{"eng": "Therefore let’s also, seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with perseverance the race that is set before us,", "aom": "Ëhi jiëꞌe ae ahoꞌo siri vaꞌënehu God mae uehorovoromo mae jiamu gabe rovaroho ëho jabesi jöho gavarueje. Ëhuni jabesi jöho uehorovoromo mu göehu göehu hutitimavuajoho ëho roriꞌo babuꞌöromo uehoro sisëhu simanore badirohavuajoho ëho dibo buꞌöꞌirögoro God-hu bojamuade muohuremu biririvoromo vaenövoꞌejo."} |
{"eng": "looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising its shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.", "aom": "Iesuaro nunoho bamëꞌi muoho ëhi vaebe vaeꞌejo ë hesi bëhoho huro God mae uehorovarue öroho aevoromo röjahuiromo vaꞌo ijo tugohoꞌi mae uehorovoꞌiröhe öroho röjahuijëꞌego. Saꞌare hiromo uvadeje: Viꞌehe baenugoromo huë mabëhe birohoꞌejö uvoromo javoji vëmunajo baeröhoho bogo uehorovëꞌe biririvoromo korosire guomadeje. Ëhi ëꞌëꞌëro jaruvoho God böröme namijaje hesi övo manö hije."} |
{"eng": "although I used to be a blasphemer, a persecutor, and insolent. However, I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.", "aom": "Urimo naro Keriso-are jöho agoromo hesi aribövioho sisë vaejëvoromo biririꞌövoromo hesi muoho ijumoꞌi ëꞌo gabe rovodeje röhu huro hesi muoho iae bojemadeje. Huhu nasi jöëni ëhi vavaenimade hesi bëhoho naro hu bogo mae uehorovoromo nasi mu sisë hesi bëhoho bogo gavëꞌego ëhuni ëꞌadeje."} |
{"eng": "The grace of our Lord abounded exceedingly with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.", "aom": "Vavaenimoromo nosi Badaro huë baejevoromo börömo bëhe ajemiromo uehoro maho huë maho bojemijadeje ë hesi bëhoho no Iesu Kerisoꞌo gemuoro bimuvëꞌëro javuëꞌëro ëhi jiëꞌe uehoro maho huë maho baejaruëro jiëꞌëro."} |
{"eng": "As I urged you when I was going into Macedonia, stay at Ephesus that you might command certain men not to teach a different doctrine,", "aom": "Naehu jaꞌo hiromo Macedonia saꞌare rueꞌirögoro jasi örire jö bojamijode ë jöe gemuoho majahiꞌirögoro ëꞌe. Ephesus amoro ëhi hiromo a ioroꞌioroho darugoꞌo majëhiromo uëne: Sareri sareriꞌe jö röjëhijarujoho vuonugohëjo."} |
{"eng": "and not to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than God’s stewardship, which is in faith.", "aom": "Hijo mionoꞌo jabesi vavu gö gö jabesi ihe gö gö mevobe vaꞌemu vaꞌarujoho a mami jöe gö gö ëma uehorovoromo atarujoho ëhi jiëꞌe jöemu uehorovarujoho vuonugohëjo. Ëhi uëne. Ëhi jiëꞌe jöemu uehorovëꞌohuro ëhuro aëro jöho ma-berohemu berohoꞌi God-are muoho bogo avoho baejarueje ë hesi bëhoho God-are jöhuremu mae uehorovoromo ëhuro ë muoho baejaruëro jiëꞌëro."} |
{"eng": "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ according to the commandment of God our Savior and the Lord Jesus Christ our hope,", "aom": "O asëꞌe Timothy Paul naro ave jöho jasi örire jajive. Na Iesu Keriso-are apostle jeve ë hesi bëhoho baejavuoromo mare bamavuaje aho Godꞌo noehu gaꞌi muebejarue aho Iesu Kerisoꞌo ëho jaburo ë muoho bojemëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro."} |
{"eng": "to Timothy, my true child in faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.", "aom": "Naro Timothy jasi örire jejamije. Naehu Keriso mae uehorovajëhi jero nasi ijore ijore juvoromo Keriso ëhi mae uehorovanuëro javëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro ja nasi harihu mae jave. Na nege God Vavuohuꞌo nosi Bada Iesu Kerisoꞌo ëho jaburo jabesi vavaenimoromo ajamijego maro hiꞌiranego."} |
