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{"eng": "On the east were three gates, and on the north three gates, and on the south three gates, and on the west three gates.", "aly": "Wall ilkwa irrwerl innga arlpenty apwert-penhel tawen renh amperelew, keyt-rnem 12-akert. Ingwerentyel itna ingwerek-ingwer ingkwernew keyt ingkerrenh-itwew. Itnerneman 12-akertarl, amentew-ament rernemanap artwamp anyent-wenh alerikw-rnem, ikwer-renh-wenh altyernem-then. Artwamp itnan ikwerenh Israel, awank-akerrarl anenh. Keyt ikwer-rnem-itwew anyentarl-anyentarl antyerl-rnem arntarnt-aremel rtnenh. Keyt-rneman alakenh rtnenh: akngerrakw-ampeny irrpety, antekerr-ampeny irrpety arrpemarl, ayerrerr-ampeny irrpety arrpemarl, altwerl-ampeny irrpety arrpemarl. Alakenh."}
{"eng": "Servants, be in subjection to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the wicked.", "aly": "Artwa warrkenh-rnemay, ayeng angkeyel-anem arrewantherr-warl. Arrantherranap atyetyart-rnem-wenh, awelheyew ikwer-rnem. Atyetyart anyentan atham-atham, ranap mwerrarl aneyel warrkenh ikwerenh-rnemew. Atyetyart ingweran ranap ahelengkwarl, renh-rnem warrkemeleyel artewentyel inngey."}
{"eng": "For it is commendable if someone endures pain, suffering unjustly, because of conscience toward God.", "aly": "Atyetyart ingweran ahelerrem, rap arrenhantherrenh atwem arrangkwewarl. Arrantherran arwa aleth Akngeyewant iterr-ayntenh-arey. Arwa arternp anayntenh-arey, angkep ahelerrey-angenh ikwer. Alakenh-anyeman Akngey ran inkwerelhem arrewantherr."}
{"eng": "having been born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, through the word of God, which lives and remains forever.", "aly": "Arrantherranap inngarl angka renh mwerrarl awew Jesus-akert. Aleyanap arrantherr ampa akely rlengkeny anenty-apeny arrpemarl. Ranap ingwer-lkwer-anemarl. Aynaty-then amaty-then anewantherr-wenh nthakenh intem iteth aney-angenh ahern nhenh-itwew, arrangkw. Rernem nthakenh anenhantherrenh iteth intem atnyeney-angenh arrpemarl, arrangkw. Aleyan arrantherr Akngey-wenh ampernem-anemarl. Arrantherr menty ipmew apmwangkwarr, mwerr-angkwarr-anem aneyel arraty-anem. Mwerr-anem arrantherr ilkelherremel aneyel. Intemarl alakenh anayntenh-arey. Angka ikwerenh ranap ywerrey-angenharl, iteth aleth aneyel."}
{"eng": "because it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”", "aly": "Akngeyel arrenhantherrenh rlwanew, ikwerenh-rnem anaynteyew. Arrantherrap alakenh-anyem ikwer-apeny aneyew. Akngey ranap pwek ikwerenhel ilelheyel: “Ayengan innga arraty aneyel. Athap apmwangkwarr apentey-angenh aneyel. Irrkaty-angkwarr arrpemarl arrantherran mwantyel aneyew, mwerr-angkarr anemel. Akngeyan mwerr-angker inngarl. Aleyanap arrantherr anaynteyew irrkaty-angkwarr-antey ikwer-angkwarr.”"}
{"eng": "From infancy, you have known the holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.", "aly": "Timothy nganap alakenh-wenyarl. Ngan intemarl arraty-angkwarr anaynteyew. Ntwap iterl-areyel, ingwer-rnemelarl angka mwerr-angker ngenh anthew. Angka ranap inngarl, ntwan iterl-areyelarl. Ngarl akelyank anenhel, ngap angka ikwer akaltyerrenharl. Akngeyelan artwa angkakert-rneman ilenh, rernem ingkwern-aynteyew pip-warl awank-akerr. Awelhemel anaynteyew ikwer. Angka yanhelan ileyel, Akngeyel anenhantherrenh itethelem apmwewety. Anantherran iterl-araynteyew, Jesus-arl katy ilwew anewantherr. Anantherrap intwemerlerreyew apmwewety, renhap ayern-ayntemel, anenhantherrenh arratyel-aynteyew."}
