stringlengths 27
export interface RemoteCallGetRelationshipTypeParams {
export interface RemoteCallGetRelationshipTypeResult extends RemoteCallResultBase {
export interface RemoteCallCreateOrUpdateRelationshipTypeParams {
export interface RemoteCallCreateOrUpdateRelationshipTypeResult extends RemoteCallResultBase {
export interface RemoteCallGetRelationshipTypeParams {
export interface RemoteCallGetRelationshipTypeResult extends RemoteCallResultBase {
export interface RemoteCallCreateOrUpdateRelationshipTypeParams {
export interface RemoteCallCreateOrUpdateRelationshipTypeResult extends RemoteCallResultBase {
relationshipType_get (params:RemoteCallGetRelationshipTypeParams, callback:(result:RemoteCallGetRelationshipTypeResult)=>void):void;
relationshipType_createOrUpdate (params, callback):void;
relationshipType_get (params, callback):void;
relationshipType_createOrUpdate (params:RemoteCallCreateOrUpdateRelationshipTypeParams,
relationshipType_get (params:RemoteCallGetRelationshipTypeParams, callback:(result:RemoteCallGetRelationshipTypeResult)=>void):void;
relationshipType_createOrUpdate (params:RemoteCallCreateOrUpdateRelationshipTypeParams,
callback:(result:RemoteCallCreateOrUpdateRelationshipTypeResult)=>void):void; |
///<reference path='HelpTextContainer.ts' />
///<reference path='FormOccurrenceDraggableLabel.ts' />
///<reference path='FormItemSetOccurrence.ts' />
///<reference path='FormItemSetOccurrences.ts' />
///<reference path='FormItemSetOccurrenceView.ts' />
///<reference path='FormItemSetView.ts' />
///<reference path='LayoutView.ts' />
///<reference path='FieldSetLabel.ts' />
///<reference path='FieldSetView.ts' />
///<reference path='HelpTextContainer.ts' /> |
return wemQ.all([defaultPromise, commonPromise, customPromise]).then(() => {
// update active widget's height
updateWidgetsHeights() {
this.widgetViews.forEach((widgetView: WidgetView) => {
return wemQ.all([defaultPromise, commonPromise, customPromise]).then(() => {
// update active widget's height
if (this.item) {
this.contentStatus = this.item.getModel().getCompareStatus();
if (this.defaultWidgetView && this.detailsContainer.hasChild(this.defaultWidgetView)) {
this.onContentStatusChanged(() => {
this.defaultWidgetView = WidgetView.create().
setLayoutCallbackFunction(() => {
if (DetailsPanel.DEFAULT_WIDGET_NAME == this.activeWidget.getWidgetName()) {
private initDefaultWidget() {
addWidgetItemView(this.versionWidgetItemView). |
this.toolbar.appendChild(ContentPublishMenuManager.getPublishMenuButton()); |
var onFocusHandler = (e) => {
selector: 'textarea.' + id.replace(/\./g, '_'),
document_base_url: baseUrl + '/common/lib/tinymce/',
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content_css: baseUrl + '/common/styles/api/form/inputtype/text/tinymce-editor.css',
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"styleselect | cut copy pastetext | bullist numlist outdent indent | charmap anchor image link unlink | table | code"
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alignleft: [
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selector: 'img,figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li',
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"link": baseUrl + "/common/js/form/inputtype/text/plugins/link.js",
"image": baseUrl + "/common/js/form/inputtype/text/plugins/image.js",
"anchor": baseUrl + "/common/js/form/inputtype/text/plugins/anchor.js"
object_resizing: "table",
autoresize_min_height: 100,
autoresize_bottom_margin: 0,
height: 100,
setup: (editor) => {
editor.addCommand("openLinkDialog", this.openLinkDialog, this);
editor.addCommand("openImageDialog", this.openImageDialog, this);
editor.addCommand("openAnchorDialog", this.openAnchorDialog, this);
editor.on('NodeChange', (e) => {
this.notifyValueChanged(id, textAreaWrapper);
editor.on('focus', (e) => {
editor.on('blur', (e) => {
if (!(this.modalDialog && this.modalDialog.isVisible())) {
editor.on('keydown', (e) => {
if ((e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && e.keyCode === 83) { // Cmd-S or Ctrl-S
this.notifyValueChanged(id, textAreaWrapper);
wemjq(this.getEl().getHTMLElement()).simulate(e.type, { // as editor resides in a frame - propagate event via wrapping element
bubbles: e.bubbles,
cancelable: e.cancelable,
view: parent,
ctrlKey: e.ctrlKey,
altKey: e.altKey,
shiftKey: e.shiftKey,
metaKey: e.metaKey,
keyCode: e.keyCode,
charCode: e.charCode
if (e.keyCode == 46 || e.keyCode == 8) { // DELETE
var selectedNode = editor.selection.getRng().startContainer;
if (/^(FIGURE)$/.test(selectedNode.nodeName)) {
var previousEl = selectedNode.previousSibling;
if (previousEl) {
else {
var onFocusHandler = (e) => {
this.onShown((event) => {
// invoke auto resize on shown in case contents have been updated while inactive
editor.execCommand('mceAutoResize', false, null);
this.onShown((event) => {
// invoke auto resize on shown in case contents have been updated while inactive
editor.execCommand('mceAutoResize', false, null);
private getConvertedImageSrc(imgSrc: string): string {
var contentId = api.util.UriHelper.trimUrlParams(imgSrc.replace(HtmlArea.imagePrefix, api.util.StringHelper.EMPTY_STRING)),
imageUrlResolver = new api.content.ContentImageUrlResolver().setContentId(new api.content.ContentId(contentId)).setTimestamp(new Date()),
scalingApplied = imgSrc.indexOf("scale=") > 0,
urlParams = api.util.UriHelper.decodeUrlParams(imgSrc.replace("&", "&"));
scalingApplied ? imageUrlResolver.setScale(urlParams["scale"]) : imageUrlResolver.setScaleWidth(true);
if (!urlParams["keepSize"]) {
var imageUrl = imageUrlResolver.resolve();
return "src=\"" + imageUrl + "\" data-src=\"" + imgSrc + "\"";
private processPropertyValue(propertyValue: string): string {
var processedContent = propertyValue,
regex = /<img.*?src="(.*?)"/g,
if (!processedContent) {
return propertyValue;
>>>>>>> |
return this.loadDescendantIds().then(() => {
this.loadDescendants(0, 20).
then((descendants: ContentSummaryAndCompareStatus[]) => {
if (!this.isAnyOnline(this.getItemList().getItems())) {
}).finally(() => {
.then((descendants: ContentSummaryAndCompareStatus[]) => {
if (!this.isAnyOnline(items)) {
}).finally(() => {
return this.loadDescendantIds().then(() => {
this.loadDescendants(0, 20).
then((descendants: ContentSummaryAndCompareStatus[]) => {
if (!this.isAnyOnline(this.getItemList().getItems())) {
}).finally(() => {
}); |
node.setChildren(this.dataToTreeNodes(dataList, node));
this.initData(this.root.getCurrentRoot().treeToList(), idPropertyName);
node.setChildren(this.dataToTreeNodes(dataList, node, expandAll));
node.setChildren(this.dataToTreeNodes(dataList, node, expandAll));
this.initData(this.root.getCurrentRoot().treeToList(), idPropertyName); |
// TODO: add more subscriptions
public subscribeVisibleTimeRangeChange(handler: TimeRangeChangeEventHandler): void {
public unsubscribeVisibleTimeRangeChange(handler: TimeRangeChangeEventHandler): void {
public priceScale(priceScaleId?: string): IPriceScaleApi {
if (priceScaleId === undefined) {
warn('Using ChartApi.priceScale() method without arguments has been deprecated, pass valid price scale id instead');
public priceScale(priceScaleId?: string): IPriceScaleApi {
if (priceScaleId === undefined) {
warn('Using ChartApi.priceScale() method without arguments has been deprecated, pass valid price scale id instead');
} |
postLoad: () => void;
value: string;
postLoad: () => void;
value: string; |
import {IssueList} from './IssueList';
import {IssueSummary} from './IssueSummary';
import {IssueList, IssueListItem} from './IssueList';
import {IssueList, IssueListItem} from './IssueList';
private loadMask: LoadMask;
private issueDetailsDialog: IssueDetailsDialog;
private issueDetailsDialog: IssueDetailsDialog;
if (!panelHasChildren && panel.isVisible()) { // to not reload after tab is loaded and switching between tabs
panel.appendChild(new IssueList(issueType));
if (!panelHasChildren && panel.isVisible()) { // to not reload after tab is loaded and swithcing between tabs;
IssueFetcher.fetchIssuesByType(issueType).then((issues: IssueSummary[]) => {
if (issues.length > 0) {
const issueList: IssueList = new IssueList();
issueList.onIssueSelected((issueListItem) => {
} else {
panel.appendChild(new PEl('no-issues-message').setHtml('No issues found'));
}).catch((reason: any) => {
}).finally(() => {
if (!panelHasChildren && panel.isVisible()) { // to not reload after tab is loaded and switching between tabs
const issueList: IssueList = new IssueList(issueType);
issueList.onIssueSelected((issueListItem) => {
}); |
textAreaEl.onRendered(() => {
selector: 'textarea.' + clazz,
document_base_url: baseUrl + '/common/lib/tinymce/',
skin_url: baseUrl + '/common/lib/tinymce/skins/lightgray',
theme_url: 'modern',
toolbar: [
"styleselect | cut copy pastetext | bullist numlist outdent indent | charmap link unlink | table | code"
menubar: false,
statusbar: false,
paste_as_text: true,
plugins: ['autoresize', 'table', 'paste', 'charmap', 'code'],
external_plugins: {
"link": baseUrl + "/common/js/form/inputtype/text/plugins/link.js"
autoresize_min_height: 100,
autoresize_bottom_margin: 0,
height: 100,
setup: (editor) => {
editor.addCommand("openLinkDialog", this.openLinkDialog, this);
editor.on('change', (e) => {
var value = this.newValue(this.getEditor(textAreaEl.getId()).getContent());
editor.on('focus', (e) => {
editor.on('blur', (e) => {
editor.on('keydown', (e) => {
if ((e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && e.keyCode === 83) {
var value = this.newValue(this.getEditor(textAreaEl.getId()).getContent());
property.setValue(value); // ensure that entered value is stored
wemjq(this.getEl().getHTMLElement()).simulate(e.type, { // as editor resides in a frame - propagate event via wrapping element
bubbles: e.bubbles,
cancelable: e.cancelable,
view: parent,
ctrlKey: e.ctrlKey,
altKey: e.altKey,
shiftKey: e.shiftKey,
metaKey: e.metaKey,
keyCode: e.keyCode,
charCode: e.charCode
init_instance_callback: (editor) => {
this.setEditorContent(textAreaEl.getId(), property);
this.editors.push({id: editorId, textAreaWrapper: textAreaWrapper, property: property});
this.editors.push({id: editorId, textAreaWrapper: textAreaWrapper, property: property});
interface LinkConfig {
editor: TinyMceEditor
link: HTMLElement
private removeTooltipFromEditorArea(inputOccurence: Element) {
handleDnDStart(event: Event, ui: JQueryUI.SortableUIParams): void {
super.handleDnDStart(event, ui);
var editorId = wemjq('textarea', ui.item)[0].id;
handleDnDStop(event: Event, ui: JQueryUI.SortableUIParams): void {
var editorId = wemjq('textarea', ui.item)[0].id;
tinymce.execCommand('mceAddEditor', false, editorId);
private destroyEditor(id: string): void {
private reInitEditor(id: string) {
var savedEditor: TinyEditorOccurenceInfo = this.findElementByFieldValue(this.editors, "id", id);
this.initEditor(id,, savedEditor.textAreaWrapper);
private findElementByFieldValue<T>(array: Array<T>, field: string, value: any): T {
var result: T;
array.every((element: T) => {
if (element[field] == value) {
result = element;
return false;
return true;
return result;
export interface TinyEditorOccurenceInfo {
id: string;
textAreaWrapper: Element;
property: Property;
export interface TinyEditorOccurenceInfo {
id: string;
textAreaWrapper: Element;
property: Property;
interface LinkConfig {
editor: TinyMceEditor
link: HTMLElement |
///<reference path='ResolvePublishContentResultJson.ts' />
///<reference path='ResolvedPublishContentJson.ts' />
///<reference path='ResolvedPublishRequestedContentJson.ts' />
///<reference path='ResolvePublishDependenciesResultJson.ts' />
///<reference path='ResolvePublishRequestedContentsResultJson.ts' />
///<reference path='WidgetDescriptorJson.ts' />
///<reference path='GetWidgetsByInterfaceResultJson.ts' />
///<reference path='ResolvePublishContentResultJson.ts' />
///<reference path='WidgetDescriptorJson.ts' />
///<reference path='GetWidgetsByInterfaceResultJson.ts' /> |
fetch(node: TreeNode<NODE>): Q.Promise<NODE> {
var deferred = Q.defer<NODE>();
fetch(data: NODE): wemQ.Promise<NODE> {
var deferred = wemQ.defer<NODE>();
fetch(node: TreeNode<NODE>): wemQ.Promise<NODE> {
var deferred = wemQ.defer<NODE>();
fetchChildren(parentNode?: TreeNode<NODE>): Q.Promise<NODE[]> {
var deferred = Q.defer<NODE[]>();
fetchChildren(parentData?: NODE): wemQ.Promise<NODE[]> {
var deferred = wemQ.defer<NODE[]>();
fetchChildren(parentNode?: TreeNode<NODE>): wemQ.Promise<NODE[]> {
var deferred = wemQ.defer<NODE[]>();
private fetchData(parentNode?: TreeNode<NODE>): Q.Promise<NODE[]> {
return parentNode ? this.fetchChildren(parentNode) : this.fetchRoot();
private fetchData(parentData?: NODE): wemQ.Promise<NODE[]> {
return parentData ? this.fetchChildren(parentData) : this.fetchRoot();
private fetchData(parentNode?: TreeNode<NODE>): wemQ.Promise<NODE[]> {
return parentNode ? this.fetchChildren(parentNode) : this.fetchRoot(); |
this.appendChildToContentPanel(this.dockedPanel = this.createDockedPanel());
this.getContentPanel().getParentElement().appendChild(this.loadMask = new LoadMask(this));
this.appendChildToContentPanel(this.dockedPanel); |
import User =;
import Action = api.ui.Action;
import Action = api.ui.Action;
import User =; |
import { RangeImpl } from './range-impl';
import { Series } from './series';
import { RangeImpl } from './range-impl'; |
* Wrap a function inside another to allow you to make adjustments to the parameters, or do other processing
* either before the internal function is called or with its results.
