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{"eng": "For God has put in their hearts to do what he has in mind, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God should be accomplished.", "aly": "Ntwa iterl-areyel rewely 10 weth-rnem, atyetyart ilkwa 10 weth-rnem ilemarl? Kel Akngey ran atyetyart 10 weth-rnem arnew, rernem pweyterreyew, arraylenty rlterrkeleyew arawerrng ilkwakertel. Arrwekel Akngey iterrew arrpemarl, alakenharl aynteyenh. Arraylenty ran atyetyart aneyenh arlta ikwerew-atety, Akngeyelarl renh ywerrelheleyenhel. Alakenhan inngarl aynteyenh, Akngeyelarl ilew arrwekel-antey. Rernem pweyterreyenh arraylenty ikwer-warl, rernemap ilkelhey-angenh irreyenh arelh apmwa wethew, rernemap arlekerremel renh atweyenh. Ilek-ilek mwerr-angker ineyenh ikwer-they, arnkwa lhelp-lhelemel. Nyerr-anthenty-penh rernem tyelk arlkweyenh, arlka iwemel rwewarl."}
{"eng": "For, uttering great swelling words of emptiness, they entice in the lusts of the flesh, by licentiousness, those who are indeed escaping from those who live in error;", "aly": "Ingwer-rneman rlengkeny-rnem Christian irrem tyaty-itwew. Rerneman ipmelhem-anemarl apmwangkwarr-wety, rernemap Jesus arwa angath-anteyarl apentem. Apmwangkarr akalty-anthey-angker weth-rnemel renh-rnem irrtywerl-ampernem, alakenhap rernem angkeman, “Ampwal ilek-ilekew apek arrantherr ilkelheyel, arrantherranap irrngerney-anthelheyew, kel mwerrarl.” Apmwarlap ampwal yanh-rneman."}
{"eng": "promising them liberty, while they themselves are bondservants of corruption; for a man is brought into bondage by whoever overcomes him.", "aly": "Rernemap angka ingwer-anem ilem: “Arrantherr mwerr-anemarl. Alhewer arrantherr iterrey, kel mwerr-angkwarr kel apmwangkwarr aneyew, atherr-angkwarr.” Mentyaw! Alakenh arraty-wenyarl! Akalty-anthey-angker yanh-rneman mwerr-wenyarl. Rernem aley nthakenh iterrey-angenh-anem, mwerr-angkwarr alhaynteyew, arrangkw-anemarl. Inweng apmwa Satan ran atyetyart ilkwanemarl ikwer-rnem, aleyan. Tyaylelarl aneyel-apeny, nthakenh tyerrelhey-angenh. Irrkaty-angkwarr-antey nthakenh mwerr-angkwarr aney-angenh-anem."}
{"eng": "Out of the same mouth comes blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.", "aly": "Alenyel anantherr mwerr-then apmwangkwarr-then angkem. Akngeyew anantherr nakemel aylelherrem, ingwer-rnemew tyel-angkemel-antey arrpemarl. Alakenharl angkeyelan apmwel-ayetharl. Akngeyelan yanh-rnem mpwarew arrpemarl. Nthakenh anantherr atherr-atherr angkey-angenh, arrangkw."}
{"eng": "But do you want to know, vain man, that faith apart from works is dead?", "aly": "Ingwerenty apek apmwel-ayeth-antey iterreyel? Angka arraty nhenhew mwanty awelhemer arrpemarl, raw iterl-areyew. Ra athamerremel mpwarey-angenh ingwer-rnemew, rap nthakenh Christian ilelhey-angenharl. Irrtywerremel ra angkeyel."}
{"eng": "Wasn’t Abraham our father justified by works, in that he offered up Isaac his son on the altar?", "aly": "Arrantherr angka iterl-areyel artwamp Abraham-akert. Akngeyelarl ilanthew, alerikw ikwerenh-antey Isaac antheyew, rap awelhew. Isaac-anem ra tywenew rwewarl irrwerleng, renhap ipmew arrtyeyew-anew. Akngeyelanap anamerl-antey renh artwerelew. Ra arew, Abraham-el inngarl apentenh, rap renh arraty innga antwew."}
{"eng": "You see that faith worked with his works, and by works faith was perfected.", "aly": "Abraham rlterrkarl intem iterrenh ikwer, mwerr mpwaremel, Akngeyelarl ilenh-angkwarr. Ra renh inngarl iterl-arenh, rarl anenh alakenh-anyem."}