{"eng": "For even they who receive circumcision don’t keep the law themselves, but they desire to have you circumcised, so that they may boast in your flesh.", "aly": "Jesus Christ arwerl iylpeyl-atherrel ilwek. Rernem angka Jesus-akert akalty-anthey-angenh, ingwer-rnem ahelirrekerr. Rernem Jew-rnem-kenh-angkwarrant akalty-antheyel. Rernem Jew-kenh angka angath-antey apenteyel, Jew artwernem-kenh-angkwarrant. Rernem ilkelheyel, arrantherr Jew artwernem-kenh-angkwarr apentetyek, rernem atyetyart ilkwarrpantey anetyek."}
{"eng": "For I will not dare to speak of any things except those which Christ worked through me for the obedience of the Gentiles, by word and deed,", "aly": "Ayeng tnakelhey-angenh. Alakenh-they ayeng angketyek angka ikwerenhel Christ ra ayenh arrernek. Ra warrkirretyek atyeng-angkwarr arleng-areny rernem Akngeyek awelhetyek."}
{"eng": "in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of God’s Spirit; so that from Jerusalem and around as far as to Illyricum, I have fully preached the Good News of Christ;", "aly": "Itnweng Rlwartel ayenh rlterrkilek, atha ilek-ilek-angkwarr mpwaretyek, arntety-rnem mwerril-ayntetyek atyeng-angkwarr Jerusalem-they atha angka mwerr-angker Christ-akert ilerl-apenh apmer arrpanenh apmer Illyricum-ek-atwety."}
{"eng": "Not only so, but ourselves also, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for adoption, the redemption of our body.", "aly": "Anwantherr akalty, aley-anyem ingkerrenh ahern-areny apmwakert, ahern-areny arntety irreyel. Anwantherr alerikw ikwerenh-rnem Itnweng ikwerenh-akert, anwantherr aketh-antey renh areyenh, ra anwenhantherr arlka alker-areny-apeny antheyenh."}
{"eng": "Therefore don’t let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.", "aly": "Arrantherr iterretyek mwantyel. Arrekantherrenh-angkwarr amentewarl alhey-angenh, apmwangkwarr alhey-angenh."}
{"eng": "Also, do not present your members to sin as instruments of unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.", "aly": "Arlka apmwangkwarr anthelhey-angenh, Rant arrenhantherr itethilek, arrewaly ayntenh-penhan. Akngey-kenh-angkwarrant anthelhetyek menty, mwerr-angkwarr-ayteng, itethilenh-ilenh impen-angkwarr-antey, arraty-angkwarr apenterl-ayntetyek."}
{"eng": "For sin will not have dominion over you, for you are not under law, but under grace.", "aly": "Akngeyel iwerr mpwarek. Angka Akngey-kenh-angkwarrant apenterl-ayntetyek, impen-angkwarr nthakenh apmwelhiley-angenh. Jew-kenh arrwekeleny-angkwarr angath-anteyarl arrangkwarl, nthakenh Akngey-angkwarr arratyirrey-angenh ikwer-angkwarr."}
{"eng": "For it isn’t the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified", "aly": "Jew-weny-rnem Akngey-kenh angka arrwekelenyek akwerrp-rnem, ament-warl alheyel-rnem, Akngeyel renh-rnem ywerrelhileyenh. Jew ingwer-rnem arwarl awelhenh-rnem, rernem Akngey-kenh-angkwarr apentey-angenh, Akngeyel renh-rnem atwem angka arrwekelenyarl aynteyel-angkwarr ikwer-rnem. Ingwer-rnem Akngey-kenh-angkwarr arratyarl anenh-rnemant, Akngeyel renh-rnem arraty antwem."}