{"eng": "Therefore when we couldn’t stand it any longer, we thought it good to be left behind at Athens alone,", "aom": "Öꞌoromo gëꞌi naguamu bogo jemëꞌoho gemuoroho raromojuvo bogo eni javuamu noro Silas-mu niöꞌiro uvareje: Ëꞌego nosi sivue Athens amore ariꞌi"} |
{"eng": "and sent Timothy, our brother and God’s servant in the Good News of Christ, to establish you and to comfort you concerning your faith,", "aom": "Timothy nugöꞌöjego huro vaꞌoromo Thessalonica amo rajoho gëromo jöho heromo ro majahuego heröhe höjo. Timothy hu nosi Christian öëro jiëꞌëro noꞌo bimuvoromo God-are muoho vaeromo Keriso-are jö maho majëhibe juvaje jiëꞌego ëhuni noro Timothy nugöꞌöjareje öꞌoromo jemë ajëmego jemëro biririvoromo Keriso avoꞌavoho uehorovoꞌirarijego."} |
{"eng": "so that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense to the day of Christ,", "aom": "ëhuro rabe rabe maho jiego gaꞌirarijego. Ëhi jiëꞌoho Keriso-are majaho rueꞌiramu jemë jö sisëho bogojëvoꞌi uhohuꞌo ma-maemu jëvoꞌëꞌe."} |
{"eng": "being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.", "aom": "O Iesu Kerisohu ajamuego vaejarue mu mahuro jemëꞌo rumorovëvoꞌëꞌe ëhuro God-are ihoho dö maro ajiomoröhego."} |
{"eng": "Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.", "aom": "Vaboroharo Badare jöëni jemesi baruoho ejëhore"} |
{"eng": "For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the assembly, being himself the savior of the body.", "aom": "rabëni hesi bëhoho baruoho vaboro jemesi simane jioꞌamëꞌe jiaje. Keriso ekaresia nosi simanoho jioꞌi no hesi sino hahoꞌe gemuoho javuëꞌëro huro no maro bamavuëꞌeje. Röhu hu ekaresia nosi simano jiajëhi ëhi baruoho vaboro jemesi simanoho jioꞌame."} |
{"eng": "may be strengthened to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and height and depth,", "aom": "O jemëro God-are aribövi ioroꞌiorohuꞌo gemuoro avoho garomo uvoꞌirarijego: Kerisoro bogo biseꞌo vaduꞌoho uehorovavuoꞌi börömo bëhe uehorovavuo avohaje höjo."} |
{"eng": "and to know Christ’s love which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.", "aom": "Röhu Kerisohu diehi uehorovavuajoho noehu ga barëꞌiröhoho bogo eni javue. Iae ëhi jie röhu na nege jemëro uvoꞌirarijego huro ëhi uehorovavuaje hö uvego ëhuro God-are uehoro mahuro mu mahuro jö mahuro bövi biseꞌo mahuro jemesi dë vövöbajoꞌoho rarovëvoꞌiröhego. Na ëhi negego God-are örire jöe jövajeje."} |
{"eng": "For this cause I also, having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus which is among you and the love which you have toward all the saints,", "aom": "Ëhuꞌëro jiëꞌëro na hejodeje aëro uvavamu: Jemëro Bada Iesu mae uehorovoromo God-are aribövioho ahoꞌobëhe huë baejëvaruje höjo."} |
{"eng": "don’t cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers,", "aom": "Ëhi ëꞌaruje hö uvamu hegorovo naehu jemesi jöëni God mae uabe rovodoho bogo vuonugëꞌe jeve. Ëhiꞌoromo Vavu hesi örire jemëni ëninamijajeje."} |
{"eng": "Yet if because of food your brother is grieved, you walk no longer in love. Don’t destroy with your food him for whom Christ died.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho mae höromo jaehu ie mie jasi Christian ae gö hesi nunire ijamu ë ahuro garomo uvëꞌoho: O God-hu ahavuade ioho ijane höjo. Ëhuni naꞌo God-are jöho ahoromo iꞌejö uvëꞌoho jaehu hesi nunire ijanoho ëho bogo maho ëꞌaneje. Jero hesi örire bogo uehorovëꞌe ma-ijaneje. Ëa hesi jöëni Kerisoro guomëꞌe jiaje ëhuni nadi ioho mioho ëma iromo ëhuro hu ijumone."} |