{"eng": "So the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness,” and he was called the friend of God.", "aly": "Alakenh Akngey-wenh pipelan aynteyel: “Akngeyelan Abraham arraty innga antwew, rarl rlterrk ikwer iterrenh.” Rap renh itnewew “Atyeng apelty.”"}
{"eng": "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.", "aly": "Artwa weth-lkwer-rneman alherlewem warl arrpanenh-warl, angka apmwa ilaynteyew arelh-rnemew. Arelh yanh-rneman nthakenh rlterrk iterrey-angenh, rerneman nyerrerreyelarl, awankarl apmwel-ayeth anenh. Rernemap intem apmwangkwarr aneyel, intem awelhemel angka apmwew-antey. Arelh rernem angka rlengkeny-angkwarrant aweyew, angka Jesus-akert iylpelerrewerrarl."}
{"eng": "(the Lord grant to him to find the Lord’s mercy in that day); and in how many things he served at Ephesus, you know very well.", "aly": "Ntwa kel iterl-aremel awew, yanh-rnem Christian-rnem Asia-itwew atyeng-wety intwemelerrew. Phygelus-then Hermogenes-then ratherr intwemelerrew atyeng-wety arrpemarl. Onesiphorus ranap alakenh-wenyarl. Ra apetyew nhenh-warl Rome-warl, rap nthwenh atyeng apmer arrpanenhel, ayenh arey-alheyew-atety tyayl-itwew. Ranap apetyew alhewer arnkaty-antey. Ayengan inkwerelhey-ayntew rwanng ikwer. Artwa yanh-atherr arrangkwarl. Ratherr nyerrerrenh, nhenh-warl tyayl-warl apetyewerr. Alakenh-anyem athanap Akngey intemarl ayerneyel, Onesiphorus renh arntarnt-araynteyew ikwerenh-rnem-then. Ntwa iterl-areyelarl, ayengarl anenh Ephesus-itwew. Ran ayenh arntarnt-arenharl. Athan Akngey ayerneyel, ra athamerr-aynteyew Onesiphorus ikwer arlta ikwerel, Jesus rarl apey-alpeyenhel."}
{"eng": "who delivered us out of the power of darkness, and translated us into the Kingdom of the Son of his love,", "aly": "Ran anenhantherrenh apmwewety rakew, rantey arrpemarl alerikw ikwerenh arrernew, Atyetyart anewantherrenh aneyew, anantherr ikwerenh-rnem anaynteyew."}
{"eng": "in whom we have our redemption, the forgiveness of our sins.", "aly": "Ingkart-wenh alerikw ranem anewantherr katy ilwew, apmwa anewantherr-wety iweyew, anantherr iteth intem-antey anaynteyew."}
{"eng": "For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption. But he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.", "aly": "Apmwel-areth iterrey-angenh, Akngeyel aketh-antey areyel-kety. Ngarl apmwangkwarr alhenty, apmwel-aretharlap ngkweng aneman. Nga apmwangkwarr alhenty, Akngey ngkwengety menty ipmelheyenh. Nga Akngey-kenh Itnwengek awelhenty, ngap iteth intem-antey aneyenh."}
{"eng": "For I through the law died to the law, that I might live to God.", "aly": "Atha renh-rnem kel apentey-angenh. Christ-kenh anyent-angkwarr atha apentem alhewer. Ayeng ipmelhem Jew-rnem-kenh angka apentekerr."}
{"eng": "I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. That life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me.", "aly": "Kel ayeng Jesus Christ-warl anyentirrek. Alakenh-anyem ayeng iteth aneyenh intem-antey. Atha Akngey-kenh alerikw tnakeyel, rarl atyeng ilkelheyel, atyeng katy ilwek, apmwa atyengety iwetyek."}
{"eng": "and that he might make known the riches of his glory on vessels of mercy, which he prepared beforehand for glory—", "aly": "Alakenh-apeny Akngeyan. Ra ingwer-rnem mpwarek, ikwer-rnem ahelirrek, renh-rnem ywerrelhiletyek-anek. Ranem renh-rnem menty amek-arek. Ranem ilkelheyel rernem ikwerenh-angkwarrant apenterl-ayntetyek. Ingwer-rnem ra arrwekel-antey rlwanek, ra renh-rnem arntarnt-aretyek. Alakenh ingkerrenhel renh iterl-aretyek rarl rlterrk innga aneyel."}
