Question Answering
0 Cooling a cup of coffee with help of a spoon | |
1 Can I compute the mass of a coin based on the sound of its fall? | |
2 How does light bend around my finger tip? | |
3 How does gravity escape a black hole? | |
4 Did the Big Bang happen at a point? | |
5 Why are mirror images flipped horizontally but not vertically? | |
6 Do we know why there is a speed limit in our universe? | |
7 Book recommendations | |
8 What experiment would disprove string theory? | |
9 Why dont metals bond when touched together? | |
10 Why do ballpoint pens write better on pages that have pages below them? | |
11 What is Chirped Pulse Amplification, and why is it important enough to warrant a Nobel Prize? | |
12 Why does kinetic energy increase quadratically, not linearly, with speed? | |
13 What really allows airplanes to fly? | |
14 Why are four-legged chairs so common? | |
15 If I sliced the universe in half, would the slice go through a star? | |
16 Dont heavier objects actually fall faster because they exert their own gravity? | |
17 How do towels stay on hooks? | |
18 What exactly is a photon? | |
19 Does Earth really have two high-tide bulges on opposite sides? | |
20 Strange ice found in my garden | |
21 Why is the detection of gravitational waves so significant? | |
22 Surviving under water in air bubble | |
23 Why do we bend a book to keep it straight? | |
24 If photons have no mass, how can they have momentum? | |
25 Why doesnt matter pass through other matter if atoms are 99.999% empty space? | |
26 Why is Googles quantum supremacy experiment impressive? | |
27 Are units of angle really dimensionless? | |
28 Why dont electrons crash into the nuclei they orbit? | |
29 Why does space expansion not expand matter? | |
30 When separating an Oreo cookie, why does the cream stick to just one side only? | |
31 Why does NASA use gold foil on equipment and gold-coated visors? | |
32 How do moving charges produce magnetic fields? | |
33 How does a knife cut things at the atomic level? | |
34 Why do we not have spin greater than 2? | |
35 Why do shadows from the sun join each other when near enough? | |
36 Gauge symmetry is not a symmetry? | |
37 Why do we actually see the sun? | |
38 Whats the point of Hamiltonian mechanics? | |
39 Could Legolas actually see that far? | |
40 How do you make more precise instruments while only using less precise instruments? | |
41 Why does holding something up cost energy while no work is being done? | |
42 What makes a theory Quantum? | |
43 Given Newtons third law, why are things capable of moving? | |
44 Why does Stephen Hawking say black holes dont exist? | |
45 Why do sunbeams diverge even though the sun is much more than a few kilometers away? | |
46 How do I explain to a six year old why people on the other side of the Earth dont fall off? | |
47 Simple check for the global shape of the Earth | |
48 Why are the harmonics of a piano tone not multiples of the base frequency? | |
49 What is a field, really? | |
50 Why are the wet patches on these floor tiles circular? | |
51 Why is nuclear waste more dangerous than the original nuclear fuel? | |
52 Is $\pi^2 \approx g$ a coincidence? | |
53 Why does a mirror split my laser beam? | |
54 Why is my hand not burned by the air in an oven at 200 °C? | |
55 Why would spacetime curvature cause gravity? | |
56 Does someone falling into a black hole see the end of the universe? | |
57 Why are the windows of bridges of ships always inclined? | |
58 Does the Planck scale imply that spacetime is discrete? | |
59 Is temperature a Lorentz invariant in relativity? | |
60 Why do people categorically dismiss some simple quantum models? | |
61 If you view the Earth from far enough away can you observe its past? | |
62 Is time continuous or discrete? | |
63 How can you weigh your own head in an accurate way? | |
64 Why does my tea periodically alternate its rotational speed after stirring? (Link to video below) | |
65 How fast does gravity propagate? | |
66 How do I experimentally measure the surface area of a rock? | |
67 Is the butterfly effect real? | |
68 Why doesnt water boil in the oven? | |
69 A list of inconveniences between quantum mechanics and (general) relativity? | |
70 Why are there only derivatives to the first order in the Lagrangian? | |
71 Reading the Feynman lectures in 2012 | |
72 Why is the vibration in my wire acting so oddly? | |
73 Why can I touch aluminum foil in the oven and not get burned? | |
74 Why does paper cut through things so well? | |
75 What does it mean for two objects to touch? | |
76 Why do spaceships heat up when entering earth but not when exiting? | |
77 Does a particle exert force on itself? | |
78 Why does Newtons Third Law actually work? | |
79 Why does ice cream get harder when colder? | |
80 Why does the humidifier make a stoves flame orange? | |
81 How does mass leave the body when you lose weight? | |
82 Is anti-matter matter going backwards in time? | |
83 Calculus of variations -- how does it make sense to vary the position and the velocity independently? | |
84 Why dont we use weights to store energy? | |
85 Why do wet objects become darker? | |
86 Why am I not burned by a strong wind? | |
87 The Role of Rigor | |
88 On this infinite grid of resistors, whats the equivalent resistance? | |
89 If all motion is relative, how does light have a finite speed? | |
90 Could we send a man safely to the Moon in a rocket without knowledge of general relativity? | |
91 Superfields and the Inconsistency of regularization by dimensional reduction | |
92 Is it necessary to consume energy to perform computation? | |
93 Toilet paper dilemma | |
94 Is it possible for information to be transmitted faster than light by using a rigid pole? | |
95 Why do electrons, according to my textbook, exist forever? | |
96 What happens to the energy when waves perfectly cancel each other? | |
97 Why does a helium filled balloon move forward in a car when the car is accelerating? | |
98 What is the actual significance of the amplituhedron? | |
99 Can the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle be explained intuitively? | |
100 What, in simplest terms, is gauge invariance? | |
101 Can Maxwells equations be derived from Coulombs Law and Special Relativity? | |
102 Is the universe fundamentally deterministic? | |
103 Why are most metals gray/silver? | |
104 Is it possible to start fire using moonlight? | |
105 What are the justifying foundations of statistical mechanics without appealing to the ergodic hypothesis? | |
106 Books for general relativity | |
107 Why is glass transparent? | |
108 How can anything ever fall into a black hole as seen from an outside observer? | |
109 Whats inside a proton? | |
110 Why is oil a better lubricant than water? | |
111 Why do tuning forks have two prongs? | |
112 Why do fusion and fission both release energy? | |
113 Why is quantum entanglement considered to be an active link between particles? | |
114 Why are some people are claiming that the Big Bang never happened? | |
115 How do we know that radioactive decay rates are constant over billions of years? | |
116 How can I stand on the ground? EM or/and Pauli? | |
117 Is Angular Momentum truly fundamental? | |
118 What is $\Delta t$ in the time-energy uncertainty principle? | |
119 Why the Principle of Least Action? | |
120 Why does the Suns (or other stars) nuclear reaction not use up all its fuel immediately? | |
121 Intuitively, why are bundles so important in Physics? | |
122 Why does a sticker slowly peel off, but if it is pulled quickly it tears? | |
123 What is known about the topological structure of spacetime? | |
124 Does the $\frac{4}{3}$ problem of classical electromagnetism remain in quantum mechanics? | |
125 How can we see an atom now? What was the scale of this equipment? | |
126 Is there such thing as imaginary time dilation? | |
127 Thought experiment - would you notice if you fell into a black hole? | |
128 Explain it to me like Im a physics grad: Greenhouse Effect | |
129 QM without complex numbers | |
130 What Is Energy? Where did it come from? | |
131 Why is filling a balloon from your mouth much harder initially? | |
132 If gravity isnt a force, then why do we learn in school that it is? | |
133 If I pull a metal bar for long enough with a constant small force, will it eventually break? | |
134 Which is stronger, a rope without knots or a rope with knots? | |
135 Would a pin head heated to 15 million degrees Celsius kill everyone in a 1000 mile radius? | |
136 Why is there a scarcity of lithium? | |
137 Why do most formulas in physics have integer and rational exponents? | |
138 Is there something similar to Noethers theorem for discrete symmetries? | |
139 What is a good introductory book on quantum mechanics? | |
140 Best books for mathematical background? | |
141 What is the physical meaning of commutators in quantum mechanics? | |
142 Differentiating Propagator, Greens function, Correlation function, etc | |
143 What justifies dimensional analysis? | |
144 How is a quantum superposition different from a mixed state? | |
145 Why dont miners get boiled to death at $4$ km deep? | |
146 Trace of a commutator is zero - but what about the commutator of $x$ and $p$? | |
147 About the complex nature of the wave function? | |
148 Why was carbon-12 chosen for the atomic mass unit? | |
149 Why does the shower curtain move towards me when I am taking a hot shower? | |
150 Where is the flaw in this machine that decreases the entropy of a closed system? | |
151 Why does the atmosphere rotate along with the earth? | |
152 Why does hot water clean better than cold water? | |
153 What is the speed of sound in space? | |
154 How can a black hole produce sound? | |
155 What is the proper way to explain the twin paradox? | |
156 Why are radiators always placed under windows? | |
157 Can we theoretically balance a perfectly symmetrical pencil on its one-atom tip? | |
158 If Earth had rings? | |
159 How can time dilation be symmetric? | |
160 Quantum Entanglement - Whats the big deal? | |
161 If we had a perfectly efficient computer and all the energy in the Milky-way available, what number could it count to? | |
162 Why does the LIGO observation disprove higher dimensions? | |
163 Why does nature favour the Laplacian? | |
164 What software programs are used to draw physics diagrams, and what are their relative merits? | |
165 Why do same/opposite electric charges repel/attract each other, respectively? | |
166 What conservation law corresponds to Lorentz boosts? | |
167 Why quantum mechanics? | |
168 Does a gun exert enough gravity on the bullet it fired to stop it? | |
169 Why does my wooden door disperse light into a rainbow color spectrum? | |
170 What is the relation between electromagnetic wave and photon? | |
171 Why is the $S_{z} =0$ state forbidden for photons? | |
172 Seeing something from only one angle means you have only seen (what?)% of its surface area at most? | |
173 Are Newtons laws of motion laws or definitions of force and mass? | |
174 Does juggling balls reduce the total weight of the juggler and balls? | |
175 Why does a remote car key work when held to your head/body? | |
176 Why does matter exist in 3 states (liquids, solid, gas)? | |
177 How did Einstein know the speed of light was constant? | |
178 Why does a billiard ball stop when it hits another billiard ball head on? | |
179 Am I attracting Pluto? | |
180 Why does a yellow object turn white under a yellow light? Shouldnt it turn yellow instead? | |
181 Why is a laserpointer able to erase a glow-in-the-dark sticker? | |
182 Can tin foil hats block anything? | |
183 Why is a $5-60 mph$ time slower than a $0-60 mph$ time for some automobiles? | |
184 Why do scientists think that all the laws of physics that apply in our galaxy apply in other galaxies? | |
185 Why do phones land face down? | |
186 What is a manifold? | |
187 Why cant $ i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}$ be considered the Hamiltonian operator? | |
188 How does this baby rattle work? | |
189 Superluminal neutrinos | |
190 Why do metals only glow red, yellow and white and not through the full range of the spectrum? | |
191 What is time, does it flow, and if so what defines its direction? | |
192 How exactly do you avoid fooling yourself? | |
193 Why are differential equations for fields in physics of order two? | |
194 Quantum Field Theory from a mathematical point of view | |
195 Why is light bent but not accelerated? | |
196 Why can Hiroshima be inhabited when Chernobyl cannot? | |
197 What makes running so much less energy-efficient than bicycling? | |
198 Why is it bad taste to have a dimensional quantity in the argument of a logarithm or exponential function? | |
199 What is spontaneous symmetry breaking in quantum systems? | |
200 Why does a full moon seem uniformly bright from earth, shouldnt it be dimmer at the border? | |
201 Why is information indestructible? | |
202 Why dont fluorescent lights produce shadows? | |
203 If you are vacuuming your carpet and you wrap the cord around your body do you become a magnet? | |
204 When I walk down the stairs where does my potential energy go? | |
205 What is more fundamental, fields or particles? | |
206 Why does rainwater form moving waves on the ground? Is there a name for this effect? | |
207 List of freely available physics books | |
208 In the earths crust, why is there far more uranium than gold? | |
209 Could a living planet alter its own trajectory only by changing its shape? | |
210 Classical and quantum anomalies | |
211 What causes the water in this fountain to reverse direction? | |
212 What is spin as it relates to subatomic particles? | |
213 If dark matter only interacts with gravity, why doesnt it all clump together in a single point? | |
214 Why doesnt water actually perfectly wet glass? | |
215 Can photons be detected without being absorbed? | |
216 Is there a symmetry associated to the conservation of information? | |
217 What does one second after big bang mean? | |
218 What happened to David John Candlin? | |
219 Why do travelling waves continue after amplitude sum = 0? | |
220 Will a hole cut into a metal disk expand or shrink when the disc is heated? | |
221 Why does public mains power use 50-60 Hz and 100-240 V? | |
222 How can magnets be used to pick up pieces of metal when the force from a magnetic field does no work? | |
223 How do laser tape measures work? | |
224 Why must a physical theory be mathematically self-consistent? | |
225 Why does a rubber band become a lighter color when stretched? | |
226 Does centrifugal force exist? | |
227 Why does water stop boiling immediately after turning off the heat? | |
228 Why does fire make very little sound? | |
229 Where does the extra kinetic energy come from in a gravitational slingshot? | |
230 What was the major discovery on gravitational waves made March 17th, 2014, in the BICEP2 experiment? | |
231 Why doesnt the Moon fall onto the Earth? | |
232 How and why do accelerating charges radiate electromagnetic radiation? | |
233 Visually stunning math concepts which are easy to explain | |
234 Is $\frac{\textrm{d}y}{\textrm{d}x}$ not a ratio? | |
235 How long will it take Marie to saw another board into 3 pieces? | |
236 Can I use my powers for good? | |
237 The staircase paradox, or why $\pi\ne4$ | |
238 How to study math to really understand it and have a healthy lifestyle with free time? | |
239 Different methods to compute $\sum\limits_{k=1}^\infty \frac{1}{k^2}$ (Basel problem) | |
240 Whats an intuitive way to think about the determinant? | |
241 Does $\pi$ contain all possible number combinations? | |
242 Splitting a sandwich and not feeling deceived | |
243 What was the first bit of mathematics that made you realize that math is beautiful? (For childrens book) | |
244 Why is $1 - \frac{1}{1 - \frac{1}{1 - \ldots}}$ not real? | |
245 Why can you turn clothing right-side-out? | |
246 Examples of patterns that eventually fail | |
247 Mathematical difference between white and black notes in a piano | |
248 Do complex numbers really exist? | |
249 What are imaginary numbers? | |
250 How to prove that $\lim\limits_{x\to0}\frac{\sin x}x=1$? | |
251 Integral $\int_{-1}^1\frac1x\sqrt{\frac{1+x}{1-x}}\ln\left(\frac{2\,x^2+2\,x+1}{2\,x^2-2\,x+1}\right) \mathrm dx$ | |
252 The Egg: Bizarre behavior of the roots of a family of polynomials. | |
253 Is this Batman equation for real? | |
254 Best Sets of Lecture Notes and Articles | |
255 My sons Sum of Some is beautiful! But what is the proof or explanation? | |
256 Proofs that every mathematician should know. | |
257 Why does $1+2+3+\cdots = -\frac{1}{12}$? | |
258 What is the intuitive relationship between SVD and PCA? | |
259 How can I evaluate $\sum_{n=0}^\infty(n+1)x^n$? | |
260 On familiarity (or How to avoid going down the Math Rabbit Hole?) | |
261 Fourier transform for dummies | |
262 The Ring Game on $K[x,y,z]$ | |
263 Pedagogy: How to cure students of the law of universal linearity? | |