wrap<T>(fn: (...args: any[]) => any, wrapper: (...args: any[]) => T): (...args: any[]) => T;
wrap<T>(fn: (...args: any[]) => any): (wrapper: (...args: any[]) => T) => (...args: any[]) => T;
// wrap<T>: CurriedFn2<(...args: any[]) => any, (...args: any[]) => T, (...args: any[]) => T>;
* Wrap a function inside another to allow you to make adjustments to the parameters, or do other processing
* either before the internal function is called or with its results.
wrap<T>(fn: (...args: any[]) => any, wrapper: (...args: any[]) => T): (...args: any[]) => T;
wrap<T>(fn: (...args: any[]) => any): (wrapper: (...args: any[]) => T) => (...args: any[]) => T;
// wrap<T>: CurriedFn2<(...args: any[]) => any, (...args: any[]) => T, (...args: any[]) => T>;
/** |
mapObjIndexed<T, TResult>(fn: (value: T, key: string, obj?: { [index: Prop]: T }) =>
TResult, obj: { [index: Prop]: T }): { [index: Prop]: TResult };
mapObjIndexed<T, TResult>(fn: (value: T, key: string, obj?: any) => TResult, obj: any): {[index: Prop]: TResult};
mapObjIndexed<T, TResult>(fn: (value: T, key: string, obj?: { [index: Prop]: T }) =>
TResult): (obj: { [index: Prop]: T }) => { [index: Prop]: TResult };
mapObjIndexed<T, TResult>(fn: (value: T, key: string, obj?: any) => TResult): (obj: any) => {[index: Prop]: TResult};
mapObjIndexed<T, TResult>(fn: (value: T, key: string, obj?: { [index: string]: T }) =>
TResult, obj: { [index: string]: T }): { [index: string]: TResult };
mapObjIndexed<T, TResult>(fn: (value: T, key: string, obj?: any) => TResult, obj: any): {[index:string]: TResult};
mapObjIndexed<T, TResult>(fn: (value: T, key: string, obj?: { [index: string]: T }) =>
TResult): (obj: { [index: string]: T }) => { [index: string]: TResult };
mapObjIndexed<T, TResult>(fn: (value: T, key: string, obj?: any) => TResult): (obj: any) => {[index:string]: TResult};
mapObjIndexed<T, TResult>(fn: (value: T, key: string, obj?: { [index: Prop]: T }) =>
TResult, obj: { [index: Prop]: T }): { [index: Prop]: TResult };
mapObjIndexed<T, TResult>(fn: (value: T, key: string, obj?: any) => TResult, obj: any): {[index: Prop]: TResult};
mapObjIndexed<T, TResult>(fn: (value: T, key: string, obj?: { [index: Prop]: T }) =>
TResult): (obj: { [index: Prop]: T }) => { [index: Prop]: TResult };
mapObjIndexed<T, TResult>(fn: (value: T, key: string, obj?: any) => TResult): (obj: any) => {[index: Prop]: TResult};
partition<T,U>(fn: (a:any) => boolean, obj: T & U) : [T,U];
partition<T,U>(fn: (a:any) => boolean, obj: T & U) : [T,U]; |
import { BigNumber } from "../../utils/bignumber";
import { BigNumber } from "../../utils/bignumber";
import { BigNumber } from "../../utils/bignumber";
import { CollateralizedSimpleInterestLoanOrder } from "../adapters/collateralized_simple_interest_loan_adapter";
import { CollateralizedSimpleInterestLoanOrder } from "../adapters/collateralized_simple_interest_loan_adapter";
export interface DebtOrderParams {
principal: TokenAmount;
collateral: TokenAmount;
interestRate: InterestRate;
term: Term;
debtorAddress: string;
export interface FillParameters {
creditorAddress: string;
import { BLOCK_TIME_ESTIMATE_SECONDS } from "../../utils/constants";
export interface DebtOrderParams {
principal: TokenAmount;
collateral: TokenAmount;
interestRate: InterestRate;
term: Term;
debtorAddress: string;
export interface FillParameters {
creditorAddress: string;
import { BLOCK_TIME_ESTIMATE_SECONDS } from "../../utils/constants"; |
export interface OwnerOfScenario extends Scenario {
shouldTransferTo?: string;
export interface TransferFromScenario extends Scenario {
from: string;
to: string;
tokenID: BigNumber;
data?: string;
options?: TxData;
export interface OwnerOfScenario extends Scenario {
shouldTransferTo?: string;
export interface TransferFromScenario extends Scenario {
from: string;
to: string;
tokenID: BigNumber;
data?: string;
options?: TxData;
} |
// External
import * as Web3 from "web3";
import { BigNumber } from "utils/bignumber";
// Types
// Types |
import * as moment from "moment";
import * as moment from "moment";
export interface DebtOrderParams {
principal: TokenAmount;
collateral: TokenAmount;
interestRate: InterestRate;
term: Term;
debtorAddress: string;
import { BLOCK_TIME_ESTIMATE_SECONDS } from "../../utils/constants";
* A list of options for specifying units of duration, in singular and plural forms,
* ranging from hours as the smallest value to years as the largest.
export type DurationUnit =
| "hour"
| "hours"
| "day"
| "days"
| "month"
| "months"
| "year"
| "years";
export interface DebtOrderParams {
principal: TokenAmount;
collateral: TokenAmount;
interestRate: InterestRate;
term: Term;
debtorAddress: string;
import { BLOCK_TIME_ESTIMATE_SECONDS } from "../../utils/constants";
* A list of options for specifying units of duration, in singular and plural forms,
* ranging from hours as the smallest value to years as the largest.
export type DurationUnit =
| "hour"
| "hours"
| "day"
| "days"
| "month"
| "months"
| "year"
| "years"; |
window.setTimeout(() => {
if (!this.hasEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR)) {
$warn(1011, url);
let self = this;
window.setTimeout(function (): void {
if (!self.hasEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR)) {
egret.warn(1011, url);
window.setTimeout(() => {
if (!this.hasEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR)) {
egret.warn(1011, url); |
//Check path, determine its type and get all the possible steps using getFileSteps()
function getAllPathSteps(stepsPath): Step[] {
let f = fs.lstatSync(stepsPath);
if (f.isFile()) {
return getFileSteps(stepsPath);
} else if (f.isDirectory()) {
let res = [];
fs.readdirSync(stepsPath).forEach(val => {
let filePath = stepsPath + '/' + val;
if (fs.lstatSync(filePath).isFile() && filePath.match(/\.js/)) {
res = res.concat(getFileSteps(filePath));
return res;
} else {
throw new Error(stepsPath + 'is not a valid path');
//Add 'file://' for the non-windows OS's and file:/// for windows
function getOSPath(path) {
if (/win/.test(require('process').platform)) {
path = 'file:///' + path;
} else {
path = 'file://' + path;
return path;
//Add 'file://' for the non-windows OS's and file:/// for windows
function getOSPath(path) {
if (/win/.test(require('process').platform)) {
path = 'file:///' + path;
} else {
path = 'file://' + path;
return path;
if ( RegExp('(Given|When|Then).*' + regExpStart + '.+' + regExpEnd)) !== -1) {
//Get the '//' match
let match = line.match(new RegExp(regExpStart + '(.+)' + regExpEnd));
//Get matched text, remove start and finish slashes
let matchText = match[1];
if (|When|Then).*\/.*\//) !== -1) {
//Get the '//' match
let match = line.match(/\/.*\//);
//Get matched text, remove start and finish slashes
let matchText = match[0].replace(/^\/|\/$/g, '');
if ( RegExp('(Given|When|Then).*' + regExpStart + '.+' + regExpEnd)) !== -1) {
//Get the '//' match
let match = line.match(new RegExp(regExpStart + '(.+)' + regExpEnd));
//Get matched text, remove start and finish slashes
let matchText = match[1]; |
import { parseShops, Shop } from '@server/world/config/shops';
import Quadtree from 'quadtree-lib';
import { timer } from 'rxjs';
import { Mob } from '@server/world/mob/mob';
export interface QuadtreeKey {
x: number;
y: number;
mob: Mob;
import { parseShops, Shop } from '@server/world/config/shops';
import Quadtree from 'quadtree-lib';
import { timer } from 'rxjs';
import { Mob } from '@server/world/mob/mob';
export interface QuadtreeKey {
x: number;
y: number;
mob: Mob;
public readonly shops: Shop[];
public readonly playerTree: Quadtree<any>;
public readonly npcTree: Quadtree<any>;
public readonly shops: Shop[];
public readonly playerTree: Quadtree<any>;
public readonly npcTree: Quadtree<any>;
this.shops = parseShops();
this.playerTree = new Quadtree<any>({
width: 10000,
height: 10000
this.npcTree = new Quadtree<any>({
width: 10000,
height: 10000
this.shops = parseShops();
this.playerTree = new Quadtree<any>({
width: 10000,
height: 10000
this.npcTree = new Quadtree<any>({
width: 10000,
height: 10000
}); |
public clone(): Position {
return new Position(this.x, this.y, this.level);
public withinInteractionDistance(landscapeObject: LandscapeObject): boolean {
const definition = gameCache.landscapeObjectDefinitions.get(landscapeObject.objectId);
const occupantX = landscapeObject.x;
const occupantY = landscapeObject.y;
public withinInteractionDistance(locationObject: LocationObject): boolean {
const definition = cache.locationObjectDefinitions.get(locationObject.objectId);
const occupantX = locationObject.x;
const occupantY = locationObject.y;
public clone(): Position {
return new Position(this.x, this.y, this.level);
public withinInteractionDistance(locationObject: LocationObject): boolean {
const definition = cache.locationObjectDefinitions.get(locationObject.objectId);
const occupantX = locationObject.x;
const occupantY = locationObject.y; |
interface MenuContents {
levelName: string;
opened: boolean;
arrows: string[];
subLevel: any[];
import { Result } from 'axe-core';
export interface MenuContents {
levelName: string,
opened: boolean,
nested: boolean,
arrows: string[],
subLevel: any[],
import { Result } from 'axe-core';
export interface MenuContents {
levelName: string;
opened: boolean;
nested: boolean;
arrows: string[];
subLevel: any[];
create(levelName: string, subLevel: any[], opened?: boolean): MenuContents;
stringify(levelObj: any): string;
askMenu(results: Result[], level?:string): string[];
processLevel(levelName: string, subLevel:[], opened?: boolean, nested?: boolean): MenuContents;
stringify(levelObj: any, nested: boolean): string;
askMenu(results: Result[], level?: string): string[];
processLevel(levelName: string, subLevel: [], opened?: boolean, nested?: boolean): MenuContents;
stringify(levelObj: any, nested: boolean): string;
create: (levelName, subLevel, opened = false) => {
askMenu: (results, targetLevel) => {
// sort issues into common occurances i.e. { critical: [resultItem1, resultItem2], severe: [resultItem3]}
const sorted = results.reduce((acc: any, cur: any) => {
if (acc[cur.impact]) acc[cur.impact].push(cur);
else acc[cur.impact] = [cur];
return acc;
}, {});
// process sorted issues into menu form
const processed:any = [];
Object.keys(sorted).forEach((issueLevel: string) => {
if (issueLevel === targetLevel) {
processed.push(menu.processLevel(issueLevel, sorted[issueLevel], true));
sorted[issueLevel].forEach((issue: any) => {
processed.push(menu.processLevel(issue, issue.nodes, false, true));
else processed.push(menu.processLevel(issueLevel, sorted[issueLevel]));
// compile an array of stringified menu options
const options = MenuContents) => menu.stringify(option, option.nested));
return (options);
processLevel: (levelName, subLevel, opened = false, nested = false) => {
askMenu: (results, targetLevel) => {
// sort issues into common occurances i.e. { critical: [resultItem1, resultItem2], severe: [resultItem3]}
const sorted = results.reduce((acc: any, cur: any) => {
if (acc[cur.impact]) acc[cur.impact].push(cur);
else acc[cur.impact] = [cur];
return acc;
}, {});
// process sorted issues into menu form
const processed: any = [];
Object.keys(sorted).forEach((issueLevel: string) => {
if (issueLevel === targetLevel) {
processed.push(menu.processLevel(issueLevel, sorted[issueLevel], true));
sorted[issueLevel].forEach((issue: any) => {
processed.push(menu.processLevel(issue, issue.nodes, false, true));
} else processed.push(menu.processLevel(issueLevel, sorted[issueLevel]));
// compile an array of stringified menu options
const options = MenuContents) => menu.stringify(option, option.nested));
return options;
processLevel: (levelName, subLevel, opened = false, nested = false) => {
stringify: levelObj => {
stringify: (levelObj, nested) => {
stringify: (levelObj, nested) => { |
koShowPropertyGrid = ko.observable(true);
koShowCategoriesInPropertyGrid = ko.observable(false);
koShowToolbox = ko.observable(true);
koShowPropertyGrid = ko.observable<ContainerLocation>(true);
koShowToolbox = ko.observable<ContainerLocation>(true);
koShowPropertyGrid = ko.observable<ContainerLocation>(true);
koShowToolbox = ko.observable<ContainerLocation>(true);
koShowCategoriesInPropertyGrid = ko.observable(false);
public set showPropertyGrid(value: boolean) {
if (this.showPropertyGrid == value) return;
if (value) {
* Set it to false to hide the pages toolbox on the top.
public get showPagesToolbox() {
return this.koShowPagesToolbox() !== false && this.koShowPagesToolbox() !== "none";
public set showPagesToolbox(value: ContainerLocation) {
* Set it to false to hide the pages toolbox on the top.
