crystantine's picture
Upload 22 files
history blame
17.3 kB
import json
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
from typing import List
import requests
import glob
from tqdm import tqdm
from modules import shared, sd_models, sd_vae, hashes
from modules.paths import models_path
from civitai.models import Command, ResourceRequest
#region shared variables
base_url = shared.cmd_opts.civitai_endpoint
base_url = ''
connected = False
user_agent = 'CivitaiLink:Automatic1111'
download_chunk_size = 8192
cache_key = 'civitai'
#region Utils
def log(message):
"""Log a message to the console."""
print(f'Civitai: {message}')
def download_file(url, dest, on_progress=None):
if os.path.exists(dest):
log(f'File already exists: {dest}')
log(f'Downloading: "{url}" to {dest}\n')
response = requests.get(url, stream=True, headers={"User-Agent": user_agent})
total = int(response.headers.get('content-length', 0))
start_time = time.time()
dest = os.path.expanduser(dest)
dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dest)
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, dir=dst_dir)
current = 0
with tqdm(total=total, unit='B', unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024) as bar:
for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=download_chunk_size):
current += len(data)
pos = f.write(data)
if on_progress is not None:
should_stop = on_progress(current, total, start_time)
if should_stop == True:
raise Exception('Download cancelled')
shutil.move(, dest)
except OSError as e:
print(f"Could not write the preview file to {dst_dir}")
if os.path.exists(
#endregion Utils
#region API
def req(endpoint, method='GET', data=None, params=None, headers=None):
"""Make a request to the Civitai API."""
if headers is None:
headers = {}
headers['User-Agent'] = user_agent
api_key ="civitai_api_key", None)
if api_key is not None:
headers['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {api_key}'
if data is not None:
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
data = json.dumps(data)
if not endpoint.startswith('/'):
endpoint = '/' + endpoint
if params is None:
params = {}
response = requests.request(method, base_url+endpoint, data=data, params=params, headers=headers)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(f'Error: {response.status_code} {response.text}')
return response.json()
def get_models(query, creator, tag, type, page=1, page_size=20, sort='Most Downloaded', period='AllTime'):
"""Get a list of models from the Civitai API."""
response = req('/models', params={
'query': query,
'username': creator,
'tag': tag,
'type': type,
'sort': sort,
'period': period,
'page': page,
'pageSize': page_size,
return response
def get_all_by_hash(hashes: List[str]):
response = req(f"/model-versions/by-hash", method='POST', data=hashes)
return response
def get_model_version(id):
"""Get a model version from the Civitai API."""
response = req('/model-versions/'+id)
return response
def get_model_version_by_hash(hash: str):
response = req(f"/model-versions/by-hash/{hash}")
return response
def get_creators(query, page=1, page_size=20):
"""Get a list of creators from the Civitai API."""
response = req('/creators', params={
'query': query,
'page': page,
'pageSize': page_size
return response
def get_tags(query, page=1, page_size=20):
"""Get a list of tags from the Civitai API."""
response = req('/tags', params={
'query': query,
'page': page,
'pageSize': page_size
return response
#endregion API
#region Get Utils
def get_lora_dir():
lora_dir ='civitai_folder_lora', shared.cmd_opts.lora_dir).strip()
if not lora_dir: lora_dir = shared.cmd_opts.lora_dir
return lora_dir
def get_locon_dir():
lyco_dir ='civitai_folder_lyco', shared.cmd_opts.lyco_dir).strip()
if not lyco_dir: lyco_dir = shared.cmd_opts.lyco_dir
if not lyco_dir: lyco_dir = os.path.join(models_path, "LyCORIS"),
return lyco_dir
return get_lora_dir()
def get_model_dir():
model_dir ='civitai_folder_model', shared.cmd_opts.ckpt_dir)
if not model_dir: model_dir = shared.cmd_opts.ckpt_dir
if not model_dir: model_dir = sd_models.model_path
return model_dir.strip()
def get_automatic_type(type: str):
if type == 'Hypernetwork': return 'hypernet'
return type.lower()
def get_automatic_name(type: str, filename: str, folder: str):
abspath = os.path.abspath(filename)
if abspath.startswith(folder):
fullname = abspath.replace(folder, '')
fullname = os.path.basename(filename)
if fullname.startswith("\\") or fullname.startswith("/"):
fullname = fullname[1:]
if type == 'Checkpoint': return fullname
return os.path.splitext(fullname)[0]
def has_preview(filename: str):
return os.path.isfile(os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.preview.png')
def has_info(filename: str):
return os.path.isfile(os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.json')
def get_resources_in_folder(type, folder, exts=[], exts_exclude=[]):
resources = []