264 Find five positive integers whose reciprocals sum to $1$ | |
265 Can every proof by contradiction also be shown without contradiction? | |
266 Obvious theorems that are actually false | |
267 Zero to the zero power – is $0^0=1$? | |
268 If $AB = I$ then $BA = I$ | |
269 Calculating the length of the paper on a toilet paper roll | |
270 How can you prove that a function has no closed form integral? | |
271 A challenge by R. P. Feynman: give counter-intuitive theorems that can be translated into everyday language | |
272 Surprising identities / equations | |
273 Is it true that $0.999999999\ldots=1$? | |
274 Why dont we define imaginary numbers for every impossibility? | |
275 What is the importance of eigenvalues/eigenvectors? | |
276 Nice examples of groups which are not obviously groups | |
277 Multiple-choice question about the probability of a random answer to itself being correct | |
278 In Russian roulette, is it best to go first? | |
279 One question to know if the number is 1, 2 or 3 | |
280 Why does this innovative method of subtraction from a third grader always work? | |
281 Intuition for the definition of the Gamma function? | |
282 Why can ALL quadratic equations be solved by the quadratic formula? | |
283 Math without pencil and paper | |
284 V.I. Arnold says Russian students cant solve this problem, but American students can -- why? | |
285 Really advanced techniques of integration (definite or indefinite) | |
286 Is mathematics one big tautology? | |
287 Help with a prime number spiral which turns 90 degrees at each prime | |
288 Is $10$ a magical number or I am missing something? | |
289 Funny identities | |
290 Cant argue with success? Looking for bad math that gets away with it | |
291 Is $7$ the only prime followed by a cube? | |
292 In the history of mathematics, has there ever been a mistake? | |
293 The Mathematics of Tetris | |
294 Given an infinite number of monkeys and an infinite amount of time, would one of them write Hamlet? | |
295 Why do mathematicians use single-letter variables? | |
296 How does one prove the determinant inequality $\det\left(6(A^3+B^3+C^3)+I_{n}\right)\ge 5^n\det(A^2+B^2+C^2)$? | |
297 Is a matrix multiplied with its transpose something special? | |
298 How discontinuous can a derivative be? | |
299 Too old to start math | |
300 Evaluate $ \int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}2}\frac1{(1+x^2)(1+\tan x)}\:\mathrm dx$ | |
301 What is the maximum volume that can be contained by a sheet of paper? | |
302 Please explain the intuition behind the dual problem in optimization. | |
303 Evaluating the integral $\int_0^\infty \frac{\sin x} x \,\mathrm dx = \frac \pi 2$? | |
304 Norms Induced by Inner Products and the Parallelogram Law | |
305 Fun but serious mathematics books to gift advanced undergraduates. | |
306 Which answer in this list is the correct answer to this question? | |
307 What is the practical difference between a differential and a derivative? | |
308 Evaluating $\lim\limits_{n\to\infty} e^{-n} \sum\limits_{k=0}^{n} \frac{n^k}{k!}$ | |
309 Does the square or the circle have the greater perimeter? A surprisingly hard problem for high schoolers | |
310 Can you answer my sons fourth-grade homework question: Which numbers are prime, have digits adding to ten and have a three in the tens place? | |
311 The Integral that Stumped Feynman? | |
312 In (relatively) simple words: What is an inverse limit? | |
313 What is the importance of the Collatz conjecture? | |
314 What are some examples of when Mathematics accidentally discovered something about the world? | |
315 Derivative of sigmoid function $\sigma (x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}$ | |
316 Conjectures that have been disproved with extremely large counterexamples? | |
317 Best Fake Proofs? (A M.SE April Fools Day collection) | |
318 Any open subset of $\Bbb R$ is a countable union of disjoint open intervals | |
319 Why study Algebraic Geometry? | |
320 Why are rings called rings? | |
321 What is the result of $\infty - \infty$? | |
322 Integral Milking | |
323 A 1,400 years old approximation to the sine function by Mahabhaskariya of Bhaskara I | |
324 How to read a book in mathematics? | |
325 Why do we care about dual spaces? | |
326 What are some counter-intuitive results in mathematics that involve only finite objects? | |
327 How many fours are needed to represent numbers up to $N$? | |
328 Is there an elementary proof that $\sum \limits_{k=1}^n \frac1k$ is never an integer? | |
329 Your favourite application of the Baire Category Theorem | |
330 What books must every math undergraduate read? | |
331 Proving you *cant* make $2011$ out of $1,2,3,4$: nice twist on the usual | |
332 Does the open mapping theorem imply the Baire category theorem? | |
333 Optimizing response times of an ambulance corp: short-term versus average | |
334 Is there a 0-1 law for the theory of groups? | |
335 How can a piece of A4 paper be folded in exactly three equal parts? | |
336 Eigenvectors of real symmetric matrices are orthogonal | |
337 Do men or women have more brothers? | |
338 In simple English, what does it mean to be transcendental? | |
339 How to check if a point is inside a rectangle? | |
340 Good books and lecture notes about category theory. | |
341 Why does this matrix give the derivative of a function? | |
342 Is it faster to count to the infinite going one by one or two by two? | |
343 What are the Differences Between a Matrix and a Tensor? | |
344 How do I convince someone that $1+1=2$ may not necessarily be true? | |
345 How do I sell out with abstract algebra? | |
346 Why can a Venn diagram for $4+$ sets not be constructed using circles? | |
347 Identification of a quadrilateral as a trapezoid, rectangle, or square | |
348 Meaning of Rays in Polar Plot of Prime Numbers | |
349 What does $2^x$ really mean when $x$ is not an integer? | |
350 What do modern-day analysts actually do? | |
351 Proving $\int_{0}^{\infty} \mathrm{e}^{-x^2} dx = \frac{\sqrt \pi}{2}$ | |
352 Is computer science a branch of mathematics? | |
353 What is the difference between linear and affine function | |
354 Which one result in mathematics has surprised you the most? | |
355 Books on Number Theory for Layman | |
356 Teaching myself differential topology and differential geometry | |
357 List of interesting math videos / documentaries | |
358 Exterior Derivative vs. Covariant Derivative vs. Lie Derivative | |
359 How to show $e^{e^{e^{79}}}$ is not an integer | |
360 Are $14$ and $21$ the only interesting numbers? | |
361 How could we define the factorial of a matrix? | |
362 When can you switch the order of limits? | |
363 List of Interesting Math Blogs | |
364 Generalizing $\int_{0}^{1} \frac{\arctan\sqrt{x^{2} + 2}}{\sqrt{x^{2} + 2}} \, \frac{\operatorname dx}{x^{2}+1} = \frac{5\pi^{2}}{96}$ | |
365 How do we prove that something is unprovable? | |
366 How many sides does a circle have? | |
367 Whats the intuition behind Pythagoras theorem? | |
368 Why is compactness so important? | |
369 Can a coin with an unknown bias be treated as fair? | |
370 A Topology such that the continuous functions are exactly the polynomials | |
371 What is the geometric interpretation of the transpose? | |
372 Counterintuitive examples in probability | |
373 What is a good complex analysis textbook, barring Ahlforss? | |
374 What were some major mathematical breakthroughs in 2016? | |
375 How to intuitively understand eigenvalue and eigenvector? | |
376 Importance of Representation Theory | |
377 Advice to young mathematicians | |
378 Why cant differentiability be generalized as nicely as continuity? | |
379 How to define a bijection between $(0,1)$ and $(0,1]$? | |
380 Derivative of Softmax loss function | |
381 Some users are mind bogglingly skilled at integration. How did they get there? | |
382 How do people perform mental arithmetic for complicated expressions? | |
383 Can we ascertain that there exists an epimorphism $G\rightarrow H$? | |
384 What Does it Really Mean to Have Different Kinds of Infinities? | |
385 How do you revise material that you already half-know, without getting bored and demotivated? | |
386 Are there any series whose convergence is unknown? | |
387 When can a sum and integral be interchanged? | |
388 A math contest problem $\int_0^1\ln\left(1+\frac{\ln^2x}{4\,\pi^2}\right)\frac{\ln(1-x)}x \ \mathrm dx$ | |
389 Symmetry of function defined by integral | |
390 Why $\sqrt{-1 \cdot {-1}} \neq \sqrt{-1}^2$? | |
391 Self-Contained Proof that $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac1{n^p}$ Converges for $p > 1$ | |
392 There are apparently $3072$ ways to draw this flower. But why? | |
393 Proving the identity $\sum_{k=1}^n {k^3} = \big(\sum_{k=1}^n k\big)^2$ without induction | |
394 Proof that the trace of a matrix is the sum of its eigenvalues | |
395 Limit of $L^p$ norm | |
396 Is there a categorical definition of submetry? | |
397 Deleting any digit yields a prime... is there a name for this? | |
398 Inverse of the sum of matrices | |
399 What is $dx$ in integration? | |
400 Is $2048$ the highest power of $2$ with all even digits (base ten)? | |
401 Why is Eulers Gamma function the best extension of the factorial function to the reals? | |
402 $L^p$ and $L^q$ space inclusion | |
403 Do we have negative prime numbers? | |
404 Why do people use it is easy to prove? | |
405 Taking Seats on a Plane | |
406 Why is $1^{\infty}$ considered to be an indeterminate form | |
407 Mathematical ideas that took long to define rigorously | |
408 Open problems in General Relativity | |
409 How far can one get in analysis without leaving $\mathbb{Q}$? | |
410 How can we sum up $\sin$ and $\cos$ series when the angles are in arithmetic progression? | |
411 Rational roots of polynomials | |
412 Lesser-known integration tricks | |
413 A variation of Fermats little theorem in the form $a^{n-d}\equiv a$ (mod $p$). | |
414 Is there a homology theory that counts connected components of a space? | |
415 Prove that $\gcd(a^n - 1, a^m - 1) = a^{\gcd(n, m)} - 1$ | |
416 An Introduction to Tensors | |
417 Transpose of inverse vs inverse of transpose | |
418 How to prove Eulers formula: $e^{i\varphi}=\cos(\varphi) +i\sin(\varphi)$? | |
419 Intuition behind Matrix Multiplication | |
420 Striking applications of integration by parts | |
421 Why is the Penrose triangle impossible? | |
422 Software for drawing geometry diagrams | |
423 How to prove: if $a,b \in \mathbb N$, then $a^{1/b}$ is an integer or an irrational number? | |
424 Examples of mathematical discoveries which were kept as a secret | |
425 What properties of busy beaver numbers are computable? | |
426 What happens when we (incorrectly) make improper fractions proper again? | |
427 Can you provide me historical examples of pure mathematics becoming useful? | |
428 What are the most overpowered theorems in mathematics? | |
429 Do we know if there exist true mathematical statements that can not be proven? | |
430 Is there any integral for the Golden Ratio? | |
431 Using proof by contradiction vs proof of the contrapositive | |
432 Evaluate $\int_0^1 \frac{\log \left( 1+x^{2+\sqrt{3}}\right)}{1+x}\mathrm dx$ | |
433 Induction on Real Numbers | |
434 Proof that ${\left(\pi^\pi\right)}^{\pi^\pi}$ (and now $\pi^{\left(\pi^{\pi^\pi}\right)}$) is a noninteger. | |
435 The Hole in One Pizza | |
436 Proof of $\frac{1}{e^{\pi}+1}+\frac{3}{e^{3\pi}+1}+\frac{5}{e^{5\pi}+1}+\ldots=\frac{1}{24}$ | |
437 What functions can be made continuous by mixing up their domain? | |
438 Is there a general formula for solving 4th degree equations (quartic)? | |
439 Discontinuous derivative. | |
440 Monty hall problem extended. | |
441 The sum of an uncountable number of positive numbers | |
442 Is Apple ipad / tablet good for mathematics students? | |
443 Stopping the Will I need this for the test question | |
444 Are there any open mathematical puzzles? | |
445 Find a real function $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ such that $f(f(x)) = -x$? | |
446 How to distinguish between walking on a sphere and walking on a torus? | |
447 Is there a quick proof as to why the vector space of $\mathbb{R}$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ is infinite-dimensional? | |
448 Is there another simpler method to solve this elementary school math problem? | |
449 Most ambiguous and inconsistent phrases and notations in maths | |
450 Why does factoring eliminate a hole in the limit? | |
451 Whats the point in being a skeptical learner | |
452 Good book for self study of a First Course in Real Analysis | |
453 Overview of basic results about images and preimages | |
454 How to determine with certainty that a function has no elementary antiderivative? | |
455 What actually is a polynomial? | |
456 Sum of random decreasing numbers between 0 and 1: does it converge?? | |
457 Are there real-life relations which are symmetric and reflexive but not transitive? | |
458 Calculate Rotation Matrix to align Vector A to Vector B in 3d? | |
459 Whats new in higher dimensions? | |
460 How do you describe your mathematical research in laymans terms? | |
461 Pythagorean triples that survive Eulers totient function | |
462 Whats the significance of Tates thesis? | |
463 What is the difference between singular value and eigenvalue? | |
464 Intuition of the meaning of homology groups | |
465 Why does the series $\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac1n$ not converge? | |
466 Why does an argument similiar to 0.999...=1 show 999...=-1? | |
467 Does a cubic matrix exist? | |
468 Is the following matrix invertible? | |
469 Do most mathematicians know most topics in mathematics? | |
470 Slice of pizza with no crust | |
471 Has lack of mathematical rigour killed anybody before? | |
472 Alternative notation for exponents, logs and roots? | |
473 Math and mental fatigue | |
474 What is the Riemann-Zeta function? | |
475 Why do both sine and cosine exist? | |
476 What is the best book to learn probability? | |
477 The square roots of different primes are linearly independent over the field of rationals | |
478 Can someone explain the math behind tessellation? | |
479 Where to start learning Linear Algebra? | |
480 Intuitively, what is the difference between Eigendecomposition and Singular Value Decomposition? | |
481 Looking for an intuitive explanation why the row rank is equal to the column rank for a matrix | |
482 Example of infinite field of characteristic $p\neq 0$ | |
483 Is non-standard analysis worth learning? | |
484 Connection between Fourier transform and Taylor series | |
485 Are we allowed to compare infinities? | |
486 Online tool for making graphs (vertices and edges)? | |
487 Whats 4 times more likely than 80%? | |
488 Simple theorems that are instances of deep mathematics | |
489 Do Arithmetic Mean and Geometric Mean of Prime Numbers converge? | |
490 Partial derivative in gradient descent for two variables | |
491 Apparently sometimes $1/2 < 1/4$? | |
492 Is the product of two Gaussian random variables also a Gaussian? | |
493 Intuitive explanation of entropy | |
494 The Best of Dover Books (a.k.a the best cheap mathematical texts) | |
495 Are mathematical articles on Wikipedia reliable? | |
496 What are the differences between rings, groups, and fields? | |
497 Why do units (from physics) behave like numbers? | |
498 Studying Euclidean geometry using hyperbolic criteria | |
499 Examples of bijective map from $\mathbb{R}^3\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ | |
500 Identification of a curious function | |
501 What is the difference between regression and classification? | |
502 How to put 9 pigs into 4 pens so that there are an odd number of pigs in each pen? | |
503 How do you respond to I was always bad at math? | |
504 What are the numbers before and after the decimal point referred to in mathematics? | |
505 Can you explain the Axiom of choice in simple terms? | |
506 Why do we use the word scalar and not number in Linear Algebra? | |
507 What is the difference between Fourier series and Fourier transformation? | |
508 What is the difference between a point and a vector? | |
509 The direct sum $\oplus$ versus the cartesian product $\times$ | |
510 Is the blue area greater than the red area? | |
511 Does $R[x] \cong S[x]$ imply $R \cong S$? | |
512 Why does mathematical convention deal so ineptly with multisets? | |
513 List of interesting math podcasts? | |
514 Can you raise a number to an irrational exponent? | |
515 Examples of mathematical results discovered late | |
516 $\pi$ in arbitrary metric spaces | |
517 Proving an alternating Euler sum: $\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^{k+1} H_k}{k} = \frac{1}{2} \zeta(2) - \frac{1}{2} \log^2 2$ | |
518 Is there any mathematical reason for this digit-repetition-show? | |
519 Visually deceptive proofs which are mathematically wrong | |
520 Best book of topology for beginner? | |
521 Can someone explain Gödels incompleteness theorems in layman terms? | |
