + +That night, she put on her thickest woolly socks. “Auntie Thoko gave me these socks for + + Christmas,” she said. “They are very warm! I’ll sleep well tonight!”  +  + + +  + + +  +But Mama was wrong. On Tuesday morning, she was tired again.  + + +“I couldn’t sleep a wink,” she sighed. “If only I could warm up my silly cold feet!”  + + +“Mama,” said Dimpho, “why don’t you soak your feet in hot water before you go to bed tonight?”  + + +“That’s worth a try!” said Mama. “Thank you!”  + + +  + + +After supper that night, Mama poured hot water into a big red basin. “Mmmm, this feels good!” she said, swishing her feet about. “I’m sure I’ll sleep well tonight.”  + + +But guess what? On Wednesday morning, she was tired again. “At first it was perfect,” she said, “but after a few hours, it was the same old story … cold, cold feet! I’ll just have to think of something else. Eat up, now! It’s time to go to school!”  + + +When Mama came home from work that evening, Dimpho had some good news. “My teacher says that drinking ginger tea makes you feel warm all over,” she explained. “Ginger tea will warm up your feet!”  + + +“Okay,” said Mama. She didn’t sound very happy. After so many nights of not enough sleep, she felt very grumpy!  + + +  + + +But Mama didn’t forget what Dimpho had said. On Saturday morning, before she left for work, Mama asked the children to go and buy some ginger. “Nothing else has helped,” she said, as she got ready for work. “Maybe ginger will do the trick!”  + + +Off went the children. “What are you looking at, Sello?” asked Dimpho when they came to the big road near the shops. Sello didn’t answer. He was staring at something nearby. “Sello!” said Dimpho again. “Hold my hand. We need to cross the road now.”  + + +“Not yet!” said Sello. “Look over there! We need to help that cat!” And before Dimpho could stop him, Sello had rushed off.  + + +  + + +On an empty plot, two boys about Sello’s age were teasing a grey cat. They laughed. The cat was trying to escape.  + + +For a small boy, Sello had a big, loud voice. “STOP THAT!” he shouted. “Leave that cat alone!”  + + +“Yes, leave it alone!” said Dimpho.  + + +  + + +The boys looked up. “Why should we?” said one of them sulkily, but the other boy let go of the frightened cat. “What do you care, anyway? It’s only a stupid stray cat! Come on, Jabs, let’s go!”  + + +When Dimpho and Sello’s mom came home that afternoon, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Her children were patting a fluffy grey cat. The cat was purring and licking itself. Mama saw that they had fed it some leftover meat.  + + +“What on earth is going on?” she asked angrily. “Why did you bring that animal home? Get rid of it right now!”  + + +“But Mama, it’s raining outside,” said Sello. “Kitty will get wet! Please can we keep her, just for tonight? PLEASE?”  + + +  + + +Mama looked out of the window. It was true. When she got out of the taxi, there were grey clouds in the sky. Now it was pouring. “Fine,” she said with tight lips, “but tomorrow, that cat goes.”  + + +“Thank you, Mama!” said both children.  + + +“Hmmmph,” said Mama. She sat down, took off her shoes, and rubbed her feet. “Where is that ginger you bought me?” she asked. “It’s time for my first cup of ginger tea!”  + + +  + + +The children stared at each other with huge, round eyes. They had forgotten to buy the ginger! Mama was very cross. She stayed cross all night. As soon as the kitchen was clean, she went straight to bed.  + + +On Sunday morning, when Dimpho and Sello woke up, there was no sign of their mom. They were surprised – she always woke up early. They couldn’t see the cat either.  + + +“Let’s check that Mama’s okay,” said Dimpho. Quietly they opened the door to her room, and peeped in. What do you think they saw? Mama was lying in bed, looking lazy. The cat was curled up at her feet, purring loudly.  +“Morning,” said Mama. “What a good night! Warm feet at last!” She looked at the cat. “I think we may have to keep you!” she told it. “Let’s call you Ginger!” The grey, fluffy cat purred even louder.  + + + +The children laughed, clapped and bounced about. Then Sello stopped. He was frowning. “But, why are we calling her Ginger?” he asked.  + + +“Well,” said Mama, “you two went to the shop to buy some ginger, but you brought this cat back instead. She kept my feet warm like Dimpho said the ginger tea would, so her name is Ginger!”  + + +And that was what they called her.",eng,English,Ginger,"Dimpho and Sello’s mom had a problem. “My feet felt like blocks of ice last night!” she told the children one Monday morning. “They were so cold I couldn’t sleep. Now I’m very tired!”  + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ginger +ginger,"Dimpho en Sello se ma het ’n probleem. “My voete het gisteraand soos ysblokke gevoel!” sê sy een Maandagoggend vir die kinders. +“Hulle was so koud ek kon nie slaap nie. Nou is ek doodmoeg!”  + + +  +“Ek weet!” sê Sello. “Waarom trek Mamma nie vanaand sokkies aan wanneer jy gaan slaap nie?”  + + +“Wat ’n blink plan!” sê Mamma. “My kinders is so slim!”  + + + Daardie aand trek sy haar dikste wolsokkies aan. “Tannie Thoko het vir my hierdie sokkies vir Kersfees gegee,” sê sy.  +“Hulle is heerlik warm! Ek sal vanaand lekker slaap!”  +  + + +  + + +  + + +Maar Mamma was verkeerd. Dinsdagoggend is sy weer moeg.  + + +“Ek kon nie ’n oog toemaak nie,” sug sy. “As ek tog net my koue voete kon warm kry!”  + + +“Mamma,” sê Dimpho, “waarom laat week jy nie jou voete in warm water voor jy vanaand gaan slaap nie?”  + + + “Dis die moeite werd om te probeer!” sê Mamma. “Dankie!”  + + +  + + +Daardie aand na aandete tap Mamma warm water in ’n groot rooi waskom. “Mmmm, dis lekker!” + sê sy en roer haar voete in die water rond. “Ek is seker ek gaan vanaand lekker slaap.”  + + +Maar raai wat? Woensdagoggend is sy weer moeg. “Aan die begin was dit perfek,” sê sy, “maar na ’n paar uur was dit weer dieselfde ou storie … yskoue voete! Ek sal maar aan iets anders moet dink.  +Eet gou klaar! Dis tyd om skool toe te gaan!”  + + +Toe Mamma daardie aand na werk by die huis kom, het Dimpho goeie nuus. “My juffrou sê as ’n mens gemmertee drink, maak dit jou oraloor warm,” verduidelik sy. “Gemmertee sal jou voete warm maak!”  + + +“Goed dan,” sê Mamma. Sy klink nie baie gelukkig nie. Na so baie slapelose nagte, voel sy baie knorrig!  + + +Maar Mamma vergeet nie wat Dimpho gesê het nie. Saterdagoggend, voor sy gaan werk,  +vra Mamma die kinders om vir haar gemmer te gaan koop. “Niks anders help nie,” sê sy terwyl sy regmaak vir werk. +“Dalk sal gemmer die ding doen!”  + + +Die kinders vat die pad. “Waarna kyk jy, Sello?” vra Dimpho toe hulle by die grootpad naby die winkels kom.  +Sello antwoord nie. Hy staar na iets daar naby.  +“Sello!” sê Dimpho weer. “Hou my hand vas. Ons moet oor die pad stap.”  + + + “Wag eers!” sê Sello. “Kyk daar! Ons moet daardie kat help!” En voor Dimpho hom kan keer, storm Sello weg.  + + +  + + +Op ’n leë erf is twee seuns van Sello se ouderdom besig om ’n grys kat te terg. Hulle��lag. Die kat probeer wegkom.  + + +Vir ’n klein seuntjie het Sello ’n harde, diep stem. “HOU OP!” skree hy. “Los daardie kat uit!”  + + +“Ja, los die kat uit!” sê Dimpho. + + +Die seuns kyk op. “Hoekom moet ons?” sê een van hulle, maar die ander seun laat die verskrikte kat gaan. +“Vir wat gee julle in elk geval om? Dis net ’n dom rondloperkat! Kom, Jabs, kom ons gaan!”   + + +Toe Dimpho en Sello se ma daardie middag by die huis kom, kan sy haar oë nie glo nie.  +Haar kinders is besig om ’n wollerige, grys kat te streel. Die kat spin en lek haarself.  +Mamma sien dat hulle vir die kat van die oorskietvleis gevoer het.  + + +  + + +“Wat op aarde gaan hier aan?” vra sy kwaai. “Waarom het julle daardie dier huis toe gebring?  +Raak nou dadelik ontslae daarvan!”  + + +“Maar Mamma, dit reën buite,” sê Sello. “Kietsie sal nat word! Kan ons haar net vanaand hou? ASSEBLIEF?”  + + +Mamma kyk by die venster uit. Dis waar. Toe sy uit die taxi geklim het, was die lug vol grys wolke.  +Nou giet die reën neer. “Goed dan,” sê sy met saamgeperste lippe, “maar môre is daardie kat weg.”  + + +“Dankie, Mamma!” sê albei kinders.  + + +“Hmmmf,” sê Mamma. Sy gaan sit, trek haar skoene uit en vryf haar voete. +“Waar is daardie gemmer wat julle vir my gekoop het?” vra sy. “Dis tyd vir my eerste koppie gemmertee!”  + + +  + + +Die kinders kyk met groot, ronde oë na mekaar. Hulle het vergeet om die gemmer te koop! Mamma is baie kwaad.  +Sy bly die hele aand kwaad. Toe die kombuis skoon is, gaan sy reguit bed toe.  + + +Sondagoggend toe Dimpho en Sello wakker word, is daar geen teken van hulle ma nie. Hulle is verbaas – sy word altyd vroeg wakker. Hulle kan die kat ook nêrens sien nie.  + + +“Kom ons gaan kyk of als reg is met Mamma,” sê Dimpho. Stilletjies maak hulle haar kamerdeur oop en loer in.  +En wat dink julle sien hulle? Mamma lê lui-lui in die bed. Die kat lê opgekrul by haar voete en spin hard.  + + +“Goeiemôre,” sê Mamma. “Wat ’n goeie nagrus! Uiteindelik warm voete!” Sy kyk na die kat.  +“Ek dink ons sal jou moet hou!” sê sy vir die kat.  +“Kom ons noem jou Gemmer!” Die grys, wollerige kat spin net harder.  +  + + +  + + +  + + +Die kinders lag, klap hande en bons rond. Toe gaan staan Sello. Hy frons. “Maar waarom noem ons haar Gemmer?” vra hy.  + + +“Wel,” sê Mamma, “julle twee is winkel toe om gemmer te gaan koop, maar in plaas daarvan het julle met hierdie kat teruggekom. Sy het my voete warm gehou, soos wat Dimpho gesê het die gemmertee sal doen, en daarom is haar naam Gemmer!”  + + +En dis wat hulle haar genoem het.",afr,Afrikaans,Gemmer,"Dimpho and Sello’s mom had a problem. “My feet felt like blocks of ice last night!” she told the children one Monday morning. “They were so cold I couldn’t sleep. Now I’m very tired!”  + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/gemmer +ginger,"Umama kaDimpho noSello wayenengxaki. “Iinyawo zam bezivakala ngathi zizitena zomkhenkce phezolo!” watsho ebantwaneni bakhe ngenye intsasa yangoMvulo. “Bezibanda kangangokuba khange buhle tu ubuthongo. Ngoku ndidinwe kakhulu!”  + + +  + + +“Ndiyazi!” watsho uSello. “Kutheni ungalali unxibe iikawusi ebusuku namhlanje?”  + + +“Unyanisile!” watsho uMama. “Abakrelekrele ngako abantwana bam!”  + + +Ngobo busuku wanxiba ezona kawusi zakhe zinoboya obuninzi. “UMakazi uThoko wandipha ezi kawusi njengesipho seKrisimesi,” watsho. “Zifudumele kakhulu! Ndiza kulala kakuhle kobu busuku banamhlanje!”  +  + + +  + + + +  +Kodwa uMama wayephosisile. Ngentsasa yangoLwesibini, wayediniwe kwakhona.   + + +“Khange ndifumane nobuncinane ubuthongo,” wakhalaza. “Ukuba nje bendikwazile ukufudumeza ezi nyawo zam zigezayo zibandayo!”  + + +“Mama,” watsho uDimpho, “kutheni ungaqali ufake iinyawo zakho emanzini ashushu phambi kokuya kulala namhlanje?”  + + +“Ewe kuyavakala oko!” watsho uMama. “Ndiyabulela!”  + + +  + + +Emva kwesidlo sobo busuku, uMama wagalela amanzi ashushu esityeni esikhulu esibomvu. “Mmmm, atsho kamnandi!” watsho, eswahlaza amanzi ngeenyawo ngapha nangapha. “Ndiqinisekile ndiza kulala kakuhle namhlanje.”  + + +Kodwa ungaqashisela? Ngentsasa yangoLwesithathu, wayesadiniwe. “Kuqale kwalunga,” watsho, “kodwa emva kweeyure ezimbalwa, kuphinde kwabuya ibali elidala … iinyawo ezibanda, ceke! Kufuneka ndicinge ngenye indlela. Khawulezisa ugqibe ukutya, ngoku! Lifikile ixesha lokuya esikolweni!”  + + +Uthe uMama xa efika ekhaya evela emsebenzini ngaloo ntshonalanga, uDimpho wabe eneendaba ezimnandi. “Utitshala uthi xa umntu ephunga iti yejinja ufudumala wonke umzimba,” uchaze watsho. “Iti yejinja iya kuzifudumeza iinyawo zakho!”  + + +“Kulungile,” watsho uMama. Wayengavakali onwabile kwaphela. Emva kweenstuku ezininzi zobusuku bobuthongo obungehliyo, wayekhawuleza akruquke!  + + +  + + +Phofu uMama akakulibalanga akuxelelwe nguDimpho. Kusasa ngoMgqibelo, phambi kokuba aye emsebenzini, uMama ucele abantwana ukuba baye kuthenga ijinja. “Akukho nto incedileyo,” watsho, elungiselela ukuya emsebenzini. “Mhlawumbi ijinja iya kuwenza umsebenzi!”  + + +Bakhawuleza bahamba abantwana. “Ujonge ntoni, Sello? wabuza uDimpho bakuba befike ngasendleleni enkulu ecaleni kweevenkile. Zange amphendule uSello. Amehlo akhe ayethe ntsho-o kwinto ethile eyayikufutshane. “Sello!” wambiza kwakhona uDimpho. “Bamba isandla sam. Kufuneka sinqumle indlela ngoku.”  + + +“Alikafiki ixesha!” watsho uSello. “Jonga phaya! Kufuneka sincede laa kati!” Uthe engekamnqandi uDimpho, wabe selemkile uSello.  + + + Kwiplothi elithafa, amakhwenkwe amabini aphantse alingana noSello ngobudala ayentlonta ikati engwevu. Ayehleka. Ikati yona yayifuna ukubaleka.  + + +  + + +Nangona wayeyinkwenkwana, uSello wayenelizwi elikhulu. “YEKANI LOO NTO NIYENZAYO!” wakhwaza. “Yekani loo kati!”  + + +“Ewe, yiyekeni!” watsho uDimpho.  + + +Amakhwenkwe aphakamisa iintloko. “Kutheni sifanele ukwenza njalo?” yatsho enye ijalile, kodwa enye inkwenkwe yayikhulula ikati eyayisoyika. “Ukhathazwa yintoni wena, phofu? Yikati nje enyabileyo engenakhaya le! Yiza sihambe Jabs!”  + + +Akuba efikile umama kaDimpho noSello ekhaya ngaloo mva kwemini, zange awakholelwe amehlo akhe. Abantwana bakhe babembambazela ikati efukufuku engwevu. Yona ikati yayisenza izandi ezalatha ukonwaba futhi izikhotha. UMama wabona ukuba bayiphe inyama eyayisele kwisidlo sabo.  + + +  + + +“Kanti kwenzeka ntoni ngoku?” wabuza esabucaphuka. “Nisizisele ntoni eso silwanyana apha ekhaya? Yikhupheni phandle ngoku!”  + + +“Kodwa Mama, iyana imvula phandle,” watsho uSello. “UKitty uza kuba manzi! Nceda sivumele simgcine, nje ngobu busuku banamhlanje, andithi? UNGANCEDA TORHO?”  + + +UMama wakroba phandle ngefesitile. Babenyanisile. Ngokuya ebesehla etekisini bekukho amafu angwevu esibhakabhakeni. Ngoku yayigalela imvula. “Kulungile,” watsho equthe imilebe, “kodwa ngomso, iyahamba loo kati.”  + + +“Enkosi, Mama!” batsho bobabini abantwana.  + + +“Hmmmph,” watsho uMama. Wahlala phantsi, wakhulula izihlangu zakhe, wahlikihla iinyawo zakhe. “Iphi ijinja enindithengele yona?” wabuza. “Eli lixesha lekomityi yam yokuqala yejinja!”  + + +  + + +Abantwana bajongana bethe phuhlu amehlo amakhulu angqukuva. Babelibele ukuthenga ijinja! UMama waqumba kakhulu. Wahlala equmbe njalo ngobo busuku. Kwakuba kucocekile ekhitshini, waya ngqo ebhedini yakhe.  + + +Kusasa ngeCawa xa uDimpho noSello bevuka, bafumanisa ukuba wayengekho umama wabo kungekho nomkhondo wakhe. Bamangaliswa – kaloku wayengumntu ovuka kwangoko. Kanti nekati babengayiboni.  +“Masijonge ukuba unjani na uMama,” watsho uDimpho. Bavula umnyango wegumbi lakhe lokulala bengangxoli, bakroba phakathi. Ucinga ukuba babona ntoni? UMama wayengqengqe ebhedini, ebukeka ecubhukile. Ikati eyayizisonge ezinyaweni zakhe, yayisenza izandi ezibonisa ukonwaba futhi ingxola.  + + +  + + +“Molweni,” wabulisa uMama. “Indlela endilele kamnandi ngayo! Ekugqibeleni iinyawo zam bezifudumele!” Wajonga ikati. “Ndicinga ukuba sifanele ukukugcina!” wayixelela watsho. “Masithi unguJinja!” Ikati engwevu, efukufuku yankwinizela phezulu nangakumbi.  +  + + +  + + +  +Bahleka abantwana, beqhwaba izandla betakataka. USello wasuka wema. Wayefinge iintshiyi. “Kodwa, kutheni sisithi nguJinja?” wabuza.  + + +“Kaloku,” watsho uMama, “beniye evenkileni niye kuthenga ijinja, kodwa endaweni yayo nibuye nale kati. Ifudumeze iinyawo zam ngendlela uDimpho ebethe ijinja iza kwenza ngayo, ngoko ke igama lakhe nguJinja!”  + + +Bayithiya elo gama kanjalo.",xho,isiXhosa,UJinj,"Dimpho and Sello’s mom had a problem. “My feet felt like blocks of ice last night!” she told the children one Monday morning. “They were so cold I couldn’t sleep. Now I’m very tired!”  + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ujinja +ginger,"Unina kaDimpho noSello wayenenkinga. “Izinyawo zami bezizwakala sengathi ziyizitina zeqhwa izolo ebusuku!” etshela izingane ngomunye uMsombuluko ekuseni. “Bezibanda ngale ndlela yokuthi angikwazanga ukulala. Manje sengikhathele kakhulu!”  + + +  + + +“Ngiyazi!” kwasho uSello. “Kungani ungagqoki amasokisi embhedeni namuhla ebusuku?”  + + +“Yisu elihle lelo!” kwasho uMama. “Izingane zami zihlakaniphe kabi!”  + + +Ngalobo busuku, wafaka amasokisi alugqinsi kakhulu nantofontofo. “U-Anti Thoko wangipha la masokisi ngoKhisimusi,” kusho yena. “Afudumele ngempela! Ngizolala kahle namuhla ebusuku!”  +  +  + + + + + + Kodwa-ke uMama wayenephutha. NgoLwesibili ekuseni, wayekhathele futhi.  + + +“Angilalanga nhlobo,” waphefumulela phezulu. “Uma nje ngingafudumeza lezi zilima zezinyawo zami ezibandayo!”  + + +“Mama,” kwasho uDimpho, “kungani ungafaki izinyawo zakho emanzini ashisayo isikhashana ngaphambi kokuthi uyolala namuhla ebusuku?”  + + +“Lokho kufanele kengikuzame!” kwasho uMama. “Ngiyabonga!”  +  + + +Ngemuva kwesidlo sakusihlwa ngalobo busuku, uMama wathela amanzi ashisayo endishini enkulu ebomvu. “Mmmm, kwaze kwamnandi lokhu!” kwasho yena, eyaluzisa izinyawo zakhe. “Ngikholwa ukuthi ngizolala kahle ebusuku namhlanje.”  + + +Kodwa-ke awuqagele ukuthini? NgoLwesithathu ekuseni, wayekhathele futhi. “Ekuqaleni bekukuhle kakhulu,” kwasho yena, “kodwa ngemuva kwamahora ambalwa, kwaba yiyona leyo ndaba endala efanayo … izinyawo ezibanda mo! Kuzofanele ngicabange okunye. Yidlani niqede, manje! Sekuyisikhathi sokuya esikoleni!”  + + +Kwathi lapho uMama efika ekhaya ebuya emsebenzini ebusuku bangalelo langa, uDimpho wabe enezindaba ezimnandi. “Uthisha wami uthi ukuphuza itiye likajinja kukwenza ufudumale yonke indawo,” kuchaza yena. “Itiye likajinja lizozifudumeza izinyawo zakho!”  + + +“Kulungile,” kwasho uMama. Wayengezwakali ejabule kangako nokho. Ngemuva kobusuku obuningi engalali ngokwanele, wayesezizwa enokudinwa kakhulu!  + + +  + + +Kodwa uMama akakhohlwanga ukuthi uDimpho wayekade etheni. NgoMgqibelo ekuseni, ngaphambi kokuthi ahambe aye emsebenzini, uMama wacela izingane ukuthi zihambe ziyothenga ujinja. “Akukho lutho olungisizile,” kwasho yena, ngenkathi elungela ukuya emsebenzini. “Mhlawumbe ujinja uzosiza nje!”  + + +Zahamba izingane. “Ubukani, Sello?” kwabuza uDimpho ngenkathi befika emgwaqeni omkhulu eduze kwasezitolo. USello akaphendulanga. Wayegqolozele into ethile eseduze. “Sello!” kwasho uDimpho futhi. “Bamba isandla sami. Kumele sinqamule umgwaqo manje.”  + + + “Hhayi okwamanje!” kwasho uSello. “Bheka laphaya! Kumele silisize leliya kati!” Ngaphambi kokuthi uDimpho amvimbe, uSello wayesegijimile waqhela.  + + +Endaweni engenalutho, abafana ababili abalingana noSello ngokweminyaka babegcona ikati elimpunga. Bahleka. Ikati bandla lalizama ukuphunyula.  + + +  + + +USello wayenezwi elikhulu elizwakalayo ekubeni engumfana omncane. “YEKELANI LEYO NTO!” kwamemeza yena. “Yekelani lelo kati!”  + + + “Yebo, liyekeleni!” kwasho uDimpho.  + + + Abafana baphakamisa amakhanda babheka. “Siliyekeleni?” kwasho omunye wabo ngokunengwa, kodwa omunye umfana walidedela ikati elalethukile. “Nihlushwe yini vele? Yisilima nje lesi sekati elingenakhaya! Woza, Jabu, masihambe!”  + + +Ngenkathi umama kaDimpho noSello ebuya ntambama ngalelo langa, akazange awakholwe amehlo akhe. Izingane zakhe zaziphulula ikati elimpunga elinoboya obuntofontofo. Ikati lalikhalakhala, lizikhotha. UMama wabona ukuthi babekade belifunza inyama eyayikade isele.  + + +  + + +“Kwenzekani ngempela la?” wabuza ngokuthukuthela. “Nisiletheleni leso silwane lapha ekhaya? Sisuseni lapha njengamanje!”  + + +“Kodwa Mama, liyana phandle,” kwasho uSello. “UKhithi uzoba manzi! Siyacela ukuthi simgcine, okwanamuhla ebusuku nje! SIYACELA!”   + + +UMama wabuka phandle efasiteleni. Impela kwabe kuyiqiniso. Ngenkathi ephuma etekisini, kwakukhona amafu ampunga esibhakabhakeni. Manje lase liyithela. “Kulungile,” washo eqinisa izindebe zomlomo, “kodwa kusasa, ikati liyahamba.”  + + + “Siyabonga, Mama!” kusho izingane zombili.  + + +“Hhuuu,” kwasho uMama. Wahlala phansi, wakhumula izicathulo zakhe, wayesehlikihla izinyawo zakhe. “Uphi lowaya jinja eningithengele wona?” kwabuza yena. “Sekuyisikhathi senkomishi yami yokuqala yetiye likajinja!”  + + +  +Izingane zabukana ngamehlo amakhulu, ayizindilinga. Zazikhohliwe ukuthenga ujinja! UMama wacasuka kakhulu. Wayelokhu ecasukile ubusuku bonke. Kwathi kungacoceka kahle ekhishini, waqonda ngqo embhedeni.   + + +NgeSonto ekuseni, ngenkathi uDimpho noSello bevuka, unina wayengabonwa nangalukhalo. Bamangele nje – phela njalo nje wayesheshe avuke. Nekati futhi abazange balibone.  + + +“Ake sibheke ukuthi kuhamba kahle yini kuMama,” kwasho uDimpho. Ngokucophelela bavula umnyango wekamelo lakhe, base belunguza. Ucabanga ukuthi babona ini? UMama wayelele embhedeni, ebukeka evilapha nje. Ikati lalizisonge ezinyaweni zakhe, likhala ngokuzwakalayo.  + + +“Sanibonani,” kwasho uMama. “Baze babuhle ubusuku! Ekugcineni zafudumala izinyawo!” Wabuka ikati. “Ngicabanga ukuthi kuzofanele sikugcine!” washo elitshela. “Masikubize ngoJinja!” Ikati elimpunga elinoboya obuntofontofo, lathi mnyawu kakhudlwana.  + + + +  + + +Izingane zahleka, zashaya izandla, zagxumagxuma. Emva kwalokho uSello wama. Wayehlinile. “Kodwa, kungani silibiza ngoJinja?” kubuza yena.  + + +“Kulungile,” kwasho uMama, “phela nina nobabili nihambile naya esitolo niyothenga ujinja, kodwa esikhundleni sawo nibuye naleli kati. Ligcine izinyawo zami zifudumele njengoba noDimpho ubekade ethe itiye likajinja lizokwenza njalo, ngakho igama lalo nguJinja!”  + + +Nebala balibiza kanjalo-ke.",zul,isiZulu,UJinj,"Dimpho and Sello’s mom had a problem. “My feet felt like blocks of ice last night!” she told the children one Monday morning. “They were so cold I couldn’t sleep. Now I’m very tired!”  + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ujinja-0 +ginger,"Manana wa Dimpho na Sello a ri na xiphiqo. “Milenge ya mina a yi twala ku fana na maribye ya tiayisi tolo nivusiku!” a byela vana va yena hi mixo wa Musumbunuku wun’wana. “A yi titimela lero ndzi nga koti ku etlela. Sweswi ndzi karhele swinene!”  + + +  + + +“Ndza swi tiva!” ku vula Sello. “Hikwalaho ka yini u nga ambali masokisi loko u etlela madyambu ya namuntlha?”  + + +“I miehleketo ya kahle!” ku vula Manana. “Vana va mina va tlharihile!”  + + +Hi vusiku byebyo, u ambarile masokisi ya yena ma wulu no tsindziyela swinene. “Hahani Thoko u ndzi nyikile masokisi lawa tanihi nyiko ya Khisimusi,” a hlamusela. “Ya kufumela swinene! Ndzi ta etlela kahle madyambu ya namuntlha!”  + + +  + + + Kambe Manana a nga swi tivanga. Hi Ravumbirhi nimixo, a karhele nakambe.  + + +“A ndzi kotanga na ku copeta,” a koka moya. “Loko ntsena a no kota ku kufumeta milenge ya mina leyo titimela!”  + + +“Manana,” ku vula Dimpho, “xana hikwalaho ka yini mi nga loveki milenge ya n’wina ematini yo hisa mi nga si ya eku etleleni madyambu ya namuntlha?”  + + +“Sweswo swi lava ku ringetiwa!” ku vula Manana. “Inkomu!”  + + +  + + +Endzhaku ko lalela madyambu yalowo, Manana u cherile mati yo hisa endzeni ka sambelo leyikulu yo tshwuka. “Mmmm, leswi swi twala kahle!” a vula, a ri karhi a swoswa milenge ya yena. “Ndza tshemba leswaku ndzi ta etlela kahle namuntlha.”  + + +Kambe bvumba swin’wani? Hi mixo wa Ravunharhu, a karhele nakambe. “Emasungulweni a yi ri kahle swinene,” a hlamula, “kambe endzhaku ka tiawara tingari tingani, a ku ri sweswi swa masiku hinkwawo … tititi, milenge a yi titimela! Ndzi ta fanela hi ku ehleketa swin’wana. Dyanani! Sweswi i nkarhi wo ya exikolweni!” + + +Loko Manana a vuyile ekaya ku suka entirhweni madyambu ya lawa, Dimpho a ri na mahungu lamanene. “Mudyondzisi wa mina u ri ku nwa tiya ya jinja swi endla leswaku u twa ku kufumela miri hinkwawo,” a hlamusela. “Tiya ya jinja yi ta kufumeta milenge ya wena!”  + + +“Oho,” ku vula Manana. A twala a nga tsakangi. Endzhaku ka vusiku byo tala laha a nga etleli ku ringana, a titwa a helela hi ntamu!  + + +  + + +Kambe Manana a nga rivalanga leswi Dimpho a nga swi vula. Hi Mugqivela nimixo, loko a nga si ya entirhweni, Manana u rhumile vana ku ya xava jinja. “Ku hava lexi nga pfuna,” a hlamusela, loko a ri karhi a tilulamisela ku ya entirhweni. “Kumbe jinja yi nga endla masingita!”  + + +Vana hilavaya va famba. “Xana u languta yini, Sello?” ku vutisa Dimpho loko va fika eka patu lerikulu ekusuhi ni mavhengele. Sello a nga hlamulanga. A honokele xin’wana lexi a xi ri kwala kusuhi. “Sello!” ku vula Dimpho nakambe. “Khoma voko ra mina. Hi fanele hi tlula patu sweswi.”  + + +“Hayi sweswi!” ku vula Sello. “Languta lahaya! Hi fanele hi pfuna ximanga lexiya!” Loko Dimpho a nga si n’wi sivela, Sello se a tsutsumerile.  + + +  + + +Erivaleni leri a ri ri hava nchumu, vafana vambirhi va kwalomu ka vukhale bya Sello a va ri karhi va xanisa ximanga xa mpunga. A va hleka. Ximanga a xi ringeta ku baleka.  + + +Hambileswi a ri jaha leritsongo, Sello a ri na rito lerikulu, ra huwa. “TSHIKANI SWESWO!” a huwelela. “Tshikani ximanga xexo xi tifambela!”   + + +“Ina, xi tshikeni xi tifambela!” ku vula Dimpho.  + + +  + + +Majaha ya hundzuluka ya languta. “Hikwalaho ka yini?” ku vula un’wana a nyamile, kambe jaha lerin’wana ri tshika ximanga lexi a xi tshukile. “Wena u vava hi yini, kahlekahle? Lexi i ximphunta xa ximanga lexi nga tilahlekela! Tana, Jabs, a hi fambi!”  + + +Loko manana wa Dimpho na Sello a vuya ekaya nindzhenga walowo, a nga tshembanga mahlo ya yena. Vana va yena a va ri karhi va bambatela ximanga xa voya bya mpunga. Ximanga a xi ri karhi xi rilarila na ku tilakatsela. Manana u swi vonile leswaku va xi phamele mahlahla ya nyama leyi a yi sele.  + + +“Xana ku humelela yini?” a vutisa a hlundzukile. “Hikwalaho ka yini mi vuyile na xiharhi lexi laha kaya? Xi hlongoleni sweswi!”  + + +  + + +“Kambe Manana, ku na mpfula ehandle,” ku vula Sello. “Kitty u ta tsakama! Hi kombela ku n’wi hlayisa, vusiku bya namuntlha ntsena? HA KOMBELA?”  + + +Manana a languta ehandle hi fasitere. A ku ri ntiyiso. Loko a chika ethekisini, a ku ri na mapapa ya mpunga ematilweni. Sweswi a yo chuluka. “Swi lulamile,” a swi vula a pfale milomo, “kambe mundzuku, ximanga xexo xi famba.”  + + +“Ha khensa, Manana!” ku vula vana havumbirhi.  + + +“Hmmmph,” ku vula Manana. A tshama ehansi, a hluvula tintanghu takwe, a titshuva milenge. “Yi kwihi jinja liya mi nga ndzi xavela yona?” a vutisa. “I nkarhi wa mina wa khapu yo sungula ya tiya ya jinja!”  + + +  + + +Vana va honokelana va humese na mahlo lamakulu, ya xirhendzewutani. Va rivele ku xava jinja! Manana a hlundzukile swinene. U hlundzukile vusiku hinkwabyo. Endzhaku ka loko xitanga xi basile, u yile eku etleleni hi ku kongoma.  + + +Hi Sonto nimixo, loko Dimpho na Sello va pfuka, manana wa vona a nga ri kona. Va hlamarile – a pfuka nimixo mikarhi hinkwayo. Hambi xi ri ximanga a va nga xi voni.  + + +“A hi kambi loko Manana a pfukile kahle,” ku vula Dimpho. Hi ku nonoka va pfurile rivanti ra kamara ya yena, kutani va hlometela. Xana mi ehleketa leswaku va vone yini?  + + +  +Manana a etlele emubedweni, a languteka a loloha. Ximanga a xi tsondzele milenge yakwe, xi ri karhi xi rila swinene.  + + +“Avuxeni,” ku vula Manana. “Ndzi vile na vusiku lebyinene swinene! Milenge ya mina yi kufumerile emaheteleleni!” A languta ximanga. “Ndzi ehleketa leswaku hi fanele hi ku hlayisa!” a xi hlamusela. “Hi ta ku vitana Jinja!” Ximanga xa voya, xa mpunga xi nyanya ku rila.  + + +  + + +Vana va hleka, va ba mavoko na ku swi bambela. Kutani Sipho a yima. A ri karhi a khwanyanisa xikandza. “Kambe, hikwalaho ka yini hi xi vitana Jinja?” a vutisa.  + + +“Eee,” ku vula Manana, “n’wina vambirhi mi yile evhengeleni ku ya xava jinja, kambe ematshan’weni mi vuyile na ximanga lexi. Xi kufumeta milenge ya mina tanihilaha Dimpho a nga vula ha kona hi tiya ya jinja, hikwalaho vito ra xona i Jinja!”   + + +Hileswi va nga xi thyisa xiswona.",tso,Xitsonga,Jinj,"Dimpho and Sello’s mom had a problem. “My feet felt like blocks of ice last night!” she told the children one Monday morning. “They were so cold I couldn’t sleep. Now I’m very tired!”  + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/jinja +ginger,"Mmago Dimpho le Sello o be a na le bothata. “Maoto a ka a be e ke dipoloko tša aese bošegong bja go feta!” +a botša bana mesong ya Mošupologo o mongwe. “A be a tonya kudu ke sa kgone go robala. Gona bjale ke lapile kudu!  + + +  + + +“Ke a tseba!” a realo Sello. “Nkane o sa robale ka disokisi bošegong bja lehono?”  + + +“Ke kgopolo ye botse yeo!” a realo Mma. “Bana ba ka ba bohlale kudu!”  + + +Bošegong bjoo a apara disokisi tša gagwe tša wulu tše dikotokoto. “Mmane Thoko o mphile disokisi tše ka Keresemose,” a realo. “Di borutho kudu! Ke tla robala gabotse bošego bja lehono!”  +  + + + +  + + +Efela Mma o be a fošitše. Mesong ya Labobedi o be a lapile gape.  + + +“Ga se nke ka bo pata,” a hemela godimo. “Ge fela nka tutetša maoto a ka a ditlaela a go tonya!”  + + +“Mma,” a realo Dimpho, “nkane o sa tsenye maoto a gago ka meetseng a go fiša bošego pele o eya malaong?”  + + +“Nka leka seo!” a realo Mma. “Ke a leboga!”  + + +  + + +Morago ga dilalelo bošegong bjoo, Mma o tšhetše meetse ka gare ga sekotlelo se sehubedu se segolo.  +“Mmmm, a bose!”a realo, a iša maoto kua le kua. “Ke dumela gore ke tlo robala gabotse bošegong bja lehono.”  + + +Efela o ka akanya? Mesong ya Laboraro ke ge a lapile gape. “Mathomong ke robetše,” a realo, “efela ka morago ga diiri tše mmalwa ya ba taba ya ka mehla … maoto a tonya tonyi!  +Ke swanetše go nagana ka ga se sengwe.  +Ejang gabjale! Ke nako ya go ya sekolong!”  + + +Ge Mma a boa mošomong mathapameng ao, Dimpho o be a na le ditaba tša bose. +“Morutiši wa ka o re ge o ka nwa teye ya gemere o tlo tutela mmele ohle,” a hlaloša. +“Teye ya gemere e tlo tutetša maoto a gago!”  + + +“Go lokile,” a realo Mma. O be a sa thaba kudu. Morago ga go fetša mašego a mantši a sa robale gabotse, +o be a ikwa a sa thaba!  + + +  + + +Efela Mma ga se a lebala seo Dimpho a mmoditšego. Mesong ya Mokibelo, pele a eya mošomong,  +Mma o kgopetše bana gore ba ye go reka gemere. “Ga go se se thušitšego,” a realo, a le gare a itokišetša go ya mošomong. +“Mogongwe gemere e tlo thuša!”  + + +Bana ba ile ba sepela. “O lebeletše eng, Sello?” Dimpho a botšiša ge ba fihla tseleng ye kgolo kgauswi le mabenkele.  +Sello ga se a fetole. O be a bogetše se sengwe kgauswi. “Sello!” a realo gape Dimpho. +“Ntshware ka seatla, re swanetše go tshela tsela bjale.”  + + +“E sego gabjale!” a realo Sello. “Lebelela mola! Re swanetše go thuša katse yela!”  +Pele Dimpho a mo emiša, Sello a be a kitimile.  + + +  + + +Polotong ya go se be le selo bašemane ba babedi ba go lekana le Sello ba be ba kgoela katse ye pududu.  +Ba ile ba sega. Katse e be e leka go tšhaba.  + + +Sello o be a na le lentšu la lešata, le legolo kudu, go ka tšwa mošemaneng o monnyane. “TLOGELANG SEO!” +a goeletša. “Tlogelang katse yeo!”  + + +“Ee, e tlogeleng!” a realo Dimpho.  + + +  + + +Bašemane ba lebelela. “Ka lebaka la eng?” yo mongwe wa bona a realo ka pefelo, efela mošemane yo mongwe a tlogela katse ya go tšhoga. “Ebang o na le taba le eng? Ke katse ya setlaela ya go timela fela! Etla Jabs, a re sepele!”  + + +E rile ge mmago Dimpho le Sello a boa gae mathapameng ao a se tshepe se a se bonago. Bana ba gagwe ba be ba phaphatha katse ye pududu ya sekafofa. Katse e be e rora e itatswa. Mma o bone gore ba e file nama ya go šala.  + + +  + + +“Go diragala eng?” a botšiša ka pefelo. “Ke ka lebaka la eng le tlišitše phoofolo yeo ka gae? Ga e sepele gona bjale!”  + + +“Efela Mma, pula ya na ka ntle,” a realo Sello. “Kitty o tlo thapa! Re ka ba le yena bošegong bja lehono fela?  +KA KGOPELO HLE?” Mma a hlola ka lefesetere. Ke nnete. Ge a fologa thekisi go be go na le maru a mapududu.  + + +Bjale e be e tšhologa. “Go lokile,” a realo dipounama di swaragane, “efela gosasa katse yeo e a sepela.”  + + +“Re a leboga Mma!” bana ka bobedi ba realo.  + + +  + + +“Hmmmph,” a realo Mma. O ile a dula fase, a hlobola dieta, a forohla maoto a gagwe.  +“Gemere ye le ntheketšego e kae?” a botšiša. “Ke nako ya komiki ya ka ya mathomo ya teye ya gemere!  + + +Bana ba lebeletšana ka mahlo a magolo, a nkgokolo. Ba lebetše go reka gemere! Mma o be a befetšwe kudu. O befetšwe bošego bjohle. Morago ga go hlwekiša morale, o ile a leba malaong thwii.  + + +Mesong ya Sontaga, ge Dimpho le Sello ba tsoga, mmago bona o be a se gona. +Ba be ba maketše – ka mehla o tsoga ka pela. Ga se ba bona le katse.  + + +  + + +“A re lekole ge eba Mma o phetše gabotse,” a realo Dimpho. Ba bula lebati la phapoši ya gagwe ka setu, ba hlolela.  +O nagana gore ba bone eng? Mma o be a kaname malaong a bonala a tšwafa.  +Katse e be e phuthagane maotong a gagwe, e rorela godimo.  + + +“Dumelang,” a realo Mma. “Ke bile le bošego bjo bobose! Mafelelong maoto a ka a ruthela!” A lebelela katse.  +“Ke nagana gore o tlo dula le rena!” a e botša. “Re tla go bitša Gemere!” Katse ya sekafofa ye pududu,  +ya rorela godimo le go feta.  + + +  + + + Bana ba sega, ba phaphatha ba fofafofa. Gomme Sello a ema. O be a šinyaletše.  +“Efela, ke ka lebaka la eng re e bitša Gemere?” a botšiša.  + + +“Agaa,” a realo Mma, “bobedi bja lena le ile lebenkeleng go reka gemere, efela le boile le katse ye. E tuteditše maoto a ka bjalo ka ge Dimpho a boletše gore teye ya gemere e tlo ntutetša, + ka fao leina la yona ke Gemere!”  + + +Gomme ba e bitša ka tsela yeo.",nso,Sepedi,Gemere,"Dimpho and Sello’s mom had a problem. “My feet felt like blocks of ice last night!” she told the children one Monday morning. “They were so cold I couldn’t sleep. Now I’m very tired!”  + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/gemere +ginger,"Mme wa Dimpho le Sello o ne a ena le bothata. “Maoto a ka a ne a utlwahala jwaloka diboloko tsa leqhwa maobane bosiu!” a bolella bana ba hae ka Mantaha hoseng ho hong. “A ne a hatsetse hoo ke neng ke sa kgone ho robala. Jwale ke kgathetse haholo!”  + + +  + + +“Ke a tseba!” ha rialo Sello. “Hobaneng o sa rwale dikausu ha o robala bosiu?”  + + +“Oo ke mohopolo o motle!” ha rialo Mme. “Bana ba ka ba bohlale!”  + + +Bosiung boo, a rwala dikausu tsa hae tse mofuthu tsa ulu. “Rakgadi Thoko o mphile dikausu tsena ka Keresemese,” a rialo. “Di futhumetse haholo! Ke tla robala ha monate bosiung bona!”  +  + + +  + + + Empa Mme o ne a fositse. Ka Labobedi hoseng, o ne a kgathetse hape.  + + +“Hohang ha ke a bo hlotha,” a rialo a fehelwa. “Hoja ke ne nka kgona ho futhumetsa maoto ana a ka a batang!”  + + +“Mme,” ha rialo Dimpho, “hobaneng o sa kenye maoto a hao metsing a tjhesang pele o kena dikobong bosiung ba kajeno?”  + + +“Ho lokile ke tla e leka!” Mme a araba. “Ke a leboha!”  + + +  + + +Kamora dijo tsa mantsiboya bosiung boo, Mme a tshela metsi a tjhesang ka hara sekotlolo se seholo se sefubedu. “Mmmm, metsi ana a monate!” a rialo, a ntse a raharaha ka maoto ka metsing. +“Ke a tshepa hore ke tla robala ha monate kajeno.”  + + +Empa o a tseba keng? Ka Laboraro hoseng, o ne a ntse a kgathetse. “Pele ho ne ho lokile,” a rialo, “empa kamora dihora tse mmalwanyana, ho ile ha qalella hape … a hatsela, a hatsela maoto! Ke tla tlameha hore ke nahane ka ntho e nngwe esele.  +Ejang, jwale! Ke nako ya ho ya sekolong!”  + + +Ha mme a fihla hae mantsiboyeng ao ho tswa mosebetsing, Dimpho o ne a ena le taba tse monate. “Titjhere wa ka o re ha o nwa teye ya gemere e tla o etsa hore o futhumale mmele ohle,” a hlalosa. “Teye ya gemere e tla o futhumetsa maoto!”  + + +“Ho lokile,” ha rialo Mme. O ne a utlwahala a sa thaba. Kamora masiu a mangata jwalo a sa fumane boroko hantle, o ne a ikutlwa a teneha!  + + +  + + +Empa Mme ha a ka a lebala seo Dimpho a se buileng. Ka Moqebelo hoseng, pele a eya mosebetsing, Mme a kopa bana hore ba ilo mo rekela gemere. +“Ha ho ntho e nthusitseng,” a rialo, ha a ntse a itokisetsa ho ya mosebetsing. “Mohlomong gemere e tla thusa!”  + + +  + + +Yaba bana ba a tsamaya. “O shebile eng, Sello?” ha botsa Dimpho ha ba atamela tseleng e kgolo haufi le mabenkele. Sello a se ke a araba. O ne a tonetse ho hong ho haufi mahlo. “Sello!” ha rialo Dimpho hape. “Tshwara letsoho la ka. Re lokela ho tshela mmila jwale.”  + + +“Butle pele!” ha rialo Sello. “Sheba mane! Re lokela ho thusa katse yane!” Mme yare pele Dimpho a ka mo thiba, Sello a be a se a mathile.  + + +Jareteng e se nang letho, ho ne ho ena le bashemane ba babedi ba ka lekanang le Sello, mme ba ntse ba bapala ka katse e putswa. +Ba ne ba tsheha. Katse e ne e leka ho baleha.  + + +  + + +Sello o ne a ena le lentswe le leholo, le phahameng, eka ha se la moshemane e monyane. +“TLOHELANG SEO LONA!” a hoeletsa. +“Kgaohanang le katse eno!” “Ehlile, e tloheleng!” ha rialo Dimpho.  + + +Bashemane ba sheba hodimo. “Hobaneng?” ha rialo e mong wa bona ka ho teneha, empa moshemane e mong a tlohela katse e tshohileng. “O tshwenngwa ke eng hantlentle? Ke semaumau feela sa katse e se nang monga yona! Tloo, Jabs, ha re tsamaye!”   + + +Ha mme wa Dimpho le Sello a fihla hae mantsiboyeng ao, o ne a sa kgolwe mahlo a hae.  +Bana ba hae ba ne ba ntse ba bapadisa katse e putswa e boya. Katse eo e ne e ntse e ngaola e iteka ka leleme. Mme a elellwa hore ba e fepile ka nama e neng e setse maobane.  + + +  + + +“Ho etsahala eng hantlentle?” a botsa a halefile. “Hobaneng le tlisitse phoofolo eo lapeng moo? E tsamaiseng hona jwale!”  + + +“Empa Mme, pula e a na ka ntle,” ha rialo Sello. “Kitty o tla koloba! Re kopa ho mmoloka mona hle, bosiung bona feela! KA KOPO HLE?”  + + +Mme a sheba ka ntle ho fensetere. E ne e le nnete. Ha a tswa ka tekesing, ho ne ho ena le maru a maputswa sepakapakeng.  +Jwale pula e ne e tsholoha. “Ho lokile,” a rialo a tiisitse meno, “empa hosane, ke batla katse eo e tsamaile.”  + + +“Re a leboha, Mme!” bana ba rialo ba le babedi.  + + +  + + +“Hmmmph,” ha rialo Mme. A dula fatshe, a rola dieta tsa hae, mme a sidila maoto a hae. +“Gemere ela eo o ntheketseng yona e kae?” a botsa. “Ke nako ya kopi ya ka ya pele ya teye ya gemere!”  + + +Bana ba tonelana mahlo a maholo. Ba ne ba lebetse ho reka gemere! Mme o ne a halefile haholo. A dula a kgenne bosiu bohle.  +Eitse hang ha kitjhine e hlwekile, a leba dikobong ho ya robala.  + + +Hoseng ha letsatsi la Sontaha, ha Dimpho le Sello ba tsoha, mme wa bona o ne a le siyo. +Ba ne ba maketse – kamehla o ne a tsoha hoseng. +Ba ne ba sa bone le katse moo e leng teng.  + + +  + + +“Ha re ilo sheba hore na Mme o hantle na,” ha rialo Dimpho. Ba bula lemati la kamore ya hae butle, mme ba nyarela ka hare. O nahana hore ba ile ba bona eng? Mme o ne a robetse betheng, a shebahala a tswafa.  +Katse e ne e ikgarile maotong a hae, e ntse e kgonela hodimo.  + + +“Dumelang,” ha rialo Mme. “Ke robetse ha monate ruri! Maoto a ka a qetelletse a futhumetse!” A sheba katse. +“Ke nahana hore re lokela ho o rua!” a e bolella jwalo. “Re tla o bitsa Gemere!” Katse e putswa e boya ya kgonela hodimo le ho feta.  + + +  + + + Bana ba tsheha, ba opa matsoho mme ba tlolatlola. Yaba Sello o a emisa. A phutha difahleho. +“Empa ke hobaneng ha re e bitsa Gemere?” a botsa.  + + +“Akere,” ha rialo Mme, “lona ba babedi le ne le eya lebenkeleng le ilo nthekela gemere, empa la kgutla le tshwere katse ena.  +E futhumeditse maoto a ka jwalo feela kaha Dimpho a ne a re teye ya gemere e tla etsa jwalo, kahoo lebitso la yona ke Gemere!”  + + +Mme ke lona��lebitso leo ba ileng ba e bitsa ka lona.",sot,Sesotho,Gemere,"Dimpho and Sello’s mom had a problem. “My feet felt like blocks of ice last night!” she told the children one Monday morning. “They were so cold I couldn’t sleep. Now I’m very tired!”  + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/gemere-0 +ginger,"Mmagwe Dimpho le Sello o ne a na le bothata. “Maoto a me a ne a utlwala jaaka dikgapetlana tsa semathana maabane bosigo!” a bolelela bana moso mongwe wa Mosupologo. “A ne a le tsididi thata mme ke ne ke sa kgone go robala. Jaanong ke lapile thata!”  + + +  + + +“Ke a itse!” Sello a rialo. “Ke goreng o sa rwale dikausu fa o ya go robala mo bosigong jo?”  + + +“A kakanyo e ntle!” ga rialo Mama. “Bana ba me ba botlhale thata!”  + + +Bosigo joo, o ne a rwala dikausu tsa gagwe tse di kima tsa wulu. “Mangwane Thoko o mphile dikausu tse e le mpho ya Keresemose,” a rialo. “Di bothito thata! Ke tla robala sentle bosigong jo!”  +  + + +  + + + Fela Mama o ne a fositse. Ka Labobedi mo mosong, o ne a lapile gape.  + + +“Ke ne ke sa kgone go robala,” a hemela kwa godimo. “Fa fela nka thutafatsa maoto a me a a tsididi!”  + + +“Mama,” ga bua Dimpho, “ke goreng o sa inele maoto a gago mo metsing a a molelo pele ga o ya go robala mo bosigong jo?”  + + +“Nka leka seo!” ga rialo Mama. “Ke a leboga!”  + + +  + + +Morago ga dijo tsa maitseboa a bosigo joo, Mama a tshela metsi a a molelo mo sekotlolong se segolo se sehibidu. +“Mmmm, se se monate!” a rialo, a isa maoto a gagwe kwa le kwa. “Ke tshepa gore ke tla robala sentle bosigo jo.”   + + +Mme o a itse ke eng? Ka Laboraro mo mosong, o ne a lapile gape. “Kwa tshimologong go ne go siame tota,” a rialo, +“fela morago ga diura di se kae, e ne e le kgang ya gale… maoto a tsididi, tsididi! Ke tla tshwanela ke go akanya sengwe se sele.  +Fetsang go ja, jaanong! Ke nako ya go ya sekolong!”  + + +  +Fa Mama a tla gae go tswa tirong maitseboa ao, Dimpho o ne a na le dikgang tse di monate. +“Morutabana wa me a re go nwa tee ya gemere go dira gore o thutafale mmele otlhe,” a tlhalosa. “Tee ya gemere e tla thutafatsa maoto a gago!” “Go siame,” ga rialo Mama. O ne a utlwala a sa itumela.  +Morago ga masigo a makana a sa robale sentle, o ne a le pelokhutshwane thata!  + + +Fela Mama o ne a sa lebala se Dimpho o neng a se buile. Ka Lamatlhatso mo mosong, pele ga a ya tirong, +Mama o ne a kopa bana gore ba ye go reka gemere. “Ga go sepe se sengwe se se thusitseng,” a rialo, fa a ipaakanyetsa go ya tirong. +“Ka gongwe tee e tla thusa!”  + + +  + + +Bana ba ne ba tsamaya. “O lebeletse eng Sello?” Dimpho a botsa fa ba tsamaela gaufi le mmila o mogolo gaufi le mabenkele.  +Sello a se arabe. O ne a lebeletse sengwe se se gaufi. “Sello!” Dimpho a rialo gape. “Tshwara letsogo la me. +Re tlhoka go kgabaganya tsela jaanong.” “E seng jaanong!” Sello a rialo. “Lebelela kwa! Re tlhoka go thusa katse ele!”  +Pele ga Dimpho a ka mo emisa, Sello o ne a ile.  + + +Mo polotong e e lolea, basimane ba babedi ba ba lekanang le Sello ba ne ba rumola katse e e kwebu. +Ba ne ba tshega. Katse e ne e leka go tshaba. Le fa e le mosimane yo monnye jaana,  +Sello o ne a na le lentswe le legolo le le kwa godimo. “EMISA SEO!” a goa. “Tlogela katse eo!”  + + +  + + +“Ee, e tlogele!” ga rialo Dimpho.  + + +Basimane ba lebelela. “Ke goreng re tshwanetse go e tlogela?”  +ga bua mongwe wa bona ka go ngala, mme mosimane yo mongwe ena a tlogela katse e e tshogileng. +“O tshwenyegela eng, gone? Ke katse fela ya letimela! Tlaya, Jabs, a re tsamaye!”  + + +  + + +Fa mmagwe Dimpho le Sello a tla gae motshegare oo, o ne a sa dumele matlho a gagwe. Bana ba gagwe ba ne ba solasola katse e e boboanyana ya mmala o mokwebu.  +Katse e ne e ngaa e itatswa. Mama o ne a bona gore ba ne ba e fepile nama e e neng e setse.  + + +  + + +“Go diragala eng?” a botsa a galefile. “Ke goreng lo tlisitse phologolo eo fa gae?  +E tsamaiseng gone jaanong!”  + + +“Fela Mama, pula e a na kwa ntle,” Sello a rialo. “Kitty o tlile go koloba!  +Tsweetswee a re ka nna le yone, fela go fitlhela bosigo jwa gompieno? TSWEETSWEE?”  + + +Mama a lebelela kwa ntle ka letlhabaphefo. E ne e le nnete. Fa a fologa thekesi, maru a ne a thibile.  +Jaanong pula e ne e tshologa. “Go siame,” a bua a gagamaditse dipounama, “fela kamoso gone, katse eo e a tsamaya.”  + + +“Re a leboga, Mama!” bana ka bobedi ba rialo.  + + +  + + +“Huuuuu,” Mama a rialo. A dula fatshe, a rola ditlhako tsa gagwe, mme a sidila maoto a gagwe. +“E kae tee e le e lo e ntheketseng?” a botsa. “Ke nako ya kopi ya ka ya ntlha ya tee ya gemere!”   + + +Bana ba ne ba lebelelana ka matlho a magolo, a a kgolokwe. Ba ne ba lebetse go reka tee ya gemere! +Mama o ne a galefile thata. O ne a galefile bosigo botlhe. Fela fa a feditse go phepafatsa kitšhini, a ya go ithobalela.  + + +Mo mosong wa Sontaga, fa Dimpho le Sello ba tsoga, mmaabone o ne a se gone. +Ba ne ba maketse – o ne a tsoga mo mosong thata ka gale. Le katse ba ne ba sa e bone.  + + +  + + +“A re lebelele gore a Mama o siame,” ga bua Dimpho. Ka tidimalo ba bula mojako wa phaposi ya gagwe, mme ba okomela. +O akanya gore ba bone eng? Mama o ne a rapame mo bolaong, a lebega a iketlile.  +Katse e ne e ikgaragantse mo maotong a gagwe, e ngaela kwa godimo.  + + +“Dumelang,” Mama a rialo. “A bosigo jo bo monate! Maoto a a thutafetseng kwa bokhutlong!” +A lebelela katse. “Ke akanya gore re tla tshwanela ke go nna le wena!” a e bolelela. +“Re tla go bitsa Gemere!” Katse e e kwebu, e e boboanyana ya ngaela kwa godimo le go feta.  +  + + + + + + Bana ba tshega, ba phaphata diatla le go tlolatlola. Mme Sello a kgaotsa. O ne a sosobantse sefatlhego. +“Ke goreng re mmitsa Gemere?” a botsa.  + + +“Ka gonne,” Mama a rialo, “lona loobabedi lo ile mabenkeleng go ya go reka gemere, mme fela lwa boa le katse e. +O thutafaditse maoto a me jaaka Dimpho a rile tee ya gemere e tla dira, ka jalo leina la gagwe ke Gemere!”   + + +Mme ya nna ka moo ba neng ba mmitsa.",tsn,Setswana,Gemere | Multilingual Stories,"Dimpho and Sello’s mom had a problem. “My feet felt like blocks of ice last night!” she told the children one Monday morning. “They were so cold I couldn’t sleep. Now I’m very tired!”  + ...",,Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/gemere-1 +the-rainmaker,"Once upon a time in the Kgalagadi, there was a powerful old man named Rapula. Rapula had one of the greatest gifts in the world. He had the power to bring the clouds close together when they were far apart. He had the power to make it rain. He was known all over the land as Rapula, the rainmaker. + +For Rapula, making rain was a very painful process. It took all the energy he had, but it also gave him joy to see his people benefit from the water falling from the clouds. When it rained, the people would collect the water and use it for drinking and cooking. The rivers would fill up and so the animals had water to drink. The rain also fed the farmlands of the Kgalagadi. +After many years of making rain, Rapula, the rainmaker, became ill and his power weakened. The land of the Kgalagadi slowly started to dry up. The green grass and the trees started to disappear. Although the old man kept trying, he could only make small amounts of rain. And each time he tried, he became weaker and weaker. +Soon the old man became so ill and weak that he could not make any rain at all. When that happened, there was a great drought. The lands dried up and the crops failed. There was not enough food. Animals died, plants died, and people died. +The people of the Kgalagadi waited. They still hoped that the rainmaker would get well again. While they waited, they shared what little they had with each other and they gave the rainmaker the best food they had. “Maybe he will get back his strength soon,” they said. +Eventually the people realised that Rapula would never get better. The wise men of the village knew that all they could do now, was wait for Rapula to pass on his special power to someone else. +When Rapula, the rainmaker, died, the people of the Kgalagadi were sad. They had lost a valuable member of their community. However, the elders of the village took comfort in knowing that Rapula’s gift would not be lost. It would be passed on to a younger person. +There was a big funeral to honour the great rainmaker. People came from the faraway parts of the Kgalagadi to be there. They brought with them the little food and drink they had to share with everyone. +Before Rapula, the rainmaker, could be buried in the ground to rest forever, a strange thing happened – something that would show the people of the Kgalagadi who the new rainmaker would be. The colours of the rainbow left the old rainmaker’s body and entered into a young girl named Mapula, who was Rapula’s great-grandchild. This was the most amazing thing anyone had ever seen, but everyone knew that it was the way that rainmakers passed on their power. It happened very seldom because rainmakers lived for many, many years. + +Mapula was now the new rainmaker of the Kgalagadi. For days after the funeral, the people celebrated the young girl’s new power. They celebrated with music and food. Everyone in the Kgalagadi brought her gifts of new clothing, flowers, special foods and other things. +It took a few days for Mapula to get used to her power, but soon they became stronger. Now she had to use her gift properly. If she was angry while making rain, she could create a thunderstorm or a flood. This could destroy her entire community. +Even though the Kgalagadi had been without rain for so long, Mapula had to learn slowly how to use her power. First, she learnt to make it rain a little by bringing small clouds together. She practised doing this once a week. Just like her great-grandfather, she became very tired after making the clouds rain. At times she had to sleep for two days to regain her strength. +The people of the Kgalagadi were clever. They learnt new ways to save the precious water. They learnt how to build dams and make big tanks to store water in. +After many months of practise, Mapula was finally able to bring good rains to the Kgalagadi again. Everyone celebrated the big rain with dancing and singing. It had been many years since they had seen that much rain and they knew that the drought was finally over. They were happy that there was a new rainmaker – a rainmaker who would make everyone’s life better. +Get creative! +After you have read The rainmaker, suggest that your children create rain pictures. They could use cotton wool for the clouds and then cut out raindrops from blue paper. Or, they could finger paint the clouds and the rain. They might even want to add rainbows to their pictures!",eng,English,The rainmaker,"Once upon a time in the Kgalagadi, there lived an old man named Rapula. He had the power to make it rain. After many years, Rapula became ill and his power weakened. This caused a great drought and much suffering. The people of the Kgalagadi knew it ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-rainmaker +the-rainmaker,"Lank, lank gelede was daar in die Kgalagadi ’n magtige ou man met die naam Rapula. Rapula het een van die grootste gawes in die wêreld gehad. Hy het die krag gehad om die wolke bymekaar te bring wanneer hulle ver uit mekaar was. Hy het die krag gehad om dit te laat reën. Hy was oor die hele land bekend as Rapula, die reënmaker. + +Vir Rapula was die reënmakery ’n uiters pynlike proses. Dit het al sy energie geverg, maar dit het hom ook vreugde verskaf om te sien hoe al sy mense baat by die water wat uit die wolke val. Wanneer dit gereën het, het die mense die water opgevang en dit gebruik om te drink en mee te kook. Die riviere het vol geraak en die diere het water gehad om te drink. Die reën het ook die landerye van die Kgalagadi gevoed. +Na baie jare van reën maak, het Rapula die reënmaker siek geword en sy kragte het afgeneem. Die grond in die Kgalagadi het stadig begin uitdroog. Die groen gras en die bome het begin verdwyn. Al het die ou man aanhou probeer, kon hy net klein bietjies reën maak. En elke keer wat hy probeer het, het hy swakker en swakker geword. +Gou het die ou man so siek en swak geword dat hy nie meer reën kon maak nie. Toe dit gebeur, was daar ’n groot droogte. Die landerye het opgedroog en die oeste het misluk. Daar was nie genoeg kos nie. Diere het gevrek, plante het gevrek en mense het gesterf. +Die mense van die Kgalagadi het gewag. Hulle het bly hoop dat die reënmaker weer gesond sou word. Terwyl hulle gewag het, het hulle die bietjie wat hulle gehad het met mekaar gedeel en vir die reënmaker hul beste kos gegee. “Dalk sal hy gou weer sy kragte terugkry,” het hulle gesê. +Uiteindelik het die mense besef dat Rapula nooit weer gesond sou word nie. Die wyse manne van die dorp het geweet al wat hulle nou kon doen, was om te wag dat Rapula sy spesiale krag aan iemand anders oordra. +  +Toe Rapula die reënmaker sterf, was die mense van die Kgalagadi hartseer. Hulle het ’n kosbare lid van hul gemeenskap verloor. Die oudstes van die dorp is egter getroos deur die wete dat Rapula se gawe nie verlore sou gaan nie. Dit sou oorgedra word aan ’n jonger persoon. +Daar was ’n groot begrafnis om die groot reënmaker te eer. Mense het van die verafgeleë dele van die Kgalagadi gekom om daar te wees. Hulle het die bietjie kos en drinkgoed wat hulle gehad het saamgebring om met almal te deel. +Voordat Rapula die reënmaker in die grond begrawe kon word om vir ewig te rus, het ’n vreemde ding gebeur – iets wat vir die mense van die Kgalagadi sou wys wie die nuwe reënmaker sou wees. Die kleure van die reënboog het die ou reënmaker se liggaam verlaat en in die liggaam van ’n jong meisie met die naam Mapula, Rapula se agterkleinkind, ingegaan. Dit was die verstommendste ding wat enigiemand nog ooit gesien het, maar almal het geweet dat dit die manier was waarop reënmakers hul kragte oordra. Dit het baie selde gebeur, want reënmakers het baie lank geleef. + +Mapula was nou die nuwe reënmaker van die Kgalagadi. Dae lank na die begrafnis het die mense die jong meisie se nuwe krag gevier. Hulle het met musiek en kos feesgevier. Almal in die Kgalagadi het vir haar geskenke van nuwe klere, blomme, spesiale kos en ander dinge gebring. +Dit het ’n paar dae geduur voor Mapula gewoond was aan haar krag, maar dit het gou sterker geword. Nou moes sy haar gawe behoorlik gebruik. As sy kwaad was terwyl sy reën maak, sou sy ’n donderstorm of oorstroming veroorsaak. Dit kon haar hele gemeenskap vernietig. +Selfs al was die Kgalagadi so lank sonder reën, moes Mapula stadigaan leer hoe om haar krag te gebruik. Eers moes sy leer om reën te maak deur klein wolke bymekaar te bring. Sy het een keer per week geoefen om dit te doen. Net soos haar oupagrootjie, was sy baie moeg nadat sy die wolke laat reën het. Soms moes sy vir twee dae slaap om haar kragte te herwin. +Die mense van die Kgalagadi was slim. Hulle het nuwe maniere gevind om die kosbare water te spaar. Hulle het geleer hoe om damme te bou en groot tenke te maak waarin die water opgeberg kon word. +Na baie maande kon Mapula uiteindelik weer goeie reëns oor die Kgalagadi laat uitsak. Almal het die groot reën gevier deur te sing en te dans. Hulle het baie jare laas soveel reën gesien, en hulle het geweet die droogte is uiteindelik verby. Hulle was bly dat daar ’n nuwe reënmaker was – ’n reënmaker wat almal se lewens sou verbeter. +Wees kreatief! +Nadat jy Die reënmaker gelees het, stel voor dat jou kinders reënprente maak. Hulle kan watte vir die wolke gebruik en dan reëndruppels uit blou papier knip. Of hulle kan vingerverf gebruik om die wolke en reën te maak. Hulle sal dalk selfs reënboë by hul prente wil voeg!",afr,Afrikaans,Die reënmaker,"Once upon a time in the Kgalagadi, there lived an old man named Rapula. He had the power to make it rain. After many years, Rapula became ill and his power weakened. This caused a great drought and much suffering. The people of the Kgalagadi knew it ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-reënmaker +the-rainmaker,"Kgalekgale kua Kgalagadi, go be go na le mokgalabje yo maatla a bitšwa Rapula. Rapula o be a na le ye nngwe ya dimpho tše dikgolo lefaseng. O be a na le maatla a go kgobokanya maru ge a phatlaletše. O be a na le maatla a go neša pula. O be a tsebiwa nageng yohle ka la Rapula, monešapula. + +Go neša pula e be e le tshepedišo ya bohloko kudu go Rapula. Go tšere maatla ohle ao a bego a na le ona, efela a thabišwa ke go bona batho ba gagwe ba holwa ke meetse a go tšwa marung. Ge pula e ena, batho ba be ba beeletša meetse ba a diriša gonwa le go apea. Dinoka di be di tlala gomme diphoofolo di eba le meetse a gonwa. Pula e be e thuša le dipolasa tša Kgalagadi. +Morago ga mengwaga ye mentši ya go neša pula, Rapula, monešapula o ile a lwala gomme maatla a gagwe a ba bokoa. Naga ya Kgalagadi e ile ya thoma go oma gannyanegannyane. Bjang bjo botalamorogo le mehlare tša thoma go nyamelela. Le ge mokgalabje a be a leka, o be a neša pula ye nnyane fela. Gomme nako le nako ge a be a leka o be a eba bokoa le go feta. +E se kgale mokgalabje a lwala le go ba bokoa ka fao a bego a se sa kgona go neša pula. Ge se se direga go be go na le komelelo ye kgolo. Naga e omile gomme dimela tša se mele. Go be go se na dijo tše di lekanego. Diphoofolo di ile tša hwa, dimela tša hwa, gomme le batho ba hlokofala. +Batho ba Kgalagadi ba ile ba ema. Ba be ba na le kholofelo ya gore monešapula o tlo fola. Ge ba sa eme ba be ba abelana seo ba nago le sona gomme ba efa monešapula dijo tše di kaone tše ba bego ba na le tšona. “Mogongwe maatla a gagwe a tlo kokotlela ka pejana,” ba realo. +Mafelelong batho ba ile ba lemoga gore Rapula a ka se kaonafale. Banna ba bohlale ba motse ba lemoga gore se ba ka se dirago bjale, ke go emela gore Rapula a fe yo mongwe maatla a gagwe a go kgethega. +E rile ge Rapula, monešapula, a hlokofala, batho ba Kgalagadi ba nyama kudu. Ba lobile leloko la setšhaba sa bona le le kaone kudu. Le ge go le bjalo, bagolo ba ikhomoditše ka gore ba ka se lobe mpho ya Rapula. E be e tlo be e filwe moswa. +Go bile le tirelo ye kgolo ya poloko go hlompha monešapula yo mogolo. Batho ba tlile fao go tšwa mathoko ohle a Kgalagadi. Ba tlile le dijonyana le dino gore ba abelane. +Pele Rapula, monešapula, a bolokwa mmung, go diregile semaka – selo sa go bontšha batho ba Kgalagadi gore monešapula yo moswa e tlo ba mang. Mebala ya molalatladi ya tšwa mmeleng wa monešapula wa mokgalabje ya tsena mmeleng wa mosetsana yo monnyane wa go bitšwa Mapula, yo e bego e le motlogolokhukhu wa Rapula. Ke selo sa go makatša se nkilego sa bonwa, efela bohle ba be ba tseba gore ke tsela ya banešapula ya go fetiša maatla. E direga ka morago ga sebaka se setelele ka gobane banešapula ba phela sebaka se se telele kudu. + +Mapula bjale ke monešapula yo moswa wa Kgalagadi. Ka morago ga poloko, batho ba feditše matšatši ba keteka maatla a maswa a mosetsana o monnyane. Ba ketekile ka mmino le dijo. Batho bohle ba Kgalagadi ba tlišitše dimpho tša diaparo tše diswa, maloba, dijo tša go kgethega le dilo tše dingwe. +Mapula o tšere matšatši a mmalwa pele a tlwaela maatla a gagwe, efela ka pejana a matlafala. Bjale o swanetše go diriša mpho ya gagwe gabotse. Ge a be a ka befelwa a neša pula, o be a tlo hlama medumo goba mafula. Se se ka senya setšhaba sohle. +Le ge Kgalagadi e feditše sebaka se setelele e se na pula, Mapula o ile a ithuta go diriša maatla a gagwe ka go nanya. La mathomo, o ithutile go neša pula ye nnyane ka go kgobokanya maru a mannyane. O be a itlwaetša se gatee mo bekeng. Bjalo ka rakgolokhukhu wa gagwe, morago ga go neša pula o be a lapa kudu. Ka nako ye nngwe o be a robala matšatši a mabedi gore maatla a gagwe a boye gape. +Batho ba Kgalagadi ba be ba le bohlale kudu. Ba ithutile ditsela tše diswa tša go boloka meetse. Ba ithutile go aga matamo le go dira ditanka tše dikgolo tša go bolokela meetse. +Morago ga dikgwedi tše dintši tša go itlwaetša, Mapula a kgona go neša dipula tše dibotse gape mo Kgalagadi. Bohle ba keteka ka go opela le go bina. Ke mengwaga ye mentši ba bone pula ye bjalo gomme ba tseba gore komelelo e fedile. Ba thabetše gore go na le monešapula yo moswa – monešapula yo a tlo kaonafatšago maphelo a bohle. +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Morago ga go bala Monešapula, šišinya gore bana ba gago ba hlame diswantšho tša pula. Ba ka dira maru ka leokodi gomme ba ripe marothi a pula pampiring ye talalerata. Goba, ba pente maru le pula ka menwana. Ba ka nyaka go tsenya molalatladi diswantšhong tša bona gape!",nso,Sepedi,Monešapu,"Once upon a time in the Kgalagadi, there lived an old man named Rapula. He had the power to make it rain. After many years, Rapula became ill and his power weakened. This caused a great drought and much suffering. The people of the Kgalagadi knew it ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/monešapula +the-rainmaker,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale mane Kgalagadi, ho ne ho ena le monnamoholo ya matla ya neng a bitswa Rapula. Rapula o ne a ena le e nngwe ya dimpho tse kgolo lefatsheng. O ne a ena le matla a ho kopanya maru mmoho ha a arohane haholo. O ne a ena le matla a ho etsa pula. O ne a tsejwa naheng yohle jwaloka Rapula, monesapula. + +Bakeng sa Rapula, ho etsa pula e ne e le mosebetsi o utlwisang bohloko haholo. Ho ne ho nka matla ao a nang le ona kaofela, empa hape ho ne ho mo tlisetsa thabo ho bona batho ba habo ba kgola molemo metsing a tsholohang marung. Ha pula e na, batho ba ne ba bokella metsi mme ba a sebedisa bakeng sa ho nwa le ho pheha. Dinoka di ne di tlala mme diphoofolo di eba le metsi a ho nwa. Pula hape e ne e fepa dipolasi tsa Kgalagadi. +Kamora dilemo tse ngata tsa ho etsa pula, Rapula, monesapula, a kula mme matla a hae a fokola. Lefatshe la Kgalagadi la qala ho omella. Jwang bo botala le difate tsa qala ho nyamela. Leha monnamoholo a ne a dula a leka, o ne a se a kgona ho nesa pula e nyane feela. Mme ka nako tsohle ha a leka ho etsa jwalo, o ne a fokola le ho feta. +E se neng monnamoholo a kula mme a fokola hoo a neng a se a sa kgone ho nesa pula hohang. Ha seo se etsahala, ha ba le komello e kgolo. Naha ya omella mme dijalo tsa pona. Ho ne ho se na dijo tse lekaneng. Diphoofolo tsa shwa, dijalo tsa shwa, le batho ba eshwa. +Batho ba Kgalagadi ba ema. Ba ne ba ntse ba ena le tshepo ya hore monesapula o tla fola. Ha ba ntse ba eme, ba ile ba arolelana ka bonyane boo ba nang le bona mme ba fa monesapula dijo tse monate ka ho fetisisa tseo ba nang le tsona. “Mohlomong o tla fumana matla a hae hape haufinyane,” ba rialo. +Qetellong batho ba elellwa hore Rapula a keke a hlola a fola. Banna ba bohlale ba motse ba ne ba tseba hore seo ba ka se etsang jwale, e ne e le ho emela hore Rapula a fetisetse matla a hae a ikgethileng ho motho e mong. +Ha Rapula, monesapula, a hlokahala, batho ba Kgalagadi ba ne ba utlwile bohloko. Ba ne ba lahlehetswe ke setho sa bohlokwa haholo setjhabeng. Leha ho le jwalo, baholo ba motseng ba ikgothatsa ka hore mpho ya Rapula e keke ya lahleha. E ne e tlameha hore e fetisetswe ho motho ya sa ntseng a le motjha. +Ho ile ha tshwarwa lepato le leholo ho hlompha monesapula e moholo. Batho ba ile ba tla ho tswa ka makgalo a hole a Kgalagadi ho ba moo. Ba tla ba tshwere dijonyana le dino tseo ba nang le tsona ho tla abelana le batho bohle. +Pele Rapula, monesapula, a bolokwa lebitleng hore a phomole ka ho sa eng kae, ha etsahala ntho e makatsang – ntho e neng e tla bontsha batho ba Kgalagadi motho eo e neng e tla ba monesapula e motjha. Mebala ya mookodi e ile ya siya mmele wa monesapula wa kgale mme ya kena ka hara mmele wa morwetsana e monyenyane ya bitswang Mapula, eo e neng e le setloholwana sa Rapula. Ena e ne e le ntho e makatsang ka ho fetisisa eo batho ba neng ba qala ho e bona, empa bohle ba ne ba tseba hore eo ke tsela eo banesapula ba neng ba fetisetsa matla a bona ka yona. E ne e etsahala ka sewelo hobane banesapula ba ne ba phela dilemo tse ngatangata. + +Mapula jwale e ne e le monesapula e motjha wa Kgalagadi. Ka matsatsi a mangata kamora lepato, batho ba ile ba keteka matla a matjha a morwetsana eo e monyenyane. Ba ile ba keteka ka mmino le dijo. Batho bohle ba Kgalagadi ba ile ba reka dimpho tsa diaparo tse ntjha, dipalesa, dijo tse ikgethileng le dintho tse ding. +Ho ile ha nka matsatsi a mmalwa hore Mapula a tlwaele matla a hae, empa kapelenyana a matlafala. Jwale o ne a tlameha ho sebedisa mpho ya hae ka nepo. Haeba a ne a kgenne ka nako eo a etsang pula, o ne a ka etsa mahadima kapa dikgohola. Sena se ne se ka senya motse ohle. +Esita leha Kgalagadi e ne e hlokile pula ka nako e telele, Mapula o ile a tlameha ho ithuta butle hore a ka sebedisa matla a hae jwang. Pele o ile a qala ka ho ithuta ho nesa pula hanyane ka ho kopanya maru a manyane. O ile a ikwetlisa ho etsa sena hanngwe ka beke. Jwalo feela ka ntata ntataemoholo, o ne a kgathala haholo ha a qeta ho etsa maru a pula. Ka nako tse ding o ne a robala matsatsi a mabedi ho fumana matla a hae hape. +Batho ba Kgalagadi ba ne ba le bohlale. Ba ile ba ithuta ditsela tse ntjha tsa ho boloka metsi. Ba ile ba ithuta ho aha matamo le ho etsa ditanka tse kgolo tsa ho boloka metsi. +Kamora dikgwedi tse ngata tsa ho ikwetlisa, Mapula o ile a qetella a tseba ho nesa dipula tse ntle Kgalagadi hape. Batho bohle ba ile ba keteka pula e ngata ka ho tantsha le ho bina. Ho ne ho se ho fetile dilemo tse ngata ba qetetse ho bona pula e ngata jwalo mme ba ne ba tseba hore komello e fedile. Ba ne ba thabile hore jwale ho na le monesapula e motjha – monesapula ya neng a tla ntlafatsa maphelo a bohle. +Eba le boiqapelo! +Kamora ho bala Monesapula, hlahisa hore bana ba hao ba etse ditshwantsho tsa pula. Ba ka nna ba sebedisa boya bakeng sa maru mme ba seha marothodi a pula pampiring e botala ba lehodimo. Kapa, ba ka penta ka menwana maru le pula. Hape ba ka nna ba batla ho kenya le mookodi ditshwantshong tsa bona!",sot,Sesotho,Monesapu,"Once upon a time in the Kgalagadi, there lived an old man named Rapula. He had the power to make it rain. After many years, Rapula became ill and his power weakened. This caused a great drought and much suffering. The people of the Kgalagadi knew it ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/monesapula-0 +the-rainmaker,"Bogologolotala kwa Kgalagadi, go ne go na le monnamogolo yo o maatla a bidiwa Rapula. Rapula o ne a na le mpho e kgolo thata mo lefatsheng. O ne a na le maatla a go tlisa maru mmogo fa a ne a kgaogane. O ne a na le maatla a go nesa pula. O ne a itsege naga yotlhe jaaka Rapula, modirapula. + +Go Rapula, go dira pula e ne e le tiro e e botlhoko thata. Go ne go tsaya maikatlapelo otlhe a o neng a na le ona, fela gape go ne go mo itumedisa go bona batho ba gagwe ba ungwa metsi a a fologang kwa loaping. Fa pula e ne e na, batho ba ne ba kgobokanya metsi mme ba a dirisetsa go nwa le go apaya. Matamo a ne a tlala mme diphologolo le tsona di ne di nna le metsi a go nwa. Pula gape e ne e fepa dipolasa tsa Kgalagadi. +Morago ga dingwaga tse dintsi tsa go dira pula, Rapula, modirapula, o ne a lwala mme maatla a gagwe a fokotsega. Naga ya Kgalagadi ya simolola go omelela ka iketlo. Majang a matala le ditlhare tsa simolola go nyelela. Le fa e le gore monnamogolo o ne a leka, o ne a kgona fela go dira pula e nnye. Mme nako le nako fa a leka, o ne a koafalela pele. +Ka bonako monnamogolo a lwala thata a nna bokoa moo e leng gore o ne a sa kgone go dira pula gotlhelele. Fa seo se ne se diragala, go ne go na le komelelo e kgolo. Naga e ne ya omelela le dijalo tsa pala go gola. Go ne go se na dijo tse di lekaneng. Diphologolo tsa swa, dimela tsa swa, le batho ba swa. +Batho ba Kgalagadi ba leta. Ba ne ba sa ntse ba na le tshepo ya gore modirapula o tla fola gape. Fa ba ntse ba letile, ba ne ba arogana bonnye jo ba neng ba na le bona mme ba fa modirapula dijo tse di monatenate tsa bona. “Gongwe o tla bona maatla a gagwe mo nakong e e sa fediseng pelo,” ba rialo. +Kwa bokhutlong batho ba lemoga gore Rapula ga a kitla a tsamaya a tokafala. Banna ba ba botlhale ba motse ba itse gore se ba ka se dirang ka nako eo, e ne e le go emela gore Rapula a fe mongwe o sele maatla a gagwe a a kgethegileng. +Fa Rapula, modirapula, a ne a swa, batho ba Kgalagadi ba ne ba utlwile botlhoko. Ba ne ba latlhegetswe ke leloko la botlhokwa la morafe wa bona. Mme jaanong, bagodi ba motse ba ne ba gomodiwa ke go itse gore mpho ya ga Rapula ga e a latlhega. E tshwanetse e be e neetswe mošwa mongwe. +Go ne ga nna phitlho e kgolo go tlotla modirapula yo o fetang ba bangwe. Batho ba ne ba tla go tswa kwa dikarolong tse di kgakala tsa Kgalagadi go nna teng. Ba ne ba tlisa bonnye jwa dijo le dino tse ba neng ba na le tsona go kgaoganya le ba bangwe. +Pele ga Rapula, modirapula, a ka fitlhwa mo mmung go ikhutsetsa ruri, selo se se gakgamatsang sa direga – selo se se neng se tla bontsha batho ba Kgalagadi gore modirapula yo mošwa ke mang. Mmala wa molagodimo o ne wa tlogela mmele wa monnamogolo wa modirapula mme wa tsena mo mmeleng wa mosetsanyana yo o bidiwang Mapula, yo e neng e le setlogolwana sa ga Rapula. Se e ne e le selo se se makatsang thata se se kileng sa bonwa, mme fela mongwe le mongwe o ne a itse gore ke ka tsela e badirapula ba neelanang ka yone maatla a bone. Se se diragala sewelo thata gonne badirapula ba tshela dingwaga tse dintsi, tse dintsintsi. + +Mapula jaanong e ne e le modirapula yo mošwa wa Kgalagadi. Malatsi morago ga phitlho, batho ba ne ba keteka maatla a mašwa a mosetsanyana. Ba ne ba keteka ka mmino le dijo. Mongwe le mongwe mo Kgalagadi o ne a mo tlisetsa dimpho tsa diaparo tse dintšhwa, malomo, dijo tse di kgethegileng le dilo tse dingwe. +Go tseile malatsinyana gore Mapula a tlwaele maatla a gagwe, mme moragonyana a maatlafala. Jaanong o ne a tshwanetse go dirisa mpho ya gagwe sentle. Fa a tenegile ka nako ya go dira pula, o ne a ka dira pula ya matlakadibe le morwalela. Se se ka senya morafe wa gagwe otlhe. +Le fa Kgalagadi e ntse e se na pula nako e telele, Mapula o ne a ithuta ka bonya go itse go dirisa maatla a gagwe. Pele, o ne a ithuta go dira gore pula e ne ka go kopanya maru a mannye. O ne a ikatisa go dira se gangwe ka beke. Fela jaaka rraagwemogologolo, o ne a lapa thata morago ga go dira pula. Ka dinako dingwe o ne a tshwanela go robala malatsi a mabedi a a latelanang go boelwa ke maatla a gagwe. +Batho ba Kgalagadi ba ne ba le botlhale. Ba ne ba ithuta mekgwa e mešwa ya go boloka metsi a a tlhokegang thata a. Ba ne ba ithuta go aga matamo le go dira ditanka tse dikgolo go bolokela metsi mo go tsone. +Morago ga dikgwedi tse dintsi tsa go ikatisa, kwa bokhutlong Mapula o ne a kgona go tlisa dipula tse di nonneng gape mo Kgalagadi. Botlhe ba keteka pula e kgolo ka go bina le go opela. Go ne go nnile dingwaga tse dintsi thata ba sa bone pula e e kana mme ba ne ba itse gore komelelo e fedile. Ba ne ba itumetse gore go na le modirapula yo mošwa – modirapula yo o tla tokafatsang matshelo a batho botlhe. +Nna le boitlhamedi! +Fa o fetsa go buisa Modirapul, tshitshinya gore bana ba gago ba dire ditshwantsho tsa pula. Ba ka dirisa khothenewulu go dira maru mme ba sege marothodi a pula ka pampiri ya mmala wa botala jwa legodimo. Kgotsa, ba ka taka maru le pula ka menwana. Ba ka nna ba tsenya melagodimo mo ditshwantshong tsa bona!",tsn,Setswana,Modirapu,"Once upon a time in the Kgalagadi, there lived an old man named Rapula. He had the power to make it rain. After many years, Rapula became ill and his power weakened. This caused a great drought and much suffering. The people of the Kgalagadi knew it ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/modirapula +the-rainmaker,"Kudala-dala kwindawo yaseKgalagadi, kwakukho ixhego elalinamandla elalibizwa ngokuba guRapula. URapula wayenesinye seziphiwo ezizezona zikhulu ehlabathini. Wayenamandla okuyondelelanisa amafu xa ebeqelelene. Wayenamandla okwenza imvula. Wayesaziwa kuwo wonke loo mmandla njengoRapula, umenzi wemvula. + +KuRapula, ukwenza imvula kwakuyinkqubo ebuhlungu kakhulu. Kwakumtheza onke amandla anawo, kodwa kwakumvuyisa ukubona abantu befumana amanzi awa emafini. Xa inile, abantu babesikha amanzi ukuze bawasebenzisele ukusela nokupheka. Imilambo yayizalisa nezilwanyana zifumane amanzi okusela. Imvula yayisondla amasimi seKgalagadi. +Emva kweminyaka emininzi yokwenza imvula, uRapula, umenzi wemvula, wagula waze wabuthathaka. Ummandla waseKgalagadi waqalisa ukoma. Yatsha ingca nemithi laphela ibala eliluhlaza. Nangona ixhego lingazange liyeke ukuzama, lalisenza amathontsana nje amancinane emvula. Kwixesha ngalinye lizama, lalisiba buthathaka ngokuba buthathaka. +Kungekudala ixhego lagula laba buthathaka kakhulu lade alakwazi kwaphela ukwenza imvula. Kuthe kwakuba njalo, kwaqala imbalela enkulu. Amasimi oma zatsha nezityalo. Ukutya kwakungasanelanga. Izilwanyana zafa, izityalo zafa, kwade kwasweleka nabantu. +Abantu baseKgalagadi balinda. Babesenalo ithemba lokuba umenzi wemvula uza kuphinda aphile kwakhona. Ngexesha lokulinda kwabo babesabelana ngokuncinane abanako futhi baphe nomenzi wemvula okona kutya kuncomekayo ababenako. “Mhlawumbi azakuphinda abuye amandla akhe,” babesitsho. +Ekugqibeleni abantu bafumanisa ukuba uRapula akasayi kuphinda aphile. Amadoda anobulumko elali ayesazi ukuba inye into awayenokuyenza ngoku, kukulinda ukuba uRapula agqithisele amandla akhe komnye umntu. +Wathi akusweleka uRapula, umenzi wemvula, baba lusizi abantu baseKgalagadi. Babelahlekelwe lilungu elibalulekileyo loluntu lwabo. Nangona kunjalo, abadala belali bathuthuzelwa kukwazi ukuba isiphiwo sikaRapula asisayi kulahleka. Nakanjani sasigqithiselwe emntwini omncinane kunaye. +Kwabakho umngcwabo omkhulu wokunika imbeko kumenzi wemvula wodumo. Abantu baseKgalagadi babephume ngendlu ukuza kuzimasa. Abaninzi babephethe iintwana zokutya neziselo ababeza kwabelana ngazo nabanye. +Phambi kokuba uRapula, umenzi wemvula angcwatywe emhlabeni ukuze aphumle unaphakade, kwenzeka into engummangaliso – into eyayifanele ukubonisa abantu baseKgalagadi ukuba ngubani oza kuba ngumenzi wemvula omtsha. Imibala yomnyama yasuka emzimbeni kamenzi wemvula omdala yangena kwintombazana encinane egama linguMapula, owayengumzukulwana kaRapula. Oku kwaba ngummangaliso omkhulu owawungazange wakhe wabonwa nguye nabani na, kodwa wonke umntu wayesazi ukuba leyo yayiyindlela abenzi bemvula abagqithisa ngayo amandla abo. Asiyonto yayifane yenzeke kuba abenzi bemvula babephila iminyaka emininzi kakhulu. + +UMapula yayinguye ngoku umenzi wemvula waseKgalagadi. Kwiintsuku eziliqela emva komngcwabo, abantu babhiyozela amandla amatsha entombazanana. Babhiyoza ngomculo nangokutya. Wonke umntu waseKgalagadi wayemphathele izipho zeempahla ezintsha, iintyatyambo, iintlobo zokutya kodidi nezinye izinto. +Kwahamba iintsuku ezimbalwa uMapula eziqhelanisa namandla akhe, kodwa wakhawuleza womelela. Ngoku wayesele ekulungele ukusisebenzisa ngendlela efanelekileyo isiphiwo sakhe. Xa esenza imvula equmbile, wayenokubangela isichotho okanye izikhukhula. Oku kungabulala uluntu lwakhe lonke. +Nangona iKgalagadi yayiseyinethuba elide kangako ingafumani mvula, uMapula wayefanele ukuyifunda ethe chu indlela yokusebenzisa amandla akhe. Okokuqala, wafunda ukuba ayinise kancinane imvula ngokuyondelelanisa amafu amancinane kunye. Waziqhelanisa nokwenza oku kanye ngeveki. Njengokhokho wakhe, wayedinwa kakhulu emva kokwenza ukuba amafu athobe imvula. Ngamanye amaxesha kwakufuneka ukuba alale iintsuku ezimbini ukuze aphinde aqwebe amanye amandla. +Abantu baseKgalagadi babelumkile. Bafunda iindlela ezintsha zokulondoloza amanzi ayexabiseke kakhulu. Bafunda ukwakha amadama okugcina amanzi. +Emva kweenyanga ezininzi zokuziqhelanisa, ekugqibeleni uMapula wakwazi ukuzisa iimvula ezintle kwakhona eKgalagadi. Wonke umntu wabhiyozela imvula enkulu ngokuxhentsa nangokucula. Kwakudlule iminyaka emininzi bengayiboni engako imvula kwaye babesazi ukuba ekugqibeleni idlulile imbalela. Babenovuyo ngokuba kwakukho umenzi wemvula omtsha – umenzi wemvula owayeza kwenza ubomi bomntu wonke buphucuke. +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Emva kokufunda Umenzi wemvula, xelela abantwana bakho ukuba benze imifanekiso yemvula. Basenokusebenzisa uboya bomqhaphu njengamafu bandule ukusika bakhuphe amaqabaza emvula ephepheni elibhlowu. Okanye, basenokupeyinta ngomnwe amafu nemvula. Basenokunqwenela ukufakela neminyama emifanekisweni yabo!",xho,isiXhosa,Umenzi wemvu,"Once upon a time in the Kgalagadi, there lived an old man named Rapula. He had the power to make it rain. After many years, Rapula became ill and his power weakened. This caused a great drought and much suffering. The people of the Kgalagadi knew it ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umenzi-wemvula +the-rainmaker,"Khale wa khaleni eKgalagadi, a ku ri na mukhalabye wa matimba loyi vito rakwe a ku ri Rapula. Rapula a ri na yin’wana ya tinyiko letikulu swinene emisaveni. A ri na matimba yo khuvanganisa mapapa loko ya ri kule na le kule. A ri na matimba yo nisa mpfula. Etikweni hinkwaro a tiveka tanihi Rapula, munisi wa mpfula. + +Eka Rapula, ku nisa mpfula a ku ri mhaka yo vava swinene. A swi teka matimba yakwe hinkwawo, kambe a swi tlhela swi n’wi nyika ntsako ku vona vanhu va ka vona va vuyeriwa hi mati lama a ya na ya suka emapapeni. Loko yi nile, vanhu a va ka mati va ya tirhisa ku nwa na ku sweka. Milambu a yi hobomulana naswona swiharhi a swi kuma mati yo nwa. Mpfula a yi tlhela yi phamela masimu ya Kgalagadi. +Endzhaku ka malembe yo tala yo nisa mpfula, Rapula, munisi wa mpfula, u sungule ku vabya kutani matimba yakwe ya tsana. Katsongotsongo tiko ra Kgalagadi ri sungule ku oma. Byanyi bya rihlaza na misinya yi sungule ku nyamalala. Hambiloko mukhalabya a tshamela ro ringeta, a kota ku endla ntsena swimpfulana switsongo. Nakambe, nkarhi hinkwawo loko a ringeta, a ya a nyanya ku tsana. +Hi xinkadyana mukhalabye a sungula ku vabya swinene na ku tsana lero a nga ha swi koti ku nisa mpfula na katsongo. Loko leswi swa ha ri tano, ku vile ni dyandza lerikulu. Tiko ri oma swibyariwa naswona swi fa. A ku ri na nkayivelo wa swakudya. Swifuwo swi fa, swimilani swi fa, na vanhu va lova. +Vaaki va le Kgalagadi va rindzela. A va ha ri na ntshembho wa leswaku munisi wa mpfula u ta hola nakambe. Loko va ha rindzerile, a va avelana switsongo leswi a va ri na swona nakambe a va nyika munisi wa mpfula swakudya swa xiyimo xa le henhla leswi a va ri na swona. “Kumbexana u ta vuyela eka xiyimo xa yena a va na matimba ku nga ri khale,” a va vula. +Ekuheteleleni vanhu va lemukile leswaku Rapula a nge pfuki a antswile. Tinltlhari ta tiko ti swi tivile leswaku lexi va nga xi endlaka sweswi, a ku ri ku yimela Rapula a hundzisela matimba lamo hlawuleka eka wun’wna munhu. +Loko Rapula, munisi wa mpfula, a lova, vanhu va le Kgalagadi va twile ku vava swinene. A va lahlekeriwile hi xirho xa nkoka xa tiko ra vona. Hambiswiritano, vakulukumba va tiko a va tichavelela hi ku tiva leswaku nyiko ya Rapula a yi lahlekangi. Yi ta va yi hundziseriwile eka wun’wana lontsongo. +Ku vile ni nkosi lowukulu ku xixima munisinkulu wa mpfula. Vanhu a va suka etindhawini ta le kule ta Kgalagadi ku va kona. A va ta na swakudya switsongo na swo nwa leswi a va ri na swona ku ta avelana na hinkwavo. +Loko Rapula, munisi wa mpfula, a nga si lahliwa ehansi leswaku a wisela makumu, ku humelele xilo xo hlamarisa – xin’wana lexi a xi ta komba vanhu va Kgalagadi leswaku hi wihi munisi wa mpfula lontshwa. Mihlovo ya nkwangulatilo yi suka eka miri wa munisi wa mpfula wa khale yi nghena eka nhwana lontsongo loyi vito rakwe a ku ri Mapula, loyi a ri ntukulu xindhuwe xa Rapula. Leswi a ku ri nchumu wo hlamarisa swinene leswi va nga si tshamaka va swi vona, kambe mani na mani a swi tiva leswaku leyi hi yona ndlela leyi vanisi va mpfula va hundziselaka hi yona matimba ya vona. Leswi a swi humeleli hi xitalo hikuva vanisi va mpfula a va hanya malembe yo leha, yo hlaya swinene. + +Sweswi Mapula a ri yena munisi wa mpfula lontshwa wa le Kgalagadi. Eka masiku ya le ndzhaku ka nkosi, vanhu va tlangerile matimba mantshwa lawa nhwana a ri na wona. A va tlangela hi vunanga na hi swakudya.Wun’wana na wun’wana wa le Kgalagadi u n’wi tisele tinyiko ta swiambalo leswintshwa, swiluva, swakudya swo hlawuleka na swin’wana swilo. +Swi tekile masikunyana ku va Mapula a tolovela matimba yakwe, kambe ku nga ri khale ya sungule ku va ya tiya. Sweswi a fanele ku tirhisa nyiko ya yena hi mfanelo. Loko o hlundzuka loko a ri karhi a endla mpfula, a ta tisa ku baleka ka tilo kumbe nkhukhulo. Leswi a swi ta hlasela tiko hinkwaro. +Hambileswi Kgalagadi a ri nga ri na mpfula ku ringana nkarhi wo leha, Mapula a fanele ku dyondza hi katsongotsongo ku tirhisa matimba yakwe. Xosungula, u dyondzile hi ku nisa mpfula yitsongo hi ku khuvanganisa mapapa matsongo. A titoloveta hi ku endla leswi kan’we hi vhiki. Tanihi kokwani wa kokwani wakwe, endzhaku ko endla mapapa yo nisa mpfula a twa a karhele swinene. Hi mikarhi yin’wana a fanele a etlela masiku mambirhi leswaku matimba ya yena ma vuyelelana. +Vanhu va le Kgalagadi a va tlharihile swinene. Va dyondzile tindlela tintshwa to hlayisa mati lawa ya nxavo wa le henhla. Va dyondzile ku aka madamu na ku endla mathangi lamakulu ku hlayisa mati eka wona. +Endzhaku ka tin’hweti to tala to titoloveta, Mapula a swi kota ku nisa timpfula ta kahle eKgalagadi nakambe. Wun’wana na wun’wana a tlangela mpfula leyikulu hi ku cina na ku yimbelela. A ku ri malembe yo tala va vone mpfula yo tala naswona a va swi tiva leswaku dyandza ri herile. A va tsakile hikuva se a ku ri na munisi wa mpfula lontshwa – munisi wa mpfula loyi a nga ta antswisa vutomi bya wun’wana na wun’wana. +Sungulani ku va ni vutumbuluxi! +Endzhaku ko hlaya Munisi wa mpfula, ringanyeta leswaku vana va wena va endla swifanso swa mpfula. Va nga tirhisa xipapa ku endla mapapa kutani va tsemeta mathonsi ya mpfula eka phepha ra wasi. Kumbe, va nga penda titiho ku endla mapapa na mpfula. Va nga tlhela va engetela nkwangulatilo eka swifaniso swa vona!",tso,Xitsonga,Munisi wa mpfu,"Once upon a time in the Kgalagadi, there lived an old man named Rapula. He had the power to make it rain. After many years, Rapula became ill and his power weakened. This caused a great drought and much suffering. The people of the Kgalagadi knew it ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/munisi-wa-mpfula +the-rainmaker,"Kwesukasukela endaweni yaseKgalagadi, kwakukhona indoda endala enamandla. Igama layo kwakunguRapula. URapula wayenesinye sezipho ezinkulukazi emhlabeni. Wayenamandla okuhlanganisa ndawonye amafu uma eqhelelene. Wayenamandla okwenza ukuthi line. Wayaziwa yonke indawo njengoRapula, umenzi wemvula. + +KuRapula, ukwenza imvula kwakuyinto ebuhlungu kakhulu. Kwakumqeda wonke amandla ayenawo, kodwa futhi kwakumnikeza injabulo ukubona abantu behlomula ngamanzi ayewa esuka emafini. Lapho lina, abantu babekha amanzi futhi bawasebenzisele ukuphuza nokupheka. Imifula yayigcwala ithi phama, ngakho izilwane zaziba nawo amanzi okuphuza. Imvula yayondla nezindawo zokulima zendawo yaseKgalagadi. +Ngemuva kweminyaka eminingi yokwenza imvula, uRapula, umenzi wemvula, wagula, amandla akhe ehla. Izwe laseKgalagadi laqala ukoma. Utshani obuluhlaza kanye nezihlahla kwaqala ukushabalala. Nakuba insizwa endala yayiqhubeka ilokhu izama, yayisikwazi ukwenza kuphela imvula engatheni nje. Futhi ngaso sonke isikhathi uma izama, yayilokhu iphelelwa amandla njalo.  +Ngokushesha insizwa endala yagula kakhulu, yaphelelwa ngamandla ngangokuthi yayingasakwazi nhlobo ukwenza imvula. Lapho kwenzeka lokhu, kwaba nesomiso esikhulu kabi. Izwe loma nezitshalo zafa. Kwakungasekho ukudla okwanele. Izilwane zafa, izitshalo zafa, nabantu bafa. +Abantu baseKgalagadi babelindile. Babesethembile ukuthi umenzi wemvula uzophila futhi. Ngenkathi belindile, bababelana ngalokho okuncane ababenakho, benikeza umenzi wemvula ukudla okuphambili ababenakho. “Mhlawumbe azobuya futhi amandla akhe ngokushesha nje,” kusho bona.  +Ekugcineni abantu babona ukuthi uRapula ngeke aphinde abe ngcono. Amadoda ahlakaniphile esigodini ayazi ukuthi konke osekumele akwenze manje, wukulinda ukuthi uRapula awedlulisele komunye amandla akhe akhethekile.  +Kwathi lapho uRapula, umenzi wezulu, eseshona, abantu baseKgalagadi baphatheka kabi. Babelahlekelwe yilungu lomphakathi elibaluleke kakhulu. Nokho, abadala bendawo baziduduza ngokwazi ukuthi isiphiwo sikaRapula sasingeke sona silahleke. Sasedluliselwe kumuntu omncanyana. +Kwaba khona umngcwabo omkhulu wokuhlonipha umenzi omkhulu wemvula. Abantu babephume ezigodini ezikude zaseKgalagadi ukuze babe khona. Babefike nokudla neziphuzo okuncane ababenakho ukuze babelane nabo bonke abantu.  +Ngaphambi kokuthi uRapula, umenzi wemvula, angcwatshwe emhlabathini ukuze aphumule ingunaphakade, kwenzeka into engajwayelekile – into eyayizokhombisa abantu baseKgalagadi ukuthi ngubani owayezoba wumenzi wemvula omusha. Imibala yothingo lwenkosazana yasuka emzimbeni womenzi wemvula omdala yazongena entombazaneni esencane egama layo uMapula, eyayiwumzukulwane kaRapula. Lokhu kwaba yinto emangazayo engakaze ibonwe muntu, kodwa wonke umuntu wabe azi ukuthi leyo kwakuyindlela abenzi bemvula ababedlulisela ngayo amandla abo. Kwakuyinto engavamisile ukwenzeka ngoba abenzi bemvula babephila iminyaka ngeminyaka. + +Manje uMapula wayesengumenzi wemvula omusha wendawo yaseKgalagadi. Kwaba yizinsuku emva komngcwabo, abantu bebungaza amandla amasha entombazanyana. Bagubha ngomculo kanye nokudla. Wonke umuntu waseKgalagadi wayeza nezipho okuyizimpahla zokugqoka ezintsha, izimbali, ukudla okukhethekile kanye nezinye izinto. +Kwamthatha izinsuku ezimbalwa uMapula ukujwayela amandla akhe amasha, kodwa kungekudala aba makhulu kunakuqala. Manje kwasekumele asebenzise isiphiwo sakhe ngendlela efanele. Uma wayezothukuthela ngenkathi esenza imvula, wayezokwenza kube nokuduma noma izikhukhula. Lokhu kwakuzocoboshisa wonke umphakathi wakubo. +Nakuba iKgalagadi yayikade ingenamvula isikhathi eside kakhulu, uMapula kwakufanele afunde kancane, kancane indlela yokusebenzisa Amandla akhe. Okokuqala, wafunda ukwenza ukuthi line kancane ngokuhlanganisa ndawonye amafu amancane. Wazejwayeza ukwenza lokhu kanye ngesonto. Njengaye nje ukhokho wakhe, wayekhathala kakhulu ngemuva kokwenza amafu ukuthi abe yimvula. Ngesinye isikhathi kwakumele alale izinsuku ezimbili ukuze abuyise amandla akhe. +Abantu baseKgalagadi babehlakaniphile. Bafunda izindlela ezintsha zokonga amanzi ayigugu. Bafunda ukuzakhela amadamu nokwenza amathange amakhulu ukuze bagcine amanzi kuwo. +Ngemuva kwezinyanga eziningi zokuzejwayeza, uMapula wagcina esekwazi ukuletha izimvula ezinhle futhi eKgalagadi. Wonke umuntu wayekubungaza ukuza kwezimvula ezinkulu ngokusina nokucula. Kwase kuphele iminyaka eminingi begcinile ukuba nemvula eningi kangaka futhi babazi ukuthi ekugcineni isomiso sabe sesiphelile. Babejabule ngokuthi kwase kukhona umenzi wemvula omusha – umenzi wemvula owayezokwenza impilo yawo wonke umuntu ibe ngcono. +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Ngemuva kokufunda Umenzi wemvula, phakamisa ukuthi izingane zakho zenze izithombe zemvula. Zingasebenzisa uvolo ukwenza amafu bese zisika amaconsi emvula eziqeshini zephepha eliluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. Noma-ke, zingazicakela ngomunwe amafu kanye nemvula. Zingase zifune ngisho nokungeza izintingo zenkosazan ezithombeni zazo!",zul,isiZulu,Umenzi wemvu,"Once upon a time in the Kgalagadi, there lived an old man named Rapula. He had the power to make it rain. After many years, Rapula became ill and his power weakened. This caused a great drought and much suffering. The people of the Kgalagadi knew it ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umenzi-wemvula-0 +moms-best-vase,"Ashley was busy doing a jigsaw puzzle when her big brother, Ben, came into the lounge.  +  +“Tomorrow is Mother’s Day,” he said. “We should do something very special for Mom. Will you help me?”  +  +Ashley clapped her hands. “Ooh yes, Ben. Are we going shopping?”  +  +“No, I’ve already bought her a present. Do you want to come and see?”  +  +Ashley followed her brother into the garage. On the bench, hidden under a sheet, was a beautiful wooden shelf in the shape of a heart.  +  +“I thought we could paint it blue,” Ben said.  +  +“Ooh yes,” Ashley said. “Blue is Mom’s favourite colour. She’s going to love her present.”  +  +Ben found two paintbrushes, and some sandpaper, and they got to work. First they sanded the shelf, then they painted a white undercoat and lastly they painted it a glossy bright blue. The shelf was beautiful.  + +  +“What are you two doing in there?” Mom asked when she came home from shopping.  +  +“Nothing! Go away!” called Ben.  +  +“It’s a surprise,” giggled Ashley.  +  +That afternoon Mom went to the hair salon.  +  +“Quick, Ashley,” called Ben, “it’s time to put up the shelf. Can you hold the screws and the screwdriver for me while I drill the holes in the wall? Don’t lose the screws. I don’t have any more.”  +  +Ashley held the screwdriver and screws tightly while Ben measured where the shelf would go on the wall. Then she blocked her ears while he drilled three holes.  +  +“There we go,” said Ben. “Now pass me the first screw.” Carefully he screwed the shelf to the wall. “Now pass me the other two screws, Ashley,” he said.  +  +But Ashley could find only one screw. The other one wasn’t in her pocket. It wasn’t on the floor, or behind the couch. It was gone. It was almost 5 o’clock. Mom would be home any minute.  +  +“Never mind,” said Ben. “This will do for now. I’ll buy another one in the week.”  +  +“What shall we put on the shelf?” asked Ashley.  +  +“I think Mom’s best vase that her granny gave her,” said Ben. “And her favourite candlesticks.”  + +  +“And the trophy I won at school for being the best at reading?” Ashley asked.  +  +“Definitely,” said Ben. “And the photo of Mom and me and you when you were a baby. She loves that picture.”  +  +Carefully they arranged Mom’s special things on the shelf. Then Ben spread the sheet over the shelf so it was hidden.  +  +A few minutes later Mom came home. “Hello, hello,” Mom called. “What have you two been up to?”  +  +“It’s a surprise,” giggled Ashley, “and you’re not allowed to see what’s behind the sheet.”  +  +“I’m very excited,” said Mom. “I’m sure it’s something wonderful.”  +  +“Do you promise you won’t peep?” asked Ashley at bedtime.  +  +Her mother tucked her up and gave her a kiss and a hug. “You are my best girl. I promise I won’t even lift the corner of the sheet.”  +  +It was almost morning when Ashley was woken by a loud crash. She jumped out of bed. Ben and Mom were standing in the lounge, staring at a terrible mess on the floor.  +  +“Oh no,” cried Ben, “the shelf fell off the wall.”  +  +“Oh no,” cried Ashley, “Mom’s Mother’s Day present is ruined.”  +  +“Oh no,” cried Mom, “my favourite vase is broken into little bits.”  +  +Everyone was upset. Mom sat on the couch and tried not to cry.  +  +“We’ll clean it up,” said Ben. “Mom, you go back to bed.”  +  +“Happy Mother’s Day,” said Ashley sadly.  + +  +Ben got the broom and swept up all the pieces of Mom’s favourite vase. He was very upset. “Mom’s granny gave her that vase and now it’s broken.” And he tipped the pieces into the rubbish bin. “We’d better go back to sleep too,” said Ben to Ashley. “It’s not waking up time yet.”  +  +Ashley looked at the shelf lying on the floor. It had been such a lovely present. Now they had nothing to give Mom when she woke up.  +  +Ashley peered inside the rubbish bin. All the pieces of Mom’s vase were there. Maybe she could use some glue and mend it? She picked up the bin and ran out to the garage. There on the shelf was a big pot of glue. She spread some newspaper on the workbench and emptied out the bin. There were so many pieces! How was she supposed to know which ones went where?  +  +“I see!” she exclaimed. “It’s like a jigsaw puzzle. Lots of pieces that fit together. First I’ll find all the ones with a straight edge. They must be the rim of the vase. And this big chunk here has a handle on it, so it must be the side. And there should be another handle – ah here it is.”  +  +When she had laid out all the pieces in the right order she began to glue them together. It was hard work. The glue stuck to her fingers, and she had to wait for the pieces to dry. It took ages.  +  +At last the vase was finished. It wasn’t exactly the same as the old one. This one had a funny lump on one side, and the rim was a bit skew, but Ashley knew Mom would hardly see the difference.  +  +Ashley looked out of the window. The neighbour, Mrs Du Toit, was watering her vegetables. Mrs Du Toit was very clever and could make anything. Ashley ran over to the fence. “Please, can you lend me one screw and help me fix a shelf?” she asked, and then she told Mrs Du Toit the whole story.  +  +“Of course,” Mrs Du Toit said. “I’ll come over at once.”  +  +Mom woke up at 9 o’clock. She was still very sad. She found Ashley fast asleep on the sofa, and a sheet covering something on the wall.  +  +“What have you been doing all morning, Ashley?” she asked.  +  +“Surprise!” yelled Ashley. “Happy Mother’s Day. Your present is behind the sheet.”  +  +Carefully Mom took the sheet off the wall. There was the blue shelf with the candlesticks, and the photo, and the trophy, and … MOM’S BEST VASE.  + +  +Mom clapped her hands. “You glued it back together!” she exclaimed. “It’s as good as new. It’s better than new. It’s the best present I ever got,” she said, giving Ashley a big hug.  +  +Ben also gave Ashley a hug. “You’re very clever!” he said. “You’ve saved Mother’s Day.”  +  +Ashley was so proud. Mom’s vase wasn’t exactly the same, but it still looked lovely on the new blue shelf.",eng,English,Mom's best vase,"Ashley was busy doing a jigsaw puzzle when her big brother, Ben, came into the lounge.  +  +“Tomorrow is Mother’s Day,” he said. “We should do something very special for Mom. Will you help me?”  +  +Ashley ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/moms-best-vase +moms-best-vase,"Ashley a ri karhi a endla phazele hi ku hlanganisa swipetlupetlu loko boti wa yena, Ben, a fika ekamareni ro dzumbela kona.  +  +“Mundzuku i Siku ra Manana,” a vula. “Hi fanele hi endla xa nchumu xo hlawuleka hi endlela manana. Xana u ta ndzi pfuna?”  +  +Ashley a ba mavoko. “Yaaa ina, Ben. Xana hi ya eku xaveni?”  +  +“Hayi, ndzi n’wi xaverile nyiko. Xana u lava ku ta u ta yi vona?��  +  +Ashley u landzelerile makwavo ku ya egaraji. Eka bangi, leyi a yi tumebetiwe ehansi ka lapi, a ku ri na xelufu ya mapulanga yo saseka leyi a yi ri na xivumbeko xa mbilu.  +  +“A ndzi ehleketa leswaku hi nga yi penda yi va ya wasi,” ku vula Ben.  +  +“Oooh ina,” ku vula Ashley. “Wasi i muhlovo lowu Manana va wu rhandzaka. U ta rhandza nyiko ya yena.”  +  +Ben u kumile tiburachi timbirhi to penda, na saniphepha, kutani va sungula ku tirha. Va sungula ku halela xelufu, kutani va penda hi muhlovo wo sungula wo bosa kutani ro hetisela va penda hi muhlovo wa wasi wo hatimela wu tlhela wu hatima. Xelufu a yi sasekile swinene.  + +  +“Xana n’wina vambirhi mi endla yini kwalaho?” Ku vutisa Manana loko a vuya emavhengeleni.  +  +“A hi endli nchumu! U nga tshineli laha!” ku vula Ben.  +  +“I xilo xo hlamarisa,” ku vula Ashley hi ku nkhwikwisela.  +  +Hi ndzhenga wolowo Manana va yile esaluni.  +  +“Hatlisa, Ashley,” ku vitana Ben, “i nkarhi wo hlanganisa xelufu. Xana u nga ndzi khomela mabawuti na xikurufudurayivha loko ndzi ri karhi ndzi boxa mimbhovo ekhumbini? U nga lahli mabawuti. Ndza ha ri hava man’wani mabawuti.”  +  +Ashley a khomile xikurufudiryivha na mabawuti a tiyisa loko Ben a ri karhi a pima laha xelufu yi faneleke ku va kona ekhumbini. Kutani a pfala tindleve loko a ri karhi a boxa mimbhovo minharhu.  +  +“Ya, swi endla swona,” ku vula Ben. “Ndzi nyiketi bawuti ro sungula.” Hi vukheta a kurufela xelufu ekhumbini. “Sweswi ndzi nyiketi mabawuti lamambirhi, Ashley,” a vula.  +  +Kambe Ashley a kuma bawuti rin’we. Lerin’wana a ri nga ha ri kona endzeni ka xikhwama xa yena. A ri nga ri kona ehansi, kumbe endzhaku ka byetlelo. A ri nyamalarile. A ku ri awara ya 5 ehenhla ka nhloko. Manana a nga vuya nkarhi wihi kumbe wihi.  +  +“U nga vileli,” ku vula Ben. “Leri ri ta tirha swa sweswi. Ndzi ta xava rin’wana vhiki leri taka.”  +  +“Xana hi ta veka yini eka xelufu?” ku vutisa Ashley.  +  +“Ndzi ehleketa leswaku hi veka vheyisi ya manana leyo xonga leyi kokwani wa yena a nga n’wi nyika,” ku vula Ben. “Na lexi xo hoax khandhlele lexi a xi rhandzaka.”  + +  +“Na sagwati leri ndzi nga ri kuma hikuva ndzi ve muhlayi wa kahle swinene?” ku kombela Ashley.  +  +“I ntiyiso,” ku vula Ben. “Na xifaniso xa mina na Manana na wena loko wa ha ri n’wana. U rhandza xifaniso lexi.”  +  +Hi vukheta va sungula ku lulamisa swilo swo hlawuleka eka xelufu. Kutani Ben a funengeta xelufu hi lapi ku yi tumbeta.   +  +Endzaku ka nkarhinyana Manana a fika. “Ahee, ahee,” ku vula Manana. “Xana a mi endla yini n’wina vamvirhi?”  +  +“I xihlamariso,” ku khwinkwisela Ashley, “a wu pfumeleriwi ku vona leswi nga laha ndzhaku ka lapi.”  +  +“Ndzi tsakile swinene,” ku vula Manana. “Ndza tshemba leswaku i swilo swo hlamarisa swinene.”  +  +“Xana wa tshembisa leswaku u nge hlomoteli?” ku vutisa Ashley hi nkarhi wo etlela.   +  +Manana wa yena u nwi funengetile a n’wi ntswontswa na ku n’wi vukarha. “U nhwana wa mina wo xonga swinene. Ndza tshembisa leswaku a ndzi nga fununguli hambi ku ri katsongo eka lapi leri nga funengeta.”  +  +A ri ya ekuxeni loko Ashley a pfuxiwa hi ku wa lokukulu. U tlule hi rivilo a chika emubedweni. Manana na Ben a va yimile ekamareni ro dzumba eka rona, va langute hansahansa leyi nga ehansi.  +  +“Ohoo, hay’khona,” ku rila Ben, “xelufu yi wile ku suka ekhumbini.”  +  +“Ohoo, hay’khona,” ku rila Ashley, “nyiko ya Manana ya Siku ra Manana yi onhakile.”  +  +“Ohoo, hay’khona,” ku rila Manana, “vheyisi ya mina leyi ndzi yi rhandzaka yi fayelelekile hi swiphemu.”  +  +Hinkwavo a va hlundzukile. Manana va tshamile esofeni va ringeta ku tikhoma.  +  +“Hi ta basisa,” ku vula Ben. “Manana, tlhelani mi ya etlela.”  +  +“Mi va na Siku ra Manana ra ntsako,” ku vula Ashley hi rito ro twa ku vava.  + +  +Ben u tekile nkukulu kutani a kukula swipetlu swa vheyisi ya Manana leyi va yi rhandzaka. A hlundzukile. “Kokwani wa manana va va nyikile vheyisi kambe sweswi yi fayekile.” U hlanganisile swipetlu a swi yisa ethinini ro chela malakatsa. “Swa antswa hi tlhelela eku etleleni,” ku vula Ben a byela Ashley. “Nkarhi wo pfuka a wu si fika.”  +  +Ashley u langutile xelufu leyi a yi ri ehansi. A ku ri nyiko yo rhandzeka swinene. Kambe sweswi a va ri hava lexi a va ta nyika Manana loko a pfuka.  +  +Ashley u langutile endzeni ka thini ra malakatsa. Swipetlu hinkwaswo swa vheyisi ya Manana a swi ri kona. Kumbexani a nga tirhisa glu ku tlhela a yi vumbetela? U tekilethini ra malakatsa kutani a tsutsumela egaraji. Eka xelufu a ku ri na poto lerikulu ra glu. U hangalasile maphephahungu yan’wani ehenhla ka bence ro tirhela na ku humesa hinkwaswo leswi a swi ri endzeni ka thini ra malakatsa. A ku ri na swipetlu swo tala! A ta swi tiva njhani leswaku hi swihi swi fanelaka ku khoma kwihi?  +  +“Ndza swi vona!” a boxa. “Swi fana na ntlangu wo hlanganisa swipetlu swa phazele. Swipetlu swo tala leswi endlaka nchumu wun’we. Xosungula ndzi fanele ndzi kuma hinkwaswo leswi nga swa le makumu. Ku nga va ku ri vuhenhla bya vheyisi. Naswona ledyikulu laha dyi na xikhomo, ku fanele ku ri etlhelo. Naswona ku fanele ku va na xikhomo xin’wani – aaah hi lexi.”  +  +Loko a andlarile swipetlu hinkwaswo hi ku ya hi matshamelo ya swona u sungurile ku namarheta hi glu a swi hlanganisa. A wu ri ntirho wo tika swinene. Glu a yi namarhela etitihweni ta yena, naswona a fanele a yimela swipetlu swi oma. Swi teke nkarhi wo leha swinene.  +  +Emaheteleleni vheyisi a yi herile. A yi fana kwatsa na vheyisi leya khale. Leyi a yi ri na lunda ro hlekisa hi le tlhelo, naswona hala ka nomo a ku voyamele tlhelo, kambe Ashley a swi tiva leswaku Manana a va nge koti ku vona ku hambana.  +  +Ashley u langutile hi fasitere. Muakelani, Manana Du Toit, a ri karhi a cheleta matsavu. Manana Du Toit a tlharihile swinene naswona a kota ku endla swilo hinkwaswo. Ashley a tsutsumela ekusuhi na fense. “Ndza ku kombela, ndzi lombi bawuti na ku ndzi pfuna ku lunghisa xelufu?” a kombela, kutani a byela Manana Du Toit hinkwaswo leswi nga humelela.  +  +“Ina,” ku vula Manana Du Toit. “Ndzi ta namba ndzi ta sweswi.”  +  +Manana u pfukile hi nkarhi wa 9 ehenhla ka nhloko. A ha ri na gome swinene. U kumile Ashley a etlele byi phahile esofeni, na ku vona lapi ri funengetile swin’wana ekhumbini.  +  +“A wu endla yini mpundzu lowu hinkwawo, Ashley?” a vutisa.  +  +“Xihlamariso!” ku huwelela Ashley. “Mi va na Siku ra Manana ra ntsako. Nyiko ya wena yi le ndzhaku ka lapi.”  +  +Hi vurhon’wani Manana u funungurile lapi ekhumbini. A ku ri na xelufu ya wasi na xo khoma makhandlele, na xifaniso, na sagwati, na … VHEYISI YA MANANA LEYO XONGA.  + +  +Manana u bile mavoko. “U yi khomanisile yi vuyela evutshan’weni bya yona hinkwayo!” a hlamala. “Yi saseke onge i yintshwa. Yi kahle ku tlula leyintshwa. I nyiko yo saseka ku tlula leti ndzi nga tshama ndzi ti kuma,” a hlamusela, a ri karhi a vukarha Ashley hi mbukarho lowukulu.  +  +Ben na yena u vukarhile Ashley. “U tlharihile swinene!” a vula. “U ponisile Siku ra Manana.”  +  +Ashley a tinyungubyisa swinene. Vheyisi ya Manana a yi nga fani ngopfu na leya khale, kambe a yi languteka yi sasekile eka xelufu leyintshwa ya wasi.",tso,Xitsonga,Vheyisi ya Manana leyo xong,"Ashley was busy doing a jigsaw puzzle when her big brother, Ben, came into the lounge.  +  +“Tomorrow is Mother’s Day,” he said. “We should do something very special for Mom. Will you help me?”  +  +Ashley ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/vheyisi-ya-manana-leyo-xonga +moms-best-vase,"U-Ashley wayematasa enza isiphico esimazombezombe ngenkathi umfowabo omdala, uBen, engena ekameleni lokuphumula.  +  +“Kusasa uSuku LukaMama,” kusho yena. “Kufanele senzele uMama into ekhethekile. Uzokwazi ukungisiza?”  +  +U-Ashley washaya izandla. “Awu, yebo, Ben. Ngabe sizohamba siyothenga ezitolo?”  +  +“Cha, sengivele ngimthengele isipho. Ufuna ukuza uzosibona?”  +  +U-Ashley walandela umfowabo baqonda egalaji. Ebhentshini ngaphansi kweshidi, kwakukhona ishalofu elihle lepulangwe elinesimo senhliziyo.  +  +“Ngicabange ukuthi singayipenda ibe luhlaza okwesibhakabhaka,” kusho uBen.  +  +“Awu, yebo,” kusho u-Ashley. “Umbala oluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka wumbala awukhonzile uMama. Uzosithanda isipho sakhe.”  +  +UBen wathola amabhulashi okupenda amabili, nosandiphepha, base beyasebenza njalo. Okokuqala bashukusha ishalofu laba bushelelezi, emva kwalokho base bependa ungqimba lokuqala olumhlophe kwase kuthi ekugcineni balipenda laba luhlaza okwesibhakabhaka ngokumanyazelayo. Ishalofu lalilihle.  +  +  +“Nenzani lapho nina nobabili?” kwabuza uMama ngenkathi efika ekhaya ebuya ukuyothenga ezitolo.  +  +“Akulutho! Sicela ungasondeli!” kumemeza uBen.  +  +“Akumele wazi, kuyimfihlo,” kugigitheka u-Ashley.  +  +Ntambama ngalelo langa uMama wahamba waya endaweni yokulungisa izinwele.  +  +“Shesha, Ashley,” kumemeza uBen, “sekuyisikhathi sokumisa ishalofu. Ungakwazi ukungibambela izikulufo kanye nesikuludilayiva ngenkathi ngibhola izimbobo obondeni? Ungazilahli izikulufo. Anginazo ezinye ngaphezu kwalezo.”  +  +U-Ashley wabamba isikuludilayiva kanye nezikulufo wathi ngqi ngenkathi uBen ekala lapho ishalofu lalizongena khona obondeni. Wayesevala izindlebe zakhe ngenkathi umfowabo ebhola izimbobo ezintathu.  +  +“Nazo-ke,” kusho uBen. “Manje awungedlulisele isikulufo sokuqala.” Ngokucophelela wafaka ishalofu obondeni ngesikulufo. “Manje ngedlulisele ezinye izikulufo ezimbili, Ashley,” kusho yena.  +  +Kodwa u-Ashley wakwazi ukuthola isikulufo esisodwa kuphela. Esinye sasingekho ekhukhwini lakhe. Sasingekho naphansi, noma ngemuva kosofa. Sase sinyamalele. Kwase kuzoshaya ihora lesi-5 nqo. UMama wayesezofika ekhaya noma nini.  +  +“Akunandaba,” kusho uBen. “Lezi ezikhona zizolunga okwamanje. Ngizothenga esinye esisodwa evikini.”  +  +“Yini esizoyibeka eshalofini?” kubuza u-Ashley.  +  +“Ngicabanga ukuthi sizobeka ivasi ephambiliayinikezwa ngugogo wakhe,” kwasho uBen. “Kanjalo nezindukwana zamakhandlela azikhonzile.”  + +  +“Singayibeka nendebe engayithola esikoleni ngokudla ubhedu ekufundeni?” kubuza u-Ashley.  +  +“Noma kanjani,” kusho uBen. “Nesithombe sikaMama enami nawe ngenkathi usewusana. Uyasithanda leso sithombe.”  +  +Ngokucophelela bahlela izinto zikaMama ezikhethekile eshalofini. Emva kwalokho uBen wayesemboza ngeshidi ukuze konke kufihleke.  +  +Ngemuva kwemizuzu embalwa uMama wabuya ekhaya. “Sanibonani, sanibonani,” kumemeza uMama. “Benenzani nina nobabili?”  +  +“Yinto ezokumangaza,” kugigitheka u-Ashley, “futhi awuvumelekile ukuthi ubone ukuthi kukhonani ngaphansi kweshidi.”  +  +“Ngithokoze kakhulu,” kwasho uMama. “Ngiyacabanga ukuthi yinto enhle.”  +  +“Uyethembisa yini ukuthi ngeke ulunguze?” kwabuza u-Ashley ngesikhathi sokulala. Unina wambamba wamphakamisa, wayesemqabula ebuya emhaga.  +  +“Uyintombazane yami enhle kakhulu. Ngiyethembisa ukuthi ngeke ngize ngiphakamise ngisho ichopho leshidi leli.”  +  +Kwase kusa ngenkathi u-Ashley evuswa wumsindo omkhulu wento ephihlikayo. Wagxuma waphuma embhedeni. UBen noMama babemile ekameleni lokuphumula, bebuka umonakalo omubi phansi.  +  +“Awu hhe,” kukhala uBen, “ishalofu liwile obondeni.”  +  +“Awu ngeke,” kubalisa u-Ashley, “isipho sikaMama soSuku LukaMama sesimoshekile.”  +  +“Nkosi yami,” kukhala uMama, “ivasi yami engiyikhonze kangaka ivele yephuka yaba yizicucwana.”  +  +Wonke umuntu wayesekhathazekile. UMama wahlala kusofa wazama ukuthi angakhali.  +  +“Sizowususa umonakalo,” kusho uBen. “Mama, buyela embhedeni.”  +  +“Ngikufisela USuku LukaMama olunentokozo,” kwasho u-Ashley ngokudumala.  + +  +UBen wathatha umshanelo washanela zonke izicucu zevasi kaMama ephambili. Wayekhathazeke kakhulu. “Ugogo kaMama wayemnike le vasi kodwa manje isiphukile.” Wayesefaka izicucu emgqonyeni wezibi. “Kungcono nathi sivele sibuyele sizilalele,” kwasho uBen ku-Ashley. “Akukabi sona isikhathi sokuvuka.”  +  +U-Ashley walibuka ishalofu elalilele phansi. Bekungeve kuyisipho esihle bandla. Manje babengasenalutho abazolunika unina uma esevukile.  +  +U-Ashley walunguza phakathi emgqonyeni wezibi. Zonke izicucu zevasi kaMama zazilapho. Mhlawumbe angasebenzisa isinamathelisi esithile azixhume? Wathatha umgqomo wezibi wagijima nawo waphuma waya egalaji. Laphaya eshalofini kwakunesitsha esikhulu sesinamathelisi. Wayesendlala iphephandaba ebhentshini lokusebenzela maqede wathulula umgqomo wezibi. Kwakunenqwaba yezicucu bo! Ngabe wayezokwazi kanjani ukuthi iyiphi ingxenye engena kuphi?  +  +“Ngiyabona!” esho ememeza. “Kufana nesiphico esimazombezombe. Kuneningi lezicucu ezikwazi ukuhlangana ndawonye. Okokuqala ngizothola zonke lezi ezinonqenqema oluqondile. Lezo kufanele kube ngezomlomo wevasi. Lesi siqephu esikhulu sinesibambo, ngakho kumele kube wuhlangothi lwayo. Futhi kufanele kube nesinye isibambo – awuzwe-ke nasi.”  +  +Ngenkathi esezendlale phansi zonke izicucu zalandelana ngendlela efanele waqala ukuzihlanganisa ndawonye ngesinamathelisi. Kwakungumsebenzi onzima. Isinamathelisi sanamathela eminweni yakhe, kanti kwakufanele alinde izicucu ukuthi zome. Kwathatha isikhathi eside.  +  +Ekugcineni yaphela ivasi. Yayingafani ncamashi nalena endala. Lena yayineguludla elihlekisayo ohlangothini olulodwa, umlomo wevasi wawuthe ukutsheka kancane, kodwa u-Ashley wayazi ukuthi uMama wayengeke akwazi ukuwubona lowo mehluko.  +  +U-Ashley wabuka ngaphandle kwefasitela. Umakhelwane wabo, uNkk Du Toit, wayenisela imifino yakhe. UNkk Du Toit wayehlakaniphe kakhulu futhi engakhanda noma yini. U-Ashley wagijima waqonda othangweni. “Ngiyacela, ungangiboleka isikulufo esisodwa bese ungisiza ngilungise ishalofu?” kubuza yena, wase etshela uNkk Du Toit lonke udaba.  +  +“Kulungile,” kusho uNkk Du Toit. “Ngizoza khona manje.”  +  +UMama wavuka ngehora lesi-9 nqo ezimpondweni. Wayesadabuke kabi. Wathola u-Ashley elele zwi kusofa, kanti kwakukhona ishidi elemboze okuthile obondeni.  +  +“Ubuwenzani ekuseni nje, Ashley?” kubuza yena.  +  +“Kuzokumangaza!” kumemeza u-Ashley. “Ngikufisela Usuku LukaMama Olunentokozo. Isipho sakho singemuva kweshidi.”  +  +UMama waphenya ngokucophelela ishidi obondeni. Kwakukhona ishalofu eliluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka elinezindukwana zamakhandlela kanye nesithombe, nendebe, kanye ne … NEVASI KAMAMA EPHAMBILI.  + +  +Umama washaya izandla. “Uyinamathisele wayibuyisela ndawonye!” ebabaza. “Inhle sengathi yintsha. Ingcono kunentsha. Yisipho esihle kakhulu kwesengake ngazithola,” kusho yena, ebamba u-Ashley emnkonkoshela kakhulu.  +  +NoBen wabamba u-Ashley emhaga kakhulu. “Uhlakaniphe kakhulu wena!” kusho yena. “Ulusindisile USuku LukaMama.”  +  +U-Ashley wayeziqhenya kakhulu. Ivasi kaMama yayingasafani ncamashi, kodwa yayisabukeka iyinhle eshalofini elisha eliluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka.",zul,isiZulu,Ivasi kaMama epham,"Ashley was busy doing a jigsaw puzzle when her big brother, Ben, came into the lounge.  +  +“Tomorrow is Mother’s Day,” he said. “We should do something very special for Mom. Will you help me?”  +  +Ashley ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ivasi-kamama-ephambili +moms-best-vase,"UAshley wayexakeke ngokudibanisa amaqhekeza ephazili xa ubhuti wakhe, uBen, wayengena kwigumbi lokuphumla.  +  +“Ngomso luSuku lukaMama,” watsho. “Masenzele uMama into yohlobo olulodwa kangangoko. Uza kundincedisa?”  +  +UAshley waqhwaba izandla zakhe. “Ewe kanene, Ben. Siza kuya ezivenkileni?”  +  +“Hayi, sendisithengile isipho sakhe. Uyafuna ukundilandela ukuze usibone?”  +  +UAshley walandela umntakwabo baya egaraji. Esitulweni eside, kwakufihlwe phantsi kweshiti, ishelufa entle yeplanga enemilo yentliziyo.  +  +“Bendicinga ukuba masiyipeyinte ngombala oblowu,” watsho uBen.  +  +“Owu ewe,” watsho uAshley. “Umbala oblowu ngowona uthandwa ngumama. Uza kusithanda isipho sakhe.”  +  +UBen wafumana iibrashi ezimbini zokupeyinta, kunye nephepha elirhwexa njengesanti, baqalisa ukusebenza. Baqale ngokukhuhla ishelufa ngephepha elirhwexayo, baze balipeyinta ngepeyinti esisandulela emhlophe bagqibela ngokulipeyinta ngombala oblowu oqaqambileyo nokhazimlayo. Yayintle loo shelufa.  + +  +“Nenza ntoni nina nobabini apho?” wabuza uMama xa wayefika evela ezivenkileni.  +  +“Asenzi nto! Khawuhambe torho!” wakhwaza uBen.  +  +“Ngummangaliso,” wagigitheka uAshley.  +  +Ngaloo mva kwemini uMama waya kwisaluni yokulungisa iinwele.  +  +“Khawuleza, Ashley,” wakhwaza uBen, “lifikile ixesha lokuxhoma ishelufa. Ungandibambela izikrufu nesikrudrayiva xa ndigqobhoza imingxuma edongeni? Ungazilahli izikrufu. Andinazo ezinye.”  +  +UAshely wayesibambisisile isikrudrayiva nezikrufu xa uBen wayelinganisa indawo eza kuba kuyo ishelufa edongeni. Wasuka wavala iindlebe zakhe xa egqobhoza imingxuma emithathu umntakwabo.  +  +“Kwaqal’ ukulunga,” watsho uBen. “Ngoku khawundigqithisele isikrufu sokuqala.” Wayinamathelisa ngocoselelo ishelufa ngezikrufu edongeni. “Khawundigqithisele ezinye izikrufu ezibini ngoku, Ashley,” watsho.  +  +Kodwa uAshley wafumana isikrufu esinye kuphela. Esinye sasingekho epokothweni yakhe. Sasingawanga phantsi emgangathweni, futhi sasingekho nasemva kwesofa. Sasimkile. Ixesha lalisondele kwintsimbi ye-5. UMama wayenokubuya nangowuphi umzuzu ngoku.  +  +“Ungakhathazeki,” watsho uBen. “Okwangoku kusalungile oku. Ndiza kuthenga esinye phakathi evekini.”  +  +“Siza kubeka ntoni eshelufini?” wabuza uAshley.  +  +“Ndicinga ukuba masibeke eyona vazi ithandwa ngumama awayeyiphiwe ngumakhulu wakhe,” watsho uBen. “Nezona zixhasi zamakhandlela azithanda kakhulu.”  +  +  +“Kunye nendebe endayiwina esikolweni ngokuba ngoyena mfundi obalasele ngokufunda?” wabuza uAshley.  +  +“Ngokuqinisekileyo,” watsho uBen. “Kunye nefoto kaMama nam kunye nawe ngokuya wawuselusana. Uyayithanda loo foto.”  +  +Babeka izinto zohlobo olulodwa ezithandwa nguMama eshelufini ngononophelo. UBen ke ngoko wazigquma ngeshiti phezu kweshelufa ukuze zingabonakali.  +  +UMama wafika ekhaya kwimizuzu embalwa. “Molweni, molweni,” wakhwaza uMama. “Benisenza ntoni nina nobabini?”  +  +“Ngummangaliso,” wayithi qhuzu qhuzu intsini uAshley, “kwaye akuvumelekanga ukubona okungaphaya kweshiti.”  +  +“Ndinovuyo olukhulu,” watsho uMama. “Ndiqinisekile ukuba leyo yinto exabiseke kakhulu.”  +  +“Uyathembisa ukuba akusayi kuyikroba?” wabuza uAshley ngethuba lokuya kulala.  +  +Umama wakhe wamembathisa waze wamphuza emanga. “Uyeyona ntombazana yam ndiyithandayo. Ndiyathembisa ukuba andisayi kuphakamisa nekona yeshiti.”  +  +Kwakuza kuqhekeka ukusa xa uAshley wayevuswa yingxolo eyavakala ngoswalakahla. Watsibela ngaphaya kwebhedi. UBen noMama babemi kwigumbi lokuphumla, beqwalasele kobo butyobo babuphantsi emgangathweni.  +  +“Yho,” wakhala uBen, “ishelufa iwile edongeni.”  +  +“Yhu-u,” wakhuza uAshley, “isipho sikaMama soSuku lukaMama sonakele.”  +  +“Owu-u,” wakhuza uMama, “eyona vazi ndiyithanda kakhulu yaphuke yaziingceba.”  +  +Wonke umntu wayedanile. UMama wahlala esofeni wazama ukuba angakhali.  +  +“Siza kucoca apha,” watsho uBen. “Mama, kubhetele ubuyele ebhedini.”  +  +“Ndikunqwenelela uSuku lukaMama olumnandi,” watsho kalusizi uAshley.  +  +  +UBen walanda umtshayelo wazitshayela zonke iingceba zeyona vazi ithandwa ngumama. Wayekhathazeke kakhulu. “Umakhulu kaMama wampha yona le vazi ngoku nantsi yaphukile.” Wachola-chola loo maqhekeza wawalahla emgqomeni wenkunkuma. “Nathi masiye kulala,” watsho uBen kuAshley. “Alikafiki ixesha lokuvuka.”  +  +UAshley wajonga ishelufa eyayiphantsi. Isipho esinje ukuba sihle. Ngoku babengenanto abanokuyinika uMama wabo akuvuka.   +  +UAshley wakroba phakathi emgqomeni wenkunkuma. Zonke iingceba zevazi kaMama zazilapho. Ingaba mhlawumbi wayengayingciba ngeglu? Wathatha umgqomo wabaleka waya nawo egaraji. Phaya eshelufini kwakukho imbiza enkulu yeglu. Wandlala amaphephandaba esitulweni eside sokusebenzela waze waphokozela umgqomo phantsi. Ezininzi kangako zona iingceba! Wayeza kwazi njani ukuba yeyiphi efanele ukungena ndawoni?   +  +“O-o-owu ndiyabona ngoku!” wakhuza. “Yiphazili yamaqhekeza adityaniswayo le. Ngamaqhekeza amaninzi anamathela elinye kwelinye. Ndiza kuqala ndifumanise lawo aneziphelo ezithe tye. Afanele ukuba yimiphetho yevazi. Kanti eli ceba likhulu naku linomqheba, ngoko ke yindawo yayo esecaleni. Mandikhangele omnye umqheba – tyhini nanku.”  +  +Wathi akuba ewandlale phantsi onke amaqhekeza ngokulandelelana kwawo, waqalisa ukuwadibanisa ngeglu. Yayingumsebenzi onzima. Iglu yayincamathela eminweni yakhe, futhi kwakufuneka ukuba alinde iingceba zome. Kwachitha ixesha elide oku.  +  +Ekugqibeleni yayigqibekile ivazi. Yayingafani ncam naleya indala. Le yayineqhunyana elingaqhelekanga kwelinye icala, kanti nomphetho wawugoswana kancinane, kodwa uAshley wayesazi ukuba uMama wayengazi kubona mahluko.  +  +UAshley wajonga phandle ngefesitile. Wabona ummelwane, uNksk Du Toit, enkcenkceshela imifuno yakhe. UNksk Du Toit wayekrelekrele kakhulu ekwazi ukwenza yonke into. Wabaleka waya ecingweni. “Ungandinceda, undiboleke isikrufu sakho esinye futhi undincedise ukulungisa ishelufa?” wabuza, waze wabalisela uNksk Du Toit lonke ibali.  +  +“Ewe nangoku,” watsho uNksk Du Toit. “Ndiyeza kwangoku.”  +  +UMama uvuke ngentsimbi ye-9. Wayeselusizi. Wabona uAshley elele yoyi esofeni, kodwa kwakukho into eyayigqume okuthile edongeni.  +  +“Ubusenza ntoni intsasa le yonke, Ashley? wabuza.  +  +“Ummangaliso!” wakhwaza uAshley. “Yonwabela uSuku lukaMama. Isipho sakho singaphaya kweshiti.”  +  +Ngokuqaphela uMama wasusa ishiti ngasedongeni. Kwakukho ishelufa eblowu nezixhasi zamakhandlela, ifoto, nendebe, kananjalo … EYONA VAZI ITHANDWA NGUMAMA.  + +  +UMama waqhwaba izandla zakhe. “Uyilungise ngeglu yadibana!” wakhuza. “Intle ngokungathi intsha. Phofu intle ngaphezu kwentsha. Sesona sipho sihle ndakhe ndasifumana,” watsho esanga uAshley kangangoko.  +  +NoBen wabamba kakhulu uAshley wamanga. “Ukrelekrele ngokugqithisileyo!” watsho. “Ulusindisile uSuku lukaMama.”  +  +UAshley wayenegugu kangako naye. Ivazi kaMama yayingeyiyo ncam, kodwa yayibukeka intle phezu kweshelufa eblowu entsha.",xho,isiXhosa,Eyona vazi ithandwa nguMam,"Ashley was busy doing a jigsaw puzzle when her big brother, Ben, came into the lounge.  +  +“Tomorrow is Mother’s Day,” he said. “We should do something very special for Mom. Will you help me?”  +  +Ashley ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/eyona-vazi-ithandwa-ngumama +moms-best-vase,"Ashley is besig om ’n legkaart te bou toe haar ouboet, Ben, in die sitkamer inkom.  +  +“Môre is Moedersdag,” sê hy. “Ons moet iets baie spesiaals vir Mamma doen. Sal jy my help?”  +  +Ashley klap haar hande. “Ooee, ja, Ben. Gaan ons inkopies doen?”  +  +“Nee, ek het al klaar vir haar ’n geskenk gekoop. Wil jy kom kyk?”  +  +Ashley volg haar broer tot in die garage. Op die bankie, weggesteek onder ’n laken, is ’n pragtige houtrak in die vorm van ’n hart.  +  +“Ek het gedink ons kan dit blou verf,” sê Ben.  +  +“Ooee, ja,” sê Ashley. “Blou is Mamma se gunstelingkleur. Sy gaan mal wees oor haar geskenk.”  +  +Ben kry twee verfkwaste en skuurpapier en hulle spring aan die werk. Eers skuur hulle die rak af, toe verf hulle ’n wit onderlaag op, en laaste verf hulle dit ’n blink, helderblou. Die rak is pragtig.  + +  +“Wat doen julle twee daar binne?” vra Mamma toe sy terugkom van die winkels af.  +  +“Niks nie! Bly weg!” roep Ben.  +  +“Dis ’n verrassing,” giggel Ashley.  +  +Daardie middag gaan Mamma haarsalon toe.  +  +“Gou, Ashley,” roep Ben, “dis tyd om die rak teen die muur vas te maak. Kan jy die skroewe en die skroewedraaier vir my vashou terwyl ek die gate in die muur boor? Moenie die skroewe verloor nie. Ek het nie nog nie.”  +  +Ashley hou die skroewedraaier en skroewe styf vas terwyl Ben meet waar die rak teen die muur moet kom. Sy druk haar ore toe terwyl hy drie gate boor.  +  +“So ja,” sê Ben. “Gee nou vir my die eerste skroef aan.” Versigtig skroef hy die rak teen die muur vas. “Nou die ander twee skroewe, Ashley,” sê hy.  +  +Maar Ashley kan net een skroef vind. Die ander een is nie in haar sak nie. Dit is nie op die vloer of agter die rusbank nie. Dis weg. Dis byna vyfuur. Mamma gaan enige oomblik terugkom.  +  +“Toemaar,” sê Ben. “Dis goed genoeg vir nou. Ek sal in die week nog een gaan koop.”  +  +“Wat gaan ons op die rak sit?” vra Ashley.  +  +“Ek dink Mamma se beste vaas wat haar ouma vir haar gegee het,” sê Ben. “En haar gunsteling-kandelare.”  + +  +“En die trofee wat ek by die skool gewen het omdat ek die beste lees?” vra Ashley.  +  +“Beslis,” sê Ben. “En die foto van my en jou en Mamma toe jy ’n baba was. Sy hou baie van daardie foto.”  +  +Versigtig rangskik hulle Mamma se spesiale goed op die rak. Toe gooi Ben die laken oor die rak, sodat dit weggesteek is.  +  +’n Paar minute later kom Mamma by die huis aan. “Hallo, hallo,” roep Mamma. “Waarmee was julle twee besig?”  +  +“Dis ’n verrassing,” giggel Ashley, “en jy mag nie sien wat agter die laken is nie.”  +  +“Ek is so opgewonde,” sê Mamma. “Ek is seker dis iets wonderliks.”  +  +“Belowe Mamma sal nie loer nie?” vra Ashley toe dit slaaptyd is.  +  +Haar mamma vou haar styf toe en gee haar ’n soentjie en ’n drukkie. “Jy is my spesiale meisiekind. Ek belowe ek sal nie eens die hoekie van die laken oplig nie.”  +  +Dis byna oggend toe Ashley van ’n groot geraas wakker word. Sy spring uit die bed. Ben en Mamma staan in die sitkamer en staar na die ’n verskriklike gemors op die vloer.  +  +“Ag nee,” roep Ben, “die rak het van die muur af geval.”  +  +“Ag nee,” roep Ashley, “Mamma se Moedersdaggeskenk is geruïneer.”  +  +“Ag nee,” roep Mamma, “my gunstelingvaas het in klein stukkies gebreek.”  +  +Almal is ontsteld. Mamma sit op die bank en probeer om nie te huil nie.  +  +“Ons sal dit opruim,” sê Ben. “Gaan klim terug in die bed, Mamma.”  +  +“Gelukkige Moedersdag,” sê Ashley hartseer.  + +  +Ben gaan haal die besem en vee al die stukkies van Mamma se gunstelingvaas op. Hy is baie ontsteld. “Mamma se ouma het daardie vaas vir haar gegee, en nou is dit stukkend.” Hy gooi die stukkies in die vullisblik. “Ons moet liewer weer gaan slaap,” sê Ben vir Ashley. “Dis nog nie opstaantyd nie.”  +  +Ashley kyk na die rak wat op die vloer lê. Dit was so ’n spesiale geskenk. Nou het hulle niks om vir Mamma te gee wanneer sy wakker word nie.  +  +Ashley loer in die vullisblik. Al die stukkies van Mamma se vaas is daar. Dalk kan sy dit met gom aanmekaar plak? Sy tel die vullisblik op en hardloop garage toe. Op die rak is ’n groot pot gom. Sy sprei koerantpapier op die werkbank uit en keer die vullisblik daarop om. Daar is so baie stukkies! Hoe is sy veronderstel om te weet wat kom waar?  +  +“Ek weet!” roep sy uit. “Dis soos ’n legkaart. Baie klein stukkies wat in mekaar pas. Eers sal ek al die stukkies met reguit rande soek. Dit moet die rand van die vaas wees. En hierdie groot stuk het ’n oor aan, so dit moet die kant wees. En daar behoort nog ’n oor te wees – aha, hier is dit.”  +  +Toe sy al die stukkies in die regte volgorde uitgepak het, begin sy hulle aan mekaar vasplak. Dis harde werk. Die gom sit aan haar vingers vas, en sy moet wag vir die stukkies om droog te word. Dit vat ure.  +  +Uiteindelik is die vaas klaar. Dit is nie presies dieselfde as die ou een nie. Hierdie een het ’n snaakse bult aan die een kant, en die rand is ’n bietjie skeef, maar Ashley weet Mamma sal skaars die verskil sien.  +  +Ashley kyk by die venster uit. Die buurvrou, mev. Du Toit, lei haar groente nat. Mev. Du Toit is baie slim en kan enigiets maak. Ashley hardloop na die heining toe. “Kan tannie asseblief vir my een skroef leen en my help om ’n rak reg te maak?” vra sy, en toe vertel sy vir mev. Du Toit die hele storie.  +  +“Natuurlik,” sê mev. Du Toit. “Ek kom dadelik oor.”  +  +Mamma word negeuur wakker. Sy is nog baie hartseer. Sy vind Ashley vas aan die slaap op die rusbank, en sy sien ’n laken wat oor iets teen die muur hang.  +  +“Waarmee was jy die hele oggend besig, Ashley?” vra sy.  +  +“Verrassing!” gil Ashley. “Gelukkige Moedersdag. Jou geskenk is agter die laken.”  +  +Mamma lig die laken versigtig op. Daar is die blou rak met die kandelare, en die foto, en die trofee, en … MAMMA SE BESTE VAAS.  + +  +Mamma klap hande. “Jy het dit reggemaak!” roep sy. “Dis so goed soos nuut. Dis beter as toe dit nuut was. Dis die beste geskenk wat ek nog ooit gekry het,” sê sy, en gee vir Ashley ’n stywe druk.  +  +Ben gee ook vir Ashley ’n drukkie. “Jy’s baie slim!” sê hy. “Jy het Moedersdag gered.”  +  +Ashley is so trots. Mamma se vaas lyk nie presies dieselfde nie, maar dit lyk steeds mooi op die nuwe blou rak.",afr,Afrikaans,Mamma se beste vaas,"Ashley was busy doing a jigsaw puzzle when her big brother, Ben, came into the lounge.  +  +“Tomorrow is Mother’s Day,” he said. “We should do something very special for Mom. Will you help me?”  +  +Ashley ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mamma-se-beste-vaas +moms-best-vase,"Ashley o ne a ntse a etsa phazele ya matswedintsweke ha kgaitsedi ya hae, Ben a kena ka phaposing ya phomolo.  +  +“Hosane ke Letsatsi la Bomme,” a rialo. “Re lokela ho etsetsa Mme ntho e itseng e kgethehileng haholo. Na o tla nthusa?”  +  +Ashley a opa matsoho. “Ehlile hle, Ben. Na re ya mabenkeleng?”  +  +“Tjhe, ke se ke mo reketse mpho. Na o batla ho tla e bona?”  +  +Ashley a latela kgaitsedi ya hae ho ya ka karatjheng. Hodima banka, ka tlasa lakane, ho ne ho ena le shelofo e ntle ya patsi e sebopeho sa pelo.  +  +“Ke ne ke re mohlomong re ka e penta e be botala ba lehodimo,” ha rialo Ben.  +  +“Ehlile bo,” Ashley a araba. “Mme o rata mmala o botala ba lehodimo haholo. O tlilo thabela mpho ya hae.”  +  +Ben a fumana diborosolo tse pedi tsa ho penta, le pampiri e mahwashe, mme ba qalella ho sebetsa. Ba qala pele ka ho hohla shelofo, mme ba e penta ka bosweu pele yaba ba qetella ka ho e penta ka botala ba lehodimo bo benyang. Shelofo eo e ne e le ntle haholo.  + +  +“Le etsang ka moo lona ba babedi?” Mme a ba botsa ha a fihla ho tswa mabenkeleng.  +  +“Ha ho letho! Tsamaya!” ha hoeletsa Ben.  +  +“Re tlo o makatsa,” Ashley a qaboha.  +  +Mantsiboyeng ao Mme a ya moo ho lokiswang meriri teng.  +  +“Potlaka, Ashley,” ha rialo Ben, “ke nako ya ho aha shelofo. Ke kopa o tshware dikurufu le sekurufudraeva ha nna ke ntse ke phunya masoba leboteng? O se ke wa lahla dikurufu tseo. Ha ke sa na tse ding.”  +  +Ashley a tshwara sekurufudraeva le dikurufu ka thata ha Ben a metha moo shelofo e tlang ho kena teng leboteng. Yaba o ikwala ditsebe ha Ben a phunya masoba a mararo.  +  +“Ha se moo,” ha rialo Ben. “Jwale nneheletse sekurufu sa pele.” A kurufella shelofo leboteng ka hloko. “Jwale nneheletse dikurufu tse ding tse pedi, Ashley,” a rialo.  +  +Empa Ashley a fumana se le seng feela. Se seng se ne se se ka pokothong ya hae. Se ne se se fatshe, kapa kamora soufa. Se ne se lahlehile. E ne e se e tla ba hora ya 5. Mme o ne a ka nna a fihla neng kapa neng.  +  +“Se kgathatsehe,” ha rialo Ben. “Sena se tla sebetsa hajwale. Ke tla reka se seng hara beke.”  +  +“Re tla bea eng hodima shelofo?” ha botsa Ashley.  +  +“Ke nahana hore re behe vase ya mme e ntle ka ho fetisisa eo nkgono a mo fileng yona,” ha rialo Ben. “Le mabolakare a hae ao a a ratang.”  + +  +“Le kgau eo ke e hapileng sekolong bakeng sa ho feta bana bohle ka ho bala?” ha botsa Ashley.  +  +“Hantle haholo,” ha rialo Ben. “Le senepe sa Mme moo a nang le nna le wena ha o ne o sa le lesea. O rata setshwantsho seo haholo.”  +  +Ba hlophisa dintho tse kgethehileng tsa Mme ka hloko hodima shelofo. Yaba Ben o ala lakane hodima shelofo hore e se ke ya bonahala.  +  +Ka mora metsotso e se mekae Mme a kgutlela lapeng. “Dumelang, dumelang,” Mme a hoeletsa. “Le ne le ntse le etsang lona ba babedi?”  +  +“Re tlilo o makatsa,” ha tsheha Ashley, “mme wena ha o a dumellwa ho sheba se ka mora lakane ena.”  +  +“Ke thabile haholo,” ha rialo Mme. “Ke na le bonnete ba hore ke ntho e ntle haholo.”  +  +“Na o a tshepisa hore o keke wa nyarela?” ha botsa Ashley ka nako ya ho robala.  +  +Mme wa hae a mo katela dikobo mme a mo suna a ba a mo haka. “O ngwananyana wa ka ya ratehang haholo. Ke tshepisa hore nkeke ka phahamisa le hukunyana feela ya lakane.”  +  +Bosiu bo ne bo se bo tla sa ha Ashley a tsoswa ke ho swahlamana ho hoholo. A tlola a theoha betheng. Ben le Mme ba ne ba eme ka phaposing ya ho phomola, ba tjametse bohlaswa bo tshabehang fatshe.  +  +“Tjhe bo,” Ben a lla, “shelofo e wele leboteng.”  +  +“Tjhe bo,” ha lla le Ashley, “Mpho ya Mme ya Letsatsi la Bomme e senyehile.”  +  +“Tjhe bo,” Mme a lla, “vase ya ka eo ke e ratang e tjhwatlehile dikotwana.”  +  +Bohle ba ne ba sulafaletswe. Mme a dula hodima sofa mme a leka ho se lle.  +  +“Re tla hlwekisa,” ha rialo Ben. “Mme, kgutlela dikobong o robale.”  +  +“Letsatsi le Monate la Bomme,” ha rialo Ashley a saretswe.  + +  +Ben a nka lefielo mme a fiela dikotwana tsohle tsa vase ya Mme eo a e ratang. O ne a kgenne haholo. “Nkgono wa Mme o ne a mo fe vase eo mme jwale e tjhwatlehile.” Yaba o tshela dikotwana tseo ka hara moqomo wa matlakala. “Re lokela ho kgutlela dikobong le rona,” ha rialo Ben a bua le Ashley. “Ha e so be nako ya ho tsoha.”  +  +Ashley a sheba shelofo e wetseng fatshe. E ne e le mpho e ntle haholo. Jwale ba ne ba se na letho leo ba ka le fang Mme ha a tsoha.  +  +Ashley a nyarela ka hara moqomo wa matlakala. Dikotwana tsohle tsa vase ya Mme di ne di le ka moo. Mohlomong o ne a ka sebedisa sekgomaretsi mme a e lokisa? A nka moqomo oo mme a mathela ka ntle ho ya karatjheng. Mane hodima shelofo ho ne ho ena le pitsana e kgolo ya sekgomaretsi. Yaba o ala dikoranta hodima banka ya ho sebeletsa mme a tsholla tsohle tse ka hara moqomo. Ho ne ho ena le dikotwana tse ngata haholo! O ne a tla tseba jwang hore sefe se kena hokae?  +  +“Ke a bona!” a hoeletsa. “E tshwana le phazele ya matswedintsweke. Dikotwana tse ngata tse ka kopanang mmoho. Ke tla qala pele ka ho batla tsohle tse nang le maphethelo a otlolohileng. E lokela e be tsona molomo wa vase . Mme sena se seholo sona se na le mohele, kahoo e tlamehile hore e be lehlakore la yona. Mme ho tshwanetse ho be le mohele o mong – heke, ke ona.”  +  +Ha a se a adile dikotwana tsohle ka tsela e nepahetseng a qalella ho di kgomaretsa mmoho. E ne e le mosebetsi o boima. Sekgomaretsi se ne se kgomaretse menwaneng ya hae, mme a tlameha ho emela hore dikotwana tseo di ome. Ho ile ha nka nako e telele haholo.  +  +Qetellong vase eo e ne e fedile. E ne e sa tshwane hantle le ya pele. Ena yona e ne e ena le leqhutsu ka lehlakoreng le leng, mme molomo wa yona o sothehile hanyane, empa Ashley o ne a tseba hore Mme a keke a bona phapang.  +  +Ashley a sheba ka ntle ho fensetere. Moahisane, Mof Du Toit, o ne a nosetsa meroho ya hae. Mof Du Toit o ne a le bohlale haholo mme a kgona ho etsa eng kapa eng. Ashley a mathela terateng. “Ke kopa hore o nkadime sekurufu se le seng mme o nthuse ho lokisa shelofo?” a kopa, mme a bolella Mof Du Toit ditaba tsohle.  +  +“Ho lokile,” ha araba Mof Du Toit. “Ke tla tla kamoo hanghang.”  +  +Mme a tsoha ka hora ya 9. O ne a ntse a hloname. A fumana Ashley a kgalehile hodima sofa, mme lakane e kwahetse ho hong leboteng.  +  +“O ne o ntse o etsang hoseng hohle, Ashley?” a botsa.  +  +“Semaka!” ha hoeletsa Ashley. “Letsatsi la Bomme le Monate. Mpho ya hao e ka mora lakane eo.”  +  +Mme a tlosa lakane leboteng ka hloko. Ho ne ho ena le shelofo e botala ba lehodimo e nang le mabolakare, le senepe, le kgau, le … VASE YA MME E NTLE KA HO FETISISA.  + +  +Mme a opa matsoho. “O e kgomareditse!” a makala. “E tshwana feela le e ntjha. E ntle ho feta e ntjha. Ke mpho e ntle ka ho fetisisa eo ke qalang ho e fumana,” a rialo, a haka Ashley haholo feela.  +  +Ben le yena a haka Ashley. “O bohlale haholo!” a rialo. “O entse Letsatsi la Bomme le atlehe.”  +  +Ashley o ne a le motlotlo. Vase ya Mme e ne e sa tshwane hantle le pele, empa e ne e ntse e shebeha hantle hodima shelofo e ntjha e botala ba lehodimo.",sot,Sesotho,Vase ya Mme e ntle ka ho fetisis,"Ashley was busy doing a jigsaw puzzle when her big brother, Ben, came into the lounge.  +  +“Tomorrow is Mother’s Day,” he said. “We should do something very special for Mom. Will you help me?”  +  +Ashley ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/vase-ya-mme-e-ntle-ka-ho-fetisisa +moms-best-vase,"Ashley o ne a dira diphazele fa kgaitsadie yo mogolo, Ben a tsena mo phaposing ya boitapoloso.  +  +“Kamoso ke Letsatsi la Bomme,” a rialo. “Re tshwanetse go direla Mme sengwe se se kgethegileng. A o tla nthusa?”  +  +Ashley a phaphatha diatla. “Ee ruri, Ben. A re ya mabenkeleng?”  +  +“Nnyaa, ke setse ke mo reketse mpho. A o batla go bona?”  +  +Ashley o ne a sala kgaitsadie morago go ya kwa karatšheng. Mo bankeng, mo tlase ga šiti, go ne go le šelofo e ntle ya legong ya sebopego sa pelo.  +  +“Ke ne ke gopotse gore re e tshase pente ya mmala wa botala jwa legodimo,” Ben a rialo.  +  +“Ee ruri,” Ashley a rialo. “Mme o rata mmala wa botala jwa legodimo. O tlile go rata mpho ya gagwe.”  +  +Ben o ne a bona maratšhe a mabedi a pente, le pampiri ya go gotlha, mme ba simolola go dira. Ba simolotse pele ka go gotlha šelofo, ba latela ka go tshasa pente e tshweu ya kwa tlase mme ba feleletsa ka go e tshasa pente e e phatsimang ya mmala wa botala jwa legodimo. Šelofo e ne e le ntle.  + +  +“Lona ba babedi lo dira eng moo?” Mme a botsa fa a fitlha mo gae go tswa mabenkeleng.  +  +“Sepe! Tsamaya!” Ben a goa.  +  +“Ke mpho e o sa e lebelelang,” Ashley a tshegatshega.  +  +Motshegare oo Mme o ne a ya go baakanya moriri wa gagwe.  +  +“Ka bonako, Ashley,” Ben a goa, “ke nako ya go aga šelofo. A o tla kgona go tshwara dikurufu tse le sesokakurufu fa ke phunya maroba mo leboteng? O se ke wa latlha dikurufu. Ga ke na tse dingwe gape.”  +  +Ashley o ne a tshwara sesokakurufu le dikurufu fa Ben a lekanya gore šelofo e tla tsena kae mo leboteng. Jaanong a itswala ditsebe fa Ben a phunya maroba a mararo.  +  +“Ke eo jaanong,” Ben a rialo. “Jaanong mphe sekurufu sa ntlha.” Ka kelotlhoko o ne a kokotela šelofo mo leboteng. “Jaanong mphe dikurufu tse dingwe tse pedi, Ashley,” a rialo.  +  +Mme Ashley o ne a bona fela sekurufu se le sengwe. Se sengwe se ne se se teng mo kgetsing ya gagwe. Se ne se se mo fatshe, kgotsa mo morago ga sofa. Se ne se latlhegile. E ne e setse e nna ura ya botlhano. Mme a ka fitlha mo gae motsotso mongwe le mongwe.  +  +“Se tshwenyege,” ga rialo Ben. “Se se siame gone jaanong. Ke tla reka se sengwe mo gare ga beke.”  +  +“Re tla baya eng mo godimo ga šelofo?” Ashley a botsa.  +  +“Ke nagana nkgo ya ga Mme e ntlentle e nkoko a mo e fileng,” Ben a rialo. “Le ditlhomo tsa gagwe tsa kerese tse a di ratang.”  +  + +“Le sejana se ke se gapileng kwa sekolong sa go nna sebuisi se se kwa setlhoeng?” Ashley a botsa.  +  +“Sentle fela,” Ben a rialo. “Le senepe sa ga Mme le nna le wena fa o ne o le lesea. O rata setshwantsho seo.”  +  +Ka kelotlhoko ba ne ba rulaganya dilo tsa ga Mme tse di kgethegileng mo šelofong. Jaanong Ben o ne a ala šiti mo godimo ga šelofo gore e fitlhege.  +  +Metsotsonyana fela morago ga moo Mme o ne a goroga mo gae. “Dumelang, dumelang,” Mme a goa. “Ke eng se lo ntseng lo se dira lona ba babedi?”  +  +“Ke mpho e o sa e lebelelang” Ashley a tshegatshega, “e bile ga o a letlelelwa go bona se se kwa morago ga šiti.”  +  +“Ke itumetse thata,” Mme a rialo. “Ke tshepa e le sengwe se se kgatlhisang.”  +  +“A o tshepisa gore ga o kitla o okomela?” Ashley a botsa ka nako ya go robala.  +  +Mmagwe a mo tsenya mo dikobong mme a mo atla. “O mosetsana wa me yo ke mo ratang thata. Ke a tshepisa gore ga nkitla ke tsholetsa le sekhutlwana sa šiti tota.”  +  +E ne e setse e le mo mosong fa Ashley a tsosiwa ke modumo o mogolo. O ne a tlola mo bolaong. Ben le Mme ba ne ba eme mo phaposing ya boitapoloso, ba labile tlhakatlhakano e e mo fatshe.  +  +“Nnyaa tlhe,” Ben a goa, “šelofo e wele mo leboteng.”  +  +“Nnyaa tlhe,” Ashley a goa, “Mpho ya ga Mme ya Letsatsi la Bomme e senyegile.”  +  +“Nnyaa tlhe,” Mme a goa, “nkgo ya me e ke e ratang e thubegile go nna manathwana.”  +  +Mongwe le mongwe o ne a tlhoafetse. Mme o ile a dula mo sofeng a leka go se lele.  +  +“Re tla e phepafatsa,” Ben a rialo. “Mme, boela kwa dikobong.”  +  +“Letsatsi la Bomme le le monate,” Ashley a bua a utlwile botlhoko.  + +  +Ben o ne a tsaya lefeelo mme a feela manathwana otlhe a nkgo ya ga Mme e ntle. O ne a utlwile botlhoko thata. “Nkoko wa ga Mme o mo file nkgo eo mme jaanong e thubegile.” O ne a latlhela manathwana mo motomong wa matlakala. “Re tla tshwanela ke go ya go robala le rona,” Ben a bua le Ashley. “Ga e se e nne nako ya go tsoga.”  +  +Ashley o ne a lebelela šelofo mo fatshe. E ne e le mpho e ntle. Jaanong ga go na sepe se ba yang go se fa Mme fa a tsoga.  +  +Ashley o ne a lebelela mo gare ga motomo wa matlakala. Manathwana otlhe a nkgo a ne a le mo gare. Gongwe a ka dirisa sekgomaretsi go e baakanya? O ne a tsholetsa motomo mme a tabogela kwa karatšheng. Mo godimo ga šelofo go ne go na le pitsa e kgolo ya sekgomaretsi. O ne a ala kuranta mo setulong se se telele mme a tshololela motomo mo fatshe. Go ne go na le manathwana a mantsi! O ne a tla itse jang gore nngwe le nngwe ya tsona e tsena kae?  +  +“Ke a bona!” a goa. “E tshwana le phazele. Manathwana a mantsi a a kopanngwang. Ke tla simolola pele ka go batla a a nang le sekhutlo se se tlhamaletseng. E tshwanetse e be e le yona molomo wa nkgo. Mme karolo e kgolo e e na le mogala, e tshwanetse e be e le letlhakore. Go tshwanetse go be go na le letlhakore le lengwe – aha ke le.”  +  +Fa a fetsa go baya manathwana otlhe ka tsela e e siameng o ne a simolola go a kgomaganya. E ne e le tiro e e thata. Sekgomaretsi se ne sa kgomarela mo menwaneng ya gagwe, gape o ne a tshwanetse go emela gore manathwana a ome. Go tshotse nako e telele.  +  +Kwa bofelong nkgo e ne e fedile. E ne e sa tshwane gotlhelele le ya pele. E e ne e kokomogile mo letlhakoreng le lengwe, mme molomo wa yona o ne o sokame, mme Ashley o ne a itse gore Mme a ka se bone pharologano.  +  +Ashley o ne a lebelela kwa ntle ga letlhabaphefo. Moagisani, Moh Du Toit o ne a nosetsa merogo ya gagwe. Moh Du Toit o ne a le botlhale e bile a kgona go dira sengwe le sengwe. Ashley o ne a tabogela kwa terateng. “Ka kopo tlhe, a o ka nkadima sekurufu se le sengwe mme o nthuse go baakanya šelofo?” a botsa, mme a bolelela Moh Du Toit kgang yotlhe.  +  +“Ee,” Moh Du Toit a rialo. “Ke tla tla ka gangwe.”  +  +Mme o tsogile ka ura ya borobongwe. O ne a sa ntse a tlhoafetse. O fitlhetse Ashley a ile ka boroko mo sofeng, le šiti e khurumeditse sengwe mo leboteng.  +  +“O tsogile o dira eng moso otlhe, Ashley?” a botsa.  +  +“Bona!” Ashley a goa. “Letsatsi la Bomme le le monate. Mpho ya gago e mo morago ga šiti.”  +  +Mme o ne a ntsha šiti ka kelotlhoko mo leboteng. Go ne go le šelofo ya mmala wa botala jwa legodimo le setlhomo sa dikerese, le sejana, le … NKGO YA GA MME E NTLE.  + +  +Mma a phaphatha diatla tsa gagwe. “O kgomareditse manathwana a yona!” a goa. “E kete e ntšhwa. E ntle go feta e ntšhwa. Ke mpho e ntle e nkileng ka e fiwa,” a rialo, a tlamparela Ashley thata.  +  +Ben le ena o ne a tlamparela Ashley. “O botlhale thata!” a rialo. “O bolokile Letsatsi la Bomme.”  +  +Ashley o ne a le motlotlo. Nkgo ya ga Mme e ne e sa tshwane gotlhelele, mme e ne e setse e lebega e le ntle mo šelofong e ntšhwa ya mmala wa botala jwa legodimo.",tsn,Setswana,kgo ya ga Mme e ntle,"Ashley was busy doing a jigsaw puzzle when her big brother, Ben, came into the lounge.  +  +“Tomorrow is Mother’s Day,” he said. “We should do something very special for Mom. Will you help me?”  +  +Ashley ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nkgo-ya-ga-mme-e-ntle +the-two-brothers,"Once upon a time two brothers called Kabelo and Lefa lived in a little village deep in a valley. They had two younger sisters, so their mother had four children to feed. She worked day and night, cooking and cleaning, sewing and mending, and digging and weeding her vegetable garden.   +  +There was never enough money for everything the family needed. “You two boys are old enough to go to the city to look for work,” their mother said one day. So Kabelo and Lefa packed up the few things they owned, put them in their old backpacks and set off for the city.   +  +“I’m going to be the richest man in Africa,” Kabelo boasted as they walked along the dirt road that wound up into the hills. “I am so clever and so handsome that it won’t take me long to become wealthy.”   +  +“That’s good,” said Lefa.   +  +“I suppose you’ll find a job, if you’re lucky,” Kabelo said. “Maybe you can sweep the city streets.”   +  +“That will be good,” said Lefa. “As long as I have something to send home to Mama and my younger sisters, I will be happy.”   +  +They had been walking all morning, and the sun was very hot. By lunchtime the brothers were very tired and hungry.   + +  +Suddenly they saw an old man with a white beard walking along the road towards them. He was bent over under the weight of the heavy sack he was carrying on his back.   +  +  +“Good day, young men,” the old man said when he reached them. “Where are you going?”   +  +“None of your business,” snapped Kabelo. “What is in your sack, old man?”   +  +“Just rocks,” the old man said. “Now where are you two walking to?”   +  +“We are going to the city to make some money,” Lefa said politely.   +  +“Perhaps I can help you,” the old man said. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a leather bag filled with gold coins. “Now, which one of you would like this bag?” he asked.   +  +“Me, me!” cried Kabelo. “I want it.”   +  +“Here you are then,” said the old man, and he gave the leather bag to Kabelo, who quickly hid it in his backpack. Then he looked at the old man greedily to see what else he was carrying.   +  +The old man put his hand into his other pocket. This time he pulled out a small brown leather box.   +  +“What’s in there?” asked Kabelo, his eyes glinting.   +  +The old man flipped open the lid of the box. Inside was an enormous diamond. It shone and sparkled in the light, and Lefa thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.   +  +“Which one of you wants this diamond?” the old man asked.   +  +“Me, me!” shrieked Kabelo. “I want it. Give it to me.” So the old man gave Kabelo the diamond and Kabelo hid it deep in the pocket of his trousers.   +  +The old man picked up his heavy sack again. “Which one of you wants to help me carry this sack of rocks to your village?” he asked, trying to heave the sack over his skinny old shoulders. “It’s so heavy, and I’m very tired.”   +  +“Not me!” cried Kabelo. “We’re not going to the village. We’re going to the city. I don’t have time to help you.”   + +  +Lefa looked back at the long road they had walked that morning. “You can’t walk all that way alone, Tata,” he said. “It’s too far for you to walk with that heavy sack before the sun sets. Let me walk with you. I will carry your sack.”   +  +“Don’t be stupid!” Kabelo shouted at Lefa. “Don’t think I’m going to wait for you. You’re going to walk all the way back to our village, just to help this old man? You’ll never make money like that!”   +  +Lefa was worried. He wanted to go with his brother, but when he saw the old man groaning under the weight of the sack, he couldn’t leave him.   +  +“You go ahead, Kabelo,” he said. “I’ll catch up. I’ll run all the way back to you.”   +  +“Well, I’m not waiting for you,” said Kabelo. “I have to get to the city and sell my shiny new diamond.” And off Kabelo went, whistling happily.   +  +Lefa heaved the sack onto his shoulders. It was so heavy it made his bones creak.   +  +“Come along, Tata,” he said with a smile. “Let’s try and get to the village before sunset.”   +  +All afternoon they trudged. Every step they walked the sack seemed to get heavier. Soon Lefa was wet with sweat. But still he walked on, carrying the sack for the old man.   +  +At last they reached the village. It was almost dark.   +  +“Where are you staying, Tata,” Lefa asked. “Do you need somewhere to shelter for the night? My family does not have a lot, but I know my mother would be happy to share our meal with you, and she will give you a place to sleep tonight.”   +  +The old man sat down on a tree stump. “This is far enough,” he said.   + +  +“But you can’t stay here,” Lefa said. “It’s not safe. Someone might steal your sack.”   +  +“Take it,” the old man said. “Go home to your mother, and give her the sack.”   +  +“No, no,” exclaimed Lefa. “I can’t take your sack. You need it.”   +  +“It is my gift to you,” said the old man.   +  +Lefa undid the knot at the top of the sack and peered inside. Something glinted in the fading daylight. Lefa reached inside the sack and took it out. It was a diamond. Then he opened the sack some more – the whole sack was filled with precious diamonds!   + +  +“Thank you, thank you!” said Lefa. But when he looked around, the old man had disappeared. There was no sign of him anywhere. Only the sack of diamonds remained.   +  +It was a joyful meal that evening in Lefa’s home. He hadn’t been gone long, but already he had made lots of money for his family! His mother and sisters were so happy that they danced and sang until late into the night.   +  +Many months later, greedy Kabelo came back to the village empty-handed to show off his new car and fancy clothes. He found his family feasting on the finest food in their big new house. And around his mother’s neck, was a necklace of beautiful diamonds.",eng,English,The two brothers,"Once upon a time two brothers called Kabelo and Lefa lived in a little village deep in a valley. They had two younger sisters, so their mother had four children to feed. She worked day and night, cooking and cleaning, sewing and mending, and digging ...",,Retold by Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-two-brothers +the-two-brothers,"Kudala-dala kwakukho amakhwenkwe amabini azalwa ngumntu omnye, amagama abo inguKabelo kunye noLefa, babehlala kwilalana esentlanjeni. Babenoodade wabo ababini abancinci, umama wabo wayenabantwana abane abondlayo. Wayesebenza ubusuku nemini, epheka acoce indlu, ethunga alungise ezifuna ukulungiswa, esomba asuse ukhula esitiyeni sakhe semifuno.   +Babengenamali yoneleyo ukwenza zonke iimfuno zosapho. “Makwedini nibadala ngokweneleyo ukuba nihambe niyokufuna umsebenzi edolophini,” watsho umama wabo ngenye imini. Ngoko ke uKabelo noLefa baqokelela izinto zabo ezimbalwa, bazifaka koobhaka abadala bahamba baya edolophini.   +“Ndiza kuba yeyona ndoda isisityebi kwiAfrika iphela,” uKabelo waqhayisa njengokuba babehamba kulo ndlela inothuli eyayineqhina elonyukayo ukuya endulini. “Ndikrelekrele, kwaye ndimhle akuzukuthatha thuba lide ukuba ndibe sisityebi.”   +“Kulungile,” watsho uLefa.   +""Ndicinga ukuba uyakuwufumana umsebenzi ukuba unethamsanqa,” watsho uKabelo. “Mhlawumbi uyakutshayela izitalato zedolophu.”   +“Kungakuhle oko,” watsho uLefa. “Ukuba nje ndingakwazi ukuthumela into kuMama noodadewethu abancinci, ndakonwaba.”   +Babesebehambe intsasa yonke, nelanga laligqatse ubhobhoyi. Ngexesha lesidlo sasemini esi sibini sasidinwe kakhulu kwaye silambile.   + +Ngequbuliso babona ixhego elalineendevu neentshebe ezimhlophe lizihambela lisiza ngakubo. Laligobile ngenxa yokusindwa yingxowa enzima kunene elaliyibeke emqolo.   + +“Molweni, boonyana,” latsho ixhego laku ka kubo. “Nisingise phi?”   +“Asiyongxaki yakho leyo,” wamngqavula uKabelo. “Yintoni le ikule ngxowa yakho, xhego?”   +“Ngamatye nje,” latsho ixhego. “Ke ngoku, nina nobabini nisingise phi?”   +“Siya edolophini siya kwenza imali,” watsho uLefa ngokuchubekileyo.   +“Mhlawumbi ndinganinceda,” latsho ixhego. Lafaka isandla epokothweni yalo laza larhola isingxobo sesikhumba esigcwaliswe ziinkozo zegolide. “Ngoku ke ngubani apha kuni ongathanda esi singxobo?” labuza ixhego.   +“Ndim! Ndim!” wakhwaza uKabelo. “Ndiyasifuna.”   +“Naso ke, sesakho,” latsho ixhego, linika uKabelo isingxobo sesikhumba, nowakhawuleza wasi hla kubhaka wakhe. Emva koko walijonga ngamehlo anyolukileyo ixhego efuna ukubona ukuba ingaba yintoni enye elaliyiphethe.   +Ixhego lafaka isandla salo epokothweni yalo kwakhona. Kweli lixa larhola ibhokisana encinci yesikhumba emdaka ngombala.   +“Kukho ntoni ngaphakathi?” wabuza uKabelo, amehlo akhe ekhazimla.   +Ixhego lajija lavula isiciko sebhokisi. Ngaphakathi kwakukho idayimane enkulu kakhulu. Yayikhazimla imenyezela ekukhanyeni, uLefa wayecinga ukuba yeyona nto intle awakhe wayibona.   +“Ngubani apha kuni oyifunayo le dayimani?” labuza ixhego?   +“Ndim, ndim,” wantswininiza uKabelo. “Ndiyayifuna. Yinike mna.” Ngoko ke ixhego lamnika uKabelo idayimane waze wayi hla ezantsi kwipokotho yeblukhwe yakhe.   +Ixhego lathatha ingxowa yalo enzima kwakhona. “Ngubani apha kuni ofuna ukundincedisa ndiphathe le ngxowa yamatye ndiyise elalini yenu?” labuza, lizama ukuphakamisa ingxowa liyibeke kuloo magxa alo abhityileyo. “Inzima kakhulu, kwaye ndidinwe gqitha.”   +“Asindim!” watsho uKabelo. “Asiyi elalini, siya edolophini. Andinalo ixesha lokukuncedisa.”   + +  +ULefa wajonga emva kuloo ndlela inde ababeyihambe intsasa yonke. “Awunakuhamba wedwa yonke le ndlela, Tata,” watsho uLefa. “Kukude ukuba ungahamba nale ngxowa inzima u ke phambi kokutshona kwelanga. Mandihambe nawe. Ndiza kukuphathela ingxowa yakho.”   +  +“Sukuba sisidenge!” uKabelo wangxolisa uLefa. “Ungacingi ukuba mna ndiza kukulinda. Uza kuhamba yonke le ndlela ibuyela elalini yethu kwakhona, ukunceda nje eli xhego? Soze uyenze imali ukuba uza kwenza njalo!”   +  +ULefa wayenexhala. Wayefuna ukuhamba nomntakwabo, kodwa akubona ixhego lincwina kukusindwa yingxowa, akazange akwazi ukulishiya.   +  +“Qhubeka uhambe, Kabelo,” watsho. “Ndiza kukufumana. Ndiza kubaleka endleleni yam ebuyela kuwe.”   +  +“Kulungile, kodwa mna andizikukulinda,” watsho uKabelo. “Kufuneka ndibe sedolophini ndithengise idayimane yam entsha ekhazimlayo.” Wahamba ke uKabelo ebetha umlozi ngolonwabo.   +  +ULefa waqubula ingxowa wayibeka emagxeni akhe. Yayisinda kakhulu, yayisenza amathambo akhe akrikrize.   +  +“Yiza, Tata,” watsho ngoncumo uLefa. “Masizame uku ka elalini lingekatshoni ilanga.”   +  +Yonke loo mva kwemini babehamba nzima. Loo ngxowa yayisiya isinda ngaphezu kokuba yayisinda njengokuba babehamba nje. Ngokukhawuleza uLefa wayemanzi toxo ngumbilo. Nangona kunjalo wabheka phambili, ephethe ingxowa yelo xhego.   +  +Ngelingeni ba ka elalini. Kwakusekuqala ukuba mnyama.   +  +“Uhlala phi Tata?” wabuza uLefa. “Uyayifuna indawo yoku hla intloko ngokuhlwa nje?   +  +Usapho lwam alunanto ininzi, kodwa ndiyazi ukuba umama wam uza kukonwabela ukwabelana nawe ngesidlo sethu sangokuhlwa, akunike nendawo yokulala ngokuhlwa nje.”   +  +Ixhego lahlala kwisikhondo somthi. “Kukude ngokwaneleyo ngoku,” latsho.   + +  +“Kodwa awunakuhlala apha,” watsho uLefa. “Akukhuselekanga. Kunga ka umntu ayibe ingxowa yakho.”   +  +“Yithathe,” latsho ixhego. “Goduka uye kumama wakho, uze umnike le ngxowa.”   +  +“Hayi, hayi!” wakhuza uLefa. “Andizikukwazi ukuthatha ingxowa yakho. Uyayidinga.”   +  +“Sisipho sam kuwe,” latsho ixhego.   +  +ULefa wakhulula iqhina elalibophe ingxowa wakroba ngaphakathi. Kwakukho into ebengezelayo kwelo langa elalisele libutshona. ULefa wafikelela ngaphakathi engxoweni, wakukhupha oko kwakungaphakathi. Yayiyidayimane. Emva koko waqhubeka wayivula ingxowa – ingxowa yayizaliswe ziidayimane ezinexabiso!   + +  +“Ndiyabulela, ndiyabulela!” watsho uLefa. Kodwa akubhekabheka, lalithe shwaka ixhego. Kwakungasabonakali nophawu lwalo naphi na. Kwakushiyeke nje kuphela ingxowa enedayimane.   +  +Yayilurhatya olumnandi lwesidlo kuloLefa. Wayengahambanga thuba lide, kodwa wayesele enzele usapho lwakhe imali. Umama kaLefa kunye noodadewabo babonwabile, badanisa becula kwade kwahamba ubusuku.   +  +Emva kweenyanga ezininzi, uKabelo onyolukileyo wabuyela elalini engaphethanga nto, koko eze kuqhayisa ngemoto yakhe entsha kunye neempahla ezintle. Wafikela kusapho lwakhe olwalusitya ukutya okwakukumgangatho ophakamileyo kwindlu yabo entsha enkulu. Intamo kamama wakhe yayijikelezwe yintsimbi yehombo yentamo eyenziwe ngeedayimane.",xho,isiXhosa,Umntu nomntakwabo,"Once upon a time two brothers called Kabelo and Lefa lived in a little village deep in a valley. They had two younger sisters, so their mother had four children to feed. She worked day and night, cooking and cleaning, sewing and mending, and digging ...",,Libaliswe kwakhona nguHelen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umntu-nomntakwabo +the-two-brothers,"Kwasukela ngezelamani zabafana ezimbili ezazibizwa ngoKabelo noLefa ezazihlala emzaneni esigodini esiphansi. Zazinodadewabo ababili abancane, ngakho unina wayenezingane ezine okwakumele azondle. Wayesebenza imini nobusuku, epheka abuye acoce, ethunga abuye apheshe, emba abuye asiphule ukhula esivandeni sakhe semifino.   +  +Yayihlale ingekho imali eyanele zonke izinto ezazidingwa umndeni. “Nina bafana nobabili senikhule ngokwenele ukuba ningaya edolobheni niyofuna umsebenzi,” kusho unina ngelinye ilanga. Ngakho uKabelo noLefa bapakisha konke okwakungokwabo, bakufaka kobhaka babo babhekisa amabombo edolobheni.   +  +“Ngizoba yindoda ecebe kunawo wonke e-Afrika,” kuqhosha uKabelo njengoba babehamba emgwaqweni oyibhuqu owawuzungeza ukhuphukela emagqumeni. “Ngikhaliphile futhi ngimuhle kakhulu, ngiyabona nje ukuthi ngeke kungithathe isikhathi eside ukuba ngibe yisicebi.”   +  +“Kuhle lokho,” kusho uLefa.   +  +“Mhlawumbe nawe ungawuthola umsebenzi, uma ube nenhlanhla,” kusho uKabelo. “Mhlawumbe ungashanela imigwaqo yasedolobheni.”   +  +“Kungaba kuhle lokho,” kusho uLefa. “Inqobo nje uma ngiyokwazi ukuthumela okuthile kuMama nodadewethu abancane, ngiyojabula.”   +  +Babe sebehambe isikhathi sonke sasekuseni, kanti nelanga lalibelesele bo. Ngezikhathi zamadina izelamani lezi zabe sezikhathele nephango libhokile.   + +  +Ngokuphazima kweso babona ikhehla elinentshebe emhlophe lihamba emgwaqweni liza ngakubona. Laligobile ngenxa yesisindo sesaka elalilithwele emhlane.   + +“Sanibona, zinsizwa,” kusho ikhehla leli ngenkathi lifika kubona. “Niya kuphi?”   +  +“Akuyona indaba yakho leyo,” kubhoka uKabelo. “Kukhonani kulelo saka lakho, madala?”   +  +“Amatshe nje,” kuphendula ikhehla. “Pho nina nobabili nilibangise kuphi?”   +  +“Siya edolobheni ukuze sithole imali,” kusho uLefa ngenhlonipho.   +  +“Mhlawumbe nginganisiza nje,” kusho ikhehla. Lafaka isandla salo ephaketheni lakhipha isikhwama sesikhumba esasigcwele izinhlamvu zegolide. “Pho, ubani kinina ongathanda lesi sikhwama?” kubuza lona.   +  +“Yimi, yimi!” kumemeza uKabelo. “Ngiyasifuna.”   +  +“Mina-ke sithathe,” kusho ikhehla, labe selinikeza uKabelo isikhwama sesikhumba, owaphuthuma wasi hla kubhaka wakhe. Wabe esebheka ikhehla ngobugovu ukuze abone ukuthi yini enye elaliyiphethe.   +  +Ikhehla lafaka isandla salo kwelinye iphakethe lalo. Manje lakhipha ibhokisi elincane lesikhumba esinsundu.   +  +“Kukhonani lapho?” kubuza uKabelo, amehlo akhe esebenyezela.   +  +Ikhehla laphequla isivalo sebhokisi lavuleka. Ngaphakathi kwakunedayimane elikhulukazi.   +  +Lalibenyezela futhi licwebezeliswa ukukhanya, uLefa wacabanga ukuthi kwabe kuyinto enhle kunazo zonke ayeke wazibona.   +  +“Ubani kinina ofuna leli dayimane?” kubuza ikhehla.   +  +“Yimi, yimi!” kumemeza uKabelo. “Ngiyalifuna. Linikeze mina.” Ngakho ikhehla lanikeza uKabelo idayimane noKabelo walithukusa ekujuleni kwephakethe lebhulukwe lakhe.   +  +Ikhehla lacosha isaka lalo elisindayo futhi. “Ubani kinina ongathanda ukungithwalela leli saka lamatshe ngiyofika emzini wakini?” ebuza, ezama ukukhwexela isaka phezu kwamahlombe akhe ayezacile esemadala. “Liyasinda bo, kanti nami sengikhathele kakhulu.”   +  +“Cha bo, hhayi mina!” kuzikhalela uKabelo. “Asiyi khona kulowo muzi thina. Siya edolobheni. Anginaso isikhathi sokukusiza.”   + +  +ULefa wabheka emuva emgwaqweni omude abase bewuhambile ekuseni ngalelo langa. “Angeke ukwazi ukuhamba yonke le ndlela wedwa, Baba,” kusho yena. “Kukude kakhulu ukuba wena ungahamba nalelo saka elisindayo ngaphambi kokuba kushone ilanga. Ngizohamba nawe. Ngizokuthwalela isaka lakho.”   +  +“Musa ukuba yisiphukuphuku wena!” kusho uKabelo ememeza uLefa. “Ungacabangi ukuthi ngizolindana nawe mina. Ubuyela le emuva emzini wakithi, ngoba nje ufuna ukusiza leli khehla? Awusoze waba nemali uma wenza kanje!”   +  +ULefa wayekhathazekile. Wayefuna ukuhamba nomfowabo, kodwa wathi uma ebona ikhehla leli lisindwa umthwalo wesaka, wahluleka ukulishiya.   +  +“Kulungile hamba, Kabelo,” kusho yena. “Ngizoku ca. Ngizogijima uma sengibuya yikhona ngizoku ca.”   +  +“Kulungile-ke, kodwa wazi ukuthi ngeke ngilindane nawe mina,” kusho uKabelo. “Ngifuna ukufika edolobheni ngidayise leli dayimane lami elisha nelibenyezelayo.” Washo ezihambela uKabelo, ehlaba umlozi ngenjabulo.   +  +ULefa waphonsa isaka emahlombe akhe. Lalisinda we bantu, wezwa amathambo akhe egedleza.   +  +“Woza Baba,” kusho yena emamatheka. “Asizame ukufinyelela emzini laphaya ngaphambi kokushona kwelanga.”   +  +Badavuza intambama yonke. Ngenyathelo ngalinye ababelithatha kwakungathi nesaka leli liya ngokuya lisinda. Masisha nje uLefa wayesemanzi te umjuluko. Kodwa waqhubeka wahamba, ethwele isaka lekhehla.   +  +Ekugcineni ba ka emzini lowo. Kwase kucishe kube mnyama.   +  +“Uhlala kuphi, Baba,” kubuza uLefa. “Ingabe uyayidinga indawo yokulala ngalobu busuku? Umndeni wami awunalutho olutheni, kodwa ngiyazi umama angajabula kabi ukuhlanganyela nawe esidlweni sakusihlwa, akunikeze nendawo yokulala.”   +  +Ikhehla lahlala phansi esiqwini sesihlahla. “Kulungile lapha,” kusho lona.   + +  +“Kodwa awukwazi ukuhlala lapha,” kusho uLefa. “Akuphephile. Kukhona ongantshontsha isaka lakho.”   +  +“Lithathe,” kuphendula ikhehla. Goduka uye kumama wakho, umnikeze isaka lelo.   +  +“Cha, cha,” kubabaza uLefa. “Angikwazi ukuvele ngithathe isaka lakho nje. Uyalidinga.”   +  +“Yisipho esivela kimi engikupha sona,” kusho lona ikhehla.   +  +ULefa waqaqa ifindo elivale isaka walunguza ngaphakathi. Kukhona okwakubenyezela kulokhu kukhanya kwelanga okwase ku phala. ULefa wafaka isandla phakathi wakukhipha. Kwakuyidayimane. Wabe eselivula kakhudlwana isaka – isaka lonke laligcwele amadayimane aligugu!   + +  +“Ngiyabonga, ngiyabonga!” kusho uLefa. Kodwa wathi lapho ephenduka eqalaza, ikhehla labe selinyamalele. Kwakungasekho nophawu lokuthi belilapho. Yisaka lamadayimane kuphela elalisasele.   +  +Kwadliwa isidlo ngentokozo ngalobo busuku ekhaya likaLefa. Wayengahambanga nasikhathi esitheni, kodwa wayesenzele umndeni wakhe imali eningi! Unina nodadewabo babejabule kakhulu, basina, bacula kwaze kwaba sebusuku.   +  +Emva kwezinyanga eziningi, uKabelo oyigovu wabuyela emzini lowo elambatha ezobukisa ngemoto yakhe entsha nezingubo zikanokusho. Wa ca umndeni wakhe uzitika ngokudla okuphambili esithabathabeni sekhaya eliwumuzi wawo omusha. Emqaleni kanina kwakunomgexo wamadayimane amahle.",zul,isiZulu,Abafana ababili abayizelaman,"Once upon a time two brothers called Kabelo and Lefa lived in a little village deep in a valley. They had two younger sisters, so their mother had four children to feed. She worked day and night, cooking and cleaning, sewing and mending, and digging ...",,Ixoxwa kabusha nguHelen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/abafana-ababili-abayizelamani +the-two-brothers,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale ho ne ho ena le bara ba motho ba babedi ba neng ba bitswa Kabelo le Lefa mme ba ne ba dula motsaneng o neng o le ka hara thota. Ba ne ba ena le dikgaitsedi tse pedi tse ba hlahlamang, kahoo mma bona o ne a ena le bana ba bane bao a ba fepang. O ne a sebetsa motsheare le bosiu, a pheha a hlwekisa, a roka a bile a lokisa, mme a jala le ho hlaola tshimong ya hae ya meroho.   +  +Ho ne ho dula ho se na tjhelete e lekaneng bakeng sa dintho tsohle tseo lelapa le di hlokang. “Lona bashemane ting le se le hodile jwale hore le ka ya batla mosebetsi toropong,” mma bona a rialo ka tsatsi le leng. Yaba Kabelo le Lefa ba pakela dinthwana tse mmalwa tseo ba neng ba ena le tsona, ba di kenya ka mekotlaneng ya bona e jarwang mme ba tsamaya ho leba toropong e kgolo.   +  +“Ke tlo ba moruihadi e moholo wa Afrika,” Kabelo a ikotla sefuba ha ba ntse ba tsamaya tseleng e telele e lerole e neng e potela ka hara maralla. “Ke bohlale ebile ke motle mme kahoo ho keke ha nkuka nako e telele ho ba morui.”   +  +“Ke hantle haholo,” ha rialo Lefa.   +  +“Ke kgolwa hore o tla fumana mosebetsi, haeba o le lehlohonolo,” ha rialo Kabelo. “Mohlomong o tla ela diterata tsa toropo.”   +  +“E ka ba ntho e ntle,” ha rialo Lefa. “Ha feela ho ena le ntho eo nka e romellang hae ho mme le dikgaitsedinyana tsa ka, ke tla thaba.”   +  +Ba ne ba tsamaile hoseng hohle, mme jwale letsatsi le ne le tjhesa haholo. Hara mpa ya motsheare bahlankana bana ba ne ba kgathetse haholo ba lapile.   + +  +Hanghang ba bona monnamoholo ya ditedu di tshweu a tsamaya tseleng a lebile ho bona. O ne a kobehile ka tlasa boima ba mokotla o mo imelang oo a o jereng mokokotlong   + +  +“Dumelang, bahlankana,” monnamoholo a rialo ha a fihla ho bona. “Le lebile hokae?”   +  +“Ha e batle wena eo,” ha kgaruma Kabelo. “O kentseng ka mokotleng oo wa hao, monnamoholo?”   +  +“Majwe feela,” ha araba monnamoholo. “Jwale, lona ba babedi le lebile hokae?”   +  +“Re ya toropong e kgolo ho ya etsa tjhelete,” Lefa a araba ka tlhompho.   +  +“Mohlomong nka le thusa,” ha rialo monnamoholo. A kenya letsoho la hae ka pokothong ya hae mme a ntsha mokotlana wa letlalo o tletseng dikhoene tsa kgauta. “Jwale, ke mang ho lona mo ya batlang mokotlana oo?” a botsa.   +  +“Ke nna, ke nna!” ha hoeletsa Kabelo. “Ke a o batla.”   +  +“Ke ona he,” ha rialo monnamoholo, mme a fa Kabelo mokotlana wa letlalo, mme yena a potlaka ho o pata ka hara mokotlana wa hae o jarwang. Yaba o sheba monnamoholo ka meharo ho bona hore na ebe o tshwere eng e nngwe hape.   +  +Monnamoholo a kenya letsoho ka pokothong e nngwe. Kgetlong lena a ntsha lebokoso le lenyane la letlalo le sootho.   +  +“Ho na le eng ka moo?” ha botsa Kabelo, a tonne mahlo.   +  +Monnamoholo a bula sekwahelo sa lebokoso. Ka hare e ne e le taemane e kgolohadi. E ne e benya e tsekema kganyeng, mme Lefa a nahana hore ke ntho e ntle ka ho fetisisa eo a eso kang a e bona.   +  +“Ke mang ho lona mo ya batlang taemane ee?” monnamoholo a botsa.   +  +“Ke nna, ke nna!” ha tlerola Kabelo. “Ke a e batla. E fe nna.” Yaba monnamoholo o fa Kabelo taemane e kgolohadi eo mme Kabelo a e pata tlasetlase ka hara pokotho ya borikgwe ba hae.   +  +Monnamoholo a phahamisa mokotla wa hae o boima hape. “Ke mang ho lona ya batlang ho nthusa ho jara mokotla oo ke o ise motseng wa habo lona mane? A botsa, a leka ho nyollela mokotla oo mahetleng a hae a otileng a tsofetseng. “O boima haholo, mme ke shwele ke mokgathala.”   +  +“Eseng nna!” ha tletleba Kabelo. “Ha re ye motseng. Re ya toropong. Ha ke na nako ya ho thusana le wena.”   + +  +Lefa a hetla a sheba tsela e telele eo ba e tsamaileng hoseng hoo. “O keke wa kgona ho tsamaya tsela e telele jwalo o le mong, Ntate,” a rialo. Ho hole haholo hore o ka tsamaya o jere mokotla o boima jwalo pele letsatsi le dikela. E re ke tsamaye le wena. Ke tla o jarela mokotla wa hao.”   +  +“Se ke wa iketsa sethoto!” Kabelo a omanya Lefa. “O se ke wa nahana hore ke tla emela wena nna. O tlo kgutlela hole kwa motseng wa rona, hore feela o thuse monnamoholo eo? O keke wa kgona ho etsa tjhelete ka tsela e jwalo!”   +  +Lefa o ne a kgathatsehile. O ne a batla ho tsamaya le moholwane wa hae, empa eitse ha a bona monnamoholo a dumaela ka tlasa boima ba mokotla, a ikutlwa a hloleha ho mo tlohela   +  +“Tswela pele, Kabelo,” a rialo. “Ke tla o fumana. Ke tla kgutla ke matha ke o fumane.”   +  +“Ho lokile, empa nkeke ka o emela,” ha rialo Kabelo. “Ke tshwanetse ho ya hla toropong mme ke rekise taemane ya ka e benyang e ntjha.” Yaba Kabelo o a itsamaela, a thabile a bile a letsa molodi.   +  +Lefa a lahlela mokotla mahetleng a hae. O ne o le boima hoo masapo a hae e neng eka a a peperana.   +  +“Ha re ye, Ntate,” a rialo a bososela. “Ha re leke ho ya hla motseng mane pele letsatsi le dikela.”   +  +Ba tsamaile letsheare la mantsiboya lohle . Kgato e nngwe le e nngwe eo ba e nkang e ne e ka mokotla o ntse o eba boima le ho feta. E se kgale Lefa o ne a le metsi ke mofufutso. Empa a nna a tswela pele, a jere mokotla wa monnamoholo.   +  +Qetellong ba hla motseng. Shwalane e ne e se e tshwara.   +  +“O dula hokae, Ntate?” Lefa a botsa. “Na o batla moo o ka robalang bosiung bo? Lelapa leso ha le na ho le hokaalo, empa ke a tseba hore mme wa ka o tla thabela ho ja le wena dijo tseo a nang le tsona, mme a o fe le sebaka sa ho robala bosiu.”   +  +Monnamoholo a dula fatshe hodima kutu ya sefate. “Ho hole e le ka nnete,” a rialo.   + +  +“Empa o keke wa dula mona,” Lefa a rialo. “Ha o a bolokeha mona. Ba ka nna ba o utswetsa mokotla wa hao.”   +  +“O nke,” ha rialo monnamoholo. “Eya lapeng ho mmao, mme o mo fe mokotla ona.”   +  +“Tjhe, tjhe,” Lefa a hana. “Nkeke ka nka mokotla wa hao. O a o hloka.”   +  +“Ke mpho eo ke o fang yona,” ha rialo monnamoholo.   +  +Lefa a fasolla le to le ka hodima mokotla mme a nyarela ka hare. Ho ne ho ena le ntho e benyang kganyeng e felang ya letsatsi. Lefa a kenya letsoho ka mokotleng mme a e ntsha. E ne e le taemane. Yaba o bula mokotla haholo – mokotla oo o ne o tletse ditaemane tse ntlehadi!   + +  +Ke a leboha, ke a leboha!” ha rialo Lefa. Empa yare ha a re o a sheba, a fumana monnamoholo a nyametse. Ho ne ho se le mohlalanyana feela wa hore o kile a ba moo. Ho ne ho setse feela mokotla wa ditaemane.   +  +Bosiung boo ha jowa dijo tse tletseng thabo habo Lefa. O ne a sa tsamaya nako e telele, empa o ne a se a ena le tjhelete e ngata bakeng sa lelapa labo! Mmae le dikgaitsedi tsa hae ba ne ba thabile hoo ba ileng ba tantsha ba bina ho hlela bosiu bo boholo.   +  +Ka mora dikgwedi tse ngata, Kabelo ya meharo a kgutlela motseng wabo a sa tshwara letho a tlile ho tla kgantshetsa batho ka koloi ya hae e ntjha le diaparo tse ntle. A fumana ba lelapa labo ba eja dijo tse monate tlung ya bona e kgolo e ntjha. Molaleng wa mmae ho ne ho ena le sefaha se setle se entsweng ka ditaemane.",sot,Sesotho,Bara ba babedi ba motho,"Once upon a time two brothers called Kabelo and Lefa lived in a little village deep in a valley. They had two younger sisters, so their mother had four children to feed. She worked day and night, cooking and cleaning, sewing and mending, and digging ...",,E phetwa hape ke Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/bara-ba-babedi-ba-motho +the-small-seed,"There once was an old chief. He was both wise and kind. But there was one thing that made him sad – he didn’t have a son who could become chief after him.   +  +The chief needed someone to become the next ruler to look after his lands and all his people. One morning, after the rains, he called all the older boys together and spoke to them.   +  +“Today is a special day,” he said, “the time has come for me to choose a new chief and I will choose one of you.” There was great excitement and everyone began talking at once. The chief raised his hands, “... but you must listen to me carefully.” Everyone fell silent and watched the chief as he explained what he wanted them to do.   +  +“I will give each of you one seed. You must plant the seed, water it and care for it every day.” Then he said, “On this same day next year, you must bring back the plants that you have grown and I will choose the next chief.” Then he gave each boy one seed.   +  +Njabulo and his friends were excited. They all started talking at once.   +  +“My sister grows mielies, so she will help me,” said one boy.   +  +“My mother knows how to grow morogo, so she will tell me what to do,” said another.   +  +“My uncle knows where to get good soil,” said someone else, “and he also knows how to make sure that the birds don’t eat the seed.”   +  +Njabulo just listened to them.   + +  +As he walked home, Njabulo held his seed in his hand. It was so small – no bigger than a small beetle.   +  +“I wonder what you will grow into?” he said to the tiny little seed.   +  +“I wonder what you will grow into?” he said to the tiny little seed.   +  +“Mmm,” said his mother. “I cannot help you. It is something the chief asked you to do. But,” she added, “I can give you this.” And she gave him a small clay pot to plant the seed in.   +  +Njabulo went down to the river and dug up some soil to put into the pot. Then with his nger he carefully made a small hole and dropped the seed into it. Gently he covered the seed with soil and then he dribbled some fresh water from the river over it.   + +After that, he found a nice spot to put the pot – a place that was neither too hot nor too cool. “There you go, little seed. I hope you are happy,” he said and smiled.   +After a few days Njabulo looked to see if the seed had started to grow. But nothing had happened. The soil still looked as at as the day he had planted the seed. So Njabulo made sure that the soil was damp enough. Then he whispered, “It’s okay, little seed, you grow when you are ready.”   + +  +But the next time he looked, Njabulo could not see any green sprouts or leaves. And the time after that, still nothing. Days and weeks went by and Njabulo was sad to see that his seed was not growing. It made him even sadder that by this time all of his friends were talking about their plants!   +  +“Mine is as big as my foot!” said one boy.   +  +“And mine is as green as the hills in summer!” said another. Njabulo’s heart felt heavy, but he did not say anything.   +  +Months went by and everyone had to get bigger pots for their plants. Njabulo still had the same small pot that his mother had given him because his seed had still not grown.   +  +Finally, the day came for everyone to show their plants to the chief. At rst Njabulo was scared. He did not want to go, but his mother said that he must show the chief his pot. Njabulo knew she was right.   +  +When Njabulo arrived at the chief’s hut he was amazed to see all the different plants that his friends had grown. There were so many different shapes, sizes and colours. And they were all very beautiful.   +  +Njabulo held his clay pot tightly and whispered to it, “I am sorry little seed, I did not know how to make you happy.” And he placed the pot on the ground with the others. Then he stood right at the back where he thought the chief would not see him.   +  +When the chief appeared, everyone went quiet. They all stood proudly hoping that their plant would be chosen as the best.   +  +“This is a very exciting day,” the chief said loudly. “I see so many beautiful plants!” He slowly walked up and down, taking a closer look at all of the plants. Everyone watched him closely. Suddenly he stopped and picked up a pot. It was Njabulo’s. Njabulo felt sick with worry.   +  +“Whose pot is this?” the chief asked. Everyone was quiet. Njabulo was so scared, he thought the chief would get cross and chase him away. “Whose pot is this?” the chief asked again.   +  +Njabulo took a deep breath and said loudly, “The pot that you hold, is mine, my chief.”   +  + +  +Everyone turned around to look at Njabulo and some boys started to laugh, but they stopped when the chief asked Njabulo to come to the front. As he was standing next to the chief, Njabulo felt ashamed.   +  +“What is your name?” asked the chief.   +  +“My name is Njabulo,” he said looking up at the chief.   +  +The chief took a deep breath and then said loudly, “I have chosen a new chief and his name is Njabulo!”   + +  +Njabulo was so surprised. How could this be? Even though he had been very careful, he had not been able to grow the seed that the chief had given him.   +Then the chief said, “One year ago today, I gave each of you a seed to grow. I told you to plant it, to look after it and to bring it back here to me today. You have all done what I asked of you,” he said. “But, I gave each of you a seed that I had boiled in water, which means that those seeds could not grow. When you found that your seed did not grow, each of you planted another seed in its place. All of you have brought me those plants. All of you, except Njabulo. He has shown me that not only has he done what I asked of you, but he has also had the courage to be honest. This is who I choose to be chief, and he will be a very good chief!”   +The chief smiled at Njabulo, knowing that he had made a good choice.",eng,English,The small seed,"There once was an old chief. He was both wise and kind. But there was one thing that made him sad – he didn’t have a son who could become chief after him.   +  +The chief needed someone to become the next ruler to look after his ...",,Retold by Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-small-seed +the-small-seed,"Kwakhe kwakho inkosi eyayisel’ikhulile ngeminyaka. Le nkosi yayilumkile kwaye ilungile. Kodwa kwakukho nto inye eyayiyenza lusizi – yayingenanyana owayenokungena endaweni yayo xa ingasekho.   +Inkosi yayifuna umntu oza kuphatha xa ingasekho, ajonge imihlaba yayo nabantu bayo bonke. Ngantsasa ithile, emva kweemvula, waqokelela onke amakhwenkwe asele emadadlana, wathetha nawo.   +“Namhlanje lusuku olulodwa,” watsho, “ixesha li kile lokuba ndonyule inkosi entsha kwaye ndiza konyula omnye wenu.” Kwabakho uchulumanco olukhulu, batsho nabo babebiziwe bathetha bonke ngaxeshanye. Inkosi yaphakamisa izandla zayo, “... kodwa ke ndiphulaphuleni kakuhle.” Bathi cwaka bonke, baqwalasela enkosini xa yayibacacisela ngento ekufuneka beyenzile.   +“Ndiza kunika umntu ngamnye kuni ukhozo lwembewu lube lunye. Kufuneka umntu alutyale olo khozo, alunkcenkceshele, alunonophele ntsuku zonke.” Yaza emva koko yathi, “Kwangale mini kulo nyaka uzayo, kufuneka nizise izityalo enizikhulisileyo, mna ke ndikhethe inkosi eza kulawula.” Yaza yanika inkwenkwe nganye ukhozo olunye.   +UNjabulo nabahlobo bakhe bavuya kakhulu. Batsho bathetha bonke ngaxeshanye.   +“Usisi wam ulima umbona, ngoko ke uza kundincedisa,” yatsho enye inkwenkwe.   +“Umama uyakwazi ukulima imifuno, ngoko ke uya kundixelela into emandiyenze,” yatsho enye.   +“Umalume uyazi apho kufumaneka khona umhlaba olungileyo,” yatsho enye, “kwaye uyayazi nendlela yokunqanda iintaka zingayityi imbewu.”   +UNjabulo wahlala nje wabaphulaphula.   + +  +Endleleni egodukayo, uNjabulo wayeluphethe ngesandla ukhozo lwakhe lwembewu. Lwaluluncinane kakhulu – lungaphantsi nakwelona bhungane lincinane.   +“Andazi ukuba uya kukhula ube yintoni na?” watsho kolu khozo luncinane.   +Akufika ekhaya, wamxelela unina ngento ethethwe yinkosi, nangokuba onke amanye amakhwenkwe ayenomntu oza kuwancedisa.   +“Mhh,” watsho unina. “Andinako ukukuncedisa mna. Le yinto oyalelwe yinkosi ukuba uyenze ngokwakho. Kodwa,” wongeza ngokuthi, “ndingakunika le nto.” Waza wamnika ingqayana encinane ukuze atyale kuyo ukhozo olo.   +UNjabulo waya emlanjeni, waza womba umhlaba aza kuwufaka engqayini leyo. Wavula kakuhle umngxunyana ngomnwe wakhe, walufaka apho kuwo ukhozo. Walogquma ngocoselelo ukhozo olo ngomhlaba, waza walufefa ngamanzi acocekileyo omlambo.   + +Emva koko, wafuna indawo entle yokubeka ingqayi enokhozo olo – indawo eyayingatshisi kakhulu neyayingabandi kakhulu. “Nako ke khozwana oluncinane. Ndithemba ukuba wonwabile,” watsho encumile.   +Emva kweentsuku ezimbalwa uNjabulo waya kujonga ukuba ukhozo luntshulile na. Kodwa akukho nto yayenzekile. Umhlaba wawusakhangeleka njengalaa mini wayelutyale ngayo ukhozo. Ngoko ke uNjabulo waqinisekisa ukuba umhlaba ufume ngokwaneleyo. Walusebezela wathi, “Kulungile lukhozwana oluncinci, uze untshule xa sowulungele ukwenza njalo.”   + +Kodwa xa wayeze kuhlola kwakhona uNjabulo zange kubonakale zityalo ziluhlaza zintshulileyo namagqabi. Kwanasemva koko zange kubonakale nto. Kwaqengqeleka iintsuku neeveki kungekho nto ibonakalayo,waza uNjabulo walusizi akubona ukuba ukhozo lwakhe aluntshuli. Waba lusizi ngakumbi akuva bonke abahlobo bakhe bethetha ngezityalo zabo!   +“Esam singangonyawo lwam ubukhulu!” yatsho enye inkwenkwe.   +“Esam siluhlaza njengeenduli ehlotyeni!” yatsho enye. Intliziyo kaNajabulo yaba buhlungu kakhulu kodwa akathetha nto.   +Zedlula iinyanga waze wonke umntu kwafuneka afune iingqayi ezinkulu zezityalo zabo. UNjabulo yena wayesenalaa ngqayi wayeyinikwe ngumama wakhe kuba esakhe isityalo sasingekantshuli.   +Ekugqibeleni, lwa ka usuku lokuba wonke umntu abonise isityalo sakhe enkosini. Ekuqaleni uNjabulo wayesoyika, engafuni kuya, kodwa umama wakhe wathi makayibonise inkosi isityalo sakhe. UNjabulo wayesazi ukuba umama wakhe unyanisile.   +Akufika uNjabulo endlwini yenkosi wamangaliswa kukubona zonke izityalo ezazityalwe ngabahlobo bakhe. Zazimile ngeendlela ngeendlela, zibukhulu bahlukileyo, zinamabala ahlukileyo. Zaye zonke zazintle kakhulu.   +UNjabulo wayibamba ingqayi yakhe waza wayisebezela wathi, “Ndicela uxolo mbewana, andikwazanga ukukonwabisa.” Waza wayibeka phantsi ingqayi kunye nezinye. Wema ngasemva apho wayecinga ukuba inkosi ayizi kumbona khona.   +Yathi yakuvela inkosi, bathi cwaka bonke. Bema bonke ngokuziqhenya bethemba ukuba ezabo izityalo ziza kukhethwa njengezona zihle.   +“Olu lusuku oluchwayitisayo,” yatsho inkosi ngokuvakalayo. “Ndibona izityalo ezininzi ezihle!” Wehla enyuka, eqwalasela zonke izityalo, bonke bemqwalasele. Ngesaquphe wema waze wathatha enye yeengqayi. YayiyekaNjabulo. UNjabulo wanga uyagula lixhala.   +“Yekabani le ngqayi?” yabuza inkosi. Kwathi cwaka. UNjabulo wayesoyika, ecinga ukuba inkosi iza kukhathazeka, imgxothe. “Yekabani le ngqayi?” yabuza kwakhona inkosi.   +UNjabulo waphefumla nzulu waza wathetha ngokuvakalayo, “Le ngqayi uyiphetheyo, yeyam, nkosi yam.”   + +Wonke umntu wajika wajonga kuNjabulo, aza amanye amakhwenkwe aqalisa ukuhleka, kodwa ayeka yakuba inkosi ibize uNjabulo ukuba eze ngaphambili. Xa wayemi ecaleni kwenkosi, wayeziva eneentloni.   +“Ungubani igama lakho?” yabuza inkosi.   +“Igama lam ndinguNjabulo,” watsho ephakamisela amehlo akhe enkosini.   +Inkosi yaphefumla nzulu yaze yathi ngokuvakalayo, “Ndiyonyule inkosi entsha kwaye igama layo nguNjabulo!”   + +UNjabulo wamangaliseka kakhulu. Ingenzeka njani le nto? Nangona wayenenyameko enkulu, akazange akwazi ukulukhulisa ukhozo awayelunikwe yinkosi.   +Yaza yathi inkosi, “Kunyaka ophelileyo ngalo mhla, ndanika ngamnye kuni ukhozo lwembewu amakalukhulise. Ndaniyalela ukuba nilutyale, nilunyamekele nilubuyisele kum namhlanje. Nonke niwuthobele umyalelo wam,” yatsho inkosi. “Kodwa ndanika ngamnye kuni ukhozo endandilubilise emanzini, into ethetha ukuba ezo nkozo zazingenakuntshula. Nathi nakubona ukuba iinkozo zenu azintshuli, elowo kuni watyala olunye ukhozo endaweni yoluya ndandininikile lona. Nonke nindiphathele ezo zityalo. Nonke ngaphandle koNjabulo. Akenzanga nje into endandiniyalele yona, kodwa ubonakalise ubugorha bokunyaniseka. Ndikhetha yena ke ukuba abe yinkosi, kwaye uya kuba yinkosi elunge kakhulu!”   +Inkosi yamncumela uNjabulo, isazi ukuba yonyule kakuhle.",xho,isiXhosa,Imbewan,"There once was an old chief. He was both wise and kind. But there was one thing that made him sad – he didn’t have a son who could become chief after him.   +  +The chief needed someone to become the next ruler to look after his ...",,Libaliswa kwakhona nguKirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/imbewana +the-small-seed,"Kwakukhona inkosi eyabe isindala. Yayikhaliphile futhi inomusa. Kodwa kwakunento eyodwa eyayiwudabukisa umoya wayo – yayingenayo indodana eyayizoba yinkosi emva kwayo.   +  +Inkosi yayidinga umuntu owayezoba umbusi olandelayo aphathe izwe kanye nabantu bayo. Kwathi ngelinye ilanga ekuseni, emva kwezimvula, yaqoqela ndawonye bonke abafana asebebadadlana, yakhuluma nabo.   +  +“Namhlanje kuzoba usuku olukhethekile,” kusho yona, “sesi kile isikhathi sokuthi ngikhethe inkosi entsha futhi ngizokhetha omunye wenu lapha.” Kwaba nesasasa elikhulu, bonke abantu bekhuluma kanyekanye. Inkosi yaphakamisa isandla sayo, “... kodwa kufanele ningilalelisise.” Kwathi cwaka, wonke umuntu wabuka inkosi ngenkathi ichaza eyayifuna bakwenze.   +  +“Ngizonikeza ngamunye wenu imbewu eyodwa. Kufanele umuntu ayitshale, ayinisele bese eyinakekela zonke izinsuku.” Yase ithi, “Ngosuku olufanayo ngonyaka ozayo, kufanele nibuyise izitshalo enizobe nizitshalile, mina ngiyobe sengikhetha umuntu ozoba yinkosi elandelayo.” Yabe seyinika umfana ngamunye imbewu eyodwa.   +  +UNjabulo nabangani bakhe babejabule kakhulu. Bonke bakhuluma kanyekanye.   +  +“Udadewethu utshala ummbila, ngakho uzongisiza,” kwasho omunye umfana.   +  +“Umama uyakwazi ukulima imi no, ngakho uzongitshela ukuthi ngenzenjani,” kwasho omunye.   +  +“Umalume wami uyazi lapho kutholakala khona inhlabathi evundile,” kwasho omunye futhi, “kanti uyakwazi ukuxosha izinyoni ukuba zingayidli imbewu.”   +  +UNjabulo wabe elokhu ebalalele nje.   + +  +Ngenkathi ehamba eseya ekhaya, uNjabulo wayephethe imbewu yakhe esandleni. Yayiyincane – ingenkulu kunebhungane elincane.   +  +“Kazi uzokhula ube yini?” kusho yena kule mbewana encanyana.   +  +Wathi uma efika ekhaya watshela unina okwakushiwo yinkosi kanye nokuthi abanye abafana base benabo abantu ababezobasiza.   +  +“Mmm,” kusho unina. “Mina ngeke ngikwazi ukukusiza. Lena yinto inkosi ethe uzenzele yona. Kodwa,” eqhubeka, “ngingakupha lokhu.” Wamnika ukhanjana lobumba ayezotshala kulo imbewu yakhe.   +  +UNjabulo wehla waya ezansi emfuleni wakha inhlabathi wayifaka okhambeni lwakhe. Ngokucophelela okukhulu wavula umgojana omncane ngomunwe wakhe wabe esephonsa imbewu yakhe phakathi kuwona. Ngesineke wamboza imbewu ngenhlabathi wabe esefafaza amanzi amasha ayewakhe emfuleni phezu kwayo.   + +  +Emva kwalokho, wathola indawo enhle ayezobeka kuyo ukhamba lwakhe – indawo eyayingashisi kakhulu futhi ingabandi kakhulu. “Nazo-ke, mbewu yami encanyana. Ngiyethemba uthokozile,” kusho yena emamatheka.   +  +Emva kwezinsuku ezimbalwa uNjabulo wabheka ukuze abone ukuthi imbewu yakhe yabe seyiqalile yini ukumila. Kodwa kwakungakenzeki lutho. Inhlabathi yayisabukeka yendlalekile nje njengosuku ayetshale ngalo imbewu. Ngakho uNjabulo waqinisekisa ukuthi inhlabathi yayiswakeme ngokwanele. Wabe esehlebeza, “Kulungile, mbewu encanyana, uyomila uma usukulungele ukumila.”   + +  +Kodwa nangokulandelayo wathi lapho ebheka, uNjabulo wangabona lutho oluyimbewu eqhumayo noma amaqabungana amilayo. Nasesikhathini esalandela lokho, kwakungenalutho nje. Izinsuku namaviki adlula noNjabulo edangele ukubona ukuthi imbewu yakhe yayingamili. Okwamdangalisa nakakhulu ukuthi ngalesi sikhathi bonke abangani bakhe base bekhuluma ngezitshalo zabo!   +  +“Eyami seyingangonyawo lwami!” kusho omunye umfana.   +  +“Eyami seyiluhlaza cwe njengamagquma ehlobo!” kusho omunye umfana belu. UNjabulo wezwa inhliziyo yakhe isinda, kodwa wangasho lutho.   +  +Izinyanga zahamba kwadingeka wonke umuntu azitholele ukhamba olukhulu kunakuqala ngoba phela izitshalo zazikhula. UNjabulo wayelokhu enalolo khamba oluncane unina ayemuphe lona ngoba phela imbewu yakhe yayingakamili.   +  +Ekugcineni, lwafika olungaliyo lapho wonke umuntu kwakufanele ayokhombisa inkosi isitshalo sakhe. Ekuqaleni uNjabulo wayesaba. Wayengafuni nokuya lapho, kodwa unina wathi kufanele aye kokhombisa inkosi ukhamba lwakhe. UNjabulo wayazi ukuthi unina wayeqinisile.   +  +Wathi uma efika endlini yenkosi uNjabulo wamangala ukubona izinhlobonhlobo zezitshalo abangani bakhe ababezitshalile. Kwakuyizinhlobonhlobo zemimo, ubukhulu nemibala. Futhi zonke zazizinhle kakhulu.   +  +UNjabulo wabamba ukhamba lwakhe waluqinisa waluhlebela wathi, “Ungixolele mbewu encanyana, angikwazanga ukukujabulisa.” Wabeka ukhamba lwakhe phansi kanye nabanye. Wabe eseya kuyoma le emuva lapho ayecabanga ukuthi inkosi ngeke ikwazi ukumbona khona.   +  +Yathi uma iqhamuka inkosi, kwathi cwaka. Bonke bama ngokuziqhenya bethemba ukuthi izitshalo zabo zazizokhethwa njengezidle umhlanganiso.   +  +“Lolu usuku oluthathekisayo kakhulu,” kusho inkosi ngezwi elikhulu. “Ngibona izitshalo eziningi ezinhle kakhulu!” Yasho yehla yenyuka kancane, ibukisisa zonke izitshalo ngenkathi bonke beyibukisisa. Kwathi kungalindelekile yama, yacosha ukhamba. KwakungolukaNjabulo. UNjabulo kwathi akafe ukukhathazeka.   +  +“Olukabani lolu khamba?” kubuza inkosi. Kwathi cwaka. UNjabulo wayephelile uvalo, wayecabanga ukuthi inkosi yayizomthukuthelela imxoshe. “Olukabani lolu khamba?” kuphinda kubuza inkosi futhi.   +  +UNjabulo wadonsa umoya kakhulu washo kakhulu wathi, “Ukhamba oluphethe ngolwami, nkosi yami.”   + +  +Wonke umuntu waphenduka wabuka uNjabulo kanti abanye abafana baqala bahleka, kodwa bayeka uma ithi inkosi uNjabulo akeze phambili. Wathi lapho emi eduze kwenkosi, wazizwa enamahloni.   +  +“Ungubani igama lakho?” kubuza inkosi.   +  +“Igama lami uNjabulo,” washo ephakamisa amehlo ebuka inkosi.   +  +Inkosi yakhokha umoya yase ithi ngezwi elikhulu, “Sengiyikhethile-ke inkosi entsha, igama layo uNjabulo!”   + +UNjabulo wamangala. Ingenzeka kanjani into enjalo? Yize noma wayezame ngakho konke okusemandleni ukuqikelela, wayengakwazanga ukumilisa imbewu ayeyinikezwe yinkosi.   +Inkosi yase ithi, “Ngonyaka owodwa odlule ngalolu suku, nganikeza ngamunye ngamunye wenu imbewu ayezoyitshala. Ngathi yitshaleni, niyinakekele bese niyibuyisela kimina namhlanje. Nonke nikwenzile ebengikucele ukuthi nikwenze,” kusho yona. “Kodwa, nganinikeza imbewu engangiyibilise emanzini, okusho ukuthi yayingeke ikwazi ukumila. Nithe uma nibona ukuthi imbewu yenu ayimili, nazitshalela enye imbewu esikhundleni sayo. Nonke ningilethele lezo zitshalo. Nonke ngaphandle kukaNjabulo. Ungikhombisile ukuthi akenzanga nje kuphela lokho ebengithe akakwenze, kodwa ube nesibindi sokwethembeka. Nangu-ke umuntu engimkhethayo ukuba abe yinkosi, futhi uzoba yinkosi elungile!”   +Inkosi yamamatheka ibuka uNjabulo, yazi ukuthi ikhethe ngokufanele.",zul,isiZulu,Imbewu encane,"There once was an old chief. He was both wise and kind. But there was one thing that made him sad – he didn’t have a son who could become chief after him.   +  +The chief needed someone to become the next ruler to look after his ...",,Ixoxwa kabusha nguKirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/imbewu-encane +the-small-seed,"Ho kile ha eba le morena ya hodileng. O ne a le bohlale a bile a le mosa. Empa ho ne ho ena le ntho e le nngwe e neng e mo utlwisa bohloko – hore ha a na mora ya ka mo hlahlamang boreneng.   +  +Morena enwa o ne a batla motho ya ka mo hlahlamang boreneng hore a tle a hlokomele naha ya hae le setjhaba sa hae. Ka tsatsi le leng hoseng, ha dipula di qeta ho na, a bitsa bashemane bohle ba baholo mmoho mme a bua le bona.   +  +“Kajeno ke letsatsi le ikgethileng,” a rialo, “nako e se e hlile jwale ya hore ke kgethe morena e motjha mme ke tla kgetha e mong wa lona.” Bohle ba ile ba thaba mme ba qala ho bua ka nako e le nngwe. Morena a phahamisa matsoho a hae, “... empa le lokela ho mamela ka hloko.” Bohle ba thola hang mme ba shebella morena ha a hlalosa seo a batlang hore ba se etse.   +  +“Ke tla fa motho ka mong peo e le nngwe. Le lokela ho jala peo ena, le e nosetse mme le e hlokomele tsatsi le leng le le leng.” Yaba o re, “Ka letsatsi lona lena selemong se tlang, le lokela ho tlisa dijalo tseo le tla beng le di kotutse mme nna ke tla kgetha morena ya ntlhahlamang.” Yaba o nea e mong le e mong wa bona peo e le nngwe.   +  +Njabulo le metswalle ya hae ba ne ba thabile haholo. Kaofela ha bona ba qalella ho bua ka nako e le nngwe.   +  +“Kgaitsedi ya ka o lema poone, kahoo o tla nthusa,” ha rialo moshemane e mong.   +  +“Mme wa ka o tseba ho jala meroho, kahoo o tla mpolella hore ke etse jwang,” ha rialo e mong.   +  +“Malome wa ka o tseba moo re ka fumanang mobu o nonneng teng,” ha rialo e mong hape, “mme hape o tseba mokgwa wa ho leleka dinonyana hore di se ke tsa ja peo.”   +  +Njabulo a itholela a ba mamela.   + +  +Eitse ha a ya hae, Njabulo a tshwara peo ya hae ka letsohong la hae. E ne e le nyenyane – e sa fete kgolabolokwe e nyane ka boholo.   +  +“Ke a ipotsa hore ho tla mela eng ho tswa ho wena?” A rialo a bua le peo e nyane.   +  +Ha a hla lapeng a bolella mme wa hae seo morena a se buileng le kamoo bashemane ba bang kaofela ba nang le batho ba tla ba thusa.   +  +“Mmm,” ha rialo mmae. “Nkeke ka kgona ho o thusa. Ke ntho eo morena a kopileng hore e etswe ke wena. Empa,” a eketsa, “nka o fa sena.” Yaba o mo fa pitsana e nyane ya letsopa ho jala peo eo ka hara yona.   +  +Njabulo a theohela ka nokeng mme a tjheka mobu oo a tlang ho o kenya ka pitsaneng eo. Yaba ka monwana wa hae o etsa mokoti o monyane ka hloko mme a sunya peo eo ho ona. Ka hloko a kwahela peo eo ka mobu mme a o fafatsa ka metsi a foreshe a tswang nokeng.   + +  +Kamora moo, a fumana sebaka se setle moo a ka beang pitsana eo teng – sebaka se neng se sa tjhese haholo ebile se sa bate haholo. “Ha se moo, peonyana ya ka. Ke tshepa hore o thabile,” a rialo a bososela.   +  +Kamora matsatsi a mmalwa Njabulo a sheba hore na ebe peo ya hae e se e qadile ho mela. Empa ho ne ho se letho le etsahalang. Mobu o ne o ntse o sa kokomoha le ho kokomoha o tshwana le mohla a neng a jala peo eo. Yaba Njabulo o etsa bonnete ba hore mobu o dula o le mongobo ka tsela e lekaneng. Mme a hweshetsa, “Ho lokile, peonyana ya ka, o tla mela ha o se o lokile.”   + +  +Empa nako e hlahlamang ha a sheba hape, Njabulo o ne a sa bone le metsonyana kapa mahlaku a hlahellang. Le nako e latelang eo, ho ntse ho se letho. Matsatsi le dibeke tsa feta mme Njabulo o ne a utlwile bohloko ho bona hore peo ya hae ha e mele. O ile a utlwa bohloko le ho feta hobane ka nako eo metswalle yohle ya hae e ne e bua ka dijalo tsa bona!   +  +“Sa ka se feta le leoto la ka!” ha rialo moshemane e mong.   +  +“Sa ka se setala jwaloka maralla lehlabula!” ha rialo e mong. Pelo ya Njabulo e ne e imetswe, empa ha ho seo a ileng a se bua.   +  +Dikgwedi tsa nna tsa feta mme bohle ba ile ba tlameha ho batla dipitsana tse kgolo bakeng sa dijalo tsa bona. Njabulo yena o ne a ntse a ena le yane e nyane eo mmae a neng a mo le yona hobane peo ya hae e ne e eso mele.   +  +Qetellong, ha fihla letsatsi leo bohle ba neng ba lokela ho ya bontsha morena dijalo tsa bona. Pele Njabulo o ne a tshohile. O ne a sa batle ho ya, empa mmae a mmolella hore o tshwanetse ho ya bontsha morena pitsana ya hae. O ne a tseba hore mmae o nepile.   +  +Ha Njabulo a hla tlung ya morena o ne a maketse ke ho bona dijalo tse fapafapaneng tseo metswalle ya hae e di jetseng. Ho ne ho ena le mefuta e fapaneng ya dibopeho, boholo le mebala. Mme tsohle di ne di le ntle.   +  +Njabulo a tshwara pitsana ya hae ka thata mme a buela tlaase, “Ke maswabi peonyana ya ka, ke hlolehile ho o thabisa.” Mme a bea pitsana ya hae fatshe mmoho le tse ding. Yaba o ema ka moraorao ho ba bang moo a neng a nahana hore morena a keke a mmona.   +  +Eitse ha morena a fihla, bohle ba kgutsa. Ba ile ba ema ka motlotlo ba tshepile hore sejalo sa bona se tla kgethwa e le sona se fetang tse ding kaofela.   +  +“Lena ke letsatsi le thabisang ruri,” morena a rialo a buela hodimo. “Ke bona dijalo tse ngata tse ntle mona!” A tsamaya butle a eya hodimo le tlase, a shebisisa dijalo tseo kaofela mme bohle ba mo shebelletse. Hanghang a emisa mme a phahamisa pitsana. E ne e le ya Njabulo. Njabulo a ikutlwa a kula ke ho tshoha.   +  +“Ke pitsana ya mang ee?” morena a botsa. Bohle ba kgutsa. Njabulo o ne a tshohile, a nahana hore morena o tla mo halefela mme a mo leleke. “Ke pitsana ya mang ee?” morena a botsa hape.   +  +Njabulo a hemela hodimo mme a bua a re, “Pitsana eo o e tshwereng ke ya ka, morena ka.”   + +  +Bohle ba fetoha ba sheba Njabulo mme bashemane ba bang ba qala ho tsheha, empa ba emisa ha morena a re Njabulo a tle ka pele. Ha a eme hau le morena a utlwa a itshwabetse.   +  +“Lebitso la hao o mang?” ha botsa morena.   +  +“Lebitso la ka ke Njabulo,” a rialo a shebile morena.   +  +Morena a hula moya nako e telele mme a buela hodimo a re, “Ke kgethile morena e motjha mme lebitso la hae ke Njabulo!”   + +Njabulo o ne a maketse haholo. Ho tlile jwang? Leha a ne a etse hloko haholo, ha a ka a kgona ho etsa hore peo eo morena a neng a mo file yona e mele.   +Yaba morena o re, “Selemong se fetileng, ke file e mong le e mong wa lona peo ho ya e jala. Ke ile ka le bolella hore le e jale, le e hlokomele mme le tle le yona mona kajeno. Kaofela ha lona le entse seo ke le bolelletseng sona,” a rialo. “Empa, ke ne ke le le peo eo ke e bedisitseng ka metsing, ho bolelang hore dipeo tseo di ne di keke tsa mela. Ha le fumana hore peo ya lona e hloleha ho mela, e mong le e mong wa lona o ile a jala peo e nngwe bakeng sa yona. Kaofela ha lona le ntliseditse dijalo tseo. Kaofela ha lona ntle le Njabulo feela. O mpontshitse hore ha a etsa feela seo ke itseng a se etse, empa o bile a ba le sebete sa ho tshepahala. Ke yena motho eo ke mo kgethang ho ba morena, mme e tla ba morena ya lokileng haholo!”   +Morena a bososela a shebile Njabulo, a tseba hantle hore o entse kgetho e nepahetseng.",sot,Sesotho,Peo e nyane,"There once was an old chief. He was both wise and kind. But there was one thing that made him sad – he didn’t have a son who could become chief after him.   +  +The chief needed someone to become the next ruler to look after his ...",,E phetwa hape ke Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/peo-e-nyane +palesas-list,"“I need to go shopping,” said Mama, writing a list. “I need cabbage and meat and onions, and flour, yeast and oil.”   +  +“I’ll go to the market,” Gogo said. “You’re so busy here. Palesa can come with me and help me carry everything home.”   +  +“Thank you,” said Mama. “Don’t forget the shopping list.” So Gogo and Palesa set off for the taxi rank.   +  +“What do we need to buy, Gogo?” Palesa asked as she skipped along.   +  +“Let me see,” said Gogo, reading the list. “We need cabbage and meat and onions, and flour, yeast and oil.”   +  +“Cabbage and meat and onions, and flour, yeast and oil,” sang Palesa, turning the list into a little song. “Cabbage and meat and onions, and flour, yeast and oil.”   +  +Then the taxi came by and picked them up. “Where to?” asked the driver.   +  +“To the market,” said Gogo. “We need to buy some groceries.” And she showed him her list.   +  +“That’s right,” said Palesa. “We need cabbage and meat and onions, and flour, yeast and oil.”   +The taxi stopped near a big tree. A large lady got into the taxi with her crying baby.   +  +“Haai,” said Gogo. “This baby is crying so much that she is giving me a headache. Palesa, remind me to buy some pain tablets.”   +  +“Ok,” said Palesa. “We need cabbage and meat and onions, and flour, ice-cream and oil. And some pain tablets.”   +  +The taxi drove very fast, beeping its horn. Soon they arrived at the market. There were people everywhere. There were stalls selling fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, shoes and socks, skirts and dresses. There were stalls with cakes and bread, brushes and combs, soaps and detergents, and flour and coconut. There was oil and butter, seeds and shovels, pots and pans, and goats and chickens. Wherever they looked, there were people, people, people, buying, buying, buying.   + +  +“What a crowd,” said Gogo. “Now, where’s my shopping list? I can’t find it anywhere.”   +  +“Oh dear,” said Palesa. “I think you left it in the taxi. Don’t worry. I remember what we have to buy. It was mealiemeal and meat and onions, and flour, ice-cream and oil. And pain tablets.”   +  +“Right,” said Gogo. “Let’s start shopping. Now, where do we buy the mealiemeal?”   +  +The very first stall they passed sold mealiemeal, so they bought a big bag.   + +“Right,” said Palesa. “Now all we need is meat, onions, flour, sugar, ice-cream and oil. And pain tablets.”   +  +“Are you sure your mama wanted sugar?” asked Gogo. “I saw a big bag of sugar in the cupboard at home.”   +  +Palesa scratched her head. “Um. Maybe it was sweets?”   +  +“That’s it,” said Gogo. “I’m sure she wanted sweets.” So they bought a jumbo bag of sweets. Next they came to the stall selling fruit and vegetables.   +  +“Didn’t your mama need vegetables?” Gogo asked, frowning. “I can’t remember.”   +  +Palesa looked at the big bunches of bananas. They looked so yummy. “I wish we could buy some bananas,” she said. “Can we, Gogo?”   +  +Gogo looked confused. “I’m not sure. Were they on the list?”   +  +“Mealiemeal, sweets, bananas, flour, ice-cream and oil, and pain tablets,” sang Palesa.   +“Good girl,” said Gogo, buying a bunch of bananas. “You are clever to remember everything so well. Now let’s buy the flour, ice-cream and oil, and then we can go home. My feet are killing me!”   +  +“Don’t forget the pain tablets,” said Palesa.   +  +So Gogo bought a bottle of tablets, the flour, ice-cream and oil, and a bottle of cooldrink.   +She swallowed two tablets with a mouthful of cooldrink.  +  +“Here’s the taxi,” said Gogo. “You’ve been such a good girl. You enjoy the rest of the cooldrink on the way home.”  +  +  +Mama was very surprised to see them home so soon. “Well done,” she said. “Thank you for shopping for me. Now I can get started on my nice meat and cabbage stew, and bread.”   +  +“Cabbage?” said Palesa. “Did you want us to buy cabbage?”   +  +“Meat?” said Gogo. “Did you want us to buy meat?”   +  +Mama unpacked the plastic bags. She stared at the groceries and the bottle of pain tablets.   +“What is this?” she exclaimed. “Mealiemeal, sweets, bananas, flour, ice-cream and oil. What am I supposed to do with these?”   +  +“Oh dear,” said Gogo. “Oops,” said Palesa.   +  +“I gave you a list,” said Mama. “Why didn’t you buy the things on the list?”   +  +“We lost the list,” said Gogo. “I forgot it in the taxi.”   +  +“Sorry,” said Palesa, and she began to cry.   +  +“At least you bought pain tablets,” Mama said. “I now have a terrible headache from wondering what I can cook for dinner today! I was going to make cabbage stew. Now I have no idea!” And she swallowed two pain tablets with a glass of water and went to lie down. Mama was very upset.   +  +Gogo and Palesa sat at the kitchen table. They felt very bad.   +  +“Now I remember,” Palesa said. “The list DID have cabbage on it.”   +  +Gogo nodded. “Mama wanted meat too, and onions.”   +  +Palesa looked at the food on the table. “Those bananas look so good,” she said.   +  +“There’s lots of oil,” said Gogo. “And there’s flour. And I know there’s sugar in the cupboard, and a couple of eggs. Shall we use them to make banana fritters?”   +  +“Yum,” said Palesa, fetching the big plastic bowl from the cupboard.   +  +“Here, you can peel the bananas,” said Gogo, cracking the eggs into the bowl.   +  +Half an hour later Palesa knocked on the bedroom door. “Mama,” she called, “I’ve brought you something nice.”   +  +“Come inside,” said Mama.   +  +Gogo opened the door, and helped Palesa carry the tray. Carefully they put it on the bed.   +  +“We brought you tea,” said Gogo, “to say we’re sorry.��   +  +“And we made you banana fritters,” said Palesa.   +  +Mama sat up in bed. “Banana fritters. I LOVE banana fritters.”   +  +They all got busy drinking tea and eating banana fritters with ice-cream. And when they had finished the whole plate of fritters, nobody was hungry anymore. Mama didn’t need to cook any supper that night.   + +  +“Good night, Palesa,” Mama said at bedtime, giving her a goodnight kiss.   +  +“The next time I go shopping with Gogo, I promise to keep the shopping list safe, so that Gogo doesn’t forget it in the taxi again,” said Palesa. “Good night, Mama.”",eng,English,Palesa's List,"“I need to go shopping,” said Mama, writing a list. “I need cabbage and meat and onions, and flour, yeast and oil.”   +  +“I’ll go to the market,” Gogo said. “You’re so busy here. Palesa can come with me and help me ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/palesas-list +palesas-list,"“Kumele ngiyothenga,” kusho uMama, ebhala uhla lokuyothengwa. “Ngidinga iklabishi, nenyama, no-anyanisi, ufulawa, imbiliso, namafutha.”   +  +“Ngizokuyela emakethe,” kusho uGogo. “Umatasatasa wena lapha. UPalesa uzohamba nami angiphathise uma sesibuya.”   +  +“Ngiyabonga,” kusho uMama. “Ungakhohlwa uhla lwezinto ezizothengwa.”   +  +Ngakho-ke uGogo noPalesa basuka baqonda erenki yamatekisi.   +  +“Yini esiyoyithenga, Gogo?” uPalesa ebuza, ehamba egxumagxuma.   +  +“Ake ngibone,” kusho uGogo, efunda uhla. “Sidinga iklabishi, nenyama, no-anyanisi, ufulawa, imvubelo namafutha.”   +  +“Iklabishi, nenyama, no-anyanisi, nofulawa, nemvubelo namafutha,” kucula uPalesa, ephendula uhla lokuzothengwa elwenza iculo. “Iklabishi, nenyama, no- anyanisi, ufulawa, imvubelo namafutha.”   +  +Yaze yafika itekisi yabacosha. “Niyaphi?” kubuza umshayeli.   +  +“Siya emakethe,” kuphendula uGogo. “Siyothenga igilosa.” Washo emkhombisa uhla lwakhe lwezinto ezizothengwa.   +  +“Kunjalo,” kusho uPalesa. “Sidinga iklabishi, nenyama, no-anyanisi, ufulawa, nemvubelo namafutha.”   +  +Itekisi yama eduze nesihlahla esikhulu. Owesifazane omkhulukazi wangena etekisini nengane yakhe ekhalayo.   +  +“Hhayi,” kusho uGogo. “Le ngane iyakhala bo, seyize yangiphathisa nangekhanda. Palesa, uze ungikhumbuze ngithenge namaphilisi ezinhlungu.”   +  +“Kulungile,” kusho uPalesa. “Sidinga iklabishi, nenyama, no-anyanisi, ufulawa, u-ayisikhilimu namafutha. Namaphilisi ezinhlungu.”   +  +Itekisi yahamba ngesivinini esikhulu, ishaya uhuthi yayo. Masisha babe sebefikile emakethe. Kwakuphithizela nje ngabantu. Kwakunemipheme edayisa izithelo nemifino, inyama nenhlanzi, izicathulo namasokisi, iziketi namalokwe. Kwakunemipheme eyayidayisa amakhekhe nezinkwa, amabhulashi namakamu nensipho, nensipho yokuwashisisa nofulawa nokhukhunathi. Kwakunamafutha, ibhotela, nezimbewu, namahalavu, namabhodwe, namapani, nezimbuzi nezinkukhu. Nakuphi lapho amehlo ayebuka khona, kwakunabantu, abantu, abantu, bethenga, bethenga, bethenga.   + +  +“Baze babaningi abantu,” kusho uGogo. “Kambe, luphi uhla lwami? Angilutholi ndawo.”   +  +“Hawe ma,” kusho uPalesa. “Ngicabanga ukuthi ulushiye etekisini. Ungakhathazeki. Ngiyazikhumbula izinto okufanele sizithenge. Bekuyimpuphu, nenyama, no-anyanisi, nofulawa, u-ayisikhilimu namafutha. Namaphilisi ezinhlungu.”   +  +“Kulungile,” kusho uGogo. “Asiqale sithenge-ke. Kambe, sizoyithola kuphi impuphu?”   +  +Umpheme wokuqala abedlula kuwo wawudayisa impuphu, ngakho bathenga isaka lempuphu elikhulu.   + +  +“Kulungile,” kusho uPalesa. “Manje sidinga kuphela inyama, u-anyanisi, ufulawa, ushukela, u-ayisikhilimu namafutha. Namaphilisi ezinhlungu.”   +  +“Unesiqiniseko sokuthi unyoko ufuna ushukela?” kubuza uGogo. “Mina ngibone isikhwama esikhulu sikashukela ekhabetheni ekhaya.”   +  +UPalesa wenwaya ikhanda lakhe. “Umm! Mhlawumbe bekungewona nje amaswidi?”   +  +“Uqinisile,” kusho uGogo. “Ngineqiniso lokuthi ubefuna amaswidi.” Ngakho bathenga iphakethe elikhulu lamaswidi. Okulandelayo kwaba umpheme owawudayisa izithelo nemifino.   +  +“UMama wakho ubengayidingi nje imifino?” kubuza uGogo, ebuyisa izinhlonze. “Angisakhumbuli.”   +  +UPalesa wabuka isixheke sikabhanana. Wawuconsisa amathe. “Ngifisa sengathi singathenga ubhanana,” kusho yena. “Singawuthenga bandla, Gogo?”   +  +UGogo wabukeka edidekile. “Angisazi-ke manje. Bewukhona ohleni?”   +  +“Impuphu, amaswidi, ubhanana, ufulawa, u-ayisikhilimu, namafutha, namaphilisi ezinhlungu,” kucula uPalesa.   +  +“Awuboni-ke ntombazane,” kusho uGogo, ethenga isixheke sikabhanana. “Uhlakaniphe kabi, buka nje ukuthi uyikhumbula kahle kanjani yonke into. Manje asithenge ufulawa, u-ayisikhilimu namafutha, bese siyagoduka. Izinyawo zami sezibuhlungu kabi!”   +  +“Ungakhohlwa amaphilisi ezinhlungu,” kusho uPalesa.   +  +Ngakho uGogo wathenga ibhodlela lamaphilisi, ufulawa, u-ayisikhilimu. namafutha, nebhodlela likadilinki.   +  +Wagwinya amaphilisi amabili wehlisa ngodilinki.   + +  +“Nansi itekisi,” kusho yena. “Uziphathe kahle kakhulu. Phuza nanku udilinki uwuqedele njengoba sesibuyela ekhaya nje.”   +[A/w 04]  +  +UMama wamangala ukubabona sebebuya ngokushesha okungaka. “Nenze kahle kakhulu,” kusho yena. “Ngiyabonga ngokungiyela ezitolo. Manje kufanele ngiqale ukupheka isitshulu sami esimnandi senyama neklabishi, nesinkwa.”   +  +“Iklabishi?” kusho uPalesa. “Bewuthe sithenge iklabishi?”   +  +“Inyama?” kusho uGogo. “Bewuthe sithenge inyama?”   +  +UMama wakhipha izimpahla ezikhwameni. Wagqolozela igilosa nebhodlela lamaphilisi ezinhlungu.   +  +“Yini le?” ebabaza. “Impuphu, uswidi, ubhanana, ufulawa, u-ayisikhilimu namafutha. Ngizozenzani lezi zinto mina?”   +  +“Oh, nkosi yami,” kusho uGogo.   +  +“We ma,” kusho uPalesa.   +  +“Ngininikeze uhla lwezinto ebenizozithenga,” kusho uMama. “Yini ningathenganga izinto ebezisohleni?”   +  +“Lulahlekile,” kusho uGogo. “Ngilukhohlwe etekisini.”   +  +“Ngiyaxolisa,” kusho uPalesa, washo eqala ukukhala.   +  +“Kungcono ngoba nithenge amaphilisi ezinhlungu,” kusho uMama. “Sengivele ngaphathwa ikhanda njengoba ngizama ukucabanga ukuthi ngizophekani nje namhlanje! Bengithi ngizopheka isitshulu seklabishi. Manje angisazi!” Wagwinya amaphilisi amabili ngengilazi yamanzi wayolala phansi. UMama wayecasuke kakhulu.   +  +UGogo noPalesa bahlala etafuleni lasekhishini. Babezisola kakhulu.   +  +“Manje sengiyakhumbula,” kusho uPalesa. “BELIKHONA iklabishi ohleni.”   +  +UGogo wanqekusiza ikhanda. “UMama ubefuna inyama futhi, no-anyanisi.”   +  +UGogo wanqekusiza ikhanda. “UMama ubefuna inyama futhi, no-anyanisi.”   +  +“Kukhona namafutha amaningi,” kusho uGogo. “Futhi kukhona nofulawa. Ngiyazi kukhona noshukela ekhabetheni, namaqanda ambalwa. Yini singakusebenzisi lokhu ukwenza ama-banana fritters?”   +  +“Ncam,” kusho uPalesa, elanda indishi enkulu yepulastiki ekhabetheni.   +  +“Mina, thatha, uhlube ubhanana,” kusho uGogo, eqhafaza amaqanda ewafaka endishini.   +  +Emva kwesigamu sehora uPalesa wangqongqoza egumbini lokulala. “Mama,” embiza, “Ngikulethele into emnandi.”   +  +“Ngena,” kusho uMama.   +  +UGogo wavula isicabha, welekelela uPalesa ukuphatha ithileyi. Ngokucophelela balibeka phezu kombhede.   +  +“Sikulethele itiye,” kusho uGogo, “ukuze sixolise.”   +  +“Futhi sikwenzele ama-banana fritters,” kusho uPalesa.   +  +UMama wahlala ngesinqe embhedeni. “Ama-banana fritters. NGIYAWATHANDA ama-banana fritters.”   +  +Bonke baqala ukuphuza itiye badla nama-banana fritters no-ayisikhilimu. Lapho sebeqede ipuleti lonke lama- fritters, akekho owayesalambile. UMama akazange apheke sidlo sasebusuku ngalelo langa.   + +“Ulale kahle, Palesa,” kusho uMama ngesikhathi sokulala, washo emqabula.   +  +“Ngokulandelayo uma ngiya kothenga noGogo, ngiyethembisa ukuthi ngizoluphatha kahle uhla lwezinto ezizothengwa, ukuze uGogo angalukhohlwa etekisini futhi,” kusho uPalesa. “Ulale kahle, Mama.”",zul,isiZulu,Uhla lukaPales,"“I need to go shopping,” said Mama, writing a list. “I need cabbage and meat and onions, and flour, yeast and oil.”   +  +“I’ll go to the market,” Gogo said. “You’re so busy here. Palesa can come with me and help me ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uhla-lukapalesa +palesas-list,"“Kufuneka ndiye kuthenga,” watsho uMama, ebhala uluhlu lwezinto aza kuzithenga. “Ndifuna ikhaphetshu, nenyama, netswele, nomgubo wengqolowa, neyisti kunye neoyile.”   +  +“Ndiza kuya emarikeni,” watsho uGogo. “Uxakeke kakhulu wena apha. UPalesa angahamba nam ze andincedise ukuthwala zonke ezi zinto sigoduke nazo.”   +  +“Ndiyabulela,” watsho uMama. “Ungalulibali uluhlu lwezinto oza kuzithenga.”   +  +Ngoko ke uGogo noPalesa benjenjeya ukuya kwisikhululo seetekisi.   +  +“Siyokuthenga ntoni Gogo?” Wabuza uPalesa etsiba-tsiba lo gama ahamba noGogo.   +  +“Yithi ndibone,” watsho uGogo, efunda uluhlu. “Sifuna ikhaphetshu, nenyama, netswele, nomgubo wengqolowa, neyisti kunye neoyile.”   +  +“Ikhaphetshu, nenyama, netswele, nomgubo wengqolowa, neyisti kunye neoyile,” wacula uPalesa, eluguqule uluhlu lwayingonyana emnandi. “Ikhaphetshu, nenyama, netswele, nomgubo wengqolowa, neyisti kunye neoyile.”   +  +Yafika itekisi, yabathatha. “Niya phi?” wabuza umqhubi.  +  +“Siya emarikeni,” watsho uGogo. “Siyokuthenga igrosari.” Wambonisa uluhlu lwakhe.   +  +“Kunjalo,” watsho uPalesa. “Sifuna ikhaphetshu, nenyama, netswele, nomgubo wengqolowa, neyisti kunye neoyile.”   +  +Iteksi yemisa kufutshane nomthi omkhulu. Inenekazi elinesiqu langena nosana lwalo olulilayo.   +  +“Yho,” watsho uGogo. “Olu sana lulila kakhulu kangangokuba lundenzela intloko ebuhlungu. Palesa, uze undikhumbuze ukuba ndizithengele iipilisi zeentlungu.”   +  +“Kulungile,” watsho uPalesa. “Sifuna ikhaphetshu, nenyama, netswele, nomgubo wengqolowa, neayisikhrimu neoyile. Kunye neepilisi zeentlungu.”   +  +Iteksi yaqhuba ngokungxama, ikhalisa ihutara. Bakhawuleza bafika emarikeni. Kwakuzele abantu yonke nje indawo. Kwakukho iivenkile nezitendi ezithengisa iziqhamo nemifuno, nezithengisa inyama nentlanzi, nezithengisa izihlangu neekawusi, nezithengisa izikeyiti neelokhwe. Kwakukho iivenkile nezitendi ezithengisa iikeyiki nesonka, nezithengisa iibrashi neekama, nesepha nezinto zokucoca, nomgubo wengqolowa nekhokhonathi. Kwakukho ioyile nebhotolo, nembewu nemihlakulo, neembiza neepani, kunye neebhokhwe neenkukhu. Babangajonga ngapha, kwakukho abantu, abantu, abantu, bethenga, bethenga, bethenga.   + +  +“Abangaka abantu,” watsho uGogo. “Ngoku, luphi uluhlu lwam? Andilufumani ndawo.”   +  +“Owu torho,” watsho uPalesa. “Ndicinga ukuba ulushiye etekisini. Sukukhathazeka. Ndiyakhumbula ukuba zintoni na ekufuneka sizithengile. Ibingumgubo wombona nenyama namatswele, nomgubo wengqolowa, iayisikhrimu neoyile. Kunye neepilisi zeentlungu.”   +  +“Kulungile,” watsho uGogo. “Masiqalise ukuthenga. Ngoku, siwuthenga phi umgubo wombona?”   +  +Ivenkile yokuqala ababedlule kuyo yayithengisa umgubo wombona, baza bathenga ingxowa enkulu.   +  + +  +“Kulungile,” watsho uPalesa. “Ngoku izinto esizifunayo yinyama, amatswele, umgubo wengqolowa, iswekile, iayisikhrimu neoyile. Kunye neepilisi zeentlungu.”   +  +“Uqinisekile ukuba umama wakho ufune iswekile?” wabuza uGogo. “Ndibone ingxowa enkulu yeswekile ekhabhathini ekhaya.”   +  +UPalesa wazonwaya entloko. “Emh. Mhlawumbi ibiziiswiti?”   +  +“Kunjalo,” watsho uGogo. “Ndiqinisekile ubefune iiswiti.” Batsho bathenga ingxowa enkulu yeeswiti. Okulandelayo bafika kwisitendi esithengisa iziqhamo nemifuno.   +  +“Umama wakho khange afune mifuno?” Wabuza uGogo, efinge iintshiyi. “Andikhumbuli.”   +  +UPalesa wajonga iibhantshi ezinkulu zeebhanana. Zabonakala zimnandi kakhulu. “Ndinqwenela ukuba sithenge iibhanana,” watsho. “Singazithenga, Gogo?”   +  +UGogo wakhangeleka edidekile. “Andiqinisekanga. Bezikhona eluhlwini?”   +  +“Umgubo wombona, iiswiti, iibhanana, umgubo wengqolowa, iayisikhrimu neoyile, neepilisi zeentlungu,” wacula uPalesa.   +  +“Ntombazana elungileyo,” watsho uGogo, ethenga ibhantshi yeebhanana. “Ukrelekrele ukuba ungakhumbula zonke ezi zinto kakuhle. Ngoku masithenge umgubo wengqolowa, iayisikhrimu neoyile, size ke sigoduke. Iinyawo zam ziyaqaqamba!”   +  +“Ungazilibali iipilisi zeentlungu,” watsho uPalesa.   +  +UGogo wathenga ibhotile yeepilisi, umgubo wengqolowa, iayisikhrimu neoyile nebhotile yesiselo esibandayo.   +  +Waginya iipilisi ezimbini ngethamo lesiselo.   + +  +“Nantsi itekisi,” watsho uGogo. “Ubuyintombazana elungileyo. Gqibezela esi siselo kule ndlela igodukayo.”   + +  +UMama wamangaliswa kukubabona sebebuyele ekhaya ngokukhawuleza kangako. “Nenze kakuhle,” watsho. “Ndiyabulela ngokuya kundithengela izinto endizifunayo. Ngoku ndingaqalisa ukupheka inyama yam emnandi nekhaphetshu nesityu, nesonka.”   +  +“Ikhaphetshu?” watsho uPalesa. “Ubusithume ukuba sithenge ikhaphetshu?”   +  +“Inyama?” watsho uGogo. “Ubusithume ukuba sithenge inyama?”   +  +UMama wakhupha izinto ezithengiweyo kwiingxowa zeplastikhi. Wajama engakholelwa koku kuthengiweyo nebhotile yeepilisi.   +  +“Yintoni le?” wakhuza. “Umgubo wombona, iiswiti, iibhanana, umgubo wengqolowa, iayisikhrimu neoyile. Ndimelwe kukuba ndenze ntoni ngezi zinto?”   +  +“Owu torho,” watsho uGogo.   +  +“Yho,” watsho uPalesa.   +  +“Ndininike uluhlu,” watsho uMama. “Kutheni ningathenganga izinto ezikuluhlu?”   +  +“Lulahlekile uluhlu,” watsho uGogo. “Ndilushiye etekisini.”   +  +“Uxolo,” watsho uPalesa, waqalisa ukulila.   +  +“Kungcono ke kuba nizithengile iipilisi zeentlungu,” watsho uMama. “Ngoku ndinentloko ebuhlungu kakhulu kukucinga ukuba ndiza kupheka ntoni ngokuhlwa nje! Bendiza kupheka isityu sekhaphetshu. Ngoku andazi ukuba ndiza kupheka ntoni!” Waginya iipilisi ezimbini zeentlungu ngeglasi yamanzi waza waya kungqengqa. UMama wayekhathazeke kakhulu.   +  +UGogo noPalesa bahlala etafileni yasekhitshini. Beva kakubi kakhulu.   +  +“Ndiyakhumbula ke ngoku,” watsho uPalesa. “Uluhlu BELUNAYO ikhaphetshu.”   +  +UGogo wanqwala. “UMama ubefune nenyama, namatswele.”   +  +UPalesa wajonga ukutya okusetafileni. “Eziya bhanana zikhangeleka zintle kakhulu,” watsho.   +  +“Ininzi ioyile,” watsho uGogo. “Kukho nomgubo wengqolowa. Ndiyazi ukuba ikhona iswekile ekhabhathini, namaqanda ambalwa. Singazisebenzisa ukwenza amaqebengwana ebhanana?”   +  +“Mhmm,” watsho uPalesa, esiya kuthatha isitya esikhulu seplastikhi ekhabhathini.   +  +“Thatha apha, uxobule ezi bhanana,” watsho uGogo, eqhufuzela amaqanda esityeni.   +  +Kwisiqingatha seyure elandelayo uPalesa wankqonkqoza elucangweni lwendlu yokulala. “Mama,” wakhwaza, “ndikuphathele into emnandi.”   +  +“Ngena,” watsho uMama.   +  +UGogo waluvula ucango, wancedisa uPalesa ukuphatha itreyi.   +  +Ngenyameko bayibeka phezu kwebhedi. “Sikuphathele iti,” watsho uGogo, “sizokuxolisa.”   +  +“Sikwenzele namaqebengwana eebhanana,” watsho uPalesa.   +  +UMama waphakama wathi ngcu phezu kwebhedi. “Amaqebengwana eebhanana. NDIYAWATHANDA amaqebengwana eebhanana.”   +  +Bonke bazixakekisa ngokuphunga iti nokutya amaqebengwana eebhanana aneayisikhrimu. Bakugqiba ukutya ipleyiti ezele ngamaqebengwana lawo, akukho mntu wasala esalambile. Kwakungekho mfuneko yokuba uMama abe sapheka isidlo sangokuhlwa ngobo busuku.   +  +“Ulale kakuhle, Palesa,” watsho emphuza uMama ngexesha lokulala.   + +  +“Xa ndiphinda ndisiya kuthenga noGogo, ndiyathembisa ukuba uluhlu lwezinto esiya kuzithenga ndakulugcina lukhuselekile, ukuze uGogo angalulibali etekisini kwakhona,” watsho uPalesa. “Ulale kakuhle Mama.”",xho,isiXhosa,Uluhlu lukaPales,"“I need to go shopping,” said Mama, writing a list. “I need cabbage and meat and onions, and flour, yeast and oil.”   +  +“I’ll go to the market,” Gogo said. “You’re so busy here. Palesa can come with me and help me ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uluhlu-lukapalesa +palesas-list,"“Ke hloka ho ya mabenkeleng,” ha rialo Mme, a ngola lenane. “Ke hloka khabetjhe le nama le eie, le phofo ya folouru, le tomoso le oli.”   +  +“Ke tla ya mmarakeng,” ha rialo Nkgono. “O maphathaphathe haholo mona. Palesa a ka nna a tsamaya le nna a tle a nthuse ho tshwara dintho ha re tla hae.   +  +“Ke a leboha,” ha rialo Mme. “Le se ke la lebala lenane la dintho tse rekwang.”   +  +Yaba Nkgono le Palesa ba tsamaya ho ya renkeng ya ditekesi.   +  +“Ke ding tseo re hlokang ho di reka, Nkgono?” Palesa a botsa a ntse a tlolatlola.   +  +“E re ke bone,” ha rialo Nkgono, a bala lenane. “Re hloka khabetjhe le nama le eie, le folouru, tomoso le oli.”   +  +“Khabetjhe le nama le eie, le folouru, tomoso le oli,” ha bina Palesa, a fetola lenane leo pinanyana. “Khabetjhe le nama le eie, le folouru, tomoso le oli.”   +  +Yaba tekesi e a fihla mme ba palama. “Le ya kae?” ha botsa mokganni.   +  +“Re ya mmarakeng,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Re hloka ho reka korosara.” Mme a mmontsha lenane la hae.   +  +“Ke nnete,” ha rialo Palesa. “Re hloka khabetjhe le nama le eie, le folouru, tomoso le oli.”   +  +Tekesi ya ema pela sefate se seholo. Mosadi e moholohadi a kena ka tekesing a nkile lesea le llang.   +  +“Tjhe bo,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Ngwana enwa o lla haholo hoo hlooho ena ya ka e opang. Palesa, o nkgopotse ho reka dipidisi tsa hlooho hle.”   +  +“Ho lokile,” ha rialo Palesa. “Re hloka khabetjhe le nama le eie, le folouru, aesekerimi le oli. Le dipidisi tsa hlooho.”   +  +Tekesi ya matha ka lebelo, e letsa phala ya yona. E se kgale ba fihla mmarakeng. Ho ne ho tletse batho hohle. Ho ne ho ena le dibaka tse rekisang ditholwana le meroho, nama le tlhapi, dieta le dikausu, dikete le mese. Ho ne ho ena le dikgutlwana tse ding tse nang le dikuku le bohobe, diborosolo le dikama le disepa le dintho tse hlwekisang le folouru le kokonate. Ho ne ho ena le oli le botoro le dipeo le dikgarafu le dipitsa le dipane le dipodi le dikgoho. Hohle moo ba shebang teng, ho ne ho tletse batho, batho, batho, ho rekwa, ho rekwa ho bile ho rekwa.   + +  +“Ke batho ba bangata hakaakang,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Jwale, lenane lela la ho reka le hokae? Ha ke le fumane moo le leng teng.”   +  +“Jonna we,” ha rialo Palesa. “Ke nahana hore o le siile ka hara tekesi. O seke wa kgathatseha. Ke ntse ke hopola dintho tseo re tshwanelang ho di reka. E ne e le phofo le nama le eie, folouru, aesekerimi le oli. Le dipidisi tsa hlooho.”   +  +“Ke hantle,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Ha re qale ho reka. Jwale, re tla reka phofo hokae?”   +  +Sekgutlwana sa pele seo ba fetileng ho sona se ne se rekisa phofo, yaba ba reka mokotla o moholo.   + +  +“Ho lokile,” ha rialo Palesa. “Jwale re se re hloka nama, eie, folouru, tswekere, aesekerimi le oli. Le dipidisi tsa hlooho.”   +  +“Na o na le bonnete ba hore mme wa hao o ne a batla tswekere?” ha botsa Nkgono. “Ke bone mokotlana o moholo wa tswekere ka khabateng hae mane.”   +Palesa a ingwaya hlooho. “Eh. Mohlomong e ne e le dipompong?”   +  +“Ehlile,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Ke na le bonnete ba hore o ne a batla dipompong.” Yaba ba reka mokotla o moholo wa dipompong. Kamora moo ba fihla sekgutlwaneng se rekisang ditholwana le meroho.   +  +“Mmao o ne a sa ngola meroho lenaneng lela?” Nkgono a botsa a sosobantse sefahleho. “Ha ke sa hopola.”   +  +Palesa a sheba sehlopha se seholo sa dipanana. Di ne di shebahala di le monate. “Ke lakatsa eka re ka reka dipanana,” a rialo. “Na re ka di reka, Nkgono?”   +  +Nkgono o ne a shebahala a ferekane. “Ha ke tsebe hantle. Na di ne di le teng lenaneng?”   +  +“Phofo, dipompong, dipanana, folouru, aesekerimi le oli, le dipidisi tsa hlooho,” Palesa a bina.   +  +“Ngwanana ya bohlale,” ha rialo Nkgono, a reka sehlopha sa dipanana. “O bohlale ha o hopotse dintho tsohle hantle hakana. Jwale ha re ilo reka folouru, aesekerimi le oli, mme ha re qeta re ye lapeng. Maoto a ka a bohloko haholo!”   +  +“O se ke wa lebala dipidisi tsa hlooho,” ha rialo Palesa.   +  +Yaba Nkgono o reka botlolo ya dipidisi, folouru, aesekerimi le oli, le botlolo ya senomaphodi.   +  +A nwa dipidisi tse pedi ka senomaphodi seo.   + +  +“Tekesi ke ena,” a rialo. “O bile ngwanana ya itshwereng hantle. Enwa o natefelwe ke senomaphodi sena se setseng ha re ya hae.”   + +  +Mme o ne a maketse ho ba bona ba kgutlile kapele jwalo. “Le sebeditse,” a rialo. “Ke a leboha ka ho nkela mabenkeleng. Jwale nka qala ho pheha setjhu sa ka sa nama le khabetjhe, le bohobe.”   +  +“Khabetjhe?” ha rialo Palesa. “O ne o itse re o rekele khabetjhe?”   +  +“Nama?” ha rialo Nkgono. “O ne o itse re o rekele nama?”   +  +Mme a ntsha dintho ka dipolasetiking. A sheba korosara le botlolo ya dipidisi tsa hlooho.   +  +“Ke eng ee?” a bua a maketse. “Phoofo, dipompong, dipanana, folouru, aesekerimi le oli. Ke tla etsang nna ka ntho tsee?”   +  +“Jowee,” ha rialo Nkgono.   +  +“Joo,” ha rialo Palesa.   +  +“Ke ne ke le file lenane,” ha rialo Mme. “Hobaneng le sa reka dintho tse neng di le lenaneng?”   +  +“Re lahlile lenane lane,” Nkgono a araba. “Ke ile ka le lebala ka tekesing.”   +  +“Tshwarelo,” ha rialo Palesa, mme a qala ho lla.   +  +“Bonnyane le rekile dipidisi tsa hlooho,” Mme a rialo. “Jwale ke se ke opelwa ke hlooho ha bohloko ha ke ntse ke nahana hore ebe ke tla pheha eng bakeng sa dijo tsa mantsiboya kajeno! Ke ne ke tlo pheha setjhu sa khabetjhe. Jwale ha ke sa tseba!” Yaba o nwa dipidisi tse pedi ka galase ya metsi mme a ya robala. Mme o ne a halefile haholo.   +  +Nkgono le Palesa ba dula tafoleng ya kitjhine. Ba ne ba ikutlwa ba swabile.   +  +“Jwale ke a hopola,” ha rialo Palesa. “Lenane lane le ne le HLILE le ena le khabetjhe ho lona.”   +  +Nkgono a dumela ka ho oma ka hlooho. “Mme o ne a batla le nama, le eie.”   +  +Palesa a sheba dijo tse hodima tafole. “Dipanana tseno di shebahala di le monate,” a rialo.   +  +“Ho na le oli e ngata,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Ho bile ho na le folouru. Mme ke a tseba hore ho na le tswekere ka khabateng, le mahe a mmalwa. Na re ka di sebedisa ho etsa diforithase tsa panana?”   +  +“Mm,” ha rialo Palesa, a lata sekotlolo se seholo sa polasetiki ka khabateng.   +  +“Nka, o ka nna wa ebola dipanana,” ha rialo Nkgono, a tjhwatlela mahe ka sekotlolong.   +  +Kamora halofo ya hora Palesa a kokota monyako wa kamore. “Mme,” a bitsa mmae, “Ke o tliseditse ntho e monate.”   +  +“Kena,” ha rialo Mme.   +  +Nkgono a bula lemati, mme a thusa Palesa ho nka tereyi. Ba e beha ka hloko hodima bethe.   +  +“Re o tliseditse teye,” ha rialo Nkgono, “ho tla kopa tshwarelo.”   +  +“Mme re o etseditse diforithase tsa panana,” ha rialo Palesa.   +  +Mme a dula hodima bethe. “Diforithase tsa panana. Ke RATA diforithase tsa panana.”   +  +Yaba mmoho ba nwa teye ba bile ba ja diforithase tsa panana le aesekerimi. Mme yare ha ba qetetile sekotlolo kaofela sa diforithase, ho ne ho se ho se na motho ya lapileng. Mme o ne a ka nna a tlohela ho pheha dijo tsa mantsiboya tsatsing leo.   +  + +  +“Fonane, Palesa,” Mme a rialo ka nako ya ho robala, a suna Palesa pele a ilo robala.   +  +“Kgetlong le tlang ha ke ya mabenkeleng le Nkgono, ke a o tshepisa hore ke tla boloka lenane la ho reka le bolokehile, e le hore Nkgono a tle a seke a le lahla ka tekesing hape,” ha rialo Palesa. “Robala ha monate, Mme.”",sot,Sesotho,Lenane la Pales,"“I need to go shopping,” said Mama, writing a list. “I need cabbage and meat and onions, and flour, yeast and oil.”   +  +“I’ll go to the market,” Gogo said. “You’re so busy here. Palesa can come with me and help me ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lenane-la-palesa +i-want-to-be-chef,"In the town of Mahikeng, there lived a young boy named Kabelo. He loved nothing more than cooking. He cooked good food that everyone in his family enjoyed. Kabelo was also good at baking. He baked cakes and bread. He also made soup for homeless people in his community.  +  +One morning at school, Mrs Ramaila, Kabelo’s teacher, asked everyone in the class to say what they would like to do after they finish school one day.  +  +A girl stood up. “I would like to be an astronaut and go to space,” she said.  +  +“I would like to be a doctor,” said one of the boys.  +  +Then Kabelo stood up. “I would like to earn a living by cooking,” he said. “I want to be a chef.”  +  + +All the children were shocked. First they stared at Kabelo and then they all started laughing.  +  +“But cooking is for girls,” laughed one of the girls.  +  +Mrs Ramaila told everyone to be quiet. “You can be anything you want to be, Kabelo,” she said kindly. “Don’t listen to them.” But Kabelo’s feelings were already hurt.  +  +On the way home from school the other children kept on teasing him.  +  +When he got home, Kabelo found his father washing the dishes while his mother made lunch.  +  +“How was school today?” asked his father.  +  +“Everyone laughed at me when I told them I wanted to be a chef and cook for a living,” explained Kabelo. “They said that boys don’t cook and that cooking is for girls. They also said real boys play rugby and soccer. But I don’t like those things!”  +  +His father hugged him. “Do you know that some of the best chefs in the world are men?”  +  +Kabelo was surprised and said, “Really?”  +  +“Yes!” said his father as he took his cellphone out of his pocket. “Look!” He showed Kabelo pictures of the many chefs around the world who were men. They looked at pictures of all the good food the chefs had cooked and Kabelo started to feel a little better.  +  +“You should enter a cooking competition, Kabelo,” his mother said to him. “There is one called The Young Super Chef and it is on television.”  +  +His father agreed. “Yes,” he said, “your cooking is very good. You could win that competition.”  +  +And that was how it came about that Kabelo entered The Young Super Chef competition.  +  +A few months later, as part of the competition, Kabelo was on television. He found himself amongst other young chefs just like him. Some of them were boys who loved cooking – just like him!  +  +The competition was really tough! The young chefs were asked to cook meals they had never cooked before. They also had to use ingredients they had never heard of before. One by one, they were voted out by the judges. Kabelo saw them cry as they left. He did not want the same thing to happen to him. He concentrated extra hard to make sure that he didn’t make any mistakes.  +  +When Kabelo ended up in the final round of the competition, his mother and father were so proud of him! The whole school was watching on television – even the boys and girls who had made fun of him. Kabelo was making his school proud.  +  +Kabelo felt nervous. The competition was nearly over, but there was one person left he had to beat in order to win. The problem was, that young chef was as good as Kabelo was!  +  +The final round started. The two young chefs each had an hour to cook their meal. Fifteen minutes into the round, Kabelo dropped a bowl filled with the mixture for a chicken pie onto the floor. He wasn’t allowed to pick the mixture up – that would mean that he would lose the competition. So he had to start all over again. Now it would be a struggle for him to finish in time. Everyone watching was worried, but Kabelo managed to finish his dish just in time.  +  +Then the judges had to taste the food. This would decide who the winner would be! They tasted Kabelo’s food and said that they thought it was very good. Then they tasted the food of the other young chef. They thought that was very good too! They left to make a final decision. The audience knew that choosing a winner was going to be difficult.  +  +It was a whole hour before the judges came back with a final decision. The winner was … Kabelo! His parents were so happy and proud! Their son was The Young Super Chef of the year. Kabelo won a trophy and prize money.  + +The next day Kabelo took his trophy to school and everyone there celebrated with him. Kabelo had shown everyone that boys could be chefs too!  +  +“I’m glad you didn’t listen to some of the children when they teased you,” said Mrs Ramaila. “You see, I told you, you could be anything you want to be!”",eng,English,I want to be a chef!,"In the town of Mahikeng, there lived a young boy named Kabelo. He loved nothing more than cooking. He cooked good food that everyone in his family enjoyed. Kabelo was also good at baking. He baked cakes and bread. He also made soup for homeless ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/i-want-to-be-chef +i-want-to-be-chef,"Edolobheni laseMahikeng, kwakuhlala umfana omncane ogama lakhe kwakunguKabelo. Akukho okunye ayekuthanda ngaphezu kokupheka. Wayepheka ukudla okumnandi okwakuthokozelwa yiwo wonke umuntu emndenini wakhe. UKabelo futhi wayebhaka kahle. Wayebhaka amakhekhe nezinkwa. Wayebuye enze nesobho enzela abantu abangenamakhaya emphakathini wakhe.  +  +Langa limbe ekuseni esikoleni, uNkk Ramaila, uthisha kaKabelo, wacela wonke umuntu ekilasini ukuthi asho ukuthi ufuna ukwenzani lapho eseqedile esikoleni.  +  +Intombazane yasukuma. “Ngifuna ukuba yi-astronothi, ngishone le emkhathini,” kwasho yona.  +  +“Ngingathanda ukuba wudokotela,” kwasho omunye wabafana.  +  +Emva kwalokho kwasukuma uKabelo. “Ngingathanda ukuphila ngokupheka,” kwasho yena. “Ngifuna ukuba ngumpheki.”  + +Zonke izingane zethuka. Zaqale zamgqolozela uKabelo emva kwalokho zaqala ukuhleka.  +  +“Kodwa ukupheka yinto yamantombazane,” kuhleka enye yamantombazane.  +  +UNkk Ramaila watshela wonke umuntu ukuthi athule du. “Ungaba yinoma yini ofuna ukuba yiyo, Kabelo,” esho ngomusa. “Ungabalaleli.” Kodwa imizwa kaKabelo yayisivele ithintekile.  +  +Esesendleleni eya ekhaya ebuya esikoleni ezinye izingane zazilokhu zimgcona.  +  +Uthe uma efika ekhaya uKabelo, wathola uyise egeza izitsha ngenkathi unina enza isidlo sasemini.  +  +“Bekunjani esikoleni namuhla?” kubuza uyise.  +“Bonke bangihlekile uma ngibatshela ukuthi ngifuna ukuba ngumpheki, ngiziphilise ngokupheka,” kuchaza uKabelo. “Bathe abafana abapheki futhi ukupheka yinto yamantombazane. Bathe futhi abafana bangempela badlala umbhoxo nonobhutshuzwayo. Kodwa mina angizithandi zonke lezo zinto!”  +  +Uyise wamanga. “Uthi uyazi ukuthi abanye babapheki abahamba phambili emhlabeni bangamadoda?”  +  +UKabelo wamangala wayesethi, “Ngempela?”  +  +“Yebo!” kwasho uyise ekhipha umakhalekhukhwini ekhukhwini lakhe. “Buka lapha!” Wakhombisa uKabelo izithombe zabapheki abaningi bomhlaba jikelele abangamadoda. Babuka izithombe zokudla okuhle okuphekwe ngabapheki, noKabelo waqala ukuzizwa esengconywana.  +“Kufanele ungenele umncintiswano wokupheka, Kabelo,” kwasho unina kuye. “Kukhona omunye obizwa ngokuthi Umpheki Osemncane Wezinga Eliphezulu nobonakala kumabonakude.”  +  +Uyise wavuma. “Yebo,” kwasho yena, “upheka kahle kakhulu. Ungawunqoba lowo mncintiswano.”  +  +Wawungenela kanjalo-ke uKabelo umncintiswano okuthiwa Umpheki Osemncane Wezinga Eliphezulu.  +  +Ngemva kwezinyanga ezimbalwa, njengengxenye yomncintiswano, uKabelo wavela kumabonakude. Wazithola esephakathi kwabapheki abancane abafana naye. Abanye babo kwakungabafana abathanda ukupheka – njengaye nje!  +  +Umncintiswano wawunzima ngempela! Abapheki abasebancane bacelwa ukuthi bapheke izidlo ababengakaze bazipheke ngaphambilini. Kwakufanele futhi basebenzise izithako ababengakaze bezwe ngazo ngaphambilini. Ngamunye ngamunye, babevotelwa ngabehluleli ukuphuma emncintiswaneni. UKabelo wayebabona bekhala lapho sebephuma. Wayengafuni ukuba kwenzeka esifanayo nakuye. Wayigxilisa ngamandla amakhulu ingqondo yakhe kwakwenzayo ukuqinisekisa ukuthi akenzi phutha.  +  +Ngenkathi uKabelo efinyelela emzuliswaneni wokugcina womncintiswano, unina noyise baziqhenya ngaye! Sonke isikole sasibukela umabonakude – ngisho nabafana namantombazane ababekade bembhuqa. UKabelo wayenza isikole sakhe ukuba siziqhenye ngaye.  +  +UKabelo wazizwa esenovalo. Umncintiswano wawusuzophela, kodwa kwakukhona umuntu oyedwa owayesele ukuthi uKabelo amehlule ukuze aphumelele. Inkinga kwakungukuthi lo mpheki osemncane wayenamagalelo amahle njengaye uKabelo!  +  +Waqala umzuliswano wokugcina. Bobabili abapheki abasebancane babenehora ukupheka izidlo zabo. Emizuzwini eyishumi nanhlanu uqalile umzuliswano, uKabelo wawisela phansi isitsha esigcwele ingxube kaphaya wenkukhu. Wayengavumelekile ukucosha le ngxube – lokhu kwakusho ukuthi uzokhala ngaphansi emncintiswaneni. Ngakho kwakufanele aqale phansi futhi. Manje kwase kuzoba nzima kuye ukuthi aqede ngesikhathi. Wonke umuntu obukele wayekhathazakile, kodwa uKabelo wakwazi ukuqeda isidlo sakhe ngesikhathi.  +  +Emva kwalokho abehluleli kwase kufanele bakuzwe ukudla. Lokhu kwakuzonquma ukuthi ngubani ophumelele! Bakuzwa ukudla kukaKabelo base bethi bacabanga ukuthi kunambitheka kahle kakhulu. Emva kwalokho base bezwa ukudla kwalona omunye umpheki osemncane. Bacabanga ukuthi nakho kwakunambitheka kahle kakhulu! Bahamba ukuze bathathe isinqumo sokugcina. Izethameli zazazi kahle ukuthi ukukhetha ophumelele kwakuzoba nzima.  +  +Kwathatha ihora lonke ukuthi abehluleli babuye nesinqumo sokugcina. Ophumelele kwakungu … Kabelo! Abazali bakhe babengeve bejabule futhi beziqhenya! Indodana yabo yayinguMpheki Osemncane Osezingeni Eliphezulu wonyaka. UKabelo wathola indebe kanye nomklomelo wemali.  + +Ngosuku olulandelayo uKabelo wathatha indebe yakhe waya nayo esikoleni kanti wonke umuntu lapho wayegubha Kanye naye. UKabelo wayebonise wonke umuntu ukuthi nabafana bangaba ngabapheki!  +  +“Ngiyajabula ukuthi awuzilalelanga ezinye izingane ngenkathi zikugcona,” kwasho uNkk Ramaila. “Uyabona, ngakutshela, ungaba noma yini ofuna ukuba yiyo!”",zul,isiZulu,gifuna ukuba wumpheki!,"In the town of Mahikeng, there lived a young boy named Kabelo. He loved nothing more than cooking. He cooked good food that everyone in his family enjoyed. Kabelo was also good at baking. He baked cakes and bread. He also made soup for homeless ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ngifuna-ukuba-wumpheki +i-want-to-be-chef,"Kwidolophu yaseMahikeng, kwakuhlala inkwenkwana egama linguKabelo. Akukho nto awayeyithanda ngaphezu kokupheka uKabelo. Wayepheka ukutya okumnandi okwakuthandwa ngumntu wonke kusapho lwakhe. UKabelo wayekwayincutshe nasekubhakeni. Wayebhaka iikeyiki nezonka. Kananjalo wayephekela nabantu abangenamakhaya isuphu, kwindawo awayehlala kuyo.  +  +Ngenye intsasa esikolweni, uNkosikazi Ramaila, ongutitshala kaKabelo, wacela wonke umntu eklasini ukuba axele ukuba xa egqibile esikolweni ngenye imini unqwenela ukwenza ntoni na.  +  +Yashukuma intombazana. “Ndinqwenela ukuba ngusomajukujuku ukuze ndiye emajukujukwini ngesiphekepheke,” yatsho le ntombazana.  +  +“Ndinqwenela ukuba ngugqirha,” yatsho enye inkwenkwe.  +  +UKabelo waphakama ke naye emva koko. “Mna ndinqwenela ukuziphilisa ngokupheka,” watsho. “Ndifuna ukuba yincutshe yompheki.”  + +Kwabothusa bonke abantwana oku. Baqala ngokumjonga ntsho-o uKabelo bemangalisiwe, baze bonke bamwa ngentsini.  +  +“Kodwa ukupheka ngumsebenzi wamantombazana nje,” yahleka isitsho enye intombazana.  +  +UNkosikazi Ramaila wayalela wonke umntu ukuba athule, abambe ucwangco. “Ungayiyo nantoni na ofuna ukuba yiyo, Kabelo,” watsho ngobubele. “Ungayimameli le ntshwaqane bayithethayo.” Kodwa uKabelo wayesele ekhathazekile.  +  +Endleleni egodukayo evela esikolweni abanye abantwana baqhubeka ngokumqhwaya, bemchwikisha.  +  +Akufika ekhaya, uKabelo wabona utata wakhe ehlamba izitya lo gama umama wakhe elungisa isidlo sasemini.  +  +“Bekunjani esikolweni namhlanje?” kwabuza utata wakhe.  +  +“Ndihlekwe nguye wonke umntu xa bendibaxelela ukuba ndifuna ukuba yincutshe yompheki ukuze ndiziphilise ngokupheka,” wachaza njalo uKabelo. “Bebesithi asingomsebenzi wamakhwenkwe ukupheka, ngumsebenzi wamantombazana. Baphinda bathi amakhwenkwe enene adlala ibhola yombhoxo nesoka. Kodwa mna andizithandi ezo zinto!”  +  +Utata wakhe wamanga. “Ubusazi ukuba abanye babapheki ababalaseleyo ehlabathini ngamadoda?”  +  +UKabelo kwammangalisa oku waza wabuza wathi, “Ngenene?”  +  +“Ewe!” watsho utata wakhe ekhupha iselula yakhe epokothweni. “Jonga!” Ubonise uKabelo imifanekiso yabapheki abaninzi abangamadoda ehlabathini. Babuka imifanekiso yazo zonke iintlobo zokutya okuhle okuphekwe ngabapheki abangamadoda waze ke uKabelo waqala waziva ebhetele noko.  +  +“Ufanele ukungenela ukhuphiswano lokupheka, Kabelo,” watsho umama wakhe kuye. “Kukho olunye olubizwa ngokuba lukhuphiswano lweeNcutshe zabaPheki abaseLula kwaye luphuma rhoqo apha kumabonwakude.”  +  +Wangqina naye utata wakhe. “Ewe,” watsho, “upheka kakuhle kakhulu. Ungagqwesa koluya khuphiswano.”  +  +Kwenzeka ngolo hlobo ke ukuze uKabelo angenele ukhuphiswano lweeNcutshe zabaPheki abaseLula.  +  +Emva kweenyangana ezimbalwa, njengenxenye yokhuphiswano, uKabelo wavela kumabonwakude. Wazifumana ephakathi kwabanye abapheki abaselula njengaye. Abanye kubo yayingamakhwenkwe akuthandayo ukupheka – njengaye kanye!  +  +Ukhuphiswano olu lwalunzima ngenene! Abapheki abaselula bacelwa ukuba bapheke izidlo abangazange bakhe bazipheka ngaphambili. Kananjalo kwakufuneka ukuba basebenzise izithako abangazange beva ngazo ngaphambili. Ngabanyengabanye, bafa namthanyana kuba bavotelwa ngaphandle ziijaji zokhuphiswano. UKabelo wayebajongile, bekhala ngethuba behamba. Wayengafuni ukuba kwenzeke kuye oko. Wazikisa ingqondo nangakumbi kwinto ayenzayo ukuze angenzi nanye impazamo.  +  +Akuba engenile uKabelo kumjikelo wokugqibela wokhuphiswano, umama notata wakhe babaneqhayiya nangakumbi ngaye! Isikolo sonke sasimbukele kumabonwakude – nkqu namakhwenkwe namantombazana ayehlekisa ngaye kuqala. UKabelo wasenza isikolo sakhe ukuba sizingce ngaye.  +  +UKabelo waziva enexhala. Ukhuphiswano lwalusondela esiphelweni, kodwa kwakusele umntu omnye kuphela awayefanele ukumoyisa ukuze agqwese. Ingxaki yayikukuba, loo mpheki mncinane naye wayelichule kanye njengoKabelo lo!  +  +Waqalisa ke umjikelo wokugqibela. Ingulowo kubapheki abaselula ababini eneyure nje enye yokupheka isidlo sakhe. Kwathi xa kuphakathi kwimizuzu elishumi elinesihlanu yokuqala kulo mjikelo, quba, uKabelo wachitha isitya sonke esinomxube wokwenza ipayi enesongo senkukhu. Zange avunyelwe ukuba awubuthe loo mxube – loo nto yayiza kuthetha ukuba woyisiwe kukhuphiswano. Ngoko ke kwanyanzeleka ukuba aqale phantsi kwakhona. Ngoku kwakuza kuba nzima kakhulu kuye ukuba agqibe ngexesha. Wonke umntu owayebukele uKabelo wayenexhala, kodwa uKabelo wakwazi ukugqiba ukusipheka isidlo sakhe ngexesha elifanelekileyo.  +  +Emva koko iijaji kwafuneka ukuba zingcamle ukutya oko kwabo. Oku kwakuza kuthathelwa kuko isigqibo malunga nokuba ngubani na kanye ogqwesileyo! Zakungcamla ke ukutya kukaKabelo zaze zavumelana ngokuthi zicinga ukuba kumnandi kakhulu. Emva koko ke zangcamla ukutya komnye umpheki omncinane lo. Zathi zicinga ukuba nako oku kwakhe ukutya kumnandi kakhulu! Zasala ke nokuthi zithathe isigqibo sokugqibela, sokuba ngubani na kanye oya kuphumelela. Ababukeli babesazi ukuba ukukhetha ogqwesileyo kwesi sibini kuza kuba nzima.  + +Kwaphela iyure yonke phambi kokuba iijaji zibuye nesigqibo sokugqibela. Ogqwesileyo yayingu … Kabelo! Abazali bakhe bavuya futhi baneqhayiya kakhulu yile Mpumelelo yakhe! Unyana wabo wayeyintshatsheli yonyaka kukhuphiswano lweeNcutshe zabaPheki abaseLula. UKabelo waphumelela indebe kunye nebhaso lemali.  +  +Ngemini elandelayo uKabelo waya nendebe yakhe esikolweni waze wonke umntu wavuyisana naye. UKabelo wayebabonise bonke abantu ukuba namakhwenkwe angabaziincutshe zabapheki nawo!  +  +“Ndiyavuya ungazange ubamamele abanye babantwana ababekuchwikisha, bekunxwala,” watsho uNkosikazi Ramaila. “Uyabona ke, ndakuxelela, ungaba yiyo nantoni na ofuna ukuba yiyo!”",xho,isiXhosa,difuna ukuba yincutshe yompheki!,"In the town of Mahikeng, there lived a young boy named Kabelo. He loved nothing more than cooking. He cooked good food that everyone in his family enjoyed. Kabelo was also good at baking. He baked cakes and bread. He also made soup for homeless ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ndifuna-ukuba-yincutshe-yompheki +i-want-to-be-chef,"Toropong ya Mahikeng, go be go na le mošemanyana wa go bitšwa Kabelo. Ga go se a bego a se rata go swana le go apea. O be a apea dijo tša bose gomme di ratwa ke bohle ka lapeng la gabo. Kabelo o be a tseba le go paka. O be a paka dikuku le borotho. Gape o be a apeyela batho ba go hloka magae setšhabeng sa gabo sopo.  +  +Mesong ye mengwe kua sekolong, Moh Ramaila, morutiši wa Kabelo, o ile a botšiša bohle gore ge ba fetša sekolo ba nyaka go dira eng.  +  +Mosetsana o ile a emelela. “Ke nyaka go ba moetasebakeng ke tšeye leeto la go ya moyeng,” a realo.  +  +“Ke nyaka go ba ngaka,” mošemane yo mongwe a realo.  +  +Bjale gwa emelela Kabelo. “Ke rata go dira letseno ka go apea,” a realo. “Ke nyaka go ba moapei.”  + +Bana bohle ba ile ba makala. Ba thomile ka go lebelela Kabelo gomme ka moka ba thoma go sega.  +  +“Efela go apea ke mošomo wa basetsana,” mosetsana yo mongwe a sega.  +  +Moh Ramaila a laela bohle gore ba homole. “O ka ba se sengwe le se sengwe se o ratago go ba sona, Kabelo,” a realo ka toko. “O se ba theeletše.” Efela maikutlo a Kabelo a be a šetše a kwele bohloko.  +  +Tseleng ya go boa sekolong, bana ba bangwe ba be ba tšama ba mo kwera.  +  +Ge a fihla gae, Kabelo o hweditše tatagwe a hlatswa dibjana gomme mmagwe a apea dijo tša matena.  +  +“Lehono go be go le bjang sekolong?” tatagwe a botšiša.  +  +“Batho bohle ba ntshegile ge ke re ke nyaka go ba moapei ke dire letseno ka go apea,” gwa hlaloša Kabelo. “Ba rile bašemane ga ba apeye gomme go apea ke mošomo wa basetsana. Gape ba rile bašemane ba nnete ba bapala rakpi le kgwele ya maoto. Efela nna ga ke rate dilo tšeo!”  +  +Tatagwe o ile a mo gokara. “Naa o a tseba gore ba bangwe ba baapei ba bakaonekaone lefaseng ke banna?”  +  +Kabelo o be a maketše gomme a re, “Ka nnete?”  +  +“Ee!” tatagwe a realo a ntšha sellathekeng ka potleng ya gagwe. “Lebelela!” A bontšha Kabelo diswantšho tša baapei ba banna go dikologa lefase. Ba lebeletše diswantšho tša dijo tša bose ka moka tša go apeiwa ke baapei gomme Kabelo a thoma go ikwa bokaonenyana.  +  +“O swanetše go tsenela phadišano ya go apea, Kabelo,” mmagwe a realo go yena. “Go na le ya go bitšwa Moapei yo Hlwahlwa yo Moswa gomme e mo thelebišeneng.”  +  +Tatagwe a dumela. “Ee,” a realo, “dijo tša gago di bose kudu. O ka thopa phadišano yela.”  +  +Ke ka tsela yeo Kabelo a tsenetšego phadišano ya Moapei yo Hlwahlwa yo Moswa.  +  +Bjalo ka karolo ya phadišano, dikgwedi tše mmalwa tša go latela, Kabelo o be a le thelebišeneng. O ikhumane a na le baapei ba bangwe ba baswa bjalo ka yena. Ba bangwe e be e le bašemane ba go rata go apea – go no swana le yena!  +  +Phadišano e be e le boima kudu! Baapei ba baswa ba ile ba kgopelwa go apea dijo tše ba sa kago ba di apea. Ba be ba ba diriša ditswakiwa gape tšeo ba sa kago ba kwa ka tšona. Baahlodi ba ba ntšha ka o tee ka o tee. Kabelo o ba bone ba lla ge ba tloga. O be a sa nyake gore le yena a ntšhiwe. O ile a šetša kudu gore a seke a dira phošo le e tee.  +  +Kabelo o rile go fihla tikologong ya mafelelo ya phadišano, mmagwe le tatagwe ba ikgantšha ka yena! Sekolo sohle se be se lebeletše thelebišeneng – le bašemane le basetsana bao ba bego ba mo sega. Kabelo o be a dira gore sekolo sa gagwe se ikgantše.  +  +Kabelo o be a ikwa a tšhogile. Phadišano e be e fihla mafelelong, efela go be go šetše motho o tee yo a swanetšego go mo phala gore a thope phadišano. Bothata e be e le gore moapei yoo o moswa o be a kgona bjalo ka Kabelo!  +  +Tikologo ya mafelelo e ile ya thoma. Baapei ba babedi ba be ba swanetše go apea iri e tee yo mongwe le yo mongwe. Mo metsotsong ye lesomehlano, Kabelo a wiša sekotlelo sa go tlala motswako wa phae ya kgogo fase. O be a sa dumelelwe go olela motswako – seo se be se bolela gore a ka se thope phadišano. Gomme o ile a swanela go thoma gape. Bjale go tlo ba bothata gore a fetše ka nako. Batho bohle bao ba bego ba bogetše ba be ba tshwenyegile, efela Kabelo o kgonne go fetša ka nako.  +  +Bjale baahlodi ba ile ba swanela go kwa tatso ya dijo. Seo se tlo laetša mothopasefoka! Ba kwele tatso ya dijo tša Kabelo gomme ba re ba be ba nagana gore di bose kudu. Gomme ba kwa tatso ya dijo tša moapei yo mongwe. Ba be ba nagana gore le tšona di bose kudu! Ba ile ba ya go tšea sephetho sa mafelelo. Babogedi ba tsebile gore go tlo ba bothata go hwetša gore ke mang yo a thopilego phadišano.  + +Baahlodi ba feditše iri ka moka pele ba boa ka dipoelo. Mothopasefoka e bile … Kabelo! Batswadi ba gagwe ba be ba thabile le go ikgantšha ka yena! Morwa wa bona e be e le Moapei yo Hlwahlwa yo Moswa wa ngwaga. Kabelo o thopile sefoka le tšhelete.  +  +Ka letšatši la go latela Kabelo o ile sekolong le sefoka sa gagwe gomme bohle ba keteka le yena. Kabelo o bontšhitše bohle gore le bašemane e ka ba baapei!  +  +“Ke thabišwa ke gore ga se wa theeletša bana ba bangwe ge ba go kwera,” a realo Moh Ramaila. “Wa bona, ke go boditše, o ka ba se sengwe le se sengwe se o nyakago go ba sona!”",nso,Sepedi,Ke nyaka go ba moapei!,"In the town of Mahikeng, there lived a young boy named Kabelo. He loved nothing more than cooking. He cooked good food that everyone in his family enjoyed. Kabelo was also good at baking. He baked cakes and bread. He also made soup for homeless ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ke-nyaka-go-ba-moapei +i-want-to-be-chef,"Toropong ya Mahikeng, ho kile ha dula moshemane ya neng a bitswa Kabelo. O ne a rata ho pheha ho feta dintho tsohle. O ne a pheha dijo tse monate tseo bohle lapeng labo ba neng ba di thabela. Kabelo hape o ne a tseba le ho baka. O ne a baka dikuku le bohobe. Hape o ne a etsa sopho bakeng sa batho ba se nang mahae motseng wabo.  +  +Hoseng ho hong sekolong, Mof Ramaila, e leng titjhere ya Kabelo, a re bohle ka tlelaseng ba bolele seo ba batlang ho se etsa mohla ba qetang sekolo.  +  +Ngwananyana e mong a ema. “Ke lakatsa ho ba asteronate mme ke ye sepakapakeng,” a rialo.  +  +“Nna ke batla ho ba ngaka,” ha rialo moshanyana e mong.  +  +Yaba Kabelo o a ema. “Nna ke batla ho fumana tjhelete ka ho pheha,” a rialo. “Ke batla ho ba seapehi.”  + +Bana bohle ba ne ba maketse. Ba qala ka ho tonela Kabelo mahlo mme bohle ba qala ho mo tsheha.  +  +“Empa ho pheha ke ntho ya banana,” ha tsheha e mong wa banana.  +  +Mof Ramaila a re bohle ba kgutse. “O ka ba ntho efe kapa efe eo o batlang ho ba yona, Kabelo,” a rialo ka mosa. “O se ke wa ba mamela.” Empa Kabelo o ne a se a utlwile bohloko pelong ya hae.  +  +Tseleng e yang hae ha a tswa sekolong bana ba bang ba ne ba ntse ba mo soma.  +  +Ha a fihla hae, Kabelo a fumana ntatae a ntse a hlatswa dijana mme mme wa hae a etsa dijo tsa motsheare.  +  +“Ho ne ho le jwang kajeno sekolong?” ha botsa ntatae.  +  +“Bana kaofela ba ile ba ntsheha ha ke ba bolella hore ke batla ho ba seapehi le ho pheha bakeng sa ho iphedisa,” ha hlalosa Kabelo. “Ba ile ba re bashemane ha ba phehe le hore ho pheha ke mosebetsi wa banana. Hape ba ile ba re bashemane ba nnete ba bapala rakebi le bolo ya maoto. Empa nna ha ke di rate dintho tseo!”  +  +Ntatae a mo haka. “Na o a tseba hore baapehi ba bangata ba maemong a hodimo lefatsheng moo ke banna?”  +  +Kabelo a makala haholo mme a re, “Ka nnete?”  +  +“Ehlile!” ha rialo ntatae mme a ntsha selefouno ya hae ka pokothong. “Sheba!” A bontsha Kabelo ditshwantsho tsa baapehi ba bangata ba lefatsheng lohle bao e leng banna. Ba sheba ditshwantsho tsa dijo kaofela tseo baapehi bana ba di phehileng mme Kabelo a qala ho ikutlwa a kgotsofetse.  +  +“O lokela ho kenela tlhodisano ya ho pheha, Kabelo,” mmae a rialo. “Ho na le e bitswang Seapehi se Senyenyane se Hlwahlwa mme e thelevisheneng.”  +  +Ntatae le yena a dumela. “Ee,” a rialo, “dijo tsa hao di monate haholo. O ka nna wa hlola tlhodisanong eo.”  +  +Mme ke kamoo Kabelo a ileng a kenela tlhodisano ya Seapehi se Senyenyane se Hlwahlwa.  +  +Dikgwedi tse mmalwa kamora moo, jwaloka karolo ya tlhodisano, Kabelo a hlahella thelevisheneng. A iphumana a le kahara baapehi ba bang ba banyenyane jwalo ka yena. Ba bang ba bona e ne e le bashanyana ba ratang ho pheha – jwaloka yena feela!  +  +Tlhodisano e ne e le boima e le nnete! Baapehi ba sa leng batjha ba ile ba kotjwa ho pheha dijo tseo ba esokang ba di pheha pele. Hape ba ne ba tlameha ho sebedisa ditswakwa tseo ba qalang ho di bona kapa ho utlwela ka tsona. Ka bonngwe, ba ile ba nna ba ntshwa tlhodisanong ke baahlodi. Kabelo a bona ba lla ha ba tsamaya. O ne a sa batle hore hoo ho etsahale le ho yena. O ile a sebetsa e le ka nnete le ka thata ho etsa bonnete ba hore ha a etse diphoso hohang.  +  +Ha Kabelo a qetella a se a le mokgahlelong wa makgaolakgang wa tlhodisano, mmae le ntatae ba ne ba le motlotlo ka yena! Sekolo sohle se ne se shebella thelevishene – esitana le bashemane le banana ba neng ba mo soma. Kabelo o ne a etsa hore sekolo sa habo se be motlotlo.  +  +Kabelo o ne a tshohile. Tlhodisano e ne e se e tla fela, empa ho ne ho setse motho a le mong eo a neng a lokela ho mo hlola. Bothata feela e ne e le hore seapehi seo se senyenyane se ne se tseba ho pheha hantle feela jwaloka Kabelo!  +  +Makgaolakgang a qala. Baapehi ba babedi bana ba ne ba filwe hora bakeng sa ho pheha dijo tsa bona. Metsotsong e leshome le metso e mehlano kamora ho qala ho pheha, Kabelo a diha sejana se tletseng motswako wa phae ya kgoho fatshe. O ne a sa dumellwa ho thonaka motswako oo fatshe – seo se ne se bolela hore o tla lahlehelwa ke tlhodisano. Kahoo a tlameha ho qala qalong hape. Jwale ho ne ho tla ba boima ho yena ho qeta ka nako. Bohle ba neng ba shebelletse ba ne ba kgathatsehile, empa Kabelo a kgona ho qeta sejo sa hae ka nako.  +  +Yaba baahlodi ba tlameha ho latswa dijo tsa bona. Ba ne ba tla etsa qeto hore mohlodi ke mang! Ba latswa dijo tsa Kabelo mme ba re ba nahana hore di monate haholo. Yaba ba latswa dijo tsa seapehi se seng. Le tsona ba nahana hore di ntse di le monate! Ba tsamaya ho ya etsa qeto ya ho qetela. Babohi ba ne ba tseba hore ho kgetha mohlodi e tla ba ntho e boima haholo.  + +Kamora hora kaofela baahlodi ba kgutla ba entse qeto. Mohlodi e ne e le … Kabelo! Batswadi ba hae ba ne ba thabile ba bile ba le motlotlo! Mora wa bona e ne e le Seapehi se Senyenyane se Hlwahlwa sa selemo. Kabelo a ikgapela mohope le moputso wa tjhelete.  +  +Tsatsing le hlahlamang Kabelo a ya le mohope wa hae sekolong mme bohle ba keteka le yena. Kabelo o ne a bontshitse bohle hore bashemane le bona ba ka nna ya eba baapehi!  +  +“Ke thabile haholo hore ha o a ka wa mamela bana ba bang ha ba o soma,” ha rialo Mof Ramaila. “O a bona, ke o bolelletse, o ka ba ntho efe kapa efe eo o batlang ho ba yona!",sot,Sesotho,Ke batla ho ba seapehi!,"In the town of Mahikeng, there lived a young boy named Kabelo. He loved nothing more than cooking. He cooked good food that everyone in his family enjoyed. Kabelo was also good at baking. He baked cakes and bread. He also made soup for homeless ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ke-batla-ho-ba-seapehi +i-want-to-be-chef,"In die dorp Mahikeng het daar ’n jong seun met die naam Kabelo gewoon. Daar was vir hom niks lekkerder as om kos te maak nie. Hy het gesonde kos gemaak waarvan almal in sy gesin gehou het. Kabelo kon ook baie goed bak. Hy het koek en brood gebak. Hy het ook sop gekook vir die hawelose mense in sy gemeenskap.  +  +Een oggend by die skool, vra mev. Ramaila, Kabelo se onderwyser, vir almal in die klas wat hulle eendag wil word wanneer hulle klaar is met skool.  +  +’n Meisie staan op. “Ek wil ’n ruimtevaarder word en die ruimte gaan verken,” sê sy.  +  +“Ek wil ’n dokter word,” sê een van die seuns.  +  +Toe staan Kabelo op. “Ek wil graag eendag ’n bestaan maak deur kos te kook,” sê hy. “Ek wil ’n sjef wees.”  + +Al die kinders is geskok. Eers staar hulle na Kabelo, en toe begin almal lag.  +  +“Maar kos maak is vir meisies,” lag een van die meisies.  +  +Mev. Ramaila maak almal stil. “Jy kan enigiets word wat jy wil wees, Kabelo,” sê sy vriendelik. “Moenie na hulle luister nie.” Maar Kabelo voel klaar seergemaak.  +  +Op pad huis toe ná skool hou die ander kinders aan om hom te terg.  +  +Toe hy by die huis kom, is Kabelo se pa besig om skottelgoed te was terwyl sy ma middagete maak.  +  +“Hoe het dit vandag by die skool gegaan?” vra sy pa.  +  +“Almal het vir my gelag toe ek vir hulle vertel dat ek eendag ’n sjef wil word,” verduidelik Kabelo. “Hulle sê seuns maak nie kos nie en dat kos maak vir meisies is. Hulle sê ook regte seuns speel rugby en sokker. Maar ek hou nie daarvan nie!”  +  +Sy pa gee hom ’n drukkie. “Weet jy dat van die beste sjefs in die wêreld mans is?”  +  +Kabelo is verbaas en sê, “Regtig?”  +  +“Ja!” sê sy pa terwyl hy sy selfoon uit sy sak haal. “Kyk!” Hy wys vir Kabelo foto’s van die talle manlike sjefs oral in die wêreld. Hulle kyk na foto’s van al die heerlike kos wat die sjefs maak, en Kabelo begin effens beter voel.  +  +“Jy moet vir ’n kookkompetisie inskryf, Kabelo,” sê sy ma. “Daar is een wat Die Junior Supersjef genoem word en dit is op televisie.”  +  +Sy pa stem saam. “Ja,” sê hy, “jy maak baie goed kos. Jy kan daardie kompetisie wen.”  +  +En dis hoe dit gebeur dat Kabelo inskryf vir Die Junior Supersjef-kompetisie.  +  +’n Paar maande later verskyn Kabelo as deel van die kompetisie op televisie. Hy is omring met ander jong sjefs nes hy. Party van hulle is seuns wat daarvan hou om kos te maak – nes hy!  +  +Die kompetisie is regtig straf! Die jong sjefs word gevra om maaltye voor te berei wat hulle nog nooit voorheen gekook het nie. Hulle moet ook bestanddele gebruik waarvan hulle nog nooit gehoor het nie. Een vir een word hulle deur die beoordelaars uitgestem. Kabelo sien hoe hulle huil wanneer hulle wegstap. Hy wil nie hê dit moet met hom ook gebeur nie. Hy konsentreer ekstra hard om seker te maak hy maak geen foute nie.  +  +Toe Kabelo tot die laaste rondte van die kompetisie deurdring, is sy ma en pa baie trots op hom! Die hele skool kyk op televisie na die kompetisie – selfs die seuns en meisies wat vir Kabelo gespot het. Kabelo maak sy skool trots.  +  +Kabelo is senuweeagtig. Die kompetisie is byna verby, maar daar is nog een persoon wat hy moet klop om die kompetisie te wen. Die probleem is dat die ander jong sjef net so goed soos Kabelo is!  +  +Die laaste rondte begin. Die twee jong sjefs kry elkeen ’n uur om hul maaltyd voor te berei. Vyftien minute nadat sy uur begin het, laat val Kabelo ’n bak met die mengsel vir ’n hoenderpastei op die vloer. Hy mag nie die mengsel optel nie – dit sou beteken dat hy die kompetisie verloor. Toe moet hy maar weer van voor af begin. Nou gaan dit moeilik wees om betyds klaar te wees. Almal wat kyk, is bekommerd, maar Kabelo kry net betyds klaar.  +  +Toe moet die beoordelaars die kos proe. Dit sal bepaal wie die wenner gaan wees! Hulle proe aan Kabelo se kos en sê hulle dink dat dit baie lekker is. Toe proe hulle aan die ander jong sjef se kos. Hulle dink dit is ook baie lekker! Hulle gaan uit om ’n finale besluit te neem. Die gehoor weet dit gaan moeilik wees om ’n wenner te kies.  +  +Dit duur ’n volle uur voordat die beoordelaars met ’n finale besluit terugkom. Die wenner is … Kabelo! Sy ouers is so gelukkig en trots! Hulle seun is Die Junior Supersjef van die jaar. Kabelo wen ’n trofee en prysgeld.  + +Die volgende dag vat Kabelo sy trofee skool toe en almal vier saam met hom. Kabelo het vir almal gewys dat seuns ook sjefs kan wees!  +  +“Ek is bly jy het nie na van die kinders geluister toe hulle jou geterg het nie,” sê mev. Ramaila. “Sien jy, ek het jou gesê jy kan enigiets wees wat jy wil wees!”",afr,Afrikaans,Ek wil ’n sjef wees!,"In the town of Mahikeng, there lived a young boy named Kabelo. He loved nothing more than cooking. He cooked good food that everyone in his family enjoyed. Kabelo was also good at baking. He baked cakes and bread. He also made soup for homeless ...",,Kgosi Kgosi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ek-wil-’n-sjef-wees +mulalo-and-the-giant,"Mulalo could talk to animals. He could understand what each animal said AND each animal could understand what Mulalo said.  + + +While he was out walking one day, Mulalo passed a weaver bird’s nest.  + + +“Help us,” said a little voice from inside the nest, “there’s a snake in here and he’s trying to eat us.”  + + +Mulalo looked inside the nest and sure enough, a snake was coiled around three little weaver birds. The snake’s mouth was open and he was about to gobble them up. Mulalo pulled the snake out and threw him across the road.  + + +“Noooo,” shouted the snake, as he flew through the air and landed in a bush.  + + +“Thank you,” said the weaver birds, “we will never forget this.”  + + +Further down the road Mulalo passed a fluffy brown bottom, belonging to an aardvark, poking out of a big anthill.  + +“Help us,” said hundreds of tiny voices, “there’s an aardvark here and he’s breaking our anthill!” “Hey,” said Mulalo, tapping the aardvark on the back, “could you please leave these ants alone, you’re ruining their home.”  + + + + +“Okay,” said the aardvark, popping out of the anthill and running off into the bushveld.  + + +“Thank you,” said all the ants to Mulalo, “we will never forget this.”  + + +Mulalo carried on walking and soon he came to a river.  + + +“Help,” said a voice from the river bank. When Mulalo looked, he saw a fish lying on the sand. “Please put me back into the water,” said the fish, “a mean old giant left me here, and I can’t breathe on dry land.”  + + +Mulalo put the fish back into the water. SPLASH!  + + +“Thank you,” said the fish, waggling his fins, “I will never forget this.”  + + +Mulalo walked along the road that ran next to the river. He hadn’t gone very far when he heard: BOOM! CRASH! BANG! A giant was stomping through the bushveld! Then Mulalo saw him sit down in the middle of the road – THUMP! The giant was so big that Mulalo knew he would not be able to get past him.  + + +“Hello,” said Mulalo, “could you please move?”  + + +“Do you have any money?” asked the giant.  + + +“No,” said Mulalo.  + + +“Well, I’m not moving until I get something from you,” said the giant. “I suppose you could try to make me laugh. If you tell me a good joke, I will let you pass.”  + + +So Mulalo told the giant a joke. It was about a monkey and a giraffe, but it wasn’t very funny and so the giant didn’t laugh.  + + +“You’ll have to do something else,” said the giant. “Let me think. Do you see that baobab tree over there?” Mulalo nodded. “Get me a pod from the top of that baobab,” said the giant, “and I’ll think about letting you pass.”  + +Mulalo tried to climb up the tree, but the trunk was very slippery and he couldn’t get a good grip. Suddenly, something flew past his head.  + + +“We can help,” said the three little weaver birds from earlier. Weaver birds are very good at making things. They collected grass and reeds and made a long rope. They hung the rope from the top of the tall tree.  + + +“Thank you,” said Mulalo, and he climbed up the rope and got a baobab pod from the top of the tree.  + + +“Not fair,” said the giant, taking the pod. “You cheated.”  + + +“I got help from my friends,” said Mulalo. “That’s not cheating. Can I please pass now?”  + + +“Well, no,” said the giant. “That was much too easy. I tell you what. Do you see that grass patch over there?” Mulalo nodded. The giant took out a bag of beans and scattered them all over the grass. “Pick up all my beans before I count to twenty and I will let you pass,” said the giant laughing. “Let’s see your friends help you now.”  + + +So Mulalo went to the grass patch and started picking up the giant’s beans.  + + +“We’ll help,” said hundreds of voices from the grass. Mulalo looked down and saw lots and lots of ants.  + +“Thanks,” he said, smiling. With the ants’ help, Mulalo collected all the beans before the giant had even counted to twelve! He handed the beans to the giant.  + + +“Why did the little weaver birds and the ants help you?” asked the giant, looking very confused.  + + +“Because they’re my friends, and that’s what friends do – they help each other,” said Mulalo.  + + +“Okay, one last test,” said the giant. He picked up a red stone and threw it into the deepest part of the river. “Fetch that,” he said, laughing.  + + +Mulalo looked down into the river. There was a flash of silver and the fish popped its head out of the water. In its mouth was the red stone.  + + + + + +“Thank you,” said Mulalo. He gave the red stone to the giant.  + + +The giant started to cry. “I wish animals helped me like they help you,” said the giant. “I’m mean and no one ever does what I want. Maybe I’ll try to be more like you.”  + + +Mulalo gave him a hug and the giant walked off into the bushveld. From that day on, the giant stopped being mean and even though he couldn’t talk to animals like Mulalo could, he became good friends with all of them and he helped them whenever they needed it.",eng,English,Mulalo and the giant,Mulalo could talk to animals. He could understand what each animal said AND each animal could ...,,Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mulalo-and-the-giant +mulalo-and-the-giant,"UMulalo wayekwazi ukukhuluma nezilwane. Wayekwazi nokuzwa isilwane ngasinye FUTHI izilwane nazo zazikwazi ukumuzwa uMulalo uma ekhuluma.  + + +Ngenkathi esahamba ngelinye ilanga, uMulalo wadlula eduze nesidleke senyoni.  + + +“Ake usisize,” kwasho izwi elincanyana ngaphakathi esidlekeni, “kunenyoka la futhi izama ukusidla.”  + + +UMulalo walunguza ngaphakathi esidlekeni wabona ngempela, inyoka eyayizithandele emaphuphini amahlokohloko amathathu. Umlomo wenyoka wawuvulekile seyilungele ukuwasobozela. UMulalo wakhipha inyoka wayitshinga le phesheya komgwaqo.  + + +“Hhaaaaaayi,” kumemeza inyoka, ngenkathi iphezulu emoyeni yaye yayothi bhalakaxa esikhotheni.  + + +“Siyabonga,” kusho amahlokohloko, “asisoze sakukhohlwa lokhu.”  + + +Ngezansana kwalapho emgwaqweni uMulalo wedlula esingezansi esimvukumvuku esinsundu, okwakungesesambane, silunguze esidulini sezintuthane.  + + +“Sicela usisize,” kwasho amakhulu ngamakhulu amazwi amancanyana, “kunesambane lapha, futhi sibhidliza isiduli sethu!”  + + +“Hheyi,” kusho uMulalo, ethinta isambane emhlane, “ngicela uyeke lezi zintuthane bandla, ubhidliza ikhaya lazo.”  + + + + +“Kulungile,” kwasho isambane, siphuma esidulini, sasho sagijima sayosithela ehlanzeni.  + + +“Siyabonga,” kusho zonke izintuthane kuMulalo, “asisoz sakukhohlwa lokhu.”  + + +UMulalo waqhubeka nohambo lwakhe masisha wafika emfuleni.  + + +“Siza bo,” kwasho izwi elalivela osebeni lomfula. Lapho uMulalo ebuka, wabona inhlanzi ilele esihlabathini. “Ngicela ungiphindisele emanzini,” kwasho inhlanzi, “izimuzimu elidala elinenhliziyo embi lingishiye lapha, angikwazi ukuphefumula emhlabeni owomile.”  + + +UMulalo wabuyisela inhlanzi emanzini. GXUMBU!  + + +“Ngiyabonga,” kusho inhlanzi, “angisoze ngakukhohlwa lokhu.”  + + +UMulalo waqhubeka ehamba emgwaqweni owawuya komunye umfula. Wayengakabiphi lapho ezwa: BHADLA! FAHLA! DIDLI! Izimuzimu lalihamba ligxoba ezihlahleni! UMulalo walibona lihlala phansi phakathi nomgwaqo - DEKLE! Izimuzimu lalilikhulu kangangokuthi uMulalo wavele wabona nje ukuthi ngeke akwazi ukudlula kulona.  + + +“Sawubona,” kwasho uMulalo, “ngicela usuke endleleni?”  + + +“Unayo imali?” kubuza izimuzimu.  + + +“Cha,” kusho uMulalo.  + +“Hhayi-ke, angiyi ndawo ngaphandle kokuthi kube khona onginikeza kona,” kwasho izimuzimu. “Mhlawumbe ungake uzame ukungihlekisa. Uma ungitshela ihlaya, ngizokudlulisa.”  + + +Ngakho-ke uMulalo waxoxela izimu ihlaya. Lalimayelana nenkawu nendlulamithi, kodwa lalingahlekisi, ngakho-ke izimu alihlekanga.  + + +“Kuzofanele wenze okunye,” kusho izimu. “Ake ngicabange. Uyasibona lesiya sihlahla somkhomo laphaya?” UMulalo wanqekuzisa ikhanda. “Ngikhelele umdumba laphaya esicongweni salesiya sihlahla,” kwasho izimu, “mhlawumbe-ke ngingakudlulisa.”  + + +UMulalo wazama ukugibela esihlahleni, kodwa isiqu saso sasishibilika kakhulu ngakho wangakwazi ukubambelela kahle. Kwathi engazelele, kwadlula okuthile kundiza ekhanda lakhe.  + + +“Singakusiza thina,” kwasho amahlokohloko amathathu amancane abehlangane nawo ngaphambilini. Amahlokohloko anekhono elikhulu lokwenza izinto. Aqoqa utshani nemihlanga enza intambo ende. Alengisa intambo esicongweni sesihlahla eside.  + + +“Ngiyabonga,” kwasho uMulalo, wagibela entanjeni wawuthola umdumba womkhomo esicongweni sesihlahla.  + + +“Hhayi akulunganga lokho,” kwasho izimuzimu, lithatha umdumba. “Wenze ubugebengu.”  + + +“Ngisizwe abangani bami,” kusho uMulalo. “Akubona ubugebengu lobo. Sengingadlula manje?”  + + +“Empeleni, cha,” kusho izimuzimu. “Bekulula kakhulu lokhu. Uyazi ukuthin? Uyabubona lobuya tshani laphaya?” UMulalo wanqekuzisa ikhanda. Izimuzimu lakhipha isikhwama sikabhontshisi lawusakaza kubo bonke utshani. “Cosha wonke lo bhontshisi wami ngaphambi kokuba ngibale ngifike emashumini amabili, ngizobe sengikudlulisa-ke,” kwasho izimuzimu linsinsitheka lihleka. “Ake sibone abangani bakho bekusiza phela.”  + + +Ngakho uMulalo waya kulobo tshani waqala ukucosha ubhontshisi wezimuzimu.  + + +“Sizokusiza,” kwasho amazwi angamakhulu ngamakhulu otshanini. UMulalo wabuka phansi wabona izintuthwane eziningi.  + + +“Ngiyabonga,” kusho yena, emamatheka. Ngosizo lwezintuthane, uMulalo waqoqa wonke ubhontshisi ngaphambi kokuba izimuzimu lifike naseshumini nambili! Wanikeza izimu ubhontshisi walo.  + + +“Kungani amahlokohloko nezintuthane zikusizile?” kubuza izimuzimu, libukeka lididekile kakhulu.  + + +“Ngoba zingabangani bami, abangani benza lokho – bayasizana,” kusho uMulalo.  + + +“Kulungile, nasi isivivinyo sokugcina,” kusho izimuzimu. Lacosha itshe elibomvu laliphonsa ekujuleni komfula. “Hamba ulilande,” lasho ligigitheka.  + + +UMulalo wabuka phansi emfuleni. Kwathi pheshe okusasiliva kwase kuqhamuka inhlanzi emanzini. Emlonyeni iphethe itshe elibomvu.  + + + + + +“Ngiyabonga,” kusho uMulalo. Wanikeza izumuzumu itshe elibomvu.  + + +Izimuzimu lavele lakhala. “Ngifisa sengathi name izilwane zingangisiza njengoba zisize wena,” kwasho izimuzimu. “Ngiwumuntu omubi futhi akekho umuntu owenza okushiwo yimina. Mhlawumbe kufanele ngizame ukuba njengawe.”  + + +UMulalo wawola izimuzimu wahamba wayosithela esikhotheni. Kusukela ngalelo langa, izimuzimu layeka ukuba nenhliziyo embi yize noma lalingakwazi ukukhuluma nezilwane njengoMulalo, kodwa laba umngane nazo zonke futhi lalizisiza nanini lapho kudingeka usizo.",zul,isiZulu,UMulalo nezimuzimu,Mulalo could talk to animals. He could understand what each animal said AND each animal could ...,,Ixoxwa kabusha uKai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umulalo-nezimuzimu +mulalo-and-the-giant,"Mulalo o kgona go bolela le diphoofolo. O kgona go kwešiša seo se boletšwego ke phoofolo ye nngwe le ye nngwe LE phoofolo ye nngwe le ye nngwe e kgona go kwešiša seo se boletšwego ke Mulalo.  + + +Ka letšatši le lengwe Mulalo o rile a sepela a feta sehlaga sa nonyana ya mologi.  + + +“Re thuše,” la realo lentšu le lennyane ka sehlageng, “go na le noga ka mo gomme e nyaka go re ja.”  + + +Mulalo a lebelela ka sehlageng, gomme ka nnete, noga e be e itatile go dikologa dinonyana tša balogi tše tharo. Noga e be e butše molomo e le kgauswi le go di metša. Mulalo o ile a ntšha noga a e fošetša tseleng.  + + +“Aowaaaa,” noga ya goeletša, ge e fofa moyeng gomme ya wela ka sethokgweng.  + + +“Re a leboga,” tša realo dinonyana tša balogi, “re ka se tsoge re lebetše se.”  + + +Kua pele mo tseleng Mulalo a feta bokamorago bjo botsotho bja boya, bja kolobesodi, e hlodumetše ka seolong se segolo.  + + +“Re thuše,” a realo mantšu a mannyane a makgolokgolo, “go na le kolobesodi mo gomme e senya seolo sa rena!”  + + +“Hei,” a realo Mulalo, a phaphatha kolobe mokokotlong, “nke o tlogele makeke a, o senya legae la ona.”  + + + + +“Go lokile,” a realo kolobesodi a etšwa ka seolong a kitimela ka sethokgweng.  + + +“Re a leboga,” makeke ka moka a realo go Mulalo, “re ka se tsoge re lebetše se.”  + + +Mulalo a tšwela pele a sepela gomme gateetee a fihla nokeng.   + + +“Thuša,” lentšu la realo go tšwa leribeng la noka. Ge Mulalo a lebelela, a bona hlapi e patlame mohlabeng. “Ntsenye ka meetseng gape hle,” hlapi ya realo, “lekgema la go tšofala la go kgowa le ntlogetše fa, gomme ga ke kgone go hema nageng ya go oma.”  + + +Mulalo a tsenya hlapi ka meetseng. PHONKGOO!  + + +“Ke a leboga,” ya realo hlapi, e phaphasetša maphegwana a yona, “nka se tsoge ke lebetše se.”  + + +Mulalo a sepela tseleng ya go ipata ka noka. Ga se a fihla kgole ge a tla kwa: PHUU! KGRR! PHAA! Lekgema le be le sepela ka sethokgweng! Gomme Mulalo a le bona le dula gare ga tsela – THAA! Lekgema e be e le le legolo ka fao e lego gore Mulalo o tsebile gore a ka se kgone go le feta.  + + +“Dumela,” a realo Mulalo, “ga o nkhutelele?”  + + +“O na le tšhelete?” gwa botšiša lekgema.  + +“Aowa,” a realo Mulalo.  + + +“Gabotsebotse, ga ke sepele go fihlela ke hwetša se sengwe go wena,” la realo lekgema. “Ke dumela gore o ka ntshegiša. Ge o ka mpotša motlae wa botse o tla feta.”  + + +Gomme Mulalo a botša lekgema motlae. E be e le ka ga kgabo le thutlwa, efela o be o sa segiše gomme lekgema ga se la sega.  + + +“O tlo swanela go dira se sengwe,” la realo lekgema. “E re ke nagane. O bona mohlare ola wa seboi?” Mulalo a dumela ka hlogo. “Ntlele peu go tšwa bogodimo bja seboi,” la realo lekgema, “gomme ke tlo nagana ka ga go feta ga gago.”  + + +Mulalo o ile a leka go namela kutu efela e be e redimoša a sa kgone go ngaparela gabotse. Gateetee se sengwe sa fofa ka godimo ga hlogo ya gagwe.  + + +“Re ka thuša,” dinonyana tša balogi tše tharo tša ka pele tša realo. Dinonyana di kgona kudu go dira dilo. Di kgele bjang le mahlakanoke tša dira thapo e telele. Di fegile thapo go tšwa bogodimong bja mohlare wo motelele.  + + +“Ke a leboga,” a realo Mulalo, gomme a namela ka thapo a tšea peu ya seboi bogodimong bja mohlare.  + + +“Ga se nnete,” lekgema la realo le tšea peu. “O ntlhalefeditše.”  + + +“Bagwera ba ka ba nthušitše,” a realo Mulalo. “Ga se go hlalefetša seo. Nka feta bjale?”  + + +“Aowa,” la realo lekgema. “Seo se bile bonolo kudu. E re ke go botše. O bona sepharana sa bjang bjola?” Mulalo a dumela ka hlogo. Lekgema le tšholotše mokotla wa dinawa godimo ga bjang. “Topa dinawa tšohle pele ke bala go fihla go masomepedi gomme o tlo feta,” lekgema la realo le sega. “A re bone gore bagwera ba gago ba tlo go thuša na.”  + + +Ka fao Mulalo a ya sepharaneng sa bjang gomme a thoma go topelela dinawa tša lekgema.  + + +“Re tla go thuša,” a realo mantšu a makgolo mo bjanyeng. Mulalo a lebelela tlase gomme a bona makeke a mantšintši.  + + +“Ke a leboga,” a realo, a myemyela. Ka thušo ya makeke, Mulalo a topelela dinawa tšohle pele lekgema le fihla go lesomepedi! O ile a fa lekgema dinawa.  + + +“Ke ka lebaka la eng dinonyana tše dinnyane tša balogi le makeke a go thušitše?” lekgema la botšiša, le bonala le tlabegile kudu.  + + +“Ka gore ke bagwera ba ka, gomme seo ke se se dirwago ke bagwera – ba a thušana,” a realo Mulalo.  + + +“Go lokile, teko ya mafelelo,” la realo lekgema. Le tšere leswika le lehubedu la le fošetša fao noka e fihlago tlase kudu. “Eya o le tšeye,” la realo le sega.  + + +Mulalo a lebelela ka nokeng. Go bonagetše gadi ya silibera gomme hlapi ya emiša hlogo. Go be go na le leswika le lehubedu ka gare ga molomo wa yona.  + + + + + +Ke a leboga,” a realo Mulalo. A fa lekgema leswika le lehubedu.  + + +Lekgema le ile la thoma go lla. “Ke duma o kare diphoofolo nkabe di nthuša ka tsela ye di go thušago,” la realo lekgema. “Ke a kgowa gomme ga go yo a dirago se ke mo laelago. Mogongwe ke tlo leka go ba bjalo ka wena.”  + + +Mulalo a gokara lekgema gomme la ya ka sethokgweng. Go tloga letšatšing leo, lekgema la tlogela go kgowa le ge le sa kgone go bolela le diphoofolo bjalo ka Mulalo, le gwerane le tšona ka moka gomme la di thuša mo go hlokegago.",nso,Sepedi,Mulalo le lekgema | Multilingual stories,Mulalo could talk to animals. He could understand what each animal said AND each animal could ...,,Kanegoleswa ka Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mulalo-le-lekgema +mulalo-and-the-giant,"UMulalo wayekwazi ukuthetha nezilwanyana. Wayeyiqonda into ethethwa sisilwanyana ngasinye KWAYE isilwanyana ngasinye sasikuqonda okuthethwa nguMulalo.  + + +Ngenye imini uthe esahamba-hamba endle, uMulalo wagqitha kwindlwane yeentaka eziphothayo nezaziwa ngokuba ziintakananja.  + + +“Khawusincede,” latsho ilizwi elincinane liphuma phakathi kwindlwane, “kukho inyoka apha ezama ukusitya.”  + + +UMulalo wakroba phakathi kwindlwane leyo kanti ngokwenene, kukho inyoka ezisonge phezu kweentaka ezintathu eziphothayo eziziintakananja. Umlomo wenyoka wawuvulekile seyiza kuzinkwamla. UMulalo wayitsalela phandle inyoka wayilahlela ngaphaya kwendlela.  + + +“Haaayi,” yakhwaza ikhala inyoka, ibhabha emoyeni yaza yawa phezu kwetyholo.  + + +“Siyabulela,” zatsho iintaka eziphothayo, “asisayi kuze sikulibale oku.”  + + +Phambilana endleleni uMulalo wagqitha kwindawana efukufuku nentsundu ngebala, ekwakuhlala kuyo inxagu eyayivunduza isiduli esikhulu seembovane.  + + +“Khawusincede,” kwatsho amakhulu ngamakhulu amazwi amancinane, “nantsi, apha inxagu izama ukuqhekeza isiduli sethu!” “Heyi,” watsho uMulalo, ebhambatha inxagu emqolo, “khawuziyeke ezi mbovane, uyalonakalisa ikhaya lazo.”  + + + + + +“Kulungile,” yatsho inxagu , itakela ngaphaya kwesiduli, ibaleka ukuya kungena etyholweni.  + + +“Siyabulela,” zatsho zonke iimbovane kuMulalo, “asisayi kuze sikulibale oku.”  + + +UMulalo waqhubeka nokuhamba waze wafika emlanjeni.  + + +“Khawuncede,” latsho ilizwi enyeleni yomlambo. Wajonga uMulalo, waze wabona intlanzi ingqengqe esantini.  + + +“Khawundincede undibuyisele emanzini,” yatsho intlanzi, “isigebenga esikhohlakeleyo esidala sindishiye apha, kwaye andikwazi kuphefumla emhlabeni ongenamanzi.”  + + +UMulalo wayibuyisela emanzini intlanzi. DYUMPU!  + + +“Ndiyabulela,” yatsho intlanzi, itshikizisa amaphiko ayo, “andisayi kuze ndikulibale oku.”  + + +UMulalo wahamba endleleni egudle umlambo. Wayengekahambi kakhulu ngethuba esiva ezi zandi: BHUM! WALAKAHLA! GADLA! Isigebenga sasingqisha ematyholweni! Emva koko uMulalo wasibona sihlala phantsi esiphakathini sendlela – DUDLU! Isigebenga sasisikhulu kangangokuba uMulalo wayesazi ukuba akanakukwazi ukudlula kuso.  + + +“Molo,” watsho uMulalo, “unganceda usuke?”  + + +“Ingaba unayo imali?” sabuza isigebenga.  + + +“Hayi,” watsho uMulalo.  + + +“Hayi ke, andisuki apha kude kubekho into endiyifumana kuwe,” satsho isigebenga. “Mhlawumbi unganayo into onokundihlekisa ngayo. Xa unokundixelela isiqhulo esihlekisa ngenene, ndakukuvumela ukuba udlule” Ngoko ke uMulalo waxelela isigebenga isiqhulo. Sasimalunga nenkawu kunye nendlulamthi, kodwa sasingahlekisi kakhulu ngoko ke isigebenga zange sihleke.  + + +“Kuza kufuneka ube nenye into oyenzayo,” satsho isigebenga. “Makhe ndicinge. Uyawubona laa mthi webhowabhi uphaya?” Wanqwala intloko uMulalo.  + + +“Ndiphathele umdumba kumphezulu wala mbhowabhi,” satsho isigebenga, “ukuze ndicinge ngokukuvumela udlule.”  + + +UMulalo wazama ukukhwela emthini, kodwa isiqu somthi sasimtyibilizi kakhulu waze akakwazi ukugwencela kuwo. Ngephanyazo kwadlula into ebhabhayo phezu kwentloko yakhe.  + + +“Singanceda,” zatsho iintaka ezincinane eziphothayo awayedibene nazo. Iintaka eziphothayo ngamachule okwenza izinto. Zaqokelela ingca neengcongolo zaphotha intambo ende. Zarhintyela intambo ngaphezu kwaloo mthi mde.  + + +“Ndiyabulela,” watsho uMulalo, waze wakhwela ngokusebenzisa intambo, wawufumana umdumba wombhowabhi phezulu emthini.  + + +“Akulunganga oku,” satsho isigebenga, sithatha umdumba. “Unamaqhinga.”  + + +“Ndincedwe ngabahlobo bam,” watsho uMulalo. “Asingomaqhinga lawo. Ndingadlula ngoku?”  + + +“Hayi, akunjalo,” satsho isigebenga. “Ibilula kakhulu ke leyo. Mandikuxelele into. Uyayibona laa ndawo inengca phaya?” wanqwala intloko uMulalo. Isigebenga saza sakhupha ingxowa eneembotyi sazisasaza kuyo yonke indawo enengca. “Chola-chola zonke iimbotyi zam phambi kokuba ndifike kumashumi amabini ngokubala, ukuze ndikuvumele udlule,” satsho isigebenga sihleka. “Makhe sibone abahlobo bakho bekunceda ke ngoku.”  + + +UMulalo waya kwindawo enengca waze waqalisa ukuchola-chola iimbotyi zesigebenga.  + + +“Singanceda,” atsho amakhulu ngamakhulu amazwi ephuma engceni. UMulalo wajonga phantsi waze wabona inyambalala yeembovane.  + + +“Ndiyabulela,” watsho, encumile. Ngoncedo lweembovane, uMulalo waziqokelela zonke iimbotyi phambi kokuba isigebenga sifike nakwishumi elinesibini ngokubala! Wasinika isigebenga iimbotyi ezo.  + + +“Kungani zikuncedile iintaka eziphothayo neembovane?” sabuza isigebenga, sikhangeleka sidideke ngokwenene.  + + +“Kungenxa yokuba ngabahlobo bam, kaloku benza njalo abahlobo – bayancedana,�� watsho uMulalo.  + + +“Ndiyakuva, nalu uvavanyo lokugqibela,” satsho isigebenga. Sachola ilitye elibomvu saliphosa kweyona ndawo inzulu emlanjeni. “Lilande,” satsho, sihleka.  + + +UMulalo wajonga ezantsi emlanjeni. Wabona kulenyeza umbala osilivere yaza intlanzi yakhupha intloko yayo ngaphezu kwamanzi. Emlonyeni kuyo, yayimumathe ilitye elibomvu.  + + + + + +“Ndiyabulela,” watsho uMulalo. Wanikezela ngelitye elibomvu esigebengeni.  + + +Isigebenga sasuka salila. “Akwaba nam izilwanyana bezindinceda ngendlela ezikunceda ngayo wena,” satsho isigebenga. “Ndikhohlakele ngoko ke akukho nomnye umntu okhe avume nto xa ndimcela. Mhlawumbi kufuneka ndizame ukuba njengawe.”  + + +UMulalo wasanga saze isigebenga sahamba sabuyela etyholweni. Ukususela ngaloo mini, isigebenga sayeka ukukhohlakala kuba nangona sasingakwazi ukuthetha nezilwanyana njengoMulalo, saba ngumhlobo wazo zonke futhi sizinceda nanini na xa kukho imfuneko.",xho,isiXhosa,UMulalo nesigebeng,Mulalo could talk to animals. He could understand what each animal said AND each animal could ...,,Libaliswa kwakhona nguKai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umulalo-nesigebenga +mulalo-and-the-giant,"Mulalo o ne a kgona ho bua le diphoofolo. O ne utlwisisa seo phoofolo ka nngwe e se buang MME phoofolo ka nngwe e ne e utlwisisa seo Mulalo a se buang.  + + +Ka tsatsi le leng Mulalo o ne a otlolla maoto, mme a feta sehlaha sa thaha.  + + +“Re thuse,” ha rialo lentswenyana le hlahang sehlaheng, “ho na le noha ka mona mme e batla ho re ja.”  + + +Mulalo a sheba ka hara sehlaha mme ka nnete, noha e ne e ikgaretse ka dinonyana tse nyane tse tharo. Molomo wa noha o ne o bulehile mme e ne e se e tlo di kwenya. Mulalo a hula noha eo mme a e lahlela ka nqane ho tsela.  + + +“Tjheee bo,” noha ya hoeletsa ha e fofa moyeng e wela ka hara dihlahla.  + + +“Re a leboha,” ha rialo dithaha, “re keke ra hlola re lebala sena.”  + + +Tlasenyana tseleng eo Mulalo a feta disanthao tse sootho tse boya, e ne e le tsa kolobemoru, di hlahile ka nqane ho seolo sa bohlwa.  + + +“Re thuse,” ha rialo mantswe a makgolokgolo a masesanyane, “ho na le kolobemoru ka mona mme e leka ho heletsa seolo sa rona!”  + + +“Hei wena,” ha rialo Mulalo, a phathatsa kolobemoru mokokotlong, “ke kopa o kgaohane le bohlwa bono, o senya lehae la bona.”  + + + + + +“Ho lokile,” ha rialo kolobemoru, a ntsha hlooho ya hae seolong mme a balehela ka hara dihlahla.  + + +“Re a leboha,” ha rialo bohlwa ho Mulalo, “re keke ra lebala sena le kgale.”  + + +Mulalo a tswela pele ho tsamaya mme a ba a fihla nokeng.  + + +“Thusang,” ha rialo lentswe le tswang lebopong la noka. Ha Mulalo a sheba, a bona tlhapi e robetse hodima lehlabathe. “Ke kopa o nkgutlisetse ka metsing,” ha rialo tlhapi, “ledimo le lonya le tsofetseng le ntshiile mona, mme ha ke kgone ho hema ka ntle ho metsi.”  + + +Mulalo a kenya tlhapi ka metsing hape. HWALAKAHLA!  + + +“Ke a leboha,” ha rialo tlhapi, e tsokotsa mohatla wa yona, “Nke ke ka lebala sena le kgale.”  + + +Mulalo a tsamaya tseleng e neng e iphaphathile ka noka. O ne a eso be hole ha a utlwa: TI! TI! PHAQA! PUTLA! Ledimo le ne le tila ka hara dihlahla! Yaba Mulalo o mmona a dula ka hara tsela bohareng feela – PUTLA! Ledimo leo le ne le le leholo hoo Mulalo a ileng a tseba hore a keke a kgona ho feta moo.  + + +“Dumela,” ha rialo Mulalo, “ke kopa o tlohe tseleng hle?”  + + +“Na o na le tjhelete?” ha botsa ledimo.  + + +“Tjhe,” ha araba Mulalo.  + + +“Ho lokile, ha ke tlohe mona ho fihlela ke fumana ho hong ho wena.” ha rialo ledimo. “Mohlomong o ka nna wa leka ho nqabola. Ha o ka mpolella motlae o monate, ke tla o tlohela o fete.”  + + +Yaba Mulalo o bolella ledimo motlae. E ne e le mabapi le tshwene le thuhlo, empa o ne o sa qabole kahoo ledimo la se ke la tsheha.  + + +“O tla tlameha hore o etse ho hong hosele,” ha rialo ledimo. “E re ke nahane. Na o bona sefate sela sa baobab se mola?” Mulalo a oma ka hlooho. “Ntlele le tholwana e hodimodimo sefateng seo sa baobab,” ledimo la rialo, “mme ke tla nahanisisa hore ke o tlohele o fete.”  + + +Mulalo a leka ho palama hodimo sefateng, empa kutu ya sona e ne e thella mme a se ke a kgona ho fumana moo a ka itshwareletsang. Hanghang, ha feta ntho e itseng hloohong ya hae e fofa.  + + +“Re ka o thusa,” ha rialo dithaha tse tharo tse nyane tseo a kopaneng le tsona pejana. Dithaha di ntle haholo ka ho etsa dintho. Tsa bokella jwang le lehlaka mme tsa etsa thapo e telele. Tsa fanyeha thapo hodimodimo sefateng se selelele.  + + +“Ke a leboha,” ha rialo Mulalo, mme a hlwella ka thapo mme a fumana tholwana ya baobab hodimodimo sefateng.  + + +“Ha se hantle,” ha rialo ledimo, le nka tholwana eo. “O nqhekanyeditse.”  + + +“Ke thusitswe ke metswalle ya ka,” ha rialo Mulalo. “Hoo ha se ho qhekanyetsa. Na nka feta jwale?”  + + +“E re ke bone, tjhe,” ha rialo ledimo. “Hoo ho bile bonolo haholo. Ha er etse tjena. Na o bona jwang bola bo mane?” Mulalo a oma ka hlooho. Ledimo la ntsha mokotla wa dinawa mme la di hasa hohle hodima jwang. “Thonaka dinawa tsa ka kaofela pele ke bala ho fihlela ho mashome a mabedi mme ke tla o suthela hore o fete,” ha rialo ledimo le tsheha. “Ha re bone hore metswalle ya hao e tla o thusa hona jwale na.”  + + +Yaba Mulalo o leba jwanng mme a qala ho thonaka dinawa tsa ledimo.  + + +“Re tla o thusa,” ha rialo makgolokgolo a mantswe a tswang hara jwang. Mulalo a sheba mme a bona bohlwa bo bongata haholo.  + + +“Ke a leboha,” a rialo a bososela. Ka thuso ya bohlwa, Mulalo a bokella dinawa tsohle pele ledimo le bala ho fihla ho leshome le metso e mmedi! A fa ledimo dinawa.  + + +“Hobaneng ha thaha e nyane le bohlwa di o thusitse?” ha botsa ledimo, a shebahala a ferekane.  + + +“Hobane ke metswalle ya ka, mme ke seo metswalle e se etsang – e a thusana,” ha rialo Mulalo.  + + +“Ho lokile, teko e le nngwe ya ho qetela,” ha rialo ledimo. A thonaka lejwe le lefubedu mme a le akgela karolong e tebileng haholo ya noka. “Lata lejwe lane,” ha rialo ledimo le bile le tsheha.  + + +Mulalo a sheba tlase ka hara noka. Ho ne ho ena le ho benya ha silivera mme tlhapi ya hlahisa hlooho ya yona ka metsing. Ka molomong wa yona ho ne ho ena le lejwe le lefubedu.  + + + + + +“Ke a leboha,” ha rialo Mulalo. A nka lejwe le lefubedu a ya le fa ledimo.  + + +Ledimo la qalella ho lla. “Hoja le nna diphoofolo di ne di nthusa jwaloka wena tjena,” ha rialo ledimo. “Ke lonya mme ha ho motho ya etsang seo ke se batlang. Mohlomong nka leka ho tshwana le wena.”  + + +Mulalo a mo haka mme ledimo la tsamaya ho ya morung. Ho tloha letsatsing leo, ledimo la tlohela ho ba lonya mme leha le ne le sa kgone ho bua le diphoofolo jwaloka Mulalo, la qala ho ba motswalle le tsona kaofela mme la di thusa kae kapa kae moo ba mo hlokang.",sot,Sesotho,Mulalo le lekgema | Multilingual stories,Mulalo could talk to animals. He could understand what each animal said AND each animal could ...,,,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mulalo-le-lekgema-0 +mulalo-and-the-giant,"Mulalo kan met diere praat. Hy kan verstaan wat elke dier sê EN elke dier kan verstaan wat Mulalo sê.  + + +Op ’n dag, toe hy gaan stap, loop Mulalo verby ’n vinknes.  + + +“Help ons,” sê ’n klein stemmetjie van binne die nes, “daar’s ’n slang in die nes en hy probeer ons opeet.”  + + +Mulalo kyk binne-in die nes en daar is jou waarlikwaar ’n slang om drie klein vinkies gekrul. Die slang se mond is oop en hy is gereed om hulle in te sluk. Mulalo trek die slang uit die nes en gooi hom oorkant die pad.  + + +“Neeee,” skree die slang terwyl hy deur die lug vlieg en in ’n bos beland.  + + +“Dankie,” sê die vinkies, “ons sal dit nooit vergeet nie.”  + +Verder af in die pad stap Mulalo verby ’n paar wollerige bruin boude wat aan ’n erdvark behoort, en wat by ’n groot miershoop uitsteek.  + + +“Help ons,” roep honderde klein stemmetjies, “hier’s ’n erdvark en hy breek ons miershoop!”  + + +“Haai,” sê Mulalo, en tik die erdvark op sy rug, “kan jy asseblief hierdie miere uitlos, jy verwoes hulle huis.”  + + + + + +“Nou goed dan,” sê die erdvark, wat uit die miershoop kom en koers kies bosveld toe.  + + +“Dankie,” sê al die miere vir Mulalo, “ons sal dit nooit vergeet nie.”  + + +Mulalo stap verder en gou kom hy by ’n rivier.  + + +“Help,” sê ’n stem van die rivierwal af. Toe Mulalo kyk, sien hy ’n vis wat op die sand lê. “Sit my asseblief terug in die water,” sê die vis, “’n nare ou reus het my hier gelos, en ek kan nie op droë grond asemhaal nie.”  + + +Mulalo sit die vis terug in die water. PLOEPS!  + + + “Dankie,” sê die vis, en wikkel sy vinne, “ek sal dit nooit vergeet nie.”  + + +Mulalo stap aan met die pad wat langs die rivier loop. Hy het nog nie baie ver geloop nie, toe hoor hy: BOEM! BAM! KRAAK! ’n Reus kom deur die bosveld gestrompel! Toe sien Mulalo hoe hy in die middel van die pad gaan sit – KADOEF! Die reus is so groot dat Mulalo weet hy sal nooit by hom kan verbykom nie.  + + +“Hallo,” sê Mulalo, “kan jy asseblief opstaan?”  + + +“Het jy geld?” vra die reus.  + + + “Nee,” sê Mulalo.  + + +“Wel, ek gaan nie opstaan totdat jy vir my iets gee nie,” sê die reus. “Ek reken jy kan probeer om my te laat lag. As jy vir my ’n goeie grap vertel, sal ek jou laat verbykom.”  + + +Mulalo vertel toe vir die reus ’n grap. Dit gaan oor ’n apie en ’n kameelperd, maar dis nie baie snaaks nie, en daarom lag die reus nie.  + + +“Jy sal iets anders moet doen,” sê die reus. “Laat ek dink. Sien jy daardie kremetartboom daar anderkant?” Mulalo knik. “Gaan haal vir my ’n peul van die boonste takke van daardie kremetartboom,” sê die reus, “en dan sal ek besluit of ek jou sal laat verbykom.”  + + +Mulalo probeer die boom klim, maar die stam is baie glibberig en hy kry nie vastrapplek nie. Skielik vlieg iets verby sy kop.  + + +“Ons kan help,” sê die drie klein vinkies van vroeër. Vinkies is baie goed daarmee om dinge te maak. Hulle versamel dus gras en riete en maak ’n lang tou. Hulle maak die tou bo in die hoë boom vas.  + + +“Dankie,” sê Mulalo, en hy klim met die tou op en gaan pluk ’n kremetartpeul van die boonste takke af.  + + +“Dis nie regverdig nie,” sê die reus toe hy die peul vat. “Jy’t gekierang.”  + + + “My vriende het my gehelp,” sê Mulalo. “Dis nie kierang nie. Kan ek asseblief nou verbykom?”  + + + “Wel, nee,” sê die reus. “Dit was veels te maklik. Ek sê jou wat. Sien jy daardie graskol daar oorkant?” Mulalo knik. Die reus haal ’n sak boontjies uit en skud dit oral oor die gras uit. “As jy al die boontjies optel voordat ek tot by twintig tel, sal ek jou laat verbykom,” sê die reus laggend. “Kom ons sien hoe jou vriende jou nou help.”  + + +Mulalo gaan na die graskol toe en begin die reus se boontjies optel.  + + +“Ons sal help,” klink honderde stemmetjies uit die gras op. Mulalo kyk af en sien duisende miere.  + + +“Dankie,” sê hy met ’n glimlag. Met die miere se hulp, tel Mulalo al die boontjies op voordat die reus eens tot by twaalf getel het! Hy gee die boontjies vir die reus.  + + + “Waarom het die vinkies en die miere jou gehelp?” vra die reus en lyk baie verward.  + + + “Omdat hulle my vriende is, en dis wat vriende doen – hulle help mekaar,” sê Mulalo.  + + +“Goed dan, een laaste toets,” sê die reus. Hy tel ’n rooi klip op en gooi dit in die diepste deel van die rivier. “Gaan haal dit,” sê hy laggend.  + + +Mulalo kyk af in die rivier. Daar is ’n silwer flits en die vis steek sy kop bo die water uit. In sy mond is die rooi klip.  + + + + + +“Dankie,” sê Mulalo. Hy gee vir die reus die rooi klip.  + + +Die reus begin huil. “Ek wens die diere wil my help soos hulle jou help,” sê die reus. “Ek is gemeen en niemand wil ooit doen wat ek vra nie. Dalk moet ek probeer om meer soos jy te wees.”  + + +Mulalo gee hom ’n drukkie en die reus stap weg in die bosveld in. Van daardie dag af was die reus nie meer gemeen nie, en al kon hy nie soos Mulalo met diere praat nie, het hy goeie vriende met almal van hulle geword en hy het hulle gehelp wanneer dit ook al nodig was.",afr,Afrikaans,Mulalo en die reus,Mulalo could talk to animals. He could understand what each animal said AND each animal could ...,,Oorvertel deur Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mulalo-en-die-reus +granny’s-roast-chicken,"It was Sunday morning and Zahara was drawing a picture in her bedroom. Ding dong, the front doorbell rang. Zahara ran to open the door. It was her granny.  + + +“Hello, Granny,” she said, giving her grandmother a hug.  + + +“I bought a roast chicken from the supermarket,” said Granny. The chicken was packed in a big white packet and it felt warm when Zahara touched it. It smelled wonderful!  + + +“Oh good,” said Zahara’s mother coming towards the door. “Put it on the kitchen counter, and we’ll eat it for lunch.”  + + +“I can’t wait to eat it,” said Zahara. “It smells so yummy.”  + + +“I’ll make some tea,” said Daddy from the kitchen. “You three can sit on the couch and relax. Why don’t you watch TV?”  + + +Just then Zahara heard her father’s cellphone ring and then she heard him talking on the phone.  + + +“I have to go to work,” said Daddy walking to the front door. “I’ll be back later.”  + + +Granny and Mama were busy watching their favourite TV program.  + + +“Bye,” said Mama.  + + +“Bye,” said Granny.  + + +Zahara was drawing. “Bye, Daddy,” she said.  + + +Soon Granny and Mama’s TV program was over and it was lunchtime. Mama went to the kitchen to fetch some bread, salad and the roast chicken. She opened the packet, took out the chicken and put it on a plate. Oh! Mama’s eyes went wide with shock. Something was missing! One of the drumsticks was gone.  + + + + +“Zahara,” she called. “Come here, right now.”  + + +Zahara knew that when Mama called her in that cross voice, she had to run. Quickly, she put down her crayon and hurried to the kitchen. “What’s wrong, Mama?” she asked.  + + +“Did you eat a drumstick? Someone has pulled off a whole drumstick and eaten it,” said Mama pointing to the chicken.  + + +“No, Mama,” said Zahara. “I promise, it wasn’t me.”  + + +“Are you sure?” asked Mama.  + + +“I’m VERY sure, Mama,” said Zahara looking worried.  + + +Mama didn’t say anything else. Instead, she went outside to where Uncle Joe was mending his car.  + + +“Joe, did you eat the drumstick from the chicken?” she asked.  + + +Uncle Joe had the radio turned up loud. “What did you say?” he shouted.  + + +“DID YOU EAT THE DRUMSTICK FROM THE CHICKEN?” shouted Mama above the music.  + + +“Yes, please, I’d like some chicken, and a glass of cooldrink too,” he yelled.  + + +Mama sighed. She went to the big mango tree in the corner of the garden. Zahara’s younger brother, David, and his best friend, Lebo, were playing in the branches.  + + +“David,” said Mama, “did you eat the drumstick from the chicken?”  + + +“Oh good, is it lunchtime?” said David. “We’re so hungry.”  + + +“Did you eat the drumstick?” asked Mama again.  +  + +“No, Mama,” said David.  + + +“He didn’t,” said Lebo. “We’ve been playing in the tree all the time.”  + + +Mama went back into the house. She was very upset. “So, nobody ate the drumstick,” she said. “Then where can it be?”  + + +“Maybe the lady at the supermarket took it,” Zahara suggested.  + + +Mama clapped her hands. “Of course! That’s what happened! The lady at the supermarket who sold the chicken to Granny must have pulled it off and given it to someone else.”  + + +“Oh no,” cried Granny. “I asked her for a whole roast chicken. I paid for a whole roast chicken, and now she has taken some of it. And we haven’t got enough for lunch.” Granny began to cry.  + + +Zahara was so sad to see Granny crying that she began to cry too. That set Mama off. All three of them sat and cried and cried.  + + + + +So, Mama, Granny and Zahara set off for the supermarket, while Uncle Joe kept an eye on David and Lebo.  + + +“I’d like to speak to the manager,” said Mama when they got there. She used her cross voice, and the manager came running.  + + +“How can I help you, Madam?” he asked.  + + +“Somebody took the drumstick from our chicken!” cried Mama, Granny and Zahara together.  + + +“That is very serious,” said the manager. “I’ll call the woman from the roast chicken counter.” He picked up the intercom and said, “Roast Chicken Counter Woman, Roast Chicken Counter Woman, please come to the manager’s office urgently.”  + + + + +Mama tapped her foot and waited. Soon the woman from the roast chicken counter came running in. “Can I help you?” she asked.  + + +“This customer says you took the drumstick from her roast chicken,” said the manager.  + + +“No, I didn’t,” said the woman. “I put the whole roast chicken in the packet and gave it to Granny.”  + + +“Oh no, no, no!” said Mama. “When I opened the bag with the chicken in it at home the drumstick was gone!”  + + +The woman quivered and quaked in her shoes. “I didn’t take it, I promise. I didn’t,” she said.  + + +The manager was very angry. “Fetch these people another roast chicken right away,” he bellowed. “Granny, I will give you a whole new roast chicken for free, and a chocolate cake, to say sorry.”  + + +So, Mama, Granny and Zahara went home with a whole new roast chicken in a white bag, and a big chocolate cake in a box.  + +When they got home, Daddy was back from work. “Where have you been?” he asked. “Why haven’t you had lunch yet?”  + + +So Zahara told him the whole story. She was very surprised to see Daddy looking so shocked.  + + +“Oh no,” said Daddy. “I’ve done a terrible thing. I took the drumstick as I was leaving for work. I was hungry, and it smelled so good.”  + + + + + +“Oh no,” cried Mama. “I got that poor woman at the supermarket into trouble for nothing.”  + + +“And I put the idea in your head that she might have taken it,” said Zahara. “Oh no!”  + + +So, Daddy, Mama, Granny and Zahara packed the second roast chicken and the chocolate cake into a packet, and they went all the way back to the supermarket. When they got there, they went straight to the manager’s office.   + + +The manager was so worried when he saw them – AGAIN! “Oh no, what is wrong now?” he said to himself. “That woman is going to shout at me again.”  + + +But Mama didn’t shout.  + + +“We’re very, very sorry,” said Mama, Granny, Daddy and Zahara.  + + +“It’s all my fault,” said Daddy. “I was hungry. I took the drumstick. Please call the woman from the roast chicken counter.” The manager picked up the intercom. “Roast Chicken Counter Woman, Roast Chicken Counter Woman, please come to the manager’s office urgently.” +The woman from the roast chicken counter looked very scared when she saw Mama, Daddy, Granny and Zahara. “Please, don’t fire me,” she said to the manager. But Daddy took out his wallet and gave the manager the money for the roast chicken and the chocolate cake. Then he gave the woman the packet. “Here you are,” he said. “I’m sorry we got you into trouble. Please enjoy these.” The woman was very pleased to have a chicken and a cake for her lunch. +But Zahara was disappointed. “You gave away the chocolate cake,” she said. So Daddy took out his wallet again and bought another roast chicken and another chocolate cake. After lunch everyone had a slice of cake – Mama, Daddy, Granny, Uncle Joe, Zahara, David and Lebo. But the biggest slice of all went to Zahara, because she was Daddy’s special girl.",eng,English,Granny’s roast chicken,It was Sunday morning and Zahara was drawing a picture in her bedroom. Ding dong,,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/granny’s-roast-chicken +granny’s-roast-chicken,"Kwakukusasa ngeCawa ngethuba uZahara wayezoba umfanekiso egumbini lakhe lokulala. Nting nting, yakhala intsimbi yokunkqonkqoza kumnyango ongaphambili. Wabaleka waya kuvula ucango uZahara. Yayingumakhulu wakhe lowo wayenkqonkqoza.  + + +“Molo, Makhulu,” watsho, esanga umakhulu wakhe.  + + +“Ndithenge inkukhu egcadiweyo kubhazabhaza wevenkile,” watsho uMakhulu. Inkukhu yayifakwe kwibhegi enkulu emhlophe kwaye yayivakala iseshushu xa eyibamba uZahara. Ivumba layo lalisithi ‘nditye’!  + + +“He-ke!” utshilo umama kaZahara esondela emnyango. “Yibeke etafileni yasekhitshini, siza kuyitya ngesidlo sasemini.”  + + +“Siya kuyitya kudala,” watsho uZahara. “Inuka kamnandi kakhulu.”  + + +“Ndiza kwenza iti,” utshilo uTata esekhitshini. “Nina nobathathu ningahlala apho esofeni, niphumle. Beningethandi ukubukela iTV?”  + + +Kuthe kusenjalo uZahara weva iselula katata wakhe ikhala waze wamva ethetha efowunini.  + + +“Kufuneka ndiye emsebenzini,” watsho uTata esiya kumnyango ongaphambili. “Ndiza kubuya ethubeni.”  + + +UMakhulu noMama babengayisanga so kangako leyo, koko babebukele eyona nkqubo bayithandayo yeTV.  + + +“Uhambe kakuhle,” watsho uMama.  + + +“Uhambe kakuhle,” watsho uMakhulu.  + + +UZahara wayezoba. “Uhambe kakuhle, Tata.” watsho.  + + +Kungekudala yaphela inkqubo yeTV kaMakhulu noMama, kwabe sekulixesha lesidlo sasemini. UMama waya ekhitshini, esiya kulanda isonka, isaladi kunye nenkukhu egcadiweyo. Wavula ibhegi, wakhupha inyama yenkukhu waze wayibeka epleyitini. Yho! Amehlo kaMama athi gqa-a-a kukothuka. Kwakukho into engekhoyo! Wawungekho omnye umlenze.  + + + + +“Zahara!” wakhwaza. “Yiza apha, khawuleza ngoku.”  + + +UZahara wayesazi ukuba xa uMama emkhwaza ngelizwi elivakala linomsindo, kufuneka eze ngokukhawuleza. Msinyane, wabeka phantsi ikhrayoni yakhe, wakhawuleza ukuya ekhitshini. “Kwenzeke ntoni, Mama?” wabuza.  + + +“Utyiwe nguwe umlenze wenkukhu? Kukho umntu okhuphe umlenze wonke wawutya,” watsho uMama esalatha inkukhu.  + + +“Hayi, Mama,” watsho uZahara. “Ndiyakuthembisa, asindim.”  + + +“Uqinisekile?” wabuza uMama.  + + +“Ndiqiniseke KAKHULU, Mama,” watsho uZahara ebukeka ekhathazekile.  + + +UMama zange aphinde athethe nto. Endaweni yoko, waphuma phandle waya kwindawo uMalume uJoe awayelungisela kuyo imoto yakhe.  + + +“Joe, utyiwe nguwe umlenze wenkukhu ekhitshini?” wabuza uMama.  + + +UMalume uJoe wayengxolelwa ngunomathotholo awayewuvulele phezulu. “Andiva!” wakhwaza esitsho.  + + +“UTYIWE NGUWE NA UMLENZE WENKUKHU?” kwakhwaza uMama ukuze avakale ngaphaya kwaloo mculo.  + + +“Ewe, torho, ndingayivuyela inkukhu, ngokunjalo neglasi yesiselo esibandayo,” wakhwaza.  + + +UMama wabefunyeka. Waya emthini omkhulu wemengo osekoneni yegadi. UmntakwaboZahara, uDavid nomhlobo wakhe omkhulu, uLebo, babedlala apho kuloo masebe omthi.  + + +“David,” watsho uMama, “utyiwe nguwe umlenze wenkukhu?”  + + +“Owu kwakuhle, sele ilixesha lesidlo sasemini?” wabuza uDavid. “Sesilambe kakhulu.”  + + +“Utyiwe nguwe na umlenze wenkukhu?” waphinda wabuza uMama.  + + +“Hayi, Mama,” watsho uDavid.  + + +“Khange awutye,” watsho uLebo. “Oko thina besidlala kunye apha emthini.”  + + +UMama wabuyela endlwini. Wayequmbe esisifu. “Xa kungekho mntu owutyileyo umlenze wenkukhu,” watsho. “Makube uphi ke?”  + + +“Mhlawumbi linenekazi lasevenkileni eliwuthathileyo,” wacebisa ngelitshoyo uZahara.  + + +UMama waqhwaba izandla. “Kunjalo kanye! Nantso into eyenzekileyo! Inenekazi lasevenkileni elithengisele uMakhulu inkukhu lifanele ukuba lilo eliwutsale loo mlenze lawunika omnye umntu.”  + + +“Tyhini hayi ke ngoku,” wakhala ngelitshoyo uMakhulu. “Ndimcele ukuba andithengisele inkukhu egcadiweyo epheleleyo. Ndihlawulele inkukhu egcadiweyo epheleleyo, kodwa ngoku yena uyazithathela enye yayo. Ngoku inyama yethu ayisayi kusanela isidlo sasemini.” Waqala wakhala ngoku uMakhulu.  + + +Wayelusizi kakhulu uZahara kukubona uMakhulu ekhala waze naye waqalisa ukukhala. Oko kwamkhathaza uMama. Baze bobathathu bahlala phantsi bakhala, bakhala, bakhala.  + + + + +UMama wafinya waze wasula amehlo akhe. “Ayinakuba njalo loo nto!” watsho. “Oobhazabhaza beevenkile abavumelekanga ukwenza oko. Siza kubuyela evenkileni, sibaxelele ukuba bafanele ukusinika enye inkukhu egcadiweyo.”  + + +Ngoko ke, uMama, uMakhulu noZahara banduluka ukuya kubhazabhaza wevenkile, waze uMalume uJoe wasala ebeke iliso kuDavid noLebo.  + + +“Ndicela ukuthetha nomphathi,” watsho uMama bakufika apho. Wayethetha ngelizwi lakhe elinomsindo, waze umphathi weza ebaleka.  + + +“Ndingakunceda ngantoni, Nkosikazi?” wabuza umphathi.  + + +“Kukho umntu othathe umlenze kwinkukhu yethu!” bakhwaza uMama, uMakhulu kunye noZahara ngaxeshanye.  + + +“Yinto embi kakhulu leyo,” watsho umphathi. “Ndiza kubiza inenekazi elisebenza kwikhawuntara yeenkukhu ezigcadiweyo.” Wasebenzisa umnxeba wonxibelelwano lwangaphakathi waze wathi, “Nenekazi leKhawuntara yeeNkukhu eziGcadiweyo, Nenekazi leKhawuntara yeeNkukhu eziGcadiweyo, nceda yiza kwiofisi yomphathi ngokukhawuleza.”  + + +UMama wayengqisha-ngqisha ngesithende ngethuba elindile. Kwangoko inenekazi lekhawuntara yeenkukhu ezigcadiweyo lafika libaleka. “Ndinganinceda?” labuza.  + + + “Lo mthengi uthi wena ukhuphe umlenze kwinkukhu yakhe egcadiweyo,” watsho umphathi.  + + +“Hayi, andikhange ndikwenze oko,” latsho inenekazi. “Ndifake inkukhu egcadiweyo epheleleyo ebhegini ndaze ndayinika uMakhulu.”  + + +“Hayi bo, hayi, hayi, hayi!” watsho uMama. “Ndithe xa ndivula ibhegi ebinenkukhu ekhaya wabe ungekho umlenze!”  + + +Inenekazi langcangcazela, zagungquza izihlangu zalo. “Khange ndiwuthathe, ndiyakuthembisa, andikhange,” latsho njalo.  + + +Umphathi wayenomsindo kakhulu. “Phathela aba bantu enye inkukhu egcadiweyo ngokukhawuleza,” wakhonya. “Makhulu, ndiza kukunika enye inkukhu egcadiweyo epheleleyo simahla, kunye nekeyiki yetshokolethi, yokucela uxolo.”  + + +Ngoko ke, uMama, uMakhulu noZahara bagoduka bephethe enye inkukhu egcadiweyo epheleleyo ekwibhegi emhlophe, kunye nekeyiki yetshokolethi enkulu esebhokisini.  + + +Ukufika kwabo ekhaya, bafumanise ukuba uTata ubuyile emsebenzini. “Beniphi?” wababuza. “Kutheni ningekasityi nje isidlo sasemini?”  + +UZahara ke ngoko wamxelele lonke ibali. Wamangaliswa kukubona uTata ekhangeleka othuke kakhulu.  + + +“Owu thiza,” watsho uTata. “Ndenze into embi, umlenze ndiwuthathe ngokuya bendisiya emsebenzini. Bendilambile, futhi nenkukhu ibinuka kamnandi.”  + + + + + +“Hayi bo,” wakhala uMama. “Ndifake inenekazi elimsulwa engxakini evenkileni ngento engekhoyo.”  + + +“Mna ke ndifake uluvo engqondweni yakho lokuba mhlawumbi lilo eliwuthathileyo lo mlenze,” watsho uZahara. “Owu thiza!”  + + +Ngoko ke uTata, uMama, uMakhulu noZahara bapakisha inkukhu yesibini egcadiweyo kunye nekeyiki yetshokolethi ebhegini, banduluka bonke ukubuyela kwasevenkileni. Bakufika khona, baya ngqo eofisini yomphathi.  + + +Umphathi waxhalaba akubabona – KWAKHONA! “Hayi bo, konakele phi ngoku?” wazibuza. “Laa nkosikazi iza kuphinda indingxolise kwakhona.”  + + +Kodwa uMama zange angxole.  + + +“Sicela uxolo kakhulu, kakhulu,” watsho uMama, uMakhulu noZahara.   + + +“Yimposiso yam yonke le,” watsho uTata. “Bendilambile. Ndim othathe umlenze. Nceda ubize inenekazi lekhawuntara yeenkukhu ezigcadiweyo.”  + + +Umphathi waphakamisa umnxeba wonxibelelwano lwangaphakathi, “Nenekazi leKhawuntara yeeNkukhu eziGcadiweyo, Nenekazi leKhawuntara yeeNkukhu eziGcadiweyo, nceda yiza kwiofisi yomphathi ngokukhawuleza.”  + + +Inenekazi lekhawuntara yeenkukhu ezigcadiweyo lalikhangeleka lisoyika kakhulu lakubona uMama, uTata, uMakhulu noZahara. “Nceda torho, ungandigxothi,” litshilo kumphathi.  + + +Kodwa uTata wakhupha isipaji sakhe wanika umphathi imali yenkukhu egcadiweyo neyekeyiki yetshokolethi. Waze wanika inenekazi ipakethe. “Bamba apha,” watsho. “Ndicela uxolo ngokuba sikufake enkathazweni. Uncede uzonwabele ezi zinto.”  + + +Inenekazi lalivuya kakhulu kukuba nenkukhu kunye nekeyiki ngesidlo sayo sasemini. Kodwa uZahara wayedanile. “Ude umphe nekeyiki yetshokolethi,” watsho uZahara.  + + +Ngoko ke uTata waphinda wakhupha isipaji kwakhona wathenga enye inkukhu egcadiweyo nenye ikeyiki yetshokolethi.  + + +Emva kwesidlo sasemini wonke umntu wafumana isilayi sekeyiki – uMama, uTata, uMakhulu, uMalume uJoe, uZahara, uDavid noLebo. Kodwa esona silayi sikhulu sanikwa uZahara, kuba wayeyintombazana ethandwa kakhulu nguTata.",xho,isiXhosa,Inkukhu egcadiweyo kaMakhulu,It was Sunday morning and Zahara was drawing a picture in her bedroom. Ding dong,,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/inkukhu-egcadiweyo-kamakhulu +granny’s-roast-chicken,"E be e le mesong ya Sontaga ge Zahara a thala seswantšho ka phapošiborobalelo bja gagwe. Ting tong, pele ya lebati la ka pele ya lla. Zahara o ile a kitima a bula lebati. E be e le koko wa gagwe.  + + +“Dumela, Koko,” a realo, a gokara koko wa gagwe.  + + +“Ke rekile kgogo ya go bešwa kua lebenkeleng le legolo,” a realo Koko. Kgogo e be e tsentšwe ka gare ga phakhethe ye tšhweu ye kgolo gomme e be e le borutho ge Zahara a e swara. E be e na le monkgo o mobose!  + + +“Agaa,” a realo mmago Zahara a etla lebating. “E beye khaonthareng ya morale, re tlo e ja ka matena.”  + + +“Ke fela pelo ya go e ja,” a realo Zahara. “E nkga bose.”  + + +“Ke tlo dira teye,” a realo Tate a le ka moraleng. “Lena ba bararo le ka dula sofeng la iketla. Nkane le sa bogele TV?”  + + +Ka nako yeo Zahara a kwa sellathekeng sa tatagwe se lla gomme a mo kwa a bolela ka sona.  + + +“Ke swanetše go ya mošomong,” Tate a realo a eya lebating la ka pele. “Ke tla boa ka moragonyana.”  + + +Koko le Mma ba be ba lebeletše lenaneo le ba le ratago la TV.  + + +“Gabotse,” a realo Mma.  + + +“Gabotse,” a realo Koko.  + + +Zahara o be a thala. “Gabotse, Tate,” a realo.  + + +E se kgale lenaneo la Mma le Koko la TV la fela gomme e be e le nako ya matena. Mma o ile a ya ka moraleng a tšea borotho, salate le kgogo ya go bešwa. O butše phakhethe, a ntšha kgogo a e bea poleiting. Aa! Mma a tomola mahlo ka makalo. Go na le seo se sego gona! Serope se sengwe ga se gona.  + + + + +“Zahara,” a mmitša. “Etla mo, gona bjale.”  + + +Zahara o tsebile gore ge Mma a mmitša ka lentšu la go befelwa, o swanetše go kitima. Ka lebelo, a bea kherayone fase, a kitimela ka moraleng. “Ke eng, Mma?” a botšiša.  + + +“O jele serope? Go na le yo a tšerego serope ka moka ga sona a se ja,” a realo Mma a šupa kgogo.  + + +“Aowa, Mma,” a realo Zahara. “Ka nnete, ga se nna.”  + + +“O na le nnete?” Mma a botšiša.  + + +“Ka NNETENNETE Mma,” a realo Zahara a bonala a tshwenyegile.  + + +Mma a se sa bolela. A ya ka ntle fao Malome Joe a bego a lokiša sefatanaga sa gagwe.  + + +“Joe, o jele serope ka moraleng?” a botšiša.  + + +Seyalemoya sa Malome Joe se be se llela godimo. “O rileng?” a goeletša.  + + +“O JELE SEROPE KA MORALENG?” Mma a goeletša go feta mmino.  + + +“Ee, hle, ke tla rata go ja kgogo, le galase ya senotšididi gape,” a realo.  + + +Mma a hemela godimo. O ile a ya mohlareng wa menko o mogolo sekhutlwaneng ya tšhengwana. Moratho wa Zahara wa mošemane, David, le mogwera wa gagwe wa potego, Lebo, ba be ba bapala makaleng.  + + +“David,” a realo Mma, “o jele serope sa kgogo?”  + + +“Agaa, o bolela gabotse, ke nako ya matena?” a realo David. “Re swerwe ke tlala kudu.”  + + +“O jele serope?” Mma a botšiša gape.  + + +“Aowa, Mma,” a realo David.  + + +“Ga se a se ja,” a realo Lebo. “Re be re bapala mohlareng ka nako yohle.”  + + +Mma a boela ka ntlong. O be a befetšwe kudu. “Ga go yo a jelego serope,” a realo. “Bjale se kae?”  + + +“Mogongwe mosadi wa lebenkeleng le legolo o se tšere,” Zahara a šišinya bjalo.  + + +Mma a phaphatha diatla tša gagwe. “Go bjalo! Ke se se diregilego! Mosadi wa kua lebenkeleng le legolo wa go rekišetša Koko kgogo o swanetše a se tšere a se fa motho yo mongwe.”  + + +“Aowaowa,” a realo Koko. “Ke mo kgopetše kgogo ya go bešwa ya go felelela. Ke lefetše kgogo ya go bešwa ka moka ga yona, bjale o e ngwathile. Gomme e ka se re lekane ka matena.” Koko a thoma go lla.  + + +Zahara o ile a kwa bohlokwa ge a bona Koko a lla gomme le yena a thoma go lla. Moya wa Mma wa ya fase. Boraro bja bona ba dula fase ba lla ba be ba lla.  + + + + +Mma o ile a mimila nko ya gagwe, a phumula mahlo a gagwe. “Se se ka se thuše!” a realo. “Mabenkele a magolo ga a dumelelwa go dira se. Re tla boelela lebenkeleng le legolo ra re ba re fe kgogo ye nngwe ya go bešwa.”  + + +Gomme, Mma, Koko le Zahara ba leba lebenkeleng le legolo, mola Malome Joe a hlokometše David le Lebo.  + + +“Ke rata go bolela le molaodi,” Mma a realo ge ba fihla fao. O boletše ka lentšu la pefelo gomme molaodi a tla a kitima.  + + + “Nka go thuša ka eng Mosadi?” a botšiša.  + + +“Go na le motho yo a tšerego serope sa kgogo ya rena!” Mma, Koko le Zahara ba bolela sammaletee.  + + +“Ke taba ye kgolo yeo,” a realo molaodi. “Ke tla bitša mosadi wa khaonthareng ya dikgogo tša go bešwa.” A topa inthakhomo a re, “Mosadi wa Khaonthara ya Dikgogo tša go Bešwa, Mosadi wa Khaonthara ya Dikgogo tša go Bešwa, etla ofising ya molaodi ka pela.”  + + + + + +Mma a bethabethiša maoto a gagwe gomme a leta. Gateetee mosadi wa khaontara ya dikgogo tša go bešwa a tla a kitima. “Nka le thuša?” a botšiša.  + + + “Moreki yo o re o tšere serope sa kgogo ya gagwe ya go bešwa,” a realo molaodi.  + + +“Aowa, ga se ka se tšea,” a realo mosadi. “Ke loketše kgogo ya go bešwa ya go felela ka phakhetheng ka efa Koko.”  + + +“Aowaowaowa!” a realo Mma. “Ke rile ge ke bula mokotla wa kgogo gae ka hwetša serope se se gona!”  + + +Mosadi a thuthumela ka dieteng tša gagwe. “Ke a le tshephiša, ga se ka se tšea. Ga se ka se tšea,” a realo.  + + +Molaodi o be a befetšwe kudu. “Efa batho ba kgogo ye nngwe ya go bešwa gona bjale,” a realo. “Koko, ke tla go fa kgogo ye nngwe ya go bešwa mahala, le khekhe ya tšhokolete, e le ge ke kgopela tshwarelo.”  + + +Gomme, Mma, Koko le Zahara ba ya gae le kgogo ya go bešwa ye mpšha ka mokotleng wo mošweu, le khekhe ya tšhokolete ye kgolo ka lepokising.  + + +Ge ba fihla gae, ke ge Tate a boile mošomong. “Le be le ile kae?” a botšiša. “Gona nkane le sa hlwa le eja matena?”  + + +Gomme Zahara a mmotša taba yohle. O be a makaditšwe ke go bona Tate a lebelelega a maketše kudu.  + + +“Aowaowa,” a realo Tate. “Ke dirile taba ye mpe. Ke tšere serope ge ke be ke eya mošomong. Ke be ke swerwe ke tlala, gomme e nkga bose.”  + + + + +“Aowaowa,” a realo Mma. “Ke tsentše mosadi wa lebenkeleng le legolo bothateng a se a dire selo.”  + + +“Gomme ke go tsentše kgopolo ya gore a ka be a e tšere ka hlogong ya gago,” a realo Zahara. “Aowaowa!”  + + +Gomme Tate, Mma, Koko le Zahara ba phuthela kgogo ya go bešwa le khekhe ya tšhokolete ka phakhetheng, ba boela lebenkeleng le legolo. Ge ba fihla fao, ba lebile ofising ya molaodi thwii.  + + +Molaodi o ile a belaela kudu ge a ba bona – GAPE! “Aowaowa, bothata ke eng bjale?” a ipotšiša. “Mosadi yola o tlile go nkgadimola gape.”  + + +Efela Mma ga se a mo kgadimola.  + + +“O re swarele, kudukudu,” ba realo Mma, Koko, Tate le Zahara.  + + +“Ke phošo ya ka,” a realo Tate. “Ke be ke swerwe ke tlala. Ke tšere serope. Hle, bitša mosadi wa khaonthara ya dikgogo tša go bešwa.”  + + +Molaodi o ile a topa inthakhomo. “Mosadi wa Khaonthara ya Dikgogo tša go Bešwa, Mosadi wa Khaonthara ya Dikgogo tša go Bešwa, etla ofising ya molaodi ka pela hle.”  + + +Mosadi wa khaonthara ya dikgogo tša go bešwa o ile a tšhoga ge a bona Mma, Tate, Koko le Zahara. “O se nkobe mošomong hle,” a realo go molaodi.  + + +Efela Tate a ntšha sekhwama a fa molaodi tšhelete ya kgogo ya go bešwa le khekhe ya tšhokolete. Gomme a fa mosadi phakhethe. “Ke ye,” a realo. “Re swarele ka ge re go tsentše bothateng. Ipshine ka tšona.”  + + +Mosadi o ile a thabela goja kgogo le khekhe ka matena. Efela Zahara o ile a nyama. “O fane ka khekhe ya tšhokolete,” a realo.  + + +Gomme Tate a ntšha sekhwama gape a reka kgogo ya go bešwa le khekhe ye nngwe ya tšhokolete.  + + +Ka morago ga��matena bohle ba ile ba ja selai sa khekhe – Mma, Tate, Koko, Malome Joe, Zahara, David le Lebo. Efela selai se segolo se ile go Zahara, ka ge e be e le mosetsana wa Tate wa go kgethega.",nso,Sepedi,Kgogo ya Koko ya go bešw,It was Sunday morning and Zahara was drawing a picture in her bedroom. Ding dong,,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kgogo-ya-koko-ya-go-bešwa +granny’s-roast-chicken,"KwakuyiSonto ekuseni uZahara wayedweba isithombe egumbini lakhe lokulala. Nqe nqe, kukhala insimbi yasemnyango ngaphambili. UZahara wagijima wayovula umnyango. Kwakuwugogo wakhe.  + + +“Sawubona, Gogo,” kusho yena, emgona ugogo wakhe.  + + +“Ngithenge inkukhu egazingiwe esuphamakethe,” kwasho uGogo. Inkukhu yayisephaketheni elimhlophe elikhulu futhi yayisafudumele ngenkathi uZahara eyithinta. Yayinuka kamnandi!  + + +“Awu kwakuhle,” kusho unina kaZahara eza ngasemnyango. “Yibeke phezu kwekhawunta yasekhishini, sizoyidla ngesidlo sasemini.”  + + +“Angisakwazi nokulinda size siyidle,” kwasho uZahara. “Inuka kamnandi bo.”  + + +“Ake ngenze itiye,” kwasho uBaba esekhishini. “Nina nobathathu ningahlala kusofa ninethezeke. Yini ningabukeli umabonakude?  + +Ngaleso sikhathi uZahara wezwa kukhala umakhalekhukhwini kayise wabe esemuzwa ekhuluma ocingweni.  + + +“Kudingeka ngiye emsebenzini,” kusho uBaba esebheke emnyango wangaphambili. “Ngizobuya emva kwesikhathi.”  + + +UGogo noMama babebukele uhlelo lwabo oluyintandokazi kumabonakude.  + + +“Uhambe kahle,” kusho uMama.  + + +“Uhambe kahle,” kusho uGogo.  + + +UZahara wayedweba. “Uhambe kahle, Baba,” kusho yena.  + + +Masisha uhlelo lukaGogo noMama lwaphela kwabe sekuyisikhathi sesidlo sasemini. UMama waya ekhishini ukuyolanda isinkwa, isaladi nenkukhu egazingiwe. Wavula iphakethe, wakhipha inkukhu wayibeka epuletini. Hhayi bo! Amehlo kaMama avuleka aba makhulu wukwethuka. Kukhona okwakushoda! Umlenze owodwa wawungasekho.  + + + + +“Zahara,” kubiza yena. “Woza la, manje nje.”  + + +UZahara wayesazi ukuthi uma uMama embiza ngalelo zwi lakhe elithukuthele, kwakudingeka agijime. Ngokushesha, wabeka phansi ikhrayoni lakhe waphuthuma ekhishini. “Kwenzenjani, Mama?” kubuza yena.  + + +“Uwena odle umlenze wenkukhu? Kukhona ovele wadephula umlenze wonke wenkukhu wawudla,” kusho uMama ekhomba inkukhu.  + + +“Cha, Mama,” kusho uZahara. “Ngempela, akumina.”  + + +“Uneqiniso lalokho?” kubuza uMama.  + + +“Nginesiqiniseko ESIKHULU, Mama,” kusho uZahara ebukeka ekhathazekile.  + + +UMama akabange esasho lutho olunye. Kunalokho, waphumela emnyango waya lapho uMalume uJoe wayelungisa khona imoto yakhe.  + + +“Joe, uwena odle umlenze wenkukhu?” kubuza yena.  + + +UMalume uJoe wayevulele umsakazo wakhe phezulu kakhulu. “Uthini?” kumemeza yena.  + + +“UWENA NA ODLE UMLENZE WENKUKHU?” kumemeza uMama ezama ukugqiba umsakazo.  + + +“Yebo, bandla, nami ngiyayicela inyama yenkukhu, nengilazi kadilinki futhi,” naye ememeza.  + + +UMama wavele waphelelwa amandla. Waqonda esihlahleni sikamango esikhulu esasisekhoneni lengadi. Umfowabo kaZahara omncane, uDavid, nomngane wakhe omkhulu, uLebo, babedlala emagatsheni esihlahla.  + + +“David,” kusho uMama, “uwena odle umlenze wenkukhu?”  + + +“Hawu kwangcono, sekuyisikhathi sokudla?” kusho uDavid. “Silambe siyafa.”  + + +“Uwena na odle umlenze wekhukhu?” kubuza uMama futhi ephinda.  + + +“Cha, Mama,” kusho uDavid.  + + +“Akazange,” kusho noLebo. “Thina selokhu sizidlalela la esihlahleni nje.”  + + +UMama wabuyela endlini. UMama wayecasuke kakhulu. “Okusho ukuthi-ke akekho umuntu odle umlenze wenkukhu,” kusho yena. “Pho uphi?”  + + +“Mhlawumbe usisi wasesuphamakethe uyena owuthathile,” kusho uZahara.  + + +UMama washaya izandla. “Ngempela! Kwenzeke lokho! Usisi wasesuphamakethe odayisele uGogo le nkukhu kusho ukuthi uhlephule umlenze wawunikeza omunye umuntu.”  + + +“Cha bo,” kwaphika uGogo. “Mina ngithe ngicela inkukhu ephelele egazingiwe. Ngikhokhele inkukhu ephelele egazingiwe, kodwa manje kukhona ayihlephulile. Manje asisenakho ukudla okwanele kwesidlo sasemini.” UGogo wavele wakhala.  + + +UZahara kwamdabukisa ukubona uGogo ekhala naye wavele wakhala. NoMama wavele wakhala. Bobathathu bahlala phansi bakhala, bakhala.  + + + + + +UMama wafinya wesula amehlo akhe. “Ngeke nje kulunge!” kusho yena. “Amasuphamakethe awavunyelwe nje ukukwenza lokhu. Sizophindela khona esuphamakethe sibatshele ukuthi kufanele basinikeze enye inkukhu egazingiwe.”  + + +Ngakho, uMama, uGogo noZahara baphikelela khona esuphamakethe, ngenkathi uMalume uJoe egade uDavid noLebo.  + + +“Ngicela ukukhuluma nemenenja,” kusho uMama uma befika khona. Wayesekhuluma ngalelo lizwi lakhe lokuthukuthela, imenenja yafika isigijima.  + + + “Ngingakusiza ngani, Nkosikazi?” kubuza yona.  + + +“Kukhona othathe umlenze wenkukhu yethu!” kumemeza uMama, uGogo noZahara kanyekanye.  + + +“Yisenzo esibi kabi leso,” kusho imenenja. “Ngizobiza usisi osebenza ekhawunteni yezinkukhu ezigazingiwe.” Wacosha umbhobho wokumemeza wasesitolo wathi, “Nkosazane Esebenza Ekhawunteni Yezinkukhu Ezigazingiwe, Nkosazane Esebenza Ekhawunteni Yezinkukhu Ezigazingiwe, ngicela uze ehhovisi lemenenja ngokushesha.”  + + + + + +UMama wayeshaya ngonyawo phansi elindile. Ngokushesha inkosazane esebenza ekhawunteni yezinkukhu ezigazingiwe yafika igijima. “Ngingakusiza?” kusho yona.  + + +“Leli khasimende lithi uthathe umlenze wenkukhu yalo egazingiwe,” kusho imenenja.  + + +“Cha bo, angizange,” kusho le nkosazane. “Ngifake inkukhu egazingiwe ephelele ephaketheni ngalinikeza uGogo.  + + +“Cha, cha, cha, awuzange!” kusho uMama. “Mina ngithe uma ngivula isikhwama senkukhu efike ngaso ekhaya umlenze ubungasekho!”  + + + Inkosazane le yaqhaqhazela yaphela. “Angizange ngiwuthathe, ngiqinisile. Angizange,” kusho yona.  + + +Imenenja yayisithukuthele kakhulu. “Thathela laba bantu enye inkukhu egazingiwe manje nje,” yasho ngokubhavumula. “Gogo, ngizokunikeza enye inkukhu egazingiwe mahhala, nekhekhe likashololedi, ukuze ngikhombise ukuxolisa kwethu.”  + + +Ngakho-ke, uMama, uGogo noZahara bagoduka nenkukhu egazingiwe ephelele esikhwameni esimhlophe, nekhekhe elikhulu likashokoledi lisebhokisini.  + + +Uma befika ekhaya, uBaba wabe esebuyile emsebenzini. “Nivelaphi?” kubuza yena. “Kungani ningakasidli isidlo sasemini namanje?”  + + +UZahara wamxoxela indaba yonke. Wamangala ukubona uBaba ebukeka ethukile.  + + +“Hawe Ma,” kusho uBaba. “Ngaze ngayenza into embi. Yimina othathe umlenze wenkukhu ngenkathi ngihamba ngiya emsebenzini. Bengilambile, futhi nenkukhu beyinuka kamnandi.”  + + + + + +“Hawe,” kukhala uMama. “Ngifake loya muntu wabantu esuphamakethe enkingeni ngento engekho.”  + + +“Futhi yimina engikunikeze lowo mcabango wokuthi uyena oyihlephulile,” kusho uZahara. “Hawu, bakithi!”  + + +Ngakho-ke, uBaba, uMama, uGogo noZahara bapakisha inkukhu egazingiwe yesibili nekhekhe likashokoledi esikhwameni, bonke sebeqonde khona belu esuphamakethe. Uma befika khona, baqonda ehhovisi lemenenja.  + + +Imenenja yakhathazeka uma iphinda ibabona – FUTHI! “Bakithi, sekwenzenjanike futhi manje?” yasho izicabangela yodwa. “Le nkosikazi izongithethisa futhi.”   + + +Kodwa uMama akazange athethe.  + + +“Siyaxolisa kakhulu,” kusho uMama, uGogo, uBaba noZahara.  + + +“Bekuyiphutha lami,” kusho uBaba. “Bengilambile. Yimi othathe umlenze wenkukhu. Ngicela ubize usisi lo osebenza ekhawunteni yezinkukhu ezigazingiwe.”  + + +Imenenja yacosha umbhobho wokubiza abasebenzi esitolo. “Nkosazane Esebenza Ekhawunteni Yezinkukhu Ezigazingiwe, Nkosazane Esebenza Ekhawunteni Yezinkukhu Ezigazingiwe, ngicela uze ehhovisi lemenenja ngokushesha.”  + + +Inkosazane esebenza ekhawunteni yezinkukhu ezigazingiwe yabukeka yesaba lapho ibona uMama, uBaba, uGogo noZahara. “Ngiyacela bandla, ungangixoshi,” isho ibhekise kumenenja.  + + +Kodwa uBaba wakhipha isikhwama sakhe semali wanikeza imenenja imali yenkukhu egazingiwe neyekhekhe likashokoledi. Wabe esenikeza inkosazane leyo isikhwama leso. “Mina, thatha,” kusho yena. “Ngiyaxolisa kakhulu ngokukufaka enkingeni. Ngicela uzithokozele lezi zinto.”  + + +Inkosazane yajabula kakhulu ukuthola inkukhu nekhekhe kwesidlo sayo sasemini. Kodwa uZahara wajabha. “Umuphe lonke ikhekhe,” kusho yena.  + + +Ngakho uBaba waphinde wakhipha isikhwama sakhe semali wathenga enye inkukhu egazingiwe nelinye ikhekhe likashokoledi.  + + +Emva kwesidlo sasemini wonke umuntu wathola ucezu lwekhekhe – uMama, uBaba, uGogo, uMalume uJoe, uZahara, uDavid noLebo. Kodwa ucezu olukhulu kunazo zonke lwatholwa uZahara, ngoba phela uyena owayeyintombazane kaBaba yekhethelo",zul,isiZulu,Inkukhu kaGogo egazingiwe,It was Sunday morning and Zahara was drawing a picture in her bedroom. Ding dong,,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/inkukhu-kagogo-egazingiwe +granny’s-roast-chicken,"E ne e le ka Sontaha hoseng mme Zahara o ne a taka setshwantsho ka kamoreng ya hae. Ting tong, ha lla tshepe ya lemati la ka pele. Zahara a matha ho ya bula monyako. E ne e le nkgono wa hae.  + + +“Dumela, Nkgono,” a rialo, a haka nkgono wa hae.  + + +“Ke rekile kgoho e roustilweng mane suphamaketeng,” ha rialo Nkgono. Kgoho eo e ne e kentswe ka hara pakete e kgolo e tshweu mme e ne e futhumetse ha monate ha Zahara a e tshwara. E ne e nkga ha monate haholo!  + + +“O, ke hantle,” ha rialo mme wa Zahara a etla monyako. “E behe hodima tafole ka kitjhineng, mme re tla e ja bakeng sa dijo tsa motsheare.”  + + +“Ke se ke tatetse ho e ja,” ha rialo Zahara. “E nkga masutsa ha monate.”  + + +“Ke tla etsa teye,” ha rialo Ntate a le ka kitjhineng. “Lona ba bararo le ka nna la dula soufeng la phomola. Hobaneng le sa shebelle TV?”  + + +Ka yona nako eo Zahara a utlwa selefouno ya ntatae e lla mme a mo utlwa a bua founong.  + + +“Ke lokela ho ya mosebetsing,” ha rialo Ntate a tswa ka lemati la ka pele. “Ke tla kgutla ha morao.”  + + +Nkgono le Mme ba ne ba ituletse ba shebelletse lenaneo leo ba le ratang thelevisheneng.  + + +“Tsamaya hantle,” ha rialo Mme.  + + +“Tsamaya hantle,” ha rialo Nkgono.  + + +Zahara o ne a taka. “Tsamaya hantle, Ntate,” a rialo.  + + +Kapele lenaneo la Nkgono le Mme la TV le ne le fedile mme jwale e se e le nako ya dijo tsa motsheare. Mme a ya ka kitjhineng ho ya lata bohobe, salate le kgoho e roustilweng. A bula pakete, a ntsha kgoho mme a e bea hodima sekotlolo. Jo! Mme a tona mahlo ke ho makala. Ho ne ho ena le karolo e siyo! Se seng sa dirope se ne se le siyo.  + + +“Zahara,” a mmitsa. “Tloo kwano, hona jwale.”  + + +Zahara o ne a tseba hore ha Mme a mmitsa ka lentswe leo le halefileng, o ne a lokela ho matha. Kapele a bea kerayone ya hae fatshe mme a potlakela ka kitjhineng. “Ho etsahala eng, Mme?” a botsa.  + + +“Na o jele serope sa kgoho? Ho na le motho ya kgaotseng serope kaofela mme a se ja,” ha rialo Mme a supile kgoho.  + + +“Tjhe, Mme,” ha rialo Zahara. “Ke a o tshepisa, ha se nna.”  + + +“O bua nnete?” ha botsa Mme.  + + +“Ke TIISITSE, Mme,” ha rialo Zahara a shebahala a kgathatsehile.  + + +Mme a se ke a re letho. Yaba o ya ka ntle moo Malome Joe a neng a ntse a lokisa koloi teng.  + + +“Joe, na o jele serope sa kgoho ee?” a mmotsa.  + + +Malome Joe o ne a buletse radiyo hodimo. “O reng?” a hoeletsa.  + + +“KE RE NA O JELE SEROPE SA KGOHO ENA NA?” ha hoeletsa Mme ka hodima mmino.  + + +“Ee, hle, nka thabela kgoho, le galase ya senomaphodi,” a hoeletsa.  + + +Mme a fehelwa. Yaba o ya sefateng se seholo sa mango se hukung ya jarete. Kgaitsedi ya Zahara, David, le motswalle wa hae wa hlooho ya kgomo, Lebo, ba ne ba ntse ba bapalla makaleng.  + + +“David,” ha rialo Mme, “na o jele serope sa kgoho?”  + + +“O, ho lokile, na e se e le nako ya dijo tsa motsheare?” ha rialo David. “Re lapile haholo.”  + + +“Na ke wena ya jeleng serope sa kgoho?” ha botsa Mme hape.  + + +“Tjhe, Mme,” ha araba David.  + + +“Ha se yena,” ha rialo Lebo. “Haesale re ntse re bapala difateng mona.”  + + +Mme a kgutlela ka tlung. O ne a kgenne haholo. “Kahoo, ha ho motho ya jeleng serope sa kgoho,” a rialo. “Jwale se ile kae he?”  + + +“Mohlomong mme yane wa suphamaketeng o se nkile,” Zahara a etsa tlhahiso.  + + +Mme a opa matsoho. “Ehlile! Ke yona ntho e etsahetseng eo! Mosadi yane wa suphamaketeng ya rekiseditseng Nkgono kgoho mohlomong o se kgaotse mme a se fa motho e mong.”  + + +“Tjhe, bo,” ha omana Nkgono. “Ke mo kopile kgoho e felletseng e roustilweng. Ke lefelletse kgoho e felletseng e roustilweng, mme jwale o inketse e nngwe. Mme jwale ha e no re lekana bakeng sa dijo tsa motsheare.” Nkgono a qala ho lla.   + + +Zahara o ne a utlwile bohloko ha a bona Nkgono a lla hoo le yena a ileng a lla. Seo sa kgopisa Mme. Ba dula moo ba le bararo ba lla, ba lla.  + + + + + +Yaba Mme o a mina mme a hlakola mahlo a hae. “Sena se keke sa thusa!” a rialo. “Disuphamakete ha di a dumellwa ho etsa jwalo. Re tla kgutlela suphamaketeng mme re ba bolelle hore ba lokela ho re fa kgoho e nngwe hape.”  + + +Kahoo, Mme, Nkgono le Zahara ba ya suphamaketeng, mme Malome Joe a sala a shebile David le Lebo.  + + +“Ke kopa ho bua le motsamaisi,” ha rialo Mme ha ba fihla moo. O ne a bua ka lentswe la hae la kgalefo, mme motsamaisi a tla a mathile.  + + +“Nka o thusa ka eng, Mofumahadi?” a botsa.  + + +“Ho na le motho ya nkileng serope kgohong ya rona!” Mme, Nkgono le Zahara ba lla kaofela.  + + +“Tsena ke taba tse mpe,” ha rialo motsamaisi. “Ke tla bitsa mosadi ya sebetsang khaontareng ya dikgoho tse roustilweng.” A phahamisa sebuelahole mme a re, “Mosadi wa Khaontareng ya Dikgoho tse Roustilweng, Mosadi wa Khaontareng ya Dikgoho tse Roustilweng, ke kopa o tle ofising ya motsamaisi ka potlako.”  + + + + +Mme a ema moo a ntse a tila ka leoto fatshe. Yaba mosadi wa khaontareng ya dikgoho tse roustilweng o kena a matha. “Na nka o thusa?” a botsa.   + + +“Moreki enwa a re wena o nkile serope sa kgoho eo a e rekileng,” ha rialo motsamaisi.  + + +“Tjhe, ha ke a etsa jwalo,” ha rialo mosadi eo. “Ke kentse kgoho e felletseng e roustilweng ka hara mokotlana mme ka e fa Nkgono.”  + + +“Tjhe, tjhe, bobo!” ha rialo Mme. “Ha ke bula mokotlana o kentseng kgoho lapeng serope se ne se le siyo!”  + + +Mosadi eo a thothomela a bile a tila ka maoto fatshe. “Ha ke a se nka, ka nnete. Ha ke a se nka,” a rialo.  + + +Motsamaisi o ne a halefile haholo. “Latela batho bana kgoho e nngwe e roustilweng hona jwale,” a omana. “Nkgono, ke tla o fa kgoho e nngwe e felletseng e roustilweng mahala, le kuku ya tjhokolete, bakeng sa ho kopa tshwarelo.”  + + +Yaba Mme, Nkgono le Zahara ba ya hae ba nkile kgoho e felletseng e roustilweng ka hara mokotlana o mosweu, le kuku e kgolo ya tjhokolete ka hara lebokoso.  + + +Ha ba fihla lapeng, Ntate o ne a se a kgutlile mosebetsing. “Le tswa hokae?” a botsa. “Hobaneng ha le eso je dijo tsa motsheare?”  + + +Yaba Zahara o mo phetela ditaba tseo kaofela. O ne a maketse ha a bona Ntate a tshohile jwalo.  + + +“Tjhe bo,” ha rialo Ntate. “Ke entse ntho e mpe ruri. Ke ile ka nka serope ha ke eya mosebetsing. Ke ne ke lapile, mme se ne se nkga hamonate.”  + + + + + +“Tjhe bo,” Mme a hoeletsa. “Ke kentse mosadi yane wa batho wa suphamaketeng mathateng ka ntho e siyo.”  + + +“Mme ke nna ya entseng hore o nahane hore ke yena ya se nkileng,” ha rialo Zahara. “Ao bathong!”  + + +Yaba, Ntate, Mme, Nkgono le Zahara ba kenya kgoho ya bobedi e roustilweng le kuku ya tjhokolete ka mokotleng, mme bohle ba kgutlela hape suphamaketeng. Ha ba fihla moo, ba leba ofising ya motsamaisi ka ho otloloha.  + + +Motsamaisi o ne a kgathatsehile haholo ha a ba bona hape – HAPE! “Tjhe bo, e se e leng jwale?” a bua a le mong. “Mosadi yane o tlilo nkomanya hape.”  + + +Empa Mme ha a ka a omana.  + + +“Re maswabi haholo e le ka nnete,” ha rialo Mme, Nkgono, Ntate le Zahara.  + + +“Ke phoso ya ka kaofela ena,” ha rialo Ntate. “Ke ne ke lapile. Ke nna ya nkileng serope. Ka kopo bitsa mosadi yane wa khaontareng ya dikgoho tse roustilweng.”  + + +Motsamaisi a phahamisa sebuelahole. “Mosadi wa Khaotareng ya Dikgoho tse Roustilweng, Mosadi wa Khaontareng ya Dikgoho tse Roustilweng, ka kopo tloo ofising ya motsamaisi ka potlako.”  + + +Mosadi wa khaontareng ya dikgoho tse roustilweng o ne a tshohile haholo ha a bona Mme, Ntate, Nkgono le Zahara. “Ke a kopa hle, o se ke wa nteleka,” a rialo ho motsamaisi.  + + +Empa Ntate a ntsha sepatjhe sa hae mme a fa motsamaisi tjhelete ya kgoho e roustilweng le kuku ya tjhokolete. Yaba o fa mosadi eo mokotlana. “Nka mona,” a rialo. “Ke maswabi haholo ha re ile ra o kenya mathateng. Natefelwa ke tsona.”  + + +Mosadi eo o ne a thabile haholo ho fumana kgoho le kuku bakeng sa dijo tsa motsheare. Empa Zahara o ne a swabile. “O fane ka kuku ya tjhokolete,” a rialo.  + + +Yaba Ntate o ntsha sepatjhe sa hae hape mme a reka kgoho e nngwe e roustilweng le kuku e nngwe ya tjhokolete.  + + +Kamora dijo tsa motsheare bohle ba fumana selae sa kuku – Mme, Ntate, Nkgono, Malome Joe, Zahara, David le Lebo. Empa selae se seholo ka ho fetisisa sa fuwa Zahara, hobane e ne e le moradinyana wa ntate ya ratwang ho feta.",sot,Sesotho,Kgoho e roustilweng ya Nkgono,It was Sunday morning and Zahara was drawing a picture in her bedroom. Ding dong,,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kgoho-e-roustilweng-ya-nkgono +granny’s-roast-chicken,"Dis Sondagoggend en Zahara is in haar slaapkamer besig om ’n prentjie te teken. Dieng-dong, lui die voordeurklokkie. Zahara hardloop om die deur te gaan oopmaak. Dis haar ouma.  + + +“Hallo, Ouma,” sê sy en gee haar ouma ’n drukkie.  + + +“Ek het ’n gebraaide hoender by die supermark gekoop,” sê Ouma. Die hoender is in ’n groot wit sakkie en dit voel warm toe Zahara daaraan vat. Dit ruik heerlik!  + + +“O, dankie,” sê Zahara se mamma terwyl sy deur toe kom. “Sit dit op die toonbank in die kombuis, dan kan ons dit later vir middagete eet.”  + + +“Ek kan nie wag om dit te eet nie,” sê Zahara. “Dit ruik so lekker.”  + + +“Ek sal tee maak,” sê Pappa uit die kombuis. “Julle drie kan op die rusbank sit en ontspan. Hoekom kyk julle nie TV nie?”  + + +Net toe hoor Zahara haar pappa se selfoon lui en sy hoor hoe hy oor die foon praat.  + + +“Ek moet werk toe gaan,” sê Pappa en stap voordeur toe. “Ek sien julle later.”  + + +Ouma en Mamma kyk na hul gunstelingprogram op TV.  + + +“Tata,” sê Mamma.  + + +“Tata,” sê Ouma.  + + +Zahara is besig om te teken. “Tata, Pappa,” sê sy.  + + +Sommer gou is Ouma en Mamma se TV-program klaar en is dit tyd vir middagete. Mamma gaan kombuis toe om brood, slaai en die gebraaide hoender te gaan haal. Sy maak die sakkie oop, haal die hoender uit en sit dit op ’n bord. Goeiste! Mamma se oë rek van verbasing. Iets kort! Een van die hoenderboudjies is weg.  + + + + +“Zahara,” roep sy. “Kom dadelik hier.”  + + +Zahara weet sy moet hardloop as Mamma haar in daardie kwaai stem roep. Sy sit vinnig haar kryt neer en hardloop kombuis toe. “Wat’s fout, Mamma?” vra sy.  + + +“Het jy ’n hoenderboudjie geëet? Iemand het ’n hele boudjie afgetrek en dit geëet,” sê Mamma en wys na die hoender.  + + +“Nee, Mamma,” sê Zahara. “Ek belowe dit was nie ek nie.”  + + +“Is jy seker?” vra Mamma.  + + +“Ek is DOODSEKER, Mamma,” sê Zahara en lyk bekommerd.  + + +Mamma sê niks. Sy gaan net buitentoe na waar Oom Joe besig is om sy kar reg te maak.  + + +“Joe, het jy die hoenderboudjie geëet?” vra sy.  + + +Oom Joe se radio blêr. “Wat sê jy?” skree hy.  + + +“HET JY DIE HOENDERBOUDJIE GEËET?” skree Mamma bo die musiek.  + + +“Ja, dankie, ek sal graag van die hoender eet, en sommer ’n glas koeldrank ook, asseblief,” skree hy.  + + +Mamma sug. Sy stap na die groot mangoboom in die hoek van die tuin. Zahara se jonger boetie, David, en sy beste maat, Lebo, speel in die takke.  + + + “David,” sê Mamma, “het jy die hoenderboudjie geëet?”  + + +“O, lekker, dis etenstyd!” sê David. “Ons is so honger.”  + + +“Het jy die hoenderboudjie geëet?” vra Mamma weer.  + + +“Nee, Mamma,” sê David.  + + +“Hy het nie,” sê Lebo. “Ons speel nog heeltyd in die boom.”  + + +Mamma stap weer in die huis in. Sy is baie omgekrap. “Niemand het die hoenderboudjie geëet nie,” sê sy. “Nou waar is dit dan?”  + + +“Dalk het die vrou by die supermark dit gevat,” sê Zahara.  + + +Mamma klap haar hande. “Natuurlik! Dis wat gebeur het! Die vrou by die supermark wat die hoender aan Ouma verkoop het, moes dit afgetrek het en toe vir iemand anders gegee het.”  + + +“Ag, nee,” sê Ouma. “Ek het haar vir ’n hele gebraaide hoender gevra. Ek het vir ’n hele gebraaide hoender betaal, en nou het sy die boudjie gevat. En nou het ons nie genoeg vir middagete nie.” Ouma begin huil.  + + +Zahara raak so hartseer toe sy vir Ouma sien huil dat sy ook begin huil. Dit laat Mamma ook huil. Al drie van hulle gaan sit en huil en huil. + +  + +Toe snuit Mamma haar neus en droog haar oë af. “Dit sal nie deug nie!” sê sy. “Supermarkte mag nie sulke dinge doen nie. Ons sal teruggaan na die supermark toe en vir hulle sê hulle moet vir ons ’n ander gebraaide hoender gee.”  + + +Mamma, Ouma en Zahara sit toe af supermark toe terwyl Oom Joe ’n ogie oor David en Lebo hou.  + + +“Ek wil graag met die bestuurder praat,” sê Mamma toe hulle daar aankom. Sy praat in haar kwaai stem en die bestuurder kom aangehardloop.  + + +“Hoe kan ek u help, mevrou?” vra hy.  + + +“Iemand het die hoenderboudjie van ons hoender afgetrek!” sê Mamma, Ouma en Zahara gelyk.  + + +“Dis baie ernstig,” sê die bestuurder. “Ek sal die vrou wat by die toonbank met die gebraaide hoenders werk, roep.” Hy tel die interkom op en sê: “Kan die vrou by die gebraaide hoender-toonbank, asseblief dringend na die bestuurder se kantoor toe kom.”  + + + + +Mamma tik met haar voet en wag. Die vrou van die gebraaide hoendertoonbank kom gou aangehardloop. “Kan ek u help?” vra sy.  + + +“Hierdie klant sê jy het die hoenderboudjie van haar gebraaide hoender afgetrek,” sê die bestuurder.  + + +“Nee, ek het nie,” sê die vrou. “Ek het die heel gebraaide hoender in die sakkie gesit en dit vir Ouma gegee.”  + + +“O, nee, nee, nee!” sê Mamma. “Toe ek die sakkie met die hoender by die huis oopgemaak het, was die boudjie weg!”  + + +Die vrou bibber en beef. “Ek belowe ek het dit nie gevat nie,” sê sy.  + + +Die bestuurder is baie kwaad. “Gaan haal dadelik vir hierdie mense ’n ander gebraaide hoender,” bulder hy. “Ouma, ek sal vir jou ’n ander gebraaide hoender gratis gee, en ’n sjokoladekoek om jammer te sê.”  + + +Mamma, Ouma en Zahara gaan huis toe met ’n ander gebraaide hoender in ’n wit sakkie, en ’n groot sjokoladekoek in ’n boks.  + + +Toe hulle by die huis kom, is Pappa terug van die werk af. “Waar was julle?” vra hy. “Hoekom het julle nog nie middagete geëet nie?”  + + +Toe vertel Zahara vir hom die hele storie. Sy is baie verbaas om te sien dat Pappa so geskok lyk.  + + +“Ag, nee,” sê Pappa. “Ek het ’n verskriklike ding gedoen. Ek het die hoenderboudjie gevat toe ek op pad was werk toe. Ek was honger, en dit het so lekker geruik.”  + + + + + +“Ag, nee,” roep Mamma. “Ek het daardie arme vrou in die supermark verkeerdelik in die moeilikheid laat beland.”  + + +“En ek het die idee in Mamma se kop gesit dat die vrou dit dalk gevat het,” sê Zahara. “O, tog!”  + + +Pappa, Mamma, Ouma en Zahara pak toe die tweede gebraaide hoender en die sjokoladekoek in ’n sak en hulle gaan almal saam terug na die supermark. Toe hulle daar kom, gaan hulle reguit na die bestuurder se kantoor toe.  +  + +Die bestuurder lyk baie bekommerd toe hy hulle WEER sien! “Ag, nee, wat is nou fout?” sê hy vir homself. “Daardie vrou gaan weer op my skree.”  + + +Maar Mamma skree nie.  + + +“Ons is baie, baie jammer,” sê Mamma, Ouma, Pappa en Zahara.  + + +“Dis als my skuld,” sê Pappa. “Ek was honger. Ek het die hoenderboudjie gevat. Roep asseblief die vrou wat by die gebraaide hoender-toonbank werk.”  + + +Die bestuurder tel die interkom op. “Kan die vrou by die gebraaide hoender-toonbank, asseblief dringend na die bestuurder se kantoor toe kom.”  + + +Die vrou wat by die gebraaide hoender-toonbank werk, lyk baie bang toe sy vir Mamma, Pappa, Ouma en Zahara sien. “Moet my asseblief nie afdank nie,” sê sy vir die bestuurder.  + + +Maar Pappa haal net sy beursie uit en gee vir die bestuurder die geld vir die gebraaide hoender en die sjokoladekoek. Toe gee hy vir die vrou die sakkie. “Vir jou,” sê hy. “Ek is jammer ons het jou in die moeilikheid laat beland. Gaan geniet dit.”  + + +Die vrou is baie bly om ’n gebraaide hoender en ’n koek vir middagete te kry. Maar Zahara is teleurgesteld. “Pappa, jy het die sjokoladekoek weggegee,” sê sy.  + + +Pappa haal toe weer sy beursie uit en koop nog ’n gebraaide hoender en nog ’n sjokoladekoek.  + + +Na ete kry almal ’n stukkie koek – Mamma, Pappa, Ouma, Oom Joe, Zahara, David en Lebo. Maar Zahara kry die grootste stuk, want sy is Pappa se oogappel.",afr,Afrikaans,Ouma se gebraaide hoender,It was Sunday morning and Zahara was drawing a picture in her bedroom. Ding dong,,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ouma-se-gebraaide-hoender +thoko’s-first-library-book,"Thoko walked into the library with Gogo. She liked the smell of the new building. She liked the shelves of books and shiny tables. Today, she hoped to find something special to read. A storybook … with pictures! +She held Gogo’s warm hand as they walked into the room where all the children’s books were kept. A lady at a desk looked up and smiled. She wore a little badge. On it was written, “Li-bra-ri-an”. +“Thoko would like to borrow a book from the library,” said Gogo. +“Does Thoko have a library card?” asked the librarian. Thoko shook her head. “Well, you can get a library card to take out books after your Gogo has filled out a form,” said the librarian. +Gogo sat down on a little yellow chair at a little green table and started to fill in the form. Thoko sat on a red chair and looked around. There were lots of different coloured tables and chairs. On the walls were lots of colourful pictures and posters. On the shelves were lots and lots and lots of books. +  +“I like it here,” whispered Thoko. Gogo looked up and smiled. +  +“Why don’t you find a nice book to take home,” said Gogo. +  +Thoko walked around the room slowly. Some books were on shelves too high for her to reach. Some she could reach, but they had too many words and no pictures. +  +“Let me show you where the picture books are kept, Thoko,” said the nice librarian, whose name was Nadia. Thoko followed Nadia to shelves that were just the right height for her. + +“Take your time,” said Nadia. “I’m sure you’ll find just the right book for yourself.” +“Take your time,��� said Nadia. “I’m sure you’ll find just the right book for yourself.” +  +By the time Gogo handed in the form, Thoko had found just the right book – a book about a mouse, a fox, an owl, a snake AND a terrible monster with horns and tusks. +  +“This looks very scary. Let’s see if there’s one that won’t give you nightmares,” said Gogo. Gogo found a book with a pretty cover. It had a picture of a fairy in a pink ballet dress and glittery wings. +  +“This looks like a lovely book,” said Gogo. But Thoko shook her head. She knew what she liked and she knew what she wanted. So, she held tightly onto her book. +  +“Ah, everyone likes that book,” said the librarian when she saw which book Thoko had chosen. Thoko looked carefully as her book was stamped with the date that she would have to bring it back. “There you go!” said Nadia, handing Thoko her first library book and her first library card. +  +“Now you are a member of the library,” said Nadia. Thoko was very happy! +  +“Carry the book nicely,” said Gogo as they left. +  +That book! What a story! What pictures! Even Gogo said it was the best children’s story she had ever read. And when Thoko told the children at school about the book, they all wanted to see the pictures too. +  +So, one Friday, Thoko took the library book to school for Mrs Rhode, her teacher, to read and show the pictures. The children laughed and loved the story, especially Themba, who wanted it to be read again and again. But Mrs Rhode closed the book and gave it to Thoko to put back safely in her bag. +  +That evening at bedtime, Gogo said, “Thoko, tomorrow is the day we have to take your library book back to the library. So, tonight will be the last night for us to read that funny story.” Excitedly, Thoko opened her bag, but the library book was not there! +  +“Oh, Thoko,” said Gogo, “you must have left it at school!” +“No,” said Thoko, “I put it in my bag when Mrs Rhode gave it back to me!” +  +Thoko wanted to cry. What would the librarian say if she didn’t take her book back the next day? Then she did start to cry! +  +“Who would take it from your bag?” asked Gogo. Thoko thought and thought. +  +“Themba Nombela!” cried Thoko. “He loved the story so much he wanted it to be read again and again!” +  +“Does Themba steal?” asked Gogo. +  +“Themba sometimes takes things without asking, but he always brings them back,” answered Thoko. +  +The next morning, Gogo and Thoko went to the Nombela’s house to see if Themba had the library book. +  +“Yes,” said Themba, “I meant to give it back, but Linzi Dube borrowed it from me.” +  +So Themba showed Gogo and Thoko where the Dube’s lived. When they reached the house, Linzi was there … but not the book! +  +“Tata has it,” said Linzi. “He can’t read, but he wanted to look at the pictures.” +  +So off went Linzi, Themba, Thoko and Gogo to Tata’s house. They found him sitting outside his front door laughing his head off. +  +“Ha, ha, ha! Linzi, this book is too, too funny! I am enjoying it very much,” said the old man. Gogo explained that the book belonged to the library and that they only had a few minutes to get it back to the library on time. + +Thoko had never seen Gogo walk so fast. But when they reached the library, the door was closed. Gogo read the notice and said, “It will only open again on Monday.” +  +“But Gogo, the librarian will be very cross because the book must be back today.” +  +“Don’t worry about it,” said Gogo. “I will explain to the librarian what happened. I am sure she will understand what can happen when a book is as nice as this one is. Everyone wants to read it! And until Monday comes, we can enjoy it a bit more.” +  +When Monday afternoon came, Gogo and Thoko took the book to the library. Nadia noticed that it was late. But when Gogo explained why they could not bring it back on time, Nadia smiled and said, “That’s a wonderful story! Thoko, next time, bring your friends to join the library … and Linzi’s grandfather too. We teach people to read on Friday mornings.” +  +And that’s exactly what happened. +  +Not only Themba who loves to borrow books, but Linzi and lots of Thoko’s school friends have joined the library. And so did Linzi’s grandfather! He likes the new words he learns to read every Friday. But the books he likes most of all, are the ones with pictures that make him laugh!",eng,English,Thoko’s first library book,"Thoko walked into the library with Gogo. She liked the smell of the new building. She liked the shelves of books and shiny tables. Today, she hoped to find something special to read. A storybook … with pictures! +She held Gogo’s warm hand ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thoko’s-first-library-book +thoko’s-first-library-book,"Thoko stap saam met Gogo by die biblioteek in. Sy hou van die reuk van die nuwe gebou. Sy hou van die rakke vol boeke en die blink tafels. Vandag wil sy graag ’n spesiale boek hê om te lees. ’n Storieboek … met prente! +Sy hou Gogo se warm hand vas toe hulle in die vertrek instap waar al die kinderboeke is. ’n Vrou by die lessenaar kyk op en glimlag. Sy dra ’n klein naamplaatjie. Daarop staan: “Bi-bli-o-te-ka-ris”. +“Thoko wil graag ’n boek by die biblioteek uitneem,” sê Gogo. +“Het Thoko ’n biblioteekkaartjie?” vra die bibliotekaris. Thoko skud haar kop. “Wel, jy kan ’n biblioteekkaartjie kry waarmee jy boeke kan uitneem as jou Gogo ’n vorm invul,” sê die bibliotekaris. +Gogo gaan sit op ’n klein geel stoeltjie by ’n klein groen tafeltjie en begin die vorm invul. Thoko sit op ’n rooi stoeltjie en kyk om haar rond. Daar is baie verskillende gekleurde tafels en stoele. Teen die mure is daar kleurvolle prente en plakkate. Op die rakke is rye en rye en rye boeke. +“Ek hou daarvan om hier te wees,” fluister Thoko. Gogo kyk op en glimlag. +“Waarom gaan soek jy nie ’n lekker boek om uit te neem nie,” sê Gogo. +Thoko stap stadig deur die vertrek. Party boeke is op rakke wat te hoog is vir haar om by te kom. Sy kan party van die boeke bykom, maar hulle het te veel woorde en geen prente nie. +“Kom ek wys vir jou waar die prenteboeke is, Thoko,” sê die vriendelike bibliotekaris, wie se naam Nadia is. Thoko volg Nadia tot by die rakke wat net die regte hoogte vir haar is. + +“Vat jou tyd,” sê Nadia. “Ek is seker jy sal die boek vind wat net reg is vir jou.” +Toe Gogo die vorm inhandig, het Thoko net die regte boek gevind – ’n boek oor ’n muis, ’n jakkals, ’n uil en ’n slang EN ’n verskriklike monster met horings en tande. +“Dit lyk soos ’n bangmaakboek. Kom ons kyk of daar een is wat jou nie sal nagmerries gee nie,” sê Gogo. Gogo vind ’n boek met ’n mooi omslag. Dit het ’n prent van ’n feetjie in ’n pienk balletrok met vlerke vol blinkertjies op. +“Dit lyk na ’n pragtige boek,” sê Gogo. Maar Thoko skud haar kop. Sy weet waarvan sy hou en wat sy wil hê. Sy hou haar boek styf vas. +“Aa, almal hou van daardie boek,” sê die bibliotekaris toe sy sien watter boek Thoko gekies het. Thoko kyk goed toe haar boek gestempel word met die datum waarop sy dit moet terugbring. “Daar’s hy!” sê Nadia, en gee vir Thoko haar eerste biblioteekboek en haar eerste biblioteekkaartjie. +“Jy is nou ’n lid van die biblioteek,” sê Nadia. Thoko is baie bly! +“Hou die boek mooi vas,” sê Gogo toe hulle uitstap. +Daardie boek! Wat ’n storie! En die prente! Selfs Gogo het gesê dit is die beste kinderstorie wat sy nog ooit gelees het. En toe Thoko die kinders by die skool van die boek vertel, wil hulle ook almal die prente sien. +Een Vrydag neem Thoko toe die biblioteekboek skool toe sodat Juffrou Rhode, haar onderwyseres, die boek kan lees en die prente vir die klas kan wys. Die kinders lag en hou baie van die storie, veral Themba, wat wil hê dat hulle dit weer en weer moet lees. Maar Juffrou Rhode maak die boek toe en gee dit vir Thoko om veilig in haar tas te bêre. +Daardie aand toe dit slaaptyd is, sê Gogo: “Thoko, môre moet ons jou biblioteekboek gaan ingee. Vanaand is dus die laaste aand dat ons daardie snaakse storie kan lees.” Opgewonde maak Thoko haar tas oop, maar die biblioteekboek is nie daarin nie! +“Ai, Thoko,” sê Gogo, “jy moes dit by die skool vergeet het!” +“Nee,” sê Thoko, “ek het dit in my tas gebêre toe Juffrou Rhode dit vir my teruggegee het!” +Thoko wil huil. Wat sal die bibliotekaris sê as sy nie die volgende dag haar boek terugvat nie? En toe begin sy huil! +“Wie sou dit dan uit jou tas gevat het?” vra Gogo. Thoko dink en dink. +“Themba Nombela!” roep Thoko uit. “Hy het so baie van die storie gehou hy wou hê ons moes dit weer en weer lees!” +“Sal Themba iets steel?” vra Gogo. +“Themba vat soms goed sonder om te vra, maar hy bring dit altyd terug,” antwoord Thoko. +Die volgende oggend gaan Gogo en Thoko na die Nombelas se huis om te kyk of Themba die biblioteekboek het. +“Ja,” sê Themba, “ek wou dit teruggee, maar Linzi Dube het dit by my geleen.” +Themba wys toe vir Gogo en Thoko waar die Dubes woon. Toe hulle by die huis kom, is Linzi daar … maar nie die boek nie! +“Tata het dit,” sê Linzi. “Hy kan nie lees nie, maar hy wou na die prente kyk.” +Linzi, Themba, Thoko en Gogo vat toe die pad na Tata se huis. Hulle vind hom waar hy buite sy voordeur sit en kraai van die lag. +“Ha, ha, ha! Linzi, hierdie boek is net te snaaks! Ek geniet dit so baie,” sê die ou man. Gogo verduidelik dat die boek aan die biblioteek behoort, en dat hulle net ’n paar minute oor het om dit betyds by die biblioteek te gaan ingee. + +Thoko het Gogo nog nooit so vinnig sien stap nie. Maar toe hulle by die biblioteek kom, is die deur gesluit. Gogo lees die kennisgewing en sê: “Die biblioteek sal eers weer Maandag oop wees.” +“Maar Gogo, die bibliotekaris sal baie kwaad wees, want die boek moet vandag terug wees.” +“Moenie bekommerd wees nie,” sê Gogo. “Ek sal vir die bibliotekaris verduidelik wat gebeur het. Ek is seker sy sal verstaan wat met so ’n goeie boek soos hierdie een kan gebeur. Almal wil dit lees! En nou kan ons die boek tot Maandag geniet.” +Maandagmiddag neem Gogo en Thoko die boek terug biblioteek toe. Nadia sien dat die boek laat is. Maar toe Gogo verduidelik waarom hulle dit nie betyds kon terugbring nie, glimlag Nadia en sê: “Wat ’n wonderlike storie! Thoko, volgende keer moet jy jou maats bring om by die biblioteek aan te sluit … en Linzi se oupa ook. Op Vrydagoggende leer ons mense lees.” +En dit is presies wat hulle doen. +Nie net Themba, wat dit geniet om boeke uit te neem nie, maar ook Linzi en baie van Thoko se skoolmaats sluit by die biblioteek aan. En Linzi se oupa ook! Hy hou van die nuwe woorde wat hy elke Vrydag leer lees. Maar die boeke waarvan hy die meeste hou, is dié met prente in wat hom laat lag!",afr,Afrikaans,Thoko se eerste biblioteekboek,"Thoko walked into the library with Gogo. She liked the smell of the new building. She liked the shelves of books and shiny tables. Today, she hoped to find something special to read. A storybook … with pictures! +She held Gogo’s warm hand ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thoko-se-eerste-biblioteekboek +thoko’s-first-library-book,"Ngesikhathi uGogo ehambisa uThoko emtatsheni wezincwadi ukuze ayokhetha incwadi yakhe yokuqala yasemtatsheni wezincwadi, uThoko unesasasa kakhulu. Umsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi ukhombisa uThoko lapho zikhona izincwadi ezinezithombe bese uThoko ekhetha incwadi yezindaba emfanele. Lapho eya esikoleni nencwadi ukuze uthisha wakhe ayifunde ithandwa yizo zonke izingane. Zifuna ukuyizwa ziphinde ziyizwe futhi! UThoko ubuyisela incwadi esikhwameni sakhe futhi, kodwa makhathaleni uma efika ekhaya, ayikho! Ngabe ikuphi? Ngabe uzophinde ayithole futhi?  +UThoko waya ngezinyawo emtatsheni wezincwadi noGogo. Wayekuthanda ukunuka kwesakhiwo esisha. Wayethanda amashalofu ezincwadi kanye namatafula akhazimulayo. Namhlanje, wayefisa ukuthola okuthile okukhethekile azokufunda. Incwadi yezindaba … enezithombe! +Wabamba isandla sikaGogo esifudumele base beyongena egumbini lapho okwakugcinwa khona zonke izincwadi zezingane. Ileti elalingemuva kwedeski laphakamisa amehlo lase limamatheka. Laligqoke ibheji elincane. Kwakubhalwe kulo ukuthi, “Li-bra-ri-an” (UMsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi). +  +“UThoko angathanda ukuboleka incwadi emtatsheni wezincwadi,” kusho uGogo. +  +“Ngabe uThoko unalo ikhadi lasemtatsheni wezincwadi?” kubuza umsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi. UThoko wanikina ikhanda. “Empeleni, ungalithola ikhadi lasemtatsheni wezincwadi lokuthatha izincwadi ngemva kokuthi wena noGogo senigcwalise ifomu,” kusho umsebenzi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi. +  +UGogo wahlala phansi esihlalweni esincane esiphuzi eduze kwetafula eliluhlaza okotshani wase eqala ukugcwalisa ifomu. UThoko wahlala esitulweni esibomvu waqalaza. Kwakukhona amatafula nezihlalo eziyimibala eyahlukene okuningi. Odongeni kwakukhona izithombe kanye namaphosta okuningi okuyimibala eyahlukene. Emashalofini kwakukhona izincwadi eziningi kakhulu. +  +“Ngiyakuthanda ukuba lapha,” kunyenyeza uThoko. UGogo waphakamisa amehlo wase emamatheka. +  +“Nawe ungazitholela incwadi emnandi ozoya nayo ekhaya,” kusho uGogo. +  +UThoko wazungeza indlu ehamba kancane. Ezinye izincwadi zazisemashalofini aphezulu kakhulu engeke akwazi ukufinyelela kuzo. Ezinye wayekwazi ukufinyelela kuzo, kodwa zazinamagama amaningi, kodwa zingenazithombe. +“Ake ngikubonise ukuthi zibekwe kuphi izincwadi zezithombe, Thoko,” kusho umsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi onomusa, ogama lakhe kwakunguNadia. UThoko walandela uNadia ukuya emashalofini ayewubude obumlingene. + +“Thatha isikhathi sakho,” kusho uNadia. “Nginesiqiniseko sokuthi uzozitholela incwadi ekufanele.” +  +Ngesikhathi uGogo efaka ifomu, uThoko wayesezitholele incwadi emfanele – incwadi emayelana negundane, impungushe, isikhova, inyoka KANYE nenunu embi enezimpondo namazinyo aphumele ngaphandle. +  +“Ibukeka yethusa kakhulu. Ake sibone ukuthi ayikho yini engeke ikwenze ube namaphupho amabi,” kusho uGogo. UGogo wathola incwadi enekhava enhle. Yayinesithombe sikaferi ogqoke ingubo yebhaleyi ephinki kanye namaphiko akhazimulayo. +  +“Ibukeka iyinhle le ncwadi,” kusho uGogo. Kodwa uThoko wanikina ikhanda. Wayazi ukuthi yini ayithandayo futhi wayazi ukuthi ufunani. Ngakho-ke, wankonkoshela incwadi yakhe. +  +“A, wonke umuntu uyayithanda leyo ncwadi,” kusho umsebenzi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi lapho ebona incwadi ekhethwe uThoko. UThoko wabukisisa ngesikhathi kugxivizwa incwadi yakhe ngosuku okuzomele ayibuyise ngalo. “Nanso-ke!” kusho uNadia, enikeza uThoko incwadi yakhe yokuqala yasemtatsheni wezincwadi kanye nekhadi lakhe lokuqala lasemtatsheni wezincwadi. +  +“Manje usuyilungu lasemtatsheni wezincwadi,” kusho uNadia. Uthoko wayejabule kakhulu! +  +“Iphathe kahle-ke incwadi,” kusho uGogo sebehamba. +  +Hawu, leya ncwadi! Leya ndaba! Izithombe ezinjani pho! NoGogo wathi kwakuyindaba enhle kakhulu yezingane ayeseke wayifunda. Kanti kwathi lapho uThoko etshela ezinye izingane esikoleni ngendaba, zonke zafuna ukubona nezithombe zakhona. +  +Ngakho-ke, ngolunye uLwesihlanu, uThoko waya nencwadi yasemtatsheni wezincwadi esikoleni ukuze uNkosikazi Rhode, uthisha wakhe, ayifunde futhi abakhombise nezithombe. Izingane zahleka futhi zayithanda indaba, ikakhulukazi uThemba, owayelokhu efuna ukuthi indaba iphindwe njalo. Kodwa uNkosikazi Rhode wayivala incwadi wase eyinikeza uThoko ukuze ayibuyisele ngokuphepha esikhwameni sakhe. +  +Kusihlwa ngalelo langa, ngesikhathi sokulala, uGogo wathi, “Thoko, kusasa wusuku lokubuyisela incwadi yakho yasemtatsheni wezincwadi emtatsheni wezincwadi. Ngakho-ke, namhlanje ebusuku kuzoba usuku lokugcina lokuthi sifunde leyo ndaba ehlekisayo.” Ngesasasa, uThoko wavula isikhwama sakhe, kodwa incwadi yasemtatsheni wezincwadi yayingekho lapho! +  +“O, Thoko,” kusho uGogo, “kusho ukuthi uyishiye esikoleni!” +  +“Cha,” kusho uThoko, “Ngiyifake esikhwameni sami lapho uNkosikazi Rhode engibuyisela yona!” +  +UThoko wayesefuna ukukhala. Uzothini umsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi uma engasayibuyiseli incwadi yakhe emuva ngosuku olulandelayo? Wase eqala ukukhihla isililo! +  +“Ubani obengayithatha esikhwameni sakho?” kubuza uGogo. Uthoko wayelokhu ecabanga. +  +“UThemba Nombela!” kukhala uThoko. “Uyithande kakhulu indaba kangangokuthi ubefuna ifundwe ngokuphindelela!” +  +“Ngabe uyeba uThemba?” kubuza uGogo. +  +“UThemba ngesinye isikhathi uthatha izinto engazange azicele, kodwa uhlale ezibuyisa,” kuphendula uThoko. +  +Ekuseni ngakusasa, uGogo noThoko baya kwaNombela beyobheka ukuthi ngabe ikuThemba yini incwadi yasemtatsheni wezincwadi. +  +“Yebo,” kusho Themba, “Bengithi ngizoyibuyisa, kodwa uLinzi Dube uyiboleke kimi.” +  +Ngakho uThemba wakhombisa uGogo noThoko kwaDube. Lapho befika endlini, uLinzi wayekhona … kodwa ingekho incwadi! +  +“IkuBaba,” kusho uLinzi. “Akakwazi ukufunda, kodwa ubefuna ukubuka izithombe.” +  +Basuka-ke, uLinzi, uThemba, uThoko noGogo baya endlini kaBaba. Bamthola ehleli ngaphandle komnyango wakhe wangaphambili ehlekela phezulu. +  +“Ha, ha, ha! Linzi, le ncwadi ihlekisa kakhulu! Ngiyithokozela kakhulu,” kusho ikhehla. UGogo wachaza ukuthi incwadi yayingeyasemtatsheni wezincwadi nokuthi babesalelwe imizuzu embalwa ukuba bayibuyisele emtatsheni wezincwadi ngesikhathi. + +UThoko wayengakaze abone uGogo ehamba ngokushesha okungaka. Kodwa bathi uma befika emtatsheni wezincwadi, umnyango wase uvaliwe. UGogo wafunda isaziso wase ethi, “Uzovula ngoMsombuluko futhi.” +  +“Kodwa Gogo, umsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi uzosithukuthelela ngoba incwadi bekumele ibuye namhlanje.” +  +“Ungakhathazeki ngalokho,” kusho uGogo. “Ngizochazela umsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi ukuthi kwenzekeni. Nginesiqiniseko sokuthi uzoqonda ukuthi kwenzekalani uma incwadi imnandi njengale. Wonke umuntu ufuna ukuyifunda! Sisengayithokozela kakhulu futhi kuze kube ngoMsombuluko.” +  +Lapho kufika intambama yangoMsombuluko, uGogo noThoko bahambisa incwadi emtatsheni wezincwadi. UNadia wabona ukuthi seyedlulelwe yisikhathi. Kodwa lapho uGogo echaza ukuthi kungani bengakwazanga ukuyibuyisa ngesikhathi, uNadia wamamatheka wase ethi, “Zamnandi lezo zindaba! Thoko, ngokuzayo, woza nabangani +bakho ukuze bazobhalisela ukuba ngamalungu asemtatsheni wezincwadi … kanye nomkhulu kaLinzi futhi. Sifundisa abantu ukufunda njalo ngoLwesihlanu ekuseni.” +  +Yilokho-ke okwenzeka. +  +Akusiye kuphela uThemba othanda ukuboleka izincwadi, kodwa noLinzi kanye nabangani bakaThoko abaningi basesikoleni babhalisela ukuba ngamalungu asemtatsheni wezincwadi. Ngisho nomkhulu kaLinzi imbala! Uyawathanda amagama amasha afunda ukuwafunda njalo ngoLwesihlanu. Kodwa izincwadi azithanda kakhulu, yilezo ezinezithombe ezimenza ahleke!",zul,isiZulu,Incwadi kaThoko yokuqala yasemtasheni wezincwad,"Thoko walked into the library with Gogo. She liked the smell of the new building. She liked the shelves of books and shiny tables. Today, she hoped to find something special to read. A storybook … with pictures! +She held Gogo’s warm hand ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/incwadi-kathoko-yokuqala-yasemtasheni-wezincwadi +thoko’s-first-library-book,"UThoko wangena kwithala leencwadi ehamba kunye noMakhulu. Walithanda kakhulu ivumba lesakhiwo esitsha. Wazithanda kakhulu iishelufa zeencwadi kunye neetafile ezibengezelayo. Namhlanje wayenethemba lokufumana incwadi ekhethekileyo aza kuyifunda. Incwadi yamabali … enemifanekiso! +  +Wabamba isandla sikaMakhulu esishushu xa bengena kwigumbi apho zonke iincwadi zabantwana zazigcinwa khona. Inenekazi elalisedesikeni laphakamisa intloko, labajonga lancuma. Lalinxibe ibheji encinane. Kuyo kwakubhalwe, “Li-bra-ri-an” (“So-tha-la”). +  +“UThoko angathanda ukuboleka incwadi kwithala leencwadi,” kutsho uMakhulu. +  +“Ingaba uThoko unalo ikhadi lethala leencwadi?” wabuza usothala. UThoko wanikina intloko. “Kulungile ke, ungalifumana ikhadi lethala leencwadi uze uboleke iincwadi emva kokuba nje uMakhulu ezalise olu xwebhu,” kwatsho usothala. +  +UMakhulu wahlala phantsi kwisitulwana esityheli esingakwitafilana eluhlaza waze waqalisa ukuzalisa uxwebhu. UThoko wahlala esitulweni esibomvu wabhekabheka. Kwakukho iitafile nezitulo ezininzi ezimibalabala. Kwakuxhonywe imifanekiso neepowusta ezimibalabala edongeni. Ezishelufini kwakukho iincwadi eziziintlobo ngeentlobo nezininzi kakhulu. +  +“Ndiyalithanda eli thala leencwadi,” kwasebeza uThoko. Umakhulu waphakamisa amehlo wamjonga, waze wancuma. +  +“Kutheni ungakhangeli incwadi emnandi oza kuyiboleka ze ugoduke nayo nje,” kwatsho uMakhulu. +  +UThoko wajikeleza kwelo gumbi ethe chu. Ezinye iincwadi zazikwiishelufa eziphezulu, angafikeleliyo kuzo. Kwezinye wayefikelela, kodwa ezo zona iincwadi zazinamagama amaninzi, zingenamifanekiso. +  +“Mandikubonise ukuba zigcinwa phi na iincwadi ezinemifanekiso, Thoko,” kwatsho lo sothala unobubele, ogama linguNadia. UThoko walandela uNadia, baya kwiishelufa awayefikelela kakuhle kuzo. + +“Ungangxami, uthathe ixesha lakho,” kwatsho uNadia. “Ndiqinisekile uza kuyifumana eyona ncwadi ikulungeleyo apha.” +  +Ngethuba uMakhulu engenisa uxwebhu, uThoko wayesele eyifumene incwadi emlungeleyo – incwadi eyayimalunga nempuku, impungutye, isikhova, inyoka KUNYE negongqongqo eloyikekayo elalineempondo namabamba amade. +  +“Le ncwadi ikhangeleka ngathi iyoyikisa. Masikhangele ukuba ayikho na enye engasayikukuphuphisa kakubi,” kwatsho uMakhulu. UMakhulu wafumana incwadi eneqweqwe elihle. Yayinomfanekiso womkholonjane onxibe ilokhwe yokudanisa epinki kunye namaphiko amenyezelayo. +  +“Le ikhangeleka iyincwadi emnandi,” watsho uMakhulu. Kodwa uThoko wanikina intloko. Wayekwazi akuthandayo kwaye wayeyazi into ayifunayo. Ngoko ke, wayibamba nkqi incwadi yakhe. +  +“Aha, wonke umntu uyayithanda loo ncwadi,” kwatsho usothala xa ebona ukuba uThoko ukhethe eyiphi na incwadi. UThoko waqwalasela ngononophelo xa ebona incwadi yakhe igximfizwa isitampu esinomhla ekufuneka ayibuyise ngawo. “Nantso ke!” kwatsho uNadia, enika uThoko incwadi yakhe yokuqala ayiboleke kwithala leencwadi kunye nekhadi lakhe lokuqala. +  +“Ngoku ke ulilungu elipheleleyo lethala leencwadi,” kwatsho uNadia. UThoko wayevuya kakhulu! +  +“Yiphathe kakuhle incwadi yakho,” watsho uMakhulu xa beshiya ithala leencwadi. +  +Hayi loo ncwadi! Elinjani ukuba mnandi ibali! Enjani ukutsala umdla imifanekiso! Nkqu noMakhulu wathi lelona bali labantwana limnandi awakhe walifunda eli. Kwaye wathi xa uThoko ebalisela abanye abantwana ngelo bali, bonke bafuna ukuyibona loo mifanekiso. +  +Ngoko ke, kwathi ngomnye uLwesihlanu uThoko wayithatha le ncwadi kwithala leencwadi waya nayo esikolweni, eyiphathele uNkosikazi Rhode, utitshalakazi wakhe, ukuze amfundele ze ambonise naloo mifanekiso. Abantwana babehleka kuba babelithandile elo bali, ingakumbi uThemba, nowayefuna ukuba liphindaphindwe ukufundwa. Kodwa uNkosikazi Rhode wayivala incwadi wayinika uThoko ukuze ayifake ebhegini yakhe apho ikhuseleke khona. +  +Ngokuhlwa kwaloo mini, ngexesha lokulala, uMakhulu wathi, “Thoko, ngomso lusuku lokubuyisela incwadi yakho kwithala leencwadi. Oko ke kuthetha ukuba ngokuhlwanje bubusuku bokugqibela bokufunda elo bali lihlekisayo. Ngochulumanco, uThoko wavula ibhegi yakhe, kodwa incwadi yethala leencwadi yayingekho apho! +  +“Owu, Thoko” watsho uMakhulu, “inokuba uyishiye esikolweni!” +  +“Hayi,” watsho uThoko, “Ndiyifake ebhegini yam asakundinika uNkosikazi Rhode!” +  +UThoko wayefuna ukukhala. Wayeza kuthini usothala ukuba uThoko akayibuyisanga incwadi ngosuku olulandelayo? Ngokwenene ke watsho waqalisa ukulila! +  +“Ngubani onokukhupha incwadi ebhegini yakho?” kwabuza uMakhulu. UThoko wacinga, ingqondo ibethabethana. +  +“NguThemba Nombela!” wakhala watsho uThoko. “Ebelithande kakhulu elaa bali kangangokuba ebefuna ukuba liphindaphindwe ukufundwa!” +  +“Ingaba uThemba lisela?” kwabuza uMakhulu. +  +“Ngamanye amaxesha uThemba uyazithatha izinto engazicelanga, kodwa udla ngokuzibuyisa,” kwaphendula uThoko. +  +Ngentsasa elandelayo, uMakhulu noThoko baya kwaNombela ukuya kukhangela ukuba incwadi yasethaleni leencwadi ikuThemba kusini na. +  +“Ewe,” watsho uThemba, “Bendiza kuyibuyisa, kodwa uLinzi Dube uye wayiboleka kum.” +  +UThemba wabonisa uMakhulu kunye noThoko apho ukhoyo umzi wakwaDube. Ukufika kwabo kuloo mzi, uLinzi wayekhona … kodwa yona incwadi yayingekho apho! +  +“IkuTatomkhulu,” kwatsho uLinzi. “Akakwazi ukufunda, kodwa ebefuna ukubuka imifanekiso.” +  +Nabo ke behamba bonke, uLinzi, uThemba, uThoko kunye noMakhulu besiya endlwini kaTatomkhulu. Bafika ehleli phambi kwendlu yakhe engahleki eqikileka. +  +“Ha, ha, ha! Linzi, le ncwadi ihlekisa kakhulu! Ndiyonwabele kakhulu,” latsho eli xhego. UMakhulu wamcacisela ukuba loo ncwadi yeyasethaleni leencwadi kwaye banemizuzu nje embalwa kakhulu yokuba bayibuyisele kwithala leencwadi kwangexesha. + +UThoko wayengazange ambone uMakhulu ekhawuleza ngohlobo awayekhawuleza ngalo namhlanje. Kodwa ukufika kwabo kwithala leencwadi, ucango lwalusele luvaliwe. UMakhulu wafunda isaziso waze wathi, “Kuza kuvulwa ngoMvulo kwakhona ngoku.” +  +“Kodwa Makhulu, usothala uza kuqumba kakhulu kuba le ncwadi bekufuneka ukuba ibuye namhlanje,” kwatsho uThoko. +  +“Ungazikhathazi ngaloo nto,” kwatsho uMakhulu. “USothala ndiza kumcacisela ukuba kwenzeke ntoni na. Ndiqinisekile ukuba uyayiqonda into enokwenzeka xa incwadi imnandi njengale. Wonke umntu ufuna ukuyifunda! Okwangoku ke, singakhe siqhube umzuzwana siyonwabela nangakumbi de kufike uMvulo lowo.” +  +Kwathi kwakufika imvakwemini yangoMvulo, uMakhulu kunye noThoko bathatha incwadi bayibuyisela kwithala leencwadi. UNadia waqaphela ukuba idlulelwe lixesha. Kodwa wathi uMakhulu akumcacisela isizathu sokuba bangakwazi ukuyibuyisa kwangexesha, wasuka +uNadia wancuma, wathi, “Libali elimangalisayo eliyaa! Thoko, kwixesha elizayo usiza, yiza nabahlobo bakho bonke ukuze babengamalungu ethala leencwadi nabo … ningamshiyi ke notatomkhulu kaLinzi naye. Sifundisa abantu ukufunda qho kusasa ngoLwesihlanu.” +  +Nyhani ke, koko kanye okwenzekayo. +  +YayingengoThemba nje kuphela owaye wathanda ukuboleka iincwadi, kodwa uLinzi nabahlobo bakaThoko abaninzi babangamalungu ethala leencwadi. Nkqu naye notatomkhulu kaLinzi! Uwathanda kakhulu amagama amatsha awafunda qho ngoLwesihlanu. Kodwa ezona ncwadi azithanda kakhulu, zezo zinemifanekiso emenza ahleke aqikileke!",xho,isiXhosa,Incwadi yethala leencwadi yokuqala kaThoko,"Thoko walked into the library with Gogo. She liked the smell of the new building. She liked the shelves of books and shiny tables. Today, she hoped to find something special to read. A storybook … with pictures! +She held Gogo’s warm hand ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/incwadi-yethala-leencwadi-yokuqala-kathoko +thoko’s-first-library-book,"Thoko o ile a ya bokgobapukung le Koko. O be a rata monkgo wa moago o moswa. O be a rata dišelefo tša dipuku le ditafola tša go phadima. Lehono, o holofela gore o tla hwetša se sengwe sa go bala sa go kgethega. Puku ya dikanegelo … ya go ba le diswantšho! +O be a swere seatla sa Koko sa borutho ge ba tsena ka phapošing ya go ba le dipuku tša bana ka moka. Lekgarebe la mo tesekeng le ile la ba lebelela la myemyela. Le be le apere petšhe ye nnyane. E be e ngwadilwe gore,“Mo-šomi-wa-bo-kgo-ba-pu-ku”. +“Thoko o nyaka go adima puku mo bokgobapukung,” a realo Koko. +“Naa Thoko o na le karata ya bokgobapuku?” gwa botšiša mošomi wa bokgobapuku. Thoko o ile a šikinya hlogo. “Agaa, morago ga ge Koko wa gago a tladitše foromo o ka diriša karata ya bokgobapuku go tšea dipuku,”a realo mošomi wa bokgobapuku. +Koko o ile a dula fase setulwaneng se seserolane tafolaneng ye talamorogo a thoma go tlatša foromo. Thoko o ile a dula setulong se sehubedu a lealea. Go be go na le ditulo le ditafola tša mebala ya go fapanafapana tše dintši. Mabotong go be go tletše diswantšho tša mebalabala le diphousetara. Mo dišelefong go be go na le dipuku tše dintšintši. +“Ke a go rata felo fa,” Thoko a hebaheba. Koko o ile a lebelela gomme a myemyela. +“Lebelela puku ye botse ye o ka yago le yona gae,” a realo Koko. +Thoko o ile a sepela ka phapošing ka go nanya. O be a sa fihlelele dišelefo tše dingwe tša dipuku.Tše dingwe o be a di fihlelela efela di be di na le mantšu a mantši di se na diswantšho. +“Etla ke go bontšhe mo re beago dipuku tša diswantšho, Thoko,” a realo mošomi wa bokgobapuku wa go loka, wa go bitšwa Nadia.Thoko o ile a latela Nadia go ya dišelefong tša go lekana le yena ka botelele. + +“Tšea nako ya gago,” a realo Nadia. “Ke dumela gore o tla hwetša puku ye o e ratago.” +Ge Koko a iša foromo, ke ge Thoko a fetša go hwetša puku ye a e ratago – puku ya go bolela ka legotlo, phukubje, leribiši, noga LE ntatauwane ye šoro ya go ba le manaka. +“E a tšhoša. A re bone ge eba go na le ye e ka se go lorišego ditoro tša go tšhoša,” a realo Koko. Koko o ile a hwetša puku ya go ba le lekgata le lebotse. E be e na le seswantšho sa mamaphegwana wa go apara roko ye pinki ya palei le maphego a go bekenya. +“E bonala e le puku ya go ratega,” a realo Koko. Efela Thoko o ile a šikinya hlogo. O be a tseba gore o rata eng le gore o nyaka eng. Ka fao, o ile a kgwahliša puku ya gagwe ka diatleng. +“Agaa, batho bohle ba rata puku yeo,”mošomi wa bokgobapuku a realo ge a bona puku ye e kgethilwego ke Thoko. Thoko o ile a lebelela ka tlhokomelo ka ge puku ya gagwe e na le setempe sa go laetša letšatšikgwedi le a swanetšego go e buša ka lona. “Ke ye yona!” a realo Nadia, ge a efa Thoko puku ya gagwe ya bokgobapuku ya mathomo le karata ya gagwe ya bokgobapuku ya mathomo. +“Bjale o leloko la bokgobapuku,” a realo Nadia. Thoko o be a thabile kudu! +“Swara puku gabotse,” a realo Koko ge ba tloga. +Puku yeo! Kanegelo ye bose! Diswantšho tše dibotse! Le Koko o rile ke kanegelo ya bana ye kaonekaone yeo nkilego a e bala. Gomme e rile ge Thoko a botša bana ba bangwe sekolong ka ga kanegelo, ka moka ba duma go bona diswantšho tša yona. +Bjale, ka Labohlano le lengwe, Thoko o ile a ya le puku sekolong go ya go bontšha morutiši wa gagwe Moh Rhode gore a e bale a be a bontšhe barutwana diswantšho. Bana ba ile ba e rata ba be ba segišwa ke kanegelo, kudu Themba, yo a bego a nyaka gore e balwe gape le gape. Efela Moh Rhode o ile a tswalela puku a efa Thoko gore a e boloke ka mokotleng wa gagwe. +Mathapameng ao ka nako ya go ya malaong Koko a re, “Thoko, gosasa ke letšatši la go bušetša puku ya gago ya bokgobapuku morago. Gomme, bošego bja lehono ke bošego bja go bala kanegelo ya go segiša la mafelelo.” Ka lethabo, Thoko o ile a bula mokotla wa gagwe efela a hwetša puku e se gona! +“Ijoo, Thoko,” a realo Koko, “o swanetše go ba o e tlogetše sekolong!” +“Aowa,” a realo Thoko, “Moh Rhode o rile go mpha yona ka e bušetša ka mokotleng!” +Thoko o be a nyaka go lla. Mošomi wa bokgobapuku o tlo reng ge a sa buše puku ka moswane? O ile a thoma go lla! +“Ke mang yo a ka e tšeago ka mokotleng wa gago?” gwa botšiša Koko. Thoko o ile a nagana a ba a nagana. +“Themba Nombela!” a realo Thoko. “O ratile kanegelo ye kudu a ba a nyaka gore e balwe gape le gape!” +“Naa Themba o a utswa?” Koko a botšiša. +“Themba ka nako ye ngwe o tšea dilo a se a di kgopele, efela o phela a di buša,” gwa fetola Thoko. +Mesong ya go latela Koko le Thoko ba ile ba ya lapeng la ga Nombela go botšiša ge eba Themba o swere puku ya bokgobapuku. +“Ee,” a realo Themba, “Ke be ke tlile go bušetša, efela Linzi Dube a re ke mo adime yona.” +Gomme Themba a bontšha Koko le Thoko fao Dube a dulago gona. E rile ge ba fihla lapeng leo, ba hwetša Linzi a le gona … efela puku e be e sego! +“Tata o e swere,” a realo Linzi. “Ga a kgone go bala efela o be a nyaka go lebelela diswantšho.” +Gomme Linzi, Themba, Thoko le Koko ba ya lapeng la boTata. Ba mo hweditše a dutše pele ga lebati la ka pele a omile ka disego. +“Ha, ha, ha! Linzi, puku ye e a segiša! Ke ipshina kudu ka yona,” mokgalabje a realo. Koko o ile a hlaloša gore ke puku ya bokgobapukung le gore ba šaletšwe ke metsotso ye mmalwa fela gore e fihle bokgobapuku ka nako. + +Thoko o be a thoma go bona Koko a sepediša ka tsela ye. Efela ba rile ga ba fihla bokgobapukung, ba hwetša lebati le tswaletšwe. Koko o badile tsebišo ya go re, “Go tlo bulwa gape ka Mošupologo.” +“Efela Koko, mošomi wa bokgobapuku o tlo befelwa ka gobane puku e be e swanetše go boa lehono.” +“O se belaele ka seo,” a realo Koko.“Ke tla hlalosetša mošomi wa bokgobapuku gore go diregile eng. Ke dumela gore o tlo kwešiša gore go diragala eng ge puku e le bose bjalo ka ye. Batho bohle ba nyaka go e bala! Re tla ipshina ka yona gape go fihlelela re e buša ka Mošupologo.” +Koko le Thoko ba iša puku bokgobapukung ka Mošupologo mosegare. Nadia o ile a lemoga gore e latetšwe. Efela e rile ge Koko a hlaloša mabaka a go dira gore e se boye ka nako ye e beilwego, Nadia a myemyela a re, “Ke kanegelo ye bose! Thoko, ka moso o tle le bagwera ba gago le bona ba diriše bokgobapuku … le rakgolo wa Linzi. Mesong ya Labohlano re ruta batho go bala.” +Gomme seo ke se se diregilego. +Ga se Themba fela yo a ratago go adima dipuku, efela Linzi le bagwera ba Thoko ba bantši bao a tsenago le bona sekolo ba ile ba thoma go diriša bokgobapuku. Rakgolo wa Linzi le yena o ile a dira bjalo! O rata mantšu a maswa ao a ithutago ona Labohlano le lengwe le le lengwe. Efela, dipuku tše a di ratago go feta tšohle, ke tša go ba le diswantšho tša go mo segiša!",nso,Sepedi,Puku ya Thoko ya bokgobapuku ya mathomo,"Thoko walked into the library with Gogo. She liked the smell of the new building. She liked the shelves of books and shiny tables. Today, she hoped to find something special to read. A storybook … with pictures! +She held Gogo’s warm hand ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/puku-ya-thoko-ya-bokgobapuku-ya-mathomo +thoko’s-first-library-book,"Thoko a kena laeboraring le Nkgono. O ne a rata monko wa moaho o motjha. O ile a rata dishelofo tsa dibuka le ditafole tse benyang. Kajeno, o ne a tshepa hore o tla fumana nthonyana e kgethehileng eo a ka e balang. Buka ya dipale … e nang le ditshwantsho! +  +A tshwara letsoho la Nkgono le mofuthu ha ba kena ka phaposing eo ho yona ho neng ho beilwe dibuka kaofela tsa bana. Mofumahatsana ya neng a le kamora deske a ba sheba a bososela. O ne a rwetse betjhe e nyane. Ho yona ho ne ho ngotswe, “Li-bra-ri-an” (Mosebetsi wa Laeboraring). +  +“Thoko o lakatsa ho adima buka ya laeborari,” ha rialo Nkgono. +  +“Na Thoko o na le karete ya laeboraring?” ha botsa mosebetsi wa laeboraring. Thoko a sisinya hlooho. “Ho lokile, o ka nna wa fumana karete ya laeborari eo ka yona o ka adimang dibuka ha Nkgono wa hao a se a tlatsitse foromo,” ha rialo mosebetsi wa laeboraring. +  +Nkgono a dula fatshe setulwaneng se sesehla tafoleng e tala mme a qala ho tlatsa foromo. Thoko a dula setulong se sefubedu mme a nna a sheba kwana le kwana. Ho ne ho ena le ditafole le ditulo tse ngata tse mebala e fapaneng. Maboteng ho ne ho ena le ditshwantsho le diphoustara tse mebalabala. Dishelofong ho ne ho ena le dibuka tse ngatangata. +  +“Ke a rata mona,” ha hweshetsa Thoko. Nkgono a mo sheba a bososela. +  +“Hobaneng o sa ilo batla buka e ntle eo o ka yang le yona hae?” ha rialo Nkgono. +  +Thoko a tsamatsamaya butle ka hara phaposi eo. Dibuka tse ding di ne di le dishelofong tse hodimo moo a ke keng a di fihlela. Tse ding o ne a kgona ho di fihlela, empa di ne di ena le mantswe a mangata haholo ho se na ditshwantsho. +  +“E re ke o bontshe moo ho beilweng dibuka tsa ditshwantsho teng, Thoko,” ha rialo mosebetsi wa laeboraring ya mosa, eo lebitso la hae e neng e le Nadia. Thoko a latela Nadia ho leba dishelofong tse neng di le bophahamo bo mo lekanang hantle. + +“O se ke wa tata,” ha rialo Nadia. “Ke tshepa hore o tla fumana buka e o tshwanetseng hantle feela.” +  +Ka nako eo Nkgono a isang foromo, Thoko o ne a se a fumane buka eo a e batlang – buka e buang ka tweba, phokojwe, sephoko, le noha LE selalome se tshosang se nang le manaka le nko e telele. +  +“Ena e shebeha e tshosa haholo. E re re bone hore ha ho e nngwe e kekeng ya o lorisa hampe bosiu,” ha rialo Nkgono. Nkgono a fumana buka e nang le bokantle bo botle. E ne e ena le setshwantsho sa mofumahadi wa feri ya apereng mose o pinki wa balei le mapheo a benyang. +  +“Ena e shebahala e le buka e kgahlisang,” ha rialo Nkgono. EmpaThoko a sisinya hlooho. O ne a tseba seo a se ratang mme a tseba seo a se batlang. Kahoo, a tiisa buka ya hae ka thata. +  +“Ee, bohle ba rata buka eno,” ha rialo mosebetsi wa laeboraring ha a bona buka eo Thoko a e kgethileng pele. Thoko a sheba buka ka hloko ha buka ya hae e bewa setempe le letsatsi leo a lokelang ho e kgutlisa ka lona. “Ha se moo!” ha rialo Nadia, a neheletsaThoko buka ya hae ya pele ya laeboraring le karete ya hae ya laeborari. +  +“Jwale o se o le leloko la laeborari,” ha rialo Nadia. Thoko o ne a thabile haholo! +  +“O tshware buka eo hantle,” ha rialo Nkgono ha ba tsamaya. +  +Buka eo! Pale e makatsang! Ditshwantsho tse makatsang! Esitana le Nkgono o ile a re ke pale ya bana e monate ka ho fetisisa eo a kileng a e bala. Mme ha Thoko a phetela bana ba bang sekolong ka pale eo, bohle ba ne ba batla ho bona ditshwantsho tseo le bona. +  +Yaba he, ka tsatsi le leng e le Labohlano, Thoko a ya le buka ya laeborari sekolong ho Mof Rhode, titjhere ya hae, hore a e bale mme a bontshe ditshwantsho. Bana ba ne ba tsheha mme +ba rata pale eo, haholoholo Themba, ya neng a batla hore e balwe hangatangata. Empa Mof Rhode a kwala buka mme a e fa Thoko hore a e kenye hantle ka mokotlaneng wa hae. +  +Mantsiboyeng ao ka nako ya ho robala, Nkgono a re, “Thoko, hosane ke letsatsi leo re lokelang ho kgutlisetsa buka laeboraring. Kahoo, kajeno ke bosiu ba ho qetela ba hore re bale pale eo e monate.” Ka nyakallo, Thoko a bula mokotlana wa hae, empa buka ya laeboraring e ne e le siyo! +  +“Jo, Thoko,” ha rialo Nkgono, “ke a kgolwa o e siile sekolong!” +  +“Tjhe,” ha rialo Thoko, “Ke ile ka e kenya ka mokotleng wa ka ha Mof Rhode a mpha yona!” +  +Thoko o ne a batla ho lla. Mosebetsi wa laeboraring o ne a tla reng ha a ne a sa kgutlise buka eo tsatsing le hlahlamang? Yaba o qalella ho lla! +  +“Ke mang ya ka e ntshang ka mokotleng wa hao?” ha botsa Nkgono. Thoko a nahanisisa. +  +“Themba Nombela!” Thoko a hoeletsa. “O ne a rata pale eo haholo hoo a neng a batla hore e balwe hangatangata!” +  +“Na Themba o a utswa?” ha botsa Nkgono. +  +“Themba ka nako tse ding o nka dintho tsa batho a sa di kopa, empa kamehla o a di kgutlisa,” ha araba Thoko. +  +Hoseng ha tsatsi le hlahlamang, Nkgono le Thoko ba ya lapeng la Nombela ho ya botsa hore ebe Themba ha a tla le buka ya laeboraring hae. +  +“Ee,” ha rialo Themba, “ke ne ke itse ke tla e kgutlisa, empa Linzi Dube a re ke mo kadime yona.” +  +Yaba Themba o bontsha Nkgono le Thoko moo ba ha Dube ba dulang teng. Ha ba fihla tlung eo, Linzi o ne a le teng … empa buka e le siyo! +  +“Tata o e nkile,” ha rialo Linzi. “Ha a tsebe ho bala, empa o ne a batla ho sheba ditshwantsho.” +  +Jwale Linzi, Themba, Thoko le Nkgono ba leba ha Tata. Ba mo fumana a dutse kantle ka pela monyako a ntse a keketeha. +  +“Ha, ha, ha! Linzi, buka ena e qabola e le kannete! E nnatefetse haholo hle,” ha rialo monnamoholo. Nkgono a hlalosa hore buka eo ke ya laeboraring le hore ba na le metsotso e seng mekae eo ba lokelang ho e kgutlisetsa laeboraring ka yona. + +Thoko o ne a qala ho bona Nkgono a phakisitse jwalo. Empa eitse ha ba fihla laeboraring, lemati le ne le kwetswe. Nkgono a bala tsebiso mme a re, “E se e tla bulwa hape ka Mantaha.” +  +“Empa Nkgono, mosebetsi wa laeboraring o tla halefa hobane buka ena e ne e lokela ho kgutla kajeno.” +  +“O se ke wa kgathatseha ka yona,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Ke tla hlalosetsa mosebetsi wa laeboraring ka se etsahetseng. Ke tshepa hore o tla utlwisisa hore ho ka etsahalang ha buka e le monate jwaloka ena. Batho kaofela ba batla ho e bala! Mme ho fihlela e eba Mantaha, re ka nna ra ithabisa ka yona hanyane.” +  +Motsheare wa mantsiboya ka Mantaha Nkgono le Thoko ba isa buka laeboraring. Nadia a elellwa hore e tlile morao ho nako. Empa ha Nkgono a hlalosa hore ke hobaneng ba sa kgona ho e kgutlisa ka nako, Nadia a bososela mme a re, “Eo ke pale e monate! Thoko, kgetlong le tlang o tle le metswalle ya hao ho ingodisa laeboraring ... mmoho le ntatemoholo wa Linzi. Re ruta batho ho bala ka Labohlano hoseng.” +  +Mme seo ke sona se ileng sa etsahala. +  +Ha se Themba feela ya ratang ho adima dibuka, empa Linzi le metswalle e mengata ya Thoko ya sekolo ba se ba ingodisitse laeboraring. Esitana le ntatemoholo wa Linzi! O rata mantswe +a matjha ao a ithutang ho a bala kamehla ka Labohlano. Empa dibuka tseo a di ratang ka ho fetisisa, ke tse nang le ditshwantsho tse mo qabolang!",sot,Sesotho,Buka ya pele ya Thoko ya laeborar,"Thoko walked into the library with Gogo. She liked the smell of the new building. She liked the shelves of books and shiny tables. Today, she hoped to find something special to read. A storybook … with pictures! +She held Gogo’s warm hand ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/buka-ya-pele-ya-thoko-ya-laeborari +2145,"Long ago, Mother Moon lit up the sky every night. She had a blanket woven from the most beautiful golden thread. Her blanket shone so brightly that there was enough light for all people to see their way through the darkness.  +Sometimes, Mother Moon wrapped her blanket tightly around herself and came down to visit the earth. One night, in the middle of winter, near the banks of a river, she came across an old woman who lived alone. The old woman was not frightened to see Mother Moon. +“Come inside,” she said and invited Mother Moon into her home. She was happy to have company.  +Mother Moon noticed that the old woman could not stop shivering and shaking because she was so cold. Mother Moon felt sorry for the old woman and gave her a piece of her golden blanket. The old woman wrapped it around her shoulders. Soon she was warm.  +“Thank you,” she said. “You are very kind.”  +But in the morning, when the old woman saw how beautiful the blanket was, she wanted another piece. She wanted to sew two pieces together to make a bigger blanket for herself.  +So the next night when Mother Moon came down to visit, the old woman told a lie and said that she was still cold. Again, Mother Moon felt sorry for the old woman and gave her a second piece of the beautiful blanket.  +In the morning, the old woman sewed the two pieces together, but she was greedy and wanted even more. Before Mother Moon came to visit on the third night, the old woman hid her blanket. She covered it well so that the golden light would not shine from her house. Then, she told Mother Moon another lie. She said that the blanket had been stolen and now she was very, very cold.  +Mother Moon felt so sad. She saw how the poor old woman was shivering in the night air. So Mother Moon gave the old woman the last little piece of the blanket she had left. Now, Mother Moon did not shine at all. She said goodbye to the old woman, wished her well and left.  +After a few days the people in the nearby village began to worry. They could no longer see in the dark. There had been no moonlight for so long that they decided to find out why. They lit lanterns and began to search. They searched for hours until they were so tired and thirsty that they stopped to rest on the banks of a river.  +As they rested, they heard a woman crying. When they looked around, they found Mother Moon. No light shone from her and she looked sad.  +“What has made you so unhappy?” they asked. “And how can we help you?”  +Mother Moon told them about her beautiful blanket and how it used to shine brightly in the night sky. She also told them how she loved to visit the earth and about the old woman who had been cold. “I cannot take the blanket back,” said Mother Moon. “The poor woman has nothing to keep her warm. But without my blanket, I cannot light up the night sky.” And she started to cry again.  +“We will help you,” said the villagers. “Come with us. We will find the old woman and talk to her.”  +They did not have to search long for the old woman’s house because the blanket shone so brightly from the inside. They called loudly until the old woman came outside.  +When the old woman saw Mother Moon standing in the darkness with tears on her cheeks, she felt ashamed for being so selfish. Without a word she gave the blanket back. The people quickly wrapped Mother Moon in her blanket, and as it touched her, it started to glow even brighter than before.  +“Before you go back to the night sky,” they said, “please tell us how to punish the old woman.”  +Mother Moon thought about this for a long while and then she said, “No, do not punish her. I would rather teach her how to share.”  +Mother Moon unpicked a thick thread from the bottom of her blanket and gave it to the old woman. “When you are cold,” she told the old woman, “pull on this thread, and then you will know what to do next.” And with that Mother Moon went back into the night sky leaving a trail of golden thread behind her.  +From that day on, Mother Moon has stayed in the night sky, shining brightly. And from that day on, once a month, when the old woman starts to feel cold, she pulls on the golden thread. She pulls and pulls gathering more and more thread to weave a golden blanket. As she does this, Mother Moon’s blanket in the sky comes undone and gets smaller and smaller until it shines no more. Then, when the old woman is warm enough, she gives thanks and lets Mother Moon take back all the thread bit by bit. Then Mother Moon weaves it until her blanket is whole again and shines brightly in the night sky.  +And that is why, every month, the moon gets smaller and bigger. That is how it has been from that day to this.",eng,English,Why the moon gets smaller and bigger,"Long ago, Mother Moon lit up the sky every night. She had a blanket woven from the most beautiful golden thread. Her blanket shone so brightly that there was enough light for all people to see their way through the darkness.  +Sometimes, ...",,Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2145 +2145,"Emandulo, uMama Nyanga wayekhanyisa isibhakabhaka njalo ebusuku. Wayenengubo eyayithungwe ngendwangu enhle kakhulu esagolide. Ingubo yakhe yayikhanya ithi bha ngendlela yokuthi kwakunokukhaya okwanele ngangokuthi bonke abantu babekwazi ukubona indlela emnyameni.  + + +  + + +Ngezinye izikhathi uMama Nyanga wayezisonga azithi ngci ngengubo ehlele emhlabeni azowuvakashela. Ngobusuku bumbe, phakathi nobusika, eduze kogu lomfula, wahlangana nesalukazi esasihlala sodwa vo. Lesi salukazi asethukanga uma sibona uMama Nyanga.  + + +  + + +“Ngena ngaphakathi,” kwasho sona semukela uMama Nyanga ukuthi angene ekhaya lakhe. Sasikujabulele ukuba nomuntu naso.  + + +  + + +UMama Nyanga waqaphela ukuthi isalukazi sasilokhu sigedezele lokho futhi siqhaqhazela ngoba sasizwela amakhaza kakhulu. UMama Nyanga waphatheka kabi ngalesi salukazi wayesesinika isiqeshana sengubo yakhe esagolide. Isalukazi semboza ngayo amahlombe. Sazizwa sesifudumele.  + + +  + + +“Ngiyabonga,” kusho sona. “Ave ulungile.”  + + +  + + +Kodwa ekuseni, isalukazi sabona ukuthi ingubo yayiyinhle kangakanani,  safuna esinye isiqephu. Sasifuna ukuthunga iziqephu ezimbili ukuze sizenzele ingubo enkudlwana.  + + +  + + +Ngakho-ke ngobusuku obulandelayo uMama Nyanga wehla wazovakasha, isalukazi saqamba amanga sathi sisagodola. UMama Nyanga waphinda waphatheka kabi ezwela isalukazi wasinikeza isiqephu sesibili sengubo enhle.  + + +  + + +Ekuseni, isalukazi sathungela iziqephu ezimbili ndawonye sazixhuma, kodwa sasiyigovu, safuna okungaphezulu kwalokho. Ngaphambi kokuthi uMama Nyanga afike azovakasha ngobusuku besithathu, isalukazi sayifihla ingubo yaso. Sayemboza kahle ngendlela yokuthi ukukhanya okusagolide kwakungabonakali kuphuma endlini yaso. Sase sitshela uMama Nyanga amanye amanga. Sathi ingubo intshontshiwe manje sesigodola kakhulu, kakhulu kunakuqala.  + + +  + + +UMama Nyanga kwamdabukisa lokhu. Wabona indlela isalukazi senkosi esase siqhaqhazela ngayo ngenxa yomoya wasebusuku. Ngakho uMama Nyanga wasinikeza isalukazi isiqeshana sokugcina sengubo ayesishiyile. Manje, uMama Nyanga wayengasakhanyi nhlobo. Wayesevalalelisa esalukazini, esifisela okuhle, wahamba.  + + +  + + +Ngemuva kwezinsuku ezimbalwa abantu bomuzi oseduze baqala ukukhathazeka. Babengasakwazi ukubona ebusuku. Kwase kuphele isikhathi eside kakhulu kungekho ukukhanya kwenyanga ngangokuthi baze banquma ukuthola imbangela yalokho. Bakhanyisa izibani baqala ukucinga. Bacinga amahora amaningi baze bakhathala, kwabhoka nokoma, base bema ogwini lomfula ukuze baphumule.  + + +  + + +Ngenkathi bephumule bezwa owesifazane okhalayo. Uma beqalaza ngapha nangapha, bathola uMama Nyanga. Kwakungekho kukhanya okuphuma kuye futhi wayebukeka edumele.  + + +  + + +“Yini ekwenze wadumala kangaka?” kubuza bona. “Singakusiza kanjani?”  + + +  + + +UMama Nyanga wabatshela ngengubo yakhe enhle nokuthi ibikhanya kangakanani ngokugqamile esibhakabhakeni. Waphinde wabatshela ukuthi wayekuthanda kanjani ukuvakashela umhlaba, nangesalukazi esasizwela amakhaza. “Angikwazi ukubuyisa ingubo kimi,” kusho uMama Nyanga. “Isalukazi senkosi asinalutho esingalwembatha ukuze sifudumale. Ngaphandle kwengubo yami, angikwazi ukukhanyisa isibhakabhaka ebusuku.” Waphinda wakhala futhi.  + + +  + + +“Sizokusiza,” kusho izakhamuzi. “Woza sihambisane. Sizosithola isalukazi sikhulume naso.”  + + +  + + +Abazange bayicinge isikhathi eside indlu yesalukazi ngoba ingubo yayikhanya ithe bha laphaya ngaphakathi. Bamemeza kakhulu isalukazi saze saphuma endlini.  + + +  + + +Kwathi uma isalukazi sibona uMama Nyanga emile ebumnyameni izinyembezi zigcwele izihlathi zakhe, asiqeda amahloni ngokuzicabangela sodwa. Ngaphandle kokuba sithi vu samnikeza ingubo yakhe. Abantu basheshisa basonga uMama Nyanga ngengubo yakhe, kwathi lapho imthinta, yaqala ukukhazimula, yakhanya kakhulu kunakuqala.  + + +�� + + +“Ngaphambi kokuthi ubuyele esibhakabhakeni sobusuku,” kwasho abantu, “sicela usitshele ukuthi sisijezise kanjani isalukazi.”  + + +  + + +UMama Nyanga wacabanga ngalokho isikhathi eside wayesethi-ke, “Cha, ningamjezisi. Okungcono angimfundise ukwabelana nabanye.”  + + +  + + +UMama Nyanga wakhipha ukotini emphethweni wengubo yakhe wawunika isalukazi. “Uma uzwela amakhaza,” etshela isalukazi, “udonse lo kotini, emva kwalokho uzobe sewazi ukuthi yini okulandelayo okumele ukwenze.” Emva kwalokho uMama Nyanga wabuyela esibhakabhakeni eshiya umkhondo wentambo kakotini esagolide ngemuva kwakhe.  + + +Ukusukela ngalolo suku, uMama Nyanga wahlala esesibhakabhakeni ebusuku, ekhazimula ngokugqamileyo. Futhi ukusukela ngalolo suku, kanye ngenyanga, uma ngabe isalukazi sesiqala ukuzwela amakhaza, sidonsa intambo kakotini esagolide. Siyidonsa siyidonse intambo leyo ize ibe ningi ngokwanele ukuthunga ingubo esagolide. Ngenkathi senza lokhu, ingubo kaMama Nyanga esibhakabhakeni iyakhumuka iphenduke ibe ncanyana ize ingakhanyi nhlobo. +Emva kwalokho uma isalukazi sesifudumele ngokwanele, siyabonga bese sidedela uMama Nyanga ukuthi athathe intambo ayibuyisele kuye kancane kancane. Emva kwalokho uMama Nyanga uyayithunga ingubo yakhe ize igcwale futhi, ibe nkulu bese ikhanya ngokugqamile esibhakabhakeni ebusuku.  + + +  + + +Yingakho-ke, njalo ngenyanga, inyanga iphenduka iba ncanyana ibuye ibe nkudlwana. Kwaba njalo kusukela ngalelo langa kuze kube namuhla.",zul,isiZulu,Kungani inyanga incipha ibuye ikhule,"Long ago, Mother Moon lit up the sky every night. She had a blanket woven from the most beautiful golden thread. Her blanket shone so brightly that there was enough light for all people to see their way through the darkness.  +Sometimes, ...",,Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2147 +2145,"Kgale kgale, Ngwedi wa Mma o be o tagiša leratadima bošego bjo bongwe le bjo bongwe. O be o na le kobo ya go logwa ka gare ya gauta ya botsekudukudu. Kobo ya ona e be e tagile kudu e direla batho bohle seetša gore  +ba kgone go bona tsela leswiswing.  +  +Ka nako ye nngwe Ngwedi wa Mma o be o itata ka kobo ya ona wa etela lefase. Bošego bjo bongwe gare ga marega, kgauswi le mariba a noka, o ile a bona mokgekolo wa go dula a le tee. Mokgekolo ga se a tšhoga ge a bona, Ngwedi wa Mma.  + +  +“Tsena,” a realo a mema Ngwedi wa Mma ka legaeng la gagwe. O thabetše go ba le moeng.  +  +Ngwedi wa Mma o lemogile gore mokgekolo o be a sa fetše go thothomela ka gobane o be a ekwa go tonya. Ngwedi wa Mma o ile wa kwela mokgekolo bohloko gomme wa mo fa seripa sa kobo. Mokgekolo o ile a itata magetla. Gateetee a tutela.  +  +“Ke a leboga,” a realo. “O lokile kudu.”  +  +Efela, mesong e rile ge a bona bobotse bja kobo, a nyaka seripa se sengwe. O be a nyaka go kopanya diripa tše pedi a itirele kobo ye kgolonyana.  +  +Gomme bošego bja go latela ge Ngwedi wa Mma a etla go etela, mokgekolo o ile a bolela maaka a re o sa kwa go tonya. Ngwedi wa Mma a mo kwela bohloko gape a mo fa seripa sa kobo ya botse.  +  +Mesong mokgekolo o ile a kopanya dirpa tše pedi tša kobo, efela o be a na le megabaru a nyaka ye nngwe gape. Mokgekolo o ile a fihla kobo pele Ngwedi wa Mma a etla go etela bošego bja go latela. O e khupeditše botse gore seetša sa gauta se seke sa taga mo ntlong ya gagwe. O ile a botša Ngwedi wa Mma maaka a mangwe gape. O rile kobo e utswitšwe bjale o kwa go tonya kudukudu.  +  +Ngwedi wa Mma o ile a nyama. O bone ka fao mokgekolo wa batho a bego a thothomela moyeng wa bošego. Gomme Ngwedi wa Mma a mo a fa mokgekolo seripa sa mafelelo sa kobo se a se tlogetšego. Bjale, Ngwedi wa Mma ga a sa phadima. O laetše mokgekolo a mo lakaletša mahlatse.  +  +Ka morago ga matšatši a mmalwa batho ba motse ba ile ba thoma go belaela. Ga ba sa kgona go bona ge go na le leswiswi. Ke sebaka se setelele ngwedi o se gona gomme ba nyaka go tseba gore ke ka lebaka la eng. Ba thumašitše dilantherene ba thoma go tsoma. Ba tsomile diiri tše nne go fihlela ba lapa ba swerwe le ke lenyora gomme ba ikhutša maribeng a noka.  +  +Ge ba ikhuditše fao, ba kwa mosadi a lla. Ba rile ge ba lebelela ba hwetša Ngwedi wa Mma. O be a se na seetša sa go taga gomme a bonala a nyamile.  +  +“O nyamišitšwe ke eng?” ba botšiša. “Gona re ka go thuša bjang?”  +  +Ngwedi wa Mma wa ba botša ka kobo ya ona ye botse le ka fao e bego a phadima leratadimeng bošego. O ba boditše le ka fao a bego a rata go etela lefase le ka ga mokgekolo wa go kwa go tonya. “Nka se mo tšeele kobo,” a realo Ngwedi wa Mma. “Mosadi wa batho ga a na sa go itutetša. Efela kantle le kobo ya ka nka se kgantšhe leratadima bošego.” Gomme a thoma go lla gape.  +  +“Re tla go thuša,” ba realo batho ba motse. “Areye le rena. Re tlo hwetša mokgekolo ra bolela le yena.”  +  +Ga se ba nyaka ntlo ya mokgekolo sebaka se setelele ka gobane kobo e be e phadima go yona. Ba ile ba goeletša kudu gomme mokgekolo a tšwa.  +  +Mokgekolo o rile go bona Ngwedi wa Mma a eme leswiswing megokgo e le marameng a lewa ke dihlong ka ge a bile le megabaru. O mo file kobo ntle le lentšu. Batho ba tata Ngwedi wa Mma ka kobo ka bjako, gomme ge e o kgoma ya taga le go fetiša.  +  +“Pele o boela leratadimeng la bošego,” ba realo, “re botše gore re fe mokgekolo kotlo efe.”  +  +Ngwedi wa Mma a nagana ka se sebakanyana gomme a re, “Aowa, le se mo otle. Ke tla upša ka mo ruta go abelana.”  +  +Ngwedi wa Mma a hlahlamolla gare ye koto morumong wa kobo ya gagwe a efa mokgekolo. “Ge o ekwa go tonya,” a realo go mokgekolo, “goga gare ye gomme o tlo tseba gore o dire eng sa go latela.” Ngwedi wa Mma wa boela leratadimeng la bošego wa tlogela mohlala wa gare ya gauta ka morago ga ona.  + +  +Go thoma letšatši leo Ngwedi wa Mma wa dula leratadimeng la bošego wa taga kudu. Go thoma letšatši leo, gatee ka kgwedi, ge mokgekolo a ekwa go tonya o goga gare ya gauta. O be a goga a ba a goga go kgoboketša gare ye ntši gore a roke kobo ya gauta. Ge a dira bjalo, kobo ya Ngwedi wa Mma e a hlahlamologa ya ba ye nnyanenyana go fihlela e se sa taga. Ge mokgekolo a fetša go tutela o leboga Ngwedi wa Mma gomme a  re Ngwedi wa Mma o tšeye gare gannyane gannyane. Ka morago Ngwedi wa Mma o a e roka go fihlela kobo ya gagwe e felelela gape gomme e phadima leratadimeng la bošego.  +  +Ke ka fao kgwedi ye nngwe le ye nngwe ngwedi o bago o monnyanenyana gape wa ba o mogolonyana. Ke ka fao go bilego ka gona go thoma letšatši leo go fihla lehono.",nso,Sepedi,Lebaka la go dira gore ngwed,"Long ago, Mother Moon lit up the sky every night. She had a blanket woven from the most beautiful golden thread. Her blanket shone so brightly that there was enough light for all people to see their way through the darkness.  +Sometimes, ...",,Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2151 +2145,"ehleng ya kgalekgale, Mme Kgwedi o ne a bonesa sepakapaka bosiu bo bong le bo bong. O ne a ena le kobo e lohilweng ka kgwele e ntle ka ho fetisisa e mmala wa kgauta. Kobo ya hae e ne e benya ka kganya e kgolo hoo ho neng ho eba le kganya e lekaneng bakeng sa batho bohle ho ka bona tsela lefifing.  +  +Ka nako tse ding, Mme Kgwedi o ne a ithatela ka kobo ya hae mme a theohele lefatsheng. Bosiung bo bong, bohareng ba mariha, haufi le lebopo la noka, a kopana le mosadimoholo ya neng a dula a le mong. Mosadimoholo eo o ne a sa tshoha ha a bona Mme Kgwedi.  + +  +“Kena,” a rialo a mema Mme Kgwedi hore a kene lapeng la hae. O ne a thabetse ho ba le moeti.  +  +Mme Kgwedi a elellwa kamoo mosadimoholo eo a thothomelang ka teng ka lebaka la mohatsela. Mme Kgwedi a utlwela mosadimoholo bohloko mme a mo fa sekotwana sa kobo ya hae e mmala wa kgauta. Mosadimoholo a ikapesa yona mahetleng. Ka mora nakwana o ne a se a futhumetse.  +  +“Ke a leboha,” a rialo. “O mosa e le kannete.”  +  +Empa hoseng, ha mosadimoholo a bona kamoo kobo eo e leng ntle kateng, a batla sekgetjhana se seng hape. O ne a batla ho rokella dikgetjhana tse pedi mmoho ho iketsetsa kobo e kgolwanyana.  +  +Yaba bosiung bo latelang ha Mme Kgwedi a tlo eta hape, mosadimoholo o mmolella leshano a re o ntse a hatsetse. Yaba Mme Kgwedi o utlwela mosadimoholo bohloko hape, mme a mo fa sekgetjhana sa bobedi sa kobo e ntle.  +  +Hoseng, mosadimoholo a rokella dikgetjhana tse pedi mmoho, empa o ne a le meharo mme a batla e nngwe hape. Pele Mme Kgwedi a tlo eta bosiung ba boraro, mosadimoholo a pata kobo ya hae. A e kwahela hantle hoo kganya ya yona e kgauta e neng e sa kgone ho bonesa ntlo ya hae. Yaba o bolella Mme Kgwedi leshano le leng hape. A re kobo eo e utswitswe mme jwale o ne a hatsetse haholo ho feta.  +  +Mme Kgwedi a utlwa bohloko. O ne a bona kamoo mosadimoholo wa  batho a thothomelang kateng moyeng wa bosiu. Kahoo Mme Kgwedi a fa mosadimoholo sekgetjhana sa ho qetela sa kobo se neng se setse. Jwale, Mme Kgwedi o ne a se a sa kganye hohang. A dumedisa mosadimoholo, a mo lakaletsa mahlohonolo mme a tsamaya.  +  +Ka mora matsatsi a mmalwa batho ba motseng o haufi ba qala ho kgathatseha. Ba ne ba sa kgone ho bona lefifing. Ho ne ho se ngwedi ka nako e telele hoo ba ileng ba etsa qeto ya ho batlisisa lebaka. Ba ile ba bonesa mabone a dilanterene mme ba qalella ho batlisisa. Ba qetile dihora tse ngata ba batla ho fihlela ba kgathala ba bile ba nyorilwe hoo ba ileng ba emisa ho phomola lebopong la noka.  +  +Ha ba ntse ba phomotse, ba utlwa mosadi ya llang. Mme yare ha ba shebisisa, ba bona Mme Kgwedi. Ho ne ho se ngwedi e kganyang ho yena mme o ne a shebahala a hloname.  +  +“Ke eng e o hlonamisitseng hakaale?” ba mmotsa. “Mme re ka o thusa jwang?”  +  +Mme Kgwedi a ba bolella ka kobo ya hae e ntle le kamoo e neng e benya ka kganya e kgolo kateng bosiu. Hape a ba bolella kamoo a neng a rata ho etela lefatsheng kateng le mabapi le mosadimoholo ya neng a hatsetse. “Ha ke kgone ho hlotha kobo eo,” ha rialo Mme Kgwedi. “Mosadi wa batho ha a na ntho eo a ka e aparang ho iphuthumetsa. Empa kantle ho kobo ya ka, nkeke ka kgona ho bonesa sepakapaka bosiu.” Yaba o qalella ho lla hape.  +  +“Re tla o thusa,” ha araba baahi ba motse. “Tloo le rona. Re tla batla mosadimoholo eo mme re bue le yena.”  +  +Ha ba ka ba hloka le ho batla ntlo ya mosadimoholo nako e telele hobane kobo e ne e benya ka kganya e kgolo ho tswa ka hare. Ba hoeletsa haholo ho fihlela mosadimoholo a tswela ka ntle.  +  +Ha mosadimoholo a bona Mme Kgwedi a eme lefifing ka dikeledi tse theosang marameng, a itshwabela ka ketso ya hae ya ho inahanela a le mong. Ntle le ho bua lentswe le le leng a kgutlisa kobo eo. Batho ba potlaka ba apesa Mme Kgwedi kobo ya hae, mme eitse hang ha e mo thetsa, ya qala ho kganya haholo le ho feta pele.  +  +“Pele o kgutlela hodimo sepakapakeng sa bosiu,” ba rialo, “re kopa o re bolelle hore re ka fa mosadimoholo enwa kotlo e jwang.”  +  +Mme Kgwedi a nahanisisa taba ena nako e telele mme yaba o re, “Tjhe, le se ke la mo fa kotlo. Nka mpa ka mo ruta ho abelana dintho le ba bang.”  +  +Mme Kgwedi a harolla kgwele tlasetlase kobong ya hae mme a e fa mosadimoholo. “Ha o hatsetse,” a bolella mosadimoholo, “hula kgwele ena, mme o tla tseba seo o lokelang ho se etsa.” Kamora moo Mme Kgwedi a kgutlela hodimo sepakapakeng sa bosiu a setswe morao ke kgwele e mmala wa kgauta ho tloha fatshe.  + +  +Ho tloha letsatsing leo, Mme Kgwedi haesale a dula hodimo sepakapakeng, a bonesitse ka kganya. Mme ho tloha letsatsing leo, ha nngwe ka kgwedi, ha mosadimoholo a qala ho hatsela, o hula kgwele ya kgauta. O a e hula a e hule a bokelle e ngata e lekaneng ho loha kobo ya kgauta. Ha a ntse a etsa sena, Kobo ya Mme Kgwedi hodimo sepakapakeng e a thatoloha mme e nne e be nyane jwalojwalo ho fihlela e se e sa bonesa. Mme ha mosadimoholo a se a futhumetse, o a leboha mme o tlohela hore Mme Kgwedi a hule kgwele eo hanyane hanyane a e nke hape. Jwale ebe Mme Kgwedi o a e loha ho fihlela kobo e felletse hape mme e bonesa ka kganya e le hodimo bosiu.  +  +Mme ke kahoo, kgweding e nngwe le e nngwe, kgwedi e eba nyane e boele e be kgolo. Ke kamoo e bileng ka teng ho tloha tsatsing leo ho fihlela kajeno.",sot,Sesotho,Hobaneng ha kgwedi e eba nyane ebile e eba kgolo,"Long ago, Mother Moon lit up the sky every night. She had a blanket woven from the most beautiful golden thread. Her blanket shone so brightly that there was enough light for all people to see their way through the darkness.  +Sometimes, ...",,Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2153 +2145,"Kudaladala, uMama uNyanga wayekhanyisa isibhakabhaka rhoqo ebusuku. Wayenengubo ethungiweyo, eyayenziwe ngewulu nerhali entle yegolide. Ingubo yakhe yayibengezela kakhulu, kangangokuba kwakukho ukukhanya okwaneleyo ukuze bonke abantu bakwazi ukubona ebumnyameni  +  +Maxa wambi, uMama uNyanga wayezisonga aziqinise ngengubo yakhe, ehle aze kutyelela emhlabeni. Ngobunye ubusuku, phakathi kanye ebusika, kufuphi nonxweme lomlambo, wadibana nexhegwazana elalihlala lodwa. Eli xhegwazana lalingoyikiswa kukubona uMama uNyanga.  + +  +“Ngena ngaphakathi,” latsho eli xhegwazana limemela uMama uNyanga kwikhaya lalo. Lalivuya kakhulu kuba laliza kukhe libenomntu eliza kuhlala naye.  +  +UMama uNyanga waqaphela ukuba umakhulu wayengayeki ukuqhaqhazela nokungcangcazela kuba wayegodola kakhulu. UMama uNyanga walisizela eli xhegwazana waze walisikela isicwili selatshana kuloo ngubo yakhe yegolide. Eli xhegwazana lombathisa amagxa alo ngeso sigqwengana. Kungekudala laziva lifudumele.  +  +“Enkosi kakhulu,” latsho eli xhegwazana. “Unobubele kakhulu.”  +  +Kodwa kusasa, lakuyibona ixhegwazana indlela entle ngayo ingubo, lafuna esinye isicwili sayo. Lalifuna ukudibanisa izicwili ezibini kunye ukuze lizenzele ingubo enkudlwana.  +  +Kuthe ke ngosuku olulandelayo xa uMama uNyanga elityelele kwakhona, eli xhegwazana lamxokisa lisithi lisagodola. Kwakhona, uMama uNyanga walisizela eli xhegwazana waze walinika isicwili sesibini sengubo leyo intle.  +  +Kusasa, eli xhegwazana lathunga izicwili ezibini lazidibanisa, kodwa lalirhala, lingoneli lifuna okungaphezulu koko. Phambi kokuba uMama uNyanga aze kulityelela kusuku lwesithathu, eli xhegwazana layifihla ingubo yalo eliyithungileyo. Layogquma kakuhle ukwenzela ukuba ukukhanya okugolide kungakhazimli konke endlwini yalo. Emva koko, laxelela uMama uNyanga obunye ubuxoki. Lathi ingubo yalo ibiwe kwaye ngoku ligodola gqitha.  +  +UMama uNyanga wakhathazeka kakhulu. Wayeyibona indlela eli xhegwazana elaliqhaqhazela ngayo kuloo moya wasebusuku. Ngoko ke, uMama uNyanga walinika eli xhegwazana ingutyana yokugqibela eyayishiyekile. Ngoku, uMama uNyanga wayengasakhazimli konke. Wavalelisa kweli xhegwazana, elinqwenelela okuhle wemka.  +  +Emva kweentsuku ezimbalwa abantu kwilali ekufuphi baqalisa ukuxhalaba. Babengasakwazi ukubona ebumnyameni. Yanqaba inyanga ixesha elide kakhulu, bade bafuna ukuqonda ukuba kwenzeka ntoni na. Balayita izibane zabo, baqalisa ukukhangela. Bakhangela iiyure ezininzi, de badinwa baze banxanwa bancama baphumla elunxwemeni lwaloo mlambo.  +  +Besaphumle njalo, beva ilizwi lomfazi olilayo. Xa belaqaza, bafumanisa ukuba nguMama uNyanga lowo. Kwakungekho kukhanya kuye kwaye wayebonakala edakumbile.  +  +“Yintoni le ekunxunguphalise kangaka?” bambuza njalo. “Khona, singakunceda njani?”  +  +UMama uNyanga wababalisela ngengubo yakhe entle nendlela eyayikhazimla ngayo esibhakabhakeni ebusuku. Kananjalo wababalisela nangendlela awayethanda ngayo ukutyelela emhlabeni nangexhegwazana elaligodola. “Andikwazi ukuyoxutha ingubo yam,” watsho uMama uNyanga. “Olu sizana lomfazi alunanto yakuzifudumeza. Kodwa ngaphandle kwengubo yam, andikwazi ukukhanyisa isibhakabhaka ebusuku.” Waphinda wasitsho isikhalo kwakhona.  +  +“Siza kukunceda,” batsho abahlali. “Hamba nathi. Siza kulifumana eli xhegwazana ze sithethe nalo.”  +  +Abazange bayikhangele thuba lide indlu yeli xhegwazana kuba ingubo yayikhazimla kakhulu ngaphakathi. Bakhwaza kakhulu de eli xhegwazana laphuma phandle.  +  +Eli xhegwazana lathi lakumbona uMama uNyanga eme ebumnyameni eneenyembenzi ezidleleni zakhe, lafa ziintloni, ladana ngenxa yokucingela isiqu salo sodwa, lingakuhoyi okwenzeka komnye umntu. Lingathethanga nelimdaka eli xhegwazana, lasuka lamnika ingubo leyo yakhe. Abantu bakhawuleza bamombathisa uMama uNyanga ngengubo yakhe, yaza yathi nje ukuba ithi nca kuye, yaqalisa ukukhazimla, yatsho ngesithatha esikhulu kunangaphambili.  +  +“Phambi kokuba ubuyele esibhakabhakeni ngobu busuku banamhlanje,” batsho, “nceda usixelele ukuba silohlwaye njani na eli xhegwazana.”  +  +UMama uNyanga wakucinga oku ixesha elide waze wathi, “Hayi, musani ukumohlwaya. Kunoko, ndifuna ukumfundisa ukwabelana.”  +  +UMama uNyanga waqhaqha umsonto omkhulu kumazantsi engubo yakhe, waze wawunika eli xhegwazana. “Xa ugodola,” watsho exelela eli xhegwazana, “tsala loo msonto, emva koko uyakukwazi okumele ukwenze.” Akuwagqiba loo mazwi uMama uNyanga wabuyela esibhakabhakeni kobo busuku, eshiya umsonto omde wegolide uthe rhwelele emva kwakhe.  + +  +Ukusukela ngaloo mini, uMama uNyanga wahlala esibhakabhakeni, ebengezela kakhulu. Kwaye ukusukela ngaloo mini, kanye ngenyanga, xa eli xhegwazana liqalisa ukuziva ligodola, litsala loo msonto wegolide. Litsala, litsale, liqokelele loo mfumba yomsonto ukuze likwazi ukoluka ingubo yegolide. Njengokuba lisenza oku nje, ingubo kaMama uNyanga esibhakabhakeni iqhaqheka ngokuqhaqheka, ze ibencinane kakhulu de iyeke ukukhazimla ngokubonakalayo. +Emva koko, xa eli xhegwazana lifudumele ngokwaneleyo, liyabulela ze livumele uMama uNyanga ukuba awutsalele kuye kancinane loo msonto kwelinye icala elisesibhakabhakeni. Emva koko, uMama uNyanga woluka ingubo yakhe de iphelele kwakhona, ize ikhazimle ngobuqaqawuli kwisibhakabhaka esimnyama ebusuku.  +  +Yiyo loo nto ke, rhoqo ngenyanga, inyanga imana iba ncinane iphinde ibe nkulu. Isoloko isenza njalo ukusukela ngaloo mini ukuza kuthi ga ngoku.",xho,isiXhosa,Kutheni inyanga imana incipha iphinde ibenkulu | ],"Long ago, Mother Moon lit up the sky every night. She had a blanket woven from the most beautiful golden thread. Her blanket shone so brightly that there was enough light for all people to see their way through the darkness.  +Sometimes, ...",,Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2155 +2145,"Lank gelede het Moeder Maan elke nag die naghemel verlig. Sy het ’n kombers gehad wat van die pragtigste goue draad geweef was. Haar kombers het so helder geskyn dat daar genoeg lig was vir al die mense om hulle pad in die donker te vind.  + + +  + + +Soms het Moeder Maan haar kombers styf om haar gedraai en op die aarde kom kuier. Een nag, in die middel van die winter, naby die wal van ’n rivier, kom sy ’n ou vrou teë wat alleen woon. Die ou vrou is nie bang toe sy vir Moeder Maan sien nie.  + + + + + +  + + +“Kom binne,” sê sy en nooi Moeder Maan in haar huis in. Sy is bly om geselskap te hê.  + + +  + + +Moeder Maan sien dat die ou vrou nie kan ophou bibber en beef van die koue nie. Moeder Maan voel jammer vir die ou vrou en gee vir haar ’n stukkie van haar goue kombers. Die ou vrou draai dit om haar skouers. Gou is sy lekker warm.  + + +  + + +“Dankie,” sê sy. “Jy is baie gaaf.”  + + +  + + +Maar toe dit oggend raak en die ou vrou sien hoe pragtig die kombers is, wil sy nog ’n stukkie hê. Sy wil twee stukke aan mekaar vaswerk om ’n groter kombers vir haarself te maak.  + + +  + + +Die volgende aand toe Moeder Maan weer kom kuier, vertel die ou vrou toe ’n leuen, en sê dat sy nog steeds koud kry. Weer voel Moeder Maan jammer vir die ou vrou, en gee vir haar nog ’n stukkie van die pragtige kombers.  + + +  + + +Die volgende oggend werk die ou vrou die twee stukke aan mekaar vas, maar sy is gierig, en wil selfs meer hê. Voor Moeder Maan op die derde aand kom kuier, steek die ou vrou haar kombers weg. Sy bedek dit so goed dat die kombers se goue gloed nie uit haar huis gesien sal word nie. Toe vertel sy vir Moeder Maan nog ’n leuen. Sy sê dat die kombers gesteel is en dat sy��nou baie, baie koud kry.  + + +  + + +Moeder Maan voel baie hartseer. Sy sien hoe die arme ou vrou in die naglug bewe. Moeder Maan gee toe vir die ou vrou die laaste stuk van haar kombers. Nou gloei Moeder Maan glad nie. Sy groet die ou vrou, wens haar alles wat mooi is toe, en vertrek.  + + +  + + +Na ’n paar dae begin die mense in die dorpie daar naby bekommerd raak. Hulle kan nie meer in die donker sien nie. Daar is al vir ’n hele ruk nie meer maanlig nie en daarom besluit hulle om uit te vind waarom nie. Hulle steek lanterns aan en begin soek. Hulle soek ure lank totdat hulle so moeg en dors is dat hulle op die wal van ’n rivier gaan staan om te rus.  + + +  + + +Terwyl hulle rus, hoor hulle ’n vrou huil. Toe hulle begin rondkyk, kry hulle vir Moeder Maan. Sy straal geen lig uit nie, en sy lyk hartseer.  + + +  + + +“Wat maak jou so ongelukkig?” vra hulle. “En hoe kan ons jou help?”  + + +  + + +Moeder Maan vertel hulle van haar pragtige kombers en hoe helder dit in die naghemel geskyn het. Sy vertel ook vir hulle hoe graag sy aarde toe gekom het en van die ou vrou wat so koud gekry het. “Ek kan nie die kombers terugvat nie,” sê Moeder Maan. “Die arme vrou het niks om haar warm te hou nie. Maar sonder my kombers kan ek nie die naghemel verlig nie.” En sy begin weer huil.  + + +  + + +“Ons sal jou help,” sê die mense van die dorpie. “Kom saam met ons. Ons sal die ou vrou gaan soek en met haar praat.”  + + +  + + +Hulle hoef nie lank vir die ou vrou se huis te soek nie, want die kombers skyn baie helder van binne af. Hulle roep hard totdat die ou vrou buitentoe kom.  + + +  + + +Toe die ou vrou Moeder Maan in die donker met trane op haar wange sien staan, voel sy skaam omdat sy so selfsugtig was. Sonder ’n woord gee sy die kombers terug. Die mense draai Moeder Maan gou in haar kombers toe, en toe dit aan haar raak, begin dit selfs helderder as tevore skyn.  + + +  + + +“Voor jy teruggaan na die naghemel,” sê hulle, “sê asseblief vir ons hoe om die ou vrou te straf.”  + + +  + + +Moeder Maan dink ’n lang tyd hieroor na en toe sê sy: “Nee, moet haar nie straf nie. Ek sal haar eerder wil leer hoe om te deel.”  + + +  + + +Moeder Maan trek ’n dik draad aan die onderkant van die kombers uit, en gee dit vir ou vrou. “Wanneer jy koud kry,” sê sy vir die ou vrou, “trek aan hierdie draad, en dan sal jy weet wat om volgende te doen.” En daarmee gaan Moeder Maan terug na die naghemel, met ’n goue draad wat agter haar aansleep.  + + + + + +  + + +Van daardie dag af bly Moeder Maan in die naghemel, en skyn helder. En van daardie dag af trek die ou vrou, een keer ’n maand, wanneer sy begin koud kry, aan die goue draad. Sy trek en trek meer en meer van die goue draad los om ’n goue kombers te weef. Terwyl sy dit doen, torring Moeder Maan se kombers in die naghemel los en raak kleiner en kleiner totdat dit glad nie meer skyn nie. Dan, wanneer die ou vrou weer warm genoeg kry, sê sy vir Moeder Maan dankie en laat Moeder Maan die goue draad stukkie vir stukkie terugneem. Dan weef Moeder Maan dit in haar kombers in tot dit weer heel is en weer helder in die naghemel skyn.  + + +  + + +En dit is waarom die maan elke maand kleiner en groter word. En dit is hoe dit van daardie dag af is tot vandag toe.",afr,Afrikaans,Waarom die maan kleiner en groter word,"Long ago, Mother Moon lit up the sky every night. She had a blanket woven from the most beautiful golden thread. Her blanket shone so brightly that there was enough light for all people to see their way through the darkness.  +Sometimes, ...",,Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2157 +2057,"Hanna’s dad was a fisherman. He dashed out of the house to go to sea. He waved goodbye as he left. Hanna knew he would be away for days and days, but when he came home, he would bring back fresh fish to fry. +  +Then Hanna’s mom whooshed away like the wind. She had to work every day of the week for a whole month. +  +“I’m late,” she shouted. “Tannie Taliep from next door is coming over. Stay inside until she comes. See you later. Love you lots.” She blew kisses as she ran for the bus. +  +Hanna stared through the window at the blue, blue sky. She felt all alone. She picked up a piece of paper and a pencil and made a drawing of a face with tears running down the cheeks. Then she heard Tannie Taliep unlock the front door. +  +“Morning, Hanna,” said Tannie Taliep. “What’s this?” She took the piece of paper and looked at it. “Mmm,” she said, “no time for nonsense. Go to Allie’s next door and buy bread and milk. I need my tea.” +  +As she closed the front door, Hanna saw her drawing crumpled in a little ball on the kitchen floor. At Allie’s, she waited until Mr Ismail saw her. +  +“Hello, Hanna,” he said smiling. “Bread and milk as usual? Still not tall enough to reach the shelf?” She shook her head. “Never mind, you’ll grow soon.” +  +He laughed kindly and she smiled back at him. Then she looked down. On the floor, next to her feet was a piece of paper – one page with a few words and a lot of pictures on it. She picked it up. Mr Ismail saw it. +  +“You’ll be surprised what the wind blows in here,” he said. “You can have it if you want.” He handed her the bread and milk. “Here you go – here’s your shopping.” +  +“Hurry-hurry,” shouted Tannie Taliep as Hanna opened the door, “my soapie has already started on TV.” She took the shopping bag from Hanna and made tea in a hurry. +  +Hanna sat down at the kitchen table. She smoothed out the piece of paper she had picked up and read one word – Jamela. There were lots of pictures of Jamela. Jamela blowing out candles on a birthday cake. Jamela hiding in a cardboard box. Jamela wrapped in a lovely cloth and Jamela holding a little red hen. + +  +Hanna sighed. She wished it was Monday. She wanted to see if there was someone at school named Jamela. She wanted to find a friend just like Jamela. +  +On Monday, she ran to Miss Witbooi’s class. “Please, Miss, do you know Jamela?” +  +“There’s no Jamela here. Go back to your class,” said Miss Witbooi. +  +On Tuesday, Hanna went to Mrs Booysen’s class. “Please, Mrs …”, but she didn’t get any further. +  +“Hanna Pieterse! What are you doing here? Lessons have started,” shouted Mrs Booysen. +  +On Wednesday, she asked Mr Hendricks. But no one knew Jamela. +  +Hanna looked at the pictures on the piece of paper so many times that the page fell to pieces and Jamela was gone. +  +Then one day, the whole class went on an outing to the library. There, behind the counter, was a woman with a kind face. Hanna went up to her. +  +“Ye-es,” said the woman. “Have you chosen a book?” +  +Hanna shook her head, then asked, “Do you know Jamela?” +  +The woman leaned forward. “Are you with the class that is here on an outing?” she asked. Hanna nodded and hoped the woman would not be angry. The woman frowned. She walked to the other side of the counter and took Hanna by the hand. “Come with me,” she said and smiled. “I do know a little girl named Jamela. I also know a little boy named Ashraf. I even know a mouse named Wolfgang.” +  +For one whole wonderful, exciting hour, Hanna met so-oo many friends. She opened books and went to different places all over the world. On the pages, she saw the most amazing things. In the pictures, she saw all the wonderful things that Jamela did. +  +When Hanna’s mom stopped working on weekends and her father was home from the sea, they sat together and read books. Together they went shopping with Jamela and dancing with Papa Lucky. They even went for a walk with a giraffe. + +  +And Hanna forgot all about drawing sad faces and feeling alone because now she never was. +Get creative! +Jamela and Papa Lucky from Hanna’s friends are characters from picture books by South African children’s author, Niki Daly. Which story characters are your children’s favourites? Encourage them to draw pictures of one or more of their favourite story characters and then to make up a new story featuring these characters.",eng,English,Hanna’s friends,"Hanna’s dad was a fisherman. He dashed out of the house to go to sea. He waved goodbye as he left. Hanna knew he would be away for days and days, but when he came home, he would bring back fresh fish to fry. +  +Then Hanna’s mom ...",,By Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2057 +2057,"Hanna se pa is ’n visserman. Hy haas by die voordeur uit om see toe te gaan. Hy waai tot siens terwyl hy wegloop. Hanna weet hy gaan dae lank weg wees, maar wanneer hy huis toe kom, sal hy lekker vars vis bring om te eet. +  +Toe swiep Hanna se ma weg soos die wind. Sy moet ’n hele maand lank elke dag van die week werk. +  +“Ek’s laat,” roep sy. “Tannie Taliep van langsaan kom oor. Bly binne tot sy kom. Sien jou later. Lief jou baie.” Sy waai soentjies terwyl sy hardloop om die bus te haal. +  +Hanna staar by die venster uit na die blou, blou lug. Sy voel heeltemal alleen. Sy tel ’n vel papier en ’n potlood op en teken ’n gesig met trane wat teen die wange afloop. Toe hoor sy hoe Tannie Taliep die voordeur oopsluit. +  +“Môre, Hanna,” sê Tannie Taliep. “Wat het jy daar?” Sy vat die stuk papier en kyk daarna. “Mmm,” sê sy, “g’n tyd vir nonsens nie. Gaan koop gou melk en brood by Allie se winkel. Dis tyd vir my tee.” +  +Toe sy die voordeur toemaak, sien Hanna haar tekening in ’n klein, opgefrommelde bolletjie op die kombuisvloer. By Allie se winkel wag sy tot mnr. Ismail haar sien. +  +“Hallo, Hanna,” sê hy met ’n glimlag. “Brood en melk soos gewoonlik? Nog nie lank genoeg om by die rak by te kom nie?” Sy skud haar kop. “Toemaar, een van die dae is jy lank genoeg.” +  +Hy lag vriendelik en sy glimlag vir hom. Toe kyk sy af. Op die vloer, by haar voete, lê ’n stuk papier – een bladsy met ’n paar woorde en baie prente daarop. Sy tel dit op. Mnr. Ismail sien dit. +  +“Jy sal verbaas wees oor wat die wind hier inwaai,” sê hy. “Jy kan maar die papier vat as jy dit wil hê.” Hy gee vir haar die brood en melk. “Daar’s hy – jou inkopies.” +  +“Toe-toe, maak gou,” roep Tannie Taliep toe Hanna die deur oopmaak, “my TV-sepie het al begin.” Sy vat die inkopiesak by Hanna en maak gou-gou tee. +  +Hanna gaan sit by die kombuistafel. Sy vee die stuk papier wat sy opgetel het glad en lees een woord – Jamela. Daar is baie prente van Jamela. Jamela wat kersies op ’n verjaardagkoek uitblaas. Jamela wat in ’n kartonboks wegkruip. Jamela wat in ’n pragtige stuk materiaal toegedraai is en Jamela wat ’n klein rooi hennetjie vashou. + +  +Hanna sug. Sy wens dit was Maandag. Sy wil sien of daar iemand by die skool is met die naam Jamela. Sy wil ’n maat soos Jamela hê. +  +Maandag hardloop sy na Juffrou Witbooi se klas toe. “Juffrou, ken juffrou vir Jamela?” +  +“Daar’s geen Jamela hier nie. Gaan terug na jou klas toe,” sê Juffrou Witbooi. +  +Dinsdag gaan Hanna na mev. Booysen se klas toe. “Juffrou, …”, maar sy kom niks verder nie. +  +“Hanna Pieterse! Wat maak jy hier? Die klasse het begin,” skree mev. Booysen. +  +Woensdag vra Hanna vir mnr. Hendricks. Maar niemand ken vir Jamela nie. +  +Hanna kyk so baie na die prente op die stuk papier dat die bladsy in stukkies skeur, en Jamela is weg. +  +Toe, op ’n dag, gaan die hele klas op ’n uitstappie na die biblioteek. Daar, agter die toonbank, is ’n vrou met ’n vriendelike gesig. Hanna stap na haar toe. +  +“Ja-a,” sê die vrou. “Het jy al ’n boek gekies?” +  +Hanna skud haar kop en vra dan: “Ken u vir Jamela?” +  +Die vrou leun vorentoe. “Is jy deel van die klas wat hier is vir die uitstappie?” vra sy. Hanna knik en hoop die vrou sal nie kwaad wees nie. Die vrou frons. Sy kom uit agter die toonbank en vat Hanna se hand. “Kom saam met my,” sê sy en glimlag. “Ek ken ’n klein dogtertjie met die naam Jamela. Ek ken ook ’n klein seuntjie met die naam Ashraf. Ek ken selfs ’n muis met die naam Wolfgang.” +  +Een volle, wonderlike uur lank maak Hanna so-oo baie maats. Sy maak boeke oop en reis na verskillende plekke oral oor die hele wêreld. Op die bladsye sien sy die ongelooflikste dinge. In die prente sien sy al die wonderlike dinge wat Jamela doen. +  +Toe Hanna se ma nie meer naweke werk nie, en haar pa terug is van die see af, sit hulle saam en boeke lees. Saam gaan doen hulle inkopies saam met Jamela en dans saam met Papa Lucky. Hulle gaan stap selfs saam met ’n kameelperd. + +  +En Hanna vergeet skoon daarvan om hartseer gesigte te teken en alleen te voel, want nou is sy nooit meer hartseer of alleen nie. +Wees kreatief! +Jamela en Papa Lucky in die storie, Hanna se maats, is karakters uit prenteboeke deur die Suid-Afrikaanse kinderboekskrywer, Niki Daly. Watter storiekarakters is jou kinders se gunstelinge? Moedig hulle aan om prente van een of meer van hul gunstelingkarakters te teken en dan ’n nuwe storie met hierdie karakters op te maak.",afr,Afrikaans,Hanna se maats,"Hanna’s dad was a fisherman. He dashed out of the house to go to sea. He waved goodbye as he left. Hanna knew he would be away for days and days, but when he came home, he would bring back fresh fish to fry. +  +Then Hanna’s mom ...",,Deur Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2059 +2057,"Tatago Hanna e be e le motheadihlapi. O ile a tšwa a kitima ka ntlong go ya lewatleng. O ile a ba emišetša seatla go ba šadiša ge a tloga. Hanna o be a tseba gore o tla be a sego matšatši le matšatši, efela ge a boa gae, o tla boa le dihlapi tše diswa go tlo di gadika. +  +Ka morago mmago Hanna o ile a tšwa ka lebelo la sesasedi. O be a swanetše go šoma letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe la beke kgwedi ka moka. +  +“Ke šaletše,” a goeletša. “Tanni Taliep wa moagaišane o etla. Le dule ka gare go fihlela a goroga. Ke tla le bona moragonyana. Ke le rata kudukudu.” O ile a budulela moyeng dikatlo ge a kitimela paseng. +  +Hanna o ile a lebelela ka lefasetere leratadimeng le letalalerata. O ile a ikwa a nnoši. O ile a topa seripa sa pampiri le phensele gomme a dira sethalwa sa sefahlego ka dikeledi di theogela tlase marameng. Ka morago a kwa Tannie Taliep a notlolla lebati la ka pele. +  +“Dumela, Hanna,” gwa realo Tannie Taliep. “Ke eng se?” A tšea seripa sa pampiri gomme a e lebelela. “Mmm,” a realo, “ga go nako ya ditšhila tše. Eya go Allie wa moagišane gomme o reke borotho le maswi. Ke nyaka teye ya ka.” +  +Ge a tswalela lebati la ka pele, Hanna o bone sethalwa sa gagwe se šošobantšwe o kare ke kgwele lebatong la ka moraleng, o ile a leta go fihlela Mna Ismail a mmona. +  +“Dumela Hanna,” a realo a myemyela. “Borotho le maswi go swana le ka mehla? Ga se wa hlwa o telefala go fihlelela šelefo?” O ile a šišinya hlogo ya gagwe. “Se tshwenyege, o tla gola e se kgale.” +  +O ile a sega ka bonolo ge a mo myemyelela. Gomme a lebelela fase. Mo lebatong, kgauswi le maoto a gagwe go be go na le seripa sa pampiri – letlakala le tee la go ba le mantšu a mmalwa le diswantšho tše dintšintši. O ile a le topa. Mna Ismail o bone seo. +  +“O tla makatšwa ka seo phefo e se fokišetšago fa,” a realo. “O ka no le tšea ge o nyaka.” O ile a mo fa borotho le maswi. “O ka sepela bjale – direkwa tša gago šedi.” +  +“Phakiša-phakiša,” Tannie Taliep a goeletša ge Hanna a bula lebati, “Soupi ya ka e šetše e thomile mo go TV.” A tšea mokotlana wa go yo reka go tšwa go Hanna gomme a dira teye ka lebelo. +  +O ile a dula tafoleng ya ka moraleng. O ile a phurulla seripa sa pampiri yeo a e topilego gomme a bala lentšu le tee – Jamela. Go be go na le diswantšho tše dintši tša Jamela. Jamela a budula dikgantlele khekheng ya gagwe ya letšatši la matswalo. Jamela a khutile ka lepokising la khatepoto. Jamela a tateditšwe ka lešela le lebotse gomme a swere kgogo ye nnyane ye hubedu. + +  +Hanna o ile a gogela moya ka teng. O be duma ge nkabe e le Mošupologo. O be a nyaka go bona ge eba go na le yo mongwe sekolong yo a bitšwago Jamela. O be nyaka go hwetša mogwera wa go swana le Jamela. +  +Ka Mošupologo, o ile a kitimela ka mphatong wa Mtšana Witbooi. “Ka kgopela, Mtšana, o tseba Jamela?” +  +“Ga go na Jamela fa. Boela morago ka mphatong wa gago,” Mtšana Witbooi a realo. +  +Ka Labobedi, Hanna a ya ka mphatong wa Mdi Booysen. “Ka kgopela, Mdi …”, efela ga se a ka a ya kgole. +  +“Hanna Pieterse! O dira eng fa? Dithuto di thomile,” Mdi Booysen a goeletša. +  +Ka Laboraro a botšiša Mna Hendricks. Efela go be go se yo a tsebago Jamela. +  +Hanna o ile a lebelela diswantšho seripeng sa pampiri makga a mantši kudu go fihlela ge letlakala le etšwa diriparipa gomme Jamela ya be ge a ile. +  +Gomme ka letšatši le lengwe, mphato ka moka o ile wa tšwa leetwana la go ya bokgobapukung. Fao, ka morago ga khaontara, go be go na le mosadi wa sefahlego sa go loka. Hanna o ile a ya go yena. +  +“Ee-ee,” mosadi a realo. “O kgethile puku?” +  +Hanna o ile a šišinya hlogo ya gagwe, gomme a botšiša, “O tseba Jamela?” +  +Mosadi o ile a inamela pele. “O na le mphato wo o lego fa ka leetwana?” a botšiša. Hanna a dumela ka hlogo le go holofela gore mosadi a ka se befelwe. Mosadi o ile šinyalala. O ile a ya ka thoko ye nngwe ya khaontara gomme a swara Hanna ka seatla. “Etla,” a realo le go myemyela. “Ke tseba mosetsana yo monnyane wa go bitšwa Jamela. Ke tseba gape mošemane yo monnyane wa go bitšwa Ashraf. Ke tseba gape le legotlo la go bitšwa Wolfgang.” +  +Go iri e tee ka moka ya go kgahliša, ya go thabiša, Hanna o kopane le bagwera ba bantši kudu. O butše dipuku gomme a ya mafelong a go fapana gohle lefaseng. Matlakaleng, o bone dilo tša go makatša kudu. +  +Diswantšhong, o bone dilo tša go kgahiša tšeo Jamela a di dirilego. Ge mmago Hanna a emišitše go šoma mafelelong a beke le tatagwe a le gae go tšwa lewatleng, ba dula mmogo gomme ba bala dipuku. Ba ile go reka le Jamela mmogo, le go bina le Papa Lucky. Ba ile tšwa leeto la go sepela le thutlwa gape. + +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Jamela le Papa Lucky go tšwa go Bagwera ba Hanna ke baanegwa go tšwa go dipuku tša diswantšho tša mongwadi wa bana wa Afrika Borwa, Niki Daly. Ke baanegwa bafe ba kanegelo bao e lego bommamoratwa ba bana ba gago? Ba hlohleletše go thala diswantšho tša o tee goba go feta tša baanegwa ba bommamoratwa ba bona ba kanegelo gomme ka morago ba itlhamele kanegelo ye mpsha yeo e nago le baanaegwa ba. +  +  +Gomme Hanna a lebala ka go thala difahlego tša go nyama le go ikwa a nnoši ka gore gabjale ga a sa le bjalo le gatee.",nso,Sepedi,Bagwera ba Hann,"Hanna’s dad was a fisherman. He dashed out of the house to go to sea. He waved goodbye as he left. Hanna knew he would be away for days and days, but when he came home, he would bring back fresh fish to fry. +  +Then Hanna’s mom ...",,Ka Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2061 +2057,"Ntate wa Hanna e ne e le motshwasi wa ditlhapi. A tswa ka tlung a potlakile ho ya lewatleng. A tsoka letsoho a ba sadisa hantle ha a tsamaya. Hanna o ne a tseba hore o tlo ba siyo ka matsatsi a mangata, empa ha a kgutlela lapeng, o ne a tla tla le tlhapi e foreshe eo ba tla e hadika. +  +Yaba mme wa Hanna le yena o tswa a potlakile jwaloka moya. O ne a lokela ho ya mosebetsing letsatsing le leng le le leng la beke kgwedi kaofela. +  +“Ke morao nakong,” a hoeletsa. “Mmangwane Taliep wa moahisane o a tla. O dule ka tlung ka mono ho fihlela a fihla. Ke tla o bona ha ke kgutla. Ke o rata haholo.” A butswela dikako a ntse a mathela bese. +  +Hanna a dula a tjametse ka ntle ho fensetere a shebile lehodimo le letala. O ne a tshwerwe ke bodutu. A nka sekgetjhana sa pampiri le pentshele mme a taka setshwantsho sa sefahleho se nang le meokgo e theosang marameng. Yaba o utlwa Mmangwane Taliep a notlolla lemati le ka pele. +  +“Dumela, Hanna,” ha rialo Mmangwane Taliep. “Ke eng ee?” A nka sekgetjhana sa pampiri a se sheba. “Mmm,” a rialo, “ha ho nako ya ditsiebadimo. Tsamaya o ye ha Allie ka mane mme o reke bohobe le lebese. Ke batla ho nwa teye ya ka.” +  +Yare ha a kwala lemati la ka pele, Hanna a bona setshwantsho seo a se takileng se swabantswe se entswe bolonyana fatshe ka kitjhineng. Ha a fihla ha Allie, a emela hore Mong Ismail a mmone. +  +“Dumela, Hanna,” a rialo a bososela. “Bohobe le lebese jwaloka kamehla? O ntse o so be molelele ho ka fihlella shelofo?” A sisinya hlooho. “O se ke wa tshwenyeha, o tla hola le wena.” +  +A tsheha ha monate mme Hanna le yena a bososela. Yaba o sheba fatshe. Fatshe, pela maoto a hae ho ne ho ena le sekgetjhana sa pampiri – leqephe le le leng le nang le mantswe a mmalwa le ditshwantsho tse ngata. A le phahamisa. Mong Ismail a le bona. +  +“O ka makala ha o ka bona dintho tseo moya o di fefolelang mona,” a rialo. “O ka nna wa e nka ha o batla.” Yaba o mo fa bohobe le lebese. “Ha se moo he – dintho tsa hao ke tsena.” +  +“Phakisa ka pele,” ha omana Mmangwane Taliep ha Hanna a bula lemati, “pale ya ka e se e qadile thelevisheneng.” A nka mokotlana o kentseng dintho ho Hanna mme a iketsetsa teye ka potlako. +  +Hanna a dula tafoleng ya kitjhine. A otlolla sekgetjhana sa pampiri seo a se thonakileng mme a bala lentswe le le leng – Jamela. Ho ne ho ena le ditshwantsho tse ngata tsa Jamela. Jamela a butswela dikerese tse hodima kuku ya letsatsi la tswalo. Jamela a ipatile ka hara lebokoso. Jamela a ithatetse ka lesela le letle le Jamela a nkile kgoho e kgubedu e nyane. + +  +Hanna a fehelwa. O ne a lakatsa eka e ka ba Mantaha. O ne a batla ho bona hore na ebe ho na le motho ya bitswang Jamela sekolong. O ne a batla ho fumana motswalle ya kang Jamela hantle. +  +Ka Mantaha, a mathela tlelaseng ya Moftsn Witbooi. “Ka kopo hle, Moftsn, na o tseba Jamela?” +  +“Ha ho Jamela mona. Tsamaya o ye tlelaseng ya hao,” ha rialo Moftsn Witbooi. +  +Ka Labobedi, Hanna a ya tlelaseng ya Mof Booysen. “Ka kopo, Mof …,” empa ha a ka a kgona ho tswela pele. +  +“Hanna Pieterse! O etsang mo? Dithuto di se di qadile,” ha omana Mof Booysen. +  +Ka Laboraro, a botsa Mong Hendricks. Empa ho ne ho se na motho ya tsebang Jamela. +  +Hanna a sheba ditshwantsho tse sekgetjhaneng sa pampiri makgetlo a mangata hoo leqephe le ileng la taboha dikgetjhana tse ngata mme Jamela a nyamela. +  +Yaba ka tsatsi le leng, tlelase kaofela ya nka leeto la ho ya laeboraring. Mane, ka mora khaontara, ho ne ho ena le mosadi ya nang le sefahleho se tletseng mosa. Hanna a ya ho yena. +  +“Ee,” ha rialo mosadi. “O se o kgethile buka?” +  +Hanna a sisinya hlooho, mme a botsa, “Na o tseba Jamela?” +  +Mosadi eo a inamela ho yena. “Na o tsamaya le tlelase ee e intsheditseng moo?” a botsa. Hanna a dumela ka hlooho mme a tshepa hore mosadi eo a keke a halefa. Mosadi eo a phutha sefahleho. A leba lehlakoreng le leng la khaontara mme a nka letsoho la Hanna. “Tloo kwano”, a rialo a bososela. “Ke tseba ngwananyana ya bitswang Jamela. Hape ke tseba moshanyana ya bitswang Ashraf. Hape ke tseba tweba e bitswang Wolfgang.” +  +Ka hora e le nngwe e makatsang, e thabisang, Hanna a kopana le metswalle e menga-aata haholo. O ile a phetla dibuka mme a leba dibakeng tse fapaneng lefatsheng ho pota. Maqepheng a tsona, a bona dintho tse ntle ka tsela e makatsang. +  +Ditshwantshong, a bona dintho tsohle tse makatsang tseo Jamela a di entseng. Ha mme wa Hanna a tlohela ho sebetsa mafelong a beke mme ntatae a le hae a kgutlile lewatle, ba dula mmoho mme ba bala dibuka. Ba ya mabenkeleng mmoho le Jamela mme ba tantsha le Papa Lucky. Hape ba ba ba otlolla maoto ba tsamaya le thuhlo. + +Eba le boiqapelo! +Jamela le Papa Lucky ho Metswalle ya Hanna ke baphetwa ba tswang bukeng ya ditshwantsho e ngotsweng ke Mongodi wa Afrika Borwa, Niki Daly. Ke baphetwa bafe ba paleng bao e leng dithatohatsi tsa bana ba hao? Ba kgothaletse ho taka ditshwantsho tsa mophetwa a le mong kapa ba mmalwa bao ba ba ratang paleng mme ba iqapele pale e ntjha e nang le baphetwa bana. +  +  +Mme Hanna a lebala tsohle tse mabapi le ho taka difahleho tse hlonameng le ho tshwarwa ke bodutu hobane jwale o ne a sena bodutu.",sot,Sesotho,Metswalle ya Hann,"Hanna’s dad was a fisherman. He dashed out of the house to go to sea. He waved goodbye as he left. Hanna knew he would be away for days and days, but when he came home, he would bring back fresh fish to fry. +  +Then Hanna’s mom ...",,Ka Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2063 +2057,"Utata kaHanna wayengumlobi weentlanzi. Waphuma ngokukhawuleza endlwini esiya elwandle. Wawangawangisa isandla evalelisa njengoko wayehamba. UHanna wayesazi ukuba uyise uza kungabisekhaya iintsuku ezininzi, kodwa xa ebuyela ekhaya, wayeza kubuya nentlanzi esandul’ukulotywa ukuze bayiqhotse. +  +Kwangelo thuba umama kaHanna waphaphatheka okomoya. Kwakufuneka ukuba asebenze yonke imihla evekini, inyanga yonke. +  +“Ndishiyiwe lixesha,” wakhwaza esitsho umama. “UTannie Taliep lo ungummelwane wethu uyeza. Uncede uhlale ngaphakathi endlwini de afike. Ndiza kubuya ndikubone. Ndiyakuthanda kakhulu.” Wancamisa izandla waza wavuthela emoyeni lo gama eleqa ibhasi. +  +UHanna wayethe ntsho efesitileni, ejonge eso sibhakabhaka sizuba. Wayenesithukuthezi, eziva elilolo. Wathatha iphetshana nepensile, wazoba ubuso obuqengqeleka iinyembezi ezidleleni. Kusenjalo weva uTannie Taliep evula ucango lwangaphambili. +  +“Molo Hanna,” watsho uTannie Taliep. “Yintoni le?” Wathi hlasi elo phetshana waza walijonga. “Mhh,” watsho, “akukho xesha lemfeketho apha. Hamba uye kwa-Allie, ebumelwaneni, uye kuthenga isonka nobisi. Ndidinga iti yam ngawo lo mzuzu.” +  +Xa kanye evala ucango lwangaphambili, uHanna wabona umzobo wakhe ushwatyaniswa nguTannie Taliep, usenziwa ibhola encinci phambi kokuba ulahlwe phantsi ekhitshini. Kwa-Allie walinda de uMnumzana Ismail wambona. +  +“Molo Hanna,” watsho encumile. “Isonka nobisi njengesiqhelo? Awukabimde ngokwaneleyo ukuze ufike eshelufini nangoku?” watsho uMnumzana Ismail. Wanikina intloko yakhe uHanna. “Ungaxhalabi, uza kukhula kungekudala.” +  +UMnumzana Ismail wahleka ngobubele waze wamncumela naye uHanna. Wandula ke ngoku uHanna ukujonga ezantsi. Phantsi, ecaleni kweenyawo zakhe kwakukho iphetshana – iphepha elinye elinamagama ambalwa nemifanekiso emininzi. Walichola. UMnumzana Ismail wambona. +  +“Ungothuka xa ubona izinto eziziswa ngumoya apha,” kutsho uMnumzana Ismail. “Ungalithatha ukuba uyalifuna.” Watsho emnika isonka nobisi. “Ina –naku okuthengileyo.” +  +“Khawuleza-khawuleza,” wakhwaza uTannie Taliep ngethuba uHanna evula ucango, “Inkqubo yam sele iqalile kumabonakude.” Wathatha iplastiki kuHanna waza wazenzela iti ngokukhawuleza. +  +UHanna wahlala etafileni, ekhitshini. Wolula iphepha awayelichole waze wafunda igama elinye – uJamela. Kwakukho imifanekiso emininzi kaJamela. Umfanekiso kaJamela evuthela amakhandlela ekeyikini yemini yokuzalwa kwakhe. Umfanekiso kaJamela ezimele ebhokisini yekhadibhodi. Umfanekiso kaJamela ezisongele ngelaphu elihle kwakunye nomfanekiso kaJamela ephethe umqhagana obomvu. + +  +Wasezela umoya uHanna. Wayenqwenela ukuba akwaba bekungoMvulo. Wayefuna ukubona ukuba ukhona na umntu ogama linguJamela esikolweni. Wayefuna ukufumana umhlobo onjengoJamela lo kanye. +  +NgoMvulo, wabaleka waya kwiklasi kaNkosazana Witbooi. “Uxolo, Titshalakazi, uyamazi uJamela?” +  +“Akukho Jamela apha. Buyela eklasini yakho,” watsho uNkosazana Witbooi. +  +NgoLwesibini, uHanna waya kwiklasi kaNkosikazi Booysen. “Uxolo Titshalakazi …”, kodwa akazange akwazi ukuqhubeka. +  +“Hanna Pieterse! Ufuna ntoni apha? Sekuqaliwe ukufundwa,” wakhwaza, engxola uNkosikazi Booysen. +  +NgoLwesithathu, wabuza uMnumzana Hendricks. Kodwa kwakungekho mntu umaziyo uJamela. +  +UHanna wayijonga imifanekiso eyayisephetshaneni amaxesha amaninzi kangangokuba iphepha lakrazuka lazizicwili, waba ke uJamela umkile ngolo hlobo. +  +Ngenye imini, iklasi yonke yayiphumile, ihambele kwithala leencwadi. Apho, kanye emva kwekhawuntari, kwakukho inenekazi elalinobuso obunobubele. UHanna waya ngqo kulo. +  +“Ewe-e,” latsho eli nenekazi. “Sowuyikhethile incwadi oyifunayo?” +  +UHanna wanikina intloko yakhe, waze wabuza, “Uyamazi uJamela?” +  +Lasondela kuye inenekazi. “Ingaba uhamba nale klasi endwendwele apha?” labuza. Wanqwala uHanna kwaye enethemba lokuba eli nenekazi alisayi kucaphuka. Eli nenekazi lafinga iintshiya. Laze laphumela kwelinye icala lekhawuntari, landula ukuthi chu uHanna ngesandla. “Yiza apha,” latsho lincumile. “Ndiyayazi intombazanana egama linguJamela. Ndazi nenkwenkwana egama linguAshraf. Ndazi nempuku engucwethwe egama linguWolfgang.” +  +Kwiyure enye emnandi yonke, eyonwabisayo, uHanna wadibana nabahlobo abaninzi. Wavula iincwadi waze waya kwiindawo ezohlukeneyo kwihlabathi jikelele. +  +Emaphepheni apho, wabona ezona zinto zikhwankqisayo. Emifanekisweni, wabona zonke izinto ezimangalisayo ezazenziwe nguJamela. Akuyeka ukuphangela ngeempelaveki umama kaHanna, notata wakhe ebuyile emsebenzini waselwandle, babehlala kunye bafunde iincwadi. Bebonke babesiya kuthenga noJamela baze badanise kunye noPapa Lucky. Bakhe bathatha nohambo kunye nendlulamthi. + +  +UHanna ngoku walibala tu ngokuzoba ubuso obunxungupheleyo nokuziva elilolo kuba eneneni wayengeyedwa. +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +UJamela kunye noPapa Lucky kuAbahlobo bakaHanna ngabalinganiswa abasuka kwiincwadi zemifanekiso zombhali weencwadi zabantwana waseMzantsi Afrika, uNiki Daly. Ngabaphi abalinganiswa bebali abathandwa ngabantwana bakho? Bakhuthaze ukuba bazobe imifanekiso yabanye babalinganiswa bebali ababathandayo, ze ke emva koko baqambe ibali elitsha besebenzisa aba balinganiswa.",xho,isiXhosa,Abahlobo bakaHann,"Hanna’s dad was a fisherman. He dashed out of the house to go to sea. He waved goodbye as he left. Hanna knew he would be away for days and days, but when he came home, he would bring back fresh fish to fry. +  +Then Hanna’s mom ...",,Libali likaWendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2065 +2057,"Uyise kaHanna wayengumdobi wezinhlanzi. Waphuma endlini waya olwandle. Waphakamisa isandla evalelisa ngenkathi ehamba. UHanna wayazi ukuthi uzohambela izinsuku ngezinsuku, kodwa kwakuthi uma ebuya, eze nezinhlanzi ezintsha ezizothoswa. +  +Emva kwalokho unina kaHanna wakhwishiza njengomoya. Kwakufanele asebenze nsuku zonke zesonto inyanga yonke. +  +“Ngishiywe yisikhathi,” kumemeza yena. “U-Anti Taliep ophuma kwamakhelwane uzosivakashela. Hlala lapha ngaphakathi aze afike. Ngizobuye ngikubone. Ngikuthanda kakhulu.” Wayeqabula isandla bese ethumela ngesandla ukuqabula kwakhe ngenkathi ephuthuma ibhasi. +  +UHanna wayigqolozela ngefasitela ibhasi eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. Wayezizwa enesizungu. Wayesecosha isiqephu sephepha kanye nepensela edweba umfanekiso wobuso obunezinyembezi ezehla nezihlathi. Emva kwalokho wezwa u-Anti Taliep evula ngesikhiye umnyango ongaphambili. +  +“Sawubona, Hanna,” kusho u-Anti Taliep. “Yini lena?” Wathatha isiqephu sephepha wasibuka. “Mmm,” kusho yena, “asikho isikhathi sombhedo. Hamba uye esitolo kwa-Allie kwamakhelwane uthenge isinkwa nobisi. Ngidinga itiye lami.” +  +Ngenkathi evala umnyango wangaphambili, uHanna wawubona umdwebo +wakhe ufohlozwa uba yisigaqana phansi ekhishini. Uma efika kwa-Allie walinda +waze wabonwa uMnu Ismail. +  +“Sawubona, Hanna,” esho emoyizela. “Ufuna isinkwa nobisi njengokwejwayelekile? Usalokhu umfishane ungakakwazi ukufinyelela eshalofini?” Anikine ikhanda. “Ungakhathazeki, uzokhula kungekudala nje.” +Wahleka ngomusa kanti nontombazanyana wamoyizela. Emva kwalokho wayesebheka phansi. Phansi eduze kwezinyawo zakhe kwakukhona isiqephu sephepha – ikhasi elilodwa elinamagama ambalwa kanye nezithombe eziningi kulo. Walicosha. UMnumzane Ismail walibona. +  +“Uzomangala ukuthi yini epheshulelwa umoya lapha ngaphakathi,” kusho yena. “Ungalithatha uma ulifuna.” Wamnikeza isinkwa nobisi. “Nazo-ke – nakhu okuthengile.” +  +“Shesha, shesha,” kuthetha u-Anti Taliep ngenkathi uHanna evula umnyango, “umdlalo wami oluchungechunge ongapheli usuqalile kumabonakude.” Wathatha isikhwanyana sokuthenga kuHanna wayesenza itiye ngokushesha. +  +UHanna wahlala phansi etafuleni lasekhishini. Washikisha isiqephu sephepha alicoshile wayesefunda igama elilodwa – uJamela. Kwakukhona izithombe eziningi zikaJamela. UJamela ecisha amakhandlela ekhekheni losuku lokuzalwa. UJamela ecasha ekhadibhodini. UJamela egoqwe ngengutshana ethandekayo kanye noJamela ebambe isikhukhukazi esincane esibomvu. + +  +UHanna waphefumulela phezulu. Wayefisa sengathi ngabe kwakunguMsombuluko. Wayefuna ukubona ukuthi ngabe kwakukhona yini othile okuthiwa uJamela. Wayefuna ukuthola umngani ofana ncimishi noJamela. +  +NgoMsombuluko wagijima waya ekilasini likaNkosazana Witbooi. “Uxolo, Nkosazana, uyamazi uJamela?” +  +“Akukho Jamela lapha. Buyela ekilasini lakho,” kusho uNkosazana Witbooi. +  +NgoLwesibili, uHanna waya ekilasini likaNkosikazi Booysen. “Uxolo, Nkosikazi …”, kodwa akabange esaqhubeka nayekusho. +  +“Hanna Pieterse! Uzokwenzani lapha? Izifundo seziqalile,” kumemeza uNkosikazi Booysen. +  +NgoLwesithathu, wabuza kuMnumzane Hendricks. Kodwa akekho owayemazi uJamela. +  +UHanna wabuka izithombe esiqeshini sephepha izikhathi eziningi ngangokuthi ikhasi laba yizicucu noJamela waze wanyamalala. +  +Kwathi-ke ngolunye usuku ikilasi lazikhipha laya emtatsheni wezincwadi. Lapho, ngemuva kwekhawunta, kwakunowesifazane onobuso obulungile. UHanna waya kuye. +  +“Ye-yebo,” kusho lo mama. “Usuyikhethile incwadi?” +  +UHanna wanikina ikhanda, emva kwalokho wayesebuza, “Uyamazi yini uJamela?” +  +Umama lona wagobela phambili. “Ngabe usekilasini elizikhiphele lapha?” kubuza yena. UHanna wanqekuzisa ikhanda futhi wethemba ukuthi lona wesifazane ngeke acasuke. Umama lo waswaca. Wahamba waya ngemuva kwekhawunta wayesebamba uHanna ngesandla. “Hamba nami,” kwasho yena, wayesemoyizela. “Ngiyayazi intombazanyana egama layo nguJamela. Kukhona nomfana futhi engimaziyo ogama lakhe ngu-Ashraf. Ngazi ngisho igundane ogama lalo nguWolfgang.” +  +Ihora lonke eligcwele elimangalisayo, nelithokozisayo, uHanna wahlangana nabangani abaningi. Wavula izincwadi waya ezindaweni eziningi ezihlukahlukene emhlabeni wonke. +  +Emakhasaini, wayebona izinto ezimangaza kakhulu. Ezithombeni, wabona zonke izinto ezimangalisayo ezazenziwe nguJamela. Ngenkathi unina kaHanna eyeka ukusebenza ngezimpelasonto noyise esekhaya ebuya olwandle, bahlala ndawonye bafunda izincwadi. Bendawonye bahamba bayothenga ezitolo babuye bayodansa noPapa Lucky. Futhi baze +bahamba ngisho nanendlulamithi. + +  +Futhi uHanna wakhohlwa konke ngokudweba ubuso obudumele nokuzizwa elahliwe ngoba kwakuvele kungenjalo. +Veza ubuciko bakho! +UJamela noPapa Lucky abaphuma encwadini Abangani bakaHanna ngabalingiswa abaphuma encwadini yezithombe yombhali wezingane waseNingizimu Afrika, uNiki Daly. Yibaphi abalingiswa bendaba abakhonzwe yizingane zakho? Zikhuthaze ukuthi zidwebe izithombe zomlingiswa oyedwa noma ngaphezulu abamkhonzile bese emva kwalokho zenze indaba entsha +enalaba balingiswa.",zul,isiZulu,Abangani bakaHann,"Hanna’s dad was a fisherman. He dashed out of the house to go to sea. He waved goodbye as he left. Hanna knew he would be away for days and days, but when he came home, he would bring back fresh fish to fry. +  +Then Hanna’s mom ...",,Ibhalwe nguWendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2067 +the-bouncing-cabbage,"Cassidy Ann and her big sister, Trixie, were waiting in the car. Grandpa had gone into the garden shop, but he wasn’t going to be long. The car park was empty, except for a big truck that was parked on the other side of the fountain. The truck was filled with plants, and men were unloading them onto trolleys for the shop. + +Through the fence Cassidy Ann could see Grandpa walking along the rows of plants. He was trying to decide which rose bush to buy. +Suddenly a cabbage fell off the truck. It bounced on the ground, and rolled past the tinkling fountain. +“Did you see that, Trixie?” Cassidy Ann asked. “That cabbage fell off the truck.” +Trixie looked up from her book. “So what?” she said. “It’s just a cabbage.” +Cassidy Ann watched, waiting for someone to see the cabbage and pick it up. But the men were so busy, they hadn’t even noticed it was gone. The cabbage rolled and rolled down the car park towards their car. It stopped right next to the car. Cassidy Ann opened the door to pick it up. +“What are you doing?” Trixie asked, turning the page. “Grandpa told us to stay inside the car.” +Cassidy Ann closed the door. She sat there in the car, worrying about the cabbage. She saw the men climbing back into the truck. “I’m just going a tiny way,” she said, opening the car door again. “Just to give the cabbage back to the men in the truck.” +The men were ready to go. They were slamming the doors and the driver had already started the engine. +“Fine,” Trixie said, “but if Grandpa comes back and finds you gone, it’s not my fault.” +So Cassidy Ann jumped out of the car, grabbed the cabbage and ran over to the truck. +But she was too late. The driver hadn’t seen her. He drove off and Cassidy Ann was left standing in the car park, holding a very big cabbage. +“What shall I do now?” she thought. “It doesn’t belong to me, but I can’t give it back. Should I leave it here? Or should I take it home for Granny to cook?” +Suddenly the cabbage began to shake! It shook so hard that Cassidy Ann could hardly hold it. It shook so hard it began to bounce around in her arms. And then Whoosh! Bang! It bounced right into the air, and Cassidy Ann went with it. +Up it flew, right up to the top of a very tall avocado tree. Then down it came again, while Cassidy Ann held on tight, and BOOOOOING! it bounced on the road and shot up again, this time onto the roof of the garden shop. +It was nice up there. Cassidy Ann could see everything – the people buying plants in the garden shop, a lady taking her dogs for a walk along the river, the water lilies in the fountain, and Trixie reading her book in the car. It was fun. +But then the cabbage was bouncy again. It was shaking and shivering and wiggling up and down, and Cassidy Ann had to hold on tight to stop it from getting away from her. +“Where are you going now?” she shrieked as the cabbage bounced once, twice, three times … then swooooosh into the air, and boooooing down to the ground. Sppppplashhh! it landed in the fountain, scattering water everywhere. Then up it went again, while Cassidy Ann clung on giggling, and booooing down again into the fountain. Even more water shot out, splashing an angry lady carrying a bunch of flowers. + +Up it went again, high, high, high until Cassidy Ann could smell the clouds and feel them making her clothes all damp. Up, up, up till the car park looked far away, and Grandpa’s car looked as tiny as a toy car. Cassidy Ann could see Grandpa coming out of the garden shop, pushing a trolley with a big spiky rose bush on it. The cabbage started shivering and shaking and then it began to fall down, down, down. Cassidy Ann just knew she was going to land on the spiky, thorny rose bush, so she started to scream, “Grandpa, watch out, Grandpa!” +Grandpa looked up and said, “Cassidy Ann what on earth are you doing flying through the …” Just as she was about to crash into the spiky, thorny rosebush, Grandpa held out his arms and caught Cassidy Ann. He overbalanced and they both tumbled into the fountain. Luckily there wasn’t much water left in the fountain, but a frog got a terrible fright and jumped out, croaking. And Grandpa sat up in the fountain with a lily leaf draped over his head, and Cassidy Ann’s dress was all green and slimy from the pondweed. +Trixie came running over, and helped Grandpa up. “What happened?” she asked. “How did you both fall into the fountain?” +“Cassidy Ann pushed me,” Grandpa said. “I think that’s what happened! I can’t quite remember.” +“It was the magic bouncing cabbage,” Cassidy Ann explained. “It bounced me right up into a tree, and onto the roof, and into the fountain, and then as high as the clouds. And then it bounced me down again and I nearly landed in Grandpa’s rose bush.” +“Hmmmmph,” said Trixie. “You’re naughty to make up stories like that and pretend they are true, Cassidy Ann! Next time you must do as you’re told and stay in the car.” +Cassidy Ann wanted to show them she wasn’t making up stories, so she looked around for the cabbage. It was gone. Then she saw it – so high in the sky that it looked like a bird. A fat green bird, bouncing up and down on the clouds. +“There it is,” she said pointing to the sky. “Up there.” +But they still didn’t believe her. Grandpa wasn’t cross though. He began to laugh and they laughed all the way home. +  +Get creative! +Ask your children how they think the bouncing cabbage might have got onto the truck of plants at the beginning of the story. Then suggest that they use their ideas to write a piece which can be added to this story before it begins.",eng,English,The bouncing cabbage,"Cassidy Ann and her big sister, Trixie, were waiting in the car. Grandpa had gone into the garden shop, but he wasn’t going to be long. The car park was empty, except for a big truck that was parked on the other side of the fountain. The truck was ...",,By Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-bouncing-cabbage +the-bouncing-cabbage,"Cassidy Ann en haar ouer suster, Trixie, wag in die motor. Oupa is na die tuinwinkel toe, maar hy sal nou-nou terug wees. Die parkeerarea is leeg, behalwe vir ’n groot vragmotor wat aan die ander kant van die fontein geparkeer is. Die vragmotor is vol plante, en die mans laai dit op trollies om na die winkel te neem. + +Deur die heining kan Cassidy Ann vir Oupa tussen die rye plante sien stap. Hy probeer besluit watter rose hy wil koop. +Skielik val ’n kopkool van die vragmotor af. Dit bons op die grond, en rol verby die kabbelende fontein. +“Het jy dit gesien, Trixie?” vra Cassidy Ann. “Daardie kopkool het van die vragmotor afgeval.” +Trixie kyk van haar boek af op. “Wat daarvan?” vra sy. “Dis tog net ’n kopkool.” +Cassidy Ann wag vir iemand om die kopkool te sien en dit op te tel. Maar die mans is so besig dat hulle nie eens oplet dat dit weg is nie. Die kopkool rol en rol en rol na hulle motor toe. Dit kom reg langs hulle motor tot stilstand. Cassidy Ann maak die deur oop om dit op te tel. +“Wat doen jy?” vra Trixie, en blaai ’n bladsy om. “Oupa het gesê ons moet in die motor bly.” +Cassidy Ann maak die deur toe. Sy sit in die motor, maar bekommer haar oor die kopkool. Sy sien hoe die mans in die vragmotor klim. “Ek gaan net tot daar,” sê sy, en maak die deur weer oop. “Net om die kopkool vir die mans in die vragmotor terug te gee.” +Die mans is reg om te ry. Hulle klap die deure toe en die bestuurder het al klaar die enjin aangesit. +“Reg so,” sê Trixie, “maar as Oupa terugkom en sien jy’s weg, is dit nie my skuld nie.” +Cassidy Ann spring uit die motor, gryp die kopkool en hardloop tot by die vragmotor. +Maar sy is te laat. Die bestuurder het haar nie gesien nie. Hy ry weg en Cassidy Ann staan in die parkeerarea met ’n baie groot kopkool in haar hande. +“Wat moet ek nou doen?” dink sy. “Dit behoort nie aan my nie, maar ek kan dit nie teruggee nie. Moet ek dit hier los? Of moet ek dit huis toe vat sodat Ouma dit kan gaarmaak?” +Skielik begin die kopkool skud! Dit skud so hard dat Cassidy Ann dit skaars kan vashou. Dit skud so hard en begin in haar arms rondbons. En toe bons dit Woesj! Kaboem! in die lug in, met Cassidy Ann agterna. +Dit vlieg op, tot bo in ’n baie hoë avokadopeerboom. Toe kom dit weer af, met Cassidy Ann wat styf vashou, en BOIING! bons dit op die pad en skiet weer op, hierdie keer tot op die dak van die tuinwinkel. +Dis lekker hier bo. Cassidy Ann kan alles sien – die mense wat plante koop in die tuinwinkel, ’n vrou wat met haar honde langs die rivier stap, die waterlelies in die fontein, en Trixie, wat in die motor sit en haar boek lees. Dis pret. +Maar die kopkool begin al weer bons. Dit bibber en beef en wriemel op en af, en Cassidy Ann moet styf vashou om te keer dat dit wegkom. +“Wat doen jy nou?” gil sy toe die kopkool een, twee, drie keer bons … toe swoeesj in die lug op skiet, en weer met ’n boiing grond toe bons. Kaplaks! beland dit in die fontein sodat die water oral spat. Toe bons dit weer in die lug op, met Cassidy Ann wat giggelend vasklou, en toe boiiing dit weer af tot in die fontein. Nog meer water spat uit, en spat ’n kwaai vrou met ’n bos blomme nat. + +Op, op, op skiet die kopkool, hoog, hoog, hoog, tot Cassidy Ann die wolke kan ruik en voel en dit haar klere klam maak. Op, op, op, tot die parkeerarea ver weg lyk, en Oupa se motor so klein soos ’n speelgoedkarretjie lyk. Cassidy Ann sien hoe Oupa uit die tuinwinkel kom met ’n trollie met ’n groot roosboom vol dorings daarop. Die kopkool begin rittel en beef en toe val dit af, af, af. Cassidy Ann weet sommer dit gaan op die roosboom vol dorings land, en sy begin skree: “Oupa, pas op, Oupa!” +Oupa kyk op en sê: “Cassidy Ann wat op aarde doen jy daar bo in die …” Net voor sy op die roosboom vol dorings te lande kom, steek Oupa sy arms uit en vang haar. Hy verloor sy balans en hulle beland albei in die fontein. Gelukkig is daar nie baie water in die fontein oor nie, maar ’n padda skrik so groot dat hy kwakend uit die water spring. Oupa sit regop in die fontein, met ’n lelieblaar op sy kop, en Cassidy Ann se rok is groen en slymerig van die plante in die fontein. +Trixie kom aangehardloop en help vir Oupa op. “Wat het gebeur?” vra sy. “Hoe het julle twee in die fontein beland?” +“Cassidy Ann het my gestamp,” sê Oupa. “Ek dink dis wat gebeur het! Ek kan nie regtig onthou nie.” +“Dit was die betowerde, bonsende kopkool,” verduidelik Cassidy Ann. “Dit het my tot bo in ’n boom laat bons, en tot op die dak, en in die fontein, en tot bo in die wolke. En toe het dit my weer laat af bons, en ek het byna op Oupa se roosboom geval.” +“Gmmmmf,” sê Trixie. “Dis stout om sulke stories op te maak en te maak asof dit waar is, Cassidy Ann! Volgende keer moet jy doen soos vir jou gesê word en in die motor bly.” +Cassidy Ann wil vir hulle wys sy maak nie stories op nie, en sy kyk rond op soek na die kopkool. Maar dit is weg. Toe sien sy dit – so hoog bo in die lug dat dit soos ’n voël lyk. ’n Vet groen voël wat op en af op die wolke bons. +“Daar’s dit,” sê sy en wys op in die lug. “Daar bo.” +Maar hulle glo haar nog steeds nie. Gelukkig is Oupa nie kwaad nie. Hy begin lag en hulle lag al die pad huis toe. +Wees kreatief! +Vra jou kinders hoe hulle dink die bonsende kopkool aan die begin van die storie op die vragmotor vol plante beland het. Stel dan voor dat hulle hul idees gebruik om ’n stuk te skryf wat ingevoeg kan word voordat hierdie storie begin.",afr,Afrikaans,Die bonsende kopkoo,"Cassidy Ann and her big sister, Trixie, were waiting in the car. Grandpa had gone into the garden shop, but he wasn’t going to be long. The car park was empty, except for a big truck that was parked on the other side of the fountain. The truck was ...",,Deur Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/node/1853 +the-bouncing-cabbage,"Cassidy Ann le sesi wa gagwe yo mogolo, Trixi, ba be ba dutše ka sefatanageng. Rakgolo o be a ile ka lebenkeleng la go rekiša dilo tša tšhengwana, efela o be a se a ya go tšea sebaka se setelele. Mo go phakiwago difatanaga go be go se selo, kantle le theraka ye kgolo yeo e bego e phakilwe ka thoko ga sediba. Go be go tletše dimela ka therakeng gomme banna ba di laollela ka ditroleng gore di ye ka lebenkeleng. + +Cassidy Ann o be a kgona go bona Rakgolo a sepela molokolokong wa dimela mo legoreng. O be a akanya gore a ka tšea ngata ya rosa efe. +Gateetee khabetšhe ya wa go tšwa godimo ga theraka. E ile ya tshela-tshela mo fase, gomme ya pshikologa go feta sediba sa go dira lešatana. +“O e bone, Trixie?” Cassidy Ann a botšiša. “Khabetšhe yela e wele therakeng.” +Trixie a lebelela go tšwa pukung ya gagwe. “Ke eng?” a realo. “Ke khabetšhe fela.” +Cassidy Ann a lebelela go tšwa pukung ya gagwe, a emetše gore motho yo mongwe a bone khabetšhe a e tope. Efela banna ba be ba theogetše kudu, ga se ba lemoga gore e wele. Khabetšhe e ile ya pshikologa gape le gape ya ba ya fihla sefatanageng sa bona. E ile ya ema kgauswi le sefatanaga. Cassidy Ann o ile a bula lebati a e topa. +“O dira eng?” Trixie a mmotšiša, a phetla letlakala. “Rakgolo o rile re se ke ra tšwa ka sefatanageng.” +Cassidy Ann a tswalela lebati. O dutše ka sefatanageng, a tshwenyegile ka khabetšhe. O bone banna ba namela ka therakeng. “Ke ya fale fela,” a realo, a bula lebati gape. “Go fa banna ba ka therakeng khabetšhe.” +Banna ba be ba nyaka go sepela. Ba be ba bethiša mabati gomme mootledi a thomile go dumiša entšene. +“Go lokile,” Trixie a realo, “efela ge Rakgolo a ka boa a hwetša o se gona, ga se phošo ya ka.” +Gomme Cassidy Ann a fologa sefatanaga, a topa khabetšhe gomme a kitimela therakeng. +Efela o be a latetšwe. Mootledi ga se a mmona. O otletše theraka gomme Cassidy Ann a šala a eme mo go phakiwago difatanaga, a swere khabetšhe ye kgolo kudu. +“Bjale ke tla dira eng?” a nagana. “Ga se ya ka, efela nka se e bušetše morago. Ke e tlogele fa? Goba ke e iše gae gore Koko a ye go e apea?” +Gateetee khabetšhe ya thoma go šikinyega! E ile ya šikinyega ka maatla ka fao Cassidy Ann a ilego a palelwa ke go e swara. E ile ya šikinyega ka maatla ka fao e ilego ya thoma go tshela-tshela ka diatleng tša gagwe. Ka morago Wuush! Pang! Ya fofela moyeng, gomme Cassidy Ann a fofa le yona. +Ya fofela godimo ga mohlare wa moafokhate o moteleletelele. E ile ya boa gape, Cassidy Ann a sa swareletše, gomme PHOOOM! ya tshela-tshela mo tseleng gomme ya fofela godimo gape, gomme gabjale ya fofela godimo ga marulelo a lebenkele la go rekiša dilo tša ka tšhengwaneng. +Go be go le bose kua godimo. Cassidy Ann o be a kgona go bona tšohle – batho ba reka dimela ka lebenkele la go rekiša dilo tša ka tšhengwaneng, lekgarebe le sepela le mpša ya lona go hlehla le noka, dilili tša ka meetseng ka sedibeng, le Trixie a bala puku ya gagwe ka sefatanageng. E be e le boipshino. +Efela khabetšhe e be e tshela-tshela gape. E be e škinyega e thuthumela e eya godimo le tlase, gomme Cassidy Ann o be a swanetše go e swara ka maatla gore e se tšwe ka diatleng. +“Bjale o ya kae?” a goeletša ge khabetšhe e tshela-tshela gatee, gabedi, gararo … gomme suphuu moyeng, le phooooom mo fase. Phonkgooo! ya wela ka sedibeng, ya gaša meetse gohle. Gomme ya sepela gape, ge Cassidy Ann a sa sega, gomme phoooom ya wela ka sedibeng gape. Gwa gašaganya meetse a mantši, a gaša lekgarebe la go befelwa le swere ngata ya matšoba. + +Ya ya godimo gape, godimodimodimo go fihlela Cassidy Ann a ekwa monkgo wa maru gomme a a swara a thapiša diaparo tša gagwe. Godimodimodimo go fihlela phaka ya difatanaga e bonala e le kgole kudu, gomme sefatanaga sa Rakgolo se bonala e le se sennyane kudu bjalo ka sefatanaga sa go bapadiša. Cassidy Ann o bone Rakgolo a etšwa ka lebenkeleng la go rekiša dilo tša ka tšhengwaneng, a kgarametša terole ya go rwala ngata ya dirosa tša meetlwa. Gomme khabetšhe ya thoma go thuthumela le go šikinyega gomme ya wela tlase tlase tlase. Cassidy Ann o tsebile gore o ya go wela godimo ga ngata ya dirosa tša meetlwa, a thoma go goeletša, “Rakgolo, tšhaba, Rakgolo!” +Rakgolo a lebelela godimo a re, “Cassidy Ann o leka eng o fofa …” Ge a le kgauswi le go wela ngata ya dirosa tša meetlwa, Rakgolo a otlolla letsogo la gagwe a swara Cassidy Ann. O ile a tekateka gomme ba wela ka sedibeng ka bobedi. Ka mahlatse go be go se meetse a mantši ka sedibeng, efela segwagwa se ile sa tšhoga kudu sa tšwa ka meetseng se lla. Gomme Rakgolo a dula ka letamong a swere letlakala la lili le tatile hlogo ya gagwe, mola roko ya Cassidy Ann e le ye tala e redimoša ka lebaka la malele a ka gare ga letamo. +Trixie o ile a ba kitimela, a thuša Rakgolo go emelela. “Go diregile eng?” a botšiša. “Go tlile bjang gore bobedi bja lena le wele ka gare ga sediba?” +“Cassidy Ann o nkgarameditše,” Rakgolo a realo. “Ke nagana gore ke se se diregilego! Ga ke sa gopola gabotse.” +“Ke khabetšhe ya go tshela-tshela ya maleatlana,” Cassidy Ann a hlaloša. “E ntahletše ka mohlareng, marulelong, le ka sedibeng, le godimo marung. Ya boa ya mphošetša fase gape ka nyaka go wela ngateng ya Rakgolo ya dirosa.” +“Hmmmmph,” a realo Trixie. “O thantše kudu go ka kgona go ithomela taba ka tsela yeo wa itira eke ke nnete, Cassidy Ann! Ka moso o dire se o se laelwago, o dule ka sefatanageng.” +Cassidy Ann o be a nyaka go ba bontšha gore ga a ithomele taba, o ile a lebelela gore khabetšhe e kae. E be e se gona. Gomme a e bona – godimo lefaufaung e lebelelega bjalo ka nonyana. Nonyana ye telamorogo ya go nona, e tshela-tshela godimo le tlase ka marung. +“Ke yela,” ke yela, a realo a šupa lefaufaung. “Kua godimo.” +Efela le ge go le bjalo ga se ba mo tshepa. Rakgolo yena ga se a befelwa. O ile a thoma go sega gomme ba sega go fihlela ba fihla gae. +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Botšiša bana gore ba nagana gore khabetšhe ya go tshela-tshela e ka be e tsene bjang therakeng ya dimela mathomong a kanegelo. Šišinya gore ba ngwale dikgopolo tša bona ka ga seripa seo se ka tsenywago pele ga mathomo a kanegelo ye.",nso,Sepedi,Khabetšhe ya go tshela-tshe,"Cassidy Ann and her big sister, Trixie, were waiting in the car. Grandpa had gone into the garden shop, but he wasn’t going to be long. The car park was empty, except for a big truck that was parked on the other side of the fountain. The truck was ...",,Ka Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/node/1855 +the-bouncing-cabbage,"Cassidy Ann le moholwane wa hae, Trixie, ba ne ba dutse ka koloing. Ntatemoholo o ne a kene ka lebenkeleng la meroho, empa o ne a sa tlo nka nako e telele. Ho ne ho se dikoloi pakeng ya dikoloi, ntle feela le lori e kgolo e neng e eme ka lehlakoreng le leng la letangwana. Lori eo e ne e tletse dijalo, mme banna ba ne ba di theolela hodima diteroli ho di isa ka lebenkeleng. + +Ka ho sheba terateng Cassidy Ann o ne a kgona ho bona Ntatemoholo a ntse a tsamaya hara mela ya dijalo. O ne a leka ho etsa qeto ya hore ke sehlahla sefe sa dipalesa seo a ka se rekang. +Hanghang khabetjhe ya wela fatshe e tswa hodima lori. Ya tlolatlola fatshe, ya theteha e feta sediba se tshikgonyang. +“Na o a e bona ntho ela, Trixie?” Cassidy Ann a botsa. “Khabetjhe yane e wele loring mane.” +Trixie a phahamisa mahlo bukeng ya hae. “Jwale?” a rialo. ""Empa e le khabetjhe feela.” +Cassidy Ann a shebella, a emetse hore ho be teng motho ya boning khabetjhe eo mme a e thonake. Empa banna bao ba ne ba le maphathaphathe haholo, ba ne ba sa e elellwa hore e wele. Khabetjhe eo ya theteha ya theteha ya theosa pakeng e lebile koloing ya bona. Ya emisa hantle ka pela koloi. Cassidy Ann a bula lemati la koloi ho e thonaka. +“O etsang?” Trixie a botsa, a phetla leqephe. Ntatemoholo o itse re lokela ho dula ka koloing.” +Cassidy Ann a kwala lemati. O ile a dula moo ka koloing, a kgathatsehile ka khabetjhe. O ile a bona banna ba palama ba kgutlela ka loring. “Ke ya teng hanyane feela,” a rialo, a bula lemati la koloi hape. “Ke ilo nka khabetjhe yane ke e kgutlisetsa ho banna bane ka loring.” +Banna bao ba ne ba se ba loketse ho tsamaya. Ba ne ba kwala mamati mme mokganni a se a dumisitse enjene. +“Ho lokile,” ha rialo Trixie, “empa ha Ntatemoholo a kgutla mme a fumana o le siyo, e tla ba phoso ya ka.” +Yaba he Cassidy Ann o tlola a tswa koloing, a phamola khabetjhe mme a mathela loring. +Empa o ne a se a le morao. Mokganni o ne a sa mmona. O ile a kganna koloi mme Cassidy Ann o ile a sala a eme moo pakeng ya dikoloi a tshwere khabetjhe e kgolohadi. +“Jwale ke tlilo etsang?” a nahana. “Ha se ya ka, empa nkeke ka fana ka yona. Na ke lokela ho e siya mo? Kapa ke ye le yona lapeng hore Nkgono a tle a e phehe?” +Hanghang khabetjhe ya qala ho sisinyeha! E ile ya sisinyeha haholo hoo Cassidy Ann a neng a hloleha ho e tshwara. Ya sisinyeha haholo hoo e ileng ya qala ho tlolatlola ka hara matsoho a hae. Yaba hang e re Shwii! Phaqa! Ya tlolela moyeng, mme Cassidy Ann a ya le yona. +Ya fofela hodimo, hodimo kwana hodima sefate se selelele sa avocado. Yaba e kgutlela fatshe hape, mme Cassidy Ann a itshwareleditse ka thata, yaba e re BOTHOBOTHO! ya tlolatlola ka hara tsela mme ya leba hodimo hape, kgetlong lena hodima marulelo a lebenkele la dijalo. +Ho ne ho le monate hodimo mane. Cassidy Ann o ne a kgona ho bona ntho tsohle – batho ba rekang dijalo lebenkeleng la dijalo, mosadi ya tsamayang le dintja tsa hae pela noka, dipalesa tsa metsing ka hara letangwana, le Trixie ya balang buka ya hae ka koloing. Ho ne ho le monate. +Empa khabetjhe e ne e qala ho tlolatlola hape. E ne e thothomela e tatasela e eya hodimo le tlase, mme Cassidy Ann a tlameha ho itshwareletsa ka thata ho e thibela hore e se mmalehele. +“O ya kae jwale?” a omana ha khabetjhe e tlolatlola hang, habedi, hararo … yaba hlwiiii moyeng, mme botlololo fatshe hape. Hwalakahla! Ya wela ka metsing a sediba, e phakgatsa metsi hohle. Ya boela ya ya hodimo hape, Cassidy Ann a itshwareleditse a keketeha, mme ya hwalakahla hape ka hara sediba. Metsi a mang a mangata a phakgatseha, a tshela mme ya halefileng ya tshwereng sehlopha sa dipalesa. + +Ya nyolohela hodimo hape, hodimo, hodimo, hodimo, ho fihlela Cassidy Ann a utlwa monko wa maru mme a a utlwa a etsa diaparo tsa hae di be mongobo. Hodimo, hodimo, hodimo ho fihlela paka ya dikoloi e shebahala e le hole kwana, mme koloi ya Ntatemoholo e shebeha jwaloka koloi ya thoye. Cassidy Ann o ne a kgona ho bona Ntatemoholo a tswa ka lebenkeleng la dijalo, a sututsa teroli e nang le palesa e kgolo e nang le meutlwa. Khabetjhe ya qala ho thothomela le ho sisinyeha mme ya qalella ho wela fatshe, tlase, tlase. Cassidy Ann o ne a tseba hantle hore jwale o tlo wela hodima sehlahla sa dipalesa se tletseng meutlwa, kahoo a qala ho hoeletsa, “Ntatemoholo, hlokomela, Ntatemoholo!” +Ntatemoholo a sheba hodimo mme a re, “Cassidy Ann, hantlentle o etsa eng o fofa moo ka hara …” Yare pele a wela ka hara sehlahla sa dipalesa tse tletseng meutlwa, Ntatemoholo a otlolla matsoho ka pele mme a kola Cassidy Ann. A tswa botsitsong mme bobedi ba bona ba thetehela ka letangwaneng. Ka lehlohonolo ho ne ho sa sala metsi a mangata ka letangwaneng, empa senqanqane sa tshoha haholo hoo se ileng sa tlolela ka ntle, se lla. Mme Ntatemoholo a dula ka hara letangwana a ena le lehlaku la palesa le leketla hloohong ya hae, mme mose wa Cassidy Ann o ne o le motala hohle o thella ke bolele ba letangwana. +Trixie a tla a matha, mme a thusa Ntatemoholo ho ema. “Ho etsahetseng?” a botsa. “Ho tlile jwang hore le wele ka letangwaneng le le babedi?” +“Cassidy Ann o ntshutuditse,” ha rialo Ntatemoholo. “Ke nahana hore ke sona se etsahetseng seo! Ha ke hopole hantle.” +“E ne e le khabetjhe ya mehlolo e tlolatlolang,” Cassidy Ann a hlalosa. “e ile ya tlolatlola ka nna ya ya hodima sefate, ka hodima ntlo, le ka hara letangwana, hape ya nkisa hodimodimo marung. Mme yaba e kgutlela fatshe hape mme ka batla ke wela hodima sehlahla sa Ntatemoholo sa dipalesa.” +“Hmmmmph,” ha rialo Trixie. “O thibane haeba o ka iqapela dipale tse kang tseo mme o etse ekare ke nnete, Cassidy Ann! Nakong e tlang o ke o etse kamoo o bolelletsweng mme o dule ka koloing.” +Cassidy Ann o ne a batla ho ba bontsha hore ha a iqapele dipale, kahoo a batlana le khabetjhe yane. E ne e le siyo. Yaba o a e bona – e le hodimodimo marung hoo e neng e shebeha jwaloka nonyana, e ntse e tlolatlola hodima maru. +“Ke yane,” a rialo a supile marung. “Hodimo mane.” +Empa ba ne ba ntse ba sa mo kgolwe, Ntatemoholo o ne a sa halefa le ha ho le jwalo. A qala ho tsheha mme ba tsheha kaofela tseleng e lebang lapeng. +Eba le boiqapelo! +Botsa bana ba hao hore ba nahana hore khabetjhe e tlolatlolang e kene jwang loring ya dijalo qalong ya pale. Jwale hlahisa hore ba sebedise menahano ya bona ho ngola sekotwana se ka kenyeletswang paleng ena pele e qala.",sot,Sesotho,Khabetjhe e tlolatlolang,"Cassidy Ann and her big sister, Trixie, were waiting in the car. Grandpa had gone into the garden shop, but he wasn’t going to be long. The car park was empty, except for a big truck that was parked on the other side of the fountain. The truck was ...",,Ka Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/node/1857 +the-bouncing-cabbage,"UCassidy Ann nodadewabo omdala uTrixie, babehleli belinde emotweni. UTamkhulu wayengene evenkileni ethengisa izityalo, kodwa engazukuhlala xesha lide. Kwindawo ekwakumiswa kuyo iimoto kwakungekho moto ngaphandle kwetrakhi enkulu qha, eyayibekwe kwelinye icala lomthombo onkcenkcezayo. Le traki yayigcwele qhu zizityalo, kukho namadoda othulela kwiitroli ezo zityalo zasevenkileni. + +UCassidy Ann wayembona ngaphaya kocingo uTamkhulu, ehamba-hamba phakathi kolo krozo lwezityalo. Wayekhetha ukuba uza kuthenga eyiphi na imithi yeentyatyambo. +Ngesiquphe kwawa ikhaphetshu, isuka phezulu etrakhini. Yaqakathela phantsi, yaqengqeleka idlula ngasemthonjeni onkcenkcezayo. +“Uyibonile le nto ndiyibonileyo, Trixie?” kwabuza uCassidy Ann. “Laa khaphetshu iwe etrakhini.” +UTrixie waphakamisa amehlo akhe, ewasusa encwadini ebeyifunda. “Ke ngoku?” waphendula ebudikwa. “Yikhaphetshu nje kuphela.” +UCassidy Ann wahlala eyijongile, efuna ukubona ukuba kukho umntu oza kuyichola ikhaphetshu kusini na. Kodwa la madoda ayexakeke kakhulu, kangangokuba zange abone nokuba kukho ikhaphetshu ewileyo. Yaqengqeleka yona ikhaphetshu, isihla ngendlela isiya ngasezimotweni. Yafika yema kanye ngasemotweni ababekhwele kuyo. UCassidy Ann wavula ucango wayichola. +“Wenza ntoni?” wambuza kabukhali uTrixie, etyhila iphepha lencwadi. “UTamkhulu uthe ze singaphumi emotweni.” +UCassidy Ann waluvala ucango. Wahlala apho emotweni, enxutyiswe yile nto yale khaphetshu. Wawabona amadoda ebuya, ekhwela ngasemva etrakhini ngoku. “Ndiza kubuya kwangoku,” watsho evula ucango lwemoto kwakhona. “Ndifuna nje ukuphindisela le khaphetshu kulaa madoda asetrakhini.” +Amadoda ayesele elungele ukuhamba. Ayembakraza iingcango kwaye nomqhubi wayesele edumisa injini yetrakhi. +“Kulungile,” watsho uTrixie ebudikwa, “kodwa wazi ukuba uTamkhulu ubuye ungekho, asilotyala lam elo.” +Waphuma ebaleka uCassidy Ann apho emotweni, ephethe ikhaphetshu, eleqa itrakhi. +Kodwa wayesuke kade. Umqhubi wayengambonanga. Waqhuba wahamba eshiya uCassidy Ann emi bhuxe kuloo ndawo ibimi kuyo itrakhi, ematshekile, esindwa nayiloo khaphetshu inkulu kunene. +“Ndiza kuthini ke ngoku?” wazicingela ngaphakathi. “Asiyoyam kaloku le khaphetshu, kodwa andikwazi kuyibuyisela kumniniyo. Ndiyishiye apha bethu? Okanye ndihambe nayo ndiyiphathele uMakhulu ukuze ayipheke?” +Ngesiquphe ikhaphetshu yasuka yangcangcazela! Yangcangcazela kakhulu kangangokuba yabuphucuka ezandleni zikaCassidy Ann. Yaqakatha ngoku ngamandla ezingalweni zakhe. Yasuka yee Phutshuuu, gqam! Zwiiiiiii! Yantingela emoyeni noCassidy Ann lowo imbala wenyuka nayo. +Yantingela phezulu kakhulu, yayakutsho enkcochoyini yomthi omde kakhulu weponyoponyo. Yaphinda yabuyela ezantsi, uCassidy Ann eyinkomongele, yaze ye ZWIIIIIII! yayakuthi gqam endleleni yaphinda yantinga kwakhona, yayakufika kuphahla lwevenkile yezityalo kwesi sihlandlo. +Kwakumnandi phezulu. UCassidy Ann ebona yonke into – abantu abathenga izityalo kwivenkile yezityalo, inenekazi elihamba, liwaka nenja yalo ngasemlanjeni, iinyibiba ngasemthonjeni, noTrixie efunda incwadi yakhe emotweni. Kwakumnandi kakhulu. +Kodwa ikhaphetshu yasuka yaqakatha kwakhona. Yayizidlikidla ngoku, iphatha kungcangcazela iphinde ishukume ngamandla isihla inyuka ngoku, kwaza kwafuneka ukuba uCassidy Ann abambelele nkqi ukwenzela ukuba angaphuncuki kuyo, awe. +“Siyaphi ke ngoku?” watswina watsho ngelixa ikhaphetshu iqakatha ityeli lokuqala, elesibini nelesithathu … zwiiiiii emoyeni, yakugqiba yabuyela gqammmm emhlabeni. Dyumpuuu! yawela emthonjeni, amanzi agcwala yonke indawo. Yaphinda yantinga kwakhona eli xa uCassidy Ann abambelele kuyo ehleka, yabuyela gqammmm emthonjeni kwakhona. Kweli ityeli amanzi akratyazela ngaphandle emthonjeni, akhwiva inenekazi elaliphethe ibhantshi yeentyatyambo, lacaphuka. + +Yantinga kwakhona, isiya phezulu, phezulu, phezulu kakhulu ngoku de uCassidy Ann weva enukiselwa ngamafu, nto leyo eyenza ukuba nempahla yakhe yonke awayeyinxibile ibe bufuma ngenxa yamafu. Indawo yokumisa iimoto yayibonakala ikude kakhulu, nkqu nemoto kaTamkhulu yayibonakala ngathi yimotwana nje yabantwana yokudlala. UCassidy Ann wambona uTamkhulu ephuma evenkileni yezityalo etyhala itroli enemithi ehlabayo yeentyatyambo, ngaphakathi. Ikhaphetshu yangcangcazela, yazidlikidla yaze emva koko yehla ukuya ezantsi, ezantsi, ezantsi. UCassidy Ann waqonda kwangoko ukuba uza kuwela ngqo kwimithana enameva ahlabayo yeentyatyambo eyayithengwe nguTamkhulu, wakhwaza kwangoko, “Tamkhulu, Tamkhulu, lumka!” +UTamkhulu wajonga phezulu wathi, “Cassidy Ann wenza ntoni apho, ubhabha nge ���” Uthe xa eza kuwela kwimithana enameva yeentyatyambo, uTamkhulu wavula iingalo zakhe wamganga uCassidy Ann. Watyibilika, baya kuwela emthonjeni bobabini. Ngethamsanqa amanzi ayengemaninzanga emthonjeni, yaba lisele elothukayo kakhulu latsiba likhala. Wachopha apho emthonjeni uTamkhulu, amagqabi enyibiba emogqume intloko, eli xa ilokhwe kaCassidy Ann yayiluhlaza inyhukunyhuku, ingcoliswe bubulembu nengca yasemthonjeni lowo. +UTrixie weza ebaleka, wancedisa uTamkhulu ukuphakama. “Kwenzeke ntoni?” wabuza. “Niwiswe yintoni nobabini emthonjeni?” +“UCassidy Ann undityhilizile,” watsho uTamkhulu. “Ndicinga ukuba kwenzeke oko! Andisakhumbuli kakuhle tu.” +“Yikhaphetshu engummangaliso eqakathayo intingele phezulu,” wacacisa uCassidy Ann. “Indintingisele emthini, naseluphahleni lwendlu, nasemthonjeni, kanti ide yafika nasemafini. Yaphinda yandibuyisela emhlabeni, ndaphantsa ukuwela kwimithana yeentyatyambo kaTamkhulu.” +“Mnxim,” watsho Trixie. “Ugeza ngale nto yokuqamba ubalise amabali angekhoyo ngokungathi ayinyani, wena Cassidy Ann! Kwixa elizayo uzifundise ukumamela wenze njengoko uxelelwa, uhlale emotweni.” +UCassidy Ann wayefuna ukubabonisa ukuba asiyontsomi le ayithethayo, walaqaza, ekhangela ikhaphetshu. Yayingabonakali nangotshengele. Wajonga phezulu – nantso esibhakabhakeni phezulu, ikhangeleka okwentaka ebhabhayo. Yayingathi yintaka enkulu netyebileyo, eluhlaza, eqakathayo phezulu emafini. +“Nantsiya,” watsho ekhomba esibhakabhakeni. “Phezulu phaya.” +Kodwa babengamkholelwa nangoku. UTamkhulu wayengenamsindo. Wathi gquzu wahleka, baza bagquzuka bonke bahleka kuloo ndlela igodukayo. +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Buza abantwana ukuba bacinga ukuba ikhaphetshu eqakathayo inokuba ikhwele njani etrakhini yezityalo ekuqaleni kwebali. Emva koko ke bacebise ukuba babhale iimpendulo zabo ephepheni ukuze zifakelelwe kweli bali njengendlela eliqala ngayo ibali.",xho,isiXhosa,Ikhaphetshu eqakathayo,"Cassidy Ann and her big sister, Trixie, were waiting in the car. Grandpa had gone into the garden shop, but he wasn’t going to be long. The car park was empty, except for a big truck that was parked on the other side of the fountain. The truck was ...",,Libali likaHelen Brain,https://nalibali.org/node/1859 +the-bouncing-cabbage,"UCassidy Ann nodadewabo omdala, uTrixie, babelinde emotweni. UMkhulu wayesangene esitolo sezinto zasengadini kodwa engezukuthatha isikhathi eside. Izindawo zokupaka zazingenalutho ngaphandle kweloli elalime ngaphesheya kwesiphethu. Iloli laligcwele izitshalo, kanti kwakunamadoda ayezehlisa ezifaka ezinqoleni ukuze zingeniswe esitolo. + +UCassidy Ann wayekwazi ukubona ngaleya kocingo uMkhulu ehamba phakathi kwezinhlu zezitshalo. Wayezama ukukhetha isihlahlana sezimbali zamarozi ayezosithenga. +Kusenjalo kwawa iklabishi lisuka phezulu elolini. Layogqoma phansi enhlabathini, lase ligingqika ledlula esiphethwini esihazayo. +“Ukubonile yini lokho, Trixie?” kubuza uCassidy Ann. “Leliya klabishi liwe elolini.” +UTrixie waphakamisa amehlo ewasusa encwadini. “Pho-ke?” ebuza. “Yiklabishi nje.” +UCassidy Ann wabuka elindele ukuthi othile alibone iklabishi bese elicosha. Kodwa la madoda ayematasatasa kakhulu, ayengabonanga nokuthi alisekho. Iklabishi lagingqika lagingqika njalo ezindaweni zokupaka liqonde emotweni yabo. Lafike lama eduze nje kwemoto. UCassidy Ann wavula isicabha ukuze alicoshe. +“Wenzani?” kubuza uTrixie, ephenqa ikhasi. “UMkhulu uthe sihlale phakathi emotweni.” +UCassidy Ann wavala isicabha.Wahlala emotweni, ekhathazekile ngeklabishi. Wabona amadoda esegibela futhi elolini. “Ngizohamba isikhathi esincane nje,” kwasho yena, evula isicabha semoto futhi, “ukwenzela ukubuyisela iklabishi kula madoda aselolini.” +Amadoda ayesevele elungele ukuhamba. Ayegaklaza izicabha kanti nomshayeli wayesevele eyidumisa iloli. +“Kulungile,” kwasho uTrixie, “kodwa uma uMkhulu ebuya ethola ungekho, akulona iphutha lami lelo.” +Ngakho uCassidy Ann wehla emotweni, wathatha iklabishi wayesegijima nalo ebheke elolini. +Kodwa kwase kungemuva kwendaba. Umshayeli wayengazange ambone. Umshayeli walisusa iloli, uCassidy Ann wasala emile endaweni yokupaka izimoto, ephethe isigaxa esikhulu seklabishi. +“Ngizokwenzenjani-ke manje?” wazibuza. “Akulona elami, kodwa futhi angikwazi ukuliphindisela. Ngabe kumele ngilishiye lapha? Noma ngihambe nalo ngiye ekhaya ngilinike uGogo alipheke?” +Khona manjalo iklabishi laqala ukunyakaza! Lanyakaza ngamandla ngangokuthi kwaba nzima kuCassidy Ann ukuthi alibambe. Lanyakaza kakhulu ngamandla lase liqala ukugxumagxuma ezingalweni zakhe. Emva kwalokho Woshi! Nke! Lagxuma landiza emoyeni, ntweziyane nalo uCassidy Ann. +Landizela phezulu, laze lafika esicongweni sesihlahla sikakwatapheya eside kakhulu. Laphinde lehla futhi, uCassidy Ann esalokhu elibambe ngqi, kwaphinde kwathi GQO-O-OMU! lagqoma emgwaqweni lase lintweza liya phezulu futhi, kulokhu laqonda ophahleni lwesitolo sezinto zengadi. +Kwakumnandi ukuba lapho phezulu. UCassidy Ann wayekwazi ukubona yonke into – abantu bethenga izitshalo esitolo sezinto zengadi, owesifazane ehamba nezinja zakhe eceleni komfula, iminduze esiphethwini, noTrixie efunda incwadi yakhe emotweni. Kwakumnandi lapha. +Kodwa emva kwalokho iklabishi laqala ukugxuma futhi. Lalinyakaza liqhaqhazela futhi ligxuma liya phansi naphezulu, uCassidy Ann sekumele alibambisise ukuze alivimbe lingasuki kuye. +“Uyaphi manje?” wamemeza ngenkathi iklabishi linyakaza kanye, kabili, kathathu … emva kwalokho shwi-i-i-i-i emoyeni, laphinde lathi shwi-i-i selehla libheke phansi. Gxumbu-u-u! selisho phakathi esiphethwini, lasaphaza amanzi yonke indawo, labuye labheka phezulu, uCassidy Ann esalinkonkoshele, egegetheka, ebuye ephonseka emthonjeni. Kwabuye kwaba namanzi amaningi athela intokazi eyayisithukuthele iphethe isixha sezimbali. + +Lasuka laya phezulu, phezulu, phezulu futhi, uCassidy Ann waze wezwa sekunuka amafu, wawezwa esemanzisa nezingubo zakhe. Laya phezulu, phezulu, phezulu, imoto kaMkhulu yaze yabonakala isincane njengethoyizi lemoto. UCassidy Ann wambona uMkhulu ephuma esitolo sezinto zasengadini, eqhuba inqola enesihlahla sezimbali zamarozi ezinameva. Iklabishi laqala ukuvevezela, lanyakaza lase liqala ukwehla laya phansi, phansi, phansi. UCassidy Ann wavele wazi nje ukuthi uzowela esihlahleni sezimbali zamarozi esinameva, ngakho waqala ukumemeza kakhulu, “Mkhulu, qaphela, Mkhulu!” +UMkhulu wabheka phezulu wayesethi, “Cassidy Ann, mihlola mini lena oyenzayo undize e …” Ngenkathi uCassidy esezowela esihlahleni sezimbali zamarozi esinameva, uMkhulu welula izingalo zakhe wabamba uCassidy Ann. Wathi uyazimelela wageja, yibo labaya beyowela esiphethwini. Ngenhlanhla kwakungasasele manzi amaningi esiphethwini, kodwa ixoxo elalikhona lethuka kakhulu, lagxuma laphuma, lizikhalela. UMkhulu wahlala emanzini kuneqabunga lomnduze elithandele ekhanda lakhe, kanti ingubo kaCassidy Ann yayisiluhlaza, futhi ishelela ngenxa yokhula lwesiziba. +UTrixie weza esegijima, wasiza ukusukumisa uMkhulu. “Kwenzekeni?” ebuza. “Kwenzeke kanjani ukuthi nobabili niwele esiphethwini?” +“UCassidy Ann ungidudulile,” kwasho uMkhulu. “Ngicabanga ukuthi yilokho okwenzekile! Angikhumbuli kahle.” +“Bekuyiklabishi lemilingo eligxumayo,” kwachaza uCassidy Ann. “Ligxume nami laya esihlahleni, lase liya ophahleni, labuya leza esiphethwini, kwathi emva kwalokho laya phezulu emafini. Emva kwalokho labuya lehla nami lacishe langifaka esihlahleni samarozi sikaMkhulu.” +“Hhayi bo!” kusho uTrixie. “Awuve ugangile ngokwazi ukuqamba izindaba ezinjalo bese wenza sengathi ziliqiniso, Cassidy Ann! Ngokuzayo kumele wenze njengoba utsheliwe uhlale emotweni.” +UCassidy Ann wayefuna ukubakhombisa ukuthi wayengaziqambeli izindaba nje, ngakho waqalaza nxazonke ebheka iklabishi. Lalingasabonwa. Emva kwalokho walibona – liphezulu esibhakabhakeni selifana nenyoni. Inyoni eluhlaza okotshani ekhuluphele, igxuma yehla yenyuka emafini. +“Naliya,” washo ekhomba esibhakabhakeni. “Laphaya phezulu.” +Kodwa naphezu kwalokho babengamkholwa. Nokho uMkhulu wayengacasukile. Waqala wahleka nasendleleni eya ekhaya babelokhu behlekile. +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Buza izingane zakho ukuthi zicabanga ukuthi iklabishi eligxumayo lingene kanjani elolini lezitshalo ekuqaleni kwendaba. Manje-ke phakamisa ukuthi zisebenzise imibono yazo ukubhala isiqephu esingafakwa endabeni ngaphambi kokuthi iqale.",zul,isiZulu,Iklabishi eligxumayo,"Cassidy Ann and her big sister, Trixie, were waiting in the car. Grandpa had gone into the garden shop, but he wasn’t going to be long. The car park was empty, except for a big truck that was parked on the other side of the fountain. The truck was ...",,NguHelen Brain,https://nalibali.org/node/1861 +everyones-is- special,"Mandla was out walking one day when he saw Elephant splashing himself in the river. Elephant looked very happy. His big ears flapped and he sprayed water high into the air using his long trunk. + +“Hello,” said Mandla, waving to Elephant. +Elephant looked down at Mandla and lifted his trunk. +“Hello, Mandla,” he said, in his big voice. +“That trunk of yours is amazing,” said Mandla. +“Oh, this?” Elephant looked at his trunk. “I suppose it is, isn’t it?” “It must be nice to spray yourself on a hot day,” said Mandla. “Oh, that’s not all I can do,” said Elephant. “I can also use my trunk to pick fruit from the trees and pull down branches. I can even use it to make a big noise if I want to. We call that trumpeting! Here let me show you.” +Elephant stretched out his trunk. Brrrrpprumph! The most marvellous, loud noise came out. It thundered through the forest and some birds flew away from a nearby tree. Mandla danced on the spot and laughed. +“That’s amazing,” he said. “I wish I had a trunk like you.” +Mandla left Elephant playing in the river and went on through the forest. He held his arm up in front of his nose, bent his arm and curled his hand so that it looked as if he had an elephant’s trunk. Then he tried to pick a bunch of berries from a bush. But he was not looking where he was going and … THUMP! He bumped into something. +“Ow,” he said, falling over. +The thing he had bumped into was brown and orange. It seemed to reach from the sandy ground all the way up through the trees. +“What’s happening down there?” said a voice from high above. +“Giraffe!” said Mandla looking up. +“What?” asked Giraffe. +“It’s me. Mandla!” +“Who?” asked Giraffe. +A great big head on the end of the long neck came down through the trees. +“Oh, hello, Mandla,” said Giraffe. +“Hello, Giraffe, I am sorry I bumped into you. I was pretending to have a trunk like Elephant and I wasn’t looking where I was going.” +“A trunk like Elephant?” asked Giraffe. +“Elephant’s trunk is marvellous,” said Mandla. “He can spray himself with water and pick fruit from the trees and make a great big noise.” +“Well,” said Giraffe, “that’s quite clever I suppose, but I can do much more with this long neck of mine.” +“Like what?” asked Mandla. +“I can reach the very tops of the trees, where the leaves are the juiciest. I can also see all around and look out for danger. My tongue is very special too,” said Giraffe. “It is very long.” Giraffe stuck out his long purple tongue. “And it’s very thick too, which means I can eat from trees even if they have thorns. Trees with thorns have the best leaves, you know,” said Giraffe. +“That’s great,” said Mandla. “I wish I was tall like you, Giraffe, then I could see over the trees and eat those leaves you keep talking about.” +“Don’t be silly,” said Giraffe. “Boys don’t eat leaves. Which reminds me, it’s time for my second lunch. See you later, Mandla.” +So Mandla went on through the forest, holding both arms above his head like a long giraffe neck and picking at the leaves on the trees. +“What are you doing?” asked a very quiet voice. +Mandla jumped back in fright. +“I didn’t mean to scare you,” said the quiet voice. A small, grey buck with a white ring on her bottom, crept from the forest. +“Waterbuck!” said Mandla. “You must be the quietest of all the animals.” + +Waterbuck blushed. “You are kind, Mandla. Being quiet helps keep me safe. I don’t like all those noisy animals.” +“It’s a very good trick, being so quiet,” said Mandla. “I wish I could creep around like you do, Waterbuck.” +“You should try it sometime! It takes lots of practice to get as good as me though. See you around, Mandla,” said Waterbuck, slipping back into the forest. +So Mandla went slowly through the forest, walking on his tiptoes like Waterbuck. It wasn’t long before he tripped over a small branch and fell into a pile of leaves. There was a quiet laugh from the forest and Mandla saw a flash of grey as Waterbuck moved away into the bushes. Mandla picked himself up and ran through the forest back to his house in the clearing. His mother was outside hanging up the washing. +“Mama?” he said quietly. +“What’s wrong, Mandla?” asked his mother. “Why do you look so unhappy?” +“Mama, how come I don’t have a trunk like Elephant? Why don’t I have a long neck like Giraffe? And why can’t I creep around like Waterbuck? They are so special and I don’t feel very special at all.” +His mother bent down and kissed him on the forehead. +“Mandla, if you had a trunk like Elephant, I would not be able to kiss you goodnight. And if you had Giraffe’s long neck, I could not pick you up in my arms and swing you about. And just think, if you were as quiet as Waterbuck, I could not find you to give you a hug.” +Mandla’s mother pulled him close. “Everyone has something special. I love you just the way you are. And to me, you are more special than all the animals in the forest,” she said. +  +Get creative! +Spend some time discussing with your children what makes them special. (Don’t forget to ask them why they think they’re special!) Then suggest that they draw pictures of themselves and complete the sentence, “I am special because …” under their picture.",eng,English,Everyone’s spec,Mandla was out walking one day when he saw Elephant splashing himself in the river. Elephant looked very happy. His big ears flapped and he sprayed water high into the air using his long trunk.,,By Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/everyones-is- special +everyones-is- special,"Op ’n dag stap Mandla buite rond toe hy sien hoe Olifant homself in die rivier natspat. Olifant lyk baie gelukkig. Sy groot ore flap en met sy slurp spuit hy water hoog in die lug in. + +“Hallo,” sê Mandla, en wuif vir Olifant. +Olifant kyk af na Mandla en lig sy slurp op. +“Hallo, Mandla,” sê hy met sy diep stem. +“Daardie slurp van jou is verstommend,” sê Mandla. +“O, dit?” Olifant kyk na sy slurp. “Ek skat dit is, né?” +“Dit moet lekker wees om jouself op ’n warm dag te kan natspuit,” sê Mandla. +“O, dis nie al wat ek kan doen nie,” sê Olifant. “Ek kan ook my slurp gebruik om vrugte van die bome te pluk en takke af te trek. Ek kan dit selfs gebruik om ’n harde geluid te maak as ek wil. Ons noem dit trompetter! Kom ek wys jou.” +Olifant strek sy slurp uit. Brrrrpprumph! Dit maak die wonderlikste, hardste geluid. Dit donder deur die bos en ’n paar voëls vlieg uit ’n boom daar naby. Mandla dans op die plek en lag. +“Dis wonderlik,” sê hy. “Ek wens ek het ’n slurp gehad soos jy.” +Mandla los Olifant om in die rivier te speel en stap verder deur die bos. Hy hou sy arm voor sy neus, buig dit en krul sy hand sodat dit lyk of hy ’n slurp soos ’n olifant het. Toe probeer hy ’n tak met bessies van ’n bossie afpluk. Maar hy kyk nie waar hy loop nie en … KADOEF! loop hy in iets vas. +“Eina,” sê hy, en val om. +Die ding waarteen hy vasgeloop het, is bruin en oranje. Dit lyk asof dit van die sanderige grond al die pad tot bo die bome strek. +“Wat gaan daar onder aan?” vra ’n stem van bo af. +“Kameelperd!” sê Mandla, en kyk op. +“Wat?” vra Kameelperd. +“Dis ek. Mandla!” +“Wie?” vra Kameelperd. +’n Groot kop aan die punt van die lang nek kyk af deur die bome. +“O, hallo, Mandla,” sê Kameelperd. +“Hallo, Kameelperd, ek is jammer dat ek in jou vasgeloop het. Ek het gemaak of ek ’n slurp het, soos Olifant, en ek het nie gekyk waar ek loop nie.” +“’n Slurp soos Olifant s’n?” vra Kameelperd. +“Olifant se slurp is fantasties,” sê Mandla. “Hy kan homself met water natspuit en vrugte uit die bome pluk en ’n groot geraas maak.” +“Wel,” sê Kameelperd, “ek veronderstel dis nogal oulik, maar ek kan baie meer met hierdie lang nek van my doen.” +“Soos wat?” vra Mandla. +“Ek kan die boomtoppe bykom, waar die blare die sappigste is. Ek kan ook ver en wyd sien en uitkyk vir gevaar. My tong is ook baie spesiaal,” sê Kameelperd. “Dit is baie lank.” Kameelperd steek sy lang pers tong uit. “En dit is ook baie dik, wat beteken ek kan van bome eet, al het hulle dorings. Weet jy, bome met dorings het die beste blare,” sê Kameelperd. +“Dis fantasties,” sê Mandla. “Ek wens ek was lank soos jy, Kameelperd, dan sou ek oor al die bome kon sien en daardie blare waarvan jy praat, kon eet.” +“Moenie laf wees nie,” sê Kameelperd. “Seuns eet nie blare nie. O, en dit herinner my dat dit tyd is vir my tweede middagete. Sien jou later, Mandla.” +Mandla stap toe verder deur die bos en hou albei sy arms bo sy kop soos ’n lang kameelperdnek, en pluk blare van die bome af. +“Wat doen jy?” vra ’n baie sagte stem. +Mandla wip soos hy skrik. +“Ek het nie bedoel om jou skrik te maak nie,” sê die sagte stem. ’n Klein, grys bokkie met ’n wit kring om haar stert, kruip uit die bos. +“Waterbok!” sê Mandla. “Jy moet die stilste van al die diere wees.” + +Waterbok bloos. “Jy is gaaf, Mandla. Om stil te wees, hou my veilig. Ek hou nie van daardie raserige diere nie.” +“Dis baie goed om so stil te kan wees,” sê Mandla. “Ek wens ek kon ook soos jy rondsluip, Waterbok.” +“Jy moet dit soms probeer! Maar dit verg baie oefening om so goed soos ek te wees. Sien jou weer, Mandla,” sê Waterbok, en sluip terug in die bos in. +Mandla stap toe stadig deur die bos, en loop saggies op sy tone, soos Waterbok. Dis nie lank nie, of hy val oor ’n klein takkie en binne-in ’n hoop blare. Hy hoor ’n sagte lag uit die bos en Mandla sien ’n grys flits toe Waterbok in die bosse verdwyn. Mandla staan op en hardloop deur die bos terug na sy huis in die oopte. Sy mamma is buite besig om wasgoed op te hang. +“Mamma?” sê hy saggies. +“Wat’s fout, Mandla?” vra sy mamma. “Hoekom lyk jy so ongelukkig?” +“Mamma, hoekom het ek nie ’n slurp soos Olifant nie? Hoekom het ek nie ’n lang nek soos Kameelperd nie? En hoekom kan ek nie rondsluip soos Waterbok nie? Hulle is so spesiaal, en ek voel glad nie spesiaal nie.” +Sy mamma buk af en soen hom op sy voorkop. +“Mandla, as jy ’n slurp soos Olifant gehad het, sou ek jou nie goeienag kon soen nie. En as jy Kameelperd se lang nek gehad het, sou ek jou nie in my arms kon optel en rondswaai nie. En dink net, as jy so stil soos Waterbok was, sou ek jou nooit kon opspoor om jou ’n drukkie te gee nie.” +Mandla se mamma trek hom nader. “Almal het iets spesiaal. Ek is lief vir jou nes jy is. En vir my is jy meer spesiaal as al die diere in die bos,” sê sy. +  +Wees kreatief! +Sit tyd opsy om met jou kinders te gesels oor dit wat hulle spesiaal maak. (Moenie vergeet om hulle te vra waarom hulle dink hulle spesiaal is nie!) Stel dan voor dat hulle prente van hulself teken en die volgende sin onder hulle prent voltooi: “Ek is spesiaal, want …”",afr,Afrikaans,Almal is spes,Mandla was out walking one day when he saw Elephant splashing himself in the river. Elephant looked very happy. His big ears flapped and he sprayed water high into the air using his long trunk.,,Deur Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/node/1791 +everyones-is- special,"Ka letšatši le lengwe Mandla o be a sepela ge a tla kopana le Tlou yeo e bego e phonkgela ka nokeng. Tlou e be e bonala e thabile kudu. E ile ya phaphasetša ditsebe tša yona tše dikgolo gomme ya šašetša meetse godimo moyeng ka mmogo wa yona o motelele. + +            “Dumela,” a realo Mandla, a emišetša Tlou seatla. +            Tlou e ile ya lebelela Mandla kua tlase gomme ya emiša mmogo wa yona. +            “Dumela, Mandla,” a realo ka lentšu la gagwe le lekoto. +            “Mmogo wa gago o a makatša,” a realo Mandla. +            “O ra ona?” Tlou ya lebelela mmogo wa yona. “Ke nagana gore o bjalo, ga go bjalo?” +            “Ke dumela gore go bose go šašetša mmele wa gago ge go fiša,” a realo Mandla. +            “Hee, ga ke dire seo fela,” a realo Tlou. “Ke kgona le go kga dienywa mehlareng ka mmogo wa ka le go gogela makala fase. Ge ke rata nka o diriša go dira lešata le legolo. Seo se bitšwa go letša porompeta! E re ke go bontšhe.” +            Tlou ya taolla mmogo wa yona. Brrrrpprumph! Gwa tšwa lešata le legolo, la bose. Modumo wa lona wa kwagala lešokeng gomme dinonyana tša tšhaba go tšwa mohlareng wa kgauswi. Mandla o ile a bina gona fao gomme a sega. +            “Seo se a kgahliša,” a realo. “O kare nkabe ke na le mmogo go swana le wena.” +            Mandla a tlogela Tlou a bapala ka nokeng a ya ka lešokeng. O ile a bea letsogo nkong, a koba letsogo, a sopa seatla sa gagwe sa ba e ke o na le mmogo wa tlou. A leka go fula dithetlwa mohlareng. Efela o be a sa lebelele fao a yago gona gomme … PHUU! A thula se sengwe. +            “Ijoo,” a realo, a wa. +            O thutše selo sa mmala wo motsothwa le wa namune. E bonala e etšwa tlase mohlabeng gomme e eya godimo makaleng. +            “Go direga eng kua tlase?” la realo lentšu go tšwa godimo. +            “Thutlwa!” a realo Mandla a lebelela godimo. +            “Ke eng?” gwa botšiša Thutlwa. +            “Ke nna. Mandla!” +            “Mang?” gwa botšiša Thutlwa. +            Hlogo ye kgologadi kua mafelelong a molala o motelele e tla fase ka mehlareng. +            “Aa, dumela, Mandla,” a realo Thutlwa. +            “Dumela, Thutlwa, ntshwarele ge ke go thutše. Ke be ke itira o kare ke na le mmogo wa go swana le wa Tlou gomme ke sa lebelele fao ke yago gona.” +            “Mmogo wa go swana le wa Tlou?” gwa botšiša Thutlwa. +            “Tlou o na le mmogo wa botse,” a realo Mandla. “O kgona go šašetša mmele wa gagwe ka meetse a kga le dienywa mehlareng gomme a ba a dira le lešata le legolo.” +            “Agaa,” a realo Thutlwa, “seo ke bohlale, efela ka molalala wo wa ka o motelele nka dira tše dintši go feta tšeo.” +            “Go swana le eng?” gwa botšiša Mandla. +            “Nka fihlelela bogodimo bja mehlare, fao go nago le matlakala a mohlodi wo bose. Ke kgona go bona gohle ka lebelela le fao go lego kotsi. Leleme la ka le lona le kgethegile,” a realo Thutlwa. “Ke le letelele kudu.” Thutlwa a ntšha leleme la gagwe le lephepolo. “Ebile ke le lekoto, se se ra gore nka ja mo mehlareng le ge e na le meetlwa. Mehlare ya go ba le meetlwa e na le matlakala a mabose, wa tseba,” a realo Thutlwa. +            “Ke gabotse,” a realo Mandla. “O kare nkabe ke le yo motelele bjalo ka wena Thutlwa, ke be ke tla kgona go bona ka godimo ga mehlare ka ja matlakala a o bolelago ka ona gantši.” +            “O se be setlaela,” a realo Thutlwa. “Bašemane ga ba je matlakala. Se se nkgopotša gore ke nako ya matena a bobedi a ka. Ke tla go bona ka morago, Mandla.” +            Gomme Mandla a tšwela pele go sobelela ka lešokeng, a beile matsogo a mabedi ka godimo ga hlogo bjalo ka molala wa thutlwa gomme a ekga matlakala a mehlare. +            “O dira eng?” gwa botšiša lentšu la tlase. +            Mandla a fofela morago ka letšhogo. +            “Ke be ke sa re ke a go tšhoša,” la realo lentšu la tlase. Kwele ye pududu ye nnyane ya realo ka mothaladi wa go dikologa botlase bja yona o mošweu, ya tšwa ka lešokeng. +            “Kwele!” a realo Mandla. “O swanetše go ba o homotše go feta diphoofolo tšohle.” + +            Kwele ya lewa ke dihlong. “O motho wa go loka, Mandla. Go homola go nthuša gore ke dule ke bolokegile. Ga ke nyake go bona diphoofolo tše tša go dira lešata ka moka ga tšona.” +            “Go homola ke leano le lebotse,” a realo Mandla. “O kare nka gagaba bjalo ka wena, Kwele.” +            “O leke seo ka nako ye nngwe! O hloka go itlwaetša gantši gore o swane le nna. Ke tla go bona, Mandla,” a realo Kwele, a tsena ka lešokeng. +            Gomme Mandla a tsena lešokeng ka go nanya, a nanankela bjalo ka Kwele. E se kgale a kgola ke kalana gomme a wela godimo ga mokgobo wa matlakala. Gwa kwagala sesego sa tlase go tšwa lešokeng gomme Mandla a bona gadi ya Kwele ye pududu e tsena lešokeng. Mandla a kitima a tšwa ka lešokeng a lebile ntlong ya gagwe. Mmagwe o be a anega diaparo ka ntle. +            “Mma?” a realo ka lentšu la tlase. +            “Bothata ke eng, Mandla?” gwa botšiša mmagwe. “O reng o bonala o sa thaba?” +            “Mma, nkane ke se na mmogo bjalo ka Tlou? Nkane ke se na molala o motelele bjalo ka Thutlwa? Gona nkane ke sa kgone go gagaba bjalo ka Kwele? Di bohlale kudu gomme ga ke ikwe ke kgethegile le gatee.” +            Mmagwe a obama a mo atla phatleng. +            “Mandla, ge nkabe o na le mmogo wa go swana le wa Tlou, ke be nkase kgone go go atla ge o eya malaong. Gomme ge nkabe o na le molala o motelele bjalo ka wa Thutlwa, ke be nkase kgone go go kukela ka matsogong a ka ka go hwidinya. Gape nagana, ge nkabe o homotše bjalo ka Kwele, ke be nkase go hwetše gore ke go gokare.” +            Mmago Mandla a mo gogela kgauswi le yena. “Motho yo mongwe le yo mongwe o na le selo sa go kgethega. Ke go rata ka tsela ye o lego ka yona. Gomme go nna, o kgethegie go feta diphoofolo tšohle tša lešoka,” a realo. +  +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Tšea nako o boledišana le bana ba gago ka ga tšeo di dirago gore ba kgethege. (O se lebale gore ba hlaloše gore ke ka lebaka la eng ba nagana gore ba kgethegile!) Ka morago šišinya gore ba thale diswantšho tša bona ba feleletše lefoko, “Ke kgethegile ka gobane …” ka tlase ga diswantšho tša bona.",nso,Sepedi,Motho yo mongwe le yo mongwe o kgethegile,Mandla was out walking one day when he saw Elephant splashing himself in the river. Elephant looked very happy. His big ears flapped and he sprayed water high into the air using his long trunk.,,Ka Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/node/1793 +everyones-is- special,"Mandla o ne a tsamaya a otlolla maoto ka tsatsi le leng ha a tla bona Tlou a itahlela ka metsing nokeng a sesa. Tlou o ne a shebahala a thabile haholo. Ditsebe tsa hae tse kgolo di ne di phukalla mme a phakgatsa metsi ho ya hodimo moyeng a sebedisa nko ya hae e telele. + +            “Dumela,” ha rialo Mandla, a dumedisa Tlou. +            Tlou a sheba fatshe ho Mandla mme a phahamisa nko ya hae. +            “Dumela, Mandla,” a rialo, ka lentswe le phahameng. +            “Nko eo ya hao e a makatsa,” ha rialo Mandla. +            “O, o tjho nthwee?” Tlou a sheba nko ya hae. “Ke nahana jwalo le nna, ha ho jwalo?” +            “Ekare ho monate ho ikgasa ka metsi ha letsatsi le tjhesa,” ha rialo Mandla. +            “O, ha se seo feela seo nka se etsang,” ha rialo Tlou. “Hape nka kgona ho sebedisa nko ya ka ho kga ditholwana difateng mme ke hulele Makala tlase. Hape nka e sebedisetsa ho etsa lerata le leholo ha ke batla. Hoo re ho bitsa ho letsa terompeta! E re ke o bontshe ke etsa jwang.” +            Tlou a otlolla nko ya hae. Brrrrpprumph! Modumo o monate ka ho fetisisa, o phahameng wa tswa. O ile wa thwathwaretsa ho kenella morung mme tse ding tsa dinonyana tsa fofa tsa baleha sefateng se haufi. Mandla a tantsha hona tulong eo mme a tsheha. +            “Ke ntho e makatsang,” a rialo. “Ke lakatsa eka nka be ke ena le nko e tshwanang le ya hao.” +            Mandla a siya Tlou a ntse a bapala ka nokeng mme a tsamaya hara moru. O ile a phahamisetsa matsoho a hae hodimo ka pela nko ya hae, a koba sephaka sa hae mme a sotha letsoho la hae hore le shebahale jwaloka nko ya tlou. Yaba o leka ho kga sehlopha sa diberi ka morung. Empa o ne a sa sheba moo a yang teng … THUU! A thula ho hong. +            “Ow,” a rialo a wela fatshe. +            Ntho eo a ileng a e thula e ne e le sootho le mmala wa lamunu. E ne e shebahala e tloha fatshe ho ya hodimo difateng kwana. +            “Ho etsahala eng tlase moo?” ha rialo lentswe ka hodimo ho yena. +            “Thuhlo!” ha rialo Mandla a sheba hodimo. +            “Ke eng?” ha botsa Thuhlo. +            “Ke nna. Mandla!” +            “Mang?” ha botsa Thuhlo. +            Hlooho e kgolohadi qetellong ya molala o molelele ya theosa ho tla fatshe hara difate. +            “O, dumela, Mandla,” ha rialo Thuhlo. +            “Dumela Thuhlo, ke maswabi ha ke ile ka o thula. Ke ne ke iketsa eka ke na le nko e telele jwaloka Tlou mme ke ne ke sa sheba moo ke yang.” +            “Nko e kang ya Tlou?” ha botsa Thuhlo. +            “Nko ya tlou e makatsa haholo,” ha rialo Mandla. “O kgona ho ikgasa ka metsi mme a kge ditholwana difateng mme a etse lerata le leholo.” +            “Tjhe,” ha rialo Thuhlo, “tseo ke dintho tse bohlale haholo ke nahana jwalo, empa nna nka etsa tse ngata ho feta ka molala ona wa ka o molelele.” +            “Tse kang eng?” ha botsa Mandla. +            “Ke kgona ho fihlella ka hodimodimo difateng, moo makala a leng monate ho feta. Hape ke kgona ho bona hohle mme ke bone kotsi e sa tla hole. Leleme la ka le kgethehile le lona,” ha rialo Thuhlo. “Le lelelele haholo.” Thuhlo a ntsha leleme la hae le le lelele le perese. “Mme hape le letenya, e leng se bolelang hore nka nna ka ja difateng leha di ena le meutlwa. Difate tse nang le meutlwa di na le makala a monate haholo, o a tseba,” ha rialo Thuhlo. +            “Ke hantle haholo,” ha rialo Mandla. “Ke lakatsa eka nka be ke le molelele jwaloka wena Thuhlo, mme ke ne ke tla kgona ho bona le ka hodimo ho difate mme ke je makala ao o ntseng o bua ka ona.” +            “Tloha mona,” ha rialo Thuhlo. “Bashemane ha ba je makala. Ka ba ka hopola, ebile ke nako ya dijo tsa motsheare kgetlo la bobedi. Ke tla o bona hamorao Mandla.” +            Yaba Mandla o tsamaya ho parola moru, a tshwere matsoho a hae ka hodima hlooho jwaloka molala wa Thuhlo o molelele mme a ekga mahlaku sefateng. +            “O etsang?” ha botsa lentswe le bonolo haholo. +            Mandla a tlolela morao ke ho tshoha. +            “Ke ne ke sa re ke a o tshosa,” ha rialo lentswe le bonolo. Kgama e nyane e putswa e nang le reng e tshweu mohatleng wa yona, ya kgukguna ho tswa morung. +            “Kgama ya matsha!” ha rialo Mandla. “Ke a kgolwa ke wena ya kgutsitseng ho feta diphoofolo tsohle.” + +            Kgama ya matsha ya swaba. “O mosa, Mandla. Ho kgutsa ho nthusa ho dula ke bolokehile. Ha ke rate diphoofolo tseo tse ding tse lerata.” +            “Ke leqheka le letle haholo, ho dula o kgutsitse,” ha rialo Mandla. “Ke lakatsa eka nka nanya ho tshwana le wena, Kgama ya matsha.” +            “O lokela ho e leka ka nako e nngwe! O tla lokela ho ikwetlisa haholo hore o tle o kgone jwaloka nna. Ke tla o bona he, Mandla,” ha rialo Kgama ya matsha, a nanya a kgutlela ka hara moru hape. +            Yaba Mandla o tsamaya butle ka hara moru, a tsamaya ka ditsetsekwane jwaloka Kgama ya metsi. E ne e so be kgale ha a kgotjwa ke lekala le lenyane mme a wela hodima qubu ya mahlaku. Ho ne ho ena le ditsheho tse tlaase tse tswang morung mme Mandla o ile a bona ho tsekema ntho e putswa ha Kgama ya matsha a tloha a kena hara moru. Mandla a phahama mme a matha ka hara moru a kgutlela tlung yabo ka thoko ho moru. Mmae o ne a le ka ntle a ntse a aneha diaparo. +            “Mme?” a rialo a buela fatshe. +            “Molato ke eng, Mandla?” ha botsa mmae. “Hobaneng o shebahala o sa thaba tje?” +            “Mme, hobaneng nna ke se na nko e tshwanang le ya Tlou? Hobaneng ha nna molala wa ka o se molelele jwaloka wa Thuhlo? Mme ke hobaneng ha ke sa kgone ho nanya jwaloka Kgama ya matsha? Kaofela ha bona ba bohlale mme nna ke ikutlwa eka ha ke a kgetheha hohang.” +            Mmae a inama mme a mo suna phatleng. +            “Mandla, ha o ne o ena le nko ya Tlou, ke ne nkeke ka kgona ho o suna ha o robala. Mme hoja o ne o ena le molala o molelele wa Thuhlo, ke ne ke sa tlo kgona ho o phahamisa ke o potolohisa. Mme o ke o nahane, hoja o ne o kgutsitse jwaloka Kgama ya matsha, ke ne ke sa tlo kgona ho o fumana hore ke o hake.” +            Mme wa Mandla a mo hulela ho yena. “Bohle ba na le ho itseng ho kgethehileng. Ke o rata feela kamoo o leng ka teng. Mme ho nna, o kgethehile ho feta diphoofolo tsohle tse ka hara moru,” a rialo. +  +Iqapele! +Qetang nako e itseng le buisana le bana ba hao ka se etsang hore ba kgethehe. (O se ke wa lebala ho ba botsa hore ke hobaneng ha ba nahana hore ba kgethehile!) Ebe o hlahisa hore ba take ditshwantsho tsa bona mme ba qetelle polelo e reng, “Ke kgethehile hobane …” ka tlasa ditshwantsho tsa bona.",sot,Sesotho,Bohle ba kgethehile | Sotho Children Stories,Mandla was out walking one day when he saw Elephant splashing himself in the river. Elephant looked very happy. His big ears flapped and he sprayed water high into the air using his long trunk.,,Ka Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/node/1795 +everyones-is- special,"Ngenye imini uMandla wayezihambela ehlathini xa wathi wabona uNdlovu ezitshiza ngamanzi emlanjeni. Wayekhangeleka onwabe kakhulu uNdlovu. Iindlebe zakhe ezinkulu zibhakuzela emacaleni ngexa wayezitshiza ngamanzi, esebenzisa umboko wakhe omde. + +            “Molo,” watsho uMandla ebulisa uNdlovu ngobubele. +            UNdlovu wamjongela phaya ezantsi uMandla ephakamise umboko wakhe. +            “Molo, Mandla,” waphendula uNdlovu ngelizwi elikhulu. +“Yhu! Mhle lo mboko wakho. ” kutsho uMandla. +“Utsho le nto?” uNdlovu watsho ejonga umboko wakhe. “Mhlawumbi unyanisile, andazi.” +“Inokuba kumnandi xa uzitshiza ngawo xa kushushu,” kwatsho uMandla. +“Awuphelelanga apho tu kanti umsebenzi womboko wam Mandla,” kwatsho uNdlovu. “Ndiyakwazi nokukha iziqhamo emithini, nditsale namasebe emithi. Kananjalo ndiyakwazi nokwenza isandi esikhulu ngokumangalisayo xa ndithanda. Sithi thina oko kukubetha ixilongo! Yima ndikubonise.” +Watsho esolula umboko wakhe uNdlovu, wavuthela esithi Mprrrooohhh! Kwaphuma isandi esikhulu nesimnandi ngeyona ndlela. Sahlokomisa ihlathi lonke eso sandi, kwabhabha neentaka ezazihleli kumthi owawukufutshane nabo. UMandla naye wayonwabile, edanisa kuloo ngxolo, ehleka. +“Uyamangalisa umboko wakho,” watsho uMandla. “Nam ndiyawurhalela.” +Wahamba uMandla wangena ehlathini emshiya apho uNdlovu esadlala emlanjeni. Wayephakamise ingalo eyigobe phambi kwempumlo, elinganisa ukuma komboko wendlovu. Naye wayezama ukukha isihlahla samaqunube apho ehlathini. Kwathi kanti akajonganga apho ahamba, esiya ngakhona … GQUM! Waya kungqubeka entweni. +“Shu,” watsho, esiwa. +Uthe xa eyiqwalasela loo nto akhubeke kuyo wayibona ukuba inamabalabala antsundu kunye naorenji kwaye yayibonakala ngokungathi yinto ende kakhulu ngokuba yayibonakala ingathi ilingana kunye nemithi. +“Kwenzeka ntoni apho ezantsi?” latsho ilizwi livela phezulu. +“Ndlulamthi!” watsho uMandla ejonge phezulu. +“Uthini?” wabuza uNdlulamthi. +“Ndim, uMandla!” +“Uthi ungubani?” wabuza kwakhona uNdlulamthi. +Kusenjalo kwavela intloko kwelinye icala laloo ntamo inde apho phakathi kwemithi. +“Tyhini molo Mandla,” watsho uNdlulamthi. +“Molo, Ndlulamthi. Undixolele kuba ndingqubeke kuwe, kaloku ndilibele kukulinganisa uNdlovu nomboko wakhe, ngoku bendingajonganga apho bendihamba khona.” +“UNdlovu nomboko wakhe?” wabuza uNdlulamthi esolula intamo yakhe. +“Ewe, umboko wakhe uyamangalisa,” watsho uMandla. “Uyakwazi ukuzitshiza ngamanzi, ukukha iziqhamo emithini kwakunye nokwenza isandi esingxola njengexilongo.” +“Ndiyakuva,” watsho uNdlulamthi, “iyamangalisa ngenene loo nto, kodwa mna ndingenza okudlula oko ngale yam intamo.” +“Utsho kanjani?” wabuza uMandla ekhuphe amehlo. +“Mna ndifika enkcochoyini yemithi, apho kukho awona anencasa amagqabi. Kananjalo ndiyakwazi nokujonga ngaphaya kwemithi ukuze ndibone ukuba kukho ingozi ezayo kusini na. Nolwimi lwam lukhethekile,” watsho uNdlulamthi. “Lude kakhulu kwaye luqinile.” UNdlulamthi watsho ekhuphela ngaphandle olo lwimi lwakhe lude, lubumfusa ngombala. “Kwaye lomelele kakhulu loo nto yenze ukuba ndikwazi nokutya amagqabi emithi ehlabayo nenameva. Kaloku imithi enameva yeyona inamagqabi amnandi, inokuba uyayiqonda,” kwatsho uNdlulamthi. +“Yhu tana, akwaba nam bendimde njengawe, ukwenzela ukuba ndijonge ngaphezu kwemithi nditye naloo magqabi anencasa uthetha ngawo,” watsho encumile uMandla. +“Hayi suka wena kwedini,” kwatsho uNdlulamthi. “Wakhe wayibona phi inkwenkwana etya amagqabi? Uyayazi utsho wandikhumbuza ukuba lixesha lokufumana isidlo sam sasemini okwesibini. Sakuphinda sibonane ngelinye ixesha Mandla.” +Waqhubeka ke kwakhona uMandla ehamba apho ehlathini, ephakamise izandla zozibini elinganisa loo ntamo inde yendlulamthi, ekwaxhwitha namagqabi apho emithini. +“Yintoni le uyenzayo?” kwavakala ilizwi elipholileyo lisitsho. +Wothuka watsiba uMandla. +“Uxolo bendingafuni ukukothusa,” latsholo phantsi kwakhona elo lizwi. Apho ehlathini kwavela ibhadi elincinane elibungwevu namhlophe ngasezinyaweni. +“Kanti nguwe lo Bhadi!” watsho uMandla. “Andiqondi ukuba sikho esinye isilwanyana esizole njengawe.” + +Wabobotheka uBhadi ngaloo mazwi. “Unobubele kakhulu wena, Mandla. Oku kuzola kuyandinceda ukuba ndihlale ndikhuselekile. Andizithandi izilwanyana ezingxolayo.” +“Liqhinga elihle eli lakho lokuzola,” kwatsho uMandla. “Nam ndiyakurhalela ukuchwechwa njengawe, Bhadi.” +“Kufuneka ukhe uzame nawe ngenye imini! Kuya kufuneka ukuba uziqhelise amaxesha amaninzi ukuze ubeyincutshe njengam kodwa. Sakuphinda sibonane Mandla,” watsho ebuyela enzulwini yehlathi uBhadi. +Wahamba kwakhona uMandla eqhubeka ngendlela yakhe apho ehlathini echwechwa, elinganisa uBhadi kodwa kwathi engekabiphi wakhubeka wawa phantsi kwinqumba yamagqabi. Wathi esalele apho phantsi weva intsini ezolileyo kaBhadi, wabe esithi tshe ngaloo mbala wakhe obungwevu, esithela ngaphaya kwetyholo. Waphakama uMandla wabaleka, ephinziza phakathi kwemithi egoduka. Wafika umama wakhe ephandle, esoneka iimpahla azihlambileyo. +“Mama?” watsho ethethela phantsi. +“Kwenzeka ntoni Mandla?” wabuza umama wakhe. “Kutheni ukhangeleka ungonwabanga nje?” +“Mama, kutheni mna ndingenawo umboko njengoNdlovu? Kutheni ndingenayo intamo ende njengoNdlulamthi? Kwaye kutheni ndingakwazi ukuchwechwa njengoBhadi? Bakrelekrele gqitha bebonke kwaye mna andiziva ndikhethekile njengabo konke-konke,” watsho ekhalaza uMandla. +Wagoba umama wakhe wamncamisa ebunzi. +“Mandla, kaloku ukuba ubunomboko njengoNdlovu, bendingasoze ndikwazi ukukuncamisa ebusuku xa ulala. Kwaye ukuba ubunentamo ende njengoNdlulamthi, bendingasoze ndikwazi ukukufunqula ndikujiwuzise ngeengalo kamnandi. Khawufane ucinge, ukuba ubuchwechwa njengoBhadi bendingaze ndikufumanekanjani ukuze ndikwange?” +Umama kaMandla wamsondeza kuye. “Wonke umntu ukhethekile ngendlela yakhe. Ndikuthanda ulolu hlobo ululo. Kwaye kum, ukhetheke ukogqitha zonke ezi zilwanyana zehlathi,” wagqibela ngelitshoyo umama wakhe. +  +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Chita ixeshana nabantwana bakho nincokole ngezinto ezibenza bakhetheke. (Ungalibali ukubuza ukuba kutheni becinga ukuba bakhethekile!) Emva koko bacebise ukuba bazizobe bandule ke ukugqibezela esi sivakalisi sithi, “Ndingokhethekileyo kuba …” ezantsi kwemfanikiso yabo.",xho,isiXhosa,Wonke umntu ukhethekile,Mandla was out walking one day when he saw Elephant splashing himself in the river. Elephant looked very happy. His big ears flapped and he sprayed water high into the air using his long trunk.,,Libali likaKai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/node/1797 +everyones-is- special,"Ngolunye usuku uMandla wayezihambela nje ngenkathi esebona uNdlovu ezithela ngamanzi emfuleni. UNdlovu wayebukeka ejabule kakhulu ngalowo mzuzu. Wayedamane ebhakuzisa amagwagwa ezindlebe zakhe ezithela ngamanzi esebenzisa umboko wakhe. + +            “Sawubona mngani,” kubingelela uMandla, evayizela uNdlovu. +            UNdlovu wambukela laphaya phansi uMandla maqede waphakamisa umboko wakhe. +            “Yebo, Mandla,” kuphendulau Ndlovu ngezwi lakhe elibhodlayo. +            “Lowo mboko wakho omkhulu uyamangalisa,” kusho uMandla. +            “O, usho njalo?” kusho uNdlovu ewubuka. “Sengathi unjalo, angithi?” +            “Kumele kube mnandi ukuzithela ngamanzi uma kushisa,” kusho uMandla. +            “Kanti-ke akukhona lokho kuphela engikwazi ukukwenza,” kusho uNdlovu. “Ngiyakwazi phela ukusebenzisa umboko ukukha izithelo ezihlahleni kanye nokuhlephula amagatsha imbala. Ngiphinde ngiwusebenzise ukwenza umsindo omkhulu uma ngithanda. Ngiwukhipha umsindo wakhona kube sengathi ngishaya icilongo. Awuthi ke ngikukhombise.” +            UNdlovu wawelula umboko wakhe. Bhru, bhru, bhru! Kwaphuma umsindo omkhulu oyisimanga. Waduma maqede kwenanela izihlahla, izinyoni ezisesihlahleni esiseduze zasuka zandiza. UMandla yena wavele wagida ndawonye ehleka. +            “Kuyisimanga-ke lokhu,” kusho uMandla. “Sengathi ngabe nginawo nami umboko njengawe.” +            UMandla washiya uNdlovu ezidlalela emfuleni, wangena ekujuleni kwehlathi. Waphakamisa ingalo yakhe wayibeka ngaphambi kwekhala, wayigoba ingalo wagoqa ngesandla sakhe ukuze kubukeke sengathi naye unomboko wendlovu. Wase ezama ukukha ihlukuzo lezindoni esihlahleni somdoni. Kodwa-ke wayengabhekile lapho eya khona … NGQUBU! Wazishayisa kokuthile. +            “Awu we ma-a-a,” esho evuma phansi. +            Wayezishayise entweni enombala onokunsundu nokusawolintshi. Kwakusengathi le nto isuka phansi esihlabathini iye phezulu emithini. +            “Kwenzekani laphaya phansi?” kusho izwi eliphuma le phezu. +            “Nguwe kanti, Ndlulamithi!” kusho uMandla ebheka phezulu. +            “Yini leyo?” kubuza uNdlulamithi. +            “Yimina, uMandla!” +            “Uthi ungubani?” kubuza uNdlulamithi. +            Ikhanda elikhulu ekugcineni kwentamo ende lehla ledlula emithini. +            “Yebo, sawubona, Mandla,” kwasho uNdlulamithi. +            “Yebo, Ndlulamithi; ngiyaxolisa ngokuzithela phezu kwakho. Bengenza sengathi nginomboko njengoNdlovu kanti angisabhekile lapho ngiya khona.” +            “Wena ube nomboko njengoNdlovu?” kubuzisisa uNdlulamithi. +            “Umboko kaNdlovu uyamangalisa, ngikutshele,” kwasho uMandla. “UNdlovu uyakwazi ukuzithela ngamanzi ngawo, akhe izithelo ezihlahleni aphinde enze umsindo omnandi osamculo.” +            “Hhayi-ke,” kusho uNdlulamithi, “kuzwakala kungukuhlakanipha lokho, kodwa mina ngikwazi ukwenza okungaphezu kwalokho ngale ntamo yami endekazi.” +            “Okunjengani nje?” kubuza uMandla. +            “Ngikwazi ukufinyelela ngaphezu kwezihlahla lapho kunamaqabunga amnandi ngokwedlulele khona. Ngiyakwazi nokuqalaza yonke indawo ngibone uma kukhona ingozi. Nolimi lwami futhi lungolwekhethelo,” kwasho uNdlulamithi. “Lude kakhulu.” UNdlulamithi wakhipha ulimi lwakhe olubukhwebezane. “Futhi luyigqinsi ngempela, okusho ukuthi ngiyakwazi ukudla ngisho amaqabunga ezihlahla ezinameva. Phela izihlahla ezinameva zinamaqabunga ehla esiphundu ngempela,” kugcizelela uNdlulamithi. +            “Yisimanga lesi ongitshela sona,” kusho uMandla. “Nami ngifisa sengathi ngabe ngimude njengawe, Ndlulamithi, ukuze ngibuke phezu kwezihlahla, nami ngidle lawo maqabunga olokhu ungiqhoshela ngawo.” +            “Musa ukudlala wena,” kusho uNdlulamithi. “Abafana abawadli amaqabunga. Washo wangikhumbuza ukuthi sekufanele ngiyodla isidlo sasemini futhi. Ngizobuye ngikubone, Mandla.” +            Wasuka lapho uMandla wangena ehlathini ephakamisele izingalo zomibili emoyeni ezama ukwenza okunjengentamo ende yendlulamithi, eqala nokunqampuna amaqabunga ezihlahleni. +��           “Ucabanga ukuthi wenzani wena?” kubuza izwi elipholile. +            UMandla wagxuma wahlehla ngokwethuka. +            “Bengingaqondile ukukwethusa,” kwasho izwi elipholile. Ehlathini kwaphuma inyamazane encane empunga egqize ngombala omhlophe ngemuva. +            “UPhiva!” kwasho uMandla. “Uyisilwane esithule kunazo zonke.” + +            UPhiva wafa amahloni. “Ave ulungile, Mandla. Ukuthula kuyangisiza ukuthi ngihlale ngiphephile. Angizithandi zonke lezi zilwane ezibanga umsindo.” +            “Kuzwakala kuyisu elihle ukuhlala uzithulele,” kwasho uMandla. “Ngifisa sengathi ngabe ngiyakwazi ukunyonyoba njengawe, Phiva.” +            “Uboke ukuzame nawe lokho! Kuyokuthatha isikhathi eside ukukwejwayela uze ukwazi njengami. Hhayi-ke, izobonana, Mandla,” kwasho uPhiva, enyelela engena ehlathini futhi. +            UMandla wanyonyoba wangena ehlathini ehamba ngamanzonzwane njengoPhiva. Uthe esacathama kanjalo waqhuzuka, wawela enqumbiniyamacembe. Kwezwakala uhleko nje luphuma ehlathini, uMandla wabona umbala ompunga uthi shalu ngenkathi uPhiva engena ezihlahleni. UMandla wasukuma waziqinisa, wagijima ehlathini esebheke endlini yakhe elapho okuvuleke khona. Unina wayematasa eneka izingubo. +            “Mama?” kusho uMandla ngelipholile. +            “Kwenzenjani, Mandla?” kubuza unina. “Yini ubukeke ungathokozile nje?” +            “Mama, kungani mina ngingenawo umboko njengoNdlovu? Kungani ngingenayo intamo ende njengoNdlulamithi? Futhi yini ngingakwazi ukucathama njengoPhiva? Zonke lezi zilwane zihlakaniphile, kanti mina angizizwa ngikhethekile.” +            Unina kaMandla wagoba maqede waqabula uMandla esiphongweni. +            “Mandla, ukuba ubunomboko njengoNdlovu bengingeke ngikwazi ukukuqabula lapho usuyolala. Futhi ukuba ubunentamo ende njengoNdlulamithi ngabe angikwazi ukukubamba ngikugone ezingalweni zami ngidlale nawe. Ake ucabange nje ukuthi ukuba ubuthula njengoPhiva, bengingeke ngikwazi ukukuthola kalula ngikuwole ezingalweni zami.” +            Unina kaMandla wambamba wamsondeza kuye. “Yilowo nalowo unokubalulekile, okukhethekile ngaye. Mina ngikuthanda njengoba unje. Futhi kimina ungowekhethelo ukwedlula zonke izilwane ezikhona lapha ehlathini,” kusho unina. +  +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Zinikeze isikhathi sokuxoxa nezingane zakho ngalokho okwenza zibaluleke futhi zikhetheke. (Ukhumbule ukuzibuza ukuthi kungani zicabanga ukuthi zikhethekile!) Manje-ke zitshele zidwebe izithombe zazo bese ziqedela umusho ongaphansi kwesithombe othi, “Ngikhethekile ngoba …”",zul,isiZulu,Yilowo nalowo ubalulekile,Mandla was out walking one day when he saw Elephant splashing himself in the river. Elephant looked very happy. His big ears flapped and he sprayed water high into the air using his long trunk.,,NguKai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/node/1799 +1625,"Monday is always a big wash day in Granny’s house. Every Monday, early in the morning, Granny takes out the big tin washtub and puts it on the table in the yard. Then she boils water in the kettle. She has to boil lots and lots of kettles to fill the washtub right up to the top. +Then Granny adds soap powder and stirs the water with a big wooden spoon until it becomes frothy and bubbly. And then she puts all the sheets and pillowcases, and the tablecloth and her own large underwear into the washtub and pushes them down under the water with her big wooden spoon and then stirs them around and around and around. +When everything is clean and rinsed, Koketso helps her granny to peg the heavy, wet washing on the clothesline. +One cold Monday morning, Koketso looked at what she was wearing. +“Mmm,” she thought, “my white socks are quite clean, but my blue shoes are dirty. My pink dress is clean, but my bright stripy jersey has got this morning’s breakfast all over it! Let’s see – egg, tomato sauce, milk, a bit of banana and LOTS of crumbs. I love this beautiful, warm jersey of mine, but it does need a good wash!” +“Granny!” she called out. “Can I put my stripy jersey and my blue shoes into your washtub?” + +Granny chuckled, “No, my angel, this is a HOT wash. You really mustn’t do that!” +Koketso didn’t understand. Why shouldn’t she put her jersey and shoes into her granny’s washtub? So, when Granny had gone to the shop to buy some potatoes and onions, Koketso ran into the yard. She took off her blue shoes and her bright stripy jersey, picked up the big wooden spoon and pushed them into the washtub with all the other washing. +Everything was very, very hot and heavy. The soap bubbles made Koketso sneeze, but eventually she managed to push her clothes down to the bottom – deep, deep, under all of the sheets and pillowcases, and the tablecloth and Granny’s large underwear. +“There,” she said to her jersey and shoes, “now you’ll get all clean and fresh.” +When Granny came home, she noticed that Koketso was wearing just a thin dress and had only socks on her feet. +“Koketso,” she said, “it’s a cold day. Why are you wearing those? Do you want to catch a cold?” +“Oh, Granny,” said Koketso, waving her hand in front of her face as if it was a fan, “I’m so HOT. I’m not cold at all.” +Then she skipped down the path and waved to her granny. “Bye, Granny,” she said. “I’m just going to see Pinky.” +“Now just you wait a minute …” said Granny. But Koketso didn’t hear her because she had already disappeared around the corner. +On her way to Pinky’s house, Koketso started to feel really cold. The wind was blowing through her dress, and the road was like ice under her feet. She wrapped her arms around herself and ran all the way to her cousin’s house. +“Pinky!” called Koketso jumping up and down on Pinky’s doorstep. “Pinky, let me in, I’m FREEZING!” +Pinky came to the door. “Are you mad, Koketso?” she said. “Why don’t you have any winter clothes on?” +Pinky’s house was nice and warm. +“Come in, Koketso,” said Pinky’s mother, Koketso’s Auntie Sarah. “You’re just in time for some fresh bread and jam.” +Koketso enjoyed herself so much at Pinky’s house that she forgot about Granny’s washing. Suddenly she remembered and jumped up off her chair. +“Oh no!” she said. “I was supposed to help my granny hang out the washing. I must go home RIGHT NOW!” +“Well, you can’t go dressed like that,” said Auntie Sarah. “At least put these on.” And she gave Koketso a great big, brown cardigan that came down to her knees, and a pair of old slippers. +When Koketso got home her granny was waiting for her with her arms folded. She was very cross. All the washing was hanging on the line, and right at one end was a pair of dripping blue shoes and a tiny teeny little jersey just big enough for a baby. +Koketso’s mouth fell open. “But,” she stuttered, “but, but, but, I don’t understand. That looks like my jersey, but it’s not my jersey.” And she felt the tears come to her eyes. “Oh, Granny,” she wailed, “what’s happened to my jersey? I want my old jersey back!” +Granny looked at her. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Koketso,” she said. “You can’t put woolly things into such hot water. They shrink if you do that. That’s why your jersey is so small now.” +Early the next morning when Koketso got up, she found that Granny had stuffed her blue shoes with newspaper and put them close to the heater. They were still damp and steaming, but at least they were still their normal size! Her jersey was dry and folded up on top of the pile of Granny’s clean washing. But it was very, very small. +Koketso went outside in Auntie Sarah’s big, brown cardigan and slippers to sit on the doorstep. She spread the little jersey on her lap. “I’m sorry, stripy jersey,” she said, “you were so pretty and soft.” And she cried a little bit. +“You look nice and warm in this cold weather, Koketso,” said a voice. It was old Uncle Koos who was pushing his shopping trolley down the road. “I’ve got someone here who nearly froze last night.” And old Uncle Koos opened his coat to show her that he was holding a little shivering dog. +“Oh, Uncle Koos,” said Koketso, “that dog hasn’t got enough hair to keep it warm. Maybe it needs a nice woolly coat.” +Then she had an idea. +“It can wear my old jersey!” she said “It’s much too small for me now.” +The jersey fit the little dog almost perfectly. + +“That’s wonderful, Koketso,” said Uncle Koos. “Look how pleased the little dog is. I’m going to name her after you. Now her name is Ketso.” +Koketso laughed. “Ketso,” she said. “I think that’s a nice name for a dog!” +The little dog wriggled and licked old Uncle Koos on the nose. +“She seems to like her name too,” said Uncle Koos, “and she loves her bright, stripy, woolly coat. Come on Ketso, my little dog, let’s go and find some breakfast!” Uncle Koos waved to Koketso as he walked off down the street. +“Good idea,” said Koketso and she went inside to find her granny, and some breakfast.",eng,English,Koketso’s favourite jersey,"Monday is always a big wash day in Granny’s house. Every Monday, early in the morning, Granny takes out the big tin washtub and puts it on the table in the yard. Then she boils water in the kettle. She has to boil lots and lots of kettles to fill ...",,By Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/node/1625 +1625,"Maandag is altyd ’n groot wasdag in Ouma se huis. Elke Maandag haal Ouma vroeg in die oggend reeds die groot sinkbad uit en sit dit op die tafel in die agterplaas. Dan kook sy water in die ketel. Sy moet baie ketels water kook om die sinkbad tot heel bo vol water te maak. +Dan gooi Ouma waspoeier by en roer die water met ’n groot houtlepel totdat dit begin skuim en borrel. En dan sit sy al die lakens en kussingslope, en die tafeldoek en haar eie groot onderklere in die sinkbad en druk dit met die groot houtlepel onder die water in en dan roer sy dit al in die rondte. +Wanneer alles skoon en uitgespoel is, help Koketso haar ouma om die swaar, nat wasgoed op die wasgoeddraad te hang en met pennetjies vas te steek. +Een koue Maandagoggend kyk Koketso na die klere wat sy aanhet. +“Mmm,” dink sy, “my wit sokkies is mooi skoon, maar my blou skoene is vuil. My pienk rok is skoon, maar my trui met die helder strepe is vuil na vanoggend se ontbyt. Kom ons kyk – eier, tamatiesous, melk, ’n stukkie piesang en HOPE krummels! Ek is dol oor hierdie pragtige warm trui van my, maar dit kort beslis ’n goeie was!” +“Ouma!” roep sy. “Kan ek my gestreepte trui en my blou skoene in jou sinkbad gooi?” + +Ouma lag te lekker: “Nee, my skat, hierdie is ’n WARM was. Jy moet dit regtig nie doen nie!” +Koketso verstaan nie. Waarom kan sy nie haar trui en skoene in haar ouma se sinkbad met die wasgoed sit nie? Toe Ouma later winkel toe gaan om aartappels en uie te gaan koop, hardloop Koketso agterplaas toe. Sy trek haar blou skoene en haar trui met die helder strepe uit, tel die groot houtlepel op en druk haar klere in die sinkbad saam met al die ander wasgoed. +Alles is baie, baie warm en swaar. Die seepborrels laat Koketso nies, maar uiteindelik kry sy dit reg om haar klere tot op die bodem af te druk – diep, diep, onder al die lakens en kussingslope, en die tafeldoek en al Ouma se groot onderklere. +“So ja,” sê sy vir haar trui en skoene, “nou sal julle weer lekker skoon en vars wees.” +Toe Ouma by die huis kom, sien sy dat Koketso net ’n dun rokkie en ’n paar sokkies aan het. +“Koketso,” sê sy, “dis ’n koue dag. Waarom dra jy daardie klere? Wil jy verkoue kry?” +“O, Ouma,” sê Koketso, en waai haar hand voor haar gesig asof dit ’n waaier is, “ek kry so WARM. Ek kry glad nie koud nie.” +Toe huppel sy met die paadjie af en waai vir haar ouma. “Tata, Ouma,” sê sy. “Ek gaan net gou na Pinky toe.” +“Wag net so ’n bietjie …” sê Ouma. Maar Koketso hoor haar nie, want sy het reeds om die hoek verdwyn. +Op pad na Pinky se huis, begin Koketso regtig koud kry. Die wind waai deur haar rok, en die pad is soos ys onder haar voete. Sy vou haar arms om haar lyf en hardloop al die pad tot by haar niggie se huis. +“Pinky!” roep Koketso en spring op en af op Pinky se drumpel. “Pinky, maak oop, ek VERKLUIM!” +Pinky kom deur toe gestap. “Is jy gek, Koketso?” sê sy. “Waarom het jy nie wintersklere aan nie? +Pinky se huis is snoesig en warm. +“Kom in, Koketso,” sê Pinky se mamma, Koketso se Tannie Sarah. “Jy is net betyds vir lekker vars brood en konfyt.” +Koketso kuier so lekker by Pinky se huis dat sy skoon van Ouma se wasgoed vergeet. Skielik onthou sy en spring van haar stoel af. +“O, nee!” sê sy. “Ek was veronderstel om vir Ouma te help om die wasgoed op te hang. Ek moet NOU DADELIK huis toe gaan!” +“Wel, jy kan nie met daardie klere uitgaan nie,” sê Tannie Sarah. “Trek dan ten minste hierdie aan.” En sy gee vir Koketso ’n groot, bruin trui wat tot op haar knieë hang, en ’n paar ou pantoffels. +Toe Koketso by die huis kom, wag haar ouma vir haar met gevoude arms. Sy is baie kwaad. Al die wasgoed hang op die draad, en op die heel verste punt van die draad hang ’n paar druipnat blou skoene en ’n piepklein truitjie, net groot genoeg vir ’n baba. +Koketso se mond val oop. “Maar,” stotter sy, “maar, maar, maar, ek verstaan nie. Dit lyk soos my trui, maar dit is nie my trui nie.” En sy voel hoe die trane in haar oë brand. “O, Ouma,” huil sy, “wat het met my trui gebeur? Ek wil my ou trui terughê!” +Ouma kyk na haar. “Moenie sê ek het jou nie gewaarsku nie, Koketso,” sê sy. “Jy kan nie wolgoed in sulke warm water was nie. Dit krimp as jy dit doen. Dis hoekom jou trui nou so klein is.” +Vroeg die volgende oggend toe Koketso opstaan, sien sy dat Ouma haar blou skoene vol koerantpapier gestop en hulle naby die verwarmer gesit het. Hulle is nog steeds klam en die stoom trek daaruit, maar ten minste is hulle nog steeds hul normale grootte! Haar trui is droog en lê opgevou bo-op Ouma se stapel skoon wasgoed. Maar dit is baie, baie klein. +Koketso gaan buitentoe met Tannie Sarah se groot, bruin trui en pantoffels aan en gaan sit voor die deur. Sy sprei die klein truitjie op haar skoot oop. “Ek is jammer, streeptruitjie,” sê sy, “jy was so mooi en sag.” En sy huil so ’n bietjie. +“Jy lyk lekker warm in hierdie koue weer, Koketso,” sê ’n stem. Dit is ou Oom Koos wat sy winkeltrollie in die straat af stoot. “Ek het iemand hier wat gisteraand byna verkluim het.” En ou Oom Koos maak sy jas oop en wys vir haar dat hy ’n bibberende klein hondjie vashou. +“Ai, Oom Koos,” sê Koketso, “daardie hondjie het nie genoeg hare om haarself warm te hou nie. Dalk het sy ’n lekker wollerige jassie nodig.” +Toe kry Koketso ’n idee. +“Die hondjie kan my ou trui dra!” sê sy. “Dit is nou heeltemal te klein vir my.” +Die trui pas die hondjie perfek. + +“Dis wonderlik, Koketso,” sê Oom Koos. “Kyk hoe bly is die hondjie nou. Ek gaan haar na jou vernoem. Haar naam is nou Ketso.” +Koketso lag. “Ketso,” sê sy. “Ek dink dis ’n mooi naam vir ’n hond!” +Die hondjie wriemel en lek ou Oom Koos op sy neus. +“Dit lyk of sy ook van haar naam hou,” sê Oom Koos, “en sy hou van haar helder, gestreepte, wollerige jassie. Kom, Ketso, my honne, kom ons gaan soek iets te ete vir ontbyt!” Oom Koos waai vir Koketso toe hy in die straat af stap. +“Goeie idee,” sê Koketso, en sy gaan binnetoe om haar ouma en iets te ete te soek.",afr,Afrikaans,Koketso se gunstelingtru,"Monday is always a big wash day in Granny’s house. Every Monday, early in the morning, Granny takes out the big tin washtub and puts it on the table in the yard. Then she boils water in the kettle. She has to boil lots and lots of kettles to fill ...",,Deur Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/node/1627 +1625,"Letšatši la Mošupologo ka mehla e ba letšatši le legolo la go hlatswa ka ntlong ya Koko. Mesong ya mošupologo o mongwe le o mongwe, Koko o be a ntšha sekotlelo sa tšhipi se segolo seo a hlatswago diaparo ka gare ga sona a se bea tafoleng ka jarateng. Ka morago o tla bediša meetse ka ketlele. O be a swanela go bediša meetse gantši gore a tlatše sekotlelo. +Koko ka morago o tšhela sesepe sa lerole gomme a hudua meetse ka lehwana la kota le legolo go fihlela a tlala dipudula. O ile a tsenya malakane ka moka le dilopo, le lešela la tafola le seaparo sa gagwe sa ka gare se segolo ka sekotlelong sa go hlatswetša gomme a di kitela tlase ka meetseng ka lehwana la gagwe la kota le legolo a ba a di hudua gantši le gantši. +E rile ge dihlatswiwa ka moka di hlatswitšwe di tšokoloditšwe, Koketso a thuša koko go anega dihlatswiwa tša go thapa tša boima terateng ya go anega. +Mesong ya go tonya ya Mošupologo o mongwe, Koketso o ile a lebelela diaparo tše a di aperego. +“Mmm,” a nagana, “disokisi tša ka tše dišweu di hlwekile, efela dieta tša ka tše di talalerata di tšhilafetše. Roko ya ka ye pinki e hlwekile, efela jesi ya ka ya methaladi ya go taga e tšhetšwe ke dijo tša go fihlola! A re lebelele – lee, tamatisoso, maswi, panananyana le marathana a MANTŠI. Ke rata jesi ye ya ka ya borutho ye botse, efela e nyaka go hlatswiwa!” +“Koko!” a mmitša. “Naa nka tsenya jesi ya ka ya methaladi le dieta tše ditalalerata ka sekotlelong sa gago sa go hlatswetša?” + +Koko o ile a segela teng, “Aowa, lerato la ka, meetse a FIŠA. Ga wa swanela go dira seo!” +Koketso ga se a kwešiša. Ke ka lebaka la eng a sa swanela go tsenya jesi ya gagwe le dieta ka sekotlelong sa go hlatswetša sa koko? Gomme, e rile ge Koko a ile lebenkeleng go reka matsapane le dieiye, Koketso a kitimela ka jarateng. O ile a hlobola jesi ya gagwe ya methaladi le dieta tše ditalalerata, a tšea lehwana la kota le legolo a di kitela ka lona ka sekotlelong sa go hlatswetša ka fao go lego tše dingwe. +Dilo tšohle di be di fiša kudukudu ebile di le boima. Dipudula tša sesepe di ile tša ethimodiša Koketso, efela mafelelong a kgona go kitela diaparo tša gagwe kua tlase – tlasetlase ka tlase ga malakane le dilopo, lešela la tafola le seaparo sa Koko sa ka gare se segolo. +“Šidile,” a realo go jesi le dieta tša gagwe, “bjale le tla ba botse la nkga bose.” +Koko o rile go boa, a lemoga gore Koketso o apere roko ye sese gomme maotong ke disokisi fela. +“Koketso,” a realo, “go a tonya. Ke ka lebaka la eng o apere bjalo? O nyaka go tsenwa ke phefo?” +“Aowa, Koko,” a realo Koketso, a boka ka seatla sefahlegong, “ke a SWA. Ga ke kwe go tonya le gannyane.” +O ile a tlolatlola tseleng a dumediša koko ka go mo emišetša seatla. “Gabotse, Koko,” a realo. “Ke ya go bona Pinky.” +“Emanyana …” a realo Koko. Efela Koketso ga se a mo kwa ka ge a šetše a potetše ka sekhutlo. +Koketso o ile a thoma go kwa go tonya kudu ge a le tseleng ya go ya go Pinky. Phefo e be e fefeula roko ya gagwe, gomme tsela e re ke lehlwa ka tlase ga maoto a gagwe. O ile a phutha matsogo a kitimela ntlong ya motswala wa gagwe. +“Pinky!” gwa bitša Koketso a fofafofa setupung sa pele ga lebati la gabo Pinky. “Pinky, mpulele, ke SWERWE KE LEKGWA!” +Pinky o ile a tla lebating. “O hlakane hlogo, Koketso?” a realo. “Nkane o se wa apara diaparo tša marega?” +Ntlo ya Pinky e be e le botse gape e le borutho. +“Tsena, Koketso,” a realo mmago Pinky, Sarah e lego Mmane wa Koketso. “O fihlela re e ja borotho le jamo.” +Koketso o ipshinne kudu ntlong ya gabo Pinky a lebala le ka diaparo tša Koko. Gateetee o ile a gopola gomme a fofa setulong. +“Aowaowa!” a realo. “Ke be ke swanetše go thuša koko go anega diaparo. Ke swanetše go ya gae GONA BJALE!” +“O ka se sepele o apere ka tsela yeo,” a realo Mmane Sarah. “Empa o apere se.” O file Koketso jesi ya botse ye kgolo ye tsotho ya go fihla dikhurung tša gagwe, le phere ya disiliphere tša kgale. +Koketso o rile ge a fihla gae a hwetša koko wa gagwe a mo emetše a phuthile matsogo. O be a befetšwe kudu. Dihlatswiwa ka moka di be di anegilwe, gomme kua mafelelong e le phere ya dieta tše ditalalerata tša go tsorotla meetse le jesi ye nnyanennyane yeo e ka lekanago lesea. +Molomo wa Koketso o ile wa bulega. “Efela,” o ile a kgamakgametša, “efela, efela, efela, ga ke kwešiše. Selo sela o kare ke jesi ya ka, efela ga se yona.” O ile a kwa megokgo e tlala ka mahlong a gagwe. “Ijoo, Koko,” a lla, “go diragetše eng ka jesi ya ka? Nna ke nyaka jesi ya ka!” +Koko o ile a mo lebelela. “O se ke wa re ga se ka go botša, Koketso,” a realo. “O ka se tsenye dilo tša go dirwa ka wulu ka meetseng a go fiša ka tsela ye. Ge o dira seo di a hunyela. Ke lona lebaka le o bonago jesi ya gago e hunyetše.” +E rile ge Koketso a tsoga mesong ya go latela, a hwetša Koko a tsentše dikuranta ka dieteng tša gagwe tše ditalalerata a di beile kgauswi le setutetši. Di be di sa thapile ebile di thunya muši, efela bogolo bja tšona ga se bja amega! Jesi ya gagwe e be e omile e phuthilwe godimo ga dihlatswiwa tša Koko. Efela, e be e le ye nnyane kudukudu. +Koketso o ile a ya go dula setupung ka ntle a apere jesi ye kgolo ye tsotho ya Mmane Sarah le disiliphere. O ile a phurulla jesi ye nnyane diropeng tša gagwe. “Ke maswabi, jesi ya go kokoropana,” a realo, “o be o le botse o le boleta.” O ile a lla gannyane. +“O lebelelega o le botse gape o tutetše mesong ye ya go tonya, Koketso,” lentšu la realo. Ke la Malome Koos wa go tšofala yo a bego a kgarametša teroli mo tseleng. “Ke na le motho yo a nyakilego go bolaya ke lekgwa bošego bja go feta.” Gomme Malome Koos a bula jase ya gagwe ye kgolo a mmontšha mpšanyana ye a e swerego ya go tatamela. +“Aa, Malome Koos,” a realo Koketso, “mpša yeo ga e na boya bjo bo lekanego gore e tutele. Mo gongwe e nyaka jase ya wulu ye botse.” +O ile a tlelwa ke kgopolo. +“E ka apara jesi ya ka ya kgale!” a realo. “Bjale ke ye nnyane go nna.” +Jesi e nyakile go lekana mpšanyana gabotse. + +“Ke taba ye botse yeo, Koketso,” a realo Malome Koos. “Bona gore mpšanyana e thabile bjang. Ke tla e fa leina la gago. Leina la yona bjale ke Ketso.” +Koketso o ile a sega. “Ketso,” a realo. “Ke nagana gore ke leina la botse la go swanela mpša!” +Mpšanyana e ile ya inyokanyoka ya latswa nko ya Malome Koos. +“Le yona e bonala e rata leina la yona,” a realo Malome Koos, “gomme e rata jase ya yona ya wulu, ya go kokoropana ya go taga. Etla Ketso, mpšanyana ya ka, areye go nyaka dijo tša go fihlola!” Malome Koos a emišetša Koketso seatla ge a sobelela mmileng. +“Kgopolo ye botse,” a realo Koketso gomme a ya ka ntlong go Koko wa gagwe le goja dijo tša go fihlola.",nso,Sepedi,Jesi ya Koketso ya mmamoratw,"Monday is always a big wash day in Granny’s house. Every Monday, early in the morning, Granny takes out the big tin washtub and puts it on the table in the yard. Then she boils water in the kettle. She has to boil lots and lots of kettles to fill ...",,Ka Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/node/1629 +1625,"Kamehla letsatsi la Mantaha ke la ho hlatswa tlung ya Nkgono. Ka Mantaha o mong le o mong, esale ka matjeke, Nkgono o ntsha bate e kgolo ya lesenke mme a e behe hodima tafole ka ntle jareteng. Mme ebe o bedisa metsi ka ketlele. O lokela ho bedisa diketlele tse ngata haholo hore a tle a kgone ho tlatsa bate eo. +Jwale ebe Nkgono o tshela sesepa sa phofo a fuduwe ka kgaba e kgolo ya patsi ho fihlela metsi a tshikgunya lekweba. Ebe jwale o kenya dilakane le dilopo tsohle, le masela a kwahelang tafole le borikgwe ba hae bo boholo ba ka hare ka hara bate mme a di hatelle fatshe ka tlasa metsi ka kgaba ya hae e kgolo ya patsi, a nne a di fuduhe, a di fuduhe jwalojwalo. +Ha tsohle di se di hlwekile di qetile ho pudutswa, Koketso o thusa nkgono wa hae ho aneha dintho tseo tse boima tse metsi terateng. +Ka Mantaha o mong o batang hoseng, Koketso a sheba seo a se apereng. +“Mmm,” a nahana, “dikausu tsa ka tse tshweu di hlwekile hantle, empa dieta tsa ka tse bolou di ditshila. Mose wa ka o pinki o hlwekile, empa jeresi ya ka e metsero e tshetswe ke dijo tsa hoseng hohle ho yona! E re ke bone – mahe, tamatisousu, lebese, le panana e nyane le mafoforetsane a MANGATA. Ke rata jeresi ena ya ka e ntle e futhumetseng, empa e hloka ho hlatsuwa hantle!” +“Nkgono!” a hoeletsa. “Na nka kenya jeresi ya ka e metsero le dieta tsa ka tse bolou ka bateng ya hao ya ho hlatswetsa?” + +Nkgono a tsheha, “Tjhe, rato la ka, ana ke metsi a TJHESANG haholo. Hohang o se ke wa etsa jwalo!” +Koketso ha a ka a utlwisisa. Hobaneng a ne a sa lokela ho kenya jeresi ya hae le dieta ka bateng ya nkgono? Kahoo he, yare ha Nkgono a ile lebenkeleng ho ya reka ditapole le eiye, Koketso a mathela ka ntle jareteng. A rola dieta tsa hae tse bolou mme a hlobola jeresi ya hae e metsero e kganyang, a nka kgaba e kgolo ya patsi mme a di kenyelletsa ka hare ho bate ya ho hlatswetsa mmoho le diaparo tsohle tse ding tse hlatsuwang. +Tsohle tse neng di le kamoo di ne di tjhesa haholo di le boima. Lekweba la sesepa la etsa hore Koketso a ithimole, empa qetellong a kgona ho kenyelletsa diaparo tsa hae tlase tlase – ka harahare tlasa dilakane le dilopo tsohle, le lesela la ho kwahela tafole le borikgwe bo boholo ba Nkgono ba ka hare. +“Ha se moo,” a rialo ho jeresi le dieta tsa hae, “jwale le tla hlweka le nkge hamonate kaofela.” +Ha Nkgono a kgutla, a elellwa hore Koketso o apere feela mose o bobebe mme a rwetse dikausu feela maotong. +“Koketso,” a rialo, “ho a bata kajeno. Hobaneng o apere dintho tseo? O batla ho tshwarwa ke sefuba?” +“O, Nkgono,” ha rialo Koketso, a foka moya sefahlehong sa hae jwaloka haeka ke fene, “Ke a TJHESA. Ha ke a hatsela hohang.” +Yaba o matha ho theosa tselana a ntse a tsoka letsoho a dumedisa nkgono wa hae. “Sala hantle, Nkgono,” a rialo. “Ke sa ilo bona Pinky.” +“Ako butle hanyane feela …” Nkgono a rialo. Empa Koketso ha a ka a mo utlwa hobane o ne a se a potetse ka huku. +Ha a le tseleng e yang habo Pinky, Koketso a qala ho hatsela. Moya o ne o foka moseng wa hae, mme tsela e ne e bata sa leqhwa ka tlasa maoto a hae. A ikopa ka matsoho mme a matha ka potlako ho leba habo motswalae. +“Pinky!” ha hoeletsa Koketso a ntse a tlolatlola monyako habo Pinky. “Pinky, mpulele hle, ke SHWELE ke serame!” +Pinky a tla monyako. “O a hlanya, Koketso?” a rialo. “Hobaneng o sa apara diaparo tsa mariha?” +Ntlo yabo Pinky e ne e futhumetse ha monate. +“Kena, Koketso,” ha rialo mme wa Pinky, Rakgadi Sarah wa Koketso. “O fihlile hantle bakeng sa ho ja bohobe bo foreshe le jeme.” +Koketso a natefelwa haholo habo Pinky hoo a ileng a lebala ka ho hlatswa ha Nkgono. Hanghang a hopola mme a tlola setulong seo a dutseng ho sona. +“Jowee!” a rialo. “Ke ne ke tshwanetse hore ke thuse nkgono ho aneha diaparo. Ke lokela ho ya hae HONA JWALE!” +“Tjhe bo, o keke wa tsamaya o apere jwalo,” ha rialo Rakgadi Sarah. “Bonyane apara ntho tsena.” Yaba o fa Koketso khatikene e kgolo, e sootho e fihlang mangweleng a hae, le diselepara tsa kgale. +Ha Koketso a fihla hae nkgono wa hae o ne a mo emetse a phuthile matsoho. O ne a halefile haholo. Diaparo tsohle di ne di le terateng, mme qetellong ya lehlakore le leng ho ne ho leketla dieta tse bolou tse rothang metsi le jeresi e nyane hoo e neng e ka lekana lesea. +Koketso a ema moo a ahlame ke ho makala. “Empa,” a hweleketsa, “empa, empa, empa, ha ke utlwisise. Yane ekare ke jeresi ya ka, empa ha se jeresi ya ka.” Yaba o utlwa mahlo a hae a tlala dikgapha. “Hao, Nkgono,” a bokolla, “ho etsahetse eng ka jeresi ya ka? Nna ke batla jeresi ya ka ya kgale!” +Nkgono a mo sheba. “O se ke wa re ke ne ke sa o bolella, Koketso,” a rialo. “Ha o a lokela ho kenya dintho tsa ulu ka metsing a tjhesang. Di a honyela ha o etsa jwalo. Ke kahoo jeresi ya hao e seng e le nyane hakana.” +Esale hoseng ka letsatsi le hlahlamang ha Koketso a tsoha, a fumana hore Nkgono o suntse dikoranta ka hara dieta tsa hae tse bolou mme o di beile haufi le hitara. Di ne di ntse di le mongobo mme di etswa phofodi, empa ka lehlohonolo di ne di sa ntse di le kgolo hantle! Jeresi ya hae e ne e omme mme e mennwe hantle hodima dintho tse ding tse hlatswitsweng tsa Nkgono. Empa e ne e le nyane haholo. +Koketso a tswela ka ntle a apere khatikene e kgolo, e sootho ya Rakgadi Sara, a rwetse le diselepara mme a dula setupung. A ala jeresi e nyane hodima dirope tsa hae. “Ke maswabi, jeresi e metsero,” a rialo, “o ne o le motle o le bonojana.” Mme a ba a lla hanyane. +“O shebahala o futhumetse ha monatjana maemong ana a batang a lehodimo, Koketso,” ha rialo lentswe. E ne e le Malome Koos a kganna teroli ya ho reka mabenkeleng a feta ka tsela. “Ke na le motho mona ya batlileng a hwama ke serame maobane bosiu.” Mme Malome Koos a bula jase ya hae ho mmontsha hore o ne a tshwere ntjanyana e thothomelang. +“Ao, Malome Koos,” ha rialo Koketso, “ntjanyana eo ha e na boya bo lekaneng ho e futhumetsa. Mohlomong e hloka jasenyana e ntle e boya.” +Yaba o nahana ho hong. +“E ka nna ya apara jeresi ya ka ya kgale!” a rialo “E se e le nyane haholo ho nna jwale.” +Jeresi eo ya lekana ntjanyana eo hantle feela. + +“Ke taba tse monate tseo, Koketso,” ha rialo Malome Koos. “Bona kamoo ntjanyana ena e thabileng ka teng. Ke tla e rehella ka wena. Jwale lebitso la yona e tla ba Ketso.” +Koketso a tsheha. “Ketso,” a rialo. “Ke nahana hore ke lebitso le monate bakeng sa ntja!” +Ntjanyana ya tsoka mohatla mme ya nyeka Malome Koos nkong. +“Ke bona eka le yona e rata lebitso la yona,” ha rialo Malome Koos, “ebile e rata jasenyana ya yona e kganyang, e metsero ya ulu. Tloo Ketso, ntjanyana ya ka, ha re ye re ilo batlana le dijo tsa hoseng!” Malome Koos a tataetsa Koketso ha a tsamaya mme a theosa ka seterata. +“Ke mohopolo o motle,” ha rialo Koketso ha a kena ka tlung mme a fumana nkgono wa hae, a entse dijo tsa hoseng.",sot,Sesotho,Jeresi ya Koketso eo a e ratang,"Monday is always a big wash day in Granny’s house. Every Monday, early in the morning, Granny takes out the big tin washtub and puts it on the table in the yard. Then she boils water in the kettle. She has to boil lots and lots of kettles to fill ...",,Ka Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/node/1631 +1625,"UMvulo isoloko ilusuku olunevasi eninzi kakhulu kwaMakhulu. Rhoqo ngoMvulo, kwakusasa kakhulu, uMakhulu ukhupha ibhafu yenkcenkce ze ayixhome phezu kwetafile elapho eyadini. Emva koko uthi abilise amanzi ngeketile. Kufuneka abilise iiketile ezininzi ukuze ibhafu leyo ibe nokuzala qhu. +Emva koko uMakhulu ugalela isepha engumgubo aze azamise ngelo phini lakhe likhulu de amanzi akhephuzele ugwebu. Emva koko ufaka ebhafini onke amashiti neepilo, kulandele ilaphu letafile nempahla yakhe eninzi yangaphantsi, aze ke azinyanzele ngephini lakhe elikhulu ukuze zitshone apho emanzini aze azamise zijikeleze, jikelele, jikelele njalo. +Xa yonke into sele icocekile kwaye ipuliwe, uKoketso uncedisa umakhulu ekwanekeni loo mpahla emanzi nenzima elucingweni. +Ngenye intsasa ebandayo yangoMvulo, uKoketso wajonga iimpahla azinxibileyo. +“Mhhh,” wacinga, “iikawusi zam ezimhlophe zicoceke kakhulu, kodwa zona izihlangu zam ezizuba zimdaka. Ilokhwe yam epinki icocekile, kodwa ijezi yam enemigca nemibala eqaqambileyo ibhontibhonti yonke nje sisidlo sakusasa! Khawujonge nje – iqanda, itumatososi, ubisi, intwana yebhanana kunye NENTLANINGE yengququ yesonka. Ndiyayithanda le jezi yam intle kwaye ishushu, kodwa iyakufuna ukuhlanjwa kakuhle!” +“Makhulu!” wakhwaza. “Ndingayifaka ijezi yam enemigca kunye nezihlangu zam ezizuba ebhafini yakho yokuhlamba iimpahla?” + +UMakhulu wakrukrutheka yintsini, “Hayi, mzukulwana wam, la manzi sihlamba ngawo ASHUSHU kakhulu! Akufuneki tu ukwenze oko!” +UKoketso wayengayiqondi ncam loo nto. Kutheni engazukuyifaka ijezi nezihlangu zakhe ebhafini yokuhlamba iimpahla kamakhulu nje? Ngoko ke, uthe xa uMakhulu esaye kuthenga iitapile kunye netswele evenkileni, uKoketso wangena eyadini. Wakhulula izihlangu zakhe ezizuba kunye nejezi yakhe enemigca nemibala eqaqambileyo, wathatha iphini elikhulu waze wazinyanzela ngalo, ezifaka apho ebhafini kunye nezinye iimpahla ezihlanjwayo. +Yonke into apho yayishushu kakhulu kwaye inzima. Amaqampu esepha amenza wathimla uKoketso, kodwa ekugqibeleni wakwazi ukuzinyanzela, zaya ezantsi iimpahla zakhe – kude lee ezantsi, nzulu, ngaphantsi kwawo onke loo mashiti kunye nezo pilo, ngaphantsi kwelo laphu letafile kunye naloo mpahla yangaphantsi kaMakhulu ininzi. +“Nantso ke,” watsho ebhekisa kwijezi nezihlangu zakhe, “ngoku niza kucoceka ninuke kamnandi.” +Wathi akubuya evenkileni uMakhulu, waqaphela ukuba uKoketso unxibe nje ilokhwe elayilayi kunye neekawusi nje kuphela ezinyaweni. +“Koketso,” watsho, “kuyabanda nje namhlanje. Kutheni unxibe ezo mpahla kuphela? Ingaba ufuna ukungenwa yingqele?” +“Owu, Makhulu,” watsho uKoketso, eziphekuza ngesandla sakhe ebusweni bakhe ngathi usebenzisa iphiko lokuphozisa ubushushu, “NDISHUSHU kakhulu. Andigodoli konke konke.” +Waqakatha-waqakatha ukwehla ngendledlana waze wawangawangisa kuMakhulu. “Usale kakuhle, Makhulu,” watsho. “Ndisaya kubona uPinky.” +“Khawume umzuzwana ke ntombazana ...” watsho uMakhulu. Kodwa uKoketso zange amve kuba wayesele engabonakali kuba sele ejikele ekoneni. +Endleleni eya kwaPinky, uKoketso waqalisa ukuziva egodola ngokwenene. Umoya wawuvuthuza ngamandla, uphumela kuloo lokhwe yakhe ilayilayi, kwaye nendlela yayibanda ngathi ngumkhenkce phantsi kweenyawo zakhe. Wasonga izandla zakhe ezambathisa ngazo waze wabaleka yonke loo ndlela ukuya kwamzala wakhe. +“Pinky!” wakhwaza uKoketso exhuma-xhuma esitupini sakuloPinky. “Pinky, ndivulele, NDIYAGODOLA!” +UPinky weza emnyango. “Utheni Koketso, ugula ngengqondo?” watsho emangalisiwe. “Kutheni unganxibanga nenye into eyiyimpahla yasebusika nje?” +Indlu yakuloPinky yayifudumele kamnandi. +“Ngena, Koketso,” watsho umama kaPinky, onguMakazi kaKoketso, uSarah. “Ufike kamnandi, kanye xa siza kutya isonka esishushu nesiqatywe ijem.” +UKoketso wonwaba kakhulu kuloPinky kangangokuba wade walibala ngevasi kaMakhulu. Ngephanyazo wakhumbula waze waxhuma esitulweni, wema nkqo. +“Owu bantu bakuthi!” watsho. “Bekufanele ukuba ndincedisa umakhulu wam xa kusonekwa ivasi. Kufuneka ndigoduke KANYE NGOKU!” +“Kulungile ke, kodwa awukwazi ukuhamba unxibe njalo,” watsho uMakazi uSarah. “Noko thatha, unxibe nazi iimpahla.” Waza ke wanika uKoketso ijezi evulekileyo enkulu emdaka ngebala, neyayifikelela emadolweni kuye, kunye nezilipasi ezidala. +Wathi xa uKoketso efika ekhaya, wabe umakhulu wakhe sele emlindile, esonge izandla. Wayemqumbele kakhulu. Yonke ivasi yayisele ijinga ecingweni, kwaye kwelinye icala, ekugqibeleni kocingo kwakuthontsiza izihlangu ezizuba kunye nejezana encinane kakhulu nenokulingana usana. +UKoketso wathi ng’a umlomo. “Aaaa-aa” wathintitha, “aaaa-aa, a-a-a, a-a-a, andiqondi ukuba kwenzeka ntoni. Ikhangeleka ngathi yijezi yam leyaa, kodwa asiyiyo.” Waziva iinyembezi ezishushu ziqengqeleka emehlweni akhe. “Owu, Makhulu,” walila, “kwenzeke ntoni ejezini yam? Ndifuna ijezi yam endala njengoko ibinjalo!” +UMakhulu wamjonga. “Uze ungathi khange ndikulumkise, Koketso,” watsho. “Awukwazi ukufaka izinto ezenziwe ngewulu emanzini ashushu oluya hlobo. Ziyashwabana, zinciphe ukuba wenze loo nto. Yiyo loo nto ijezi yakho incinane kangaka ngoku.” +Ngentsasa elandelayo, xa uKoketso evuka, wafumanisa ukuba uMakhulu uzihlohle amaphepha izihlangu zakhe waze wazibeka kufutshane nesifudumezi. Zazisafumile ziqhuma, kodwa zona zazisenobukhulu bazo besiqhelo! Ijezi yakhe yayomile kwaye isongwe kakuhle, yabekwa ngaphezulu kwengqumba yeempahla ezicocekileyo zikaMakhulu. Kodwa yayincinane kakhulu. +UKoketso waphuma phandle ngejezi enkulu enombala omdaka evuleke ngaphambili kaMakazi uSarah kunye nezilipasi, waya kuhlala esitupini ngasemnyango. Wayondlala phezu kwakhe ijezana encinane. “Ndicela uxolo, jezi enemigca,” watsho, “ubumhle kwaye uthambile.” Wathi asakutsho, zathi chapha-chapha iinyembezi. +“Ukhangeleka ufudumele kamnandi kule mozulu ibandayo, Koketso,” kuvakele ilizwi lisitsho. Yayilixhego elinguTatomkhulu uKoos nowayetyhala itroli yakhe, esihla ngendlela. “Ndinomnye apha kum ophantse wafa yingqele phezolo.” Waza ke uTatomkhulu uKoos wavula idyasi yakhe, wabonisa uKoketso ukuba ufihle injana encinane nengcangcazelayo ngaphatsi kwaloo dyasi. +“Owu Tatomkhulu uKoos,” watsho uKoketso, “loo nja ayinabo ngokwaneleyo uboya bokuyigcina ifudumele. Mhlawumbi ifuna idyasi yoboya eshushu kamnandi.” +Kwathi qatha ingcinga ethile kuKoketso. +“Mhlawumbi inganxiba le jezi yam indala!” watsho. “Incinane kakhulu kum ngoku, ayindilingani.” +Ijezi leyo yayilingana twatse inja. + +“Owu sisenzo esihle kakhulu esi, Koketso,” watsho uTatomkhulu uKoos. “Jonga ndlela ebonakala ivuya ngayo ngoku injana encinane. Ndiza kuyithiya ngegama lakho. Igama layo ngoku nguKetso.” +UKoketso wahleka kakhulu. “UKetso,” watsho. “Ndicinga ukuba ligama lenja elimnandi kakhulu elo!” +Inja encinane yajubalaza yaze yakhotha uTatomkhulu uKoos empumlweni. +“Ikhangeleka ngathi iyalithanda nayo igama layo,” watsho uTatomkhulu uKoos, “kwaye iyayithanda nedyasi yayo yoboya enemigca nemibala eqaqambileyo. Yiza ke Ketso, njana yam encinane, masihambe siye kukhangela isidlo sakusasa!” UTatomkhulu uKoos wawangawangisa, evalelisa kuKoketso njengokuba ehamba esihla isitalato. +“Yingcinga elungileyo leyo,” watsho uKoketso waza wangena ngaphakathi endlwini ukuya kukhangela umakhulu, kunye nesidlo sakusasa.",xho,isiXhosa,Eyona jezi ayithandayo uKoketso,"Monday is always a big wash day in Granny’s house. Every Monday, early in the morning, Granny takes out the big tin washtub and puts it on the table in the yard. Then she boils water in the kettle. She has to boil lots and lots of kettles to fill ...",,Libali likaPatricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/node/1633 +1625,"NgemiSombuluko kuhlale kuwusuku lokuwasha izingubo eziningi endlini kaGogo. Njalo ngemiSombuluko, ekuseni kakhulu, uGogo uthatha ubhavu omkhulu wokhethe bese ewubeka etafuleni elisebaleni. Ube esebilisa amanzi ngeketela. Kumele abilise amaketela amaningi amanzi ukuze akwazi ukugcwalisa ubhavu ngamanzi aze afike phezulu. +UGogo ube esethela insipho eyimpuphu, bese egovuza amanzi ngesixwembe aze abe nenkephunkephu yamagwebu. Emva kwalokho ufaka kubhavu wonke amashidi kanye nezikhwama zemicamelo, nendwangu yetafula, nephenti lakhe elikhulukazi; lezi zinto bese ezishonisa ngaphansi kwamanzi ngesixwembe sakhe esikhulu, egovuza, agovuze aphinde agovuze futhi. +Uma yonke into seyihlanzekile, iyakaziwe, uKoketso usiza uGogo ukuthi eneke ngamaphekisi izingubo ezisindayo, ezimanzi ocingweni lokweneka. +Ngelinye ilanga ekuseni ngoMsombuluko obandayo, uKoketso wabuka lokho ayekugqokile. +“Mmm,” kucabanga yena, “amasokisi ami amhlophe ahlanzeke kakhulu, kodwa izicathulo zami zingcolile. Ingubo yami ephinki ihlanzekile, kodwa ijezi lami elinemishwa ligcwele lokho ebengikudla ngesidlo sasekuseni! Ake sibone – iqanda, ithomathososi, ubisi, ubhanana omncane kanye nemvuthu ENINGI. Ngiyalithanda leli jezi lami elihle, elifudumele, kodwa lidinga ukuwashisiswa!” +“Gogo!” kumemeza yena. “Ngabe ngingalifaka ijezi lami elinemishwa kanye nezicathulo zami eziluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka kubhavu wakho wokuwashela?” + +UGogo wahleka, “Cha, muntuza wami, le insiza yokuwashela ESHISAYO. Akumele neze wenze lokho!” +Akazange akuzwe lokhu uKoketso. Kungani kumele angalifaki ijezi kanye nezicathulo zakhe kubhavu wokuwasha? Ngakho-ke kwathi uGogo esaye esitolo eyothenga amazambane kanye no-anyanisi, uKoketso wagijima waya ebaleni. Wakhumula izicathulo zakhe eziluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka kanye nejezi lakhe elinemishwa, wathatha isixwembe wase ezishonisa phansi kubhavu ogcwele zonke izingubo eziwashwayo. +Konke kwakushisa ngokwedlulele, futhi kusinda. Igwebu lensipho lenza uKoketso wathimula, kodwa ekugcineni wakwazi ukushonisa phansi izingubo zakhe – zashona ngaphansi ngempela, ngaphansi kwawo wonke amashidi nezikhwama zemiqamelo, nendwangu yetafula nephenti likaGogo elikhulukazi. +“Nazo-ke,” kusho yena ejezini kanye nasezicathulweni zakhe, “manje senizohlanzeka nibuye ninuke kahle.” +Lapho uGogo ebuya ekhaya, waqaphela ukuthi uKoketso wayegqoke ingubo elula kanye namasokisi ezinyaweni zakhe. +“Koketso,” kusho yena, “kuyabanda. Kungani ugqoke kanjalo? Ngabe ufuna ukuphathwa umkhuhlane?” +“Hawu, Gogo,” kusho uKoketso, ethathaza ngesandla sakhe phambi kobuso bakhe sengathi siyisiphephezelo “ngaze NGAFA UKUSHSA bo. Angigodoli nhlobo.” +Wangqabashiya wehla ngendlela yezinyawo wase evalelisa kugogo wakhe. “Usale kahle, Gogo,” kusho yena. “Ngisayobona uPinky.” +“Ake ume kancane …” kusho uGogo. Kodwa uKoketso akazange amuzwe ngoba wayesevele ejike ekhoneni. +Endleleni eya kubo kaPinky, uKoketso waqala ukugodola kakhulu. Umoya wawuphephetha ingubo yakhe, futhi umgwaqo wawufana neqhwa phansi kwezinyawo zakhe. Wazibamba ngezingalo zakhe izingubo wase egijima waze wayongena kubo kamzala wakhe. +“Pinky!” kumemeza uKoketso egxumagxuma phambi komnyango wakubo kaPinky. “Pinky, ngicela ungivulele, NGIYAFA AMAKHAZA!” +UPinky weza emnyango. “Ngabe uyahlanya yini, Koketso?” kusho yena. “Kungani ungagqokanga izingubo zasebusika?” +Kwakumnandi futhi kufudumele kubo kaPinky. +“Ngena, Koketso,” kusho umama kaPinky, u-Anti kaKoketso, uSarah. “Ufike sesizodla isinkwa esisha esigcotshwe ujamu.” +UKoketso waba nesikhathi esimnandi kakhulu kubo kaPinky waze wakhohlwa nangezingubo eziwashwa uGogo. Kusenjalo wakhumbula wase egxuma ehla esihlalweni. +“Mamo!” kusho yena. “Bekumele ngisize ugogo wami ngokweneka izingubo. Kumele ngiye ekhaya NJENGAMANJE!” +“Empeleni, angeke uhambe ugqoke kanjalo,” kusho u-Anti Sarah. “Okungenani gqoka lokhu.” Wase enika uKoketso ijezi elikhulu, elinsundu elalifika emadolweni akhe, kanye nepheya lamasliphazi amadala. +Lapho uKoketso efika ekhaya, wathola ugogo wakhe emlindile esonge izandla. Wayethukuthele egane unwabu. Zonke izingubo zazenekwe ocingweni, kanti ekugcineni kwakukhona izicathulo eziluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka ezimbili eziconsa amanzi kanye nejezi elincane kakhulu kangangokuthi lalingalingana umntwana. +Wavele wakhamisa nje uKoketso. “Kodwa,” kungingiza yena, “kodwa, kodwa, kodwa, angiqondi manje. Leli libukeka njengejezi lami.” Wezwa kushisa izinyembezi emehlweni akhe. “Hawu, kodwa Gogo,” kukhala yena, “kwenzekeni ejezini lami? Ngifuna ijezi lami elidala!” +UGogo wambuka. “Ungalokothi uthi angikuxwayisanga, Koketso,” kusho yena. “Awukwazi ukufaka izinto zewuli emanzini ashisa kangaka. Ziyancipha uma wenzenjalo. Yingakho ijezi lakho lilincane kangaka nje manje.” +UKoketso wavuka ekuseni kakhulu ngakusasa, wathola ukuthi uGogo ubeseshutheke amasliphazi akhe ephephandabeni, wawabeka eduze nehitha. Ayesemanzi futhi ethunya, kodwa okungenani ayesenobukhulu obufanayo nobakuqala! Ijezi lakhe lalomile futhi lisongwe labekwa phezu kwezingubo zikaGogo ezihlanzekile. Kodwa lase lilincane kakhulu. +UKoketso waphumela phandle egqoke ijezi lika-Anti Sarah elikhulu, elinsundu kanye namasliphazi, wayohlala phambi komnyango. Welula ijezi elincane phezu kwamathanga akhe. “Ngiyaxolisa, jezi elinemishwa,” kusho yena, “ubumuhle futhi uthambile.” Wase echiphiza kancane. +“Ubukeka umuhle futhi ufudumele kula makhaza, Koketso,” kusho izwi. Kwakuyimambana enguMalume uKoos, owayeqhuba inqola yakhe yezinto ezithengiwe ehla ngomgwaqo. “Kukhona ocishe wabulawa amakhaza izolo.” UMalume uKoos wase evula ijazi emkhombisa inja encane eqhaqhazelayo. +“Kodwa, Malume Koos,” kusho uKoketso, “leyo nja ayinaboya obanele ukuyigcina ifudumele. Mhlawumbe idinga ijazi elihle lewuli.” +Wavela neqhinga lapho. +“Ingagqoka ijezi lami elidala!” kusho yena “Selilincane kakhulu kimina manje.” +Ijezi elincane lacishe layilingana kahle inja. + +“Kwakuhle lokho, Koketso,” kusho uMalume Koos. “awubheke nje ukuthi ijabule kanjani inja encane. Ngizoyiqamba ngawe. Igama layo sekunguKetso.” +UKoketso wahleka. “Ketso,” kusho yena. “Ngicabanga ukuthi igama elihle lelo enjeni!” +Inja encane yatshikiza yase ikhotha imambana enguMalume Koos ekhaleni. +“Kubukeka sengathi naye uyalithanda igama lakhe,” kusho uMalume uKoos, “futhi uyalithanda ijazi lakhe eligqamile, elinemishwa lewuli. Masihambe Ketso, nja yami encane, ake sihambe siyozitholela isidlo sasekuseni!” UMalume Koos wathathazela uKoketso ngesikhathi ehla ngomgwaqo. +“Icebo elihle lelo,” kusho uKoketso, wase engena ngaphakathi wathola ugogo wakhe, kanye nesidlo sasekuseni.",zul,isiZulu,Ijezi likaKoketso alithanda kakhulu,"Monday is always a big wash day in Granny’s house. Every Monday, early in the morning, Granny takes out the big tin washtub and puts it on the table in the yard. Then she boils water in the kettle. She has to boil lots and lots of kettles to fill ...",,NguPatricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/node/1635 +stone-soup,"Once upon a time a man was walking home after he had been travelling in different parts of Africa for many years. He was thin and hungry, and his money was gone. “I’m so tired,” he said to himself as he trudged along the road. “I wish I was home in a soft bed, with a tummy full of warm food.” +  +At last he came to a village. “Ah, here are some houses,” he said to himself. “Some kind person will give me a warm meal, I’m sure.” He knocked on this door and that door, but the answer was always the same: +  +“Go away. We don’t have any food to spare.” +  +“I’m sorry, I’ve got nothing.” +  +“Go and get a job. I’m not giving you anything.” +  +The poor man was very sad. He sat by the side of the road and sank his head into his hands. “What am I going to do?” he thought. “If I don’t get food soon I will starve to death.” He watched the people walking by on the road. “They are all going home to warm meals,” he thought. “I wish I was one of them.” + +  +Then he had a bright idea. He made a fire and set up his cooking pot over it. He filled the pot with water and soon the water was boiling away. +  +“I’m going to make …” he said loudly, “… a big pot of stone soup!” +  +Two women came past on their way home from the market. “What are you making?” they asked. +  +“Stone soup,” said the man. +  +“Stone soup?” said one of the women. “I’ve never heard of that before.” +  +“What are you going to put in it?” asked the other woman. +  +“I will show you right now,” said the man. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a smooth round stone. “I’ll put this into the pot. It is the magic ingredient. It’s such a pity that I don’t have an onion and a couple of carrots. If I had those it would be the best soup ever.” +  +“Here you are,” said the women. “Quick, put these in your pot.” +  +The man put the onion and the carrots into his pot and closed the lid. A few minutes later the man tasted the stone soup. “Yum, yum, yum!” he exclaimed. “What delicious soup! I have never tasted anything as wonderful anywhere. Not even in Malawi, where some of the best soups are made.” +  +“Please give me a taste,” one of the women begged. +  +Her friend pushed her aside. “Me first,” she said. +  +So the man poured some stone soup into a cup and the women tasted it. Then they smacked their lips. +  +“That is marvellous,” the women said. “You are the best cook ever.” But they were curious. “What exactly did you put in the soup?” they asked. +  +“I can’t tell you the recipe,” the man said. “It’s a secret.” +  +Then the man saw a young boy carrying a basket of morogo. He waited until the boy was close to him. He took his spoon and tasted the soup again. +  +“What delicious soup,” he said loudly so that the boy would hear him. “I have never tasted anything as wonderful anywhere. Not even in Malawi, where some of the best soups are made. All I need to make it perfect, is a bunch of morogo.” +  +The young boy stopped. “I’ll give you the morogo you need,” he said. “Then will you let me taste your soup?” he asked. +  +“Yes, I will,” said the man. He dropped the morogo into the pot and stirred. Then he put a little bit of soup into a cup and handed it to the boy. “You’ll taste the magic ingredient, of course,” he said. “Isn’t it wonderful?” +  +“Delicious,” the young boy said. “I’m going to tell everyone to come and taste it.” +  +Soon there was a queue of villagers waiting to taste the stone soup. But, before the man gave anyone a taste, he asked the villagers to give him a sweet potato, a meaty bone and a pinch of salt and pepper. He added all these to the soup. The mixture bubbled away, getting thicker and tastier by the minute. +  +More people joined the queue. Everyone wanted to add something to the soup. And the more things the people added, the better the soup tasted, and the longer it lasted. + +  +By nightfall everyone had eaten their fill and the pot was empty. Everyone was smiling and happy. “This man is a master chef,” they said. “He must have learnt to cook at a king’s palace in Malawi.” +  +“That is the best soup I’ve ever tasted,” the mayor told the man. “Come and sleep at my house tonight, in a soft bed with a warm blanket. In the morning you can teach my cook how to make your soup.” +  +The man smiled as he washed out his empty pot. It really had been the best soup ever, and it had not cost him a cent. Then the man put the stone into his pocket, picked up his pot and off he went to the mayor’s house for a good night’s sleep.",eng,English,Stone soup,"Once upon a time a man was walking home after he had been travelling in different parts of Africa for many years. He was thin and hungry, and his money was gone. “I’m so tired,” he said to himself as he trudged along the road. “I wish I was ...",,Retold by Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/stone-soup +stone-soup,"Lank, lank gelede het ’n man huis toe gestap nadat hy baie jare lank in verskillende dele van Afrika gereis het. Hy was maer en honger, en sy geld was op. “Ek is so moeg,” sê hy vir homself terwyl hy in die pad afstrompel. “Ek wens ek was tuis in ’n sagte bed, met my maag vol warm kos.” +  +Uiteindelik kom hy by ’n dorpie aan. “Aa, hier is ’n paar huise,” sê hy vir homself. “Ek is seker hier is ’n goedhartige mens wat vir my iets warm te ete sal gee.” Hy klop hier aan ’n deur en daar aan ’n deur, maar die antwoord is altyd dieselfde: +  +“Gaan weg. Ons het nie ekstra kos vir jou nie.” +  +“Ek is jammer, ek het niks nie.” +  +“Gaan soek werk. Ek gaan jou niks gee nie.” +  +Die arme man is baie hartseer. Hy gaan sit langs die pad en laat sak sy kop in sy hande. “Wat moet ek doen?” dink hy. “As ek nie binnekort kos kry, sal ek doodgaan van die honger.” Hy kyk na die mense wat in die pad by hom verbystap. “Hulle gaan almal huis toe na warm kos toe,” dink hy. “Ek wens ek was een van hulle.” + +  +Toe kry hy ’n blink plan. Hy maak ’n vuur en sit sy kookpot op die vuur. Hy maak die pot vol water en sommer gou kook die water. +  +“Ek gaan …” sê hy hard, “…’n groot pot klipsop maak!” +  +Twee vroue stap van die mark af by hom verby op pad huis toe. “Wat kook jy?” vra hulle. +  +“Klipsop,” sê die man. +  +“Klipsop?” sê een van die vroue. “Ek het nog nooit daarvan gehoor nie.” +  +“Wat gaan jy daarin sit?” vra die ander vrou. +  +“Ek sal julle nou wys,” sê die man. Hy grawe in sy sak en haal ’n gladde, ronde klip uit. “Ek sal dit in die pot sit. Dit is die towerbestanddeel. Dis so jammer ek het nie ’n ui en ’n paar wortels nie. As ek dit gehad het, sou dit die lekkerste sop ooit wees.” +  +“Hierso,” sê die vroue. “Sit dit gou in jou pot.” +  +Die man sit die ui en wortels in sy pot en sit die deksel op. ’n Paar minute later proe die man aan die klipsop. “Njam, njam, njam!” roep hy uit. “Hierdie sop is heerlik! Ek het nog nooit en nêrens enigiets so lekker geproe nie. Selfs nie in Malawi nie, waar van die beste sop gemaak word.” +  +“Laat my asseblief proe,” smeek een van die vroue. +  +Haar vriendin stoot haar eenkant toe. “Ek eerste,” sê sy. +  +Die man skink toe ’n bietjie klipsop in ’n koppie en die vroue proe daaraan. Toe lek hulle hul lippe af. +  +“Dis heerlik,” sê die vroue. “Jy is die beste kok ooit.” Maar hulle is nuuskierig. “Wat presies het jy in die sop gesit?” vra hulle. +  +“Ek kan nie vir julle die resep gee nie,” sê die man. “Dis ’n geheim.” +  +Toe sien die man ’n jong seun met ’n mandjie marog. Hy wag tot die seun naby hom is. Hy tel sy lepel op en proe weer aan die sop. +  +“Hierdie sop is heerlik,” sê hy hard sodat die seun hom kan hoor. Ek het nog nooit en nêrens enigiets so lekker geproe nie. Selfs nie in Malawi nie, waar van die beste sop gemaak word. Al wat ek nodig het om dit perfek te maak, is ’n bossie marog.” +  +Die jong seun gaan staan. “Ek sal jou die marog gee wat jy nodig het,” sê hy. “Maar sal jy my dan van jou sop laat proe?” vra hy. +  +“Ja, ek sal,” sê die man. Hy gooi die marog in die pot en roer. Toe skink hy ’n bietjie van die sop in ’n koppie en gee dit vir die seun. “Jy sal natuurlik die towerbestanddeel proe,” sê die man. “Is dit nie heerlik nie?” +  +“Smaaklik,” sê die jong seun. “Ek gaan vir almal sê om die sop te kom proe.” +  +Gou is daar ’n tou mense van die dorp wat wag om die klipsop te proe. Maar voordat die man enigiemand laat proe, vra hy eers die dorpenaars om vir hom ’n patat, ’n vleisbeen en ’n knippie sout en peper te gee. Hy voeg dit alles by die sop. Die sop borrel lekker en word elke oomblik dikker en smaakliker. +  +Meer en meer mense kom staan in die tou. Almal wil iets by die sop voeg. En hoe meer bestanddele die mense byvoeg, hoe lekkerder proe die sop, en hoe langer hou dit. + +  +Teen die aand het almal genoeg geëet en die pot is leeg. Almal glimlag en is gelukkig. “Hierdie man is ’n bobaaskok,” sê hulle. “Hy moes by ’n koning se paleis in Malawi leer kook het.” +  +“Dit is die beste sop wat ek nog ooit geproe het,” sê die burgemeester vir die man. “Kom slaap vanaand in my huis, in ’n sagte bed met ’n warm kombers. Môreoggend kan jy my kok leer hoe om jou sop te maak.” +  +Die man glimlag terwyl hy sy leë pot was. Dit was regtig die beste sop ooit, en dit het hom nie ’n sent gekos nie. Toe sit die man die klip terug in sy sak, tel sy pot op en gaan na die burgemeester se huis om ’n goeie nagrus te geniet.",afr,Afrikaans,Klipsop,"Once upon a time a man was walking home after he had been travelling in different parts of Africa for many years. He was thin and hungry, and his money was gone. “I’m so tired,” he said to himself as he trudged along the road. “I wish I was ...",,Oorvertel deur Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/klipsop +stone-soup,"Kgalekgale monna o ile a ya gae morago ga go etela dikarolong tša go fapana tša Afrika mengwaga ye mentši. O be a otile ebile a swerwe ke tlala, gomme tšhelete ya gagwe e fedile. “Ke lapile kudu,” a ipotša bjalo a la gare a ikgoga tseleng. “O kare nkabe ke le gae mpeteng wa masethesethe, mpa ya ka e khorišitšwe ke dijo tša borutho.” +  +Mafelelong o ile a fihla motseng. “Aga, dintlo ke tše,” a ipotša bjalo. “Motho wa go loka o tlo mpha dijo, ke a tseba.” O kokotile lebating le le lela, efela dikarabo ka moka di be di swana: +  +“Sepela. Ga re na dijo tše re ka go fago.” +  +“Tshwarelo hle, ga ke na selo.” +  +“Sepela o ye go nyaka mošomo. Nka se go fe selo.” +  +Monna wa batho o be a nyamile kudu. O dutše ka thoko ga tsela gomme a tsenya hlogo ka diatleng. “Ke tlile go dira bjang?” a nagana. “Ge nka se hwetše dijo ka pela ke tla hwa ka tlala.” O be a bogetše batho ba sepela tseleng. “Ka moka ga bona ba ya gae fao ba tlo hwetšago dijo tša borutho,” a nagana. “O kare nkabe ke swana le bona.” + +  +O ile a tlelwa ke kgopolo ye bohlale. O ile a gotša mollo gomme a bea poto ya go apea go ona. O ile a tlatša poto ka meetse gomme a thoma go bela. +  +“Ke tlilo go dira …” a realo a hlaboša lentšu, “… poto ye kgolo ya sopo ya leswika!” +  +Go ile gwa feta basadi ba babedi ba etšwa mmarakeng ba eya gae. “O dira eng?” +ba botšiša. +  +“Sopo ya leswika,” a realo monna. +  +“Sopo ya leswika?” yo mongwe wa basadi a realo. “Ke thoma go kwa taba ye bjalo.” +  +“O tlilo tsenya eng ka gare?” mosadi a botšiša. +  +“Ke tla go bontšha gona bjale,” a realo monna. O ile a tsenya seatla potleng gomme a ntšha leswika la nkgokolo la boreledi. “Ke tla le tsenya ka potong. Ke motswako wa maleatlana. Ka go hloka mahlatse ga ke na eiye le dikherote tše mmalwa. Ge nkabe di le gona e be e tlo ba sopo ya bose kudu.” +  +“Tšea,” ba realo basadi. “Di tsenye ka potong ya gago ka pela.” +  +Monna o ile a tsenya eiye le dikherote ka potong ya gagwe gomme a e tswalela ka sekhurumelo. Monna o ile a kwa tatso ka morago ga metsotso ye mmalwa. “Yam, yam, yam!” a realo. “Sopo ya bose ka tsela ye! Ga go mo nkilego ka kwa tatso ye bose ka tsela ye. Ešita le kua Malawi, mo go dirwago disopo tše dibose.” +  +“E re ke kwe tatso hle,” yo mongwe wa basadi a kgopela. +  +Mogwera wa gagwe o ile a mo kgoromeletša ka thoko. “Nna pele,” a realo. +  +Gomme a tšhela sopo ya leswika ka komiking, mosadi a kwa tatso. Ba ile ba bethantšha dipounama tša bona. +  +“E bose kudu,” ba realo basadi. “O kgona kudu go apea.” Efela ba be ba nyaka go tseba. “O tšhetše eng ka mo sopong?” ba botšiša. +  +“Nka se le hlalošetše ka motswako wo,” monna a realo. “Ke sephiri.” +  +Ka morago monna a bona mošemanyana a swere seroto sa morogo. O ile a ema go fihlela mošemane a fihla kgauswi le yena. O ile a tšea lehwana la gagwe gomme a kwa tatso ya sopo. +  +“Sopo ya bose ka tsela ye,” a bolela a hlaboša lentšu gore mošemane a mo kwe. “Ga go mo nkilego ka kwa tatso ye bose ka tsela ye. Ešita le kua Malawi, mo go dirwago disopo tše dibose. Ke hloka fela ngata ya morogo, gore e be gabotse.” +  +Mošemanyana o ile a ema. “Ke tla go fa morogo wo o nyakago,” a realo. “O tla nkweša tatso ya sopo ya gago ka morago?” a botšiša. +  +“Ee, ke tla dira bjalo,” monna a realo. O ile a lahlela morogo ka potong gomme a hudua. O ile a tšhela sopo ye nnyane ka komiking a e fa mošemane. “Ee, o tla kwa tatso ya motswako wa maleatlana,” a realo. “Ga se mo go botse?” +  +“E bose,” a realo mošemanyana. “Ke ile go botša batho bohle gore ba tle ba kwe tatso.” +  +Gateetee ke ge go eme molokoloko wa batho ba motse ba emetše go kwa tatso ya sopo ya leswika. Efela, pele monna a ka kweša motho le ka o tee tatso, o ile a kgopela batho ba motse gore ba mo fe potata, lerapo la go ba le dinama, letswatšana le pepere. O ile a di tsenya ka sopong ka moka. Motswako o ile a phophoma, wa kotofala gomme wa ba bose ka motsotswana. +  +Batho ba bantši ba ile ba tla molokolokong. Motho yo mongwe le yo mongwe o be a nyaka go tsenya se sengwe sopong. Ge batho ba tsenya dilo tše dintši, tatso ya sopo le yona ya kaonafala, gomme ya se fele ka pela. + +  +E rile ge bošego bo fihla ya ba batho bohle ba khoše gomme poto ga e sa na selo. Batho bohle ba be ba myemyela ba thabile. “Monna yo ke moapei yo hlwahlwa,” ba realo. “O swanetše go ba a ithutile go apea kua mošate wa kgoši ya Malawi.” +  +“Ke tatso ye bose ya sopo ye nkilego ka ekwa,” meyara a botša monna. “Mantšiboa o tle go robala ntlong ya ka, mpeteng wa masethesethe ka kobo ye borutho. Mesong o tla ruta moapeedi wa ka go apea sopo.” +  +Monna o ile a myemyela ge a hlatswa poto ya gagwe ya go se be le selo. E bile sopo ye bose kudu, gomme ga se a diriša le sente go yona. Monna o ile a tsenya leswika ka potleng ya gagwe, o ile a tšea poto ya gagwe gomme a ya ntlong ya meyara go yo robala boroko bjo bobose.",nso,Sepedi,Sopo ya leswik,"Once upon a time a man was walking home after he had been travelling in different parts of Africa for many years. He was thin and hungry, and his money was gone. “I’m so tired,” he said to himself as he trudged along the road. “I wish I was ...",,Kanegoleswa ka Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sopo-ya-leswika +stone-soup,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale monna e mong o ne a lebile hae kamora hoba a hahlaule dikarolo tse fapeneng tsa Afrika ka dilemo tse ngata. O ne a otile a lapile, mme tjhelete ya hae e ne e fedile. “Ke kgathetse haholo,” a ipolella jwalo ha a ntse a totoba tseleng. “Ke lakatsa eka nka be se ke le hae betheng e bonojwana, ke kgotshe dijo tse futhumetseng.” +  +Qetellong a fihla motseng o mong. “Aha, matlo ke ana,” a rialo a bua a le mong. “Motho ya mosa o tla mpha dijo tse futhumetseng, ke a tseba.” A kokota monyakong ona le wane, empa karabo e ne e dula e tshwana: +  +“Tsamaya. Ha re na dijo tseo re fanang ka tsona mona.” +  +“Ke maswabi, ha ke na letho.” +  +“Tsa mo batla mosebetsi. Ha ho letho leo ke tlang ho o fa lona nna.” +  +Monna wa batho o ne a utlwile bohloko haholo. A dula thoko ho tsela mme a kenya hlooho ya hae ka hara diatla tsa hae. “Ke tla etsa jwang?” a nahana. “Ha ke sa fumane dijo kapele ke tla bolawa ke tlala.” A shebella batho ba ntse ba feta tseleng. “Kaofela ha bona ba ya malapeng a bona ho ya ja dijo tse tjhesang,” a nahana jwalo. “Ekare nka be ke le e mong wa bona.” + +  +Yaba o ba le mohopolo o bohlale. A besa mollo mme a bea pitsa ya ho pheha hodima ona. A tlatsa pitsa eo ka metsi mme ho se hokae metsi ao a ne a bela. +  +“Ke tlilo pheha …” a rialo a buela hodimo, “pitsa e kgolo ya sopho ya lejwe!” +  +Basadi ba babedi ba feta moo ba lebile hae ba tswa mmarakeng. “O phehang eng moo?” ba mmotsa. +  +“Sopho ya lejwe,” ha rialo monna eo. +  +“Sopho ya lejwe?” ha rialo mosadi e mong. “Ha ke eso ka ke utlwa ntho e jwalo.” +  +“O tlo tshela eng kamoo?” ha botsa mosadi e mong. +  +“Ke tla le bontsha hona jwale,” ha rialo monna eo. A kenya letsoho ka pokothong ya hae mme a ntsha lejwana le tjhitja le boreledi. “Ke tla le kenya ka pitseng. Ke setswaka sa mehlolo. Ke mohau feela hore ha ke na eie le dihwete tse mmalwa. Ha ke ne ke ena le tsona e ne e tla ba sopho e monate ka ho fetisisa.” +  +“Ke tsena,” ha rialo basadi bao. “Potlaka, di tshele ka pitseng ya hao.” +  +Monna eo a kenya eie le dihwete ka pitseng ya hae mme a e kwahela. Ka mora metsotso e mmalwa monna eo a latswa sopho ya lejwe. “Mhm, mhm, mhm!” a nna a tjho jwalo. “A sopho e monate! Ha ke eso ka ke utlwa ntho e monate jwaloka yena le kgale. Esitana le Malawi, eleng moo ho etswang tse ding tsa disopho tse monate ka ho fetisisa.” +  +“A ko mphe ke latswe hle,” e mong wa basadi bao a mo kopa. +  +Motswalle wa hae a mo sutuletsa ka thoko. “Ke nna pele,” a rialo. +  +Yaba monna eo o tshela sopho ya lejwe ka koping mme basadi bao ba e latswa. Yaba ba itatswa melomo. +  +“E monate e le ka nnete,” ha rialo basadi bao, “O seapehi se hlwahlwa ruri.” Empa ba ne ba hlile ba batla ho tseba. “Hantlentle o tshetseng ka sophong eo?” Ba mmotsa. +  +“Nke ke ka le bolella resepe,” monna eo a rialo. “Ke sephiri,” +  +Yaba monna eo o bona moshanyana e monyenyane a tshwereng seroto sa moroho. A ema ho fihlela moshanyana eo a le haufi le yena. A nka kgaba ya hae a latswa sopho hape. +  +“A sopho e mathemalodi hle,” a rialo a buela hodimo hore moshanyana eo a mo utlwe. “Ha ke eso ka ke latswa ntho e monate tjena haesale. Esitana le Malawi, moo ho phehwang disopho tse monate ka ho fetisisa. Seo ke se hlokang feela hore e be monate le ho feta e phethehe, ke seshoba sa moroho.” +  +Moshanyana a ema. “Ke tla o fa moroho oo o o hlokang,” a rialo. “Na o tla ntumella hore ke latswe sopho ya hao?” a mmotsa. +  +“Ee, ke tla o fa,” ha araba monna. A tshela moroho ka pitseng mme a fuduwa. Yaba o tshela sophonyana ka koping mme a e fa moshanyana. “O tla latswa setswaka sa mohlolo, ke a o jwetsa,” a rialo. “Na ha e mathemalodi?” +  +“E mathemalodi,” moshanyana a rialo. “Ke tla bolella bohle hore ba tle ba tlo e latswa.” +  +E eso be neng ho ne ho se ho ena le mola wa baahi ba motse ba emetse ho tla latswa sopho ya lejwe. Empa, pele monna eo a latswisa motho, o ne a kopa baahi ho mo fa patata, masapo a nang le nama le letswai le pepere. A tshela tsena tsohle ka sophong. Motswako oo wa tjwatla, o ntse o eba motenya o eba monate le ho feta. +  +Batho ba bangata ba kena moleng. E mong le e mong o ne a batla ho eketsa ho hong sophong. Mme ha batho ba ntse ba etla le dintho tse ngata, sopho yona e ne e ntse e latsweha hamonate le ho feta, mme e eba ngata. + +  +Ha shwalane e tshwara batho bohle ba ne ba jele mme pitsa e se na letho. Bohle ba ne ba bososela ba thabile. “Monna enwa ke seapehi se tswang pele,” ba rialo. “O tlameha a be a ithutile ho pheha paleising ya morena kwana Malawi.” +  +“Ena ke sopho e monate ka ho fetisisa eo nkileng ka e latswa,” majoro a bolella monna eo. “Tloo o tlo robala ha ka bosiung bona, betheng e bonojwana ka kobo e mofuthu. Hoseng o ka nna wa ruta seapehi sa ka kamoo o phehang sopho ya hao ka teng.” +  +Monna eo a bososela ha a ntse a hlatswa pitsa ya hae. E ne e hlile e bile sopho e monate ka ho fetisisa, mme o ne a sa e lefella le sente. Yaba monna eo o kenya lejwe la hae ka pokothong, a nka pitsa ya hae mme a leba tlung ya majoro ho ya robala boroko",sot,Sesotho,Sopho ya lejwe,"Once upon a time a man was walking home after he had been travelling in different parts of Africa for many years. He was thin and hungry, and his money was gone. “I’m so tired,” he said to himself as he trudged along the road. “I wish I was ...",,E phetwa hape ke Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sopho-ya-lejwe +stone-soup,"Kudala-dala kwamhlamnene, kwakukho indoda eyayihamba igoduka emva kokuba yayityelele iindawo ezininzi nezahlukileyo zase-Afrika kuhambo lweminyaka emininzi. Le ndoda yayibhityile kwaye ilambile, kwaye nemali yayo yayiphele tu. “Ndidinwe kakhulu,” yazithethela le ndoda lo gama ihamba izirhuqa kuloo ndlela igodukayo. “Akwaba bendisekhaya nebhedi entofontofo, kwaye ndihluthi kukutya okushushu.” +  +Ekugqibeleni yafika elalini. “Aha, nazi izindlu zisithi thu,” wazithethela. “Kuza kuthi gqi umntu onobubele, oza kundipha ukutya okushushu, ndiqinisekile.” Wankqonkqoza kulo umnyango nakulowa, kodwa impendulo yayisoloko inye: +  +“Hayi khawuhambe wethu. Asinakutya kuseleyo thina.” +  +“Nam ndilambe oku kwam, uxolo, andinanto.” +  +“Hamba uye kufuna umsebenzi. Andizikukunika nto tu-tu-tu.” +  +Le ndoda yabalusizi kakhulu. Yahlala ecaleni kwendlela, ikhedamile, nezandla zisezidleleni. “Ingaba ndiza kwenza njani bethu?” yacinga njalo. “Ukuba andifumani kutya kwakamsinyane ndiza kulamba ndide ndife.” Wababukela abantu bedlula kuye endleleni apho. “Bonke bayagoduka, bayokutya ukutya okushushu,” wayecinga njalo. “Akwaba bendingomnye wabo.” + +  +Kwathi qatha icebo elikrelekrele. Wabasa umlilo waze wamisa imbiza yakhe. Wayizalisa imbiza ngamanzi aze abila amanzi kwakamsinyane. +  +“Ndiza kupheka …” yatsho ikhwaza, “… imbiza enkulu yesuphu yelitye!” +  +Abafazi ababini bedlula apho besendleleni egodukayo, bevela emarikeni. “Upheka ntoni na wethu?” babuza. +  +“Isuphu yelitye,” yaphendula indoda. +  +“Isuphu yelitye?” watsho omnye kwabo bafazi. “Zange ndayiva isuphu yelitye ngaphambili.” +  +“Uza kugalela ntoni kuyo?” kwabuza omnye umfazi. +  +“Ndiza kukubonisa ngawo lo mzuzu,” yatsho le ndoda. Yafaka isandla epokothweni yayo yaze yakhupha ilitye eligudileyo nelingqukuva. “Ndiza kufaka le nto embizeni. Sisithako sobugqi esi. Ndilusizi kuba ndingenalo itswele neminqathe embalwa. Ukuba bendinazo ezo zinto, le ibiza kuba yeyona suphu inambithekayo.” +  +“Ina,” batsho aba bafazi. “Khawuleza ugalele embizeni yakho.” +  +Indoda yagalela itswele kunye neminqathe embizeni yaze yavala isiciko. Emva kwemizuzu embalwa le ndoda yangcamla isuphu yelitye. “Yami, yami, yami!” yadanduluka isitsho. “Enje ukuba mnandi isuphu! Zange ndangcamla nantoni na emnandi kangaka naphi na. Nditsho naseMalawi imbala, apho kuphekwa khona ezona suphu zimnandi.” +  +“Nceda wethu undingcamlise,” kwacela omnye kwaba bafazi. +  +Umhlobo wakhe wamtyhalela phaya ecaleni. “Ngcamlisa mna kuqala,” watsho esondela. +  +Ngoko ke le ndoda yagalela isuphu yelitye ekomityini, baze abafazi bayingcamla. Bamunca imilebe yabo. +  +“Imnandi ngokwenene,” abafazi batsho. “Ungumpheki wokwenene.” Kodwa babefuna ukwazi. “Ugalele ntoni kanye-kanye kule suphu?” bambuza. +  +“Andikwazi ukunixelela, ndiyithi phahaha iresipi,” yatsho le ndoda. “Yimfihlo.” +  +Emva koko indoda yabona inkwenkwe iphethe ingobozi yemifino. Yalinda yade yakufutshane kakhulu kuye loo nkwenkwe. Yathatha icephe layo yangcamla isuphu kwakhona. +  +“Enje ukuba mnandi isuphu,” yakhwaza yatsho ukuze inkwenkwe imve. “Zange ndangcamla nantoni na emnandi kangaka, naphi na. Nditsho naseMalawi, apho ezona suphu zimnandi ziphekwa khona. Ukuze ndiyipheke igqibelele ndifuna nje isipha semifino.” +  +Xhwenene inkwenkwana, yema. “Ndiza kukunika le mifino uyifunayo,” yatsho. “Kodwa ingaba wena emva koko uza kundingcamlisa kusini na isuphu yakho?” yabuza le nkwenkwana. +  +“Ewe, ndiza kukungcamlisa,” yatsho indoda. Yagalela imifino embizeni yaze, yazamisa. Emva koko yagalela intwana yesuphu ekomityini yaze yanika inkwenkwe leyo. “Ngoku ke, uza kuzivela xa ungcamla isithako sobugqi,” yatsho le ndoda. “Ingaba ayimnandanga?” +  +“Imnandi kakhulu,” yatsho inkwenkwana. “Ndiza kuxelela wonke ubani ukuba aze kuzingcamlela le suphu.” +  +Kungekudala kwabakho umtyangampho womngcelele wabemi baloo lali, belinde ukungcamla isuphu yelitye emnandi. Kodwa, phambi kokuba le ndoda ingcamlise nabani na, yayicela umntu lowo ukuba ayiphe ibhatata, ilungwana lenyama nentwana yetyuwa kunye nepepile. Zonke ezi zinto yayizigalela kule suphu. Umxube wawubila, untyontya kamnandi, ujiya ngokujiya kwaye usiba mnandi nangaphezulu, umzuzu nomzuzu. +  +Abantu abaninzi bajoyina kumngcelele lowo. Wonke umntu wayefuna ukongeza okuthile kule suphu. Kwaye, okukona abantu besongeza izinto, yaba kokukona isuphu ingcamleka ngcono nangakumbi, kwaye yayisanda ngokwanda. + +  +Ngokuhlwa wonke umntu wayetyile kwaye nembiza yayingasenanto. Wonke umntu wayencumile kwaye onwabile. “Lo ngumpheki ophume izandla ngokwenene,” batsho abantu. “Inokuba ukupheka wakufundela kwibhotwe likakumkani, eMalawi.” +  +“Le yeyona suphu inambithekayo ndakhe ndayingcamla,” usodolophu waxelela le ndoda. “Yiza, uze kulalisa kwam ngobu busuku, ebhedini entofontofo enengubo eshushu. Kusasa uza kufundisa umpheki wam indlela oyipheka ngayo isuphu yakho.” +  +Indoda yancuma njengokuba ihlamba imbiza yayo engenanto. Le yayiyeyona suphu imnandi ngokwenene, kwaye akazange ahlawule nesenti ngayo. Emva koko le ndoda yafaka ilitye layo epokothweni yayo, yathatha imbiza yayo yaze yahamba ukuya endlwini kasodolophu ukuze ilale kamnandi ngobo busuku.",xho,isiXhosa,Isuphu yelitye,"Once upon a time a man was walking home after he had been travelling in different parts of Africa for many years. He was thin and hungry, and his money was gone. “I’m so tired,” he said to himself as he trudged along the road. “I wish I was ...",,Libaliswa kwakhona nguHelen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isuphu-yelitye +stone-soup,"Kwesukasukela, kwakukhona indoda eyayiya ekhaya ngemva kokuhamba izindawo eziningi ze-Afrika iminyaka eminingi. Yayizacile futhi ilambile, ingasenamali. “Ngaze ngakhathala bo,” kusho yona ngesikhathi ibashazela emgwaqweni. “Ngifisa sengathi ngabe sengisekhaya embhedeni othambile, nesisu sami sigcwele ukudla okufudumele.” +  +Ekugcineni yafika emzini. “Ehhe, nazi izindlu,” izitshela. “Kukhona umuntu onomusa ozonginika ukudla okufudumele, ngiqinisekile.” Wangqongqoza kulo mnyango nakuloya mnyango, kodwa impendulo yayilokhu ifana: +  +“Hamba. Asinakho ukudla esingakupha khona.” +  +“Uxolo, anginalutho.” +  +“Hamba uyofuna umsebenzi. Angizukukunika lutho.” +  +Indoda yabantu yayidangele kakhulu. Yahlala eceleni komgwaqo yase igebisa ikhanda layo ilibeka ezandleni zayo. “Ngizokwenzenjani?” izicabangela. “Uma ngingakutholi ukudla ngokushesha ngizobulawa yindlala.” Yabuka abantu abedlula ngomgwaqo. “Bonke baya emakhaya bayothola ukudla okushisayo,” kucabanga yona. “Ngifisa sengathi bengingaba ngomunye wabo.” + +  +Kusenjalo yafikelwa yiqhinga elihlakaniphile. Yabasa umlilo yase ibeka ibhodwe layo kuwo. Yaligcwalisa ngamanzi kanti kungekudala ase ebila amanzi. +  +“Ngizokwenza …” isho kakhulu, “… isobho letshe eligcwele ibhodwe elikhulu!” +  +Kwadlula abesifazane ababili begoduka besuka emakethe. “Wenzani?” kubuza bona. +  +“Isobho letshe,” kusho indoda. +  +“Isobho letshe?” kusho omunye wesifazane. “Angikaze ngizwe ngalo phambilini.” +  +“Uzofakani kulo?” kubuza owesifazane. +  +“Ngizokukhombisa khona manje,” kusho indoda. Yafaka isandla sayo ephaketheni yakhipha itshe elibushelelezi eliyindilinga. “Ngizofaka leli litshe ebhodweni. Liyisithako esinomlingo. Ngeshwa-ke anginawo u-anyanisi kanye nezaqathi ezimbalwa. Uma benginalokho bengizokwenza isobho elimnandi ngokwedlulele.” +  +“Nakhu,” kusho abesifazane. “Sheshisa ufake lokhu ebhodweni lakho.” +  +Indoda yafaka u-anyanisi kanye nezaqathi ebhodweni yase ivala isivalo. Ngemva kwemizuzu embalwa indoda yezwa isobho letshe. “Yum, yum, yum!” kumemeza yona. “Laze lamnandi isobho bo! Angikaze ngilizwe ndawo elifana nalo. NaseMalawi imbala, lapho kwenziwa khona amanye amasobho anambitheka kamnandi kakhulu.” +  +“Ake ungizwise,” kuncenga omunye wabesifazane. +  +Umngani wakhe wamdudulela eceleni. “Akaqale ngami,” kusho yena. +  +Ngakho-ke indoda yathela isobho letshe enkomishini lase lizwiwa ngabesifazane. Bakhotha izindebe zabo. +  +“Laze lamnandi bo,” kusho abesifazane. “Ungumpheki ophambili ngempela.” Kodwa babefisa ukwazi kabanzi. “Ngabe empeleni ufakeni esobheni?” kubuza bona. +  +“Angeke ngikwazi ukunitshela iresiphi,” kusho indoda. “Iyimfihlo.” +  +Indoda yabona umfanyana ethwele ubhasikidi wemifino. Yalinda umfana waze waba seduze nayo. Yathatha isipuni sayo yase izwa isobho futhi. +  +“Laze lamnandi isobho bo,” isho kakhulu ukuze umfana ayizwe. “Angikaze ngilizwe ndawo elifana nalo. NaseMalawi imbala, lapho kwenziwa khona amanye amasobho aphambili ngempela. Sengidinga nje kuphela isixhawu semifino, ukuze ngilenze libe mnandi ngokungefaniswe.” +  +Umfanyana wama. “Ngizokunika yonke imifino oyidingayo,” kusho yena. “Uzobe-ke sewungivumela ukuthi ngizwe isobho lakho?” kubuza yena. +  +“Yebo, ngizokwenzenjalo,” kusho indoda. Yaphonsa imifino ebhodweni yase igovuza. Yase ithela isobho elincane enkomishini yalinika umfana. “Phela uzozwa isithako esinomlingo,” kusho yona. “Ngabe kodwa alehli esiphundu?” +  +“Lehla esiphundu,” kusho umfanyana. “Ngizotshela wonke umuntu ukuthi eze azolizwa.” +  +Ngokushesha kwase kunojenga lwabantu basemzini ababelinde ukuzwa isobho letshe. Kodwa, ngaphambi kokuba indoda ivumele noma ubani ukuthi alizwe, yacela abantu basemzini ukuthi bayinike ubhatata, ithambo elinenyama kanye nosawoti nophepha omncane. Yafaka konke lokhu esobheni. Ingxube yabila, iya ngokujiya nokuba mnandi umzuzu nomzuzu. +  +Baya ngokwanda abantu abangena ojengeni. Wonke umuntu wayefuna ukufaka okuthile esobheni. Kanti lapho abantu bengeza okuthile, laya ngokunambitheka kangcono isobho, futhi lalokhu likhona isikhathi eside. + +  +Ngokushona kwelanga kwase kusuthi wonke umuntu, nebhodwe selingasenalutho. Wonke umuntu wayemamatheka futhi ejabulile. “Le ndoda ingumpheki onekhono,” kusho bona. “Kungenzeka ukuthi ifunde ukupheka esigodlweni senkosi eMalawi.” +  +“Leli isobho elimnandi elidlula wonke engake ngawezwa,” kusho imeya endodeni. “Woza uzolala kwami kusihlwa, embhedeni ontofontofo nobhulankethi ofudumele. Ekuseni uzofundisa ongiphekelayo ukuthi liphekwa kanjani isobho lakho.” +  +Indoda yamamatheka yase igeza ibhodwe layo elingenalutho. Nembala kube yisobho elimnandi ukudlula wonke, kanti yayingazange ilikhokhele nesenti leli. Indoda yafaka itshe layo ephaketheni, yaqukula ibhodwe layo yase ihamba iya endlini yemeya ukuze iyolala kahle.",zul,isiZulu,Isobho letshe,"Once upon a time a man was walking home after he had been travelling in different parts of Africa for many years. He was thin and hungry, and his money was gone. “I’m so tired,” he said to himself as he trudged along the road. “I wish I was ...",,Ixoxwa kabusha nguHelen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isobho-letshe +the-glass-mountain,"A long time ago, the place at the foot of Table Mountain that we now call Cape Town, was dry and empty. At that time, it was said that Table Mountain was made of glass and that a magic dassie who granted wishes, lived at the very top. +  +Men and women came from all across South Africa and tried to climb the glass mountain to get to the magic dassie, but the sides of the mountain were very slippery and no matter how hard they tried, no one could make it to the top. +  +One day, a young boy called Khwezi arrived in Cape Town. He wanted to get to the top of the mountain. That night, he went into the veld and found Leopard. +  +“Leopard,” Khwezi said, “I need to ask you a favour. If you help me, I promise that I will fill this dry, empty land with plants and animals. You will never go hungry again.” +  +Leopard looked hungrily at the boy. “Why should I help you? I could just eat you, you know,” said Leopard licking his lips. And then Leopard thought some more about Khwezi’s offer and said, “Actually a land filled with plants and animals sounds wonderful. I accept. What do you need?” +  +“You are very good at climbing, and with your sharp claws, we should be able to get to the top of the glass mountain,” said Khwezi, getting onto Leopard’s back. +  +They walked through the veld, across the dry land, all the way to the glass mountain. + +  +At the bottom of the mountain, Leopard dug his claws into the slippery glass sides, and started to climb up. It took a long time and they had to climb very slowly. When they were about halfway up, Leopard sighed. “I’m too tired to carry on,” he said, lying down against the glass. “It’s impossible to get to the top, even with my claws.” +  +Vulture, who was a big scary bird, circled in the sky above them. +  +“I have an idea,” said Khwezi, “let’s lie here and pretend to be dead.” +  +So they lay down on the glass and pretended to be dead. Soon, Vulture landed, thinking he had found something good to eat. +  +“How tasty,” said Vulture. “What good luck!” +  +“Hiya!” shouted Khwezi, jumping from Leopard’s back and grabbing hold of Vulture’s claws. He held on tightly. Vulture shrieked in surprise and flew into the sky, carrying Khwezi off with him. Leopard watched them go and then slid slowly back down the side of the mountain. +  +“What do you want with me?” asked Vulture, struggling to fly. +  +“Vulture,” said Khwezi, “could you fly me up to the top of the mountain? If you do, I will fill this dry, empty land with plants and animals. Then you will never go hungry again.” +  +“That sounds wonderful,” said Vulture, “and I am very hungry. Okay, I’ll try and fly you to the top of the glass mountain.” +  +So Vulture flew Khwezi up through the clouds. It took a very long time, but in the end they reached the top of the mountain. Khwezi jumped from Vulture down onto the flat top of the glass mountain. +  +“Hello,” said a silky voice. +  +Khwezi saw a golden dassie sitting on a cushion of small purple flowers, eating a long piece of yellow grass. +  +“You must be the magic dassie,” said Khwezi. +  +“I am,” said the dassie. “What is your wish? I could make you the richest person in the world, or maybe you want to be handsome, or famous.” +  +Khwezi thought about all these things and then he thought about Leopard, and Vulture, and all the hungry people living in the place we now call Cape Town. +  +“No,” said Khwezi, “I wish to fill this dry, empty land with plants and animals.” +  +“If you say so,” said the magic dassie, blinking. +  +There was a loud POP! and golden sparks filled the sky. Khwezi closed his eyes and when he opened them again, the mountain was no longer made of glass, it was wild and natural and filled with many wonderful plants, much as it is today. He looked out over the land further away, and he saw that it was filled with plants and animals. Vulture swooped past with a big smile on his face. Khwezi looked for the golden dassie, but he had disappeared. + +  +On his way down the mountain, Khwezi found Leopard sleeping in the shade of a tree. +  +“Well done,” said Leopard, half asleep. +  +Khwezi patted him and carried on walking down the mountain. When he reached the bottom, Khwezi was met by a crowd of people who cheered and lifted him onto their shoulders. Then they had a big party to celebrate. After a long time more and more people came to live in the land around Table Mountain, and they made a city that would later be called Cape Town.",eng,English,The glass mountain,"A long time ago, the place at the foot of Table Mountain that we now call Cape Town, was dry and empty. At that time, it was said that Table Mountain was made of glass and that a magic dassie who granted wishes, lived at the very ...",,Retold by Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-glass-mountain +the-glass-mountain,"Lank, lank gelede was die plek aan die voet van Tafelberg wat ons nou Kaapstad noem, dor en verlate. Daar word gesê dat Tafelberg in daardie tyd van glas gemaak was, en dat ’n towerdassie, wat wense waar kon maak, heel bo-op die berg gewoon het. +  +Mans en vroue van oral in Suid-Afrika het gekom en probeer om die glasberg uit te klim om by die towerdassie uit te kom, maar die hange van die berg was baie glibberig en hoe hard hulle ook al probeer het, niemand kon tot bo klim nie. +  +Eendag het ’n jong seun met die naam Khwezi in Kaapstad aangekom. Hy wou tot bo-op die berg klim. Daardie aand het hy in die veld gaan stap en vir Luiperd raakgeloop. +  +“Luiperd,” sê Khwezi, “ek wil jou ’n guns vra. As jy my help, belowe ek jou ek sal hierdie dor, verlate land met plante en diere vul. Jy sal nooit weer honger ly nie.” +  +Luiperd kyk hongerig na die seun. “Waarom sou ek jou help? Jy weet ek kan jou sommer net opeet,” sê Luiperd en lek sy lippe af. En toe dink Luiperd nog ’n bietjie oor Khwezi se aanbod en sê: “Eintlik klink ’n land vol plante en diere wonderlik. Goed dan. Wat het jy nodig?” +  +“Jy kan baie goed klim, en met jou skerp kloue behoort ons tot bo-op die glasberg te kan klim,” sê Khwezi, en klim op Luiperd se rug. +  +Hulle stap deur die veld, oor die dor land, al die pad tot by die glasberg. + +  +Aan die voet van die berg slaan Luiperd sy kloue in die glibberig glashange en begin opklim. Dit neem ’n lang tyd en hulle moet baie stadig klim. Toe hulle omtrent halfpad teen die berg op is, sug Luiperd. “Ek is te moeg om verder te gaan,” sê hy, en gaan lê teen die glas. “Dit is onmoontlik om bo uit te kom, selfs met my kloue.” +  +Aasvoël, wat ’n groot, vreesaanjaende voël is, sirkel bo hulle in die lug. +  +“Ek het ’n idee,” sê Khwezi, “kom ons lê hier en maak of ons dood is.” +  +Hulle gaan lê toe op die gras en maak of hulle dood is. Gou kom sit Aasvoël, want hy dink hy het iets lekkers gevind om te eet. +  +“Hoe lekker,” sê Aasvoël. “Dis nou ’n meevallertjie!” +  +“Hiya!” skree Khwezi, spring van Luiperd se rug af en gryp Aasvoël se kloue vas. Hy hou styf vas. Aasvoël krys van verbasing, vlieg in die lug op en dra Khwezi saam met hom. Luiperd kyk hoe hulle wegraak en gly toe stadig teen die berghange af. +  +“Wat wil jy van my hê?” vra Aasvoël, wat sukkel om te vlieg. +  +“Aasvoël,” sê Khwezi, “kan jy met my tot bo-op die berg vlieg? As jy dit doen, sal ek hierdie dor, verlate land met plante en diere vul. Dan sal jy nooit weer honger ly nie.” +  +“Dit klink wonderlik,” sê Aasvoël, “en ek is baie honger. Goed, ek sal probeer om met jou tot bo-op die glasberg te vlieg.” +  +Aasvoël vlieg toe met Khwezi op-op deur die wolke. Dit neem baie lank, maar op die ou end is hulle bo-op die berg. Khwezi spring van Aasvoël af tot op die plat bokant van die glasberg. +  +“Hallo,” sê ’n strelende stem. +  +Khwezi sien ’n goue dassie wat op ’n kussing van klein pers blommetjies sit en ’n lang stingel geel gras knibbel. +  +“Jy moet die towerdassie wees,” sê Khwezi. +  +“Ek is,” sê die dassie. “Wat is jou wens? Ek kan jou die rykste mens in die wêreld maak, of dalk wil jy aantreklik of beroemd wees.” +  +Khwezi dink aan al hierdie dinge, en toe dink hy aan Luiperd, en Aasvoël, en aan al die honger mense in die plek wat ons vandag Kaapstad noem. +  +“Nee,” sê Khwezi, “ek wens hierdie dor, verlate land kan vol plante en diere wees.” +  +“As jy so sê,” sê die towerdassie en knip sy oë. +  +Daar is ’n harde KNAL! en die lug is vol goue vonke. Khwezi maak sy oë toe en toe hy hulle weer oopmaak, is die berg nie meer van glas gemaak nie, maar is dit wild en natuurlik en vol baie wonderlike plante, baie soos dit vandag is. Hy kyk uit oor die land wat verder weg is, en hy sien dat dit met plante en diere gevul is. Aasvoël swiep verby met ’n groot glimlag op sy gesig. Khwezi soek na die goue dassie, maar hy het verdwyn. + +  +Op pad terug teen die berg af, kry Khwezi vir Luiperd wat in die skaduwee van ’n boom lê en slaap. +  +“Knap gedaan,” sê Luiperd, half aan die slaap. +  +Khwezi streel hom en stap verder teen die berg af. Toe hy onder kom, is daar ’n skare mense wat vir hom wag en hom toejuig en hom op hulle skouers tel. Hulle hou toe ’n groot partytjie om fees te vier. Na ’n lang tyd het meer en meer mense op die grond rondom Tafelberg kom woon, en hulle het ’n stad gebou wat later Kaapstad genoem is.",afr,Afrikaans,Die glasberg,"A long time ago, the place at the foot of Table Mountain that we now call Cape Town, was dry and empty. At that time, it was said that Table Mountain was made of glass and that a magic dassie who granted wishes, lived at the very ...",,Oorvertel deur Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-glasberg +the-glass-mountain,"Kgalekgale, lefelo leo le lego maotong a Table Mountain leo gabjale le bitšwago Cape Town, le be le omile le se na selo. Ka nako yeo, go be go thwe Table Mountain e dirilwe ka galase le gore kua godimo ga yona go be go dula pela ya maleatlana, ya go fa batho ditakatso tša bona. +  +Banna le basadi go tšwa mathokong ohle a Afrika Borwa ba ile ba leka go namela thaba ya galase go fihlelela pela ya maleatlana, efela mahlakore a thaba a be a redimoša kudu ka fao ba bego ba ka se kgone go fihla godimo, le ge ba ka leka eng goba eng. +  +Ka letšatši le lengwe, mošemanyana wa go bitšwa Khwezi o ile a fihla Cape Town. O be a nyaka go ya ntlhoreng ya thaba. Bošego bjoo o ile nageng gomme a hwetša Lepogo. +  +“Lepogo,” Khwezi a realo, “ke hloka thušo ya gago. Ge o ka nthuša, ke go tshepiša go tlatša naga ye ya go oma ya go se be le selo ka dimela le diphoofolo. O ka se sa swarwa ke tlala gape.” +  +Lepogo le ile la lebelela mošemane le swerwe ke tlala. “Ke ka lebaka la eng ke swanetše go go thuša? Nka goja wa tseba,” la realo Lepogo le latswa melomo. Lepogo le ile la naganiša taba ya Khwezi la re, “Ka nnete naga ya go tlala dimela le diphoofolo e tlo kgahliša. Ke a dumela. O nyaka eng?” +  +“O kgona kudu go namela, gomme ka marofa a gago, re ka go kgona go fihla ntlhoreng ya thaba ya galase,” a realo Khwezi, a namela mokokotlong wa Lepogo. +  +Ba ile ba sepela nageng, ba putla naga ya go oma, ba ya thabeng ya galase. + +  +Kua botlaseng bja thaba, Lepogo le ile la tsenya marofa a lona ka mahlakoreng a galase ya go redimoša, la thoma go namela. Ba tšere nako ye telele ka ge ba ile ba swanela go namela ka go nanya. E rile ge ba fihla gare, Lepogo la hemela godimo. “Ke lapile kudu go ka tšwela pele,” la realo, le ithekga ka galase. “Ga go kgonege go fihla kua godimo, le ge ke na le marofa.” +  +Lenong leo e bego e le nonyana ya go tšhoša, le be le fofa go ba dikologa kua godimo. +  +“Ke na le kgopolo ye botse,” a realo Khwezi, “a re patlame fa re itire e ke re hwile.” +  +Ba ile ba patlama galaseng ba itira e ke ba hwile. Gateetee, Lenong le ile la kotama le nagana gore le hweditše dijo tša bose. +  +“Tša bose bjang,” la realo Lenong. “Mahlatse a makaa!” +  +“Hiya!” gwa goeletša Khwezi, a fofa mokokotlong wa Lepogo a itshwareletša ka monatla wa Lenong. O swere a tiiša. Lenong le ile la tšhoga ka makalo gomme la fofela lefaufaung le Khwezi. Lepogo le ba lebeletše ba sobelela gomme la redimogela tlase ka thoko ga thaba ka go nanya. +  +“O nyakang go nna?” gwa botšiša Lenong leo le fofago ka bothata. +  +“Lenong,” a realo Khwezi, “o ka nkiša ntlhoreng ya thaba? Ge o ka nkiša ke tla tlatša naga ye ya go oma ya go se be le selo ka dimela le diphoofolo. O ka se sa swarwa ke tlala.” +  +“Ke taba ye botse yeo,” la realo Lenong, “ebile ke swerwe ke tlala kudu. Go lokile, ke tla leka go fofa ke go iše ntlhoreng ya thaba ya galase.” +  +Gomme Lenong la fofišetša Khwezi lefaufaung. Ba tšere nako ye telele efela mafelelong ba fihla ntlhoreng ya thaba. Khwezi o ile a fofa mokokotlong wa lenong a fofela bogodimo bja papetla bja thaba ya galase. +  +“Dumela,” la realo lentšu la silika. +  +Khwezi a bona pela ya gauta e dutše godimo ga khušene ya matšoba a maphepolo a mannyane, e eja seripa se setelele sa bjang bjo boserolane. +  +“O swanetše go ba o le pela ya maleatlana,” a realo Khwezi. +  +“Ke nna,” a realo pela. “O lakatsa eng? Nka go dira mohumi yo mogologolo, goba mogongwe o nyaka go ba botse goba go tuma.” +  +Khwezi o ile a nagana ka dilo tšohle gomme a nagana ka Lepogo, le Lenong, le batho ka moka ba go dula lefelong leo gabjale re le bitšago Cape Town. +  +“Aowa,” a realo Khwezi, “ke lakatsa go tlatša naga ye ya go oma ya go se be le selo ka dimela le diphoofolo.” +  +“Ge o realo,” a realo pela ya maleatlana, a penya leihlo. +  +Gwa kwagala lešata la POP! Gomme malakabje a gauta a tlala leratadima. Khwezi o ile a tswalela mahlo a gagwe gomme ge a a bula gape, thaba e be e se sa na galase, e be e le hlaga gape le tlhago yeo e tletšego ka dimela tše dibotse tše dintši, ka fao di lego ka gona lehono. O ile a lebelela nageng kua kgojana, gomme a bona dimela le diphoofolo. Lenong le ile la kgabola ka myemyelo ye kgolo. Khwezi o ile a lebelela pela ya gauta, efela e be e nyameletše. + +  +O rile ge a le tseleng ya go fologa thaba, Khwezi a hwetša Lepogo le robetše moriting wa mohlare. +  +“O šomile,” a realo Lepogo a otsetše. +  +Khwezi o ile a mo phaphatha a tšwela pele go fologa thaba. Khwezi o rile ge a fihla botlaseng a kopana le lešaba la batho le mo tumiša, la mo rwala magetleng. Ba bile le moletlo wo mogolo ba keteka. Ka morago ga nako ye telele batho ba bantši ba ile ba tla go dula nageng ya go dikologa Table Mountain, gomme ba dira toropokgolo yeo ka moso e tlo bitšwago Cape Town.",nso,Sepedi,Thaba ya galase,"A long time ago, the place at the foot of Table Mountain that we now call Cape Town, was dry and empty. At that time, it was said that Table Mountain was made of glass and that a magic dassie who granted wishes, lived at the very ...",,Kanego-leswa ka Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thaba-ya-galase +the-glass-mountain,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale, sebaka se tlase ho Table Mountain seo jwale re se bitsang Cape Town, se ne se omme mme se se na letho. Ka nako eo, ho ne ho thwe Table Mountain e ne e entswe ka galase mme mmutla wa mehlolo o neng o fana ka tseo batho ba di lakatsang, o ne o dula hodimo qhoweng ya thaba. +  +Banna le basadi ba ne ba etla ba tswa ka makgalo ohle a Afrika Borwa mme ba leka ho palama thaba ya galase ho ya ho mmutla wa mehlolo, empa mahlakore a thaba a ne a thella haholo mme le ha ba ne ba ka leka ka thata jwang kapa jwang, ho ne ho se na ya finyellang ka hodimo. +  +Ka tsatsi le leng, moshanyana e mong ya bitswang Khwezi a fihla Cape Town. O ne a batla ho ya fihla qhoweng ya thaba. Bosiung boo, a ya thoteng mme a kopana le Lengau. +  +“Lengau,” Khwezi a rialo, “ke batla ho o kopa molemo o itseng. Ha o ka nthusa, ke o tshepisa hore ke tla tlatsa naha ena e ommeng, e se nang letho ka dijalo le diphoofolo. O keke wa hlola o lapa le kgale.” +  +Lengau a sheba moshanyana eo ka mahlo a lapileng. “Hobaneng ke lokela ho o thusa? Nka nna ka ja wena, o a tseba,” ha rialo Lengau a itatswa melomo. Yaba Lengau o nahanisisa seo Khwezi a mo tshepisang sona mme a re, “Empa ha e le hantle naha e tletseng dijalo le diphoofolo ekare ke ntho e ntle ho feta. Ke a e amohela. O hloka eng?” +  +“O tseba ho palama dintho, mme ka dinala tsa hao, re ka kgona ho fihlella tlhorong ya thaba ya galase,” ha rialo Khwezi, a pepa mokokotlong wa Lengau. +  +Ba tsamaya thoteng, ba parola naha e ommeng, ho ya fihla thabeng ya galase. + +  +Tlase pela thaba, Lengau a tsetsepela dinala tsa hae ka mahlakoreng a galase e thellang, mme a qala ho nyoloha. Ho ile ha ba nka nako e telele mme ba ne ba lokela ho palama butle haholo. Ha ba le halofong ya tsela ho nyolosa thaba, Lengau a fehelwa. “Ke kgathetse haholo ho ka tswela pele,” a rialo, a robala galaseng. “Ha ho kgonehe ho fihla ka hodima thaba, esitana le ka dinala tsa ka.” +  +Lenong, eo e leng nonyana e kgolo e tshabehang, la nna la fofa le potoloha ka hodimo ho bona. +  +“Ke na le leqheka,” ha rialo Khwezi, “ha re robale mona mme re iketse eka re shwele.” +  +Yaba ba ithobatsa galaseng ba iketsa eka ba shwele. Hanghang, Lenong a fihla, a nahana hore o fumane ho hong hoo a ka ho jang. +  +“Mathemalodi,” ha rialo Lenong. “Ke lehlohonolo la ka!” +  +“Halaala!” ha hoeletsa Khwezi, a tlola ho tswa mokokotlong wa Lengau mme a itshwarella ka dinala tsa Lenong. A itshwareletsa a tiisitse. Lenong la lla ke ho makala mme la fofela hodimo, le tshwere Khwezi ho lona. Lengau a shebella ha ba tsamaya mme a thella butle ho ya fatshe ka lehlakoreng la thaba. +  +“O mpatlang?” ha botsa Lenong, a sokola ho fofa. +  +“Lenong,” ha rialo Khwezi, “na o ka nfofisetsa ka hodima thaba? Ha o ka etsa jwalo, ke tla tlatsa naha ena e ommeng, e se nang letho ka dijalo le diphoofolo. Mme o keke wa hlola o lapa le kgale.” +  +“Ekare ke ntho e ntle eo,” ha rialo Lenong, “mme ke lapile haholo. Ho lokile, ke tla leka ho fofela ka hodima thaba ya galase ke o ise teng.” +  +Yaba Lenong o fofisetsa Khwezi hodimo ka hara maru. Ho ile ha ba nka nako e telele, empa qetellong ba fihla ka hodima thaba. Khwezi a tlola dinaleng tsa Lenong ho ya fatshe tlhorong ya thaba ya galase. +  +“Dumela,” ha rialo lentswe le boreledi. +  +Khwezi a bona mmutla wa gauta o dutse hodima mosamo wa dipalesa tse nyane tse perese, o ja sekgetjhana se selelele sa jwang bo bosehla. +  +“O tshwanetse o be o le mmutla wa mehlolo,” ha rialo Khwezi. +  +“Ke nna,” ha rialo mmutla. “Takatso ya hao ke eng? Nka o etsa motho ya ruileng ho feta bohle lefatsheng, kapa mohlomong o batla ho ba motle, o tsejwe ke batho ba bangata.” +  +Khwezi a nahana ka dintho tsena tsohle mme a nahana ka Lengau, le Lenong, le batho bohle ba lapileng ba dulang sebakeng seo kajeno re se bitsang Cape Town. +  +“Tjhe,” ha araba Khwezi, “ke lakatsa eka nka tlatsa naha ena e ommeng, e se nang letho ka dijalo le diphoofolo.” +  +“Haeba e le seo o se batlang,” ha rialo mmutla wa mehlolo, a panya. +  +Ho ile ha eba le modumo o moholo o kang QHU! Mme ha tlola ditlhase tsa gauta moyeng. Khwezi a tutubala mme yare ha a bula mahlo hape, thaba e ne e se e sa etswa ka galase, e ne e le hlaha e le tlhaho mme e tletse dijalo tse ntle, jwalo feela ka ha e le kajeno. A sheba tlase naheng le hole thoteng, mme a bona hore ho tletse dijalo le diphoofolo hohle. Lenong la fofa le feta ka pososelo e kgolo sefahlehong. Khwezi a sheba moo mmutla wa gauta o leng teng, empa o ne o se o nyametse. + +  +Tseleng e theosang thaba Khwezi a kopana le Lengau le robetse moriting wa sefate. +  +“O sebeditse hantle haholo,” ha rialo Lengau, a otsela. +  +Khwezi a mo phaphatha mokokotlong mme a iphetela a theosa thaba. Ha a fihla tlase, Khwezi o ne a kgahlanyeditswe ke letshwele la batho ba ileng ba mo opela matsoho mme ba mo phahamisetsa hodima mahetla a bona. Yaba ba etsa mokete o moholo ho keteka. Kamora nako e telele batho ba bangata ba nna ba tla ho tla dula naheng e pela Table Mountain, mme ba etsa toropo eo ha morao e ileng ya bitswa Cape Town.",sot,Sesotho,Thaba ya galase,"A long time ago, the place at the foot of Table Mountain that we now call Cape Town, was dry and empty. At that time, it was said that Table Mountain was made of glass and that a magic dassie who granted wishes, lived at the very ...",,E phetwa hape ke Kai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thaba-ya-galase-0 +the-glass-mountain,"Endulo mhlamnene, indawo esezantsi kweNtab’ eTafile nesiyibiza ngokuba yiKapa namhlanje, yayomile kwaye ingumqwebedu. Ngelo xesha, kwakusithiwa iNtab’ eTafile yayenziwe ngeglasi kwaye imbila enomlingo neyayifezekisa iminqweno yoluntu, yayihlala encotsheni yaloo ntaba. +  +Amadoda nabafazi ababevela kuzo zonke iinkalo zoMzantsi Afrika, babezama ukunyuka intaba yeglasi ukuze bafikelele kwimbila enomlingo, kodwa ukuthambeka kwentaba kwakutyibilikisa kakhulu kwaye nokuba babezama kangakanani na, akukho namnye owayekwazi ukufikelela encotsheni yentaba. +  +Ngenye imini, inkwenkwana encinane ebizwa ngokuba nguKhwezi yafika eKapa. UKhwezi wayefuna ukunyuka afikelele encotsheni yentaba. Ngobo busuku, waya ethafeni waze wadibana neHlosi. +  +“Hlosi,” watsho uKhwezi, “ndicela undincede. Ukuba uthe wandinceda, ndiyathembisa ukuba ndiza kuwuzalisa lo mhlaba womileyo, nongumqwebedu ngezityalo nezilwanyana. Soze niphinde nilambe kwakhona.” +  +IHlosi layijonga le nkwenkwana ngamehlo endlala. “Yintoni ezakwenza ndikuncede? Ndingasuka nje ndikutye ngokulula, uyazi,” latsho iHlosi lilenca imilebe yalo. Kodwa iHlosi laphinda lacinga nzulu ngesithembiso sikaKhwezi laze lathi, “Enyanisweni, umhlaba ozaliswe zizityalo nezilwanyana uvakala ubukeka ngokumangalisa. Ndiyavuma ndiza kukunceda. Ufuna ntoni?” +  +“Uyincutshe yokugwencela, kwaye ngeenzipho zakho ezibukhali, singakwazi ukufikelela encotsheni yentaba yeglasi,” watsho uKhwezi, ebelekeka kumqolo weHlosi. +  +Bahamba ethafeni, benqumla umhlaba owomileyo, bethe chu kuloo ndlela iya entabeni yeglasi. + +  +Emazantsi entaba, iHlosi lafaka iinzipho zalo kulo glasi yentaba isecaleni netyibilikisayo, laze laqalisa ukunyuka. Kwabathatha ixesha elide kakhulu oko kwaye kwakufuneka ukuba benyuke ngokucotha kakhulu. Bathi xa sele benyuke isiqingatha somgama, iHlosi latsala umphefumlo laza latsho ngesingqala. “Ndidinwe kakhulu ukuba ndingaqhubeka phambili ngoku,” latsho, laze langqengqa loyama ngeglasi. “Akululanga ukufikelela encotsheni yale ntaba, nditsho nangezi nzipho zam.” +  +Ixhalanga, elaliyintaka enkulu neyoyikekayo, lalibhabha lijikeleza, lisenza isangqa phezulu esibhakabhakeni ngentla kwabo. +  +“Kukho iqhinga endinalo,” kutsho uKhwezi, “masilale apha phantsi, sense ngathi sifile.” +  +Bathe ke ngoko balala phantsi kulo glasi bazenza abafileyo. Kwakamsinyane, iXhalanga lathi ngcu ecaleni kwabo, licinga ukuba lifumene into emnandi yokutya. +  +“Engako yona incasa,” latsho iXhalanga. “Ithamsanqa elingaka endilifumeneyo!” +  +“Hiya!” wakhwaza wenjenjalo uKhwezi, lo gama etsiba ukusuka kumqolo weHlosi ukuya kuthi nqaku iinzipho zeXhalanga. Wabambelela apho, eziqinise nkqi. IXhalanga lakhala lothukile laze lantinga ukuya esibhakabhakeni, lithwele uKhwezi lisenyuka naye. IHlosi lababukela besimka laze lazityibilikisa ngokucothayo ethambekeni lentaba, lisiya ezantsi. +  +“Ufuna ntoni kum?” labuza iXhalanga, lisokola ukubhabha. +  +“Xhalanga” watsho uKhwezi, “ungabhabha nam ude ufikelele encotsheni yentaba? Ukuba wenze njalo, ndiza kuwuzalisa lo mhlaba womileyo, ungumqwebedu ngezityalo nezilwanyana. Ngoko ke awusoze uphinde ulambe.” +  +“Oko kuvakala kumangalisa,” latsho iXhalanga, “kwaye ndilambe kakhulu kungoku. Kulungile, ndiza kuzama ndibhabhe ndikuse encotsheni yentaba yeglasi.” +  +Ngoko ke iXhalanga labhabha lenyusa uKhwezi ladlula emafini. Kwabathatha ixesha elide kakhulu, kodwa ekugqibeleni bafika encotsheni yentaba. UKhwezi watsibela phantsi wawela kumphezulu osicaba wentaba yeglasi. +  +“Molo,” kwatsho ilizwi elimnandi. +  +UKhwezi wabona imbila ebugolide ihleli kamnandi phezu kwesipha seentyatyambo ezincinane ezimfusa nezazingathi zingumqamelo, kwaye isitya isicithana eside sengca emthubi. +  +“Inokuba uyile mbila yomlingo kuthethwa ngayo,” watsho uKhwezi. +  +“Ewe ndiyiyo,” yatsho imbila. “Yintoni umnqweno wakho? Ndingakwenza ube sesona sityebi sikhulu ehlabathini, okanye mhlawumbi ufuna ukuba yinzwana, okanye umntu odumileyo.” +  +UKhwezi wacinga ngazo zonke ezo zinto waze wabuya wacinga ngeHlosi, kunye neXhalanga, kwakunye nabantu bonke abalambileyo abahlala kule ndawo ibizwa ngokuba yiKapa ngoku. +  +“Hayi,” watsho uKhwezi, “Ndinqwenela ukuzalisa lo mhlaba womileyo ungumqwebedu ngezityalo kunye nezilwanyana.” +  +“Xa ufuna njalo ke, ngumnqweno wakho,” yatsho imbila yomlingo, iqhwanyaza. +  +Kwavakala isandi esingxolayo esithi POP! zaze iintlantsi ezibugolide zazalisa isibhakabhaka. UKhwezi wacimela waze xa ewavula amehlo kwakhona, wabona ukuba intaba ayiseyiyo eyeglasi, yayilidlelo nethafakazi eliqhelekileyo kwaye yayizaliswe zizityalo ezimangalisayo, njengokuba kusenjalo nanamhlanje. Wajonga umhlaba okude kakhulu, waze wawubona uzaliswe zizityalo kunye nezilwanyana. IXhalanga labhabha ladlula kuye litsho ngoncumo olubanzi ebusweni balo. UKhwezi wakhangela imbila ebugolide, kodwa yayinyamalele. + +  +Endleleni yakhe ehla entabeni, uKhwezi wafumana iHlosi lilele emthunzini womthi. +  +“Wenze kakuhle, ndiyavuyisana nawe,” latsho lihebhuza bubuthongo. +  +UKhwezi walimbambazela waze waqhubeka nokuhla intaba. Xa efika ezantsi, uKhwezi wayekhawulelwe ligquba labantu ababemthakazelela nabamphakamisela phezulu bamthwala emagxeni abo. Emva koko babhiyoza ngethekokazi elikhulu. Emva kwexesha elide abantu abaninzi kakhulu beza kuhlala kumhlaba ongqonge iNtab’ eTafile, kwaye bakha isixeko esaye sathiywa igama lokuba liKapa, ekuhambeni kwexesha.",xho,isiXhosa,Intaba yeglas,"A long time ago, the place at the foot of Table Mountain that we now call Cape Town, was dry and empty. At that time, it was said that Table Mountain was made of glass and that a magic dassie who granted wishes, lived at the very ...",,Libaliswa kwakhona nguKai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/intaba-yeglasi +the-glass-mountain,"Endulo, indawo ephansi kweTable Mountain esesiyibiza ngokuthi yiKapa manje, yayomile futhi ingenalutho. Ngaleso sikhathi, kwakuthiwa iTable Mountain yayakhiwe ngengilazi kanye nokuthi kwakukhona imbila enomlingo eyayikunika lokho okufisayo, eyayihlala phezulu esicongweni. +  +Amadoda kanye nabesifazane babevela kuzo zonke izindawo zaseNingizimu Afrika bazame ukuqwala intaba eyingilazi ukuze bayofika embileni enomlingo, kodwa amacala entaba ayeshibilika kakhulu, futhi ngisho babezama kangakanani, akekho owayefinyelela esicongweni. +  +Ngelinye ilanga, kwafika eKapa umfanyana obizwa ngoKhwezi. Wayefuna ukufinyelela esicongweni sentaba. Ngalobo busuku, waya endle wahlangana noNgwe. +  +“We Ngwe,” kusho uKhwezi, “Kukhona okuhle engicela ungenzele kona. Uma ungangisiza, ngiyethembisa ukuthi ngizogcwalisa lo mhlaba owomile, ongenalutho ngezitshalo nezilwane. Angeke uphinde ulambe futhi.” +  +UNgwe owayesefile yindlala wabuka umfana wamhalela. “Kungani kumele ngikusize? Uyazi nje ukuthi, ngingavele ngikudle,” kusho uNgwe ekhotha izindebe zakhe. UNgwe wathi ukucabacabanga ngalokho okwakushiwo uKhwezi wase ethi, “Empeleni kumnandi ukuzwa ngezwe eligcwele izitshalo nezilwane. Ngiyavuma-ke. Udingani?” +  +“Umuhle kakhulu ekucaceni, kanti ngamazipho akho abukhali, kumele sikwazi ukufinyelela esicongweni sentaba eyingilazi,” kusho uKhwezi, ebeba kuNgwe. +  +Bahamba ehlane, benqamula indawo eyomile, baze bayofika entabeni eyingilazi. + +  +Ngaphansi kwentaba eyingilazi, uNgwe wafaka amazipho akhe ezinhlangothini eziyingilazi ezishelelayo wase eqala ukukhuphuka. Kwathatha isikhathi eside ngoba babekhwela kancane, kancane. Bathi sebephakathi nokucaca intaba, uNgwe waphefumula kakhulu wathi. “Sengikhathele kakhulu ukuthi ngingaqhubeka,” washo, elala encika engilazini. “Kuyinto engenzeke ukuthi sifike esicongweni sentaba, nangamazipho ami imbala.” +  +UNqe, owayeyinyoni enkulu eyesabekayo, wayezula esibhakabhakeni phezu kwabo. +  +“Nginecebo,” kusho uKhwezi, “ake silale la bese senza sengathi sifile.” +  +Base belala engilazini benza sengathi bafile. Kungekudala uNqe wehlela kubo, ecabanga ukuthi uthole into emnandi azoyidla. +  +“Kwaze kwaconsisa amathe lokhu,” kusho uNqe. “Ngaze nganenhlanhla!” +  +“Hhiya!” kumemeza uKhwezi, egxuma esuka emhlane kaNgwe ebambelela emazisheni kaNqe. Wabambelela waqinisa. UNqe waklewula ngokumangala wase endiza eya esibhakabhakeni, ethwele uKhwezi. UNgwe wababuka behamba baze behla beshona phansi ohlangothini lwentaba. +  +“Ufunani kimi?” kubuza uNqe, ehluleka ukundiza. +  +“UNqe,” kusho uKhwezi, “ngabe ungangindizisa ungise esicongweni sentaba? Uma wenzenjalo, ngizogcwalisa le ndawo eyomile, engenalutho ngezitshalo nezilwane. Ngeke uphinde ulambe futhi.” +  +“Kuzwakala kukuhle lokho,” kusho uNqe, “kanti nami ngilambe kakhulu. Kulungile, ngizozama ukukundizisela ukuyokufikisa esicongweni sentaba eyingilazi.” +  +Ngakho uNqe wandiza noKhwezi waya phezulu emafini. Kwathatha isikhathi eside, kodwa ekugcineni bafika esicongweni sentaba. UKhwezi wagxuma esuka kuNqe wehlela endaweni eyisicaba phezu kwentaba eyingilazi. +  +“Sawubona,” kusho izwi elithambile. +  +UKhwezi wabona imbila esagolide ihleli ekhushinini lezimbali ezincane ezinsomi, lidla umucu omude wotshani obuphuzi. +  +“Kufanele engabe nguwe imbila enomlingo,” kusho uKhwezi. +  +“Ngiyiyo,” kusho imbila. “Yini oyifisayo? Ngingakwenza ube umuntu ocebe ukudlula kubo bonke abantu emhlabeni; noma mhlawumbe ufuna ukuba muhle, noma ukuduma.” +  +UKhwezi wacabanga ngazo zonke lezi zinto wase ecabanga ngoNgwe, kanye noNqe, kanye nabo bonke abantu abalambile abahlala endaweni esesiyibiza ngokuthi iKapa. +  +“Cha,” kusho uKhwezi, “Ngifisa ukugcwalisa yonke le ndawo eyomile, engenalutho ngezitshalo kanye nezilwane.” +  +“Kulungile uma usho kanjalo-ke,” kusho imbila enomlingo, icwayiza. +  +Kwezwakala kuthi BHA kakhulu! Kwase kugcwala izinhlansi ezisagolide esibhakabhakeni. UKhwezi wacimeza wase ephinde ewavula amehlo, intaba yayingeseyona ingilazi, yase ingeyasendle, ingeyendalo, igcwele izitshalo eziningi ezinhle, njengoba zikhona namhlanje. Wabuka izwe elikude, wase ebona ukuthi laligcwele izitshalo kanye nezilwane. UNqe wadlula endiza ngokumamatheka okukhulu ebusweni bakhe. UKhwezi wabheka imbila yomlingo, kodwa yase inyamalele. + +  +Endleleni yakhe ehla entabeni, uKhwezi wathola uNgwe elele emthunzini wesihlahla. +  +“Usebenzile,” kusho uNgwe, ozela. +  +UKhwezi wamumbambatha wase eqhubeka nokuhamba ehla entabeni. Lapho esefika ezansi, uKhwezi wahlangabezwa iqulu labantu elamhalalisela lase limthwala emahlombe alo. Base beba nedili elikhulu lokugubha. Emva kwesikhathi eside kwafika nabanye abantu bazohlala endaweni ezungeze iTable Mountain, bakha idolobha kamuva elabizwa ngokuthi yiKapa.",zul,isiZulu,Intaba eyingilaz,"A long time ago, the place at the foot of Table Mountain that we now call Cape Town, was dry and empty. At that time, it was said that Table Mountain was made of glass and that a magic dassie who granted wishes, lived at the very ...",,Ixoxwa kabusha uKai Tuomi,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/intaba-eyingilazi +the-farmer-and-his-family,"A long time ago in Limpopo, there lived a farmer and his family – his donkey, his pig, his dog, his cat and his rooster. They all lived happily together on the farm. Then one day the rain stopped and there was no more water. The vegetables could no longer be watered and there was not much left to drink. +The farmer called his donkey, pig, dog, cat and rooster. “We have to move to a place where there is water,” he said. So they all left. The farmer took a few of his things with him in a bag. Together they walked along the dusty road one behind the other. Tramp-tramp! Clip-clop! Snuffle-snort! Woof-woof! Meow-meow! And cock-a-doodle-doo! + +On their way to a place where there was water, the farmer and his animals met a crow. The crow watched them all walking and laughed at the farmer. +“Kwaaa! kwaaa! Why are you walking when you have a donkey? If I were you, I would ride on the donkey,” the crow said as he flew off laughing, “Kwaaaa! Kwaaaa!” +The farmer thought about this for a while. Then he decided to climb on the donkey’s back. He rode on the donkey while the other animals walked behind them. Clip-clop! Snuffle-snort! Woof-woof! Meow-meow! And cock-a-doodle-doo! +Soon they met a meerkat. +“Woahaha! Woahaha! You have no shame,” said the meerkat to the farmer as she sat up straight to stare at them. “How can you ride on the donkey’s back alone? Look how tired your pig is? His nose is dripping sweat.” Before she disappeared inside her home she laughed again, “Woahaha! Woahaha!” +The farmer stopped and thought about what the meerkat had said. He looked down at his pig and decided to let the pig ride on the donkey with him. +“Jump up, Pig! Jump up on the donkey’s back,” said the farmer. So the pig jumped up and sat behind the farmer on the donkey’s back. And they carried on walking. Clip-clop! Woof-woof! Meow-meow! And cock-a-doodle-doo! +At last the farmer saw a river, but it was still far away. +“We will go there,” he said pointing. The animals all agreed and they carried on walking until they met a jackal. +“Haauauaua! Haauauaua!” howled the jackal. “You are a horrible farmer. How can you and your pig ride alone on the donkey? Look how tired your dog is. She is panting. And your cat’s feet are dragging. And look at your rooster’s feathers, they are all drooping,” said the jackal disappearing into the bush, still laughing, “Haauauaua! Haauauaua!” +The farmer felt bad and decided that now they would all have to ride on the donkey’s back. He moved up towards the donkey’s neck. +“Jump up, Dog! Jump on top of the pig,” said the farmer. So the dog jumped on the pig, that sat on the donkey’s back, behind the farmer. +“Jump up, Cat! Jump on top of the dog,” said the farmer. So the cat jumped on the dog, that sat on the pig, that sat on the donkey’s back, behind the farmer. +“Jump up, Rooster! Jump on top of the cat,” said the farmer. So the rooster jumped on the cat, that sat on the dog, that sat on the pig, that sat on the donkey’s back, behind the farmer. +Along the road they walked. Clip-clop, clip … clop, clip … clop! They were close to the river, but by now the donkey was very tired. + +Suddenly, right in front of them stood a hare. +The hare looked at them and said, “Greeeeee! Greeeeee! You are a cruel farmer. What has your donkey done to deserve such a punishment? Where I come from, everyone is treated with kindness.” Then, “Greeeeee! Greeeeee!” said the hare before disappearing into the bush. +The farmer thought about what the hare had said. He felt very bad. The farmer wanted to say something to the hare about all the things that had been said to him on the way, but the hare had already disappeared. +After another few steps, the donkey stopped suddenly and went down on his knees. The rooster crowed and flew off. The cat meowed and jumped down. The dog barked and ran off. The pig oinked and rolled onto the ground. +The farmer got off his donkey and stood scratching his head. He looked at his tired donkey and then went to fetch him some water. The farmer remembered all the things that had been said to him as he and his animals were walking along. He thought and thought and then he decided that never, ever again would he just do what he was told. He would think about it more carefully first and see if it was the right thing to do. He would also tell his animals what had been said and together they would decide what to do. +The farmer called his donkey, pig, dog, cat and rooster and they all sat down in the shade of a big marula tree. While they were sitting there, the farmer asked his donkey for forgiveness. +From that day on, they all became the best of friends. And from that day on, the farmer always treated all his animals with kindness. +  +Get creative! +Encourage your children to make the farmer and the animals in the story from Plasticine or playdough. Then read the story aloud again while your children use their Plasticine/playdough characters to act out the story.",eng,English,The farmer and his family,"A long time ago in Limpopo, there lived a farmer and his family – his donkey, his pig, his dog, his cat and his rooster. They all lived happily together on the farm. Then one day the rain stopped and there was no more water. The vegetables could ...",,Shasha Seakamela,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-farmer-and-his-family +the-farmer-and-his-family,"Lank, lank gelede het daar in Limpopo ’n boer saam met sy familie gewoon – sy donkie, sy vark, sy hond, sy kat en sy hoenderhaan. Hulle het almal gelukkig saam op die plaas gewoon. Maar op ’n dag bly die reën weg en daar is nie meer water nie. Die groente kan nie meer natgelei word nie, en daar is nie baie water oor om te drink nie. +Die boer roep sy donkie, vark, hond, kat en hoenderhaan. “Ons moet na ’n plek trek waar daar water is,” sê hy. So vertrek hulle toe almal. Die boer neem ’n paar van sy besittings in ’n sak met hom saam. Saam stap hulle in ’n ry met die stowwerige pad langs. Slof-slof! Klip-klop! Snork-snork! Woef-woef! Miaau-miaau! En koe-ke-le-koee! + +Op pad na ’n plek waar daar water is, ontmoet die boer en sy diere ’n kraai. Die kraai kyk hoe hulle almal stap en lag vir die boer. +“Kwaaa! kwaaa! Waarom stap jy as jy ’n donkie het? As ek jy was, sou ek op die donkie ry,” kras die kraai toe hy weer laggend wegvlieg: “Kwaaaa! Kwaaaa!” +Die boer dink vir ’n rukkie hieroor na. Toe besluit hy om op die donkie se rug te klim. Hy ry op die donkie terwyl die ander diere agter hulle aanstap. Klip-klop! Snork-snork! Woef-woef! Miaau-miaau! En koe-ke-le-koee! +Sommer gou ontmoet hulle ’n meerkat. +“Wa-wa-wag! Wa-wa-wag! Jy het geen skaamte nie,” sê die meerkat vir die boer terwyl sy regop sit om na hulle te staar. “Hoe kan jy alleen op die donkie se rug ry? Kyk hoe moeg is jou vark? Die sweet tap by sy neus af.” Voor sy in haar huis verdwyn, lag sy weer: “Wa-wa-wag! Wa-wa-wag!” +Die boer gaan staan en dink na oor wat die meerkat gesê het. Hy kyk af na sy vark en besluit om die vark saam met hom op die donkie se rug te laat ry. +“Spring op, Vark! Spring op die donkie se rug,” sê die boer. Die vark spring toe op en gaan sit agter die boer op die donkie se rug. En so stap hulle verder. Klip-klop! Woef-woef! Miaau-miaau! En koe-ke-le-koee! +Eindelik sien die boer ’n rivier, maar dit is nog ver weg. +“Ons gaan daarheen,” sê hy en wys daarna. Die diere stem almal saam en hulle stap verder tot hulle ’n jakkals ontmoet. +“Haauauaua! Haauauaua!” huil die jakkals. “Jy is ’n wrede boer. Hoe kan jy en jou vark alleen op die donkie se rug ry? Kyk hoe moeg is jou hond. Haar tong hang uit. En jou kat se voete sleep. En kyk na jou hoenderhaan se vere, hulle hang almal,” sê die jakkals en verdwyn in die bos terwyl hy steeds lag: “Haauauaua! Haauauaua!” +Die boer voel sleg en besluit hulle moet nou almal op die donkie se rug ry. Hy skuif vorentoe tot op die donkie se nek. +“Spring op, Hond! Spring bo-op die vark,” sê die boer. Die hond spring toe bo-op die vark, wat op die donkie se rug agter die boer sit. +“Spring op, Kat! Spring bo-op die hond,” sê die boer. Die kat spring toe bo-op die hond, wat bo-op die vark sit, wat op die donkie se rug agter die boer sit. +“Spring op, Hoenderhaan! Spring bo-op die kat,” sê die boer. Die hoenderhaan spring toe bo-op die kat, wat bo-op die hond sit, wat bo-op die vark sit, wat op die donkie se rug agter die boer sit. +So stap hulle padlangs. Klip-klop, klip … klop, klip … klop! Hulle is naby die rivier, maar nou is die donkie pootuit. + +Skielik staan daar ’n haas reg voor hulle. +Die haas kyk na hulle en sê: “Greeeeee! Greeeeee! Jy is ’n wrede boer. Wat het jou donkie gedoen om so ’n straf te verdien? Waar ek vandaan kom, word almal goed behandel.” Toe sê die haas weer: “Greeeeee! Greeeeee!” voor hy in die bos verdwyn. +Die boer dink na oor wat die haas gesê het. Hy voel baie sleg. Die boer wil iets vir die haas sê oor al die dinge wat langs die pad vir hom gesê is, maar die haas het reeds spore gemaak. +Na nog ’n paar treë, gaan staan die donkie skielik en sak op sy knieë neer. Die hoenderhaan kraai en vlieg weg. Die kat miaau en spring af. Die hond blaf en hardloop weg. Die vark oink en rol tot op die grond. +Die boer klim van sy donkie af en krap sy kop. Hy kyk na sy moeë donkie en gaan haal toe vir hom water. Die boer onthou al die dinge wat vir hom gesê is terwyl hy en sy diere gestap het. Hy dink en dink en toe besluit hy dat hy nooit, ooit weer net sal doen wat vir hom gesê word nie. Hy sal eers baie goed daaroor nadink en kyk of dit die regte ding is om te doen. Hy sal ook vir sy diere vertel wat gesê is en dan sal hulle saam besluit wat om te doen. +Die boer roep sy donkie, vark, hond, kat en hoenderhaan en hulle gaan sit almal in die skaduwee van ’n groot maroelaboom. Terwyl hulle so sit, vra die boer die donkie om hom te vergewe. +Van daardie dag af, is hulle almal beste vriende. En van daardie dag af, behandel die boer altyd al sy diere goed. +  +Wees kreatief! +Moedig jou kinders aan om die boer en die diere in die storie uit Plasticine of speeldeeg te maak. Lees dan weer die storie hardop terwyl die kinders hulle Plasticine-/speeldeeg-karakters gebruik om die storie op te voer.",afr,Afrikaans,Die boer en sy familie,"A long time ago in Limpopo, there lived a farmer and his family – his donkey, his pig, his dog, his cat and his rooster. They all lived happily together on the farm. Then one day the rain stopped and there was no more water. The vegetables could ...",,Shasha Seakamela,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-boer-en-sy-familie +the-farmer-and-his-family,"Kudala-dala, eLimpopo, kwakukho umfama owayehlala kunye nosapho lwakhe – imbongolo yakhe, ihagu yakhe, inja yakhe, ikati yakhe kunye nomqhagi wakhe. Bonke babehlelisene kamnandi nangolonwabo efama. Kwathi ngenye imini imvula yayeka ukuna, kwaza kwalandela imbalela, banqatyelwa ngamanzi. Kwaba nzima ke ngoku ukunkcenkceshela imifuno, aza acutheka namanzi okusela. +Umfama wabiza imbongolo yakhe, ihagu yakhe, inja yake, ikati yakhe kunye nomqhagi wakhe. “Kufuneka sihambe, sifudukele kwindawo enamanzi,” watsho. Bathe ke bahamba xa bebonke. Umfama wathatha izinto zakhe ezimbalwa wazifaka engxoweni. Bonke bahamba endleleni enothuli omnye elandela emva komnye. Kukhala, Gingqi-gingqi! Nqakra-Nqakra! Gru-gru! Hawu-hawu! Nyawu-nyawu! Kugqibela ngokuthi, Kurukukuuuu-kuuuu! + +Endleleni yabo eya endaweni enamanzi, umfama kunye nezilwanyana zakhe bahlangana nonomyayi. Unomyayi wababukela behamba bonke waze wamhleka kakhulu umfama. +“Kwaaa! kwaaa! Kutheni uhamba ngeenyawo kodwa unembongolo? Mna ukuba bendinguwe, bendiza kukhwela imbongolo le,” watsho unomyayi ebhabha usahleka. “Kwaaa! kwaaa!” +Umfama wakucinga oku okomzuzwana. Emva koko wagqiba kwelokuba akhwele kwimbongolo yakhe. Wakhwela embongolweni lo gama ezinye izilwanyana zilandela emva kwakhe. Kukhala, Nqakra-Nqakra! Gru-gru! Hawu-hawu! Nyawunyawu! +Kugqibela ngokuthi, Kurukukuuuu-kuuuu! +Kuthe kusenjalo bahlangana negala. +“Whahaha! Whahaha! Wowu akunazintloni,” latsho igala kumfama lithe ngcu elityeni, libathe ntsho ngamehlo. “Ungakhwela njani embongolweni wedwa? Jonga indlela edinwe ngayo ihagu yakho? Impumlo yayo ithontsiza ukubila.” Phambi kokuba litshone endlwini yalo igala, lahleka kwakhona, “Whahaha! Whahaha!” +Umfama wathi nqumama waze wacinga ngoko kuthethwe ligala. Wajonga ihagu yakhe ephantsi waze wagqiba kwelokuba ayikhwelise nayo apho embongolweni. +“Tsiba, uze apha Hagu! Tsibela apha kumqolo wembongolo,” watsho umfama. Yathi kwa-oko ke nayo ihagu yatsiba, yakhwela apho embongolweni, yahlala emva komfama. Baqhubeka nohambo lwabo. Kukhala, Nqakra-Nqakra! Hawu-hawu! Nyawu-nyawu! Kugqibela ngokuthi, Kurukukuuuu-kuuuu! +Ekugqibeleni umfama wawubona umlambo, kodwa wawusekude kakhulu. +“Siza kuya phaya,” watsho esolatha. Izilwanyana zonke zavuma baze baqhubeka nohambo lwabo bade bahlangana nodyakalashe. +“Haawu-haawu! Haawu-haawu!” wakhala esitsho udyakalashe. “Ungumfama okhohlakeleyo. Kungakhwela njani wena nehagu yakho kuphela embongolweni? Jonga indlela edinwe ngayo inja yakho. Iyakhefuzela. Kwaye ikati yakho nayo irhuqa iinyawo. Khawujonge iintsiba zomqhagi wakho, zonke zijonge ezantsi,” watsho udyakalashe esithela etyholweni, esahleka, “Haawu-haawu! Haawu-haawu!” +Umfama weva kakubi kakhulu waze wagqiba kwelokuba ngoku kuza kufuneka bakhwele bonke kumqolo wembongolo. Wasondela ngasentanyeni yembongolo. +“Tsiba, Nja! Tsibela phezu kwehagu,” watsho umfama. Yenjenjalo ke nenja, yatsibela phezu kwehagu eyayihleli phezu komqolo wembongolo, emva komfama. +“Tsiba, Kati ! Tsibela phezu kwenja,” watsho umfama. Yenjenjalo ke nayo ikati , yatsibela phezu kwenja eyayihleli phezu kwehagu, yona eyayihleli phezu komqolo wembongolo, emva komfama. +“Tsiba, Mqhagi! Tsibela phezu kwekati ,” watsho umfama. Wenjenjalo ke nawo umqhagi, watsibela phezu kwekati , eyayihleli phezu kwenja, inja yona eyayihleli phezu kwehagu, ihagu yona ihleli kumqolo wembongolo, emva komfama. +Bangena endleleni ke, bahamba. Nqakra-nqakra, nqakra … nqakra, nqakra … nqakra! Bathi xa bekude kufuphi emlanjeni, imbongolo yaziva idinwe kakhulu ngoku. + +Kuthe kusenjalo, kwathi gqi umvundla owawumi kanye apha phambi kwabo. +Umvundla wabajonga waze wathi, “Kriiiiii! Kriiiiii! Ungumfama okhohlakeleyo. Ingaba yenze ntoni le mbongolo yakho ukuze ifumane esinje sona isohlwayo? Apho ndivela khona, wonke umntu uphathwa ngobubele.” Emva koko wathi, “Kriiiiii! Kriiiiii!” phambi kokuba uthi shwaka umvundla, utshone ematyholweni. +Umfama wacinga malunga noko kwakuthethwe ngumvundla. Weva kakubi kakhulu kuye ngaphakathi. Umfama wayefuna ukuwuxelela umvundla zonke izinto ezithe zathethwa kuye apho endleleni, kodwa umvundla wawusele ungasabonakali. +Emva kwamanyathelo nje ambalwa, imbongolo yasuka yema, yaza ngephanyazo yaguqa ngamadolo. Umqhagi wakhonya waza wabhabha. Ikati yakhala, yatsibela phantsi. Inja yakhonkotha, yabaleka. Ihagu yakhala yaziqengqela emhlabeni. +Umfama wehla kwimbongolo yakhe, waze wonwaya intloko. Wajonga imbongolo yakhe ediniweyo waze waya kuyikhelela amanzi. Umfama wazikhumbula zonke izinto ezazithethwe kuye lo gama yena nezilwanyana zakhe babehamba endleleni. Wacinga, wacinga waze wagqiba kwelokuba akasoze aphinde enze nje into ayixelelwayo. Wazixelela ukuba kufuneka ayicingisise kakuhle into kuqala, ze abone ukuba ingaba yinto elungileyo kusini na. Emva koko ke uya kuthi axelele nezilwanyana zakhe loo nto ithethwayo ukuze bonke baxoxe ngayo khona ukuze bafikelele kwisigqibo sento abafanele ukuyenza. +Umfama wabiza imbongolo yakhe, ihagu yakhe, inja yakhe, ikati yakhe kunye nomqhagi wakhe baze bahlala phantsi emthunzini womthi wemarula. Lo gama babehleli apho, umfama wacela ukuba imbongolo imxolele. +Ukususela ngaloo mini, babangabona bahlobo bathandanayo. Kwaye ukususela ngaloo mini ukuya phambili, umfama wayesoloko eziphethe ngobubele zonke izilwanyana zakhe. +  +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Khuthaza abantwana bakho ukuba benze umfama osebalini kunye nezilwanyana zakhe nge-Plasticine okanye intlama okanye udongwe lokudlala. Emva koko funda ibali ngokuvakalayo kwakhona lo gama abantwana bakho besebenzisa abalinganiswa babo ababenze nge-Plasticine/ngentlama/ngodongwe lokudlala ukuze benze umdlalo weqonga.",xho,isiXhosa,Umfama kunye nosapho lwakhe,"A long time ago in Limpopo, there lived a farmer and his family – his donkey, his pig, his dog, his cat and his rooster. They all lived happily together on the farm. Then one day the rain stopped and there was no more water. The vegetables could ...",,Shasha Seakamela,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umfama-kunye-nosapho-lwakhe +the-farmer-and-his-family,"Kudala eLimpopo, kwakukhona umlimi owayehlala nomndeni wakhe – imbongoloyakhe, ingulube yakhe, inja yakhe, ikati lakhe kanye neqhude lakhe. Babehlala bonke bethokozile epulazini. Ngelinye ilanga yanqamuka ukuna imvula, awaba bikho amanzi. Imifino yayingasakwazi ukuniselwa, kungasekho namanzi anele okuphuza asele. +Umlimi wabiza imbongolo, ingulube, inja, ikati neqhude lakhe. “Kumele sithuthe siye kwenye indawo lapho kunamanzi khona,” kusho yena. Ngakho bahamba bonke. Umlimi wathatha izinto zakhe ezimbalwa ngesikhwama. Babehamba ndawonye emgwaqweni wobhuqu belandelana. Qhwa-qhwa! Ngqabashingqabashi! Phaqa-phaqa! Hhu-hhu! Mnyawu-mnyawu! Kikilikigi! + +Endleleni yabo eya endaweni enamanzi, umlimi nezilwane zakhe bahlangana negwababa. Igwababa lababuka bonke behamba lase lihleka umlimi. +“Kwaaa! Kwaaa! Kungani uhamba ngezinyawo kodwa unembongolo? Ukuba benginguwe, bengizogibela imbongolo,” kwasho igwababa lisuka lindiza lihleka. “Kwaaaa! Kwaaaa!” +Umlimi wacabanga ngalokhu isikhashana. Wase enquma ukugibela embongolweni. Wahamba ngembongolo yakhe ngenkathi ezinye izilwane zihamba emva kwakhe. Ngqabashi-ngqabashi! Phaqa-phaqa! Hhu-hhu! Mnyawu-mnyawu! Kikilikigi! +Kungekudala bahlangana nobubhibhi. +“Wahaha! Wahaha! Awunamahloni,” kusho ububhibhi kumlimi ngesikhathi buhleli bubheke phezulu bubagqolozele. “Ungagibela kanjani embongolweni wedwa? Bheka ukuthi ingulube yakho ikhathele kangakani! Ikhala layo liconsa umjuluko.” Ngaphambi kokunyamalalela endlini yabo, baphinde bahleka, “Wahaha! Wahaha!” +Umlimi wama wase ecabanga ngalokho okushiwo ububhibhi. Wabheka phansi wabheka engulubeni yakhe wase enquma ukuthi ayigibelise nayo embongolweni. +“Gxuma ukhuphuke, Ngulube! Gxuma ugibele embongolweni,” kusho umlimi. Ngakho-ke ingulube yagxuma yahlala ngemva komlimi embongolweni. Base beqhubeka nokuhamba. Ngqabashi-ngqabashi! Hhu-hhu! Mnyawu-mnyawu! Kikilikigi! +Ekugcineni umlimi wabona umfula, kodwa wawusekude. +“Sizoya laphaya,” washo ekhomba. Zavumelana zonke izilwane zase ziqhubeka nohambo zaze zahlangana nempungushe. +“Haauauaua! Haauauaua!” kukhala impungushe. “Ungumlimi omubi. Kungani kunguwe kanye nengulube kuphela enigibele imbongolo? Awubheke ukuthi inja yakho ikhathele kangakanani! Iyahefuzela. Kanti ikati lakho selihudula izinyawo nje. Futhi awubheke izimpaphe zeqhude lakho, ziyethele phansi zonke,” kusho impungushe isithela esihlahleni isahleka, “Haauauaua! Haauauaua!” +Umlimi waphatheka kabi wase enquma ukuthi kumele bonke bagibele embongolweni. Wase esondela ngasentanyeni yembongolo. +“Gxuma ukhuphuke, wena Nja! Gibela phezu kwengulube,” kusho umlimi. Ngakho inja yagxumela phezu kwengulube eyayihleli emhlane wembongolo, ngemva komlimi. +“Gxuma ukhuphuke, wena Kati! Gibela phezu kwenja,” kusho umlimi. Ngakho-ke ikati lagxumela phezu kwenja eyayihleli phezu kwengulube eyayihleli emhlane wembongolo, ngemva komlimi. +“Gxuma ukhuphuke, wena Qhude! Gibela phezu kwekati,” kusho umlimi. Ngakhoke iqhude lagxumela phezu kwekati, elalihleli phezu kwenja, eyayihleli phezu kwengulube, eyayihleli phezu kwembongolo, ngemva komlimi. +Baqhubeka nohambo lwabo. Ngqabashi-ngqabashi, ngqabashi … ngqabashi, ngqabashi … ngqabashi! Base beseduze nomfula, kodwa manje imbongolo yayisikhathele kakhulu. + +Masinyane, phambi kwabo kwase kumi unogwaja. +Unogwaja wababuka wase uthi, “Greeeeee! Greeeeee! Ungumlimi omubi. Yenzeni imbongolo yakho ukuba ingaze ijeziswe ngalolu hlobo? Lapho ngivela khona, wonke umuntu uphathwa kahle.” Wase uthi, “Greeeeee! Greeeeee!” kusho wona unyamalalela esihlahleni. +Umlimi wama wase ecabanga ngalokho okushiwo unogwaja. Waphatheka kabi kakhulu. Umlimi wayefuna ukusho okuthile kunogwaja mayelana nazo zonke izinto ezase zishiwo kuye endleleni, kodwa-ke unogwaja wawusunyamalele. +Ngemva kwezinyathelo ezimbalwa, imbongolo yathi khimilili, yase iguqa ngamadolo. Iqhude lakhala lase lindiza lisuka lapho. Ikati lakhala lagxumela phansi. Inja yakhonkotha yase ibaleka. Kwakhala ingulube yazigingqa phansi. +Umlimi wehla embongolweni yakhe wase ema enwaya ikhanda. Wabuka imbongolo yakhe ekhathele wase eyoyilandela amanzi. Umlimi wakhumbula zonke izinto ezazishiwo kuye ngesikhathi yena kanye nezilwane zakhe behamba. Wacabanga wacabanga wase enquma ukuthi ngeke aphinde, nanini avele enze noma yini nje ayitshelwayo. Useyokucabanga ngokucophelela kuqala ukuze abone ukuthi ngabe kuyinto okufanele ukuthi ayenze. Futhi uzozitshela nezilwane zakhe lokho okushiwoyo bese benquma bonke ukuthi kumele benzeni. +Umlimi wabiza imbongolo, ingulube, inja, ikati kanye neqhude lakhe base behlala bonke ngaphansi kwesihlahla esikhulu samaganu. Ngenkathi behleli lapho, umlimi wacela uxolo embongolweni yakhe. +Kusukela ngalolo suku, bonke baba abangani abakhulu. Futhi kusukela ngalolo suku, umlimi waziphatha kahle izilwane zakhe. +  +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Khuthaza izingane zakho ukuthi zenze umlimi kanye nezilwane zakhe ngeplastisini noma ngenhlama yokudlala. Bese ufunda indaba kakhulu futhi ngesikhathi izingane zakho zisebenzisa futhi abalingiswa bazo beplastisini noma benhlama yokudlala ukuze zilingise indaba.",zul,isiZulu,Umlimi nomndeni wakhe | Multilingual stories,"A long time ago in Limpopo, there lived a farmer and his family – his donkey, his pig, his dog, his cat and his rooster. They all lived happily together on the farm. Then one day the rain stopped and there was no more water. The vegetables could ...",,Shasha Seakamela,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umlimi-nomndeni-wakhe +the-farmer-and-his-family,"Kgalekgale kua Limpopo, go ile gwa dula rapolasa o mongwe le lapa la gagwe – tonki ya gagwe, kolobe ya gagwe, mpša ya gagwe, katse ya gagwe le mokoko wa gagwe. Ka moka go be go phelwa botse polaseng. Pula e ile ya emiša go na ka letšatši le lengwe gomme gwa hlokega meetse. Merogo e ka se sa nošetšwa gomme ga go sa na meetse a go nwa. +Rapolasa o ile a bitša tonki ya gagwe, kolobe, mpša, katse le mokoko. “Re swanetše go hudugela lefelong la go ba le meetse,” a realo. Ka moka ba ile ba sepela. Rapolasa o ile a tloga le dilwana tša gagwe tše mmalwa ka mokotleng. Ba sepetše mmogo tseleng ya lerole ba šalane morago. Kgotšho-kgotšho! Kgatha-kgatha! Šuu-šuu! Hauu-hauu! Ngauu-ngauu! Le Konkokoro-nkoo! + +Tseleng ya go ya lefelong la go ba le meetse, rapolasa le diphoofolo tša gagwe ba kopane le legokobu. Legokobu le ba lebeletše ge ba sepela gomme la sega. +“Kwaaa! kwaaa! Nkane le sepela ka maoto le na le tonki? Ge nkabe ke le lena, ke be ke tla namela tonki,” a realo legokobu a sega a fofa. “Kwaaaa! Kwaaaa!” +Rapolasa o ile a nagana ka se sebakanyana. Ka morago o ile a nagana go namela tonki. O ile a namela tonki gomme diphoofolo tše dingwe tša sepela ka morago ga gagwe. Kgatha-kgatha! Šuu-šuu! Hauu-hauu! Ngauu-ngauu! Le Konkokoro-nkoo! +Gateetee ba ile ba kopana le moswe. +“Howaa! Howaa! Ga o swabe,” moswe a botša rapolasa a le gare a dula gabotse gore a ba lebelele.“O ka namela tonki o le tee? Lebelela gore kolobe ya gago e lapile bjang? Nko ya yona e rotha sethitho.” Moswe o ile a sega pele a nyamelela ka legaeng la gagwe, “Howaa! Howaa!” +Rapolasa o ile a ema a nagana ka seo se boletšwego ke moswe. O ile a lebelela kolobe gomme a re e namele tonki le yena. +“Fofa, Kolobe! Fofela mokokotlong wa tonki,” a realo rapolasa. Gomme kolobe ya fofa gomme ya dula ka morago ga rapolasa mokokotlong wa tonki. Ba ile ba tšwela pele go sepela. Kgatha-kgatha! Hauu-hauu! Ngauu-ngauu! Le Konkokoro-nkoo! +Mafelelong rapolasa o ile a bona noka, efela e be e sa le kgole kudu. +“Re tla ya kua,” a realo a šupa. Diphoofolo ka moka di dumetše gomme tša tšwela pele go sepela go fihlela di hlakana le phukubje. +“Haauauaua! Haauauaua!” gwa lla phukubje. “O rapolasa yo mobe. Nkane wena le kolobe ya gago le nametše tonki le le tee? Lebelela gore mpša ya gago e lapile bjang. E a hemelana. Katse ya gago le yona e goga maoto. Gomme lebelela mafofa a mokoko wa gago, ka moka a lepeletše,” phukubje ya realo e nyamelela ka sethokgweng, e sasega, “Haauauaua! Haauauaua!” +Rapolasa o ile a swaba gomme a tlelwa ke monagano wa gore ka moka ba namele mokokotlong wa tonki. O ile a hutela molaleng wa tonki. +“Fofa, Mpša! Fofela godimo ga kolobe,” a realo rapolasa. Gomme mpša ya fofela kolobe ye e dutšego mokokotlong wa tonki, ka morago ga rapolasa. +“Fofa, Katse! Fofela godimo ga mpša,” a realo rapolasa. Gomme katse ya fofela mpša ye e dutšego godimo ga kolobe ye e dutšego mokokotlong wa tonki, ka morago ga rapolasa. +“Fofa, Mokoko! Fofela godimo ga katse,” a realo rapolasa. Gomme mokoko wa fofela godimo ga katse, ye e dutšego godimo ga mpša ye e dutšego godimo ga kolobe ye e dutšego mokokotlong wa tonki, ka morago ga rapolasa. +Ba sepetše mo tseleng. Kgatha-kgatha, kgatha … kgatha, kgatha … kgatha! Ba be ba batametše noka, efela gabjale tonki e be e lapile kudu. + +Gateetee, mmutla o ile a ema pele ga bona. +Mmutla o ile a ba lebelela a re, “Kriiiiii! Kriiiiii! O rapolasa yo šoro. Tonki ye e dirile eng gore e kwešwe bohloko ka tsela ye? Kua ke tšwago gona, bohle ba swarwa ka botho.” Ka morago, “Kriiiiii! Kriiiiii!” a realo mmutla pele a nyamelela ka sethokgweng. +Rapolasa o ile a nagana ka ga seo se boletšwego ke mmutla. O ile a ikwa gampe. Rapolasa o be a nyaka go bolela se sengwe ka ga dilo tšohle tše a di boditšwego mo tseleng, efela mmutla o be o šetše o nyameletše. +Ka morago ga dikgato tše dingwe tše mmalwa, tonki e ile ya ema ka bjako, ya kwatama ka dikhuru. Mokoko o ile wa konkoretša wa fofa. Katse e ile ya ngautša ya fofela tlase. Mpša e ile ya goba ya kitima. Kolobe e ile ya šutša ya pshikologela mmung. +Rapolasa o ile a fologa tonki gomme a ema a ingwaya hlogo. O ile a lebelela tonki ya gagwe ya go swarwa ke lenyora gomme a ya go e nyakela meetse. Rapolasa o be a nagana ka dilo tšohle tše a di boditšwego ge yena le diphoofolo tša gagwe ba dutše ba sepela. O naganne a ba a nagana a ipotša gore a ka se sa tsoga a dirile seo a se botšwago. O tla naganiša ka seo pele gomme a bone ge eba go maleba go dira seo. O tla botša le diphoofolo tša gagwe ka seo se boletšwego gomme mmogo ba tla akanya gore ba dire eng. +Rapolasa o ile a bitša tonki ya gagwe, mpša, katse le mokoko gomme bohle ba dula moriting wa mohlare o mogolo wa morula. Ba rile ge ba dutše fao, rapolasa a kgopela tshwarelo go tonki. +Go tloga letšatši leo e bile bagwera ba bagolo. Gape go tloga letšatši leo, rapolasa o swere diphoofolo tša gagwe ka moka ka botho. +  +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Hlohleletša bana ba gago go bopa rapolasa wa ka kanegelong le diphoofolo tša gagwe ba diriša Plastisine goba tege ya go bapala. Ka morago o bale kanegelo gape ge bana ba le gare ba diriša baanegwa ba Plastisine/tege ya go bapala go diragatša kanegelo.",nso,Sepedi,Umlimi nomndeni wakhe,"A long time ago in Limpopo, there lived a farmer and his family – his donkey, his pig, his dog, his cat and his rooster. They all lived happily together on the farm. Then one day the rain stopped and there was no more water. The vegetables could ...",,Shasha Seakamela,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umlimi-nomndeni-wakhe-0 +the-farmer-and-his-family,"Kgalekgale kwana Limpopo, ho ne ho dula rapolasi mmoho le lelapa la hae – esele ya hae, kolobe ya hae, ntja ya hae, katse ya hae le mokoko wa hae. Ba ne ba dula hamonate kaofela polasing moo. Yaba ka letsatsi le leng pula e emisa ho na mme ha eba le tlhokeho ya metsi. Meroho e ne e se e sa nwesetswe mme ho se na le metsi a ho nwa. +Rapolasi a bitsa esele, kolobe, ntja, katse le mokoko wa hae. “Re lokela ho fallela sebakeng se nang le metsi,” a rialo. Yaba bohle ba a tsamaya. Rapolasi a nka dintho tse mmalwa feela ka hara mokotlana. Mmoho ba tsamaya tseleng e lerole ba salane morao. Kiti-kiti! Kwatla-kwatla! Qhafu-qhafu! Habu-habu! Nngao-nngao! Le kokolo-kolo-o-o! + +Ha ba le tseleng e yang moo ho nang le metsi, rapolasi le diphoofolo tsa hae ba kopana le lekgwaba. Lekgwaba la ba shebella ha ba ntse ba tsamaya mmoho mme la tsheha rapolasi. +“Kwaaa! kwaaa! Hobaneng o tsamaya ka maoto empa o ena le esele? Ha ke ne ke le wena, ke ne ke tla palama esele eo,” lekgwaba la rialo ha le qeta la fofa le ntse le tsheha. “Kwaaaa! Kwaaaa!” +Rapolasi a nahana ka sena nakonyana e itseng. Yaba o etsa qeto ya ho palama esele ya hae. A palama esele ha diphoofolo tse ding di ntse di tsamaya ka maoto kamora hae. Kwatla-kwatla! Qhafu-qhafu! Habu-habu! Nngao-nngao! Le kokolo-kolo-o-o! +Kamora moo ba kopana le mosha. +“Wahaha! Wahaha! Ha o swabe,” ha rialo mosha ho rapolasi o eme o tsepame mme o ba tonetse mahlo. “Hobaneng o palame esele eo o le mong? Sheba kamoo kolobe ya hao e kgathetseng ka teng? Nko ya hae e rotha mofufutso.” Pele a nyamela ka tlung ya hae a tsheha hape. “Wahaha! Wahaha!” +Rapolasi a emisa mme a nahana ka seo mosha o se buileng. A sheba fatshe kolobeng ya hae mme a etsa qeto ya ho palamisa kolobe hodima esele mmoho le yena. +“Tlolela hodimo, Kolobe! Tlolela hodima mokokotlo wa esele,” ha rialo rapolasi, Kahoo yaba kolobe e a palama mme ya dula kamora rapolasi mokokotlong wa esele. Mme ba tswela pele ho tsamaya. Kwatla-kwatla! Habu-habu! Nngaonngao! Le kokolo-kolo-o-o! +Qetellong rapolasi a bona noka, empa e ne e sa le hole haholo. +“Re tla ya mane,” a rialo a supile. Diphoofolo kaofela ha tsona tsa dumela mme tsa tswela pele ho tsamaya ho fihlela ba kopana le phokojwe. +“Haauauaua! Haauauaua!” phokojwe ya ngaya. “O rapolasi ya kgopo ka nnete, Hobaneng ha wena le kolobe ya hao le palame le le bang hodima esele? Sheba kamoo ntja ya hao e kgathetseng ka teng. E hemela hodimo. Le katse ya hao e hulanya maoto. Ako shebe le masiba a mokoko wa hao, a leketlehetse fatshe.” ha rialo phokojwe a nyamela kahara moru, a ntse a tsheha, “Haauauaua! Haauauaua!” +Rapolasi a ikutlwa hampe mme a etsa qeto ya hore bohle ba tla lokela ho palama mokokotlong wa esele. A atamela haholo ho isa molaleng wa esele. +“Tlola, Ntja! Tlolela hodima kolobe,” ha rialo rapolasi. Yaba ntja e tlolela hodima kolobe e neng e dutse mokokotlong wa esele, kamora rapolasi. +“Tlola le wena, Katse! Tlolela hodima ntja,” ha rialo rapolasi. Kahoo katse ya tlolela hodima ntja e neng e dutse hodima kolobe, e neng e dutse hodima mokokotlo wa esele, kamora rapolasi. +“Tlolela kwano, Mokoko! Tlolela hodima katse,” ha rialo rapolasi. Yaba mokoko o tlolela hodima katse e neng e dutse hodima ntja, e neng e dutse hodima kolobe, e neng e dutse mokokotlong wa esele, kamora rapolasi. +Tseleng ba tsamaya. Kwatla-kwatla! Ba ne ba se ba atametse ho fihla nokeng, empa ka nako eo esele e ne e kgathetse haholo. + +Hanghang, ka pele ho bona mona ho ne ho eme mmutla. +Mmutla wa ba sheba yaba o re, “Kgelee! Kgele! Kgele! O rapolasi ya kgopo. Esele ee e o entseng hore o e fe kotlo e kana? Moo nna ke tswang, bohle ba tshwarana ka mosa. Yaba, “Kgeleee! Kgeleee!” ha rialo mmutla pele a nyamela ka hara dihlahla. +Rapolasi a nahana ka seo mmutla o qetang ho se bua. A ikutlwa a sa thaba. Rapolasi o ne a batla ho bua ho hong ho mmutla mabapi le dintho tse seng di builwe ho yena tseleng, empa mmutla o ne o se o nyametse. +Kamora mehato e se mekae, esele ya ema hanghang mme ya kgumama fatshe ka mangole. Mokoko wa kakatletsa mme wa tsamaya. Katse ya ngaola mme ya tlolela fatshe. Ntja ya bohola mme ya baleha. Kolobe ya kgona mme ya ipitika fatshe. +Rapolasi a theoha esele mme a ema moo a ntse a ingwaya hlooho. A sheba esele ya hae e kgathetseng mme a ya e kgella metsi. Rapolasi a hopola dintho tsohle tse neng di builwe ho yena ha yena le diphoofolo tsa hae ba ntse ba tsamaya tseleng. A nahana a nahanisisa mme a etsa qeto ya hore le ka mohla a keke a hlola a etsa seo a se bolellwang. O tla se nahana pele ka hloko mme a bone hore ebe ke ntho e loketseng ho etswa na. Hape o ne a tla bolella diphoofolo tsa hae seo a se bolellwang mme mmoho ba ne ba tla etsa qeto ya seo ba ka se etsang. +Rapolasi a bitsa esele ya hae, kolobe, ntja, katse le mokoko mme bohle ba dula tlasa moriti wa sefate sa marula. Ha ba ntse ba dutse moo, rapolasi a kopa tshwarelo ho esele ya hae. +Ho tloha tsatsing leo, ba ile ba eba metswalle ya sebele. Mme ho tloha tsatsing leo ho ya pele, rapolasi kamehla o ne a tshwara diphoofolo tsa hae ka mosa. +  +Eba le boiqapelo! +Kgothaletsa bana ba hao ho etsa rapolasi le diphoofolo tse paleng ka Plasticine kapa letsopa la ho bapala. Jwale balla pale hodimo hape ha bana ba hao ba sebedisa baphetwa ba bona ba entsweng ka Plasticine/letsopa ho tshwantshisa pale ena.",sot,Sesotho,Rapolasi le lelapa la hae,"A long time ago in Limpopo, there lived a farmer and his family – his donkey, his pig, his dog, his cat and his rooster. They all lived happily together on the farm. Then one day the rain stopped and there was no more water. The vegetables could ...",,Shasha Seakamela,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/rapolasi-le-lelapa-la-hae +thoko’s-special-soup,"It was a cold and rainy morning. Mama was dressed in her warm coat and scarf. “Thoko,” said Mama, “I’m going into Cape Town for a job interview. I’ll be back in time for supper.” +Gogo and Thoko watched through the window as Mama walked into the rain. Poor Mama! Gogo said, “Brrr, it’s too cold to stand here, I’m going back to bed for a little while.” +Thoko poured her favourite cereal into a bowl, added some milk and gave it a stir. And that’s when she got her brilliant idea. So, when she had finished eating she filled a pot with water, and then looked in the fridge to see what she could add to it. Ah, last night’s leftovers of pap and gravy! Thoko plopped the leftovers into the pot and gave it a stir until the pap broke up and the gravy turned the water brown. Then she stood on a chair to peek into the food cupboard. +“What are you doing?” asked Gogo, coming into the kitchen. She was still wearing her fluffy pink dressing gown. +“Making soup for Mama to have when she comes home cold and hungry,” said Thoko. +“What a lovely idea,” said Gogo. “Let me help you.” +Gogo looked into the pot. “What’s this?” she asked. +“Leftovers,” said Thoko. +“That’s a good way to start soup,” said Gogo, “but we need something else.” +“I know,” said Thoko. “Peaches! Mama likes peaches.” +“You don’t put peaches into soup, Thoko,” said Gogo. “What we need is a carrot.” +Gogo peeled and chopped a carrot. Then she added it to the pot and put it on the stove to boil. Next Gogo added a handful of split peas. Thoko went to the cupboard and came back with a packet of ginger biscuits. +“Mama’s mad about these,” said Thoko. “They will make the soup taste very nice.” + +Gogo laughed. “Oh, Thoko, nobody puts biscuits into soup. What we need is a can of tomatoes, an onion, a spoonful of vegetable stock and a pinch of salt.” +Gogo opened a can of tomatoes and let Thoko add it to the soup. Then she threw in the vegetable stock and started to chop up an onion. +Soon, tears pooled up in Gogo’s eyes. “Eish!” sighed Gogo. “Chopping onions makes me cry, and crying makes my nose run. Please stir the soup gently while I go and blow my nose.” +Thoko stirred and watched all the soupy things that Gogo had added go around and around. The only thing she had added were the leftovers. It wasn’t fair! This was meant to be Thoko’s special soup for Mama − not Gogo’s! +So while Gogo was away, Thoko went to the cupboard and found something special that she knew Mama absolutely loved. Quickly, she added it to the soup and stirred it in. When Gogo returned she said, “Mmmm, now it’s smelling like special soup!” +Thoko and Gogo let the soup simmer for quite a while. Then Gogo turned off the heat and said, “Now it’s ready to warm up just before Mama comes home. Come, Thoko, I’ll read you a story while we wait for Mama.” +While Gogo read, Thoko fell asleep. And the next thing she heard was the front door opening and Mama calling, “I’m home!” +Mama looked cold and tired, but she had some good news. She had got the job! +“I’m starving!” said Mama, taking off her coat. “What’s that lovely smell?” +“Thoko’s made some soup for you,” said Gogo. +“Thank you, Thoko,” said Mama. “That’s just what I need to warm me up.” +As soon as Mama had changed into dry clothes they sat down to eat. +“Mmmmm,” said Mama, “this is delicious! What is it that’s making this soup taste so special?” + +“I added some of that nice vegetable stock,” said Gogo. +“No,” said Mama, “that’s not it. I can taste …” +Thoko kept dead quiet. Gogo frowned. +“Yes, something yummy and sweet!” said Mama. +When all of the soup was finished, Mama went to the food cupboard and said, “Now I have something that I have been saving for a special occasion.” But Mama couldn’t find what she was looking for. “Strange,” said Mama, “I was saving three pieces of my favourite chocolate for a special occasion.” +Thoko kept her head down. She could feel Gogo staring at her. +“Thoko,” asked Gogo, “what have you done with Mama’s chocolate?” +Thoko started to cry as she told Mama that she had added the chocolate to the soup. But instead of being cross, Mama laughed, “So that’s what made your soup taste so special!” +“And it is a special occasion,” smiled Gogo. “You got a job today!” +Thoko dried her tears. +“You know, Thoko darling,” said Mama, “it was very thoughtful of you to make soup for me. What do you call it?” +“Thoko’s special soup,” said Thoko. +“Well, it really is the best soup I have ever tasted,” said Mama, giving Thoko a big hug.",eng,English,Thoko’s special soup,"It was a cold and rainy morning. Mama was dressed in her warm coat and scarf. “Thoko,” said Mama, “I’m going into Cape Town for a job interview. I’ll be back in time for supper.” +Gogo and Thoko watched through the window as Mama ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thoko’s-special-soup +thoko’s-special-soup,"Dit is ’n koue, reënerige oggend. Mamma het haar warm jas en serp aan. “Thoko,” sê Mamma, “ek gaan Kaapstad toe vir ’n werksonderhoud. Ek sal betyds terug wees vir aandete.” +Gogo en Thoko kyk deur die venster hoe Mamma deur die reën stap. Arme Mamma! Gogo sê: “Brrr, dis te koud om hier te staan. Ek gaan weer in die bed klim.” +Thoko gooi haar gunstelinggraankos in ’n bakkie, gooi ’n bietjie melk oor en roer. En dis toe sy haar briljante plan kry. Toe sy klaar geëet het, maak sy ’n pot vol water en kyk in die yskas wat sy kan byvoeg. Aha, gisteraand se oorskietpap en -sous! Thoko keer die oorskiet in die pot om en roer dit tot die pap verkrummel en die sous die water bruin kleur. Toe klim sy op ’n stoel om in die koskas te kyk. +“Wat doen jy?” vra Gogo toe sy in die kombuis inkom. Sy het nog haar wollerige pienk kamerjas aan. +“Ek maak sop vir wanneer Mamma koud en honger by die huis kom,” sê Thoko. +“Wat ’n blink plan,” sê Gogo. “Kom ek help jou.” +Gogo kyk in die pot. “Wat is dit?” vra sy. +“Oorskiet,” sê Thoko. +“Dis ’n goeie manier om sop te begin maak,” sê Gogo, “maar ons het iets anders ook nodig.” +“Ek weet,” sê Thoko. “Perskes! Mamma hou van perskes.” +“’n Mens sit nie perskes in sop nie, Thoko,” sê Gogo. “Wat ons nodig het, is ’n wortel.” +Gogo skil ’n wortel en kap dit fyn. Toe sit sy dit in die pot en sit die pot op die stoof om te kook. Dan voeg Gogo ’n hand vol split-ertjies by. Thoko maak die kas oop en haal ’n pakkie gemmerkoekies uit. +“Mamma hou so baie hiervan,” sê Thoko. “Dit sal die sop baie lekker laat smaak.” + +Gogo lag. “Ai, Thoko, niemand sit koekies in sop nie. Wat ons nodig het, is ’n blikkie tamaties, ’n ui, ’n lepel groente-aftreksel en ’n knippie sout. +Gogo maak ’n blikkie tamaties oop en laat Thoko dit by die sop voeg. Toe sit sy die groente-aftreksel by en begin ’n ui fynkap. +Gou-gou is Gogo se oë vol trane. “Eish!” sug Gogo. “As ek uie kap, laat dit my oë traan, en as ek huil, loop my neus. Roer gou die sop so effentjies terwyl ek my neus gaan snuit.” +Thoko roer en kyk hoe al die sopbestanddele wat Gogo bygevoeg het al in die rondte draai. Die enigste ding wat sy bygevoeg het, was die oorskiet. Dis nie regverdig nie! Dis veronderstel om Thoko se spesiale sop vir Mamma te wees − nie Gogo s’n nie! +Terwyl Gogo weg is, gaan Thoko na die kas en vind iets spesiaals wat sy weet Mamma baie van hou. Sy voeg dit vinnig by die sop en roer dit in. Toe Gogo terugkom, sê sy: “Mmmm, nou ruik dit soos spesiale sop!” +Thoko en Gogo laat die sop ’n hele rukkie prut. Toe sit Gogo die plaat af en sê: “Nou kan ons dit warm maak net voor Mamma huis toe kom. Kom, Thoko, ek sal vir jou ’n storie lees terwyl ons vir Mamma wag.” +Terwyl Gogo lees, raak Thoko aan die slaap. En toe sy weer hoor, gaan die voordeur oop en Mamma roep: “Ek’s terug!” +Mamma lyk koud en moeg, maar sy het goeie nuus. Sy het die werk gekry! +“Ek is dood van die honger!” sê Mamma, en trek haar jas uit. “Wat ruik so lekker?” +“Thoko het vir jou sop gemaak,” sê Gogo. +“Dankie, Thoko,” sê Mamma. “Dis net wat ek nodig het om my warm te maak.” +Toe Mamma droë klere aangetrek het, gaan sit hulle om te eet. +“Mmmmm,” sê Mamma, “dis heerlik! Wat is dit wat hierdie sop so spesiaal laat proe?” + +“Ek het van daardie lekker groente-aftreksel bygevoeg,” sê Gogo. +“Nee,” sê Mamma, “dis nie dit nie. Ek proe …” +Thoko bly doodstil. Gogo frons. +“Ja, iets wat lekker soet smaak!” sê Mamma. +Toe hulle klaar geëet het, stap Mamma na die koskas en sê: “Nou het ek iets wat ek vir ’n spesiale geleentheid gebêre het.” Maar Mamma kry nie waarna sy soek nie. “Dis vreemd,” sê Mamma, “ek het drie blokkies van my gunstelingsjokolade vir ’n spesiale geleentheid gebêre.” +Thoko sit kop onderstebo. Sy kan voel hoe Gogo vir haar kyk. +“Thoko,” vra Gogo, “wat het jy met Mamma se sjokolade gedoen?” +Thoko begin huil terwyl sy vir Mamma vertel dat sy die sjokolade in die sop gesit het. Maar Mamma is nie kwaad nie, en lag net: “So dis wat jou sop so spesiaal gemaak het!” +“En dit is ’n spesiale geleentheid,” glimlag Gogo. “Jy het vandag werk gekry!” +Thoko droog haar trane af. +“Weet jy wat, Thoko lief,” sê Mamma, “dit was baie gaaf van jou om vir my sop te maak. Wat noem jy jou sop?” +“Thoko se spesiale sop,” sê Thoko. +“Wel, dit is regtig die lekkerste sop wat ek nog ooit geproe het,” sê Mamma, en gee vir Thoko ’n stywe drukkie.",afr,Afrikaans,Thoko se spesiale sop,"It was a cold and rainy morning. Mama was dressed in her warm coat and scarf. “Thoko,” said Mama, “I’m going into Cape Town for a job interview. I’ll be back in time for supper.” +Gogo and Thoko watched through the window as Mama ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thoko-se-spesiale-sop +thoko’s-special-soup,"Yayiyintsasa ebandayo nemvula idyudyuza. UMama wayenxibe idyasi yakhe eshushu nesikhafu. “Thoko,” watsho uMama, “ndiya eKapa kudliwanondlebe lwesithuba somsebenzi. Ndiza kubuya kwangethuba ukuze ndikwazi ukulungiselela isidlo sangokuhlwa.” +UMakhulu noThoko bakroba efestileni, bambukela uMama njengokuba echafuza kuloo mvula. Usizana olunguMama! UMakhulu wathi “Shu, kubanda kakhulu ukuba umntu ame apha, mandibuyele ebhedini okomzuzwana.” +UThoko wagalela eyona siriyeli ayithandayo esityeni, wongeza ubisi waze wazamisa. Kwakungelo xesha kanye awathi wafikelwa yeyona ngcinga ekrelekrele. Ngoko ke, wathi akugqiba ukutya wazalisa imbiza ngamanzi, waza wakhangela kwisikhenkcezisi ukuba yintoni anokuyigalela embizeni. Aha, umbeko wayizolo wepapa nomhluzi! UThoko wawugalela embizeni loo mbeko wazamisa yade ipapa yathamba, umhluzi wawajika amanzi amdaka ngebala. Emva koko wakhwela esitulweni, wakroba ekhabhathini yokutya. +“Wenza ntoni?” wabuza uMakhulu xa angena ekhitshini. Wayesanxibe igawuni yakhe epinki emfumamfuma. +“Ndiphekela uMama isuphu aza kuyitya xa ebuya egodola, elambile,” watsho uThoko. +“Yingcinga entle kakhulu leyo,” watsho uMakhulu. “Mandikuncedise.” +UMakhulu wajonga embizeni. “Yintoni le?” wabuza. +“Ngumbeko,” watsho uThoko. +“Yindlela elungileyo yokuqala isuphu leyo,” watsho uMakhulu, “kodwa kufuneka nezinye izinto.” +“Ndiyazi,” watsho uThoko. “Masigalele iipesika! UMama uyazithanda iipesika.” +“Azigalelwa iipesika esuphini, Thoko,” watsho uMakhulu. “Into esiyifunayo yiminqathe.” +UMakhulu wacoca umnqathe, waza wawunqunqa. Emva koko wawugalela embizeni waze wayibeka esitovini ukuze ibile. Emva koko uMakhulu wagalela isandla see-ertyisi. UThoko waya ekhabhathini waze wabuya nepakethi yeebhiskiti ezenziwe ngejinja. +“UMama ukuthanda kakhulu oku,” watsho uThoko. “Ezi bhiskiti ziza kuyenza isuphu ingcamleke kamnandi.” + +UMakhulu wahleka. “Owu, Thoko, akukho mntu ugalela iibhiskiti xa epheka isuphu. Kufuneka thina sifumane inkonxa yetumato, itswele, icephe lencindi yemifuno kunye nentwana yetyuwa.” +UMakhulu wavula inkonkxa yeetumato wavumela uThoko ukuba ayigalele esuphini. Emva koko wagalela isiqholo semifuno waza waqalisa ukunqunqa itswele. +Kwakamsinyane, agwantya iinyembezi amehlo kaMakhulu. “Shu!” watsho ngesingqala uMakhulu. “Ukunqunqa itswele kundenza ndilile, kwaye ukulila kundenza ndibe nemifinya. Nceda uzamise isuphu kancinane lo gama ndisaya kufinya.” +UThoko wazamisa ejonge zonke izithako zesuphu azigaleleyo uMakhulu zijikajikeleza. Yayingumbeko kuphela into yena awayeyigalele. Oku akulunganga tu! Le suphu ibifanele ukuba yisuphu kaThoko ekhethekileyo, ayiphekela umama – hayi ekaMakhulu! +Ngoko ke, lo gama uMakhulu angekhoyo, uThoko waya ekhabhathini waza wafumana okuthile okukhethekileyo nawayekwazi ukuba uMama ukuthanda kakhulu. Ngokukhawuleza, wakugalela esuphini, wazamisa ekudibanisa nayo. Xa uMakhulu ebuya wathi, “Mmmm, ngoku inevumba lesuphu ekhethekileyo!” +UThoko noMakhulu bayiyeka isuphu ukuba ibhadle okomzuzwana. Emva koko uMakhulu wacima isitovu wathi, “Ngoku ilungele ukuba ifudunyezwe phambi kokuba uMama abuye. Yiza, Thoko, ndiza kukufundela ibali lo gama silinde ukufika kukaMama.” +Lo gama uMakhulu esafundayo, uThoko walala yoyi. Okulandelayo awakuvayo yayilucango lwangaphambili kunye noMama xa ekhwaza esithi, “Ndibuyile!” +UMama wayekhangeleka egodola kwaye ediniwe, kodwa wayeneendaba ezimnandi kakhulu. Wayewufumene umsebenzi! +“Ndifile yidlala!” watsho uMama, ekhulula idyasi yakhe. “Yintoni le inuka kamnandi kangaka?” +“UThoko ukuphekele isuphu,” watsho uMakhulu. +“Enkosi, Thoko,” watsho uMama. “Ndifuna kanye loo suphu ukuze ndifudumale.” +Akugqiba ukutshintsha iimpahla ezimanzi, anxibe iimpahla ezomileyo uMama, bahlala phantsi batya. +“Mmmmm,” watsho uMama, “ayisemnandi! Yintoni le iyenza ibe mnandi kangaka?” + +“Ndigalele intwana yesiqholo semifuno esimnandi,” watsho uMakhulu. +“Hayi,” watsho uMama, “asiyiyo. Ndingcamla …” +UThoko wathi cwaka ngathi akakho. UMakhulu wafinga iintshiya emangalisiwe. +“Ewe, ndingcamla into emnandi, eswiti!” watsho uMama. +Xa yonke isuphu iphelile, uMama waya ekhabhathini waza wathi, “Ngoku kukho into ebendiyigcinele ithuba elikhethekileyo.” Kodwa uMama zange akufumane oko wayekukhangela. “Kuyamangalisa,” watsho uMama, “Bendigcine amaqhekeza amathathu eyona tshokholethi ndiyithandayo ndiwagcinele ithuba elikhethekileyo.” +UThoko wajingisa intloko yakhe ejonge phantsi. Wayesiva ngathi uMakhulu umjonge ntsho. +“Thoko,” wabuza uMakhulu, “uyenze ntoni itshokholethi kaMama?” +UThoko waqalisa ukulila xa wayexelela uMama ukuba itshokholethi uyigalele esuphini. Kodwa endaweni yokuba aqumbe, uMama wahleka, “Yiyo le nto yenze isuphu yakho ingcamleke kamnandi kangaka!” +“Kwaye eli lilo kanye ithuba elikhethekileyo,” wancuma uMakhulu. “Ufumene umsebenzi namhlanje!” +UThoko wazisula iinyembezi emehlweni akhe. +“Uyazi, Thoko sithandwa sam,” watsho uMama, “ucinge okuhle kakhulu ukuba undiphekele isuphu. Yintoni igama layo?” +“Yisuphu ekhethekileyo kaThoko,” watsho uThoko. +“Ngokwenene, yeyona suphu imnandi ndakhe ndayitya,” watsho uMama, esanga uThoko.",xho,isiXhosa,Isuphu ekhethekileyo kaThoko,"It was a cold and rainy morning. Mama was dressed in her warm coat and scarf. “Thoko,” said Mama, “I’m going into Cape Town for a job interview. I’ll be back in time for supper.” +Gogo and Thoko watched through the window as Mama ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isuphu-ekhethekileyo-kathoko +thoko’s-special-soup,"Kwakusekuseni kumakhaza futhi kunetha. UMama wayegqoke ijazi lakhe elifudumele kanye nesikhafu. “Thoko,” kusho uMama, “ngiya eKapa engxoxweni yenhlolokhono yomsebenzi. Ngizobuya ngaphambi kwesikhathi sesidlo sakusihlwa.” +UGogo noThoko babuka uMama ngefasitela ngesikhathi ehamba emvuleni. UMama bantu! UGogo wathi, “Brrr, kubanda kakhulu ukuthi umuntu angama la, ngisayothokomala embhedeni okwesikhashana.” +UThoko wazithelela isiriyeli ayithandayo endishini, wathela nobisi wase egovuza. Kwaba yilapho wathola khona isu lakhe elihle. Ngakho, wathi uma eseqede ukudla wagcwalisa amanzi ebhodweni, wase ebheka efrijini ukuthi angafakani kuwo. Nazo-ke, ekugcineni wathola ipapa kanye nesobho ebelisele ngayizolo! Uthoko wahhulukuhlela ukudla obekusele wase egovuza ipapa laze lahlakazeka, nesobho lajika amanzi aba nsundu. Wase ema phezu kwesitulo ukuze alunguze ekhabetheni lokudla. +“Wenzani?” kubuza uGogo, engena ekhishini. Wayesagqoke igawuni yakhe ephinki emfamumfamu. +“Ngenzela uMama isobho ukuze adle uma efika egodola, elambile,” kusho uThoko. +“Yisu elihle ngempela lelo,” kusho uGogo. “Ake ngikusize.” +UGogo wabheka ebhodweni. “Yini le?” kubuza yena. +“Ukudla obekusele,” kusho uThoko. +“Le indlela ekahle yokuqala isobho,” kusho uGogo, “kodwa sidinga nokunye futhi.” +“Ngiyazi,” kusho uThoko. “Amapetshisi! UMama uthanda amapetshisi.” +“Awafakwa amapetshisi esobheni, Thoko,” kusho uGogo. “Sidinga izaqathi.” +UGogo wacwecwa wase eqoba izaqathi. Wazifaka ebhodweni wase elibeka esitofini ukuze zibile. UGogo walandelisa ngophizi oqhekeziwe ogcwele isandla. Uthoko waya ekhabetheni wabuya nephakethe lamabhisikidi ejinja. +“UMama uyazifela ngalawa,” kusho uThoko. “Azokwenza ukuthi isobho linambitheke kamnandi kakhulu.” + +UGogo wahleka. “Awu kodwa, Thoko, akekho umuntu ofaka amabhisikidi esobheni lakhe. Sidinga nje ikani likatamatisi, u-anyanisi, isitokhi semifino esingangesipuni kanye nosawoti omncane.” +UGogo wavula ikani likatamatisi wase ethi uThoko akalifake esobheni. Wase efaka isitokhi semifino, wase eqala ukuqoba u-anyanisi. +Masinyane nje, kwagcwala izinyembezi emehlweni kaGogo. “Eish!” kuphefumula uGogo. “Ukuqoba u-anyanisi kuyangikhalisa, kanti ukukhala kungenza ngibe namafinyila amanzi. Ngicela ugovuze isobho ngenkathi ngisayofinya.” +UThoko wagovuza wabuka lezi zinto ezifakwa esobheni ezengezwe nguGogo, wazibuka zizungeza ebhodweni. Yinye kuphela into yena ayeyifakile, kwakungukudla okwakusale ngayizolo. Kwakungekho bulungiswa kulokhu! Leli bekumele kube yisobho likaThoko lekhethelo alenzele uMama – akulona elikaGogo! +Ngakho ngesikhathi uGogo esaphumile, uThoko waya ekhabetheni wathola into yekhethelo ayeyazi ukuthi uMama wayezifela ngayo. Ngokushesha, wayifaka esobheni, wase eligovuza. Kwathi uma ebuya uGogo wathi, “Mmmm, manje selinephunga lesobho lekhethelo! +UThoko noGogo bayeka isobho labhadla isikhashana. UGogo wabe esecisha isitofu wayesethi, “Manje selilungele ukufudunyezwa ngaphambi kokuba uMama afike ekhaya. Woza, Thoko, ngizokufundela indaba ngesikhathi silinde uMama.” +Lapho uGogo esafunda, zaya ubuthongo kuThoko. Into elandelayo ayizwa ukuvuleka komnyango wangaphambili noMama ememeza ethi, “Sengibuyile!” +UMama wayebukeka egodola futhi ekhathele, kodwa wayenezindaba ezimnandi. Wayewutholile umsebenzi! +“Ngiyafa yindlala!” kusho uMama, ekhumula ijazi lakhe. “Yini le enuka kamnandi kanje?” +“UThoko ukwenzele isobho,” kusho uGogo. +“Ngiyabonga, Thoko,” kusho uMama. “Yilokho engikudingayo ukuze ngifudumale.” +Lapho uMama eseshintshele ezingubeni ezomile, bahlala phansi ukuze badle. +“Mmmmm,” kusho uMama, “lehla esiphundu! Yini le eyenza leli sobho linambitheke ngokukhethekile kangaka?” + +“Ngifake isitokhi semifino esimnandi,” kusho uGogo. +“Lutho,” kusho uMama, “akuyiso. Ngizwa …” +UThoko wathula wathi du. UGogo wabuyisa izinhlonzi. +“Yebo, into emnandi futhi enoshukela!” kusho uMama. +Kwathi uma seliphele lonke isobho, uMama waya ekhabetheni lokudla wabe esethi, “Manje kunento okudala ngiyibekele umgubho wekhethelo.” Kodwa uMama akazange ayithole into ayekade eyicinga. “Kuyamangaza-ke lokhu,” kusho uMama, “Bekunezingcezu ezintathu zikashokoledi wami engiwuthandayo ebengizibekele usuku lwekhethelo.” +UThoko waqhubeka nokugebisa ikhanda lakhe. Wayewezwa amehlo kaGogo ethe njo kuye. +“Thoko,” kubuza uGogo, “uwenzeni ushokoledi kaMama?” +UThoko waqala ukuchiphiza ngesikhathi etshela uMama ukuthi ufake ushokoledi esobheni. Kodwa esikhundleni sokuthukuthela, uMama wahleka, “Kusho ukuthi yilokhu okwenze isobho lanambitheka ngokukhethekile kangaka!” +“Kanti-ke lolu yilo usuku lwekhethelo,” kumamatheka uGogo. “Uthole umsebenzi namhlanje!” +UThoko wesula izinyembezi. +“Uyazi, Thoko sithandwa sami,” kusho uMama, “kube yinto enhle kakhulu ukuthi ucabange ukungenzela isobho. Libizwa ngokuthini?” +“Yisobho likaThoko lekhethelo,” kusho uThoko +“Empeleni, liyisobho elimnandi ukudlula wonke engake ngawezwa,” kusho uMama, ewola uThoko kakhulu.",zul,isiZulu,Isobho likaThoko lekhethelo,"It was a cold and rainy morning. Mama was dressed in her warm coat and scarf. “Thoko,” said Mama, “I’m going into Cape Town for a job interview. I’ll be back in time for supper.” +Gogo and Thoko watched through the window as Mama ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isobho-likathoko-lekhethelo +thoko’s-special-soup,"Go be go tonya le pula e ena mo mesong. Mma o be a apere jase ya borutho le sekhafo. “Thoko,” a realo Mma, “Ke ya Cape Town go tsenela poledišano ya mošomo. Ke tla boya ka nako ya dijo tša go lalela.” +Koko le Thoko ba be ba bogetše Mma ka lefesetere ge a sepela puleng. Mma wa batho! Koko a realo, “Brrr, go a tonya gore re ka ema mo, ke tla boela ka mpeteng lebakanyana.” +Thoko o ile a tšhela serele ya gagwe ya mmamoratwa ka sekotlelong, a tšhela maswi gomme a hudua. Gomme ke nako ye a hweditšego kgopolo ya bohlale ka yona. Bjale, o rile go fetša goja a tlatša poto ka meetse, a lebelela ka setšidifatšing go bona gore ke eng seo a ka se tšhelago. Agaa, bogobe le sopo ya go šala maabane mantšiboa! Thoko o loketše mašaledi ka potong a hudua go fihlela bogobe bo thubega gomme sopo ya fetola meetse a ba a matsotho. Morago a namela setulo go hlola ka rakeng ya dijo. +“O dira eng?” gwa botšiša Koko, a tsena ka moraleng. O be a sa apere kobo ya go robala ye pinki ya sekafofa. +“Ke direla Mma sopo ya ge a boya gae a tsenwe ke phefo ebile a swerwe ke tlala,” a realo Thoko. +“Ke kgopolo ye botse yeo,” a realo Koko. “E re ke go thuše.” +Koko a lebelela ka potong. “Ke eng se?” a botšiša. +“Mašaledi,” a realo Thoko. +“Ke tsela ya botse ya go thoma sopo,” a realo Koko, “efela re hloka se sengwe.” +“Ke a tseba,” a realo Thoko. “Diperekisi! Mma o rata diperikisi.” +“O ka se tšhele diperekisi ka sopong, Thoko,” a realo Koko. “Seo re se hlokago ke kherote.” +Koko a ebola kherote a e kgabelela. O ile a e tšhela ka potong a e bea setofong gore e bele. Morago ga seo Koko a tšhela diponkisi tša go tlala seatla. Thoko o ile a ya ka rakeng gomme a boa le phakhethe ya dipisikiti tša gemere. +“Mma o a di rata,” a realo Thoko. “Di tla dira gore sopo e be le tatso ya bose.” + +Koko o ile a sega. “Hee, Thoko, ga go motho yo a tšhelago dipisikiti ka sopong. Seo re se hlokago ke kane ya ditamati, eiye, lehwana la go tlala la sopo ya merogo le letswatšana.” +Koko o ile a bula kane ya ditamati gomme a re Thoko a e tšhele ka sopong. O ile a tšhela sopo ya merogo gomme a thoma go kgabelela eiye. +Ka pejana, megokgo ya rotha go tšwa mahlong a Koko. “Eish!” Koko a hemela godimo. “Go kgabelela dieiye go dira gore ke lle, gomme go lla go dira gore nko ya ka e tšwe mamina. Hle hudua sopo ka boleta ke sa ya go finola.” +Thoko a hudua a bogetše dilo ka moka tšeo Koko a di tšhetšego di dikologa. Selo se tee seo se tšhetšwego ke yena ke mašaledi. Ga se gwa loka! E be e swanetše go ba sopo ya go kgethega yeo Thoko a e direlago Mma – e sego ya Koko! +Gomme e rile ge Koko a sa tšwele, Thoko a hwetša selo sa go kgethega ka rakeng, seo a tsebago gore Mma o a se rata. O ile a se tšhela ka sopong ka bjako gomme a hudua. Koko o rile ge a boa a re, “Mmmm, bjale e nkga bjalo ka sopo ya go kgethega!” +Thoko le Koko ba tlogela sopo gore e kgabakgabe botse sebakanya. Ka morago Koko a tima mollo a re, “Bjale e tla tutela pele Mma a boa gae. Etla, Thoko, ke tla go balela kanegelo ge re sa emetše Mma.” +Koko o rile ge a bala, Thoko a swarwa ke boroko. O kwele fela ge lebati la ka pele le bulega Mma a re, “Ke boile!” +Mma o be a bonala a tsenwe ke phefo a swerwe ke tlala, efela o be a na le ditaba tše di bose. O hweditše mošomo! +“Ke swerwe ke tlala!” a realo Mma a hlobola jase. “Monkgo o mobose wo ke wa eng?” +“Thoko o go diretše sopo,” a realo Koko. +“Ke a leboga, Thoko,” a realo Mma. “Ke seo ke se nyakago go itutetša.” +Mma o rile go apara diaparo tša go oma ba dula fase ba ja. +“Mmmmm,” a realo Mma, “e bose! Ke eng sa go dira gore sopo ye e be le tatso ya go kgethega?” + +“Ke tšhetše karolwana ya sopo yela ya merogo ya bose,” a realo Koko. +“Aowa,” a realo Mma, “ga se yona. Ke kwa tatso ya …” +Thoko a re tuu. Koko a šinyalala. +“Ee, selo sa bose!” a realo Mma. +E rile ge sopo e seno fela, Mma a ya rakeng ya dijo a re, “Bjale ke na le selo se sengwe seo ke bego ke se bolokela sebaka sa go kgethega.” Efela Mma ga se a hwetša seo a bego a se nyaka. “Go a makatša,” a realo Mma, “Ke bolokile diripa tše tharo tša tšhokolete yeo ke e ratago kudu ke di bolokela sebaka sa go kgethega.” +Thoko a inamiša hlogo. O be a ekwa gore Koko o mo lebeletše. +“Thoko,” Koko a botšiša, “o dirile eng ka tšhokolete ya Mma?” +Thoko a thoma go lla ge a botša Mma gore o tšhetše tšhokolete ka sopong. Efela, go na le gore Mma a befelwe, o ile a sega, “Gape ke seo se dirilego gore sopo ya gago e be le tatso ya go kgethega gakaaka!” +“Gomme ke sebaka sa go kgethega,” Koko a myemyela. “O hweditše mošomo lehono!” +Thoko a phumula megokgo. +“Wa tseba, Thoko moratiwa,” a realo Mma, “o naganne gabotse ka go nagana go ntirela sopo. O e bitša eng?” +“Sopo ya go kgethega ya Thoko,” a realo Thoko. +“Ee, ke sopo ye kaonekaone yeo nkilego ka kwa tatso ya yona,” a realo Mma, a gokara Thoko ka kgokaro ye kgolo.",nso,Sepedi,Sopo ya go kgethega ya Thoko,"It was a cold and rainy morning. Mama was dressed in her warm coat and scarf. “Thoko,” said Mama, “I’m going into Cape Town for a job interview. I’ll be back in time for supper.” +Gogo and Thoko watched through the window as Mama ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sopo-ya-go-kgethega-ya-thoko +thoko’s-special-soup,"E ne e le hoseng ho batang mme pula e ena. Mme o ne a apere jase ya hae e futhumetseng le sekhafo. “Thoko,” ha rialo Mme, “Ke ya kwana Cape Town bakeng sa inthaview ya mosebetsi. Ke tla kgutla pele ho dijo tsa mantsiboya.” +Nkgono le Thoko ba shebella ka fensetere ha Mme a kenella pula. Ao, Mme wa batho! Nkgono a re, “Brrr, ho bata haholo ha ke eme mona, ke sa kgutlela dikobong hanyane.” +Thoko a itshella sereyale eo a e ratang sekotlolong, a tshela lebese yaba o a fuduha. Ke moo a ileng a ba le kgopolo e bohlale. Jwale he, yare ha a qeta ho ja a tshela metsi ka pitseng, mme a sheba ka sehatsetsing hore ebe a ka tshela eng hape. Oo, dijo tse setseng maobane tsa papa le moro! Thoko a tshela dijo tseo ka hara pitsa mme a fuduwa ho fihlela papa e thubeha dikotwana mme moro o fetola metsi hore a be sootho. Yaba o ema hodima setulo mme a nyarela ka khabateng ya dijo. +“O etsang?” ha botsa Nkgono, a kena ka kitjhineng. O ne a ntse a apere kaono ya hae e bonojwana e pinki. +“Ke phehela Mme sopho bakeng sa ha a kgutla a hatsetse ebile a lapile,” ha araba Thoko. +“Oo ke mohopolo o motle,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Ere ke o thuse.” +Nkgono a sheba ka pitseng. “Jwale ke eng hoo?” a botsa. +“Dijo tsa maobane,” ha rialo Thoko. +“Ke tsela e ntle ya ho qala sopho,” ha rialo Nkgono, “empa re hloka ntho e nngwe.” +“Ke a tseba,” ha rialo Thoko. “Diperekisi! Mme o rata diperekisi.” +“Ha o a tshwanela ho tshela diperekisi ka sophong, Thoko,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Seo re se hlokang ke sehwete.” +Nkgono a ebola le ho kgabela sehwete. Yaba o se tshela ka pitseng mme a e kgutlisetsa setofong hore e bele. Kamora moo Nkgono a tshela dierekisi tse tletseng seatla. Thoko a ya khabotong mme a kgutla a tshwere pakete ya dibisikiti tsa gemere. +“Mme o rata ntho tsena haholo,” ha rialo Thoko. “Di tla etsa hore sopho e latswehe ha monate haholo.” + +Nkgono a tsheha. “Tjhe bo, Thoko, ha ho na motho ya tshelang dibisikiti ka sophong. Seo re se hlokang ke kotikoti ya ditamati, eie, kgaba ya setoko sa meroho le letswainyana feela.” +Nkgono a bula kotikoti ya ditamati mme a re Thoko a e tshele ka sophong. Yaba o lahlela setoko sa meroho mme a qalella ho kgabela eie. +Hanghang, meokgo ya tlala ka mahlong a Nkgono. “Eish!” Nkgono a hemela tlase. “Ho kgabela dieie ho etsa hore ke lle, mme ha ke lla ke tswa mamina. Ako fuduwe sopho eo butle mme nna ke sa ilo mina.” +Thoko a fuduwa mme a shebella ha ditswakwa tsohle tsa sopho tseo nkgono a di tshetseng kamoo di ntse di bidikoloha. Yena o ne a tshetse ntho e le nngwe feela, e leng dijo tse setseng maobane. E ne e se hantle! Ena e ne e lokela ho ba sopho e ikgethang ya Thoko bakeng sa Mme – e seng ya Nkgono! +Kahoo he, yare ha Nkgono a sa ile, Thoko a ya ka khabotong mme a fumana ntho e ikgethang eo a neng a tseba hore Mme o tla hle a e rate. Ka potlako, a e tshela ka sophong mme a e fuduwella. Ha Nkgono a kgutla yaba o re, “Mmmm, jwale e feela e nkga jwaloka sopho e kgethehileng! +Thoko le Nkgono ba tlohela sopho hore e tjwatle nakwana e itseng. Yaba Nkgono o tima mollo mme a re, “Jwale e loketse hore e futhumetswe ha Mme a se a fihlile lapeng. Tloo, Thoko, ke tla o balla pale ha re ntse re emetse Mme.” +Ha Nkgono a ntse a bala, Thoko a kgaleha. O qetelletse a se a utlwa lemati la ka pele le buleha mme Mme a re, “Ke se ke fihlile!” +Mme o ne a shebahala a hatsetse ebile a kgathetse, empa o ne a ena le ditaba tse monate. O ne a fumane mosebetsi! +“Ke lapile!” ha rialo Mme, a hlobola jase ya hae. “Ke eng e nkgang ha monate hakana?” +“Thoko o o phehetse sopho,” ha araba Nkgono. +“Ke a leboha, Thoko,” Mme a rialo. “Sena ke seo ke neng ke se hloka hore ke futhumale.” +Eitse ha Mme a se a qetile ho hlobola diaparo mme a apara tse ommeng, yaba ba dula fatshe ho ja. +“Mmmmm,” ha rialo Mme, “e monate! Ke eng ee e etsang hore sopho ee e latswehe ka tsela e kgethehileng tjee?” + +“Ke kentse setoko sane se monate sa meroho,” ha araba Nkgono. +“Tjhe,” Mme a rialo, “ha se sona. Ke utlwa …” +Thoko a kgutsa tu. Nkgono a phutha sefahleho. +“Ee, ho na le ntho e monate e bileng e le tswekere!” ha rialo Mme. +Ha sopho yohle e se e fedile, Mme a ema ho ya khabotong ya dijo mme a re, “Jwale ho na le ho hong hoo e sa leng ke ho boloka bakeng sa letsatsi le ikgethang tjena.” Empa Mme o ne a sa kgone ho fumana seo a se batlang. “Ho a makatsa,” ha rialo Mme, “Ke ne ke bolokile maqhetswana a mararo a tjhokolete ya ka eo ke e ratang bakeng sa nako e ikgethileng.” +Thoko a dula a kobile hlooho. O ne a utlwa hore Nkgono o mo tonetse mahlo. +“Thoko,” Nkgono a botsa, “o entseng ka tjhokolete ya Mme?” +Thoko a qala ho lla ha a ntse a bolella Mme hore o ile a tshela tjhokolete ka hara sopho. Empa bakeng sa ho halefa, Mme a tsheha, “Ke yona ntho e entseng hore sopho ya hao e latswehe ka tsela e kgethehileng tjena!” +“Mme ke letsatsi le ikgethileng lena,” Nkgono a bonya. “O fumane mosebetsi kajeno!” +Thoko a itlhakola meokgo. +“O a tseba, Thoko rato la ka,” ha rialo Mme, “ke ntho e ntle hore ebe o ile wa nahana ho mphehela sopho. Hana o e bitsang?” +“Sopho ya Thoko e kgethehileng,” Thoko a araba. +“Ehlile, efela e le sopho e monate ka ho fetisisa eo nkileng ka e latswa,” ha rialo Mme a haka Thoko haholo.",sot,Sesotho,Sopho e kgethehileng ya Thoko,"It was a cold and rainy morning. Mama was dressed in her warm coat and scarf. “Thoko,” said Mama, “I’m going into Cape Town for a job interview. I’ll be back in time for supper.” +Gogo and Thoko watched through the window as Mama ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sopho-e-kgethehileng-ya-thoko +lark-and-pomegranate-tree,"Every morning, just as the sun was beginning to rise, a little lark flew from its nest, perched on a branch of a pomegranate tree, stretched its wings, lifted its head and began to sing the most beautiful song to welcome the morning light. + +One morning, just as the bird had finished singing, it looked down and saw a large, ripe pomegranate lying on the ground. The pomegranate must have split open when it hit the ground, for its bright seeds lay scattered about like rich red rubies glinting in the sun. +The lark flew down and began to peck the juicy seeds. As it lifted its head to sing its delight at finding such a delicious meal, one of the pomegranate seeds got stuck in its throat. The lark got such a fright that it flew up into the morning sky. +High in the sky, with a cough and a sneeze, the lark spat out the seed. The seed fell to the earth where it landed on a rock on the side of a mountain. +The lark flew away unharmed, but the seed lay wedged in a crevice in the rock. It lay there for a many years before it began to sprout. There was no soil for it to grow in, and it was only watered once in a while by a passing shower. +Then one day, after a thunderstorm, the seed began to send out tiny, tender shoots, searching for anything to help it grow. After a long time it managed to get a good grip in the crevices of the rock, and then nothing could shift it. +Time passed. The seasons followed one upon the other. The delicate shoots gradually became roots strong enough to reach deeper and deeper into the cracks and crevices, eventually splitting the rock into pieces, while its branches reached for the sky. +And so the tree grew. +Birds nested in its branches and fed on its fruit − which fell to the ground or was scattered over the earth to fall where it may and wait for the rain to soften the ground upon which it lay.",eng,English,The lark and the pomegranate tree,"Every morning, just as the sun was beginning to rise, a little lark flew from its nest, perched on a branch of a pomegranate tree, stretched its wings, lifted its head and began to sing the most beautiful song to welcome the morning light. ...",,Michael Rice,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lark-and-pomegranate-tree +lark-and-pomegranate-tree,"Elke oggend, net soos die son sy kop bo die horison uitsteek, vlieg ’n lewerikie uit sy nes, sit op ’n tak van ’n granaatboom, strek sy vlerkies uit, lig sy kop en begin ’n pragtige lied sing om die oggendson te verwelkom. + +Een dag, net toe hy klaar is met sy oggendlied, kyk die lewerikie ondertoe en daar sien hy ’n rooi-ryp granaat op die grond lê. Die granaat het seker oopgebars toe dit die grond tref, want oral lê die pitjies in die oggendson en skitter soos ryk, rooi robyne. +Die lewerikie vlieg grond toe en begin die sappige pitjies oppik. Toe hy sy kop lig om sy vreugde oor dié heerlike happie uit te sing, steek ’n pitjie in sy keeltjie vas. Hy skrik so groot dat hy in die oggendlug opvlieg. +Hoog in die lug, met ’n gehoes en geproes, spoeg die lewerikie die pitjie uit. Die pitjie val aarde toe en land op ’n rots teen ’n berghang. +Ongedeerd vlieg die lewerikie weg, maar die pitjie steek vas in ’n kraak in die rots. Daar lê dit jare lank en wag om te ontkiem. Daar was geen grond waarin dit kon groei nie en die reën was skaars. +Toe, eendag na ’n kwaai donderbui, begin die pitjie fyn-fyn wortelsprietjies uitstuur, op soek na iets waarin dit kan groei. Uiteindelik kry een van die sprietjies ’n vastrapplek in die kraak in die rots, en daarna kon niks dit verroer nie. +Die tyd gaan verby. Die seisoene kom en gaan. Langsaam versterk die tere sprietjies tot wortels, wortels wat sterk genoeg is om dieper en dieper in die kraak in te boor totdat hulle uiteindelik die rots laat oopbars en verbrokkel, terwyl die takke na die hemel reik. +En só het die boom gegroei. +Voëls het in die takke kom nes maak en die vrugte geëet, wat op die grond geval het, of lukraak oor die aarde versprei is om daar te lê en wag vir die reën om te val en die grond sag te maak.",afr,Afrikaans,Die lewerikie en die granaatboom,"Every morning, just as the sun was beginning to rise, a little lark flew from its nest, perched on a branch of a pomegranate tree, stretched its wings, lifted its head and began to sing the most beautiful song to welcome the morning light. ...",,Michael Rice,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-lewerikie-en-die-granaatboom +lark-and-pomegranate-tree,"Rhoqo ekuseni, xa kanye ilanga litshisela, igwangqa elincinane lalibhabha lisuka kwindlu yalo, lithi ngcu kwisebe lomthi werharnathi, lolule amaphiko alo, liphakamise intloko lize liqalise ukucula eyona ngoma imnandi yokwamkela ukukhanya kwentsasa. + +Ngenye intsasa, nje ukuba le ntaka igqibe ukucula, yajonga ezantsi yaza yabona irharnathi enkulu evuthiweyo iwe phantsi emhlabeni. Inokuba irharnathi ithe yakubetheka emhlabeni yavuleka, kuba iinkozo zayo eziqaqambileyo zazithe saa zingathi ngamatye abomvu exabiso xa amenyezeliswa lilanga. +Igwangqa lehla emthini laze laqalisa ukunqola-nqola iinkozo zerharnathi ezazinencindi. Lithe xa linyusa intloko liza kucula kuba lifumene ukutya okumnandi kangaka, olunye ukhozo lwerharnathi lwaxaba emqaleni. Igwangqa loyika kakhulu kangangokuba labhabha lantingela esibhakabhakeni. +Phezulu esibhakabhakeni, lathi lakukhohlela luthimla, lwataka ukhozo olo. Ukhozo lwawela emhlabeni lwaze lwahlala eliweni elingakwelinye icala lentaba. +Igwangqa labhabha lemka lingenzakalanga, kodwa lona ukhozo lwaluminxiseleke kwithanda eliselityeni. Lwahlala apho iminyaka emininzi phambi kokuba luntshule. Kwakungekho mhlaba olunokuthi lukhule kuwo, kwaye lalinkcenkceshelwa kanye emva kwexesha elide ngamanzi ankcenkcezayo, egqitha ngakulo. +Ngenye imini, emva kwesiphango, ukhozo lwaqalisa ukukhupha ihlumelo elincinane, elalikhangela nantoni na enokulenza likhule. Emva kwexesha elide lakwazi ukubambelela kakuhle kwiintanda zelitye, kwaye kwakungekho nto inokulususa. +Lahamba ke ixesha. Amaxesha onyaka elandelelana ukudlula, elinye emva kwelinye. Ihlumelo elibuthathaka lakhula laba ziingcambu ezikwaziyo ukungena nzulu kwiintanda zelitye, zaze ekugqibeleni zaliqhekeza ilitye lazingceba, lo gama amasebe alo wona ejolise esibhakabhakeni. +Wakhula ngolo hlobo ke umthi. +Iintaka zakhisela iindlwane zazo kumasebe awo, zisondliwa ziziqhamo zawo, ezazisiwela emhlabeni okanye ezaziqengqelekela, ziwele naphi na emhlabeni, apho ziya kulinda imvula khona ukuze yenze umhlaba uthambe kuloo ndawo ziwele kuyo.",xho,isiXhosa,Igwangqa nomthi werharnath,"Every morning, just as the sun was beginning to rise, a little lark flew from its nest, perched on a branch of a pomegranate tree, stretched its wings, lifted its head and began to sing the most beautiful song to welcome the morning light. ...",,Michael Rice,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/igwangqa-nomthi-werharnathi +lark-and-pomegranate-tree,"Njalo ekuseni, ngesikhathi ilanga lisaphakama, kwakundiza inqomfi elincane lisuka esidlekeni salo esilenga egatsheni lesihlahla sehalananda, lelule amaphiko alo, liphakamise ikhanda lalo bese liqala ukucula ingoma emnandi yokwemukela ukukhanya kwasekuseni. + +Ngelinye ilanga ekuseni, ngesikhathi inyoni iqeda ukucula, yabheka phansi yabona ihalananda elikhulu, elivuthiwe liphansi. Kungenzeka ukuthi ihalananda lalihlephuke phakathi ngesikhathi liwela phansi, ngoba izinhlamvu zalo ezikhazimulayo zazisakazeke yonke indawo zifana namarubhi abomvu ngokujiyile ebenyezela elangeni. +Inqomfi lehlela phansi laqala ukudla izinhlamvu ezigcwele ijusi. Ngesikhathi lisaphakamisa ikhanda lalo ukuze liculele ukubonga lesi sidlo esimnandi kangaka, enye yezinhlamvu zehalananda yanamathela empinjeni walo. Inqomfi lethuka kakhulu laze landizela phezulu esibhakabhakeni sasekuseni. +Lakhuphukela phezulu esibhakabhakeni, lakhwehlela lase lithimula, lakhafula inhlamvu. Inhlamvu yawela emhlabeni edwaleni elisezintabeni. +Inqomfi landiza lingalimalanga, kodwa inhlamvu yahlala emfantwini wedwala. Yahlala lapho iminyaka eminingi ngaphambi kokuthi iqale ukuhluma. Kwakungekho nhlabathi engakhula kuyo, yayichelelwa imvula edlulayo njalo emva kwesikhathi esithile. +Ngelinye ilanga, ngemva kokuduma kwezulu, inhlamvu yaqala ukukhipha amahlumela, ifuna noma yini engayisiza ukuthi ikhule. Ngemva kwesikhathi eside yakwazi ukubambelela emfantwini wedwala, kwakungasekho lutho olungayisusa. +Kwedlula isikhathi. Kwedlula izinkathi zonyaka enye emva kwenye. Amahlumela ayethambile aze aba yizimpande ezinamandla kakhulu ezikwazi ukungena zijule endaweni eklayekile nasemifantwini, ekugcineni zahlakaza idwala laba yizingcezu eziningi, ngesikhathi amagatsha ayo ekhula ebheke esibhakabhakeni. +Sakhula kanjalo-ke isihlahla. +Izinyoni zakha izidleke emagatsheni aso zase zidla izithelo zaso – ezaziwela phansi noma zisakazeke emhlabeni noma ikuphi lapho zazingawela khona bese zilinda imvula ukuthi ithambise inhlabathi ezaziwele kuyo.",zul,isiZulu,Inqomfi nesihlahla sehalananda Insumansumane,"Every morning, just as the sun was beginning to rise, a little lark flew from its nest, perched on a branch of a pomegranate tree, stretched its wings, lifted its head and began to sing the most beautiful song to welcome the morning light. ...",,Michael Rice,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/inqomfi-nesihlahla-sehalananda-insumansumane +lark-and-pomegranate-tree,"Mesong ye mengwe le ye mengwe, ge letšatši le thoma go ntšha nko, phorokgohlo ye nnyane e be e fofa go tšwa sehlageng sa yona, ya kotama lekaleng la mohlare wa mogarenate, ya phurulla maphego, ya emiša hlogo ya thoma go opela koša ye bose kudu ya go amogela seetša sa mesong. + +Mesong e mengwe ge nonyana e fetša go opela, e ile ya lebelela tlase gomme ya bona garenate ye kgolo ya go butšwa. Garenate e swanetše go ba e pharogile ge e betha fase, ka ge dithapo tša yona di be di phatlaletše bjalo ka magakadima a mabotse a mahubedu a phadima letšatšing. +Phorokgohlo e ile ya fofela tlase gomme ya thoma go kobola dithapo tša bose. E rile ge e emiša hlogo gore e opele ka lethabo la ge e hweditše dijo tše bose, ye nngwe ya dithapo ya e ema mogolong. Phorokgohlo e ile ya tšhoga kudu ka fao e ilego ya fofela godimo leratadimeng e sa le mesong. +Godimo marung, phorokgohlo e ile ya gohlola ya ba ya ethimola, gomme thapo yela ya tšwa. Thapo e ile ya wela godimo ga leswika ka thoko ga thaba. +Phorokgohlo yona e ile ya fofa e sa gobatšwa ke selo, efela thapo yona e be e dutše mongeng wa leswika. E dutše fao mengwaga ye mentši pele e thoma go hloga. Go be go se na mabu ao e ka melago ka gare ga ona, gape le meetse e be e a hwetša ka sewelo go tšwa mafafatšeng a meetse ao a bego a putla fao. +Letšatši le lengwe ka morago ga pula ya dikgadima, thapo e ile ya ntšha mahlogedi a mannyane a boleta, a go nyaka se se ka a thušago go gola. A ile a kgona go itshwarelela mengeng ya leswika ka morago ga sebaka se setelele, gomme a ka se šitišwe ke selo go gola. +Go ile go ile, le dihla tša feta ka go latelana. Gannyanegannyane mahlogedi a fetoga medu ya go tia ya go sobelela tlasetlase mengeng, gomme ya pharola leswika la tšwa diripana mola makala le ona a golela godimo kudu. +Ka fao, mohlare o ile wa gola. +Dinonyana di agile dihlaga makaleng, tša ja dikenywa tša go wela fase le gohle mo di bego di wela gona, gomme tša emela pula gore e letefatše mabu ao di wetšego go ona.",nso,Sepedi,Phorokgohlo le mohlare wa mogarenate,"Every morning, just as the sun was beginning to rise, a little lark flew from its nest, perched on a branch of a pomegranate tree, stretched its wings, lifted its head and began to sing the most beautiful song to welcome the morning light. ...",,Michael Rice,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/phorokgohlo-le-mohlare-wa-mogarenate +lark-and-pomegranate-tree,"Hoseng ho hong le ho hong, hang ha letsatsi le qala ho tjhaba, motinyane o monyenyane o ne o fofa ho tswa sehlaheng sa ona, se hodima lekala la sefate sa garenate, o otlolla mapheyo a ona, o phahamisa hlooho mme o qale ho bina pina e monate ka ho fetisisa ho amohela kganya ya hoseng. + +Hoseng ho hong, hang ha nonyana ena e qeta ho bina, ya sheba tlase mme ya bona garenate e kgolo, e butswitseng e wetse fatshe. Garenete eo e ne e shebahala eka e ile ya phatloha nakong eo e welang fatshe ka yona, hobane dithootse tsa yona tse kganyang di ne di hasane jwaloka dirubi tse ntle tse kgubedu tse benyang letsatsing. +Motinyane wa fofela fatshe mme wa qala ho kobola dithootse tse tletseng lero. Eitse ha o phahamisa hlooho ya ona ho bina ka lebaka la ho thabela ho fumana dijo tse monate hakana, e nngwe ya dithootse tsa garenate ya dula mmetsong wa ona. Motinyane o ile wa tshoha haholo hoo o ileng wa fofela hodimo sepakapakeng. +Hodimo kwana sepakapakeng, ha nonyana eo e kgohlela le ho ithimola, ya tshwela thootse eo. Thootse ya wela fatshe moo e ileng ya wela hodima letlapa le ka lehlakoreng la thaba. +Motinyane wa fofela kwana o sa utlwa bohloko, empa thootse eo e ne e wetse lepatsong la letlapa. E ile ya dula moo dilemo tse ngata pele e qala ho mela. Ho ne ho se na mobu moo e ka melang teng, mme e ne e nwesetswa hanngwe feela ka mora nako e itseng ha ho na le metsi a phallang a fetang moo. +Yaba ka letsatsi le leng, kamora pula ya sekgohola, thootse eo e qala ho hlahisa makala a masesane, a batlana le ho hong ho ka e thusang ho hola. Ka mora nako e telele ya kgona ho itshwareletsa ka mapatso a lefika, mme ho ne ho se letho le ka e sisinyang. +Nako ya nna ya feta. Dihla tsa tla tsa nna tsa feta jwalo. Makala a masesane a neng a metse a fetoha metso e matla ho lekaneng hore a ka fihlella tlatse tlase dipakeng tsa majwana le ka hara mapatso, hoo qetellong se ileng sa qhetsola lefika leo la eba dikotwana, ha makala a sona a leba hodimo marung. +Yaba he sefate seo se a hola. +Dinonyana tsa aha dihlaha makaleng a sona, tsa ja ditholwana tsa sona – tse wetseng fatshe kapa tse hasaneng hohle moo di ka welang teng, mme di emetse pula ho na hore e thapise mobu oo di leng ho ona.",sot,Sesotho,Motinyane le sefate sa garenate,"Every morning, just as the sun was beginning to rise, a little lark flew from its nest, perched on a branch of a pomegranate tree, stretched its wings, lifted its head and began to sing the most beautiful song to welcome the morning light. ...",,Michael Rice,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/motinyane-le-sefate-sa-garenate +lwazi-and-go-kart,"One day Lwazi found an old push chair in the empty field near his home. It was broken, but it had four good wheels. He took them off and looked at them. “I wonder what I should make,” he thought. “I know, I’ll make a go-kart.” +So off he went to the carpenter. “Please, Sir, do you have some old wood for me?” +The carpenter went to his wood pile and found Lwazi three old planks. “Here you are,” he said. “Be careful now. Don’t get a splinter.” +Now Lwazi had four wheels and three planks, but he needed some rope. +So off he went to the harbour. There was Mr Smit, the fisherman, offloading snoek from his boat. “Mr Smit, do you have some old rope for me, please?” +“Here you are,” said the fisherman. “Two metres. Be careful when you cut it. Don’t cut your finger by mistake.” +Now Lwazi had four wheels, three planks of wood and two metres of rope, but he needed some bolts. +So off he went to the mechanic at Granville’s Garage. “Please, Sir, may I have some nuts and bolts?” +“Here you are,” said the mechanic. “Be careful now. Don’t hurt yourself when you drill the holes.” +Now Lwazi had four wheels, three planks of wood, two metres of rope, and a handful of nuts and bolts. Off he went to his uncle’s house. Uncle Rodney had a nice big yard, and Lwazi set to work. +All morning Lwazi sawed and hammered, and hammered and drilled, and drilled and sawed. When afternoon came he was very tired, but his go-kart wasn’t finished. He still needed to sand it smooth so he didn’t get a splinter. +[a/w01] +“What are you making?” asked his cousin, Lulu, coming outside. +“I’m making a go-kart,” explained Lwazi. +“Can I have a ride on it when it’s finished?” asked Lulu. +“If you help me sand it,” Lwazi answered. +So Lulu took the sandpaper and began to make the sides nice and smooth. +Lwazi’s two friends Ismail and McKenzie came by on their way to the shop. “What are you making?” they asked. +“We’re making a go-kart,” said Lwazi and Lulu. +“Can we have a turn when it’s finished?” +“If you help us,” they answered. +So the boys took more sandpaper and made the inside, the front and the back nice and smooth. At last the go-kart was finished. +“I’m having the first ride,” said Lwazi, dragging the go-kart to the top of the hill. +“That’s not fair,” said Lulu. “You said I could have a turn.” +“And us,” said Ismail and McKenzie. “You said we could all ride in it.” +“We all want our turns!” shouted Lulu and Ismail and McKenzie. +So when they reached the top of the hill they all piled on – Lulu and Ismail and McKenzie all sitting on top of the go-kart and holding on tight. “Here we go!” shouted Lwazi, giving the go-kart a shove and jumping on the back. +Faster and faster they went, rattling and rumbling and screaming and laughing until suddenly Lulu shouted, “Hey, there’s the vlei! How do we make it stop?” +“Oooops,” said Lwazi, “I forgot to make BRAKES!!!” +Crash, thump, thwack, splash! +The go-kart hit the wire fence, and the children flew over the fence and into the vlei. + +“Ow, ow, ow,” cried McKenzie, coming up for air, “my nose hurts.” +“Eina!” yelped Ismail, pulling pond-weed off his face. “My head hurts.” +“Oh, oh, oh, my backside hurts!” screeched Lulu staggering out of the vlei. +“Where’s Lwazi?” cried Lulu. “Is he under the water?” +“Has he drowned?” cried Ismail and McKenzie. +“Here I am!” said Lwazi looking over the fence. “Just look at the poor go-kart!” On the side of the road lay four wheels, three planks, two metres of rope and a pile of nuts and bolts. +“Oh dear,” said Lwazi. “We’ll have to start all over again.” +“And this time” said Lulu rubbing her behind, “please remember to add some brakes.” +They all laughed.",eng,English,Lwazi and the go-kart,"One day Lwazi found an old push chair in the empty field near his home. It was broken, but it had four good wheels. He took them off and looked at them. “I wonder what I should make,” he thought. “I know, I’ll make a go-kart.” ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lwazi-and-go-kart +lwazi-and-go-kart,"Op ’n dag vind Lwazi ’n ou stootkarretjie in die leë veld naby sy huis. Dit is stukkend, maar het nog vier goeie wiele. Hy haal die wiele af en kyk daarna. “Ek wonder wat ek kan bou,” dink hy. “Ek weet, ek sal ’n knortjor bou.” +Hy stap na die timmerman toe. “Asseblief, Meneer, het jy afvalhout wat ek kan kry?” +Die timmerman stap na sy houthoop toe en haal vir Lwazi drie ou planke uit. “Vat hierdie vir jou,” sê hy. “Maar wees versigtig. Oppas vir splinters.” +Nou het Lwazi vier wiele en drie planke, maar hy het ook tou nodig. +Hy stap hawe toe. Daar is mnr. Smit, die visserman, besig om snoek van sy skuit af te laai. “Mnr. Smit, het jy asseblief vir my ’n ou stuk tou?” +“Kry vir jou,” sê die visserman. “Twee meter. Wees versigtig wanneer jy dit sny. Moenie per ongeluk jou vinger raak sny nie.” +Nou het Lwazi vier wiele, drie planke en twee meter tou, maar hy het ook boute nodig. +Hy stap toe na die werktuigkundige by Granville’s Garage. “Asseblief, Meneer, kan ek ’n paar boute en moere kry?” +“Vat vir jou,” sê die werktuigkundige. “Maar wees versigtig. Moenie jouself seermaak wanneer jy die gate boor nie.” +Nou het Lwazi vier wiele, drie planke, twee meter tou en ’n handvol boute en moere. Hy kies koers na sy oom se huis. Oom Rodney het ’n lekker groot erf en Lwazi spring aan die werk. +Lwazi saag en kap en kap en boor en boor en saag die hele oggend. Toe dit middag word, is hy baie moeg, maar sy knortjor is nog nie klaar nie. Hy moet dit nog glad skuur sodat daar nie splinters is wat hom kan seermaak nie. + +“Wat maak jy?” vra sy niggie, Lulu, toe sy buitentoe kom. +“Ek bou ’n knortjor,” verduidelik Lwazi. +“Kan ek saam met jou daarop ry wanneer dit klaar is?” vra Lulu. +“As jy my help om dit af te skuur,” antwoord Lwazi. +Lulu vat die skuurpapier en begin die kante mooi glad skuur. +Lwazi se twee maats, Ismail en McKenzie, stap verby op pad winkel toe. “Wat maak julle?” vra hulle. +“Ons bou ’n knortjor,” sê Lwazi en Lulu. +“Kan ons ’n beurt kry om daarop te ry wanneer dit klaar is?” +“As julle ons help,” antwoord hulle. +Die seuns vat toe nog skuurpapier en skuur die binnekant, voorkant en agterkant mooi glad. Uiteindelik is die knortjor klaar. +“Ek gaan eerste ry,” sê Lwazi, en sleep die knortjor tot bo-op die bult. +“Dis nie regverdig nie,” sê Lulu. “Jy het gesê ek kan ’n beurt kry.” +“En ons,” sê Ismail en McKenzie. “Jy het gesê ons kan almal daarin ry.” +“Ons wil almal ons beurt hê!” skree Lulu en Ismail en McKenzie. +Toe hulle bo-op die bult kom, spring hulle almal in – Lulu en Ismail en McKenzie sit almal bo-op die knortjor en hou styf vas. “Hier gaan ons!” skree Lwazi, gee die knortjor ’n stoot en spring agter op. +Hulle ry vinniger en vinniger, en dit ratel en raas en hulle skree en lag tot Lulu skielik skree: “Haai, daar’s die vlei! Hoe stop ons hierdie ding?” +“Ooeeps,” sê Lwazi, “ek het vergeet om REMME aan te sit!!!” +Boem, bam, kedoef, plop! +Die knortjor tref die draadheining en die kinders vlieg oor die heining en beland in die vlei. + +“Au, au, eina,” skree McKenzie, toe hy opkom vir lug, “my neus!” +“Eina!” gil Ismail, en trek die vleigras van sy gesig af. “My kop pyn.” +“Oe, oe, oe, my sitvlak is seer!” kerm Lulu en waggel uit die vlei uit. +“Waar’s Lwazi?” roep Lulu. “Is hy onder die water?” +“Het hy verdrink?” skree Ismail en McKenzie. +“Hier is ek!” roep Lwazi en loer oor die heining. “Kyk net na die arme knortjor!” Aan die kant van die pad lê vier wiele, drie planke, twee meter tou en ’n handvol boute en moere. +“Ag, nee,” sê Lwazi. “Ons sal van voor af moet begin.” +“En,” sê Lulu terwyl sy haar sitvlak vryf, “onthou asseblief hierdie keer om remme aan te sit.” +Almal lag lekker.",afr,Afrikaans,Lwazi en die knortjor,"One day Lwazi found an old push chair in the empty field near his home. It was broken, but it had four good wheels. He took them off and looked at them. “I wonder what I should make,” he thought. “I know, I’ll make a go-kart.��� ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lwazi-en-die-knortjor +lwazi-and-go-kart,"Ngenye imini uLwazi wachola isitulwana esinamavili kwithafa elalisecaleni kwekhaya lakhe. Sasophukile, kodwa amavili aso amane ayesasebenza. Wawakhupha waza wawaqwalaselisa. “Kazi yintoni endinokuyenza ngala mavili,” wacinga. “Ndiyazi, ndiza kwenza umatrayivethi.” +Ngoko ke wenjenjeya ukuya kumchweli. “Mhlekazi, ingaba unawo amaplangana amadala onokundipha wona?” +Umchweli waya kwinyanda yakhe yamaplanga waza wafumana amaplanga amathathu amadala wawanika uLwazi. “Ina nanga,” watsho. “Ulumke ke kodwa. Ungahlatywa.” +Ngoku ke uLwazi wayenamavili amane namaplanga amathathu, kodwa kwakufuneka efumene nentambo. +Ngoko ke wenjenjeya ukuya ezibukweni. Wahlangana noMnumzana Smit, umlobi owayesothula intlanzi engusnoek kwisikhitshane sakhe. “Mnumzana Smit, ingaba unayo intambo endala onokundipha yona?” +“Ina nantsi,” watsho umlobi. “Inobude obuziimitha ezimbini. Uze ulumke ke xa uyiqhawula. Ungazisiki umnwe ngempazamo.” +Ngoku ke uLwazi wayenamavili amane, amaplanga amathathu kunye nentambo eziimitha ezimbini, kodwa wayengenzazo izikhonkwane. +Ngoko ke wenjenjeya ukuya kumkhandi weemoto wegaraji iGranville. “Mhlekazi, ingaba unazo izikhonkwane ezinamawatshisi onokundipha zona?” +“Nazi,” watsho umkhandi weemoto. “Ulumke ke kodwa. Ungazenzakalisi xa ubhora imingxuma.” +Ngoku ke uLwazi wayenamavili amane, amaplanga amathathu, intambo eziimitha ezimbini kunye nesandla sonke sezikhonkwane ezinamawatshisi. Wenjenjeya ukuya endlwini kamalume wakhe. UMalume uRodney wayeneyadi enkulu, waza ke uLwazi waqalisa ukusebenza. +Intsasa yonke uLwazi wasarha, wabethelela ngehamile, wabhora, wacanda, wasarha, walola. Kwathi kusiba semva kwemini wabe edinwe eyimfe, kodwa umatrayivethi wakhe wayengekawugqibi. Kwakusafuneka awugudise ngephepha elirhabaxa ukuze angahlatywa ziingceba zamaplanga. + +“Wenza ntoni?” wabuza umzala wakhe uLulu xa aphuma phandle. +“Ndenza umatrayivethi,” ucacise njalo uLwazi. +“Ungandikhwelisa kuwo xa uwugqibile?” kubuze uLulu ngelicengayo. +“Ukuba uza kundincedisa xa ndimgudisayo,” kuphendule uLwazi. +Kwa-oko ke uLulu uthathe iphepha elirhabaxa waza waqalisa ukugudisa amacala, aze amahle, aguda. +Abahlobo bakaLwazi ababini, u-Ismail noMcKenzie, beza kudlula kuye xa besiya evenkileni. “Nenza ntoni?” babuze ooLwazi. +“Senza umatrayivethi,” kusho uLwazi kunye noLulu. +“Singawafumana amareyi xa niyigqibile?” +“Ukuba nisincedisile,” baphendula ngelitshoyo. +Kwa-oko ke amakhwenkwe athatha amanye amaphepha arhabaxa aze agudisa umatrayivethi ngaphakathi, ngaphambili nangasemva waze wakhangeleka egudile kwaye emhle. Ekugqibelene umatrayivethi ude wagqitywa. +“Ndiza kuba ngowokuqala ngqa ukukhwela,” watsho uLwazi, etsala lo matrayivethi, ewusa encotsheni yenduli. +“Hayi ngamaqhinga lawo,” watsho uLulu. “Ubuthe nam ndingakhwela.” +“Nathi,” kutsho u-Ismail noMcKenzie. “Uthe sonke singakhwela kuwo.” +“Nathi sifuna awethu amareyi!” kukhwaze uLulu no-Ismail kunye noMcKenzie. +Ngoko ke bathe ukufika kwabo encotsheni yenduli bakhwela bonke – uLulu no-Ismali noMcKenzie bakhwela kumatrayivethi baza babambelela. “Nantso ke!” wakhwaza uLwazi, ewutyhala waza watsibela ngaphezulu, ekhwela ngasemva. +Waqengqeleka ngesantya esiphezulu esihla, egoqoza, engxola, bona bekhala abanye behleka, wada wakhwaza uLulu esithi, “Hayini bo, nanku umgxobhozo! Siza kuwumisa njani lo matrayivethi?” +“Yho,” watsho uLwazi, “Ndilibele ukwenza IZIQHOBOSHI!!!” +Folokohlo, gqum, gingqi, dyumpu! +Umatrayivethi wangena elucingweni, baza abantwana babhabha ngaphaya kocingo baya kuthi dyumpu emgxobhozweni. + +“Owu, owu, owu,” walila uMcKenzie, ephuma emanzini ukuze akwazi ukuphefumla, “Impumlo yam ibuhlungu.” +“Shu!” wakhwaza u-Ismail, esusa ukhula lwasemanzini ebusweni bakhe. “Intloko yam ibuhlungu.” +“Iyho, yho, yho, iimpundu zam azibuhlungu!” wakhala uLulu egxadazela ephuma emgxobhozweni. +“Uphi uLwazi?” wakhala uLulu. “Ingaba utshone emanzini?” +“Ingaba urhaxiwe?” wakhala ngelibuzayo u-Ismail noMcKenzie. +“Ndilapha!” watsho uLwazi ejonge ngaphaya kocingo. “Khanijonge usizana lukamatrayivethi!” Ecaleni kwendlela kwakuthe geqe amavili amane, amaplanga amathathu, intambo eziimitha ezimbini kunye nesicuku sezikhonkwane namawatshisi. +“Owu nkosi yam,” watsho uLwazi. “Kuza kufuneka siqale phantsi kwakhona.” +“Kweli tyeli ke” watsho uLulu ephulula impundu zakhe, “uncede ungalibali ukufaka iziqhoboshi.” +Kwathi qhuzu intsini behleka bonke.",xho,isiXhosa,ULwazi kunye nomatrayiveth,"One day Lwazi found an old push chair in the empty field near his home. It was broken, but it had four good wheels. He took them off and looked at them. “I wonder what I should make,” he thought. “I know, I’ll make a go-kart.” ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ulwazi-kunye-nomatrayivethi +lwazi-and-go-kart,"Ngelinye ilanga uLwazi wathola isihlalo esinamasondo esidala esigangeni esingasekhaya lakubo. Sasephukile, kodwa sinamasondo amane asesimweni esikahle. Wawakhipha wawabheka. “Kazi ngingenzani ngalokhu,” kucabanga yena. “Ngiyazi, ngizokwenza inqola.” +Ngakho waya kumbazi. “Ngisize, Mnumzane, ngabe unawo amapulangwe amadala ongangipha wona?” +Umbazi waya enqwabeni yamapulangwe akhe wase etholela uLwazi amapulangwe amadala. “Thatha,” kusho yena. “Uqaphele bo. Ungahlatshwa uvave lwepulangwe.” +Manje uLwazi wayesenamasondo amane kanye namapulangwe amathathu, kodwa wayesadinga intambo. +Ngakho waya echwebeni. Kwakukhona uMnumzane Smit, umdobi, owayethulula izinhlanzi zohlobo lwesinuki esikebheni sakhe. “Mnumzane Smit, ngabe unayo intambo endala ongangipha yona, bandla?” +“Thatha,” kusho umdobi. “Amamitha amabili. Uqaphele uma uyinquma. Unganqumi umunwe ngephutha.” +Manje uLwazi wayesenamasondo amane, amapulangwe amathathu kanye nentambo engamamitha amabili, kodwa wayesadinga amabhawodi. +Ngakho waya kumakhenikhi eGranville’s Garage. “Mnumzane, ngicela ungiphe amanathi namabhawodi?” +“Thatha,” kusho umakhenikhi. “Uqaphele bo. Ungazilimazi ngesikhathi ubhoboza izimbobo.” +Manje uLwazi wayesenamasondo amane, amapulangwe amathathu kanye nentambo engamamitha amabili, amanathi namabhawodi amaningana. Waya emzini kamalume wakhe. Umalume uRodney wayenegceke elikhulu kakhulu, uLwazi wabe eselungiselela ukusebenza. +Ngaso sonke isikhathi sasekuseni uLwazi wayesaha bese eqongqothela, aphinde aqongqothele, abhole izimbobo, abuye abhole izimbobo, asahe futhi. Ntambana wayesekhathele kakhulu, kodwa inqola yakhe yayingakapheli. Wayesadinga ukuyenza ibe bushelelezi ukuze kungabi bikho mapulangwe ahlabayo. + +“Yini le oyakhayo?” kubuza umzala wakhe, uLulu, ephumela phandle. +“Ngakha inqola,” kuchaza uLwazi. +“Ngabe uzongigibelisa uma isiphelile?” kubuza uLulu. +“Uma nje ungangisiza ukuthi ngenze ipulangwe libe bushelelezi,” kuphendula uLwazi. +Ngakho uLulu wathatha isendiphepha wase eqala ukwenza amacala abe busheshelezi kahle. +Abangani bakaLwazi ababili u-Ismail noMcKenzie bedlula bephikelele esitolo. “Yini le eniyakhayo?” kubuza bona. +“Sakha inqola,” kusho uLwazi noLulu. +“Singagibela nathi uma seyiphelile?” +“Uma ningasisiza,” kuphendula bona. +Ngakho abafana bathatha enye isendiphepha base benza ingaphakathi, ingaphambili kanye nengemuva laba bushelelezi kahle. Ekugcineni yaphela inqola. +“Kuzogibela imina kuqala,” kusho uLwazi, edonsa inqola eya esicongweni segquma. +“Akusibo ubulungiswa lokho,” kusho uLulu. “Ubuthe ngizogibela.” +“Nathi futhi,” kusho u-Ismail noMcKenzie. “Ubuthe singayigibela sonke.” +“Sifuna ukugibela sonke!” kumemeza uLulu no-Ismail noMcKenzie. +Ngakho bathi uma befika esicongweni segquma bagibela bonke – uLulu no-Ismail noMcKenzie bonke begibele enqoleni bebambelele ngqi. “Nazoke!” kumemeza uLwazi, ngesikhathi edudula inqola bese egibela ngemuva. +Bagijima ngesivinini ngesikhathi behamba, inqola ikhehlezela ibanga nomsindo futhi bememeza, behleka kwaze kwaba isikhathi lapho uLulu amemeza ethi, “Hhayi bo, naliya ixhaphozi! Siyimisa kanjani?” +“Mamo,” kusho uLwazi, “Ngikhohliwe ukwenza AMABHULEKI!!!” +Phahla, gxambu, bhalakaxa, phaxa! +Inqola yashayisa ucingo lokubiya, izingane zandiza zeqa ucingo zaphonseka exhaphozini. + +“Ashu, ashu, ashu,” kukhala uMcKenzie, ephuma ukuze athole umoya, “ikhala lami libuhlungu.” +“Awe!” kukhala u-Ismail, edonsa esusa ukhula lwasexhaphozini ebusweni bakhe. “Libuhlungu ikhanda lami.” +“O, o, o, umhlane wami ubuhlungu!” kuklabalasa uLulu ezama ukuphuma exhaphozini. +“Uphi uLwazi?” kukhala uLulu. “Ngabe ungaphansi kwamanzi?” +“Ngabe ugwilizile?” kukhala u-Ismail noMcKenzie. +“Ngila!” kusho uLwazi ebabuka ngale kocingo. “Ake nibheka inqola bantu!” Eceleni komgwaqo kwakulele amasondo amane, amapulangwe amathathu kanye nentambo engamamitha amabili kanye nenqwaba yamanathi namabhawodi. +“Awu bantu,” kusho uLwazi. “Kumele siqale phansi futhi.” +“Kulokhu” kusho uLulu ehlikihla umhlane wakhe, “ngicela ukhumbule ukufaka namabhuleki.” +Bahleka bonke.",zul,isiZulu,ULwazi nenqola | Multilingual stories,"One day Lwazi found an old push chair in the empty field near his home. It was broken, but it had four good wheels. He took them off and looked at them. “I wonder what I should make,” he thought. “I know, I’ll make a go-kart.” ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ulwazi-nenqola +lwazi-and-go-kart,"Ka letšatši le lengwe Lwazi o ile a hwetša phorema ya masea ya kgale mo molaleng kgauswi le legae la gagwe. E be e robegile efela e na le maotwana a mabotse a mane. O a ntšhitše a a lebelela. “Nka dira eng ka ona,” a nagana. “Ke a tseba, ke tla dira kariki.” +O ile a ya go mmetli. “Ka kgopelo, Morena, na o ka mpha dikota tša kgale?” +Mmetli o ile a ya mokgobong wa gagwe wa dikota a hweletša Lwazi mapolanka a mararo a kgale. “Ke a,” a realo. “Hlokomela. O se hwetše lefatša.” +Bjale Lwazi o na le maotwana a mane le mapolanka a mararo, efela o be a nyaka thapo. +O ile a ya boemakepe. Go be go na le Mna Smit, motheadihlapi, a laolla senuku leselawatleng. “Mna Smit, naa o na le thapo ya kgale ye o ka mphago yona, ka kgopelo hle?” +“Ke ye,” a realo motheadihlapi. “Dimetara tše pedi. O hlokomele ge o e ripa. O se ithipe monwana ka phošo.” +Bjale Lwazi o na le maotwana a mane, mapolanka a mararo le thapo ya dimethara tše pedi efela o be a hloka dipoutu. +O ile a ya go molokiši wa dikoloi kua Karatšheng ya Granville. “Ka kgopelo, Morena, naa o ka mpha dipikiri le dipoutu?” +“Ke tše,” a realo molokiši wa dikoloi. “O hlokomele. O se ikgobatše ge o bora mašoba.” +Bjale Lwazi o be a na le maotwana a mane, mapolanka a mararo le thapo ya dimethara tše pedi le dipikiri tše mmalwa le dipoutu. O ile a ya ngwakong wa malomeagwe. Malome Rodney o be a na le jarata ye botse ye kgolo, gomme Lwazi a itokišetša go šoma. +Mesong ka moka Lwazi o be a sega a letša hamola, a letša hamola a bora, a bora gape a sega. Ge le thapama o be a lapile kudu, efela kariki ya gagwe e be e sa fela. O be a swanetše go e feila gore e se be le mafatša. + +“O dira eng?” gwa botšiša motswalagwe, Lulu, a eya ka ntle. +“Ke dira kariki,” gwa hlaloša Lwazi. +“Naa ge o e feditše nka e namela?” gwa botšiša Lulu. +“Ge o ka nthuša go e feila,” Lwazi a araba. +Lulu o ile a tšea pampiri ya go feila a feila mahlakore gore a be botse gape a be boreledi. +Bagwera ba Lwazi ba babedi e lego Ismail le McKenzie ba fetile go yena ba be ba eya lebenkeleng. “O dira eng?” ba botšiša. +“Re dira kariki,” ba realo Lwazi le Lulu. +“Naa re ka boya ge e fedile?” +“Ge le ka re thuša,” ba araba. +Bašemane ba tšere pampiri ya go feila ba feila ka gare, ka pele le ka morago gomme gwa ba botse gwa ba boreledi. Kariki e ile ya fela. +“Ke namela pele,” a realo Lwazi, a gogela kariki godimo mmotong. +“Ga go dirwe bjalo,” a realo Lulu. “O rile ke tle.” +“Le rena,” ba realo Ismail le McKenzie. “O rile ka moka ga rena re ka no namela.” +“Ka moka re nyaka go namela!” gwa goeletša Lulu le Ismail le McKenzie. +Ba rile go fihla godimo kua mmotong ka moka ga bona ba namela – Lulu le Ismail le McKenzie ka moka ba nametše gomme ba e swara ba e kgwahliša. “Agaa!” gwa goeletša Lwazi, a kgorometša kariki a boa a e fofela ka morago. +E ile ka lebelo, ba hlabile lešata, ba goeletša ba sega go fihla ge ka pelapela Lulu a re, “Hei lena, go na le mogola! Re e emiša bjang?” +“Ijoo,” a realo Lwazi, “Ke lebetše go dira DIPORIKI!!!” +Tsirrr, kgrrrrr, tirrrr, phaa! +Kariki e thula legora la mathale, gomme bana ba fofa ka godimo ga legora ba fofela mogoleng. + +“Aa, aa, aa,” gwa lla McKenzie, ke nyaka moya, “nko ya ka e bohloko.” +“Ijoo!” gwa lla Ismail, a tloša bjang sefahlegong sa gagwe. “Hlogo ya ka e bohloko.” +“Ijoo, ijoo, ijoo, mokokotlo wa ka o bohloko!” gwa goeletša Lulu a etšwa ka mogoleng. +“Lwazi o kae?” gwa lla Lulu. “E ka ba o ka tlase ga meetse?” +“E ka ba o nweletše?” gwa lla Ismail le McKenzie. +“Ke fano!” a realo Lwazi a lebelela ka godimo ga legora. “Lebelela kariki ye!” Ka thoko ga tsela ke maotwana a mane, mapolanka a mararo, dimethara tše pedi tša thapo le mmoto wa dipikiri le dipoutu. +“Mogwera,” a realo Lwazi. “Re tla swanela go thoma ka leswa.” +“Gabjale” a realo Lulu a iphumula ka morago, “le gopole go lokela diporiki hle.” +Ka moka ba sega.",nso,Sepedi,Lwazi le karik,"One day Lwazi found an old push chair in the empty field near his home. It was broken, but it had four good wheels. He took them off and looked at them. “I wonder what I should make,” he thought. “I know, I’ll make a go-kart.” ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lwazi-le-kariki +lwazi-and-go-kart,"Ka tsatsi le leng Lwazi a fumana setulo sa kgale se sututswang thoteng e haufi le habo. Se ne se robehile, empa se ne se ena le mabidi a mane a ntseng a lokile. A a ntsha mme a a sheba. “Ke a ipotsa hore ebe nka etsa eng,” a nahana. “Ke a tseba, ke tla etsa kolotsana.” +Yaba o ya ho mmetli. “Ke a o kopa hle, Monghadi, na o na le mapolanka a kgale ao o ka mphang ona?” +Mmetli a leba qubung ya hae ya dipatsi mme a fumana mapolanka a mararo a kgale. “Ke ana,” a rialo. “O hlokomele. O se ke wa hlajwa.” +Jwale Lwazi o ne a ena le mabidi a mane le mapolanka a mararo, empa o ne a hloka thapo. +Yaba o ya lebopong la lewatle. Ho ne ho ena le Mong Smit, motshwasi wa ditlhapi, a ntse a theola tlhapi ya senuku seketswaneng sa hae. “Mong Smit, na o na le thapo ya kgale eo o ka mphang yona hle, ka kopo?” +“Ke ena,” ha rialo motshwasi. “Dimitara tse pedi. O hlokomele ha o e kgaola. O se ke wa itsheha menwana ka phoso.” +Jwale Lwazi o ne a se a ena le mabidi a mane, mapolanka a mararo le thapo ya dimitara tse pedi, empa o ne a hloka dipekere. +Yaba o ya ho mekheniki Karatjheng ya Granville. “Ka kopo hle, Monghadi, na o ka mpha dinate le dipekere?” +“Ke tsena he,” ha rialo mekheniki. “O hlokomele. O se ke wa itematsa ha o phunya masoba.” +Jwale Lwazi o ne a se a ena le mabidi a mane, mapolanka a mararo, dimitara tse pedi tsa thapo, le dinate le dipekere tse ka tlalang seatla. Yaba o ya ha malomae. Malome Rodney o ne a ena le jarete e kgolo, mme Lwazi a qala ho sebetsa. +Hoseng hohle Lwazi o ne a sakga, a kokotela mme a phunya masoba a sakga. Ha ho etla mantsiboya o ne a kgathetse haholo, empa kolotsana ya hae e ne e eso fele. O ne a sa ntse a hloka ho e hohla hore e be boreledi e le hore a se ke a hlajwa. + +“O etsa eng?” ha botsa motswala wa hae, Lulu, a tswela ka ntle. +“Ke etsa kolotsana,” ha hlalosa Lwazi. +“Na nka e palama ha o se o e qetile?” ha botsa Lulu. +“Ha feela o ka nthusa ho e hohla,” Lwazi a araba. +Yaba Lulu o nka pampiri e hohlang mme a qala ho hohla mahlakore hore a be matle a be boreledi. +Metswalle ya Lwazi e mmedi e leng Ismail le McKenzie ba feta le moo ha ba eya lebenkeleng. “Le etsang?” ba botsa. +“Re etsa kolotsana,” ha rialo Lwazi le Lulu. +“Na le rona re ka fumana sebaka sa ho palama ha e fedile?” +“Ha le ka re thusa,” ba araba. +Yaba bashemane bao ba nka pampiri e nngwe ya ho hohla mme ba hohla ka hare, ka pele le ka morao ha eba hotle le boreledi. Qetellong kolotsana e ne e qetilwe. +“Ke nna ya palamang pele,” ha rialo Lwazi, a hulela kolotsana ka hodima leralla. +“Ha se hantle,” ha rialo Lulu. “O itse le nna ke tla fumana sebaka.” +“Le rona,” ha rialo Ismail le McKenzie. “O itse kaofela ha rona re tla palama.” +“Kaofela ha rona re batla ho palama!” ha hoeletsa Lulu le Ismail le McKenzie. +Kahoo yare ha ba fihla ka hodima leralla ba palama kaofela ha bona – Lulu le Ismail le McKenzie kaofela ba dutse hodima kolotsana ba itshwareletse ka thata. “Ha re yeng!” ha hoeletsa Lwazi, a sututsa kolotsana mme a tlolela ho yona ka morao. +Ba nna ba eketsa lebelo jwalo jwalo, ba sothahana ba qhomaqhoma mme ba hoeletsa ba bile ba tsheha ho fihlela hanghang Lulu a hoeletsa, “Jowee, ho na le qanthana! Re e emisa jwang?” +“Joo,” ha rialo Lwazi, “Ke lebetse ho etsa MARIKI!!!” +Thuu, twatla, hwalakahla, phakga! +Kolotsana ya thula fense ya terata, mme bana ba fofela ka nqane ho terata ka hara qanthana . + +“Itjhu, itjhu, itjhuu,” ha lla McKenzie, a phahamisa hlooho ho kga moya, “nko ya ka e bohloko.” +“Eina!” ha bokolla Ismail, a tlosa dihlahla tsa qanthana sefahlehong sa hae. “Hlooho ya ka e bohloko.” +“Jo, jo, jo, disanthao tsa ka di bohloko!” ha lla Lulu a thekesella ka ntle ho qanthana. +“Lwazi o kae?” ha botsa Lulu. “Na o ka tlasa metsi?” +“O kganngwe ke metsi?” ha lla Ismail le McKenzie. +“Ke nna enwa!” ha rialo Lwazi a shebile a le ka nqane ho terata. “Ako shebe kolotsana ya batho hle!” Ka thoko ho tsela ho ne ho robetse mabidi a mane, mapolanka a mararo, thapo e dimitara tse pedi le qubu ya dipekere le dinate. +“Ao batho,” ha rialo Lwazi. “Re tla tlameha ho qala qalong.” +“Nakong ena” ha rialo Lulu a pikitla disanthao tsa hae, “ke kopa o mpe o hopole ho kenya mariki.” +Kaofela ba tsheha.",sot,Sesotho,Lwazi le kolotsan,"One day Lwazi found an old push chair in the empty field near his home. It was broken, but it had four good wheels. He took them off and looked at them. “I wonder what I should make,” he thought. “I know, I’ll make a go-kart.” ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lwazi-le-kolotsana +feast,"Papa Smuts was a fisherman. But, fish were not as plentiful as they used to be and some days he came home empty handed. Then poor Papa Smuts would feel really downhearted. +That’s when Mama Smuts would give him a big hug and say, “We’ll make ends meet.” And Sannie and Frikkie would add, “We always do, Papa.” And somehow they always did because … +… no one could grow redder tomatoes, greener peppers, crunchier carrots and crispier cabbage than Papa Smuts, with the help of Sannie and Frikkie. + +And no one, absolutely no one, could turn the reddest tomatoes, the greenest peppers, the crunchiest carrots and the crispiest cabbage into a more scrumptious meal than Mama Smuts, with the help of Sannie and Frikkie! +One lucky day, Papa Smuts caught five fish. He sold four and kept one to take home for dinner. +As Papa Smuts passed Maria’s farm stall she called out, “How much for the fish?” +“Sorry, Maria,” said Papa Smuts, “but this one is for our dinner.” +“What if,” asked Maria, “you took something different home, something like these sausages? Now wouldn’t that be a real treat?” +Papa Smuts thought for a moment, but only for a moment because the sausages did look good! So Maria and Papa Smuts did a swap and Papa Smuts hurried on home. +There was such excitement when Papa Smuts told Mama Smuts, Sannie and Frikkie about his lucky day. It was as if he had brought home treasure and, in a way, he had. +Mama Smuts laid out the plump, pink sausages on her prettiest plate and put them in the cupboard. She knew exactly what she would make with them. It was to be her best-ever Chakalaka and then, at the last minute, she would cut up the sausages and stir them in. That way, they would seem to go further. +Mama Smuts chopped and sliced, diced and spiced, with the help of Sannie and Frikkie. +Then, while Mama Smuts added a little bit of this and quite a lot of that, Sannie and Frikkie helped Papa Smuts set the table and pick a bunch of wild flowers to go on it. + +And then, at last, it was dinnertime. And what a dinner! +“Mmm!” said Sannie. +“Mmm, mmm!” said Frikkie. +And, “My, oh my . . . oh my!” said Papa Smuts, “I did not think it was possible, but this Chakalaka is better than your best. Those sausages made all the difference!” +Mama Smuts said nothing. But, if Papa Smuts, Sannie and Frikkie had not been so busy tucking into seconds they might have heard her let out a little gasp. +Mama Smuts went quietly over to the kitchen cupboard. She covered up the plump, pink sausages and wondered how she could possibly have forgotten them. +But then she thought, “Sausages for breakfast. What a treat!”",eng,English,The feast,"Papa Smuts was a fisherman. But, fish were not as plentiful as they used to be and some days he came home empty handed. Then poor Papa Smuts would feel really downhearted. +That’s when Mama Smuts would give him a big hug and say, “We’ll ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/feast +feast,"Pappa Smuts is ’n visserman. Maar vis is nie meer so volop soos vroeër jare nie, en sommige dae kom hy met leë hande huis toe. Dan voel arme Pappa Smuts regtig moedeloos. +Dis wanneer Mamma Smuts hom ’n stewige drukkie gee en sê: “Ons sal ’n plan maak.” En Sannie en Frikkie voeg by: “Ons maak altyd ’n plan, Pappa.” En op een of ander manier doen hulle dit altyd, want … +… niemand kweek rooier tamaties, groener soetrissies, soeter wortels en kraakvarser kool as Pappa Smuts nie; natuurlik met Sannie en Frikkie se hulp. + +En niemand, maar niemand, kan die rooiste tamaties, die groenste soetrissies, die soetste wortels en die kraakvarsste kool in ’n lekkerder maaltyd omskep as Mamma Smuts nie; natuulik met Sannie en Frikkie se hulp! +Een gelukkige dag vang Pappa Smuts vyf visse. Hy verkoop vier en hou een om huis toe te neem vir aandete. +Toe Pappa Smuts by Maria se padstal verbystap, roep sy: “Hoeveel kos die vis?” +“Jammer, Maria,” sê Pappa Smuts, “maar hierdie een is vir ons aandete.” +“Wat as,” vra Maria, “jy iets anders huis toe vat, iets soos hierdie worsies? Sal dit nou nie ’n lekker bederf wees nie?” +Pappa Smuts dink ’n oomblik na, maar net ’n oomblik, want die worsies lyk baie lekker! Maria en Pappa Smuts ruil toe die vis vir die worsies en Pappa Smuts stap vinnig huis toe. +Die hele familie is opgewonde toe Pappa Smuts vir Mamma Smuts, Sannie en Frikkie van sy gelukkige dag vertel. Dis asof hy ’n skat huis toe gebring het, en op ’n manier het hy. +Mamma Smuts pak die vet, pienk worsies op haar mooiste bord uit en bêre hulle in die kas. Sy weet presies wat sy daarmee gaan maak. Dit gaan haar allerbeste Chakalaka ooit wees, en dan, op die laaste oomblik, gaan sy die worsies opsny en hulle daarby inroer. Dit sal die dis nog lekkerder en meer vullend maak. + +Mamma Smuts sny en kap, strooi en gooi; natuurlik met Sannie en Frikkie se hulp. +Toe, terwyl Mamma Smuts ’n bietjie van dit en baie van dat byvoeg, help Sannie en Frikkie vir Pappa Smuts om die tafel te dek en ’n bos veldblomme vir die tafel te pluk. +En toe is dit uiteindelik tyd vir aandete. En wat ’n ete! +“Mmm!” sê Sannie. +“Mmm, mmm!” sê Frikkie. +En, “Oe . . . oe!” sê Pappa Smuts. “Ek het nie gedink dis moontlik nie, maar hierdie Chakalaka is beter as jou heel beste ooit. Daardie worsies het beslis die verskil gemaak!” +Mamma Smuts sê niks. Maar as Pappa Smuts, Sannie en Frikkie nie so besig was om aan hul tweede porsies te smul nie, sou hulle gehoor het hoe sy na haar asem snak. +Mamma Smuts stap vinnig na die kombuiskas toe. Sy maak die vet, pienk worsies toe en wonder hoe op aarde sy van hulle kon vergeet het. +Maar toe dink sy: “Worsies vir ontbyt. Dit klink heerlik!”",afr,Afrikaans,The feast,"Papa Smuts was a fisherman. But, fish were not as plentiful as they used to be and some days he came home empty handed. Then poor Papa Smuts would feel really downhearted. +That’s when Mama Smuts would give him a big hug and say, “We’ll ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/feast-0 +feast,"UTata uSmuts wayengumlobi. Kodwa, iintlanzi zazingeninzanga njengokuba kwakunjalo kudala kwaye ngezinye iimini wayekhe abuye nelize. Xa kunjalo, isi-aram esinguTata uSmuts sasiye sizive sikhathazeke kakhulu. +Xa kunjalo uMama uSmuts wayeye amange aze athi, “Kuza kulunga, soze silale singatyanga.” USannie noFrikkie babeye bongeze ngelithi, “Icebo liyazakha Tata, zange silale singatyanga.” Ngokwenene kwakusoloko kunjalo kuba … +… akukho namnye owayelima iitumato ezibomvu, iipepile eziluhlaza, iminqathe ekramkram kunye nekhaphetshu eligramgram ukodlula uTata uSmuts, encediswa nguSannie noFrikkie. + +Kwaye akukho namnye, nditsho omnye nje kuphela, owayekwazi ukuguqula ezona tumato zibomvu, iipepile eziluhlaza, iminqathe ekramkram kunye nekhaphetshu eligramgram zibe sisidlo esimnandi ukodlula uMama uSmuts, encediswa nguSannie noFrikkie! +  +Ngenye imini yethamsanqa, uTata uSmuts wabambisa iintlanzi ezintlanu. Wathengisa ezine waza enye wayigcina ukuze agoduke nayo khon’ ukuze ilungiselelwe isidlo sangokuhlwa. +Wathi xa uTata uSmuts edlula esitendini sikaMariya, uMariya wambuza esithi, “Ungandibiza malini ngaloo ntlanzi?” +“Uxolo Mariya,” watsho uTata uSmuts, “le yeyesidlo sethu sangokuhlwa.” +“Kunganjani,” kubuza uMariya, “xa uthatha enye into eyohlukileyo ugoduke nayo, into efana nesoseji? Ayinakuba yinto emnandi na leyo?” +UTata uSmuts wacinga umzuzwana, kodwa yaba ngumzuzwana nje kuphela kuba iisoseji zazikhangeleka zimnandi ngokwenene! Ngoko ke, uMariya noTata uSmuts batshintshiselana waze uTata uSmuts wakhawuleza ukugoduka. +Kwabakho uchulumanco olukhulu xa uTata uSmuts axelela uMama uSmuts, uSannie noFrikkie malunga nosuku lwakhe lwethamsanqa. Kwakungathi uze nobutyebi ekhaya kwaye ke ngokwenene wayeze nabo, ngenye indlela. +UMama uSmuts wazikhuphela kweyona pleyiti yakhe intle iisoseji wazibeka ekhabhathini. Wayeyazi kakuhle into awayeza kuyenza ngazo. Wayeza kwenza eyona Chakalaka yakhe yamnandi aze akugqiba anqunqe iisoseji azizamisele kuyo. Ngaloo ndlela yayiza kuba ngathi zininzi kakhulu. +UMama uSmuts wanqunqa, esika izilayi, wacukuceza, eqhola, encediswa nguSannie noFrikkie. +Lo gama uMama uSmuts esongeza intwana yale aze agalele kakhulu leya, uSannie noFrikkie bancedisa uTata uSmuts ukulungiselela isidlo sangokuhlwa itafile ngokukha iintyatyambo zokuyihombisa. + +Ekugqibeleni lafika ixesha lesidlo. Esinjani sona! +“Mh!” kutsho uSannie. +“Mh, mh!” kutsho uFrikkie. +Waze, “Ah mh, ah, mh!” watsho uTata uSmuts. “Andikhange ndicingele ukuba inokwenzeka, kodwa le iChakalaka yeyona ingcono kunowakha wazenza. Ezaa soseji zenze umahluko omkhulu!” +  +UMama uSmuts zange athethe. Kodwa, ukuba uTata uSmuts, uSannie noFrikkie babengaxakekanga besitya ukutya abazongeze kona ngebabemvile xa wayesenza isingqala. +UMama uSmuts waya ekhabhathini esekhitshini ngokukhawuleza. Wazigquma ezo soseji zipinki ziqumqum, wabe emangalisiwe ukuba uzilibele njani ukuzizamisela kwiChakalaka yakhe. +Kodwa wabuya wacinga, “Iisoseji sisidlo sakusasa. Kuza kuba mnandi kakhulu!”",xho,isiXhosa,Isidlo,"Papa Smuts was a fisherman. But, fish were not as plentiful as they used to be and some days he came home empty handed. Then poor Papa Smuts would feel really downhearted. +That’s when Mama Smuts would give him a big hug and say, “We’ll ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isidlo +feast,"UBaba uSmuts wayengumdobi. Kodwa, izinhlanzi zazingeziningi ngendlela ezaziba ziningi ngayo, futhi ngezinye izinsuku wayebuya engabambanga lutho. UBaba uSmuts wabantu wayezizwa ekhathazeke kakhulu. +Kwakuba ngalezi zikhathi lapho uMama uSmuts wayemuwola khona bese ethi, “Sizobona ukuthi sihlanganisa ini nani.” Bese oSannie noFrikkie bengeza ngokuthi, “Sihlale sikwenza lokho, Baba.” Kanti babehlale bekwenzeka ngempela ngoba … +… wayengekho umuntu owayetshala otamatisi ababomvu, ophepha abaluhlaza okotshani, nezaqathi eziklamuzelayo kanye neklabishi eliklamuzelayo, ukudlula uBaba uSmuts esizwa uSannie noFrikkie. + +Kanti-ke kwakungekho muntu, kwakungekho muntu nhlobo, awayengaphendula otamatisi ababomvu, ophepha abaluhlaza okotshani, izaqathi eziklamuzelayo kanye neklabishi eliklamuzela ngokwedlulele, akwenze kube yisidlo esiconsisa amathe ukudlula esikaMama uSmuts, esizwa uSannie noFrikkie! +  +Ngolunye usuku, uBaba uSmuts waba nenhlanhla yokubamba izinhlanzi ezinhlanu. Wathengisa ezine wase egcina eyodwa aya nayo ekhaya ukuze ibe yisidlo sakusihlwa. +Ngesikhathi uBaba uSmuts edlula isitodlwana sasepulazini sikaMaria, uMaria wamemeza wathi, “Ibiza malini inhlanzi?” +“Uxolo, Maria,” kusho uBaba uSmuts, “phela le eyesidlo sethu sakusihlwa.” +“Kungaba njani-ke,” kubuza uMaria, “uma ungaya ekhaya nento eyehlukile, into enjengamasosishi? Uthi lokhu ngeke kube isidlo esiphambili ngempela?” +UBaba uSmuts wacabanga isikhashana, kodwa kwaba yisikhashana ngempela ngoba amasosishi ayebukeka emnandi! Ngakho uMaria noBaba uSmuts bashintshana, uBaba uSmuts wase ephuthuma ekhaya. +Kwaba nokujabula okukhulu lapho uBaba uSmuts efika ekhaya exoxela uMama uSmuts, uSannie noFrikkie ngosuku lwakhe lwenhlanhla. Kwakungathi wayeze nomcebo ekhaya kanti, ngenye indlela, vele kwakunjalo. +UMama uSmuts wendlala amasosishi amakhulu, aphinki epuletini lakhe elihle ukuwedlula wonke wase ewafaka ekhabetheni. Wayazi kahle ukuthi uzokwenzani ngawo. Kwakuzoba i-Chakalaka yakhe emnandi ukudlula wonke ayeke wawenza, okwakuzothi ekugcineni aqobe amasoseshi bese ewafaka phakathi. Ngaleyo ndlela ayezokwandisa ukudla. +UMama uSmuts waqoba, wasika imidweshu, wenza amaqashana, wafaka nezinongo, esizwa uSannie noFrikkie. +Ngesikhathi uMama uSmuts ede efaka okunye kuba kuncane okunye kuba kuningana, uSannie noFrikkie babesiza uBaba uSmuts ukuba adeke itafula, kukhiwe nezimbali zasendle ezizoba setafuleni. + +Ekugcineni, safika isikhathi sesidlo sakusihlwa. Sase simnandi yini pho isidlo sakusihlwa! +“Mmm!” kusho uSannie. +“Mmm, mmm!” kusho uFrikkie. +Wawuzwa nje, “Awu, cha … awu!” kusho uBaba uSmuts. “Bengingacabangi ukuthi kungenzeka lokhu, kodwa le Chakalaka idlula wonke owake wawenza. Lawo masosishi enze umehluko omkhulu!” +UMama uSmuts akazange athi vu. Kodwa ukuba uBaba uSmuts, uSannie kanye noFrikkie babengematasatasa bezitika ngokuphinda ukudla, ngabe bamuzwa edonsa umoya. +UMama uSmuts waya ekhabetheni lasekhishini ngokuthula. Wamboza amasosishi acebile, aphinki, kanti wayezibuza ukuthi konje uwakhohlwe kanjani. +Kodwa wabe esezicabangela, “Ngamasosishi esidlo sasekuseni. Sizozitika ngawo!”",zul,isiZulu,Id,"Papa Smuts was a fisherman. But, fish were not as plentiful as they used to be and some days he came home empty handed. Then poor Papa Smuts would feel really downhearted. +That’s when Mama Smuts would give him a big hug and say, “We’ll ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/idili +feast,"Papa Smuts e be e le mothei wa dihlapi. Efela, go be go se sa na dihlapi tše dintši bjalo ka pele gomme ka matšatši a mangwe o be a boa gae a se a sware selo. Gona fao Papa Smuts wa batho o tla kwa bohloko kudu. +Ke moo Mma Smuts a tla mo gokarago a re, “Re tla kgona.” Gomme Sannie le Frikkie ba tla mo tlatša, “Re hlwa re kgona, Papa.” Efela ba be ba phela ba kgona ka gobane … +… ga go motho yo a bego a bjala ditamati tše di hwibitšwana, dipepere tše ditalamorogo, dikherotse tša go huhurega le khabetšhe ya go huhurega go phala Papa Smuts, ka thušo ya Sannie le Frikkie. +Gape go be go se yo a ka fetolago, ditamati tše di hwibitšwana, dipepere tše ditalamorogo, dikherotse tša go huhurega le khabetšhe ya go huhurega go ba dijo tša bose go phala Mma Smuts, ka thušo ya Sannie le Frikkie! +Ka letšatši le lengwe la mahlatse, Papa Smuts o ile a swara dihlapi tše hlano. O rekišitše tše nne gomme a ya le e tee gae gore e be dijo tša go lalela. +Papa Smuts o rile ge a feta setolo sa polaseng sa Maria, a botšiša, “Hlapi ke bokae?” + +“O tla ntshwarela, Maria,” a realo Papa Smuts, “efela ke ya rena ya go lalela.” +  +“Go ka ba bjang,” gwa botšiša Maria, “ge o ka iša selo se se fapanego gae, selo sa go swana le disosetše tše? Naa o tla be o se wa ba thakga?” +Papa Smuts o ile a nagana sebakanyana, sebakanyana fela ka gobane disosetše di be di kgahliša kudu! Ka fao, Maria le Papa Smuts ba fana gomme Papa Smuts a sepediša a lebile gae. +E bile lethabo le legolo kudu ge Papa Smuts a botša Mma Smuts, Sannie le Frikkie ka ga letšatši la gagwe la mahlatse. E be e ka re o tlišitše lehumo ka gae, efela, go bjalo. +Mma Smuts o ile a bea disosetše tša go nona tše dipinki ka poleiting ya gagwe ya botse, gomme a e lokela ka khapoteng. O be a tseba gabotse gore o tlile go dira eng ka tšona. O be a tlile go dira Chakalaka ye a sa kago a e dira, gomme ka motsotso wa mafelelo, a ripa disosetše a di lokela a huduga. Ka tsela yeo di be di e ba bose kudu. +Mma Smuts o ile a ripa le go ntšha dilai, a dira ditaese gape a tšhela sepaese ka thušo ya Sannie le Frikkie. +E rile ge Mma Smuts a lokela se le sela, Sannie le Frikkie ba thuša Papa Smuts go beakanya tafola ba kga le ngata ya matšoba a nageng a go sepelelana le yona. + +Mafelelong, ya ba nako ya dijo tša go lalela. Dijo tše di bose bjang! +“Mmm!” a realo Sannie. +“Mmm, mmm!” a realo Frikkie. +Gape, “Hee batho … hee batho!” a realo Papa Smuts. “Ga ke tshephe gore go be go kgonega, efela Chakalaka ye, e bose go feta ye bose ye o kilego wa e apea. Disosetše tšela di hlotše phapano e kgolo!” +Mma Smuts ga se a bolela selo. Efela, ge Papa Smuts, Sannie le Frikkie ba be ba sa swaragana le sengwe ba ka be ba mo kwele ge a be a fegelwa gannyane. +Mma Smuts o ile a ya khapoteng ya morale ka pela. O ile a khupetša disosetše tša go nona tše di pinki gomme a ipotšiša gore a ka be a di lebetše bjang. +Efela o ile a gopola, “Disosetše re tla di ja ka nako ya dijo tša mesong. Re tla ipshina!”",nso,Sepedi,Monyany,"Papa Smuts was a fisherman. But, fish were not as plentiful as they used to be and some days he came home empty handed. Then poor Papa Smuts would feel really downhearted. +That’s when Mama Smuts would give him a big hug and say, “We’ll ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/monyanya +feast,"Ntate Smuts e ne e le motshwasi wa ditlhapi. Empa, ditlhapi di ne di se ngata jwaloka pele mme ka matsatsi a mang o ne a kgutlela lapeng a sa tshwasa letho. Ebe Ntate Smuts wa batho o iphumana a sithabetswe ruri. +Jwale ebe Mme Smuts o mo haka haholo a re ho yena, “Re tla leka tsela tse ding ho phela.” Mme Sannie le Frikkie ba eketse ka ho re, “Re dula re phela, Ntate.” Mme ke nnete, ba ne ba hlola ba fumana tsela tsa ho iphedisa hobane … +… ho ne ho se na motho ya kgonang ho jala ditamati tse kgubeduhadi, dipepere tse talahadi, dihwete tse romotsehang ka ho fetisisa le khabetjhe e monatehadi jwaloka Ntate Smuts, a thuswa ke Sannie le Frikkie. + +Mme he, ho ne ho sena motho, ke re le ya mong, ya neng a ka fetola ditamati tse kgubeduhadi, dipepere tse talahadi, dihwete tse romotsehang ka ho fetisisa le khabetjhe e monatehadi ho di etsa dijo tse mathemalodi jwaloka Mme Smuts, a thuswa ke Sannie le Frikkie! +  +Ka tsatsi le leng ka lehlohonolo, Ntate Smuts a tshwasa ditlhapi tse hlano. A rekisa tse nne mme a boloka e le nngwe a ya le yona hae bakeng sa dijo tsa mantsiboya. +Ha Ntate Smuts a feta mmarakanyana wa Maria, a mo hoeletsa, “O batla bokae bakeng sa tlhapi eo?” +“Ke maswabi, Maria,” ha rialo Ntate Smuts, “ena ke ya dijo tsa rona tsa mantsiboya.” +“Ho ka ba jwang,” ha botsa Maria, “ha o ka ya le ho hong ho fapaneng lapeng, ho hong ho kang boroso? Na seo e keke ya eba dijo tse monate haholo?” +Ntate Smuts a nahana motsotswana, empa motsotswana feela hobane diboroso tseo di ne di shebahala di le monate! Yaba Maria le Ntate Smuts ba fapanyetsana jwalo mme Ntate Smuts a potlakela hae. +Ho ile ha eba le nyakallo e kgolo ha Ntate Smuts a bolella Mme Smuts, Sannie le Frikkie ka letsatsi la hae la lehlohonolo. E ne eka o tlile le letlotlo lapeng mme he, ka tsela e itseng, o ne a hlile a tlile le letlotlo. +Mme Smuts a bea diboroso tse nonneng, tse pinki poleiting ya hae e ntle ka ho fetisisa mme a di kenya ka khabotong. O ne a tseba hantle hore o tlile ho etsa eng ka tsona. O ne a tlo etsa Chakalaka ya hae e monate ka ho fetisisa mme ebe, ka motsotso wa ho qetela o kgabela diboroso tseo mme a di fuduelle kamoo. Ka tsela eo di ne di tla eketseha e be dijo tse ngata. +Mme Smuts a kgabela le ho seha dilae, mataese mme a tshela dinoko, a thuswa ke Sannie le Frikkie. +Jwale, yare ha Mme Smuts a ntse a tshela le ho eketsa hona le hwane, Sannie le Frikkie ba thusa Ntate Smuts ho teka tafole le ho kga dipalesa tse hlaha ho kgabisa ka tsona. + +Mme he, yaba qetellong, ke nako ya dijo tsa mantsiboya. A dijo tse monate ruri! +“Mmm!” ha rialo Sannie. +“Mmm, mmm!” ha rialo Frikkie. +Mme, “Kgele… kgele banna!” ha rialo Ntate Smuts. “Ke ne ke sa nahane hore ho a kgonahala, empa Chakalaka ena e monate ka ho fetisisa. Diboroso tsane di entse phapang e kgolo!” +Mme Smuts a se ke a re letho. Empa, hoja Ntate Smuts, Sannie le Frikkie ba ne ba sa lebala ke ho ipheta ka dijo ba ka be ba mo utlwile ha a hemela hodimo. +Mme Smuts a nyenyelepa ho ya khabotong ya kitjhene. A kwahela diboroso tse nonneng, tse pinki a ipotsa hore ebe ho tlile jwang hore a lebale ho di phehella. +Mme hang a hopola, “Diboroso bakeng sa dijo tsa hoseng. Di tla ba monate ruri!”",sot,Sesotho,Dijo tse monate,"Papa Smuts was a fisherman. But, fish were not as plentiful as they used to be and some days he came home empty handed. Then poor Papa Smuts would feel really downhearted. +That’s when Mama Smuts would give him a big hug and say, “We’ll ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dijo-tse-monate +little-bit,"When Sibu moved into iLanga Avenue, Mrs Magona told all the neighbours to bring a little bit of this and a little bit of that, to welcome him. So Sibu made good friends. They liked him and he liked them. +Unfortunately there was one thing that upset everyone. Sometimes Sibu sneezed. And his sneezes were the worst sneezes in the whole world. When he stood in the doorway of his little home and went … sniff, sniff, sniff, …aaah, aah …, everyone panicked. +One morning, Sibu opened his front door. Out ran a little black cat and out stepped Sibu. He lifted his head, opened his mouth and said, “Ah, aaah …” +“NO!” yelled Mrs Magona. “Don’t let him sneeze. The last time that happened, it blew my washing into the vlei. Stop him right now!” +“NOOO!” screamed Mr Samson. “The last time Sibu sneezed he blew all my red roses flat. They were beautiful and just ready to sell. Stop him!” +“Ah, AAAH, AAAAH …” went Sibu. +“Noooooo!” shouted Jabu and Nozi. “The last sneeze blew our homework away. The teacher wouldn’t believe us when we told her it was because of a sneeze.” +“Quick! We’ll try a little bit of this and a little bit of that to stop him sneezing,” said Mrs Magona with a peg in her hand. She put the peg on Sibu’s nose. + +“Aa, aaah … That hurts! Please take it off,” said Sibu. +Mr Samson brought Sibu a glass of water. “Hold your nose and drink this,” he said. +Glug, glug. Sibu swallowed and started to cough. +“Quickly,” said Jabu holding out a bowl of porridge. “Eat this.” +“It will keep your mouth busy,” said Nozi, “and wiggle your nose.” +“Aaaaaa …” said Sibu pushing the bowl away. “Ah, aaah …” +So everyone just stood and stared and waited. +The little black cat sitting on the wall watched and waited. She knew exactly what would happen. The washing would soar, the flowers would flatten, the homework would fly, and then three important things would happen. Her fur and whiskers would wave in the big wind. The sand would blow into the cracks of the wall … and then … best of all … the mice would run out. And she was hungry. +“Aaaaah … tishSSHH …” Everyone bent down and tried to hide. “… SHOOOO!” went Sibu. +Off soared the washing into the air. Down went the flowers, flat against the ground. Away flew Jabu and Nozi’s homework. And to the little black cat’s delight, out ran the mice. +“This can’t go on. We have to do something. Did you eat something that made you sneeze?” asked Mrs Magona. +“No,” answered Sibu. +“Did you smell something?” asked Mrs Magona. +“No,” answered Sibu. +“Well, what did you do?” asked Mr Samson. +“I did what I do every Saturday morning,” said Sibu. “I got up and washed. I had my breakfast. I sat in my chair to read my book, and, as usual, that little black cat came in to say hello.” +Everyone turned to look at the little black cat. +“Is she your cat?” asked Mrs Magona. +“Oh no!” said Sibu. +“Who does she belong to?” asked Mrs Magona. Everyone shook their heads. +“Then we’ll have to chase her away. Look, your jersey is covered in black fur,” said Mr Samson pointing. +“You’re allergic to cats, Sibu,” said Mrs Magona. “That’s why you sneeze. We will have to chase that cat away.” +“No,” said Jabu and Nozi together. “We’ll take her home with us. Ma said we could get a cat.” +“And how do you plan on keeping her away from Sibu’s house?” asked Mrs Magona. +“Easy,” said Jabu. “We’ll do what you always say.” +“Really? And what’s that?” asked Mrs Magona. +“Give her a little bit of this and a little bit of that to welcome her,” replied the children. +Everyone smiled. +So Jabu and Nozi went up to the little black cat, stroked its fur and spoke soft words. To everyone’s amazement the cat got up and followed them home. +“Aaaah,” said Mrs Magona proudly. “It works every time.” +“And now,” said Sibu, “I’ll make my beef stew to celebrate NO MORE SNEEZING.” +That evening the neighbours sat around the fire and ate Sibu’s delicious stew. +And the little black cat? Oh, she was far too comfy and warm to bother Sibu. She knew that at Jabu and Nozi’s house, she would always get a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a whole lot of love.",eng,English,A little bit,"When Sibu moved into iLanga Avenue, Mrs Magona told all the neighbours to bring a little bit of this and a little bit of that, to welcome him. So Sibu made good friends. They liked him and he liked them. +Unfortunately there was one thing that ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/little-bit +little-bit,"Toe Sibu in iLanga-laan intrek, vra mev. Magona vir al die bure om ’n klein bietjie van dit en ’n klein bietjie van dat te bring om hom te verwelkom. So maak Sibu goeie vriende. Hulle hou van hom en hy hou van hulle. +Ongelukkig was daar een ding wat almal ontstel het. Soms het Sibu genies. En sy niese was die ergste niese in die hele wêreld. Wanneer hy in die deur van sy klein huisie staan en … snuif, snuif, snuif, …aaa, aa …, maak, raak almal paniekerig. +Een oggend maak Sibu sy voordeur oop. ’n Klein swart katjie hardloop buitentoe en Sibu kom agterna. Sibu lig sy kop op, maak sy mond oop en sê: “Aa, aaa …” +“NEE!” roep mev. Magona. “Moenie dat hy nies nie. Die laaste keer toe dit gebeur het, het dit my wasgoed tot in die vlei gewaai. Stop hom nou dadelik!” +“NEEE!” skree mnr. Samson. “Die laaste keer toe Sibu genies het, het dit al my rooi rose plat gewaai. Hulle was pragtig, en net reg om verkoop te word. Stop hom!” +“AA, AAAA, AAAAA …” maak Sibu. +“Neeeeee!” gil Jabu en Nozi. “Die laaste nies het ons huiswerk weggewaai. Die juffrou wou ons nie glo toe ons haar vertel dis ’n nies wat dit weggewaai het nie.” +“Gou! Ons probeer ’n klein bietjie van dit en ’n klein bietjie van dat om die nies te keer,” sê mev. Magona met ’n wasgoedpennetjie in haar hand. Sy knyp Sibu se neus met die wasgoedpennetjie toe. + +“Aa, aaaa … Eina! Haal asseblief die pennetjie af,” sê Sibu. +Mnr. Samson bring vir Sibu ’n glas water. “Knyp jou neus toe en drink dit,” sê hy. +Gloeg, gloeg. Sibu sluk en begin hoes. +“Gou,” sê Jabu en hou ’n bakkie pap na Sibu toe uit. “Eet dit.” +“Dit sal jou mond besig hou,” sê Nozi, “en jou neus laat wikkel.” +“Aaaaaa …” sê Sibu en stoot die bakkie weg. “Aa, aaaa …” +Almal gaan staan en staar en wag toe maar. +Die klein swart katjie wat op die muur sit, wag en kyk. Sy weet presies wat gaan gebeur. Die wasgoed sal in die lug opwaai, die blomme sal platgevee word, die huiswerk sal wegvlieg en dan sal drie belangrike dinge gebeur. Die groot nies sal haar pels en snorbaarde ritsel. Die sand sal in die krake in die muur inwaai … en dan … die beste van alles … sal die muise uithardloop. En die katjie is honger. +“Aaaaaa … tiesjSSJJ …” Almal koes en probeer wegkruip. “… SJOOEE!” nies Sibu. +Daar vlieg die wasgoed in die lug op. Die blomme buig plat teen die grond. Jabu en Nozi se huiswerk vlieg weg. En tot die klein swart katjie se groot vreugde, hardloop die muise buitentoe. + +“Dit kan nie so aangaan nie. Ons moet iets doen. Het jy iets geëet wat jou laat nies?” vra mev. Magona. +“Nee,” antwoord Sibu. +“Het jy aan iets geruik?” vra mev. Magona. +“Nee,” antwoord Sibu. +“Wel, wat het jy gedoen?” vra mnr. Samson. +“Ek het gedoen wat ek elke Saterdagoggend doen,” sê Sibu. “Ek het opgestaan en myself gewas. Ek het my ontbyt geëet. Ek het in my stoel gesit en my boek gelees, en soos gewoonlik het daardie klein swart katjie kom hallo sê.” +Almal draai om om na die klein swart katjie te kyk. +“Is sy jou kat?” vra mev. Magona. +“O, nee!” sê Sibu. +“Aan wie behoort sy?” vra mev. Magona. Almal skud hulle koppe. +“Dan sal ons haar moet wegjaag. Kyk, jou trui is vol swart kathare,” sê mnr. Samson en wys daarna. +“Jy is allergies vir katte, Sibu,” sê mev. Magona. “Dis hoekom jy nies. Ons sal daardie kat moet wegjaag.” +“Nee,” sê Jabu en Nozi tegelyk. “Ons sal haar saam met ons huis toe vat. Ma het gesê ons mag maar ’n katjie kry.” +“En hoe gaan julle haar weghou van Sibu se huis af?” vra mev. Magona. +“Maklik,” sê Jabu. “Ons sal doen wat u altyd sê.” +“Regtig? En wat is dit?” vra mev. Magona. +“Ons gee haar ’n klein bietjie van dit en ’n klein bietjie van dat om haar te verwelkom,” antwoord die kinders. +Almal glimlag. +Jabu en Nozi loop na die klein swart katjie toe, streel haar pels en praat saggies met haar. Tot almal se verbasing staan die katjie op en volg hulle huis toe. +“Aaaaa,” sê mev. Magona trots. “Dit werk elke keer.” +“En nou,” sê Sibu, “sal ek my beesvleisbredie maak om te vier dat ek NIE WEER SAL NIES NIE.” +Daardie aand sit al die bure om die vuur en eet van Sibu se heerlike bredie. +En die klein swart katjie? O, sy is heeltemal te gemaklik en warm om vir Sibu te pla. Sy weet dat sy by Jabu en Nozi se huis altyd ’n klein bietjie van dit en ’n klein bietjie van dat sal kry, én baie liefde.",afr,Afrikaans,n Klein bietjie,"When Sibu moved into iLanga Avenue, Mrs Magona told all the neighbours to bring a little bit of this and a little bit of that, to welcome him. So Sibu made good friends. They liked him and he liked them. +Unfortunately there was one thing that ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/n-klein-bietjie +little-bit,"Wathi xa uSibu esiza kuhlala kwisitalato iLanga Avenue, uNkosikazi Magona waxelela bonke abamelwane ukuba baze nentwanana yale nentwanana yaleyaa, ukuze bamamkele ngoko. Ngoko ke uSibu wafumana abahlobo abaninzi bokwenene. Babemthanda naye ebathanda. +Ngelishwa kwakukho into enye kuphela eyayingonwabisanga wonke umntu. Ngamanye amaxesha uSibu wayethimla. Kwaye ke ukuthimla kwakhe kwakukokona kubi akwakhe kwabonwa kulo lonke ihlabathi. Xa emi kumnyango wendlwana yakhe aze athi fixi, fixi, fixi, … itsi, itsa … wonke umntu wayefikelwa lixhala. +Ngenye intsasa uSibu wavula ucango lwakhe lwangaphambili. Kwaphuma ikatana encinane emnyama waza walandela noSibu. Waqethula intloko yakhe, waza wavula umlomo wathi, “Itsi, itsa …” +“HAYI!” kwakhwaza uNkosikazi Magona. “Musani ukumvumela athimle. Kwilixa lokugqibela ethimla, waphaphathekisa impahla yam yaya kutshona emgxobhozweni. Mnqandeni ngoku!” +“HAAAYI!” kwakhala uMnumzana Samson. “Kwilixa lokugqibela ethimla uSibu wazivuthulula zonke iintyatyambo zam ezibomvu. Zazintle kwaye zazisele zilungele ukuba ndizithengise. Mnqandeni ngoku!” +“IH, IIIH, IIIIIIH …” watsho uSibu +“Haaayiii!” kukhwaza uJabu noNozi. “Kwilixa lokugqibela ethimla waphaphathekisa umsebenzi wethu wesikolo owenziwa ekhaya. Utitshala zange akholelwe xa simxelela ukuba kungenxa yokuthimla.” +“Khawulezani! Siza kuzama intwanana yale nentwanana yaleyaa ukumnqanda angathimli,” watsho uNkosikazi Magona ephethe unominxa-mpahla wokuxhoma impahla elucingweni. Waminxisela impumlo kaSibu. + +“Ih, iiih … Kubuhlungu! Nceda uyisuse lo nto,” watsho uSibu. +UMnumzana Samson waphathela uSibu iglasi yamanzi. “Vala impumlo yakho uze usele la manzi,” watsho. +Gongqo, gongqo. Waginya uSibu waza waqalisa ukukhohlela. +“Khawulezisa,” watsho uJabu ephethe isitya esinepapa. “Yitya le papa.” +“Iza kuwugcina uxakekile umlomo wakho,” watsho uNozi, “kwaye shukushukumisa impumlo yakho.” +“Iiiiiii …” watsho uSibu esityhalela kude isitya. “Ih, Iiiih …” +Kuthe ngoko wonke ubani wema bunxe, wabukela elindile. +Ikatana encinane emnyama eyayihleli edongeni yayibukele ilindile. Yayisazi kakuhle ukuba kuza kwenzeka ntoni na. Impahla esecingweni yayiza kuphaphatheka, iintyatyambo zaziza kuvuthuluka, umsebenzi wesikolo owenziwa ekhaya wawuza kuphaphatheka, kuze emva koko kwenzeke izinto ezintathu ezibalulekileyo. Uboya bayo kunye namabhovu ayo ayeza kuphephezela aye ngapha nangapha kulo moyakazi mkhulu. Intlabathi yayiza kuphaphatheka ingene kwiintanda zodonga … kuze emva koko … eyona nto imnandi kunazo zonke … iimpuku ziza kuphuma zibaleka. Kwaye nayo yayilambile. +“Haaaat … tshSSHH …” Wonke ubani wagoba wazama ukuzimela. “… HHUUUU!” watsho uSibu. +Nantso iphaphatheka impahla ebisecingweni. Nazo zivuthuluka iintyatyambo, zisiwa emhlabeni. Nanko uphaphatheka umsebenzi wesikolo kaJabu noNozi. Kwaze ke, okwavuyisa unokatana omnyama, zaphuma zibaleka iimpuku eludongeni. + +“Akunakuqhubeka kusenzeka oku. Kufuneka sizame icebo. Ingaba kukho into oyityileyo ekwenza uthimle?” kubuza uNkosikazi Magona +“Hayi,” waphendula uSibu +“Ingaba kukho into oyijojileyo?” wabuza kwakhona uNkosikazi Magona. +“Hayi,” waphendula uSibu. +“Ingaba yintoni ke kanye? kubuza uMnumzana Samson. +“Ndenze zonke izinto endiqhele ukuzenza ngoMgqibelo kusasa,” watsho uSibu. “Ndivuke ndahlamba. Ndatya isidlo sam sakusasa. Ndahlala esitulweni sam ukuze ndifunde incwadi yam, kwaze, njengesiqhelo, kwangena laa katana incinane imnyama ize kundibulisa.” +Wonke ubani waguquka wabheka efuna ukubona ikatana encinane emnyama. +“Ingaba yikati yakho?” wabuza uNkosikazi Magona. +“Owu hayi!” watsho uSibu. +“Yekabani ke?” wabuza kwakhona uNkosikazi Magona. Wonke umntu wahlunguzela intloko. +“Kuza kufuneka siyisukele imke apha. Jonga ijezi yakho inoboya obumnyama,” watsho uMnumzana Samson esolatha. +“Impilo yakho iyalana neekati, Sibu,” kutsho uNkosikazi Magona. “Yiyo loo nto uthimlayo. Kufuneka siyisukele laa kati imke.” +“Hayi bo,” batsho bobabini uJabu noNozi. “Siza kuyithatha sigoduke nayo. UMama uthe singayifuya ikati.” +“Nize nenze njani ke ukuze ingasondeli endlwini kaSibu?” wabuza uNkosikazi Magona. +“Kulula,” watsho uJabu. “Siza kwenza kanye oko usoloko usixelela kona.” +“Inene? Ibe yintoni ke leyo?” wabuza uNkosikazi Magona. +“Siza kuyinika intwanana yale nentwanana yaleyaa ukuyamkelela ekhaya,” baphendula abantwana. +Wonke umntu wancuma. +Ngako oko ke uJabu noNozi baya kwikatana encinane emnyama, baza bayiphulula, belalisa uboya bayo, bethethela phantsi. Wonke umntu wamangaliswa kukubona ikatana iphakama ibalandela ukugoduka. +“Aaaaha,” watsho uNkosikazi Magona ngokuzingca. “Licebo eliphumelela ngalo lonke ixesha eli.” +“Ngoku ke,” watsho uSibu, “Ndiza kwenza isityu sam senyama yenkomo ndibhiyozele UKUNGAPHINDI NDITHIMLE.” +Ngoloo njikalanga abamelwane bahlala ecaleni komlilo besitya isityu sikaSibu esimnandi. +Ikatana encinane emnyama ke yona yaphelela phi? Owu, yayihleli ntofontofo kakhulu, ifudumele kamnandi ukuba ingakhathazana noSibu. Yayisazi ukuba kuloJabu noNozi, iza kusoloko ifumana intwanana yale nentwanana yaleyaa, kunye nothando oluninzi.",xho,isiXhosa,Intwanana nje encinane,"When Sibu moved into iLanga Avenue, Mrs Magona told all the neighbours to bring a little bit of this and a little bit of that, to welcome him. So Sibu made good friends. They liked him and he liked them. +Unfortunately there was one thing that ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/intwanana-nje-encinane +little-bit,"Lapho uSibu ethuthela eLanga Avenue, uNkosikazi Magona watshela bonke omakhelwane ukuthi balethe okuncane nje kwalokhu nokuncane kwalokhuya, ukuze bamamukele. Ngakho uSibu wazitholela abangani abahle. Babemthanda kanti naye wayebathanda. +Ngeshwa kwakukhona into eyodwa eyayidina wonke umuntu. USibu wayeke athimule. Ukuthimula kwakhe kwakukubi kunakho konke emhlabeni jikelele. Lapho emi ngasemnyango wekhaya lakhe elincane bese ethi … ithi, ithi, ithi, …a-a-ah, aah …, kwakwethuka wonke umuntu. +Ngolunye usuku ekuseni, uSibu wavula umnyango wakhe wangaphambili. Kwaphuma ikatshana elimnyama ligijima kwase kuphuma noSibu. Waphakamisa ikhanda lakhe, wavula umlomo wakhe wase ethi, “Ah, -a-a-ah …” +“CHA!” kumemeza uNkosikazi Magona. “Ningamvumeli athimule. Ngokwedlule kokugcina kwenzeka lokhu, kwaphephula izingubo zami ezenekiwe zayongena exhaphozini. Mvimbeni khona manje!” +“CHA-A-A!”kumemeza uMnumzane Samson. “Mzukwane uSibu egcina ukuthimula waphephula wonke amarozi ami abomvu aba yisicaba. Ayemahle futhi eselungele ukuyodayiswa. Mvimbeni!” +“Ah, A-A-AH, A-A-A-AH …” kusho uSibu. +“Cha-a-a-a-a-a!” kumemeza uJabu noNozi. “Mzukwane egcina ukuthimula waphephula umsebenzi wethu wesikole owenzelwa ekhaya. Uthisha akazange asikholwe uma sithi kungenxa yokuthimula.” +“Sheshani! Sizozama okuncane kwalokhu kanye nokuncane kwalokhuya ukuze simvimbe angathimuli,” kusho uNkosikazi Magona ephethe iphekisi esandleni sakhe. Wavala ikhala likaSibu ngephekisi. + +“A-a, a-a-ah … Libuhlungu! Ngicela ulisuse,” kusho uSibu. +UMnumzane Samson walethela uSibu ingilazi yamanzi. “Vala ikhala bese uphuza lokhu,” kusho yena. +Gwinsi, gwinsi. USibu egwinya, wase eqala ukukhwehlela. +“Sheshisa,” kusho uJabu ephethe indishi yephalishi. “Yidla lokhu.” +“Kuzogcina umlomo wakho kukhona okwenzayo,” kusho uNozi, “bese unyakazisa ikhala lakho.” +“A-a-a-a-a-a …” kusho uSibu edudula indishi. “Ah, a-a-ah …” +Ngakho wonke umuntu wama wase egqolozela elindile. +Ikatshana elimnyama elihleli odongeni labukela lalindela okuzokwenzeka. Lalazi kahle ukuthi kwakuzokwenzekani. Izingubo ezenekiwe zazizondiza, izimbali zizoba isicaba, kundize umsebenzi wesikole owenzelwa ekhaya, bese kwenzeka izinto ezintathu ezibalulekile. Uboya balo kanye nezindevu zalo zazizopheshulwa umoya omkhulu. Isihlabathi sasizophephukela emifantwini yodonga … bese … into enhle ukudlula zonke … amagundane ayezophuma egijima. Kanti-ke lalilambile. +“Aaaaah … thishSSHH …” Kwagoba wonke umuntu bezama nokucasha. “… SHOOOO!” kusho uSibu. +Kwandiza izingubo ezenekiwe. Izimbali zalala uwaca. Kwandiza umsebenzi wesikole owenzelwa ekhaya kaJabu noNozi. Kanti-ke okwathokozisa ikatshana elimnyama ukuthi kwaphuma amagundane egijima. + +“Akukwazi ukuqhubeka lokhu. Kumele senze okuthile ngakho. Ngabe udle into ekwenze wathimula?” kubuza uNkosikazi Magona. +“Cha,” kuphendula uSibu. +“Ngabe kukhona okuhogele?” kubuza uNkosikazi Magona. +“Cha,” kuphendula uSibu. +“Empeleni, wenzeni?” kubuza uMnumzane Samson. +“Ngenze lokho engikwenza njalo ngoMgqibelo ekuseni,” kusho uSibu. “Ngivuke ngageza. Ngadla isidlo sami sasekuseni. Ngahlala esitulweni sami ukuze ngifunde incwadi yami, njengenjwayelo, kufike ikatshana elimnyama lazongibingelela.” +Kwaphenduka wonke umuntu wabheka ikatshana elimnyama. +“Ngabe ikati lakho?” kubuza uNkosikazi Magona. +“Cha!” kusho uSibu. +“Elikabani?” kubuza uNkosikazi Magona. Wonke umuntu wanikina ikhanda. +“Kuzomele-ke silixoshe. Buka, ijezi lakho ligcwele uboya obumnyama,” kusho uMnumzane Samson ekhomba. +“Awuzwani namakati, Sibu,” kusho uNkosikazi Magona. “Yingakho uthimula nje. Kumele silixoshe leliya kati.” +“Cha,” kusho uJabu noNozi kanyekanye. “Sizoya nalo ekhaya. UMa uthe singazitholela ikati.” +“Nizobe senenza kanjani ukuthi lingezi endlini kaSibu?” kubuza uNkosikazi Magona. +“Ubala lolo,” kusho uJabu. “Sizokwenza lokho ohlale ukusho.” +“Ngempela? Ngabe yini leyo?” kubuza uNkosikazi Magona. +“Sizolinika okuncane kwalokhu kanye nokuncane kwalokhuya ukuze silemukele,” kuphendula izingane. +Kwamamatheka wonke umuntu. +Ngakho uJabu noNozi baya ekatshaneni elimnyama, baphulula uboya balo base belihlebela amazwi amnandi. Kwamangala wonke umuntu ngesikhathi ikati lisukuma libalandela. +“Aaaah,” kusho uNkosikazi Magona ngokuziqhenya. “Kuyasebenza ngaso sonke isikhathi.” +“Kanti-ke manje,” kusho uSibu, “Ngizokwenza isitshulu senyama yenkomo ukuze sigubhe ukuthi ANGEKE NGISATHIMULA.” +Kusihlwa ngalelo langa omakhelwane bahlala bazungeza umlilo base bedla isitshulu esimnandi sikaSibu. +Ikatshana elimnyama lona? O, lalithokomele futhi lifudumele kakhulu ukuthi lingaphazamisa uSibu. Lalazi ukuthi ekhaya likaJabu noNozi, lalizothola okuncane kwalokhu kanye nokuncane kwalokhuya, kanye nothando oluningi ngendlela emangalisayo.",zul,isiZulu,Kancane nje,"When Sibu moved into iLanga Avenue, Mrs Magona told all the neighbours to bring a little bit of this and a little bit of that, to welcome him. So Sibu made good friends. They liked him and he liked them. +Unfortunately there was one thing that ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kancane-nje +little-bit,"E rile ge Sibu a hudugela iLanga Avenue, Mdi Magona a botša baagišane go tliša bonnyanenyana bja se le bonnyanenyana bja sela, go mo amogela. Ka fao Sibu o ile a ba le bagwera. O be a ba rata le bona ba mo rata. +Ka madimabe go be go na le selo se tee seo se bego se befediša bohle. Ka nako ye nngwe Sibu o be a ethimola. Meethimolo ya gagwe e be e le ye mebe lefaseng ka bophara. Ge a be a eme lebating la legae la gagwe le lennyane a thoma … ethiaa, ethiaa, ethiaa, … aaah, aah …, batho bohle ba be ba tlalelwa. +Mesong ye mengwe, Sibu o ile a bula lebati la gagwe la ka pele. Katse ye ntsho e ile ya kitimela ka ntle gomme Sibu le yena a tšwa. O ile a emiša hlogo ya gagwe, a bula molomo a re, “Ah, aaah …” +“AOWA!” gwa goeletša Mdi Magona. “O seke wa mo dumelela a ethimola. Lekga la mafelelo leo a ethimotšego, o lahletše diaparo tša ka tšeo di bego di hlatswitšwe mohlakeng. Mo emiše gonabjale!” +“AOOWAAAAA!” gwa goeletša Mna Samson. “Lekga la mafelelo leo Sibu a ethimotšego o patlamišitše dirosa tša ka tše di hubedu ka moka ga tšona. E be e le tše di botse di loketše go ka rekišwa. Mo emiše!” +“Ah, AAAH, AAAAH …” a realo Sibu. +“Aoooowaaa!” gwa goeletša Jabu le Nozi. “Lekga la mafelelo leo a ethimotšego o fošeditše mošomo wa rena wa gae kgakala. Morutiši ga se a re tshephe ge re mmotša gore ke ka lebaka la moethimolo.” +“Ka pela! Re tla leka bonnyanenyana bja se le bonnyanenyana bja sela gore a emiše go ethimola,” a realo Mna Magona a swere phekese ka seatleng. O ile a swara nko ya Sibu ka phekese. + +“Aa, aaah … E a nkgobatša! E tloše hle,” a realo Sibu. +Mna Samson o ile a tlišetša Sibu galase ya meetse. “Swara nko ya gago o nwe meetse a” a realo. +Kala, kala. Sibu a metša gomme a thoma go gohlola. +“Ka pela,” a realo Jabu a swere sekotlelo sa bogobe. “Eja bogobe bjo.” +“Bo tla dira gore molomo wa gago o dule o dira se sengwe,” a realo Nozi, “gomme nko ya gago e binabine.” +“Aaaaaa …” a realo Sibu a kgarameletša sekotlelo kua kgole. “Ah, aaah …” +Gomme batho bohle ba ile ba no ema, le go lebelela, gomme ba leta. +Katse ye ntsho ye nnyane yeo e bego e dutše lebotong e ile ya lebelela le go leta. E be e tseba gore go tlo direga eng gabotse. Diaparo di tla fofa, maloba a patlama, mošomo wa gae wa fofa, gomme dilo tše tharo tša bohlokwa di tla direga. Boya bja yona le maledu a yona a tla phaphasela moyeng o montši. Mohlaba o tla fokela mengeng ya lebota …gomme … se se kaonekaone go feta tšohle … magotlo a tla tšwa a tšhaba. E be e swerwe ke tlala. +“Aaaaah … atšŠŠHH …” Batho bohle ba ile ba khunama ba leka go khuta. “THIAAA!” a ethimola Sibu. +Diaparo di ile tša fofela moyeng. Maloba a ya tlase, a patlama mabung. Mošomo wa gae wa Jabu le Nozi o ile wa fofela kgakala. Gomme seo se ilego sa thabiša katse ye ntsho ke gore magotlo a ile a tšwela ntle. + +“Se se ka se tšwele pele. Re swanetše go dira se sengwe. Naa o jele selo sa go dira gore o ethimole?” gwa botšiša Mdi Magona. +“Aowa,” gwa araba Sibu. +“Naa o ile wa dupa se sengwe?” gwa botšiša Mdi Magona. +“Aowa,” gwa araba Sibu. +“O dirile eng?” gwa botšiša Mna Samson. +“Ke dirile se ke se dirago mesong ye mengwe le ye mengwe ya Mokibelo,” a realo Sibu. “Ke tsogile gomme ka hlapa. Ke jele dijo tša go fihlola. Ke ile ka dula setulong sa ka ka bala puku ya ka, gomme bjalo ka mehla le mehla, katse yela ye ntsho ye nnyane e ile ya tla go ntumediša.” +Batho bohle ba ile ba retologa ba lebelela katse ye ntsho. +“Naa ke katse ya gago?” gwa botšiša Mdi Magona. +“Aowa!” a realo Sibu. +“Ke ya mang?” gwa botšiša Mdi Magona. Batho bohle ba ile ba šikinya dihlogo. +“Gona re tla swanela go e koba. Lebelela, jesi ya gago ye tšhweu e tletše boya bjo boso,” a realo Mna Samson a šupa. +“Ga o kwane le dikatse, Sibu,” a realo Mdi Magona. “Ke ka lebaka leo o ethimolago. Re tla swanela go rakediša katse yela.” +“Aowa,” ba realo Jabu le Nozi mmogo. “Re tla ya le yona gae. Mma o rile re ka no ba le katse.” +“Le beakanya go e thibela bjang gore e se ye ntlong ya Sibu?” gwa botšiša Mdi Magona. +“Gabonolo,” a realo Jabu. “Re tla dira se o phelago o se bolela.” +“Ka nnete? Gona ke eng seo?” gwa botšiša Mdi Magona. +“E fe bonnyanenyana bja se le bonnyanenyana bja sela go e amogela,” gwa fetola bana. +Batho ka moka ba ile ba myemyela. +Jabu and Nozi ba ile ba ya go katse ye ntsho ye nnyane, ba kgwatha boya bja yona gomme ba bolela mantšu a boleta. Bohle ba ile ba makala ge katse e emelela e ba latela go ya gae. +“Aaaah,” a realo Mdi Magona ka boikgokgomošo. “E šoma ka dinako tšohle.” +“Bjale,” a realo Sibu, “Ke tla dira setšhuu sa nama ya kgomo go keteka GA GO SA NA YO A ETHIMOLAGO.” +Mathapameng ao baagišane ba dula go dikologa mollo gomme ba ja setšhuu sa bose sa Sibu. +Bjale katse ye ntsho ye nnyane? Hee, e be e iketlile kudu e ekwa borutho go ka tshwenya Sibu. E tsebile gore ntlong ya Jabu le Nozi, e tla dula e hwetša bonnyanenyana bja se le bonnyanenyana bja sela, le lerato le lentšintši.",nso,Sepedi,Gannyanenyan,"When Sibu moved into iLanga Avenue, Mrs Magona told all the neighbours to bring a little bit of this and a little bit of that, to welcome him. So Sibu made good friends. They liked him and he liked them. +Unfortunately there was one thing that ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/gannyanenyana +little-bit,"Ha Sibu a fallela iLanga Avenue, Mof Magona o ile a bolella baahisane bohle hore motho ka mong a tle le ho hong ho itseng, ho tla mo amohela. Kahoo Sibu o ile a fumana metswalle e lokileng. Ba ne ba mo rata mme le yena a ba rata +Ka bomadimabe ho ne ho ena le ntho e le nngwe feela e neng e halefisa bohle. Ka nako tse ding Sibu o ne a ithimola. Mme o ne a ithimola hampe ho feta batho bohle lefatsheng. Ha a ne a eme monyako wa ntlo ya hae e nyane mme a qala ka hore … hlwepe, hlwephe, hlwephe … hee-hee …, batho bohle ba ne ba tshoha. +Ka tsatsi le leng hoseng, Sibu a bula lemati la ka pele. Yaba ho tswa katse e nyane e ntsho e matha mme ha tswa Sibu. A phahamisa hlooho ya hae, a bula molomo mme a re, “Ah, aah …” +“TJHE!” ha kgaruma Mof Magona. “Le se ke la mo dumella ho ithimola. Maobanyana mona o tswa butswela diaparo tsa ka di le terateng tsa ya wela thoteng kwana. Mo thibeng e sale jwale!” +“TJHEEE BO!” ha hoeletsa Mong Samson. “Maobanyana mona ha Sibu a ithimola o ile a butswela dipalesa tsa ka tse kgubedu tsa eba sephara. Di ne di le ntle haholo mme di se di loketse ho ya rekiswa. Mo thibeng!” +“Ah, AAAH, AAAAH …” Sibu a tswela pele. +“Tjheeeeee!” ha hoeletsa Jabu le Nozi. “Maobanyana mona ha a ithimola o ile a butswella mosebetsi wa rona wa sekolo hole kwana. Titjhere ha a ka a re kgolwa ha re mmolella hore e ne e le ho ithimola.” +“Potlakang! Re tla leka sena le sane ho mo thibela ho ithimola,” ha rialo Mof Magona a tshwere phekse letsohong. A kopetsa phekse eo nkong ya Sibu. + +“Itjhuuu … Ho bohloko! Ke kopa o e tlose hle,” ha rialo Sibu. +Mong Samson a tlisetsa Sibu galase ya metsi. “Tshwara nko ya hao mme o nwe metsi ana,” a rialo. +Kalakatjha, kalatjha. Sibu a nwa mme a qala ho kgohlela. +“Potlaka,” ha rialo Jabu a tshwere sejana sa motoho. “Eja hona.” +“O tla boloka molomo wa hao o etsa ho hong,” ha rialo Nozi, “mme o sothasothe nko ya hao.” +“Aaaaaa …” ha rialo Sibu a sutuletsa sekotlolo kwana. “Ah, aaah …” +Yaba bohle ba ema moo feela ba mo shebile ba letile. +Katse e nyane e ntsho e neng e dutse hodima lebota e ne e shebelletse mme e letile. E ne e tseba hantle se tla etsahala. Diaparo tse terateng di ne di tla fefoha, dipaletsa di be sephara, mosebetsi wa sekolo o ne o tla pheuleha, mme ho ne ho tla etsahala dintho tse tharo tsa bohlokwa. Boya ba yona le ditedu tsa yona di ne di tla ya kwana le kwana moyeng o mongata. Lehlabathe le ne le tla fefohela mapatsong a lebota … mme ebe … ho feta tsohle … ditweba di ne di tla tswa di matha. Mme yona he, e ne e lapile +“Aaaaah … heeeTHIII …” Bohle ba inama ba leka ho ipata. “… YAAAA!” Sibu a tswela pele. +Diaparo ke tsela di fefoha terateng. Dipalesa ke tsela di wela fatshe. Mosebetsi wa sekolo wa Jabu le Nozi le ona wa fofela kwana. Mme se thabisang katse e nyane e ntsho he, ya eba hore ditweba di tswa di matha. + +“Sena se ke ke sa tswela pele. Re lokela ho etsa ho hong. Na ho na le seo o se jeleng se etsang hore o ithimole?” ha botsa Mof Magona. +“Tjhe,” ha araba Sibu. +“Na o ile wa fofonela ho hong?” ha botsa Mof Magona. +“Tjhe,” ha araba Sibu. +“Jwale e le hore o entseng?” ha botsa Mong Samson. +“Ke entse ntho eo ke hlolang ke e etsa Moqebelo o mong le o mong hoseng,” ha rialo Sibu. “Ke ile ka tsoha ka itlhatswa. Ka ja dijo tsa ka tsa hoseng. Ka dula setulong sa ka mme ka bala buka, mme, ka tlwaelo, katse e nyane e ntsho ya kena ka tlung ho tla ntumedisa.” +Bohle ba fetoha mme ba sheba katse e ntsho e nyane. +“Na ke katse ya hao?” ha botsa Mof Magona. +“Tjhe bo!” ha araba Sibu. +“Ke ya mang?” ha botsa Mof Magona. Bohle ba sisinya dihlooho. +“Re tla tlameha ho e leleka he. Sheba, jeresi ya hao e tletse boya bo botsho,” ha rialo Mong Samson a mo supile. +“O na le aleji ya dikatse, Sibu,” ha rialo Mof Magona. “Ke kahoo o ithimolang hakana. Re tla lokela ho lelekela katse eno hole kwana.” +“Tjhe,” Jabu le Nozi ba buela hong. “Re tla ya le yona habo rona. Mme o itse re ka nna ra ba le katse.” +“Ebe le nahana hore le tla etsa jwang hore e se ke ya hlola e eya tlung ya Sibu?” ha botsa Mof Magona. +“Ha bonolo,” ha araba Jabu. “Re tla etsa seo wena o hlolang o se bua.” +“Ka nnete? Ke hlola ke reng?” ha botsa Mof Magona. +“Re tla mo fa hona le hwane ho mo amohela,” ha araba bana bao. +Bohle ba tsheha. +Yaba Jabu le Nozi ba ya ho katse e nyane e ntsho, ba pholla boya ba yona mme ba bua le yona ha monate. Bohle ba makala ha katse eo e ema mme e ba sala morao ho ya le bona lapeng. +“Aaaah,” ha rialo Mof Magona ka motlotlo. “E sebetsa kamehla.” +“Jwale,” ha rialo Sibu, “Ke tla pheha setjhu sa nama ya kgomo bakeng sa ho keteka hore HA KE SA ITHIMOLA.” +Bosiung boo baahisane kaofela ba dula mollong mme ba ja setjhu se hlabosang sa Sibu. +Mme katse e nyane e ntsho yona? O, e ne e natefetswe e iketlile haholo hore e ka nna ya kgathatsana le Sibu. E ne e tseba hore habo Jabu le Nozi, e tla dula e fumana hona le hwane, nthwana e itseng, le lerato le lengata.",sot,Sesotho,Hona le hwane,"When Sibu moved into iLanga Avenue, Mrs Magona told all the neighbours to bring a little bit of this and a little bit of that, to welcome him. So Sibu made good friends. They liked him and he liked them. +Unfortunately there was one thing that ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hona-le-hwane +ntatu-and-bommelak-tree,"A long time ago – before your grandfather and his grandfather and even his grandfather – Day and Night were not shy. They walked on the earth just like you. +Every morning, Day would wake up from his sleep. He would wash his face in the pool beneath the Bommelak Tree. Then he would walk across the earth and wherever he went he brought light and warmth. +The animals would stop and stare. They would whisper to themselves, “There goes Day. Look at how handsome he is.” +Every evening, Night would wake up. She would wash her hair in the pool beneath the Bommelak Tree. Then she would walk across the earth and wherever she went, she brought coolness and rest. +The animals would stop and stare. They would whisper to themselves, “There goes Night. Look how beautiful she is.” + +  +All the animals loved Day and Night. Only one animal disliked them and his name was Ntatu. He would flap his feathers when he heard the others whisper, “Look at how beautiful they are.” +  +Instead of agreeing, Ntatu said, “Well, what about me? Look at how beautiful I am. There is nothing as beautiful as me.” +But the other animals only laughed. “Ntatu,” they would say, “you be quiet – you foolish bird. You are not as handsome as Day and not as beautiful as Night.” +This made Ntatu very angry. “I have a better neck than you, Giraffe,” he said. “And I have a better nose than you, Elephant. And my eyes are better than yours, Mole.” +This upset the little mole because he was very sensitive about his eyes, but Giraffe and Elephant only laughed at Ntatu. “Nonsense, Ntatu.” +Then Ntatu said, “My face is more handsome than Day’s and my feather’s are more beautiful than Night’s hair.” And he flew away. +When next the animals saw Ntatu, he had combed his feathers and painted his face. “See,” he said, “is my face not more handsome than Day’s face? Are my feathers not more beautiful than Night’s hair?” +But the animals all laughed at him. The little mole said, “Ntatu, nothing you do will make your face more handsome than Day’s nor your feathers more beautiful than Night’s hair.” +Ntatu was very angry. +That evening, Ntatu hid behind a bush and waited. When Night woke, Ntatu followed her. He watched her wash her hair in the pool beneath the Bommelak Tree. +  +Ntatu waited all night long until morning came. He watched Day wash his face in the pool beneath the Bommelak Tree. “Now I know their secret!” thought Ntatu. “If I wash my face in the pool beneath the Bommelak Tree, then it will be as handsome as Day’s face. And if I wash my feathers in the pool beneath the Bommelak Tree, then they will be as beautiful as +Night’s hair.” +But just as Ntatu was about to dive into the pool, there was a terrible sound that stopped him in his tracks. +The Bommelak Tree shook its branches. “Ntatu,” it said, “no one besides Day and Night may wash themselves in this pool. If you do, I will curse you. Now go and be happy with who you are!” +Ntatu shivered in fright, but he said, “And who are you to tell me what to do, Tree? I will be as handsome as Day and I will be as beautiful as Night. There is nothing you can do to stop me.” +And with this, Ntatu flapped his wings and dived into the pool beneath the Bommelak Tree. +But he did not land in the cool water of the pool. He crashed into a pit of dust. Ntatu was so happy he didn’t even realise this. He flapped his wings in the dust and he scrubbed his face in it – and he felt very beautiful and very handsome. +“There, Ntatu,” said the Bommelak Tree, “from now on, you will never wash yourself in water. You are cursed forever to wash in dust. Now go and be happy with who you are!” +Soon Ntatu’s colourful feathers faded. His face became grey and dirty. His wings shrunk and his legs grew short. +And whenever the animals saw Day and Night walk by, Ntatu looked at the ground and said nothing. +But the little mole whispered, “Look at how handsome Day is. Look at how beautiful Night is. And look at how grey Ntatu the pigeon is!”",eng,English,tatu and the Bommelak Tree,"A long time ago – before your grandfather and his grandfather and even his grandfather – Day and Night were not shy. They walked on the earth just like you. +Every morning, Day would wake up from his sleep. He would wash his face in the ...",,Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ntatu-and-bommelak-tree +ntatu-and-bommelak-tree,"Lank, lank gelede – voor die tyd van jou oupa en sy oupa en selfs sy oupa – was Dag en Nag nie skaam nie. Hulle het op die aarde rondgeloop, nes jy. Elke oggend word Dag wakker uit sy slaap. Hy was sy gesig in die poel onder die Bommelak-boom. Dan stap hy oor die aarde, en waar hy ook al gaan, bring hy lig en warmte. Die diere gaan staan en staar hom aan. Hulle fluister vir mekaar: “Daar stap Dag. Kyk hoe aantreklik is hy.” Elke aand word Nag wakker. Sy was haar hare in die poel onder die Bommelak-boom. Dan stap sy oor die aarde, en waar sy ook al gaan, bring sy koelte en rus. Die diere gaan staan en staar na haar. Hulle fluister vir mekaar: “Daar stap Nag. Kyk hoe mooi is sy.” Al die diere is lief vir Dag en Nag. Net een dier hou nie van hulle nie, en sy naam is Ntatu. Hy klap sy vlerke wanneer hy die ander hoor fluister: “Kyk net hoe mooi is hulle.” In plaas daarvan om saam te stem, sê Ntatu: “Wel, wat van my? Kyk hoe mooi is ek. Niks is mooier as ek nie.” Maar die ander diere lag net. “Ntatu,” sê hulle, “bly tog stil – jou dwase voël. Jy is nie so aantreklik soos Dag nie, en nie so mooi soos Nag nie.” Dit maak Ntatu baie kwaad. “Ek het ’n beter nek as jy, Kameelperd,” sê hy. “En ek het ’n beter neus as jy, Olifant. En my oë sien beter as joune, Mol.” Dit maak die klein mol baie kwaad, want hy is baie sensitief oor sy oë, maar Kameelperd en Olifant lag net vir Ntatu. “Jy praat twak, Ntatu.” Toe sê Ntatu: “My gesig is aantrekliker as Dag s’n, en my vere is mooier as Nag se hare.” En met dié vlieg hy weg. Toe die diere weer vir Ntatu sien, is sy vere gekam en sy gesig geverf. “Kyk,” sê hy, “is my gesig nie aantrekliker as Dag se gesig nie? Is my vere nie mooier as Nag se hare nie?” Maar die diere lag almal vir hom. Klein mol sê: “Ntatu, niks sal jou gesig aantrekliker maak as Dag s’n nie, en jou vere sal nooit mooier as Nag se hare wees nie.” Ntatu is baie kwaad. Daardie aand kruip Ntatu agter ’n bos weg en wag. Toe Nag wakker word, volg Ntatu haar. Hy kyk hoe sy haar hare in die poel onder die Bommelak-boom was. Ntatu wag die hele nag, tot dit lig word. Hy kyk hoe Dag sy gesig in die poel onder die Bommelak-boom was. “Nou ken ek hulle geheim!” dink Ntatu. “As ek my gesig in die poel onder die Bommelak-boom was, sal dit so aantreklik soos Dag se gesig wees. En as ek my vere in die poel onder die Bommelak-boom was, sal hulle so mooi soos Nag se hare wees.” Maar net toe Ntatu in die poel wil induik, is daar ’n vreeslike lawaai wat hom in sy spore laat vassteek. Die Bommelak-boom skud sy takke. “Ntatu,” sê hy, “niemand behalwe Dag en Nag mag hulle in hierdie poel was nie. As jy dit doen, sal ek jou vervloek. Gaan nou, en wees tevrede met wie jy is!” Ntatu bewe van vrees, maar hy sê: “En wie is jy om vir my te sê wat om te doen, Boom? Ek sal so aantreklik soos Dag en so mooi soos Nag wees. Daar is niks wat jy kan doen om my te keer nie.” En daarmee klap Ntatu sy vlerke en duik in die poel onder die Bommelak-boom in. Maar hy land nie in die koel water van die poel nie. Hy duik in ’n stofput in. Ntatu is so opgewonde dat hy dit nie eens agterkom nie. Hy klap sy vlerke in die stof en skrop sy gesig daarin – en hy voel baie mooi en baie aantreklik. “Nou goed, Ntatu,” sê die Bommelak-boom, “van nou af sal jy jou nooit in water was nie. Jy is vervloek om vir ewig in stof te bad. Gaan nou en wees tevrede met wie jy is!” Ntatu se kleurvolle vere verdof gou. Sy gesig word grys en vuil. Sy vlerke krimp en sy bene word korter. En wanneer die diere vir Dag en Nag sien verbystap, laat sak Ntatu sy kop en sê niks nie. Maar die klein mol fluister: “Kyk hoe aantreklik is Dag. Kyk hoe mooi is Nag. En kyk hoe vaal is Ntatu die duif!”   