os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True)
candidates = []
for ext in exts:
candidates += glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, '**/*.' + ext), recursive=True)
for ext in exts_exclude:
candidates = [x for x in candidates if not x.endswith(ext)]
folder = os.path.abspath(folder)
automatic_type = get_automatic_type(type)
for filename in sorted(candidates):
if os.path.isdir(filename):
name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
automatic_name = get_automatic_name(type, filename, folder)
hash = hashes.sha256(filename, f"{automatic_type}/{automatic_name}")
resources.append({'type': type, 'name': name, 'hash': hash, 'path': filename, 'hasPreview': has_preview(filename), 'hasInfo': has_info(filename) })
return resources
resources = []
def load_resource_list(types=['LORA', 'LoCon', 'Hypernetwork', 'TextualInversion', 'Checkpoint', 'VAE', 'Controlnet']):
global resources
# If resources is empty and types is empty, load all types
# This is a helper to be able to get the resource list without
# having to worry about initialization. On subsequent calls, no work will be done
if len(resources) == 0 and len(types) == 0:
types = ['LORA', 'LoCon', 'Hypernetwork', 'TextualInversion', 'Checkpoint', 'VAE', 'Controlnet']
if 'LORA' in types:
resources = [r for r in resources if r['type'] != 'LORA']
resources += get_resources_in_folder('LORA', get_lora_dir(), ['pt', 'safetensors', 'ckpt'])
if 'LoCon' in types:
resources = [r for r in resources if r['type'] != 'LoCon']
resources += get_resources_in_folder('LoCon', get_locon_dir(), ['pt', 'safetensors', 'ckpt'])
if 'Hypernetwork' in types:
resources = [r for r in resources if r['type'] != 'Hypernetwork']
resources += get_resources_in_folder('Hypernetwork', shared.cmd_opts.hypernetwork_dir, ['pt', 'safetensors', 'ckpt'])
if 'TextualInversion' in types:
resources = [r for r in resources if r['type'] != 'TextualInversion']
resources += get_resources_in_folder('TextualInversion', shared.cmd_opts.embeddings_dir, ['pt', 'bin', 'safetensors'])
if 'Checkpoint' in types:
resources = [r for r in resources if r['type'] != 'Checkpoint']
resources += get_resources_in_folder('Checkpoint', get_model_dir(), ['safetensors', 'ckpt'], ['vae.safetensors', 'vae.ckpt'])
if 'Controlnet' in types:
resources = [r for r in resources if r['type'] != 'Controlnet']
resources += get_resources_in_folder('Controlnet', os.path.join(models_path, "ControlNet"), ['safetensors', 'ckpt'], ['vae.safetensors', 'vae.ckpt'])
if 'VAE' in types:
resources = [r for r in resources if r['type'] != 'VAE']
resources += get_resources_in_folder('VAE', get_model_dir(), ['', 'vae.safetensors', 'vae.ckpt'])
resources += get_resources_in_folder('VAE', sd_vae.vae_path, ['pt', 'safetensors', 'ckpt'])
return resources
def get_resource_by_hash(hash: str):
resources = load_resource_list([])
found = [resource for resource in resources if hash.lower() == resource['hash'] and ('downloading' not in resource or resource['downloading'] != True)]
if found:
return found[0]
return None
def get_model_by_hash(hash: str):
found = [info for info in sd_models.checkpoints_list.values() if hash == info.sha256 or hash == info.shorthash or hash == info.hash]
if found:
return found[0]
return None
#endregion Get Utils
#region Removing
def remove_resource(resource: ResourceRequest):
removed = None
target = get_resource_by_hash(resource['hash'])
if target is None or target['type'] != resource['type']: removed = False
elif os.path.exists(target['path']):
removed = True
if removed == True:
log(f'Removed resource')
if resource['type'] == 'Checkpoint':
elif resource['type'] == 'Hypernetwork':
# elif resource['type'] == 'LORA':
# TODO: reload LORA
elif removed == None:
log(f'Resource not found')
#endregion Removing
#region Downloading
def load_if_missing(path, url, on_progress=None):
if os.path.exists(path): return True
if url is None: return False
download_file(url, path, on_progress)
return None
def load_resource(resource: ResourceRequest, on_progress=None):
resource['hash'] = resource['hash'].lower()
existing_resource = get_resource_by_hash(resource['hash'])
if existing_resource:
log(f'Already have resource: {resource["name"]}')
resources.append({'type': resource['type'], 'name': resource['name'], 'hash': resource['hash'], 'downloading': True })
if resource['type'] == 'Checkpoint': load_model(resource, on_progress)
elif resource['type'] == 'CheckpointConfig': load_model_config(resource, on_progress)
elif resource['type'] == 'Controlnet': load_controlnet(resource, on_progress)
elif resource['type'] == 'Hypernetwork': load_hypernetwork(resource, on_progress)
elif resource['type'] == 'TextualInversion': load_textual_inversion(resource, on_progress)
elif resource['type'] == 'LORA': load_lora(resource, on_progress)
elif resource['type'] == 'LoCon': load_locon(resource, on_progress)
def fetch_model_by_hash(hash: str):
model_version = get_model_version_by_hash(hash)