{"eng": "But if what I don’t desire, that I do, I consent to the law that it is good.", "aly": "Ayeng ilkelhey-angenh apmwangkwarr apenterl-ayntetyek. Ayeng ywarn arrkernelheyel, arraty-angkwarr apenterl-ayntetyek-arrpantey. Ayeng ywarn iterreyel. Angka arrwekeleny mwerr atha iterl-areyel."}
{"eng": "He received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while he was in uncircumcision, that he might be the father of all those who believe, though they might be in uncircumcision, that righteousness might also be accounted to them.", "aly": "Ilenger Akngeyel Abraham renh alakenh ilek? Arrwekel-antey Abraham ra Akngey tnakenh. Ikwer-penh ingkern-anem ra arwa artwirrek. Akngeyel angka arrernek ikwer, iylpangkelhiletyek, angkan ikwerenh arlpimpil-ayntetyek apmer arrpanenh-warl, ingwer-rnem-warl, rernem Akngey-kenh-angkwarr arratyirretyek arrpemarl."}
{"eng": "In Iconium, they entered together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spoke that a great multitude both of Jews and of Greeks believed.", "aly": "Ikwer-penh Iconium-itwek Paul Barnabas-atherr Akngey-kenh angka ikwer-rnem ilek Jew-rnem-kenh tyaty-itwek. Renh-atherr awek-penh, Jew-rnem-then Greek angkeyelarl-rnem-then Jesus renh tnakek arrpemarl."}
{"eng": "But the disbelieving Jews stirred up and embittered the souls of the Gentiles against the brothers.", "aly": "Jew ingwer-rnemel Jesus renh tnakey-angenh arrangkw. Ikwer-atherrety arlkarirrek arrpemarl. Rernem irrwernek. Alethang ingwer-rnem ahelirrek-anem."}
{"eng": "Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who testified to the word of his grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.", "aly": "Paul Barnabas-atherr Iconium tawen-el anenh-antey, ratherr Akngey-kenh angkek arnkatyel akalty-anthek, Ratherr ilek, “Ingkartel ingkerrenh arntarnt-areyel.” Ingkartel renh-atherr rlterrkilek, ratherr ilek-ilek mpwarek, arntety-rnem mwerrilek. Alakenh-anyem Ingkartel Paul atherrek anayntilek, ratherr arraty innga akalty-anthek."}
{"eng": "But the multitude of the city was divided. Part sided with the Jews and part with the apostles.", "aly": "Iconium tawen-areny-rnem ywarn iterrek. Ingwer-rnem Jew-rnemek inkwerelhek. Ingwer-rnem ikwer-atherr inkwerelhek."}
{"eng": "But Saul ravaged the assembly, entering into every house and dragged both men and women off to prison.", "aly": "Artwa mwerr irrpetyapel Stephen renh arrewaly inerl-alhek, renh arraty-angkwarr awenng-warl akwernetyek. Rernem ikwer amperrngirrek. Saul-el arek, rernemarl Stephen renh ipmek atwek. Ra inkwerelhek. Saul ra Jesus-arl apenteyel-rnem-kety arlkarirrenh, renh-rnem-anemarl atwetyek ra alwernek. Saul ilkelhek, Jesus-arl apenteyel-rnem ywerrelhiletyek. Ingkart-areny rernem aterel anterrek ikwerety, arlperrtyirremel alpek apmer ingwerek-ingwer-warl, apmer Judea-warl, apmer Samaria-warl. Angkakert rernemant-anem apmer Jerusalem-itwek anenh. Ra warl arrpanenh-warl alhek, arelh-rnem-then artwernem-then ra renh-rnem anterrkwek, tyayl-warl akwernemel."}
{"eng": "But so that this spreads no further among the people, let’s threaten them, that from now on they don’t speak to anyone in this name.”", "aly": "“Nthakenh-anem artwa nhenh-atherr anwantherr ileman? Jerusalem-areny-rnemel kelarl iterl-areyel, ratherrarl renh mwerrilek. Anantherr nthakenh arrangkw iley-angenharl. Ingwer-rnemel awekerr, anwantherr renh-atherr menty iletyek Jesus-kenh angka ikwer.”"}