public get showPagesToolbox() {
return this.koShowPagesToolbox() !== false && this.koShowPagesToolbox() !== "none";
public set showPagesToolbox(value: ContainerLocation) {
this.koShowPagesToolbox(value); |
import { FilterListService } from './filter-list-service/index';
import { CacheCustomService } from '../../services/index';
import { instance, mock, when, anything } from 'ts-mockito/lib/ts-mockito';
import { DebugElement } from '@angular/core/core';
import { data } from './filter-list-service/filter-list.mock';
import { CacheCustomService } from '../../services/cache/cache-custom.service';
import { FilterListService, FilterListMockService } from './filter-list-service';
import { InstanceService } from '../../services/instance.service';
import { FilterListService } from './filter-list-service/index';
import { CacheCustomService } from '../../services/index';
import { instance, mock, when, anything } from 'ts-mockito/lib/ts-mockito'; |
import { ProductList } from '../../services/products/products.mock';
import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment';
import { JwtService, GlobalState, CacheCustomService } from '../../services';
import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment';
import { JwtService } from '../../services/jwt.service';
import { GlobalState } from '../../services/global.state';
import { CacheCustomService } from '../../services/cache/cache-custom.service';
import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment';
import { JwtService, GlobalState, CacheCustomService } from '../../services';
import { DisableIconDirective } from '../../directives/disable-icon.directive';
import { DisableIconDirective } from '../../directives/disable-icon.directive';
import { mock, instance } from 'ts-mockito';
import { LocalizeRouterService } from '../../services/routes-parser-locale-currency/localize-router.service';
import { DisableIconDirective } from '../../directives/disable-icon.directive';
import { mock, instance } from 'ts-mockito';
import { LocalizeRouterService } from '../../services/routes-parser-locale-currency/localize-router.service'; |
import { MiniCartComponent } from './mini-cart/mini-cart.component';
import { SearchBoxComponent } from './search-box/search-box.component';
import { CompareDetailsComponent } from './product-compare/compare-details.component';
import { WishListComponent } from './wish-list/wish-list.component';
import { MiniCartComponent } from './miniCart/miniCart.component';
import { SearchBoxComponent } from './searchBox/searchBox.component';
import { WishListComponent } from './wishList/wishList.component';
import { MiniCartComponent } from './mini-cart/mini-cart.component';
import { SearchBoxComponent } from './search-box/search-box.component';
import { WishListComponent } from './wish-list/wish-list.component';
import { LanguageSwitchComponent } from './language-switch/language-switch.component';
import { HeaderNavigationComponent } from './header-navigation/header-navigation.component';
import { LoginStatusComponent } from './login-status/login-status.component';
import { AccountLoginApiService, AccountLoginMockService, AccountLoginService } from '../../../pages/account-login/account-login-service';
import { SharedModule } from '../../shared-modules/shared.module';
import { LanguageSwitchComponent } from './languageSwitch/languageSwitch.component';
import { HeaderNavigationComponent } from './headerNavigation/headerNavigation.component';
import { LoginStatusComponent } from './loginStatus/loginStatus.component';
import { AccountLoginApiService, AccountLoginMockService, AccountLoginService } from '../../../pages/accountLogin/accountLoginService';
import { SharedModule } from '../../sharedModules/shared.module';
import { BsDropdownModule } from 'ngx-bootstrap/dropdown';
import { CollapseModule } from 'ngx-bootstrap/collapse';
import { LanguageSwitchComponent } from './language-switch/language-switch.component';
import { HeaderNavigationComponent } from './header-navigation/header-navigation.component';
import { LoginStatusComponent } from './login-status/login-status.component';
import { AccountLoginApiService, AccountLoginMockService, AccountLoginService } from '../../../pages/account-login/account-login-service';
import { SharedModule } from '../../shared-modules/shared.module';
import { BsDropdownModule } from 'ngx-bootstrap/dropdown';
import { CollapseModule } from 'ngx-bootstrap/collapse'; |
import { SharedModule } from 'app/modules/shared.module';
import { userData } from '../../services/account-login/account-login.mock';
import { SharedModule } from '../../modules/shared.module';
import { SharedModule } from '../../modules/shared.module';
let fixture: ComponentFixture<AccountLoginComponent>;
let component: AccountLoginComponent;
let element: HTMLElement;
let debugEl: DebugElement;
const userData = {
'type': 'PrivateCustomer',
'customerNo': 'Patricia',
'preferredInvoiceToAddress': {
'type': 'Address',
'urn': 'urn:address:customer:vTwKAB2YqvEAAAFb8BMYJJBT:I2MKAB2YsVUAAAFb9RMYJJBT',
'addressName': 'customeraddr-ABCDEFGPRMuMCscyXgSRVU',
'title': 'Ms.',
'firstName': 'Patricia',
'lastName': 'Miller',
'addressLine1': 'Potsdamer Str. 20',
'postalCode': '14483',
'phoneHome': '049364112677',
'country': 'Germany',
'countryCode': 'DE',
'city': 'Berlin',
'usage': [
'invoiceToAddress': true,
'shipFromAddress': false,
'serviceToAddress': false,
'installToAddress': false,
'shipToAddress': true,
'street': 'Potsdamer Str. 20'
'preferredShipToAddress': {
'type': 'Address',
'urn': 'urn:address:customer:vTwKAB2YqvEAAAFb8BMYJJBT:I2MKAB2YsVUAAAFb9RMYJJBT',
'addressName': 'customeraddr-YXEwLKSprCWPRMuMCscyXgSRVU',
'title': 'Ms.',
'firstName': 'Patricia',
'lastName': 'Miller',
'addressLine1': 'Berliner Str. 20',
'postalCode': '14482',
'phoneHome': '049364112677',
'country': 'Germany',
'countryCode': 'DE',
'city': 'Potsdam',
'usage': [
'invoiceToAddress': true,
'shipFromAddress': false,
'serviceToAddress': false,
'installToAddress': false,
'shipToAddress': true,
'street': 'Berliner Str. 20'
'title': '',
'firstName': 'Patricia',
'lastName': 'Miller',
'phoneHome': '',
'phoneBusiness': '',
'phoneMobile': '',
'fax': '',
'email': '',
'hasRole': true
class MockAccountLoginService {
singinUser(userDetails) {
if (userDetails.userName === '' && userDetails.password === '123456') {
return Observable.of(userData);
} else {
return Observable.of('Incorrect Credentials');
let fixture: ComponentFixture<AccountLoginComponent>;
let component: AccountLoginComponent;
let element: HTMLElement;
let debugEl: DebugElement;
class MockAccountLoginService {
singinUser(userDetails) {
if (userDetails.userName === '' && userDetails.password === '123456') {
return Observable.of(userData);
} else {
return Observable.of('Incorrect Credentials');
let fixture: ComponentFixture<AccountLoginComponent>;
let component: AccountLoginComponent;
let element: HTMLElement;
let debugEl: DebugElement;
const userData = {
'type': 'PrivateCustomer',
'customerNo': 'Patricia',
'preferredInvoiceToAddress': {
'type': 'Address',
'urn': 'urn:address:customer:vTwKAB2YqvEAAAFb8BMYJJBT:I2MKAB2YsVUAAAFb9RMYJJBT',
'addressName': 'customeraddr-ABCDEFGPRMuMCscyXgSRVU',
'title': 'Ms.',
'firstName': 'Patricia',
'lastName': 'Miller',
'addressLine1': 'Potsdamer Str. 20',
'postalCode': '14483',
'phoneHome': '049364112677',
'country': 'Germany',
'countryCode': 'DE',
'city': 'Berlin',
'usage': [
'invoiceToAddress': true,
'shipFromAddress': false,
'serviceToAddress': false,
'installToAddress': false,
'shipToAddress': true,
'street': 'Potsdamer Str. 20'
'preferredShipToAddress': {
'type': 'Address',
'urn': 'urn:address:customer:vTwKAB2YqvEAAAFb8BMYJJBT:I2MKAB2YsVUAAAFb9RMYJJBT',
'addressName': 'customeraddr-YXEwLKSprCWPRMuMCscyXgSRVU',
'title': 'Ms.',
'firstName': 'Patricia',
'lastName': 'Miller',
'addressLine1': 'Berliner Str. 20',
'postalCode': '14482',
'phoneHome': '049364112677',
'country': 'Germany',
'countryCode': 'DE',
'city': 'Potsdam',
'usage': [
'invoiceToAddress': true,
'shipFromAddress': false,
'serviceToAddress': false,
'installToAddress': false,
'shipToAddress': true,
'street': 'Berliner Str. 20'
'title': '',
'firstName': 'Patricia',
'lastName': 'Miller',
'phoneHome': '',
'phoneBusiness': '',
'phoneMobile': '',
'fax': '',
'email': '',
'hasRole': true
class MockAccountLoginService {
singinUser(userDetails) {
if (userDetails.userName === '' && userDetails.password === '123456') {
return Observable.of(userData);
} else {
return Observable.of('Incorrect Credentials');
} |
import { InstanceService } from '../../services/instance.service';
import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment';
import { ProductListMockService } from './products.service.mock';
import { ProductListApiService } from './products.service.api';
>>>>>>> |
import { TestBed, inject } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment';
import { ApiService } from '../';
import { mock, instance, when, anything } from 'ts-mockito';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Rx';
import { InstanceService } from '../instance.service';
import { CategoryMockService } from './category.service.mock';
import { ApiService } from '../';
import { mock, instance, when, anything } from 'ts-mockito';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Rx'; |
self.onOkClick = function() {self.apply(); if(!self.koHasError()) jQuery(self.modalNameTarget).modal("hide");; };
self.onResetClick = function () { self.reset(); };
self.koAfterRender = function(el, con) { return self.afterRender(el, con); };
self.onOkClick = function() { self.apply(); if(!self.koHasError()) self.onHideModal() };
self.onResetClick = function () { self.reset(); self.onHideModal() };
self.onShowModal = function () {
var modal = new RModal(document.querySelector(self.modalNameTarget), {
closeTimeout: 100,
dialogOpenClass: 'animated fadeInDown',
focus: false
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(ev) {
}, false);
self.onHideModal = function() {modal.close()};
self.onOkClick = function() { self.apply(); if(!self.koHasError()) self.onHideModal() };
self.onResetClick = function () { self.reset(); self.onHideModal() };
self.onShowModal = function () {
var modal = new RModal(document.querySelector(self.modalNameTarget), {
closeTimeout: 100,
dialogOpenClass: 'animated fadeInDown',
focus: false
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(ev) {
}, false);
self.onHideModal = function() {modal.close()};
self.koAfterRender = function(el, con) { return self.afterRender(el, con); }; |
// import { CategoriesService } from '../../services/categories/categories.service';
import { CategoryPageComponent } from '../../pages/category-page/category-page.component';
import { FamilyPageComponent } from '../../pages/family-page/family-page.component';
import { CategoriesService } from '../../services/categories/categories.service';
import { CategoryPageComponent } from '../../pages/category-page/category-page.component';
import { FamilyPageComponent } from '../../pages/family-page/family-page.component';
import { CategoriesService } from '../../services/categories/categories.service';
isFamilyPage = true;
private route: ActivatedRoute,
// private categoriesService: CategoriesService
) {}
@ViewChild('categoryFamilyContainer', { read: ViewContainerRef }) categoryFamilyContainer: ViewContainerRef;
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute,
private categoriesService: CategoriesService,
private cfResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) {
@ViewChild('categoryFamilyContainer', { read: ViewContainerRef }) categoryFamilyContainer: ViewContainerRef;
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute,
private categoriesService: CategoriesService,
private cfResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) {
// TODO: the current category information needs to be gotten from the routing url context
// there cannot be any relying on some interaction state
if (this.categoriesService.current.hasOnlineSubCategories) {
this.isFamilyPage = false;
} else {
this.isFamilyPage = true;
this.categoriesService.getCategory('categories' + this.route.snapshot['_routerState'].url.split('/category')[1]).subscribe(data => {
let factory: any;
if (data.hasOnlineSubCategories) {
factory = this.cfResolver.resolveComponentFactory(CategoryPageComponent);
} else {
factory = this.cfResolver.resolveComponentFactory(FamilyPageComponent);
this.categoriesService.getCategory('categories' + this.route.snapshot['_routerState'].url.split('/category')[1]).subscribe(data => {
let factory: any;
if (data.hasOnlineSubCategories) {
factory = this.cfResolver.resolveComponentFactory(CategoryPageComponent);
} else {
factory = this.cfResolver.resolveComponentFactory(FamilyPageComponent);
}); |
import { AuthGuard } from '../services/auth-guard.service'
import { LocalizeRouterModule } from '../services/routes-parser-locale-currency/localize-router.module';
import { AuthGuard } from '../services/auth-guard.service';
import { BreadcrumbService } from '../components/breadcrumb/breadcrumb.service';
import { AuthGuard } from '../services/auth-guard.service';
import { LocalizeRouterModule } from '../services/routes-parser-locale-currency/localize-router.module';
import { BreadcrumbService } from '../components/breadcrumb/breadcrumb.service';
{ path: 'category', loadChildren: 'app/pages/category-page/category-page.module#CategoryPageModule' },
{ path: 'family', loadChildren: 'app/pages/family-page/family-page.module#FamilyPageModule' },
{ path: '', redirectTo: '/home', pathMatch: 'full' },
{ path: 'home', loadChildren: 'app/pages/home-page/home-page.module#HomePageModule', data: { className: 'homepage' } },
{ path: 'category/:category-name', loadChildren: 'app/pages/category-page/category-page.module#CategoryPageModule' },
{ path: 'family', loadChildren: 'app/pages/family-page/family-page.module#FamilyPageModule' },
{ path: 'category/:category-name', loadChildren: 'app/pages/category-page/category-page.module#CategoryPageModule' }, |
import { CompareDetailsComponent } from './shared/components/header/product-compare/compare-details.component';
>>>>>>> |
import { BsDropdownModule } from 'ngx-bootstrap/dropdown';
import { CarouselModule } from 'ngx-bootstrap/carousel';
import { CollapseModule } from 'ngx-bootstrap/collapse';
import { ModalModule } from 'ngx-bootstrap/modal';
import { PopoverModule } from 'ngx-bootstrap/popover';
import { translateFactory } from '../shared/lang-switcher/custom-translate-loader';
import { HTTP_INTERCEPTORS } from '@angular/common/http';
import { AuthInterceptor } from './shared/http-interceptors/auth-interceptor';
import { HTTP_INTERCEPTORS } from '@angular/common/http';
import { AuthInterceptor } from './shared/http-interceptors/auth-interceptor'; |
{ provide: Router, useFactory: () => instance(mock(Router)) },