522 Why is $1$ not a prime number? | |
523 Studying for the Putnam Exam | |
524 Intuitive interpretation of the Laplacian | |
525 what is expected from a PhD student? | |
526 Why is the eigenvector of a covariance matrix equal to a principal component? | |
527 Sum of First $n$ Squares Equals $\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}$ | |
528 Is it possible for a function to be in $L^p$ for only one $p$? | |
529 What are some examples of notation that really improved mathematics? | |
530 Classification of prime ideals of $\mathbb{Z}[X]$ | |
531 Division by $0$ | |
532 Application of Hilberts basis theorem in representation theory | |
533 Is $0$ a natural number? | |
534 Why is negative times negative = positive? | |
535 On Ph.D. Qualifying Exams | |
536 Elementary proof that $\mathbb{R}^n$ is not homeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^m$ | |
537 What are some examples of a mathematical result being counterintuitive? | |
538 Can you be 1/12th Cherokee? | |
539 Why did mathematicians take Russells paradox seriously? | |
540 Values of $\sum_{n=0}^\infty x^n$ and $\sum_{n=0}^N x^n$ | |
541 How to find ${\large\int}_0^1\frac{\ln^3(1+x)\ln x}x\mathrm dx$ | |
542 What is the probability that a point chosen randomly from inside an equilateral triangle is closer to the center than to any of the edges? | |
543 Why is learning modern algebraic geometry so complicated? | |
544 What should be the intuition when working with compactness? | |
545 Motivation of irrationality measure | |
546 Show that the determinant of $A$ is equal to the product of its eigenvalues | |
547 The median minimizes the sum of absolute deviations (the $ {\ell}_{1} $ norm) | |
548 Why is gradient the direction of steepest ascent? | |
549 Learning Lambda Calculus | |
550 Is there a function that grows faster than exponentially but slower than a factorial? | |
551 How to find solutions of linear Diophantine ax + by = c? | |
552 What is category theory useful for? | |
553 Are half of all numbers odd? | |
554 Can $x^{x^{x^x}}$ be a rational number? | |
555 Prove that $C\exp(x)$ is the only set of functions for which $f(x) = f(x)$ | |
556 Are if and iff interchangeable in definitions? | |
557 Is there an integral that proves $\pi > 333/106$? | |
558 Past open problems with sudden and easy-to-understand solutions | |
559 How to prove $\int_0^1\tan^{-1}\left[\frac{\tanh^{-1}x-\tan^{-1}x}{\pi+\tanh^{-1}x-\tan^{-1}x}\right]\frac{dx}{x}=\frac{\pi}{8}\ln\frac{\pi^2}{8}?$ | |
560 What remains in a students mind | |
561 Proof $1+2+3+4+\cdots+n = \frac{n\times(n+1)}2$ | |
562 Why is $\infty \cdot 0$ not clearly equal to $0$? | |
563 What are good books to learn graph theory? | |
564 Can an irrational number raised to an irrational power be rational? | |
565 Advantages of Mathematics competition/olympiad students in Mathematical Research | |
566 Whats the difference between predicate and propositional logic? | |
567 How can I find the surface area of a normal chicken egg? | |
568 Why does LHopitals rule fail in calculating $\lim_{x \to \infty} \frac{x}{x+\sin(x)}$? | |
569 Why study linear algebra? | |
570 Why is integration so much harder than differentiation? | |
571 Why is $\cos (90)=-0.4$ in WebGL? | |
572 Why “characteristic zero” and not “infinite characteristic”? | |
573 Why are the solutions of polynomial equations so unconstrained over the quaternions? | |
574 Making Friends around a Circular Table | |
575 Is There An Injective Cubic Polynomial $\mathbb Z^2 \rightarrow \mathbb Z$? | |
576 Real life applications of Topology | |
577 Whats your favorite proof accessible to a general audience? | |
578 Pullback and Pushforward Isomorphism of Sheaves | |
579 Physical meaning of the null space of a matrix | |
580 How do you explain to a 5th grader why division by zero is meaningless? | |
581 Overview of basic facts about Cauchy functional equation | |
582 Is 10 closer to infinity than 1? | |
583 Examples of problems that are easier in the infinite case than in the finite case. | |
584 Help find hard integrals that evaluate to $59$? | |
585 Is the inverse of a symmetric matrix also symmetric? | |
586 When to learn category theory? | |
587 In classical logic, why is $(p\Rightarrow q)$ True if both $p$ and $q$ are False? | |
588 Modular exponentiation by hand ($a^b\bmod c$) | |
589 How were old-school mathematics graphics created? | |
590 Infiniteness of non-twin primes. | |
591 probability $2/4$ vs $3/6$ | |
592 Continuous projections on $\ell_1$ with norm $>1$ | |
593 Is there a characterization of groups with the property $\forall N\unlhd G,\:\exists H\leq G\text{ s.t. }H\cong G/N$? | |
594 All real numbers in $[0,2]$ can be represented as $\sqrt{2 \pm \sqrt{2 \pm \sqrt{2 \pm \dots}}}$ | |
595 Olympiad Inequality $\sum\limits_{cyc} \frac{x^4}{8x^3+5y^3} \geqslant \frac{x+y+z}{13}$ | |
596 What is the difference between independent and mutually exclusive events? | |
597 What is the Jacobian matrix? | |
598 If squaring a number means multiplying that number with itself then shouldnt taking square root of a number mean to divide a number by itself? | |
599 Is there a known well ordering of the reals? | |
600 Intuition behind Conditional Expectation | |
601 Is there an inverted dot product? | |
602 Find the average of $\sin^{100} (x)$ in 5 minutes? | |
603 How to find the Galois group of a polynomial? | |
604 Strategies for Effective Self-Study | |
605 What did Alan Turing mean when he said he didnt fully understand dy/dx? | |
606 Is there a domain larger than (i.e., a supserset of) the complex number domain? | |
607 Motivation for the rigour of real analysis | |
608 Probability that a stick randomly broken in five places can form a tetrahedron | |
609 The deep reason why $\int \frac{1}{x}\operatorname{d}x$ is a transcendental function ($\log$) | |
610 Expected time to roll all 1 through 6 on a die | |
611 Proofs of AM-GM inequality | |
612 The math behind Warren Buffetts famous rule – never lose money | |
613 Compute $\int_0^{\pi/4}\frac{(1-x^2)\ln(1+x^2)+(1+x^2)-(1-x^2)\ln(1-x^2)}{(1-x^4)(1+x^2)} x\exp(\frac{x^2-1}{x^2+1}) dx$ | |
614 derivative of cost function for Logistic Regression | |
615 Construction of a Borel set with positive but not full measure in each interval | |
616 Are the proofs by contradiction weaker than other proofs? | |
617 Why are There No Triernions (3-dimensional analogue of complex numbers / quaternions)? | |
618 What parts of a pure mathematics undergraduate curriculum have been discovered since $1964?$ | |
619 Is black hole pattern possible in Conways Game of Life that eats/clears everything? | |
620 A multiplication algorithm found in a book by Paul Erdős: how does it work? | |
621 Are all limits solvable without LHôpital Rule or Series Expansion | |
622 $n!$ is never a perfect square if $n\geq2$. Is there a proof of this that doesnt use Chebyshevs theorem? | |
623 Convergence of $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{\sin(n!)}{n}$ | |
624 When is matrix multiplication commutative? | |
625 What is the difference and relationship between the binomial and Bernoulli distributions? | |
626 Is infinity a number? | |
627 Am I just not smart enough? | |
628 What is the smallest unknown natural number? | |
629 Is there a positive definition for irrational numbers? | |
630 Solving Special Function Equations Using Lie Symmetries | |
631 Gross-Zagier formulae outside of number theory | |
632 Why is the derivative of a circles area its perimeter (and similarly for spheres)? | |
633 Getting better at proofs | |
634 Mathematical equivalent of Feynmans Lectures on Physics? | |
635 How often does it happen that the oldest person alive dies? | |
636 Do mathematicians, in the end, always agree? | |
637 Can an infinite sum of irrational numbers be rational? | |
638 Unexpected examples of natural logarithm | |
639 What are the Axiom of Choice and Axiom of Determinacy? | |
640 Least prime of the form $38^n+31$ | |
641 Different ways to prove there are infinitely many primes? | |
642 Can you give an example of a complex math problem that is easy to solve? | |
643 Proof of Frullanis theorem | |
644 More than 99% of groups of order less than 2000 are of order 1024? | |
645 Find all functions $f$ such that if $a+b$ is a square, then $f(a)+f(b)$ is a square | |
646 Does a four-variable analog of the Hall-Witt identity exist? | |
647 How do I get the square root of a complex number? | |
648 Prove that $||x|-|y||\le |x-y|$ | |
649 Prove that simultaneously diagonalizable matrices commute | |
650 Could someone explain conditional independence? | |
651 Good Book On Combinatorics | |
652 A good way to retain mathematical understanding? | |
653 Why is it important for a matrix to be square? | |
654 Are there real world applications of finite group theory? | |
655 Why cant calculus be done on the rational numbers? | |
656 Why is there no remainder in multiplication | |
657 What are the issues in modern set theory? | |
658 What makes a theorem fundamental? | |
659 Why is an average of an average usually incorrect? | |
660 Finding a primitive root of a prime number | |
661 Do factorials really grow faster than exponential functions? | |
662 What exactly is the difference between a derivative and a total derivative? | |
663 Nice proofs of $\zeta(4) = \frac{\pi^4}{90}$? | |
664 Why, historically, do we multiply matrices as we do? | |
665 Why do we still do symbolic math? | |
666 Fastest way to meet, without communication, on a sphere? | |
667 Grothendieck s question - any update? | |
668 How to sum this series for $\pi/2$ directly? | |
669 In a family with two children, what are the chances, if one of the children is a girl, that both children are girls? | |
670 Can someone clearly explain about the lim sup and lim inf? | |
671 How can I understand and prove the sum and difference formulas in trigonometry? | |
672 Is zero odd or even? | |
673 Continuity of the roots of a polynomial in terms of its coefficients | |
674 In calculus, which questions can the naive ask that the learned cannot answer? | |
675 Why are mathematical proofs that rely on computers controversial? | |
676 Getting Students to Not Fear Confusion | |
677 Topology: The Board Game | |
678 Fibonacci number that ends with 2014 zeros? | |
679 What is the smallest number of $45^\circ-60^\circ-75^\circ$ triangles that a square can be divided into? | |
680 Generalization of Liouvilles theorem | |
681 Complete course of self-study | |
682 Motivation for Ramanujans mysterious $\pi$ formula | |
683 What is the most unusual proof you know that $\sqrt{2}$ is irrational? | |
684 How do we know an $ \aleph_1 $ exists at all? | |
685 Connected metric spaces with disjoint open balls | |
686 Why is the volume of a sphere $\frac{4}{3}\pi r^3$? | |
687 Incremental averageing | |
688 How to show that a set of discontinuous points of an increasing function is at most countable | |
689 If I flip a coin 1000 times in a row and it lands on heads all 1000 times, what is the probability that its an unfair coin? | |
690 What made you choose your research field? | |
691 How Do You Actually Do Your Mathematics? | |
692 Is this continuous analogue to the AM–GM inequality true? | |
693 Open mathematical questions for which we really, really have no idea what the answer is | |
694 Is the derivative the natural logarithm of the left-shift? | |
695 Has Prof. Otelbaev shown existence of strong solutions for Navier-Stokes equations? | |
696 lim sup and lim inf of sequence of sets. | |
697 Why is it hard to prove whether $\pi+e$ is an irrational number? | |
698 How do you go about learning mathematics? | |
699 Is $[0,1]$ a countable disjoint union of closed sets? | |
700 Chatting about mathematics (with real-time LaTeX rendering) | |
701 Calculating the integral $\int_0^\infty \frac{\cos x}{1+x^2}\, \mathrm{d}x$ without using complex analysis | |
702 Finding the limit of $\frac {n}{\sqrt[n]{n!}}$ | |
703 What is the single most influential book every mathematician should read? | |
704 Logic puzzle: Which octopus is telling the truth? | |
705 Why is a geometric progression called so? | |
706 Why, intuitively, is the order reversed when taking the transpose of the product? | |
707 Prove the theorem on analytic geometry in the picture. | |
708 Good Physical Demonstrations of Abstract Mathematics | |
709 Can I think of Algebra like this? | |
710 Ways to evaluate $\int \sec \theta \, \mathrm d \theta$ | |
711 Closed form for $ \int_0^\infty {\frac{{{x^n}}}{{1 + {x^m}}}dx }$ | |
712 Does this property characterize a space as Hausdorff? | |
713 All polynomials with no natural roots and integer coefficients such that $\phi(n)|\phi(P(n))$ | |
714 How to prove that eigenvectors from different eigenvalues are linearly independent | |
715 Lebesgue integral basics | |
716 Why rationalize the denominator? | |
717 Mathematicians ahead of their time? | |
718 Are all algebraic integers with absolute value 1 roots of unity? | |
719 Can we remove any prime number with this strange process? | |
720 Produce an explicit bijection between rationals and naturals? | |
721 Is math built on assumptions? | |
722 Riddles that can be solved by meta-assumptions | |
723 Why are vector spaces not isomorphic to their duals? | |
724 What are some examples of mathematics that had unintended useful applications much later? | |
725 Division by $0$ and its restrictions | |
726 Theorems with an extraordinary exception or a small number of sporadic exceptions | |
727 True or false? $x^2\ne x\implies x\ne 1$ | |
728 $\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} e^{-x^2} dx$ with complex analysis | |
729 An integral involving Airy functions $\int_0^\infty\frac{x^p}{\operatorname{Ai}^2 x + \operatorname{Bi}^2 x}\mathrm dx$ | |
730 Does notation ever become easier? | |
731 Mathematician vs. Computer: A Game | |
732 Non-textbook Math book recommendation to read to my kids | |
733 Cardioid in coffee mug? | |
734 Direct proof that the wedge product preserves integral cohomology classes? | |
735 How did Hermite calculate $e^{\pi\sqrt{163}}$ in 1859? | |
736 What does it mean to have a determinant equal to zero? | |
737 Why is the volume of a cone one third of the volume of a cylinder? | |
738 Dont see the point of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. | |
739 Comparing $\pi^e$ and $e^\pi$ without calculating them | |
740 Is Bayes Theorem really that interesting? | |
741 Unconventional mathematics books | |
742 Does LHôpitals work the other way? | |
743 Geometric interpretation of the Riemann-Roch for curves | |
744 Whats the difference between theorem, lemma and corollary? | |
745 Unusual mathematical terms | |
746 Is infinity an odd or even number? | |
747 How do you find the center of a circle with a pencil and a book? | |
748 Using we have in maths papers | |
749 How to learn from proofs? | |
750 What are Some Tricks to Remember Fatous Lemma? | |
751 Why dont analysts do category theory? | |
752 Defining a manifold without reference to the reals | |
753 Does a non-trivial solution exist for $f(x)=f(f(x))$? | |
754 A community project: prove (or disprove) that $\sum_{n\geq 1}\frac{\sin(2^n)}{n}$ is convergent | |
755 A real number $x$ such that $x^n$ and $(x+1)^n$ are rational is itself rational | |
756 Expectation of the maximum of gaussian random variables | |
757 Simplest or nicest proof that $1+x \le e^x$ | |
758 What would base $1$ be? | |
759 Should I put number combinations like 1111111 onto my lottery ticket? | |
760 Continuous bijection from $(0,1)$ to $[0,1]$ | |
761 How is a system of axioms different from a system of beliefs? | |
762 Why cant you add apples and oranges, but you can multiply and divide them? | |
763 How can adding an infinite number of rationals yield an irrational number? | |
764 Example of a very simple math statement in old literature which is (verbatim) a pain to understand | |
765 Whats the largest possible volume of a taco, and how do I make one that big? | |
766 Limit of sequence in which each term is defined by the average of preceding two terms | |
767 Why are all the interesting constants so small? | |
768 Help me put these enormous numbers in order: googol, googol-plex-bang, googol-stack and so on | |
769 $4494410$ and friends | |
770 A semigroup $X$ is a group iff for every $g\in X$, $\exists! x\in X$ such that $gxg = g$ | |
771 Arithmetic-geometric mean of 3 numbers | |
772 Geometric way to view the truncated braid groups? | |
773 Prove $\operatorname{rank}A^TA=\operatorname{rank}A$ for any $A\in M_{m \times n}$ | |
774 How to find a general sum formula for the series: 5+55+555+5555+.....? | |
775 What is the difference between a class and a set? | |
776 Why is $\frac{987654321}{123456789} = 8.0000000729?!$ | |
777 The Langlands program for beginners | |
778 What makes elementary functions elementary? | |
779 Why would I want to multiply two polynomials? | |
780 If $x$, $y$, $x+y$, and $x-y$ are prime numbers, what is their sum? | |
781 Mathematicians Tensors vs. Physicists Tensors | |