{"eng": "Then don’t let your good be slandered,", "aom": "Jemëhu uvarujoho: Ie mie jove bövie biseꞌe ijëꞌoho mae hö uvarujoho gavëꞌi ueꞌahore. Ae göëro gëromo jemesi mu ma hesi jöho sisëꞌi atoꞌëꞌö."} |
{"eng": "For we were saved in hope, but hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for that which he sees?", "aom": "Ëhi mae javuoröhoho ëho noro muebejöro God-ro ajamuiromo maro bamavuëꞌeje. Mue gö gö no avevejöꞌe nunehu gaꞌamaruoho ëho bogo gaꞌamoꞌi muebejarueje iae mamiꞌe gavaruëro."} |
{"eng": "But if we hope for that which we don’t see, we wait for it with patience.", "aom": "Aꞌi mae javuoꞌiröhoho nunoho bogo gaꞌi ma-raromoromo muebejaruëro jiëꞌëro ëhuni gaꞌirögoro biririvoromo raromoromo muebebe vaꞌarueje."} |
{"eng": "But now apart from the law, a righteousness of God has been revealed, being testified by the law and the prophets;", "aom": "Iae ëhi sisë javue röhu jaruvoroho noehu hesi nunire mae riravoꞌiröhe öroho God-ro röjahuijëꞌeje. Moses-are jögoru surire o jö God-aro baeromo ae majëhinövare aribövi jabesi surire ë hesi öroho iae jajivëꞌeje. Röhu ë öroho bogo jögoru heromo mu vaeröhe örehu jioꞌi aꞌi öroho aviëhije."} |
{"eng": "even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all those who believe. For there is no distinction,", "aom": "Aehu Iesu Keriso mae uehorovëꞌohuro ëhuro God-ro nosi sisëho uehorovoromo vuonugego hesi nunire mae riravarueje. Ae ahoꞌobëhe mae ae rahu Keriso mae uehorovëꞌoho ëhi ajamuijajeje. God-ro gövuajeje no ae ahoꞌobëhe bogo göho göho javuoꞌi ma-gemuoho javuego."} |
{"eng": "When they had gone through the island to Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew whose name was Bar Jesus,", "aom": "Jirehoromo Salamis amoho nugo vaꞌoromo Cyprus saꞌaho jirehobe numëhi vaꞌo viture juvöꞌöromo Paphos amore höröjareje. Höröromo sareri sareriꞌe iro osoꞌe ae gemu birohareje. Hesi ihoho Bar-Iesu jiadeje. Hu Jew rajëro jiëꞌëro aribövioho sarerëmiromo uënövadeje: Na jö God-aro baeromo majëhijaje ae jevajëjo."} |
{"eng": "who was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, a man of understanding. This man summoned Barnabas and Saul, and sought to hear the word of God.", "aom": "Bar-Iesu ë saꞌare a börömo hesi ae jiadeje. Ësaꞌare a börömo hesi ihoho Sergius Paulus jiadeje. Hu uehoro maꞌe ae jiadeje. Uehoro maꞌe aëro jiëꞌëro jöe nugöꞌöromo Barnabasꞌo Saulꞌo uëvadeje: Rueromo God-are jöho majehirego na heꞌiröjo."} |
{"eng": "But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn the proconsul away from the faith.", "aom": "Na heꞌiröjamu rueromo God-are jöho majahijamu hejëꞌi ë iro osoꞌe aho Bar-Iesu röhu iho göho Greece jöehu uvaruoho Elymas-ro jabesi jöho ahoꞌahovadeje. Elymas-ro Barnabasꞌo Saulꞌo jabesi jöho ahoꞌahovoromo ë saꞌare a börömoho nijioꞌirae gavadeje Iesuare jöho ejahojöëni."} |
{"eng": "But Saul, who is also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, fastened his eyes on him", "aom": "Nijioꞌirae gavamu Saul hesi iho göho Paul-are dë vövöbajoꞌe ahoꞌo God-are Aruꞌahohuro rarovamu gagorovo Paul-ro Elymas gemu ërimahoromo"} |
{"eng": "They answered him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus said to them, “I am he.” Judas also, who betrayed him, was standing with them.", "aom": "Rahuo naharujëjamu uavareje: Iesu Nazareth rajoho naharuëjo. Naharuëjamu uëvadeje: Ëuvaruje aho iae na aviae jevajëjo. Röhu Iesuni hiruëmade aho Judas jabuꞌo gemu mae namijadeje."} |