Wees kreatief! +Bespreek die storie met jou kinders. Watter les dink julle het Ntatu dalk geleer? Watter raad sou julle vir hom gee?",afr,Afrikaans,tatu en die Bommelak-boom,"A long time ago – before your grandfather and his grandfather and even his grandfather – Day and Night were not shy. They walked on the earth just like you. +Every morning, Day would wake up from his sleep. He would wash his face in the ...",,Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ntatu-en-die-bommelak-boom +ntatu-and-bommelak-tree,"Kudala-dala – phambi kotatomkhulu wakho nokhokho wakhe nditsho notatomkhulu kakhokho wakhe – uMini noBusuku babengenantloni. Babehamba emhlabeni njengawe lo. +Yonke imihla kusasa, uMini wayevuka ebuthongweni. Wayehlamba ubuso bakhe kwiqula eliphantsi komthi weBommelak. Emva koko wayehamba acande umhlaba wonke kwaye naphi na apho ahamba khona wayesizisa ukukhanya nobushushu. +Izilwanyana zazisima zimjonge. Zazisebezelana zisithi, “Nanko uMini. Khawumjonge indlela amhle ngayo.” +Yonke imihla ngokuhlwa, uBusuku wayevuka. Naye wayehlamba iinwele zakhe kwiqula eliphantsi komthi weBommelak. Emva koko wayehamba acande umhlaba kwaye apho ahamba khona, wayesizisa ukuphola nokuphumla. +Izilwanyana zazisima zimjonge. Zazisebezelana zisithi “Nanko uBusuku. Khawumjonge indlela amhle ngayo.” + +Zonke izilwanyana zazimthanda uMini noBusuku. Sasisinye kuphela isilwanyana esasingabathandi kwaye igama laso yayinguNtatu. Wayevuthulula iintsiba zakhe xa esiva abanye besebeza besithi, “Khawujonge indlela ababahle ngayo.” +Endaweni yokuvuma, uNtatu wayesithi, “Kanti nithini ngam? Jongani indlela endimhle ngayo. Akukho nto intle ukogqitha mna.” +Kodwa ezinye izilwanyana zazimhleka. “Ntatu,” zazisitsho, “khawuthule – sidengendini sentaka. Awumhlanga njengoMini noBusuku.” +Oku kwamenza umsindo kakhulu uNtatu. “Ndinentamo engcono +kunawe, Ndlulamthi,” wayesitsho “Kwaye ndinempumlo engcono kunawe, Ndlovu. Kwaye amehlo am angcono kunawakho, Ntuku.” +Oku kwakuyikhathaza intuku encinane kuba amehlo ayo ayenochuku, kodwa iNdlulamthi neNdlovu zona zazimhleka kuphela uNtatu. “Bubuvuvu obo, Ntatu.” +UNtatu wathi, “Ubuso bam buhle kunobukaMini kwaye iintsiba zam zintle kuneenwele zikaBusuku.” Waza ke wabhabha wemka. +Xa ziphinda zimbona uNtatu izilwanyana, wayezikamile iintsiba zakhe wabupeyinta ubuso bakhe. “Jongani,” watsho, “ingaba ubuso bam abukho buhle kunobukaMini kusini na? Iintsiba zam zona ingaba azikho ntle kuneenwele zikaBusuku kusini na?” +Kodwa izilwanyana zavela zamhleka zonke. Intuku encinane yathi, “Ntatu, akukho nanye into onokuyenza eyakwenza ubuso bakho bubebuhle kunobukaMini okanye iintsiba zakho zibentle kuneenwele zikaBusuku.” +UNtatu waba nomsindo kakhulu. +Ngalo njikalanga, uNtatu wazimela ngaphaya kwetyholo, walinda. Bathi xa uBusuku buvuka, uNtatu wabulandela. Wabubukela buhlamba iinwele zabo equleni eliphantsi komthi weBommelak. +UNtatu walinda ubusuku bonke kwade kwayintsasa elandelayo. Wabukela uMini ehlamba ubuso bakhe kwiqula eliphantsi komthi weBommelak. “Ngoku ke ndiyayazi imfihlo yabo!” wacinga njalo uNtatu. “Ukuba ndihlamba ubuso bam kweli qula liphantsi komthi weBommelak, buza kuba buhle njengobukaMini. Kwaye ukuba ndihlambe iintsiba zam kwiqula eliphantsi komthi weBommelak ziza kuba ntle njengeenwele zikaBusuku.” +Kuthe kanye xa uNtatu eza kutsibela equleni, kwakho isandi esikhulu nesivakala kakubi esabangela ukuba ame ayeke yonke loo nto wayeza kuyenza. +Umthi weBommelak wawushukumisa onke amasebe awo. “Ntatu,” watsho +umthi, “akukho namnye ngaphandle kukaMini noBusuku abanokuzihlamba kweli qula. Ukuba uhlamba apha, ndiya kukuqalekisa. Hamba ke ngoko wonwabele ukuba nguwe!” +UNtatu wangcangcazela kukoyika, kodwa wathi, “Ungubani ke wena ukuba uxelele mna into emandiyenze, Mthi? Ndiza kuba mhle njengoMini noBusuku. Akukho nantoni na onokuthi uyenze, ukundithintela koko.” +Ngaloo mazwi, uNtatu waphaphazelisa iimpiko zakhe waza watsibela equleni eliphantsi komthi weBommelak. +Kodwa zange angene emanzini apholileyo equla. Wangena emngxunyeni onentlabathi. UNtatu wayevuya kakhulu kangangokuba zange aqonde nokuba akangenanga equleni. Waphaphazelisa iimpiko zakhe wabhuqabhuqa ubuso bakhe entlabathini – waza waziva emhle kakhulu. +“Nantso ke, Ntatu,” watsho uMthi weBommelak, “ukususela namhlanje, soze uphinde ubuhlambe ngamanzi obakho ubuso. Uqalekiswe ngonaphakade ukuba uya kuhlamba entlabathini. Hamba ke ngoko wonwabele ukuba nguwe!” +Kungekudala iintsiba ezimibala-bala zikaNtatu zafiphala, azabi nambala. Ubuso bakhe babangwevu, bamdaka. Iimpiko zakhe zashwabana nemilenze yakhe yamifutshane. +Ngalo lonke ixesha izilwanyana zibona uMini noBusuku begqitha, uNtatu wayejonga phantsi emhlabeni angathethi. +Kodwa intuku encinane yayisebeza ithi, “Khanijonge indlela amhle ngayo uMini. Jongani indlela amhle ngayo uBusuku. Niphinde nijonge indlela elingwevu ngayo ihobe elinguNtatu!”",xho,isiXhosa,UNtatu nomthi weBommelak,"A long time ago – before your grandfather and his grandfather and even his grandfather – Day and Night were not shy. They walked on the earth just like you. +Every morning, Day would wake up from his sleep. He would wash his face in the ...",,Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/untatu-nomthi-webommelak +ntatu-and-bommelak-tree,"Endulo – ngaphambi kokuzalwa kukamkhulu wakho kanye nomkhulu wakhe nomkhulu walowo mkhulu futhi – uMini noBusuku babengenawo amahloni. Babehamba emhlabeni njengawe nje. +Njalo ekuseni, uMini wayevuka ebuthongweni. Wayegeza ubuso bakhe esizibeni esingaphansi kweSihlahla seBhomelaki. Bese ehamba edabula umhlaba, alethe ukukhanya nokufudumala konke lapho ayehamba khona. +Izilwane zaziyeka ezikwenzayo zimgqolozele. Zazihlebelana zithi, “Nanguya uMini. Ake nibheke ukuthi muhle kangakanani.” +Njalo kusihlwa, uBusuku wayevuka. Wayegeza izinwele zakhe esizibeni esingaphansi kweSihlahla seBhomelaki . Bese ehamba edabula umhlaba alethe ukuphola nokuphumula konke lapho ayehamba khona. +Izilwane zaziyeka ezikwenzayo zimgqolozele. Zazihlebelana zithi, “Nanguya uBusuku. Ake +nibheke ukuthi muhle kangakanani.” + +Zonke izilwane zazimthanda uMini noBusuku. Sasisodwa kuphela isilwane esasingabathandi +kanti igama laso kwakunguNtathu. Wayeshaya amaphiko akhe uma ezwa ezinye izilwane +zihlebelana zithi, “Ake nibheke ukuthi bahle kanjani.” +Kunokuthi avumelane nazo, uNtathu wathi, “Empeleni, nithini ngami? Ake nibheke ukuthi +ngimuhle kanjani. Ayikho into enhle ukudlula mina.” +Kodwa ezinye izilwane zavela zahleka nje kuphela. “Ntathu,” kusho zona, “ake uthule – nyoni ndini eyisiwula. Awumuhle njengoMini noBusuku.” +Lokhu kwenza uNtathu wathukuthela kakhulu. “Nginentamo engcono kuneyakho, Ndlulamithi,” kusho yena. “Futhi nginekhala elingcono kunelakho, Ndlovu. Kanti namehlo ami angcono kunawakho, Mvukuzane.” +Lokhu kwayicasula imvukuzane encane ngoba yayingafuni lutho ngamehlo ayo, kodwa oNdlulamithi noNdlovu bavele bamhleka uNtathu. “Uyabheda wena Ntathu.” +UNtathu wabe esethi, “Ubuso bami buhle kunobukaMini futhi nezimpaphe zami zinhle kunezinwele zikaBusuku.” Wase endiza esuka lapho. +Ngokulandelayo lapho izilwane sezibuye zibona uNtathu, wayekame izimpaphe zakhe futhi epende nobuso bakhe. “Ake nibheke nje,” kusho yena, “ngabe ubuso bami abubuhle ukudlula ubuso bukaMini? Ngabe izimpaphe zami azizinhle ukudlula izinwele zikaBusuku?” +Kodwa zonke izilwane zavele zamhleka. Imvukuzane encane yathi, “Ntathu, ayikho into ongayenza engenza ukuthi ubuso bakho bube buhle bunobukaMini noma ukuthi izimpaphe zakho zibe zinhle kunezinwele zikaBusuku.” +UNtathu wathukuthela kakhulu. +Kusihlwa ngalelo langa uNtathu wacasha ngemva kwehlokozi walinda. Lapho uBusuku evuka ebuthongweni, uNtathu wamlandela. Wambuka ngesikhathi egeza izinwele zakhe esizibeni esingaphansi kweSihlahla seBhomelaki. +UNtathu walinda ubusuku bonke kwaze kwaba sekuseni. Wabuka uMini egeza ubuso bakhe esizibeni esingaphansi kweSihlahla seBhomelaki. “Manje sengiyayazi imfihlo yabo!” kucabanga uNtathu. “Uma ngigeza ubuso bami esizibeni esingaphansi kweSihlahla seBhomelaki, ngizoba muhle njengobuso bukaMini. Kanti uma ngigeza izimpaphe zami esizibeni esingaphansi kweSihlahla seBhomelaki, zizoba zinhle njengezinwele zikaBusuku.” +Kodwa lapho uNtathu esathi uziphonsa esizibeni, kwaba khona umsindo omkhulu owamvimbela ukuthi enze lokhu. +ISihlahla seBhomelaki sanyakazisa amagatsha aso. “Ntathu,” kusho sona, “akekho omunye ovunyelwe ukugeza kulesi siziba ngaphandle kukaMini noBusuku. Uma wena wenza kanjalo, ngizokuqalekisa. Manje-ke suka la bese uthokozela lokho oyikho!” +UNtathu waveva uvalo, kodwa wathi, “Konje uwubani-ke wena ukuthi ungangitshela ukuthi ngenzeni, Sihlahla? Ngizoba muhle njengoMini noBusuku. Ayikho into ongayenza ukungivimba.” +Kanti ngemva kokusho lokho, uNtathu wabhula amaphiko akhe waziphonsa esizibeni esingaphansi kweSihlahla seBhomelaki. +Kodwa akazange awele emanzini esiziba apholile. Wawela emgodini onezintuli. UNtathu wayejabule kakhulu kangangokuthi akazange akubone nalokhu. Wabhula amaphiko akhe othulini wahlikihla ubuso bakhe kulo – wase ezizwa esemuhle kakhulu. +“Nakho-ke, Ntathu,” kusho iSihlahla seBhomelaki, “kusukela manje, angeke uphinde ugeze ubuso bakho emanzini futhi. Uqalekiswe unomphela, uzohlale ugeza othulini. Manje-ke suka la bese uyothokozela lokho oyikho!” + Zasheshe zafiphala izimpaphe zikaNtathu ezinemibala. Ubuso bakhe baba mpunga futhi bangcola. Ashwabana amaphiko akhe kanti nemilenze yakhe yaba mifishane. +Futhi njalo nje izilwane zibuka uMini noBusuku bedlula, uNtathu wayebheka phansi angasho lutho. +Kodwa imvukuzane encane yahlebeza yathi, “Ake nibheke ukuthi muhle kanjani uMini. Ake nibheke ukuthi muhle kanjani uBusuku. Bese nibheka ukuthi umpunga kanjani uNtathu, ijuba!”",zul,isiZulu,UNtathu neSihlahla seBhomelak,"A long time ago – before your grandfather and his grandfather and even his grandfather – Day and Night were not shy. They walked on the earth just like you. +Every morning, Day would wake up from his sleep. He would wash his face in the ...",,Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/untathu-nesihlahla-sebhomelaki +ntatu-and-bommelak-tree,"Kgalekgale – pele rakgolo wa gago le rakgolo wa gagwe le rakgolo wa gagwe gape ba e ba gona – Mosegare le Bošego di be di se na dihlong. Di be di sepela lefaseng bjalo ka wena. +Mesong ye mengwe le ye mengwe, Mosegare o be o tsoga. O be o hlapa sefahlego ka bodibeng bja ka tlase ga Mohlare wa Bommelak. O be o tla sepela go putla lefase gomme gohle mo o yago o be o tliša seetša le borutho. +Diphoofolo di be di ema tša lebelela. Di be di sebelana, “Mosegare ke woo. Bona gore o botse bjang.” +Mathapama a mangwe le a mangwe, Bošego bo be bo tsoga. Bo be bo hlapa meriri bodibeng bja ka tlase ga Mohlare wa Bommelak. Bo be bo tla sepela go putla lefase gomme gohle moo bo bego bo eya, bo be bo tliša pholo le khutšo. +Diphoofolo di be di ema tša lebelela. Di be di sebelana, “Bošego ke bjoo. Bona gore bo botse bjang.” + +Diphoofolo ka moka di be di rata Mosegare le Bošego. Ke phoofolo e tee fela yeo e bego e di hloile gomme leina la yona e be e le Ntatu. O be a bethiša maphego ge a ekwa sehebehebe, “Bona gore ba botse bjang.” +Go na le gore a dumele, Ntatu o rile, “Bjalo, nna? Bonang gore ke botse bjang. Ga go na selo se se botse bjalo ka nna.” +Efela diphoofolo tše dingwe di ile tša no sega. “Ntatu,” tša realo, “wena homola – nonyana ya setlaela. Ga o botse go swana le Mosegare ebile go ga o botse go swana le Bošego.” +Se se ile sa befediša Ntatu kudu. “Ke na le molala wa go phala wa gago, Thutlwa,” a realo. “Le nna ke na le nko ya go phala ya gago, Tlou. Le mahlo a ka a phala a gago, Serunya.” +Se se befediša serunya se sennyane ka gobane o be a belaetšwa ke mahlo a gagwe, efela Thutlwa le Tlou ba ile ba sega Ntatu. “Ke metlae yeo, Ntatu.” +Ntatu a re, “Sefahlego sa ka se botse go feta sa Mosegare le mafofa a ka a botse go feta meriri ya Bošego.” A fofa. +Diphoofolo ge di bona Ntatu gape, o be a kamile mafofa a gagwe a bile a pentile sefahlego. “Bonang,” a realo, “naa sefahlego sa ka ga se botse kudu go feta sa Mosegare? Naa mafofa a ka ga a botse kudu go feta meriri ya Bošego?” +Efela diphoofolo ka moka tša mo sega. Serunya se sennyane sa re, “Ntatu, ga go se o ka se dirago seo se ka dirago gore sefahlego sa gago se be botse kudu go feta sa Mosegare goba mafofa a gago a be botse kudu go feta meriri ya Bošego.” +Ntatu o be a befetšwe kudu. +Mathapameng ao, Ntatu o ile a khuta ka morago ga lešoka gomme a leta. E rile ge bošego bo tsoga, Ntatu a bo latela. O bo lebeletše bo hlapa meriri ka bodibeng bja ka tlase ga Mohlare wa Bommelak. +Ntatu o letile bošego ka moka go fihla ka masa. O lebeletše Letšatši le hlapa sefahlego ka bodibeng bja ka tlase ga Mohlare wa Bommelak. “Bjale ke tseba sephiri sa tšona!” Ntatu a gopola bjalo. “Ge nka hlapa sefahlego sa ka ka bodibeng bja ka tlase ga Mohlare wa Bommelak, se tla ba botse bjalo ka sefahlego sa Letšatši. Gape ge nka hlapa mafofa a ka ka bodibeng bja ka tlase ga Mohlare wa Bommelak, a tla ba botse bjalo ka meriri ya Bošego.” +Efela e rile ge Ntatu a sa re o phonkgela ka bodibeng, gwa kwagala modumo o mošoro wa dira gore a eme. +Mohlare wa Bommelak o ile wa šikinya makala a ona. “Ntatu,” wa realo, “ga go motho le o tee yo a swanetšego go hlapa ka bodibeng bjo ka ntle le Letšatši le Bošego. Ge o ka leka, ke tla go roga. Bjale, sepela o kgotsofatšwe ke seo o lego sona!” +Ntatu o ile a thuthumela ka letšhogo, efela o ile a re, “E le gore ke wena mang o ka botšago nna gore ke dire eng, Mohlare? Ke tla ba botse bjalo ka Letšatši ebile ke tla ba botse bjalo ka Bošego. Ebile ga go se o ka se dirago go thibela seo.” +Ebile ka se, Ntatu a phaphasetša maphego a phonkgela ka bodibeng bja ka tlase ga Mohlare wa Bommelak. +Efela ga se a wela ka meetseng a go fola a bodiba. O wetše ka moleteng wa lerole. Ntatu o be a thabile kudu ka fao a sego a lemoga seo. O ile a phapasetša maphego ka leroleng a ba a tsikitla le sefahlego ka leroleng – gomme a ikwa a le botse kudu. +“Fao, Ntatu,” wa realo Mohlare wa Bommelak, “go tloga gabjale, o ka se tsoge o hlapile ka meetse. O rogilwe gore o hlape ka lerole bophelo bja gago ka moka. Bjale, sepela o kgotsofatšwe ke seo o lego sona!” +Ka pejana mafofa a Ntatu a mmala a fifala. Sefahlego sa gagwe se ile sa ba se sepududu sa ditšhila. Maphego a gagwe a ile a hunyela gomme maoto a ba a makopana. +Gomme nako le nako ge diphoofolo di bona Letšatši le Bošego di feta, Ntatu o be a lebelela mmung a sa bolele selo. +Efela serunya se sennyane se ile sa hebaheba, “Bona Letšatši gore le botse bjang. Bona Bošego gore bo botse bjang. Gomme bona leeba Ntatu, gore ke o mopududu bjang!”",nso,Sepedi,tatu le Mohlare wa Bommelak,"A long time ago – before your grandfather and his grandfather and even his grandfather – Day and Night were not shy. They walked on the earth just like you. +Every morning, Day would wake up from his sleep. He would wash his face in the ...",,Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ntatu-le-mohlare-wa-bommelak +ntatu-and-bommelak-tree,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale – pele ntataomoholo le ntataemoholo esitana le ntataemoholo – Motsheare le Bosiu ba ne ba se na dihlong. Ba ne ba tsamaya lefatsheng jwaloka nna le wena. +Hoseng ho hong le ho hong, Motsheare o ne a tlwaetse ho tsoha borokong. O ne a iphotla sefahleho letangwaneng le ka tlasa Sefate sa Bommelak. Mme ebe o tla tsamaya lefatsheng mme hohle moo a yang teng o ne a tlisa kganya le mofuthu. +Diphoofolo di ne di rata ho ema di mo shebe. Di ne di sebaseba mahareng a tsona, “Motsheare ke yane. Bona kamoo a bohehang ka teng.” +Mantsiboeng a mang le a mang, Bosiu o ne a tsoha. O ne a rata ho hlatswa moriri wa hae letangwaneng le ka tlasa Sefate sa Bommelak. Ha a qeta o ne a tsamaya a pota lefatshe mme hohle moo a yang, o ne a tlisa ho phola le phomolo. +Diphoofolo di ne di ema le ho mo sheba. Di ne di rata ho sebaseba mahareng a tsona, “Bosiu ke yane. Sheba feela kamoo a leng motle ka teng.” + +Diphoofolo tsohle di ne di rata Motsheare le Bosiu. Ke phoofolo e le nngwe feela e neng e sa ba rate mme lebitso la yona e ne e le Ntatu. O ne a rata ho otlanya mapheo a hae ha a utlwa ba bang ba sebelana, “Bona kamoo ba leng batle ka teng.” +Ho ena le ho dumellana le bona, Ntatu o ne a re, “Le reng ka nna? Bonang kamoo ke leng motle ka teng. Ha ho ntho e ntle jwaloka nna.” +Empa diphoofolo tse ding di ne di itshehela feela. +“Ntatu,” di ne di rialo, “a ko thole – sephoqo towe sa nonyana. Ha o bohehe jwaloka Motsheare ebile ha o motle jwaloka Bosiu.” +Sena se ne se halefisa Ntatu haholo. “Ke na le molala o motle ho feta wa hao, Thuhlo,” o ne a rialo. “Mme ke na le nko e ntle ho feta ya hao, Tlou. Mme mahlo a ka a matle ho feta a hao, Motintinyane.” +Sena se ne se halefisa motintinyane o monyane hobane o ne a sa rate ha batho ba bua ka mahlo a hae, empa Thuhlo le Tlou bona ba tsheha Ntatu feela. “O bua ditsiebadimo, Ntatu.” +Yaba Ntatu o re, “Sefahleho sa ka se setle ho feta sa Motsheare mme masiba a ka a matle ho feta moriri wa Bosiu.” Yaba o fofela hole. +Ha diphoofolo di kopana le Ntatu kamoso, o ne a kamme masiba a hae mme a pentile sefahleho sa hae. “Le a bona,” a rialo, “na sefahleho sa ka ha se setle ho feta sa Motsheare? Na masiba a ka ha a matle ho feta moriri wa Bosiu?” +Empa diphoofolo tsohle tsa mo tsheha. Motintinyane o monyane wa re, “Ntatu, ha ho letho leo o ka le etsang le ka etsang hore sefahleho sa hao se be setle ho feta sa Motsheare kapa masiba a hao a be matle ho feta moriri wa Bosiu.” +Ntatu o ne a halefile haholo. +Mantsiboyeng ao, Ntatu a ipata kamora dihlahla mme a ema. Ha Bosiu a tsoha, Ntatu a mo sala morao. A mo shebella ha a hlatswa moriri wa hae ka letangwaneng le tlasa Sefate sa Bommelak. +Ntatu a ema bosiu kaofela ho fihlela e eba hoseng. A shebella Motsheare a iphotla sefahleho letangwaneng le ka tlasa Sefate sa Bommelak. “Jwale ke se ke tseba sephiri sa bona!” ha nahana Ntatu. “Ha nka hlatswa sefahleho sa ka letangwaneng le ka tlasa Sefate sa Bommelak, se tla boheha jwalo ka sa Motsheare. Hape ha nka hlatswa masiba a ka ka hara letangwana le ka tlasa Sefate sa Bommelak, a tla ba matle jwaloka moriri wa Bosiu.” +Empa yare pele Ntatu a tlolela ka hara letangwana, ha hlaha modumo o tshosang o ileng wa mo nyarosa haholo mme a tlohela ho tlolela ka letangwaneng. +Sefate sa Bommelak se ile sa hlohlora makala a sona. “Ntatu,” sa rialo, “ ha ho na motho ntle le Motsheare le Bosiu ya lokelang ho tla itlhatswetsa ka hara letangwana lena. Ha o ka etsa jwalo, ke tla o fa thohako. Jwale, tsamaya, mme o thabele seo o leng sona!” +Ntatu a thothomela ke ho tshoha, empa a re, “Jwale ebe wena o mang o batlang ho mpolella seo ke lokelang ho se etsa, Sefate? Ke tla boheha jwaloka Motsheare mme ke be motle jwaloka Bosiu. Ha ho letho leo o ka le etsang le ka nthibelang.” +Mme ha a tjho jwalo, Ntatu a otlanya mapheo a hae mme a itahlela ka letangwaneng le tlasa Sefate sa Bommelak. +Empa ha a ka a wela ka metsing a phodileng a letangwana. O ile a otlana mokoting wa lerole. Ntatu o ne a thabile hoo a sa kang a elellwa sena. A otlanya mapheo a hae leroleng mme a pikitla sefahleho sa hae ka lona – mme a ikutlwa a le motle haholo ebile a boheha haholo. +“Ke moo he, Ntatu,” ha rialo Sefate sa Bommelak, “ho tloha jwale, o ke ke wa hlola o iphotla sefahleho sa hao metsing le kgale. O rohakilwe ka ho sa feleng hore o itlhatswe ka lerole. Jwale, tsamaya mme o thabele seo o leng sona!” +Hanghang masiba a mebala a Ntatu a fetoha. Sefahleho sa hae sa eba seputswa sa eba ditshila. Mapheo a hae a honyela mme maoto a hae a eba makgutshwane. +Mme e ne e re kamehla ha diphoofolo di bona Motsheare le Bosiu ba feta, Ntatu yena o ne a sheba fatshe mme a sa re letho. +Empa motintinyane o monyane o ne o hweshetsa, “Bona kamoo Motsheare a leng motle ka teng. Bona kamoo Bosiu a leng motle ka teng. Mme sheba kamoo leeba, Ntatu, aleng moputswa ka teng!”",sot,Sesotho,tatu le Sefate sa Bommelak,"A long time ago – before your grandfather and his grandfather and even his grandfather – Day and Night were not shy. They walked on the earth just like you. +Every morning, Day would wake up from his sleep. He would wash his face in the ...",,Leo Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ntatu-le-sefate-sa-bommelak +mr-shabalala’s-garden,"Mr Shabalala lived on a big piece of land. He had a lovely house, an apple tree, hens and a vegetable patch. +The apple tree was very big. The branches stretched far into his garden and over the wall into the field behind the wall. Sometimes there were so many apples that he didn’t know what to do with them all. +His hens gave him large, brown eggs. He could not eat all the eggs that his hens laid, so some eggs hatched and he had more chickens than anyone else in the town. +The vegetable patch was always full of wonderful things to eat, but sometimes there were too many pumpkins, mealies, potatoes and other vegetables. +But Mr Shabalala was not a very nice man. He did not like to share. If anyone came near his house and garden, he became very angry. So Mr Shabalala did not have any friends. +Some things made him so angry that he would shout. When people sat in the shade of theapple tree in the field behind his wall, they made too much noise. When the apples fell off the tree behind his wall, the children would pick them up. They played, ate apples and made too much noise. Sometimes his hens escaped through a little hole in the fence. When they did, they laid their eggs in the field behind his wall. He heard the women talking when they found the eggs and knew they were taking his eggs home. But worst of all, sometimes a little boy would knock on his door and ask for seeds from his vegetable patch. +One day Mr Shabalala was so angry that he decided he was going to stop everyone from bothering him. He grabbed his saw and cut down every branch of the apple tree that hung over the wall. He blocked up the hole in the fence so that the hens could not escape. And he was so angry that he dug up his vegetable patch. +“At last I will have peace and quiet without anyone bothering me or stealing anything,” he said. +It did not take long before there were too many apples on the tree. There were too many hens, chickens and eggs. And because there was no vegetable patch, there were no vegetables for Mr Shabalala. +But there was something that was even worse than that. It was now so quiet that Mr Shabalala got a headache. Poor Mr Shabalala, he didn’t know what to do with all the quietness. So he opened his front door and shouted the loudest shout that he could, just to make some noise. +Suddenly the people ran up to his house. +“Are you alright?” +“Have you hurt yourself?” +“Can we help you?” +“I … I …” Mr Shabalala didn’t know what to say. Even though he had been so nasty and unkind, everyone had come to see if he was alright. Mr Shabalala felt so bad he started to cry. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m so sorry.” +“We’re sorry for making a noise in the shade of your tree,” said someone. +“We’re sorry for taking apples,” said the children. +“We’re sorry about collecting eggs,” said a woman. +“Oh no,” said Mr Shabalala. “I was so selfish and rude and I am sorry. Please, all of you come inside and I will share everything.” +From that day Mr Shabalala did share everything. He also promised to let the branches of the apple tree grow over the wall and to leave a little hole in the fence for the hens and chickens. +When everyone left he smiled happily because now there were happy noises outside. +Then suddenly Mr Shabalala realised that he still had no vegetable garden. At that moment there was a soft knock, knock on his front door. He opened the door and there stood the little boy. +“Aaah,” he said, “you are the boy who always asked for seeds.” +“Yes,” said the boy, “but I know you don’t have a vegetable garden now. Can I help you plant one?” +And for the second time that day, Mr Shabalala had tears in his eyes. But this time they were tears of happiness.",eng,English,Mr Shabalala’s garden,"Mr Shabalala lived on a big piece of land. He had a lovely house, an apple tree, hens and a vegetable patch. +The apple tree was very big. The branches stretched far into his garden and over the wall into the field behind the wall. Sometimes ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mr-shabalala’s-garden +mr-shabalala’s-garden,"Mnr. Shabalala woon op ’n groot stuk grond. Hy het ’n pragtige huis, ’n appelboom, hoenders en ’n groentetuin. +Die appelboom is baie groot. Die takke strek wyd oor sy tuin, en oor die muur tot in die veld agter die muur. Soms is daar so baie appels dat hy nie weet wat om met almal te doen nie. +Sy henne lê groot, bruin eiers. Hy kan nie al die eiers wat sy henne lê opeet nie. Van die eiers broei uit en hy het meer hoenders as enigiemand anders in die dorp. +Die groentetuin is altyd vol wonderlike dinge om te eet, maar soms is daar te veel pampoene, mielies, aartappels en ander groente. +Maar mnr. Shabalala is nie ’n baie gawe man nie. Hy hou nie daarvan om te deel nie. As enigiemand naby sy huis en tuin kom, word hy baie kwaad. Mnr. Shabalala het daarom geen vriende nie. +Sommige dinge maak hom so kwaad dat hy begin skree. Wanneer mense in die skaduwee van sy appelboom in die veld agter sy muur sit, maak hulle te veel lawaai. Wanneer die appels van die boom afval en in die veld agter sy muur beland, tel die kinders dit op. Hulle speel, eet appels en maak te veel lawaai. Soms glip sy henne deur ’n klein gaatjie in die heining. Wanneer dit gebeur, lê hulle hul eiers in die veld agter sy muur. Hy hoor die vroue praat wanneer hulle die eiers vind en hy weet hulle vat sy eiers huis toe. Maar die ergste van alles is dat ’n klein seuntjie soms aan sy deur kom klop en hom vir saad uit sy groentetuin vra. +Op ’n dag is mnr. Shabalala so kwaad dat hy besluit hy gaan keer dat enigiemand hom verder pla. Hy gryp sy saag en saag elke tak van die appelboom wat oor die muur hang af. Hy maak die gat in die heining toe sodat die henne nie kan uitglip nie. En hy is so kwaad dat hy sy hele groentetuin uitspit. +“Ek sal uiteindelik rus en vrede hê en niemand sal my pla of iets van my steel nie.” +Kort voor lank is daar te veel appels aan die boom. Sommiges word vrot en ruik sleg. Daar is te veel henne, hoenders en eiers. En omdat daar geen groentetuin is nie, is daar ook geen groente vir mnr. Shabalala om te eet nie. +Maar daar is iets wat nog baie erger is. Dit is nou so stil dat mnr. Shabalala hoofpyn kry. Arme mnr. Shabalala weet nie wat om met al die stilte te doen nie. Hy maak toe maar sy voordeur oop en skree so hard as wat hy kan, net om ’n geluid te hoor. +Skielik kom die mense na sy huis aangehardloop. +“Is als reg?” +“Het jy seergekry?” +“Kan ons help?” +“Ek … ek …” mnr. Shabalala weet nie wat om te sê nie. Selfs al was hy so onbeskof en onvriendelik kom almal kyk wat aangaan. Mnr. Shabalala voel so sleg dat hy begin huil. “Ek is jammer,” sê hy. “Ek is so jammer.” +“Ons is jammer dat ons ’n lawaai gemaak het in die skaduwee van jou boom,” sê iemand. +“Ons is jammer dat ons jou appels gevat het,” sê die kinders. +“Ons is jammer dat ons die eiers bymekaar gemaak het,” sê ’n vrou. +“O nee,” sê mnr. Shabalala. “Ek was so selfsugtig en onbeskof en ek is jammer. Kom asseblief almal in en ek sal alles met julle deel.” +Van daardie dag af deel mnr. Shabalala alles. Hy belowe ook om die takke van die appelboom weer oor die muur te laat groei en om ’n klein gaatjie in die heining te los vir die henne en hoenders. +Toe almal vertrek, glimlag hy bly omdat daar nou vrolike geluide buite is. +Toe besef mnr. Shabalala skielik dat hy steeds nie ’n groentetuin het nie. Op daardie oomblik is daar ’n sagte klop, klop aan sy voordeur. Hy maak die deur oop en daar staan die klein seuntjie. +“Aaa,” sê hy, “jy is die seuntjie wat altyd vir saad gevra het.” +“Ja,” sê die seuntjie, “maar ek weet u het nie meer ’n groentetuin nie. Kan ek u help om een aan te plant?” +En vir die tweede keer daardie dag het mnr. Shabalala trane in sy oë. Maar hierdie keer is dit trane van blydskap.",afr,Afrikaans,Mnr. Shabalala se tuin,"Mr Shabalala lived on a big piece of land. He had a lovely house, an apple tree, hens and a vegetable patch. +The apple tree was very big. The branches stretched far into his garden and over the wall into the field behind the wall. Sometimes ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mnr-shabalala-se-tuin +mr-shabalala’s-garden,"UMnuzana Shabalala wayenomhlaba omkhulu. Wayehlala endlwini entle, enomthi wama-apile, efuye neenkukhu kwaye enaso nesitiya semifuno. +Umthi wama-apile wawumkhulu kakhulu. Amasebe awo ayemade kakhulu kangangokuba ayenabele phakathi esitiyeni, aze aphinde aqabele nangaphezulu kocingo, ade afikelele nasesitiyeni asingasemva kocingo olo. Ngamanye amaxesha ama-apile ayebamaninzi kakhulu kangangokuba wayede angayazi into amakayenze ngawo. +Inkukhu zakhe zazibeka amaqanda amakhulu amdaka. Wayengakwazi ukuwatya onke loo maqanda azalelwe ziinkukhu zakhe, ngoko ke zaziwaqandusela amanye amaqanda, waza waneenkukhu ezininzi ukodlula wonke umntu kuloo ngingqi. +Isitiya sakhe semifuno sasisoloko siyokozela zizinto ezimnandi zokutya, kodwa ngamanye amaxesha ayede adlulise ngobuninzi amathanga, umbona, iitapile nezinye iintlobo zemifuno. +Kodwa ke uMnumzana Shabalala lo wayeyindoda engenabubele kangako. Wayengakuthandi nokucelwa izinto zakhe ngabantu. Wayengakuthandi tu ukwabelana ngezinto nabanye abantu. Xa kukho ubani othe wasondela endlwini yakhe nasesitiyeni sakhe, wayesiba nomsindo kakhulu. Yiyo ke loo nto eyabangela ukuba uMnumzana Shabalala angabi naye nomnye umhlobo. +Ezinye izinto zazimenza umsindo kakakhulu kangangokuba wayeye ade athukisele. Abantu xa behleli emthunzini womthi wama-apile, ngaphaya kocingo lwakhe, babemenzela ingxolo eninzi. Xa ama-apile ewile emthini ngaphaya kocingo lwakhe, abantwana abancinane babewachola. Babedlala, besitya loo ma-apile ze benze ingxolo enkulu. Ngamanye amaxesha iinkukhu zakhe zazithubeleza ezikrobeni elucingweni. Xa zithubelezile, zazizalela amaqanda azo kwezo gadi zikufutshane. Wayebeva abafazi bethetha xa befumene amaqanda, kwaye wayesazi ukuba bagoduka nawo amaqanda akhe. Kodwa, eyona nto imbi nangaphezulu, ngamanye amaxesha kwakubakho inkwenkwana enkqonkqoza kwakhe, ize kucela izithole ezisesitiyeni sakhe. +Ngenye imini uMnumzana Shabalala wayenomsindo kakhulu, kangangokuba wagqiba kwelokuba uza kuyiphelisa nya into yokuhlutshwa ngaba bantu. Wathi hlasi isarha yakhe, waza wawasusa onke amasebe omthi wama-apile awayejinga ngaphaya kocingo lwakhe. Wazivala zonke izikroba ezazisecingweni ukuze kungabikho nanye inkukhu ezakuthubeleza. Wayenomsindo kakhulu kangangokuba wayigrumba yonke loo mifuno yayikweso sitiya sakhe. +“Ekugqibeleni ndiza kuhlala ngoxolo nenzolo, kungekho mntu uza kundihlupha okanye andibele nto,” utshilo. +Akuthathanga xesha lingakanani phambi kokuba umthi wama-apile uthwale ii-apile ezininzi kakhulu. Kwabakho iinkukhu, amantshontsho namaqanda amaninzi kakhulu. Ngenxa yokuba sasiphelisiwe isitiya semifuno, uMnumzana Shabalala wayengenayo imifuno. +Kodwa kwakukho eyona nto yayimbi kunazo zonke. Kwakuthe cwaka kakhulu ngoku, kangangokuba uMnumzana Shabalala wayede aphathwe yintloko. Usizana olunguMnumzana Shabalala lwalungazi ukuba lungenza ntoni ngesi sizungu senzolo engaka. Uthe ke wavula ucango lwakhe lwangaphambili waza wakhwaza kakhulu kangangoko anakho, ukuze nje kubekho ingxolwana ayivayo. +Ngesaquphe kuthe wayi-wayi abantu begxalathelana, ukuza endlwini yakhe. +“Kwenzeka ntoni?” +“Ingaba wenzakele?” +“Singakunceda ngantoni?” +“Ndi… ndi…” UMnumzana Shabalala wayexakwe yinto amakayithethe. Nangona wayekhohlakele, engenabubele ebantwini, wonke umntu weza kuqonda ukuba akukho nto imehleleyo kusini na. UMnumzana Shabalala waziva ebuhlungu kakhulu kangangokuba wade walila. “Ndicela uxolo,” watsho. “Ndicela uxolo.” +“Sicela uxolo ngokungxola emthunzini womthi wakho,” kwatsho umntu othile eqeleni. +“Sicela uxolo ngokuthatha ama-apile,” batsho abantwana. +“Sicela uxolo ngokuqokelela amaqanda,” kwatsho umfazi othile. +“Owu hayi,” watsho uMnumzana Shabalala. “Bendicinga ukuba umntu ndim ndedwa kwaye bendikrwada kuni, ndicela uxolo. Ncedani, nonke ngenani ngaphakathi ukuze ndabelane nani ngako konke.” +Ukususela ngaloo mini uMnumzana Shabalala wabelana nabanye abantu ngako konke anako. Wathembisa ukuba uza kuwayeka amasebe omthi wama-apile anabele ngaphaya kocingo lwakhe, kwaye uza kuvula isikroba esincinane ecingweni lakhe ukuze iinkukhu namantshontsho zibe nokuthubeleza kuso, zizihambele. +Kuthe ukumka komntu wonke kwakhe, wancuma ngolonwabo kuba ngoku kwakukho ingxolo yolonwabo etsho kamnandi phaya phandle. +Ngephanyazo uMnumzana Shabalala wakhumbula ukuba akanaso isitiya semifuno. Kanye ngalo mzuzu kwavakala unkqo, nkqo, nkqo kumnyango wangaphambili. Wavula ucango waza wabona kumi inkwenkwana. +“Aaaha,” utshilo, “uyilaa nkwenkwana ibisoloko icela izithole.” +“Ewe,” yatsho inkwenkwana, “kodwa ndiyazi ukuba awunasenaso isitiya semifuno ngoku. Ndingakuncedisa ekulimeni esinye?” +Okwesibini ngolo suku, kwathi gwantyi iinyembezi emehlweni kaMnumzana Shabalala. Kodwa ngoku yayizinyembezi zovuyo.",xho,isiXhosa,Isitiya sikaMnumzana Sh,"Mr Shabalala lived on a big piece of land. He had a lovely house, an apple tree, hens and a vegetable patch. +The apple tree was very big. The branches stretched far into his garden and over the wall into the field behind the wall. Sometimes ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isitiya-sikamnumzana-shabalala +mr-shabalala’s-garden,"UMnumzane Shabalala wayenomhlaba omkhulu. Wayenendlu enhle, isihlahla samahhabhula, izikhukhukazi kanye nesivande semifino. +Isihlahla samahhabhula sasisikhulu kakhulu. Amagatsha aso ayenabe kakhulu engadini yakhe naphezu kodonga aze afika engadini esodongeni olungemuva. Ngesinye isikhathi kwakuba namahhabhula amaningi kangangoba wayegcina engasazi ukuthi enze njani ngawo wonke. +Izikhukhukazi zakhe zazimkhiqizela amaqanda amakhulu, ansundu. Wayengakwazi ukudla wonke amaqanda ayezalelwa izikhukhukazi zakhe, ngakho amanye amaqanda ayechamsela nokwakwenza ukuthi abe nezinkukhu eziningi ukudlula wonke umuntu edolobheni. +Isivande sakhe semifino sasihlale sigcwele izinto eziningi ezimnandi ezidliwayo, kodwa ngesinye isikhathi kwakubakhona amathanga, ummbila, amazambane kanye neminye imifino okuningi kakhulu. +Kodwa uMnumzane Shabalala wayeyindoda engenamusa. Wayengathandi ukwabelana nabanye abantu. Uma kwakukhona umuntu owayesondela eduze nendlu kanye nengadi yakhe, wayethukuthela agane unwabu. Ngakho uMnumzane Shabalala wayengenaye noyedwa umngani. +Ezinye izinto zazimdina kakhulu kangangokuthi wayeze athethe. Ngesikhathi abantu behleli ngaphansi komthunzi wesihlahla samahhabhula ngemva kodonga lwakhe, babebanga umsindo kakhulu. Uma kuwa amahhabhula esihlahleni esingemva kodonga lwakhe, izingane zaziwacosha. Zazidlala, zidle amahhabhula zibange nomsindo omkhulu. Ngesinye isikhathi izikhukhukazi zakhe zaziphuma ngembobo encane esocingweni. Uma zenze kanjalo, zazizalela amaqanda azo ensimini ngaphandle kodonga. Wayezwa abantu besifazane bekhuluma ngesikhathi bethola amaqanda, futhi wayazi kahle ukuthi bagoduka namaqandaakhe. Kodwa okunzima nakakhulu ukuthi, ngesinye isikhathi kwakuye kufike umfana omncane azocela imbewu evela esivandeni sakhe semifino. +Ngelinye ilanga, uMnumzane Shabalala wayethukuthele kangangokuthi wanquma ukuthi uzoyekisa wonke umuntu ukumhlupha. Wathatha isaha lakhe wanquma onke amagatsha esihlahla samahhabhula ayelengela phezu kodonga lwakhe. Wavala imbobo ocingweni lwakhe ukuze izikhukhukazi zakhe zingaphumi. Futhi wayethukuthele kakhulu kangangokuba waze wemba isivande sakhe semifino. +“Ekugcineni ngizohlala kahle ngokuthula kungekho muntu ongihluphayo noma ongintshontshela okuthile,” kusho yena. +Akudlulanga sikhathi eside kwaba namahhabhula amaningi kakhulu esihlahleni. Kwakunezikhukhukazi, amatshwele namaqanda okuningi kakhulu. Njengoba kwakungasekho sivande semifino nje, wayengenamifino uMnumzane Shabalala. +Kodwa kwakukhona enye into eyayinzima kakhulu kunalokho. Kwase kuthule kakhulu manje kangangokuthi uMnumzane Shabalala waze waphathwa ikhanda. UMnumzane Shabalala wabantu, akazanga ukuthi angenzenjani ngakho konke lokhu kuthula. Wavula umnyango wakhe wangaphambili wase ememeza kakhulu ngendlela ayengakwazi ukwenza ngayo, ukuze kube nomsindo. +Ngokushesha, kwagijima abantu beza endlini yakhe. +“Ngabe konke kuhamba kahle?” +“Ngabe uzilimazile?” +“Singakusiza?” +“Ngi… Ngi…” UMnumzane Shabalala akazanga ukuthi athini. Noma wayenonya futhi engenamusa, wonke umuntu weza ezobheka ukuthi konke kuhamba kahle yini. UMnumzane Shabalala waphatheka kabi waqala ukukhala. “Ngiyaxolisa,” kusho yena. “Ngiyaxolisa.” +“Siyaxolisa ngokubanga umsindo emthunzini wesihlahla sakho,” kusho omunye. +“Siyaxolisa ngokuthatha amahhabhula,” kusho izingane. +“Siyaxolisa ngokuthatha amaqanda,” kusho owesifazane. +“Cha bo!” kusho uMnumzane Shabalala. “Bengizicabangela mina nje futhi ngedelela; ngiyaxolisa. Ngakho, ngiyanicela, ngenani nonke ngizokwabelana nani ngayo yonke into.” +UMnumzane Shabalala wabelana ngayo yonke into kusukela ngalelo langa. Wethembisa futhi nokuthi uzovumela amagatsha esihlahla sakhe akhule eqe ngaphezu kothango, nokuthi uzovula imbotshana yezikhukhukazi namatshwele ocingweni. +Wayemamatheka ngokujabula ngesikhathi sekuhambe wonke umuntu, ngoba kwase kukhona imisindo yabantu abathokozile ngaphandle. +Kusenjalo uMnumzane Shabalala wakhumbula ukuthi akanaso isivande semifino. Ngaleso sikhathi wezwa umuntu ongqongqoza kancane emnyango wakhe ongaphambili. Wavula umnyango wakhe wabona umfana omncane emi lapho. +“Awu bakithi,” kusho yena, “ungumfana obehlale ezocela imbewu.” +“Yebo,” kusho umfana, “kodwa ngiyazi ukuthi awusenaso isivande semifino manje. “Ngabe ngingakusiza usitshale?” +Kanti kwaba okwesibili ngalelo langa, uMnumzane Shabalala echiphiza. Kodwa ngalesi sikhathi kwakuyizinyembezi zenjabulo.",zul,isiZulu,Ingadi kaMnumzane Sh,"Mr Shabalala lived on a big piece of land. He had a lovely house, an apple tree, hens and a vegetable patch. +The apple tree was very big. The branches stretched far into his garden and over the wall into the field behind the wall. Sometimes ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ingadi-kamnumzane-shabalala +mr-shabalala’s-garden,"Mna Shabalala o be a dula seripeng se segolo sa naga. O be a na le ngwako o mobotse, moapola, dikgogotshadi le serapana sa merogo. +Moapola o be o le o mogolo kudu. Makala a ona a matelele a be a fihla ka tšhengwaneng, ebile a feta leboto, a putla ka gare ga tšhemo a fihla le ka morago ga leboto. Ge go be go na le diapola, di be di hwibila, di jega ebile di le bose. Ka nako ye nngwe go be go eba le diapola tše dintši kudu ka moo a sa tsebego gore a dire eng ka tšona. +Dikgogotshadi tša gagwe di mo file mae a magolo a matsotho a methobe ye serolane bjalo ka letšatši. O be a sa kgone goja mae ka moka ao a bego a beela ke dikgogotshadi tša gagwe, ka fao a mangwe a ile a thwathwaša gomme a ba le dikgogo tše dintši go feta tša bohle mo toropong. +Serapana sa merogo se na le dilo tša botse tša go jewa le tša go apewa, efela ka nako ye nngwe go be go eba le maphotse, mafela, matsapane a mantši kudu le merogo ye mengwe. +Efela Mna Shabalala e be e se monna wa go loka kudu. O be a sa rate ge batho ba swara dilo tša gagwe. O be a sa rate ge batho ba mo kgopela dilo tša gagwe. O be a sa rate go abelana dilo le batho. O be a befelwa kudu ge motho a be a ka sepela kgauswi le motse wa gagwe le tšhengwana ya gagwe. Ka fao Mna Shabalala o be a se na bagwera. +Dilo tše dingwe di be di mmefediša ka fao a hlabe lešata. Ge batho ba be ba dutše moriting wa moapola ka tšhemong ka morago ga lebota, ba be ba bolela ba sega ebile ba dira lešata le lentši. Ge diapola di be di wela fase ka morago ga lebota la gagwe, bana ba be ba di topa. Ba be ba raloka, ba eja diapola gomme ba dira lešata le lentši. Ka nako ye nngwe dikgogo tša gagwe di be di šwahla ka lešoba la legora. Ge di šwahlile di be di beela mae ka tšhemong ka morago ga lebota. O ile a kwa basadi ba bolela ge ba hwetša mae gomme a tseba gabotse gore ba tla tšea mae a gagwe ba ya le ona gae. Efela go feta tšohle, ka nako ye nngwe mošemanyana o be a fela a kokota lebating a kgopela dipeu go tšwa serapaneng sa gagwe sa merogo. +Ka letšatši le lengwe Mna Shabalala o be a befetšwe kudu ka fao a ilego a tšea sephetho sa gore o ile go emiša batho bohle gore ba se hlwe ba mo tshwenya. O tšere saga ya gagwe a ripa makala ka moka ao a bego a lekelela lebotong. +“Bjale,” a re, “ga go sa na yo a tla dulago moriting a dira lešata. Ga go yo a ka utswago diapola tša ka.” +O ile a thiba lešoba la legora gore dikgogotshadi tša gagwe di se šwahle. +“Bjale,” a re, “ga go sa na yo a tla hwetšago le go utswa mae a ka.” +O be a befetšwe kudu ka fao a ilego a epa serapana sa gagwe sa merogo. +“Bjale,” a re, “ga go sa na yo a tla tlago a kokota lebating la ka a kgopela dipeu. Ke tla ba le khutšo gwa hlokega lešata ka ge go ka se be le yo a ntshwenyago goba a nkutswetšago.” +Ga se gwa feta sebaka se setelele pele go eba le diapola tše dintši mohlareng. Tše dingwe di ile tša thoma go bola le go nkga. Go be go na le dikgogotshadi tše dintši, matsuane le mae. Mna Shabalala o be a se na merogo ka ge go be go se na serapana sa merogo. +Efela go be go na le selo se sebe go feta tšeo. Go be go itše tuu ka fao Mna Shabalala a ilego a rengwa ke hlogo. Ka nako ye nngwe ge go homotše kudu gomme go se na lešata le gatee, go kwagala modumo kudu. Mna Shabalala wa Modimo, o be a sa tsebe gore a direng ka setu se. O ile a bula lebati la ka pele a goeletša kudu go no re a dire lešata. +Batho ba ile ba kitimela ngwakong wa gagwe ka lebelo. +“Naa bothata ke eng?” +“Naa o gabotse?” +“Kgane o ikgobaditše?” +“Naa re ka go thuša?” +“Ke … ke …” Mna Shabalala o be a sa tsebe gore a reng. Le ge a be a le yo mobe a sa loka, bohle ba ile ba tla go hlola ge eba ga a na mathata. Ba be ba nyaka go bona fela ge e ba o nyaka thušo. +“Ke … ke …” gomme Mna Shabalala a itshola gomme a thoma go lla. “Tshwarelo hle,”a re. “Ke kgopela tshwarelo.” +“Re kgopela gore o re swarele ge re dirile lešata moriting wa mohlare,” yo mongwe a realo. +“Re swarele ge re ile ra tšea diapola,” bana ba realo. +“Re kgopela tshwarelo ka ge re ile ra tšea mae,” a realo mosadi. +“Aowa, aowa, aowa hle,” a realo Mna Shabalala. “Ke a tseba gore ke phošo ya ka. Ke be ke inaganela ebile ke se na mekgwa. Efela bjale ke na le diapola tše dintši, dikgogotshadi tše dintši, matsuane le mae, efela ke hloka serapana sa merogo. Bjale, ke kgopela gore ka moka le tsene ka fa gare gomme ke le abele tšohle.” +Go tloga letšatšing leo Mna Shabalala o ile a abelana ka tšohle. O tshepišitše le gore makala a moapola a tla gola a tshela lebota gomme o tla tlogela le lešobana la dikgogotshadi le matsuane legoreng. O ile a myemyela ka lethabo ge bohle ba fetša go sepela, e sego ka gobane a abelane ka tšohle, efela ka gobane bjale go na le mašata a lethabo ka ntle. +Ka lebelo Mna Shabalala o ile a lemoga gore o sa ntše a hloka serapana sa merogo. Ka nako yeo go be go kwagala koti koti ya boleta lebating la gagwe la ka pele. O butše lebati gomme a hwetša e le mošemanyana. +“Agaa,” a re, “ke wena mošemane wa go fela a kgopela dipeu ka mehla.” +“Ee,” gwa realo mošemane, “efela ke a tseba gore ga o sa na serapana sa merogo gabjale. Naa nka go thuša go se dira?” +Gomme ke lekga la bobedi letšatšing leo, Mna Shabalala a sekasekiša meokgo ka mahlong a gagwe. Efela gabjale e be e le megokgo ya lethabo.",nso,Sepedi,Tšhengwana ya Mna Sh,"Mr Shabalala lived on a big piece of land. He had a lovely house, an apple tree, hens and a vegetable patch. +The apple tree was very big. The branches stretched far into his garden and over the wall into the field behind the wall. Sometimes ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tšhengwana-ya-mna-shabalala +mr-shabalala’s-garden,"Mong Shabalala o ne a dula tlung e nang le jarete e kgolo. O ne a ena le ntlo e ntle, sefate sa diapole, dikgoho le seratswana sa meroho. +Sefate sa diapole se ne se le seholo haholo. Makala a sona a ne a otlolohetse tshimong ya hae le ka nqane ho lebota ho ya thoteng e kamora lebota. Ka nako e nngwe diapole di ne di eba ngata hoo a neng a sa tsebe hore a ka etsang ka tsona. +Dikgoho tsa hae di ne di behela mahe a maholo, a sootho. O ne a sa kgone ho ja mahe ao kaofela ao dikgoho tsa hae di a behelang, kahoo mahe a mang a ne a qhotsa ebe o ba le dikgoho tse ding hape, mme tsa eba ngata ho feta tsa mang kapa mang toropong eo. +Seratswana sa meroho se ne se tletse dintho tse makatsang tse jewang, empa ka nako e nngwe ho ne ho eba le meroho e mengata haholo e kang mekopu, poone, ditapole le e meng. +Empa Mong Shabalala e ne e se monna ya lokileng. O ne a sa rate ho arolelana dintho tsa hae le batho. Ha motho a ne a ka atamela ntlo ya hae kapa jarete ya hae, o ne a halefa hampe. Kahoo Mong Shabalala o ne a se na metswalle. +Dintho tse ding di ne di mo halefisa hoo a neng a omana haholo. Batho bo ne ba rata ho dula moriting wa sefate sa diapole thoteng e ka mora lebota la hae, ba ne ba etsa lerata haholo. Ha diapole di ne di ewa sefateng di wela ka nqane ho lebota la hae, bana ba ne ba di thonaka. Ba ne ba bapala, ba eja diapole mme ba etsa lerata haholo. Ka nako e nngwe dikgoho tsa hae di ne di baleha di etswa le lesobeng la terata. Ha di etsa jwalo, di ne di behela mahe thoteng e ka mora lebota. O ne a utlwa basadi ba bua ha ba fumane mahe mme a tseba hore ba nka mahe a hae ho a isa malapeng a bona. Empa ho tenang ka ho fetisisa, ka nako e nngwe moshanyana e monyenyane o ne a kokota monyako mme a tlo mo kopa peo e tswang seratswaneng sa hae sa meroho +Ka tsatsi le leng Mong Shabalala o ne a kgenne hona hoo a ileng a etsa qeto ya ho thibela batho bohle ho mo kgathatsa. O ile a nka sakga ya hae mme a kgaola lekala le leng le le leng la sefate sa diapole le neng le leketletse ka nqane ho lebota. A kwala lesoba le terateng e le hore dikgoho tsa hae di se hlole di etswa le moo. Mme o ne a halefile hoo a ileng a senya seratswana sa hae sa meroho. +“Jwale ke se ke tla ba le kgotso le kgutso ntle le batho ba ntseng ba nkgathatsa kapa ba nkutswetsa,” a rialo. +Ha ho a ka ha nka nako e telele keha ho eba le diapole tse ngata haholo sefateng. Ho ne ho ena le dikgoho tse ngata, ditsuonyana le mahe a mangata. Kaha ho ne ho sena seratswana , ho ne ho se na meroho bakeng sa Mong Shabalala. +Empa ho ne ho ena le ho hong ho neng ho le hobe ho feta moo. Ho ne ho se ho kgutsitse haholo hoo Mong Shabalala a neng a tshwarwa ke hlooho. Mong Shabalala wa batho, o ne a sa tsebe seo a ka se etsang ka kgutso e kalokalo. Yaba o bula lemati la hae la ka pele mme a hoeletsa haholo ho fetisisa kamoo a ka kgonang, a batla feela ho etsa lerata. +Yaba hanghang batho ba mathela tlung ya hae. +“Na tsohle di lokile?” +“Na o hlahetswe ke kotsi?” +“Na re ka o thusa?” +“Ke … ke …” Mong Shabalala o ne a sa tsebe seo a ka se buang. Leha a ne a sa loka bathong mme a se na mosa, batho bohle ba ne ba tlile ho tla sheba hore ebe o phetse hantle na. Mong Shabalala a ikutlwa a swabile hoo a ileng a qala ho lla. “Ke maswabi,” a rialo. “Ke maswabi haholo.” +“Re maswabi ka ho etsa lerata moriting wa sefate sa hao,” ha rialo motho e mong. +“Re maswabi ka ho thonaka diapole,” bana ba rialo. +“Re maswabi ka ho bokella mahe,” ha rialo mosadi e mong. +“Tjhe bo,” ha rialo Mong Shabalala. “Ke ne ke inahanela ke le mong mme ke hloka boikokobetso ho lona, mme ka hoo ke maswabi. Kenang bohle ka hare mme ke tla le arolela dintho tsohle.” +Ho tloha tsatsing leo Mong Shabalala a ba arolela dintho tsohle. Hape a tshepisa hore o tla tlohela makala a sefate sa hae sa diapole hore a hole a be a leketlele ka nqane ho lebota, mme o tla siya lesoba le lenyane le bulehile terateng hore dikgoho di kgone ho tswa. +Ha batho bohle ba tsamaile, a sala a bososela ke thabo, e seng feela hobane a ne a fane ka dintho tsohle, empa hobane jwale ho ne ho se ho ena le lerata la batho ba thabileng ka ntle. +Yaba hanghang Mong Shabalala o elellwa hore o ntse a se na seratswana sa meroho. Ka nako eo ho ne ho ena le ho kokota ho tlase lemating le ka pele. A bula lemati mme ka ntle ho ne ho eme moshanyana e monyenyane. +“Aaah,” a rialo, “ke wena moshanyana ya hlolang a tlo kopa peo mona.” +“Ee,” ha araba moshemane eo, “empa ke a tseba hore ha o sa na seratswana sa meroho jwale. Na nka o thusa ho lema se seng?” +Mme lekgetlong la bobedi tsatsing leo, Mong Shabalala a seka meokgo mahlong a hae. Empa nakong ena e ne e le meokgo ya thabo",sot,Sesotho,Tshimo ya Mong Sh,"Mr Shabalala lived on a big piece of land. He had a lovely house, an apple tree, hens and a vegetable patch. +The apple tree was very big. The branches stretched far into his garden and over the wall into the field behind the wall. Sometimes ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tshimo-ya-mong-shabalala +it-started-puppy,"“Story, story, please Gogo, tell us a story,” begged Neo. Bella smiled and nodded. +“Yes, please,” said Afrika who was sitting on Gogo’s lap. +Gogo laughed. “Okay,” she said, “let me tell you the story of how you became friends. Did you know that it all started with a puppy?” +Neo nodded. Bella smiled and said, “Tell us, tell us.” And so Gogo began to tell the story. +One night, not too long ago, a puppy was wandering around sniffing at each dustbin he came across. He was hungry and he was lost. He didn’t know where he was going, but he did know that his tummy was empty and he needed food! + +“Poor puppy,” said Afrika. +But there was no food near the dustbins. The puppy whined softly. He needed to eat and find a warm place to sleep. He walked down the street. There were many houses but some of them had big dogs that barked at him and showed their teeth. He was very scared. +Then, near the end of the street, he saw a little house that had no big dogs in the garden. The lights were on inside and it looked warm and friendly, so the puppy walked towards it. +As he got closer a wonderful smell reached his nose. The front door was open and he could see inside. He saw a little girl reading a book. She laughed to herself as she looked at the pictures. +“Supper time,” the puppy heard a soft, friendly voice call. He watched as the girl’s mother put a plate of noodles on the table. “I’ll fetch my plate and the sauce. Wash your hands quickly,” the woman said as she walked back towards the kitchen. The little girl rushed to the bathroom. +That was the moment the puppy had been waiting for. He dashed inside, jumped on the chair, buried his face in the plate of warm, yummy noodles and ate every single one of them. Then, just as quickly, he ran out the open door to hide outside. + +“But Mom,” called the little girl as she sat down at the table, “there’s no food on my plate.” +“WHAT?” Her mother rushed back into the room. “But I just dished some up.” She turned to look at the open door. “Oh no,” she said, “something or someone has come in and stolen your food.” She shut the front door and locked it. +Meanwhile the puppy had run round into the back garden. He found the kitchen door open and crept inside. The whole room was filled with the wonderful smell of food. There on the kitchen table was a big pot and another plate of noodles. The puppy again jumped onto a chair and once again put his face into the plate and started to eat. +Just then the little girl and her mother came into the kitchen. +“What’s going on?” said the girl’s mother loudly. +The puppy was so scared; he crept into a corner and whined. +“What are we going to do with you? You are VERY dirty,” said the woman. +“Ooo,” said the little girl, “and your mouth is still full of noodles!” +“Close the door,” said her mother. “We’ll eat first and then we’ll wash him.” And that’s what they did. +“Now,” said Gogo, “who can guess what they named the puppy?” +“NOODLE!” shouted Bella and Neo. +“Yes,” said Gogo. “And do you know who the people in the story were?” +“Bella and her mom,” shouted Afrika. +“MEEEE!” shouted Bella. Neo laughed. +“But that’s not the end of the story,” said Gogo. “Bella had to find out if the puppy belonged to anyone. Only if she could not find the owner, could she keep the puppy. So, the next day Bella and her mom went from door to door asking everyone if the puppy was theirs. But no one had seen it before. On her way Bella met Mme wa Afrika and …” + +“MEEEE!” shouted Afrika. +“Yes,” said Gogo, “and so you all met Noodle. And that is how you all became friends and Noodle became Bella’s dog, because nobody owned him.” +“And he’s the best dog in the world,” said Bella. +“And we’re the best friends in the world,” said Neo.",eng,English,It started with a puppy...,"“Story, story, please Gogo, tell us a story,” begged Neo. Bella smiled and nodded. +“Yes, please,” said Afrika who was sitting on Gogo’s lap. +Gogo laughed. “Okay,” she said, “let me tell you the story of how you became ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/it-started-puppy +it-started-puppy,"“Storie, storie, asseblief Gogo, vertel vir ons ʼn storie,” smeek Neo. Bella glimlag en knik. +“Ja, asseblief,” sê Afrika wat op Gogo se skoot sit. +Gogo lag. “Goed dan,” sê sy, “kom ek vertel vir julle die storie van hoe julle maats geraak het. Het julle geweet dit het alles met ʼn babahondjie begin?” +Neo knik. Bella glimlag en sê: “Vertel vir ons, vertel vir ons.” En so begin Gogo die storie vertel. +Een aand, nie te lank gelede nie, loop en snuffel ʼn babahondjie aan al die vullisblikke in die straat. Hy is honger en verdwaal. Hy weet nie waarheen hy op pad is nie, maar hy weet sy maag is leeg en hy moet kos kry! + +“Arme babahondjie,” sê Afrika. +Maar daar is geen kos naby die vullisblikke nie. Die hondjie tjank saggies. Hy moet eet en ʼn warm plek kry om te slaap. Hy stap in die straat af. Daar is baie huise, maar by sommige van hulle is daar groot honde wat vir hom blaf en tande wys. Hy is baie bang. +Toe, naby die end van die straat, sien hy ʼn klein huisie waar daar geen groot honde in die tuin is nie. Daar brand ligte binne en dit lyk warm en vriendelik. Die hondjie stap versigtig nader. +Toe die hondjie in die tuin kom, kry hy die heerlikste reuk. Die huis se voordeur staan oop, en hy kan die binnekant van die huis sien. Hy sien ʼn klein dogtertjie wat ʼn boek lees. Sy lag terwyl sy na die prente kyk. +“Tyd vir aandete,” hoor die hondjie ʼn sagte, vriendelike stem roep. Hy kyk hoe die dogtertjie se ma ʼn bord noedels op die tafel neersit. “Ek gaan gou my bord en die sous haal. Gaan was gou jou hande,” sê die vrou terwyl sy terugstap kombuis toe. Die klein dogtertjie hardloop badkamer toe. +Dis die oomblik waarvoor die hondjie gewag het. Hy storm binnetoe, spring op die stoel, druk sy gesig in die bord warm, heerlike noedels en eet alles op. Toe hardloop hy net so vinnig deur die oop deur om buite te gaan wegkruip. + +“Maar, Mamma,” roep die dogtertjie toe sy by die tafel gaan sit, “daar is niks kos op my bord nie.” +“WAT?” Haar ma storm by die kamer in. “Maar ek het nou net noedels ingeskep.” Sy draai om en kyk na die oop voordeur. “Ai tog,” sê sy, “iets of iemand het ingekom en jou kos gesteel.” Sy maak die voordeur toe en sluit dit. +Intussen het die hondjie om die huis na die agtertuin gehardloop. Die kombuisdeur staan oop en hy sluip in. Die hele vertrek is gevul met die heerlike geur van kos. Op die kombuistafel staan ʼn groot pot en nog ʼn bord noedels. Die hondjie spring weer op ʼn stoel en weer druk hy sy kop in die bord noedels en begin eet. +Net toe stap die dogtertjie en haar ma in die kombuis in. +“Wat gaan hier aan?” vra die dogtertjie se ma hard. +Die hondjie is so bang; hy kruip in ʼn hoekie weg en tjank kliphard. +“Wat gaan ons met jou doen? Jy is BAIE vuil,” sê die vrou. +“Oee,” sê die klein dogtertjie, “en jou bek is vol noedels!” +“Maak toe die deur,” sê haar ma. “Kom ons eet eers en dan sal ons hom bad.” En dis toe wat hulle doen. +“Nou,” sê Gogo, “wie kan raai wat hulle die hondjie genoem het?” +“NOODLE!” skree Bella en Neo. +“Ja,” sê Gogo. “En weet julle wie die mense in die storie was?” +“Bella en haar ma,” skree Afrika. +“EK, EK, EK!” skree Bella. Neo lag. +“Maar dis nie die einde van die storie nie,” sê Gogo. “Bella moes gaan uitvind of die hondjie aan enigiemand behoort. Slegs as sy nie die eienaar kon vind nie, kon sy die hondjie hou. Die volgende dag het Bella en haar ma toe van deur tot deur geloop en vir almal gevra of dit hulle hondjie is. Maar niemand het hom al voorheen gesien nie. Op pad het Bella vir Mme wa Afrika raakgeloop en …” + +“VIR MY!” skree Afrika. +“Ja,” sê Gogo, “en so het julle almal vir Noodle ontmoet. En dis hoe julle almal maats geraak het. Noodle het Bella se hond geword omdat hy aan niemand behoort het nie.” +“En hy is die beste hond in die wêreld,” sê Bella. +“En ons is die beste maats in die wêreld,” sê Neo.",afr,Afrikaans,Dit het alles met ’n babahondjie begin,"“Story, story, please Gogo, tell us a story,” begged Neo. Bella smiled and nodded. +“Yes, please,” said Afrika who was sitting on Gogo’s lap. +Gogo laughed. “Okay,” she said, “let me tell you the story of how you became ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dit-het-alles-met-’n-babahondjie-begin +it-started-puppy,"“Ibali, ibali, khawuncede kaloku Gogo usibalisele ibali,” wacenga watsho uNeo. UBella wancuma waza wanqwala naye. +“Ewe, siyakucela wethu,” watsho uAfrika owayefunqulwe nguGogo. +UGogo wahleka. “Kulungile ke,” watsho, “makhe ndinibalisele ibali lokuba naba ngabahlobo njani na. Ingaba benisazi ukuba konke kwaqala ngenjana?” +UNeo wanqwala. UBella wancuma waze wathi, “Sibalisele, sibalisele,” Ngoko ke, noGogo waqalisa ukubalisa ibali. +Ngobunye ubusuku, kutsha nje, injana yayihamba ijoja kuyo yonke imigqomo yenkunkuma eyayidibana nayo. Yayilambile kwaye yayilahlekile. Yayingazazi nalapho yayisiya khona kodwa yayisazi ukuba isisu sayo asinanto kwaye ifuna ukutya! + +“Usizana lwenjana,” watsho u-Afrika. +Kodwa kwakungekho kutya kufutshane nemigqomo yenkunkuma. Injana yayikhalela phantsi, incwina. Yayifuna ukutya kunye nendawo efudumeleyo yokulala. Yahamba ithoba isitalato. Kwakukho izindlu ezininzi kodwa ezinye zazo zazinezinja ezinkulu ezaziyikhonkotha ziyigragramele ngamazinyo azo amakhulu. Yayisoyika kakhulu. +Kwathi ekugqibeleni, ekupheleni kwesitalato, yabona indlu encincane eyayingenazo izinja ezinkulu eyadini. Kwakukhanyisiwe ngaphakathi kuyo kwaye yayikhangeleka ishushu inombizane nobubele, ngoko ke injana yasondela kule ndlwana. +Yathi xa isiya isondela yahlangatyezwa livumba elimnandi. Ucango lwangaphambili lwaluvulekile, ngoko ke yayikwazi ukubona okungaphakathi. Yabona intombazana encinane ifunda incwadi. Yayizihlekela, ibuka imifanekiso. +“Lixesha lesidlo sangokuhlwa,” injana yeva ilizwi lithethela phantsi nangobubele lisitsho. Yabukela lo gama umama wentombazanana ebeka ipleyiti ezele iinoodles phezu kwetafile. “Ndiza kuya kulanda eyam ipleyiti nesauce. Hlamba izandla zakho msinyane,” watsho umama wayo njengokuba wayebuyela ekhitshini. Intombazanana yakhawuleza yaya kungena kwigumbi lokuhlambela. +Lowo yayingumzuzu injana eyayilinde wona. Yakhawuleza yangena endlwini yatsibela esitulweni, yayifaka yatshona intloko yayo epleyitini eshushu nemnandi yeenoodles, yazibetha entloko ezo noodles. Ngokukhawuleza, yathi letshe yabaleka yaphuma phandle kwakhona, yazimela. + +“Hayi bo Mama,” yakhwaza yatsho intombazanana ihlala etafileni, “akukho kutya kule pleyiti yam.” +“INTONI?” Umama wakhe wakhawuleza wabuyela kwelo gumbi. “Kodwa bendisandul’ ukukuphakela ngoku.” Wajika wajonga umnyango owawuvuliwe. “O ndiyabona” watsho, “makube kukho into okanye umntu ongenileyo wakuba ukutya kwakho.” Waluvala ucango lwangaphambili waza walutshixa. +Ngelo xesha injana yayibaleke yajikela eyadini ngasemva. Yafumana ucango lwasekhitshini luvuliwe yaza yangena ngaphakathi. Eli gumbi lalizele livumba elimnandi lokutya. Apho phezu kwetafile yasekhitshini kwakukho imbiza enkulu kunye nenye ipleyiti yenoodles. Injana yatsibela esitulweni kwakhona yazingcwaba kuloo pleyiti, yaqalisa ukutya. +Kanye ngaloo mzuzu intombazanana kunye nomama wayo bangena ekhitshini. +“Kuqhubeka ntoni na apha?” watsho umama wale ntombazanana ekhwaza. +Injana yayisoyika; yanwayiza yaya ngasekoneni, incwina. +“Sikuthini? Umdaka KAKHULU,” watsho umama. +“Ooo,”yatsho intombazana, “kwaye nomlomo wakho usazele iinoodles!” +“Vala ucango, ” watsho umama wentombazana. “Siza kuqala sitye size emva koko siyihlambe.” Emva kokutya benza njalo. +“Ngoku ke,” watsho uGogo, “ngubani onokuqashela ukuba bayithiya igama elithini loo njana?” +“NGUNOODLE!” wakhwaza uBella kunye noNeo. +“Ewe,” watsho uGogo. “Niyabazi ukuba ngoobani aba bantu basebalini?” +“NguBella kunye noMama,” wakhwaza uAfrika. +“YAYINDIM!” watsho uBella. UNeo wahleka. +“Kodwa esi ayisosiphelo sebali eso,” watsho uGogo. UBella kwafuneka ukuba afumanise ukuba leyo yayiyinjana kabani na. Wayenokukwazi ukuyigcina kuphela xa engamfumani umniniyo. Ngoko ke, ngosuku olulandelayo uBella nomama wakhe bangena kuzo zonke izindlu ezisebumelwaneni bebuzisa ngale njana. Kwakungekho mntu wakhe wayibona ngaphambili. Endlelni uBella wadibana noMme wa Afrika kunye no….” + +“NAM!” wakhwaza uAfrika. +“Ewe,” watsho uGogo, “kwaba njalo ke ukuhlangana kwenu noNoodle. Leyo ke yindlela enathi naba ngabahlobo ngayo waza noNoodle waba yinja kaBella, kuba kwakungekho mntu owathi yinja yakhe.” +“Kwaye yeyona nja ilungileyo kulo lonke ihlabathi,” watsho uBella. +“Kwaye nathi singabona bahlobo bakhulu ehlabathini,” watsho uNeo.",xho,isiXhosa,Konke kwaqala ngenjan,"“Story, story, please Gogo, tell us a story,” begged Neo. Bella smiled and nodded. +“Yes, please,” said Afrika who was sitting on Gogo’s lap. +Gogo laughed. “Okay,” she said, “let me tell you the story of how you became ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/konke-kwaqala-ngenjana +it-started-puppy,"“Indaba, indaba, bandla Gogo, sicela usixoxele indaba,” kuncenga uNeo. UBella wamamatheka wavuma ngekhanda. +“Yebo, siyakucela bandla,” kusho u-Afrika owayegone kuGogo. +Wahleka uGogo. “Kulungile,” kusho yena, “ake nginixoxele indaba yokuthi naba abangani kanjani. Ngabe niyazi ukuthi kwaqala ngomdlwane?” +UNeo wavuma ngekhanda. UBella wamamatheka wathi, “Sixoxele, sixoxele.” UGogo wabe eseqala ukuxoxa indaba. +Ngobunye ubusuku, esikhathini esingekudala kakhulu, kwakukhona umdlwane owawuzula unuka imigqomo owawufika kuyo. Wawulambile futhi ulahlekile. Wawungazi ukuthi uyaphi kodwa wawazi ukuthi akunalutho esiswini sawo futhi udinga ukudla! + +“Umdlwane wabantu, bandla,” kusho u-Afrika. +Kodwa kwakungekho kudla eduze kwemigqomo. Umdlwane wawukhalela phansi. Wawudinga ukudla nokuthola indawo yokulala efudumele. Wawehla ngomgwaqo. Kwakukhona izindlu eziningi kodwa ezinye zazo zazinezinja ezinkulu ezaziwukhonkotha ziwuvezele namazinyo azo. Wawesaba kakhulu. +Kwase kuthi, ngasekugcineni komgwaqo, wabona indlu encane eyayingenazinja ezinkulu egcekeni. Yayinezibani ezikhanya ngaphakathi futhi yayibukeka ifudumele, inobungani, ngakho umdlwane waya kuyo. +Ngesikhathi usondela kuyo wezwa iphunga elimnandi. Isicabha sangaphambili sasivuliwe, ukwazi ukubona ngaphakathi. Wabona intombazanyana ifunda incwadi. Yayihleka ngesikhathi ibuka izithombe. +“Sekuyisikhathi sokudla kwakusihlwa,” umdlwane wezwa kumemeza iphimbo elipholile, elinobungani. Wawubuka ngesikhathi umama wentombazane ebeka amapuleti ama-noodles etafuleni. “Ngizolanda ipuleti lami ne-sauce. Geza izandla zakho ngokushesha,” kusho owesifazane ngesikhathi ebuyela ekhishini. Intombazanyana yaphuthuma ekamelweni lokugezela. +Leso kwakuyisikhathi esasilindelwe umdlwane. Wagulukudela phakathi, wagxumela esitulweni, wazitika ngama-noodles afudumele, amnandi asepuletini wawashaya wawabhuqa. Wase uphuma ngesicabha esivuliwe ngokukhulu ukushesha wayocasha phandle. + +“Hawu Mama,” kumemeza intombazanyana ngesikhathi ihlala etafuleni, “akukho kudla epuletini lami.” +  +“INI?” Umama wayo waphuthuma ekamelweni. “Kodwa bengikuphakele nje.” Waphenduka wabheka isicabha esivulekile. “Ihe,” kusho yena, “kukhona into noma umuntu ongenile wantshontsha ukudla kwakho.” Wavala isicabha sangaphambili wasikhiya. +Ngaleso sikhathi umdlwane wawusugijime waya engadini engemuva. Wathola isicabha sasekhishini sivuliwe wangena khona. Lonke ikhishi leli laligcwele iphunga elimnandi lokudla. Laphaya etafuleni lasekhishini kwakukhona ibhodwe elikhulu nelinye ipuleti eligcwele ama-noodles. Umdlwane waphinda wagxumela esitulweni futhi wangenela ukudla okwakusepuletini, waqala ukuzitika. +Ngaleso sikhathi kwangena intombazanyana nomama wayo ekhishini. +“Kwenzakalani la?” kumemeza umama wentombazanyana. +Umdlwane wawethuke kakhulu; wabalekela ekhoneni wakhala. +“Sizokwenzani? Ungcole KAKHULU,” kusho owesifazane. +“Ooo,” kusho intombazanyana, “futhi umlomo wakho usagcwele ama-noodles!” +“Vala isicabha,” kusho umama. “Sizodla kuqala bese siwugeza.” Nempela benzenjalo. +“Manje-ke,” kusho uGogo, “ngubani ongaqagela ukuthi bawuqamba bathi ubani umdlwane?” +“UNOODLE!” kumemeza uBella noNeo. +“Yebo,” kusho uGogo. “Pho ngabe niyazi yini ukuthi kwakungobani laba abasendabeni?” +“UBella nomama wakhe,” kumemeza u-Afrika. +“YIMI!” kumemeza uBella. Wahleka uNeo. +“Kodwa ayipheli lapho indaba,” kusho uGogo. “Kwadingeka ukuthi uBella afune umnikazi womdlwane. Uma engamtholi umnikazi, uzobe eseyawugcina umdlwane. Ngakho, ngosuku olulandelayo uBella nomama wakhe bahamba bephuma bengena bebuza ngomdlwane. Kodwa akekho umuntu owayeke wawubona ngaphambilini. Endleleni uBella wahlangana noMme wa Afrika no-…” + +“NAMI!” kumemeza u-Afrika. +“Yebo,” kusho uGogo, “ngakho nonke nase nazana noNoodle. Naba abangani kanjalo-ke, uNoodle waba inja kaBella, ngoba wayengenamnikazi.” +“Futhi uyinja enhle kunazo zonke emhlabeni,” kusho uBella. +“Kanti futhi singabangani abahle ukudlula bonke emhlabeni,” kusho uNeo.",zul,isiZulu,Kwaqala ngomdlwane,"“Story, story, please Gogo, tell us a story,” begged Neo. Bella smiled and nodded. +“Yes, please,” said Afrika who was sitting on Gogo’s lap. +Gogo laughed. “Okay,” she said, “let me tell you the story of how you became ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kwaqala-ngomdlwane +it-started-puppy,"“Kanegelo, kanegelo, hle Koko, re anegele kanegelo,” gwa kgopela Neo. Bella a myemyela a be a dumela ka hlogo. +“Ee, hle,” a realo Afrika yo a bego a dutše diropeng tša Koko. +Koko o ile a sega. “Go lokile,” a realo, “e re ke le anegele kanegelo ya ka moo le bilego bagwera. Naa le a tseba gore tšohle di thomile ka mpšanyana?” +Neo a dumela ka hlogo. Bella a myemyela a re, “Re botše, re botše.” Ya ba Koko o thoma go anega kanegelo. +Bošego bjo bongwe, ga se kgale, mpšanyana e be e sepela e tšama e dupa motomo wa matlakala wo mongwe le wo mongwe wo e kopanago le ona. E be e swerwe ke tlala ebile e timetše. E be e sa tsebe fao e yago, efela e be e tseba gore e swerwe ke tlala gape e nyaka dijo! + +“Ijoo mpšanyana ya batho,” a realo Afrika. +Efela kgauswi le motomo wa matlakala go be go se na dijo. Mpšanyana e ile ya llela tlase. E be e swerwe ke tlala gape e nyaka lefelo la borutho gore e robale. E ile ya sepela mmileng. Go be go na le mengwako ye mentši efela go ye mengwe go na le dimpša tša go e goba ebile di e ntšhetša meno. E be e tšhogile kudu. +Mafelelong a mmila, e ile ya bona ngwako o monnyane wa go se be le dimpša tše dikgolo. Mabone a be a timilwe ka gare ebile e lebelelega e le borutho e na le segwera, ka fao mpšanyana e ile ya ya go ona. +E rile ge e batamela, monkgo wa bose wa e fihlela dinkong. Lebati la ka pele le be le butšwe gomme e kgona go bona ka gare. E bone mosetsana yo a bala puku. O be a sega ge a lebeletše diswantšho. +“Ke nako ya dijo tša go lalela,” mpšanyana ya kwa lentšu le bonolo la segwera le goeletša. E be e lebeletše ge mmago mosetsana a bea di-noodles tafoleng. “Ke tla tšea poleiti yaka le moro. Hlapa diatla ka pela,” a realo mosadi a boela ka moraleng. Mosetsana o ile a kitimela ka ngwakong wa bohlapelo. +Mpšanyana e be e emetše sebaka se. E kitimetše ka gare, ya fofela setulong, ya tsenya sefahlego ka poleiting ya di-noodles tše borutho gomme ya di ja ka moka ga tšona. Ya ba e tšwa ka lebelo, ya tšwa ka lebati la go bulega, ya iphihla ka ntle. +  + +“Efela Mma,” gwa goeletša mosetsana ge a dula tafoleng, “ga go na dijo ka poleiting ya ka.” +“ENG?” Mmagwe a kitimela ka phapošing. “Efela ke go soletše.” A retologa a lebelela lebati leo le bulegilego. “Aowa ruri,” a realo, “selo se sengwe goba motho yo mongwe o tsene a utswa dijo tša gago.” O tswaletše lebati la ka pele a le notlela. +Ka nako yeo ke ge mpšanyana e kitimetše ka tšhengwaneng ka morago. E hweditše lebati la morala le bulegile ya tsena ka gare. Phapoši ka moka ga yona e be e tletše monkgo wa dijo wa bose. Godimo ga tafola ka moraleng go be go na le pitša ye kgolo le poleiti ye nngwe ya di-noodles. Mpša e ile ya fofela setulong gape ya tsenya sefahlego poleiting gomme ya thoma goja. +Ka nako yeo mosetsana le mmagwe ba tsena ka moraleng. +“Go diragalang?” gwa goeletša mmago mosetsana. +Mpšanyana e be e tšhogile kudu; e tsene khoneng gomme ya lla. +“Re tla dira eng ka wena? O ditšhila KUDU,” a realo mosadi. +“Aa,” a realo mosetsana, “molomo wa gago o sa tletše di-noodles!” +“Tswalela lebati,” a realo mmagwe. “Re tla ja gomme ge re fetša ra e hlapiša.” Ba dirile fela bjalo. +“Bjale,” a realo Koko, “ke mang yo a ka akanyago gore mpša ba e filwe leina lefe?” +“NOODLE!” gwa goeletša Bella le Neo. +“Ee,” a realo Koko. “Naa o tseba gore batho ba ka kanegelong e be e le bomang?” +“Bella le mmagwe,” gwa goeletša Afrika. +“KE NNAAAAA!” gwa goeletša Bella. Neo a sega. +“Efela seo ga se mafelelo a kanegelo,” a realo Koko. “Bella o ile a swanela go nyakišiša ge eba mpšanyana e na le mong. O tla ipha yona, ge fela a ka se hwetše mong wa yona. Ka moso Bella le mmagwe ba tsene motse le motsana ba botšiša batho bohle ge eba mpšanyana ke ya mang. Efela ga go yo a kilego a e bona pele ga nako yeo. Bella ge a le tseleng o kopane le MmagoAfrika le …” +  +“NNAAAA!” gwa goeletša Afrika. +“Ee,” a realo Koko, “ka moka le kopane le Noodle. Ke ka moo ka moka le bilego bagwera ka gona gomme Noodle ya ba mpša ya Bella, ka gobane e be e se na mong.” +“Ke mpša ya botse ya go loka kudu lefaseng lohle,” a realo Bella. +“Gomme re bagwera ba bagolo lefaseng lohle,” a realo Neo.",nso,Sepedi,E thomile ka mpšanyan,"“Story, story, please Gogo, tell us a story,” begged Neo. Bella smiled and nodded. +“Yes, please,” said Afrika who was sitting on Gogo’s lap. +Gogo laughed. “Okay,” she said, “let me tell you the story of how you became ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/e-thomile-ka-mpšanyana +it-started-puppy,"“Pale, pale hle Gogo, re phetele pale,” ho kopa Neo. Bella a bososela a ba a oma ka hlooho. +“E, ka kopo hle, Ehlile,” ho rialo Afrika ya neng a dutse hodima Gogo. +Gogo a tsheha. “Ho lokile,” a araba, “e reng ke le phetele pale ya hore na ho tlile jwang hore le be metswalle. Na le a tseba hore tsohle di qadile ka lebaka la mootlwana?” +Neo a oma ka hlooho. Bella a bososela mme a re, “Re phetele, re phetele.” Yaba he Gogo o qala ho pheta pale. +Bosiung bo bong, e seng kgale haholo, ho ne ho e na le mootlwana o neng o ntse o solla o tsamaya o fofonela moqomo o mong le o mong wa matlakala oo o kopanang le ona. O ne o lapile ebile o lahlehile. O ne o sa tsebe moo o yang teng, empa o ne o tseba hore lephako la wona le a uba mme o ne o hloka dijo ka potlako! + +“Ao mootlwana wa batho,” ha rialo Afrika. +Empa ho ne ho se dijo haufi le meqomo ya matlakala. Mootlwana wa tsetselela fatshe. O ne o batla ho ja le ho fumana sebaka se mofuthu sa ho robala. Wa theosa ka seterata. Ho ne ho e na le matlo a mangata empa a mang a ona a ne a e na le dintja tse kgolo tse neng di o bohola di bile di senaka meno. O ne o tshohile haholo. +Yaba hang, ho ella qetello ya seterata, wa bona ntlo e nyane e neng e se na dintja tse kgolo ka jareteng. E ne e kgantshitswe mabone ka hare mme e shebahala e le mofuthu ebile e tletse setswalle, kahoo mootlwana wa leba ho yona. +Eitse ha o atamela wa utlwa monko o monate o fihla nkong ya wona. Lemati la ka pele le ne le butswe mme o ne o kgona ho bona ka hare. O ile wa bona ngwanana e monyane a bala buka. O ne a ntse a itshehela a le mong ha a ntse a shebile ditshwantsho. +“Ke nako ya selallo,” mootlwana wa utlwa lentswe le bonolo, le mosa le hoeletsa. Wa shebella ha mme wa ngwananyana eo a bea poleiti ya di-noodle tafoleng. “Ke sa ilo lata poleiti ya ka le moro. Hatlela kapele,” mosadi eo a rialo ha a kgutlela ka kitjhineng. Ngwananyana a potlakela ka phaposing ya ho itlhatswetsa. +Oo e ne e le motsotso oo mootlwana oo o neng o o emetse. Wa kena ka tlung ka potlako, wa hlwella hodima setulo, wa diketsa sefahleho sa wona ka hara poleiti ya di-noodle mme wa di ja kaofela. Yaba, ka lona lepotlapotla leo, o mathela ka ntle ho ya ipata. + +“Empa Mme,” ha hoeletsa ngwananyana eo ha a dula tafoleng, “ha ho dijo poleiting ya ka.” +“ENG?” Mmae a potlakela ka phaposing eo. “Empa ke sa tswa o ngwathela dijo.” Yaba o a hetla ho sheba lemating le bulehileng. “Tjhe bo,” a rialo, “ho na le ntho e nngwe kapa motho ya keneng mona a utswa dijo tsa hao.” A kwala lemati la ka pele a ba a le notlela. +Ka nako eo mootlwana o ne o mathetse serapeng se ka mora ntlo. Wa fumana lemati la kitjhine le butswe mme wa nanara wa kena ka hare. Phaposi yohle e ne e tletse monko o monate wa dijo. Hodima tafole ya kitjhine ho ne ho e na le pitsa e kgolo le poleiti e nngwe ya di-noodle. Mootlwana oo wa boela wa hlwella setulong mme wa kenya sefahleho sa wona ka hara poleiti mme wa qala ho ja. +Ka nako yona eo, ngwananyana le mmae ba kena ka kitjhineng. +“Ho etsahalang?” ha hoeletsa mme wa ngwananyana eo. +Mootlwana o ne o tshohile haholo; wa itshunya hukung mme wa tsetsela. +“Re tla etsa eng ka wena? Ako bone hore o ditshila JWANG,” ho rialo mosadi. +“Aoo,” ho rialo ngwananyana, “le molomo wa hao o ntse o kgenathetse di-noodle!” +“Kwala monyako,” ha rialo mmae. “Re tla ja pele ebe re a o hlatswa.” Yaba ba etsa jwalo. +“Jwale,” Gogo a botsa, “Ke mang ya ka lepang hore ba ile ba reha mootlwana oo lebitso lefe?” +“KE NOODLE!” ha hoeletsa Bella le Neo. +“Ehlile,” ho rialo Gogo. “Na le a tseba hore batho ba paleng ee e ne e le bomang?” +“Bella le mme wa hae,” ho hoeletsa Afrika. +“KE NNAAAA!” ha hoeletsa Bella. Neo a tsheha. +“Empa eo ha se pheletso ya pale,” ha rialo Gogo. “Bella o ile a tlameha ho ya batlisisa hore na ebe mootlwana oo o ne o e na le monga wona kapa tjhe. Ke ha a ne a ka se fumane monga wona feela moo a neng a ka inkela wona. Yaba ka letsatsi le hlahlamang Bella le mmae ba tsamaya ba kena ntlo le ntlo ba botsa batho bohle hore na ebe mootlwana oo ha se wa bona. Empa ho ne ho se motho ya kileng a o bona pele ho moo. Yaba Bella o kopana le Mme wa Afrika le … tseleng” +“LE NNAAAA!” ha hoeletsa Afrika. +“Ehlile,” ha rialo Gogo, “yaba bohle le kopana le Noodle. Ke kamoo lona bohle le bileng metswalle mme Noodle e bileng ntja ya Bella, hobane o ne o se na monga wona.” +“Athe ke ntja e ntle e lokileng ka ho fetisisa lefatsheng,” ho rialo Bella. +“Mme re metswalle ya hlooho ya kgomo lefatsheng lohle,” ha rialo Neo.",sot,Sesotho,E qadile ka mootlwan,"“Story, story, please Gogo, tell us a story,” begged Neo. Bella smiled and nodded. +“Yes, please,” said Afrika who was sitting on Gogo’s lap. +Gogo laughed. “Okay,” she said, “let me tell you the story of how you became ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/e-qadile-ka-mootlwana +devoted-friend,"One morning Swamp Rat stuck his head through the reeds on the bank of the river. He put his nose in the air and wiggled the end, sniffing the air to smell who was about. Seven newly-hatched ducklings came swimming round the bend, looking like a group of fluffy balls. Their mother followed closely behind them. Mother duck had a white face and a black head. She was trying to teach the ducklings how to stand on their heads in the water. +“You will never impress anyone unless you can stand on your heads,” she kept saying, showing them how it was done. But her ducklings paid no attention to her. They were so young they did not know what an advantage it would be to impress others. +“What disobedient children!” cried Swamp Rat, “they really deserve to be drowned.” +“Nonsense,” answered Mother duck, “everyone must begin somewhere, and parents have to be patient.” +“Ah! I know nothing about being a parent,” said Swamp Rat. “I am not a father and I never intend to be one. Love is all very well, but a devoted friendship is much more noble.” +“What is your idea of a devoted friend?” asked a yellow-billed stork who had overheard the conversation while wading in the water nearby. +“I would also like to know,” said the duck, standing on her head again. +“What a silly question!” cried Swamp Rat. “My devoted friend must be devoted to me, of course.” +“What would you do in return?” asked Stork, shuffling his feet and poking about in the mud with his long yellow bill. +“I don’t understand your question,” answered Swamp Rat. +“Let me tell you a story,” said Stork. +“Is the story about me?” asked Swamp Rat. “If so, I will listen.” +“You could say so,” answered Stork, catching a fish in his bill and gulping it down with a jerk of his head. He stood on one leg, gave a contented sigh and told this story of the devoted friend. +Chapter 2 +Once upon a time there was an honest fellow named Sizwe. +“Was he very impressive?” interrupted Swamp Rat. +“I don’t think he tried to impress others,” answered Stork. “He was very kind − that was always  his way. Anyway let me continue…” +Sizwe lived near a stream in a tiny hut all by himself. Every day he worked in his field. In all the countryside there was no field as plentiful as his. Mielies grew there, and tomatoes, and pumpkins as big as wheelbarrow wheels. There was spinach and potatoes, and two tall banana trees. His carrots were so sweet and orange that people ate them raw before they got near the pot. Sometimes he even grew juicy, red strawberries. +Little Sizwe had many friends, but the most devoted friend of all was the dairy farmer who farmed on the hill. So devoted was the rich dairy farmer that he would never go past Sizwe’s field without leaning over the fence and picking a few mielie cobs or a bunch of bananas to take home. +“Real friends should share,” the dairy farmer would say. Little Sizwe nodded and smiled, and felt proud that his friend appreciated his produce so much. +Little Sizwe never stopped to wonder why the rich dairy farmer never gave him anything in return. After all the dairy farmer had a hundred rounds of cheese stored in his cellar, and thirty milk cows, and a large flock of woolly sheep. Sizwe was grateful to listen to all the wonderful things the dairy farmer said about the unselfishness of true friendship. +So little Sizwe worked away in his field. All autumn, winter and spring he was very happy, but when summer came, heavy rains fell. The stream grew into a river, and the river roared over its banks and rushed into Sizwe’s field. The crops he had planted were washed away or they rotted underwater. Sizwe had no vegetables to take to the market. During that long summer, he often went hungry or had to go to bed with only a few mangoes in his stomach. He was also lonely, as the dairy farmer never came to visit him during this time. +Chapter 3 +“It is pointless going to see little Sizwe while his field is flooded,” the dairy farmer said to his wife. Their farm was up on a hill, so his cows and sheep and fields were safe. “When people are in trouble, they should be left alone and not be bothered by visitors. I shall wait till the flood subsides and Sizwe has managed to plant a new crop. Then I shall pay him a visit and he will be able to give me a large basket of vegetables and that will make him so happy,” said the dairy farmer. +“You are certainly a very thoughtful friend,” answered his wife as she unpacked the groceries into their fridge. “Very thoughtful indeed. It is far too hot to go anywhere. And it would be quite horrible for poor little Sizwe if you saw his ruined field.” +“But could we not ask him up here?” said the dairy farmer’s youngest son, chewing his food. “If poor Sizwe is in trouble I will give him half of my sandwich and show him my white rabbits to cheer him up.” +“What a silly boy you are!” shouted the dairy farmer. “What is the use of sending you to school if you don’t learn anything. If little Sizwe came up here and saw our cool swimming pool and our good cheese and our great cask of red wine, he might get envious. Envy is a most terrible thing. It can spoil a kind nature. I certainly will not allow Sizwe’s nature to be spoiled. I am his best friend. I will always watch over him and make sure that he is not led into temptation. Besides, if Sizwe came here, he might ask for some cheese on credit, and that I could not do. Cheese is one thing; friendship is another, and they should not be confused. The words are even spelt differently and mean quite different things. Everybody knows that.” +“How well you speak!” said the dairy farmer’s wife, pouring herself a large glass of milk. “I must say that I feel quite drowsy listening to you. It is like being in church.” +“Lots of people act well,” answered the dairy farmer, “but very few people speak well. It is far more difficult to speak well, and so you see, I am a very fine man.” He looked sternly across the table at his little son, who felt so ashamed of himself that he hung his head, grew quite scarlet and began to cry into his tea. +Chapter 4 +“Is that the end of the story?” asked Swamp Rat. +“Certainly not,” answered Stork. “That is the beginning.” +“Then you are quite old-fashioned,” said Swamp Rat. “Every good storyteller nowadays starts with the end, and then goes on to the beginning, and concludes with the middle. That is the new method. I heard all about it the other day from a critic who was walking along the banks of our river with a young man. He spoke about it for a long time, and I am sure he must be right, for he had blue spectacles and a bald head, and whenever the young man made any remark, he always answered ‘Pooh!’. But go on with your story. I like the dairy farmer immensely,” said Swamp Rat. +Stork took a deep breath and continued. +As soon as the flood waters had subsided, little Sizwe started working again. He ploughed and composted his field and then planted his crops. He worked from early in the morning until late at night. He worked until his forehead dripped with sweat and his hands broke out in blisters. +Before long the seedlings pushed their leaves out of the ground and held them up to the sun. Cabbages grew as big as babies’ heads, and bean plants wound their way up the fence. From up the hill, the dairy farmer saw that little Sizwe’s field was quite recovered. He said to his wife that he would go down to visit Sizwe. +“Why, what a good heart you have!” said his wife, “you are always thinking of others. And please take the big basket with you for the vegetables.” +So the dairy farmer went down the hill with the basket on his arm. +“Good morning, little Sizwe,” said the dairy farmer. +“Good morning,” said Sizwe leaning on his spade and smiling from ear to ear. +“And how have you been all summer?” asked the dairy farmer. +“It is very good of you to ask,” said Sizwe, “very good indeed. I am afraid I had rather a difficult time because of the flood, but now I am quite happy and my vegetables are doing well.” +“We often talked of you during the summer, Sizwe,” said the dairy farmer, “and wondered how you were getting on.” +“That was kind of you,” said Sizwe, “I was afraid you had forgotten me.” +“Sizwe, I am surprised at you,” said the dairy farmer. “Friends never forgets about each other. That is the wonderful thing about friendship.” +The dairy farmer looked around. “How lovely your cabbages are looking!” he said. +“They are certainly very lovely,” said Sizwe, “and I am very lucky to have so many. I am going to sell them to the mayor’s daughter. Then I will be able to buy back my cart with the money.” +“Buy back your cart? You don’t mean to say you have sold it? What an unwise thing to do!” said the dairy farmer. +Chapter 5 +“Well, the fact is,” said Sizwe, “I was obliged to. Because of the flood, I had no money to buy bread. So I first sold my leather jacket, then I sold my silver chain and lastly I sold my cart. But I am going to buy them all back.” +“I will give you my cart,” said the dairy farmer. “It is not in a very good condition. One side is broken and there is something wrong with the wheels, but in spite of that I will give it to you. It is very generous of me. Many people would think me silly to give it away, but I think that generosity is the essence of friendship. Besides, I have bought myself a new cart.” +“That is very generous of you,” said little Sizwe as his face glowed with pleasure. “I can mend the cart because I have a plank of wood in my shed.” +“A plank of wood!” said the delighted dairy farmer. “That is exactly what I need for the gap in my fence. The sheep will get out if I don’t fix it. How lucky that you mentioned it! It is quite remarkable how one good action always leads to another. I am going to give you my cart and you will give me your plank of wood. Of course, the cart is worth far more than the wood, but true friendship never notices these things. Get the plank at once and I will mend my fence this very day.” +“Certainly,” replied little Sizwe. He ran to his shed and dragged out the plank. +“It is not a very big plank,” said the dairy farmer looking at it, “and I am afraid that after I have mended my fence there won’t be any left for you to repair the cart, but that is not my fault. And now, as I am giving you my cart, I am sure you would like to give me some cabbages in return. Here is the basket. Mind you fill it quite full.” +“Quite full?” asked little Sizwe rather sorrowfully, for it was a very big basket, and he knew that if he filled it, he might not earn enough money to get his leather jacket back. +Chapter 6 +“Well,” answered the dairy farmer, “as I am going to give you my cart, I don’t think that it is too much to ask for a few cabbages. I may be wrong, but I should have thought that friendship, true friendship, was quite free from selfishness of any kind.” +“My dear friend, my best friend,” replied little Sizwe, “I would much rather have your good opinion than my leather jacket.” He ran and cut the stalks of five of the best cabbages and filled the dairy farmer’s basket. +“Goodbye, little Sizwe,” said the dairy farmer as he went up the hill with the plank on his shoulder and the heavy basket in his hand. +“Goodbye,” said little Sizwe as he began to dig away quite merrily. He was very pleased about the cart he would soon have. +The next day Sizwe was taking snails out of the spinach patch when he heard the dairy farmer calling to him from the road. Sizwe ran down his field and looked over the fence. There stood the dairy farmer with a large sack of cheese on his back. +“Dear little Sizwe,” said the dairy farmer, “would you mind taking this sack of cheese to the market?” +“Oh, I am so sorry,” said Sizwe, “but I am very busy today. I must weed all my vegetable beds.” +“That won’t do,” said the dairy farmer. “Considering I am giving you my cart, it is rather unfriendly of you to refuse.” +“Oh, don’t say that,” replied little Sizwe. “I wouldn’t be unfriendly to you for anything.” Sizwe ran to his hut to fetch his cap, and trudged off with the heavy sack of cheese on his shoulders. +It was a very hot day. Before Sizwe had reached the town he was so tired that he had to sit down and rest. At last he reached the market where he sold the cheese for a very good price. Then he returned home quickly, for he was afraid of meeting robbers on the way. +Chapter 7 +Early the next morning the dairy farmer came down to get the money for his cheese, but little Sizwe was so tired that he was still in bed. +“Goodness,” exclaimed the dairy farmer, “you are very lazy. Idleness is a great sin and I certainly don’t like my friends to be sluggish. Please do not mind my speaking openly to you. What is the good of friendship if one cannot tell the truth? Anybody can please and flatter, but a true friend says unpleasant things, for he knows that he is doing good.” +“I am very sorry,” said little Sizwe, rubbing his eyes, “but I was so tired that I was lying in bed listening to the birds singing. I always work better after hearing the birds sing.” +“Well, I am glad of that,” said the dairy farmer, clapping little Sizwe on the back, “for today I want you to come and mend my fence.” +Poor little Sizwe was very anxious to go and work in his field, for he needed to plant some onions. +“Would it be unfriendly of me if I said I was busy?” he inquired in a timid voice. +“Well,” answered the dairy farmer, “I do not think it is much to ask of you, considering that I am going to give you my cart, but of course if you refuse, I will mend the fence myself.” +“Oh! On no account,” replied little Sizwe. He got dressed and went up to the dairy farm. +He worked there all day long, until sunset, when the dairy farmer came to see how he was getting on. +“Ah!” said the dairy farmer, seeing that his fence was mended, “the best work is the work one does for others.” +“It is a privilege to hear you talk,” answered little Sizwe, sitting down and wiping his forehead, “a very great privilege. I am afraid I shall never have such beautiful ideas.” +“Oh! they will come,” said the dairy farmer. “At present you have only the practice of friendship, but some day you will have the theory as well. Now you had better go home and rest, for I want you to drive my cows to the shed early tomorrow morning to milk them.” +Poor little Sizwe was up early the next morning. He drove the dairy farmer’s cows to the shed and spent most of the morning milking them. When he returned home he was so tired that he fell asleep in his chair. +Chapter 8 +“What a delightful time I shall have in my field today,” Sizwe thought when he awoke the next morning, even though his arms were aching from all the milking. +But somehow he was never able to look after his vegetables, for his friend the dairy farmer was always coming round and sending him off on long errands, or getting him to help on the dairy farm. Little Sizwe was very worried, as he was afraid his vegetables would think he had forgotten them, but he consoled himself with the thought that the dairy farmer was his best friend who was going to give him his cart. +So little Sizwe worked hard for the dairy farmer, and the dairy farmer said all kinds of beautiful things about friendship. Sizwe wrote everything down in a notebook and read the words to himself at night, for he was a very good learner. +One very cold winter’s night, little Sizwe was sitting by the fireside when there was a loud rap at the door. +“It must be some poor traveller,” thought little Sizwe as he ran to the door. But there stood the dairy farmer with a torch in one hand and a big stick in the other. +“Dear little Sizwe,” cried the dairy farmer, “I am in great trouble. My little boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself. He needs the doctor, but the doctor lives so far away and it is such a cold night. I think it would therefore be best if you went to fetch the doctor instead of me. You know I am going to give you my cart, so it is only fair that you should do something for me in return.” +“Certainly,” replied little Sizwe. “It is a compliment that you asked me. I will go at once. Lend me your torch, as the night is so dark that I am afraid I might fall into a donga.” +“I am sorry,” answered the dairy farmer, “it is my new torch and it would be a great loss if anything happened to it.” +“Never mind, I will manage,” said little Sizwe bravely. He took down his coat and his warm scarlet cap. Then he tied a long scarf round his neck and set off. +Chapter 9 +What a cold night it was, with only a sliver of moon! Little Sizwe could hardly see, but after he had been walking for about three hours, he knocked at the doctor’s door. +“Who is there?” called the doctor. +“Little Sizwe, Doctor.” +“What do you want, little Sizwe?” called the doctor. +“The dairy farmer’s son has hurt himself and he wants you to come at once,” answered Sizwe. +The doctor came downstairs and rode off on his bicycle in the direction of the dairy farmer’s house. Little Sizwe started the long journey home on his own. +But dark clouds blew over the moon and little Sizwe lost his way. He wandered towards the river, which was a very dangerous place. Steep cliffs rose on either side of the river and poor little Sizwe fell over the edge and into the flowing water. He was dragged down by his heavy coat and drowned. The next day some goatherds found his body floating in a pool of water. +At little Sizwe’s funeral, the dairy farmer was the chief mourner. +“I was his best friend,” said the dairy farmer. “It is only fair that I should have the best place.” So he walked in front of the coffin wiping his eyes with a handkerchief where everyone could see. +“Little Sizwe’s death is certainly a great loss,” said the dairy farmer’s wife when the funeral was over. “What will we do without his vegetables?” +“A great loss,” answered the dairy farmer. “Why, I had as good as given him my cart, but now I don’t know what to do with it. It is in my way at home and it is so broken I cannot sell it. I won’t give away anything ever again. One always suffers for being generous.” +“Well?” said Swamp Rat, after a long pause. +“Well, that is the end,” said Stork. +“But what became of the dairy farmer?” asked Swamp Rat. +“Oh! I really don’t know,” replied Stork, “and I don’t care.” +“It is quite clear that you have no sympathy in your nature,” said Swamp Rat. +“I am afraid you don’t quite see the moral of the story,” remarked Stork. +“The what?” asked Swamp Rat. +“The moral,” repeated Stork. +“Do you mean the story has a moral?” asked Swamp Rat. +“Certainly,” said Stork. +“Well, really,” said Swamp Rat angrily, “I think you should have told me that before you began. Then I would not have listened. In fact, I should have said ‘Pooh!’ like the critic. However, I can say it now. So he shouted out, “Pooh!” at the top of his voice, gave a whisk of his tail, and disappeared into the reeds. +“How did you like Swamp Rat?” asked the duck, who came paddling up. +“I am afraid I annoyed him,” answered Stork. “I told him a story with a moral.” +“Ah! That is always a dangerous thing to do,” said the duck. Then she dipped into the water and stood on her head to impress Stork.",eng,English,The devoted friend,"One morning Swamp Rat stuck his head through the reeds on the bank of the river. He put his nose in the air and wiggled the end, sniffing the air to smell who was about. Seven newly-hatched ducklings came swimming round the bend, looking like a ...",,Retold Dawn Garisc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/devoted-friend +devoted-friend,"Een oggend steek Vleirot sy kop deur die riete op die oewer van die rivier. Hy snuif die lug en wikkel die punt van sy neus om te ruik wie verbykom. Sewe pas uitgebroeide eendjies, wat soos ʼn klomp wollerige balletjies lyk, kom in die rivier afgeswem. Hulle mamma kom agter hulle aangeswem. Mamma Eend het ʼn wit gesig en ʼn swart kop. Sy probeer die eendjies leer hoe om in die water op hulle koppe te staan. +“Julle sal nooit enigiemand kan beïndruk as julle nie op julle koppe kan staan nie,” sê sy heeltyd, en wys vir hulle hoe dit gedoen word. Maar die eendjies kyk nie eens vir haar nie. Hulle is so jonk dat hulle nie besef dat dit ʼn voordeel kan wees om ander te beïndruk nie. +“Wat ʼn klomp ongehoorsame kinders!” roep Vleirot, “verdrink hulle.” +“Onsin,” antwoord Mamma Eend, “almal moet iewers begin, en ouers moet geduldig wees.” +“Aa! Ek weet niks van ouerskap nie,” sê Vleirot. “Ek is nie ʼn pa nie, en beplan ook nie om ooit een te word nie. Die liefde is goed is en wel, maar ʼn getroue vriendskap is baie beter.” +“Wat is jou idee van ʼn getroue vriend?” vra ʼn geelbekooievaar wat na die gesprek geluister het terwyl hy daar naby in die water waad. +“Ek sal ook graag wil weet,” sê die eend, en staan weer op haar kop. +“Wat ʼn dom vraag!” skree Vleirot. “My getroue vriend moet natuurlik toegewy wees aan my.” +“Wat sal jy in ruil doen?” vra Ooievaar, skuifel sy pote, en pik met sy lang geel snawel in die modder rond. +“Ek verstaan nie,” antwoord Vleirot. +“Kom ek vertel vir jou ʼn storie,” sê Ooievaar. +“Gaan die storie oor my?” vra Vleirot. “Indien wel, sal ek luister.” +“Jy kan so sê,” antwoord Ooievaar, vang ʼn vis in sy snawel en sluk dit af met ʼn ruk van sy kop. Hy staan op een been, sug tevrede en vertel hierdie storie van die getroue vriend. +Hoofstuk 2 +Eendag was daar ʼn eerlike kêrel met die naam Sizwe. +“Was hy baie indrukwekkend?” val Vleirot hom in die rede. +“Ek dink nie hy het probeer om ander mense te beïndruk nie,” antwoord Ooievaar. “Hy was baie goedhartig − dit was in sy aard. In elk geval, laat ek voortgaan …��� +Sizwe het heeltemal alleen in ʼn klein hut naby ʼn stroom gewoon. Hy het elke dag op sy landerye gewerk. In die hele geweste was daar geen landerye wat so vrugbaar was soos syne nie. Daar het mielies en tamaties gegroei, en die pampoene was so groot soos kruiwawiele. Daar was spinasie en aartappels, en twee hoë piesangbome. Sy wortels was so soet en so oranje dat mense dit sommer rou geëet het voordat hulle dit kon kook. Soms het hy selfs sappige rooi aarbeie geplant. +Klein Sizwe het baie vriende gehad, maar sy mees getroue vriend was die suiwelboer wat bo-op die heuwel geboer het. So getrou was die ryk suiwelboer dat hy nooit verby Sizwe se landerye gestap het sonder om oor die heining te leun en ʼn paar mielies of  ʼn tros piesangs af te pluk om huis toe te vat nie. +“Ware vriende moet deel,” sê die suiwelboer. Klein Sizwe knik en glimlag, en voel trots dat sy vriend sy groente en vrugte so baie waardeer. +Klein Sizwe het nooit gewonder waarom die ryk suiwelboer hom nooit iets in ruil gee nie. Die suiwelboer het immers honderd ronde kase in sy kelder gehad, en dertig melkkoeie, en ʼn groot trop wolskape. Sizwe was dankbaar dat hy na al die wonderlike dinge kon luister wat die suiwelboer sê oor die onselfsugtigheid van ware vriendskap. +En so werk klein Sizwe op sy landerye. Regdeur die herfs, winter en lente is hy baie gelukkig, maar toe die somer kom, begin dit hard reën. Die stroom word ʼn rivier, die rivier oorstroom sy walle en die water loop tot in Sizwe se landerye. Die gewasse wat hy geplant het, spoel weg, en die res vrot onder die water. Sizwe het geen groente om mark toe te neem nie. Daardie hele lang somer ly hy dikwels honger, of hy het net ʼn paar mango’s om te eet voor hy gaan slaap. Hy is ook baie eensaam, want in hierdie tyd kom die suiwelboer nooit vir hom kuier nie. +Hoofstuk 3 +“Dit dien geen doel om vir klein Sizwe te gaan kuier terwyl sy landerye oorstroom is nie,” sê die suiwelboer vir sy vrou. Hulle plaas is bo-op die heuwel, en daarom is sy koeie en skape en velde en landerye veilig. “Wanneer mense in die moeilikheid is, moet ʼn mens hulle met rus laat en nie gaan kuier nie. Ek sal wag tot die water wegtrek en Sizwe weer ʼn nuwe oes aangeplant het. Dan sal ek weer vir hom gaan kuier, en hy sal vir my ʼn groot mandjie groente kan gee, en dit sal hom baie gelukkig maak,” sê die suiwelboer. +“Jy is beslis ʼn baie bedagsame vriend,” antwoord sy vrou terwyl sy die kruideniersware in die yskas pak. “Inderdaad baie bedagsaam. Dit is hopeloos te warm om uit te gaan. En dit sal aaklig wees vir arme klein Sizwe as jy sy geruïneerde landerye sien.” +“Maar kan ons hom nie oornooi nie?” sê die suiwelboer se jongste seun, terwyl hy sy kos kou. “As arme Sizwe in die moeilikheid is, sal ek my toebroodjie met hom deel en hom my wit konyne wys om hom op te beur.” +“Moenie laf wees nie!” skree die suiwelboer. “Wat help dit dat ek jou skool toe stuur as jy niks leer nie. As klein Sizwe hierheen kom en ons heerlike koel swembad en ons goeie kaas en ons lekker fles rooiwyn sien, sal hy dalk afgunstig raak. Afguns is ʼn nare ding. Dit kan goedhartigheid doodmaak. Ek sal beslis nie toelaat dat Sizwe se goedhartigheid kwyn nie. Ek is sy beste vriend. Ek sal altyd na hom kyk en seker maak dat hy nie in die versoeking kom nie. Buitendien, as Sizwe hierheen kom, sal hy dalk van ons kaas op krediet wil koop, en dit kan ek nie toelaat nie. Kaas is een ding; vriendskap is iets anders, en hulle moet nooit met mekaar verwar word nie. Die woorde word selfs verskillend gespel, en dit beteken heeltemal verskillende dinge. Almal weet dit.” +“O, maar jy is wel ter tale!” sê die suiwelboer se vrou, en skink vir haarself  ʼn groot glas melk. “Ek voel skoon lomerig van so na jou luister. Dis soos om in die kerk te sit.” +“Baie mense doen goeie dade,” antwoord die suiwelboer, “maar baie min mense kan goed praat. Dit is baie moeiliker om welsprekend te wees, en daarom is ek so ʼn vername man.” Hy kyk streng na sy klein seuntjie oorkant die tafel, wat so skaam is dat hy sy kop laat sak, bloedrooi bloos en begin huil dat die trane in sy tee drup. +Hoofstuk 4 +“Is dit die einde van die storie?” vra Vleirot. +“Beslis nie,” antwoord Ooievaar. “Dit is die begin.” +“Dan is jy baie ouderwets,” sê Vleirot. “Elke goeie storieverteller begin deesdae by die einde, vorder dan na die begin en eindig in die middel. Dit is die nuwe manier. Ek het dit nou die dag gehoor by ʼn kritikus wat saam met ʼn jong man langs ons rivier gestap het. Hy het lank daaroor uitgewei, en ek is seker hy is reg, want hy het ʼn blou bril opgehad, en hy was bles, en elke keer as die jong man iets gesê het, was sy antwoord altyd, ‘Twak!’. Maar gaan voort met jou storie. Ek hou vreeslik baie van die suiwelboer,” sê Vleirot. +Ooievaar haal diep asem en vertel verder. +Toe die vloedwater wegtrek, begin klein Sizwe weer werk. Hy ploeg en werk kompos in sy landerye in en toe plant hy sy vrugte en groente. Hy werk van vroeg soggens tot saans laat. Hy werk tot die sweet van hom afdrup en sy hande vol blase is. +Kort voor lank begin die saailinge hul blaartjies deur die grond uitstoot na die son toe. Die koolkoppe word so groot soos babas se koppies, en die boontjieranke rank teen die heining op. Van bo van die heuwel af sien die suiwelboer dat klein Sizwe se landerye weer heeltemal herstel het. Hy sê vir sy vrou dat hy weer vir Sizwe gaan kuier. +“Jy het darem maar ʼn goeie hart!” sê sy vrou, “jy dink altyd aan ander. En neem asseblief die groot mandjie saam vir die groente.” +Die suiwelboer stap teen die bult af met die mandjie oor sy arm. +“Goeiemôre, klein Sizwe,” sê die suiwelboer. +“Goeiemôre,” sê Sizwe, leun op sy graaf en glimlag van oor tot oor. +“En hoe was die somer vir jou?” vra die suiwelboer. +“Dis baie gaaf dat jy vra,” sê Sizwe, “inderdaad baie gaaf. Ek is bevrees dit was ʼn moeilike tyd vir my as gevolg van die oorstromings, maar nou is ek weer baie gelukkig en my groente kom mooi aan.” +“Ons het in die somer dikwels van jou gepraat, Sizwe,” sê die suiwelboer, “en gewonder hoe dit met jou gaan.” +“Dit is baie gaaf van julle,” sê Sizwe. “Ek was bang julle het van my vergeet.” +“Jy verbaas my, Sizwe,” sê die suiwelboer. “Vriende vergeet nooit van mekaar nie. Dit is die wonderlike ding van vriendskap.” +Die suiwelboer kyk om hom rond. “Jou koolkoppe lyk darem pragtig!” sê hy. +“Ja, hulle is regtig baie mooi,” sê Sizwe, “en ek is baie gelukkig om so baie te hê. Ek gaan hulle aan die burgemeester se dogter verkoop. Dan kan ek die geld gebruik om my waentjie terug te koop.” +“Jou waentjie terugkoop? Moenie vir my sê jy het dit verkoop nie? Wat ʼn dom ding om te doen!” sê die suiwelboer. +Hoofstuk 5 +“Wel, die saak staan so,” sê Sizwe, “ek moes dit doen. Omdat my landerye oorstroom het, het ek geen geld gehad om brood te koop nie. Ek moes eers my leerbaadjie verkoop, toe my silwer ketting en heel laaste het ek my waentjie verkoop. Maar ek gaan alles terugkoop.” +“Ek sal my waentjie vir jou gee,” sê die suiwelboer. “Dis nie in ʼn baie goeie toestand nie. Die een kant is stukkend, en daar skort iets met die wiele, maar ek sal dit nietemin vir jou gee. Dis baie vrygewig van my. Baie mense sal dink ek is laf om dit weg te gee, maar ek dink vrygewigheid is waaroor vriendskap eintlik gaan. Buitendien, ek het vir my ʼn nuwe waentjie gekoop.” +“Dit is baie vrygewig van jou,” sê klein Sizwe en sy gesig straal van blydskap. “Ek kan die waentjie regmaak, want ek het ʼn houtplank in my skuur.” +“’n Houtplank!” sê die suiwelboer verheug. “Dis presies wat ek nodig het om die gat in my heining reg te maak. Die skape sal uitkom as ek dit nie regmaak nie. Dis nou ʼn gelukkie dat jy dit noem! Dis ongelooflik hoe een goeie daad altyd tot ʼn volgende lei. Ek gaan vir jou my waentjie gee, en jy sal vir my jou houtplank gee. Natuurlik is die waentjie baie meer werd as die houtplank, maar ware vriendskap sien dit nie raak nie. Gaan haal dadelik die plank sodat ek vandag nog my heining kan regmaak.” +“Sekerlik,” antwoord klein Sizwe. Hy hardloop na sy skuur toe en sleep die plank uit. +“Dis nie ʼn baie groot plank nie,” sê die suiwelboer terwyl hy daarna kyk, “en ek is bevrees as ek my heining klaar reggemaak het, gaan daar niks oorbly waarmee jy die waentjie kan regmaak nie, maar dis nie my skuld nie. En aangesien ek nou vir jou my waentjie gee, is ek seker jy sal vir my koolkoppe in ruil gee. Hier is die mandjie. En maak dit tog heeltemal vol.” +“Heeltemal vol?” vra klein Sizwe taamlik treurig, want dit is ʼn baie groot mandjie, en hy weet as hy dit vol maak, sal hy dalk nie genoeg geld verdien om sy leerbaadjie terug te koop nie. +Hoofstuk 6 +“Wel,” antwoord die suiwelboer, “aangesien ek my waentjie vir jou gaan gee, dink ek nie dis te veel gevra om vir ʼn paar koolkoppe te vra nie. Ek mag verkeerd wees, maar ek sou dink vriendskap, ware vriendskap, is vry van enige selfsug.” +“My liewe vriend, my beste vriend,” antwoord klein Sizwe, “jou goeie dunk van my is vir my baie meer werd as my leerbaadjie.” Hy gaan sny vyf koolkoppe af en pak die boer se mandjie daarmee vol. +“Tot siens, klein Sizwe,” sê die suiwelboer terwyl hy teen die bult opstap met die plank op sy skouer en die swaar mandjie in sy hand. +“Tot siens,” sê klein Sizwe terwyl hy vrolik begin spit. Hy is baie bly oor die waentjie wat hy binnekort gaan kry. +Die volgende dag soek Sizwe slakke in die spinasie toe hy hoor hoe die suiwelboer hom van die pad af roep. Sizwe hardloop langs sy landerye af en kyk oor die heining. Daar staan die suiwelboer met ʼn groot sak kaas op sy rug. +“Liewe klein Sizwe,” sê die suiwelboer, “sal jy hierdie sak kaas vir my mark toe neem?” +“O, ek is baie jammer,” sê Sizwe, “maar ek is vandag baie besig. Ek moet al die onkruid tussen my groente uittrek.” +“Dit sal nie deug nie,” sê die suiwelboer. “Aangesien ek my waentjie vir jou gaan gee, is dit eintlik onvriendelik van jou om te weier.” +“O, nee, moet tog nie so sê nie,” antwoord klein Sizwe. “Ek sal nooit onvriendelik teenoor jou wees nie.” Sizwe hardloop na sy hut toe om sy hoed te gaan haal, en strompel weg met die swaar sak kaas op sy skouers. +Dit is ʼn baie warm dag. Voor Sizwe by die dorp kom, is hy so moeg dat hy moet gaan sit om te rus. Uiteindelik kom hy by die mark aan waar hy die kaas vir ʼn baie goeie prys verkoop. Toe stap hy vinnig terug huis toe, want hy is bang dat hy rowers langs die pad sal teëkom. +Hoofstuk 7 +Vroeg die volgende oggend kom die suiwelboer die geld vir sy kaas haal, maar klein Sizwe is so moeg dat hy nog in die bed is. +“Goeiste,” roep die suiwelboer uit, “jy is baie lui. Luiheid is ʼn groot sonde, en ek hou beslis nie daarvan as my vriende lui is nie. Verskoon maar dat ek so prontuit praat. Wat is die waarde van vriendskap as ʼn mens nie die waarheid kan praat nie? Enigiemand kan iemand anders goedpraat en vlei, maar ʼn ware vriend sê onaangename dinge, want hy weet dit is vir die beste.” +“Ek is so jammer,” sê klein Sizwe, en vryf sy oë, “maar ek was so moeg dat ek in die bed gelê en luister het hoe die voëltjies sing. Ek werk altyd beter as ek die voëltjies hoor sing het.” +“Wel, ek is bly om dit te hoor,” sê die suiwelboer, en klap klein Sizwe op die rug, “want ek wil hê jy moet vandag my heining kom regmaak.” +Arme klein Sizwe is baie angstig om op sy landerye te gaan werk, want hy moet uie plant. +“Sou dit onvriendelik van my wees as ek sê ek is besig?” vra hy ingetoë. +“Wel,” antwoord die suiwelboer, “ek dink nie dit is te veel gevra nie, aangesien ek my waentjie vir jou gaan gee, maar as jy weier, sal ek maar self die heining regmaak.” +“O, nee! Asseblief nie,” antwoord klein Sizwe. Hy trek sy klere aan en stap op na die suiwelplaas toe. +Hy werk die hele dag lank, tot die son ondergaan, toe die suiwelboer kom kyk hoe hy vorder. +“Aa!” sê die suiwelboer, toe hy sien dat sy heining reggemaak is, “die beste werk is die werk wat ʼn mens vir iemand anders doen.” +“Dit is ʼn voorreg om jou te hoor praat,” antwoord klein Sizwe, gaan sit en vee die sweet van sy voorkop af, “’n baie groot voorreg. Ek is bevrees ek sal nooit sulke wonderlike idees hê nie.” +“O, dit sal kom,” sê die suiwelboer. “Op die oomblik ervaar jy vriendskap in die praktyk, maar eendag sal jy ook die teorie leer. Nou moet jy liewer huis toe gaan om te rus, want ek wil hê jy moet vroeg môreoggend my koeie stal toe jaag en hulle melk.” +Arme klein Sizwe is die volgende oggend vroeg op. Hy jaag die suiwelboer se koeie stal toe en die res van die oggend melk hy die koeie. Toe hy teruggaan huis toe, is hy so moeg dat hy in sy stoel aan die slaap raak. +Hoofstuk 8 +“Wat ʼn wonderlike dag gaan ek vandag op my landerye deurbring,” dink Sizwe toe hy die volgende oggend wakker word, selfs al is sy arms seer van al die melkery. +Maar op een of ander manier kan hy nooit op sy landerye werk nie, want sy vriend, die suiwelboer kom altyd oor en stuur hom ver weg om opdragte te gaan uitvoer, of vra hom om op die suiwelplaas te kom help. Klein Sizwe is baie bekommerd, want hy is bang sy groente begin dink hy het van hulle vergeet. Hy troos hom egter daaraan dat die suiwelboer sy beste vriend is wat vir hom sy waentjie gaan gee. +Klein Sizwe werk baie hard vir die suiwelboer, en die suiwelboer sê allerhande pragtige dinge oor vriendskap. Sizwe skryf alles in ʼn notaboek neer en lees saans die woorde, want hy is ʼn baie goeie leerling. +Een koue wintersaand sit klein Sizwe voor die vuur toe daar ʼn harde klop aan die deur is. +“Dit moet ʼn arme reisiger wees,” dink klein Sizwe toe hy deur toe hardloop. Maar daar staan die suiwelboer met ʼn flits in een hand en ʼn lang stok in die ander. +“Liewe klein Sizwe,” roep die suiwelboer, “ek is in groot moeilikheid. My seuntjie het van ʼn leer af geval en seergekry. Hy moet dokter toe gaan, maar die dokter woon so ver weg en dit is so koud vanaand. Ek dink dit sal die beste wees as jy die dokter gaan haal, nie ek nie. Jy weet ek gaan vir jou my waentjie gee, en daarom is dit net regverdig dat jy vir my iets in ruil sal doen.” +“Natuurlik,” antwoord klein Sizwe. “Dit is vir my ʼn kompliment dat jy my vra. Ek sal dadelik gaan. Leen vir my jou flits, want dit is baie donker, en ek is bang ek sal in ʼn donga val.” +“Ek is jammer,” antwoord die suiwelboer, “dit is my nuwe flits en ek sal groot skade ly as dit iets oorkom.” +“Toe maar, ek sal regkom,” sê klein Sizwe dapper. Hy gaan haal sy jas en sy warm rooi pet. Toe bind hy ʼn lang serp om sy nek en val in die pad. +Hoofstuk 9 +Dit is baie, baie koud, met net ʼn dun sekelmaan wat skyn. Klein Sizwe kan skaars sien, maar na drie uur se stap, klop hy aan die dokter se deur. +“Wie’s daar?” roep die dokter. +“Klein Sizwe, Dokter.” +“Wat wil jy hê, klein Sizwe?” vra die dokter. +“Die suiwelboer se seun het seergekry en die boer vra dat jy dadelik kom,” antwoord Sizwe. +Die dokter kom by die trap af, klim op sy fiets en ry in die rigting van die suiwelboer se huis. Klein Sizwe begin alleen die lang pad huis toe stap. +Maar donker wolke waai voor die maan in en klein Sizwe verdwaal. Hy loop rivier se kant toe, en dit is ʼn baie gevaarlike plek. Daar is steil kranse aan albei kante van die rivier en arme klein Sizwe val oor die rand en in die vloeiende water in. Die water trek sy swaar jas af en hy verdrink. Die volgende dag vind bokwagters sy liggaam waar dit in ʼn poel water dryf. +By klein Sizwe se begrafnis is die suiwelboer die grootste roubeklaer. +“Ek was sy beste vriend,” sê die suiwelboer. “Dis net regverdig dat ek die beste plek moet kry.” Hy stap dus voor die kis verby en vee sy oë met sy sakdoek af waar almal hom kan sien. +“Klein Sizwe se dood is voorwaar ʼn groot verlies,” sê die suiwelboer se vrou toe die begrafnis verby is. “Wat gaan ons sonder sy groente doen?” +“’n Groot verlies,” antwoord die suiwelboer. “Ek het amper vir hom my waentjie gegee, maar nou weet ek nie wat om daarmee te doen nie. Dit is in my pad by die huis en dit is stukkend. Ek kan dit nie verkoop nie. Ek sal nooit weer enigiets weggee nie. ʼn Mens verloor net as jy vrygewig is.” +“Wel?” sê Vleirot, na ʼn lang pouse. +“Wel, dis die einde,” sê Ooievaar. +“Maar wat het van die suiwelboer geword?” vra Vleirot. +“O! Ek weet regtig nie,” antwoord Ooievaar, “en ek gee ook nie om nie.” +“Dit is duidelik dat jy glad nie simpatiek is nie,” sê Vleirot. +“Ek is bevrees jy sien glad nie wat die les van die storie is nie,” merk Ooievaar op. +“Die wat?” vra Vleirot. +“Die les,” herhaal Ooievaar. +“Bedoel jy die storie het ʼn les?” vra Vleirot. +“Natuurlik,” sê Ooievaar. +“Wel, regtig,” sê Vleirot vies, “ek dink jy moes dit vir my gesê het voordat jy begin het. Dan sou ek nie geluister het nie. Trouens, ek sou gesê het ‘Twak!’ soos die kritikus. Maar nou sê ek dit sommer nou.” Toe skree hy kliphard, “Twak!”, skud sy stert en verdwyn in die riete. +“Hoe hou jy van Vleirot?” vra die eend, wat nader geswem kom. +“Ek is bevrees ek het hom ontstig,” antwoord Ooievaar. “Ek het vir hom ʼn storie met ʼn les vertel.” +“Aa! Dit is altyd ʼn gevaarlike ding om te doen,” sê die eend. Toe duik sy onder die water in en staan op haar kop om vir Ooievaar te beïndruk.",afr,Afrikaans,The devoted friend,"One morning Swamp Rat stuck his head through the reeds on the bank of the river. He put his nose in the air and wiggled the end, sniffing the air to smell who was about. Seven newly-hatched ducklings came swimming round the bend, looking like a ...",,Retold Dawn Garisc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/devoted-friend-0 +devoted-friend,"Ngenye intsasa iBuzi loMgxobhozo lalivele ngentloko ezingcongolweni ezaziseludongeni lomlambo. Lanqika impumlo yalo larhogela ukuze lijoje ukuba ngubani na okufuphi. Kwathi gqi amantshontshwana asandul’ ukuqanduselwa edada ejikela igophe, engathi liqela leebhola ezifukufuku ezithambileyo zilandelelana. Unina wayewalandela kude kufuphi. Umama uDada wayenobuso obumhlophe nentloko emnyama. Wayezama ukufundisa amantshontsho akhe ukuba angema njani na ngeentloko zawo emanzini. +“Anisokuze nikwazi ukutsala umdla kuye nabani na ngaphandle kokuba nibe niyakwazi ukuma ngeentloko emanzini,” utsho emana ebabonisa ukuba kwenziwa njani. Kodwa amantshontshwana akhe ayengamhoyanga. Ayemancinane engazi ukuba izakubanceda njani into yokutsala umdla wabanye abantu. +“Abeva ke khona aba bantwana!” latsho iBuzi loMgxobhozo, “bafanele kukusuka bantywiliselwe.” +“Bubuvuvu obo,” waphendula uMama uDada, “wonke umntu kufanele kubekho apho aqala khona, kwaye singabazali kufuneka sibe nomonde.” +“Hayi ke! Andazi nto kwaphela ngokuba ngumzali,” latsho iBuzi loMgxobhozo. Andinguye utata kwaye andinamnqweno wakuba nguye. Lona uthando luyinto entle, kodwa ukuba nomhlobo othembekileyo kona yeyona nto inkulu. +“Ucinga ukuba ngumhlobo onjani umhlobo othembekileyo?” yabuza iNgwamza ekwathi kanti iyimamele le ncoko lo gama yayihamba-hamba emanzini kufutshane. +“Nam ndingathanda ukwazi,” latsho idada, limi ngentloko kwakhona. +“Hayi ke ngoku bubuvuvu obu nibubuzayo!” lakhala latsho iBuzi loMgxobhozo. “Kakade, umhlobo wam othembekileyo nozinikelayo makathembeke azinikele kum.” +“Wena uza kumenzela ntoni?” yabuza iNgwamza, ihambisa iinyawo zayo inqola-nqola ngomlomo wayo omthubi eludakeni. +“Andiwuqondi kakuhle umbuzo wakho,” laphendula iBuzi loMgxobhozo. +“Mandikubalisele ibali,” yatsho iNgwamza. +“Ingaba elo bali lingam?” labuza iBuzi loMgxobozo. “Ukuba kunjalo, ndiza kumamela.” +“Ungatsho,” yaphendula iNgwamza, ibamba intlanzi ngomlomo wayo iyibimbiliza ngokumane igiyozisa intloko yayo. Yema ngomlenze omnye, yatsho ngesandi esibonisa ukwaneliseka yaze yabalisa eli bali lomhlobo othembekileyo nozinikeleyo. +Isahluko 2 +Kudala-dala kwakukho umfana onyanisekileyo ogama linguSizwe. +“Ingaba wayethandeka kodwa?” laphazamisa ngelitshoyo iBuzi loMgxobhozo. +“Andiqondi ukuba wayezama ukudlisela kwabanye,” yaphendula iNgwamza. “Wayelunge kakhulu – leyo yayiyindlela awayeziphethe ngayo. Mandiqhubeke …” +USizwe wayehlala kufutshane nomfula kwindlwana efulelwe ngengca ehlala yedwa. Yonke imihla wayesebenza emasimini. Kuwo wonke ummandla wakhe yayingekho intsimi eyayichume ukudlula eyakhe. Apho kwakukhula umbona, iitumato namathanga amakhulu angangamavili ekiriva. Kwakukho ispinatshi, iitapile kunye nemithi emibini emide yebhanana. Iminqathe yakhe yayiswiti kakhulu inombala o-orenji kangangokuba abantu babeyitya ikrwada. Ngamanye amaxesha wayelima namaqunube anencindi abomvu. +USizwe wayenezihlobo ezininzi, kodwa oyena mhlobo wayezinikele kubo bonke yayingumfama wobisi owayenefama esendulini. Sasingumhlobo othembeke kakhulu esi sityebi somfama kangangokuba wayengasokuze adlule entsimini kaSizwe ngaphandle kokuma ecingweni akhe isikhwebu sombona okanye athathe isipha seebhanana agoduke naso. +“Abahlobo benene kufuneka babelane,” wayedla ngokutsho umfama wobisi. USizwe wayenqwala ancume kwaye wayezingca ngokuba umhlobo wakhe wayeyithanda kakhulu imveliso yakhe. +USizwe zange wakhe wayicinga eyokuba kutheni umhlobo wakhe osisityebi somfama wobisi engazange wakhe wamnika nto nje yena. Lo mfama wobisi wayenamavili etshizi angaphezulu kwekhulu awayewagcine kwigumbi lakhe eliphantsi komhlaba, neemazi zobisi ezingamashumi amathathu, kunye nomhlambi omkhulu weegusha zoboya. USizwe wayevuyela ukumamela zonke izinto ezintle ezithethwa ngumfama wobisi malunga nokungazicingeli siqu sakhe kuphela umhlobo wenene. +Ngoko ke uSizwe waqhubeka ezisebenzela entsimini yakhe. Ngalo lonke ixesha lasekwindla, ebusika nasentwasahlobo wayonwabile, kodwa ehlotyeni kwakusina iimvula ezinkulu. Umfula wawuzala ubengumlambo ozalisayo amanzi angena entsimini kaSizwe. Zonke izilimo azityalileyo zazikhukuliswa ngamanzi okanye zibole zibolela phantsi kwamanzi. USizwe wayengabi nazo izityalo zokuthengisa emarikeni. Ehlotyeni wayelamba amathuba amaninzi okanye alale etye iimengo ezimbalwa. Wayenesithukuthezi, kuba umfama wobisi wayengamndwendweli nokumndwendwela ngeli xesha. +Isahluko 3 +“Akukho mfuneko yokundwendwela uSizwe xa intsimi yakhe isemanzini,” watsho umfama wobisi emfazini wakhe. Ifama yabo yayisendulini, ngoko ke iinkomo, iigusha namasimi akhe ayekhuselekile. “Xa abantu besengxakini, kufuneka bayekwe bajongane neengxaki zabo bangabe bephazanyiswa ziindwendwe. Ndiza kulinda ude umthamo wamanzi wehle aze uSizwe abe uqalile ukutyala. Ndakumndwendwela ngoko ke, kwaye uzawukwazi ukundinika ingobozi ezele sisivuno semifuno kwaye oko kuza kumvuyisa kakhulu,” watsho umfama wobisi. +“Ngokuqinisekileyo ungumhlobo omcingelayo umhlobo wakhe, waphendula umfazi wakhe njengokuba wayefaka ukutya kwisikhenkcezisi sabo. “Hayi, ngenene ndiyamcingela. Kananjalo kushushu kakhulu ukuba umntu angahamba. Kwaye ingayinto embi kakhulu kuSizwe ukubonwa kwentsimi yakhe yonakaliswe ziimvula.” +“Kodwa asikwazi na ukummema ukuba eze apha?” wabuza unyana omncinane womfama wobisi ehlafuna ukutya. “Ukuba uSizwe usengxakini ndakumohlulela isiqingatha sesi sonka sam ndimbonise nemivundlana yam emhlophe ukumvuselela nokumonwabisa.” +“Uyinkwenkwana egezayo ke wena!” wamngxolisa ngelitshoyo umfama wobisi. “Yintoni imfuneko yokukuthumela esikolweni xa kanti awuzukufunda nto kwaphela? Ukuba uSizwe angeza apha abone eli dama lethu lipholisayo nesonka samasi sethu nomphanda wethu wewayini, angabanomona. Umona yeyona nto yakhe yambi. Ungamonakalisa umntu. Ngokuqinisekileyo andisoze ndivumele ukuba uSizwe onakaliswe ngumona. Ndingumhlobo wakhe osenyongweni. Ngalo lonke ixesha ndiza kusoloko ndimkhathalela kwaye ndiqinisekise ukuba akangeni ekuhendweni. Ngaphandle koko, ukuba uSizwe angeza apha, angafuna ukuba simnike isonka samasi ngetyala, kwaye angekhe ndikwazi ukuyenza loo nto. Isonka samasi yenye into; nobuhlobo yenye, zizinto ke ezo ekungafunekiyo ukuba zibhidaniswe. Loo magama abhalwa ngokwahlukileyo kwaye nentsingiselo yawo yahlukile. Wonke umntu uyayazi loo nto.” +“Uthetha kakuhle kakhulu!” watsho umfazi womfama wobisi, ezigalelela iglasi yobisi. Kodwa ukumamela wena kuyandozelisa, kuba ushumayela ngathi usecaweni.” +“Abantu abaninzi banezenzo ezihle,” waphendula umfama wobisi, kodwa bambalwa kakhulu abathetha kakuhle. Kunzima kakhulu ukuthetha kakuhle, ngoko ke uyabona, ndiyindoda elungileyo.” Wajamela unyana wakhe owayehleli kwelinye icala letafile, owayefile ziintloni kangangokuba wayejonge phantsi ejike wabomvu krwe sele qala nokulila, iinyembezi zakhe zisiwela etini yakhe. +Isahluko 4 +“Ingaba sisiphelo sebali eso?” labuza iBuzi loMgxobhozo +“Ngokuqinisekileyo ayisiso,” yaphendula iNgwamza. “Esi sisiqalo.” +“Ngenene usadla ngendebe endala,” latsho iBuzi loMgxobhozo. “Wonke umntu ongumbalisi wamabali kule mihla uqala ekugqibeleni, emva koko aye ekuqaleni, aze agqibezele ngomphakathi webali. Leyo yindlela entsha. Konke oku ndikuve ngenye imini komnye umhlalutyi owayehamba apha ngaseludongeni lomlambo wethu ekhatshwa ngumfana othile. Wayithetha le nto ixesha elide, kwaye ndiqinisekile ukuba unyanisile kuba wayeneeglasi zamehlo eziluhlaza nenkqayi. Ngalo lonke ixesha umfana lo ephawula kuloo nto ayithethayo ebesoloko ephendula ngelithi ‘Pewu’. Kodwa ke, qhubeka nebali lakho. Ndimthanda kakhulu umfama wobisi,” latsho iBuzi loMgxobhozo. +Ingwamza yatsala umphefumlo yaza yaqhubeka ibalisa ibali. +Kwakamsinyane emva kokwetha kwamanzi ezandyondyo zemvula emhlabeni, uSizwe walima wagalela isichumiso entsimini yakhe waza watyala izityalo zakhe. Wayesebenza ukususela ekuseni ukuya ebusuku kakhulu. Wayesebenza kangangokuba ukubila kwakuthontsiza kusuka kwibunzi lakhe kwaye nezandla zakhe zazinamadyungudyungu. +Kungekudala imbewu yakhe yantshula, amagqabi aphuma emhlabeni efuna ilanga. Kwavela amakhaphetshu angangentloko yosana iimbotyi zona zanyuka ngocingo olubiyileyo. Phezulu endulini, umfama wobisi wabona ukuba intsimi kaSizwe ivuseleleke kakuhle. Wathi emfazini wakhe uza kukhe ahle andwendwele uSizwe. +“Owu! Unentliziyo entle!” watsho umfazi womfama “Usoloko ucinga ngabanye. Uze uncede uthathe ingobozi enkulu ukuze ubuye nemifuno.” +Wehlisa induli ke umfama wobisi ephethe ingobozi. +“Molo, Sizwe,” wabulisa umfama wobisi. +“Ewe,” wavuma uSizwe engqiyame kumhlakulo wakhe uncumo lwakhe luphela ezindlebeni. +“Belikuphethe njani phofu ihlobo?” wabuza umfama wobisi. +“Kuhle ukuba ubuze,” watsho uSizwe, “kuhle kakhulu. Ndingatsho ndithi ndibenexesha elinzima kakhulu ngenxa yezikhukula, kodwa ngoku ndonwabe kakhulu kwaye nemifuno yam ikhula kakuhle.” +“Besithetha ngawe rhoqo ngexesha lasehlotyeni, Sizwe,” watsho umfama wobisi, “besizibuzana ukuba ingaba uqhuba njani na kwezaa mvula.” +“Ninobubele,” watsho uSizwe, “Bendicinga ukuba nindilibele.” +“Sizwe, uyandothusa,” watsho umfama wobisi. “Abahlobo zange balibalane. Yeyona nto imangalisayo ngobuhlobo leyo.” +Umfama wobisi wabhekabheka. “Akhangeleka emahle kakhulu amakhaphetshu akho! watsho. +“Mahle ngenene,” watsho uSizwe, kwaye ndinethamsanqa ukuba namakhaphetshu amaninzi kangaka. Ndiza kuwathengisela intombi kasodolophu. Emva koko ndiza kuphinda ndithenge inqwelo yam kuye ngemali leyo. +“Uza kuthenga inqwelo yakho kuye? Uthetha ukuba ubuyithengisile? Ibibubuyatha ukwenza oko!” watsho umfama wobisi. +Isahluko 5 +“Okwenzekayo kukuba,” watsho uSizwe, “ndaye ndanyanzeleka. Ngenxa yezikhukula, ndandingenamali yokuthenga isonka. Ngoko ke ndaqala ndathengisa ibhatyi yam yesikhumba, emva koko ndathengisa umgexo wam wasentanyeni wesilivere ndaze ekugqibeleni ndathengisa inqwelo yam. Kodwa ndiza kubuya ndizithenge zonke kwakhona.” +“Ndiza kupha inqwelo yam,” watsho umfama wobisi. “Ayikho kwimeko entle kakhulu. Elinye icala lophukile kwaye kukho nokungalunganga emavilini, kodwa nangona kunjalo ndiza kupha yona. Ndinobubele kakhulu. Abanye abantu bangathi nqa kutheni ndiphisa ngayo, kodwa ndicinga ukuba ububele ngoyena ndoqo wobuhlobo. Ngaphezulu, ndizithengele inqwelo entsha.” +“Bububele obukhulu obo undenzele bona,” watsho uSizwe ubuso bakhe bukhazimla luvuyo. “Ndingayilungisa inqwelo kuba ndinalo iplanga phaya eshedini.” +“Uneplanga!” watsho umfama wobisi evuya. Ndifuna kanye lona ukuze ndivale ithuba eliselucingweni lwam. Iigusha zam ziza kuphuma ukuba andilulungisi. Ibe lithamsanqa ukuba uthi unalo! Kuyamangalisa ukuba isenzo esinye esihle sisoloko sikhokhelela kwesinye. Ndiza kupha inqwelo yam wena uza kundipha iplanga lakho. Kakade, inqwelo ixabisa ngaphezulu kakhulu kuneplanga, kodwa ubuhlobo benene abuziqapheli ezo zinto. Yiza neplanga kwangoku ukuze ndilungise ucingo lwam kwanamhlanje.” +“Ngokuqinisekileyo,” waphendula uSizwe. Wabaleka ukuya eshedini waza walitsala walikhupha iplanga.” +“Ayiloplanga likhulu kakhulu,” watsho umfama wobisi elijonga, ndinoloyiko lokuba emva kokuba ndilungise ucingo lwam akuzukusala nto ukuze ukwazi ukulungisa inqwelo, kodwa ke ayililo ityala lam elo. Ngoku ke, njengokuba ndiza kupha inqwelo yam, ndiqinisekile ukuba nawe ungathanda ukundipha amagaqa amakhaphetshu. Nantsi ingobozi. Ukhumbule ukuyizalisa.” +“Ndiyizalise?” wabuza uSizwe ebuhlungu, kuba loo ngobozi yayinkulu, esazi ukuba, ukuba uyizalisile angangakwazi ukufumana imali eyoneleyo xa athe wawathengisa aseleyo ukuze akwazi ukuthenga ibhatyi yakhe yesikhumba kwakhona. +Isahluko 6 +“Kaloku, waphendula umfama wobisi, njengokuba ndiza kupha inqwelo yam, andiqondi ukuba ndicela kakhulu xa ndicela amagaqa ambalwa ekhaphetshu. Kusenokwenza ukuba ndithetha okungalunganga, kodwa bendicinga ukuba umhlobo wenene akazicingeli isiqu sakhe sodwa nangayiphi na indlela.” +“Mhlobo wam endimthandayo, mhlobo wam osenyongweni,” waphendula uSizwe, Kungcono ndifumane iingcinga zakho ezilungileyo kunebhatyi yam yesikhumba.” Wabaleka wakha amagaqa amahlanu elona khaphetshu lihle wayizalisa ingobozi yomfama wobisi. +“Usale kakuhle, Sizwe,” watsho umfama wobisi njengokuba wayenyuka induli ethwele iplanga emagxeni akhe ephethe nengobozi esandleni sakhe. +“Uhambe kakuhle,” watsho uSizwe wabe seleqalisa ukomba onwabile. Yayimvuyisa kakhulu into yokuba eza kufumana inqwelo kwakamsinyane. +Ngosuku olulandelayo uSizwe wayesusa iinkumba kwibhedi yespinatshi sakhe ukuva kwakhe umfama wobisi emkhwaza esendleleni. Wabaleka uSizwe wehlisa intsimi yakhe wajonga ngaphaya kocingo. Nanko umfama wobisi ethwele ingxowa enkulu yetshizi. +“Sizwe othandekayo,” watsho umfama wobisi, “ungakhathazeka ukuthatha le ngxowa yetshizi undisele yona emarikeni?” +“Owu, ungafi, watsho uSizwe, kodwa namhlanje ndixakeke kakhulu. Kufuneka ndixhwithe ukhula kuzo zonke ezi bhedi zam zemifuno.” +“Ayinakwenzeka loo nto,” watsho umfama wobisi. “Xa sicingisisa kakuhle ndiza kupha inqwelo yam, ngoko asibobuhlobo ukuba wale xa ndikucela.” +“Owu, ungatsho,” waphendula uSizwe. “Akukho nto inokundenza ndingabi ngumhlobo kuwe.” Wabaleka waya endlwini yakhe wathatha umnqwazi wakhe waza wahamba nzima esindwa yingxowa yetshizi esemagxeni akhe. +Yayiyimini eshushu kakhulu. Phambi kokuba uSizwe afike edolophini wayedinwe kakhulu kangangokuba kwafuneka ahlale phantsi aphumle. Ekugqibeleni wafika emarikeni apho wathengisa khona isonka samasi ngexabiso elihle kakhulu. Emva koko wakhawuleza wagoduka kuba wayesoyika ukuhlangana nabaphangi endleleni. +Isahluko 7 +Kwakusasa ngosuku olulandelayo umfama wobisi wehlisa induli ukuza kuthatha imali yakhe yesonka samasi kuSizwe, kodwa uSizwe wayedinwe kangangokuba wayesalele. +“Nkosi yamazulu’ wakhuza umfama wobisi, “ulinqenerha. Ukonqena sisono esikhulu kakhulu kwaye mna andithandi ukuba abahlobo bam babe ngamanqenerha. Nceda ungakhathazeki kuba ndithetha phandle xa ndithetha nawe. Buyintoni ubuhlobo benene ukuba ubani akakwazi ukuthetha inyaniso? Nabani na angakukholisa okanye akuqhathe, kodwa umhlobo wenene uthetha izinto ezingemnandanga, kuba uyazi ukuba uyalungisa.” +“Ungafi,” watsho uSizwe ehlikihla amehlo akhe, “kodwa bendidinwe kakhulu ndalala ndimamele iintaka zicula. Ndisebenza ngcono kakhulu emva kokuba ndikhe ndamamela iintaka zicula.” +“Inene, ndiyakuvuyela oko,” watsho umfama wobisi embambazela uSizwe, “kuba namhlanje ndifuna uze kulungisa ucingo lwam.” +Usizana olunguSizwe lwalunxunguphele kakhulu kuba lwaluzimisele ukuya kusebenza entsimini yalo, kuba lwalufuna ukutyala amatswele. +“Ndakuba andingomhlobo ukuba ndithi ndixakekile?” wabuza ngelizwi elinobuphakuphaku. +“Eneneni,” waphendula umfama wobisi, “andiqondi ukuba ndakuba ndicela lukhulu, xa sicinga ndiza kupha inqwelo yam, kodwa ukuba uyala, ndakulilungisa ngokwam ucingo lwam.” +“Owu hayi! Ngekhe kwenzeke oko,” waphendula uSizwe. Wanxiba wanyuka induli waya kwifama yobisi. +Wasebenza apho imini yonke, kwaye lalisele litshonile ilanga, ngethuba kusiza umfama wobisi ezokubona ukuba uqhuba njani na. +“Aha!” watsho umfama wobisi, ebona ukuba ucingo lwakhe lulungisiwe, “owona msebenzi uncomekayo ngumsebenzi umntu awenzela abanye.” +“Lilungelo elilodwa ukukuva uthetha,” waphendula uSizwe, ehleli phantsi esosula ibunzi lakhe, “ilungelo elilodwa ngokwenene. Ndinoloyiko lokuba andisoze ndibe nazo iingcinga ezintle njengezakho.” +“Ungabinaxhala, ziza kufika,” watsho umfama wobisi. “Okwangoku kufuneka uziqhelise ubuhlobo, kodwa ngenye imini uza kubanazo iingcinga ezizezakho ngobuhlobo. Kungangcono ugoduke uyokuphumla ngoku, kuba ndifuna uqhube iinkomo zam uzise eshedini kwakusasa ngomso uzisenge.” +Ngengomso usizana olunguSizwe lwavuka kwakusasa. Waziqhuba iinkomo zomfama wobisi wazisa eshedini waza wachitha intsasa yonke ezisenga. Akufika ekhaya wayedinwe kakhulu kangangokuba walala esahleli esitulweni sakhe. +Isahluko 8 +“Ndiza kuba nexesha elimnandi entsimini yam namhlanje” wacinga njalo uSizwe ukuvuka kwakhe ngosuku olulandelayo, nangona iingalo zakhe zaziqaqamba kuko konke ukusenga akwenzileyo. +Kodwa wayengasakwazi ukukhathalela imifuno yakhe, kuba umhlobo wakhe umfama wobisi wayesoloko efika emthuma ukuba amenzele imisebenzi emthatha ixesha elide, okanye amcele ukuba aze kumncedisa efama. Wayekhathazeke kakhulu uSizwe, kuba wayeba imifuno yakhe iza kucinga ukuba uyilibele, kodwa wazixolisa ngelithi umfama wobisi ngoyena mhlobo wakhe usenyongweni kwaye uza kumpha nenqwelo yakhe. +USizwe wasebenza nzima esebenzela umfama wobisi, kwaye umfama wobisi wayethetha zonke izinto ezintle ngobuhlobo. USizwe wayebhala phantsi yonke into engobuhlobo kwincwadana yakhe aze azifundele ebusuku, kuba wayengumfundi olungileyo. +Ngobunye ubusuku basebusika obabubanda kakhulu, uSizwe wayehleli ngasemlilweni ukuvakala kokunkqonkqozwa emnyango. +“Inokuba lusizana lomhambi” wacinga njalo uSizwe ebaleka ukuya emnyango. Kodwa endaweni yomhambi kwakumi umfama wobisi ephathe itotshi kwesinye isandla nentonga kwesinye. +“Sizwe endimthandayo, wakhala umfama wobisi, “Ndisengxakini enkulu. Unyana wam omncinane uwe kwileli waza wenzakala. Kufuneka edibene nogqirha, kodwa ugqirha uhlala kude kakhulu kwaye obu bubusuku obubanda kakhulu. Ndicinga ukuba ingayeyona nto ilungileyo ukuba ibe nguwe oya kubiza ugqirha endaweni yam. Uyazi ukuba ndiza kupha inqwelo yam, ngoko ke kulungile ukuba nawe undenzele into entle.” +“Ngokuqinisekileyo,” waphendula uSizwe. Yindlela yokundikhuthaza ukuba undicele. Ndiza kuhamba kwangoku. Ndiboleke le totshi yakho, kuba obu busuku bumnyama kakhulu ndoyika ukuba ndingawela ezindongeni.” +“Ungafi,” waphendula umfama wobisi, “yitotshi yam entsha le, kwaye ingayilahleko enkulu ukuba kungabakho nantoni na eyehlelayo.” +“Ungazihluphi, kuza kulunga,” watsho uSizwe ngokukhalipha. Wathatha idyasi yakhe nomnqwazi wakhe obomvu. Wabhijela isikhafu eside entanyeni yakhe wahamba. +Isahluko 9 +Yayibubusuku obubanda kakhulu, kukhanyise luzizi inyanga eliceba. Kwakunzima nokubona apho umntu ahamba khona, kodwa emva kokuba uSizwe ehambe malunga neeyure ezintathu, wafika kwagqirha wankqonkqoza. +“Ungubani?” wabuza ugqirha. +“NdinguSizwe, Gqirha.” +“Ufuna ntoni, Sizwe?” wabuza uGqirha. +“Unyana womfama wobisi uzenzakalisile kwaye udinga uncedo lwakho olukhawulezayo,” waphendula uSizwe. +Ugqirha wehla esuka kumgangatho wokuqala waza wakhwela ibhayisekile yakhe waya apho umfama wobisi ahlala khona. USizwe yena waphinda wahamba kwaloo ndlela inde igodukayo. +Kodwa amafu amnyama ayigquma inyanga waze uSizwe walahleka. Walahlekela ngasemlanjeni, indawo leyo eyayinobungozi kakhulu. Kwakukho amawa amqengqelezi kuwo omabini amacala omlambo. USizwe wawa eliweni wawela emlanjeni onamaza alephuzayo. Idyasi yakhe enzima yamtsalela ezantsi warhaxwa. Ngosuku olulandelayo abelusi bawufumana umzimba wakhe udada emanzini. +Emngcwabeni kaSizwe, umfama wobisi wayengoyena mntu olahlekelweyo. +“Bendingoyena mhlobo wakhe usenyongweni,”watsho umfama wobisi. “Ndicinga ukuba kulungile ukuba ndibe ndifumana indawo yokuhlala ephezulu. Umfama wobisi wayehamba phambi komkhumbi esosula amehlo akhe ngetshefu kwaye efuna ukubonwa nguye wonke ubani. +“Ukufa kukaSizwe yilahleko enkulu,” watsho umfazi womfama wobisi emva komngcwabo. “Siza kuba ngabakabani ngaphandle kwemifuno yakhe?” +“Yilahleko enkulu,” waphendula umfama wobisi. “Bendifana nokuba ndimphile inqwelo yam, kodwa ngoku andazi ukuba ndiza kuyithini na. Isendleleni yam apha kwaye yophuke kangangokuba andinakho nokuyithengisa. Soze ndiphinde ndiphise nganto. Umntu onobubele usoloko esiva kabuhlungu ngenxa yobubele bakhe.” +“Kwaze kwathini?” labuza iBuzi loMgxobhozo emva kwexesha elide kuthe cwaka. +“Kaloku, sisiphelo eso,” yatsho iNgwamza. +“Kodwa kwenzeka ntoni kumfama wobisi?” labuza iBuzi loMgxobhozo. +“Owu hayi,  andazi ngenene,” yaphendula ingwamza, “kwaye andinaxesha laloo nto.” +“Kucace mpela ukuba ungumntu ongenalo usizi” latsho iBuzi loMgxobhozo. +“Ndinoloyiko lokuba awuyifumani imfundiso yeli bali,” yatsho iNgwamza. +“Intoni?” labuza iBuzi loMgxobhozo. +“Imfundiso,” yaphinda ngelitshoyo iNgwamza. +“Uthetha ukuba eli bali linemfundiso?” labuza iBuzi loMgxobhozo +“Ngokuqinisekileyo” yatsho iNgwamza. +“Ngenene,” latsho iBuzi loMgxobhozo linomsindo, “ubufanele ukuba undixelele phambi kokuba uqale. Ngendingakhange ndikumamele. Eneneni ngendithe ‘Pewu’ ndaxelisa laa mhlalutyi. Kodwa ke, ndisengatsho nangoku.” Latsho likhwaza kakhulu lisithi ‘Pewu!’ lajiwuzisa umsila walo lasithela phakathi kweengcongolo. +“Ulithande njani iBuzi loMgxobhozo?” labuza idada, elalisondela lidada. +“Ndinoloyiko lokuba ndilicaphukisile,” yaphendula iNgwamza. “Ndilibalisele ibali elinemfundiso.” +“Aah! Oko kusoloko kuyingozi,” latsho idada. Emva koko layitshonisa lema ngayo intloko emanzini litsala umdla weNgwamza.",xho,isiXhosa,Umhlobo othembekileyo,"One morning Swamp Rat stuck his head through the reeds on the bank of the river. He put his nose in the air and wiggled the end, sniffing the air to smell who was about. Seven newly-hatched ducklings came swimming round the bend, looking like a ...",,Retold Dawn Garisc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umhlobo-othembekileyo +devoted-friend,"Ngolunye usuku ekuseni uGundane Lexhaphozi  walunguzisa ikhanda lakhe phakathi komhlanga osebeni lomfula. Wabhekisa ikhala lakhe phezulu  watshikizisa umsila, ehogela  umoya ukuze ezwe ukuthi ubani owayeseduze. Kweza amatshwele amadada  ayesanda kuchamselwa eqhamuka ekhoneni, ebukeka njengeqoqo lamabhola anoboya obuningi. Unina wayelandela eduze ngemva kwawo. UMama uDada wayenobuso obumhlophe nekhanda elimnyama. Wayezama ukufundisa amadada ukuthi ame kanjani ngamakhanda emanzini. +“Angeke nikwazi ukudlisela ngaphandle la uma ningakwazi ukuma ngamakhanda,” elokhu ephinda la mazwi, ebakhombisa ukuthi kwenziwa kanjani. Kodwa amatshwele akhe   awazange amnake. Ayesemancane kakhulu,   engazi ukuthi kwakuzowasiza kanjani ukudlisela kwabanye. +“Zaze zedelela  lezi zingane!” kumemeza uGundane Lexhaphozi, “zifanelwe ukugwiliziswa.” +“Ayikho leyo nto,” kuphendula uMama uDada, “sonke kumele kube khona lapho siqala khona, futhi abazali kumele babe nesineke.” +“Hhayi! Angazi lutho ngokuba umzali,” kusho uGundane Lexhaphozi. “Angiyena ubaba futhi anginayo nenhloso yokuba nguye. Luhle uthando, kodwa kuhle  kakhulu ukuba nomngani othembekile.” +“Ucabanga ukuthi umngani onjani umngani othembekile?” kubuza uNogolantethe  onomlomo  ophuzi owayezwe ingxoxo ngesikhathi ehamba  emanzini aseduze nalapho. +“Nami ngingathanda ukwazi,” kusho idada, lime ngekhanda futhi. +“Naze nawubuza umbuzo owubulima!” kumemeza uGundane Lexhaphozi. “Umngani wami othembekile kumele azinikele kimina nje kuphela.” +“Wena uzomenzelani ngalokho?” kubuza uNogolantethe, enyakazisa izinyawo zakhe echokoloza odakeni ngomlomo wakhe omude ophuzi. +“Angiwuqondi umbuzo wakho,” kuphendula uGundane Lexhahozi. +“Ake ngikuxoxele indaba,” kusho uNogolantethe. +“Ngabe indaba emayelana nami?” kubuza uGundane Lexhaphozi. “Uma kunjalo, ngizolalela.” +“Ungase usho kanjalo,” kuphendula uNogolantethe, ebamba inhlanzi ngomlomo wakhe eyigwinya,  elekelela lokhu ngokunyakazisa ikhanda lakhe. Wama ngonyawo olulodwa, waphefumula ngendlela ekhombisa ukweneliseka wase exoxa indaba yomngani othembekile. +Isahluko sesi-2 +Endulo kwakukhona umfana othembekile ogama lakhe lalinguSizwe. +“Wayethandeka kodwa?”  kugxambukela uGundane Lexhaphozi. +“Angicabangi ukuthi wayezama ukudlisela kwabanye abantu,” kuphendula uNogolantethe. “Wayenomusa kakhulu − leyo kwakuyindlela ayephila ngayo. Kulungile-ke, ake ngiqhubeke nendaba …” +USizwe wayehlala yedwa endlini encane eseduze nomfudlana.  Wayesebenza emasimini nsuku zonke. Kuyo yonke indawo  yasemakhaya yalapho  kwakungekho nsimu eyayigcwele izitshalo njengeyakhe. Kwakukhula ummbila, otamatisi, namathanga amakhulu alingana namasondo ebhala. Kwakukhona isipinashi, amazambane, nezihlahla ezinde  zikabhanana.  Amakherothi akhe  ayenoshukela futhi  esawolintshi kangangokuthi abantu babewadla  eluhlaza ngaphambi kokuba bawapheke. Ngesinye isikhathi wayetshala  amastrobheri  abomvu  anojusi. +Umfanyana uSizwe wayenabangani abaningi, kodwa umngani othembeke kakhulu kuyena kwakunguMlimi owayekhiqiza okobisi owayenepulazi elisegqumeni. Wayethembeke kakhulu kuSizwe lo mlimi ocebile okhiqiza  okobisi  kangangokuthi wayengadluli ensimini kaSizwe  engazange wagoba phezu kocingo  wase ekha izikhwebu zommbila noma isixha  sikabhanana azoya naso ekhaya. +“Abangani beqiniso kumele babelane,” kwakusho  uMlimi.  Umfanyana uSizwe wayevuma ngekhanda bese emamatheka, wayeziqhenya ngokuthi  umngani bakhe  wayewuthanda kangaka  umkhiqizo wakhe. +Umfanyana uSizwe akazange ake ame azibuze ukuthi kungani uMlimi ocebile okhiqiza  okobisi  engakaze amnike lutho yena.   Empeleni uMlimi  lo  wayenamasondo oshizi amaningi ayebekwe enqolobaneni engaphansi kwendlu, izinkomo zobisi ezingamashumi amathathu nomhlambi omkhulu wezimvu ezinoboya obuningi. USizwe wayejatshuliswa ukulalela zonke izinto ezinhle ezazishiwo uMlimi  mayelana nokungagodli lutho ebunganini beqiniso. +Ngakho uSizwe waqhubeka wasebenza ensimini yakhe. Wayelokhu ejabule   ekwindla,  ebusika nasentwasahlobo yonke, kodwa kwana izimvula ezinkulu ehlobo. Umfudlana wakhula waba umfula, umfula wadla izindwani wangena ensimini kaSizwe. Izitshalo ayezitshalile zakhukhuleka ezinye zabolela ngaphansi kwamanzi. USizwe wayengasenamifino ayengayoyidayisa emakethe. Ngalelo hlobo, isikhathi esiningi wayelala engadlile noma alale edle omango abambalwa nje.  Wayenesizungu, ngenxa yokuthi uMlimi okhiqiza  okobisi wayengasezi ngalesi sikhathi. +Isahluko sesi-3 +“Akusizi ukuyobona umfanyana uSizwe ngesikhathi insimu yakhe isagcwele amanzi,”   kusho  uMlimi  kunkosikazi wakhe. Ipulazi labo laliphezulu egqumeni, ngakho izinkomo, izimvu namasimu abo ayesindile. “Uma abantu besenkingeni kumele kebayekwe  nje, bangalokho bephazanyiswa izivakashi. Ngizolinda aze  ehle  amanzi  uSizwe aze ukwazi ukutshala izitshalo ezintsha. Ngizobe sengimvakashela-ke,  anginike  ubhasikidi ogcwele imifino, lokho kuzomjabulisa  kakhulu,” kusho  uMlimi. +“Ungumngani omcabangela ngempela umngani wakhe,” kuphendula umkakhe  ngesikhathi efaka ukudla  esiqandisini sabo. “Ngiyamcabangela ngempela. Kushisa kakhulu ukuthi umuntu kungakhona lapho eya khona. Futhi kuzoba kubi kakhulu kumfanyana uSizwe ukuthi nawe ubone insimu yakhe eyonakele.” +“Kodwa angeke yini sikwazi ukumbiza akhuphukele lapha?” kubuza indodana encane yoMlimi   ihlafuna ukudla kwayo.  “Uma kuwukuthi umfanyana uSizwe usenkingeni, ngizomnika uhhafu wesementshi lami bese ngimkhombisa onogwaja bami abamhlophe ukuze akhohlwe okungamphethe kahle.” +“Siphukuphuku somfana!” kumemeza uMlimi.  “Kusizani ukukuhambisa esikoleni uma kungekho okufundayo?  Uma umfanyana uSizwe eza lapha phezulu bese ebona isiziba sethu esipholile  sokubhukuda,   ushizi wethu omuhle nomphongolo wethu omuhle kakhulu wewayini elibomvu, kungenzeka abe nomona. Umona uyinto embi kabi. Ungamguqula  umuntu onomusa. Angeke ngivumele ukuthi uSizwe aguquke  kulokho ayikho.  Ngingungani wakhe omkhulu. Ngizohlala ngimqaphele,  ngiqinisekise nokuthi ngeke angene akulingweni. Ngaphandle kwalokho, uma uSizwe engakhuphukela lapha kungenzeka acele ukunikwa ushizi ngesikweletu, angeke ngikwazi ukukwenza lokho. Ushizi awuhlangani nobungani, lokhu kumele kuhlale kwehlukene.  . Amagama alokhu kokubili apelwa ngendlela eyehlukene futhi achaza izinto ezahlukene ngempela. Akekho   ongakwazi lokho.” +“Uyiciko ekukhulumeni!” kusho unkosikazi woMlimi , ezithelela ubisi engilazini enkulu. “Ngingasho nje ukuthi ngizizwa sengozela ngenxa yokulalelana nawe.  Sekufana nokuba sesontweni nje.” +“Baningi abantu abenza kahle,” kuphendula uMlimi  okhiqiza okobisi, “kodwa bambalwa abangamaciko ekukhulumeni. Kunzima kakhulu ukuba yiciko ekukhulumeni, uyabona-ke ukuthi mina  ngiyindoda eyiciko kakhulu.” Wabuka indodana yakhe encane ngonya ngakolunye uhlangothi lwetafula, yazizwa inamahloni, yabheka phansi, izihlathi zayo zaba bomvu ngesikhathi ikhala, izinyembezi zayo ziwela etiyeni layo. +Isahluko sesi-4 +“Ngabe iphela lapho yini indaba?” kubuza uGundane Lexhaphozi. +“Cha bo!” kuphendula uNogolantethe. “Isaqala le ndaba.” +“Lokhu kuchaza ukuthi usaqhuba isidala,” ” kusho uGundane Lexhaphozi. “Umxoxi omuhle  esikhathini samanje  uqala indaba  ngesiphetho sayo, kube yima  eyoqala ekuqaleni, bese iphetha phakathi nendawo.  Indlela entsha le. Lokhu  ngakuzwa  ngolunye usuku kushiwo  ngumhlaziyi  wobuciko bamagama  owayehamba osebeni lomfula wethu nenye insizwa. Wakhuluma ngalokhu isikhathi eside, futhi nginesiqiniseko sokuthi kufanele ukuba uqinisile, ngoba  wayefake  izibuko eziluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka,  enempandla,  kuthi njalo uma le nsizwa iphawula ngokuthile, yena  athi, ‘Hhiya, suka!’ Kodwa qhubeka nendaba yakho. Ngimthanda kakhulu uMlimi  okhiqiza   okobisi,” kusho uGundane Lexhaphozi. +UNogolantethe wadonsa kakhulu umoya waqhubeka. +Kwathi  esehlile amanzi,  umfanyana uSizwe waqala ukusebenza futhi. Walima, wafaka umquba wase etshala izitshalo zakhe ensimini yakhe. Wayesebenza kusukela ekuseni kakhulu  kuze kube  sebusuku kakhulu. Wayesebenza  aze  ajuluke  esiphongweni nesandla sakhe saphume  amabhamuza. +Esikhathini esingengakanani kwavela izithombo zakhipha amaqabunga ngaphansi komhlaba zawaphakamisela elangeni. Amaklabishi akhula aze aba ngangamakhanda ezingane, izitshalo zikabhontshisi zakhuphuka ngocingo. UMlimi  okhiqiza  okobisi wabona esegqumeni ukuthi insimu kaSizwe yase ivuke ngempela. Watshela unkosikazi wakhe ukuthi uzokwehla ayovakashela uSizwe, +“Hawu,  awuve unenhliziyo enhle!” kusho unkosikazi wakhe, “uhlale ucabangela abanye abantu. Ngicela uhambe nobhasikidi omkhulu  yikhona  uzophatha imifino.” +Ngakho uMlimi  wehla egqumeni egodle  ubhasikidi. +“Sawubona, mfanyana uSizwe,” kusho uMlimi. +“Sawubona,” kusho uSizwe ezimelela ngefosholo emamatheka kakhulu. +“Ubuphila kanjani ihlobo lonke?” kubuza uMlimi. +“Ngiyabonga ngokuthi uthanda  ukwazi,” kusho uSizwe, “kuhle kakhulu lokho. Ngeshwa ngibe nesikhathi esinzima kakhulu ngenxa yamanzi amaningi,  kodwa manje sengiyajabula, futhi nemifino yami ikhula  kahle.” +“Besihlale  sikhuluma ngawe ngesikhathi sasehlobo, Sizwe,” kusho uMlimi,  “futhi besizibuza ukuthi kazi unjani.” +“Nenze into enhle,” kusho uSizwe, “Bengicabanga ukuthi ungikhohliwe.” +“Uyangimangaza, Sizwe,” kusho uMlimi.   “Abangani abakhohlwana. Nanso into enhle ngobungani.” +UMlimi  okhiqiza  okobisi wabheka  ensimini. “Aze amahle amaklabishi akho!” kusho yena. +“Mahle ngempela,” kusho uSizwe, “futhi nginenhlanhla yokuba namaningi kangaka. Ngizowadayisela indodakazi yemeya. Ngizobe sengikwazi ukuthenga ngibuyise ikalishi lami ngaleyo mali.” +“Ukuthenga ubuyise ikalishi lakho? Ungasho ukuthi ubulithengisile? Wenze ubuwula!” kusho uMlimi. +Isahluko sesi-5 +“Eqinisweni nje,” kusho uSizwe, “Yayingekho into  engangingayenza.   Ngangingasenayo imali yokuthenga isinkwa ngenxa yamanzi amaningi.   Ngakho ngaqala ngadayisa ibhantshi lami lesikhumba, ngase ngidayisa umgexo wami wesiliva ngagcina sengidayise nekalishi lami. Kodwa ngizokuthenga ngikubuyise konke lokhu.” +“Ngizokunikeza ikalishi lami,” kusho uMlimi.  “Alikho esimweni esihle hle. Uhlangothi olulodwa luphukile futhi kukhona nokungahambi kahle emasondweni, kodwa  ngizokunikeza lona noma kunjalo.   Phela angive ngiphana. Abantu abaningi bangacabanga ukuthi ngenza ubuwula, kodwa ngicabanga ukuthi ukuphana kuyisisekelo sobungani. Ngaphandle kwalokho, sengizithengele ikalishi elisha.” +“Ngiyawubonga umusa wakho omkhulu kangaka,” kusho umfanyana uSizwe ngesikhathi ubuso bakhe bukhazimula yinjabulo. “Ngingalilungisa ikalishi ngoba nginepulangwe elisegushede  lami.” +“Ipulangwe!” kusho uMlimi  ngenjabulo. “Yilokho engikudingela isikhala esivuleke othangweni lwami. Zizophuma izimvu uma ngingasivali.  Ngaze nganenhlanhla ngokuthi usho lokhu! Iyamangaza indlela isenzo esisodwa  esihle esiholela ngayo kwesinye. Ngizokunikeza ikalishi lami bese unginika ipulangwe lakho. Empeleni, ikalishi libiza ukudlula ukhuni, kodwa abangani beqiniso abazibheki lezi zinto. Phuthuma uyolanda ipulangwe ukuze ngilungise uthango lwami namhlanje.” +“Nakanjani,” kuphendula umfanyana uSizwe. Wagijima waya egushede  lakhe wadonsa ipulangwe. +“Alilikhulu kakhulu leli pulangwe,” kusho uMlimi  elibuka, “ngeshwa angiboni ukuthi likhona elizosala ozokwazi ukulungisa ngalo ikalishi ngemuva kokuba sengilungise uthango lwami, kodwa akulona iphutha lami lelo. Manje-ke njengoba ngikunikeza ikalishi lami nje, nginesiqiniseko sokuthi angeke ube nankinga nokunginika amaklabishi ngalo. Nanku ubhasikidi. Ngicela uwugcwalise.” +“Ngiwugcwalise?” kubuza umfanyana uSizwe kalusizi, ngoba kwakuwubhasikidi omkhulu kakhulu, futhi wayazi ukuthi uma ewugcwalisile, angeke akwazi ukuthola imali eyanele yokuthi abuye athenge ibhantshi lakhe lesikhumba. +Isahluko se-6 +“Phela,”  kuphendula uMlimi,  “njengoba ngizokunika ikalishi lami nje, angikholwa ukuthi ngizobe ngikubulele ngokucela amaklabishi ambalwa. Mhlawumbe ngenza iphutha, kodwa bengicabanga ukuthi ubungani, ngisho ubungani beqiniso, abunakho neze ukuzicabangela wena wedwa kwanganoma iluphi uhlobo.” +“Mngani wami omuhle, mngani wami omkhulu,” kuphendula umfanyana uSizwe, “Kungcono ngilalele imibono yakho eyakhayo kunokuthi ngithole ibhantshi  lami lesikhumba.” Wagijima wayokukha  amaklabishi akhe amahlanu amahle ukuwadlula onke wagcwalisa ubhasikidi  woMlimi. +“Usale kahle,  mfanyana uSizwe,” kusho uMlimi  ngesikhathi ekhuphuka egqumeni etshethe ipulangwe ehlombe  lakhe ephethe nobhasikidi osindayo ngesandla sakhe. +“Uhambe kahle,” kusho umfanyana uSizwe ngesikhathi eqala ukugubha ngokuthokoza. Wayejabule kakhulu ngekalishi ayezoba nalo maduze nje. +Osukwini olulandelayo ngesikhathi esizwe esakhipha iminenke esivandeni sakhe sesipinashi wezwa uMlimi  ememeza emgwaqweni. USizwe wagijima wehla nensimu wayolunguza ngasothangweni.   Kwakumi lapho uMlimi lowo  ebelethe  isaka elikhulu elinoshizi emhlane wakhe. +“Mfanyana uSizwe  othandekayo,” kusho uMlimi,, “ungangihambela  bandla maleli saka likashizi uye nalo emakethe?” +“Awu, ngiyaxolisa kakhulu,” kusho uSizwe, “kodwa ngimatasatasa kakhulu namhlanje. Kumele ngikhiphe ukhula kuzo zonke izivande zami.” +“Angeke kwenzeke lokho,” kusho uMlimi. . “Uma ucabanga ukuthi mina ngikunikeza ikalishi lami,  akuyona into enhle ukuthi wenqabe.” +“Hawu, ungasho kanjalo,” kuphendula uSizwe. “Angeke ngingakukhombisi ubungani nganoma iyiphi indlela.” USizwe wagijima waya endlini yakhe walanda ikepisi lakhe, wahamba etshethe isaka elisindayo likashizi  emahlombe akhe. +Kwakushisa kakhulu. USizwe wayesekhathele kakhulu ngaphambi kokuba afike edolobheni, kwaze kwadingeka ukuthi ahlale phansi aphumule. Ekugcineni wafika emakethe lapho adayisa khona ushizi ngemali enhle kakhulu. Wabuyela ekhaya  ngokushesha, ngenxa yokuthi wayesaba ukuhlangana nabaphangi endleleni. +Isahluko se-7 +Ekuseni kakhulu ngakusasa  uMlimi  okhiqiza  okobisi wehla wazolanda imali yakhe kashizi, kodwa uSizwe wayekhathele kangangokuba wayesalele. +“Mameshane,” kubhavumula uMlimi,  “uvilapha kakhulu. Ubuvila buyisono esikhulu kanti futhi angithandi ukuthi abangani bami babe ngamavila. Kungakuphathi kabi ukukutshela kwami iqiniso.  Kungashiwo kanjani   ukuthi  kunobungani obuhle uma umuntu engeke akwazi ukutshela omunye iqiniso? Wonke umuntu angakutshela lokho ofuna ukukuzwa, kodwa umngani weqiniso usho  nezinto ezingemnandi  ngoba  azi ukuthi wenza into enhle.” +“Ngiyaxolisa kakhulu,” kusho umfanyana uSizwe, ecikica  amehlo akhe, “bengikhathele kangangokuba bese ngilele embhedeni ngilalele ukucula kwezinyoni. Ngihlale  ngisebenza kangcono ngemuva kokuzwa izinyoni zicula.” +“Kuhle, kuyangithokozisa lokho,” kusho uMlimi  embambatha uSizwe emhlane, “ngoba namhlanje ngifuna uzolungisa uthango lwami.” +Umfanyana uSizwe wabantu wayenexhala  lokuyosebenza ensimini yakhe, ngoba wayedinga ukutshala u-anyanisi. +“Ngabe kuzokhombisa ukuthi anginabo ubungani  uma ngithi ngixakekile namhlanje?” ebuza ngokwesaba. +“Ngingathi nje,” kuphendula uMlimi,  “angikholwa  ukuthi ngikucele ukuba  ungenzele into elukhuni, uma ubheka ukuthi ngizokupha ikalishi lami, kodwa-ke uma kuwukuthi uyenqaba, ngizozilungisela uthango lwami.” +“Cha, awunakukwenza lokho,”  kuphendula umfanyana uSizwe. Wagqoka wakuphukela epulazini lemikhiqizo yobisi. +Wasebenza  lapho usuku lonke, kwaze kwahlwa, wase efika  uMlimi  ezobona ukuthi uqhuba kanjani. +“Hheshe!” kusho uMlimi  ngesikhathi ebona ukuthi uthango lwakhe selulungisiwe, “umsebenzi omuhle kakhulu yilowo umuntu awenzela abanye abantu.” +“Kuyinhlanhla enkulu ukukuzwa ukhuluma kanjalo,” kuphendula umfanyana uSizwe, ehlala phansi esula isiphongo sakhe, “kuyinhlanhla enkulu. Angiboni ukuthi mina ngingakwazi ukuqhamuka nale miqondo emihle kangaka.” +“Cha,  uzoba nayo,” kusho uMlimi.  “Okwamanje wazi okumele ukwenze ukukhombisa ubungani,  kodwa ngelinye ilanga uyowazi nomqondo ojulile wokuthi buyini ubungani lobu.   Kungcono ukuthi uye ekhaya uyophumula manje, ngoba ngifuna uqhubele izinkomo zami egushede  kusasa ekuseni kakhulu ukuze uzisenge.” +Umfanyana uSizwe wabantu wavuka ekuseni kakhulu ngakusasa.  Waqhuba izinkomo zoMlimi  zaya egushede,  wachitha isikhathi esiningi sasekuseni ezisenga.  Ngesikhathi efika ekhaya wayekhathele kangangokuthi wazumekela esitulweni. +Isahluko se-8 +“Angive ngizoba nesikhathi esimnandi ensimini yami namhlanje,”  kucabanga uSizwe ngesikhathi evuka ekuseni ngosuku olulandelayo, noma izingalo zakhe zazisebuhlungu ngenxa yokusenga izinkomo. +Kodwa wagcina engakwazanga ukunakekela imifino yakhe, ngoba umngani wakhe uMlimi  wayelokhu eza kuye emthuma ukuthi ayomenzela izinto ezithile ezindaweni ezikude, noma ukuthi azolekelela epulazini lokukhiqiza ubisi.   Umfanyana uSizwe wayekhathazeke kakhulu, ngenxa yokuthi wayesaba ukuthi imifino yakhe izocabanga ukuthi uyikhohliwe, kodwa waziduduza ngomcabango wokuthi uMlimi  wayengumngane wakhe omkhulu, futhi wayezomnikeza ikalishi lakhe. +Ngakho umfanyana uSizwe wasebenzela  uMlimi  ngokuzikhandla, uMlimi lo  washo zonke izinto ezinhle mayelana nobungani. USizwe wayebhala yonke into encwadini yakhe yamanothi bese ezifundela la magama ebusuku, ngoba wayengumfundi omuhle. +Ngobunye ubusuku basebusika obubanda kakhulu, umfanyana uSizwe wayehleli ngaseziko  wezwa ngokungqongqoza okukhulu emnyango. +“Kufanele  kube umhambi odinga usizo,” kucabanga umfanyana uSizwe ngesikhathi ephuthuma emnyango. Kodwa wafica lapho kumi  uMlimi  okhiqiza  okobisi ephethe ithoshi ngesinye isandla ephethe induku enkulu ngesinye. +“Mfanyana uSizwe othandekayo,” kukhala uMlimi,  “Ngisenkingeni enkulu. Umfana wami uwe esitebhisini walimala. Udinga udokotela, kodwa udokotela uhlala kude kakhulu kanti futhi kubanda kakhulu  ngalobu busuku. Ngicabanga ukuthi kungaba ngcono  kube nguwe olanda udokotela esikhundleni sami. Angithi uyazi ukuthi ngizokunika ikalishi lami, ngakho kuhle  ukuthi nawe kube khona into ongenzela yona.” +“Nakanjani,” kuphendula umfanyana uSizwe. “Wenze kahle ngokuthi ungicele. Ngizohamba njengamanje. Ngiboleke ithoshi lakho, ngoba bumnyama kakhulu lobu busuku ngesaba ukuthi kungenzeka ngikhalakathele ezindongeni.” +“Ngiyaxolisa,” kuphendula uMlimi,  “yithoshi lami elisha leli futhi ngizobe ngilahlekelwe kakhulu uma kungaba khona okwenzeka kulona.” +“Akunandaba, ngizokwazi ukuhamba,” kusho umfanyana uSizwe. Wethula ibhantshi  nekepisi lakhe elifudumele elibomvu.  Wase ebophela isikhafu emqaleni wakhe wahamba. +Isahluko se-9 +Babubanda kakhulu lobo busuku, kunenyanga esasiliva nje kuphela le phezulu! Umfanyana uSizwe wayengaboni kahle, kodwa ngemuva kokuba esehambe amahora alinganiselwa kwamathathu, wangqongqoza emnyango kadokotela. +“Ubani lowo?” kumemeza udokotela. +“Umfanyana uSizwe, Dokotela.” +“Ngabe ufunani, mfanyana uSizwe?” kumemeza udokotela. +“Indodana yoMlimi  okhiqiza okobisi ilimele, ucela ukuba uze njengamanje,” kuphendula uSizwe. +Udokotela wehlela ezansi wagibela ibhayisikili lakhe wahamba ngendlela eqonde endlini yoMlimi.   Umfanyana uSizwe  waqala uhambo olude lokuya ekhaya yedwa. +Kodwa amafu amnyama amboza inyanga, umfanyana uSizwe waduka. Wahamba waya ngasemfuleni,  okwakuyindawo eyingozi kakhulu. Kwakunezindonga eziphakeme ezinhlangothini zombili zomfula, umfanyana uSizwe wakhalakathela eweni waphonseka emfuleni ogelezayo.  Wacwiliswa yibhantshi lakhe elisindayo waminza.   Isidumbu sakhe  esasintanta emanzini  satholwa abelusi bezimbuzi ngosuku olulandelayo. +UMlimi  kwakunguye umlili omkhulu emngcwabeni kamfanyana uSizwe. +“Bengingumngani wakhe omkhulu,” kusho uMlimi.  “Ngakho kuhle ukuthi ngibe sendaweni ephambili kunabo bonke abantu.” Ngakho waya phambi kwebhokisi ede esula amehlo akhe ngeduku lapho wayezobonwa khona yibo bonke abantu. +“Ngokushona kukamfanyana uSizwe silahlekelwe kakhulu,” kusho  unkosikazi kaMlimi  sewuphelile umngcwabo. “Sizoba yini ngaphandle kwemifino yakhe?” +“Silahlekelwe kakhulu,” kuphendula uMlimi.  “Kodwa  njengoba  ngingazange ngimnike nje ikalishi lami, angazi ukuthi ngizolenzenjani manje. Livimbe indlela endlini yami futhi seliphuke kakhulu, angeke ngisakwazi ukulidayisa. Angeke ngiphinde ngiphisane ngalutho futhi. Umuntu uhlala ezithola esenkingeni ngenxa yokuphana kwakhe.” +“Kwase-ke?”  kusho uGungane Lexhaphozi, ngemuva kokuthi kuthuleke isikhathi eside. +“Empeleni, iyaphela lapho indaba,” kusho uNogolantethe. +“Kodwa kwenzekani kuMlimi  okhiqiza  okobisi?” kubuza uGundane Lexhaphozi. +“He! Eqinisweni angazi,” kuphendula uNogolantethe, “futhi anginandaba nokwazi.” +“Kucacile ukuthi ungumuntu ongenalo uzwelo umthetho wakho,” kusho uGundane Lexhaphozi. +“Engathi awuyitholanga ingqikithi yesifundo sendaba,” kuphawula uNogolantethe. +“Ini?” kubuza uGundane Lexhaphozi. +“Ingqikithi yesifundo,” kuphinda uNogolantethe. +“Uchaza ukuthi indaba inengqikithi yesifundo?” kubuza uGundane Lexhaphozi. +“Impela,” kusho  uNogolantethe. +“Awu, ngempela,” kusho uGundane Lexhaphozi ngolaka, “Ngicabanga ukuthi bekumele ungitshele lokhu ngaphambi kokuba uqale. Ngabe angilalelanga nhlobo.  Eqinisweni, kumele ngabe ngithe ‘Hhiya, suka!’ njengomcubunguli wobuciko bamagama.   Kodwa ngisengakusho namanje.” Wamemeza wathi, “Hhiya, suka!” ngezwi eliphezulu, etshikizisa umsila wakhe wase enyamalala phakathi komhlanga. +“Umthole enjani uGundane leXhaphozi?” kubuza uDada,  ebhukuda  eza ngakuye. +“Ngiyadabuka ukuthi ngimcasulile, ” kusho uNogolantethe. “Ngimxoxele indaba enengqikithi yesifundo.” +“Hhayi! Lokhu kuhlale kuyinto eyingozi ukuthi uyenze,” kusho uDada.  Wase  efaka ikhanda lakhe  emanzini  wama ngalo ukuze  adlisele kuNogolantethe.",zul,isiZulu,`Umngani othembekile,"One morning Swamp Rat stuck his head through the reeds on the bank of the river. He put his nose in the air and wiggled the end, sniffing the air to smell who was about. Seven newly-hatched ducklings came swimming round the bend, looking like a ...",,Retold Dawn Garisc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umngani-othembekile +devoted-friend,"Kgaoloya 1 +Mesong ye mengweLegotlo la Mohlakengle ile la tsenya hlogo ka gare ga mahlakanoke leribeng la noka. Le beile nko ya lona moyeng la iša ntlha ya yona godimo le tlase, le nkgelela go kwa gore ke mang yo a lego gona. Mapidibidi a mannyane ašupa ao a fetšago go thwathwašwa a ile a tla go rutha go dikologa momenyamo, a lebelelega bjalo ka sehlopha sa dikgwele tša mafofa. Mmagomapidibidi o be a a šetše ka morago. Lepidibidi la mosadi le be le na le sefahlego se se šweu le hlogo ye ntsho. Le be le ruta mapidibidi a mannyane go ema ka dihlogo tša ona ka meetseng. +“O kase tsoge o kgahlile motho ntle le ge o ka ema ka hlogo ya gago,” a fela a realo a ba bontšha gore seo se dirwa bjang. Efela mapidibidi a mannyane ga se a ka a šetša seo. E be e le a mannyane kudu ka fao a bego a sa tsebe gore go ka ba mohola kudu go kgahla batho ba bangwe. +“Bana ba go se be le kobamelo banna!” a realo Legotlo la Mohlakeng,”ba swanelwa ke go kgamišwa meetse.” +“Matlakala fela,” la realo lepidibidi la Mma, “mongwe le mongwe o na le mo a swanetšego go thoma gona, gomme batswadi ga ba swanela go fela pelo.” +“Aa! Ga ke tsebe selo ka ga go ba motswadi,” a realo Legotlo la Mohlakeng.”Ga ke tate ebile ga ka ikemišetša go ba yena. Lerato lona le lokile, efela segwera sa potego se hlomphega kudu.” +“O kwešiša mogwera wa potego ka tsela efe?” gwa botšiša leakabosane la molomo wo mosorolane leo le ba kwelego ba bolela ge le be le sela ka meetseng kgauswinyana. +“Le nna ke rata go tseba,” la realo lepidibidi le eme ka hlogo ya lona gape. +“Ke potšišo ya botlaela yeo!” gwa realo Legotlo la Mohlakeng .”Mogwera waka wa potego o swanetše go mpotegalela.” +“Wena o ka dira eng go mo leboga?”gwa botšiša Leakabosane, le swetiša maoto ebile le kobola lerageng ka molomo wa lona o mosorolane o motelele. +“Ke kwešiša potšišo ya gago,” gwa araba Legotlo la Mohlakeng. +“E re ke go anegele kanegelo,” a realo Leakabosane. +“Ke kanegelo ya go bolela ka nna?” gwa botšiša Legotlo la Mohlakeng. “Ge go le bjalo, ke tla theeletša.” +“O ka bolela bjalo,” gwa araba Leakabosane, a swara hlapi ka molomo a e metša ebile a ubula hlogo ya gagwe. O ile a ema ka leoto le tee a hemela godimo gomme a anega kanegelo ya mogwera wa go potego. +Kgaolo ya2 +Kgalekgale go ile gwa ba le monna wa go tshephagala a bitšwaSizwe. +“Naa o be a kgahliša kudu?”gwa botšiša Legotlo la Mohlakeng. +“Ga ke tshephe gore o ile a leka go kgahliša bangwe,” gwa araba Leakabosane.”O be a lokile kudu – o be a le ka tsela yeo ka mehla. Le ge go le bjalo e re ke tšwele pele…” +Sizwe o be a dula a le tee ka rantaboleng ye nnyane kgauswi le moela. Ka mehla o be a šoma tšhemong ya gagwe. Mo motseng ka moka go be go se na tšhemo ya dimela tše dintši bjalo ka ya gagwe. Go be go metše mafela, ditamati, le maphotse a bogolo bja maotwana a kiribane. Go be go na le sepenetšhe lematsepane, le mehlare e mebedi e metetelele ya dipanana. Dikherotse tša gagwe e be e le tše di bose tša mmala wa namune ebile batho ba di ja di sa le tala pele di batamela pitša. Ka nako ye nngwe o be a bjala distroperi tše di hubedu tša go ba le todi. +Sizwe yo monnyane o be a na le bagwera ba bantši, efela mogwera wa potego go feta ba bangwe e be e le rapolasa wa tša maswi yo a bego a dula mmotong. Rapolasa wa tša maswi wa go huma o be a ikgafile mo e lego gore a ka se tsoge a fetile tšhemo ya Sizwe ntle le go okamela ka fense a kge mafela goba ngata ya dipanana tše a tla di išago gae. +“Bagwera ba nnete ba swanetše go abelana,”rapolasa wa tša maswi o tla realo.Sizwe yo monnyane o tla dumela ka hlogo a bile a myemyela, a bile a ikwa a hlomphegile ge mogwera wa gagwe a thabela ditšweletšwa tša gagwe. +Sizwe yo monnyane o be a dula a tlabegile gore ke ka lebaka la eng rapolasa wa tša maswi wa go huma a sa ke a mo fa selo. Rapolasa wa tša maswi o be a na le tšhese ye ntši ka selareng ya gagwe, le dikgomo tša maswi tše masometharo le mohlape o mogolo wa dinku tša wulu. Sizwe o ile a thabela go kwa mabotse ohle ao a boletšwego ka ga segwera sa nnete sa go se rate go ikhola. +Sizwe o monnyane o be a šoma tšhemong ya gagwe. Seruthwane ka moka, marega le lehlabula o be a thabile kudu, efela ge go fihla selemo go ile gwa na pula ye kgolo. Moela o ile wa golela ka nokeng, noka e ile ya tlala ya ba ya hlatšetša ka tšhemong ya Sizwe. Dimela tša gagwe di ile tša gogolwa ke meetse goba tša bolela ka tlase ga meetse. Sizwe o be a se na merogo ya go iša mmarakeng. Selemong seo se se telele o be a fela a bolawa ke tlala goba a eya go robala a jele memenko ye mmalwa fela. Gape o be a bolawa ke bodutu, ka ge molemi wa tša maswi a sa ka a mo etela nakong ye. +Kgaolo ya3 +“Ga go hole ka selo go ya go bona Sizwe mola tšhemo ya gagwe e gogotšwe ke mafula,”rapolasa wa tša maswi a botša mosadi wa gagwe. Polase ya bona e be e le godimo mmotong,ka fao dikgomo tša gagwe le dinku le tšhemo di be di bolokegile. “Batho ge ba le bothateng o swanetše go ba tlogela ba le tee gore ba se tshwenywe ke baeng. Ke tla ema go fihlela mafula a fokotšega le go fihlela geSizwe a kgonne go bjala dimela tše diswa. Morago ga fao ke tla mo etela gomme o tla kgona go mpha seroto se segolo sa merogo gomme seo se tla mo thabiša kudu,” a realo rapolasa wa tša maswi. +“O tloga o le mogwera wa go ba le kgopolo ye botse,” gwa fetola mosadi wa gagwe a le gare a paka dilo ka setšidifatšing.”Ke gopotše gabotse ka nnete. Go fiša kudu ka fao motho a ka se yego felo. Gape ge o ka bona tšhemo ya Sizwe yo monnyane e swabiša kudu.” +“Efela naa re ka se re a tle fa?”a realo morwa o monnyane warapolasa wa tša maswi, a le gare a sohla dijo. “Ge Sizwe wa go hloka a le bothateng ke tla mo ngwathela seripa sa sangwetše yaka ka ba ka mmontšha mebutla yaka ye mešweu go mo thabiša.” +“O mošemane wa setlaela wena!”a realorapolasa wa tša maswi .”E bago re go išetša eng sekolong mola o se na tše o ithutago tšona. Ge nkabe Sizwe yo monnyane a tle fa a bone bodiba bja rena bja go rutha bja go fola le tšhese ya rena ye bose le motomo o mogolo wa rena wa beine ye hubedu o be a ka no di duma.Tumo ke selo se se mpe kudu. E ka senya tlhago ya go loka. Ga ke rate go senya tlhago yaSizwe. Ke nna mogwera wa gagwe wa potego. Ke tla dula ke mo hlokomela le go netefatša gore ga a lekege. Ntle le seo, geSizwe a ka tla mo, a ka no kolotiša tšhese, gomme seo nkase se dire. Tšhese ke selo se sengwe; mola segwera e le selo se sengwe, gomme ga tša swanela go gakantšhwa. Le mantšu a a fapana ka mopeleto ebile a ra dilo tša go fapana. Bohle ba a tseba.” +“Wa tla wa bolela gabotse!” a realo mosadi warapolasa wa tša maswi, a itšhelela maswi ka galaseng ye kgolo. “E re ke bolele gore ke kwa ke potuma ge ke go theeleditše. Go swana le go ba ka kerekeng.” +“Batho ba bantšhi ba phela gabotse,” gwa arabarapolasa wa tša maswi ,”efela ke batho ba mmalwa fela bao ba bolelago gabotse. Go thata kudu go bolela gabotse, ka fao wa bona gore ke monna wa go loka.” O ile a lebelela morwa wa gagwe ka mahlo a bogale go putla tafola, yo a ilego a kwa a inyatša a inamišahlogo, a hwibila a thoma go llela ka teyeng ya gagwe. +Kgaolo ya 4 +“Kanegelo e felela fao?” gwa botšiša Legotlo la Mohlakeng. +“Aowa,” gwa araba Leakabosane. “Ke mathomo ao.” +“Gona o swana le batho ba kgale,” a realoLegotlo la Mohlakeng. “Matšatši a batho ba go tseba go anega kanegelo ba thoma ka mafetšo, gomme ba ya mathomong, ba fetša ka bogare. Wo ke mokgwa wo moswa. Ke kwele se letšatši le lengwe go mosekaseki yo a bego a sepela maribeng a noka ya rena le lesogana. O boletše ka yona nako ye telele, ke dumela gore o be a bolela nnete, ka gobane o be a na le diporele tše ditalalerata ka hlogo ya letwadi, gomme nako le nako ge lesogana le bolela se sengwe, o be a araba ka go re ‘Phoo!’. Efela tšwela pele go anega. Ke rata rapolasa wa tša maswi kudu,”a realo Legotlo la Mohlakeng. +Leakabosaneo ile a gogela moya ka teng gomme a tšwela pele. +Sizwe yo monnyane o ile a thoma go šoma gape, morago ga gore mafula a fokotšege. O ile a lema a tšhela monontšha tšhemong gomme a bjala dimela tša gagwe. O be a šoma go thoma e sa le mesong go fihlela le sobela. O šomile go fihlela phatla ya gagwe e elela sethitho le diatla tša gagwe di tlala maphone. +Go se go ye kae ke ge dipeu di ntšha mahlogedi ka godimo ga mabu, a lebelela letšatši. Dikhabetšhe e be e le tše dikgolo bjale ka hlogo ya ngwana, mola mehlare ya dinawa e itata ka legora.Kua mmotong rapolasa wa tša maswi o ile a lemoga gore tšhemo ya Sizwe e be e tsogile. O ile a botša mosadi wa gagwe gore o tla ya go etelaSizwe. +“Ka lebaka la eng, o na le pelo ye botse kudu!”a realo mosadi wa gagwe,”o dula o gopolela batho ba bangwe. Ke kgopela gore o sepele le seroto se segolo gore o boye le merogo.” +Ka fao rapolasa wa tša maswi o ile a theoga mmoto a swere seroto letsogong la gagwe. +“Dumela, Sizwe yo monnyane,” a realo rapolasa wa tša maswi. +“Thobela,” a realo Sizwe a khuname sepeteng ka myemyelo ye kgolo. +“O be o phela bjang selemong ka moka?”gwa botšiša rapolasa wa tša maswi. +“Ke leboga go botšišwa,” a realo Sizwe,”gabotse kudu. Mafula a ile a ntlholela bothata, efela bjale ke thabile, le merogo ya ka e gola gabotse.” +“Re be re fela re bolela ka wena ka selemo, Sizwe,”a realorapolasa wa tša maswi ,”re ipotšiša gore o phela bjang.” +“Le tloga le na le botho ruri,” a realo Sizwe,”Ke be ke gopola gore o ntebetše.” +“Sizwe, o a mmakatša,”a realo rapolasa wa tša maswi. “Bagwera ga ke ba lebalana. Ke bobotse bja segwera.” +Rapolasa wa tša maswi o ile a lebelela gohle. “Dikhabetšhe tša gago di bogega botse bjang!” a realo. +“Di tloga di kgahliša ka nnete,” a realoSizwe, “ebile ke na le mahlatse go ba le tše dintši bjalo. Ke ya go di rekišetša morwedi wa meyara. Ka tšhelete yeo ke tla kgona go reka kariki yaka gape.” +“Wa reka kariki ya gago gape? Go ra gore o e rekišitše? Ga se bohlale seo!”a realo rapolasa wa tša maswi. +Kgaoloya 5 +“Ee, nnete ke gore,” a realoSizwe, “Ke be ke gapeletšega. Ke be ke hloka tšhelete ya go reka borotho ka lebaka la mafula. Ke thomile ka go rekiša jase yaka ya mokgopha ka rekiša le tšhaene ya silibera gomme mafelelong ka rekiša kariki. Efela ke ya go di reka gape ka moka ga tšona.” +“Ke tla go fa kariki yaka,”a realo rapolasa wa tša maswi. “Efela ga e kgahliše. Lehlakore le lengwe le robegile gomme le maotwana a na le bothata, efela le ge go le bjalo ke tla go fa yona. Ke jo rata go go fa. Batho ba bantši ba tla bona eke ke setlaela go dira se, efela ke dumela gore go fa go bohlokwa go bagwera. Le gona ke itheketše kariki ye mpsha.” +“Ga o timane,” a realoSizwe yo monnyane gomme sefahlego sa gagwe sa phadima ka lethabo. “Nka lokiša lehlakore ka ge ke na le lepolanka ka mo mohlahlaneng.” +“Lepolanka!”a realo rapolasa wa tša maswi ka lethabo.”Ke a le nyaka go thiba lešoba legoreng la ka. Ge ke sa e lokiše dinku di tla šwahla. Ke mahlatse a makakang gore o bolele ka lona! Go makatša kudu ka fao tiro ye tee ye botse e išago go ye nngwe. Nna ke tla go fa kariki gomme wena wa mpha lepolanka la gago. Le kgale e feta lepolanka ka boleng, efela segwera sa nnete ga se lemoge tšeo. O nape o late lepolanka le nna ke tla lokiša legoralehono lona le.” +“Le bjalo,”gwa fetolaSizwe yo monnyane. O ile a kitimela mohlahlaneng wa gagwe a tšea lepolanka. +“Ga se lepolanka le legolo kudu,” a realo rapolasa wa tša maswi a le lebeletše, “gape ke tšhoga gore morago ga go lokiša legora la ka wena o tla hloka la go lokiša kariki, efela seo ga se phošo yaka. Gona bjale, ge ke go fa kariki ya ka, ke dumela gore o tla rata go ntefa ka dikhabetšhe. Seroto ke se. O se tlatše kudu gape.” +“Se tlale kudu?”gwa botšiša Sizwe yo monnyane ka go nyama, ka ge e le seroto se segolo, gomme o tseba gore ge a ka se tlatša, a ka no se hwetše tšhelete ye e tla lekanago jase ya gagwe ye a ratago go e reka gape. +Kgaoloya 6 +“Ee,”gwa fetola rapolasa wa tša maswi, “ka ge ke tlile go go fa kariki ya ka, ga ke gopole gore go kgopela dikhabetšhe tše mmalwa ke kgopelo ye kgolo. Nka no ba ke foša, efela ke gopola gore segwera, segwera sa nnete, ga se na go ikhola gofe goba gofe le gatee.” +“Mogwera wa ka wa thatego, mogwera wa ka yo mogolo,”gwa fetola Sizwe yo monnyane, “Nka upša ka tšea kgopolo ya gago go na le gore ke hwetše jase ya ka ya mokgopha gape.”O ile a kitima a rema dikhabetšhe tše hlano tša botse a tlatša seroto sarapolasa wa tša maswi. +“Šala gabotse,Sizwe yo monnyane,”a realo rapolasa wa tša maswi a namela mmoto a rwele lepolanka legetleng a swere le seroto sa boima ka seatleng. +“Šala gabotse,” a realo Sizwe yo monnyane a thoma go epa ka lethabo. O be a thabetše kariki ye a tlago ba le yona. +Ka letšatši la go latela Sizwe o be a ntšha dikgopa lefelong le a bjetšeng sepenetšhe ge a ekwa rapolasa wa tša maswi a mmitša a le tseleng. Sizwe o ile a kitimela tlasetšhemong ya gagwe aokamela ka legora.Rapolasa wa tša maswi o be a rwele saka ye kgolo ya tšhese mokokotlong wa gagwe. +“Dumela Sizwe yo monnyane,”a realo rapolasa wa tša maswi, “naa o ka kgona go iša saka ye ya tšhese mmarakeng?” +“Ijoo, tshwarelo hle,” a realo Sizwe, “ke tloga ke swaregile lehono. Ke swanetše go hlagolela merogo ya ka kamoka” +“Seo se ka se šome,”a realo rapolasa wa tša maswi.”Gopola gore ke go fa kariki ya ka, go gana ga gago ga go laetše bogwera.” +“Aowa, o se realo hle,”gwa fetola Sizwe yo monnyane.”Nkase ganeeng goba eng yeo e bolelago.” Sizwe o ile a kitimela ka rantaboleng ya gagwe go tšea kefa ya gagwe, gomme a sepela a rwelesaka ya boima ya tšhese magetleng a gagwe. +Go be go fiša kudu. Sizwe o ile a lapa kudu pele a fihla toropong a ba a swanelwa ke go dula fase gore a khutše. Mafelelong o ile a fihla mmarakeng a rekiša tšhese ka theko ya botse. O ile a boela gae ka pela a tšhaba gore a se kopane le bahlakodi tseleng. +Kgaolo7 +Letšatšing la go latela e sa le mesong rapolasa wa tša maswi o ile a tla go tšea tšhelete ya tšhese, efela Sizwe yo monnyane o be a lapile kudu a sa le mpeteng. +“Mehlolo,”gwa hlaloša rapolasa wa tša maswi, “o sebodu. Go se dire selo ke sebe se segolo ebile ga ke rate bagwera ba ka ba fetoga dibodu. Hle o se belaele ka tsela ye ke bolelago le wena ka yona. Segwera sa botse se tla ba gona bjang ge go sa bolelwe nnete? Mang le mang a ka go kgotsofatša le go go reta, efela mogwera wa nnete o bolela tša go se thabiše, ka gobane o tseba se a se lokišago.” +“Tshwarelo hle,” a realo Sizwe yo monnyane, a pikitla mahlo a gagwe, “ke be ke lapile kudu ka fao ke bego ke jo dula mpeteng ke theeleditše melodi ya dinonyana. Ke kgona go šoma gabotse morago ga go theeletša melodi ya dinonyana.” +“Gona, ke thabela seo,”a realo rapolasa wa tša maswi, a le gare a phaphatha Sizwe o monnyane ka mokokotlong, “ka gore lehono ke nyaka gore o tle go thiba lešoba la legora la ka.” +Sizwe o monnyane wa Modimo o be a dumile kudu go ya go šoma tšhemong ya gagwe, ka ge a be a nyaka go bjala dieie. +“Naa ge nkare ke swaregile ke tla be ke sa laetše segwera?” a botšiša ka lentšu la go fokola. +“Gona,”gwa fetola rapolasa wa tša maswi ,”Ga ke bone e le kgopelo ye kgolo, ka gore ke tlile go go fa kariki ya ka, efela ge o gana nna mong ke tla thiba lešoba la legora.” +“Aowa! Ga go kgonege,”gwa fetola Sizwe yo monnyane. O ile a tsoga a apara a ya polaseng ya maswi. +O šomile fao letšatši ka moka go fihlela le sobela, ka nako ya ge rapolasa wa tša maswi a etla go hlola gore mošomo o sepela bjang . +“Agaa!”a realo rapolasa wa tša maswi ge a bona gore legorale thibilwe,”mošomo o mobotse ke o motho a o direlago babangwe.” +“Ke mahlatse go go kwao bolela,” gwa araba Sizwe yo monnyane, a dutše fase a iphumula phatla, “ke mahlatse a magolo. Ga ke bone nka ba le dikgopolo tše di botse bjalo.” +“Aowa! Di tla tla,”a realo rapolasa wa tša maswi .”Ga bjale o kgona go bontšha segwera ka ditiro, efela letšatši le lengwe o tla ba le teori.O ka ya gae wa ya go ikhutša bjale, ka gore gosasa mesong ka mahwibi ke nyaka gore o reile dikgomo tša ka o di iše mohlahlaneng di yo gamiwa maswi.” +Sizwe yo monnyane wa Modimo o tsogile ka mahwibi mesong ya letšatši le latelago.O reitše dikgomo tša rapolasa wa tša maswi a di iša mohlahlaneng gomme a fetša nako ye ntši mesong a di gama. O boile gae a lapile ka fao a ilego a swarwa ke boroko setulong. +Kgaolo ya8 +“Ke tla ba le nako ye botse ka tšhemong ya ka lehono,”a gopola bjalo Sizwe ge a tsoga mesong ya letšatši la go latela, le ge matsogo a gagwe a be a le bohloko ka lebaka la go gama dikgomo. +Efela ga se a ka a kgona go hlokomela merogo ya gagwe, ka ge mogwera wa gagwe wa rapolasa wa tša maswi a be a fela a etla a mo fa mešomo ya go tšea nako ye ntši, goba a re a mo thuše polaseng. Sizwe o be a tshwenyegile kudu, a nagana gore merogo ya gagwe e tla belaela gore o e lebetše, efela o ile a ikgothatša ka go gopola gore rapolasa wa tša maswi e be e le mogwera wa gagwe o mogolo yo ebilego a tla mo fakariki ya gagwe. +Ka fao Sizwe yo monnyane o ile a šomela rapolasa wa tša maswi kudu, gomme rapolasa wa tša maswi a bolela dilo tše dintši tše di botse ka ga segwera. Sizwe o ngwadile tšohle ka pukung gomme a bala mantšu ka moka bošego, ka gore e be e le moithuti yo mobotse. +Bošego bjo bongwe bja marega bja go tonya, Sizwe yo monnyane o be a oretše mollo ge a ekwa motho a kokota ka maatla lebating. +“E swaetše go ba e le mosepedi, “gwa gopola Sizwe yo monnyane a kitimela lebating. Efela e be e le rapolasa wa tša maswi a swere thotšhe ka seatleng se sengwe a swere patla ka go se sengwe. +“Dumela Sizwe yo monnyane,”a realorapolasa wa tša maswi, “Ke mo bothateng bjo bogolo. Mošemane wa ka yo monnyane o wele godimo ga llere a gobala. O swanetše go bona ngaka, efela e dula kgole gape go a tonya bošego bja lehono. Ka fao ke bona go le kaone gore e be wena o latago ngaka go se ye nna. Akere o a tseba gore ke tlile go go fa kariki yaka, ka fao go maleba gore o ntirele se sengwe go ntefa.” +“Ke nnete,”gwa fetola Sizwe yo monnyane.”Ke kwa ke hlomphegile ge o biditše nna. Ke tla ya. Nkadime thotšhe ya gago ka ge go le leswiswi ka fao ke tšhoga gore nka wela ka moeding.” +“Ke kgopela tshwarelo hle,”gwa fetola rapolasa wa tša maswi, “thotšhe ye ya ka ke ye mpsha gomme ge e ka hlagelwa ke se sengwe e tla ba tobo ye kgolo go nna.” +“Se belaele, ke tla kgona,”a realo Sizwe yo monnyane ka go laetša bogale. O tšere jase ya gagwe le kepisi ya gagwe yehubedu ya borutho. O ile a itata molala ka sekhafo se setelele gomme a sepela. +Kgaoloya 9 +Bošego go tontše kudu, go na le ngwedi wa seripa! Sizwe o be a sa bone gabotse, efela morago ga go sepela diiri tše tharo, o ile a kokota lebating la ngaka. +“Ke mang?”gwa botšiša ngaka. +“Ke Sizwe yo monnyane, Ngaka.” +“O nyaka eng, Sizwe o monnyane?” gwa botšiša ngaka. +“Morwa wa rapolasa wa tša maswi o ikgobaditše gomme o nyaka gore o tle gona bjale,” gwa araba Sizwe. +Ngaka o theogile go tšwa ngwakong wa ka godimo a ya ka paesekele a lebile ngwakong wa rapolasa wa tša maswi. Sizweo ile a sepela a le tee a ya gae. +Efela maru a go fifala a ile a khupetša ngwedi gomme Sizwe yo monnyane a gakwa ke tsela. O ile a puputla a leba thoko ga noka, lefelong la go ba kotsi. Ka mathoko ohle a noka go be go le magaga a manamelelo gomme Sizwe yo monnyane a wa go tšwa lereibeng gomme a wela ka meetseng a go elela. Jase ya gagwe ya boima e mo gogetše tlase ka meetseng gomme a nwelela. Letšatšing la go latela badiši ba dipudi ba ile ba bona setopo sa gagwe se phaphametše ka godimo ga meetse. +Polokong ya Sizwe yo monnyane, rapolasa wa tša maswi ke yena a bego a le mollimogolo. +“Ke be ke le mogwera wa gagwe yo mogolo,” a realo rapolasa wa tša maswi.” Go maleba gore ke di gogele pele.” O ile a sepela pele ga lepokisi la mohu moo a bonwago ke bohle a iphumula megokgo ka sakatuku. +“Lehu la Sizwe yo monnyane ke tobo ye kgolo,” a realo mosadi wa rapolasa wa tša maswi.”Re tla phela bjang ntle le merogo ya gagwe?” +“Tobo ye kgolo,”gwa fetola rapolasa wa tša maswi . “Ke ka lebaka la eng, nkabe ke mo file kariki ya ka, bjale ga ke tsebe gore ke dire eng ka yona. E eme tseleng kua gae gape e robegile nkase e rekiše. Nkase sa fana ka selo gape. Ka mehla motho o sokolela go rata go fa.” +“Agaa?” a realo Legotlo la Mohlakeng, morago ga go hema kudu. +“Agaa, ke mafelelo,” a realo Leakabosane. +“Efela, go diregile eng ka rapolasa wa tša maswi?” gwa botšiša Legotlo la Mohlakeng. +“Hei! Ga ke tsebe ka nnete,” gwa fetola Leakabosane,”ebile ga ke na taba.” +“Go laetša gabotse gore ka tlhago ya gago ga o na kwelobohloko,” a realo Legotlo la Mohlakeng. +“Ke bona gore ga o kwe molaetša wa kanegelo ye,” a realo Leakabosane. +“Eng?”gwa botšiša Legotlo la Mohlakeng. +“Molaetša,” gwa boeletša Leakabosane. +“O ra gore kanegelo e na le molaetša?” gwa botšiša Legotlo la Mohlakeng. +“Ee,” a realo Leakabosane. +“Ka nnete,” a realo Legotlo la Mohlakeng ka pefelo”. Ke gopola gore nkabe o mpoditše seo pele o thoma. Nkabe ke sa theeletša. Gabotse, nkabe ke rile ‘Phoo!’ bjalo ka mosekaseki. Le ge go le bjalo, nka bolela bjale. O ile a goeletša, “Phoo!” a šikinya mosela, a nyamelela ka mahlakanokeng. +“O ratile bjang Legotlo la Mohlakeng?” gwa botšiša lepidibidi. +“Ke mmefedišitše,” gwa araba Leakabosane. “Ke mo anegetše kanegelo ya go bolela ka maitshwaro.” +“Ee! Go kotsi go dira seo,” a realo lepidibidi. Morago a tsena ka meetseng a emiša hlogo go kgahliša Leakabosane.",nso,Sepedi,Mogwera wa potego,"One morning Swamp Rat stuck his head through the reeds on the bank of the river. He put his nose in the air and wiggled the end, sniffing the air to smell who was about. Seven newly-hatched ducklings came swimming round the bend, looking like a ...",,Retold Dawn Garisc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mogwera-wa-potego +devoted-friend,"Ka tsatsi le leng hoseng Tadi a sunya hlooho ya hae mahlakeng a lebopong la noka. A qethola nko a nna a e famola, a fofonela moya ho utlwa hore ke mang ya haufi. Madinyane a supileng a sa tswa qhotswa a matata a tla a ntse a sesa mothinyeng mane, a bonahala jwaloka sehlopha sa dibolo tse bonojana. Mmaona o ne a ntse a a setse morao a le haufinyane. Maletata o ne a na le sefahleho se sesweu le hlooho e ntsho. O ne a leka ho ruta matatanyana a hae ho ema ka dihlooho ka metsing. +“Ha ho eo o ka mo kgahlisang ntle le ha o ka kgona ho ema ka hlooho ya hao feela.” O ne a ntse a rialo, ha a ntse a ba bontsha hore ho etswa jwang. Empa madinyane a hae a ne a sa mo mamele. A ne a sa le manyane hoo a neng a sa tsebe hore ho molemo ha kae ho kgahlisa ba bang ka seo o ka se etsang. +“A ba sa hlompheng bana bana!” ho bolela Tadi, “ba tshwanela ho kgaqiswa.” +“O bua ditsiebadimo,” ho araba Maletata, “motho e mong le e mong ho na le moo a qalang teng, mme batswadi ba lokela ho ba le mamello.” +“Oho! Ha ho seo ke se tsebang ka ho ba motswadi,” ho rialo Tadi. “Ha ke ntate ebile ha ke a ikemisetsa ho ba yena. Lerato ke ntho e lokileng, empa setswalle sa sebele ke yona ntho e bohlokwa le ho feta.” +“Ho ya ka wena motswalle wa sebele ke ya jwang?” ho botsa mokotatsie ka molomo o mosehla, kamora ho utlwa moqoqo ona ha a ntse a tsamaya metsing a haufinyane. +“Le nna nka thabela ho tseba,” ho rialo letata, le eme ka hlooho ya lona hape. +“Ke potso ya bomaumau eo!” ho omana Tadi. Motswalle wa ka wa sebele o lokela ho tshepahala ho nna, ehlile.” +“Wena o ka mo etsetsang ha a tshepahala ho wena?” ho botsa Mokotatsie, a ntse a fatafata ka maoto seretseng a bile a kobokobola ka molomo fatshe. +“Ha ke utlwisise potso ya hao” ho araba Tadi. +“E re ke o bolelle pale” ho rialo Mokotatsie. +“Na pale eo e malebana le nna?” ho botsa Tadi. “ha ho le jwalo, ke tla mamela.” +“O ka tjho jwalo,” ha araba Mokotatsie, a tshwara tlhapi ka molomo wa hae mme a e kwenya hang ka ho isa hlooho morao. A ema ka leoto le le leng, a hemela tlase ho bontsha kgotsofalo mme a ba qoqela pale ena maelana le motswalle wa sebele. +Kgaolo ya 2 +Kgalekgale ho ne ho ena le monna ya tshepahalang eo lebitso la hae e neng e le Sizwe. +“Na o ne a rata ho kgahlisa?” Tadi a mo kena hanong. +“Ha ke kgolwe hore o ne a leka ho kgahlisa ba bang,” ha araba Mokotatsie. “O ne a le mosa – oo e ne e le mokgwa wa hae. Le ha ho le jwalo, e re ke tswele pele …” +Sizwe o ne a dula a le mong tlung e nyane haufi le molatswana. Kamehla o ne a sebetsa tshimong ya hae. Hara motse ohle ho ne ho se tshimo e nang le tjhai jwaloka ya hae. Ho ne ho na le poone, ditamati, le mekopu e meholo e ka lekanang le mabidi a kiribaye. Ho ne ho na le sepenetjhe le ditapole, le difate tse pedi tse telele tsa dipanana. Dihwete tsa hae di ne di le monate haholo di le mmala wa lamunu hoo batho ba neng ba di ja di le tala le pele di fihla pitseng. Ka nako tse ding o ne a jala le monokotshwai o mokgubedu o tletseng lero le monate. +Sizwe e monyane o ne a e na le metswalle e mengata, empa motswalle wa hae wa sebele e ne e le rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona, ya neng a na le polasi thabaneng. Rapolasi enwa wa morui o ne a tshepahetse hona hoo a neng a ke ke a feta tshimong ya Sizwe a sa inamela ka nqane ho terata ho ikgella dipoone tse mmalwa kapa ho qotha sehlophana sa dipanana ho isa lapeng. +“Metswalle ya nnete e lokela ho arolelana,” rapolasi enwa wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona o ne a rata ho rialo. Sizwe ya monyane o ne a oma feela ka hlooho a bososela, mme a ikutlwa a le motlotlo ka hore motswalle wa hae o ne a kgotsofalla tjhai ya hae hakana. +Sizwe o ne a sa phetse ho makala hore ke hobaneng ha rapolasi wa morui wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona a ne a sa ke a mo fe letho le tswang polasing ya hae. Ebile ho ne ho tsebahala hore rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona o ne a e na le makgolokgolo a sereledi se bolokilweng selareng ya hae, le dikgomo tse mashome a mararo tsa lebese, le mohlape o moholo wa dinku tsa boya. Sizwe o ne a lebohela ho mamela dintho tsohle tse ntle tseo rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona a neng a di bolela ka setswalle sa nnete se sa hlokeng hore o inahanele bowena. +Kahoo Sizwe o ne a itshebeletsa tshimong ya hae. Ka nako yohle ka hwetla, mariha le selemo o ne a dula a thabile haholo, empa e ne e re ha lehlabula le etla, dipula tsa ditlwebelele di ne di ena. Molatswana o ne o fetoha nokahadi, mme noka e hwasa e ja ditlhokwa e be e fetele tshimong ya Sizwe. Dijalo tseo a di jetseng di ne di hoholeha kapa di bolla ka tlasa metsi. Sizwe o ne a se na meroho eo a ka e isang mmarakeng. Nakong eo e telele ya lehlabula, o ne a atisa ho bolawa ke tlala kapa a robale a jele dimango tse mmalwa feela. Hape o ne a tshwarwa ke bodutu a le mong, ka ha rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona o ne a ke ke a mo etela ka dinako tse tjena. +Kgaolo ya 3 +“Ha ho thuse ho ya bona mohlankanyana Sizwe ha tshimo ya hae e hohotswe ke metsi tjena,” rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona a rialo ho mofumahadi wa hae. Polasi ya bona e ne e le hodima thabana, kahoo dikgomo le dinku tsa hae le masim, tsohle di ne di bolokehile. “Ha batho ba le mathateng, ba lokela ho tlohelwa jwalo ba se ke ba tshwenngwa hohang ka baeti. Ke tla emela hore dikgohola di theohe mme Sizwe a kgone ho lokisa le ho lema dijalo tse ntjha hape. Jwale ke tla mo etela mme o tla kgona ho mpha seroto se seholo sa meroho ebile seo se tla mo thabisa haholo.” ho rialo rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona. +“Ruri o motswalle ya tsebang ho nahanela ba bang,” ho araba mofumahadi wa hae ha a ntse a pakolla korosara a e kenya ka sehatsetsing. “O lokile e le ka nnete. Ho tjhesa haholo ho ka ya kae kapa kae. Athe ho ne ho sa tlo ba monate ho Sizwe wa batho ha o ka bona tshimo ya hae e senyehileng.” +“Empa na re ke ke ra mo kopa ho nyolohela kwano?” ho rialo mora e monyane wa rapolasi eo, a ntse a hlafuna dijo tsa hae. “Haeba Sizwe a e na le mathata ke tla mo fa halofo ya samentjhese ya ka ke be ke mmontshe mebutla ya ka e mesweu ho leka ho mo kgothatsa.” +“O moshemane ya thibaneng hakaakang!” ha omana rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona. “Molemo wa ho o isa sekolong ke ofe ha e le hore ha o ithute letho? Ha mohlankanyana Sizwe a ka nyolohela kwano yaba o bona letamo la rona la ho sesa le phodileng le sereledi sa rona se monate le raka ya rona ya veine, a ka tloha a kenwa ke mona. Mona ke ntho e mpe haholo. O ka senya sebopeho se lokileng. Ho hang nke ke ka dumela hore sebopeho sa Sizwe se senngwe. Nna ke motswalle wa hae wa sebele. Kamehla ke tla dula ke mo hlokometse ho etsa bonnete ba hore ha a wele molekong. Ho feta moo, ha Sizwe a ka tla mona, a ka nna a kopa ho kolotisetswa sereledi, mme seo nke ke ka se etsa. Sereledi ke ntho e nngwe; setswalle ke e nngwe, mme ha di a lokela ho lobokanngwa. Le mantswe a mabedi ao a ngolwa ka tsela e fapaneng mme a bolela ntho tse fapaneng ho hang. Bohle ba a e tseba taba eo.” +“O bua hamonate jwang!” ho rialo mosadi wa rapolasi eo, a itshella galase e kgolo ya lebese. “Ke bile ke ikutlwa ke otsela ke ho mamelana le wena. Ekare ke kerekeng.” +“Batho ba bangata ba etsa dintho hantle,” ho araba rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona, “empa ba mmalwa batho ba buang hamonate. Ho thata haholo ho bua hamonate, mme kahoo o a bona le wena, ke monna ya lokileng haholo.” A shebisisa ka nqane ho tafole ho mora wa hae e monyane, ya neng a utlwa a itshwabetse hoo a ileng a inamisa hlooho, a kgutsa mme a qala ho llela tlase ka teyeng ya hae. +Kgaolo ya 4 +“Na ke qetello ya pale eo?” ho botsa Tadi. +“Ho hang bo,” ha araba Mokotatsie. “Ke qalong.” +“Tjhe, o motho ya siilweng ke dinako,” ho rialo Tadi. “Mopheti e mong le e mong wa sebele wa pale matsatsing ana o qala ka qetelo, ebe o ya qalong, mme a qetelle mahareng. Oo ke mokgwa o motjha. Ke utlwile ka taba ena maobanyana mona ho motho ya manollang dipale ya neng a tsamaya lebopong la noka ya rona le mohlankana e motjha. O ile a bua ka yona nako e telele, mme ke nahana hore o nepile, hobane o ne a rwetse diborele tsa mahlo tse bolou mme a e na le lefatla, mme e ne e re ha mohlankana enwa a tshwaela, o ne a araba a re ‘Pooh!’. Empa tswela pele ka pale ya hao he. Ke rata rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona haholo.” Ho rialo Tadi. +Mokotatsie a hemela tlase mme a tswela pele. +Eitse hang ha metsi a dikgohola a fokotseha, Sizwe a qala ho sebetsa hape. O ile a lema masimo a hae mme a a tshela menontsha mme a jala dijalo. O ne a sebetsa ho tloha ka madungwadungwana ho fihlela bosiu. O ne a sebetsa ho fihlela phatla ya hae e rotha mofufutso mme matsoho a hae a tlala matswabadi. +Ho se hokae dipeo tsa qala ho hlahisa makala a tsona mobung mme a sheba ka letsatsing. Ha hola khabetjhe e kgolo jwaloka dihlooho tsa masea, mme dinawa tsa hola tsa ikgara ka terata. Ho tswa hodimo leralleng, rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona a elellwa hore masimo a  Sizwe a ne a ntse a kgutlela setlwaeding hape. Yaba o bolella mosadi wa hae hore o tla theohela tlase ho ya etela Sizwe. +“Ao batho, o motho ya nang le pelo e ntle ruri!” ha rialo mosadi wa hae, “o dula o nahanela batho ba bang. Ke kopa hore o nke seroto sena se seholo bakeng sa meroho.” +Yaba rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona o theohela tlase a tshwere seroto letsohong la hae. +“Dumela, Sizwe,” ho dumedisa rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona. +“Dumela,” ho araba Sizwe a itshetlehile ka kgarafu ya hae a bososela haholo. +“O ntse o eya jwang lehlabuleng lee kaofela?” ho botsa rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona. +“Ke hantle hakaakang ha o botsa,” ho rialo Sizwe, “hantle haholo ka nnete. Ke mpa feela ke ile ka ba le mathata ka lebaka la dikgohola, empa ha jwale ke thabile haholo mme dijalo tsa ka di hola hantle.” +“Re ne re dula re bua ka wena nakong ya lehlabula, Sizwe,” ho rialo rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona, “mme re ntse re ipotsa hore o kganna jwang.” +“Ke hantle hakaakang batho,” ho araba Sizwe, “Ke ne ke se ke nahana hore o ntebetse.” +“Sizwe, o a mmakatsa o a tseba,” ho rialo rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona, “Metswalle ha e lebalane. Seo ke sona sa bohlokwa ka setswalle.” +Rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona a qamaka kwana le kwana. “Dikhabetjhe tsa hao di shebahala di le ntle hakaakang!” a bua jwalo. +“Ehlile, di ntle haholo,” ha araba Sizwe, “mme ke lehlohonolo ho ba le tse ngata hakana. Ke tlilo di rekisetsa moradi wa majoro. Mme ke tla kgona ho reka kariki ya ka hape ka tjhelete eo.” +“Ho reka kariki ya hao hape? Na ha o bolele hore o ile wa e rekisa? Ha se bohlale ho hang ho etsa ntho e jwalo!” ho rialo rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona. +Kgaolo ya 5 +“Kwana, bonnete ke hore,” ho bua Sizwe, “ke ne ke tlamehile. Ka lebaka la dikgohola, ke ne ke se na tjhelete ya ho reka bohobe. Kahoo ke ile ka qala ka ho rekisa baki ya ka ya letlalo, yaba ke rekisa mabenyane a ka a silifera mme qetellong ka rekisa kariki ya ka. Empa ke tla di reka hape kaofela.” +“Ke tla o fa kariki ya ka,” ha rialo rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona. “Ha e maemong a matle. Lehlakore le leng le robehile mme ho na le ho sa lokang ka mabidi a yona, empa le ha ho le jwalo ke tla o fa yona. Ke a fana o a tseba. Batho ba bangata ba ka nahana hore ke semaumau ka ho fana ka yona feela, empa ke nahana hore ho fana ke motheo wa setswalle. Ho feta moo, ke itheketse kariki e ntjha nna.” +“O na le pelo e ntle ka nnete,” ho rialo Sizwe ha sefahleho sa hae se kganya kgotso ke thabo. “Nka lokisa kariki eo hobane ke na le mapolanka ka mane ka setorong sa ka.” +“Lepolanka la patsi!” ha rialo rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona ka thabo. “Eo ke yona ntho eo ke e batlang bakeng sa sekgeo se terateng ya ka. Dinku di tla tswa haeba ke sa se lokise. Ke lehlohonolo hore o bue ka lona! Ho a makatsa ka nnete hore ketso e le nngwe ya molemo e tlise enngwe. Nna ke tla o fa kariki ya ka mme wena o tla mpha lepolanka la hao la patsi. Ehlile, kariki e bitsa ho feta patsi, empa setswalle sa nnete ha se shebe ntho tse kang tsena. Tsa mo lata lepolanka hanghang mme ke tla ilo lokisa terata ya ka hona kajeno lena.” +“Hantle haholo,” ho araba Sizwe. A matha ho ya setorong sa hae mme a hula lepolanka. +“Ha se lepolanka le leholo,” ho rialo rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona ha a le sheba, “mme ke bona e ka ha ho le tla sala ha ke qeta ho lokisa terata ya ka hore wena o lokise kariki ya hao, empa seo ha se phoso ya ka. Mme jwale he, ha ke o fa kariki ya ka, ke tshepa hore o tla rata ho mpha dikhabetjhe tse itseng bakeng sa yona. Seroto ke sena. Ke kopa o se tlatse hle.” +“Ke se tlatse?” ho botsa Sizwenyana a saretswe, hobane e ne e le seroto se seholo, mme o ne a tseba hore ha a ka se tlatsa, a ke ke a fumana tjhelete e lekaneng ho reka baki ya hae ya letlalo hape. +Kgaolo ya 6 +“Tjhe,” ho araba rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona, “jwaloka ha ke tla o fa kariki ya ka, ha ke kgolwe hore ke ntho e boima eo ke o kopang yona ya dikhabetjhenyana tse mmalwa. Mohlomong ke fositse, empa ke ne ke nahana hore setswalle, setswalle sa nnete, ha se na boinahanelo bofe kapa bofe.” +“Motswalle wa ka, motswalle wa ka wa sebele,” ha araba Sizwe, “Nka mpa ka iphumanela mohopolo wa hao o motle ho e na le baki ya ka ya letlalo.” A matha ho ya kga dikhabetjhe tse hlano tse kgolohadi yaba o tlatsa seroto sa rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona. +“Sala hantle, Sizwe,” ho rialo rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona ha a nyolosa thabana ka lepolanka lehetleng la hae le seroto se boima letsohong la hae. +“Tsamaya hantle,” ho araba Sizwe ha a ntse a qala ho tjheka a thabile. O ne a thabile haholo ka kariki eo a neng a tla ba le yona haufinyane. +Letsatsing le hlahlamang Sizwe o ne a ntse a ntsha dikgofu sepenetjheng sa hae ha a utlwa rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona a mmitsa a le tseleng. Sizwe a matha a theosa tshimo a nto nyarela terateng. Rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona o ne a eme moo a jere mokotlahadi wa sereledi mokokotlong wa hae. +“Sizwe nnake,” ha rialo rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona, “na o ka rata ho nkisetsa mokotla oo wa sereledi kwa mmarakeng?” +“Oh, ke maswabi haholo,” ho araba Sizwe, “empa ke qakehile haholo kajeno. Ke tshwanela ho hlaola diratswana tsohle tsa meroho ya ka.” +“Seo se ke ke sa loka,” ho rialo rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona. “Ha re sheba hore ke tlilo o fa kariki ya ka, hohang ha se botswalle hore o be o hana ha ke o kopa.” +“Tjhe, o se bue jwalo,” ho araba Sizwenyana. “Nke ke ka o hlokela setswalle ho hang.” Sizwe a mathela ka tlung ho ya lata kepisi ya hae, mme a tsamaya a jere jwalo mokotla o boima wa sereledi mahetleng a hae. +Ho ne ho tjhesa haholo mohlang oo. Pele Sizwe a fihla toropong o ne a kgathetse hona hoo a ileng a lokela ho dula fatshe a phomole. Qetellong a fihla mmarakeng moo a ileng a rekisa sereledi seo ka theko e ntle haholo. Yaba o kgutlela hae ka potlako, hobane o ne a tshaba hore a ka kopana le dinokwane tseleng.. +Kgaolo ya 7 +Hoseng ha letsatsi le hlahlamang rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona a tla ho tla lata tjhelete ya sereledi sa hae, empa Sizwe o ne a kgathetse hona hoo a neng a ntse a robetse. +“Kgele banna,” ho kgotsa rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona, “o botswa hakaakang. Botswa ke sebe se seholo mme nna ha ke rate ho ba le metswalle eo e leng mehlohlwa e rapame mekotla e mahlo. O mpe o ntshwarele ha e le mona ke bua feela le wena. Setswalle sa nnete ke eng haeba re ke ke ra bolellana nnete? Batho ba bang ba ka o rorisa feela ho o kgahlisa, empa motswalle wa sebele o bua dintho tse seng monate, hobane o a tseba hore seo ke se lokileng.” +“Ke maswabi haholo,” ho rialo Sizwe, a pikitla mahlo a hae, “empa ke kgathetse haholo hoo ke neng ke paqame betheng ke mametse melodi ya dinonyana. Kamehla ke sebetsa hantle ha ke ile ka mamela melodi ya dinonyana.” +“Tjhe, ke a thaba ho utlwa seo,” ho rialo rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona, a phaphatha Sizwe ka mokokotlong, “hobane kajeno ke batla hore o tle o tlo tiisa terata ya ka.” +Sizwe wa batho o ne a tatetse ho ya sebetsa tshimong ya hae, hobane o ne a batla ho jala diananyese. +“Na e tla be e le ho hloka setswalle ha nka re ho wena ke qakehile kajeno?” a botsa ka lentswe le thothomelang. +“Bonneteng,” ho araba rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona, “ha ke nahane hore ke ntho e kgolo eo ke o kopang yona, ha re nahana hore ke tlilo o fa kariki ya ka, empa he ha o sa batle, ke tla itokisetsa terata ya ka ka bonna.” +“Ao! Tjhe bo, butle pele,” ho araba Sizwe. A apara kapele mme a nyolohela polasing ya lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona. +O ile a sebetsa teng letsheare lohle, ho fihlela letsatsi le dikela, ha rapolasi a e tla ho tla sheba hore na o ntse a e ya jwang. +“Ah!” ho rialo rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona, ha a bona hore terata ya hae e tiile, “mosebetsi o motle ke oo motho a o etsetsang ba bang.” +“Ke monyetla ka nnete, ho o utlwa o bua,” ho araba Sizwe, a dula fatshe mme a iphumola mofufutso phatleng, “monyetla o moholo ruri. Ke maswabi hore nke ke ka hlola ke e ba le dikgopolo tse ntle tse kang tsena.” +“O! o tla ba le tsona,” ho rialo rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona. “Ha jwale o mpa o fumana boikwetliso ba ho ba motswalle wa sebele, empa ka letsatsi le leng o tla kgona ho kena kgabong. Jwale ho molemo hore o ye hae o ilo phomola, hobane ke batla hore hosane o kganne dikgomo tsa ka o di ise sakeng ho ya di hama.” +Sizwe wa batho o ne a se a tsohile ka le hlahlamang ka matjeke. A kganna dikgomo tsa rapolasi ho di isa moo di hamelwang teng mme a qeta boholo ba nako ya hoseng a di hama. Ha a kgutlela hae o ne a kgathetse hona hoo a ileng a kgaleha a ntse dutse setulong sa hae. +Kgaolo ya  8 +“Ke tlilo ba le letsatsi le monate tshimong a ka kajeno,” Sizwe a nahana jwalo ha a tsoha tsatsing le hlahlamang, le ha diphaka tsa hae di ne di le bohloko ke ho hama dikgomo. +Empa le ha ho le jwalo o ne a se a sa kgone ho hlokomela meroho ya hae, hobane motswalle wa hae o ne a dula a e tla mme a mo roma mesebetsi e itseng e nkang  nako e telele, kapa a mo kopa hore a mo thuse polasing ya lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona. Sizwe o ne a kgathatsehile haholo, kaha a ne a tshohile hore dijalo tsa hae di tla nahana hore o di lebetse, empa a ikgothatsa ka hore rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona ke motswalle wa hae wa sebele ya tlilo mo fa kariki ya hae. +Yaba Sizwe o dula a sebeletsa rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona ka thata, mme rapolasi eo a dula a bua mantswe a monate mabapi le setswalle. Sizwe o ne a ngola tsohle ka hara buka ya hae mme a ipalle mantswe ao bosiu, hobane o ne a le hlooho e bonolo. +Bosiung bo bong ba mariha, Sizwe o ne a orile mollo ha a utlwa modumo o moholo monyako. +“Mohlomong ke mohahlaudi ya phirimetsweng,” Sizwe a nahana jwalo ha a potlakela monyako. Empa e ne e le rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona a tshwere totjhe ka letsohong le leng le molamu o moholo ka ho le leng. +“Sizwe nnake,” ho hoeletsa rapolasi, “ke mathateng a maholo. Moshanyana wa ka e monyane o wele lereng mme o lemetse. O hloka ngaka, empa ngaka e dula hole haholo mme ke bosiu bo batang haholo. Ke nahana hore ho ka ba molemo ha o ka ya lata ngaka bakeng sa ka. O a tseba hore ke tlilo o fa kariki ya ka, kahoo ho ka ba molemo hore le wena o nketsetse ho hong.” +“Ehlile,” ha araba Sizwe. “Ke tlotla le hore o kopile nna. Ke tla tsamaya hanghang. Nkadime totjhe ya hao, ka ha bosiu ho le lefifi haholo hoo ke tshabang hore nka nna ka wela lengopeng.” +“Ntshwarele,” ho araba rapolasi, “ke totjhe ya ka e ntjha mme nka utlwa bohloko ha ho ka etsahala ho hong ho yona.” +“Se tshwenyehe, ke tla kgona,” ho rialo Sizwe ka sebete. A theola jase ya hae le katiba ya hae e mofuthu. Yaba o thatela sekhafo se selelele molaleng mme a tsamaya. +Kgaolo ya 9 +E ne e le bosiu bo batang ruri, mme ho na le sekotwana feela sa kgwedi! Sizwe o ne a sa kgone ho bona hantle, empa kamora ho tsamaya dihora tse ka bang tharo, a kokota monyakong wa ngaka. +“Ke mang?” ho hoeletsa ngaka. +“Ke nna Sizwe, Ngaka.” +“O batlang, Sizwe?” ho botsa ngaka. +“Mora wa rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona o tswile kotsi mme o batla hore o tle hang,” ho araba Sizwe. +Ngaka a theoha ka ditepisi mme a palama baesekele ho ya tlung ya rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona. Sizwe a qala leeto le le lelele ho kgutlela lapeng a le mong. +Empa maru a lefifi a kwahela kgwedi mme Sizwe a qetella a lahlehetswe ke tsela. A sollaka jwalo ho ya ka nokeng, moo e neng e le sebaka se kotsi haholo. Mafika a ne a phahame ka mahlakoreng a noka mme Sizwe wa batho a thella a wela ka metsing a phallang. O ile a hulelwa tlase ke jase ya hae e boima mme a kgaqwa. Tsatsing le hlahlamang badisa ba dipodi ba ile ba fumana setopo sa hae se phaphametse hodima metsi. +Phupung ya Sizwe, rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona e ne e le yena moidi ya ka sehloohong. +“Ke ne ke le motswalle wa hae wa hlooho ya kgomo,” ha bua rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona. “Ke bona ho loketse hore ke fumane sebaka se setle ka ho fetisisa.” Yaba o tsamaya ka pele ho lekese a ntse a hlakola mahlo a hae ka sakatuku moo batho bohle baka mmonang. +“Lefu la Sizwe ke tahlehelo e kgolo ruri,” ho rialo mofumahadi wa rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona kamora phupu. “Re tla etsa jwang ntle le meroho ya hae?” +“Tahlehlelo e kgolo ruri,” ho araba rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona. “Hobaneng, ke ne ke lokile hoo ho neng ho tshwana le ha ke mo file kariki ya ka, empa jwale ha ke tsebe hore ke tla etsa eng ka yona. E tlatsitse sebaka lapeng la ka ebile e robehile hoo nke keng ka kgona o e rekisa. Nke ke ka hlola ke fana ka ntho tsa ka le kgale. Motho o a sotleha ka lebaka la ho ba mosa.” +“Jwale?” ho rialo Tadi, kamora ho thola sebakanyana. +“Jwale, ke pheletso ya pale,” ho araba Mokotatsie. +“Empa ho qetelletse ho etsahetseng ka rapolasi wa lebese le dihlahiswa tsa lona?” ho botsa Tadi. +“Oh! Bonneteng ha ke tsebe,” ho araba Mokotatsie, “ebile ha ke kgathale.” +“Ho totobetse hore ha o na kutlwelo bohloko ka tlhaho ya hao,” ho rialo Tadi. +“Ke maswabi ka hore ha o bone molaetsa wa bohlokwa o paleng ena,” bo rialo Mokotatsie. +“Eng?” ho botsa Tadi. +“Molaetsa wa bohlokwa,” ho pheta Mokotatsie. +“O bolela hore pale ee e na le molaetsa wa bohlokwa?” ho botsa Tadi. +“Ehlile,” ho rialo Mokotatsie. +“Tjhe, kwana ka nnete,” ho rialo Tadi a kgenne, “ke nahana hore o ka be o ile wa mpolella seo pele o qala. Nka be ke sa o mamela. Hantlentle, nkabe ke ile ka re ‘Pooh!’ jwaloka mosekaseki wa dipale. Le ha ho le jwalo, nka nna ka tjho hona jwale.” Yaba o hoeletsa  haholo o re “Pooh!” ka lentswe le phefa, a tsoka mohatla, mme a nyamela lehlaka. +“O mo ratile jwang Tadi?” ho botsa letata, ya tlileng a hlapa hodima metsi. +“Ke bona eka ke mo kgentshitse,” ho araba Mokotatsie. “ke mo qoqetse pale e nang le molaetsa wa bohlokwa.” +“Ah! Kamehla ke ntho e kotsi eo o ka e etsang,” ho rialo letata. Yaba o qwela ka metsing mme a ema ka hlooho ya hae ho kgahlisa Mokotatsie",sot,Sesotho,Motswalle wa sebele,"One morning Swamp Rat stuck his head through the reeds on the bank of the river. He put his nose in the air and wiggled the end, sniffing the air to smell who was about. Seven newly-hatched ducklings came swimming round the bend, looking like a ...",,Retold Dawn Garisc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/motswalle-wa-sebele +smell-thief,"Mr Shabangu was the best baker in town. Every morning he woke up at four o’clock to mix and knead the dough for his famous buns, cakes and biscuits. By eight o’clock the people of the town were walking past the bakery on their way to work and school. By this time the cakes and buns were almost cooked, and the most delicious smells wafted out of the bakery’s windows. Many of the people went into the bakery to buy their breakfast. Mr Shabangu smiled happily at them as he passed them the fresh, tasty cinnamon buns and warm, golden biscuits that were so famous in the town. +But other people were not so lucky. Because they had so little money, the poorer people of the town could hardly ever afford to buy any of the delicious buns, cakes and biscuits. All they could do, was enjoy the lovely smells that drifted out of the bakery windows. When Mr Shabangu noticed these people sniffing the air near the bakery, it made him furious. ‘How dare they sniff my delicious smells!’ he said to himself angrily. ‘Those are MY smells. I made them, so they belong to me! If people want to smell my wonderful smells, they should pay for them!’ He huffed and puffed and wiped the sweat from his brow, before turning back to the oven to bake some bread and rolls for his lunchtime customers. +One old woman especially loved the smells that drifted out of the bakery window every morning. This was Ma Shange who slept on a bench in the park every night. A few weeks before, a kind person had given her the money to buy herself a cinnamon bun. She had taken the bun back to the park and eaten it very slowly, smacking her lips and sharing the last crumbs with the birds. After that, although the old woman didn’t have enough money to buy breakfast, she remembered the delicious bun. So every morning she walked slowly past Mr Shabangu’s bakery, sniffing the air and smiling blissfully at the mouth-watering smell. +Ma Shange’s new habit made the baker very angry. As each days went by, he grew angrier and angrier with her. Finally, one wintry morning when he was in an especially bad mood, he stormed out of his bakery and grabbed the old woman by the arm. ‘How dare you steal my smells!’ he shouted. ‘You’re nothing but a smell thief!’ He wiped his hands on his apron, then pulled it off and threw it back into the bakery. ‘Look after the bakery!’ he shouted at his assistant. ‘This is the last day this cheeky woman will steal my smells!’ And with these words, he dragged Ma Shange off to the court to see Judge Ngwenya. +The judge was just sitting down at his huge, shiny desk when the angry baker stormed in, dragging the quivering and confused Ma Shange with him. ‘Good morning,’ said the judge in his deep voice, but Mr Shabangu was too angry to even greet him. +‘Sir,’ said Mr Shabangu furiously, ‘I demand justice! I wish to lay a complaint against this woman. Every day for the last three weeks, she has walked past my bakery in the early morning when my delicious smells are at their best, and stolen them. She is a thief. I demand that she pays for those smells!’ +The judge scratched his big, bald head for a moment. Then he cleared his throat. ‘Fair enough,’ he said to the baker. ‘Justice will be done.’ He turned to Ma Shange. ‘How much money do you have on you, Madam?’ he asked. +‘Only two rand, your Honour,’ stammered Ma Shange. +‘Well,’ said the judge, ‘hand it to me, please.’ Meekly Ma Shange reached into the pocket of her tatty old cardigan and pulled out two one rand coins. She handed them to the judge. He took them, thanking her politely. Then he shook the coins in his big fist, so that they made a clinking sound. ‘This is my judgement,’ he said to the baker. ‘The punishment must fit the crime. Therefore the sound of Ma Shange’s money is the payment you will get for the smells she stole. And now I wish you a good day.’ +The baker looked thoughtful. Then, realising how unreasonable he had been, he turned slowly and walked out of the room. The judge smiled kindly at Ma Shange, and handed back her money. ‘Now, Madam,’ he said pulling a brown paper bag from his briefcase, ‘would you care to join me for breakfast? These buns are still warm – I bought them only half an hour ago.’",eng,English,The smell thief,"Mr Shabangu was the best baker in town. Every morning he woke up at four o’clock to mix and knead the dough for his famous buns, cakes and biscuits. By eight o’clock the people of the town were walking past the bakery on their way to work and ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/smell-thief +smell-thief,"Mnr. Shabangu is die beste bakker op die dorp. Hy staan elke oggend vieruur op om die deeg vir sy beroemde broodrolletjies, koek en koekies te meng en te knie. Teen agtuur stap die dorpsmense verby die bakkery op pad skool toe en werk toe. En teen hierdie tyd is die koek en rolletjies amper gaar, en die heerlikste geure sweef deur die bakkery se vensters. Baie mense stap by die bakkery in om hulle ontbyt daar te koop. Mnr. Shabangu glimlag gelukkig vir hulle wanneer hy vir hulle die heerlike vars kaneelrolletjies en warm, goudbruin koekies aangee wat oral in die dorp bekend is. +Maar daar is ander mense wat nie so gelukkig is nie. Omdat hulle so min geld het, kan die armer mense in die dorp byna nooit van die heerlike rolletjies, koek en koekies koop nie. Al wat hulle kan doen, is om die heerlike geure te geniet wat deur die bakkery se vensters sweef. Toe mnr. Shabangu agterkom dat hierdie mense die lug naby die bakkery insnuif, is hy woedend. “Hoe durf hulle my heerlike geure opsnuif!” sê hy kwaai vir homself. “Dit is MY geure. Ek het hulle gemaak, en hulle behoort aan my! As mense my wonderlike geure wil geniet, moet hulle daarvoor betaal!” Hy blaas en raas en vee die sweet van sy voorkop af voor hy terugdraai na die oond toe om vir sy klante brood en rolletjies te bak vir middagete. +Een ou vrou is veral gaande oor die geure wat elke oggend uit die bakkery kom. Dit is Ma Shange wat elke aand op ʼn bankie in die park slaap. ʼn Paar weke gelede het ʼn goedhartige persoon vir haar geld gegee om vir haar ʼn kaneelrolletjie te koop. Sy het die rolletjie teruggeneem na die park toe en dit baie stadig geëet, haar lippe op mekaar geklap en die laaste krummeltjies met die voëltjies gedeel. Daarna het die ou vrou nie weer genoeg geld gehad om ontbyt te koop nie, maar sy het die heerlike rolletjie onthou. Daarom het sy elke oggend stadig verby mnr. Shabangu se bakkery gestap, die lug gesnuif en salig geglimlag wanneer sy die geur kry wat haar mond laat water. +Ma Shange se nuwe gewoonte maak die bakker baie kwaad. Soos die dae verbygaan, word hy al hoe kwater vir haar. Een wintersoggend, toe hy in ʼn baie slegte bui is, storm hy by sy bakkery uit en gryp die ou vrou aan die arm. “Hoe durf jy my geure steel!” skree hy. “Jy is niks minder nie as ʼn geurdief!” Hy vee sy hande aan sy voorskoot af, pluk die voorskoot af en gooi dit terug in die bakkery. “Hou jy die fort!” skree hy vir sy assistent. “Dit is vandag die laaste keer dat hierdie astrante vrou my geure steel!” En daarmee sleep hy Ma Shange saam met hom hof toe om vir Regter Ngwenya te gaan vertel. +Die regter het net by sy groot, blink lessenaar gaan sit toe die woedende bakker instorm, en die bewende en verwarde Ma Shange met hom saamsleep. “Goeiemôre,” sê die regter met sy diep stem, maar mnr. Shabangu is te kwaad om hom selfs te groet. +“Meneer,” sê mnr. Shabangu woedend, “ek eis geregtigheid! Ek wil ʼn klag lê teen hierdie vrou. Sy loop die afgelope drie weke elke dag vroeg soggens verby my bakkery, wanneer my heerlike geure op hul beste is, en dan steel sy dit. Sy is ʼn dief. Ek eis dat sy vir daardie geure betaal!” +Die regter krap vir ʼn oomblik sy groot, kaal kop. Toe maak hy keel skoon. “Nou goed dan,” sê hy vir die bakker. “Geregtigheid sal geskied.” Hy draai na Ma Shange. “Hoeveel geld het u by u, mevrou?” vra hy. +“Net twee rand, u Edele,” stamel Ma Shange. +“Wel,” sê die regter, “gee dit asseblief vir my.” Gedwee steek Ma Shange haar hand in die sak van haar verflenterde ou trui en haal twee eenrandmunte uit. Sy gee dit vir die regter. Hy vat dit, en bedank haar hoflik. Toe skud hy die munte in sy groot vuis sodat hulle teen mekaar klingel. “Dit is my uitspraak,” sê hy vir die bakker. “Die straf moet by die oortreding pas. Die geluid van Ma Shange se geld is die betaling wat jy sal kry vir die geure wat sy gesteel het. En nou wens ek jou ʼn goeie dag toe.” +Die bakker dink diep. Toe hy besef hoe onredelik hy was, draai hy stadig om en stap by die vertrek uit. Die regter glimlag goedig vir Ma Shange, en gee haar geld terug. “En nou, mevrou,” sê hy en haal ʼn bruinpapiersak uit sy aktetas, “sal u saam met my ontbyt eet? Hierdie rolletjies is nog warm – ek het hulle ʼn halfuur gelede gekoop.”",afr,Afrikaans,Die geurdief,"Mr Shabangu was the best baker in town. Every morning he woke up at four o’clock to mix and knead the dough for his famous buns, cakes and biscuits. By eight o’clock the people of the town were walking past the bakery on their way to work and ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-geurdief +smell-thief,"UMnumzane Shabangu wayengumbhaki onekhono kakhulu edolobhaneni. Wayevuka ngehora lesine nqo ezimpondweni njalo ekuseni ukuze axove inhlama yamabhanisi, amakhekhe namabhisikidi akhe okudumile. Uma kushaya ihora lesishiyagalombili abantu babedlula ngasesitolo endleleni eya emsebenzini nasesikoleni, futhi kwakuzwakala iphunga elimnandi elaliphuma ngamafasitela esitolo. Abantu abaningi babeyothenga isidlo sabo sasekuseni esitolo. UMnumzane Shabangu wayebabuka emamatheka ngesikhathi ebadlulisela amabhanisi esinamoni amasha namnandi, amabhisikidi asagolide ayedumile edolobhaneni lelo. +Kodwa abanye abantu babengenayo le nhlanhla ayenayo. Ngenxa yokuthi babengenayo imali eningi, abantu abampofu basedolobhaneni babengavamisile ukwazi ukuthenga amabhanisi, amakhekhe namabhiskidi amnandi. Into ebabeyenza nje kuphela kwakungukuthokozela amaphunga amnandi ayephuma ngamafasitela. UMnumzane Shabangu wabona laba bantu behogela eduze nesitolo sakhe, lokhu kwamdina. ‘Bahogelelani iphunga elimnandi!’ kusho yena. ‘ELAMI leli phunga. Uma abantu befuna ukuhogela iphunga lami elimnandi, kumele balikhokhele!’ Waveva yintukuthelo, waphenduka waya kuhhavini ukuze abhake izinkwa zamakhasimende akhe angesikhathi sesidlo sasemini. +Kwakukhona isalukazi, uMaShange, esasilithanda kakhulu iphunga elivela esitolo. UMaShange wayelala ebhentshini elisepaki njalo ebusuku. Emasontweni ambalwa adlule kukhona umuntu onenhliziyo enhle owayemnikeze imali yokuthenga ibhanisi lesinamoni. Wabuyela epaki nebhanisi walidla kancane kancane, ekhotha izindebe zakhe zomlomo, wabelana nezinyoni ngemvuthuluka. Ngemuva kwalokho, owesifazane lo owayengenayo imali eyanele yokuthenga elinye ibhanisi, wadlula eduze kwesitolo sikaMnumzane Shabangu ehamba kancane, ehogela futhi emamathekiswa iphunga eliconsisa amathe. +Umkhuba omusha kaMaShange wamthukuthelisa kakhulu umbhaki. Ngokuhamba kwezinsuku, kwakhula ukumthukuthelela. Ekugcineni, ngolunye usuku lwasebusika olubandayo wayenolaka olubi, waphuma esitolo sakhe wasidonsa ngengalo isalukazi lesi. ‘Ulintshontshelani iphunga lami!’ emthethisa. ‘Uyisela lephunga wena!’ +UMnumzane Shabangu wasula izindla zakhe ephinifeni lakhe, walikhumula waliphonsa esitolo sakhe. ‘Gada isitolo!’ esho ememeza umsizi wakhe. ‘Uyagcina namhlanje ukuntshontsha iphunga lami lo muntu wesifazane odelelayo!’ Ngalawo mazwi, wadonsa ngengalo uMaShange baya enkantolo ukuyobonana neJaji uNgwenya. Ijaji lalisahlala phansi edeskini lalo elikhulu, elicwebezelayo ngesikhathi kungena nezicabha umbhaki othukuthele, edonsa ngengalo uMaShange othukile futhi odidekile. ‘Sanibonani,’ kusho ijaji ngezwi elindondayo, kodwa uMnumzane Shabangu akazange alibingelele ngenxa yokuthi wayeveva intukuthelo. +‘Nkosi yami,’ kusho uMnumzane Shabangu ngentukuthelo, ‘Ngifuna kwenziwe ubulungiswa! Ngifisa ukufaka isikhalo ngalo wesifazane. Nsuku zonke emasontweni amathathu adlule, udlula eduze nesitolo sami ekuseni kakhulu uma iphunga elimnandi lasesitolo sami lisemandla, bese eyalintshontsha. Uyisela. Ngifuna angikhokhele ngalelo phunga elimnandi!’ +Ijaji lanwaya ikhanda lalo elikhulu elinempandla isikhashana. Lase lithinta isikhwehlela. ‘Kulungile,’ lisho kumbhaki. ‘Kuzokwenzeka ubulungiswa.’ Laphendukela kuMaShange. ‘Unamalini, Mama?’ kubuza ijaji. +‘Nginamarandi amabili kuphela, Nkosi yami,’ kungingiza uMaShange. +‘Kulungile,’ kusho ijaji, ‘ngicela unginikeze yona.’ UMaShange wafaka isandla sakhe ephaketheni lejezi lakhe elidala ngokukhulu ukuzithoba wakhipha izinhlamvu ezimbili zamarandi. Wazinika ijaji. Lazithatha lambonga likhombisa inhlonipho. Laxukuza ezandleni zalo ezinkulu imali ewuhlweza, ukuze yenze umsindo. ‘Nasi isinqumo sami,’ lisho kumbhaki. ‘Isijeziso kumele sihambisane necala. Ngakho umsindo wemali kaMaShange iyona nhlawulo ozoyithola ngephunga elimnandi alintshontshile. Manje ngikufisela ukuthi ube nosuku oluhle.’ +Umbhaki wabukeka ecabangisisa ngalokhu. Wase ebona ukuthi uzicabangele yena kanjani, waphenduka kancane waphuma egunjini. Ijaji lamamatheka libuka uMaShange ngomusa, lambuyisela imali yakhe. ‘Manje, Mama,’ lasho likhipha isikhwama sephepha esinsundu esikhwameni salo esiyi-briefcase, ‘ngingakucela ukuba udle nami isidlo sasekuseni? La mabhanisi asashisa – ngiwathenge esigamini sehora esedlule.’",xho,isiXhosa,Ontshontsha iphung,"Mr Shabangu was the best baker in town. Every morning he woke up at four o’clock to mix and knead the dough for his famous buns, cakes and biscuits. By eight o’clock the people of the town were walking past the bakery on their way to work and ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ontshontsha-iphunga +smell-thief,"UMnu Shabangu wayengumbhaki ogqwesileyo edolophini. Rhoqo ngentseni wayevuka ngentsimbi yesine axube aze axove intlama yakhe ukuze enze amaqebengwana, iikeyiki kunye neebhiskithi zakhe ezibalaseleyo. Ngentsimbi yesibhozo, abantu babedlula kwivenkile yakhe yokubhaka xa besiya emsebenzini nasesikolweni, kwaye babesiva ivumba elimnandi elaliphuma kwiifestile zevenkile yokubhaka. Uninzi lwabantu lwalusiya apho evenkileni yokubhaka ukuze bathenge isidlo sabo sakusasa. UMnu Shabangu wayebancumela ngovuyo ngeli lixa ebanika amaqebengwana anesinamoni, asandul`ukubhakwa ashushu, neebhiskithi ezishushu ezimthubi nezazidume kakhulu kuloo dolophu. +Kodwa ke abanye abantu babengenalo eli thamsanqa, kuba babenemali encinci. Abantu abahlelelekileyo bale dolophu babengakwazi ukuwathenga kwaloo maqebengwana, iikeyiki neebhiskithi ezimnandi. Inye nje kuphela into ababenakho ukuyenza, kukusezela elo vumba limnandi liphuma kwiifestile zevenkile yokubhaka. Wathi akubaqaphela aba bantu basezela ivumba kufuphi nevenkile yakhe yokubhaka uMnumzana Shabangu, oku kwamcaphukisa. ‘Kutheni besezela ivumba lam elimnandi,’ utshilo. ‘Ngamavumba neziqholo ZAM ezo. Ukuba abantu bafuna ukuweva amavumba am amnandi, kufuneka bawahlawulele.’ Wagqwashimla wakhefuzela waphindela esitovini ukuze abhakele abathengi nabaxumi bakhe besidlo sasemini isonka sabo. +Ixhegwazana elithile elinguMaShange, lalilithanda kakhulu ivumba levenkile yokubhaka. UMaShange wayelala kwisitulo esisepakini rhoqo ebusuku. Kwiiveki ezimbalwa ezidlulileyo, kukho umntu olungileyo okhe wamnika imali yokuya kuthenga iqebengwana elinesinamoni. Walithatha elo qebengwana waya nalo epakini waze walitya ngokucothayo, emunca imilebe kwaye esabelana neentaka ngengququ eyintsalela. Emva koko, le nkosikazi eyayingenayo nesenti emdaka yokuthenga elinye iqebengwana, yayidlula ithe chu ngakwivenkile yokubhaka kaMnumzana Shabangu rhoqo ngentseni, isezele emoyeni, incumele elo vumba livuzisa izinkcwe. +Lo mkhwa mtsha kaMaShange wamcaphukisa kakhulu umbhaki. Ngokuya zihamba iintsuku, waya esibanomsindo ngakumbi sesi senzo. Ekugqibeleni, ngenye intsasa yobusika eyayibanda kunene, umbhaki eziva ekwisimo esimandundu mpela, waphuma egqabadula kwivenkile yakhe yokubhaka walithi hlasi ngengalo ixhegwazana. ‘Kutheni usiba ivumba lam nje!’ umgrwangxule ngelitshoyo. ‘Akunto yanto ngaphandle kokuba lisela lamavumba!’ +UMnu Shabangu wosulela izandla zakhe kwifaskoti yakhe, waze wayitsala wayigibisela ngasemva kwivenkile yakhe yokubhaka. ‘Uze ugade ivenkile yam yokubhaka!’ ukhwaze ngelitshoyo kumncedisi wakhe. ‘Lo mfazi usileyo ugqibelisile namhla oku ukuba amavumba am!’ Emva kokuba ethethe la mazwi, urhuqe uMaShange emsa kwinkundla kaJaji uNgwenya. Ijaji yayihleli kwisitulo sayo esikhulu esikhazimlayo xa umbhaki owayecaphukile engena embonzelekile, erhuqa uMaShange owayengcangcazela ebhidekile. ‘Molo,’ itsho ngelinzulu lona ilizwi ijaji, kodwa uMnu Shabangu wayenomsindo kakhulu kangangokuba akakwazanga nokuyibulisa. +‘Mhlekazi,’ utshilo uMnu Shabangu echaphukile, ‘Ndifuna ubulungisa! Ndingathanda ukumangalela lo mama. Yonke imihla kwezi veki zintathu zidlulileyo, udlula kwivenkile yam yokubhaka rhoqo ngentseni xa kanye amavumba am egqwesile, aze awabe. Lisela eli. Ndifuna ukuba awahlawulele loo mavumba!’ +Ijaji iye yonwaya intloko yayo enkulu enenkqayi okwethutyana. Yaze yathinta isikhohlela. ‘Kuyavakala,’ itshilo ibhekisa kumbhaki. ‘Ubulungisa buza kwenziwa.’ Iguqukile yajonga kuMaShange. ‘Unamalini apha kuwe, Nkosikazi?’ ibuze yatsho. +‘Ndineponti kuphela, Mhlonitshwa,’ uthintithe watsho uMaShange. +‘Kulungile ke,’ itshilo ijaji, ‘khawuncede undinike yona.’ Ngokuzithoba okukhulu, uMaShange ufake isandla kwipokotho yejezi yakhe endala nedlakadlaka waze wakhupha iirandi ezimbini eziziinkozo. Uzinikezele kwijaji. Izithathile, yaze yambulela ngokuchubekileyo. Emva koko izishukumisile izifumbathe kwinqindi layo elikhulu ezo nkozo, ukuze zenze isandi esikhenkcezayo. ‘Nasi isigwebo sam,’ itshilo ibhekisa kumbhaki. ‘Isohlwayo kufuneka silingane nolwaphulo-mthetho. Ngoko ke, isandi semali kaMaShange siyintlawulo oza kuyifumana ngala mavumba awabileyo. Ngoku ke, ndikunqwenelela usuku olumyoli.’ +Umbhaki ujongile esezingcingeni ezinzulu. Uthe akubona indlela ebengaqiqi ngayo, waphethuka ngokucothayo waphumela ngaphandle kwelo gumbi. Ijaji yancumela uMaShange, yaze yamnika imali yakhe. ‘Ngoku ke Nkosikazi, itshilo ikhupha isingxotyana esintsundu sephepha kwitasi yayo, ‘ungathanda ukufumana isidlo sakusasa kunye nam? La maqebengwana ezonka aseshushu – ndiwathenge kwisiqingatha seyure esidlulileyo.’",zul,isiZulu,Isela lamavum,"Mr Shabangu was the best baker in town. Every morning he woke up at four o’clock to mix and knead the dough for his famous buns, cakes and biscuits. By eight o’clock the people of the town were walking past the bakery on their way to work and ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isela-lamavumba +smell-thief,"Ntate Shabangu e ne e le sedubi sa dibakwang se ipabolang toropong ya habo. Hoseng ho hong le ho hong o ne a di raha ka hora ya bone ho duba hlama ya dibanse, dikukusi le dibisekiti tse neng di tumme haholo. Ha ho otla hora ya borobedi batho ba toropo eo ba ne ba se ba feta beikhareng ya hae ha ba ya mosebetsing le sekolong. Ka nako ena dikukusi le dibanse di ne di se di tla butswa, mme ho ne ho tswa monko o monate haholo ka difensetere tsa beikhare. Batho ba bangata ba ne ba kena beikhareng eo ho ya reka thahameso (dijo tsa hoseng) ya bona. Ntate Shabangu o ne a bobotheha ha a ba sheba a ntse a ba neeletsa dibanse tsa sinamone tse foreshe tse hlabosang, le dibisekiti tse futhumetseng tse mmala wa gauta tse neng di tumme haholo torotswaneng eo. +Empa batho ba bang ba ne ba se lehlohonolo hakaalo. Hobane ba ne ba na le tjhelete e nyane, batho ba futsanehileng ba torotswaneng eo ba ne ba sa kgone ho reka dife kapa dife tsa dibanse, dikukusi le dibisekiti tse latswehang. Seo ba neng ba ka se etsa feela e ne e le ho natefelwa ke menko e monate e neng e tswa ka difensetere tsa beikhare. Ha Ntate Shabangu a bona batho bana ba ntse ba fofonela moya o haufi le beikhare ya hae, o ile a halefa haholo. “Ba ka reng ho fofonela menko ya ka e monate!” a bua a le mong a halefile. “Eo ke menko YA KA. Ke nna ke e entseng, kahoo ke ya ka! Haeba batho ba batla ho fofonela menko ya ka e monate, ba lokela ho e lefella!” O ne a hemesela a bile a hlakola mofufutso phatleng ya hae, pele a kgutlela setofong sa hae ho ya baka bohobe le dirolo tse ding bakeng sa bareki ba nako ya dijo tsa motsheare. +Mosadimoholo e mong o ne a hlile a rata menko e neng e etswa fensetereng ya beikhare hoseng ho hong le ho hong. Enwa e ne e le MaShange ya neng a robala setulong sa banka se pakeng bosiu bo bong le bo bong. Dibeke tse mmalwa pele ho moo, motho ya mosa o ne a ile a mo fa tjhelete ya ho ithekela banse ya sinamone. O ne a ile a nka banse eo a ya le yona pakeng mme a e ja butle, a ntse a itatswa dipounama, mme a arolelana mafoforetsane a ho qetela le dinonyana. Kamora moo, le ha mosadimoholo enwa a ne a se na tjhelete e lekaneng ho reka thahameso, o ne a hopola banse ela e monate. Kahoo hoseng ho hong le ho hong o ne a tsamaya butle ho ya feta beikhareng ya Ntate Shabangu, a ntse a fofonela moyeng mme a bososela ha monatjana ka lebaka la monko o dutlisang mathe. +Tlwaelo ena e ntjha ya MaShange e ne e halefisa sedubi seo sa dibakwang haholo. Ha matsatsi a ntse a feta, o ne a ntse a eketsa ho mo kgenela. Qetellong, hoseng ho hong ho ne ho foka moya mme o ne a hlile a sa thaba, a tswa a potlakile ka beikhareng ya hae mme a phamola mosadimoholo eo ka sephaka. “Hobaneng o utswa menko ya ka?” a omana jwalo. “Ha o letho wena, o leshodu feela la menko!” A hlakola matsoho a hae forasekotong ya hae, yaba o a e hlobola mme a e lahlela ka hara beikhare. “Sala o hlokometse beikhare!” a hoeletsa mothusi wa hae. “Kajeno ke tsatsi la ho qetela mosadimoholo enwa ya manganga a utswa menko ya ka!” Yaba ka mantswe ana, o hula MaShange o mo isa kgotla ho ya bona Moahlodi Ngwenya. +Moahlodi o ne a dutse deskeng ya hae e kgolo e benyang ha sedubi sa dibakwang se kena se tatile,sea hula MaShange ya neng a thothomela a shebahalang a ferekane. “Dumelang,” ho rialo moahlodi ka lentswe la hae le tebileng, empa Ntate Shabangu o ne a kgenne hoo a sa kang a mo dumedisa. +“Mohlomphehi,” ho rialo Ntate Shabangu ka mabefi, “ke batla toka! Ke rata ho qosa mosadi enwa. Tsatsi le leng le le leng dibekeng tse tharo tse fetileng, o dula a ntse a feta beikhareng ya ka hoseng ha menko ya ka e monate e nkga haholo, ebe o a e utswa. Ke leshodu. Ke batla hore a lefiswe bakeng sa menko eo!” +Moahlodi a ngwaya hlooho ya hae e kgolo e lefatla metsotswana e se mekae. Yaba o thetha sehohlola. “Ho a utlwahala,” a rialo ho sedubi sa dibakwang. “Toka e tla etsuwa.” Yaba o sheba MaShange. “O na le bokae ho wena moo, Mme?” a botsa jwalo. +“Diranta tse pedi feela, Mohlomphehi,” MaShange a araba ka bohwelea. +“Ho lokile,” ho rialo moahlodi, “Ke kopa o e tlise kwano.” Yaba MaShange o kenya letsoho ka pokothong ya jeresi ya hae e marantha ka boikokobetso, a ntsha diranta tse pedi tsa tshepe. A di nea moahlodi. A di nka mme a mo leboha ka boikokobetso. Yaba o tsukutla dikhoine tseo ka hara letsoho la hae le leholo, hore di etse modumo ha di otlana. “Kahlolo ya ka ke ena,” a rialo ho sedubi sa dibakwang. “Kotlo e lokela ho lekana le molato. Kahoo modumo ona wa tjhelete ya MaShange ke tefo eo o tla e fumana bakeng sa menko eo a e utswitseng. Jwale le be le letsatsi le monate.” +Sedubi sa dibakwang sa shebahala se tebisitse monahano. Jwale, ha se elellwa hore se entse bowatla, sa reteleha butle mme sa tswa sa tsamaya. Moahlodi a bososela ka mosa a shebile MaShange, mme a mo nea tjhelete ya hae. “Jwale, Mofumahadi,” a rialo a ntsha mokotlana wa pampiri e sootho potlolomenteng ya hae, “na o ka lakatsa ho ja thahameso le nna? Dibanse tsena di ntse di futhumetse – ke di rekile nakong ya hora le halofo tse fetileng.”",sot,Sesotho,Leshodu la menko,"Mr Shabangu was the best baker in town. Every morning he woke up at four o’clock to mix and knead the dough for his famous buns, cakes and biscuits. By eight o’clock the people of the town were walking past the bakery on their way to work and ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/leshodu-la-menko +walk-the-park,"Liso loves going online. Her favourite website has everything she needs to have fun. She learns all kinds of dances. +She learns interesting facts about nature. She makes friends from all over the world. “Let’s go for a walk in the park,” said Dad, +looking up from his laptop. “I’d rather be online,” said Liso. “I can play, I can learn, and I can exercise,” she said. +“Why do I need to go anywhere else?” “Well,” said Dad. “There are some magical things in the real world…”   +“Oh wow,” said Liso. “That sounds amazing!” “It was,” said Thalia. “Mommy said it was a male bird. +  +He was bringing food back to the nest.” Thalia was too tired to dance, so Liso texted her friend, Ina. +“Let’s go and play at the online amusement park,” said Liso. “I can’t,” replied Ina. “I’m going to the park with my parents. +In the real world!” “Okay,” said Liso. “I’ll speak to you later.” Liso thought long and hard. Then she called out. +“Dad!” she shouted. “Let’s go for a walk in the park!” Dad closed his laptop. On the internet, Liso met her friend, Jamila. +“What have you been up to?” asked Jamila. “Not much,” said Liso. “I’ve just been online.” “Cool,” said Jamila. + +“We went for a walk in the park. We saw all kinds of birds. We even saw a weaver bird building a nest by the lake!” +“Oh wow!” said Liso. “That sounds interesting.” “It was,” said Jamila. “My dad said the male bird was building a nest, and the +female was inspecting it. I don’t think she liked it; she tore the whole nest apart!” Then, Liso spoke to her friend, Thalia. +“Let’s do a dance,” said Liso. “In a little while,” said Thalia. “I’m tired from my run.” “A run?” asked Liso. +“Where did you run?” “We ran through a beautiful forest,” said Thalia. “We saw a duiker, a vervet monkey, and a hornbill bird +with a beautiful orange beak and a long tail!” 4 5 At the park, Liso and her Dad saw a bright blue bird with a tall, green crest. +  +“Wow,” said Liso. “I wonder what kind of bird that is!” “I think it’s a Knysna loerie,” said Dad. “Let’s try to follow it.” +The bird flew from treetop to treetop. The bird came to rest on a tree branch. The bird landed on a cycad. +Liso and her Dad followed him, running all the way. “Liso, why don’t you say hello,” said Dad. “Maybe he’s a magic loerie!” +Liso cleared her throat… “Hello there,” came a voice. “What are you doing here?” Liso and Dad’s eyes opened wide… +Right beside them, in the middle of the park, were Jamila, Thalia and Ina, with their parents! “There goes the loerie again,” +Liso shouted. “Let’s follow him!” “These birds got us away from our screens, out of the house, and into nature together,” said +Liso’s Dad. “They are magic birds after all.” +  +Nal'ibali Fun +Ideas to talk about +What do you do to have fun? How do you communicate with your friends? What is the internet? +Visual +What outside place is your favourite? Draw a picture of yourself there. +Reading +Be a story detective!   +How many different birds are mentioned in the story? Can you find the names of two forest animals? What sentence tells you that Liso had changed her mind about wanting to go to the park? How many different ways does Liso have of communicating with her friends? +Writing +Write a text message Liso might have written to another friend when she got home from the park. +Craft +Use twigs, grass, and leaves to build your own bird’s nest. +Performance +Go on an imaginary walk in a park: stretch up to see what is at the top of trees, crouch down low to look at plants and animals close to the ground and follow a bird that is flying from treetop to treetop.",eng,English,A walk in the park Written,"Liso loves going online. Her favourite website has everything she needs to have fun. She learns all kinds of dances. +She learns interesting facts about nature. She makes friends from all over the world. “Let’s go for a walk in the ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",by Hagen Engle,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/walk-the-park +walk-the-park,"Liso hou baie daarvan om aanlyn te wees. Haar gunstelingwebwerf het alles wat sy nodig het om pret te hê. Sy leer allerhande +danse. Sy leer interessante feite oor die natuur. Sy maak maats in allerhande wêrelddele. “Kom ons gaan stap in die park,” sê +Pappa en kyk op van sy skootrekenaar af. “Ek wil eerder aanlyn wees,” sê Liso. “Ek kan speel, ek kan leer, en ek kan oefeninge +doen,” sê sy. “Waarom moet ek iewers anders heen gaan?” “Ons het deur ’n pragtige woud gedraf,” sê Thalia. +“Ons het ’n duiker, ’n blouapie en ’n neushoringvoël gesien met ’n pragtige oranje snawel en ’n lang stert!” +  +“O, wonderlik,” sê Liso. “Dit klink ongelooflik!” “Dit was,” sê Thalia. “Mamma het gesê dit was ’n mannetjiesvoël. +Hy het kos na die nes teruggebring.” Thalia was te moeg om te dans, en daarom stuur Liso vir haar vriendin Ina ’n selfoonteks. +“Kom ons gaan speel by die aanlyn pretpark,” sê Liso. “Ek kan nie,” antwoord Ina. “Ek gaan saam met my ouers na die park toe. +In die regte wêreld!” “Reg so,” sê Liso. “Ek praat later met jou.” Liso dink diep voordat sy iets sê. “Pappa!” skree sy toe. +“Kom ons gaan stap ’n bietjie in die park!” Pappa maak sy skootrekenaar toe. “Wel,” sê Pappa. + +“Daar is ’n paar toweragtige dinge in die regte wêreld …” Op die internet ontmoet Liso haar vriendin Jamila. +“Wat het jy die afgelope ruk gedoen?” vra Jamila. “Nie veel nie,” sê Liso. “Ek was maar net aanlyn.” “Cool,” sê Jamila. +“Ons het in die park gaan stap. Ons het allerhande voëls gesien. Ons het selfs gesien hoe ’n wewer ’n nes langs die meer bou!” +“O, wonderlik!” sê Liso. “Dit klink interessant.” “Dit was,” sê Jamila. “My pa het gesê dat die mannetjiesvoël ’n nes bou, en die +wyfie inspekteer dit. Ek dink nie sy het daarvan gehou nie, want sy het die hele nes uitmekaargeskeur!” +  +Toe gesels Liso met haar vriendin Thalia. “Kom ons dans,” sê Liso. “Netnou,” sê Thalia. “Ek is moeg omdat ek gaan draf het.” +“Jy het gaan draf?” vra Liso. “Waarheen het jy gedraf?” In die park sien Liso en haar pa ’n helderblou voël met ’n groot, groen +kuif. “Sjoe,” sê Liso. “Ek wonder watter soort voël dit is!” “Ek dink dis ’n Knysnaloerie,” sê Pappa. “Kom ons probeer dit volg.” +Die voël vlieg van boomtop tot boomtop. Die voël gaan sit op ’n boomtak. Dit land op ’n broodboom. Liso en haar pa volg dit en +hardloop al die pad. “Liso, sê hallo vir die voël,” sê Pappa. “Miskien is dit ’n towerloerie!” Liso maak keel skoon … +“Hallo daar,” sê ’n stem. “Wat maak jy hier?” Liso en Pappa se oë rek van verbasing … Reg langs hulle, in die middel van die +park, staan Jamila, Thalia en Ina, saam met hul ouers! “Daar gaan die loerie weer,” skree Liso. “Kom ons volg hom!” “Hierdie +voël het ons van ons skerms weggekry, uit die huis uit en saam in die natuur in,” sê Liso se pa. “Dit is inderdaad ’n towervoël. +  +Nal’ibali-pret +Idees om oor te gesels +Wat doen jy om pret te hê? Hoe kommunikeer jy met jou vriende?  Wat is die internet? +Visueel +Watter plek in die buitelug is jou gunsteling? Teken ’n prentjie van jouself daar. +Lees +Word ’n storiespeurder! +Hoeveel verskillende voëls word in die storie genoem? Kan jy die name van twee bosdiere vind? Watter sin sê vir jou dat Liso van plan verander het oor park toe gaan? Hoeveel verskillende maniere het Liso om met haar vriende te kommunikeer? +Skryf +Skryf ’n teksboodskap wat Liso dalk aan ’n ander vriendin geskryf het toe sy van die park af by die huis kom. +Handwerk +Gebruik takkies, gras en blare om jou eie voëlnes te bou. +Speel toneel +Gaan stap ’n denkbeeldige entjie in ’n park: staan op jou tone om te sien wat bo in bome is, hurk laag om na plante en diere naby die grond te kyk en volg ’n voël wat van boomtop tot boomtop vlieg.",afr,Afrikaans,Stap in die park,"Liso loves going online. Her favourite website has everything she needs to have fun. She learns all kinds of dances. +She learns interesting facts about nature. She makes friends from all over the world. “Let’s go for a walk in the ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Storie deur Hagen Engle,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/stap-die-park +walk-the-park,"ULiso uyakuthanda ukungena ku-inthanethi. Ubunzinzolwazi abuthandako bunayo yoke into ayithandako yokuzithabisa. +Ufunda yoke imihlobo yokudansa. Ufunda amaphuzu akarisako mayelana nemvelo. +Wenza abangani kiloloke iphasi. “Akhe sithabulule iinyawo siye ephageni,” kwatjho uBaba, aqala phezulu afuna ilaptop yakhe. +“Ngibona kungcono ngingene ku-inthanethi,” kwatjho uLiso. +  +“Ngingadlala, ngingafunda, begodu ngingazithabulula,” kwatjho yena. “Kubayini kufanele ngikhambe ngiye kwenye indawo?” +“Kulungile, kwatjho uBaba. Kunezinto ezinomlingo ephasini lamambala...” “Maye,” kwatjho uLiso. +“Lokho kuzwakala kukarisa kwamambala!” “Kunjalo,” kwatjho uThalia. “UMma uthe bekuyinyoni eduna. +Beyiletha ukudla ngesidlekeni sayo.” UThalia bekadinwe khulu kobana angadansa, uLiso wase udlulisela isimemo emnganini +wakhe u-Ina. “Asikhambe siyokudlala ephageni yokuzithabisa yeinthanethi,” kwatjho uLiso. + +“Angekhe ngikghone,” kuphendula u-Ina. Ngiya ephageni nababelethi bami. Ephasini lamambala!” +“Kulungile,” kwatjho uLiso. “Ngizakukhuluma nawe ngemva kwesikhathi.” ULiso wacabanga isikhathi eside begodu +ngamandla. Wasuka lapho wabiza. “Baba!” warhuwelela. “Asikhambe siyokukhambakhamba ephageni!” +UBaba wavala ilaptop yakhe. Ku-inthanethi, uLiso uthole umngani uJamila. “Bewenza ini?” kwabuza uJamila. +“Akunalitho elitheni,” kwatjho uLiso. “Besengikhona la ku-inthanethi.” “Kuhle,” kwatjho uJamila. +  +“Siye ephageni sayokukhambakhamba khona. Sibone yoke imihlobo yeenyoni. Besabona nehlokohloko lakhe isidleke eduze +nechibi!” “Maye!” Kwatjho uLiso. “Lokho kuzwakala kukarisa.” “Kunjalo,” kwatjho uJamila. +“Ubaba uthe inyoni eduna beyakha isidleke, bese esikazi iyigadile. Angicabangi bonyana isithandile, isihlikilize soke isidleke!” +ULiso, wasuka lapho wakhuluma nomnganakhe uThalia. “Akhe sidanseni,” kwatjho uLiso. “Ngemva kwesikhatjhana esincani,” +kwatjho uThalia. Ngidiniwe bengiyokugijima.” “Ukugijima?” kwatjho uLiso. “Bewugijima kuphi?” +  +“Besigijima phakathi kwehlathi elihle,” kwatjho uThalia. “Sibone ipunzi, ikghabu nenyoni yephondo, enomlomo omuhle +o-orentji nomsila omude!” Ephageni, uLiso noyise babona inyoni ekhanyako ehlaza samkayi enesidlhogoriya eside esihlaza +satjani. “Maye” kwatjho uLiso. “Ngiyazibuza bonyana yinyoni bani leya!” “Ngicabanga bonyana ligwalagwala leKnysna,” +kwatjho uBaba. “Asizame ukuyilandela.” Inyoni yaphapha ukusuka esiqongolweni somuthi ukuya esiqongolweni somunye +umuthi. +  +Inyoni yeza yazokuhlala egatjeni lomuthi. Yehlela phasi eentjalweni zemvelo ezifitjhani. ULiso banoBaba bayilandela, bagima +indlela yoke.  “Liso, kubayini ungayilotjhisi,” kwatjho uBaba. “Mhlamunye yinyoni yephondo yomlingo!” ULiso walungisa +umphimbo wakhe... “Lotjhani lapho,” kwezwakala ilizwi. “Nenzani lapha?” ULiso banoBaba bahlahla amehlo... Khona lapho +eduze nabo, phakathi nephaga, kwakunguJamila, uThalia no-Ina, bakhamba nababelethi babo! “Nasiya iphapha inyoni yephondo +godu,” kurhuwelela uLiso. “Asiyilandeleni!” “Iinyoni lezi zisisuse kibomabonwakude bethu, zasikhupha ngendlini, zasiletha +emmangweni soke.” Kwatjho uBaba kaLiso. “Ziinyoni zomlingo nokho. +  +Ithabo leNal’ibali +Izinto esingakhuluma ngazo +Khuyini oyenzako bona udlale? Ukhulumisana njani nabangani bakho? Yini i-inthanethi? +Ukubonakala +Ngiyiphi indawo engaphandle oyithanda khulu? Dweba isithombe sakho ulapho. +Ukufunda +Iba ngufokisi wendatjana!  Zingaki iinyoni ezihlukeneko okukhulunywa ngazo endatjaneni?  Ungathola amabizo weenlwana ezimbili ezihlala ehlathini? Ngiwuphi umutjho okutjela bona uLiso utjhugulule umkhumbulwakhe ngokufuna ukuya ephageni? Zingaki iindlela ezihlukeneko uLiso anazo zokukhulumisana nabangani bakhe? +Ukutlola +Tlola umlayezo okungenzeka uLiso bekawutlolele omunye umngani lokha nakafika ekhaya abuya ephageni. +Ubukghwari +Sebenzisa amataka, utjani namakari ukobana uzakhele sakho isirurhu senyoni. +Ukwenza +Ngamehlo wengqondo khamba ungene ephageni: luleka ukobana ubone ukuthi khuyini okungaphezulu emithini, khokhoba utjhinge phasi uqale iintjalo kuhlanganise neenlwana eziseduze khulu naphasi bese ulandela inyoni ephaphako eyeqela phezu komuthi iye komunye.",nbl,isiNdebele,Ikhambo lephagen,"Liso loves going online. Her favourite website has everything she needs to have fun. She learns all kinds of dances. +She learns interesting facts about nature. She makes friends from all over the world. “Let’s go for a walk in the ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguHagen Engle,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ikhambo-lephageni +walk-the-park,"ULiso uyakuthanda ukungena kwi-intanethi. Eyona webhusayithi ayithandayo inayo yonke into ayidingayo ukuze azonwabise. +Ufunda zonke iintlobo zokudanisa. Ufunda izinto ezinomdla ngendalo. Uzifumanela nabahlobo abasuka kwihlabathi liphela. +“Masiye epakini,” watsho uTata, esusa amehlo kwilaptop yakhe. “Ndikhetha ukuba kwi-intanethi,” watsho uLiso. “Ndiyakwazi +ukudlala, ukufunda, nokuzilolonga,” utshilo. “Yintoni engandenza ndifune ukuya kwenye indawo?” +  +“Uyabona ke,” watsho uTata. “Zikhona ezinye izinto ezingummangaliso ezikhoyo kwihlabathi lokwenene…” “Besibaleka +kwihlathi elihle,” watsho uThalia. “Sibone inxala, inkawu, ubhobhoyi onomlomo onombala omhle o-orenji nesisila eside!” +“Owu nyhani,” watsho uLiso. “Kuvakala kumangalisa nyhani oko!” “Kunjalo,” watsho uThalia. “UMama uthe yintaka eyindoda. +Ibisizisa ukutya kwindlwane.” UThalia wayedinwe kakhulu ukuba angadanisa, ngoko ke uLiso wathumela umyalezo kwitshomi +yakhe u-Ina. “Masihambe siyodlala kwipaki ekwi-intanethi,” watsho uLiso. “Andizukwazi,” waphendula u-Ina. “Ndisaya +epakini nabazali bam. Kwilizwe lokwenene!” “Kulungile,” watsho uLiso. “Siza kuphinda sincokole.” ULiso wacinga nzulu +ixesha elide. Waze wakhwaza. “Tata!” wakhwaza. “Masihambe siye epakini!” UTata wavala ilaptop yakhe. + +Kwi-intanethi, uLiso wadibana nomhlobo wakhe uJamila. “Ubuzixakekise ngantoni?” wabuza uJamila. “Akukho nto ingako,” +watsho uLiso. “Bendihleli nje kwi-intanethi.” “Kwakuhle oko,” watsho uJamila. “Siye epakini thina. Sibone iindidi ngeendidi +zeentaka. Side sabona nonondlwane ezakhela indlu ngasechibini!” “Nyhani!” watsho uLiso. “Kuvakala kunomdla oko.” +“Kunjalo,” watsho uJamila. +  +“Utata wam uthe iintaka ezingamadoda zakha iindlwane, zize ezingoomama zona zizihlole. Andiqondi ukuba uyithandile, +uyidlakazile yonke loo ndlwane!” Emva koko, uLiso uthethe nomhlobo wakhe uThalia. “Masidanise,” watsho uLiso. +“Ethubeni,” watsho uThalia. “Ndidiniwe emva kokubaleka.” “Ukubaleka?” wabuza uLiso. “Ububaleka phi?” Epakini, uLiso +noTata wakhe babona intaka ezuba okuqaqambileyo enesicholo eside esiluhlaza. “Yho,” watsho uLiso. “Azi luhlobo luni +lwentaka oluya!” “Ndicinga ukuba ngumkholwane wasKnysna,” watsho uTata. “Masizame ukuyilandela.” +  +Intaka yabhabha isuka enkcochoyini yomthi ukuya kwenye inkcochoyi yomthi. Yeza kuphumla kwisebe lomthi. Intaka yaya +kuthi ngcu kumthi wesayikhadi. ULiso noTata wakhe bayilandela, bebaleka yonke loo ndlela. “Liso, kutheni ungabulisi,” watsho +uTata. “Mhlawumbi ngumkholwane womlingo!” ULiso walungisa ilizwi lakhe… “Molweni apho,” latsho ilizwi. +“Wenza ntoni apha?” Amehlo kaLiso nakaTata athi phuhlu… Nje ecaleni kwabo, phakathi naphakati epakini, kwakume uJamila, +uThalia noIna, kunye nabazali babo! “Nanko usimka kwakhona umkholwane,” wakhwaza uLiso. “Masiwulandele!” “Ezi ntaka +zisisusile kwizikrini zethu, zasikhupha ezindlwini, zasizisa ndawonye kwindalo,” watsho uTata kaLiso. “Ekugqibeleni ziziintaka +zomlingo.” +  +Okokuzonwabisa kwakwaNal’ibali +Izimvo eninokuthetha ngazo +Wenza ntoni ukuzonwabisa? Unxibelelana njani nabahlobo bakho? Yintoni i-intanethi? +Umfanekiso +Yeyiphi indawo engaphandle oyithandayo? Zoba umfanekiso wakho ulapho +Ukufunda +Yiba ngumcuphi webali! Ziintaka ezohlukeneyo ezingaphi ezikhankanywe ebalini? Ungafumana amagama ezilwanyana ezibini zasehlathini? Sesiphi isivakalisi esikuxelela ukuba utshintshe ingqondo yakhe uLiso malunga nokufuna ukuya epakini?  Ziindlela ezohlukeneyo ezingaphi zonxibelelwano anazo nabahlobo bakhe uLiso? +Ukubhala +Bhala umbhalo anokuba uwubhalele omnye umhlobo uLiso ukufika kwakhe ekhaya evela epakini. +Ubuchule +Sebenzisa amasetyana, ingca namagqabi ukuzakhela eyakho inesi yentaka. +Ukwenza +Thatha uhambo lwasezingcingeni epakini: zolule ubone ukuba yintoni esencotsheni yemithi, buthuma uye ezantsi ujonge izityalo +nezilwanyana ezikufutshane nomhlaba kwaye ulandele intaka ebhabha isuka phezulu komnye umthi isiya phezulu komnye +umthi.",xho,isiXhosa,Uku-hamba epakin,"Liso loves going online. Her favourite website has everything she needs to have fun. She learns all kinds of dances. +She learns interesting facts about nature. She makes friends from all over the world. “Let’s go for a walk in the ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguHagen Engle,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uku-hamba-epakini +walk-the-park,"ULiso uyakuthanda ukungena ku-inthanethi. Isizindalwazi sakhe asithandayo sinakho konke akudingayo ukuze azithokozise. +Ufunda izinhlobo eziningi zomdanso. Ufunda okungamaqiniso abengawazi ngemvelo. Uzitholela abangani emhlabeni wonke. +“Make siyohamba epaki,” kusho uBaba, esusa amehlo akhe ku-laptop. “Kungcono ngibe ku-inthanethi,” kusho uLiso. +“Ngingadlala, ngingafunda, futhi ngingazivocavoca,” kusho yena. “Kungani-ke ngidinga ukuya kwenye indawo?” “Hhayi-ke,” +kusho uBaba. “Kukhona izinto eziwumlingo emhlabeni wangempela…” “Kwakuhle lokho,” kusho uLiso. +  +“Kuzwakala kukuhle kakhulu!” “Bekunjalo,” kusho uThalia. “UMama uthe bekuyinyoni yenduna. Ibilethe ukudla esidlekeni.” +UThalia wayekhathele kakhulu ukuthi angadansa, ngakho-ke uLiso wabhalela umngani wakhe u-Ina umqhafazo. “Make +siyodlala epaki lokuchitha isizungu laku-inthanethi,” kusho uLiso. “Angeke ngikwazi,” kuphendula u-Ina. “Ngiya epaki nabazali +bami. Emhlabeni wangempela!” “Kulungile,” kusho uLiso. “Ngizokhuluma nawe ekuhambeni kwesikhathi.” +ULiso wayicabangisisa le ndaba. Wase ememeza. “Baba!” kumemeza yena. “Masiyohamba epaki!” + +UBaba wavala i-laptop yakhe. Ku-inthanethi, uLiso ahlangene nomngani wakhe uJamila. “Bewenzani?” kubuza uJamila. +“Angenzanga lutho olutheni,” kusho uLiso. “Bengiku-inthanethi.” “Kwakuhle,” kusho uJamila. “Besiyohamba epaki. Sibone +izinhlobo ezahlukene zezinyoni. Sibone ihlokohloko lakha isidleke ngasechibini!” “Kwakuhle lokho!” kusho uLiso. “Kuzwakala +kukuhle kakhulu.” “Bekunjalo,” kusho uJamila. “UBaba uthe yinyoni yenduna ebeyakha isidleke, eyensikazi iyile yayosihlola. +Angicabangi ukuthi isithandile, ivele yasihlakaza sonke!” ULiso wayokhuluma nomngani wakhe uThalia. “Make sidanse,” +kusho uLiso. “Emva kwesikhashana, kusho uThalia. “Ngikhathele, kade ngiyogijima. “Uyogijima? kubuza uLiso. +  +“Ubugijima kuphi?” “Besigijima ehlathini elihle,” kusho uThalia. “Sibone impunzi, inkawu, kanye nomkholwane, onomlomo +osawolintshi kanye nesisila eside!” Epaki, uLiso kanye noBaba wakhe babona inyoni enombala oluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka +ogqamile enogedla olude oluluhlaza okotshani. “Ewu,” kusho uLiso, “kazi uhlobo luni lwenyoni-ke lolu!” “Ngicabanga ukuthi +umkholwane waseKnysna,” kusho uBaba. “Make sizame ukuwulandela.” Inyoni yandiza isuka phezulu kwesinye isihlahla iya +kwesinye. Inyoni yahlala egatsheni lesihlahla. Inyoni yehlela esigqikini somkhovu. ULiso kanye noBaba wakhe bayilandela, +begijima indlela yonke. +  +“Liso, awuyibingeleli ngani,” kubuza uBaba. “Mhlawumbe umkholwane womlingo nje?” ULiso wathi +ukukhwehlela kancane…  “Sawubona bo,” kusho izwi. “Wenzani lapha?” ULiso kanye noBaba wakhe bahlahla amehlo… +Eceleni kwabo, phakathi nepaki, kwakukhona uJamila, uThalia kanye no-Ina, nabazali babo! “Nankuya usuka futhi +umkholwane,” kumemeza uLiso.  “Make siwulandele!” “Lezi zinyoni zisisuse ezikrinini zethu, zasikhipha ezindlini, zasiyisa +emvelweni ndawonye,” kusho uBaba kaLiso. “Vele phela ziyizinyoni zomlingo.” +  +Okokuzithokozisa kwakwaNal’ibali +Imibono okungaxoxwa ngayo +Yini oyenzayo ukuze uzijabulise? Uxhumana kanjani nabangani bakho? Iyini i-inthanethi? +Ezibonakalayo +Iyiphi indawo yangaphandle oyithanda kakhulu? Dweba isithombe sakho ulapho +Ukufunda +Yiba umseshi wendaba!  Zingaki izinhlobo zezinyoni ezishiwo endabeni? L\ Ungakwazi yini ukuthola amagama ezilwane +zasendle ezimbili?  Yimupni umusho okutshela ukuthi uLiso ubesewushintshile umqondo ngokuya epaki? Zingaki izindlela +ezihlukile uLiso axhumana ngazo nabangani bakhe? +Ukubhala +Bhala umyalezo okungenzeka uLiso uwubhalele omunye umngani lapho efika ekhaya evela epaki. +Umsebenzi wezandla +Ssebenzisa amagatsha amancane, utshani namacembe ukuze wakhe isidleke senyoni. Ukusebenza Yenza sengathi uhamba epaki: +zelule ukuze ubone ingaphezu lesihlahla, lala phansi ukuze ubone izitshalo nezilwane ezisemhlabathini bese ulandela inyoni +endiza phezu kwesihlahla iya kwesinye isihlahla.",zul,isiZulu,Ukuhamba epak,"Liso loves going online. Her favourite website has everything she needs to have fun. She learns all kinds of dances. +She learns interesting facts about nature. She makes friends from all over the world. “Let’s go for a walk in the ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguHagen Engle,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ukuhamba-epaki +walk-the-park,"Liso o rata go diriša inthanete. Weposaete ya gagwe ya mmamoratwa e na le dilo ka moka tša go mo thabiša. O ithuta mehuta ya +metanso ka moka. O ithuta dinnete ka ga tlhago. O dira segwera lefaseng ka bophara. “Areye go sepela kua phakeng,” a realo +Tate, a lebeletše lepothopo ya gagwe. “Nka upše ke be inthaneteng,” a realo Liso. “Nka bapala, nka ithuta, nka itšhidulla,” a +realo. “Ke ka lebaka la eng ke swanetše go ya go gongwe?” “Ee,” a realo Tate. “Go na le dilo tša maleatlana kua lefaseng la +nnete…” le kgokgoropo, ya molomo wa mmala wa namune o mobotse le mosela o motelele!” “Eya,” a realo Liso. “Seo se a +thabiša!” “Go bile bjalo,” a realo Thalia. “Mma o rile ke nonyana ya tona. E be e tliša dijo sehlageng.” +  +Thalia o be a lapile a ka se kgone go bina, gomme Liso o ile a romela molaetša go mogwera wa gagwe Ina. +“A re bapale phaka ya boithabišo ya mo inthaneteng,” a realo Liso. “Nkase kgone,” gwa fetola Ina. +“Ke ya phakeng le batswadi ba ka. Lefaseng la nnete!” “Go lokile,” a realo Liso. “Ke tla bolela le wena ka morago.” +Liso o ile a nagana kudu sebaka se setelele. O ile a bitša. “Tate!” a goeletša. “Areye go sepela kua phakeng!” +Tate o ile a tswalela lepothopo ya gagwe. Mo inthaneteng, Liso o kopane le mogwera wa gagwe Jamila. + +“O be o dira eng?” gwa botšiša Jamila. “Ga go tše dintši,” a realo Liso. “Ke be ke le mo inthaneteng.” +“Ke gabotse,” a realo Jamila. “Re ile ra ya go sepela phakeng. Re bone dinonyana tša mehutahuta. +Re bone le nonyana ya mologi e aga sehlaga kua letsheng!” “Eya!” a realo Liso. “Seo se kwagala se kgahliša.” +“Go bile bjalo,” a realo Jamila. “Tate o re nonyana ya tona e be e aga sehlaga, gomme ya tshadi e be e se hlahloba. +Ga ke nagane gore e be e se rata, e hlahlamotše sehlaga sela!” Ka morago, Liso o ile a bolela le mogwera wa gagwe Thalia.  +“A re bine,” a realo Liso. “Mphe nako ye nnyane,” a realo Thalia. “Ke lapišitšwe ke go kitima.” “O kitima?” gwa botšiša Liso. +  +“O be o kitima kae?” “Re kitimile ka sethokgweng se sebotse,” a realo Thalia. +“Re bone phuti, kgabo ya bebete, Kua phakeng, Liso le Tatagwe ba bone nonyana ya go taga ye talalerata ya go ba le tlopo ye +telele, ye talamorogo. “Aa,” a realo Liso. +“Ke ipotšiša gore ke nonyana ya mohuta mang!” “Ke nagana gore ke mokowe wa Knysna,” a realo Tate. +“A re leke go e latela.” Nonyana e fofetše bogodimo bja mohlare go ya go bogodimo bja o mongwe. +Nonyana e ile ya ikhutša lekaleng la mohlare. Nonyana e fofetše godimo ga saekhate. Liso le Tatagwe ba e lateletše, ba e +kitimiša. “Liso, nkane o sa re dumela,” a realo Tate. “Mo gongwe ke kgokgoropo ya maleatlana?” +  +Liso o ile a hlwekiša mogolo wa gagwe… “Dumela,” gwa kwagala lentšu. “O dira eng fao?” Liso le Tate ba tomola mahlo… +Kgauswi le bona, mo gare ga phaka, e be le Jamila, Thalia le Ina, le batswadi ba bona! “Ke yeo gape kgokgoropo,” +Liso a goeletša. “A re e lateleng!” “Dinonyana tše di re tlošitše disekrining tša rena, ka ntle ga dintlo, gomme tša re kopanya mo +tlhagong,” a realo Tatago Liso. “Le kgale ke dinonyana tša maleatlana.” +  +Boipshino bja Nal’ibali +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +Ke eng se o se dirago go ithabiša? O boledišana ka tsela efe le bagwera ba gago? Naa inthanete ke eng? +Go bona +Ke lefelo lefe la ka ntle leo o le ratago kudu? Thala seswantšho sa gago moo +Go bala +Eba letseka la kanegelo! L Ke mehuta ye mekae ya dinonyana tša go fapafapana yeo go boletšwego ka yona ka kanegelong? +Naa o ka kgona go hwetša maina a diphoofolo tša lešoka tše pedi? Ngwala lefoko leo le go botšago gore Liso o fetotše mogopolo +wa gagwe wa go nyaka go ya phakeng? Ke ditsela dife tša go fapafapana tšeo Liso a nago le tšona tša go boledišana le bagwera +ba gagwe? +Go ngwala +Ngwala molaetša wa sengwalwa woo Liso a ka bago a o ngwaletše mogwera yo mongwe ge a fihla gae go tšwa phakeng. +Go dira dilo +Šomiša mahlokwana, bjang le mahlare go aga sehlaga sa nonyana ya gago. +Go bapala terama +Swara leeto la mogopolo go ya phakeng: tsatsampela go bona seo se lego ntlhoreng ya mehlare, inamela fase go lebelela dimela +le diphoofolo tše di lego kgauswi le lebato le go latela nonyana ye e fofago ntlhoreng ya mohlare go ya ntlhoreng ye nngwe ya +mohlare.",nso,Sepedi,Go sepela phakeng,"Liso loves going online. Her favourite website has everything she needs to have fun. She learns all kinds of dances. +She learns interesting facts about nature. She makes friends from all over the world. “Let’s go for a walk in the ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mongwadi ke Hagen Engle,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/go-sepela-phakeng +walk-the-park,"Liso o rata ho kena inthaneteng. Websaete eo a e ratisisang e na le dintho tsohle tseo a di hlokang ho ka natefelwa. +O ithuta mefuta yohle ya ho tantsha. O ithuta dintho tse kgahlang mabapi le tlhaho. O iketsetsa metswalle hohle lefatsheng. +“Ha re ilo otlolla maoto phakeng,” ha rialo Ntate, a tlosa mahlo a hae ho lepthopo ya hae. +“Nka mpa ka ikenela inthaneteng,” ha rialo Liso. “Nka bapala, nka ithuta, nka ikwetlisa,” a rialo. +“Hobaneng ke tlameha ho ya sebakeng se seng?” “Tjhe, kwana,” ha rialo Ntate, “Ho na le dintho tse makatsang lefatsheng la +nnete … “ letsa, tshwene, le nonyana e bitswang hornbill, e nang le molomo o mmala wa lamunu o motle le mohatla o motelele!” +  +“Ka nnete,” ha rialo Liso. “Ke taba tse makatsang ruri!” “Le jwale,” ha rialo Thalia. “Mme o re e ne e le nonyana e tona. +E ne e tlisa dijo sehlaheng.” Thalia o ne a kgathetse haholo ho ka tantsha, kahoo Liso a romella motswalle wa hae Ina molaetsa. +“Ha re ilo bapala phakeng ya boithabiso ya inthaneteng,” ha rialo Liso. “Nka se kgone,” ha araba Ina. +“Ke ya phakeng le batswadi ba ka. Lefatsheng la nnete!” “Ho lokile,” Liso a rialo. “Ke tla bua le wena ha morao.” +Liso a nahanisisa ka thata. Yaba o a hoeletsa. “Ntate!” a hoeletsa. “Ha re ilo otlolla maoto phakeng!” +Ntate a kwala lepthopo ya hae. Inthaneteng, Liso o ile a kopana le motswalle wa hae Jamila. + +“O ntse o etsa eng?” ha botsa Jamila. “Ha ho letho,” ha araba Liso. “Ke qeta ho kena inthaneteng.” “Ke hantle,” ha rialo Jamila. +“Re ile ra ya otlolla maoto phakeng. Ra bona mefuta e mengata ya dinonyana. Re ile ra ba ra bona nonyana e bitswang letholopje +e aha sehlaha pela letsha!” “Ao, kgele!” ha rialo Liso. “E utlwahala e le ntho e kgahlang.” “Ho jwalo,” ha araba Jamila. +“Ntate wa ka o ile a re nonyana e tona e ne e aha sehlaha, mme e tshehadi e se hlahloba. Ke nahana hore e ne e sa se rate, e ile ya +heletsa sehlaha sohle ya se senya!” Yaba, Liso o bua le motswalle wa hae Thalia.  “Ha re tantsheng,” ha rialo Liso. +“Ka mora nakwana,” ha rialo Thalia. “Ke kgathetse ke ho matha.” “Ho matha?” ha botsa Liso. “O mathile hokae?” +  +“Re mathile ka hara moru o motle,” ha rialo Thalia. “Re bone Phakeng, Liso le Ntatae ba bona nonyana e bolou e kganyang, e +nang le letlopo le lelelele letala. “Kgele,” ha rialo Liso. “Ke a ipotsa hore ke nonyana ya mofuta ofe ela!” +“Ke nahana hore ke e bitswang Knysna loerie,” ha rialo Ntate. “Ha re leke ho e sala morao.” +Nonyana eo ya fofa ho tloha sefateng se seng ho ya ho se seng. Nonyana ya fihla ya phomola hodima lekala la sefate. +Nonyana ya dula hodima lekala la cycad. Liso le Ntatae ba e latela, ba matha ka mora yona. +  +“Liso, hobaneng o sa e dumedise,” ha rialo Ntate. “Mohlomong ke loerie ya mehlolo?” +Liso a kgohlela ho lokisa qoqotho… “Dumela moo,” lentswe la tswa. “O etsa eng moo?” +Liso le Ntate ba tona mahlo haholo… Hantle pela bona mona, bohareng ba phakeng, e ne e le Jamila, Thalia le Ina, mmoho le +batswadi ba bona! “Nonyana ya loerie ke ela hape,” Liso a hoeletsa. “Ha re e saleng morao!” +“Dinonyana tsena di re tlositse disekerineng tsa rona, tsa re ntsha matlong a borona, tsa re tlisa tlhahong mmoho,” ha rialo Ntate +wa Liso. “Ke hobane ke dinonyana tsa mehlolo.”  +  +Monate wa Nal’ibali +Mehopolo eo le ka buang ka yona +O etsang ho inatefisa? O buisana jwang le metswalle ya hao? Inthanete ke eng? +Setshwantsho +Ke sebaka sefe se kantle seo e leng thatohatsi ya hao? Taka setshwantsho sa hao teng. +Ho bala +Eba lefokisi la pale!  Ke dinonyana tse kae tse fapaneng tse boletsweng paleng ee? Na o ka fumana mabitso a diphoofolo tse ped tsa morung? Ke polelo efe e o jwetsang hore Liso o fetotse monahano wa hae mabapi le ho batla ho ya phakeng? Ke ditsela tse kae tse fapaneng tseo Liso a hokahanang le metswalle ya hae ka tsona? +Ho ngola +Ngola molaetsa wa mohala wa thekeng oo Liso e ka nnang yaba o o ngolletse motswalle e mong ha a kgutla phakeng. +Mosebetsi wa matsoho +Sebedisa mahlaku, jwang le makgasi ho haha serobe sa hao sa nonyana. +Tshebetso +Kena leetong la monahano la ho itsamaela phakeng: qetoha ho bona hore ho na le eng hodima difate, inama ho shebela dimela le diphoofolo haufi le lefatshe ebe o sala morao nonyana e fofang ho tloha hodima sefate ho ya hodima sefate se seng.",sot,Sesotho,Ho otlolla maoto phakeng,"Liso loves going online. Her favourite website has everything she needs to have fun. She learns all kinds of dances. +She learns interesting facts about nature. She makes friends from all over the world. “Let’s go for a walk in the ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E ngotswe ke Hagen Engle,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ho-otlolla-maoto-phakeng +walk-the-park,"Liso o rata go tsena mo mafaratlhatlheng. Webosaete e a e ratang bobe e na le dilo tsotlhe tse di mo itumedisang. +O ithuta metanso ya methalethale. O ithuta dilo tse di kgatlhisang ka ga tlhago. O iponela ditsala lefatshe ka bophara. +“A re phuthololeng maoto kwa phakeng,” Rre a bua jalo a tsentse tlhogo mo khumphithareng ya gagwe. +“Nna nka mpa ka nna mo mafaratlhatlheng,” ga araba Liso. “Nka tshameka, nka ithuta kgotsa nka ikatisa,” a bua jalo. +“Goreng ke tshwanetse go ya felo gongwe?” “Ke a utlwa,” ga bua Rre. “Go na le dilo tse di akabatsang mo lefatsheng la +nnete…” kgabo le nonyane e e bidiwang korwe, ka mogatla o moleele le molomo o montle wa mmala wa lamune!” +  +“Ao,” ga tsiboga Liso. “Go lebega go kgatlhisa tota!” “Go ne go kgatlhisa,” ga araba Thalia. “Mme a re e ne e le nonyane e +tonanyana. E ne e tlisa dijo mo sentlhageng.” Thalisa o ne a lapile tota go ka bina, ka jalo Liso a kwalakwalela tsala ya gagwe +Ina molaetsa. “A re ye go tshameka kwa phakeng ya dipontsho tsa mafaratlhatlha,” ga kopa Liso. “Nka se kgone,” Ina a araba. +“Ke ya phakeng le batsadi ba me. Mo lefatsheng la nnete!” “Ohoo,” Liso a rialo. “Ke tlaa bua le wena kgantele.” +Liso a akanyetsa kwa teng. Mme morago a goa. “Rre!” a goa thata. “A re phutholole dinao re ye phakeng!” +Rraagwe a tswala Khomphiuthara. Mo mafaratlhatlheng a inthanete, Liso o ne a iponela tsala e bong Jamila. + +“O ntse o dirang” ga botsa Jamila. “Ntse ke sa dire sepe se se kalo,” ga araba Liso. “Ke ntse ke le fela mo mafaratlhatlheng.” +“Ohoo,” Jamila a tsiboga. “Re ne re phutholose dinao go ya kwa phakeng. Re bone mefuta yotlhe ya dinonyane. +Re ne ra ba ra bona thaga e aga sentlhaga kwa mogobeng!” “Ehe!” Liso a tsiboga ka go rialo. “Go bontsha go ne go kgatlhisa.” +“Go ne go kgatlhisa e le ruri,” ga araba Jamila. “Rre a re nonyane e tonanyana ke yona e agang sentlhaga mme e nemagadi yona +e tle go se sekaseka. Ke akanya e sa se rata, gonne e ne ya se tlhatlhamolola sotlhe fela!” +Jaanong Liso a bua le tsala ya gagwe Thalia. “A re bine,” Liso a mo kopa. “Ema pele,” ga tsiboga Thalia. +  +“Ke lapisitswe ke go taboga.” “Motabogo?” ga botsa Liso. “O ne o ile kae?” “Re ne re taboga mo sekgweng,” ga araba Thalia. +“Re bone photi, Kwa phakeng Liso le rraagwe ba ne ba bona nonyane e pududu ya mmala o o phatshimang ka setlopo se seleele +se setala. “Ao,” ga tsiboga Liso. “Ke ipotsa gore ke nonyane ya mofuta mang!” “Ke akanya gore ke mokowe wa kwa Knysna,” +ga bua Rraagwe. “A re leke go e sala morago.” Nonyane e ne ya fofa go tswa setlhareng se sengwe go ya go se sengwe. +Ya ikhutsa mo kaleng ya setlhare. Ya kotama mo setlhatshaneng sa saekhate. Liso le Rraagwe ba e sala morago, e tsamaya e sia +tsela yotlhe. “Liso, goreng o sa dumedise,” ga bua Rraagwe. “Ka gongwe ke korwe ya leselamose?” +  +Liso a kabolola kgokgotso… “Madume,” ga utlwagala lentswe. “O dirang fano?” Liso le Rraagwe ba gotolola matlho… +Gaufi fela le bona, mo gare ga phaka, go ne go le Jamila, Thaila le Ina, ba na le batsadi ba bona! “Korwe ke ele gape,” +Liso a goa. “A re e sale morago!” “Dinonyane tse di re ntshitse mo disekerining tsa rona, mo matlong, tsa re tsenya mmogo mo +tlhagong,” Rraagwe Liso a rialo. “Ke dinonyane tsa maselamose kana.” +  +Monate wa Nal’ibali +Megopolo e re ka buang ka yona +Ke eng se o se dirang go ijesa monate? O dira jang go bua le ditsala tsa gago? Inthanete ke eng? +Se se bonwang ka matlho +Ke lefelo lefe le o le ratang la kafa ntle? Terowa setshwantsho sa gago o le koo. +Go Bala +Dira diphuruphutsho ka leinane leno! Go na le mefuta e le kae e e farologaneng ya dinonyane e e umakiwang mo leinaneng leno? A o kgona go bona maina a diphologolo di le pedi tsa mo sekgweng? Ke polelo efe e e go bolelelang gore Liso o ne a fetotse mogopolo ka go batla go ya kwa phakeng? Go na le ditsela dife tse di farologaneng tse Liso a nang le tsone tsa go buisana le ditsala tsa gagwe? +Go Kwala +Kwala molaetsa ka founo o go ka diregang gore Liso o ne a o kwalela tsala e nngwe ya gagwe fa a ne a fitlha kwa gae a tswa phakeng. +Botaki +Dirisa dikalana, bojang le matlhare go ikagela sentlhaga sa dinonyane. Tiragatso Ipone mo mogopolong wa gago o tsamayatsamaya mo phakeng eno: ikgodise go bona se se kwa godimo ga ditlhare, inamela kwa tlase go leba dijalo le diphologolo tse di kwa tlase o bo o latele nonyane e e fofang go tswa kwa setlhareng se sengwe go ya kwa go se sengwe.",tsn,Setswana,Kwa phakeng,"Liso loves going online. Her favourite website has everything she needs to have fun. She learns all kinds of dances. +She learns interesting facts about nature. She makes friends from all over the world. “Let’s go for a walk in the ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E kwadilwe ke Hagen Engle,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kwa-phakeng +walk-the-park,"Liso uyatsandza kungena ku-inthanethi. Iwebhusayithi layitsandza kakhulu kwendlula inako konkhe lakudzingako kutsi +atijabulise. Ufundza lonkhe luhlobo lwemidanso. Ufundza emaciniso laletsa umndlandla ngemvelo. +Utfola bangani labesuka emhlabeni wonkhe. “Asesihambe siye ephakhi,” kwasho Babe asusa emehlo akhe kumatsangeni wakhe. +“Ngingamane ngibe ku-inthanethi,” kwasho Liso. “Ngingadlala, ngingafundza, futsi ngingativocavoca,” Kwasho yena. +“Kungani ngidzinga kuhamba ngiye encenye?” “Kuhle,” kwasho Babe. “Kukhona tintfo letisamlingo emhlabeni wangempela...” +  +impunzi nengobiyane, nensingizi lenemlomo loliwolintji nemsila lomudze!” “Hhayi bo,” kwasho Liso. +“Loko kuvakala kumangalisa!” “Bekungiso,” kwasho Thalia. “Make watsi bekuyinyoni lendvuna. +Beyiletsa kudla lapha kulesidleke. Thalia bekadzinwe kakhulu kutsi abengadansa. +Ngakoke Liso wase ubhalela umngani wakhe Ina. “Ngeke ngikhone,” kwaphendvula Ina. +“Ngiyahamba ngiya ephakhi nebatali bami. Emhlabeni wangempela!” “Kulungile,” kwasho Liso. + +“Ngitawukhuluma nawe kamuva.” Liso wacabanga kadze futsi kalukhuni. Leso sikhatsi wabese uyamemeta. +“Babe!” kumemeta yena. “Asihambe siye ephakhi!” Babe wavala matsangeni wakhe. +Ku-inthanethi, Liso wahlangana nemngani wakhe Jamila. “Yini lobekadze uyenta?” kwabuta Jamila. +“Kute lokuningi,” kwasho Liso. “Bengiku-inthanethi-nje.” “Kukahle,” kwasho Jamila. +“Sahamba saba neluhambo ephakhi. Sabona tonkhe tinhlobo tetinyoni. +Site sabona ngisho nelihlokohloko lakha sidleke eceleni kwelichibi! “Hawu yewena!” kwasho Liso. +  +“Loko kuvakala kuletsa umdlandla.” “Kuhle,” kwasho Jamila. “Babe wami utsite lenyoni lendvuna beyakha sidleke, bese lena +lensikati beyisihlola. Angicabangi kutsi isitsandzile, isidzabule sonkhe lesidleke! Leso sikhatsi, Liso wakhuluma nemngani +wakhe Thalia. “Asente umdanso,” kwasho Liso. “Ngesikhashana lesincane,” kwasho Thalia. +“Ngidzinwe ngulokugijima kwami.” “Kugijima?” kwabuta Liso. “Ngukuphi lapho ugijime khona?” +“Sigijime sendlula ehlatsini lelihle,” kwasho Thalia. “Sibone Lena ephakhi, Liso naBabe wakhe babona inyoni legcamile +leluhlata sasibhakabhaka lenesichova lesidze. “Hhawu,” kwasho Liso. “Ngifisa kwati kutsi luhlobo luni lwenyoni lolu!” +  +“Ngicabanga kutsi ligwalagwala laseKnysna,” kwasho Babe. “Asetame kuyilandzela.” Lenyoni yandiza isuka esicongweni +sesihlahla iye esicongweni sesihlahla. Lenyoni yafike yaphumula egaleni lesihlahla. Lenyoni yahlala etukwesayikhadi. +Liso naBabe wakhe bagijima bayilandzela yonkhe indlela. “Liso, kungani ungasho kutsi sawubona,” kwasho Babe. +“Mhlawumbe ligwalagwala lemlingo?” Liso walungisa umphimbo wakhe… “Sawubona lapho,” laphuma livi. “Yini lena loyenta +lapha?” Emehlo aLiso naBabe avuleka kakhulu… Khona lapho eceleni kwabo, emkhatsini wephakhi, bekunaboJamila, Thalia +na-Ina, banebatali babo. “Nalo lihamba leligwalagwala futsi,” Liso wamemeta. “Asililandzele!” “Letinyoni leti tisisuse etikrinini +tetfu, tasikhipha etindlini, futsi site kulemvelo sindzawonye.” kwasho Babe waLiso. “Tinyoni temlingo empeleni. +  +Kwekutijabulisa kwakaNal’ibali +Imibono lokungakhulunywa ngayo +Yini loyentako kute kutsi utijabulise? Uchumana kanjani nebangani bakho? Yini i-inthanethi? +Lokubukwako +Nguyiphi indzawo lengaphandle loyitsandzako? Dvweba sitfombe sakho ulapho. +Kufundza +Bani ngumseshi!  Tingaki tinyoni letehlukile letishiwo kulendzaba?  Ungawatfola emagama etilwane tasehlatsini letimbili? Nguyiphi imisho lekutjela kutsi Liso untjintje ingcondvo yakhe ngekuya epaki? Tingaki tindlela letehlukene Liso lelinato lachumana nato nebangan bakhe? +Bhala +Bhala umlayeto wengcikitsi lekungenteka kutsi Liso uyibhalele lemunye umngani wakhe ngalesikhatsi afika ekhaya abuya epaki. +Umsebenti wetandla +Sebentisa tinsaba, tjani kanye nemacembe utakhele sakho sidleke senyoni. +Kulingisa +Hamba uye epaki loyicabangako: telule unwebeke kute ukhone kubona kutsi yini lena lesetulu etihlahleni, guca phasi ubuke titjalo netilwane letisemhlabatsini uphindze futsi ulandzele inyoni lendizako isuka kulinye ligala iye kulelinye.",ssw,Siswati,Kuhamba ephakh,"Liso loves going online. Her favourite website has everything she needs to have fun. She learns all kinds of dances. +She learns interesting facts about nature. She makes friends from all over the world. “Let’s go for a walk in the ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguHagen Engle,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kuhamba-ephakhi +walk-the-park,"Liso u funesa u dzhena kha inthanethe. Webusaithi ine a i funesa i na zwoṱhe zwine a zwi ṱoḓa uri a ḓitakadze. +U guda tshakha dzoṱhe dza mitshino. U guda mbuno dzi takadzaho nga ha mupo. U vhumba vhukonani u mona na shango ḽoṱhe. +“Kha ri ye u onyolosa milenzhe phakhani,” hu amba Khotsi, vha tshi khou sedza kha ḽeputhopho yavho. +“Ndi nga namba zwanga nda dzhena kha inthanethe,” hu amba Liso. “Ndi a tamba, ndi a guda, nahone ndi a ita nyonyoloso,” u +ralo. “Ndi ngani ndi tshi fanela u ya huṅwe fhethu?” “Zwo luga,” hu amba Khotsi. “Hu na zwithu zwi mangadzaho kha shango ḽa +vhukuma…” ḽa mulomo wo nakaho wa swiri na mutshila mulapfu!” “Zwo naka musi,” hu amba Liso. +  +“Zwi pfala zwi tshi mangadza!” “Nga maanḓa,” hu amba Thalia. “Mme anga vha ri ndi tshiṋoni tsha tshiduna. +Tsho vha tshi tshi khou ḓisa zwiḽiwa tshiṱahani.” Thalia o vha o neta uri a nga tshina, zwenezwo Liso a rumela khonani yawe Ina +mulaedza. “Kha ri ye ri yo tamba phakhani ya u ḓimvumvusa kha inthanethe,” hu amba Liso. “Ndi nga si kone,” hu fhindula Ina. +“Ndi khou ya phakhani na vhabebi vhanga. Kha shango ḽa vhukuma!” “Zwo luga,” hu amba Liso. “Ndi ḓo amba na inwi nga +vhuya.” Liso o humbulesa nga haya mafhungo. Zwenezwo a mbo huwelela. “Baba!” u a huwelela. +“Kha ri ye u onyolosa milenzhe phakhani!” Khotsi vha vala ḽeputhopho yavho. + +Kha inthanethe, Liso o ṱangana na khonani yawe Jamila. “No vha ni khou ita zwifhio?” hu vhudzisa Jamila. +“A si zwinzhi,” hu amba Liso. “Ndo vha ndi tshi tou vha kha inthanethe.” “Zwo luga,” hu amba Jamila. +“Ro ya u onyolosa milenzhe phakhani. Ro vhona tshakha dzoṱhe dza zwiṋoni. +Ro vhona hafhu na ndiane i tshi khou fhaṱa tshiṱaha ngei ishani!” “Evho zwo naka!” hu amba Liso. +“Zwi pfala zwi tshi takadza.” “Zwo vha zwi tshi khou takadza,” hu amba Jamila. +“Khotsi anga vha ri tshiṋoni tsha tshiduna tsho vha tshi tshi khou fhaṱa tshiṱaha, ngeno tsha tshisadzi tshi tshi khou tshi ṱola. +  +A thi humbuli uri tsho tshi takalela, tsho mbo thutha tshiḽa tshiṱaha tshoṱhe!” Ngavhuya, Liso a amba na khonani yawe Thalia. +“Kha ri tshine,” hu amba Liso. “Nga murahu,” hu amba Thalia. “Ndo neta nga u gidima hanga.” “U gidima?” hu vhudzisa Liso. +“No vha ni tshi khou gidima ngafhi?” “Ro gidima ngomu ḓakani ḽo nakaho,” hu amba Thalia. +“Ro vhona ntsa, ṱhoho, na Dandila, Phakhani, Liso na Khotsi awe vha vhona tshiṋoni tshi penyaho tsha lutombo tshi re na +mathenga malapfu madala nṱha ha ṱhoho. “Evho,” hu amba Liso. “Ndi a ḓivhudzisa uri hu nga vha hu lushakaḓe lwa tshiṋoni +ulwu!” +  +“Ndi humbula uri ndi tshiṅwe tsha zwiṋoni zwi anzelaho u wanala Knysna,” hu amba Khotsi. “Kha ri edzise u tshi tevhela.” +Tshiṋoni tsha fhufha u bva nṱha ha muri u ya kha muṅwe. Tsha swika tsha awela kha davhi ḽa muri. Tsha kavha kha musaikhadi. +Liso na Khotsi awe vha tshi sala murahu, vha tshi khou gidima. “Liso, ndi ngani ni sa ri hurini,” hu amba Khotsi. +“Khamusi ndi Dandila ḽa manditi?” Liso a lugisa gulokulo… “Hurini wee,” ha bva ipfi. “Ni khou itani afha?” +Maṱo a Liso na Khotsi a vulea tshoṱhe… Henefho nga thungo havho, vhukati ha phakha, ho vha hu na Jamila, Thalia na Ina, na +vhabebi vhavho! “Ḽi a ṱuwa hafhu dandila,” Liso u a zhamba. “Kha ri tshi tevhele!” “Zwiṋoni izwi zwo ri bvisa kha zwikirini +zwashu, zwo ri bvisa nḓuni, zwa ri ḓisa muponi roṱhe,” hu amba Khotsi a Liso. “Ndi zwiṋoni zwa manditi.” +  +Madakalo a Nal’ibali +Zwine ha nga ambiwa nga hazwo +Ni ḓiphiṋa nga u ita mini? Ni davhidzana hani na khonani dzaṋu? Inthanete ndi mini? +Tshifanyiso +Ndi hufhio fhethu hune na hu funesa hu re nnḓa ha nnḓu? Ḓioleni tshifanyiso ni henefho fhethu. +U Vhala +Ivhani fogisi (dithekhitivi) wa tshiṱori! Hu buliwa zwiṋoni zwingana zwo fhambanaho tshiṱorini itshi?  Ni nga kona u wana madzina a zwipuka zwivhili zwa ḓakani? Ndi fhungo ḽifhio ḽi no ni vhudza uri Liso o vha o shandula muhumbulo wawe wa u ya phakhani? Liso u na nḓila nngana dzo fhambanaho dzine a davhidzana ngadzo na khonani dzawe? +U Ṅwala +Ṅwalani mulaedza une Liso a nga vha o u ṅwalela muṅwe wa khonani dzawe musi o no swika hayani a tshi bva phakhani. +Vhutsila +Shumisani vhutanda, hatsi na maṱari ni ḓiitele tshiṱaha tsha tshiṋoni. +Kushumele +Tandulani phakha lwa kholekhole: ḓuḓumelani uri ni vhone zwi re ṱhodzini dza miri, tumbani fhasi ni vhone zwimela na zwipuka zwi re fhasi mavuni ni kone u tevhela tshiṋoni tshi no khou fhufha tshi tshi kavha kha miri nga muthihi nga muthihi.",ven,Tshivenda,U onyolosa milenzhe phakhan,"Liso loves going online. Her favourite website has everything she needs to have fun. She learns all kinds of dances. +She learns interesting facts about nature. She makes friends from all over the world. “Let’s go for a walk in the ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Tsho ṅwalwa nga Hagen Engle,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/u-onyolosa-milenzhe-phakhani +walk-the-park,"Liso u rhandza ku nghena eka inthanete. Webusayiti leyi a yi rhandzaka yi na swilo hinkwaswo leswi a swi lavaka leswaku a ta +hungasa. U dyondza mixaka hinkwayo ya mincino. U dyondza swilo swo tsakisa swa ntumbuluko. U endla vunghana na vanhu +hinkwavo emisaveni. “A hi fambi hi ya ephakeni,” ku vula Tatana, a ri karhi a langute ehenhla ka leputhopo ya yena. +“Swi nga antswa ndzi nghena eka inthanete,” ku vula Liso. “Ndza swi kota ku tlanga, ndza dyondza, na ku tiolola,” a vula. +“Xana hikwalahokayini ndzi fanele ndzi ya kun’wana?” “Lokoswiritano,” ku vula Tatana. +  +“Ku na swilo swo hlamarisa leswi nga kona emisaveni ya ntiyiso…” “Sweswo swi khale,” ku vula Liso. +“Sweswo swi twala swi hlamarisa!” “A swi ri tano,” ku vula Thalia. “Manana u te i xinyenyani xa xinuna. +A xi vuyisa swakudya exisakeni.” Thalia a karhele ku cina, kutani Liso a rhumela hungu eka Ina munghana wa yena. +“A hi fambi hi ya tlanga ephakeni yo tsakisa eka inthanete,” ku vula Liso. “A ndzi nge swi koti,” Ku hlamula Ina. +“Ndzi ya ephakeni na vatswari va mina. Eka misava ya ntiyiso!” “Hiswona,” ku vula Liso. + +“Ndzi ta vulavula na wena nkarhi lowutaka.” Liso a anakanya nkarhi wo leha. Kutani a huwelela. “Tatana!” a huwelela. +“A hi fambi hi ya jika ephakeni!” Tatana a pfala leputhopo ya yena. Eka inthanete, Liso u hlanganile na munghana wa yena +Jamila. “Xana u endla yini?” ku vutisa Jamela. “A ndzi endli nchumu,” ku vula Liso. “A ndzo va eka inthanete.” +“Swi kahle,” ku vula Jamila. “Hi fambile hi ya jika ephakeni. Hi vonile swinyenyana swo hambanahambana. +Hi tlhele hi vona xinyenyani xa soha xi ri karhi xi aka xisaka exidziveni! “Hey, swi kahle sweswo!” ku vula Liso. +“Tatana u ri xinyenyani xa xinuna xi aka xisaka, kutani lexa xisati xi xi kambela. Ndzi ehleketa leswaku a xi nga xi lavi, +xitlhantlhile xisaka hinkwaxo!” Endzhaku Liso a vulavula na munghana wa yena Thalia. “A hi cini,” ku vula Liso. +  +“ Hi xinkadyana” ku vula Thalia. “ Ndzi karhele ndzi vuya a ku tsutsumeni.” “A ku tsutsumeni?” ku vutisa Liso. +“Xana a wu tsutsuma kwihi?” “A hi tsutsuma enhoveni yo saseka,” ku vula Thalia. “Hi vone mhunti, ntohe, na xinyenyani xa +gogosani, na nomo wa xona wo saseka wa xilamula na ncila lowo leha.” Ephakeni, Liso na Tatana wa yena va vonile xinyenyana +xo hatima xa wasi xi ri na ncila wo leha, na xifuva xa rihlaza. “Yoo,” ku vula Liso. “Ndzi leku hlamaleni leswaku i xinyenyani xa +muxaka muni!” “Ndzi anakanya leswaku i Knysna lori,” ku vula Tatana. “A hi ringeti ku xi landzelela.” +  +Xinyenyani a xi haha kusuka eka nsinya wun’wana ku ya eka wun’wana. Xinyenyani xi tile xi ta wisa erhavini ra nsinya. +Xinyenyani xi phatsamile eka sayikhadi. Liso na Tatana wa yena a va xi landzelela, hinkwako laha a xi ya kona. +“Liso, hikwalakokayini u nga vuli ku ri ahee,” ku vula Tatana. “Kumbe i kwenyana ya masingita?” Liso a basisa rito… +“Ahee kwaleho,” rito ri huma. “Xana u endla yini laha?” Mahlo ya Liso na Tatana ma pfuleka swinene… +Ekusuhi na vona, exikarhi ka phaka, a ku ri Jamela, Thalia na Ina, na vatswari va vona! “Hilexiya kwenyana nakambe,” +Liso a huwelela. “A hi xi landzeleleni!” “Swinyenyani leswi swi hi endle hi suka emahlweni ka swikirini swa hina, hi huma +etindlwini, ku ya vona ntumbuluko swin’we,” ku vula Tatana wa Liso. “I swinyenyani swa masingita.” +  +Swo tsakisa hi Nal’ibali +Mianakanyo yo bula hayona +Xana u endla yini ku tinyanyula? Xana u vulavula njhani na vanghana va wena? I yini inthanete? +Xifaniso +I ndhawu yihi yale handle leyi u yi rhandzaka? Dirowa xifaniso xa wena lena. +Ku Hlaya +Vana fokisi ro lavisisa ntsheketo! I swinyenyana swingani swo hambana swi vuriwaka eka ntsheketo? Xana u nga kuma mavito na swiharhi swimbirhi swa le nhoveni? I xivulwa xihi xi ku byelaka leswaku Liso a nga ha swi lavi ku ya ephakeni? I tindlela tingani to hambana Liso a nga na tona to vulavurisana na vanghana va yena? +Ku Tsala +Tsala hungu ra tsalwa leri Liso a nga vaka a ri tsalele munghana un’wana wa yena loko a fika ekaya ku suka ephakeni. +Ntirho wa vutshila +Tirhisa swinhongana, byanyi na matluka ku aka xisaka xa xinyenyana xa wena. Encenyeta Yana eka phaka leyi u yi ehleketaka: tiololi ku vona leswi a nga le henhla ka misinya, korhama ku langutisa swimilana na swiharhi leswi nga le kusuhi na misava no landzelela xinyenyena lexi hahaka ku suka ensinyeni xiya eka wun’wana.",tso,Xitsonga,Ku fambafamba ephaken,"Liso loves going online. Her favourite website has everything she needs to have fun. She learns all kinds of dances. +She learns interesting facts about nature. She makes friends from all over the world. “Let’s go for a walk in the ...","Guide for this story +Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them + Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mutsari i Hagen Engle,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ku-fambafamba-ephakeni +nomsa’s-shopping-list,"Nomsa was watching her big sister, Mandisa, make a necklace. Their mother called from the kitchen, “Mandisa, please go to the shop for me. +Here is the shopping list.” Mandisa read the shopping list, “Bread, margarine, peanut butter, apricot jam, flour, eggs, sugar, milk, tea, and salt. +I’ll need two bags for all this.” Nomsa hopped up and down. “Can I come too? Please, can I come?” She had some money saved. +She loved the big round orange sweets at the shop. “Do you have to?” Mandisa sighed. She was twelve and Nomsa was six and +sometimes she got tired of her little sister tagging along behind her. “You’ll have to help me carry the shopping then.” +“I will, I will!” promised Nomsa. “Read the list again, I want to hear what we have to get.” +“Bread, margarine, peanut butter, apricot jam, flour, eggs, sugar, milk, tea, and salt,” read Mandisa as Nomsa counted the items on her fingers. +Ten items, one for each finger. Nomsa could not read yet, but she was good at remembering things. + +The sisters went out into the street. The wind was blowing! It flapped their clothes and it sent the litter in the street racing and tumbling around their feet. +As they passed the hair salon in Mrs Ngubane’s garage they saw Fezeka and Phumla having their hair braided. Mrs. Ngubane was very clever at braiding. +Fezeka and Phumla were Mandisa’s best friends. “Yoh, you look good!” Mandisa said when she went into the hair salon to look at the new style in braiding. +It was very smart. “You’re wearing a new shirt,” Mandisa said to Fezeka. She bent over and felt the material between her fingers. “Where did you find this?” +Nomsa sighed. She wanted to get to the shop quickly. But all Mandisa thought about these days was clothes and hair and shoes. +“I love your new necklace, Phumla!” said Mandisa bending over to touch her friend’s new necklace. Then, oh-oh! +The wind snatched the shopping list out of Mandisa’s hand! It flew away over the wall, then over the roof next door. It was gone, gone, gone! +Absolutely and completely gone! “Now I’m in trouble,” said Mandisa as she put her hand over her mouth. +“I’ll have to go home and ask Mama for a new list and she’ll be cross!” + +“You don’t have to! I can remember the shopping list,” said Nomsa hopping up and down. “I can remember everything.” +She held up her hands and counted the items on her ten fingers. Each finger was something from the shopping list. +“Bread, margarine, peanut butter, apricot jam, flour, eggs, sugar, milk, tea, and salt!” she said. +Mandisa looked surprised. “Well done, Sisi! I’m glad you came with me. Let’s get to the shop quickly and buy those things. +Otherwise, Mama is going to be cross.”When they got to Mambhele Cash Store, +Mandisa asked for all the things that Nomsa had remembered on her ten fingers and she put the things in the shopping bags. +Nomsa stared at the big bottle of orange sweets and the bottle of jelly babies near the till. She took her money out and gave it to Mandisa. +She pointed at the sweets she wanted and Mandisa bought them. Mandisa added a red lollipop as well. +  +“That’s for saving me from getting into trouble,” said Mandisa. “I know you like red lollipops.” +They each carried a shopping bag home and Nomsa sucked her red lollipop. +At home, they unpacked the shopping bags on the kitchen table and Mandisa asked, “Mama, can I make pancakes for supper tonight?” +She knew Nomsa loved pancakes. “Yes,” said their mother. “I have a lot of school work to mark this afternoon. It would really help me if you made supper.” +Together Nomsa and Mandisa mixed flour, eggs, milk, sugar and a little salt for pancakes. They let the mixture stand for an hour. +Then they made pancakes and pancakes and more pancakes. The kitchen smelt so good! When Papa came home, he went straight to the kitchen. +“My nose is telling me that we are having pancakes for supper! And I see that my two daughters are the cooks. What are you going to put inside them?” he asked. +“There’s some mince left over from yesterday. We can use that,” said Mandisa. “And there’s also apricot jam. +Apricot jam is my favourite in the whole world!” said Nomsa hopping up and down. “Mine too,” said Papa and he laughed. +  +When Mama came into the kitchen, she clapped her hands. “Well done, my daughters!” she said. The pancakes were delicious. +“I can remember the ingredients for the recipe,” Nomsa said. She held up her hand and counted them on her five fingers, “Flour, eggs, milk, sugar and a little salt!” + +Her father laughed and patted her shoulder. “My clever little girl!” he said. “Maybe I should use my fingers to remember things too!”",eng,English,omsa’s shopping list,"Nomsa was watching her big sister, Mandisa, make a necklace. Their mother called from the kitchen, “Mandisa, please go to the shop for me. +Here is the shopping list.” Mandisa read the shopping list, “Bread, margarine, peanut butter, ...",,Cicely van Straten,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nomsa’s-shopping-list +nomsa’s-shopping-list,"UNomsa wayebukele udadewabo omdala, uMandisa, esenza isihombiso sentamo. Umama wabo wakhwaza esekhitshini, +“Mandisa, nceda undiyele evenkileni. Nalu uluhlu loko oza kukuthenga.” UMandisa walufunda uluhlu loko aza kukuthenga, +“Isonka, imajarini, ibhotolo yamandongomane, ijam ye-aprikoti, umgubo wengqolowa, amaqanda, iswekile, ubisi, iti netyuwa. +Ndiza kudinga iingxowa ezimbini zokufaka konke oku.” UNomsa wangcileza etsiba-tsiba. “Ndingeza nam? Ndiyacela ndingeza?” +Wayenemadlana awayeyongile. Wayezithanda iiswiti ezinkulu ezingqukuva ezimthubi evenkileni. “Unyanzelekile?” uMandisa waba nesingqala. +Wayeneminyaka elishumi elinesibini, ekaNomsa imithandathu yaye ngamanye amaxesha uMandisa wayedikwa ngudadewabo omncinci olandelana naye. +“Kuza kufuneka undincedise ukuthwala ezi zinto ke.” +  +“Nakanjani, nakanjani!” wathembisa uNomsa. “Ndicela ufunde uluhlu kwakhona, ndifuna ukuva ukuba zintoni na esiza kuzithenga.” +“Isonka, imajarini, ibhotolo yamantongomane, ijam ye-aprikoti, umgubo wengqolowa, amaqanda, iswekile, ubisi, iti netyuwa,” +wafunda uMandisa logama uNomsa abala izinto ngeminwe. Zilishumi izinto eziza kuthengwa, into nganye imelwe ngumnwe omnye. +UNomsa wayengekakwazi ukufunda, kodwa wayebalasele ngokukhumbula izinto. + +Umntu nodade wabo baphuma bangena esitratweni. Umoya wawuvuthuza ngamandla! Wabhenguza iimpahla zabo wasakazela inkunkuma eyayisesitratweni +ezinyaweni zabo. Xa bedlula ngakwisaluni yokwenza iinwele esegaraji kaNkosikazi Ngubane, babona uFezeka noPhumla bephothwa iinwele. +UNkosikazi Ngubane wayeyincutshe ekuphotheni. UFezeka noPhumla babengabahlobo abasenyongweni bakaMandisa. +“Yhu, anisebahle!” watsho uMandisa akungena esaluni eyokubona uhlobo olutsha lokuphotha. Lwaluluhle isimanga. +“Unxibe ihempe entsha,” watsho uMandisa kuFezeka. Wagoba ehlikihla ilaphu layo ngeminwe. “Uyifumene phi ke le?” +UNomsa waba nesingqala. Wayefuna ukuya kufika evenkileni ngokukhawuleza. Kodwa into awayecinga ngayo uMandisa kwezi ntsuku +yayiziimpahla neenwele nezihlangu. “Ndiyasithanda isihombo sakho sentamo, +Phumla!” watsho uMandisa egoba ukuya kuphatha isihombo esitsha sentamo somhlobo wakhe. Kanye ngelo xesha, yhooo! +  +Umoya waluxhwila uluhlu lokuzakuthengwa esandleni sikaMandisa! Lwabhabhela ngaphaya kothango, lwabhabha phezu kophahla lomzi osebumelwaneni. +Lwalumkile, lahlekiyane, shwaka! Lwaluphaphathekile lumke mpela, tu! “Ngoku ndisengxakini,” watsho uMandisa ebeka isandla sakhe emlonyeni. +“Kuza kufuneka ndigoduke ndiyokucela uMama andinike olunye uluhlu kodwa uza kucaphuka!” + +“Akunyanzelekanga! Ndiyakhumbula ukuba kukho ntoni kuluhlu,” watsho uNomsa engcileza etsiba-tsiba. +“Ndizikhumbula zonke izinto.” Waphakamisa izandla zakhe wazibala izinto ebezikuluhlu ngeminwe yakhe yolishumi. +Umnwe ngamnye wawumele into ebikuluhlu lwezinto eziza kuthengwa. “Isonka, imajarini, ibhotolo yamantongomane, ijam ye-aprikoti, +umgubo wengqolowa, amaqanda, iswekile, ubisi, iti netyuwa!” watsho. UMandisa wakhangeleka emangalisiwe. “Wenze kakuhle, Sisi! +Ndiyavuya uhambe nam. Masiye evenkileni ngokukhawuleza size sizithenge ezo zinto. Kungenjalo uMama uza kuqumba.” +Bathi bakufika kwaMamBhele Cash Store, uMandisa wathenga zonke izinto uNomsa awayezikhumbule eminweni yakhe elishumi waza +wazifaka kwiingxowa zokuphatha. UNomsa wajonga kwibhotile enkulu yeeswiti ezimthubi nakwibhotile yeeswiti ii-jelly babies ezazikufutshane nethili. +Wakhupha imali wayinika uMandisa. Wakhomba iiswiti awayezifuna waza uMandisa wazithenga. UMandisa wongeza nesitok’switi esibomvu. +“Leyo yeyokundisindisa ekungeneni engxakini,” watsho uMandisa. “Ndiyakwazi uyazithanda izitok’switi ezibomvu.” +  +Elowo wathwala ingxowa eneempahla ezithengiweyo bagoduka wabe uNomsa emunca isitok’switi sakhe esibomvu. +Ekhaya, bakhuphela iimpahla ezisengxoweni phezu kwetafile yasekhitshini waza uMandisa wabuza, “Mama ndingazenza iipenikeyiki eziza kutyiwa ngesidlo +sangokuhlwa namhlanje?” Wayesazi ukuba uNomsa uyazithanda iipenikeyiki. “Ewe,” watsho umama wabo. +“Ndinomsebenzi omninzi wesikolo wokumakisha kule njikalanga. Ingandinceda kakhulu into yokuba nenze isidlo sangokuhlwa.” +Bobabini uMandisa noNomsa baxuba umgubo wengqolowa, amaqanda, ubisi, iswekile nentwana yetyuwa ukwenza iipenkeyiki. +Bawuyeka umxube ukuba unyuke bawulinda iyure. Emva koko benza iipenikeyiki ezinye iipenikeyiki nezinye iipenikeyiki zaninzi iipenikeyiki. +Ikhitshi lalinuka kamnandi kakhulu! +  +Akufika ekhaya uTata, wangqala ngqo ekhitshini. “Impumlo yam indixelela ukuba siza kutya iipenikeyiki ngokuhlwa nje! +Ndaye ndiyabona ukuba iintombi zam zombini ngabapheki. Niza kuhlohla ntoni kuzo?” wabuza. “Kukho inyama esiliweyo ebisele izolo. +Singasebenzisa yona,” watsho uMandisa. “Yaye ikhona nejam ye-aprikoti. Ijam ye-aprikoti yeyona ndiyithandayo emhlabeni wonke!” +watsho uNomsa engcileza etsiba-tsiba. “Nam ngokunjalo,” watsho uTata ehleka. Akungena ekhitshini uMama, waqhwaba izandla. +“Nenze kakuhle, zintombi zam!” watsho. Iipenikeyiki zazimnandi. “Ndingazikhumbula izithako zokuzenza,” watsho uNomsa. +Waphakamisa isandla sakhe wazibala kwiminwe yakhe emihlanu, “Umgubo wengqolowa, amaqanda, ubisi, iswekile nentwana yetyuwa!” + +  +Utata wakhe wahleka wammbambazela egxalabeni. “Ntombi yam encinci ekrelekrele!” watsho. “Mhlawumbi nam kufuneka ndisebenzise iminwe ukukhumbula +izinto!”",xho,isiXhosa,Uluhlu lokuzakuthengwa lukaNoms,"Nomsa was watching her big sister, Mandisa, make a necklace. Their mother called from the kitchen, “Mandisa, please go to the shop for me. +Here is the shopping list.” Mandisa read the shopping list, “Bread, margarine, peanut butter, ...",,Cicely van Straten,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uluhlu-lokuzakuthengwa-lukanomsa +nomsa’s-shopping-list,"Nomsa kyk hoe haar ousus, Mandisa, ’n string krale inryg. Hul ma roep uit die kombuis: “Mandisa, sal jy asseblief gou winkel toe gaan. +Hier is die inkopielys.” Mandisa lees die inkopielys: “Brood, margarien, grondboontjiebotter, appelkooskonfyt, meel, eiers, suiker, melk, tee en sout. +Ek gaan twee inkopiesakke hiervoor nodig hê.” Nomsa spring op en af. “Kan ek ook saamkom? Kan ek asseblief saamkom?” Sy het geld gespaar. +Sy is dol oor die groot, ronde oranje lekkers by die winkel. “Moet jy regtig?” sug Mandisa. Sy is twaalf en Nomsa is ses en soms raak sy moeg vir haar +kleinsus wat soos ’n stertjie al agter haar aanloop. “Jy sal my dan moet help dra.” “Ek sal, ek sal!” belowe Nomsa. “Lees weer die lysie, +ek wil hoor wat ons moet koop.”“Brood, margarien, grondboontjiebotter, appelkooskonfyt, meel, eiers, suiker, melk, tee en sout,” +lees Mandisa terwyl Nomsa die items op haar vingers aftel. Tien items, een vir elke vinger. Nomsa kan nog nie lees nie, maar sy kan baie goed onthou. + +Die susters stap uit straat toe. Die wind waai omtrent! Dit laat hul klere om hulle wapper en waai die rommel in die straat al om hul voete. +Toe hulle by mev. Ngubane se motorhuis verbystap, sien hulle vir Fezeka en Phumla wat hul hare laat vleg. Mev. Ngubane is baie goed met hare vleg. +Fezeka en Phumla is Mandisa se beste maats. “Sjoe, julle lyk so goed!” sê. Mandisa toe sy in die haarsalon ingaan om na die nuwe manier van hare vleg te kyk. +Dit lyk regtig pragtig. “Jy’t ’n nuwe hemp aan,” sê Mandisa vir Fezeka. Sy buk om met haar vingers aan die materiaal te vat. “Waar het jy dit gekry?” +Nomsa sug. Sy is haastig om by die winkel te kom. Maar al waaraan Mandisa deesdae kan dink, is klere en hare en skoene. “Ek is mal oor jou nuwe krale, +Phumla!” sê Mandisa en buk om aan haar maat se nuwe krale te vat. En toe, ô-ô! Die wind skep die inkopielys uit Mandisa se hand! Dit vlieg oor die muur, +dan oor die dak langsaan. Dit is weg, weg, weg! Heeltemal skoonveld! “Nou’s ek in die moeilikheid,” sê Mandisa, met haar hand voor haar mond. +“Ek sal moet huis toe gaan en vir Mamma ’n nuwe lysie moet vra en sy gaan baie kwaad wees!” + +“Jy hoef nie! Ek kan onthou wat op die inkopielys was,” sê Nomsa en spring op en af. “Ek kan alles onthou.” +Sy hou haar hande in die lug en tel die items op haar tien vingers af. Elke vinger is iets op die inkopielys. “Brood, margarien, grondboontjiebotter, +appelkooskonfyt, meel, eiers, suiker, melk, tee en sout!” sê sy. Mandisa lyk verbaas. “Mooi so, Kleinsus! Ek is bly jy het saamgekom. +Kom ons gaan gou winkel toe om daardie goed te gaan koop. Anders gaan Mamma ongelukkig wees.” Toe hulle by die Mambhele Kontantwinkel kom, +vra Mandisa vir al die dinge wat Nomsa op haar tien vingers onthou het, en sy pak dit in die inkopiesakke. +Nomsa staar na die groot fles oranje lekkers en die fles jellielekkers naby die kasregister. Sy haal haar geld uit en gee dit vir Mandisa. +Sy wys na die lekkers wat sy wil hê en Mandisa koop dit. Mandisa sit nog ’n rooi suigstokkie ook by. +  +“Dit is omdat jy gekeer het dat ek in die moeilikheid beland,” sê Mandisa. “Ek weet jy hou van rooi suigstokkies.” +Hulle dra elkeen ’n inkopiesak huis toe en Nomsa suig aan haar rooi suigstokkie. +By die huis pak hulle die inkopiesakke op die kombuistafel uit en Mandisa vra: “Mamma, kan ek vanaand pannekoek bak vir aandete?” +Sy weet Nomsa hou van pannekoek. “Ja,” sê haar ma. “Ek het baie merkwerk vir die skool om vanmiddag te doen. Dit sal regtig baie help as julle aandete maak.” +Nomsa en Mandisa meng die meel, eiers, melk, suiker en ’n knippie sout vir die pannekoek. Hulle laat die beslag vir ’n uur staan. +Toe bak hulle pannekoek, en nog pannekoek. Die kombuis ruik heerlik! Toe Pappa by die huis kom, stap hy reguit kombuis toe. +“My neus vertel vir my ons eet pannekoek vir aandete! En ek sien my twee meisiekinders is die kokke. Watter vulsel gaan julle maak?” vra hy. +  +“Daar het van gister se maalvleis oorgebly. Ons kan dit gebruik,” sê Mandisa. “En daar’s appelkooskonfyt. +Appelkooskonfyt is die lekkerste lekker in die hele wêreld!” sê Nomsa en hop op en af. “Ek stem saam,” sê Pappa en lag. +Toe Mamma in die kombuis inkom, klap sy haar hande. “Mooi so, meisies!” sê sy. Die pannekoek is heerlik. +“Ek kan die bestanddele vir die resep onthou,” sê Nomsa. Sy hou haar hand op en tel dit op haar vyf vingers: “Meel, eiers, melk, suiker en ’n knippie sout!” +  + +Haar pa lag en klop haar op die skouer. “My slim meisiekind!” sê hy. “Dalk moet ek ook my vingers gebruik om dinge te onthou!”",afr,Afrikaans,omsa se inkopielys,"Nomsa was watching her big sister, Mandisa, make a necklace. Their mother called from the kitchen, “Mandisa, please go to the shop for me. +Here is the shopping list.” Mandisa read the shopping list, “Bread, margarine, peanut butter, ...",,Cicely van Straten,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nomsa-se-inkopielys +nomsa’s-shopping-list,"UNomsa wayebukele udadewabo omdala, uMandisa, akha umgexo. Unina wamemeza esekhishini, “Mandisa, ngicela ungiyele esitolo. +Nalu uhla lwezinto ozozithenga.” UMandisa walufunda uhla lokwakuzothengwa, “Isinkwa, imajarini, ibhotela lamantongomane, ujamu wamabhilikosi, +ufulawa, amaqanda, ushukela, ubisi, itiye nosawoti. Ngizodinga izikhwama ezimbili zokufaka konke lokhu.” UNomsa wagxumagxuma. +“Ngingahamba nawe? Ngicela ukuhamba nawe bandla?” Kwakunemali ayeyibekile. Wayezifela ngamaswidi amakhulu angamagaqa asawolintshi ayedayisa esitolo. +“Sikhona kodwa isidingo?” washo ebubula ngokunengwa uMandisa. Wayeneminyaka eyishumi nambili kanti uNomsa yena wayeneminyaka eyisithupha futhi +kwesinye isikhathi wayedinwa ngudadewabo omncane owayelokhu elandela emva kwakhe. “Kuzodingeka ukuba ungisize-ke ukuphatha izimpahla.” +“Nakanjani, nakanjani!” kwethembisa uNomsa. “Ngicela uphinde ufunde uhla futhi, ngifuna ukuzwa ukuthi yini okufuneka siyithenge.” +“Isinkwa, imajarini, ibhotela lamantongomane, ujamu wamabhilikosi, ufulawa, amaqanda, ushukela, ubisi, itiye nosawoti,” +kufunda uMandisa ngenkathi uNomsa ebala izimpahla ngeminwe yakhe. Izinto eziyishumi, eyodwa ngomunwe ngamunye. +UNomsa wayengakakwazi ukufunda, kodwa wayebukhali ekukhumbuleni izinto. + +Izelamani zamantombazane zaphumela emgwaqweni. Umoya wawuvunguza! Wabhakuzisa izingubo zawo wakhukhula nodoti emgwaqweni +wayodlula ezinyaweni zawo. Lapho bedlula esaloni lezinwele egalaji likaNkk Ngubane babona uFezeka noPhumla belukwa izinwele. +UNkk Ngubane wayekhaliphe kabi ekwelukeni izinwele. UFezeka noPhumla kwakungabangani bakaMandisa abakhulu. +“Hawu, naze nabahle!” uMandisa washo lapho engena esaloni ukuze abone kahle leso sitayela esisha sezinwele. Sasisihle kakhulu. +“Ugqoke ihembe elisha,” kwasho uMandisa kuFezeka. Wagoba wathinta indwangu yakhona eyihlikihla phakathi kweminwe yakhe. +“Uyitholephi-ke lena?” UNomsa wabubula ngokucasuka. Wayefuna ukufika esitolo masishane. +Kodwa ukuphela kwento eyayibusa ingqondo kaMandisa kulezi zinsuku kwakuyizingubo zokugqoka nezinwele nezicathulo. +  +“Ngiyawuthanda umgexo wakho omusha, Phumla!” kwasho uMandisa egoba ukuze athinte umgexo omusha womngani wakhe. +Kusenjalo, maye! Umoya wahlwitha uhla lukaMandisa esandleni sakhe! Lwaphephuka lwayoshona ngaleya kobonda, +naluya phezu kophahla lwakwamakhelwane. Kwaphela kanjalo, lwanyamalala unomphelo! Hambiyane, lahlekiyane kanjalo nje! +“Ngaze ngasenkingeni,” kwasho uMandisa ebeka isandla emlonyeni wakhe. “Kuzodingeka ngiphindele ekhaya ngicele uMama enze uhla olusha, +kodwa uzothukuthela kabi!” +  + +“Asikho isidingo salokho! Ngiyakhumbula ukuthi bekunani ohlwini,” kwasho uNomsa egxumagxuma. “Ngikhumbula konke.” +Waphakamisa izandla zakhe wabala izinto eminweni yakhe eyishumi. Umunwe ngamunye wawungokuthile okwakusohlwini lokwakuzothengwa. +“Isinkwa, imajarini, ibhotela lamantongomane, ujamu wamabhilikosi, ufulawa, amaqanda, ushukela, ubisi, itiye nosawoti!” kusho yena. +UMandisa wabukeka emangele. “Wenze kahle, Sisi! Ngaze ngajabula ukuthi uhambe nami. Asiphuthume esitolo masishane siyozithenga lezi zinto. +Kungenjalo uMama uzothukuthela.” Uma befika eMambhele Cash Store, uMandisa wacela zonke izinto ezazikhunjulwa uNomsa eminweni +yakhe eyishumi wazifaka ezikhwameni zokuthenga. UNomsa wayelokhu egqolozele ibhodlela elikhulu lamaswidi asawolintshi nelinye +lama-jelly babies eduze kwesisefo semali. Wakhipha imali yakhe wayinika uMandisa. Wakhomba amaswidi ayewafuna uMandisa wamthengela. +UMandisa wathenga nama-lollipop abomvu futhi. “Ngikupha lokhu ngoba ungisindise enkingeni,” kusho uMandisa. +“Ngiyazi ukuthi uthanda ama-lollipop abomvu.” Lowo nalowo wathwala isikhwama sokuthenga kwayiwa ekhaya, uNomsa elokhu encela i-lollipop yakhe. +  +Ekhaya, bakhipha izimpahla ababezithengile bazibeka etafuleni lasekhishini uMandisa wabe esebuza kunina wathi, +“Mama, ngingawenza ama-pancake esidlo sakusihlwa namhlanje?” Wayazi ukuthi uNomsa wayezithandela ama-pancake. +“Yebo,” kwasho unina. “Nginomsebenzi wesikole omningi okufanele ngiwumake namhlanje ntambama. Kungangisiza kakhulu ukuthi nenze isidlo sakusihlwa.” +Bendawonye uNomsa noMandisa baxuba ufulawa, amaqanda, ubisi, ushukela nosawoti omncane benza ama-pancake. Bayibeka inhlama yahlala isikhathi +esingangehora. Base benza ama-pancake, ngama-pancake, namanye futhi ama-pancake. Ekhishini kwakunuka kamnandi kanjani! +Uthe lapho uBaba efika ekhaya, waqonda ngqo ekhishini. “Ikhala lami lithi sizodla ama-pancake ngesidlo sakusihlwa! +Futhi ngiyabona ukuthi amadodakazi ami yiwona angabapheki. Nizofakani phakathi kuwona?” ebuza. +  +“Kuneminsi esale izolo. Singasebenzisa yona,” kwasho uMandisa. “Kukhona nojamu wamabhilikosi. +Ujamu wamabhilikosi ngiwukhonze ngaphezu kwakho konke!” kwasho uNomsa egxumagxuma. “Nami futhi,” kwasho uBaba ehleka. +Lapho uMama engena ekhishini, washaya izandla. “Nenze kahle, madodakazi ami!” kusho yena. Ama-pancakes ehla esiphundu. “Ngiyazikhumbula izithako +zeresiphi,” kwasho uNomsa. Waphakamisa izandla zakhe wazibala eminweni yakhe emihlanu, “Ufulawa, amaqanda, ubisi, ushukela nosawoti!” + +Uyise wahleka wabe esemmbambatha ehlombe. “Hawu ndodakazi yami encane ekhaliphile!” kusho yena. “Mhlawumbe nami kufanele +ngisebenzise iminwe yami ukukhumbula izinto!”",zul,isiZulu,Uhla lukaNomsa lokuzothengw,"Nomsa was watching her big sister, Mandisa, make a necklace. Their mother called from the kitchen, “Mandisa, please go to the shop for me. +Here is the shopping list.” Mandisa read the shopping list, “Bread, margarine, peanut butter, ...",,Cicely van Straten,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uhla-lukanomsa-lokuzothengwa +nomsa’s-shopping-list,"Nomsa o ne a shebelletse ausi wa hae, Mandisa, a ntse a etsa sefaha. Mma bona a ba hoeletsa a le ka kitjhineng, “Mandisa, ke kopa o nkele lebenkeleng. +Lenane la dintho tseo ke di batlang ke lena.” Mandisa a bala lenane leo la ho reka, “Bohobe, majarine, pinabatha, jeme ya diapolekose, folouru, mahe, +tswekere, lebese, teye le letswai. Ke tla hloka mekotlana e mmedi bakeng sa dintho tsena.” Nomsa a tlola tlolaka. “Na le nna nka tla? Ke a kopa hle, nka tla?” +O ne a ena le tjheletana eo a e bolokileng. O ne a rata dipompong tse kgolo tse tjhitja tsa mmala wa lamunu tse mane lebenkeng. “Na o tlamehile?” +Mandisa a fehelwa. O ne a ena le dilemo tse leshome le metso e mmedi mme Nomsa yena a le tse tsheletseng mme ka nako tse ding o ne a teneha +ha ngwanabo a dula a mo sala morao. “O tla tlameha o nthuse ho tshwara mekotlana ya dintho tseo ke ilo di reka.” “Ho lokile, ke tla etsa jwalo!” +Nomsa a tshepisa. “Bala lenane leo hape, ke batla ho utlwa hore re ilo reka eng.” +  +“Bohobe, majarine, pinabatha, jeme ya diapolekose, folouru, mahe, tswekere, lebese, teye le letswai,” Mandisa a bala ha Nomsa a ntse a bala dintho +tseo ka menwana ya hae. Dintho tse leshome, e le nngwe bakeng sa monwana ka mong. Nomsa o ne a eso tsebe ho bala, empa o ne a kgona ho +hopola dintho haholo. + +Bananyana bana ba tswela ka ntle seterateng. Moya o ne o foka! O ne o pheula diaparo tsa bona mme o fefola matlakala ka hara seterata a matha +hohle a ba otla maotong mona. Ha ba feta saluneng ya moriri karatjheng ya Mof Ngubane ba bona Fezeka le Phumla ba ntse ba lohuwa meriri. +Mof Ngubane o ne a loha meriri hantle haholo. Fezeka le Phumla e ne e le metswalle e meholo ya Mandisa. “Kgele, le boheha le le batle!” +Mandisa a rialo ha a kena ka saluneng ya moriri ho ya sheba setaele se setjha sa moloho. Se ne se le setle haholo. “O apere hempe e ntjha,” +Mandisa a rialo ho Fezeka. A inama mme a pholla le ho utlwa lesela pakeng tsa menwana ya hae. “O e rekile kae?” Nomsa a fehelwa. +O ne a tatetse ho ya fihla lebenkeleng. Empa seo Mandisa a neng a nahana ka sona feela matsatsing ana e ne e le diaparo le moriri le dieta. +“Ke rata sefaha sa hao se setjha, Phumla!” ha rialo Mandisa a iname ho thetsa sefaha se setjha sa motswalle wa hae. Yaba, jowe! +Moya o pheula lenane la ho reka letsohong la Mandisa! La fofela hole ka hodima lebota, la feta marulelong a ntlo e pela moo. La ya, la ya, yaba le ile! +Ka nnetenete yaba le etse ruri! “Jwale ke mathateng,” ha rialo Mandisa a beile letsoho molomong. “Ke tla tlameha ke kgutlele hae ke ilo kopa Mme +hore a mphe lenane le leng, mme o tlo halefa hle!” + +“Ha o tlamehe ho etsa jwalo! Ke ntse ke hopola lenane leo la ho reka,” ha rialo Nomsa a ntse a tlolatlola. “Ke ntse ke hopola dintho kaofela.” +A phahamisa matsoho a hae mme a bala dintho tseo ka menwana ya hae e leshome. Monwana ka mong e ne e le ntho e le nngwe e lenaneng la ho reka. +“Bohobe, majarine, pinabatha, jeme ya diapolekose, folouru, mahe, tswekere, lebese, teye le letswai!” a rialo. Mandisa o ne a maketse. +“Hantle haholo, Ngwaneso! Ke thabile haholo ha o tlile le nna. Ha re ye mabenkeleng kapele re ilo reka dintho tseo. Ho seng jwalo Mme o tlo halefa haholo.” +Ha ba fihla Lebenkeleng la Kontane la Mambhele, Mandisa a kopa dintho tsohle tseo Nomsa a neng a di hopola ka menwana ya hae e leshome mme +a kenya dintho tseo ka hara mekotlana ya ho reka. Nomsa a tjamela botlolo e kgolo ya dipompong tse mmala wa lamunu le botlolo ya dipompong tsa +dijeli e haufi le motjhine wa tjhelete. A ntsha tjhelete ka hara pokotho ya hae mme a efa Mandisa. A supa dipompong tseo a di batlang mme Mandisa +a mo rekela tsona. Mandisa a kenyeletsa le lollipopo e kgubedu. +  +“Ena ke ya ho o leboha ha o nthusitse ke le mathateng,” ha rialo Mandisa. “Ke a tseba hore o rata dilollipopo tse kgubedu.” +E mong le e mong a tshwara mokotlana wa lebenkeleng ho ya hae mme Nomsa a momona lollipopo ya hae e kgubedu. +Ha ba fihla hae ba pakolla mekotlana ya lebenkeleng hodima tafole ya kitjhine mme Mandisa a botsa, “Mme, na nka etsa dipanekuku bakeng +sa dijo tsa mantsiboya kajeno?” O ne a tseba hore Nomsa o rata dipanekuku. “Ho lokile,” ha rialo mma bona. “Ke na le mosebetsi o mongata wa sekolo oo +ke lokelang ho o tshwaya kajeno. O tla be o nthusitse ha o ka pheha dijo tsa mantsiboya.” Nomsa le Mandisa mmoho ba tswaka folouru, mahe, lebese, +tswekere le letswainyana bakeng sa ho etsa dipanekuku. Yaba ba tlohela motswako oo hore o ke o phole nako e ka bang hora. +Yaba ba etsa dipanekuku le dipanekuku le tse ding hape. Kitjhine e ne e nkga ha monate ka nnete! +  +Ha Ntate a fihla lapeng, a leba ka kitjhineng hanghang. “Nko ya ka e mpolella hore kajeno re tlo ja dipanekuku bakeng sa dijo tsa mantsiboya! +Mme ke a bona hore baradinyana ba ka ba babedi ke bona baapehi. Le tlilo kenya eng ka hara tsona?” a botsa. “Ho na le nama e sitsweng e setseng maobane. +Re ka nna ra sebedisa yona,” ha araba Mandisa. “Hape ho na le jeme ya diapolekose. Jeme ya diapolekose ke yona eo ke e ratang ka ho fetisisa lefatsheng!” +ha rialo Nomsa a tlolatlola.“Le nna,” ha rialo Ntate mme a tsheha. Ha Mme a kena ka kitjhineng, a opa matsoho. “Le sebeditse, baradi ba ka!” a rialo. +Dipanekuku di ne di le monate. “Ke ntse ke hopola ditswakwa bakeng sa resepe,” Nomsa a rialo. A phahamisa letsoho mme a di bala menwaneng ya +hae e mehlano, “Folouru, mahe, lebese, tswekere le letswainyana!” + +  +Ntatae a tsheha mme a mo phaphatha lehetleng. “Moradinyana wa ka ya bohlale!” a rialo. “Mohlomong le nna ke lokela ho sebedisa menwana +ya ka ho hopola dintho!” + + +  + + +​",sot,Sesotho,Lenane la Nomsa la ho reka mabenkeleng,"Nomsa was watching her big sister, Mandisa, make a necklace. Their mother called from the kitchen, “Mandisa, please go to the shop for me. +Here is the shopping list.” Mandisa read the shopping list, “Bread, margarine, peanut butter, ...",,Cicely van Straten,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lenane-la-nomsa-la-ho-reka-mabenkeleng +nomsa’s-shopping-list,"Nomsa o be a hlokomela sesi wa gagwe, Mandisa, a dira pheta. Mmago bona o ile a bitša a le ka moraleng, “Mandisa, nke o nkele lebenkeleng. +Lenaneo la direkwa ke le.” Mandisa o ile a bala lenaneo la direkwa, “Borotho, matšarine, potoro ya ditloomake, jamo ya apolokose, folouru, mae, +swikiri, maswi, teye le letswai. Ke hloka mekotla ye mebedi ya tšohle tše.” Nomsa a fofela godimo le tlase. “Nka ya le nna? Naa nka ya le wena?” +O bolokile tšhelete ye nngwe. O rata malekere a mmala wa namune a nthokolo a magolo a kua lebenkeleng. “Go a hlokega gore o ye?” +Mandisa a hemela godimo. O be a na le mengwaga ye lesomepedi gomme Nomsa a na le mengwaga ye tshela efela ka dinako tše dingwe o +be a lapišwa ke go phela a šetše morago ke ngwana wa gabo wa mosetsana. “Gona o tlo swanela go nthuša go rwala direkwa.” +  +“Ke tlo go swariša, ke tlo go swariša!” gwa tshepiša Nomsa. “Bala lenaneo gape, ke nyaka go kwa gore re swanetše go reka eng.” +“Borotho, matšarine, potoro ya ditloomake, jamo ya apolokose, folouru, mae, swikiri, maswi, teye le letswai,” gwa bala Mandisa mola +Nomsa a balela dilo menwaneng ya seatla sa gagwe. Dilo tše lesome, se tee monwaneng o mongwe le o mongwe. Nomsa o be a sa tsebe go +bala efela o be a na le bokgoni bja go gopola gabotse. + +Basetsana ba be ba le mmileng. Go be go foka phefo! E be e fefera diaparo tša bona le go fofiša matlakala mebileng a kitima le go phethoga maotong a bona. +Ba rile ge ba feta salune sa meriri sa karatšhe ya Moh Ngubane ba bona Fezeka le Phumla ba loga meriri ya bona. Moh Ngubane o be a kgona go loga kudu. +Fezeka le Phumla e be e le bagwera ba Mandisa ba potego. “Ijoo, le botse!” Mandisa a realo a tsena ka saluneng ya meriri go lebelela setaele se seswa sa mologo. +Se be se le botse kudu. “O apere hempe ye mpšha,” Mandisa a botša Fezeka. O ile a khukhama a phophola lešela ka menwana ya seatla. +“O e rekile kae?” Nomsa a hemela godimo. O be a nyaka go fihla lebenkeleng ka pela. Efela Mandisa matšatši a o be a nagana fela ka meriri, diaparo le dieta. +“Ke rata pheta ya gago ye mpšha, Phumla!” a realo Mandisa a khukhama gore a sware pheta ya mogwera wa gagwe. Gomme, agaa! +Phefo ya tšea lenaneo la direkwa seatleng sa Mandisa! Le ile la fofa leboto, la fofa marulelo a ntlo ya baagišane. Le ile, la ya, la ya! La sobelela sa ruri! +“Bjale ke bothateng,” a realo Mandisa a bea seatla molomong wa gagwe. “Ke tla swanela go ya gae gomme ke kgopele Mama lenaneo le leswa gomme o tlo befelwa!” + +“Ga go hloke go dira seo! Ke gopola lenaneo la direkwa,” a realo Nomsa a fofela godimo le tlase. “Ke di gopola ka moka.” +O emišitše diatla gomme a balela dilo menwaneng ya gagwe ye lesome. Monwana o mongwe le o mongwe wa gagwe e be e +le se sengwe go tšwa lenaneong. “Borotho, matšarine, potoro ya ditloomake, jamo ya apolokose, folouru, mae, swikiri, maswi, teye le letswai!” a realo. +Mandisa o ile a makala. “O šomile, Sesi! Ke thaba ge o tlile le nna. Areye lebenkeleng ka pela re reke dilo tšeo. Go sego bjalo Mama o tlo befelwa.” +Ba rile ge ba fihla Mambhele Cash Store, Mandisa a kgopela dilo tšeo Nomsa a di gopotšego menwaneng ya gagwe ye lesome gomme a tsenya dilo +ka mekotleng ya direkwa. Nomsa o ile a lebelela lebotlelo le legolo la malekere a mmala wa namune le lebotlelo la dijeli kgauswi le thili. +O ntšhitše tšhelete potleng a e fa Mandisa. O šupile malekere ao a nyakago gomme Mandisa a reka. Mandisa a tsenya le lolipopo ye hubedu. +“Se ke sa go mphološa gore ke se tsene mathateng,” a realo Mandisa. “Ke a tseba o rata dilolipopo tše dihubedu.” +Ka bobedi ba be ba rwele mekotla ya direkwa ba lebile gae gomme Nomsa a mona lolipopo ya gagwe ye hubedu. +  +Kua gae, ba phuthulotše mekotla ya direkwa tafoleng ka khitšhing gomme Mandisa a botšiša, “Mama, nka dira dipanekuku tša go lalela mantšiboa?” +O be a tseba gore Nomsa o rata dipanekuku. “Ee,” a realo mmago bona. “Ka na le mošomo o montši wa go swaya mosegare wo. +O tla be o nthuša ge o ka dira dijo tša go lalela.” Mmogo Nomsa le Mandisa ba tswaka folouru, mae, maswi, swikiri le letswatšana ba dira dipanekuku. +Ba tlogetše motswako sebaka sa iri. Gomme ba dira dipanekuku, le dipanekuku le dipanekuku tše dintši. Go be go nkga bose kudu ka moraleng! +Papa o rile ge a boa a leba ka moraleng thwii.  “Nko ya ka e mpotša gore re lalela ka dipanekuku! Gape ke a bona gore barwedi ba ka ba babedi ke baapei. +Le tlile go tsenya eng ka gare ga tšona?” a botšiša. “Go na le nama ya go šilwa ya go šala maabane. Re ka diriša yona,” a realo Mandisa. +“Gape go na le jamo ya apolokose. Ke rata jamo ya apolokose kudu!” a realo Nomsa a fofela godimo le tlase. “Le ya ka,” a realo Papa gomme a sega. +E rile ge Mama a etla ka moraleng a phaphatha diatla. “Le šomile barwedi ba ka!” a realo. Dipanekuku di be di le bose. +“Nka gopola ditswakwa tša motswako,” Nomsa a realo. O emišitše seatla a di balela menwaneng ya gagwe ye mehlano, “Folouru, mae, maswi, +swikiri le letswatšana!” + +Tatagwe o ile a sega a mo phaphatha legetla. “Mosetsana wa ka wa bohlale!” a realo. “Mogongwe le nna ke swanetše go diriša menwana ya ka go gopola dilo!”",nso,Sepedi,Lenaneo la Nomsa la direkw,"Nomsa was watching her big sister, Mandisa, make a necklace. Their mother called from the kitchen, “Mandisa, please go to the shop for me. +Here is the shopping list.” Mandisa read the shopping list, “Bread, margarine, peanut butter, ...",,Cicely van Straten,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lenaneo-la-nomsa-la-direkwa +nomsa’s-shopping-list,"Nomsa o ne a lebile ausi wa gagwe o mogolo, Mandisa, a dira sebaga. Mmaabona a bo a bitsa go tswa kwa kitšhining, +“Mandisa, tsweetswee nkele lebenkeleng. Lenaane la go reka ke le.” Mandisa a buisa lenaane la go reka kwa mabenkeleng, +“Borotho, majerine, phinate-batha, jeme ya apolokose, folouro, mae, sukiri, mašwi, teye le letswai. Ke tla tlhoka dikgetsana di le pedi go rwala dithoto tse.” +Nomsa a ya kwa godimo le kwa tlase. “A nka tsamaya le wena? Tsweetswee a nka tla?” O ne a tshotse madi a a ipoloketseng ona. +O ne a rata dimonamone tse dikgolo tse di kgolokwe tsa mmala wa namune kwa marekelong. “A mme go a tlhokega?” Mandisa a ngongorega. +O n e a na le dingwaga di le somepedi mme Nomsa o ne a na le di le thataro mme ka dinako dingwe o bona monnawe a mo dia ka go salela kwa morago. +“O tla tshwanelwa ke go nthusa go rwala dithoto.” “Ke tla dira jalo, ke tla dira jalo!” Nomsa a solofetsa. “Buisa lenaane gape, ke batla go utlwa gore re +ya go reka eng.” “Borotho, majerine, phinate-batha, jeme ya apolokose, folouro, mae, sukiri, mašwi, teye le letswai,” ga buisa Mandisa fa +Nomsa a bala dilo ka menwana. Dilo tse lesome, e nngwe le e nngwe ke ya monwana o le mongwe. Nomsa o ne a ese a kgone go buisa, +fela o ne a itse go gopola dilo sentle thata. + +Basetsana ba ya mo mmileng. Phefo e ne e foka! Ya pheula mesese ya bona ya ba ya tlatsa leswe mo mmileng mme la tabogela le go +itshopaganya ka maoto a bona. Fa ba feta mo saluneng sa meriri mo karatšheng ya ga Mme Ngubane ba bona Fezeka le Phumla ba loga meriri. +Mme Ngubane o ne a le setswerere sa go loga meriri. Fezeka le Phumla e ne e le ditsala tse dikgolo tsa ga Mandisa. +“Ijoo, o montle e le tota!” ga bua Mandisa a tsena mo saluneng go leba setaele se sentšhwa sa mologo. Se ne se le se sentle e le tota. +“O apere hempe e ntšhwa,” Mandisa a bolelela Fezeka. A inama go utlwelela lesela ka menwana ya gagwe. “O e rekile kae?” +Nomsa a ngongorega. O ne a batla gore ba itlhaganelele go ya lebenkeleng. Fela se Mandisa a akanyang ka sona malatsi a ke diaparo, moriri le ditlhako. +“Ke rata sebaga sa gago, Phumla!” ga bua Mandisa a sekamela ka mo go ene go tshwara sebaga sa tsala ya gagwe se sentšhwa. Fela, ijoo nna we! +Phefo ya foka ka lenaane la go reka la tswa mo seatleng sa ga Mandisa! La fofa go tlola legora, la tlola le dithulelo tsa ntlo ya baagisane. +Le ne le ile, le ile, le ile! Go fitlhela le sa bonagale! “Jaanong ke mo mathateng,” ga bua Mandisa a baya letsogo mo molomong. +“Ke tshwanetse go boela gae ke kope Mama a mphe lenaane le lengwe, fela o tlile go tenega!” + +“Ga go tlhokege! Ke gakologelwa lenaane la go reka,” ga bua Nomsa a ya kwa godimo le kwa tlase. “Ke gakologelwa sengwe le sengwe.” +A emisa matsogo a gagwe a bala dilo tsotlhe tse di mo lenaaneng la go reka mo menwaneng ya gagwe e e lesome. +Monwana mongwe le mongwe e ne e le wa sengwe le sengwe mo lenaaneng la go reka. “Borotho, majerine, phinate-batha, jeme ya apolokose, +folouro, mae, sukiri, mašwi, teye le letswai!” a rialo. Mandisa a mo leba a kgakgametse. “Tiro e ntle e le tota, Sisi! Ke itumela fa o tlile le nna. +A re ye kwa lebenkeleng ka bonako go reka dilo tseo. E seng jalo Mama o tlile go tenega.” Fa ba goroga kwa lebenkeleng la Mambhele Cash Store, +Mandisa a kopa dilo tsotlhe tse Nomsa a neng a di gakologelwa ka menwana ya gagwe e e lesome mme a di tsenya mo dikgetsaneng tsa dithoto. +Nomsa o ne a lebile lebotlolo le legolo la dimonamone tsa mmala wa namune le lebotlolo la jelly babies gaufi le thili. +A ntsha madi mo kgetsaneng ya gagwe a e naya Mandisa. A mmontsha dimonamone tse a neng a di batla mme Mandisa a di reka. +Mandisa a mo rekela le lolipopo e e khibidu. “Ke ka gonne o nkitshitse mo kotsing,” ga bua Mandisa. “Ke a itse gore o rata dilolipopo tse di khibidu.” +  +Ba thusana go tshwara dithoto go boela gae Nomsa a ntse a mokona lolipopo.  Kwa gae, ba simolola go ntsha dithoto mo dikgetsaneng +ba di baya mo tafoleng ya kitšhini mme Mandisa a botsa, “Mama, a nka dira dipanekuku tse re tla lalelang ka tsona maitsiboa?” +O ne a itse gore Nomsa o rata dipanekuku. “Ee,” ga bua mmabona. “Ke na le tiro e ntsi ya sekolo e ke tshwanetseng go e tshwaya. +O tla bo o nthusitse fa o ka dira dijo tsa bosigo.” Mmogo Nomsa le Mandisa ba tlhakanya folouro, mae, mašwi, sukiri le letswai le lennye go dira dipanekuku. +Ba tlogela motswako go ema ura pele ga ba o dirisa. Jaanong ba simolola go dira dipanekuku, ba dira dipanekuku ba dira dipanekuku di le dintsi. +Kitšhini e ne e nkga monate! Fa Papa a goroga mo gae, a ya ka tlhamalalo kwa kitšhining. “Nko ya me e mpolelela gore re tlile go ja dipanekuku bosigong jo! +  +E bile ke bona barwadi ba me ka bobedi ke diapei. Lo tlile go tsenya eng fa gare ga tsona?” a botsa. “Go na le nama ya minsi e e setseng maabane. +Re tla dirisa yona,” ga bua Mandisa. “Gape go na le jeme ya apolokose. Jeme ya apolokose ke e rata go feta dilo tsotlhe mo lefatsheng!” ga bua Nomsa. +“Le nna fela jalo,” ga bua Papa a tshega. Fa Mama a goroga mo kitšhining, a opa legofi. “Lo dirile bontle, basetsana ba me!” a rialo. +Dipanekuku di ne di le monate. “Ke gakologelwa resipe ya metswako,” ga bua Nomsa. A tsholetsa seatla a simolola go bala ka menwana e le metlhano. +“Folouro, mae, mašwi, sukiri le letswai le lennye!” +  + +Rraagwe a tshega a mo forogotlha mo legetleng. “Mosetsana wa me yo o botlhale!” a rialo. “Gongwe le nna ke tshwanetse go menwana ya me go gakologelwa dilo!”c",tsn,Setswana,Lenaane la ga Nomsa la go reka kwa mabenkeleng,"Nomsa was watching her big sister, Mandisa, make a necklace. Their mother called from the kitchen, “Mandisa, please go to the shop for me. +Here is the shopping list.” Mandisa read the shopping list, “Bread, margarine, peanut butter, ...",,Cicely van Straten,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/lenaane-la-ga-nomsa-la-go-reka-kwa-mabenkeleng +nomsa’s-shopping-list,"Nomsa a langute sesi wa yena, Mandisa, loko a ri karhi a hulela xo ambala enhan’wini. Manana wa vona a huwelela a ri exitangeni, +“Mandisa, ndzi kombela u ndzi yela evhengeleni. Hilowu nongoloko wa swo xava.” Mandisa a hlaya nongoloko wa swo xava, +“Xinkwa, majarini, botere ya timanga, jamu ya maapirikhoto, fulawuri, mandza, chukele, masi, tiya na munyu. Hinkwaswo ndzi ta lava tibeke timbirhi.” +Nomsa a ya ehenhla na le hansi. “Xana na mina ndzi nga ta? Ndzi kombela ku famba na wena?” A ri na mali leyi a yi hlayisile. +A rhandza swiwitsi leswikulu swa xirhendzewutani swa xilamula leswi nga le vhelengeleni. “Swa boha na?” Mandisa a hefemulela ehenhla. +A ri na malembe ya khumembirhi kasi Nomsa a ri na malembe ya tsevu naswona hi mikarhi yin’wana a karhala hi ndzisana ya yena loko a +famba na yena a n’wi sale endzhaku. “U ta fanela ku ndzi pfuna ku rhwala swilo ke.” +  +“Ndzi ta ku pfuna, ndzi ta ku pfuna!” ku tshembisa Nomsa. “Hlaya nongoloko nakambe, ndzi lava ku twa leswi hi faneleke ku swi xava.” +“Xinkwa, majarini, botere ya timanga, jamu ya maapirikhoto, fulawuri, mandza, chukele, masi, tiya na munyu,” +ku hlaya Mandisa loko Nomsa a ri karhi a hlayela hi tintiho. Khume ra swilo, xin’we eka rintiho rin’wana na rin’wana. +Nomsa a nga si swi kota ku hlaya, kambe a ri kahle eka ku tsundzuka swilo. + +Vamakwavo va humile va nghena exitarateni. Moya a wu ri eku hungeni! A wu hunga swiambalo swa vona na ku hangalasa malakatsa +ma khunguluka na ku tsutsuma exitarateni. Loko va ri karhi va hundza laha ku tirhiwaka kona misisi eka garaji ya +Manana Ngubane va vona Fezeka na Phumla va ri karhi va luka misisi. Manana Ngubani a swi kota swinene ku luka misisi. +Fezeka na Phumla a va ri vanghana va Mandisa lavakulu. “Yoo, u languteka u sasekile!” ku vuvula Mandisa loko a ya laha ku endliwaka +kona misisi ku ya vona xitayili xintshwa xa malukelo. A xi sasekile swinene. “U ambarile hambe yintshwa,” Mandisa a byela Fezeka. +A korhama kutani hi le xikarhi ka tintiho a ringeta lapi leri va ri tirhiseke. “Xana lexi u xi kumile kwihi?” Nomsa a hefemulela ehenhla. +A lava ku ya fika evhengeleni hi xihatla. Kambe swilo hinkwaswo leswi Mandisa a ehleketa hi swona masiku lawa a ku ri swiambalo na misisi na tintangu. +  +“Ndzi rhandza vuhlalu bya wena lebyintshwa, Phumla!” ku vula Mandisa loyi a ri karhi a korhama ku khoma vuhlalu leyintshwa bya munghana wa yena. +Endzhaku, eeh-eeh! Moya wu vutla nongoloko wa swo xava evokweni ra Mandisa! Wu haha wu tlula khumbi, wu hundza na lwangu ra vaakelani. +Wu fambile, ku famba, ku famba! Wu fambile hakanene, wu fambile! “Ndzi le khombyeni sweswi,” ku vula Mandisa a ri karhi a vekela voko enon’weni wa yena. +“Ndzi fanele ku tlhelela ekaya ndzi ya kombela nongoloko wuntshwa eka Manana naswona ndza swi tiva leswaku u ta ndzi holovela!” + +“U nga kali u endla sweswo! Ndza wu tsundzuka nongoloko wa swo xava,” ku vula Nomsa a ri karhi a tlulela ehenhla na le hansi. +“Ndzi tsundzuka hinkwaswo.” A yimisa swandla swa yena a sungula ku swi hlaya hi tintiho ta yena ta khume. Rintiho rin’wana na rin’wana a +ku ri nchumu lowu a wu ri eka nongoloko wa swo xava. “Xinkwa, majarini, botere ya timanga, jamu ya maapirikhoto, fulawuri, mandza, chukele, +masi, tiya na munyu!” a vula. Mandisa a languteka a hlamarile. “U tirhile, Sesi! Ndzi tsakile u fambe na mina. +A hi hatlisi hi ya evhengeleni ku ya xava swilo leswi. Handle ka swona Manana u ta nzdi holovela.” “Loko va fika eMambhele Cash Store, +Mandisa a kombela swilo hinkwaswo leswi Nomsa a swi tsundzuka hi tintiho ta yena ta khume kutani a swi chela endzeni ka mikwama yo xavela. +Nomsa a sondzolota bodhlele lerikulu ra swiwitsi swa xilamula na bodhlele ra swiwitsi swa tibaby jelly ekusuhi na thili. +  +U humesile mali ya yena a yi nyika Mandisa. A kombetela swiwitsi leswi a swi lava kutani Mandisa a swi xava. +Mandisa na yena a engetela hi lolipopo yo tshwuka. “Xexo i xa ku va u ndzi ponisile ndzi huma ekhombyeni,” ku vula Mandisa. +“Ndza swi tiva u rhandza lolipopo yo tshwuka.” Un’wana na un’wana u rhwarile nkwama wo xavela va ya ekaya Nomsa a ri karhi a +tswontswa lolipopo ya yena yo tshwuka. Ekaya, va hangunuxele mikwama ya leswi va nga swi xava etafuleni ra le xitangeni kutani Mandisa a vutisa a ku, +“Manana, xana ndzi nga endla tiphenikhekhi leswaku hi ta lalela hi tona namuntlha?” A swi tiva leswaku Nomsa u rhandza tiphenikhekhi. +“Ina,” ku vula manana wa vona. “Ndzi na ntirho wo tala wa xikolo ku wu lulamisa ndzhenga wa namuntlha. +Swi nga ndzi pfuna ngopfu loko wo lulamisa swo lalela.” +  +Havumbirhi Nomsa na Mandisa va pfuva fulawuri, mandza, masi, chukele na munyu wutsongo ku endla tiphenikheki. +Va tshikile swipfanganisiwa kuringana awara. Kutani va endla tiphenikhekhi na tiphenikehkhi na tiphenikhekhi to tala. Xitanga xi nun’hwela kahle!  +Loko Tatana a vuya, u kongomile exitangeni. “Nhopfu ya mina yi ndzi byela leswaku hi ta lalela hi tiphenikhekhi! +Nakambe ndza swi vona leswaku tintombhi ta mina timbirhi hi swona swisweki. Xana mi ta chela yini endzeni ka tona?” a vutisa. +“Ku na swinyamanyamani leswi swi nga sala tolo. Hi nga tirhisa swona,” ku vula Mandisa. “Nakambe ku na jamu ya maapirikhoto. +Jamu ya maapirikhoto ndzi yi rhandza ku tlula swilo hinkwaswo emisaveni!” ku vula Nomsa a ri karhi a tlulela ehenhla na le hansi. +“Na mina,” ku vula Tatana a ri karhi a hleka. Loko Manana a ta exitangeni, a phokotela mavoko. “Mi tirhile kahle, tintombi ta mina!” a vula. +Tiphenikhekhi a ti nandziha swinene. “Ndzi tsundzuka swilo leswi hi swi tirhiseke eka rhisipi,” ku vula Nomsa. +U yimisele xandla xa yena ehenhla a swi hlayela hi tintiho ta yena ta ntlhanu, “Fulawuri, mandza, masi, chukele na munyu wutsongo!” +  + +Tatana wa yena a hleka a n’wi bambatela makatla. “Nhwana wa mina wo tlhariha!” a vula. “Kumbe na mina ndzi fanele ndzi tirhisa tintiho ku tsundzuka swilo!”",tso,Xitsonga,ongoloko wa Nomsa wa swo xav,"Nomsa was watching her big sister, Mandisa, make a necklace. Their mother called from the kitchen, “Mandisa, please go to the shop for me. +Here is the shopping list.” Mandisa read the shopping list, “Bread, margarine, peanut butter, ...",,Cicely van Straten,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nongoloko-wa-nomsa-wa-swo-xava +flying-kite-1,"“Oh no!” gasped Motlatsi and Tshepo as their black and red kite landed on Mrs Ntshona’s roof winding itself around the TV aerial.  +“Quick! We must pull it loose!” shouted Tshepo.  +Motlatsi grabbed the string and tugged. To his horror, the TV aerial that was already old, bent over until it almost touched the tiles on their neighbour’s roof. + + +“Dad will be so angry!” Tshepo cried, covering his face with his hands. +“Not half as angry as Mrs Ntshona!” Motlatsi replied. He grabbed his brother and ducked behind the garage. “Look! There she is!” +Sure enough, Mrs Ntshona stood outside her kitchen door with her hands on her hips. The boys could see that she was angry. She looked up at the roof and saw the bent aerial. Her eyes widened. She shook her head. Her two eyebrows came together in the middle of her face. She tapped her foot on the floor. Her lips were one straight line. +“Dad told us to fly the kite only in the park and we promised we would!” whispered Tshepo to his brother. +“We’re in big trouble now,” agreed Motlatsi. “We didn’t listen to him! What do you think he will do?” His foot kicked the dust. +“Maybe Dad will take away our kite,” replied Tshepo, “or he won’t give us money to buy sweets again.” He stared into his brother’s eyes. +A look of disappointment passed over Motlatsi’s face. “Yikes! What else?” +“We broke our promise. A promise is forever.” Tshepo sat down and put his head in his hands. +“So what happens now?” asked Motlatsi as he bit his nails. +Tshepo scratched his head. “Dad won’t trust us again.” +“What does that mean, Tshepo? What is trust?” ask Motlatsi. +“Ssh! Not so loud! Mrs Ntshona will hear us! I think it means that he won’t believe us when we tell him something,” Tshepo whispered. +“You mean like when I said that I passed Maths at school?” asked Motlatsi, sweating. +“No, he believed that because he read your school report,” said Tshepo. +“You mean like if I tell him I ate ice-cream for lunch?” suggested Motlatsi, trying to understand. +Tshepo shook his head. “Not exactly,” he said. “It has to be something important.” +“Like when I lost the two rand he gave me?” asked Motlatsi. “I told him it dropped out of my pocket.” +“He knew that was true because you had a hole in your pocket,” explained Tshepo. +“What then? Does it mean Dad will go away and never come back? Or will he send us away?” asked Motlatsi, about to cry. +Tshepo shook his head. “Never! Dad loves us! It’s just that if you promise someone that you won’t do something, then you must not do it – ever. And, if you promise someone that you will do something, then you must do it so the person can trust you. Like when you promised Sibongile you’d find her new pen and you did! Now sshh!” +Tshepo and Motlatsi peered around the corner of the garage. They saw Mrs Ntshona look at her cellphone. She was about to make a call. +“She’s going to phone Dad! Oh no! How can we stop her?” said Motlatsi. He was about to run away when Tshepo took a risk. He stepped out, straight into danger! +“Hello, Mrs Ntshona,” said Tshepo walking towards the fence. “I’m so sorry about your aerial.” +Mrs Ntshona looked him up and down with her lips pinched shut. She was breathing fast. “A new aerial costs money you know, Tshepo. Perhaps you must find work and buy me a new one!” Her voice rang out loud as a bell. +“My dad gives us pocket money,” said Motlatsi coming up to stand beside his brother. “We will use our pocket money to buy you a new aerial.” He wished he hadn’t said that, but he knew he had to. +“Really?” said Mrs Ntshona as her voice rose higher. “When do you get pocket money and how much?” +“We each get five rand a week,” they whispered together, backing away a little. +“That’s ten rand a week. We can save up …” said Tshepo, his voice trailing off. It could take a long time to pay for a new aerial and Dad would find out what had happened. +The brothers were so busy looking at each other helplessly that they forgot about Mrs Ntshona. When they looked at her again, they were surprised. Mrs Ntshona had a look on her face that was soft and dreamy. +The boys held their breath. +“Children, I had a kite once. It was grey and pink. I stood in the garden of my grandfather’s house in Lesotho holding its string. It rose high into the sky. It looked so happy. I let it go. I watched it sail higher and higher until I couldn’t see it anymore.” +She smiled at the boys. “It’s okay, Tshepo and Motlatsi. I won’t tell your father. That old aerial was useless anyway. I needed to buy a new one. I’ll get the ladder and you can climb up and get your kite.” + + +As she walked away the brothers heard her say, “I might even have some hot chocolate and cake in the kitchen when you come down!” +The boys just looked at each other and smiled. + +Get creative! +In the story, there is a description of what Mrs Ntshona’s face looks like when she is angry. Encourage your children to draw a picture of what their face or a friend’s face looks like when they are angry.",eng,English,Flying a kite,"Tshepo and Motlatsi are flying their kite when it accidently ends up on their neighbour’s roof and breaks her TV aerial. The boys hide because they are scared they will get into trouble. What will the neighbour do? And what will the boys do? + ...",,By Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/flying-kite-1 +flying-kite-1,"“Agge nee!” hyg Motlatsi en Tshepo toe hul swart-en-rooi vlieër op mev. Ntshona se dak beland en om die TV-antenna draai. +“Gou! Ons moet dit lospluk!” skree Tshepo. +Motlatsi gryp die tou en pluk daaraan. Tot sy afgryse knak die TV-antenna, wat al oud is, totdat dit byna aan die teëls op hul bure se dak raak. + + +“Pa gaan so kwaad wees!” sê Tshepo en bedek sy gesig met sy hande. +“Nie naastenby so kwaad soos mev. Ntshona nie!” antwoord Motlatsi. Hy gryp sy broer en hulle duik agter die motorhuis in. “Kyk! Daar is sy!” +En daar staan mev. Ntshona sowaar buite haar kombuisdeur, hande op die heupe. Die seuns kan sien sy is kwaad. Sy kyk op na die dak en sien die stukkende antenna. Haar oë rek. Sy skud haar kop. Sy frons só, dat haar wenkbroue aan mekaar raak. Sy tik met haar voet op die grond. Haar lippe is ’n reguit lyn. +“Pa het gesê ons mag die vlieër net in die park vlieg, en ons het belowe ons sal!” fluister Tshepo vir sy broer. +“Nou’s ons in groot moeilikheid,” stem Motlatsi saam. “Ons het nie na hom geluister nie! Wat dink jy gaan hy doen?” Hy skop stof op met sy voet. +“Dalk sal Pa ons vlieër vat,” antwoord Tshepo, “of hy sal nie weer vir ons geld gee om lekkers te koop nie.” Hy kyk in sy broer se oë. +Teleurstelling flits oor Motlatsi se gesig. “Heng! Wat nog?” +“Ons het ons belofte verbreek. ’n Belofte is vir altyd.” Tshepo gaan sit met sy kop in sy hande. +“So wat gebeur nou?” vra Motlatsi terwyl hy sy naels byt. +Tshepo krap sy kop. “Pa gaan ons nie weer vertrou nie.” +“Wat beteken dit, Tshepo? Wat is vertroue?” vra Motlatsi. +“Ssjj! Nie so hard nie! Mev. Ntshona gaan ons hoor! Ek dink dit beteken dat hy ons nie weer sal glo as ons hom iets vertel nie,” fluister Tshepo. +“Jy bedoel soos toe ek gesê het ek het my wiskunde deurgekom?” vra Motlatsi, swetend. +“Nee, hy’t dit geglo, want hy het jou rapport gesien,” sê Tshepo. +“Bedoel jy soos as ek vir hom sê ek het roomys vir middagete geëet?” stel Motlatsi voor in ’n poging om te probeer verstaan. +Tshepo skud sy kop. “Nie eintlik nie,” sê hy. “Dit moet iets belangriks wees.” +“Soos toe ek die twee rand wat hy my gegee het, verloor het?” vra Motlatsi. “Ek het vir hom gesê dit het uit my sak geval.” +“Hy’t geweet dis waar, want daar was ’n gat in jou sak,” verduidelik Tshepo. +“Wat dan? Beteken dit Pa sal weggaan en nooit weer terugkom nie? Of gaan hy ons wegstuur?” vra Motlatsi, na aan trane. +Tshepo skud sy kop. “Nooit as te nimmer nie! Pa is lief vir ons! Dis net dat as ’n mens vir iemand belowe dat jy iets nie sal doen nie, dan moet jy dit nie doen nie – nooit nie. En as jy iemand belowe dat jy wel iets sal doen, dan moet jy dit doen sodat die persoon jou kan vertrou. Soos toe jy vir Sibongile belowe het jy sal haar nuwe pen vind, en toe het jy! Sjuut nou!” +Tshepo en Motlatsi loer om die hoek van die motorhuis. Hulle sien hoe mev. Ntshona na haar selfoon kyk. Sy gaan ’n oproep maak. +“Sy gaan vir Pa bel! Ag, nee! Hoe kan ons haar keer?” vra Motlatsi. Hy wil net weghardloop toe Tshepo ’n kans waag. Hy begin na die heining loop, reg op die gevaar af! +“Hallo, mev. Ntshona,” sê Tshepo toe hy by die heining kom. “Ek is so jammer oor u TV-antenna.” +Mev. Ntshona kyk hom op en af met haar mond op ’n plooi getrek. Sy haal vinnig asem. “’n Nuwe antenna is duur, weet jy, Tshepo. Dalk moet jy ’n werk kry en vir my ’n nuwe een koop!” Haar stem klink kwaai. +“My pa gee vir ons sakgeld,” sê Motlatsi en kom staan langs sy broer. “Ons sal ons sakgeld gebruik om vir u ’n nuwe antenna te koop.” Hy wens hy het dit nie gesê nie, maar hy weet hy moes dit doen. +“Regtig?” sê mev. Ntshona en haar stemtoon styg. “Wanneer kry julle jul sakgeld en hoeveel is dit?” +“Ons kry elkeen vyf rand per week,” fluister hulle saam en staan ’n bietjie terug. +“Dis tien rand per week. Ons kan spaar …” sê Tshepo, en sy stem raak sagter. Dit kan lank duur om vir ’n nuwe antenna te betaal en Pa sal uitvind wat gebeur het. +  +Die broers is so besig om hulpeloos na mekaar te staar, dat hulle van mev. Ntshona vergeet. Toe hulle weer na haar kyk, is hulle verras. Mev. Ntshona het ’n sagte, dromerige uitdrukking op haar gesig. +Die seuns hou asem op. +“Kinders, ek het eens op ’n tyd ’n vlieër gehad. Dit was grys-en-pienk. Ek het in my oupa se tuin in Lesotho gestaan en die tou vasgehou. Die vlieër het hoog in die lug gevlieg. Dit het so vrolik gelyk. Ek het die tou laat los. Ek het gekyk hoe dit hoër en hoër vlieg tot ek dit nie meer kon sien nie.” +Sy glimlag vir die seuns. “Tshepo en Motlatsi, dis als reg. Ek sal nie vir julle pa vertel nie. Die ou antenna was in elk geval nutteloos. Ek moes al ’n nuwe een gekoop het. Ek sal die leer gaan haal en dan kan julle opklim en jul vlieër gaan haal.” + + +Toe sy wegstap hoor die broers haar sê: “Ek het dalk selfs warm sjokolade en koek in die kombuis wanneer julle afkom!” +Die seuns kyk na mekaar en glimlag. +Wees kreatief! +In die storie is daar ’n beskrywing van hoe mev. Ntshona se gesig lyk wanneer sy kwaad is. Moedig jou kinders aan om ’n prent te teken van hoe hul gesigte of ’n maat se gesig lyk wanneer hulle kwaad is.",afr,Afrikaans,Die vlieër,"Tshepo and Motlatsi are flying their kite when it accidently ends up on their neighbour’s roof and breaks her TV aerial. The boys hide because they are scared they will get into trouble. What will the neighbour do? And what will the boys do? + ...",,Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-vlieër +flying-kite-1,"“Aowaowa!” Motlatsi le Tshepo ba goga moya ge khaethe ya bona ya mmala o moso le o mohubedu e kotama marulelong a Moh Ntshona e itata erialeng ya TV. +“Potlaka! Re swanetše go e tatolla!” gwa goeletša Tshepo. +Motlatsi a tšea lenti a le tsenya. Sa go makatša, eriale ya TV ye e šetšego e onetše ya kobega go fihlela e nyaka go kgoma thaele ya marulelo a ntlo ya moagišane. + + +“Tate o tlo befelwa kudu!” Tshepo a realo, a khupetša sefahlego ka diatla. +“E sego seripagare sa go befelwa ga Moh Ntshona!” Motlatsi a fetola. O gogile buti wa gagwe gomme ba iphihla ka morago ga karatšhe. “Lebelela! A šole!” +Ka nnete, Moh Ntshona a ema ka ntle ga morale wa gagwe diatla di lethekeng. Bašemane ba be ba bona gore o befetšwe. O ile a lebelela godimo marulelong gomme a bona eriale ya go kobega. O ile a tomola mahlo. A šikinya hlogo. Dintši tša mahlo a gagwe a mabedi tša kopana gare ga sefahlego. O ile bethišabethiša leoto la gagwe fase. Dipounama tša gagwe e be e le mothaladi o tee. +“Tate o re boditše gore re fofiše khaethe kua phakeng fela gomme ra mo tshepiša gore re tlo dira bjalo!” Tshepo a sebela buti wa gagwe. +“Bjale re bothateng bjo bogolo,” Motlatsi a dumela. “Ga se ra mo theeletša! O nagana gore o tlo dira eng?” A raga lerole ka leoto la gagwe. +“Mo gongwe Tate o tlo re tšeela khaethe ya rena,” gwa fetola Tshepo, “goba a ka se sa re fa tšhelete ya go reka malekere gape.” A lebelela buti wa gagwe ka mahlong. +Sefahlego sa Motlatsi sa laetša go nyama. “Ijoo! Se sengwe ke eng?” +“Ga se ra botegalela tshepišo ya rena. Tshepišo ke ya go ya go ile.” Tshepo a dula fase gomme a tsenya hlogo diatleng. +“Go direga eng bjalo?” Motlatsi a botšiša a loma manala. +Tshepo a ingwaya hlogo. “Tate a ka se sa re tshepa gape.” +“Seo se ra go reng, Tshepo? Tshepo ke eng?” gwa botšiša Motlatsi. +“Sšš! O se dire lešata! Moh Ntshona o tlo re kwa! Ke nagana gore a ka se re tshepe ge re mmotša se sengwe,” Tshepo a hebahebetša. +“O ra gore go swana le ge ke re ke phasitše Mmetse sekolong?” gwa botšiša Motlatsi, a etšwa sethitho. +“Aowa, o tshepile seo ka gobane o bone dipoelo tša gago,” a realo Tshepo. +“O ra gore go swana le ge ke re ke jele aesekherime sekolong ka nako ya matena?” Motlatsi, a šišinya a leka go kwešiša. +Tshepo a šikinya hlogo ya gagwe. “E sego bjalo,” a realo. “E swanetše go ba selo sa bohlokwa.” +“Go swana le mola ke timeditše diranta tše pedi tše a mphilego?” gwa botšiša Motlatsi. “Ke mmoditše gore e wele ka potleng ya ka.” +“O tsebile gore ke nnete ka gobane potla ya gago e na le lešoba,” gwa hlaloša Tshepo. +“Eng, bjalo? Se se ra gore Tate o tlo sepela gomme a se sa ba? Goba o tlo re koba?” Motlatsi, a botšiša, a nyaka go lla. +Tshepo a šikinya hlogo. “A ka seke! Tate o a re rata! Ge o tshepišitše motho gore o ka se dire selo se sengwe, gona o se se dire – le gatee. Gape, ge o tshepišitše motho gore o tla dira selo se sengwe, gona o se dire gore a tle a go tshepe. Go swana le ge o tshepišitše Sibongile gore o tlo mo hweletša pene ye mpsha gomme o dirile bjalo! Bjale ššš!” +Tshepo le Motlatsi ba hlola sekhutlwaneng sa karatšhe. Ba bone Moh Ntshona a lebelela sellathekeng sa gagwe. O be a le kgauswi le go letša mogala. +“O ile go lletša Tate mogala! Aowaowa! Re ka mo emiša bjang?” a realo Motlatsi. O be a le kgauswi le go tšhaba ge Tshepo a ikgafa. A tšwa, a leba kotsing thwii! +“Thobela, Moh Ntshona,” Tshepo a realo a sepelela go ya legoreng. “Ke kgopela tshwarelo mabapi le eriale ya gago.” +Moh Ntshona a mo lebelela go thoma hlogong go fihla leotong a momile molomo. O be a hema ka lebelo. “Wa tseba gore eriale ye mpsha e nyaka tšhelete, Tshepo. Mogongwe o swanetše go nyaka mošomo o nthekele ye mpsha!” Lentšu la gagwe e be e re go lla tšhipi. +“Tate o re fa tšhelete ya go ja sekolong,” Motlatsi a realo, a ema kgauswi le buti wa gagwe. “Re tla go rekela eriale ye mpsha ka tšhelete ye a re fago yona.” O be a duma e ke nkabe a se a bolela bjalo, efela o be a swanetše. +“Eya?” a realo Moh Ntshona lentšu la gagwe le rotogela godingwana. “Le hwetša tšhelete neng, le gona bokae?” +“Yo mongwe le yo mongwe wa rena o hwetša diranta tše hlano ka beke,” ba katakatela morago ba hebaheba mmogo. +“Ke diranta tše lesome ka beke. Re ka boloka …” Tshepo a realo, ka lentšu la go hwelela. Go ka tšea nako ye telele go lefela eriale ye mpšsha gomme Tate o tlo ba a tsebile gore go diregile eng. +Bašemane ba be ba lebeletšane ka go nolega mooko gomme ba lebetše ka ga Moh Ntshona. Ba ile ba makala ge ba mo lebelela gape. Moh Ntshona o be a lebelelega a le boleta ebile eke o a lora. +Bašemane ba hupela moya. +“Lena bana, nkile ka ba le khaethe. E be e na le mmala wo mopududu le wo mopinki. Ke eme ka tšhengwaneng ya rakgolo wa ka kua Lesotho ke swere lenti la yona. E ile godimo lefaufaung. E be e bonala e thabile. Ke e tlogetše gore e fofe. Ke e tlogetše ya ya godimodimo go fihlela ke se sa e bona le gatee.” +A fa bašemane myemyelo. “Go lokile, Tshepo le Motlatsi. Nka se botše Tate wa lena. Eriale yela ya go onala e be e se sa na le mohola. Ke be ke nyaka go reka ye mpsha. Ke tla tliša lleri gomme le tlo namela la tšea khaethe ya lena.” + + +Ge a sepela bašemane ba kwa a re, “Nka le fa tšhokolete ya go fiša le khekhe ka moraleng ge le fetša go fologa!” +Bašemane ba lebeletšana, gomme ba myemyela. + +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Ka kanegelong go na le tlhalošo ya ka fao sefahlego sa Moh Ntshona se lebelelegago ka gona ge a befetšwe. Hlohleletša bana go thala seswantšho sa ka fao sefahlego sa bona goba sa mogwera wa bona se lebelelelago ka gona ge a befetšwe.",nso,Sepedi,Go fofiša khaethe,"Tshepo and Motlatsi are flying their kite when it accidently ends up on their neighbour’s roof and breaks her TV aerial. The boys hide because they are scared they will get into trouble. What will the neighbour do? And what will the boys do? + ...",,Ka Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/go-fofiša-khaethe-0 +flying-kite-1,"“Tjhe, bo!” ha tshoha Motlatsi le Tshepo nakong eo khaete ya bona e mmala o mofubedu le o motsho e welang hodima ntlo ya Mof Ntshona mme e ikgara ka eriale ya TV. +“Phakisa! Re lokela ho e fasolla!” ha hoeletsa Tshepo. +Motlatsi a phamola kgwele mme a e harela. A tshoha haholo ha a bona eriale ya TV e neng e se e le ya kgale, e kobeha ho fihlela e batla e thetsa dithaele hodima ntlo ya moahisane wa bona. + + +“Ntate o tlo halefa haholo!” Tshepo a lla, a ikwala sefahleho ka matsoho a hae. +“A keke a halefa jwaloka Mof Ntshona!” Motlatsi a araba. A phamola moenae mme ba ipata kamora karatjhe. “Sheba! Ke yane!” +Ehlile, Mof Ntshona o ne a eme ka ntle pela lemati la hae la kitjhine a itshwere thekeng. Bashemane bao ba ne ba mmona hore o halefile. A sheba hodimo marulelong mme a bona eriale e kobehileng. Yaba o tona mahlo. A sisinya hlooho. A sosobanya sefahleho. A tila ka leoto fatshe. Molomo wa hae o ne o tleberane feela. +“Ntate o itse re fofisetse khaete kwana phakeng feela mme re mo tshepisitse hore re tla etsa jwalo!” ha hoeshetsa Tshepo ho moenae. +“Re mathateng a maholo jwale,” Motlatsi a dumela. “Ha re a mo mamela! O nahana hore o tla etsang?” A nna a raha mobu fatshe. +“Mohlomong Ntate o tla re hlotha khaete ya rona,” ha araba Tshepo, “kapa a se hlole a re fa tjhelete ya ho reka dipompong hape.” A dula a tjametse moenae. +Sefahleho sa Motlatsi se ne se shebeha se swabile haholo. “Ao tjhe! Re tla reng?” +“Re robile tshepiso ya rona. Tshepiso e lokela ho bolokwa.” Tshepo a dula fatshe mme a kenya hlooho ya hae ka hara matsoho a hae. +“Jwale, ho etsahala eng jwale?” ha botsa Motlatsi a ntse a itoma dinala. +Tshepo a ingwaya hlooho. “Ntate a keke a hlola a re tshepa.” +“Seo se bolela eng, Tshepo? Tshepo ke eng?” ha botsa Motlatsi. +“Ssh! Se ke wa buela hodimo! Mof Ntshona o tla re utlwa! Ke nahana hore e bolela hore a keke a hlola a re kgolwa ha re mmolella ho hong,” ha hweshetsa Tshepo. +“O bolela hore jwaloka ha ne ke mmolella hore ke pasitse Dipalo sekolong?” ha botsa Motlatsi, a fufulelwa. +“Tjhe, eo o ile a e kgolwa hobane o ile a bala raporoto ya hao ya sekolo,” ha rialo Tshepo. +“O bolela hore ha nka mmolella hore ke jele aesekerimi bakeng sa dijo tsa motsheare?” ha hlahisa Motlatsi, a leka ho utlwisisa. +Tshepo a sisinya hlooho. “Eseng jwalo hantle,” a rialo. “E lokela hore e be ntho ya bohlokwa.” +“Jwaloka ha ke ne ke lahlile diranta tse pedi tseo a neng a mphile tsona?” ha botsa Motlatsi. “Ke ile ka mmolella hore tjhelete eo e wele ke e kentse ka pokothong.” +“O ne a tseba hore o bua nnete hobane ho ne ho ena le lesoba pokothong ya hao,” ha hlalosa Tshepo.  +“Jwale re tla etsang? Na hoo ho bolela hore Ntate o tla tsamaya a se hlole a kgutla? Kapa o tla re leleka?” ha botsa Motlatsi, a batla ho lla. +Tshepo a sisinya hlooho. “Tjhe bo! Ntate o a re rata! Taba ke hore feela ha o tshepisa motho hore o keke wa etsa ntho, o lokela hore o se ke wa e etsa – hohang. Mme, haeba o tshepisa motho hore o tla etsa ntho, o lokela ho e etsa e le hore a tle a o tshepe. Jwaloka ha o ne o tshepisitse Sibongile hore o tla fumana pene ya hae e ntjha mme wa etsa jwalo! Jwale, sshh!” +Tshepo le Motlatsi ba nyarela hukung ya karatjhe. Ba bona Mof Ntshona a shebile selefouno ya hae. O ne a batla ho founa. +“O tlo founela Ntate! Tjhe bo! Re ka mo thiba jwang?” ha rialo Motlatsi. O ne a se a batla ho baleha ha Tshepo a kgetha ho ikenya tsietsing. A hlahella hantle ka hara kotsi! +“Dumela, Mof Ntshona,” ha rialo Tshepo a atamela terateng. “Ke maswabi haholo ka eriale ya hao.” +Mof Ntshona a mo sheba a mo nyolosa, a mo theosa a tiisitse molomo wa hae. O ne a phefumoloha ka potlako. “Eriale e ntjha e bitsa tjhelete e ngata o a tseba, Tshepo. Mohlomong o tla tlameha ke ho batla mosebetsi o tsebe ho nthekela yona!” Lentswe la hae le ne le phahame jwaloka tshepe e llang. +“Ntate o re fa tjheletana kgwedi le kgwedi,” ha rialo Motlatsi a atamela ho tla ema pela moholwane wa hae. “Re tla sebedisa tjheletana eo ho o rekela eriale e ntjha.” O ne a lakatsa eka a ka be a sa tjho jwalo, empa o ne a tseba hore o lokela ho etsa jwalo. +“Ka nnete?” ha rialo Mof Ntshona a phahamisa lentswe le ho feta. “Le fumana tjheletana ee neng le hona ke bokae?” +“Re fumana diranta tse hlano motho ka mong ka beke,” ba hweshetsa ba le babedi, ba tjhetjhella morao. +“Ke diranta tse leshome ka beke. Re ka e boloka …” ha rialo Tshepo, lentswe la hae le eya tlase. Ho ne ho tla nka nako e telele ho lefella eriale e ntjha mme Ntate o ne a tla qetella a fumane ditaba tsena hore ho etsahetseng. +Bashemane bana ba ne ba duletse ho shebana ba tshohile ba lebetse ka Mof Ntshona. Ha ba mo sheba hape, ba ne ba maketse. Mof Ntshona o ne a fetohile sefahlehong, se le bonolo, se le mosa. +Bashemane bao ba tshwara moya.  +“Bana ting, le nna nkile ka ba le khaete. E ne e le boputswa le bopinki. Ke ne ke eme jareteng ya ntatemoholo wa ka kwana Lesotho ke tshwere kgwele ya yona. E ile ya phahamela hodimo marung. E ne e shebahala e thabile. Ka e tlohela. Ka e shebella ha e fofela hodimodimo ho fihlela ke se ke sa e bone.” +A bososela le bashemane. “Ho lokile, Tshepo le Motlatsi. Nkeke ka bolella ntate wa lona. Eriale yane ya kgale e ne e se e sa sebetse. Ke ne ke ntse ke hloka ho reka e ntjha. Ke tla lata lere mme le tla hlwella ka hodimo le late khaete ya lona.”  + + +Eitse ha a tsamaya bashemane bana ba mo utlwa a re, “Mohlomong ke bile ke na le tjhokolete e tjhesang le kuku ka mane ka kitjhineng ha se le theohetse fatshe!” +Bashemane bao ba shebana mme ba bososela. +Eba le boiqapelo! +Paleng ena, ho na le tlhaloso ya kamoo sefahleho sa Mof Ntshona se shebahalang ka teng ha a halefile. Kgothaletsa bana ba hao ho taka setshwantsho sa sefahleho sa bona kapa sa motswalle wa bona ha a halefile.",sot,Sesotho,Ho fofisa khaete,"Tshepo and Motlatsi are flying their kite when it accidently ends up on their neighbour’s roof and breaks her TV aerial. The boys hide because they are scared they will get into trouble. What will the neighbour do? And what will the boys do? + ...",,Ka Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ho-fofisa-khaete +flying-kite-1,"“Ijoo wee!” Motlatsi le Tshepo ba ne ba tshoga fa khaete ya bona e e bontsho le bohibidu e wela mo godimo ga marulelo a ga Moh Ntshona e ikgokelela ka eriele ya TV. +“Ka bonako! Re tshwanetse go e bofolola!” Tshepo a goa. +Motlatsi o ne a phamola mogala mme a o goga. Se se mo tshositseng, eriele ya TV e e neng e setse e tsofetse, e ne ya kobega go fitlhela e e le gaufi le go tshwara dithaele tsa marulelo a moagisane wa bona.  + + +“Rre o tlile go tenega thata!” Tshepo a lela, a tswala sefatlhego sa gagwe ka matsogo a gagwe. +“E seng halofo ya go tenega go tshwana le Moh Ntshona!” Motlatsi a araba. A goga monnawe mme a tikela ka bonako mo morago ga karatšhe. “Bona! Ke yoo!” +E le ruri, Moh Ntshona o ne a eme mo morago ga setswalo sa gagwe sa kitšhini matsogo a gagwe a le mo lethekeng la gagwe. Basimane ba ne ba kgona go bona gore o tenegile thata. O ne a lebelela kwa godimo ga marulelo mme a bona eriele e e kobegileng. Matlho a gagwe a bulega thata. A tshikinya tlhogo ya gagwe. Dintshi tsa gagwe tsa matlho tsa kopanela mo gare ga sefatlhego sa gagwe. A phophotha leoto la gagwe mo fatshe. Dipounama tsa gagwe e ne e le mola o mongwe o mo telele. +“Rre o re boleletse gore re fofise khaete fela kwa phakeng mme re tshepisitse gore re tlile go dira jalo!” Tshepo a sebela morwarraagwe. +“Re mo mathateng a magolo jaanong,” Motlatsi a dumela. “Ga re a mo utlwelela! O nagana gore o tla dira eng?” Leoto la gagwe la raga lerole. +“Gongwe Rre o tla tsaya khaete ya rona,” ga araba Tshepo, “kgotsa ga a na go re fa madi a go reka dimonamone gape.” A lebelela mo matlhong a morwarraagwe. +Sefatlhego sa ga Motlatsi se ne se swabile. “Ai! Eng gape?” +“Re tlodile tshepiso ya rona. Tshepiso ke selo sa bosakhutleng.” Tshepo a dula mo fatshe mme a tsenya tlhogo ya gagwe mo matsogong a gagwe. +“Go diragala eng jaanong?” ga botsa Motlatsi fa a loma dinala tsa gagwe. +Tshepo a ngapa tlhogo ya gagwe. “Rre a ka se re tshepe gape.” +“Se o se raya goreng, Tshepo? Ke eng go tshepa?” ga botsa Motlatsi. +“Ssh! E seng kwa godimo jalo! Moh Ntshona o tla re utlwa! Ke nagana gore go raya gore ga a na go re dumela gape fa re mmolelela sengwe,” Tshepo a sebaseba. +“O raya jaaka ke ne ke re ke falotse Dipalo kwa sekolong?” Motlatsi a botsa, a fufula. +“Nnyaa, o dumetse seo gonne a buisitse pegelotiro ya gago ya sekolo,” Tshepo a rialo. +“O raya gore jaaka fa ke mmolelela gore ke jele aesekerimi motshegare?” Motlatsi a tshitshinya, a leka go tlhaloganya. +Tshepo a tshikinya tlhogo ya gagwe. “E seng jalo,” a rialo. “E tshwanetse e nne selo se se botlhokwa.” +“Jaaka fa ke ne ke latlhile diranta tse pedi tse a neng a di mphile?” Motlatsi a botsa. “Ke mmoleletse gore e wele mo kgetsing ya me.” +“O ne a itse gore seo ke nnete ka gonne kgetsi ya gago e ne e gagogile,” Tshepo a tlhalosa. +“Jaanong eng? A se se raya gore Rre o tla tsamaya mme a se tlhole a boa? Kgotsa o tla re koba?” ga botsa Motlatsi, a batla go lela. +Tshepo a tshikinya tlhogo. “Le e seng! Rre o a re rata! Ke fela gore fa o tshepisa motho gore o ka se dire selo, ga o a tshwanela go se dira – ka dinako tsotlhe. Mme, fa o tshepisa motho gore o tla dira sengwe, o tshwanetse go se dira gore motho a go tshepe. Jaaka fa o ne o tshepisitse Sibongile gore o tla bona pene ya gagwe e ntšhwa o bo o e bona! Jaanong sshh!” +Tshepo le Motlatsi ba ne ba okomela kwa morago ga karatšhe. Ba bona Moh Ntshona a lebeletse selefounu ya gagwe. O ne a tloga a letsa mogala. +“O ile go leletsa Rre! Nnyaa! Re ka mo emisa jang?” ga rialo Motlatsi. O ne a re o a tshaba fa Tshepo a itsenya mo kotsing. O ne a tswela kwa ntle, mo gare ga kotsi! +“Dumela, Moh Ntshona,” ga rialo Tshepo a tsamaela kwa terateng. “Ke kopa maitshwarelo ka eriele ya gago.” +Moh Ntshona a mo lebelela kwa godimo le kwa tlase molomo wa gagwe o tswalegile. O ne a hemela kwa godimo. “Eriele e ntšhwa e tlhwatlhwagodimo o a itse, Tshepo. Gongwe o ka batla tiro wa nthekela e ntšhwa!” Lentswe la gagwe la tswela kwa ntle le le kwa godimo jaaka tloloko. +“Rre o re fa madi a kgwedi le kgwedi,” ga rialo Motlatsi a tla go ema mo thoko ga monnawe. “Re tla dirisa madi a rona go go rekela eriele e ntšhwa.” O ne a eletsa gore a ka bo a sa bua seo, mme fela o ne a itse gore o ne a tshwanetse. +“Ruri?” ga rialo Moh Ntshona fa lentswe la gagwe le ya kwa godimo. “Lo a fiwa leng madi a kgwedi e bile ke bokae?” +“Ka bobedi re fiwa diranta tse tlhano ka beke,” ba sebaseba mmogo, ba boela morago ga nnye. +“Ke diranta tse lesome ka beke. Re ka boloka …” ga rialo Tshepo, lentswe la gagwe le nyelela. Go ka tsaya nako e telele go e duelela eriele e ntšhwa mme Rre o tla itse gore go diragetse eng. +Barwarre ba ne ba lebelelane ba feletswe ke maatla ebile ba lebetse ka Moh Ntshona. Fa ba mo lebelela gape, ba ne ba maketse. Sefatlhego sa ga Moh Ntshona se ne se lebega se le bolete ebile se bontsha toro. +Basimane ba tshwara mowa wa bona. +“Bana, ke ne ke na le khaete pele. E ne e le kwebu le pinki. Ke ne ke eme mo gare ga tshimo ya ntlo ya ga rremogolo kwa Lesotho ke e tshwere ka mogala wa teng. E ne ya fofela kwa godimo kwa loaping. E ne e lebega e itumetse thata. Ka e tlogela. Ke ne ka e lebelela e fofela kwa godimodimo go fitlhela e sa tlhola e bonala.” +O ne a nyenya le basimane. “Go siame, Tshepo le Motlatsi. Nka se bolelele rraalona. Eriele ele e e tsofetseng e ne e ntse e se na mosola. Ke ne ke tlhoka go reka e ntšhwa. Ke tla ntsha lere mme lo pagame kwa godimo lo ntshe khaete ya lona.” + + +Fa a tsamaya ba mo utlwa a re, “Gongwe ke tla bo ke na le seno se se molelo sa tšhokolete le kuku mo kitšhining fa lo fologa!” +Basimane ba ile ba lebana mme ba nyenya.  +Nna le boitlhamedi! +Mo leinaneng, go na le tlhaloso gore sefatlhego sa ga Moh Ntshona se lebega jang fa a tenegile. Rotloetsa bana ba gago go taka gore setshwantsho sa sefatlhego sa bona kgotsa sa tsala se nna jang fa ba tenegile.",tsn,Setswana,Go fofisa khaete | Multilingual stories,"Tshepo and Motlatsi are flying their kite when it accidently ends up on their neighbour’s roof and breaks her TV aerial. The boys hide because they are scared they will get into trouble. What will the neighbour do? And what will the boys do? + ...",,Ka Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/go-fofisa-khaete +flying-kite-1,"“Owu hayi!” waphefumlela phezulu uMotlatsi noTshepo xa ikhayiti yabo emnyama nabomvu isiwa phezu kophahla lukaNksk Ntshona futhi izibhijela ecingweni lukamabonakude. +“Masikhawulezise! Kufuneka siyitsale ukuze ikhululeke!” wakhwaza uTshepo. +UMotlatsi wanqakula umtya waze watsala. Okwamothusayo kukusuka ucingo lukamabonakude obeseluludala lugobe lude luphantse ukufika kwiithayili zophahla lommelwane wabo. + + +“Uza kucaphuka kakhulu uTata!” wakhala uTshepo, egquma ubuso bakhe ngezandla zakhe.  +Ingqumbo yakhe ayinakuba siso nesiqingatha saleyo kaNksk Ntshona!” waphendula uMotlatsi. Waxhakamfula umntakwabo baze bazimela ngaphaya kwegaraji. “Khangela! Nanko!” +Ngokuqinisekileyo, uNksk Ntshona wayemi phandle ngasemnyango wekhitshi lakhe ebambelele esinqeni sakhe ngezandla zakhe. Amakhwenkwe ayembona ukuba unomsindo. Wajonga phezu kophahla waze walubona ucingo lukamabonakude ukuba lugobile. Amehlo wayewakhuphe onke. Wanikina intloko. Iintshiyi wayezifinge kangangokuba zatsho zadibana esiphakathini sobuso bakhe. Wangqisha phantsi ngonyawo. Imilebe yakhe eyiquthe yangumgca omnye. +“Utata wayesixelele ukuba sibokubhabhisa ikhayiti epakini kuphela futhi nathi samthembisa ukuba siya kwenza njalo!” uTshepo wasebezela umntakwabo.  +“Sisenkathazweni enkulu ngoku,” wamngqinela uMotlatsi. “Khange simmamele! Ucinga ukuba uza kwenza ntoni?” Wakhaba uthuli ngonyawo lwakhe.  +“Mhlawumbi uTata uza kuyithatha ikhayiti yethu,” waphendula uTshepo, “okanye akasayi kusinika imali yokuthenga iilekese kwakhona.” Wayemthe ntshoo emehlweni umntakwabo. +Udano lwalucace gca ebusweni bukaMotlatsi. “Yhoo! Singenza ntoni?” +“Saphule isithembiso sethu. Isithembiso sifanele ukuba ngunaphakade.” uTshepo wahlala phantsi ethwele izandla entloko.  +“Ngoku kuza kwenzeka ntoni?” wabuza uMotlatsi esitya iinzipho zakhe. +UTshepo wazonwaya intloko. “Utata akanakuphinda asibone sithembekile kwakhona.” +“Kuthetha ukuthini oko, Tshepo? Yintoni ukuthembeka?” wabuza uMotlatsi. +“Sshh! Ungakhwazi! Uza kusiva uNksk Ntshona! Ndicinga kuthetha ukuba akasayi kuphinda asikholelwe xa simxelela into,” wasebeza uTshepo. +“Utsho into efana nangokuya ndandimxelela ukuba ndizipasile izibalo zeMathematika esikolweni?” wabuza selebilile uMotlatsi. +“Hayi, wakholelwa ngoko kuba wayifunda ingxelo yakho yesikolo,” watsho uTshepo. +“Utsho mhlawumbi xa ndimxelela ukuba nditye iayisikhrim njengesidlo sam sasemini?” wabuza uMotlatsi, ezama ukuqonda. +UTshepo wanikina intloko yakhe. “Hayi noko,” watsho. “Kufuneka ibe yinto ebalulekileyo.” +“Njengaxa bendilahlekelwe ziirandi ezimbini ebendiphe zona?” wabuza uMotlatsi. “Ndamxelela ukuba ziphume epokothweni yam evuzayo.” +“Wayesazi ukuba yinyaniso leyo kuba ipokotho yakho yayinomngxuma,” wachaza uTshepo. +“Yintoni enye ke? Ingaba kuthetha ukuba uTata uya kusishiya angaze aphinde abuye? Okanye uza kusigxotha?” wabuza seleza kukhala uMotlatsi. +UTshepo wanikina intloko. “Akanakuyenza loo nto uTata! Utata uyasithanda! Into efunekayo nje kukuba xa ubuthembise umntu ukuba akusayi kukwenza okuthile, akufanelanga kukwenza oko – nanini. Kanti xa uthembise umntu ukuba uya kwenza okuthile, kufanele ukwenze ke ukuze uthembeke kuloo mntu. Njengaxa ubuthembise uSibongile ukuba uza kumnika ipeni yokubhala entsha waza wakwenza oko! Ngoku sshh!”  +UTshepo noMotlatsi bakroba ngasekoneni yegaraji. Bambona uNksk Ntshona ejonge iselifowuni yakhe. Wayeza kufowuna. +“Wayeza kufowunela uTata! Yho hayi! Singamnqanda njani?” watsho uMotlatsi. Wayeseza kubaleka xa uTshepo wayezifaka emngciphekweni. Waziveza, waya ngqo engozini! +“Molo, Nksk Ntshona,” watsho uTshepo esiya ngakwisibiyeli. “Ndicela uxolo ngokungazenzisiyo ngocingo lwakho lukamabonakude.” +UNksk Ntshona wamjonga enyusa esehlisa amehlo imilebe yakhe eyivale mba. Wayephefumla ngobungxamo. “Tshepo, uyazi ukuba ucingo olutsha luziindleko. Mhlawumbi kuza kufuneka ukuba ufune umsebenzi ukuze undithengele olutsha!” Ilizwi lakhe laliphezulu kangangokuba lalingathi yintsimbi ebethwayo. +“Utata wethu usinika imali yokuzithengela esikufunayo,” watsho uMotlatsi esondela ukuze eme ecaleni komntakwabo. “Siza kusebenzisa imali yethu ukukuthengela ucingo olutsha.” Wayenqwenela ukuba kuthi kanti zange ayithethe loo nto kodwa wayesazi ukuba ufanele ukutsho. +“Inene?” watsho uNksk Ntshona elinyusela phezulu ilizwi lakhe. “Niyifumana nini imali futhi yimalini?” +“Ingulowo kuthi ufumana iirandi ezintlanu ngeveki,” bathethela phantsi bobabini, bebhekela kancinane kuye. +“Ziirandi ezilishumi ezo ngeveki. Singayigcina imali yethu …” watsho uTshepo, ngelizwi elizekelelayo. Kungathatha ixesha elide ukuthenga ucingo olutsha ade uTata afumanise okwenzekileyo. +La makhwenkwe mabini azixakekisa ngokujongana eziva engenamandla okuzinceda ade alibala ngoNksk Ntshona. Athi xa ephinda emjonga, amangaliswa kukubona inkangeleko yobuso bukaNksk Ntshona ekhululekileyo nengathi yeyomntu osephupheni. +Amakhwenkwe ayebambe imiphefumlo. +“Bantwana, ndakhe ndaba nayo nam ikhayiti. Yayinombala ongwevu nopinki. Ndema egadini yendlu katatomkhulu wam eLesotho ndibambe umtya wayo. Yenyuka yaya phezulu esibhakabhakeni. Yayibukeka yonwabile. Ndayiyeka yahamba. Ndayibukela intingela phezulu nangakumbi ndade andayibona nakancinane.” +Wawancumela amakhwenkwe. “Kulungile, Tshepo noMotlatsi. Andisayi kumxelela utata wenu. Oluya cingo oludala belungasasebenzi kakuhle kakade. Besendifanele ukuthenga olutsha. Mandiye kuthatha ileli ukuze nikhwele nithathe ikhayiti yenu.” + + +Uthe xa ehamba bamva esithi, “Ngathi ndinaso nesiphungo esishushu setshokoleythi kunye nekeyiki ekhitshini nakuba nihlile elelini!” +Amakhwenkwe ajongana ancuma. +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Ebalini, kukho inkcazelo yendlela obukhangeleka ngayo ubuso bukaNksk Ntshona xa enomsindo. Khuthaza abantwana bakho ukuzoba umfanekiso wendlela obukhangeleka ngayo ubuso babo okanye ubuso bomhlobo wabo xa benomsindo.",xho,isiXhosa,Ukubhabhisa ikhayit,"Tshepo and Motlatsi are flying their kite when it accidently ends up on their neighbour’s roof and breaks her TV aerial. The boys hide because they are scared they will get into trouble. What will the neighbour do? And what will the boys do? + ...",,Libali likaMichelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ukubhabhisa-ikhayiti +flying-kite-1,"“Hay’khona!” ku hlamala Motlatsi na Tshepo loko khayindi ya vona ya ntima na ko tshwuka yi wela ehenhla ka lwangu ra yindlu ya Manana Ntshona na ku titsondzela hi eriyani ya TV. +“Hatlisa! Hi fanele hi yi ntshuxa!” ku huwelela Tshepo. +Motlatsi u khomile ntambu a yi koka. Leswi nga n’wi chavisa, i ku eriyani leya khale ya TV, yi voyamile ku fikela laha yi nga khumba swileti swa lwangu ra muakelani. + + +“Tatana u ta hlundzuka ngopfu!” Tshepo a cema, a tipfale xikandza xakwe hi swandla. +“Kambe loyi a nga hlundzuka swinene i Manana Ntshona!” ku hlamula Motlatsi. U tekile makwavo wa yena kutani va balekela endzhaku ka garaji. “Languta! Hi luya!” +I ntiyiso, Manana Ntshona a yimile ehandle ka rivanti ra xitanga na mavoko ya yena ya khomile xisuti. Majaha va swi vonile leswaku a hlundzukile. U langutile elwangwini kutani a vona eriyani leyi nga voyama. Mahlo ya yena a ma honokile. A dzungudza nhloko. Tinxiyi takwe timbirhi ti hlangana exikarhi ka xikandza. Kutani a ba nenge ehansi. Milomo ya yena yi va nkhwati wun’we wo lulama. +“Tatana u hi byerile leswaku hi hahisa khayindi ephakini naswona hi n’wi tshembisile leswaku hi ta endla tano!” Tshepo a hlevetelela makwavo wakwe. +“Sweswi hi le khombyeni lerikulu,” ku pfumela Motlatsi. “A hi n’wi yingisanga! U ehleketa leswaku u ta endla yini?” A raha ritshuri hi nenge. +“Kumbexana Tatana u ta hi tekela khayindi ya hina,” ku vula Tshepo, “ kumbe a nge he hi nyiki mali yo xava swiwitsi.” A languta mahlo ya makwavo wakwe. +Ku languteka ko nyama timbilu ku vonaka exikandzeni xa Motlatsi. “Yerr! Hi ta endla yini?” +“Hi tshovile xitshembiso xa hina. Xitshembiso xi hilaha ku nga heriki.” Tshepo u tshamile ehansi a veka nhloko ya yena emavokweni ya yena. +“Ku ta humelela yini sweswi?” ku vutisa Motlatsi loyi a ri karhi a dya min’wala. +Tshepo a n’waya nhloko. “Tatana a nga ka a nga ha hi tshembi nakambe.” +“Xana leswi swi vula yini, Tshepo? Xana i yini ntshembo?” ku vutisa Motlatsi. +“Xiii, u nga rhasi! Manana Ntshona u ta hi twa! Ndzi ehleketa leswaku swi vula ku ri a nga ka a nga ha hi tshembi nakambe loko hi n’wi byela xokarhi,” ku hlevetela Tshepo. +“U vula ku fana na loko ndzi ku ndzi pasile Metse exikolweni?” ku vutisa Motlatsi, a ri karhi a juluka. +“E-e, u ku khorwile hikuva u hlayile rhipoto ya wena,” ku vula Tshepo. +“U vula ku fana na loko ndzi n’wi byela leswaku ndzi dyile ayisikhirimi hi lanchi?” ku ringanyeta Motlatsi, a ringeta ku twisisa. +Tshepo a dzungudza nhloko. “Ha yi sweswo,” a vula tano. “Ku fanele ku va swin’wana swa nkoka.” +“Ku fana na loko ndzi lahlile pondo leyi a nga ndzi nyika?” ku vutisa Motlatsi. “Ndzi n’wi byerile leswaku yi wile ku suka exikhwameni.” +“A swi tiva leswaku i ntiyiso hikuva xikhwama xa wena xi boxekile,” ku hlamusela Tshepo. +“Se i yini? Xana swi vula leswaku Tatana u ta famba a nga vuyi? Kumbe u ta hi hlongola xana?” ku vutisa Motlatsi, a ri karhi a lava ku rila. +Tshepo a dzungudza nhloko. “Hayi khona! Tatana wa hi rhandza! Mhaka hi leswaku loko u tshembisile munhu leswaku u nge endli xo karhi, u fanele ku ka u nga swi endli – nakan’we. Naswona, loko u tshembisa wun’wani leswaku u ta endla xo karhi, u fanele u endla tano leswaku munhu yaloye a ku tshemba. Ku fana na loko u tshembise Sibongile leswaku u ta n’wi kumela xitsalo, u endlile tano! Sweswi xiii!” +Tshepo na Motlatsi va hlometele hi khona ya garaji. Va vona Manana Ntshona a languta riqingho ra yena ra le nyongeni. A lava ku ba riqingho. +“U ta foyinela Tatana! Hayi! Hi nga n’wi yimisa njhani?” ku vula Motlatsi. A lava ku baleka loko Tshepo a tiya xivindzi. A huma, a ya laha khombo ri nga kona! +“Ahee Manana Ntshona,” ku vula Tshepo a ri karhi a tshinela ekusuhi na darata. “Ndzi kombela ku rivaleriwa eka eriyani ya wena.” +Manana Ntshona a n’wi languta ku suka ehansi ku fika ehenhla na milomo yakwe yi pfariwile. A hefemulela ehenhla. “Eriyani leyintshwa ya durha wa swi tiva, Tshepo. Kumbe u fanele u kuma ntirho leswaku u ndzi xavela eriyani leyintshwa!” Rito ra yena a ri rila ku fana na nsimbhi. +“Tatana u hi nyika mali yo dya exikolweni,” ku vula Motlatsi a fika a yima ekusihi na makwavo wakwe. “Hi ta tirhisa mali yo dya exikolweni ku ku xavela eriyani.” A navela ku va a nga swi vulangi leswi, kambe a swi tiva leswaku a fanele ku swi vula. +“Ntiyiso?” ku vula Manana Ntshona loko rito ra yena ri ya ehenhla. “Xana mi yi kuma rini mali yo dya xikolweni naswona i mali muni?” +“Hi kuma ntlhanu wa tirandi hi vhiki,” va hlevetela va ri vambirhi, va ri karhi va tlhelela endzhaku hi switsongotsongo. +“Ku tava khume ra tirandi hi vhiki. Hi ta kota ku yi veka …” ku vula Tshepo, rito ra yena ri ri karhi ri hunguteka. Swi nga teka nkarhi wo leha ku hakela eriyani leyintshwa naswona Tatana u ta swi tiva leswi nga humelela. +Vamakwavo a va ri karhi va langutana ku fika laha va nga rivala hi Manana Ntshona. Loko va n’wi languta nakambe, va hlamarile. Xikandza xa Manana Ntshona a xi languteka xi tsakile na ku olova na milorho. +Majaha ya koka moya. +“Vana, na mina ndzi tshame ndzi va na khayindi eka nkarhi wun’wana. A yi ri ya mpungha na ku tshwukela. A ndzi yima exirhapeni xa kokwani wa mina eLesotho ndzi yi khoma hi xintambyana xa yona. A yi hahela ehenhla emapapeni. A yi tikomba yi tsakile. Ndzi yi tshike yi famba. Ndzi yi languta loko yi ri karhi yi ya ehenhla emalembelembeni ku fikela laha a ndzi nga ha yi voni.” +A n’wayitelela majaha. “A ku na xiphiqo, wena Tshepo na Motlatsi. A ndzi nga n’wi byeli Tatana wa n’wina. Eriyani liya ya khale a yi nga ha pfuni nchumu. A ndzi fanele ndzi xava leyintshwa. Ndzi ta kuma xitepisi kutani mi ta khandziya mi ya teka khayindi ya n’wina.” + + +Loko a ri karhi a famba vamakwavo va n’wi twile a ku, “Swi nga endleka ndzi va ndzi ri na ‘hot chocolate’ na khekhe exitangeni loko mi vuya!” +Majaha ya langutana kutani van’wayitela. +Sungulani ku va ni vutumbuluxi! +Eka ntsheketo, ku na nhlamuselo ya hilaha xikandza xa Manana Ntshona xi langutekaka ha kona loko a hlundzukile. Hlohlotela vana va wena ku dirowa xifaniso xa vona kumbe xa munghana wa vona leswi xi langutekisaka xiswona loko va hlundzukile.",tso,Xitsonga,Ku hahisa khayind,"Tshepo and Motlatsi are flying their kite when it accidently ends up on their neighbour’s roof and breaks her TV aerial. The boys hide because they are scared they will get into trouble. What will the neighbour do? And what will the boys do? + ...",,Hi Michelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ku-hahisa-khayindi +flying-kite-1,"“Awu, hhe!” uMotlatsi noTshepo baphefumulela phezulu ngenkathi ikhayithi labo elinokumnyama nokubomvu lihlala phezu kophahla lukaNkk Ntshona maqede lithandeleka othini lukamabonakude. +“Asisheshe! Kumele silidonse liphume ngokushesha!” kumemeza uTshepo. +UMotlatsi wabamba intambo walidonsa. Wethuka, uthi lukamabonakude olwase luludala kakhulu, lwagoba lwaze lwacishe lwathinta amathayili afulele uphahla lukamakhelwane wakubo. + +  +“Ubaba uzothukuthela kakhulu!” kukhala uTshepo, emboza ubuso ngezandla zakhe. +“Ngeke athukuthele njengoNkk Ntshona!” kuphendula uMotlatsi. Wabamba umfowabo bathi tshobe ngemuva kwegalaji. “Mbheke! Nanguya!” +Nebala bo, uNkk Ntshona wayemi ngaphandle komnyango wekhishi lakwakhe ebeke izandla edanda. Abafana babekwazi ukubona ukuthi uthukuthele. Wabuka phezulu ophahleni walubona uthi olugobile. Wawavula kakhulu amehlo akhe. Wanikina ikhanda. Amashiya akhe asikaza ukuhlangana phakathi nobuso bakhe. Washaya ngonyawo phansi. Izindebe zakhe zomlomo zaziwumugqa owodwa oqondile. +“Ubaba usitshelile ukuthi sindizise ikhayithi epaki kuphela nathi sathembisa ukuthi sizokwenzenjalo!” uTshepo ehlebela umfowabo. +“Sisenkingeni enkulu manje,” kuvuma uMotlatsi. “Asimlalelanga! Ucabanga ukuthi uzokwenzani?” Unyawo lwakhe lwakhahlela uthuli. +“Mhlawumbe ubaba uzolithatha ikhayithi lethu,” kuphendula uTshepo, “noma ngeke aphinde asinike imali ukuthenga amaswidi.” Wagqolozela umfowabo emehlweni. +Ukubukeka edumele kwedlula ebusweni bukaMotlatsi. “We! Yini okunye?” +“Sisephulile isithembiso sethu. Isithembiso siyinto yangunaphakade.” Utshepo wahlala phansi wafaka ikhanda phakathi kwezandla. +“Pho kuzokwenzekani manje?” kubuza uMotlatsi eluma izinzipho zakhe. +UTshepo wenwaya ikhanda lakhe. “UBaba ngeke aphinde asithembe.” +“Kusho ukuthini lokho, Tshepo? Yini ukuthemba?” kubuza uMotlatsi. +“Ssh! Hhayi kakhulu kangaka! UNkk Ntshona uzosizwa! Ngicabanga ukuthi kusho ukuthi ngeke asikholwe uma simtshela into,” kuhleba uTshepo. +“Usho njengobangithe ngiziphasile Izibalo esikoleni?” kubuza uMotlatsi, ejuluka. +“Cha, ukukholiwe lokho ngoba ufunde umbiko wakho wasesikoleni,” kusho uTshepo. +“Usho njengalapho ngimtshela ukuthi ngidle u-ayisikhilimu njengesidlo sasemini?” kuphakamisa uMotlatsi, ezama ukuqondisisa. +UTshepo wanikina ikhanda. “Hhayi kanjalo,” kusho yena. “Kufanele kube yinto ebalulekile.” +“Njengalapho ngilahle amarandi amabili ayenginikeze wona?” kubuza uMotlatsi. +“Ngamtshela ukuthi awile ekhukhwini lami.” +“Wayazi ukuthi lokho kuyiqiniso ngoba wawunembobo ekhukhwini lakho,” kuchaza uTshepo. +“Usho ini kanti? Ngabe kusho ukuthi uBaba uzohamba anyamalale angaphinde abuye? Noma uzosiyisa kude?” kubuza uMotlatsi, sekuthi makakhale. +UTshepo wanikina ikhanda. “Lutho! UBaba uyasithanda! Wukuthi nje uma uthembise umuntu othile ukuthi ngeke uyenze into ethile, akumele uyenze – nangephutha. Futhi, uma uthembise umuntu ukuthi uzokwenza into ethile, kumele uyenze yikhona lowo muntu ezokwethemba. Njengalesi sikhathi uthembise uSibongile ukuthi uzolithola ipeni lakhe elisha ngempela walithola! Manje-ke, sshh!” +UTshepo noMotlatsi balunguza ekhoneni legalaji. Bambona uNkk Ntshona ebuka umakhalekhukhwini wakhe. Wayesezoshayela othile ucingo. +“Uzofonela uBaba! Awu, ngeke! Singamvimba kanjani?” kubuza uMotlatsi. Wayesezobaleka ngenkathi uTshepho ezinikela. Waphuma lapho babecashe khona, waqonda ngqo engozini! +“Sawubona, Nkk Ntshona,” kusho uTshepo eqonde othangweni. “Ngiyaxolisa kakhulu ngothi lwakho lukamabonakude.” +UNkk Ntshona wambuka phansi naphezulu, izindebe zakhe zihlangene ngci. Wayephefumula ngokushesha. “Uthi olusha lubiza imali, uyazi, Tshepo. Mhlawumbe kumele uthole umsebenzi ungithengele olunye olusha!” Izwi lakhe lalikhala kuzwakale kakhulu njengensimbi. +“UBaba uyasinika imali yokuthenga esikuthandayo,” kusho uMotlatsi esondela ezoma eduze kukamfowabo. “Sizosebenzisa imali yethu yokuzithengela esikuthandayo ukuze sikuthengele uthi olusha.” Wayefisa sengathi ngabe akakushongo lokho, kodwa wayazi ukuthi kwakuswelekile. +“Ngempela?” kwasho uNkk Ntshona ngenkathi izwi lakhe liphakama. “Niyithola nini imali yenu, futhi yimalini?” +“Sithola amarandi amahlanu ngamunye ngesonto,” bahlebeza ndawonye, behlehla kancane. +“Lawo amarandi ayishumi ngesonto. Singayonga …” kusho uTshepo, edonsa izwi. Kungathatha isikhathi eside ukukhokhela uthi olusha lukamabonakude futhi uBaba uzothola ukuthi kwenzekeni. +Abafana babelokhu bebukana bodwa bephelelwa ngamandla ngangokuthi baze bakhohlwa nguNkk Ntshona. Uma bephinda bembheka futhi, bathola ukumangala. UNkk Ntshona wayebukeka ebusweni bakhe ethambile futhi sengathi usephusheni. +Abafana babamba umoya. +“We zingane, ngake ngaba nalo ikhayithi. Lalinombala ompunga nophinki. Ngama esivandeni sasekhaya likamkhulu wami eLesotho ngibambe intambo yalo. Landiza laya phezulu esibhakabhakeni. Lalibukeka lijabule kakhulu. Ngalidedela. Ngalibuka lindiza liya phezulu, phezulu, ngaze angabe ngisalibona nhlobo.” +Wamoyizela ebuka abafana. “Kulungile, Tshepo noMotlatsi. Ngeke ngimtshele uyihlo. Loluya luthi oludala bese lungenamsebenzi walutho vele. Bengidinga ukuthenga olusha. Ngizothola ileli bese uyagibela uthathe ikhayithi lenu.” + + +Ngenkathi ehamba eqhela kubo abafana bamuzwa ethi, “Ngingase ngikhiphe isiphuzo soshokoledi oshisayo nekhekhe ekhishini uma senehlela phansi!” +Abafana bavele babhekana base bemoyizela. +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Endabeni, kukhona incazelo yokuthi ubuso bukaNkk Ntshona bubukeka kanjani uma ethukuthele. Khuthaza izingane zakho ukuthi zidwebe isithombe sokuthi ubuso bazo noma bomngani wazo bubukeka kanjani uma zithukuthele.",zul,isiZulu,Ukundizisa ikhayith,"Tshepo and Motlatsi are flying their kite when it accidently ends up on their neighbour’s roof and breaks her TV aerial. The boys hide because they are scared they will get into trouble. What will the neighbour do? And what will the boys do? + ...",,Ukundizisa ikhayithi NguMichelle Friedman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ukundizisa-ikhayithi +skycatcher,"It was a rainy day and Josh was sitting at the kitchen table making a kite. He had some light strips of wood which he used to make the frame of the kite. He also had some blue and red and green and pink tissue paper. He covered the whole kite with blue tissue paper. +“This blue paper is the kite’s face!” decided Josh. He cut out red tissue paper to make happy smiling lips, green tissue paper for eyes, and pink tissue paper circles for cheeks. Then he made a long kite tail out of the blue, red, green and pink paper. +“Your tail looks like the clothes dancing in the wind on Gogo’s washing line,” said Josh to the kite. Then he wound a very long piece of string around a cardboard tube and tied the other end of the string to the frame of the kite, so that it wouldn’t fly away from him later when it was in the air. +“Your name is Skycatcher!” said Josh to the kite. +The next morning, Josh sat in his wheelchair outside his front door with Skycatcher in his lap. It was the right sort of day to fly a kite. He was waiting for Hope. She was going to push him along the pavement as fast as she could go, so that Skycatcher could catch the wind and fly. Where was she? +“Here I am!” said Hope. “I’m sorry I’m a bit late. Is your kite ready to fly?” +“Yes, I can’t wait to get it up into the sky!” said Josh. +“Let’s go then!” said Hope as she held the handles at the back of the wheelchair tightly. She started to walk fast, and then to run all the way along the pavement. The wheels went bumpity-bump, bumpity-bump, picking up speed as Hope ran. Josh let a little bit of the string unwind from the cardboard tube he was holding. Suddenly the kite took off! It fluttered about in the air just above their heads. +Josh and Hope raced past Neo who was in his front garden playing with Bella. He was wearing a newspaper pirate hat and he had a cardboard sword. Bella was wearing a witch’s hat. +“You’re not a very good pirate!” said Bella, waving her magic wand. +“Woof! Woof!” barked Noodle, but Neo wasn’t listening to him or Bella. Neo was watching Josh and Hope coming along the pavement at full speed. Then Bella forgot about their game too and she also watched Josh and Hope! + +“Can we come with you?” asked Neo. +“Yes, come! We’re going to fly Skycatcher!” said Josh as he went past. +“Come on, Bella, let’s go!” said Neo. +“Come on, Noodle,” said Bella. +“Woof! Woof!” barked Noodle. +So Hope and Neo and Bella and Noodle ran in a long line behind Josh, going bumpity-bump and woof! woof! all the way along the pavement. +When they got to the field next to some houses, Josh let out some more string and Skycatcher flew higher up into the air. And then higher. It glided gently over the rooftops and treetops with the blue sky around it. Josh and Hope and Neo and Bella watched the kite and wished they were flying up in the sky with it. +“Woof! Woof!” Noodle barked loudly. He was also looking up at the kite. +“Neo, do you want to try flying the kite?” asked Josh. +“Yes please!” said Neo, and he took the cardboard tube of string from Josh. But it was windy so Skycatcher pulled hard, and Neo dropped the cardboard tube. It whizzed round and round on the ground like a live, wild thing and it let more and more string out, so that the kite flew higher and higher. Soon it was just a small speck in the sky. + +Noodle pounced on the tube of string! He held it in his jaws and under his paws so that it couldn’t spin around. Then he jumped up with his paws on Josh’s knees and passed the tube to Josh. Finally, Skycatcher stopped flying away and stayed where it was, with its bright tail waving about in the sky below it. +“Noodle, you saved our kite!” said Josh. Noodle wagged his tail. +“Noodle, you’re the best kite catcher ever!” said Hope. Noodle wagged his tail. +“Noodle, you’re such a clever dog!” said Bella. Noodle wagged his tail. +Josh reeled in his kite. Tighter and tighter he wound the string around the cardboard roll until Skycatcher lay still in his lap after its great adventure in the sky. Hope turned the wheelchair around, and they all went bumpity-bump and woof! woof! all the way home. +When Josh lay in bed that night, he thought about what fun he had had with his kite and how he had nearly lost it. “Luckily I have the best friends in the world!” he sighed as he closed his eyes. +Get creative! +* Let your children design their own kites. Ask them questions to help them get started – for example: What shape will you make your kite? What materials could you use to make it? How could you decorate it? +* Have fun with your children by blowing up balloons and then letting them go. (Don’t tie a knot at the end of the blown-up balloon.) Watch how they fly all over the place as the air escapes! +* In the story, Neo wears a hat made of newspaper. Give your children newspaper, cellotape, scissors and string and challenge them to make an object using these materials.",eng,English,Skycatcher,"One rainy day Josh decides to make a kite. The next day he goes outside to fly his new kite with his friends. When Josh gives Neo a change to hold the string, Neo accidently drops it and the kite flies higher and higher! Will the friends be able to ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/skycatcher +skycatcher,"Dit is ’n reënerige dag en Josh sit by die kombuistafel, besig om ’n vlieër te maak. Hy het ’n paar ligte houtstokkies wat hy vir die raam van die vlieër gebruik. Hy het ook blou en rooi en groen en pienk sneespapier. Hy trek die hele vlieër met blou sneespapier oor. +“Hierdie blou papier is die vlieër se gesig!” besluit Josh. Hy knip glimlaggende lippe uit rooi sneespapier, oë uit groen sneespapier en sirkels uit pienk sneespapier vir die wange. Dan maak hy ’n lang stert vir die vlieër uit blou, rooi, groen en pienk papier. +“Jou stert lyk soos die klere wat op Gogo se wasgoedlyn in die wind dans,” sê Josh vir die vlieër. Dan draai hy ’n baie lang stuk tou om ’n kartonrol en bind die ander punt aan die raam van die vlieër vas sodat die vlieër nie sal wegvlieg wanneer hy dit later buitentoe neem nie. +“Jou naam is Sonvanger!” sê Josh vir die vlieër. +Die volgende oggend sit Josh in sy rolstoel buite sy voordeur, met Sonvanger op sy skoot. Dis die regte soort dag om ’n vlieër te vlieg. Hy wag vir Hope. Sy gaan hom so vinnig as wat sy kan op die sypaadjie stoot sodat Sonvanger die wind kan skep en kan vlieg. Waar bly sy? +“Hier’s ek!” sê Hope. “Ek’s jammer ek’s ’n bietjie laat. Is jou vlieër gereed om te vlieg?” +“Ja, ek kan nie wag om dit in die lug te kry nie!” sê Josh. +“Kom ons gaan!” sê Hope terwyl sy die handvatsels van die rolstoel styf vashou. Sy begin eers stadig stap, en hardloop dan al met die sypaadjie langs. Die wiele maak bompe-kebomp, bompe-kebomp, en tel spoed op terwyl Hope hardloop. Josh laat ’n stukkie van die tou van die kartonrol wat hy vashou, afrol. Skielik styg die vlieër op! Dit wapper in die lug net bo hul koppe. +Josh en Hope jaag verby Neo wat in sy voortuin met Bella speel. Neo dra ’n seerowerhoed wat van koerantpapier gemaak is en hy het ’n kartonswaard. Bella dra ’n heksehoed. +“Jy’s nie ’n baie goeie seerower nie!” sê Bella, en waai haar towerstaf. +“Woef! Woef!” blaf Noodle, maar Neo luister nie na hom of Bella nie. Neo kyk hoe Josh en Hope op volle vaart met die sypaadjie af kom. Toe vergeet Bella ook van hul speletjie en kyk ook vir Josh en Hope! + +“Kan ons saamkom?” vra Neo. +“Ja, kom! Ons gaan Sonvanger laat vlieg!” sê Josh in die verbygaan. +“Komaan, Bella, kom ons gaan!” sê Neo. +“Kom, Noodle,” sê Bella. +“Woef! Woef!” blaf Noodle. +Hope en Neo en Bella en Noodle hardloop toe in ’n lang ry agter Josh aan – bompe-kebomp en woef! woef! al met die sypaadjie langs. +Toe hulle by die veld langs ’n paar huise kom, laat Josh nog tou afrol en Sonvanger vlieg hoër in die lug op. En toe nog hoër. Dit sweef liggies oor die dakke en boomtoppe met die blou lug daaragter. Josh en Hope en Neo en Bella kyk verlangend na die vlieër en wens hulle kon ook in die lug rondvlieg. +“Woef! Woef!” blaf Noodle hard. Hy kyk ook op na die vlieër. +“Neo, wil jy ook probeer om die vlieër te vlieg?” vra Josh. +“Ja, asseblief!” sê Neo, en hy vat die kartonrol met tou by Josh. Maar dit is winderig en Sonvanger pluk hard aan die tou, sodat Neo die kartonrol laat val. Dit tol al in die rondte op die grond, soos ’n lewendige, wilde ding en meer en meer van die tou rol af sodat die vlieër al hoër en hoër vlieg. Gou is die vlieër net ’n klein spikkeltjie in die lug. + +Noodle bespring die rol tou! Hy hou dit in sy bek en onder sy pote vas sodat dit nie kan rondtol nie. Dan spring hy teen Josh op en gee die rol vir Josh aan. Uiteindelik bly Sonvanger op die plek hang, met sy helder stert wat in die lug onder hom wapper. +“Noodle, jy het ons vlieër gered!” sê Josh. Noodle waai sy stert. +“Noodle, jy’s die beste vlieërvanger ooit!” sê Hope. Noodle waai sy stert. +“Noodle, jy’s so ’n slim hond!” sê Bella. Noodle waai sy stert. +Josh katrol sy vlieër in. Hy draai die tou stywer en stywer om die kartonrol totdat Sonvanger stil in sy skoot lê na die groot avontuur in die lug. Hope draai die rolstoel om en hulle bompe-kebomp en woef! woef! al die pad huis toe. +Toe Josh daardie aand in sy bed lê, dink hy aan die pret wat hy daardie dag met sy vlieër gehad het, en hoe hy dit byna verloor het. “Gelukkig het ek die beste maats in die wêreld!” sug hy toe hy sy oë toemaak. +Wees kreatief! +* Laat jou kinders hul eie vlieërs ontwerp. Vra vir hulle vrae om hulle aan die gang te kry – byvoorbeeld: Watter vorm gaan jou vlieër wees? Watter materiaal kan jy gebruik om dit te maak? Hoe kan jy dit versier? +* Geniet dit om saam met jou kinders ballonne op te blaas en hulle dan te laat gaan. (Moenie die ballon wat opgeblaas is, onder toeknoop nie.) Kyk hoe hulle oraloor vlieg wanneer die lug ontsnap! +* In die storie dra Neo ’n hoed wat van koerantpapier gemaak is. Gee vir jou kinders koerante, kleefband, skêre en tou en daag hulle uit om ’n voorwerp uit hierdie materiale te maak.",afr,Afrikaans,Sonvanger,"One rainy day Josh decides to make a kite. The next day he goes outside to fly his new kite with his friends. When Josh gives Neo a change to hold the string, Neo accidently drops it and the kite flies higher and higher! Will the friends be able to ...",,Deur Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sonvanger +skycatcher,"Pula e be e ena gomme Josh a dutše tafoleng ya ka moraleng a dira khaethe. O be a na le meseto ya bofefo ya kota ye a bego a e diriša go dira foreime ya khaethe. Gape o be a na le dipampiri tša thišu tše ditalalerata le tše hubedu le tše ditalamorogo le tše dipinki. O apešitše khaethe yohle ka pampiri ya thišu ye talalerata. +“Pampiri ye talalerata ye ke sefahlego sa khaethe!” gwa akanya Josh. O ripile pampiri ya thišu ye hubedu go dira dipounama tša go myemyela ka lethabo, pampiri ya thišu ye talamorogo go dira mahlo, le didiko tša pampiri ya thišu ye pinki go dira marama. Gomme a dira mosela wa khaethe o motelele ka pampiri ye talalerata, hubedu le talamorogo le pinki. +“Mosela wa gago o swana le diaparo tša go bina moyeng mothalading wa diaparo wa Koko,” a realo Josh a botša khaethe. Gomme a tata seripa sa lenti se setelele kudu go dikologa tšhupu ya khatepote gomme a e bofelela mafelelo a mangwe a lenti mo foreiming ya khaethe gore e se fofele kgole le yena ge e le moyeng. +“Leina la gago ke Moswaraleratadima!” a realo Josh go khaethe ya gagwe. +Mesong ya go latela, Josh o be a dutše godimo ga setulo sa gagwe sa batho ba go se itekanele ka ntle ga lebati la ka pele a beile Moswaraleratadima seropeng sa gagwe. E be e le letšatši le lebotse la go fofiša khaethe. O be a emetše Hope. O be a tlo mo kgorometša go bapela le pheibemente ka lebelo ka fao a ka kgonago, gore Moswaraleratadima a sware moya a fofe. O be a le kae? +“Ke fa!” a realo Hope. “O ntshwarele ge ke latetšwe. Khaethe ya gago e loketše go fofa?” +“Ee, ke fela pelo ya go e fofišetša leratadimeng!” a realo Josh. +“Areye!” a realo Hope a swere mekgoko ya setulo sa batho ba go se itekanele ka tiišetšo. O ile a thoma go sepediša, ka morago a kitima go bapela le pheibimente. Maotwana a ile a re, kgwehle-kgwehle, kgwehle-kgwehle, a swara lebelo ge Hope a kitima. Josh a tatolla lenti gannyane tšhupung ya khatepote ye a bego a e swere. Gateetee, khaethe ya fofa! E be e fofa moyeng ka godimo ga dihlogo t��a bona. +Josh le Hope ba kitima ba feta Neo yo a bego a bapala le Bella ka tšhengwaneng ya gabo ya ka pele. O be a apere mongatse wa lehoduwatle wa kuranta a swere le lerumo la khatepote. Bella o be a apere mongatse wa moloi. +“Ga o lehoduwatle la botse kudu!” a realo Bella, a emiša patla ya gagwe ya maleatlana. +“Hauu! Hauu!” gwa goba Noodle, efela Neo o be a se a mo theeletša goba go theeletša Bella. Neo o be a bogetše Josh le Hope ba etla ka lebelo le legolo go bapela le pheibemente. Gomme Bella le yena a lebala ka moraloko wa bona gomme a bogela Josh le Hope! +[ +“Re ka ya le lena?” gwa botšiša Neo. +“Ee, areyeng! Re ya go fofiša Moswaraleratadima!” Josh a realo a feta. +“Etla, Bella, areye!” a realo Neo. +“Etla, Noodle,” a realo Bella. +“Hauu! Hauu!” gwa goba Noodle. +Gomme Hope le Neo le Bella le Noodle ba kitima ba dirile mothaladi o motelele ka morago ga Josh, e le kgwehle-kgwehle le hauu! hauu! tseleng ka moka go bapela le pheibemente. +Ba rile go fihla lepatlelong la kgauswi le dintlo tše digwe, Josh a tlogela karolo ye nngwe ya lenti gomme Moswaraleratadima a fofela godingwana moyeng. Gomme a ya godingwana gape. E fihlile ka go iketla marulelong a dintlo le dintlhoreng tša mehlare e dikologile ke leratadima le letalalerata. Josh le Hope le Neo le Bella ba bogela khaethe ba duma eke nkabe ba fofela le yona leratadimeng. +“Hauu! Hauu!” Noodle a goba a hlaboša lentšu. Le yena o be a lebeletše khaethe kua godimo. +“Neo, o nyaka go leka go fofiša khaethe?” gwa botšiša Josh. +“Ee hle!” a realo Neo, gomme a tšea lenti la tšhupu ya khatepote go Josh. Efela go be go na le moya ka fao Moswaraleratadima a goga ka maatla. Gomme Neo o ile a wiša tšhupu ya khatepote. E ile ya tswinya e dikologa dikologa fase bjalo ka selo sa lešokeng sa go phela gomme ya tatolla lenti kudu, gore khaethe e fofele godimodimo. Gateetee ya ba selo se sennyane leratadimeng. + +Noodle o gatile tšhupu ya lenti! O e swere ka meno a e gata ka marofa gore e se dikologe. O ile a fofela godimo gomme marofa a ba dikhurung tša Josh gomme a fa Josh tšhupu. Mafelelong, Moswaraleratadima o ile a emiša go fofa gomme a ema fao a bego a le gona, mosela wa go taga o eya ka mo le ka mo ka tlase ga gagwe leratadimeng. +“Noodle, o phološitše khaethe ya rena!” a realo Josh. Noodle o ile a šikinya mosela. +“Noodle, o moswarakhaethe yo mogolo!” a realo Hope. Noodle o ile a šikinya mosela. +“Noodle, o mpša ya bohlale kudu!” a realo Bella. Noodle o ile a šikinya mosela. +Josh o ile a bofa khaethe ya gagwe. O ile a bofelela lenti rolong ya khatepote ka go le tiišetša go fihlela Moswaraleratadima a iketla seropeng sa gagwe morago ga bohlagahlaga bja gagwe bjo bogolo leratadimeng. Hope o ile a retolla setulo sa batho ba go se itekanele, gomme ya ba kgwehle-kgwehle le hauu! hauu! ba lebile gae. +Josh o rile ge a kaname malaong bošegog bjoo, a nagana ka fao a ipshinnego ka gona le khaethe ya gagwe le ka fao a nyakilego go e loba. “Ka mahlatse, ke na le bagwera ba bakaonekaone lefaseng!” a hemelana ge a tswalela mahlo. +E ba le boitlhamelo! +* E re bana ba gago ba akanyetše dikhaethe tša bona. Ba botšiše dipotšišo go ba thuša go thoma – mohlala: O tlo dira khaethe ya sebopego sefe? O tlo e dira ka didirišwa dife? O ka e kgabiša bjang? +* Ipshine le bana ba gago ka go budulela dipalune gomme le di tlogele di fofe. (O se bofe lehuto paluneng ye e buduletšwego.) Bogelang ka fao e fofelago kua le kua ge moya o etšwa! +* Ka kanegelong, Neo o apere mongatse wa go dirwa ka kuranta. Efa bana ba gago kuranta, selotheipi, dikero le lenti, o ba hlotle go dira selo se sengwe ka didirišwa tšeo.",nso,Sepedi,Moswaraleratadim,"One rainy day Josh decides to make a kite. The next day he goes outside to fly his new kite with his friends. When Josh gives Neo a change to hold the string, Neo accidently drops it and the kite flies higher and higher! Will the friends be able to ...",,Ka Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/moswaraleratadima +skycatcher,"E ne e le letsatsi la pula mme Josh o ne a dutse tafoleng ya kitjhine a ntse a etsa khaete. O ne a ena le dipatsinyana tseo a neng a di sebedisa ho etsa foreimi ya khaete. Hape o ne a ena le pampiri ya thishu e bolou le e kgubedu le e tala le e pinki. O ile a kwahela khaete yohle ka pampiri ya thishu e bolou. +“Pampiri ena e bolou ke sefahleho sa khaete!” Josh a qeta jwalo. A seha pampiri e kgubedu ya thishu ho etsa molomo o thabileng, o bososelang, pampiri e tala ya thishu ho etsa mahlo, le e pinki ho etsa didikadikwe bakeng sa marama. Yaba o etsa mohatla o molelele wa khaete ka pampiri e bolou, e kgubedu le e tala le e pinki. +“Mohatla wa hao o tshwana le diaparo tse tantshang moyeng terateng ya diaparo ya Nkgono,” ha rialo Josh a bua le khaete. Yaba o harela kgwele e telele haholo tjhupung ya khateboto mme a tlamella lehlakore le leng la yona foreiming ya khaete, e le hore e se ke ya fofela hodimo ho feta ha e se e le moyeng. +“Lebitso la hao e tla ba Sefofelamarung!” ha rialo Josh a bua le khaete. +Hoseng ha letsatsi le hlahlamang, Josh a dula setulong sa hae sa mabidi ka ntle ka pela ntlo a beile Sefofelamarung hodima hae. E ne e le letsatsi le loketseng ho fofisa khaete hantle. O ne a emetse Hope. O ne a tla mo sututsa ka thoko ho mmila ka potlako kamoo a ka kgonang, e le hore Sefofelamarung se kgone ho tshwara moya mme se fofe. O ne a le hokae? +“Ke nna enwa!” ha rialo Hope. “Ke maswabi ke fihlile morao. Khaete ya hao e se e loketse ho fofa?” +“Ee, ke se ke tatetse ho e fofisetsa marung kwana!” ha rialo Josh. +“Ha re tsamaye he!” ha rialo Hope a tshwara setulo sa mabidi ka morao ka thata. A qala ho tsamaya ka potlako, mme a qetella a matha a theosa tselana e ka thoko. Mabidi a ntse a re tjhuku-tjhuku, tjhuku-tjhuku, a eketsa lebelo ha Hope yena a ntse a matha. Josh a lokolla kgwele hanyane feela hore e thatolohe tjhupung ya khateboto eo a neng a e tshwere. Hanghang khaete ya fofa! Ya phaphalla moyeng ka hodima dihlooho tsa bona. +Josh le Hope ba matha ka lebelo ba feta Neo ya neng a le ka pela ntlo yabo a bapala le Bella. O ne a rwetse katiba ya diphaerete e ntsweng ka koranta mme a ena le lerumo la khateboto. Bella o ne a rwetse katiba ya moloi. +“Ha o phaerete e lokileng!” ha rialo Bella, a tsoka thupa ya hae ya mehlolo. +“Hobu! Hobu!” ha bohola Noodle, empa Neo o ne a sa mamela Noodle kapa Bella. Neo o ne a shebile Josh le Hope ba etla tselaneng e ka thoko ka lebelo le leholo. Yaba Bella le yena o lebala ka papadi ya bona mme le yena a shebella Josh le Hope! + +“Na re ka tla le lona?” ha botsa Neo. +“Ee, tlohong! Re ilo fofisa Sefofelamarung!” ha rialo Josh a ba feta. +“Tloo, Bella, ha re yeng!” ha rialo Neo. +“Tloo, Noodle,” ha rialo Bella. +“Hobu! Hobu!” Noodle a bohola. +Yaba Hope le Neo le Bella le Noodle ba matha ba kolokile ka mora Josh, ba ntse ba re Tjhuku-tjhuku! le hobu! hobu! pela tsela. +Ha ba fihla thoteng haufi le matlo a mang, Josh a lokolla kgwele e nngwe mme Sefofelamarung sa fofela hodimo moyeng. Sa nna sa ya hodimo. Sa phaphalla hantle butle hodima marulelo a matlo le difate ho ya lehodimong le bolou. Josh le Hope le Neo le Bella ba shebella khaete mme ba lakatsa eka le bona ba ka be ba fofa le yona ho ya hodimo marung. +“Hobu! Hobu!” Noodle a bohola haholo. Le yena o ne a shebile hodimo khaeteng. +“Neo, o batla ho leka ho fofisa khaete le wena?” ha botsa Josh. +“Eya hle!” ha rialo Neo, yaba o nka tjhupu ya khateboto ya kgwele ho Josh. Empa moya o ne o le mongata kahoo Sefofelamarung sa hula ka thata, mme Neo a diha tjhupu ya khateboto. Ya pitika fatshe e potoloha jwaloka ntho e hlaha e phelang mme ya nna ya thatolla kgwele ho ya pele, e le hore khaete e nne e nyolohele hodimodimo. E se kgale e ne e shebahala jwalo ka letheba le lenyenyane mane hodimo marung. + +Noodle a hata hodima kgwele! A e tshwara ka thata ka meno a hae le ka tlasa maoto a ka pele hore e se ke ya potoloha. Yaba o tlolela hodimo ka maoto a hae mangweleng a Josh mme a fa Josh tjhupu. Qetellong, Sefofelamarung sa emisa ho fofela kwana mme sa ema moo se leng teng, ka mohatla wa sona o kganyang o ntse o eya kwana le kwana hodimo mane ka tlasa sona. +“Noodle, o pholositse khaete ya rona!” ha rialo Josh. Noodle a tsoka mohatla. +“Noodle, ke wena ya tsebang ho tshwara khaete ho feta bohle!” ha rialo Hope. Noodle a tsoka mohatla. +“Noodle, o ntjanyana e bohlale ruri!” ha rialo Bella. Noodle a tsoka mohatla. +Josh a harela khaete ya hae. A harela kgwele ka thata haholo rolong ya khateboto ho fihlela Sefofelamarung se dutse hodima hae kamora ho sibolla sepakapaka ho ya marung. Hope a fetola setulo sa mabidi, mme kaofela ha bona ba kgutlela lapeng ba ntse ba re tjhuku-tjhuku! hobu! hobu! +Ha Josh a robetse betheng bosiung boo, a nahana ka monate oo a bileng le ona ka khaete ya hae le kamoo a batlileng a lahlehelwa ke yona ka teng. “Ka lehlohonolo ke na le metswalle ya sebele lefatsheng lohle!” a rialo a fehelwa a tutubala. +Eba le boiqapelo! +* E re bana ba hao ba rale dikhaete tseo e leng tsa bona. Ba botse dipotso tse tla ba thusa ho qala – ho etsa mohlala: O tla etsa khaete ya hao ka sebopeho sefe? O ka sebedisa matheriale ofe ho e etsa? O ka e kgabisa jwang?  +* Natefelwa mmoho le bana ba hao ka ho butswela dibalunu mme le di tlohele di fofe. (Le se ke la tlama lefito qetellong ya balunu e butswetsweng.) Shebang kamoo di fofang hohle sebakeng ha moya o tswa ho tsona! +* Paleng, Neo o rwala katiba e entsweng ka dikoranta. Efa bana ba hao dikoranta, selotheipi, dikere le kgwele mme o ba phephetse ho etsa ntho e itseng ba sebedisa dintho tseo.",sot,Sesotho,Sefofelamarung,"One rainy day Josh decides to make a kite. The next day he goes outside to fly his new kite with his friends. When Josh gives Neo a change to hold the string, Neo accidently drops it and the kite flies higher and higher! Will the friends be able to ...",,Ka Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sefofelamarung +skycatcher,"Pula e ne e na mme Josh o ne a dutse mo tafoleng ya kitšhini a dira khaete. O ne a na le dithobanyane tsa legong tse di bofefo tse a neng a di dirisa go dira foreimi ya khaete. Gape o ne a na le pampiri ya dithišu ya mmala wa botala jwa legodimo le bohibidu le botala le bopinki. O ne a khabara khaete yotlhe ka pampiri ya thišu e khibidu. +“Pampiri e ya mmala wa botala jwa legodimo ke sefatlhego sa khaete!” Josh a swetsa. O ne a segolola pampiri ya thišu e e khibidu go dira dipounama tse di itumetseng tse di nyenyang, pampiri e tala ya thišu go dira matlho, le pampiri e pinki ya thišu go dira dikgolokwane tsa marama. Jaanong a dira mogatla o motelele wa khaete ka pampiri ya thišu ya mmala wa botala jwa legodimo, khibidu, botala le bopinki. +“Mogatla wa gago o lebega jaaka diaparo tsa ga Gogo tse di binang mo phefong mo terateng ya diaparo,” Josh a rialo go khaete. Jaanong a bofelela mogala o motelele thata go dikologa tšhupu ya khateboto mme a bofa bokhutlo jwa mogala o mongwe mo foreiming ya khaete, gore e se fofe mo go ene nako e e tlang fa e le mo moweng. +“Leina la gago ke Motshwaraloapi!” Josh a rialo mo khaeteng. +Moso o o latelang, Josh a dula mo setulong sa gagwe sa maotwana kwa ntle fa pele ga mojako wa gagwe le Motshwaraloapi mo godimo ga gagwe. E ne e le letsatsi le le siameng go fofisa khaete. O ne a emetse Hope. O ne a ya go mo kgorometsa mo thoko ga tselana ya maoto ka bonako bo a bo kgonang, gore Motshwaraloapi a kgone go tshwara phefo a fofe. O ne a le kae? +“Ke fano!” ga rialo Hope. “Ke maswabi ke tharinyana. A khaete ya gago e siametse go fofa?” +“Ee, ga ke kgone go leta gore ke ise kwa loaping!” ga rialo Josh. +“A re tsamaye ge!” ga rialo Hope fa a tshwareletse setulo sa maotwana kwa morago thata. A simolola go tsamaya ka bonako, mme a taboga tsela yotlhe mo thoko ga tselana ya maoto. Maoto a ya bumpity-bump, bumpity-bump, a oketsa lobelo fa Hope a taboga. Josh a tlogela bontlhabongwe jwa mogala bo phutologa go tswa mo tšhupung ya khateboto e a neng a e tshwere. Ka ponyo ya leitlho khaete ya fofa! Ya phaphasela mo moweng fela mo godimonyana ga ditlhogo tsa bona. +Josh le Hope ba taboga go feta Neo yo o neng a le mo pele ga tshingwana a tshameka le Bella. O ne a rwele hutse ya pampiri ya legodu la mawatle mme a tshwere tšhaka ya khateboto. Bella o ne a rwele hutshe ya moloi. +“Ga o legodu le le siameng la lewatle!” Bella a rialo, a tshikinya kota ya gagwe ya mejiki. +“Hau! Hau!” Noodle a bogola, fela Neo o ne a sa mo utlwelele kgotsa Bella. Neo o ne a lebeletse Josh le Hope ba tla mo tselaneng ya maoto ka bonako jo bo makatsang. Jaanong Bella a lebala ka motshameko wa bona le ene mme a lebelela Josh le Hope! + +“A re ka tla le lona?” Neo a botsa. +“Ee, tlang! Re ya go fofisa Motshwaraloapi!” Josh a rialo fa a feta. +“Tlaa, Bella, a reye!” Neo a rialo. +“Tlaa, Noodle,” Bella a rialo. +“Hau! Hau!” Noodle a bogola. +Ka jalo Hope le Neo le Bella le Noodle ba taboga ka mola o motelele fa morago ga Josh, ba ya bumpity-bump le hau! hau! tsela yotlhe fa thoko ga tselana ya maoto. +Fa ba fitlha kwa lebaleng fa thoko ga matlo mangwe, Josh a tlogela mogala mongwe o montsi mme Motshwaraloapi a fofela kwa godimo kwa moweng. Le kwa godimo. Ya relela ka iketlo mo godimo ga marulelo le ditlhare e aparetswe ke loapi lo lo mmala wa botala jwa legodimo. Josh le Hope le Neo le Bella ba lebelela khaete ba eletsa e kete ba ka bo ba fofa le yone kwa loaping. +“Hau! Hau!” Noodle a bogolela kwa godimo. Gape o ne a lebeletse khaete kwa godimo. +“Neo, a o batla go leka go fofisa khaete?” Josh a botsa. +“Ee ka kopo!” ga rialo Neo, mme a tsaya mogala wa tšhupu ya khateboto mo go Josh. Mme fela go ne go le phefo e bile Motshwaraloapi a goga thata, mme Neo a diga tšhupu ya khateboto. Ya fofela kwa le kwa mo fatshe jaaka selo se se tshelang, sa naga mme ya ntsha mogala o montsi, gore khaete e fofele kwa godimo thata. Ka ponyo ya leitlho e ne e le selo fela se sennye mo loaping. + +Noodle a tshwara ka bonako tšhupu ya mogala! O ne a e tshwara ka ditlhaa tsa gagwe mme a e gatelela ka maroo a gagwe gore e se dikologe. Jaanong a tlolela ka maroo a gagwe mo mangoleng a ga Josh mme a mo fa tšhupu. Kwa bofelong, Motshwaraloapi e ne ya kgaotsa go fofela kwa godimo mme ya nna kwa e leng, mogatla wa yona o o phatsimang o supasupa mo loaping kwa tlase ga yone. +“Noodle, o bolokile khaete ya rona!” Josh a rialo. Noodle a tsokotsa mogatla wa gagwe. +“Noodle, o motshwari yo o kwa godimo wa khaete go feta!” ga rialo Hope. Noodle a tsokotsa mogatla wa gagwe. +“Noodle, o ntšwa e e botlhale thata!” Bella a rialo. Noodle a tsokotsa mogatla wa gagwe. +Josh a goga khaete ya gagwe thata fela gore a phuthe mogala o o dikaganyeditseng rolo ya khateboto go fitlhela Motshwaraloapi a nna mo go ene morago ga loeto lwa gagwe lo logolo mo loaping. Hope o ne a retolola setulo sa maoto, mme botlhe ba ya, bumpity-bump le hau! hau! tsela yotlhe go ya gae. +Fa Josh a ya go robala bosigo joo, o ne a gopola monate o a o jeleng le khaete ya gagwe le ka moo e batlileng go mo latlhegela. “Ka lesego ke na le ditsala tsa nnete mo lefatsheng!” a hemela kwa godimo fa a tswala matlho a gagwe. +Nna le boitlhamedi! +* Letla bana ba gago go itirela dikhaete tsa bone. Ba botse dipotso go ba thusa go simolola – sekai: O tlile go dira khaete ya gago go nna ya popego efe? O ka dirisa didiriswa dife go e dira? O ka e kgabisa jang? +* Itumele le bana ba gago ka go butswela dibalune mme lo di fofise. (O se ke wa bofa lefuto mo molomong wa balunu e e butswetsweng.) Lebelela jaaka di fofela gotlhe fa di tswa mowa! +* Mo leinaneng, Neo o rwele hutshe e e dirilweng ka dikuranta. Fa bana ba gago kuranta, selotheipi, dikere le mogala mme o ba gwetlhe go dira selo sengwe ba dirisa didiriswa tse.",tsn,Setswana,Motshwaraloap,"One rainy day Josh decides to make a kite. The next day he goes outside to fly his new kite with his friends. When Josh gives Neo a change to hold the string, Neo accidently drops it and the kite flies higher and higher! Will the friends be able to ...",,Ka Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/motshwaraloapi +skycatcher,"Yayiyimini yemvula, uJosh wayehleli etafileni yasekhitshini esenza ikayiti. Wayenamacwecwe akhaphukhaphu amaplanga awayewasebenzisela ukwenza isakhelo sekayiti. Wayenawo namaphetshana athambileyo emibala ezuba nabomvu amanye eluhlaza ekhona napinki. Wayombathisa yonke ikayiti ngephetshana elithambileyo elizuba. +“Eli phetshana lizuba bubuso bekayiti!” wagqiba kwelo uJosh. Wasika iphetshana elibomvu ukwenza imilebe encumileyo ebonisa ulonwabo, iphetshana eliluhlaza walisebenzisela amehlo, laze iphetshana elipinki langqonga izidlele. Emva koko wenza umsila omde wekayiti ngephetshana elizuba, elibomvu, neliluhlaza kunye nelipinki. +“Umsila wakho ubonakala njengeempahla ezixhentsa emoyeni kucingo lokwaneka iimpahla lukaGogo,” watsho uJosh kwikayiti. Emva koko wabhijela umtya omde kakhulu kumbhontshontsho wekhadibhodi waze wabophelela elinye icala lomtya kwisakhelo sekayiti, ukuze ingabhabhi imshiye emva kwexesha isemoyeni. +“Igama lakho unguRhec’isibhakabhaka!” watsho uJosh kwikayiti. +Kwintsasa elandelayo, uJosh wayehleli kwisihlalo esiqhutywayo phandle phambi komnyango okwicala elingaphambili lendlu esingathe uRhec’isibhakabhaka. Yayiyimini eyayikufanele ukubhajiswa kwekayiti. Wayelinde uHope. Wayeza kumtyhiliza ngamandla aze akhawuleze kangangoko, ukuze uRhec’isibhakabhaka aphetshethwe ngumoya aze abhabhe. Wayephi ke? +“Ndilapha!” watsho uHope. “Ndicela uxolo ngokufika emva kwemini. Ingaba ikayiti yakho seyikulungele ukubhabha?” +“Ewe, sendingxamele ukuyibukela iphezulu esibhakabhakeni!” watsho uJosh. +“Masihambe ke!” watsho uHope selezibambe nkqi izibambo ezingasemva zesihlalo esiqhutywayo. Waqala wahamba ngokukhawuleza, waze wabaleka kubo bonke ubude bepevementi. Amavili ayehamba ebhampa-bhampa, ebhampa-bhampa, esiya ngokuqengqeleka ngokuthe chatha njengoko uHope wayebaleka esongeza isantya sakhe. UJosh wacombulula intwana encinane yomtya kumbhontshontsho wekhadibhodi awayewuphethe. Ngephanyazo yantinga ikayiti! Yaphaphazela emoyeni nje phezu kweentloko zabo. +UJosh noHope badlula kuNeo owayesesitiyeni esingaphambi kwendlu edlala noBella. Wayethwele umnqwazi wamaphephandaba womphangi waselwandle futhi wayenekrele lekhadibhodi. UBella wayethwele umnqwazi wobugqhi. +“Akungomphangi waselwandle olichule!” watsho uBella, ejiwuzisa intongana yemilingo yakhe. +“Hawu! Hawu!” wakhonkotha uNoodle, kodwa uNeo wayengammamelanga ngokunjalo noBella. UNeo wayelinde uJosh noHope ababesiza bebaleka ngamendu abo apheleleyo. UBella watsho walibala ngomdlalo wabo kuba naye wayebukele uJosh noHope! + +“Singanilandela nathi?” wabuza uNeo. +“Ewe, yiza! Siza kubhabhisa uRhec’isibhakabhaka!” watsho uJosh edlula. +“Yiza, Bella, masihambe!” watsho uNeo. +“Yiza, Noodle,” watsho uBella. +“Hawu! Hawu!” wakhonkotha uNoodle. +Ngoko ke uHope noNeo noBella noNoodle babenkcunkca bebaleka emva kukaJosh, ubhampa-bhampa nohawu! hawu! bevakala kuyo yonke loo pevementi. +Bathe bakufika ethafeni elikufuphi nezinye izindlu, uJosh wacombulula enye intwana yomtya waze uRhec’isibhakabhaka wabhabhela phezulu emoyeni. Emva koko wantingela phezulu. Watshebeleza epholile phezu kwamaphahla ezindlu naphezu kwemiphezulu yemithi nesibhakabhaka esizuba simngqongile. UJosh noHope noNeo noBella babebukele ikayiti benqwenela ukuba bebebhabha nayo esibhakabhakeni. +“Hawu! Hawu!” wakhonkotha ngokukhwaza ngakumbi uNoodle. Wayesajonge phezulu kwikayiti. +“Neo, uyafuna ukuzama ukubhabhisa ikayiti?” wabuza uJosh. +“Ewe nceda torho!” watsho uNeo, waze wathatha umbhontshontsho wekhadibhodi yomtya kuJosh. Kodwa kwakuvuthuza umoya oko kwenza ukuba atsale nzima uRhec’isibhakabhaka, waze uNeo waphuncula umbhontshontsho wekhadibhodi. Yatshwitshwiza ingqunga ngokujikeleza emhlabeni ngokungathi yinto ephilayo futhi endlongondlongo, wabe ucombuluka ngokucombuluka umtya, ngelo xesha ikayiti intingele phezulu kangangangoko. Ngephanyazo yaba ngathi lichokoza elincinane esibhakabhakeni. + +UNoodle watsibela kumbhontshontsho womtya! Wawuxhakamfula ngemihlathi yakhe ewunqakule nangeentupha ukuze ungajikelezi. Wasuka waxhumela emadolweni kaJosh ngeentupha zakhe waze wagqithisela umbhontshontsho kuJosh. Ekugqibeleni, uRhec’isibhakabhaka wayeka ukubhabhela kude wahlala kuloo ndawo wayekuyo, ngomsila wakhe omibala-bala owunduzayo esibhakabhakeni esasisezantsi kwakhe. +“Noodle, uyisindisile ikayiti yethu!” watsho uJosh. UNoodle watshikiza umsila wakhe. +“Noodle, ungoyena rhec’ikayiti wakhe wabalasela!” watsho uHope. UNoodle watshikiza umsila wakhe. +“Noodle, uyinja ekrelekrele kakhulu!” watsho uBella. UNoodle watshikiza umsila wakhe. +UJosh wabhijela umtya wekayiti yakhe. Wawuqinisa ngokuwuqinisa umtya kwibhobhile yekhadibhodi wade uRhec’isibhakabhaka weza kusingatha kuye emva kodelongozi lwakhe olukhulu esibhakabhakeni. UHope wajikisa isihlalo samavili, baze bonke babuyela emva bebhampa-bhampa nohawu! hawu! ekhona kuyo yonke indlela egodukayo. +Wathi xa engqengqe ebhedini yakhe uJosh ngobo busuku, wacinga ngolonwabo aye wanalo nekayiti yakhe nangendlela awayephantse ukulahlekelwa yiyo ngayo. “Ngethamsanqa ndinabona bahlobo bandithandayo ehlabathini!” wasezela umoya esitsho evala amehlo akhe. +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +* Yithi abantwana bakho mabazenzele iikayiti zabo. Babuze imibuzo yokubancedisa ukuba baqalise – umzekelo: Uza kuyenza ibe nemilo enjani ikayiti yakho? Uza kusebenzisa ntoni xa uyenza? Ungayihombisa njani? +* Yonwaba nabantwana bakho xa nivuthela iibhaluni nizikhulula ukuba zihambe. (Uze ungenzi qhina ekupheleni kwebhaluni ebhajiswayo.) Zibukeleni ukuba zibhabha njani kuyo yonke indawo xa kuphuma umoya! +* Ebalini, uNeo uthwele umnqwazi owenziwe ngephephandaba. Nika abantwana bakho iphephandaba, iseloteyiphi, izikere nomtya uze ubakhuthaze ukuba benze into ethile ngokusebenzisa izinto obanike zona.",xho,isiXhosa,Urhec’isibhakabhak,"One rainy day Josh decides to make a kite. The next day he goes outside to fly his new kite with his friends. When Josh gives Neo a change to hold the string, Neo accidently drops it and the kite flies higher and higher! Will the friends be able to ...",,Libali likaAnn Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/urhec’isibhakabhaka +skycatcher,"A ku ri siku leri a ku na mpfula naswona Josh a tshamile exitangeni a ri karhi a endla khayindi. A ri na byewu lebyi a nga byi tirhisa ku endla rimba ra khayindi. Nakambe a tlhela a va na phepha ra thixu ra wasi na ro tshwuka na ra rihlaza na ro tshwukela. U funengetile khayindi hinkwayo hi phepha ra wasi. +“Phepha leri ra wasi hi le mahlweni ka khayindi!” Josh a teka xiboho lexi. U tsemile phepha ra thixu ro tshwuka a endla milomo leyi n’wayitelaka hikwalaho ka ntsako, phepha ra thixu ya rihlaza a endla mahlo a tlhela a teka phepha ra thixu yo thwukela a endla swirhendzevutana swa marhama. Endzhaku a endla ncila wo leha wa khayindi hi phepha ra wasi, ro tshwuka, ra rihlaza na ro tshwukela. +“Ncila wa wena wu fana na swiambalo swa Gogo leswi cinaka emoyeni eka mugiva wo aneka swiambalo,” ku vula Josh a byela khayindi. Kutani a thumelela ntambu yo leha swinene eka mbhovo wa khadibodo na ku bohelela hi le makumu ka rimba ra khayindi, leswaku yi nga haheli ekule loko yi ri emoyeni. +“Vito ra wena hi wena Xikhumbhamatilo!” ku vula Josh a byela khayindi. +Hi mixo lowu landzelaka, Josh a tshamile eka whilichere ya yena ehandle emahlweni ka rivanti na Xikhumbhamatilo emindzhumbini yakwe. A ku ri na maxelo ya kahle yo hahisa khayindi. A yimele Hope. A fanele a n’wi susumeta hi rivilo ra hilaha a ta swi kota ha kona eka xitupi xo famba konao, leswaku Xikhumbhamatilo xi kota ku biwa hi moya xi haha. Yena a ri kwihi? +“Hi mina loyi!” ku vula Hope. “Ndzi khomeli ndzi hlwerilenyana. Khayindi ya wena yi lulamile ku haha xana?” +“Ina, i khale ndzi yimele leswaku yi haha yi ya ematilweni!” ku vula Josh. +“A hi fambi ke!” ku vula Hope a ri karhi a khoma swikhomo swa whilichere a tiyisa. A sungula ku famba hi ku hatlisa, kutani a sungula ku tsutsuma ehenhla ka xitupi xo famba kona. Mavhilwa ya sungula ku gidligidli, gidligidli, ya khoma rivilo loko Hope a sungula ku tsutsuma. Josh u pfumelerile xintambyana xitsongo xi hakunuka le ka khadibodo leri a ri khomile. Hi xihatla, khayindi yi tlakuka! Yi sungule ku hahelanyana kwala tinhlokweni ta vona. +Josh na Hope va tsutsumile va hundza Neo loyi a ri karhi a tlanga na Bella exirhapeni. A ambale xigqoko xa phephahungu xa vatlhakisi a tlhela a khoma tlhari ra khadibodo. Bella a ambarile xigqoko xa noyi. +“A wu yena mutlhakisi wa kahle!” ku vula Bella, a ri karhi a yimisa nhonga yakwe ya masalamusi. +“Huuu! Huuu!” ku vukula Noodle, kambe Neo a nga ri ku n’wi yingiseleni kumbe Bella. Neo a langute Josh na Hope loko va ri karhi va ta hi rivilo lerikulu ehenhla ka xitupi xo famba kona. Bella a rivele hi ntlangu wa vona kutani a sungula ku languta Josh na Hope! + +“Xana hi nga famba na n’wina?” ku vutisa Neo. +“Ina, tanani! Hi ya hahisa Xikhumbhamatilo!” ku vula Josh a ri karhi a va hundza. +“Tana, Bella, a hi fambi!” ku vula Neo. +“Tana, Noodle,” ku vula Bella. +“Huuu! Huuu!” ku vukula Noodle. +Kutani Hope na Neo na Bella na Noodle va tsutsuma hi ku landzelelana endzhaku ka Josh, ku twakala ku gidligidli na huuu! huuu! va ri karhi va famba eka xitupi xo famba kona. +Loko va fika erivaleni ekusuhi na tindlu tin’wana, Josh a tshika xintambyana xin’wana kutani Xikhumbhamatilo xi hahela ehenhla emoyeni. Xi engeta xi ya ehenhla. Xi hahile kahle ehenhla ka malwangu na tinhlohlorhi ta minsinya na matilo ya wasi hi le tlhelo. Josh na Hope na Neo na Bella va languta khanyindi kutani va navela onge na vona va nga haha na yona ehenhla ematilweni. +“Huuu! Huuu!” Noodle a vukulela ehenhla. Na yena a langute khayindi ehenhla. +“Neo, xana u lava ku ringeta ku hahisa khayindi na wena?” ku vutisa Josh. +“Ina, ndza kombela!” ku hlamula Neo, kutani u tekela Josh ntambhu ya khadibodo. Kambe a ku ri na moya naswona Xikhumbhamatilo a xi koka hi matimba, kutani Neo a tshika khadibodoi. Ri be xindziwandziwani ehansi ku fana na xilo xa nhova xo hanya kutani xi sungula ku tlharamula ntambu hinkwayo, endzhakui khayindi yi hahela emalembelembeni swinene. Hi nkarhinyana a yi ri xilavi ematilweni. + +Noodle u lumile chupu leri a ri ri na ntambu! U ri lumile hi meno na ku ri kandziya hi milenge yakwe leswaku ri nga bi xindziwandziwani. Endzhaku a tlulela ehenhla hi milenge ya yena yi ya ehenhla ka matsolo ya Josh a nyiketa Josh chupu. Emakumu, Xikhumbhamatilo xi yima ku haha xi tshama laha a xi ri kona, na ncila wa xona lowo vangama wu ri karhi wu pulutela emapapeni ehansi ka xonai. +“Noodle, u ponise khayindi ya hina!” ku vula Josh. Noodle a pulutisa ncila. +“Noodle, u mukhomi wa khayindi wa kahle ku tlula hinkwavo!” ku vula Hope. Noodle a pulutisa ncila. +“Noodle, u mbyana yo tlhariha!” ku vula Bella. Noodle a pulutisa ncila. +Josh u tsondzele khayindi. A yi boha yi tsindziyela a yi tsondzela eka khadibodo ku fikela loko Xikhumbhamatilo xi tshama emindzhumbini yakwe endzhaku ka mbalango wa yena lowukulu ematilweni. Hope u jikisile whilichere, hinkwavo va fambae ku va vu gidligidli na huuu! huuu! ndlela hinkwayo ku ya ekaya. +Loko Josh a etlele emubedweni nivusiku, u ehleketile hi ku tsakisa loku a nga va na kona na khayindi ya yena na hilaha a ku sale katsongo leswaku yi n’wi lahlekela. “Nkateko wa kona ndzi na vanghana va kahle emisaveni hinkwayo!” a koka moya loko a ri karhi a swinya mahlo. +Sungulani ku va ni vutumbuluxi! +* Pfumelela vana va wena va endla tikhayindi ta vona. Va vutisi swivutiso ku va pfuna ku kota ku sungula – xikombiso: Xana khayindi ya wena yi ta va na xivumbeko xa njhani? Xana u ta tirhisa switirhisiwa swihi ku yi endla? Xana u ta yi khavisa njhani? +* Tiphini na vana va wena hi ku hahisa tibaluni kutani mi ti tshika ti haha. (U nga bohi fundzu emakumu ka baluni leyi nga pfurheteriwa.) Langutani hilaha ti hahaka ha kona hinkwakwokwako loko ti ri karhi ti buluka! +* Eka ntsheketo, Neo u ambale xigqoko xo endliwa hi phephahungu. Nyika vana va wena phephahungu, selothepi, swikero na xintambyani kutani u va tlhontlha ku endla xa wa nchumu hi ku tirhisa switirhisiwa leswi.",tso,Xitsonga,Xikhumbhamatilo,"One rainy day Josh decides to make a kite. The next day he goes outside to fly his new kite with his friends. When Josh gives Neo a change to hold the string, Neo accidently drops it and the kite flies higher and higher! Will the friends be able to ...",,Hi Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/xikhumbhamatilo +skycatcher,"Lalina ngalelo langa, kanti uJosh wayehlezi etafuleni lasekhishini enza ikhayithi. Wayenokusazinswazi okuthile ayekusebenzisa ukwenza uhlaka lwekhayithi. Wayephinde abe nepheshana elithambile eliluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka, elibomvu neliluhlaza okotshani. Wayemboza lonke ikhayithi ngephepha elithambile eliluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. +“Leli phepha eliluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka ubuso bekhayithi!” kunquma uJosh. Wasika wayesekhipha iphepha lobuso obubomvu ukuze enze izindebe ezimoyizelayo nezijabulile, ngephepha eliluhlaza okotshani wenza amehlo, kanti eliphinki laba yizihlathi. Emva kwalokho wayesenza umsila omude ngephepha eliluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka, elibomvu, eliluhlaza okotshani kanye neliphinki. +“Umsila wakho ubukeka njengezingubo zidansela umoya ocingweni lukaGogo lokweneka izimpahla,” kusho uJosh eqondise kukhayithi. Emva kwalokho wayesebophela intambo ende kakhulu ekhadibhodini eliyishubhu, kwase kuthi lapho igcina khona intambo wayibophela ohlakeni lwekhayithi, ukuze lingandizi liphunyuke kamuva uma selisemoyeni. +“Igama lakho unguSosibhakabhaka!” kwasho uJosh etshela ikhayithi. +Ekuseni ngakusasa, uJosh wahlala esihlalweni sakhe samasondo ngaphandle komnyango wangaphambili ebeke uSosibhakabhaka ethangeni lakhe. Kwakuwusuku olukulungele ukuthi ungandizisa ikhayithi. Wayelinde uHope. UHope wayezomdudula kuphevumenti ngokushesha okungangamandla akhe, ukuze uSosibhakabhaka akwazi ukuthola umoya andize. Wayekuphi pho? +“Ngilapha nje!” kusho uHope. “Ngiyaxolisa ukuthi sengilibele kancane. Ngabe ikhayithi lakho selikulungele ukundiza?” +“Yebo, sengehluleka nokulindela ukulibona selindiza esibhakabhakeni!” kusho uJosh. +“Hhayi-ke, masihambe!” kusho uHope ebamba izibambo ezingemuva kwesihlalo samasondo eziqinisa. Waqala ukuhamba ngokushesha, emva kwalokho wagijima eqonde phambili kuphevumenti. Amasondo ayelokhu ethi gudlu-gudu, gudlu-gudu, ekhuphula isivinini ngenkathi uHope egijima. UJosh wadedela intambo ukuthi iqaqeke eshubhini lekhadibhodi ayelibambile. Ngokuphazima kweso ikhayithi laphakama! Lindizandize emoyeni ngaphezudlwana nje kwamakhanda abo. +UJosh noHope bagijima bedlula uNeo owayesesivandeni esingaphambili sakubo, edlala noBella. Wayethwele isigqokwana sezigebengu zasolwandle esenziwe ngephephandaba, ephethe inkemba yekhadibhodi. UBella yena wayefake isigqoko somthakathi. +“Awusona isigebengu sasolwandle esihle ngempela wena!” kusho uBella, enyakazisa indukwana yakhe yemilingo. +“Wuwu! Wuwu!” kukhonkotha uNoodle, kodwa uNeo wayengamlalele, ngisho noBella futhi. UNeo wayebuka uJosh noHope beza ngephevumenti ngesivinini esikhulu. UBella wayesekhohlwa nangomdlalo wabo naye wayesebuka uJosh noHope! + +“Singahamba nawe?” kubuza uNeo. +“Yebo, woza! Sizondizisa uSosibhakabhaka!” kwasho uJosh ngesikhathi edlula. +“Woza, Bella, masihambe!” kusho uNeo. +“Woza, Noodle,” kusho uBella. +“Wuwu! Wuwu!” kukhonkotha uNoodle. +Ngakho-ke uHope, noNeo, noBella noNoodle bagijima benza umugqa omude ngemuva kukaJosh, bethi gudlu-gudu, baphinde bathi wuwu! wuwu! yonke indlela yephevumenti. +Bathi uma befika okhalweni oluseduze kwemizi ethile, uJosh wadedela kakhudlwana intambo maqede uSosibhakabhaka wandizela phezulu emoyeni. Emva kwalokho ikhayithi laya phezulu futhi. Laphephezela kancane phezu kophahla lwezindlu naphezu kwezihlahla, laze lazungezwa yisibhakabhaka esiluhlaza. UJosh, noHope, noNeo kanye noBella babebuka ikhayithi bafisa sengathi bangandizela phezulu kanye nalo. +“Wuwu! Wuwu!” kukhonkotha uNoodle ngokuzwakala kakhulu. Naye wayebuka ikhayithi le phezulu. +“Neo, uyafuna ukuzama ukundizisa ikhayithi?” kubuza uJosh. +“Yebo, ngiyacela!” kusho uNeo, wabe esethatha kuJosh ishubhu lekhadibhodi elinentambo. Kodwa kwakunomoya, uSosibhakabhaka wadonsa ngamawala, uNeo waphunyula ishubhu lekhadibhodi. Lasuka lazungeza lazungeza phansi njengento ephilayo, lilokhu liqaqa intambo, ngakho ikhayithi landiza laya phezulu, phezulu, phezulu. Ngokushesha lase liyichashazana esibhakabhakeni. + +UNoodle wahlasela ishubhu lentambo! Walibamba ngemazinyo nangezidladla zakhe ukuze lingazungezi. Emva kwalokho wagxumela ngezidladla zakhe emadolweni kaJosh wedlulisela ishubhu kuJosh. Ekugcineni, uSosibhakabhaka wayeka ukundiza, wama lapho ayekade ekhona, nomsila wakhe ogqamile ubhakubhakuza esibhakabhakeni ngaphansi kwakhe. +“Noodle, uliphephisile ikhayithi lethu!” kusho uJosh. UNoodle watshikizisa umsila wakhe. +“Noodle, ungumbambi wekhayithi ohamba phambili!” kusho uHope. UNoodle watshikizisa umsila wakhe. +“Noodle, uyinja ehlakaniphile ngempela!” kusho uBella. UNoodle watshikizisa umsila wakhe. +UJosh walidonsa elisondeza ikhayithi lakhe. Wayigoqa intambo ngokuyiqinisa izungeza ishubhu lekhadibhodi uSosibhakabhaka waze walala cu ethangeni lakhe ngemva kohambo lwakhe olukhulu lwasesibhakabhakeni. UHope wajikisa isihlalo samasondo, kwezwakala ubu-gudlu-gudu nobu-wuwu! wuwu! yonke indlela sebebheke ekhaya. +Ngenkathi uJosh eselele ngalobo busuku, wayecabanga ngobumnandi ayebe nabo nekhayithi lakhe nokuthi licishe lamlahlekela kanjani. “Ngenhlanhla nginabangani abahle kakhulu emhlabeni!” waphefumulela phezulu ngenkathi evala amehlo akhe. +Veza ubuciko bakho! +* Izingane zakho mazizenzele awazo amakhayithi. Zibuze imibuzo ukuzisiza ukuthi ziqale – ukwenza, isibonelo: Ngabe ikhayithi lakho uzolenza libe yisimo esinjani? Uzosebenzisa izinto ezinjani ukulakha? Ungalihlobisa kanjani? +* Jabula nezingane zakho ngokufutha amabhaluni bese niwadedela ahambe. (Ungabophi ifindo ekugcineni kwebhaluni elifuthiwe.) Bhekani ukuthi andiza kanjani eya le nale ngenkathi kuphuma umoya obufuthiwe! +* Endabeni, uNeo uthwala isigqoko esenziwe ngephephandaba. Nikeza izingane zakho iphephandaba, ithephu yokunamathisela, izikelo kanye nentambo bese uziphonsela inselelo yokuthi zenze okuthile zisebenzisa lezi zinto.",zul,isiZulu,USosibhakabhaka | Multilingual stories,"One rainy day Josh decides to make a kite. The next day he goes outside to fly his new kite with his friends. When Josh gives Neo a change to hold the string, Neo accidently drops it and the kite flies higher and higher! Will the friends be able to ...",,Ngu-Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/usosibhakabhaka +busis-gift,"Busi was a little green frog who lived with her family next to a winding river in the Drakensberg mountains. Busi was a happy frog, but one thing made her sad. She looked different from her brothers, her sisters, and all the other frogs. Her face was the same. Her body was the same. But one of Busi’s back legs was extra long and thick. Sometimes the other young frogs teased her about her strange leg, and this made Busi feel even worse.  +  +“If only I looked like everybody else!” she often said with a sigh. “If only I wasn’t so ugly!”  +  +“What nonsense!” said Grandpa Frog.  +  +“Grandpa is right!” said Mama Frog. “How can such a special little frog talk such nonsense?”  +  +But Busi didn’t believe them. When the frogs sat croaking on the bank of the river in the long summer evenings, Busi sat behind the rest of them so that no one would see her extra long back leg. And when they caught flies for lunch, she tucked that leg out of sight, so that she looked more like the others.  + +  +Further down the river, in a gloomy cave high up on the mountain lived a wicked eagle. “Stay far away from that eagle!” Mama Frog often warned.  +  +One day, when Busi was feeling very sad, she decided to go for a swim on her own. “I’m too ugly to play with the others,” she thought. “I’d rather spend the day alone.”  +  +The little frog swam for a long time, then she crawled out of the water to rest on the grassy river bank. Lying there in the sun, she looked up, and saw the eagle’s cave.  +  +“I’d better not stay here!” she thought to herself. She was about to jump back into the river when she heard voices drifting down from the cave.  +  +“Sir,” Busi heard a child’s voice say, “I’ve swept the cave and prepared your lunch. Please may I go down to the river while you eat, so I can wash my dress? It’s the only one I have now, and it’s very dirty.”  +  +“Do you think I’m a fool, little girl?” shrieked a loud, angry voice. “If I let you go near the river, you’ll just run away!”  +  +“Oh no, Sir,” the frog heard the child say. “I won’t run away. You’ll know I’m still here because you’ll hear me beating my wet dress against the rocks until it is clean.”  +  +“Well, all right then,” the cruel eagle said, “but be quick because there’s lots more work for you to do!”  +  +Busi watched as a young girl in a very dirty dress made her way down to the river. She sat down on the rock next to Busi, and started to cry.  +  +“Don’t cry, little girl,” said the frog gently, but the child just cried more.  +  +“Oh, Frog,” she sobbed, “I’ll never be able to go home again! That cruel eagle stole me from my village last week, and now I am his slave!”  +  +Just then, they heard the eagle’s harsh voice calling out from his cave, “Girl, are you still there? If I don’t hear the sound of beating soon, you’ll be in BIG trouble!”  +  +“My friend,” said Busi quickly, “you have no time to lose! Give me your dress, and then run away as fast as you can. I’ll beat the dress against these rocks, and the eagle will hear the noise. By the time he finds out you’ve gone, you’ll be home again with your mother!”  +  +“Frog, you’re so kind,” said the girl. “But how can a tiny creature like you beat the dress hard enough to make a loud noise?”  +  +“Well,” said Busi, “you haven’t seen my special, strong leg yet!”  +  +Shyly, the frog showed the little girl her long, thick back leg, which had been tucked underneath her as usual. Then the child knew she had a chance. She pulled off her dress and dipped it into the water. When it was wet, she beat it against a big rock a few times. Then she passed the dress quickly to Busi. She kissed the frog on her forehead, whispered, “Thank you,” and ran away.  +  +WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! went the wet dress, as Busi slapped it against the rock for a long time. Her extra long leg was so powerful that it was easy for her to make a loud noise. It was only when the eagle again shouted for the girl to hurry up, that Busi threw the dress down, jumped into the river with a plop and swam away quickly.   +  +“At last!” said Busi’s mother when Busi reached home. “Where have you been?”  +  +As she hugged Busi, she saw a glowing jewel on the little frog’s forehead, right on the spot where the girl had kissed her.  +  +“How beautiful you are!” said Mama Frog, and all Busi’s brothers and sisters agreed. When Busi saw her reflection in the water, she smiled a huge, wide frog smile. She was happy that she looked so beautiful. But even more than that, she was happy that her extra long leg wasn’t such a bad thing after all.",eng,English,Busi's gift,"Busi was a little green frog who lived with her family next to a winding river in the Drakensberg mountains. Busi was a happy frog, but one thing made her sad. She looked different from her brothers, her sisters, and all the other frogs. Her face ...",,Retold by Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/busis-gift +busis-gift,"Busi is ’n klein groen paddatjie wat saam met haar gesin langs ’n kronkelende rivier in die Drakensberge woon. Busi is ’n gelukkige paddatjie, maar een ding maak haar ongelukkig. Sy lyk anders as haar broers, haar susters, en al die ander paddas. Haar gesig lyk dieselfde. Haar lyf lyk dieselfde. Maar een van Busi se agterbene is ekstra lank en dik. Soms terg die ander paddatjies haar oor haar vreemde been, en dit laat Busi nog slegter voel.  +  +“Ek wens ek het soos al die ander gelyk!” sê sy dikwels met ’n sug. “As ek net nie so lelik was nie!”  +  +“Dis sommer twak!” sê Oupa Padda.  +  +“Oupa is reg!” sê Mamma Padda. “Hoe kan so ’n spesiale klein paddatjie sulke bog praat?”  +  +Maar Busi glo hulle nie. Wanneer die paddas tydens die lang somersaande op die wal van die rivier sit en kwaak, sit Busi agter die res van hulle sodat niemand haar ekstra lang agterbeen moet sien nie. En wanneer hulle vlieë vir middagete vang, steek sy daardie been weg sodat sy meer soos die ander lyk.  +  +  +Verder af met die rivier, in ’n donker grot hoog in die berge, woon ’n nare arend. “Bly ver weg van daardie arend!” waarsku Mamma Padda dikwels.  +  +Op ’n dag, toe Busi baie hartseer voel, besluit sy om alleen te gaan swem. “Ek is te lelik om met die ander te speel,” dink sy. “Ek sal liewer die dag alleen deurbring.”  +  +Die klein paddatjie swem ’n lang ruk, en toe kruip sy uit die water om op die gras van die rivierwal te rus. Terwyl sy daar in die son lê, kyk sy op en sien die arend se nes.  +  +“Ek moet liewer nie hier bly nie!” dink sy. Sy is op die punt om weer in die rivier in te spring, toe sy stemme van die grot af hoor kom.  +  +“Meneer,” hoor Busi ’n kind se stem sê, “ek het die grot uitgevee en u middagete gemaak. Mag ek asseblief nou rivier toe gaan terwyl u eet, sodat ek my rok kan was? Dis die enigste rok wat ek nou het, en dis baie vuil.”  +  +“Dink jy ek is ’n gek, klein dogtertjie?” skree ’n harde, kwaai stem. “As ek jou naby die rivier laat kom, sal jy net weghardloop!”  +  + “O, nee, Meneer,” hoor die paddatjie die kind sê. “Ek sal nie weghardloop nie. U sal weet ek is nog daar, want u sal hoor hoe ek my nat rok teen die rotse slaan totdat dit skoon is.”  +  +“Nouja, goed dan,” sê die nare arend, “maar maak gou, want daar is nog baie werk vir jou!”  +  +Busi sien hoe ’n jong meisie in ’n baie vuil rok aanstap rivier toe. Sy gaan sit op die rots langs Busi en begin huil.  +  +“Moenie huil nie, klein dogtertjie,” sê die paddatjie sag, maar die kind huil net al hoe meer.  +  +“O, Paddatjie,” snik sy, “ek sal nooit weer kan huis toe gaan nie! Daardie nare arend het my laas week uit my dorpie gesteel, en nou is ek sy slaaf!”  +  +Net toe hoor hulle die arend se kwaai stem uit sy grot roep: “Is jy nog daar, meisiekind? As ek nie binnekort ’n geslaan hoor nie, is jy in GROOT moeilikheid!”  +  +“Liewe maat,” sê Busi vinnig, “jy het nie tyd om te mors nie! Gee vir my jou rok, en hardloop dan so vinnig as wat jy kan weg. Ek sal die rok teen hierdie rotse slaan, en die arend sal die geraas hoor. Teen die tyd dat hy uitvind dat jy weg is, sal jy weer tuis by jou ma wees!”  +  +“Jy’s so gaaf, Paddatjie,” sê die meisie. “Maar hoe kan ’n klein diertjie soos jy die rok hard genoeg slaan om ’n harde geraas te maak?”  +  +“Wel,” sê Busi, “jy het nog nie my spesiale sterk been gesien nie!”  +  +Skamerig wys die paddatjie vir die klein dogtertjie haar lang, dik agterbeen, wat soos gewoonlik onder haar ingevou is. Toe weet die kind sy het ’n kans. Sy trek haar rok uit en doop dit in die water. Toe dit nat is, kap sy dit ’n paar keer teen ’n groot rots. Toe gee sy vining die rok vir Busi aan. Sy soen die paddatjie op haar voorkop, fluister: “Dankie,” en hardloop weg.  +  +KLAP! KLAP! KLAP! maak die nat rok, terwyl Busi dit vir ’n lang ruk teen die rots slaan. Haar ekstra lang been is so sterk dat dit vir haar maklik is om ’n harde geraas te maak. Dit is eers toe die arend weer vir die meisie skree om gou te maak dat Busi die rok neergooi, kaplaks in die rivier spring en vinnig wegswem.  +  +“Uiteindelik!” sê Busi se mamma toe Busi by die huis kom. “Waar was jy?”  +  +Terwyl sy Busi styf vasdruk, sien sy ’n skitterende edelsteen op die klein paddatjie se voorkop, daar waar die klein dogtertjie haar gesoen het.  +  +“Kyk hoe pragtig is jy!” sê Mamma Padda, en al Busi se boeties en sussies stem saam. Toe Busi haar weerkaatsing in die water sien, gee sy ’n breë paddaglimlag. Sy is bly dat sy so mooi lyk. Maar bo alles, is sy bly dat haar ekstra lang been toe glad nie so ’n slegte ding is nie.",afr,Afrikaans,Busi se gawe,"Busi was a little green frog who lived with her family next to a winding river in the Drakensberg mountains. Busi was a happy frog, but one thing made her sad. She looked different from her brothers, her sisters, and all the other frogs. Her face ...",,Oorvertel deur Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/busi-se-gawe +busis-gift,"UBusi wayeyixoxo elincane eliluhlaza elalihlala nomndeni walo eduze komfula ogwincizayo ezintabeni zoKhahlamba. UBusi wayeyixoxo elithokozile, kodwa iyodwa into eyayimenza aphatheke kabi. Wayebukeka ehlukile kubafowabo, odadewabo, kanye nawo wonke amanye amaxoxo. Ubuso bakhe babufana nobamanye. Umzimba wakhe wawufana neminye. Kodwa omunye wemilenze kaBusi engemuva wawumude kakhulu kuneminye futhi uwugqinsi. Ngesinye isikhathi amanye amaxoxo amancane ayemgcona ngomlenze wakhe ongajwayelekile, kanti lokhu uBusi kwakumzwisa ubuhlungu obedlulele.  +  +“Ukuba nje ngangibukeka njengabanye!” wayevame ukusho njalo ephefumulela phezulu. “Ukuba nje bengingemubi kangaka!”   +  +“Wumbhedo lowo!” kwasho uMkhulu Xoxo.  +  +“Uqinisile uMkhulu!” kwasho uMama Xoxo. “Kwenzeka kanjani ukuthi ixoxo elincane elikhethekileyo likhulume umbhedo onjalo pho?”  +  +UBusi akazange abakholwe. Ngenkathi amaxoxo ehlezi ekhala ezinkwazini zomfula ngokuhlwa okudonsayo kwasehlobo, uBusi wayehlezi ngemuva kwawo wonke ukuze ungabonwa nangelilodwa umlenze wakhe wangemuva omude kakhulu. Lapho amanye ebamba izimpukane njengesidlo sasemini, yena wayewufihla umlenze wakhe ungabonakali, ukuze abukeke efana namanye.  + +  +Ezansi nomfula, emhumeni omnyama owawuphezulu entabeni kwakuhlala ukhozi olunonya. “Ungasondeli kuloluya khozi!” uMama Xoxo wayevamise ukuxwayisa kanjalo.  +  +Ngolunye usuku, lapho uBusi ezizwa edangele kakhulu, wanquma ukuba ayozibhukudela eyedwana nje. “Ngimubi kakhulu ukuthi ngingadlala nabanye,” kucabanga yena. “Kungcono ngichithe usuku ngingedwa nje.”  +  +Ixoxo elincane labhukuda eside isikhathi, emva kwalokho lagaqa seliphuma emanzini ukuze liphumule ogwini olunotshani. Selilele lapho elangeni, labuka phezulu, lase liwubona umhume wokhozi.  +  +“Kungangcono ngingahlali lapha!” lizicabangela. Kwase kusele kancane ukuba ligxumele phakathi futhi emfuleni ngenkathi lizwa amazwi ehla ephuma khona emhumeni.  +  +“Mnumzane,” uBusi wayezwa kusho izwi lengane, “sengiwushanyelile umhume futhi ngalungisa nesidlo sasemini. Ngicela ukuthi ngiye phansi emfuleni ngenkathi wena udla, yikhona ngizohlanza ilokwe lami. Yilona kuphela esenginalo manje, kanti selingcole kakhulu.”  +  +“Ucabanga ukuthi ngiyisilima yini, ntombazanyana?” kuklewula izwi elikhulu nelinolaka. “Uma ngingakuvumela uye eduze komfula, uyovele ubaleke!”  +  +“Awu, ngeke, Mnumzane,” ixoxo lezwa ingane isho kanjalo. “Ngeke ngize ngibaleke. Uzozwa nje ukuthi ngisekhona lapha ngoba uzongizwa ngibhula ilokwe lami elimanzi emadwaleni lize lome.”  +  +“O, kulungile-ke,” kwasho ukhozi olunonya, “kodwa kuzomele usheshe ngoba mningi umsebenzi okusamele uwenze!”  +  +UBusi wabuka intombazane esencane igqoke ilokwe elingcole lesabeka ngenkathi ihamba iqonde phansi emfuleni. Yahlala phansi edwaleni eliseduze kukaBusi, yayisiqala ukukhala.  +  +“Ungakhali, ntombazanyana,” kusho ixoxo ngeliphansi, kodwa ingane yavele yakhala kakhulu.  +  +“Wo hhe, Xoxo,” yasho ikhala, “Ngeke ngiphinde ngikwazi ukuya ekhaya! Loluya khozi olunonya lwangintshontsha emzini wakithi ngesonto eledlule, manje sengiyisigqila salo!”  +  +Kungaleso sikhathi lapho bezwa khona izwi lokhozi elinolaka limemeza kakhulu liphuma emhumeni walo, “Ntombanzane, usekhona lapho? Uma ngingawuzwa umsindo wokubhulwa kwengubo masinyane nje, uzoba senkingeni ENKULU!”  +  +“Mngani wami,” kwasho uBusi ngokushesha, “akukho sikhathi esizokuchithekela! Nginikeze ilokwe lakho, bese uyabaleka ngokushesha okungangamandla akho. Ngizoyibhula le ngubo kula madwala, futhi ukhozi luzowuzwa umsindo. Ngenkathi seluthola ukuthi usuhambile, uzobe ususekhaya, usunonyoko futhi!”  +  +“Xoxo, awuve unomusa,” kwasho intombazane. “Kodwa singakwenza kanjani isilwane esincane njengawe ukuba sibhule ilokwe ngamandla anele ukuthi kwenzeke umsindo omkhulu?”  +  +“Hhayi-ke,” kwasho uBusi, “awukaze uwubone umlenze wami wekhethelo noqinileyo!”  +  +Ngamahlonyana ixoxo lakhombisa intombazanyana umlenze walo omude nolugqinsi, elaliwufihle ngemuva njengenjwayelo. Ingane yabe isibona ukuthi inalo ithuba. Yalikhumula ilokwe layo maqede yalifaka phakathi emanzini. Lithe uma selimanzi, yalibhula edwaleni elikhulu kaningana. Emva kwalokho yabe isidlulisela ilokwe kuBusi ngokushesha. Yayisiqabula ixoxo esiphongweni, yanyenyeza ithi, “Ngiyabonga,” emva kwalokho yabaleka.  +  +KHWA! KHWA! KHWA! kukhala ilokwe elimanzi, ngenkathi uBusi elibhaxula edwaleni isikhathi eside. Umlenze wakhe omude kakhulu wawunamandla ngendlela yokuthi kwakulula kakhulu kuye ukwenza umsindo ozwakalayo. Kwaze konakala lapho ukhozi seluthetha futhi lutshela intombazane ukuthi ayisheshise, uBusi wayeselahla ilokwe phansi, wagxuma wangena emfuleni, ethi gxumbu maqede ebhukuda ngokubaleka eshesha.  +  +“Ekugcineni!” kwasho unina kaBusi ngenkathi uBusi efika ekhaya. “Ubukuphi?”  +  +Ngenkathi anga uBusi, wabona ubucwebe obumanyazelayo esiphongweni sexoxo elincane, lapho nje intombazane ibiliqabule khona.  +  +“Awuve umuhle bo!” kwasho uMama Xoxo, nabafowabo kanye nodadewabo bakaBusi bavumelana ngalokho. UBusi wathi uma ebona umfanekiso wakhe uma ezibuka emanzini, wagcwala ukumamatheka okukhulu nokubanzi kwakoxoxo. Wayethokozile ngokubukeka emuhle kangaka. Kodwa ngaphezu kwalokho, wayethokozile ngokuthi umlenze wakhe omude kakhulu wawungeyona into embi kangako.",zul,isiZulu,Isipho sikaBus,"Busi was a little green frog who lived with her family next to a winding river in the Drakensberg mountains. Busi was a happy frog, but one thing made her sad. She looked different from her brothers, her sisters, and all the other frogs. Her face ...",,Ixoxwa kabusha nguJoanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isipho-sikabusi +busis-gift,"Busi ke segwagwana se se tala se se neng se dula le balelapa la gagwe mo thoko ga noka e e motsopodia kwa dithabeng tsa Drakensberg. Busi e ne e le segwagwa se se itumetseng, mme go ne go le sengwe se le sengwe fela se se neng se mo utlwisa botlhoko. O ne a lebega a farologane le bomorwarragwe, bokgaitsadie, le digwagwa tse dingwe tsotlhe. Sefatlhego sa gagwe se ne se tshwana le tsa bone. Mmele wa gagwe o ne o tshwana le wa bone. Mme fela leoto le le lengwe la ga Busi la kwa morago le ne le le teleletelele e bile le le le kimakima. Ka dinako dingwe digwagwa tse dinnye di ne di mo rumola ka leoto le la gagwe le le sa tlwaelegang, mme se se ne se mo utlwisa botlhoko thata.  +  +“Fa fela ke ne ke tshwana le mongwe le mongwe!” o ne ka gale a bua jalo a hemela kwa godimo. “Fa fela nka be ke se maswe jaana!”  +  +“Ke matlakala a eng!” Rremogolo Segwagwa a rialo.  +  +“Rremogolo o nepile!” Mama Segwagwa a rialo. “Go tla jang gore segwagwana se se kgethegileng jaaka wena jaana se bue matlakala a makana?”  +  +Mme fela Busi o ne a sa ba dumele. Fa digwagwa tse dingwe di ne di dutse mo dintshing tsa noka ka nako ya selemo mo bosigong, Busi o ne a dula kwa morago ga tsone tsotlhe gore go se nne le ope wa bone yo o ka bonang leoto la gagwe le le teleletelele la kwa morago. Fa ba ne ba tshwara dintsi tsa dijo tsa motshegare, o ne a fitlha leoto leo, gore a kgone go tshwana le ba bangwe.  + +  +Kgakajana le noka, mo legageng le le lefifi kwa godimo ga thaba go ne go dula ntsu e e setlhogo. “O nne kgakala le ntsu ele!” Mama Segwagwa o ne a kgalema ka gale.  +  +Ka letsatsi lengwe, fa Busi a ne a hutsafetse, o ne a itsamaela a ya go thuma a le esi. “Ke maswe thata gore nka tshameka le ba bangwe,” o ne a akanya jalo. “Bogolo nka tlhola ke le esi.”  +  +Segwagwana sa thuma nako e telele, jaanong a gagabela kwa ntle ga metsi go ikhutsa mo bojannyeng jwa dintshi tsa noka. Fa a rapaletse jalo mo letsatsing, a lebelela kwa godimo, mme a bona legaga la ntsu.  +  +“Ke fa nka tloga fa!” a nagana a le esi. O ne a re o a tlolela mo metsing fa a utlwa mantswe a a iketlileng go tswa kwa legageng.  +  +“Motlotlegi,” Busi a utlwa lentswe la ngwana le re, “Ke feetse legaga mme e bile ke go baakanyeditse dijo tsa motshegare. A nka ya kwa nokeng fa o ntse o ja, gore ke kgone go tlhatswa mosese wa me? Ke one fela o ke nang le o ne jaanong, mme o leswe thata.”  +  +“A o gopola gore ke sematla, ngwanyana?” ga goa lentswe le le kwa godimo, le le tenegileng. “Fa ke go tlogela o ya gaufi le noka, o tlile go tshaba!”  +  +“Nnyaa, Motlotlegi,” segwagwa sa utlwa ngwana a rialo. “Nka se tshabe. O tla itse gore ke sa ntse ke le teng gonne o tla utlwa ke itaya mosese wa me o o metsi mo matlapeng go fitlha o nna phepa.”  +  +“Gone go siame,” ntsu e e setlhogo ya rialo, “mme o itlhaganele ka gonne go na le tiro e ntsi e o tshwanetseng go e dira!”  +  +Busi o ne a lebelela fa mosetsanyana yo o apereng mosese o o leswe thata a tsamaela kwa nokeng. O ne a dula mo thoko ga Busi, mme a simolola go lela.  +  +“O se ka wa lela, mosetsanyana,” ga bua segwagwa ka bonolo, mme ngwana a lela thata.  +  +“Oh, Segwagwa,” a lela botlhoko, “Nka se tsamaye ke kgonne go ya gae gape! Ntsu e e setlhogo e le e nkutswile kwa motseng wa gaetsho mo bekeng e e fetileng, jaanong ke lekgoba la gagwe!”  +  +Fela ka nako eo, ba ne ba utlwa lentswe la ntsu le le bogale thata le goa go tswa kwa legageng la yona, “Mosetsana, a o sa le teng? Fa ke sa utlwe modumo wa go itaaganngwa gone jaanong, o tlile go tsena mo mathateng a MAGOLO!”  +  +“Tsala ya me,” Busi a bua ka potlako, “ga o na nako! Mphe mosese wa gago, mme o taboge ka lebelo thata ka moo o ka kgonang ka teng. Ke tla betsa mosese mo matlapeng a, mme ntsu o tla utlwa modumo. Ka nako e a lemogang gore o tshabile, o tla be o le kwa gae le mme wa gago!”  +  +“Segwagwa, o na le pelo e ntle,” mosetsana a rialo. “Mme fela setshedi se sennye jaaka wena se tla kgona jang go betsa mosese thata go dira modumo o o kwa godimo?”  +  +“Ee,” Busi a rialo, “ga o ise o bone leoto la me le le kgethegileng, le le tiileng!”  +  +Ka ditlhong, segwagwa se ne sa bontsha mosetsanyana leoto la gagwe la kwa morago le le kima, le a neng a le fitlhile mo tlase jaaka tlwaelo. Jaanong ngwana a itse fa a na le tšhono. O ne a goga mosese wa gagwe mme a o inela mo metsing. Fa o le metsi, a o betsaka mo matlapeng ka makgetlo a mantsinyana. Jaanong a isa mosese ka potlako kwa go Busi. O ne a atla segwagwa mo phatleng, a sebaseba, “Ke a leboga,” mme a tshaba.  +  +GWA! GWA! GWA! ga ya mosese o o metsi, fa Busi a o betsa mo letlapeng ka nako e e telele. Leoto la gagwe le le teleletelele le ne le le maatla thata e bile go le bonolo gore a kgone go dira modumo o mogolo. E ne e le fela fa ntsu e bitsa mosetsana gape gore a itlhaganele, moo Busi o neng a latlhela mosese mo fatshe, a itatlhela mo nokeng mme a thuma ka bonako.  +  +“Morago ga nako e telele!” ga bua mmagwe Busi fa a goroga kwa gae. “O ntse o le kae?”  +  +Fa a atlarela Busi, o ne a bona mokgabiso o montle o o phatsimang mo phatleng ya ga Busi, gona mo mosetsana a mo atlileng teng.  +  +“O montle jang!” ga rialo Mama Segwagwa, mme bomorrwarragwe le bokgaitsadie ba dumelana. Fa Busi a bona moriti wa gagwe mo metsing, o ne a nyenya ka monyenyo o mogolo o o bophara wa segwagwa. O ne a itumeletse gore o lebega a le montle. Mme go feta seo, o ne a itumeletse gore leoto la gagwe le le teleletelele e ne e se selo se se maswe kwa bofelong.",tsn,Setswana,Mpho ya ga Bus,"Busi was a little green frog who lived with her family next to a winding river in the Drakensberg mountains. Busi was a happy frog, but one thing made her sad. She looked different from her brothers, her sisters, and all the other frogs. Her face ...",,Kanelosešwa ka Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mpho-ya-ga-busi +busis-gift,"UBusi wayelisele elincinane eliluhlaza elalihlala nosapho lwalo kufuphi nomlambo ogosogoso ezintabeni zoKhahlamba. UBusi wayelisele elonwabileyo, kodwa inye into eyayimenza lusizi. Wayengafani nabantakwabo, noodadewabo, nawo onke amanye amasele. Ubuso bona babufana nobabo. Kanti nomzimba wakhe wawufana nowabo. Kodwa omnye wemilenze yakhe engasemva wawumde futhi umkhulu ngokubaxekileyo. Maxa wambi amanye amasele asemancinane ayemqhula ngenxa yomlenze wakhe ongaqhelekanga, kwaze oko kwenza uBusi ukuba abe lusizi ngakumbi.  +  +“Ukuba nje bendifana naye wonke omnye umntu!” wayekholisa ukutsho embombozela. “Ukuba nje bendingembanga kangaka!”  +  +“Yimfitshimfitshi leyo!” watsho uTatomkhulu Sele.  +  +“Unyanisile uTatomkhulu!” watsho uMama Sele. “Lingathini isele elincinane lohlobo olulodwa ukuthetha imfitshimfitshi enjalo?”  +  +Kodwa uBusi zange abakholelwe. Ebesithi xa amasele ehleli exoxa enyeleni yomlambo ngeentshonalanga zasehlotyeni ezithatha ixesha, uBusi wayehlala emva kwawo ukuze kungabikho obona umlenze wakhe omde kakhulu wangasemva. Kanti xa enqakula iimpukane zesidlo sasemini, yena ebeqoshelisa umlenze wakhe ukuze ungabonakali, ukuze abukeke efana noko nabanye.  + +  +Ekuhambeni komlambo, emqolombeni osebumnyameni phezulu entabeni kwakuhlala ukhozi olukhohlakeleyo. “Uze ungasondeli kolo khozi!” wayesoloko elumkisa njalo uMama Sele.  +  +Ngenye imini, xa wayeziva elusizi kakhulu uBusi, wenza isigqibo sokuya kuqubha yedwa. “Ndimbi kakhulu andifanelanga kudlala nabanye,” wacinga. “Ndikhetha ukuyichitha ndedwa imini.”  +  +Isele elincinane laqubha ixesha elide, laze lakhasela ngaphandle kwamanzi ukuze liphumle enyeleni yomlambo enengca. Lithe lisagcakamele ilanga, lajonga phezulu, laze labona umqolomba wokhozi.  +  +“Mhlawumbi ngendizihlalela apha!” lazicingela. Laliza kutsibela emva emlanjeni xa leva amazwi aphuma emqolombeni.  +  +“Mnumzana,” uBusi weva ilizwi lomntwana lisithi, “Nditshayele emqolombeni futhi ndisilungisile isidlo sakho sasemini. Ndingacela ukwehla ndiye emlanjeni ngelixa wena usatyayo, ukuze ndihlambe ilokhwe yam? Kaloku yiyo kuphela endinayo ngoku, kwaye ingcole kakhulu.”  +  +“Ucinga ukuba ndisisidenge, ntombazanana?” lahlokoma ilizwi ngomsindo. “Ukuba ndingakuyeka usondele emlanjeni, uza ubaleka uzimele!”  +  +“Owu hayi, Mnumzana,” isele lamva esitsho umntwana. “Andizi kubaleka. Uya kuyazi into yokuba ndisekhona apha kuba uza kundiva xa ndibetha ilokhwe yam emanzi emaweni ide icoceke.”  +  +“Xa usitsho, kulungile ke,” latsho ukhozi olukhohlakeleyo, “kodwa khawuleza kuba usemninzi umsebenzi osafanele ukuwenza!”  +  +UBusi wayibukela intombazanana enxibe ilokhwe emdaka kakhulu isihla isiya emlanjeni. Yafika yahlala phantsi ecaleni kukaBusi, yaqalisa ukukhala.  +  +“Musa ukukhala, ntombazanana,” latsho isele liyicenga, kodwa umntwana wasuka walila ngakumbi.  +  +“Owu, Sele,” yasitsho isikhalo, “andinakuze ndiphinde ndikwazi ukugoduka kwakhona! Olwa khozi lukhohlakeleyo lwandiba elalini yam kwiveki edlulileyo, ngoku ndilikhoboka lalo!”  +  +Kanye ngelo xesha, beva ilizwi elingqongqo lokhozi likhwaza emqolombeni, “Ntombazana uselapho? Ukuba andisiva isandi sokubetheka kwangoku, uza kuba senkathazweni ENKULU!”  +  +“Mhlobo wam,” watsho ngokukhawuleza uBusi, “musa ukuchitha ixesha! Ndinike ilokhwe yakho uze ubaleke ngamendu amakhulu. Ndiza kubetha ilokhwe kula mawa, ukuze ukhozi luve ingxolo. Luya kuthi lufumanisa ukuba ubalekile, uya kuba sowufikile ekhaya unomama wakho kwakhona!”  +  +“Sele, unobubele kakhulu,” yatsho intombazana. “Kodwa isidalwa esincinanana njengawe siza kuyibetha njani ilokhwe ngamandla ngokwaneleyo ukuze yenze ingxolo ephezulu?”  +  +“Kaloku,” watsho uBusi, “akukawuboni umlenze wam wohlobo olulodwa, owomeleleyo!”  +  +Ngeentloni, isele labonisa intombazanana umlenze walo omde omkhulu, obuqhushekwe ngokwesiqhelo. Umntwana wabona ukuba unalo ithuba xa kunjalo. Watsala ilokhwe wayithi nkxu emanzini. Yathi yakuba manzi, yayibetha elityeni amatyeli ambalwa. Yakugqiba yayigqithisela kuBusi ilokhwe ngokukhawuleza. Yaphuza isele ebunzi, yasebeza, “Ndiyabulela,” yaze yabaleka yemka.  +  +THWAXA! THWAXA! THWAXA! yayisitsho ilokhwe emanzi, xa uBusi wayethwaxa iliwa ngayo ixesha elide. Umlenze wakhe omde ngokubaxekileyo wawunamandla kangangokuba kwaba lula kuye ukwenza ingxolo ephezulu. Kwakuxa ukhozi lwalukhwaza intombazana kwakhona ukuba ikhawuleze, apho uBusi wayilahlela phaya ilokhwe, watsibela dyumpu emlanjeni waze waqubha wemka kwangoko.  +  +“Ekugqibeleni!” watsho umama kaBusi xa uBusi efika ekhaya. “Ubuphi?”  +  +Wathi xa esanga uBusi, wabona isihombiso esimenyezelayo kwibunzi elincinane lesele, kanye kuloo ndawo intombazana ibimphuze kuyo.  +  +“Awusemhle ngako!” watsho uMama Sele, futhi bamngqinela abantakwabo kunye noodadewabo. UBusi wathi akubona isithunzi sakhe emanzini, wancuma olona lwakhe lwalukhulu, nolubanzi uncumo lwesele. Wayevuyiswa kukuzibona emhle kangako. Kodwa ngaphezu koko, wayevuyiswa kukuba kuthe kanti ayimbanga kangako into yomlenze wakhe omde ngokubaxekileyo.",xho,isiXhosa,Isipho sikaBus,"Busi was a little green frog who lived with her family next to a winding river in the Drakensberg mountains. Busi was a happy frog, but one thing made her sad. She looked different from her brothers, her sisters, and all the other frogs. Her face ...",,Libaliswa kwakhona nguJoanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isipho-sikabusi-0 +busis-gift,"Busi e ne e le senqanqane se senyenyane se setala se neng se phela le ba lelapa labo sona haufi le noka e potelang dithabeng tsa Drakensberg. Busi e ne e le senqanqane se thabileng, empa ho ne o ena le ntho e le nngwe e neng e mo hlonamisa. O ne a sa tshwane le bana babo le dikgaitsedi, esitana le dinqanqane tse ding kaofela. Sefahleho sa hae se ne se tshwana le tsa ba bang. Mmele wa hae o ne o tshwana le wa bona. Empa le leng la maoto a ka morao a Busi le ne le le lelelele le ho ba letenya ho feta a mang. Ka nako tse ding dinqanqane tse ding tse nyane di ne di mo soma ka leoto la hae le sa tlwaelehang, mme sena se ne se etsa hore Busi a hloname le ho feta.  +  +“Hoja ke ne ke tshwana le batho bohle!” hangata o ne a tjho jwalo a fehelwa. “Hoja ke ne ke se mobe tjena!”  +  +“Ke ditsiebadimo tseno!” ha rialo Ntatemoholo Senqanqane.  +  +“Ntatemoholo o nepile!” ha rialo Mme Senqanqane. “Senqanqanenyana se kgethehileng hakana se ka bua jwang ditaba tse mpe tje?”  +  +Empa Busi o ne a sa ba kgolwe. Ha dinqanqane di ne di dutse di entse lerata lebopong la noka mantsiboyeng a malelele a lehlabula, Busi o ne dula kamora tsona kaofela e le hore ho se be ya bonang leoto la hae la ka morao le lelelelehadi. Mme ha ba ne ba tshwara dintsintsi bakeng sa dijo tsa motsheare, o ne a sunya leoto leo la hae a le pata, e le hore a tle a shebahale jwaloka ba bang.  + +  +Tlasenyana mane ho noka, lehaheng le lefifinyana hodimo mane thabeng ho ne ho dula ntsu e kgopo. “Le bapalle hole le ntsu yane!” Mme Senqanqane o ne a dula a ba lemosa.  +  +Ka tsatsi le leng, ha Busi a ne a hlile a hloname, a etsa qeto ya ho ya sesa a le mong. “Ke mobe haholo hore nka ya bapala le ba bang,” a nahana jwalo. “Nka mpa ka qeta letsatsi lohle ke le mong.”  +  +Senqanqanenyana sena sa sesa nako e telele, mme yaba se kgasa ho tswa ka metsing ho ya phomola lebopong la noka hodima jwang. Ha a robetse moo letsatsing, a sheba hodimo, mme a bona lehaha la ntsu.  +  +“Ere ke tlohe mona!” a nahana jwalo a le mong. E ne e le moo a reng o tla tlolela ka nokeng hape ha a utlwa mantswe a theosetsa tlase ho tswa lehaheng.  +  +“Monghadi,” Busi a utlwa lentswe la ngwana le re, “ke fietse lehaha la hao mme ka o lokisetsa dijo. Ke kopa hore ke theohele tlase nokeng mane ha o ntse o eja, hore ke tle ke hlatswe mose wa ka? Ke ona feela oo ke nang le ona hajwale, mme o ditshila haholo.”  +  +“Na o nahana hore ke sethoto, ngwananyana towe?” ha omana lentswe le phahameng le bohale. “Ha nka o tlohela hore o atamele nokeng mane, o tla baleha!”  +  +“Tjhe bo Monghadi,” senqanqane sa utlwa ngwana eo. “Nkeke ka baleha. O tla tseba hore ke ntse ke le teng hobane o tla nkutlwa ha ke otlanya mose wa ka majweng ho fihlela o hlwekile.”  +  +“O, ho lokile he,” ha rialo ntsu e kgopo, “empa o phakise hobane ho sa na le mosebetsi o mongata oo o tshwanetseng ho o etsa!”  +  +Busi a shebella ha ngwananyana ya apereng mose o ditshila a theosetsa ka nokeng. A fihla a dula hodima lefika pela Busi, mme a qalella ho lla.  +  +“O se ke wa lla, ngwananyana wa batho,” ha rialo senqanqane ka bonolo, empa ngwana eo a lla le ho feta.  +  +“Oho, Senqanqane,” a bokolla, “Nkeke ka hlola ke kgona ho kgutlela lapeng le kgale! Ntsu yane e kgopo e nkutswitse motseng wa heso bekeng e fetileng, mme jwale ke lekgoba la hae!”  +  +Ka yona nako eo, ba utlwa ntsu ka lentswe le mahwashe e hoeletsa e le lehaheng la yona, “Ngwananyana, o ntse o le teng? Haeba ke sa utlwe modumo wa ho otlanya hona jwale, o tla ba mathateng a MAHOLO!”  +  +“Motswalle wa ka,” ha rialo Busi ka potlako, “o se ke wa senya nako! Mphe mose wa hao, mme wena o balehe ka lebelo le leholo. Nna ke tla otlanya mose ona mafikeng ana, mme ntsu e tla utlwa modumo. Etlare ha a elellwa hore o tsamaile, o tla be o le lapeng heno le mme wa hao!”  +  +“Senqanqane, o mosa haholo,” ha rialo ngwananyana eo. “Empa sebopuwa se senyane jwaloka wena tjee se ka otlanya mose jwang ka thata hore o etse lerata le leholo?”  +  +“Tjhe kwana,” ha rialo Busi, “ha o so bone leoto la ka le ikgethileng, le matla!”  +  +Ka dihlong, senqanqane sa bontsha ngwananyana eo leoto la sona le lelelele le letenya la ka morao, le neng le ntse le patilwe ka tlasa sona jwaloka tlwaelo. Yaba ngwana eo o a tseba hore o na le monyetla. A hlobola mose wa hae mme a o kenya ka metsing. Yare ha o le metsi, a o otlanya lefikeng le leholo ka makgetlo a mmalwa. Mme a fetisetsa mose ka potlako ho Busi. A suna senqanqane phatleng, mme a hweshetsa, “Ke a leboha”, yaba o a baleha.  +  +POTLO! POTLO! POTLO! mose o metsi wa utlwahala, ha Busi a ntse a o otlanya lefikeng nako e telele. Leoto la hae le lelelelehadi le ne le le matla hoo ho neng ho le bobebe ho yena hore a ka etsa lerata le leholo. Eitse ka nako eo ntsu a hoeletsang hore ngwananyana eo a phakise, Busi a lahlela mose fatshe mme a tlolela ka nokeng ka lerata le leholo mme a sesetsa hae ka potlako.  +  +“Qetellong!” ha rialo mme wa Busi ha Busi a fihla hae. “O ne o ntse o le kae?”  +  +Ha a haka Busi, a bona lehakwe le benyang phatleng ya senqanqanenyana, hantle hona moo ngwananyana yane a mo sunneng teng.  +  +“O motle hakaakang!” ha rialo Mme Senqanqane, mme baena le dikgaitsedi tsa Busi ba dumellana. Ha Busi a ipona ka metsing, a bososela ka pososelo e kgolo, e batsi ya senqanqane. O ne a thabile hore o shebahala a le motle hakana. Empa le ho feta moo, o ne a thabetse hore leoto la hae le lelelelehadi le ne le se lebe hakaalo.",sot,Sesotho,Mpho ya Bus,"Busi was a little green frog who lived with her family next to a winding river in the Drakensberg mountains. Busi was a happy frog, but one thing made her sad. She looked different from her brothers, her sisters, and all the other frogs. Her face ...",,E phetwa hape ke Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mpho-ya-busi +busis-gift,"Busi a ku ri chela leritsongo ra rihlaza leri a ri tshama ni ndyangu wa ka vona eka nambu lowu a wu jikajika na tintshava ta Drakensberg. Busi a ku ri chela leri a ri tsakile, kambe a ku ri na nchumu wun’we lowu a wu n’wi vavisa moya. A nga fani na vaboti wa yena, vasesi wa yena, na machela laman’wani. Xikandza xa yena a xi fana na xa van’wani. Miri wa yena na wona a wu fana na wa van’wani. Kambe nenge wun’we eka lemimbirhi ya le ndzhaku a wu lehile ku hundzeleta na ku bumbula. Hi mikarhi yin’wana vamakwavo lavatsongo va machela a va n’wi hlekula hi nenge wa yena lowo ka wu nga tolovelekangi, naswona leswi swi endlile leswaku Busi a twa ku vava ku tlurisa mpimo.  +  +“Loko ingi a ndzi fana na wun’wana na wun’wana!” a tala ku vula leswi loko a ri karhi a ahlamula. “Loko ntsena a ndzi nga bihangi!”  +  +“Leswi u ehleketaka swona a hi swona!” ku vula Kokwani Chela.  +  +“Kokwani wa xinuna u vulavula ntiyiso!” ku vula Manana Chela. “Hikwalaho ka yini chela leritsongo ro hlawuleka ri nga vulavula swilo swo tani?”  +  +Kambe Busi a nga va tshembhangi. Loko machela ma tsamile ma ri karhi ma yimbelela eribuweni ra nambu eka vusiku lebyo leha bya ximumu, Busi a tshama endzhaku ka vona leswaku ku nga vi na loyi a vonaka nenge wa yena lowo leha wa le ndzhaku. Loko va khomile tinhongani leswaku va ta dya, a khondla nenge wa yena ehansi ka miri leswaku wu nga vonaki, na leswaku a languteka a fana na lavan’wana.  + +  +Ku rhelelanyana ehansi ka nambu, eka bakwa leri a ri ri na xinyami ehenhla ka ntshava a ku tshama gama ra nsele. “Fambelani kule na gama leriya!” Manana Chela a tala ku va tshinya.  +  +Siku rin’wana, loko Busi a twa a karhatekile emoyeni, u tekile xiboho xo ya hlambela a ri yexe. “Ndzi bihile ngopfu leswaku ndzi nga huhwa na lavan’wani,” a ehleketa. “Swi nga antswa ndzi heta siku ndzi ri ndzexe.”  +  +Chela leritsongo ri hlamberile nkarhi wo leha, kutani a kasa a huma endzeni ka mati ku ya wisa ebyanyini etlhelo ka nambu. Loko a ha badamile kwala tlhelo ka nambu, a languta ehenhla, a vona bakwa ra gama.  +  +“Swa antswa ndzi famba laha!” a ehleketa. Loko a ha lava ku tlulela nakambe endzeni ka nambu hiloko a twa marito ma ri karhi ma huma endzeni ka bakwa.  +  +“Muhlonipheki,” Busi a twa rito ra n’wana ri vula leswi,” Ndzi kukurile bakwa ndzi tlhela ndzi ku lulamisela swakudya swa ninhlikanhi. Ndzi kombela ku ya le ndzeni ka nambu loko wena wa ha dya, leswaku ndzi ta kota ku hlantswa rhoko ya mina? Ndzo va na yona ntsena, naswona yi thyakile swinene.”  +  +“Xana u ehleketa leswaku ndzi xiphukuphuku, wena xinhwenyetani?” ku vula dyirito dyo bonga ledyikulu, ledyi hlundzukeke. “Loko ndzo ku pfumelela u ya endzeni ka mati, u ta vheta u baleka!”  +  +“A hi swona, Muhlonipheki,” chela ri twa xihlangi xi vula leswi. “A ndzi nge baleki. U ta swi tiva leswaku ndzi kona hikuva u ta ndzi twa ndzi ri karhi ndzi bananisa rhoko ya mina na marhibye ku kondza yi basa.”  +  +“Loko swi ri tano, swi lulamile,” ku vula gama ra nsele, “kambe u hatlisa hikuva ku na mitirho yo tala leyi u fanelaka ku yi tirha!”  +  +Busi a languta nhwana lontsongo wa rhoko yo thyaka a ri karhi a rhelela enambyeni. U tshamile eribyeni ekusuhi na Busi, kutani a sungula ku rila.  +  +“U nga rili, nhwana,” ku vula chela hi rito ra kahle, kambe n’wana a ya emahlweni a rila swinene.  +  +“Oh, Chela,” a ri karhi a mpfikula, “Ndzi nge he swi koti ku tlhelela ekaya nakambe! Gama leriya ra nsele ri ndzi yivile ku suka etikweni ra ka hina vhiki leri nga hundza, naswona sweswi ndzi hlonga ra rona!”  +  +Hi nkarhi wolowo, va twile rito ra gama lera mahlehleleti ri ri karhi ri huwelela ku suka le bakweni, “Nhwana, wa ha ri kona kwalaho? Loko ndzo ka ndzi nga twi mpfumawulo wa ku bananisa, u ta va ekhombyeni LERIKULU!”  +  +“He munghana,” ku vula Busi hi ku hatlisa, “a wu fanelanga ku heta nkarhi! Ndzi nyike rhoko ya wena, kutani wena u tsutsuma hilaha u nga kotaka ha kona. Mina ndzi ta bananisa rhoko na maribye, kutani gama ri ta twa huwa. Hi nkarhi lowu a nga ta lemuka leswaku u nyamalarile, u ta va u ri ekaya na mana wa wena!”  +  +“N’wachela, u na musa,” ku vula nhwana. “Kambe xana xihadyana lexitsongo tanihi wena xi nga kotisa ku yini ku bananisa rhoko leyi hi matimba ku endla huwa leyikulu?”  +  +“Wa vona,” ku vula Busi, “wena a wu si tshama u vona nenge wa mina lowo hlawuleka, wa matimba!”  +  +Hi tingana, chela ri kombile nhwana lotsongo nenge wa rona wa le ndzhaku lowo bumbula, lowu a wu nghenisiwile ehansi ka yena tanihi ntolovelo. Kutani n’wana a swi tiva leswaku se a ri na nkarhi wo kota ku baleka. U hluvurile rhoko ya yena kutani a yi peta endzeni ka mati. Loko yi tsakamile, a yi bananisile na ribye lerikulu ko hlayanyana. Endzhaku hi xihatla a nyiketa Busi rhoko. U tswontswile chela emombyeni, a hlevetela, “Ndza nkhensa,” a tsutsuma.  +  +PHAA! PHAA! PHAA! a ku ri rhoko, loko Busi a ri karhi a yi bananisa na ribye ku ringana nkarhi wo leha. Nenge wa yena lowo leha a wu ri na matimba swinene lero a swi n’wi olovela ku endla huwa leyikulu. A ku ri ntsena loko nakambe gama ri huwelela ku byela lowa nhwana leswaku a hatlisa, laha hi laha Busi a nga cukumeta rhoko, a tlulela enambyeni hi xihatla kutani a hatla a hlambela a nyamalala.  +  +“Eku heteleleni!” ku vula manana wa Busi loko Busi a fika ekaya. “Xana a wu ri kwihi?”  +  +Loko a karhi a vukarha Busi, u vone ribye ra nkoka leri a ri vangama emombyeni wa chela leritsongo, kwala ka ndhawu leyi nhwana lontsongo a nga n’wi tsontswa kona.  +  +“U sasekile swinene!” ku vula Manana Chela, kutani hinkwavo vaboti na vasesi wa Busi va pfumela. Loko Busi a languta ndzhuti wa yena ematini, a n’wayitela swinene, hi n’wayitelo lowukulu wa chela. A a tsakile swinene hikuva a languteka a sasekile swinene. Nakambe ku tlula sweswo, a tsakile ku tiva leswaku nenge wa yena lowukulu a wu nga ha ri nchumu wo biha hi ndlela yaleyo.",tso,Xitsonga,yiko ya Bus,"Busi was a little green frog who lived with her family next to a winding river in the Drakensberg mountains. Busi was a happy frog, but one thing made her sad. She looked different from her brothers, her sisters, and all the other frogs. Her face ...",,Xi hlamuseriwa nakambe hi Joanne Bloc,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nyiko-ya-busi +2043,"Sita lived in a small, square house, on a narrow street, on the side of a hill. Her family all worked very hard. Her mother made beautiful saris for women and her father made smart suits for men. +  +Because her mother and father were very good at what they did, many people asked them to make clothes. There was always a lot of work to do, so Sita and her sister helped their parents with the sewing. The two girls sat in the tiny bedroom they shared and worked together. But sometimes there was just not enough space for both of them AND the sewing and they would start to argue. +  +One day Sita had an idea. It was a lovely summer evening and she decided to take her sewing up to the flat roof of their square little house. Up on the roof she could see the town below and in the distance a hill. But instead of lots of houses on that hillside, there was only one house built right on the top. +As the sun went down and Sita finished her work, a golden light caught her eye. It was the house on the hilltop, and it was beautiful. The windows were shining like gold. + +  +“Oh,” said Sita. “I wish I lived in a house like that. I bet they have big rooms and lots of space in that house. It must be so much better than ours.” And that night Sita dreamed of the house with the golden windows. +  +The next morning, Sita and her family had breakfast together at the tiny kitchen table. “Both you girls have worked very hard,” said their mother, “so we thought that the two of you should have a holiday today. Go and do whatever you wish!” +  +“Yes,” said their father. “Enjoy your day and use it well.” +  +Sita’s sister shrieked with excitement. “There are so many things that I want to do! I can’t choose what I want to do first!” and she rushed out of the kitchen. +  +Sita smiled. She knew exactly what she wanted to do. She was going to go and find the house with the golden windows. +  +As she walked along the road, she imagined what the house would look like up close. She had never seen real gold before. She walked for a long time until finally she arrived at the top of the hill. She was surprised to see that the house was not much bigger than her own home … and she could not see any golden windows. +  +“Perhaps I should walk around to the front,” she thought. She got to the front door, but there was no gold at all. +  +Just then a small boy opened the door. Sita told the boy how she had seen the house with the golden windows from her rooftop. She asked him if he knew where the house was. +  +“Yes, I do!” he said excitedly. “You are looking in the wrong place. Follow me!” He took her to his favourite tree. “You can see it from up there.” He pointed to the highest branch. Together they climbed to the top of the tree. +  +“Can you see it?” he asked. +  +Sita was looking hard for the boy’s house. “No,” she said sadly. +  +The boy laughed. “Why are you looking at my house? Look over there …” and he pointed to the hill in the distance. It was the hill that Sita lived on. She could see all the square little houses on the side of the hill and she could see her own house. The light of the setting sun made the windows of her house shine a beautiful bright gold. +  +“I see it!” she laughed. +  +“It looks like such a special place,” said the boy. +  +“It is,” she smiled and they both climbed down from the tree. +  +It was nearly dark when Sita got home. She could hear her mother, father and sister’s happy voices coming from inside. She felt happy to be home. +  +“Did you have a good day?” asked her father. +  +Sita smiled. “Oh yes!” she said. “And I learnt that we have such a lovely house, and sometimes it has golden windows.” +  +Then, they all sat down at the kitchen table and Sita told them about her day and how happy she was to live in their little square house, on the side of the hill. + +Get creative! +Tell your children a story about a time when you felt shy and then encourage them to tell their own “shy” stories.",eng,English,The house with the golden windows,"Sita lived in a small, square house, on a narrow street, on the side of a hill. Her family all worked very hard. Her mother made beautiful saris for women and her father made smart suits for men. +  +Because her mother and father were ...",,Retold by Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2043 +2043,"Sita woon in ’n klein, vierkantige huis in ’n nou straat aan die kant van ’n heuwel. Haar hele gesin werk baie hard. Haar ma maak pragtige sari’s vir vroue en haar pa maak deftige pakke vir mans. +  +Omdat haar ma en pa sulke goeie werk doen, vra baie mense hulle om vir hulle klere te maak. Daar is altyd baie werk om te doen, en daarom help Sita en haar suster haar ouers met die naaldwerk. Die twee meisies sit in die piepklein slaapkamer wat hulle deel en werk saam. Maar soms is daar nie genoeg plek vir albei van hulle EN die naaldwerk nie, en dan begin hulle stry. +  +Op ’n dag kry Sita ’n plan. Dit is ’n lieflike somersaand en sy besluit om met haar naaldwerk bo-op die plak dak van hulle vierkantige huisie te gaan sit. Van die dak af kan sy die dorp daaronder sien en in die verte ’n heuwel. Maar in plaas van ’n klomp huisies teen daardie heuwel, is daar slegs een huis heel bo-op die heuwel. +  +Toe die son begin sak en Sita haar werk klaarmaak, vang ’n goue glans haar oog. Dit is die huis op die heuwel, en dit is asemrowend. Die vensters blink soos goud. + +  +“Ai,” sê Sita, “ek wens ek kon in so ’n huis woon. Ek is seker hulle het groot vertrekke en baie plek in daardie huis. Dit moet soveel beter as ons huis wees.” En daardie nag droom Sita van die huis met die goue vensters. +  +Die volgende oggend eet Sita en haar familie saam ontbyt by die klein kombuistafel. “Julle twee het baie hard gewerk,” sê hulle ma, “en ons het besluit julle kan vandag vakansie vat. Gaan doen iets wat julle graag wil doen!” +  +“Ja,” sê hulle pa. “Geniet julle dag en gebruik dit goed.” +  +Sita se suster gil van opwinding. “Daar is so baie dinge wat ek wil doen! Ek kan nie kies wat ek eerste wil doen nie!” en sy storm by die kombuis uit. +  +Sita glimlag. Sy weet presies wat sy wil doen. Sy wil die huis met die goue vensters gaan soek. +  +Terwyl sy in die pad af stap, dink sy hoe die huis van naby sal lyk. Sy het nog nooit voorheen regte goud gesien nie. Sy stap ’n lang ruk totdat sy uiteindelik bo-op die heuwel is. Sy is verbaas om te sien dat die huis nie soveel groter as haar eie huis is nie … en sy sien geen goue vensters nie. +  +“Dalk moet ek voor om stap,” dink sy. Sy kom by die voordeur, maar niks is goud nie. +  +Net toe maak ’n klein seuntjie die deur oop. Sita vertel vir die seuntjie hoe sy die huis met die goue vensters van haar huis se dak af gesien het. Sy vra hom of hy weet waar die huis is. +  +“Ja, ek weet!” sê hy opgewonde. “Jy soek op die verkeerde plek. Volg my!” Hy neem haar na sy geliefkoosde boom. “Jy kan dit van daar bo af sien.” Hy beduie na die hoogste tak. Saam klim hulle tot bo in die boom. +  +“Sien jy dit?” vra hy. +  +Sita soek oral na die seuntjie se huis. “Nee,” sê sy hartseer. +  +Die seuntjie lag. “Hoekom kyk jy na my huis? Kyk daar oorkant …” en hy beduie na die heuwel in die verte. Dit is die heuwel waar Sita woon. Sy kan al die vierkantige klein huisies teen die kant van die heuwel sien en sy kan haar eie huis sien. Die lig van die sakkende son baai haar huis se vensters in ’n pragtige goue gloed. +  +“Ek sien dit!” lag sy. +  +“Dit lyk na so ’n spesiale plek,” sê die seuntjie. +  +“Dit is,” glimlag Sita en hulle klim albei uit die boom. +  +Dis byna donker toe Sita by die huis kom. Sy kan haar ma, pa en suster se vrolike stemme in die huis hoor opklink. Sy is bly om weer tuis te wees. +  +“Het jy ’n lekker dag gehad?” vra haar pa. +  +Sita glimlag. “O, ja!” sê sy. “En ek het geleer dat ons ’n pragtige huis het, en dat dit soms goue vensters het.” +  +Toe gaan sit hulle almal om die kombuistafel en Sita vertel hulle van haar dag en hoe bly sy is om in hulle klein, vierkantige huisie teen die kant van die heuwel te woon. + +Wees kreatief! +Vertel vir jou kinders ’n storie oor ’n keer toe jy skaam gevoel het, en moedig hulle dan aan om hulle eie stories te vertel oor 'n keer toe hulle skaam gevoel het.",afr,Afrikaans,Die huis met die goue vensters,"Sita lived in a small, square house, on a narrow street, on the side of a hill. Her family all worked very hard. Her mother made beautiful saris for women and her father made smart suits for men. +  +Because her mother and father were ...",,Oorvertel deur Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2045 +2043,"USita wayehlala kwindlu encinci, eyiflethi, kwisitalato esixineneyo kwelinye icala lenduli. Usapho lwakhe lonke lwalusebenza nzima kakhulu. Umama wakhe wayesenza iisari ezintle kakhulu zoomama eli lixa utata wakhe enza iisuti zamadoda ezikwantle. +  +Ngenxa yokuba umama wakhe notata wakhe babewenza kakuhle kakhulu umsebenzi wabo, babebaninzi gqitha abantu ababebacela ukuba babathungele iimpahla. Kwakusoloko kukho umsebenzi omninzi gqitha ofuna ukwenziwa, kangangoba uSita kunye nodadewabo kwafuneka ukuba bancedise abazali babo ekuthungeni. La mantombazana mabini ayehlala kwigumbi lawo elincinci ayelala kunye kulo, asebenze kunye. Kodwa ngamanye amaxesha kwakungekho sithuba saneleyo sabo bobabini KUNYE nomthungo owonele bona bobabini, nto leyo yayibaxabanisa kakhulu. +  +Ngenye imini uSita weza necebo. Kwakungokuhlwa ehlotyeni, kuzole kamnandi waza wagqiba ukuba aye kuhlala ngaphezulu kophahla lweflethana leyo yabo, athungele khona. Eluphahleni apho wayekwazi ukubona idolophu ezantsi kunye nomgama oya endulini. Kodwa endaweni yezindlu eziyinqwaba ezazifanele ukwakhiwa kuloo nduli, yayinye qha indlu eyayakhiwe, neyayiphezulu kanye enkcochoyini. +  +Lithe xa ilanga litshona, uSita ewugqibile umsebenzi wakhe, ilithakazi eligolide latsala iliso lakhe. Yayiyila ndlu isenkcochoyini yenduli, kwaye yayintle ngokwenene. Iifestile zayo zazibengezela okwegolide. + +  +“Owu,” watsho uSita. “Akwaba bendihlala endlwini efana naleya. Ndiqinisekile banamagumbi amakhululu nendawo eninzi yokuhlala kulaa ndlu. Inokuba ingcono kakhulu kunale yethu.” Ngobo busuku uSita waphupha ngendlu eneefestile zegolide. +  +Ngentsasa elandelayo, uSita nosapho lwakowabo batya ibrakfesi kunye kwitafilana encinci esekhitshini. “Nobabini mantombazana nisebenze nzima kakhulu,” wancoma umama wabo, “ngoko ke sicinga ukuba nobabini nifanelwe kukuphumla namhlanje. Ningenza nantoni na enifuna ukuyenza!” +  +“Ewe,” watsho utata wabo engqina. “Nilonwabele usuku lwenu, ze nilusebenzise kakuhle kuba niluzebenzele gqitha.” +  +UdadeboSita watswina ngenxa yovuyo. “Zininzi kakhulu izinto endifuna ukuzenza! Andikwazi nokukhetha ukuba ndiqale ngeyiphi na!” waze waphuma egqotsile ekhitshini. +  +Wancuma uSita. Wayesazi ngqo ukuba ufuna ukwenza ntoni na yena. Wayeza kuhamba aye kukhangela umzi oneefestile zegolide. +  +Njengokuba ehamba endleleni nje, ingqondo yakhe yayibethabethana ziingcinga zenkangeleko yendlu leyo xa sele esondele kuyo. Wayengazange tu akhe ayibone igolide yokwenene ngaphambili. Wahamba ixesha elide wade ekugqibeleni wayokufika enkcochoyini yenduli. Wothuka kakhulu akuqaphela ukuba indlu leyo ayikho nkulu kangako kunaleyo yakokwabo … kwaye zange abone kwafestile zagolide nakakade. +  +“Mhlawumbi kufuneka ndijikele kucango lwangaphambili,” wacinga njalo. Waya kucango lwangaphambili, kodwa kwakungekho golide tu apho. +  +Kanye kweso sithuba inkwenkwana ethile yavula ucango. USita wabalisela inkwenkwe indlela athe wabona ngayo le ndlu ineefestile zegolide xa echophe eluphahleni lwendlu yakokwabo. Wambuza ukuba ngaba uyayazi na ukuba iye phi na indlu leyo ebeyibona. +  +“Ewe, ndiyayazi!” watsho echulumancile. “Ujonge kwindawo engeyiyo. Ndilandele!” Wahamba naye wamsa kwindawo enomthi awuthanda kakhulu. “Uyakwazi ukuyibona le ndlu xa uphezulu phaya emthini.” Wakhomba kwelona gatya liphezulu lomthi. Bekunye, bakhwela emthini baya kutsho enkcochoyini yawo. +  +“Uyayibona ke?” yabuza le nkwenkwana. +  +USita wayejonge eqwalasele ekhayeni lale nkwenkwe. “Hayi,” watsho ekhathazekile. +  +Inkwenkwe yahleka. “Kutheni ujonge ekhayeni lam nje? Khangela phaya …” wamkhombisa endulini emgama. Yayiyinduli uSita ahlala kuyo le amkhombisa yona. Wayekwazi ukubona yonke imizi eneeflethana ezincinci kwelinye icala lenduli kwaye ekwazi nokubona kokwabo. Imitha yelanga yamaxa kutshona ilanga yayisenza iifestile zendlu yakokwabo zikhazimle okwegolide entle ekhazimlayo. +  +“Ndiyayibona!” wahleka esitsho. +  +“Ibonakala iyindawo ekhethekileyo,” yatsho inkwenkwe. +  +“Yiyo nyhani,” wancuma baze bobabini behla emthini lowo. +  +Kwakusele kuqala ukuba mnyama ukufika kukaSita kokwabo. Weva amazwi abazali bakhe nodadewabo onwabileyo ngaphakathi endlwini. Wayekonwabele kakhulu ukuba sekhayeni lakhe. +  +“Ubunosuku olumnandi ke?” wabuza uyise. +  +USita wancuma. “Ewe kunjalo!” watsho. “Kwaye ndifunde ukuba sinendlu entle kwaye ngamanye amaxesha iba neefestile zegolide.” +  +Emva koko, bonke bahlala phantsi etafileni ekhitshini waze uSita wababalisela ngosuku lwakhe nendlela onwabe ngayo kwiflethana yabo, esecaleni kwenduli. + +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Balisela abantwana bakho ibali malunga nexesha apho wawuziva uneentloni ngalo uze ubakhuthaze ukuba babalise awabo amabali okuziva 'beneentloni'.",xho,isiXhosa,Umzi oneefestile zegolide,"Sita lived in a small, square house, on a narrow street, on the side of a hill. Her family all worked very hard. Her mother made beautiful saris for women and her father made smart suits for men. +  +Because her mother and father were ...",,Libaliswa ngokutsha nguKirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2047 +2043,"USita wayehlala endlini encane, eyisikwele, emgwaqeni ongumncingo, eqeleni legquma. Bonke abomndeni wakhe babesebenza kanzima. Unina wayethunga amasari amahle abesifazane kanti uyise wayenza amasudi amahle amadoda. +  +Ngoba uyise nonina babengochwepheshe ezintweni abazenzayo, abantu abaningi babebacela ukuthi babenzele izimpahla zokugqoka. Kwakuhlale kunomsebenzi omningi okumele wenziwe, ngakho uSita nodadewabo babesiza abazali babo ngokuthunga. La mantombazane amabili ayehlala ekameleni lokulala elincane abelane izinto abuye asebenze ndawonye. Kodwa ngezinye izikhathi yayingekho indawo eyanele yabo bobabili KANYE nokuthunga ngakho babegcina sebeqala ukuphikisana. +  +Ngolunye usuku uSita wafikelwa umqondo. Kwakukusihlwa kusehlobo, wayesenquma ukuthatha umthungo wakhe aye nawo ophahleni oluyisicaba lwendlu yakubo encane eyisikwele. Lapho esephezulu ophahleni wayekwazi ukubona idolobha laphaya phansi bese kuthi kude lena abone igquma. Kodwa esikhundleni sezindlu eziningi eqeleni legquma, kwakukhona indlu eyodwa vo eyayakhiwe phezulu egqumeni. +  +Ngenkathi ilanga lishona noSita ewuqeda umsebenzi wakhe, isibani esisagolide sakhanga iso lakhe. Kwakuyindlu eyayiphezulu egqumeni, yayiyinhle. Amafasitela ayekhazimula njengegolide. + +  +“Hha,” kusho uSita. “Ngifisa sengathi ngabe ngihlala endlini enjengaleya. Ngikholwa ukuthi banamakelo amakhulu nendawo eningi kuleya ndlu. Kufanele ukuthi ingcono kakhulu kuneyakithi.” Ngalobo busuku uSita wayiphupha indlu enamafasitela egolide. +  +Ekuseni ngakusasa, uSita nodadewabo badla isidlo sasekuseni ndawonye etafuleni elincane lasekhishini. “Nobabili mantombazane ami nisebenze kanzima,” kusho unina, “ngakho sicabange ukuthi nobabili kumele nibe neholide namuhla. Hambani nenze noma yini eniyifisayo!” +  +“Yebo,” kwasho uyise. “Luthokozeleni usuku lwenu niluchithe kahle.” +  +Udadewabo kaSita wamemeza ngenxa yenjabulo. “Kukhona izinto eziningiengifuna ukuzenza! Angikwazi ukukhetha ukuthi yini engizoyenza kuqala!” waphuma eshesha ekhishini. +  +USita wamoyizela. Wayekwazi kahle afuna ukukwenza. Wayezohamba ayofuna indlu enamafasitela egolide aze ayithole. +  +Ngenkathi ehamba eceleni komgwaqo, wayezakhela ngamehlo engqondo ukuthi indlu yayibukeka kanjani uma ususeduze. Wayengakaze alibone igolide langempela phambilini. Wahamba isikhathi eside kwathi ekugcineni wafika phezulu egqumeni. Wamangala ukubona ukuthi indlu ayinkulu kakhulu kunekhaya lakubo … futhi akukho mafasitela egolide awabonayo. +  +“Mhlawumbe kufanele ngihambe ngizungeze ngiye ngaphambili,” kucabanga yena. Wafika emnyango wangaphambili, kodwa lalingekho nhlobo igolide. +  +Ngaso leso sikhathi umfana omncane wavula umnyango. USita watshela umfana ukuthi ubeyibone injani indlu enamafasitela aligolide esophahleni lwakubo. Wambuza ukuthi wayazi yini ukuthi ikuphi indlu. +  +“Yebo, ngiyazi!” kusho umfana ngenjabulo. “Wena ubheka endaweni okungeyona. Ngilandele!” Wamthatha wamhambisa esihlahleni sakhe asithandayo. “Ungayibona uma ulaphaya phezulu.” Wakhomba igatsha eliphezulu kunawo wonke. Bendawonye bacaca baze bafika phezulu esihlahleni. +  +“Uyayibona-ke?” kubuza umfana. +  +USita wayeyicinga ngamandla onke indlu yakubo kwamfana. “Cha,” esho ngokudangala. +  +Umfana wahleka. “Kungani ubuka indlu yakithi? Bheka laphaya ngaphesheya …” wayesekhomba egqumeni elilena kude. Kwakusegqumeni uSita ayehlala kulo. Wayekwazi ukubona zonke izindlwana eziyizikwele eqeleni legquma futhi ekwazi nokubona indlu yakubo. Ukukhanya kwelanga elishonayo kwakwenza amafasitela endlu yakubo akhazimule njengegolide elihle elikhanyayo. +  +“Ngiyabona!” kuhleka yena. +  +“Ibukeka njengendawo ekhethekile,” kwasho umfana. +  +“Kunjalo,” wamoyezela, base behla bobabili esihlahleni. +  +Kwase kuqala ukuba mnyama ngenkathi uSita efika ekhaya. Wayewezwa amazwi athokozile ephuma ngaphakathi, elikanina, elikayise nelikadadewabo. Wakuthokozela ukuba sekhaya. +  +“Ngabe ube nosuku oluhle kodwa?” kubuza uyise. +  +USita wamoyizela. “Ewu, yebo!” kusho yena. “Futhi ngifunde ukuthi sinendlu enhle kakhulu, ngezinye izikhathi iba namafasitela asagolide.” +  +Emva kwalokho, bonke bahlala phansi etafuleni lasekhishini uSita wabaxoxela ngosuku lwakhe nokuthi wayekujabulela kangakanani ukuhlala endlini yakwabo encane eyisikwele, eqeleni legquma. + +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Xoxela izingane zakho indaba echaza isikhathi owawuzizwa unamahloni ngaso bese uzikhuthaza ukuthi zixoxe ezazo izindaba ‘zokuzizwa zinamahloni’.",zul,isiZulu,Indlu enamafasitela egolide,"Sita lived in a small, square house, on a narrow street, on the side of a hill. Her family all worked very hard. Her mother made beautiful saris for women and her father made smart suits for men. +  +Because her mother and father were ...",,Ixoxwa kabusha nguKirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2049 +2043,"Sita o be a dula ka ntlong ye nnyane ya sekwere, mmileng o mosese ka thoko ga mmoto. Ba lapa la gabo ba be ba šoma kudu. Mmagwe o be a direla basadi disari tše dibotse gomme tatagwe a direla banna disutu tše dibotse. +  +Ka lebaka la gore mmagwe le tatagwe ba be ba šoma botse kudu, batho ba bantši ba ba kgopetše gore ba ba direle diaparo. Ba be ba dula ba na le mošomo o montši, ka fao Sita le sesi wa gagwe ba be ba thuša batswadi ba bona go roka. Basetsana ba babedi ba dutše ka phapošiborobalelong ya bona ba šoma mmogo. Efela ka nako ye nngwe sekgoba se be se eba se sennyane sa go lekana bona bobedi LE go roka gomme ba thome go ngangišana. +  +Ka letšatši le lengwe Sita o ile a tlelwa ke kgopolo. E be e le mathapama a selemo gomme a nagana go yo roka ka marulelong a papetla a ntlo ya bona ye nnyane ya sekwere. Ge a be a le kua marulelong o be a bona toropo kua tlase gomme kua kgakala a bona mmoto. Efela sebakeng sa go ba le dintlo tše dintši mmotong ola, mo godimo go be go agilwe ntlo e tee fela. +  +Ge letšatši le dikela gomme Sita a feditše mošomo wa gagwe, leihlo la gagwe le ile la tanywa ke seetša sa gauta. E be e le ntlo ya godimo ga mmoto, gomme e le botse. Mafasetere a yona a be a phadima bjalo ka gauta. + +  +“Ijoo,” a realo Sita. “O kare nkabe ke dula ka ntlong ya go swana le yela. Ntlo yela e swanetše go ba e na le diphapoši tše dikgolo le sekgoba se segolo. E swanetše go ba e phala ya rena kgole.” Gomme bošegong bjoo Sita a lora ka ntlo ya mafasetere a gauta. +  +Mesong ya go latela, Sita le sesi wa gagwe ba jele dijo tša go fihlola mo tafoleng ka moraleng o monnyane. “Lena basetsana le šomile ka bobedi ga lena,” a realo mmago bona, “re naganne gore ka bobedi bja lena le be le maikhutšo lehono. Sepelang gomme le dire se le se nyakago!” +  +“Ee,” a realo tatago bona. “Ipshineng ka letšatši la lena, gomme le le diriše gabotse.” +  +Sesi wa Sita o ile a goeletša ka lethabo. “Go na le dilo tše dintši tšeo ke nyakago go di dira! Ga ke tsebe gore ke thome ka eng!” gomme a tšwa ka moraleng ka lebelo. +  +Sita o ile a myemyela. O be a tseba se a nyakago go se dira. O be a eya go nyaka ntlo ya lefasetere la gauta. +  +O rile ge a sepela tseleng, a akanya ka fao e tlo bogegago ka gona ge a le kgauswi. Ga se a ka a bona gauta. O sepetše sebaka se setelele pele a fihla ntlhoreng ya mmoto. O makaditšwe ke go bona ntlo yeo e sa fete ya gabo kudu … gomme o be a sa bone mafasetere a gauta. +  +“Mogongwe ke swanetše go ya ka kua pele,” a nagana. O fihlille lebating la ka pele, efela go be go se na gauta le gatee. +  +Gona fao mošemanyana a bula lebati. Sita a botša mošemanyana gore o bone ntlo ya go ba le mafasetere a gauta a le marulelong a ntlo ya gabo. A mmotšiša gore o tseba fao ntlo yeo e lego gona na. +  +“Ee, ke a tseba!” a realo ka lethabo. “O tlile lefelong la go fošagala. Ntatele!” O ile a mo iša mohlareng wa gagwe wa mmamoratwa. “O tla e bona ge o le kua godimo.” A šupa lekala la godimodimo. Ba ile ba namela ntlhoreng ya mohlare mmogo. +  +“O a e bona?” a botšiša. +  +Sita o be lebelela ntlo ya mošemane yoo ka tiišetšo. “Aowa,” a realo ka manyami. +  +Mošemane o ile a sega. “Nkane o lebeletše ntlo ya gešo? Lebelela kua …” gomme a šupa mmoto wa kua kgakala. Ke mmoto woo Sita a dulago go ona. O be a bona dintlo tšohle tše dinnyane tša sekwere ka thoko ga mmoto gomme a bona le ya gabo. Seetša sa letšatši leo le sobelago se be se dira gore mafesetere a phadime bjalo ka gauta ya go kganya ye botse. +  +“Ke a e bona!” a sega. +  +“E bonala bjalo ka lefelo la go kgethega,” a realo mošemane. +  +“Go bjalo,” a myemyela gomme ba fologa mohlare bobedi. +  +Swahlane e be e swara ge Sita a eya gae. O be a ekwa mantšu a lethabo a mmagwe, tatagwe le sesi wa gagwe ka ntlong. O thabetše go fihla gae. +  +“O bile le letšatši le lebotse?” gwa botšiša tatagwe. +  +Sita a myemyela. “Ee!” a realo. “Gomme ke bone gore re na le ntlo ye botse, gomme ka nako ye nngwe e na le mafasetere a gauta.” +  +Gomme ka moka ba dula tafoleng ya ka moraleng, Sita a ba anegela ka ga letšatši la gagwe le gore o thabile bjang ge ba dula ka ntlong ya bona ye nnyane ya sekwere, ka thoko ga mmoto. + +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Anegela bana ba gago kanegelo ka ga nako ye o be o ikwa o na le dihlong gomme morago o ba hlohloletše go anega kanego ya ge ba be ba jewa ke dihlong.",nso,Sepedi,tlo ya mafasetere a gaut,"Sita lived in a small, square house, on a narrow street, on the side of a hill. Her family all worked very hard. Her mother made beautiful saris for women and her father made smart suits for men. +  +Because her mother and father were ...",,Kanegoleswa ka Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2051 +2043,"Sita o ne a dula tlung e nyane, e kgutlonnetsepa, seterateng se petetsaneng, ka thoko ho leralla. Lelapeng labo kaofela ba ne ba sebetsa ka thata. Mmae o ne a roka mese ya disari e metle bakeng sa basadi mme ntatae o ne a etsa disutu tsa banna. +  +Ka lebaka la hore mmae le ntatae ba ne ba etsa mosebetsi wa bona hantle, batho ba bangata ba ne ba ba kopa hore ba ba etsetse diaparo. Hape ho ne ho ena le mosebetsi o mongata o lokelang ho etswa, kahoo Sita le ausi wa hae ba ne ba thusa batswadi ba bona ka ho roka. Banana bana ba babedi ba ne ba dula ka kamoreng ya bona ya ho robala e nyane mme ba sebetse mmoho. Empa ka dinako tse ding sebaka se ne se sa ba lekane ba le babedi LE moroko mme kahoo ba ne ba qalella ho qwaketsana. +  +Ka tsatsi le leng Sita a ba le mohopolo. E ne e le mantsiboya a matle a lehlabula mme a etsa qeto ya ho nka moroko wa hae a nyolohele ka hodima marulelo a sephara a ntlo yabo e nyane e kgutlonnetsepa. Ka hodimo ho marulelo o ne a kgona ho bona toropo tlase mane le leralla hole mane. Empa bakeng sa matlo a mangata pela leralla mane, ho ne ho ena le ntlo e le nngwe feela e ahilweng ka hodima lona. +  +Ha letsatsi le dikela mme Sita a qeta mosebetsi wa hae, o ile a hohelwa ke kganya e mmala wa kgauta. E ne ele ntlo e ka hodima leralla, mme e ne e le ntle. Difensetere di ne di benya jwaloka kgauta. + +  +“Hei,” ha rialo Sita. “Ke lakatsa eka nka be ke dula tlung yane. Ke a hlapanya ba na le diphaposi tse kgolo le sebaka se seholo ka hara ntlo eno. Ke a kgolwa e ntle ho feta eso.” Mme bosiung boo Sita a lora ka ntlo e nang le difensetere tsa kgauta. +  +Hoseng ha letsatsi le hlahlamang, Sita le ausi wa hae ba ja dijo tsa hoseng mmoho tafoleng e nyane ka kitjhineng. “Banana ba ka, bobedi ba lona le sebeditse ka thata,” ha rialo mma bona, “kahoo re nahanne hore le lokela ke ho nka letsatsi la phomolo kajeno. Le ka nna la ya etsa eng kapa eng eo le e batlang!” +  +“Ee,” ha arabela ntata bona. “Natefelwang ke letsatsi la lona he mme le le sebedise hantle.” +  +Ausi wa Sita a hoeletsa ke ho thaba. “Ho na le dintho tse ngata tseo ke batlang ho di etsa! Ha ke tsebe hore ke qale ka efe!” yaba o tswa ka kitjhineng a matha. +  +Sita a bososela. O ne a tseba hantle seo a batlang ho se etsa. O ne a tlo tsamaya a ilo batla ntlo e nang le difensetere tsa kgauta. +  +Ha a ntse a tsamaya tseleng, o ne a ntse a nahana hore ebe ntlo eo e jwang ha motho a le haufi le yona. O ne a esoka a bona kgauta ya nnete. O ile a tsamaya nako e telele ho fihlela a fihla ka hodima leralla. O ne a maketse ha a bona hore ntlo eo e ne e se kgolo ho feta yabo … mme ho ne ho se difensetere tsa kgauta tseo a di bonang. +  +“Mohlomong ke lokela ho potela ka mane ka pele,” a nahana. Ha a fihla lemating le ka pele, ho ne ho se na kgauta hohang. +  +Ka nako eo moshanyana a bula monyako. Sita a bolella moshanyana eo kamoo a ileng a bona ntlo e nang le difensetere tsa kgauta a le ka hodima ntlo yabo. A mmotsa hore na ebe o tseba moo ntlo eo e leng teng. +  +“Ee, ke a tseba!” a rialo ka nyakallo. “O shebile sebakeng se fosahetseng. Ntatele!” A mo isa sefateng seo a se ratang ka ho fetisisa. “O ka kgona ho e bona hantle ha o le mane.” Moshanyana a supa lekaleng le hodimodimo. Mmoho ba palama ho ya fihla ka hodimodimo sefateng. +  +“Na o a e bona?” a mmotsa. +  +Sita o ile a sheba ka thata ho bona ntlo eo ya moshanyana eo. “Tjhe,” a rialo ka maswabi. +  +Moshanyana a tsheha. “Hobaneng o shebile ntlo eso? Sheba mane …” mme a supa leralleng le hole. E ne e le leralla leo Sita a neng a dula ho lona. Sita o ne a bona dintlonyana tse kgutlonnetsepa tse hodima leralla mme o ne a bona le ntlo yabo. Kganya ya letsatsi le dikelang e ne e etsa hore difensetere tsa habo di benye jwalo ka kgauta e ntle e kganyang. +  +“Ke a e bona!” a tsheha. +  +“E shebahala jwaloka sebaka se ikgethileng ruri,” moshanyana a rialo. +  +“Ehlile,” a bososela mme ba le babedi ba theoha sefateng. +  +Shwalane e ne e se e tshwara ha Sita a fihla habo. O ne a utlwa mantswe a thabileng a mmae, ntatae le ngwanabo a hlaha ka tlung. A ikutlwa a thabile ho ba lapeng. +  +“Na o bile le letsatsi le monate?” ha botsa ntatae. +  +Sita a bososela. “Hantle haholo!” a rialo. “Mme ke ithutile hore re na le ntlo e ntle haholo, mme ka nako tse ding e ba le difensetere tsa kgauta.” +  +Yaba, bohle ba dula fatshe tafoleng ya kitjhine mme Sita a ba phetela ka letsatsi la hae la kamoo a thabileng ka teng ho dula tlung yabo e nyane e kgutlonnetsepa, e ka thoko ho leralla. + +Eba le boiqapelo! +Phetela bana ba hao pale e mabapi le nako eo o neng o ena le dihlong mme o ba kgothaletse hore le bona ba phete dipale tsa bona moo ba kileng ba eba 'dihlong'.",sot,Sesotho,tlo e nang le difensetere tsa kgaut,"Sita lived in a small, square house, on a narrow street, on the side of a hill. Her family all worked very hard. Her mother made beautiful saris for women and her father made smart suits for men. +  +Because her mother and father were ...",,E phetwa hape ke Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/2053 +1931,"Long Street was wide and long. In summer, when Sonny and his friends walked home from school, their shoes were covered in dust. In winter, their shoes squished with mud and water. But during the school holidays, no one cared if the street was dusty or muddy. +Long Street was where Sonny and his friends played cricket. Everyone came outside to watch and no one complained if a ball went into their garden. No one that is, except for Mr Peterson. +“These holidays we’ll have the best cricket matches,” said Sonny as they walked home one afternoon. +“YEEESSS!” said Simon and Jack. +“Thumi? What do you say?” asked Sonny. +“But what about HIM?” asked Thumi. He pointed to Mr Peterson’s house. “Jack has already broken one of his windows.” +“What about YOU?” said Jack. “You’ve already hit two balls into his garden.” +They knew that if they hit or threw a ball over Mr Peterson’s wall, they would never, ever see it again. If their ball rolled under the gate, it was his dog, Shikisha, who took it. They stared at Mr Peterson’s house. He had been in such a bad mood the last few months. +“Have we got a cricket ball? I thought he had them all,” said Thumi. +“I’ve got one,” said Jack and smiled, “so let’s plan the best cricket match EVER.” + +On the last day of school, Sonny couldn’t wait to get back home to play cricket. He was so excited, he even waved at Mr Peterson, but Mr Peterson just ignored him. +“Hi, Mom,” he called as he came inside. His mother was reading the newspaper. She was excited. +“Hello, my boy,” she answered. “Listen to this. It’s wonderful. Long Street will now go all the way to the new shopping centre. At last there will be buses and bus stops. BUT …” she said, “this also means there will be no more playing in the street.” +“WHAAAT?” Sonny’s heart sank right down to his shoes. The match had already been planned! He walked back outside and sat on the front steps of the house grumbling. A loud noise made him look up. Mr Peterson was on a ladder, making his front wall higher by adding more bricks. +“Humph!” grunted Sonny crossly. “I know he wants to keep our balls from going over his wall, but he doesn’t have to bother now.” +Then he had an idea – if all his friends got together and asked all their parents, then … maybe … they could have one last cricket match. He rushed off to find Simon. +The following Saturday there was great excitement because Sonny and Simon’s plan had worked! Today was going to be their last match – the biggest, best cricket match EVER! All the children in the street were going to play. AND there would be prizes! Some of the parents were making snacks for everyone to share at lunchtime. Thumi’s Dad was going to hand out the prizes at the end of the day. +Even though it was all just for fun, Sonny felt a little nervous. The crowd cheered as the first ball was bowled by Thumi. +Jack stepped forward. THWACK! He hit the ball so hard that it went high up into the air. +Sonny moved forward to catch the ball, but the sun was shining straight into his eyes. He squinted, waited and moved under the ball. Everyone was cheering. As Sonny started to close his hands around the ball, it popped back out again. It bounced once and rolled straight under Mr Peterson’s gate. Sonny’s heart sank. + +“NOW what will we do?” asked Thumi. +“We can’t carry on with our match!” said Jack. +“We’ll NEVER get the ball back!” wailed Simon. +Sonny took a deep breath. “I’ll fetch the ball,” he said. +“But Mr Peterson will shout at you,” said Thumi. +“He won’t let you get the ball … and Shikisha’s probably dug a hole and buried it already!” said Simon. +“Well, I just have to try,” said Sonny. “It’s our last match and we’ve only just started it. We won’t get another chance to play like this.” +Bravely, Sonny opened Mr Peterson’s gate and walked up the path. Shikisha was nowhere to be seen. Sonny’s tummy felt all squishy. He was a little scared. He did not want to be shouted at by Mr Peterson. Just before he got to the front door, it swung open. There stood Mr Peterson. He looked much bigger up close. His cheeks were red as if he was very, very angry. + +Just as Sonny was about to open his mouth, Mr Peterson said in a loud booming voice, “Sonny! It looks like I finished just in time.” +“Excuse me, sir?” said Sonny. +“Come,” said Mr Peterson and walked to his back garden. +Sonny’s mouth dropped open. +It was the biggest garden in the street. The grass had been mowed and there were trees all around the edges. Mr Peterson had put a rope all around the edge of the garden, just like a real cricket field. And in the middle, there were cricket wickets. +Sonny looked up at Mr Peterson and smiled. Mr Peterson smiled back warmly. “I’m sorry I couldn’t warn you about the changes to the street. I work at the council, but I wasn’t allowed to say anything. BUT … I could do something.” He laughed. “NOW … get everyone to come over here and let’s play cricket.” +Now Sonny and his friends always have a place to play cricket. Mr Peterson loves it when they visit and enjoys watching all the matches. He is really good at keeping score. And when the ball gets hit or thrown a little too far away, Shikisha runs to fetch it! +Get creative! +Encourage your children to draw a picture of the cricket field in Mr Peterson’s back garden. Let them use the details in the story to help them. Suggest that they write the paragraph that describes this cricket field under their pictures.",eng,English,The best street in the world,"Long Street was wide and long. In summer, when Sonny and his friends walked home from school, their shoes were covered in dust. In winter, their shoes squished with mud and water. But during the school holidays, no one cared if the street was dusty ...",,By Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/1931 +1931,"Langstraat is wyd en lank. In die somer, wanneer Sonny en sy maats ná skool huis toe stap, is hulle skoene vol stof. In die winter is hulle skoene vol modder en water. Maar wanneer dit skoolvakansie is, gee niemand om of die straat stowwerig of modderig is nie. +Langstraat is waar Sonny en sy maats krieket speel. Almal kom buitentoe om te kyk, en niemand kla as ’n bal in hulle tuin beland nie. Niemand nie, behalwe mnr. Peterson. +“Hierdie vakansie gaan ons die beste krieketwedstryde speel,” sê Sonny toe hulle een middag huis toe stap. +“JAAAA!” sê Simon en Jack. +“Thumi? Wat sê jy?” vra Sonny. +“Maar wat van HOM?” vra Thumi. Hy beduie na mnr. Peterson se huis. “Jack het al klaar een van sy vensters gebreek.” +“Wat van JOU?” sê Jack. “Jy het al klaar twee van ons balle tot in sy tuin geslaan.” +Hulle weet dat as hulle ’n bal oor mnr. Peterson se muur gooi of slaan, hulle dit nooit, ooit weer sal sien nie. As hulle bal onder die hek inrol, vat sy hond, Shikisha, dit. Hulle staar na mnr. Peterson se huis. Hy is die laaste paar maande in so ’n slegte bui. +“Het ons ’n krieketbal? Ek het gedink hy het almal,” sê Thumi. +“Ek het een,” sê Jack en glimlag, “so kom ons beplan die beste krieketwedstryd OOIT.” + +Op die laaste skooldag kan Sonny nie wag om by die huis te kom om krieket te speel nie. Hy is so opgewonde, hy waai selfs vir mnr. Peterson, maar mnr. Peterson ignoreer hom net. +“Hallo, Mams,” roep hy toe hy inkom. Sy ma lees die koerant. Sy is opgewonde. +“Hallo, my kind,” antwoord sy. “Luister hier. Dis wonderlik. Langstraat gaan nou al die pad tot by die nuwe winkelsentrum strek. Uiteindelik sal daar busse en bushaltes wees, MAAR …” sê sy, “dit beteken ook julle sal nie meer in die straat kan speel nie.” +“WAAAT?” Sonny se hart sak in sy skoene. Die wedstryd is al klaar beplan! Hy stap weer buitentoe en gaan sit op die stoeptrappies en mor. ’n Harde lawaai laat hom opkyk. Mnr. Peterson staan op ’n leer en maak sy muur hoër deur nog bakstene by te voeg. +“Gmff!” brom Sonny vies. “Ek weet hy wil keer dat ons balle oor sy muur trek, maar nou kan hy dit maar laat staan.” +Toe kry hy ’n idee – as al sy maats bymekaarkom en al hulle ouers vra, dan … dalk … kan hulle een laaste krieketwedstryd speel. Hy hardloop om vir Simon te gaan soek. +Die volgende Saterdag heers daar groot opgewondenheid, want Sonny en Simon se plan het gewerk! Vandag gaan hulle laaste wedstryd wees – die grootste, beste krieketwedstryd OOIT! Al die kinders in die straat gaan speel. EN daar is pryse! Party van die ouers maak eetgoed vir almal om tydens middagete te deel. Thumi se pa gaan aan die einde van die dag die pryse oorhandig. +Selfs al is dit net vir die pret, voel Sonny ’n bietjie senuweeagtig. Die skare juig toe Thumi die eerste bal boul. +Jack tree vorentoe. KLAK! Hy slaan die bal so hard dat dit hoog die lug in trek. +Sonny hardloop vorentoe om die bal te vang, maar die son skyn reg in sy oë. Hy trek sy oë op skrefies, wag en beweeg onder die bal in. Almal skree. Toe Sonny sy hande om die bal begin sluit, skiet dit weer uit. Dit bons een keer en rol reguit onder mnr. Peterson se hek in. Sonny se moed sak in sy skoene. + +“Wat gaan ons NOU doen?” vra Thumi. +“Ons kan nie aangaan met ons wedstryd nie!” sê Jack. +“Ons sal NOOIT die bal terugkry nie!” kerm Simon. +Sonny haal diep asem. “Ek sal die bal gaan haal,” sê hy. +“Maar mnr. Peterson sal met jou raas,” sê Thumi. +“Hy sal nie die bal vir jou gee nie … en Shikisha het waarskynlik klaar ’n gat gegrou en die bal begrawe!” sê Simon. +“Wel, ek moet probeer,” sê Sonny. “Dis ons laaste wedstryd en ons het nou net begin speel. Ons gaan nie weer ’n kans kry om so te speel nie.” +Dapper maak Sonny mnr. Peterson se hek oop en stap met die paadjie op. Shikisha is nêrens te sien nie. Sonny se maag draai. Hy is bietjie bang. Hy wil nie hê mnr. Peterson moet hom uitskel nie. Net voor hy by die voordeur kom, swaai dit oop. Daar staan mnr. Peterson. Hy lyk baie groter van naby. Sy wange is rooi en hy is briesend kwaad. + +Net toe Sonny sy mond wil oopmaak, sê mnr. Peterson met ’n bulderende stem: “Sonny! Dit lyk of ek net betyds klaar is.” +“Ekskuus tog, Meneer?” sê Sonny. +“Kom,” sê mnr. Peterson en stap na sy agtertuin. +Sonny se mond val oop. +Dit is die grootste tuin in die straat. Die gras is gesny en daar is bome al om die rande. Mnr. Peterson het ’n tou om die rand van die tuin geplaas, net soos ’n regte krieketveld. En in die middel is daar krieketpaaltjies. +Sonny kyk op na mnr. Peterson en glimlag. Mnr. Peterson glimlag vriendelik terug. “Ek’s jammer ek kon jou nie waarsku oor die veranderinge aan die straat nie. Ek werk by die stadsraad, maar ek kon niks sê nie. MAAR … ek kon iets doen.” Hy lag. “NOU TOE … kry almal om hierheen te kom sodat ons kan krieket speel.” +Nou sal Sonny en sy maats altyd ’n plek hê om krieket te speel. Mnr. Peterson hou daarvan wanneer hulle kom kuier en hy geniet dit om na al die wedstryde te kyk. Hy is regtig goed met telling hou. En wanneer die bal te ver weg gegooi of geslaan word, hardloop Shikisha om dit te gaan haal! +Wees kreatief! +Moedig jou kinders aan om ’n prent te teken van die krieketveld in mnr. Peterson se agtertuin. Laat hulle die besonderhede in die storie gebruik om hulle te help. Stel voor dat hulle die paragraaf wat sy krieketveld beskryf, onder hul prente skryf.",afr,Afrikaans,Die beste straat in die wêreld,"Long Street was wide and long. In summer, when Sonny and his friends walked home from school, their shoes were covered in dust. In winter, their shoes squished with mud and water. But during the school holidays, no one cared if the street was dusty ...",,Deur Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/1933 +1931,"Mmila wa Long Street e be e le o mophara gape o motelele. Ka selemo, ge Sonny le bagwera ba gagwe ba boa sekolong, dieta tša bona di be di khupeditšwe ke lerole. Ka marega, dieta tša bona di tlala leraga le meetse. Efela ka maikhutšo a dikolo, ga go yo a bago le taba le lerole goba leraga la mo mmileng. +Sonny le bagwera ba gagwe ba bapala khrikhete Mmileng wa Long. Bohle ba tšwetše ntle go bogela gomme ga go yo a belaelago ge kgwele e tsena ka tšhengwaneng ya gagwe. Ga go motho ka ntle le Mna Peterson. +“Maikhutšong a re tlo ba le dipapadi tša khrikhete tše dikaonekaone,” a realo Sonny ge ba eya gae mosegare o mongwe. +“AGAA!” Simon le Jack ba realo. +“Thumi? O reng?” gwa botšiša Sonny. +“Efela, go direga eng ka YENA?” gwa botšiša Thumi. A šupa ntlo ya Mna Peterson. “Jack o thubile lefasetere le tee la gagwe.” +“Go direga eng ka WENA?” a realo Jack. “O šetse o bethetše dikgwele tše pedi ka tšhemong ya gagwe.” +Ba tsebile gore ge ba ka betha goba go fošetša kgwele ka godimo ga leboto la Mna Peterson, ba ka se sa tsoga ba e bone. Ge kgwele ya bona e pshikologetše ka tlase ga keiti e be e tšewa ke mpša ya gagwe, Shikisha. Ba ile ba lebelela ntlo ya Mna Peterson. Dikgwedi tše mmalwa tša go feta o be a se a thaba. +“Re na le kgwele ya khrikhete? Ke be ke nagana gore o di swere ka moka ga tšona,” a realo Thumi. +“Ke swere e tee,” a realo Jack ka myemyelo, “gona ga re beakanyetšeng papadi ya khrikhete ye kaonekanone yeo E SA KAGO E EBA GONA.” + +Ka letšatši la mafelelo la sekolo, Sonny o be a fela pelo ya go fihla gae gore a bapale khrikhete. O be a thabile kudu, o ile a dumediša Mna Peterson ka go mo emišetša seatla, efela Mna Peterson a no mo hlokomologa. +“Dumela, Mma,” a realo a tsena ka gare. Mmagwe o be a bala kuranta. O be a thabile. +“Dumela, mošemane wa ka,” a araba. “Theeletša. Ke taba ye botse. Mmila wa Long bjale o tlo fihla lefelong la mabenkele a maswa. Bjale go tlo ba le dipase le boemapase. EFELA …” a realo, “se se ra gape gore ga go sa tlo bapalelwa mmileng.” +“ENGGGG?” Pelo ya Sonny ya re kutuu. Papadi e šetše e beakantšwe! O ile a boela ka ntle a dula ditepiseng tša ka pele ga ntlo a popoduma. Lešata le legolo le ile la dira gore a lebelele godimo. Mna Peterson o be a nametše llere, a oketša leboto la gagwe la ka pele ka ditena tše dingwe. +“Ijoo!” a realo Sonny ka pefelo. “Ke a tseba gore o nyaka go thibela dikgwele tša rena gore di se tshele leboto, efela ga a swanela go belaela gabjale.” +O ile a tlelwa ke kgopolo – ge bagwera bohle ba gagwe ba ka kopana ba kgopela batswadi ba bona, gona … mogongwe … ba ka ba le papadi e tee ya khrikhete ya mafelelo. O ile a thakgoga a ya go nyaka Simon. +Mokibelo wa go latela ke ge go tletše lethabo ge leano la Sonny le Simon le šomile! E be e le papadi ya mafelelo lehono – papadi ya khrikhete ye kgolokgolo, ye kaonekaone ye E SA KAGO YA BA GONA! Bana bohle ba mmileng ba ile go bapala. GAPE go tlo ba le difoka! Batswadi ba bangwe ba diretše bana diseneke gore ba abelane ka matena. Tatago Thumi o be a eya go aba difoka mafelelong a letšatši. +Le ge ba be ba direla boithabišo, Sonny o ile a tšhoganyana. E rile ge Thumi a foša kgwele ya mathomo lešaba la reta. +Jack o ile a ya pele. PHAA! O bethile kgwele ka maatla gomme ya ya godimodimo lefaufaung. +Sonny o ile a ya pele gore a sware kgwele, efela o be a fahla ke letšatši. O ile a leantšha mahlo, a ema, a ya ka tlase ga kgwele. Bohle ba be ba reta. E rile ge Sonny a re ke swara kgwele ka diatla, ya šwahla. E tlotše gatee gomme ya kgokologela thwii ka tlase ga keiti ya Mna Peterson. Pelo ya Sonny ya wela. + +“BJALE, re tlo dira eng?” gwa botšiša Thumi. +“Re ka se sa tšwela pele ka papadi!” a realo Jack. +“Re KA SE SA hwetša kgwele yela!” gwa goeletša Simon. +Sonny o ile a gogela moya ka teng. “Ke tla ya go tšea kgwele,” a realo. +“Efela Mna Peterson o tla go hlabela lešata,” a realo Thumi. +“A ka se dumele o tšea kgwele … gomme Shikisha e swanetše go ba e šetše e epile molete gomme e bolokile!” a realo Simon. +“Eupša, re swanetše go leka,” a realo Sonny. “Ke papadi ya mafelelo gomme re sa tšwa go thoma go bapala. Re ka se sa hwetša sebaka se sengwe sa go bapala ka tsela ye.” +Ka bogale, Sonny a bula keiti ya Mna Peterson gomme a sepela tsejaneng. Shikisha e be e sa bonale. Sonny a kwa mpa ya gagwe e wela. O be a na le letšhogonyana. O be a sa nyake go hlabelwa lešata ke Mna Peterson. O rile pele a fihla lebating la ka pele, la bulega. Mna Peterson o be a eme fao. O bonala e le yo mogolo kudu ge a le kgauswi. Marama a gagwe a be a hwibitše tše e kego o befetšwe kudukudu. + +E rile ge Sonny a re o bula molomo, Mna Peterson ka lentšu le legolo a re, “Sonny! O kare ke feditše ka nako.” +“Tshwarelo, tate?” a realo Sonny. +“Etla,” a realo Mna Peterson gomme a ya ka tšhengwaneng ya ka morago. +Sonny a ahlama. +E be e le tšhengwana ye kgolokgolo mmileng woo. Bjang bo kotilwe gomme go tletše mehlare ka mathoko ohle. Mna Peterson o dikološitše mathoko a tšhengwana ka thapo, bjalo ka lepatlelo la khrikhete la nnete. Gomme mo gare go le diwikhete tša khrikhete. +Sonny o ile a lebelela Mna Peterson a myemyela. Mna Peterson le yena a myemyela ka borutho. “Tshwarelo ge ke sa le lemoša ka ga diphetogo tša mo mmileng. Ke šoma khanseleng gomme ke be ke sa swanela go le botša selo. EFELA … nka dira se sengwe.” A sega. “BJALE … botša bohle gore ba tsene re bapale khrikhete.” +Bjale Sonny le bagwera ba gagwe ba na le lefelo la go bapala khrikhete. Mna Peterson o rata ge ba etela le go thabela go bogela dipapadi tšohle. O tloga a kgona go ngwala dino. Gomme ge kgwele e bethelwa goba go fošetšwa kgole kudu, Shikisha e a e kitimela ya e topa! +  +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Hlohleletša bana ba gago go thala lepatlelo la khrikhete ka tšhengwaneng ya ka morago ya Mna Peterson. E re ba diriše dintlha tša ka kanegelong go ba thuša. Šišinya gore ba ngwale temana ya go hlaloša lepatlelo la khrikhete ka tlase ga diswantšho.",nso,Sepedi,Mmila o mokaonekaone lefaseng,"Long Street was wide and long. In summer, when Sonny and his friends walked home from school, their shoes were covered in dust. In winter, their shoes squished with mud and water. But during the school holidays, no one cared if the street was dusty ...",,Ka Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/1935 +1931,"Seterata sa Long se ne se le batsi ebile se le selelele. Lehlabula, ha Sonny le metswalle ya hae ba ya hae ho tswa sekolong, dieta tsa bona di ne di tlala lerole. Mariha, dieta tsa bona di ne di tlala seretse le metsi. Empa ka nako ya matsatsi a phomolo ya dikolo, ho ne ho se na motho ya kgathallang hore seterata se tletse lerole kapa seretse. +Seterata sa Long ke moo Sonny le metswalle ya hae ba neng ba bapala kerikete teng. Batho bohle ba ne ba tswela ka ntle ho tla shebella mme ho ne ho se le ya mong ya tletlebang ha bolo e ka wela ka jareteng ya hae. Ho se le ya mong, ntle feela le Mong Peterson. +“Matsatsing ana a phomolo re tlo ba le dipapadi tse ntle ka ho fetisisa tsa kerikete,” ha rialo Sonny ha ba leba hae mantsiboyeng a mang. +“EHLIIIILE!” ha rialo Simon le Jack. +“Thumi? O reng?” ha botsa Sonny. +“Empa o reng ka YENA?” ha botsa Thumi. A supa tlung ya Mong Peterson. “Jack o se a pshatlile e nngwe ya difesetere tsa hae.” +“O reng ka WENA?” ha rialo Jack. “O se o lahletse dibolo tse pedi ka jareteng ya hae.” +Ba ne ba tseba hore ha ba ka otla kapa ba akgela bolo ka hodima lebota la Mong Peterson, ba ne ba keke ba hlola ba e bona hape. Ha bolo ya bona e ne e ka thetehela ka tlasa heke, e ne e le ntja ya hae, Shikisha, ya e nkang. Ba tjamela ntlo ya Mong Peterson. Dikgweding tse mmalwa tse fetileng o ne a dula a tenehile. +“Na re na le bolo ya kerikete? Ke ne ke nahana hore o di nkile kaofela,” ha rialo Thumi. +“Ke na le e nngwe,” ha rialo Jack a bososela, “ha re hlophisetseng papadi e monate ka ho fetisisa ya kerikete e KILENG YA BONWA.” + +Letsatsing la ho qetela la sekolo, Sonny o ne a se a tatetse ho ya hae ho ya bapala kerikete. O ne a nyakalletse haholo, o ile a ba a tsoka letsoho ho dumedisa Mong Peterson, empa Mong Peterson a iketsa eka ha a mmona. +“Dumela, Mme,” a hoeletsa ha a kena ka tlung. Mme wa hae o ne a bala koranta. O ne a nyakalletse haholo. +“Dumela, moshanyana wa ka,” mme a araba. “Mamela mona. Ke ntho e makatsang. Seterata sa Long jwale se se se tlo theosa ho ya fihla kwana setsing sa mabenkele. Qetellong ho tla ba le dibese le boemelo ba dibese. EMPA …” mme a rialo, “sena hape se bolela hore ha ho sa tla ba bana ba bapallang seterateng.” +“ENG?” pelo ya Sonny ya tetebela ha bohloko. Ba ne ba se ba hlophisitse papadi! A kgutlela ka ntle mme a dula setupug se ka pele sa ntlo a ntse a honotha. Lerata le leholo la etsa hore a shebe hodimo. Mong Peterson o ne a le hodima lere, a phahamisa lebota la hae la ka pele ka ho eketsa ditene tse ding hape. +“Atjhe!” ha honotha Sonny a tenehile. “Ke a tseba hore o batla ho thibela dibolo tsa rona hore di se ke tsa tlola lebota la hae, empa ha a sa loketse ho kgathatseha jwale.” +Yaba o ba le monahano – ha metswalle yohle ya hae e ka kopana mmoho mme ba kopa batswadi ba bona kaofela, ebe … mohlomong … ba ka ba le papadi e le nngwe ya ho qetela ya kerikete. A tswa a matha ho ya batlana le Simon. +Moqebelo wa beke e hlahlamang ho ne ho ena le nyakallo e kgolo hobane morero wa Sonny le Simon o ne o sebeditse! Kajeno ba ne ba tlo ba le papadi ya ho qetela – e kgolo ka ho fetisisa, e monate ka HO FETISISA ya kerikete! Bana bohle ba seterateng seo ba ne ba tla bapala. MME ho ne ho tla ba le meputso! Ba bang ba batswadi ba ne ba etsa diseneke bakeng sa bohle ho tla ja mmoho ka nako ya motsheare. Ntate wa Thumi ke yena ya neng a tla fana ka meputso qetellong ya letsatsi. +Leha tsena tsohle e ne e le bakeng sa ho ithabisa feela, Sonny o ne a ikutlwa a tshohile. Mokgopi o ne o opa matsoho le ho etsa ditlatse ha bolo ya pele e akgelwa ke Thumi. +Jack a fetela ka pele. PHATHA! A otla bolo ka matla haholo hoo e ileng ya nyolohela hodimo moyeng kwana. +Sonny a tsamaela pele ho kapa bolo, empa letsatsi le ne le benya ka mahlong a hae. A pelekanya mahlo, a ema mme a feta ka tlasa bolo. Batho bohle ba ne ba opa diatla. Eitse ha Sonny a qala ho kwala letsoho la hae a tshwere bolo, la tlolela morao hape. E ile ya tlolatlola ha nngwe mme ya thetehella hantle ka tlasa heke ya Mong Peterson, pelo ya Sonny ya tetebela. + +“JWALE re tlilo etsa jwang?” ha botsa Thumi. +“Ha re no tswela pele ka papadi ya rona!” ha rialo Jack. +“Re KEKE RA HLOLA re fumana bolo ya rona hape!” ha omana Simon. +Sonny a fehelwa. “Ke tla e lata bolo yane,” a rialo. +“Empa Mong Peterson o tla o omanya,” ha rialo Thumi. +“A keke a o dumella hore o nke bolo … mme Shikisha ke a kgolwa o se a tjhekile mokoti mme o e patile ka moo!” ha rialo Simon. +“Jwale he, ke tla mpe ke leke feela,” ha rialo Sonny. “Ena ke papadi ya rona ya ho qetela mme ke hona re sa tswa qala. Re keke ra hlola re fumana sebaka se seng sa ho bapala tjena.” +Ka sebete, Sonny a bula heke ya Mong Peterson mme a nyolosa tselana. Shikisha o ne a le siyo moo. Mala a Sonny a ne a utlwahala eka ha a monate. O ne a tshohile hanyane. O ne a sa batle ho omanngwa ke Mong Peterson. Yare pele a fihla lemating le ka pele, la buleha ka potlako. Mong Peterson o ne a eme moo. O ne a shebahala a le moholo ho feta ha a le haufi. Marama a hae a ne a le mafubedu eka o halefile haholo. + +Eitse moo Sonny a reng o bula molomo wa hae, Mong Peterson a bua ka lentswe le leholo le letenya, “Sonny! Ekare ke qetile hantle ka nako.” +“Ntshwarele, monghadi?” ha rialo Sonny. +“Tloo,” ha rialo Mong Peterson a bile a leba tshingwaneng e ka mora ntlo. +Molomo wa Sonny o ne o ahlame ke ho makala. +E ne e le tshingwana e kgolohadi seterateng seo. Jwang bo ne bo kutilwe mme ho ena le difate hohle ho pota jarete. Mong Peterson o ne a kentse thapo ho potoloha qetello ya jarete, jwalo feela ka lebala la kerikete. Mme bohareng, ho ne ho ena le diwikete tsa kerikete. +Sonny a sheba Mong Peterson mme a bososela. Mong Peterson le yena a bososela ha monate. “Ke maswabi hore ke se ke ka le lemosa ka diphetoho tse tla etswa seterateng. Ke sebeletsa masepala, empa ke ne ke sa dumellwa ho re letho. EMPA … ke ne nka etsa ho hong.” A tsheha. “JWALE … bitsa ba bang kaofela ba tle ka mona mme re tlo bapala kerikete.” +Jwale Sonny le metswalle ya hae ba se ba ena le tulo ya ho bapalla kerikete. Mong Peterson o thabela ha ba etla ho tla eta mme o natefelwa ke ho shebella dipapadi tsohle. Ehlile o tseba ho bala dintlha. Mme ha bolo e otlwa kapa e betsetswa hole haholo, Shikisha o matha ho ya e lata! +  +Iqapele! +Kgothaletsa bana ba hao ho taka setshwantsho sa lebala la kerikete jareteng ya Mong Peterson ka mora ntlo. E re ba sebedise dintlha tse paleng ho ba thusa. Hlahisa hore ba ngole seratswana se hlalosang lebala lena la kerikete ka tlasa ditshwantsho tsa bona.",sot,Sesotho,Seterata se tswang pele lefatsheng,"Long Street was wide and long. In summer, when Sonny and his friends walked home from school, their shoes were covered in dust. In winter, their shoes squished with mud and water. But during the school holidays, no one cared if the street was dusty ...",,Ka Kirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/1937 +1931,"ILong Street yayisisitalato esibanzi neside kakhulu. Ehlotyeni, xa uSonny nabahlobo bakhe bevela esikolweni, izihlangu zabo zazigcwala luthuli. Ebusika, izihlangu zabo zazigcwala udaka namanzi. Kodwa ngexesha leeholide zesikolo, kwakungekho mntu ukhathalayo nokuba isitalato sinothuli okanye sinodaka. +ELong Street kulapho uSonny nabahlobo bakhe babedlala khona iqakamba. Wonke umntu wayesiza kubukela kwaye kwakungekho mntu ukhalazayo xa ibhola iwele ngaphakathi esitiyeni somntu. Kwakungekho namnye, ngaphandle nje kukaMnumzana Peterson. +“Kwezi holide zizayo siza kuba nemidlalo emikhulu yeqakamba,” watsho uSonny xa bagodukayo nganjikalanga ithile. +“YHAAAAAA!” kwatsho uSimon noJack. +“Thumi? Uthini wena?” wabuza uSonny. +“Phofu nicinga ntoni NGAYE?” kwabuza uThumi. Watsho ekhomba endlwini kaMnumzana Peterson. “UJack sele eyophule enye yeefestile zakhe kwangoku.” +“Uthini NGAWE?” wabuza uJack. “Sele ubethe iibhola ezimbini zonke, zaya kungena esitiyeni sakhe.” +Babesazi ukuba xa bathe bajula okanye bayibetha ibhola yaya kungena ngaphaya kodonga lukaMnumzana Peterson abasokuze baphinde bayifumane. Xa ibhola ithe yaqengqelekela ngaphantsi kwesango likaMnumzana Peterson, inja yakhe uShikisha, yayiyithatha. Bema bhuxe, beqwalasele indlu kaMnumzana Peterson. Wayeneengcwangu, efunyenwe lulaka kwezi nyanga zimbalwa zidluleyo. +“Sisenayo ibhola yeqakamba esaseleyo? Bendicinga ukuba zikuShikisha, uzithathe zonke esinazo,” watsho uThumi. +“Ndinayo enye endinayo,” watsho uJack encumile, “ngoko ke masicwangcisele ukubamba owona mdlalo weqakamba OWAKHE wagqwesa.” + +Ngosuku lokugqibela lwesikolo, uSonny wayengasakwazi nokuzibamba, engxamele ukugoduka ukuze adlale iqakamba. Waye onwabe ngeyona ndlela, de wabulisa noMnumzana Peterson ngokuwangawangisa ingalo, kodwa uMnumzana Peterson akazange amhoye konke. +“Molo, Mama,” wakhwaza xa angena endlwini. Umama wakhe wayefunda iphephandaba. Naye wayezonwabele ngeyona ndlela. +“Molo, nyana wam,” waphendula umama wakhe ngobubele. “Khawumamele apha. Nantsi into emangalisayo. ILong Street ngoku iza kwandiswa, de iye kufikelela koluya dederhu lutsha lweevenkile. Ekugqibeleni kuza kubakho iibhasi nezitophu zokumisa iibhasi kule ndlela. KODWA …” watsho, “oku kuthetha ukuba akukho mntu uza kuphinda adlale esitalatweni ngoku.” +“INTOOONI?” Wothuka kakhulu waphantse wawa uSonny akuva oku. Umdlalo omkhulu wawusele ucwangcisiwe! Waphuma phandle wachopha phambi kwendlu ezitephsini, embombozela eyedwa. Weva ingxolokazi enkulu eyamenza waphakamisa amehlo, wajonga. YayinguMnumzana Peterson lowo, ekhwele elelini esonyusa udonga lwakhe, ngokongeza ezinye izitena. +“Yhuuuuu!” wabhavuma uSonny ngumsindo. “Ndiyazi ukuba ufuna ukunqanda iibhola zethu ukuba zingaqabeli ngaphaya kodonga lwakhe, kodwa akusafunekanga azikhathaze ngaloo nto ngoku.” +Kuthe kusenjalo wafikelwa yimbono – ukuba nje bonke abahlobo bakhe bangadibana bacele bonke abazali babo, kungenzeka … mhlawumbi nje … babenawo nokuba mnye umdlalo wokugqibela weqakamba. Wakhawuleza waya kukhangela uSimon. +KuMgqibelo olandelayo yayisisankxwe kuba icebo likaSonny noSimon lalisebenzile! Namhlanje yayiza kuba ngumdlalo omkhulu wabo wokugqibela – OWONA mdlalo mkhulu weqakamba kweyakhe yakho! Bonke abantwana esitalatweni babeza kudlala. KWAYE kwakuza kubakho namabhaso! Abanye babazali benza izimuncumuncu zomntu wonke belungiselela ukuba kwabelwane ngexesha lesidlo sasemini. UTata kaThumi wayeza kukhupha amabhaso, enika abo baphumeleleyo, ekupheleni kosuku. +Nangona babedlalela nje ukuzonwabisa, uSonny wayenalo uvalwana. Abantu baqhwaba izandla ngethuba uThumi ebhowulisha ibhola yakhe yokuqala. +UJack weza ngaphambili. QHWAAAA! Waqhokra ibhola kakhulu kangangokuba yenyuka yaya phezulu kakhulu emoyeni. +USonny waya ngaphambili ezama ukuya kuganga ibhola, kodwa ilanga lalimphandla. Wancina amehlo, elindile waya phantsi kwebhola. Wonke umntu wayeqhwaba izandla. Wathi xa uSonny evala izandla eyinqakula ibhola, yasuka yataka, yaphoncuka. Yaqamza kanye yaqengqeleka ukuya kungena phantsi kwesango leyadi kaMnumzana Peterson. Wavele watyhafa, ephelelwe lithemba ngoku uSonny. + +“NGOKU siza kuthini?” kwabuza uThumi. +“Asikwazi ukuqhubeka nokudlala umdlalo wethu!” watsho uJack. +“SOZE siphinde siyifumene ibhola yethu!” wagxwala watsho uSimon. +USonny watsala umoya onzulu. “Ndiza kuyikulanda ibhola yethu,” watsho. +“Kodwa uMnumzana Peterson uza kukungxolisa,” watsho uThumi. +“Akazukukunika ibhola ... kwaye noShikisha inokuba sele eyombele, wayingcwaba!” +“Akunani, kodwa kuza kufuneka ndizamile,” watsho uSonny. “Ngumdlalo wethu wokugqibela lo kwaye besisaqala ukudlala. Asisokuze siphinde silifumana elinye ithuba elinje.” +Ngobukrotikazi obukhulu, uSonny wavula isango leyadi kaMnumzana Peterson wangena. UShikisha wayengabonakali ndawo. USonny waxuxuzelelwa ngamathumbu. Wayesoyika. Wayengafuni kungxoliswa nguMnumzana Peterson. Nje phambi kokuba afike kwisango elingaphambili, lazivulekela ngamandla. Gqi ngoMnumzana Peterson. Wayekhangeleka emkhulu kakhulu xa ukufutshane naye. Izidlele zakhe zazibomvu, oku komntu onomsindo kakhulu. + +Xa kanye uSonny eza kuvula umlomo athethe, uMnumzana Peterson wabhomboloza ngelo lizwi lakhe likhulu wenjenje, “Sonny! Kubonakala ngathi ndigqibe kanye ngexesha.” +“Khawuphinde Mhlekazi?” watsho uSonny. +“Yiza,” watsho uMnumzana Peterson, baza baya esitiyeni sakhe esingasemva. +USonny wawuvula ng’a umlomo. +Yayisesona sitiya sikhulu kwisitalato sonke. Ingca kwanemithi yayichetywe kakuhle, iheji le nemithi ijikeleze kakuhle ngathi sisangqa. UMnumzana Peterson wayebophelele intambo ebhijelayo ngasesitiyeni, ngokungathi libala leqakamba lokwenyani kanye. Phakathi, embindini webala kwakukho amaphini okuqhokra nezinti zeqakamba. +USonny waphakamisa amehlo wajonga kuMnumzana Peterson waza wancuma. UMnumzana Peterson wancuma naye ngovuyo. “Ndiyaxolisa kuba khange ndikwazi ukunilumkisa nokunazisa ngeenguqu eziza kwenziwa apha esitalatweni. Ndiphangelela ikhansela, kodwa bendingavumelekanga ukuba ndithethe nto ngezi nguqu KODWA … ikho into endinokuyenza.” Wayothula phezulu intsini. “NGOKU KE … babize bonke abantu bangene ngaphakathi, sidlaleni iqakamba.” +Ngoku uSonny nabahlobo bakhe banendawo yokudlalela iqakamba. UMnumzana Peterson uyavuya xa bemtyelele kwaye uyakonwabela ukubukela yonke loo midlalo yabo. Uwarekhodisha kakuhle kakhulu amanqaku ebhodini. Kwaye xa ibhola ithe yaqhokrwa, yaya kuwa kude kakhulu, ukhona uShikisha, ubaleka ayilande! +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Khuthaza abantwana bakho ukuba bazobe umfanekiso webala leqakamba elingasemva komzi kaMnumzana Peterson. Mabasebenzise iinkcukacha ezisebalini ukuze bancedakale. Cebisa ukuba babhale umhlathi ochaza ibala leqakamba ezantsi kwemifanekiso yabo.",xho,isiXhosa,Esona sitalato sigqwesileyo ehlabathin,"Long Street was wide and long. In summer, when Sonny and his friends walked home from school, their shoes were covered in dust. In winter, their shoes squished with mud and water. But during the school holidays, no one cared if the street was dusty ...",,Libali likaKirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/1939 +1931,"Umgwaqo uLong wawubanzi futhi umude. Ehlobo, ngenkathi uSonny nabangani bakhe bebuyela emakhaya bebuya esikoleni, izicathulo zabo zazigcwele uthuli. Ebusika, izicathulo zabo zazixova udaka namanzi. Kodwa ngesikhathi samaholidi esikole, akekho owayenendaba ukuthi umgwaqo unezintuli noma unodaka yini. +Emgwaqeni uLong yilapho uSonny nabangane bakhe babedlala ikhilikithi khona. Kwakuza wonke umuntu ophuma ngaphandle ezobuka futhi akekho owayekhononda uma ibhola lingena esivandeni sakhe. Akekho ngisho noyedwa, ngaphandle kukaMnumzane Peterson. +“Kula maholide sizoba nemidlalo emihle kakhulu yekhilikithi,” kusho uSonny ngenkathi beya ekhaya ngenye intambama. +“YEEEBO!” kusho uSimon noJack. +“Wena, Thami? Uthini?” kubuza uSonny. +“Kodwa nithini NGAYE?” kubuza uThami. Wakhomba umuzi kaMnumzane Peterson. “UJack usebulale elinye lamafasitela akhe.” +“WENA-ke?” kusho uJack. “Usushaye amabhola aze aba mabili angena esivandeni sakhe.” +Babazi kahle ukuthi uma beshaye noma baphonsa ibhola leqa uthango lomuzi kaMnumzane Peterson, ngeke baphinde balibone lelo bhola. Uma kwenzekile ibhola labo lagingqika langena ngaphansi kwesango, inja yakhe, uShikisha, yayilithatha. Bayigqolozela indlu kaMnumzane Peterson. Ubehlala equmbe kakhulu ezinyangeni ezimbalwa ezedlule. +“Likhona ibhola lekhilikithi esinalo? Bengicabanga ukuthi onke akuye,” kusho uThumi. +“Nginalo elilodwa,” kusho uJack wayesemoyizela, “masihleleni umdlalo wekhilikithi omuhle UKWEDLULA yonke.” + +Ngosuku lokugcina esikoleni, wayengxamile elinde ukubuya ekhaya azodlala ikhilikithi. Wayengeve ethokozile, waphakamisela ngisho uMnumzane Peterson isandla, kodwa uMnumzane Peterson wamshaya indiva. +“Sawubona, Mama,” washo ngenkathi engena ngaphakathi. Unina wayefunda iphephandaba. Wayethokozile. +“Yebo, mfana wami,” ephendula. “Lalela lapha-ke. Kuhle lokhu. Umgwaqo uLong manje usuzohamba uze ufike enxanxatheleni entsha yezitolo. Ekugcineni sekuzoba namabhasi nezitobhi zamabhasi. KODWA …” kusho yena, “lokhu futhi kusho ukuthi ngeke kusaba bikho ukudlala emgwaqeni.” +“I-NI-I-I?” inhliziyo kaSonny yavele yawa yafika ezicathulweni zakhe. Umdlalo ubusuvele uhleliwe! Wahamba waphumela phandle qede wahlala esitebhisini esingaphambi kwendlu evungama. Umsindo omkhulu wamenza waphakamisa amehlo. UMnumzane Peterson wayephezulu elelini, enza uthango lwangaphambili lomuzi wakhe lube lude kakhulu ngokungeza izitini. +“Ahha!” kuhonga uSonny ngentukuthelo. “Ngiyazi ufuna amabhola ethu angalweqi uthango lwakhe, kodwa manje akusamele azihluphe.” +Khona manjalo wafikelwa umcabango othile – uma ngabe bonke abangani bakhe bengahlangana bacele bonke abazali babo, emva kwalokho … mhlawumbe … bangaba nomdlalo wokugcina wekhilikithi. Wahamba ngokushesha eyobheka uSimon. +NgoMgqibelo olandelayo kwakunentokozo enkulu ngoba isu likaSonny noSimon lalisebenzile! Namuhla kwakuzoba wumdlalo wokugcina – omkhulu, omuhle umdlalo UKWEDLULA yonke! Zonke izingane ezakhele lo mgwaqo zazizodlala. FUTHI kwakuzoba nemiklomelo! Abanye abazali babenza okokwehlisa amathe ukuze wonke umuntu ezokwabelana ngakho ngesikhathi sesidlo sasemini. Ubaba kaThumi wayezonikezela ngemiklomelo ekupheleni kosuku. +Nakuba konke kwakwenzelwa ukuzithokozisa nje, uSonny wayezizwa enovadlwana. Iqoqwana lezibukeli lashaya ihlombe ngenkathi ibhola lokuqala lishwitshwa nguThumi. +UJack washoshela phambili. QHUUU! Walishaya ibhola ngamandla ngendlela yokuthi lahamba laya phezulu emoyeni. +USonny waya phambili ukuze ayobamba ibhola, kodwa ilanga lalikhanya liqonde ngqo emehlweni akhe. Waligqolozela, walinda wayesema ngaphansi kwalo. Wonke umuntu wayeseshaya ihlombe. Ngenkathi eqala ebuyisa izandla ukubamba ibhola kahle, lavele laphuma futhi. Lagqoma kanye lase ligingqika laqonda ngaphansi kwesango lomuzi kaMnu Peterson. Inhliziyo kaSonny yavele yacwila. + +“MANJE sizokwenzenjani?” kubuza uThumi. +“Ngeke sikwazi ukuqhubeka nomdlalo wethu!” kusho uJack. +“Ngeke SIPHINDE silithole futhi ibhola!” kubibitheka uSimon. +USonny wadonsa umoya kakhulu. “Ngizolilanda ibhola,” kusho yena. +“Kodwa uMnumzane Peterson uzokuthethisa,” kusho uThumi. +“Ngeke avume uthathe ibhola … futhi uShikisha mhlawumbe usevele wagubha umgodi maqede waligqiba nje!” kusho uSimon. +“Kulungile, kumele ngizame kodwa,” kusho uSonny. “Wumdlalo wethu wokugcina kanti yikhathi siqala ukudlala. Ngeke siphinde silithole elinye ithuba lokudlala kanjena.” +Ngesibindi, uSonny wavula isango likaMnumzane Peterson wangena wenyuka ngendledlana. UShikisha wayengabonwa nangokhalo. Isisu sikaSonny wasizwa sihlambuluka.Wayezwa uvadlwana. Wayengafuni ukuthethiswa uMnumzane Peterson. Ngaphambi kokuthi afike emnyango wangaphambili, wavele wavuleka! Khona lapho wayemile uMnumzane Peterson. Wayebonakala emkhudlwana kulokhu. Izihlathi zakhe zazibomvu sengathi wayethukuthele ngokwedlulele. + +Ngenkathi esefuna ukuvula umlomo uSonny, uMnumzane Peterson washo ngezwi elikhulu elibhodlayo, “Sonny! Kubonakala sengathi ngiqede nje ngesikhathi esifafnele.” +“Uxolo, mnumzane, angizwanga?” kusho uSonny. +“Woza,” kusho uMnumzane Peterson wayesehamba eya esivandeni sakwakhe esingemuva. +USonny wavele wakhamisa nje. +Kwakuyisivande esikhulu kunazo zonke kulo mgwaqo. Utshani babugundiwe futhi kukhona izihlahla ezizungeze emaphethelweni. UMnumzane Peterson wayefake intambo yazungeza amaphethelo esivande, njengasenkundleni yangempela yekhilikithi. Futhi phakathi nendawo, kwakukhona izindukwana zekhilikithi. +USonny wabuka uMnu Peterson maqede wamoyizela. UMnu Peterson wamoyizela naye ngemfudumalo. “Ngiyaxolisa ukuthi angikwazanga ukunixwayisa ngezinguquko emgwaqeni. Ngisebenza emkhandlwini, kodwa bengingavumelekile ukusho noma yini. KODWA … ngikwazile ukwenza okuthile.” Wahleka. “MANJE … woza nabo bonke abakhona lapha sizodlala ikhilikithi.” +Manje-ke uSonny nabangani bakhe njalo nje banendawo yokudlala ikhilikithi. UMnumzane Peterson uyathanda uma bemvakashele futhi uyakuthokozela ukubukela yonke imidlalo. Unekhono elihle lokubagcinela amaphuzu. Futhi uma ibhola lishaywe noma liphonswe laya kude kakhulu, uShikisha uyagijima alilande! +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Khuthaza izingane zakho ukuthi zidwebe isithombe senkundla yekhilikithi esivandeni esingemuva emzini kaMnumzane Peterson. Mazisebenzise imininingwane esendabeni ukuzisiza. Zikhuthaze ukuthi zibhale isigaba esichaza le nkundla yekhilikithi ngaphansi kwezithombe zabo.",zul,isiZulu,Umgwaqo omuhle kakhulu emhlaben,"Long Street was wide and long. In summer, when Sonny and his friends walked home from school, their shoes were covered in dust. In winter, their shoes squished with mud and water. But during the school holidays, no one cared if the street was dusty ...",,NguKirstin Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/node/1941 +storm,"Marie-Lou Maritz was born during a storm, a wild storm that nearly destroyed the little fishing village where she lived. Roofs were ripped off the cottages, windows shattered, trees uprooted and vegetable gardens blown away. + +But far worse than that, many of the fishermen … husbands, brothers, sons and fathers … never came home. And amongst them was Marie-Lou’s father. +With so few men left in the village, the women had taken to fishing. And it wasn’t too long before Marie-Lou’s friends started going out with the boats too. But not Marie-Lou because she was blind, or as her mother always said, “Marie-Lou sees things differently.” +Marie-Lou hated being left behind, hated not being able to help. Once she even sneaked onto a boat, but someone saw her. Still, she soon found ways to be useful. Marie-Lou learnt to mend nets, clean fish and scrub down the decks. And she learnt, better than anyone, to read the wind – to know when to cast the nets and when to leave the sea alone. +Then one evening, as if from nowhere, a fierce wind swept through the village. The villagers dropped everything and struggled indoors as hats, washing, plants, even a bicycle and wheelbarrow were blown down the road. Thankfully no one was out at sea. +The villagers watched from their shuddering cottages as the storm raged on and on. But not Marie-Lou, she listened. And what she heard was the snap of trees blown over like matchsticks, the swish-swish of shifting sand dunes, the crashing of waves onto rocks and then … silence. +The morning after the storm, Marie-Lou got up early and, without waking her mother, swept up all the sand that had blown into their cottage. Then she went outside. +Marie-Lou listened to the gentle lap-lapping of the sea. It had sounded so different, so angry, during the storm. And then she heard a strange faraway sound: first it was a whimper, then more of a squeal. It came and went like the waves. +Slowly, carefully, Marie-Lou followed the sound until a few steps away from the water’s edge she stopped. One moment the sound seemed to fly high up into the sky like the squawking seagulls. The next it seemed to float in and out of the water that swirled in the rock pools. Marie-Lou knew she was close to the sound even though it was growing softer and the gaps between it longer. Then it stopped altogether. +Desperate, Marie-Lou rushed ahead and slipped on a rock. Something brushed against her foot. Thinking it was a piece of sea weed, she reached down to move it and felt … floppy wet ears, a wet nose, four wet paws and a wiggly wet tail. Marie-Lou tried to pick up the soggy little thing, but a rope around its neck felt like it was caught up in the rocks. + +Eventually, with the rope free, Marie-Lou scooped up the half drowned puppy. She smiled as it made little snuffling sounds and snuggled into her neck. Then she remembered her mother. How worried she would be – worried and cross! She turned to go home, but too quickly, and she stumbled and fell. +And that was when Marie-Lou’s mother found her. She hugged and scolded, scolded and hugged Marie-Lou all the way home. +Later, Inspector Madliwa came around to take down details about the puppy. He saw how sad this made Marie-Lou, so he told her that if no one came for the puppy within a week, then she could keep her. He smiled and said, “Actually, I think you were made for each other.” +How slowly that week passed for Marie-Lou. But by the end of it, no one had come for the puppy. So, Marie-Lou named her Storm. +Even though she was still a puppy, Storm was never far from Marie-Lou’s side. And it was not long before Storm knew Marie-Lou’s every move – Marie-Lou began to think that Storm knew what she was going to do even before she did! She was there to guide Marie-Lou away from danger, there to carry her school bag and always there to watch over her as she slept. +  +Get creative! +* What colours do you think of when you think of a storm? Use different coloured paints to create a picture of an angry storm on a large sheet of paper. +* Make an animal clinic card for Storm, the puppy. Write the details below on a sheet of paper and then draw a picture of Storm in a block above them. +- Pet’s name: +-Type of pet: +- Colour of pet: +- Male/female: +- Owner’s name: +- Owner’s address: +- Owner’s phone number:",eng,English,The storm,"Marie-Lou Maritz was born during a storm, a wild storm that nearly destroyed the little fishing village where she lived. Roofs were ripped off the cottages, windows shattered, trees uprooted and vegetable gardens blown away. + +\nEnglish / Afrikaans / Sepedi / Sesotho / isiXhosa / isiZulu",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/storm +storm,"Marie-Lou Maritz is tydens ’n storm gebore, ’n woeste storm wat byna hul klein vissersdorpie vernietig het. Die huisies se dakke is afgeruk, vensters het aan skerwe gespat, bome is ontwortel en groentetuine is weggewaai. + +  +Maar veel erger was dat baie van die vissermanne … mans, broers, seuns en pa’s … nooit weer huis toe gekom het nie. Een van hulle was Marie-Lou se pa. +Met so min mans in die dorpie oor, moes die vroue begin visvang. En dit was nie lank nie voor Marie-Lou se vriende ook saam met die bote begin uitgaan het. Maar nie Marie-Lou nie, want sy was blind, of soos haar ma altyd gesê het: “Marie-Lou sien dinge anders.” +Marie-Lou het niks daarvan gehou om agter te bly en nie te kan help nie. Op ’n keer het sy selfs op ’n skuit opgesluip, maar iemand het haar gesien. Tog het sy gou maniere gevind om te help. Marie-Lou het geleer om nette reg te maak, vis skoon te maak en die dekke skoon te skrop. En sy het geleer, beter as enigiemand anders, om die wind te lees – om te weet wanneer om die nette uit te gooi en wanneer om die see met rus te laat. +Toe, een aand, uit die bloute, swiep ’n wilde winde deur die dorpie. Die inwoners van die dorpie laat staan alles waarmee hulle doenig is en kies koers binnetoe, terwyl hoede, wasgoed, plante, selfs ’n fiets en kruiwa straat-af waai. Gelukkig was niemand op die see uit nie. +Die mense kyk uit hul rukkende huisies hoe die storm woed. Maar nie Marie-Lou nie; sy luister. En wat sy hoor, is hoe bome soos vuurhoutjies in die wind knak, die swiesj-swiesj van skuiwende sandduine, die branders wat teen die rotse breek en toe … stilte. +Die oggend na die storm staan Marie-Lou vroeg op en, sonder om haar ma wakker te maak, vee sy al die sand uit wat in hul huisie ingewaai het. Toe gaan sy buitentoe. +Marie-Lou luister na die lui geklots van die see. Dit het so anders, so woedend, geklink tydens die storm. En toe hoor sy ’n vreemde klank ver weg: eers is dit net ’n gekerm, toe meer van ’n getjank. Dit kom en gaan soos die golwe. +Stadig, versigtig, volg Marie-Lou die geluid totdat sy ’n paar treë van die water af gaan staan. Een oomblik klink dit of die geluid hoog in die lug in vlieg soos die skreeuende seemeeue. Die volgende oomblik klink dit of dit in en uit die water dryf wat in die rotspoele kabbel. Marie-Lou weet sy is naby die geluid, selfs al word dit sagter en al duur die stiltes tussenin langer. Toe raak dit heeltemal stil. +Marie-Lou storm desperaat vorentoe en gly op ’n rots. Iets vee teen haar voet. Omdat sy dink dat dit ’n stuk seegras is, buk sy af om dit af te haal en voel … slap ore, ’n nat snoet, vier nat pote en ’n nat, waaiende stert. Marie-Lou probeer die deurnat klein dingetjie optel, maar dit voel of ’n tou om haar nek in die rotse vasgevang is. + +Uiteindelik, met die tou los, raap Marie-Lou die half verdrinkte babahondjie op. Sy glimlag toe dit klein snuffelgeluidjies maak en in haar nek inkruip. Toe onthou sy van haar ma. Hoe bekommerd sal sy nie wees nie – bekommerd en kwaad! Sy draai om om huis toe te gaan, maar te vinnig, en sy struikel en val. +En dit is toe wat Marie-Lou se ma haar vind. Al die pad huis toe druk sy vir Marie-Lou vas en raas met haar, gee haar ’n drukkie en raas dan weer. +Later kom Inspekteur Madliwa na hulle toe om besonderhede van die babahondjie te kry. Hy sien hoe hartseer dit Marie-Lou maak, en hy sê vir haar dat as niemand binne ’n week die babahondjie kom haal nie, sy dit mag hou. Hy glimlag en sê: “Eintlik dink ek julle is vir mekaar gemaak.” +Hoe stadig sleep daardie week nie vir Marie-Lou verby nie. Maar teen die einde van die week, het niemand die hondjie kom haal nie. En toe noem Marie-Lou haar Storm. +Al is sy nog ’n babahondjie, is Storm nooit ver van waar Marie-Lou is nie. En dis nie lank nie of Storm ken vir Marie-Lou deur en deur – Marie-Lou begin dink Storm weet wat sy gaan doen selfs voor sy dit doen! Storm is daar om Marie-Lou weg te hou van gevaar, daar om haar skooltas te dra, en altyd daar om oor haar te waak terwyl sy slaap.",afr,Afrikaans,Storm,"Marie-Lou Maritz was born during a storm, a wild storm that nearly destroyed the little fishing village where she lived. Roofs were ripped off the cottages, windows shattered, trees uprooted and vegetable gardens blown away. + +\nEnglish / Afrikaans / Sepedi / Sesotho / isiXhosa / isiZulu",,Deur Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/node/1911 +storm,"Marie-Lou Maritz o belegwe go na le ledimo, ledimo le legolo la go nyaka go senya motse wa boreadihlapi wo ba bego ba dula go ona. Marulelo a ile a rutlumuluga mekutwaneng, mafasetere a pšhatlega, mehlare ya kukumotšega ka medu gomme ditšhengwana tša merogo tša tšewa ke moya. + +  +Efela go feta fao, bareadihlapi ba bantši … banna, bobuti, barwa le botate … ga se ba boa gae. Gomme gare ga bona go be go na le tatago Marie-Lou. +Ka ge go be go šetše banna ba mmalwa motseng, basadi ba ile ba ya go rea dihlapi. Bagwera ba Marie-Lou le bona ga se ba tšea nako pele ba sepela ka maselawatle. Efela e sego Marie-Lou ka ge a be a foufetše, goba bjalo ka ge mmagwe a be a phela a bolela, “Marie-Lou o bona dilo ka tsela ye e fapanego.” +Marie-Lou o be a sa rate go šala, o be a hloile go se thuše bangwe. O ile a itahlela leselawatleng gatee, efela yo mongwe a mmona. Le ge go le bjalo, o ile a hwetša ditsela tša go ba le mohola ka pela. Marie-Lou o ithutile go loga mebetse, go hlwekiša hlapi le go koropa diteke. Gomme o ithutile, go bala phefo go phala batho bohle – go tseba gore lekwa le fošetšwa neng le gore o tloga neng lewatleng. +Mathapameng a mangwe, phefo ye maatla e ile ya swiela motse. Badudi ba tlogetše tšohle gomme ba kakaditlana ka mengwakong ge mengatse, diaparo, dimela le paesekele le kiribane di fothelwa tlase kua tseleng. Ka mahlatse go be go se yo a bego a le lewatleng. +Badudi ba lebeletše ledimo la go galefa le tšwela pele ba le mekutwaneng ya bona. Efela, e sego Marie-Lou, o ile a theeletša. Gomme, se a se kwelego ke medumo ya mehlare e kgwarinywa bjalo ka mahlokwa a mankgwari, swii swii ya mohlaba, modumo wa maphoto ge a betha maswika gomme ka morago … gwa re tuu. +Mesong ya ka morago ga ledimo, Marie-Lou o tsogile mesong ntle le go tsoša mmagwe, gomme a swiela mohlaba ohle wo o tsenego ka ngwakong. O ile a ya ka ntle. +Marie-Lou o theeleditše modumo wa lewatle wa tlase. Le be le kwagala ka tsela ye e fapanego, le befetšwe, ka nako ya ledimo. Gomme ka morago a kwa modumo wa go makatša kgojana: la mathomo e be ele wa go tsetsela, ka morago wa swana le wa go tswinya. O tlile gape wa tloga bjalo ka maphoto. +Ka go nanya, ka tlhokomelo, Marie-Lou a latela modumo go fihlela go dikgato tše mmalwa kgole le leriba la meetse gomme a ema. Godimo gateetee wa kwagala o fofela lefaufaung bjalo ka dinonyanawatle di lla. Ka morago wa kawagala o phaphamala ka gare le ka ntle ga meetse ao a tšokotšegago ka bodibeng bja maswika. Marie-Lou o be a tseba gore o kgauswi le modumo le ge o be o eba tlase ka dikgoba tše ditelele magareng ga medumo. Ka morago o ile wa ema tse. +Ka go bolaya ke pelo, Marie-Lou a kitimela pele gomme a redimoga leswikeng. Selo se sengwe sa kgwatha kgato ya gagwe. A nagana gore ke seripana sa bjangwatle, o ile a obelela tlase gore a bo tloše … ditsebe tša go phaphasela tša go thapa, nko ya go thapa, marofa a go thapa a mane le mosela wa go thapa wa go šikenyega. Marie-Lou o ile a leka go kuka selo seo, efela thapo molaleng wa sona e kwagala eke e swerwe ke maswika. + +Mafelelong ge thapo e bofologile, Marie-Lou a kuka mpšanyana yeo e nyakilego go kgangwa ke meetse. A myemyela ge e ethimola e mo kgomarela molaleng wa gawe. Ka morago o ile a gopola mmagwe. O swanetše go ba a tshwenyegile – a tshwenyegile ebile a befetšwe! O ile a retologa ka bjako a ya gae, gomme a kgolwa a wa. +Gomme ya ba ke nako yeo mmago Marie-Lou a mo humana. O ile a mo gokara le go mo kgalemela, a kgalemela Marie-Lou le go mo gokara tseleng yohle ge ba lebile gae. +Ka morago, Mohlahlobi Madliwa o ile a tla go tšea ditaba ka ga mpšanyana. O bone ka fao Marie-Lou a nyamilego ka gona, gomme a mmotša gore ge beke e ka fela go se yo a tlago go tšea mpšanyana, a ka e tšea. O ile a myemyela a re, “Nnete gona, ke nagana gore le hloletšwe go ba mmogo.” +Beke yeo e ile ya nanya go Marie-Lou. Efela, beke e fedile go se yo a nyakago mpšanyana. Ka fao, Marie-Lou a e reela Ledimo. +Le ge ebe e sa le mpšanyana, Ledimo e be e phela e le kgauswi le Marie-Lou. E ile ya tseba mesepelo ya Marie-Lou ka moka ga yona – Marie-Lou o ile a nagana gore Ledimo e tseba se a tlogo se dira le pele a se dira! E be e hlahla Marie-Lou gore a se be kotsing, e be e rwala mokotla wa gagwe wa sekolo gape e mo hlokomela ge a robetše. +E ba le boitlhamelo! +* Ge o nagana ka ledimo o nagana ka mmala ofe? Diriša dipente tša mebala ya go fapana go hlama seswantšho sa ledimo le lebe letlakaleng la pampiri le legolo. +* Dira karata ya kliniki ya diphoofolo ya Ledimo, mpšanyana. Ngwala dintlha ka tlase mo letlakaleng la pampiri gomme o thale seswantšho sa Ledimo polokong ya ka godimo ga tšona. +- Leina la phoofolo ya mmamoratwa: +- Mohuta wa phoofolo ya mmamoratwa: +- Mmala wa phoofolo ya mmamoratwa: +- Tona/Tshadi: +- Leina la mong: +- Aterese ya mong: +- Nomoro ya mogala ya mong:",nso,Sepedi,Ledimo,"Marie-Lou Maritz was born during a storm, a wild storm that nearly destroyed the little fishing village where she lived. Roofs were ripped off the cottages, windows shattered, trees uprooted and vegetable gardens blown away. + +\nEnglish / Afrikaans / Sepedi / Sesotho / isiXhosa / isiZulu",,Ka Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/node/1913 +storm,"Marie-Lou Maritz o ne a hlahe ka nako ya sefefo, sefefo se matla se neng se batle se senya motsana wa batshwasi ba ditlhapi moo a neng a dula teng. Marulelo a ne a fefohile, difensetere di tjhwatlehile, difate di tsumohile le ditshingwana tsa meroho di fefotswe ke moya. + +  +Empa tse mpe ka ho fetisisa ke hore, batshwasi ba bangata … banna, dikgaitsedi, bara le bontate … ha ba a ka ba kgutlela malapeng a bona. Mme hara bona e ne e le ntate wa Marie-Lou. +Ka lebaka la banna ba mmalwa jwalo ba neng ba setse motseng, basadi ba ile ba tlameha ho ya tshwasa ditlhapi. Mme ha ho a ka ha nka nako e telele pele metswalle ya Marie-Lou e qala ho palama diketswana le yona. Empa e seng Marie-Lou hobane o ne a foufetse, kapa jwaloka ha mmae a ne a rata ho bolela, “Marie-Lou o bona dintho ka tsela e fapaneng.” +Marie-Lou o ne a hloile ho siuwa hae, a hloile ho se kgone ho thusa. Ka tsatsi le leng o ne a kile a kgukguna a ipata ka seketswaneng, empa ha ba le motho ya mmonang. Leha ho le jwalo a fumana ditsela tseo a ka thusang ka tsona. Marie-Lou a ithuta ho lokisa matlowa, ho hlwekisa ditlhapi le ho koropa diketswana. Mme a ithuta, ho feta mang kapa mang, ho lekola moya – ho tseba nako e loketseng ho lahlela matlowa le nako e loketseng ho se atamele lewatleng. +Yaba ka bosiu bo bong, jwaloka kahaeka o tswa moo o sa tsejweng, moya o bohale wa foka ka matla ka hara motse. Baahi ba motse ba nyahlatsa tsohle mme ba balehela ka matlung ha dikatiba, diaparo tse terateng, dijalo, esitana le dibaesekele le kiribae di fefolelwa tlase ho theosa tsela. Ka lehlohonolo ho ne ho se na motho ya neng a le lewatleng. +Baahi ba motse ba shebella ba le dikoteising tsa bona tse thothomelang ha sefefo se pukutla ka matla. Empa e seng Marie-Lou, o ne a mametse. Mme, seo a neng a se utlwa e ne e le ho twatlatsa ha difate tse fefolwang jwalo ka dithutswana tsa mollo, dishwa-shwa tsa diqubu tsa santa tse ntseng di sutha, ho otlana ha maqhubu hodima mafika mme yaba … ho a kgutsa. +Hoseng ha letsatsi le hlahlamang sefefo, Marie-Lou a tsoha e sa le hoseng mme, ntle le ho tsosa mme wa hae, a fiela santa yohle e neng e fefoletswe koteising. Yaba o tswela ka ntle. +Marie-Lou a mamela maqhubu a otlanang a lewatle. A ne a duma ka tsela e fapaneng, a halefile, ka nako ya sefefo. Mme yaba o utlwa modumo o makatsang hole kwana: pele e ne eka o a hweshetsa, yaba o eketseha ho tlatlarietsa. O ne o etla o eba o tsamaya jwaloka maqhubu. +Butlebutle, ka hloko, Marie-Lou a latela modumo ho fihlela ho setse mehato e mmalwa ho ya fihla lebopong la metsi mme a ema. Ka nako e nngwe modumo oo o ne o utlwahala eka o fofela hodimo marung jwaloka letata la lewatle. Kamora moo e ne eka o phaphalla ka hara metsi le ka ntle ho metsi a neng a ntse a otlana ka hara matangwana a majwe. Marie-Lou o ile a tseba hore o haufi le modumo leha o ne o ntse o eya tlase mme dikgeo tse pakeng tsa ona di ntse di eba telele. Mme yaba o emisa ka ho phethahala. +A felletswe ke matla, Marie-Lou a phakisa ho ya pele mme a dula hodima lejwe. Ho na le ntho e ileng ya mo pholla leotong. A nahana hore ke sekotwana sa bolele, mme a inama ho se tlosa mme yaba o utlwa … ditsebe tse metsi tse leketlileng, nko e metsi, maoto a mane a metsi le mohatla o metsi o ntseng o tsokwa. Marie-Lou a leka ho phahamisa nthwana ena e metsi, empa thapo e neng e le molaleng wa yona e ne e utlwahala e tshwasehile pakeng tsa majwe. + +Qetellong, ha thapo e se e lokolohile, Marie-Lou a phahamisa ntjanyana e neng e batla e kgamilwe ke metsi. A bososela ha a utlwa e tsetselela fatshe mme e itshopha molaleng wa hae. Yaba o hopola mme wa hae. Kamoo ekabang o kgathatsehile ka teng – a kgathatsehile ebile a halefile! A fetoha ho leba hae, empa ka potlako e kgolo, a kgotjwa mme a wa. +Ke ha mme wa Marie-Lou a mo fumana. A haka Marie-Lou a ntse a mo omanya, a mo omanya a bile a mo haka tseleng ho leba lapeng. +Ha morao, Lepolesa Madliwa a tla ho tla nka dintlha mabapi le ntjanyana. O ile a bona kamoo ntho ena e hlonamisang Marie-Lou, yaba o mmolella hore haeba ho se motho ya tlang ho tla batla ntjanyana eo kamora beke, a ka nna a inkela yona. A bososela yaba o re, “Hantlentle, ke nahana hore le lokela ho ba mmoho.” +Beke eo ya tsamaya butle bakeng sa Marie-Lou. Empa e ile ya ba ya feela ho se motho ya tlang ho tla batla ntjanyana eo, Kahoo, Marie-Lou a e bitsa Sefefo. +Leha e ne e sa le ledinyane, Sefefo o ne a dula a le pela Marie-Lou ka nako tsohle. Mme e se neng Sefefo a tseba mehato ya Marie-Lou yohle – Marie-Lou a ba a bona eka Sefefo o se a tseba seo a tla se etsa le pele a qala ho se etsa! O ne a dula a tataisa Marie-Lou kamehla hore a se wele kotsing, a mo tshwarisa mokotlana wa sekolo mme a dula a mo shebile leha a robetse. +Iqapele! +* Ke mebala efe eo o e nahanang ha o nahana ka sefefo? Sebedisa dipente tsa mebala e fapaneng ho bopa setshwantsho sa sefefo se halefileng leqepheng le leholohadi. +* Etsa karete ya tleliniki ya diphoofolo bakeng sa Sefefo, ntjanyana. Ngola dintlha tse ka tlase mona leqepheng le leholohadi mme ebe o taka setshwantsho sa Sefefo bolokong bo ka hodima tsona. +- Lebitso la phete: +- Mofuta wa phete: +- Mmala wa phete: +- E tona/e tshehadi: +- Lebitso la monga yona: +- Aterese ya monga yona: +- Nomoro ya mohala ya monga yona:",sot,Sesotho,Sefefo,"Marie-Lou Maritz was born during a storm, a wild storm that nearly destroyed the little fishing village where she lived. Roofs were ripped off the cottages, windows shattered, trees uprooted and vegetable gardens blown away. + +\nEnglish / Afrikaans / Sepedi / Sesotho / isiXhosa / isiZulu",,Ka Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/node/1915 +storm,"UMarie-Lou Maritz wazalwa ngexesha lenkanyamba, inkanyamba eyayinamandla kakhulu neyaphantse yatshabalalisa wonke ummandla okwilalana yabalobi awayehlala kuyo. Kwancothuka amaphahla ezindlwini, kophuka zifestile, kwancothuka wena mithi neengcambu zayo ukanti zona izitiya zemifuno zavuthuluka kwayimbuqe. + +  +Okona kwaba kubi kakhulu kukuba abalobi abaninzi … abayeni, oobhuti, oonyana nootata … abazange babuyele emakhayeni abo kwakhona. Phakathi kwabo kwakukho notata kaMarie-Lou. +Ngenxa yokuba kwakusele amadoda ambalwa kuloo mmandla, kwanyanzeleka ukuba abafazi baluthathele kubo uxanduva lokuloba. Kungekudala, abahlobo bakaMarie-Lou baqalisa nabo ukuya kuloba ngezikhephe. Kodwa uMarie-Lou yena wayengakwazi kuba wayeyimfama, okanye, xa sisebenzisa uhlobo awayethanda ukuyibeka ngalo le nto umama wakhe, “UMarie-Lou wayezibona izinto ngokwahlukileyo.” +UMarie-Lou wayekucaphukela kakhulu ukusalela ngasemva nokungakwazi ukuncedisa koko kwenziwayo. Ngenye imini wakhe wade wachwechwa, efuna ukungena kwisikhephe eso kodwa wabhaqwa. Nangona kunjalo, wakhangela ezinye iindlela anokunceda ngazo. UMarie-Lou wafunda ukuthunga iminatha, ukucoca iintlanzi nokukorobha izikhephe. Eyona nto wagqwesa kuyo kakhulu uMarie-Lou kukufunda nokuqikelela ukuba umoya uya ngaphi na – ukuze akwazi ukuba awufake nini okanye kweliphi na icala umnatha elwandle kananjalo aphume nini na elwandle xa lusilwa. +Ngabusuku buthile, gqi qaphu umoyakazi oyingozi ongalindelekanga nowawubhudla kuloo mmandla. Abahlali baxakana nento, babalekela ezindlini bazivalela eli xa iminqwazi, impahla exhonywe elucingweni, izityalo, nkqu neebhayisekile neekiriva ziphaphatheka nomoya lowo. Ngethamsanqa kwakungekho mntu oweyesasele elwandle. +Abahlali kuloo lali babebambe ongezantsi, bebukele izindlu zabo zitshabalala ngephanyazo ngethuba ihlasela inkanyamba. Kwakungenjalo kuMarie-Lou kuba eyimfama, yena wonela nje kukumamela ngeendlebe okwenzekayo. Awakuvayo yabazizithonga zokusiphuka kwemithi neengcambu ngokungathi yimicinga yematshisi eqhwithwayo, intlokoma yokuvuthuluka kwesanti, nengxolo yamaza elatyuza, ebetheka ematyeni kwaze emva koko … cwaka. +Ngentsasa elandela inkanyamba, uMarie-Lou wavuka kwangoko, ngaphandle kokuphazamisa unina, watshayelela phandle yonke isanti eyayingene ngaphakathi endlwini. Akugqiba waphumela phandle. +UMarie-Lou wahlala phandle wamamela isandi sokulephuza kwamaza olwandle azolileyo ebetheka elunxwemeni. Isandi sasivakala ngokwahlukileyo ngoku, kaloku ulwandle lwaluvakala lunomsindo kakhulu ngexesha lenkanyamba. Kuthe kusenjalo weva isandi esivakalela kude esingaqhelekanga: sasibukhwina kuqala esi sandi kwaza kusenjalo saguquka, satswina. Sasisiza siphinde sithi shwaka njengamaza ngqo. +Ngokucothayo nangocoselelo, uMarie-Lou walandela isandi eso de wayakufika apho aphela khona amanzi, wema bhuxe elungqamekweni. Isandi savakala ngokungathi sibhabhela phezulu esibhakabhakeni okwesandi esenziwa yinja yolwandle. Saphinda savakala ngokungathi sisandi esingena siphuma emanzini abetheka ematyeni. UMarie-Lou wayesazi ukuba ukufuphi nesandi nangona sasisiya sidamba kancinane. Ekugqibeleni kwathi cwaka. +Ekhathazekile, uMarie-Lou wakhawuleza waya phambili, waza watshibilika elityeni. Weva erhecwa yinto elunyaweni. Ecinga ukuba zizityalo zolwandle, wagoba wayibamba efuna ukuva ukuba yintoni na … thu amabhakubhaku eendlebe ezimanzi, impumlo emanzi, iimpuphu ezine ezimanzi nomsila ojingayo, omanzi toxo. UMarie-Lou wazama ukuyiphakamisa loo nto imanzi kodwa intambo eyayisentanyeni yayo yayivakala ngokungathi ibambeke ematyeni. + +Ekugqibeleni, xa sele intambo ikhululekle, uMarie-Lou wayiphakamisa injana eyayiphantse yarhaxwa. Wancuma akubona imbungezelela, imkhotha entanyeni. Emva koko wakhumbula umama wakhe. Ecinga ukuba unokuba uxhalabile – unxunguphele kwaye uyavutha ngumsindo! Wagoduka ngokungxama, suke wakhubeka wawa phantsi ngenxa yokungxama. +Kungelo xesha kanye apho wafunyanwa khona ngumama wakhe uMarie-Lou. Wamanga wandula ukumngxolisa, waphinda wamanga kodwa wamngxolisa kwakhona uMarie-Lou endleleni yonke egodukayo. +Emva koko, ipolisa elisispekthara, uMadliwa wafika ezokuthatha iinkcukacha ezingenjana. Wayibona indlela awayengonwabanga ngayo uMarie-Lou koku, waza wamxelela ukuba angayigcina injana xa kungekho mntu uyilandileyo kwisithuba seveki. Emva koko, ipolisa lancuma laza lathi, “Ndicinga ukuba niyafanelena kakhulu njengamaqabane.” +Yayingathi icotha kakhulu loo veki kuMarie-Lou. Ekupheleni kwayo, zange kubekho mntu oze kuyilanda injana. UMarie-Lou wagqiba ukuba ayithiye igama elinguStorm. +Nangona wayeyinjana esencinane, uStorm wayengahlali kude ngakuMarie-Lou. Kungekudala uStorm wayezazi zonke iintshukumo kwaneendawo aya kuzo uMarie-Lou – uMarie-Lou waqaphela ukuba uStorm ingathi wayesazi nkqu nento awayesacinga ukuyenza phambi kokuba ayenze yena buqu! Wayesoloko ekho ukukhokela uMarie-Lou ukuze angangeni ezingozini, amthwalele ibhegi yesikolo aze amgade naxa elele. +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +* Ucinga ngayiphi imibala xa ucinga ngenkanyamba? Sebenzisa iipeyinti ezimibala eyohlukileyo ukuzoba umfanekiso wenkanyamba enomsindo kwiphepha elikhulu. +* Yenzela isilwanyana esiyinjana esigama linguStorm ikhadi laseklinikhi. Bhala ezi nkcukacha zingezantsi ephepheni wandule ukuzoba umfanekiso kaStorm kwibhloko engasentla kwazo. +- Igama lesilo-qabane: +- Uhlobo lwesilo-qabane: +- Umbala wesilo-qabane: +- Isini sesilo-qabane: +- Igama lomniniso: +- Idilesi yomniniso: +- Inombolo yemfonomfono yomniso:",xho,isiXhosa,Inkanyam,"Marie-Lou Maritz was born during a storm, a wild storm that nearly destroyed the little fishing village where she lived. Roofs were ripped off the cottages, windows shattered, trees uprooted and vegetable gardens blown away. + +\nEnglish / Afrikaans / Sepedi / Sesotho / isiXhosa / isiZulu",,Libali likaJude Daly,https://nalibali.org/node/1917 +storm,"UMarie-Lou Maritz wazalwa ngesikhathi kunesiphepho, kwakuyisiphepho esinolaka esacishe sabhubhisa umuzi wabadobi lapho ayehlala khona. Kwaphephuka uphahla ezindlini, kwaphihlizeka wena mawindi, izihlahla zasuka nezimpande, nokutshalwe ezivandeni kwaphephuka kwemuka. + +  +Kodwa okubuhlungu nangaphezu kwalokho, iningi labadobi bezinhlanzi … abayeni, izinsizwa, amadodana nobaba … ababuyanga ekhaya. Kanti phakathi kwalabo kwakukhona uyise kaMarie-Lou. +  +Njengoba kwase kusele amadoda ambalwa kulo muzi abesifazane babhunkula bayodoba. Akuzange kube yisikhathi eside, abangani bakaMarie-Lou baqala nabo baphuma ngezikebhe. Kodwa uMarie-Lou akayanga yena ngoba wayengaboni emehlweni, okukanye njengokusho kukanina, “UMarie-Lou ubona izinto ngendlela eyahlukile.” +  +UMarie-Lou wayekuzonda kabi ukushiywa ngemuva, ekuzonda ukungakwazi ukusiza. Wake wanyonyoba wangena esikebheni, kodwa kwanothile ombonayo. Nokho, ngokushesha wathola izindlela zokuba wusizo. UMarie-Lou wafunda ukuchibela amanetha, ukuhlanza izinhlanzi nokuhlanza izikebhe. Futhi wafunda, kangcono kunanoma ngubani, ukufunda umoya – ukwazi ukuthi angafakwa nini amanetha nokuthi lungayekwa nini ulwandle lungaphazanyiswa. +  +Ngobunye ubusuku, gumbeqe, kwaqhamuka umoya onamandla wedlula emuzini. Izakhamuzi zalahla phansi yonke into, zazama ngamandla zingaphakathi ezindlini kwazise kwakuphephuka wena zigqoko, izimpahla, izitshalo, ngisho nebhayisikili kanye nebhala kwakuphephuka kubheke phansi emgwaqweni. Kwabongwa ukuthi akekho owayephumile esolwandle. +  +Izakhamuzi zazibukela zisezindlwaneni ezazizamazama ngenkathi isiphepho sinyakazisa yonke into. Hhayi kodwa uMarie-Lou, wayelalele. Futhi akuzwayo kwakuwumsindo wezihlahla zephuka njengothi lukamentshisi luklwejwa, ubuhhadlahhadla benhlabathi ifayela ngezinsunsu, ukuphahlaka kwamagagasi eshaya emadwaleni emva kwalokho … ukuthula. +  +Ngakusasa emva kwesiphepho, uMarie-Lou wavuka ekuseni kakhulu futhi, ngaphandle kokuvusa unina, washanela yonke inhlabathi eyayipheshethwe umoya yangena endlwaneni yabo. Emva kwalokho waphumela phandle. +  +UMarie-Lou walalela ukuhaza okumnandi kokugubha kwamagagasi olwandle. Kwakuzwakala kwehlukile, kunolaka ngenye ndlela ngesikhathi kunesiphepho. Emva kwalokho wayesezwa umsindo ongajwayelekile ukude: ekuqaleni kwakungathi kuyisililwane nje, ngokuhamba kwesikhathi kwezwakala sakuklewula. Kwafika kwedlula njengamagagasi. +  +Ngokunokoza, ngokucophelela, uMarie-Lou wawulandela lo msindo waze wafika eduze kwamanzi, wayesema. Ngesinye isikhathi umsindo uzwakala sengathi undiza phezulu esibhakabhakeni njengezinyoni zasolwandle. Kuthi kusuka kube sengathi uyantanta ungena uyaphuma emanzini ajwilingana phakathi kwamadwala. UMari-Lou wayazi ukuthi useseduze komsindo nakuba wawuya ngokwehla, futhi kunegebe phakathi kwawo. Emva kwalokho +wathi nya. +  +Enexhala, uMarie-Lou waya phambili ngokushesha kanti usezoshelela edwaleni. Kwaba khona okuthile okumthinta onyaweni. Wayecabanga ukuthi yisimila, ukhula lolwandle, wagoba ukuze alugudluze, nango-ke esezwa … izindletshana ezithambile, ikhala elimanzi, izidladlana ezine ezimanzi kanye nomsila otshikizayo, ogobile, omanzi. UMarie-Lou wazama ukucosha le nto encane elunama, kodwa intambo ezungeze intamo yakho yayizwakala sengathi ibambeke emadwaleni. + +Ekugcineni, seyikhululekile intambo, uMarie-Lou wakhipha umdlwane owawusuminze kancane. Wamoyizela ngenkathi wenza umsindo wokuphefumula ususentanyeni iyakhe. Emva kwalokho wayesekhumbula unina. Wayezokhathazeka ngenye indlela – wayezokhathazeka futhi acasuke! Waphenduka wahamba waya ekhaya, kodwa akubanga sikhathi esingakanani wakhubeka wawa. +  +Kwaba yisikhathi lapho unina kaMarie-Lou amthola khona. Wamanga futhi wamthethisa, wamthethisa futhi wamanga uMarie-Lou indlela yonke ebheke ekhaya. +  +Ngokuhamba kwesikhathi, uMseshi uMadliwa wafika ezothatha imininingwane mayelana nomdlwane.Wabona ukuthi lokhu kwakumdabukisa kabi uMarie-Lou, ngakho wamtshela ukuthi uma kungekho muntu oqhamukayo ezothatha umdlwane kuze kuphele isonto, angawugcina kube ngowakhe. Wamoyizela wayesethi, “Eqinisweni, ngicabanga ukuthi nidalelwene nalo mdlwane.” +  +Lahamba kancane nalelo sonto kuMarie-Lou. Kodwa ngokuphela kwesonto, kwakungekho ofikile ezofuna umdlwane. Ngakho, uMarie-Lou wawetha wathi uSiphepho. +  +Nakuba kwakusewumdlwane impela, uSiphepho wayehlala eseduze kukaMarie-Lou. Akubanga sikhathi esingakanani uSiphepho wayesazi konke ukunyakaza kukaMarie-Lou –uMarie-Lou wayeqala ukucabanga ukuthi uSiphepho wayekwazi ayezokwenza ngaphambi kokuthi aze akwenze! Wayekhona ukuqondisa uMarie-Lou angayi engozini, wayekhona ukumphathela isikhwama sakhe sesikole futhi wayekhona njalo ezombheka nalapho eselele. +Veza ubuciko bakho! +* Yimiphi imibala oyicabangayo uma ucabanga ngesiphepho? Sebenzisa opened bemibala eyahlukene ukwenza isithombe sesiphepho esinolaka ephepheni elikhulu. +* Yenza ikhadi lasemtholampilo wezilwane likaSiphepho, ongumdlwane. Bhala imininingwane engezansi ephepheni emva kwalokho bese udweba isithombe sikaSiphepho ebhokisaneni elingenhla kwayo. +- Igama lesilwane sasekhaya: +- Uhlobo lwesilwane: +- Umbala wesilwane: +- Induna/insikazi: +- Igama lomnikazi waso: +- Ikheli lomnikazi: +- Inombolo yocingo yomnikazi wesilwane:",zul,isiZulu,USiphepho,"Marie-Lou Maritz was born during a storm, a wild storm that nearly destroyed the little fishing village where she lived. Roofs were ripped off the cottages, windows shattered, trees uprooted and vegetable gardens blown away. + +\nEnglish / Afrikaans / Sepedi / Sesotho / isiXhosa / isiZulu",,NguJude Daly,https://nalibali.org/node/1919 +the-best-best-friend,"Layla loved jigsaw puzzles. She loved everything about them – from the picture on the box to the moment when she fitted the last piece in its place. She even liked the sound and the feeling of the pieces as she shifted them around on the table. So every Saturday morning, when Layla’s mother took her to the library to change her library books, Layla also took out a puzzle. +Now, the librarian kept all the puzzles on a shelf behind her desk and each Saturday when Layla asked if she could look for a puzzle to borrow, the librarian would say, “Wow, Layla, but you are puzzle mad!” And Layla didn’t mind at all because she WAS puzzle mad! + +Most Saturdays after the library, Shireen, Layla’s best friend, came over to play. Well, she was almost Layla’s best friend, except for one thing – Shireen had to be the best at everything. +One Saturday morning, Layla borrowed a puzzle of an African fish eagle from the library. The picture showed the bird high up in the sky with its wings spread wide and a fish in its claws. The puzzle had more pieces than any puzzle Layla had ever done. And not only that, the pieces were also smaller than any puzzle Layla had done. Layla could not have been happier! But Shireen was not at all happy because all Layla wanted to do was start the puzzle. +“I don’t want to do a boring puzzle,” said Shireen. “Let’s rather play shop-shop.” +“Okay,” said Layla, “and then we’ll do my puzzle.” +“I’ll be the shopkeeper,” said Shireen, “because I’m best at being the shopkeeper, and you can be my customer.” +Soon Layla had spent all her money. Then Shireen said, “Let’s play hospitals.” +“No,” said Layla. “I played shop-shop. Now let’s do my puzzle.” +But for some reason, Shireen still did not want to do the puzzle, so she said, “Let’s play hospitals now and then we can do the puzzle after lunch.” +And so that’s what they did. +“I’ll be the doctor,” said Shireen. +“No, you were the shopkeeper,” said Layla. “I’ll be the doctor.” +“But you can’t be,” said Shireen, “because I’m best at being the doctor.” +So, Shireen was the doctor and Layla was the sick person! +When Doctor Shireen started to examine the sick person, she tickled the sick person and the sick person got the giggles and wouldn’t lie still. So Doctor Shireen shouted, “Keep still or I won’t play with you anymore.” +But before Doctor Shireen could get any more cross, Layla’s mother called them for lunch. +“I hope you girls are having a good time,” said Layla’s mother. +“Yes,” said Layla who was about to bite into her yummy roti filled with peanut butter, grated carrots and sultanas. “After lunch we are going to do my puzzle.” +“I don’t want to do your puzzle,” said Shireen. +“But you promised,” said Layla. +“Well, now I don’t want to. I want to do some colouring in,” said Shireen. + +By now, Layla was tired of Shireen’s “I-am-the-best-at-everything” talk and cross with her for breaking her promises. Nothing was going to stop her from doing the puzzle. So after lunch, Layla gave Shireen a colouring-in book and some crayons so that Shireen could colour in while she did the puzzle. But there was only one picture left to be coloured in in the colouring-in book and Shireen soon finished it. Then she held it up to show Layla and said, “You’re so slow!” +“That’s because this puzzle is hard,” said Layla. +“I bet I could do it faster than you,” said Shireen. +“Okay,” said Layla, “when I have finished it, you can try doing it and then let’s see!” +“Okay,” said Shireen, “but only if I want to.” +Once Layla had finished the puzzle, she broke it up. She put all the pieces back into the box except for the piece with the eagle’s eye on it. And then she gave the box to Shireen. +“Here you go,” she said, “your turn now.” +“I don’t feel like it,” said Shireen. +“But you promised!” said Layla. +“No, I didn’t!” Shireen shouted. “I said only if I wanted to and I don’t want to.” +“Maybe you don’t want to because you can’t do puzzles,” said Layla. +“I can!” Shireen shouted back. “I’m the best at puzzles!” +“So do it then,” said Layla. +Shireen grabbed the box from Layla. “I will,” said Shireen, “but only if you go and play outside. I’ll call you once I’ve finished it.” +Layla went outside and drew some pictures in the sand with a stick while, inside, Shireen opened the puzzle box and started turning the puzzle pieces picture-side up. +Outside, Layla found a piece of old rope and tied it around the loquat tree so that when Shireen was finished with the puzzle they could play skipping. But inside, Shireen was struggling to fit the pieces of the puzzle together. She wished that she had not said that she was the best at puzzles. Quickly, she broke up the bit of the puzzle she had managed to do and put all the pieces back into the box. Then she ran outside and called to Layla who by now had climbed high up in the loquat tree, “I’ve finished!” +“All of it?” asked Layla. +“Yip,” said Shireen and she began climbing up into the tree. +“Stop!” Layla shouted back. “I’m coming down to see.” +“But I have packed the puzzle away already,” said Shireen. +“Why?” asked Layla. +“So that you don’t have to pack it away later,” replied Shireen. +“Oh,” said Layla, “but what about this piece?” She held up the piece with the eagle’s eye on it that she had kept. +Shireen went very quiet. She sat in the tree feeling foolish. +After a little while, Layla shouted, “Hey, guess what, I found some ripe loquats. Do you want some?” +“Yes, please,” said Shireen in a teeny little voice. +Layla climbed down to the lower branch where Shireen was sitting and handed her some. And there they sat, eating loquats and seeing how far they could spit the pips. + +Shireen spat the furthest. +“You’re the best,” said Layla. +“And you,” said Shireen, “are the best, best friend.” +  +Get creative! +Make your own puzzle! Cut a picture out of a magazine or newspaper – or draw your own. Glue the picture onto a piece of cardboard and draw lines on it to divide it into the number of +pieces you want your puzzle to have. Now cut along the lines. Mix up the pieces and build your puzzle or give it to a friend to build.",eng,English,"The best, best friend",Layla loved jigsaw puzzles. She loved everything about them – from the picture on the box to the moment when she fitted the last piece in its place. She even liked the sound and the feeling of the pieces as she shifted them around on the table. So ...,,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-best-best-friend +the-best-best-friend,"Layla is dol oor legkaarte. Alles oor legkaarte is vir haar lekker – van die prent op die boks tot die oomblik wanneer sy die laaste stukkie in sy plek pas. Sy hou selfs van die geluid wat die stukkies maak en hoe dit voel as sy dit op die tafel rondskuif. Elke Saterdagoggend wanneer Layla se mamma haar biblioteek toe vat om nuwe boeke uit te neem, neem Layla ook ’n legkaart uit. +Die bibliotekaresse hou al die legkaarte op ’n rak agter haar lessenaar, en elke Saterdag wanneer Lalya vra of sy na die legkaarte kan kyk sodat sy nog een kan uitneem, sê die bibliotekaresse: “Sjoe, Layla, maar jy is omtrent dol oor legkaarte!” En Layla gee glad nie om nie, want sy is REGTIG dol oor legkaarte! + +Die meeste Saterdae nadat hulle by die biblioteek was, kom Shireen, Layla se beste maat, by haar speel. Wel, sy is byna Layla se beste maat, behalwe vir een ding – Shireen moet altyd die beste met alles wees. +Een Saterdagoggend neem Layla ’n legkaart van ’n Afrikavisarend by die biblioteek uit. Die prent wys hoe die voël hoog in die lug vlieg met sy vlerke wyd uitgesprei en ’n vis in sy kloue. Die legkaart het meer stukke as enige legkaart wat Layla nog ooit gebou het. En nie net dit nie, die stukke is ook kleiner as enige legkaart wat Layla al gebou het. Layla is blyer as bly! Maar Shireen is glad nie gelukkig nie, want al wat Layla wil doen, is om die legkaart te begin bou. +“Ek wil nie ’n vervelige legkaart bou nie,” sê Shireen. “Kom ons speel liewer winkel-winkel.” +“Goed,” sê Layla, “en daarna kan ons my legkaart bou.” +“Ek sal die winkelier wees,” sê Shireen, “want ek is die beste daarmee, en jy kan dan by my kom koop.” +Sommer gou het Layla al haar geld uitgegee. Toe sê Shireen: “Kom ons speel hospitaal-hospitaal.” +“Nee,” sê Layla. “Ek het winkel-winkel gespeel. Kom ons bou nou my legkaart.” +Maar om een of ander rede wil Shireen steeds nie die legkaart bou nie, en daarom sê sy: “Kom ons speel nou hospitaal-hospitaal en dan kan ons die legkaart na middagete bou.” +En dit is toe wat hulle doen. +“Ek sal die dokter wees,” sê Shireen. +“Nee, jy was die winkelier,” sê Layla. “Ek sal die dokter wees.” +“Maar jy kan nie,” sê Shireen, “want ek is die beste daarmee.” +Toe is Shireen die dokter en Layla die pasiënt! +Toe Dokter Shireen die pasiënt begin ondersoek, kielie sy haar, en die pasiënt begin giggel en wil nie stil lê nie. Toe skree Dokter Shireen: “Lê stil of ek speel nie verder met jou nie.” +Maar voordat Dokter Shireen nog kwater kan raak, roep Layla se mamma hulle vir middagete. +“Ek hoop julle meisies speel lekker,” sê Layla se mamma. +“Ja,” sê Layla, wat net ’n hap wil vat van haar heerlike roti met grondboontjiebotter, gerasperde wortels en sultanas. “Na middagete gaan ons my legkaart bou.” +“Ek wil nie jou legkaart bou nie,” sê Shireen. +“Maar jy het belowe,” sê Layla. +“Wel, nou wil ek nie meer nie. Ek wil inkleur,” sê Shireen. + +Teen hierdie tyd is Layla moeg vir Shireen se praatjies dat sy die beste met alles is, en sy is kwaad vir Shireen omdat sy nie haar beloftes hou nie. Niks gaan haar keer om haar legkaart te bou nie. Na middagete gee Layla toe vir Shireen ’n inkleurboek en kleurkryte sodat sy kan inkleur terwyl Layla haar legkaart bou. Maar daar is net een prentjie in die inkleurboek oor om in te kleur en Shireen is sommer gou klaar daarmee. Sy hou dit op om vir Layla te wys en sê: “Jy’s so stadig!” +“Dis omdat hierdie legkaart moeilik is,” sê Layla. +“Ek is seker ek kan dit vinniger as jy doen,” sê Shireen. +“Reg,” sê Layla, “wanneer ek klaar is, kan jy dit probeer en dan sal ons sien!” +“Goed,” sê Shireen, “maar net as ek wil.” +Toe Layla die legkaart klaar gebou het, breek sy dit op. Sy pak al die stukkies terug in die boks, behalwe vir die stukkie met die arend se oog daarop. En toe gee sy die boks vir Shireen. +“Hierso,” sê sy, “dis nou jou beurt.” +“Ek voel nie lus om dit te doen nie,” sê Shireen. +“Maar jy het belowe!” sê Layla. +“Nee, ek het nie!” sê Shireen. “Ek het gesê net as ek wil, en ek wil nie.” +“Dalk wil jy nie omdat jy nie legkaarte kan bou nie,” sê Layla. +“Ek kan!” skree Shireen terug. “Ek is die beste met legkaart bou!” +“Doen dit dan,” sê Layla. +Shireen gryp die boks by Layla. “Ek sal,” sê Shireen, “maar net as jy buite gaan speel. Ek sal jou roep as ek klaar is.” +Layla gaan buitentoe en teken prente in die sand met ’n stok terwyl Shireen die legkaartboks oopmaak en begin om die legkaartstukkies om te draai sodat die prent na bo wys. +Buite vind Layla ’n ou stuk tou en bind dit om die lukwartboom sodat hulle kan touspring wanneer Shireen klaar is met die legkaart. Maar binne sukkel Shireen om die legkaartstukkies inmekaar te pas. Sy wens sy het nie gesê dat sy die beste met legkaarte is nie. Sy breek vinnig die deel van die legkaart op wat sy klaar gebou het en pak al die stukkies terug in die boks. Toe hardloop sy buitentoe en roep vir Layla wat tot hoog bo in die lukwartboom geklim het. “Ek is klaar!” +“Met die hele legkaart?” vra Layla. +“Jip,” sê Shireen en sy begin die boom klim. +“Stop!” skree Layla. “Ek gaan afklim om te kom kyk.” +“Maar ek het al klaar die legkaart weggepak,” sê Shireen. +“Hoekom?” vra Layla. +“Sodat jy dit nie later hoef weg te pak nie,” antwoord Shireen. +“O,” sê Layla, “maar wat van hierdie stukkie?” Sy hou die stukkie met die arend se oog op. +Shireen is skielik baie stil. Sy sit in die boom en voel afgehaal. +Na ’n rukkie sê Layla: “Haai, raai wat, ek het ryp lukwarte gekry. Wil jy ook hê?” +“Ja, asseblief,” sê Shireen met ’n dun stemmetjie. +Layla klim af na die laer tak waar Shireen sit en gee vir haar van die lukwarte. En so sit hulle in die boom en lukwarte eet en kyk hoe ver hulle die pitte kan spoeg. + +Shireen spoeg die verste. +“Jy’s die beste,” sê Layla. +“En jy,” sê Shireen, “is die beste, beste maat.” +  +Wees kreatief! +Maak jou eie legkaart! Knip ’n prent uit ’n tydskrif of koerant – of teken jou eie. Plak die prent op ’n stuk karton en trek lyne daarop om die legkaart in die aantal stukke wat jy wil hê te verdeel. Knip nou op die lyne uit. Meng die stukke en bou jou legkaart of gee dit vir ’n maat om te bou.",afr,Afrikaans,"Die beste, beste maat",Layla loved jigsaw puzzles. She loved everything about them – from the picture on the box to the moment when she fitted the last piece in its place. She even liked the sound and the feeling of the pieces as she shifted them around on the table. So ...,,Deur Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/node/1763 +the-best-best-friend,"Layla o be a rata diphasele tša marara. O be a rata tšohle ka ga tšona – go thoma ka seswantšho se se lego lepokising go fihla ka nako ye a tsenyago seripa sa mafelelo lefelong la sona. O be a rata le modumo wa diripa le ka fao di kwagalago ka gona ge a di šutiša tafoleng. Mesong ya Sontaga se sengwe le se sengwe, ge mmago Layla a mo iša bokgobapukung go tšea dipuku tše dingwe tša bokgobapuku, Layla o tšere le phasele. +            Bjale, mošomi wa bokgobapuku o beile diphasele ka moka šelefong ya ka morago ga teseke ya gagwe gomme ka Mokibelo o mongwe le o mongwe ge Layla a kgopela go lebelela phasele ye a ka e adimago, mošomi wa bokgobapuku o tlo re, “Ijoo, Layla, o rata diphasele kudu!” Gomme Layla o be a se na taba ka gobane o BE a rata diphasele kudu! + +            Mekibelo ye mentši ka morago ga go ya bokgobapukung, Shireen, mogwera wa potego wa Layla, o ile a tla go bapala. O be a le kgauswi le go ba mogwera wa makgonthe wa Layla, ge e se selo se tee fela – Shireen o be a swanetše go kgona tšohle. +            Mesong ya Mokibelo o mongwe, Layla o kgopetše phasele ya lenonghlapi la Afrika ka bokgobapukung. Seswantšho se be se bontšha nonyana e le godimodimo lefaufaung le maphego a phatlaladitšwe kudu e swere hlapi ka monatleng wa yona. Phasele e be e na le diripa tše dintši go feta diphasele tšohle tšeo Layla a ilego a di dira. E sego seo fela, diripa e be e le tše dinnyane go feta diphasele tšohle tšeo Layla a ilego a di dira. Layla o be athabile kudu! Efela Shireen o be a sa thaba ka gobane Layla o be a nyaka fela go thoma go bopa diphasele. +            “Ga ke nyake go dira diphasele tša go bolaiša bodutu,” a realo Shireen. “Go ka ba bjang ge re ka bapala lebenkele-lebenkele.” +            “Go lokile,” a realo Layla, “gomme re tla dira phasele ya ka ka morago.” +            “Ke tla ba morekiši wa ka lebenkeleng,” a realo Shireen, “ka gobane ke seo ke se kgonago kudu, gomme wena o ka ba moreki wa ka.” +            Ka pejana, ya ba gore Layla o dirišitše tšhelete ya gagwe ka moka. Gomme Shireen a re, “A re bapale maokelo.” +            “Aowa,” a realo Layla. “Ke bapetše lebenkele-lebenkele. Bjale a re dire phasele ya ka.” +            Efela ka lebaka le lengwe, Shireen o be a sa nyake go dira phasele, ka fao a re, “Gona bjale a re bapale maokelo gomme re tla dira phasele ka morago ga nako ya matena.” +            Gomme ba dirile bjalo. +            “Ke tla ba ngaka,” a realo Shireen. +            “Aowa, o be o le morekiši wa ka lebenkeleng,” a realo Layla. “Nna ke tla ba ngaka.” +            “Efela, o ka se be ngaka,” a realo Shireen, “ka gobane ke kgona bongaka kudu.” +            Gomme, Shireen a ba ngaka Layla a ba molwetši! +            E rile ge Ngaka Shireen a thoma go hlahloba molwetši, a tsikiditla molwetši gomme molwetši a sega. Ngaka Shireen o ile a goeletša, “Iketle, nka se sa bapala le wena gape.” +            Efela pele Ngaka Shireen a befelwa kudu, mmago Layla a ba bitša gore ba tle goja dijo tša matena. +            “Ke dumela gore le a iphina basetsana,” a realo mmago Layla. +            “Ee,” a realo Layla a le kgauswi le go loma roti ya go rothiša mare e tletše phinate patha, kherote ya go kreithiwa le disaltana. “Ge re fetša goja dijo tša matena re ya go bapala phasele ya ka.” +            “Ga ke nyake go dira phasele ya gago,” a realo Shireen. +            “Efela o ntshepišitše,” a realo Layla. +            “Efela ga ke sa nyaka bjale. Ke nyaka go khalara,” a realo Shireen. + +            Gabjale, Layla o be a lapišitšwe ke polelo ya Shireen ya go re, “Ke-nnamakgona-tšohle” gomme o befetšwe ka ge a sa phethagatše ditshephišo tša gagwe. Go be go se seo se tlo mo paledišago go dira phasele. Ka morago ga dijo tša matena, Layla a fa Shireen puku ya go khalara le dikherayone gore Shireen a e khalare ge yena a dira phasele. Efela ka pukung ya go khalara go be go šetše seswantšho se tee fela seo se sego sa khalarwa gomme Shireen a fetša ka pela. O ile a e emiša a bontšha Layla a re, “O dira ka go nanya!” +                  “Ke ka gobane phasele ye e bothata,” a realo Layla. +            “Nka e dira ka lebelo go feta wena,” a realo Shireen. +            “Go lokile,” a realo Layla, “ge ke fetša, o tla leka go e dira re go bone!” +            “Go lokile,” a realo Shireen, “ge fela ke nyaka.” +            Layla o rile go fetša go dira phasele a e hlahlamolla a e ntšha ka diripa. O ile a bušetša diripa ka moka ka lepokising ka ntle le seripa sa go ba le leihlo la lenong go sona. Gomme a fa Shireen lepokisi. +            “Ke le,” a realo, “ke sebaka sa gago bjale.” +            “Ga ke dume go e dira,” a realo Shireen. +            “Efela o ntshephišitše!” a realo Layla. +            “Aowa, ga se ka go tshephiša!” Shireen a goeletša. “Ke rile ge nka nyaka bjale ga ke nyake.” +            “Mogongwe ga o nyake ka gobane ga o kgone diphasele,” a realo Layla. +            “Ke a kgona!” Shireen a goeletša. “Ke tseba diphasele kudu!” +            “E dire ge,” a realo Layla. +            Shireen a ubulela Layla lepokisi. “Ke tla e dira,” a realo Shireen, “ge fela o ka ya go bapala ka ntle. Ke tla go bitša ge ke feditše.” +            Layla o ile ka ntle gomme a thala diswantšho mohlabeng ka thatana mola ka kua gare, Shireen a butše lepokisi la diphasele gomme a thoma ka go retolla diripa tša phasele lehlakore la diswantšho la ba ka godimo. +            Ka kua ntle, Layla o hweditše seripa sa thapo ya kgale gomme a e bofa go dikologa mohlare wa lokwata gore ge Shireen a fetša go dira phasele ba bapale kgati. Efela ka kua gare, Shireen o be a palelwa ke go kopanya diripa tša phasele. O be a duma o kare nkabe a sa bolela gore o a di kgona. Ka bjako, a hlahlamolla seripa sa phasele seo a bego a se dirile a bušetša diripa a moka ka lepokising. O ile a kitimela ka ntle a bitša Layla yo a bego a le +godimodimo mohlareng wa lokwata, “Ke feditše!” +            “Ka moka ga yona?” gwa botšiša Layla. +            “Ee,” a realo Shireen gomme a thoma go namela mohlare. +            “Ema!” Layla a goeletša. “Ke a fologa go tla go e bona.” +            “Efela ke šetše ke phuthile phasele,” a realo Shireen. +            “Ka lebaka la eng?” gwa botšiša Layla. +            “Gore o se swanele ke go e phutha ka morago,” a fetola Shireen. +            “Eya,” a realo Layla, “efela go diragetše eng ka seripa se?” A emiša seripa sa go ba le leihlo la lenong go sona seo a bego a se swere. +            Shireen o ile a homola tuu. A dula mohlareng a ipona e le setlaela. +            Ka moragonyana, Layla a goeletša, “Hee, akanya gore ke hweditše eng, dikenywa tša lokwata tša go butšwa tše dingwe. O a di nyaka le wena?” +            “Ee, hle,” a realo Shireen ka lentšwana la bodutwana. +            Layla a fologela kalaneng ya tlasenyana fao Shireen a bego a dutše fase gomme a mo fa tše dingwe. Gomme ba dula fao, ba ja dilokwata le go bona bokgole bjoo ba ka tshwelago dithapo gona. + +            Shireen a tshwela kgole kudu. +            “O tloga o kgona kudu,” a realo Layla. +            “Wena,” a realo Shireen, “o mogwera wa makgonthenthe.” +  +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Dira phasele ya gago! Ripa seswantšho makasineng goba kuranteng – goba o ithalele sa gago. Thala seswantšho seripeng sa khatepote gomme o thale methaladi go yona go e arola ka palo ye o e nyakago ya diripa tša phasele. Bjale ripa methalading. Kopanya diripa o gomme bope phasele ya gago goba o efe mogwera gore a e bope.",nso,Sepedi,Mogwera wa makgonthenthe,Layla loved jigsaw puzzles. She loved everything about them – from the picture on the box to the moment when she fitted the last piece in its place. She even liked the sound and the feeling of the pieces as she shifted them around on the table. So ...,,Ka Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/node/1765 +the-best-best-friend,"Layla o ne a rata di phazele tsa jigsaw. O ne a rata tsohle mabapi le tsona – ho tloha ka setshwantsho se lebokosong ho isa ho motsotso oo a kenyang karolwana ya ho qetela moo e lokelang. Hape o ne a rata le modumo le kamoo dikarolwana tseo di utlwahalang ka teng ha di ntse di eya kwana le kwana tafoleng. Kahoo ka Moqebelo o mong le o mong hoseng, ha mme wa Layla a mo isa laeboraring ho ya nka dibuka tse ntjha a siya tsa kgale, Layla o ne a nka le phazele. +            Jwale, mosebetsi wa laeboraring o ne a boloka diphazele tsohle shelofong e kamora deske ya hae, mme ka Moqebelo o mong le o mong ha Layla a botsa hore na a ka batla phazele eo a ka e adimang, mosebetsi wa laeborari o ne a re, “Helang, Layla, o fela o hlanyetsa diphazele!” Mme Layla o ne a se na taba hobane o ne a HLILE a hlanyetsa diphazele! + +                  Ka Meqebelo e mengata kamoraho kgutla laeboraring, Shireen, motswalle wa Layla wa hlooho ya kgomo, o ne a tla ho tla bapala. Tjhe, kwana e ne e batla e le motswalle wa hlooho ya kgomo wa Layla, ntle feela le nthwana e le nngwe – Shireen o ne a rata ho hlahella ka pele dinthong tsohle. +            Hoseng ha Moqebelo o mong, Layla a adima phazele ya ntsu ya tlhapi ya Afrika laeboraring. Setshwantsho se ne se bontsha nonyana e hodimo marung ka mapheo a yona a phatlaletse mme e tshwere tlhapi ka dinala tsa yona. Phazele eo e ne ena le dikotwana tse ngata ho feta phazele efe kapa efe eo Layla a kileng a e etsa. Mme ha se seo feela, dikotwana di ne di le nyane haholo ho feta tsa phazele efe kapa efe eo Layla a kileng a e etsa. Layla o ne a thabile haholo! Empa Shireen o ne a sa thaba hohang hobane seo Layla a neng a se batla feela e ne e le ho qalella ka phazele. +            “Ha ke batle ho etsa phazele e tenang,” ha rialo Shireen. “Ha re bapale mabenkele.” +            “Ho lokile,” ha rialo Layla, “mme kamora moo re tla etsa phazele ya ka.” +            “Ke tla ba monga lebenkele,” ha rialo Shireen, “hobane ke tswa pele ha ke le monga lebenkele, mme wena o ka ba moreki wa ka.” +            E se kgale Layla o ne a rekile ka tjhelete ya hae kaofela. Yaba Shireen o re, “Ha re bapale sepetlele.” +            “Tjhe,” Layla a araba. “Ke bapetse lebenkele. Jwale ha re etse phazele ya ka.” +            Empa ka lebaka le itseng, Shireen o ne a ntse a sa batle ho etsa phazele, kahoo a re, “Ha re bapale sepetlele hona jwale mme re ka bapala phazele kamora dijo tse motsheare.” +            Yaba ba etsa jwalo. +            “Ke tla ba ngaka” ha rialo Shireen. +            “Tjhe, o ne o le monga lebenkele,”ha rialo Layla. “Ke tla ba ngaka.” +            “Empa o keke wa kgona,” ha rialo Shireen, “hobane ke tswa pele ka ho ba ngaka.” +            Kahoo he, Shireen ya eba ngaka mme Layla ya eba motho ya kulang! +            Ha Ngaka Shireen a qala ho hlahloba motho ya kulang, a tsikinyetsa mokudi mme mokudi a keketeha mme a sa kgone ho se sisinyehe. Yaba Ngaka Shireen o a omana, “Tlohela ho sisinyeha hoseng jwalo ha ke sa tla bapala le wena.” +            Empa pele Ngaka Shireen a ka omana hape, mme wa Layla a ba bitsa ba tlo ja. +            “Ke tshepa hore le bapala ha monate,” ha rialo mme wa Layla. +            “Ee,” ha rialo Layla pele a loma roti ya hae e kentsweng pinabatha, dihwete tse kereitilweng le disultana. “Kamora dijo mona re ilo etsa phazele ya ka.” +            “Ha ke batle ho etsa phazele ya hao,” ha rialo Shireen. +            “Empa o ntshepisitse,” ha araba Layla. +            “Ha ke sa batla he. Ke batla ho kenya mebala ditshwantshong.” Ha rialo Shireen. + +            Jwale Layla o ne a se a kgathetse ke ho utlwa Shireen a bolela kamoo a tswang pele ka teng nthong tsohle, mme a kgenne hobane Shireen a sa phetise ditshepiso tsa hae. Ho ne ho se letho le ka mo thibelang ho etsa phazele. Kahoo kamora dijo tsa motsheare, Layla a fa Shireen buka ya ditshwantsho le dikerayone hore Shireen a tle a kenye mebala ha yena a ntse a etsa phazele ya hae. Empa ho ne ho ena le setshwantsho se le seng feela se setseng se sa kenngwang mebala bukeng mme Shireen a qeta ka pele. Yaba o phahamisa buka ho bontsha Layla mme a re, “O lenama haholo!” +            “Ke hobane phazele ena e thata,” ha rialo Layla. +            “Ke nahana hore nka e etsa kapele ho feta wena,” ha rialo Shireen. +            “Ho lokile,” ha araba Layla, “ha ke e qeta o ka nna wa iteka mme re tla bona!” +            “Ho lokile,” ha rialo Shireen, “feela haeba ke a batla.” +            Eitse ha Layla a qeta phazele, a e heletsa hape. A kenya dikotwana tsohle ka hara lebokoso ntle le sekotwana se le seng se nang le leihlo la ntsu. Mme yaba o fa Shireen lebokoso. +            “Ke eo,” a rialo, “sebaka sa hao ke seo.” +“Ha ke batle ho e etsa,” ha rialo Shireen. +            “Empa o ntshepisitse!” ha rialo Layla. +            “Tjhe, ha ke a o tshepisa!” Shireen a omana. “Ke itse feela haeba ke a batla, mme jwale he ha ke batle.” +            “Mohlomong ha o batle hobane ha o kgone ho etsa diphazele,” ha rialo Layla. +            “Ke a tseba!” Shireen a omana le yena. “Ke tswa pele diphazeleng!” +            “E etse he,” Layla a mo qala. +            Shireen a hlotha lebokoso ho Layla. “Ke tla e etsa,” ha rialo Shireen, “empa ha feela o ka ya bapala ka ntle. Ke tla o bitsa ha ke qetile.” +            Layla a ya ka ntle mme a taka ditshwantsho santeng ka thupa ha ka tlung, Shireen a bula lebokoso la phazele mme a qala ho phethola dikotwana tsa phazele a di shebisa hodimo. +            Ka ntle, Layla a fumana sekotwana sa thapo ya kgale mme a e fasella sefateng sa loquat hore e tle e re ha Shireen a qetile ka phazele ba kgone ho bapala kgati ka yona. Empa ka tlung, Shireen o ne a thatafallwa ke ho aha dikotwana mmoho ho bopa setshwantsho sa phazele. O ne a lakatsa eka a ka be a sa ka a re o tswa pele diphazeleng. Ka potlako, a heletsa bonyane ba phazele eo a neng a se a e entse mme a kgutlisetsa dikotwana tsohle ka lebokosong. Yaba o mathela ka ntle mme a hoeletsa Layla eo nakong ya jwale a neng a palame hodimo sefateng sa loquat, “Ke qetile!” +            “Kaofela ha yona?” ha botsa Layla. +            “Ehlile,” ha rialo Shireen, mme a qala ho palama sefateng. +            “Butle!” Layla a araba a hoeletsa. “Ke a theoha ke tlo e bona.” +            “Empa ke se ke pakile diphazele ka lebokosong hape,” ha rialo Shireen. +            “Hobaneng?” ha botsa Layla. +            “Hore o tle o se ke wa di paka ka bowena ha morao,” ha araba Shireen. +            “Oo,” Layla a araba, “empa o reng ka sekotwana see?” A phahamisa sekotwana se nang le leihlo la ntsu ho sona seo a neng a se bolokile. +            Shireen a thola. A dula sefateng a ipona e le sephoqo. +            Kamora nakwana, Layla a hoeletsa, “Hela, o a tseba keng, ke fumane diloquats tse butswitseng. Na o a di batla?” +            “Ee, ke a di kopa,” ha rialo Shireen ka lentswe le lesesane. +            Layla a theohela lekaleng le tlase moo Shireen a neng a dutse teng mme a mo fa tse ding. Mme ba dula moo, ba eja diloquats mme ba sheba hore ba ka tshwella dithotse tsa tsona bohole bo bokae. + +            Shireen a tshwella hole ho feta. +            “Ke wena ya tswang pele ka ho fetisisa,” ha rialo Layla. +            “Mme wena,” ha rialo Shireen, “o motswalle wa nnete, wa hlooho ya kgomo.” +  +Iqapele! +Iketsetse phazele ya hao! Seha o ntshe ditshwantsho dimakasineng kapa dikoranteng – kapa o take ditshwantsho tsa hao. Kgomaretsa setshwantsho sekgetjhaneng sa khateboto mme o thale mela ho sona ho se arola ka lenane la dikotwana tseo o batlang hore phazele ya hao e be le tsona. Jwale seha hodima mela. Tswakanya dikotwana tseo mme ebe o aha phazele ya hao kapa o e fe motswalle hore a e ahe.",sot,Sesotho,"Motswalle wa nnete, wa hlooho ya kgomo",Layla loved jigsaw puzzles. She loved everything about them – from the picture on the box to the moment when she fitted the last piece in its place. She even liked the sound and the feeling of the pieces as she shifted them around on the table. So ...,,Ka Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/node/1767 +the-best-best-friend,"ULayla wayezithanda iiphazili eziyimifanekiso. Wayethanda nje yonke into ngazo − ukususela emfanekisweni osebhokisini ukuya kumzuzu afaka ngawo iceba lokugqibela endaweni elingena kuyo kwiphazili. Wayethanda nkqu nesandi kunye nendlela la maceba ephazili ayevakala ngayo eminweni yakhe xa emana ezisa ngapha nangapha ewajikelezisa okanye ewaqhuba etafileni. Ngoko ke qho ngoMgqibelo kusasa, xa umama wakhe emsa kwithala leencwadi xa ebuyisela iincwadi ukuze aboleke ezinye, uLayla wayeboleka nephazili yemifanekiso. +            USothala wayezigcina zonke iiphazili kwishelufa esemva kwedesika yakhe kwaye qho ngoMgqibelo xa uLayla ecela ukujonga ukuba uza kuboleka eyiphi iphazili, usothala wayedla ngokuthi “Wowu, Layla, awuzithandi uphambene iiphazili!” Naye ke uLayla wayengakukhathalele nganto oku kuba ngokwenene ZAZIMPHAMBANISA nyhani iiphazili! + +            NgeMigqibelo emininzi emva kokuba kubuyiwe kwithala leencwadi, uShireen, oyena +mhlobo usenyongweni kaLayla, wayesiza kudlala naye. Kaloku, wayephantse abe ngoyena mhlobo uthandwa kakhulu nguLayla, qha wayenento enye nje embi – uShireen wayesoloko efuna ukuba yincutshe kwinto yonke. +            Ngenye intsasa yangoMgqibelo, uLayla waboleka iphazili yomfanekiso kanomakhwezana kwithala leencwadi. Lo mfanekiso wawubonisa le ntaka iphezulu esibhakabhakeni itweze amaphiko ayo, ibambe intlanzi ngeenzipho zayo. Le phazili yayinamaceba amaninzi kunazo zonke awakha wazidibanisa uLayla. Kwakungaphelelanga apho, amaceba ale phazili ayemancinane kunazo zonke iiphazili awakhe wazidibanisa. Wayengasavuyi ngako uLayla! Kodwa uShireen wayengonwabanga kwaphela kuba yayinye nje kuphela into eyayifunwa nguLayla, yayikukudibanisa iphazili yakhe. +            “Andifuni kudibanisa phazili ekruqulayo mna,” kwatsho uShireen. “Kungcono sidlale umdlalo wevenkile.” +            “Kulungile ke,” wavuma uLayla, “emva koko ke siza kudibanisa iphazili yam.” +            “Ndiza kuba ngunovenkile ke mna,” watsho uShireen, “kuba kaloku ndiyincutshe kanovenkile, wena ke ungangumthengi wam.” +            Kungekudala uLayla wathenga ngayo yonke loo mali yakhe. Kwakubanjalo ke uShireen wathi, “Masidlale umdlalo wesibhedlele.” +            “Hayi,” wanqanda uLayla. “Bendidlalile nawe ivenkile. Ngoku masidibanise iphazili yam.” +            Kodwa ngasizathu sithile, uShireen wayengekafuni ukuyidibanisa iphazili, ngoko ke wathi, “Masidlale umdlalo wasesibhedlele ngoku size ke emva kwesidlo sasemini sidibanise iphazili.” +            Benza ngokweminqweno kaShireen. +            “Ndiza kuba ngugqirha,” watsho uShireen. +            “Hayi, ubungunovenkile,” watsho uLayla. “Mna ke ndiza kuba ngugqirha.” +            “Kodwa awukwazi ukuba ngugqirha,” watsho uShireen, “kuba uyazi ndim oyincutshe ekubeni ngugqirha.” +            Ngenene ke, uShireen wabangugqirha waze ke uLayla yena wasisigulane! +            Wathi xa aqalisa uGqirha Shireen ukuxilonga isigulane, saza isigulane sananjuzelelwa saze sagigitheka, asakwazi ukulala sizinze. Oko kwenza uGqirha Shireen ukuba asikhwaze, asingxolise, “Sukushukuma okanye andiphindi ndidlale nawe kwakhona.” +            Kodwa phambi kokuba uGqirha Shireen acaphuke nangakumbi, umama kaLayla wababizela isidlo sasemini. +            “Ndiyathemba ukuba nidlala kamnandi mantombazana,” watsho umama kaLayla. +            “Ewe,” watsho uLayla owayesele elungele ukuluma iruti yakhe emnandi nezele ibhotolo eyenziwe ngamandongomane, iminqathe ecukuceziweyo neesultana. “Emva kwesidlo sasemini siza kudibanisa iphazili yam.” +            “Andifuni kudibanisa phazili yakho mna,” watsho uShireen. +            “Kodwa ubuthembisile nje,” watsho uLayla. +            “Kunjalo, kodwa ngoku andisafuni. Ndifuna ukufaka imibala emifanekisweni,” watsho uShireen. + +            Ngoku, uLayla wayesele edikiwe kwaphela nguShireen nentetho yakhe “yokuba yincutshe kwinto yonke” kwaye wayemqumbele kuba engazigcini izithembiso zakhe. Kwakungekho nto yayiza kumnqanda ekudibanisi iphazili yakhe. Ngoko ke emva kwesidlo sasemini, uLayla wanika uShireen incwadi yokufaka imibala emifanekisweni kunye neekhrayoni ukuze uShireen afake imibala lo gama yena edibanisa iphazili yakhe. Kodwa ngelishwa kwakusele kushiyeke umfanekiso omnye kuphela ongenamibala, waze uShireen wakhawuleza wagqiba ukuwufaka imibala. Akugqiba wawuphakamisa ebonisa uLayla waze wathi, “Awusacothi nje!” +            “Kungenxa yokuba le phazili inzima,” watsho uLayla. +            “Ndiqinisekile ukuba ndingayenza ngokukhawuleza kunawe,” watsho uShireen. +            “Kulungile,” watsho uLayla, “xa ndiyigqibile, uzukhe uzame ukuyidibanisa size sibone ke!” +            “Kulungile,” watsho uShireen, “kodwa kuphela ukuba ndiyafuna.” +            Wathi emva kokuba egqibile ukuyidibanisa iphazili uLayla, wayichitha kwakhona. Wafaka onke amaceba ayo ebhokisini ngaphandle kweceba elinye elineliso lokhozi kulo. Waza wanika uShireen loo bhokisi. +            “Nantsi iphazili,” watsho, “lithuba lakho lokuyidibanisa ke ngoku.” +            “Andifuni kuyidibanisa,” watsho uShireen. +            “Kodwa ubuthembisile nje!” watsho uLayla. +            “Hayi, khange ndithembise!” wakhwaza uShireen. “Bendithe nje ukuba ndiyafuna kwaye ke ngoku andifuni.” +            “Mhlawumbi awufuni kuba awukwazi kudibanisa iiphazili,” watsho uLayla. +            “Ndiyakwazi!” wakhwaza uShireen. “Ndiyincutshe ekudibaniseni iiphazili!” +            “Ukuba kunjalo yidibanise kaloku,” watsho uLayla. +            UShireen wayithi hlasi loo bhokisi esandleni sikaLayla. “Ndiza kuyidibanisa,” watsho uShireen, “kodwa ndiza kuyidibanisa kuphela ukuba uyaphuma uye kudlala phandle. Ndiza kukubiza xa ndiyigqibile.” +            ULayla waphuma phandle waze wazoba imifanekiso entlabathini ngoluthi lo gama, phaya ngaphakathi endlwini, uShireen evula ibhokisi yephazili ze aqalise ukuguqula amaceba ephazili ukuze kubonakale eli cala linemifanekiso. +            Phaya phandle, uLayla wachola umtya waze wawubophelela emthini womgwenye ukuze xa uShireen eyigqibile iphazili, badlale ugqaphu. Kodwa phaya ngaphakathi endlwini, uShireen wayesokoliswa kukudibanisa amaceba ephazili ukuze enze umfanekiso opheleleyo. Wayenqwenela ukuba akwaba ebengatshongo ukuba uyincutshe yokudibanisa iphazili. Ngokukhawuleza wayichitha indawo yephazili ebesele eyidibanisile waze wafaka onke loo maceba ayo kwasebhokisini. Wabaleka waphuma, wakhwaza uLayla owayesele ekhwele phezulu emthini womgwenye. “Ndiyigqibile!” +            “Uyidibanise yonke?” wabuza uLayla. +            “Ngqo,” watsho uShireen waza waqalisa ukugwencela, esenyuka apho emthini. +            “Yima!” uLayla wamkhwaza. “Ndiyehla ndifuna ukuzibonela.” +            “Kodwa sele ndiyichithile, ndawaqokelela amaceba ndaza ndawabeka,”watsho uShireen. +            “Kutheni?” wabuza uLayla. +            “Ukuze kungabikho mfuneko yokuba uyiqokelele sakugqiba ukudlala,”waphendula uShireen. +            “Owu,” watsho uLayla, “kodwa uthini ngeli iceba?” Waphakamisa iceba elineliso lokhozi awayeligcinile. +            UShireen wathi cwaka, akathetha. Wahlala kuloo mthi eziva esisidenge. +            Emva kwexeshana, uLayla wakhwaza, “Hee, qashela ukuba ndifumene ntoni, ndifumene iingwenye ezivuthiweyo. Uyazifuna?” +            “Ewe, ndingavuya,” watsho uShireen ngelizwi elincinane nelinkwinizayo. +            ULayla wehlela kwisebe elingezantsi emthini waya apho uShireen wayehleli khona, wamnika iingwenye. Bahlala apho bobabini, besitya iingwenye, bethifa iipete, bejonga ukuba ngubani phakathi kwabo ozitshicela kude. + +            UShireen watshicela kude kakhulu. +            “Uyincutshe,” watsho uLayla. +            “Wena ke,” watsho uShireen, “ungoyena-yena mhlobo wam ndimthandayo.” +  +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Yenza eyakho iphazili! Sika, ukhuphe umfanekiso kwimagazini okanye kwiphephandaba – okanye uzizobele owakho. Wuncamathisele ngeglu lo mfanekiso kwikhadibhodi uze uzobe imigca kuwo ukuze uwohlule ube linani lamacandelo neziqwenga ofuna iphazili yakho ibe lilo. Emva koko ke sika ulandela loo migca. Xuba loo macetyana ephazili uze wakhe iphazili yakho okanye uyinike umhlobo wakho azidlalele.",xho,isiXhosa,Oyena-yena mhlobo ndimthandayo,Layla loved jigsaw puzzles. She loved everything about them – from the picture on the box to the moment when she fitted the last piece in its place. She even liked the sound and the feeling of the pieces as she shifted them around on the table. So ...,,Libali likaJude Daly,https://nalibali.org/node/1769 +the-best-best-friend,"ULayla wayewathanda amaphazili akhipha umfanekiso othile. Wayethanda konke nje ngawo – kusukela esithombeni esisebhokisini ukuya esikhathini lapho efaka ucezu lokugcina endaweni yalo. Wayethanda nomsindo kanye nendlela okuzwakala ngayo izingcezu lapho ezinyakazisa etafuleni. Ngakho-ke njalo ngoMgqibelo ekuseni, lapho umama emhambisa emtatsheni wezincwadi ukuze ayoshintsha izincwadi zakhe zasemtatsheni wezincwadi, uLayla wayethatha nephazili. +            Manje-ke, umsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi wayegcina wonke amaphazili eshalofini elingemuva kwedeski lakhe futhi njalo ngoMgqibelo lapho uLayla ecela ukuboleka amaphazili, umsizi wasemtatsheni wezincwadi wayethi, “Ncinci, Layla, kodwa uyazifela ngamaphazili!” NoLayla wayengenandaba ngoba WAYEZIFELA ngawo! + +            IMigqibelo eminingi ngemva kokuya emtatsheni wezincwadi, uShireen, umngani omkhulu kaLayla, wayezodlala. Empeleni, wayecisheabe ngumngani kaLayla omkhulu, ngaphandle kwento eyodwa – uShireen kwakumele kube nguye ohamba phambili ezintweni zonke. +            Ekuseni ngomunye uMgqibelo, uLayla waboleka iphazili yeNkwazi yase-Afrika emtatsheni wezincwadi. Lesi sithombe sasikhombisa inyoni iphezulu esibhakabhakeni ivule amaphiko ibambe inhlanzi ngamazipho ayo. Iphazili yayinezingcezu eziningi kunamaphazili uLayla ake wawenza. Kwakungekhona lokho kuphela, izingcezu zazizincane kunazo zonke ezamaphazili uLayla ake wawenza. Wayengajabule nje uLayla! Kodwa uShireen wayengathokozile neze ngoba into nje uLayla ayefuna ukuyenza kwakungukuqala ukwenza iphazili. +            “Angifuni ukwenza iphazili eyenza isithukuthezi,” kusho uShireen. “Okungcono masidlale ukuthenga esitolo.” +            “Kulungile,” kusho uLayla, “sizobe sesenza iphazili yami.” +            “Ngizoba umninisitolo,” kusho uShireen, “ngoba ngimuhle kakhulu ekubeni umninisitolo, wena-ke ungaba yikhasimende lami.” +            Kungaphelanga sikhathi eside uLayla wayesesebenzise imali yakhe yonke. UShireen wabe esethi, “Make sidlale izibhedlela.” +            “Cha,” kusho uLayla. “Ngidlalile ukuthenga esitolo. Manje masenze iphazili yami.” +            Noma kunjalo uShireen, ngesizathu esingaziwa, wayengafuni ukudlala iphazili, ngakho-ke wathi, “Make sidlale izibhedlela manje bese senza iphazili ngemva kwesidlo sasemini.” +            Benza kanjalo-ke. +            “Ngizoba ngudokotela,” kusho uShireen. +            “Ngeke, ubungumninisitolo,” kusho uLayla. “Yimi ozoba ngudokotela.” +            “Angeke ukwazi,” kusho uShireen, “ngoba mina ngifanele kakhulu ukuba ngudokotela.” +            Ngakho-ke, uShireen waba ngudokotela uLayla waba isiguli! +            Lapho uDokotela uShireen eqala ukuxilonga isiguli, wakitaza isiguli isiguli sabe sesiqala ukugigitheka, singasakwazi ukulala singanyakazi. Ngakho-ke uDokotela uShireen wasithethisa wathi, “Yeka ukunyakaza, uma ungayeki angeke ngisadlala nawe.” +            Kodwa ngaphambi kokuba uDokotela uShireen athukuthele nakakhulu, umama kaLayla wababizela isidlo sasemini. +            “Ngiyethemba ukuthi ninesikhathi esimnandi mantombazane,” kusho umama kaLayla. +            “Yebo,” kusho uLayla owayesezoluma uroti wakhe omnandi ofakwe ibhotela lamantongomane, izaqathi ezihhahlaziwe namasulthana. “Sizokwenza iphazili yami ngemva kwesidlo sasemini.” +            “Angiyifuni iphazili yakho,” kusho uShireen. +            “Kodwa bewethembisile,” kusho uLayla. +            “Yebo kunjalo, angisafuni-ke manje. Ngifuna ukuhlobisa ngombala,” kusho uShireen. + +            Ngalesi sikhathi, uLayla wayesekhathele uShireen othi, “Ngimuhle ekwenzeni yonke into” futhi wayemthukuthelele ngokwephula izethembiso. Ayikho into eyayizomvimba ukuthi enze iphazili. Ngakho-ke ngemva kwesidlo sasemini, uLayla wanikeza uShireen incwadi yokuhlobisa ngemibala ukuze uShireen ahlobise izithombe ngombala ngesikhathi yena enza iphazili. Kodwa kwakusele isithombe esisodwa esizofakwa umbala kanti uShireen wasiqeda kungaphelanga sikhathi. Wase esiphakamisela phezulu ukuze akhombise uLayla wase ethi, “Awuve wenza kancane!” +            “Yingoba le phazili inzima,” kusho uLayla. +            “Ngingayenza ngokushesha ukudlula wena,” kusho uShireen. +            “Kulungile,” kusho uLayla, “uma sengiyiqedile, ungazama ukuyenza ngokushesha, sizoke sibone-ke!” +            “Kulungile,” kusho uShireen, “kodwa ngizokwenza lokho kuphela uma ngithanda.” +            Lapho uLayla eseqede iphazili, wayihlukanisa. Wabuyisela zonke izingcezu ebhokisini ngaphandle kocezu olunehlo lenkwazi kulo. Wase enikeza uShireen ibhokisi. +            “Nanso-ke,” kusho yena, “sekuyithuba lakho manje.” +            “Angithandi ukuyenza,” kusho uShireen. +            “Kodwa wethembisile!” kusho uLayla. +            “Cha, angizange!” kumemeza uShireen. “Ngithe kuphela uma ngithanda kanti-ke angifuni.” +            “Mhlawumbe awufuni ngoba awukwazi ukwenza amaphazili,” kusho uLayla. +            “Ngiyakwazi!” kuthetha uShireen. “Ngiphambili kakhulu ekwenzeni amaphazili!” +            “Yenze-ke phela,” kusho uLayla. +            UShireen wagxavuna ibhokisi kuLayla. “Ngizoyenza,” kusho uShireen, “kodwa kuphela uma uhamba uyodlala phandle. Ngizokubiza uma sengiqedile.” +            ULayla waya ngaphandle wase edweba izithombe esihlabathini ngenduku, ngesikhathi, endlini, uShireen evula ibhokisi lephazili wase eqala ukuphendula izithombe zibe ngaphezulu. +            Phandle, uLayla wathola intambo endala wase eyibophela esihlahleni sikamalukwata ukuze uma uShireen eseqede iphazili bezodlala umdlalo wokugxuma. Kodwa endlini, uShireen wayehluleka ukuhlanganisa izingcezu zephazili ndawonye. Wayefisa sengathi ngabe ubengashongo ukuthi uphambili kakhulu ekwenzeni amaphazili. Ngokushesha, wahlakaza izingcezu ezimbalwa zephazili abekwaze ukuyenza wase ebuyisela zonke izingcezu ebhokisini. Wase egijima eya phandle eyomemeza uLayla owayesegibele wayofika phezulu esihlahleni sikamalukwata ethi, “Sengiqedile!” +            “Yonke?” kubuza uLayla. +            “Yebo,” kusho uShireen, wase eqala ukukhwela emthini. +            “Yima!” kumemeza uLayla. “Ngiyehla ngizobona.” +            “Kodwa sengiyibekile iphazili,” kusho uShireen. +            “Ngoba?” kubuza uLayla. +            “Ukuze ungabuyiseli zonke izingcezu wedwa kamuva,” kuphendula uShireen. +            “Bala bo,” kusho uLayla, “kodwa manje uthini ngalolu cezu?” Waphakamisa ucezu olunehlo lenkwazi alugcinile. +            UShireen wathula wathi du. Wahlala esihlahleni ezibona ubuwula. +            Ngemva kwesikhashana, uLayla wamemeza wathi, “Ake ubheke, bona ukuthi ngitholeni, ngithole amalukwata avuthiwe. Uyawafuna?” +            “Yebo, ngiyawacela,” kusho uShireen ngezwi elincane kakhulu. +            ULayla wehlela egatsheni elingezansana lapho kuhleli khona uShireen wase emnika amanye. Base behlala lapho, bedla amalukwata, futhi bebheka nokuthi bangaziphimisa ziye kude kangakanani izindumbuluzi. + +            UShireen waziphimisa zaya kude nakakhulu. +            “Ungumpetha,” kusho uLayla. +            “Kanti wena,” kusho uShireen, “ungumngani omkhulu ukudlula bonke abanye.” +  +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Yakha iphazili yakho! Sika isithombe usikhiphe ephephabhukwini noma ephephandabeni – noma dweba esakho. Namathisela isithombe ngeglu ocezwini lwekhalibhothi bese udweba imigqa kulo ukuze ulehlukanise libe yinani lezingcezu ongathanda ukuthi iphazili yakho ibe nazo. Manje sika ulandele imigqa. Hlanganisa izingcezu bese wakha iphazili yakho noma uyinike umngani ukuthi ayakhe.",zul,isiZulu,Umngani omkhulu ukudlula bonke,Layla loved jigsaw puzzles. She loved everything about them – from the picture on the box to the moment when she fitted the last piece in its place. She even liked the sound and the feeling of the pieces as she shifted them around on the table. So ...,,NguJude Daly,https://nalibali.org/node/1771 +the-best-detective,"Knock! Knock! Knock! +“Neo!” said Gogo. “Please see who is at the door.” +Neo ran to the front door. When he opened it he saw Bella and her mother. Bella was crying. + +“What’s wrong?” asked Neo. Bella cried even louder. +Gogo ran up to the front door. “Come in. Why is Bella crying?” +“It’s Noodle,” said Bella’s mother. “We can’t find him.” +“Noodle’s gone,” sniffed Bella. “Have you seen him?” +“Sit down,” said Gogo, giving Bella a tissue. “Dry your tears. We are going to help you. Neo, please phone Josh and ask him to come here.” +While Neo phoned Josh, Gogo sat between Bella and her mother on the couch. +“When did you last see Noodle?” Gogo asked. +“This morning,” said Bella. “He was playing on the field.” +“He is always home by lunch time,” said Bella’s mother. +“Gogo,” said Neo, “Josh said he and Hope will get here as quickly as they can.” +“What are we going to do, Gogo?” asked Bella sniffing loudly. +“When Josh and Hope get here we’ll make a plan. Right now we’ll all have some tea.” +Soon there was another Knock! Knock! Knock! at the door. Hope pushed Josh’s wheelchair inside. +“Don’t worry, Bella, we’ll find Noodle,” said Josh. “We’ll all be like detectives and look for him.” +“Yes,” said Gogo. “Now help us with some clues, Bella. Tell us where Noodle likes to go.” +Bella and her mother told them all the places where Noodle liked to play and visit. +“Good,” said Gogo. “I’ll put Mbali in her pushchair and we can all go and look for him.” +“Maybe we should go in different directions. Then it will be quicker,” suggested Josh. “Gogo, if you, Neo and Mbali go down River Road, then Bella and her mother can look at home and on the field again. Then they can go up School Street. Hope and I can go down Sambals Street.” +“What a good idea,” said Gogo. “You sound like a real detective, Josh.” +“And we should all meet somewhere,” said Hope. “Then we’ll all know what is going on.” +“We’ll phone each other once while we’re looking, and then we can meet at the shopping centre,” said Josh. +“Can we go now?” asked Bella. +“Poor, Bella,” said Mbali, patting Bella’s hand. +Everyone left to search for Noodle. Hope pushed Josh’s wheelchair along the pavement. They all called Noodle’s name. + +“He’s not in this street,” said Josh. Then his phone rang. “It’s Gogo,” he told Hope, “I hope they’ve found Noodle.” +Hope couldn’t hear what Gogo was saying to Josh, but she could hear Mbali shouting, Pink! Pink! Pink! loudly in the background. +“No,” said Josh when he had finished speaking to Gogo, “they haven’t found Noodle.” His phone rang again. “And that was Bella and her mother. They haven’t found him either.” +“Now what?” asked Hope. +“We should go and meet everyone at the shopping centre,” Josh said. +A few minutes later everyone stood in front of the shopping centre. Bella’s eyes were red from crying. Gogo looked worried. +“Should we walk back and look again?” Gogo asked. +“Noo … Noodle …” said a small voice. +They all turned to look. +“Noodle!” said Mbali again. She pointed at the corner shop. +“Mbali?” said Gogo. “Where?” +“There’s nothing there, Mbali,” said Neo. +“NOOOOOODLE!” shouted Mbali. +“We should go and have a look,” said Hope. +They walked to the shop on the corner. It sold bags and bangles, shirts and shoes. They all crowded in the doorway. +“In! In!” said Mbali pointing to inside the shop. +“Hello,” said the owner. “Welcome. Come inside. Let me just give my friend a biscuit, then I will help you.” +“NOODLE!” they all said together. +Bella rushed forward and hugged Noodle. “Where have you been? We’ve been looking everywhere.” Noodle’s tail wagged and he licked her face. +“Oh!” said the shop owner. “So he belongs to you. He comes to say hello at my home every morning.” +“Pink!” said Mbali. +“Yes. The pink house on the corner next to the field. He comes to play with my little dog, Trixie. I’m so sorry if you have been worried. It’s the first time he has come down to the shop.” +While everyone cuddled, stroked and patted Noodle, the shopkeeper told them that her name was Mrs Modise. She was new in town and had just opened her shop. +“Noodle made friends with Trixie the day we moved in,” she said. “They play every morning and then Noodle goes home. But today was a little different. Today there was a big surprise and I had to bring Trixie to work with me.” +Just then Mbali got out of her pushchair and started to shout. +“NOODLES!” +“Yes,” said Neo, “you found him.” +Bella kissed Mbali’s cheek. “Yes, thank you so much.” +“No, no, no!” shouted Mbali. “Noodle, Noodle, Noodle! LOOK!” +Gogo, Neo, Bella, her mother, Josh and Hope moved to where Mbali was standing. They crowded around Mbali and stared. +“Yes,” said Mrs Modise, “THAT was the big surprise.” +Noodle pushed passed everyone’s legs and sat down next to Trixie’s basket. He looked very proud. +“Look,” said Mbali, “Noodle, Noodle, Noodle!” +Trixie was in the basket with three tiny pinkish puppies and all three looked just like Noodle. + +Everyone started talking at once. Mrs Modise was very happy to meet Noodle’s owner. Bella was happy she had found Noodle. Josh and Hope were thinking about the puppies. Neo and Gogo were smiling. Then Neo turned and gave Mbali a big kiss and a hug. +“Mbali,” he whispered, “you are the best detective ever.” +Mbali giggled. “Pink,” she said. “Pink Noodles.”",eng,English,The best detective,"Knock! Knock! Knock! +“Neo!” said Gogo. “Please see who is at the door.” +Neo ran to the front door. When he opened it he saw Bella and her mother. Bella was crying.",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-best-detective +the-best-detective,"Klop! Klop! Klop! +“Neo!” sê Gogo. “Gaan kyk asseblief wie by die deur is.” +Neo hardloop voordeur toe. Toe hy dit oopmaak, sien hy vir Bella en haar mamma. Bella huil. + +“Wat makeer?” vra Neo. Bella huil net harder. +Gogo hardloop voordeur toe. “Kom in. Hoekom huil Bella?” +“Dis Noodle,” sê Bella se mamma. “Ons kan hom nêrens kry nie.” +“Noodle is weg,” snuif Bella. “Het julle hom gesien?” +“Kom sit,” sê Gogo, en gee vir Bella ’n snesie. “Droog jou trane af. Ons sal jou help. Neo, bel asseblief vir Josh en vra hom om hierheen te kom.” +Terwyl Neo vir Josh bel, gaan sit Gogo tussen Bella en haar mamma op die rusbank. +“Wanneer laas het jy vir Noodle gesien?” vra Gogo. +“Vanoggend,” sê Bella. “Hy het op die veld gespeel.” +“Hy is altyd teen middagete terug by die huis,” sê Bella se mamma. +“Gogo,” sê Neo, “Josh sê hy en Hope kom so gou hulle kan hierheen.” +“Wat gaan ons doen, Gogo?” vra Bella en snuif hard. +“Wanneer Josh en Hope hier is, sal ons ’n plan maak. Maar nou gaan ons almal eers tee drink.” +Sommer gou is daar nog ’n Klop! Klop! Klop! aan die deur. Hope stoot Josh se rolstoel binnetoe. +“Moenie so bekommerd wees nie, Bella, ons sal vir Noodle kry,” sê Josh. “Ons sal almal soos speurders wees en na hom soek.” +“Ja,” sê Gogo. “Help ons nou met ’n paar leidrade, Bella. Sê vir ons waarheen Noodle graag gaan.” +Bella en haar mamma vertel vir hulle van al die plekke waar Noodle graag gaan speel en kuier. +“Goed,” sê Gogo. “Ek sal vir Mbali in haar stootwaentjie sit en dan kan ons almal na hom gaan soek.” +“Miskien moet ons in verskillende rigtings loop. Dan sal dit gouer gaan,” stel Josh voor. “Gogo, as jy, Neo en Mbali na Rivierstraat gaan, kan Bella en haar ma weer by die huis en op die veld gaan soek. Dan kan hulle met Skoolstraat langs stap. Ek en Hope kan met Sambalstraat af stap.” +“Wat ’n blink plan,” sê Gogo. “Jy klink soos ’n regte speurder, Josh.” +“En ons moet mekaar iewers ontmoet,” sê Hope. “Dan sal ons almal weet wat aangaan.” +“Ons sal mekaar een keer bel terwyl ons soek, en dan kan ons mekaar by die winkelsentrum ontmoet,” sê Josh. +“Kan ons nou gaan?” vra Bella. +“Arme Bella,” sê Mbali, en vryf Bella se hand. +Almal loop om na Noodle te gaan soek. Hope stoot Josh se rolstoel op die sypaadjie. Hulle roep almal Noodle se naam. + +“Hy’s nie in hierdie straat nie,” sê Josh. Toe lui sy foon. “Dis Gogo,” sê hy vir Hope, “ek hoop hulle het vir Noodle gekry.” +Hope kan nie hoor wat Gogo vir Josh sê nie, maar sy kan Mbali hard in die agtergrond hoor Pienk! Pienk! Pienk! sê. +“Nee,” sê Josh toe hy klaar met Gogo gepraat het, “hulle het nie vir Noodle gekry nie. Sy foon lui weer. “En dis Bella en haar ma. Hulle het hom ook nie gekry nie.” +“Wat nou?” vra Hope. +“Ons moet almal by die winkelsentrum bymekaarkom,” sê Josh. +’n Paar minute later staan almal voor die winkelsentrum. Bella se oë is rooi gehuil. Gogo lyk bekommerd. +“Dink julle ons moet terugstap en weer gaan soek?” vra Gogo. +“Noo … Noodle …” sê ’n klein stemmetjie. +Hulle draai almal om om te kyk. +“Noodle!” sê Mbali weer. Sy wys na die winkel op die hoek. +“Mbali?” sê Gogo. “Waar?” +“Daar’s niks daar nie, Mbali,” sê Neo. +“NOOOOOODLE!” roep Mbali. +“Ons moet gaan kyk,” sê Hope. +Hulle stap na die winkel op die hoek. Die winkel verkoop handsakke en armbande, hemde en skoene. Hulle drom almal in die deur saam. +“In! In!” sê Mbali en wys na die binnekant van die winkel. +“Hallo,” sê die eienaar. “Welkom. Kom binne. Wag net dat ek gou vir my vriend ’n beskuitjie gee en dan help ek julle.” +“NOODLE!” roep hulle almal saam. +Bella hardloop vorentoe en druk vir Noodle. “Waar was jy? Ons soek oral na jou.” Noodle waai sy stert en lek haar gesig. +“O!” sê die winkeleienaar. “Dan is dit jou hond. Hy kom elke oggend na my huis toe om te groet. +“Pienk!” sê Mbali. +“Ja. Die pienk huis op die hoek langs die veld. Hy kom speel met my klein hondjie, Trixie. Ek is so jammer as julle bekommerd was. Dis die eerste keer dat hy na die winkel toe kom.” +Terwyl almal vir Noodle druk en vryf en streel, vertel die winkeleienaar vir hulle dat haar naam mev. Modise is. Sy is nuut op die dorp en het so pas haar winkel oopgemaak. +“Noodle het vriende gemaak met Trixie die dag toe ons ingetrek het,” sê sy. “Hulle speel elke oggend en dan gaan Noodle huis toe. Maar vandag was bietjie anders. Vandag was daar ’n groot verrassing en ek moes Trixie saam met my werk toe bring.” +Net toe klim Mbali uit haar stootwaentjie en begin skree. +“NOODLES!” +“Ja,” sê Neo, “jy het hom gekry.” +Bella soen Mbali op die wang. “Ja, duisend dankies."" +“Nee, nee, nee!” skree Mbali. “Noodle, Noodle, Noodle! KYK!” +Gogo, Neo, Bella, haar mamma, Josh en Hope beweeg na waar Mbali staan. Hulle drom om Mbali saam en staar. +“Ja,” sê mev. Modise, “DIT is die groot verrassing.” +Noodle druk verby almal en gaan sit langs Trixie se mandjie. Hy lyk baie trots. +“Kyk,” sê Mbali, “Noodle, Noodle, Noodle!” +Trixie is in die mandjie met drie piepklein pienkerige babahondjies en al drie lyk nes Noodle. + +Almal begin gelyk praat. Mev. Modise is baie bly om Noodle se eienaar te ontmoet. Bella is bly sy het vir Noodle gekry. Josh en Hope dink aan die babahondjies. Neo en Gogo glimlag. Toe draai Neo om en gee vir Mbali ’n klapsoen en ’n stywe drukkie. +“Mbali,"" fluister hy, “jy is ’n bobaasspeurder.” +Mbali giggel. “Pienk,” sê sy. “Pienk Noodles.”",afr,Afrikaans,Die bobaasspeurder,"Knock! Knock! Knock! +“Neo!” said Gogo. “Please see who is at the door.” +Neo ran to the front door. When he opened it he saw Bella and her mother. Bella was crying.",,Deur Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-bobaasspeurder +the-best-detective,"Koko! Koko! Koko! +“Neo!” a realo Koko. “Lebelela gore ke mang kua lebating hle.” + Neo. O rile go bula a bona Bella le mmagwe. Bella o be a lla. + + “Molato ke eng?” gwa botšiša Neo. Bella o ile a lla ka go fetiša. + Koko o ile a kitimela lebating la ka pele. “Tsenang. Bella o llela eng?” +“Ke Noodle,” mmago Bella a realo. “Ga re e bone.” +“Noodle e ile,” gwa sekhumula Bella. “O e bone?” + “Dula fase,” a realo Koko, a bile a efa Bella thišu. “Iphumule megokgo. Re tla go thuša. Neo, lletša Josh mogala o mo kgopele gore a tle fa hle.” + Ge Neo a lletša Josh, Koko o ile a dula magareng ga Bella le mmagwe mo sofeng. + “Le bone Noodle neng la mafelelo?” gwa botšiša Koko. + “Mesong ya lehono,” a realo Bella. “O be a bapala lepatlelong.” + “Ka mehla ka nako ya matena o ba ka gae,” a realo mmago Bella. + “Koko,” a realo Neo, “Josh o rile yena le Hope ba tla fihla fa ka lebelo ka fao ba ka kgonago ka gona.” + “Re ile go dira bjang, Koko?” gwa botšiša Bella a sekhumola kudu. + “Ge Josh le Hope ba fihla fa re tla loga leano. Gabjale ka moka re tla nwa teye.” +Gateetee gwa kwagala Koko! Koko! Koko! ye nngwe lebating. Hope o ile a kgoromeletša setulo sa go thwethwa sa Josh ka gare. +“O se belaele, Bella, re tla hwetša Noodle,” a realo Josh. “Ka moka ga rena re tla ba bjalo ka matseka ra e nyaka.” +“Ee,” a realo Koko. “Bjale re fe mehlala, Bella. Re botše gore Noodle e rata go ya kae.” +Bella le mmagwe ba bolela mafelo ka moka ao Noodle e ratago go bapala go ona le go a etela. +“Agaa,” a realo Koko. “Ke tla tsenya Mbali setulong sa gagwe sa go kgorometšwa gomme ka moka ra tšwa ra ya go e nyaka.” +“Mogongwe re swanetše go ya mafelong a go fapana. Se se tla direga ka lebelo,” gwa šišinya Josh. “Koko, ge wena, Neo le Mbali le ka sepela Mmileng wa River, gona Bella le mmagwe ba ka lebelela kua gae le kua lepatlelong gape. Ka morago ba ka ya Mmileng wa School. Nna le Hope re ka ya Mmileng wa Sambals.” +“Ke kgopolo ye botse yeo,” a realo Koko. “O kwagala bjalo ka letseka la nnete, Josh.” +“Ka moka ga rena re swanetše go kopana go gongwe,” a realo Hope. “Ka moka re tla tseba gore go direga eng.” +“Re tla lletšana mogala gatee ge re le gare re lebelela, gomme re ka tla ra kopanela lefelong la mabenkele,” a realo Josh. +“Re ka sepela bjale?” gwa botšiša Bella. +“Bella wa batho,” a realo Mbali, a phaphatha seatla sa Bella. +Bohle ba sepetše ba ya go nyaka Noodle. Hope o ile a kgorometša setulo sa go thwethwa sa Josh pheibementeng. Bobedi bja bona ba ile ba bitša leina la Noodle. + +“Ga e gona mmileng wo,” a realo Josh. Mogala wa gagwe o ile wa lla ka morago. “Ke Koko,” a botša Hope, “ke holofela gore ba hweditše Noodle.” +Hope o be a sa kwe gore Koko o botša Josh eng, efela o be a ekwa Mbali ka kua morago a goeletša, “Pinki! Pinki! Pinki!” +“Aowa,” a realo Josh ge a fetša go bolela le Koko, “ga se ba hwetša Noodle.” Mogala wa gagwe o ile wa lla gape. “Gomme e be e le Bella le bommagwe. Le bona ga se ba mo hwetša.” +“Bjale?” gwa botšiša Hope. +“Re swanetše go yo gahlana le bohle lefelong la mabenkele,” a realo Josh. +Metsotsong ye mmalwa ya go latela ke ge bohle ba eme pele ga lefelo la mabenkele. Mahlo a Bella a be a hwibiditšwe ke go lla. Koko o be a bonala a tshwenyegile. +“Re boele morago go yo e nyaka gape?” gwa botšiša Koko. +“Noo … Noodle …” lentšu le lennyane la realo. +Ka moka ba retologa ba lebelela. +“Noodle!” Mbali a realo gape. O ile a šupa sekhutlong sa lebenkele. + “Mbali?” a realo Koko. “Kae?” +“Go na le se sengwe fale, Mbali,”a realo Neo. +“NOOOOOODLE!” gwa goeletša Mbali. +“Re swanetše go yo lebelela,” a realo Hope. +Ba ile ba ya lebenkeleng la sekhutlong. Le be le rekiša mekotla le maseka, dihempe le dieta. Ba ile ba tlala lebating. +“Ka gare! Ka gare!” a realo Mbali a šupa ka lebenkeleng. +“Dumela,” a realo ralebenkele. “Le amogetšwe. Tsenang. E re ke fe mogwera wa ka piskiti gomme ke tla le thuša.” +“NOODLE!” ka moka ba realo sammaletee. +Bella o ile a kitimela pele, a gokara Noodle. “O be o le kae? Re lebeletše gohle.” Noodle e be e tšokotša mosela gomme ya latswa sefahlego sa gagwe. + “Ijoo!” a realo ralebenkele. “Ke ya gago. E fela e etla go ntumediša ka gae mesong ye mengwe le ye mengwe.” +“Pinki!” a realo Mbali. +“Ee. Ntlo ye pinki mo sekhutlong sa kgauswi le lepatlelo. E tla go bapala le mpšanyana ya ka, Trixie. Ke maswabi gore le be le tshwenyegile. Ke la mathomo e etla lebenkeleng.” +Mola bohle ba swara, ba gokara le go phaphatha Noodle, mong wa lebenkele o ba boditše gore ke yena Moh Modise. Ga se kgale a thomile go dula toropong ye gomme o fetša go bula lebenkele. +“Noodle e gwerane le Trixie ka letšatši le re fihlilego ka lona fa,” a realo. “di bapala mesong ye mengwe le ye mengwe gomme ka morago Noodle ya ya gae. Efela lehono go fapanenyana. Lehono go diregile semaka se segolo gomme ke ile ka swanela go tla le Trixie lebenkeleng gore e tlo šoma le nna.” +Ka nako yeo Mbali o ile a tšwa ka setulong sa gagwe sa go kgorometšwa a thoma go hlaba lešata. +“NOODLES!” +“Ee,” a realo Neo, “o mo hweditše.” +Bella a atla lerama la Mbali. “Ee, ke a leboga.” +“Aowa, aowa, aowa” gwa goeletša Mbali. “Noodle, Noodle, Noodle! LEBELELA!” +Koko, Neo, Bella, mmagwe, Josh le Hope ba ya mo go emego Mbali. Ba ile ba dikologa Mbali gomme ba lebelela. + “Ee,” a realo Moh Modise, “SEO e be e le semaka se segolo.” + Noodle e tshetše maoto a bohle ya dula kgauswi le seroto sa Trixie. E be e bonala e ikgantšha. +“Lebelela,” a realo Mbali, “Noodle, Noodle, Noodle!” +Trixie e be e le ka serotong le dimpšanyana tše dipinki tše dinnyane tše tharo gomme ka boraro ga tšona di be di swana le Noodle. + + Bohle ba ile ba thoma go bolela sammaletee. Moh Modise o be a thabetše go kopana le mong wa Noodle. Bella o be a thabetše gore o hweditše Noodle. Josh le Hope ba be ba nagana ka dimpšanyana. Neo le Koko ba be ba myemyela. Ka morago Neo o ile a retologa a atla Mbali gomme a be a mo gokara. +“Mbali,” a hebaheba, “o letseka le le kaonekaone.” +Mbali a segela teng. “Pinki,” a realo. “Noodles ye pinki.”",nso,Sepedi,Letseka le le kaonekaone,"Knock! Knock! Knock! +“Neo!” said Gogo. “Please see who is at the door.” +Neo ran to the front door. When he opened it he saw Bella and her mother. Bella was crying.",,Ka Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/letseka-le-le-kaonekaone +the-best-detective,"Koko! Koko! Koko! +            “Neo!” ha rialo Nkgono. “Ako shebe hore ke mang ya kokotang monyako.” +            Neo a mathela lemating le kapele. Ha a bula monyako a bona Bella le mme wa hae. Bella o ne a lla. + +            “Molato keng?” ha botsa Neo. Bella a lla le ho feta. +            Nkgono a mathela lemating le kapele. “Kenang. Hobaneng ha Bella a lla?” +            “Ke Noodle,” ha araba mme wa Bella. “Ha re mo fumane.” +            “Noodle o lahlehile,” Bella a hlwephetsa. “Na o kile wa mmona?” +            “Dula fatshe,” ha rialo Nkgono, a nea Bella thishu. “Itlhakole meokgo. Re tla o thusa. Neo, a ko letsetse Josh mohala mme o mo kope hore a tle kwano.” +            Ha Neo a ntse a founela Josh, Nkgono a dula pakeng tsa Bella le mme wa hae soufeng. +            “Le qetetse neng ho bona Noodle?” ha botsa Nkgono. +            “Hoseng hona,” ha araba Bella. “O ne a ntse a bapalla thoteng mane.” +            “Kamehla o kgutlela hae ka nako ya dijo tsa motsheare” ha rialo mme wa Bella. +            “Nkgono,” ha rialo Neo, “Josh o itse yena le Hope ba tla fihla kwano ka potlako kamoo ba ka kgonang.” +            “Re tlo etsa jwang, Nkgono?” ha botsa Bella a hlwephetsa haholo. +            “Ha Josh le Hope ba fihla mona re tla loha leano. Ha jwale re tla ke re nweng tee mmoho.” +            E eso be neng ha boela ha utlwahala Koko! Koko! Koko! hape monyako. Hope a kgannela setulo sa Josh sa mabidi ka tlung. +            “O se ke wa tshwenyeha, Bella, re tla mo fumana Noodle,” ha rialo Josh. “Bohle re tla tshwana le mateketifi mme re mmatle.” +            “Ee,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Jwale o ka re thusa ka matshwao a itseng, Bella. Re bolelle hore ebe Noodle o rata ho ya kae.” +            Bella le mme wa hae ba ba bolella dibaka tsohle tseo Noodle a ratang ho bapalla le ho etela ho tsona. +            “Ke hantle,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Ke tla bea Mbali hodima setulo sa hae se sututswang mme bohle re ka tsamaya ho ya mmatla.” +            “Mohlomong re lokela ho arohana re nke ditsela tse fapaneng. Kahoo re tla potlaka,” Josh a sisinya jwalo. “Nkgono, ha wena, Neo le Mbali le ka theosa ka River Road, ebe Bella le mme wa hae ba sheba lapeng le thoteng hape. Kamora moo ba ka nyolosa ka Seterata sa School. Nna le Hope re ka theosa ka Seterata sa Sambals.” +            “Oo ke monahano o motle,” ha rialo Nkgono. “O bua jwalo ka leteketifi la nnete, Josh.” +            “Mme bohle re lokela ho kopana sebakeng se itseng,” ha rialo Hope. “Kahoo re ka tseba hore ho ntse ho etsahala eng.” +            “Re tla nne re founelane ha re ntse re batla, mme ebe re kopana setsing sa mabenkele mane,” ha rialo Josh. +            “Na jwale re ka tsamaya?” ha botsa Bella. +            “Ao Bella wa batho,” ha rialo Mbali, a phaphatha letsoho la Bella. +            Bohle ba tsamaya ho ya batlana le Noodle. Hope a kganna setulo sa mabidi sa Josh tselaneng e ka thoko. Ba ne ba ntse ba hoeletsa lebitso la Noodle. + +            “Ha a yo seterateng sena,” ha rialo Josh. Yaba founo ya hae e a lla. “Ke Nkgono,” a bolella Hope, “Ke tshepa hore ba fumane Noodle.” +            Hope o ne a sa kgone ho utlwa seo Nkgono a se bolellang Josh, empa o ne a utlwa feela Mbali a hoeletsa, Pink! Pink! Pink! haholo ka morao. +            “Tjhe,” Josh a rialo ha a qeta ho bua le Nkgono, “ha ba eso fumane Noodle. Founo ya hae ya lla hape. “Mme eo e ne e le Bella le mme wa hae. Ha ba eso fumane Noodle le bona.” +            “Jwale re etsang?” ha botsa Hope. +            “Re lokela ho ya kopana le batho ba bang setsing sa mabenkele,” ha rialo Josh. +            Metsotswana kamora moo batho bohle ba ne ba eme ka pela setsi sa mabenkele. Mahlo a Bella a ne a le mafubedu ke ho lla. Nkgono o ne a shebahala a tshwenyehile. +            “Na re ka kgutlela morao ra ya batla hape?” ha botsa Nkgono. +            “Noo … Noodle …” ha rialo lentswe le lesesane. +            Bohle ba hetla ho sheba. +            “Noodle!” ha rialo Mbali hape. A supa lebenkeleng le hukung. +            “Mbali?” ha botsa Nkgono. “Hokae?” +            “Ha ho letho mono, Mbali,” ha rialo Neo. +            “NOOOOOODLE!” ha hoeletsa Mbali. +            “Re lokela ho ya sheba,” ha rialo Hope. +            Ba ya lebenkeleng le hukung. Le ne le rekisa mekotlana le dibengele, dihempe le dieta. Bohle ba bokana monyako. +            “Ka hare! Ka hare!” ha rialo Mbali a supile ka hara lebenkele. +            “Dumelang,” ha rialo monga lebenkele. “Le amohetswe. Kenang. Ntumelleng feela ke fe motswalle enwa wa ka bisikiti, mme ke tla le thusa.” +            “NOODLE!” ba bua bohle ka nako e le nngwe. +            Bella a potlakela pele mme a haka Noodle. “O ntse o le kae? Re o batlile hohle.” Noodle a nna a tsoka mohatla mme a nyeka sefahleho sa hae. +            “Hao!” ha rialo monga lebenkele.“Ke ya lona athe? Kamehla hoseng o tla +lapeng la ka ho tla dumedisa.” +            “Pink!” ha rialo Mbali. +            “Ee. Ntlo e pinki e hukung haufi le thota. O tla ho tla bapala le ntjanyana ya ka, Trixie. Ke maswabi haholo haeba le ne le kgathatsehile. Ke lekgetlo la pele a etla lebenkeleng mona.” +            Ha bohle ba ntse ba duletse ho haka, ho pholla le ho phathatsa Noodle, monga lebenkele a ba bolella hore yena lebitso la hae ke Mof Modise. O ne a le motjha motseng oo mme a sa tswa bula lebenkele la hae moo. +            “Noodle o ile a etsa setswalle le Trixie mohla re fallelang mona,” a rialo. “Ba bapala mmoho hoseng ho hong le ho hong mme ebe Noodle o ya hae. Empa kajeno ho ne ho batla ho fapane. Kajeno ho ne ho ena le ntho e kgolo e tla etsahala mme ke ne ke tlamehile ho tla le Trixie mosebetsing.” +            Hona hoo Mbali a tswa setulong sa hae se sututswang mme a qala ho hoeletsa. +            “NOODLES!” +            “Ee,” ha rialo Neo, “o mo fumane.” +            Bella a suna lerama la Mbali. “Ee, ke leboha haholo.” +            “Tjhe, tjhe, tjhe” ha hoeletsa Mbali. “Noodle, Noodle, Noodle! SHEBANG!” +            Nkgono, Neo, Bella, le mmae, Josh le Hope ba atamela moo Mbali a emeng teng. Ba bokanela Mbali ba mo tjamela. +            “Ee,” ha rialo Mof Modise, “EO KE YONA ntho e kgolo e neng e tla etsahala” +            Noodle a feta a phunyeletsa maoto a bohle mme a fihla a dula haufi le seroto sa Trixie. O ne a shebahala a le motlotlo haholo. +            “Shebang,” ha rialo Mbali, “Noodle, Noodle, Noodle!” +            Trixie o ne a le ka hara seroto mmoho le madinyane a mararo, a manyane, a pinki mme kaofela ha ona a ne a tshwana hantle le Noodle. + +            Bohle ba qala ho bua ka nako e le nngwe. Mof Modise o ne a thabile haholo ho kopana le monga Noodle. Bella o ne a thabetse ho fumana Noodle. Josh le Hope ba ne ba nahanne ka madinyane a ntja. Neo le Nkgono bona ba ne ba bososela. Yaba Neo o a fetoha mme o haka Mbali haholo a ba a mo suna. +            “Mbali,” a hweshetsa, “o leteketifi le hlwahlwa ka ho fetisisa.” +            Mbali a keketeha. “Pink,” a rialo. “Pink Noodle.”",sot,Sesotho,Leteketifi le hlwahlw,"Knock! Knock! Knock! +“Neo!” said Gogo. “Please see who is at the door.” +Neo ran to the front door. When he opened it he saw Bella and her mother. Bella was crying.",,Pale ka Wendy Hartman,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/leteketifi-le-hlwahlwa +the-best-detective,"Nkqo! Nkqo! Nkqo! +            “Neo!” utshilo uGogo. “Nceda ukhangele ukuba ngubani na lo unkqonkqozayo.” +            UNeo wabaleka waya kumnyango wangaphambili. Xa ewuvula wabona uBella nomama wakhe. UBella wayelila. + +            “Yintoni undonakele?” wabuza uNeo. UBella wakhala ngakumbi ngoku. +            UGogo weza naye ebaleka kumnyango wangaphambili. “Ngenani. Kutheni uBella elila nje?” +            “NguNoodle,” watsho umama kaBella. “Asimboni tu.” +            “UNoodle ulahlekile,” watsho efixiza uBella. “Ingaba nikhe nambona nina?” +            “Hlalani phantsi,” watsho uGogo, enika uBella ithishu. “Sula iinyembenzi zakho. Siza kukuncedisa, sikukhangelise. Neo, nceda utsalele umnxeba uJosh, umcele ukuba makafike apha.” +            Lo gama uNeo etsalela uJosh umnxeba, uGogo wahlala phakathi kukaBella nomama wakhe apho esofeni. +            “Ugqibele nini ukumbona uNoodle?” kubuza uGogo. +            “Kusasa nje,” watsho uBella. “Ebedlala phaya ethafeni.” +            “Udla ngokuba sele ebuyile ngexesha lesidlo sasemini,” watsho umama kaBella. +            “Gogo,” watsho uNeo, “UJosh uthe yena noHope baza kufika kamsinyane kangangoko banako.” +            “Siza kwenza njani, Gogo?” kubuza uBella esafixiza kakhulu. +            “Xa uJosh noHope befikile siza kucinga icebo. Okwangoku sonke makhe sifumane iti.” +            Kungekudala kwavakala omnye uNkqo! Nkqo! Nkqo! emnyango. UHope watyhala, engenisa isitulo esinamavili sikaJosh ngaphakathi. +            “Ungakhathazeki, Bella, siza kumfumana uNoodle,” watsho uJosh. “Sonke siza kuba njengabecuphi xa simkhangela.” +            “Ewe,” watsho uGogo. “Ngoku khawusincede usilandise umkhondo, Bella. Kuqala sixelele ukuba uthanda ukuya phi na uNoodle.” +            UBella kunye nomama wakhe babaxelela zonke iindawo apho uNoodle athanda ukudlala nokuya kuzo. +            “Kuhle ke oko,” watsho uGogo. “Ndiza kufaka uMbali kwiprem yakhe size sihambeni sonke siye kumkhangela.” +            “Mhlawumbi kuza kufuneka sihambe ngeendlela ezahlukileyo. Oko kuza kwenza sikhawulezise,” wacebisa ngelitshoyo uJosh. “Gogo, ukuba wena, noNeo noMbali ningehla ngeRiver Road, aze uBella nomama wakhe baye kukhangela ekhaya nasethafeni kwakhona. Emva koko bangenyuka ngeSchool Street. Mna noHope siza kwehla ngeSambals Street.” +            “Licebo elihle kakhulu elo,” watsho uGogo. “Uvakala njengomcuphi wokwenene, Josh.” +            “Kwaye kufuneka sidibane ndaweni ithile,” watsho uHope. “Sakuthi ngokwenza njalo, sonke sazi ukuba kwenzeka ntoni na.” +            “Siza kutsalelana umnxeba kanye lo gama sikhangela, size ke emva koko sidibane phaya koobhazabhaza beevenkile,” watsho uJosh. +            “Singahamba ke ngoku?” wabuza uBella. +            “Usizana olunguBella,” watsho uMbali, ephulula isandla sikaBella. +            Wonke umntu wahamba esiya kukhangela uNoodle. UHope watyhala isitulo esinamavili sikaJosh, bahamba ngendledlana yabahambi ngeenyawo. Bobabini babekhwaza uNoodle ngegama. + +            “Akakho kwesi sitalato,” watsho uJosh. Kanye ngelo xesha kwakhala umnxeba wakhe. “NguGogo,” waxelela uHope, “Ndiyathemba ukuba bamfumene uNoodle.” +            UHope wayengeva ukuba uGogo uthini kuJosh, kodwa wayemva uMbali ekhwaza esithi, Pinki! Pinki! Pinki! ngokuvakalayo phaya ngasemva. +            “Hayi,” watsho uJosh asakugqiba ukuthetha noGogo, “abakamfumani uNoodle.” Umnxeba wakhe waphinda wakhala. “Lo ibinguBella nomama wakhe. Nabo abakamfumani.” +            “Ngoku kuza kwenzeka ntoni?” wabuza uHope. +            “Kufuneka sihambe siye kudibana nomntu wonke koobhazabhaza bevenkile,” watsho uJosh. +            Emva kwemizuzu embalwa wonke umntu wayemi phambi koobhazabhaza beevenkile. Amehlo kaBella ayebomvu kukulila. UGogo wayekhangeleka ekhathazekile. +            “Ingaba kufuneka siphinde sijike siye kukhangela kwakhona?” uGogo wabuza. +            “Noo … Noodle …” kwatsho ilizwi elincinane. +            Bonke baguquka bajonga. +            “Noodle!” watsho uMbali kwakhona. Wolatha kwivenkile esekoneni. +            “Mbali?” watsho uGogo. “Uphi?” +            “Akukho nja phaya, Mbali,” watsho uNeo. +            “NOOOOOODLE!” wakhwaza uMbali. +            “Masikhe siye kujonga,” watsho uHope. +            Bahamba baya evenkileni esekoneni. Yayithengisa iibhegi kunye nezacholo, iihempe kunye nezihlangu. Bonke bema xhonkxosholo emnyango. +            “Ngaphakathi! Ngaphakathi!” watsho uMbali esolatha ngaphakathi evenkileni. +            “Molweni,” watsho umnikazi-venkile. “Namkelekile. Ngenani ngaphakathi. Mandinike nje umhlobo wam ibhiskiti, ndize emva koko ndinincede.” +            “NOODLE!” bonke batsho ngaxeshanye. +            UBella wakhawuleza ukuya ngaphambili wamanga uNoodle. “Ubuphi? Sikhangele kuyo yonke indawo.” UNoodle wajiwuzisa umsila wakhe waze wamkhotha ebusweni. +            “Owu!” watsho umnikazi-venkile. “Kanti yinja yakho le. Isoloko esiza kubulisa apha ekhaya qho kusasa.” +            “Pinki!” watsho uMbali. +            “Ewe. Kulaa ndlu ipinki isekoneni ngasethafeni. Apho udlala nenjana yam, uTrixie. Ndicela uxolo ukuba ubukhathazekile. Kokokuqala esiza apha evenkileni.” +            Lo gama wonke umntu efunqula, ephulula, embambazela uNoodle, unovenkile wabaxelela ukuba igama lakhe nguNkosikazi Modise. Wayesandul’ ukufika kule dolophu kwaye usandul’ ukuyivula le venkile yakhe. +            “UNoodle wakha ubuhlobo kumye noTrixie mhla safika,” uhambise watsho. “Badlala kunye qho kusasa aze emva koko uNoodle agoduke. Kodwa namhlanje akwenzekanga njalo. Namhlanje kwenzeke into ebingalindelekanga konke kwaze kwafuneka ukuba ndize noTrixie emsebenzini.” +            Kanye ngelo xesha uMbali waphuma kwiprem yakhe waza waqalisa ukukhwaza. +            “NOODLES!” +            “Ewe,” watsho uNeo, “ufunyenwe nguwe.” +            UBella waphuza uMbali esidleleni. “Ewe, enkosi kakhulu.” +            “Hayi, hayi, hayi” wakhwaza uMbali. “Noodle, Noodle, Noodle! JONGA!” +            UGogo, uNeo, uBella, umama wakhe, uJosh kunye noHope basondela apho uMbali wayemi khona. Bamngqonga bematshekile. +            “Ewe,” watsho uNkosikazi Modise, “KUKO OKO ke obekungalindelekanga tu.” +            UNoodle watyhala edlula, engena phakathi kwemilenze yomntu wonke, waza wahlala phantsi ecaleni kwengobozi kaTrixie. Wayekhangeleka ezingca kakhulu. +            “Jonga,” watsho uMbali, “Noodle, Noodle, Noodle!” +            UTrixie wayekwingobozana yenja kunye nemibundlwane emincinane emithathu ebupinki kwaye yomithathu yayifana noNoodle. + +            Wonke umntu ke ngoku waqalisa ukuthetha ngaxeshanye. UNkosikazi Modise wayevuya kakhulu ukuhlangana nomnikazi kaNoodle. UBella wayevuya kakhulu kuba emfumene uNoodle. UJosh noHope babecinga ngale mibundlwane. UNeo noGogo babencumile. Emva koko uNeo waguquka waphuza uMbali wamanga. +            “Mbali,” wasebeza, “ungoyena mcuphi uyincutshe kwabakhe bakho.” +            UMbali wahleka. “Pinki,” watsho. “OoNoodles abaPinki.”",xho,isiXhosa,Incutshe yomcuph,"Knock! Knock! Knock! +“Neo!” said Gogo. “Please see who is at the door.” +Neo ran to the front door. When he opened it he saw Bella and her mother. Bella was crying.",,Libali likaWendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/incutshe-yomcuphi +the-best-detective,"Ngqo! Ngqo! Ngqo! +            “Neo!” kusho uGogo. “Ngicela ubheke ukuthi ubani ongqongqozayo.” +            UNeo wagijima waya emnyango ongaphambili. Ngesikhathi evula emnyango wabona uBella nomama wakhe. UBella wayekhala. + +            “Kwenzenjani?” kubuza uNeo. UBella wakhala kakhulu-ke manje. +            UGogo wagijima waya emnyango ongaphambili. “Ngenani. Ukhalelani uBella?” +            “UNoodle,” kusho umama kaBella. “Unyamalele.” +            “Akekho uNoodle,” kufumfutha uBella. “Ngabe nike nambona?” +            “Ake nihlale phansi,” kusho uGogo, enikeza uBella iphepha lokuzesula. “Sula izinyembezi zakho. Sizokusiza. Neo, ngicela ushayele ucingo uJosh bese umcela ukuthi eze la.” +            Ngesikhathi uNeo eshayela uJosh ucingo, uGogo wahlala esofeni phakathi kukaBella nomama wakhe. +            “Ugcine nini ukubona uNoodle?” kubuza uGogo. +            “Namhlanje ekuseni,” kusho uBella. “Ubedlala ensimini.” +            “Njalo nje uba sekhaya ngesikhathi sesidlo sasemini,” kusho umama kaBella. +            “Gogo,” kusho uNeo, “uJosh uthe yena noHope bazoza la ngokushesha okukhulu.” +            “Sizokwenzenjani, Gogo?” kubuza uBella efumfutha kakhulu. +            “Sizoqhamuka neqhinga uma sekufike uJosh noHope. Okwamanje sizophuza itiye sonke.” +            Akuphelanga sikhathi kwezwakala okunye ukungqongqoza! Ngqo! Ngqo! Ngqo! emnyango. UHope wadudula wangenisa inqola kaJosh ehamba ngamasondo. +            “Ungakhathazeki, Bella, sizomthola uNoodle,” kusho uJosh. “Sizoba abaseshi sonke, futhi sizomfuna.” +            “Yebo,” kusho uGogo. “Manje-ke ake usisize ngokungasinika umkhondo, Bella. Ake usitshele ukuthi uthanda ukuyaphi uNoodle.” +            UBella kanye nomama wakhe babatshela izindawo uNoodle athanda ukudlalela kuzo nokuzivakashela. +            “Kuhle,” kusho uGogo. “Ngizofaka uMbali esitulweni sakhe esiqhutshwayo bese sonke sihamba siyomfuna.” +            “Mhlawumbe kumele sishone ezindaweni ezahlukene. Kuzoshesha lokho,” kuphakamisa uJosh. “Gogo, uma wena, uNeo noMbali nehla ngoRiver Road, uBella nomama wakhe bazobe sebeyobheka ekhaya kanye nasensimini futhi. Bazobe-ke sebenyuka ngoSchool Street. UHope nami sizokwehla ngoSambals Street.” +            “Umqondo omuhle lowo,” kusho uGogo. “Usuzwakala njengomseshi wangempela, Josh.” +            “Kanti kuzodingeka ukuthi sonke sihlangane endaweni ethile,” kusho uHope. “Sizobe sesizwa-ke ukuthi kwenzakalani.” +            “Sizoshayelana izingcingo kanye nje ngesikhathi sisamfuna, sizobe sesihlangana enxanxatheleni yezitolo,” kusho uJosh. +            “Ngabe sesingahamba manje?” kubuza uBella. +            “Nxese bandla, Bella,” kusho uMbali, embambatha isandla sikaBella. +            Wonke umuntu wahamba wayofuna uNoodle. UHope wadudula inqola kaJosh ehamba ngamasondo onqenqemeni lomgwaqo lokuhamba abantu. Bobabili babememeza igama likaNoodle. + +            “Akekho kulo mgwaqo,” kusho uJosh. Kusenjalo kwakhala ucingo lwakhe. “UGogo,” etshela uHope, “Ngethemba ukuthi bamtholile uNoodle.” +            UHope wayengezwa ukuthi uGogo wayethini kuJosh, kodwa wayezwa uMbali ememeza kakhulu ethi, “Phinki! Phinki! Phinki!” ezwakala ngemuva. +            “Cha,” kusho uJosh ngesikhathi eseqede ukukhuluma noGogo, “abakamtholi uNoodle.” Lwaphinde lwakhala futhi ucingo lwakhe. “Lowo-ke bekunguBella nomama wakhe. Abakamtholi nabo.” +            “Sizokwenzenjani manje?” kubuza uHope. +            “Kuzomele sihambe siyohlangana nabo bonke enxanxatheleni yezitolo,” kusho uJosh. +            Emizuzwini embalwa ngemva kwalokho wonke umuntu wayesemi phambi kwenxanxathela yezitolo. Amehlo kaBella ayebomvu tebhu ukukhala. UGogo wayebukeka ekhathazekile. +            “Ngabe kumele sihambe sibuyele emuva siyobheka futhi?” kubuza uGogo. +            “Noo … Noodle …” kusho izwi elincane. +            Baphenduka bonke babheka. +            “Noodle!” kusho uMbali futhi. Wayekhomba esitolo esisekhoneni. +            “Mbali,” kusho uGogo. “Kuphi?” +            “Akukho lutho laphaya, Mbali,” kusho uNeo. +            “NOOOOOODLE!” kumemeza uMbali. +            “Ake sihambe siyobheka,” kusho uHope. +            Bahamba baya esitolo esisekhoneni. Sasidayisa izikhwama namabhengela, amahembe nezicathulo. Bama bonke bavimba ngasemnyango. +            “Ngenani! Ngenani!” kusho uMbali ekhomba phakathi esitolo +            “Sanibona,” kusho umnikazi wesitolo. “Nemukelekile. Ngenani ngaphakathi. Ake nginike umngani wami ibhisikidi, ngizonisiza.” +            “NOODLE!” besho bonke kanyekanye. +            UBella wagijima wayosingatha uNoodle. “Ubukuphi? Besikufuna yonke indawo.” UNoodle watshikizisa umsila wase ekhotha ubuso bakhe. +            “O,” kusho umnikazi wesitolo. “Ungowakho. Uyeza azongibingelela ekhaya njalo ekuseni.” +            “Endlini ephinki!” kusho uMbali. +            “Yebo. Indlu ephinki esekhoneni eduze kwensimu. Uyeza azodlala nenja yami encane, uTrixie. Ngiyaxolisa uma benikhathazekile. Uyaqala ngqa ukuza esitolo.” +            Ngesikhathi wonke umuntu esingatha, ephulula futhi embambatha uNoodle, umnikazi wesitolo wabatshela ukuthi igama lakhe kwakunguNkk Modise. Wayesanda kufika edolobheni futhi wayesanda kuvula isitolo sakhe. +            “UNoodle waba umngani kaTrixie kusukela ngosuku esafika ngalo la,” kusho yena. “Bayadlala njalo nje ekuseni bese uNoodle egoduka. Kodwa bekuwusuku oluhluke kancane lolu lwanamuhla. Namhlanje kwenzeke lokho obekungalindelekile kakhulu, kwadingeka ukuthi ngize noTrixie emsebenzini.” +            Kusenjalo kwaphuma uMbali esihlalweni sakhe esiqhutshwayo wase eqala ukumemeza. +            “NOODLES!” +            “Yebo,” kusho uNeo, “umtholile.” +            UBella waqabula izihlathi zikaMbali. “Yebo, ngibonga kakhulu.” +            “Cha, cha, cha” kumemeza uMbali. “Noodle, Noodle, Noodle! BUKANI!” +            UGogo, uNeo, uBella, umama wakhe, uJosh kanye noHope baya lapho okwakume khona uMbali. Bangunga uMbali begqolozele okuthile. +            “Yebo,” kusho uNkosikazi uModise, “YIYO-KE le nto enkulu ebingalindelekile eyenzekile.” +            UNoodle wapulukutshela phakathi kwemilenze yawo wonke umuntu wayohlala eduze kukabhasikidi kaTrixie. Wayebukeka eziqhenya kakhulu. +            “Bhekani,” kusho uMbali, “Noodle, Noodle, Noodle!” +            UTrixie wayekubhasikidi nemidlwane emithathu ephinki futhi yomithathu yayifana noNoodle. + +            Kwakhuluma wonke umuntu kanyekanye. Kwamthokozisa kakhulu uNkk Modise ukuhlangana nabanikazi bakaNoodle. UBella wayethokozile ngokuthola uNoodle. UJosh noHope babecabanga ngemidlwane. UNeo noGogo babemamatheka. UNeo wabe esephenduka eqabula uMbali kakhulu futhi, emsingatha. +            “Mbali,” kunyenyeza yena, “ungumseshi ohamba phambili.” +            Wansinsitheka uMbali. “Baphinki,” kusho yena. “ONoodles abaphinki!”",zul,isiZulu,Umseshi ohamba pham,"Knock! Knock! Knock! +“Neo!” said Gogo. “Please see who is at the door.” +Neo ran to the front door. When he opened it he saw Bella and her mother. Bella was crying.",,Ibhalwe nguWendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umseshi-ohamba-phambili +bowl-phutu,"There was once a boy who had no family and no place to stay, so the people in the nearby village named him Molahlehi, which means “the lost one”. The boy did not mind the name they gave him because he was sure that one day he would have a home and a family. +Every day Molahlehi went down to the river to catch fish so that he would have something to eat. Some days he sat for hours hoping to feel a pull at the end of his line. Some days he caught nothing. Then, he would look for fruits and berries to eat. If he found nothing, then he went to sleep hungry. +One day as he sat hoping to catch a fish for dinner, a few women came down to the river to wash their clothes. They looked across to where he sat. +“Look at that boy,” said one woman. “He is almost as thin as the stick he has in his hand.” She walked over to Molahlehi and sat down next to him. +“You look hungry,” she said. “Please eat this bowl of phutu.” +Molahlehi was very happy to get the food. “Thank you,” he said. + +  +After that day, whenever this woman came down to do her washing and saw Molahlehi, she went over to him and gave him a bowl of phutu. +  +“Thank you,” said Molahlehi. “One day I will find a way to pay you back for your kindness.” +  +The day came when Molahlehi was a young man. He knew that now he was strong enough and old enough to search for his own home. Now, at last, it was time to leave this place and find a home. The only person he spoke to before he left, was the woman who had always given him food. +  +He said goodbye and again he said, “I promise that one day I will pay you back for being so kind to me.” +  +Molahlehi packed what little he had in his bag and took the long spear he had made for himself. Then he walked along the path that took him into the African bush. +  +It took many months of walking as Molahlehi searched for a place that he could call home. He walked for many, many months until the day came when he thought he would never find a place. He was tired and hungry, but then he saw a group of men sitting in the shade of a big tree. The men greeted him and were friendly. Molahlehi greeted them and smiled. As he was about to leave, one of the men stopped him. +  +“Wait! What is your name?” the man asked. +  +“I do not know,” he answered. “People call me Molahlehi, the lost one.” +  +“Come back to our village with us,” the man said. “You look like you need some good food and a place to rest.” + +Molahlehi went with the men and everyone welcomed him into the village. Molahlehi knew that in this village he would at last have a home and friends. He worked hard. He helped everyone who needed help. He was kind and always had a good word to say. Everyone in the village loved him and so did the old king who had no sons. When the old king died, all the villagers begged Molahlehi to become their king. There was a great feast and the villagers gave their king a new name, King Lebohang, which means “be thankful”. +  +The first thing King Lebohang did, was to send out a group of men to search for the woman who had been so kind to him when he was a boy. When the men returned, they brought an old woman with them. She was afraid and knelt before the king shaking. The king recognised her immediately. He stood up and walked towards her. Then, King Lebohang, knelt and held out a bowl. He gave it to the woman. +The old woman took the bowl and was shocked to see that it was full of gold. She looked up at the king. +“Molahlehi,” she whispered. +“Yes,” said the king. “I promised you that I would pay you back someday. Everyone should remember a promise and everyone should be thankful when someone is kind to them.”",eng,English,A bowl of phutu,"There was once a boy who had no family and no place to stay, so the people in the nearby village named him Molahlehi, which means “the lost one”. The boy did not mind the name they gave him because he was sure that one day he would have a home ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/bowl-phutu +bowl-phutu,"Daar was eenmaal ’n seun wat geen familie gehad het nie, en geen plek om te bly nie. Die mense in die dorpie daar naby het hom toe Molahlehi genoem, wat “die verlore een” beteken. Die naam wat hulle hom gegee het, het die seun nie gepla nie, want hy was seker dat hy eendag ’n huis en ’n familie sou hê. +  +Molahlehi het elke dag na die rivier toe gegaan om vis te vang sodat hy iets sou hê om te eet. Sommige dae het hy ure lank sit en wag dat ’n vis moet byt. Sommige dae het hy niks gevang nie. Dan sou hy vrugte en bessies soek om te eet. As hy niks kon kry nie, het hy honger gaan slaap. +  +Eendag, terwyl hy sit en hoop om ’n vis vir aandete te vang, kom ’n paar vroue af rivier toe om hulle klere te was. Hulle kyk na die oorkant waar hy sit. +  +“Kyk na daardie seun,” sê een vrou. “Hy is so maer soos die stok wat hy in sy hand vashou.” Sy stap oor na Molahlehi toe en gaan sit langs hom. +  +“Jy lyk honger,” sê sy. “Wil jy nie hierdie bakkie poetoepap eet nie?” +  +Molahlehi is baie bly oor die kos. “Dankie,” sê hy. + +  +Van daardie dag af gee die vrou elke keer vir Molahlehi ’n bakkie poetoepap wanneer sy haar wasgoed kom was en sy hom sien. +  +“Dankie,” sê Molahlehi. “Eendag sal ek ’n manier vind om jou terug te betaal vir jou goedhartigheid.” +  +Toe Molahlehi ’n jong man word, weet hy hy is sterk en oud genoeg om sy eie tuiste te gaan soek. Nou is dit uiteindelik tyd om hierdie plek te verlaat en sy eie tuiste te vind. Die enigste persoon met wie hy praat voor hy weggaan, is die vrou wat altyd vir hom kos gegee het. +  +Hy sê tot siens en sê weer vir haar: “Ek belowe ek sal jou eendag terugbetaal omdat jy so goed was vir my.” +  +Molahlehi pak sy karige besittings in sy sak en neem die lang spies wat hy vir homself gemaak het. Toe stap hy met die paadjie langs in die Afrika-bos in. +  +Molahlehi stap maande lank op soek na ’n plek wat hy syne kan noem. Hy stap maande en maande lank, totdat hy op ’n dag dink dat hy nooit ’n plek sal vind nie. Hy is moeg en honger, maar toe sien hy ’n groep mans in die skaduwee van ’n groot boom sit. Die mans groet hom en is vriendelik. Molahlehi groet hulle en glimlag. Toe hy wil wegstap, keer een van die mans hom. +  +“Wag! Wat is jou naam?” vra die man. +  +“Ek weet nie,” antwoord hy. “Mense noem my Molahlehi, die verlore een.” +  +“Kom saam met ons terug na ons dorpie toe,” sê die man. “Dit lyk of jy kan doen met goeie kos en ’n plek om te rus.” +  +Molahlehi gaan saam met die mans en almal verwelkom hom in die dorpie. Molahlehi weet dat hy in hierdie dorpie uiteindelik ’n tuiste en vriende sal vind. Hy werk hard. Hy help almal wat hulp nodig het. Hy is gaaf en het altyd ’n goeie woord vir almal. Almal in die dorpie is lief vir hom, en so ook die ou koning wat geen seuns het nie. Toe die ou koning sterf, smeek al die dorpenaars Molahlehi om hul koning te word. Daar word ’n groot fees gehou en die dorpenaars gee vir hulle koning ’n nuwe naam, Koning Lebohang, wat beteken “wees dankbaar”. +  +Die eerste ding wat Koning Lebohang doen, is om ’n groep mans uit te stuur om na die vrou te gaan soek wat so goed vir hom was toe hy ’n seun was. Toe die mans terugkeer, bring hulle ’n ou vrou saam met hulle. Sy is bang en kniel bewend voor die koning. Die koning herken haar onmiddellik. Hy staan op en stap na haar toe. Toe kniel Koning Lebohang en hou ’n bakkie na haar toe uit. Hy gee dit vir die vrou. +  +Die ou vrou neem die bakkie en is geskok om te sien dat dit vol goud is. Sy kyk op na die koning. +  +“Molahlehi,” fluister sy. +  +“Ja,” sê die koning. “Ek het jou belowe dat ek jou eendag sal terugbetaal. Almal behoort hul belofte te onthou en almal moet dankbaar wees wanneer iemand goed i",afr,Afrikaans,’n Bakkie poetoepap,"There was once a boy who had no family and no place to stay, so the people in the nearby village named him Molahlehi, which means “the lost one”. The boy did not mind the name they gave him because he was sure that one day he would have a home ...",,Oorvertel deur Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/’n-bakkie-poetoepap +bowl-phutu,"Kgale go ile gwa ba le mošemane wa go hloka ba gabo gape a hloka le bodulo, batho ba mo motseng wa kgauswi ba ile ba mmitša Molahlehi, leina le le ra gore “motho yo a lahlegilego”. Mošemane yo o be a se na taba le leina le ka gobane o be a dumela gore ka letšatši le lengwe o tlo ba le legae le meloko. +  +Letšatši le lengwe le le lengwe Molahlehi o be a eya go thea dihlapi nokeng gore a be le diišamaleng. Ka matšatši a mangwe o dula sebaka se setelele ka kholofelo ya gore o tla kwa a tantše. Ka matšatši a mangwe ga a sware selo. Gomme o tlo nyaka dikenywa le dithetlwa a ja. Ge a sa hwetše selo o be a ithobalela ka tlala. +  +Ka letšatši le lengwe ge a be a dutše ka kholofelo ya gore o tlo tanya hlapi ya go lalela, basadi ba mmalwa ba tla nokeng go hlatswa diaparo tša bona. Ba ile ba lebelela ka thoko ya moo a bego a dutše gona. +  +“Lebelelang mošemane yola,” mosadi yo mongwe a realo. “O otile o nyakile go lekana le patla ye a e swerego ka seatleng.” O ile a ya go Molahlehi a fihla a dula kgauswi le yena. +  +“O bonala o swerwe ke tlala,” a realo. “Eja phutu ye ya ka sekotlelong.” +  +Molahlehi o be a thabetše go hwetša dijo kudu. “Ke a leboga,” a realo. + +  +Morago ga letšatši leo, ka mehla ge mosadi yo a ka re a etla go hlatswa diaparo a bona Molahlehi, o be a eya go yena gomme a mo fa phuthu ya ka sekotlelong. +  +“Ke a leboga,” a realo Molahlehi. “Ka letšatši le lengwe ke tla hwetša tsela ya go go lefela botho bja gago.” +  +Go ile gwa fihla letšatši leo ge Molahlehi e sa le lesogana. O be a tseba gore bjalo o tieletše ebile o gotše go ka lokelwa ke go nyaka legae la gagwe. Bjale, e be e le nako ya gore a tloge lefelong le a ye go nyaka legae. Motho yo a boletšego le yena fela la mafelelo pele a sepela, ke mosadi yo a phelago a mo fa dijo. +  +O rile a šale gabotse gomme a be a re, “Ke go tshepiša gore ka letšatši le lengwe ke tla go lefela go ntira ka go loka.” +  +Molahlehi o ile a paka dilwana tše a nago le tšona ka mokotleng gomme a tšea lerumo le letelele leo a itiretšego lona. Morago o ile a sepela go bapela le tsela ya go mo iša lešokeng la Afrika. +  +Molahlehi o tšere dikgwedi tše dintši a sepela a nyakana le lefelo leo a ka le bitšago legae. O ile a sepela dikgwedi tše dintši kudukudu go fihlela letšatši le a ilego a nagana gore a ka se tsoge a hweditše legae. O be a lapile ebile a swerwe ke tlala, efela a bona sehlopha sa banna ba dutše moriting wa mohlare o mogolo. Banna ba ile ba mo dumediša ba mo thabetše. Molahlehi o ile a ba dumediša gomme a ba a myemyela. O rile ge a tloga yo mongwe wa banna a mo emiša. +  +“Ema! Ke wena mang?” monna a botšiša. +  +“Ga ke tsebe,” a araba. “Batho ba mpitša Molahlehi, motho wa go lahlega.” +  +“Areye le rena motseng wa gabo rena,” monna a realo. “O bonala o hloka dijo tša bose le lefelo la go khutša.” +  +Molahlehi o ile a tloga le banna gomme a amogelwa ke batho bohle mo motseng. Molahlehi o tsebile gore mo motseng wo o tla feleletša a bile le legae le bagwera. O ile a šoma kudu. O be a thuša mang le mang yo a bego a nyaka thušo. O be a lokile gomme ka mehla a bolela tše di botse fela. O ile a ratwa ke bohle mo motseng le kgoši ya go tšofala yeo e bego e se na barwa. E rile ge kgoši ya go tšofala e hlokofala, batho bohle ba kgopela Molahlehi gore e be kgoši ya bona. Go bile le monyanya o mogolo gomme badudi ba motse ba fa kgoši ya bona leina la Kgoši Lebohang, le ra gore “lebogang”. +  +Selo sa mathomo sa go dirwa ke Kgoši Lebohang, e bile go roma sehlopha sa banna go yo nyaka mosadi yo nkilego a mo lokela kudu ge e be e sa le mošemane. E rile ge banna ba boa, ba tla le mokgekolo yoo. O be a tšhogile gomme a kwatama ka dikhuru pele ga kgoši a thothomela. Kgoši o ile a mo lemoga ka pejana. O ile a ema a ya go yena. Ka morago, Kgoši Lebohang, o ile a kwatama ka dikhuru a swere sekotlelo. O ile a se fa mosadi. +  +Mokgekolo o ile a tšea sekotlolo gomme a makatšwa ke ge se tletše gauta. O ile a lebelela kgoši. +  +“Molahlehi,” a hebaheba. +  +“Ee,” a realo kgoši. “Ke go tshepišitše gore ka letšatši le lengwe ke tla go lefa. Batho bohle ba swanetše go gopola tshepišo gomme batho bohle ba swanetše go leboga ge motho a ba dirile ka go loka.”",nso,Sepedi,Sekotlelo sa phutu,"There was once a boy who had no family and no place to stay, so the people in the nearby village named him Molahlehi, which means “the lost one”. The boy did not mind the name they gave him because he was sure that one day he would have a home ...",,Kanegoleswa ka Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sekotlelo-sa-phutu +bowl-phutu,"Ho kile ha eba le moshanyana ya neng a se na lelapa labo mme a se na lehae moo a dulang teng, kahoo batho ba motseng o haufi ba ne ba mmitsa Molahlehi, se bolelang “motho ya lahlehileng”. Moshanyana enwa o ne a sa tshwenngwe ke lebitso lena leo ba mo fileng lona hobane o ne a ena le bonnete ba hore ka letsatsi le leng o tla ba le lehae le lelapa. +  +Kamehla Molahlehi o ne a theohela tlase nokeng ho ya tshwasa ditlhapi e le hore a tle a kgone ho ja. Ka matsatsi a mang o ne a dula dihora tse ngata a tshepile hore o tla utlwa ho hong ho hula kgwele eo a tjhehileng ka yona. Ka matsatsi a mang o ne a sa tshwase letho. Mme ebe o ya ho batla ditholwana le monokotshwai hore a je. Ha a ne a sa fumane letho, o ne a ya ho robala ka tlala. +  +Ka tsatsi le leng ha a ntse a dutse a lebeletse ho tshwasa tlhapi hore a je mantsiboya, basadi ba mmalwa ba tla nokeng ba tlilo hlatswa diaparo. Ba sheba mose mane moo a dutseng teng. +  +“Sheba moshanyana yane,” ha rialo mosadi e mong. “O mosesane jwaloka thupa eo a e tshwereng ka letsohong.” A tshelela ka ho Molahlehi mme a fihla a dula pela hae. +  +“O shebahala o lapile,” a rialo. “Ka kopo eja phutu ena e ka sekotlolong .” +  +Molahlehi o ne a thabetse ho fumana dijo haholo. “Ke a leboha,” a rialo. + +  +Kamora letsatsi leo, kamehla ha mosadi eo a theohela ka nokeng ho tla hlatswa diaparo tsa hae o ne a bona Molahlehi, mme a tshelela ka nqane ho ya mo fa sekotlolo sa phutu. +  +“Ke a leboha,” ha rialo Molahlehhi. “Ka tsatsi le leng ke tla fumana tsela ya ho o lefa ka mosa oo o nketsetsang ona.” +  +Letsatsi la fihla leo Molahlehi e neng e se e le mohlankana. O ne a tseba hore jwale o se a le matla hoo a ka ya ipatlelang ntlo eo e leng ya hae. Jwale, qetellong, e ne e le nako ya ho siya sebaka sena mme a yo batla lehae. Motho a le mong feela eo a ileng a bua le yena pele a tsamaya ke mosadi yane ya neng a mo fa dijo kamehla. +  +O ile a mo sadisa hantle mme hape a re, “Ke o tshepisa hore ka letsatsi le leng ke tla o lefa ka mosa oo o kileng wa nketsetsa ona.” +  +Molahlehi a pakela bonnyane boo a nang le bona ka mokotlaneng wa hae mme a nka lerumo le lelelele leo a neng a iketseditse lona. Yaba o tsamaya pela tsela e ileng ya mo lebisa morung wa Afrika. +  +Ho ile ha mo nka dikgwedi tse ngata tsa ho tsamaya ha Molahlehi a ntse a batlana le tulo eo a ka e bitsang lehae la hae. O ile a tsamaya dikgwedi tse ngatangata ho fihlela ka letsatsi le leng ha a nahana hore a keke a hlola a fumana tulo. O ne a kgathetse a bile a lapile, mme yaba o bona sehlopha sa banna ba dutseng moriting wa sefate se seholo. Banna bao ba mo dumedisa mme ba ne ba tletse setswalle. Molahlehi o ile a ba dumedisa mme a bososela. Eitse moo a reng o tla tsamaya, e mong wa bona a mo thiba. +  +“Butle! Lebitso la hao o mang?” ha botsa monna eo. +  +“Ha ke tsebe,” a araba. “Batho ba mpitsa Molahlehi, ya lahlehileng.” +  +“Tloo le rona motseng wa habo rona,” monna eo a rialo. “O shebehala eka o hloka dijo tse tletseng phepo le sebaka sa ho phomola.” +  +Molahlehi a tsamaya le banna bao mme batho bohle ba mo amohela motseng wa bona. Molahlehi o ile a tseba hore motseng ona o tla qetella a fumane lehae le metswalle. A sebetsa ka thata. O ne a thusa batho bohle ba neng ba hloka thuso. O ne a le mosa mme kamehla a ena le mantswe a monate ao a a buang. Batho bohle motseng oo ba ne ba mo rata esitana le morena e moholo ya neng a se na bara. Ha morena ya tsofetseng a hlokahala, baahi bohle ba motse ba kopa Molahlehi hore e be morena wa bona. Ho ile ha eba le mokete o moholo mme baahi ba motse ba fa morena wa bona lebitso le letjha, Morena Lebohang, le bolelang hore “le lokela ho leboha”. +  +Ntho ya pele eo Morena Lebohang a ileng a e etsa, e bile ho romela sehlopha sa banna ho ya batlana le mosadi ya kileng a ba mosa ho yena ha e ne e sa le moshanyana. Ha banna bao ba kgutla, ba fihla le mosadimoholo ya seng a tsofetse. O ne a tshohile mme a kgumama ka pele ho morena a thothomela. Morena a mo elellwa hanghang. A ema mme a mo atamela. Yaba Morena Lebohang o a kgumama mme a ntsha sekotlolo. O ile a se fa mosadi eo. +  +Mosadimoholo eo a nka sekotlolo mme a tshoha haholo ha a bona se tletse kgauta. O ile a sheba morena. +  +“Molahlehi,” a hweshetsa. +  +“Ee,” ha rialo morena. “Ke ne ke o tshepise hore ke tla o lefa ka letsatsi le leng. Motho o lokela ho hopola tshepiso mme batho bohle ba lokela ho ba le teboho ha ba fuwa thuso le mosa ke ba bang.”",sot,Sesotho,Sekotlolo sa phutu,"There was once a boy who had no family and no place to stay, so the people in the nearby village named him Molahlehi, which means “the lost one”. The boy did not mind the name they gave him because he was sure that one day he would have a home ...",,E phetwa hape ke Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sekotlolo-sa-phutu +bowl-phutu,"Kwakukho inkwenkwe eyayiyinkedama kwaye ingenayo nendawo yokuhlala, kuloko ke abantu belali ekufutshane abamthiya igama lokuba nguMolahlehi, gama elo lithetha “umntu olahlekileyo”. Le nkwenkwe yayingalikhathalelanga eli gama yayithiywe lona kuba yayiqinisekile ukuba ngenye imini iyakuze ibenalo ikhaya kunye nosapho. +  +Yonke imihla uMolahlehi wayesiya kuloba iintlanzi emlanjeni ukuze abenento yokutya. Ngezinye imini wayehlala iiyure ezininzi enethemba lokuba kuza kude kubekho intlanzi etsala loo lobi yakhe. Ngezinye imini ebengabambisi kwanto. Ze ke xa kunjalo, akhangele iziqhamo kunye namaqunube ukuze atye. Xa engafumananga nto wayelala elambile. +  +Ngenye imini, lo gama wayehleli, enethemba lokubambisa intlanzi yesidlo sangokuhlwa, kwafika abafazi abambalwa apho emlanjeni, beze kuhlamba iimpahla zabo. Bajonga kweli cala wayehleli kulo. +  +“Khawujonge laa nkwenkwe,” kwatsho omnye waba bafazi. “Ubhitye ngathi loluya luthi alubambe ngesiya sandla sakhe.” Wahamba waya kuMolahlehi lo mfazi, wafika wahlala ecaleni kwakhe. +  +“Ukhangeleka ulambile,” watsho lo mfazi. “Nasi isitya somphokoqo, ungatya.” +  +UMolahlehi wavuyiswa kakhulu kukufumana ukutya. “Enkosi,” watsho. + +  +Emva kwaloo mini, nanini na xa lo mfazi esiya kuhlamba iimpahla zakhe emlanjeni, aze abone uMolahlehi, wayesiya kuye aze amnike isitya somphokoqo. +  +“Enkosi kakhulu,” watsho uMolahlehi. “Ngenye imini ndiya kuze ndiyifumane indlela endinokukuhlawula ngayo ngobu bubele bakho.” +  +Lwafika usuku lokungena ebudodeni kuMolahlehi. Ngoku wayesazi ukuba womelele ngokwaneleyo kwaye mdala ngokwaneleyo ukuba angazikhangelela ikhaya elilelakhe ngokwakhe. Ngoku, ekugqibeleni, kude kwafika ixesha lokuba ayishiye loo ndawo azikhangelele ikhaya elilelakhe. Mnye kuphela umntu awathetha naye phambi kokuba ahambe, yayinguloo mfazi wayesoloko emphathela ukutya. +  +Wathi ndlelantle kulo mfazi waze waphinda wathi, “Ndiyathembisa ukuba ngenye imini ndiya kuze ndiyifumane indlela endinokukuhlawula ngayo ngokundenzela ububele obungaka.” +  +UMolahlehi wapakisha oko kuncinane wayenako engxoweni yakhe, waze wathatha umkhonto wakhe omde awayezenzele wona. Emva koko wahamba ngendledlana eyamngenisa ematyholweni nakumahlathi amnyama ase-Afrika. +  +Kwaqengqeleka iinyanga ezininzi uMolahlehi ehamba-hamba njengokuba wayekhangela indawo anokuyibiza njengekhaya lakhe. Wahamba iinyanga ezininzi kakhulu, kwade kwafika usuku apho wacinga ukuba akasoze ade ayifumane indawo enokuba likhaya kuye. Wayediniwe kwaye elambile, ngethuba abona ngalo iqela lamadoda lihleli emthunzini womthi omkhulu. Loo madoda ambulisa kwaye abonakalisa ububele ngakuye. Naye uMolahlehi wawabulisa waze wawancumela. Wathi xa eza kuqhubeka nohambo, enye kuloo madoda yamnqanda. +  +“Yima! Ungubani igama lakho?” yabuza loo ndoda. +  +“Andilazi,” waphendula. “Abantu bathi ndinguMolahlehi, umntu olahlekileyo.” +  +“Hamba nathi uye elalini yethu,” yatsho le ndoda. “Ukhangeleka ngathi ufuna ukutya okumnandi kunye nendawo yokuphumla.” +  +UMolahlehi wahamba naloo madoda waza wonke ubani wamamkela ngezandla ezishushu kuloo lali. UMolahlehi wayesazi ukuba kule lali, ekugqibeleni, wayeza kuba nekhaya kunye nabahlobo. Wasebenza ngokuzimisela okukhulu. Wayenceda nabani na ofuna uncedo. Wayesoloko enobubele kuye wonke umntu kwaye wayesoloko enento emnandi ayithethayo emntwini. Ngolo hlobo ke waba yintandane yomntu wonke elalini, ngokunjalo wathandwa nangukumkani omdala walapho, owayengenanyana yena. Wathi akusweleka ukumkani, bonke abahlali belali leyo bamcenga uMolahlehi ukuba abe ngukumkani wabo. Wathi akuvuma, kwabanjwa umsitho omkhulu kakhulu, baze abahlali belali leyo bathiya ukumkani wabo omtsha igama elitsha lokuba nguKumkani Lebohang, othetha “ukuba nombulelo”. +  +Into yokuqala uKumkani uLebohang awayenzayo, kukuthuma igqiza lamadoda ukuba liye kukhangela laa mfazi wayemenzela ububele ngethuba eseyinkwenkwe. Ekubuyeni kwawo loo madoda, ayehamba nexhegwazana. Eli xhegwazana lalisoyika kangangokuba laguqa phambi kokumkani lingcangcazela. Ukumkani walinakana ngoko nangoko. Waphakama waya kulo. Emva koko ke, uKumkani uLebohang, waguqa phambi kwalo ephethe isitya. Wasinika eloo xhegwazana eso sitya. +  +Ixhegokazi elo lasithatha isitya laze lothuka kakhulu lakubona ukuba eso sitya sizele yigolide. Ixhegwazana lawaphakamisa amehlo alo, lajonga kukumkani. +  +“Molahlehi,” lasebeza njalo. +  +“Kunjalo,” watsho ukumkani. “Ndandikuthembisile ukuba ndiya kuze ndikuhlawule ngenye imini. Wonke umntu kufuneka asikhumbule isithembiso sakhe kwaye wonke umntu kufuneka abe nombulelo xa omnye umntu emenzele ububele.”",xho,isiXhosa,Isitya somphokoqo,"There was once a boy who had no family and no place to stay, so the people in the nearby village named him Molahlehi, which means “the lost one”. The boy did not mind the name they gave him because he was sure that one day he would have a home ...",,Libaliswa kwakhona nguWendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isitya-somphokoqo +bowl-phutu,"Kwakukhona umfana owayengenamndeni futhi engenayo nendawo yokuhlala, ngakho abantu basemuzini oseduze bambiza ngokuthi uMolahlehi, okuchaza ukuthi “olahlekile”. Umfana wayengenandaba negama ababemqambe lona ngoba wayeqinisekile ukuthi ngelinye ilanga uyoba nekhaya kanye nomndeni. +  +Nsuku zonke uMolahlehi wayehla ayodoba izinhlanzi emfuleni ukuze abe nento azoyidla. Ngezinye izinsuku wayehlala amahora amaningi enethemba lokuthi kukhona azokubamba ngodobo lwakhe. Ngezinye izinsuku wayengabambi lutho. Wayabe esebheka izithelo kanye namajikijolo angakudla. Uma engatholanga lutho, wayelala ngendlala. +  +Ngelinye ilanga ehleli enethemba lokuthi angabamba inhlanzi ezoba yisidlo sakusihlwa, kwafika abesifazane abambalwa ababezowasha izingubo zabo emfuleni. Babuka ngaphesheya lapho ayehleli khona. +  +“Ake nibheke lowaya mfana,” kusho omunye wabesifazane. “Uzace ucishe alingane nothi aluphethe.” Waya kuMolahlehi wase ehlala eduze kwakhe. +  +“Ubukeka ulambile,” kusho yena. “Ngicela udle lolu phuthu olusendishini.” +  +Kwamjabulisa kakhulu uMolahlehi ukuthola ukudla. “Ngiyabonga,” kusho yena. + +  +Ngemva kwalolo suku, njalo nje uma lo wesifazane ezowasha izingubo zakhe, lapho ebona uMolahlehi, wayeya kuye ayomnika indishi yophuthu. +  +“Ngiyabonga,” kusho uMolahlehi. “Ngelinye ilanga ngiyoyithola indlela yokukukhokhela ngalo musa wakho.” +  +Lwafika usuku lapho uMolahlehi eseyibhungu. Wayazi ukuthi manje wayesenamandla futhi ekhule ngokwanele ukuthi angahamba ayozifunela ikhaya lakhe. Manje, ekugcineni, kwase kuyisikhathi sokuthi ashiye le ndawo ayozitholela ikhaya lakhe. Ukuphela komuntu akhuluma naye ngaphambi kokuba ahambe, kwaba owesifazane owayehlale emnika ukudla. +  +Wavalelisa waphinde wathi futhi, “Ngiyethembisa ukuthi ngelinye ilanga ngizothola indlela yokukukhokhela ngokungenzela kwakho umusa ongaka.” +  +UMolahlehi wapakisha konke okuncane ayenakho esikhwameni sakhe wase ethatha nomkhonto omude ayezenzele wona. Wayesehamba ngendledlana eyayomfaka ehlathini lase-Afrika. +  +Kwamthatha izinyanga eziningi ehamba uMolahlehi, ecinga indawo azoyibiza ngekhaya lakhe. Wahamba izinyanga eziningi kakhulu, kwaze kwafika usuku lapho ayecabanga khona ukuthi angeke aphinde ayithole indawo. Wayekhathele, elambile, kodwa wase ebona amadoda ayehleli emthunzini wesihlahla esikhulu. Amadoda ambingelela ngomoya wobungani. Umolahlehi wawabingelela wase emamatheka. Kwathi lapho esethi uyahamba nje, wamiswa ngenye yalawa madoda. +  +“Yima! Ungubani igama lakho?” kubuza yona. +  +“Angazi,” kuphendula yena. “Abantu bangibiza ngoMolahlehi, umuntu olahlekile.” +  +“Buyela nathi emuzini wakithi,” kusho indoda. “Ubukeka udinga ukudla okumnandi kanye nendawo yokuphumula.” +  +UMolahlehi wahamba namadoda, kanti wemukelwa kahle yiwo wonke umuntu emuzini. UMolahlehi wavele wazi ukuthi ekugcineni wayezothola ikhaya kanye nabangani kulo muzi. Wasebenza ngokuzikhandla. Wayesiza wonke umuntu owayedinga usizo. Wayenomusa, futhi wayehlale enento enhle angayisho. Wayethandwa umuntu wonke emuzini ngisho nayinkosi endala eyayingenamadodana. Lapho seyikhotheme inkosi endala, bonke abantu basemuzini bancenga uMolahlehi ukuthi abe yinkosi yabo. Kwaba nedili elikhulu, abantu basemuzini banikeza inkosi yabo igama elisha, elithi yiNkosi uLebohang, okuchaza ukuthi “bongani”. +  +Into yokuqala eyenziwa iNkosi uLebohang, kwaba ukuthumela ithimba lamadoda ukuthi liyofuna owesifazane owayenomusa kuye esengumfana. Lapho amadoda ebuya, abuya nesalukazi. Sasesaba, saze saguqa phambi kwenkosi siqhaqhazela. Inkosi yavele yasazi ukuthi singubani. Yasukuma yaya kuso. Inkosi uLebohang yaguqa iphethe indishi. Yayinika owesifazane. +  +Isalukazi sathatha indishi, sethuka uma sibona ukuthi yayigcwele igolide. Saphakamisela amehlo aso enkosini. +  +“Molahlehi,” kunyenyeza sona. +  +“Yebo,” kusho inkosi. “Ngakwethembisa ukuthi ngiyokukhokhela ngelinye ilanga. Wonke umuntu kumele akhumbule lokho akwethembisile, futhi wonke umuntu kumele abonge uma kukhona umuntu omenzele umusa.”",zul,isiZulu,Indishi yophuthu,"There was once a boy who had no family and no place to stay, so the people in the nearby village named him Molahlehi, which means “the lost one”. The boy did not mind the name they gave him because he was sure that one day he would have a home ...",,Ixoxwa kabusha nguWendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/indishi-yophuthu +bowl-phutu,"Ho vha hu na muṅwe mutukana we a vha a si na muṱa wa hawe (haya) na fhethu ha u dzula, vhathu vha muḓana wa nga henefho tsini vha mu fha dzina ḽa uri Molahlehi, zwine zwa amba uri “ o xelaho”. Mutukana uyu hongo vha na ndavha na dzina iḽi ḽe vha mu fha ngauri o vha e na fulufhelo ḽa uri ḽiṅwe ḓuvha u ḓo vha na haya na muṱa wa hawe. +  +Ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe Molahlehi o vha a tshi tsela mulamboni u rea khovhe uri a kone u vha na tsha u ḽa. Maṅwe maḓuvha o vha a tshi dzula awara dzi re na tshivhalo o lavhelela uri u ḓo pfa luṱale lwawe lu tshi khou kokodziwa mugumoni walwo. Maṅwe maḓuvha o vha a sa fashi tshithu. Zwo ralo o vha a tshi ṱoḓa mitshelo na ṋombela uri a ḽe. A sa wana tshithu, ovha a tshi eḓela a songo ḽa. +  +Ḽiṅwe ḓuvha o dzula o lavhelela u fasha khovhe ya tshilalelo, vhafumakadzi vha si gathi vho mbo ḓi tsela mulamboni u kuvha zwiambaro zwavho. Vha mbo ḓi sedza ngei seli he a vha o dzula hone. +  +“Sedzani houḽa mutukana,” o ralo muthihi wa vhafumakadzi. “O onda u ṱoḓa u fana na thanda ine a vha nayo tshanḓani.” O tshimbila a ya hu re na Molahlehi na u dzula tsini nae. +  + “Ni vhonala ni na nḓala,” o ralo a tshi amba. “Iḽani phuthu i re tshigoḓeloni.” +  +Molahlehi o vha o takala vhukuma u wana zwiliwa. “Ndo livhuwa, o ralo a tshi amba. + +  +U bva ḽeḽo ḓuvha,musi havha mufumakadzi  vha tshi ḓa mulamboni  u kuvha arali vha vhona  Molahlehi, vho vha vha tshi ya khae vha mu fha tshogoḓelo tshi re na phuthu. +  + “Ndo livhuwa, o ralo Molahlehi. “ Ndi ḓo wana nḓila ya u livhuwa vhuthu havho ḽiṅwe ḓuvha.” +  +Ḓuvha ḽa swika ḽe Molahlehi a vha muṱhannga. O vha a tshi vho zwi ḓivha uri o no vha na maanḓa na u hula lwo linganelaho uri a ḓi ṱoḓele muḓi wawe. Zwino, tshifhinga tsho swika  tsha u ṱuwa hafha fhethu na u ḓiṱoḓela haya. Muthu muthihi we a mu onesa, o vha havhaḽa mufumakadzi vhe vha vha vha tshi mu fha zwiḽiwa tshifhinga tshoṱhe.  +  +O ri kha vha sale zwavhuḓi a dovha a vha vhudza uri, “Ndi a vha fulufhedzisa uri ḽiṅwe ḽa maḓuvha ndi ḓo vha badela ngauri vho nnyita nga vhuthu. +  +Molahlehi o mbo ḓi paka zwithu zwiṱukuṱuku zwe a vha a nazwo begeni na u dzhia pfumo ḽilapfu ḽe a ḓiitela. O tshimbila nḓilani ine ya mu isa maḓakani a Afurika. +  +Molahlehi o tshimbila miṅwedzi i re na tshivhalo a tshi khou ṱoḓa fhethu hune a nga hu vhidza hayani. O tshimbila miṅwedzi minzhi-minzhi ha vhuya ha swika ḓuvha ḽe a humbula uri ha nga tsha ḓo wana fhethu. O vha o neta nahone e na nḓala, huno a mbo ḓi vhona tshigwada tsha vhanna vho dzula fhasi ha muri muhulu. Vhanna vho mu lumelisa na hone vho vha vhe na vhuthu. Molahlehi o vha lumelisa na u setshelela. Musi a tshi khou ṱoḓa u ṱuwa, muthihi wavho a mu imisa. +  + “Imaini! Ni pfi nnyi? Ho vhudzisa munna. +  +“olahlehi,.” “A thi ḓivhi, “a fhindula. “ Vhathu vha mmbidza Molahlehi, o xelaho.” +  + “Ṱuwani na riṋe ri ye muḓanani wa hashu,” o ralo munna. Ni vhonala ni tshi khou ṱoḓa zwiḽiwa zwavhuḓi na fhethu ha u awela.” +  +Molahlehi o ṱuwa na avho vhanna nahone a ṱanganedzwa nga muthu muṅwe na muṅwe muḓanani. Molahlehi o mbo ḓi zwi divha uri u ḓo fhedza o wana haya na khonani kha hoyu muḓana. O shuma nga maanḓa. O thusa muthu muṅwe n muṅwe we avha a tshi khou ṱoḓa thuso.  O vha e na vhuthu nahone o vha a tshi dzulela u amba maipfi avhuḓi. O vha a tshi funwa nga muthu muṅwe na muṅwe muḓanani uyu khathihi na nga khosi yo no kalahaho ye ya-vha i si na ṅwana wa mutukana. Musi khosi ya mukalaha yo dzama, vhathu vhoṱhe vha muḓanani vho luvhelela Molahlehi uri a vhe khosi yavho. Vho ita na munyanya muhulu nahone vhathu vha muḓanani vha fha khosi yavho dzina ḽiswa, Khosi Lebohang, zwine zwa amba “u livhuwa”. +  +Tshithu tsha u thoma tshe Khosi Vho-Lebohang vha ita, ho vha u rumela tshigwada tsha vhanna u ṱoḓa mufumakadzi we a vha tshi vha ita nga vhuthu vha tshe mutukana. Vhanna musi vha tshi vhuya, vho vhuya na mukegulu. O vha o tshuwa vhukuma a gwadama phanḓa ha khosi a tshi khou tetemela. Khosi yo mbo ḓi mu humbula na zwenezwo. Ya takuwa ya tshimbila i tshi ya khae. Khosi Vho-Lebohang vha gwadama vha  bvisa tshigoḓelo tshe vha vha vho fara. Vha tshi ṋea mufumakadzi. +  +Mukegulu vho mbo ḓi dzhia tshigoḓelo na hone vho tshuwa vha tshi vhona tsho ḓala nga musuku. Vho sedza  khosi. +  +“Molahlehi,” vho hevhedza. +  +“Ee,” khosi yo ralo. “Ndo vha fulufhedzisa uri ndi ḓo vha badela ḽiṅwe ḓuvha. Muthu muṅwe na muṅwe u tea u humbula phulufhedziso na hone muthu muṅwe na muṅwe u tea u livhuwa arali muṅwe muthu o mu ita nga vhuthu (o mu fara zwavhuḓi).",ven,Tshivenda,Tshigoḓelo tsha phuthu,"There was once a boy who had no family and no place to stay, so the people in the nearby village named him Molahlehi, which means “the lost one”. The boy did not mind the name they gave him because he was sure that one day he would have a home ...",,Tsho anetshelwa hafhu nga:Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tshigoḓelo-tsha-phuthu +salad-eight-colours,"It was Mom’s birthday. Neo had saved up his pocket money and bought her a box of chocolates. Dad had bought her a pair of beautiful pink earrings and Mbali had drawn a beautiful picture on a card. +  +“Thank you, my darlings,” Mom said, putting the earrings away safely in the jewellery box on her dressing table. “I have to hurry now or I’ll be late at the hairdresser. I’m having my hair done so I can look extra special for my party tonight.” +  +A little while later Gogo called Neo. “I’m busy making food for Mom’s birthday party,” she said. “Please watch Mbali for me.” +  +“Okay, Gogo,” said Neo. But he wasn’t really listening. He had a new book from the library all about two boys who sail the seas on a pirate ship. +  +“Neo,” called Gogo after a while, “what is Mbali doing?” +  +Neo jumped up. He had forgotten all about his little sister. Where was she? He could hear her singing to herself. She had Mom’s jewellery box open and she was wearing all Mom’s necklaces and rings and bracelets. + +  +“No, Mbali!” Neo said. “You’re not allowed to touch those.” +  +Mbali started crying, so Neo quickly packed away all the necklaces, rings and bracelets. Then he picked up his little sister and carried her to the kitchen. +  +Gogo was very busy. She was watching a pretty lady called Siba on the TV. Siba was making something called a seven colour salad. +  +“Why is it called a seven colour salad?” Neo asked. +  +“Look,” said Gogo, pointing to the ingredients on the table. “It’s got white rice, green peppers, red peppers, orange peppers, brown bacon and black pepper.” +  +“Red’s my favourite colour,” said Neo, nibbling on a piece of bacon. + +  +“Yellow’s mine,” said Gogo. +  +“And Bella loves green,” said Neo. +  +“Pink, pink,” said Mbali. +  +“But Gogo, that’s only six colours,” said Neo. +  +“Well, I’m going to add some curry powder,” said Gogo. “Mbali, what colour is curry powder?” +  +“Pink,” said Mbali. +  +Gogo and Neo laughed. +  +“Noooo,” Neo giggled, “it’s yellow.” +  +Soon the salad was finished. Gogo put it on the table and covered it with a cloth. “I’m quickly going next door to ask Mrs Mthembu if she can lend me a cup of sugar. Neo, you watch your sister. Make sure she doesn’t touch anything.” +  +“Bring all your teddies here,” Neo said to Mbali. “Then you can play with them while I read my book.” +  +Mbali trotted off to her bedroom and brought out all her teddies. Neo helped her line them up on the couch and cover them with a blanket so she could put them to sleep. Then he picked up his book and started to read again. +  +“La, la, la, la,” sang Mbali to her teddies. Neo turned the page. This book was so exciting. “La, la, la, la,” sang Mbali. +  +Suddenly Neo looked up. Mbali wasn’t singing anymore. Where was she? He checked all the rooms. There she was, in the kitchen, standing on one of the chairs. She was eating Gogo’s seven colour salad. + +  +“NO!” shouted Neo. “That’s for Mom’s party.” +  +Quickly he took a spoon and smoothed over the top of the salad and put the cloth back neatly. It looked as good as new. Eish! That was close. +  +By five o’clock everything was ready. Mom had got back from the salon and her hair looked beautiful. Neo had helped Dad light the fire for the braai and Gogo had bathed Mbali and dressed her in her prettiest party dress. +  +Suddenly there was a loud shriek from Neo’s parents’ bedroom, “My new earrings are gone!” +  +Neo hurried to the bedroom. Mom was nearly in tears. “I put them here,” she wailed. “I put them in my jewellery box just this morning, and now they’re gone! We must have had a burglary!” +  +“Oh dear,” said Neo. “Mbali was playing with your rings and necklaces this morning, but I put everything away neatly, I promise.” +  +“Mbali,” called Mom. “Come here.” +  +Mbali’s bottom lip began to trembled and she looked down at the ground. +  +“Where are my earrings?” asked Mom. Mbali started to cry. +  +“I told you to watch your sister, Neo,” said Gogo. “You know she’s not allowed to play with your Mom’s things.” +  +Neo felt terrible. He hung his head. “I’m really sorry, Mom,” he murmured. Now Mom’s birthday was spoilt and it was all his fault. +  +Wait! What was that he saw? There was something sparkly under the dressing table. Quickly Neo crawled under the dressing table and picked it up. “Here’s one of your earrings, Mom!” he called. +  +He looked everywhere for the other pink earring – under the dressing table, under the bed, in Mom’s drawer. He even checked Mbali’s bed and her doll’s pram, but he couldn’t find it anywhere. Mom was very sad – she couldn’t wear only one earring. +  +Just then the doorbell rang. Their friends had arriving for the party. Mom put on her old blue earrings and she put a smile on her face and went to say hello to everyone who had come to wish her a happy birthday. Dad put the sausage on the braai and soon everyone was laughing and talking. +  +Neo could see that Mom was still sad. “I wish I’d watched Mbali better,” he thought as he helped Gogo carry the salads outside to the big table. +  +“Let’s eat,” said Dad. “It all looks delicious. Thank you, Gogo for making such wonderful food.” +  +“She learnt how to make the seven colour salad from a lady on TV,” said Neo. “There’s white rice, and green and red and orange peppers, and brown bacon, and yellow curry powder, and black pepper in it.” +  +“Pink, pink,” called Mbali, banging the table with her spoon. “Pink, pink.” +  +“MMMM,” said Mom. “I can’t wait to try it.” +  +She scooped a big serving onto her plate and took a mouthful. Suddenly she stopped chewing. Her eyes grew big and round. Something was wrong! +  +“What’s the matter?” asked Dad. +  +“Don’t you like it?” Gogo asked. “Did I put too much curry powder in it?” +  +Mom put her hand into her mouth and pulled something out. “My earring!” she cried. “Here’s my lost earring.” + +  +“Pink,” said Mbali with a big smile. “Pink.” +  +“Mbali put your earring in the salad,” giggled Neo. “She was sad because the salad didn’t have her favourite colour in it.” +  +“I think tonight we will have to call it an eight colour salad,” smiled Gogo. +  +Everybody laughed, even Mbali who was holding Mom’s pink earring. +  +Get creative! +* With your children, look on the internet or in a cookbook for a recipe for something none of you has ever tried to make before. Together check what ingredients you will need and then read and follow the steps in the recipe. Or, create a new dish together by combining ingredients you have at home. Then write down the recipe so that you can make it again later or share it with others. +* What is your favourite colour? Play a guessing game together, where you tell everyone the names of objects you can think of that have your favourite colour in or on them. See how quickly everyone can guess the name of the colour! Let everyone have a turn to describe their favourite colour.",eng,English,A salad with eight colours,"It was Mom’s birthday. Neo had saved up his pocket money and bought her a box of chocolates. Dad had bought her a pair of beautiful pink earrings and Mbali had drawn a beautiful picture on a card. +  +“Thank you, my darlings,” Mom ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/salad-eight-colours +salad-eight-colours,"Dit is Mamma se verjaardag. Neo het sy sakgeld gespaar en vir haar ’n boks sjokolade gekoop. Pappa het vir haar ’n paar pragtige pienk oorbelle gekoop en Mbali het ’n pragtige prentjie op ’n kaartjie geteken. +  +“Dankie, my skattebolle,” sê Mamma en bêre die oorbelle veilig weg in die juwelekissie op haar spieëltafel. “Nou moet ek gou maak, of ek gaan laat wees vir die haarkapper. Ek gaan my hare laat doen sodat ek ekstra spesiaal lyk vir my partytjie vanaand.” +  +’n Rukkie later roep Gogo vir Neo. “Ek is besig om kos te maak vir Mamma se verjaardagpartytjie,” sê sy. “Sal jy asseblief vir Mbali oppas.” +  +“Reg so, Gogo,” sê Neo. Maar hy luister nie regtig nie. Hy het ’n nuwe boek by die biblioteek uitgeneem oor twee seuns wat op ’n seerowerboot op die see vaar. +  +“Neo,” roep Gogo na ’n rukkie, “wat doen Mbali?” +  +Neo spring op. Hy het heeltemal van sy kleinsussie vergeet. Waar is sy? Hy kan hoor hoe sy vir haarself sing. Sy het Mamma se juwelekissie oopgemaak en sy dra al Mamma se hangertjies en ringe en armbande. + +  +“Nee, Mbali!” sê Neo. “Jy mag nie daaraan raak nie.” +  +Mbali begin huil en Neo pak vinnig al die hangertjies, ringe en armbande weg. Toe tel hy sy kleinsussie op en dra haar kombuis toe. +  +Gogo is baie besig. Sy kyk na ’n baie mooi vrou met die naam Siba op die televisie. Siba maak iets wat sy ’n sewekleurslaai noem. +  +“Waarom word dit ’n sewekleurslaai genoem?” vra Neo. +  +“Kyk,” sê Gogo, en wys na die bestanddele op die tafel. “Die slaai bestaan uit witrys, groen soetrissies, rooi soetrissies, oranje soetrissies, bruin spek en swartpeper.” +  +“Rooi is my gunstelingkleur,” sê Neo, en knibbel aan ’n stukkie spek. + +  +“Myne is geel,” sê Gogo. +  +“En Bella hou van groen,” sê Neo. +  +“Pienk, pienk,” sê Mbali. +  +“Maar Gogo, daar’s net ses kleure,” sê Neo. +  +“Wel, ek gaan ’n bietjie kerriepoeier byvoeg,” sê Gogo. “Mbali, watter kleur is kerriepoeier?” +  +“Pienk,” sê Mbali. +  +Gogo en Neo lag. +  +“Neeee,” giggel Neo, “dis geel.” +  +Sommer gou is die slaai klaar. Gogo sit dit op die tafel en maak dit met ’n doek toe. “Ek gaan gou na die bure toe om vir mevrou Mthembu te vra of sy vir my ’n koppie suiker kan leen. Neo, kyk na jou suster. Maak seker sy raak aan niks nie.” +  +“Bring al jou teddies hierheen,” sê Neo vir Mbali. “Dan speel jy met hulle terwyl ek my boek lees.” +  +Mbali waggel na haar slaapkamer toe om al haar teddiebere te gaan haal. Neo help haar om hulle op die rusbank uit te pak en met ’n kombersie toe te maak sodat sy hulle aan die slaap kan maak. Toe tel hy sy boek op en begin weer lees. +  +“La, la, la, la,” sing Mbali vir haar teddies. Neo blaai om. Hierdie boek is so opwindend. “La, la, la, la,” sing Mbali. +  +Skielik kyk Neo op. Mbali sing nie meer nie. Waar is sy? Hy kyk in al die kamers. Daar is sy, in die kombuis, en sy staan op een van die stoele. Sy is besig om Gogo se sewekleurslaai te eet. + +  +“NEE!” skree Neo. “Dit is vir Mamma se partytjie.” +  +Hy vat gou-gou ’n lepel en maak die slaai gelyk bo-op en gooi weer die doek netjies oor. Dit lyk so goed soos nuut. Eish! Dit was amper. +  +Teen vyfuur is alles gereed. Mamma is terug van die haarkapper en haar hare lyk pragtig. Neo het vir Pappa gehelp om die braaivleisvuur aan te steek en Gogo het vir Mbali gebad en haar mooiste partytjierok vir haar aangetrek. +  +Skielik is daar ’n harde gil uit Neo se ouers se slaapkamer: “My nuwe oorbelle is weg!” +  +Neo hardloop na die slaapkamer toe. Mamma is byna in trane. “Ek het hulle hier gebêre,” sê sy. “Ek het hulle net vanoggend in my juwelekissie gebêre en nou is hulle weg! Iemand moes ingebreek het!” +  +“Agge nee,” sê Neo. “Mbali het vanoggend met jou ringe en hangertjies gespeel, maar ek het alles netjies weggepak, belowe.” +  +“Mbali,” roep Mamma. “Kom hier.” +  +Mbali se onderlippie begin bewe en sy kyk af. +  +“Waar’s my oorbelle?” vra Mamma. Mbali begin huil. +  +“Ek het vir jou gesê om jou suster op te pas, Neo,” sê Gogo. “Jy weet sy mag nie met jou ma se goed speel nie.” +  +Neo voel ellendig. Sy kop hang. “Ek is regtig jammer, Mamma,” mompel hy. Nou is Mamma se verjaardag bederf en dit is alles sy skuld. +  +Wag! Wat is dit wat hy sien? Daar blink iets onder die spieëltafel. Vinnig kruip Neo onder die spieëltafel in en tel dit op. “Hier’s een van jou oorbelle, Mamma!” roep hy. +  +Hy soek oral na die ander pienk oorbel – onder die spieëltafel, onder die bed, in Mamma se laai. Hy kyk selfs in Mbali se bed en in haar pop se stootwaentjie, maar hy kan dit nêrens kry nie. Mamma is baie hartseer – sy kan nie net een oorbel dra nie. +  +Net toe lui die deurklokkie. Hulle vriende is hier vir die partytjie. Mamma sit haar ou blou oorbelle aan en glimlag toe sy almal gaan groet wat haar ’n gelukkige verjaardag kom toewens. Pappa sit die wors op die rooster en sommer gou lag en gesels almal. +  +Neo kan sien Mamma is nog hartseer. “Ek wens ek het beter na Mbali gekyk,” dink hy terwyl hy vir Gogo help om die slaai na die groot tafel buite te dra. +  +“Kom ons eet,” sê Pappa. “Alles lyk heerlik. Dankie, Gogo, dat jy sulke heerlike kos gemaak het.” +  +“Sy het by ’n vrou op die TV geleer hoe om die sewekleurslaai te maak,” sê Neo. “Daar’s witrys, en groen en rooi en oranje soetrissies, en bruin spek en geel kerriepoeier en swartpeper in die slaai.” +  +“Pienk, pienk,” roep Mbali, en kap met haar lepel op die tafel. “Pienk, pienk.” +  +“MMMM,” sê Mamma. “Ek kan nie wag om dit te proe nie.” +  +Sy skep ’n groot lepel vol slaai in haar bord en neem ’n happie. Skielik hou sy op met kou. Haar oë rek groot. Iets is fout! +  +“Wat’s fout?” vra Pappa. +  +“Hou jy nie van die slaai nie?” vra Gogo. “Het ek te veel kerriepoeier ingegooi?” +  +Mamma sit haar hand in haar mond en haal iets uit. “My oorbel!” roep sy uit. “Hier’s my oorbel wat weg was.” + +  +“Pienk,” sê Mbali met ’n groot glimlag. “Pienk.” +  +“Mbali het jou oorbel in die slaai gesit,” giggel Neo. “Sy was hartseer omdat haar gunstelingkleur nie in die slaai was nie.” +  +“Ek dink vanaand moet ons dit ’n agtkleurslaai noem,” glimlag Gogo. +  +Almal lag, selfs Mbali, wat Mamma se pienk oorbel vashou. +  +Wees kreatief! +* Soek saam met jou kinders op die internet of in ’n resepteboek na ’n resep vir iets wat nie een van julle al ooit voorheen probeer maak het nie. Kyk saam watter bestanddele julle nodig het en lees en volg dan die stappe in die resep. Of maak saam ’n nuwe gereg deur bestanddele wat julle in die huis het, te kombineer. Skryf dan die resep neer sodat julle dit later weer kan maak of met ander kan deel. +* Wat is jou gunstelingkleur? Speel saam ’n raaispeletjie waar jy vir almal die name van voorwerpe met jou gunstelingkleur noem. Kyk hoe vinnig iemand die naam van die kleur kan raai! Laat almal ’n beurt kry om hul gunstelingkleur te beskryf.",afr,Afrikaans,’n Slaai met agt kleure,"It was Mom’s birthday. Neo had saved up his pocket money and bought her a box of chocolates. Dad had bought her a pair of beautiful pink earrings and Mbali had drawn a beautiful picture on a card. +  +“Thank you, my darlings,” Mom ...",,Deur Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/’n-slaai-met-agt-kleure +salad-eight-colours,"E be e le letšatši la Mma la matswalo. Neo o bolokile tšhelete ya gagwe yeo a e dirišago sekolong gomme a mo rekela ditšhokolete. Tate o mo reketše phere ya mangina a mapinki a mabotse mola Mbali yena a thadile seswantšho se sebotse karateng. +  +“Ke a leboga baratiwa ba ka,” a realo Mma, a boloka mangina ka lepokising la dibenyabenyane mo rakeng ya gagwe ya ka phapošiborobalelo. “Ke swanetše go itlhaganela gore ke se šalele go yo dira meriri. Ke ya go lokiša meriri ya ka gore ke bogege ke kgethegile kudu moletlwaneng wa ka wa lehono mantšiboa.” +  +Ka moragonyana Koko o ile a bitša Neo. “Ke gare ke lokiša dijo tša moletlwana wa Mma wa letšatši la matswalo,” a realo. “O ntlhokomelele Mbali hle.” +  +“Go lokile Koko,” a realo Neo. Efela o be a se a hlwaya tsebe. O be a na le puku ye mpsha go tšwa bokgobapukung ya go bolela ka bašemane ba babedi ba go sepela ka mawatleng ka sekepe sa lehoduwatle. +  +“Neo,” a realo Koko ka moragonyana, “Mbali o dira eng?” +  +Neo o ile a fofa. O be a lebetše ka ga ngwana wa gabo wa mosetsanyana. O ile kae? O be a mo kwa a ikopelela. O butše lepokisi la Mma la dibenyabenyane gomme a apere dipheta tša Mma tša melala ka moka, mangina le maseka. + +  +“Aowa, Mbali!” a realo Neo. “Ga wa dumelelwa go swara dilo tšeo.” +  +Mbali o ile a thoma go lla, gomme Neo a boloka dipheta tša melala ka moka, mangina le maseka. Ka morago o ile a kuka ngwana wa gabo wa mosetsanyana a ya le yena ka moraleng. +  +Koko o be a swaregile kudu. O be a lebeletše lekgarebe le lebotse Siba thelebišeneng. Siba o be a dira selo sa go bitšwa salate ya mebala ye seswai. +  +“Ke ka lebaka la eng e bitšwa salate ya mebala ye seswai?” Neo a botšiša. +  +“Lebelela,” a realo Koko, a šupa ditswaki tše di lego tafoleng. “E na le raese ye šweu, dipepere tše ditalamorogo, dipepere tše dihubedu, dipepere tša mmala wa namune, peikhone ye tsotho le pepere ye ntsho.” +  +“Ke rata mmala o mohubedu kudu,” a realo Neo, a ngwatha seripa sa peikhone. + +  +“Nna ke rata o moserolane,” a realo Koko. +  +“Gomme Bella o rata o motalamorogo,” a realo Neo. +  +“Pinki, pinki,” a realo Mbali. +  +“Efela Koko, mebala yeo ke e tshela fela,” a realo Neo. +  +“Ke tlilo tšhela lerole la khari,” a realo Koko. “Mbali, mmala wa lerole la khari ke ofe?” +  +“Pinki,” a realo Mbali. +  +Koko le Neo ba ile ba sega. +  +“Aowaaa,” Neo a sega, “ke le leserolane.” +  +Salate e ile ya fetša go dirwa ka pejana. Koko o ile a e bea tafoleng a e khupetša ka lešela. “Ke tla sepediša ka ya go baagišane go kgopela komiki ya swikiri go Moh. Mthembu. Neo, o hlokomele ngwana wa geno. O kgonthiše gore ga a sware selo.” +  +“Tliša mepopi ya gago ka moka fa,” Neo a laela Mbali. “O tla bapala ka yona ge nna ke bala puku.” +  +Mbali o ile a ya ka phapošiborabalelo ya gagwe a tšea mepopi ya gagwe ka moka. Neo o ile a mo thuša go e bea ka mothaladi sofeng gomme a e apeša kobo gore a e robatše. Ka morago o ile a tšea puku ya gagwe a thoma go e bala gape. +  +“La, la, la, la,” Mbali a opelela mepopi ya gagwe. Neo o ile a phetla letlakala. Puku ye e be e kgahliša. “La, la, la, la,” gwa opela Mbali. +  +Gateetee Neo a lebelela. Mbali o be a se sa opela. O ile kae? O ile a lebelela ka diphapošing tšohle. O ka moraleng, o eme setulong se sengwe. O be a eja salate ya Koko ya mebala ye šupa. + +  +“AOWA!” gwa goeletša Neo. “Ke ya moletlwana wa Mma.” +  +O ile a tšea lehwana ka lebelo a lekanetša salate ka godimo a e khupetša ka lešela gabotse. E be e ke e fetša go dirwa. Eish! Ke nyakile go ba kotsing. +  +Tšohle di be di lokile ka iri ya bohlano. Mma o be a boile saloneng gomme meriri ya gagwe e le botse kudu. Neo o thušitše Tate go gotša mollo woo go ona go tlo bešwago nama gomme Koko o hlapišitše Mbali a mo apeša roko ya moletlwana ya botse kudukudu. +  +Gateetee gwa kwagala lešata la go hlabeletša go tšwa phapošiboralelo ya batswadi ba Neo, “Mangina a ka a maswa a timeletše!” +  +Neo o ile a sepediša a ya ka phapošiborabalelo. Mma o be a nyaka go lla. “Ke a beile mo,” a goeletša. “Ke a beile ka lepokising la ka la dibenyabenyane mesong ya lehono, bjale a timeletše! Re swanetše go ba re tsenetšwe ke mahodu!” +  +“Ijoo, Mma,” a realo Neo. “Mbali o be a bapala ka mangina a gago le dipheta le maseka mesong ya lehono, efela ka a boloka, ke a go tshepiša.” +  +“Mbali,” a realo Mma. “Etla mo.” +  +Molomo wa Mbali wa ka tlase o ile wa thoma go thothomela gomme a lebelela tlase. +  +“Mangina a ka a kae?“ gwa botšiša Mma. Mbali o ile a thoma go lla. +  +“Ke go boditše gore o hlokomele ngwana wa geno, Neo,” a realo Koko. “O a tseba gore ga a dumelelwa go bapala ka dilo tša Mmago lena.” +  +Neo o ile a ikwa gampe. O ile a sekamiša hlogo. “Ke kgopela tshwarelo hle, Mma,” a ngunanguna. Gona bjale letšatši la matswalo a Mma le senyegile, gomme ke phošo ya gago. +  +Ema! O bone eng? Go na le selo sa go bekenya ka tlase ga raka ya ka phapošiborobalelo. Ka bjako Neo o ile a gagabela ka tlase ga raka ya ka phapošiborobalelo gomme a le topa. “Lengina la gago le lengwe ke le Mma!” a realo. +  +O ile a lebelela lengina le lengwe le lepinki gohle – ka tlase ga raka ya ka phapošiborobalelo, ka tlase ga mpete le ka laeking ya Mma. O lebeletše mo mpeteng wa Mbali le mo phoremeng ya mepopi ya gagwe, efela ga se a le bona. Mma o be a nyamile kudu – o be a ka se apare lengina le letee fela. +  +Ka nako yeo tšhipi ya lebati ya lla. Bagwera ba bona ba be ba fihla moletlwaneng. Mma o ile a apara mangina a gagwe a matalalerata a kgale gomme a apara myemyelo sefahlegong sa gagwe a ya go dumediša batho bohle bao ba tlilego go mo lakaletša gore letšatši la matswalo a gagwe e be le lebotse. Tate o ile a beša leboroso gomme gateetee ke ge bohle ba sega ba tšere magang. +  +Neo o be a bona gore Mma o sa nyamile. “Nkabe ke hlokometše Mbali bokaone,” a nagana a le gare a thuša Koko go rwalela disalate tafoleng ye kgolo ka ntle. +  +“A re jeng,” a realo Tate. “Ka moka di lebelelega di le bose. Ke a leboga Koko, ge o re diretše dijo tše di bose ka tsela ye.” +  +“O ithutile go dira salate ya mebala ye šupa ka go theeletša lekgarebe la ka thelebišeneng,” a realo Neo. “E dirilwe ka raese ye šweu le dipepere tše ditalamorogo le tše dihubedu le tša mmala wa namune, le peikhone ye tsotho le lerole la khari le leserolane le pepere ye ntsho.” +  +“Pinki, pinki,” a realo Mbali, a betha tafola ka lehwana la gagwe. “Pinki, pinki.” +  +“MMMM,” a realo Mma. “Ke fela pelo ya go kwa tatso ya yona.” +  +O ile a tšhela ye ntši ka poleiting ya gagwe a ja. Gateetee, a emiša go sohla. A tomola mahlo a dinkgokolo. Go be go na le phošo! +  +“Molato ke eng?” Tate a botšiša. +  +“Ga o e rate?” gwa botšiša Koko. “Kgane ke tšhetše lerole la khari le lentši?” +  +Mma a tsenya seatla ka molomong a ntšha selo se sengwe. “Lengina la ka!” a goeletša. “Lengina la ka la go timela ke le.” + +  +“Pinki,” a realo Mbali ka myemyelo. “Pinki.” +  +“Mbali o tsentše lengina la gago ka salateng,” gwa sega Neo. “O be a nyamišitšwe ke gore salate e be e se na mmala o mopinki.” +  +“Ke nagana gore mantšiboa a lehono re tla swanela go e bitša salate ya mebala ye seswai,” Koko a myemyela. +  +Bohle ba ile ba sega, le Mbali yo a bego a swere lengina la Mma le lepinki. +  +E ba le boitlhamelo! +* Wena le bana ba gago lebelelang motswako wa selo seo le sa kago la leka go se dira mo inthaneteng goba ka pukung ya tša kapeo. Mmogo lebelelang ditswaki tše le tla di hlokago gomme le bale le latele dikgato tša motswako. Goba, hlamang sejo se seswa mmogo ka go tswaka ditswaki tše le nago le tšona ka gae. Ge le fetša le ngwale motswako gore le tle le kgone go o dira gape le go o abelana le batho ba bangwe. +* Mmala wa gago wa mmamoratwa ke ofe? Bapalang papadi ya go akanya mmogo, fao mongwe le mongwe a bolelago maina a dilo tše a gopolago gore di na le mmala wa gagwe wa mmamoratwa go tšona. Lebelela ka fao mongwe le mongwe a akanyago leina la mmala ka gona! Dira gore yo mongwe le yo mongwe a be le sebaka sa go hlaloša mmala wa gagwe wa mmamoratwa.",nso,Sepedi,Salate ya mebala ye sesw,"It was Mom’s birthday. Neo had saved up his pocket money and bought her a box of chocolates. Dad had bought her a pair of beautiful pink earrings and Mbali had drawn a beautiful picture on a card. +  +“Thank you, my darlings,” Mom ...",,KaHelen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/salate-ya-mebala-ye-seswai +salad-eight-colours,"E ne e le letsatsi la Mme la tlhaho. Neo o ne a bolokile tjheletana ya hae ya ho ja sekolong yaba o mo rekela lebokoso la ditjhokolete ka yona. Ntate o ne a mo reketse masale a matle a pinki mme Mbali yena a takile setshwantsho se setle kareteng. +  +“Ke a leboha, baratuwa ba ka,” Mme a rialo, a kenya masale hantle ka hara lebokoso le hodima sepilikase sa hae. “E re ke phakise hoseng jwalo ke tla siuwa ke nako bakeng sa ho ya lokisa moriri. Ke batla ho lokisa moriri wa ka hore ke be motle ho feta moketjaneng wa ka kajeno mantsiboya.” +  +Ka mora nakwana e itseng Nkgono a bitsa Neo. “Ke ntse ke pheha dijo bakeng sa moketjana wa Mme,” a rialo. “Ke kopa o ntlhokomelle Mbali.” +  +“Ho lokile, Nkgono,” ha rialo Neo. Empa o ne a hlile a sa mamela. O ne a ena le buka e ntjha e tswang laeboraring e buang ka bashemane ba babedi ba tsamayang ka seketswana sa diphaerete lewatleng. +  +“Neo,” ha hoeletsa Nkgono ka mora nako e itseng, “Mbali o ntse a etsang?” +  +Neo a tona mahlo. O ne a lebetse hohang ka kgaitsedinyana ya hae. Ebe o kae? O ne a mo utlwa a ntse ipinela. O ne a butse lebokoso la Mme la mabenyane mme a rwetse difaha tsa Mme kaofela le direng le difaha tsa letsoho. + +  +“Tjhe bo, Mbali!” Neo a kgaruma. “Ha o a dumellwa ho tshwara ntho tseno.” +  +Mbali a qala ho lla, kapele Neo a phutha difaha le direng kaofela mme a di kgutlisetsa ka lebokosong. Yaba o kuka kgaitsedinyana ya hae a ya le yena ka kitjhineng. +  +Nkgono o ne a phathahane haholo. O ne a shebelletse mofumahatsana e motle ya bitswang Siba thelevisheneng. Siba o ne a etsa ntho e bitswang Salate ya Mebala e Supileng. +  +“Hobaneng e bitswa Salate ya Mebala e Supileng?” Neo a botsa. +  +“Sheba,” Nkgono a araba, a supile ditswakwa tse hodima tafole. “E na le reisi e tshweu, pepere e tala, pepere e kgubedu, pepere e tshehla le beikhone e sootho le pepere e ntsho.” +  +“Ke rata mmala o mofubedu haholo,” ha rialo Neo, a hlafuna sekotwana sa beikhono. + +  +“Nna ke rata o mosehla,” ha araba Nkgono. +  +“Mme Bella o rata o motala,” ha rialo Neo. +  +“Pinki, pinki!” ha rialo Mbali. +  +“Empa Nkgono, ke mebala e tsheletseng feela eo,” ha rialo Neo. +  +“Ho lokile, ke tlilo tshela kheri,” ha araba Nkgono. “Mbali, kheri e na le mmala o jwang?” +  +“Pinki,” ha araba Mbali. +  +Nkgono le Neo ba tsheha. +  +“Tjheee,” Neo a keketeha. “E tshehla.” +  +Kapele salate e ne e lokile. Nkgono a e beha hodima tafole mme a e kwahela ka lesela. “Ke sa ya ho moahisani ho ya botsa Mof Mthembu hore na a keke a kgona ho nkadima kopi ya tswekere. Neo, o hlokomele kgaitsedinyana ya hao. O mo shebe hore a se ke a tshwara eng kapa eng.” +  +“Tlisa dipopi tsa hao kaofela mona,” ha rialo Neo ho Mbali. “Jwale he o ka bapala ka tsona ha nna ke ntse ke bala buka ena ya ka.” +  +Mbali a phakisa ho ya kamoreng ya hae mme a kgutla le dipopi tsa hae kaofela. Neo a mo thusa ho di bea ka mola hodima sofa mme a di apesa kobo hore a tle a tsebe ho di robatsa. Yaba o nka buka ya hae mme a qala ho e bala hape. +  +“La la la la,” ke Mbali a binela dipopi tsa hae. Neo a phetla leqephe. Buka ena e ne e le monate. “La la la la,” ha bina Mbali. +  +Hanghang Neo a phahamisa mahlo. Mbali o ne a se a sa bine. O ne a le kae? Neo a sheba dikamoreng kaofela. A mo fumana ka kitjhineng ka mane, a eme hodima se seng sa ditulo. O ne a eja Salate ya Nkgono ya Mebala e Supileng. + +  +“TJHE!” Neo a kgaruma. “E etseditswe moketjana wa Mme.” +  +Kapele a nka kgaba mme a lokisa salate ka hodimo mona yaba o kgutlisetsa lesela hantle. E ne e shebahala e lokile jwaloka pele. Eish! Ho batlile ho senyeha. +  +Ka hora ya bohlano dintho tsohle di ne di se di lokile. Mme o ne a kgutlile saluneng mme moriri wa hae o le motle. Neo o ne a thusitse Ntate ho hotetsa mollo wa ho besa nama mme Nkgono o ne a hlapisitse Mbali mme a mo apesitse mose o motlehadi wa moketjana. +  +Hanghang ha utlwahala seboko se seholo ka kamoreng ya batswadi ba Neo, “Masale a ka a matjha a nyametse!” +  +Neo a mathela ka kamoreng. Mme o ne a batla ho lla. “Ke ne ke a beile mona,” a rialo a halefile. “Ke ne ke a kentse ka hara lebokoso la mabenyane hoseng hona hona, mme jwale ha a yo! Mohlomong ho kene leshodu tlung mona!” +  +“Jonna wee,” ha rialo Neo. “Mbali o ne a bapala ka direng le difaha tsa hao hoseng hona, empa ke ile ka kgutlisetsa dintho kaofela kamoo hantle, ke a o tshepisa.” +  +“Mbali,” Mme a mmitsa. “Tloo kwano.” +  +Molomo wa Mbali o ka tlase wa qala ho thothomela mme a sheba fatshe. +  +“Masale a ka a kae?” ha botsa Mme. Mbali a qala ho lla. +  +“Ke ne ke o jwetsitse hore o shebe ngwana wena Neo,” ha rialo Nkgono. “O a tseba hore ha a tshwanela ho bapala ka dintho tsa Mme wa hao.” +  +Neo a ikutlwa a swabile. A sheba fatshe ka tshwabo. “Ke maswabi haholo, Mme,” a honotha. Letsatsi la mme la tswalo le ne le senyehile mme e ne e le molato wa hae. +  +Butle! O ne a bone eng? Ho ne ho ena le ntho e benyang fatshe, ka tlasa sepilikase. Yaba o potlaka ho kgasetsa ka tlasa tafole mme a e thonaka. “Lesale le leng ke lena, Mme,” a hoeletsa. +  +Yaba o sheba hohle a batlana le lesale le leng le pinki – ka tlasa sepilikase, ka tlasa bethe, dilaeng tsa Mme. A ba a sheba le ka tlasa bethe ya Mbali le poremeng ya popi ya hae, empa ha ho moo a ileng a le fumana teng. +  +Mme o ne a hloname ruri – o ne a keke a rwala lesale le le leng feela. Ka yona nako eo tshepe ya monyako ya lla. E ne e le metswalle ya bona e tlileng moketjaneng, yaba Mme o rwala masale a hae a kgale a bolou mme a bososela a ya ho ya dumedisa batho bohle ba neng ba tlile ho tla mo lakaletsa Letsatsi le Monate la Tswalo. Ntate a bea boroso tulong e besetsang mollo mme e se kgale batho bohle ba ne ba tsheha ba qoqa +ha monate. +  +Neo o ne a bona hore Mme o ntse a utlwile bohloko. “Hoja ke ile ka sheba Mbali hantle,” a nahana jwalo ha a ntse a thusa Nkgono ho isa disalate ka ntle tafoleng e kgolo. +  +“Ha re jeng,” ha rialo Ntate. “Dijo tsena di shebeha di le monate. Re a leboha Nkgono ka ho pheha dijo tse monate tjena.” +  +“O ithutile ho etsa Salate ya Mebala e Supileng ho mme wa thelevisheneng,” ha rialo Neo. “Ho na le reisi e tshweu, dipepere tse tala le tse kgubedu le tse tshehla le beikhone e sootho le kheri e tshehla le pepere e ntsho ho yona moo.” +  +“Pinki, pinki,” ha hoeletsa Mbali, a otlaka tafole ka kgaba ya hae. “Pinki, pinki.” +  +“MMMM,” ha rialo Mme. “Ke se ke tatetse ho e latswa.” +  +A kga ka kgaba e kgolo a tshela sejaneng sa hae mme a ja. Hanghang a emisa ho hlafuna. A tona mahlo haholo. Ho na le ho phoso! +  +“Molato ke eng?” ha botsa Ntate. +  +“Ha o e rate?” Ha botsa Nkgono. “Na ke tshetse kheri e ngata haholo?” +  +Mme a kenya letsoho la hae ka hanong mme a ntsha ho hong. “Lesale la ka!” a hoeletsa. “Lesale la ka le lahlehileng ke lena.” + +  +“Pinki,” ha rialo Mbali a bososela haholo. “Pinki.” +  +“Mbali o kentse lesale la hao ka salateng,” ha keketeha Neo. “O ne a sa thabela taba ya hore ha ho na mmala oo a o ratang ka hara yona.” +  +“Ke nahana hore kajeno re tla e bitsa salate ya mebala e robedi.” Nkgono a bososela. +  +Bohle ba tsheha, esitana le Mbali ya neng a tshwere lesale la Mme le pinki. +  +Iqapele! +* Mmoho le bana ba hao, shebang inthaneteng kapa bukeng ya ho pheha bakeng sa resepe ya ntho eo le so kang le leka ho e pheha le kgale. Le le mmoho le shebe hore le tla hloka ditswakwa dife mme ebe le bala le ho latela mehato ya resepe eo. Kapa, etsang dijo tse ntjha mmoho ka ho kopanya ditswakwa tseo le nang le tsona lapeng. Jwale ebe le ngola resepe eo hore le tle le e phehe hape ha morao kapa le e abele batho ba bang. +* Ke mmala ofe oo o o ratang ka ho fetisisa? Bapalang papadi ya ho noha mmoho, moo o bolellang bohle mabitso a dintho tseo o ka nahanang ka tsona tse nang le mmala oo o o ratang ka ho fetisisa. Bona kamoo bohle ba nohang lebitso la mmala ka potlako ka teng! E re bohle ba fumane monyetla wa ho hlalosa mmala oo ba o ratang.",sot,Sesotho,Salate ya mebala e robed,"It was Mom’s birthday. Neo had saved up his pocket money and bought her a box of chocolates. Dad had bought her a pair of beautiful pink earrings and Mbali had drawn a beautiful picture on a card. +  +“Thank you, my darlings,” Mom ...",,Ka Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/salate-ya-mebala-e-robedi +salad-eight-colours,"Yayilusuku lesikhumbuzo sokuzalwa kukaMama. UNeo wayeyongile imalana yakhe ayiphiwayo waze wamthengela ibhokisi yeetshokolethi uMama. UTata yena wamthengela amacici amahle apinki waze uMbali yena wamzobela umfanekiso omhle ekhadini. +  +“Ndiyabulela kakhulu, zithandwa zam,” watsho uMama lo gama afaka amacici akhe ebhokisini yobucwebecwebe ephezu kwetafile ukuze akhuseleke, angalahleki. “Kufuneka ndikhawuleze ndihambe ngoku okanye ndiza kufika emva kwexesha kwindawo yokwenza iinwele. Ndiza kwenza iinwele zam ukuze ndikhangeleke ndimhle ngokwenene nangokugqibeleleyo kwitheko lam ngokuhlwa nje.” +  +Emzuzwini emva koko, uGogo wabiza uNeo. “Ndixakekile ndenza ukutya kwetheko lesikhumbuzo sokuzalwa kukaMama,” watsho. “Nceda undijongele uMbali.” +  +“Kulungile Gogo,” kwatsho uNeo. Kodwa wayevuma nje, kungekho nto ayivileyo. Wayenencwadi entsha ayiboleke kwithala leencwadi eyayibalisa ngamakhwenkwe amabini awayehamba ngenqanawe yabaphangi elwandle. +  +“Neo,” wakhwaza uGogo emva kwethutyana, “wenzani uMbali?” +  +UNeo waxhuma. Wayelibele shici ngodadewabo omncinane. Ingaba wayephi? Wayemva eziculela. Wayevule ibhokisi yobucwebecwebe kaMama kwaye wayenxiba onke loo maso nezo ntsimbi zomqala kunye nemisesane kwanezacholo zikamama. + +  +“Hayi, Mbali!” watsho uNeo. “Awuvumelekanga ukuba uphathe ezo zinto.” +  +UMbali waqalisa ukulila, ngoko ke uNeo wasebenza ngokukhawuleza, enqabisa zonke iintsimbi zomqala, imisesane kunye nezacholo zikaMama. Waza ke emva koko wafunqula udadewabo omncinane wamsa ekhitshini. +  +UGogo wayexakeke kakhulu. Wayebukele inenekazi elihle eligama linguSiba kumabonwakude. USiba lo wayesenza ukutya ekuthiwa yisaladi enemibala esixhenxe. +  +“Kutheni le nto kusithiwa yisaladi enemibala esixhenxe?” wabuza uNeo. +  +“Jonga,” watsho uGogo, esolatha izithako ezisetafileni. “Inerayisi emhlophe, ipepa eluhlaza, ipepa ebomvu, ipepa e-orenji kunye ne-bheyikhoni ebrawuni kunye nepepile emnyama.” +  +“Umbala obomvu ngowona mbala ndiwuthandayo,” watsho uNeo, ekrekretha isiqwengana sebheyikhoni. + +  +“Owam ngotyheli,” watsho ke yena uGogo. +  +“UBella ke yena uthanda oluhlaza,” watsho uNeo. ' +  +“Opinki, opinki,” watsho uMbali. +  +“Kodwa Gogo, yimibala emithandathu kuphela nje leyo,” watsho uNeo. +  +“Kaloku ndiza kugalela umgubo wekhari,” watsho uGogo. “Mbali, unjani umbala womgubo wekhari?” +  +“Upinki,” watsho uMbali. +  +UGogo noNeo bahleka. +  +“Hayiiii,” wagigitheka uNeo, “utyheli.” +  +Kungekudala, yagqitywa ukwenziwa isaladi. UGogo wayibeka etafileni waze wayigquma ngelaphu. “Ndisaya kucela ummelwane uNkosikazi Mthembu ukuba andiboleke ikomityi yeswekile. Neo, uze uncede ujonge udadewenu. Uze uqinisekise ukuba akaphathi nenye into apha.” +  +“Yiza nabo bonke oonodoli bakho apha,” watsho uNeo kuMbali. “Uza kudlala ngabo lo +gama mna ndisafunda incwadi yam.” +  +UMbali wankcunkca ukuya kwigumbi lakhe lokulala waza nabo bonke oonodoli bakhe. UNeo wamncedisa uMbali ukuba abakrozise esofeni aze abombathise ukuze abalalise. Emva koko uye wathatha incwadi yakhe waqalisa nokufunda. +  +“La-la, la-la,” wabaculela njalo uMbali oonodoli bakhe. UNeo watyhila iphepha. Incwadi le yayimnandi kakhulu. “La-la, la-la,” uqhubeke nokucula njalo uMbali. +  +Ngephanyazo uNeo waphakamisa amehlo. UMbali wayengasaculi. Ingaba uyephi? Wamkhangela kuwo onke amagumbi. Nankuya, ekhitshini, ekhwele kwesinye sezitulo. Wayesitya isaladi enemibala esixhenxe kaGogo. + +  +“HAYI!” wamngxolisa uNeo. “Loo saladi yeyetheko likaMama.” +  +Wakhawuleza wathatha icephe walungelelanisa umphezulu wesaladi waza waphinda wagquma kakuhle. Yakhangeleka kakuhle kwakhona ke ngoku. Thiza! Kuphantse konakala. +  +Ngentsimbi yesihlanu konke kwakusele kume ngendlela, konke kulungele ukuqalisa kwetheko. UMama wayesele ebuyile kwindawo yokwenza iinwele kwaye neenwele zakhe zazintle kakhulu. UNeo wancedisa uTata ekubaseni umlilo wokosa inyama waze noGogo wahlamba uMbali, wamnxibisa eyona lokhwe yakhe intle yetheko. +  +Ngephanyazo kwavakala isikhalo esibukhali esivela kwigumbi lokulala labazali bakaNeo, “Amacici am amatsha alahlekile!” +  +UNeo wakhawuleza waya kwigumbi lokulala labazali bakhe. UMama wayentywizisa iinyembezi. “Bendiwafake apha,” walila. “Bendiwafake kule bhokisi yam yobucwebecwebe kusasanje, ngoku awekho! Inokuba kuqhekeziwe!” +  +“Owu nkosi yam,” watsho uNeo. “UMbali ebedlala ngemisesane neentsimbi zomqala zakho kusasa nje, kodwa ndiye ndazibuyisela zonke kakuhle kwakhona, ndiyakuthembisa.” +  +“Mbali,” wakhwaza uMama. “Yiza apha.” +  +UMbali wabebezelisa umlebe wakhe ongezantsi waze wathokombisa intloko yakhe. +  +“Aphi amacici am?” wabuza uMama. UMbali waqalisa ukulila. +  +“Bendikuxelele ukuba uze umjonge udadewenu, Neo” watsho uGogo. “Uyazi ukuba akavumelekanga ukuba adlale ngezinto zikamama wakho.” +  +UNeo wayesiva kakubi kakhulu. Wayithokombisa intloko yakhe. “Ndicela uxolo olungazenzisiyo, Mama,” wangqumshela. Ngoku usuku lwakhe lwesikhumbuzo sokuzalwa lwalonakele kwaye yayilityala lakhe. +  +Yima! Yintoni leya ivele phaya? Kwakukho into emenyezelayo ekhaphethini, ngaphantsi kwetafile yokubeka izinto zokuthambisa. Ngokukhawuleza wakhasa wangena phantsi kwetafile wayichola. “Nali elinye lamacici akho, Mama!” wakhwaza. +  +Wakhangela kuyo yonke indawo ekhangela elinye icici elipinki – phantsi kwetafile yokubeka izinto zokuthambisa, phantsi kwebhedi, kwidrowa kaMama. Wade wayakukhangela nditsho nasebhedini kaMbali kunye nakwinqwelwana yoonodoli bakhe, kodwa zange alifumane naphi na elo cici. UMama wayelusizi kakhulu – wayengakwazi ukunxiba icici elinye kuphela. +  +Kanye ngelo xesha, kwavakala ukunkqonkqoza emnyango. Abahlobo babo babefika beze ethekweni. Kwanyanzeleka ukuba uMama anxibe amacici akhe amadala azuba wazama nokuncuma waza waya kubulisa wonke umntu owayeze kumnqwenelela iMini eMnandi. UTata wabeka isoseji emlilweni kwaze kwakamsinyane kwahlekwa kwancokolwa ngumntu wonke. +  +UNeo wayembona ukuba uMama uselusizi. “Akwaba bendimjonge ngcono ngokwenene uMbali,” wacinga njengokuba wayenceda uGogo emphathisa iisaladi ukuya kuzibeka etafileni enkulu phandle. +  +“Masityeni,” watsho uTata. “Konke kukhangeleka kumnandi. Enkosi Gogo ngokwenza ukutya okumnandi kangaka.” +  +“Ufunde ukwenza isaladi enemibala esixhenxe kwinenekazi ebelikumabonwakude,” watsho uNeo. “Kukho irayisi emhlophe, ipepa eluhlaza, ipepa ebomvu, ipepa e-orenji kunye nebheyikhoni ebrawuni nomgubo wekhari otyheli kunye nepepile emnyama. +  +“Nopinki, nopinki,” kwakhwaza uMbali, ebetha itafile ngecephe lakhe. “Nopinki, nopinki.” +  +“MHMHMH,” watsho uMama. “Andisakwazi kulinda ukuba ndide ndiyingcamle.” +  +Waziphakela kakhulu egalela epleyitini yakhe waze wakha icephe. Ngephanyazo wayeka ukuhlafuna. Wathi gqa amehlo amakhulu nangqukuva. Kwakukho okungalunganga! +  +“Yintoni?” wabuza uTata. +  +“Akuyithandi?” wabuza uGogo. “Ingaba ndigalele umgubo wekhari omninzi?” +  +UMama wafaka isandla emlonyeni wakhe waze watsala into ethile. “Icici lam” wakhwaza. “Nali icici lam ebelilahlekile.” + +  +“Upinki,” watsho uMbali ngolubanzi uncumo. “Upinki.” +  +“UMbali ufake icici lakho esaladini,” wagigitheka uNeo. “Ebelusizi kuba isaladi ibingenawo owona mbala awuthandayo.” +  +“Ndicinga ukuba ngokuhlwa nje kufuneka siyibize ngokuthi yisaladi enemibala esibhozo,” wancuma esitsho uGogo. +  +Wonke umntu wahleka, nditsho noMbali owayebambe icici elipinki likaMama. +  +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +* Ukunye nabantwana bakho, khangelani iresipi yokutya ekungekho nabani na kuni owakhe wazama ukukupheka ngaphambili kwi-intanethi okanye kwincwadi yokupheka. Ninonke khangelani ukuba zithini na izithako ezifunekayo ze ke nizifunde nilandela amanyathelo akwiresipi. Okanye, ninonke ningapheka ukutya eningazange nakutya ngaphambili ngokudibanisa izithako ezikhoyo apho ekhaya. Emva koko yibhaleni phantsi iresipi leyo ukuze nikwazi ukukupheka kwakhona nangenye imini oko kutya okanye nabelane nabanye ngayo. +* Ngowuphi owona mbala uwuthandayo? Dlalani uqashi-qashi nonke, apho uxelela wonke umntu amagama ezinto onokucinga ngazo nezinowona mbala uwuthandayo. Khangela ukuba bangawuqashela kamsinyane kangakanani na loo mbala! Wonke umntu makafumane ithuba lokuchaza owona mbala awuthandayo.",xho,isiXhosa,Isaladi enemibala esibhozo,"It was Mom’s birthday. Neo had saved up his pocket money and bought her a box of chocolates. Dad had bought her a pair of beautiful pink earrings and Mbali had drawn a beautiful picture on a card. +  +“Thank you, my darlings,” Mom ...",,Libali likaHelen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isaladi-enemibala-esibhozo +salad-eight-colours,"Kwakuwusuku lokuzalwa lukaMama. UNeo wayonge imali yakhe ayiphiwayo wase emthengela ibhokisi likashokoledi. UBaba wayemthengele amacici amahle aphinki, kanti uMbali yena wayedwebe isithombe esihle ekhadini. +  +“Ngiyabonga, zithandwa zami,” kusho uMama, ebeka amacici ngokuphepha ebhokisini lokugcina ubucwebe eliphezu kwe-dressing table yakhe. “Kumele ngiphuthume manje, uma ngingenzi njalo ngizofika ngemva kwesikhathi kozongicwala izinwele. Ngizocwala izinwele zami ukuze ngibukeke ngokukhethekile edilini lami lakusihlwa.” +  +Emva kwesikhashana uGogo wabiza uNeo. “Ngisapheka ukudla kwedili losuku lokuzalwa lukaMama,” kusho yena. “Ngicela ungibhekele uMbali.” +  +“Kulungile, Gogo,” kusho uNeo. Kodwa empeleni wayengamlalele ukuthi uthini. Wayenencwadi entsha evela emtatsheni wezincwadi emayelana nabafana ababili abahamba olwandle ngesikebhe sezigcwelegcwele zasolwandle. +  +“Neo,” kumemeza uGogo emva kwesikhashana, “wenzani uMbali?” +  +UNeo wagxuma. Wayesekhohlwe nya ngodadewabo omncane. Kazi ukuphi? Wayemuzwa eziculela nje. Wayephethe ibhokisi elivuliwe elinobucwebe bukaMama, futhi egqoke yonke imigexo kanye nezindandatho kanye namasongo asezihlakaleni kaMama. + +  +“Cha, Mbali!” kusho uNeo. “Awuvunyelwe ukuthi uthinte lezo zinto.” +  +UMbali waqala ukukhala, ngakho uNeo washesha wathatha yonke imigexo, izindandatho kanye namasongo wayokubeka. Wase equkula udadewabo omncane eya naye ekhishini. +  +UGogo wayematasatasa kakhulu. Wayebuka intokazi enhle ebizwa ngoSiba kumabonakude. USiba wayenza into ebizwa ngokuthi isaladi enemibala eyisikhombisa. +  +“Kungani ibizwa ngokuthi isaladi enemibala eyisikhombisa?” kubuza uNeo. +  +“Bheka la,” kusho uGogo, ekhomba izithako ezisetafuleni. “Inelayisi elimhlophe, ophepha abaluhlaza okotshani, ababomvu, abanombala osawolintshi, ubhekeni onsundu kanye nophepha omnyama.” +  +“Ngiyawuthanda umbala obomvu,” kusho uNeo, eluma ucezu lukabhekeni. + +  +“Mina ngithanda ophuzi,” kusho uGogo. +  +“Kanti uBella yena uthanda oluhlaza okotshani,” kusho uNeo. +  +“Phinki, phinki!” kusho uMbali. +  +“Kodwa Gogo, kunemibala eyisithupha kuphela,” kusho uNeo. +  +“Empeleni, ngizothela nokhali,” kusho uGogo. “Mbali, uwumbala muni ukhali?” +  +“UPhinki,” kusho uMbali. +  +UGogo noNeo bahleka. +  +“Cha-a-a-a,” kugigitheka uNeo, “uphuzi.” +  +Ngokushesha yase iphelile ukwenziwa isaladi. UGogo wayibeka etafuleni wase eyimboza ngendwangu. “Ngisaya la kwamakhelwane ngiyocela uMama uMthembu ukuthi anginanele inkomoshi kashukela. Neo, ubheke udadewenu. Uqinisekise ukuthi akathinti lutho.” +  +“Letha la bonke othedi bakho,” kusho uNeo kuMbali. “Uzokwazi ukudlala ngabo ngenkathi ngifunda incwadi yami.” +  +UMbali wahamba waya egumbini lakhe wase ebuya nabo bonke othedi bakhe. UNeo wamsiza ukubaklelisa kusofa nokubambathisa ingubo ukuze abalalise. Wase ethatha incwadi yakhe waqala ukufunda futhi. +  +“La, la, la, la,” uMbali eculela othedi. UNeo waphenya ikhasi. Le ncwadi yayihlaba umxhwele kakhulu. “La, la, la, la,” kucula uMbali. +  +Kusenjalo uNeo waphakamisa amehlo. UMbali wayengasaculi. Ngabe uphi? Wambheka kuwo wonke amagumbi. Nanguya, ekhishini, eme phezu kwesinye sezitulo. Wayedla isaladi kaGogo enemibala eyisikhombisa. + +  +“KAHLE BO!” kumemeza uNeo. “Eyedili likaMama!” +  +Washesha wathatha isipuni walungisa kahle ingaphezulu lesaladi wase ebuyisela indwangu ngobunono. Yayibukeka isafana neyayisanda kwenziwa. Hawu! Cishe konakala. +  +Konke kwase kumi ngomumo ngehora lesihlanu. UMama wayesebuyile esaluni futhi nezinwele zakhe zazibukeka zizinhle. UNeo wayesize uBaba ukuthi abase umlilo wezoso, kanti uGogo yena wayegeze uMbali wase emgqokisa ingubo yakhe yedili enhle kakhulu. +  +Kusenjalo kwaqhuma isililo egumbini lokulala labazali bakaNeo, “Alahlekile amacici ami amasha!” +  +UNeo waphuthuma egumbini lokulala. UMama wayehlengezela izinyembezi. “Ngiwabeke la,” kukhala yena. “Ngiwafake ebhokisini lobucwebe namhlanje ekuseni, manje aselahlekile! Kungenzeka ukuthi sigqekezelwe!” +  +“Awu nkosi yami,” kusho uNeo. “UMbali ubedlala ngamacici kanye nemigexo yakho namhlanje ekuseni, kodwa ngibuyisele kahle yonke into, ngiqinisile.” +  +“Mbali,” kumemeza uMama. “Woza la.” +  +Lwaqala ukuvevezela udebe olungezansi lomlomo kaMbali, wase eqala ukubheka phansi. +  +“Aphi amacici ami?” kubuza uMama. UMbali waqala ukukhala. +  +“Ngikutshelile ukuthi ubheke udadewenu, Neo,” kusho uGogo. “Uyazi ukuthi akumele adlale ngezinto zikaMama wakho.” +  +UNeo waphatheka kabi. Wagebisa ikhanda lakhe. “Ngiyaxolisa kakhulu, Mama,” engundaza. Manje kwase konakele usuku lokuzalwa lukaMama wakhe futhi lokhu kwakube yiphutha lakhe. +  +Yimani bo! Yini le ayeyibona? Kwakukhona into eyayikhazimula ngaphansi kwedressing table. Ngokushesha uNeo wakhasa ngaphansi kwe-dressing table wase eyicosha. “Nali elinye lamacici akho, Mama!” kumemeza yena. +  +Walibheka yonke indawo elinye icici eliphinki – ngaphansi kwe-dressing table, ngaphansi kombhede, ediloweni likaMama. Wabheka nasembhedeni kaMbali kanye nasenqoleni yokuqhuba unodoli wakhe, kodwa akazange alithole ndawo. Umama wayekhathazeke kakhulu – wayengakwazi ukugqoka icici elilodwa. +  +Kusenjalo kwezwakala kukhala insimbi yasemnyango. Abangani babo base befikile beze edilini. UMama wafaka amacici akhe amadala aluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka, wase emamatheka wayobingelela bonke abantu ababezomfisela usuku oluhle lokuzalwa. UBaba wosa amasosishi kanti emva kwesikhashana nje wonke umuntu wayesehleka, exoxa. +  +UNeo wabona ukuthi uMama wakhe wayesadangele. “Ngifisa sengathi ngabe bengimbheke kangcono uMbali,” kucabanga yena ngesikhathi esiza uGogo ukuqukula isaladi iye etafuleni elikhulu ngaphandle. +  +“Masidleni-ke,” kusho uBaba. “Ibukeka imnandi. Siyabonga, Gogo ngokwenza ukudla okumnandi kanje.” +  +“Ufunde ukwenza isaladi enemibala eyisikhombisa entokazini ekumabonakude,” kusho uNeo. “Naliya ilayisi elimhlophe, nophepha abaluhlaza okotshani, nababomvu, nabanombala osawolintshi, nobhekeni onsundu, nokhali ophuzi, kanye nophepha omnyama kuyo.” +  +“Ophinki, ophinki!” kumemeza uMbali, eshaya itafula ngesipuni sakhe. “Ophinki, ophinki!” +  +“MMMM,” kusho uMama. “Angisakwazi ukuzibamba.” +  +Waphakela isaladi eningi epuletini lakhe wase ekha umthamo ogcwele. Kusenjalo wayeka ukuhlafuna. Wavula amehlo kakhulu aba yizimbulunga. Kukhona okwakungahambi kahle! +  +“Kwenzenjani?” kubuza uBaba. +  +“Ngabe awuyithandi yini?” kubuza uGogo. “Ngabe ngithele ukhali omningi kakhulu kuyo?” +  +UMama wafaka isandla sakhe emlonyeni wase edonsa okuthile. “Icici lami!” kumemeza yena. “Nali icici lami ebelilahlekile.” + +  +“Phinki,” kusho uMbali emamatheke kakhulu. “Phinki!” +  +“UMbali ufake icici lakho kusaladi,” kugigitheka uNeo. “Ubephatheke kabi ngoba isaladi beyingenawo umbala wakhe awuthandayo.” +  +“Ngicabanga ukuthi kusihlwa kumele siyibize ngesaladi enemibala eyisishiyagalombili,” kumamatheka uGogo. +  +Kwahleka wonke umuntu, kuhlanganisa noMbali owayephethe icici likaMama eliphinki. +  +Veza ubuciko bakho! +* Wena unezingane zakho, bhekani ku-inthanethi noma ebhukwini lokupheka ukuze nithole amaresiphi ento okungekho kini oke wazama ukuyenza ngaphambilini. Nindawonye, bhekani ukuthi yiziphi izithako enizozidinga bese nifunda futhi nilandele imiyalelo ekuresiphi. Noma-ke nizenzele uhlobo lokudla okusha ndawonye ngokuhlanganisa izithako eninazo ekhaya. Bese nibhala phansi iresiphi ukuze niyisebenzise futhi kamuva noma nabelane ngayo nabanye. +* Yimuphi umbala wakho owuthandayo? Dlalani umdlalo wokuqagela nindawonye, lapho utshela khona wonke umuntu amagama ezinto ongazicabanga ezinombala owuthandayo kuzo. Bheka ukuthi wonke umuntu ushesha kanjani ukuqagela igama lombala! Nikeza wonke umuntu ithuba lokuchaza umbala awuthandayo.",zul,isiZulu,Isaladi enemibala eyisishiyagalom,"It was Mom’s birthday. Neo had saved up his pocket money and bought her a box of chocolates. Dad had bought her a pair of beautiful pink earrings and Mbali had drawn a beautiful picture on a card. +  +“Thank you, my darlings,” Mom ...",,NguHelen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isaladi-enemibala-eyisishiyagalombili +salad-eight-colours,"Ḽo vha ḽi ḓuvha ḽa mmawe ḽa mabebo. Neo o vha o vha rengela bogisi ḽa tshokoḽeithi nga tshelede yawe ye a vhulunga  ya uḽa tshikoloni. Baba vhone vho vha vho vha rengala zwiṅina zwa pinki ngeno Mbali o ola tshifanyiso tsha u naka kha garaṱa.  +  +“Ndo livhuwa, vhafunwa vhanga,” Mmawe vho ralo, vha tshi khou vhea zwiṅina fhethu ho tsireledzeaho kha bogisi ḽa u vhea dzhuweḽe ḽi re kha raga ya u ambarela. “Ndi khou fanela u ṱavhanya zwa sa ralo ndi ḓo lenga u ya ha muiti wa mavhudzi. Ndi khou ya u nakisa mavhudzi anga uri ndi vhonale ndi wa ndeme vhukuma phathini yanga madekwana. +  +Nga murahu ha tshifhinga nyana Makhulu vho vhidza Neo. “Ndi khou bika zwiḽiwa zwa phathi ya mabebo ya Mmawe,” vho ralo. “Ndi khou humbela uri ni nṱhogomelele Mbali.” +  +“Zwo luga, Makhulu, Neo o ralo. Fhedzi o vha a sa khou thetshelesa. O vha e na bugu ntswa u bva ḽaiburari i no khou amba nga vhatukana vhavhili vhane vha tshimbila lwanzheni nga tshikepe tsha mavemu. +  +“Neo”, ho vhidzelela makhulu nga murahu ha tshifhinga nyana, “Mbali u khou ita mini?” +  +Neo o mbo ḓi fhufhela nṱha. O vha o hangwa zwoṱhe nga ha khaladzi awe muṱuku. A nga vha a ngafhi? O vha a tshi khou mu pfa a tshi khou ḓi imbelela. O vha o vula bogisi ḽa mmawe ḽa dzinekiḽeisi na dzirinngi na dzibureisiḽethe. + +  + “Hai Mbali!” Neo o ralo. “A no ngo tendelwa u fara hezwo zwithu. +  +Mbali o mbo ḓi thoma u lila, ngauralo Neo o mbo ḓi paka na u vhea kule dzinekiḽeisi, dzirinngi na dzibureisiḽethe dzoṱhe. O mbo ḓi takula ṅwana wa hawe a ṱuwa nae khishini. +  +Makhulu vho vha vha tshi khou shuma nga maanḓa. Vho vha vha tshi khou vhona muṅwe mufumakadzi wa lunako a no vhidzwa Siba kha TV. Siba o vha a tshi khou ita tshiṅwe tshithu tshi no vhidzwa saḽadi ya mivhala ya sumbe. +  + “Ndi ngani i tshi vhidzwa saḽadi ya mivhala ya sumbe?”Ho vhudzisa Neo. +  + “Sedzani,” Vho ralo Makhulu, vha tshi khou sumba thimbanywa kha ṱafula. “I na raisi tshena, phepha dala, phepha tsuku, phepha ya muvhala wa swiri, bekhoni ya buraweni na phepha ntswu.” +  + “Ndi funesa muvhala mutswuku”, Neo o ralo. + +  +“ “Ndi funesa muvhala tshitopana”, Gogo vho ralo. +  +. “Ngeno Bella a tshi funesa muvhala mudala”, Neo o ralo. +  +. “Pinki. Pinki,” Mbali o ralo. +  +“Fhedzi Makhulu, mivhala ndi rathi fhedzi,” Neo o ralo. +  + “Ee, ndi khou ya u engedza luvhanda lwa khere, Makhulu vho ralo. “ Mbali, khere i na muvhala ufhio? +  + “Pinki,” Mbali o ralo. +  +Makhulu na Neo vho mbo ḓi sea. +  + “Haai”, Neo o ṅwethuwa, “ndi tshitopi.” +  +Saḽadi yo ḓo fhedza u itiwa nga murahu ha tshifhinga nyana. Makhulu vho mbo ḓi i vhea kha ṱafula vha i tiba nga labi. “Ndi khou gidimela ha muhura Vho Mthembu u humbela arali vha tshi nga nkhadzima khaphu ya swigiri. Neo, ṱhogomelani ṅwana wa haṋu. Ni ṱhogomele uri a si fare na tshithu na tshithihi.” +“Ḓisani mipopi yaṋu yoṱhe hafha” Neo o ralo kha Mbali. “Ni ḓo i tambisa musi ndi tshi khou vhala bugu yanga.” +  +Mbali o mbo ḓi gidimela kamarani yawe ya u eḓela a dzhia mipopi yawe yoṱhe. Neo o mu thusa u i tembisa sofani na u i fukedza nga nguvho uri a i eḓedze. O mbo ḓi dzhia bugu yawe a thoma u vhala. +  + “La, la, la, la,” Mbali o vha a tshi khou imbela mipopi yawe. Neo o vula siaṱari. Bugu yo vha i tshi khou takadzesa. “La, la, la, la,” Mbali o vha a tshi khou imbilela. +  +Neo o sedza nṱha nga u ṱavhanyedza. Mbali o vha a sa tsha imbelela. O no vha ngafhi? O sedza kamarani dzoṱhe. O mbo ḓi mu wana khishini, o ima nṱha ha tshiṅwe  tsha zwidulo. O vha a tshi khou ḽa saḽadi ya Gogo ya mivhala ya sumbe. + + “HAI!” Neo o huwelela. “Ndi ya phathi ya mmawe.” +  +O mbo ḓi dzhia lebula a swaledzela saḽadi nga nṱha a dovha a tiba zwavhuḓi. I vhonala sa ntswa. Eish! Ndo ṱoḓou vha khomboni. +Nga awara ya vhuṱanu tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tsho vha tsho no luga. Mmawe vho vha vho no vhuya saḽuni nahone mavhudzi avho o vha o naka. Neo o ḓo thusa khotsi awe u vhasa mulilo wa burai ngeno makhulu vho ṱanzwa Mbali na u mu ambadza rokho yawe ya vhuḓisa ya phathi. +  +Ho mbo ḓi pfala mukosi u bva kamarani ya u eḓela ya vhabebi vha Neo. “Zwiṅina zwanga zwiswa zwo ngalangala!” +  +Neo o mbo ḓi gidimela kamarani. Mmawe vho vha vha tshi khou ṱoḓa u lila. “Ndo zwi vhea hafha, vho vha vha tshi khou tswimila. “Ndo zwi vhea kha bogisi ḽa dzhuweḽe matsheloni. Zwino a zwiho! Ri nga vha ro tsweliwa!” +  +“Hai mmawe,” Neo o ralo. “Mbali o vha a tshi khou tambisa dzi rinngi na dzi nekiḽesi matsheloni, fhedzi ndo vhea tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe zwavhuḓi, ndi a fulufhedzisa.” +  + “Mbali,” ho vhidzelela mmawe. “I ḓani hafha.” +  +Meme ya mulomo wa Mbali ya fhasi yo mbo ḓi thoma u tetemela nahone a sedza fhasi. +  +“Zwiṅina zwanga zwi ngafhi?” ho vhudzisa Mmawe. Mbali o mbo ḓi thoma u lila. +“Ndo ni vhudza uri ni ṱhogomele ṅwana, Neo,” Makhulu vho ralo. Ni a zwi ḓivha uri hongo tea u tambisa zwithu zwa mme aṋu.” +  +Neo o vhaisala vhukuma muyani. Ombo ḓi dzengamisa ṱhoho. “Ndi khou humbela pfarelo, Mmawe,” o vha a tshi khou tou ṅuṅuna. Ḓuvha ḽa mabebo ḽa mmawe ḽo tshinyala nga mulandu wanga. +  +O vhona mini? Ho vha hu na tshithu tshi no khou penya penya fhasi ha raga ya u ambarela. Neo o mbo ḓi kokovha nga fhasi ha raga ya u ambarela a tshi doba. “Tshiṅina tshavho khetshi, mmawe!” +O sedza tshiṅina tsha pinki tshiṅwe hoṱhe- fhasi ha raga ya u ambarela, fhasi ha mmbete na kha ḓirowara ya mmawe. O sedza na kha mmbete wa Mbali na kha phureme ya mipopi yawe, fhedzi a si tshi wane fhethu. Mmawe vho vha vho vhaisala vhukuma- vho vha vha si nga si ambare tshiṅina tshithihi fhedzi. +Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga bele ya vothini yo mbo ḓi lila. Khonani dzavho dzo vha dzo no mbo ḓi swika phathini. Mmawe vho mbo ḓi ambara zwiṅina zwavho zwa kale zwa muvhala wa lutombo vha sumba u takala tshifhaṱuwoni, vha ya vha lumelisa muthu muṅwe na muṅwe o ḓaho u vha tamela ḓuvha ḽavhuḓi ḽa mabebo. Baba vho mbo ḓi gotsha vorosi hu si kale  muṅwe na muṅwe o vha a tshi vho amba na u sea. +  +Neo o vha a tshi khou zwi vhona uri mmawe vha kha ḓi vha vho vhaisala. “Ndi tama arali ndo vha ndo ṱhogomela Mbali zwavhuḓi,” O vha a tshi khou humbula ngauralo musi a tshi khou thusa Makhulu u isa saḽadi ṱafulani khulwane i re nnḓa. +  + “Kha ri ḽe,” Baba vho ralo. “I vhonala i tshi ḓifha. Ri a livhuwa, Makhulu vho ita zwiḽiwa zwavhuḓi ngaurali.” +  + “Vho guda u ita saḽadi ya mivhala ya sumbe kha muṅwe mufumakadzi kha thelevishini. Neo o ralo. “Hu na raisi tshena, na phepha dala na tswuku, na ya muvhala wa swiri, na bekhoni ya buraweni, luvhanda lwa ṱaḓa lwa khere, na phepha ntswu nga ngomu.” +  + “Pinki, pinki, Mbali ombo ḓi huwelela, a tshi khou mbombonya ṱafula nga lebula yawe. +  +“MMMM,” vho ralo mme. “A thi koni u lindela uri ndi i thetshele.” +  +Vho mbo ḓi avhela tshipiḓa tshihulwane tsha saḽadi kha phulethi yavho vha i panga mulomoni, mulomo wa ḓala. Vha mbo ḓi ima u ṱafuna nga u ṱavhanya. Maṱo avho o mbo ḓi rondolowa. Hu na tshithu tsho khakheaho! +  + “ Ndi mini?” Ho vhudzisa Khotsi. +  + “A vha i funi?” Makhulu vho vhudzisa. “Ndo i shelasa luvhanda lwa khere?” +  +Mmawe vho mbo ḓi panga tshanḓa mulomoni vha bvisa tshiṅwe tshithu. “Tshiṅina tshanga!”. Tshiṅina tshanga tsho xelaho khetshi.” + +  + “Pinki,” Mbali o ralo a tshi khou sea zwihulu. “Pinki.” +  + “Mbali o dzenisa tshiṅina tshavho kha saḽadi, hu ṅwethuwa Neo. O vha o vhaisala ngauri saḽadi yo vha i si na muvhala une a u funesa.” +  + “ Madekwana ano ndi vhona uri ri i vhidze  saḽadi ya mivhala ya malo,” Makhulu vho setshelela. +  +Muṅwe na muṅwe o mbo ḓi fa nga zwiseo, khathihi na Mbali we a vha o fara tshiṅina tsha Mmawe tsha pinki.",ven,Tshivenda,Saḽadi ya mivhala ya malo,"It was Mom’s birthday. Neo had saved up his pocket money and bought her a box of chocolates. Dad had bought her a pair of beautiful pink earrings and Mbali had drawn a beautiful picture on a card. +  +“Thank you, my darlings,” Mom ...",,Nga: Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/saḽadi-ya-mivhala-ya-malo +koketsos-party-shoes,"""Ow! Ow! Ow!” said Koketso. +Granny was busy at the stove and didn’t even turn around. “What is it, Koketso?” she asked. +“OWW! OWW! OWW!” shouted Koketso. “My feet hurt. My shoes are too small.” +Granny turned and looked at her. “I can’t believe that, Koketso. Those shoes are almost new. Your feet can’t have grown so much, so quickly.” +“Oh, Granny,” said Koketso, “maybe they wouldn’t hurt so much if they weren’t so brown and ugly. Maybe if they were soft, pretty shoes with sparkles and a ribbon, then they would fit me nicely.” + +Granny turned back to stir her pot. “Maybe,” she said. +“Please, Granny,” said Koketso. “I can’t wear these ugly brown shoes to the party tomorrow.” +“I see,” said Granny, slicing the onions. +Koketso pulled her shoes off, then she went outside and had a little cry. +Old Uncle Koos came past with his shopping trolley. “What’s the matter, Koketso?” he asked. +“I’m going to my best friend’s birthday party tomorrow,” said Koketso, “and I don’t have any pretty shoes to wear.” +So Uncle Koos looked through all the stuff in his trolley, but all he could find was a pair of old takkies with holes in them. +“Sorry,” he said. “I can’t help you, Koketso.” +“Thank you for trying,” sniffed Koketso. +Then the rubbish truck came by and stopped outside the house. +“Why the tears, Koketso?” asked the driver. +“I need some party shoes,” said Koketso, “and I don’t know where to find some.” +“Shame,” said the driver. “All the shoes in my truck are mixed up with the rubbish. But I often see shoes in the rubbish bins – there must be a lot of people around here with shoes they don’t want. Why don’t you ask your friends?” +Koketso thought that was a very good idea. So she went to see her friend, Mrs Salmon. +“Hello!” she called out. “Mrs Salmon, I need some party shoes. Do you have any party shoes for me?” +Mrs Salmon came to the door holding a pair of shoes. “Here, Koketso,” she said, “you can have these, but I’m afraid one of the heels is a bit loose.” +The shoes were pretty and sparkly and Koketso thought they were beautiful. “Thank you, Mrs Salmon!” she said. Koketso put the shoes on and did a little dance. But the loose heel wobbled a lot. Clack! it went as Koketso walked down the road, clackety-clack! +“Oh no,” said Koketso, “I can’t go to a party in clackety shoes!” So she gave the shoes back to Mrs Salmon and thanked her for trying to help. +“Why don’t you ask your cousin Pinky for some shoes?” suggested Mrs Salmon. +So Koketso did. “Hello!” she called out at Pinky’s house. “Pinky, I need some party shoes. Have you got any party shoes for me?” +Pinky went to look in her cupboard. “Here you are, you can have these,” she said to Koketso. The shoes had little red hearts all over them and each one had a big white bow. Koketso was very happy. +“Thank you, Pinky!” she said. She put the shoes on and did a little dance. The shoes were beautiful, but they did pinch her toes terribly. +“Ouch,” said Koketso. “I can’t go to a party in pinchy shoes.” So she gave the shoes back to Pinky and thanked her for trying to help. +“Why don’t you ask Auntie Shirley for some shoes?” suggested Pinky. +So Koketso did. But Auntie Shirley’s shoes were so big that she had to shuffle to keep them on – shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, shuffle. So Koketso had to give them back. +Koketso went to see everyone she knew. And wherever she went, her friends gave her shoes to try on. +But none of them was quite right. Pumla’s shoes were so old that Koketso’s toes poked out and the soles flapped – flap flappity-flap. Mama Maloyi’s shoes had such high heels that Koketso kept falling off them and twisting her ankles. Old Mrs Naidoo’s shoes were almost perfect, but they had a horrible squeak. Squeak squeakety-squeak. Koketso just couldn’t find the party shoes she was looking for, so she went home. +She found Granny in the kitchen. “Oh, Granny,” Koketso said sadly, “I’ve been all over and tried and tried, but NOBODY has party shoes for me!” +“And what’s wrong with those?” said Granny, pointing at a pair of shoes on the table. +Koketso looked. The shoes were sparkly with pink ribbons. +Koketso put them on and danced and twirled around the kitchen. The shoes felt just right on her feet and they didn��t clack or shuffle or flap or squeak. “I love them, Granny,” she said. “Where did you find them?” + +“They are your brown-and-ugly shoes,” said Granny. “While you were out a fairy came by and made them beautiful.” +Koketso looked at the table and smiled. “Hau, Granny, that fairy was you!” she said. “I can see your workbasket … and some glue … and some glitter! I know it was you!” +Granny just chuckled. +“I love you, Granny,” said Koketso as she hugged her around the waist. +“And I love you, Koketso,” said her granny. “I hope those shoes fit you better now.” +“Oh yes,” said Koketso, “they fit perfectly!” +  +Get creative! +Give your children paper and crayons/pencil crayons. Suggest that they draw a picture of a pair of shoes that they would like to wear on a special occasion.",eng,English,Koketso's party shoes,"""Ow! Ow! Ow!” said Koketso. +Granny was busy at the stove and didn’t even turn around. “What is it, Koketso?” she asked. +“OWW! OWW! OWW!” shouted Koketso. “My feet hurt. My shoes are too small.” +Granny turned and ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud  to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/koketsos-party-shoes +koketsos-party-shoes,"“Au! Au! Eina!” kla Koketso. +Ouma is voor die stoof doenig en kyk nie eens om nie. “Wat’s fout, Koketso?” vra sy. +“AU! AU! EINAA!” roep Koketso. “My voete is seer. My skoene knyp my.” +Ouma draai om en kyk na haar. “Ek kan dit nie glo nie, Koketso. Daardie skoene is byna splinternuut. Jou voete kon nie so vinnig gegroei het nie.” +“O, Ouma,” sê Koketso, “dalk sou hulle my nie so geknyp het as hulle nie so bruin en lelik was nie. Dalk sou hulle my perfek gepas het as hulle sagte, mooi skoene met blinkertjies en strikkies was.” + +Ouma draai om en roer weer in die pot. “Dalk,” sê sy. +“Asseblief, Ouma,” sê Koketso. “Ek kan nie hierdie lelike bruin skoene môre na die partytjie toe aantrek nie.” +“Ek sien,” sê Ouma, en sny die uie. +Koketso trek haar skoene uit. Toe gaan sy buitentoe en begin huil. +Ou oom Koos stap met sy winkeltrollie verby. “Wat’s fout, Koketso?” vra hy. +“Ek gaan môre na my beste maat se verjaardagpartytjie toe,” sê Koketso, “en ek het nie een paar mooi skoene om aan te trek nie.” +Oom Koos kyk deur al die goed in sy trollie, maar al wat hy kan kry, is ’n paar ou tekkies vol gate. +“Jammer, Koketso” sê hy. “Ek kan jou nie help nie.” +“Dankie dat oom probeer het,” snuif Koketso. +Toe kom die vullislorrie verby en hou buite die huis stil. +“Waarom huil jy, Koketso?” vra die bestuurder. +“Ek het partytjieskoene nodig,” sê Koketso, “en ek weet nie waar om ’n paar te kry nie.” +“Siestog,” sê die bestuurder. “Al die skoene in my lorrie is vol vullis. Maar ek sien dikwels skoene in die asblikke – daar moet baie mense hier rond wees met skoene wat hulle nie wil hê nie. Waarom vra jy nie jou maats nie?” +Koketso dink dis ’n baie goeie idee. Sy gaan toe na haar vriendin, mev. Salmon, toe. +“Hallo!” roep sy. “Mev. Salmon, ek het partytjieskoene nodig. Het u dalk enige partytjieskoene vir my?” +Mev. Salmon kom deur toe met ’n paar skoene in haar hande. “Hier, Koketso,” sê sy, “jy kan hierdie paar kry, maar ek is bevrees een van die hakkies is effens los.” +Die skoene is baie mooi en blink en Koketso dink hulle is pragtig. “Dankie, mev. Salmon!” sê sy. Koketso trek die skoene aan en doen ’n paar danspassies. Maar die los hak wikkel vreeslik. Klak! maak dit toe Koketso in die straat af stap, klakketie-klak! +“O, nee,” sê Koketso, “ek kan nie met klak-klak-skoene partytjie toe gaan nie!” Sy gee toe maar die skoene vir mev. Salmon terug en sê vir haar dankie dat sy probeer help het. +“Waarom vra jy nie jou niggie Pinky of sy vir jou skoene het nie?” stel mev. Salmon voor. +Koketso maak toe so. “Hallo!” roep sy voor Pinky se huis. “Pinky, ek het partytjieskoene nodig. Het jy vir my partytjieskoene?” +Pinky gaan kyk in haar klerekas. “Hierso, jy kan hierdie paar kry,” sê sy vir Koketso. Die skoene is vol klein rooi hartjies en elke skoen het ’n groot wit strik op. Koketso is baie bly. +“Dankie, Pinky!” sê sy. Sy trek die skoene aan en doen ’n dansie. Die skoene is pragtig, maar hulle knyp haar tone te vreeslik. +“Eina,” sê Koketso. “Ek kan nie met skoene wat so knyp na ’n partytjie toe gaan nie.” Sy gee toe maar die skoene vir Pinky terug en sê dankie dat sy probeer help het. +“Waarom vra jy nie vir tannie Shirley of sy vir jou skoene het nie?” stel Pinky voor. +Koketso maak so. Maar tannie Shirley se skoene is so groot dat sy moet skuifel om te keer dat hulle van haar voete afval – skuifel, skuifel, skuifel, skuifel. Koketso moet hulle maar teruggee. +Koketso gaan na almal toe wat sy ken. En waar sy ook al gaan, gee haar vriende vir haar skoene om aan te pas. +Maar geen van die skoene pas nie. Pumla se skoene is so oud dat Koketso se tone uitsteek en die sole flap – flap flappitie-flap. Mamma Maloyi se skoene het sulke hoë hakke dat Koketso bly val en haar enkels verstuit. Ou mev. Naidoo se skoene is byna perfek, maar hulle skwiek vreeslik. Skwiek skwieketie-skwiek. Koketso kan net nie die partytjieskoene vind waarna sy soek nie en sy gaan maar huis toe. +Sy kry Ouma in die kombuis. “Ai, Ouma,” sê Koketso hartseer, “ek was oral en ek het almal se skoene aangepas, maar NIEMAND het partytjieskoene wat my pas nie!” +“En wat is fout met daardie skoene?” sê Ouma, en wys na ’n paar skoene op die tafel. +Koketso kyk. Die skoene het blinkertjies en pienk strikkies. +Koketso trek hulle aan en dans en draai in die kombuis rond. Die skoene voel net reg aan haar voete en hulle klak of skuifel of flap of skwiek nie. “Hulle is pragtig, Ouma,” sê sy. “Waar het ouma hulle gekry?” + +“Dis jou lelike bruin skoene,” sê Ouma. “Terwyl jy uit was, het ’n feetjie gekom en hulle so pragtig gemaak.” +Koketso kyk na die tafel en glimlag. “Hau, Ouma, daardie feetjie was jy!” sê sy. “Ek sien Ouma se werksmandjie … en gom … en blinkertjies! Ouma, ek weet dit was jy!” +Ouma lag net. +“Ek is lief vir jou, Ouma,” sê Koketso terwyl sy haar ouma styf vasdruk. +“En ek is lief vir jou, Koketso,” sê haar Ouma. “Ek hoop daardie skoene pas jou nou beter.” +“O, ja,” sê Koketso, “hulle pas perfek!” +  +Wees kreatief! +Gee vir jou kinders papier en kryte/potloodkryte. Stel voor dat hulle ’n prent van ’n paar skoene teken wat hulle graag na ’n spesiale geleentheid sou wou dra.",afr,Afrikaans,Koketso se partytjieskoene,"""Ow! Ow! Ow!” said Koketso. +Granny was busy at the stove and didn’t even turn around. “What is it, Koketso?” she asked. +“OWW! OWW! OWW!” shouted Koketso. “My feet hurt. My shoes are too small.” +Granny turned and ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud  to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/koketso-se-partytjieskoene +koketsos-party-shoes,"“Aa! Aa! Aa!” a realo Koketso. +Koko o be a swaregile setofong gomme ga aka a retologa. “Ke eng, Koketso?” a botšiša. +“AAA! AAA! AAA!” Koketso a goeletša. “Maoto a ka a bohloko. Dieta tša ka ke tše dinnyane kudu.” +Koko o ile a retologa a mo lebelela. “Ga ke tshepe, Koketso. Dieta tšeo ga se tša kgale. Leoto la gago le ka se gole bjalo, ka nakwana.” +“Ijoo, Koko,” a realo Koketso, “mogongwe di be di ka se nkgobatše kudu ge nkabe e se tše disotho ebile di sa befa kudu. Mogongwe ge nkabe di le boleta, e le dieta tša botse tša go ba le dibenyane le malente, di be di tla ntekana gabotse.” + +Koko o ile a retologa a hudua poto ya gagwe. “Mogongwe,” a realo. +“Hle, Koko,” a realo Koketso. “Gosasa nka se ye moletlwaneng ka dieta tše tše disotho tša go befa.” +“Ke a bona,” a realo Koko, a kgabelela dieiye. +Koketso o ile a tšola dieta, gomme a ya ka ntle a lla. +Malome Koos wa go tšofala o ile a feta fao ka terole ya gagwe ya go ya mabenkeleng. “Molato ke eng, Koketso?” a botšiša. +“Gosasa ke ya moletlwaneng wa letšatši la matswalo la mogwera wa ka wa mmakgonthe,” a realo Koketso, “gomme ga ke na dieta tša botse tše nka di aparago.” +Ka fao Malome Koos a lebelela dilo tše di lego ka teroleng ka moka ga tšona, efela a hwetša phere ya diteki tša kgale tša go ba le mašoba. +“Tshwarelo,” a realo. “Nkase kgone go go thuša, Koketso.” +“Ke a leboga ge o lekile,” gwa sekhumola Koketso. +Ka morago go ile gwa tšwelela theraka ya go rwala matlakala gomme ya ema ka ntle ga ntlo. +“O llelang, Koketso?” mootledi a botšiša. +“Ke nyaka dieta tša go ya moletlwaneng,” a realo Koketso, “gomme ga ke tsebe gore ke tla di hwetša kae.” +“Ijoo,” a realo mootledi. “Dieta ka moka tše di lego ka mo therakeng di kopane le matlakala. Efela ke phela ke bona dieta ka metomong ya matlakala – go swanetše go ba go na le batho ba bantši fa ba go ba le dieta tše ba sa di nyakego. O reng o sa botšiše bagwera ba gago?” +Koketso a nagana gore ke kgopolo ye botse yeo. Gomme a ya go bona mogwera wa gagwe, Moh Salmon. +“Dumela!” a goeletša. “Moh Salmon, Ke nyaka dieta tša go ya moletlwaneng. Naa o na le dieta tša go ya moletlwaneng tše o ka mphago tšona?” +Moh Salmon a tla lebating a swere phere ya dieta. “Ke tše, Koketso,” a realo, “o ka di tšea, efela ke tšhošwa gore serethe se sengwe se a tšhekgatšhekga.” +Dieta di be di le botse ebile di benya gomme Koketso a nagana gore di botse. “Ke a leboga, Moh Salmon!” a realo. Koketso o ile a apara dieta a bina gannyane. Efela serethe sa go tšhekgatšhekga se ile sa tšhekgatšhekga kudu. Kgwehle! Tša dira bjalo ge Koketso a sepela tseleng, kgwehle-kgwehle! +“Aowa, hle,” a realo Koketso, “nka se ye moletlwaneng ka dieta tša go tšhekgatšhekga!” Gomme o ile a bušetša dieta go Moh Salmon a mo leboga ge a lekile go mo thuša. +“Nkane o sa kgopele dieta go motswalago Pinky?” gwa šišinya Moh Salmon. +Gomme Koketso a dira bjalo.”Dumela!” a realo ntlong ya Pinky. “Pinky, ke nyaka dieta tša go ya moletlwaneng. Naa o na le dieta tša go ya moletlwaneng tše o ka mphago tšona?” +Pinky o ile a ya go lebelela ka khapoteng ya gagwe. “Ke tše, o ka di tšea,” a realo go Koketso. Dieta di be di na le dipelo tše dinnyane tše dihubedu gohle ebile se sengwe le se sengwe se na le segole se sešweu se segolo. Koketso o be a thabile kudu. +“Ke a leboga, Pinky!” a realo. O ile a apara dieta a bina gannyane. Dieta di be di le botse kudu, efela di be di mo pateletša kudu menwaneng ya maoto. +“Itšhuu,” a realo Koketso. “Nka se ye moletlwaneng ka dieta tša go mpata.” O ile a bušetša dieta go Pinky gomme a mo leboga ge a lekile go mo thuša. +“Nkane o sa kgopele dieta go Mmane Shirley?” gwa šišinya Pinky. +Gomme Koketso a dira bjalo. Efela dieta tša Mmane Shirley e be e le tše dikgolo kudu ka fao a ilego a swanela go di goga – kgorru, kgorru, kgorru, kgorru. Ka fao Koketso o ile a swanela go di bušetša. +Koketso o ile a ya go batho bohle bao a ba tsebago. Gomme gohle mo a ilego, bagwera ba gagwe ba mo file dieta gore a di lekanye. +Efela ga se gwa ba le tša go loka. Dieta tša Pumla di be di onetše ka fao e lego gore menwana ya maoto a Koketso e be e tšwela ka ntle gomme direthe di ahlame – phahla, phahlaphahla-phahla. Dieta tša Mma Maloyi di be di na le direthe tše di telele kudu tša go wiša Koketso gantši ebile di mo thinya dikgokgoilane. Dieta tša Moh Naidoo wa go tšofala di be di le kaone, efela di dira lešata kudu. Tswii, tswiitswii-tswii. Koketso ga a hwetše dieta tše a di nyakago, ka fao o ile a ya gae. +O ile a hwetša Koko ka moraleng. “Hei Koko,” Koketso a realo ka go nyama, “Ke tšwa gohle, ke lekile ka ba ka leka, efela GA GO YO a nago le dieta tše a ka mphago tša go ya moletlwaneng!” +“Bothata ke eng ka tšeuwe?” a realo Koko, a šupa phere ya dieta ye e lego tafoleng. +Koketso o ile a lebelela. Dieta di be di phadima di na le malente a mapinki. +Koketso o ile a apara dieta a bina a ba a dikologa ka moraleng. Dieta di be di mo lekana gabotse gomme di sa dire kgwehle goba kgorru goba phahla goba tswii. “Ke a di rata, Koko,” a realo. “O di hweditše kae?” + +“Ke dieta tša gago tše di sotho-tša-go-befa,” a realo Koko. “Ka nako ye o be o sepetše mmamaphegwana o ile a tla a di botsefatša.” +Koketso o ile a lebelela tafola a myemyela. “Aowa, Koko, mmamaphegwana yoo ke wena!” a realo. “Ke bona seroto sa gago sa dilo tša go šoma … le sekgomaretši … le sebekenyi! Ke a tseba gore ke wena!” +Koko o ile a segela ka gare. +“Ke a go rata, Koko,” a realo Koketso ebile a mo gokara lethekeng. +“Le nna ke a go rata, Koketso,” a realo koko. “Ke holofela gore bjale dieta tšeo di go lekana bokaone.” +“Ee,” a realo Koketso, “di ntekana gabotse!” +  +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Efa bana ba gago pampiri le dikherayone/dikherayone tša phensele. Šišinya gore ba thale seswantšho sa phere ya dieta yeo ba tla ratago go e apara moletlong wa go kgethega.",nso,Sepedi,Dieta tša Koketso tša go ya moletlwaneng,"""Ow! Ow! Ow!” said Koketso. +Granny was busy at the stove and didn’t even turn around. “What is it, Koketso?” she asked. +“OWW! OWW! OWW!” shouted Koketso. “My feet hurt. My shoes are too small.” +Granny turned and ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud  to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dieta-tša-koketso-tša-go-ya-moletlwaneng +koketsos-party-shoes,"“Owu! Owu! Owu!” watsho uKoketso. +UMakhulu wayexakeke kakhulu esitovini kangangokuba zange anyeke nokunyeka. “Yintoni Koketso?” ubuze watsho. +“OWWUU! OWWUU! OWWUU!” wakhwaza uKoketso. “Iinyawo zam zibuhlungu. Izihlangu zam zincinci kakhulu, ziyandiluma.” +UMakhulu waguquka wamjonga. “Andikukholelwa ke oko, Koketso. Ezo zihlangu phantse zibe zitsha nje. Iinyawo zakho azikwazi ukukhula kakhulu kangako, ngexeshana elifutshane kangaka.” +“Owu, Makhulu,” watsho uKoketso, “mhlawumbi bezingasayi kunditya kangaka ukuba bezingebrawunanga kangaka kwaye zizibi kangaka. Mhlawumbi ukuba ibizizihlangu ezithambileyo, ezihle kwaye ziqaqambile, zinayo neeribhoni, beziza kundilingana kakuhle.” + +UMakhulu waguquka kwakhona wazamisa imbiza yakhe. “Mhlawumbi kunjalo,” watsho. +“Ndiyakucela, Makhulu,” watsho uKoketso. “Angekhe ndikwazi ukunxiba ezi zihlangu zibi nezibrawuni kangaka ethekweni ngomso.” +“Ndiyabona,” watsho uMakhulu, enqunqa itswele. +UKoketso wazikhulula izihlangu zakhe, emva koko waphuma phandle waya kulila kancinane. +UTatomkhulu uKoos wadlula etyhala itroli yakhe yokufaka izinto azicholeyo. “Yintoni, Koketso?” wabuza. +“Ndiya kwitheko lokuzalwa loyena mhlobo wam ndimthandayo ngomso,” watsho uKoketso, “kodwa andinazo izihlangu ezihle endiza kuzinxiba apho.” +Uthe ke uTatomkhulu uKoos wavumbulula phakathi kwezo zinto zazikule troli yakhe, kodwa awakufumanayo yayiziiteki ezindala nezinemingxuma nje kuphela. +“Ndiyaxolisa,” watsho. “Andikwazi ukukunceda, Koketso.” +“Enkosi ngokuzama kwakho,” wafixiza watsho uKoketso. +Emva koko kwafika inqwelo yokuthutha inkunkuma yaze yemisa ecaleni kwendlu. +“Ulilela ntoni, Koketso?” wabuza umqhubi wenqwelo yenkunkuma. +“Ndifuna izihlangu zokunxiba ethekweni,” watsho uKoketso, “kodwa andazi ukuba ndingazifumana phi na.” +“Owu torhwana,” watsho umqhubi. “Zonke izihlangu ezikule nqwelo yam zixubene nenkunkuma. Kodwa ndikhe ndizibone izihlangu emigqomeni yenkunkuma – kumele ukuba kukho abantu abaninzi kule ngingqi abanezihlangu abangazithandiyo nabafuna ukuzilahla. Kutheni ungabuzi kubahlobo bakho nje?” +UKoketso walibona ilicebo elihle kakhulu eli alinikwayo. Ngoko ke waya kubona umhlobo wakhe, onguNkosikazi Salmon. +“Molo wethu!” wakhwaza. “Nkosikazi Salmon, ndifuna izihlangu zokunxiba ethekweni. Ingaba unazo na izihlangu onokundipha zona?” +UNkosikazi Salmon weza emnyango ephethe izihlangu. “Nazi ke, Koketso,” watsho, “ungazithatha ezi zihlangu, kodwa ngelishwa esinye sezithende sinako ukugungqana okuncinane.” +Ezi zihlangu zazizihle kwaye zazikhazimla kangangokuba noKoketso wacinga ukuba zihle. “Enkosi, Nkosikazi Salmon!” watsho. UKoketso wazinxiba izihlangu waza wenza umdaniso omfutshane. Kodwa isithende esishukumayo sasigungqa kakhulu. Rhaxa! sasisitsho lo gama uKoketso ehamba, esihla ngendlela, rhaxa, kre-rhaxa! +“Owu hayini,” watsho uKoketso, “Andikwazi ukuya ethekweni ngezihlangu ezingxolayo!’ Ngoko ke wazibuyisela kwakuNkosikazi Salmon izihlangu ezo, waze wambulela ngokuzama ukumnceda kwakhe. +“Kutheni ungaceli izihlangu kumzala wakho uPinky nje?” wacebisa njalo uNkosikazi Salmon. +Ngoko ke naye uKoketso wenza njalo. “Molweni!” wangena ekhwaza njalo endlwini yakuloPinky. “Pinky, ndifuna izihlangu zokunxiba ethekweni. Ingaba unazo izihlangu onokundipha zona?” +UPinky waya kujonga ekhabhathini. “Nazi, ungazithatha ezi,” watsho kuKoketso. Ezi zihlangu zazineentliziyo ezincinane ezibomvu ndawo yonke kwaye intliziyo nganye yayineqhina elikhulu elimhlophe. UKoketso kwamonwabisa kakhulu oku. +“Enkosi kakhulu, Pinky!” watsho. Wazinxiba izihlangu ezo waza wenza umdaniso omfutshane. Izihlangu zazizihle, kodwa zamtya kabuhlungu kakhulu phaya ezinzwaneni. +“Owu shu,” watsho uKoketso. “Andikwazi ukuya ethekweni ngezihlangu ezinditya kabuhlungu kangaka. Ngoko ke wazibuyisela kwakuPinky izihlangu ezo waze wambulela ngokuzama kwakhe ukumnceda. +“Kutheni ungaceli izihlangu kuMakazi uShirley nje?” ucebise ngelitshoyo uPinky. +Ngoko ke uKoketso wenza njalo. Kodwa izihlangu zikaMakazi uShirley zazizikhulu kakhulu kangangokuba kwakufuneka ukuba ashixize xa ehamba ngazo ukuze zingapoqi – shixi, shixi, shixi, shixi. Ngoko ke kwafuneka ukuba uKoketso azibuyisele kwakuye. +UKoketso waya kumntu wonke amaziyo. Kwaye kuyo yonke indawo awaya kuyo, abahlobo bakhe babemnika izihlangu ukuze azilinganise. +Kodwa kwakungekho ezide zimlingane twatse okanye zibe yile nto ayifunayo. EzikaPhumla izihlangu zazizidala kakhulu kangangokuba iinzwane zakhe zazivelile kuzo kwaye iisoli zazo zaziphaqaza – phaqa phaqa-phaqa. Izihlangu zikaMama uMaloyi zazinezithende eziphakame kakhulu kangangokuba uKoketsho wayesiwa njalo, apetyeke amaqatha. Ezexhegokazi elinguNkosikazi Naidoo zona zaphantse zagqibelela, kodwa zazinengxolo embi etswinayo. Tswi tswi-tswi. UKoketso zange nje azifumane izihlangu ezigqibeleleyo zokunxiba ethekweni nawayezifuna, ngoko ke wagoduka. +Wafika uMakhulu esesekhitshini. “Owu Makhulu,” watsho kalusizi uKoketso, “ndihambe indawo yonke, ndazama, ndazama, kodwa AKUKHO NAMNYE onezihlangu endinokuzinxiba ethekweni nanokundipha zona!” +“Kanene yintoni engalunganga ngeziya?” watsho uMakhulu, esolatha izihlangu ezaziphezu kwetafile. +UKoketso waphakamisa amehlo wajonga. Ezo zihlangu zaziqhakazile, zineeribhoni ezipinki. +UKoketso wazinxiba ezo zihlangu waze wadanisa ejikeleza ekhitshini. Izihlangu ezo zazimlingana kakuhle kwaye zazingangxoli, zibhongqoze okanye zishixize okanye ziphaqaze okanye zitswine. “Ndiyazithanda kakhulu, Makhulu,” watsho. “Uzifumene phi?” + +“Zeziya zihlangu zakho zibrawuni-kwaye-zibi,” utshilo uMakhulu. “Ngalaa mzuzu ubusaphumile kuye kwafika umkholonjane waza wazenza zazihle ngolu hlobo.” +UKoketso wajonga etafileni waze wancuma. “Hayi bo, Makhulu, loo mkholonjane ibinguwe!” watsho. “Ndiyayibona ibhaskithi yakho enezinto zokuthunga … kunye neglu … kunye namaqokobhe anezinto zokuhombisa! Ndiyazi ibinguwe!” +UMakhulu wathi gquzu, gquzu kancinane, ehleka. +“Ndiyakuthanda, Makhulu,” watsho uKoketso lo gama amanga esinqeni. +“Nam ndiyakuthanda, Koketso,” watsho uMakhulu wakhe. “Ndiyathemba ukuba ezo zihlangu zikulingana ngcono ke ngoku.” +“Owu ewe,” watsho uKoketso, “zindilingana twatse!” +  +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Nika abantwana bakho iphepha neekhrayoni/neekhrayoni zepensile. Cebisa ukuba bazobe umfanekiso wezihlangu abangathanda ukuzinxiba kumsitho okhethekileyo.",xho,isiXhosa,Izihlangu zetheko zikaKoketso,"""Ow! Ow! Ow!” said Koketso. +Granny was busy at the stove and didn’t even turn around. “What is it, Koketso?” she asked. +“OWW! OWW! OWW!” shouted Koketso. “My feet hurt. My shoes are too small.” +Granny turned and ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud  to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/izihlangu-zetheko-zikakoketso +koketsos-party-shoes,"“Itjhu! Itjhu! Itjhu!” ha rialo Koketso. +Nkgono o ne a ntse a sebetsa setofong mme a se ke a hetla le ho hetla. “Ke eng, Koketso?” a botsa. +“ITJHUU! ITJHUU! ITJHUU!” Koketso a hoeletsa. “Maoto a ka a bohloko. Dieta tsa ka di a ntiisa.” +Nkgono a hetla mme a mo sheba. “Ha ke kgolwe seo, Koketso. Dieta tseno di sa le ntjha. Maoto a hao ha a so hole hakaalo, kapele tje.” +“Ao, Nkgono,” ha rialo Koketso, “mohlomong di ka be di sa ntiise tjena hoja di ne di se sootho tjena ebile di se mpe tjena. Mohlomong hoja di le bonolo, di le ntle di ena le mabenyane le ribono, di ne di ka ntekana hantle.” + +Nkgono a boela a sheba kwana a fuduwa pitsa ya hae. “Mohlomong,” a rialo. +“Ke a o kopa hle, Nkgono,” ha rialo Koketso, “Nkeke ka kgona ho rwala dieta tse mpe tjena moketjaneng hosane.” +“Ke a bona,” Nkgono a rialo, a ntse a kgabela eie. +Koketso a rola dieta tsa hae, yaba o tswela ka ntle mme a lla hanyane. +Malome Koos ya tsofetseng a feta moo ka teroli ya mabenkeleng e kenyang diphahlo. “Molato ke eng, Koketso?” a botsa. +“Ke ya moketjaneng wa letsatsi la tswalo la motswalle wa ka wa hlooho ya kgomo hosane,” Koketso a araba, “mme ha ke na dieta tse ntle tseo nka di rwalang.” +Yaba Malome Koos o sheba ka hara dintho tse ka teroling ya hae, empa a kgona ho fumana feela diteki tsa kgale tse nang le masoba. +“Ke maswabi,” a rialo, “ha ke kgone ho o thusa, Koketso.” +“Ke a leboha ha o lekile,” Koketso a rialo a hlwephetsa. +Yaba ho feta lori ya matlakala mme ya emisa ka ntle ho ntlo. +“Meokgo ke ya eng jwale, Koketso?” ha botsa mokganni. +“Ke hloka dieta tsa ho ya moketjaneng,” Koketso a araba, “mme ha ke tsebe hore nka di fumana hokae.” +“Ao bathong,” ha rialo mokganni. “Dieta kaofela tse ka loring ya ka di kopakopane le matlakala. Empa ke hlola ke bona dieta ka meqomong ya matlakala – mohlomong ho na le batho ba bangata motseng mona ba nang le dieta tseo ba sa di sebediseng. Hobaneng o sa botse metswalle ya hao?” +Koketso a nahana hore oo ke mohopolo o motle. Kahoo a ya ho motswalle wa hae, Mof Salmon. +“Dumela!” a hoeletsa. “Mof Salmon, ke hloka dieta tsa moketjana. Na ho na le dieta tsa moketjana tseo o ka mphang tsona?” +Mof Salmon a tla monyako a tshwere para ya dieta. “Ke tsena, Koketso,” a rialo, “o ka nna wa nka dieta tsena, empa bothata ke hore serethe se le seng se kgwehla hanyane.” +Dieta di ne di le ntle di benya mme Koketso a nahana hore di ntle. “Ke a leboha, Mof Salmon!” a rialo. Koketso a rwala dieta tseo mme a tjeka hanyane ka tsona. Empa serethe se kgwehlang sa tenyetseha haholo. Twatla! Sa tjho jwalo ha Koketso a ntse a theosa le tsela, twatla-twatla! +“Tjhe bo.” Ha rialo Koketso, “nkeke ka ya moketjaneng ka dieta tse twatlatsang!” Yaba o kgutlisetsa dieta tseo ho Mof Salmon mme a mo leboha ka ho leka ho mo thusa. +“Hobaneng o sa kope motswalao Pinki hore a o fe dieta?” Mof Salmon a eletsa. +Yaba Koketso o etsa jwalo. “Dumelang!” a hoeletsa ha a fihla ha bo Pinki. “Pinki, ke hloka dieta tsa moketjana. Na o na le dieta tsa moketjana tseo o ka mphang tsona?” +Pinki a ya sheba ka khabotong ya hae. “Ke tsena, o ka nna wa nka tsena,” a rialo ho Koketso. Dieta di ne di ena le dipelwana tse kgubedu hohle mme seeta ka seng se ne se ena le thae e kgolo e tshweu. Koketso o ne a thabile haholo. +“Ke a leboha, Pinki!” a rialo. A rwala dieta mme a tjeka hanyane. Dieta tseo di ne di le ntle, empa di ne di mo penya habohloko menwaneng mona. +“Itjhu,” ha rialo Koketso. “Nkeke ka kgona ho ya moketjaneng ka dieta tse mpenyang.” Kahoo a kgutlisetsa dieta ho Pinki mme a mo leboha ka ho leka ho mo thusa. +“Hobaneng o sa kope Mmangwane Shirley hore a o fe dieta?” ha eletsa Pinki. +Yaba Koketso o etsa jwalo. Empa dieta tsa Mmangwane Shirley di ne di le kgolo hoo a neng a lokotseha feela ka hara tsona. – shwahla, shwahla, shwahla, shwahla. Kahoo Koketso a tlameha ho di kgutlisetsa le tsona. +Koketso a ya ho batho bohle bao a ba tsebang. Mme hohle moo a yang metswalle ya hae e ne e mo nea dieta hore a itekanye. +Empa ho ne ho se na tse mo lekanang hantle. Dieta tsa Pumla e ne e le tsa kgale hoo menwana ya Koketso e neng e nyarela ka ntle mme disoli di ngamohile – phaqa, phaqa phaqa. Dieta tsa Mme Maloyi di ne di ena le direthe tse phahameng hoo Koketso a neng a dula a ewa mme a nonyetseha. Dieta tsa Mof Naidoo di ne di batla di lokile, empa di ne di ena le modumo o mobe. Tswii tswi-tswii. Hohang Koketso o ne a sa fumane dieta tsa moketjana tseo a neng a di batla, yaba o leba lapeng. +A fumana Nkgono ka kitjhineng. “Oh Nkgono,” Koketso a rialo a hloname, “Haesale ke ya kwana le kwana mme ka leka hohle, empa HA HO MOTHO ya nang le dieta tsa moketjana tse ntoketseng!” +“Ebe ke eng e phoso ka tseo?” ha rialo Nkgono, a supile dieta tse tafoleng. +Koketso a di sheba. Dieta di ne di na le mabenyane le diribone tse pinki. +Koketso a di rwala mme a tjeka a potoloha ka kitjheneng. Dieta di ne di mo lekana hantle feela mme di ne di sa twatlatsehe kapa ho tenyetseha kapa ho phaqasela. “Ke a di rata, Nkgono,” a rialo. “O di fumane kae?” + +“Ke dieta tsa hao tse mpe tse sootho,” Nkgono a araba. “Ha o ntse o tsamaile ho ile ha tla mofumahadi wa tshomong a di etsa hore di be ntle tjena.” +Koketso a sheba tafoleng mme a bososela. “Hao, Nkgono, mofumahadi eo ke wena!” a rialo. “Ke bona seroto sa hao sa dinalete … le sekgomaretsi … le mabenyane! Ke a tseba hore ke wena!” +Nkgono a tshehela ka marameng. +“Ke a o rata, Nkgono,” ha rialo Koketso a haka nkgono thekeng. +“Le nna ke a o rata, Koketso,” ha rialo nkgonwae. “Ke tshepa hore dieta tseo di o lekana hantle jwale.” +“Ehlile bo,” ha araba Koketso, “di ntekana hantle!”",sot,Sesotho,Dieta tsa Koketso tsa moketjan,"""Ow! Ow! Ow!” said Koketso. +Granny was busy at the stove and didn’t even turn around. “What is it, Koketso?” she asked. +“OWW! OWW! OWW!” shouted Koketso. “My feet hurt. My shoes are too small.” +Granny turned and ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud  to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dieta-tsa-koketso-tsa-moketjana +koketsos-party-shoes,"“Ashu! Ashu! Ashu!” kusho uKoketso. +UGogo wayematasatasa esitofini, akazange aphenduke nakuphenduka. “Kwenzenjani, Koketso?” kubuza yena. +“ASHU! ASHU! ASHU!” kumemeza uKoketso. “Izinyawo zami zibuhlungu. Zincane kakhulu izicathulo zami.” +UGogo waphenduka wambuka. “Angikukholwa lokho, Koketso. Lezo zicathulo zisezintsha kabi. Izinyawo zakho azikwazi ukuba sezikhule ngokushesha kangaka.” +“Hawu, Gogo,” kusho uKoketso, “mhlawumbe bezingeke zibe buhlungu kangaka ukuba bezingensundu futhi zingezimbi. Mhlawumbe ukuba bekuyizicathulo ezithambile, ezinhle ezinobucwebecwebe kanye neribhini bezizongilingana kangcono.” + +UGogo waphenduka ukuze agovuze ibhodwe lakhe. “Mhlawumbe,” kusho yena. +“Ngiyacela bandla, Gogo,” kusho uKoketso. “Angikwazi ukugqoka lezi zicathulo ezimbi, ezinsundu edilini kusasa.” +“Ngiyabona,” kusho uGogo, eqoba u-anyanisi. +UKoketso wakhumula izicathulo zakhe, wase eya phandle wayokhala kancane. +Imambana enguMalume uKoos yadlula nethroli layo lokuthenga. “Kwenzenjani, Koketso?” kubuza yena. +“Ngiya edilini losuku lokuzalwa lomngani wami omkhulu kusasa,” kusho uKoketso, “kanti anginazo izicathulo ezinhle engizozigqoka.” +UMalume uKoos wabe esebheka ezintweni ezisethrolini lakhe, kodwa wathola ipheya lamateki amadala anezimbobo. +“Uxolo,” kusho yena. “Angikwazi ukukusiza, Koketso.” +“Ngibonga ukuthi okungenani uzamile ukungisiza,” kuphefumula uKoketso. +Kwase kuza iloli likadoti lama ngaphandle kwendlu. +“Ukhalelani, Koketso?” kubuza umshayeli. +“Ngidinga izicathulo zokuya edilini,” kusho uKoketso, “kanti angazi ukuthi ngingazithola kuphi.” +“Nxese,” kusho umshayeli. “Zonke izicathulo eziselolini lami zixubene nodoti. Kodwa ngivame ukubona izicathulo emigqomeni kadoti – kungenzeka ukuthi kukhona abantu abaningi kule ndawo abanezicathulo abangazifuni. Kungani ungabuzi abangani bakho?” +UKoketso wacabanga ukuthi leli yisu elihle ngempela. Ngakho wayobona umngani wakhe, uNkk Salmon. +“Sawubona!” kumemeza yena. “Nkk Salmon, ngidinga izicathulo zokuya edilini. Ngabe zikhona izicathulo zokuya edilini ongangipha nazo?” +UNkk Salmon weza emnyango ephethe ipheya lezicathulo. “Nazi, Koketso,” kusho yena, “ungazithatha lezi, kodwa ngeshwa esinye sinesithende esixegayo.” +Lezi zicathulo zazizinhle zinobucwebecwebe, futhi noKoketso wayecabanga ukuthi zinhle. “Ngiyabonga, Nkk Salmon!” kusho yena. UKoketso wazifaka izicathulo wase ethi ukudansa kancane. Kodwa isithende esixegayo sasinyakaza kakhulu. Khehle! Kukhala sona ngesikhathi uKoketso ehla ngomgwaqo, khehle-khehle. +“Hhayi cha,” kusho uKoketso, “angikwazi ukuya edilini nezicathulo ezikhehlezayo.” Ngakho-ke wabuyisela izicathulo kuNkk Salmon wase embonga ngokuzama ukumsiza. +“Kungani ungaceli izicathulo kumzala wakho uPinky?” kucebisa uNkk Salmon. +Ngakho uKoketso wenza kanjalo.”Sawubona!” kumemeza yena kubo kaPinky. “We Pinky, ngidinga izicathulo zokuya edilini. Ngabe zikhona izicathulo zokuya edilini ongangipha zona?” +UPinky wayobheka ekhabetheni lakhe. “Nazi, ungazithatha lezi,” kusho yena kuKoketso. Izicathulo zazinezinhliziyo ezincane ezibomvu yonke indawo futhi leso naleso sasinefindo lokuhlobisa elikhulu elimhlophe. UKoketso wayejabule kakhulu. +“Ngiyabonga, Pinky!” kusho yena. Wazifaka izicathulo wase edansa kancane. Zazizinhle lezi zicathulo, kodwa zaziciphiza izinzwane zakhe. +“Ashu,” kusho uKoketso. “Angikwazi ukuya edilini ngezicathulo ezingimpintshayo.” Ngakho wazibuyisela kuPinky wase embonga ngokuzama ukusiza. +“Kungani ungaceli izicathulo ku-Anti uShirley?” kucebisa uPinky. +Ngakho uKoketso wenzenjalo. Kodwa izicathulo zika-Anti uShirley zazinkulu kangangokuthi kwakumele ahambe ashesheze ukuze zingakhumuki – sheshe,sheshe, sheshe, sheshe. Ngakho uKoketso kwadingeka ukuthi azibuyisele emuva. +UKoketso waya kuwo wonke umuntu amaziyo. Futhi konke lapho ayeya khona, abangani bakhe babemnika izicathulo okumele azizame. +Kodwa asikho nesisodwa esasimlingana kahle. Izicathulo zikaPhumla zazindala kangangoba izinzwane zikaKoketso zazivele ngaphandle kanti amasoli azo ayephaqaza – phaqa phaqa phaqa. Izicathulo zikaMama uMaloyi zazinezithende eziphakeme kakhulu kangangoba uKoketso wayelokhu ewa futhi ebhinyilika amaqakala. Ezesalukazi esinguNkk Naidoo zazicishe zilunge, kodwa zazibanga umsindo. Kle, kle-kle. UKoketso akazange azithole izicathulo zokuya edilini ayezifuna, ngakho waya ekhaya. +Wathola uGogo ekhishini. “Eyi Gogo,” kusho uKoketso ngokudabuka, “Sengiye ezindaweni ezahlukene futhi ngizame ngazama, kodwa AKUKHO MUNTU onezicathulo angangipha zona!” +“Kanti zinani leziya?” kusho uGogo, ekhomba ipheya lezicathulo ezisetafuleni. +UKoketso wabheka. Izicathulo zazicwebezela zinamaribhini aphinki. +UKoketso wazifaka wase edansa, wazungeza ephenduka ekhishini. Izicathulo zezwakala zikahle ezinyaweni zakhe, zazingakhehlezeli, zingasheshezi, zingakleklezi. “Ngiyazithanda, Gogo,” kusho yena. “Uzitholephi?” + +“Yizicathulo zakho ezinsundu ezimbi,” kusho uGogo. “Ngesikhathi usahambile kufike uferi ozenze zaba zinhle.” +UKoketso wabuka etafuleni wase emamatheka. “Hawu, Gogo, bekunguwe lowo feri!” kusho yena. “Ngibona ubhasikidi wakho wokusebenza … kanye neglu … kanye nokokucwebezelisa. Ngiyazi ukuthi bekunguwe!” +Wavele waqhuma yinsini uGogo. +“Ngiyakuthanda, Gogo,” kusho uKoketso ngesikhathi emgona emuthi nkamfu okhalweni. +“Nami ngiyakuthanda, Koketso,” kusho ugogo wakhe. “Ngiyethemba ukuthi zikulingana kahle manje.” +“Impela,” kusho uKoketso, “zilingana kahle!” +  +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Nikeza izingane zakho iphepha kanye namakhrayoni/noma amakhrayoni angamapensela. Phakamisa ukuthi zidwebe isithombe sepheya lezicathulo ezingathanda ukuzigqoka emcimbini okhethekile.",zul,isiZulu,Izicathulo zedili zikaKoketso,"""Ow! Ow! Ow!” said Koketso. +Granny was busy at the stove and didn’t even turn around. “What is it, Koketso?” she asked. +“OWW! OWW! OWW!” shouted Koketso. “My feet hurt. My shoes are too small.” +Granny turned and ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud  to children who are learning to read  +Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Patricia de Villiers,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/izicathulo-zedili-zikakoketso +neo-and-big-wide-world,"Eventually, Neo came to a lot of water that rushed through the valley from morning till night. Neo stepped in to cool his hot legs.  + + +  + + +The water splashed at his feet and giggled, “I am a river. I roam from the mountains to the sea. Come, follow me. I’ll take you home.”  + +Neo looked out the window of his room at the grey view of the grey street with all the wet, grey people hurrying through the grey, pouring rain. He couldn’t go outside, and he had already read all his books to Mbali. +Just then, Gogo came in with her hair all twiggy from the wind outside. She was holding something. Neo could see that it was flattish, and square-ish, and very colourful … and it could open up – just like a treasure box! +“This was my favourite book when I was as young as you,” Gogo told Neo. “It was my door to the big, wide world.” +Then, she opened the book. +On the first page was a picture of a magical place, far away from the grey, grey day. The veld was green and gold and brown, with a great, big, blue sky above, and a warm, yellow sun, baking down. +“Wow! Is that real?” Neo gasped. +Gogo smiled. “Don’t you know? All stories are real, if you believe in them,” she said. Then she pointed to the place on the page where a little boy, just about Neo’s size, was walking across the veld. +As Gogo read, Neo closed his eyes and slipped away, over the hills … across the great, brown earth … off into the big, wide world. + +He heard the voices of the veld. +“Come out! Come out!” sang a little bird. +“It’s a beautiful day!” chirped the cicadas. +“Come away, come and play,” whispered the wind in the long grass. +Neo remembered about the grey, pouring rain, and wondered if he should be out here. But in a story, you can do anything. There was no rain here. So, Neo set off across the veld. +The first thing he saw was tall and brown with a strong, wooden body. It had long, brown arms that reached up to the sky, and a big, twiggy head of leafy-green hair that swayed in the warm breeze. +“Hello,” said Neo, his eyes wide. “What are you?” +“I am a tree. I can see all the way across the great, gold plains. Come up, and look with me.” The tree reached out, and Neo climbed up. + +From up in the branches, Neo could see to the very edge of the world. And there was so much somewhere out there, that it almost scared him to think of it. +But the tree held him safe, and whispered, “Go and explore. Don’t be afraid. It’s a wonderful, big, wide world out there.” +So, Neo climbed down and went on his way across the veld. +Soon, he came across a mound of hard sand with little holes, like tiny doorways. He could hear a million busy voices inside, and the patter of six million tiny feet running about. +“Hello! Who are you?” Neo called into one of the doorways. +“Hello!” a tiny voice answered. “We are ants. We tell the stories of the world in here. Do you want to hear some?” +Neo loved stories, so he sat down and listened. The ants told their stories of the veld and the forest, and of the mountains and the cities beyond. +“So many stories?” Neo asked. +“There are as many stories as there are stars in the sky,” the ants answered. +Neo waved goodbye, and went on his way across the veld. +  +Neo thought how good that would be. So, he followed the river across the valley and between the mountains. Together, they wandered through the afternoon and almost into night, until at last, Neo reached a hilltop. +From there, he could see a little town, washed clean by the rains and gleaming in the light of the setting sun. + +Then the river gurgled gently, “Go on, go home. There are people who love you there, waiting to share stories with you.” +Neo went down, through the town. He saw the busy streets that rushed through the town, just like rivers. He saw houses, warm in the evening light. Inside them, people were busy, just like tiny ants. +At last, Neo peered through a window where an old gogo, with strong arms and twiggy hair like the branches of a big tree, closed a book and bent to kiss her little boy goodnight. + +Neo thought about the veld and the tree and the ants and the river. And as he watched the gogo, a rainbow lit up the little house in colours so bright it looked like a picture in a storybook. Neo thought of his great adventure inside the pages of Gogo’s favourite storybook, and he thought of her and Mbali and home. +So, Neo slipped through the book, into his warm bed, in his cosy room, in his little house. +And that is why, whenever the world seems too grey, and his room seems too small, Neo opens a book. He steps through a door between the pages, and goes off into the big, wide world. +  +Get creative! +Together imagine and recreate a scene from the story using items in your environment. Make a life-sized version of the scene, or create a miniature scene in a shoebox.",eng,English,"eo and the big, wide world",...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Vianne Vente,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/neo-and-big-wide-world +neo-and-big-wide-world,"Neo kyk by sy kamervenster uit na die grys lug en die grys straat met al die nat, grys mense wat deur die grys, gietende reën skarrel. Hy kan nie buitentoe gaan nie, en hy het reeds al sy boeke vir Mbali gelees. +Net toe kom Gogo in, met haar hare wat in alle rigtings staan van die wind buite. Sy hou iets vas. Neo kan sien dit is platterig, en vierkanterig, en baie kleurvol … en dit kan oopmaak – net soos ’n skatkis! +“Dit was my gunstelingboek toe ek so oud soos jy was,” sê Gogo vir Neo. “Dit was my deur na die grote, wye wêreld.” +Toe maak sy die boek oop. +Op die eerste bladsy is daar ’n prent van ’n betowerde plek, ver weg van die grys, grys dag. Die veld is groen en goud en bruin, met ’n groot, wye blou hemel bo, en ’n warm, geel son wat neer bak. +“Sjoe! Is dit werklik?” vra Neo. +Gogo glimlag. “Weet jy dan nie? Alle stories is werklik, as jy in hulle glo,” sê sy. Toe wys sy na die plek op die bladsy waar ’n klein seuntjie, omtrent so groot soos Neo, deur die veld stap. +Terwyl Gogo lees, maak Neo sy oë toe en hy glip weg, oor die heuwels … oor die wye, bruin aarde … na die grote, wye wêreld. + +Hy hoor die geluide van die veld. +“Kom uit! Kom uit!” sing ’n klein voëltjie. +“Dis ’n pragtige dag!” suis die sonbesies. +“Moenie neul nie, kom speel,” fluister die wind in die lang gras. +Neo onthou die grys, gietende reën, en hy wonder of hy hier buite behoort te wees. Maar in ’n storie kan jy enigiets doen. Hier reën dit nie. En Neo hardloop veld toe. +Die eerste ding wat hy sien, is hoog en bruin met ’n sterk houtlyf. Dit het lang, bruin arms wat opreik tot in die lug, en ’n groot, takkerige kop met blaargroen hare wat in die warm bries wieg. +“Hallo,” sê Neo, sy oë wawyd oop. “Wat is jy?” +“Ek is ’n boom. Ek kan oor die groot, goue vlaktes sien. Klim op en kom kyk saam met my.” Die boom reik uit na hom en Neo klim op. + +Van bo uit die takke kan Neo tot aan die einde van die wêreld sien. En daar is so baie êrens daar buite dat dit hom amper bang maak om daaraan te dink. +Maar die boom hou hom styf vas en fluister: “Gaan verken. Moenie bang wees nie. Daar’s ’n wonderlike, grote, wye wêreld daar buite.” +Neo klim af en begin deur die veld stap. +Gou kom hy op ’n harde sandheuweltjie af, met klein gaatjies daarin, soos klein deurtjies. Hy kan ’n miljoen besige stemme binne-in hoor, en die getrippel van ses miljoen klein voetjies wat rondhardloop. +“Hallo! Wie is julle?” roep Neo by een van die deurtjies. +“Hallo!” antwoord ’n klein stemmetjie. “Ons is miere. Ons vertel die stories van die wêreld hier binne. Wil jy ook hoor?” +Neo is dol oor stories en hy gaan sit om te luister. Die miere vertel hulle stories van die veld en die bos, en die berge, en die stede doer ver. +“So baie stories?” vra Neo. +“Daar is net soveel stories as wat daar sterre aan die hemel is,” antwoord die miere. +Neo wuif tot siens en stap verder deur die veld. +Uiteindelik kom Neo by ’n groot klomp water wat van soggens tot saans deur die vallei bruis. Neo stap in die water in om sy warm bene te laat afkoel. +Die water spat om sy voete en giggel: “Ek is ’n rivier. Ek vloei van die berge tot in die see. Kom, volg my. Ek sal jou huis toe vat.” + +  +Neo dink hoe goed dit sal wees. Hy volg die rivier deur die vallei en tussen die berge deur. Saam dwaal hulle deur die agtermiddag en byna tot in die aand, totdat Neo uiteindelik bo-op ’n heuwel uitkom. +Van hier af kan hy ’n klein dorpie sien, skoongewas deur die reën en glimmend in die lig van die ondergaande son. + +Dan murmel die rivier saggies: “Toe nou, gaan huis toe. Daar is mense daar wat lief is vir jou en wag om stories met jou te deel.” +Neo stap af, deur die dorp. Hy sien die besige strate wat net soos riviere deur die dorp bruis. Hy sien huise, warm in die aandlug. Binne-in sien hy besige mense, net soos klein miertjies. +Uiteindelik loer Neo deur ’n venster waar ’n ou gogo met sterk arms en takkerige hare, soos die takke van ’n groot boom, ’n boek toemaak en afbuk om haar klein seuntjie nag te soen. + +Neo dink aan die veld en die boom en die miere en die rivier. En terwyl hy na die gogo kyk, baai ’n reënboog die klein huisie in kleure wat so helder is dat dit soos ’n prent uit ’n storieboek lyk. Neo dink aan sy groot avontuur in die bladsye van Gogo se gunstelingstorieboek, en hy dink aan haar en aan Mbali en aan die huis. +Neo glip toe deur die boek, tot in sy warm bed, in sy knus kamer, in sy klein huisie. +En dit is waarom, wanneer die wêreld ook al grys lyk, en sy kamer te klein voel, Neo ’n boek oopmaak. Hy loop deur ’n deur tussen die bladsye, en vaar die grote, wye wêreld in. +  +Wees kreatief! +Kies saam ’n toneel uit die storie en voer dit dan op deur items uit julle omgewing te gebruik. Maak ’n lewensgrootte weergawe van die toneel, of skep ’n miniatuurtoneel in ’n skoenboks.",afr,Afrikaans,"eo en die grote, wye wêreld",...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Vianne Vente,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/neo-en-die-grote-wye-wêreld +neo-and-big-wide-world,"UNeo uhlola ngefesdere lelawu lakhe ubona isitrada esitshetlha esinabantu abatshetlha abanethiweko, barhabile ezulwini elitshetlha elina khulu. Gade abhalelwa kuphuma ngendlini begodu besele aqedile ukufundela uMbali zoke iincwadi zakhe. +Ngaleso sikhathi, kwangena ugogo iinhluthu zakhe zihlangahlanganiswe mumoya ngaphandle. Gade aphethe into ethileko. UNeo wayibona kobana yinto esipara, esasikwere, begodu inemibalabala … begodu iyavuleka – njengebhokisi lamagugu! +“Ngangiyithanda khulu incwadi le lokha nangisesengangawe,” uGogo utjela uNeo. “Beyimunyango wami ongingenisa ephasini elikhulu, elibanzi.” +Khonokho wavula incwadi. +Ekhasini lokuthoma bekunesithombe sendawo esimanga, ekude nobutshetlha belanga. Isiganga sasilihlaza-satjani, sisagolide begodu sizotho, senganyelwe mkayi omkhulu, nelanga elisarulani elifuthumeleko, elitjhisa khulu. +“Madekhethu! Ingabe liqiniso lelo?” kutjho uNeo adosa ummoya. +UGogo wamomotheka. “Awazi? Zoke iindaba ziliqiniso, lokha nawuzikholwako.” kwatjho uGogo. Wase ukhomba indawo ethileko ekhasini lapho kunomsanyana olingana noNeo, owabe akhamba esigangeni. +Lokha uGogo nakasafundako, uNeo wavala amehlo wase uyalahleka ngengqondo, wakhwela iintajana … weqa iphasi elikhulu, elizotho … weqela ngephasini elikhulu nelibanzi. + +Wezwa amaphimbo wesiganga. +“Phuma! Phuma!” kubhina inyoni encani. +“Lilanga elihle!” kutswitswiza intethe. +“Phumela ebaleni, yiza sizokudlala,” kuhleba ummoya etjanini obude. +UNeo wakhumbula izulu elitshetlha, elina khulu, wazibuza bonyana bekungaba kuhle nange angakghona ukuba ngaphandlapha. Kodwana endabeni, ungenza nanyana khuyini. Bekunganazulu lapha. Ngalokho-ke uNeo wakhamba waya ngaphetjheya kwesiganga. +Into yokuthoma ayibonako yayiyide, izotho begodu iqinile, inomzimba wesigodo. Inemikhono emide ezotho efikelela emkayini, inehloko ekulu eliqwatjhana esanhluthu ezihlaza-satjani egade iphetjhulwa mumoya ofuthumeleko. +“Lotjha,” kutjho uNeo, ahlahle amehlo. “Uyini wena?” +“Ngimumuthi. Ngikghona ukubona ngale kommango osagolide. Yizapha, Sizokubona sobabili.” Umuthi walula umkhono, uNeo wakhwelela. + +Ukusuka phezulu emagatjeni, uNeo wakghona ukubona emaphelelweni wephasi. Bekunezinto ezinengi ngaphandle le, lokho kwapheze kwamthusa lokha nakacabanga ngakho. +Kodwana umuthi wambamba wamphephisa, wase uyamhlebela, “Khamba uyokubona. Ungasabi. Liphasi elihle, elikhulu, nelibanzi ngaphandle le.” +Ngalokho-ke, uNeo wehlela phasi wakhamba waya ngale kommango. +Msinyana, Wafika entatjaneni yesanda eqinileko eneembotjana ezincani, ezinjengeminyango emincazana. Bekakghona ukuzwa amezwi anomdlandla aziinkulungwana ngaphakathapho, begodu negido leenyawana eziziingidi ezisithandathu zokugijigijima kweenyawana ezimatsikana. +“Lotjhani! Nibobani nina?” kuzwakala uNeo abiza komunye weminyango. +“Lotjhani!” kuphendula ilizwi elincazana. Thina sibutjhontjhwani. Sicoca ngeendatjana zephasi ngaphakathapha. Khgani uyafuna ukuzwa ezinye? +UNeo wayezithanda iindaba, ngakho-ke, wahlala phasi walalela. Abotjhontjhwani bacoca ngeendaba zabo zesiganga nehlathi, kunye neentaba namadorobho nokhunye. +“Iindaba ezinengi kangaka?” kubuza uNeo. +“Kuneendaba ezinengi ezilingana neenkwekwezi emkayini,” kuphendula abotjhontjhwani. +UNeo waphephezelisa isandla avalelisa, wase ubamba indlela yakhe eya esigangeni. +Khonokho, uNeo Wafika emanzini amanengi agijima emrhotjheni ukusukela ekuseni bekube santambama. UNeo wangena ngaphakathi ukupholisa iinyawo zakhe. +Amanzi aphahlazela iinyawo zakhe ahleka, “Ngimlambo. Ngikhamba hlangana neentaba ngiye elwandle. Yiza, ngilandela. Ngizakusa ekhaya.” + +UNeo wacabanga bonyana lokho kungaba mkhumbumbulo omuhle. Ngalokho-ke walandela umlambo wakhamba emrhobeni naphakathi kweentaba. Ndawonye, bazulazula ngemvakwamadina pheze kwaba sebusuku, ekugcineni uNeo wafika esiqongweni sombundu. +Ukusukela lapho, wakghona ukubona idorojana elincani, elihlwengiswe lizulu begodu belidzegema emisebeni yelanga elitjhingako. + +Ilwandle laselikhamba ngokuzigedla. “Khamba, iya ekhaya. Kunabantu abakuthandako lapho, abalindele ukwabelana nawe iindaba.” +UNeo wehlela phasi, akhamba phakathi kwedorobho. Wabona iintarada eziphithizelako ezikhamba phakathi kwedorobho, njengamanzi. Wabona izindlu, ezifuthumeleko emkhanyweni welanga lantambana. Ngaphakathi kwazo, abantu bebamatasatasa, njengabontjhontjhwani abamatsikani. +Ekugcineni, uNeo wahlola efasidereni lapho ugogo, onemikhono enamandla neenhluthu eziimyekwana njengamagaja womuthi omkhulu, avala incwadi, agoba afuna ukwanga avalelise umsanyanakhe alale. + +UNeo wacabanga ngesiganga, umuthi, abonotjhontjhwani nomlambo. Lokha asaqale ugogo, umbani wakhanyisa indlwanayana kagogo enemibalabala yakhanya yafana nesithombe esisencwadini yeendaba. UNeo wacabanga ngekhambo lakhe elikhulu elingemakhasini wencwadi kagogo yeendaba ayithandako, wase ucabanga ngogogo nangoMbali nekhaya. +Ngalokho-ke, uNeo wathatha incwadi kagogo wayifihla embhedenakhe ofuthumeleko, elawini lakhe elihle, endlini yakhe encazana. +Kungalokho-ke, lokha iphasi nangabe libonakala litshetlha khulu, ilawu lakhe libonakala kwangathi lincani khulu, uNeo uvula incwadi. Ungena emnyango phakathi kwamakhasi, bese uya ephasini elikhulu, elibanzi. +  +Veza ubukghwari bakho! +Ngokusebenza ndawonye cabangani bese nakhe isenzeko esisendabeni ngokusebenzisa +izinto zebhoduluko lakho. Yakha ubujamo bepilo obufanelekileko besenzeko, nanyana nakhe isenzeko esincani sebhoksi lamanyathelo.",nbl,isiNdebele,"UNeo nephasi elikhulu, elibanz",...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Vianne Vente,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uneo-nephasi-elikhulu-elibanzi +neo-and-big-wide-world,"UNeo wakroba phandle ngefestile yegumbi lakhe, ejonge ubungwevu nokusibekela kwezulu nezantyalantyala zamanzi ezidame kweso sitalato sibonakala naso singwevu kwakunye nabantu abamanzi nababonakala bengwevu, bekhawuleza kuba bebaleka loo mvula ingwevu ibaxhaphazayo. Wayengakwazi ukuphuma phandle, kwaye wayesele emfundele zonke iincwadi zakhe uMbali. +Kanye ngelo thuba, kwangena uGogo, iinwele zakhe zivukuzwe ngumoya ovuthuza phandle. Wayephethe into ethile ngesandla. UNeo wayeyibona ukuba yinto ebusibaca, ebusikwere, nenemibala emininzi le … kwaye iyavuleka – kanye oku kwetyesi enobutyebi! +“Le yayiyeyona ncwadi ndiyithandayo xa ndandisemncinane njengawe lo,” uGogo wamxelela oko uNeo. “Lo yayingumnyango wam wokungena kwihlabathi elikhulu nelibanzi.” +Emva koko, wavula incwadi leyo +Kwiphepha lokuqala kwakukho umfanekiso wendawo yomlingo, ekude kakhulu nengafaniyo nale mini imbi nengwevu, isibekeleyo ayibona phandle. Ithafa laliluhlaza yaka, kuthe rhwelele imibalanyana ebugolide namdaka apha naphaya, phezulu kuthe gqume isibhakabhaka esihle, esikhulu nesizuba, kunye nelanga elishushu, elityheli, litshisa loo mhlaba uphantsi kwalo. +“Wowu! Ingaba le nto yinyaniso?” wakhuza uNeo. +UGogo wancuma. “Akuyazi na? Onke amabali ayinyaniso, ukuba uyakholelwa kuwo,” watsho. Emva koko wolatha indawo kwelo phepha apho kwakuhamba khona inkwenkwana, engangoNeo lo kanye, inqumla ithafa. +Njengokuba uGogo eqhubeka nokufunda ibali, uNeo wawavala amehlo akhe wemkisela +ngengqondo yakhe, wenyuka iinduli … wanqumla loo mhlaba mkhulu nomdaka ngebala … waya kutshona kwilizwe elikhulu nelibanzi. + +Weva amazwi asethafeni. +“Phuma! Phuma!” yacula isitsho intakana encinane. +“Yimini entle le!” yatswina yenjenjalo nenyenzane. +“Yiza, yiza uze kudlala,” wasebeza usitsho umoya phakathi kwaloo ngca inde. +UNeo wakhumbula imvula engwevu nenethayo, waze wazibuza ukuba ingaba kuloo meko angaphuma phandle kusini na. Kodwa ebalini, ungenza nantoni na oyifunayo. Kwakungekho mvula apha. Uthe ke ngoko, uNeo wahamba, enqumla ithafa. +Into yokuqala awayibonayo yayinde kwaye imdaka ngebala, inomzimba owomeleleyo +nowenziwe ngokhuni. Yayineengalo ezinde nezimdaka ezazifikelela esibhakabhakeni, kunye nentloko enkulu ecekethekileyo neneenwele ezingamagqabi eziluhlaza nezazishukushukuma ziye ngapha nangapha kuloo mpepho ifudumeleyo. +“Molo,” watsho uNeo ewathe gqa amehlo. “Uyintoni?” +“Ndingumthi. Ndibona konke okulapha kula mathafa mahle nabugolide. Gwencela unyuke uze kubuka kunye nam.” Umthi wathoba waya kuye, waze uNeo naye wagwencela. + +Kuloo masebe omthi apho phezulu, uNeo wayekwazi ukubona apho liphela khona ihlabathi. Kwaye kwakukho izinto ezininzi kuyo yonke indawo, kude phaya kunaye, kangangokuba wangenwa luloyiko akucinga ngazo zonke ezi zinto kwanendawo akuyo apha emthini. +Kodwa umthi wambamba wamkhusela, waze wamsebezela usithi, “Hamba uye kuhlola ilizwe. Musa ukoyika. Lihlabathi elimangalisayo, elikhulu nelibanzi eliya” +Ngoko ke, naye uNeo wehla emthini waze wahamba indlela yakhe, enqumla ethafeni. +Kungekudala uhlangene nesidulana sentlabathi eqinileyo nesinemingxuma, engathi yiminyangwana emincinane. Wayesiva amazwi angathi sisigidi sabantu abaxakekileyo, kwaye kwakuvakala nezingqi zeenyawana ezincinane, ngathi kubaleka izigidi ezithandathu zabantu abaxakekile. +“Molweni! Ningoobani?” uNeo wakhwaza, ekrobe komnye waloo minyango. +“Molo!” kwaphendula ilizwana elincinane. “Siziimbovane. Sibalisa amabali ehlabathi elingaphakathi apha. Ingaba uyafuna ukuweva amanye awo?” +UNeo wayewathanda amabali, ngoko ke wahlala phantsi waphulaphula. Iimbovane zabalisa amabali azo asethafeni nasehlathini, kwakunye nawasezintabeni nawezixeko ezikude. +“Amabali kanti maninzi kangaka?” wabuza watsho uNeo. +“Ubuninzi bamabali buyafana nobuninzi beenkwenkwezi ezisesibhakabhakeni,” zaphendula iimbovane. +UNeo wawangawangisa ngesandla, exelela iimbovane ukuba zisale kakuhle, lo gama yena aqhubeka nendlela yakhe, enqumla ethafeni. +Ekugqibeleni, uNeo wahlangana nomlambo oqukuqela amanzi, ukusuka kusasa ukuya ebusuku, unqumla kuloo ntlambo. UNeo wangena kuwo ezama ukuphozisa iinyawo +zakhe ezishushu. +Amanzi atshiza iinyawo zakhe aze ahleka, “Ndingumlambo. Ndisuka ezintabeni ndiye elwandle. Yiza, ndilandele. Ndiza kukugodusa.” + +UNeo wacinga indlela ekungamnandi ngayo oko. Ngoko ke, wawulandela umlambo ukunqumla kuloo ntlambo naphakathi kwezo ntaba. Ekunye nomlambo lowo, bazula yonke loo mva kwemini phantse kwada kwasebusuku, de ekugqibeleni uNeo wafikelela encotsheni yenduli. +Phezulu apho, uNeo wayibona kakuhle idolophana encinane, ihlambulukile kukucocwa zezo mvula, yaze yamenyezeliswa lelo langa liqala ukutshona. + +Emva koko umlambo wandyondya ngobubele, “Hamba ke ngoku, ugoduke. Kukho abantu abakuthandayo phaya emva, abalinde ukwabelana nawe ngamabali.” +UNeo wehla endulini apho, wangena edolophini. Wabona izitalato ezixakekileyo ezinqumla idolophu, kanye njengomlambo lowo. Wabona izindlu, zifudunyezwe kukukhanya kokutshona kwelanga nokuqala korhatya. Ngaphakathi kwezo zindlu, abantu babexakekile, kanye njengeembovane ezincinane awayehlangene nazo. +Ekugqibeleni, uNeo wakroba efestileni apho wabona ixhegwazana elidala, elineengalo ezomeleleyo kunye neenwele ezifana namasebe omthi omkhulu, livala incwadi laza lathoba laphuza inkwenkwana encinane lisithi busuku benzolo kuyo. + +UNeo wacinga ngethafa kunye nomthi, neembovane kwakunye nomlambo. Kwaye uthe xa ebukele eli xhegwazana, kwavela umnyama owakhanyisa ngemibala eqaqambe kakhulu loo ndlwana encinane, eyayikhangeleka ngathi ngumfanekiso osencwadini yamabali. UNeo wacinga ngamahlandinyuka akhe amangalisayo kumaphepha eyona ncwadi ithandwa nguGogo, waze wacinga ngaye noMbali ekhaya. +Zithe ke iingcinga zikaNeo zamthatha kuloo ncwadi, zamfaka ebhedini yakhe, kwigumbi lakhe elifudumeleyo, elikwindlwana yakowabo encinane. +Yiyo kanye loo nto ke, ekuthi ngalo lonke ixesha ihlabathi likhangeleka lisibekele okanye lingwevu, linganiki mdla, kwaye negumbi lakhe likhangeleka lilincinane kakhulu, uNeo evula incwadi. Ungena kumnyango ophakathi kuloo maphepha, aze ahambe aye kwihlabathi elikhulu nelibanzi. +  +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Xa ninonke zibumbeleni umfanekiso-ntelekelelo ze niziqambele kwakhona omnye wemiboniso esebalini nisebenzisa izinto eninokuzifumana kokuningqongileyo. Ningenza umboniso ube ngathi ngowobomi bokwenene ngokobukhulu, okanye ube mncinane kangangokuba ubenokungena ebhokisini yezihlangu uphelele.",xho,isiXhosa,"eo and the big, wide world",...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Vianne Vente,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/neo-and-big-wide-world-0 +neo-and-big-wide-world,"UNeo wabheka ngefasitela legumbi lakhe lokulala ebuka ingxenye empunga yomgwaqo ompunga lapho okwakugcwele khona abantu abamanzi, abampunga ababegijima emvuleni empunga, ena ngamandla. Wayengakwazi ukuphuma, kanti wayesefundele uMbali zonke izincwadi zakhe. +Kusenjalo kwangena uGogo enezinwele ezibheke phezulu ngokupheshulwa umoya wangaphandle. Wayephethe okuthile. UNeo wabona ukuthi le nto iyisicaba, ithanda ukuba yisikwele, futhi inemibala eminingi … futhi yayingavuleka – injengebhokisi lomcebo! +“Le kwakuyindaba engangiyithanda ngesikhathi ngisemncane ngilingana nawe,” kusho uGogo kuNeo. “Kwakuwumnyango wami wokungena emhlabeni omkhulu, obanzi.” +Wase eyivula incwadi. +Ekhasini lokuqala kwakukhona isithombe sendawo yomlingo, ekude kakhulu nosuku olumpunga ngokwedlulele. Iqele lalinemibala eluhlaza okotshani kanye nesagolide nensundu, nesibhakabhaka esihle, esikhulu, esiluhlaza phezulu, kanye nelanga elifudumele, eliphuzi, elikhipha umkhovu etsheni. +“Hawu! Ngabe kuyiqiniso lokhu?” kumangala uNeo. +UGogo wamamatheka. “Hawu, awazi yini? Zonke izindaba zingezangempela, uma ukholelwa kuzo,” kusho yena. Wase ekhomba endaweni ekhasini lapho kunomfana ocishe alingane noNeo onqamula eqeleni. +Lapho uGogo efunda, uNeo wavala amehlo akhe wasuka la ekhona, weqa amagquma … wanqamula umhlaba omuhle, onsundu … esinge emhlabeni omkhulu, obanzi. + +Wezwa amazwi aseqeleni. +“Phuma! Phuma!” kucula inyoni encane. +“Lolu usuku oluhle!” kucula izihlonono. +“Phuma, woza uzodlala,” kuhleba umoya otshanini obude. +UNeo wakhumbula imvula enayo, empunga, futhi wazibuza ukuthi ngabe kufanele yini ukuthi abe ngaphandle. Kodwa-ke endabeni, ungenza noma yini. Kwakungekho mvula lapha. Ngakho, uNeo wanqamula iqele. +Into yokuqala ayibonayo kwaba yinto ephakeme enomzimba onamandla, yokhuni. Yayinezingalo ezinde, ezinsundu ezazifinyelela esibhakabhakeni, futhi inekhanda elikhulu, elingathi linezinwele eziyizinti eziluhlaza okwamaqabunga ezazipheshulwa umoya oshisayo. +“Sawubona,” kusho uNeo, ehlahle amehlo. “Uyini?” +“Ngiyisihlahla. Ngikwazi ukubona kulo lonke iqele elikhulu lamathafa asagolide. Gibela, uzobuka kanye nami.” Kusho isihlahla seluleka, uNeo wase egibela. + +Ephezulu emagatsheni, uNeo wakwazi ukubona ukuyofika ekupheleni komhlaba. Kanti-ke kwakukuningi okwakulaphaya phandle, okwakucishe kumethuse lapho ecabanga ngakho. +Kodwa isihlahla sambamba walokhu ephephile, salokhu sihleba sithi, “Hamba uyohlola leya ndawo. Ungesabi. Ngumhlaba omuhle, omkhulu, obanzi laphaya.” +Ngakho-ke, uNeo wehlela phansi wase enqamula iqele. +Kungekudala, wahlangana nendunduma yesihlabathi eqinile enezimbobo ezincane, ezifana neminyangwana. Wayezwa amazwi ayisigidi abamatasatasa ngaphakathi, kanye nokukhala kwezinyawo ezincane eziyizigidi eziyisithupha. +“Sanibona! Ningobani?” Kumemeza uNeo komunye weminyango. +“Sawubona!” kuphendula izwi elincane. “Siyizintuthwane. Sixoxa izindaba zomhlaba lapha. Ngabe kukhona ofuna ukuzizwa?” +UNeo wayezithanda izindaba, ngakho wahlala phansi wase elalela. Izintuthwane zamxoxela izindaba zazo zeqele kanye nehlathi, kanye nezintaba kanye namadolobha angaleya. +“Izindaba eziningi kangaka pho?” kubuza uNeo. +“Kunezindaba eziningi njengezinkanyezi ezisesibhakabhakeni,” kuphendula izintuthwane. +UNeo wavayiza evalelisa, wase eqhubeka enqamula eqeleni. +Ekugcineni, uNeo wahlangana namanzi amaningi ayegeleza esigodini kusukela ekuseni kuze kube sebusuku. UNeo wangena ukuze apholise imilenze yakhe eshisayo. +Amanzi amthela ezinyaweni zakhe ase ehleka ethi, “Ngingumfula. Ngizula ngisuka ezintabeni ngiye olwandle. Woza, ungilandele. Ngizokuyisa ekhaya.” + +UNeo wacabanga nje ukuthi kwakuzoba kuhle kanjani lokho. Ngakho-ke, walandela umfula wehla ngesigodi kanye naphakathi kwezintaba. Bahamba ndawonye intambama yonke kwaze kwacishe kwaba sebusuku, ekugcineni, baze bafika esicongweni sentaba. +Eselapho-ke, uNeo wayekwazi ukubona idolobha elincane, elihlanzwe yizimvula selikhazimuliswa yilanga elase liyozilahla kunina. + +Umfula wahuba kamnene wathi, “Kulungile, goduka. Kukhona abantu abakuthandayo laphaya, abalinde ukwabelana nawe ngezindaba.” +UNeo wehlela phansi, wanqamula idolobha. Wabona imigwaqo enobuyaluyalu eyayidabula edolobheni, ifana nemifula. Wabona izindlu, okwakusengathi zifudunyezwe ukukhanya kwasebusuku. Ngaphakathi kwazo abantu babematasatasa, njengezintuthwane ezincane. +Ekugcineni, uNeo walunguza ngefasitela lapho okwakukhona ugogo omdala, onezingalo eziqinile kanye nezinwele ezibheke phezulu njengamagatsha esihlahla, owavala incwadi, wagoba ukuze aqabule umfanyana amfisele ubusuku obuhle. + +UNeo wacabanga ngeqele kanye nezihlahla kanye nezintuthwane kanye nomfula. Kanti ngesikhathi ebuka isalukazi, uthingo lwenkosazane lwakhanyisa leyo ndlu encane ngemibala egqamile efana naleyo yesithombe esisencwadini yendaba. UNeo wacabanga ngalolu hambo olunezigameko olwalungaphakathi kwamakhasi encwadi yendaba eyayithandwa nguGogo, wabuye wacabanga ngoGogo noMbali le ekhaya. +Ngakho uNeo wasuka encwadini, wangena embhedeni wakhe ofudumele, egumbini lakhe anethezeka kulo, ekhaya lakhe elincane. +Yingakho, njalo lapho umhlaba ubukeka umpunga, negumbi lakhe libukeka lilincane kakhulu, uNeo uvele avule incwadi. Ungena emnyango ophakathi kwamakhasi encwadi, bese eya emhlabeni omkhulu, obanzi. +  +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Nindawonye, cabangani futhi nenze isigcawu sasendabeni nisebenzisa izinto ezisendaweni yenu. Yenzani uhlobo oluyisilinganiso sangempela sesigcawu, noma nenze isigcawu esincane ebhokisini lezicathulo.",zul,isiZulu,"UNeo nomhlaba omkhulu, obanz",...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Vianne Vente,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uneo-nomhlaba-omkhulu-obanzi +neo-and-big-wide-world,"Neo o lebeletše ka ntle ka lefasetere la phapoši ya gagwe a bona tebelelego ye pududu ya mmila o mopududu le batho ka moka ba bapududu ba sepediša ka gare ga pula ya go tsorotla ye pududu. A ka se ye ka ntle, o šetše a baletše Mbali dipuku tša gagwe ka moka. +Ka nakwana, Koko o ile a tsena moriri wa gagwe o hlakahlakantšwe ke moya wa ka ntle. O be a swere se sengwe. Neo o be a bona gore e be e le sa papetla, sa khutlonne, sa mebalabala … gomme se ka bulega – go swana le lepokisi la letlotlo! +“Ye ke puku ye ke bego ke e rata ge ke be ke sa lekana le wena,” Koko a botša Neo. “E be e le lebati la ka la go tsena lefaseng le legolo le lephara.” +Gomme a bula puku. +Ka letlakaleng la mathomo e be e le lefelo la maleatlana, la go ba kgole le letšatši le lepududu. Naga e be e le ye talamorogo, ya mmala wa gauta gape ye tsotho, ka godimo e le leratadima le letalalerata le legolo le lebotse le letšatši la borutho le leserolane, le sobela. +“Aa! Ke nnete?” Neo a hemela godimo. +Koko o ile a myemyela. “Ga o tsebe? Dikanegelo ka moka ke dinnete, ge o di tshepa,” a realo. O ile a šupa lefelo mo letlakaleng, moo go bego go sepela mošemanyana wa go feta Neo gannyane ka bogolo a putla naga. +E rile ge Koko a bala, Neo a tswalela mahlo a tšwa, a tshela meboto … go putla lefase le letsotho le lebotse … a ya lefaseng le lephara, le legolo. + +O ile a kwa mantšu a naga. +“Etšwa! Etšwa!” gwa opela nonyana ye nnyane. +“Ke letšatši le lebotse!” a realo lebitsi. +“Etla, etla o bapale,” gwa hebaheba moya mabjanyeng a matelele. +Neo a gopola pula ya go na ye pududu, gomme a ipotšiša ge eba o swanetše go ba ka mo ntle. Efela, ka kanegelong, o ka dira se sengwe le se sengwe. Go be go se na pula fa. Gomme, Neo a kitima go putla naga. +Selo sa mathomo se a se bonego ke se selo se setelele se setsotho sa mmele wa kota, wa go tia. Se be se na le matsogo a matsotho a matelele a go fihla leratadimeng, le hlogo ye kgolo, ya makala le meriri ya matlakala ye metalamorogo ao a bego a fefeula ke moya wa borutho. +“Dumela,” a realo Neo, a tomotše mahlo. “Ke wena eng?” +“Ke mohlare. Ke kgona go bona go selaganya kua melaleng ya gauta ye mebotse. Namela o tle o lebelele le nna.” Mohlare wa mmatamela, gomme Neo a namela. + +Neo o be a kgona go bona maphetho a lefase ge a be a le godimo makaleng. Gape go be go na le go gongwe go gontši, go nyakile go mo tšhoša go nagana ka gona. +Efela sehlare se ile sa mo šireletša, gomme sa hebaheba, “Sepela gomme o hlohlomiše. O se tšhoge. Kua ntle go na le lefase le lebotse le legolo, le lephara.” +Gomme, Neo a theoga gomme a sepela go putla naga. +Ka pejana, a fihla totomeng ya mohlaba wa bothata ya go ba le mašobana, a e rego ke mabati a mannyane. O be a ekwa mantšu a milione ka gare, le phathaphatha ya maoto a mannyane a dimilione tše tshela a kitima ka fao. +“Dumela! Ke wena mang?” Neo a botšiša go le lengwe la mabati. +“Dumela!” gwa araba lentšu le lennyane. “Re ditšhošane. Ka mo re bolela ka dikanegelo tša lefase. O nyaka go di kwa?” +Neo o be a rata dikanegelo, ka fao, o ile a dula fase gomme a theeletša. Ditšhošane di anegile dikanagelo tša tšona tša naga le tša lešoka, le tša dithaba le tša ditoropokgolo tša kua pele. +“Dikanegelo tše dintši bjalo?” Neo a botšiša. +“Go na le dikanegelo tše dintši go swana le dinaledi leratadimeng,” gwa araba ditšhošane. +Neo o ile a laela a tšwela pele go putla naga. +Mafelelong, Neo o fihlile meetseng a mantši ao a bego a putla mogola go thoma mesong go fihla bošego. Neo o ile a tsena ka gare ga ona go fodiša maoto a gagwe a go fiša. +Meetse a ile a gaša maoto a gagwe gomme a sega, “Ke nna noka. Ke tšwa dithabeng ke ya mawatleng. Ntatele. Ke tla go iša gae.” + +Neo o ile a nagana ka fao a tlo ipshinago ka seo. Ka fao, o ile a latela noka go putla mogola le magareng ga dithaba. Ba sepetše mmogo mosegare go fihlela mathapama, gomme mafelelong Neo a fihla bogodimong bja mmoto. +Go na fao, o be a kgona go bona torotswana, e hlwekišitšwe ke pula ebile e phadima seetšeng sa letšatši leo le sobelago. + +Ka morago noka e ile ya bopa ka boleta, “Sepela, sepela gae. Go na le batho bao ba go ratago, ba nyaka go abelana le wena dikanegelo.” +Neo o ile a theoga a ya toropong. O ile a bona mebila ya go ba le sephethephethe se lebile ka toropong, bjalo ka dinoka. O bone dintlo, di le borutho ka seetša sa mathapama. Batho ba be ba emaema ka gare ga dintlo, bjalo ka ditšhošane tše dinnyane. +Mafelelong, Neo o ile a hlola ka lefesetere fao koko wa go tšofala, wa matsogo a go tia le meriri ye mesese bjalo ka makala a mohlare o mogolo a ilego a tswalela puku a inama gore a atle mošemanyana wa gagwe ge a eya go robala. + +Neo o ile a nagana ka ga naga le mohlare le ditšhošane le noka. Gomme o rile ge a lebelela Koko, molalatladi wa kgantšha ntlwana ka mebala ya go taga bjalo ka seswantšho sa ka gare ga puku ya dikanegelo. Neo o ile a nagana ka bohlagahlaga bja gagwe bjo bobotse ka gare ga matlakala a puku ya dikanegelo yeo Koko a e ratago kudu, gomme o ile a nagana ka yena le Mbali le legae. +Ka fao Neo o ile a kgaogana le puku, a tsena mpeteng wa gagwe wa borutho, ka phapošing ya gagwe ya borabalelo ye bose, ka ntlwaneng ya gagwe. +Gomme ke ka lebaka leo Neo a bulago puku ge lefase le bonala le pudufetše kudu, phapoši ya gagwe e bonala e le ye nnyane kudu. O tsena ka lebati la magareng ga matlakala, gomme a ya lefaseng le legolo, le lephara. +  +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Mmogo naganang le be le hlame tiragalo leswa go tšwa kanegelong le diriša dilo tše di lego tikologong ya lena. Dira mohuta wa tiragalo ye kgolo ya bophelo, goba o hlame tiragalo ye nnyane ka gare ga lepokisi la dieta.",nso,Sepedi,"eo le lefase le legolo, le lephar",...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Vianne Vente,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/neo-le-lefase-le-legolo-le-lephara +neo-and-big-wide-world,"Neo a sheba ka ntle ho fensetere ya phaposi ya hae boputswa ba seterata se metsi, le batho ba metsi ba baputswa ba potlakileng ka hara pula e putswa e tsholohang. O ne a sa kgone ho tswela ka ntle, mme o ne a se a qetile ho balla Mbali dibuka tsa hae tsohle. +Ka yona nako eo, Nkgono a kena ka moriri wa hao o kamolotsweng ke moya o ka ntle. O ne a tshwere ho hong. Neo o ile a elellwa hore ke ntho e sepharanyana, e kgutlonnenyana, le e mebala e kganyang … mme e ne e kgona ho buleha – jwalo feela ka lebokoso la letlotlo! +“Ena e ne e le buka eo ke neng ke e rata ka ho fetisisa ha ke ne ke sa le monyenyane jwaloka wena tjena,” Nkgono a bolella Neo. “E ne e le monyako o ntebisang lefatsheng le leholo, le batsi.” +Yaba o bula buka eo. +Leqepheng la pele ho ne ho ena le setshwantsho sa sebaka sa mehlolo, holehole le letsatsi le leputswaputswa. Naha e ne e le tala le mmala wa kgauta le o mosootho, ho ena le lehodimo le leholohadi, le botala ba lehodimo ka hodimo, le letsatsi le mofuthu le lesehla, le tjhesang lefatshe. +“Kgele! Na hoo ke hwa nnete?” Neo a makala. +Nkgono a bososela. “Ha o tsebe? Dipale tsohle ke tsa nnete, ha feela o dumela ho tsona,” a rialo. Yaba o supa sebakeng se leqepheng moo moshanyana e monyenyane, ya ka lekanang le Neo ka boholo, a neng a tsamaya thoteng. +Ha Nkgono a ntse a bala, Neo a kwala mahlo a hae mme a lahleha ka monahano, a nyolosa ka hodima dithaba … a parola lefatshe le leholohadi, le sootho … a leba lefatsheng le leholo, le batsi. + +A utlwa mantswe a tswang naheng. +“Tswaa! Tswaa!” ha bina nonyana e nyane. +“Ke letsatsi le letle!” ha rialo letjeketjane. +“Tloo kwano, tloo re tlo bapala,” ha hweshetsa moya ka hara jwang bo bolelele. +Neo a hopola pula e putswa e tsholohang, mme a ipotsa hore ebe ha a tshwanela ho ba ka ntle ka kwana na. Empa paleng, o ka etsa eng kapa eng. Ho ne ho se na pula mona. Kahoo, Neo a tswa a tsamaya a parola thota. +Ntho ya pele eo a ileng a e bona e ne e le telele, e le sootho e ena le mmele o matla, wa patsi. E ne e le telele, e ena le matsoho a masootho a neng a fihla lehodimong, le hlooho e kgolo e tletseng makala a moriri o motala ba mahlaku o neng o ntse o eya kwana le kwana moyeng o phodileng. +“Dumela,” ha rialo Neo, a tonne mahlo. “O eng?” +“Ke sefate. Ke kgona ho bona ka nqane ho dithota tsane tse kgolo, tsa kgauta. Nyolohela mona, mme o shebe le nna.” Sefate sa mo amohela, mme Neo a se palama. + +Ha a le hodimo makaleng, Neo a kgona ho bona ho fihlela qetellong ya lefatshe. Mme ho ne ho ena le ho hong ho hongata kaekae ka ntle kwana, hoo ho batlileng ho mo tshosa ho nahana ka hona. +Empa sefate sa mmoloka a bolokehile, sa hweshetsa, “Tsamaya o ilo sibolla. O se ke wa tshaba. Ho na le lefatshe le letlehadi, le leholo, le batsi ntle kwana.” +Yaba Neo o theoha sefateng mme a tswela pele tseleng ya hae thoteng. +Ho e so ye kae, a kopana le qubu ya lehlabathe le thata le nang le mekoti e menyane, jwaloka menyako e menyanenyane. O ne a utlwa mantswe a maphathaphathe a milione ka hare, le diqinyana tsa maoto a manyane a dimilione tse tsheletseng a ntseng a matha. +“Dumela! Wena o mang?” Neo a botsa ka hara o mong wa menyako. +“Dumela!” ha araba lentswenyana le lenyane. “Re bohlwa. Re pheta dipale tsa lefatshe ka mona. Na o batla ho di utlwa?” +Neo o ne a rata dipale, kahoo a dula fatshe a mamela. Bohlwa ba pheta dipale tsa bona tsa thota le moru, le tsa dithaba le ditoropo tse ka nqane. +“Dipale tse ngata hakana?” Neo a botsa. +“Ho na le dipale tse ngata jwaloka dinaledi tse kganyang marung,” bohlwa ba araba. +Neo a sadisa ka letsoho, mme a tswela pele ho ya ka nqane ho thota. +Qetellong, Neo a fihla moo ho nang le metsi a mangata a neng a phalla thoteng ho tloha hoseng ho fihlela bosiu. Neo a kena ka hara ona ho phodisa maoto a hae a tjhesang. +Metsi a mo hasa maotong mme a keketeha, “Ke noka, ke phalla ho tloha dithabeng ho ya lewatle. Tloo, ntatele. Ke tla o isa lapeng leno.” + +Neo a nahana kamoo ho ka bang monate ka teng. Kahoo a latela noka ho parola le thota le dipakeng tsa dithaba. Mmoho ba tsamaya hohle motsheare wa mantsiboya ho fihlela ka phirimana, ho fihlela qetellong ha ba fihla ka hodima leralla. +Ho tloha moo, Neo o ne a bona torotswana, e hlwekisitsweng ke dipula mme e benya ke kganya ya letsatsi le dikelang. + +Yaba noka e tshikgunya hanyane, “Tswela pele, e ya hae. Ho na le batho ba o ratang moo, ba emetseng ho tla o phetela dipale.” +Neo a theosa ka hara toropo. A bona diterata tse tletseng batho ba nyolosang ba theosa ka hara toropo, jwalo feela ka noka. A bona matlo, a futhumetseng kganyeng ya mantsiboya. Ka hare ho ona, batho ba ne ba le maphathephathe, feela jwalo ka dikokonyana. +Qetellong, Neo a nyarela fensetereng eo ho yona ho neng ho ena le nkgono ya tsofetseng, ya nang le matsoho a matla le moriri o harelaneng jwaloka makala a sefate se seholo, a kwala buka mme a inama ho suna moshanyana e monyane a mo fonanisa. + +Neo a nahana ka thota le sefate le bohlwa le noka. Mme yare ha a ntse a shebile nkgono, mookodi wa bonesa ntlonyana eo ka mebala e kganyang hoo e neng e shebahala jwaloka setshwantsho se bukeng ya pale. Neo a nahana ka tshibollo ya hae e kgolo ka hara maqephe a buka ya dipale eo nkgono a e ratang, mme a nahana ka yena le Mbali lapeng. +Yaba Neo o tswa ka hara buka, a kena betheng ya hae e mofuthu, ka hara phaposi ya hae e mofuthu, ntlonyaneng ya habo. +Ke kahoo, kamehla ha lefatshe le shebahala le le leputswa, mme phaposi ya hae e bonahala eka e nyane haholo, Neo o bula buka. O kena monyakong o pakeng tsa maqephe, mme o ikela lefatsheng le leholo, le batsi. +  +Eba le boiqapelo! +Mmoho inahaneleng mme le ipopele ketsahalo e tswang paleng le sebedisa dintho tse tikolohong +ya lona. Etsang ketsahalo e boholo bo lekanang le ba batho, kapa le bope ketsahalo e nyane ka hara lebokoso la dieta.",sot,Sesotho,"eo le lefatshe le leholo, le bats",...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Vianne Vente,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/neo-le-lefatshe-le-leholo-le-batsi +neo-and-big-wide-world,"Neo o ne a leba kwa ntle ga letlhabaphefo la phaposi ya gagwe a lebeletse ponalo ya mmala o mokwebu ya mmila o mokwebu o o nang le batho botlhe ba ba kolobileng, ba le bakwebu mme ba itlhaganela go ralala pula e e kwebu e e tshologang. O ne a sa kgone go ya kwa ntle, e bile o ne a setse a buiseditse Mbali dibuka tsa gagwe tsotlhe. +Fela ka nako eo, Nkoko o ne a tsena ka moriri o o tlhakatlhakantsweng ke phefo ya kwa ntle. O ne a tshwere sengwe. Neo o ne a kgona go bona gore se ne se le sephaphathinyana, mme se le khutlonne, gape se na le mmala o montle … mme se ne se kgona go bulega – fela jaaka lebokoso le le tsenyang letlotlo! +“Buka e e ne e le e ke e ratang thata fa ke ne ke le monnye jaaka wena,” Nkoko o ne a bolelela Neo. “E ne e le kgoro ya me ya go tsena mo lefatsheng le legolo, ka bophara jwa lone.” +Mme jalo, o ne a bula buka. +Mo tsebeng ya ntlha go ne go na le setshwantsho sa lefelo la maatla a a sa tlwaelegang, le le kgakala thata le letsatsi le le kwebu. Naga e ne e talafetse mme e na le mmala wa gauta le o mosetlha, go na le loapi le legolo, le le pududu fa godimo, le letsatsi le le bothito, la mmala wa serolwana, le le neng le fisa dilo tse di ka fa tlase ga lone. +“Ao! A seo ke nnete?” Neo o ne a felelwa ke mowa. +Nkoko o ne a nyenya. “A ga o itse? Mainane otlhe ke nnete, fa o dumela mo go one,” o ne a rialo. Jalo o ne a supa lefelo mo tsebeng moo mosimane yo monnye, wa bogolo jo bo batlileng bo lekana le jwa ga Neo, a neng a tsamaya mo nageng. +Fa Nkoko a buisa, Neo o ne a tswala matlho a gagwe mme a tsena mo lefatsheng la ditoro, mo godimo ga makgabana … go ralala lefatshe le legolo, la mmala o mosetlha … a lebile kwa lefatsheng le legolo, le le sephara. + +O ne a utlwa mantswe a mo nageng. +“Tswela kwa ntle! Tswela kwa ntle!” go ne ga opela nonyane e nnye. +“Ke letsatsi le lentle!” go ne ga lela ditshenekegi tsa sekhada. +“Tloga foo, tla o tshameke,” go ne ga sebaseba phefo mo tlhageng e telele. +Neo o ne a gakologelwa pula e e kwebu, e e tshologang, mme o ne a ipotsa gore a o tshwanetse a ka bo a le fa ntle fano. Mme mo leinaneng, o ka se kgone go dira sepe. Go ne go se na pula fano. Ka jalo, Neo o ne a simolola leeto go ralala naga. +Selo sa ntlha se a se boneng se ne se le setelele mme se le sesetlha ka mmele o o tiileng, wa legong. Se ne se na le matsogo a maleele, a masetlha a a neng a fitlhelela kwa loaping, le tlhogo e kgolo, e e tlhakatlhakaneng e kare dikalanaya tsa moriri wa botala jwa matlhare o o neng o tshikinyega mo phešwaneng e e bothito. +“Dumela,” ga rialo Neo, a gototse matlho a gagwe. “O eng?” +“Ke setlhare. Ke kgona go bona mo gotlhe go ralala mabala magolo, a mmala wa gauta. Tlhatlogela kwano, mme o lebelele le nna.” Setlhare se ne sa mo thusa, mme Neo o ne a se palama. + +Go tswa kwa godimo mo dikaleng, Neo o ne a kgona go bona go fitlha kwa bofelong jwa lefatshe. Mme go ne go na le dilo tse dintsi golo gongwe kwa, moo go batlileng go mmoifisa go nagana ka gone. +Mme fela setlhare se ne se mo tshwere ka pabalesego, mme se ne sa mo sebela, “Tsamaya o ye go tsamayatsamaya kwa teng. O se ke wa tshaba. Teng koo ke lefatshe le le ntle, le legolo, le le sephara.” +Ka jalo, Neo o ne a fologa mme o ne a tswelela ka loeto la gagwe go ralala naga. +Ka bonako, o ne a kopana le seolo sa santa e e popota se se nang le marobanyana, a a jaaka dikgoro tse dinnye. O ne a kgona go utlwa mantswe a le milione a mo teng, le medumo ya go tsamayatsamaya e le dimilione tse di thataro tsa maoto a mannye a ntse a taboga a ya kwa le kwa. +“Dumela! Ke wena mang?” Neo o ne a botsa mo go nngwe ya dikgoro. +“Dumela!” go ne ga araba lentswe le lennye. “Re ditshoswane. Re anela mainane a lefatshe mo teng mo. A o batla go utlwa mangwe a one?” +Neo o ne a rata mainane, ka jalo o ne a nna mo fatshe mme a reetsa. Ditshoswane di ne tsa mmolelela mainane a tsone a mo nageng le mo sekgweng, le a dithaba le ditoropokgolo tse di kgakala. +“Mainane a mantsi jaana?” Neo o ne a botsa. +“Go na le mainane a mantsi fela jaaka go na le dinaledi mo loaping,” go ne ga araba ditshoswane. +Neo o ne a laela, mme a tswelela ka loeto la gagwe go ralala naga. +Kwa bofelong, Neo o ne a fitlha mo metsing a mantsi a a neng a itlhaganela go feta mo gare ga mokgatsha go tloga mo mosong go fitlha bosigo. Neo o ne a tsena mo go one go tsidifatsa maoto a gagwe a a fisang. +Metsi a ne a gasa maoto a gagwe mme o ne a tshegatshega, “Ke noka. Ke elela go tswa kwa dithabeng go ya kwa lewatleng. Tla kwano, ntshale morago. Ke tlaa go isa gae.” + +Neo o ne a akanya gore go ne go ka nna monate jang. Ka jalo, o ne a latela noka go ralala mokgatsha le fa gare ga dithaba. Mmogo, ba ne ba tsamaya mo motshegareng go fitlhela go nna maitseboa, go fitlha kwa bofelong, Neo a fitlha kwa godimo ga lekgabana. +Go tloga moo a neng a eme teng, o ne a kgona go bona toropo e nnye, e tlhatswitswe phepa ke dipula mme e phatsima mo leseding la letsatsi le le phirimang. + +Jalo noka e ne ya elela e dira modumo ka bonojana, “Tswelela, e ya gae. Go na le batho ba bantsi ba ba go ratang koo, ba ba letileng go arogana mainane le wena.” +Neo o ne a ya kwa tlase, a feta mo gare ga toropo. O ne a bona mebila e e tlhanaselang mme e ne e tsena ka bonako mo toropong, fela jaaka dinoka. O ne a bona matlo, a le bothito mo leseding la maitseboa. Mo teng ga one, batho ba ne ba tlhanasela, fela jaaka ditshoswane tse di nnye. +Kwa bofelong, Neo o ne a okomela mo letlhabaphefong moo nkoko yo mogolo, yo o nang le matsogo a a tiileng le moriri o o tlhakatlhakaneng jaaka dikalana tsa setlhare se segolo, o neng a tswala buka mme a inama go atla mosimane wa gagwe yo monnye gore a robale sentle mo bosigong. + +Neo o ne a akanya ka naga le setlhare le ditshoswane le noka. Mme fa a ntse a lebeletse Nkoko, molagodimo o ne wa bonesa ntlo e nnye ka mebala e e phatsimang moo e neng ya lebega jaaka setshwantsho se se mo bukeng ya mainane. Neo o ne a akanya ka maitemogelo a gagwe a magolo mo ditsebeng tsa buka e e rategang ya mainane ya ga Nkoko, mme o ne a akanya ka ga gagwe le Mbali le kwa gae. +Ka jalo, Neo o ne a feta mo gare ga buka, a tsena mo bolaong jwa gagwe jo bo bothito, mo phaposing ya gagwe e e nang le kagiso, mo teng ga ntlo ya gagwe e nnye. +Mme ke lone lebaka la gore ke goreng, fa nako le nako lefatshe le bonala le le kwebu thata, e bile phaposi ya gagwe e le nnye thata, Neo a bulang buka. O tsena ka kgoro e e fa gare ga ditsebe, mme o tsena mo lefatsheng le legolo, le le sephara. +  +Nna le boitlhamedi! +Mmogo akanya le go itirela tiragalo go tswa mo leinaneng o dirisa dilwana mo tikologong ya gago. Dira mofuta o mogolo o o lekanang le wa selo sa mmatota wa tiragalo, kgotsa dira tiragalo e nnye mo teng ga lebokoso la ditlhako.",tsn,Setswana,"eo le lefatshe le legolo, le le sephar",...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Vianne Vente,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/neo-le-lefatshe-le-legolo-le-le-sephara +neo-and-big-wide-world,"Neo wabuka efasitelweni lelikamelo lakhe lelimphunga sitaladi lesimphunga lesinebantfu labamanti, labamphunga baphutfuma emvuleni lemphunga. Bekangakhoni kuphumela ngaphandle, futsi besatifundze tonkhe tincwadzi takhe atifundzele Mbali. +Kusenjalo, kwangena gogo anetinwele letimahliphihliphi ngenca yekuhhusha kwemoya ngaphandle. Kukhona bekakuphetse. Neo wakubona kutsi bekusicabati, futsi kusasikwele, futsi kunemibala legcamile … futsi bekuvuleka – njengelibhokisi lemcebo! +“Lena bekuyincwadzi yami lebengiyitsandza kakhulu ngesikhatsi ngisesemncane ngingangawe,” Gogo watjela Neo. “Bekungumnyango wami longiyisa emhlabeni lomkhulu, lobanti.” +Wabese uyayivula lencwadzi. +Ekhasini lekucala bekunendzawo lengumlingo, lebeyikhashane kakhulu nalelilanga lelimphungamphunga. Siganga besiluhlata satjani siphindze futsi sibe saligolide nalokunsundvu, sinesibhakabhaka lesihle, lesikhulu, lesiluhlata kwesibhakabhaka, futsi sifutfumele, lilanga lelimtfubi belenta phansi kutsi kushise. +“Hhayi bo! Ingabe loku kuliciniso?” Neo wadvosa umoya. +Gogo wamamatseka. “Awati yini? Kutsi tonkhe tindzaba tiliciniso, nangabe ukholelwa kuto,” kwasho yena. Wabese ukhomba indzawo ekhasini lapho khona umfana lomncane, lobekacishe alingane naNeo, bekahamba ancamula siganga. +Ngesikhatsi Gogo afundza, Neo wavala emehlo akhe waticabanga ahamba, asetintsabeni … ancamula umhlaba lomkhulu, lonsundvu … ahamba acondze emhlabeni lomkhulu, lobanti. + +Weva emavi esiganga. +“Phuma! Phuma!” kuhlabela inyoni lencane. +“Lilanga lelihle!” kukhala tinyekevu. +“Wota, wota futsi utodlala,” kwahleba umoya etjanini lobudze. +Neo wakhumbula ngalemvula lemphunga, lenako, wacabanga nangekutsi ingabe ufanele kutsi abe khona lapho yini. Kepha endzabeni, ungenta noma ngabe yini. Bekute imvula lapha. Ngako-ke, Neo wahamba wancamula siganga. +Intfo yekucala layibona bekungumtimba wetingodvo, lomudze futsi lonsundvu. Bewunemikhono, lemidze lensundvu lebeyifika esibhakabhakeni, kanye nenhloko lenkhulu, letinsaba lenemacembe laluhlata lebeyinyikanyika kulomoya lohheletako. +“Sawubona,” kwasho Neo, ahlahle emehlo. “Uyini?” +“Ngisihlahla. Ngiyakhona kubona konkhe ngale, kulamatsafa lamahle, laligolide. Khuphuka ute lapha, futsi ubuke kanye nami.” Lesihlahla sasondzela, Neo wasigibela. + +Etulu emagaleni, Neo bekakhona kubona umngcengcema lapho kuphela khona umhlaba. Futsi bekukhona lokunyenti endzaweni letsite lapho, lebekucishe kumetfuse nakacabanga ngako. +Kepha lesihlahla sambamba ngalokuphephile, futsi samhlebela satsi, “Hamba uyotibonela utfolisise. Ungesabi. Kunemhlaba lomuhle, lomkhulu, lobanti lapha.” +Ngako, Neo wabese uyehla wachubeka neluhambo lwakhe lwekuncamula siganga. +Masinyane nje, wahlangana nesidvuli senhlabatsi lecinile lesinetimbobo letincane, njengeminyango lemincane. Ngekhatsi bekeva emavi latinkhulungwane lakhulumako, kanye netigi tetinyawo letincane letigijimako letitigidzi letisitfupha. +“Sanibonani! Nibobani?” Neo wamemeta kumunye waleminyango. +“Sawubona!” kwaphendvula livi lelincane. “Sitintfutfwane. Sicoca tindzaba temhlaba lapha. Ingabe uyafuna yina kuva letinye tato?” +Neo bekatitsandza tindzaba, ngako-ke wahlala phansi walalela. Letintfutfwane tacoca tindzaba tato tesiganga nelihlatsi, kanye netetintsaba nemadolobhakati labekakhashane kunalapho. +“Tindzaba letinengi kangaka?” kwabuta Neo. +“Tinyenti letindzaba tingangetinkhanyeti esibhakabhakeni,” kwaphendvula tintfutfwane. +Neo, wavalelisa ngekuvilitisa sandla, wachubeka nendlela yakhe yekuncamula siganga. +Ekugcineni, Neo wahlangana nemanti lamanyenti labekageleta etihoshini kusukela ekuseni kute kube sebusuku. Neo wangena kulamanti kute aphotise imilente yakhe lebeyishisa. +Lamanti amkhaphatela lapha etinyaweni abuye futsi agigitseka atsi, “Ngingumfula. Ngisuka etintsabeni ngite ngiyongena elwandle. Wota, ngilandzele. Ngitakumikisa ekhaya.” + +Neo wacabanga kutsi loko kungaba mnandzi kakhulu. Ngako-ke walandzela lomfula wadzabula tihoshi wabuye futsi wendlula emkhatsini wetintsaba. Bahamba kanyekanye imini yonkhe kwacishe futsi kwaba sebusuku, kwate kwatsi ekugcineni, Neo wefika esicongweni sentsaba. +Akhona lapho, bekakhona kubona lidolobha lelincane, leligezwe yimvula lahloba futsi limanyatela ekushoneni kwelilanga. + +Umfula wagobhota ngebumnene, “Chubeka, hamba uye ekhaya. Kunebantfu labakutsandzako lapho, labalindzele kwabelana nawe tindzaba.” +Neo wahamba, wewuka nelidolobha. Wabona titaladi lebetiphitsitela tidzabula lidolobha, njengemifula. Wabona tindlu, tifutfunyetwa kukhanya kwasentsambama. Ngekhatsi kuto, bantfu bebamatasatasa, njengetintfutfwane letincane. +Ekugcineni, Neo wahlola efasitelweni lapho khona bekunagogo, lonemikhono lecinile netinwele letimahlodlombiya njengemagala esihlahla lesikhulu, avala incwadzi wabuye futsi wagobondzela kute acabuze avalelise umfanyana wakhe ayolala. + +Neo wacabanga ngalesiganga nalesihlahla kanye naletintfutfwane nalomfula. Futsi watsi lapha nakabuka logogo, umushi wenkhosatana wakhanyisa lendlu lencane ngemibala legcamile kwabukeka njengesitfombe encwadzini. Neo wacabanga ngeluhambo lwakhe lwekutibonela utfolisise ngekhatsi emakhasini encwadzi yaGogo layitsandzako, wabuye futsi wacabanga ngaye kanye naMbali ekhaya. +Ngako-ke, wesuka kulencwadzi, wangena embhedzeni wakhe lofutfumele, ekamelweni lakhe lelintofontofo, endlini yakhe lencane. +Futsi kungako-ke, kutsi nangabe umhlaba ubukeka umphunga, nelikamelo lakhe libukeka lilincane, Neo uvula incwadzi. Uphuma emnyango emkhatsini walamakhasi, abuye futsi ahambe aye emhlabeni lomkhulu, lobanti. +  +Khombisa likhono lakho lebuciko! +Nindzawonye cabangani bese nakha inkhundla lekulendzaba nisebentisa tintfo letisendzaweni yenu. Yakhani inkhundla lelingana naleyo leyimelele, noma nakhe inkhundla lencane ebhokisini leticatfulo.",ssw,Siswati,"eo nemhlaba lomkhulu, lobant",...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Vianne Vente,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/neo-nemhlaba-lomkhulu-lobanti +neo-and-big-wide-world,"Neo o lavhelesa nnḓa ha fasiṱere ḽa lufhera lwawe a vhona tshiṱaraṱa tsha muvhala wa muora tsho ḓala vhathu vha muvhala wa muora vhe vha ṋukala,vhane vha vhonala vha tshi ya nṱha na fhasi mvulani i naho ya muvhala wa muora. Ho ngo kona u bvela nnḓa nahone o vha o no fhedza kale u vhalela Mbali bugu dzawe. +Zwi tshe zworalo, ho mbo ḓi dzhena Gogo vhe mavhudzi avho a vha o ṱharuwa nga nṱhani ha muya u vhudzulaho afho nnḓa. Vho vha vho fara tshiṅwe tshithu. Neo o kona u vhona uri tsho vha tshi fuḽethe, na u vha tshikwea nahone tsho nakelela nga maanḓa … ngeno tshi tshi vulea – u tou fana na tshibogisi tsho hwalaho lupfumo! +“Iyi yo vha bugu ye nda vha ndi tshi i funesa musi ndi tshi kha ḓi vha muṱuku u fana na inwi,” Gogo vho vhudza Neo. “Yo vha munango wanga wa u ya kha ḽifhasi ḽihulwane.” +Zwenezwo, vha mbo ḓi vula bugu. +Kha siaṱari ḽa u thoma ho vha hu na tshifanyiso tsha fhethu ha manditi, hu re kulekule na ḓuvha ḽa muvhala wa muora. Dakaḽo vha ḽi na mivhala mudala, wa musuku na wa burauni, ngeno nṱha haḽo hu na lutombo ludala luhulwanesa na ḓuvha ḽa muvhala wa thophi ḽi dudelaho. +“Zwonaka! Ndi zwa vhukuma izwi?” Neo o femela nṱha o mangala. +Gogo vho nwenwela. “Naa a ni zwi ḓivhi? Uri zwiṱori zwoṱhe ndi zwa vhukuma, arali ni tshi tenda khazwo,” vho amba. Vho sumba kha siaṱari hune mutukana muṱuku a linganaho na Neo a vha a tshi khou tshimbila a tshi pfukekanya ḓaka. +Zwenezwi Gogo vha tshi khou vhala, Neo o mbo ḓi bonya maṱo awe a vho ḓivhona e nṱha ha zwithavha … u pfukekanya ḽifhasi ḽihulwane ḽa muvhala wa buraunu … asizwiḽa a vha o ya ḽifhasini ḽihulwane. + +A pfa maipfi a ḓaka. +“Bvelani nnḓa! Bvelani nnḓa!” hu imbelela kuṋoni.” +“Ndi ḓuvha ḽa manakanaka!” hu dzhenelela nzenene. +“Ḓelani ngeno, iḓani ni tambe,” hu hevhedza muya u ha tsini vhulapfu. +Neo a mbo ḓi elelwa nga mvula ya muvhala wa muora inaho, a elekanya arali o vha o tea a nnḓa. Hu tou vha uri tshiṱorini, u nga ita zwiṅwe na zwiṅwe. Ho vha hu si na mvula hafha. Zwenezwo, Neo a mbo ḓi pfukekanyaḓaka. +Tshithu tshe a thoma u tsh ivhona ho vha hu tshivhumbeo tshilapfu tsha thanda yo khwaṱhaho, tsha muvhala wa burauni. Tsho vha tshi na zwanḓa zwilapfu zwa burauni zwe zwa lapfa u ṱoḓou swika makoleni, na ṱhoho khulwane ye ya ṱharuwa i re na mavhudzi madala a ngaho maṱari e a vha a tshi khou ya nge i na ngei mufheni u dudelaho. +“Ndaa,” ho amba Neo na maṱo awe o vulea tshoṱhe. “U tshithu-ḓe iwe?” +“Ndi nṋe muri. Ndi a kona u vhona kule u swika midavhini mihulwane ya musuku. Gonyani ni ḓe ri lavhelese roṱhe,” Muri wa thusa Neo u ugonya. + +Musi e nṱha matavhini, Neo a kona u vhona magumoni a shango. Ho vha hu na zwithu zwinzhisa hafho fhethu, zwe zwa ṱoḓou mu ofhisa musi a tshi humbula ngazwo. +Muri wone wo mu tsireledza wa ita na u hevhedza, “Tshimbilani na ḽifhasi ḽoṱhe. Ni songo ofha. Ḽifhasi iḽi ḽihulwane ḽi takadza nga maanḓa.” +Zwenezwo, Neo a tsela fhasi a mbo ḓi pfukekanya ḓaka. +Hu si kale a swika tshiuluni tshi re na milindi miṱuku i fanaho na minango miṱukuṱuku. O vha a tshi khou pfa maipfi manzhisa a re ngomu na miungo ya nayo ṱhukhusa dzi no khou gidimagidima. +“Ndaa! Ndinnyi are afho?” Neo o vhidzelelae kha muṅwe ya minango. +“Ndaa!” Ho fhindula kuipfi. “Ri vhusunzi. Ri anetshela zwiṱori zwa ḽifhasi fhano. Ni a takalela u thetshelesa zwiṅwe naa?” +Neo o vha a tshi takalela zwiṱori, zwenezwo a dzula fhasi a thetshelesa. Vhusunzi ha anetshela zwiṱori zwaho zwa maḓakani, na zwa dzithavhani na ḓorobo khulwane dzi re kule. +“Zwiṱori zwinzhisa nga u rali?” ho vhudzisa Neo. +“Hu na zwiṱori zwinzhisa u fana na ṋaledzi,” ho fhindula vhusunzi. +Neo o mbo onesa a ṱutshela seli ha pfulo. +Mafhedziseloni, Neo o ḓo swika fhethu ha maḓi manzhisa e a elela u tsa na muḓana vhusiku na masiari. Neo a dzhenisa milenzhe yawe ifhisaho uri i rotholelwe. +Maḓi a hasekanywa nayoni dzawe a mbo ḓi nwenwela, “Ndi nṋe mulambo. Ndi elela u bva thavhani u swika lwanzheni. Iḓani, ntsaleni murahu. Ndi ḓo ni isa hayani.” + +Neo a humbula uri izwo zwi nga vha zwavhuḓi nga maanḓa. Zwenezwo, a gonya na mulambo a wetshela seli ha muḓana vhukati ha dzithavha. Vhe vhoṱhe, vha ya naḽo masiari oṱhe na vhusiku ha hone u swika Neo a tshi swika nṱha ha thavha. +E henefho o vha a tshi kona u vhona ḓorobo ṱhukhu, i tshi khou nelwa nga mvula na u penyelela nga nṱhani ha ḓuvha ḽikovhelaho. + +Mulambo wo vha u na magabelo, “Tshimbilani, iyani hayani. Hu na vhathu vha ne vha ni funa, vho lindela u ḓo anetshelwa zwiṱori nga inwi.” +Neo a ṱuwa ḓoroboni ṱhukhu. A vhona vhathu vha tshi tsa nṱha na fhasi ḓoroboni ṱhukhu, u fana na milambo. A vhona dzinnḓu, dzi dudelaho nga nṱhani ha mavhone o fungwaho. Ngomu hadzo, vhathu vho vha vhe bizi u fana na vhusunzi. +Mafheloni, Neo o ṱolela nga fasiṱere musi mukegulu wa kale, wa mikoṅwo yo khwaṱhaho na mavhudzi o ṱharuwaho u fana na matavhi a muri muhulu a tshi vala bugu a ita na u kwatama a onesana na kutukana nga u ku mama. + +Neo a humbula nga ḓaka, muri na vhusunzi khathihi na mulambo. Zwenezwi o lavhelesa Gogo, musengavhadzimu wa vhonetshela nnḓu nga mivhala i penyaho lwe ya vho nga tshifanyiso buguni yazwiṱori. Neo a humbula nga vhuḓifungi hawe vhu re ngomu ha masiaṱari a bugu ya zwiṱori ine Gogo vha i funesa, a mbo ḓi humbula ngavho na Mbali na hayani. +Zwenezwo, Neo a fhedza u vhala bugu, a dzhena nguvhoni dzawe dzi dudelaho ngomu ha lufhera lwawe lwo nakelelaho luḓuni lwawe lu dudelaho. +Ndi ngazwo ḽifhasi ḽi tshi vhonala ḽi na muvhala wa miora, lufhera lwawe lu tshi vhonala lu luṱuku nga maanḓa. Neo o vula bugu. A dzhena nga munango vhukati ha masiaṱari a fhirela kha ḽifhasi ḽihulwane. +  +Kha vha sumbedze vhukoni! +Vha vhoṱhe kha vha humbule na u sika hafhu tshifanyiso tshi bvaho kha tshiṱori vha tshi khou shumisa zwiteṅwa zwi re kha vhupo havho. Kha vha ite tshifanyiso tshi fanaho na tsha vhutshiloni, kana vha sike tshipiḓa tshiṱuku bogisini ḽa zwienda.",ven,Tshivenda,eo na ḽifhasi ḽihulwane,...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Vianne Vente,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/neo-na-ḽifhasi-ḽihulwane +neo-and-big-wide-world,"Neo u langutile ehandle hi fasitere ku suka ekamareni ya yena loko mpunga lowu a wu vonaka eka switarata hikwalaho ka ku tsakama, vanhu va mpunga va ri karhi va famba hi ku hatlisa, loko pfula yi ri karhi yi na. A nga ta humela ehandle, naswona a hlayele Mbali tibuku hinkwato. +Hi nkarhi walowo, Kokwani u nghenile misisi yi lo jivinini hikwalaho ka moya lowu a wu ri ehandle. A khomile xa n’wa nchumu. Neo a swivona leswaku a xi bambekile, xa xikwere, na ku va na muhlovohlovo… naswona a xi pfuleka – ku fana na bokisi ra rifuwo! +“Leyi i buku leyi a ndzi yi rhandza loko ndza ha ri ntsongo ku fana na wena,” Kokwani a byela Neo. “A ku ri nyangwa wa mina ku ya eka misava leyikulu, yo anama.” +Kutani, a pfula buku. +Eka pheji yo sungula a ku ri xifaniso xa ndhawu yo hlamarisa, kule na le ka ndhawu leyi nga ni siku leri nga ni mpunga. Nhova ya kona a yi ri ya rihlaza na nsuku na ribungu, na matilo lawa yo saseka ya wasi le henhla, na dyambu lero kufumela ra xitshopani, ri ri karhi ri hisa. +“Eee! Yi kona ndhawu yo tani?” ku hlamala Neo. +Kokwani a n’wayitela. “Xana a wu switiva? Mitsheketo hinkwayo i ya ntiyiso, loko u yi tshembha,” a hlamula. Kutani a kombetela ndhawu eka pheji laha mfana lontsongo, loyi a lava ku ringana na Neo, a ri eku fambeni enhoveni. +Loko Kokwani a ri karhi a hlaya, Neo u pfarile mahlo kutani a nyamalala, a nghena etintshaveni … exikarhi ka misava leyikulu ya ribunga … ku ya eka misava leyikulu leyi anameke. + +U twile marito ya le nhoveni. +“Humela ehandle! Humela ehandle!” ku yimbelela xinyenyani. +“I siku ro saseka!” ku hlavelela mbvomomo. +“Tana, tana hi ta tlanga,” ku hlevetela moya lowu hungaka byanyi lebyo leha. +Neo u tsundzukile mpfula leyi a yi ri ekuneni na mpunga, a hleketa ku ri loko o va a ri ehandle. Kambe eka ntsheketo, u nga endla hinkwaswo. A ku ri hava mpfula laha. Kutani, Neo u humile ku ya ehandle. +Xo sungula ku xi vona i miri wa nsinya wo leha wa mpunga. A wu ri na mavoko yo leha ya mpunga lawa a ya fika ematilweni, na marhavi lamakulu ya misisi ya matluka ya rihlaza lawa a ya hungiwa hi moya. +“Ahee,” ku vula Neo, a jikisa mahlo. “Hi wena mani?” +“Ndzi nsinya. Ndzi kota ku vona tindhawu hinkwato letikulu, ripala ra nsuku. Tana, u ta languta na mina.” Nsinya wu tshinelela, kutani Neo a khandziya. + +Ku suka ehenhla emarhavini, Neo a kota ku vona evugimamusi bya misava. Naswona a ku ri na swotala hinkwakokwako, a swi lava na ku n’wi chavisa loko a swi ehleketa. +Kambe nsinya wu n’wi nsirhelerile, na ku hlevetela, “Famba u ya valanga. U nga chavi. I misava leyo hlamarisa, leyikulu na ku anama.” +Kutani, Neo a chika a famba a ya enhoveni. +Hi ku hatlisa, u hlangane na nhula ya sava ro tiya ri ri na mimbhovo leyitsongo, leyi fanaka na minyangwa leyitsongo. A twa marito ya mamiliyoni lawa a ya ri endzeni, na huwa ya swinengani swa ntsevu wa mamiliyoni leyi a yi ri karhi yi tsutsuma. +“Ahee! Hi wena mani?” Neo u huwelerile hi yin’wana ya timbati. +“Ahee!” rito leritsongo ri hlamula. “Hi vusokoti. Hi rungulelana mitsheketo ya misava kona kwala. U lava ku twa yin’wana mitsheketo xana?” +Neo a rhandza mitsheketo, u tshamile ehansi a yingisela. Vusokoti byi rungurile mitsheketo ya le nhoveni na le makhwatini, na le tintshaveni na le mahlweni ka doroba. +“Mitsheketo yo tala?” Ku vutisa Neo. +“Ku na mitsheketo yo tala ku fana ni ku tala ka tinyeleti ematilweni,” ku hlamula vusokoti. +Neo a tatayisa, a famba hi ndlela ya le nhoveni. +Kutani Neo u fambile ku fika laha anga hlangana na mati lawo tala lawa a ya khuluka ku suka na mixo ku fika exikarhi ka vusiku. Neo u hoxile milenge ku timula milenge leyi hisaka. +Mati ya hungile milenge ya yena hi gandlati kutani a hleka, “Mina ndzi nambu. Ndzi jikajika na tintshava. Tana, ndzi sali hi le ndzhaku. Ndzi ta ku yisa ekaya.” + +Neo u ehlekete leswaku swi nga va kahle. Kutani a landzelela laha nambu a wu ya kona exikarhi ka tintshava. Hinkwavo va ri karhi va tsendzeleka nahlikanhi ku kala ku fika loko dyambu ri nga si pela, ku fika loko Neo a fika ehlohlorhini ya ntshava. +Ku suka kwalaho, a kota ku vona doroba ritsongo, leri nga basisiwa hi mpfula na ku vangama hi miseve ya ku pela ka dyambu. + +Kutani nambu wu hlekelela, “Yana emahlweni, famba kaya. Ku na vanhu lava ku rhandzaka, lava lavaka ku avelana ntsheketo na wena.” +Neo u yile kona, exikarhi ka doroba. U vone phensaphensa eswitarateni swa le dorobeni, ku fana na le nambyeni. U vonile tindlu, ku kufumela namadyambu hi timboni. Endzeni ka tona, vanhu va endla swokarhi, ku fana na vusokoti lebyitsongo. +Emaheteleleni, Neo u pfurile fasitere laha a ku ri na kokwani loyi a dyuhaleke, na mavoko lawa ya tiyeke na misisi yi lo jivinini ku fana na marhavi ya nsinya lowukulu, u pfarile buku kutani a korhama a ntswontswa jaha ra yena a ku etlela kahle. + +Neo u ehlekete hi nhova na ntshava na vusokoti na nambu. Loko a ha langute kokwani, nkwangulatilo wu voningerile yindlu ya muhlovohlovo ku fana na xifaniso xa le ka buku ya ntsheketo. Neo u ehlekete hi riendzlo lero hlamarisa leri nga endzeni ka tipheji ta buku ya ntsheketo lowu rhandziwaka hi Kokwani, a enhleketa hi yena na Mbali ekaya. +Neo u hoxile buku endzeni ka mubedwa lowo kufumela, eka kamara lero xonga, eka yindlu lebyitsongo. +Hikwalaho, loko misava yi ti komba yi ri ya mpunga, eka kamara ra yena lero xonga, kamara ra yena ri languteka ri ri ritsongo, Neo a pfula buku. A yima erivantini exikarhi ka mapheji, kutani a famba a ya eka misava leyikulu, yo anama. +  +Sungulani ku va ni vutumbuluxi! +Hinkwerhu anakanyani na ku endla hi vuntshwa xivono ku suka eka ntsheketo hi ku tirhisa leswi nga kona eka mbangu wa wena. Endla muxaka lowukulu wa xivumbeko, kumbe u endla xivono lexitsongo endzeni ka bokisi ra tintanghu.",tso,Xitsonga,"eo na Misava leyikulu, yo anam",...,"Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Vianne Vente,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/neo-na-misava-leyikulu-yo-anama +hopes-holiday,"“Yay, it’s holiday!” sang Hope. Her mother laughed and stopped the car on Mme wa Afrika’s farm. +“We’re here!” shouted Josh as he saw Afrika and his mother. +“Now that you are here, what are you planning to do?” asked Mme wa Afrika once everyone had unpacked their bags. +“Today we’re going to feed the farm animals and collect eggs for you, Mme wa Afrika,” said Hope. “Tomorrow we’re all going to fly kites and on the last day, Josh would like to learn to bake bread in the outside oven. +“And I want to show Hope the water hole,” said Afrika. +Mme wa Afrika and Hope’s mother laughed. +Their first two days were busy and full of fun. On the third day Hope went to the water hole with Afrika, even though she really wanted to bake bread with Josh. +“We’ll be back at lunchtime,” said Hope as she and Afrika waved goodbye to everyone. +On their way they saw two hawks, some birds’ nests and a tiny mouse. Hope took photographs of them with her cellphone. +“The water hole is over there,” said Afrika pointing. “Let’s be really quiet and hide behind this bush.” +Afrika and Hope watched the birds drinking and bathing in the water. There was even a tiny buck drinking at the water’s edge. +Then suddenly Hope went cold all over. Something was moving in the bush behind her. +“Afrika!” she whispered. +“Why are you whispering like that?” asked Afrika, still looking at the water hole. +“There’s something behind us and it’s getting closer,” Hope whispered urgently. +“Don’t be silly! There’s nothing dangerous around here,” said Afrika. +But then he turned around to look. “Oh no!” he shouted. “RUN! RUN!” +They ran between thorn trees and across the rocks. Afrika scrambled up a high tree and Hope followed. They could hear something following them. +“What is that?” Hope asked shaking and looking down from the safety of the tree. +“It’s a warthog. And it’s in a bad mood!” said Afrika. + +“Is it dangerous?” asked Hope. +“Look at its tusks. When it’s angry it’s very dangerous!” said Afrika. +The warthog stared up at them. Its tusks were big and curved. It sniffed the air and circled the tree grunting. Then it turned and went down on its knees. +“Nooo,” sighed Afrika. +“What? What?” asked Hope. +“Now it’s looking for food. All we can do is wait and hope that it goes off soon,” said Afrika. +The children watched the warthog as it dug in the ground. After quite some time it disappeared into the bush. +“It feels like we’ve been up here for hours. Are you sure it’s gone?” asked Hope. +“I’m sure. Come on,” said Afrika as he climbed down, looked around and groaned. +“What’s wrong? Is it coming back?” Hope asked nervously. +“No,” said Afrika. “Worse than that.” +“What could be worse than being chased by an angry warthog?” asked Hope. +“We’re lost,” said Afrika. “I didn’t look where we were running to … and … well you’d better phone my mother.” +Hope dug in her pocket for her cellphone. “It’s gone,” she said. “It must have fallen out while we were running. Now what? It’s getting late. Oh, I wish I had stayed and baked bread with Josh!” +Afrika took a deep breath. “We’ll have to look for our footprints. When we find them, we can follow them back to the water hole.” Then he looked around. “Oh no! The ground we ran across is hard and so there won’t be any footprints!” he said. +“We’ll just walk in a circle until we find something,” said Hope and she started to walk. “Here!” she shouted. “Here’s something.” +Afrika looked at the prints. “No,” he said, “those are not our footprints. Keep walking.” +“But Afrika, they can help. I think those are buck prints. Don’t you remember? We saw a small buck at the water hole.” + +“Oh, yes!” said Afrika. “We can follow them back to the water hole. We’d better hurry because I’m sure everyone at home is getting worried about us.” +What they didn’t expect to find at the water hole was Mme wa Afrika and Hope’s mother! +“You’re a bit late,” said Mme wa Afrika getting out of the car. “We were worried. In you get, let’s go.” +“I hope you two have a good story,” said Hope’s mother, starting the car. “You’ve got a lot of explaining to do.” +Hope and Afrika looked at each other. +“By the way,” said Mme wa Afrika, “I just saw an angry warthog. Luckily you didn’t bump into it. That could have been really dangerous!” Then after a bit she said, “Oh, Hope, look what I found lying near a bush at the water hole.” She handed Hope her cellphone. “It’s a pity it wasn’t in your pocket, you could have phoned to let us know you were going to be late.” +Hope looked at Afrika again and they both burst out laughing. +“Mmm,” said Mme wa Afrika. “It looks like you have a good holiday story to tell, Hope.” +  +Get creative! +Encourage your children to write or tell their own holiday adventure stories – real or imaginary!",eng,English,Hope's holiday,"“Yay, it’s holiday!” sang Hope. Her mother laughed and stopped the car on Mme wa Afrika’s farm. +“We’re here!” shouted Josh as he saw Afrika and his mother. +“Now that you are here, what are you planning to do?” asked ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hopes-holiday +hopes-holiday,"“Jippie, dis vakansie!” skree Hope. Haar ma lag en parkeer die motor op Mme wa Afrika se plaas. +“Ons is hier!” roep Josh toe hy vir Afrika en sy mamma sien. +“Wat beplan julle om te doen noudat julle hier is?” vra Mme wa Afrika toe almal hulle tasse uitgepak het. +“Vandag gaan ons die plaasdiere voer en die eiers vir jou uithaal, Mme wa Afrika,” sê Hope. “Môre gaan ons almal vlieërs vlieg en die laaste dag wil Josh graag leer hoe om brood in die bakoond buite te bak. +“En ek wil vir Hope die watergat gaan wys,” sê Afrika. +Mme wa Afrika en Hope se mamma lag. +Hulle eerste twee dae is besig en propvol pret. Op die derde dag gaan Hope saam met Afrika na die watergat toe, al wil sy eintlik eerder saam met Josh brood bak. +“Ons sal etenstyd terug wees,” sê Hope terwyl sy en Afrika vir almal tot siens waai. +Op pad sien hulle twee valke, ’n paar voëlneste en ’n klein muisie. Hope neem met haar selfoon foto’s van hulle. +“Die watergat is daar oorkant,” sê Afrika en beduie daarna. “Ons moet tjoepstil wees. Kom ons kruip agter hierdie bos weg.” +Afrika en Hope kyk hoe die voëls water drink en bad. Daar is selfs ’n klein wildsbokkie wat by die watergat kom drink. +Skielik raak Hope yskoud. Iets beweeg in die bos agter haar. +“Afrika!” fluister sy. +“Waarom fluister jy so?” vra Afrika, wat steeds na die watergat bly kyk. +“Daar is iets agter ons en dit kom al nader,” fluister Hope dringend. +“Moenie laf wees nie! Daar is niks gevaarliks hier rond nie,” sê Afrika. +Maar toe draai hy om om te kyk. “O nee!” skree hy. “HARDLOOP! HARDLOOP!” +Hulle hardloop tussen doringbome deur en oor rotse. Afrika klouter in ’n hoë boom en Hope volg hom. Hulle kan hoor hoe iets hulle volg. +“Wat’s dit?” vra Hope bewend en kyk af vanwaar sy veilig bo in die boom sit. +“Dis ’n vlakvark. En hy’s in ’n slegte bui!” sê Afrika. + +“Is hy gevaarlik?” vra Hope. +“Kyk na sy tande. Wanneer hy kwaad is, is hy baie gevaarlik!” sê Afrika. +Die vlakvark gluur hulle aan. Sy tande is groot en krom. Hy snuif die lug en stap grommend om die boom. Toe draai hy om en sak op sy knieë neer. +“Neee,” sug Afrika. +“Wat? Wat?” vra Hope. +“Nou soek hy kos. Al wat ons kan doen, is om te wag en te hoop dat hy gou weer verder sal loop,” sê Afrika. +Die kinders hou die vlakvark dop terwyl hy in die grond grawe. Na ’n hele rukkie verdwyn hy in die bosse. +“Dit voel of ons al ure lank hier sit. Is jy seker hy’s weg?” vra Hope. +“Ek’s seker. Komaan,” sê Afrika terwyl hy afklim, om hom rondkyk en kreun. +“Wat’s fout? Kom hy terug?” vra Hope senuweeagtig. +“Nee,” sê Afrika. “Nog erger.” +“Wat kan erger wees as om deur ’n woedende vlakvark gejaag te word?” vra Hope. +“Ons het verdwaal,” sê Afrika. “Ek het nie gekyk waarheen ons hardloop nie … en … wel, jy moet liewer my ma bel.” +Hope soek in haar sak na haar selfoon. “Dis weg,” sê sy. “Dit moes uitgeval het terwyl ons gehardloop het. Wat nou? Dit raak laat. O, ek wens ek het eerder by die huis gebly en saam met Josh brood gebak!” +Afrika haal diep asem. “Ons sal ons voetspore moet soek. Wanneer ons hulle vind, kan ons hulle terug na die watergat toe volg.” Toe kyk hy rond. “O nee! Die grond waaroor ons gehardloop het, is hard en daar sal nie enige voetspore wees nie!” sê hy. +“Ons sal net in ’n sirkel moet loop totdat ons iets kry,” sê Hope en sy begin stap. “Hier!” skree sy. “Hier’s iets.” +Afrika kyk na die spore. “Nee,” sê hy, “dis nie ons voetspore nie. Hou aan stap.” +“Maar Afrika, hierdie spore kan ons help. Ek dink dit is bokspore. Onthou jy nie? Ons het ’n klein wildsbokkie by die watergat gesien.” + +“Jy’s reg!” sê Afrika. “Ons kan hulle volg tot by die watergat. Ons moet opskud, want ek is seker almal by die huis is besig om bekommerd te raak oor ons.” +Wat hulle nie verwag om by die watergat te vind nie, is Mme wa Afrika en Hope se mamma! +“Julle is ’n bietjie laat,” sê Mme wa Afrika toe sy uit die motor klim. “Ons het begin bekommerd raak. Toe, in is julle, ons moet weg wees.” +“Ek hoop julle twee het ’n goeie storie,” sê Hope se mamma toe sy die motor aanskakel. “Julle het nogal baie om te verduidelik.” +Hope en Afrika kyk vir mekaar. +“En terloops,” sê Mme wa Afrika, “ek het nou net ’n woedende vlakvark gesien. Gelukkig het julle nie in hom vasgeloop nie. Dit kon regtig gevaarlik gewees het!” Na ’n rukkie sê sy: “O, Hope, kyk wat het ek langs ’n bos by die watergat sien lê.” Sy gee die selfoon vir Hope. “Dis jammer dit was nie in jou sak nie, want dan kon julle gebel het om vir ons te sê julle gaan laat wees.” +Hope kyk weer na Afrika en hulle bars albei uit van die lag. +“Mmm,” sê Mme wa Afrika. “Dit lyk my jy het ’n goeie vakansiestorie om te vertel, Hope.” +  +Wees kreatief! +Moedig jou kinders aan om hulle eie vakansie-avontuurstories te vertel – regte of denkbeeldige stories!",afr,Afrikaans,Hope se vakansie,"“Yay, it’s holiday!” sang Hope. Her mother laughed and stopped the car on Mme wa Afrika’s farm. +“We’re here!” shouted Josh as he saw Afrika and his mother. +“Now that you are here, what are you planning to do?” asked ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/hope-se-vakansie +hopes-holiday,"“Hurreee, ixesha leeholide liqalile!” ucule watsho uHope. Umama wakhe wahleka waza wayimisa imoto yakhe kwifama kaMme wa Afrika. +“Sifikile!” kukhwaze uJosh akubona u-Afrika kunye nomama wakhe. +“Njengokuba nifikile nje nonke ngoku, niceba ukwenza ntoni?” wabuza uMme wa Afrika xa wonke ubani sele ezipakishile iimpahla zakhe kwasongwa nezo bhegi. +“Namhlanje siza kupha ukutya izilwanyana zasefama ze sikuqokelelele namaqanda akho, Mme wa Afrika,” watsho uHope. “Ngomso, sonke siza kubhabhisa iikayiti zethu ze ngosuku lokugqibela, uJosh afunde ukubhaka isonka kwi-onti engaphandle ukuba ikho indlela.” +“Mna ke ndifuna ukubonisa uHope iqula,” kutsho u-Afrika. +UMme wa Afrika kunye nomama kaHope bahleka esi sicwangciso. +Iintsuku zabo ezimbini zokuqala zazixakeke kakhulu, zizele lulonwabo. Ngosuku lwesithathu uHope waya equleni kunye no-Afrika, nangona nje yena wayekufuna ngokwenene ukubhaka isonka kunye noJosh. +“Siza kubuya ngexesha lesidlo sasemini,” kwatsho uHope lo gama yena no-Afrika bewangawangisa, besithi bonke ze basale kakuhle. +Endleleni apho babona ukhozi luhamba nolunye, iindlwane zeentaka kunye nempuku encinane. UHope wazifota zonke ezi zinto ngeselula yakhe. +“Liphaya ke iqula,” watsho u-Afrika esolatha ngomnwe. “Masingangxoli, kufuneka sizimele emva kweliyaa tyholo.” +U-Afrika noHope babukela iintaka xa zisela, ziqubha emanzini. Kwakukho nenyamakazana encinane esela amanzi kunxwema olo. +Ngephanyazo uHope wagcangcazela umzimba wonke, ngathi ungenwe yingqele. Kwakukho into erhwashazayo kwityholo elisemva kwakhe. +“Afrika!” wasebeza watsho. +“Kutheni usebeza kangaka nje?” kubuza u-Afrika, esajonge equleni. +“Kukho into elapha emva kwethu kwaye iyasondela,” waqhubeka nokusebeza, exhalabile efuna ukuhoywa uHope. +“Hayi wethu musa ukugeza apha! Akukho nto inabungozi apha,” watsho u-Afrika. +Kodwa waguquka kancinane, wajonga. “Owu nkosi yam!” ukhwaze watsho ngomothuko. “BALEKA! BALEKA!” +Babaleka phakathi kwaloo mithi yomnga, betsiba amatye amakhulu. U-Afrika wagwencela emthini waza noHope walandela. Babesiva ukuba ikho le nto ibalandelayo. +“Yintoni leyaa?” uHope wabuza engcangcazela, ejonge ezantsi kodwa eziva ebukhuseleka kuba ephezulu emthini. +“Yinxagu. Kwaye ixwaye inkathazo!” kwatsho u-Afrika. + +“Ingaba inobungozi?” wabuza uHope. +“Jonga amabamba ayo. Xa inomsindo inobungozi kakhulu!” watsho u-Afrika. +Inxagu yaqwanya, ibajamela bephezulu benjalo. Amabamba ayo ayemakhulu kangangokuba ayede agoba. Yafutha, ijoja umkhondo emoyeni ,yaza yajikeleza umthi ikrokra. Yaguquka yaza yaguqa. +“Hayiniii,” watsho ngesingqala u-Afrika. +“Yintoni? Yintoni?” kwabuza uHope. +“Ngoku ikhangela ukutya. Konke esinokukwenza kukulinda, sithembe ukuba iza kuhamba kwakamsinyane,” watsho u-Afrika. +Abantwana bayibukela inxagu njengokuba isomba emhlabeni. Emva kwexesha elidana yanyamalala apho phakathi kwemithi. +“Kuvakala ngathi kuqengqeleke iiyure ezininzi siphezu kwalo mthi. Uqinisekile ukuba imkile?” wabuza uHope. +“Ndiqinisekile. Yiza,” watsho u-Afrika esehla emthini, wajonga-jonga, ejikeleza waza wancwina. +“Yintoni eyonakeleyo? Ingaba iyabuya?” wabuza uHope ephakuphaku. +“Hayi,” watsho u-Afrika. “Le ingaphaya kwale uyithethayo.” +“Yintoni enokodlula ukusukelwa yinxagu enomsindo?” kwabuza uHope. +“Silahlekile,” watsho u-Afrika. “Khange ndijonge ukuba sibaleke, sisiya ngaphi … kwaye … mhlawumbi kungcono utsalele umama wam umnxeba.” +UHope wasifaka satshona nzulu isandla epokothweni yakhe, ekhangela iselula yakhe. “Ilahlekile,” watsho. “Inokuba iwe ngokuya besibaleka. Ngoku siza kuthini? Limkile ixesha. Owu, akwaba bendisele ngasemva ndabhaka isonka noJosh!” +U-Afrika watsala umphefumlo omde ngesingqala. “Kuza kufuneka sikhangele iinyawo zethu. Ukuzifumana kwethu, siza kulandela zona, sibuyele equleni.” Watsho sele ebheka-bheka. “Owu hayi ke ngoku! Umhlaba ebesibaleka kuwo ulukhuni ngoko ke akusayi kubakho zimpawu zanyawo zibonakalayo!” utshilo. +“Kuza kufuneka sijikeleze side sifumane into,” watsho uHope waza waqalisa ukuhamba. “Nantso!” wakhwaza. Kukho into ebonakalayo apha.” +U-Afrika wajonga ezo nyawo. “Hayi,” watsho, ezo ayizizo iinyawo zethu. Qhubeka uhambe.” +“Kodwa Afrika, zinganceda ezi mpawu. Ndicinga ukuba ziinyawo zenyamakazi. Awusakhumbuli? Besibone inyamakazi encinane phaya equleni.” + +“Owu, ewe!” watsho u-Afrika. “Singazilandela, sibuyele equleni. Kungcono sikhawuleze kuba ndiqinisekile wonke umntu ekhaya unexhala.” +Babengazange bakulindela ukufumana uMme wa Afrika nomama kaHope equleni apho! +“Selilide kakhulu noko eli thuba ningekho,” utshilo uMme wa Afrika ephuma emotweni. “Besinexhala. Ngenani, sihambe.” +“Ndinethemba lokuba ibali lenu nobabini liza kuba mnandi kakhulu,” watsho umama kaHope, ehambisa imoto kancinane. “Kuninzi kakhulu ekufuneka nikucacise.” +UHope no-Afrika bajongana. +“Gxebe,” watsho uMme wa Afrika, “Ndisandul’ ukubona inxagu enomsindo. Ninethamsanqa ningakhange nidibane nayo. Oko bekuya kuba yingozi ngokwenene!” Emva kwethutyana waqhuba wathi, “Owu, Hope, qashi-qashi ndifumene ntoni ilele ecaleni kwetyholo equleni.” Wamnika uHope iselula yakhe. “ Ndilusizi kuba ibingekho epokothweni yakho, kuba ngowusitsalele umnxeba, wasixelela ukuba niza kubuya kade.” +UHope wajonga ku-Afrika kwakhona baza baphela yintsini. +“Mmm,” watsho uMme wa Afrika. “Kukhangeleka ngathi uza kubalisa ibali elimnandi kakhulu leeholide, Hope.” +  +Sebenzisa ubugcisa bakho! +Khuthaza abantwana bakho ukuba babhale okanye babalise amabali amahlandinyuka kwiiholide zabo – nokuba ayinyaniso okanye bawaqambile!",xho,isiXhosa,Iholide kaHope,"“Yay, it’s holiday!” sang Hope. Her mother laughed and stopped the car on Mme wa Afrika’s farm. +“We’re here!” shouted Josh as he saw Afrika and his mother. +“Now that you are here, what are you planning to do?” asked ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iholide-kahope +hopes-holiday,"“Ngcingci, yisikhathi samaholide!” kucula uHope. Waqhuma ukuhleka umama wakhe ngesikhathi emisa imoto epulazini likaMme wa Afrika. +“Sifike ngezinkani!” kumemeza uJosh lapho ebona u-Afrika nonina. +“Njengoba senifikile nje, nihlele ukwenzani?” kubuza uMme wa Afrika lapho wonke umuntu esethulule impahla esikhwameni sakhe. +“Namhlanje sizoyopha izilwane zasepulazini ukudla, bese sikulandela amaqanda, Mme wa Afrika,” kusho uHope. “Kusasa sizondizisa amakhayithi sonke bese, ngosuku lokugcina, uJosh afunde ukubhaka isinkwa kuhhavini wangaphandle.” +“Futhi ngifuna ukukhombisa uHope umgodi wamanzi,” kusho u-Afrika. +Bavele baqhuma uhleko oMme wa Afrika nomama kaHope. +Ezinsukwini zabo zokuqala ezimbili babematasatasa futhi bezithokozisa kakhulu. Ngosuku lwesithathu uHope waya emgodini wamanzi no-Afrika, noma eqinisweni wayefuna ukubhaka isinkwa noJosh. +“Sizobuya ngesikhathi sesidlo sasemini,” kusho uHope lapho yena no-Afrika bevalelisa wonke umuntu. +Endleleni yabo babona oklebe ababili, izidleke ezimbalwa zezinyoni negundane elincane. UHope wathatha izithombe zazo ngomakhalekhukhwini wakhe. +“Umgodi wamanzi ulaphaya,” kusho u-Afrika ekhomba. “Ake sithule bese sicasha ngemva kwalesi sihlahla.” +U-Afrika noHope babukela izinyoni ziphuza futhi zibhukuda emanzini. Kwakukhona nenyamazane encane imbala eyayiphuza onqenqemeni lomgodi wamanzi. +Kusenjalo uHope wagcwala uhlevane. Kwakukhona into eyayihamba esihlahleni esingemuva kwakhe. +“Afrika!” kunyenyeza yena. +“Kungani unyenyeza kanjalo?” kubuza u-Afrika, esabuka emgodini wamanzi. +“Kukhona into esemva kwethu futhi iya ngokusondela,” kunyenyeza uHope ngokushesha. +“Suka lapha wena! Akukho lutho oluyingozi kule ndawo,” kusho u-Afrika. +Kodwa wabe esephenduka ukuze abheke ukuthi ngabe yini leyo. “Mamo!” kumemeza yena. “BALEKA! BALEKA!” +Bagijima phakathi kwezihlahla ezinameva base bedlula amadwala. U-Afrika wagibela esihlahleni esiphakeme ngokushesha elandelwa uHope. Babezwa ukuthi kukhona okubalandelayo. +“Yini leyo?” kubuza uHope eqhaqhazela ebuka phansi esendaweni ephephile esihlahleni. +“Yintibane. Futhi ithukuthele igane unwabu!” kusho u-Afrika. + +“Ngabe iyingozi?” kubuza uHope. +“Bheka amazinyo ayo. Iyingozi kakhulu uma ithukuthele!” kusho u-Afrika. +Intibane yababuka bephezulu. Amazinyo ayo ayemakhulu, egobile. Yahogela emoyeni yase izungeza isihlahla ibhonga. Yase iphenduka iguqa phansi. +“Chaaaabo,” kuphefumula u-Afrika. +“Yini? Yini?” kubuza uHope. +“Seyifuna ukudla manje. Inye nje into esingayenza, ukulinda bese sithemba ukuthi izohamba maduze nje,” kusho u-Afrika. +Izingane zazibuka ngenkathi intibane igubha umgodi. Emva kwesikhathi eside, yanyamalala ezihlahleni. +“Kuzwakala sengathi sesibe lapha amahora amaningi. Ngabe unesiqiniseko sokuthi ihambile?” kubuza uHope. +“Nginesiqiniseko. Woza,” kusho u-Afrika ehla esihlahleni; waqalaza ndawo zonke, wagwavuma. +“Kwenzenjani? Ingabe iyabuya futhi?” kubuza uHope ngokwesaba. +“Cha,” kusho u-Afrika. “Kubi kunalokho.” +“Yini engaba yimbi ukwedlula ukuxoshwa yintibane ethukuthele?” kubuza uHope. +“Silahlekile,” kusho u-Afrika. “Angizange ngibuke ukuthi sigijima sishona ngakuphi … e … kuyosisiza ukuthi ushayele umama ucingo.” +UHope wafuna umakhalekhukhwini wakhe emaphakatheni akhe. “Awukho,” kusho yena. “Kungenzeka ukuthi uwe ngesikhathi sigijima. Sizokwenzenjani manje? Isikhathi sesihambile. Uyazi, ngifisa sengathi ngabe ngihlale ngabhaka isinkwa noJosh!” +U-Afrika wadonsa umoya kakhulu. “Kumele sibheke iminyatheliso yezinyawo zethu. Uma siyithola sizokwazi ukuyilandela size siyofika emgodini wamanzi.” Waphenduka wabuka endaweni ebazungezile. “Mamo! Umhlaba ebesigijima kuwo womile, ngakho-ke ngeke kube khona minyatheliso!” kusho yena. +“Sizohamba sizungeza size sithole okuthile,” kusho uHope, wase eqala ukuhamba. “Nakhu!” kumemeza yena. “Nakhu okuthile.” +U-Afrika wabuka iminyatheliso yezinselo. “Cha,” kusho yena, “akuyona iminyatheliso yezinyawo zethu leyo. Hambani niqhubeke.” +“Kodwa ingasisiza, Afrika. Ngicabanga ukuthi yiminyatheliso yezinselo zenyamazane. Ngabe awasakhumbuli yini? Sibone inyamazane encane emgodini wamanzi.” + +“Yebo, kunjalo!” kusho u-Afrika. “Singayilandela ize isibuyisele emgodini wamanzi. Kungcono siphuthume ngoba ngiyacabanga ukuthi wonke umuntu ukhathazekile ngathi ekhaya.” +Lokho ababengacabangi ukuthi bazokuthola emgodini wamanzi kwaba uMme wa Afrika nomama kaHope! +“Senilibele kancane,” kusho uMme wa Afrika ephuma emotweni. “Besikhathazekile. Ngenani emotweni, sihambe.” +“Ngiyethemba ukuthi nina nobabili ninendaba emnandi,” kusho umama kaHope, edumisa imoto. “Kuningi okumele nisichazele khona.” +UHope no-Afrika babukana. +“Empeleni,” kusho uMme wa Afrika, “Ngisanda kuhlangana nentibane ethukuthele. Ninenhlanhla ngoba anihlangananga nayo. Bekuzoba ingozi ngempela lokho!” Ngemva kwesikhashana wathi, “Hawu, we Hope, ake ubheke ukuthi ngitholeni eduze kwesihlahla esingasemgodini wamanzi.” Wanika uHope umakhalekhukhwini wakhe. “Ngeshwa ubungekho ephaketheni lakho, ngabe nisishayele, nasazisa ukuthi nizolibala.” +UHope waphinde wabuka u-Afrika base bephubuka behleka. +“Mmm,” kusho uMme wa Afrika. “Kubukeka sengathi unendaba enhle yesikhathi samaholide ozoyixoxa, Hope.” +  +Veza ubuciko bakho! +Khuthaza izingane zakho ukuthi zibhale noma zixoxe ezazo izindaba zokuzehlele esikhathini samaholide – eziyiqiniso noma ezicatshangelwayo nje!",zul,isiZulu,Iholide likaHope,"“Yay, it’s holiday!” sang Hope. Her mother laughed and stopped the car on Mme wa Afrika’s farm. +“We’re here!” shouted Josh as he saw Afrika and his mother. +“Now that you are here, what are you planning to do?” asked ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iholide-likahope +hopes-holiday,"“Hee, ke nako ya maikhutšo!” gwa opela Hope. Mmagwe o ile a sega a emiša koloi polaseng ya Mme wa Afrika. +“Re fihlile!” gwa goeletša Josh ge a bona Afrika le mmagwe. +“Bjale ka gore le fihlile, le beakantše go dira eng?” gwa botšiša Mme wa Afrika morago ga gore bohle ba fetše go pakolla mekotla ya bona. +“Lehono re tla fepa diphoofolo tša mo polaseng ra le topela le mae, Mme wa Afrika,” a realo Hope. “Gosasa ka moka ga rena re tla fofiša dikhaethe gomme ka letšatši la mafelelo, Josh a ka rata go ithuta go paka borotho ka ontong ya ka ntle.” +“Ke rata go bontšha Hope molete wa meetse,” a realo Afrika. +Mme wa Afrika le mmago Hope ba ile ba sega. +Matšatši a bona a mabedi a mathomo e bile a go swarega kudu a lethabo. Ka letšatši la boraro Hope o ile a ya moleteng wa meetse le Afrika, le ge e le gore yena o be a rata go paka borotho le Josh. +“Re tla boa ka nako ya dijo tša matena,” a realo Hope ge yena le Afrika ba laela bohle ba ba emišetša le diatla. +Ba ile ba bona dipekwa tše pedi tseleng, dihlaga tša dinonyana le legotlwana. Hope o ile a di tšea dinepe ka sellathekeng sa gagwe. +“Molete wa meetse o kua,” a realo Afrika a mo šupetša. “A re khute ka morago ga sekgwa se gomme re se dire lešata.” +Afrika le Hope ba ile ba bogela dinonyana di enwa ebile di hlapa ka meetseng. Go be go na le tshepe ye nnyane e nwa meetse mollwaneng wa meetse. +Ka nakwana, Hope a tonya. Go na le selo seo se bego se sepela ka sekgweng ka morago ga gagwe. +“Afrika!” a hebaheba. +“Nkane o hebaheba?” gwa botšiša Afrika, a sa lebeletše molete wa meetse. +“Go na le selo se sengwe ka morago ga rena gomme se a batamela,” Hope a hebaheba ka bjako. +“O se ke wa itira setlaela! Ga go na selo se kotsi mo,” a realo Afrika. +Efela ka morago o ile a retologa a lebelela. “Aowaowa!” a goeletša. “KITIMA! KITIMA!” +Ba kitima magareng ga mehlare ya meetlwa le go putla maswika. Afrika o ile a namela mohlare o motelele gomme Hope a mo latela. Ba be ba ekwa gore go na le selo seo se ba latelago. +“Ke eng?” Hope a botšiša a thuthumela ebile a lebeletše a le polokegong mohlareng. +“Ke kolobesodi. Gomme e befetšwe!” a realo Afrika. + +“E kotsi?” gwa botšiša Hope. +“Lebelela manaka a yona. Ge e befetšwe e kotsi kudu!” a realo Afrika. +Kolobesodi e ile ya ba lebelela. Manaka a yona e be e le a magolo a go kgopama. E ile ya šutšela moyeng gomme ya dikologa mohlare e kgorotla. Ka morago e ile ya retologa ya kwatama ka dikhuru. +“Aowaaa,” Afrika a hemela godimo. +“Ke eng? Ke eng?” gwa botšiša Hope. +“E nyaka dijo bjale. A re eme re holofele gore e tlo sepela e se kgale,” a realo Afrika. +Bana ba ile ba lebelela kolobesodi e fata mo fase. E ile ya sobelela ka sekgweng ka morago ga sebaka. +“Okare re dutše diiriiri fa. O na le nnete ya gore e sepetše?” gwa botšiša Hope. +“Ke na le nnete. Etla,” a realo Afrika a fologa mohlare, a lebelela ka mathoko gomme a ngunguna. +“Bothata ke eng? E a boa?” Hope a botšiša ka letšhogo. +“Aowa,” a realo Afrika. “Ke go feta seo.” +“Ke eng sa go feta go kitimišwa ke kolobesodi ya go befelwa?” gwa botšiša Hope. +“Re timetše,” a realo Afrika. “Ga se ke lebelele fao re bego re tšhabela gona … gomme … o tla swanelwa ke go founela mma.” +Hope o ile a lebelela sellathekeng ka morabeng wa gagwe. “Ga se gona,” a realo. “Se swanetše se wele ka nako ye re be re kitima. Bjalo? Re a latelwa. Ijoo, okare nkabe ke šetše gae ka paka borotho le Josh!” +Afrika o ile a hemela godimo. “Re tla swanelwa ke go lebelela mehlala ya maoto a rena. Ge re ka e hwetša, re tla e latela go ya moleteng wa meetse.” O ile a thoma go lebelela gohle. “Aowaowa! Re be re kitima mmung wa go tia ka fao go ka se be le mehlala ya maoto!” a realo. +“Re tla no dikologa go fihlela re hwetša se sengwe,” a realo Hope gomme a thoma go sepela. “Ke o!” a goeletša. “Mohlala ke o.” +Afrika o ile a lebelela mehlala. “Aowa,” a realo, “ga se mehlala ya maoto a rena yeo. Tšwela pele ka go sepela.” +“Efela Afrika, e ka thuša. Ke nagana gore ke mehlala ya tshepe yeo. O sa gopola? Re bone tshepe ye nnyane moleteng wa meetse.” + +“Ee!” a realo Afrika. “Re ka e latela go boela moleteng wa meetse. Re swanetše go sepediša ka gobane ke dumela gore batho bohle kua gae ba thoma go belaela gore re kae.” +Ba be ba sa holofela go hwetša Mme wa Afrika le mmago Hope moleteng wa meetse! +“Le latetšwe gannyane,” a realo Mme wa Afrika a fologa koloi. “Re be re tshwenyegile. Namelang re sepele.” +“Ke holofela gore lena ba babedi le na le kanegelo ye botse,” a realo mmago Hope, a dumiša koloi. “Le swanetše go hlaloša tšohle.” +Hope le Afrika ba ile ba lebelelana. +“Fale,” a realo Mme wa Afrika, “Ke fetša go bona kolobesodi ya go befelwa. Ka mahlatse ga se la kopana le yona. Go be go tla ba kotsi kudu!” Ka moragonyana o ile a re, “Ijoo, Hope, bona gore ke hweditše eng moleteng wa meetse kua kgauswi le sekgwa.” O ile a fa Hope sellathekeng sa gagwe. “Ka madimabe se be se se ka morabeng wa gago, nkabe o re leleditše mogala wa re tsebiša gore le tla latelwa.” +Hope o ile a lebelela Afrika gape gomme bobedi bja sega. +“Mmm,” a realo Mme wa Afrika. “Le bonala le na le kanegelo ye botse ya maikhutšo yeo le ka e anegago, Hope.” +  +E ba le boitlhamelo! +Hlohleletša bana ba gago go ngwala goba go anega dikanegelo tša bona tša bohlagahlaga bja maikhutšo – tša nnete goba tša boikgopolelo!",nso,Sepedi,Maikhutšo a Hope,"“Yay, it’s holiday!” sang Hope. Her mother laughed and stopped the car on Mme wa Afrika’s farm. +“We’re here!” shouted Josh as he saw Afrika and his mother. +“Now that you are here, what are you planning to do?” asked ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/maikhutšo-hope +hopes-holiday,"“Halala, ke matsatsi a phomolo!” ha bina Hope. Mme wa hae a tsheha mme a emisa koloi polasing ya Mme wa Afrika. +“Re se re le teng!” ha hoeletsa Josh ha a bona Afrika le mme wa hae. +“Jwaloka ha le se le le teng, le ikemiseditse ho etsa eng?” ha botsa Mme wa Afrika ha bohle ba se ba pakollotse mekotlana ya bona. +“Kajeno re ilo fepa diphoofolo tsa polasing mme re bokelle mahe bakeng sa hao, Mme wa Afrika,” ha rialo Hope. “Hosane bohle re tla ya fofisa dikhaete mme ka letsatsi la ho qetela, Josh o lakatsa ho ithuta ho baka bohobe ka oveneng ya ka ntle.” +“Mme nna ke batla ho ya bontsha Hope qanthana,” ha rialo Afrika. +Mme wa Afrika le mme wa Hope ba tsheha. +Matsatsi a bona a pele a mabedi a ne a le maphathephathe mme a tletse monyaka. Ka letsatsi la boraro Hope a ya qanthaneng le Afrika, leha hantlentle a ne a batla ho ya baka bohobe le Josh. +“Re tla kgutla ka nako ya dijo tsa motsheare,” ha rialo Hope ha yena le Afrika ba sadisa bohle hantle pele ba tsamaya. +Tseleng ba bona diphakwe tse pedi, dihlaha tsa dinonyana le tweba e nyane. Hope a nka dinepe tsa tsona ka selefouno ya hae. +“Qanthana e mane,” ha rialo Afrika a supile. “Ha re kgutse mme re ipate kamora sehlahla sena.” +Afrika le Hope ba shebella dinonyana ha di nwa metsi di bile di sesa ka metsing. Hape ho ne ho ena le tshepe e nyane e nwang metsi lebopong. +Yaba hang Hope o ikutlwa a hatsela hohle. Ho ne ho ena le ntho e tsamayang sehlahleng kamora hae. +“Afrika!” a hweshetsa. +“Hobaneng ha o hweshetsa jwalo?” ha botsa Afrika, a ntse a shebile qanthaneng. +“Ho na le ho hong kamora rona mme e ntse e atamela,” Hope a hweshetsa ka potlako. +“Tloha mona. Ha ho letho le kotsi sebakeng sena,” ha rialo Afrika. +Empa a hetla mme yaba o a sheba. “Jowee!” a hoeletsa. “BALEHA! BALEHA!” +Ba matha pakeng tsa difate tsa leoka le hara mafika. Afrika a ngwangwarela sefateng se phahameng mme Hope a mo sala morao. Ba ne ba utlwa hore ho na le ntho e ba setseng morao. +“Ke eng eo?” Hope a botsa a thothomela mme a shebile fatshe a le hodimo sefateng moo ho bolokehileng. +“Ke kolobemoru. Mme ehlile ha e a thaba!” Afrika a araba. + +“Na e kotsi?” ha botsa Hope. +“Sheba manaka a yona. Ha e halefile e kotsi haholo!” ha araba Afrika. +Kolobemoru ya ba sheba hodimo moo ba leng teng. Manaka a yona a ne a le maholo a kobehile. Ya fofonela moyeng mme ya potoloha sefate e ntse e rora. Mme yaba e kgumama ka mangwele fatshe. +“Tjhee bo,” Afrika a fehelwa. +“Ke eng? Ke eng?” ha botsa Hope. +“Jwale e batlana le dijo. Seo re ka se etsang ke ho ema le ho tshepa hore e tla qetella e tsamaile haufinyane” ha rialo Afrika. +Bana ba shebella kolobemoru ha e fata fatshe. Kamora nako e itseng ya nyamela ka hara moru. +“Ke utlwa eka re bile mona dihora tse ngata. Na o na le bonnete ba hore e tsamaile?” ha botsa Hope. +“Ke tshepa jwalo. Ha re ye.” Afrika a rialo a ntse a theoha, a sheba kwana le kwana mme a honotha. +“Molato ke eng? Na e tla kgutla?” Hope a botsa a tshohile. +“Tjhe,” ha araba Afrika. “Tse mpe ho feta tseo.” +“Ebe ke eng e ka bang mpe ho feta ho lelekiswa ke kolobemoru e halefileng?” ha botsa Hope. +“Re lahlehile,” Afrika a rialo. “Ha ke a ka ka sheba moo re neng re mathela teng … mme … mpe o founele mme wa hao hle.” +Hope a leka ho ntsha selefouno ka pokothong ya hae. “Ha e yo,” a rialo. “Mohlomong e wele ha ntse re matha. Jwale re tla etsang? Ho a phirima. Joo, hoja ke ile ka mpa ka itshalla hae mme ka baka bohobe le Josh!” +Afrika a hemela tlase. “Re tla lokela ke ho batlana le mehlala ya rona. Ha re e fumana, re ka e sala morao ho fihlela qanthaneng.” Yaba o qamaka kwana le kwana. “Jowee! Mobu oo re tsamaileng ho ona o thata mme kahoo ho keke ha eba le mehlala!” a rialo. +“Re tla nne re potolohe jwalo ho fihlela re fumana ho hong,” ha rialo Hope mme a qalella ho tsamaya. “Bona mona!” a hoeletsa. “Ho na le ho hong.” +Afrika a sheba mehlala. “Tjhe,” a rialo, “eo ha se mehlala ya rona. Ha re nne re tswele pele.” +“Empa Afrika, e ka re thusa. Ke nahana hore eo ke mehlala ya ditshepe. Ha o hopole? Re bone tshepe e nyane mane qanthaneng.” + +“Eya, bo!” Afrika a rialo. “Re ka nna ra e latela jwalo ho fihlela qanthaneng. Re lokela ho phakisa hobane ke nahana hore batho bohle lapeng kwana ba se ba kgathatsehile ka rona.” +Ba ne ba sa lebella hore ba ka fumana Mme wa Afrika le Mme wa Hope qanthaneng! +“Le batla le siilwe ke nako,” ha rialo Mme wa Afrika a tswa ka koloing. “Re ne re kgathatsehile. Palamang, re tsamayeng.” +“Ke tshepa hore lona ba babedi le na le pale e monate,” ha rialo mme wa Hope, a dumisa koloi. “Ho na le ntho tse ngata tseo le lokelang ho di hlalosa.” +Hope le Afrika ba shebana. +“Ebile,” ha rialo Mme wa Afrika, “ke sa tswa bona kolobemoru e halefileng mona. Ka lehlohonolo ha le a kopana le yona. Le ka be ile la ba kotsing e kgolo!” Yaba kamora nakwana o re, “O, Hope, sheba hore ke fumaneng haufi le sehlahla se pela qanthana.” A neha Hope selefouno ya hae. “Ke hampe haholo hore ebe e ne e se ka hara pokotho ya hao, o ka be o re letseditse mme wa re bolella hore le tla fihla kamora nako.” +Hope a sheba Afrika hape mme bobedi ba bona ba shwa ke ditsheho. +“Mmm,” ha rialo Mme wa Afrika. “Ho bonahala eka o na le pale e monate ya matsatsi a phomolo eo o tla e pheta, Hope.” +  +Eba le boiqapelo! +Kgothaletsa bana ba hao ho ngola kapa ho pheta dipale tsa ditshibollo tsa bona tsa matsatsi a phomolo – tsa nnete kapa tsa boiqapelo!",sot,Sesotho,Matsatsi a Phomolo a Hope,"“Yay, it’s holiday!” sang Hope. Her mother laughed and stopped the car on Mme wa Afrika’s farm. +“We’re here!” shouted Josh as he saw Afrika and his mother. +“Now that you are here, what are you planning to do?” asked ...",,Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/matsatsi-phomolo-hope +hopes-holiday,"“Ee, ndi maḓuvha a vhuawelo! Ho imba Hope. Mme awe vho mbo ḓi sea na u imisa moḓoro bulasini ya Mme a Afrika. + “Ri fhano!” Ho vhidzelela Josh musi o  vhona Afrika na mme awe. + “Zwino ngauri ni fhano, no ḓiimisela u ita mini? Ho vhudzisa Mme a Afrika nga murahu ha musi  muṅwe na muṅwe o no pakulula bege dzawe. + “Mme a Afrika, ṋamusi ri khou ya u fha zwiḽiwa zwifuwo zwi re bulasini na u vha kuvhanganyela makumba, Hope o ralo. “ Matshelo ri ḓo fhufhisa khaithi ngeno nga ḓuvha ḽa u fhedzisela, Josh a tshi ḓo guda u baka vhurotho ovenini ya nnḓa. + “Ndi khou ṱoḓa u sumbedza Hope tivha, Afrika o ralo.” +Mme a Afrika na mme a Hope vho mbo ḓi sea. +Maḓuvha avho mavhili a u thoma o vha o ḓala madakalo na u shuma nga maanḓa. Nga ḓuvha ḽa vhuraru Hope o ya tivhani na Afrika, naho o vha a tshi khou ṱoḓa u baka vhurotho na Josh. + “Ri ḓo vhuya nga tshiswiṱulo,” Hope o amba musi ene na Afrika vha tshi khou onesana na muṅwe na muṅwe. +Nḓilani vho vhona nnzhu mbili, zwiṱaha zwa zwiṋoni na mbevha ṱhuhu-ṱhukhu. Hope o zwi foda nga luṱingothendeleki lwawe. + “Tivha ḽi hafhaḽa,” Afrika o ralo a tshi khou sumba. “Kha ri fhumule ri ri tshete na hone ri dzumbame murahu ha hetshi tshiṱaka.” +Afrika na Hope vha vhona zwiṋoni zwi tshi khou u nwa na u ṱamba maḓini. Ho vha hu na kuntsana ku tshi khou nwa maḓi afho he maḓi a fhelela hone. +Hope o mbo ḓi tou oma muvhili woṱhe. Ho vha hu na tshithu tshi tshi khou tshimbila murahu hawe. +“Afrika!” a hevhedza. “Afrika!” a tshi khou hevhedza + “Ndi nga mini ni tshi khou tou hevhedza ngauralo?” ho vhudzisa Afrika, a tshi kha ḓi vha o lavhelesa tivhani. + “Hu na tshithu murahu hashu na hone tshi khou sendela,” Hope o hevhedza nga u ṱavhanya. + “Ni so ngo swaswa! A hu na tshithu tshi no tshuwisa hafha fhethu,” Afrika o ralo. +O rembuluwa a sedza. “Evho, hai! u ya huwelela. “SHAVHANI! SHAVHANI!” +Vho mbo ḓi gidima vhukati ha miri ya mipfa na vhukati ha matombo. Afrika o mbo ḓi kwanyamela nṱha ha muri mulapfu na Hope a tevhela. Vho vha tshi khou pfa uri hu na tshithu tshi no khou vha tevhela. + “Ndi mini itsho?” Hope o vhudzisa a tshi khou tetemela na u lavhelesa e murini he avha o tsireledzea. “Ndi nguluvheḓaka. Nahone yo kwata vhukuma! Afrika o ralo.” + + “I khombo?” ho vhudzisa Hope. +. “Sedzani ṋanga dzayo. I khombo vhukuma arali yo kwata!” Afrika o ralo. +Nguluvheḓaka yo vha yo vha sedza. Maṋanga ayo o vha e mahulu nahone o songana. Yo fembedza muyani na u mona-mona na muri i tshi khou kuma. Yo mbo ḓi rembuluwa ya gwadama nga magona. + “Hai, Afrika u a femuluwa. +“Mini? Mini? Ho vhudzisa Hope. + “I khou ṱoḓa zwiḽiwa zwino. Zwine ra nga ita ndi u lindela na u fulufhela uri i ḓo ṱuwa hu si kale, Afrika o ralo. +Vhana vha sedza musi nguluvhe ya ḓaka i tshi khou bwa mulindi. Nga murahu ha tshifhinga ya ngala-ngala ḓakani. + “Zwi pfala u nga ro vha ri hafha fhethu lwa dziawara. Ni a fulufhela uri yo ṱuwa?” ho vhudzisa Hope. + “Ndi a fulufhela. Iḓani,” Afrika o ralo a tshi khou tsa nṱha ha muri, o sedza-sedza matungo na u gungula. + “Thaidzo ndi mini? I khou vhuya naa?”  Hope o vhudzisa o tshuwa. + “Hai,” Afrika o ralo, “zwi fhira izwo.” +“Ndi zwifhio zwine zwa nga fhira u pandamedzwa nga nguluvheḓaka yo kwataho?” Ho vhudzisa Hope. + “Ro xela,” Afrika o ralo. “Ndo vha ndi sa khou sedza hune ra khou gidimela hone…na …ni tea u founela mme anga.” +Hope a dzhenisa tshanḓa tshikwamani uri a bvise luṱingothendeleki. “A iho,” o ralo a tshi amba.  I nga vha yo wa musi ri tshi khou gidima. Zwino? Ḽi khou kovhela. Ndi tama arali ndo vha ndo ḓi dzulela nda baka vhurotho na Josh!” +Afrika o mbo ḓi femuluwa. “Ri tea u sedza vhuṱala hashu. Musi ro no vhu wana, ri ḓo shumisa hone u humela murahu tivhani. O mbo ḓi sedza-sedza. “Hai! Fhethu he ra gidima hone ho oma na hone hu nga si vhe na vhuṱala! +  Ri tea u sokou mona-mona u vhuya u swika ri tshi wana tshiṅwe tshithu,” Hope o ralo na hone a thoma u tshimbila. “Hafha!” O ralo a tshi huwelela. “Hafha hu na tshiṅwe tshithu .” +Afrika a sedza kha vhuṱala. “Hai, o amba,  hovhu a si vhuṱala hashu. Kha ri ise phanḓa na u tshimbila.” + “Fhedzi Afrika, vhu nga thusa. Ndi vhona u nga ndi vhuṱala ha ntsa. Ni kha ḓi zwi humbula? Ro vhona ntsa ṱhukhu ngei tivhani.” + + “Ee ndi ngoho! Afrika o ralo. Ri nga vhu tevhela u livha tivhani. Ri tea u ṱavhanyedza ngauri vha  ḓo vha a tshi khou vhilahela nga riṋe hayani.” +Vho vha vha so ngo lavhelela u wana Mme a Afrika na Mme a Hope tivhani! + “No lenga nyana,” Mme a Afrika vho ralo vha tshi khou bva goloini. “Ro vha ri tshi khou vhilahela. Dzenani, ri ṱuwe.” +“Ndi a fulufhela vhuvhili ha vhoiwe ni na tshiṱori tshavhuḓi tshine na nga tshi anetshela,” mme a Hope vho ralo, vha tshi khou bvumisa goloi. Ni khou tea u ṱalutshedza vhukuma.” +Hope na Afrika vho mbo ḓi sedzana. + “Ndo vhona nguluvheḓaka yo kwataho vhukuma. Mashudu mavhuya a no ngo ṱangana nayo. Zwo vha zwi tshi ḓo vha khombo vhukuma!” Nga murahu ha tshifhinga vho dovha vhari, “Hope, vhonani tshe nda wana tsho wela fhasi tshiṱakani tsini na tivha.” Vho mbo ḓi fha Hope luṱingothendeleki lwawe. “Mashudu mavhi lwo vha lu siho tshikwamani tshaṋu, no vha ni tshi ḓo vha no ri founela na ri vhudza uri ni ḓo lenga.” +. Hope o mbo ḓi sedza Afrika hafhu vha dovha hafhu vha tou fa nga zwiseo. + “Mmm,” Mme a Afrika vho ralo. “Ni vhonala ni na tshi���ori tshavhuḓi tshine na nga tshi anetshela nga ha maḓuvha a vhuawelo aṋu, Hope.”",ven,Tshivenda,Maḓuvha a vhuawelo a Hope,"“Yay, it’s holiday!” sang Hope. Her mother laughed and stopped the car on Mme wa Afrika’s farm. +“We’re here!” shouted Josh as he saw Afrika and his mother. +“Now that you are here, what are you planning to do?” asked ...",,Nga: Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/maḓuvha-vhuawelo-hope +thoko’s-best-friend,"“Can Jake come and play?” Thoko asked Mama. “He’s my best friend,” she said. +“Sure,” said Mama. “If Gogo doesn’t mind looking after you while I’m at work, then that’s fine.” +“I don’t mind at all,” said Gogo. “I once had a best friend who was called Bossy Boots.” +“That’s a funny name,” said Thoko. +“She was a funny girl,” said Gogo. “When we played together she always wanted to be Queen This or Queen That. I always had to be the servant who got bossed around.” +Thoko, Mama and Gogo had a good laugh. +The next day, Jake came to play. First they played taxi-taxi. Gogo let them use two kitchen chairs to make the taxi. +“I’ll be the taxi driver,” said Jake. +“Then I’ll be the one who shouts Cape Town! and collects the money,” said Thoko. +“And I’ll be the passenger,” said Gogo. +Jake sat on the front seat, Gogo sat on the back seat and Thoko shouted Cape Town! and squeezed in. Gogo gave Thoko two peppermints, which they pretended was money. + +Soon they were in Cape Town and Thoko cried, “Everyone get out!” Gogo climbed out and Thoko shared her peppermints with Jake. +“Now what shall we play?” asked Jake. +“Let’s play train-train,” suggested Thoko. +“We need more chairs to make a train,” said Jake. They used three kitchen chairs. One was for the train driver, one was for passengers and the last one was for boxes and animals. +“I want to be the train driver,” said Jake. +“I want to be the Gogo who is going to visit her family in Jozi,” said Gogo, sitting down in the passengers’ coach. +“Then I’ll be a little dog and sit in the last coach,” said Thoko. +“Choo-choo! Chuff- chuff!” chuffed Jake, as the train pulled out of the station. +“Woof Woof!” woofed Thoko. Gogo closed her eyes and pretended to be fast asleep. It was a pity, because she missed all the beautiful scenery as the train travelled all the way from Cape Town to Johannesburg. They went through valleys and over mountains. They passed through the wide flat Karoo with its little koppies. They went over rivers and through farmlands. And then, finally, they came to the great city of Johannesburg. +“Choo! Chooooooo!” went Jake as they arrived at the station. +“Woof! Woof!” woofed Thoko. +That woke up Gogo who said, “My Goodness! We’re here already? We’re just in time for tea!” +Jake and Thoko carried the chairs back to the table and Gogo made a pot of tea and put out biscuits for the thirsty train driver and the hungry little dog. +“After this biscuit,” said Thoko, “I want to build a space ship.” +“Cool!” said Jake. “I want to be the space captain!” Thoko looked very disappointed. +“Why don’t you both be astronauts,” suggested Gogo. +“Okay,” said Jake. But he didn’t look too happy about it. +The space ship needed four chairs. Two upright chairs were for the astronauts to sit in. The other two were put behind on their backs as rocket boosters. +“Five … four … three … two … one … lift off!” announced Gogo, as she waved them goodbye. The spaceship lifted off and rose up, up, up into deep space. +“Look!” said Thoko. “There’s the moon!” +“Let’s land,” said Jake. Slowly the spaceship landed on the moon and the two astronauts climbed out. +“There is nothing here,” said Jake. +“Yes,” agreed Thoko, “let’s go home.” +Gogo was glad to see them return to Earth. They both looked tired from their travels. “I know what you can do next,” said Gogo. “It’s something that Bossy Boots and I used to do when we were your age.” Gogo showed them how to make a hut by throwing a blanket over the chairs. +“I want to be the hunter,” said Jake. +“I want to be the hunter’s best friend,” said Thoko. “And you can be a mama elephant,” she said to Gogo. +“I’d rather be a mama lion,” said Gogo. + +Jake was very quiet as they stalked the mama lion. Thoko was even quieter. But before they got to where the mama lion was sitting at the table having her second cup of tea, she turned around and let out a blood curdling growl − GRRROOOWLLL! The hunter and his best friend got such a fright they dived back into their hut, pulling the roof down on top of them. Gogo giggled, and there was a lot of giggling coming from under the blanket. And then all was quiet. +“Good,” thought Gogo. She needed a rest. +“Know what?” said Thoko from under the blanket. +“What?” asked Jake. +“Even though you are very bossy and always want to be the taxi driver, the train driver, the captain of a spaceship and the hunter, you are still my best friend,” said Thoko. +“I know,” said Jake. “And you are my bestest friend ever!” +Gogo smiled. They sounded just like her and Bossy Boots!",eng,English,Thoko’s best friend,"“Can Jake come and play?” Thoko asked Mama. “He’s my best friend,” she said. +“Sure,” said Mama. “If Gogo doesn’t mind looking after you while I’m at work, then that’s fine.” +“I don’t mind at all,” said ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thoko’s-best-friend +thoko’s-best-friend,"“Kan Jake asseblief by my kom speel?” vra Thoko vir Mamma. “Hy’s my beste maat,” sê sy. +“Natuurlik,” sê Mamma. “As Gogo nie omgee om na julle te kyk terwyl ek by die werk is nie, is dit goed so.” +“Ek gee glad nie om nie,” sê Gogo. “Ek het eenkeer ’n beste maat gehad en haar naam was Baasspelerige Bettie.” +“Dis ’n snaakse naam,” sê Thoko. +“Sy was ’n snaakse dogtertjie,” sê Gogo. “Wanneer ons saam gespeel het, wou sy altyd Koningin Sus of Koningin So wees. Ek moes altyd die diensmeisie wees wat haar bevele moes uitvoer.” +Thoko, Mamma en Gogo lag lekker daaroor. +Die volgende dag kom Jake speel. Eers speel hulle taxi-taxi. Gogo laat hulle twee kombuisstoele gebruik om die taxi te maak. +“Ek sal die taxibestuurder wees,” sê Jake. +“Dan sal ek die een wees wat Kaapstad! skree en die geld insamel,” sê Thoko. +“En ek sal die passasier wees,” sê Gogo. +Jake sit op die voorste sitplek, Gogo sit agter en Thoko skree Kaapstad! en wurm haarself in. Gogo gee vir Thoko twee pepermente, en hulle maak asof dit geld is. + +Gou is hulle in Kaapstad en Thoko sê: “Almal uit!” Gogo klim uit en Thoko deel haar pepermente met Jake. +“Wat sal ons nou speel?” vra Jake. +“Kom ons speel trein-trein,” stel Thoko voor. +“Ons het meer stoele nodig om ’n trein te maak,” sê Jake. Hulle gebruik drie kombuisstoele. Een is vir die treindrywer, een vir passasiers en die laaste een is vir bokse en diere. +“Ek wil die treindrywer wees,” sê Jake. +“Ek wil die Gogo wees wat vir haar familie in Jozi gaan kuier,” sê Gogo, en gaan sit in die passasierswa. +“Dan sal ek ’n klein hondjie wees en in die laaste wa sit,” sê Thoko. +“Tjoeke-pakke! Tjoeke-pakke!” stoom Jake, terwyl die trein uit die stasie trek. +“Woef Woef!” blaf Thoko. Gogo maak haar oë toe en maak asof sy vas slaap. Dis jammer, want sy sien nie die pragtige natuurskoon terwyl die trein al die pad van Kaapstad na Johannesburg ry nie. Hulle ry deur valleie en oor berge. Hulle ry deur die uitgestrekte, plat Karoo met sy klein koppies. Hulle ry oor riviere en deur landerye. En dan, uiteindelik, kom hulle in die groot stad Johannesburg aan. +“Tjoe! Tjoeeeee!” maak Jake toe hulle die stasie inry. +“Woef! Woef!” blaf Thoko. +Dit maak Gogo wakker, en sy sê: “Goeiste! Is ons al hier? Ons is net betyds vir tee!” +Jake en Thoko dra die stoele terug na die tafel toe en Gogo maak ’n pot tee en haal koekies uit vir die dorstige treindrywer en die honger klein hondjie. +“Ná die koekies,” sê Thoko, “wil ek ’n ruimteskip bou.” +“Ja, lekker!” sê Jake. “Ek wil die kaptein van die ruimteskip wees!” Thoko lyk teleurgesteld. +“Waarom is julle nie albei ruimtevaarders nie,” stel Gogo voor. +“Nou maar goed,” sê Jake. Maar hy lyk nie gelukkig daarmee nie. +Vir die ruimteskip het hulle vier stoele nodig. Twee stoele staan regop en dis vir die ruimtevaarders om in te sit. Die ander twee word op hulle rugleunings neergesit en is die vuurpyllanseerders. +“Vyf … vier … drie … twee … een … weg is julle!” sê Gogo terwyl sy vir hulle totsiens waai. Die ruimteskip styg op en vlieg hoër en hoër na die verste uithoeke van die ruimte. +“Kyk!” sê Thoko. “Daar’s die maan!” +“Kom ons land,” sê Jake. Die ruimteskip land stadig op die maan, en die twee ruimtevaarders klim uit. +“Daar’s niks hier nie,” sê Jake. +“Ja,” stem Thoko saam, “kom ons gaan huis toe.” +Gogo is bly om hulle weer terug op aarde te hê. Hulle lyk albei moeg na hulle reise. “Ek weet wat julle volgende kan doen,” sê Gogo. “Dis iets wat ek en Baasspelerige Bettie gedoen het toe ons so oud soos julle was.” Gogo wys vir hulle hoe om ’n hut te maak deur ’n kombers oor die stoele te gooi. +“Ek wil die jagter wees,” sê Jake. +“Ek wil die jagter se beste maat wees,” sê Thoko. “En Gogo, jy kan ’n mamma-olifant wees,” sê sy. +“Ek wil liewer ’n mamma-leeu wees,” sê Gogo. + +Jake is doodstil terwyl hulle die mamma-leeu bekruip. Thoko is selfs stiller. Maar voor hulle by die tafel kom waar die mamma-leeu sit en haar tweede koppie tee geniet, draai sy om en gee ’n bloedstollende brul − BRRRUUULLL! Die jagter en sy beste maat skrik so groot dat hulle in hul hut induik en die dak oor hulle koppe trek. Gogo giggel, en sy hoor ’n gegiggel onder die kombers. En toe is alles stil. +“Dankie tog,” dink Gogo. Sy het ’n blaaskans nodig. +“Weet jy wat?” sê Thoko onder die kombers. +��Wat?” vra Jake. +“Selfs al is jy baasspelerig en al wil jy altyd die taxibestuurder, die treindrywer, die kaptein van die ruimteskip en die jagter wees, is jy nog steeds my beste maat,” sê Thoko. +“Ek weet,” sê Jake. “En jy is my allerbeste maat ooit!” +Gogo glimlag. Dit klink net soos sy en Baasspelerige Bettie!",afr,Afrikaans,Thoko se beste maat,"“Can Jake come and play?” Thoko asked Mama. “He’s my best friend,” she said. +“Sure,” said Mama. “If Gogo doesn’t mind looking after you while I’m at work, then that’s fine.” +“I don’t mind at all,” said ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thoko-se-beste-maat +thoko’s-best-friend,"“Angeza kudlala nam uJake?” uThoko wabuza uMama. “Ngoyena mhlobo wam ndimthandayo,” utshilo. +“Kulungile,” watsho uMama. “Ukuba nje uMakhulu akasayi kukhathazeka ukunijonga nobabini lo gama mna ndisemsebenzini, oko akusayi kuba yingxaki.” +“Ayinakundikhathaza tu loo nto,” watsho uMakhulu. “Nam ngokwam ndandinomhlobo endandimthanda kakhulu ogama linguBossy Boots.” +“Ligama elingaqhelekanga nelihlekisayo elo,” watsho uThoko. +“Wayeyintombazana ehlekisa kakhulu,” watsho uMakhulu. “Xa sidlala sobabini wayesoloko efuna ukuba nguKumkanikazi uZipeqengeshe noKumkanikazi uZibanibani. Mna ke ndandisoloko ndisisicaka esithunywayo nesibhekiswa ngapha nangapha.” +UThoko, uMama kunye noMakhulu bayihleka kakhulu le nto. +Ngosuku olulandelayo, uJake weza kudlala. Kuqala badlala umdlalo weteksi. UMakhulu wabavumela ukuba benze iteksi ngezitulo ezibini zasekhitshini. +“Mna ke ndiza kuba ngumqhubi,” utshilo uJake. +“Mna ke ndiza kuba yithawutha ekhwaza iCape Town! Ndiqokelele nemali,” watsho uThoko. +“Ke mna ndiza kuba ngumkhweli,” watsho uMakhulu. +UJake wahlala kwisitulo esingaphambili somqhubi, uMakhulu yena wahlala kwisitulo esingasemva waza uThoko yena wakhwaza iCape Town! wazinyanzela naye eteksini. UMakhulu wanika uThoko iilekese eziqhwethayo ezimbini nabazenza ngathi yimali. + +Kwakamsinyane babesele begalelekile eKapa waze uThoko wakhwaza esithi, “Wonke umntu makaphume!” UMakhulu waphuma waze uThoko wabelana noJake ngeelekese eziqhwethayo. +“Siza kudlala ntoni enye ngoku? kubuza uJake. +“Masidlale uloliwe,” wacebisa ngelitshoyo uThoko. +“Kufuneka sibe nezitulo ezininzi zokwenza uloliwe,” kutsho uJake. Basebenzisa izitulo zasekhitshini ezithathu. Esinye yayisesomqhubi kaloliwe, esinye isesomkhweli saze esokugqibela yaseseebhokisi kunye nezilwanyana. +“Ndifuna ukuba ngumqhubi kaloliwe, “ watsho uJake. +“Ndifuna ukuba nguMakhulu oya kundwendwela usapho lwakhe eGoli,” utshilo uMakhulu, ehlala phantsi kwikhareji labakhweli. +“Ke mna ndiza kuba yinjana encinane ehleli kwikhareji lokugqibela,” watsho uThoko. +“Khuu-tshu! Khuu-tshu!” watshutshuza uJake, njengokuba uloliwe ephuma esikhululweni. +“Hawu Hawu!” wakhonkotha uThoko. UMakhulu wacimela wenza ngathi ulele. Yaba lilishwa elo kuba waphoswa kukubona zonke iindawo ezintle adlula kuzo uloliwe lo gama atyhutyha kuloo ndlela isuka eKapa isiya eRhawutini. Badlula ezintlanjeni nasezintabeni. Badlula kwiKaroo ethe tyaba nezonduli zayo. Bawela imilambo banqumla kumasimi asezifama. Ekugqibeleni, bafika kwisixeko esikhulu saseRhawutini. +“Khuu-tshu! Tshuu-tshu!” wakhwaza watsho uJake xa befika esikhululweni. +“Hawu Hawu!” wakhonkotha uThoko. +Oko kwavusa uMakhulu owathi, “Owu! Sesifikile na? Sifike kanye ngexesha lokuphunga!” +UJake noThoko bathatha izitulo bazibuyisela etafileni waze uMakhulu wenza iti, wakhupha neebhiskiti, wapha umqhubi kaloliwe onxaniweyo kunye nenjana elambileyo. +“Emva kokutya le bhiskiti,” watsho uThoko, “Ndifuna ukwakha isiphekepheke.” +“Wawu, yantle loo nto!” watsho uJake. “Ndifuna ukuba ngumqhubi wesiphekepheke!” uThoko wakhangeleka edanile. +“Kutheni ningabi ngoosomajukujuku xa ninobabini nje,” wacebisa njalo uMakhulu. +“Kulungile ,” watsho uJake. Kodwa wayengakhangeleki imonwabisile le ngcebiso. +Isiphekepheke kwakufuneka senziwe ngezitulo ezine. Izitulo ezibini ezimisiweyo yayizezokuhlala oosomajukujuku. Ezinye ezibini zabekwa ngasemva zingqengqisiwe njengeenjini zesiphekepheke. +“Zintlanu … zine … zintathu … zimbini … inye … ntinga!” wabhengeza njalo uMakhulu, njengokuba wayewangawangisa esithi ndlela ntle. Isiphekepheke santinga saya phezulu, sangena kwindawo ekujikeleza kuyo ihlabathi. +“Jonga!” watsho uThoko. “Nantsiya inyanga!” +“Masichophe phaya kuyo,” watsho uJake. Ngokucothayo isiphekepheke sachopha enyangeni baze oosomajukujuku ababini baphuma. +“Akukho nto apha,” watsho uJake. +“Ewe,” wavuma uThoko, “masigoduke.” +UMakhulu wonwatyiswa kakhulu kukubabona bebuyela eMhlabeni. Bobabini babekhangeleka bedinwe kakhulu luhambo lwabo lwasenyangeni. “Ndiyazi ukuba ningadlala ntoni na enye,” watsho uMakhulu. “Ngumdlalo esasiwudlala noBossy Boots sisengabantwana abangangani aba.” UMakhulu wababonisa indlela yokwenza indlu ngokugquma izitulo ngengubo. +“Ndifuna ukuba ngumzingeli,” watsho uJake. +“Ndifuna ukuba ngumhlobo osenyongweni womzingeli,” watsho uThoko. “Wena ke unganguMam’ uNdlovu,” watsho ebhekisa kuMakhulu. +“Kungcono ndibe nguMam’ uNgonyama,” watsho uMakhulu. + +UJake wayethe cwaka njengokuba echwechwela uMam’ uNgonyama. UThoko yena wayethule nangaphezulu kukaJake. Kodwa phambi kokuba bafike apho uMam’ uNgonyama wayehleli khona etafileni ephunga ikomityi yakhe yesibini yeti, waguquka watsho ngomgqumo omkhulu nowoyikekayo – GRRRRRRUUU! Umzingeli kunye nomhlobo wakhe osenyongweni boyika kakhulu babaleka bathi dyulukudu ukungena endlwini yabo, batsala uphahla bezogquma, bezimela ngalo. UMakhulu wakrukrutheka yintsini, kwaye kwakukho nokugigitheka okuvela phantsi kwengubo. Emva kwexesha kwathi cwaka. +“Kwalunga ke oku,” wacinga njalo uMakhulu. Wayekufuna ngokwenene naye ukuphumla. +“Uyazi yintoni?” watsho uThoko engaphantsi kwengubo. +“Yintoni?” wabuza uJake. +“Nangona uthanda ukuzenza inkunzi kwaye usoloko ufuna ukuba ngumqhubi weteksi, umqhubi kaloliwe, umlawuli wesiphekepheke kunye nomzingeli, usengoyena mhlobo wam ndimthanda kakhulu.” watsho uThoko. +“Ndiyazi,” watsho uJake. “Nawe uya kuhlala ngonaphakade ungoyena mhlobo wam usenyongweni!” +UMakhulu wancuma. Babevakala kanye ngathi nguye kunye nowakhe umhlobo, uBossy Boots.",xho,isiXhosa,Umhlobo osenyongweni kaThoko,"“Can Jake come and play?” Thoko asked Mama. “He’s my best friend,” she said. +“Sure,” said Mama. “If Gogo doesn’t mind looking after you while I’m at work, then that’s fine.” +“I don’t mind at all,” said ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umhlobo-osenyongweni-kathoko +thoko’s-best-friend,"“Ngabe uJake angeza ukuzodlala lapha?” kubuza uThoko kuMama. “Ungumngani wami omkhulu,” kusho yena. +“Kulungile,” kusho uMama. “Inqobo nje uma uGogo engenankinga ngokuninakekela ngesikhathi ngisesemsebenzini, kulungile-ke.” +“Anginankinga neze,” kusho uGogo. “Nganginomngani omkhulu owayebizwa ngoBhozomela. +“Laze lahlekisa lelo gama,” kusho uThoko. +“Wayeyintombazane ehlekisayo,” kusho uGogo. “Uma sidlala wayehlale efuna ukuba uNdlovukazi Sibanibani noma uNdlovukazi Sibanibanyana. Kwakumele ngihlale ngiyisisebenzi ayehlale esithuma yonke indawo.” +UThoko, uMama noGogo bahleka kakhulu. +Ngakusasa, kwafika uJake ezodlala. Baqala ngokudlala u-‘tekisi-tekisi’. UGogo wabavumela ukuthi basebenzise izihlalo ezimbili zasekhishini ukuze benze itekisi. +“Ngizoba umshayeli wetekisi,” kusho uJake. +“Ngizoba yilowo omemeza ukuthi eKapa! bese ngiqoqa imali,” kusho uThoko. +“Ngizoba umgibeli,” kusho uGogo. +UJake wahlala esihlalweni esiphambili, uGogo wahlala esihlalweni esingemuva kanti uThoko wayememeza ethi eKapa! wase ezimpintshela khona lapho. UGogo wanika uThoko amaphephamenti amabili, enza sengathi ayimali. + +Kungakabi nasikhathi esingakanani bafika eKapa uThoko wase ememeza ethi, “Makwehle wonke umuntu!” UGogo wehla uThoko wase abelana noJake ngamaphephamenti. +“Sizodlalani manje?” kubuza uJake. +“Masidlale u-‘sitimela-sitimela’,” kuphakamisa uThoko. +“Sidinga izihlalo ezinye ukuze senze isitimela,” kusho uJake. Basebenzisa izihlalo zasekhishini ezintathu. Esisodwa kwakungesomshayeli wesitimela, esesibili kwakungesabagibeli kanti esokugcina kwabe kungesamabhokisi kanye nezilwane. +“Ngifuna ukuba ngumshayeli wesitimela,” kusho uJake. +“Ngifuna ukuba nguGogo oyovakashela umndeni wakhe eJozi,” kusho uGogo, ehlala phansi enqoleni ehlala abantu. +“Ngizoba yinja-ke ngihlale enqoleni yokugcina,” kusho uThoko. +“Shuku-shuku! Shuku-shuku!” kukhala uJake, ngesikhathi isitimela siphuma esiteshini. +“Hhowu, Hhowu!” kukhonkotha uThoko. UGogo wacimeza wenza sengathi ulele zwi. Okubi nje ukuthi waphuthelwa ukubona izindawo ezinhle ngesikhathi isitimela sisuka eKapa siya eGoli. Bagudla benqamula izigodi benyuka izintaba. Bedlula eKaroo engamathafa abanzi anezintatshana. Bawela imifula banqamula amapulazi. Ekugcineni bafika edolobheni elikhulu laseGoli. +“Khushu khushu-u-u-u!” kusho uJake ngesikhathi befika esiteshini. +“Hhowu-u hhowuu-u!” kukhonkotha uThoko. +Lokho kwavusa uGogo owathi, “Hawu nkosi yami! Sesilapha? Sifike ngesikhathi esikahle sokuthola inkomishi yetiye!” +UJake noThoko baqukula izihlalo bazibuyisela etafuleni, uGogo wase enza itiye ngethibhathi, wase ebeka amabhisikidi omshayeli onxaniwe kanye nenja encane elambile. +“Ngemva kokudla leli bhisikidi,” kusho uThoko, “Ngifuna ukwenza umkhumbimkhathi.” +“Kuhle!” kusho uJake. “Ngifuna ukuba ukaputeni wasemkhathini!” UThoko wabukeka edumele. +“Kungani nobabili ningabi abashayeli bomkhumbimkhathi?” kuphakamisa uGogo. +“Kulungile-ke,” kusho uJake. Kodwa engabukeki ekuthokozela lokhu. +Umkhumbimkhathi udinga izihlalo ezine. Izihlalo ezimbili ezimile kwakungezokuhlala abashayeli bomkhumbimkhathi. Ezimbili zazibekwe ngemuva njengezifuqi-rokhethi. +“Kuhlanu … kune … kuthathu … kubili … kunye … khuphukani!” kumemezela uGogo, ngesikhathi ebavayizela ebavalelisa. Wasukuma umkhumbi wasemkhathini waphakama, waphakama, waphakama wayoshona emkhathini. +“Bheka!” kusho uThoko. “Nansiya inyanga!” +“Masehlele phansi,” kusho uJake. Kancane kancane umkhumbimkhathi wehlela enyangeni, kwase kuphuma abashayeli bawo ababili. +“Akukho lutho lapha,” kusho uJake. +“Yebo,” kuvuma uThoko, “masibuyele ekhaya.” +Kwamthokozisa uGogo ukubabona bebuyela eMhlabeni. Bobabili babebukeka bekhathele ngenxa yohambo ababeluthathile. “Ngiyazi ukuthi yini elandelayo eningayenza,” kusho uGogo. “Yinto mina noBhozomela esasiyenza ngesikhathi sisengangani.” UGogo wabakhombisa ukuthi bangalenza kanjani iqhugwana ngokumboza izihlalo ngengubo. +“Ngifuna ukuba ngumzingeli,” kusho uJake. +“Ngifuna ukuba umngani omkhulu womzingeli,” kusho uThoko. “Wena ungaba umama wendlovu,” esho kuGogo. +“Ngincamela ukuba umama webhubesi,” kusho uGogo. + +UJake wayethule ngesikhathi becathamela umama ubhubesi. UThoko wayethule nakakhulu. Kodwa ngaphambi kokuba bafike lapho umama ubhubesi wayehleli khona ephuza inkomishi yesibili yetiye, waphenduka wagwavuma ngendlela eyethusayo – HHOOOWUUU! Umzingeli kanye nomngani wakhe omkhulu bethuka kangangokuba baziphonsa eqhugwaneni labo, behlisa uphahla lwabamboza. UGogo wahleka, base behleka kakhulu ngaphansi kwengubo. Kwase kuthi nya!” +“Kuhle,” kucabanga uGogo. Wayedinga ukuphumula. +“Uyazi ukuthini?” kusho uThoko ngaphansi kwengubo. +“Ini?” kubuza uJake. +“Noma ufuna ukuthi kulalelwe wena ngaso sonke isikhathi futhi ufuna ukuba ngumshayeli wetekisi, umshayeli wesitimela, ukaputeni womkhumbimkhathi kanye nomzingeli, wena usengumngani wami omkhulu,” kusho uThoko. +“Ngiyazi,” kusho uJake. “Kanti nawe ungumngani wami omkhulu kunabo bonke engake ngaba nabo!” +UGogo wamamatheka. Babezwakala bekhuluma njengaye uGogo noBhozomela!",zul,isiZulu,Umngani omkhulu kaThoko,"“Can Jake come and play?” Thoko asked Mama. “He’s my best friend,” she said. +“Sure,” said Mama. “If Gogo doesn’t mind looking after you while I’m at work, then that’s fine.” +“I don’t mind at all,” said ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umngani-omkhulu-kathoko +thoko’s-best-friend,"“Naa Jake a ka tla go raloka?” Thoko a botšiša Mma. “Ke mogwera wa ka wa potego,” a realo. +“Go lokile,” a realo Mma. “Ge Koko a ka se be le bothata bja go go hlokomela ge ke le mošomong gona go lokile.” +“Ga ke na bothata le gatee,” a realo Koko. “Nkile ka ba le mogwera wa potego wa go bitšwa Bossy Boots.” +“Leina le le a segiša,” a realo Thoko. +“E be e le mosetsana wa go segiša,” a realo Koko. “Ka mehla ge re be re raloka mmogo o be a nyaka go ba Kgošigadi Se goba Kgošigadi Sela. Ka mehla ke be ke e ba mošomedi wa go laolwa.” +Thoko, Mma le Koko ba ipshinne ka go sega. +Ka letšatši la go latela, Jake o ile a tla go bapala. Ba thomile ka go bapala thekisi-thekisi. Koko o ba dumeletše go diriša ditulo tše pedi tša ka moraleng go dira thekisi. +“Ke tla ba mootledi wa thekisi,” a realo Jake. +“Gona nna ke tla ba wa go goeletša Cape Town! Ka ba ka koleka tšhelete,” a realo Thoko. +“Gomme nna ke tla ba monamedi,” a realo Koko. +Jake o ile a dula setulong sa ka pele, Koko a dula setulong sa ka morago gomme Thoko a goeletša Cape Town! a ipitlaganya ka gare. Koko o ile a fa Thoko malekere a mabedi a diphephaminti, ao ba a dirilego e ka ke tšhelete. + +Ka pejana ba fihla Cape Town gomme Thoko a goeletša, “Fologang ka moka!” Koko o ile a fologa gomme Thoko a abelana diphephaminti tša gagwe le Jake. +“Re ka bapala papadi efe bjale?” gwa botšiša Jake. +“A re bapale terene-terene,” gwa šišinya Thoko. +“Re hloka ditulo tše dintši gore re dire terene,” a realo Jake. Ba dirišitše ditulo tše tharo tša ka moralengg. Se se tee e be e le sa mootledi wa terene, se sengwe e le sa banamedi gomme sa mafelelo e le sa mapokisi le diphoofolo. +“Ke nyaka go ba mootledi wa terene,” a realo Jake. +“Ke nyaka go ba Koko yo a yago go etela lapa la gagwe kua Jozi,” a realo Koko, a dutše fase ka leterokong la banamedi. +“Gona ke tla ba mpšanyana ka dula ka leterokong la mafelelo,” a realo Thoko. +“Khutšhuu-khutšhuu! Kgwehlee- kgwehlee!” gwa kgehlenkgwetša Jake, ge terene e etšwa seteišeneng. +“Hauu hauu!” gwa goba Thoko. Koko o ile a tswalela mahlo a gagwe a itira e ke o swerwe ke boroko. O be a kwešwa bohloko, ke gore o paletšwe ke go bona bobotse bja tlhago ge terene e etšwa Cape Town e eya Johannesburg. Ba tshetše meedi ba namela le dithaba. Ba fetile Karoo ye phara le ya pepetla le mebotwana ye mennyane. Ba tshetše dinoka ba feta dipolasa. Gomme mafelelong, ba ile ba fihla toropongkgolo ya Johannesburg. +“Khutšhuu! Khutšhuuu!” a realo Jake ge ba fihla seteišeneng. +“Hauu! hauu!” Thoko a goba. +Seo sa tsoša Koko yo a rilego, “Batho ba Modimo! Re šetše re fihlile fa? Re fihlile gabotse ka nako ya teye!” +Jake le Thoko ba bušetša ditulo tafoleng gomme Koko a dira teye ka ketlele a tšhelela mootledi wa terene wa go swarwa ke lenyora le mpšanyana ya go swarwa ke tlala dipisikiti. +“Morago ga pisikiti ye,” a realo Thoko, “Ke nyaka go aga sekepe sa moyeng.” +“Go lokile!” a realo Jake. “Ke nyaka go ba mootledi wa sona!” Thoko a bonala a nyamile. +“Ke ka lebaka la eng bobedi bja lena le sa be baetasebakeng,” gwa šišinya Koko. +“Go lokile,” a realo Jake. Efela o be a bonala a se a thabišwa ke se kudu. +Sekepe sa moyeng se be se nyaka ditulo tše nne. Ditulo tše pedi tša go lebelela godimo tšeo go tšona go dulago baetasebakeng. Tše dingwe tše pedi tša bewa ka morago ga bona go šoma bjalo ka dithuši tša rokhete. +“Tlhano … nne … tharo … pedi … tee … fofa!” gwa bega Koko, a ba emišetša seatla gore ba sepele gabotse. Sekepe sa moyeng sa fofa gomme sa ya godimodimodimo sa sobelela sekgobeng. +“Lebelela!” a realo Thoko. “Ngwedi šole!” +“A re kotame,” a realo Jake. Sefatanaga sa moyeng sa kotama ngweding ka go nanya gomme baetasebakeng ba fologa. +“Ga go na selo fa,” a realo Jake. +“Ee,” gwa dumela Thoko, “a re ye gae.” +Koko o be a thabetše go ba bona ba boa Lefaseng. Bobedi bja bona ba be ba bonala ba lapišitšwe ke leeto. “Ke a tseba gore bjale le ka dira eng,” a realo Koko. “Ke selo seo nna le Bossy Boots re bego re rata go se dira ge re be re sa lekana le lena.” Koko a ba bontšha go dira rantabola ka go phara kobo godimo ga ditulo. +“Ke nyaka go ba motsomi,” a realo Jake. +“Ke nyaka go ba mogwera wa potego wa motsomi,” a realo Thoko. “Gomme o ka ba tlou ya mma,” a realo go Koko. +“Nka upša ka ba tau ya mma,” a realo Koko. + +Jake o be a homotše kudu gomme ba šala tau ya mma morago. Thoko o be a homotše kudukudu. Efela pele ba fihla tafoleng yeo go bego go dutše tau ya mma e enwa komiki ya bobedi ya teye, e ile ya retologa ya rora ka tsela ya go makatša − GRRRRRRRRRR! Motsomi le mogwera wa gagwe wa potego ba ile ba tšhoga ka fao ba ilego ba hunyela ka rantaboleng, ba gogela marulelo godimo ga bona. Koko o ile a sega gomme gwa kwagala sesego se sentši go tšwa ka tlase ga kobo. Gomme ka morago gwa re kgwatha. +“Ke mo go botse,” gwa gopola Koko. O be a nyaka go ikhutša. +“Wa tseba ke eng?” a realo Thoko ka tlase ga kobo. +“Eng?” gwa botšiša Jake. +“Le ge o rata go laola kudu ebile o rata go phela o e ba mootledi wa thekisi, mootledi wa terene, mokapotene wa sekepe sa moyeng le go ba motsomi, o sa dutše o le mogwera wa ka wa potego,” a realo Thoko. +“Ke a tseba,” a realo Jake. “O mogwera wa ka o mogolo wa potego!” +Koko o ile a myemyela. Ba be ba kwagala bjalo ka yena le Bossy Boots!",nso,Sepedi,Mogwera wa potego wa Thoko,"“Can Jake come and play?” Thoko asked Mama. “He’s my best friend,” she said. +“Sure,” said Mama. “If Gogo doesn’t mind looking after you while I’m at work, then that’s fine.” +“I don’t mind at all,” said ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mogwera-wa-potego-wa-thoko +thoko’s-best-friend,"“Na Jake a ka tla bapala?” Thoko a botsa Mme. “Ke motswalle wa ka wa hlooho ya kgomo,” a rialo. +“Ho lokile,” ha rialo Mme. “Haeba Nkgono a se na bothata ba ho le hlokomela ha ke ile mosebetsing, ho lokile.” +“Hohang ha ke na bothata,” ha rialo Nkgono, “Le nna nkile ka eba le motswalle wa hlooho ya kgomo ya neng a bitswa Bossy Boots.” +“Ke lebitso le qabolang leo hle,” ha rialo Thoko. +“E ne e le ngwanana ya qabolang,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Ha re ne re bapala mmoho o ne a dula a batla ho ba Mofumahadi Nnyeo kapa Mofumahadi Yane. Nna ke ne ke tlameha ho dula ke le mofo ya dulang a rongwa kwana le kwana.” +Thoko, Mme le Nkgono ba qaboha ha monate. +Tsatsing le hlahlamang, Jake a eta ho tla bapala. Pele ba ile ba qala ka ho bapala tekesi-tekesi. Nkgono a ba dumella ho sebedisa ditulo tsa kitjhene ho etsa tekesi. +“Ke nna ya tla ba mokganni wa tekesi,” ha rialo Jake. +“Nna ke tla ba motho ya hoeletsang a ntse a re Cape Town! mme a bokella tjhelete,” ha rialo Thoko. +“Mme nna ke tla ba mopalami,” ha rialo Nkgono. +Jake a dula setulong se ka pele, Nkgono a dula setulong se ka morao mme Thoko a hoeletsa Cape Town! a ipetetsa ho kena ka hare. Nkgono a fa Thoko diphepamente tse pedi, tseo a neng a etsa eka ke tjhelete. + +Ka pelenyana ba be ba se ba fihlile Cape Town mme Thoko a re, “Theohang kaofela ha lona!” Nkgono a theoha mme Thoko a arolelana diphepamente tsa hae le Jake. +“Jwale re ka bapala eng?” ha botsa Jake. +“Ha re bapaleng terene,” Thoko a etsa tlhahiso. +“Re hloka ditulo tse ngata ho etsa terene,” ha rialo Jake. Ba sebedisa ditulo tse tharo tsa kitjhine. Se le seng e ne le sa mokganni wa terene, se seng e le sa bapalami mme sa ho qetela e le sa mabokoso le diphoofolo. +“Ke batla ho ba mokganni wa terene,” ha rialo Jake. +“Ke batla ho ba nkgono ya yang Jozi ho ya etela ba leloko,” ha rialo Nkgono, a dula fatshe lekaretjheng la bapalami. +“Nna he ke tla ba ntjanyana mme ke dule lekaretjheng la ho qetela,” ha rialo Thoko. +“Tjhutjhu-tjhu! Tjhuku-tjhuku!” Jake a tjhutjhutsa jwalo, ha terene e etswa seteisheneng. +“Hobu Hobu!” ha bohola Thoko. Nkgono a kwala mahlo a hae a iketsa eka o kgalehile. E ne e le hampe ruri, hobane o ne a fetwa ke dintho tse ntle tseo ba di fetang ha terene e ntse e lelemela ho tloha Cape Town ho leba Johannesburg. Ba feta dithota ba tshela dithaba. Ba feta Karoo e sephara e bataletseng e nang le maralla a manyane. Ba tshela dinoka ba feta mapolasi. Mme qetellong, ba fihla toropong e kgolo ya Johannesburg. +“Tjhu! Tjhutjhu!” Jake a hoeletsa ha ba se ba fihla seteisheneng. +“Hobu! Hobu!” ha bohola Thoko. +Seo sa tsosa Nkgono mme yena a re, “Kgele basadi! Re se re fihlile? Re fihlile hantle ka nako ya teye!” +Jake le Thoko ba nka ditulo ba di kgutlisetsa tafoleng mme Nkgono a etsa teye mme a ntsha dibisikiti bakeng sa mokganni wa terene ya nyorilweng le ntjanyana e lapileng. +“Ka mora bisikiti ena,” ha rialo Thoko, “ke batla ho aha sekepe sa moyeng.” +“Ke hantle!” ha rialo Jake. “Ke batla ho ba mokapotene wa moyeng!” Thoko a shebahala a swabile. +“Hobaneng le sa be diaseteronate le le babedi?” Nkgono a etsa tlhahiso. +“Ho lokile,” Jake a araba. Empa o ne a sa shebahale a hlile a thabetse taba eo. +Sekepe sa moyeng se ne se hloka ditulo tse nne. Ditulo tse pedi tse tsepameng e ne e tla ba tsa diaseteronate hore ba dule ho tsona. Tse ding tse pedi di ne di beilwe ka morao mekokotlong ya bona jwaloka dibutswedi tsa rokete. +“Hlano … nne … tharo … pedi … nngwe … ha e phahame!” Nkgono a laela, ha a ntse a ba dumedisa ka ho tsoka letsoho. Sekepe sa moyeng sa phahama fatshe se nyolohela hodimo, hodimo, hodimo ho ya kena sepakapakeng. +“Sheba!” ha rialo Thoko. “Kgwedi ke yane!” +“Ha re theohele fatshe,” ha araba Jake. Butle butle sekepe sa moyeng sa kotsama kgweding mme diaseteronate tse pedi tsa tswela ka ntle. +“Ha ho letho mona,” ha rialo Jake. +“Ee,” Thoko a dumela, “ha re ye hae.” +Nkgono o ne a thabile ho bona ba kgutletse Lefatsheng. Ka bobedi ba bona ba ne ba shebeha ba kgathetse ke maeto a bona. “Ke a tseba seo le ka se etsang jwale,” ha rialo Nkgono. “Ke ntho e nngwe eo nna le Bossy Boots re neng re tlwaetse ho e etsa ha re sa lekana le lona tjena.” Nkgono a ba bontsha tsela ya ho etsa ntlo ka ho lahlela kobo ka hodima ditulo. +“Ke batla ho ba setsomi.” Ha rialo Jake. +“Ke batla ho ba motswalle wa hlooho ya kgomo wa setsomi,” ha rialo Thoko. “Mme wena o ka ba mme Tlou,” a rialo ho Nkgono. +“Nka mpa ka ba mme tau,” Nkgono a araba. + +Jake o ne a hlile a kgutsitse ha ba ntse ba nanarela mme tau. Thoko le yena o ne a kgutsitse ho feta. Empa yare pele ba fihla moo mme tau a dutseng tafoleng a ntse a nwa kopi ya bobedi ya teye, a fetoha a ba sheba mme a puruma ka lentswe le tshosang − GRRROOOWLLL! Setsomi le motswalle wa hae ba tshoha haholo hoo ba ileng ba tjhobela ka tlung ya bona, ba hulela marulelo a ntlo fatshe ba ikwahela ka ona. Nkgono a keketeha, mme ho ne ho tsheuwa haholo ka tlasa kobo mane. Yaba tsohle di a kgutsa. +“Ke hantle,” Nkgono a nahana jwalo. O ne a hlile a batla ho phomola. +“O a tseba ke eng?” ha bua Thoko a le ka tlasa kobo. +“Ke eng?” ha botsa Jake. +“Le ha kwana o iketsa mampodi tjena mme o batla ho ba mokganni wa tekesi, mokganni wa terene, mokapotene wa sekepe sa moyeng le setsomi, o ntse o le motswalle wa ka wa hlooho ya kgomo,” ha rialo Thoko. +“Ke a tseba,” ha araba Jake. “Mme le wena o motswalle wa ka wa hlooho ya kgomo ya ba fetang kaofela!” +Nkgono a bososela. Ba ne ba bua hantle jwaloka yena le Bossy Boots!",sot,Sesotho,Motswalle wa Thoko wa hlooho ya kgomo,"“Can Jake come and play?” Thoko asked Mama. “He’s my best friend,” she said. +“Sure,” said Mama. “If Gogo doesn’t mind looking after you while I’m at work, then that’s fine.” +“I don’t mind at all,” said ...",,Niki Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/motswalle-wa-thoko-wa-hlooho-ya-kgomo +mama-gets-muddled,"Mama dumped her shopping bags on the floor and flopped down onto a kitchen chair. “Phew, but I am tired,” she said wiping sweat from her forehead. “And I still have so much baking to do for Reverend Dumisani’s birthday tea at the church this afternoon.” +“Are you making pancakes, Mama?” said Unathi excitedly. “I can help you.” +“No,” said Mama. “This is a special birthday tea for Reverend Dumisani. All the ministers from our church are coming, as well as Reverend Dumisani’s close friend, Reverend Buso. I have heard that Reverend Buso likes cheese scones, so I bought a scone mix for those. Reverend Dumisani likes sugar biscuits, so I bought a biscuit mix for those.” +Unathi looked sad, “I think you should make pancakes, Mama. Everyone loves those. And if you make them, I can help you.” +“No, thank you, Unathi,” said Mama. “I want everyone to see how good my baking is. I am baking scones and biscuits and I am in a hurry. I need to do these on my own.” Mama started unpacking the packets of scone mix and biscuit mix and getting out butter and bowls. +Unathi watched Mama as she opened one of the packets and poured it into a bowl. She dropped little squares of butter into the mixture and rubbed them with her fingertips. “Are those the scones or the biscuits, Mama?” asked Unathi. +“The scones,” said Mama adding cheese to the mixture and stirring it all together. +Unathi looked at the empty packet on the table. It had a picture of delicious looking biscuits on the front of it. + +“Mama, are you sure you have the right packet?” asked Unathi. +Mama looked up from pouring milk into a measuring cup. “Unathi, I am sorry,” she said crossly, “but I have told you that I am in a hurry. Please go and play.” +“But …” started Unathi. +“Off you go,” said Mama firmly. +Unathi felt like she wanted to cry. She was only trying to help. It seemed like Mama wasn’t very nice when she was trying to impress other people. +Unathi went and sat in the big tree in the garden. She watched Mama through the kitchen window. +When Mama had finished rolling and cutting the last of the dough, she wiped her hands on a cloth and looked out the window. She saw Unathi sitting in the tree and waved at her to come down. Unathi was pleased. Maybe Mama was no longer cross with her and would let her lick the bowls. +Mama smiled at Unathi when she came into the kitchen. “My baking is done. I am sorry that I was so cross, but I had a lot to do. I have saved you a small spoonful of biscuit dough to taste,” said Mama. +Unathi smiled back at her and popped the blob of biscuit dough into her mouth. She closed her eyes as she waited for the delicious sweetness to reach her taste buds. +“Ughh, yuk!” cried Unathi, spitting the ball of dough back into her hand. “These fancy biscuits are horrible. I don’t like them at all.” +Mama raised her eyebrows in surprise, “What do you mean, Unathi? You are being very rude.” +“Sorry, Mama, but you should taste this,” said Unathi. “It’s not nice at all.” +Mama pinched off a small piece of dough and put it into her mouth. Her nose wrinkled in disgust. “That is terrible,” she said. “But what could have gone wrong?” Suddenly she cupped her hands over her eyes. “Oh, no!” she moaned. “I’ve mixed up the scone mix and the biscuit mix! I’ve made very sweet scones and cheesy sugar biscuits!” +Mama sat at the table and put her head in her hands. “What am I going to do now? I have no more scone or biscuit mix, and there’s not much time left anyway. What am I going to make for Reverend Dumisani’s birthday tea?” +Unathi suddenly had a great idea. “There is enough time to make pancakes, Mama! And all we need is flour, eggs, oil and milk. We always have those. AND I can help you!” +Mama hugged Unathi. “You’re right. I should have listened to you in the first place. Pancakes will be perfect.” +Mama and Unathi got to work straight away. They made a big batch of pancakes. Unathi ate five while she was helping! +The birthday tea that afternoon was a great success and it turned out that both the ministers loved pancakes!",eng,English,Mama gets muddled,"Mama dumped her shopping bags on the floor and flopped down onto a kitchen chair. “Phew, but I am tired,” she said wiping sweat from her forehead. “And I still have so much baking to do for Reverend Dumisani’s birthday tea at the church this ...",,Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mama-gets-muddled +mama-gets-muddled,"Mamma sit haar inkopiesakke op die vloer neer en flop op ’n kombuisstoel neer. “Goeiste, maar ek is moeg,” sê sy en vee die sweet van haar voorkop af. “En ek moet nog so baie bak vir Eerwaarde Dumisani se verjaardagtee by die kerk vanmiddag.” +“Gaan Mamma pannekoek bak?” vra Unathi opgewonde. “Ek kan jou help.” +“Nee,” sê Mamma. “Dit is ’n spesiale verjaardagtee vir Eerwaarde Dumisani. Al die leraars van ons kerk kom, en ook Eerwaarde Dumisani se goeie vriend, Eerwaarde Buso. Ek het gehoor Eerwaarde Buso hou van kaasskons, en ek het ’n skonmengsel daarvoor gekoop. Eerwaarde Dumisani hou van suikerkoekies, en ek het ’n koekiemengsel daarvoor gekoop.” +Unathi lyk hartseer. “Ek dink Mamma moet eerder pannekoek bak. Almal hou daarvan. En as jy pannekoek bak, kan ek jou help.” +“Nee dankie, Unathi,” sê Mamma. “Ek wil hê almal moet sien hoe goed ek kan bak. Ek gaan skons en koekies bak, en ek is haastig. Ek moet dit op my eie doen.” Mamma begin die pakkies skonmengsel en koekiemengsel uitpak en haal botter en mengbakke uit. +Unathi kyk hoe Mamma een van die pakkies oopmaak en dit in ’n bak uitgooi. Mamma voeg klein blokkies botter by die mengsel en vryf hulle met haar vingerpunte in. “Is dit die skons of die koekies, Mamma?” vra Unathi. +“Die skons,” sê Mamma, terwyl sy kaas byvoeg en alles goed meng. +Unathi kyk na die leë pakkie op die tafel. Daar is ’n prentjie van heerlike koekies op die voorkant. + +“Mamma, is jy seker jy het die regte pakkie?” vra Unathi. +Mamma kyk op terwyl sy melk in ’n maatkoppie afmeet. “Ek is jammer, Unathi,” sê sy kwaai, “maar ek het vir jou gesê ek is haastig. Gaan speel asseblief.” +“Maar …” begin Unathi. +“Weg is jy,” sê Mamma streng. +Unathi voel lus om te huil. Sy wil net help. Dit lyk of Mamma nie baie gaaf is wanneer sy ander mense probeer beïndruk nie. +Unathi gaan sit in die groot boom in die tuin. Sy hou Mamma deur die kombuisvenster dop. +Toe Mamma klaar die laaste van die deeg uitgerol en gesny het, vee sy haar hande aan ’n lappie af, en kyk by die venster uit. Sy sien Unathi in die boom sit en beduie vir haar om af te klim. Unathi is bly. Dalk is Mamma nie meer kwaad vir haar nie, en kan sy die bakke uitlek. +Mamma glimlag vir Unathi toe sy in die kombuis instap. “Ek is klaar gebak. Ek is jammer dat ek so kwaai was, maar ek het baie gehad om te doen. Ek het vir jou ’n klein lepeltjie koekiedeeg gebêre om aan te proe,” sê Mamma. +Unathi glimlag terug en druk die bolletjie koekiedeeg in haar mond. Sy maak haar oë toe terwyl sy wag dat die heerlike soetigheid haar smaakknoppies bereik. +“Ughh, jig!” roep Unathi, en spoeg die bolletjie deeg in haar hand uit. “Hierdie spoggerige koekies proe aaklig. Ek hou glad nie daarvan nie.” +Mamma lig verbaas haar wenkbroue. “Wat bedoel jy, Unathi? Jy is baie onbeskof.” +“Jammer, Mamma, maar proe hieraan,” sê Unathi. “Dis glad nie lekker nie.” +Mamma knyp ’n klein stukkie deeg af en sit dit in haar mond. Sy trek haar neus op. “Jy’s reg. Dit proe aaklig,” sê sy. “Maar wat kon verkeerd gegaan het?” Skielik sit sy haar hande oor haar oë. “O, nee!” kerm sy. “Ek het deurmekaar geraak met die pakkies vir die skonmengsel en die koekiemengsel! Ek het baie soet skons gemaak, en suikerkoekies met kaas!” +Mamma gaan sit by die tafel en laat haar kop in haar hande sak. “Wat gaan ek nou doen? Ek het niks meer skon- of koekiemengsel oor nie, en daar is ook nie meer baie tyd nie. Wat gaan ek vir Eerwaarde Dumisani se verjaardagtee maak?” +Unathi kry skielik ’n blink plan. “Daar is genoeg tyd om pannekoek te bak, Mamma! En al wat ons nodig het, is meel, eiers, olie en melk. Ons het dit altyd in die huis. EN ek kan jou help!” +Mamma gee vir Unathi ’n drukkie. “Jy’s reg. Ek moes in die eerste plek na jou geluister het. Pannekoek sal perfek wees.” +Mamma en Unathi spring dadelik aan die werk. Hulle bak ’n hele stapel pannekoek. Unathi eet vyf pannekoeke terwyl sy help! +Daardie middag is die verjaardagtee ’n groot sukses en albei die eerwaardes hou toe sommer baie van pannekoek!",afr,Afrikaans,Mamma raak deurmekaar,"Mama dumped her shopping bags on the floor and flopped down onto a kitchen chair. “Phew, but I am tired,” she said wiping sweat from her forehead. “And I still have so much baking to do for Reverend Dumisani’s birthday tea at the church this ...",,Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mamma-raak-deurmekaar +mama-gets-muddled,"UMama waziphosa phantsi emgangathweni iingxowa zakhe waza wathi vovololo, wahlala esitulweni sasekhitshini. “Yhuu, indlela endidiniwe ngayo,” utsho ezisula ukubila ebunzi. “Kodwa ndinomsebenzi omninzi kakhulu ekufuneka ndiwenzile wokubhakela umsitho weti yosuku lokuzalwa lukaMfundisi uDumisani ecaweni ngale mva kwemini.” +“Ingaba uza kwenza iiphen-keyiki, Mama?” wabuza u-Unathi echulumancile. “Ndingakuncedisa.” +“Hayi, akunakulunga,” watsho uMama. “Lo ngumsitho weti yosuku lokuzalwa kukaMfundisi uDumisani okhethekileyo. Bonke abefundisi becawa yethu baza kube bekhona, kwakunye nomhlobo osenyongweni kaMfundisi uDumisani, uMfundisi uBuso. Ndivile ukuba uMfundisi uBuso uzithanda kakhulu izikonisi ezifakwe itshizi, ngoko ke ndithenge umxube wokubhaka ezo zikonisi. Yena uMfundisi uDumisani uthanda iibhiskiti zeswekile, ngoko ke ndithenge nomxube wokubhaka ezo bhiskiti.” +U-Unathi wakhangeleka edanile, “Ndicinga ukuba wenze neephen-keyiki, Mama. Wonke umntu uyazithanda. Kwaye ukuba uza kwenza zona, ndingakuncedisa.” +“Hayi, enkosi Unathi, watsho uMama. “Ndifuna ukuba wonke ubani abone indlela endingumbhaki onobuchule ngayo. Ndizabhaka izikonisi kunye neebhiskiti kwaye ndingxamile ngoku. Ndifuna ukukwenza ndodwa konke oku.” UMama waqalisa ukukhupha iipakethi zomxube wezikonisi kunye noweebhiskiti waze wakhupha ibhotolo kunye nezitya. +U-Unathi wambukela uMama lo gama avula enye ipakethi ze ayigalele esityeni. Wagalela izikweri ezincinane zebhotolo kuloo mxube waza wazicubha ngeminwe. “Ingaba ezo zizikonisi okanye ziibhiskiti, Mama?” kwabuza u-Unathi. +“Zizikonisi,” watsho uMama esongeza itshizi kulo mxube waze wazamisa konke, wadibanisa. +U-Unathi wajonga loo pakethi ingenanto isetafileni. Ngaphandle yayinomfanekiso weebhisikiti ezazikhangeleka zimnandi kakhulu. + +“Mama, ingaba uqinisekile ukuba uvule ipakethi echanekileyo?” kwabuza u-Unathi. +UMama waphakamisa amehlo njengokuba wayegalela ubisi ejagini yokulinganisela. “Unathi, ndincede undixolele,” watsho ebucaphuka, “kodwa bendikuxelele ukuba ndingxamile. Nceda uhambe uye kudlala.” +“Kodwa Mama …” waqalisa ngokutsho u-Unathi. +“Hamba ngoku,”watsho uMama ngelingqwabalala. +U-Unathi wayengathi angalila. Wayezama nje ukunceda umama wakhe kuphela. Kwakukhangeleka ngathi uMama akangomntu unobubele xa azama ukuba nento yokuqhayisa kwabanye abantu. +U-Unathi wahamba waya kukhwela phezu komthi omkhulu osesitiyeni. Wabukela uMama ngaphaya kwefestile. +Wathi xa uMama agqiba ukurola nokusika intlama yokugqibela, wosula izandla zakhe ngelaphu waza wakroba efestileni. Wabona u-Unathi ekhwele kuloo mthi waza wamkhweba ukuba makehle kuwo, abuye. U-Unathi wavuya kakhulu. Mhlawumbi ngoku umama wayengasamqumbelanga kwaye wayeza kumvumela ukuba akhothe izitya. +UMama wancuma akungena ekhitshini u-Unathi. “Ndigqibile ngoku ukubhaka. Ndicela uxolo ngokukungxolisa, kodwa bekhukho izinto ezininzi ekufuneka ndizenzile. Ndikushiyele icephe lentlama yeebhiskiti ukuze uyingcamle,” watsho uMama. +U-Unathi wamncumela naye waza wafaka elo gaqa lentlama yeebhiskiti emlonyeni. Wawavala mba amehlo kuba elindele ukungcamla loo ncasa yobuswiti bentlama. +“Arha, yeki!” wakhalaza enyakamile u-Unathi, eyithifela esandleni sakhe loo ntlama. “Ezi bhiskiti zintle kwaye aziqhelekanga kodwa zimbi. Andizithandi konke.” +UMama wafinga iintshiya ngenxa yokothuka, “Uthetha ukuthini, Unathi? Ukrwada ke ngoku. +“Uxolo, Mama, kodwa nawe khawuyingcamle le nto,” watsho u-Unathi. “Ayimnandanga kwaphela.” +UMama wacuntsula isuntswana lentlama waza walifaka emlonyeni. Impumlo yakhe yashwabana kukucekisa. “Yho, ayimbi,” watsho. “Kodwa inokuba kwenzeke ntoni?” Ngesiquphe wavala amehlo akhe ngezandla. “Owu, nkosi yam!” wancwina ngesingqala. “Ndidibanise umxube wezikonisi kunye noweebhiskiti! Ndenze izikonisi eziswiti kakhulu kunye neebhiskiti zeswekile netshizi.” +UMama wahlala phantsi etafileni, waxhasa intloko yakhe ngezandla zakhe. “Ndiza kwenza njani ngoku? Andinawo ngoku omnye umxube wokubhaka izikonisi kunye noweebhiskiti, kwaye akusekho xesha lininzi liseleyo ngoku. Ndiza kumenzela ntoni ngoku uMfundisi uDumisani kwiti yakhe yosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa?” +U-Unathi wakhawuleza weza necebo elikrelekrele. “Kukho ixesha eloneleyo lokwenza iiphen-keyiki. Mama! Kwaye konke esikudingayo ngumgubo wengqolowa, amaqanda, i-oli kunye nobisi. Sisoloko sinazo zonke ezo zinto. KWAYE ndingakuncedisa! +UMama wamanga ngobubele u-Unathi. “Unyanisile. Akwaba bendikumamele kwasekuqaleni. Iiphen-keyiki ziza kulunga gingci kulo msitho.” +UMama kunye no-Unathi baqalisa ukusebenza kwangoko. Benza iiphenkeyiki ezininzi. U-Unathi watya zade zantlanu lo gama ancedisayo! +Umbhiyozo weti yosuku lokuzalwa ngaloo mva kwemini waba yeyona mpumelelo kwaye kwathi kanti bobabini abefundisi bayazithanda iiphen-keyiki!",xho,isiXhosa,UMama ubhidanise iikomity,"Mama dumped her shopping bags on the floor and flopped down onto a kitchen chair. “Phew, but I am tired,” she said wiping sweat from her forehead. “And I still have so much baking to do for Reverend Dumisani’s birthday tea at the church this ...",,Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umama-ubhidanise-iikomityi +mama-gets-muddled,"Umama wabeka phansi amaplastiki anezinto azithengile wase efofobala esitulweni sasekhishini. “Shu, kodwa ngaze ngakhathala,” esho esula umjuluko esiphongweni sakhe. “Ekubeni usemningi umbhako okumele ngiwubhakile wetiye losuku lokuzalwa lukaMfundi uDumisani elisesontweni namhlanje ntambama.” +“Ngabe uzokwenza amapanikuku, Mama?” kusho u-Unathi ngesasasa. “Ngizokusiza.” +“Cha!” kusho uMama. “Leli yitiye elikhethekile losuku lokuzalwa likaMfundisi uDumisani. Bonke abefundisi basesontweni lethu bayeza, kanye nomngani omkhulu kaMfundisi uDumisani, uMfundisi uBuso. Sengizwile ukuthi uMfundisi uBuso uthanda ama-scone kashizi, ngakho-ke ngithenge inhlama yama-scone. UMfundisi uDumisani uthanda amabhisikidi kashukela, ngakho-ke ngithenge inhlama yawo.” +U-Unathi wabukeka edangele, “Ngicabanga ukuthi kumele wenze amapanikuku, Mama. Athandwa yiwo wonke umuntu. Futhi uma ungawenza, ngingakusiza.” +“Cha, ngiyabonga, Unathi,” kusho uMama. “Ngifuna ukuthi bonke abantu babone ukuthi ngibhaka kahle kangakanani. Ngibhaka ama-scone Kanye namabhisikidi, futhi ngijahile. Kumele ngikwenze ngedwa lokhu.” UMama waqala ukuqaqa amaphakethe enhlama yama-scone kanye nenhlama yamabhisikidi wase ekhipha ibhotela kanye nezitsha. +U-Unathi wabuka uMama evula elilodwa kumaphakethe wase elithela esitsheni. Wafaka izikwele ezincane zebhotela engxubeni wase eyihlikihla ngeminwe yakhe. “Ngabe leyo yinhlama yama-scone noma eyamabhisikidi, Mama?” kubuza u-Unathi. +“Ngeyama-scone,” kusho uMama ethela ushizi engxubeni futhi ekuhlanganisa konke. +U-Unathi wabuka iphakethe elingasenalutho eliphezu kwetafula. Lalinesithombe samabhisikidi abukeka emnandi ngaphambili kulo. + +“Mama, ngabe uqinisekile ukuthi unephakethe elifanele?” kubuza u-Unathi. +UMama waphakamisa amehlo eyeka ukuthela ubisi enkomishini yokukala. “Ngiyaxolisa, Unathi,” esho ngokuthukuthela, “kodwa bengikutshelile ukuthi ngijahile. Ngicela uyodlala.” +“Kodwa …” kuqala u-Unathi. +“Hamba,” kusho uMama ngolaka. +U-Unathi wezwa sekuthi akakhale. Wayezama ukusiza. Kwakubukeka sengathi uMama akabi nanhliziyo uma ezama ukujabulisa abanye abantu. +U-Unathi wahamba wayahlala esihlahleni esikhulu engadini. Wabuka uMama ngefasitela lasekhishini. +Lapho uMama eseqedile ukwelula kanye nokusika inhlama yokugcina, wesula izandla zakhe ngendwangu wase ebuka ngefasitela. Wabona u-Unathi ehleli esihlahleni wase emqhweba ukuthi ehle. Wajabula u-Unathi. Mhlawumbe uMama akasamthukuthelele futhi uzomvumela ukuthi akhothe izitsha. +UMama wamamathekela u-Unathi ngesikhathi engena ekhishini. “Sengiqedile ukubhaka. Ngiyaxolisa ngenxa yokuthi bengikucasukele, kodwa bekukuningi obekumele ngikwenze. Ngikushiyele inhlama yamabhisikidi encane engangesipuni ozoyizwa,” kusho uMama. +U-Unathi wamamatheka naye wase ephonsa igengqele lenhlama yamabhisikidi emlonyeni wakhe. Wavala amehlo akhe wase elinda ukuzwa ubumnandi obusashukela ukuthi bufinyelele ezinzweni zakhe zokunambitha. +“Hhayi, phi!” kukhala u-Unathi, ngesikhathi ekhafulela igengqele lenhlama esandleni sakhe. “Aze amabi la mabhisikidi abukeka emahle. Angiwathandi nhlobo.” +UMama wabuyisa izinhlonzi ngokukhulu ukumangala, “Uchaza ukuthini, Unathi? Ubuluhlaza impela nje lobu.” +“Uxolo, Mama, kodwa nawe kuzomele unambithe lokhu,” kusho u-Unathi. “Akumnandi neze.” +UMama wahlephula inhlama encane wase eyifaka emlonyeni wakhe. Wenyusa ikhala ngenxa yokuzwa okungashayi khona. “Kwaze kwakubi lokhu,” kusho yena. “Kodwa ngabe konakelephi?” Kusenjalo wavala amehlo akhe ngezandla. “Awu, cha!” kukhala yena. “Ngiphambanise inhlama yama-scone kanye nenhlama yamabhisikidi! Ngenze ama-scone anoshukela kanye namabhisikidi kashukela anoshizi!” +UMama wahlala etafuleni wase ethwala izindla zakhe ekhanda. “Ngizokwenzenjani manje? Angisenayo enye inhlama yama-scone noma yamabhisikidi, futhi sengisalelwe isikhathi esincane. Kodwa ngizokwenzani yetiye losuku lokuzalwa likaMfundisi uDumisani?” +U-Unathi wabe esefikelwa umqondo omuhle. “Kunesikhathi esanele sokwenza amapanekuku, Mama! Futhi sidinga ufulawa, amaqanda, amafutha kanye nobisi kuphela. Sihlale sinakho lokho. FUTHI ngingakusiza!” +UMama wawola u-Unathi. “Uqinisile. Ngcono ukuba bengivele ngakulalela kwasekuqaleni. Amapanekuku azoba mahle kakhulu.” +UMama no-Unathi baqala ukwenza umsebenzi ngaleso sikhathi. Benza amapanekuku amaningi. U-Unathi wadla amahlanu ngesikhathi elekelela! +Itiye losuku lokuzalwa ngalelo langa ntambama laba yimpumelelo enkulu futhi kwaba kuhle kakhulu nokuthi abefundisi bobabili babezifela ngamapanekuku!",zul,isiZulu,UMama uphambanisa izinkomish,"Mama dumped her shopping bags on the floor and flopped down onto a kitchen chair. “Phew, but I am tired,” she said wiping sweat from her forehead. “And I still have so much baking to do for Reverend Dumisani’s birthday tea at the church this ...",,Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umama-uphambanisa-izinkomishi +mama-gets-muddled,"Mma o lahletše mekotla ya gagwe ya direkwa lebatong a ya a dula setulong sa ka moraleng. “Ijoo, efela ke lapile,” a realo a phumula sethitho phatleng. “Ka mo ke swanetše go pakela teye ya letšatši la matswalo la Moruti Dumisani kua kerekeng mathapameng a lehono.” +“O dira dipanekuku, Mma?” a realo Unathi ka lethabo. “Nka go thuša.” +“Aowa,” a realo Mma. “Ye ke teye ya letšatši la matswalo la go kgethega la Moruti Dumisani. Baruti ka moka ba kereke ya rena ba etla, le mogwera yo mogolo wa Moruti Dumisani, e lego Moruti Buso. Ke kwele gore Moruti Buso o rata disekontshe tša tšhese, ka fao ke rekile motswako wa disekontshe go di dira. Moruti Dumisani o rata dipisikiti tša swikiri, ka fao ke rekile motswako wa dipisikiti go di dira.” +Unathi o be a lebelelega a nyamile, “Ke nagana gore o dire dipanekuku, Mma. Bohle ba a di rata. Ka fao ge o ka dira tšona ke tla go thuša.” +“Aowa, ke a leboga, Unathi,” a realo Mma. “Ke rata gore bohle ba bone gore ke paka botse. Ke paka disekontshe le dipisikiti gomme ke itlhaganetše. Ke swanetše go dira tšeo nna mong.” Mma a thoma go pakolla motswako wa disekontshe le motswako wa dipisikiti a ntšha potoro le dikotlelo. +Unathi o ile a bogela Mmagwe a ntšha ye nngwe ya diphakhethe a e tšhela ka sekotlelong. O lahletše dikwere tše dinnyane tša potoro ka motswakong a di hlakanya ka dintlha tša menwana ya gagwe. “Ke disekontshe goba dipisikiti tšeo Mma?” Unathi a botšiša. +“Disekontshe,” Mma a realo a tsenya tšhese motswakong a e huduga. +Unathi o ile a lebelela phakhethe ya go hloka selo yeo e lego tafoleng. Ka pele ga yona e na le seswantšho sa dipisikiti tša go kgahliša. + +“Mma, o na le nnete ya gore o swere phakhethe ya maleba?” Unathi a botšiša. +Mma a lebelela a le gare a tšhela maswi ka komiking ya go ela. “Unathi, o tla ntshwarela,” a realo ka pefelo, “efela ke go boditše gore ke itlhaganetše. Ke kgopela gore o sepele o ye go bapala.” +“Efela …” Unathi a thoma. +“Sepela,” a realo Mma a tiišitše. +Unathi o kwele e ke o nyaka go lla. O be a leka go thuša. O kare Mma ga se a dira gabotse ge a be a leka go kgahliša batho ba bangwe. +Unathi o ile a ya go dula mohlareng o mogolo ka tšhemong. O ile a bogela Mma ka lefesetere la morale. +Mma o rile go fetša go phatlalatša le go ripa tege ya mafelelo, a phumula diatla lešeleng a lebelela ka lefesetere. O bone Unathi a dutše mohlareng gomme a mo oba ka seatla gore a boye. Unathi o be a thabile. Mo gongwe Mma o be a sa hlwe a befetšwe gomme o tla mo dumelela gore a latswe dikotlelo. +Mma o ile a myemyela ge Unathi a tsena ka moraleng. “Ke feditše go paka. O ntshwarele ge ke be ke befetšwe, efela ke be ke na le mošomo o montši. Ke go šietše tege ya dipisikiti ya go lekana lehwana gore o kwe tatso,” a realo Mma. +Unathi a myemyela a lokela tege ya dipisikiti ka molomong wa gagwe. O ile a tswalela mahlo ge a emetše gore bobose bo fihle go dikwi tša tatso. +“Akgg, phoo!” a realo Unathi, a tshwela bolo ya tege ka diatleng. “Dipisikiti tše tša botse ga di bose. Ga ke di rate le gateetee.” +Mma a makala, “O ra bjang, Unathi? O a kgowa.” +“O ntshwarele Mma, efela o swanetše go di kwa,” a realo Unathi. “Ga di bose le gatee.” +Mma o ile a ngwatha seripa sa tege a se lokela ka molomong. Nko ya gagwe ya šošobana ka go tenega. “Ga di bose,” a realo. “E ka ba go senyegile kae?” Ka pejana, a bea diatla sefahlegong. “Aowa, hle!” a belaela. “Ke hlakantše motswako wa disekontshe le motswako wa dipisikiti! Ke dirile disekontshe tša swikiri ye ntši kudu le dipisikiti tša swikiri tša go ba le tšhese!” +Mma o ile a dula tafoleng a tsenya hlogo ka diatleng. “Ke ile go dira bjang bjalo? Ga ke sa na motswako o mongwe wa disekontshe goba wa dipisikiti, gape ga go sa na nako. Ke ile go dira eng ka teye ya letšatši la matswalo la Moruti Dumisani?” +Unathi a tlelwa ke kgopolo ya botse ka pejana. “Go na le nako ye e lekanego ya go dira dipanekuku, Mma! Re hloka fela folouru, mae, oli le maswi. Tšeo re dula re na le tšona. GOMME, nka go thuša!” + +Mma o ile a gokara Unathi. “O bolela nnete. Nkabe ke go theeleditše go tloga mathomong. Dipanekuku di tla loka.” +Mma le Unathi ba ile ba thoma go šoma. Ba dirile mokgobo wa dipanekuku o mogolo. Unathi o jele tše hlano ge a le gare a thuša! +Mosegare woo teye ya letšatši la matswalo e bile katlego ye kgolo ebile le baruti ba babedi ba ratile dipanekuku!",nso,Sepedi,Mma o hlakahlakantšha dilo,"Mama dumped her shopping bags on the floor and flopped down onto a kitchen chair. “Phew, but I am tired,” she said wiping sweat from her forehead. “And I still have so much baking to do for Reverend Dumisani’s birthday tea at the church this ...",,Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mma-o-hlakahlakantšha-dilo +mama-gets-muddled,"Mme a fihla a lahlela mekotlana fatshe ha a tswa mabenkeleng mme a itahlela setulong sa kitjhene. “Kgele, ka tla ka kgathala,” a rialo a itlhakola mofufutso phatleng. “Mme ke sa ntse ke ena le mosebetsi o mongata wa ho baka dikuku bakeng sa teye ya letsatsi la tswalo la Moruti Dumisani kerekeng motsheareng ona wa mantsiboya.” +“Na o tlo etsa dipanekuku, Mme?” ha botsa Unathi a nyakaletse. “Nka nna ka o thusa.” +“Tjhe,” Mme a araba. “Ena ke teye e ikgethang ya letsatsi la tswalo la Moruti Dumisani. Baruti bohle ba kereke ya rona ba tla be ba le teng, esitana le motswalle wa hlooho ya kgomo wa Moruti Dumisani, e leng Moruti Buso. Ke utlwile ho thwe Moruti Buso o rata diskonse tsa kase, kahoo ke rekile motswako wa diskonse ho tla di etsa. Moruti Dumisani yena o rata dibisikiti tsa tswekere, mme ke rekile motswako wa tsona.” +Unathi a shebahala a utlwile bohloko, “Ke nahana hore o tshwanetse o etse dipanekuku, Mme. Mme haeba o ka di etsa, nka o thusa.” +“Tjhe, ke a leboha, Unathi,” ha rialo Mme. “Ke batla hore bohle ba bone kamoo ke tsebang ho baka ka teng. Ke tlilo baka diskonse le dibisikiti, mme ke tatile. Ke lokela ho di etsa ka bonna.” Mme a qalella ho pakolla dipakana tsa motswako wa diskonse le motswako wa dibisikiti mme a ntsha botoro le dikotlolo. +Unathi a shebella Mme ha a ntsha e nngwe ya dipakana mme a e tshela ka hara sejana. A lahlela dikotolana tsa botoro ka hara motswako oo mme a pikitla ka menwana ya hae. “Na tseo ke diskonse kapa dibisikiti, Mme?” ha botsa Unathi. +“Ke diskonse,” ha rialo Mme a tshela kase ka hara motswako oo mme a di fuduwella mmoho. +Unathi a sheba pakana e sa tshelang e hodima tafole. E ne e ena le setshwantsho sa dibisikiti tse shebehang di le monate ka lehlakoreng la yona le ka pele. + +“Mme, na o na le bonnete ba hore o tshetse pakana e nepahetseng?” ha botsa Unathi. +Mme a mo sheba a ntse a tshela lebese ka hara kopi e methang. “Unathi, o tla ntshwarela,” a rialo a tenehile, “empa ke o bolelletse hore ke tatile. Ako tsamaye o ilo bapalla kwana.” +“Empa …” Unathi a leka ho bua. +“Tsamaya hle,” Mme a rialo a tiile. +Unathi a ikutlwa eka a ka lla. O ne a mpa a leka ho thusa feela. E ne eka Mme o ne a hlile a se na mosa ha a leka ho kgahlisa batho ba bang. +Unathi a ya dula sefateng se seholo jareteng mane. A shebella mme ka fensetere ha a ntse a sebetsa. +Ha Mme a qetile ho sidila le ho seha hlama, a hlakola matsoho a hae ka lesela mme a sheba ka ntle ho fensetere. A bona Unathi a dutse sefateng mme a mo hwehla ka letsoho hore a theohe. Unathi o ne a thabile. Mohlomong mme o ne a se a sa mo halefela mme o ne a tlo mo dumella hore a nyeke dijana tsa hlama. +Mme a bososela ha Unathi a kena ka kitjhineng. “Ke qetile ho baka jwale. Ke maswabi ha ke ile ka o omanya, empa ke ne ke ena le mosebetsi o mongata. Ke o boloketse karolwana e nyane ya hlama ya dibisikiti hore o tlo e latswa,” Mme a rialo. +Unathi a bososela le yena mme a lahlela sekotwana sa hlama ya bisikiti ka hanong. A tutubala ha a ntse a emetse hore monate wa tswekere o kenelle lelemeng. +“Jowee, e mpe!” Unathi a hoeletsa, a tshwela bolonyana ya hlama letsohong la hae. “Dibisikiti tsena tse ntle di latswela hampe. Hohang ha ke di rate.” +Mme a ema le ho makala, “O bolelang, Unathi? Tlohela ho ba tala mona.” +“Ntshwarele, Mme, empa o lokela ho e latswa,” ha rialo Unathi. “Hohang ha e monate.” +Mme a tsipa leqhetsonyana la hlama mme a le lahlela ka hanong. Nko ya hae ya swenya ke ho nyonya. “E mpe,” a rialo. “Empa ho ka be ho etsahetseng?” Hanghang a kwahela mahlo a hae ka matsoho. “Jonna wee!” a tletleba. “Ke fapantse motswako wa diskonse le wa dibisikiti! Ke entse disekonse tse tswekere le dibisikiti tsa kase!” +Mme a dula tafoleng mme a itshwara hloohong. “Jwale ebe ke tla etsang? Ha ke sa na motswako wa diskonse kapa wa dibisikiti, mme ha ho na le nako e lekaneng. Ke tlilo etsang jwale bakeng sa teye ya letsatsi la tswalo la Moruti Dumisani?” +Unathi a nahana leqheka le bohlale. “Ho na le nako e lekaneng hore re ka baka dipanekuku, Mme! Re hloka feela folouru, mahe, oli le lebese. Re dula re ena le tsona hae mona. MME he nka o thusa!” +Mme a haka Unathi. “O nepile. Nka be ntse ke o mametse ho tloha pele. Dipanekuku di tla loka.” +Mme le Unathi ba qalella ho sebetsa hona hoo. Ba etsa dipanekuku tse ngata. Unathi a ja tse hlano kaofela ha a ntse a thusa! +Teye ya letsatsi la tswalo mantsiboyeng ao e bile katleho e kgolo mme ho bonahala eka baruti bao ka bobedi ba bona ba ile ba rata dipanekuku!",sot,Sesotho,Mme o kopakopanya dintho,"Mama dumped her shopping bags on the floor and flopped down onto a kitchen chair. “Phew, but I am tired,” she said wiping sweat from her forehead. “And I still have so much baking to do for Reverend Dumisani’s birthday tea at the church this ...",,Nicky Webb,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mme-o-kopakopanya-dintho +birthday-present-dad,"“It’s Dad’s birthday today,” said Mom. +“Oh, I want to get him a present!” said Alex. “What should I give him, Mom?” +“We have to go to the shop to buy some flour for Dad’s birthday cake,” said Mom. “We will try to think of a present for Dad on the way to the shop.” +“Okay! I’ll carry the shopping bag,” said Alex. +So Alex and his mother set off. Alex ran ahead of his mother on the well-trodden path. It was a lovely day. The sun was shining through the pine trees, and onto the pine nuts that had fallen to the ground. Alex picked one up. +“Look, Mom. What is this?” he asked. +“It’s a pine nut,” said Mom. +“It looks as if it has a wing,” said Alex. + +“That’s so it can float on the wind and find a good place to grow into another pine tree,” said Mom. “All these pine nuts on the ground have fallen from the pine cones on the trees.” +“Can I taste one?” asked Alex. +“Yes, but we have to get it out of its shell first,” said Mom, and she crushed the shell with a stone. +“Here you are,” said Mom, and she gave Alex the little nut. +“It tastes good!” he said. “Do you think Dad would like some pine nuts for his birthday, Mom?” +“Maybe,” said Mom. +So Alex picked up lots of pine nuts and put them in the shopping bag. As they walked along, Alex noticed the sun reflecting off some stones. He picked one up. +“Look at this brown stone, Mom,” he said. “It is so smooth. Do you think Dad would like it for his birthday?” asked Alex. +“Maybe,” said Mom. +So Alex put the smooth brown stone in the shopping bag and off they went. Then Alex saw some wild blue flowers next to the path. +“Look at these flowers, Mom,” said Alex. “They’re the same colour as the sky.” +“They are little wild flowers, and they’re facing the sun,” said Mom. +Alex picked one. “Do you think Dad would like this blue flower for his birthday, Mom?” he asked. +“Maybe,” said Mom. +Alex put the little blue flower in the shopping bag. +Just then Alex and his mother reached the shop. Mom bought flour to make Dad a birthday cake. She also bought little candles to put on top of the cake. +When they got home, Mom baked the birthday cake and Alex took the pine nuts and the smooth stone and the little blue flower out of the shopping bag. +“Oh, no! Look,” said Alex, “the little blue flower is curled up, and its face is closed.” +“Yes,” said Mom. “Wild flowers like to show their faces to the sun, and they like to stay in the ground.” +“Oh,” said Alex. +“Why don’t you draw a picture for Dad for his birthday?” said Mom. +“Good idea,” smiled Alex. He fetched his crayons and some paper to draw a picture for Dad. He drew a house with a red roof. Then he drew a big green tree next to the house. He added a garden path all the way from the front door to the edge of the page, and he drew blue flowers all along the path. He drew the blue sky at the top of the page and also a big yellow sun. Then he drew green grass at the bottom of the page. Finally he drew Dad, Mom and himself standing on the grass. +Then Dad came home from work. +“Happy birthday, Dad,” said Alex and gave him his presents. First he gave Dad the pine nuts. “I love pine nuts,” said Dad. +Next he gave Dad the smooth brown stone. “What a special stone!” said Dad. “I’ll keep it in my pocket for luck!” +Then he gave Dad the drawing. “Oh!” said Dad. “This is our house and our tree and here we are! You, Mom and me. And I really like the blue flowers along the garden path.” +“Those blue flowers are the same blue as the sky,” said Alex. +“Thank you for my birthday presents, Alex,” said Dad, and he gave Alex a big hug. “I think we should plant some wild blue flowers,” said Dad. “We’ll plant them all along our garden path, just like the flowers in your picture.” + +“Good idea!” said Alex. “I’ll help you plant them, Dad!” +After supper Mom lit the candles on Dad’s cake. Dad blew them all out in one big whoosh! Alex and Mom sang “Happy Birthday” to Dad. +“I love finding presents for you, Dad,” said Alex with a great big smile.",eng,English,A birthday present for Dad,"“It’s Dad’s birthday today,” said Mom. +“Oh, I want to get him a present!” said Alex. “What should I give him, Mom?” +“We have to go to the shop to buy some flour for Dad’s birthday cake,” said Mom. “We will try ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/birthday-present-dad +birthday-present-dad,"“Dis vandag Pappa se verjaardag,” sê Mamma. +“Ek wil vir hom ’n geskenk gee!” sê Alex. “Wat kan ek vir hom gee, Mamma?” +“Ons moet winkel toe gaan om meel te koop vir Pappa se verjaardagkoek,” sê Mamma. “Ons sal op pad winkel toe dink wat ons vir Pappa kan koop.” +“Reg so! Ek sal die inkopiesak dra,” sê Alex. +Alex en Mamma stap winkel toe. Alex hardloop vooruit op die uitgetrapte voetpaadjie. Dit is ’n pragtige dag. Die son skyn deur die dennebome en op die dennepitte wat op die grond geval het. Alex tel een op. +“Kyk, Mamma. Wat is dit?” vra hy. +“Dit is ’n dennepit,” sê Mamma. +“Dit lyk of dit ’n vlerkie het,” sê Alex. + +“Dit is sodat dit op die wind kan sweef en ’n goeie plek kan vind waar dit kan groei en ’n groot denneboom kan word,” sê Mamma. “Al hierdie dennepitte op die grond het uit die dennebolle aan die bome geval.” +“Kan ek aan een proe?” vra Alex. +“Ja, maar jy moet dit eers uitdop,” sê Mamma, en sy kraak die dop met ’n klip. +“Hierso,” sê Mamma, en sy gee vir Alex die klein pitjie. +“Dit smaak lekker!” sê hy. “Dink jy Pappa sal van dennepitte hou vir sy verjaardag, Mamma?” +“Miskien,” sê Mamma. +Alex tel ’n handvol dennepitte op en sit hulle in die inkopiesak. Terwyl hulle verder stap, sien Alex hoe die son op die klippe weerkaats. Hy tel een op. +“Kyk hierdie bruin klip, Mamma,” sê hy. “Dis so glad. Dink jy Pappa sal daarvan hou vir sy verjaardag?” vra Alex. +“Miskien,” sê Mamma. +Alex tel die gladde bruin klip op, sit dit in die inkopiesak, en hulle stap verder. Toe sien Alex blou veldblomme langs die paadjie. +“Kyk na hierdie blomme, Mamma,” sê Alex. “Hulle is so blou soos die lug.” +“Hulle is klein veldblommetjies en hulle draai na die son toe,” sê Mamma. +Alex pluk een. “Dink jy Pappa sal van hierdie blou veldblommetjie hou vir sy verjaardag, Mamma?” vra hy. +“Miskien,” sê Mamma. +Alex sit die klein blou blommetjie in die inkopiesak. +Net toe kom Alex en sy mamma by die winkel aan. Mamma koop meel om vir Pappa ’n verjaardagkoek te bak. Sy koop ook klein verjaardagkerse om op die koek te sit. +Toe hulle by die huis kom, bak Mamma die verjaardagkoek en Alex haal die dennepitte en die gladde klip en die klein blou blommetjie uit die inkopiesak. +“Ag, nee! Kyk,” sê Alex, “die klein blou blommetjie het opgekrul en sy gesiggie toegevou.” +“Ja,” sê Mamma. “Veldblomme hou daarvan om na die son toe te draai, en hulle hou daarvan om in die grond te staan.” +“O,” sê Alex. +“Waarom teken jy nie vir Pappa ’n prent vir sy verjaardag nie?” sê Mamma. +“Goeie idee,” glimlag Alex. Hy gaan haal sy kryte en papier en teken vir Pappa ’n prent. Hy teken ’n huis met ’n rooi dak. Toe teken hy ’n groot groen boom langs die huis. Hy teken ook ’n tuinpaadjie al die pad van die voordeur tot by die rand van die bladsy, en hy teken blou blommetjies al langs die paadjie. Hy teken die blou lug aan die bokant van die bladsy en ook ’n groot geel son. Toe teken hy groen gras onderaan die bladsy. Laaste teken hy vir Pappa, Mamma en homself wat op die gras staan. +Toe kom Pappa huis toe van die werk af. +“Gelukkige verjaardag, Pappa,” sê Alex en gee vir hom sy geskenke. Eers gee hy vir Pappa die dennepitte. “Ek hou so baie van dennepitte,” sê Pappa. +Toe gee hy vir Pappa die gladde bruin klip. “Wat ’n spesiale klip!” sê Pappa. “Ek sal dit in my broeksak sit om geluk te bring!” +Toe gee hy vir Pappa die tekening. “O!” sê Pappa. “Dit is ons huis en ons boom en hier is ons! Jy, Mamma en ek. En ek hou regtig van die blou blommetjies langs die tuinpaadjie.” +“Daardie blou blommetjies is net so blou soos die lug,” sê Alex. +“Dankie vir al my geskenke, Alex,” sê Pappa, en hy gee vir Alex ’n stywe drukkie. “Ek dink ons moet blou veldblommetjies plant,” sê Pappa. “Ons sal hulle al langs ons tuinpaadjie plant, net soos die blommetjies in jou prent.” +“Blink plan!” sê Alex. “Ek sal jou help om hulle te plant, Pappa!” +Na aandete steek Mamma die kersies op Pappa se verjaardagkoek aan. Pappa blaas hulle almal met een groot woesj! dood. Alex en Mamma sing vir Pappa “Veels geluk, liewe Pappa”. +“Ek hou daarvan om vir jou geskenke te soek, Pappa,” sê Alex met ’n breë glimlag.",afr,Afrikaans,’n Verjaardaggeskenk vir Papp,"“It’s Dad’s birthday today,” said Mom. +“Oh, I want to get him a present!” said Alex. “What should I give him, Mom?” +“We have to go to the shop to buy some flour for Dad’s birthday cake,” said Mom. “We will try ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/’n-verjaardaggeskenk-vir-pappa +birthday-present-dad,"“Namahlanje lusuku lokuzalwa kukaTata,” utshilo uMama. +“Ewe, ndifuna ukumnika isipho!” watsho u-Alex. “Ingaba ndingamnika ntoni, Mama?” +“Kufuneka siye evenkileni sithenge umgubo wengqolowa wokubhaka ikeyiki yosuku lokuzalwa kukaTata,” watsho uMama. “Siza kuzama ukucinga ngesipho sikaTata endleleni eya evenkileni.” +“Kulungile! Ndiza kuphatha isingxobo sokufaka izinto esizithengileyo,” watsho u-Alex. +Wahamba ke u-Alex nomama wakhe ukuya evenkileni. U-Alex wayebaleka phambili kumama wakhe kulo ndledlana sele ide yombeka kukuhanjwa. Yayilusuku olumnandi kakhulu olu. Ilanga lalivelile ngaphaya kwaloo mithi yompayini, liqaqambisa amandongomane embewu yawo ewele phantsi emhlabeni. U-Alex wachola enye yaloo mbewu. +“Jonga, Mama. Yintoni le?” wabuza umama wakhe. +“Ngamandongomane embewu yompayini,” watsho uMama. +“Akhangeleka ngathi aneempiko,” watsho u-Alex. + +“Oko kwenzelwe ukuze imbewu ikwazi ukubhabha emoyeni, iye kufumana indawo efanelekileyo ize ikhule apho ukuze ibe ngomnye umthi wompayini,” watsho uMama. “Onke la mandongomane ayimbewu asemhlabeni awe esuka kwimibhumbulu yemithi yompayini.” +“Ndingangcamla elinye lawo?” wabuza u-Alex. +“Ewe, kodwa kufuneka silikhuphe eqokobheni lalo kuqala,” watsho uMama, waza waligximfa ngelitye iqokobhe. +“Nalo ke,” watsho uMama, waza wanika u-Alex indongomane elincinane. +“Linencasa emnandi!” watsho. “Ucinga ukuba uTata angawathanda amandongomane njengesipho sosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa, Mama?” +“Mhlawumbi,” watsho uMama. +Waza ke u-Alex wachola amandongomane ompayini amaninzi wawafaka engxoweni yokufaka izinto ezithengiweyo. Njengokuba behamba nje, u-Alex waqaphela ukuba ilanga likhazimlisa amanye aloo matye. Waza wachola lalinye kuwo. +“Jonga eli litye limdaka ngombala, Mama,” utshilo. “Ligude kakhulu. Ucinga ukuba uTata angalithanda njengesipho sosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa?” wabuza u-Alex. +“Mhlawumbi,” watsho uMama. +Wathi ke ngoko u-Alex wafaka ilitye eligudileyo nelimdaka ngebala engxoweni yokufaka izinto ezithengiweyo, baza baqhubeka nohambo. Bathe besahamba, u-Alex wabona iintyatyambo zasendle ezizuba ecaleni kwendledlana. +“Jonga ezi ntyatyambo, Mama,” watsho u-Alex. “Zifana nqwa nesibhakabhaka.” +“Ziintyatyambo ezincinane zasendle, kwaye zijonge ngqo elangeni,” watsho uMama. +U-Alex wakha yanye. “Ucinga ukuba uTata angayithanda le ntyatyambo izuba njengesipho sosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa, Mama?” wabuza. +“Mhlawumbi,” watsho uMama. +U-Alex wafaka intyatyambo ezuba kwingxowa yokufaka izinto ezithengiweyo. +Kanye ngelo xesha u-Alex nomama wakhe bagaleleka evenkileni. UMama wathenga umgubo wengqolowa wokwenza ikeyiki kaTata yosuku lokuzalwa. Waza kananjalo wathenga namakhandlela amancinane aza kufakwa ngaphezulu ekeyikini. +Bathi bakufika ekhaya, uMama wabhaka ikeyiki yosuku lokuzalwa kukatata waze u-Alex wakhupha amandongomane ompayini nelitye eligudileyo elimdaka kwakunye nentyatyambo encinane ezuba kwingxowa yokufaka izinto ezithengiweyo. +“Owu, hayini! Jonga,” watsho u-Alex, “intyatyambo encinane ezuba izisongile, kwaye ubuso bayo buvalekile.” +“Ewe kaloku,” watsho uMama. “Iintyatyambo zasendle zithanda ukuveza ubuso bazo elangeni, kwaye ziyakuthanda ukuhlala emhlabeni.” +“Owu,” watsho u-Alex. +“Kutheni ungazobi umfanekiso njengesipho sikaTata sosuku lokuzalwa?” umbuzile ebucebisa uMama. +“Licebo elihle kakhulu elo,” wancuma u-Alex. Walanda iikhrayoni zakhe kwakunye nephepha ukuze azobele uTata umfanekiso. Wazoba indlu enophahla olubomvu. Waza ke emva koko wazoba umthi omkhulu oluhlaza ecaleni kwendlu leyo. Uthe ke wongeza indledlana eya esitiyeni esuka kumnyango wangaphambili wendlu ukuya ekupheleni kwephepha, ze wazoba iintyatyambo ezizuba ecaleni kwale ndledlana. Wazoba isibhakabhaka esizuba phezulu ephepheni kunye nelanga elikhulu elityheli. Emva koko ke wazoba ingca eluhlaza ezantsi ephepheni. Ekugqibeleni wazoba uTata, uMama kunye naye bemi apho engceni. +Uye wade wabuya ke uTata emsebenzini. +“Mini emnandi, Tata,” watsho u-Alex waze wamnika izipho zakhe. Kuqala uthe wamnika amandongomane ompayini uTata. “Ndiyawathanda amandongomane ompayini,” watsho uTata. +Ulandelise ngokumnika uTata ilitye eligudileyo nelimdaka ngombala. “Wawu, ilitye elihle kangaka!” watsho uTata. “Ndiza kuligcina epokothweni yam ukuze lindizisele amathamsanqa!” +Emva koko wanika uTata umzobo wakhe. “Yhu!” watsho uTata. “Le yindlu yethu nomthi wethu, ze ibe sithi aba! Nguwe, nguMama kunye nam. Kwaye ndizithanda ngenene ezi ntyatyambo zizuba zisecaleni kwale ndledlana.” +“Eziya ntyatyambo zizuba zifana nqwa nesibhakabhaka,” watsho u-Alex. +“Enkosi kakhulu ngezipho zam zosuku lokuzalwa, Alex,” watsho uTata, waza wamanga ngothando olukhulu. “Ndicinga ukuba masityale iintyatyambo zasendle ezizuba apha,” watsho uTata. “Siza kuzityala ecaleni kwendledlana eya esitiyeni, kanye njengeentyatyambo ezisemfanekisweni wakho.” + +“Yingcinga elunge kakhulu leyo!” watsho u-Alex. “Ndiza kukuncedisa sizityale, Tata!” +Emva kwesidlo sangokuhlwa uMama walayita amakhandlela asekeyikini kaTata. UTata wawavuthela onke ngaxeshanye, wawacima pam! U-Alex noMama bacula ingoma ethi, “Min’ emnandi kuwe” beculela uTata. +“Ndiyakuthanda ukukukhangelela izipho, Tata,” watsho u-Alex ngoncumo olubanzi.",xho,isiXhosa,Isipho sikaTata sosuku lokuzalw,"“It’s Dad’s birthday today,” said Mom. +“Oh, I want to get him a present!” said Alex. “What should I give him, Mom?” +“We have to go to the shop to buy some flour for Dad’s birthday cake,” said Mom. “We will try ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isipho-sikatata-sosuku-lokuzalwa +birthday-present-dad,"“Usuku lokuzalwa lukaBaba namhlanje,” kusho uMama. +O, ngifuna ukumtholela isipho!” kusho u-Alex. “Ngingamnikani, Mama?” +“Kumele siye esitolo siyothenga ufulawa wekhekhe losuku lokuzalwa lukaBaba,” kusho uMama. “Sizozama ukucabanga ngesipho sikaBaba endleleni eya esitolo.” +“Kulungile! Ngizophatha isikhwama sokuphatha izimpahla ezithengiwe,” kusho u-Alex. +Ngakho-ke bahamba o-Alex nomama wakhe. U-Alex wagijima washiya umama wakhe ehamba endleleni esivuthiwe. Kwakuwusuku oluhle. Ilanga lalikhanya phakathi kwezihlahla zephayini, kanye namanathi ephayini ayewele phansi. U-Alex wacosha elilodwa. +“Buka, Mama. Kuyini lokhu?” kubuza yena. +“Yinathi lephayini,” kusho uMama. +“Libukeka sengathi linephiko,” kusho u-Alex. + +“Lokhu kwenzelwa ukuthi likwazi ukuntanta emoyeni bese lithola indawo ekahle yokukhula libe ngesinye isihlahla sephayini,” kusho uMama. ” Wonke la manathi aphansi awe ephuma kumakhoni ephayini asezihlahleni.” +“Ngabe ngingalizwa ukuthi linambitheka kanjani?” kubuza u-Alex. +“Yebo, kodwa kumele silikhiphe egobolondweni lalo kuqala,” kusho uMama, wase elishaya ehlephula igobolondo ngetshe. +“Nanti,” kusho uMama, wase enika u-Alex inathi elincane. +“Limnandi!” kusho yena. “Ngabe ucabanga ukuthi uBaba uzowathokozela amanathi ephayini osukwini lwakhe lokuzalwa, Mama?” +“Mhlawumbe,” kusho uMama. +Ngakho u-Alex wacosha amanathi ephayini amaningi wawafaka esikhwameni sokufaka izinto ezithengiwe. Ngesikhathi beqhubeka nendlela, u-Alex wabona ilanga likhanyisa amanye amatshe. Wase ecosha elilodwa. +“Bheka leli litshe elinsundu, Mama,” kusho yena. “Libusheshelezi kakhulu. Ngabe ucabanga ukuthi uBaba angalithanda njengesipho sosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa?” kubuza u-Alex. +“Mhlawumbe,” kusho uMama. +Ngakho-ke u-Alex wafaka itshe elinsundu esikhwameni sakhe sokufaka izinto ezithengiwe base beqhubeka nendlela. U-Alex wabe esebona izimbali zasendle eziluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka eduze kwendlela yezinyawo. +“Bheka lezi zimbali, Mama,” kusho u-Alex. “Ziwumbala ofanayo nesibhakabhaka.” +“Yizimbali ezincane zasendle, kanti-ke zibheke elangeni,” kusho uMama. +U-Alex wacosha eyodwa. “Ngabe ucabanga ukuthi uBaba uzozithanda izimbali zasendle eziluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka njengesipho sosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa, Mama?” kusho yena. +“Mhlawumbe,” kusho uMama. +U-Alex wafaka imbali encane eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka esikhwameni sakhe sokufaka izinto ezithengiwe. +Kusenjalo, o-Alex nonina bafika esitolo. UMama wathenga ufulawa wokwenzela uBaba ikhekhe losuku lokuzalwa. Wase ethenga namakhandlela amancane azowabeka phezu kwekhekhe. +Uma befika ekhaya, uMama wabhaka ikhekhe losuku lokuzalwa, u-Alex wase ekhipha amanathi ephayini kanye nembali eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka esikhwameni sokufaka okuthengiwe. +“Awu, he! Awubheke-nje,” kusho u-Alex, “imbali encane seyigoqene, kanti nobuso bayo sebuvalekile.” +“Yebo,” kusho uMama. “Izimbali zasendle ziyathanda ukubhekisa ubuso bazo elangeni,futhi ziyathanda ukuhlala emhlabathini.” +“Ohho,” kusho u-Alex. +“Kungani ungadwebeli uBaba isithombe njengesipho sosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa?” kusho uMama. +“Yisu elihle,” kumamatheka u-Alex. Walanda amakhrayoni akhe kanye nephepha ukuze adwebele uBaba isithombe. Wadweba indlu enophahla olubomvu. Wase edweba isihlahla esikhulu esiluhlaza okotshani eduze kwendlu. Wase efaka nendlela yezinyawo ehamba engadini esuka emnyango ongaphambili ize iyofika ekupheleni kwekhasi, wase edweba izimbali eziluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka eceleni kwendlela yezinyawo. Wadweba isibhakabhaka esiluhlaza phezulu ekhasini kanye nelanga elikhulu eliphuzi futhi. Wase edweba utshani obuluhlaza phansi nekhasi. Ekugcineni wadweba uBaba, uMama kanye naye bemi phezu kotshani. +UBaba wabuya ekhaya evela emsebenzini. +“Usuku lokuzalwa oluhle, Baba,” kusho u-Alex, wase emnika izipho zakhe. Waqala wanika uBaba amanathi ephayini. “Ngiyawathanda amanathi ephayini,” kusho uBaba. +Walandelisa ngokunika uBaba itshe elinsundu elibushelelezi. “Laze langelekhethelo leli litshe!” kusho uBaba. “Ngizoligcina ekhukhwini lami ukuze lingenzele inhlanhla!” +Wase enikeza uBaba umdwebo. “Hawu!” kusho uBaba. “Lena yindlu yethu kanye nesihlahla sethu, kanti silapha thina! Nguwe, uMama kanye nami. Kanti ngizithanda ngempela izimbali eziluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka eziseceleni kwendlela yezinyawo eduze nengadi.” +“Lezo zimbali eziluhlaza zinobuluhlaza obufanayo nobesibhakabhaka,” kusho u-Alex. +“Ngiyabonga ngezipho zami zosuku lokuzalwa, Alex,” kusho uBaba, wase ewola u-Alex kakhulu. “Ngicabanga ukuthi kuzomele sitshale izimbali zasendle eziluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka eduze nendlela yezinyawo esengadini yethu, njengezimbali ezisesithombeni sakho.” + +“Yicebo elihle lelo!” kusho u-Alex. “Ngizokusiza ukuzitshala, Baba!” +Ngemva kwesidlo sakusihlwa uMama wakhanyisa amakhandlela ekhekheni likaBaba. UBaba wacima wonke kanyekanye! U-Alex noMama baculela uBaba u-“Mini emnandi kuwe!” +“Ngiyathanda ukukutholela izipho, Baba,” kusho u-Alex emamatheka kakhulu.",zul,isiZulu,Isipho sikaBaba sosuku lokuzalw,"“It’s Dad’s birthday today,” said Mom. +“Oh, I want to get him a present!” said Alex. “What should I give him, Mom?” +“We have to go to the shop to buy some flour for Dad’s birthday cake,” said Mom. “We will try ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isipho-sikababa-sosuku-lokuzalwa +birthday-present-dad,"“Lehono ke letšatši la matswalo la Tate,” a realo Mma. +“Agaa, ke nyaka go mo rekela mpho!” a realo Alex. “Ke mo fe eng, Mma?” +“Re swanetše go ya lebenkeleng re ye go reka folouru ya khekhe ya letšatši la matswalo la Tate,” a realo Mma. “Ge re le tseleng ya go ya lebenkeleng re tla nagana ka mpho yeo re ka e rekelago Tate.” +“Go lokile! Ke tla rwala mokotla wa direkwa,” a realo Alex. +Ka fao Alex le mmagwe ba sepela. Alex o ile a kitima pele ga mmagwe mo tseleng ya go butšwa. E be e le letšatši le le botse. Letšatši le be le phadima mehlareng ya mophaene, le mo dikoko tša mephaene tšeo di wetšego tlase. Alex o ile a topa e tee. +“Lebelela, Mma. Ke eng se?” a botšiša. +“Ke koko ya mophaene,” a realo Mma. +“E bonala e ke e na le lephego,” a realo Alex. + +“Ke la gore e kgone go fofa phefong gomme e hwetše lefelo le lengwe la botse fao e tla melago ya ba mohlare o mongwe wa mophaene,” a realo Mma. “Dikoko tša diphaene tšeo di lego mo fase ka moka di wele dikhouneng tša diphaene tša mo mehlareng.” +“Nka kwa tatso ya ye tee?” gwa botšiša Alex. +“Ee, efela re swanetša go e ntšha ka gare ga kgapetla pele,” a realo Mma, gomme a kgatla kgapetla ka leswika. +“Ke ye,” a realo Mma, gomme a fa Alex koko ye nnyane. +“E bose kudu!” a realo. “O gopola gore Tate a ka rata dikoko tša mephaene ka letšatši la matswalo a gagwe, Mma?” +“Mogongwe,” a realo Mma. +Gomme Alex a topa dikoko tša mephaene tše dintši a di lokela ka mokotleng wa direkwa. Ge ba sepela, Alex a lemoga gore letšatši le bekenya maswikeng a mangwe. O ile a topa le lengwe. +“Lebelela leswika le le le tsotho, Mma,” a realo. “Le boreledi kudu. O gopola gore Tate a ka le ratela letšatši la matswalo a gagwe?” gwa botšiša Alex. +“Mogongwe,” a realo Mma. +Gomme Alex a tsenya leswika le le tsotho la boreledi ka moketleng wa direkwa ba sepela. Ka morago Alex a bona matšoba a matalalerata a nageng kgauswi le tsela. +“Lebelela matšoba a, Mma,” a realo Alex. “A swana e leratadima ka mmala.” +“Ke matšoba a nageng a mannyane, gomme a lebeletše letšatši,” a realo Mma. +Alex o ile a topa le letee. “O gopola gore Tate a ka rata letšoba le letalalerata le ka letšatši la matswalo a gagwe, Mma?” a botšiša. +“Mogongwe,” a realo Mma. +Alex a tsenya letšoba le letalalerata le lennyane ka mokotleng wa direkwa. +Gateetee Alex le Mma ba fihla lebenkeleng. Mma a reka folouru ya go dira khekhe ya letšatši la matswalo a Tate. O rekile le dikerese tše dinnyane tša go hlomelwa godimo ga khekhe. +Ba rile go fihla gae, Mma a paka khekhe ya letšatši la matswalo gomme Alex a ntšha dikoko tša mephaene le leswika la boreledi le letšoba le letalalerata le lennyane ka mokotleng wa direkwa. +“Aowa, hle! Lebelela,” a realo Alex,” letšoba le letalalerata le lennyane le kudupane, gomme sefahlego sa lona se tswalelegile.” +“Ee,” a realo Mma. “Matšoba a nageng a rata go lebelela letšatšing, gomme a rata go ba mo mmung.” +“Ijoo,” a realo Alex. +“Nkane o sa thalele Tate seswantšho ka letšatši la matswalo a gagwe?” a realo Mma. +“Ke kgopolo ye botse,” Alex a myemyela. O ile a tšea dikherayone le pampiri a thalela Tate seswantšho. O thadile ntlo ya go ba le marulelo a mahubedu. Ka morago a thala sehlare se setalamorogo se segologolo kgauswi le ntlo. O ile a tlaleletša ka tsela ya tšengwana ya go tloga lebating la ka pele go ya morumong wa letlakala, a thala le matšoba a matalalerata go bapela le tsela. O thadile leratadima le letalalerata bogodimong bja letlakala le letšatši le leserolane le legolo. O thadile le bjang bjo botalamorogo botlaseng bja letlakala. Mafelelong o ile a thala Tate, Mma le yena ba eme godimo ga bjang. +Ka morago Tate o ile a boa mošomong. +“Letšatši la matswalo le le bose, Tate,” a realo Alex a mo fa dimpho tša gagwe. La mathomo o file Tate dikoko tša mephaene. “Ke rata dikoko tše tša mephaene,” a realo Tate. +Sa go latela o file Tate leswika le le tsotho la boreledi. “Leswika la go kgethega bjalo!” a realo Tate. “Ke tla le swara ka morabeng gore ke be le mahlatse!” +Ka morago o file Tate sethalwa. “Ijoo!” a realo Tate. “Ye ke ntlo ya rena, le mohlare wa rena, gomme ke rena ba! Wena, Mma le nna. Ke rata kudu matšoba a matalalerata go bapela le tsela ya go ya ka tšhengwaneng.” +“Matšoba ao a matalalerata a swana le leratadima ka botalalerata,” a realo Alex. +“Ke leboga dimpho tša ka tša letšatši la matswalo, Alex,” a realo Tate, gomme a gokara Alex kudu. “Ke nagana gore re swanetše go bjala matšoba a matalalerata a nageng,” a realo Tate. “Re tla a bjala go bapela le tsela ya go ya ka tšhengwaneng ka moka ga yona, go swana le matšoba a ka seswantšhong sa gago.” + +“Ke kgopolo ye botse yeo!” a realo Alex. “Ke tla go thuša go a bjala, Tate!” +Ka morago ga dijo tša go lalela Mma o ile a gotetša dikerese tše di lego godimo ga khekhe ya Tate. Tate o ile a di budula ka moka ka fuuuuu ye tee ye kgolo! Alex le Mma ba ile ba opela “O gole, o gole” go Tate. +“Ke rata go go nyakela dimpho, Tate,” a realo Alex ka myemyelo ye kgolo.",nso,Sepedi,Mpho ya letšatši la matswalo la Tate,"“It’s Dad’s birthday today,” said Mom. +“Oh, I want to get him a present!” said Alex. “What should I give him, Mom?” +“We have to go to the shop to buy some flour for Dad’s birthday cake,” said Mom. “We will try ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mpho-ya-letšatši-la-matswalo-la-tate +birthday-present-dad,"“Kajeno ke letsatsi la tswalo la Ntate,” ha rialo Mme. +“O, ke batla ho mo rekela mpho!” ha rialo Alex. “Ebe nka mo fa eng, Mme?” +“Re lokela ho ya lebenkeleng ho ya reka folouro bakeng sa kuku ya letsatsi la tswalo la Ntate,” ha rialo Mme. “Re tla leka ho nahana ka mpho ya Ntate ha re le tseleng e yang lebenkeleng.” +“Ho lokile! Ke tla tshwara mokotlana wa ho ya reka,” ha rialo Alex. +Yaba Alex le mmae ba a tsamaya. Alex a matha ka pele ho mme wa hae tselaneng ya maoto. E ne e le letsatsi le letle. Letsatsi le ne le tjhabile le kganya ho kenella difate tsa paene, le wela dikotolaneng tsa paene tse wetseng fatshe. Alex a thonaka e le nngwe. +“Sheba, Mme. Ke eng ntho ee?” a botsa. +“Ke kotolana ya paene,” ha araba Mme. +“E shebahala eka e na le lepheo,” ha rialo Alex. + +“E etseditswe hore e kgone ho fofa moyeng e fumane sebaka se setle sa ho mela sefateng se seng sa paene,” ha rialo Mme. “Dikotolana tsena tsa paene tse fatshe di wele dikhounong tsane tsa paene tse sefateng.” +“Na nka latswa e le nngwe?” Alex a botsa mmae. +“Ee, empa re lokela ho e ntsha ka hara kgaketla ya yona pele,” ha araba Mme, mme a tjhwatla kgaketla ka lejwe. +“Ke ena,” ha rialo Mme, mme a fa Alex thotse e nyane. +“E monate!” a rialo. “Na o nahana hore Ntate o tla rata dithotse tsa paene bakeng sa letsatsi la hae la tswalo, Mme?” +“Mohlomong,” ha rialo Mme. +Yaba Alex o thonaka dithotse tse ngata tsa paene mme a di kenya ka hara mokotlana wa diphahlo . Ha ba ntse ba tsamaya, Alex a elellwa hore letsatsi le bentsha majwe a mang. A thonaka le le leng. +“Sheba lejwe lena le sootho, Mme,” a rialo. “Le boreledi ha monate. Na o nahana hore Ntate a ka le rata bakeng sa letsatsi la hae la tswalo?” ha botsa Alex. +“Mohlomong,” Mme a araba. +Yaba Alex o kenya majwe a sootho a boreledi ka hara mokotlana wa diphahlo mme ba tswela pele. Jwale Alex a bona dipalesa tsa naha tse botala ba lehodimo pela tsela. +“Sheba dipalesa tsena, Mme,” ha rialo Alex. “Di na le mmala o tshwanang le wa lehodimo.” +“Ke dipalesa tse nyenyane tse hlaha, mme di shebile ka letsatsing,” Mme a rialo. +Alex a kga e le nngwe. “Na o nahana hore Ntate a ka thabela palesa e botala ba lehodimo bakeng sa letsatsi la hae la tswalo, Mme?” a botsa. +“Mohlomong,” ha rialo Mme. +Alex a kenya palesa e nyane e botala ba lehodimo ka hara mokotlana wa diphahlo. +Ka nako eo, Alex le mmae ba fihla lebenkeleng. Mme a reka folouru ho ya etsetsa Ntate kuku ya letsatsi la tswalo. Hape a reka le dikerese tse nyane tseo a tla di kenya hodima kuku. +Ha ba fihla hae, Mme a baka kuku ya letsatsi la tswalo mme Alex a ntsha dithotse tsa paene le majwe a boreledi le palesa e botala ba lehodimo ka mokotleng. +“Jowee! Bona!,” ha rialo Alex, “palesanyana e botala ba lehodimo e swabane, mme sefahleho sa yona se kwalehile.” +“Ee,” ha rialo Mme. “Dipalesa tse hlaha di rata ho hlahisa difahleho tsa tsona letsatsing, mme di rata ho dula di le mobung.” +“Ao,” ha rialo Alex. +“Hobaneng o sa takele Ntate setshwantsho bakeng sa letsatsi la hae la tswalo?” ha botsa Mme. +“Ke kgopolo e ntle eo,” Alex a bososela,” a lata dikerayone tsa hae le maqephe ao a tlang ho taka setshwantsho bakeng sa Ntate. O ile a taka ntlo e nang le marulelo a mafubedu. Yaba o taka sefate se seholo se setala haufi le ntlo eo. A kenya le tselana ya tshimong ho tloha monyako o ka pele ho isa qetellong ya leqephe, mme a taka dipalesa tse botala ba lehodimo ka thoko ho tselana eo. A taka le lehodimo le letala hodimo leqepheng mme a etsa le letsatsi le leholo le lesehla. Jwale a taka jwang bo botala tlase leqepheng. Qetellong a taka Ntate, Mme le yena ba eme hodima jwang. +Yaba Ntate o fihla lapeng a etswa mosebetsing. +“Mahlohonolo a letsatsi la tswalo, Ntate,” ha rialo Alex a nea ntatae dimpho tsa hae. O ile a qala ka ho fa Ntate dithotse tsa paene. “Ke rata dithotse tsa paene,” ha rialo Ntate. +Ka mora moo a fa Ntate lejwe le sootho le boreledi. “A lejwe le kgethehileng!” ha rialo Ntate. Ke tla dula ke le kentse ka pokothong bakeng sa lehlohonolo!” +Yaba o fa Ntate motako. “O!” ha rialo Ntate. “Ena ke ntlo ya rona le sefate sa rona mme rona ke rona bana! Wena, Mme le nna. Mme ka nnete ke rata dipalesa tse botala ba lehodimo tse mane thoko ho tsela.” +“Dipalesa tseno di botala bo tshwanang hantle le ba lehodimo.” Ha rialo Alex. +“Ke a leboha ka dimpho tsa ka tsa letsatsi la tswalo, Alex,” Ntate a rialo, mme a haka Alex haholo. “Ke nahana hore re lokela ho jala dipalesa tse hlaha tse botala ba lehodimo,” ha rialo Ntate. “Re tla di jala kaofela haufi le tselana ya rona ya tshimong, jwalo feela ka dipalesa tse setshwantshong sa hao.” +“Ke mohopolo o motle oo!” Alex a rialo. “Ke tla o thusa ho di jala, Ntate!” +Ka mora dijo tsa mantsiboya Mme a bonesa dikerese tse hodima kuku ya Ntate. Ntate a di butswela kaofela ka moya o le mong, fuuuuu! Alex le Mme ba binela Ntate “O hole, o hole”. +“Ke rata ho o etsetsa dimpho, Ntate.” Ha rialo Alex hlathe e lelekisa tsebe.",sot,Sesotho,Mpho ya Ntate bakeng sa letsatsi la tswalo,"“It’s Dad’s birthday today,” said Mom. +“Oh, I want to get him a present!” said Alex. “What should I give him, Mom?” +“We have to go to the shop to buy some flour for Dad’s birthday cake,” said Mom. “We will try ...",,Ann Walton,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mpho-ya-ntate-bakeng-sa-letsatsi-la-tswalo +whatzit,"It was raining, really bucketing down, and Aminawas fed up and lonely. None of her friends could come and play and everyone in the house was busy. Everyone was always busy! It was no fun being the youngest. +Amina lay on her bed. And she stood on her head. Then she put on her fairy wings and started to dance. Amina twirled and whirled. She scurried and flurried. She even rocked and rolled. Then she flopped back on her bed. Nothing helped. She was still fed up and she was still lonely. +So Amina unpacked her toys. Most of them were hand-me-downs from her big sisters, even the toy box was a hand-me-down. She put Eli, Dassie, Rabbit and Mouse on her bed. They were going to have a tea party as soon as she found the teapot. +She searched the toy box again and that’s when Amina found Whatzit. It was lying forgotten at the bottom of a sewing basket, at the bottom of the toy box. +Amina turned Whatzit over to see its face, but it didn’t have one. Poor forgotten Whatzit!It had a shape, sort of roundish-squarish, but no face or arms or legs or wings or tail or anything. +Amina propped Whatzit up on the bed between Eliand Dassieand opposite Rabbit and Mouse. She found the tea pot and poured the tea. Eli, Dassie, Rabbit and Mouse finished their tea in no time, so did Amina. But Whatzit didn’t. Well, how could it without a mouth! +So, Amina took Whatzit and the sewing basket and went to find her granny. +“What’s that?” asked her granny. +“Whatzit,” said Amina. “Whatzit needs a mouth.” +“Okay,” said Amina’s granny, “but we must be quick, I am very busy and still have so much to do.” +Amina’s granny helped her sew a mouth for Whatzit;a nice smiley mouth. +“And Whatzit needs a nose,” said Amina. But already her granny was not listening. +Amina went to find her middle sister, Fozia. +“What’s that?” asked Fozia. +“Whatzit,” said Amina. “Whatzit needs a nose.” +“Okay,” said Fozia, “but we must be quick, I’m really busy and still have so much to do.” Fozia helped Amina sew a nose for Whatzit, a little turned up nose. +“And eyes,” said Amina. But, already Fozia was not listening. So, Amina went to find her oldest sister, Shireen. +On the way, Amina’s Dad saw her. +“What’s that?” asked her Dad. +“Whatzit,” said Amina. “Whatzit needs eyes.” +“I’ve got some,” said her Dad, “but we must be quick, I still have so much to do.” +Amina and her Dad sewed on Whatzit’s eyes − two sparkly button eyes. +“And a tail,” said Amina. +“Well, I can’t help you with that,” said her Dad. +So, Amina went on to find her oldest sister, Shireen. +“Oh, my gosh,” said Shireen, “where did you find that?” Amina told her. “Wow!” said Shireen. “I was making it to give to you when you were born, but I lost it somewhere before it was finished.” +Amina handed Whatzit to Shireen. “Oh, my gosh,” said Shireen, “it’s so cute. Has it got a name?” +“Whatzit,” said Amina, “and Whatzitneeds a tail.” +So Amina and Shireen made a tail for Whatzit − a wiggly-waggly tail! Then Amina and Shireen looked at Whatzitand Whatzit smiled back at them! +“How about curly-wurly hair?” asked Shireen, “and some pointy ears? But then you’re out of here because I’m really busy and still have my own things to do.” +Amina took Whatzit back to her room and propped him up between Eliand Dassie and opposite Rabbit and Mouse. Then she made a fresh pot of tea. +Amina drank one cup and so did Eli, Dassie, Rabbit and Mouse, but Whatzit was very thirsty and drank three cups. After all, he had waited a long, long time for tea!",eng,English,Whatzit,"It was raining, really bucketing down, and Aminawas fed up and lonely. None of her friends could come and play and everyone in the house was busy. Everyone was always busy! It was no fun being the youngest. +Amina lay on her bed. And she stood ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/whatzit +whatzit,"Dit reën katte en honde, en Amina is omgekrap en eensaam. Nie een van haar maats kan kom speel nie, en almal in die huis is besig. Almal is altyd besig! Dit is glad nie pret om die jongste te wees nie. +Amina lê op haar bed. En sy staan op haar kop. Toe sit sy haar feetjievlerke aan en begin dans. Amina draai en swaai. Sy skarrel en dartel. Sy ruk en rol selfs. Toe flop sy weer op haar bed neer. Niks help nie. Sy is steeds omgekrap en sy is steeds eensaam. +Amina begin haar speelgoed uitpak. Die meeste daarvan is ou goed wat sy van haar ouer susters gekry het, selfs die speelgoedkis het sy geërf. Sy sit vir Eli, Dassie, Konyn en Muis op haar bed. Hulle gaan ’n teepartytjie hou sodra sy die teepot kry. +Sy soek weer in die ou speelgoedkis, en dis toe dat Amina vir Dingetjie kry. Hy lê vergete onder in ’n naaldwerkmandjie, heel onder in die speelgoedkis. +Amina draai Dingetjie om om sy gesig te sien, maar hy het nie een nie. Arme vergete Dingetjie! Hy het ’n vorm, soort van ronderig-vierkantig, maar geen gesig of arms of bene of vlerke of stert of enigiets nie. +Amina sit vir Dingetjie op die bed neer, tussen Elien Dassieen oorkant Konyn en Muis. Sy vind die teepot en skink die tee. Eli, Dassie, Konyn en Muis drink hulle tee blitsvinnig op, en Amina ook. Maar nie Dingetjie nie. Wel, hoe kan hy as hy nie ’n mond het nie! +Amina vat vir Dingetjie en die naaldwerkmandjie en gaan soek haar ouma. +“Watse ding is dit?” vra haar ouma. +“Dingetjie,” sê Amina. “Dingetjie het ’n mond nodig.” +“Reg so,” sê Amina se ouma, “maar ons moet gou maak. Ek is baie besig en ek het nog so baie om te doen.” +Amina se ouma help haar om ’n mond vir Dingetjie te stik;’n mooi mond wat glimlag. +“En Dingetjie kort nog ’n neus ook,” sê Amina. Maar haar ouma luister lankal nie meer nie. +Amina gaan soek haar middelste suster, Fozia. +“Watse ding is dit?” vra Fozia. +“Dingetjie,” sê Amina. “Dingetjie kort ’n neus.” +“Reg so,” sê Fozia, “maar ons moet gou maak. Ek is regtig besig en ek het nog baie om te doen.” Fozia help vir Amina om ’n neus vir Dingetjie te maak − ’n klein wipneusie. +“En oë,” sê Amina. Maar Fozia luister lankal nie meer nie. Amina gaan soek toe haar oudste suster, Shireen. +Op pad sien Amina se pa haar. +“Watse ding is dit?” vra haar pa. +“Dingetjie,” sê Amina. “Dingetjie kort oë.” +“Ek het ’n paar,” sê haar pa, “maar ons moet gou maak, want ek het nog baie om te doen.” +Amina en haar pa werk Dingetjie se oë vas − twee mooi knopie-oë. +“En ’n stert,” sê Amina. +“Jammer, ek kan jou nie daarmee help nie,” sê haar pa. +Amina gaan soek toe haar oudste suster, Shireen. +“Gits,” sê Shireen, “waar het jy dit gekry?” Amina vertel haar. “Sjoe!” sê Shireen. “Ek het dit begin maak toe jy gebore is, maar ek het dit iewers verloor voor ek klaar was.” +Amina gee Dingetjie vir Shireen. “Ag, maar hy is oulik,” sê Shireen. “Het hy ’n naam?” +“Dingetjie,” sê Amina, “en Dingetjiekort ’n stert.” +Amina en Shireen maak toe vir Dingetjie ’n stert − ’n swiepende swaaiende stert! Toe kyk Amina en Shireen na Dingetjieen Dingetjie glimlag vir hulle! +“Wat van krulhaartjies?” vra Shireen, “en spits oortjies? Maar dan moet jy skoert, want ek is regtig besig en ek het nog my eie goed om te doen.” +Amina vat vir Dingetjie terug na haar kamer toe en sit hom tussen Elien Dassie en oorkant Konyn en Muis. Toe maak sy ’n vars pot tee. +Amina drink een koppie en Eli, Dassie, Konyn en Muis ook, maar Dingetjie is baie dors en drink drie koppies. Hy moes immers baie lank wag vir tee!",afr,Afrikaans,Dingetjie,"It was raining, really bucketing down, and Aminawas fed up and lonely. None of her friends could come and play and everyone in the house was busy. Everyone was always busy! It was no fun being the youngest. +Amina lay on her bed. And she stood ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dingetjie +whatzit,"Kwakusina, idyudyuza nyhani, kwaye u-Amina yena wayekruqukile kwaye enesithukuthezi. Kwakungekho namnye kubahlobo bakhe owayekwazi ukuza kudlala naye kwaye bonke abantu apha endlwini babexakeke zezabo! Bonke abantu babehlala bexakekile! Kwakungemnandanga tu ukuba ngoyena mntu mncinane. +U-Amina wayengqengqe ebhedini yakhe. Wenza unonkqo ngentloko yakhe. Wasa wanxiba iwigi yakhe, wadanisa. U-Amina wajikeleza ezibhijabhija. Wabaleka etyhuthuzela. Etyityimba, ezidlikidla. Emva koko wazijula ebhedini yakhe. Akukho nto yancedayo. Wayesakruqukile kwaye esenesithukuthezi. +Ngoko ke, u-Amina wakhupha izinto zakhe zokudlala. Uninzi lwazo yayizizinto awayezishiyelwe naziphiwe ngoodade wabo abadala, nditsho nebhokisi le yokugcina izinto nayo wayeyiphiwe. Wabeka u-Eli, uDassie, uRabbit noMouse ebhedini yakhe. Babeza kuba nethekwana lokuphunga iti xa athe wayifumana itipoti. +Wakhangela ebhokisini kwakhona waze wafumana uYin’a le ngelo thuba. Wayelele elityelwe emazantsi engobozi yomthungo, ezantsi ebhokisini yezinto zokudlala. +U-Amina wamguqula uYin’a le ukuze abone ubuso bakhe, kodwa wayengenabo. +Usizana olulityelweyo olunguYin’a le! Wayemile bungqukuva-buskweri, kodwa wayengenabuso nazingalo okanye imilenze okanye amaphiko okanye umsila, esisibhukubhuku nje. +U-Amina wamhlalisa phezu kwebhedi uYin’a le phakathi kuka-Eli noDassie, baze bajongana noRabbit noMouse. Wayifumana itipoti waze wankinkisha iti, baphunga. U-Eli, uDassie, uRabbit kunye noMouse baphunga bagqiba ngokukhawuleza, ngokunjalo kwano-Amina. Kodwa zange akwazi yena uYin’a le. Phufu, wayeza kukwazi njani ukwenza oko engenamlomo nje! +Ngoko ke, u-Amina wathatha uYin’a le kunye nengobozi yomthungo waya kukhangela umakhulu wakhe. +“Yintoni leyo?” kubuza umakhulu wakhe. +“NguYin’a le,” watsho u-Amina. “UYin’a le ufuna umlomo.” +“Kulungile ke,” watsho umakhulu ka-Amina, “kodwa kufuneka sikhawulezise, kuba ndixakeke kakhulu kwaye ininzi into ekufuneka ndiyenzile.” +Umakhulu ka-Amina wamnceda wathungela umlomo kaYin’a le; umlomo omhle ononcumo. +“Kwaye uYin’a le ufuna impumlo,” watsho u-Amina. Kodwa umakhulu wakhe wayengasammamelanga tu. +U-Amina wakhangela udade wabo ophakathi, uFozia. +“Yintoni leyo?” kubuza uFozia +“NguYin’a le,” kutsho u-Amina. “UYin’a le udinga impumlo.” +“Kulungile,” kutsho uFozia, “kodwa kufuneka sikhawulezise, kuba ndixakeke kakhulu kwaye kuninzi ekusafuneka ndikwenzile.” UFozia wanceda u-Amina bathungela uYin’a le impumlo, impumlo encinane ephequkileyo. +“Kunye namehlo,” watsho u-Amina. Kodwa uFozia wayesele engasammamelanga. Ngoko ke, u-Amina waya kukhangela udade wabo omdala, uShireen. +Endleleni eya kuye, u-Amina wabonwa ngutata wakhe. +“Yintoni leyo?” wabuza utata wakhe. +“NguYin’a le,” watsho u-Amina, “UYin’a le udinga amehlo.” +“Akhona endinawo, watsho utata wakhe, “kodwa kufuneka sikhawuleze, kuninzi ekusafuneka ndikwenzile.” +U-Amina kunye noTata wakhe bathungela uYin’a le amehlo – amehlo amabini amenyezelayo angamaqhosha +“Kunye nomsila,” watsho u-Amina. +“Hayi ke, andikwazi kukunceda ngaleyo,” watsho uTata wakhe. +Ngoko ke, u-Amina waya kukhangela udade wabo omdala, uShireen. +“Owu, Nkosi yam,” watsho uShireen, “Uyifumene phi loo nto?” U-Amina uye wamxelela. “Wowu!” watsho uShireen, “Ndandiyenzela wena ndiza kukunika yona ukuzalwa kwakho, kodwa yalahleka phambi kokuba ndiyigqibe.” +U-Amina wanika uShireen uYin’a le. “Owu, Nkosi yam,” watsho uShireen, “ayisentle ngako. Inalo igama?” +“NguYin’a le,” watsho u-Amina, “kwaye uYin’a le udinga umsila.” +Bathe ke, u-Amina noShireen benzela uYin’a le umsila – umsila onoboya otshikizayo! Emva koko u-Amina noShireen bajonga uYin’a le waze yena wabancumela! +“Kunganjani ngesihluthu seenwele zewulu eziphothiweyo entloko?” wabuza uShireen, “kunye +neendletyana ezitsolo? Kodwa ke kufuneka uhambe apha kuba ndisaxakekile kwaye ndisenezinto zam ekufuneka ndizenzile.” +U-Amina wathatha uYin’a le waya naye egumbini lakhe waze wamhlalisa phakathi kuka-Eli noDassie bangqamana noRabbit noMouse. Emva koko uye wenza enye itipoti yeti. + U-Amina waphunga ikomityi yanye ngokunjalo no-Eli, noDassie, noRabbit kunye noMouse, kodwa uYin’a le yena waphunga iikomityi ezintathu kuba wayenxanwe kakhulu. Kaloku, kwakukudala kakhulu eyilindile kwaye eyibawela iti!",xho,isiXhosa,Yin'a le,"It was raining, really bucketing down, and Aminawas fed up and lonely. None of her friends could come and play and everyone in the house was busy. Everyone was always busy! It was no fun being the youngest. +Amina lay on her bed. And she stood ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/yina-le +whatzit,"Lalina, liyidliva ngempela, kanti u-Amina wayesecikekile ngalokhu, futhi enesizungu. Akekho noyedwa kubangani bakhe owayekwazi ukuzodlala kanti wonke umuntu osendlini wayematasatasa. Bonke abantu babehlale bematasatasa! Kwakungemnandi ukuba ngomncane kunabo bonke abantu. +U-Amina walala embhedeni wakhe. Wama ngekhanda. Wafaka amaphiko eferi wase eqala ukudansa. U-Amina waphenduka wase ejikajika. Wakhwishiza wase ebhakuza. Waze wenza nomdanso wokugxuma maqede aphenduke. Wase eshaya ungqimphothwe ebuyela embhedeni wakhe. Akukho nokukodwa okwamsiza. Wayesacikekile futhi esazizwa enesizungu. +Ngakho u-Amina wakhipha amathoyizi akhe. Iningi lawo ilawo ayewashiyelwe odadewabo abadala, nebhokisi lamathoyizi nalo wayelishiyelwe yibo. Wabeka u-Eli, uMbila, uNogwaja noGundane embhedeni wakhe. Babezoba nedili lokuphuza itiye uma esethole ithibhothi lakhe. +Wabheka ebhokisini lakhe futhi, kwaba ilapho u-Amina athola khona uKuyini. Wayelele eseyinto abayikhohliwe phansi kubhasikidi onomthungo, ngaphansi kwebhokisi lamathoyizi. +U-Amina waphendula uKuyini ukuze abone ubuso bakhe, kodwa wayengenabo. UKuyini wabantu wayeseyinto abayikhohliwe nje! Wayenesimo esingathi siyindilinga, kodwa wayengenabuso, engenangalo, engenamaphiko, engenamsila, ngishoni nje. +U-Amina wahlalisa uKuyini embhedeni phakathi kuka-Eli noMbila, phambi kukaNogwaja noGundane. Wathola ithibhothi wathela itiye. U-Eli, uMbila, uNogwaja noGundane baqeda itiye labo kungaphelanga nasikhathi, kanjalo no-Amina. Kodwa akubanga njalo kuKuyini. Empeleni wayezophuza kanjani ngoba wayengenamlomo? Ngakho-ke, u-Amina wathatha uKuyini nobhasikidi womthungo wayofuna ugogo wakhe. +“Yini leyo?” kubuza ugogo wakhe. +“UKuyini,” kusho u-Amina. “UKuyini udinga umlomo.” +“Kulungile,” kusho ugogo ka-Amina “kodwa kumele sisheshise, ngimatasatasa kakhulu futhi kusekuningi okumele ngikwenze.” +Ugogo ka-Amina wamsiza wamthungela umlomo kaKuyini, umlomo omuhle omamathekayo. +“UKuyini udinga nekhala futhi,” kusho u-Amina. Kodwa ugogo wakhe wayevele engasamlalele. +U-Amina wayofuna udadewabo ophakathi, uFozia. +“Yini le?’ kubuza uFozia. +“UKuyini,” kusho u-Amina. “UKuyini udinga ikhala.” +“Kulungile,” kusho uFozia, “kodwa kumele sisheshise, ngimatasatasa kakhulu futhi kusekuningi okumele ngikwenze.” UFozia wasiza u-Amina ukuthunga ikhala likaKuyini, ikhala elincane elibheke phezulu. +“Namehlo futhi,” kusho u-Amina. Kodwa, uFozia wayevele engasamlalele. U-Amina wayofuna udadewabo omdala, uShireen. +Esahamba, u-Amina wabonwa uBaba wakhe. +“Yini leyo?” kubuza uBaba wakhe. +“UKuyini,” kusho u-Amina. “UKuyini udinga amehlo.” +“Nginawo,” kusho uBaba wakhe, “kodwa kumele sisheshise, kusekuningi okumele ngikwenze.” +U-Amina noBaba wakhe bathungela amehlo kaKuyini − amehlo ayizinkinobho ezimbili ezinsundu ezikhazimulayo. +“Nomsila futhi,” kusho u-Amina. +“Ngeshwa, angeke ngikwazi ukukusiza ngalokho,” kusho uBaba wakhe. +U-Amina wayofuna udadewabo omdala, uShireen. +“Awu, bakithi,” kusho uShireen, “umthole kuphi?” U-Amina wamtshela. “Kwakuhle!” kusho uShireen. “Ngangimenzela wena ngesikhathi uzelwe, kodwa wangilahlekela ngaphambi kokuba ngimqede.” +U-Amina wanika uShireen uKuyini. “Bantu,” kusho uShireen, “waze wamuhle. Ngabe unalo igama?” +“UKuyini,” kusho u-Amina, “futhi uKuyini udinga umsila.” Ngakho u-Amina noShireen benzela uKuyini umsila − umsila otshikizayo! U-Amina noShireen babuka uKuyini, uKuyini wabamamathekela! +“Kungaba njani abe nezinwele ezigoqene?” kubuza uShireen, “nezindlebe ezicijile? Kodwa-ke kuzomele uhambe ngoba ngimatasatasa futhi kusenezinto zami okumele ngizenze.” +U-Amina wabuyisela uKuyini egumbini lakhe wamhlalisa phakathi kuka-Eli noMbila, phambi kukaNogwaja noGundane. Wase enza itiye elisha ethiphothini. +U-Amina waphuza inkomishi eyodwa kanjalo no- Eli, uMbila, noNogwaja noGundane, kodwa uKuyini wayenxanwe kakhulu ngakho waphuza izinkomishi ezintathu. Phela, wayelinde isikhathi eside kakhulu ukuze athole itiye!",zul,isiZulu,UKuyin,"It was raining, really bucketing down, and Aminawas fed up and lonely. None of her friends could come and play and everyone in the house was busy. Everyone was always busy! It was no fun being the youngest. +Amina lay on her bed. And she stood ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ukuyini +whatzit,"Pula e be e ena, e ena ka matlorotloro, gomme Aminao be a befetšwe ebile a bolawa ke bodutu. Ga go le o tee wa bagwera ba ba gagwe yo a bego a ka tla go bapala le yena gomme bohle ka ngwakong ba swaregile. Bohle ba be ba dula ba swaregile! Go be go se bose go ba yo monnyane. +Amina o ile a sekama mpeteng wa gagwe. O ile a ema ka hlogo. Morago a apara maphego a gagwe gomme a thoma go bina. Amina a dikologa ka lebelo. A hlakahlakana a le lethabong. O ile a binela pele le morago a ba a pshikologa. O ile a sekama gape mpeteng. Ga gwa thuša selo. O be a sa dutše a befetšwe ebile a bolawa ke bodutu. +Ka fao Amina o ile a pakolla dibapadiši tša gagwe. Bontši bja tšona o be a hlagaleditšwe ke bosesiagwe, gomme go be go le bjalo le ka lepokisi la dibapadiši. O ile a bea Eli, Dassie, Mmutla le Legotlo mpeteng wa gagwe. Ba be ba eya go swara moletlwana wa teye ge a se nago hwetša ketlele ya teye. +O ile a tsoma ka lepokising la dibapadiši gape, gomme Amina a hwetša Ke eng. E be e lebetšwe tlase ka serotong sa tša go roka, botlaseng bja lepokisi la dibapadiši. +Amina o ile a retološa Ke eng go bona sefahlego sa gagwe, efela o be a se naso. Ke eng wa batho wa go lebalwa!O be a na le sebopego, sa nkgokolo-khutlonne, efela a hloka sefahlego goba matsogo goba maoto goba diphego goba mosela goba eng goba eng. +Amina a tsenya Ke eng mpeteng gare ga Elile Dassiele go lebana le Mmutla le Legotlo. O hweditše ketlele ya teye gomme a tšhela teye. Eli, Dassie, Mmutla le Legotlo ba fetša diteye tša bona ka pela, le Amina a dira bjalo. Efela, Ke eng yena, ga se a fetša ya gagwe ka pela. Ebang, o tla dira seo bjang a se na molomo! +Ka fao, Amina a tšea Ke eng le seroto sa tša go roka gomme a ya go kokoagwe. +“Ke eng seo?” gwa botšiša Koko. +“Ke eng,” a realo Amina. “Ke eng o hloka molomo.” +“Go lokile,” a realo koko wa Amina “efela re swanetše go dira ka pela, ke swaregile kudu, gape ke sa na le mošomo o montši.” +Koko wa Amina a mo thuša go rokelela Ke eng molomo;molomo o mobotse wa go myemyela. +“Ke eng o nyaka nko,” a realo Amina. Efela kokoagwe o be a sa mo theeletša. +Amina o ile a ya go sesi wa gagwe wa gare, Fozia. +“Ke eng seo?” gwa botšiša Fozia. +“Ke eng,” a realo Amina. “Ke eng o hloka nko.” +“Go lokile,” a realo Fozia, “efela re swanetše go dira ka pela, ke swaregile kudu, gape ke sa na le mošomo o montši.” Fozia o ile a thuša Amina go rokelela nko go Ke eng, nko ya go ema gannyane. +“Mahlo ona,” a realo Amina. Efela, Fozia o be a sa mo theeletše. Ka fao, Amina a ya go sesiagwe o mogolo, Shireen. +Tatago Amina a bona Amina mo tseleng. +“Ke eng seo?” gwa botšiša Tatagwe. +“Ke eng,” a realo Amina, “Ke eng o nyaka mahlo.” +“Ke na le ona,” a realo Tatagwe, “efela re swanetše go dira ka pela, ke swaregile kudu, gape ke sa na le mošomo o montši.” +Amina le Tatagwe ba rokelela mahlo go Ke eng – mahlo a mabedi a dikonopi a go phadima. +“Le mosela,” a realo Amina. +“Nka se kgone go go thuša ka seo,” a realo Tatagwe. +Amina a tšwela pele go ya go sesiagwe o mogolo, Shireen. +“Aa, mehlolo,” a realo Shireen, “o mo hweditše kae?” Amina a mmotša. “Ijoo!” a realo Shireen. “Ke be ke mo diretše gore ke tle ke go fe yena ge o belegwa, efela ka mo timetša pele ke mo fetša.” +Amina a tšea Ke eng a mo fa Shireen. “Aa, mehlolo,” a realo Shireen, “ o botse kudu. Naa o na le leina?” +“Ke eng,” a realo Amina, “gomme Ke eng o nyaka mosela.” +Ka fao Amina le Shireen ba direla Ke eng mosela – mosela wa go ya ka mo le ka mo! Ka morago Amina le Shireen ba lebelela Ke eng gomme Ke eng a myemyela! +“Go ka ba bjang ka moriri wa dikhele” gwa botšiša Shireen, “le ditsebe tša go ema? Efela morago o swanetše ke go sepela ka gobane ke swaregile kudu, gape ke sa na le mošomo o montši.” +Amina a bušetša Ke eng phapošing gomme a mmeya gare ga Elile Dassie go lebana le Mmutla le Legotlo. O ile a dira teye ka leswa. +Amina le Eli, Dassie, Mmutla le Legotlo ba nwa komiki e tee e tee, efela Ke eng a nwa dikomiki tše tharo ka ge a be a nyorilwe kudu. Ke nako e telele kudu a emetše tee!",nso,Sepedi,Ke eng,"It was raining, really bucketing down, and Aminawas fed up and lonely. None of her friends could come and play and everyone in the house was busy. Everyone was always busy! It was no fun being the youngest. +Amina lay on her bed. And she stood ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ke-eng +whatzit,"Pula e ne e ena, e hlile e tsholoha, mme Amina o ne a tenehile a tshwerwe ke bodutu. Ho ne ho se na metswalle ya hae e ka tlang ho tla bapala le yena mme bohle ba neng ba le ka tlung ba ne ba phathahane. Batho bohle ba ne ba dula ba phathahane! Ho ne ho se monate ho ba e monyenyane ho bohle lapeng. +Amina a paqama betheng. Mme a ema ka hlooho. Yaba o kenya mapheo a hae a feri mme a qala ho tantsha. Amina a sothahana a potoloha. A tlolatlola a ba a tila ka leoto. A penya a ba a pitika. Yaba o itahlela hodima bethe ya hae. Ha se ke ha thusa letho. O ne a ntse a tenehile mme a tshwerwe ke bodutu. +Jwale Amina a pakolla dibapadiswa tsa hae. Bongata ba tsona e ne e le tseo a di fuweng ke baholwane ba hae, esitana le lebokoso la dibapadiswa e ne e le leo a le filweng. O ile a bea Eli, Dassie, Mmutla le Tweba hodima bethe ya hae. Ba ne ba tlo ba le moketjana wa teye hang feela ha a ne a ka fumana ketlele ya teye. +O ile a batla ka hara lebokoso la dibapadiswa hape mme yaba Amina o fumana Whatzit. E ne e robetse kamoo e lebetswe tlasetlase ka hara manki wa ho roka, tlasetlase lebokosong la dibapadiswa. +Amina a fetola Whatzit hore a bone sefahleho sa yona, empa e ne e sena sona. Whatzit wa batho ya lejetsweng! E ne e ena le sebopeho se batlang se le tjhitja ho isa ho kgutlonne, empa ho se sefahleho kapa matsoho kapa maoto kapa mapheo kapa mohatla kapa eng kapa eng feela. +Amina a sunya Whatzit hodima bethe pakeng tsa Eli le Dassie a shebane le Mmutla le Tweba. O ile a fumana ketlele ya teye mme a tshela teye. Eli, Dassie, Mmutla le Tweba ba qeta teye ya bona kapele, esitana le Amina. Empa, Whatzit a so qete. Ehlile, e ne e tla nwa jwang e se na molomo! +Kahoo, Amina a nka Whatzit le manki wa ho roka mme a ya batla nkgono wa hae. +“Ke eng eo?” ha botsa nkgono wa hae. +“Whatzit,” ha rialo Amina. “Whatzit o hloka molomo.” +“Ho lokile,” ha araba nkgono wa Amina, “empa re lokela ho potlaka, ke phathahane haholo mme ho sa na le ho hongata hoo ke lokelang ho ho etsa.” +Nkgono wa Amina a mo thusa ho roka molomo bakeng sa Whatzit; molomo o motle o bososelang. +“Mme Whatzit o batla le nko,” Amina a rialo. Empa, nkgono wa hae o ne a se a sa mamela +Amina a tsamaya ho ya batla ausi wa hae ya mahareng, Fozia. +“Ke eng eo?” ha botsa Fozia. +“Whatzit,” ha araba Amina. “Whatzit o hloka nko.” +“Ho lokile,” ha rialo Fozia, “empa re lokela ho etsa kapele, ke maphathaphathe +mona mme ho na le ho hongata hoo ke sa ntseng ke lokela ho ho etsa.” Fozia a thusa Amina ho rokela Whatzit nko, nko e batlang e shebile hodimo. +“Le mahlo,” ha bua Amina. Empa Fozia o ne a se a sa mamela. Yaba Amina o ya ho batlana le ausi wa hae e moholo, Shireen. +Tseleng, Ntate wa Amina a mmona. +“Ke eng eo?” Ntatae a mmotsa. +“Whatzit,” ha araba Amina. “Whatzit o hloka mahlo.” +“Ke na le ona,” Ntatae a rialo, “empa re lokela ho potlaka, ke na le tse ngata tseo ke lokelang ho di etsa.” +Amina le Ntatae ba rokella mahlo a Whatzit – mahlo a mabedi a benyang a dikonopo. +“Le mohatla,” ha rialo Amina. +“Tjhe, nkeke ka o thusa ka seo,” Ntatae a araba. +Yaba jwale Amina o ya ho batla ausi wa hae e moholo, Shireen. +“Jowee, basadi!” ha kgotsa Shireen, “o tswa e fumana kae jwale ntho eo?” Amina a mmolella. “Helang!” ha rialo Shireen. “Ke ne ke e etsa hore ke o fe yona ha o ne o hlaha, empa ya ntahlehela kaekae pele ke e qeta.” +Amina a neha Shireen Whatzit. “Ao, basadi!” ha rialo Shireen, “e ntlenyana jwang. Na e na le lebitso?” +“Whatzit,” ha araba Amina, “mme he, Whatzit o hloka mohatla.” +Yaba Amina le Shireen ba etsa mohatla wa Whatzit – mohatla o tsokehang! Yaba Amina le Shireen ba sheba Whatzit mme Whatzit a bososela a ba shebile! +“Ho ka ba jwang ka moriri o moholo o harehileng?” ha botsa Shireen, “le ditsebe tse motsu? Empa jwale o lokela ho tsamaya mona hobane ke na le dintho tse ngata tseo ke lokelang ho di etsa.” +Amina a nka Whatzit a kgutlela le yena ka kamoreng ya hae mme a mo sunya pakeng tsa Eli le Dassie ba shebane le Mmutla le Tweba. Yaba o etsa teye e foreshe. +Amina a nwa kopi e le nngwe, mme le Eli, Dassie, Mmutla le Tweba ba nwa, empa Whatzit o ne a nyorilwe haholo mme a nwa dikopi tse tharo. Ho feta moo, o ne a ile a ema nako e telele pele a fumana teye!",sot,Sesotho,Whatzit,"It was raining, really bucketing down, and Aminawas fed up and lonely. None of her friends could come and play and everyone in the house was busy. Everyone was always busy! It was no fun being the youngest. +Amina lay on her bed. And she stood ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/whatzit-0 +vusi-and-sinazo,"Vusi loved his dog, Domino. Domino was white with three black spots on his back. Vusi’s little sister, Sinazo, loved her cat, Fluffy. Fluffy was black with three white spots on her tummy. +“My dog is better than your cat,” said Vusi one Sunday morning as the children were having breakfast. “Domino doesn’t scratch me, or drink my milk and he never walks on my schoolbooks with muddy paws.” +“Domino is very naughty,” said Granny. “When you tell him to sit, he jumps around. When you tell him to jump, he sits down, and when you sit down, he jumps up and licks your face!” +“My cat is better than your dog,” said Sinazo. “Fluffy does not lick my face nor steal my ice cream. Fluffy doesn’t make a mess in the yard and she never barks.” + +“No need to fight,” Granny told Vusi and Sinazo. “Now finish your breakfast and put Domino and Fluffy in the yard. Then wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair and put on your clothes for church.” +Vusi took Domino into the yard. “Stay here,” he said. Vusi ran back inside, but he forgot to shut the kitchen door. Domino followed him right back inside and quickly hid under Vusi’s bed. +Sinazo took Fluffy into the yard. “Stay here,” she said. Sinazo ran back inside, but she forgot to shut the bedroom window. Fluffy went right back inside. She jumped on top of the wardrobe and went to sleep. +The children washed their faces, brushed their teeth and combed their hair. Then they went into their bedroom to get dressed. +Sinazo was trying to reach her dress in the wardrobe. “Woof, woof, this is fun,” barked Domino. He jumped up and licked Sinazo with his long red tongue. +“Go away, Domino!” she shouted. +Fluffy woke up. She looked over the edge of the wardrobe and saw Domino jumping on Sinazo. “Ssssss!” she hissed. “Get off her, or I will scratch you.” +Just then Granny came marching down the passage. She was wearing her best dress, her smart shoes and her favourite hat. “What is going on in here?” she asked sternly, opening the door. “It is almost time to leave.” +At that exact moment Fluffy leaped off the wardrobe and landed on Granny’s head. And at that exact moment Domino tried to jump onto the wardrobe, but instead landed on Granny, knocking her over. +Granny was very cross. “You children won’t be getting any chocolate after church today. Now put the animals in the yard and let’s go to church,” she said. +The children shut the animals in the yard and off they went to church. Domino went to sleep in the sun, but Fluffy climbed onto the roof of the house so that she could see far and wide. Suddenly she heard a soft, squeaky noise. Someone was trying to open the gate into Granny’s vegetable garden! Fluffy looked over the edge of the roof and saw a bad man stealing Granny’s mealies! +“Hooooowwwwatcha!” Fluffy screeched, jumping right onto the man’s head. +“Get off!” screamed the thief. +The noise woke up Domino. He came bounding around the corner. “Woof! Woof! Get out!” he barked. +“Get away from me!” yelled the thief. He jumped over the fence, but Domino was waiting for him. +“Let go!” he screamed, but then, RRRRRRIIIPPP! The thief’s trousers tore right off. He ran away − up the hill and grabbed the thief’s trousers. He pulled and pulled, and growled and growled, and shook and shook. The thief was terrified. +Just then Vusi, Sinazo and Granny came out of church. They laughed when they saw a man running by with no trousers on. Then they saw Domino running after him with the man’s trousers in his teeth. +“You are both very good animals,” said Granny when they got home. “You have saved my vegetables from that thief.” +“Does that mean we get chocolate after all?” asked Vusi. +“Yes,” said Granny. She bought them each a bar of peppermint chocolate. Then she bought a juicy bone for Domino and a tin of tasty fish for Fluffy. +The thief was so shy because everyone had seen him without his trousers on that he ran away to another town, and was never seen again.",eng,English,Vusi and Sinazo,"Vusi loved his dog, Domino. Domino was white with three black spots on his back. Vusi’s little sister, Sinazo, loved her cat, Fluffy. Fluffy was black with three white spots on her tummy. +“My dog is better than your cat,” said Vusi one ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/vusi-and-sinazo +vusi-and-sinazo,"Vusi is lief vir sy hond, Domino. Domino is wit met drie swart vlekke op sy rug. Vusi se jonger sussie, Sinazo, is lief vir haar kat, Fluffy. Fluffy is swart met drie wit vlekke op haar maag. +“My hond is beter as jou kat,” sê Vusi een Sondagoggend terwyl hulle ontbyt eet. “Domino krap my nie. Domino drink nie my melk nie. En Domino loop nooit met sy modderpote oor my skoolboeke nie.” +“Domino is baie stout,” sê Ouma. “Hy luister nooit nie. Wanneer ’n mens vir hom sê om te sit, spring hy rond. Wanneer ’n mens vir hom sê om te spring, sit hy, en wanneer jy gaan sit, spring hy op en lek ’n mens se gesig!” +“My kat is beter as jou hond,” sê Sinazo. “Fluffy lek nie my gesig nie en sy steel ook nie my roomys nie. Fluffy mors nie in die erf nie, en sy blaf nooit nie.” + +“Eet julle ontbyt klaar, kinders,” sê Ouma. “Ek moet my groente gaan natlei. My mielies is amper reg om te eet. Hulle gaan hierdie jaar groot en soet wees.” +  +Ouma het amper die groentetuin klaar natgelei. “Gaan maak vir Domino in die agterplaas toe,” sê sy vir Vusi. “Gaan was dan jou gesig, borsel jou tande, kam jou hare en trek jou kerkklere aan.” +“Gaan maak vir Fluffy in die agterplaas toe,” sê sy vir Sinazo. “Gaan was dan jou gesig, borsel jou tande, kam jou hare en trek jou beste klere aan.” +Vusi gaan maak sy hond in die agterplaas toe. “Bly hier,” sê hy vir Domino. “Jy moet ’n soet hond wees en stil hier wag terwyl ons kerk toe gaan.” Vusi hardloop weer binnetoe, maar hy vergeet om die kombuisdeur toe te maak. Die stoute Domino hardloop agterna. Hy gaan kruip onder Vusi se bed weg. +Sinazo gaan maak vir Fluffy in die agterplaas toe. “Bly hier,” sê sy en sit vir Fluffy in ’n boom. “Wees nou ’n soet kat terwyl ons kerk toe gaan.” Sinazo hardloop binnetoe om te gaan aantrek, maar sy vergeet om die slaapkamervenster toe te maak. Die stoute Fluffy spring deur die venster. Sy spring bo-op die klerekas en raak aan die slaap. +Sinazo en Vusi doen wat hulle Ouma sê. Hulle gaan badkamer toe. Hulle was hulle gesigte. Hulle borsel hulle tande. Hulle kam hulle hare. Toe gaan hul na hul slaapkamer om hulle kerkklere aan te trek. +“Vusi,” roep Ouma, “help asseblief vir Sinazo om aan te trek.” Sinazo staan op haar tone om haar kerkrok in die kas te probeer bykom. +“Woef, woef, dis pret,” blaf Domino, en spring onder die bed uit. Hy spring teen die kas op en lek vir Sinazo met sy lang rooi tong. +“Gaan weg, Domino!” skree sy. +Fluffy is baie kwaad omdat sy wakker geraas word. Sy loer oor die rand van die kas en sien hoe Domino teen Sinazo opspring. “Ssssss! Jy mag dit nie doen nie,” sis sy. “Hou dadelik op, of ek krap jou.” +Domino spring soos ’n dol kangaroe teen die kas. “Woef, woef, woef,” blaf hy vir die kat. “Kom speel. Dis baie pret.” +Net toe kom Ouma in die gang afgestap. Sy is gereed om kerk toe te gaan. Sy dra haar beste rok, haar netjiese skoene en haar gunstelinghoed. “Wat gaan hier aan?” vra sy kwaai, en maak die deur oop. “Dis amper tyd om te gaan.” +Op daardie presiese oomblik besluit Fluffy om van die kas af te spring. Sy vlieg deur die lug en land – op Ouma se kop. En op daardie presiese oomblik besluit Domino om op die kas te spring. Hy vlieg deur die lug, maar land op Ouma en stamp haar om. Vusi vang haar net betyds. +Ouma gaan sit op ’n stoel. Sy is baie kwaad. “Julle is baie stoute kinders,” sê sy. “Julle kry nie vandag na kerk ’n sjokolade nie. Gaan maak nou die kat en die hond in die agterplaas toe. Ons moet kerk toe gaan.” +Die kinders maak die diere in die agterplaas toe en hulle gaan kerk toe. Domino gaan lê en slaap in die son, maar Fluffy klim op die huis se dak. Van daar af kan sy ver en wyd sien. Sy sien die kinders en Ouma wat kerk toe stap. Sy hoor hoe hulle in die kerk sing. Toe hoor sy iets anders. Dit is ’n sagte piepgeluid, asof iemand die hek na Ouma se groentetuin oopmaak. +Sy loer oor die rand van die dak. Daar, in die voortuin, is ’n nare man. Hy staan in die groentebedding, en hy steel Ouma se mielies. +“Hooooowwwwaa!” skreeu Fluffy, spring van die dak af en land op die man se kop. +“Klim af, klim af!” skreeu die dief en probeer Fluffy van sy kop af trek. +Die lawaai maak Domino wakker. Hy kom om die hoek van die huis gehardloop. “Woef! Woef! Woef! Gaan weg, gaan weg, gaan weg!” blaf hy. +“Neeee, bly weg van my af!” gil die dief. Hy laat val sy mandjie en spring oor die heining. Domino wag hom in. Soos blits gryp Domino die dief se broek en begin trek. Hy trek en trek en grom en grom, en skud en skud, en die dief is vreesbevange. +“Los my, los my!” gil hy, en probeer Domino van sy broek loskry. Toe, SSSKKKEURRRR! skeur die dief se broek heeltemal af. Hy hardloop so vinnig as wat hy kan, met die bult op, verby die kerk, en heelpad huis toe. +En wie kom op daardie oomblik uit die kerk? Vusi, Sinazo en Ouma natuurlik. Hulle lag en lag toe hulle ’n man sonder ’n broek by hulle sien verbyhardloop. En toe, agter hom, sien hulle Domino baie vinnig hardloop met die man se broek in sy bek. + +“Julle is albei baie goeie diere,” sê Ouma toe hulle by die huis kom. Al haar groente is veilig. “Julle het my groente teen daardie dief beskerm.” +“Beteken dit ons gaan tog sjokolade kry?” vra Vusi. +“Ja,” sê Ouma. Sy neem hulle winkel toe en koop vir elkeen ’n groot pepermentsjokolade. Toe koop sy vir Domino ’n lekker vleisbeen en ’n blikkie vis vir Fluffy. Almal was baie gelukkig, behalwe die dief. Hy was so skaam omdat almal hom sonder sy broek gesien het, dat hy baie ver weggehardloop het na ’n ander dorp, en hy is nooit weer gesien nie.",afr,Afrikaans,Vusi en Sinazo,"Vusi loved his dog, Domino. Domino was white with three black spots on his back. Vusi’s little sister, Sinazo, loved her cat, Fluffy. Fluffy was black with three white spots on her tummy. +“My dog is better than your cat,” said Vusi one ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/vusi-en-sinazo +vusi-and-sinazo,"UVusi wayeyithanda kakhulu inja yakhe egama linguDomino. UDomino wayemhlophe enamabala amathathu amnyama emqolo. Udade boVusi omncinane, uSinazo yena wayethanda ikati yakhe, uFluffy. UFluffy wayemnyama enamabala amathathu amhlophe esiswini sakhe. +“Inja yam ingcono kunekati yakho,” watsho uVusi ngenye intsasa yangeCawe, xa aba bantwana babesidla isidlo sakusasa. “UDomino akandikrwempi. UDomino akaluseli ubisi lwam. Kwaye uDomino akazange anyathele iincwadi zam zesikolo ngeenyawo ezinodaka.” +“UDomino akeva,” watsho uMakhulu. “Akakhe enze le nto axelelwa ukuba ayenze. Xa umxelela ukuba makahlale phantsi, uyatsibatsiba. Xa usithi makatsibatsibe, uhlala phantsi, naxa uhlala phantsi, uyakutsibela akukhothe ebusweni!” +“Ikati yam ingcono kunenja yakho,” utshilo uSinazo. “UFluffy akandikhothi ebusweni okanye ebe i-ayiskhrim yam. UFluffy akangcolisi eyadini kwaye akazange wakhonkotha.” + +“Gqibani iblakfesi yenu, bantwana,” uMakhulu utshilo. “Kufuneka ndiyokunkcenkceshela imifuno yam. Umbona wam sele ulungele ukuvunwa ngoku uzokutyiwa. Uza kuba mkhulu kwaye uza kuba nencasa kulo nyaka.” +UMakhulu wayeseza kugqiba ukunkcenkceshela imifuno yakhe. “Hamba uye kungenisa uDomino ngaphakathi eyadini,” uyalele uVusi. “Emva koko ke uze uhlambe ubuso, uxukuxe, ukame iinwele zakho, ze ke unxibe iimpahla zakho zecawe.” +“Hamba uye kungenisa uFluffy ngaphakathi eyadini,” uxelele uSinazo. “Emva koko ke uze uhlambe ubuso bakho, uxukuxe, ukame iinwele zakho, ze ke unxibe iimpahla zakho ezintle.” +UVusi wathatha inja yakhe wayingenisa eyadini. “Hlala apha,” uxelele uDomino. “Uze ube yinja elungileyo, uhlale apha lo gama sisaye ecaweni.” UVusi wabaleka wangena ngaphakathi, kodwa walibala ukuvala ucango lwasekhitshini. UDomino ongevayo wamlandela wangena endlwini. Warhubuluza, wangena phantsi kwebhedi kaVusi, wazimela apho. +USinazo wathatha ikati yakhe wayingenisa eyadini. “Hlala apha,” utshilo kuFluffy, embeka esebeni lomthini. “Uze ube yikati elungileyo lo gama sisaye ecaweni.” Wabaleka, wangena ngaphakathi esiya kunxiba, kodwa walibala ukuvala ifestile yegumbi lakhe lokulala. UFluffy ongevayo wabuyela ngaphakathi. Watsiba, wakhwela phezu kwekhabhathi yempahla, waza walala. +USinazo kunye noVusi benza njengoko uMakhulu wayebayalele. Baya kwigumbi lokuhlambela. Bahlamba ubuso. Baxukuxa. Bakama iinwele zabo. Emva koko baya kumagumbi abo okulala, baya kunxiba ezona mpahla zabo zintle. +“Vusi,” wakhwaza uMakhulu, “ncedisa uSinazo ngokunxiba. USinazo wayengcotshile, ezama ukutsala, akhuphe eyona lokhwe yakhe intle ekhabathini yempahla. +“Hawu, hawu, akusemnandi,” wakhonkotha uDomino, etsiba ephuma phantsi kwebhedi. Watsibela ekhabhathini yempahla, waza wakhotha uSinazo ngolo lwimi lwakhe lude lubomvu. +“Phuma, Domino!” wamngxolisa. +UFluffy kwamcaphukisa kakhulu oku kuvuswa. Wakroba ekoneni yekhabhathi yempahla, waza wabona uDomino etsibela uSinazo. “Sssssss! Awunakuyenza loo nto,” wafutha. “Suka kuye, okanye ndiza kukukrwempa.” +UDomino watsibela ekhabhathini ngokwekhangaru ephambeneyo. “Hawu, hawu, hawu, wayikhonkotha ikati. “Yiza sizokudlala. Kumnandi apha.” +Kanye ngaloo mzuzu, uMakhulu wangena esihla ngepaseji. Wayesele elungele ukuya ecaweni. Wayenxibe eyona lokhwe yakhe intle, izihlangu ezihle kunye nowona mnqwazi wakhe awuthandayo. “Kuqhubeka ntoni apha?” wabuza ngqongqo, xa avula umnyango. “Kulixesha lokuba sihambe ngoku.” +Kanye ngaloo mzuzu uFluffy wagqiba ekubeni atsibe, ehle ekhabhathini. Wenze owenkawu umtsi – watsibela entloko kuMakhulu. Kwangaxehsa nye uDomino wagqiba ekubeni atsibele phezulu ekhabhathini yempahla. Naye wenza owenkawu umtsi, kodwa watsibela kuMakhulu, wamwisa phantsi. Ngethamsanqa, uVusi wamganga kwangethuba, akabisawa. +UMakhulu wahlala phantsi esitulweni. Wayenomsindo kakhulu. “Ningabantwana abangeva tu kwaphela,” utshilo. “Anisayi kufumana tshokholethi ukuphuma kwecawe ke namhlanje. Thathani le nja nale kati nizingenise eyadini ngoku. Kufuneka siye ecaweni.” +Abantwana bazivalela eyadini izilwanyana, baza baya ecaweni. UDomino walala elangeni, kodwa yena uFluffy wagwencela wakhwela eluphahleni lwendlu. Kulo ndawo wayehleli kuyo, wayebona iindawo ezikude. Wababona abantwana kunye nomakhulu wabo besiya ecaweni. Wabeva becula ecaweni. Weva nenye ingxolo. Yayivakalela ezantsi, itswina, ingathi ngumntu owayezama ukuvula isango lesitiya semifuno sikaMakhulu. +Wakroba ekoneni yophahla. Phaya egadini ngaphambili, kwakukho indoda elisela. Yayimi phakathi kwemifuno, isiba umbona kaMakhulu. +“Thaaathaaaaaaphaaa!” watsho ngesikhalo esihlabayo uFluffy, etsiba esuka eluphahleni esiya kuwela entloko kule ndoda. +“Suka, suka!” lakhala isela, lizama ukutsala uFluffy, limsusa entloko kulo. +Loo ngxolo yavusa uDomino. Weza egaba ukujikela ekoneni, esuka emva kwendlu. “Hawu! Hawu! Hawu! Phuma, phuma, phuma sihlangane!” wakhonkotha. +“Hayiiiiii, ndiyekeni!” lakhala latsho isela. Lalahla ingobozi yalo, laze latsiba ucingo. UDomino wayesele elilinde apho. Waba ngathi ngumbane, walithi nqaku ngebhulukhwe isela, walitsala. Walitsala walitsala, wagragrama wagragrama, waze walidlikidla walidlikidla; nesela lalisoyika kakhulu ngoku. +“Ndiyeke, ndiyeke!” lakhala, lizama ukususa uDomino ebhulukhweni yalo. Kusenjalo, KKKKRRRREEEEEE, ibhulukhwe yesela yakrazuka yonke. Labaleka kangangoko linakho, lanyuka induli, ladlula ecaweni labaleka lagoduka. +Kanye ngaloo mzuzu, ngubani owayephuma ecaweni, xa ingengoVusi noSinazo noMakhulu? Bahleka bade baqikileka xa bebona indoda ibaleka, igqotsile inganxibanga bhulukhwe. Wabe uDomino elele emva kwayo, engabalekanga esusa amaphepha, eyisukela erhuqa ibhulukhwe yaloo ndoda ngamazinyo. + +“Nizizilwanyana ezilungileyo nobabini,” watsho uMakhulu xa befika ekhaya. Yonke imifuno yakhe ikhuselekile. “Niyikhusele ngokukuko imifuno yam kwelaa sela.” +“Ingaba oko kuthetha ukuba siza kuyifumana itshokholethi? wabuza uVusi. +“Ewe,” watsho uMakhulu. Wahamba nabo baya evenkileni waza wathengela umntwana ngamnye itshokholethi enkulu yeminti. Wathengela uDomino ithambo elinencindi emnandi, waza wathengela uFluffy inkonxa yentlanzi enencasa. Bonke babonwabe kakhulu, ngaphandle kwesela. Lalineentloni kakhulu kuba wonke umntu walibona libaleka linganxibanga bhulukhwe. Lagqiba kwelokuba limke, liye kwenye idolophu ekude, kwaye zange liphinde libonwe kwakhona.",xho,isiXhosa,UVusi noSinazo,"Vusi loved his dog, Domino. Domino was white with three black spots on his back. Vusi’s little sister, Sinazo, loved her cat, Fluffy. Fluffy was black with three white spots on her tummy. +“My dog is better than your cat,” said Vusi one ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uvusi-nosinazo +vusi-and-sinazo,"UVusi wayeyithanda inja yakhe uDomino. Wayemhlophe uDomino enamabala amathathu amnyama emhlane wakhe. Udadewabo kaVusi omncane, uSinazo, wayethanda ikati lakhe uFluffy. Wayemnyama uFluffy enamabala amathathu amhlophe esiswini sakhe. +“Inja yami ingcono kunekati lakho,” kusho uVusi ekuseni ngolunye usuku lwangeSonto ngesikhathi izingane zidla isidlo sasekuseni. “UDomino akangiklwebhi. UDomino akaluphuzi ubisi lwami, futhi akahambi phezu kwezincwadi zami ngezidladla ezinodaka.” +“UDomino ugange kakhulu,” kusho ugogo wabo. “Akayenzi nhlobo into ayitshelwayo. Uma uthi akahlale, uyagxumagxuma. Uma uthi akagxume, uhlala phansi, bese uthi uma uhlala phansi, agxume akukhothe ubuso!” +“Ikati lami lingcono kunenja yakho,” kusho uSinazo. “UFluffy akangikhothi ubuso futhi akawuntshontshi u-ayisikhilimu wami. UFluffy akangcolisi egcekeni futhi akakhonkothi.” + +“We zingane, ake niqede isidlo senu sasekuseni,” kusho uGogo. “Kumele ngiyochelela imifino yami. Ummbila wami usuzolungela ukudliwa. Uzoba mkhulu futhi ube mnandi kulo nyaka.” +Ugogo wayesezoqeda ukuchelela ingadi yemifino. “Hamba uyobeka uDomino phandle,” ememeza uVusi. “Bese ugeza ubuso bakho, uxubhe amazinyo, ukame izinwele zakho bese ugqoka izingubo zasesontweni.” +“Hamba uyobeka uFluffy phandle,” ememeza uSinazo. “Bese ugeza ubuso bakho, uxubhe amazinyo, ukame izinwele zakho bese ugqoka izingubo eziphambili.” +UVusi wakhiphela inja yakhe phandle. “Hlala la,” esho kuDomino. “Yiba inja eziphethe kahle uhlale la uthule ngesikhathi siya esontweni.” UVusi wagijima wabuyela endlini kodwa wakhohlwa ukuvala umnyango wasekhishini. Isigangi esiwuDomino samlandela sabuyela endlini. Sakhasa sangena ngaphansi kombhede kaVusi sacasha khona. +USinazo wakhiphela ikati lakhe phandle. “Hlala la,” esho kuFluffy, embeka esihlahleni. “Yiba yikati eliziphethe kahle ngesikhathi siya esontweni.” Wagijima wabuyela endlini eyogqoka, kodwa wakhohlwa ukuvala ifasitela lekamelo lokulala. Isigangi esinguFluffy sabuyela endlini. Sagxumela phezu kwewodilobhu salala. +USinazo noVusi benza njengoba babetshelwe ugogo wabo. Baya egumbini lokugezela. Bageza ubuso babo. Baxubha amazinyo. Bakama izinwele zabo. Base beya emakameleni abo ukuze bagqoke izingubo zabo eziphambili. +“Vusi,” kumemeza uGogo, “ngicela usize uSinazo agqoke.” USinazo wayecokeme ezama ukufinyelela engutsheni yakhe ephambili ekuwodilobhu. +“Hhu, hhu, kwaze kwamnandi lokhu,” kukhonkotha uDomino, egxuma ephuma ngaphansi kombhede. Wagxumela ngakuwodilobhu, wase ekhotha uSinazo ngolimi lwakhe olubomvu olude. +“Suka, Domino!” kumemeza yena. +Kwamthukuthelisa kakhulu uFluffy ukuvuswa. Wabheka ekupheleni kwewodilobhu wabona uDomino egxumela kuSinazo. “Ssssss! Awukwazi ukwenza lokho,” esho ekhisila. “Suka kuye, uma