782 Is the determinant that shows up accidental? | |
783 Given a die, what is the probability that the second roll of a die will be less than the first roll? | |
784 Why is the set of all sets a paradox, in Laymans terms? | |
785 Evaluate the integral: $\int_{0}^{1} \frac{\ln(x+1)}{x^2+1} \mathrm dx$ | |
786 What seemingly innocuous results in mathematics require advanced proofs? | |
787 Prove $\left(\frac{2}{5}\right)^{\frac{2}{5}}<\ln{2}$ | |
788 How to convince a math teacher of this simple and obvious fact? | |
789 What kind of symmetry is the symmetric group about? | |
790 What are good math habits that have improved your mathematical practice?$ $ | |
791 math fallacy problem: $-1= (-1)^3 = (-1)^{6/2} = \sqrt{(-1)^6}= 1$? | |
792 Cover of Gödel, Escher, Bach | |
793 Problems that become easier in a more general form | |
794 How prove this nice limit $\lim\limits_{n\to\infty}\frac{a_{n}}{n}=\frac{12}{\log{432}}$ | |
795 When does a sequence of rotated-and-circumscribed rectangles converge to a square? | |
796 Why is the area under a curve the integral? | |
797 Good 1st PDE book for self study | |
798 Importance of matrix rank | |
799 Much less than, what does that mean? | |
800 Simple beautiful math proof | |
801 Anecdotes about famous mathematicians or physicists | |
802 Why do bell curves appear everywhere? | |
803 What are the differences between class, set, family, and collection? | |
804 What is the solution to Nashs problem presented in A Beautiful Mind? | |
805 Factorial and exponential dual identities | |
806 The pepperoni pizza problem | |
807 How to evaluate $\int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{x^{-\mathfrak{i}a}}{x^2+bx+1} \,\mathrm{d}x$ using complex analysis? | |
808 A Case Against the Math Gene | |
809 Complexity class of comparison of power towers | |
810 Does $\lfloor \sqrt{p} \rfloor$ generate all natural numbers? | |
811 Pointwise vs. Uniform Convergence | |
812 What is the algebraic intuition behind Vieta jumping in IMO1988 Problem 6? | |
813 GRE Subject Test - Past Papers, Books, Advice | |
814 Can the golden ratio accurately be expressed in terms of $e$ and $\pi$ | |
815 How do you explain the concept of logarithm to a five year old? | |
816 If $f_k \to f$ a.e. and the $L^p$ norms converge, then $f_k \to f$ in $L^p$ | |
817 What is a real-world metaphor for irrational numbers? | |
818 Intuitive explanation of Cauchys Integral Formula in Complex Analysis | |
819 Why should I believe in weak solutions to PDEs? | |
820 Explain homotopy to me | |
821 Prove elementarily that $\sqrt[n+1] {(n+1)!} - \sqrt[n] {n!}$ is strictly decreasing | |
822 Root Calculation by Hand | |
823 What does the dot product of two vectors represent? | |
824 Whats the difference between simple induction and strong induction? | |
825 What is the most elegant proof of the Pythagorean theorem? | |
826 Is the vector cross product only defined for 3D? | |
827 Best Maths Books for Non-Mathematicians | |
828 Self-studying real analysis — Tao or Rudin? | |
829 What are differences between affine space and vector space? | |
830 If $(a_n)\subset[0,\infty)$ is non-increasing and $\sum a_n<\infty$, then $\lim{n a_n} = 0$ | |
831 Is arrow notation for vectors not mathematically mature? | |
832 I roll a die repeatedly until I get 6, and then count the number of 3s I got. Whats my expected number of 3s? | |
833 What is the difference between a Hamel basis and a Schauder basis? | |
834 Is there any conjecture that has been proved to be solvable/provable but whose direct solution/proof is not yet known? | |
835 Results that came out of nowhere. | |
836 Can the product of infinitely many elements from $\mathbb Q$ be irrational? | |
837 Divisibility by 7 rule, and Congruence Arithmetic Laws | |
838 Can you make a sphere out of a plane? | |
839 Cutting sticks puzzle | |
840 The Right Triangle Game | |
841 Geometric interpretation of $\det(A^T) = \det(A)$ | |
842 How to prove that exponential grows faster than polynomial? | |
843 Alternative proof that $(a^2+b^2)/(ab+1)$ is a square when its an integer | |
844 Good book for self study of functional analysis | |
845 If $S$ is an infinite $\sigma$ algebra on $X$ then $S$ is not countable | |
846 $x^y = y^x$ for integers $x$ and $y$ | |
847 100 blue-eyed islanders puzzle: 3 questions | |
848 Surprise exam paradox? | |
849 Demystify integration of $\int \frac{1}{x} \mathrm dx$ | |
850 Your favourite maths puzzles | |
851 Number of simple edge-disjoint paths needed to cover a planar graph | |
852 Good abstract algebra books for self study | |
853 Does convergence in $L^p$ imply convergence almost everywhere? | |
854 Is there any difference between mapping and function? | |
855 Normal subgroup of prime index | |
856 Implies ($\Rightarrow$) vs. Entails ($\models$) vs. Provable ($\vdash$) | |
857 Learning mathematics as if an absolute beginner? | |
858 Why did no student correctly find a pair of $2\times 2$ matrices with the same determinant and trace that are not similar? | |
859 Will it become impossible to learn math? | |
860 Should an undergrad accept that some things dont make sense, or study the foundation of mathematics to resolve this? | |
861 Is $0! = 1$ because there is only one way to do nothing? | |
862 Conjecture $\int_0^1\frac{\mathrm dx}{\sqrt{1-x}\ \sqrt[4]x\ \sqrt[4]{2-x\,\sqrt3}}\stackrel?=\frac{2\,\sqrt2}{3\,\sqrt[8]3}\pi$ | |
863 Why are groups more important than semigroups? | |
864 Can someone explain these strange properties of $10, 11, 12$ and $13$? | |
865 What is the best book for studying discrete mathematics? | |
866 Why cant you square both sides of an equation? | |
867 For any prime $p > 3$, why is $p^2-1$ always divisible by 24? | |
868 Is the notorious $n^2 + n + 41$ prime generator the last of its type? | |
869 Construct a function which is continuous in $[1,5]$ but not differentiable at $2, 3, 4$ | |
870 Easy math proofs or visual examples to make high school students enthusiastic about math | |
871 Why do we define quotient groups for normal subgroups only? | |
872 Formal proof for $(-1) \times (-1) = 1$ | |
873 Mathematically, why was the Enigma machine so hard to crack? | |
874 Is it possible to represent every huge number in abbreviated form? | |
875 $1=2$ | Continued fraction fallacy | |
876 How is a group made up of simple groups? | |
877 Cute Determinant Question | |
878 Modelling the Moving Sofa | |
879 Graph theoretic proof: For six irrational numbers, there are three among them such that the sum of any two of them is irrational. | |
880 Contest problem: Show $\sum_{n = 1}^\infty \frac{n^2a_n}{(a_1+\cdots+a_n)^2}0$, $\sum_{n = 1}^\infty \frac{1}{a_n}<\infty$ | |
881 Proof of every convex function is continuous | |
882 Are calculus and real analysis the same thing? | |
883 A goat tied to a corner of a rectangle | |
884 Predicting Real Numbers | |
885 Why is abuse of notation tolerated? | |
886 Why are gauge integrals not more popular? | |
887 Do numbers get worse than transcendental? | |
888 Whats so special about standard deviation? | |
889 What concept does an open set axiomatise? | |
890 Would you ever stop rolling the die? | |
891 Geometric & Intuitive Meaning of $SL(2,R)$, $SU(2)$, etc... & Representation Theory of Special Functions | |
892 References for multivariable calculus | |
893 When is the closure of an open ball equal to the closed ball? | |
894 Can manholes be made in other shapes than circles, that prevent the cover from being able to fall down its own hole? | |
895 In what sense are math axioms true? | |
896 Identity for convolution of central binomial coefficients: $\sum\limits_{k=0}^n \binom{2k}{k}\binom{2(n-k)}{n-k}=2^{2n}$ | |
897 Compute $\int \frac{\sin(x)}{\sin(x)+\cos(x)}\mathrm dx$ | |
898 What are some conceptualizations that work in mathematics but are not strictly true? | |
899 Why do mathematicians sometimes assume famous conjectures in their research? | |
900 Where are the axioms? | |
901 How to prove that $\frac{\zeta(2) }{2}+\frac{\zeta (4)}{2^3}+\frac{\zeta (6)}{2^5}+\frac{\zeta (8)}{2^7}+\cdots=1$? | |
902 How do we know that Cantors diagonalization isnt creating a different decimal of the same number? | |
903 In categorical terms, why is there no canonical isomorphism from a finite dimensional vector space to its dual? | |
904 Determining information in minimum trials (combinatorics problem) | |
905 What is the term for a factorial type operation, but with summation instead of products? | |
906 Difference between gradient and Jacobian | |
907 Why does Turn! Turn! Turn! equal 241217.524881? | |
908 Is there a size of rectangle that retains its ratio when its folded in half? | |
909 What is ultrafinitism and why do people believe it? | |
910 Decidability of the Riemann Hypothesis vs. the Goldbach Conjecture | |
911 Intuition in algebra? | |
912 A continuous, nowhere differentiable but invertible function? | |
913 Conjecture $\int_0^1\frac{dx}{\sqrt[3]x\,\sqrt[6]{1-x}\,\sqrt{1-x\left(\sqrt{6}\sqrt{12+7\sqrt3}-3\sqrt3-6\right)^2}}=\frac\pi9(3+\sqrt2\sqrt[4]{27})$ | |
914 Can someone explain this integration trick for log-sine integrals? | |
915 Polynomials such that roots=coefficients | |
916 Does $X\times S^1\cong Y\times S^1$ imply that $X\times\mathbb R\cong Y\times\mathbb R$? | |
917 Do groups, rings and fields have practical applications in CS? If so, what are some? | |
918 What is special about the numbers 9801, 998001, 99980001 ..? | |
919 How does Cantors diagonal argument work? | |
920 Proof of $\int_0^\infty \left(\frac{\sin x}{x}\right)^2 \mathrm dx=\frac{\pi}{2}.$ | |
921 Why is a circle in a plane surrounded by 6 other circles? | |
922 Expected number of unpecked chicks - NYT article | |
923 Whats the difference between $\mathbb{R}^2$ and the complex plane? | |
924 What is your favorite application of the Pigeonhole Principle? | |
925 Is mathematics just a bunch of nested empty sets? | |
926 Easy example why complex numbers are cool | |
927 Why is the construction of the real numbers important? | |
928 Any rectangular shape on a calculator numpad when divided by 11 gives an integer. Why? | |
929 Calculating the volume of a restaurant take-away box that is circular on the bottom and square on the top | |
930 Paul Erdoss Two-Line Functional Analysis Proof | |
931 Numbers $n$ such that the digit sum of $n^2$ is a square | |
932 How to solve these two simultaneous divisibilities : $n+1\mid m^2+1$ and $m+1\mid n^2+1$ | |
933 Do most numbers have exactly $3$ prime factors? | |
934 Can a row of five equilateral triangles tile a big equilateral triangle? | |
935 Variance of sample variance? | |
936 Union of two vector subspaces not a subspace? | |
937 Probability density function vs. probability mass function | |
938 Determinant of a non-square matrix | |
939 What is a simple example of an unprovable statement? | |
940 Mathematical precise definition of a PDE being elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic | |
941 Does commutativity imply Associativity? | |
942 What is the Tor functor? | |
943 100 Soldiers riddle | |
944 Why does Friedberg say that the role of the determinant is less central than in former times? | |
945 Is Lagranges theorem the most basic result in finite group theory? | |
946 Is $\sqrt {2 \sqrt {3 \sqrt {4 \ldots}}}$ algebraic or transcendental? | |
947 $6!\cdot 7!=10!$. Is there a natural bijection between $S_6\times S_7$ and $S_{10}$? | |
948 Show that the set of all finite subsets of $\mathbb{N}$ is countable. | |
949 $X$ is Hausdorff if and only if the diagonal of $X\times X$ is closed | |
950 Why are rotational matrices not commutative? | |
951 How to use the Extended Euclidean Algorithm manually? | |
952 How do I prove that $x^p-x+a$ is irreducible in a field with $p$ elements when $a\neq 0$? | |
953 What are some interpretations of Von Neumanns quote? | |
954 Why does the Mandelbrot set contain (slightly deformed) copies of itself? | |
955 If $a+b=1$ then $a^{4b^2}+b^{4a^2}\leq1$ | |
956 General request for a book on mathematical history, for a VERY advanced reader. | |
957 Terence Tao–type books in other fields? | |
958 Alice and Bob play the determinant game | |
959 Is there a definitive guide to speaking mathematics? | |
960 $\frac{1}{n}$ as a difference of Egyptian fractions with all denominators $<n$ | |
961 What are the practical applications of the Taylor Series? | |
962 Expected Number of Coin Tosses to Get Five Consecutive Heads | |
963 Understanding of the theorem that all norms are equivalent in finite dimensional vector spaces | |
964 Why is $e^{\pi \sqrt{163}}$ almost an integer? | |
965 $\sqrt{c+\sqrt{c+\sqrt{c+\cdots}}}$, or the limit of the sequence $x_{n+1} = \sqrt{c+x_n}$ | |
966 Does mathematics require axioms? | |
967 The myth of no prime formula? | |
968 What is Bra and Ket notation and how does it relate to Hilbert spaces? | |
969 Intuitive meaning of Exact Sequence | |
970 Whats so natural about the base of natural logarithms? | |
971 What does surface area of a sphere actually mean (in terms of elementary school mathematics)? | |
972 The closed form of $\int_0^{\pi/4}\frac{\log(1-x) \tan^2(x)}{1-x\tan^2(x)} \ dx$ | |
973 Can one deduce Liouvilles theorem (in complex analysis) from the non-emptiness of spectra in complex Banach algebras? | |
974 How to get a reflection vector? | |
975 Prove that $i^i$ is a real number | |
976 Is there a bijective map from $(0,1)$ to $\mathbb{R}$? | |
977 Is $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{2}, \sqrt{3}) = \mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{2}+\sqrt{3})$? | |
978 Cardinality of set of real continuous functions | |
979 A and B disjoint, A compact, and B closed implies there is positive distance between both sets | |
980 Why is a full turn of the circle 360°? Why not any other number? | |
981 Is there any easy way to understand the definition of Gaussian Curvature? | |
982 Are all infinities equal? | |
983 How to generate a random number between 1 and 10 with a six-sided die? | |
984 What is $\gcd(0,0)$? | |
985 In Linear Algebra, what is a vector? | |
986 Why isnt reflexivity redundant in the definition of equivalence relation? | |
987 Do you prove all theorems whilst studying? | |
988 Are all mathematicians human calculators? | |
989 Compute $ \lim\limits_{n \to \infty }\sin \sin \dots\sin n$ | |
990 Does mathematics become circular at the bottom? What is at the bottom of mathematics? | |
991 linear algebra over a division ring vs. over a field | |
992 Why is compactness in logic called compactness? | |
993 20 circles in the plane, all passing through the origin | |
994 How to find this limit: $A=\lim_{n\to \infty}\sqrt{1+\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}+\sqrt{\frac{1}{3}+\cdots+\sqrt{\frac{1}{n}}}}}$ | |
995 Visual proof of $\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^4} = \frac{\pi^4}{90}$? | |
996 In $n>5$, topology = algebra | |
997 Conjectured formula for the Fabius function | |
998 Element-wise (or pointwise) operations notation? | |
999 Where exactly are complex numbers used in the real world? | |
1000 Is zero positive or negative? | |
1001 Prove that $\lim \limits_{n \to \infty} \frac{x^n}{n!} = 0$, $x \in \Bbb R$. | |
1002 Finding the Transform matrix from 4 projected points (with Javascript) | |
1003 Reference book on measure theory | |
1004 How to effectively and efficiently learn mathematics | |
1005 Logic problem: Identifying poisoned wines out of a sample, minimizing test subjects with constraints | |
1006 What is a universal property? | |
1007 Why are differentiable complex functions infinitely differentiable? | |
1008 Sheaf cohomology: what is it and where can I learn it? | |
1009 Koch snowflake paradox: finite area, but infinite perimeter | |
1010 I lost my love of math; Im getting it back. How can I determine if math is actually right for me? | |
1011 Is there a function with a removable discontinuity at every point? | |
1012 Direct proof that $\pi$ is not constructible | |
1013 Generalized Euler sum $\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{H_n}{n^q}$ | |
1014 Rigorous nature of combinatorics | |
1015 Integrals of $\sqrt{x+\sqrt{\phantom|\dots+\sqrt{x+1}}}$ in elementary functions | |
1016 Escaping infinitely many pursuers | |
1017 Relations between p norms | |
1018 Projection map being a closed map | |
1019 Math behind rotation in MS Paint | |
1020 The Monty Hall problem | |
1021 Why is the Möbius strip not orientable? | |
1022 Help me solve my fathers riddle and get my book back | |
1023 Why did my friend lose all his money? | |
1024 What is lost when we move from reals to complex numbers? | |
1025 Is linear algebra more “fully understood” than other maths disciplines? | |
1026 Are these solutions of $2 = x^{x^{x^{\:\cdot^{\:\cdot^{\:\cdot}}}}}$ correct? | |
1027 How deep is the liquid in a half-full hemisphere? | |
1028 Why do books titled Abstract Algebra mostly deal with groups/rings/fields? | |
1029 What exactly are eigen-things? | |
1030 What is an example of a sequence which thins out and is finite? | |