declarations: [LanguageSwitchComponent]
declarations: [LanguageSwitchComponent] |
import { ComponentFixture } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { ComponentFixture } from '@angular/core/testing'; |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment';
import { Category } from '../../services/categories/categories.model';
import { CategoriesService } from '../../services/categories/categories.service';
import { GlobalState } from '../../services/global.state';
import { WishListService } from '../../services/wishlists/wishlists.service';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { CartStatusService } from '../../services/cart-status/cart-status.service';
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment';
import { CartStatusService } from '../../services/cart-status/cart-status.service';
import { Category } from '../../services/categories/categories.model';
import { CategoriesService } from '../../services/categories/categories.service'; |
trigger: 'hover',
placement: 'top',
content: 'Set streaming mode.',
trigger: 'click hover',
placement: 'right',
content: 'Shows an interactive stream of results, useful when your data is changing quickly.',
trigger: 'hover',
placement: 'top',
content: 'Shows an interactive stream of results, useful when your data is changing quickly.',
trigger: 'hover',
placement: 'top',
content: 'Set historic mode.',
trigger: 'click hover',
placement: 'right',
content: 'Shows historical results, useful when your data is not changing quickly.',
trigger: 'hover',
placement: 'right',
content: 'Shows historical results, useful when your data is not changing quickly.', |
const TestSchema = new Schema<ITest>({
foo: { type: String, required: true },
const TestSchema = new Schema({
foo: { type: String, required: true }
const TestSchema = new Schema<ITest>({
foo: { type: String, required: true };
const TestSchema = new Schema<ITest & Document>({
foo: { type: String, required: true },
const TestSchema = new Schema({
foo: { type: String, required: true }
const TestSchema = new Schema<ITest & Document>({
foo: { type: String, required: true };
name: String;
myMethod(): number;
name: string;
name: string;
myMethod(): number; |
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>(docs: CreateDoc<DocContents>[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise<T[]>;
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>(doc: CreateDoc<DocContents>): Promise<T>;
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>( CreateDoc<DocContents>[]): Promise<T[]>;
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>(docs: CreateDoc<DocContents>[], callback: (err: CallbackError, docs: T[]) => void): void;
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>(doc: CreateDoc<DocContents>, callback: (err: CallbackError, doc: T) => void): void;
create(doc: T | DocumentDefinition<T>): Promise<T>;
create(docs: (T | DocumentDefinition<T>)[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise<T[]>;
create(docs: (T | DocumentDefinition<T>)[], callback: (err: CallbackError, docs: T[]) => void): void;
create(doc: T | DocumentDefinition<T>, callback: (err: CallbackError, doc: T) => void): void;
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>(docs: DocContents[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise<T[]>;
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>(doc: DocContents): Promise<T>;
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>( DocContents[]): Promise<T[]>;
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>(docs: DocContents[], callback: (err: CallbackError, docs: T[]) => void): void;
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>(doc: DocContents, callback: (err: CallbackError, doc: T) => void): void;
create(doc: T | DocumentDefinition<T>): Promise<T>;
create(docs: (T | DocumentDefinition<T>)[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise<T[]>;
create(docs: (T | DocumentDefinition<T>)[], callback: (err: CallbackError, docs: T[]) => void): void;
create(doc: T | DocumentDefinition<T>, callback: (err: CallbackError, doc: T) => void): void;
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>(docs: DocContents[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise<T[]>;
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>(doc: DocContents): Promise<T>;
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>( DocContents[]): Promise<T[]>;
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>(docs: DocContents[], callback: (err: CallbackError, docs: T[]) => void): void;
create<DocContents = T | DocumentDefinition<T>>(doc: DocContents, callback: (err: CallbackError, doc: T) => void): void;
deleteMany(filter?: any, options?: QueryOptions, callback?: (err: CallbackError) => void): Query<any, T, TQueryHelpers>;
deleteMany(filter?: FilterQuery<T>, options?: QueryOptions, callback?: (err: CallbackError) => void): Query<mongodb.DeleteWriteOpResultObject['result'] & { deletedCount?: number }, T>;
deleteMany(filter?: FilterQuery<T>, options?: QueryOptions, callback?: (err: CallbackError) => void): Query<mongodb.DeleteWriteOpResultObject['result'] & { deletedCount?: number }, T, TQueryHelpers>;
deleteOne(filter?: any, options?: QueryOptions, callback?: (err: CallbackError) => void): Query<any, T, TQueryHelpers>;
deleteOne(filter?: FilterQuery<T>, options?: QueryOptions, callback?: (err: CallbackError) => void): Query<mongodb.DeleteWriteOpResultObject['result'] & { deletedCount?: number }, T>;
deleteOne(filter?: FilterQuery<T>, options?: QueryOptions, callback?: (err: CallbackError) => void): Query<mongodb.DeleteWriteOpResultObject['result'] & { deletedCount?: number }, T, TQueryHelpers>;
update(filter?: FilterQuery<T>, update?: UpdateQuery<T>, options?: QueryOptions | null, callback?: (err: any, res: any) => void): Query<any, T, TQueryHelpers>;
update(filter?: FilterQuery<T>, update?: UpdateQuery<T>, options?: QueryOptions | null, callback?: (err: any, res: any) => void): Query<mongodb.WriteOpResult['result'], T>;
update(filter?: FilterQuery<T>, update?: UpdateQuery<T>, options?: QueryOptions | null, callback?: (err: any, res: any) => void): Query<mongodb.WriteOpResult['result'], T, TQueryHelpers>;
updateMany(filter?: FilterQuery<T>, update?: UpdateQuery<T>, options?: QueryOptions | null, callback?: (err: any, res: any) => void): Query<any, T, TQueryHelpers>;
updateMany(filter?: FilterQuery<T>, update?: UpdateQuery<T>, options?: QueryOptions | null, callback?: (err: any, res: any) => void): Query<mongodb.UpdateWriteOpResult['result'], T>;
updateMany(filter?: FilterQuery<T>, update?: UpdateQuery<T>, options?: QueryOptions | null, callback?: (err: any, res: any) => void): Query<mongodb.UpdateWriteOpResult['result'], T, TQueryHelpers>;
updateOne(filter?: FilterQuery<T>, update?: UpdateQuery<T>, options?: QueryOptions | null, callback?: (err: any, res: any) => void): Query<any, T, TQueryHelpers>;
updateOne(filter?: FilterQuery<T>, update?: UpdateQuery<T>, options?: QueryOptions | null, callback?: (err: any, res: any) => void): Query<mongodb.UpdateWriteOpResult['result'], T>;
updateOne(filter?: FilterQuery<T>, update?: UpdateQuery<T>, options?: QueryOptions | null, callback?: (err: any, res: any) => void): Query<mongodb.UpdateWriteOpResult['result'], T, TQueryHelpers>; |
import * as assert from "assert";
import { Constants } from "../../common";
import { IHeaders } from "../../queryExecutionContext/IHeaders";
import { SessionContainer } from "../../session/sessionContainer";
import { SessionContext } from "../../session/SessionContext";
import assert from "assert";
import { ResourceId } from "../../common";
import { SessionContainer } from "../../sessionContainer";
import assert from "assert";
import { Constants } from "../../common";
import { IHeaders } from "../../queryExecutionContext/IHeaders";
import { SessionContainer } from "../../session/sessionContainer";
import { SessionContext } from "../../session/SessionContext"; |
import {Config} from '../../../node_modules/protractor';
import {IAuthenticationService} from '../../contracts/authentication/IAuthenticationService';
import {AuthenticationStateEvent, NotificationType} from '../../contracts/index';
public config: typeof environment = environment;
public isLoggedInToProcessEngine: boolean;
@bindable() public baseRoute: string;
public config: typeof environment = environment;
public isLoggedInToProcessEngine: boolean;
@bindable() public baseRoute: string; |
private _parseDeepLinkingUrl(url: string): string {
const customProtocolPrefix: string = 'bpmn-studio://';
const urlFragment: string = url.substring(customProtocolPrefix.length);
return urlFragment;
private _parseDeepLinkingUrl(url: string): string {
const customProtocolPrefix: string = 'bpmn-studio://';
const urlFragment: string = url.substring(customProtocolPrefix.length);
return urlFragment;
const ipcRenderer: any = (<any> window).nodeRequire('electron').ipcRenderer;
const ipcRenderer: any = (window as any).nodeRequire('electron').ipcRenderer;
ipcRenderer.on('deep-linking-request-in-runtime', (event: any, url: string) => {
const ipcRenderer: any = (window as any).nodeRequire('electron').ipcRenderer; |
import environment from './environment';
import {oidcConfig} from './open-id-connect-configuration';
>>>>>>> |
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
import {AuthenticationStateEvent, IPagination, IProcessEngineService} from '../../contracts/index';
import {AuthenticationStateEvent} from '../../contracts/index';
import {Router} from 'aurelia-router';
import {AuthenticationStateEvent} from '../../contracts/index';
@inject('ProcessEngineService', EventAggregator)
import {Router} from 'aurelia-router';
import {AuthenticationStateEvent} from '../../contracts/index';
import environment from '../../environment';
@inject(EventAggregator, 'ConsumerClient', Router)
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
@inject(EventAggregator, 'ConsumerClient')
@inject(EventAggregator, 'ConsumerClient', Router)
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
private consumerClient: ConsumerClient;
private router: Router;
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
private consumerClient: ConsumerClient;
private router: Router;
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
constructor(processEngineService: IProcessEngineService, eventAggregator: EventAggregator) {
this.processEngineService = processEngineService;
constructor(eventAggregator: EventAggregator, consumerClient: ConsumerClient) {
constructor(eventAggregator: EventAggregator, consumerClient: ConsumerClient, router: Router) {
constructor(eventAggregator: EventAggregator, consumerClient: ConsumerClient, router: Router) {
this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
this.consumerClient = consumerClient;
this.router = router;
this.consumerClient.once('renderUserTask', (userTaskConfig: IUserTaskEntity) => {
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
this.consumerClient = consumerClient;
this.consumerClient = consumerClient;
this.router = router;
this.consumerClient.once('renderUserTask', (userTaskConfig: IUserTaskEntity) => {
}); |
public deleteProcessDef(processId: string): Promise<void> {
const url: string = `${environment.processengine.routes.processes}/${processId}`;
return this.http
.fetch(url, {
method: 'delete',
.then((response: Response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((result: any) => {
const responseFailed: boolean = result.error || !result.result;
if (responseFailed) {
throw new Error(result.error);
public async deleteProcessDef(processId: string): Promise<void> {
const url: string = environment.processengine.routes.processes + '/' + processId;
const response: Response = await this.http.fetch(url, { method: 'delete' });
return throwOnErrorResponse<void>(response);
public async deleteProcessDef(processId: string): Promise<void> {
const url: string = `${environment.processengine.routes.processes}/${processId}`;
const response: Response = await this.http.fetch(url, { method: 'delete' });
return throwOnErrorResponse<void>(response);
const url: string = `${environment.processengine.routes.processes}/${}/updateBpmn`;
return this.http
.fetch(url, options)
.then((response: Response) => {
return response.json();
const url: string = environment.processengine.routes.processes + '/' + + '/updateBpmn';
const response: Response = await this.http.fetch(url, options);
return throwOnErrorResponse<any>(response);
const url: string = `${environment.processengine.routes.processes}/${}/updateBpmn`;
const response: Response = await this.http.fetch(url, options);
return throwOnErrorResponse<any>(response); |
import {AuthenticationStateEvent, IDynamicUiService, IPagination, IProcessEngineService, NotificationType} from '../../contracts/index';
import {Router} from 'aurelia-router';
import * as toastr from 'toastr';
import {AuthenticationStateEvent, IDynamicUiService, IPagination, IProcessEngineService} from '../../contracts/index';
import {Router} from 'aurelia-router';
import {AuthenticationStateEvent, IDynamicUiService, IPagination, IProcessEngineService, NotificationType} from '../../contracts/index';
@inject(EventAggregator, 'BpmnStudioClient', 'NotificationService')
@inject(EventAggregator, 'BpmnStudioClient', Router)
@inject(EventAggregator, 'BpmnStudioClient', Router, 'NotificationService')
constructor(eventAggregator: EventAggregator, bpmnStudioClient: BpmnStudioClient, notificationService: NotificationService) {
constructor(eventAggregator: EventAggregator, bpmnStudioClient: BpmnStudioClient, router: Router) {
constructor(eventAggregator: EventAggregator, bpmnStudioClient: BpmnStudioClient, router: Router, notificationService: NotificationService) {
this.notificationService = notificationService;
this.router = router;
this.router = router;
this.notificationService = notificationService; |
diagramChange: 'diagram:change',
processSolutionPanel: {
toggleProcessSolutionExplorer: 'processSolutionPanel:processsolutionexplorer:toggle',
diagramChange: 'diagram:change',
processSolutionPanel: {
toggleProcessSolutionExplorer: 'processSolutionPanel:processsolutionexplorer:toggle',
}, |
bpmnio: {
toggleXMLView: 'processdefdetail:xmlview:toggle',
diagramChange: 'diagram:change',
processSolutionPanel: {
toggleProcessSolutionExplorer: 'processSolutionPanel:processsolutionexplorer:toggle',
bpmnio: {
toggleXMLView: 'processdefdetail:xmlview:toggle',
diagramChange: 'diagram:change',
processSolutionPanel: {
toggleProcessSolutionExplorer: 'processSolutionPanel:processsolutionexplorer:toggle',
}, |
import {BindingEngine, inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {Router} from 'aurelia-router';
import {BindingEngine, inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {Router} from 'aurelia-router';
@inject(EventAggregator, 'ConsumerClient', BindingEngine)
