import copy import os from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List, Union import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image import insightface import onnxruntime from modules.face_restoration import FaceRestoration from modules.upscaler import UpscalerData from scripts.logger import logger import warnings np.warnings = warnings np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') providers = onnxruntime.get_available_providers() @dataclass class UpscaleOptions: do_restore_first: bool = True scale: int = 1 upscaler: UpscalerData = None upscale_visibility: float = 0.5 face_restorer: FaceRestoration = None restorer_visibility: float = 0.5 def cosine_distance(vector1: np.ndarray, vector2: np.ndarray) -> float: vec1 = vector1.flatten() vec2 = vector2.flatten() dot_product =, vec2) norm1 = np.linalg.norm(vec1) norm2 = np.linalg.norm(vec2) cosine_distance = 1 - (dot_product / (norm1 * norm2)) return cosine_distance def cosine_similarity(test_vec: np.ndarray, source_vecs: List[np.ndarray]) -> float: cos_dist = sum(cosine_distance(test_vec, source_vec) for source_vec in source_vecs) average_cos_dist = cos_dist / len(source_vecs) return average_cos_dist FS_MODEL = None CURRENT_FS_MODEL_PATH = None ANALYSIS_MODEL = None def getAnalysisModel(): global ANALYSIS_MODEL if ANALYSIS_MODEL is None: ANALYSIS_MODEL = name="buffalo_l", providers=providers # note: allowed_modules=['detection', 'genderage'] ) return ANALYSIS_MODEL def getFaceSwapModel(model_path: str): global FS_MODEL global CURRENT_FS_MODEL_PATH if CURRENT_FS_MODEL_PATH is None or CURRENT_FS_MODEL_PATH != model_path: CURRENT_FS_MODEL_PATH = model_path FS_MODEL = insightface.model_zoo.get_model(model_path, providers=providers) return FS_MODEL def upscale_image(image: Image, upscale_options: UpscaleOptions): result_image = image if upscale_options.do_restore_first: if upscale_options.face_restorer is not None: original_image = result_image.copy()"Restoring the face with %s", numpy_image = np.array(result_image) numpy_image = upscale_options.face_restorer.restore(numpy_image) restored_image = Image.fromarray(numpy_image) result_image = Image.blend( original_image, restored_image, upscale_options.restorer_visibility ) if upscale_options.upscaler is not None and != "None": original_image = result_image.copy() "Upscaling with %s scale = %s",, upscale_options.scale, ) result_image = upscale_options.upscaler.scaler.upscale( original_image, upscale_options.scale, upscale_options.upscaler.data_path ) if upscale_options.scale == 1: result_image = Image.blend( original_image, result_image, upscale_options.upscale_visibility ) else: if upscale_options.upscaler is not None and != "None": original_image = result_image.copy() "Upscaling with %s scale = %s",, upscale_options.scale, ) result_image = upscale_options.upscaler.scaler.upscale( image, upscale_options.scale, upscale_options.upscaler.data_path ) if upscale_options.scale == 1: result_image = Image.blend( original_image, result_image, upscale_options.upscale_visibility ) if upscale_options.face_restorer is not None: original_image = result_image.copy()"Restoring the face with %s", numpy_image = np.array(result_image) numpy_image = upscale_options.face_restorer.restore(numpy_image) restored_image = Image.fromarray(numpy_image) result_image = Image.blend( original_image, restored_image, upscale_options.restorer_visibility ) return result_image def get_face_gender( face, face_index, gender_condition, operated: str ): gender = [ for x in face ] gender.reverse() face_gender = gender[face_index]"%s Face %s: Detected Gender -%s-", operated, face_index, face_gender) if (gender_condition == 1 and face_gender == "F") or (gender_condition == 2 and face_gender == "M"):"OK - Detected Gender matches Condition") try: return sorted(face, key=lambda x: x.bbox[0])[face_index], 0 except IndexError: return None, 0 else:"WRONG - Detected Gender doesn't match Condition") return sorted(face, key=lambda x: x.bbox[0])[face_index], 1 def reget_face_single(img_data, det_size, face_index): det_size_half = (det_size[0] // 2, det_size[1] // 2) return get_face_single(img_data, face_index=face_index, det_size=det_size_half) def get_face_single(img_data: np.ndarray, face_index=0, det_size=(640, 640), gender_source=0, gender_target=0): face_analyser = copy.deepcopy(getAnalysisModel()) face_analyser.prepare(ctx_id=0, det_size=det_size) face = face_analyser.get(img_data) if gender_source != 0: if len(face) == 0 and det_size[0] > 320 and det_size[1] > 320: return reget_face_single(img_data, det_size, face_index) return get_face_gender(face,face_index,gender_source,"Source") if gender_target != 0: if len(face) == 0 and det_size[0] > 320 and det_size[1] > 320: return reget_face_single(img_data, det_size, face_index) return get_face_gender(face,face_index,gender_target,"Target") if len(face) == 0 and det_size[0] > 320 and det_size[1] > 320: return reget_face_single(img_data, det_size, face_index) try: return sorted(face, key=lambda x: x.bbox[0])[face_index], 0 except IndexError: return None, 0 def swap_face( source_img: Image.Image, target_img: Image.Image, model: Union[str, None] = None, source_faces_index: List[int] = [0], faces_index: List[int] = [0], upscale_options: Union[UpscaleOptions, None] = None, gender_source: int = 0, gender_target: int = 0, ): result_image = target_img if model is not None: if isinstance(source_img, str): # source_img is a base64 string import base64, io if 'base64,' in source_img: # check if the base64 string has a data URL scheme # split the base64 string to get the actual base64 encoded image data base64_data = source_img.split('base64,')[-1] # decode base64 string to bytes img_bytes = base64.b64decode(base64_data) else: # if no data URL scheme, just decode img_bytes = base64.b64decode(source_img) source_img = source_img = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(source_img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) target_img = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(target_img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) source_face, wrong_gender = get_face_single(source_img, face_index=source_faces_index[0], gender_source=gender_source) if len(source_faces_index) != 0 and len(source_faces_index) != 1 and len(source_faces_index) != len(faces_index):'Source Faces must have no entries (default=0), one entry, or same number of entries as target faces.') elif source_face is not None: result = target_img model_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), model) face_swapper = getFaceSwapModel(model_path) source_face_idx = 0 for face_num in faces_index: if len(source_faces_index) > 1 and source_face_idx > 0: source_face, wrong_gender = get_face_single(source_img, face_index=source_faces_index[source_face_idx], gender_source=gender_source) source_face_idx += 1 if source_face is not None and wrong_gender == 0: target_face, wrong_gender = get_face_single(target_img, face_index=face_num, gender_target=gender_target) if target_face is not None and wrong_gender == 0: result = face_swapper.get(result, target_face, source_face) elif wrong_gender == 1: wrong_gender = 0 if source_face_idx == len(source_faces_index): result_image = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(result, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) if upscale_options is not None: result_image = upscale_image(result_image, upscale_options) return result_image else:"No target face found for {face_num}") elif wrong_gender == 1: wrong_gender = 0 if source_face_idx == len(source_faces_index): result_image = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(result, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) if upscale_options is not None: result_image = upscale_image(result_image, upscale_options) return result_image else:"No source face found for face number {source_face_idx}.") result_image = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(result, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) if upscale_options is not None and target_face is not None: result_image = upscale_image(result_image, upscale_options) else:"No source face(s) found") return result_image