{"eng": "When therefore he said to them, “I am he,” they went backward and fell to the ground.", "aom": "Jabuꞌo gemu mae namijamu gagorovo rueho jaburo hejare Iesuro uëvamu: Na jevajë uëvamu hegorovo dejonö vaꞌoromo saꞌare rireromareje."} |
{"eng": "even as the Father knows me, and I know the Father. I lay down my life for the sheep.", "aom": "Aꞌi na sheep muebeꞌamaje a maho jevajëjo. Vavuohuro na geꞌi naehu Vavu gavajëhi ëhi naro nasi sheep-oho gaꞌamaje höjo. O nasi sheep-ohuro na geruomaje höjo. Ëhi jiëꞌëro naehu sheep jabesi jöëni nasi arijoꞌarije bojamirovoromo guomorovëꞌoho iae mae höjo."} |
{"eng": "returned from the tomb, and told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest.", "aom": "Uehorovoromo Iesu bamarire jioromo vuonoröꞌö vaꞌareje. Vaꞌoromo rabe rabe gavare hejare jöho majëhijamu Iesuare ijoraje 11-ho jabuꞌo Iesuare aribövi ioroꞌiorohuꞌo ë jöho heruomadeje."} |
{"eng": "Now they were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James. The other women with them told these things to the apostles.", "aom": "Röhu ë jö majëhijare magonaho jabesi ihoho Mary Magdalene o Joanna o James-are vëme Mary ëhi jëvadeje. Ëmagonahohuꞌo magonaho ioroꞌiore jabuꞌo gemu mae jijiharohuꞌo ëho jaburo ë jöho apostle aribövioho majëhijareje."} |
{"eng": "I will therefore chastise him and release him.”", "aom": "Ëhuni naro ae uëꞌiramu hisuebiromo jiovo nugöꞌöꞌiramu vaꞌaꞌajëjo."} |
{"eng": "Now he had to release one prisoner to them at the feast.", "aom": "[Röhu God-hu Vörö Tugohade Sörö maja rovëꞌiroho savoji gagore raromarue aho gemu Pilate-ro Jew rajo ariböviohuni jiovo nugöꞌöjëhonövadeje hu bojamare muoho ëhi jiëꞌëro.]"} |
{"eng": "Jesus said to the chief priests, captains of the temple, and elders, who had come against him, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs?", "aom": "Marëjamu priest masijohuro God-are osa börömo atovarue ariböviohuro a duvahohuro Iesu guduamo bavaꞌi rovëꞌëro riravareje. Riravamu gagorovo Iesuro uëvadeje: Aveho na bogo vajiohuꞌe ananoꞌe aehu jevajëjo. Jemë rabëni siravaho kepataho ujuohoromo rovarujëjo."} |
{"eng": "When I was with you in the temple daily, you didn’t stretch out your hands against me. But this is your hour, and the power of darkness.”", "aom": "Mamiꞌe majae ahoꞌo naehu God-are amo börömore jemëꞌo hinövodoho jemë evaroho bogo guduamevarije höjo. Röhu jaruvoho jemesi majae höjo. Ramoramoꞌe mu muebejaje a hesi vöröho rovëꞌe höjo."} |
{"eng": "It is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and put in his own garden. It grew and became a large tree, and the birds of the sky live in its branches.”", "aom": "Ijo hisu ihe mustard ujehu riromo ëgovoromo börömo rijajëhi God-ro böröme namiromo ae göꞌo göꞌo ëhi gagovoromo muebejëvobe vaꞌaꞌajëjo. Ae gemuëro mustard ijo hisu uje gemu baeromo hesi mure öjade höjo. Öjamu riromo ijo vaꞌëne ëgovoromo börömorijade höjo. Börömorijamu ugëro rueromo hesi adore ijue vaeꞌamare höjo."} |
{"eng": "Again he said, “To what shall I compare God’s Kingdom?", "aom": "Ëhi uënugoromo jö göho majëhiromo uëvadeje: God-hu böröme namiromo muebejëvaje öri ë hesi uhu jö göho naro majëhiꞌiëꞌajëjo."} |
{"eng": "It is like yeast, which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until it was all leavened.”", "aom": "I dë huaje osehu ire rumorovajëhi God-hu böröme namiromo muebejëvaje muohuro saꞌae ahoꞌo ëhi rumorovobe vaꞌaje höjo. Magonahe gemuëro ie ahoꞌobëhe gagovoromo i dë huaje osoho i gemuore bamoromo iohuꞌo buarohade höjo. Buarohamu ë ioho ahoꞌobëhe rumorovo barëjade höjo."} |