@inject(EventAggregator, 'ConsumerClient', Router)
@inject(EventAggregator, 'ConsumerClient', BindingEngine, Router)
private bindingEngine: BindingEngine;
constructor(eventAggregator: EventAggregator, consumerClient: ConsumerClient, bindingEngine: BindingEngine) {
constructor(eventAggregator: EventAggregator, consumerClient: ConsumerClient, router: Router) {
constructor(eventAggregator: EventAggregator, consumerClient: ConsumerClient, bindingEngine: BindingEngine, router: Router) {
this.bindingEngine = bindingEngine;
this.router = router;
this.bindingEngine = bindingEngine;
this.router = router; |
const result = await shelljs.exec(`mongorestore --uri ${MONGO_URL} --db erxes ./src/initialData/permission`, {
const result = await shelljs.exec(`mongorestore --uri "${MONGO_URL}" --db erxes ./src/permissionData`, {
const result = await shelljs.exec(`mongorestore --uri "${MONGO_URL}" --db erxes ./src/initialData/permission`, { |
const result = await shelljs.exec(`mongorestore --uri ${MONGO_URL} --db erxes ./src/initialData/common`, {
silent: true,
const result = await shelljs.exec(`mongorestore --uri "${MONGO_URL}" --db erxes ./src/initialData`, { silent: true });
const result = await shelljs.exec(`mongorestore --uri "${MONGO_URL}" --db erxes ./src/initialData/common`, {
silent: true,
}); |
private _outputChannel: vs.OutputChannel;
private _outputChannel: vs.OutputChannel;
traceNode(editor: vs.TextEditor, edit: vs.TextEditorEdit) {
if (!this._checkLanguageSupport(editor.document, "Trace TypeScript Syntax Node")) {
const selection = editor.selection;
const carat = selection.start;
const sourceFile = this._getSourceFile(editor.document);
const position = ts.getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(sourceFile, carat.line, carat.character);
const node = utils.findChildForPosition(sourceFile, position);
const nodes: string[] = [];
let parent = node;
while (parent) {
nodes.push(this._printNodeInfo(parent, sourceFile));
parent = parent.parent;
const sb = new utils.StringBuilder();
nodes.reverse().forEach(n => {
if (!this._outputChannel) {
this._outputChannel = vs.window.createOutputChannel("Syntax Node Trace");
private _printNodeInfo(node: ts.Node, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) {
const sb = new utils.StringBuilder();
sb.appendLine(`${ node.getStart() } to ${ node.getEnd() } --- (${node.kind}) ${ (<any>ts).SyntaxKind[node.kind] }`);
const column = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart()).character;
for (let i = 0; i < column; i++) {
sb.append(" ");
return sb.toString();
traceNode(editor: vs.TextEditor, edit: vs.TextEditorEdit) {
const selection = editor.selection;
const caret = selection.start;
const sourceFile = this._getSourceFile(editor.document);
const position = ts.getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(sourceFile, caret.line, caret.character);
const node = utils.findChildForPosition(sourceFile, position);
const nodes: string[] = [];
let parent = node;
while (parent) {
nodes.push(this._printNodeInfo(parent, sourceFile));
parent = parent.parent;
const sb = new utils.StringBuilder();
nodes.reverse().forEach(n => {
if (!this._outputChannel) {
this._outputChannel = vs.window.createOutputChannel("TypeScript Syntax Node Trace");
private _printNodeInfo(node: ts.Node, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) {
const sb = new utils.StringBuilder();
sb.appendLine(`${ node.getStart() } to ${ node.getEnd() } --- (${node.kind}) ${ (<any>ts).SyntaxKind[node.kind] }`);
const column = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart()).character;
for (let i = 0; i < column; i++) {
sb.append(" ");
return sb.toString();
} |
export enum FixAllScope {
Document = "Document",
Project = "Project",
Solution = "Solution"
export interface GetFixAllRequest extends FileBasedRequest {
Scope: FixAllScope;
FixAllFilter?: FixAllItem[];
export interface RunFixAllRequest extends FileBasedRequest {
Scope: FixAllScope;
FixAllFilter?: FixAllItem[];
WantsTextChanges: boolean;
WantsAllCodeActionOperations: boolean;
export interface QuickInfoRequest extends Request {
export interface QuickInfoResponse {
Markdown?: string;
export enum FixAllScope {
Document = "Document",
Project = "Project",
Solution = "Solution"
export interface GetFixAllRequest extends FileBasedRequest {
Scope: FixAllScope;
FixAllFilter?: FixAllItem[];
export interface RunFixAllRequest extends FileBasedRequest {
Scope: FixAllScope;
FixAllFilter?: FixAllItem[];
WantsTextChanges: boolean;
WantsAllCodeActionOperations: boolean;
export interface QuickInfoRequest extends Request {
export interface QuickInfoResponse {
Markdown?: string;
} |
scheduler = new rx.HistoricalScheduler(0, (x, y) => {
return x > y ? 1 : -1;
observer = new WarningMessageObserver(vscode, () => false, scheduler);
warningMessage = undefined;
assertionObservable = new Subject<string>();
scheduler = new TestScheduler(assert.deepEqual);
scheduler.maxFrames = 9000;
observer = new WarningMessageObserver(vscode, scheduler);
warningMessages = [];
assertionObservable = new Subject<string>();
scheduler = new TestScheduler(assert.deepEqual);
scheduler.maxFrames = 9000;
observer = new WarningMessageObserver(vscode, () => false, scheduler);
warningMessages = []; |
import { FixAllProvider } from '../features/fixAllProvider';
import { LanguageMiddlewareFeature } from './LanguageMiddlewareFeature';
import { FixAllProvider } from '../features/fixAllProvider';
import { LanguageMiddlewareFeature } from './LanguageMiddlewareFeature';
localDisposables.add(vscode.languages.registerCodeActionsProvider(documentSelector, new FixAllProvider(server)));
localDisposables.add(reportDiagnostics(server, advisor));
localDisposables.add(reportDiagnostics(server, advisor, languageMiddlewareFeature));
localDisposables.add(vscode.languages.registerCodeActionsProvider(documentSelector, new FixAllProvider(server)));
localDisposables.add(reportDiagnostics(server, advisor, languageMiddlewareFeature)); |
public async discoverTests(fileName: string, testFrameworkName: string, noBuild: boolean): Promise<protocol.V2.TestInfo[]> {
let targetFrameworkVersion = await this._recordRunAndGetFrameworkVersion(fileName, testFrameworkName);
let runSettings = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('omnisharp').get<string>('testRunSettings');
const request: protocol.V2.DiscoverTestsRequest = {
FileName: fileName,
RunSettings: runSettings,
TestFrameworkName: testFrameworkName,
TargetFrameworkVersion: targetFrameworkVersion,
NoBuild: noBuild
try {
let response = await serverUtils.discoverTests(this._server, request);
return response.Tests;
catch (error) {
return undefined;
public async runDotnetTest(testMethod: string, fileName: string, testFrameworkName: string, noBuild: boolean = false) {
private _getRunSettings(): string | undefined {
return vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('omnisharp').get<string>('testRunSettings');
private async _runDotnetTest(testMethod: string, fileName: string, testFrameworkName: string) {
public async discoverTests(fileName: string, testFrameworkName: string, noBuild: boolean): Promise<protocol.V2.TestInfo[]> {
let targetFrameworkVersion = await this._recordRunAndGetFrameworkVersion(fileName, testFrameworkName);
let runSettings = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('omnisharp').get<string>('testRunSettings');
const request: protocol.V2.DiscoverTestsRequest = {
FileName: fileName,
RunSettings: runSettings,
TestFrameworkName: testFrameworkName,
TargetFrameworkVersion: targetFrameworkVersion,
NoBuild: noBuild
try {
let response = await serverUtils.discoverTests(this._server, request);
return response.Tests;
catch (error) {
return undefined;
private _getRunSettings(): string | undefined {
return vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('omnisharp').get<string>('testRunSettings');
public async runDotnetTest(testMethod: string, fileName: string, testFrameworkName: string, noBuild: boolean = false) {
private async _getLaunchConfigurationForLegacy(fileName: string, testMethod: string, runSettings: string, testFrameworkName: string, targetFrameworkVersion: string, noBuild: boolean): Promise<LaunchConfiguration> {
// Listen for test messages while getting start info.
const listener = this._server.onTestMessage(e => { DotNetTestMessage(e.Message));
const request: protocol.V2.GetTestStartInfoRequest = {
FileName: fileName,
MethodName: testMethod,
RunSettings: runSettings,
TestFrameworkName: testFrameworkName,
TargetFrameworkVersion: targetFrameworkVersion,
NoBuild: noBuild
try {
let response = await serverUtils.getTestStartInfo(this._server, request);
return this._createLaunchConfiguration(response.Executable, response.Argument, response.WorkingDirectory, null);
finally {
private async _getLaunchConfiguration(
debugType: string,
fileName: string,
testMethod: string,
runSettings: string,
testFrameworkName: string,
targetFrameworkVersion: string,
debugEventListener: DebugEventListener,
noBuild: boolean): Promise<LaunchConfiguration> {
switch (debugType) {
case 'legacy':
return this._getLaunchConfigurationForLegacy(fileName, testMethod, runSettings, testFrameworkName, targetFrameworkVersion, noBuild);
case 'vstest':
return this._getLaunchConfigurationForVSTest(fileName, testMethod, runSettings, testFrameworkName, targetFrameworkVersion, debugEventListener, noBuild);
throw new Error(`Unexpected debug type: ${debugType}`);
private async _recordDebugAndGetDebugValues(fileName: string, testFrameworkName: string) {
private async _recordDebugAndGetDebugValues(fileName: string, testFrameworkName?: string) {
private async _recordDebugAndGetDebugValues(fileName: string, testFrameworkName?: string) {
public async debugDotnetTest(testMethod: string, fileName: string, testFrameworkName: string, noBuild: boolean = false) {
// We support to styles of 'dotnet test' for debugging: The legacy 'project.json' testing, and the newer csproj support
// using VS Test. These require a different level of communication.
private async _debugDotnetTest(testMethod: string, fileName: string, testFrameworkName: string) {
public async debugDotnetTest(testMethod: string, fileName: string, testFrameworkName: string, noBuild: boolean = false) {
// We support to styles of 'dotnet test' for debugging: The legacy 'project.json' testing, and the newer csproj support
// using VS Test. These require a different level of communication.
let config = await this._getLaunchConfiguration(debugType, fileName, testMethod, runSettings, testFrameworkName, targetFrameworkVersion, debugEventListener, noBuild);
let config = await this._getLaunchConfigurationForVSTest(fileName, testMethod, runSettings, testFrameworkName, targetFrameworkVersion, debugEventListener);
let config = await this._getLaunchConfigurationForVSTest(fileName, testMethod, runSettings, testFrameworkName, targetFrameworkVersion, debugEventListener, noBuild);
let config = await this._getLaunchConfigurationForClass(debugType, fileName, methodsToRun, runSettings, testFrameworkName, targetFrameworkVersion, debugEventListener, noBuild);
let config = await this._getLaunchConfigurationForVSTestClass(fileName, methodsToRun, runSettings, testFrameworkName, targetFrameworkVersion, debugEventListener);
let config = await this._getLaunchConfigurationForVSTestClass(fileName, methodsToRun, runSettings, testFrameworkName, targetFrameworkVersion, debugEventListener, noBuild);
private async _getLaunchConfigurationForClass(
debugType: string,
fileName: string,
methodsToRun: string[],
runSettings: string,
testFrameworkName: string,
targetFrameworkVersion: string,
debugEventListener: DebugEventListener,
noBuild: boolean): Promise<LaunchConfiguration> {
if (debugType == 'vstest') {
return this._getLaunchConfigurationForVSTestClass(fileName, methodsToRun, runSettings, testFrameworkName, targetFrameworkVersion, debugEventListener, noBuild);
private async _debugDotnetTestsInContext(fileName: string, fileUri: vscode.Uri, active: vscode.Position, editorLangId: string) {
if (editorLangId !== "csharp") { DotNetTestMessage(`${vscode.workspace.asRelativePath(fileName, false)} is not a C# file, cannot run tests`));
} DotNetTestDebugInContextStart(vscode.workspace.asRelativePath(fileName, false), active.line, active.character));
let { debugEventListener, targetFrameworkVersion } = await this._recordDebugAndGetDebugValues(fileName);
let runSettings = this._getRunSettings();
try {
let config = await this._getLaunchConfigurationForVSTestInContext(fileName, active.line, active.character, runSettings, targetFrameworkVersion, debugEventListener);
if (config === null) {
const workspaceFolder = vscode.workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(fileUri);
return vscode.debug.startDebugging(workspaceFolder, config);
catch (reason) { DotNetTestRunFailure(reason));
if (debugEventListener !== null) {
private async _debugDotnetTestsInContext(fileName: string, fileUri: vscode.Uri, active: vscode.Position, editorLangId: string) {
if (editorLangId !== "csharp") { DotNetTestMessage(`${vscode.workspace.asRelativePath(fileName, false)} is not a C# file, cannot run tests`));
} DotNetTestDebugInContextStart(vscode.workspace.asRelativePath(fileName, false), active.line, active.character));
let { debugEventListener, targetFrameworkVersion } = await this._recordDebugAndGetDebugValues(fileName);
let runSettings = this._getRunSettings();
try {
let config = await this._getLaunchConfigurationForVSTestInContext(fileName, active.line, active.character, runSettings, targetFrameworkVersion, debugEventListener);
if (config === null) {
const workspaceFolder = vscode.workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(fileUri);
return vscode.debug.startDebugging(workspaceFolder, config);
catch (reason) { DotNetTestRunFailure(reason));
if (debugEventListener !== null) {
} |
// test('action - list', (t) => {
// const L = new MuRDAList(new MuRDARegister(new MuFloat64()));
// const store = L.createStore([]);
// const dispatchers = L.action(store);
// let action;
// t.deepEqual(dispatchers.pop(), { type: 'remove', data: [] }, 'pop when empty');
// t.deepEqual(dispatchers.shift(), { type: 'remove', data: [] }, 'shift when empty');
// t.deepEqual(dispatchers.update(0), {}, 'update when empty');
// action = dispatchers.push(0, 1, 2, 3);
// store.apply(L, action);
// t.equal(action.type, 'insert', 'push type');
// t.equal(, 4, 'push 4 number');
// t.deepEqual( => a.value).sort(), [0, 1, 2, 3], 'push content');
// action = dispatchers.pop();
// t.equal(action.type, 'remove', 'pop type');
// t.equal(, 1, 'pop 1 member');
// action = dispatchers.shift(5);
// t.equal(action.type, 'remove', 'shift type');
// t.equal(, 4, 'cannot shift more than number of members');
// action = dispatchers.unshift(3, 2, 1);
// store.apply(L, action);
// t.equal(action.type, 'insert', 'unshift type');
// t.equal(, 3, 'unshift 3 number');