1031 Why is $\omega$ the smallest $\infty$? | |
1032 Besides proving new theorems, how can a person contribute to mathematics? | |
1033 The Intuition behind lHopitals Rule | |
1034 Motivation for spectral graph theory. | |
1035 Mathematicians shocked(?) to find pattern in prime numbers | |
1036 Closed form for $\int_0^\infty\ln\frac{J_\mu(x)^2+Y_\mu(x)^2}{J_\nu(x)^2+Y_\nu(x)^2}\mathrm dx$ | |
1037 Why cant the Polynomial Ring be a Field? | |
1038 A path to truly understanding probability and statistics | |
1039 Is there a shape with infinite area but finite perimeter? | |
1040 Infinite sets dont exist!? | |
1041 Fastest way to check if $x^y > y^x$? | |
1042 What is integration by parts, really? | |
1043 Conjectures (or intuitions) that turned out wrong in an interesting or useful way | |
1044 What is the intuition behind uniform continuity? | |
1045 Dividing 100% by 3 without any left | |
1046 Inscribing square in circle in just seven compass-and-straightedge steps | |
1047 List of interesting integrals for early calculus students | |
1048 The Duals of $l^\infty$ and $L^{\infty}$ | |
1049 Finite subgroups of the multiplicative group of a field are cyclic | |
1050 Whats a proof that the angles of a triangle add up to 180°? | |
1051 Stirlings formula: proof? | |
1052 Is learning (theoretical) physics useful/important for a mathematician? | |
1053 An example of a problem which is difficult but is made easier when a diagram is drawn | |
1054 Multiple-choice: sum of primes below $1000$ | |
1055 Fake induction proofs | |
1056 Theorem that von Neumann proved in five minutes. | |
1057 Why did mathematicians introduce the concept of uniform continuity? | |
1058 Why is $i! = 0.498015668 - 0.154949828i$? | |
1059 Gerrymandering on a high-genus surface/can I use my powers for evil? | |
1060 A strange integral: $\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} {dx \over 1 + \left(x + \tan x\right)^2} = \pi.$ | |
1061 Denesting radicals like $\sqrt[3]{\sqrt[3]{2} - 1}$ | |
1062 How are mathematicians taught to write with such an expository style? | |
1063 Number of ways to write n as a sum of k nonnegative integers | |
1064 What is $\sqrt{i}$? | |
1065 Teenager solves Newton dynamics problem - where is the paper? | |
1066 Combinatorial proof of summation of $\sum\limits_{k = 0}^n {n \choose k}^2= {2n \choose n}$ | |
1067 What is the meaning of the third derivative of a function at a point | |
1068 Continuous mapping on a compact metric space is uniformly continuous | |
1069 Prove that the set of all algebraic numbers is countable | |
1070 Difference between metric and norm made concrete: The case of Euclid | |
1071 (Theoretical) Multivariable Calculus Textbooks | |
1072 Quotient ring of Gaussian integers | |
1073 String Theory: What to do? | |
1074 What is the chance to get a parking ticket in half an hour if the chance to get a ticket is 80% in 1 hour? | |
1075 Why there is no sign of logic symbols in mathematical texts? | |
1076 Connections between metrics, norms and scalar products (for understanding e.g. Banach and Hilbert spaces) | |
1077 Interesting and unexpected applications of $\pi$ | |
1078 How to prove this identity $\pi=\sum\limits_{k=-\infty}^{\infty}\left(\frac{\sin(k)}{k}\right)^{2}\;$? | |
1079 Thurstons 37th way of thinking about the derivative | |
1080 Volumes of n-balls: what is so special about n=5? | |
1081 Ramanujan log-trigonometric integrals | |
1082 Finding out the area of a triangle if the coordinates of the three vertices are given | |
1083 Factorial, but with addition | |
1084 A simple explanation of eigenvectors and eigenvalues with big picture ideas of why on earth they matter | |
1085 Zero probability and impossibility | |
1086 Whats the difference between stochastic and random? | |
1087 How many connected components does $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb R)$ have? | |
1088 Mathematical subjects you wish you learned earlier | |
1089 Closed form for $\sum \frac{1}{n^n}$ | |
1090 Why cant you pick socks using coin flips? | |
1091 Is it bad form to write mysterious proofs without explaining what one intends to do? | |
1092 Does $G\cong G/H$ imply that $H$ is trivial? | |
1093 What does the mysterious constant marked by C on a slide rule indicate? | |
1094 Two curious identities on $x^x$,$e$,and $\pi$ | |
1095 How to find perpendicular vector to another vector? | |
1096 How to calculate $\,(a-b)\bmod n\,$ and $ {-}b \bmod n$ | |
1097 How was the normal distribution derived? | |
1098 What is the proper way to study (more advanced) math? | |
1099 What are the applications of functional analysis? | |
1100 Very *mathematical* general physics book | |
1101 Why not include as a requirement that all functions must be continuous to be differentiable? | |
1102 Bag of tricks in Advanced Calculus/ Real Analysis/Complex Analysis | |
1103 What would have been our number system if humans had more than 10 fingers? Try to solve this puzzle. | |
1104 Does associativity imply commutativity? | |
1105 Algebraic Intuition for Homological Algebra and Applications to More Elementary Algebra | |
1106 A new imaginary number? $x^c = -x$ | |
1107 About Euclids Elements and modern video games | |
1108 A matrix and its transpose have the same set of eigenvalues/other version: $A$ and $A^T$ have the same spectrum | |
1109 What is the math behind the game Spot It? | |
1110 Are the eigenvalues of $AB$ equal to the eigenvalues of $BA$? (Citation needed!) | |
1111 Why determinant of a 2 by 2 matrix is the area of a parallelogram? | |
1112 Intuition behind using complementary CDF to compute expectation for nonnegative random variables | |
1113 Proof that a Combination is an integer | |
1114 A map is continuous if and only if for every set, the image of closure is contained in the closure of image | |
1115 Examples of finite nonabelian groups. | |
1116 Whats going on with compact implies sequentially compact? | |
1117 Best Algebraic Geometry text book? (other than Hartshorne) | |
1118 Why does the symbol for the multiplication operation change shape? | |
1119 Hanging a picture on the wall using two nails in such a way that removing any nail makes the picture fall down | |
1120 Why does the google calculator give $\tan 90^{\circ} = 1.6331779e^{+16}$? | |
1121 Reference request: introduction to commutative algebra | |
1122 When writing in math, do you use a comma or colon preceding an equation? | |
1123 Is linear algebra laying the foundation for something important? | |
1124 How come $32.5 = 31.5$? (The Missing Square puzzle.) | |
1125 Evaluating $\int_0^\infty \sin x^2\, dx$ with real methods? | |
1126 Is there an easy way to show which spheres can be Lie groups? | |
1127 How to solve fifth-degree equations by elliptic functions? | |
1128 Intuition behind conjugation in group theory | |
1129 How to stop forgetting proofs - for a first course in Real Analysis? | |
1130 Polynomials irreducible over $\mathbb{Q}$ but reducible over $\mathbb{F}_p$ for every prime $p$ | |
1131 How to find the inverse modulo $m$? | |
1132 Finding a point along a line a certain distance away from another point! | |
1133 Graph theory: adjacency vs incident | |
1134 Space of bounded continuous functions is complete | |
1135 Why is $\Gamma\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)=\sqrt{\pi}$? | |
1136 Simplest proof of Taylors theorem | |
1137 What algorithm is used by computers to calculate logarithms? | |
1138 Why do we need to learn integration techniques? | |
1139 Solving $DEF+FEF=GHH$, $KLM+KLM=NKL$, $ABC+ABC+ABC=BBB$ | |
1140 Why can a real number be defined as a Dedekind cut, that is, as a set of rational numbers? | |
1141 Mathematical research of Pokémon | |
1142 Why Zariski topology? | |
1143 Why should we prove obvious things? | |
1144 Drunk man with a set of keys. | |
1145 Will assuming the existence of a solution ever lead to a contradiction? | |
1146 What is $x^y$? How to understand it? | |
1147 Lebesgue measure theory vs differential forms? | |
1148 Naturally occurring non-Hausdorff spaces? | |
1149 What are some mathematical topics that involve adding and multiplying pictures? | |
1150 How to cut a cube out of a tree stump, such that a pair of opposing vertices are in the center? | |
1151 Why are the last two numbers of this sequence never prime? | |
1152 Is $ 0.112123123412345123456\dots $ algebraic or transcendental? | |
1153 Integral $\int_1^\infty\frac{\operatorname{arccot}\left(1+\frac{2\pi}{\operatorname{arcoth}x-\operatorname{arccsc}x}\right)}{\sqrt{x^2-1}}\mathrm dx$ | |
1154 Representing every positive rational number in the form of $(a^n+b^n)/(c^n+d^n)$ | |
1155 Difference between Fourier transform and Wavelets | |
1156 Is there a known mathematical equation to find the nth prime? | |
1157 Understanding Borel sets | |
1158 $\infty = -1 $ paradox | |
1159 What do $\pi$ and $e$ stand for in the normal distribution formula? | |
1160 Completion of rational numbers via Cauchy sequences | |
1161 Convergence of $\sqrt{n}x_{n}$ where $x_{n+1} = \sin(x_{n})$ | |
1162 Combinatorial proof that $\sum \limits_{k=0}^n \binom{2k}{k} \binom{2n-2k}{n-k} (-1)^k = 2^n \binom{n}{n/2}$ when $n$ is even | |
1163 Why does being holomorphic imply so much about a function? | |
1164 Why should I care about adjoint functors | |
1165 How did Euler prove the Mersenne number $2^{31}-1$ is a prime so early in history? | |
1166 Pseudo Proofs that are intuitively reasonable | |
1167 Is $\sqrt1+\sqrt2+\dots+\sqrt n$ ever an integer? | |
1168 Is this determinant identity known? | |
1169 How was the Monsters existence originally suspected? | |
1170 How to prove $\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f(x)dx = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f\left(x - \frac{1}{x}\right)dx?$ | |
1171 Conjecture $_2F_1\left(\frac14,\frac34;\,\frac23;\,\frac13\right)=\frac1{\sqrt{\sqrt{\frac4{\sqrt{2-\sqrt[3]4}}+\sqrt[3]{4}+4}-\sqrt{2-\sqrt[3]4}-2}}$ | |
1172 What exactly is Laplace transform? | |
1173 $\sum k! = 1! +2! +3! + \cdots + n!$ ,is there a generic formula for this? | |
1174 Can a limit of an integral be moved inside the integral? | |
1175 If $G/Z(G)$ is cyclic, then $G$ is abelian | |
1176 Prove if $n^2$ is even, then $n$ is even. | |
1177 An Explanation of the Kalman Filter | |
1178 Geometric interpretation for complex eigenvectors of a 2×2 rotation matrix | |
1179 Proving that $1$- and $2D$ simple symmetric random walks return to the origin with probability $1$ | |
1180 incremental computation of standard deviation | |
1181 Intuitive explanation of a definition of the Fisher information | |
1182 Not every metric is induced from a norm | |
1183 Why does multiplying a number on a clock face by 10 and then halving, give the minutes? ${}{}$ | |
1184 Equivalent Definitions of the Operator Norm | |
1185 Is it morally right and pedagogically right to google answers to homework? | |
1186 Why is the complex plane shaped like it is? | |
1187 What are some applications of elementary linear algebra outside of math? | |
1188 How can one prove that $e<\pi$? | |
1189 Why does this miracle method for matrix inversion work? | |
1190 Is there an intuitive reason for a certain operation to be associative? | |
1191 Laplace, Legendre, Fourier, Hankel, Mellin, Hilbert, Borel, Z...: unified treatment of transforms? | |
1192 Are there infinitely many super-palindromes? | |
1193 Let, $A\subset\mathbb{R}^2$. Show that $A$ can contain at most one point $p$ such that $A$ is isometric to $A \setminus \{p\}$. | |
1194 Numerical phenomenon. Who can explain? | |
1195 Probability of 3 people in a room of 30 having the same birthday | |
1196 Difference between continuity and uniform continuity | |
1197 Compact sets are closed? | |
1198 What is mathematical research like? | |
1199 Difference between complete and closed set | |
1200 When does L Hopitals rule fail? | |
1201 In classical logic, why is $(p\Rightarrow q)$ True if $p$ is False and $q$ is True? | |
1202 Whats a good place to learn Lie groups? | |
1203 Why do we use a Least Squares fit? | |
1204 Chance of meeting in a bar | |
1205 What is the most expensive item I could buy with £50? | |
1206 Can someone please explain the Riemann Hypothesis to me... in English? | |
1207 Prove $0! = 1$ from first principles | |
1208 Why cant the second fundamental theorem of calculus be proved in just two lines? | |
1209 What is so interesting about the zeroes of the Riemann $\zeta$ function? | |
1210 Does every Abelian group admit a ring structure? | |
1211 Are there an infinite number of prime numbers where removing any number of digits leaves a prime? | |
1212 Japanese Temple Problem From 1844 | |
1213 The limit of truncated sums of harmonic series, $\lim\limits_{k\to\infty}\sum_{n=k+1}^{2k}{\frac{1}{n}}$ | |
1214 Understandable questions which are hard for non-mathematicians but easy for mathematicians | |
1215 Do there exist pairs of distinct real numbers whose arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means are all integers? | |
1216 Fractal behavior along the boundary of convergence? | |
1217 Are there any valid continuous Sudoku grids? | |
1218 A nasty integral of a rational function | |
1219 Show that $\int_{0}^{\pi/2}\frac {\log^2\sin x\log^2\cos x}{\cos x\sin x}\mathrm{d}x=\frac14\left( 2\zeta (5)-\zeta(2)\zeta (3)\right)$ | |
1220 How much does symbolic integration mean to mathematics? | |
1221 Evaluating sums and integrals using Taylors Theorem | |
1222 How to show that $\det(AB) =\det(A) \det(B)$? | |
1223 What is the equation for a 3D line? | |
1224 Density of sum of two independent uniform random variables on $[0,1]$ | |
1225 Use of without loss of generality | |
1226 Why is $\pi $ equal to $3.14159...$? | |
1227 $\sqrt{7\sqrt{7\sqrt{7\sqrt{7\sqrt{7\cdots}}}}}$ approximation | |
1228 Limit $\frac{x^2y}{x^4+y^2}$ is found using polar coordinates but it is not supposed to exist. | |
1229 What is the largest eigenvalue of the following matrix? | |
1230 Good books on Math History | |
1231 Why is a circle 1-dimensional? | |
1232 Overview of basic results on cardinal arithmetic | |
1233 Is The empty set is a subset of any set a convention? | |
1234 How do people apply the Lebesgue integration theory? | |
1235 Why is radian so common in maths? | |
1236 Why do engineers use derivatives in discontinuous functions? Is it correct? | |
1237 Why are addition and multiplication commutative, but not exponentiation? | |
1238 $100$-th derivative of the function $f(x)=e^{x}\cos(x)$ | |
1239 Is it generally accepted that if you throw a dart at a number line you will NEVER hit a rational number? | |
1240 Is memory unimportant in doing mathematics? | |
1241 Theorems names that dont credit the right people | |
1242 What is the oldest open problem in geometry? | |
1243 Why the emphasis on Projective Space in Algebraic Geometry? | |
1244 Is there a great mathematical example for a 12-year-old? | |
1245 Am I too young to learn more advanced math and get a teacher? | |
1246 How to straighten a parabola? | |
1247 Geometric intuition for the tensor product of vector spaces | |
1248 How likely is it not to be anyones best friend? | |
1249 What is a real world application of polynomial factoring? | |
1250 What is the proof that the total number of subsets of a set is $2^n$? | |
1251 How to explain for my daughter that $\frac {2}{3}$ is greater than $\frac {3}{5}$? | |
1252 Where is the flaw in this proof that 1=2? (Derivative of repeated addition) | |
1253 How to write a good mathematical paper? | |
1254 What are the names of numbers in the binary system? | |
1255 Why $9$ & $11$ are special in divisibility tests using decimal digit sums? (casting out nines & elevens) | |
1256 Is it technically incorrect to write proofs forward? | |
1257 What Is Exponentiation? | |
1258 Why do I get one extra wrong solution when solving $2-x=-\sqrt{x}$? | |
1259 Mathematicians dont quit, they fade away | |
1260 If I know the order of every element in a group, do I know the group? | |
1261 Is it possible to find an infinite set of points in the plane where the distance between any pair is rational? | |
1262 Have there been efforts to introduce non Greek or Latin alphabets into mathematics? | |
1263 Algebra: Best mental images | |
1264 What is the average rational number? | |
1265 Is this similarity to the Fourier transform of the von Mangoldt function real? | |
1266 Closed form for $\int_0^1\log\log\left(\frac{1}{x}+\sqrt{\frac{1}{x^2}-1}\right)\mathrm dx$ | |
1267 Topological spaces admitting an averaging function | |
1268 How do I tell if matrices are similar? | |
1269 What isnt a vector space? | |
1270 Prove that $\prod_{k=1}^{n-1}\sin\frac{k \pi}{n} = \frac{n}{2^{n-1}}$ | |
1271 Why is Euclids proof on the infinitude of primes considered a proof? | |
1272 When not to treat dy/dx as a fraction in single-variable calculus? | |
1273 how to read a mathematical paper? | |
1274 Why do people lose in chess? | |
1275 Is it mathematically valid to separate variables in a differential equation? | |
1276 How much Math do you REALLY do in your job? | |
1277 What is the importance of the infinitesimal generator of Brownian motion? | |
1278 Do Parabolic Trigonometric Functions exist? | |
1279 Why is the tensor product important when we already have direct and semidirect products? | |
1280 Nuking the Mosquito — ridiculously complicated ways to achieve very simple results | |
1281 Are proofs by contradiction really logical? | |
1282 Is it possible to formulate category theory without set theory? | |
1283 What is the logic/rationale behind the vector cross product? | |
1284 Is there a simple function that generates the series; $1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2...$ or $-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1...$ | |
1285 Integral $\int_0^1\frac{\ln\left(x+\sqrt2\right)}{\sqrt{2-x}\,\sqrt{1-x}\,\sqrt{\vphantom{1}x}}\mathrm dx$ | |
1286 Can $18$ consecutive integers be separated into two groups,such that their product is equal? | |
1287 Integration of forms and integration on a measure space | |
1288 Simplicial homology of real projective space by Mayer-Vietoris | |
1289 Evaluating the log gamma integral $\int_{0}^{z} \log \Gamma (x) \, \mathrm dx$ in terms of the Hurwitz zeta function | |
1290 Does the string of prime numbers contain all natural numbers? | |
1291 Showing that $\int\limits_{-a}^a \frac{f(x)}{1+e^{x}} \mathrm dx = \int\limits_0^a f(x) \mathrm dx$, when $f$ is even | |
1292 Differential forms on fuzzy manifolds | |
1293 Difference between NFA and DFA | |
1294 Given this transformation matrix, how do I decompose it into translation, rotation and scale matrices? | |
1295 How can a probability density be greater than one and integrate to one | |
1296 Good books on mathematical logic? | |
1297 There are 4 cups of liquid. Three are water and one is poison. If you were to drink 3 of the 4 cups, what is the probability of being poisoned? | |
1298 How to convince a layperson that the $\pi = 4$ proof is wrong? | |
1299 Every subsequence of $x_n$ has a further subsequence which converges to $x$. Then the sequence $x_n$ converges to $x$. | |
1300 Intuitive explanation of a positive semidefinite matrix | |
1301 Proving that the tensor product is right exact | |
1302 Integrals of the form ${\large\int}_0^\infty\operatorname{arccot}(x)\cdot\operatorname{arccot}(a\,x)\cdot\operatorname{arccot}(b\,x)\ dx$ | |
1303 Express 99 2/3% as a fraction? No calculator | |
1304 What exactly is calculus? | |
1305 Does it ever make sense NOT to go to the most prestigious graduate school you can get into? | |
1306 Set of continuity points of a real function | |
1307 Does every prime divide some Fibonacci number? | |
1308 Does $\sum _{n=1}^{\infty } \frac{\sin(\text{ln}(n))}{n}$ converge? | |
1309 Understanding the Laplace operator conceptually | |
1310 What is Cauchy Schwarz in 8th grade terms? | |
1311 Proving the existence of a proof without actually giving a proof | |
1312 How and why does Grothendiecks work provide tools to attack problems in number theory? | |
1313 Limits: How to evaluate $\lim\limits_{x\rightarrow \infty}\sqrt[n]{x^{n}+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+\cdots+a_{0}}-x$ | |
1314 Does multiplying all a numbers roots together give a product of infinity? | |
1315 What are some good ways to get children excited about math? | |
1316 Why does $\cos(x) + \cos(y) - \cos(x + y) = 0$ look like an ellipse? | |
1317 When is an infinite product of natural numbers regularizable? | |
1318 Why is it not true that $\int_0^{\pi} \sin(x)\; dx = 0$? | |
1319 Evaluating $\int_{0}^{1}\cdots\int_{0}^{1}\bigl\{\frac{1}{x_{1}\cdots x_{n}}\bigr\}^{2}\:\mathrm{d}x_{1}\cdots\mathrm{d}x_{n}$ | |
1320 Are the sums $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{(n!)^k}$ transcendental? | |
1321 Does $\Bbb{CP}^{2n} \mathbin{\#} \Bbb{CP}^{2n}$ ever support an almost complex structure? | |
1322 Closed form solution for $\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{1}{1+\frac{n^2}{1+\frac{1}{\stackrel{\ddots}{1+\frac{1}{1+n^2}}}}}$. | |
1323 What is a good book for learning math, from middle school level? | |
1324 difference between dot product and inner product | |
1325 Check if a point is within an ellipse | |
1326 What does proving the Riemann Hypothesis accomplish? | |
1327 Is Serge Langs Algebra still worth reading? | |
1328 Highest power of a prime $p$ dividing $N!$ | |
1329 Proof that Pi is constant (the same for all circles), without using limits | |
1330 Interesting real life applications of serious theorems | |
1331 How do I motivate myself to do math again? | |
1332 Under what conditions the quotient space of a manifold is a manifold? | |
1333 How to effectively study math? | |
1334 Is there any branch of Mathematics which has no applications in any other field or in real world? | |
1335 Nice expression for minimum of three variables? | |
1336 What exactly is a number? | |
1337 Dominoes and induction, or how does induction work? | |
1338 Riemann hypothesis: is Bender-Brody-Müller Hamiltonian a new line of attack? | |
1339 Why do we not have to prove definitions? | |
1340 Optimal strategy for cutting a sausage? | |
1341 Symbol for probably equal to (barring pathology)? | |
1342 Is it not effective to learn math top-down? | |
1343 If we randomly select 25 integers between 1 and 100, how many consecutive integers should we expect? | |
1344 A new general formula for the quadratic equation? | |
1345 Conways Murder Weapon | |
1346 How to explain to the layperson what mathematics is, why its important, and why its interesting | |
1347 Is the box topology good for anything? | |
1348 Does the series $ \sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^{1 + |\sin(n)|}} $ converge or diverge? | |
1349 Does Fermats Last Theorem hold for cyclotomic integers in $\mathbb{Q(\zeta_{37})}$? | |
1350 In combinatorics, how can one verify that one has counted correctly? | |
1351 Algebraic Topology Challenge: Homology of an Infinite Wedge of Spheres | |
1352 Fourier Transform of Derivative | |
1353 What is the relation between rank of a matrix, its eigenvalues and eigenvectors | |
1354 What is the standard basis for fields of complex numbers? | |
1355 Good books for a high schooler self-studying Abstract Algebra? | |
1356 Why do the French count so strangely? | |
1357 A comprehensive list of binomial identities? | |
1358 What is a covector and what is it used for? | |
1359 First-Order Logic vs. Second-Order Logic | |
1360 Why is the determinant the volume of a parallelepiped in any dimensions? | |
1361 Introductory texts on manifolds | |
1362 Functions that are their own inverse. | |
1363 How do I convince my students that the choice of variable of integration is irrelevant? | |
1364 If a coin toss is observed to come up as heads many times, does that affect the probability of the next toss? | |
1365 A way to find this shaded area without calculus? | |
1366 Learning Roadmap for Algebraic Topology | |
1367 What is the limit of $n \sin (2 \pi \cdot e \cdot n!)$ as $n$ goes to infinity? | |
1368 How does a non-mathematician go about publishing a proof in a way that ensures it to be up to the mathematical communitys standards? | |
1369 When to give up on a hard math problem? | |
1370 Simplicial Complex vs Delta Complex vs CW Complex | |
1371 Why are primes considered to be the building blocks of the integers? | |
1372 What are some mathematically interesting computations involving matrices? | |
1373 Arranging numbers from $1$ to $n$ such that the sum of every two adjacent numbers is a perfect power | |
1374 Given real numbers: define integers? | |
1375 Arc length contest! Minimize the arc length of $f(x)$ when given three conditions. | |
1376 Is $ \sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty \frac{|\sin n|^n}n$ convergent? | |
1377 What does strength refer to in mathematics? | |
1378 Is there a reason it is so rare we can solve differential equations? | |
1379 Why it is important to write a function as sum of even and odd functions? | |
1380 What is a proof? | |
1381 Area covered by a constant length segment rotating around the center of a square. | |
1382 Is it normal to treat Math Theorems as Black Boxes | |
1383 Good history of mathematical ideas book? | |
1384 Abstract nonsense proof of snake lemma | |
1385 How to find a total order with constrained comparisons | |
1386 Integers $n$ such that $i(i+1)(i+2) \cdots (i+n)$ is real or pure imaginary | |
1387 Which Algebraic Properties Distinguish Lie Groups from Abstract Groups? | |
1388 I have learned that 1/0 is infinity, why isnt it minus infinity? | |
1389 Difference between axioms, theorems, postulates, corollaries, and hypotheses | |
1390 Is the sum and difference of two irrationals always irrational? | |
1391 What is the difference between the Frobenius norm and the 2-norm of a matrix? | |
1392 How does a calculator calculate the sine, cosine, tangent using just a number? | |
1393 How do you compute negative numbers to fractional powers? | |
1394 Proving $1^3+ 2^3 + \cdots + n^3 = \left(\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\right)^2$ using induction | |
1395 Probability that random moves in the game 2048 will win | |
1396 Why does $\tan^{-1}(1)+\tan^{-1}(2)+\tan^{-1}(3)=\pi$? | |
1397 Proof of the Hockey-Stick Identity: $\sum\limits_{t=0}^n \binom tk = \binom{n+1}{k+1}$ | |
1398 How can you prove that the square root of two is irrational? | |
1399 Is the Law of Large Numbers empirically proven? | |
1400 Cardinality of Borel sigma algebra | |
1401 Motivation and methods for self-study | |
1402 Intuition on group homomorphisms | |
1403 Can someone explain the Yoneda Lemma to an applied mathematician? | |
1404 Polynomial division: an obvious trick? [reducing mod $\textit{simpler}$ multiples] | |
1405 How can I introduce complex numbers to precalculus students? | |
1406 $n$th derivative of $e^{1/x}$ | |
1407 What should an amateur do with a proof of an open problem? | |
1408 Why does an exponential function eventually get bigger than a quadratic | |
1409 Big List of Erdős elementary proofs | |
1410 Continuity and the Axiom of Choice | |
1411 Graphs for which a calculus student can reasonably compute the arclength | |
1412 Conjugate subgroup strictly contained in the initial subgroup? | |
1413 Rigour in mathematics | |
1414 Where does the word torsion in algebra come from? | |
1415 Computation with a memory wiped computer | |
1416 Let $k$ be a natural number . Then $3k+1$ , $4k+1$ and $6k+1$ cannot all be square numbers. | |
1417 Unexpected approximations which have led to important mathematical discoveries | |
1418 On Ramanujans curious equality for $\sqrt{2\,(1-3^{-2})(1-7^{-2})(1-11^{-2})\cdots} $ | |
1419 Is $\lfloor n!/e\rfloor$ always even for $n\in\mathbb N$? | |
1420 How do I prove that a function is well defined? | |
1421 Is the rank of a matrix the same of its transpose? If yes, how can I prove it? | |
1422 Evaluating the indefinite integral $ \int \sqrt{\tan x} ~ \mathrm{d}{x}. $ | |
1423 Proof that the irrational numbers are uncountable | |
1424 Can a complex number ever be considered bigger or smaller than a real number, or vice versa? | |
1425 Prove every odd integer is the difference of two squares | |
1426 how to be good at proving? | |
1427 Are there any examples of non-computable real numbers? | |
1428 What is a good book to study linear algebra? | |
1429 Why is empty set an open set? | |
1430 How to prove and interpret $\operatorname{rank}(AB) \leq \operatorname{min}(\operatorname{rank}(A), \operatorname{rank}(B))$? | |
1431 Probability for the length of the longest run in $n$ Bernoulli trials | |
1432 Proof of $(\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}) \otimes_\mathbb{Z} (\mathbb{Z} / n \mathbb{Z}) \cong \mathbb{Z}/ \gcd(m,n)\mathbb{Z}$ | |
1433 What do prime ideals in $k[x,y]$ look like? | |
1434 Characterizing units in polynomial rings | |
1435 Entire one-to-one functions are linear | |
1436 Let $X$ be an infinite dimensional Banach space. Prove that every Hamel basis of X is uncountable. | |
1437 How do you show monotonicity of the $\ell^p$ norms? | |
1438 Strategies to denest nested radicals $\sqrt{a+b\sqrt{c}}$ | |
1439 How would you explain to a 9th grader the negative exponent rule? | |
1440 Why learn to solve differential equations when computers can do it? | |
1441 Big List of Fun Math Books | |
1442 What is the definition of a set? | |
1443 Is there such a thing as proof by example (not counter example) | |
1444 Can there be two distinct, continuous functions that are equal at all rationals? | |
1445 Whats the goal of mathematics? | |
1446 How to debug math? | |
1447 What does communicated by mean in math papers? | |
1448 Using Gröbner bases for solving polynomial equations | |
1449 Which is larger? $20!$ or $2^{40}$? | |
1450 Unsolved Problems due to Lack of Computational Power | |
1451 Whats wrong with this reasoning that $\frac{\infty}{\infty}=0$? | |
1452 Are there theoretical applications of trigonometry? | |
1453 The last digit of $2^{2006}$ | |
1454 Intuition for the Importance of Modular Forms | |
1455 Linear Algebra Versus Functional Analysis | |
1456 Whats the point of studying topological (as opposed to smooth, PL, or PDiff) manifolds? | |
1457 Find three non-constant, pairwise unequal functions $f,g,h:\mathbb R\to \mathbb R$... | |
1458 Surprisingly elementary and direct proofs | |
1459 Closed Form for $~\int_0^1\frac{\text{arctanh }x}{\tan\left(\frac\pi2~x\right)}~dx$ | |
1460 Is $n \sin n$ dense on the real line? | |
1461 When are nonintersecting finite degree field extensions linearly disjoint? | |
1462 The relation between trace and determinant of a matrix | |
1463 How to prove every closed interval in R is compact? | |
1464 Is there a step by step checklist to check if a multivariable limit exists and find its value? | |
1465 Is an automorphism of the field of real numbers the identity map? | |
1466 What do eigenvalues have to do with pictures? | |
1467 Why cant you flatten a sphere? | |
1468 List of problem books in undergraduate and graduate mathematics | |
1469 What is the importance of Calculus in todays Mathematics? | |
1470 Why does $\frac{1}{x} < 4$ have two answers? | |
1471 Explain this mathematical meme (Geometers bird interrupting Topologists bird) | |
1472 Coin flipping probability game ; 7 flips vs 8 flips | |
1473 Finite Groups with exactly $n$ conjugacy classes $(n=2,3,...)$ | |
1474 Help understanding Algebraic Geometry | |
1475 7 fishermen caught exactly 100 fish and no two had caught the same number of fish. Then there are three who have together captured at least 50 fish. | |
1476 Can a number have infinitely many digits before the decimal point? | |
1477 How can I show that $\sqrt{1+\sqrt{2+\sqrt{3+\sqrt\ldots}}}$ exists? | |
1478 Whats the intuition with partitions of unity? | |
1479 Center-commutator duality | |
1480 In how many different ways can a 9-panel comic grid be used? | |
1481 I need mathematical proof that the distance from zero to 1 is the equal to the distance from 1 to 2 | |
1482 I almost quit self-studying mathematics, but should I continue? | |
1483 What is Trinity Hall Prime number? | |
1484 Examples of morphisms of schemes to keep in mind? | |
1485 Review of my T-shirt design | |
1486 Determinant of a rank $1$ update of a scalar matrix, or characteristic polynomial of a rank $1$ matrix | |
1487 Is A New Kind of Science a new kind of science? | |
1488 What am I doing when I separate the variables of a differential equation? | |
1489 Does every set have a group structure? | |
1490 Why do we use trig functions in Fourier transforms, and not other periodic functions? | |
1491 How to evaluate $I=\int_0^{\pi/2}x^2\ln(\sin x)\ln(\cos x)\ \mathrm dx$ | |
1492 Is it possible to simplify $\frac{\Gamma\left(\frac{1}{10}\right)}{\Gamma\left(\frac{2}{15}\right)\ \Gamma\left(\frac{7}{15}\right)}$? | |
1493 Can squares of infinite area always cover a unit square? | |
1494 Whats the probability that a sequence of coin flips never has twice as many heads as tails? | |
1495 $5^n+n$ is never prime? | |
1496 What does it take to divide by $2$? | |
1497 If a two variable smooth function has two global minima, will it necessarily have a third critical point? | |
1498 Subgroups as isotropy subgroups and regular orbits on tuples | |
1499 A question about Sylow subgroups and $C_G(x)$ | |
1500 How to know if a point is inside a circle? | |
1501 Poisson Distribution of sum of two random independent variables $X$, $Y$ | |
1502 Explanation on arg min | |
1503 Product of two Gaussian PDFs is a Gaussian PDF, but Product of two Gaussian Variables is not Gaussian | |
1504 Is the product of symmetric positive semidefinite matrices positive definite? | |
1505 Matrices commute if and only if they share a common basis of eigenvectors? | |
1506 What are the formal names of operands and results for basic operations? | |
1507 Differentiating an Inner Product | |
1508 How to show that the commutator subgroup is a normal subgroup | |