{"eng": "The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Servant Jesus, whom you delivered up and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he had determined to release him.", "aly": "Ingkart Akngey irrkaty-antey aneyel. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob rernem ikwer inkwerelhek-antey. Ra Jesus, alerikw ikwerenhek inkwerelhek. Artwa irrkaty rey-antey ahelengkw-rnem-warl ahayiwek, renh ipmek atwetyek. Arrantherr ikwerety intwemelirrek. Pilate-el tyarlewetyek angkek, arrantherr ikwerety arlkarirrek."}
{"eng": "and killed the Prince of life, whom God raised from the dead, to which we are witnesses.", "aly": "Jesus ra arraty innga anenh. Arrantherr ikwerety arlkarirrenh. Arrantherr Pilate renh ayernek, artwa apmwa tyarlewetyek, artwa mwerrant atwemel. Itethiley-angkerarlap ran. Artwa rarl arrenhantherr irrpelthel itethilek, renh arrantherr ipmek atwek. Akngeyel renh angkep itethilek. Anwantherr-anem akalty, anwantherr renh iteth arek-penh."}
{"eng": "Satan entered into Judas, who was also called Iscariot, who was counted with the twelve.", "aly": "Arrenty alkenhelan Satan-el Judas Iscariot arrkernew-anem. Kwertengerl ikwerenh-anteyarlap ran, Jesus-elarl ayerrpelew arrwekel-antey."}
{"eng": "He went away and talked with the chief priests and captains about how he might deliver him to them.", "aly": "Rap irrtyertel-antey alhew artwa rltwa tyaty ilkwareny-rnem-warl, iltyemwerney tyaty ilkwareny-warl-then. Rap angkew, “Ayengan iterreyel, Jesus arrewantherr ahayiweyew. Nthakenharlap atha ileman?”"}
{"eng": "Her parents were amazed, but he commanded them to tell no one what had been done.", "aly": "Anamerl-antey rwarr ikwer-warl apey-alpew, kwey rap iteth-anem akwentenhey-alpew. Aynelikw-then amelikw-then arew, ratherrap apateyelpew. Jesus ikwer-atherr angkew, “Amern anthenh-atherr ikwer. Ingwerentyak iley-angenh, atharl kwey renh itethelew ipmepenh.”"}
{"eng": "When he had come, immediately he came to him and said, “Rabbi! Rabbi!” and kissed him.", "aly": "Apmwernem Judas ikwer-angkwarr apetyek, Jesus renh iylparrernetyek. Ra ikngwerl-alpek ahelengkw-rnem Jesus ikwer-warl. Apmwernem ayen arlpenty-akert apetyek, walth-then-akert. Atyetyart ilkwernem-then Atyetyart Moses-kenh-rnem-then, rernem ahelengkw renh-rnem thwenek. Judas-elarl renh-rnem ilek arrwel, ikwer-rnem iylparrernetyek, “Athan artwa weth renh arrwantyem, arrantherraw renh anterrkwenherr-areyarl.” Ahelengkw-rnemel Jesus renh alhengk-arek, Judas-elarl ilek-penh. Judas Jesus ikwer-warl apetyek angkemel, “Atyetyartay.” Ra angkek alakenh Judas, renh ra anterrkwemel arrwantyek. Jew-rnemel artwa ingkerrenh rlwatirremel, rernem arrwantyirremel."}
{"eng": "‘where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire is not quenched.’", "aly": "Artwa ingketyel apmwel-areth mpwareyel. Artwa anyentel ingkety-atherr-akertel apmwel-areth mpwareyel-kety, mwerran ingkety renh akemer iwemel, ra ingkety-atherr-akertan rwilkwel apmwakert aney-kety. Mwerr-ayteng ra anetyek Akngey-kenh apmer-itwek intem-antey ingkety anyent-akert."}
{"eng": "It is enough for the disciple that he be like his teacher, and the servant like his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more those of his household!", "aly": "Kwertengerl 12 lyertant akaltyirreyel, atyetyart-wenyarl, warrkenh atyenh-rnemarl. Ingwer-ingeran ra alyepel akalty-anemarl, ingwer-ingeran artewentyel akalty-anemarl. Rernem warrkirreyel, atyetyart alerl irreyenh. Ingwer-rnem atyeng irrpelthirrenh, rernem kwertengerl-rnemek irrpelthirreyenh arrpemarl, rernem atyeng warrkirrenharl-kety. Ingwer-rnemel apek ayenh Satan antwem, rernem arrenhantherr Satan antweyenh arrpemarl.”"}