{"eng": "saying, ‘Don’t be afraid, Paul. You must stand before Caesar. Behold, God has granted you all those who sail with you.’", "aly": "Aray, Akngey atyenhel angel thwenek atyeng-warl. Angel ra ayenh ilek, ‘Paul-ay, aterirrey-angenh! Akngey ilkelheyel nga Caesar-angkwarr anngetherr ilelhetyek. Ra artwa ingkerrenh itethileyenh.’"}
{"eng": "He called to himself two of the centurions, and said, “Prepare two hundred soldiers to go as far as Caesarea, with seventy horsemen and two hundred men armed with spears, at the third hour of the night.”", "aly": "Atyetyart ranem atyetyart atherrek yangkelhek. Ra renh-atherr ilek, “Mpwelanth arrpemarl atnengkilem, ahelengkw atyetyart 70 nanth-akert-rnem 200 ingwer-rnem irrtyart-awarr-rnem-then, ahelengkw 200 ingwer-rnem-then, nayp arreylp-awarr-rnem-then. Mpwelanth Atyetyart-rnem Caesarea tawen-warl alhetyek."}
{"eng": "He asked them to provide mounts, that they might set Paul on one, and bring him safely to Felix the governor.", "aly": "Ikwer-penhan Paul nanth-warl tywenemel renh atyetyart nhernem-angkwarr Felix-warl alhetyek, atyetyart ilkwewarl.”"}
{"eng": "I coveted no one’s silver, gold, or clothing.", "aly": "Ayeng manek arnkwek iterrey-angenh."}
{"eng": "You yourselves know that these hands served my necessities, and those who were with me.", "aly": "Mwerr arrantherr akalty innganem ayengan ampwal ingkerrenhek warrkirrey-angker, amern-rnem-then arnkwernem-then mpwarey-angker. Akngerr ingwer-rnem atha alakenhey wantek."}
{"eng": "But when Paul was about to open his mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, “If indeed it were a matter of wrong or of wicked crime, you Jews, it would be reasonable that I should bear with you;", "aly": "Paul angketyek irrek, Gallio retangkwel Jew-rnem ilek, “Jew-rnemay! Artwa nhel apek apmwel-areth akalty-antheyel."}
{"eng": "but if they are questions about words and names and your own law, look to it yourselves. For I don’t want to be a judge of these matters.”", "aly": "Ayeng nthakenh atyetyart aney-angenh angka arrekantherrenh-angkwarran. Ayengan arlarl. Nthakenh ayeng arrkngert angkey-angenh. Arrantherrant arratyilerretyek.”"}
{"eng": "Therefore many of the Jews read this title, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew, in Latin, and in Greek.", "aly": "Pilate-el irlkenty ilanthek, pip arwerl iylpeyl-atherr irrwerl-ampeny-warl tywenetyek. Rernem angka irrpety-angkwarr ingkwernek, Jew-rnem-kenh-angkwarr, Rome-areny-rnem-kenh-angkwarr, Greece-areny-rnem-kenh-angkwarr. Angka nhanyem aynteyel pipel, “Nhanyem Jesus Nazareth-areny, Jew-rnem-kenh atyetyart ilkwa.” Jesus ra arwerl iylpeyl-atherr-itwek aylpar-anenh, Jerusalem-arrangarr aketh-ampeny. Ingwer-rnem angkepelarreng arwerl iylpeyl-atherr-angkwarr alhenh, rernem pip renh irrwerl-ampeny-itwek reytemilerl-apenh."}
{"eng": "the Spirit of truth, whom the world can’t receive, for it doesn’t see him and doesn’t know him. You know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.", "aly": "Atha Akngey ayernem, ra Itnweng Rlwart arrekantherr-warl thwenetyek, arrenhantherr akalty-anthayntetyek, ranem arrekantherr-itwek aleth-antey anayntetyek. Ahern-arenyel Itnweng renh iterl-arey-angenh. Arrantherr renh iterl-areyel, nthakenh ra arrenhantherr iwerl-alhey-angenh. Ra arrekantherr-itwel intem-antey aneyenh."}