// t.deepEqual( => a.value).sort(), [1, 2, 3], 'unshift content');
// action = dispatchers.pop(8);
// t.equal(, store.state(L, []).length, 'cannot pop more than number of members');
// action = dispatchers.clear();
// t.equal(action.type, 'reset', 'clear type');
// t.deepEqual(, [], 'clear data');
// action = dispatchers.reset([1, 1, 2]);
// store.apply(L, action);
// t.equal(action.type, 'reset', 'reset type');
// t.deepEqual(, 3, 'reset data');
// action = dispatchers.update(0)(0);
// t.equal(action.type, 'update', 'update type');
// t.equal(, 0, 'update content');
// t.end();
// });
test('constrain', (t) => {
const R = new MuRDARegister(new MuFloat64(), (x) => Math.max(0, Math.min(1, +x || 0)));
t.equal(R.action(0.1), 0.1);
t.equal(R.action(-0.1), 0);
t.equal(R.action(1.1), 1);
t.equal(R.action(NaN), 0);
test('action - list', (t) => {
const L = new MuRDAList(new MuRDARegister(new MuFloat64()));
const store = L.createStore([]);
const dispatchers = L.action(store);
let action;
t.deepEqual(dispatchers.pop(), { type: 'remove', data: [] }, 'pop when empty');
t.deepEqual(dispatchers.shift(), { type: 'remove', data: [] }, 'shift when empty');
t.deepEqual(dispatchers.update(0), {}, 'update when empty');
action = dispatchers.push([0, 1, 2, 3]);
store.apply(L, action);
t.equal(action.type, 'insert', 'push type');
t.equal(, 4, 'push 4 number');
t.deepEqual( => a.value).sort(), [0, 1, 2, 3], 'push content');
action = dispatchers.pop();
t.equal(action.type, 'remove', 'pop type');
t.equal(, 1, 'pop 1 member');
action = dispatchers.shift(5);
t.equal(action.type, 'remove', 'shift type');
t.equal(, 4, 'cannot shift more than number of members');
action = dispatchers.unshift([3, 2, 1]);
store.apply(L, action);
t.equal(action.type, 'insert', 'unshift type');
t.equal(, 3, 'unshift 3 number');
t.deepEqual( => a.value).sort(), [1, 2, 3], 'unshift content');
action = dispatchers.pop(8);
t.equal(, store.state(L, []).length, 'cannot pop more than number of members');
action = dispatchers.clear();
t.equal(action.type, 'reset', 'clear type');
t.deepEqual(, [], 'clear data');
action = dispatchers.reset([1, 1, 2]);
store.apply(L, action);
t.equal(action.type, 'reset', 'reset type');
t.deepEqual(, 3, 'reset data');
action = dispatchers.update(0)(0);
t.equal(action.type, 'update', 'update type');
t.equal(, 0, 'update content');
test('constrain', (t) => {
const R = new MuRDARegister(new MuFloat64(), (x) => Math.max(0, Math.min(1, +x || 0)));
t.equal(R.action(0.1), 0.1);
t.equal(R.action(-0.1), 0);
t.equal(R.action(1.1), 1);
t.equal(R.action(NaN), 0);
// test('action - list', (t) => {
// const L = new MuRDAList(new MuRDARegister(new MuFloat64()));
// const store = L.createStore([]);
// const dispatchers = L.action(store);
// let action;
// t.deepEqual(dispatchers.pop(), { type: 'remove', data: [] }, 'pop when empty');
// t.deepEqual(dispatchers.shift(), { type: 'remove', data: [] }, 'shift when empty');
// t.deepEqual(dispatchers.update(0), {}, 'update when empty');
// action = dispatchers.push(0, 1, 2, 3);
// store.apply(L, action);
// t.equal(action.type, 'insert', 'push type');
// t.equal(, 4, 'push 4 number');
// t.deepEqual( => a.value).sort(), [0, 1, 2, 3], 'push content');
// action = dispatchers.pop();
// t.equal(action.type, 'remove', 'pop type');
// t.equal(, 1, 'pop 1 member');
// action = dispatchers.shift(5);
// t.equal(action.type, 'remove', 'shift type');
// t.equal(, 4, 'cannot shift more than number of members');
// action = dispatchers.unshift(3, 2, 1);
// store.apply(L, action);
// t.equal(action.type, 'insert', 'unshift type');
// t.equal(, 3, 'unshift 3 number');
// t.deepEqual( => a.value).sort(), [1, 2, 3], 'unshift content');
// action = dispatchers.pop(8);
// t.equal(, store.state(L, []).length, 'cannot pop more than number of members');
// action = dispatchers.clear();
// t.equal(action.type, 'reset', 'clear type');
// t.deepEqual(, [], 'clear data');
// action = dispatchers.reset([1, 1, 2]);
// store.apply(L, action);
// t.equal(action.type, 'reset', 'reset type');
// t.deepEqual(, 3, 'reset data');
// action = dispatchers.update(0)(0);
// t.equal(action.type, 'update', 'update type');
// t.equal(, 0, 'update content');
// t.end();
// }); |
public readonly emptyStore:MuRDARegisterStore<this>;
constructor (stateSchema:StateSchema) {
public constrain:(value:StateSchema['identity']) => StateSchema['identity'];
constructor (
constrain?:(value:StateSchema['identity']) => StateSchema['identity']) {
public readonly emptyStore:MuRDARegisterStore<this>;
public constrain:(value:StateSchema['identity']) => StateSchema['identity'];
constructor (
constrain?:(value:StateSchema['identity']) => StateSchema['identity']) {
this.emptyStore = new MuRDARegisterStore<this>(stateSchema.identity);
this.constrain = constrain || identity;
this.constrain = constrain || identity;
this.emptyStore = new MuRDARegisterStore<this>(stateSchema.identity); |
export const DefaultRPCSchema = {
client: {
call: new MuStruct({
id: new MuString(),
methodName: new MuString(),
arg: new MuArray(new MuInt8()), //FIXME: arg type should be same as the schema in examples
response: new MuStruct({
id: new MuString(),
err: new MuString(), //FIXME: err maybe undefined
response: new MuInt8(), //FIXME: response maybe undefined
server: {
call: new MuStruct({
id: new MuString(),
methodName: new MuString(),
arg: new MuArray(new MuInt8()),
response: new MuStruct({
id: new MuString(),
err: new MuString(),
response: new MuInt8(),
export function generateId() {
return ( + Math.random()).toString();
export interface MuRPCProtocolTablePhase<RPCTable extends MuRPCTable, Phase extends '0' | '1'> {
[method in keyof RPCTable]:MuStruct<{
export interface MuRPCProtocolSchemaPhase<ProtocolSchema extends MuRPCProtocolSchema, Phase extends '0' | '1'> {
client:MuRPCProtocolTablePhase<ProtocolSchema['client'], Phase>['schema'];
server:MuRPCProtocolTablePhase<ProtocolSchema['server'], Phase>['schema'];
export interface MuRPCProtocolSchemaInterface<ProtocolSchema extends MuRPCProtocolSchema> {
'0':MuRPCProtocolSchemaPhase<ProtocolSchema, '0'>;
'1':MuRPCProtocolSchemaPhase<ProtocolSchema, '1'>;
export function createRPCProtocolSchemas<ProtocolSchema extends MuRPCProtocolSchema>(
schema:ProtocolSchema) : MuRPCProtocolSchemaInterface<ProtocolSchema> {
const protocolSchema = {};
for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
const result = {
client: {},
server: {},
Object.keys(schema.client).map((method) => result.client[method] = new MuStruct({
base: schema.client[method][i],
id: new MuUint32(),
Object.keys(schema.server).map((method) => result.server[method] = new MuStruct({
base: schema.server[method][i],
id: new MuUint32(),
protocolSchema[i] = result;
return <MuRPCProtocolSchemaInterface<ProtocolSchema>>protocolSchema;
export const DefaultRPCSchema = {
client: {
call: new MuStruct({
id: new MuString(),
methodName: new MuString(),
arg: new MuArray(new MuInt8()), //FIXME: arg type should be same as the schema in examples
response: new MuStruct({
id: new MuString(),
err: new MuString(), //FIXME: err maybe undefined
response: new MuInt8(), //FIXME: response maybe undefined
server: {
call: new MuStruct({
id: new MuString(),
methodName: new MuString(),
arg: new MuArray(new MuInt8()),
response: new MuStruct({
id: new MuString(),
err: new MuString(),
response: new MuInt8(),
export function generateId() {
return ( + Math.random()).toString();
export interface MuRPCProtocolTablePhase<RPCTable extends MuRPCTable, Phase extends '0' | '1'> {
[method in keyof RPCTable]:MuStruct<{
export interface MuRPCProtocolSchemaPhase<ProtocolSchema extends MuRPCProtocolSchema, Phase extends '0' | '1'> {
client:MuRPCProtocolTablePhase<ProtocolSchema['client'], Phase>['schema'];
server:MuRPCProtocolTablePhase<ProtocolSchema['server'], Phase>['schema'];
export interface MuRPCProtocolSchemaInterface<ProtocolSchema extends MuRPCProtocolSchema> {
'0':MuRPCProtocolSchemaPhase<ProtocolSchema, '0'>;
'1':MuRPCProtocolSchemaPhase<ProtocolSchema, '1'>;
export function createRPCProtocolSchemas<ProtocolSchema extends MuRPCProtocolSchema>(
schema:ProtocolSchema) : MuRPCProtocolSchemaInterface<ProtocolSchema> {
const protocolSchema = {};
for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
const result = {
client: {},
server: {},
Object.keys(schema.client).map((method) => result.client[method] = new MuStruct({
base: schema.client[method][i],
id: new MuUint32(),
Object.keys(schema.server).map((method) => result.server[method] = new MuStruct({
base: schema.server[method][i],
id: new MuUint32(),
protocolSchema[i] = result;
return <MuRPCProtocolSchemaInterface<ProtocolSchema>>protocolSchema; |
static dir(message: string, params: any[],
moduleName: string, moduleColor: string, level: Level) {
let color = 'gray';
if (level === Level.INFO) color = 'deepskyblue';
if (level === Level.ERROR) color = 'red';
if (level === Level.WARN) color = 'orange';
let a1 = '%c ' + moduleName + ' %c ' + message + ' ';
let a2 = 'background: ' + moduleColor + ';color:white; ';
let a3 = 'border: 1px solid ' + color + '; ';
params =, (object: any) => {
if (typeof object === "object") {
return _.cloneDeep(object);
return object;
console.log.apply(console, params);
static dir(message: string, params: any[],
moduleName: string, moduleColor: string, level: Level) {
let color = 'gray';
if (level === Level.INFO) color = 'deepskyblue';
if (level === Level.ERROR) color = 'red';
if (level === Level.WARN) color = 'orange';
let a1 = '%c ' + moduleName + ' %c ' + message + ' ';
let a2 = 'background: ' + moduleColor + ';color:white; ';
let a3 = 'border: 1px solid ' + color + '; ';
params =, (object: any) => {
if (typeof object === "object") {
return _.cloneDeep(object);
return object;
console.log.apply(console, params);
} |
public mute() {
this.isMuted = true;
public mute() {
this.isMuted = true;
} |
export abstract class DxComponent implements OnChanges, AfterViewInit {
declare let $: any;
const startupEvents = ['onInitialized', 'onContentReady'];
export class DxComponent implements OnChanges, AfterViewInit {
const startupEvents = ['onInitialized', 'onContentReady'];
export abstract class DxComponent implements OnChanges, AfterViewInit { |
this.serialNumber = this.utilService.generateRandomSerial();
const coinToMint = this.mintCoinForm.controls['A'].value;
if (!coinToMint) return;
if (coinToMint > this.coinCount) {
return this.toastr.error('You do not have enough ERC-20 tokens');
this.isRequesting = true;
var hexValue = (coinToMint).toString(16);
this.isRequesting = true;
var hexValue = (this.mintCoinForm.controls['A'].value).toString(16);
const coinToMint = this.mintCoinForm.controls['A'].value;
if (!coinToMint) return;
if (coinToMint > this.coinCount) {
return this.toastr.error('You do not have enough ERC-20 tokens');
this.isRequesting = true;
var hexValue = (coinToMint).toString(16); |
let isTranscludedContent = widget['IsTranscludedContent'],
className = inflector.camelize(widgetName),
let isTranscludedContent = widget.IsTranscludedContent,
isExtension = widget.IsExtensionComponent || false,
let isTranscludedContent = widget.IsTranscludedContent,
isExtension = widget.IsExtensionComponent || false,
className = inflector.camelize(widgetName), |
static compileFile(file: File, from: Language, to: Language, options = ""): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Service.compile(file.getData(), from, to, options).then((result) => {
let markers = Service.getMarkers(result.tasks[0].console);
if (markers.length) {
monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(file.buffer, "compiler", markers);
file.setProblems( => {
return Problem.fromMarker(file, marker);
if (!result.success) {
var buffer = atob(result.output);
var data = new Uint8Array(buffer.length);
for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
data[i] = buffer.charCodeAt(i);
static async compileFile(file: File, from: Language, to: Language, options = ""): Promise<any> {
const result = await Service.compile(file.getData(), from, to, options);
let markers = Service.getMarkers(result.tasks[0].console);
if (markers.length) {
monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(file.buffer, "compiler", markers);
file.setProblems( => {
return Problem.fromMarker(marker);
if (!result.success) {
throw new Error((result as any).message);
var buffer = atob(result.output);
var data = new Uint8Array(buffer.length);
for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
data[i] = buffer.charCodeAt(i);
return data;
static async compileFile(file: File, from: Language, to: Language, options = ""): Promise<any> {
const result = await Service.compile(file.getData(), from, to, options);
let markers = Service.getMarkers(result.tasks[0].console);
if (markers.length) {
monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(file.buffer, "compiler", markers);
file.setProblems( => {
return Problem.fromMarker(file, marker);
if (!result.success) {
throw new Error((result as any).message);
var buffer = atob(result.output);
var data = new Uint8Array(buffer.length);
for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
data[i] = buffer.charCodeAt(i);
return data; |
const htmlDesktopTemplateCode = readTemplate(config.output.templates.desktop);
const articleListHomeTemplate = readTemplate(config.output.templates.articleListHomeTemplate);
const articleListHomeTemplate = readTemplate(config.output.templates.articleListHomeTemplate);
//`Getting [${type}] module [${module}]`);
=======`Getting [${type}] module [${module}]`);
>>>>>>>`Getting [${type}] module [${module}]`);
} else {
const articleUrl = parsoidUrl
+ encodeURIComponent(articleId)
+ (parsoidUrl.indexOf('/rest') < 0 ? `${parsoidUrl.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&'}oldid=` : '/')
+ articleDetailXId[articleId].oldId;
logger.log(`Getting (desktop) article from ${articleUrl}`);
skipHtmlCache || articleId === zim.mainPageId
? downloader.downloadContent.bind(downloader)
: downloadContentAndCache,
downloadFileQueue.length() + optimizationQueue.length(),
(content) => {
let json;
if (parsoidContentType === 'json') {
try {
json = JSON.parse(content.toString());
} catch (e) {
// TODO: Figure out why this is happening
html = content.toString();
// set all other section (closed by default)
if (!env.nodet) {
json.remaining.sections.forEach((oneSection, i) => {
if (i === 0 && oneSection.toclevel !== 1) { // We need at least one Top Level Section
html += sectionTemplate({
section_index: i,
section_id: i,
section_anchor: 'TopLevelSection',
section_line: 'Disambiguation',
section_text: '',
// set all other section (closed by default)
if (!env.nodet) {
json.remaining.sections.forEach((oneSection, i) => {
if (i === 0 && oneSection.toclevel !== 1) { // We need at least one Top Level Section
html += sectionTemplate({
section_index: i,
section_id: i,
section_anchor: 'TopLevelSection',
section_line: 'Disambiguation',
section_text: '',