1509 Nobody told me that self teaching could be so damaging... | |
1510 (undergraduate) Algebraic Geometry Textbook Recommendations | |
1511 Why is $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-n}], n\ge 3$ not a UFD? | |
1512 Dot Product Intuition | |
1513 Divisor -- line bundle correspondence in algebraic geometry | |
1514 How to tell if Im good enough for graduate school? | |
1515 How is the derivative truly, literally the best linear approximation near a point? | |
1516 Why is the Continuum Hypothesis (not) true? | |
1517 Good examples of double induction | |
1518 A very general method for proving inequalities. Too good to be true? | |
1519 Is it possible to have three real numbers that have both their sum and product equal to $1$? | |
1520 What was the book that opened your mind to the beauty of mathematics? | |
1521 Research done by high-school students | |
1522 Why does the discriminant in the Quadratic Formula reveal the number of real solutions? | |
1523 Understanding the intuition behind math | |
1524 A circle rolls along a parabola | |
1525 Why is $\varphi$ called the most irrational number? | |
1526 How can I intuitively understand complex exponents? | |
1527 It looks straightforward, but actually it isnt | |
1528 Refuting the Anti-Cantor Cranks | |
1529 Could I be using proof by contradiction too much? | |
1530 Is there any geometric intuition for the factorials in Taylor expansions? | |
1531 Why do differential forms have a much richer structure than vector fields? | |
1532 A Challenging Logarithmic Integral $\int_0^1 \frac{\log(x)\log(1-x)\log^2(1+x)}{x}dx$ | |
1533 Quadratic reciprocity via generalized Fibonacci numbers? | |
1534 Penroses remark on impossible figures | |
1535 Why are asymptotically one half of the integer compositions gap-free? | |
1536 Mirror algorithm for computing $\pi$ and $e$ - does it hint on some connection between them? | |
1537 Difference between ≈, ≃, and ≅ | |
1538 What is the difference between only if and iff? | |
1539 Gradient of squared $2$-norm | |
1540 Distance/Similarity between two matrices | |
1541 Are all eigenvectors, of any matrix, always orthogonal? | |
1542 Area of a square inside a square created by connecting point-opposite midpoint | |
1543 How to generate random points on a sphere? | |
1544 Number of monic irreducible polynomials of prime degree $p$ over finite fields | |
1545 Should I be worried that I am doing well in analysis and not well in algebra? | |
1546 Negative versus Minus | |
1547 Discontinuous linear functional | |
1548 Geometric interpretation for sum of fourth powers | |
1549 The two-daughter-problem | |
1550 Has there ever been an application of dividing by $0$? | |
1551 Why do we miss 8 in the decimal expansion of 1/81, and 98 in the decimal expansion of 1/9801? | |
1552 Why does the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality even have a name? | |
1553 What use is the Yoneda lemma? | |
1554 Is there a function whose antiderivative can be found but whose derivative cannot? | |
1555 Similar matrices and field extensions | |
1556 Are there mathematical concepts that exist in dimension $4$, but not in dimension $3$? | |
1557 Is there a definition of determinants that does not rely on how they are calculated? | |
1558 Unexpected use of topology in proofs | |
1559 Does this Fractal Have a Name? | |
1560 How is the Gödels Completeness Theorem not a tautology? | |
1561 How many 7-note musical scales are possible within the 12-note system? | |
1562 Approximating a $\sigma$-algebra by a generating algebra | |
1563 How do different definitions of degree coincide? | |
1564 What is the size of each side of the square? | |
1565 A non-losing strategy for tic-tac-toe $\times$ tic-tac-toe | |
1566 Can there be an injective function whose derivative is equivalent to its inverse function? | |
1567 Evaluating $\int_0^\infty \frac{dx}{\sqrt{x}[x^2+(1+2\sqrt{2})x+1][1-x+x^2-x^3+...+x^{50}]}$ | |
1568 Trigonometric sums related to the Verlinde formula | |
1569 A bestiary about adjunctions | |
1570 Is OEIS A248049 an integer sequence? | |
1571 Prove that $\int_{0}^{1}\sin{(\pi x)}x^x(1-x)^{1-x}\,dx =\frac{\pi e}{24} $ | |
1572 Golden Number Theory | |
1573 Explicit norm on $\mathcal{C}^0(\mathbb{R},\mathbb{R})$ | |
1574 An illusionist and their assistant are about to perform the following magic trick | |
1575 The most effective windshield-wiper setup. (Packing a square with sectors) | |
1576 How prove this inequality $\sin{\sin{\sin{\sin{x}}}}\le\frac{4}{5}\cos{\cos{\cos{\cos{x}}}}$ | |
1577 Period of the sum/product of two functions | |
1578 Example of Partial Order thats not a Total Order and why? | |
1579 What does curly (curved) less than sign $\succcurlyeq$ mean? | |
1580 Why we consider log likelihood instead of Likelihood in Gaussian Distribution | |
1581 Is there an equation to describe regular polygons? | |
1582 Eigenvalues of the rank one matrix $uv^T$ | |
1583 Under what condition we can interchange order of a limit and a summation? | |
1584 Calculating pi manually | |
1585 Difference between basis and subbasis in a topology? | |
1586 Visualizing the 4th dimension. | |
1587 Why does the derivative of sine only work for radians? | |
1588 Origin of the dot and cross product? | |
1589 What is the arithmetic mean of no numbers? | |
1590 The $\sigma$-algebra of subsets of $X$ generated by a set $\mathcal{A}$ is the smallest sigma algebra including $\mathcal{A}$ | |
1591 Would a proof to the Riemann Hypothesis affect security? | |
1592 What lies beyond the Sedenions | |
1593 Is it possible to determine if you were on a Möbius strip? | |
1594 Big O Notation is element of or is equal | |
1595 Is there a slowest rate of divergence of a series? | |
1596 Any smart ideas on finding the area of this shaded region? | |
1597 Can we calculate $ i\sqrt { i\sqrt { i\sqrt { \cdots } } }$? | |
1598 Is it possible that A counter-example exists but it cannot be found | |
1599 Applications of complex numbers to solve non-complex problems | |
1600 Is it an abuse of language to say *the* integers, *the* rational numbers, or *the* real numbers, etc.? | |
1601 Paradox: increasing sequence that goes to $0$? | |
1602 Is it possible to prove a mathematical statement by proving that a proof exists? | |
1603 Is $6.12345678910111213141516171819202122\ldots$ transcendental? | |
1604 Big list of guided discovery books | |
1605 Are there any Turing-undecidable problems whose undecidability is independent of the Halting problem? | |
1606 Funny double infinite sum | |
1607 Geometry problem involving infinite number of circles | |
1608 What proportion of positive integers have two factors that differ by 1? | |
1609 What are Different Approaches to Introduce the Elementary Functions? | |
1610 Finding triplets $(a,b,c)$ such that $\sqrt{abc}\in\mathbb N$ divides $(a-1)(b-1)(c-1)$ | |
1611 How to think of the group ring as a Hopf algebra? | |
1612 Whats the value of this Viète-style product involving the golden ratio? | |
1613 Is $1+x+\frac{x^2}2+\dots+\frac{x^n}{n!}$ irreducible? | |
1614 How many values of $2^{2^{2^{.^{.^{.^{2}}}}}}$ depending on parenthesis? | |
1615 Looking for a definitive source about Dirichlet finally proving the Unit Theorem in the Sistine Chapel | |
1616 Whats the sign of $\det\left(\sqrt{i^2+j^2}\right)_{1\le i,j\le n}$? | |
1617 Is there a good reason why $\left\lfloor \frac{n!}{11e}\right\rfloor$ is always even? | |
1618 What does E mean in 9.0122222900391E-5? | |
1619 What’s the difference between analytical and numerical approaches to problems? | |
1620 How to find the multiplicity of eigenvalues? | |
1621 Is the power set of the natural numbers countable? | |
1622 Finding $\int x^xdx$ | |
1623 Calculate on which side of a straight line is a given point located? | |
1624 Generating correlated random numbers: Why does Cholesky decomposition work? | |
1625 product distribution of two uniform distribution, what about 3 or more | |
1626 Dantzigs unsolved homework problems | |
1627 Interesting math-facts that are visually attractive | |
1628 How does TREE(3) grow to get so big? (Laymen explanation) | |
1629 Order of general- and special linear groups over finite fields. | |
1630 Why are two permutations conjugate iff they have the same cycle structure? | |
1631 What is an operator in mathematics? | |
1632 Does $ \int_0^{\infty}\frac{\sin x}{x}dx $ have an improper Riemann integral or a Lebesgue integral? | |
1633 Are there any differences between tensors and multidimensional arrays? | |
1634 Is it possible to write a sum as an integral to solve it? | |
1635 Why divide by $2m$ | |
1636 Can math be subjective? | |
1637 Is there an easy way to see associativity or non-associativity from an operations table? | |
1638 Matrix is conjugate to its own transpose | |
1639 Is there a third dimension of numbers? | |
1640 Proving that $m+n\sqrt{2}$ is dense in $\mathbb R$ | |
1641 What is the antiderivative of $e^{-x^2}$ | |
1642 Is there a math expression equivalent to the conditional ternary operator? | |
1643 Understanding Gödels Incompleteness Theorem | |
1644 Do harmonic numbers have a “closed-form” expression? | |
1645 Is $\{0\}$ a field? | |
1646 How hard is the proof of $\pi$ or $e$ being transcendental? | |
1647 Interesting results easily achieved using complex numbers | |
1648 All natural numbers are equal. | |
1649 Geometrical interpretation of Ricci curvature | |
1650 Why are real numbers useful? | |
1651 $x^p-c$ has no root in a field $F$ if and only if $x^p-c$ is irreducible? | |
1652 What kind of work do modern day algebraists do? | |
1653 Choice of $q$ in Baby Rudins Example 1.1 | |
1654 Why is there never a proof that extending the reals to the complex numbers will not cause contradictions? | |
1655 Is there any conjecture that we know is provable/disprovable but we havent found a proof of yet? | |
1656 Gaps or holes in rational number system | |
1657 What is $-i$ exactly? | |
1658 What knot is this? | |
1659 Doesnt the unprovability of the continuum hypothesis prove the continuum hypothesis? | |
1660 What is the fastest/most efficient algorithm for estimating Eulers Constant $\gamma$? | |
1661 What is the crime of lèse-Bourbaki? | |
1662 Natural example of cosets | |
1663 Is Complex Analysis equivalent Real Analysis with $f:\mathbb R^2 \to \mathbb R^2$? | |
1664 If $e^A$ and $e^B$ commute, do $A$ and $B$ commute? | |
1665 A discrete math riddle | |
1666 How does one give a mathematical talk? | |
1667 Probability that a quadratic equation has real roots | |
1668 How to identify surfaces of revolution | |
1669 Is there an abstract definition of a matrix being upper triangular? | |
1670 Self-learning mathematics - help needed! | |
1671 What is this pattern called? | |
1672 The $100$th derivative of $(x^2 + 1)/(x^3 - x)$ | |
1673 Evaluate $\int_0^1\left(\frac{1}{\ln x} + \frac{1}{1-x}\right)^2 \mathrm dx$ | |
1674 Infinite Series $\sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty\frac{(H_n)^2}{n^3}$ | |
1675 In which ordered fields does absolute convergence imply convergence? | |
1676 Crazy pattern in the simple continued fraction for $\sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{1}{(2^k)!}$ | |
1677 A sequence that avoids both arithmetic and geometric progressions | |
1678 Proof of triangle inequality | |
1679 How to find the factorial of a fraction? | |
1680 What is the general equation of the ellipse that is not in the origin and rotated by an angle? | |
1681 Prove that the union of countably many countable sets is countable. | |
1682 Symbol for elementwise multiplication of vectors | |
1683 Difference between supremum and maximum | |
1684 What is difference between a ring and a field? | |
1685 Picking random points in the volume of sphere with uniform probability | |
1686 Necessity/Advantage of LU Decomposition over Gaussian Elimination | |
1687 Introductory Group theory textbook | |
1688 Does non-symmetric positive definite matrix have positive eigenvalues? | |
1689 Difference between Analytic and Holomorphic function | |
1690 Evaluating the nested radical $ \sqrt{1 + 2 \sqrt{1 + 3 \sqrt{1 + \cdots}}} $. | |
1691 Do matrices $ AB $ and $ BA $ have the same minimal and characteristic polynomials? | |
1692 What does it take to get a job at a top 50 math program in the U.S.? | |
1693 Is an irrational number odd or even? | |
1694 Definitions of Hessian in Riemannian Geometry | |
1695 How to calculate the pullback of a $k$-form explicitly | |
1696 How to prove that $\log(x)1$? | |
1697 Exam with $12$ yes/no questions (half yes, half no) and $8$ correct needed to pass, is it better to answer randomly or answer exactly 6 times yes? | |
1698 Distinguishing probability measure, function and distribution | |
1699 False proof: $\pi = 4$, but why? | |
1700 Books about the Riemann Hypothesis | |
1701 Why is $\text{Hom}(V,W)$ the same thing as $V^* \otimes W$? | |
1702 What is exactly the difference between a definition and an axiom? | |
1703 Non-associative operations | |
1704 Is $\sqrt{64}$ considered $8$? or is it $8,-8$? | |
1705 What is $\int_0^1\frac{x^7-1}{\log(x)}\mathrm dx$? | |
1706 Mathematical explanation behind a picture posted (lifted from facebook) | |
1707 Path-connected and locally connected space that is not locally path-connected | |
1708 Can I search for factors of $\ (11!)!+11!+1\ $ efficiently? | |
1709 Solutions to the matrix equation $\mathbf{AB-BA=I}$ over general fields | |
1710 Square root confusion: Why am I getting an answer if it doesnt work? | |
1711 Geometric understanding of differential forms. | |
1712 Why are the only division algebras over the real numbers the real numbers, the complex numbers, and the quaternions? | |
1713 What is the formula for pi used in the Python decimal library? | |
1714 Intuition for why the difference between $\frac{2x^2-x}{x^2-x+1}$ and $\frac{x-2}{x^2-x+1}$ is a constant? | |
1715 Axiom of choice and automorphisms of vector spaces | |
1716 Show that floating point $\sqrt{x \cdot x} \geq x$ for all long $x$. | |
1717 How to entertain a crowd with mathematics? | |
1718 Colliding Bullets | |
1719 False beliefs about Lebesgue measure on $\mathbb{R}$ | |
1720 Evaluating $\int P(\sin x, \cos x) \text{d}x$ | |
1721 Is there a geometric idea behind Sylows theorems? | |
1722 Is $29$ the only prime of the form $p^p+2$? | |
1723 Is Stokes Theorem natural in the sense of category theory? | |
1724 Trying to define $\mathbb{R}^{0.5}$ topologically | |
1725 Conjectured value of a harmonic sum $\sum_{n=1}^\infty\left(H_n-\,2H_{2n}+H_{4n}\right)^2$ | |
1726 Elementary proof that the derivative of a real function is continuous somewhere | |
1727 Can $\sqrt{p}^{\sqrt{p}^{\sqrt{p}}}$ be an integer, if $p$ is a non-square positive integer? | |
1728 How to tell if a set of vectors spans a space? | |
1729 Easy way of memorizing values of sine, cosine, and tangent | |
1730 What does ∈ mean? | |
1731 Recognizable vs Decidable | |
1732 Why have we chosen our number system to be decimal (base 10)? | |
1733 How the product of two integrals is iterated integral? $\int\cdot \int = \iint$ | |
1734 How to take the gradient of the quadratic form? | |
1735 Why cant a set have two elements of the same value? | |
1736 Order of finite fields is $p^n$ | |
1737 Why is $A^TA$ invertible if $A$ has independent columns? | |
1738 Proof that the largest eigenvalue of a stochastic matrix is $1$ | |
1739 how does expectation maximization work? | |
1740 Are functions of independent variables also independent? | |
1741 What is an intuitive explanation for $\operatorname{div} \operatorname{curl} F = 0$? | |
1742 What is the difference between projected gradient descent and ordinary gradient descent? | |
1743 Functions which are Continuous, but not Bicontinuous | |
1744 Choose a random number between $0$ and $1$ and record its value. Keep doing it until the sum of the numbers exceeds $1$. How many tries do we need? | |
1745 How I can prove that the sequence $\sqrt{2} , \sqrt{2\sqrt{2}}, \sqrt{2\sqrt{2\sqrt{2}}}$ converges to 2? | |
1746 Difference between bijection and isomorphism? | |
1747 $\lim\limits_{n \to{+}\infty}{\sqrt[n]{n!}}$ is infinite | |
1748 An easy example of a non-constructive proof without an obvious fix? | |
1749 Why doesnt induction extend to infinity? (re: Fourier series) | |
1750 A really complicated calculus book | |
1751 Why isnt several complex variables as fundamental as multivariable calculus? | |
1752 Parabola is an ellipse, but with one focal point at infinity | |
1753 Formal definition of conditional probability | |
1754 Why is it worth spending time on type theory? | |
1755 Why is cross product defined in the way that it is? | |
1756 What are the rules for equals signs with big-O and little-o? | |
1757 What book can bridge high school math and the more advanced topics? | |
1758 Foundation for analysis without axiom of choice? | |
1759 Intuition behind ideal | |
1760 How far is the list of known primes known to be complete? | |
1761 Why the real and imaginary parts of a complex analytic function are not independent? | |