{"eng": "If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture can’t be broken),", "aly": "Jesus angkek ikwer-rnemek, “Akngey-kenh angka arrwekeleny aynteyel: ‘Arrantherr akngey-rnem atyeng-apeny anetyek.’ Akngey-kenh pip arrwekelenyel aynteyel, angka nhenh arraty innga aynteyel intem-antey. Pip-itwek Ingkart angkek ikwer-rnem-warl, ra renh-rnem akngey itnewek ikwer-apeny."}
{"eng": "I am the good shepherd. I know my own, and I’m known by my own;", "aly": "“Ayengarl artwa yep-yep-rnem arntarnt-arey-angker aneyel-apeny. Atha yep-yep atyenh-rnem alhengk-aremarl, rernem atyeng akalty arrpemarl."}
{"eng": "even as the Father knows me, and I know the Father. I lay down my life for the sheep.", "aly": "Irrkaty-angkwarr Akngeyelan ayenh alhengk-areyel arrpemarl. Ayeng ikwer akalty arrpemarl. Kel ayeng katy ilwetyek yep-yep atyenh-rnemek, renh-rnem arntarnt-aretyek apmwekety."}
{"eng": "It was a Sabbath when Jesus made the mud and opened his eyes.", "aly": "Artwa aparrng-penh renh Jesus-elarl mwerrilek atntha apelh-penhel arlta Saturday-el, ltyerrey-angker impen ikwerel. Alakenh-they rernem artwa renh Pharisee-rnem-warl atnwenhek, rernem renh ayernetyek, nthakenharl irrek."}
{"eng": "So when he came into Galilee, the Galileans received him, having seen all the things that he did in Jerusalem at the feast, for they also went to the feast.", "aly": "Jesus Galilee-ampeny-itwek aremirrey-alhek, ingkerrenh ikwer inkwerelhek arnekirremel. Galilee-areny-rnemel arrwekel-antey rernem ikwer inkwerelhek, rernemarl renh arrwekel arek, rarl ilek-ilek mpwarenh rlterrk ilkwakertel, tyenkerr Anperarl Alhek “Passover” arlkwenh-angkwarr Jerusalem-itwek."}
{"eng": "and because he didn’t need for anyone to testify concerning man; for he himself knew what was in man.", "aly": "Jesus-el arek, rernemarl renh apentenh. Rap iterremel ament angkek, “Rernemarl ayenh apenteyenh angath-antey, ikwer-penh rernem atyengety ipmelheyenh-anem.” Ra ikwer-rnem awelhey-angenh. Jesus-el arrwekel-antey renh-rnem iterl-arenh, rernemarl iterremel renh apentenh."}
{"eng": "If then you aren’t able to do even the least things, why are you anxious about the rest?", "aly": "Arrantherr ilkelheyel, arleng-alenty anaynteyew, ampwerreyew-atety. Nthakenh arrantherr iterrey-angenh, arleng-alenty anaynteyew, arrangkw. Arleng-alenty apek arrantherr anem, arrangkw apek. Alakenh artewenty iterrey-angenh, amern akngerr ineyew, arrantherr arlkwaynteyew."}
{"eng": "and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid. From now on you will be catching people alive.”", "aly": "Aylperr antwerrkey-angker-rnemel aylperr akngerr arew, rernemap apateyelpew-anem. Simon Peter-then ikwer apelty atherr-then, James-then John-then, rerneman apateyelpew arrpemarl. James-then John-then ratherr alerikw-atherr Zebedee-wenh. Simon Peter rap Jesus-ew kwenerrew-anem angkemel, “Atyetyart, alha arleng atyeng-wety! Ayengan artwa apmwa!” Jesus-an Simon Peter-ew angkew, “Atererrey-angenh. Ntwa aylperr akngerr inenh-apeny awank-they, nhepenh-anyem ntwa artwa akngerr-anem Akngey-warl akngey-alpeyenh.”"}
{"eng": "He went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass away from him.", "aly": "Jesus ilperr-ayntemel ayntenh, Ingkart Akngey-warl angkemel, “Akngeyay, ayeng ilkelheyel artwa ahelengkw ilenh-rnem ntwa anterrkwetyek atyengety ayenh atwekerr. Ntwa atyengety renh-rnem anterrkwa, nga arlkwententyarlan.”"}
