1 00:00:01,133 --> 00:00:03,966 I don't believe how he could be Miss Yun 2 00:00:04,100 --> 00:00:05,400 These two are finished 3 00:00:05,533 --> 00:00:08,166 Unexpectedly spreading rumors in public that Miss Yun is a mistress 4 00:00:08,333 --> 00:00:10,866 I simply don't know how the dead letter is written 5 00:00:10,866 --> 00:00:12,100 There is also a director named Xue 6 00:00:12,266 --> 00:00:15,166 Unexpectedly, he still wants to drive out the political leader Qingyun Yan 7 00:00:15,333 --> 00:00:17,066 If this Yun family blames him 8 00:00:17,266 --> 00:00:19,133 I don't think he can even keep his head safe 9 00:00:20,866 --> 00:00:22,400 Shut the fuck up 10 00:00:24,966 --> 00:00:26,066 Miss Yun, spare your life 11 00:00:26,066 --> 00:00:27,400 Kid has eyes but doesn't know the truth 12 00:00:27,466 --> 00:00:28,466 Your son is guilty 13 00:00:28,566 --> 00:00:30,100 Kid, this kid should be guilty 14 00:00:30,100 --> 00:00:31,933 Miss Yun, please spare me 15 00:00:32,933 --> 00:00:34,733 He is the eldest daughter of the Lin family 16 00:00:36,066 --> 00:00:37,133 Qin Muhe is 17 00:00:38,533 --> 00:00:40,133 Let me give you a formal introduction 18 00:00:40,133 --> 00:00:43,766 I came to Qinzhou precisely because of Mr. Qin Muqin 19 00:00:43,766 --> 00:00:46,466 He is my fianc é of Yunxi Yao 20 00:00:48,000 --> 00:00:49,066 How could this be possible 21 00:00:49,866 --> 00:00:53,466 Qin Muta is just a migrant worker carrying big bags 22 00:00:54,133 --> 00:00:55,400 There is a huge gap in identity 23 00:00:55,533 --> 00:00:58,000 How could it be the fianc é of Miss Yun's family 24 00:00:58,266 --> 00:01:00,166 This must be a mistake 25 00:01:00,366 --> 00:01:01,866 Ah Yun Family Miss 26 00:01:01,866 --> 00:01:04,366 Don't be fooled by this scammer 27 00:01:04,966 --> 00:01:07,133 No background, no identity 28 00:01:08,100 --> 00:01:10,566 How could it be the fianc é of the Yun family courtyard 29 00:01:11,000 --> 00:01:13,000 He can be taken care of by the Yun family 30 00:01:13,200 --> 00:01:15,766 It's already a great fortune for the smoke from the ancestral tomb 31 00:01:15,933 --> 00:01:18,533 How can He De ignite the trap of the Cloud family 32 00:01:18,533 --> 00:01:19,400 This lady 33 00:01:19,600 --> 00:01:21,966 Would you like to see me about Yun Xiyao's private affairs 34 00:01:22,300 --> 00:01:24,066 It's not your turn to question yet 35 00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:27,900 My engagement with Mr. Qin Muqin 36 00:01:27,900 --> 00:01:29,566 It was set by my grandfather himself 37 00:01:29,600 --> 00:01:32,200 And I have already investigated 38 00:01:32,366 --> 00:01:35,333 The reason why you, Liu Jingyan, have today's surface scenery 39 00:01:35,666 --> 00:01:37,200 It's entirely because of Qin Mu 40 00:01:37,333 --> 00:01:39,566 Making money outside to support you and your mother 41 00:01:39,566 --> 00:01:41,333 Not only do you not know how to be grateful 42 00:01:41,933 --> 00:01:44,566 On the contrary, wealthy and wealthy Ling Xuan joined forces to plot against him 43 00:01:44,733 --> 00:01:47,733 In the end, I still remember to take a bite back, and my character is like this 44 00:01:47,866 --> 00:01:49,533 You also deserve to question Mr. Qin 45 00:01:50,066 --> 00:01:52,766 Speaking of it, I still need to thank you very much 46 00:01:52,800 --> 00:01:54,366 Thank you for your invaluable kindness 47 00:01:54,366 --> 00:01:57,666 That gave me the privilege of meeting a good match like Mr. Qin