console.error(`Article ${entry.title} is not available on this wiki.`);
delete articleDetailXId[entry.title];
logger.warn(`Article ${entry.title} is not available on this wiki.`);
delete articleIds[entry.title];
logger.warn(`Article ${entry.title} is not available on this wiki.`);
delete articleDetailXId[entry.title];
logger.log(`Unable to get revisions for ${entry.title}, but entry exists in the database. Article was probably deleted meanwhile.`);
delete articleDetailXId[entry.title];
logger.warn(`Unable to get revisions for ${entry.title}, but entry exists in the database. Article was probably deleted meanwhile.`);
delete articleIds[entry.title];
logger.warn(`Unable to get revisions for ${entry.title}, but entry exists in the database. Article was probably deleted meanwhile.`);
delete articleDetailXId[entry.title];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
async.eachLimit(lines, speed, (line, finish) => getArticleIdsForLine(redirectQueue, line).then(() => finish(), (err) => finish(err)), (error) => {
if (error) {
reject(`Unable to get all article ids for a file: ${error}`);
} else {
logger.log('List of article ids to mirror completed');
drainRedirectQueue(redirectQueue).then(resolve, reject);
(line, finish) => getArticleIdsForLine(redirectQueue, line).then(() => finish(), (err) => finish(err)),
(error) => {
if (error) {
reject({ message: `Unable to get all article ids for a file`, error });
} else {
logger.log('List of article ids to mirror completed');
drainRedirectQueue(redirectQueue).then(resolve, reject);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
(line, finish) => getArticleIdsForLine(redirectQueue, line).then(() => finish(), (err) => finish(err)),
(error) => {
if (error) {
reject({ message: `Unable to get all article ids for a file`, error });
} else {
logger.log('List of article ids to mirror completed');
drainRedirectQueue(redirectQueue).then(resolve, reject);
console.log(`Cache stat: [${mediaPath}]`, fs.statSync(cachePath).size);
logger.log(`Caching ${filenameBase} at ${cachePath}...`);
=======`Caching ${filenameBase} at ${cachePath}...`);
>>>>>>>`Caching ${filenameBase} at ${cachePath}...`);
logger.log(`Cache hit for ${url}`);`Found cached file [${url}] with mediaPath [${mediaPath}]`);
=======`Cache hit for ${url}`);
>>>>>>>`Cache hit for ${url}`); |
export abstract class DxComponentBase implements OnChanges {
export abstract class DxComponent implements AfterViewInit {
export abstract class DxComponentBase {
ngOnChanges(changes: { [key: string]: SimpleChange }) {
Object.keys(changes).forEach(propertyName => {
let change = changes[propertyName];
if (this.instance) {
this._isChangesProcessing = true; // prevent cycle change event emitting
this.instance.option(propertyName, change.currentValue);
this._isChangesProcessing = false;
} else {
this._initialOptions[propertyName] = change.currentValue;
export abstract class DxComponent extends DxComponentBase implements AfterViewInit {
export abstract class DxComponent extends DxComponentBase implements AfterViewInit { |
if (!JSON.parse(body).error) {
const redirects = {};
let redirectsCount = 0;
const { pages } = JSON.parse(body).query;
pages[Object.keys(pages)[0]] => {
const title = entry.title.replace(/ /g, mw.spaceDelimiter);
redirects[title] = articleId;
redirectsCount += 1;
if (title === zim.mainPageId) {
zim.mainPageId = articleId;
logger.log(`${redirectsCount} redirect(s) found for ${articleId}`);
redis.saveRedirects(redirectsCount, redirects, finished);
} else {
try {
if (!JSON.parse(body).error) {
const redirects = {};
let redirectsCount = 0;
const { pages } = JSON.parse(body).query;
pages[Object.keys(pages)[0]] => {
const title = entry.title.replace(/ /g, mw.spaceDelimiter);
redirects[title] = articleId;
redirectsCount += 1;
if (title === zim.mainPageId) {
zim.mainPageId = articleId;
});`${redirectsCount} redirect(s) found for ${articleId}`);
redis.saveRedirects(redirectsCount, redirects, finished);
} else {
} catch (error) {
if (!JSON.parse(body).error) {
const redirects = {};
let redirectsCount = 0;
const { pages } = JSON.parse(body).query;
pages[Object.keys(pages)[0]] => {
const title = entry.title.replace(/ /g, mw.spaceDelimiter);
redirects[title] = articleId;
redirectsCount += 1;
if (title === zim.mainPageId) {
zim.mainPageId = articleId;
});`${redirectsCount} redirect(s) found for ${articleId}`);
redis.saveRedirects(redirectsCount, redirects, finished);
} else {
logger.log('Saving HTML redirects...');
function saveHtmlRedirect(redirectId, finished) {
redis.getRedirect(redirectId, finished, (target) => {
logger.log(`Writing HTML redirect ${redirectId} (to ${target})...`);
const data = redirectTemplate({
target: env.getArticleUrl(target),
title: redirectId.replace(/_/g, ' '),
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
logger.log('Saving HTML redirects...');
function saveHtmlRedirect(redirectId, finished) {
redis.getRedirect(redirectId, finished, (target) => {`Writing HTML redirect ${redirectId} (to ${target})...`);
const data = redirectTemplate({
target: env.getArticleUrl(target),
title: redirectId.replace(/_/g, ' '),
if (env.deflateTmpHtml) {
zlib.deflate(data, (error, deflatedHtml) => {
fs.writeFile(env.getArticlePath(redirectId), deflatedHtml, finished);
} else {
fs.writeFile(env.getArticlePath(redirectId), data, finished);
logger.log('Saving HTML redirects...');
function saveHtmlRedirect(redirectId, finished) {
redis.getRedirect(redirectId, finished, (target) => {`Writing HTML redirect ${redirectId} (to ${target})...`);
const data = redirectTemplate({
target: env.getArticleUrl(target),
title: redirectId.replace(/_/g, ' '),
logger.log(`Getting (desktop) article from ${articleUrl}`);
const downloadFunc = skipHtmlCache || articleId === zim.mainPageId
? downloader.downloadContent.bind(downloader)
: downloadContentAndCache;
setTimeout((url, handler) => {
.then(({ content }) => handler(content))
.catch((err) => {
console.error(`Failed to get article [${articleUrl}] Skipping.`, err);
=======`Getting (desktop) article from ${articleUrl}`);
skipHtmlCache || articleId === zim.mainPageId
? downloader.downloadContent.bind(downloader)
: downloadContentAndCache,
>>>>>>>`Getting (desktop) article from ${articleUrl}`);
const downloadFunc = skipHtmlCache || articleId === zim.mainPageId
? downloader.downloadContent.bind(downloader)
: downloadContentAndCache;
setTimeout((url, handler) => {
.then(({ content }) => handler(content))
.catch((err) => {
console.error(`Failed to get article [${articleUrl}] Skipping.`, err);
if (!error) {
logger.log(`Successfully dumped article ${articleId}`);
} else {
console.error(`Error preparing and saving file, skipping [${articleId}]`, error);
if (!error) {`Successfully dumped article ${articleId}`); }
finished(error && { message: `Error preparing and saving file`, error });
if (!error) {`Successfully dumped article ${articleId}`);
} else {
logger.warn(`Error preparing and saving file, skipping [${articleId}]`, error);
logger.log(`Downloading CSS from ${decodeURI(cssUrl)}`);
const { content } = await downloader.downloadContent(cssUrl);
=======`Downloading CSS from ${decodeURI(cssUrl)}`);
downloader.downloadContent(cssUrl, (content) => {
>>>>>>>`Downloading CSS from ${decodeURI(cssUrl)}`);
const { content } = await downloader.downloadContent(cssUrl);
const parsedUrl = urlParser.parse(entries.logo);
const ext = parsedUrl.pathname.split('.').slice(-1)[0];
const faviconPath = env.htmlRootPath + `favicon.${ext}`;
const faviconFinalPath = env.htmlRootPath + `favicon.png`;
const logoUrl = parsedUrl.protocol ? entries.logo : 'http:' + entries.logo;
downloader.downloadMediaFile(logoUrl, faviconPath, true, optimizationQueue, async () => {
if (ext !== 'png') {
console.warn(`Original favicon is not a PNG ([${ext}]). Converting it to PNG`);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
exec(`convert ${faviconPath} ${faviconFinalPath}`, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const parsedUrl = urlParser.parse(entries.logo);
const ext = parsedUrl.pathname.split('.').slice(-1)[0];
const faviconPath = env.htmlRootPath + `favicon.${ext}`;
const faviconFinalPath = env.htmlRootPath + `favicon.png`;
const logoUrl = parsedUrl.protocol ? entries.logo : 'http:' + entries.logo;
downloader.downloadMediaFile(logoUrl, faviconPath, true, optimizationQueue, async () => {
if (ext !== 'png') {
logger.log(`Original favicon is not a PNG ([${ext}]). Converting it to PNG`);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
exec(`convert ${faviconPath} ${faviconFinalPath}`, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const parsedUrl = urlParser.parse(entries.logo);
const ext = parsedUrl.pathname.split('.').slice(-1)[0];
const faviconPath = env.htmlRootPath + `favicon.${ext}`;
const faviconFinalPath = env.htmlRootPath + `favicon.png`;
const logoUrl = parsedUrl.protocol ? entries.logo : 'http:' + entries.logo;
downloader.downloadMediaFile(logoUrl, faviconPath, true, optimizationQueue, async () => {
if (ext !== 'png') {`Original favicon is not a PNG ([${ext}]). Converting it to PNG`);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
exec(`convert ${faviconPath} ${faviconFinalPath}`, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
}); |
newNoteFromSelectionReplacementTemplate: string;
lowercaseNewNoteFilenames: boolean;
newNoteFromSelectionReplacementTemplate: string;
lowercaseNewNoteFilenames: boolean;
newNoteFromSelectionReplacementTemplate: '[[${wikiLink}]]',
lowercaseNewNoteFilenames: true,
newNoteFromSelectionReplacementTemplate: '[[${wikiLink}]]',
lowercaseNewNoteFilenames: true,
newNoteFromSelectionReplacementTemplate: c.get('newNoteFromSelectionReplacementTemplate') as string,
lowercaseNewNoteFilenames: c.get('lowercaseNewNoteFilenames') as boolean,
newNoteFromSelectionReplacementTemplate: c.get('newNoteFromSelectionReplacementTemplate') as string,
lowercaseNewNoteFilenames: c.get('lowercaseNewNoteFilenames') as boolean,
static newNoteFromSelectionReplacementTemplate(): string {
return this.cfg().newNoteFromSelectionReplacementTemplate;
static lowercaseNewNoteFilenames(): boolean {
return this.cfg().lowercaseNewNoteFilenames;
static newNoteFromSelectionReplacementTemplate(): string {
return this.cfg().newNoteFromSelectionReplacementTemplate;
static lowercaseNewNoteFilenames(): boolean {
return this.cfg().lowercaseNewNoteFilenames;
} |
triggerSuggestOnReplacement: boolean;
allowPipedWikiLinks: boolean;
pipedWikiLinksSyntax: PipedWikilinksSyntax;
pipedWikiLinksSeparator: string;
triggerSuggestOnReplacement: boolean;
allowPipedWikiLinks: boolean;
pipedWikiLinksSyntax: PipedWikilinksSyntax;
pipedWikiLinksSeparator: string;
triggerSuggestOnReplacement: NoteWorkspace._defaultTriggerSuggestOnReplacement,
allowPipedWikiLinks: false,
pipedWikiLinksSyntax: PipedWikilinksSyntax.descfile,
pipedWikiLinksSeparator: "\\|",
triggerSuggestOnReplacement: NoteWorkspace._defaultTriggerSuggestOnReplacement,
allowPipedWikiLinks: false,
pipedWikiLinksSyntax: PipedWikilinksSyntax.descfile,
pipedWikiLinksSeparator: "\\|",
triggerSuggestOnReplacement: c.get('triggerSuggestOnReplacement') as boolean,
allowPipedWikiLinks: c.get('allowPipedWikiLinks') as boolean,
pipedWikiLinksSyntax: c.get('pipedWikiLinksSyntax') as PipedWikilinksSyntax,
pipedWikiLinksSeparator: c.get('pipedWikiLinksSeparator') as string,
triggerSuggestOnReplacement: c.get('triggerSuggestOnReplacement') as boolean,
allowPipedWikiLinks: c.get('allowPipedWikiLinks') as boolean,
pipedWikiLinksSyntax: c.get('pipedWikiLinksSyntax') as PipedWikilinksSyntax,
pipedWikiLinksSeparator: c.get('pipedWikiLinksSeparator') as string,
static triggerSuggestOnReplacement() {
return this.cfg().triggerSuggestOnReplacement;
static allowPipedWikiLinks(): boolean {
return this.cfg().allowPipedWikiLinks;
static pipedWikiLinksSyntax(): string {
return this.cfg().pipedWikiLinksSyntax;
static pipedWikiLinksSeparator(): string {
return this.cfg().pipedWikiLinksSeparator;
static triggerSuggestOnReplacement() {
return this.cfg().triggerSuggestOnReplacement;
static allowPipedWikiLinks(): boolean {
return this.cfg().allowPipedWikiLinks;
static pipedWikiLinksSyntax(): string {
return this.cfg().pipedWikiLinksSyntax;
static pipedWikiLinksSeparator(): string {
return this.cfg().pipedWikiLinksSeparator;
} |
import express from "express";
import path from "path";
import queryString from "querystring";
// import { Request, Response, NextFunction } from "express";
import express from 'express';
const app: Express.Application = express();
import express from "express";
import path from "path";
import queryString from "querystring";
const app: Express.Application = express();
return function(
req: express.Request,
res: express.Response,
return function (
req: Express.Request,
res: Express.Response,
return function (
req: Express.Request,
res: Express.Response,
createCallback: (res: { headers: string; statusCode: number }) => {},
promiseHandler: (promise: Function, cb: Function) => {}
//headers are for now any.. will find bette way later
createCallback: (res: { body: string; statusCode: number; headers: any }) => {
// res.body = 'sadf';
return function callback(err: Error, lambdaResponse: any) {
// res.body = 'sadf';
// console.log(lambdaResponse);
if (err) return err
res.statusCode = lambdaResponse.statusCode;
for (let key in lambdaResponse.headers) {
res.headers[key] = lambdaResponse.headers[key];
if (lambdaResponse.body) {
res.body = lambdaResponse.body;
promiseHandler: (promise: Function, cb: Function) => { },
//headers are for now any.. will find bette way later
createCallback: (res: { body: string; statusCode: number; headers: any }) => {
// res.body = 'sadf';
return function callback(err: Error, lambdaResponse: any) {
// res.body = 'sadf';
// console.log(lambdaResponse);
if (err) return err
res.statusCode = lambdaResponse.statusCode;
for (let key in lambdaResponse.headers) {
res.headers[key] = lambdaResponse.headers[key];
if (lambdaResponse.body) {
res.body = lambdaResponse.body;
promiseHandler: (promise: Function, cb: Function) => { }, |
const build_handler = () => {
indexer.build_index().then((_) => saveIndex());
const instantiate_handler = () => {
context.subscriptions.push(languages.registerDocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider(selector, formatProvider));
context.subscriptions.push(languages.registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider(selector, formatProvider));
const build_handler = () => { indexer.build_index().then( _ => saveIndex() ) };
const instantiate_handler = () => { moduleInstantiator.instantiateModule() };
context.subscriptions.push(languages.registerDocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider(selector, formatProvider));
context.subscriptions.push(languages.registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider(selector, formatProvider));
const build_handler = () => {