{"eng": "He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Please remove this cup from me. However, not what I desire, but what you desire.”", "aly": "Ikwer-penhan, Jesus angkek arrpemarl, “Akngey, ngarl rlterrk inngan, ngarl arlkwentem ikwer-rnem ayenh menty arntety ilkwa anthetyek, ipmek atwetyek. Mwerr ayenh menty rernem arntety ilkwa anthey, ayenh ipmek atwey, ngarl arlkwenteyel-angkwarr. Ayeng ngkweng awelheyel.”"}
{"eng": "But about the dead, that they are raised, haven’t you read in the book of Moses about the Bush, how God spoke to him, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?", "aly": "Akngeyel arrwekel-antey renh-rnem ilek, rernem angkeparl itethirreyenh, ipmepenh. Arrantherr angka ilenh iterl-arey-areny, angka ilenhan Akngey-kenh pipel arraty inngarl ileyel, arwerl wethelarl lherrm ampenh-apeny. Akngeyel Moses renh ilek, ‘Ayeng ngkwenhek-rnem ingkerrenhek Atyetyart aneyenh, Abraham-ek, Isaac-ek, Jacob-ek.’"}
{"eng": "He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are therefore badly mistaken.”", "aly": "Rernem iteth-antey aneyarr-alpek Akngey-kenh apmerel irrwerl, Abraham-akerr, Isaac-akerr, Jacob-akerr. Arrantherran apmwel-aretharl iterreyel intem ilwentyek-arrpantey. Rernem ipmepenh itethirremel ingkerrenh alpek Akngey-itwel aney-alpek, intem-antey. Alakenh-anyem, anwantherrarl ilwem, Akngeyel anenhantherrenh angkep arrpemarl itethilem, anwantherrap apmer ikwerenh-warl irrwerl alpem, ra arrenhantherr arntarnt-arayntetyek apmer ikwerenh-itwek intem-antey.”"}
{"eng": "“Listen! Behold, the farmer went out to sow.", "aly": "Ra angka akngerr ilenh. “Awelhenh-arey atyeng! Artwa anyentel ra ntang weyt iwerl-apenh, amern lyapetyek."}
{"eng": "It shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant.", "aly": "Kwertengerl ikwerenh-rnem Jesus ra ilek, “Atyetyart Jew-weny ilkwernem awerr aneyel-rnem-angkwarr, arrantherr apentey-angenh. Arrantherr mwerrant-arey anenherr-arey. Ingwer atyenh-rnem Atyetyart ilkwa anem, mwerr-angkwarr ingkerrenh arntarnt-aretyek."}
{"eng": "yet he has no root in himself, but endures for a while. When oppression or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles.", "aly": "Ingwer-rnemel Akngey-kenh angka awemarl-penh, rernem mwerrarl apenteyel angath-antey. Rernem ntang weytarl apwert-angketyarrelan iwek-apenyarl. Artekerr-rnem aylpeyel angath-antey apwert-angketyarrelan. Rernem alakenh-anyemarl Akngey-kenh angka apenteyel angath-antey. Rernem ipmelhemant-anem, ahelengkwel-rnem atwekerr, apmwa mpwarekerr."}
{"eng": "David sent the people out, a third part under the hand of Joab, and a third part under the hand of Abishai the son of Zeruiah, Joab’s brother, and a third part under the hand of Ittai the Gittite. The king said to the people, “I will also surely go out with you myself.”", "aly": "David-el akarrelew ahawarr ikwerenh-rnem, rap renh-rnem ilew akalkerreyew amentew-ament. Rap atyetyart ahawarr-rnem irrpety arrerneynew ikwer-rnem-akert, renh-rnem yerl-akngeyew; Joab, ayteyikw ikwerenh Abishai, Ittai Gath-areny-anem. Rap ingkerrenh ilew, aneyew 1,000 ingweran, 1,000 ingweran, 1,000 ingweran. Rap 1,000 ikwer-rnem atyetyart ahawarr anyentel-anyent arrernew. Irrkaty-angkwarr-anem rap akalkelhew arrpemarl 100-anemarl. Rap 100 ikwer-rnem atyetyart ahawarr anyentel-anyent arrernew. Rap angkew ingkerrew, “Mpa! Alhey-anem, atweyew anantherr renh-rnem! Ayengan alhem arrpemarl arrewantherr-angkwarr!”"}