{"eng": "But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins—” (then he said to the paralytic), “Get up, and take up your mat, and go to your house.”", "aly": "Ayengan Akngey-kenh Artwa Impen. Akngeyel ayenh thwenek ahern nhenh-warl, rlterrk innga. Akngeyel ayenh rlterrkilek, artwa arntety mwerriletyek, apmwa ingkerrenh-they iwetyek, arrantherr ayenh iterl-aretyek. Atha akwentelhilemel thwenem, ra apmer-warl alpetyek panty inerl-alhemel.” Jesus angkek artwa arntetyek, “Akwentenhey-alpa, panty ngkwenh inerl-alhemel, apmer-warl-anem alpa!”"}
{"eng": "Now all this has happened that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying,", "aly": "Ingkart ra arrwekel ilek-angkwarr-antey, innganem ra alakenh ayntek, angkakert arrwekelenyel arrwekel ilek-angkwarr-antey, rap innganem ayntekan."}
{"eng": "“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall give birth to a son. They shall call his name Immanuel,” which is, being interpreted, “God with us.”", "aly": "“Aleyak ra ampa akely atnyeneyenh. Renh itneweyel Immanuel. Itnan alakenh-anyem aynteyel. Akngey anwekantherr-itwek anem.”"}
{"eng": "and as from the day that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel. I will cause you to rest from all your enemies. Moreover Yahweh tells you that Yahweh will make you a house.", "aly": "Awank-they athan atyetyart-rnem atyenh-rnemew arrernenh. Ingwer-rnemelan atyenh-rnem alhengkerr-anthenh, renh-rnem-then atwerrenh. Nhepenh-anyem athan renh-rnem arntarnt-araynteyew apmer nhenh-itwew. Apmer ikwer-rnem-wenh-anem, ikwer-itwew rernem akeleyt anaynteyew, atererrey-angenh-anem. Ingwer-rnemel renh-rnem ipmeyew-anem. Arrwekel-antey atha ngenh ilem. Ngkwenh-rnem atha ilkwanem mpwareynem."}
{"eng": "Yahweh says, “In this you shall know that I am Yahweh. Behold: I will strike with the rod that is in my hand on the waters which are in the river, and they shall be turned to blood.", "aly": "Ra apetyenty, angka atyenh ikwer ila.” Ingwepenh Moses-then Aaron-then alhek kwaty lher Nile-warl, Pharaoh-ek mpwelhetyek. Pharaoh warrkenh-rnem-then apetyek, INGKARTelarl ilek-angkwarr. Moses-el Pharaoh ilek, “INGKART ra Akngey aneyel Israel-kenh-rnemek. Rap ayenh thwenek, ngkweng-warl iletyek. Alakenh ra ngenh ileyel, ‘Arrngert angkey-angenh atyenh-rnemek, rernem alhetyek arlpaw-warl. Rernem aker tyenkerr arlpaw-itwek atyeng arrtyemel anthetyek, atyeng inkwerelhemel-anem. Nga atyeng awelhey-angenh.’ Alakenh INGKARTel ngkweng-warl ilem arrpemarl, ‘Ntwa ayernek Moses, “Angwenh INGKART ran?” Kel mwerr, ayeng arawerrng rlterrk ilkwakert aneyel, alakenh ntwa ayenh iterl-aretyek. Arraty ayeng ngkweng angkeyel! Moses-el irrertetyel kwaty lher Nile atwetyek. Ra kwaty atwenty, rap arrnga-anem irreman."}
{"eng": "“When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, ‘Perform a miracle!’ then you shall tell Aaron, ‘Take your rod, and cast it down before Pharaoh, and it will become a serpent.’”", "aly": "Ikwer-penh INGKART angkek Moses-ek-atherr Aaron-ek-atherr, “Mpwel alhenty Pharaoh-warl, ra mpwelenh alakenh iley-ayntenty, ‘Mwerr-angker mpwaretyek arawerrng rlterrk-akertel, atha renh iterl-aretyek, INGKARTel inngelarl mpwelenh thwenek!’ Moses, Pharaoh-el ngenh ra iley-ayntenty alakenh, ntwa ila Aaron alakenh, ‘Irretety renh iwetyek Pharaoh arrwekel-ampeny-itwek. Irretety ra rtnwem-anem irretyek.’”"}