{"eng": "As he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became white and dazzling.", "aom": "Ajiomoromo God-are örire jöe jövamu Iesuare nu anoꞌoho gorosovoromo ma-mabëhe jioꞌi hesi niögoho majaehu bamajëhi ëhi ajivo avohadeje."} |
{"eng": "Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, but when they were fully awake, they saw his glory, and the two men who stood with him.", "aom": "Atoruomamu Peter-mëro nunëhëgamu momoröꞌö uroꞌamareje. Momoröꞌö uroꞌamëꞌëro riꞌöꞌi gavareje Iesu ajiꞌere namiꞌego ë ae niöꞌioho jabuꞌo ë rirarovamu."} |
{"eng": "Then if anyone tells you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘Look, there!’ don’t believe it.", "aom": "Ëhi jiamu ae göehu uëvëꞌoho: Aveho ro gahëjo. O arueho vaꞌo gahëjo. God-hu uavëꞌëro böröme namiromo ajamuiꞌiröhe aho aviae o aruae hö uëvëꞌoho nadi maho uehorovorëjo."} |
{"eng": "For false christs and false prophets will arise and will show signs and wonders, that they may lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho rabëniajo. Ae ahoꞌobëhe rueromo sarerëmiromo uëbe vaꞌaꞌaruëjo: God-hu uevëꞌëro böröme namiromo ajëmiꞌirode aho jevajëjo o jö God-aro baeromo majëhijaje ae jevajëjo. Sarerëmiromo ëhi majëhiromo bogo gavarue mu masijoho vaenövoꞌaruëjo eni jëvego God-hu söjëvade aribövioho sarerëmego rireromoꞌiröhego."} |
{"eng": "Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father, who is in heaven, may also forgive you your transgressions.", "aom": "O jemë döre riravoromo God-are örire ëninamiꞌirögoro röhu ae göëni dë vörönëgëꞌoho ë a hesi sisëho uehorovoromo vuonugorëjo. Ëhi ëꞌëꞌoho ëhuro jemesi Vavue öꞌidöre hijaje ahuro jemesi sisëhuꞌo uehorovoromo vuonugoꞌajëjo."} |
{"eng": "But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your transgressions.”", "aom": "[O jemëhu jabesi sisë bogo uehorovoromo vuonugëꞌoho jemesi Vavue öꞌidöre hijaje aho huꞌo jemesi sisëho bogo uehorovoromo vuonugoꞌajëjo.]"} |
{"eng": "Others fell on the rocky ground, where it had little soil, and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of soil.", "aom": "Ujo ioroꞌioroho munë uhunö jiëꞌe saꞌare rireromade höjo. Rireromoromo ma-burëro riꞌamade höjo saꞌaho munë döro ma-bisemu jiëꞌëro."} |
{"eng": "When the sun had risen, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away.", "aom": "Riromo dirumoho bogo ma ioꞌamëꞌëro majaëro rojomoromo anamu sahoriꞌamade höjo."} |
{"eng": "Therefore the Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.", "aom": "Ëhesi uhu jöho na uaꞌiëꞌajëjo. Saꞌa a börömo hesi mu vaejaharue aribövi jabuhu moni bojamiꞌiröhe suri suri ë saꞌa a börömehu adahoromo ëꞌadëhi God-ro böröme namiromo hesi öri ariꞌoho ëhi muebejaje höjo."} |
{"eng": "When he had begun to settle, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents.", "aom": "Iae saꞌa a böröme gemuëro hijade höjo. Hiromo hesi mu muebejaharue jabesi suri surioho aevoromo adahoꞌamade höjo. Adahoꞌamamu ae gemuehu a börömo hesi örire 7 million kina bojamiꞌiröhoho huꞌirae barovare höjo."} |
{"eng": "They, having heard the king, went their way; and behold, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them until it came and stood over where the young child was.", "aom": "Ëhi uëvamu hegoro vaꞌareje. Örire vaꞌihö gavareje mamiꞌe ruhe saꞌa göre gavare jije gemuoho jabesi nuninö urimo vaꞌamu. Jijohuro urimo vaꞌadoho vaꞌo aharihehu hijajire ë hesi simano bure namijadeje."} |
{"eng": "When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.", "aom": "Namijamu ganugoromo bogo biseꞌo vaduꞌoho nimorohareje."} |