1762 Do circles divide the plane into more regions than lines? | |
1763 On the functional square root of $x^2+1$ | |
1764 $n!+1$ being a perfect square | |
1765 Does $\zeta(3)$ have a connection with $\pi$? | |
1766 Why do we need so many trigonometric definitions? | |
1767 Prove that the sum of pythagorean triples is always even | |
1768 What is the explanation for this visual proof of the sum of squares? | |
1769 Why are topological spaces interesting to study? | |
1770 Good math books to discover stuff by yourself | |
1771 Integral $\int_{-1}^{1} \frac{1}{x}\sqrt{\frac{1+x}{1-x}} \log \left( \frac{(r-1)x^{2} + sx + 1}{(r-1)x^{2} - sx + 1} \right) \, \mathrm dx$ | |
1772 Why is it that $\mathbb{Q}$ cannot be homeomorphic to _any_ complete metric space? | |
1773 Why is the Laplacian important in Riemannian geometry? | |
1774 MIT 2015 Integration Question | |
1775 Is there a name for this type of polygon? | |
1776 Intuition behind Snake Lemma | |
1777 Is it possible for a function to be smooth everywhere, analytic nowhere, yet Taylor series at any point converges in a nonzero radius? | |
1778 Proof that a trigonometric function of a rational angle must be non-transcendental | |
1779 Does $|n^2 \cos n|$ diverge to $+\infty$? | |
1780 What are exact sequences, metaphysically speaking? | |
1781 What structure does the alternating group preserve? | |
1782 About the integral $\int_{0}^{+\infty}\sin(x\,\log x)\,dx$ | |
1783 Effective Research Notes | |
1784 A new continued fraction for Apérys constant, $\zeta(3)$? | |
1785 Two questions about weakly convergent series related to $\sin(n^2)$ and Weyls inequality | |
1786 What is the integral of 1/x? | |
1787 How does one denote the set of all positive real numbers? | |
1788 Prove: If a sequence converges, then every subsequence converges to the same limit. | |
1789 How many prime numbers are known? | |
1790 What books are prerequisites for Spivaks Calculus? | |
1791 Create unique number from 2 numbers | |
1792 What is the main difference between a vector space and a field? | |
1793 If eigenvalues are positive, is the matrix positive definite? | |
1794 $\epsilon$-$\delta$ proof that $\lim\limits_{x \to 1} \frac{1}{x} = 1$. | |
1795 Finding Value of the Infinite Product $\prod \Bigl(1-\frac{1}{n^{2}}\Bigr)$ | |
1796 Pen, pencils and paper to write math | |
1797 Video lectures on Real Analysis? | |
1798 If $a^3 =a$ for all $a$ in a ring $R$, then $R$ is commutative. | |
1799 Which of the numbers $1, 2^{1/2}, 3^{1/3}, 4^{1/4}, 5^{1/5}, 6^{1/6} , 7^{1/7}$ is largest, and how to find out without calculator? | |
1800 Zero divided by zero must be equal to zero | |
1801 Proof that every number ≥ $8$ can be represented by a sum of fives and threes. | |
1802 What is the difference between a Ring and an Algebra? | |
1803 Intuitive understanding of the derivatives of $\sin x$ and $\cos x$ | |
1804 A linear operator commuting with all such operators is a scalar multiple of the identity. | |
1805 Prove that if $(ab)^i = a^ib^i \forall a,b\in G$ for three consecutive integers $i$ then G is abelian | |
1806 Is $\pi$ equal to $180^\circ$? | |
1807 Is every Lebesgue measurable function on $\mathbb{R}$ the pointwise limit of continuous functions? | |
1808 Seeking a laymans guide to Measure Theory | |
1809 What are the Laws of Rational Exponents? | |
1810 An intuitive approach to the Jordan Normal form | |
1811 Intuitive Understanding of the constant $e$ | |
1812 How far can one see over the ocean? | |
1813 Every power series is the Taylor series of some $C^{\infty}$ function | |
1814 Is the axiom of choice really all that important? | |
1815 On average, how many friends would I need to have to have at least one friends birthday every day? | |
1816 Is there a purely algebraic proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra? | |
1817 What books should I get to self study beyond Calculus for someone about to start undergrad mathematics? | |
1818 Are there any objects which arent sets? | |
1819 What is the theme of analysis? | |
1820 Is there any geometric way to characterize $e$? | |
1821 Why and How do certain manipulations in indefinite integrations just work? | |
1822 History of the Concept of a Ring | |
1823 Simplest way to get the lower bound $\pi > 3.14$ | |
1824 What to answer when people ask what I do in mathematics | |
1825 How many super imaginary numbers are there? | |
1826 Fibonacci infinite sum resulting in $\pi$ | |
1827 Is $i = \sqrt{e^{\pi\sqrt{e^{\pi\sqrt\ldots}}}}$? | |
1828 Example of a compact set that isnt the spectrum of an operator | |
1829 Why is one $\infty$ number enough for complex numbers? | |
1830 How do the Catalan numbers turn up here? | |
1831 What is so special about $\alpha=-1$ in the integral of $x^\alpha$? | |
1832 To evaluate $\int_0^{+\infty} \frac{\;\mathrm dx}{\sqrt[3]{x^3+a^3}\sqrt[3]{x^3+b^3}\sqrt[3]{x^3+c^3}}$ | |
1833 On a long proof | |
1834 Why do all the Platonic Solids exist? | |
1835 Bijection $f\colon\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$ with $f(0)=0$ and $|f(n)-f(n-1)|=n$ | |
1836 How to solve an nth degree polynomial equation | |
1837 Number of onto functions | |
1838 What does := mean? | |
1839 Adding two polar vectors | |
1840 Sum of the alternating harmonic series $\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^{k+1}}{k} = \frac{1}{1} - \frac{1}{2} + \cdots $ | |
1841 Average Distance Between Random Points on a Line Segment | |
1842 Understanding Dot and Cross Product | |
1843 What are good books/other readings for elementary set theory? | |
1844 Best Algebraic Topology book/Alternative to Allen Hatcher free book? | |
1845 What is the implicit function theorem? | |
1846 What does it mean to integrate with respect to the distribution function? | |
1847 Very good linear algebra book. | |
1848 Can a piece of A4 paper be folded so that its thick enough to reach the moon? | |
1849 Every nonzero element in a finite ring is either a unit or a zero divisor | |
1850 Projection is an open map | |
1851 Can someone explain Cayleys Theorem step by step? | |
1852 Lemma/Proposition/Theorem, which one should we pick? | |
1853 Game theory - self study | |
1854 What are the required backgrounds of Robin Hartshornes Algebraic Geometry book? | |
1855 Semi-direct v.s. Direct products | |
1856 Why is it that if I count years from 2011 to 2014 as intervals I get 3 years, but if I count each year separately I get 4 years? | |
1857 What exactly is infinity? | |
1858 How do we know the ratio between circumference and diameter is the same for all circles? | |
1859 Good introductory book on geometric algebra | |
1860 Jacobi identity - intuitive explanation | |
1861 Why does the volume of the unit sphere go to zero? | |
1862 Is it possible to place 26 points inside a rectangle that is 20 cm by 15 cm so that the distance between every pair of points is greater than 5 cm? | |
1863 What does it mean to solve an equation? | |
1864 Isomorphic quotients by isomorphic normal subgroups | |
1865 How can this function have two different antiderivatives? | |
1866 Why arent integration and differentiation inverses of each other? | |
1867 Is 128 the only multi-digit power of 2 such that each of its digits is also a power of 2? | |
1868 Do we really need reals? | |
1869 How can someone reject a math result if everything has to be proved? | |
1870 What are some things we can prove they must exist, but have no idea what they are? | |
1871 I dont understand Gödels incompleteness theorem anymore | |
1872 Where to begin with foundations of mathematics | |
1873 Development of the Idea of the Determinant | |
1874 Do we need to formally teach the Greek Alphabet? | |
1875 The Meaning of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus | |
1876 A conjecture involving prime numbers and circles | |
1877 Is the percentage symbol a constant? | |
1878 Is a proof still valid if only the writer understands it? | |
1879 Set Theoretic Definition of Numbers | |
1880 Why cant Antoines necklace fall apart? | |
1881 Areas versus volumes of revolution: why does the area require approximation by a cone? | |
1882 Designing an Irrational Numbers Wall Clock | |
1883 Must eigenvalues be numbers? | |
1884 How does the divisibility graphs work? | |
1885 Axiom of Choice: Where does my argument for proving the axiom of choice fail? Help me understand why this is an axiom, and not a theorem. | |
1886 The identity cannot be a commutator in a Banach algebra? | |
1887 If the field of a vector space werent characteristic zero, then what would change in the theory? | |
1888 What are some math books written in dialogue or story form, e.g., a teacher explaining to a student? | |
1889 A zero sum subset of a sum-full set | |
1890 Why cant we define more elementary functions? | |
1891 A conjectured closed form of $\int\limits_0^\infty\frac{x-1}{\sqrt{2^x-1}\ \ln\left(2^x-1\right)}dx$ | |
1892 Sheldon Cooper Primes | |
1893 Notations that are mnemonic outside of English | |
1894 Hidden patterns in $\sin(a x^2)$ | |
1895 AM-GM-HM Triplets | |
1896 Why is the Galois Correspondence intuitively plausible? | |
1897 Generalizing the sum of consecutive cubes $\sum_{k=1}^n k^3 = \Big(\sum_{k=1}^n k\Big)^2$ to other odd powers | |
1898 A curious equality of integrals involving the prime counting function? | |
1899 Xmas Maths 2015 | |
1900 How to evaluate $\int_0^\infty\operatorname{erfc}^n x\ \mathrm dx$? | |
1901 Time to reach a final state in a random dynamical system (answer known, proof unknown) | |
1902 What numbers can be created by $1-x^2$ and $x/2$? | |
1903 Is there a way to get trig functions without a calculator? | |
1904 Sample Standard Deviation vs. Population Standard Deviation | |
1905 Why does an integral change signs when flipping the boundaries? | |
1906 Why is the absolute value function not differentiable at $x=0$? | |
1907 Effect of elementary row operations on determinant? | |
1908 Do all square matrices have eigenvectors? | |
1909 Is zero a prime number? | |
1910 How to find a basis for the intersection of two vector spaces in $\mathbb{R}^n$? | |
1911 Subgroup of index $2$ is Normal | |
1912 The generating function for the Fibonacci numbers | |
1913 Examples of infinite groups such that all their respective elements are of finite order. | |
1914 Why are $3D$ transformation matrices $4 \times 4$ instead of $3 \times 3$? | |
1915 Show that $\langle 2,x \rangle$ is not a principal ideal in $\mathbb Z [x]$ | |
1916 Every linear mapping on a finite dimensional space is continuous | |
1917 difference between maximal element and greatest element | |
1918 How can a set contain itself? | |
1919 Sum of two closed sets in $\mathbb R$ is closed? | |
1920 How unique are $U$ and $V$ in the Singular Value Decomposition? | |
1921 Are normal subgroups transitive? | |
1922 Why is the ring of matrices over a field simple? | |
1923 In set theory, how are real numbers represented as sets? | |
1924 Is it possible to plot a graph of any shape? | |
1925 Proving $\frac{\sin x}{x} =\left(1-\frac{x^2}{\pi^2}\right)\left(1-\frac{x^2}{2^2\pi^2}\right) \left(1-\frac{x^2}{3^2\pi^2}\right)\cdots$ | |
1926 Subgroups of finitely generated groups are not necessarily finitely generated | |
1927 $|G|>2$ implies $G$ has non trivial automorphism | |
1928 There exists a power of 2 such that the last five digits are all 3s or 6s. Find the last 5 digits of this number | |
1929 Does a Fourier transformation on a (pseudo-)Riemannian manifold make sense? | |
1930 $\sin 1^\circ$ is irrational but how do I prove it in a slick way? And $\tan(1^\circ)$ is ..... | |
1931 How many fair dice exist? | |
1932 How to start a math blog? | |
1933 Modus moron rule of inference? | |
1934 precise official definition of a cell complex and CW-complex | |
1935 Alternative proofs that $A_5$ is simple | |
1936 Can you give me some concrete examples of magmas? | |
1937 Does Monty Hall logic apply to this real world situation? | |
1938 Are there dictionaries in math? | |
1939 How did early mathematicians make it without Set theory? | |
1940 Sharing a pepperoni pizza with your worst enemy | |
1941 Is it wrong to tell children that $1/0 =$ NaN is incorrect, and should be $∞$? | |
1942 Why is the Daniell integral not so popular? | |
1943 Say $a=b$. Is Do the same thing to both sides of an equation, and it still holds an axiom? | |
1944 Why is there antagonism towards extended real numbers? | |
1945 What is a topological space good for? | |
1946 Are rational points dense on every circle in the coordinate plane? | |
1947 What do mathematicians mean by equipped? | |
1948 Category-theoretic limit related to topological limit? | |
1949 Notation for an interval when you dont know which bound is greater | |
1950 Why can we use induction when studying metamathematics? | |
1951 Finding the value of $\sqrt{1+2\sqrt{2+3\sqrt{3+4\sqrt{4+5\sqrt{5+\dots}}}}}$ | |
1952 What if $\pi$ was an algebraic number? (significance of algebraic numbers) | |
1953 Solution to the equation of a polynomial raised to the power of a polynomial. | |
1954 Are commutative C*-algebras really dual to locally compact Hausdorff spaces? | |
1955 Is $dx\,dy$ really a multiplication of $dx$ and $dy$? | |
1956 Proving $\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty e^{-\pi n^2} = \frac{\sqrt[4] \pi}{\Gamma\left(\frac 3 4\right)}$ | |
1957 How do you prove Gautschis inequality for the gamma function? | |
1958 Function that is the sum of all of its derivatives | |
1959 Identity for simple 1D random walk | |
1960 Prove $\int\limits_{0}^{\pi/2}\frac{dx}{1+\sin^2{(\tan{x})}}=\frac{\pi}{2\sqrt{2}}\bigl(\frac{e^2+3-2\sqrt{2}}{e^2-3+2\sqrt{2}}\bigr)$ | |
1961 How to maintain enthusiasm and joy in teaching when the material grows stale | |
1962 An exotic sequence | |
1963 Making trigonometric substitutions rigorous | |
1964 A new kind of fractal? | |
1965 How do you go about doing mathematics on a day to day basis? | |
1966 $C^{k}$-manifolds: how and why? | |
1967 Why do I only breathe out of one nostril? | |
1968 Why are so few foods blue? | |
1969 Does DNA have the equivalent of IF-statements, WHILE loops, or function calls? How about GOTO? | |
1970 How many times did terrestrial life emerge from the ocean? | |
1971 Do bacteria die of old age? | |
1972 Is there a reason why human eyesight and plants make use of the same wavelength of light? | |
1973 Why is thymine rather than uracil used in DNA? | |
1974 Are male and female brains physically different from birth? | |
1975 What is the effect of non-vaccinated people on vaccinated people? | |
1976 Why do plants have green leaves and not red? | |
1977 Can HIV be transmitted via mosquitos? | |
1978 Whats the evidence against SARS-CoV-2 being engineered by humans? | |
1979 Do beneficial viruses exist? If so, what examples are there? | |
1980 Does the string ...CATCAT... appear in the DNA of Felis catus? | |
1981 Why did the process of sleep evolve in many animals? What is its evolutionary advantage? | |
1982 Are humans the only species who drink milk as adults? | |
1983 How could humans have interbred with Neanderthals if were a different species? | |
1984 Why do some bad traits evolve, and good ones dont? | |
1985 Death because of distilled water consumption | |
1986 Why is the heart not in the middle of the body? | |
1987 Why 20 amino acids instead of 64? | |
1988 Is there an RGB equivalent for smells? | |
1989 Whats up with this leaf? | |
1990 How does the brains energy consumption depend on mental activity? | |
1991 Do animals exhibit handedness (paw-ness?) preference? | |
1992 Why do Humans not produce Vitamin C like other mammals? | |
1993 Why shouldnt dogs eat chocolate? | |
1994 Why are there no wheeled animals? | |
1995 What is the evolutionary advantage of red-green color blindness? | |
1996 Do ants or other insects sleep, and if so why? | |
1997 What could cause a forest of bent trees? | |
1998 Is there any evidence that sexual selection may lead to extinction of species? | |
1999 Why does evolution not make our life longer? | |
2000 Why does it hurt the next day after doing significant exercise? | |
2001 Can a woman give birth to twins with different fathers? | |
2002 Are there organisms with fewer than 1000 neurons? | |
2003 How come large herbivores have such thin legs? | |
2004 A new species of small bird? | |
2005 Why dont mammals have more than 4 limbs? | |
2006 Why do smaller mammals move intermittently? | |
2007 Are the social-distancing measures implemented against SARS-CoV-2 also suppressing the spread of other viruses? | |
2008 Why do the fastest runners tend to be black? | |
2009 Life without DNA? | |
2010 What is the benefit of fever during infections? | |
2011 Why isnt a virus alive? | |
2012 Why do men have nipples? | |
2013 Why are there no organisms with metal body parts, like weapons, bones, and armour? (Or are there?) | |
2014 Human perception of time depending on age | |
2015 Do large animals experience a meaningful delay when moving their most distant appendages? | |
2016 Why does cracking a joint make noise? | |