{"eng": "Moses spoke so to the children of Israel, but they didn’t listen to Moses for anguish of spirit, and for cruel bondage.", "aly": "Akngey Moses-ek angkek, “Alha, Israel-kenh-rnem iletyek angka atyenh.” Kel Moses alhek Israel-kenh-rnem-warl, ilek-anem, “Alakenh Akngeyel arrekantherr ileyel. Ran INGKARTarl. Ra Egypt-areny-rnem arrngert antwerrketyek, rernemarl nthakenh arrenhantherr irrwampenh-anthekerr atwekerr. Arrantherr warrkirrey-angenh anem menty Egypt-areny-rnemek. Ra atnwenhetyek arrenhantherr Egypt-areny-rnem-kety arawerrng rlterrkel. Egypt-areny-rnem ra irrwampenh-anthem atwemel. Arrantherr ikwerenh-rnem aneyenh-anem, ra Akngey arrekantherrenh aneyenh. Arrantherr renh iterl-areyenh-anem, ra Akngey arrekantherrenh, itnan INGKART. Akngey irrkatyel tyarlewek arrenhantherrenh Egypt-areny-rnem-kety atwemarl-kety. Ra arrenhantherr atnwenhem apmer weth-warl, arrwekel wetharl ra arrwekeleny-rnem alhelek apmer renh anthetyek, Abraham-then Isaac-then Jacob-then. Apmer renh ra anthem arrekantherr. Apmerek-artwey-rnem arrantherr aneman. Ran INGKARTarl.” Moses-el alakenh Israel-kenh-rnemek ilek. Moses ikwer rernem awelhey-angenharl irrpeltherrenharl, rernemarl aterirrek ahelengkw Egypt-areny-rnem-kety."}
{"eng": "Now Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt, and Jacob said to his sons, “Why do you look at one another?”", "aly": "Jacob-el awek ntang weyt-angketyarr apmer Egypt-itwek, angkemel, “Ilek arringkerr apatemel aneyel?"}
{"eng": "He said, “Behold, I have heard that there is grain in Egypt. Go down there, and buy for us from there, so that we may live, and not die.”", "aly": "Atha awek Egypt-an ntang weyt-angketyarr. Arringkerr ingkerrenh alhenherr-arey Egypt ikwer-warl ntang weyt inerl-alpetyek, angayakwirrekerr.”"}
{"eng": "Joseph’s ten brothers went down to buy grain from Egypt.", "aly": "Joseph-kenh awayikw 10-pel alhek apmer Egypt-warl."}
{"eng": "But Jacob didn’t send Benjamin, Joseph’s brother, with his brothers; for he said, “Lest perhaps harm happen to him.”", "aly": "Jacob-el alerikw akelyan thweney-angenh. Anterrkwek apmer-itwek-antey. Ra aterirrek atwekerr apek renh."}
{"eng": "The sons of Israel came to buy among those who came, for the famine was in the land of Canaan.", "aly": "Jacob-kenh-rnem anyentirrenhek angayakw ingwer-rnem-angkwarr, Egypt-warl rernem alhek."}
{"eng": "After these things, the butler of the king of Egypt and his baker offended their lord, the king of Egypt.", "aly": "Pharaoh-kenh warrkenh atherr, anyent wayn anthey-angker, warrkenh ingwer amern amperney-angker."}
{"eng": "Pharaoh was angry with his two officers, the chief cup bearer and the chief baker.", "aly": "Ratherr apmwelhelek. Pharaoh ikwer-atherr ahelirrek."}
{"eng": "He rose up that night, and took his two wives, and his two servants, and his eleven sons, and crossed over the ford of the Jabbok.", "aly": "Ingwa ikwerel-antey Jacob ra akemirrek. Anew ikwerenh atherr-akert arelh warrkenh ikwerenh-atherr-akert alerikw ikwerenh 11-pel-akert."}
{"eng": "He took them, and sent them over the stream, and sent over that which he had.", "aly": "Rernem Jabbok Ilpay-angkwarr artarnpenhek, atnwenth-rnem-then ikwerenh ra artarnpelhelek."}
{"eng": "Then Jacob rose up, and set his sons and his wives on the camels,", "aly": "Jacob-el anew-rnem-then ampernem-then kamwerl-warl tywenek."}
{"eng": "and he took away all his livestock, and all his possessions which he had gathered, including the livestock which he had gained in Paddan Aram, to go to Isaac his father, to the land of Canaan.", "aly": "Rernem alpek aynikw ikwerenh apmer-warl, apmer Canaan-warl. Atnwenth-rnem ingkerrenh ampwal-rnem-then rarl inek malyikw-they, ra akngeynetyek."}