ungenzi njalo ngizokuklwebha.” +UDomino wagxumela kuwodilobhu njengohlanya. “Hhu, hhu, hhu,” ekhonkotha ikati. “Wozodlala. Siyazithokozisa.” +Ngaso leso sikhathi kwangena uGogo ehla ngephasishi. Wayeselungele ukuya esontweni. Wayegqoke ingubo yakhe ephambili, izicathulo zakhe ezinhle nesigqoko sakhe asithandayo. “Kwenzenjani la?” wabuza ngolaka, ngesikhathi evula umnyango. “Sekuzoshaya isikhathi sokuhamba.” +UFluffy wakhetha ukugxuma ehle kuwodilobhu ngaso leso sikhathi. Wagxuma sakundiza wawela – ekhanda likaGogo. Kanti ngaso leso sikhathi uDomino wakhetha ukuzama ukugxumela phezu kwewodilobhu. Wagxuma sakundiza, kodwa wavele wawela phezu kukaGogo, wamwisa. Ngenhlanhla, uVusi wafika kahle wambamba. +UGogo wahlala esitulweni. Wayeveva yintukuthelo. “Zingane ndini ezigangile,” kusho yena. “Ngeke nisithole isixebeledu sikashokoledi namhlanje uma sekuphume isonto. Khiphelani inja nekati phandle njengamanje. Kumele siye esontweni.” +Izingane zavalela izilwane phandle zaya esontweni. UDomino wayolala elangeni, kodwa uFluffy wagibela ophahleni lwendlu. Wayekwazi lapho ukubona kude nasendaweni ebanzi. Wabona izingane zihamba nogogo wazo zingena esontweni. Wase ezwa becula esontweni. Wase ezwa nokunye okuthile. Kwakusholo phansi, umsindo wakho unsegeza, okungathi kukhona umuntu ozama ukuvula isango lengadi kaGogo yemifino. +Wabheka onqenqemeni lophahla. Kwakukhona isela laphaya phambi kwengadi. Sasimi esivandeni semifino, sintshontsha ummbila kaGogo. +“Thatha lokhuuuuuuuuuu!” UFluffy wagxuma, esuka phezu kophahla wawela phezu kwekhanda lesela. +“Suka, suka!” kukhala isela, lizama ukususa uFluffy ekhanda lalo. +UDomino wavuswa umsindo. Waqhamuka ekhoneni ngesivinini ephuma emva kwendlu. “Hhu! Hhu! Hhu! Phuma, phuma, phuma!” esho ekhonkotha. +“Chaaaaaa, suka kimi!” kumemeza isela. Lalahla phansi ubhasikidi lagxuma leqa uthango. UDomino wayelinde lapho. Washesha njengonyazi, wabamba wadonsa ibhulukwe lesela. Walidonsa, walidonsa, wavungama, wavungama, wanikiza, wanikiza, kanti isela lase lethuke kabi. +“Ngiyeke, ngiyeke!” lamemeza, lizama ukususa uDomino ebhulukweni lalo. Kwase kuthi KLEBHUUUUUUU, kudabuka ibhulukwe lesela. Labaleka ligijima ngokushesha ngendlela elalingakwazi ukwenza ngayo, lakhuphuka umqansa, ledlula isonto laze layofika ekhaya. +Kwakuphuma bani esontweni ngaleso sikhathi, kungeyena uVusi, uGogo noSinazo? Bahleka, bahleka ngesikhathi bebona indoda igijima ingagqoke bhulukwe. Kanti, emva kwayo, babona uDomino, egijima ngesivinini esikhulu ehudula ibhulukwe lendoda elibambe ngamazinyo akhe. + +“Nobabili niyizilwane ezinhle kakhulu,” kusho uGogo ngesikhathi befika ekhaya. Yonke imifino yakhe yayiphephile. “Nisindise imifino yami eseleni.” +“Ngabe lokho kusho ukuthi ekugcineni sizothola ushokoledi?” kubuza uVusi. +“Yebo,” kusho uGogo. Waya nabo esitolo wathengela ngamunye kubo isixebeledu esikhulu sikasholedi wephephamente. Wase ethengela uDomino ithambo eliconsisa amathe noFluffy ithini lenhlanzi emnandi. Kanti babethokoze bonke, ngaphandle kwesela. Lalinamahloni kakhulu ngoba wonke umuntu wayelibone lingagqoke bhulukwe kangangokuthi labaleka laya edolobheni elikude, aliphindanga labonwa futhi.",zul,isiZulu,UVusi noSinazo,"Vusi loved his dog, Domino. Domino was white with three black spots on his back. Vusi’s little sister, Sinazo, loved her cat, Fluffy. Fluffy was black with three white spots on her tummy. +“My dog is better than your cat,” said Vusi one ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/uvusi-nosinazo-0 +vusi-and-sinazo,"Vusi o be a rata mpša ya gagwe, Domino. Domino e be e le mpša ye tšheu ya go ba le dikodi tše tharo tše diso ka morago. Sinazo, ngwana wa gabo Vusi wa mosetsana, o be a rata katse ya gagwe Fluffy. Fluffy e be e le ye ntsho gomme e na le dikodi tše tharo tše tšhweu mo mpeng. +“Mpša yaka e phala katse ya gago,” a realo Vusi mesong ya Sontaga se sengwe ge bana ba eja difihlolo. “Domino ga e nngwape. Domino ga e nwe maswi a ka. Ebile Domino ga ke e sepela godimo ga dipuku tša ka ka marofa a go ba le maraga.” +“Domino e seleka kudu,” koko wa bona a realo. “Ga e theeletše. Ge o e laela gore e dule fase, yona e a fofafofa. Ge o e laela gore e fofe, e dula fase, gomme ge o dula fase, e a go fofela gomme ya go latswa sefahlego!” +“Katse yaka e kaone go feta mpša ya gago,” a realo Sinazo. “Fluffy ga ke e latswa sefahlego sa ka ebile ga e utswe le lebebetšididi la ka. Fluffy ga e hlole tlhakahlakano ka jarateng ebile ga e ke e goba.” + +“Bana, fetšang go fihlola,” a realo Koko. “Ke nyaka go ya go nošetša merogo yaka. Mafela a ka bjale a kgauswi le go lewa. Ngwaga wo e tla ba a magolo a mabose.” +Koko o kgauswi le go fetša go nošetša serapana sa merogo. “Tsenya Domino ka jarateng,” o laela Vusi. “Morago ga fao o hlape sefahlego, o hlape meno, o kame meriri gomme o apare diaparo tša go ya kerekeng.” +“Tsenya Fluffy ka jarateng,” o laela Sinazo. “Morago ga fao o hlape sefahlego, o hlape meno, o kame meriri gomme o apare diaparo tša gago tše di botse.” +Vusi o ile a tsenya mpša ya gagwe ka jarateng. “Dula mo,” o laela Domino. “O itshware gabotse o seke wa šala o dira lešata ge re ile kerekeng.” Vusi o ile a kitimela ka gae gape, efela o ile a lebala go tswalela lebati la morale. Domino ya go seleka e ile ya mo šala morago. E ile ya gagabela ka tlase ga mpete wa Vusi ya iphihla fao. +Sinazo o ile a tsenya katse ya gagwe ka jarateng. “Dula mo,” a laela Fluffy a bile a e bea mohlareng. “O šale o itshwere gabotse ge re ile kerekeng.” O ile a kitimela ka gae a ya go apara, efela a lebala go tswalela lefasetere la phapoši ya borobalelo. Fluffy ya go seleka e ile ya boela ka gare. E fofetše godimo ga wotropo gomme ya robala. +Sinazo le Vusi ba dirile ka fao ba laetšwego ke koko. Ba ile ba ya phapošing ya bohlapelo. Ba ile ba hlapa difahlego. Ba ile ba hlapa meno. Ba ile ba kama le meriri. Morago ga fao ba ile ka phapošing ya borobalelo ba apara diaparo tša bona tše di botse. +“Vusi,” o bitšwa ke Koko, “thuša ka go apeša Sinazo hle.” Sinazo o be a eme ka dinanantlha a leka go obelela roko ya gagwe ye botse ka wotropong. +“Hauu, hauu, ke a ipshina,” gwa goba Domino, e fofa e etšwa ka tlase ga mpete. E fofetše thoko ga wotropo, ya latswa Sinazo ka leleme la yona le le telele le le hubedu. +“Etšwa, Domino!” a goeletša. +Fluffy e ile ya befelwa kudu ka ge e hlobilwe boroko. E lebeletše ntlheng ya wotropo gomme ya bona Domino e fofela Sinazo. “Šwwwww! O ka se dire seo,” ya šutša. “Mo tlogele, go sego bjalo ke tla go ngwapa.” +Domino e ile ya fofela wotropong bjalo ka kankaru ya go hlakana hlogo. “Hauu, hauu, hauu,” ya goba katse. “Etla re raloke. Re a ipshina.” +Ka nako yeo ke ge Koko a tla a sepediša phasetšeng. O be a itokišeditše go ya kerekeng. O be a apere roko ya botse, dieta tša botse le lephephe la mmamoratwa. “Go direga eng mo?” a botšiša ka bogale a bile a bula lebati. “Ke nako ya gore re sepele.” +Ka yona nako yeo Fluffy e ile ya akanya go fofa go tšwa wotropong. E tabogile gomme ya kotama – hlogong ya Koko. Gomme ka yona nako yeo Domino e ile ya akanya go leka go fofela godimo ga wotropo. E ile ya taboga, efela ya kotoma godimo ga Koko, ya mo wiša. Ka mahlatse, Vusi o ile a kgona go mo swara ka pela. +Koko o ile a dula setulong. O be a befetšwe kudu. “Le a seleka lena,” a realo. “Lehono le ka se hwetše para ya tšhokolete morago ga kereke. Tsenyang mpša le katse ka jarateng gona bjale. Re swanetše go ya kerekeng.” +Bana ba ile ba tsenya diphoofolo ka jarateng gomme ba ya kerekeng. Domino e ile ya robala letšatšing, efela Fluffy e ile ya fofela tlhakeng ya ntlo. Ge e le fao, e be e kgona go bona go fihla kgole. E bone bana le koko wa bona ba eya kerekeng. E ile ya ba kwa ba opela ka kerekeng. Morago e kwele se sengwe. E be e le lešata la tlase la go tswinya, go kwagala eke motho o leka go bula keiti ya serapana sa merogo sa Koko. +E ile ya lebelela ntlheng ya tlhaka. E bone monna yo mobe pele ga serapana. O be a eme lefelong la merogo, a utswa mafela a Koko. +“Ngaaauuuuuuuuuuu!” Fluffy e ile ya lla, ya fofa go tšwa tlhakeng gomme ya kotama godimo ga hlogo ya monna yola. +“Ntlogele, ntlogele!” lehodu la goeletša, le leka go tloša Fluffy hlogong. +Domino e ile ya tsošwa ke lešata. E ile ya rotoga khoneng go tšwa ka morago ga ntlo. “Hauu! Hauu! Hauu! Etšwa, etšwa, etšwa!” ya goba. +“Aowa hle, ntlogele!” lehodu la goeletša. Lehodu le ile la lahla seroto gomme la fofa legora. Domino e be eme. Ka lebelo la legadima, e ile ya swara lehodu ka borokgo ya mo goga. E ile ya mo gogagoga, ya bogola gantši, ya mo šikinyašikinya, gomme lehodu la tšhoga. +“Ntlogele, ntlogele!” a goeletša, a leka go tloša Domino borokgong bja gagwe. Ka morago go kwagetše, TLERRRRRRRRR, borokgo bja lehodu bja kgeiga. O ile a kitima ka lebelo, a namelela mmotong, a feta kereke a lebile gae. +Ka nako yeo, ke mang yo a bego a etšwa ka kerekeng, ge e se Vusi, Sinazo le Koko? Ba ile ba sega kudu ge ba bona monna a kitima a se a apara borokgo. Gomme ka morago, ba bona Domino e mo kitimiša, e kitima ka lebelo e goga borokgo bja gagwe ka meno. + +“Bobedi bja lena le diphoofolo tše botse,” a realo Koko ge ba fihla gae. Merogo ya gagwe ka moka e šireletšegile. “Le šireleditše merogo ya ka gore e se tšeye ke lehodu lela.” +“Na se se ra gore re tla hwetša ditšhokolete?” gwa botšiša Vusi. +“Ee,” a realo Koko. O ile le bona lebenkeleng gomme a rekela mongwe le mongwe para ye kgolo ya tšhokolete ya pepaminti. O reketše Domino lerapo la bose gomme a rekela Fluffy thini ya hlapi ya bose. Bohle ba be ba thabile kantle le lehodu. O be a lewa ke dihlong ka ge a bonwe ke bohle a se a apara borokgo gomme seo se dirile gore a tšhabele toropong ye nngwe ya kgole, gomme a se sa tsoga a bonwe gape.",nso,Sepedi,Vusi le Sinazo,"Vusi loved his dog, Domino. Domino was white with three black spots on his back. Vusi’s little sister, Sinazo, loved her cat, Fluffy. Fluffy was black with three white spots on her tummy. +“My dog is better than your cat,” said Vusi one ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/vusi-le-sinazo +vusi-and-sinazo,"Vusi o ne a rata ntja ya hae, Domino. Domino e ne e le tshweu e ena le matheba a matsho a mararo mokokotlong. Kgaitsedinyana ya Vusi, Sinazo, o ne a rata katse ya hae, Fluffy. Fluffy e ne e le ntsho e ena le matheba a masweu a mararo mpeng. +“Ntja ya ka e betere ho feta katse ya hao,” ho rialo Vusi hoseng ho hong ka Sontaha ha bana bana ba eja dijo tsa hoseng. “Domino ha e nngwape. Domino ha e nwe lebese la ka. Ebile Domino ha e ke e tsamaya hodima dibuka tsa ka tsa sekolo ka maotwana a yona a diretse.” +“Domino o sele hampe,” ho rialo nkgono wa bona. “Ha a etse seo a se bolellwang. Ha o mmolella hore a dule, o a tlolatlola. Ha o re a tlole, o dula fatshe, mme ha wena o dula fatshe, o a o tlolela mme a o nyeke sefahlehong!” +“Katse ya ka e betere ho feta ntja ya hao,” ha rialo Sinazo. “Fluffy ha a nyeke sefahleho sa ka kapa ho utswa aesekerime ya ka. Fluffy ha a tlatse ditshila jareteng mme hohang ha a bohole.” + +“Qetang dijo tsa lona, bana,” Nkgono a rialo. “Ke tlameha ho ya nosetsa meroho ya ka. Poone ya ka e se e tla lokela ho jewa. E tlilo etsa diqo tse kgolo tse monate selemong sena.” +Nkgono o ne a se a tla qeta ho nosetsa tshimo ya meroho. “Tsamaya o ise Domino ka jareteng,” a hoeletsa Vusi. “Ha o qeta o iphotle, o borosole meno, o kame moriri mme o apare diaparo tsa hao tsa kereke.” +“Isa Fluffy ka jareteng,” a bolella Sinazo. “Ebe o a iphotla, o borosole meno o kame moriri mme o apare diaparo tsa hao tse ntle ka ho fetisisa.” +Vusi a isa ntja ya hae jareteng. “Dula mona,” a rialo ho Domino. “O be ntja e lokileng mme o dule mona o kgutsitse ha rona re ile kerekeng.” Vusi a mathela ka tlung, empa a lebala ho kwala lemati la kitjhene. Domino ya seleng a mo sala morao ho ya kena ka tlung. A kgukgunela ka tlasa bethe ya Vusi mme a ipata teng. +Sinazo a ntshetsa katse ya hae ka ntle jareteng. “Dula mona,” a rialo ho Fluffy, a e bea sefateng. “O itshware hantle ha re ntse re ile kerekeng.” A mathela ka tlung ho ya apara, empa a lebala ho kwala fensetere ya kamore. Fluffy ya seleng a kgutlela hona ka tlung. A tlolela hodima lekase la diaparo mme a ithoballa. +Sinazo le Vusi ba entse seo nkgono a ba bolelletseng sona. Ba ya phaposing ya ho hlapela. Ba iphotla. Ba borosola meno a bona. Ba kama meriri. Yaba ba ya kamoreng ya ho robala mme ba apara diaparo tsa bona tse ntle. +“Vusi,” Nkgono a mmitsa, “ako thuse Sinazo ho apara hle.” Sinazo o ne a eme ka ditsetsekwane a leka ho fihlella mose wa hae o motle ka ho fetisisa ka hara lekase la diaparo. +“Habu, habu, ho monate,” ha bohola Domino, e tlola ho tswa ka tlasa bethe. Ya tlolela hodimo pela lekase la diaparo, mme ya nyeka Sinazo ka leleme la yona le le lelele le lekgubedu. +“Tloha mona, Domino!” a kgaruma. +Fluffy o ne a halefisitswe ke ho tsoswa. A sheba tlase a le hodima lekase la diaparo mme a bona Domino a ntse a tlolela Sinazo. “Ssssss! O se ke wa etsa jwalo,” a ngaola. “Tloha ho yena, ho seng jwalo ke tla o ngwapa.” +Domino ya tlolela lekase la diaparo jwalo ka kangaroo e hlanyang. “Habu, habu, habu,” ya bohola katse. “Tloo re tlo bapala. Re natefetswe rona.” +Hona hoo Nkgono a tla a theosa phaseitjheng. O ne a se a loketse ho ya kerekeng. O ne a apere mose wa hae o motle ka ho fetisisa, dieta tse ntle le katiba eo a e ratang. “Ho etsahala eng ka mo?” a botsa jwalo a tiisitse lentswe, a bula lemati. “E se e tla ba nako ya ho tsamaya.” +Ka yona nako eo Fluffy a nahana ho tlola a theoha lekase la diaparo. O ile a fofa mme a fihla a wela – hodima hlooho ya Nkgono. Mme ka ona motsotso oo Domino a nahana ho leka ho tlolela ka hodima lekase la diaparo. A tlola jwaloka haeka o a fofa, empa bakeng sa ho ya fihla ka hodimo, a fella hodima Nkgono, mme a mo dihela fatshe. Ka lehlohonolo, Vusi a mo tshwara esale ka nako. +Nkgono a dula hodima setulo. O ne a halefile haholo. “Le bana ba seleng, ba seleng ruri,” a rialo. “Le keke la fumana tjhokolete kajeno ha kereke e etswa. Jwale, ntshetsang ntja eno le katse eno ka ntle ka kwana. Re lokela ho ya kerekeng hona jwale.” +Bana ba kwalla diphoofolo tseo ka ntle jareteng mme bohle ba ya kerekeng. Domino a ya robala letsatsing, empa Fluffy yena a palama ka hodima ntlo. Ha a le moo, o ne a kgona ho bona hole le hohle. O ile a bona bana le nkgono wa bona ba kena kerekeng. A utlwa ha ba bina ka kerekeng. Mme yaba o utlwa ho hong hape. E ne e le modumo o tlase, o ngwapang, jwaloka ka haeka ho na le motho ya lekang ho bula heke e lebang tshingwaneng ya nkgono ya meroho. +A sheba tlase a le qetellong ya marulelo. Tlase mane tshimong e ka pele ho ne ho ena le monna e mobe. O ne a eme seratswaneng sa meroho, a utswa poone ya Nkgono. +“Hooooowwwwatcha!” Fluffy a rora, a tlolela fatshe ho tswa hodimo mme a wela hantle hodima hlooho ya monna eo. +“Jowee, tloha mona!” ha hoeletsa leshodu leo, le leka ho hula Fluffy le mo tlosa hloohong ya lona. +Lerata la tsosa Domino. A tla a matha ho hlaha hukung a etswa kamora ntlo. “Habu! Habu! Habu! Tswa mona, tswa mona, tswa mona!” a bohola jwalo. +“Tjheee bo, ntlohele wena!” leshodu la hoeletsa. O ile a lahla seroto sa hae mme a tlolela ka nqane ho terata. Domino o ne a mo emetse moo. Ka potlako e makatsang, a tshwara borikgwe ba leshodu mme a bo hula. A bo hula a bo hula, a rora a bile a rora, a bo tsukutla, a bo tsukutla, mme leshodu le ne le tshohile haholo. +“Ntlohele, ntlohele!” a hoeletsa, a leka ho tlosa Domino borikgweng ba hae. Yaba ho utlwahala TLERRRRRRR, borikgwe ba leshodu ba taboha kaofela. A baleha ka lebelo le leholo, a nyolosa leralla, a feta kerekeng a leba habo kwana. +Ka ona motsotso oo, ke bomang ba neng ba etswa ka kerekeng, ha e se Vusi le Sinazo le Nkgono? Ba tsheha ba tsheha ha ba bona monna ya fetang a matha a sa tena borikgwe. Mme kamora hae, ba bona Domino, a matha ka lebelo mme a hulanya borikgwe ba monna eo ka meno a hae. + +“Bobedi ba lona le diphoofolo tse molemo ruri,” ho rialo Nkgono ha ba fihla hae. Meroho ya hae kaofela e ne e bolokehikle. “Le pholositse meroho ya ka leshodung lane.” +“Na seo se bolela hore re tla fumana tjhokolete jwale?” ho botsa Vusi. +“Ee,” ho araba Nkgono. A ya le bona lebenkeleng mme a rekela e mong le e mong tjhokolete e kgolo ya phephamente. Mme a reka lesapo le monate bakeng sa Domino le kotikoti ya tlhapi e monate bakeng sa Fluffy. Mme bohle ba ne ba thabile, ntle feela le leshodu lane. O ne a swabile hobane batho bohle ba ne ba mmone a sa tena borikgwe mme kahoo a balehela hole kwana toropong e nngwe, mme ha a ka a hlola a bonwa haesale.",sot,Sesotho,Vusi le Sinazo,"Vusi loved his dog, Domino. Domino was white with three black spots on his back. Vusi’s little sister, Sinazo, loved her cat, Fluffy. Fluffy was black with three white spots on her tummy. +“My dog is better than your cat,” said Vusi one ...",,Helen Brain,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/vusi-le-sinazo-0 +worst-birthday-ever,"Hi, my name is Thando. That’s Zulu for love. My mama says it is because she loves me so much. I live with my mum, my cousin Santie, and my aunt Sallie. Santie and her mum just moved into our place two weeks ago. Auntie Sallie is my mum’s younger sister. This is the first time I have met her because I overheard Gogo saying her husband did not want her to visit us. They used to live in Mpumalanga before moving to Johannesburg to stay with us. Mum says Auntie Sallie had domestic issues so they had to come and stay with us. She never told me what the domestic issues were. +Santie is the same age as me. Well, no actually, I am four months older. +“Three months and twenty days!” Santie yells out. +“That’s four months either way, silly,” I say. +“No it isn’t!” she answers back. +As you can see Santie is very argumentative. I do not know why she likes to argue. It’s not even her house. So as I was saying, and I need to whisper this so she doesn’t interrupt, “I am four months older than her.” +Today is Santie’s 11th birthday. My mum says she is going to make it special. Auntie Sallie will be working this evening. She just started waiting on tables at a restaurant in Sandton and could not get a night off. So my mum is taking us to the movies to watch Jock of the Bushveld. +I hope it will be fun. We cannot wait. Or rather, I cannot wait. Today has not been fun so far. Anytime I want to play a game and Santie wants to play something else, we have to do what she wants. My mum says I have to play what Santie wants because it is her birthday. I have tried to suggest playing something else, but Santie always screams so that my mum can hear, “But it’s my birthday!” I hope next time she has a birthday she is not here. +After we have had a bath and it is almost time to go to the movies, Mum says she has a present for Santie and me. She has bought us dresses and shoes to wear to the movies. She says it is so that we can look like ladies. That is so lame. Like, why didn’t she buy us jeans or something? Santie’s dress is like mine, but it is red and mine is yellow. Then we both have the same pair of shoes except her pair is red and mine is yellow. I hate dresses. Santie loves dresses. +“Mum? We are eleven, not seven!” I say to Mum because I am embarrassed at the matching outfits. +My mum looks at me and says, “Wena, Thando, is that a way to say thank you? I will take that dress back to the shop and you will not go to the movies with us. Why can’t you be polite like Santie and just say thank you?” +So I say, “Thank you,” under my breath. +My mum looks at me and says, “I didn’t hear you.” +And I say again loudly, “I said THANK YOU.” +“That’s better. Now go and change,” she says. I see Santie smiling and pulling her tongue at me behind my mum’s back. I wish I could pinch her. She is so annoying. +We finish dressing up, I really hate this dress, and my mum says, “Let’s go girls.” We follow her. +When we get in the taxi to go to the movies, the taxi driver says, “What beautiful daughters you have, Madam.” So I smile although I know I am better looking than Santie. But then I get upset because he asks my mother, “Are they twins?” +And just as I am about to say no, we are just cousins, my mum says, “No, they are just sisters.” She is not my sister. She is my cousin! +We get to the movies and I hope I do not see anyone I know from my school. +And then it happens. +As we are waiting for my mum to buy tickets, I see this cute boy that I like in my class. Siya is walking with his best friend Sam and also going into the movies. +He says to me, “Well hello, Thando, aren’t you too old to be dressed in matching outfits?” +You see what I mean? I wish the floor could just open up and swallow me. +“What’s that to you? You are just a stupid boy who does not know fashion!” Santie answers. +OMG, why did she do that? +“Yes, whatever, Thando’s ‘twin’,” he says and both he and Sam high five each other and start laughing while pointing at us. +I nudge Santie and say, “What is wrong with you? Why did you have to do that?” +“He was being mean to you. I was just helping you,” she answers. +“Thanks a lot! I did not ask for your help. Siya is the cutest guy in my class and now I will be the class joke,” I say angrily. +“Is he your boyfriend?” she says rolling her eyes. +“Of course not,” I say. I wish he was my boyfriend, but now he will never be, thanks to her big mouth. +“Oh oh, Thando’s got a boyfriend, Thando’s got a boyfriend …” she chants. +It is at that moment that my mum comes back and asks Santie, “What’s that, Sweetie?” +And Santie says, “Nothing, Auntie. Thando and I were just joking.” +And my mum says, “Okay,” and hands each of us a box of popcorn, a soda and some Smarties. +“Thank you so much, Auntie, this is the best birthday ever,” Santie says kissing my mum’s cheek. +My mum smiles and says, “Oh darling, it’s nothing. I promise to make next year even better.” +Kill me now. This is the worst birthday ever. And it is not even my birthday. Also, Santie is going to be here next year? +When I grow up I want to be a documentary film maker. I am not sure exactly what they do, but a woman who came to our school said that she was one, and it sounded very cool. She said she records stories. So I am recording this story so that when Santie is grown up, she too will remember that this was the worst birthday ever!",eng,English,The worst birthday ever,"Hi, my name is Thando. That’s Zulu for love. My mama says it is because she loves me so much. I live with my mum, my cousin Santie, and my aunt Sallie. Santie and her mum just moved into our place two weeks ago. Auntie Sallie is my mum’s younger ...",,Zukiswa Wanne,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/worst-birthday-ever +worst-birthday-ever,"Hallo, my naam is Thando. Dis Zulu vir liefde. My mamma sê ek het dié naam omdat sy so lief is vir my. Ek woon saam met my ma, my niggie Santie, en my tannie Sallie. Santie en haar ma het eers twee weke gelede by ons ingetrek. Tannie Sallie is my ma se jonger suster. Dit is die eerste keer dat ek haar ontmoet, want ek het gehoor toe Gogo sê haar man wil nie hê sy moet by ons kom kuier nie. Hulle het in Mpumalanga gewoon voor hulle Johannesburg toe gekom het om by ons te kom woon. Ma sê Tannie Sallie het gesinsprobleme en hulle moes toe by ons kom woon. Sy het nooit vir my vertel wat die gesinsprobleme is nie. +Santie is net so oud soos ek. Wel, eintlik nie. Ek is vier maande ouer as sy. +“Drie maande en twintig dae!” skree Santie. +“Dis in elk geval amper vier maande, simpel,” sê ek. +“Nee, dit is nie!” antwoord sy terug. +Soos jy kan sien, is Santie baie stryerig. Ek weet nie hoekom sy daarvan hou om te stry nie. Dis nie eens haar huis nie. Soos ek gesê het − ek moet nou fluister sodat sy my nie onderbreek nie − “Ek is vier maande ouer as sy.” +Vandag is Santie se elfde verjaardag. My ma sê sy gaan dit spesiaal maak. Tannie Sallie moet vanaand gaan werk. Sy het so pas begin werk as ʼn kelnerin by ʼn restaurant in Sandton en kan nie die aand afkry nie. My ma gaan ons dus neem om te gaan fliek. Ons gaan Jock of the Bushveld kyk. +Ek hoop dit gaan pret wees. Ons kan nie wag nie. Of eerder, ek kan nie wag nie. Tot dusver was vandag nie juis pret nie. Elke keer as ek ʼn speletjie wil speel en Santie wil iets anders speel, moet ons doen wat sy wil doen. My ma sê ek moet speel wat Santie wil speel, want dit is haar verjaardag. Ek het ander speletjies probeer voorstel, maar Santie skree elke keer sodat my ma kan hoor: “Maar dis my verjaardag!” Ek hoop nie sy is nog hier as sy weer verjaar nie. +Nadat ons gebad het en dit amper tyd is om fliek toe te gaan, sê ma sy het ʼn present vir my en Santie. Sy het vir ons rokke en skoene gekoop om aan te trek wanneer ons gaan fliek. Sy sê dit is sodat ons soos jong dames kan lyk. Dis so outyds. Hoekom koop sy nie eerder vir ons jeans of iets nie? Santie se rok lyk soos myne, maar dis rooi en myne is geel. En dan het ons nog dieselfde soort skoene ook, maar hare is rooi en myne is geel. Ek haat rokke. Santie is mal oor rokke. +“Ma? Ons is elf, nie sewe nie!” sê ek vir my ma, want ek is verleë oor ons klere wat bymekaar pas. +My ma kyk na my en sê: “Wena, Thando, is dit hoe jy dankie sê? Ek sal daardie rok terugvat na die winkel toe en dan sal jy nie saam met ons gaan fliek nie. Wees tog net so hoflik soos Santie en sê eerder dankie.” +Ek mompel saggies: “Dankie.” +My ma kyk na my en sê: “Ek kan niks hoor nie.” +  +En ek sê weer hard: “Ek het gesê, DANKIE.” +“Dis beter. Gaan trek nou aan,” sê sy. Ek sien Santie glimlag en trek vir my gesig agter my ma se rug. +Ek wens ek kan haar knyp. Sy is so irriterend. +Ons trek klaar aan. Ek haat regtig hierdie rok, maar my ma sê: “Kom ons gaan, meisies.” +Ons volg haar. +Toe ons in die taxi klim om fliek toe te gaan, sê die taxibestuurder: “Jy het darem pragtige dogters, Mevrou.” Ek glimlag, al weet ek ek is mooier as Santie. Maar dan raak ek vies, want hy vra vir my ma: “Is hulle ʼn tweeling?” +En net toe ek wil sê nee, ons is net niggies, sê my ma: “Nee, hulle is net susters.” Sy is nie my suster nie. Sy is my niggie! +Ons kom by die fliek aan en ek hoop ek sien niemand van my skool nie. +En toe gebeur dit. +Terwyl ons vir my ma wag om kaartjies te koop, sien ek hierdie oulike ou van wie ek hou en wat in my klas is. Siya is saam met sy beste maat Sam, en hulle gaan ook fliek. +Hy sê vir my: “Hallo, Thando, is julle nie ’n bietjie oud vir soortgelyke uitrustings nie?” +Sien jy wat ek bedoel? Ek wens die grond wil my insluk. +“Wat het dit met jou te doen? Jy is net ʼn oningeligte outjie wat niks van modes af weet nie!” antwoord Santie. +Agge nee, hoekom het sy dit gesê? +“Ja, wat ook al, Thando se ‘tweeling’,” sê hy en hy en Sam gee vir mekaar ʼn high five en begin lag terwyl hulle na ons wys. +Ek stamp aan Santie en sê: “Wat’s fout met jou? Hoekom het jy dit gedoen?” +“Hy was naar met jou. Ek het jou net gehelp,” antwoord sy. +“Baie dankie! Ek het nie jou hulp gevra nie. Siya is die oulikste ou in my klas en nou sal ek die gek in die klas wees,” sê ek kwaad. +“Is hy jou kêrel?” sê sy en rol haar oë. +“Natuurlik nie,” sê ek. Ek wens hy was my kêrel, maar nou sal hy nooit wees nie, alles oor haar groot mond. +“Oe, oe, Thando het ’n kêrel, Thando het ’n kêrel …” sing sy. +Net toe kom my ma terug en vra vir Santie: “Wat sê jy, skat?” +En Santie sê: “Niks nie, Tannie. Thando en ek maak sommer grappies.” +En my ma sê: “Goed dan,” en sy gee vir elkeen van ons ʼn boks springmielies, ʼn koeldrank en Smarties. +“Baie dankie, Tannie, dis my beste verjaardag ooit,” sê Santie en soen my ma op haar wang. +My ma glimlag en sê: “Ag, skat, dis niks. Ek belowe ek sal dit volgende jaar nog beter maak.” +Laat ek tog nou dood neerslaan. Dit is die slegste verjaardag ooit. En dis nie eens my verjaardag nie. En Santie gaan boonop volgende jaar nog hier wees. +Wanneer ek groot is, wil ek ʼn dokumentêre filmmaker wees. Ek is nie seker presies wat hulle doen nie, maar ʼn vrou het na ons skool toe gekom en gesê sy is een, en dit klink baie cool. Sy het gesê sy teken stories op. Daarom teken ek hierdie storie op, sodat wanneer Santie groot is, sy ook sal onthou dat hierdie die slegste verjaardag ooit was!",afr,Afrikaans,Die slegste verjaardag ooit,"Hi, my name is Thando. That’s Zulu for love. My mama says it is because she loves me so much. I live with my mum, my cousin Santie, and my aunt Sallie. Santie and her mum just moved into our place two weeks ago. Auntie Sallie is my mum’s younger ...",,Zukiswa Wanne,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-slegste-verjaardag-ooit +worst-birthday-ever,"Molweni, igama lam ndinguThando. Umama uthi wandithiya eli gama kuba undithanda kakhulu. Ndihlala nomama, ukanina wam uSantie, kunye nomakazi wam uSallie. USantie kunye nomama wakhe baqale ukuhlala nathi kwiiveki ezimbini ezidlulileyo. Umakazi uSallie ngudade bomama omncinane. Ndiyaqala ukumbona oko ndazalwa kuba ndeva umakhulu esithi umyeni wakhe akafuni asindwendwele. Babehlala eMpumalanga phambi kokuba baze kuhlala nathi eRhawutini. Umama uthi umakazi uSallie waba neengxaki ekhaya ngoko ke kwafuneka ukuba beze kuhlala nathi. Akazange andixelele ukuba yayizingxaki zekhaya zantoni na ezo. +Siyalingana ngeminyaka noSantie. Hayi kodwa, asilingani ncam, mna ndimshiya ngeenyanga ezine. +“Zinyanga ezintathu neentsuku ezingamashumi amabini!” ukhwaze watsho uSantie. +“Hayi suka, iyafana loo nto nje neenyanga ezine, geza ndini,” kutsho mna. +“Hayi ayifani tu!” uphendule ngelitshoyo. +Njengokuba nawe uzivela uSantie uyakuthanda ukuphikisana nabanye. Andazi kutheni enamaphike kangaka. Akukho nakowabo apha. Bendisatsho ke, futhi ngoku kufuneka ndisebeze ukuze angandiva aphazamise kwakhona, “Ndimdala ngeenyanga ezine kuye.” +Namhlanje lusuku lokuzalwa lukaSantie. Ugqiba iminyaka eli-11. Umama uthi uza kulwenza lube lusuku olukhethekileyo. Umakazi uSallie uyaphangela ngokuhlwanje. Usandul’ ukuqeshwa njengeweyitala kwirestyu yaseSandton kwaye akakwazi ukufumana ikhefu lasebusuku. Ngoku ke ngumama oza kusisa kwimiboniso-bhanyabhanya ukuze sibukele othi Jock of the Bushveld. +Ndiyathemba ukuba kuza kuba mnandi. Asikwazi kulinda. Gxebe mandithi, andikwazi kulinda. Namhlanje, ukuza kuthi ga ngoku, akukhange kube mnandi. Ngalo lonke ixesha ndifuna ukudlala umdlalo othile, uSantie ufuna ukudlala omnye, kwaye kufuneka senze into efunwa nguye. Umama uthi mandidlale loo onto ifunwa nguSantie kuba lusuku lwakhe lokuzalwa. Ndizamile ukucela ukuba sidlale omnye umdlalo, kodwa uSantie uvele wakhalela ukuba aviwe ngumama esithi, “Kodwa lusuku lwam lokuzalwa nje!” Ndinethemba lokuba ngosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa olulandelayo uyakuba sele engasekho apha. +Emva kokuba sigqibile ukuhlamba kwaye sele ilixesha lokuya kwimiboniso-bhanyabhanya, umama uthe unesipho sikaSantie nesam. Usithengele iilokhwe nezihlangu ukuze sizinxibe xa sisiya kwimiboniso-bhanyabhanya. Uthi oko ukwenzele ukuze sikhangeleke njengamanenekazi. Wowu ayabi sabaphantsi nje loo nto! Kutheni engasithengelanga iijini okanye ezinye iimpahla? Ilokhwe kaSantie iyafana neyam, kodwa ibomvu lo gama eyam imthubi. Kwakhona sifake isihlangu ezifanayo, qha ezakhe zibomvu ze ezam zibe mthubi. Ndiyazicaphukela iilokhwe. USantie uyazithanda iilokhwe. +“Mama! Sineminyaka elishumi elinanye, hayi esixhenxe!” Nditshilo kumama kuba ndineentloni zezi mpahla zifanayo. +Umama wandijonga wathi, “He wena Thando, yindlela othi enkosi ngayo leyo? Ndakuyithatha loo lokhwe ndiyibuyisele evenkileni kwaye akuyi kuhamba nathi ukuya kwimiboniso-bhanyabhanya. Kutheni ungaqwebi imbeko nje, ufane noSantie uthi enkosi?” +Ngoko nangoko ndiye ndathi, “Enkosi,” ndithethela phantsi. +Umama wandijonga wathi, “Andikuvanga!” +Ndiye ndakhwaza ndathi, “Ndithe ENKOSI.” +“Kwangcono ke. Ngoku hamba uyokutshintsha,” utshilo. Ndibona ngoSantie encumile ending’ong’ozela emva komama. Ingathi ndingakhe ndimtswebe. Uyandicaphukisa. +Siye sagqiba ukunxiba, ndiyicaphukela ngokwenene ke le lokhwe, wabe umama sele esithi, “Masihambeni mantombazana.” Siyamlandela. +Xa singena eteksini sisiya kwimiboniso-bhanyabhanya, umqhubi weteksi uthi, “Azisentle ngako iintombi zakho, Nkosikazi.” Nako ke ndincuma nangona ndisazi nje ukuba ndikhangeleka ngcono kunoSantie. Kodwa ndiye ndakhathazeka kuba ubuze kumama esithi, “Ingaba ngamawele?” +Xa kanye ndiza kuthi hayi, asingomawele, umama wathi, “Hayi, ngumntu nodade wabo nje kuphela.” Akangodade wethu. Ngukanina wam! +Sifikile kwimiboniso-bhanyabhanya kwaye ndithemba ukuba andisayi kubona namnye endimaziyo ovela esikolweni sam. +Yehla ke inkathazo! +Njengokuba silinde umama ukuba athenge amatikiti, ndibone le nkwenkwe inomtsalane nendiyithandayo yaseklasini yam. USiya uhamba nomhlobo wakhe osenyongweni uSam, kwaye nabo baze kubukela imiboniso-bhanyabhanya. +Uthi kum, “Tyhini molo Thando, anikho badala na ukunxiba iimpahla ezifanayo?” +Uyayibona ke le nto bendiyithetha? Ndanga ndingathi vuleka mhlaba ndingene. +“Uyintoni ke wena kuloo nto? Usisidenge senkwenkwe esingazinto ngefashoni!” waphendula uSantie. +Owu Nkosi yam, kutheni esenza le nto nje? +“Yha, akunamsebenzi nokuba uthini na ‘wele’ likaThando”, utshilo waze yena noSam babethana ngezandla baqalisa nokuhleka besolathisana ngathi. +Ndingqinibe uSantie ndathi, “Yintoni ingxaki yakho? Ibikho imfuneko yaloo nto?” +“Ebekugezela. Mna bendisithi ndiyakunceda,” uphendule watsho. +“Enkosi kakhulu! Khange ndicele ncedo kuwe. USiya yeyona nkwenkwe inomtsalane eklasini yam kwaye ngoku ndiza kuba yintlekisa,” nditshilo ngomsindo. +“Ingaba sisinqandamathe sakho?” ubuzile egungquzisa amehlo. +“Hayi akasiso, nditshilo. Ndinqwenela ukuba abesisinqandamathe sam, kodwa ngoku akasoze abe saba siso, ngenxa yaloo mlomo wakho mkhulu. +“Nye-nyenye-nye-nye, uThando unesinqandamathe, uThando unesinqandamathe …” ucule loo ngoma. +Ngawo loo mzuzu kanye kwabe sekufika umama, wabuza kuSantie, “Yintoni leyo, sithandwa?” +USantie uphendule wathi, “Asiyonto, Makazi. UThando kunye nam besiqhulana nje.” +Umama uthe, “Kulungile,” waza wasinika omnye nomnye ibhokisi yepopkhoni, isiselo kunye neeSmarties. +“Enkosi kakhulu, Makazi, olu lolona suku lwam lokuzalwa lumnandi,” utshilo uSantie ephuza umama esidleleni. +Umama uye wancuma wathi, “Owu sithandwa sam, asiyonto nje le. Ndiyathembisa ukuba kulo nyaka uzayo ndiya kwenza ngcono kunoku.” +Kuthi mandife! Olu lolona suku lokuzalwa lwakhe lwalubi. Kwaye asilulo nolwam. Kanti uSantie useza kuba lapha nakulo nyaka uzayo? +Xa ndikhulile ndifuna ukuba ngumenzi wemiboniso-bhanyabhanya ebonisa izinto njengoko zinjalo, iidokhyumentari. Andiqinisekanga ukuba benza ntoni kanye kanye, kodwa inenekazi ebelindwendwele esikolweni lithe lingumenzi wolu hlobo lwemiboniso-bhanyabhanya kwaye oko kuvakele kumnandi kum. Uthe ushicilela amabali. Ngoko ke nam ndishicilela eli bali ukuze xa uSantie ekhulile, abe nokukhumbula ukuba olu yayilolona suku lokuzalwa lwakhe lwalulubi!",xho,isiXhosa,Olona suku lokuzalwa lwakhe lwalu,"Hi, my name is Thando. That’s Zulu for love. My mama says it is because she loves me so much. I live with my mum, my cousin Santie, and my aunt Sallie. Santie and her mum just moved into our place two weeks ago. Auntie Sallie is my mum’s younger ...",,Zukiswa Wanne,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/olona-suku-lokuzalwa-lwakhe-lwalubi +worst-birthday-ever,"Sanibona, igama lami nginguThando. Umama wami uthi yingoba wayengithanda kakhulu. Ngihlala nomama, umzala wami uSantie, nomamncane uSallie. USantie nomama wakhe basanda kufika ukuzohlala nathi emasontweni amabili adlule. Umamncane uSallie ungudadewabo omncane kamama. Ngiyaqala ukuhlangana naye ngoba ngezwa ugogo ethi umyeni wakhe akafuni ukuba asivakashele. Babehlala eMpumalanga ngaphambi kokuba bathuthe bazohlala nathi eGoli. Umama uthi uMamncane uSallie wayenezinkinga ekhaya ngakho kwadingeka ukuthi bazohlala nathi. Akazange angitshele ukuthi zaziyini lezo zinkinga zasekhaya. +Siyalingana ngeminyaka noSantie. Empeleni, hhayi kahle hle, ngimdala kuye ngezinyanga ezine. +“Izinyanga ezintathu nezinsuku ezingamashumi amabili!” kumemeza uSantie. +“Hhayi suka, kuyafana nje nezinyanga ezine,” kusho mina. +“Cha akufani!” kuphendula yena. +Njengoba ubona-ke uSantie uyathanda ukuphikisa abanye. Angazi ukuthi kungani ethanda kangaka ukuphikisa. Akusikho nakubo la. Njengoba bengisasho-ke, futhi kumele ngikuhlebeze lokhu ukuze angangiphazamisi, “Ngimdala kuye ngezinyanga ezine.” +Namhlanje usuku lokuzalwa lukaSantie lweminyaka eyi-11. Umama uthi uzolwenza lube olwekhethelo. Umamncane uSallie uzobe esebenza namhlanje ebusuku. Uqale ukusebenza njengoweta erestorenti yaseSandton futhi akakwazanga ukuthola usuku lwekhefu. Ngakho umama usihambisa emamuvini siyobuka u-Jock of the Bushveld. +Ngiyethemba ukuthi kuzoba mnandi. Asisakwazi ukulinda. Mhlawumbe kungcono ngithi, angisakwazi ukulinda. Usuku lwanamhlanje alukaze lube mnandi kuze kube manje. Njalo uma ngifuna ukudlala umdlalo uSantie ufuna ukudlala enye into, kumele senze into efunwa uyena. Umama uthi kumele ngidlale lokho okufunwa uSantie ngoba usuku lwakhe lokuzalwa. Ngizamile ukucela ukuthi sidlale enye into, kodwa uSantie uvele amemezele ukuthi umama amuzwe, “Kodwa usuku lwami lokuzalwa!” Ngiyethemba ukuthi ngosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa oluzayo uzobe engasekho la. +Ngemuva kokuba sesiqede ukugeza futhi sekuzoshaya isikhathi sokuba siye kumamuvi, umama uthi unesipho sami noSantie. Usithengele izingubo nezicathulo esizozigqoka kumamuvi. Uthi yikhona sizobukeka njengamaleti. Kwaze kwanzima bakwethu! Kodwa, kungani engazange asithengele amajini noma okunye? Ingubo kaSantie ifana neyami, kodwa yona ibomvu, bese eyami iba phuzi. Futhi sifake izicathulo ezifanayo, ukuthi nje ezakhe zibomvu bese ezami ziba phuzi. Ngiyazizonda izingubo ezingamalokwe. USantie yena uyazithanda lezi zingubo. +“Mama! Sineminyaka eyishumi nanye, hhayi eyisikhombisa!” Ngisho kumama ngoba nginamahloni ngalezi zingubo ezifanayo. +Umama uyangibuka bese ethi, “Wena, Thando, ngabe iyona ndlela obonga ngayo leyo? Ngizoyibuyisela esitolo ingubo ungabe usahamba nathi ukuya emamuvini. Kungani ungakhombisi nhlonipho njengoSantie, uthi uyabonga?” +Ngakho ngithi, “Ngiyabonga,” ngingundaza. +Umama uyangibuka bese ethi, “Angikuzwanga.” +Ngiyaphinda futhi ngisho kakhulu, “Ngithe NGIYABONGA.” +“Kuzwakala kangcono-ke lokho. Hamba-ke uyoshintsha manje,” kusho yena. Ngibona uSantie emamatheka engikokozela engabonwa umama. Ngifisa sengathi ngingamncinza. Uyangidina. +Saqede ukugqoka; ngiyizonda ngempela le ngubo. Umama bese ethi, “Asihambeni mantombazane.” Siyamlandela. +Uma sesingena etekisini ukuze siye emamuvini, umshayeli wetekisi uthi, “Waze wanamantombazane amahle, Nkosikazi!” Ngibe sengimamatheka noma ngizazi ukuthi ngibukeka ngimuhle kunoSantie. Kodwa ngiyacasuka uma esebuza umama ukuthi, “Ngabe bangamawele yini?” +Kanti ngesikhathi ngisathi ngizothi cha, singabazala nje, umama athi, “Cha, bangodade.” Akayena kodwa udadewethu. Ungumzala wami! +Safika kumamuvi, kanti ngifisa ukuthi ngingaboni muntu engimazela esikoleni sami. +Yenzeka indaba! +Ngesikhathi silinde umama esayothenga amathikithi, ngibona lo mfana omuhle engimthandayo oseklasini lami. USiya uhamba nomngani wakhe omkhulu uSam, nabo baya emuvini. +Uthi kimina, “Hawu sawubona Thando; uthi asenibadala kakhulu nje ukuthi ningagqoka izingubo ezifanayo?” +Uyayibona-ke le nto engiyishoyo? Ngifisa sengathi ngingathi mhlaba vuleka ngingene. +“Akudokwe eligayelwe wena lelo? Uyisiwula somfana ongazi lutho ngemfashini!” kuphendula uSantie. +Kodwa, Nkosi yami, ukwenzeleni lokhu? +“Yebo, akusizi noma ungathini ‘wele’ likaThando,” usho kanjalo bese yena noSam betibana baqale ukuhleka besikhomba. +Ngiqhukuze uSantie ngendololwane ngithi, “Yini inkinga yakho? Besikhona kodwa isidingo sale nto oyenzile?” +“Ubekugcona. Bengithi ngiyakusiza,” kuphendula yena. +“Ngiyabonga kakhulu! Angizange ngilucele usizo lwakho. USiya ungumfana omuhle ukudlula bonke eklasini lami, manje sengizoba inhlekisa yeklasi lonke,” ngisho ngokuthukuthela. +“Ngabe uyisoka lakho?” esho engigingqela amehlo akhe. +“Chabo,” kusho mina. Ngifisa sengathi ngabe uyisoka lami, manje ngeke esaba yilo ngenxa yalo mlomo wakhe omkhulu. +“Ihe, uThando unesoka, uThando unesoka …” kucula yena. +Umama ubuya ngaleso sikhathi bese ebuza uSantie, “Uthini, sithandwa?” +USantie bese ethi, “Lutho, Mamkhulu. Besizincokolela nje noThando.” +Umama uthi, “Kulungile-ke,” bese esinikeza ngamunye ibhokisi lamaphophukhoni, isiphuzo esihlwahlwazayo nama-Smarties. +“Ngibonga kakhulu, Mamkhulu, lolu usuku lokuzalwa oludlula zonke,” kusho uSantie eqabula umama esihlathini. +Umama uyamamatheka bese ethi, “Hhayi, sithandwa sami, akulutho nje lokhu. Ngithembisa ukwenza unyaka ozayo ube ngcono kakhulu.” +Kuthi mangife! Lolu usuku lokuzalwa olubi kunazo zonke. Futhi akulona nosuku lwami lokuzalwa. Kanti uSantie uzobe ela futhi nangonyaka ozayo? +Uma sengimdala ngifuna ukuba ngumenzi wamafilimu achaza okuthile okwenzekile, amadokhumentari. Anginaqiniso ukuthi benzani, kodwa owesifazane owayeze esikoleni wathi wenza lokhu, kanti kwakuzwakala kuyinto edlisayo. Wathi uqopha izindaba. Ngakho ngiqopha le ndaba ukuze athi lapho uSantie esekhulile, naye akhumbule ukuthi lolu kwakuwusuku lokuzalwa olubi kunazo zonke!",zul,isiZulu,Usuku lokuzalwa olubi kunazo zonke,"Hi, my name is Thando. That’s Zulu for love. My mama says it is because she loves me so much. I live with my mum, my cousin Santie, and my aunt Sallie. Santie and her mum just moved into our place two weeks ago. Auntie Sallie is my mum’s younger ...",,Zukiswa Wanne,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/usuku-lokuzalwa-olubi-kunazo-zonke +worst-birthday-ever,"Dumela, leina la ka ke nna Thando. Ke leina la seZulu leo le rago gore lerato. Mma o re ke ka lebaka la gore o nthata kudu. Ke dula le mma, motswala Santie, le mmane Sallie. Santie le mmagwe ba sa tšo hudugela ka gešo dibeke tše pedi tša go feta. Mmane Sallie ke moratho wa mma wa mosadi. Ke la mathomo ke kopana le yena ka gobane nkile ka utswa ka tsebe koko a re monna wa gagwe o be a sa nyake a re etela. Ba be ba dula Mpumalanga pele ba hudugela Johannesburg go tla go dula le rena. Mma o re Mmane Sallie o be a na le mathata a ka lapeng ka fao ba ile ba swanela go tla go dula le rena. Ga se nke a ntlhalosetša mathata ao a lapa. +Santie o lekana le nna ka mengwaga. Efela, e sego ka nnete, ke mo feta ka dikgwedi tše nne. +“Dikgwedi tše tharo le matšatši a masomepedi!” gwa goeletša Santie. +“Go no swana le ge e le dikgwedi tše nne, ke botlaela seo,” ka realo. +“Aowa, ga go bjalo!” a fetola. +Bjalo ka ge o bona, Santie o rata manganga. Ga ke tsebe gore ke ka lebaka la eng a rata manganga. Le go ba ka gabo ga se ka gabo ka mo. Bjale ka ge ke be ke bolela, ke swanetše go hebaheba ka ga se gore a se ntsene ganong, “Ke mo feta ka dikgwedi tše nne.” +Lehono ke letšatši la matswalo a Santie gomme o fetša mengwaga ye11. Mma o re o tla dira gore e be letšatši le kgethegilego. Mathapama a lehono Mmane Sallie o tla be a le mošomong. O sa tšwa go thoma mošomo wa go fa batho dijo ditafoleng restorenteng kua Sandton, ka fao a ka se dumelelwe go lofa mošomong bošego. Mma o re iša dimobing go bogela Jock of the Bushveld. +Ke holofela gore re tla ipshina. Re fela pelo. Goba, ke fela pelo. Ga se ka ipshina ka letšatši la lehono. Nako le nako ge ke nyaka go bapala papadi Santie le yena a nyaka go bapala papadi ye nngwe gomme re swanela go bapala ye e nyakwago ke yena. Mma o re ke swanetše go bapala ye e nyakwago ke Santie ka lebaka la gore ke letšatši la gagwe la matswalo. Ke lekile go šišinya gore re bapale ye nngwe fela, efela Santie ka dinako tšohle o a goeletša gore mma a mo kwe, “Efela ke letšatši la ka la matswalo!” Ke holofela gore ge letšatši la gagwe la matswalo la go latela le fihla a be a se gona mo. +Morago ga go fetša go hlapa ebile nako ya go ya dimobing e šetše e batamela, mma o ile a re o reketše nna le Santie dimpho. O re reketše diroko le dieta tše re tla di aparago ge re eya dimobing. O re o nyaka gore re lebelelege bjalo ka basadi. Se ga se thabiše. Ke ka lebaka la eng a sa re rekela dijini goba se sengwe? Roko ya Santie e swana le ya ka, efela ke ye hubedu gomme ya ka ke ye serolane. Re na le diphere tša dieta tša go swana ntle le gore phere ya gagwe ke ye hubedu gomme ya ka ke ye serolane. Ke hloile diroko. Santie o rata diroko. +“Mma? Re na le mengwaga ye lesometee e sego ye šupa!” Ke botša mma ka gobane ke gakantšhwa ke diaparo tša go swana. +Mma o ile a ntebelela a re, “Wena, Thando, ke yona tsela ya go leboga yona yeo? Ke tla bušetša roko yeo lebenkeleng gomme o ka se ye le rena dimobing. Ke ka lebaka la eng o sa be le botho bjalo ka Santie wa leboga?” +Ke realo, “Ke a leboga,” ka tlase ga mohemo. +Mma o ile a ntebelela a re, “Ga se ka go kwa.” +Ka boeletša ka go hlaboša, “Ke rile KE A LEBOGA.” +“Go kaone. Bjale sepela o tšhentšhe diaparo,” a realo. Ke ile ka bona Santie a myemyela a bile ntšhetša leleme ka mo morago ga mma. O ka re nka mo soba. O a tena. +Re fetša go apara, roko ye ke e hloile, gomme a re, “A re sepeleng basetsana.” Re ile ra mo šala morago. +Ge re tsena ka thekising goya dimobing, mootledi wa thekisi a re, “O na le barwedi ba ba botse bjang, Mma.” Ke ile ka myemyela le ge ke tseba gore ke yo mobotse go feta Santie. Efela morago ke ile ka befelwa ka gobane o ile a botšiša Mma a re, “Na ke mafahla?” +Ge ke šetše ke le kgauswi le gore aowa, re no ba batswala fela, mma wa ka a re, “Aowa, ke bana ba motho.” Ga se sesi wa ka. Ke motswala! +Re fihlile dimobing gomme ke holofela gore ke se bone le o tee yo ke mo tsebago sekolong. +Gomme, gwa direga bjalo. +Ge re sa emetše mma a reka ditekete, ke ile ka bona mošemane yo mobotse wa go nkgahla yo ke tsenago le yena phapošiborutelong e tee. Siya o sepela le mogwera wa gagwe wa kgonthe Sam gomme le bona ba ya ka dimobing. +O re go nna, “Dumela Thando, nkane le apara diaparo tša go swana le le bagolo bjalo?” +Wa bona bjale? O kare lebato le ka bulega ka tsena. +“Ke eng tšona tšeo? O jo ba mošemane wa setlaela wa go se tsebe fišene!” gwa araba Santie. +OMW, ke ka lebaka la eng a dira se? +“Ee, le ge o ka reng wena lefahla la Thando,” a realo gomme yena le Sam ba bethantšha diatla godimo gomme ba thoma go sega ba le gare ba re šupa. +Ke kgwathile Santie ka re, “Bothata bja gago ke eng? O be o direla eng seo?” +“O be a go kodutla. Nna ke be ke go thuša,” a realo. +“Ke a leboga! Ga senke ka kgopela thušo go wena. Siya ke mošemane yo mobotse kudu ka phapošiborutelong ya rena, bjale ke ya go fetoga metlae ka go phapošiborutelo,” ka realo ka go befelwa. +“Ke lesogana la gago?” a realo a phethola mahlo. +“Aowa,” ka realo. Ke duma ge nkabe e le lesogana la ka, efela seo se ka se sa kgonega, ke leboga molomo wa gagwe o mogolo. +“Hee hee, Thando o na le lesogana, Thando o na le lesogana …” o a opela. +Mma o ile a boya gomme a botšiša Santie, “Ke eng seo, Moratiwa?” +Santie a re, “Ga go selo, Mmane. Nna le Thando re be re ipapalela fela.” +Mma o ile a re, “Go lokile,” gomme a fa mongwe le mongwe lepokisi la dithuthupe, seno le malekere a Smarties. +“Ke leboga kudu, Mmane, le ke letšatši la matswalo le le bose kudu,” Santie a realo a atla mma lerameng. +Mma o ile a myemyela a re, “Hee moratiwa, se ga se selo. Ke tshephiša go dira bokaone go feta mo ngwaga wo o tlago.” +Mpolaye gona bjale. Le ke letšatši la matswalo le lebelebe. Ebile ga se letšatši la matswalo a ka. Le gona, Santie o tla be a sa le mo le ngwaga wo o tlago? +Ge ke gola ke nyaka go ba modiri wa difilimi tša tokumentari. Ga ke na bonnete bja gore ba dira eng, efela mosadi yo a bego a tlile sekolong o re o be a dira mošomo woo, gomme o be o kwagala e le mošomo o mobose. O rile o rekhota dikanegelo. Bjalo ke rekhota kanegelo ye gore Santie le yena mohla a gotše, a gopole gore le e bile letšatši la matswalo le lebelebe!",nso,Sepedi,Letšatši la matswalo le lebelebe,"Hi, my name is Thando. That’s Zulu for love. My mama says it is because she loves me so much. I live with my mum, my cousin Santie, and my aunt Sallie. Santie and her mum just moved into our place two weeks ago. Auntie Sallie is my mum’s younger ...",,Zukiswa Wanne,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/letšatši-la-matswalo-le-lebelebe +worst-birthday-ever,"Dumelang, lebitso la ka ke Thando. Lena ke lentswe la Sezulu le bolelang lerato. Mme wa ka o re ke hobane a nthata haholo. Ke dula le mme wa ka, motswala wa ka Santie, le mmangwane wa ka Sallie. Santie le mme wa hae ba sa tswa tla dula le rona lapeng dibekeng tse pedi tse fetileng. Mmangwane Sallie ke nnake wa mme wa ka. Ke kgetlo la pele ke kopana le yena hobane ke ne ke ile ka utlwa nkgono a re monna wa hae o ne a sa batle hore a re etele. Ba ne ba dula Mpumalanga pele ba fallela Johannesburg ho tla dula le rona. Mme wa ka o re Mmangwane Sallie o ne a e na le mathatanyana a ka lapeng kahoo ba ile ba tlameha ho tla dula le rona. Ha a ka a mpolella hore mathata ao ke a eng. +Santie ke thaka ya ka. Tjhe, kwana, ke mo sia ka dikgwedi tse nne. +“Dikgwedi tse tharo le matsatsi a mashome a mabedi!” Ho hoeletsa Santie. +“Tloha mona, ho a tshwana, e ntse e le dikgwedi tse nne,” ke rialo. +“Tjhe, ha ho jwalo,” a araba. +Jwaloka ha le iponela, Santie o manganga. Ha ke tsebe hore ke hobaneng a rata ho ngangisana. Ha se le habo mona. Jwaloka ha ke boletse, mme ke tlameha ho e hweshetsa taba ena hore a se ke a nkena hanong hape, “Ke mo sia ka dikgwedi tse nne.” +Kajeno ke letsatsi la tswalo la Santie la dilemo tse 11. Mme wa ka o re o tlo le etsa ebe le kgethehileng. Mmangwane Sallie o tla be a sebetsa bosiung bona. O sa tswa qala mosebetsi wa ho tlisetsa batho dijo ditafoleng resetjhurenteng mane Sandton mme ha a ya kgona ho fumana bosiu bo le bong ba ho phomola. Kahoo mme wa ka o a re ntsha ho ya sinema re ilo shebella Jock of the Bushveld.  +Ke tshepa hore ho tla ba monate. Re se re tatile. Kapa e re ke re, ke tatile. Kajeno ho hang ha ho so be monate. Ka nako tsohle ha ke batla ho bapala papadi e itseng, Santie o batla ho bapala enngwe, ebe re tlameha ho etsa seo a se batlang. Mme wa ka o re ke tshwanetse ho bapala papadi eo Santie a e batlang hobane ke letsatsi la hae la tswalo kajeno. Ke lekile ho sisinya hore re bapale ntho e nngwe, empa Santie o dula a hoeletsa hore mme a tle a mo utlwe, “Empa ke letsatsi la ka la tswalo!” Ke tshepa hore lekgatheng le tlang ha a ba le letsatsi la tswalo, o tla be a se a sa dule mona. +Kamora ho ba re itlhatswitse mme e se e le nako ya hore re ye sinema, mme a re o na le mpho ya ka le ya Santie. O re reketse mese le dieta tseo re tla di apara ho ya sinema. A re ke hobane a batla hore re shebahale jwaloka barwetsana ba hlomphehang. Atjhe, o a nyahamisa ruri. Bathong, hobaneng a sa ka a re rekela dijini kapa ho hong feela? Mose wa Santie o tshwana le wa ka, empa o mofubedu mme ha wa ka o le mosehla. Ebile bobedi ba rona re na le dieta tse tshwanang ntle feela le hore dieta tsa hae di kgubedu mme tsa ka di tshehla. Ha ke rate mese. Santie o rata mese haholo. +“Mme? Re na le dilemo tse leshome le motso o mong, e seng tse supileng!” Ka rialo ho mme hobane ke swabiswa ke diaparo tsena tse tshwanang. +Mme a ntjheba yaba o re, “Wena, Thando, na ke yona tsela ya ho leboha yona eo? Ke tla nka mose oo ke o busetse lebenkeleng mme o ke ke wa ya le rona sinema. Hobaneng o sa ikokobetse jwaloka Santie o re feela ke a leboha?” +Yaba ke re, “Ke a leboha,” ka moya o fatshe. +Mme a ntjheba yaba o re, “Ha ke a o utlwa.” +Yaba ke phahamisa lentswe ka nto pheta hape ka re, “Ke itse KE A LEBOHA.” +“Ha se moo hee. Jwale tsamayang le ilo apara,” a rialo. Ka bona Santie a bonya a ba a nnyotolela leleme a eme kamora mme. Yaka nka mo tsipa. Hee o a tena. +Ra qeta ho apara, ke fela ke sa rate mose ona, yaba mme o re, “Ha re yeng, banana.” Ra mo latela. +Ha re palama tekesi ho ya sinema, mokganni wa tekesi a re, “O na le baradinyana ba batle jwang feela, Mme.” Yaba ke a bososela le ha ke tseba hore nna ke motle ho feta Santie. Empa jwale ka teneha ha a botsa mme wa ka, “Na ke mafahla?” +Yare feela moo ke reng ke tla re tjhe, re bomotswala feela, mme a be a se are, “Tjhe ke bana ba motho feela.” Ha se ngwaneso. Ke motswala! +Ra fihla sinema mme ke ne ke tshepa hore ha ho motho eo ke tla mmona ho bao ke kenang sekolo le bona. +Yaba ho a etsahala. +Ha re sa emetse mme ho ya reka ditekete, ka bona moshanyana yane e motlenyana eo ke mo ratang ka phaposing ya rona, Siya, a tsamaya le motswalle wa hae wa hlooho ya kgomo, Sam, mme le bona ba tlile sinema. +Yaba o re ho nna, “Helang, dumela Thando, na ha o moholo haholo hore o ka apara mafeto a diaparo le motho e mong?” +O a bona he ntho eo ke neng ke bua ka yona? Ekare lefatshe le ka ngamoha ka kena. +“O tshwenngwa ke eng wena? O lathalatha feela ya moshanyana ya sa tsebeng letho ka feshene!” ha araba Santie. +Ao Basadi! Hobaneng a buile jwalo? +“Oho, ha ho na taba, ‘lefahlanyana’ la Thando,” a rialo mme yena le Sam ba otlana ka matsoho mme ba qala ho tsheha ba ntse ba re supa. +Ka kgitla Santie ka setsu mme ka re, “Ke eng ka wena? Hobaneng o entse ntho e jwalo?” +“O ne a o tlwaela hampe. Ke ne ke mpa ke thusa wena,” a araba jwalo. +“Ke leboha haholo hee! Ho hang ke ne ke sa o kopa thuso. Siya ke yena ya motle ka ho fetisisa ka phaposing ya ka mme jwale nna ke tlilo fetoha motshewa ka phaposing ya borutelo,” ka rialo ka mabefi. +“Na ke mohlankana wa hao?” a botsa a kweletsa mahlo. +“Tjhe bo!” ka rialo. Hoja e ne e le mohlankana wa ka, jwale seo se ke ke sa hlola se etsahala, ka lebaka la molomo wa hae o moholo. +“Halala, Thando o na le mohlankana, Thando o na le mohlankana.” A bina a ntse a thenthetsa. +Ka ona motsotso oo mme a kgutla mme a botsa Santie, “Ke eng eo, Ratu?” +Yaba Santie o re, “Ha ho letho, Nkgono. Nna le Thando re ntse re iketsetsa metlae feela.” +Mme wa ka a re, “Ho lokile,” yaba o fa e mong le e mong lebokoso la diqhome (popcorn), senomaphodi le dipompong tsa Smarties. +“Ke leboha haholo, Nkgono, lena ke letsatsi la tswalo le monate ka ho fetisisa,” Santie a rialo a suna mme lerameng. +Mme a bososela mme are, “Ao rato la ka, ha se letho hle. Ke o tshepisa hore isao ho tla ba monate le ho feta.” +Mpolaeng, mpolaeng bo. Lena ke letsatsi la tswalo le lebe ka ho fetisisa. Empa e se letsatsi la ka la tswalo. Jwale hape, Santie o ntse a tla ba kwano isao? +Ha ke hola ke batla ho ba moetsi wa difilimi tsa tlhakisetso (documentary). Ha ke na bonnete hantle hore na ba etsa eng, empa mosadi ya kileng a tla sekolong sa rona o ile a re o etsa ntho eo, mme e ne e utlwahala e kgahlisa. O ile a re o rekota dipale. Kahoo ke rekota pale ena e le hore mohla Santie a seng a hodile, le yena o tla hopola hore letsatsi lena e ne e le le lebe ka ho fetisisa la tswalo!",sot,Sesotho,Letsatsi la tswalo le lebe ka ho fetisis,"Hi, my name is Thando. That’s Zulu for love. My mama says it is because she loves me so much. I live with my mum, my cousin Santie, and my aunt Sallie. Santie and her mum just moved into our place two weeks ago. Auntie Sallie is my mum’s younger ...",,Zukiswa Wanne,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/letsatsi-la-tswalo-le-lebe-ka-ho-fetisisa +sefudis-sadness,"Sefudi likes to wonder about things, and before the Sadness came to settle in his heart, he liked to draw. He didn’t have paper and pencils but he drew with sticks and reeds and pieces of coal. He drew on his hands. He drew on his legs. He drew on the stones outside. He even drew on the walls of his house when his father wasn’t looking. +Before the Sadness came, there were many days that Sefudi’s mother was so sick that she couldn’t get out of bed. Every day the sickness stole more of the colour from her face and more of the flesh from her bones and more of the life out of her body. Until one day Sefudi heard the saddest voice that ever-there-was. It was a voice made strange by the sadness, but it was the voice of his father. The voice said, ‘Your beloved mother has gone.’ +After that the sunshine went out of Sefudi’s heart and the sounds of laughter went out of his house and he didn’t want to draw. Ever again. The ache in his heart was MUCH bigger than the ache in his tummy when he had not eaten for the whole day. His heartache was so big that it took three years before the river of tears started spilling out of him. +On that day Sefudi was lying in his bed staring out the window. A big silvery moon was rising in the sky and a blanket of night was spreading over the world around him. He was feeling sleepy and he was wondering about something strange that a silly boy at school had said. This boy, who always thought he knew everything, had said, “Whoever fetches and carries wood on a Sunday will be sent to live on the moon forever”. +Sefudi wondered if people could really live on the moon. He was always wondering about things and he wondered about this for a long time until he fell asleep. While he slept he had a dream. In his dream he saw a lady on the moon carrying a bundle of wood on her head. In his dream he called out “LADY ON THE MOON, LADY ON THE MOON, IS MY MOTHER THERE WITH YOU? IF SHE IS, PLEASE SEND HER BACK TO ME.” +When he woke up the River of Sadness was rolling down his cheeks. There were millions and trillions of tears spilling out of him. They poured onto his tummy and they spilled onto his pillow and they ended up in a big pool in his bed. +The next day, Sefudi’s heart didn’t feel quite as heavy as before because he wasn’t carrying all those millions and trillions of tears inside him anymore. +But he still didn’t feel like drawing. +That night he dreamt again about a lady on the moon. This time her face was shining with love and kindness in the way that his mother’s face used to shine when she looked at him. She was carrying a big box of coloured crayons and big sheets of sparkling white paper. When he woke up she was gone, but she had left a smile in his heart. In the days and weeks after that, Sefudi started to laugh a little. +And he started to draw. A lot. +He drew on his hands and his arms and his legs and on his school desk and sometimes when he just couldn’t help himself he drew on the blackboard when the teacher wasn’t looking. One day his teacher became so tired of telling him to clean himself and everything else that she gave him a drawing book and a box of coloured pencils and his smile was the biggest smile that ever-there-was. And when Sefudi saw his brightly coloured pictures grow out of the sparkling white paper his heart began to sing. +As he grew older Sefudi’s drawings became more and more marvellous. His teachers and his aunts and his uncles and his father and his father’s friends said that he was a special boy with a special gift, because when they looked at his pictures the sunny colours melted some of the sadness in their hearts. And when they listened to the stories that the pictures told them, they understood things that they had never understood before. +Sefudi didn’t tell them about those strange and wonderful dreams. He didn’t tell them about the dream which caused the river of Sadness to pour down his cheeks. He didn’t tell them about the dream which planted a smile in his heart. +But some nights when the moon was a big silvery ball in the sky, and the darkness was silent and full of secrets, he looked for the Lady on the Moon. And the thought he saw her. Smiling.",eng,English,Sefudi's sadness,"Sefudi likes to wonder about things, and before the Sadness came to settle in his heart, he liked to draw. He didn’t have paper and pencils but he drew with sticks and reeds and pieces of coal. He drew on his hands. He drew on his legs. He drew on ...",,Donvé Lee,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sefudis-sadness +sefudis-sadness,"Sefudi wonder graag oor dinge, en voordat die Hartseer in sy hart gekom het, het hy graag geteken. Hy het nie papier of potlode gehad nie, maar hy het met stokkies en rietjies en stukke steenkool geteken. Hy het op sy hande geteken. Hy het op sy bene geteken. Hy het buite op die klippe geteken. Hy het selfs, wanneer sy pa nie gekyk het nie, op die mure van hul huis geteken. +Voordat die Hartseer gekom het, was Sefudi se mamma baie dae so siek dat sy nie uit die bed kon opstaan nie. Die siekte het elke dag meer van die kleur in haar gesig laat verdwyn, sy het al hoe maerder en al hoe swakker geword. Op ’n dag hoor Sefudi die hartseerste stem in-die-hele-wêreld. Die Hartseer het die stem heeltemal anders laat klink, maar dit was sy pa se stem. Die stem het gesê: ‘Jou liewe mamma is weg’. +Van toe af het die sonskyn in Sefudi se hart verdwyn, en niemand in die huis het meer gelag nie en hy wou nie meer teken nie. Nooit weer nie. Die pyn in sy hart was BAIE erger as die pyn in sy maag as hy ’n hele dag lank niks geëet het nie. Sy hart was so seer dat dit drie jaar geneem het voordat daar vir die eerste keer trane uit sy oë gekom het. +Dit was die dag toe Sefudi op sy bed gelê en deur die venster gestaar het. Die groot, silwer maan het opgekom en die nag het soos ’n kombers oor die wêreld om hom gevou. Hy was vaak en het sommer gelê en wonder oor iets eienaardig wat ’n lawwe seun by die skool gesê het. Dié seun, wat altyd gedink het hy weet alles, het gesê:  ‘Enigeen wat op ’n Sondag hout optel en aandra, sal vir altyd op die maan moet gaan woon’. +Sefudi het gewonder of ’n mens regtig op die maan kan woon. Hy het altyd oor dinge gewonder, en hy het lank daaroor gedink voordat hy aan die slaap geraak het. En toe droom hy. Hy droom hy sien ’n vrou op die maan wat ’n bondel hout op haar kop dra. In sy droom roep hy ‘VROU OP DIE MAAN, VROU OP DIE MAAN, IS MY MAMMA DAAR BY JOU? AS SY IS, STUUR HAAR ASSEBLIEF TERUG NA MY TOE’. +Toe hy wakker word, vloei die Rivier van Hartseer oor sy wange. Miljoene, triljoene trane stroom uit sy oë. Hulle loop tot op sy maag en rol tot op sy kussing en vorm ’n groot plas in sy bed. +Die volgende dag was Sefudi se hart nie heeltemal so swaar soos voorheen nie, want hy het nie meer daardie miljoene, triljoene trane met hom saamgedra nie. +Maar hy was nog nie lus om te teken nie. +Daardie nag het hy weer van ’n vrou op die maan gedroom. Hierdie keer was haar gesig liefdevol en vriendelik, en net so stralend soos sy mamma se gesig altyd was wanneer sy na hom gekyk het. Sy het ’n groot doos kleurkryte en groot velle blinkwit papier by haar gehad. Toe hy wakker word, was sy nie meer daar nie, maar daar was ’n glimlag in sy hart. Hierna het Sefudi so nou en dan ’n bietjie gelag. +En hy het begin teken. Sommer baie. +Hy het op sy hande en sy arms en sy bene en op sy skoolboek geteken, en soms, as hy nie anders kon en sy juffrou hom nie gesien het nie, het hy selfs op die swartbord geteken.  Op ’n dag was sy so moeg daarvan om te sê hy moet homself en alles om hom skoonmaak, dat sy vir hom ’n tekenboek en ’n doos kleurpotlode gegee het.  Sy glimlag was die breedste in-die-hele-wêreld. En toe Sefudi sien hoe die helderkleurige prente uit die blinkwit papier kom, het sy hart begin sing. +Sefudi het ouer geword, en sy tekeninge het al hoe mooier geword. Sy onderwysers en sy tantes en sy ooms en sy pa en sy pa se vriende het almal gesê hy is ’n spesiale seun met ’n spesiale talent, want wanneer hulle na sy tekeninge gekyk het, het die sonnige kleure die hartseer in hul harte laat verdwyn. En wanneer hulle geluister het na die verhale wat die tekeninge vertel, het hulle dinge verstaan wat hulle nog nooit voorheen kon verstaan nie. +Sefudi het hulle nooit van die vreemde, wonderlike drome vertel nie. Hy het hulle nie vertel van die droom wat die Rivier van Hartseer oor sy wange laat stroom het nie. Hy het hulle niks vertel van die droom wat die glimlag in sy hart gebring het nie. +Maar soms, wanneer die maan soos ’n groot silwer bal in die lug gehang het en die donker doodstil en vol geheime was, het hy weer die Vrou in die Maan gesoek. En gedink hy sien haar. En haar glimlag.",afr,Afrikaans,Sefudi se hartseer,"Sefudi likes to wonder about things, and before the Sadness came to settle in his heart, he liked to draw. He didn’t have paper and pencils but he drew with sticks and reeds and pieces of coal. He drew on his hands. He drew on his legs. He drew on ...",,Donvé Lee,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sefudi-se-hartseer +sefudis-sadness,"USefudi uthanda ukumangala ngezinto, kanti ngaphambi kokuba inhliziyo yakhe igcwale Ukujabha, wayethanda ukudweba. Wayangenalo iphepha kanye nepensela yokudweba, kodwa wayedweba ngothi kanye nomhlanga, kanye nezinqamu zelahle. Wayedweba ezandleni zakhe. Wayedweba ezinyaweni zakhe. Wayedweba ematsheni ngaphandle. Wayedweba nasobondeni lwendlu yakubo lapho ubaba wakhe engabhekile. +Ngaphambi kokuba Ukujabha kumongamele, kwakukhona izinsuku eziningi lapho umama kaSefudi ayegula khona kakhulu engakwazi nokuvuka embhedeni. Nsuku zonke ukugula kwakuya ngokumunca umbala ebusweni bakhe kanti futhi bumunca nesikhumba sakhe emathanjeni kanye nokumunca impilo yakhe emzimbeni wakhe. Kwaze kwathi ngelinye ilanga uSefudi wezwa izwi elijabhe kakhulu ayengakaze alizwe ngaphambilini. Kwakuyizwi elizwakala lingavamile ngenxa yokujabha, kodwa kwakuyizwi likababa wakhe. Izwi lathi, ‘Intandokazi umama wakho usesishiyile’ +Ngemuva kwalokho ilanga lashona enhliziyweni kaSefudi, kanti nokuhleka kwaphela ekhaya kubo, futhi wayengasafuni nakudweba. +Akaphindanga nakanye. Ubuhlungi enhliziyweni yakhe BABUBUKHULU, bedlula nobuhlungu ayebuzwa esiswini lapho engadlile lonke usuku. Ubuhlungu benhliziyo babubukhulu kangangokuba bathatha iminyaka emithathu ngaphambi kokuba umfula wezinyembezi ugcwale uphuphume. +Ngalelo langa uSefudi wayelele embhedeni wakhe ebheke ngaphandle kwefasitela. Wabona inyanga eyisiliva iqala ukuphakama phezulu esibhakabhakeni kanye nengubo yobusuku yenabela kuwo wonke umhlaba imemboza. Wayozela ephethwe ubuthongo, kanti kukhona okwakummangaza ngaloya mfana owayezenza ohlakaniphe kakhuku esikoleni. Lo mfana owayecabanga ukuthi wazi yonke into, wayethe, “Noma ngubani otheza izinkuni ngeSonto, uyothunyelwa enyangeni ahlale khona unomphela”. +USefudi wayemangele ukuthi ngabe ngempela abantu bangahlala enyangeni. Wayehlala emmangala ngezinto ezinjalo kanti
futhi wammangala ngalento isikhathi eside waze wafikelwa ubuthongo. Lapho elele waphupha. Ephupheni lakhe wabona intombi enyangeni ithwele inyanda yezinkuni ekhanda layo. Ephupheni lakhe wamemeza wathi “NTOKAZI ESENYANGENI, NTOKAZI ESENYANGENI, NGABE UMAMA WAMI ULAPHO NAWE? UMA ELAPHO, NGICELA UMTHUMELE KIMI ABUYELE KIMI.” +Ngalobo busuku waphupha futhi ephupha intombi enyangeni. Manje ubuso bayo babucwebezela ngothando kanye nomusa ngendlela ubuso bukamama wakhe babuba ngayo lapho embheka Wayephethe ibhokisi elikhulu lamakhrayoni emibala-bala kanye namaphepha amhlophe acwebezelayo. Lapho evuka, wayengekho, kodwa wayeshiye ukumoyizela enhliziyweni yakhe. Izinsuku ezilandela lolo suku, uSefudi waqala ukuhleka kancane. +Kanti futhi waqala ukudweba. Kakhulu. +Wayedweba ezandleni zakhe, emikhonweni yakhe kanye nasezinyaweni zakhe kanye nasedeskini lakhe esikoleni, kwezinye izikhathi wayedweba nasebhodini elimnyama lapho uthisha engamboni. Ngelinye ilanga, uthisha wakhe wase ekhathele ukumtshela ukuthi akayozihlamba imidwebo, ngakhoke wamnikeza ibhuku lokudweba kanye nebhokisi lamapensela emibala-bala, uSefuda wamoyizela kakhulu ngendlela ayengakaze amoyizele ngayo. Lapho uSefudi ebona isithombe semibala- bala sikhula ephepheni elicwebezelayo, inhliziyo yakhe yaqala ukucula. +Njengoba uSefudi ekhula, imidwebo yakhe yaya nayo iba ngenhle ngokuyisimanga kakhulu. Othisha bakhe kanye nomamncane nomamkhulu kanye nobaba wakhe omncane, kanye nabangani bakababa wakhe bathi lomfana ngobalulekile futhi unesipho esibalulekile, ngoba lapho bebona izithombe zakhe, imibala yazo yayincibilikisa ukujabha ezinhliziyweni zabo. Kanti lapho belalela izindaba zezithombe zakhe, babeqondisisa izinto ababengazange baziqondisise ngaphambilini. +USefudi akazange abatshele ngamaphupho akhe angavamile nayisimanga. Akazange abatshele ngephupho elenza ukuthi umfula wezinyembezi zakhe ugobhozela ezihlathini zakhe. Akazange abatshele ngephupho lakhe elenza ukuthi amoyizele enhliziyweni yakhe. +Kodwa ngobunye ubusuku lapho inyanga iyinkulu icwebezela njengesiliva esibhakabhakeni, kanti ubumnyama buthule bugcwele izimfihlo, wayebheka phezulu ebheka Intombi eseNyangeni. Futhi acabange ukuthi uyibonile. Amoyizele.",xho,isiXhosa,Ukujabha kukaSefud,"Sefudi likes to wonder about things, and before the Sadness came to settle in his heart, he liked to draw. He didn’t have paper and pencils but he drew with sticks and reeds and pieces of coal. He drew on his hands. He drew on his legs. He drew on ...",,Donvé Lee,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ukujabha-kukasefudi +sefudis-sadness,"USefudi uyathanda ukuthabatheka zizinto. Phambi kokuba iiNtsizi zimfikele, wayethanda ukuzoba. Wayengenalo iphepha neepensile zokuzoba, wayesebenzisa izinti, iingcongolo kunye nomsizi wamalahle ukuzoba. Wayezizoba izandla, azizobe imilenze, azobe nakumatye ayengaphandle kwikhaya lakhe. Wayede azobe nasezindongeni zendlu yakokwabo akuba kude neliso likatata wakhe. +Phambi kokuba zimfikele iiNtsizi, umama wakeh uSefudi kwakusele kulithuba egula kangangokuba wayengasakwazi nokuphakama emandlalweni wakhe. Njengokuba iintsuku zazisiya zihamba, nempilo yakhe yayisiba nkene-nkene ngokuba nkene-nkene. Isigulo sakhe sasiyixhwitha inyama emathanjeni akhe, nobomi emzimbeni wakhe. Kwathi ngenye imini ehleli uSefudi, weva elona lizwi lakha lalusizi. Yayililizwi elavakala lingaqhelekanga, phofu lisenziwa lusizi, yayililizwi likatata wakhe. Lavakala elo lizwi lisithi, ‘Umama wakho oyintandane usishiyile.’ +Emva koko, latshona emini ilanga kuSefudi, ukuhleka nolonwabo zaphela ekhayeni lakhe, waphelelwa ngumdla wokuzoba. Waphela nya. Intlungu entliziyweni yakhe yayinzima le-e kunentlungu awayeyiva esizwini sakhe xa wayethe akafumana kutya imini yonke. Intlungu entliziyweni yakhe yayinzima kakngangokuba kwamthatha iminyaka emithathu yonke phambi kokuba umlambo weenyembezi uqale ukuphuphuma emehlweni akhe. +Ngayo le mini uSefudi wayengqengqile emandlalweni wakhe, ejonge nzo-o phandle ngefestile. Esibhaka-bhakeni kwakuvela inyanga enkulu ebusilivere, ingubo yobusuku yayisele iqala ukugubungela konke okumngqongileyo. Ubuthongo babusithi sebe-sebe ngexesha ecinga into ebithethwe yenye inkwenkwana esikolweni. Le nkwenkwana, nebisoloko izicingela njengeyona ihlakaniphileyo apho esikolweni yaye yathi kuye, “Umntu othi aye kutheza ngeCawe uya kuhlala enyangeni, umphelo.” +USefudi wakhe wayicingisisa le nto, ‘Ingaba kuyinene ukuba abantu bangahlal enyangeni?’ Wayethanda ukuthabatheka zizinto, azicingisise nzulu. Wayicingisisa nale into, de wabiwa bubuthongo, walala. Uthe elele njalo, waphupha. Ephupheni lakhe umama othwele inyanda yeenkuni. Ephupheni lakhe ukhwaze wathi, ‘MAMA OSENYANGENI, MAMA OSENYANGENI, INGABA NOWAM UMAMA ULAPHO KUNYE NAWE NA? UKUBA ULAPHO, NCEDA UMBUYISELE KUM.’ +Ukuvuka kwakhe, ubuso bakhe babuyinyididi ngumlambo weeNtsizi. Iinyembezi zaziziqengqelekela ebusweni bakhe. Zaqengqelekela esiwini sakhe, zaphuphumela emqamelweni wakhe, zagqibela ngokwenza ichibikazi elikhulu emandlalweni wakhe. +Ngemini elandelayo intliziyo kaSefudi yayingekho nzima njengengephambili kuba kaloku wayezikhuphile ngaphakathi kuye ezo nyembezi zaziyenza nzima. +Kodwa ke nangoku wayengekaziva efuna ukuzoba. +Nangobusuku bangaleyo imini waphinda waphupha ngomama osenyangeni. Ngeli ityeli ubuso bakhe babukhazimla, buzele uthando nobubele, kanye ngalaa ndlela ubuso bukamama wakhe babuye bukhanye ngayo akumjonga. Lo mama wayephethe ibhokisi enkulu yeekrayoni ezimibala-bala zokuzoba, nentaphane yamaphepha amhlophe qhwa. Ukuvuka kwakhe wayengekho, kodwa entliziyweni yakhe wayeshiye ulonwabo. Kwiintsuku ezilandelayo olo, neeveki ezilandela leyo uSefudi waqala ukuhleka-hleka kancinci. +Waqala nokuzoba. Kakhulu. +Wayezizoba ezandleni, azizobe ezingalweni nasemilenzeni, azobe nasedesikeni yakhe yesikolo, athi ngamanye amaxesha, xa engakwazi ukuzibamba, azobe nasebhodini akuba kude neliso likatitshala. Wade ngenye imini wakruquka utitshala wakhe kukusoloko emxelela ukuba ayeke ukuzingcolisa, wasuka wamnika incwadi yokuzoba kunye nebhokisi yeepensile zokuzoba ezimibala-bala. Uncumo lwakhe lwaba lukhulu ngendlela engekaze ibonwe. Wathi uSefudi akubona imizobo yakhe kwelo phepha limhlophe qhwa, intliziyo yakhe yaxhuma-xhuma luvuyo, yaqalisa ukucula. +USefudi uthe njengokuba esiya ekhula, imizobo yakhe yaye isiba mihle ngokuba mihle. Ootitshala bakhe kunye noomakazi bakhe noomakazi noodadobawo bakhe, noomalume bakhe kunye notata wakhe, nabahlobo bakatata wakhe bathi kuye wayeyinkwenkwe eyodwa, enesiphiwo esisodwa kuba kaloku babesithi xa bejonga imizobo yakhe imibala eqaqambileyo yemifanekiso yakhe izinyibilikise zimke iintsizi ezintliziyweni zabo. Babesithi khona bakumamela amabali achazwa yiifanekiso yakhe, babatyhilekelwe zizinto ebezibanqabele ngaphambili. +USefudi wayengazange wabaxelela ngaloo maphupha akhe angaqhelekanga, nangumngangaliso. Zange abaxelele ngephupha lakhe elabanga umlambo weeNtsizi ukuba uqukuqele ezidleleni zakhe. Azange abaxelele ngephupha elashiya uncumo entliziyweni yakhe. +Kodwa ebesithi ngezinye imini, ebusuku xa inyanga isisonka esibhakabhakeni, xa kumnyama thsu, ubusuku buthwele iimfihlelo zabo, ebeye akhangele uMama eNyangeni. Acinge ukuba umjongile. Ngoncumo.",zul,isiZulu,Iintsizi zika-Sefud,"Sefudi likes to wonder about things, and before the Sadness came to settle in his heart, he liked to draw. He didn’t have paper and pencils but he drew with sticks and reeds and pieces of coal. He drew on his hands. He drew on his legs. He drew on ...",,Donvé Lee,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/iintsizi-zika-sefudi +sefudis-sadness,"Sefudi o rata go makalela dilo, gomme a rata go thala pele Manyami a fihlela pelo ya gagwe. O be a se na pampiri le diphensele efela o be a thala ka dikota le mahlakanoke le diripa tša malahla. O be a thala diatleng tša gagwe. O be a thala maotong a gagwe. O be a thala ka ntle maswikeng. O be a thala le mabotong a ntlo ya gabo ge tatagwe a be a sa mmone. +Pele manyami a etla, mmago Sefudi o lwetše matšatši a mantši ka fao a bego a sa kgone le go fologa mpete. Letšatši ka letšatši bolwetši bo be bo mo fifatša sefahlego ebile bo mo ja dinama gomme bo eja le bophelo bja gagwe. Go ile gwa fihla letšatši le Sefudi a ilego a kwa lentšu la go nyamiwa kudu. Manyami ke ona a dirilego gore lentšu le le mo makatše, efela e be e le lentšu la tatagwe. Le ntšu le rile, “Mmago yo o mo ratago o sepetše.” +Morago ga seo mahlasedi a letšatši a tšwa pelong ya Sefudi le medumo ya sesego ya tšwa ntlong ya gagwe gomme a se sa kganyoga go thala le gatee. Bohloko pelong ya gagwe e be e le bjo bogolo KUDU go feta bohloko bja ka mpeng ya gagwe ge a be a sa ja letšatši ka moka. Bohloko pelong ya gagwe e be e le bjo bogolo kudu ka fao bo tšeerego sebaka sa mengwaga ye meraro pele a tšholla noka ya megokgo. +Letšatšing leo Sefudi o be a dutše mpeteng a lebeletše ka ntle ka lefasetere. Ngwedi o mogolo o mosibilibere o be o etšwa gomme a aparelwa ke leswiswi gohle go mo dikologa. O be a otsela efela a belaetšwa ke taba ya go makatša ya go bolelwa ke mošemane wa metlae sekolong. Mošemane yo, yo ka mehla a bego a gopola gore yena o tseba tšohle, o ile a re, “Mang goba mang yo a rwalelago dikgong ka Sontaga o tla romelwa ngweding gore a dule fao go ya go ile”. +Sefudi a makatšwa ke gore motho a ka dula ngweding ka nnete naa. O be a dula a makatšwa ke dilo gomme se se ile sa mo makatša nako ye telele go fihla a swarwa ke boroko. Ge a robetše o ile a lora. Torong ya gagwe o bone lekgarebe le le ngweding le rwele ngata ya dikgong hlogong. Mo torong a goeletša “LEKGAREBE LA NGWEDING, LEKGAREBE LA NGWEDING, NAA MMA O NA LE WENA FAO? GE E LE GORE O GONA FAO, KE KGOPELA GORE O MMUŠE MO GO NNA HLE.” +O rile ge a phapharega ya ba Noka ya Manyami e a elela mahlageng a gagwe. Go be go elela megokgo ye dimilione le dithrilione go yena. Ya elela go ya mpeng ya gagwe ya ya le mosamelong gomme ya fetša e le bodiba bjo bogolo mpeteng wa gagwe. +Ka letšatši la go latela, pelo ya Sefudi e be e se boima go swana le pele ka ge go be go se sa na megokgo ye dimilione le dithrilione ka gare ga gagwe. +Efela ga senke a duma go thala. +Bošego bjoo a lora gape ka lekgarebe la ngweding. Ga bjale sefahlego sa gagwe se be se phadima ka lethabo le go loka go swana le ka fao sefahlego sa mmagwe se bego se phadima ka gona ge a be a mo lebelela. O be a swere lepokisi le legolo la dikhrayone tša mebala le maphephe a magolo a pampiri ye šweu ya go bekenya. O rile ge a phapharega a se mo hwetše, efela o mo tlogeletše myemyelo pelong. Matšatši le dibeke morago ga seo, Sefudi o ile a thoma go sega gannyane. +Gomme a thoma go thala. A thala kudu. +O be a thala diatlang tša gagwe, matsogong le maotong le tesekeng ya gagwe, gomme ka nako ye nngwe ge a sa tsebe gore a dire eng o be a thala letlapeng ge morutiši a be a sa mmone. Ka letšatši le lengwe morutiši o ile a lapa go hlwa a mmotša gore a ihlwekiše le tše dingwe gomme a mo fa puku ya go thala le lepokisi la diphensele tša mebala gomme a myemyela kudu ka tsela ye a sa kago a myemyela ka yona. Gomme e rile ge Sefudi a bona diswantšho tša gagwe tša mebala ya go taga di gola go tšwa pampiring ye šweu ya go bekenya pelo ya gagwe ya thoma go opela. +Sefudi o rile ge a dutše a gola diswantšho tša gagwe tša ba botse kudukudu. Barutiši ba gagwe le bommaneagwe le bomalomeagwe le tatagwe le bagwera ba tatagwe ba ile ba re ke mošemane yo a kgethegilego wa go ba le mpho ye e kgethegilego, ka lebaka la gore ge ba be ba lebelela diswantšho tša gagwe, mebala ya go ba le lesedi la letšatši e be e nyaoša a mangwe a manyami ao a lego dipelong tša bona. Ge ba be ba theeletša dikanegelo tše di bolelwago ke diswantšho tše, ba be ba kwešiša dilo tše e lego gore pele ga se ba ka ba di kwešiša. +Sefudi ga se a ka a ba botša ka ditoro tša go makatša le tše di botse. Ga se a ka a ba botša ka toro ya go dira gore noka ya Manyami e elele mahlageng a gagwe. Ga se a ka a ba botša ka toro ya go bjala myemyelo pelong ya gagwe. +Efela mašego a mangwe ge ngwedi e be e le bolo ya silibera ye kgolo lefaufaung, leswiswi le be le homotše le tletše diphiri, o ile a lebelela Lekgarebe la Ngweding. O ile a nagana e ke o mmone. A myemyela.",nso,Sepedi,Manyami a Sefud,"Sefudi likes to wonder about things, and before the Sadness came to settle in his heart, he liked to draw. He didn’t have paper and pencils but he drew with sticks and reeds and pieces of coal. He drew on his hands. He drew on his legs. He drew on ...",,Donvé Lee,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/manyami-sefudi +the-girl-who-accidentally-went-to-space,"Lesedi loved the stars. While other children couldn’t wait for it to be morning, she couldn’t wait for night-time. She wasn’t scared of the dark at all. She loved to go outside before bedtime just to look up at the night sky. +Now, imagine all the stars she saw. Hundreds and hundreds of bright, twinkling stars and the big, round, yellow moon. +“It’s almost bedtime, Lesedi!” called the little girl’s mother. +“Coming, Mama!” Lesedi called back. +But Lesedi wasn’t ready to go inside. She wanted to count the stars. “One, two, three, four …” Lesedi had counted up to one hundred and thirty-three when she heard her mother call again. +As she turned to go indoors, she noticed a huge, bright light in the sky. It was coming closer and closer. It was a giant spaceship! Lesedi did not take her eyes off it and watched as it landed right there in her front garden. +Lesedi walked over to the spaceship and touched it. It was smooth and shiny and felt warm. A big door on the side suddenly opened and a ramp lowered to the ground. +“Maybe I can just have a quick look inside,” thought Lesedi. +Slowly, she walked up the ramp. There were bright lights and red and blue buttons everywhere. But it was the giant orange button just below one of the windows that grabbed her attention. +“I wonder what will happen if I press that?” she said aloud. +BEEP went the button as she pressed it. Then the door slammed closed and a there was a loud BOOM as the engine started up. Next, she heard a voice over a speaker say, “Spaceship launching in 3, 2, 1…” +Lesedi felt the spaceship move! It shook from left to right; it shook up and down, and then it lifted off with a bang. +“Mama is going to be so cross,” thought Lesedi, but she had a big smile on her face. She was finally going to space! Through the spaceship windows, she could see her house getting smaller and smaller as they flew upwards. +She waved and said, “Bye-bye, Mama! I won’t be long!” +Up, up, up went the spaceship. It weaved in and around the stars. It looped round and round the planets and soared further and further into space. “Wait until I tell Tshepo and Amina about this at school,” she thought. +Lesedi was still looking out of the window when she saw something up ahead. Could it be…? Yes, it was! It was the moon … and there was a man standing on it. He seemed to be waving at her. +“It’s the man on the moon!” shrieked Lesedi with excitement. + +The man kept waving until the spaceship landed on the moon with a soft thump. Then he walked over and knocked on Lesedi’s window. +“Hello,” he said through the glass. “I don’t get many visitors. What’s your name?” +“I’m Lesedi,” she said proudly. “I’m not supposed to be here. This isn’t my spaceship. It landed in our garden, so I got in and then it took off!” +“That must be because you are a born explorer,” said the man. +“I am. I love space and I especially love stars. In fact, my name, Lesedi, means light,” she said. +“That’s wonderful! Here’s something to take home with you.” Lesedi opened the window and held out her hand. The man gave her a small rock. “It’s a special moon rock. Now you have something that will help you always to remember your adventure.” +“Thank you so much, Man on the moon!” +Even though Lesedi was enjoying her adventure, she was starting to feel a bit tired. “Goodness! Mama is going to be worried about me!” she thought, yawning. She looked around. “Maybe if I press that orange button again, the spaceship will take me back home.” +So she pressed it. Immediately, a voice came through the speaker again, saying, “Return journey beginning in 3,2,1…” +“Goodbye, Man on the moon,” called Lesedi quickly. +“Goodbye, Lesedi. I hope I see you again,” he said, waving to her. +The spaceship lifted off the moon and slowly turned around. Lesedi could see Planet Earth far below. It looked like the blue bouncing ball she and her friends loved to play with. Then she felt the spaceship whoosh down, down, down, until it landed in her garden with a bump. The door opened, and the ramp came down. +“I’m home!” shouted Lesedi. +She ran down the ramp and looked up at the big, round, yellow moon, and thought that she saw a tiny man waving. + +When Lesedi’s mother came outside looking for her, she found her daughter lying fast asleep on the grass. +“Oh my little girl, you must have been so tired,” she said picking her up. +She carried Lesedi inside and tucked her into bed. Then she felt something in Lesedi’s hand. It was a round, grey stone. +“Funny little girl,” she smiled, kissing Lesedi’s forehead. +Then she switched off the light and left the room, not noticing that the round, grey stone was glowing in the dark.",eng,English,The girl who accidentally went to space,"Lesedi loved the stars. While other children couldn’t wait for it to be morning, she couldn’t wait for night-time. She wasn’t scared of the dark at all. She loved to go outside before bedtime just to look up at the night sky. +Now, ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Jeanine Vermaak,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/the-girl-who-accidentally-went-to-space +the-girl-who-accidentally-went-to-space,"Lesedi is dol oor die sterre. Terwyl ander kinders nie kan wag dat dit dag word nie, kan sy nie wag dat dit nag word nie. Sy is glad nie bang vir die donker nie. Sy hou daarvan om saans voor slaaptyd buitentoe te gaan, net om na die naghemel te kyk. +Dink net aan al die sterre wat sy kan sien. Honderde en honderde blink, flikkerende sterre en die groot geel maan. +“Dis amper slaaptyd, Lesedi!” roep die klein dogtertjie se ma. +“Ek kom, Mamma!” antwoord Lesedi. +Maar Lesedi is nie reg om binnetoe te gaan nie. Sy wil die sterre tel. “Een, twee, drie, vier …” Lesedi het al een honderd drie-en-dertig sterre getel toe sy haar ma weer hoor roep. +Toe sy omdraai om binnetoe te gaan, sien sy ’n reusagtige, helder lig in die hemel. Dit kom al hoe nader. Dit is ’n enorme ruimteskip! Lesedi kan haar nie wegskeur nie en kyk tot dit net daar in haar voortuin land. +Lesedi stap na die ruimteskip toe en raak daaraan. Dit is glad en blink en dit voel warm. Skielik gaan ’n groot deur aan die kant van die skip oop en ’n loopplank sak af. +“Dalk kan ek net gou vinnig gaan loer hoe dit binne-in lyk,” dink Lesedi. +Sy stap stadig met die loopplank op. Daar is helder ligte en rooi en blou knoppies orals. Maar dis die groot oranje knop net onder een van die vensters wat haar aandag trek. +“Ek wonder wat sal gebeur as ek dit druk?” sê sy hardop. +BIEP maak die knop wanneer sy dit druk. Dan klap die deur toe en daar is ’n harde BOEM wanneer die enjin aanskakel. Dan hoor sy ’n stem oor ’n luidspreker sê: “Ruimteskip gereed om te vertrek oor 3, 2, 1 …” +Lesedi voel hoe die ruimteskip beweeg! Dit skud heen en weer; dit skud op en af, en dan styg dit met ’n harde knal op. +“Mamma gaan so kwaad wees,” dink Lesedi, maar sy glimlag van oor tot oor. Sy gaan uiteindelik ruimte toe! Deur die ruimteskip se vensters kan sy sien hoe haar huis al hoe kleiner raak terwyl hulle al hoër vlieg. +Sy waai en roep: “Tot siens, Mamma! Ek is nou-nou terug!” +Die ruimteskip vlieg al hoe hoër. Dit vlieg rondom sterre en swenk tussen ander deur. Dit wentel om en om die planete en skiet dan verder in die ruimte in. “Wag tot ek vir Tshepo en Amina by die skool hiervan vertel,” dink sy. +Lesedi kyk nog by die venster uit toe sy iets sien nader kom. Kan dit wees …? Ja, dit is! Dis die maan … en daar staan ’n man op die maan. Dit lyk of hy vir haar waai. +“Dis die man in die maan!” gil Lesedi opgewonde. + +Die man hou aan waai tot die ruimteskip met ’n sagte plof op die maan land. Dan stap hy nader en klop aan Lesedi se venster. +“Hallo,” sê hy deur die glas. “Ek kry nie baie besoekers nie. Wat is jou naam?” +“My naam is Lesedi,” sê sy trots. “Ek’s nie veronderstel om hier te wees nie. Dis nie my ruimteskip nie. Dit het in ons tuin geland, en toe ek inklim, styg dit op!” +“Dis seker omdat jy ’n gebore ontdekkingsreisiger is,” sê die man. +“Ek is. Ek is dol oor die ruimte en veral sterre. En my naam, Lesedi, beteken lig,” sê sy. +“Dis fantasties! Hier’s iets wat jy saam met jou kan huis toe vat.” Lesedi maak die venster oop en steek haar hand uit. Die man gee vir haar ’n klein stukkie rots. “Dis ’n spesiale maanrots. Nou het jy iets wat jou altyd aan jou avontuur sal herinner.” +“Baie dankie, Man in die maan!” +Al geniet Lesedi haar avontuur, begin sy ’n bietjie moeg voel. “Goeiste! Mamma gaan bekommerd raak oor my!” dink sy en gaap. Sy kyk rond. “Dalk sal die ruimteskip my huis toe vat as ek weer daardie oranje knop druk.” +Sy druk die knop. Onmiddellik kom daar ’n stem oor die luidspreker wat sê: “Terugreis begin oor 3, 2, 1 …” +“Totsiens, Man in die maan,” roep Lesedi gou. +“Totsiens, Lesedi. Ek hoop ek sien jou weer,” sê hy en waai vir haar. +Die ruimteskip styg op en draai stadig om. Lesedi kan die aarde ver onder haar sien. Dit lyk soos die blou gomlastiekbal waarmee sy en haar maats so graag speel. Dan voel sy hoe die ruimteskip met ’n whoesj-geluid af, af, af daal tot dit doef in haar tuin land. Die deur gaan oop en die loopplank sak af. +“Ek’s by die huis!” roep Lesedi. +Sy hardloop met die loopplank af, kyk op na die groot, ronde, geel maan en verbeel haar dat sy ’n klein mannetjie vir haar sien waai. + +Wanneer Lesedi se ma buitentoe kom om na haar te soek, kry sy haar dogter vas aan die slaap op die gras. +“My ou dogtertjie, jy was seker so moeg,” sê sy en tel haar op. +Sy dra Lesedi huis toe en sit haar in die bed. Dan voel sy iets in Lesedi se hand. Dis ’n ronde, grys stukkie rots. +“Lawwe klein dogtertjie,” glimlag sy en soen Lesedi op haar voorkop. +Sy skakel die lig af en loop by die kamer uit, maar sy sien nie dat die ronde, grys stukkie rots in die donker gloei nie.",afr,Afrikaans,Die dogtertjie wat per ongeluk ruimte toe gegaan het,"Lesedi loved the stars. While other children couldn’t wait for it to be morning, she couldn’t wait for night-time. She wasn’t scared of the dark at all. She loved to go outside before bedtime just to look up at the night sky. +Now, ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Deur Jeanine Vermaak,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-dogtertjie-wat-ongeluk-ruimte-toe-gegaan-het +the-girl-who-accidentally-went-to-space,"ULesedi wayezithanda iinkwenkwezi. Nakuba abanye abantwana babengxamela ukuba kude kuse, yena wayengxamela ukuba kude kuhlwe. Wayengaboyiki konke konke ubumnyama. Wayekuthanda ukuphumela phandle phambi kokulala nje ukuba ajonge isibhakabhaka ebusuku. +Ngoku, yiba nomfanekiso-ngqondweni wazo zonke iinkwenkwezi awayezibona. Amakhulukhulu eenkwenkwezi eziqaqambileyo ezikhazimlayo, nenyanga enkulu, engqukuva, etyheli. +“Lixesha lokulala, Lesedi!” wamemeza watsho umama wentombazanana. +“Ndiyeza, Mama!” waphendula uLesedi. +Kodwa uLesedi wayengekakulungeli ukungena. Wayefuna ukubala iinkwenkwezi. “Inye, zimbini, zintathu, zine…” ULesedi wayesele ebale waya kutsho kwikhulu elinamashumi amathathu anesithathu ukuva kwakhe umama wakhe ememeza kwakhona. +Wathi xa eguqukela ukungena, waqaphela ukukhanya okukhulu, okuqaqambileyo esibhakabhakeni. Kwakuya kusondela ngokusondela. Yayisisiphekepheke esikhulu! ULesedi zange awasuse amehlo akhe kuso waza wabukela njengoko sasihlala phantsi egadini yakowabo engaphambili. +ULesedi waya kwisiphekepheke waza wasichukumisa. Sasigudile saye sasimenyezela saye sasivakala sifudumele. Kwavuleka ngesaquphe ucango olukhulu olusecaleni kwaza kwehlela emhlabeni inqwanqwa lokunyathela. +“Mhlawumbi ndingakhe ndijonge ngaphakathi ngokukhawuleza,” wacinga uLesedi. +Wahamba ngokuthe chu, wenyuka inqwanqwa lokunyathela. Kwakukho izibane eziqaqambileyo namaqhosha abomvu nazuba yonke indawo. Kodwa yayiliqhosha elikhulu elimthubi elalingaphantsi nje kweefestile elatsala umdla wakhe. +“Ingaba kungenzeka ntoni bethu xa ndinokulicofa?” watsho ngokuvakalayo. +PR-I-I-I latsho iqhosha njengoko wayelicofa. Lwaza ucango lwavaleka mba kwaza kwakho isandi esikhulu esithi VR-U-U-M njengoko injini yayiqalisa ukuduma. Okulandelayo, weva ilizwi kumboko wokuthetha lisithi, “Isiphekepheke siyaphakama 3, 2, 1…” +ULesedi wasiva isiphekepheke sishukuma! Sashukuma ukusuka ngasekhohlo ukuya ngasekunene; sashukuma ukunyuka nokuhla, saza senyuka ngesandi esikhulu. +“UMama uza kukhathazeka kakhulu,” wacinga uLesedi, kodwa wayenoncumo olukhulu ebusweni bakhe. Wayesiya emajukujukwini ekugqibeleni! Ejonge ngeefestile zesiphekepheke, wayekwazi ukuyibona indlu yakokwabo isiya iba ncinci ngokuba ncinci njengoko babebhabhela phezulu. +Wawangawangisa ngesandla ebulisa waza wathi, “Usale kakuhle Mama! Ndiza kubuya kwangoku!” +Phezulu, phezulu, phezulu senyuka isiphekepheke. Sathungathungela sijikeleza phakathi kweenkwenkwezi. Sajikela sajikeleza iiplanethi saza senyukela phezulu kakhulu emajukujukwini. “Andisangxame ngako ukude ndibalisele uTshepo noAmina ngale nto esikolweni,” wacinga. +ULesedi wayesakrobe ngefestile xa wabona into ngaphambili. Ingaba yi…? Ewe yayiyiyo! Yayiyinyanga … yaye kwakukho indoda eyayimi phezu kwayo. Yawangawangisa isandla ngokungathi iyambulisa. +“Yindoda esenyangeni!” watswina watsho uLesedi ngochulumanco. + +Indoda yaqhubeka yawangawangisa isandla sada isiphekepheke sahlala enyangeni ngesandi esithambileyo. Yaza yasondela yankqonkqoza efestileni kaLesedi. +“Molo,” yatsho ivele efestileni. “Andifumani zindwendwe zininzi. Ngubani igama lakho?” +“NdinguLesedi,” watsho ngokuzingca. “Andimelwanga ukuba ndilapha. Ayisosiphekepheke sam esi. Siye sahlala egadini yethu, ngoko ke ndiye ndangena saza sanduluka!” +“Inokuba kungenxa yokuba uyintlola ngendalo,” yatsho indoda. +“Ndiyiyo. Ndiyawathanda amajukujuku ndaye ndizithanda ngokukhethekileyo iinkwenkwezi. Eneneni igama lam uLesedi, lithetha ukukhanya,” watsho. +“Yantle loo nto! Nantsi into omawugoduke nayo.” ULesedi wavula ifestile wakhongozela. Indoda yamnika ilityana. “Lilitye elikhethekileyo lasenyangeni. Ngoku unento eya kukunceda ukusoloko ukhumbula uhambo lwakho lobudelangozi.” +“Enkosi kakhulu, Ndoda esenyangeni!” +Nangona uLesedi wayelonwabele uhambo lwakhe lobudelangozi, wayeqalisa ukuziva ebudinwa. “Yhe bethuna! UMama uza kuba nexhala ngam!” wacinga, ezamla. Wabhekabheka. “Mhlawumbi ukuba ndicofa eliya qhosha limthubi kwakhona, isiphekepheke sakundigodusa.” +Walicofa ke. Ngesaquphe ilizwi lavakala kumboko wokuthetha kwakhona lisithi, “Uhambo olugodukayo luyaqala 3, 2, 1…” +“Sala kakuhle, Ndoda yasenyangeni!” wakhwaza uLesedi ngokukhawuleza. +“Hamba kakuhle Lesedi. Ndiyathemba ndizakukubona kwakhona,” watsho ewangawangisa isandla embulisa. +Isiphekepheke saphakama sesuka enyangeni saza sajika sithe chu. ULesedi wayekwazi ukubona iPlanethi Mhlaba kude ezantsi. Yayikhangeleka ngathi yibhola ezuba eqakathayo yena nabahlobo bakhe ababethanda ukudlala ngayo. Waza wasiva isiphekepheke sihuza ukuhlela ezantsi, ezantsi, ezantsi, sada sathi ngcu egadini yakowabo. Ucango lwavuleka, laza inqwanqwa lokunyathela lehlela phantsi. +“Ndisekhaya!” wakhwaza uLesedi. +Wabaleka wehla ngenqwanqwa lokunyathela waza wajonga phezulu kwinyanga enkulu, engqukuva, etyheli, waza wacinga ukuba ubona indoda encinane iwangawangisa isandla ibulisa. + +Wathi umama kaLesedi akuphuma phandle emkhangela, wayifumana intombi yakhe ilele cum engceni. +“Owu sana lwam, unokuba udinwe kakhulu,” watsho emfunqula. +Wamngenisa ngaphakathi endlwini wamqoshela ebhedini. Waza weva into esandleni sikaLesedi. Yayililitye elingqukuva, elingwevu. +“Intombi encinci ehlekisayo,” wancuma, emphuza uLesedi ebunzi. +Waza wacima isibane waphuma endlwini, engaqaphelanga ukuba ilitye elingqukuva, elingwevu lalikhanya ebumnyameni.",xho,isiXhosa,Intombazana eyazibona seyisemajukujukwin,"Lesedi loved the stars. While other children couldn’t wait for it to be morning, she couldn’t wait for night-time. She wasn’t scared of the dark at all. She loved to go outside before bedtime just to look up at the night sky. +Now, ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguJeanine Vermaak,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/intombazana-eyazibona-seyisemajukujukwini +the-girl-who-accidentally-went-to-space,"ULesedi wayezithanda izinkanyezi. Ngesikhathi ezinye izingane zimagange zilinde ukuthi kube sekuseni, yena wayemagange elinde ubusuku. Wayengabesabi nhlobo ubumnyama. Wayekuthanda ukuphumela phandle ngaphambi kwesikhathi sokulala ukuze nje abuke isibhakabhaka ebusuku. +Manje-ke, awuzibone ngeso lengqondo zonke izinkanyezi ayezibona. Amakhulu ngamakhulu ezinkanyezi ezigqamile, ezibenyezelayo kanye nenyanga enkulu, eyindilinga, ephuzi. +“Sekusondele isikhathi sokulala, Lesedi!” kumemeza unina wentombazanyana. “Ngiyeza, Mama!” kuphendula uLesedi. +Kodwa-ke uLesedi wayengakakulungeli ukungena ngaphakathi. Wayefuna ukubala izinkanyezi. “Kunye, kubili, kuthathu, kune …” ULesedi wayesebale wafika ekhulwini namashumi amathathu nantathu ngenkathi ezwa unina esememeza futhi. +Lapho ephendukela ukungena endlini, wabona ukukhanya okukhulu, okugqamile esibhakabhakeni. Kwakulokhu kusondela, kusondela. Kwakungumkhumbimkhathi omkhulu! ULesedi akawasusanga amehlo ache kuwo, wawubuka ngesikhathi uhlala laphaya esivandeni sakubo esingaphambili. +ULesedi wahamba eqonde kulo mkhumbimkhathi wafike wawuthinta. Wawushelela, ucwebezela futhi uzwakala ufudumele. Khona manjalo kwavuleka umnyango omkhulu ohlangothini kwaba nomkhwelo owehlela phansi. +“Mhlawumbe ngingabheka ngokushesha nje ngaphakathi,” kucabanga uLesedi. +Kancane, wahamba enyuka emkhwelweni. Kwakukhona izibani ezigqamile kanye nezinkinobho ezibomvu neziluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka yonke indawo. Kodwa kwakuyinkinobho enkulu esawolintshi ngezansi kwelinye lamawindi eyamkhanga kakhulu. +“Kungenzekani ngempela uma ngicindezela laphaya?” kusho yena kuzwakala. +P-I-I-BH kusho inkinobho ngesikhathi eyicindezela. Emva kwalokho isicabha savaleka ngci kwase kuzwakala umsindo omkhulu othi V-U-U-M ngesikhathi injini iqala ukuduma. Okulandelayo, wezwa izwi esipikheni lithi, “Umkhumbimkhathi usuyasuka 3, 2, 1…” +ULesedi wezwa umkhumbimkhathi unyakaza! Wawunyakaza uya ngapha nangapha, uya phansi naphezulu, emva kwalokho waphakama ngamandla. +“UMama uzodinwa kabi,” kucabanga uLesedi, kodwa wayegcwele ukumoyizela ebusweni bakhe. Ekugcineni wayezoya emkhathini! Ngamawindi omkhumbimkhathi, wayelokhu ebona indlu yakubo iya ngokuncipha, incipha ngesikhathi bendizela phezulu. +Wavayiza evalelisa ethi, “Usale kahle, Mama! Ngeke ngithathe isikhathi eside!” Umkhumbimkhathi waya phezulu, phezulu, phezulu. Watshuza phakathi naseceleni kwezinkanyezi. Wagwintshiza uzungeza umhlaba waya kude, kude emkhathini. “Akulindwe nje ngize ngixoxele uTshepo no-Amina esikoleni ngalokhu,” kucabanga yena. +ULesedi wayesabuka ngaphandle kwewindi ngesikhathi ebona into ethile le phambili. Kungenzeka ukuthi yi…? Yebo, kwakuyiyo! Kwakuyinyanga … kanti kwakukhona indoda eyayimile kuyo. Yayibonakala sengathi imvayizela isandla. +“Yindoda yasenyangeni!” kuklabalasa uLesedi ngenjabulo. + +Indoda yayilokhu imvayizela isandla umkhumbimkhathi waze wathi cababa enyangeni. Emva kwalokho indoda yeza isondela yaze yangqongqoza ewindini likaLesedi. +“Sawubona,” kusho yona ngale kwengilazi. “Angitholi zivakashi eziningi mina. Ungubani igama lakho?” +“NginguLesedi,” kusho yena ngokuziqhenya. “Akufanele ukuba ngibe lapha. Lo mkhumbimkhathi akuwona owami. Uhlale esivandeni sakithi, ngase ngivele ngingena wabe usundiza nami njalo!” +“Mhlawumbe kungenxa yokuthi wazalwa vele ungumahambehlola,” kusho indoda. +“Nginguye. Ngiyawuthanda umkhathi futhi ngithanda ngokukhethekileyo izinkanyezi. Eqinisweni, igama lami, uLesedi, lisho ukukhanya,” kusho yena. +“Kuyamangalisa lokho! Nakhu ongakuthatha uye nakho ekhaya.” ULesedi wavula iwindi wakhipha isandla sakhe. Indoda yamnikeza itshe elincane. “Yitshe elikhethekile lasenyangeni. Manje usunokuthile okuzokusiza ukukukhumbuza uhambo lwakho.” +“Ngiyabonga kakhulu, Ndoda yasenyangeni!” +Nakuba uLesedi wayeluthokozela uhambo lwakhe, wayeseqala ukuzizwa enokukhathala okungatheni nokho. “Nkosi yami! UMama uzokhathazeka ngami!” kucabanga yena, ezamula. Wabheka ngapha nangapha. “Mhlawumbe uma ngicindezela leya nkinobho esawolintshi futhi, indiza izongithatha ingibuyisele ekhaya.” +Nebala wayicindezela. Khona manjalo, wezwa izwi eliphuma esipikheni futhi, lithi, “Uhambo olubuyela emuva luyaqala, 3, 2, 1 …” +“Usale kahle, Ndoda yasenyangeni,” kumemeza uLesedi ngokushesha. +“Uhambe kahle, Lesedi. Ngiyethemba ukuthi ngizobuye ngikubone futhi,” kusho yona imvayizela isandla. +Umkhumbimkhathi waphakama enyangeni wase uzungeza kancane. ULesedi wayekwazi ukubona uMhlaba ukude le phansi. Wawubukeka njengebhola eliluhlaza eligqomayo yena nabangani bakhe ababethanda ukudlala ngalo. Emva kwalokho wawuzwa undiza ushwibeka wehla, wehla, wehla, uze uyohlala ngokuthi qithi esivandeni sakubo. Isivalo savuleka, umkhwelo wehlela phansi. +“Sengisekhaya!” kumemeza uLesedi. +Wahlala phansi emkhwelweni wayesebuka phezulu enyangeni enkulu, eyindilinga, ephuzi, wayesecabanga ukuthi ubona indoda encane ivayiza isandla. + +Ngesikhathi unina kaLesedi ephumela phandle ezocinga, wathola indodakazi yakhe ilele izunywe wubuthongo otshanini. +“Hawu bandla ntombazanyana yami, kusho ukuthi ukhathele kakhulu,” kusho yena emthatha. +Wamqukula uLesedi wangena naye ngaphakathi wayesemfaka engutsheni embhedeni. Emva kwalokho wabe esezwa okuthile esandleni sikaLesedi. Kwakuyitshe eliyindilinga elimpunga. +“Uyintombazane encane ehlekisayo,” washo emoyizela, eqabula isiphongo sikaLesedi. +Emva kwalokho wacisha isibani wayesephuma ekamelweni, engasaqaphelanga ukuthi itshe eliyindilinga, elimpunga lalikhanya ebumnyameni.",zul,isiZulu,Intombazane eyaya emkhathini ngengoz,"Lesedi loved the stars. While other children couldn’t wait for it to be morning, she couldn’t wait for night-time. She wasn’t scared of the dark at all. She loved to go outside before bedtime just to look up at the night sky. +Now, ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguJeanine Vermaak,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/intombazane-eyaya-emkhathini-ngengozi +the-girl-who-accidentally-went-to-space,"Lesedi o be a rata dinaledi. Ge bana ba bangwe ba be ba fela pelo ya gore meso e fihle, yena o be a fela pelo ya gore bošego bo fihle. O be a sa boife leswiswi le gannyane. O be a rata go ya ka ntle pele ga nako ya malao gore a lebelele leratadima bošego. +Bjale, akanya ka dinaledi tšohle tše a di bonego. Makgolokgolo a dinaledi tša go taga, dinaledi tša go re bekebeke le ngwedi o mogolo wa nkgokolo o moserolane. +“Nako ya malao e batametše, Lesedi!” a realo mmago mosetsanyana. +“Ke etla, Mma!” Lesedi o ile a araba. +Efela Lesedi o be a sešo a nyaka go tsena ka gare. O be a nyaka go balela dinaledi. “Tee, pedi, tharo, nne …” Lesedi o be a baletše go fihla ka lekgolo masometharo-tharo ge a ekwa mmagwe a mmitša gape. +E rile ge a retologa gore a tsene ka gare, a lemoga seetša se segolo sa go phadima leratadimeng. Se be se batamela kgauswi. E be le sephatšamaru! Lesedi ga se a emiša go se lebelela gomme a se bogela go fihlela se kotama ka tšhengwaneng ya gabo ya ka pele. +Lesedi o ile a ya go sephatšamaru gomme a se swara. Se be se le boreledi ebile se phadima gomme se le borutho. Lebati le legolo la ka thoko le ile la bulega gomma ka nakwana rempo ya ya tlase mobung. +“Mo gongwe nka lebelela ka gare ka pejana,” gwa nagana Lesedi. +Ka go nanya, o ile a namela rempo. Go be go na le mabone a go phadima le dikonopi tše dihubedu le tše ditalalerata gohle. Efela ke konopi ye kgolo ya mmala wa namune ka tlase ga lefasetere ye e tantšego šedi ya gagwe. +“Ke ipotšiša gore go tlo direga eng ge nka e tobetša?” a realo ka go hlaboša. +PEEP konopi e ile ya lla ge a e tobetša. Lebati la tswalela ka bjako gomme gwa kwagala PHUU ya lešata ge entšene e thumašega. Sa go latela, o kwele lentšu sepikareng le re, “Sephatšamaru se tlo thakgoga ka 3, 2, 1…” +Lesedi o ile a kwa sephatšamaru se sepela! Se ile sa šikinyega go la nngele le la goja; sa šikinyega sa ya godimo le tlase, gomme sa fofa ka lešata. +“Mma o tlo befelwa kudu,” gwa nagana Lesedi, efela o be a na le myemyelo ye kgolo sefahlegong sa gagwe. Mafelelong o be a eya sebakabakeng! Ka mafasetere a sephatšamaru, o be a kgona go bona ntlo ya gabo e eba ye nnyanenyane ge ba fofela godimo. +O ile a emiša seatla a re,“ Šala gabotse, Mma! Nkase tšee sebaka se setelele!” +  +Godimo, godimo, godimo, sephatšamaru sa subelela. Se ile sa logagana ka gare ga dinaledi le go di dikologa. Se sepetše go dikologa dipolanete gomme sa subelela kgolekgole sebakabakeng. “Ema go fihlela ke botša Tshepo le Amina ka ga se kua sekolong,” o be a nagana. +Lesedi o be a sa lebeletše ka lefasetere ge a bona se sengwe godimo kua pele. E ka ba…? Ee, ke ona! E be e le ngwedi … gomme monna o be a eme godimo ga ona. O bonala a be a mo emišetša seatla. +“Ke monna wa ngweding!” gwa goeletša Lesedi ka lethabo. + +Monna o tšwetše pele go dumediša ka go emiša seatla go fihlela sephatšamaru se kotama ngweding ka mošitwana. Gomme o ile a sepela a ya go kokota lefasetereng la Lesedi. +“Dumela,” a realo galaseng. “Ga ke be le baeti ba bantši. Ke wena mang?” +“Ke nna Lesedi,” a realo ka boikgantšho. “Ga ka swanela go ba mo. Ga se sephatšamaru sa ka se. Se kotame ka tšhengwaneng ya gešo, gomme ka tsena ka gare sa fofa!” +“Se e ka be e le ka gobane o le mohlohlomiši ka tswalo,” monna a realo. +“Ke yena. Ke rata sebakabaka, gomme ke rata dinaledi kudu. Nnete ke gore, leina la ka la Lesedi, le ra gore seetša,” a realo. +“Ke taba ye botse yeo! Fa ke se o tlo yago gae le sona.” Lesedi o ile a bula lefasetere gomme a ntšhetša seatla sa gagwe ka ntle. Monna o ile a mo fa leswika le lennyane. “Ke leswika la ngweding la go kgethega. Bjale o na le selo seo se tlo dulago se go gopotša ka ga bohlagahlaga bja gago.” +“Ke a leboga, Monna wa ngweding!” +Le ge Lesedi a be a ipshina ka bohlagahlaga bja gagwe, o be a thoma go ikwa a lapile. “Hei! Mma o tlo belaela gore ke kae!” a nagana, a edimola. O ile a lebelela ka mathoko. “Mo gongwe ge nka tobetša konopi yela ya mmala wa namune gape, sephatšamaru se tlo mpušetša gae.” +O ile a se tobetša. Ka bjako, lentšu le kwagetše sepikareng gape, la re, “Leeto la go boela morago le a thoma ka 3,2,1…” +“Šala gabotse, Monna wa ngweding,” a realo Lesedi ka potlako. +“O sepele gabotse, Lesedi. Ke holofela gore ke tla go bona gape,” a realo a mo emišetša seatla. +Sephatšamaru se ile sa tloga ngweding, gomme sa retologa ka go nanya. Lesedi o be a kgona go bona Planete ya Lefase kgole kua tlase. E be e swana le bolo ye tala lerata ya go tshelatshela yeo yena le bagwera ba gagwe ba bego ba rata go bapala ka yona. Gomme o ile a kwa sephatšamaru se theogela tlase, tlase, tlase ka lebelo, go fihlela se kotama ka tšhengwaneng ya gabo ka go pampa. Lebati le ile la bulega, gomme rempo ya ya tlase. +“Ke mo gae!” gwa goeletša Lesedi. +O kitimetše tlase rempong gomme a lebelela godimo ngweding o mogolo, wa nkgokolo, o moserolane, gomme a nagana gore o bone monna yo monnyane a mo emišetša seatla. + +E rile ge mmago Lesedi a etla go mo nyaka ka ntle, a hwetša morwedi wa gagwe a swerwe ke boroko mo bjanyeng. +“Ijoo mosetsanyana wa ka, o swanetše o be o lapile kudu,” o ile a realo ge a mo kuka. +O ile a kuka Lesedi ba ya ka gare gomme a mo tsenya malaong. Gomme o ile a kwa se sengwe ka seatleng sa Lesedi. E be e le leswika la nkgokolo le lepududu. +“Mosetsanyana wa go segiša,” o ile a myemyela, a atla Lesedi mo phatleng. +Gomme o ile a tima lebone, a tšwa ka phapošing, a sa lemoge gore leswika la nkgokolo le lepududu le a phadima ka leswiswing.",nso,Sepedi,Mosetsana yo a ilego sebakabakeng ka phošo,"Lesedi loved the stars. While other children couldn’t wait for it to be morning, she couldn’t wait for night-time. She wasn’t scared of the dark at all. She loved to go outside before bedtime just to look up at the night sky. +Now, ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mongwadi ke Jeanine Vermaak,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mosetsana-yo-ilego-sebakabakeng-ka-phošo +the-girl-who-accidentally-went-to-space,"Lesedi o ne a rata dinaledi. Leha bana ba bang ba ne ba tatetse hore e be hoseng, yena o ne a tatela hore e be bosiu. O ne a sa tshabe lefifi hohang. O ne a rata ho ya kantle pele ho nako ya ho robala ho ya sheba hodimo marung a bosiu. +Jwale, a ko inahanele feela dinaledi tseo a neng a di bona. Makgolokgolo a dinaledi tse kganyang, tse benyang le kgwedi e kgolo, e tjhitja, e tshehla. +“E se e tla ba nako ya ho robala, Lesedi!” ha hoeletsa mme wa ngwananyana eo. +“Ke a tla, Mme!” Lesedi a arabela. +Empa lesedi o ne a eso ikemisetse ho kena ka tlung. O ne a batla ho bala dinaledi. “Nngwe, pedi, tharo, nne …” Lesedi o ne a se a badile ho fihlela ho lekgolo le mashome a mararo a metso e meraro ha a utlwa mmae a mmitsa hape. +Yare ha a re o kgutlela ka tlung, a lemoha kganya e kgolo e benyang marung. E ne e ntse e atamela haufi le haufi. E ne e le sekepe sa moyeng se seholo! Lesedi ha a ka a tlosa mahlo a hae nthong eo mme a e sheba ha e tsorama hantle mane tshimong yabo e ka pele. +Lesedi a tsamaya a atamela sekepe sa moyeng mme a se thetsa. Se ne se le boreledi hape se benya mme se utlwahala se futhumetse. Lemati le leholo le ka lehlakoreng la sona hang la buleha mme rempe ya theohela fatshe. +“Mohlomong nka nna ka sheba ka potlako ka hara sona,” Lesedi a nahana. +Butlebutle, a nyolosa rempe. Ho ne ho ena le mabone a phatsimang le makonopo a mafubedu le a bolou hohle. Empa e ne e le konopo e kgolohadi e mmala wa lamunu e ka tlasa e nngwe ya difenstere e ileng ya mo kgahla. +“Ke a ipotsa hore ho ka etsahala eng ha nka tobetsa mane?” a buela hodimo. +BIP, konopo ya lla ha a e tobetsa. Yaba lemati le a kwaleha mme ha eba le modumo o moholo o reng BUM ha enjene e qala ho duma. Kamora moo, a utlwa lentswe le bua sepikareng le re, “Sekepe sa moyeng se a thakgoha kamora 3, 2, 1…” +  +Lesedi a utlwa sekepe sa moyeng se sisinyeha! Sa thothomella ho le letona le le letshehadi; sa ya hodimo le tlase, mme yaba se phahamela hodimo ka modumo o moholo. +“Mme o tlo halefa haholo,” Lesedi a nahana jwalo, empa o ne a ena le pososelo e kgolo sefahlehong sa hae. Qetellong o ne a eya sepakapakeng! Ka difenstere tsa sekepe sa moyeng, o ne a kgona ho bona ntlo yabo e ntse e eba nyane butlebutle ha ba ntse ba fofela hodimo. +A tsoka letsoho mme a re, “Sala hantle, Mme! Ke tla kgutla haufinyane!” +Sekepe sa moyeg sa nna sa ya hodimo, hodimo, hodimo. Sa kenella hara dinaledi. Sa tswedipana ho potoloha hara dipolanete mme sa fofela harehare ho sepakapaka. “Butle o tlo bone ha ke bolella Tshepo le Amina ka taba tsena sekolong,” a nahana jwalo. +Lesedi o ne a ntse a shebile ka ntle ho fenstere ha a bona ho hong hodimo pele mane. Na ebe e ka ba …? E, e ne e le yona! E ne e le kgwedi … mme ho ne ho ena le monna ya emeng hodima yona. E ne ekare o mo dumedisa ka ho tsoka letsoho. +“Ke monna wa kgweding!” Lesedi a hoeletsa ke nyakallo. + +Monna eo a nna a tsoka letsoho ho fihlela sekepe sa moyeng se tsorama kgweding ka modumo o bonolo. Mme yaba o atamela ho sona mme a kokota fenstereng ya Lesedi. +“Dumela,” a rialo a buela kgalaseng. “Ha nke ke fumane baeti ba bangata. Lebitso la hao o mang?” +“Ke Lesedi,” a rialo ka motlotlo. “Ha ke a tshwanela ho ba mona. Sena ha se sekepe sa ka. Se fihlile fela sa tsorama tshimong ya heso, yaba ke a kena mme sa fofa ka nna.” +“Mohlomong ke hobane o mosibolli wa tlhaho,” ha rialo monna eo. +“Ehlile. Ke rata sepakapaka mme haholoholo ke rata dinaledi. Hantlentle, lebitso la ka, Lesedi, le bolela kganya,” a rialo. +“Ke hantle haholo! Nthwana ke ena eo o ka yang le yona hae.” Lesedi a bula fenstere mme a ntsha letsoho la hae. Monna eo a mo fa lejwe le lenyane. “Ke lejwe le ikgethileng la kgweding. Jwale o na le ho hong ho tla dula ho o hopotsa tshibollo ya hao.” +“Ke leboha haholo, Monna wa kgweding!” +Le hoja Lesedi a ne a natefetswe ke tshibollo ya hae, o ne a se a qala ho kgathala jwale. “Jowee! Mme o tlo kgathatseha ka nna!” a nahana jwalo, a idimola. A sheba kwana le kwana. “Mohlomong ha nka tobetsa konopo ena e mmala wa lamunu hape, sekepe sa moyeng se tla nkgutlisetsa hae.” +Yaba o a e tobetsa. Hanghang, lentswe la tswa sepikareng hape, la re, “Leeto le kgutlelang morao le tla qala kamora 3,2,1…” +“Sala hantle, Monna wa kgweding,” Lesedi a hoeletsa ka potlako. +“Tsamaya hantle, Lesedi. Ke tshepa hore ke tla o bona hape,” a rialo a tsoka letsoho. +Sekepe sa moyeng sa phahama kgweding mme butlebutle sa kgutlela morao. Lesedi o ne a kgona ho bona Polanete ya Lefatshe tlase mane. E ne e shebeha jwaloka bolo e bolou e tlolatlolang eo yena le metswalle ya hae ba ratang ho bapala ka yona. Yaba o utlwa sekepe sa moyeng se theohela tlase, tlase, tlase, ho fihlela se tsorama jareteng yabo eka se a itahlela. Lemati la buleha, mme rempe ya theohela fatshe. +“Ke fihlile hae!” Lesedi a hoeletsa. +A matha ho theosa rempe mme a sheba hodimo kgweding e kgolo, e tjhitja, e tshehla, mme a hopola eka o bona monna e monyane ya tsokang letsoho. + +Ha mme wa Lesedi a tswela ka ntle ho tla mo sheba, a fumana moradi wa hae a robetse hodima jwang a kgalehile. +“Ao, moradinyana wa ka, o tshwanetse hore ebe o kgathetse haholo,” a rialo a mo phahamisa. +A kuka Lesedi ho ya le yena ka tlung mme a mo robatsa betheng. Mme yaba o utlwa ho hong ka hara letsoho la Lesedi. E ne e le lejwe le tjhitja, le leputswa. +“Ngwananyana ya makatsang,” a bososela, a suna Lesedi phatleng. +Yaba o tima lebone mme a tswa ka kamoreng, a sa elellwe hore lejwe le tjhitja, le leputswa le a benya lefifing.",sot,Sesotho,gwanana ya ileng a ya sepakapakeng ka phoso,"Lesedi loved the stars. While other children couldn’t wait for it to be morning, she couldn’t wait for night-time. She wasn’t scared of the dark at all. She loved to go outside before bedtime just to look up at the night sky. +Now, ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E ngotswe ke Jeanine Vermaak,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ngwanana-ya-ileng-ya-sepakapakeng-ka-phoso +the-girl-who-accidentally-went-to-space,"Lesedi o ne a rata dinaledi. Fa bana ba bangwe ba fela pelo gore moso o goroga leng, ene o ne a fela pelo gore bosigo bo goroga leng. O ne a sa boife lefifi ka gope. O ne a rata go ya kwa ntle pele go robalwa gore a lebe lefaufau bosigo. +Jaanong, akanya fela ka dinaledi tsotlhe tse o di boneng. Makgolokgolo a dinaledi tse dintle tse di galalelang gammogo le ngwedi o o kgolokwe, o o serolwana. +“E setse e le nako ya go robala, Lesedi!” mmaagwe mosetsanyana a mmitsa. +“Ke etla Mama!” ga araba Lesedi. +Fela Lesedi o ne a ise a ipaakanyetse go boela mo ntlong. O ne a batla go bala dinaledi. “Nngwe, pedi, tharo, nne…” Lesedi o ne a badile go fitlha ka lekgolo le masome a mararo le metso e meraro fa a utlwa mmaagwe a mmitsa gape. +Fa a retologa go tsena mo ntlong, a bona lesedi le legolo le le phatsimang mo lefaufaung. Le ne le atamela ka bonako. E ne e le sesutlhalefaufau se segologolo! Lesedi a seke a tlosa matlho mo go sona mme a se tlhoma matlho go fitlhela se tsurama mo tshingwaneng e e fa pele ga ntlo. +Lesedi a ya kwa sesutlhalefaufaung gore a se ame. Se ne se le borethe, se phatsima e bile se le bothito. Mojako o mogolo mo letlhakoreng wa bulega ka bonako mme serepudi sa ikala fa fatshe. +“Motlhamongwe nka leba ka bonako ka fa gare,” ga akanya Lesedi. +Ka bonya, a palama serepudi. Go ne go le dipone tse di phatsimang le dikonopo tse dihibidu le tse ditala gotlhe fela. Fela e ne o ne a gogetswe thata ke konopo e tona ya mmala wa namune ka fa tlase ga letlhabaphefo. +“Ke ipotsa gore go ka diragala eng fa nka tobetsa konopo ele?” a buela kwa godimo. +BEEP ga utlwala modumo fa a tobetsa konopo. Mme mojako wa tswalega ka bonako mme ga utlwala modumo o mogolo o re BOOM fa enjine e duma. Morago, a utlwa lentswe le tswa mo sepikareng le re, “Sesutlhalefaufau se a tlhatloga ka 3,2,1…” +Lesedi a utlwa sesutlhalefaufau se suta! Se tshikinyega go tswa molemeng go ya mojeng; se tshikinyega go tswa godimo go ya kwa tlase, morago sa fofela godimo ka lebelo. +“Mama o tlile go šakgala thata,” Lesedi a akanya, fela go ne go tletse monyenyo mo sefatlhegong sa gagwe. Ruri nako ya go ya lefaufaung e ne e fitlhile! O ne a kgona go bona ntlo ya gaabo e ntse e nna nnye le go feta fa sesutlhalefaufau se ntse se pagamela kwa godimo. +O ne a kgadikanya lebogo mme a re, “Sala sentle Mama! Ga ke ye go nna lebaka le leleele!” +Sa ya kwa godimo, kwa godimo, kwa godimo sesutlhalefaufau. Sa ikgara go dikologa dinaledi. Sa tsopodia go dikologa dipolanete sa tlhatlogela kwa godimo kwa sebakeng. “Ema go fitlha ke bolelela Tshepo le Amina ka se fa ke fitlha kwa sekolong,’a akanya jalo.” +Lesedi o ne a ntse lebile kwa ntle ka letlhabaphefo fa a bona sengwe kwa pele ga +gagwe. A e ka nna …? Ee, e ne e le yona! E ne e le ngwedi … mme e bile go ne go le monna a eme mo go yona. O ne a bonala e kete o kgadikanya lebogo go mo dumedisa. +“Ke monna mo ngweding!” Lesedi a goa ka boitumelo. + +Monna a tswelela go kgadikanya lebogo go fitlha sesutlhalefaufau se tsurama mo ngweding ka mokgwasa o o bofefo. A bo a tsamaya go fitlha a konyakonya mo letlhabaphefong la ga Lesedi. +“Dumela,” a buela mo letlhabaphefong. “Ga nke ke nna le baeng ba bantsi. Leina la gago ke mang?” +“Ke nna Lesedi,” a bua ka boipelo. “Ke ne ke sa tshwanela go tla fa. Se ga se sesutlhalefaufau sa me. Se tsurame mo tshingwaneng ya rona, ka jalo ka tsena mo go sona mme sa fofa ka nna!” +“Ke ka ntlha ya gore o le muotolodi ka tsalo,” ga bua monna. +“Ee tota. Ke rata lefaufau mme e bile ke rata dinaledi le go feta. E bile, leina la me ke Lesedi, bokao jwa lona ke go bonesa,” a bua jalo. +“Go gontle e le tota! Sengwenyana ke se, se o ka yang le sona kwa gae.” Lesedi a bula letlhabaphefo mme a tshwara lebogo la gagwe. Monna a mo fa letlapa le lennye. “Ke letlapa le le kgethegileng la ngwedi. Jaanong o na le sengwe se se ka go thusang go gakologelwa tekelelo ya gago.” +“Ke leboga go menagane, Monna yo o mo ngweding!” +Le fa e le gore Lesedi o ne a itumeletse tekelelo ya gagwe, o ne a ikutlwa a lapile. “Bathong! Mama o tlile go tshwenyega ka nna!” a akanya jalo, a ntse a edimola. A leba mo matlhakoreng. “Motlhamongwe fa nka tobetsa konopo ya mmala wa namune gape, sesutlhalefaufau se ka mpusetsa gae.” +Ka jalo a e tobetsa. Ka bonako fela, ga utlwala lentswe le tswa mo sepikareng gape, le re, “loeto la go boela morago le a simolola ka 3,2,1…” +“Sala sentle, Monna yo o mo ngweding,” Lesedi a bua ka bonako. +“Tsamaya sentle, Lesedi. Ke solofela gore ke tla go bona gape,” a bua jalo a kgadikanya lebogo go mo laela. +Sesutlhalefaufau sa simolola go fofa go tswa mo ngweding mme sa retologa ka bonako. Lesedi o ne a kgona go bona Polanete ya Lefatshe kwa tlase-tlase. E ne e lebega e kete ke bolo e talalegodimo e e tlola-tlolang e a neng a tlhola a tshameka ka yona le ditsala tsa gagwe. Jaanong a utlwa sesutlhalefaufau se simolola go fofela kwa tlase, kwa tlase, kwa tlase, go fitlha se tsurama mo tshingwaneng se tlola-tlola. Mojako wa bulega, serepudi ya fologa. +“Ke gorogile fa gae!” ga goa Lesedi. +A taboga mo serepuding mme a leba ngwedi o mogolo, o o kgolokwe mme a akanya gore o bone monna yo monnye a kgadikanya lebogo. + +Fa mmaagwe Lesedi a tla ka fa ntle go mmatla, a mo fitlhela a robetse a tshwerwe ke boroko mo tlhageng. +“Ao ngwanake, o tshwanetse go bo o lapile thata,” a bua jalo a mo tsholetsa. +A mo tsholetsa go mo isa mo ntlong mme a mo robatsa mo bolaong jwa gagwe. Jaanong a utlwa go le sengwe mo letsogong la ga Lesedi, letlapana le le kwebu. +“Mosetsanyana yo o kgatlhisang,” a nyenya, a atla Lesedi mo phatleng. +Morago a tima lebone a tswa mo phaposing ya gagwe, a sa lemoge gore letlapana le le kgolokwe le le kwebu le ne le phatsima mo lefifing.",tsn,Setswana,Mosetsana yo o lorileng a ile lefaufaung,"Lesedi loved the stars. While other children couldn’t wait for it to be morning, she couldn’t wait for night-time. She wasn’t scared of the dark at all. She loved to go outside before bedtime just to look up at the night sky. +Now, ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",E kwadilwe ke Jeanine Vermaak,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mosetsana-yo-o-lorileng-ile-lefaufaung +the-girl-who-accidentally-went-to-space,"Lesedi bekatsandza tinkhanyeti. Ngalesikhatsi labanye bantfwana bangakhoni kulindza kusa, yena bekangakhoni kulindza sikhatsi sasebusuku. Bekangabesabi bumnyama nakancane. Bekatsandza kuphumela ngaphandle ngembikwekutsi ayolala ayobuka-nje etulu esibhakabhakeni sasebusuku. +Manje, cabanga tonkhe letinkhanyeti latibona. Emakhulu nemakhulu etinkhanyeti letikhanyako naletibhanyatako kanye nalenyanga lenkhulu, leyindingilizi, lemtfubi. +“Cishe sesikhatsi sekuyolala, Lesedi!” kumemeta make walentfombatana lencane. +“Ngiyeta make!” kwamemeta Lesedi aphendvula. +Kodvwa Lesedi abengakalungeli kubuyela ngekhatsi. Abefuna kubala letinkhanyeti. “Kunye, kubili, kutsatfu, kune …” Lesedi abesabale wefika ekhulwini nemashumi lamatsatfu nakutsatfu nakeva make wakhe amemeta futsi. +Asagucuka angena ngekhatsi, wabona kukhanya lokukhulu etulu esibhakabhakeni. Bekusondzela dvute kusondzela, kusondzela. Bekungukhumbi wasemkhatsini lomkhulu kakhulu! Lesedi akazange awesuse emehlo akhe kuwo futsi wawubuka futsi wawubuka nawuhlala khona lapho engadzeni yakubo yangaphambili. +Lesedi wahamba waya kulomkhumbi wasemkhatsini wawutsintsa. Bewubusheleleti futsi umanyatela futsi uvakala ufutfumele. Sivalo lesikhulu lesiseceleni savuleka masinyane kwase kwehla liladi lehlela phansi emhlabatsini. +“Mhlawumbe ngingashesha ngibuke ekhatsi,” kwacabanga Lesedi. +Wakhuphuka kuleliladi ahamba kancane. Bekunetibane letikhanyako netinkinobho letibovu naletiluhlata sasibhakabhaka yonkhe indzawo. Kodvwa, bekunguyinkinobho lenkhulu kakhulu leliwolintji lebeyingaphansi-nje kwalelinye lifasitelo layinakisisa. +“Kungentekani uma ngicindzetela lokwa?” kwasho yena aphumisela. +PIPU kwevakala lenkinobho ngesikhatsi ayicindzetela. Ngaleso sikhatsi sivalo savaleka ngemandla satsi ngci kwase kubanaBHOMU lomkhulu ngesikhatsi injini icala kudvuma. Lokulandzelako, weva livi kuletikhulisimsindvo litsi. “Umkhumbimkhatsi uyesuka ngemizuzwana le-3, 2, 1...” +Lesedi weva lomkhumbimkhatsi unyakata! Watamatama waya ngasencele nangasekusekudla; watamatama waya etulu naphansi, wabese uyaphakama ngekudvuma lokukhulu. +“Make utawutfukutsela kakhulu,” kwacabanga Lesedi, kodvwa bekanekumoyitela ebusweni bakhe. Ekugcineni bekaya emkhatsini! Ngalamafasitelo alomkhumbimkhatsi, wabona indlu yakubo incipha kancane kancane basandiza baya etulu. +Waphakamisa sandla wavalelisa watsi, “Sala kahle Make! Ngeke ngitsatse sikhatsi lesidze!” +Etulu, etulu, etulu, kwaya lomkhumbimkhatsi. Watfubeleta utungeleta letinkhanyeti. Wangena uphuma emkhatsini wemaplanethi wachubeka waya embili futsi emkhatsini wesibhakabhaka. “Mani ngite ngitjele Tsepo na-Amina ngaloku esikolweni,” wacabanga. +Lesedi bekasolo abuka ngaphandle efasitelweni ngesikhatsi abona intfo letsite etulu phambili. Ngabe yi …? Yebo, bekungiyo! futsi bekukhona indvodza lebeyime etukwayo. Beyibonakala sengatsi imvilitisela sandla. + +“Ngulendvodza lesenyangeni!” kusho Lesedi amemeta ngenjabulo. +Lendvodza yachubeka yamvilitisela sandla waze wahlala enyangeni lomkhumbimkhatsi ngemdvumo lopholile. Yabe seyiyahamba iyonconcotsa efasitelweni laLesedi. +“Sawubona,” yasho khona lapho kulengilazi. “Angibinato tivakashi letinyenti. Ngubani ligama lakho?” +“NguLesedi,” washo ngekutigcabha. “Angikafanele kuba lapha. Lona akusiwo umkhumbimkhatsi wami. Wehlele engadzeni yakitsi, ngase ngingena ekhatsi wabese uyasuka!” +“Loko kungenca yekutsi wena ungumhlwayi wekutalwa,” kwasho lendvodza. +“Nginguye. Ngiyawutsandza umkhatsi ikakhulukati ngitsandza tinkhanyeti. Empeleni ligama lami nguLesedi, Lesedi usho kukhanya,” kwasho yena. +“Loko kuyamangalisa! Naku lokutsite lotawuhamba nako uye ekhaya.” Lesedi wavula lifasitelo wakhipha sandla sakhe. Lendvodza yamnika litje lelincane. “Litje lasenyangeni lelikhetsekile. Nyalo sewunentfo letsite letakusita ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi kukhumbula luhambo lwakho lwekwehlwaya. +“Ngiyabonga kakhulu, Ndvodza lesenyangeni!” +Noma Lesedi bekakujabulela lokwehlwaya kwakhe, bese acala kutiva adziniwe kancane. “Nkhosi yami! Make utawukhatsateka ngami!” wacabanga, atamula. Wabuka emaceleni. “Mhlawumbe uma ngingafacata lenkinobho leliwolintji futsi, lomkhumbimkhatsi ungangibuyisela emuva ekhaya.” +Ngako-ke wase uyayifacata. Masinyane, livi laphuma kulesikhulisimsindvo, litsi, “Luhambo lwekubuyela emuva luyacala ngemzuzwana-3, 2, 1…” +“Sala kahle Ndvodza lesenyangeni,” kwamemeta Lesedi ngekushesha. +“Hamba kahle, Lesedi. Ngiyetsemba ngitakubona futsi,” washo avalelisa Lesedi ngekuvilitisa sandla. +Lomkhumbimkhatsi waphakama usuka enyangeni wabese ujika kancane uyatungeleta. Lesedi abekhona kubona Iplanethi Umhlaba ingaphansi khashane kakhulu. Bewubukeka njengebhola leluhlata sasibhakabhaka legcumako futsi yena nebangani bakhe bebatsandza kudlala ngayo. Wabe sewuva lomkhumbimkhatsi uhusha ushona phansi, phansi, phansi wate wahlala engadzeni yakubo ugcuma. Sivalo savuleka, futsi kwehla liladi lehlela emhlabatsini. +“Ngibuyile ekhaya!” kwamemeta Lesedi. +Wagijima wehla ngaleliladi wabese ubuka lenyanga lenkhulu, leyindilinga, lemtfubi, futsi wacabanga kutsi ubone indvodza lencane imvilitisela sandla. + +Ngesikhatsi make waLesedi aphumela ngaphandle amfuna, watfola indvodzakati yakhe ilele hhu etjanini. +“Awu ntfombatane yami lencane, ifanele kutsi idziniwe,” washo amphakamisa. +Wetfwala Lesedi wamngenisa ngekhatsi wefike wamfaka embhedzeni. Wase uva intfo letsite esandleni saLesedi. Bekulitje lelimphunga leliyindilinga. +“Intfombatanyana lehlekisako,” wamoyitela, acabuza Lesedi libunti. +Wabese ucima sibane wase uyaphuma kulelikamelo, angakanaki kutsi lelitje leliyindilinga lelimphunga liyakhanya ebumnyameni.",ssw,Siswati,Intfombatana leyaya emkhatsini ngengot,"Lesedi loved the stars. While other children couldn’t wait for it to be morning, she couldn’t wait for night-time. She wasn’t scared of the dark at all. She loved to go outside before bedtime just to look up at the night sky. +Now, ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Ibhalwe nguJeanine Vermaak,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/intfombatana-leyaya-emkhatsini-ngengoti +the-girl-who-accidentally-went-to-space,"Lesedi a rhandza tinyeleti. Loko vana lava n’wina va jahile leswku ku va mixo, yena a jahela leswaku ri va nkarhi wa vusiku. A nga xi chavi xinyami na switsanana. A rhandza ku ya ehandle loko nkarhi wa ku etlela wu nga si fika ntsena ku ya languta ematilweni. +Sweswi, anakanya hi tinyeleti hinkwato leti a nga ti vona. Madzana ya madzana ya tinyeleti leto vangama, to tsayiteta na n’weti lowukulu, wa xirhendzevutani, wa xitshopani. +“Nkarhi wo etlela wu le kusuhi, Lesedi!” ku huwelela manana wa nhwana lontsongo. +“Ndza ta, Mama!” ku hlamula Lesedi. +Kambe Lesedi a nga si lulamela ku nghena endlwini. A lava ku hlaya tinyeleti. “N’we, mbirhi, nharhu, mune …” Lesedi u hlayele kufika eka dzanamakumenharhunharhu loko a twa manana wa yena va n’wi vitana nakambe. +Loko a hundzuluka leswaku a nghena ndzeni, a vona rivoni lerikulu, leri a ri vangama ematilweni. A ri vona ri ta ekusuhi katsongo na katsongo. A ku ri xibamubamu lexikulu! Lesedi a nga copetangi na switsongo kutani a xi languta loko xi ri karhi xi phatsama emahlweni ka xirhapa xa ka vona. +Lesedi a tshinelela xibamubamu kutani a xi khumbha. A xi rhetela na ku vangama naswona a xi kufumela. Rivanti lerikulu ra le tlhelo ri pfuleka kutani xitepisi xi enhlela ehansi. +“Kumbexana ndzi hlometelanyana hi xihatla hala ndzeni,” ku anakanya Lesedi. +Hi ku nonoka, a famba ehenhla ka xitepisi. A ku ri na timboni to vangama na tibatheni to tshwuka na ta wasi hinkwakonkwako. Kambe a ku ri na batheni leyikulu ya xilamula leyi a yi ri ehansi ka rin’wana ra mafasitere leyi nga n’wi koka rinoko. +“Hambi ku ta humelela yini loko ndzo yi tshikilela?” u vulavulela ehenhla. +PIPIIIPI ku twala ku rila loko a yi tshikilela. Kutanu rivanti ri gandlaza ri pfaleka kutani ku twala VHUUM! loko njhini yi sungula ku duma. Leswi nga landzela, a twa rito kusuka exipikareni ri ku, “Xibamubamu xa suka hi 3, 2, 1…” +Lesedi a twa xibamubamu xi suka! Xi ninginika xi ya eximatsani na le xineneni; xi ninginika xi ya ehenhla na le hansi, kutani xi tlakuka hi ku buluka. +“Manana u ta hlundzuka swinene,” ku anakanya Lesedi, kambe a ri na n’wayitelo lowukulu exikandzeni xa yena. Emaheteleleni a ya exibakabakeni! Hi le mafasitereni ya xibamubamu, a kota ku vona muti wa ka vona wu ri karhi wu ya wu va wutsongo na wutsongo loko a ri karhi a hahela ehenhla. +A tatayisa a ku, “Bayi bayi, Mama! A ndzi nga hlweli!” +Ehenhla, henhla, henhla xibamubamu xi gonya. Xi tsemakanya na ku rhendzela tinyeleti. Xi khokhomela ematlhelo na le matlhelweni ya tipulanete xi thlela xi gonya xi ya ehenhla exibakabakeni. “Yima kufikela loko ndzi byela Tshepo na Amina hi mhaka leyi exikolweni,” a anakanya. +Lesedi a ha langutile ehandle hi fasitere loko a vona xin’wana ehenhla ka yena. Xana ku nga va ku ri …? Ina, a ku ri wona! A ku ri n’weti … naswona a ku ri na munhu loyi a yimile ehenhla ka wona. A ti komba a ri karhi a n’wi tatayisela. +“I wanuna wa le n’wetini!” ku n’wayitela Lesedi hi ku nyanyuka. + +Wanuna a tshamela ro tatayisa kufikela loko xibamubamu xi phatsama hi ku olova en’wetini. Endzhaku a famba kufikela loko a ya gogondza efasitereni ra Lesedi. +“Ahee,” a vulavula hi le nghilazini. “A ndzi kumi vaendzi vo tala. Xana vito ra wena i mani?” +“Hi mina Lesedi,” a vula hi ku tinyungubyisa. “A ndzi nga fanelanga ku va laha. lexi a hi xibamubamu xa mina. Xi phatsamile exirhapeni xa ka hina, kutani ndzi nghena hiloko xi tlakuka!” +“Leswi swi endla hi ku u tswariwile u ri muvalangi,” ku vula wanuna. +“Ndzi yena. ndzi rhandza xibakabaka naswona ndzi rhandza ngopfu tinyeleti. Hi ntiyiso, vito ra mina, Lesedi, ri vula rivoningo,” a hlamusela. +“I mhaka ya kahle! Hi lowu nchumu wun’wana lowu u nga ta famba na wona ekaya.” Lesedi u pfula fasitere a humesa voko ra yena. Wanuna luya u n’wi nyikile xiribyana. “I ribye ro hlawuleka ra le n’wetini. Sweswi u na nchumu lowu wu nga ta tshamela ro ku pfuna ku tsundzuka riendzo ra wena.” +“Ndza khensa swinene, Wanuna wa le n’wetini!” +Hambileswi Lesedi a tiphina hi riendzo ra yena, a sungula ku titwa a karhelenyana. +“Yoo mhane! Mama u ta vilela hi mina!” a anakanya, a ri karhi a ahlamula. A languta ematlhelo. “Kumbexana loko ndzo tshikilela batheni liya ya xilamula nakambe, xibamubamu xi ta ndzi tlherisela ekaya.” +Kutani a yi tshikilela. Hi nkarhi wolowo, rito ri huma endzeni ka xipikara nakambe, ri ku, “Riendzo ro tlhela ra sungula hi 3, 2, 1…” +“Sala kahle, Wanuna wa le n’wetini,” ku vula Lesedi hi xihatla. +“Famba kahle, Lesedi. Ndzi tsakela ku ku vona nakambe,” a vula hi ku n’wi tatayisela. +Xibamubamu xi tlakukile en’wetini kutani xi hundzuluka hi ku nonoka. Lesedi a kota ku vona Pulanete Misava ekule ehansi. A yi languteka ku fana na bolo ya wasi leyi bambaka leyi yena na vanghana va yena a va rhandza ku tlanga hi yona. Endzhaku a twa xibamubamu xi karhi xi ku vhuum xi enhlela hansi, hansi, hansi, kufikela loko xi ya phatsama exirhapeni xa ka vona hi ku bamba kutsongo. Rivanti ri pfuleka, kutani xitepisi xi enhlela ehansi. +“Ndzi le kaya!” ku huwelela Lesedi. +A tsutsuma exitepisini a languta ehenhla a vona n’weti lowukulu, wa xirhendzevutani, wa xitshopani, kutani a anakanya leswaku u vone wanuna lontsongo a ri karhi a tatayisa. + +Loko manana wa Lesedi a humela ehandle a ri karhi a n’wi lava, u kumile nhwana wa yena a etlerile ehansi ebyanyini. +“Ooh nhwana wa mina lontsongo, u fanele u karhele swinene,” a vula hi ku n’wi tlakula. +U tlakurile Lesedi a n’wi nghenisa endlwini a n’wi lata emubedweni. Endzhaku a twa xin’wana evokweni ra Lesedi. A ku ri ribye ra xirhendzevutani, ra mpunga. +“Nhwana lontsongo wo tsakisa,” a n’wayitela, a ri karhi a tswontswa mombo wa Lesedi. +Endzhaku a tima rivoni kutani a huma ekamareni, a nga swi lemuki leswaku ribye lera xirhendzevutani, ra mpunga ri le ku voningeni exinyamini.",tso,Xitsonga,hwana wo ya exibakabakeni hi xihoxo,"Lesedi loved the stars. While other children couldn’t wait for it to be morning, she couldn’t wait for night-time. She wasn’t scared of the dark at all. She loved to go outside before bedtime just to look up at the night sky. +Now, ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Mutsari hi Jeanine Vermaak,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nhwana-wo-ya-exibakabakeni-hi-xihoxo +the-girl-who-accidentally-went-to-space,"ULesedi bekazithanda iinkwekwezi. Ngesikhathi abanye abantwana baqale ngabomvu bona kube sekuseni, yena bekaqale phambili bona kube sebusuku. Bekangasabi nakancani nakunzima. Bekathanda ukuphumela ngaphandle ngaphambi kobana ayokulala bona ayokuqala isibhakabhaka ebusuku. +  +Okwanje, akhe ubone ngelihlo lomkhumbulo zoke iinkwekwezi ebegade azibona. Amakhulu wamakhulu weenkwekwezi ezikhanyako, ezimeruzako kunye nenyanga ekulu etjheli eyindulungu. +  +“Sele kusikhathi sokulala, Lesedi!” kurhuwelela unina lomntazanyana. +  +“Ngiyeza, Mma!” Kuphendula uLesedi. +  +Kodwana uLesedi bekangakazimiseli ukungena ngendlini. Bekafuna ukubala iinkwekwezi. “Kunye, kubili, kuthathu, kune …” uLesedi besele abale wafika ekhulwini namasumi amathathu nantathu nakezwa unina ambiza godu. +  +Nakaphendukako athi ungena ngomnyango, wabona ukukhanya okukhulu, esibhakabhakeni. Bekutjhidela. Bekumkhumbi wemoyeni! Kwaba budisi bona uLesedi asuse amehlwakhe kiwo bekawuqalile njengombana uhlala phasi esivandeni sekhabo esingaphambili. +  +ULesedi watjhinga emkhunjini wafika wawuthinta. Bewutjhelela umanyazela begodu ufuthumele. Kusesenjalo kwavuleka umnyango kwaphuma iintepisi zehlela phasi. +  +“Mhlamunye ngingangena ngaphakathi ngiwubone,” kucabanga uLesedi. +  +Kancani wakhamba wakhwela endaweni yokukhwela. Bekunamalambha akhanyako neenkunupe ezibomvu nezihlaza yoke indawo. Kodwana kunenye ikunupe eyamdosa amehlo khulu beyiyikulu itjheli ingenzasi kwefasidere. +  +“Ngiyazibuza bona kungenzekani nangingaligandelela?” Ukhulumela phezulu. +  +TWIII kulila ikunupe njengombana ayigandelela. Umnyango wavaleka kwezwakala itjhada elikhulu elithi, VURRM njengombana i-enjini ithoma ukuduma. Ngemva kwalokho wezwa ilizwi esipikareni lithi, “Umkhumbi wemoyeni uyasuka 3, 2, 1…” +  +ULesedi wezwa umkhumbi wemoyeni usikinyeka! Bewusikinyeka uya ngapha nangapha; utjhinga phasi naphezulu ngemva kwalokho waphakama ngamandla. +  +“UMma uzokusilingeka khulu,” kucabanga uLesedi, kodwana bekamomotheka. Emaswapheleni bekaya esibhakabhakeni! Nakahlola emafasidereni womkhumbi wemoyeni, bekabona umuzi wekhabo ubamncani njengombana atjhinga phezulu. +  +Waphakamisa isandla wathi, “Nisale kuhle, Mma! Angekhe ngikhambe isikhathi eside!” +  +Umkhumbi waya phezulu, phezulu phezulu. Bewuphapha hlangana neenkwekwezi. Bewujika jika iphasi waya kude, kude esibhakabhakeni. “Lindani bekube kulapho ngitjela uTshepo no-Amina esikolweni,” uyacabanga. +  +ULesedi bekasahlole ngefasidera nakazakubona enye into le phambili. Kghani kungaba yi…? Iye bekungiyo! Bekuyinyanga … begodu bekunendoda ejame phezu kwayo. Kwabonakala kwangathi imphakamisela isandla. +  +“Yindoda yenyangeni!” kurhuwelela uLesedi athabile. +  + +Indoda le beyilokhu imphakamisela isandla bekwaba kulapho umkhumbi wemoyeni uhlala enyangeni ngamandla. Ngemva kwalokho yatjhinga efasidereni lakaLesedi yafika yakokoda. +  +“Lotjha,” ukhulumela erhalasini lefasidere. “Azisizinengi iimvakatjhi engizifumanako. Ungubani igama lakho?” +  +“NginguLesedi,” uphendula ngokuziqhenya. “Akukafuzi ngibe la. Umkhumbi wemoyeni lo akusingewami. Wehlele esivandeni sekhaya, ngakhwela, wona waphapha!” +  +“Mhlamunye kungebanga lokuthi wabelethwa uthanda ukwazi izinto,” kutjho indoda. +  +“Uqinisile. Ngiyasithanda isibhakabhaka begodu ngithanda iinkwekwezi khulu. Kuhle kuhle igama lami nginguLesedi, litjho ukukhanya,” kutjho yena. +  +“Kuhle lokho! Thatha into nasi ubuyele nayo ekhaya.” ULesedi wavula ifasidere wakhupha isandla. Indoda yamnikela ilitje elincani. “Lilitjhe lenyangeni elikhethekileko. Nje sele unento ezokusiza uhlale ukhumbula ikhambo lakho.” +  +“Ngithokoza kwamambala Ndoda yenyangeni!” +  +Nanyana uLesedi bekalithabela ikhambo lakhe, bekathoma ukuzizwa adiniwe. “Maye mina! UMma uzokutshwenyeka ngami!” ucabanga azamula. Waqala ngapha nangapha. “Mhlamunye nangingagandelela ikunupe etjheli leya godu umkhumbi wemoyeni ungangibuyisela ekhaya.” +  +Wayigandelela. Msinyana, kwezwakala ilizwi esipikareni godu, lithi, “Ikhambo elibuyela emva liyathoma 3,2,1…” +  +“Usale kuhle Ndoda yenyangeni,” Msinyana uLesedi walayelisa. +  +“Ukhambe kuhle, Lesedi. Ngithemba ukuthi ngizokubona godu,” utjho amphakamisela isandla. +  +Umkhumbi wemoyeni waphakama enyangeni wajika jika kabuthaka. ULesedi bekakghona ukubona iphasi likude le phasi. Begade ufana nebholo ehlaza elibhambhako yena nabangani bakhe abathanda ukudlala ngalo. Ngemva kwalokho wezwa umkhumbi wemoyeni wehla, wehla wabe wathi, gidi esivandeni sekhabo. Umnyango wavuleka kwehla iintepisi. +  +“Sengibuyile!” kurhuwelela uLesedi. +  +Wehla ngeentepisi waqala phezulu enyangeni ekulu eyindulunga etjheli wacabanga ukuthi ubona indoda encani imphakamisela isandla. +  + +  +Kuthe lokha unina kaLesedi nakaphumela ngaphandle ayomfuna, wafumana indodakazakhe ilele ubuthongo etjanini. +  +“Maye, umntazanyanami kufuze bona udinwe ufile,” utjho amguga. +  +Waguga uLesedi wamusa ngendlini wafika wamfaka ngeengutjeni embhedeni. Wezwa into ethileko esandleni sakaLesedi. Bekulilitje eliyindulunga elitshetlha. +  +“Umntazanyanami omncani onamahlaya,” wamomotheka, wamanga uLesedi epandla. +  +Ngemva kwalokho wacima amalambha waphuma ngekumbeni, akhange atjheje bona ilitje eliyindulunga elitshetlha belikhanye ebumnyameni.",nbl,isiNdebele,Umntazana owaya esibhakabhakeni ngengoz,"Lesedi loved the stars. While other children couldn’t wait for it to be morning, she couldn’t wait for night-time. She wasn’t scared of the dark at all. She loved to go outside before bedtime just to look up at the night sky. +Now, ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Itlolwe nguJeanine Vermaak,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/umntazana-owaya-esibhakabhakeni-ngengozi +the-girl-who-accidentally-went-to-space,"Lesedi o vha a tshi funa ṋaledzi. Musi vhaṅwe vhana vha tshi tou ri ḽi tsha lini, ene o vha a tshi tou ri ḽi kovhela lini. O vha a sa ofhi swiswi na luthihi. O vha a tshi funa u bvela nnḓa musi a sa athu eḓela uri a lavhelese makoleni. +  +Edzanu humbula ṋaledzi dze a dzi vhona. U tea u vha o vhona ṋaledzi nnzhi-nnzhi dzi penyaho, dzi poidza-poidzaho na ṅwedzi muhulwane, wa ṱaḓa, wa tshipulumbu. +  +“Tshifhinga tsha u eḓela tsho no vha tsini, Lesedi!” hu vhidzelela mme a onoyo musidzanyana. +  +“Ndi khou ḓa Mmawe!” hu fhindula Lesedi. +  +Fhedzi Lesedi o vha a sa athu lugela u dzhena nḓuni. O vha a tshi khou ṱoḓa u vhalela ṋaledzi. “Nthihi, mbili, raru, nṋa …” Lesedi o vha o no swika kha ḓana mahumi mararu na ntharu musi mme awe vha tshi dovha vha mu vhidzelela. +  +Musi a tshi rembuluwa uri a dzhene nḓuni, a vhona tshedza tshihulwane, tshi vhonetshelaho ngei makoleni. Tsho vha tshi tshi khou sendela. Ho vha hu rokhethe khulwane! Lesedi a i zwondolola a sa poidzi na u i lavhelesa u swika i tshi kavha ngadeni ya hawe. +  +Lesedi a sendela tsini na rokhethe nahone a i kwama. Yo vha i tshi suvhelela, i tshi penya na u dudela. Ha mbo ḓi vulea vothi ḽihulwane nahone tshiṱepisi tsha theutshela fhasi. +  +“Khamusi ndi nga ṱolela ngomu,” a ralo Lesedi. +  +A tshimbila nga u ongolowa a ya kha tshenetsho tshiṱepisi. Ho vha hu na mavhone a penyaho na batheni tswuku na ya buḽuu huṅwe na huṅwe. Fhedzi ho vha hu na batheni khulwane ya muvhala wa swiri fhasi ha fasiṱere ye a livhisa ṱhogomelo khayo. +  +“Ndi ḓivhudzisa uri hu ḓo itea mini arali nda nga i puṱedza?” a ambela nṱha. +  +Ha pfala BEEP musi a tshi puṱedza yeneyo batheni. Vothi ḽa valea nahone ha pfala BOOM musi nzhini i tshi bvuma. Nga murahu a pfa ipfi ḽi tshi bva kha khudzaipfi ḽi tshi ri, “Rokhethe i khou takuwa 3, 2, 1…” +  +Lesedi a pfa rokhethe i tshi takuwa! Ya dzinginyea u bva kha tsha u ḽa u ya kha tsha monde; na u bva nṱha u ya fhasi nahone ya ita phosho khulwane musi i tshi gonyela nṱha. +  +“Mma vha ḓo sinyuwa vhukuma,” a ralo Lesedi, fhedzi o vha a tshi khou ṅwe��wela vhukuma. Mafheleloni o vha a tshi khou ya tshikhalani! Musi a tshi sedza nga mafasiṱere a rokhethe, a vhona nnḓu dzi tshi khou ṱukufhala nga zwiṱuku nga zwiṱuku musi vha tshi khou gonyela nṱha. +  +A imisa tshanḓa a onesa, “Vha sale zwavhuḓi Mma! Ndi ḓo vhuya hu si kale!” +  +Rokhethe ya gonya, ya gonya, a si iḽa ya ya nṱha. Ya pfuka nga vhukati ha ṋaledzi na u dzi mona. Ya mona dzipulanete nahone ya fhufhela nṱha-nṱha tshikhalani. “Ndi tou ri ya lini tshikoloni uri ndi vhudze Tshepo na Amina nga ha zwenezwi,” a ralo. +  +Lesedi o vha a tshee o sedza nga fasiṱere musi a tshi vhona tshiṅwe tshithu phanḓa hawe. Naa hu nga vha hu...? Ee, ndi wone! Ho vha hu ṅwedzi ... nahone ho vha hu na munna o imaho nṱha hawo. O vhonala a tshi nga u khou mu imisela tshanḓa. +  +“Ndi munna a re kha ṅwedzi!” Lesedi a huwelela nga dakalo. +  + +  +Onoyo munna a bvela phanḓa a tshi khou lumelisa nga tshanḓa u swika rokhethe i tshi kavha zwavhuḓi ṅwedzini. Nga murahu onoyo munna a ya a khokhonya fasiṱereni ḽa Lesedi. +  +“Ndaa,” a ambela kha ngilasi. “A thi anzeli u dalelwa nga vhaeni vhanzhi. Ni pfi nnyi?” +  +“Ndi pfi Lesedi,” a amba nga u ḓifulufhela. “A tho ngo tea u vha fhano. Heyi a si rokhethe yanga. Yo kavha ngadeni ya hashu, ndi izwi-ha ndi tshi dzhena ngomu nahone ya mbo ḓi takuwa ya gonyela nṱha!” +  +“Zwi tea u vha zwo itiswa ngauri ni mutanduli nga lwa nzulele,” a ralo onoyo munna. +  +“Ee. Ndi funa tshikhala nahone zwihuluhulu ṋaledzi. Zwi re zwone ndi uri dzina ḽanga, Lesedi, ḽi amba tshedza,” a ralo. +  +“Ndi zwavhuḓi badi! Dzhiani hetshi tshithu ni ṱuwe natsho hayani.” Lesedi a vula fasiṱere nahone a bvisa tshanḓa. Onoyo munna a mu ṋea kutombo. “Ndi tombo ḽo khetheaho ḽa ṅwedzini. Zwino ni na tshithu tshine tsha ḓo dzula tshi tshi ni humbudza nga ha lwonolwu lwendo.” +  +“Ndo livhuwa nga maanḓa, Munna wa ṅwedzini!” +  +Naho Lesedi o vha a tshi khou ḓiphina nga lwonolwo lwendo, o vha a tshi vho ḓipfa o netanyana. “Yowee, yowee! Mma vha ḓo vhilaela vhukuma nga nṋe!” a humbula, a tshi khou alamula. A sedza matungo oṱhe. “Khamusi arali nda dovha nda puṱedza heiḽa batheni ya muvhala wa swiri, rokhethe i ḓo nkhumisela hayani.” +  +Ndi izwi-ha a tshi i puṱedza. Nga u ṱavhanya ha dovha ha pfala ipfi kha khudzaipfi, ḽa ri, “Lwendo lwa u humela murahu lu khou thoma nga 3,2,1…” +  +“Salani zwavhuḓi, Munna wa ṅwedzini,” hu amba Lesedi nga u ṱavhanya. +  +“Ni tshimbile zwavhuḓi Lesedi. Ndi fulufhela uri ri ḓo dovha ra vhonana,” a ralo, a tshi khou mu imisela tshanḓa. +  +Rokhethe ya takuwa ṅwedzini nahone ya khona nga u ongolowa. Lesedi a vhona Pulanete ya Ḽifhasi fhasi hangei. Ḽo vha ḽi tshi tou nga bola ine ya khou bammba, ye ene na khonani dzawe vha vha vha tshi funa u tamba ngayo. Nga murahu ha zwenezwo a pfa rokhethe i tshi khou tsela fhasi, fhasi, fhasi, u swika i tshi bammba ya kavha ngadeni ya hawe. Vothi ḽa vulea nahone tshiṱepisi tsha theutshela fhasi. +  +“Ndo swika hayani!” Lesedi a huwelela. +  +A tsa zwiṱepisini a tshi khou gidima nahone a lavhelesa ṅwedzi muhulwane, wa ṱaḓa, wa tshipulumbu nahone a vhona u nga o vhona munna muṱuku o imisaho tshanḓa. +  + +  +Musi mme a Lesedi vha tshi bvela nnḓa vha tshi khou mu ṱoḓa, vha wana ṅwananyana wavho o eḓela hatsini. +  +“Ṅwananyana wanga nandi, ni tea u vha no neta vhukuma,” vha ralo vha tshi khou mu takula. +  +Vha mu takula nahone vha mu ladza mmbeteni. Nga murahu ha zwenezwo vha pfa tshiṅwe tshithu tshanḓani tsha Lesedi. Ho vha hu tombo ḽa tshipulumbu, ḽa girei. +  +“Ṅwananyana wanga a mangadzaho,” vha ṅweṅwela, vha mu khisa kha phanḓa. +  +Nga murahu ha zwenezwo vha tsima luvhone, vha bva henefho kamarani, vha songo zwi ṱhogomela uri tombo ḽa tshipulumbu, ḽa girei ḽo vha ḽi tshi khou penya swiswini.",ven,Tshivenda,Musidzana we a lora o ya makolen,"Lesedi loved the stars. While other children couldn’t wait for it to be morning, she couldn’t wait for night-time. She wasn’t scared of the dark at all. She loved to go outside before bedtime just to look up at the night sky. +Now, ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Muṅwali ndi Jeanine Vermaak,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/musidzana-we-lora-o-ya-makoleni +how-stories-began,"A long time ago, a woman lived with her family in a village in the Kingdom of Zululand. Every Sunday the family went down to the big ocean. The children dug in the sand and played in the waves. The woman made food over a fire while her husband looked for wood washed up by the sea to carve beautiful things: birds, people and all kinds of animals. +During the week the whole family worked hard and in the evenings they sat around the fire. It was too dark for working or playing or carving and it was too early to go to sleep. And this was when the children asked their mother to tell them a story. +“Mama,” they begged, “we want stories. Please tell us one.” +But no matter how hard she tried to think of a story, she could not. Neither she nor her husband had any stories to tell. +One day, the woman decided to ask her neighbours for help. +“Do you have any stories?” she asked them. “No-o-oo,” they shook their heads, “we don’t.” +There were no stories. There were no dreams … and there were no magical tales. +Her husband suggested, “Wife, I think you must go look for stories. I will take care of our children and the house. Find some stories and bring them back.” +So the woman kissed her family goodbye and left. She decided to ask every creature she passed if they had a story to share. The first animal she met was the hare. He came thump-thumping along on his big feet. +“Hare!” she called. “Do you have any stories?” +“Stories?” asked Hare. “Oh, I have hundreds, thousands, no … millions of them.” +“Hare, please give me some stories so that I can make my children happy.” “Ummm…” said Hare. “I don’t have the time. In any case … stories in the daytime? …No!” And thump, thump, thump off he went. +Later she saw an owl. When she asked him for stories he fluffed his feathers angrily. +“Whooo … are … yooou to wake me? I have no stories. Go to the great fish eagle. He is the one who is awake in the day. Ask him.” +So the woman walked to the mouth of the Tugela River where the fish eagle hunted. When she saw him she called his name. +The great fish eagle screeched back at her. “KOW! kow-kow-kow! Why are you disturbing my hunting?” +“Oh, wise Fish Eagle,” said the woman, “I’m searching for stories. Do you know where I can find some?” +“Yes,” said Fish Eagle, “I know who can help you. Go to where the rocks join the sea. Stand there and call for the giant sea turtle.” +The woman thanked him and went down to the sea. She had only called for the giant sea turtle twice when he rose up through the water with a great splash. +“Don’t be afraid,” Sea Turtle said. “Hold onto my shell. I will take you to the sea people who know all things and all stories.” +Down, down, down they went into the sea, right to the bottom, straight to the king and queen of the sea. +“And who is this?” asked the king. +“This is a woman from the dry lands above our waters,” whispered the queen. +“What is it that you want, woman of the dry lands?” asked the queen. +“Stories, your Highness. Do you have any that I can take to my people?” +“We do,” said the queen. “But do you have something to exchange for these stories?” +“What would you like?” asked the woman. +The king and queen smiled. “We cannot go up to your dry lands. We would like to see what it is like. Bring us something to show us what kind of animals and people there are.” +“I will,” said the woman. +The giant sea turtle took her back to the dry land and waited while she rushed home to tell her husband everything. +“Oh,” he said excitedly. “I have many carvings of animals, birds and people. You can take them all.” +Soon the woman was back at the beach with a bundle of the carvings. Once again the turtle dived and took them down, down, down. +When the king and queen saw the carvings, they were very happy and they gave her a beautiful shell. +“For you and for your people, we give the gift of stories. Whenever you want a story, hold this up to your ear and listen,” they said. +“But remember this,” whispered the king in her ear, “your very first story began with your journey down here.” +When at last the woman returned to the shore, her husband, her children and all the people of the village were waiting. They had made an enormous fire that crackled and spat in the darkness. +“And now,” they called out to her, “tell us a story. Tell us a story!” +The woman smiled. She held the shell and said, “Yes … Nal’ibali … here is the story. Ssshhh. Now listen.” +And that was how the first story was told. After that the woman held the shell to her ear and told more and more stories. +And if this is the first story that you have heard, just remember, there are many, many more to come.",eng,English,How stories began,"A long time ago, a woman lived with her family in a village in the Kingdom of Zululand. Every Sunday the family went down to the big ocean. The children dug in the sand and played in the waves. The woman made food over a fire while her husband ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/how-stories-began +how-stories-began,"Lank, lank gelede het ’n vrou saam met haar gesin in die Koninkryk van Zululand gewoon. Elke Sondag het die gesin na die groot oseaan toe gegaan. Die kinders het in die sand gegrawe en in die golwe gespeel. Die vrou het oor ’n vuur kos gemaak terwyl haar man dryfhout gesoek het wat die see uitgespoel het waaruit hy pragtige dinge kon kerf: voëls, mense en allerhande soorte diere. +Gedurende die week het die hele gesin hard gewerk, en in die aande het hulle om die vuur gesit. Dit was te donker om te werk, of te speel, of te kerf en dit was te vroeg om te gaan slaap. En dit is wanneer die kinders hulle ma gevra het om vir hulle ’n storie te vertel. +“Mamma,” smeek hulle, “ons wil stories hoor. Vertel asseblief vir ons ’n storie.” +Maar hoe hard hulle ma ook al probeer om aan ’n storie te dink, kan sy dit nie regkry nie. Nie sy of haar man het enige stories om te vertel nie. +Op ’n dag besluit die vrou om haar bure te vra om te help. +“Het julle enige stories?” vra sy hulle. +“Nee-e-ee,” skud hulle hul koppe, “ons het nie.” +Daar is geen stories nie. Daar is geen drome nie … en daar is geen towerverhale nie. +Haar man stel voor: “Vrou, ek dink jy moet gaan stories soek. Ek sal ons kinders en die huis oppas. Vind ’n paar stories en bring hulle terug hierheen.” +Die vrou soen haar gesin tot siens en vertrek. Sy besluit om vir elkeen by wie sy +verbystap te vra of hulle ’n storie het om te deel. Die eerste dier wat sy teëkom, is die haas. Hy kom op sy groot voete aan gedoef-doef-doef. +“Haas!” roep sy. “Het jy enige stories?” +“Stories?” vra Haas. “O, ek het honderde, duisende, nee … miljoene stories.” +“Haas, gee asseblief vir my ’n paar stories sodat ek my kinders gelukkig kan maak.” +“Ummm…” sê Haas. “Ek het nie tyd nie. In elk geval … stories in die middel van die dag? … Nee!” En toe doef, doef, doef hy weg. +Later sien sy ’n uil. Toe sy hom vir stories vra, pof hy sy vere ergerlik op. +“Hoe-hoe … hoekom maak jy my wakker? Ek het geen stories nie. Gaan na die groot visarend toe. Hy is die een wat bedags wakker is. Vra hom.” +Die vrou stap toe na die mond van die Tugela-rivier toe waar die visarend jag. Toe sy hom sien, roep sy sy naam. +Die groot visarend skree vir haar terug. “KOW! kow-kow-kow! Waarom pla jy my terwyl ek jag?” +“O, wyse Visarend,” sê die vrou, “ek is op soek na stories. Weet jy waar ek stories kan kry?” +“Ja,” sê die Visarend, “ek weet wie jou kan help. Gaan na waar die rotse en die see mekaar ontmoet. Staan daar en roep die reuseseeskilpad.” +Die vrou bedank hom en stap af see toe. Sy roep net twee keer na die reuseseeskilpad en toe verskyn hy met ’n groot geplas uit die water. +“Moenie bang wees nie,” sê Seeskilpad. “Hou aan my dop vas. Ek sal jou na die seemense toe vat wat alles weet en alle stories ken.” +  +Af, af, af daal hulle in die see af, reg na die bodem, reguit na die koning enkoningin van die see. +“En wie is dit?” vra die koning. +“Dit is ’n vrou van die droë land bo ons waters,” fluister die koningin. +“Wat wil jy van ons hê, vrou van die droë land?” vra die koningin. +“Stories, u Hoogheid. Het u enige stories wat ek na my mense toe kan vat?” +“Ons het,” sê die koningin. “Maar wat kan jy ons in ruil gee vir hierdie stories?” +“Wat wil u graag hê?” vra die vrou. +Die koning en koningin glimlag. “Ons kan nie na julle droë land toe gaan nie. Ons wil graag sien hoe dit lyk. Bring vir ons iets om te wys watter soort diere en mense daar woon.” +“Ek sal,” sê die vrou. +Die reuseseeskilpad neem haar terug na die droë land en wag terwyl sy huis toe hardloop om vir haar man alles te vertel. +“O,” sê hy opgewonde. “Ek het baie beeldjies van diere, voëls en mense uitgekerf. Jy kan dit alles saamvat.” +Gou is die vrou terug op die strand met ’n klomp van die beeldjies. Weer duik die seeskilpad af, af, af na die seebodem. +Toe die koning en koningin die beeldjies sien, is hulle baie bly en gee vir haar ’n pragtige skulp. +“Ons gee vir jou en jou mense die geskenk van stories. Wanneer jy ’n storie wil hoor, moet jy die skulp teen jou oor hou en mooi luister,” sê hulle. +“Maar onthou,” fluister die koning in haar oor, “jou eerste storie begin met jou reis hierheen.” +Toe die vrou uiteindelik weer terug is op land, wag haar man, haar kinders en al die mense van die dorp vir haar. Hulle het ’n geweldige groot vuur gemaak wat in die donkerte knetter en kraak. +“En nou,” roep hulle na haar, “vertel vir ons ’n storie. Vertel vir ons ’n storie!” +Die vrou glimlag. Sy hou die skulp vas en sê: “Ja … Nal’ibali … hier volg die storie. Sssjjj. Luister nou mooi.” +En dit is hoe die eerste storie vertel is. +Daarna het die vrou die skulp teen haar oor gehou en nog baie stories vertel. En as hierdie die eerste storie is wat jy gehoor het, onthou net, daar is nog baie, baie stories.",afr,Afrikaans,Waar stories vandaan kom,"A long time ago, a woman lived with her family in a village in the Kingdom of Zululand. Every Sunday the family went down to the big ocean. The children dug in the sand and played in the waves. The woman made food over a fire while her husband ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/waar-stories-vandaan-kom +how-stories-began,"Kade, kwakunomma owabe ahlala nomndenakhe ethresteni le-Kingdom of Zululand. Qobe ngoSondarha umndeni lo bewuya elwandle elikhulu. Abentwana bebemba esandeni badlale nangamagagasi. Umma apheke ukudla emlilweni lokha umyenakhe nakayokufuna iinkuni ezikhafulwe lilwandle azokubaza izinto ezihle: iinyoni, abantu nayo yoke imihlobo yeenlwana. +Phakathi kweveke umndeni woke bewusebenza ngamandla bese entambama bahlale bothe umlilo. Bekubamnyama khulu kobana bangasebenza namkha badlale namkha bangabaza begodu bekuba frurhu khulu kobana bangayokulala. Lesi kwaba sikhathi lapho abentwana babawa khona unina kobana abacocele indatjana. + +“Mama,” kutjho abentwana bazincengela, “sibawa usicocele indatjana. Sibawa usicocele eyodwa.” +Nanyana bekazama ngamandla ukucabanga indatjana, wabhalelwa. Akekho phakathi kwakhe nomyenakhe owaba nendatjana angayicoca. +Ngelinye ilanga, umfazi wacabanga ukubawa abomakhelwana bakhe kobana amsize. +“Ingabe ninazo iindatjana?” wababuza. +“Awa-a-aa,” bathintitha iinhloko, “asinazo.” +Bezingekho iindatjana. Bekunganamabhudango …. begodu bezingekho neenolwana. +Umyeni wakhe wabeka umbono, “Mkami, ngicabanga bonyana kufanele uyokufuna iindatjana. Ngizakutlhogomela abentwana bethu kunye nendlu. Thola iindatjana bese ubuya nazo.” +Ngalokho-ke umfazi wamanga umndenakhe wawuvalelisa wase uyakhamba. Wacabanga bonyana abuze nanyana ngisiphi isidalwa asidlulako bona asinandatjana esingabelana ngayo na. Isilwana sokuthoma ahlangana naso kwaku mqasa. Weza weqayeqa ngeenyawo zawo ezikulu. +“Mqasa!” wawubiza. “Ingabe unazo iindatjana?” +“Indatjana?” kubuza uMqasa. “Wo!, nginamakhulukhulu, iinkulungwana, awa…ngineengidi zazo.” +“Mqasa, ngiyakubawa ngipha iindatjana ngizokuthabisa abentwabami.” +“Mhh…” kwatjho umqasa. “Anginaso isikhathi. Nanyana kunjalo … iindatjana phakathi kwemini? …Awa!” Waseuyeqayeqa wakhamba. + +Ngemva kwesikhathi wabona isirhulurhulu. Lokha nakasibawa iindatjana savusa iinsiba zaso ngokusilingeka. +“Ungubaaa …ni … ungivusa? Anginazo iindatjana. Khamba uye kukholo omkhulu weemfesi. Nguye ovukileko emini nje. Ubuze yena.” +Ngaloko-ke umfazi wakhamba waya emlonyeni womLambo iThukela lapho azuma khona ukholo weemfesi. Lokha nakambonako wabiza ukholo ngegama lakhe . +Ukholo weemfesi omkhulu walila afuna ukumkarabha waya kuye. “KOWU! kowu-kowu-kowu! Kubayini ungiphazamisa ngizuma?” + +“Oh, Kholo weemFesi ohlakaniphileko, kutjho umfazi, “Ngifunana neendatjana. Uyakwazi lapho ngingazithola khona?” +“Iye,” kwatjho uKholo weemFesi, “Ngiyazi bonyana ngubani ongakusiza. Iya lapho amadwala ahlangana khona nelwandle. Ujame lapho bese ubiza ikghuru ekulu yelwandle. +Umfazi wamthokoza wase wehlela elwandle. Wabiza ikghuru ekulu yelwandle kabili kwaphela yavela ngemanzini ngobuphahlaphahla obukhulu. +“Ungesabi,” kwatjho iKghuru yeLwandle. “Bambela phezu kweqephe lami. Ngizakusa ebantwini belwandle abazi yoke into neendatjana zoke.” +Behla, behla, behlela ngelwandle, batjhinga phasi, banqopha ekosini nendlovukazini yelwandle. +“Ngubani lo?” kubuza ikosi. +“Lo mfazi obuya ephasini elomileko ngaphezu kwamanzi,” kuhleba indlovukazi. + +“Ingabe khuyini okufunako, mfazi wephasini elomileko?” kubuza indlovukazi. +“Iindatjana, wena oHloniphekileko. Ingabe kukhona onazo engingazisa ebantwini bekhethu?” +“Sinazo,” kwatjho indlovukazi. “Kodwana ingabe unayo into ongarweyila ngayo iindatjanezi?” +“Ungathanda ini?” kwabuza umfazi. +Ikosi nendlovukazi bamomotheka. “Angekhe sikwazi ukuya ngaphezulu emaphasini elomileko. Singathanda ukukubona bonyana kunjani. Silethela into engasitjengisa bonyana kuneenlwana nabantu abanjani lapho.” +“Ngizakwenza njalo,” kwatjho umfazi. +Ikghuru ekulu yelwandle yambuyisela emuva ephasini elomileko yase iyalinda lokha nakasarhabele ekhaya ukuyokutjela umyenakhe ngakho koke okwenzekileko. +“Oh,” watjho ngokuthaba okukhulu. “Ngineelwana, iinyoni nabantu abanengi ababaziweko. Ungakuthatha koke.” +Masinyana umfazi besele amagega nelwandle nesiquthulu sezinto ezibaziweko. Yaphinda godu ikghuru yehlela naye phasi, phasi phasi. + +Lokha ikosi banendlovukazi babona izinto ebaziweko, bathaba khulu base bamnikela iqephe elihle khulu. +“Ngelakho kunye nabantu bekhenu, sinikela ngezipho zeenolwana. Lokha nawufuna inolwana phakamisela lokhu phezulu bese uyalalela,” batjho njalo. +“Kodwana ukhumbule lokhu,” kutjho ikosi imhlebela endlebeni, inolwanakho yokuthoma ithome ngekhambo lakho lokuza lapha.” +Emaswaphelweni lokha umfazi aphumela ngaphandle kwelwandle, umyenakhe, abentwana bakhe nabo boke abantu bethreste bebamlindile. Bebabase umlilo omkhulu obewurubha kubonakala iinhlasela emnyameni. +“Kwanjesi,” batjho bambiza, “sicocela inolwana. Sicocela inolwana!” + +Umfazi wamomotheka. Waphakamisa iqephe wase uthi, “Iye … Nal’bali … nasi inolwana. Tjjhhiii! Lalelani kwanjesi.” +Leyo kwaba yindlela ekwacocwa ngayo inolwana yokuthoma. +Ngemva kwalokho umfazi wabeka iqephe endlebeni yakhe wase ucoca iinolwana ezinengi. Nangabe le yinolwana yokuthoma owakhe wayizwa, khumbula bona, zisese zinengi khulu ezizako.",nbl,isiNdebele,Indlela iindatjana ezathoma ngayo,"A long time ago, a woman lived with her family in a village in the Kingdom of Zululand. Every Sunday the family went down to the big ocean. The children dug in the sand and played in the waves. The woman made food over a fire while her husband ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/indlela-iindatjana-ezathoma-ngayo +how-stories-began,"Kudaladala, kwakukho umfazi owayehlala nosapho lwakhe elalini ekumhlaba wobuKumkani bamaZulu. Rhoqo ngeCawe olu sapho lwalusihla luye kulwandlekazi olukhulu olwalukufuphi apho. Abantwana babesomba imingxuma entlabathini baze badlale nasemazeni. Lo mfazi wayepheka ukutya emlilweni lo gama umyeni wakhe wayekhangela iinkuni ezityekezwe lulwandle, ukuze aziqingqe enze izinto ezintle: iintaka, abantu nazo zonke iintlobo zezilwanyana. +Phakathi evekini usapho lonke lwalusebenza nzima luze ukutshona kwelanga luhlale ngasemlilweni. Ngeli xesha kwakumnyama kakhulu ukuba basebenze okanye badlale okanye bachwele kwaye lalingekafiki nexesha lokuba balale. Kungeli xesha kanye ke apho abantwana bathi bacela umama wabo ukuba ababalisele ibali. +“Mama,” babongoze ngelitshoyo “sifuna amabali. Nceda usibalisele libe linye.” +Kodwa wathi akuzama ukucinga ngebali, akatsho ukuza nalo. Wayengekho phakathi kwakhe nomyeni wakhe owayenebali anokubalisela abantwana. +Ngenye imini, lo mfazi wagqiba kwelokuba acele uncedo kubamelwane bakhe. +“Ingaba akho amabali eninawo?” wababuza. +“Ha-a-ayi,” bahlunguzela iintloko, “asinawo.” +Kwakungekho mabali. Kwakungekho maphupha … nto leyo ethetha ukuba kwakungekho mabali anemilingo. +Umyeni wakhe ucebise ngelithi, “Mfazi, ndicinga ukuba uhambe uyokukhangela amabali. Mna ndiza kubajonga abantwana nendlu le. Hamba uyokufuna amabali, ze uthi wakuwafumana ubuye nawo.” +Uthe ke lo mfazi wanga usapho lwakhe ze wahamba. Wagqiba kwelokubaabuze isidalwa ngasinye adibana naso ukuba sinalo kusini na ibali esinokumncazela lona. Isilwanyana sokuqala ahlangene naso yayingumvundla. Weza utsiba-tsiba ngeenyawo zawo ezinkulu. +“Mvundla!” wakhwaza. “Ingaba akho na amabali onawo?” +“Amabali?” ubuzile uMvundla. “Owu, ndinamakhulu-khulu, amawaka-waka, hayi ndinezigidi zawo.” +“Mvundla, nceda undiphe ambalwa ukuze ndonwabise abantwana bam.” +“E-e…” watsho uMvundla. “Andinalo ixesha ngoku. Kwaye ke …amabali emini? …Hayi khona!” Watsho utsiba-tsiba usimka. +Emva kwexeshana ubone isikhova. Xa asibuza ngamabali savuthulula iimpiko zaso ngomsindo. +“Heyi ungubani … wena … undivusa nje? Andinamabali mna. Yiya kukhozi olukhulu. Lulo olungalaliyo emini. Buza lona.” +Ngoko ke lo mfazi waya kwichweba lomlambo iTugela apho ukhozi lwaluzingela khona. Wathi akulubona walukhwaza ngegama. +Ukhozi olukhulu lwakhala lumphendula. “KWA! kwa-kwa-kwa! Kutheni undiphazamisa ndizingela nje?” +“Owu, Khozi olunobulumko,” watsho lo mfazi, “ndikhangela amabali. Ingaba uyazi ukuba ndingawafumana phi na?” “Ewe,” lwatsho uKhozi, “ndiyazi ukuba ngubani onokukunceda. Yiya kulaa ndawo kudibana kuyo iliwa nolwandle. Yima apho ubize ufudo lwaselwandle olukhulu.” +Lo mfazi walubulela waza wemka ethoba ulwandle. Walukhwaza kabini nje kuphela ufudo olukhulu lwaselwandle lwaza lwanyuka luphuma emanzini, kuvakala ukuphaxaza kwamanzi okukhulu. +“Musa ukoyika,” lwatsho uFudo lwaseLwandle. “Bambelela kweli qokobhe lam. Ndiza kukusa kubantu baselwandle abazi zonke izinto nawo onke amabali.” +Behla, behla, behla baya ezantsi elwandle, emazantsi kanye, bafika kukumkani nokumkanikazi wolwandle. +“Ngubani lo ke ngoku?” wabuza ukumkani. +“Lo ngumfazi ovela kumhlaba owomileyo ophezu kwamanzi ethu,” usebeze watsho ukumkanikazi. +“Ufuna ntoni, mfazi wasemhlabeni owomileyo?” wabuza ukumkanikazi.“Amabali, Kumkanikazi. Ingaba unawo kusini na endinokuwafumana ndiye nawo kubantu bam?” +“Ewe sinawo,” watsho ukumkanikazi. “Kodwa ingaba wena unayo into oza kusitshintshisela ngayo ngamabali ethu?” +“Ningathanda ndininike ntoni?” wabuza umfazi. +Ukumkani nokumkanikazi bancuma. “Asikwazi ukuya kumhlaba wakho owomileyo. Singathanda ukubona ukuba unjani. Siphathele into ukuze sibone ukuba zinjani izilwanyana nabantu abaphila kuwo.” +“Ndiza kwenza njalo,” watsho umfazi. +Ufudo lwaselwandle olukhulu lwamthatha lwambuyisela kumhlaba owomileyo lwaza lwamlinda lo gama ekhawuleza ukugoduka ukuya kuxelela umyeni wakhe konke ngohambo lwakhe. +“Owu,” watsho echulumancile. “Ndiqinge izilwanyana ezininzi, neentaka nabantu. Ungazithatha zonke.” +Kwakamsinyane umfazi wayesele ebuyele elunxwemeni ephethe isipha sezinto eziqingqiweyo. Kwakhona ufudo lwantywila lwaya naye neso sipha ezantsi kanye. +Akuzibona ukumkani nokumkanikazi ezi zinto, bavuya kakhulu baza bamnika unokrwece omhle. +“Wena nabantu bakho sinipha isipho samabali. Nanini na xa nifuna ibali, bekani lo nokrwece endlebeni, nimamele,” batsho. +“Kodwa khumbula oku,” wamsebezela endlebeni ukumkani, “ibali lakho lokuqala liqala ngohambo lwakho lokuza ezantsi apha kuthi.” +Ekugqibeleni xa lo mfazi ebuyela elunxwemeni, umyeni wakhe, abantwana bakhe kunye nabantu bonke belali babemlindile. Babebase umlilo omkhulu owawunqanqaza utaka iintlantsi ebumnyameni. +“Ke ngoku,” bonke bamkhwaza, “sibalisele ibali. Sibalisele ibali!” +Umfazi wancuma. Waphakamisa unokrwece wathi, “Ewe … Nal’ibali … nali ibali. Ssshhh. Mamelani ngoku.” +Le ke yaba yindlela ibali lokuqala elabaliswa ngayo. Emva koko lo mfazi wabeka unokrwece endlebeni wabalisa amabali amaninzi. +Kwaye, ukuba eli libali lokuqala olivayo, khumbula ukuba, maninzi kakhulu amabali asezayo.",xho,isiXhosa,Aqala njani am,"A long time ago, a woman lived with her family in a village in the Kingdom of Zululand. Every Sunday the family went down to the big ocean. The children dug in the sand and played in the waves. The woman made food over a fire while her husband ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/aqala-njani-amabali +how-stories-began,"Endulo, kwakukhona inkosikazi eyayihlala nomndeni wayo emzini oseMbusweni wakwaZulu. Umndeni wawehlela olwandle olukhulu njalo ngeSonto. Izingane zazigubha isihlabathi futhi zidlale nasemagagasini. Inkosikazi yayipheka phansi ngesikhathi umyeni wayo eyobheka izinkuni ezikhishelwe ngaphandle ulwandle ukuze abaze izinto ezinhle: izinyoni, abantu, kanye nazo zonke izinhlobo zezilwane. +Phakathi nesonto umndeni wawusebenza kanzima bese uhlala eduze nomlilo ebusuku. Kwakuba mnyama kakhulu ukuthi bangasebenza noma badlale noma babaze, futhi sasisuke sisekude isikhathi sokulala. Kanti lesi kwakuba yisikhathi izingane ezicela ngaso umama wazo ukuthi azixoxele indaba. +“Mama,” besho bemncenga, “sifuna izindaba. Sicela usixoxele indaba.” +Kodwa noma wayezama kakhulu kangakanani ukucabanga indaba, wayengakwazi ukuyicabanga. Kwakungekho phakathi kwakhe nomyeni wakhe owayenezindaba azozixoxa. +Ngelinye ilanga, inkosikazi yacela usizo komakhelwane. +“Ngabe zikhona izindaba eninazo?” ibuza. +“Cha-a-a-a,” benikina amakhanda abo, “asinazo.” +Kwakungekho zindaba. Kwakungekho maphupho … futhi kungekho zinsumansumane. +Umyeni wakhe wenza isiphakamiso wathi, “Nkosikazi, ngicabanga ukuthi kumele uyofuna izindaba. Ngizozinakekela izingane zethu nendlu. Thola izindaba bese ubuya nazo.” +Ngakho inkosikazi yanga abomndeni wayo yabavalelisa yase ihamba. Yanquma +ukubuza lonke uhlobo lwesilwane eyayihlangana naso ukuthi ngabe sinayo yini indaba esingabelana nayo ngayo. Isilwane sokuqala eyahlangana naso kwakuwumvundla. Waqhamuka uthi gxu gxu,ngezinyawo zawo ezinkulu. +“Mvundla!” imemeza. “Ngabe unazo izindaba?” +“Izindaba?” kubuza uMvundla. “O, nginamakhulu, nginezinkulungwane, cha … ngineziyizigidi.” +“Mvundla, ngicela ungiphe izindaba ukuze ngikwazi ukujabulisa izingane.” +“Mmmm…” kusho uMvundla. “Anginaso isikhathi. Nangaphandle kwalokho … izindaba emini? …Cha bo!” Wase uthi gxu, gxu, gxu,wahamba. +Kamuva yabona isikhova. yathi uma isibuza ukuthi ngabe sinazo yini izindaba sashaya amaphiko aso ngolaka. +“Ungubani … futhi … ungivuselani? Anginazindaba. Hamba uye enkwazini. Iyona esuke ingalele emini. Buza yona.” +Ngakho-ke inkosikazi yahamba yaya esizalweni soMfula uThukela lapho kwakuzingela khona inkwazi. Ngesikhathi iyibona yayibiza ngegama. +Inkwazi yaklewula ibhekise kuye. “KOW! kow-kow-kow! Kungani ungiphazamisa ngizingela?” +“O, Nkwazi ekhaliphile,” kusho inkosikazi, “ngicinga izindaba. Ngabe uyazi lapho ngingazithola khona?” +“Yebo,” kusho iNkwazi, “ngiyazi ukuthi ubani ongakusiza. Yana lapho amadwala ehlangana khona nolwandle. Yima lapho bese umemeza ufudu olukhulu lwasolwandle.” +Inkosikazi yalubonga yase yehlela olwandle. Yayisalubize kabili nje ufudu olukhulu lwasolwandle ngesikhathi luvumbuka emanzini, kwakapaka amanzi amaningi. +“Ungesabi,” kusho uFudu Lwasolandle. “Bambelela egobolondweni lami. Ngizokuhambisa ebantwini basolwandle abazi zonke izinto kanye nazo zonke izindaba.” +Behla, behla, behla nolwandle, baze bafika phansi ekugcineni kolwandle,baqonda ngqo enkosini nendlovukazi yolwandle. +��Ubani lo?” kubuza inkosi. +Yinkosikazi evela endaweni ewumhlabathi owomile ngaphezu kwamanzi,” kunyenyeza indlovukazi. +“Ngabe ufunani, nkosikazi evela endaweni engumhlabathi owomile?” kubuza indlovukazi. +“Izindaba, Ndlovukazi. Ngabe zikhona eninazo engingazixoxela abantu bakithi?” +“Sinazo,” kusho indlovukazi. “Kodwa ngabe unayo into ongasipha yona uma sikunika lezi zindaba?” +“Ningathandani pho?” kubuza inkosikazi. +Inkosi nendlovukazi bamamatheka. “Asikwazi ukukhuphukela endaweni yenu esemhlabathini owomile. Singathanda khona ukubona ukuthi kunjani. Siphathele okuthile ukuze usikhombise ukuthi kukhona izilwane nabantu abanjani.” +“Ngizokwenzenjalo,” kusho inkosikazi. +Ufudu olukhulu lwasolwandle lwayibuyisela emuva endaweni esemhlabathini owomile lwayilinda ngesikhathi isaphuthuma ekhaya iyoxoxela umyeni wayo yonke into. +“O” washo ngesasasa. “Nginokuningi okubaziwe okuyizilwane, izinyoni nabantu. Ungakuthatha konke.” +Inkosikazi yabuyela olwandle ngokushesha iphethe okubaziwe okuyinqwaba. Ufudu lwaphinda lwatshuza lwehla, lwehla, lwehla naye. +Kwathi uma inkosi nendlovukazi bebona okubaziwe, bajabula kakhulu bayinikeza igobolondo elihle. +“Sinikeza wena nabantu bakini lesi sipho sezindaba. Njalo uma ufuna izindaba, phakamisa lokhu ukubeke endlebeni bese uyalalela,” kusho bona. +“Kodwa ukhumbule lokhu,” inkosi imhlebela endlebeni, “indaba yakho yokuqala ngqa iqale ngohambo lwakho lokuza lapha ezansi.” +Kwathi ekugcineni lapho inkosikazi isibuyela osebeni, yafica ilindwe umyeni wayo, izingane zayo kanye nabo bonke abantu basemzini. Babebase umlilo omkhulu owawuqhuma ukhafulele izinhlansi ebumnyameni. +“Manje,” besho bemmemeza, “sixoxele indaba! Sixoxele indaba!” +Inkosikazi yamamatheka. Yabamba igobolondo yathi, “Yebo … Nal’ibali … nansi indaba. Ssshhh. Lalelani-ke manje.” +Yaxoxwa kanjalo-ke indaba yokuqala. +Ngemva kwalokho inkosikazi yabeka igobolondo endlebeni yayo yaxoxa izindaba eziningi.Kanti uma le kuyindaba yokuqala oyizwile, khumbula ukuthi, ziningi kakhulu ezilandelayo.",zul,isiZulu,Zaqala kanjani izind,"A long time ago, a woman lived with her family in a village in the Kingdom of Zululand. Every Sunday the family went down to the big ocean. The children dug in the sand and played in the waves. The woman made food over a fire while her husband ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/zaqala-kanjani-izindaba +how-stories-began,"Kgalekgale, mosadi o be a dula le lapa la gagwe motseng wa Mmušo wa Zululand. Ka Sontaga se sengwe le se sengwe maloko a lapa a be a eya lewatleng le legolo. Bana ba be ba epa melete mohlabeng ebile ba raloka ka maphoto. Mosadi o apeile dijo mollong mola monna wa gagwe a nyaka magong a go tshwewa ke lewatle gore a betle dilo tše botse: dinonyana, batho le mehuta ka moka ya diphoofolo. +Gare ga beke ba lapa ka moka ba be ba šoma gabotse gomme mathapama ba dula, ba dikologile mollo. Go be go fifetše kudu gore motho a ka šoma goba a raloka goba a betla, efela e sale ka pela go ka ya malaong. Ka nako yeo bana ba ile ba kgopela mmagobona go ba anegela kanegelo. +“Mma,” ba kgopela,“re nyaka dikanegelo. Re anegele e tee hle.” +Le ge a lekile ka maatla go gopola kanegelo, ga aka a e gopola. Yena goba monnagwe ba be ba se na dikanegelo tše ba ka di anegago. +Ka letšatši le lengwe, mosadi o ile a akanya go kgopela thušo go baagišane. +“Le na le dikanegelo?” a ba botšiša. +“Ao-o-wa,” ba šikinya dihlogo, “ga re na tšona.” +Go be go se na dikanegelo. Go be go se na ditoro … gomme go be go se na dinonwane tša maselamose. +Monna wa gagwe o ile a šišinya, “Mosadi, ke nagana gore o ye go nyaka dikanegelo. Ke tla hlokomela bana ba ba rena le ngwako. Eya go nyaka dikanegelo gomme o tle le tšona.” +Ka fao, mosadi o ile a laela lapa la gagwe a sepela. O ile a botšiša sebopiwa se sengwe le se sengwe se a hlakanago le sona ge eba se na le kanegelo ye se ka abelanago ka yona. Phoofolo ya mathomo ye a kopanego le yona ke mmutla. O ile a tla a tlolatlola ka leoto la gagwe legolo. +“Mmutla!” a goeletša. “Naa o na le dikanegelo dife goba dife?” +“Dikanegelo?” Mmutla a botšiša. “Eee, ke na le tše makgolo, dikete, aowa … tše dimilione.” +“Mmutla, ke kgopela gore o mpotše dikanegelo tše dingwe ke ye go thabiša bana ba ka.” +“Hmmm…” a realo Mmutla. “Ga ke na nako. Efela … dikanegelo mosegare? …Aowa! Gomme tloli, tloli, tloli wa sepela. +Ka morago o ile a bona leribiši. Ge a mo kgopela kanegelo o ile a fofiša mafofa ka pefelo. +“Keee … wena … maang wena o ntsošago? Ga ke na dikanegelo. Eya go ntšhu ya dihlapi ye kgolo. Ke yena a sa robalego mosegare. Botšiša yena.” +Ka fao mosadi o ile a ya molomong wa Noka ya Tugela fao go tsomago ntšhu ya dihlapi. O rile go e bona a bitša leina la yona. +Ntšhu ya dihlapi ye kgolo e ile ya mo fetola. “KOO! koo-koo-koo! Ke ka lebaka la eng o ntshwenya ke tsoma?” +“Eh, Ntšhu ya dihlapi ye bohlale,” a realo mosadi, “ke nyakana le dikanegelo. Naa o tseba mo nka di hwetšago?” +“Ee,” a realo Ntšhu ya Dihlapi, “ke tseba yo a ka go thušago. Eya fao maswika a kopanago le lewatle gona. O eme fao gomme o bitše khudu ya lewatle ye kgolo.” +Mosadi o ile a mo leboga gomme a theogela lewatleng. O biditše khudu ya lewatle ye kgolo gabedi fela gomme a tšwa ka meetseng a gašaganya meetse. +“O se tšhoge,” a realo Khudu ya Lewatle. “Itshwarelele ka kgopa ye ya ka. Ke tla go iša go batho ba ka lewatleng ba go tseba dilo ka moka le dikanegelo ka moka.” +Ba tsene ka lewatleng ba ya tlase, tlase, tlase, botlaseng bja lewatle, go kgoši le mmakgoši wa lewatle. +“Bjale o ke mang?” gwa botšiša kgoši. +“Ke mosadi wa go tšwa dinageng tša go oma ka godimo ga meetse,” mmakgoši a hebahebetša. +“O nyaka eng, mosadi wa dinageng tša go oma?” gwa botšiša mmakgoši. +“Dikanegelo, Mong wa ka. Naa o na le tše nka di išago bathong ba ka?” +“Re na le tšona,” a realo mmakgoši. “Efela o na le se o ka re fago ge re go botša dikanegelo tše?” +“Le nyaka eng?” gwa botšiša mosadi. +Kgoši le mmakgoši ba myemyela. “Re ka se ye dinageng tša lena tša go oma efela re rata go bona gore di bjang. Etla le se sengwe go re bontšha mehuta ya diphoofolo le batho ba go phela fao.” +“Ke tla dira bjalo,” a realo mosadi. +Khudu ya lewatle ye kgolo ya mmušetša dinageng tša go oma gomme ya mo emela ge a sa ile go botša monnagwe ditaba tšohle. +“Eya,” a realo ka lethabo. “Ke na le dibetlwa tše dintši tša batho, dinonyana le diphoofolo. O ka di tšea ka moka.” +Mosadi o ile a boela lebopong ka pela a swere mokgobjana wa dibetlwa. Khudu e ile ya tsena meetseng gape ya ba iša tlase, tlase, tlase. +Ge kgoši le mmakgoši ba bona dibetlwa, ba ile ba thaba kudu gomme ba mo fa kgopa ye botsebotse. +“Re fa wena le batho ba gago mpho ya dikanegelo. Nako le nako ge o nyaka kanegelo, bea selo se tsebeng ya gago gomme o theeletše,” ba realo. +“Efela o gopole se,” kgoši a mo sebela ka tsebeng, “kanegelo ya gago yamathomo e thomile ka leeto la gago la go tla fa.” +Mafelelong ge mosadi a boela lebopong, monnagwe, bana le batho ka moka ba motse ba be ba mo emetše. Ba dirile mollo o mogolo wa go thanya le go kganya ka leswiswing. +“Bjale,” ba ile ba mo laela, “re botše kanegelo. Re botše kanegelo!” +Mosadi a myemyela. O beile kgopa tsebeng a re, “Ee … Nal’ibali … kanegelo ke ye. Ssshhh. Theeletšang bjale.” +Kanegelo ya mathomo e anegilwe ka tsela yeo. +Morago ga fao mosadi a bea kgopa tsebeng ya gagwe gomme a anega dikanegelo tše dintši kudu. Ge e le gore ke mathomo o ekwa kanegelo ka ye, gopola gore go na le tše dintši, tše dintši kudu tšeo di sa tlago.",nso,Sepedi,Ka fao dikanegelo di thomilego ka gon,"A long time ago, a woman lived with her family in a village in the Kingdom of Zululand. Every Sunday the family went down to the big ocean. The children dug in the sand and played in the waves. The woman made food over a fire while her husband ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ka-fao-dikanegelo-di-thomilego-ka-gona +how-stories-began,"Mehleng ya kgalekgale, ho ne ho ena le mosadi ya neng a phela le ba lelapa la hae motseng o mong – Boreneng ba Zululand. Ka Sontaha se seng le se seng ba lelapa ba ne ba theohela kwana lewatleng le leholo. Bana ba ne ba tjheka lehlabatheng mme ba bapalla maqhubung. Mosadi eo o ne a pheha dijo mollong ha monna wa hae a ntse a rwalla dipatsi tse tswang ka hara lewatle bakeng sa ho betla dintho tse ntle: dinonyana, batho le mefuta e fapaneng ya diphoofolo. +Mahareng a beke lelapa lohle le ne le sebetsa ka thata mme mantsiboya ba ne ba dula mollong. Ho ne ho le lefifi haholo ho ka sebetsa kapa ho bapala kapa ho betla mme e ne e e so be nako ya ho robala. Mme he ka nako ena bana ba ile ba kopa mma bona ho ba phetela pale. +“Mme,” ba ne ba kopa, “re batla dipale. Ako re phetele e le nngwe hle.” +Empa e ne e re leha a ka leka ka matla ho nahana pale eo a ka e phetang, o ne a sa kgone. Yena le monna wa hae ka bobedi ba ne ba se na dipale tseo ba ka di phetang. +Ka tsatsi le leng, mosadi eo a etsa qeto ya ho ya kopa thuso ho baahisane ba hae. +“Na le na le dipale tseo le di tsebang?” a ba botsa. +“Tjhe-e-e-e bo,” ba sisinya dihlooho tsa bona, “ha re na tsona.” +Ho ne ho sena dipale. Ho ne ho se ditoro … mme ho ne ho sena le ditshomo tsa mehlolo. +Monna wa hae a etsa tlhahiso, “Mosadi wa ka, ke nahana hore o lokela ho ya batlana le dipale. Nna ke tla sala ke hlokometse bana le lelapa. Fumana dipale tse itseng mme o kgutle le tsona.” +Yaba mosadi eo o dumedisa ba lelapa la hae mme a ba sadisa hantle a tsamaya. O ne a ikemiseditse ho botsa sebopuwa se seng le se seng seo a tla se feta hore se na le pale eo se ka mo phetelang yona na. Phoofolo ya pele eo a kopaneng le yona ke mmutla. O ile wa tla o ntse o tlolatlola tseleng ka maoto a ona a maholo. +“Mmutla!” a hoeletsa. “Na ho na le dipale tseo o nang le tsona?” +“Dipale?” ha botsa Mmutla. “Oho, ke na le tsona ka makgolokgolo, diketekete, tjhe bo, ke bolela dimiliyone.” +“Mmutla, ke kopa hore o mphe tse ding tsa dipale tseo hore ke tle ke yo thabisa bana ba ka hle.” +“Ehh…” ha rialo Mmutla. “Ha ke na nako. Ebile … dipale motsheare? …Tjhe!” yaba tshethe, tshethe, tshethe a itsamaela. +Kamora moo a kopana le sephooko. Yare ha a mo kopa dipale eo a phukalatsa mapheo a hae ka bohale. +“O maaaang … wena … ya ntsosang? Ha ke na dipale. Eya ho lenong tlhapi. Ke yena feela ya dulang a shebile le motsheare. Botsa yena.” +Yaba mosadi eo o leba molomong wa Noka ya Tugela moo lenong tlhapi a neng a tsoma teng. Yare ha a mmona o hoeletsa lebitso la hae. +Lenong tlhapi e moholo a mo kgaruma. “KOW! kow-kow-kow! Hobaneng ha o nkgathatsa ke ntse ke tsoma?” +“Oho, Lenong Tlhapi ya bohlale”, ha rialo mosadi, “Ke ntse ke batlana le dipale. Na o tseba moo nka di fumanang?” +“Ee,” ha rialo Lenong Tlhapi, “Ke tseba motho ya ka o thusang. Eya moo mafika a kopanang le lewatle teng. Ema moo mme o hoeletse Kgudu e kgolo ya lewatle” +Mosadi a mo leboha mme a theosetsa ka lewatleng. O ne a sa ntse a hoeleditsse kgudu e kgolo ya lewatle habedi feela ha e tswa ka tlasa metsi ka modumo o moholo wa ho kgaphatsa metsi. +“O se ke wa tshoha,” ha rialo Kgudu ya Lewatle. “Itshwareletse hodima kgaketla ya ka. Ke tla o isa ho batho ba lewatle ba tsebang dintho tsohle le dipale tsohle.” +Yaba ba theohela tlase tlase ka hara lewatle, ho ya fihlella ka tlase, hantle feela +moo ho dulang morena le mofumahadi ba lewatle. +“Jwale ke mang eo?”ha botsa morena. +“Enwa ke mosadi ya tswang kwana naheng e ommeng ka hodima metsi a rona,” ha hweshetsa mofumahadi. +“O batla eng, wena mosadi wa lefatshe le ommeng?” ho botsa mofumahadi. +“Dipale, Motlotlehi. Na le na le tseo nka di isang ho batho ba heso?” + +“Re na le tsona,” ha araba mofumahadi. +“Empa na o na le se seng seo o ka re fang sona bakeng sa dipale tseo?” +“Le ka thabela eng?” ho botsa mosadi. +Morena le mofumahadi ba bososela. “Re ke ke ra kgona ho ya naheng ya hao e ommeng. Re rata ho bona hore e jwang. Re tlisetse ho hong ho re bontsha hore ho na le mefuta efe ya diphoofolo le batho moo.” +“Ho lokile,” ha araba mosadi. Kgudu e kgolo ya lewatle ya kgutlisetsa mosadi eo lefatsheng le ommeng mme ya mo emela ha a sa ntse a ilo bolella monna wa hae tsohle. +“Ao,” a rialo a thabile. “Ke na le dibopeho tseo ke di betlileng tsa diphoofolo, dinonyana le batho. O ka nna wa di nka kaofela.” +Ka potlako mosadi eo o ne a se a kgutletse lewatleng a tshwere qubu ya dibopeho tse betlilweng. Yaba hape kgudu e qwela ka metsing mme ya ya le tsona tlase tlase. +Eitse ha morena le mofumahadi ba bona dibopeho tseo, ba ne ba thabile haholo mme ba nea mosadi eo kgaketla e ntle. +“Bakeng sa hao le batho ba heno, re fana ka mpho ya dipale. Kamehla ha o batla pale, e phahamisetse tsebeng ya hao mme o mamele,” ba rialo. +“Empa o hopole sena,” morena a mo sebela ka tsebeng, “pale ya hao ya pele e qadile ka leeto la hao la ho theohela tlase mona.” Eitse qetellon g ha mosadi a kgutlela lebopong, monna wa hae, bana ba hae le batho bohle ba motseng ba ne ba mo emetse moo. Ba ne ba besitse mollo o moholohadi o neng o tlola ditlhase le malakabe lefifing. +“Jwale he,” ba mo hoeletsa, “re phetele pale. Re phetele pale!” +Mosadi a bososela. A tshwara kgaketla mme a re, “Ee… Nal’ibali… pale ke ena. Ssshhh. Jwale he, mamela.” +Mme he, ke kamoo pale ya pele e ileng ya phetwa ka teng. +Kamora moo mosadi a bea kgaketla tsebeng ya hae mme a pheta dipale tse ding tse ngata. Mme haeba ena ke pale ya pele eo o e utlwileng, hopola feela hore ho na le tse ding tse ngatangata tse tlang.",sot,Sesotho,Kamoo dipale di neng di qale ka teng,"A long time ago, a woman lived with her family in a village in the Kingdom of Zululand. Every Sunday the family went down to the big ocean. The children dug in the sand and played in the waves. The woman made food over a fire while her husband ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/kamoo-dipale-di-neng-di-qale-ka-teng +how-stories-began,"Bogologolo tala, mosadi o ne a nna le balelapa la gagwe mo motseng mo Bogosing jwa Zululand. Ka Latshipi lengwe le lengwe balelapa ba ne ba ya kwa lewatleng le legolo. Bana ba ne ba epa mo mošaweng le go tshamekela mo makhubung. Mosadi o ne a apaya dijo mo molelong fa monna wa gagwe a ne a batla dikgong tse di kgwilweng ke lewatle gore a betle dilo tse di ntle: dinonyane, batho le mefuta yotlhe ya diphologolo. +Mo gare ga beke balelapa botlhe ba ne ba dira ka natla mme mo maitseboeng ba ne ba nna go dikologa molelo. Go ne go le lefifi thata gore ba ka dira kgotsa ba ka tshameka kgotsa ba ka betla e bile go ne go le phakela gore ba ka ya go robala. Mme ke ka yone nako e bana ba neng ba kopa mme wa bone gore a ba tlhabele dinaane. +“Mme,” ba ne ba kopa,“re batla dinaane. Tsweetswee re tseele naane e le nngwe tlhe.” +Mme le fa a lekile ka bojotlhe go akanya ka kgang, o ne a sa kgone go e nagana. Ena le fa e le monna wa gagwe ba ne ba sena dinaane dipe tse ba ka di tsayang. +Ka letsatsi lengwe, mosadi o ne a tsaya tshwetso ya go kopa baagisanyi thuso. +“A lo na le dinaane?” o ne a ba botsa. +“Nnyaa,” ba ne ba tshikinya ditlhogo tsa bona, “ga re na tsona.” +Go ne go se na dinaane. Go ne go se na ditoro … e bile go ne go se na dikanelo tsa malepa. +Monna wa gagwe o ne a tshitsinya, “Mogatsaka, ke nagana gore o tshwanetse go senka dinaane. Ke tla sala ke tlhokomela bana ba rona le ntlo. Senka dinaane dingwe mme o tle le tsona.” +Ke fa mosadi a atla balelapa la gagwe go ba dumedisa mme a tsamaya. O ne a tsaya tshwetso ya go kopa sebopiwa sengwe le sengwe se a kopanang le sona fa se se na naane e se ka mo e aroganelang. Phologolo ya ntlha e a kopaneng le yona e ne e le mmutla. O ne a tlolatlola ka maoto a magolo. +“Mmutla!” o ne a bitsa. “A o na le dinaane?” +“Dinaane?” go ne ga botsa Mmutla. “Ee, ke na le makgolo, dikete, nnyaa … dimilione tsa tsona.” +“Mmutla, tsweetswee mphe dinaane dingwe gore ke kgone go itumedisa bana ba me.” +“Hmmm…” ga bua Mmutla. “Ga ke na nako. Le gone … dinaane go le motshegare jaana? …Nnyaa!” Mme tloli, tloli, tloli a tswa a tsamaya. +Moragonyana o ne a bona morubisi.  Fa a mo kopa dinaane o ne a tshikinya diphuka tsa gagwe ka go tenega. +“E le …gore … o mang o ntsosang ke robetse? Ga ke na dinaane. Tsamaya o ye kwa go ntsu e kgolo ya ditlhapi. Ke ena yo tsogileng mo gare ga letsatsi. Mmotse.” +Ke fa mosadi a tsamaela kwa ntlheng ya molomo wa Noka ya Tugela koo ntsu ya ditlhapi e neng e tsoma teng. Fa a mmona o ne a mmitsa ka leina la gagwe. +Ntsu e kgolo ya ditlhapi e ne ya bua le ena ka mabetwaepelo. “Ko-ko-ko-ko!Ke goreng o ntshwenya fa ke tsoma?” +“Ao, Ntsu ya Ditlhapi e e botlhale,” go ne ga bua mosadi, “Ke senkana le dinaane. A o a itse gore nka di bona kae?” +“Ee,” ga bua Ntsu ya Ditlhapi, “Ke a itse gore o ka thusiwa ke bomang. Ya kwa matlapa a kopanang le lewatle. Ema teng mme o bitse kgarubane e kgolo.” +Mosadi o ne a mo leboga mme a ya kwa tlasenyana ga lewatle. O biditse kgarubane e kgolo gabedi fela mme ke fa a tlhagelela mo metsing a a gasaganya. +“O seke wa boifa,” ga bua Kgarubane. “Itshwarelele ka kgopana ya me. Ke tla go isa kwa bathong ba lewatle ba ba itseng dilo tsotlhe le dinaane tsotlhe.” +Ba ne ba ya kwa tlase, tlase, tlase ga lewatle, go fitlha kwa botengteng, ka tlhamalalo go kgosi le mmakgosi ba lewatle. +“Jaanong yo ke mang?” ga botsa kgosi. +“Yo ke mosadi yo o tswang kwa mafatsheng a a omileng kwa godimo ga metsi a rona,” go ne ga sebaseba mmakgosi. +“Ke eng se o se batlang, mosadi wa kwa mafatsheng a a omileng?” ga botsa mmakgosi. +“Dinaane, Motlotlegi. A o na le tse nka di isang kwa go bagaetsho?” +“Re na le tsona,” ga bua mmakgosi. “Fela a o na le sengwe se o ka ananyang dinaane tse ka sona?” +“Le ka batla eng?” ga botsa mosadi. +Kgosi le mmakgosi ba ne ba nyenya. “Re ka se kgone go tlhatlogela kwa mafatsheng a gago a a omileng. Re batla go bona gore go ntse jang. Re tlisetse sengwe go re bontsha gore go na le diphologolo le batho ba mofuta ofe.” +“Ke tla dira jalo,” ga bua mosadi. +Kgarubane e kgolo e ne ya mmusetsa kwa lefatsheng le legolo mme a leta fa mosadi a itlhaganela kwa gae go bolelela monna wa gagwe tsotlhe. +“Ehe,” a bua a itumetse. “Ke na le ditsheto tse dintsi tsa diphologolo, tsa dinonyane le tsa batho. O ka nna wa di tsaya tsotlhe.” +Ka bonako mosadi o ne a boela kwa lobopong a tshwere mokoa wa ditsheto. Kgarubane e ne ya kodumela gape mme ya mo isa le tsone kwa tlase, tlase, tlase. +Fa kgosi le mmakgosi ba bona ditsheto, ba ne ba itumetse thata mme ba ne ba mo fa kgopana e ntle. +“Re le neela mpho ya dinaane, wena le bagaeno. Nako nngwe le nngwe fa o batla naane, baya selo se mo tsebeng ya gago mme o reetse,” ba bua jalo. +“Fela gakologelwa se,” kgosi e ne ya mo sebela mo tsebeng ya gagwe, “naane ya gago ya ntlha e simolotse ka loeto lwa gago la go tla kwano.” +Fa kwa bofelong mosadi a boela kwa lobopong, monna wa gagwe, bana ba gagwe, le batho botlhe ba motse ba ne ba letile. Ba ne ba dirile molelo o mogolo thata o o neng o thanya le go thwanya mo lefifing. +“Jaanong,” ba ne ba mmitsa, “re tlhabele naane. Re tseele naane!” +Mosadi o ne a nyenya. O ne a tsholetsa kgopana mme a re, “Ee … Nal’ibali… Naane ke e. Ssshhh. Jaanong reetsang.” +Mme ke ka moo naane ya ntlha e neng ya anegiwa ka teng. +Morago mosadi o ne a baya kgopana mo tsebeng ya gagwe mme a anela dinaane tse dintsintsi. Mme fa e le gore e ke naane ya gagwe ya ntlha e o e utlwileng, gakologelwa, go na le tse dintsi, ntsi tse di latelang.",tsn,Setswana,Dinaane di simolotse jang,"A long time ago, a woman lived with her family in a village in the Kingdom of Zululand. Every Sunday the family went down to the big ocean. The children dug in the sand and played in the waves. The woman made food over a fire while her husband ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/dinaane-di-simolotse-jang +how-stories-began,"Endvulo, lomunye make bekahlala nemndeni wakhe emmangweni weSive Senkhosi yakaZulu. Njalo ngemaSontfo lomndeni bewuhamba uye entasi elwandle. Labantfwana bebagubha enhlabatsini babuye badlale emagagasini. Lomake bekapheka kudla emlilweni ngesikhatsi indvodza yakhe ihamba ifunana netinkhuni lebetikhukhulwe lwandle lwatilahla elugwini, kute abate tintfo letinhle: tinyoni, bantfu nato tonkhe letinye tinhlobo tetilwane. +Emkhastini weliviki lomndeni bewusebenta ngekutikhandla bese kutsi kusihlwa uhlale utungelete umlilo. Bekumnyaka kakhulu kutsi bebangakhona kusebenta noma badlale noma babate kantsi futsi bekusengakabi sikhatsi sekulala kutsi bebangahamba bayolala. Lesi-ke ngiso sikhatsi labantfwana bebacela make wabo kutsi abacocele inganekwane. + +“Make,” bamncenga, “sifuna tinganekwane. Sicela kutsi usicocele yinye. +Kepha nanoma etama kakhulu kangakanani kucabanga inganekwane, kute leyefika engcondvweni yakhe. Yena nendvodza yakhe bebete tinganekwane bebangaticoca. +Ngalelinye lilanga lomake wancuma kucela lusito kubomakhelwane bakhe. +“Ngabe tikhona yini tinganekwane leninato?” wababuta. +“Cha-cha-cha,” banikina tinhloko tabo, “site.” +Bekute tinganekwane. Bekute emaphupho … futsi bekute tinganekwane temlingo. +Indvodza yakhe yabeka umbono, “Nkhosikati, ngicabanga kutsi kufanele uhambe uyofuna tinganekwane. Ngitawubagadza labantfwabetfu futsi nginakekele nendlu. Tfola tinganekwane futsi ubuye nato.” +Ngako-ke, lomake wacabuza umndeni wakhe wuwuvalelisa wabese uyahamba. Wancuma kuhamba abuta konkhe lokusilwane bekahlangana nako endleleni kutsi kute yini inganekwane lokungamcocela yona. Silwane sekucala lahlangana naso bekungulogwaja. Wachamuka ahamba, abhadzatela-bhadza ngetinyawo takhe letinkhulu. +“Logwaja!” wamemeta. “Ngabe tikhona yini tinganekwane lonato?” +“Tinganekwane?” kwabuta Logwaja. “Hho, nginemakhulu, tinkhulungwane, hhayi … tigidzi tato.” +“Logwaja, ngicela ungiphe tinganekwane kute kutsi ngijabulise bantfwabami.” +“Ummm…” kwasho Logwaja. “Ngite sikhatsi. Nanoma ngingaba naso … tinganekwane emini? …Cha!” Futsi watsi,bhadza, bhadza, bhadza asho ahamba. + +Ngemuva kwaloko wabona sahhukulu. Watsi nakasicela tinganekwane savele sanikina tinsiba taso ngentfukutselo. +“Unguuuu-baba-nnni … wena … kutsi ungangivusa? Ngite tinganekwane. Hamba uye kunkwazi lenkhulu. Nguye longalali emini. Buta yena.” +Wesuka-ke lomake wahamba waya lapho uMfula iTugela uhlangana khona nelwandle lapho inkwazi beyitingela khona. Watsi nakayibona wavele wamemeta ligama layo. +Lenkwazi lenkhulu nayo yavele yaphendvula ngekumemeta. “Hamba! hamba-hamba-hamba! Ungiphatamiselani ngisatingela ?” +“Hho, Nkwazi lehlakaniphile,” kwasho lomake, “Ngifuna tinganekwane. Uyati yini kutsi ngingatitfola kuphi?” +“Yebo,” kwasho Inkwazi, “Ukhona lengimatiko longakusita. Hamba uye lapho emadvwala ahlangana nelwandle khona. Ume lapho bese umemeta lufudvu lolukhulu.” +Lomake wambonga wabese uyahamba ushona entasi elwandle. Bekasalumemete kabili lolufudvu lolukhulu ngalesikhatsi luvumbuka lukhaphata emanti kakhulu. +“Ungesabi,” kwasho Lufundvu Lwaselwandle. “Bambelela kulolugobolondvo lwami. Ngitawukuyisa kubantfu baselwande labati tonkhe tintfo netinganekwane tonkhe.” +Phasi, phasi, phasi bashona elwandle, phasi ekugcineni, bacondza ngco enkhosini nendlovukati yaselwandle. +“Manje ngubani lona?” kwabuta inkhosi. +“Lona ngumake lovela emihlabeni leyomile ngetulu kwemanti etfu,” kwahleba indlovukati. + +“Ufunani, mfati wasemihlabeni leyomile?” kwabuta indlovukati. +“Tinganekwane, Silosikhulu. “Unato yini lengingahamba nato ngiye kubantfu bakitsi?” +“Sinato,” kwasho indlovukati. “Kepha unako yini lokutsite longasintjintjisela kona ngaletinganekwane?” +“Ningatsandza ini?” kwabuta lomake. +Inkhosi nendlovukati bamamatseka. “Asikwati kuya letulu emihlabeni yenu leyomile. Singatsandza kubona kutsi kunjani. Siletsele lokutsite lotawusikhombisa ngako kutsi luhlobo luni lwetilwane nebantfu labalapho.” +“Ngitawenta njalo,” kwasho lomake. +Lolufudvu lolukhulu lwamtsatsa lwambuyisela emhlabeni lowomile futsi lwammela ngesikhatsi aphutfuma ekhaya ayotjela indvodza yakhe yonkhe intfo. +“Hho,” washo ngenjabulo. “Nginetilwane letinyenti lengitibatile, tinyoni nebantfu. Ungatitsatsa tonkhe.” +Masinyane nje lomake wabuya ebhishi nemgodla wetintfo letibatiwe. Lwaphindza futsi lufudvu lwantjweza lwatiyisa phasi, phasi, phasi. + +Inkhosi nendlovukati batsi nababona letintfo letibatiwe, bajabula kakhulu bate bamupha lugobolondvo loluhle. +“Lwakho nebantfu bakini, sininikana sipho setinganekwane. Batsi, “Nanoma ngabe kunini nawufuna inganekwane, bamba loku ukuphakamisele endlebeni yakho bese uyalalela.” +“Kepha khumbula loku,” inkhosi yamhlebela endlebeni, “inganekwane yakho yekucala icale ngeluhambo lwakho lwekuta lapha.” +Ekugcineni lomake nakabuyela elugwini, indvodza yakhe, bantfwabakhe nabo bonkhe bantfu bemmango wakhe bebamlindzile. Bebabase umlilo lomkhulu lebewuhhuhhuma ubuye uchuchumbe ebumnyameni. +“Manje,” bamemeta, “sicocele inganekwane. Sicocele inganekwane! + +Lomake wamamatseka. Wabamba lolugobolondvo wabese utsi, “Yebo … Nal’ibali … nayi inganekwane.Ssshhh. Manje lalelani.” +Yacocwa kanjalo-ke inganekwane yekucala. +Ngemuva kwaloko lomake wabeka lolugobolondvo ngasendlebeni yakhe wabese ucoca letinye letinyenti tinganekwane. Futsi nangabe lena yinganekwane yekucala loyivile, khumbula, tinyenti kakhulu letinye letiseta.",ssw,Siswati,Tinganekwane tacala kanjan,"A long time ago, a woman lived with her family in a village in the Kingdom of Zululand. Every Sunday the family went down to the big ocean. The children dug in the sand and played in the waves. The woman made food over a fire while her husband ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/tinganekwane-tacala-kanjani +how-stories-began,"Kale-kale, muṅwe mufumakadzi o vha a tshi dzula na muṱa wawe kha kuṅwe kusi ngei kha Vhuhosi ha Zululand. Swondaha iṅwe na iṅwe muṱa wo vha u tshi ya kha lwanzhe luhulwane. Vhana vho bwa kha muṱavha vha tambela kha magabelo. Mufumakadzi o bika zwiḽiwa nga mulilo ngeno munna wawe o ṱoḓa madanda e a ṱanziwa nga lwanzhe, uri a ḓo vhaḓa zwithu zwo nakaho: zwiṋoni, vhathu na phukha dza tshaka dzoṱhe. +Vhukati ha vhege muṱa woṱhe wo vha u tshi shuma nga maanḓa ngeno nga madekwana vho vha vha tshi ora mulilo. Ho vha hu na swiswi nga maanḓa lwe vha sa kone u shuma kana u tamba kana u vhaḓa nahone ho vha hu sa athu vha vhusiku lune vha nga eḓela. Ndi nga tshifhinga tshenetshi he vhana vha humbela mme avho uri vha vha anetshele tshiṱori. + +“Mmawe,” vho vha luvheledza, “ri ṱoḓa zwiṱori. Ri khou humbela uri vha ri anetshele.” +Fhedzi naho vho lingedza nga nungo dzoṱhe u humbula tshiṱori, a vho ngo kona. Ho ri vhone, ha ri munna wavho, a hu na we a vha a na zwiṱori zwa u anetshela. +Ḓuvha ḽiṅwe, mufumakadzi a dzhia tsheo ya u humbela vhahura vhawe uri vha mu thuse. +“Naa vha na zwiṱori-vho?” o vha vhudzisa. +“Hai-iiiii,” vha dzungudza dziṱhoho , “a ri na.” +Ho vha hu si na zwiṱori. Ho vha hu si na miḽoro … nahone ho vha hu si na nganetshelo dza manditi. +Munna wavho a vha eletshedza, “Musadzi, ndi vhona uri ni tea u ya na ṱoḓa zwiṱori. Ndi ḓo ṱhogomela vhana vhashu na nnḓu. Wanani zwiṱori ni vhuye nazwo hayani.” +Zwo ralo, mufumakadzi a onesana na vha muṱa wawe a dzhena nḓilani. O dzhia tsheo ya u vhudzisa tshisikwa tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tshe a ṱangana natsho arali tshi na tshiṱori tshine tshi nga mu anetshela. Tshipuka tsha u thoma tshe a ṱangana natsho ho vha Ranḓevhe. Wo ḓa u tshi thamuwa-thamuwa nga khwanḓa dzawo khulwane. +“Ranḓevhe!” o vhidzelela. “Naa u na zwiṱori-vho?” +“Zwiṱori?” ho vhudzisa Ranḓevhe. “Ohoo, ndi na maḓana, zwigidi, hai, miḽioni wazwo.” +“Ranḓevhe, ndi humbela uri u mphe zwiṱori zwiṅwe uri ndi ḓo takadza vhana vhanga.” +“Ummm …” Ranḓevhe o amba. “U amba ngoho a thi na tshifhinga. Zwavhuḓi-vhuḓi … zwiṱori zwa masiari? … Hai!” Wo thamuwa, wa thamuwa, wa thamuwa wa vha wo ya. + +Nga murahu a vhona gwitha. Musi a tshi ḽi humbela zwiṱori ḽa ṱharamudza mathenga aḽo ḽo sinyuwa. +“Hai … vha … khou ṱoḓa u nkhakhisa ndi khofheni!? A thi na zwiṱori. Kha vha ye kha goni ḽihulwane. Ndi ḽone ḽine ḽa vha ḽo vuwa nga masiari. Kha vha humbele ḽone.” +Zwenezwo mufumakadzi a tshimbila a ṱutshela mulomoni wa mulambo wa Tugela hune goni ḽa tshela hone. Musi a tshi ḽi vhona a vhidzelela dzina ḽaḽo. +Goni ḽihulwane ḽa zhamba ḽe: “Hwaa! Hwaa-hwaa-hwaa! Ndi ngani vha tshi khou nkhakhisa ndi tshi khou tshela?” + +“Eya, Goni ḽa vhuṱali,” ho amba mufumakadzi, “Ndi khou ṱoḓana na zwiṱori. U a ḓivha hune ndi nga wana zwiṅwe hone?” +“Ee,” ho amba Goni, “Ndi a ḓivha ane a nga vha thusa. Kha vha ye hune maḓaba a ṱangana na lwanzhe hone. Vha ime henefho vha vhidzelele tshibode tshihulwanesa tsha lwanzhe.” +Mufumakadzi a ḽi livhuwa a livha lwanzheni. Ndi musi o vhidzelela tshibode tshihulwanesa tsha lwanzhe luvhili tsha vha tshi a bvelela maḓini nga u a hasha nga maanḓa. +“Vha songo ofha,” Tshibode tsha lwanzhe tsho amba. “Kha vha farelele kha ganda ḽanga. Ndi ḓo vha isa kha vhathu vha lwanzhe vha ḓivhaho zwithu zwoṱhe na zwiṱori zwoṱhe.” +Fhasi, fhasi, fhasi vha suvhela tshivhindini tsha lwanzhe, vha swika fhasi-fhasi hangei, henengei kha khosi na muṱanuni vha lwanzhe. +“Zwino uyu ndi nnyi?” ho vhudzisa khosi. +“Mufumakadzi uyu u bva kha shango ḽo omaho ḽi re nṱha ha maḓi ashu,” ho hevhedza muṱanuni. + +“Ndi tshini tshine wa ṱoḓa, mufumakadzi wa shango ḽo omaho?” ho vhudzisa muṱanuni. +“Zwiṱori, muṱhomphei. Vha na zwo zwine ndi nga ṱuwa nazwo kha vhathu vhanga?” +“Ri nazwo,” ho amba muṱanuni. “Fhedzi vha na zwine vha nga ri fha u itela u wana zwiṱori izwi naa?” +“Vha nga takalela mini?” ho vhudzisa mufumakadzi. +Khosi na muṱanuni vha mwemwela. “A ri koni u ya hangei kha shango ḽavho ḽo omaho. Ri nga takalela u ḓivha uri tsho itisa hani. Kha vha ḓe na tshiṅwe tshine tshi nga sumbedza uri ndi lushaka lwa hani lwa phukha na vhathu lune lwa vha hone.” +“Ndi ḓo ita ngauralo,” ho amba mufumakadzi. +Tshibode tshihulwanesa tsha lwanzhe tsha mu humisela murahu kha shango ḽo omaho tsha lindela zwenezwi a tshi khou gidimela hayani u ṱalutshedza munna wawe zwoṱhe zwo iteaho. +“Ahaa,” o ralo o takala vhukuma. “Ndi na zwivhaḓwa zwinzhi zwa phukha, zwiṋoni na vhathu. Ni nga zwi dzhia zwoṱhe.” +Nga murahunyana mufumakadzi a vha o no humela bitshini na dzanda ḽa zwivhaḓwa. Tshibode tsha dovha hafhu u mu hwala tsha mu isa fhasi, fhasi, fhasi hangei. + +Musi khosi na muṱanuni vha tshi vhona zwivhaḓwa, vha takala na zwikunwe vha mu ṋetshedza ganda ḽa u naka. +“Ndi ḽaṋu na vhathu vhaṋu, ri ni ṋea mpho ya zwiṱori. Musi ni tshi ṱoḓa tshiṱori, ni imisele iḽi nṱha kha nḓevhe yaṋu ni thetshelese,” vho ralo. +“Fhedzi ni elelwe hezwi,” ho hevhedza khosi kha nḓevhe yawe, “tshiṱori tshaṋu tsha u tou thoma, tshi thoma nga lwendo lwa u ḓa fhano.” +Musi mufumakadzi a tshi humela murahu vhugabeloni, munna wawe, vhana vhawe na vhathu vhoṱhe vha muḓana vho vha vho lindela. Vho vha vho vhasa mulilo muhulu we wa thathaba na u bva ṱhase swiswini. +“Zwo ralo,” vha mu ṱavhela mukosi, “kha vha ri anetshele tshiṱori. Kha vha ri anetshele tshiṱori!” + +Mufumakadzi a mwemwela. O fara ganda a ri, “Ee … Nal’ibali …tshiṱori khetshi. Ssshhh. Zwino kha vha thetshelese.” +Ndi zwe tshiṱori tsha u thoma tsha anetsheliswa zwone. +Nga murahu ha izwo mufumakadzi o isa ganda kha nḓevhe yawe a anetshela zwiṱori zwinzhisa. Arali itshi hu tshiṱori tsha u thoma tshe na tshi pfa, elelwani, hu na zwinzhi, zwinzhisa zwine zwa kha ḓi ḓo ḓa.",ven,Tshivenda,ḓila ye zwiṱori zwa thoma ngayo,"A long time ago, a woman lived with her family in a village in the Kingdom of Zululand. Every Sunday the family went down to the big ocean. The children dug in the sand and played in the waves. The woman made food over a fire while her husband ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/nḓila-ye-zwiṱori-zwa-thoma-ngayo +how-stories-began,"Khale ka khaleni, a kuri ni wansati loyi a tshama ni ndyangu wa yena etikweni ehansi ka Vukosi bya Mazulu. Sonto wun’wana ni wun’wana ndyangu hinkwawo a wu rhelela elwandle lerikulu. Vana a va handza sava na ku tlanga hi magandlati. Wansati a sweka swakudya hi ndzilo loko nuna wa yena a ri karhi a lava timhandzi leti khukhuriweke hi lwandle ku vatla swilo swo saseka: swinyenyana, vanhu na tinxaka hinkwato ta swiharhi. +Exikarhini ka vhiki ndyangu hinkwawo a wu tirha swinene kasi namadyambu a va tshama va orha ndzilo. A ku ri ni xinyami swinene lero a wu nga ta tirha nchumu kumbe ku vatla na swona a ri nga si sikula swinene ku ya eku tleleni. Lowu ku ve nkarhi laha vana va nga kombela mana wa vona ku va hlayela ntsheketo. + +“Mhani,” va kombela, “hi lava mitsheketo. Hi kombela ntsheketo wun’we.” +U ringetile ku ehleketa hi ntsheketo kambe swifana ni kwala, u tsandzekile. Havumbirhi ka vona na nuna wa yena a va ri hava na ntsheketo na wun’we. +Siku rin’wana, wansati u ye a ya kombela ku pfinuwa hi vaakelani. +“Xana a mi na mitsheketo na?” a va vutisa. +“E-e, e-e”, va dzungudza tihloko, “hi hava”. +A ku ri hava mitsheketo. A ku ri hava milorho … a ku ri hava migaringo ya masalamusi. +Nuna wa yena a ku ka yena, “Nsati wa mina, ndzi ehleketa leswaku u famba u ya lava mitsheketo. Ndzi ta sala ndzi hlayisa vana va hina na yindlu. Famba u ya lava mitsheketo u vuya na yona.” +Kutani wansati a tswontswa vandyangu a va lela kutani a famba. U fambe a ri karhi a vutisa xiharhi xin’wana ni xin’wana lexi a hlanganaka na xona ku ri a xina ntsheketo lowu xi nga n’wi byelaka. Xiharhi xo sungula lexi a hlanganeke na xona i N’wampfundla. U te a ri karhi a dlodlomadloma hi milenge ya yena leyo leha. +“N’wampfundla!” a n’wi vitana. “Xana u na mitsheketo na?” +“Mitsheketo?” ku vutisa N’wampfundla. “Oooh, ndzi na madzanadzana, magidigidi, e-e … mamiliyoni ya yona.” +“N’wampfundla, ndzi kombela u ndzi pambulela mitsheketo yin’wana leswaku ndzi ta tsakisa vana va mina.” +“Eeemm…” ku vula N’wampfundla. “A ndzi na nkarhi. Na swona…u lava ndzi ku byela mitsheketo ya nihlikanhi? … E-e!” o dlo, dlo, dlo a fambisa sweswo. + +Endzhaku ka nkarhinyana u vone N’waxikhovha. Loko a kombela mitsheketo eka yena o yimisa ntshiva hi ku hlundzuka. +“Weeeena… u…. mani u ndzi pfuxaka? A ndzi na mitsheketo. Famba u ya eka N’wagama. Hi yena a hanyanyaka hlikanhi lowu. Vutisa yena.” +Wansati a ti fambela a ya eribuweni ra Nambu wa Tugela laha gama a ri hlota kona. Loko a vona N’wagama a n’wi vitana hi vito. +N’wagama i n’wi karihela a ku ka yena “Hay! hay, hay,hay! Hikwalaho ka yini u chavisa swiharhi leswi ndzi swi hlotaka?” + +“Oh, N’wagama wa vutlharhi,” ku vula wansati, “Ndzi le ku laveni ka mitsheketo. Wa ku tiva laha ndzi nga yi kumaka kona?” +“Ee,” ku vula N’wagama, “Ndzi tiva loyi anga ku pfunaka. Famba laha maribye ma hlanganaka kona na lwandle. Yima kona kutani u vitana kona xihotlovila xa futsu.” +Wansati u khensile kutani a rhelerile a ya elwandle. U vitanile kambirhi ntsena kutani xihotlovila xa futsu xi huma endzeni ka mati hi gandlati lerikulu. +“U nga chavi,” ku vula N’wafutsu . “Khomelela xiphambati xa mina. Ndzi ta ku yisa eka vanhu va le lwandle lava tivaka hinkwaswo na mitsheketo hikwayo.” +Va mbombomela, va mbombomela, vanyupela endzeni ka lwandle, va fika endzeni ka xidziva eka hosi na nkosinkazi . +“Xana i mani loyi?” ku vutisa hosi. +“Wansati loyi u huma le misaveni ehenhla ka mati ya hina,” ku hlevetela nkosikazi. + +“Wansati wa le misava leyo oma u lava yini xana ?” ku vutisa nkosikazi. +“Mitsheketo, Hosi ya nga. Xana u na yona leswaku ndzi ta ya nyika varixaka?” +“Hi na yona,” ku vula nkosikazi. “Kambe wena u ta hi nyika yini leswakuku wena u kuma mitsheketo leyi?” +“Xana u lava yini?” ku vutisa wansati +Hosi na nkosikazi va n’wayitela. “A hi swikoti ku ya emisava laha ku omeke. Hi lava ku ta vona leswaku ku njhani emisaveni. Tana na xa nchumu ku ta hi komba leswaku ku na swiharhi na vanhu vanjhani ” +“Ndzi ta endla tano,” ku vula wansati. +Xihotlovila xa futsu xi n’wi tekile xi n’wi yisa emisaveni laha ku omeke kutani xi n’wi yimela loko a ha tsutsumela ekaya ku ya byela nuna wa yena hinkwaswo. +“Ohoo,” a vula a nyanyukile swinene “Ndzi na swivatliwa swo tala swa swiharhi, tinyenyani na vanhu. U nga teka hinkwaswo ” +Hi ku hatlisa wansati u tlhelerile etlhelo ka lwandle na xikatsa xa swivatliwa. Nakambe, futsu ri hlamberile na ku teka wansati va ya endzeni ,ndzeni, ndzeni ka lwandle. + +Loko hosi na nkosikazi va vona swivatliwa, a va tsakile swinene kutani va teka xiphaphani xo saseka va n’wi nyika. +“Eka wena ni vandyangu wa wena, hi minyika nyiko ya mitsheketo. Loko u lava ntsheketo, tlakusela xiphaphani endleveni kutani u yingisela,” va vule tano. +“Kambe tsundzukani leswi,” ku hlevetela hosi endleveni ya yena, “ntsheketo wa wena wo sungula a wu vi hi ta riendzo leri u ri fambeke ku fika laha.” +Loko wansati a tlhelela eribuweni, nuna wa yena, vana va yena na vanhu va le tikweni ra ka vona a va n’wi yimerile. Va endle ndzilo lowukulu lowu langavi ra kona a ri baleka na ku voninga emunyameni. +“Kutani,” va n’wi vitana, “tana na to. Hi byeli tsheketo!” + +Wansati a n’wayitela. A teka xiphaphani a ku, “Ee … Nal’ibali … hi lowu tsheketo. Ssshhhh. Sweswi yingiselani. ” +Leswi hi laha ntsheketo wo sungula wu nga hlayiwa ha kona. +Endzaku ka sweswo wansati u khomele xiphaphani endleveni yakwe na ku tsheketa mitsheketo yo tala. Loko kuri leswaku lowu i ntsheketo wo sungula ku wu twa, tsundzuka ka ha ri na yin’wana yo tala leyi ya ha taka.",tso,Xitsonga,Leswi mitsheketo yi sunguriseke xiswon,"A long time ago, a woman lived with her family in a village in the Kingdom of Zululand. Every Sunday the family went down to the big ocean. The children dug in the sand and played in the waves. The woman made food over a fire while her husband ...","Guide for this story* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  +* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/leswi-mitsheketo-yi-sunguriseke-xiswona +magic-paintbrush,"There is a land far, far away called China. Once upon a time, in this far-away land there lived a young boy named Ho. Ho was poor, but very kind. He worked hard to earn enough money to buy food. +Even though Ho was poor, he helped other people whenever he could. Ho also loved to paint and he painted whenever he had time. +One night, he dreamed that an old man gave him a magic paintbrush. +“You have a kind heart,” said the old man in his dream. “I see that you love to paint. Here is a magic paintbrush. I want you to promise to use it to help people.” +When Ho woke up, he found the magic paintbrush next to him. +“Oh,” he said, “I thought it was only a dream.” +From that day on, he used the paintbrush whenever people needed help. +“Ho,” called the people in the fields. “There is no more water in our well. We need to water our plants.” +So Ho painted a river for them. As he painted, the river magically appeared and the people could water their plants. +Then Ho saw that the people were struggling to till the land, so he painted a cow and a plough to help them. Every time he saw that someone needed help, he used his paintbrush. Soon many people knew about Ho and his magic paintbrush. +Some time later, a rich man heard about the paintbrush. “That paintbrush will be mine,” he said and planned how he was going to steal it. “I will make so much money that I will be the richest man in the whole land.” The next day he sent for Ho. +“I want you to look after my cows today,” he said. “This evening I will pay you well.” +Ho was happy and looked after the rich man’s cows. But in the evening, instead of being paid, he was thrown into prison and his magic paintbrush was taken away. +“He stole one of my cows,” lied the rich man. “This brush will pay for what he has done.” At last, he thought, the magic paintbrush is mine. +The rich man invited all his friends to come to his home. “Sit down and watch this,” he said. He then painted lots of pictures with the magic paintbrush. Everyone waited and waited …. and waited, but not a single picture came to life. +“What is going on?” shouted the rich man. “Go and get Ho and bring him here!” +Ho was brought to the rich man. But by now Ho knew that this man was selfish and cruel. +“If you paint some pictures for me,” said the rich man, “and they turn to life, I will pay you and set you free.” +At first Ho did not know what to do. Then, he had an idea. “Yes, I can do that,” Ho said. +“The first thing I want you to paint is a HUGE mountain made of gold,” said the rich man. “I want to collect all the gold.” +Ho picked up his magic paintbrush and painted a sea. This made the rich man angry. +“Why did you paint a sea? I don’t want a sea. I want a mountain made of gold. Now hurry up and paint it.” +So Ho painted a mountain made of gold on the other side of the sea. “You will have to cross the sea to get there,” he said. +“Then quickly paint a big ship so that I can cross the sea,” said the rich man. +Ho smiled and painted a big ship. He had hardly finished when the rich man jumped into the ship. Quickly his family and friends jumped in too and they sailed away. +Ho watched them carefully. He waited until the ship had sailed into the middle of the sea, then he painted a big wave. The wave rushed towards the ship. When it was close – CRASH! − it covered the ship and broke it into a thousand pieces. +After that, Ho lived happily. He had enough food to eat. He helped people when they needed it and he painted as many pictures as he liked. +Sometimes he would look across the sea at the mountain made of gold. No one ever went there because there was nothing there except gold. Well … nothing except gold, broken pieces of a ship and a very angry rich man, his family and all his friends.",eng,English,The magic paintbrush,"There is a land far, far away called China. Once upon a time, in this far-away land there lived a young boy named Ho. Ho was poor, but very kind. He worked hard to earn enough money to buy food. +Even though Ho was poor, he helped other people ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/magic-paintbrush +magic-paintbrush,"Daar is ʼn land ver, ver hiervandaan, wat China genoem word. Eendag het daar in hierdie ver-ver land ʼn jong seun gewoon. Sy naam was Ho. Ho was arm, maar hy het ʼn baie goeie hart gehad. Hy moes hard werk om genoeg geld te verdien om kos te koop. +Maar al was Ho arm, het hy altyd ander mense gehelp waar hy kon. Ho het ook graag geskilder − as hy enige vrye tyd gehad het, het hy geskilder. +Een nag droom Ho dat ʼn ou man vir hom ʼn betowerde verfkwas gee. +“Jy het ʼn goeie hart,” sê die ou man in sy droom. “Ek sien jy hou daarvan om te skilder. Hier is ʼn betowerde verfkwas. Ek wil hê jy moet my belowe jy sal dit gebruik om mense te help.” +Toe Ho wakker word, vind hy die betowerde verfkwas langs hom. +“Sjoe,” sê hy verbaas, “ek het gedink dit was maar net ʼn droom.” +Van daardie dag af gebruik Ho die verfkwas wanneer ander mense hulp nodig het. +“Ho,” roep die mense op die lande. “Daar is nie meer water in ons put nie, maar ons moet ons plante natlei.” +Dan skilder Ho vir hulle ʼn rivier. Soos hy skilder, word die rivier al langer en die mense kan hulle plante natlei. +Toe sien Ho dat die mense sukkel om die grond te bewerk, en hy skilder ʼn koei en ʼn ploeg om hulle te help. Elke keer as hy sien iemand het hulp nodig, gebruik hy sy verfkwas. Gou weet baie mense van Ho en sy betowerde verfkwas. +ʼn Rukkie later hoor ʼn ryk man van die verfkwas. “Daardie verfkwas sal myne wees,” sê hy en beplan hoe hy dit gaan steel. “Ek sal so baie geld maak dat ek die rykste man in die hele land sal wees.” Die volgende dag laat roep hy vir Ho. +“Ek wil hê jy moet vandag my koeie oppas,” sê hy. “Vanaand sal ek jou goed betaal.” +Ho is bly en pas die ryk man se koeie op. Maar dié aand word hy in die tronk gegooi in plaas daarvan om betaal te word, en sy betowerde verfkwas word weggeneem. +“Hy het een van my koeie gesteel,” jok die ryk man. “Hierdie verfkwas sal my vergoeding wees vir wat hy gedoen het.” Uiteindelik, dink hy, is die betowerde verfkwas myne. +Die ryk man nooi al sy vriende na sy huis toe. “Kom sit en kyk ’n bietjie hierna,” sê hy. Toe skilder hy baie prente met die betowerde verfkwas. Almal wag en wag …. en wag, maar nie ʼn enkele prent word lewendig nie. +“Wat gaan aan?” skree die ryk man vies. “Gaan haal vir Ho en bring hom hierheen!” +Ho word na die ryk man gebring. Maar teen hierdie tyd besef Ho die man is selfsugtig en wreed. +“As jy vir my prente skilder,” sê die ryk man, “en hulle word lewendig, sal ek jou betaal en jou vrylaat.” +Eers weet Ho nie wat om te doen nie. Toe kry hy ʼn blink gedagte. “Ja, ek kan dit doen,” sê Ho. +“Heel eerste moet jy vir my ʼn REUSAGTIGE berg van goud skilder,” sê die ryk man. “Ek wil al die goud bymekaarmaak.” +Ho tel sy betowerde verfkwas op en skilder ʼn see. Dit maak die ryk man baie kwaad. +“Waarom het jy ʼn see geskilder? Ek wil nie ʼn see hê nie. Ek wil ʼn berg van goud hê. Maak gou en skilder waarvoor ek vra.” +Toe skilder Ho ʼn berg van goud aan die ander kant van die see. “Jy sal oor die see moet vaar om daar te kom,” sê Ho. +“Skilder dan vir my ʼn groot skip sodat ek oor die see kan vaar,” beveel die ryk man. +Ho glimlag en skilder ʼn groot skip. Hy is skaars klaar toe spring die ryk man op die skip. Sy familie en vriende skarrel ook gou aan boord en hulle seil weg. +Ho hou hulle goed dop. Hy wag totdat die skip in die middel van die see is, en toe skilder hy ʼn groot golf. Die golf pyl op die skip af. Toe dit naby is – BOEM! − spoel dit oor die skip en breek die skip in ʼn duisend klein stukkies. +Daarna het Ho gelukkig gelewe. Hy het genoeg kos gehad om te eet. Hy het mense gehelp wanneer dit nodig was en hy het soveel prente geskilder as wat hy wou. +Soms het hy oor die see na die berg van goud gestaar. Niemand het daarheen gevaar nie, want daar was niks nie, net goud. Wel … daar was niks nie behalwe goud, die wrakstukke van ʼn skip en ʼn woedende ryk man, sy familie en al sy vriende.",afr,Afrikaans,Die betowerde verfkwas,"There is a land far, far away called China. Once upon a time, in this far-away land there lived a young boy named Ho. Ho was poor, but very kind. He worked hard to earn enough money to buy food. +Even though Ho was poor, he helped other people ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-betowerde-verfkwas +magic-paintbrush,"Kukho ilizwe elikude kakhulu elibizwa ngokuthi yiTshayina. Kudaladala, kweli lizwe kwakuhlala inkwenkwana egama linguHo. UHo lo wayehluphekile, kodwa wayenobubele kakhulu. Wayesebenza nzima ukuze afumane imali eyoneleyo yokuthenga ukutya. +Nangona uHo lo wayehlupheka, kodwa wayebanceda abanye abantu ngalo lonke ixesha enako. UHo wayekuthanda nokupeyinta kwaye wayepeyinta rhoqo xa athe wanexesha. +Ngabusukwazana buthile, waphupha ngathi kukho ixhego elimnika ibrashi yokupeyinta yomlingo. +“Unentliziyo elungileyo kwaye unobubele,” latsho ixhego ephupheni. “Ndiyabona ukuba uyakuthanda nokupeyinta. Nantsi ibrashi yokupeyinta yomlingo. Ndifuna undithembise ukuba uza kuyisebenzisa ukunceda abantu.” +Wathi ukuvuka kwakhe uHo, wafumana ibrashi yokupeyinta yomlingo ecaleni kwakhe. +“Yho,” watsho, “Bendicinga ukuba ibiliphupha nje eli.” +Ukususela ngaloo mini, wayisebenzisa ibrashi yakhe yokupeyinta nanini na kukho umntu ofuna uncedo. +“Ho,” babemkhwaza batsho abantu emasimini. Aphelile amanzi equleni lethu. Sifuna amanzi ukuze sinkcenkceshele izityalo zethu.” +Ngoko nangoko, uHo wabapeyintela umlambo. Njengokuba ewupeyinta nje umlambo kwasuka kwehla ummangaliso wokuvela komlambo wokwenyani, baze abantu bakwazi ukunkcenkceshela izityalo zabo. +UHo wabona ukuba abantu bayasokola ukulima umhlaba, ngoko ke wapeyinta inkomo itsala ikhuba. Ngalo lonke ixesha ebona umntu ofuna uncedo, wayesebenzisa ibrashi yakhe yokupeyinta yomlingo. Ngokukhawuleza kwaduma ukuba uHo unebrashi yokupeyinta yomlingo. +UHo wabona ukuba abantu bayasokola ukulima umhlaba, ngoko ke wapeyinta inkomo itsala ikhuba. Ngalo lonke ixesha ebona umntu ofuna uncedo, wayesebenzisa ibrashi yakhe yokupeyinta yomlingo. Ngokukhawuleza kwaduma ukuba uHo unebrashi yokupeyinta yomlingo. +Ekuhambeni kwexesha, isityebi sendoda esithile seva ngale brashi yokupeyinta yomlingo. “La brashi yokupeyinta iza kuba yeyam,” satsho saze sacwangcisa indlela esasiza kuyiba ngayo ibrashi. “Ndiza kwenza imali eninzi kakhulu kangangokuba ndiza kuba yeyona ndoda isisityebi ehlabathini liphela.” Ngosuku olulandelayo wathumelisa ukuba kubizwe uHo. +“Ndifuna waluse iinkomo zam namhlanje,” satsho. “Ngorhatya lwanamhlanje ndiza kukuhlawula umvuzo oncumisayo.” +UHo wayonwabe kakhulu waza wazolusa iinkomo zesityebi eso. Kodwa, endaweni yokuba ahlawulwe ngokuhlwa, waphoswa entolongweni yaze nebrashi yakhe yokupeyinta yomlingo yoxuthwa kuye. +“Ube enye yeenkomo zam,” saxoka satsho isityebi. “Le brashi iza kuhlawula oku akwenzileyo.” Ekugqibeleni, sazicingela satsho isityebi, ibrashi yokupeyinta yomlingo ide yayeyam. +Isityebi sendoda samema bonke abahlobo baso ukuba beze ekhayeni lakhe. “Hlalani phantsi nibukele,” satsho. Sapeyinta imifanekiso emininzi ngebrashi yokupeyinta yomlingo. Wonke umntu walinda, walinda … waze walinda, kodwa akwabikho namnye umfanekiso oguqukayo kwenzeke into yokwenyani. +“Kwenzeka ntoni kanye?” sangxola satsho isityebi. “Hambani niyokuthatha uHo nize naye apha!” +UHo waziswa phambi kwendoda esisityebi. Kodwa ngoku uHo wayesele eqonda ukuba esi sityebi yindoda ekhohlakeleyo nengamcingeliyo omnye umntu. +“Ukuba uthe wandipeyintela imifanekiso,” satsho isityebi, ize loo mifanekiso iguquke ibe yinyani, ndiza kukuhlawula kwaye ndiza kukukhulula.” +Ekuqaleni uHo wayengazi ukuba enze ntoni na. Kodwa emva komzuzwana wafikelwa yingcinga ethile. “Ewe ndingakwenza oko,” watsho uHo. +“Kuqala ndifuna upeyinte intaba ENDE eyenziwe ngegolide,” satsho isityebi. “Ndifuna ukuyiqokelela yonke loo golide.” +UHo wathatha ibrashi yakhe yepeyinti yomlingo wapeyinta ulwandle. Oko kwasicaphukisa isityebi. +“Kutheni upeyinte ulwandle? Andifuni lwandle. Ndifuna intaba eyenziwe ngegolide. Khawulezisa uyipeyinte.” +Ngoko ke uHo wapeyinta intaba eyenziwe ngegolide kwelinye icala lolwandle. “Kufuneka uwele ulwandle ukuze ufikelele kuyo intaba yegolide,” watsho. +“Khawulezisa ke upeyinte inqanawe enkulu ukuze ndikwazi ukuwela ulwandle ngayo,” satsho isityebi. +UHo wancuma waza wapeyinta inqanawe enkulu. Wathi engekayigqibi nokuyigqiba inqanawe, suka isityebi sakhwela ngokungxama. Ngokukhawuleza usapho lwaso kunye nabahlobo baso bakhwela enqanaweni banduluka ngayo. +UHo wababukela ngobunono. Walinda ukuba inqanawe ingene ibe sesazulwini solwandle, waza wapeyinta ilizakazi elikhulu. Iliza lalwatyuza ukuya enqanaweni. Lathi lakuba kufutshane – PHIHLI! – layibetha inqanawe yazizicwili ezingamawakawaka. +Emva koko, uHo wahlala ngokonwaba. Wayenokutya okoneleyo. Wayenceda abantu xa bathe bafuna uncedo kwaye wayepeyinta imifanekiso emininzi kangangoko efuna. +Ngamanye amaxesha wayekhe ajonge ngaphesheya kolwandle, abone intaba yegolide. Akukho namnye owakhe waya kuyo kuba kwakungekho nto kuyo ngaphandle kwegolide. Gxebe … kwakungekho nto ngaphandle kwegolide, iingceba zenqanawe eyophukayo kunye nesityebi sendoda enomsindo, usapho lwayo kunye nabahlobo bayo.",xho,isiXhosa,Ibrashi yokupeyinta yomlingo,"There is a land far, far away called China. Once upon a time, in this far-away land there lived a young boy named Ho. Ho was poor, but very kind. He worked hard to earn enough money to buy food. +Even though Ho was poor, he helped other people ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ibrashi-yokupeyinta-yomlingo +magic-paintbrush,"Kukhona izwe elikude, kude le, elibizwa ngeChina. Kwasukasukela, kule ndawo ekude kwakuhlala umfanyana obizwa ngoHo. UHo wayempofu, kodwa enenhliziyo enhle. Wayesebenza kanzima ukuze athole imali eyanele yokuthenga ukudla. +Noma uHo wayempofu, wayesiza abanye abantu lapho engakwazi khona. Wayekuthanda nokupenda futhi wayependa noma inini uma enesikhathi. +Ngobunye ubusuku, waphupha kukhona ikhehla elimnika ibhulashi lokupenda lomlingo. +“Unenhliziyo enhle,” kusho ikhehla ephusheni. “Ngiyabona ukuthi uyakuthanda ukupenda. Nanti ibhulashi lokupenda lomlingo. Ngifuna ungethembise ukuthi uzolisebenzisela ukusiza abantu.” +Ngesikhathi esephaphama wathola ibhulashi lokupenda lomlingo liseceleni kwakhe. +“O,” kusho yena, “Bengicabanga ukuthi yiphupho nje.” +Kusukela ngalelo langa, wayesebenzisa ibhulashi lokupenda noma yinini uma abantu bedinga usizo. +“Ho,” kumemeza abantu emasimini. “Akusekho manzi emthonjeni wethu. Sidinga amanzi ukuze sichelele izitshalo zethu.” +Ngakho uHo wabapendela umfula. Ngesikhathi ependa, kwenzeka umlingo wokuvela komfula abantu base bekwazi ukuchelela izitshalo zabo. +UHo wabe esebona ukuthi abantu babenenkinga yokulima umhlaba, wase ebapendela inkomo negeja elikhulu ukuze abasize. Njalo nje uma ebona ukuthi kukhona odinga usizo, wayesebenzisa ibhulashi lakhe lokupenda. Masinyane nje abantu abaningi base bazi ngoHo nebhulashi lokupenda lomlingo. +Ekuhambeni kwesikhathi, indoda enothile yezwa ngebhulashi lokupenda. “Lizoba elami lelo bhulashi lokupenda,” kusho yona ihlela nendlela yokuthi izolintshontsha kanjani. “Ngizokwenza imali eningi kangangokuthi ngizoba indoda enothe kakhulu ezweni lonke.” Ngosuku olulandelayo yathumela ukuthi kuyobizwa uHo. +“Ngicela uzongelusela izinkomo zami namhlanje,” kusho yona. “Ngizokukhokhela kahle namhlanje kusihlwa.” +UHo wayejabule kakhulu wase elusa izinkomo zesicebi. Kodwa kusihlwa kunokuthi akhokhelwe, waphonswa etilongweni waphucwa bebhulashi lakhe lokupenda lomlingo. +“Untshontshe enye yezinkomo zami,” siqamba amanga isicebi. “Leli bhulashi lizokhokhela lokho akwenzile.” Ekugcineni, kucabanga sona, ibhulashi lokupenda lomlingo sekungelami. +Isicebi sabiza bonke abangani baso ukuthi beze kwaso. “Hlalani phansi nibheke lokhu,” kusho sona. Sabe sesipenda izithombe eziningi ngebhulashi lokupenda lomlingo. Bonke abantu balinda balinda …. balinda, kodwa asikho nesisodwa isithombe esaphenduka saphila. +“Kwenzenjani?” kumemeza isicebi. “Hambani niyolanda uHo nimlethe la!” +Baletha uHo endodeni enothile. Kodwa manje uHo wayesazi ukuthi le ndoda yayizicabangela yona nje futhi inonya. +“Uma ungipendela izithombe ezithile,” kusho isicebi, “bese ziyavela, ziphile, ngizokukhokhela bese ngikukhulula.” +Ekuqaleni uHo akazanga ukuthi kumele enze njani. Wase eqhamuka nesu. “Yebo, ngingakwenza lokho,” kusho uHo. +“Into yokuqala engifuna uyipende intaba ENKULU eyenziwe ngegolide,” kusho isicebi. “Ngifuna ukuthatha lonke igolide.” +Wabe esethatha ibhulashi lakhe lokupenda lomlingo wapenda ulwandle. Lokhu kwasithukuthelisa isicebi. +“Ulupendeleni ulwandle? Angilufuni ulwandle. Ngifuna intaba yegolide. Shesha-ke uyipende manje.” +Wabe esependa intaba yegolide ngakolunye uhlangothi lolwandle. “Kuzomele uwele ulwandle ukuze uyofika khona,” kusho yena. +“Penda ngokushesha umkhumbi omkhulu khona ngizowela ulwandle,” kusho isicebi. +UHo wamamatheka wase ependa umkhumbi omkhulu. Wayengakawuqedi ngesikhathi isicebi sisho phakathi emkhunjini. Ngokushesha kwalandela umndeni nabangani baso, bahamba. +UHo wababuka ngokucophelela. Walinda umkhumbi waze wafika phakathi nolwandle, wase ependa igagasi elikhulu. Igagasi laqonda emkhunjini. Lathi seliseduze – PHIHLI! − lamboza umkhumbi lawuhlakaza waba izicucu eziyinkulungwane. +Ngemva kwalokho, uHo waphila kamnandi. Wayenokudla okwanele ayengakudla. Wayesiza abantu abaningi uma bedinga usizo futhi wayedweba izithombe eziningi ngendlela ayethanda ngayo. +Wayeke abuke intaba eyenziwe ngegolide phesheya kolwandle. Akekho umuntu owake waya laphaya ngoba kwakungekho lutho ngaphandle kwegolide. Empeleni … kwakungekho lutho ngaphandle kwegolide, izingcezu zomkhumbi nesicebi esithukuthele sigane unwabu, nomndeni nabangani baso bonke.",zul,isiZulu,Ibhulashi lokupenda lomlingo,"There is a land far, far away called China. Once upon a time, in this far-away land there lived a young boy named Ho. Ho was poor, but very kind. He worked hard to earn enough money to buy food. +Even though Ho was poor, he helped other people ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/ibhulashi-lokupenda-lomlingo +magic-paintbrush,"Go na le naga ye nngwe kua kgole, kua kgole kudu ya go bitšwa China. Kgale, gona kua nageng ya kgole go be go dula mošemane yo mongwe a bitšwa Ho. Ho o be a hloka, efela a lokile kudu. O be a šoma kudu gore a hwetše tšhelete ye e tla lekanago go reka dijo. +Le ge Ho a be a hloka, o be a thuša batho ba bangwe ka mo a kgonago ka gona. Ho o be a rata gape le go penta gomme a penta ge a hweditše nako. +Bošego bjo bongwe, o lorile mokgalabje a mo fa poraše ya go penta ya mehlolo. +“O na le pelo ya go loka,” a realo mokgalabje torong ya gagwe. “Ke a bona gore o rata go penta. Poraše ya go penta ya mehlolo ke ye. Ke nyaka o ntshepiše gore o tla e diriša go thuša batho.” +Ge Ho a tsoga, o hweditše poraše ya go penta ya mehlolo kgauswi le yena. +“Aa,” a realo, “Ke be ke nagana gore ke toro fela.” +Go tloga letšatšing leo, ge batho ba nyaka thušo ka mehla o be a diriša poraše ya go penta ya mehlolo. +“Ho,” gwa goeletša batho bao ba bego ba le mašemong. “Ga go na meetse ka sedibeng. Re nyaka go nošetša dibjalo tša rena.” +Ka fao, Ho o ile a ba pentela noka. Ge a dutše a penta, noka e ile ya ba gona ka mohlolo gomme batho ba kgona go nošetša dibjalo tša bona. + +Ka morago Ho o ile a bona gore batho ba katanela go lema mašemo, ka fao a penta kgomo le mogoma gore di ba thuše. Nako le nako ge a bona gore motho a hloka thušo, o be a diriša poraše ya gagwe ya go penta. Batho ba bantši ba ile ba tseba ka lebelo ka ga Ho le poraše ya gagwe ya go penta ya mehlolo. +Ka morago ga fao, monna wa mohumi o ile a kwa ka ga poraše ya go penta. “Poraše yeo ya go penta e tlo ba yaka,” a realo ebile a beakanya gore o tla e utswa bjang. “Ke tla dira tšhelete ye ntši ka ba monna wa mohumihumi nageng ka bophara.” Ka letšatši la go latela o ile a roma batho gore ba late Ho. +“Lehono ke nyaka gore o hlokomele dikgomo tšaka,” a realo. “Ke tla go lefa gabotse mathapama a.” +Ho o be a thabile gomme a hlokomela dikgomo tša monna wa mohumi. Efela mathapama go na le gore a lefiwe, o ile a lahlelwa kgolegong gomme a tšeelwa poraše ya go penta ya mehlolo. +“O utswitše yenngwe ya dikgomo tšaka,” monna wa mohumi a realo a bolela maaka. “Poraše ye e tla lefela molato wa gagwe.” Mafelelong, a nagana, poraše ya go penta ya mehlolo ke ya ka. +Monna wa mohumi o laleditše bagwera ba gagwe ka moka go tla ngwakong wa gagwe. “Dulang fase le bone se,” a realo. O ile a penta diswantšho tše dintši ka poraše ya go penta ya mehlolo. Ka moka ga bona ba ile ba letela, ba letela …. ba letela, efela ga go seswantšho le se tee se ilego sa phela. +“Go direga eng?” gwa goeletša monna wa mohumi. “Sepelang le ye go tšea Ho le mo tliše mo!” +Ho o ile a tlišwa go monna wa mohumi. Efela bjale Ho o be a tseba gore monna yo o a inaganela ebile o sehlogo. +“Ge o ka mpentela diswantšho tše mmalwa,” a realo monna wa mohumi, “tša phela, ke tla go lefa ka ba ka go lokolla.” +Mathomong Ho ga se a tsebe gore a dire eng. Gomme, o ile a tlelwa ke kgopolo. “Ee, nka dira seo,” a realo Ho. +“Selo sa mathomo se ke nyakago o se penta ke thaba ya go dirwa ka gauta ye KGOLO,” a realo monna wa mohumi. “Ke nyaka go kgoboketša gauta ka moka ga yona.” +Ho o ile a tšea poraše ya go penta ya mehlolo a penta lewatle. Se se ile sa befediša monna wa mohumi. +“Ke ka lebaka la eng o pentile lewatle? Ga ke nyake lewatle. Ke nyaka thaba ya go dirwa ka gauta. Bjale, e pente ka potlako.” +Ho o ile a penta thaba ya go dirwa ka gauta ka mošola wa lewatle. “O tla swanela ke go tshela lewatle go ya go yona,” a realo. +“Bjalo penta sekepe se segolo ka potlako se ke tla tshelago lewatle ka sona,” a realo monna wa mohumi. +Ho a myemyela a penta sekepe se segolo. Pele a fetša ke ge monna wa mohumi a fofela ka sekepeng. Ba lapa la gagwe le bagwera ka potlako ba ile ba fofela ka sekepeng gomme ba sepela. +Ho o ba lebeletše ka tlhokomelo. O eme go fihla sekepe se fihla gare ga lewatle, gomme a penta lephoto le legolo. Lephoto le ile la kitimela thoko ya sekepe. Ge le batametše – PHUU! – la khupetša sekepe gomme la se ntšha ka diripa tše sekete. + +Morago ga seo, Ho o ile a phela a thabile. O be a na le dijo tše dintši. O be a thušitše batho ge ba hloka thušo, gomme a penta diswantšho tše dintši ka mo a nyakago. +Ka nako ye nngwe o be a lebelela thaba ya go dirwa ka gauta go selaganya lewatle. Ga go motho le o tee yo a kilego a ya fao ka ge go be go se selo ntle le gauta fela. Gabotsebotse … ga go selo ntle le gauta, diripa tša sekepe le monna wa mohumi wa go befelwa kudu, lapa la gagwe le bagwera ba gagwe.",nso,Sepedi,Poraše ya go penta ya mehlolo,"There is a land far, far away called China. Once upon a time, in this far-away land there lived a young boy named Ho. Ho was poor, but very kind. He worked hard to earn enough money to buy food. +Even though Ho was poor, he helped other people ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/poraše-ya-go-penta-ya-mehlolo +magic-paintbrush,"Ho na le naha e nngwe hole, hole haholo e bitswang China. Kgalekgale, naheng ena e hole haholo ho ne ho dula moshanyana e mong ya neng a bitswa Ho. Ho o ne a futsanehile, empa a le mosa. O ne a sebetsa ka thata ho fumana tjhelete e lekaneng ho reka dijo. +Le ha Ho a ne a futsanehile, o ne a thusa batho ba bang neng kapa neng ha a kgona. Ho o ne a rata le ho taka mme o ne a taka ka dinako tsohle ha a ne a e na le nako. +Ka bosiu bo bong, o ile a lora eka ho na le monnamoholo ya mo fang borashe ba ho taka bo etsang mehlolo. +“O na le pelo e ntle,” ho rialo monnamoholo torong ya hae. “ Ke a bona hore o rata ho taka. Borashe ba ho taka bo etsang mehlolo ke bona. Ke batla hore o ntshepise hore o tla bo sebedisetsa ho thusa batho.” +Ha Ho a tsoha, a fumana borashe ba ho taka ba mehlolo bo le pela hae. +“Ao,” a rialo, “ke ne ke nahana hore ke toro feela.” +Ho tloha letsatsing leo, a sebedisa borashe boo ba ho taka neng kapa neng ha batho ba hloka thuso. +“Ho,” ho hoeletsa batho masimong. “Ha ho na metsi sedibeng sa rona. Re hloka metsi a ho nosetsa dijalo.” +Yaba Ho o ba takela noka. Ha a ntse a taka moralo oo, ka mohlolo noka ya hlahella mme batho ba kgona ho nosetsa dijalo tsa bona. +Yaba Ho o elellwa hore batho ba ne ba sokola ho phethola mobu, kahoo a taka setshwantsho sa kgomo le mohoma ho ba thusa. Ka dinako tsohle ha a ne a bona motho ya hlokang thuso, o ne a sebedisa borashe ba hae ba ho taka. Ka pele batho ba bangata ba tseba ka Ho le borashe ba hae ba ho taka. +Kamorawana ho moo, monna wa morui a utlwela ka borashe boo ba ho taka. “Borashe boo ba ho taka e tla ba ba ka,” a rialo mme a rera hore na o tla bo utswa jwang. “Ke tla etsa tjhelete e ngata haholo hoo ke tlang ho ba moruihadi ya fetang bohle naheng ena kaofela”. Ka letsatsi le hlahlamang a romela batho ho ya lata Ho. +“Ke batla hore o dise dikgomo tsa ka kajeno,” a rialo. “Phirimaneng a kajeno ke tla o lefa hantle.” +Ho o ne a thabile mme a disa dikgomo tsa monna eo wa morui. Empa yare ka phirimana, bakeng sa hore a lefshwe, a lahlelwa tjhankaneng a ba a amohuwa borashe ba hae ba ho taka. +“O utswitse e nngwe ya dikgomo tsa ka,” monna wa morui a bua leshano. “Borashe bona bo tla lefella molato oo a o entseng.” Qetellong, a nahana jwalo, jwale borashe ba ho taka ba mehlolo e se e le ba ka. +Monna wa morui a mema metswalle yohle ya hae hore e tle ha hae. “Dulang fatshe le shebelle mona,” a rialo. Yapa o taka ditshwantsho tse ngata ka borashe ba ho taka. Bohle ba shebella ba shebella … ba shebella, empa ha ho le setshwantsho se le seng se ileng sa fetoha sa phela. +“Ho etsahalang?” ha hoeletsa monna wa morui. “Tsamayang le late Ho le mo tlise mona!” +Ho o ile a tliswa ka pela monna wa morui. Empa jwale Ho o ne a se a tseba hore monna eo ke moikgohomosi e bile o kgopo. +“Haeba o ntakela ditshwantsho tse itseng,” ha rialo monna wa morui, “mme tsa fetoha tsa phela, ke tla o lefa ke be ke o lokolle.” +Pele, Ho a tsieleha. Yaba o ba le leqheka. “Ho lokile, ke tla etsa jwalo,” Ho a araba. +“Ntho ya pele eo ke batlang hore o e take ke thaba e KGOLO e entsweng ka kgauta,” ha rialo monna wa morui. “Ke batla ho bokella kgauta eo kaofela.” +Ho a nka borashe ba ho taka ba mehlolo mme a taka lewatle. Sena sa halefisa monna wa morui. +“Hobaneng ha o taka lewatle? Ha ke batle lewatle. Ke batla thaba e entsweng ka kgauta. Jwale, phakisa o e take.” +Jwale Ho a taka thaba e entsweng ka kgauta ka nqane ho lewatle. “O tla tlameha ho tshela lewatle lena ho ya fihla mane,” a bolela jwalo. +“Taka le sekepe se seholo he hore ke kgone ho tshela lewatle lena,” ha laela monna wa morui. +Ho a bososela mme a taka sekepe se seholo. O ne a so ka a qeta ha monna wa morui a tlolela sekepeng. Ka potlako ba lelapa la hae le metswalle ya hae ba tlolela ka hara sekepe le bona mme ba kganna sekepe ho ya lewatleng. +Ho a ba shebella ka hloko. O ile a emela hore sekepe se fihlelle bohareng ba lewatle, mme a taka leqhubu le leholo. Leqhubu leo la potlakela sekepeng. Ha se se se atametse – QHUU! – la kwahela sekepe la ba la se kgaola dikotwana tse ngatangata. +Kamora moo, Ho a phela ha monate. O ne a e na le dijo tse lekaneng ho ka ja. O ne a thusa batho ha ba ne ba hloka thuso mme a taka ditshwantsho tse ngata kamoo a neng a rata ka teng. +Ka nako tse ding o ne a betsa mahlo ka nqane ho lewatle thabeng e entsweng ka kgauta. Ha ho na motho ya kileng a ya moo hobane ho ne ho se letho moo ha e se kgauta feela. Tjhe … ho se letho ntle le kgauta feela, dikotwana tse pshatlehileng tsa sekepe le monna wa morui ya kgenneng haholo, ba lelapa la hae le metswalle yohle ya hae.",sot,Sesotho,Borashe ba ho taka ba mehlolo,"There is a land far, far away called China. Once upon a time, in this far-away land there lived a young boy named Ho. Ho was poor, but very kind. He worked hard to earn enough money to buy food. +Even though Ho was poor, he helped other people ...","Guide for this story + Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read  + Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them +Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own",Wendy Hartmann,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/borashe-ba-ho-taka-ba-mehlolo +mermaids-purse,"It was late when Nolitha eventually fell asleep, her head full of mermaids, seals and sailors. Outside stars twinkled and the African moon cast shadows on the dried out earth. Tomorrow she was going to the seaside for the very first time. +The journey seemed to take forever. Through brown hills folded into each other and over a craggy mountain pass. But then, at last, Nolitha saw the edge of the earth sink into the vast ocean. +Salt air rushed at Nolitha. Waves thundered. Seagulls squalled. Cormorants dive-bombed. It wasn’t like that in her picture book! While Mama unpacked, Nolitha explored this new world where twirly-shelled sea snails burrowed into the wet sand and fish darted for shelter in rock pools. +Nolitha collected shells including mermaid’s money, tuning into the sounds and smells of the ocean, as she made her way to a cluster of rocks. From the top of the rocks, Nolitha waved her “I’m okay” wave to Mama. Then she counted out her mermaid’s money and day-dreamed about how she would spend it. +“Lunch time,” shouted Mama. +How quickly the morning had gone! But, the sea air had made Nolitha very hungry and Mama’s yellow corn bread and pickled fish sandwiches tasted so good. +After lunch, Nolitha and Mama paddled in the shallow water, jumping over waves and racing them back to shore until Mama said, “Shoo, Nolitha, now I need a rest!” So Nolitha wandered back to the rocks where she stretched out and listened to the lap-lap of a sea lullaby. +A seal broke through the surface of the water. Nolitha was sure it was a seal, she had seen pictures of them. For a moment, its huge sad eyes gazed at her. Then it was gone. Soon though, it re-surfaced and pulled itself up onto a rock. Nolitha sat spellbound . . . it was not a seal now, it was a boy! +The boy came closer, and closer, and carefully placed something in front of Nolitha. Then he turned and made his way back to the water. Hesitantly, Nolitha picked up the thing and turned it over in her hands. It was a mermaid’s purse. It was exquisite! +Nolitha got up to thank the boy. But, before she could do so, he glanced back at her and then dived into the sea. And, as his body hit the water, he was a seal again. +“Nolitha, Nolitha,” shouted Mama, “home time!” +Nolitha gathered all her mermaid’s money into her mermaid’s purse. Then she made her way back to Mama, looking back at the sea every now and again. But she saw no seal, and no boy; only the waves that kept on coming. +As they journeyed into the night, Nolitha showed Mama the beautiful mermaid’s purse. +“Extraordinary!” said Mama. +And Nolitha told Mama all about the seal-boy who gave it to her. +“Even more extraordinary!” said Mama. +And then, as Nolitha drifted off to sleep, Mama smiled a faraway smile and whispered, “It was exactly there that I saw one when I was a little girl.”",eng,English,The mermaid's purse,"It was late when Nolitha eventually fell asleep, her head full of mermaids, seals and sailors. Outside stars twinkled and the African moon cast shadows on the dried out earth. Tomorrow she was going to the seaside for the very first time. +The ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/mermaids-purse +mermaids-purse,"Dit is al laat toe Nolitha uiteindelik aan die slaap raak, haar kop vol meerminne, matrose en robbe. Buite skitter die sterre en die Afrika-maan gooi skaduwees oor die uitgedroogde aarde. Môre gaan sy vir die heel eerste keer see toe. +Dit voel of die rit vir ewig duur. Deur bruin heuwels wat in mekaar invou en oor ʼn ruwe bergpas. Maar toe sien Nolitha uiteindelik hoe die rand van die aarde in die eindelose see wegsink. +Soutlug swiep teen haar gesig. Golwe dreun. Seemeeue skreeu. Kormorante duik in die see in. Alles lyk selfs mooier as in haar prenteboek! Terwyl Mamma uitpak, verken Nolitha hierdie nuwe wêreld waar seeslakke met gedraaide skulpe in die nat sand ingrawe en vissies vinnig skuiling soek in rotspoele. +Nolitha tel skulpies op en verbeel haar dis meermingeld. Sy luister na al die nuwe geluide en snuif die reuk van die see in terwyl sy koers kies na ʼn groepie rotse. Van bo van die rotse af waai Nolitha vir Mamma om vir haar te wys dat sy veilig is. Toe begin tel sy haar geldskulpies en droom oor wat sy daarmee kan koop. +“Tyd vir middagete!” roep Mamma. +Die oggend het so vinnig verbygegaan! Maar die seelug het Nolitha baie honger gemaak en Mamma se geel mieliebrood en toebroodjies met die ingelegde vis daarop smaak tog te lekker. +Na ete plas Nolitha en Mamma in die vlak water, spring oor golwe en jaag hulle terug strand toe totdat Mamma sê: “Sjoe, Nolitha, nou moet ek eers rus!” Nolitha drentel terug na die rotse toe waar sy haar uitstrek en luister hoe die see saggies sing en haar aan die slaap sus. +ʼn Rob breek deur die oppervlak van die water. Nolitha is seker dit is ʼn rob, want sy het al foto’s van hulle gesien. Vir ʼn oomblik kyk hy met sy groot hartseer oë na haar. Toe is hy weg. Maar gou kom hy weer op en sleep homself op ʼn rots uit. Nolitha is betower . . . nou is hy nie meer ʼn rob nie; hy is ʼn seun! +Die seun kom nader, en nader, en sit versigtig iets voor Nolitha neer. Toe draai hy om en vind sy pad terug na die rand van die water. Huiwerig tel Nolitha die geskenk op en draai dit in haar hande om. Dit is ʼn meerminbeursie. Dit is wondermooi! +Nolitha staan op om vir die seun dankie te sê, maar voor sy dit kan doen, kyk hy terug na haar en duik in die see in. En toe sy lyf die water tref, verander hy weer in ʼn rob. +“Nolitha, Nolitha,” roep Mamma, “tyd om huis toe te gaan!” +Nolitha sit al haar geldskulpies in haar meerminbeursie. Toe stap sy terug na Mamma, maar sy kyk elke nou en dan terug na die see. Ongelukkig sien sy nie ’n rob nie, en ook nie ’n seun nie. Al wat sy sien is die golwe wat oor-en-oor inrol. +Toe hulle die skemer inry, wys Nolitha vir Mamma die pragtige meerminbeursie. +“Dis pragtig!” sê Mamma. +En Nolitha vertel vir Mamma alles van die robseun wat dit vir haar gegee het. +“Dis darem wonderlik!” sê Mamma. +En toe, terwyl Nolitha aan die slaap raak, glimlag Mamma ʼn veraf glimlag en fluister: “Dis net daar waar ek ook ’n robseun gesien het toe ek ʼn klein dogtertjie was.”",afr,Afrikaans,Die meerminbeursie,"It was late when Nolitha eventually fell asleep, her head full of mermaids, seals and sailors. Outside stars twinkled and the African moon cast shadows on the dried out earth. Tomorrow she was going to the seaside for the very first time. +The ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/die-meerminbeursie +mermaids-purse,"Kwakusebusuku kakhulu ngexesha awabiwa ngalo bubuthongo uNolitha, entloko kuye kwakusazele oomamlambo, izinja zaselwandle kunye noomatiloshe. Phandle kwakuqhakraze iinkwenkwezi kwaye inyanga yaseAfrika yayinabise amathunzi kumhlaba owomileyo. Ngengomso wayezakuya elwandle okokuqala ebomini bakhe. +Uhambo lwavakala lulude kakhulu. Badlula kwiinduli ezibrawuni ezazenze ulundi baza badlula nakumajikojiko endlela esentabeni. Kodwa ke, ekugqibeleni, uNolitha wasibona isiphelo somhlaba nalapho utshona khona kulwandlekazi olukhulu. +Kwavakala umoya onetyuwa usiza kuNolitha. Amaza ayebetheka esenza isandi ngathi kuyaduduma. Amangabangaba ayephaphazela ekhala. Oogwidi babezijula ngezithongakazi emanzini. Encwadini yakhe yemifanekiso kwakungenje! Lo gama uMama wayekhupha izinto, uNolitha wazulazula ebuka eli lizwe litsha, apho iinkumba zaselwandle ezinamaqokobhe ajikojiko zazizifihla kwintlabathi emanzi, zize iintlanzi zibaleke zizimele kumadanyana aphantsi kwamatye. +UNolitha waqokelela oonokrwece kuquka nemali kamamlambo, wasele eguquka eba ngomnye wezandi namavumba aselwandle, njengokuba wayesondela kukrozo neengqumba zamatye. Emi phezulu ematyeni wawangawangisa ngesandla esenzela uMama uphawu oluthi, “Ungahlupheki, akukho monakalo.” Emva koko wabala imali yakhe kamamlambo waza wacinga ngendlela aza kuyichitha ngayo. +“Lixesha lesidlo sasemini,” wakhwaza uMama. +Ayisaphele kwakamsinyane nje intsasa! Kodwa umoya waselwandle wawumlambise kakhulu uNolitha kwaye amaqebengwana kaMama awenziwe ngesonka sombona obomvu kunye nentlanzi enongwe bumuncwana ayemnandi kakhulu. +Emva kwesidlo sasemini, uNolitha noMama baqubha ngasenxwemeni bemana betsiba phezu kwamaza ze baphinde badudulwe ngawo ukuya elunxwemeni, de uMama wathi, “Shu, Nolitha ndidiniwe ngoku, ndifuna ukuphumla!” Ngoko ke uNolitha wabuyela kwasematyeni apho wafika wazolula waza wamamela ingonyana eyenziwa ngamaza aselwandle. +Kwaphuma inja yaselwandle emanzini. UNolitha wayeqinisekile ukuba yinja yaselwandle, kuba wayeyibonile imifanekiso yazo. Okomzuzwana, amehlo ayo amakhulu nalusizi amjonga. Kwa-oko yaphinda yanyamalala. Kwakamsinyane ke kodwa, yaphinda yavela yaza yaphumela ematyeni. UNolitha wahlala apho emangalisiwe … yayingeyonja yaselwandle ngoku, yayiyinkwenkwe! +Le nkwenkwe yaye isondela ngokusondela yaze yabeka into ethile phambi kukaNolitha. Emva koko yajika yabuyela emanzini. Ngokuthandabuza, uNolitha wayichola loo nto waze wayiguquguqula ngezandla zakhe. Yayisisipaji sikamamlambo. Sasingesihle ngako! +UNolitha waphakama efuna ukubulela inkwenkwe leyo. Kodwa, phambi kokuba akwazi ukwenza oko, yamthi krwaqu nje yabe seyizijula elwandle. Kwathi xa umzimba wayo udibana namanzi, yaphinda yaguquka yaba yinja yaselwandle. +“Nolitha, Nolitha,” wakhwaza uMama, “lixesha lokugoduka!” +UNolitha waqokelela yonke imali yakhe kamamlambo wayifaka esipajini sikamamlambo. Waza wangena endleleni eya kuMama, emane enyeka, ejonga elwandle umzuzu nomzuzu. Kodwa zange abone nja yaselwandle, engazange abone nankwenkwe; ngaphandle kwamaza awayesondela elunxwemeni abuye abuyele phakathi elwandle. +Njengokuba behamba ebusuku, begoduka, uNolitha wabonisa uMama isipaji sikamamlambo esihle. +“Kuyamangalisa ke oku!” watsho uMama. +UNolitha wabalisela uMama malunga nenja-kwenkwe yaselwandle ethe yamnika isipaji eso. +“Kumangalisa nangakumbi ke oko!” watsho uMama. +Lo gama uNolitha ozelayo, uMama wancuma uncumo lweengcinga ezinzulu wasebeza esithi “Kwakulapho kanye apho ndayibonayo khona nam ndiseyintombazanana encinane.”",xho,isiXhosa,Isipaji sikamamlambo,"It was late when Nolitha eventually fell asleep, her head full of mermaids, seals and sailors. Outside stars twinkled and the African moon cast shadows on the dried out earth. Tomorrow she was going to the seaside for the very first time. +The ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isipaji-sikamamlambo +mermaids-purse,"Kwase kusebusuku kakhulu ngesikhathi uNolitha ezumeka, ekhanda lakhe kwakugcwele amakhosazane asolwandle angumuntu ngenhla nenhlanzi ngezansi, izinja zasolwandle namatilosi. Ngaphandle kwakuthi benye benye izinkanyezi, nenyanga yase-Afrika yayenza amathunzi emhlabeni owomile. Ngakusasa wayezoya ogwini okokuqala empilweni yakhe. +Uhambo kwakungathi alusabafikisi lapho ababeya khona. Babehamba phakathi kwamagquma ansundu ayebelethene bechusha nasezintabeni ezinamawa. Kwathi ekugcineni, uNolitha wabona unqenqema lomhlaba olwalwehlela olwandle olukhulu. +UNolitha wahlangatshezwa umoya ogcwele usawoti. Kwaduma amagagasi. Kwakhala izinyoni zasolwandle. Zaziphoseka emanzini izinyoni okuthiwa yimiphishamanzi. Kwakungenzeki lokhu  encwadini yakhe enezithombe! Ngesikhathi uMama ethulula izimpahla, uNolitha wayehlola lo mhlaba omusha lapho iminenke yasolwandle eyayinamagobolondo azungelezayo yayimba khona esihlabathini esimanzi, nezinhlanzi ziphonseleka ukucasha emanzini asemadwaleni. +UNolitha wacosha amagobolondo kanye nemali yenkosazane yasolwandle, wade ephenduka uma ezwa imisindo nephunga lasolwandle, ngesikhathi eya emadwaleni ayehlangene. Esephezu kwamadwala, uNolitha wathathazelela uMama wakhe echaza ukuthi “konke kusahamba kahle”. Wabe esebala imali yakhe yenkosazane yasolwandle, ephupha nangokuthi konje uzoyisebenzisa kanjani. +“Isikhathi sesidlo sasemini manje,” kumemeza uMama. +Sasheshe sadlula isikhathi sasekuseni! Kodwa, umoya wolwandle wase umlambise kakhulu uNolitha, kanti amasemishi esinkwa sommbila nenhlanzi enongiwe ayemnandi kakhulu. +Ngemuva kwesidlo sasemini, uNolitha noMama babhukuda emanzini angashoni kakhulu, bede beqa  amagagasi, babuye bagijime babuyele osebeni, uMama waze wathi, “Cha, Nolitha, manje sengidinga ukuphumula!” Ngakho uNolitha wabuyela emadwaleni lapho azelula khona walalela umsindo, iculo elilalisayo lamagagasi olwandle. +Kwavumbuka inja yasolwandle yaphumela ngaphandle kwamanzi. UNolitha wayenesiqiniseko sokuthi kwakuyinja yasolwandle, njengoba wayezibonile izithombe zazo. Amehlo ayo amakhulu adangele ambuka isikhashana. Yase inyamalala. Kodwa kungakapheli nasikhathi eside, yaphinde yavumbuka yaqhwakela edwaleni. UNolitha wayehleli emangele. Kwakungaseyona inja yasolwandle, kwase kuwumfana manje! +Umfana wasondela, waphinde wasondela, wabeka okuthile ngokucophelela phambi kukaNolitha. Wase ephenduka ebuyela emanzini. UNolitha wathatha leyo nto wayiphendula esandleni sakhe, emanqikanqika. Kwakuyisikhwama senkosazane yasolwandle. Sasisihle kakhulu! +UNolitha wasukuma ukuze abonge umfana. Kodwa, ngaphambi kokuba enze njalo, umfana wabheka emuva wambuka, wase eziphonsa olwandle. Kanti, ngesikhathi umzimba wakhe ungena emanzini, waba inja yasolwandle futhi. +“Nolitha, Nolitha,” kumemeza uMama, “sekuyisikhathi sokugoduka!” +UNolitha waqoqa yonke imali yakhe yenkosazane yasolwandle wayifaka esikhwameni senkosazane yasolwandle. Wabuyela kuMama, elokhu ejeqeza emuva olwandle. Kodwa akabonanga nja yasolwandle, namfana; ngamagagasi ayegubha kuphela. +Ngesikhathi behamba ebusuku, uNolitha wabonisa uMama isikhwama esihle senkosazane yasolwandle. +“Saze sasihle!” kusho uMama. +UNolitha wase etshela uMama ngenja yasolwandle eyaphenduka umfana eyayimnikeze sona. +“Kwakuhle  kakhulu-ke nalokho!” kusho uMama. +UNolitha, wazunywa ubuthongo, uMama wamamatheka kancane wamhlebela ukuthi, “Kwakuyilapho kanye lapho ngangiyibone khona ngiseyintombazanyana.”",zul,isiZulu,Isikhwama senkosazane yasolwandle,"It was late when Nolitha eventually fell asleep, her head full of mermaids, seals and sailors. Outside stars twinkled and the African moon cast shadows on the dried out earth. Tomorrow she was going to the seaside for the very first time. +The ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/isikhwama-senkosazane-yasolwandle +mermaids-purse,"E be e šetše e le bošego kudu ge Nolitha a swarwa ke boroko, hlogo ya gagwe e tletše bathohlapi, manyedi le basesi. Ka ntle dinaledi di be di phadima le ngwedi wa Afrika o dira meriti lefaseng la go oma. Gosasa o tla be a eya lewatleng lekga la mathomo. +Leeto la gona ga le fele. Mebotong ye metsotho ya go hlahlagana le sefateng sa thaba ya magaga. Efela mafelelong, Nolitha o bona magomo a lefase a nwelela ka lewatleng le legolo. +Moya wa letswai wa kitimela go Nolitha. Maphoto a duma. Dinonyana tša lewatle tša dira lešata. Dinonyana tše diso tša lewatle tša fofafofa. Go be go se bjalo ka pukung ya gagwe ya diswantšho! Ge Mma a pakolla, Nolitha o hlohlomiša lefase le leswa fao dikgopa tša lewatle tša dikgapetla tša sopagana di ikepetšego mohlabeng wa go thapa gomme dihlapi di rutha madibeng a maswika go itšhireletša. +Nolitha o kgobokeditše dikgopa go akaretšwa le tšhelete ya mothohlapi, tša tlhola medumo le monkgo wa lewatle, ge a labile sehlopheng sa maswika. Go tšwa godimo ga maswika, Nolitha a mo emišetša seatla “Ke šireletšegile” a emišetša Mma seatla. O ile a bala tšhelete ya mothohlapi wa gagwe a ba a lora ka ga mo a tlilego go e šomiša ka gona. +“Ke nako ya matena,” gwa goeletša Mma. +Meso ya tla ya fela ka pela! Efela moya wa lewatle o ile wa dira gore Nolitha a swarwe ke tlala kudu gomme borotho bja Mma bja korong bjo bo serolane le sangwetše ya hlapi ya go nokwa di be di le bose. +Morago ga matena, Nolitha le Mma ba ile ba sesa ka meetseng a go se iše tlase, ba fofa maphoto ebile ba kitimiea mabopong go fihlela Mma a re, “Ijoo, Nolitha, bjale ke nyaka go khutša!” Ya ba Nolitha o boela maswikeng ao go ona a ilego a rapalala a theeletša koša ya khuetšo ya bose ya go hlolwa ke maphoto a lewatle. +Lenyedi le ile la biloga ka godimo ga meetse. Nolitha o be a na le nnete ya gore ke lenyedi, o bone diswantšho tša ona. Sebakanyana, mahlo a lona a magolo a go nyama a ile a mo lebelela. Ka morago le ile la nyamelela. Go se go ye kae, la tšwelela gape, la ikgogela leswikeng. Nolitha a dula fase a tlabegile … e be e se lenyedi bjale, e be e le mošimane! +Mošemane o ile a batamela, a no batamela, gomme a bea sengwe pele ga Nolitha ka tlhokomelo. O ile a boela ka meetseng. Ka go diega, Nolitha o topile selo sela a se phethola ka diatleng tša gagwe. E be e le sekhwama sa mothohlapi. Se be se le botse kudu! +Nolitha o ile a emelela go ya go leboga mošemane. Efela, pele a dira seo, mošemane o mo lebeletše, a sobelela ka meetseng. Mmele wa gagwe o rile ge o tsena ka meetseng, a fetoga lenyedi gape. +“Nolitha, Nolitha,” gwa goeletša Mma, “ke nako ya go ya gae!” + +Nolitha o loketše tšhelete ya gagwe ya mothohlapi ka moka ka sekhwameng sa mothohlapi. O ile a boela morago go Mma, nako le nako a fela a gadima morago ele ge a lebelela lewatle. Efela ga se a bona lenyedi le ge e le mošemane; o bone fela maphoto a dutše a batamela. +Ge ba dutše ba le leetong bošego, Nolitha o bontšhitše Mma sekhwama sa botse sa mothohlapi. +“Go a makatša!” a realo Mma. +Ya ba Nolitha o botša Mma tšohle ka ga mošemane wa lenyedi yo a mo filego sona. +“Go makatša kudu!” a realo Mma. +Morago ge Nolitha a swarwa ke boroko, Mma a myemyela ka myemyelo ya go gopola kgole gomme a hebahebetša, “Gona fao ke gona mo ke bonego se sengwe ge ke be ke sa le mosetsanyana.”",nso,Sepedi,Sekhwama sa Mothohlap,"It was late when Nolitha eventually fell asleep, her head full of mermaids, seals and sailors. Outside stars twinkled and the African moon cast shadows on the dried out earth. Tomorrow she was going to the seaside for the very first time. +The ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sekhwama-sa-mothohlapi +mermaids-purse,"E ne e se e le bosiu haholo ha Nolitha a qetella a kgalehile, hlooho ena ya hae e ne e tletse bomamolapo, diqibi le basesisi ba dikepe. Ka ntle dinaledi di ne di phatsima sepakapakeng le kgwedi ya Afrika e thea meriti lefatsheng le ommeng. Hosane o ne a tlo ya lewatle lekgetlo la pele bophelong ba hae. +Leeto lena e ne e ka le hana ho fela. Dithabaneng tse sootho tse rokahaneng le ka hodima matsatsa a kgorong ya thaba. Empa, yare qetellong, Nolitha a bona pheletso ya lefatshe e monyela lewatleng le batsihadi. +Moya o letswai wa potlakela ho Nolitha. Maqhubu a dumaela. Dinonyana tsa lewatle tsa etsa lerata. Dinonyana tse ntsho tsa lewatle di tlolatlola. Ho ne ho se jwalo ka bukeng ya hae ya ditshwantsho! Ha Mme a ntse a pakolla, Nolitha a qala ho sibolla lefatshe lena le letjha moo dikgofu tsa lewatle tse ikgarileng di neng di itshuntse lehlabatheng le mongobo mme ditlhapi di ntse di sesetsa kamora diqanthana tsa mafika ho itshireletsa. +Nolitha a bokella dikgaketla tse akgang le tjhelete ya mamolapo, tsa baka medumo le menko ya lewatle, ha a ntse a tsamaya ho ya seqhoqhong sa mafika. Ha a se a dutse ka hodima mafika, Nolitha a tsoka letsoho le bolelang “Ke bolokehile” ho Mme wa hae. Yaba o bala tjhelete ya hae ya mamolapo mme a itorela kamoo a tlang ho e sebedisa ka teng ha a reka. +“Ke nako ya dijo tsa motsheare,” ha hoeletsa Mme. +Nako ya hoseng e fetile kapele hakaakang! Empa moya wa lewatle o ne o lapisitse Nolitha haholo mme disementjhise tsa Mme tsa polokwe e entsweng ka poone e tshehla le tlhapi e phehilweng di ne di hlabosa. +Kamora dijo tsa motsheare, Nolitha le Mme ba nna ba qaputsa metsing a sa tebang, ba ntse ba tlola ka hodima maqhubu ha ba ntse ba mathela lebopong ho fihlela Mme a re, “Joo, Nolitha, jwale ke batla ho phomola!” Yaba Nolitha o boela mafikeng ane moo a fihlileng a rapalla mme a mamela pina ya koeetso e monate e bakwang ke ho tuduana ha maqhubu a lewatle. +Qibi ya bitoha ka hodima metsi. Nolitha o ne a na le bonnete ba hore ke qibi, o ne a kile a bona ditshwantsho tsa tsona. Ka motsotswana, mahlo a yona a maholo a tletseng tlhonamo a mo tjamela. Yaba e a nyamela. Hang kamora moo, ya bitoha hape mme ya pharamela hodima lefika. Nolitha a dula moo a maketse haholo … e ne e se e se qibi jwale, e ne e le moshanyana! +Moshanyana eo a atamela, a nna a atamela, mme ka hloko a bea ho hong ka pela Nolitha. Yaba o a thinya o kgutlela ka metsing. Ka ho qeaqea, Nolitha a nka ntho eo a e phethophethola ka matsohong a hae. E ne e le sepatjhe sa mamolapo. Se ne se le setle haholo! +Nolitha a ema ka maoto ho leboha moshanyana eo. Empa, pele a ka etsa jwalo, moshanyana eo a hetla feela yaba o itahlela ka lewatle. Mme, yare ha mmele wa hae o thetsa metsi, a fetoha qibi hape. +“Nolitha, Nolitha,” ha hoeletsa Mme, “ke nako ya ho ya hae!” +Nolitha a bokella tjhelete yohle ya hae ya mamolapo a e kenya ka sepatjheng sa mamolapo. Yaba o kgutlela ho Mme, a ntse a hetla hangata ho sheba ka lewatleng. Empa ha a ka bona qibi ho hang, esitana le moshanyana; a bona feela maqhubu a neng a ntse a atamela. +Ha ba ntse ba le leetong bosiu, Nolitha a bontsha Mme sepatjhe se setle sa mamolapo. +“Ho a makatsa!” ha rialo Mme. +Yaba Nolitha o bolella Mme tsohle ka moshanyana wa qibi ya mo fileng sona. +“Ho makatsa le ho feta!” Mme a rialo. +Jwale he, yare ha Nolitha a kgaleha, Mme a bososela pososelo e hopolang hole mme a hweshetsa, “Ke hona mane hantle moo le nna nkileng ka mmona ha ke ne ke sa le ngwananyana.”",sot,Sesotho,Sepatjhe sa mamolapo,"It was late when Nolitha eventually fell asleep, her head full of mermaids, seals and sailors. Outside stars twinkled and the African moon cast shadows on the dried out earth. Tomorrow she was going to the seaside for the very first time. +The ...",,Jude Daly,https://nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/sepatjhe-sa-mamolapo