{"eng": "When David’s servants had come to Abigail to Carmel, they spoke to her, saying, “David has sent us to you, to take you to him as wife.”", "aly": "David-elarl awew, rarl ahaperrew, rap angkew, “Nakem INGKART! Artwamp ra apmwel-ayeth atyeng angkenh. INGKARTel renh ywerrelhelew, apmwel-ayetharl angkenh-penh. Ra ayenh artwerelew arrpemarl, apmwa mpwarewerr.” David-el angka thwenew Abigail-warl, renh ayernew, itengerreyew ikwer-warl. Rap angkakert-rnem thwenew apmer ikwer-warl Carmel-warl, rernemap angkey-alhew Abigail ikwer, “David-el anenhantherrenh thwenew. Nga ikwerenh-anem aneyew.”"}
{"eng": "The children of Israel stripped themselves of their jewelry from Mount Horeb onward.", "aly": "Arrwekel-antey INGKART Moses-ek angkek, “Angka nhenh Israel-kenh-rnem ila.” Kel Moses Israel-kenh-rnemek angkek, “Alakenh INGKARTel arrenhantherr ileyel, ‘Arrantherr awerr innga. Ayeng apek arrekantherr-angkwarr alhenty, atha apek arrenhantherr ilwerl-athenekerr. Ampwal-rnem iylpek-arelh-rnem-then nikeleth-rnem-then akwek-arelh-rnem-then lhelenherr-arey. Alerl ayeng iterrey, nthakenh atha ileman.’” Angka nhenh awek-penh, rernem ampwal-rnem lhelek apwert itna Sinai-itwek. Rernem amperrngerrek, ampwal-rnem angkep arrerneyney-angenh-anemarl."}
{"eng": "By this you shall be tested. By the life of Pharaoh, you shall not go out from here, unless your youngest brother comes here.", "aly": "Alerl atha arrenhingkerr iterl-arey-tangkwel, artwa ahelengkw-rneman. Atyetyart Pharaoh iteth aneyel-apeny, arringkerr apmer nhel anetyek, aytey arrekingkerrenh ra apetyeyek-awaty."}
{"eng": "Send one of you, and let him get your brother, and you shall be bound, that your words may be tested, whether there is truth in you, or else by the life of Pharaoh surely you are spies.”", "aly": "Anyent apmer-warl alpey ayteyikw inerl-alpetyek atyeng-warl akngetyemel. Awayikw ingwer-rnemarl tyayl-itwek anenherr-arey.”"}
{"eng": "What if my father touches me? I will seem to him as a deceiver, and I would bring a curse on myself, and not a blessing.”", "aly": "Jacob angkek, “Awayaty atyenh altangketyarr. Ayengan arrangkw, alteweny. Artwampel ayenh iterl-arekerr, atha irrtywerremel ilerl-anenty. Apmwangkwarr atha ilerl-anentyek, ra akengenty atyeng angkekerr.”"}
{"eng": "Yahweh visited Sarah as he had said, and Yahweh did to Sarah as he had spoken.", "aly": "INGKARTel Sarah renh arntarnt-arek, rarl Sarah renh ilek-angkwarr."}
{"eng": "Sarah conceived, and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.", "aly": "Abraham ampwanem irrek. Sarah-el awey akely atnyenek."}
{"eng": "They struck the men who were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great, so that they wearied themselves to find the door.", "aly": "Artwa angel ratherr Lot renh ayteng inek, warl renh martemel artwernem akethelarl rtnenh-rnem ingkerrenh aparrngilek, rernem iwerr renh arey-angenhilek."}
{"eng": "Abram said, “Lord Yahweh, what will you give me, since I go childless, and he who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?”", "aly": "Abram angkek, “INGKARTay, ntwa ayenh ilek-ilek akngerr anthek."}
{"eng": "Abram said, “Behold, you have given no children to me: and, behold, one born in my house is my heir.”", "aly": "Ntwa ayenh ampan anthey-angenharl. Ayeng ilwentyel, warrkenh atyenhel ilek-ilek ingkerrenh inem.”"}