{"eng": "Now Laban had gone to shear his sheep; and Rachel stole the teraphim that were her father’s.", "aly": "Laban-el yep-yep ikwerenh-rnem alta althek-angkwarr, Rachel-el ampwal ikwerenh-rnem anyelkel inerl-alhek. Akngey-arrpantey-rnem, akely-rnem."}
{"eng": "Jacob deceived Laban the Syrian, in that he didn’t tell him that he was running away.", "aly": "Jacob Laban ikwerety anyelk-antey alpek."}
{"eng": "to Abraham for a possession in the presence of the children of Heth, before all who went in at the gate of his city.", "aly": "Abraham-el artwa Hitt-kenh 400 thilp anthek, artwa akngerrel aytarek-angkwarr. Alakenh Abraham-el apmer Ephron-kenh payemelek ikwerant-anem, ikwerenh-rnem-akert, intey-akert, arrewaly renh akwernetyek. Apmer ranap arwerl-angketyarr."}
{"eng": "God was with the boy, and he grew. He lived in the wilderness, and as he grew up, he became an archer.", "aly": "Akngeyel awey renh arntarnt-arek. Ra ilkwerrek-anem. Ra apmer arlpawel anenh. Ra akaltyirrek pewenarrek."}
{"eng": "He lived in the wilderness of Paran. His mother got a wife for him out of the land of Egypt.", "aly": "Ra arlpawel anenh, rernem apmer renh itnewek Paran. Ingwer-ingeran amikw ikwerenhel anew inek ikwer, aleyak Egypt-areny. ..."}
{"eng": "The king of Sodom, and the king of Gomorrah, the king of Admah, the king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (also called Zoar) went out; and they set the battle in array against them in the valley of Siddim", "aly": "... Atyetyart tawen ikwer-areny-rnem, Sodom-areny, Gomorrah-areny, Admah-areny, Zeboim-areny, Bela-areny. Rernem atwerrenh Atyetyart ingwer-areny-rnem-then. Atyetyart Chedorlaomer, Elam-areny atyetyart, Tidal, Goiim-areny atyetyart. Amraphel, Shinar-areny atyetyart. Arioch, Ellasar-areny atyetyart. Atyetyart 5-pel-ek aherrety 12 anek, ikwer-rnemek."}
{"eng": "against Chedorlaomer king of Elam, Tidal king of Goiim, Amraphel king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar; four kings against the five.", "aly": "Ikwer-penhan rernem ikwer-warl apetyek, rernem atwerretyek."}
{"eng": "But Noah found favor in Yahweh’s eyes.", "aly": "Akngey inkwerelhek artwa Noah ikwer, rarl ikwer inkwerelhemel awelhek rarl renh ilekek."}
{"eng": "Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.", "aly": "Noah ra anyentant mwerran Akngey ikwer awelhek. Alerikw irrpety ikwerenh-rnem itnan ikwer-rnem-kenh Shem, Ham, Japheth."}
{"eng": "To Adam he said, “Because you have listened to your wife’s voice, and have eaten from the tree, about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ the ground is cursed for your sake. You will eat from it with much labor all the days of your life.", "aly": "Akngey INGKARTel artwa renh ilek, Nga arelh ilenhek awelhek, ntwa amern-anem arlkwek. Atha weth ngenh artwerilek arwerl ilenh-penh amern ntwa arlkwekerr. Nga atyeng awelhey-angenh. Ahern yanh apmwanem, amern rnkernayntetyekan. Nga warrkirretyek artewentyel amern intwelheletyek, nga ilwetyek-atwety."}
{"eng": "It will yield thorns and thistles to you; and you will eat the herb of the field.", "aly": "Atherrk apmwethen intwayntem. Ntwa amern-angketyarr ikwer-penh amern arlkwey-angenh."}
{"eng": "You will eat bread by the sweat of your face until you return to the ground, for you were taken out of it. For you are dust, and you shall return to dust.”", "aly": "“Ntwa artewentyel warrkirretyek amern ngkwenhek. Nga ahernirreyenh ilwenty-penh. Ahern-penh atha ngenh arnwarnek. Nga angkep ahern arrpemarl irreyenh. Ngan ahern arwarl.”"}