indexer.build_index().then((_) => saveIndex());
const instantiate_handler = () => {
}; |
descriptionTruncationCount |
var requestOptions: any = {
const { value: mozillaHubsAPIKey } = mozillaHubsAPIKeyResult
const { value: mozillaHubsUserId } = mozillaHubsUserIdResult
var requestOptions = {
const { value: mozillaHubsAPIKey } = mozillaHubsAPIKeyResult
const { value: mozillaHubsUserId } = mozillaHubsUserIdResult
var requestOptions: any = { |
import { wrapVulcanAsyncScript } from './utils'
import { Vulcan, getSetting } from '../vulcan-lib';
import { Posts } from '../../lib/collections/posts'
import Users from '../../lib/collections/users/collection'
import { makeLowKarmaSelector, LOW_KARMA_THRESHOLD } from '../migrations/2020-05-13-noIndexLowKarma';
import fs from 'mz/fs'
import path from 'path'
import moment from 'moment'
import Papa from 'papaparse'
import moment from 'moment';
import fs from 'mz/fs';
import Papa from 'papaparse';
import path from 'path';
import { Posts } from '../../lib/collections/posts';
import Users from '../../lib/collections/users/collection';
import { siteUrlSetting } from '../../lib/instanceSettings';
import { Vulcan } from '../vulcan-lib';
import { wrapVulcanAsyncScript } from './utils';
import moment from 'moment';
import fs from 'mz/fs';
import Papa from 'papaparse';
import path from 'path';
import { Posts } from '../../lib/collections/posts';
import Users from '../../lib/collections/users/collection';
import { siteUrlSetting } from '../../lib/instanceSettings';
import { Vulcan } from '../vulcan-lib';
import { wrapVulcanAsyncScript } from './utils';
import { makeLowKarmaSelector, LOW_KARMA_THRESHOLD } from '../migrations/2020-05-13-noIndexLowKarma';
const user = Users.findOne(post.userId, { fields: { displayName: 1, email: 1 }})
const postUrl = getSetting('siteUrl')
const user = Users.findOne(post.userId, { fields: { username: 1, email: 1 }})
if (!user) throw Error(`Can't find user for post: ${post._id}`)
const postUrl = siteUrlSetting.get()
const user = Users.findOne(post.userId, { fields: { displayName: 1, email: 1 }})
if (!user) throw Error(`Can't find user for post: ${post._id}`)
const postUrl = siteUrlSetting.get() |
reenableDraftJs |
export interface IdMap {[key: string]: string;}
export interface IdMap { [key: string]: string; }
export interface IdMap { [key: string]: string; }
return parse(module.code, assign({
return acorn.parse(module.code, Object.assign({
return parse(module.code, Object.assign({ |
Posts.addView("shortformDiscussionThreadsList", (terms: PostsViewTerms) => {
Posts.addView("2019reviewRecentDiscussionThreadsList", terms => {
return {
selector: {
nominationCount2019: { $gt: 0 }
options: {
sort: {lastCommentedAt:-1},
limit: terms.limit || 12,
augmentForDefaultView({ nominationCount2019: 1, lastCommentedAt:-1, baseScore:1, hideFrontpageComments:1 }),
{ name: "posts.2019reviewRecentDiscussionThreadsList", }
Posts.addView("shortformDiscussionThreadsList", terms => {
Posts.addView("2019reviewRecentDiscussionThreadsList", (terms: PostsViewTerms) => {
return {
selector: {
nominationCount2019: { $gt: 0 }
options: {
sort: {lastCommentedAt:-1},
limit: terms.limit || 12,
augmentForDefaultView({ nominationCount2019: 1, lastCommentedAt:-1, baseScore:1, hideFrontpageComments:1 }),
{ name: "posts.2019reviewRecentDiscussionThreadsList", }
Posts.addView("shortformDiscussionThreadsList", (terms: PostsViewTerms) => {
Posts.addView("reviews2018", (terms: PostsViewTerms) => {
Posts.addView("nominations2019", terms => {
return {
selector: {
nominationCount2019: { $gt: 0 }
options: {
sort: {
nominationCount2019: terms.sortByMost ? -1 : 1
augmentForDefaultView({ nominationCount2019:1 }),
{ name: "posts.nominations2019", }
Posts.addView("reviews2018", terms => {
Posts.addView("nominations2019", (terms: PostsViewTerms) => {
return {
selector: {
nominationCount2019: { $gt: 0 }
options: {
sort: {
nominationCount2019: terms.sortByMost ? -1 : 1
augmentForDefaultView({ nominationCount2019:1 }),
{ name: "posts.nominations2019", }
Posts.addView("reviews2018", (terms: PostsViewTerms) => { |
// Whether to point RSS links to the linked URL (“link”) or back to the post page (“page”)
const outsideLinksPointToSetting = new DatabasePublicSetting<string>('forum.outsideLinksPointTo', 'link')
Posts.getShareableLink = function (post) {
return outsideLinksPointToSetting.get() === 'link' ? Posts.getLink(post) : Posts.getPageUrl(post, true);
Posts.getShareableLink = function (post: PostsBase|DbPost): string {
return getSetting('forum.outsideLinksPointTo', 'link') === 'link' ? Posts.getLink(post) : Posts.getPageUrl(post, true);
// Whether to point RSS links to the linked URL (“link”) or back to the post page (“page”)
const outsideLinksPointToSetting = new DatabasePublicSetting<string>('forum.outsideLinksPointTo', 'link')
Posts.getShareableLink = function (post: PostsBase|DbPost): string {
return outsideLinksPointToSetting.get() === 'link' ? Posts.getLink(post) : Posts.getPageUrl(post, true);
const postsRequireApprovalSetting = new DatabasePublicSetting<boolean>('forum.requirePostsApproval', false)
Posts.getDefaultStatus = function (user) {
Posts.getDefaultStatus = function (user: DbUser): number {
const postsRequireApprovalSetting = new DatabasePublicSetting<boolean>('forum.requirePostsApproval', false)
Posts.getDefaultStatus = function (user: DbUser): number {
const twitterAccountSetting = new DatabasePublicSetting<string | null>('twitterAccount', null)
Posts.getTwitterShareUrl = post => {
const via = twitterAccountSetting.get() ? `&via=${twitterAccountSetting.get()}` : '';
Posts.getTwitterShareUrl = (post: DbPost): string => {
const via = getSetting('twitterAccount', null) ? `&via=${getSetting('twitterAccount')}` : '';
const twitterAccountSetting = new DatabasePublicSetting<string | null>('twitterAccount', null)
Posts.getTwitterShareUrl = (post: DbPost): string => {
const via = twitterAccountSetting.get() ? `&via=${twitterAccountSetting.get()}` : '';
Posts.getLastCommentedAt = (post) => {
if (forumTypeSetting.get() === 'AlignmentForum') {
Posts.getLastCommentedAt = (post: PostsBase|DbPost): Date => {
if (getSetting('forumType') === 'AlignmentForum') {
Posts.getLastCommentedAt = (post: PostsBase|DbPost): Date => {
if (forumTypeSetting.get() === 'AlignmentForum') {
Posts.getKarma = (post) => {
const baseScore = forumTypeSetting.get() === 'AlignmentForum' ? post.afBaseScore : post.baseScore
Posts.getKarma = (post: PostsBase|DbPost): number => {
const baseScore = getSetting('forumType') === 'AlignmentForum' ? post.afBaseScore : post.baseScore
Posts.getKarma = (post: PostsBase|DbPost): number => {
const baseScore = forumTypeSetting.get() === 'AlignmentForum' ? post.afBaseScore : post.baseScore |
update: (selector?: string|MongoSelector<T>, modifier?: MongoModifier<T>, options?: MongoUpdateOptions<T>) => Promise<number>
remove: any
insert: any
aggregate: any
update: (selector?: string|MongoSelector<T>, modifier?: MongoModifier<T>, options?: MongoUpdateOptions<T>) => number
remove: (idOrSelector: string|MongoSelector<T>, options?: any) => void
insert: (data: any, options?: any) => string
aggregate: (aggregationPipeline: MongoAggregationPipeline<T>) => any
update: (selector?: string|MongoSelector<T>, modifier?: MongoModifier<T>, options?: MongoUpdateOptions<T>) => Promise<number>
remove: (idOrSelector: string|MongoSelector<T>, options?: any) => void
insert: (data: any, options?: any) => string
aggregate: (aggregationPipeline: MongoAggregationPipeline<T>) => any |
export interface MutationOptions<T extends DbObject> {
newCheck?: (user: DbUser|null, document: T|null) => Promise<boolean>|boolean,
createCheck?: (user: DbUser|null, document: T|null) => Promise<boolean>|boolean,
editCheck?: (user: DbUser|null, document: T|null) => Promise<boolean>|boolean,
updateCheck?: (user: DbUser|null, document: T|null) => Promise<boolean>|boolean,
removeCheck?: (user: DbUser|null, document: T|null) => Promise<boolean>|boolean,
deleteCheck?: (user: DbUser|null, document: T|null) => Promise<boolean>|boolean,
create?: boolean,
update?: boolean,
upsert?: boolean,
delete?: boolean,
export interface MutationOptions<T extends DbObject> {
create?: boolean
update?: boolean
upsert?: boolean
delete?: boolean
newCheck?: (user: DbUser|null, docment: T|null) => boolean|Promise<boolean>
editCheck?: (user: DbUser|null, docment: T|null) => boolean|Promise<boolean>
removeCheck?: (user: DbUser|null, docment: T|null) => boolean|Promise<boolean>
export interface MutationOptions<T extends DbObject> {
newCheck?: (user: DbUser|null, document: T|null) => Promise<boolean>|boolean,
editCheck?: (user: DbUser|null, document: T|null) => Promise<boolean>|boolean,
removeCheck?: (user: DbUser|null, document: T|null) => Promise<boolean>|boolean,
create?: boolean,
update?: boolean,
upsert?: boolean,
delete?: boolean,
export function getDefaultMutations<N extends CollectionNameString>(collectionName: N, options?: MutationOptions<ObjectsByCollectionName[N]>) {
type T = ObjectsByCollectionName[N]
const typeName = getTypeName(collectionName);
const mutationOptions: MutationOptions<T> = {...defaultOptions, ...options};
export function getDefaultMutations<N extends CollectionNameString>(collectionName: N, options?: MutationOptions<ObjectsByCollectionName[N]>) {
type T = ObjectsByCollectionName[N];
const typeName = getTypeName(collectionName);
const mutationOptions: MutationOptions<T> = { ...defaultOptions, ...options };
export function getDefaultMutations<N extends CollectionNameString>(collectionName: N, options?: MutationOptions<ObjectsByCollectionName[N]>) {
type T = ObjectsByCollectionName[N];
const typeName = getTypeName(collectionName);
const mutationOptions: MutationOptions<T> = {...defaultOptions, ...options};
async check(user: DbUser|null, document: T|null): Promise<boolean> {
async check(user: DbUser|null, document: T|null) {
async check(user: DbUser|null, document: T|null): Promise<boolean> {
async mutation(root: void, { selector }, context: ResolverContext) {
async mutation(root, { selector }, context: ResolverContext) {
async mutation(root: void, { selector }, context: ResolverContext) { |
import Users from '../../lib/collections/users/collection';
import { editableCollections, editableCollectionsFields } from '../../lib/editor/make_editable';
import { accessFilterSingle } from '../../lib/utils/schemaUtils';
import { editableCollections, editableCollectionsFields } from '../../lib/editor/make_editable';
import { accessFilterSingle } from '../../lib/utils/schemaUtils';
// Validate collectionName, fieldName
if (!editableCollections.has(collectionName)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid collection for RevisionsDiff: ${collectionName}`);
if (!editableCollectionsFields[collectionName].find(f=>f===fieldName)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid field for RevisionsDiff: ${collectionName}.${fieldName}`);
const collection = context[collectionName];
const documentUnfiltered = await collection.loader.load(id);
// Check that the user has access to the document
const document = Users.restrictViewableFields(currentUser, collection, documentUnfiltered);
if (!document) {
throw new Error(`Could not find document: ${id}`);
// Check that the user has access to the post
const post = accessFilterSingle(currentUser, Posts, postUnfiltered);
if (!post) return null;
// Validate collectionName, fieldName
if (!editableCollections.has(collectionName)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid collection for RevisionsDiff: ${collectionName}`);
if (!editableCollectionsFields[collectionName].find(f=>f===fieldName)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid field for RevisionsDiff: ${collectionName}.${fieldName}`);
const collection = context[collectionName];
const documentUnfiltered = await collection.loader.load(id);
// Check that the user has access to the document
const document = await accessFilterSingle(currentUser, collection, documentUnfiltered);
if (!document) {
throw new Error(`Could not find document: ${id}`);
const before: DbRevision|null = Users.restrictViewableFields(currentUser, Revisions, beforeUnfiltered);
const after: DbRevision|null = Users.restrictViewableFields(currentUser, Revisions, afterUnfiltered);
if (!before || !beforeUnfiltered) {
throw new Error(`Could not find revision: ${beforeRev}`);
if (!after || !afterUnfiltered) {
throw new Error(`Could not find revision: ${afterRev}`);
if (!beforeUnfiltered || !afterUnfiltered)
return null
const before: DbRevision|null = accessFilterSingle(currentUser, Revisions, beforeUnfiltered);
const after: DbRevision|null = accessFilterSingle(currentUser, Revisions, afterUnfiltered);
if (!before || !after)
return null;
const before: DbRevision|null = await accessFilterSingle(currentUser, Revisions, beforeUnfiltered);
const after: DbRevision|null = await accessFilterSingle(currentUser, Revisions, afterUnfiltered);
if (!before || !beforeUnfiltered) {
throw new Error(`Could not find revision: ${beforeRev}`);
if (!after || !afterUnfiltered) {
throw new Error(`Could not find revision: ${afterRev}`);
} |
readonly group: PostsBase_group|null,
readonly bestAnswer: CommentsList|null,
readonly group: PostsBase_group,
readonly group: PostsBase_group|null,
interface PostsList extends PostsBase, PostsAuthors { // fragment on Posts
readonly contents: PostsList_contents|null,
readonly moderationGuidelines: PostsList_moderationGuidelines|null,
readonly customHighlight: PostsList_customHighlight|null,
interface PostsListBase extends PostsBase, PostsAuthors { // fragment on Posts
readonly moderationGuidelines: PostsListBase_moderationGuidelines,
readonly customHighlight: PostsListBase_customHighlight,
readonly lastPromotedComment: CommentsList,
readonly bestAnswer: CommentsList,
interface PostsListBase extends PostsBase, PostsAuthors { // fragment on Posts
readonly moderationGuidelines: PostsListBase_moderationGuidelines|null,
readonly customHighlight: PostsListBase_customHighlight|null,
readonly lastPromotedComment: CommentsList|null,
readonly bestAnswer: CommentsList|null,
readonly contents: RevisionDisplay|null,
readonly tags: Array<TagPreviewFragment>,
readonly contents: RevisionDisplay,
readonly contents: RevisionDisplay|null, |
import urlObject from 'url';
import getSlug from 'speakingurl';
import { getSetting, registerSetting } from './settings';
Utils.getSiteUrl = function () {
let url = siteUrlSetting.get();
Utils.getSiteUrl = function (): string {
let url = getSetting('siteUrl', Meteor.absoluteUrl());
Utils.getSiteUrl = function (): string {
let url = siteUrlSetting.get();
Utils.getLogoUrl = () => {
const logoUrl = logoUrlSetting.get()
Utils.getLogoUrl = (): string|undefined => {
const logoUrl = getSetting<string|null>('logoUrl');
Utils.getLogoUrl = (): string|undefined => {
const logoUrl = logoUrlSetting.get() |
Subsets and Splits