if model_version is None:
log(f'Could not find model version with hash {hash}')
return None
file = [x for x in model_version['files'] if x['primary'] == True][0]
resource = ResourceRequest(
def load_model_config(resource: ResourceRequest, on_progress=None):
load_if_missing(os.path.join(get_model_dir(), resource['name']), resource['url'], on_progress)
def load_model(resource: ResourceRequest, on_progress=None):
model = get_model_by_hash(resource['hash'])
if model is not None:
log('Found model in model list')
if model is None and resource['url'] is not None:
log('Downloading model')
download_file(resource['url'], os.path.join(get_model_dir(), resource['name']), on_progress)
model = get_model_by_hash(resource['hash'])
return model
def load_controlnet(resource: ResourceRequest, on_progress=None):
isAvailable = load_if_missing(os.path.join(models_path, 'ControlNet', resource['name']), resource['url'], on_progress)
# TODO: reload controlnet list - not sure best way to import this
# if isAvailable is None:
# controlnet.list_available_models()
def load_textual_inversion(resource: ResourceRequest, on_progress=None):
load_if_missing(os.path.join(shared.cmd_opts.embeddings_dir, resource['name']), resource['url'], on_progress)
def load_lora(resource: ResourceRequest, on_progress=None):
isAvailable = load_if_missing(os.path.join(get_lora_dir(), resource['name']), resource['url'], on_progress)
# TODO: reload lora list - not sure best way to import this
# if isAvailable is None:
# lora.list_available_loras()
def load_locon(resource: ResourceRequest, on_progress=None):
isAvailable = load_if_missing(os.path.join(get_locon_dir(), resource['name']), resource['url'], on_progress)
# TODO: reload locon list - not sure best way to import this
# if isAvailable is None:
# lora.list_available_loras()
def load_vae(resource: ResourceRequest, on_progress=None):
# TODO: find by hash instead of name
if not resource['name'].endswith('.pt'): resource['name'] += '.pt'
full_path = os.path.join(models_path, 'VAE', resource['name'])
isAvailable = load_if_missing(full_path, resource['url'], on_progress)
if isAvailable is None:
def load_hypernetwork(resource: ResourceRequest, on_progress=None):
full_path = os.path.join(shared.cmd_opts.hypernetwork_dir, resource['name']);
if not full_path.endswith('.pt'): full_path += '.pt'
isAvailable = load_if_missing(full_path, resource['url'], on_progress)
if isAvailable is None:
#endregion Downloading
#region Selecting Resources
def select_model(resource: ResourceRequest):
if["sd_checkpoint_hash"] == resource['hash']: return
model = load_model(resource)
if shared.sd_model.sd_checkpoint_info.model_name == model.model_name:
if model is not None:
else: log('Could not find model and no URL was provided')
def select_vae(resource: ResourceRequest):
# TODO: find by hash instead of name
if not resource['name'].endswith('.pt'): resource['name'] += '.pt'
full_path = os.path.join(models_path, 'VAE', resource['name'])
if sd_vae.loaded_vae_file is not None and sd_vae.get_filename(sd_vae.loaded_vae_file) == resource['name']:
log('VAE already loaded')
isAvailable = load_if_missing(full_path, resource['url'])
if not isAvailable:
log('Could not find VAE')
sd_vae.load_vae(shared.sd_model, full_path)
def clear_vae():
log('Clearing VAE')
def select_hypernetwork(resource: ResourceRequest):
# TODO: find by hash instead of name
if shared.opts.sd_hypernetwork == resource['name']:
log('Hypernetwork already loaded')
full_path = os.path.join(shared.cmd_opts.hypernetwork_dir, resource['name']);
if not full_path.endswith('.pt'): full_path += '.pt'
isAvailable = load_if_missing(full_path, resource['url'])
if not isAvailable:
log('Could not find hypernetwork')
shared.opts.sd_hypernetwork = resource['name']
def clear_hypernetwork():
if (shared.opts.sd_hypernetwork == 'None'): return
log('Clearing hypernetwork')
shared.opts.sd_hypernetwork = 'None'
#region Resource Management
def update_resource_preview(hash: str, preview_url: str):
resources = load_resource_list([])
matches = [resource for resource in resources if hash.lower() == resource['hash']]
if len(matches) == 0: return
for resource in matches:
# download image and save to resource['path'] - ext + '.preview.png'
preview_path = os.path.splitext(resource['path'])[0] + '.preview.png'
download_file(preview_url, preview_path)
#endregion Selecting Resources
#region Activities
activities = []
activity_history_length = 10
ignore_activity_types = ['resources:list','activities:list','activities:clear', 'activities:cancel']
def add_activity(activity: Command):
global activities
if activity['type'] in ignore_activity_types: return
existing_activity_index = [i for i, x in enumerate(activities) if x['id'] == activity['id']]
if len(existing_activity_index) > 0: activities[existing_activity_index[0]] = activity
else: activities.insert(0, activity)
if len(activities) > activity_history_length: