{"eng": "merchandise of gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, purple, silk, scarlet, all expensive wood, every vessel of ivory, every vessel made of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble;", "aom": "Jabesi gold silver munë gö gö maho nienia maho bogo imoꞌamoromo monioho baeꞌëꞌö. Sanuovëꞌe niöge kavuëꞌe nu anoꞌe gö gö ëhuꞌo bogo imoꞌamoromo monioho baeꞌëꞌö. Ridiꞌe ije nu anoꞌe gö gö ëhuꞌo bogo imoꞌamoromo monioho baeꞌëꞌö. Inömo inömo mi danehu avohoꞌamaroho ijo maehu avohoꞌamaroho rövëꞌe munë maehu ajaniehu munë nu anoꞌo göehu göehu avohoꞌamaroho ëhuꞌo bogo imoꞌamoromo monioho baeꞌëꞌö."} {"eng": "and cinnamon, incense, perfume, frankincense, wine, olive oil, fine flour, wheat, sheep, horses, chariots, and people’s bodies and souls.", "aom": "Rihuꞌe i maho ridiꞌe oso ihe gö gö vëniro buejego ridivajoho o sino avohorovaruoho o mu rabe rabe vaejaruoho ëhuꞌo bogo imoꞌamoromo monioho baeꞌëꞌö. Wine jovoho olive ijo bajo jovoho flour-ho wheat-ho cow-ho sheep-oho horse-oho ëhuꞌo bogo imoꞌamoromo monioho baeꞌëꞌö. Maratu mabëhe horse-ehu jagu bavaꞌaruoho ëhuꞌo bogo imoꞌamoromo monioho baeꞌëꞌö. Ae magonahe aruꞌahoꞌe jioruomajeje röhu mahu miꞌo ëꞌaruëhi ëhi guduamoꞌamoromo imoꞌamarueje ae gö jabesi muemu vaeröhego. Ae magonahe mi vaꞌëne imoꞌamaruëhioho ëhioho bogo imoꞌëꞌö. Ijonöho aho bogo imoꞌamoꞌiramu ëhuni imoꞌamarue ariböviohuro nierusuburuꞌe bamoruomoꞌëꞌe."} {"eng": "“Behold, I come like a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his clothes, so that he doesn’t walk naked, and they see his shame.”", "aom": "Röhu Iesuro uve: Jöe hehëjo. Naro vajiohuꞌe aëro öꞌanovoꞌiëꞌajëjo. Ëhuni ae rahu nune jioromo niögu avoꞌavoho mueberovëꞌoho iae mae jioruomoꞌajëjo. Ëhi jiëꞌoho bogo ma-sinëremuoho a nuniroho jijihoromo javojoho baeruomoꞌajëjo. Iesuro ëhi uve."} {"eng": "He gathered them together into the place which is called in Hebrew, “Harmagedon”.", "aom": "Amo ë aruꞌaho sisë niöꞌi gemu jaburo saꞌa muebejarue a masijoho sö ujuohëvo rueromo öri ariꞌo ihe Hebrew jöehu uvaruoho Armageddon ë gagovëvohijo."} {"eng": "and one third of the living creatures which were in the sea died. One third of the ships were destroyed.", "aom": "Ëhiꞌego anerae gemuehu hëgö huadoho röhu number 2-ohuro hëgöho huohijo. Hëgöho huoꞌego evare dahoru böröme vënehu ravanovëꞌohuro ahoromo sö jovo eꞌure abuehijo. Abueꞌego sö jove ahoꞌo jovo mie ahoꞌo boat ahoꞌo niöꞌi gemu tariojaroho jovëro diröꞌe gemu köraehijo jovo mie ë diröꞌe gemuore vuovohijo boat ë diröꞌe gemuore dadorovoꞌamohijo. Röhu diröꞌe niöꞌi bogo."} {"eng": "When the living creatures give glory, honor, and thanks to him who sits on the throne, to him who lives forever and ever,", "aom": "God rajahijarue majohuro God ëhi ma-mabëhe rajahiromo jöho iarueje röho mare hiromo ioroꞌioremu hibe vaꞌaje a hesi ihoho dö maro jioröhego."} {"eng": "the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever, and throw their crowns before the throne, saying,", "aom": "Ëmaje 4-ehu ëhi rajahiromo jö iëꞌiroho rue a duvahoho ahoꞌobëhe 24 jaburo röho mare hijaje a hesi nuninö ague aho raromoromo hesi örire rajahijarueje hu ioroꞌioremu hibe vaꞌaje jiëꞌego. Rajahiromo jabesi a masijehu simanore didiꞌarue bosöho God-hu hijaje nuninö rideho bahijarueje. Bahiromo uavarueje:"} {"eng": "The first creature was like a lion, the second creature like a calf, the third creature had a face like a man, and the fourth was like a flying eagle.", "aom": "Ëmajoho göho lion vaꞌëne jioꞌi göho cow anoꞌe harihu vaꞌëne jioꞌi göho ma-a nu anoꞌo vaꞌëne jioꞌi göho buruhehu hetejego gavaruëhi hesi nu anoꞌoho ëhi jiohijo."} {"eng": "The four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within. They have no rest day and night, saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come!”", "aom": "God rajahijarue maje 4-ho gemu gemu vivoje ahoꞌobëhe 6 6 jioꞌamohijo. Jabesi vivoju uhohuꞌo dönöhuꞌo sino hahoꞌoho ahoꞌo ma-nunemu jioꞌamohijo. Röhu majae vahie sisone bogo vuonugëꞌe ma-jöe iemu ioromo uvarueje: Bada God maemu maemu maemu jioꞌi daruge ahoꞌobëhe hesirohemu höjo. Mamiꞌe jiobe rovadoho jaruvo jiajoho röhu ijonö jioꞌiröhoho höjo."} {"eng": "for the truth’s sake, which remains in us, and it will be with us forever:", "aom": "O asëꞌe aboji harihuꞌe gagovoromo gemuore raromaruje magonahoho God-ro hesinö javojöro baejavëꞌe magonahe jave. Ekaresia jabesi a duvahoho naro jemesi örire jejëmije. Jemëꞌo noꞌo God-are jö maho uehorovoromo ëhi gemu uehorovobe vaꞌejo. Ëhuni na bogo ma-döëremuoho uehorovëvoꞌi dë vövöbajoꞌe ahoꞌo uehorovëvajeje. Bogo na gemuoho aꞌi God-are jö ma gavarue aribövioho ahoꞌobëhe jabuꞌo ëhi gemuoho uehorovëvarueje."} {"eng": "I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake.", "aom": "Nasi aboji harihuꞌe God-ro Keriso-are jöëni uehorovoromo jemesi sisëho uehorovoromo vuonugëꞌego ëhuni na jemesi örire jajive."} {"eng": "I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I write to you, little children, because you know the Father.", "aom": "A duvahohumë jemë aevoꞌi jiobe rovade aho gavëꞌe jëvoꞌego ëhuni na jemesi örire jajive. A iꞌohumë jemëro A Sisëho ruahöꞌöjëꞌe jëvoꞌego ëhuni na jemesi örire jajive."} {"eng": "Forsaking the right way, they went astray, having followed the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of wrongdoing;", "aom": "Öri ahorirehu jijiharoho vuonugoꞌi aruëre anumëre ëma jijihëꞌejö. Ëma jijihoromo a ihe Balaam Bosor-are harihoho Balaam-hu juvade öri sisëre vaꞌëꞌejö. Ëhesi bëhoho Balaam jö God-aro baeromo majëhinövade ae jiadeje röhu hu mu sisë hesi manaho ijo baje baeꞌi nimadeje."} {"eng": "but he was rebuked for his own disobedience. A speechless donkey spoke with a man’s voice and stopped the madness of the prophet.", "aom": "Ëhi nimamu God-ro ë a hesi uehoro sisëho ahahadeje. God-hu Balaam-are uehoro sisë ahahade hesi jöho aviëhije. Balaam-ro mu sisë vaeꞌirögoro mi ihe donkey döro hiromo örire vaꞌadeje. Vaꞌamu God-ro ë donkey-oho uehoro maho bojamamu ë jö bogo jövajohuro riꞌöromo a huënöꞌe jöe jövamu hegorovo ë jö God-aro baeromo majëhijaje ahuro simano rumoꞌe muoho vaeꞌiëꞌoromo vuonugadeje. God-ro Balaam-are uehoro sisëho ëhi ahahadeje. Balaam-hu öri ma vuonugadëhi ë jö sareriꞌe röjëhijarue ariböviohuro ëhi ëꞌoromo mu sisë vaeromo ijo baje baeꞌi nimarueje."} {"eng": "and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, having made them an example to those who would live in an ungodly way,", "aom": "O Sodomꞌo Gomorrahꞌo amo masije niöꞌi God-ro iꞌue bojëmiromo vënëro bueꞌöjëvamu ravoromo ma-muomöe jëvadeje. Ëhi ëꞌade hesi bëhoho God bijönimoruomaje ariböviohuro uvoruomoröhego: Ëhi jiëꞌe iꞌuoho God-ro noꞌo bojamuiꞌajëjo. Iae ëhuni ëhi jiëꞌe iꞌuoho bojëmijadeje."} {"eng": "and delivered righteous Lot, who was very distressed by the lustful life of the wicked", "aom": "Ëamo rajo a ioroꞌioroho iꞌuoho ëhi bojëmiꞌi aꞌi a maho Lot ajamamu hu Sodom amore jioromo mae rovadeje. Ëhesi bëhoho urimo Lot-ro amore hiromo ganövadeje amo rajoho jögoroho bogo eꞌirögoro ma-biririꞌövoromo öëro ëꞌanovoruomoꞌego gëꞌi hiromo bijönimo avohonövadeje."} {"eng": "(for that righteous man dwelling among them was tormented in his righteous soul from day to day with seeing and hearing lawless deeds),", "aom": "Ëaho a maëro jiëꞌëro ë amo rajohuꞌo gemuore hiromo majae ëhi heromo gëromo jabumëro mu sisë vaeꞌego bijönimoromo dë vövöbajoꞌe sisërëjadeje hu a maëro jiëꞌëro. Ëhiꞌamu God-ro amoho ijumoꞌirögoro Lot ajamamu mae rovadeje."} {"eng": "For he received from God the Father honor and glory when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”", "aom": "Kerisoro God Vavu hesi örire iho börömohuꞌo aji börömohuꞌo baejadire noro huꞌo riravareje. Riravamu aji börömo jiajire ë a huëro Iesuni uvavohijo: Ave aho nasi Harihu mabëhe höjo. Na hu garomo nimorohevajëjo."} {"eng": "We heard this voice come out of heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain.", "aom": "Ëhuëho öꞌidöre uvamu noro nosi hiaꞌëro hejareje huꞌo gemuore maemu jiaje dahorure riravare majare."} {"eng": "and in knowledge, self-control; and in self-control, perseverance; and in perseverance, godliness;", "aom": "God-are öri gavëꞌoho taemo raromoromo God-are öri gavaruje muohuꞌo gemuoro havore. Taemo raromëꞌoho biririvoromo riravoromo taemo raromaruje muohuꞌo gemuoro havore. Biririvoromo riravëꞌoho God-hu nimaje muohemu uehorovoromo biririvoromo riravaruje muohuꞌo gemuoro havore."} {"eng": "and in godliness, brotherly affection; and in brotherly affection, love.", "aom": "God-hu nimaje mu uehorovëꞌoho huë baerovoromo God-hu nimaje mu uehorovaruje muohuꞌo gemuoro havore. Huë baerovëꞌoho ae gö jabesi öroro dë vövöbajoꞌe ahoꞌo uehorovëvoromo huë baerovaruje muohuꞌo gemuoro havore. Ëhi jiëꞌe muohuremu uehorovore."} {"eng": "Let your beauty come not from the outward adorning of braiding your hair, and of wearing gold ornaments or of putting on fine clothing,", "aom": "Röhu jemë mae jëvego baruehu gëjöro nimëꞌoho nadi sinemuoho rajahirovoromo ijo bajo börömoho buꞌöromo ëhuro simano uoho avohorovoromo nieniaho niögoho bövioho biseꞌoho imoromo ioꞌamego mae jëvego gëꞌiro."} {"eng": "but from the hidden person of the heart, in the incorruptible adornment of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in God’s sight.", "aom": "Nadi sinemuoho uehorovoꞌi aꞌi dë vövöbajoꞌo uhohuꞌo avohorovego gëꞌiro jemesi muoho mae jiego. Sino avohorovëꞌoho mavojirojëvoꞌiramu sisërëjëvoꞌëꞌe. O dë vövöbajoꞌo avohorovëꞌoho gëꞌëꞌö mae jëvemu jëvobe vaꞌiramu. Dë vövöbajoꞌo avohorovoꞌirarije hesi bëhoho ma-uꞌemu taemo raromoꞌirarije jöhoje. Jemë ma-uꞌemu taemo raromëꞌoho God-ro gëvajeje jemë ma-mabëhe jëvego."} {"eng": "seeing your pure behavior in fear.", "aom": "Röhu vaboroharo jemesi baru jabesi jöho ëhi ejëhore. Ejëhorego baruehu God-are jö bogo ma uehorovëꞌoho vaboro jemesi Christian jöho bogo hejëꞌe jemesi muohemu garomo gaꞌiro jemëro God böröme hö uehorovoromo mu ma-maemu vaejego gëromo huotorovoromo Keriso mae uehorovoruomoꞌiro."} {"eng": "Servants, be in subjection to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the wicked.", "aom": "O ae gö jabesi darugoremu raromoromo mu vaejëharuje aribövioharo jemesi mu simano vaejarue aribövioho masije hö uehorovoromo jöho ejëhonövore. Jemesi a masijehu a mae jioromo sanuꞌe jöemu majëhijëꞌoho ejëhoꞌi röhu vöröꞌe aribövioho jabuꞌo ejëhonövore."} {"eng": "For it is commendable if someone endures pain, suffering unjustly, because of conscience toward God.", "aom": "Ëhi jiëꞌe sisë aribövi ejëhoꞌirarije hesi bëhoho jaehu God-are jö uehorovanuohuni aehu huë vavaeni ëma bojamamu ma-herovëꞌi taemorovoromo hijëꞌoho God-are huë maho baeꞌaꞌanue."} {"eng": "if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.", "aom": "Aꞌi jemëro mamiꞌe herovarijeje Badaro jemë huë baejëvamu. Huë baejëvamu herovëꞌe jëvaje ëhuni iꞌe rahëvëꞌe asisöꞌehu amu rihu ueꞌahoꞌi nimoruomajëhi ëhi dë vövöbajoꞌo hesi amu maho ueꞌahoꞌi nimonörovore. Ëhi jiëꞌe amu ueꞌahëꞌoho jemesi aruꞌahoho biririvobe vaꞌojuvo ijonö a duvaho vaꞌëne jioromo maro raromoꞌaruje."} {"eng": "who was foreknown indeed before the foundation of the world, but was revealed in this last age for your sake,", "aom": "Jemëni guomoröhego saꞌae bövie biseꞌe bogo bamadevare God-ro hu baejadeje. Amo ave ijo tugohoꞌi majare jemesi jöëni God-ro hu nugöꞌöjamu a nuniro rovadeje."} {"eng": "who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope might be in God.", "aom": "Rueromo jemë ajëmijëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro jemëro God mae uehorovarujeje. God-ro Keriso ajamamu riꞌöromo aji maho baejëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro jemëro God gemu uehorovoromo uvarujeje: Iae huro noꞌo ajamuiꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "knowing that you were redeemed, not with corruptible things like silver or gold, from the useless way of life handed down from your fathers,", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho jemesi hijo mionoꞌohuro Keriso bogo uehorovëꞌëro bëhi rumoꞌe muoho röjëhibe rovamu jemëro ëhemu ejëhoromo sisë hesi darugoremu raromonövarijeje. Ëhi jëvëꞌëro God-hu nimaje muoho bogo vae varijënoho jëvadeje. Ëhi jëvamu God-ro ajëmijëꞌëro mae jëve. Röhu jemëꞌo iae gavarujeje. God-ro jemë ajëmiꞌirögoro ijo bajoho o bövi biseꞌo maho bogo ëho buꞌöromo ëhuro ajëmijadeje ëhi jiëꞌe inömoho ma-jahuri inöme jiëꞌego."} {"eng": "but with precious blood, as of a lamb without blemish or spot, the blood of Christ,", "aom": "Aꞌi Keriso-are kö maho bamoromo ëhuro mae ajëmijadeje. Ëhesi bëhoho urimoroho Jew rajëro God-ni suvuoro bamahoꞌiëꞌiroho sheep harihe ma-mahuremu muoꞌamoromo suvuoroho bamahonövareje. Keriso ëhi jiëꞌe suvuoro maemu jiadeje. Ëhi jiamu God-ro hu bamadeje jemëni guomoröhego."} {"eng": "Concerning this salvation, the prophets sought and searched diligently. They prophesied of the grace that would come to you,", "aom": "Urimo Keriso bogo rovadevare evare God-hu jemë mare bamëvoröhe jöho jö hesirire baeromo majëhinövare a mamiohuro majëhinövareje. Majëhiromo röhu ë jö hesi bëhoho avoꞌavoho nahareje gaꞌi ë muoho diehi jiego."} {"eng": "searching for who or what kind of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them pointed to when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow them.", "aom": "Kerisohu viꞌehi baeromo guomoromo ijonö aji baeꞌiröhe jöho Keriso-are Aruꞌahohuro jabumë röjëhijamu simanore baeromo bëhoho nahoromo uvoruomadeje: Ëhi jiëꞌe muoho divare diehi jioꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "whom, not having known, you love. In him, though now you don’t see him, yet believing, you rejoice greatly with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory,", "aom": "Amo Iesu Keriso rueꞌiramu jemesi ihoho ëhi ma-maemu jiëhoꞌëꞌe. Avevejöꞌoho jemë hu bogo gavëꞌe jemesi dë vövöbajoꞌo uhure hesi örire uehorovarujeje. Jemë hu bogo nunoho gavarujeje röhu hu mae uehorovoromo nimoroho avoharujeje. Nimoroharuje jöho börömo bëhe jiëꞌego ë hesi jöho bogo ato varijënoho jëve."} {"eng": "receiving the result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.", "aom": "Jemëro uehorovoromo uvarujeje: Noehu Keriso mae uehorovarue hesi bëhoho ijonö God-ro nosi dë vövöbajoꞌoho maro bamahuoꞌiramu iae mae javuoꞌajë uvoromo huë mabëhe jëvego nimoroharujeje."} {"eng": "Brothers, if any among you wanders from the truth and someone turns him back,", "aom": "Nasi ö muenoꞌe jemë ae göehu God-are öri ma vuonugoꞌi aruëre anumëre ma-vaꞌamu gagoro ae göehu ajamijamu öri mare sionehu rovamu gavëꞌoho"} {"eng": "let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.", "aom": "jemëro uvore: Ae öri sisëre juvajoho ae rahuhu ahoromo mu mae röjahijëꞌoho ëhuro ë a hesi aruꞌahoho ajamiꞌiramu bogo guomo öriroho vaꞌaꞌajëjo. O ëhuro God-ro mu sisë ahoꞌobëhe muꞌuꞌamoꞌajëjo. Ahia minoꞌe."} {"eng": "Be patient therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient over it, until it receives the early and late rain.", "aom": "Röhu ö muenoꞌe biririvoromo ma-taemo raromoromo muebejego Bada rueꞌiro. Jemëꞌo uehorovore. Nimarue irunoꞌo gagovoꞌiëꞌiroho öjëꞌëro irunoꞌoho bogo burëroho gagovoꞌamarueje. Urimo biririvoromo muebejuvo urimore niohijo majaho rovego muebejuvo ijo tugohoꞌi niohijo majaho rovego biririvoromo muebejuvo ijonö irunoꞌe mabëhe rijego evare gagovoꞌamarueje."} {"eng": "You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.", "aom": "Irunoꞌo riröhego biririvoromo muebejaruëhi jemëro ëhi dë vövöbajoꞌoho biririvoromo muebere Bada vuonoröꞌö rueꞌiëꞌe jiaje."} {"eng": "Your riches are corrupted and your garments are moth-eaten.", "aom": "Bövi biseꞌo börömo bëhi jëvajoho sagohoriromo muduhiꞌamo barë hesije. Giresasaëro jemesi niögoho tarivoꞌamo hesije."} {"eng": "Your gold and your silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be for a testimony against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up your treasure in the last days.", "aom": "Jemesi mae sisëꞌo maho maho dëꞌiraeꞌamo hesije. Dëꞌiraeꞌamoꞌiramu ëhuro jemesi nigoji öroho vaꞌorahoro jioꞌi jemë vënëro ravëvanovoꞌëꞌe. Ave maja barëꞌiëꞌaje majare jemë inömo inömo bövi mae bahi avohëꞌe jëve."} {"eng": "For you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will both live, and do this or that.”", "aom": "Ëhuni nadi uvoꞌibejarije: Ëhi ëꞌejarëjo. Aꞌi uvoꞌibejarije: Hesi Badahu nimëꞌohuro no biririvoromo raromoromo ëhi ëhi ëꞌejarëjo. Ëhi uvoꞌibejarije iae mae jioꞌibejo."} {"eng": "But now you glory in your boasting. All such boasting is evil.", "aom": "Aꞌi jemëro uvarujeje: Ëhi ëhi ëꞌiröhoho nosi sivuoho iae eni javuajëromo ma-döhemu nimoronimorohëꞌi atarujeje. Ëhi jiëꞌoho bogo maehuje."} {"eng": "Be subject therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.", "aom": "Ëhuni God-are jöho ejahore. Satan rovëꞌoho ahore. Satan ahëꞌoho jemesirire jiajoho juꞌebiromo vaꞌëꞌe."} {"eng": "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners. Purify your hearts, you double-minded.", "aom": "God-are bëhoro vaꞌore. Hesi bëhire vaꞌëꞌoho huro jemesi bëhire rueꞌëꞌe. Jemë sisëꞌe aribövie jëvaje övoho uꞌorovore. Vaji vajiꞌe aribövie jëvaje dë vövöbajoꞌoho avohorovore."} {"eng": "But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, don’t boast and don’t lie against the truth.", "aom": "Röhu jemë ae gö jabesi mu mahuni dë vörönimoromo nu huodivoꞌi jemesi ihohemu döre bamorovoꞌi nimëꞌoho nadi nimoronimorohoromo jö huhe ëꞌoromo o jö sareroho atoromo God-are jö maho ijumore."} {"eng": "This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, sensual, and demonic.", "aom": "Jemë ëhi jiëꞌe uehoro baejëꞌoho nani jemë uvarujeje: Ëhi jiëꞌoho simano maꞌe uehore höjo. Röhu ëho bogo öꞌidöroho jioromo ruvebiꞌi aꞌi ave saꞌa hesi uehoroho jioꞌi ma-nosi sinemu uehorovaruoho jioꞌi Satan-are ariböviehu uehorovaruohoje."} {"eng": "Does a spring send out from the same opening fresh and bitter water?", "aom": "Jovo mahuꞌo sisëhuꞌo saꞌa gage gemuoroho bogo suorovajeje."} {"eng": "Can a fig tree, my brothers, yield olives, or a vine figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh water.", "aom": "Nasi ö muenoꞌe ijo bajo ihe gö gö bogo gemuoroho raeꞌi öꞌi bajoho bogo ijo bajohuꞌo gemuoroho raeꞌëꞌe rabëni köe gö gö jiëꞌëro. Sö jovohuꞌo jovo mahuꞌo bogo gemuoroho vuoꞌaꞌanue. Ëhuꞌëro jö mahuꞌo jö sisëhuꞌo bogo vaerovoꞌejo."} {"eng": "Indeed, we put bits into the horses’ mouths so that they may obey us, and we guide their whole body.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho horse jöꞌoho uehorovore. Horse jöꞌore öꞌoho ruaharueje ëhuro öꞌi vitunö vitunö jaguvego jaguvaruinö ë vaꞌiröhego. Horse jöꞌore ruahëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro horse dajo hahoꞌe ahoꞌobëhe riꞌöjego no naguajinö ë vaꞌajeje. Ëhi nosi jöꞌoho taemëꞌoho nosi sino hahoꞌe ahoꞌobëhe taemorovoromo mu maemu vaejarueje."} {"eng": "Behold, the ships also, though they are so big and are driven by fierce winds, are yet guided by a very small rudder, wherever the pilot desires.", "aom": "O boat jöho uehorovore. Boat-oho börömeje. Buru börömëro hesi niögu baꞌuorimarire namiromo biduoho baeromo vaꞌajeje. Boat böröme jioꞌi buru böröme jioꞌi röhu damu biseꞌoho maꞌenoromo hunuovego dinöꞌe vaꞌi nimëꞌiroho ë vaꞌajeje."} {"eng": "So the tongue is also a little member, and boasts great things. See how a small fire can spread to a large forest!", "aom": "O nosi bitaroho iae gemuohoje. Boat damu biseꞌo jiajëhi nosi bitaroho iae ëhi inömo biseꞌeje. Inömo biseꞌo jiajoho röhu damuehu boat börömo hunuovajëhi ëhi nosi bitarohuro mu börömo hesi jöho ëma jö huhe atarueje. Röhu aveho uehorovore. Vëni hödu biseharihohuro ëhuro jeꞌo börömoho ravo barëꞌëꞌe."} {"eng": "But do you want to know, vain man, that faith apart from works is dead?", "aom": "Uehoro bogojiëꞌe ae jave. God-hu nimaje muoho bogo vaeꞌi ma-God uehorovëꞌoho ëho bëhi rumoꞌeje. Ëhi jiëꞌe jöho na ja nage naro röjëhijego gaꞌiro. Aveho hene."} {"eng": "Wasn’t Abraham our father justified by works, in that he offered up Isaac his son on the altar?", "aom": "Nosi hijo mionoꞌe Abraham diehiꞌamu hesi ihoho God-are nuniroho maho jiadeje. God-hu nimade muoho huro vaeromo hesi harihoho Isaac baeromo God-ni suvuoro buejarue maratu döre God-ni bamadeje. Ëhiꞌamu ëhuro hesi ihoho God-are nunire maho jiadeje."} {"eng": "You see that faith worked with his works, and by works faith was perfected.", "aom": "Jaꞌo gane. Abraham-ro God mae uehorovoromo o God-hu nimade muoho vaeromo mue niöꞌi havëvoromo vaejadeje. God-hu nimade muoho vaejëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro God uehorovadoho iae eni jiadeje."} {"eng": "So the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness,” and he was called the friend of God.", "aom": "Ëhi jiëꞌëro God-are surire jö uövuadëhi iae ëhi jiadeje. Jöho jajivoromo uövuëꞌeje: Abraham-ro God mae uehorovamu gavëꞌëro God-ro uvade höjo: Abraham-are ihoho iae mae höjo. Ëhiꞌamu aëro uvoruomadeje: Abraham God-are aemoꞌaeme höjo."} {"eng": "and you pay special attention to him who wears the fine clothing and say, “Sit here in a good place;” and you tell the poor man, “Stand there,” or “Sit by my footstool”", "aom": "Ëhiꞌoromo rovamu gavëꞌoho niögu mae ioꞌamëꞌe aho jemëro garomo rajahiromo uaꞌaꞌaruje: Isi ro röho maro hijëjo. Aꞌi niögu sisëꞌe aho garomo bijönimoromo uaꞌaꞌaruje: Janioho röhe bogojiëꞌe jiaje ëhi ma-namijëjo. O uaꞌaꞌaruje: Janioho arëte bogojiëꞌe jiaje ave saꞌaro nasi höru bëhohuro ro hijëjo."} {"eng": "haven’t you shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?", "aom": "Ëhi uëvëꞌoho jemesi aribövioho adovoromo inömo rumoꞌe jiëꞌoho ruëhi nugoꞌi inömo börömo jiëꞌoho viëhi nugarujeje. Ëhiꞌoromo sisëꞌi uehorovoromo mevarujeje."} {"eng": "For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man looking at his natural face in a mirror;", "aom": "God-are jö bogo eꞌi ma-hiaꞌëremu hejëꞌoho aririre garomo"} {"eng": "for he sees himself, and goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.", "aom": "vuonugoꞌi vaꞌoromo nu anoꞌo bogo avohorovoꞌi rumonimaruëhi ma-hiaꞌëremu hejarue aribövioho ëhi jëvoꞌëꞌe."} {"eng": "But let him ask in faith, without any doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven by the wind and tossed.", "aom": "Röhu ua gavëꞌiroho nadi uehore niöꞌi baeꞌi ma-God gemu mae uehorovoromo ua gane. Bogo ma uehorovëꞌoho buru buruehu anego jovehu hasaromo ajiomobe abuebe vaꞌajëhi jasi uehoroho ëhi ruëre numëre jiobe vaꞌëꞌe."} {"eng": "He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.", "aom": "Ëhi javëꞌoho uehore niöꞌi baeromo öroho dadivoromo ëma juvoꞌaꞌanue. Ëhi jiëꞌe uehoro baejëꞌoho nadi uvone: Badaro bojemiꞌiramu baeꞌejöjo. Hu bogo mae bogo bojamiꞌëꞌe."} {"eng": "for they could not stand that which was commanded, “If even an animal touches the mountain, it shall be stoned”.", "aom": "hejareje hëgöe huoꞌego jöho ma-darugoꞌo uvavavamu. Uvamu hegorovo hejare uëvamu: Bogo aho gemu aꞌi miehu rabehu ave dahoru ro rëhëꞌoho munëro vajamirego guomoꞌira uëvamu ë jöho heromo bogo eni jëvamu hegorovo dinamiromo Moses uavareje: God uavego nadi göꞌoho uvego no heꞌirarëjo."} {"eng": "to whom it was said, “Your offspring will be accounted as from Isaac,”", "aom": "Röhu Abraham-ro God mae uehorovadohuni ëhuni hejade God-ro hesi dëre bijioho gavamu hegorovo God-are jöho ejahoromo Isaac baeromo God-ni anoꞌirögoro hesi maratuore bamahadeje. Urimëꞌi God-ro Abraham jö mae majahiromo uavadeje: Na bogo a göho ajamiꞌi ma-Isaac gemu ajamiꞌiramu ëhuro jasi ihoho jiobe vaꞌaꞌajëjo. Iae God-ro ëhi mae uavamu hejadeje röhu Abraham-ro hesi harihu gemuꞌoho Isaac God-are örire bojamiꞌirögoro ëꞌadeje."} {"eng": "For he has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses, because he who built the house has more honor than the house.", "aom": "Röhu Iesuro Moses iosiramiromo iho börömoho baejëꞌeje. Ëhesi bëhoho Moses hu ma-God-are agane gemuoho jioꞌi Iesu hu God-are agano gagovade aeje. Ëaganoho gagovëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro Iesuare ihohuro Moses-are ihoho iosiramijëꞌeje."} {"eng": "For every house is built by someone; but he who built all things is God.", "aom": "Agane gö gö bogo ëma jioꞌi aëro gagovoromo gemuoro nugoꞌamëꞌeje. Agano gagovoromo bövi biseꞌo avohoꞌamade aho God-je."} {"eng": "I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers,", "aom": "Philemon Paul naehu God-are örire jö jövëꞌiroho naro jasi jöhuꞌo jövoromo nasi God hesi örire huë mae uavajeje."} {"eng": "hearing of your love and of the faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints,", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho naro hejajeje aëro jasi jöho atoromo uvoruomego: Jero God-are aribövioho ahoꞌobëhe huë baejëvoromo Bada Iesuare örire mae uehorovanue höjo. Ëhi heromo ëhuni God mae uaromo"} {"eng": "knowing that such a one is perverted and sinful, being self-condemned.", "aom": "Ae göehu jö sisë majëhiromo ekaresia adovëvaje ëhi jiëꞌe aho jögore majahiromo bogo ejahamu gavëꞌoho röhu maho majahinövone. Bogo ejahamu gavëꞌoho uvone: Ëhi jiëꞌe a hesi simanoho sisë bëhe höne. Hesi sisëro jiëꞌëro iꞌue baeꞌaꞌajëne. Ëhi uvoromo ë a hesinö dejoho buꞌöne."} {"eng": "But when the kindness of God our Savior and his love toward mankind appeared,", "aom": "Aꞌi avevejöꞌoho God manö bamavuaje ahuro huë baeromo ajamuijamu no gavëꞌe javue."} {"eng": "not by works of righteousness which we did ourselves, but according to his mercy, he saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,", "aom": "Ajamuiromo baejavuoromo manö bamavuëꞌeje. Bogo noehu mu ma vaejarohunioho bogo ëhunioho ëhioho ëꞌi aꞌi huro noni vavaenimoromo ëhuni manö bamavuadeje. Ëhesi öroho aviëhije. Huhu nosi sisë uꞌovahuadohuro hesi Aruꞌahehu iꞌo baejavuadohuro ëhuro iꞌorëjavuadeje."} {"eng": "for Demas left me, having loved this present world, and went to Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia; and Titus to Dalmatia.", "aom": "rabëni hesi bëhoho Demas-ro saꞌare muohemu nimoromo na remoꞌi Thessalonica amore vaꞌirögoro Crescens-ro Galatia saꞌare vaꞌirögoro Titus-ro Dalmatia saꞌare vaꞌëꞌe jiaje."} {"eng": "Only Luke is with me. Take Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for service.", "aom": "Luke-ro gemuëro bogo vaꞌëꞌëro huro rueromo gevajeje. O Mark mae ajamuijaje ae jiaje ëhuni huꞌirae rovego huro muoho ajemiꞌiro."} {"eng": "But I sent Tychicus to Ephesus.", "aom": "Röhu naro Tychicus nugöꞌöjamu Ephesus amore vaꞌadeje."} {"eng": "Even as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind, who concerning the faith are rejected.", "aom": "Sarerëmiromo God-are jö maho aharueje. Urimëꞌi a ihe Jannesꞌo Jambresꞌo Moses-are jö aharëhi ë sareriꞌe ariböviohuro ëhi God-are jö maho aharueje. Jabesi simanoho sisërëjëvëꞌëro uehoroho bogojëve. God mae uehorovaroho rireromëvëꞌeje."} {"eng": "But they will proceed no further. For their folly will be evident to all men, as theirs also came to be.", "aom": "Röhu ë aribövi jabesi muoho bogo marëꞌi urimëꞌi Jannesꞌo Jambresꞌo jabesi mu simano rumoꞌe jiamu aehu gavarëhi ëhi ae ahoꞌobëhe garuomoꞌëꞌe ë aribövi jabesi muohuꞌo simano rumoꞌe jiëꞌe jioꞌiramu."} {"eng": "For some of these are people who creep into houses and take captive gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts,", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho ëhi jiëꞌe aribövi ioroꞌiorohuro sarerisareriëmiromo sanuëmibe osare osare vaꞌoromo nu gö gö uehorovarue magonahoho sarerëmijego jabesinö vaꞌarueje. Ëhesi bëhoho ë magonahoho mu sisë vaebe rovëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro dë juhuoninëgajeje. Dë juhuoninëgego mue gö gö nimarueje."} {"eng": "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.", "aom": "Mue gö gö nimoromo majae ëhi jöe gö gö hebe vaꞌarueje röhu jö ma baeꞌiröhoho bogo eni jëvo hesije. Ëhi jiëꞌe magonaho ömoꞌömoho sarerëmijarueje."} {"eng": "in gentleness correcting those who oppose him. Perhaps God may give them repentance leading to a full knowledge of the truth,", "aom": "Ae göehu hesi jö ahëꞌiroho huro sanuꞌe jögoroho juvöꞌö majëhinövoꞌëꞌe. Juvöꞌö majëhijëꞌoho hesi naniꞌo nani God-ro jabesi simanoho huotovëhoꞌiramu jabumë uehoro sisëho vuonugoꞌi jö maho avoho gaꞌëꞌö."} {"eng": "and they may recover themselves out of the devil’s snare, having been taken captive by him to do his will.", "aom": "Urimëꞌi ëhi jiëꞌe ariböviohuro Satan-are guare rireromo vaꞌoromo Satan-hu nimaje muohemu vaenövareje. Röhu jabumë jö ma avoho gavëꞌohuro ëhuro avoꞌavoho uehorovoromo Satan-are guare jëvajoho suorovoromo maro vaꞌëꞌö."} {"eng": "Hold the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.", "aom": "Röhu naehu jö ma röjahibe rovamu hejanoho jaꞌo ëhi jiëꞌe jö mahuremu maꞌenone. Iesu Keriso-are uehoro maho baeromo God mae uehorovëꞌe ae gö huë baejëvëꞌe hiromo ë jöhuremu maꞌenone."} {"eng": "That good thing which was committed to you, guard through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.", "aom": "God-hu hesi jö ma jasi övo döre bamadoho avoho muebenego aho bogo jö göho jövoꞌiro. God-are Aruꞌahoho nosi dë vövöbajoꞌere hijëꞌe jiaje hesi darugoho baeromo ëhuro ëhi ëꞌone."} {"eng": "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, according to the promise of the life which is in Christ Jesus,", "aom": "O asëꞌe Timothy Paul naro ave jöho jajivoꞌiëꞌe. God-ro hesi nimëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro na Iesu Keriso-are apostle jevëꞌeje naro ae majëhiromo uënövoꞌirodego: God-hu nosi aruꞌaho iꞌovahuoꞌi uövuadëhi iae huro ëhi Iesu Kerisoꞌo gemuore ramuoꞌiramu iꞌovavuoꞌajë uëꞌirodego. Ëhuꞌëro na ëhi jiëꞌe ae jeve."} {"eng": "to Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.", "aom": "Naro nasi harihe Timothy jasi örire dë vövöbajoꞌe ahoꞌo jejamije. Na nege God Vavuohuꞌo nosi Bada Iesu Kerisoꞌo jabesi vavaenimoromo ajamijego jero maro hiꞌiranego."} {"eng": "Timothy, guard that which is committed to you, turning away from the empty chatter and oppositions of what is falsely called knowledge,", "aom": "Röhu Timothy God-ro hesi jöho bojamadeje jero muebeꞌiranego. Ëhuni ë jöhemu avoho uehorovoromo ae majëhinövone. Aꞌi God rumoꞌe sareri sareriꞌe jöho nadi gavanovone. O aehu God-are jö ahoromo jö iꞌo barueromo sarerëmiromo uëvëꞌoho: Aveho nuni ajiꞌe jöe hö uëvëꞌoho nadi gavanovone."} {"eng": "which some profess, and thus have wandered from the faith. Grace be with you. Amen.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho ae göëro ëhi jiëꞌe jö iꞌoho uehorovoromo God-are jöho vuonugëꞌego ëhuni uave. God-ro jemë huë baeromo ajëminövoꞌëꞌe. Ahia minoꞌe."} {"eng": "I command you before God who gives life to all things, and before Christ Jesus who before Pontius Pilate testified the good confession,", "aom": "Röhu naro God-are nunire Iesu Keriso-are nunire ave jöho majahiꞌiëꞌe. God ae ahoꞌobëhe darugo bojamuego raromarue ahoje. Iesu Keriso Pontius Pilate-are nunire namiromo hesi jö ma-maemu huruoho majahijade ahoje. Ëae niöꞌi jabesi nunire ave jöho majahiꞌiëꞌe."} {"eng": "that you keep the commandment without spot, blameless until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,", "aom": "Jögoru hejanoho avoꞌavoho ejego aho jasi jö sisëho bogo atoꞌiro. Ëhi ebe vaꞌone ijonö nosi Bada Iesu Keriso rovego garöhe."} {"eng": "he is conceited, knowing nothing, but obsessed with arguments, disputes, and word battles, from which come envy, strife, insulting, evil suspicions,", "aom": "hu simanoho bogo uehorovëꞌe ëma uvajeje: Na a böröme jevajëjo. Simane sisërëromo nimajeje bëhi rumoꞌe jöe gö gö ëma nahoromo jö ahoꞌahëmiꞌi. Röhu ëhi jiëꞌe jö berohemu berohamu hejëꞌoho ëhuro aëro sarerivoromo uvoruomajeje: Nuni ajiꞌe jöho jabumë diehiꞌoromo baeꞌi no bogo baejare höromo jabesi örire dë vörönimoruomajeje. Dë vörönimoromo iro muorovoꞌe vaeromo ae göëro gö hesi örire agoromo ae göëro gö hesi örire sisë uehorovoruomajeje."} {"eng": "constant friction of people of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. Withdraw yourself from such.", "aom": "O uehoro sisë baeromo God-are jö maho vuonugoꞌi irovoruomajeje. Irovoromo sarerivoromo uvoruomajeje: Noehu God-are muemu uehorovoꞌiröhe hesi bëhoho aviëhi höjo. Noro inömoho bövioho biseꞌoho ujuohoromo ëhuro maro raromoꞌejarëjo."} {"eng": "Some men’s sins are evident, preceding them to judgment, and some also follow later.", "aom": "Amo jaehu ekaresia jabesi mure bamëvoꞌiëꞌiroho jabesi muoho avoho garomo evaro bamëvone. Ëhesi bëhoho a ioroꞌiorohuro ma-vaꞌorahoro mu sisë vaejaruëro jiëꞌëro jabesi mu mevoꞌirane ë hesi urimo gaꞌaꞌanue jabesi sisëho ma-vaꞌorahoro jioꞌiramu muroho bogo bamëvoꞌanue. O a ioroꞌioro jabesi sisëho subiröꞌöjëꞌëro jero jabesi muoho mevo garomo evare ijonö gaꞌaꞌanue sisë jioruomoꞌiramu muroho bogo bamëvoꞌanue."} {"eng": "In the same way also there are good works that are obvious, and those that are otherwise can’t be hidden.", "aom": "O mu sisë urimo gö subiröꞌöꞌi gö vaꞌorahoro jiëꞌëro ijonö ahoꞌo ma-vaꞌorahoro jiajëhi mu maho ëhi gemuohoje. A ioroꞌiorohuro mu maho ma-vaꞌorahoro vaejarueje. O mu ma ioroꞌioroho subiröꞌöjëꞌeje röhu ijonöho bogo subiröꞌö varijënoho jioꞌëꞌe."} {"eng": "Also command these things, that they may be without reproach.", "aom": "Ëhi jiëꞌe jöho majëhijego ejahego jö sisëho bogojioꞌiro."} {"eng": "But if anyone doesn’t provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.", "aom": "Ae rahu hesi ö muenoꞌo bogo ajëmijëꞌoho o hesi agano mahuꞌo ëhuꞌo bogo ajëmijëꞌoho ëhuro God mae uehorovarue jöho vuonugoromo God-are jö bogo hejëꞌe aribövioho iosirëmiromo hu sisë bëheje."} {"eng": "For bodily exercise has some value, but godliness has value in all things, having the promise of the life which is now and of that which is to come.", "aom": "Noro sino hahoꞌo hesi muoho sivoho avohëꞌi ëꞌo gabe vaꞌarueje ëhuro nosi sinoho biririvavuoꞌiröhego. Ëhi ëꞌëꞌoho ëhuro no ma-bisemu mae javuoꞌëꞌe. Aꞌiro God-hu nimaje mu sivoho avohoꞌi ëꞌo gabe vaꞌëꞌoho ëhuro mabëhe javuoꞌëꞌe. Ëhuro jaruvoho mae raromaruëro ijonöhuꞌo ëhi gemuoho raromoꞌejo."} {"eng": "This saying is faithful and worthy of all acceptance.", "aom": "Ëho jö maego ae ahoꞌobëhe mae uehorovëꞌoho iae maeje."} {"eng": "forbidding marriage and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.", "aom": "Majëhiromo uëruomoꞌajëjo: Nadi magonahoho masuꞌamorëjo. Ie gö gö nadi ueꞌahorëjo. Ëhi uëruomoꞌajëjo röhu ë iohuꞌo God-ro bamadeje ëhuro Keriso mae uehorovoromo hesi jö ma gavarue aribövioho noro hesi örire huë mae uaromo ë ioho ueꞌahoꞌiröhego."} {"eng": "For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho God-hu irunoꞌo bövi biseꞌo bamadoho iae mae jioꞌame. Ëhuni no bogo uvoꞌejo: Sisë höromo juahovoꞌejo. Aꞌi noehu i ujuohoromo God mae uaromo ë i ijëꞌoho maeje."} {"eng": "For it is sanctified through the word of God and prayer.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho no God-are jö adahoromo gavaruohuro uvarueje: God-ro bövioho biseꞌoho bamade höjo. Ëhi uvoromo hesi örire jö atoromo ijëꞌoho ëhuro uvarueje: God-ro bamahuëꞌëro ijaruoho iae mae höjo."} {"eng": "one who rules his own house well, having children in subjection with all reverence;", "aom": "Hesi osare raromarue aganoho avoho muebejëvoꞌiro. Avoho muebejëvoromo aboji harihuꞌoho avoho röjëhijego jaburo hesi jöho ejahoromo mu maemu vaeruomoꞌiro."} {"eng": "(for how could someone who doesn’t know how to rule his own house take care of God’s assembly?)", "aom": "O hesi osare raromarue agano bogo avoho muebejëvëꞌoho hu diehiꞌoromo God-are ekaresiaho muebejëvoꞌëꞌe. Bogo eni jioꞌëꞌe."} {"eng": "Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother who walks in rebellion and not after the tradition which they received from us.", "aom": "Nasi ö muenoꞌe noro Bada Iesu Keriso-are ihore ave jö börömoho majëhiꞌiëꞌö. Gaꞌirarije Christian aganoho rahuro noehu bojëmijamu hejarije jöho bogo ejahuoꞌi mue bijönimoromo ëma raromamu gëvëꞌiroho gorëvore."} {"eng": "For you know how you ought to imitate us. For we didn’t behave ourselves rebelliously among you,", "aom": "Iae jemëꞌo gavaruje. Noehu ëꞌarëhi jemëꞌo ëhi ëꞌibejarije iae mae jioꞌibejo. Noehu jemëꞌo raromarevaroho muoho bogo bijönimareje."} {"eng": "But we are bound to always give thanks to God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because God chose you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief in the truth,", "aom": "Röhu nasi ö muenoꞌe jemë Badahu rajëhijaje aribövioho jëvoꞌego noro jemesi jöëni God mabëhe uanövoꞌejo. Ëhesi bëhoho urimëꞌi saꞌa bövi biseꞌo bogo bamadevare evare God-ro jemesi jöëni uehorovoromo uvadeje: Naro baejëvoromo maro bamëvoꞌejöjo. Nasi Aruꞌahohuro jabesi dë vövöbajoꞌoho mae avohëhoꞌiramu jaburo Keriso-are jöho mae uehorovoꞌiramu ëhuro ëhi ëꞌejöjo."} {"eng": "to which he called you through our Good News, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.", "aom": "God-ro ëhi uvëꞌëro noro Keriso-are jö maho jemë majëhijamu God-ro uëvadeje: Ëjöho jemëro mae uehorovorego naro baejëvoromo maro bamëvoꞌiröjo ëhuro jemesi Bada Iesu Keriso-are aji maho baejego ma-mabëhe jëvoꞌiröhe höjo."} {"eng": "Test all things, and hold firmly that which is good.", "aom": "Nadi bijönimoꞌi aꞌi jöho jemesi simanëro mevoromo gare diho mae jiego diho sisë jiego. O mue ahoꞌo ëhi mevo gare. Mae jiamu gavëꞌiroho avoho maꞌenore."} {"eng": "Abstain from every form of evil.", "aom": "Sisë jiamu gavëꞌiroho ahoꞌo vuonugore."} {"eng": "Don’t quench the Spirit.", "aom": "God-are Aruꞌahoho vëninöꞌe ravajoho nadi duohore."} {"eng": "Don’t despise prophecies.", "aom": "Heꞌirarije aëro uëvego: God-are Aruꞌahëro jöho bojemiꞌego majëhijajë uëvamu hejëꞌoho nadi bijönimore."} {"eng": "For God didn’t appoint us to wrath, but to the obtaining of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,", "aom": "God-ro hesinö baejavuadeje bogo nosi sisëhuni iꞌue bojamuiꞌiröhëro. Hu bogo ëhunioho baejavuadeje. Aꞌi huro no baejavuadeje nosi Bada Iesu Kerisoro nosi sisëho ajamuijëꞌëro maro bamavuoꞌiröhëro."} {"eng": "who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.", "aom": "Huro nosi sisëho ajamuiꞌi noni guomadeje ëhuro ave saꞌare biririvoromo raromëꞌoho o vuovavuëꞌoho no huꞌo gemuoro raromoꞌiröhego."} {"eng": "But you, brothers, aren’t in darkness, that the day should overtake you like a thief.", "aom": "Röhu nasi ö muenoꞌe jemë bogo ëhioho jëve. Jemë bogo ramoramoroho raromarujeje. Ramoramoro raromoꞌibejarije jemë gaꞌibejarije ë majaho vajiohunöꞌe ma-majioho rovego tiöꞌibejarije. Röhu jemë bogo ëhioho jëve."} {"eng": "You are all children of light and children of the day. We don’t belong to the night, nor to darkness,", "aom": "Aꞌi jemë ae ahoꞌobëhe ajiꞌe majare raromaruje aribövioho jëve. No bogo vahiꞌe ramoramore raromarue aribövioho javue."} {"eng": "For you yourselves know well that the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night.", "aom": "Röhu nasi ö muenoꞌe Bada Iesu divare rovego mu masije gö gö divare rueꞌiröhe ë hesi jöho no bogo jajivoꞌejo jemë mamiꞌe hejëꞌego. Mamiꞌe hejëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro iae garomo uvarujeje: Badare majaho vajiohuꞌe aehu vahiꞌe rovajëhi ëhi ma-majioho rueꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "For this we tell you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will in no way precede those who have fallen asleep.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho ave jöho Badahu röjahuijade jöho no jajivoꞌiëꞌö. Bada saꞌare rovëꞌiroho ave saꞌare raromarue aribövioho noro vuovëꞌe aribövioho bogo iosirëmiromo maroho jioꞌi aꞌi jabumëro urimo riꞌöruomoꞌëꞌe."} {"eng": "For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with God’s trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise first,", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho aëro heruomoꞌëꞌe jöe bojëmiromo darugoꞌo uvavoꞌiramu anera börömohuro uvavoꞌiramu God-are hëgöho huavoꞌiramu. Ëho heꞌiramu gavëꞌi evare Badaro öꞌidöre jioromo ruvebiꞌëꞌe. Ruvebiꞌiramu Keriso-are aribövie vuovëvadoho urimo riꞌöruomoꞌëꞌe."} {"eng": "Finally then, brothers, we beg and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, that you abound more and more.", "aom": "Nasi ö muenoꞌe röhu jö göho Bada Iesuare ihore jajivoꞌejo. Avoꞌavoho raromo jijihoꞌirarije jöhoje. Jöho bogo biseꞌo vaduꞌohoje. Jemë ëho garomo avoꞌavoho uehorovore. Mamiꞌe jemë hejarijeje noro uëvavamu: Ëhi ëhi avoho raromo jijihorego God-ro gëromo nimorohoꞌirajo. Ëhi jiëꞌe jöho hejëꞌëro jemë iae ejahuarujeje. Röhu no nague jemë göꞌo göꞌo döre avoho ejahuobe vaꞌirarijego."} {"eng": "For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus.", "aom": "Noehu jögore rabe rabe Bada Iesuare ihore majëhijamu hejarijoho jemë iae eni gavarujeje."} {"eng": "For this cause, brothers, we were comforted over you in all our distress and affliction through your faith.", "aom": "Nasi ö muenoꞌe no huë vavaene uehore gö gö hesi uhure raromamu uꞌuvavuëꞌiro hejare jemëhu Keriso mae uehorovaruje jöho Timothy-ro barovamu heromo jemesi jöëni nosi dë vövöbajoꞌoho biririvahuadeje."} {"eng": "For now we live, if you stand fast in the Lord.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho avevejöꞌoho jemëhu biririvoromo Badaꞌo gemuore raromarujohuro ëhuro no ma-mae raromarueje."} {"eng": "that no one would be moved by these afflictions. For you know that we are appointed to this task.", "aom": "Jemëhu Keriso uehorovarujohuni jemesi örire huë vavaene rovego mae uehorovarujoho vuonugojöëni ëhuni Timothy nugöꞌöjareje. Röhu Christian aribövi noehu huë vavaeni baeꞌiröhoho God-ro bamahuadeje. Jemë ë jöho iae gavarujeje."} {"eng": "For most certainly, when we were with you, we told you beforehand that we are to suffer affliction, even as it happened, and you know.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho urimëꞌi noehu jemëꞌo raromarevare noro uëvareje: Aëro sisë vaejavuoꞌiramu huë vavaene baeꞌejarëjo. Noehu uëvarëhi iae ëhi jiëꞌe huë vavaenoho rovamu gavëꞌe jëve."} {"eng": "For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Isn’t it even you, before our Lord Jesus at his coming?", "aom": "Nosi Bada Iesu rovamu hesi nunire riravëꞌoho no rahumesi jöho uehorovoromo dë sasohoromo nimorohëꞌi uvoꞌejo: No ë aribövioho mae ajëmiromo ruahöꞌöjëꞌe javuajëjo. No bogo a ioroꞌioro jabesi jöhemuoho uehorovoꞌi jemesi jöhuni ëhuꞌo nimorohoꞌejo."} {"eng": "For you are our glory and our joy.", "aom": "Iae maeje. Jemë mae jëvoꞌiramu gëgorovo jemesi jöëni nosi ihoho döro riꞌöꞌiramu nimorohoromo God mabëhe uaꞌejo. Iae ëhuni öꞌoromo gëꞌi naguadeje."} {"eng": "But we, brothers, being bereaved of you for a short season in presence, not in heart, tried even harder to see your face with great desire,", "aom": "Nasi ö muenoꞌe röhu vaevëꞌe no jemëꞌo raromoromo diröꞌo göre rovaroho vëmu vavuꞌo rumoꞌe vaꞌëne majae bunemu hesi uhure ëhi javuanovadeje. Iae nosi uehoroho jemëꞌo jiadeje röhu no jemesi nu anoꞌoho bogo gëvareje. Bogo gëvëꞌëro jemëni sisë maro vavaenaguamu öre nahareje öꞌoromo jemesi nu anoꞌoho gëꞌirovo. Ëhuremu uehorovareje."} {"eng": "because we wanted to come to you—indeed, I, Paul, once and again—but Satan hindered us.", "aom": "No öꞌi naguamu Paul naro öre nahoꞌi hiꞌego Satan-ro nosi öroho tugohahuoꞌego öꞌoröhoho bogo eni javuonövadeje."} {"eng": "who killed both the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and drove us out, and don’t please God, and are contrary to all men,", "aom": "Jew rajohuro ëhi jabesi saꞌa rajo ekaresiaho sisë vaejëvareje röhu ë hesi urimo jabesi hijo mionoꞌohuro jö God-aro baeromo majëhinövare aribövioho muoꞌamobe ruejuvo evare ë Jew rajo ariböviohuro Bada Iesuꞌo anareje. Bada Iesu anoromo no rarovöꞌöjavuareje. Jaburo God-are örire huë sisë bojamiromo nu huëꞌe muoho ae ahoꞌobëhe nosi örire vaejarueje."} {"eng": "forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they may be saved, to fill up their sins always. But wrath has come on them to the uttermost.", "aom": "Nu huëꞌe muoho vaeromo nosi öroho tugohoꞌiëꞌareje ëhuro no bogo saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajoho Keriso-are jöho majëhijego bogo ejahoromo maroho vaꞌoruomoröhego. Ëhi jiëꞌe mu sisëmu vaebe rovaroho jaruvoho börömo bëhe jioꞌego iae barëꞌi God-ro dë vörönimëꞌëro iꞌue mana bojëmiꞌiëꞌe."} {"eng": "As you know, we exhorted, comforted, and implored every one of you, as a father does his own children,", "aom": "Vavuehu hesi aboji harihuꞌo mu öri röjëhijajëhi noehu jemë ae gemu gemu ëhi röjëhijaroho ëhuꞌo gavarujeje."} {"eng": "to the end that you should walk worthily of God, who calls you into his own Kingdom and glory.", "aom": "Noro jemë sanuëmijëꞌi jögore mëmijëꞌi jemesi uehoroho biririvëhojöro uënövareje God-hu nimajëhi jemëro ëhi raromo jijihoꞌirarijego. Ëhi uënövareje. Ëhesi bëhoho God-ro uëvajeje jemëro hesi öri ariꞌere iojiomoromo hesi aji mare raromoꞌirarijego. Ëhuni ëꞌareje."} {"eng": "nor seeking glory from men (neither from you nor from others), when we might have claimed authority as apostles of Christ.", "aom": "No bogo ma-aëro rajahuijöro bogo ëhunioho jemë jöho majëhijareje bogo jemëro o a ioroꞌiorëro rajahuijöro."} {"eng": "But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother cherishes her own children.", "aom": "No Keriso-are apostle ömoꞌömohuro javuëꞌëro hesi darugoho baejëꞌe javue. Hesi darugoho baejëꞌe javuëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro no masije riravoromo iꞌuꞌe muoho jemë bojëmiꞌibejo iae mae jioꞌibejo. Röhu no bogo ëhioho ëꞌi aꞌi noro jemëꞌo raromoromo ma-sanuꞌe jöhemu majëhijareje. Vëmehu aboji harihuꞌo sanuëmiromo muebejaruëhi noro ëhi jemesi örire ma-sanuꞌe jöhemu majëhiromo muebejëvareje."} {"eng": "For you yourselves know, brothers, our visit to you wasn’t in vain,", "aom": "Röhu nasi ö muenoꞌe jemëꞌo gavaruje bogo noro öꞌoromo Keriso-are jöho majëhijamu ë muoho sisërëjadeje."} {"eng": "but having suffered before and been shamefully treated, as you know, at Philippi, we grew bold in our God to tell you the Good News of God in much conflict.", "aom": "Urimëꞌi noehu jemesirire bogo öꞌi Philippi amore raromarevare evare ë amo rajohuro huë vavaene bojamuiromo mu sisë vaejavuareje. Ëhi ëꞌaroho jemë iae hejëꞌe jëve. Ëhiꞌamu noro jemesirire öꞌamu jemesi amo rajohuro nosi jöho bijönimoromo riꞌöromo noꞌo muorovoꞌiëꞌareje. Muorovoꞌiaꞌamu röhu nosi Böröme God-ro ajamuijamu no bogo vuonugoꞌi biririvoromo hesi jö maho jemë majëhijareje."} {"eng": "For from you the word of the Lord has been declared, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith toward God has gone out, so that we need not to say anything.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho jemëro mu mae vaejëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro Badare jöho jemesirire jioromo jemesi saꞌae Macedonia rumorovoromo saꞌa göho Achaia rumorovobe vaꞌëꞌeje. Röhu göꞌo jemëhu God mae uehorovaruje jöho saꞌae dinöꞌe dinöꞌe rumorovobe vaꞌëꞌeje. Rumorovobe vaꞌamu ae he barëjëꞌego no bogo röhu maho aho majëhiromo uëꞌejo: Thessalonica amo rajohuro God mae uehorovoruomaje höjo. No bogo ëhioho uëꞌejo."} {"eng": "For they themselves report concerning us what kind of a reception we had from you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God,", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho jaburo mamiꞌe hejëꞌëro jabesi riꞌöromo nosi jöho ae majëhiromo uëruomajeje: Paul-mëhu Thessalonica amore aevoromo vaꞌarevare ë amo rajohuro jabesi örire mabëhe rajëhiromo baejëvare höjo. Baejëvoromo sareriꞌe darugo rumoꞌe inömo masije höromo ëhemu uehorovoruomadoho vuonugoꞌi God darugoꞌe hijaje a ma hesi muoho aevoromo vaeruomade höjo."} {"eng": "All my affairs will be made known to you by Tychicus, the beloved brother, faithful servant, and fellow bondservant in the Lord.", "aom": "Tychicus-ro öꞌoromo naehu rabe rabe ëꞌaje jöho majëhiꞌiramu heꞌaꞌaruje. Hu nosi huë baerovarue öeje. Hu noꞌo bimuvoromo Badare muohemu vaejahajeje."} {"eng": "I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that he may know your circumstances and comfort your hearts,", "aom": "Ëa naehu nugöꞌöꞌiëꞌaje hesi bëhoho huro öꞌoromo jöho majëhijego noehu diehi raromarue jöho jemëro hejego dë vövöbajoꞌoho mae jëvoröhego ëhuni nugöꞌöꞌiëꞌe."} {"eng": "If then you were raised together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God.", "aom": "Röhu Keriso guomoromo riꞌöjadohuꞌo gemu mae riꞌöjëꞌe jëvaje ëhuni Kerisohu God-are övo manö böröme hijajire döre jiaje muoho bövioho biseꞌoho ëhemu uehorovore."} {"eng": "Set your mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are on the earth.", "aom": "Nadi ave saꞌa hesi mu sisëho uehorovoꞌi döre jiajohemu ëhemu uehorovore."} {"eng": "For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.", "aom": "Jemesi mu sisë hesi darugoho ioroꞌioremu barëjëhëꞌeje. Ëhuro vuovëvanovëꞌeje. Jemë vuovëvanovamu Kerisoꞌo bimuvorovëꞌëro jemesi darugo iꞌoho God-arire gurihijëꞌeje."} {"eng": "You were dead through your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh. He made you alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses,", "aom": "Urimoho jemë mu sisëhemu uehorovonövarijeje. Mu sisëhemu uehorovoromo bogo Jew rajehu jëvoꞌi saꞌa gö rajëro jëvëꞌëro God-are jögoroho bogo baejëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro jemesi dë vövöbajoꞌoho vuovëvanovadeje. Jaruvoho God-ro jemë Kerisoꞌo gemu mae ajëmamu iꞌovoromo riꞌöromo uehoro iꞌe baejëꞌe jëve. Röhu God-ro nosi sisëho ahoꞌo uehorovoromo vuonugahuëꞌeje."} {"eng": "wiping out the handwriting in ordinances which was against us. He has taken it out of the way, nailing it to the cross.", "aom": "Urimo huro hesi jögoroho bojamuiromo uövuadeje: Ëhi ëhi ëꞌorëjo. Bogo ëꞌëꞌoho iꞌue baeꞌaꞌarujëjo. Ëhi uöromo gavade noro ë jögoroho ahamu gagorovo nosi ihoho jajivoromo uvadeje: Jabumë mu sisë ëhi ëhi vaejëꞌëro iꞌue bae hesi jioruomajëjo. Ëhi ëꞌëꞌëro Keriso korosire guomadevare God-ro nosi sisëho uehorovoromo vuonugoromo nosi mu sisë jö surire jiajoho Kerisoꞌo korosire ano taemoromo muꞌuvahuadeje ëhuro mae javuoröhego."} {"eng": "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.", "aom": "Sisë muꞌuvahuade aho Keriso God bogo gavarue a jiajëhi hu ëhi jiëꞌëro no hu garomo uvarueje: God ëhi höjo. Hu Murioho jiëꞌëro God-hu bamade bövioho biseꞌoho iosiramuiꞌamoromo hu simanohoje."} {"eng": "For by him all things were created in the heavens and on the earth, visible things and invisible things, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things have been created through him and for him.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho God-ro Keriso uavamu huro bövioho biseꞌoho avohoꞌamadeje. Öꞌidöre jiajohuꞌo saꞌare jiajohuꞌo nunehu gaꞌamaruohuꞌo bogo gaꞌamaruohuꞌo simano vaeruomaje aruꞌaho masijohuꞌo vörö baeruomaje aruꞌaho masijohuꞌo ahoꞌobëhe God-ro uavamu avohoꞌamo barëjadeje hesi muebeꞌamoröhëni."} {"eng": "who delivered us out of the power of darkness, and translated us into the Kingdom of the Son of his love,", "aom": "Iae mae. God-ro no ajamuiromo ramoramo hesi vöröre raromaroho jiovahuoromo rinaguoromo hesi Harihu mabëhi hesi aharire ramuëꞌeje."} {"eng": "in whom we have our redemption, the forgiveness of our sins.", "aom": "Ramuëꞌego hesi Harihohuro iꞌuꞌe mu sisëho tugohahuoꞌi hesi sasohëꞌe mu maho jiovahuoromo sisëho muꞌuvahuadeje."} {"eng": "We give thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,", "aom": "Jemëni uehorovoromo pari vaejëꞌiroho noro God nosi Bada Iesu Keriso-are Vavu hesi örire huë mae uavarueje."} {"eng": "having heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love which you have toward all the saints,", "aom": "Rabëni hesi bëhoho iae no hejareje uvavamu: Colossae aribövioho jemëro Iesu Keriso mae uehorovëꞌi God-are aribövie ahoꞌobëhe huë baejëvaruje höjo."} {"eng": "because of the hope which is laid up for you in the heavens, of which you heard before in the word of the truth of the Good News", "aom": "Jemë ëhi ëꞌaruje hesi bëhoho jemëro uvarujeje: Huë mae baeꞌiröhe ajoho öꞌidöre rune vaejahuëꞌe höromo raromoromo muebejarujeje ijonö birohoꞌirarijëro. Ëhi mae birohoꞌirarije jöho mamiꞌe aehu Keriso-are jö ma hesi bëhi mae majëhijarevare evare jemë hejarijeje."} {"eng": "to the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.", "aom": "O asëꞌe God-are aribövi Colossae amore raromarujohumë biririvoromo Keriso uehorovaruje ö muenoꞌe jëve huꞌo gemuore bimuvorovëꞌëro. God-ro nimamu Iesu Keriso-are apostle jevëꞌëro Paul naꞌo nosi öho Timothyꞌo noro jemesi örire jejëmijö. No nague God nosi Vavuohuro huë baeromo ajëmijego maro raromoꞌirarijego."} {"eng": "Beware of the dogs; beware of the evil workers; beware of the false circumcision.", "aom": "Ö sisëho vaꞌëne aribövioho gëvëꞌi raromore. Jaburo God-are muoho sisëꞌi röjëhijarueje. Ëhuni gëvëꞌi raromore. Jaburo uëvarueje: Jemëro Jew rajo muoho vaeromo jemesi sinoho tarivorëjo ëhuro God-are nunire mae riravoꞌirarije. Röhu jabuhu röjëhijarue muoho bogo mu maehu jioꞌi ëho sino taritarivoꞌiröhe muoho jianove. Ëhuni gavëꞌi raromore. Ëhi jiëꞌe ariböviohuro sarerëmiꞌëꞌö."} {"eng": "For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh;", "aom": "Jaburo sarerivoromo uvoruomajeje: No sine tarivoꞌamëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro no God-are aribövie javuajëjo. Röhu jabumë ma-döhemu God-are aribövie jioruomoꞌi aꞌi no uhohuꞌo God-are aribövie javue. Ëhesi bëhoho noro God-are Aruꞌaho hesi darugoho baeromo hu rajahiromo Iesu Keriso uehorovoromo nimorohëꞌi atarueje. No bogo uvarueje: Nosi muohuꞌo ihohuꞌo ave saꞌare mae jiahuëꞌoho ëhuro God-are nunire mae riravoꞌejarëjo."} {"eng": "because for the work of Christ he came near to death, risking his life to supply that which was lacking in your service toward me.", "aom": "Ëhuꞌe jiaje hu öꞌego Badare ihoro börömo mae nimorohoromo rajahire. Ëhesi bëhoho hu uvadeje: Philippi amo rajoho ame ëgoböviro raromoromo Paul ajamijëꞌoho bogo eni jiajëjo. Ëhuni naro jabuꞌo röromo ë muoho vaeꞌejö uvoromo ëhuni hu ave saꞌare hiꞌiröhe jöho bogo uehorovoromo guomo hesi jiadeje. Ëhuni öꞌego rajahire. O huhu ëꞌadëhi ae rahu jabesi sino bogo uehorovoꞌi Keriso-are muohuremu uehorovëꞌoho ëhi jiëꞌe aribövioho ahoꞌobëhe rajëhinövore."} {"eng": "holding up the word of life, that I may have something to boast in the day of Christ that I didn’t run in vain nor labor in vain.", "aom": "Ëhi ëꞌëꞌoho jemë jö sisëho bogojëvoꞌi uhohuꞌo ma-mae jëvoꞌëꞌe. Sareri sareriꞌe aribövi sisëhuꞌo gemuore raromoꞌaruje röhu jemë God-are aboji harihuꞌe maemu jëvoꞌëꞌe. A iꞌovavuoꞌiröhe jöho röjëhiromo ëhuro jiji mujöruꞌehu ramoramore ajivoꞌamajëhi ramoramore raromarue aribövioho ëhi ajivëvore. Jemë ëhi ëꞌëꞌoho Keriso-are majaho rueꞌiramu naro uvoꞌejo: O mabëhëjo. Jemë nasi jöho mabëhe ejeharije höjo. Na saꞌare hiromo jöho majëhiromo muoho bogo ëma sivohoromo darugoho boremiꞌöjode höromo jemesi jöëni nimoronimorohëꞌi jöho jövoꞌejo."} {"eng": "doing nothing through rivalry or through conceit, but in humility, each counting others better than himself;", "aom": "Nadi jemesi sinohemuoho uehorovoromo a ioroꞌioroho ëma iosirëmiromo ihoho döroho bamorovoꞌi uehorovoromo muoho vaeꞌirögoro aꞌi ma-uꞌemu uehorovoromo a ioroꞌioroho masije hö uvoromo jabesi ihoho döro bamore."} {"eng": "each of you not just looking to his own things, but each of you also to the things of others.", "aom": "A ioroꞌioro jabesi ihoho döro bamoromo röhu nadi jemesi jöhemuoho uehorovoꞌi aꞌi a ioroꞌioro jabesi jöhuꞌo uehorovore."} {"eng": "Some indeed preach Christ even out of envy and strife, and some also out of good will.", "aom": "Ëaribövioho a ioroꞌiorohuro iae nasi mu mahuni dë vörönimoromo na iosiremiꞌirögoro Keriso-are jöho majëhijarueje röhu a ioroꞌiorohuro huë mae bojemiꞌi ëꞌarueje."} {"eng": "The former insincerely preach Christ from selfish ambition, thinking that they add affliction to my chains;", "aom": "Jabumë uvarueje: God-ro nörö aviae bamade höjo ëhuro aëro God-are jö maho sareriꞌe atego nöröro ahoꞌiröhego. Ëhuni jabumëro na mae uehorovevoromo Keriso-are jö maho majëhijarueje."} {"eng": "but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the Good News.", "aom": "O ë aribövi ioroꞌiorehu Keriso-are jö majëhijaruoho bogo maho uehorovoromo ëꞌi aꞌi jabesi ihohemu uehorovoromo Keriso-are jöho majëhijarueje. Jaburo uvarueje: Noehu Keriso-are jö ae majëhijëꞌohuro ëhuro a masijohuro heromo Paul savoji gagore hijajoho röhu göꞌo döre iꞌue bojamiꞌaruëromo ëhuni Keriso-are jöho majëhijarueje."} {"eng": "But that you also may know my affairs, how I am doing, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will make known to you all things.", "aom": "Röhu na diehi jevajoho o mu rabe vaejajoho ë jöho jemëꞌo heꞌirarijego ëhuni Tychicus-ro öꞌoromo majëhiꞌiramu he barëꞌaruje. Tychicus hu nosi huë baerovarue öeje. Hu Badare muoho biririvoromo vaejajeje."} {"eng": "I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know our state and that he may comfort your hearts.", "aom": "Ëaho naehu nugöꞌöꞌiëꞌaje hesi bëhoho huro öꞌoromo jöho majëhijego noehu diehi raromarue jöho jemëro hejego dë vövöbajoꞌoho mae jëvoröhego ëhuni nugöꞌöꞌiëꞌe."} {"eng": "“Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with a promise:", "aom": "Ëhi jiëꞌe jögoroho God-are surire jajivoromo uvëꞌeje: Jasi vëmoho vavuoho mae uehorovëvonëjo. Ëjöho börömo maego God-ro ë hesi viture uvadeje: Jaehu ë jö ejëꞌoho naro mae ajamiꞌejöjo."} {"eng": "“that it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth.”", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho uvëꞌeje: Vëmu vavuꞌo mae uehorovëvëꞌoho ëhuro maho javoꞌiramu saꞌare majae ëgoꞌo hiꞌaꞌanuëjo."} {"eng": "because we are members of his body, of his flesh and bones.", "aom": "Aho jabesi sinoho bogo bijönimorovoꞌi aꞌi Kerisohu ekaresiaho no hesi sino hahoꞌe gemuoho javuajëromo muebejavuajëhi aëro jabesi sinoho ëhi avoꞌavoho mueberovarueje."} {"eng": "He gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, shepherds and teachers;", "aom": "Ëahuro aviëhi jiëꞌe suvuore gö gö bojamuibe vaꞌëꞌeje ëhuro noro hesi muoho vaeröhego. A ioroꞌioroho apostle mu vaeröhe suvuoroho bojamuijadeje. A ioroꞌioroho jö God-aro baeromo majëhiꞌiröhe suvuoroho bojamuijadeje. A ioroꞌioroho Keriso-are jö ma majëhibe jijihoꞌiröhe suvuoroho bojamuijadeje. A ioroꞌioroho hesi aribövi muebejëvoromo öri röjëhiꞌiröhe suvuoroho bojamuijadeje."} {"eng": "for the perfecting of the saints, to the work of serving, to the building up of the body of Christ,", "aom": "Suvuoro ëhi bojamuijade hesi bëhoho God-are aribövioho ahoꞌobëhe noro ë suvuoroho baeromo eni javuego göëro göho ajamirovoromo ëhuro Keriso-are sino hahoꞌe gemuohuro javuëꞌëro no uehoro mae baebe birire baebe vaꞌojuvo"} {"eng": "But to each one of us, the grace was given according to the measure of the gift of Christ.", "aom": "Röhu Kerisohu no ae gemu gemu suvuoro bojamuibe rovadëhi ëhi baebe rovëꞌe javue ae ajëmiꞌiröhëro."} {"eng": "Therefore he says, “When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to people.”", "aom": "Ëhesi jöho God-are surire jajivoromo uvëꞌeje: Badahu ajiomadevare evare a sisëho ruahöꞌöjëvëꞌëro tövëvoromo sö ujuohoromo dö mare ajiomade höjo. Ajiomoromo suvuoroho ae suvuorëmijade höjo. Ëhi jajivëꞌeje."} {"eng": "Now this, “He ascended”, what is it but that he also first descended into the lower parts of the earth?", "aom": "Ëjö adaharoho ëhi uvëꞌeje: Badaro ajiomade höjo. Ëhesi bëhoho bogo ëma ajiomoꞌi aꞌi urimo hu saꞌare ruvebiromo saꞌa uhu mare abuejadeje."} {"eng": "He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.", "aom": "Ruvebiromo abuejade ae gemuohuro ajiomadoho ajio öꞌidöho iosiramiromo dö mare ajiomadeje ëhuro öꞌidöho saꞌaho ahoꞌo huro rarovo barëꞌiröhëni."} {"eng": "Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,", "aom": "Röhu God-are ihoho mabëhe uaꞌejo. Ëhesi bëhoho huro hesi darugoho nosi dë vövöbajoꞌere bamahuëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro huhu ajamuiromo mu masijo vaeröhoho hu eni jie ë hesi bëhoho noehu hu ua gavaruoho o nosi dë vövöbajoꞌere uehorovaruoho ëho ma-jianovoꞌi God-hu no iosiramuiromo mu börömo vaeromo bövie biseꞌe ahoꞌo nosi örire ajamuiꞌiröhoho hu eni jiajëro jiëꞌëro."} {"eng": "to him be the glory in the assembly and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.", "aom": "God-ro Iesu Keriso ajamiromo hesi ekaresiahuꞌo ajamuijëꞌego ëhuni hesi ihoho mabëhe uaꞌejo ëhi gemu jiemu jiobe vaꞌiröhego."} {"eng": "being built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the chief cornerstone;", "aom": "God-are aboji harihuꞌoho javu vaꞌëne javue röhu jemëꞌo gemuoho jëve. Ëjavu hesi uhunö apostle o jö God-aro baeromo majëhijarue ariböviohuro javuoho banigojiomego Iesu Kerisoro huro munënöꞌe bönoho namijego ëhuro bibivajeje."} {"eng": "in whom the whole building, fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord;", "aom": "Huro javuoho ahoꞌobëhe ëhi maꞌeno titimëꞌëro javuoho marëbe vaꞌajeje God-are osa börömo jiajëhi no ëhi javuoröhego Badaꞌo gemuoro javuëꞌëro."} {"eng": "in whom you also are built together for a habitation of God in the Spirit.", "aom": "Röhu jemëꞌo Kerisoꞌo gemuoro jëvëꞌëro God-ro jemëꞌo hesi javunöꞌe gemuoro bimuvëvego gemuoro riravarujeje hesi Aruꞌahohuro jemëꞌo jiëꞌëro."} {"eng": "having abolished in his flesh the hostility, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man of the two, making peace,", "aom": "Huro guomoromo Israel rajo nosi jögoroho tugohahuadeje. Mamiꞌe ë jögoroho Israel rajohuro gabe rovareje jajivoromo uvëꞌe jiamu: Ëhi ëhi ëꞌiro ëho ma-garëjo. Ëjöho tugohahuadeje. Tugohahuade hesi bëhoho urimëꞌi Israel rajoho noro nosi jögoroho eꞌi saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajohuro bogo eruomëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro hahagu hahagu javuajoho Kerisoro nimadeje baeromo hesinö gemu buꞌöjego gemuoro raromego ma-iꞌe gemu javuojöro. Ëhuro Jew rajohuꞌo saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajohuꞌo huë baerovoromo maro raromoꞌiröhego."} {"eng": "and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, having killed the hostility through it.", "aom": "Hu nimadeje korosire guomoromo nu huohuoho tugohahuoꞌi sino hahoꞌoho hesi gemuore havavuëꞌëro Godꞌo noꞌo gemuoro huë mae raromoꞌiröhëro."} {"eng": "Therefore remember that once you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called “uncircumcision” by that which is called “circumcision” (in the flesh, made by hands),", "aom": "Ëhuni jemë urimëꞌi sisëꞌi raromarijoho uehorovore. Jemë bogo Israel rajo ariböviehu jëvoꞌi saꞌa gö raje jëve. Israel rajohuro jabesi övëro döre muoho vaeromo sinoho tarivëꞌëro uëruomajeje: No sine tarivahuëꞌe ariböviëro javuëꞌëro God-are aribövie javuoꞌi jemë sine bogo tarivëhëꞌe ariböviëro jëvëꞌëro bogo God-are aribövioho jëvajëjo. Jemë ëhi jiëꞌe sine bogo tarivëhëꞌe aribövie jëvaje urimo diehi raromarijoho uehorovore."} {"eng": "that you were at that time separate from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world.", "aom": "Evare majare jemë bogo Kerisoꞌo gemuoroho jëvoꞌi Israel rajo God-hu muebejavuajiroho jemë bogo nosi gemuoroho jëvoꞌi jemesi hahagu raromonövarijeje. God-hu hesi aribövi ajamuiꞌiröhëro mae uövuade jöho jemë bogo hejëꞌe ma-raromonövarijeje. God-hu ajamuego ijonö ma raromoꞌiröhe jöho bogo hejëꞌe God rumoꞌe jioromo saꞌare ëma raromonövarijeje."} {"eng": "for by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho huhu ma-huë baejëvoromo uehoro mae bojëmijadohuro iae ëhuro jemë mae uehorovamu gagorovo maro bamëvadeje. Bogo jemesi biriroho baeromo ajamirovoꞌi aꞌi hesi God-ro suvuoroho bojëmijëꞌëro jemë mae jëve."} {"eng": "not of works, that no one would boast.", "aom": "Hu bogo uvadeje: Jemë mu ma vaejëꞌoho maro bamëvoꞌejöjo. O bogo vaejëꞌoho bogajo. Hu ëhi uvoꞌibejo aëro nimoronimorohëꞌi jijihoromo uvoruomoꞌibejo: Noro nosi ajamirovoromo manö bamorovare höjo."} {"eng": "But God, being rich in mercy, for his great love with which he loved us,", "aom": "No ëhi javuadeje röhu God-ro noni vavaenimo avohoromo dë vövöbajoꞌe ahoꞌo uehorovavuëꞌëro"} {"eng": "even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—", "aom": "ëhuꞌëro gövuade no hesi jöho ahamu nosi aruꞌahoho vuovahuëꞌe jiamu göromo bogo vuororamuiꞌi Kerisoꞌo gemuore havavuamu nosi aruꞌahoho iꞌovahuadeje. Hu hesi ma-huë baejëvoromo jemesi örire ëhi ajëmiromo maro babamëvadeje."} {"eng": "We were also assigned an inheritance in him, having been foreordained according to the purpose of him who does all things after the counsel of his will,", "aom": "O no Keriso-are ae gemuohuro javuëꞌëro Vavuohuro baejavuadeje hesi javuoröhego. Hu muoho bövioho biseꞌoho bogo ëma vaeꞌi aꞌi hesi simanëro nimego muoho vaejajeje. Ëhuni baejavuoꞌiröhëro mamiꞌe simanore uehorovoromo uvadëhi ëhi baejavuadeje."} {"eng": "to the end that we should be to the praise of his glory, we who had before hoped in Christ.", "aom": "Ëhuni Jew rajoho no aevoromo Keriso uehorovare aribövioho javuëꞌego Vavu hesi iho börömoho uehorovoromo rajahiꞌejo."} {"eng": "making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he purposed in him", "aom": "huhu röjahuiꞌi uvadëhi ëhi röjahuijëꞌeje noro garöhego. Ëhesi bëhoho urimëꞌi God-ro uvadeje: Na muoho ëhi ëhi vaeꞌejö uvoromo subivahuobe rovadoho röhu iae röjahuijëꞌeje no garöhego hu ëhi jiëꞌe muoho vaeꞌi nimëꞌe jiego. Ëmu hesi jöho huro urimëꞌi uehorovoromo uvadeje: Naehu nimaje mu vaejëꞌiroho naro Keriso uaꞌejöjo ajemiꞌiröhego."} {"eng": "to an administration of the fullness of the times, to sum up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in him.", "aom": "Muebejuvo majae eni jioꞌiramu evare ë muoho avoho barëꞌejöjo. Ëmuoho avohoromo bövie biseꞌe öꞌidöre saꞌare jioꞌamajoho Keriso-are uhunö gemuoro bamoꞌejöjo huro simanoho jioromo muebeꞌamoröhego."} {"eng": "For this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and answers to the Jerusalem that exists now, for she is in bondage with her children.", "aom": "Röhu ëho bisemu uhu jöe jianove. Magonahe niöꞌi jabesi bëhoho iae God-hu hesi aribövi muebejavuoꞌiröhe jögore niöꞌi heꞌiröhoho jëve. Abraham-are muemu vaejaje magonahe Hagar-are bëhoho ëho God-hu Jew rajo mu vaeröhe jögoru bojamamu Moses-hu Arabia saꞌare Sinai dahorure hiromo baeromo bojamuadeje. Ëhesi bëhoho Hagar-hu avare muemu vaeromo sisëꞌi hijadëhi Moses-hu bojamuade jö hesi ijore ijore jijiharue ariböviohuro sarerivoromo uvarueje: Noehu nosi biririvoromo ë jö ejahëꞌohuro ëhuro God-are nunire mae riravoꞌejarëromo ë muohemu vaeꞌi sivoho gavarueje. Ëhuꞌëro Hagar-hu avare muemu vaeromo sisëꞌi hijadëhi ë ariböviohuro ëhi sisëꞌi raromarueje. Jaruvo jiaje Jerusalem amo rajohuꞌo Jew rajo ioroꞌiorohuꞌo ëhi jiëꞌe muohuremu vaeromo sisëꞌi raromarueje."} {"eng": "But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, confined for the faith which should afterwards be revealed.", "aom": "Noehu Keriso mae uehorovëꞌoho God-ro ma-maro ramuajeje. Ëhesi majaho jaruvoje. Röhu urimoho ë maja bogo rovadevare no tövavuëꞌëro jiëꞌëro bogo ruëroho numëroho vaꞌi ma-Jew rajehu mu vaeröhe jögoru hesi ahariremu raromobe rovareje. Ëhiꞌobe rovaroho ijonö Keriso mae uehorovoꞌiröhe öroho huruorohadeje."} {"eng": "So that the law has become our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.", "aom": "Aehu asisöꞌo söromo avoꞌavoho muebejëvobe vaꞌego asisöꞌehu ma-aharirehu vaꞌaruëhi Jew rajehu mu vaeröhe jögoroho ëhi jiadeje. No Jew rajo jögoru ahariremu asisöꞌonöꞌe raromobe rovamu Kerisoro saꞌare rovadeje. Jögoru hesi aharire raromare hesi bëhoho öre röjahuijego noro Keriso mae uehorovoromo ëhuro God-are nunire mae riravoꞌiröhego."} {"eng": "But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.", "aom": "Röhu jaruvoho noehu Keriso mae uehorovoꞌiröhe majaho rovëꞌeje. Ëmajaho rovëꞌego no bogo ë mu vaeröhe jögoru hesi ahariroho raromarueje."} {"eng": "For I through the law died to the law, that I might live to God.", "aom": "Naro mamiꞌe uehorovoromo uvodeje: Jew rajo jögoru ejëꞌoho ëhuro na God-are nunire mae namiꞌejöromo Jew rajo jögoroho eꞌi sivoho gajuvo gavode bogo eni jevamu gagorovo uvodeje: Noehu God-are nunire mae riravoꞌiröhe öroho bogo ëhioho höromo ëhi uehorovodoho vuonugodeje. Na ëhi jiëꞌe uehoroho ioroꞌiore gemu vuonugëꞌe jeve. Aehu vuovoromo ioroꞌiore gemu vaꞌaruëhi na ëhi ioroꞌiore gemu ë öroho vuonugëꞌe jeve ëhuro na iꞌovoromo hiromo God-are muohuremu vaebe juvoꞌirodëni. Keriso korosire guomadevare evare na huꞌo korosire ano taemevamu guomevanovadeje."} {"eng": "I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. That life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me.", "aom": "Guomevëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro na bogo nasi darugoroho o nasi uehororoho hiꞌirögoro aꞌi Kerisoro nasi dë vövöbajoꞌere hiromo darugoho uehoroho bojemego hijajeje. Saꞌare hijajoho God-are Harihoho mae uehorovoromo ëhuro ave saꞌaroho hijajeje huro na uehorovevoromo nasi jöëni guomorovëꞌëro jiëꞌëro."} {"eng": "For before some people came from James, he ate with the Gentiles. But when they came, he drew back and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision.", "aom": "Naehu ëhi uavode hesi bëhoho urimoho Peter-hu aevoromo Antioch rovadevare evare uvadeje: Jew rajo mu vaeromo sino tarivarue Christian aribövioho noꞌo Jew rajo mu bogo vaeromo sino bogo tarivarue Christian aribövioho jabuꞌo gemuoho javuajë uvoromo saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajo Christian ö muenoꞌohuꞌo gemuoro hiromo ioho inövadeje. Gemuore hiromo i ibe rovadoho gavade Jew rajohuro James-arire jioromo ro Antioch raromamu gëgorovo uvadeje: Ësino tarivojöro nimarue ariböviehu gevëꞌoho na Jew rajo mu bogo vaejarue ariböviohuꞌo gemuore hijamu gevëꞌoho bijönimoruomoꞌajëromo juhuonivoromo saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajohuꞌo i ijadoho vuonugoꞌi roriꞌo vaꞌo hijadeje."} {"eng": "And the rest of the Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy.", "aom": "Peter-ro juhuonivoromo ëhi jiëꞌe sareri sareriꞌe muoho vaejamu gagorovo Jew rajo ioroꞌioroho jaburo saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajohuꞌo gemuore raromoromo i ueꞌaharoho vuonugoꞌi jabuꞌo ëma sarere roriꞌo raromareje. Roriꞌo raromamu gëgorovo Barnabas-ro huꞌo ëma sarere vaꞌo roriꞌo hijadeje."} {"eng": "But not even Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised.", "aom": "Röhu nasi muoho bogo ahehareje. Bogo ahehoromo uevareje: Saꞌa gö rajoho Jew rajo jögoroho röjëhiꞌibejanëjo. O naꞌo rovade aho Titus bogo Jew rajehu jioꞌi saꞌa gö raje a jiajoho röhu jabumë bogo uövuareje: Titus baeromo Jew rajo muoho vaeromo sinoho tariojahego hu God-are nunire mae namiꞌirajo. Ëa masijoho bogo ëhi jiëꞌe jöho uöꞌi aꞌi"} {"eng": "This was because of the false brothers secretly brought in, who stole in to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage,", "aom": "hesi ae göëro nimareje Jew rajehu ëꞌaruëhi ëhi ëꞌoromo Titus-are sinoho tariojahojöro. Röhu jabumë ma-döëremu Christian aribövie jëvëꞌëro ëꞌareje. Ma-döëremu Christian aribövie jioromo sisëꞌi uehorovoromo saginiëri rueromo nosi gemuore gagovareje gaꞌi no Iesu Keriso-are ae gemuohuro javuëꞌëro no diehi jiëꞌe sasohëꞌe muoho baejëꞌe javuego. Ëhesi bëhoho jaburo nimareje Jew rajo nosi iꞌuꞌe muoho noro röhu maho vaemu vaeröhego. Ëhuni nimareje Titus-are sinoho tariojahojöro."} {"eng": "Then after a period of fourteen years I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking Titus also with me.", "aom": "Ëhiꞌoromo vadune ahoꞌobëhe 14 barëjamu gagorovo naro Barnabasꞌo gemu mae Jerusalem amo börömore vuonoröꞌö ajiomodeje. Röhu Titus huꞌo huꞌirae baeromo ajiomodeje."} {"eng": "I went up by revelation, and I laid before them the Good News which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately before those who were respected, for fear that I might be running, or had run, in vain.", "aom": "Ajiomode hesi bëhoho God-ro uevëꞌego ajiomodeje. Ajiomoromo ekaresia a masijoho jaburemu naꞌo nosi hahagu gagovorovoromo jöho atareje. Atoromo naehu saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajo diehi jiëꞌe jö majëhibe juvode jöho naro huruoho majëhijodeje ë ekaresia a masijohuro avoho heruomoröhego rabëni naehu mamiꞌe vaebe rovode muoho jabumëro ahego bejöëni. Iae ëhuni avoho majëhijodeje."} {"eng": "But I make known to you, brothers, concerning the Good News which was preached by me, that it is not according to man.", "aom": "Röhu nasi ö muenoꞌe na nege jemëro ave jöho avoꞌavoho heꞌirarijego. Keriso-are jö ma naehu majëhijamu hejarijoho bogo ma-aehu jabesi ma-uehorovoromo na majehare jöhoje."} {"eng": "For I didn’t receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came to me through revelation of Jesus Christ.", "aom": "Bogo aehu aevoromo jöho majehiromo bëhoho huruoho majehiꞌirögoro aꞌi Iesu Kerisoro huro jöho majehijamu baejodeje."} {"eng": "I marvel that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ to a different “good news”,", "aom": "Röhu jemë diehi diehi sisëꞌi ëꞌarujoho na heromo jöe barëjeve. Ëhesi bëhoho God-ro Keriso-are huë mae röjëhiromo ëhuro hesinö rinëgadeje. God-hu ëhi ëꞌadoho jemë rabëni ma-burëroho hu vuonugoꞌi jö göho God-are jö maho höromo ejëhoromo baejö."} {"eng": "but there isn’t another “good news.” Only there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the Good News of Christ.", "aom": "Ëjöho bogo God-are jö maehuje Keriso-are jö maho gemu jioꞌi gö gö bogojiëꞌego. Aꞌi aëro jemesi simanoho sisë vaejëhoromo Keriso-are jö maho huotohuotovo majëhiꞌi nimö."} {"eng": "I know such a man (whether in the body, or outside of the body, I don’t know; God knows),", "aom": "Naehu gavajoho ë aho God-ro baejamu Paradise-re ajiomadeje. Röhu maho uëꞌejo. Nani sinohuꞌo ajiomadeje o nani sine diboromo ajiomadeje. Naꞌo bogo gave. Hesi God-ro gemuëro gave."} {"eng": "how he was caught up into Paradise and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.", "aom": "Hu ajiomoromo hejadeje jö mabëhe hesi jöho bogo atoꞌiröhe jöho uvavamu. Hejade jö ma-aehu atëꞌoho sisëje."} {"eng": "In this confidence, I was determined to come first to you, that you might have a second benefit,", "aom": "Iae na mae uehorovoromo uvodeje: No ëhi mae garorovarue hö uvodohuni ëhuni uvodeje: Naro jemesi örire urimo öꞌejöjo ëhuro vae niöꞌi öꞌego huë mae baeꞌirarijego."} {"eng": "and by you to pass into Macedonia, and again from Macedonia to come to you, and to be sent forward by you on my journey to Judea.", "aom": "Urimo öꞌoromo jemesirire hiromo Macedonia saꞌare vaꞌejöjo. Macedonia vaꞌoromo vuono buꞌöromo jemesi örire röhu maho öꞌejöjo. Öꞌiramu jemëro bövie biseꞌe ajemiromo remöꞌöꞌiramu na mae vaꞌoromo Judea saꞌare hiꞌejöjo."} {"eng": "But when this perishable body will have become imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then what is written will happen: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”", "aom": "No ëhi gorosovoꞌiramu evare ave God-are surire jö jajivarëhi ëhi jioꞌëꞌe. Jajivoromo uvëꞌeje: Vuovavuaje öroho God-ro ruahöꞌöromo muꞌu barëjëꞌe höjo."} {"eng": "“Death, where is your sting? Hades, where is your victory?”", "aom": "Vuovavuaje öri hesi darugoho dinöꞌe höjo. Guomavuaje öri hesi vöröho diae höjo."} {"eng": "The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.", "aom": "Vuovavuaje vörö hesi bëhoho no mu sisë vaejego vuovavuajeje. O mu sisëhu ruahöꞌöjavuaje hesi bëhoho God-are jöho aharueje."} {"eng": "For since death came by man, the resurrection of the dead also came by man.", "aom": "Ave saꞌare hijade ae gemuëro aevoromo mu sisë vaeromo guomëꞌëro ëhuro vuovavuobe rovajeje. Röhu ave saꞌare hijade a göho aevoromo riꞌöjëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro vuovoromo riꞌöꞌejo."} {"eng": "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho ae ahoꞌobëhe Adam-are ae gemuohuro javuëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro vuovavuajeje. Röhu ae ahoꞌobëhe Keriso-are ae gemuohuro javuëꞌëro riꞌöromo raromoꞌejo."} {"eng": "Therefore other languages are for a sign, not to those who believe, but to the unbelieving; but prophesying is for a sign, not to the unbelieving, but to those who believe.", "aom": "Ëhuni suvuore Aruꞌaho hesiro baeromo huë göehu atarue muoho ëho God bogo ma uehorovarue ariböviohuremu heromo uehore baeröhego. O jö God-aro baeromo huruoho majëhijarue muoho ëho God mae uehorovarue ariböviohuremu heromo huë mae jëvoröhego."} {"eng": "If therefore the whole assembly is assembled together and all speak with other languages, and unlearned or unbelieving people come in, won’t they say that you are crazy?", "aom": "Jemëꞌo uehorovore. God-are ekaresiae ae ahoꞌobëhe gemuore gagovoromo ae ahoꞌobëhe bogo hejarue huë göehu göehu atamu ekaresia mu bogo gavëꞌe ariböviehu o Keriso bogo ma uehorovarue ariböviehu rovëꞌiroho jaburo heröhe bogo hejarue huë göehu ëhi atamu hejëꞌoho uehorovoromo uvoꞌëꞌö: Ëekaresia ariböviohuro simane sisërëromo ëhuro jöjöjuvoruomajëjo. Jemëhu huë göehu atëꞌoho ëhi jioꞌi"} {"eng": "But if all prophesy, and someone unbelieving or unlearned comes in, he is reproved by all, and he is judged by all.", "aom": "aꞌi ekaresiae ae ahoꞌobëhe jö God-aro baeromo huruoho majëhijamu Keriso bogo ma uehorovaje aehu o ekaresia mu bogo gavëꞌe aehu rovëꞌiroho huro heröhe jemëro God-are jöho majëhiꞌiramu hegorovo uehorovoromo uvoꞌëꞌe: Nasi jö sisëho iae ataruëjo. Na sisë jevajëjo. Ëhi uvoꞌëꞌe."} {"eng": "For he who speaks in another language speaks not to men, but to God, for no one understands, but in the Spirit he speaks mysteries.", "aom": "Aehu aruꞌaho suvuoro baeromo bogo hejarue huëhu jövëꞌoho ëho bogo aho heꞌi ma-God-remu hejöro jövajeje. Huë göehu jövëꞌoho suvuore Aruꞌaho hesiroho baeromo gurihijëꞌe jöho jövego aho bogo hejarueje."} {"eng": "But he who prophesies speaks to men for their edification, exhortation, and consolation.", "aom": "Aꞌi jö God-aro baeromo a huruoho majëhijëꞌoho aëro hejöro jövajeje heromo birire baeromo muoho avoho maꞌenoröhego o huë vavaeni jëvadoho mae jëvoröhego."} {"eng": "To the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain those who are under the law;", "aom": "Jew rajo jabuꞌo gemuore hiromo God-are jö majëhijëꞌiroho Jew rajehu raromaruëhi naꞌo ëhi hibe juvajeje ëhuro Jew rajoho baejëvoromo Keriso-arire rëmoꞌirodëro. O Moses-are jögoruremu raromarue ariböviohuꞌo hiromo God-are jö majëhijëꞌoho jabuhu Moses-are jö ejaharuëhi naꞌo ëhi ejahajeje ëhuro Moses-are jögoruremu raromarue aribövioho baejëvoromo Keriso-arire rëmoꞌirodëro. Moses-are jögoroho iae na ejahajeje röhu bogo hesi jögoruremuoho hijajeje."} {"eng": "to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law.", "aom": "O Jew rajo jögoru bogo hejëꞌe ariböviohuꞌo hiromo God-are jö majëhijëꞌiroho jabuhu Jew rajo jögoru bogo ejaharuëhi naꞌo ëhi ëꞌajeje ëhuro Jew rajo jögoru bogo hejëꞌe aribövioho baejëvoromo Keriso-arire rëmoꞌirodëro. Iae na Jew rajo jögoroho bogo ejahajeje röhu na God-are jögoroho bogo vuonugoꞌi Keriso-are jögoruremu hiromo God-are jöho ejahajeje."} {"eng": "But I say this, brothers: the time is short. From now on, both those who have wives may be as though they had none;", "aom": "Nasi ö muenoꞌe nasi bëhoho ëhije. God-ro majae ma-bunemu bamëꞌeje hesi majaho rueröhego. Ëhi jiëꞌe jiaje ave majare aevoromo raromobe vaꞌëꞌiroho masuvëꞌe aribövioharo masuvarije muoho barëꞌiëꞌe jiaje nadi masuvarije muohemuoho uehorovoꞌi God-are muohuꞌo uehorovore."} {"eng": "and those who weep, as though they didn’t weep; and those who rejoice, as though they didn’t rejoice; and those who buy, as though they didn’t possess;", "aom": "O huë vavaeni baejëꞌe aribövioharo ave saꞌa hesi huë vavaeni muoho barëꞌiëꞌe jiaje nadi huë vavaeni baejarujoho ëhemuoho uehorovoꞌi God-are muohuꞌo uehorovore. O nimorohëꞌe aribövioharo ave saꞌa hesi nimorohëꞌe muoho barëꞌiëꞌe jiaje nadi nimoroharujoho ëhemuoho uehorovoꞌi God-are muohuꞌo uehorovore. O inöme rabe rabe imoꞌamaruje aribövioharo inöme bövie biseꞌe barëꞌiëꞌe jiaje uvore: Noehu imaroho bogo nosirehu jioꞌi hesi God-are höjo."} {"eng": "and those who use the world, as not using it to the fullest. For the mode of this world passes away.", "aom": "Ave saꞌare bövie biseꞌe jiego gavaruoho barëꞌiëꞌe jiaje ëhuni ave saꞌa hesi mue bövie biseꞌe vaejëꞌiroho nadi ëhuremuoho uehorovoromo vaeꞌi God uehorovëꞌi muoho vaere."} {"eng": "Don’t you know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? May it never be!", "aom": "Jemëꞌo uehorovore. Jemesi sino hahoꞌoho Keriso-are övo duruajoꞌe jëve. Ëhi jiëꞌoho na no öëro jijihanovoromo Keriso-are övo duruajoꞌoho baeromo ö vaꞌëne magonaho sisëhuꞌo gemuoroho havoromo momoröꞌöꞌejo. Bogo mae bogo ëhioho ëꞌejo."} {"eng": "Or don’t you know that he who is joined to a prostitute is one body? For, “The two”, he says, “will become one flesh.”", "aom": "Ae rahu magonaho sisëhuꞌo gemuore havoromo momoröꞌöjëꞌohuro ëhuro sine dë vövöbajoꞌe gemuoho javuoꞌëꞌe. Ëhuremu uehorovore. Ëjöho God-are surire ëhi gemuoho jajivoromo uvëꞌeje: Jabumë niöꞌi jëvadoho röhu gemu jioꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "Or don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Don’t be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals,", "aom": "Jemë iae gavarujeje sisë aribövie God-are ajiꞌe öri ariꞌere bogo vaꞌo hesi jioruomajoho. Nadi sareramirovore. Önöꞌe jijiharue aribövioho God-are öri ariꞌeroho bogo vaꞌëꞌö. God dejonö bamoꞌi bövi biseꞌo nuninö bahijarue aribövioho bogo vaꞌëꞌö. Gohoꞌamarue aribövioho mu gö gö barueromo aꞌo aꞌo sihorovarue aribövioho bogo vaꞌëꞌö."} {"eng": "nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortionists, will inherit God’s Kingdom.", "aom": "Vajiohu ëꞌarue aribövioho mahunöꞌe ëꞌarue aribövioho jovo iromo simano sisërëjarue aribövioho ae gö jabesi jö sisë atarue aribövioho bövi biseꞌo ae gö ujuohoniëhijarue aribövioho ëhi jiëꞌe aribövioho God-are öri ariꞌeroho bogo vaꞌëꞌö."} {"eng": "Some of you were such, but you were washed. You were sanctified. You were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God.", "aom": "Urimoho jemë a ioroꞌioroho ëhi jiëꞌe sisë aribövie jëvadeje. Jaruvoho jemesi sisëho uꞌovëhëꞌeje. Jemë God-are aribövie jëve. Jemë God-are nunire mae riravaruje. Ëhesi bëhoho God-ro Bada Iesu Keriso-are ihore hesi Aruꞌahoho nugöꞌöjamu jemëni rueromo dë vövöbajoꞌoho avohëhëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro mae jëve. Ëhuni mu sisëho vuonugoꞌi ma-raromore."} {"eng": "each man’s work will be revealed. For the Day will declare it, because it is revealed in fire; and the fire itself will test what sort of work each man’s work is.", "aom": "Javu uhure Iesu Keriso jioꞌi döre aëro javue vaejarueje. Javu döre vaejaruoho ae gemu gemu diehi diehi vaejaruoho ijonö vaꞌorahoro jioꞌëꞌe. Munë ma-mabëhe gold silver oho inajoꞌe ujuohoromo munë mae gö gö oho inajoꞌe ujuohoromo avoho vaeꞌi o ma-jahuri javu vaejarue inömo ijo öꞌe sare oho inajoꞌe ujuohoromo sisëꞌi vaejaruoho ëho vaꞌorahoro jioꞌëꞌe. God-are maja rovëꞌiroho vëni börömëro rueromo ë javuoho ravo gaꞌëꞌe. Vënëro ravoꞌiramu no gaꞌejo di ahuro biririꞌoho vaeꞌi di ahuro sisëꞌioho vaejëꞌe jioꞌiramu."} {"eng": "According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another builds on it. But let each man be careful how he builds on it.", "aom": "God-ro na huë baejevoromo muoho bojemamu ëhuro aehu javu ma vaejaruëhi naro aevoromo jemë vaejëvoromo saꞌa uhure umoromo biririꞌoho bamëhodeje ëhuro jemëro döre javu vaꞌëne ëhi biririvoromo mae riravoꞌirarijego. Ëhi vaejëvëꞌëro ae göëro javue döre vaeruome. Javue döre vaejaruoho ae gemu gemu gavëꞌi javuoho ma-avoho vaeꞌiro."} {"eng": "For no one can lay any other foundation than that which has been laid, which is Jesus Christ.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho God-ro aevoromo Iesu Keriso bamëꞌeje munënöꞌe bibivoromo namiromo jemë nigemëvego riravoꞌirarijego. Javu uhure gö gö bogojioꞌi Iesu Keriso gemuje. Aho munë göho bogo bamoꞌëꞌö javuoho biririvoröhego."} {"eng": "Who then is Apollos, and who is Paul, but servants through whom you believed, and each as the Lord gave to him?", "aom": "Röhu Apollos-are muoho diehi jioꞌi Paul nasi muoho diehije. No bogo a masijehu javuoꞌi no God-hu bojamuade muohemu vaejarue ae javue. Hesi muoho vaeromo jöho majëhijamu jemëro aevoromo Keriso mae uehorovarijeje. No ëhi jiëꞌe ae javue. Badahu ae gö gö mue gö gö bojamuibe rovadoho ëho no vaejarueje."} {"eng": "I planted. Apollos watered. But God gave the increase.", "aom": "Mue gö gö vaeromo naro ujane bivëvanovodeje jemë aevoromo Keriso-are aribövie jëvoröhego. O Apollos-ro ijore öꞌoromo ujanore jove otehanovadeje sanuovëvego marëꞌirarijego. Noro ëhi jiëꞌe muoho vaeꞌi God-ro hesi sivue avohëvamu marëromo riꞌöjarijeje."} {"eng": "So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.", "aom": "Ujonöꞌe bivëvaje ahuꞌo jovehu sanuovëvaje ahuꞌo no ma-biseꞌe javuoꞌi God avohëvego riꞌöjaruje aho hu börömohoje."} {"eng": "Now he who plants and he who waters are the same, but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.", "aom": "O ujonöꞌe bivëvaje ahuꞌo jovehu sanuovëvaje ahuꞌo no bogo göho böröme göho biseꞌe javuoꞌi ma-gemuoho javue. No diehi jiëꞌe mu vaejëꞌoho God-ro manaho ëhi bojamuiꞌëꞌe."} {"eng": "I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius,", "aom": "Na bogo nasi övoho jemë bapataeto vaejëvonövodeje. Crispusꞌo Gaiusꞌo ëhemu bapataeto vaejëvoꞌi a ioroꞌioroho jemë bogo bapataeto vaejëvodeje. Ëhuni na God huë mae uave."} {"eng": "so that no one should say that I had baptized you into my own name.", "aom": "Na nasi övoho jemë bogo bapataeto vaejëvëꞌëro ëhuni bogo uvoꞌaꞌaruje: Paul-ro bapataeto vaejavuamu noro hesi ihoro bapataeto vaejëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro hesi aribövie javuajëjo. Jemë bogo ëhioho uvoꞌaꞌaruje. Ëhuni naehu bapataeto bogo vaejëvodoho na mae jeve."} {"eng": "to the assembly of God which is at Corinth—those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called saints, with all who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place, both theirs and ours:", "aom": "O asëꞌe God-are ekaresiae Corinth amore raromarujohumë God-ro jemë uëvëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro jemë God-are aribövi mae jëve jemë Keriso-are ae gemuohuro jëvëꞌëro. Jemë God-are aribövie jëve röhu ae ahoꞌobëhe saꞌae dinöꞌe dinöꞌe raromoromo nosi Bada Iesu Keriso-are iho uvaruoho jabuꞌo jemëꞌo God-are aribövie gemuoho jëve Keriso hu jabesi o nosi börömohuro jiëꞌëro. Röhu Paul na Iesu Keriso-are apostle jeve God-ro nimëꞌëro. Nosi öe Sosthenes-mu niöꞌiro jemesi örire jejëmö."} {"eng": "And honour and glory be to him, that is mighty to confirm you by my gospel, and (the) preaching of Jesus Christ, by the revelation of (the) mystery held still, in times everlasting; [Forsooth to him, that is mighty to confirm you by my gospel, and (the) preaching of Jesus Christ, after the revelation of (the) mystery holden still, that is, not showed, in times everlasting;]", "aom": "Röhu God hu mabëhego rajahiꞌejo. Ëhesi bëhoho hu eni jiëꞌëro ajëmiꞌiramu jemë biririvoromo naehu majëhijaje jö maho Kerisohu ajamuaje jöho mae uehorovoꞌaruje. Keriso-are jöho God-ro urimo subivahuobe rovadoho"} {"eng": "(But nowe is opened, and published among all nations by the Scriptures of the Prophetes, at the commandement of the euerlasting God for the obedience of faith)", "aom": "jaruvoho ma-samaꞌe huruohoromo röjahuijëꞌeje. Ijonö jioröhe jö God-are surire jajivare hesi bëhoho noro garomo ë subivahuade jöho baejarueje. Baeromo ioroꞌioremu hijaje aho God-ro uövuëꞌëro noro ë jöho ae majëhibe jijiharueje saꞌae ahoꞌobëhe raromarue ariböviohuro mae uehorovoromo ejahoruomoröhego."} {"eng": "God is really great and powerful, so everybody has to tell him that he is good. He can make you strong. This is his message. It is the good news about Jesus Christ. A long time ago, God planned to get both the Jewish people, and the people that are not Jews, to believe in him. But at first he kept it a secret, and he just got the Jewish people to follow him. After that, he got his men to write about it ahead of time, and their words are in his book. Now his message about Jesus is for every nation. It is not just for the Jewish people, but everybody everywhere can trust him, and they can listen to him and do what he wants. God is the only one that can think good enough to make it all work out like that. So everybody has to tell God and Jesus Christ, “You are great.” They have always got to do that for ever. From Paul", "aom": "God hu gemu simano mae uehorovaje ahoje. Ëhuni noro Iesu Keriso-are ihore hu rajahiemu rajahibe vaꞌejo. Iae mae."} {"eng": "Gaius, my host and host of the whole assembly, greets you. Erastus, the treasurer of the city, greets you, as does Quartus, the brother.", "aom": "Röhu Gaius-ro jemë jejëmije. Ëa hesi osare Paul naro hijego huro muebejevajeje. O ekaresiae ae ahoꞌo hesi osare gagovoromo God rajahiꞌi raromarueje. Röhu ave amo hesi ijo bajo muebejaje aho Erastusꞌo nosi Christian agane Quartusꞌo ëho jaburo niöꞌiro jemë jejëmijö."} {"eng": "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all! Amen.", "aom": "[Nosi Bada Iesu Kerisoro jemë ae ahoꞌo huë baeromo ajëminövoꞌëꞌe. Iae mae.]"} {"eng": "in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of God’s Spirit; so that from Jerusalem and around as far as to Illyricum, I have fully preached the Good News of Christ;", "aom": "Ave jöhuremu biririvoromo jövoꞌejo jö göho bogo. Kerisoro uevëꞌëro naro hesi jöho majëhibe hesi muoho vaebe darugoꞌe mu masijoho röjëhibe hesi Aruꞌaho hesi darugoro biririvobe juvamu ëhuro saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajohuro God-are jöho ejahëꞌeje. Ëjöhemu jövoꞌejo. Naro Keriso-are jö maho baeromo ruhëhi Jerusalem amoho numëhi Illyricum saꞌaho röhu ë rirohuꞌo ahoꞌo majëhibe juvëꞌe jeve."} {"eng": "I myself am also persuaded about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish others.", "aom": "Aganomë iae na mae garomo uve: Jemesi muoho iae ma-maemu jiajëjo. Uehoro maho jemesi simanëro eni baejëꞌe jëvajëjo. Nuehu uehorovoromo röjahirovarujoho eni jëvajëjo. Iae na ëhi uve"} {"eng": "But I write the more boldly to you in part as reminding you, because of the grace that was given to me by God,", "aom": "röhu naehu jö jajivodoho na ma-bisemu biririvanovoromo majëhijodeje jemëro garomo avoho uehorovoꞌirarijego. Naehu ëhi jajivode hesi bëhoho God-ro huë baejevoromo muoho bojemadeje"} {"eng": "Now the God of perseverance and of encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus,", "aom": "Röhu avevejöꞌoho God-ro ajamuijajeje ëhuro no dë sanuovahuego biririvobe vaꞌoröhego. Ëhuni na nege huro jemë ajëmijego Iesu Kerisohu uehorovadëhi ëhi gemuoho uehorovoromo jemë ahoꞌobëhe simane gemuoho uehorovoꞌirarijego."} {"eng": "that with one accord you may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.", "aom": "Simane gemuoho uehorovëꞌoho ëhuro jöe gemuoho atoromo gemuore bimuvoromo God rajahiꞌaruje hesi ihoho böröme jioröhego God hu nosi Bada Iesu Keriso-are Börömoho o hesi Vavuoho jiëꞌëro."} {"eng": "for God’s Kingdom is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.", "aom": "God-hu böröme namiromo muebejavuaje hesi bëhoho bogo ie jove ueꞌaharuoho jioꞌi aꞌi mu mae vaeromo huë baerovoromo God-are Aruꞌahehu dë vövöbajoꞌo sasohavuego raromaruohoje."} {"eng": "For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.", "aom": "Ëhi jiëꞌe mu ma vaeromo Keriso-are mu vaejahëꞌoho God-ro ëhi jiëꞌe aho nimoꞌiramu ae ahoꞌobëhe uvoruomoꞌëꞌe: Ëahuro mu maho ömaje höjo."} {"eng": "For none of us lives to himself, and none dies to himself.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho no ave saꞌare raromëꞌiroho bogo nosi jöënioho gemu raromarueje. O vuovëꞌiroho bogo nosi jöënioho gemu uehorovoromo vuovoꞌi"} {"eng": "For if we live, we live to the Lord. Or if we die, we die to the Lord. If therefore we live or die, we are the Lord’s.", "aom": "aꞌi raromëꞌoho Badare jöëni uehorovoromo raromarueje. O vuovëꞌoho Badare jöëni uehorovoromo vuovarueje. Ëhuꞌëro jiëꞌëro raromëꞌoho o vuovëꞌoho no Badare javue."} {"eng": "Do this, knowing the time, that it is already time for you to awaken out of sleep, for salvation is now nearer to us than when we first believed.", "aom": "Ëhi jiëꞌe muoho vaenövore rabëni hesi bëhoho jaruvoho diehi jiëꞌe maja jiajoho jemë iae gavaruje. Momoröꞌöjarujoho riꞌöꞌirarije majaho rovëꞌeje. Ëhesi bëhoho aevoꞌi Keriso mae uehorovare majare evare noehu Godꞌo maro raromoꞌiröhe majaho ëgoꞌo jiadeje. Jaruvoho ë majaho dunove."} {"eng": "The night is far gone, and the day is near. Let’s therefore throw off the deeds of darkness, and let’s put on the armor of light.", "aom": "Vahioho barëꞌi Badahu rueröhe majaho sisonuvoꞌirögoro ëꞌe. Ëhuni ramoramoꞌe muoho vuonugoꞌi muorovoꞌiröhe inömo inömoho ujuohoꞌejo ajiꞌe majare muorovoꞌiröhëro."} {"eng": "it was said to her, “The elder will serve the younger.”", "aom": "Röhu harihe niöꞌi bogo rëhëvëꞌe dëre jëvamu mu maho o mu sisëho bogo vaejëꞌiro evare majare God-ro jabesi vëmoho Rebecca uavadeje: Naro ijorajohemu ajamiꞌiramu böröme jioꞌiramu muriohuro biseꞌe jioromo ijorajo hesi muoho vaejahonövoꞌajëjo. Mu ma o mu sisë bogo vaejare majare harihe gemu ajamiꞌi uvade hesi bëhoho ëhuro huhu nimadëhi ëhemu uehorovoromo ae baejëvoröhëni hu bogo aehu mu ma vaejaruoho gëromo rinëgoꞌi hesi nimoro ëma rinëgajëro jiëꞌëro. Iae ëhuni mu bogo vaejare majare harihe gemu ajamiꞌi uvadeje."} {"eng": "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho na mae uehorovoromo uvajeje: Huhu dë vövöbajoꞌe ahoꞌo uehorovavuoromo ajamuijaje öroho mu gö gö rovëꞌoho bogo tugohahuoꞌajëjo. Vuovavuëꞌoho o ave saꞌare raromëꞌoho anerae maja aruꞌahe vöröꞌe mue gö gö rovëꞌoho mu rabu rabu jaruvo o uꞌemu rovëꞌoho"} {"eng": "nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from God’s love which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.", "aom": "noehu dö mare ajiomëꞌoho o saꞌa gago ëgobövire abuejëꞌoho bövie biseꞌe dinöꞌe dinöꞌe jiajoho rovëꞌoho God-hu uehorovavuaje öri Iesu Keriso nosi Badarire röjahuijajoho ëho bogo tugohahuoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "because the mind of the flesh is hostile toward God, for it is not subject to God’s law, neither indeed can it be.", "aom": "Nosirire jiaje sisëhuremu uehorovego vuovavuaje hesi bëhoho ëhi jiëꞌe uehoro sisë baejëꞌoho God-are jögoroho bogo ejaharueje. Ejahoꞌiröhoho bogo eni javuajeje. Ëhuro Godꞌo muorovarue aribövie javuajeje."} {"eng": "Those who are in the flesh can’t please God.", "aom": "Nosirire jiaje sisëhuremu uehorovëꞌoho God-hu nimaje muoho bogo biroho hesi javuajeje."} {"eng": "For the woman that has a husband is bound by law to the husband while he lives, but if the husband dies, she is discharged from the law of the husband.", "aom": "Bëhoho ëhi jianove. Baru hijëꞌoho vaborohuro hu gemu gabe vaꞌëꞌe jögorure ëhi uövuëꞌego. Aꞌi baru guomëꞌoho magonahoho ë jögorehu nijioꞌiraejadoho iae barëjëꞌeje."} {"eng": "So then if, while the husband lives, she is joined to another man, she would be called an adulteress. But if the husband dies, she is free from the law, so that she is no adulteress, though she is joined to another man.", "aom": "Ëhi jiëꞌëro baru hijamu sionoho ioro bamëꞌoho aëro uvoꞌëꞌö: Ëmagonahoho önöꞌe ma-juvëꞌe magonahe höjo. Aꞌi baru guomëꞌoho jögorehu nijioꞌiraejadoho barëjëꞌego hesi nimoro ae gö baeromo huꞌo gemuoro hijëꞌoho bogo önöꞌe ma-juvëꞌe magonahe jioꞌëꞌe."} {"eng": "Therefore don’t let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.", "aom": "Ëhuni mu sisë uehoro sisë jemesi vuovëvoröhe sinehu nimajoho ëho nadi ejahorego ëhuro sisëho jemë bogo ruahöꞌöjëvoꞌiro."} {"eng": "Also, do not present your members to sin as instruments of unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.", "aom": "O jemesi öve höre simane rabe sisë öriroho nadi bojamirovoromo mu sisëho vaere. Aꞌi uvore: No iꞌovoromo mu iꞌe baejëꞌe aribövie javuajë uvoromo jemesi dë vövöbajoꞌe ahoꞌo ma-God gemu bojamirovoromo jemesi öve höre simane rabe ëhuꞌo hesi öroro bojamirovoromo mu mae vaere."} {"eng": "For sin will not have dominion over you, for you are not under law, but under grace.", "aom": "Mu sisëho jemë bogo ruahöꞌöjëvoꞌëꞌe. Ëhesi bëhoho God-are jögoru aharuje ë hesi iꞌuoho bogo bae hesi jëve. God-ro hesi nimoromo huë baejëvoromo jemesi sisëho uehorovoromo vuonugëhajeje. Jemë ëhi maro raromarujeje."} {"eng": "May it never be! We who died to sin, how could we live in it any longer?", "aom": "Bogo mae bogo ëhioho uvoꞌejo. Mu sisë uhure javuadoho no vuovaruëhi ëhi jianovoromo iae barëjahuëꞌeje. Ëhi jiëꞌoho no diehi vuonoröꞌöromo mu sisë hesi uhuroho biririvoromo raromonövoꞌejo. No bogo ëhioho ëꞌejo."} {"eng": "Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?", "aom": "Ave jöho jemëꞌo uehorovoꞌibejarije. Ae rahu bapataeto vaejamu Iesu Kerisoꞌo gemuore bimuvavuëꞌoho ëhuro huꞌo gemuore bimuvoromo vuovavuëꞌeje."} {"eng": "We were buried therefore with him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life.", "aom": "Ëhuni no bapataeto vaejamu ëhuro Kerisoꞌo bimuvoromo vuovoromo huꞌo gemuore saꞌa gagore raromareje ëhuro Vavuehu hesi ajiꞌe darugohuro ajamamu Kerisohu guomadoho iꞌovoromo riꞌöjadëhi ëhi noꞌo mu iꞌore raromo jijihonövoröhego."} {"eng": "For until the law, sin was in the world; but sin is not charged when there is no law.", "aom": "Urimëꞌi Moses-hu God-are jögoru bogo barovadevare evare mu sisëho iae saꞌare jiobe rovadeje. Röhu Moses-are jögoroho bogojiamu aribövioho ëho bogo heromo ahëꞌëro ëhuni God-ro mu sisëho gemu gemu garomo bogo adahoꞌi ma-nunëro gëbe rovadeje."} {"eng": "Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those whose sins weren’t like Adam’s disobedience, who is a foreshadowing of him who was to come.", "aom": "Mu sisëho bogo adahoꞌi ma-nunëremu gëbe rovamu röhu Adam-hu mu sisë vaejadevare evare ae ahoꞌobëhe aevoromo vuovobe rovadoho röhu evare Moses rovadeje. Ëaribövioho Adam-hu God-are jö heromo ahadëhioho bogo ëhioho heromo ahobe rovëꞌe jabuꞌo vuovëvobe rovadeje. Röhu Adam hu God-aro jioromo ijonö saꞌare rovade aho Keriso vaꞌëne ëhi jianove."} {"eng": "Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ;", "aom": "Noro Keriso mae uehorovamu God-ro nosi sisëho muꞌuvahuamu hesi nunire mae riravëꞌëro javuëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro Godꞌo noꞌo gemuoro mae raromarueje nosi Bada Iesu Kerisoro buore vaejavuëꞌëro."} {"eng": "through whom we also have our access by faith into this grace in which we stand. We rejoice in hope of the glory of God.", "aom": "Buore vaejavuoromo ajamuijëꞌëro ëhuro no God-are huë maho birohoromo biririvoromo hesi nunire mae riravarueje ë hesi bëhoho noro hesi örire mae uehorovëꞌëro javuëꞌëro. Hesi nunire mae riravoromo noro uvarueje: Noro God-are aji mare raromoꞌejarë uvoromo ëhuni noro nimorohëꞌi muebejarueje."} {"eng": "For if those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void, and the promise is made of no effect.", "aom": "O God-ro uöꞌibejo: Ave jöho na mae uëvajëjo. Jemëhu jemesi biririvoromo mu vaeꞌirarije jö ejehëꞌohuro ëhuro na saꞌae ahoꞌo bojëmiꞌejöjo. O bogo ejehëꞌoho bogo bojëmiꞌejö uöꞌibejo no mae uehorovoromo uvaruoho: Hesi God-ro ajamuiꞌiramu mae javuoꞌajë uvaruoho ë hesi bëhe bogojioꞌibejo. O nosi biriroho bogo eni javuëꞌëro huhu bojamuiꞌi uövuadoho bogo baeꞌibejo. Röhu bogo ëhiohoje. Mu vaeröhe jögoru ejaharuohunioho God-ro bogo ëhunioho ajamuiꞌi aꞌi noehu hesi örire mae uehorovaruohuni ëhuni ajamuajeje."} {"eng": "For the law produces wrath; for where there is no law, neither is there disobedience.", "aom": "Mu vaeröhe jö God-hu bojamuadoho no bogo ejahego mae javuoꞌi aꞌi ahego God-ro no göromo dë vörönimego iꞌue bojamuajeje. O mu vaeröhe jögoroho bogojioꞌibejo bogo ahoꞌibejo."} {"eng": "Now we know that whatever things the law says, it speaks to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be closed, and all the world may be brought under the judgment of God.", "aom": "Ëmu sisë vaejarue jöho iae no gavarueje. God-hu ë jö bojamuijade hesi bëhoho ëhuro Moses-are jögoru hesi uhure raromarue ariböviohuro heromo jabumëꞌo saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajohuꞌo ae ahoꞌobëhe jö mana uaröhoho bogojavuego jöꞌe tugorohoromo hesi nunire gövögövövëꞌe riravoꞌiröhego ae ahoꞌobëhe maja höꞌöjajire bevaꞌajire."} {"eng": "Because by the works of the law, no flesh will be justified in his sight; for through the law comes the knowledge of sin.", "aom": "Gövögövövëꞌe riravoꞌiröhe hesi bëhoho aehu mu vaeröhe jögoru heromo ijore ijore vaꞌëꞌoho bogo ëhuro God-are nuniroho maho riravoꞌi aꞌi ma-uvarueje: Noro ë jögoroho bogo avoho ejaruëro javuëꞌëro sisë javuajëjo."} {"eng": "oppression, and anguish on every soul of man who does evil, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.", "aom": "Mu sisë vaejëꞌoho ae ahoꞌo viꞌehe huë vavaene baeꞌëꞌö. Jew rajohuro urimo baeꞌiramu röhu saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajoho jabuꞌo gemuoho baeꞌëꞌö."} {"eng": "But glory, honor, and peace go to every man who does good, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.", "aom": "O mu mae vaejëꞌoho ëhi jiëꞌe ae ahoꞌo God-ro aji maho bojëmiromo jabesi ihoho mae uëromo ajëmiꞌiramu huë mae raromoꞌëꞌö. Jew rajoho urimo ajëmiromo röhu saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajoho jabuꞌo ëhi gemuoho ajëmiꞌëꞌe."} {"eng": "For there is no partiality with God.", "aom": "God-ro ae ahoꞌobëhe ma-gemu göromo sisë bojamuibe mae bojamuibe vaꞌajeje."} {"eng": "concerning his Son, who was born of the offspring of David according to the flesh,", "aom": "Röhu ë jö maho iae God-are Harihu hesi jöhoje. Hu araeromo a daje baejadire hu David-are uje jiadeje."} {"eng": "who was declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord,", "aom": "Röhu guomamu God-ro hu iꞌovoromo hesi Aruꞌaho Maho bojami avohëꞌëro uavadeje: Jaruvo ja nasi Harihe darugo baejëꞌe ae javajëjo. Ëaho hu Iesu Keriso nosi Badaje."} {"eng": "“Be it known therefore to you that the salvation of God is sent to the nations, and they will listen.”", "aom": "Ëhuni ave jöho majëhiꞌiëꞌajëjo jemëro hejöro. God-hu maro ramuaje jö naehu majëhijajoho saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajo jabesi örire nugöꞌöjëꞌe höjo. Jemëhu ma-he taemarujoho jabumëro iae heꞌaꞌaruëjo."} {"eng": "When he had said these words, the Jews departed, having a great dispute among themselves.", "aom": "[Paul-ro ëhi uëvamu rue Jew rajoho jaburo darugoꞌo jö ahoꞌahamirovobe vaꞌareje.]"} {"eng": "saying, ‘Go to this people and say, in hearing, you will hear, but will in no way understand. In seeing, you will see, but will in no way perceive.", "aom": "Jöe bojamiromo uavade höjo: Vaꞌoromo ë aribövioho ëhi uënëjo: Jemë hemu heꞌaꞌarujëjo röhu bëhoho bogo avoho heꞌaꞌarujëjo. Jemë gaemu gaꞌaꞌarujëjo röhu bëhoho bogo avoho gaꞌaꞌarujëjo."} {"eng": "For this people’s heart has grown callous. Their ears are dull of hearing. Their eyes they have closed. Lest they should see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart, and would turn again, then I would heal them.’", "aom": "Ëaribövi jabesi dë vövöbajoꞌoho iꞌuhëgaje höjo. Hiaꞌoho tugohëhëꞌe höjo. Nunoho sigohijëhëꞌe höjo. Bogo ëhioho jëvoꞌibejajo nunëro gaꞌibejarëjo. Hiaꞌëro heꞌibejarëjo. Dë vövöbajoꞌoho sasohoromo jöho baeꞌibejarëjo ëhuro jabumë huotorovoromo rueꞌibejarëjo naro avohëvego mae jëvoꞌibejajo. Ëjöho God-are Aruꞌahohuro iae mae jövade höjo."} {"eng": "After they had hoisted it up, they used cables to help reinforce the ship. Fearing that they would run aground on the Syrtis sand bars, they lowered the sea anchor, and so were driven along.", "aom": "Maꞌeno titimoromo boat muebejarue ariböviohuro ë boat biseꞌoho io barojomoromo börömo hesi döre avoho bamareje. Bamonugoromo biririꞌe öꞌoho ujuohoromo boat börömoho avoho tövo rovaꞌo rojomareje bibivego jovoho bogo dadovoröhego. Avoho tövo rovaꞌo rojomoromo uvareje: Boat baejavuoromo öri ëgoböviro Libya saꞌa bëhire vaꞌiramu saꞌa hurihuriro iorovoromo diruvavuoꞌajëromo juhuonivoromo burehu namijaje niögoho muotohoromo baruvebiromo bamamu burohuro boat-ohuꞌo baejavuoromo ëma vaꞌadeje."} {"eng": "As we labored exceedingly with the storm, the next day they began to throw things overboard.", "aom": "Ëma vaꞌoromo gavare buru böröme ma-darugo maꞌo rovadoho bogo barëjamu gagorovo boat iꞌuhoromo diruvoꞌajëromo boat-ehu ujuoho vaꞌaje inömoho nërö aevoromo ujuohoromo jovore ruruhöꞌöjareje."} {"eng": "Now I stand here to be judged for the hope of the promise made by God to our fathers,", "aom": "Röhu avevejöꞌe naehu jasi nunire namijaje hesi bëhoho aveho höjo. Naro mae uehorovoromo uvaje höjo: Iae mae-ëjo. God-hu nosi hijo mionoꞌo uëvadëhi huro ëhi ajamuiꞌiramu ma-mabëhe raromoꞌejarëjo."} {"eng": "which our twelve tribes, earnestly serving night and day, hope to attain. Concerning this hope I am accused by the Jews, King Agrippa!", "aom": "Nosi Jew rajo anie ahoꞌobëhe 12-ho jabumë ae ahoꞌobëhe vae majae God rajahiemu rajahiromo naehu uehorovajëhi jabuꞌo ëhi gemuoho uehorovoromo uvarue höjo: God-ro uövuadëhi ijonö nosi örire ajamuiꞌiramu mae raromoꞌejarëjo. Agrippa jabuhu uehorovaruëhi naꞌo ëhi gemuoho uehorovaje höjo röhu ë jöhuni Jew rajohuro nasi jö sisëho huruoho majëhiꞌego naro jasi nunire namijajëjo."} {"eng": "“I think myself happy, King Agrippa, that I am to make my defense before you today concerning all the things that I am accused by the Jews,", "aom": "Agrippa a börömohajo. Na jö harihe majahiꞌiëꞌajëjo. Jew rajehu nasi jö sisë rabe rabe majëhiruomego naehu ahoꞌi jaruvo jasi nunire namijajoho na uvajëjo: Iae huë mae baejëꞌe jevajëjo."} {"eng": "especially because you are expert in all customs and questions which are among the Jews. Therefore I beg you to hear me patiently.", "aom": "Huë mae jevaje hesi bëhoho aveho börömoho höjo. Jew rajehu mu diehi vaeromo jö rabe beroharuoho Agrippa jero mae gavanuego ëhuni Paul naehu jasi nunire namijajoho iae mae höjo. Ëhuni na negajëjo jero ma-taemorovoromo nasi jöhemu heꞌiranego."} {"eng": "He even tried to profane the temple, and we arrested him.", "aom": "Ëhi jiëꞌe aëro jiëꞌëro huro God-are osa börömoho ijumoꞌiro ëꞌamu gagorovo noro guduamare höjo. [Guduamo bavaꞌoromo noro court vaeromo Jew rajo nosi jögoroho uehorovoromo hesi jö sisëho gaꞌirögoro ëꞌamu"} {"eng": "He even tried to profane the temple, and we arrested him.", "aom": "muorovo a böröme Lysias-ro öꞌoromo ma-darugoꞌo baeniahuiromo ruho bavaꞌade höjo."} {"eng": "When he was called, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, “Seeing that by you we enjoy much peace, and that prosperity is coming to this nation by your foresight,", "aom": "Majahijamu Tertullus-ro jöho majahijöro Felix-ro uavamu hegoro Tertullus-ro riꞌöromo Paul-are jö sisëho majahiromo uavadeje: Na jö majahiꞌiëꞌajoho henëjo. Ja a böröme javajëjo. Jero avoho muebejavuëꞌëro majae ëgobövie no iro muorovoꞌoho bogo vaeꞌi ma-mae raromobe rovëꞌe javuajëjo. O mue rabe rabe bogo eni javuobe rovëꞌoho jero ajamuego nosi saꞌaho mu maëremu riꞌöjego no huë mae raromarue höjo."} {"eng": "we accept it in all ways and in all places, most excellent Felix, with all thankfulness.", "aom": "Ëhuni Felix jaehu vaejanue muoho diröꞌe ahoꞌo majae ahoꞌo mae hö uvoromo dë vövöbajoꞌe ahoꞌo jasi örire rajahijarue höjo."} {"eng": "He called to himself two of the centurions, and said, “Prepare two hundred soldiers to go as far as Caesarea, with seventy horsemen and two hundred men armed with spears, at the third hour of the night.”", "aom": "Vaꞌamu gagorovo rue muorovo a börömohuro hu ajamiromo simano vaejarue aho niöꞌi uëvadeje: Ruehego na jöe majëhijöjo. Rovamu uëvadeje: Kaejö ëgehu muorovarue aribövioho 200 o horse-re jijihoromo muorovarue aribövioho 70 o bijehu muorovarue aribövioho 200 ëho gagovëvego jaburo vahiꞌe 9 oꞌclock evare vaꞌirarëjo."} {"eng": "He asked them to provide mounts, that they might set Paul on one, and bring him safely to Felix the governor.", "aom": "O horse gö avohoꞌamego Paul-ro jabesi döre hiromo vaꞌonövoꞌirajo. Eni romoromo jiego evaro vaꞌoromo Paul avoho huꞌirae baeromo muebebe vaꞌorego ëhuro bogo anego guomoꞌi saꞌa muebejaje a böröme Felix-arire mae vaꞌirajo."} {"eng": "But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, “Men and brothers, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees. Concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead I am being judged!”", "aom": "Ëhi uënugoromo Paul-ro gavade ë a masijo ioroꞌioroho Sadducee aribövie jioruomoꞌi a ioroꞌioroho Pharisee aribövie jioruomamu gëgorovo ë a masijo jabesi nunire ma-darugoꞌo uëvadeje: Aganomë na Pharisee ae jevajëjo. Nasi vëmu vavuꞌoho Pharisee aribövie jëvade höjo. Na court-re namijaje hesi bëhoho Pharisee aribövi noehu uehorovaruëhi naro ëhi uehorovoromo uvaje höjo: Vuovëꞌe ariböviohuro iꞌovoromo röhu maho riꞌöruomoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "When he had said this, an argument arose between the Pharisees and Sadducees, and the crowd was divided.", "aom": "Ëhi uëvamu hejëꞌi Pharisee ariböviohuꞌo Sadducee ariböviohuꞌo irovoromo uehore gö gö baeruomadeje."} {"eng": "For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor angel, nor spirit; but the Pharisees confess all of these.", "aom": "Uehore gö gö baeruomade hesi bëhoho Sadducee ariböviohuro uvoruomajeje: Vuovëꞌe aribövioho bogo iꞌovoꞌaruëjo. O anerahuꞌo aruꞌaho ioroꞌiorohuꞌo bogohöjo. Aꞌi Pharisee ariböviohuro uvoruomajeje: Vuovëꞌe aribövioho iae iꞌovoꞌaruëjo. Anerahuꞌo aruꞌaho ioroꞌiorohuꞌo iae jioruomajëjo. Iae ëhuni Sadducee ariböviohuꞌo Pharisee ariböviohuꞌo Paul-are jöho heromo irovareje."} {"eng": "Paul, looking steadfastly at the council, said, “Brothers, I have lived before God in all good conscience until today.”", "aom": "Jew rajo a masijo jabesi nunire nugamu Paul-ro gë avohoromo uëvadeje: Aganomë God-are nunire na saꞌare hiromo rabe rabe ëꞌobe rovodoho na nasi herovajoho na ma-mae jevajëjo."} {"eng": "The high priest, Ananias, commanded those who stood by him to strike him on the mouth.", "aom": "Ma-mae jevajëjamu hegorovo priest böröme Ananias-ro Paul-are bëhire riravare aribövioho uëvadeje: Paul jöꞌoro anohëjo."} {"eng": "for the multitude of the people followed after, crying out, “Away with him!”", "aom": "Iojiomohëjamu huꞌirae bavaꞌoromo vuahure iojiomoꞌirögoro gavare ae ahoꞌobëhe vöröꞌiraeromo gemuoro tatijiomobe Paul anojöro uvobe ijore jijihoruomamu gëgorovo Paul döro nigemo baeromo iojiomareje."} {"eng": "When the seven days were almost completed, the Jews from Asia, when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the multitude and laid hands on him,", "aom": "Paul-ro ëhi majëhijamu vaꞌo huhu uëvade majae 7 barëꞌiëꞌadeje. Barëꞌiaꞌamu evare Asia saꞌare jioromo rovare Jew rajo a ioroꞌiorohuro gavareje Paul God-are osa börömore jiamu. Paul osa börömore jiamu gagorovo riꞌöromo iro muorovoꞌe vaeꞌiro jöe darugoꞌo atamu ae ahoꞌobëhe heromo uehoro sisë baeruomadeje. Uehoro sisë baeruomamu Asia jioromo rovare ariböviohuro Paul guduamareje."} {"eng": "crying out, “Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people, and the law, and this place. Moreover, he also brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place!”", "aom": "Guduamoromo ma-darugoꞌo uvareje: Israel rajoho jemëro ro ajamuihëjo. A sisëho aviae höjo. Huro Jew rajo nosi ihoho Moses-are jögoroho ave God-are amo börömoho ë hesi jöho ijumoꞌamoromo ae ahoꞌo jabesi örire sisëꞌi röjëhibe saꞌae dinöꞌe dinöꞌe juvaje höjo. Jaruvoho huro saꞌa gö rajo aho söromo ave God-are osare rovamu ëhuro osa maho ijumëꞌe höjo. Ëmu sisëhuꞌo ëꞌëꞌe höjo."} {"eng": "For they had seen Trophimus the Ephesian, with him in the city, and they supposed that Paul had brought him into the temple.", "aom": "Ëhi uvare hesi bëhoho urimo jaburo gavare Ephesus amo rajo ae Trophimus Paulꞌo gemu mae Jerusalem jiamu gavëꞌëro uvareje: Nani Paul-ro God-are osare hu barovëꞌe höromo ëhuni darugoꞌo uvareje: Paul-ro saꞌa gö rajo ae aviae barovëꞌe höjo."} {"eng": "I coveted no one’s silver, gold, or clothing.", "aom": "Röhu jemesi ijo bajënioho niögënioho na bogo ganiganiegade höjo."} {"eng": "You yourselves know that these hands served my necessities, and those who were with me.", "aom": "Aꞌi jemëꞌo iae gavarujëjo naꞌo nasi ariböviohuꞌo no huë vavaene javuadoho ave nasi övohuro muoho vaeromo hesi manaho baeromo ëhuro bövioho biseꞌoho ujuohonövode höjo."} {"eng": "For I know that after my departure, vicious wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho na gavajoho na vaꞌiramu vöröꞌe miehu rueromo sheep ijumoꞌamaruëhi a sisë göëro göëro jemesirire rueromo sareri sareriꞌe jöho majëhiromo ekaresia jemesi uehoroho ijumëhoꞌaruëjo."} {"eng": "Men will arise from among your own selves, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them.", "aom": "Röhu göꞌo jemesi a ioroꞌiorohuro riꞌöromo sareri sareriꞌe jöho atoꞌaꞌaruëjo Keriso-are aribövioho jemëro jabesinö vaꞌirarijego."} {"eng": "These accompanied him as far as Asia: Sopater of Beroea, Aristarchus and Secundus of the Thessalonians, Gaius of Derbe, Timothy, and Tychicus and Trophimus of Asia.", "aom": "Ëhi uvamu Pyrrhus-are harihe Berea amo raje Sopater-ro Paulꞌo ë vaꞌadeje. Röhu Thessalonica amo raje ae niöꞌi Aristarchusꞌo Secundusꞌo Derbe amo raje ae Gaius-ro Timothy-ro Asia saꞌa raje ae niöꞌi Tychicusꞌo Trophimusꞌo ë aribövioho jaburo Paulꞌo gemu mae vaꞌareje."} {"eng": "But these had gone ahead, and were waiting for us at Troas.", "aom": "Vaꞌaroho jabumëro urimo Troas amore vaꞌoromo raromoromo muebejavuareje no ijore vaꞌoröhego."} {"eng": "Many also of those who had believed came, confessing and declaring their deeds.", "aom": "Ma-döro jiamu Iesu mae uehorovarue ae ahoꞌobëhe mu sisë gö gö gurihiromo vaejaroho samaꞌe huruoho majëhijareje."} {"eng": "Many of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. They counted their price, and found it to be fifty thousand pieces of silver.", "aom": "Majëhiromo röhu ae gö gö urimo iro osoꞌe mu vaenövarohuro uvoruomadeje: Nosi iro osoꞌe muoho sisë hö uvoromo jabesi iro osoꞌe mu hesi suri surioho ujuoho rueromo gemuoro gagovoromo ae ahoꞌo jabesi nunire vëniro huareje. Vëniro huoromo suri suri hesi manaho adahoromo gavareje ajivëꞌe ijo baje 50,000 ëhi vënire ravëꞌe jiamu."} {"eng": "But some of the itinerant Jews, exorcists, took on themselves to invoke over those who had the evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, “We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches.”", "aom": "Vaꞌego iae Jew rajo a ioroꞌiorëro sisë aribövi dëre jioruomajoho suorovo vaꞌojöro uvobe jijihonövareje. Jijihoromo ma-sarerivoromo Bada Iesuare ihoho uvo ganövareje suorovoromo vaꞌojöro. Uvo garomo aruꞌaho sisëho uënövareje: Paul-hu majahuijego hejarue aho Iesu ë a hesi ihore uëvaruëjo: A dëre jiarujoho suorovoromo vaꞌohëjo."} {"eng": "There were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did this.", "aom": "Jew rajo priest böröme gemu Sceva-are harihe 7 ëho jaburo ëhi jiëꞌe sareriꞌe muoho vaejareje."} {"eng": "Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by race, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus. He was mighty in the Scriptures.", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu iae Jew raje ae gemu hesi ihoho Apollos-ro Ephesus amore rovadeje. Hu Alexandria amore rahade ae jöꞌe sasohoromo jöe jövaje ae God-are surire jöho ga avohëꞌe ae jiadeje."} {"eng": "This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, although he knew only the baptism of John.", "aom": "Ae göëro Badare öroho Apollos röjahijamu hejëꞌëro hesi dë vövöbajoꞌe ahoꞌo riꞌöromo Iesuare jöho majëhiromo ma-ahorirëro röjëhinövadeje. Ëhi jiadeje röhu Iesuare ihore bapataeto vaeröhe jöho bogo heꞌi John-hu bapataeto vaejëvade jöhemu hejëꞌëro jöho jövonövadeje."} {"eng": "He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. But when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside, and explained to him the way of God more accurately.", "aom": "Amo Apollos-ro Ephesus amore rueromo Jew rajehu God rajahijarue osare vaꞌoromo aevoromo God-are jöho biririvoromo majëhijadeje. Majëhijamu Priscillaꞌo Aquilaꞌo hejare Apollos-ro God-are jö vituoho heꞌi vituoho bogo ma hejëꞌëro jöho majëhijamu hegorovo jabesi osare huꞌirae bavaꞌoromo avoho röjahiromo uavareje: God-are mu öroho ëhi höjo."} {"eng": "He came to Ephesus, and he left them there; but he himself entered into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews.", "aom": "Vaꞌadoho vaꞌo Ephesus amore höröjadeje Aquilaꞌo Priscillaꞌo ë amore rëmo vaꞌiëꞌëro. Höröromo huro Jew rajehu God rajahijarue osare vaꞌoromo Iesuare jöho Jew rajohuꞌo mevadeje jabesi simanoho huotovëhoꞌi."} {"eng": "When they asked him to stay with them a longer time, he declined;", "aom": "Mevamu hegorovo rue ariböviohuro uavareje: Avehuro majae ëgoꞌo hiromo uꞌemu vaꞌonëjo. Uꞌemu vaꞌonëjamu bogo ejëhadeje."} {"eng": "but taking his leave of them, he said, “I must by all means keep this coming feast in Jerusalem, but I will return again to you if God wills.” Then he set sail from Ephesus.", "aom": "Bogo ejëhoromo vaꞌirögoro uëvadeje: God-hu nimëꞌohuro na vuonoröꞌö rueromo gëꞌejöjo. Ëhi uënugoromo boat-re ajiomoromo Ephesus amoho vuonugoꞌi vaꞌadeje."} {"eng": "But when Paul was about to open his mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, “If indeed it were a matter of wrong or of wicked crime, you Jews, it would be reasonable that I should bear with you;", "aom": "Ahoruomoꞌajëjamu Paul-ro hesi jöho majahiꞌiaꞌamu gavëꞌi Gallio-ro uëvadeje: Jew rajomë ave aho vajiohuꞌe ananoꞌe muoho vaeꞌibejajo naehu ma-taemorovoromo jemesi jö hejëꞌoho iae mae jioꞌibejajo."} {"eng": "but if they are questions about words and names and your own law, look to it yourselves. For I don’t want to be a judge of these matters.”", "aom": "Röhu bogo ëhi jiëꞌe jöho barovarije höjo. Aꞌi jemesi jö bëhi iho bëhi mu jögoru bëhi rabe rabe Jew rajo jemëhu atoromo berohemu beroharujoho ëhi jiëꞌe jöhemu court-ro barovëꞌe jëvaje ëhuni jemëro jemesi gahëjo. Ëhi jiëꞌe mu öri mevëꞌoho na bijönegajëjo."} {"eng": "Paul, as was his custom, went in to them; and for three Sabbath days reasoned with them from the Scriptures,", "aom": "Jew rajehu God rajahijarue osaho jiamu gagorovo Paul-hu amore amore juvoromo God rajahijarue osare vaꞌonövadëhi ëhi ë osare vaꞌadeje. Vaꞌoromo God-are surire jöho adahoromo ë jö hesi bëhoho Jew rajo ariböviohuꞌo gemu mae mevadeje jabesi simane huotovëhoꞌi. Nuho majae niöꞌi gemu rueꞌego ëhi ëꞌonövadeje."} {"eng": "explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and saying, “This Jesus, whom I proclaim to you, is the Christ.”", "aom": "Bëhoho röjëhiromo uënövadeje: God-are surire jö urimëꞌi jajivare hesi bëhoho God-hu uavëꞌëro böröme namiromo ajamuiꞌiröhe aehu rovëꞌiroho huro huë vavaene baeromo guomoromo iꞌovoromo riꞌöꞌaꞌajëjo. Surire jö hesi bëhoho ëhi höjo. Röhu naehu majëhijaje aho Iesu hu iae ë böröme namiromo ajamuijaje aho höjo."} {"eng": "They spoke the word of the Lord to him, and to all who were in his house.", "aom": "Ëhiꞌonugoromo Badare jöho majëhijamu rue savoji muebejaje ahuꞌo hesi osare raromaruohuꞌo jaburo hejareje."} {"eng": "He took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes, and was immediately baptized, he and all his household.", "aom": "Henugoromo evare majaroho vahiromëꞌiro Paulꞌo Silasꞌo huꞌirae ömëvo vaꞌoromo sinore nemoꞌamadoho uꞌovëhoꞌamoromo huꞌo hesi osare raromaruohuꞌo ma-burëro bapataeto vaejareje."} {"eng": "He brought them up into his house and set food before them, and rejoiced greatly with all his household, having believed in God.", "aom": "Bapataeto vaenugoromo Paulꞌo Silasꞌo huꞌirae ömëvoromo osare ajiomoromo ie iꞌimëmijadeje. Ie iꞌimëmiromo huꞌo hesi osare raromaruohuꞌo God mae uehorovëꞌëro nimoroho avohareje."} {"eng": "but Paul chose Silas and went out, being commended by the brothers to the grace of God.", "aom": "Cyprus vaꞌirögoro Paul-ro Silas uavadeje: Rovego jaꞌo naꞌo muoho vaebe jirehoꞌirarëjo. Jirehoꞌirarëjamu Silas-ro uavadeje: Iae ëhiꞌoꞌejarëjamu Christian agano ömoꞌömohuro Paulꞌo Silasꞌo Badare övo döre rëmareje huro ajëmego mu mae vaebe jirehoröhego. Rëmamu Paul-ro Silas huꞌiraeromo vaꞌadeje."} {"eng": "He went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the assemblies.", "aom": "Huꞌiraeromo vaꞌadoho vaꞌo Syria saꞌare Cilicia saꞌare ekaresia aribövioho jöe majëhiromo ëhuro jabesi dë vövöbajoꞌoho biririvëhobe vaꞌadeje."} {"eng": "After they had spent some time there, they were dismissed in peace from the brothers to the apostles.", "aom": "Ëhiꞌoromo majae ëgoꞌo Antioch arijamu evare ë Christian aganohuro rëmöꞌöjëvoromo uëvareje: Huë mae baeromo vaꞌorëjamu jaburo Jerusalem jioromo rëmöꞌöjëvamu rovare ë aribövi jabesirire sionëro vaꞌareje."} {"eng": "But it was seen to Silas, to dwell there; and Judas went alone to Jeru-salem.", "aom": "[Aꞌi Silas-ro ëhi hiꞌi uvadeje.]"} {"eng": "But Paul and Barnabas stayed in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others also.", "aom": "Iae Paulꞌo Barnabasꞌo jaburo Antioch majae ëgoꞌo arijareje. Ariromo jabu niöꞌi o a ioroꞌioroho ahoꞌobëhe ëho jaburo Badare jöho ekaresiae majëhiromo bëhoho röjëhinövareje."} {"eng": "that the rest of men may seek after the Lord: all the Gentiles who are called by my name, says the Lord, who does all these things.’", "aom": "Namiꞌiramu saꞌa göëro göëro Bada na birohevoꞌi nahevoꞌaruëjo. Nasi jö bogo henövare ariböviehu nasi iho baejarohuro ëhi ëꞌaꞌaruëjo. Badaro ëhi uvajëjo."} {"eng": "“All of God’s works are known to him from eternity.", "aom": "Mami göꞌe huro ë jöho aevoromo majëhadoho hebe rovëꞌe javuajëjo. Ëhi jajivëꞌe höjo."} {"eng": "In Iconium, they entered together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spoke that a great multitude both of Jews and of Greeks believed.", "aom": "Paulꞌo Barnabasꞌo Iconium amore hörönugoromo urimo Antioch ëꞌarëhi ëhi Jew rajehu God rajahijarue osare vaꞌoromo Iesuare jöho majëhijareje. Jöho majëhijamu ëhuro Jew raje ae ahoꞌobëhe saꞌa ioroꞌioro raje ae ahoꞌobëhe Iesu mae uehorovoruomadeje."} {"eng": "But the disbelieving Jews stirred up and embittered the souls of the Gentiles against the brothers.", "aom": "Mae uehorovamu gëgorovo Jew raje jö bogo ma uehorovarue ariböviohuro saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajo jabesi örire uehoro sisëho bojëmiromo jabesi dë iëhamu jaburo Keriso-are aribövioho nue huodëgoruomadeje."} {"eng": "Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who testified to the word of his grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.", "aom": "Nue huodëgamu Paulꞌo Barnabasꞌo majae ëgobövie ariromo bogo juhuonivoꞌi ma-biririvoromo Badare jöho majëhijareje. Majëhiromo Badaro ajëmamu ëhuro bogo gavarue darugoꞌe mue gö gö vaeꞌamareje ae ahoꞌobëhe garomo uvoröhego: Iae mae-ëjo. God-hu huë baeromo ajamuijaje jöho mae hö uvoröhego."} {"eng": "But the multitude of the city was divided. Part sided with the Jews and part with the apostles.", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu amo rajo ariböviohuro jöe gö gö uehorovareje. A ioroꞌiorohuro Jew rajo jabesi dönö jioꞌi a ioroꞌiorohuro Paulꞌo Barnabasꞌo jabesi dönö jëvadeje."} {"eng": "So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath.", "aom": "Paul-ro ëhi uënugoromo huꞌo Barnabasꞌo höröjamu gëvëꞌi rue ariböviohuro uëvareje: Ruëre hura gö hesi nuho majaho rovego vuonoröꞌö rueromo ëhi jiëꞌe jöho majahuirego no heꞌirarëjo."} {"eng": "Now when the synagogue broke up, many of the Jews and of the devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas; who, speaking to them, urged them to continue in the grace of God.", "aom": "Ëhi uëruomoromo suorovoromo Jew raje ae ahoꞌobëhe o saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajehu jabesi mu vuonugoꞌi Jew rajo mu baeromo God mae uehorovarue aribövioho ahoꞌobëhe jaburo Paulꞌo Barnabasꞌo jabesi ijore vaꞌareje. Ijore vaꞌamu gëgorovo jaburo niöꞌiro jabesi örire jögore mëmiromo uëvareje: Biririvoromo uvorëjo: Hesi God-ro huë baeromo ajamuiꞌajëromo muoho vaenövorëjo."} {"eng": "and by him everyone who believes is justified from all things, from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses.", "aom": "Aganomë ëhuꞌe jiaje ave jö hesi bëhoho ga avohohëjo. Iesuare jöëni God-hu mu sisë uehorovoromo vuonugoꞌiröhe öroho jemesi örire majëhijëꞌe höjo. O ae rahu Iesu mae uehorovëꞌoho mu sisë vaejarije hesi iꞌuoho iae barëjaje höjo. Moses-hu bojamuade jögoru ejahëꞌoho bogo ëhuro mu sisë hesi iꞌuoho barëꞌi aꞌi Iesu mae uehorovëꞌoho iae barëjaje höjo."} {"eng": "Now Herod was very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon. They came with one accord to him and, having made Blastus, the king’s personal aide, their friend, they asked for peace, because their country depended on the king’s country for food.", "aom": "Caesarea hiromo Herod-ro Tyre o Sidon amo rajo jabesi örire sisë maro dë vörönimadeje. Dë vörönimamu gagorovo rue amo rajohuro uvareje: Noehu ijarue irunoꞌoho Herod-hu muebejaje saꞌare jioromo rovaje höjo. Ioroꞌioremu tugohojöëni ëhuni Herod gaꞌi gemuore ruenugadeje. Rueromo Herod-are osa muebejaje aho Blastus jabesi jöho ajëmiromo Herod sanuamijöro dinamiromo jöe nugöꞌöromo Herod uavareje: Noni vavaenimoromo ajamuijego jaꞌo noꞌo huë baerovoromo raromoꞌirarëjo."} {"eng": "On an appointed day, Herod dressed himself in royal clothing, sat on the throne, and gave a speech to them.", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu Herod-ro majaho bojëmadeje ë majare rueruomoröhego. Ëmajaho rovamu gagorovo Herod-ro hesi niögu ma-maho ioꞌamadeje. Ioꞌamoromo hu bövi namiromo hijaje röho mare hiromo ae ahoꞌobëhe jöe majëhijadeje."} {"eng": "As any of the disciples had plenty, each determined to send relief to the brothers who lived in Judea;", "aom": "Amo Agabus-ro ë jöho majëhijamu hegoro Antioch amore raromarue Keriso-are ariböviohuro uvareje: No ae gemuëro gemuëro gaꞌiröhe no ijo bajo bövie baejëꞌe javuamu gavëꞌoho bövie tarioromo biseꞌe baejëꞌe javuamu gavëꞌoho bisemu tarioromo baro gemuoro bamoromo Christian agane Judea saꞌare raromaruohuni nugöꞌöjëhoꞌejarëjo."} {"eng": "which they also did, sending it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.", "aom": "Ëhi uvonugoromo suvuoroho gagovoromo Barnabasꞌo Saulꞌo iꞌimëmijareje jaburo niöꞌiro ujuoho vaꞌoromo Jerusalem ekaresia a duvaho jabesi övo döre bahijëhoröhego."} {"eng": "He told us how he had seen the angel standing in his house and saying to him, ‘Send to Joppa and get Simon, who is called Peter,", "aom": "Noro hesi osare vaꞌamu Cornelius-ro uövuade höjo: Na gavode höjo anerae gemuëro rueromo uevavamu: Ae rëmöꞌöjego Joppa vaꞌarëjo ae gemu Simon hesi iho göho Peter-ro rueröhe höjo."} {"eng": "who will speak to you words by which you will be saved, you and all your house.’", "aom": "Huro rueromo jöe majëhiꞌajëjo jaꞌo jasi aganohuꞌo heromo bogo sisëroho vaꞌi maro raromoꞌirarijego."} {"eng": "For they heard them speaking in other languages and magnifying God. Then Peter answered,", "aom": "Abueꞌamamu gagoro Jew raje Iesu mae uehorovëꞌi Peterꞌo rovare ariböviohuro hejare ë saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajohuro bogo hejarue huë göëro göëro atoromo God böröme hö uvavamu hegorovo tiöjëvadeje. Tiöjëvamu uehorovoromo uvareje: Asëꞌe God-ro hesi Aruꞌahoho bogo Jew rajohemu bojamuiꞌi saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajohuꞌo bojëmijade höjo. Bojëmijade höjamu Peter-ro riꞌöromo uëvadeje:"} {"eng": "As he talked with him, he went in and found many gathered together.", "aom": "Vaꞌaroho vaꞌo nëröho Caesarea amore suorovareje. Amore suorovoromo Cornelius-are osare vaꞌiaꞌamu Cornelius-ro Peter birohoromo uvadeje: Peter God vaꞌëne höromo hesi bëhire saꞌare ague aho hiromo Peter rajahijadeje. Rajahijamu gagorovo Peter-ro Cornelius banigojiomoromo uavadeje: Nadi ëhioho ëꞌi ma-riꞌöromo döro namijëjo. Na bogo God jevoꞌi ma-ae jevajëjo. Ma-ae jevajë uanugoromo huꞌo Corneliusꞌo jöe jörovobe osare vaꞌoromo Peter-ro gëvade Cornelius-are agane aemoꞌaeme ruejöro uëvadoho ae ahoꞌobëhe gagovoromo gemuore raromoromo muebejamu."} {"eng": "He saw heaven opened and a certain container descending to him, like a great sheet let down by four corners on the earth,", "aom": "Niaꞌovoꞌiraeromo gavadeje öꞌidöho arorovoꞌego niögu vaꞌëne inömo böröme veneguöruvëꞌoho hesi bëhire ruvebi raromamu."} {"eng": "in which were all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth, wild animals, reptiles, and birds of the sky.", "aom": "Raromamu gavëꞌi gavadeje saꞌare jijihaje maje gö gö sigobe jeꞌo uge rabe rabe niögu vaꞌëne inömo hesi döre jioꞌamamu."} {"eng": "When many days were fulfilled, the Jews conspired together to kill him,", "aom": "Bogo eni jioruomamu ëhiꞌojuvo majae ahoꞌobëhe barëjamu Jew rajohuro gagovoromo Saul anoꞌi atareje."} {"eng": "but their plot became known to Saul. They watched the gates both day and night that they might kill him,", "aom": "Anoꞌi atamu ë jöho heromo ae göëro Saul majahijadeje. Röhu jene vöꞌöe majae vahie Jew rajo ariböviohuro Damascus amo rejo ojore ojore atovo raromareje Saul hörö rovego anoꞌiro."} {"eng": "But Saul, still breathing threats and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu Saul-ro bogo vuonugoꞌi Badare aribövioho muoꞌamoꞌi ma-vöröëremu jövonövadeje. Ma-vöröëremu jövëꞌëro Jerusalem ajiomoromo vaꞌoromo Jew rajo priest börömoho uavadeje:"} {"eng": "and asked for letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.", "aom": "Na negajëjo jero surire jajivoromo iꞌimemego na Damascus amore ujuoho vaꞌoromo Jew rajehu God rajahijarue osare osare iꞌimëmego jaburo garomo uvoꞌiröhego: Nörö priest börömo hesi ihoro rovëꞌe höjo. Jabuhu ëhi uvëꞌoho ueꞌiramu naro gëꞌirode ae o magonahe Iesuare örire jijihamu gavëꞌoho naro guduamëvoromo Jerusalem amore vuonoröꞌö ujuoho rueꞌejöjo."} {"eng": "As they went on the way, they came to some water; and the eunuch said, “Behold, here is water. What is keeping me from being baptized?”", "aom": "Heromo örëro vaꞌihö gavare jove jiamu gagorovo rue a börömohuro Philip uavadeje: Ëhuro gavëjo jove jiego. Naehu avevejöꞌe bapataeto vaejëꞌoho na mae höjo o sisë höjo."} {"eng": "As they went on the way, they came to some water; and the eunuch said, “Behold, here is water. What is keeping me from being baptized?”", "aom": "[Mae o sisë höjamu Philip-ro uavadeje: Ja jasi dë vövöbajoꞌe ahoꞌo mae uehorovëꞌohuro bapataeto vaejëꞌoho iae mae höjo. Iae mae höjamu ruehuro uavadeje: Ioꞌajo. Iae na mae uehorovoromo uvajëjo: Iesu Keriso iae God-are Harihe höjo.]"} {"eng": "But Peter said to him, “May your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money!", "aom": "Ëhi uëvamu Peter-ro uavadeje: Jaꞌo jasi moniohuꞌo vënëro ravëvoꞌajëjo. Jero uvanuëjo: Naro monie bojamiromo ëhuro Aruꞌaho ae gö bojëmiꞌirode darugoho baeꞌejöjo. Röhu ëhi jiëꞌe darugoho hesi God-are suvuore höjo."} {"eng": "You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart isn’t right before God.", "aom": "God-are nuniroho jasi dë vövöbajoꞌoho bogo maho jioꞌego ja bogo noꞌoho havoꞌanuëjo."} {"eng": "Now when Simon saw that the Holy Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money,", "aom": "Simane öve taemëhoꞌego Aruꞌahoho baeruomamu gëgorovo Simon-ro riꞌöromo Peterꞌo Johnꞌo uëvadeje: Naro ijo baje bojëmiꞌejöjo."} {"eng": "saying, “Give me also this power, that whomever I lay my hands on may receive the Holy Spirit.”", "aom": "Ëhuni jemëro daruge bojemego naꞌo baeꞌiröjo ëhuro ae rahuare rahuare simanore öve bamego God-are Aruꞌahoho baeruomoꞌiröhe höjo."} {"eng": "Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them,", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu apostle ömoꞌöme Jerusalem raromaruohuro hejare uvavamu: Samaria rajohuro God-are jöho ejaharuëjamu hegorovo Peterꞌo Johnꞌo rëmöꞌöjëvareje Samaria vaꞌoröhego."} {"eng": "Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.", "aom": "Ëninamiromo simane öve taemëhamu God-are Aruꞌahoho baeruomadeje."} {"eng": "Saul was consenting to his death. A great persecution arose against the assembly which was in Jerusalem in that day. They were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except for the apostles.", "aom": "Stephen guomamu gagorovo Saul-ro uvadeje: Stephen anaroho iae mae höjo. Ëhiꞌamu evare majare aëro aevoromo ekaresiae Jerusalem raromaruoho mu sisë bëhe vaejëvonövareje. Vaejëvamu Iesuare aribövioho ahoꞌobëhe Jerusalem jioromo huruomoromo adovoromo vaꞌo Judea saꞌare Samaria saꞌare diröꞌe göro göro raromobe vaꞌareje. Apostle ömoꞌömohuremu ëhi ë Jerusalem raromareje."} {"eng": "Devout men buried Stephen and lamented greatly over him.", "aom": "Amo God uehorovarue a ioroꞌiorohuro Stephen-are jöëni darugoꞌo nierusuburuꞌe bamoromo hesi sinoho guavareje."} {"eng": "But Saul ravaged the assembly, entering into every house and dragged both men and women off to prison.", "aom": "Guavamu Saul-ro ekaresiae ahoꞌobëhe ijumëvoꞌi ëꞌonövadeje. Ijumëvoꞌirögoro osare osare vaꞌoromo Iesuare aho magonahoho guduamoꞌamoromo ruho ujuoho rueromo savoji gagore ioꞌamonövadeje."} {"eng": "‘heaven is my throne, and the earth a footstool for my feet. What kind of house will you build me?’ says the Lord. ‘Or what is the place of my rest?", "aom": "Badaro uvavohijajo: Na hijajoho öꞌidöre höjo. Höroho saꞌare bamaje höjo. Ëhi jiëꞌoho diehi jiëꞌe javue nanioho vaerëjo. Nuhoꞌirode osaho dinöꞌe avohorëjo."} {"eng": "Didn’t my hand make all these things?’", "aom": "Jemë bogo eni jëvoꞌajëjo naro nasi övëro ave inömoho ahoꞌobëhe bamëꞌëro jevëꞌëro. God-are surire ëhi jajivëꞌe höjo."} {"eng": "He said, “Brothers and fathers, listen. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran,", "aom": "Mae o sareri jöe höjamu hegorovo Stephen-ro uëvadeje: A duvahohuꞌo agano ioroꞌiorohuꞌo naehu jö harihu majëhiꞌiëꞌajoho hehëjo. Urimëꞌi God-ro nosi hije Abraham-are nunire rovade höjo. Uꞌemu Abraham-ro Haran saꞌare vaꞌiröhëro ë hesi urimo Mesopotamia saꞌare hijamu evare God ajiꞌere hijaje ahuro hesi örire rovade höjo."} {"eng": "and said to him, ‘Get out of your land and away from your relatives, and come into a land which I will show you.’", "aom": "Rueromo uavade höjo: Jasi aganoho saꞌaho vuonugoꞌi naehu röjahiꞌirode saꞌahuro ëhuro vaꞌonëjo."} {"eng": "Then he came out of the land of the Chaldaeans and lived in Haran. From there, when his father was dead, God moved him into this land where you are now living.", "aom": "Ëhi uavamu hegorovo Chaldea saꞌaho vuonugoꞌi Haran saꞌare vaꞌoromo ë hijade höjo. Hiromo hesi vavuoho guomamugo God-ro uavamu ave jemëhu raromaruje saꞌare ro hijade höjo."} {"eng": "Ananias, hearing these words, fell down and died. Great fear came on all who heard these things.", "aom": "Jöho ëhi majahijamu hejëꞌi Ananias saꞌare beromo guomadeje. Guomamu ae ahoꞌobëhe ë jöho hegorovo sisë maro juhuonivareje."} {"eng": "The young men arose and wrapped him up, and they carried him out and buried him.", "aom": "Amo guomamu a iꞌo ömoꞌömohuro rueromo sinoho niögëro numoromo bavaꞌoromo guavareje."} {"eng": "For neither was there among them any who lacked, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold,", "aom": "Ruahöꞌöjëvoꞌego Iesuare aribövioho ahoꞌobëhe i runoꞌe bövie biseꞌe eni jëvonövadeje. Ëhesi bëhoho ae rahu saꞌae o javue ma-jioꞌamëꞌoho imoꞌamoromo monioho ujuohoromo rueromo"} {"eng": "and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and distribution was made to each, according as anyone had need.", "aom": "apostle jabesi övore bahinövareje. Bahiꞌego apostle-ho jaburo ganövare Iesuare ae gö gö rabe bogojiamu gavëꞌoho suvuorëminövareje."} {"eng": "When they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding no way to punish them, because of the people; for everyone glorified God for that which was done.", "aom": "Ëhi uëvamu rue Jew rajo a masijohuro Peterꞌo Johnꞌo iꞌu bojëmiꞌibejaroho röhu uvareje: Höru sisëꞌe aho marëjamu gavëꞌëro ae ahoꞌobëhe God rajahiruomajëromo iꞌu bojëmiꞌiröhe öroho bogo birohogoro vuonugoꞌi jöe göꞌo darugo maꞌe majëhiromo jiovo rëmöꞌöjëvamu vaꞌareje."} {"eng": "For the man on whom this miracle of healing was performed was more than forty years old.", "aom": "Amo ae ahoꞌo God rajahijare hesi bëhoho ë höru sisëꞌe aehu hijade hesi vadunoho ahoꞌo 40 ëminoꞌe iosiramiromo ruëhi jiëꞌëro bogo marë hesi jiadoho röhu Peterꞌo Johnꞌo Iesuare daruge baeromo ajamamu marëjadeje."} {"eng": "being upset because they taught the people and proclaimed in Jesus the resurrection from the dead.", "aom": "Peterꞌo Johnꞌo jaburo jöho ëhi majëhijamu hejëꞌi Jew rajo a masijohuro rueruomadeje. Priest ömoꞌömohuro God-are amo börömo atovarue jabesi a böviohuro Sadducee ömoꞌömohuro ëho jaburo hejare Peterꞌo Johnꞌo ae uëvamu: Iesu guomoromo riꞌöjëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro vuovarue ae ahoꞌobëhe noꞌo riꞌöꞌejarë uëvamu hegorovo uvareje: Jö sisë ae majëhijaruëromo dë vörönëgamu rovareje."} {"eng": "and that he may send Christ Jesus, who was ordained for you before,", "aom": "Ëhi ëꞌëꞌoho Badaro jemesi aruꞌahoho biririvëhoꞌajëjo. Biririvëhoromo Iesu nugöꞌöꞌiramu jemëni rueꞌaꞌajëjo. Iesu böröme namiromo ajëmiꞌiröhe aho ë aho God-ro jemesi jöëni baejade höjo."} {"eng": "whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God spoke long ago by the mouth of his holy prophets.", "aom": "Baejëꞌëro huro öꞌidöre hijuvo hujeji God-ro saꞌae bövie biseꞌe röhu maho iꞌe avohoꞌiramu evare rueꞌaꞌajëjo. Ëhi jiëꞌe jöho mami göꞌe nugöꞌöjamu jö hesiro baeromo majëhinövare aribövi mahuro surire jajivobe rovare höjo."} {"eng": "The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Servant Jesus, whom you delivered up and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he had determined to release him.", "aom": "Aꞌi hu marëjade hesi bëhoho aviëhi höjo. God-hu Abraham Isaac Jacob nosi hijo mionoꞌo ioroꞌioro muebeꞌamadohuro hesi mu vaejaje aho Iesuare ihoho döro nigemahade höjo. Ëaho jemëro guduamoromo a masijo jabesi övore bojëmijarije höjo baeromo sisë vaeröhego. Bojëmiromo hejarije Pilate-ro uvavamu: Ëꞌego naro Iesu jiovo nugöꞌöꞌirö uvamu hegorovo jemëro Pilate-are nunire Iesu bijönimarije höjo."} {"eng": "But you denied the Holy and Righteous One and asked for a murderer to be granted to you,", "aom": "Iesu hu God gemu uehorovoromo mu maemu vaenövade höjo röhu jemëro hu bijönimoromo Pilate uavarije höjo huro a muoꞌamaje aho jemëni jiovo nugöꞌöjëhego vaꞌiröhego."} {"eng": "Peter and John were going up into the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.", "aom": "Majae sanuovamu Jew rajehu pari vaejarue majare Peterꞌo Johnꞌo jaburo niöꞌiro ruhe God-are amo börömore höröꞌi ajiomareje."} {"eng": "A certain man who was lame from his mother’s womb was being carried, whom they laid daily at the door of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask gifts for the needy of those who entered into the temple.", "aom": "Ajiomoromo amo börömo hesi rejo ojo bëhire rovareje. Ëojo hesi iho jumuvaroho Ojo Mabëheje. Rueꞌi gavareje ae gemu ë hijamu mamiꞌe höru sisëꞌe ëhi rahëꞌe jiëꞌëro. Höru sisëꞌego majae ëhi hesi ariböviohuro barueromo ojo bëhire ë bamonövareje. Ojo bëhire bamoꞌego ae gö gö osa börömore vaꞌiëꞌiroho jaburo hu ijo baje bojamijöro ëninëminövadeje."} {"eng": "Seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked to receive gifts for the needy.", "aom": "Ëhi ëꞌojuvo hiromo gavade Peterꞌo Johnꞌo jabuꞌo osare rovaꞌiaꞌamu gëgorovo ëninëmadeje."} {"eng": "Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.", "aom": "Diehiꞌoꞌejarëjamu Peter-ro uëvadeje: Jemë ae gemu gemu uehoro sisëho vuonugoꞌi uehoro mae baeromo Iesu Keriso-are ihoro bapataeto vaejego God-ro jemesi sisëho uehorovoromo vuonugoꞌirajo ëhuro God-ro hesi Aruꞌahoho suvuore mëmego baeꞌirarije höjo."} {"eng": "For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are far off, even as many as the Lord our God will call to himself.”", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho God-ro hesi Aruꞌahoho jemëꞌo jemesi aboji harihuꞌohuꞌo mëmiꞌi uvade höjo. Ae dinöꞌe dinöꞌe raromoromo nosi Bada God-hu uvamu ejahëꞌoho hesi Aruꞌahoho mëmiꞌi uvade höjo."} {"eng": "For David says concerning him, ‘I saw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved.", "aom": "Ëhi riꞌöꞌiröhe jöho urimëꞌi David-ro God-are surire jajivoromo uvëꞌe höjo: Naro gavode höjo Badaro naꞌo gemu mae juvoꞌi hijamu. Huro nasi bëhire juvoꞌego na bogo juhuonivoꞌejöjo."} {"eng": "Therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced. Moreover my flesh also will dwell in hope,", "aom": "Ëhuro dë vövöbajoꞌoho sasohevaje höjo. O bitarohuro nimorohëꞌi jöe jövaje höjo. Iae nasi sino hahoꞌoho guomo hesi höjo. Röhu na mae hiromo muebeꞌejöjo hujeji God-ro ajemiꞌiröhego."} {"eng": "because you will not leave my soul in Hades, neither will you allow your Holy One to see decay.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho guomevoꞌiramu vuovoromo raromaruiroho God ja nasi aruꞌahoho ëho bogo nugehoꞌiramu bogo ioroꞌioremuoho ëho hiꞌaꞌajëjo. Na jasi aëro jevëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro jero ajemiꞌiramu nasi sinoho bogo sagohorijevoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "You made known to me the ways of life. You will make me full of gladness with your presence.’", "aom": "Naehu hiemu hiꞌirode öroho jero röjehijëꞌe javajëjo. Jero naꞌo gemu mae juvoꞌego ëhuro na nimorohevo avohoꞌajëjo. Iesuhu ëhi ëꞌiröhe jöho David-ro jajivade höjo."} {"eng": "“Men of Israel, hear these words! Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved by God to you by mighty works and wonders and signs which God did by him among you, even as you yourselves know,", "aom": "Röhu Israel rajomë ave jöho hehëjo. Naro Nazareth raje Iesuare jöho majëhiꞌiëꞌajëjo. God-ro Iesu ajamijamu bogo gavarue darugoꞌe muoho vaeꞌamade höjo ëhuro jemëro tiöromo ma-samaꞌe uvoꞌirarijego: Iesu bogo ëma rueꞌi God-ro nugöꞌöjamu rovade höjo. Ëmuoho jemesirire vaejëꞌëro jemëꞌo iae gavaruje höjo."} {"eng": "him, being delivered up by the determined counsel and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by the hand of lawless men, crucified and killed;", "aom": "Ëaho jemesi övore rovade höjo God-ro ëhi nimoromo uvëꞌëro. Jemesi övore rovamu jemëro baeromo sisë aribövioho uëvamu korosire anare höjo. Jemesi sisë höjo."} {"eng": "I will show wonders in the sky above, and signs on the earth beneath: blood, and fire, and billows of smoke.", "aom": "Öꞌidöre vöröꞌe muoho vaeꞌejöjo. Saꞌare darugoꞌe muoho ömoꞌejöjo. Saꞌare ömoꞌiramu köemu jioromo vëne ravoromo uꞌe ajiomoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes.", "aom": "Öꞌidöre vaeꞌiramu majaho ramoramovoromo manaeroho köꞌe jioꞌaꞌajëjo. Badare ajiꞌe maja börömo rueröhe ë hesi urimo ëho jioꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "It will be that whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.’", "aom": "Evare ae rahu Badani uvëꞌoho maro jëvoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and people from Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia,", "aom": "No Parthia saꞌa raje javuajëjo. Media raje Elam raje Mesopotamia raje Judea raje Cappadocia raje Pontus raje Asia raje"} {"eng": "Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, the parts of Libya around Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes,", "aom": "Phrygia raje Pamphylia raje Egypt raje javuajëjo. Cyrene amo bëhire Libya saꞌa raje javuajëjo. Rome amo raje javuajëjo."} {"eng": "Cretans and Arabians—we hear them speaking in our languages the mighty works of God!”", "aom": "Rome amo rajo a ioroꞌioroho Jew rajo ae javuajëjo. A ioroꞌioroho bogo Jew aehu javuoꞌi röhu Jew rajo jabesi muoho noro ijonö baejëꞌe javuajëjo. Crete saꞌa raje javuajëjo. Arabia saꞌa raje javuajëjo. No saꞌae gö gö ëhi javuajëjo. Röhu no ae ahoꞌobëhe hebe rovaruëjo God-hu mu masije gö gö ëꞌade jöho ë aribövioho jaburo ae gemu gemu nosi jöëro atavavoꞌego."} {"eng": "They prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know the hearts of all men, show which one of these two you have chosen", "aom": "Ëae niöꞌi jabesi ihoho uvonugoromo God-are örire ëninamiromo uavareje: Bada ae ahoꞌobëhe nosi dë vövöbajoꞌoho jero gövuanue höjo. Ëhuni ae niöꞌi röhu di aho gemu nimanuoho jero röjahuijego no baeꞌirarëjo"} {"eng": "to take part in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas fell away, that he might go to his own place.”", "aom": "ëhuro hu Judas-are sionoho baeromo apostle muoho vaeꞌiröhe höjo. Ëhesi bëhoho urimëꞌi Judas apostle jiëꞌëro röhu muoho vuonugoꞌi guomoromo hesi röho sisëre vaꞌade höjo."} {"eng": "beginning from the baptism of John to the day that he was received up from us, of these one must become a witness with us of his resurrection.”", "aom": "Ëhi uvëꞌego na negajëjo ae gemuëro Judas-are sionoho baeromo noꞌo gemu mae juvoromo Bada Iesu riꞌöjëꞌëro hijamu nunehu gavade jöho ae majëhinövoröhego. Na negajëjo Iesuhu noꞌo hibe juvoꞌego John-hu bapataeto mu vaejamu aevoꞌi noꞌo hibe ruejuvo Iesu öꞌidöre ajiomamu ëhi hiemu hibe rovade ëhi jiëꞌe ae jioꞌiröhego."} {"eng": "“Brothers, it was necessary that this Scripture should be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who was guide to those who took Jesus.", "aom": "Ö muenoꞌohumë Judas-hu ëꞌade jöho God-are surire jajivarëhi öre gö bogojiëꞌëro iae ëhi jiade höjo. Urimëꞌi God-are Aruꞌahohuro David uavamu Judas-hu majae ijonö vaeröhe jöho jajivade höjo. Judas hu aehu Iesu guduamojöro öri röjëhijade ae jiade höjo."} {"eng": "For he was counted with us, and received his portion in this ministry.", "aom": "Hu noꞌo gemu mae hi juvonövade höjo. Huro noꞌo bimuvoromo mue gemu vaeröhego ëhuni Iesuro hu baejade höjo."} {"eng": "When he had said these things, as they were looking, he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight.", "aom": "Ëhi uëvamu hegoro gavareje hu öꞌidöre ajiomamu God-ro uavëꞌëro. Ajiomamu suëro riogivëꞌëro hu bogo gavareje."} {"eng": "While they were looking steadfastly into the sky as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white clothing,", "aom": "Röhu ajiomamu bogo gavëꞌe öꞌidöho ëma ërimahamu gavëꞌi ae niöꞌi ajivëꞌe niögu ioꞌamëꞌoho jaburo ma-majioho rueromo bëhire rirarovareje."} {"eng": "until the day in which he was received up, after he had given commandment through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen.", "aom": "O asëꞌe Theophilus ave jöho naro jajivoꞌiëꞌe. Urimëꞌi Iesuhu mue rabe rabe vaejade jöho naro jajivo barëjamu ja adahaneje. Huro muoho aevoꞌi vaenugoromo mue vaebe jöe röjëhibe ëhiꞌobe ruejuvo God-ro uavamu öꞌidöre ajiomadeje. Urimore jöho na ëhi jajivodeje. Röhu Iesuro öꞌidöre ajiomoꞌirögoro God-are Aruꞌaho hesi darugohuro jögoroho apostle ömoꞌömoho bojëmijadeje jabumë mamiꞌe hesi baejëvëꞌëro."} {"eng": "Therefore Peter and the other disciple went out, and they went toward the tomb.", "aom": "Dadivavuajëjamu gagorovo Peterꞌo Iesuare ijorajo göhuꞌo riꞌöromo Iesu bamarire vaꞌareje."} {"eng": "They both ran together. The other disciple outran Peter and came to the tomb first.", "aom": "Jaburo niöꞌiro tutuvo vaꞌoromo ijorajo göhuro Peter iosiramiromo munë bëhire urimo rovadeje."} {"eng": "For these things happened that the Scripture might be fulfilled, “A bone of him will not be broken.”", "aom": "Röhu Iesuare höru bogo ahahare hesi bëhoho mamiꞌe diehi ëꞌiröhego God-are surire jö jajivadëhi ëhi jioröhego. Jöho jajivoromo ëhi uvëꞌeje: Hesi ijoꞌahe gemu vaduꞌoho bogo ahöꞌöjahoꞌaruëjo."} {"eng": "Again another Scripture says, “They will look on him whom they pierced.”", "aom": "O Iesuare ionire bijiohade hesi bëhoho mamiꞌe God-are surire jö göho jajivoromo ëhi uvëꞌeje: Bijëro bijiohoromo ë aho nunëro garuomoꞌajëjo. Diehi ëꞌiröhego God-are surire jajivadëhi iae ëhi bijiohadeje."} {"eng": "After this, Jesus, seeing that all things were now finished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I am thirsty!”", "aom": "Ëhi ëꞌëꞌëro Iesuro garomo uvadeje: God-hu nimade muoho mamiꞌe barëjëꞌe höjo. Mamiꞌe barëjëꞌe höromo diehi ëꞌiröhego God-are surire jö jajivadëhi ëhi ëꞌi nimamu uvadeje: Na jove iꞌi negajëjo."} {"eng": "Now a vessel full of vinegar was set there; so they put a sponge full of the vinegar on hyssop, and held it at his mouth.", "aom": "Jove iꞌi negajëjamu ramaho roriae jiadeje. Niogaꞌiꞌe wine jovëro ë ramaho irijiomëꞌe jiadeje. Ëhi jiamu aëro uꞌuhëꞌe inömoho jovore baꞌamonugoromo rumorovamu ioromo ijaho viture bijiohonugoromo nigemoromo hirore bamahadeje."} {"eng": "Simon Peter followed Jesus, as did another disciple. Now that disciple was known to the high priest, and entered in with Jesus into the court of the high priest;", "aom": "Huꞌirae bavaꞌamu Simon Peterꞌo ijoraje göꞌo jaburo niöꞌiro Iesu rihiromareje. Rihiromoromo priest börömo hesi amo rejo iromare ojore rovareje. Rueromo göhuro Iesuhu vaꞌajire ë vaꞌadeje priest börömoho ë aho mamiꞌe gavajego. Huro ë vaꞌi Peter-ro rejo ojore viëhi amonö namijadeje."} {"eng": "but Peter was standing at the door outside. So the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, went out and spoke to her who kept the door, and brought in Peter.", "aom": "Ojore viëhi amonö namijamu Iesuare ijorajo göho priest börömehu gavaje ahuro sionëro ojore rueromo ojo muebejaje magonahoho uanugoromo Peter ojore namijajoho osanö huꞌirae bavaꞌadeje."} {"eng": "Some of his disciples therefore said to one another, “What is this that he says to us, ‘A little while, and you won’t see me, and again a little while, and you will see me;’ and, ‘Because I go to the Father’?”", "aom": "Geꞌaꞌarujëjamu hegorovo hesi ijorajo ioroꞌiorohuro uarovareje: Iesuro no uövuajëjo: Majae ma-bunemu barëꞌiramu bogo geromo röhu majae ma-bunemu barëꞌiramu geꞌaꞌarujëjo. Hu diehi uöromo jövajëjo. O uövuajëjo: Na bogo geꞌirarije hesi bëhoho na Vavu hesi örire vaꞌiëꞌajëjo. Ëhuꞌo hu diehi uöromo ëꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "They said therefore, “What is this that he says, ‘A little while’? We don’t know what he is saying.”", "aom": "Majae ma-bunemu uvaje jö bëhoho rabe höjo. Hu rabu jö jövajoho no dadivavuajëjo."} {"eng": "I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.", "aom": "Öꞌi bëhoho na jevoꞌi jemë ado sirinoꞌoho jëvajëjo. Ae rahu naꞌo gemuore bimuvoromo raromoꞌi naehu jemëꞌo gemuore bimuvoromo hijëꞌohuro ëhuro rae avohoꞌarujëjo. O naꞌo gemuore bogo bimuvëꞌoho iꞌo muꞌo vaejëꞌoho bogo mae bogo eni jëvoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "If a man doesn’t remain in me, he is thrown out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them, throw them into the fire, and they are burned.", "aom": "Ae rahu naꞌo bogo gemuore bimuvoromo raromëꞌoho ado suaromo ruruhöꞌöjego sisërëjajëhi ëhi jëvoꞌajëjo. Ëhi jiëꞌe adoho gagovoromo vënire huego ravoꞌamaje höjo."} {"eng": "If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it will be done for you.", "aom": "Röhu jemë naꞌo gemuore bimuvoromo raromëꞌoho o nasi jö jemesi dë vövöbajoꞌere jiëꞌoho ëhuro jemë rabe rabe God ua gaꞌi nëgëꞌoho uarëjo. Ua gavëꞌoho iae baeꞌaꞌarujëjo."} {"eng": "“In this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; and so you will be my disciples.", "aom": "Jemë bajo rae avohëꞌohuro ëhuro nasi Vavu hesi ihoho döro jiaje höjo. O bajo rae avohëꞌohuro ëhuro nasi ijore ijore jijiharuje aribövi mae jëvoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "Now before the feast of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that his time had come that he would depart from this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.", "aom": "Iae God-hu Vörö Tugohade Sörö majaho nërëhi jio hesi jiadeje. Nërëhi jio hesi jiamu Iesuro garomo uvadeje: Naehu saꞌa nugoꞌi Vavu hesi örire vaꞌirode majaho iae rovëꞌe höjo. Röhu hesi aribövi maho ave saꞌare raromaruoho mamiꞌe dë vövöbajoꞌe ahoꞌo uehorovëvobe rovadoho bogo vuonugoꞌi uehorovëvobe vaꞌadeje ëhi ma-guomoröhego."} {"eng": "During supper, the devil having already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him,", "aom": "Iae Satan-ro mamiꞌe Simon Iscariot-are harihe Judas-are simanoho ijumahadeje huro Iesu bijönimarue a jabesi övore bojëmiꞌiröhego. Ëhi jiëꞌëro Iesuꞌo hesi ijorajoho jabuꞌo raromoromo i harihe ueꞌahareje."} {"eng": "Now is the judgment of this world. Now the prince of this world will be cast out.", "aom": "Jaruvoho ave saꞌare mu sisë vaeruomaje aribövioho God-ro mevëvoꞌirögoro ëꞌajëjo. Jaruvoho ave saꞌare mu sisë simano vaejaje aho God-ro ruahöꞌöꞌirögoro ëꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”", "aom": "Na saꞌare jevajoho aehu banigojiomevëꞌoho evare naro ae ahoꞌobëhe rinëgoꞌiramu nasinö rueruomoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "But he said this, signifying by what kind of death he should die.", "aom": "Aehu hu banigojiomoꞌiröhe jö majëhijadoho huro uëromo ëꞌadeje: Aëro ëhi korosire banigojiomevoꞌiramu guomoꞌejöjo."} {"eng": "Jesus, having found a young donkey, sat on it. As it is written,", "aom": "Ëhi uvoruomamu Iesuro donkey harihe baeromo hesi döre ajio hijadeje. Donkey döre hijego Jerusalem amo rajehu garuomoꞌiröhe jöho mamiꞌe God-are surire jajivoromo uvëꞌeje:"} {"eng": "“Don’t be afraid, daughter of Zion. Behold, your King comes, sitting on a donkey’s colt.”", "aom": "Zion rajomë nadi juhuonivoꞌi arueho gahëjo. Jemesi börömohuro donkey harihu döre hiromo rovajëjo. Ëhi jajivëꞌeje. Röhu mamiꞌe God-are surire jajivadëhi Iesuro ëhi ëꞌadeje."} {"eng": "But the chief priests conspired to put Lazarus to death also,", "aom": "Lazarus gaꞌi rueruomaje jöho hegoro priest masijohuro jöe mevoromo uarovareje: Ëꞌego Lazarusꞌo anoꞌirarëjo."} {"eng": "because on account of him many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus.", "aom": "Lazarus anoꞌi atare hesi bëhoho Jew raje ae ahoꞌobëhe uvareje: Iesuro Lazarus mabëhe ajamijade höromo priest masijo jabesi jöho vuonugoꞌi Iesu mae uehorovareje. Ëhuni anoꞌi atareje."} {"eng": "Then they sought for Jesus and spoke with one another as they stood in the temple, “What do you think—that he isn’t coming to the feast at all?”", "aom": "Iojiomoromo Iesu nahoromo God-are amo börömore gagovoromo uarovareje: Jemë diehi uehorovarujëjo. Na jemë uehorovarujoho Iesu sörö börömoroho rueꞌaꞌajëjo o bogajo. Nani bogajo."} {"eng": "Now the chief priests and the Pharisees had commanded that if anyone knew where he was, he should report it, that they might seize him.", "aom": "Röhu mamiꞌe priest masijohuro Pharisee ömoꞌömohuro ae ahoꞌobëhe jöe bojëmiromo uëvareje: Iesu dinöꞌe hijajoho ae rahu gavëꞌoho ro huruoho majahuirego no heromo vaꞌoromo hu guduamoꞌirarëjo."} {"eng": "Then the Jews who were with her in the house and were consoling her, when they saw Mary, that she rose up quickly and went out, followed her, saying, “She is going to the tomb to weep there.”", "aom": "Ma-burëro riꞌöromo Iesu birohoꞌi vaꞌamu gagorovo Jew raje Maryꞌo osare raromoromo sanuamijarohuro uvareje: Nani Lazarus-are sino bamarire nivoꞌi vaꞌajëromo rihiromareje. Rihiromamu Iesuro amo maroho bogo rueꞌi Martha-hu birohadire ë hijëꞌëro Mary-ro ë birohoꞌi rovadeje."} {"eng": "Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will still live, even if he dies.", "aom": "Riꞌöꞌaꞌajëjamu Iesuro uavadeje: Vuovoromo iꞌovoromo riꞌöromo mae raromoꞌirarije darugo hesi bëhoho na jevajëjo. Ëhuꞌëro ae rahu nasi örire mae uehorovevëꞌohuro daruge baeromo mae raromoꞌaruëjo. Nani vuovoꞌajëjo röhu iae iꞌovëvoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "Whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”", "aom": "Ae rahu iꞌovoromo raromoromo nasi örire ma uehorovevëꞌoho bogo sisëroho vaꞌi mae raromemu raromoꞌaruëjo. Na ja ë jöho mae uehorovanuëjo."} {"eng": "Now Jesus had spoken of his death, but they thought that he spoke of taking rest in sleep.", "aom": "Ioꞌejöjamu hesi ijorajoho jaburo uvareje: Nani Iesuro uöromo ëꞌajëjo: Lazarus ma-niavajë uövuajëromo uavareje: Bada hu niavëꞌoho iae marëꞌajëjo. Röhu Iesu bogo ëhioho uëꞌi aꞌi uëromo ëꞌadeje: Lazarus hu guomëꞌe höjo."} {"eng": "Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus from Bethany, of the village of Mary and her sister, Martha.", "aom": "Iae guomo guomoꞌe ae gemu hesi ihoho Lazarus Bethany amore hijadeje. Röhu hesi maꞌine niöꞌi Maryꞌo Marthaꞌo jabesi amoho gemuoho jiadeje."} {"eng": "It was that Mary who had anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.", "aom": "Röhu Mary hu majae ijonö hiromo Badare hörure ridiꞌe jovehu otehodivoromo simano uehu uhijahoꞌiröhe magonahoho jiadeje. Amo ë magonaho hesi maꞌine Lazarus-ro guomo guome baeromo hijadeje."} {"eng": "If I don’t do the works of my Father, don’t believe me.", "aom": "Röhu nasi Vavuehu bojemade muoho na na vaejaje höjo o bogo vaejaje höjo. Bogo vaejaje jevamu gavëꞌoho nadi maho uehorovevorëjo."} {"eng": "But if I do them, though you don’t believe me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.”", "aom": "Röhu Vavuehu bojemade muohuremu iae na vaejaje höjo. Nani jemëro na bogo ma uehorovevoꞌarujëjo röhu nasi muoho ëhuro garomo uvorëjo: Iae mae-ëjo. Vavuohuro ajamamu vaejade höjo. Jemë ëhi uehorovëꞌoho ëhuro avoho ga barëromo uvoꞌaꞌarujëjo: Vavuohuro nasi dë vövöbajoꞌere jioꞌi naro Vavu hesi dë vövöbajoꞌere jiaje höjo."} {"eng": "He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who doesn’t own the sheep, sees the wolf coming, leaves the sheep, and flees. The wolf snatches the sheep and scatters them.", "aom": "O ma-moniemu nimoromo ae gö hesi sheep muebejahaje aho ëho bogo sheep jabesi vavuoho jioꞌi ma-muebeꞌamajëro jiëꞌëro gaꞌiröhe vöröꞌe mioho rovamu gavëꞌiroho sheep-oho rëmöꞌöromo juꞌebiromo vaꞌaje höjo. Juꞌebiromo vaꞌego miohuro ro sheep-oho umi ujuoho vaꞌego sheep ioroꞌiorohuro huruomoromo arua anumiae vaꞌaje höjo."} {"eng": "The hired hand flees because he is a hired hand and doesn’t care for the sheep.", "aom": "Amo a hesi sheep muebejahajohuro moniemu nimëꞌëro sheep-oho bogo huëho baejëvaje höjo. Ëhuꞌëro huruomaje höjo."} {"eng": "All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep didn’t listen to them.", "aom": "Urimo rueruomade aribövioho ananoꞌe vajiohuꞌe a vaꞌëne jëvobe rovadoho nasi sheep mahuro jabumë bogo ejëhare höjo."} {"eng": "I am the door. If anyone enters in by me, he will be saved, and will go in and go out and will find pasture.", "aom": "Na ojo vaꞌëne jevajëjo. Ae rahu nasirire ruaho rovëꞌoho maro jioruomoꞌajëjo. Maro jioromo ruaho rueromo osare jioromo ruaho vaꞌoromo vaꞌorahonö ioho birohoromo ueꞌahoꞌaruëjo. Ëhi gemu ëꞌonövoꞌaruëjo."} {"eng": "The thief only comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.", "aom": "Röhu ananoꞌe vajiohuꞌe ahuro rueruomaje höjo vajiohëro ujuohoꞌi bijuëmoꞌi ijumoꞌamoꞌirovo. Naro rovode höjo nasi sheep ömoꞌömohuro iꞌovoromo ma-maro raromoröhego."} {"eng": "“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.", "aom": "Sheep muebeꞌamaje a maho na jevajëjo. Sheep muebejaje a mahuro uvaje höjo: Naehu sheep jabesi jöëni nasi arijoꞌarije bojamirovoromo guomorovëꞌoho iae mae höjo."} {"eng": "“Most certainly, I tell you, one who doesn’t enter by the door into the sheep fold, but climbs up some other way, is a thief and a robber.", "aom": "Iae Iesuro uhuꞌe uëvadeje: Ave jöho na jö mae uëꞌiëꞌajëjo. Ae rahu sheep jabesi amore vaꞌiëꞌiroho bogo ojoroho vaꞌi buoru iromaroho ruahoromo vaꞌamu gavëꞌoho uvoꞌaꞌanuëjo: Ëhi jiëꞌe aho ananoꞌe vajiohuꞌe ae höjo."} {"eng": "But one who enters in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.", "aom": "O ae rahu ojore vaꞌamu gavëꞌoho uvoꞌaꞌanuëjo: Ëho sheep muebeꞌamaje aho höjo."} {"eng": "The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.", "aom": "Sheep muebeꞌamaje aho sheep amore vaꞌiaꞌamu gavëꞌiroho ojo muebejaje ahuro ojoho jiovahego ë vaꞌaje höjo. O sheep-ohuro hesi huëho heruomaje höjo. Hejego hesi sheep gemu gemu hesi ihoho uvoromo sö ujuohoromo vaꞌo amonö höröjaje höjo."} {"eng": "Whenever he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.", "aom": "Sö ujuoho vaꞌo barënugoromo evare jabesi nuninö vaꞌego sheep-ohuro ijore vaꞌoruomaje höjo hesi huëho heruomajëro jiëꞌëro."} {"eng": "His parents answered them, “We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind;", "aom": "Mae uherihajëjamu rue vëmu vavuꞌohuro uëvareje: No gavaruoho ave aho iae hu nosi harihe höjo. No hu baejarevare evare aevoromo nuni sisëꞌe jiade höjo. Ëjöho iae no gavaruëjo."} {"eng": "but how he now sees, we don’t know; or who opened his eyes, we don’t know. He is of age. Ask him. He will speak for himself.”", "aom": "Röhu rahuhu diehi ajamamu nuni dadovadoho no bogo gavëꞌe javuajëjo. Jueꞌio ua garego huro hesi jöꞌëro majëhiꞌirajo hu bövie jiaje."} {"eng": "His parents said these things because they feared the Jews; for the Jews had already agreed that if any man would confess him as Christ, he would be put out of the synagogue.", "aom": "Röhu vëmu vavuꞌehu ë jö uëvare hesi bëhoho jaburo ë Jew rajo masijoho juhuonëmijareje. Urimëꞌi ë a masijohuro jöe mevoromo ae ahoꞌobëhe uëvareje: Ae rahu huruoho majahuiromo uövuëꞌoho: Böröme namiromo ajamuijaje aho Iesu hö uövuëꞌoho ëhi jiëꞌe aribövioho noro ahëvoꞌiramu ijonöho nosi osa börömoroho bogo rueromo God rajahinövoꞌaruëjo. Ëjöho uehorovoromo vëmu vavuꞌohuro juhuonëmijareje."} {"eng": "Therefore his parents said, “He is of age. Ask him.”", "aom": "Juhuonëmiromo ëhuni uëvareje: Ëaho bövie jiaje ëhuni jemëro hu ua garëjo."} {"eng": "I must work the works of him who sent me while it is day. The night is coming, when no one can work.", "aom": "Aji maja jiajevare evare saꞌare remöꞌöjade aehu nimaje muoho no vaenövoꞌejarëjo. Vahiromavuoꞌiëꞌajëjo. Evaroho aehu mu vaeꞌiröhoho bogo eni jioꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”", "aom": "Na ave saꞌare hijajevare evare na ajoho jevëꞌëro saꞌae ahoꞌobëhe ajivëvaje höjo."} {"eng": "The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman taken in adultery. Having set her in the middle,", "aom": "Jöho röjëhijamu gagorovo Moses-are jögoru öri röjëhijarue ariböviohuꞌo Pharisee ömoꞌömohuꞌo ëho jaburo masuvëꞌe magonahe gemu huꞌirae baeromo rovareje mamiꞌe ë magonahohuro ae göꞌo niavamu aëro garomo guduamëꞌëro. Huꞌirae barueromo ae ahoꞌobëhe jabesi nunire nugareje."} {"eng": "they told him, “Teacher, we found this woman in adultery, in the very act.", "aom": "Nunire nugoromo Iesu uavareje: Tisa ave magonahohuro ae göꞌo niavamu aëro gavare höjo."} {"eng": "Now in our law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. What then do you say about her?”", "aom": "Röhu mamiꞌe Moses-ro jögoroho jajivoromo uövuade höjo ëhi jiëꞌe magonahoho munëro vajamiꞌiröhego. Röhu ja diehi uehorovanuëjo."} {"eng": "They said this testing him, that they might have something to accuse him of. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with his finger.", "aom": "Ëhi uavare hesi bëhoho jabumë nimareje Iesuro jöe sisëꞌi jövego jöho jaburo court-re huruoho majëhiꞌiröhëro. Ëhuni ëhi uavareje. Ëhi uavamu hegorovo Iesuro jöho bogo uëvëꞌe ma-uruhoꞌamoromo övo namëro saꞌare jajivadeje."} {"eng": "Everyone went to his own house,", "aom": "Ëhi uëvamu sivoromo uavareje: Sareri ae javajëjo. Na ja Iesuare saꞌae gemuoho Galilee rajëro javëꞌëro ëhuni ja hesi öroho avohanuëjo. Röhu jaꞌo God-are surire jöho avoho adahoromo ganëjo jö God-aro baeromo majahuijarue aehu Galilee saꞌare jioromo rueröhe jöho bogojiajoho."} {"eng": "Jesus answered them, “I did one work and you all marvel because of it.", "aom": "Uvanuëjamu Iesuro uëvadeje: Naro mue gemu vaejamu jemë ae ahoꞌobëhe tiöromo uehore gö gö baejëꞌe jëvajëjo."} {"eng": "Moses has given you circumcision (not that it is of Moses, but of the fathers), and on the Sabbath you circumcise a boy.", "aom": "Röhu Moses-ro aharihu jabesi sino tarivëhoꞌirarije muoho bojëmijade höjo. Bogo huro aevoromo bojëmiꞌi aꞌi urimore jemesi a mamiohuro aevoromo bojëmijare höjo. Bojëmijëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro jemëro nuho majaro mue vaeromo aharihu jabesi sinoho tarivëharuje höjo."} {"eng": "If a boy receives circumcision on the Sabbath, that the law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with me because I made a man completely healthy on the Sabbath?", "aom": "Nuho majaro jemëro a sino tarivëharuje muoho vaejaruje höjo Moses-are jögoroho ahojöëni. Aꞌi nuho majare naro a hesi sinoho avohahamu marë barëjade höjo. Ëhi jiëꞌoho röhu jemë rabëni uvarujëjo: Nöröro nuho maja hesi jögoroho ahade höromo nasi öriroho dëho vörönimarujëjo."} {"eng": "Don’t judge according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.”", "aom": "Ëhiꞌoromo jemë nasi muoho ma-döemu garomo mevoromo nasi öriroho dëho vörönëgajëjo. Nadi ëhioho ëꞌi nasi mu öroho ma-avoho garomo mevorëjo."} {"eng": "There was much murmuring among the multitudes concerning him. Some said, “He is a good man.” Others said, “Not so, but he leads the multitude astray.”", "aom": "Ëhi atoromo ae ahoꞌobëhe gemuore gagovëꞌëro göëro göho saginiëri majahirovoromo Iesuare jöho uarovareje. Uarovoromo a ioroꞌiorohuro uvareje: Ëaho a mae höjo. A ioroꞌiorohuro uvareje: Bogajo. Huro ae ahoꞌobëhe sareramuijaje höjo."} {"eng": "Yet no one spoke openly of him for fear of the Jews.", "aom": "Ëhi atoromo Jew a masijoho juhuonëmiromo aho bogo vaꞌorahoroho Iesuare jöho atoꞌi ma-saginiëri atoruomadeje."} {"eng": "His brothers therefore said to him, “Depart from here and go into Judea, that your disciples also may see your works which you do.", "aom": "Ësörö majaho dunovamu Iesuare ö maho jaburo riꞌöromo Iesu uavareje: Ave amoho nugoꞌi Judea saꞌahuro vaꞌoromo jasi mu masijoho röjëhijego jasi ijore ijore jijiharue aribövioho jaburo garuomoꞌirajo."} {"eng": "For no one does anything in secret while he seeks to be known openly. If you do these things, reveal yourself to the world.”", "aom": "Ae ahoꞌobëhe jabuhu nosi iho hejöro noehu nimëꞌoho bogo gurihiroho muoho vaejarue höjo. Ëhuni ja mu masije vaejanue javaje jero vaꞌoromo ma-vaꞌorahoro muoho vaenego ae ahoꞌobëhe garuomoꞌirajo."} {"eng": "For even his brothers didn’t believe in him.", "aom": "Ëhi uavare hesi bëhoho jabumë Iesuare ö ömoꞌöme jëvadeje röhu hesi öriroho bogo ma uehorovëꞌëro ëhuni ëhi uavareje."} {"eng": "They said therefore to him, “What then do you do for a sign, that we may see and believe you? What work do you do?", "aom": "Ëhi ëꞌorëjamu uaruomadeje: Röhu jaꞌo ja mu rabe vaenëjo. Diehi jiëꞌe darugoꞌe muoho ömoꞌiramu no garomo mae uehorovoꞌejarëjo"} {"eng": "Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness. As it is written, ‘He gave them bread out of heaven to eat.’”", "aom": "Iae urimëꞌi nosi hijo mionoꞌohuro darugoꞌe muoho iae gavare höjo. A rumoꞌe saꞌare raromo jijiharevare evare bogo ijarue i mabëhi hesi ihe manna ueꞌahoruomade höjo. God-are surire uvëꞌe höjo: Öꞌidöre jioromo ruvebijade ioho huro iꞌimëmade höjo jaburo ueꞌahoröhego."} {"eng": "However, boats from Tiberias came near to the place where they ate the bread after the Lord had given thanks.", "aom": "Ëhi uvoromo gavareje boat gö gö Tiberias amore jioromo rueromo Bada Iesuhu Vavu mae uavamu i ueꞌaharinö ë ro riravamu."} {"eng": "When the multitude therefore saw that Jesus wasn’t there, nor his disciples, they themselves got into the boats and came to Capernaum, seeking Jesus.", "aom": "Boat gö gö ro riravamu gagorovo gavare Iesuꞌo hesi ijorajo ömoꞌömohuꞌo bogojëvamu gëgorovo arue boat göre göre iojiomoromo Iesu nahoꞌirögoro Capernaum amore vaꞌoruomadeje."} {"eng": "When evening came, his disciples went down to the sea.", "aom": "Majae bevaꞌiaꞌamu Iesuare ijorajo ömoꞌömohuro eꞌu riröre abuejareje."} {"eng": "They entered into the boat, and were going over the sea to Capernaum. It was now dark, and Jesus had not come to them.", "aom": "Abueromo boat-re ajio raromoromo Capernaum amore vaꞌi jovo döre vaꞌareje. Vaꞌamu vahiromëvadeje. Röhu Iesu evaroho jabesiriroho bogo rovëꞌe jiadeje."} {"eng": "Jesus therefore, lifting up his eyes and seeing that a great multitude was coming to him, said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, that these may eat?”", "aom": "Evare majare Iesuro dahorure hiromo uherihoꞌi gavadeje ae ahoꞌobëhe ijore rojomoruomamu. Rojomamu gëgorovo Philip uavadeje: No dinöꞌe ioho imoromo ë aribövioho ahoꞌo daꞌuojëhoꞌejarëjo."} {"eng": "He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.", "aom": "Hu mamiꞌe gavadeje rabe ëꞌiröhoho. Röhu huro Philip uavadeje heꞌi Philip-ro diehi uavego."} {"eng": "A great multitude followed him, because they saw his signs which he did on those who were sick.", "aom": "Vaꞌamu ae ahoꞌobëhe mae Iesuro darugoꞌe muoho vaeromo guomo guomoꞌe ae ajëmamu mamiꞌe gavëꞌëro Iesu ijore rihiromoruomadeje."} {"eng": "Jesus went up into the mountain, and he sat there with his disciples.", "aom": "Amo Iesuro hesi ijorajo ömoꞌömoho söjëvo ujuohoromo dahorure ajiomoromo jabuꞌo ë hijadeje."} {"eng": "Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was at hand.", "aom": "Ëmajaho God-hu Vörö Tugohade Majaho Jew rajo jabesi sörö majaho dunovadeje."} {"eng": "In these lay a great multitude of those who were sick, blind, lame, or paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water;", "aom": "Ëjavuore guomo guomoꞌe ae ahoꞌobëhe raromonövareje. Nuni sisëꞌe höru sisëꞌe övo höruꞌo tövëꞌe ëhi jiëꞌe aribövioho ë raromoromo [muebejareje jovoho avaduꞌavaduvoröhego."} {"eng": "for an angel went down at certain times into the pool and stirred up the water. Whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was healed of whatever disease he had.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho Badare anerae gemuëro majae gö gö ë jovore abueromo jovoho huotohuotovoꞌego avaduꞌavaduvonövadeje. Avaduꞌavaduvoꞌego guomo guomoꞌe aribövioho di aho urimo jovore abuejadoho marënövadeje.]"} {"eng": "So he came to a city of Samaria called Sychar, near the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.", "aom": "Vaꞌoromo Samaria saꞌare ajiomoromo amo ihe Sychar ë rovadeje. Röhu Sychar amo bëhire jiaje saꞌaho urimëꞌi a mami ae Jacob-ro hesi harihoho Joseph bojamijadeje. Ësaꞌanö Iesu rovadeje."} {"eng": "Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being tired from his journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour.", "aom": "Rueromo maja ririvanovëꞌiro öri ëgoböviro rovëꞌëro uꞌuvamu hegoro Jacob-mëhu jovëni umare gua bëhire hijadeje."} {"eng": "For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.", "aom": "Hesi ijorajoho jabu ie imoꞌi amore vaꞌëꞌëro hesi sivue hijadeje. Hijamu iae Samaria saꞌa rajo magonahe gemuëro jove vuoꞌi rovadeje. Rovamu gagorovo Iesuro uavadeje: Jove vuo bojemego na ijöjo."} {"eng": "Therefore when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John", "aom": "Iae Pharisee ariböviohuro hejareje aëro uvoruomamu: John rinëgoromo bapataeto vaejëvobe rovaje aho ma-jianovoꞌi Iesuhu rinëgoromo bapataeto vaejëvobe rovaje aho börömoho höjo."} {"eng": "(although Jesus himself didn’t baptize, but his disciples),", "aom": "Ëhi hejareje röhu Iesu bogo hesi övoho bapataeto vaejëvoꞌi aꞌi hesi ijorajoho jaburo ëꞌareje."} {"eng": "he left Judea and departed into Galilee.", "aom": "Amo Iesuro hejade uvavamu: Huhu ëꞌaje muohuro John hesiroho iosiramijëꞌe jöho Pharisee ariböviohuro hejëꞌe hö uvavamu hegorovo Judea saꞌaho vuonugoꞌi vuonoröꞌöromo Galilee saꞌare ajiomoꞌi vaꞌadeje."} {"eng": "Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.", "aom": "Iae Jew rajo a böröme gemuëro hijadeje hesi ihoho Nicodemus. Hu Pharisee ae jiadeje."} {"eng": "He came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do, unless God is with him.”", "aom": "Vahie gemu huro Iesu gaꞌi vaꞌadeje. Vaꞌoromo Iesu uavadeje: Tisa no ja garomo uvarue höjo: God-hu ramöꞌöjamu röjahuiꞌi rovane ae javajëjo. Rabëniajo. God aꞌoho bogo hiꞌibejajo jaehu vaejanue ëhi jiëꞌe mu masijo vaejëꞌoho bogo eni javuoꞌibejajo."} {"eng": "But Jesus didn’t entrust himself to them, because he knew everyone,", "aom": "Mae uehorovamu Iesuro uvadeje: Ëaribövioho ma-döëremu uehorovevaruëromo jabesi öriroho bogo ma uehorovëvadeje ae ahoꞌobëhe mamiꞌe gëvëꞌëro jiëꞌëro."} {"eng": "and because he didn’t need for anyone to testify concerning man; for he himself knew what was in man.", "aom": "Iae hu ae ahoꞌobëhe jabesi dë vövöbajoꞌoho gë barënövadeje. Ëhuꞌëro ae gö jabesi jö Iesuare örire majahiꞌiröhe bëhoho bogojiadeje."} {"eng": "The third day, there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there.", "aom": "Majae niöꞌi gemu hesi uhure iae masurovoꞌiröhe söröho Cana amore Galilee saꞌare avohareje. Avohamu Iesuare vëmohuro ë hijadeje."} {"eng": "Jesus also was invited, with his disciples, to the wedding.", "aom": "Iesuꞌo hesi ijorajoho jabuꞌo söröre ruejöro uëvëꞌëro ë ro raromareje."} {"eng": "One of the two who heard John and followed him was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.", "aom": "Ae niöꞌiohuro John-are jöho hejëꞌëro Iesuare ijore rovare a gö hesi ihoho Andrew Simon Peter-are öho jiadeje."} {"eng": "He first found his own brother, Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah!” (which is, being interpreted, Christ).", "aom": "Andrew-ro ma-burëro hesi öho Simon naho vaꞌoromo birohoromo uavadeje: Böröme namiromo ajamuiꞌiröhe aho noro birohëꞌe javuajëjo. Böröme namiromo ajamuiꞌiröhe aho Greece huëhu huotovëꞌoho Kerisoje."} {"eng": "I didn’t know him, but for this reason I came baptizing in water, that he would be revealed to Israel.”", "aom": "Mamiꞌoho na hu bogo avoho gavode höjo. Röhu naehu rueromo jovehu bapataeto vaejëvode hesi bëhoho ëho naro hu röjëhijego Israel aribövioho jemëro gaꞌirarijego ëhuni ëꞌode höjo."} {"eng": "John testified, saying, “I have seen the Spirit descending like a dove out of heaven, and it remained on him.", "aom": "O ave jöho John-ro gavëꞌëro huruoho majëhiromo uëvadeje: Naro gavode höjo God-are Aruꞌahe guaho vaꞌënohuro öꞌidöre jioromo ë a hesi simano namore ruvebiromo gerejamu."} {"eng": "I didn’t recognize him, but he who sent me to baptize in water said to me, ‘On whomever you will see the Spirit descending and remaining on him is he who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’", "aom": "Mamiꞌe na hu bogo gavode höjo röhu naehu jovehu bapataeto vaejëvojöro uevadohuro uevade höjo: Gaꞌirane Aruꞌahohuro ruvebiromo di a hesi simanore gerejamu gavëꞌoho uvonëjo: Ëahuro God-are Aruꞌaho Mahuro ëhuro bapataeto vaejëvoꞌajëjo. Vavuohuro ëhi uevamu hejëꞌëro ijonö gavode höjo Aruꞌahoho ruvebiromo ë a hesi simanore gerejamu."} {"eng": "I have seen and have testified that this is the Son of God.”", "aom": "Ëho nasi nunëro gavode höjo. Gavëꞌëro naro jemë uëvajëjo: Arue aho God-are Harihe höjo."} {"eng": "John answered them, “I baptize in water, but among you stands one whom you don’t know.", "aom": "Vaejëvanue höjamu John-ro uëvadeje: Naro jovëro bapataeto vaejëvaje höjo. Röhu jemëhu bogo gavaruje aho jemesi ririre namijajëjo."} {"eng": "He is the one who comes after me, who is preferred before me, whose sandal strap I’m not worthy to loosen.”", "aom": "Huro nasi ijonö rueꞌiëꞌajëjo röhu huro na iosiremiromo börömoho höjo. Naehu hesi mu biseꞌo vaejahoromo hesi höru sino jiovahoꞌibejodoho o mu biseꞌo biseꞌe rabe vaejahoꞌibejodoho na ma-biseꞌe jevajëjo. John-ro ëhi uëvadeje."} {"eng": "The ones who had been sent were from the Pharisees.", "aom": "Ëhi jövamu rueho jaburo Pharisee a masijohuro rëmöꞌöjamu rovëꞌëro"} {"eng": "They asked him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?”", "aom": "uavareje: Ja bogo böröme namiromo ajamuiꞌirane aho javajëjo bogo Elijah javajëjo bogo jö God-aro baeromo majahuijanue a börömoho javajëjo röhu ja diehiꞌoromo aho bapataeto vaejëvanue höjo."} {"eng": "He was not the light, but was sent that he might testify about the light.", "aom": "Hu bogo ajoho jiadeje. Aꞌi huro aji hesi bëhoho majahuiꞌi rovadeje."} {"eng": "The true light that enlightens everyone was coming into the world.", "aom": "Ëajoho iae aji maho jiohijo. Evare majare ë aje ae ahoꞌobëhe ajivavuajohuro saꞌare ruehijo."} {"eng": "Also, certain women of our company amazed us, having arrived early at the tomb;", "aom": "Iae ëhi höjo röhu noꞌo gemu mae Iesuare ijore ijore jijiharue magonahohuro ave jö börömoho majahuijamu hegoro no tiöjavuade höjo. Jaburo jaruvo sueꞌo riꞌöromo Iesu bamarire vaꞌare höjo."} {"eng": "and when they didn’t find his body, they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive.", "aom": "Vaꞌoromo gavare höjo Iesuare sinoho bogojiamu. Bogojiamu gagorovo vuonoröꞌö rueromo uövuare höjo: No vaꞌoromo niaꞌovoꞌiraejanovoromo garomo hejare höjo aneraho jaburo uövuamu: Iesu bogo guomoꞌi iꞌovëꞌe höjo. Magonahoho jaburo ëhi uövuamu hejare höjo."} {"eng": "While they talked and questioned together, Jesus himself came near, and went with them.", "aom": "Jöho jörovoromo berohobe vaꞌamu Iesuro birohëvoromo jabuꞌo gemu mae vaꞌadeje."} {"eng": "But their eyes were kept from recognizing him.", "aom": "Vaꞌamu ë ae niöꞌi jabesi uehoroho tugohëhamu bogo avoho garomo uvareje: Ëho Iesu höjo."} {"eng": "Behold, there was a man named Joseph, who was a member of the council, a good and righteous man", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu ae gemu hesi ihe Joseph-ro iae hijadeje. Hu Arimathea amo raje jiadeje. Hu Jew rajo jabesi a duvahëro jiëꞌëro a masijo ioroꞌiorohuꞌo hiromo jöe mevonövadeje. Hu a mabëhe God-are jöho avoho ejahaje ae jiadeje."} {"eng": "(he had not consented to their counsel and deed), from Arimathaea, a city of the Jews, who was also waiting for God’s Kingdom.", "aom": "A maëro jiëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro a masijo ioroꞌiorohuꞌo hiromo hejade uvoruomamu: Ëꞌego no Iesu anoꞌirarë uvoruomamu hegorovo bogo ejëhadeje. Bogo ejëhoromo gavade jaburo Iesu anamu gëgorovo uvadeje: Ëhi jiëꞌoho sisë höjo. Röhu huro muebejëꞌe hijadeje God-ro böröme namiromo ahoꞌobëhe muebejëvoröhego. Joseph ëhi jiëꞌe ae jiadeje."} {"eng": "But they were urgent with loud voices, asking that he might be crucified. Their voices and the voices of the chief priests prevailed.", "aom": "Jiovo nugöꞌöꞌejöjamu ae ahoꞌobëhe biririvoromo dinamiromo ma-darugoꞌo uvoꞌi arijareje: Korosioro anego guomajo. Ëhi uvamu jabesinö marëjadeje."} {"eng": "Pilate decreed that what they asked for should be done.", "aom": "Marëjamu jabuhu uvarëhi Pilate-ro jöho ëhi majëhijadeje."} {"eng": "The Lord said, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan asked to have all of you, that he might sift you as wheat,", "aom": "Röhu Simon-ajo. Ave jöho hejëjo. Satan-ro God ua gavëꞌe höjo jemë baejëvoromo jemesi dëre bijëhoꞌirohëni. Ëhuni aehu i hijiohijiovoromo garuomaje diho mae jiego diho sisë jiego gavaruëhi Satan-ro ëhi jemesi dëre bijëho gëꞌaꞌajëjo gëꞌi rahuo darugoꞌoho jioꞌi rahuo darugo rumoꞌoho jiego. Amo Satan-ro ëhi ua gavamu God-ro jemë hesi övore bojëmijëꞌe höjo."} {"eng": "but I prayed for you, that your faith wouldn’t fail. You, when once you have turned again, establish your brothers.”", "aom": "Ëhi jie röhu Simon naro jani parie vaejëꞌe jevajëjo jero bogo uehorovevoromo vuonugoꞌiranego. Röhu ijonö Satan-hu jasi dë bijioho garomo barëjamu jaehu huotorovoromo nasi örire avoho uehorovevëꞌiroho jasi aganoho ajëmego biririvoꞌirarëjo."} {"eng": "They were glad, and agreed to give him money.", "aom": "Jöe jövamu hegorovo rueho jaburo nimorohoromo Judas uavareje: Iae mae höjo. Ëhi jiëꞌoho no monie mana bojamiꞌejarëjo."} {"eng": "He consented and sought an opportunity to deliver him to them in the absence of the multitude.", "aom": "Bojamiꞌejarëjamu Judas-ro uëvadeje: Ëhi jiëꞌoho iae mae höjo. Iae mae hö uëromo vaꞌoromo öre nahadeje ae ahoꞌo bogojëvego evare Iesu a masijo jabesi övore bojëmiꞌiröhëro."} {"eng": "Satan entered into Judas, who was also called Iscariot, who was counted with the twelve.", "aom": "Öre nahamu Judas hesi iho göho Iscariot-ro rovadeje. Iesuare ijoraje ae ahoꞌobëhe 12 röhu Judas hu jabesi gemuoho jiadeje. Judas hu Iesuare ijorajo jabesi gemuoho jiamu Satan-ro hesi dëre abueromo jöe bojamadeje."} {"eng": "He went away and talked with the chief priests and captains about how he might deliver him to them.", "aom": "Jöe bojamamu Judas-ro vaꞌoromo priest a masijohuꞌo osa börömo muebejarue ariböviohuꞌo jöe jövadeje hu diehiꞌoromo Iesu ë aribövi jabesi övore bojëmego guduamoꞌiröhoho."} {"eng": "He said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow put in more than all of them,", "aom": "Baꞌamëvamu gagorovo Iesuro ae uëvadeje: Ëbövi biseꞌo marohëꞌe jiëꞌe ariböviohuro ijo baje ahoꞌo ioꞌamoꞌi arue bogo eni jiëꞌe magonahohuro rövëꞌe ijo bajoho niöꞌi baꞌamade höjo. Röhu God-ro ëhi uvajëjo: Ëmagonaho hesi suvuorohuro a ioroꞌioro jabesi suvuoroho iosiramiꞌamoromo börömo mae höjo. Na mae uëvajëjo."} {"eng": "for all these put in gifts for God from their abundance, but she, out of her poverty, put in all that she had to live on.”", "aom": "God-hu ëhi uehorovaje hesi bëhoho ë a ioroꞌiorohuro inömo marohëꞌe maëro jiëꞌëro ma-vituohemu bojamiꞌi ë magonahohuro inömo rumoꞌëro jiëꞌëro hesi i iꞌibejade monioho bövioho biseꞌoho ahoꞌo bojami barëjëꞌe höjo."} {"eng": "But those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage.", "aom": "Aꞌi God-hu uvëꞌoho: Mae jëvëꞌego vuovoromo riꞌöromo maja iꞌore raromoꞌaruë uvëꞌoho ë aribövioho evaroho bogo masurovoꞌaruëjo"} {"eng": "For they can’t die any more, for they are like the angels and are children of God, being children of the resurrection.", "aom": "bogo röhu maho vuovëvoꞌiëꞌëro. Ëhesi bëhoho ëhi jiëꞌe aribövioho vuovoromo riꞌöꞌamëꞌëro jabumë God-are aboji harihuꞌe jëvoromo anera vaꞌëne jëvoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "He began to tell the people this parable: “A man planted a vineyard and rented it out to some farmers, and went into another country for a long time.", "aom": "Iesuro ëhi uënugoromo ë Jew rajo aribövi jabesi jö sisëho uhuꞌe majëhiromo ae ahoꞌobëhe uëvadeje: Iae ae gemuëro mure grape öꞌoho bivoꞌamade höjo. Bivonugoromo ae uëvade höjo: Na vaꞌejöjo. Jemëro nasi muoho muebejehorëjo. Mueberomo öꞌi bajoho raeromo mavego nasiroho bahiꞌi ioroꞌioroho jemesi ujuohorëjo. Ëhi uënugoromo riꞌöromo saꞌa göro vaꞌoromo majae ëgobövie ë hijade höjo."} {"eng": "At the proper season, he sent a servant to the farmers to collect his share of the fruit of the vineyard. But the farmers beat him and sent him away empty.", "aom": "Hijuvo gavade öꞌi bajo urarue majaho rovamu mu vaejaharue aho gemu uavade höjo: Vaꞌiranoho mu muebejarue aribövioho uënego öꞌi baje gö iꞌimamego ujuoheho ruenëjo. Ujuoheho ruenëjamu ruehuro vaꞌade höjo. Vaꞌo mure höröjamu gavëꞌi rue mu muebejarue ariböviohuro ë aho anoromo sihöꞌöjamu sionëro övemu rovade höjo."} {"eng": "A widow was in that city, and she often came to him, saying, ‘Defend me from my adversary!’", "aom": "Hu bogo mae uehorovëꞌe ae jioꞌi röhu magonaho doruëro ë ame gemuore hijade höjo. Hiromo ë jö mevaje a hesi örire rueromo uaꞌi hinövade höjo: Ajemego sisë vaejevaje aho iosiramiꞌiröjo."} {"eng": "He wouldn’t for a while; but afterward he said to himself, ‘Though I neither fear God nor respect man,", "aom": "Ëhi uaꞌego bogo ejahonövade höjo. Ëhiꞌoꞌi arijuvo ë jö mevaje ahuro hesi uehorovoromo uvade höjo: Na God bogo uehorovoromo a jabesi örirohuꞌo bogo uehorovaje höjo"} {"eng": "yet because this widow bothers me, I will defend her, or else she will wear me out by her continual coming.’”", "aom": "röhu ave magonaho doruohuro dinemiꞌi hiꞌego na bijönegoꞌego ëhuni na hesi öroho avohahoꞌejöjo huro ro ueꞌi hijego na heꞌi hijego uꞌuvevojöëni."} {"eng": "There will be two grinding grain together. One will be taken and the other will be left.”", "aom": "Magonahe niöꞌiro gemuoro ariromo ioho saꞌijovoromo avohoꞌiramu God-ro göho baeꞌi göho ë vuonugoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "There will be two grinding grain together. One will be taken and the other will be left.”", "aom": "[Ae niöꞌiro mure ariꞌiramu God-ro göho baeꞌi göho ë vuonugoꞌajëjo.]"} {"eng": "As it was in the days of Noah, even so it will also be in the days of the Son of Man.", "aom": "Röhu God-are A Ma naehu a nunire rueꞌiëꞌiroho a mami ae Noah-hu hijade majare jiadëhi ëhi gemuoho jioꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "They ate, they drank, they married, and they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ship, and the flood came and destroyed them all.", "aom": "Noah hijadevare evare aëro ie jove ueꞌahobe masurovobe ëhi jiëꞌe muohemu uehorovobe vaꞌojuvo evare Noah-mëro boat börömore rumo vaꞌamu gavëꞌi jovo börömëro rojomoromo a ioroꞌioroho baeniagëgamu vuovo barë nahonahovade höjo."} {"eng": "One of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, glorifying God with a loud voice.", "aom": "Marëjëvamu gagorovo ae gemuëro vuonoröꞌöromo ma-darugoꞌo God mabëhe uabe rovadeje."} {"eng": "He fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks; and he was a Samaritan.", "aom": "Rueromo Iesuare höru bëhire ague aho hiromo rajahijadeje. Röhu ë aho bogo Jew rajehu jioꞌi Samaria raje jiadeje."} {"eng": "I will get up and go to my father, and will tell him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight.", "aom": "Ëhuni naro riꞌöromo aparo vaꞌoromo uaꞌejöjo: Apo naehu God-are örire jasi örire huë vavaeni bojëmodoho ëho naro mu sisë vaejëꞌe jevajëjo."} {"eng": "I am no more worthy to be called your son. Make me as one of your hired servants.”’", "aom": "Na a sisë jevëꞌego ëhuni ja bogo na harihoho ueꞌaꞌanuëjo. Aꞌi jasi muoro bamevego na muoho vaejahoromo manaho baeꞌiröjo."} {"eng": "When he went into the house of one of the rulers of the Pharisees on a Sabbath to eat bread, they were watching him.", "aom": "Iae Jew rajo jabesi nuho majaho rovamu Iesuro Pharisee a böröme gemu hesi osare ie iꞌi vaꞌadeje. Osare vaꞌamu gagorovo Pharisee ariböviohuro ë raromoromo Iesu gaꞌi muebejareje hu mu sisë o rabe ëꞌego."} {"eng": "Behold, a certain man who had dropsy was in front of him.", "aom": "Röhu ë osare ae gemu hijëꞌe jiadeje. Hesi övo höruꞌe ahoꞌobëhe huoꞌamëꞌe jiadeje."} {"eng": "He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath day.", "aom": "Iae Jew rajo jabesi nuho majae jiamu gagorovo Iesuro God rajahijarue osare hiromo jöho röjëhijadeje."} {"eng": "Behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years. She was bent over and could in no way straighten herself up.", "aom": "Röhu ë osare magonahe gemu hijëꞌe jiadeje. Satan-are a sisë hesi dëre abuejëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro hesi sino hahoꞌo sisërëjadoho vadune ahoꞌobëhe 18 barëjadeje. Sisërëromo hesi dejoho gurorovëꞌëro ahorire namiꞌiröhoho bogo eni jiadeje."} {"eng": "“Let your waist be dressed and your lamps burning.", "aom": "Röhu jö göho ave muohuꞌo vaenövorëjo. Jemëro avohorovoromo uho niöguꞌe vaeromo iroho bueromo avoho raromorëjo."} {"eng": "Be like men watching for their lord when he returns from the wedding feast, that when he comes and knocks, they may immediately open to him.", "aom": "Avoho raromoromo mu ajamijarue ariböviehu jabesi börömehu rovego ajamiꞌi muebejaruëhi ëhi avoho raromoromo mueberëjo. Ëhesi bëhoho mu ajamarue aribövi jabesi börömohuro aehu masuꞌiröhe söröre vaꞌëꞌëro vuonoröꞌö rueromo ojore anoꞌanovoꞌiramu rueho jaburo heromo ojoho ma-burëro jiovahoꞌaruëjo."} {"eng": "As he said these things to them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to be terribly angry, and to draw many things out of him,", "aom": "Iesuro ëhi majëhinugoromo vaꞌadeje. Vaꞌamu gavëꞌi Jew rajo jögoru öri röjëhijarue ariböviohuꞌo Pharisee ariböviohuꞌo ëho jaburo Iesuꞌo vaꞌoromo aevoromo hu nue huodivoromo dinamiromo jöe gö gö ua gaꞌi arijareje."} {"eng": "lying in wait for him, and seeking to catch him in something he might say, that they might accuse him.", "aom": "Jöe gö gö ua gaꞌi ariromo muꞌöjahareje heꞌi hu guaro berovoromo jöe sisëꞌi jövego."} {"eng": "When the multitudes were gathering together to him, he began to say, “This is an evil generation. It seeks after a sign. No sign will be given to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet.", "aom": "Iae ae ahoꞌobëhe Iesuare bëhire ro tagavoruomadeje. Tagavoruomamu gëgorovo Iesuro uëvadeje: Ave jaruvore raromaruje aribövioho sisë aribövie jëvajëjo. Jemëro darugoꞌe muoho gaꞌi uevaruje höjo gaꞌi God-ro na ajemego muoho vaejaje jevego o bogo. Na ëhi jiëꞌe muoho bogo vaeꞌi aꞌi Jonah-hu God-are mu börömo röjëhijadëhi ëhi jiëꞌe muohuremu röjëhiꞌejöjo. Mue gö gö bogajo."} {"eng": "For even as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so the Son of Man will also be to this generation.", "aom": "Nineveh amo rajehu mae uehorovoröhego Jonah-hu mu röjëhijadëhi God-are A Maho naro ëhi jiëꞌe muohemu röjëhiꞌejöjo ave jaruvore raromaruje ariböviohuro mae uehorovevoꞌirarijego."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Which of you, if you go to a friend at midnight and tell him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread,", "aom": "Ëhi uënugoromo Iesuro hesi ijorajo ömoꞌömoho uhuꞌe uëvadeje: Nani jemë ae gemuëro vahi ririꞌe aemoꞌaemo hesi osare vaꞌoromo uaꞌaꞌanuëjo: Isiajo. Ie gö bojemëjo."} {"eng": "for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him,’", "aom": "Nasi aemoꞌaeme gö örire juvëꞌëro nasi osare ro hijajëjo. Röhu i bojamiꞌirodoho bogojevajëjo."} {"eng": "for he had an only born daughter, about twelve years of age, and she was dying. But as he went, the multitudes pressed against him.", "aom": "Rajahiruomamu iae ae gemu hesi ihe Jairus-ro rovadeje. Jairus hu God rajahijarue osa muebejaje ae jiadeje. Röhu hu aboje ihevae gemu jiadeje. Abojoho vadune ahoꞌobëhe 12 rabuꞌe jiadeje. Amo guomoꞌiëꞌadeje. Guomoꞌiaꞌamu gagorovo Jairus-ro rueromo Iesuare höru bëhire ague aho hiromo dinamiromo uavadeje: Nasi osaro rueromo nasi abojoho ajamëjo. Ajamijëjamu hegorovo Iesuro huꞌo vaꞌadeje. Vaꞌamu ae ahoꞌobëhe huꞌo gemuore ëhi tatijiomobe vaꞌareje."} {"eng": "When Jesus stepped ashore, a certain man out of the city who had demons for a long time met him. He wore no clothes, and didn’t live in a house, but in the tombs.", "aom": "Gergesa saꞌare vaꞌo baboro bejamu gagorovo amo raje ae gemuëro rueromo Iesu birohadeje. Ëaho aruꞌaho sisë ahoꞌobëhëro dëre abueꞌamamu simane huotorovëꞌe jiadeje. Niögu rumoꞌe ma-dëꞌahobatëremu majae ëgobövie hibe rovëꞌe jiadeje. Osaroho bogo hiꞌi guavoꞌamarue munë gagoremu hinövadeje."} {"eng": "When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down before him, and with a loud voice said, “What do I have to do with you, Jesus, you Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don’t torment me!”", "aom": "Hijëꞌëro rueromo Iesu garomo jöꞌe dadovoromo Iesuare höru bëhire ague aho hiromo ma-darugoꞌo uvadeje: Iesu ja God dö mare hijaje a hesi Harihe javajëjo. Ja rabëni sihusihuegoꞌi rovane höjo. Vuonugevëjo. Nadi huë sisëho viꞌehoho bojemëjo."} {"eng": "For Jesus was commanding the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For the unclean spirit had often seized the man. He was kept under guard and bound with chains and fetters. Breaking the bonds apart, he was driven by the demon into the desert.", "aom": "Viꞌehoho nadi bojemijë uvade hesi bëhoho urimëꞌi aruꞌaho sisëhuro höröjöro Iesuro uavëꞌego ëhuni uvadeje. Röhu urimoho ë aruꞌaho sisëhuro hu baenövadeje. Baeꞌego aëro hu avoho mueberomo hesi övoho höroho tövahoꞌamonövareje. Tövahoꞌamoꞌego öꞌoho tarivo ruruhöꞌöromo aruꞌaho sisëhuro hesi uhure jiëꞌëro uaꞌego a rumoꞌe saꞌare vaꞌonövadeje."} {"eng": "and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary who was called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out;", "aom": "magonaho ömoꞌömohuꞌo ëhi Iesuꞌo gemu mae vaꞌareje. Ëmagonahoho ioroꞌioroho urimo aruꞌaho sisëhu dëre abuejëvoꞌi ioroꞌioroho guomo guomo baejëvadoho Iesuro ajëmijamu marëjëvadeje. Ëmagonaho jabesi ihoho göho Mary aehu uvaruoho Mary Magdalene jiadeje. Iesuro ë magonaho hesi dëre jioꞌamaje aruꞌaho sisë 7 rarovoꞌamadeje."} {"eng": "and Joanna, the wife of Chuzas, Herod’s steward; Susanna; and many others who served them from their possessions.", "aom": "O magonaho gö hesi ihoho Joanna jiadeje. Joanna hu Chuza-are vabore jiadeje. Chuza hu a böröme Herod-are bövi biseꞌo muebejahaje ae jiadeje. Röhu magonaho gö hesi ihoho Susanna jiadeje. Ëmagonaho ömoꞌömohuꞌo magonaho ioroꞌiorohuꞌo ahoꞌobëhe jaburo jabesi bövi biseꞌo jëvadohuro ëhuro Iesumë rabe rabe bogo eni jëvajoho ajëmibe vaꞌonövareje."} {"eng": "But Simon Peter, when he saw it, fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, Lord.”", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu gagorovo Simon Peter-ro Iesuare bëhire ague aho hiromo uavadeje: Bada na remo vaꞌëjo. Na a sisë jevajëjo."} {"eng": "For he was amazed, and all who were with him, at the catch of fish which they had caught;", "aom": "Peter-mëro visue ahoꞌobëhe mae suovoruomoromo tiöjëvëꞌëro jiëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro ëhi uavadeje."} {"eng": "But truly I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the sky was shut up three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land.", "aom": "Röhu aveho na jö mae uëꞌiëꞌajëjo. Elijah-hu hijade majaroho ave Israel saꞌare magonaho dorue ahoꞌobëhe jioꞌamade höjo. Evare majare ëni bogo mae bogo rovadoho vadune niöꞌi gemu röhu döre manaere 6 ëhi barëjëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro saꞌae ahoꞌobëhe majae ëgobövie vadune raromare höjo. Vadune raromamu evare"} {"eng": "Elijah was sent to none of them, except to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.", "aom": "magonaho dorue ahoꞌobëhe ave Israel saꞌare raromaroho God-ro Elijah hesi saꞌa rajo magonaho doruoho bogo gemu vaduꞌe ajamijöro jabumënioho nugöꞌöꞌi saꞌae gö Sidon amonörire saꞌare Zarephath amore hijade magonaho doruohuni gemu nugöꞌöjade höjo ajamiꞌiröhego."} {"eng": "There was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher (she was of a great age, having lived with a husband seven years from her virginity,", "aom": "Simeon-ro Mary ëhi uavadeje. Röhu magonaho mavoje gemu ë hijëꞌe jiadeje. Hesi ihoho Anna jiadeje. Hu jö God-aro baeromo majëhijaje magonahe jiadeje. Phanuel-are aboje jiadeje. Asher-are uje gemuoho jiadeje. Röhu hesi vadunoho ahoꞌobëhe mae jiadeje. Urimëꞌi barue masuromo baruꞌo hijadoho vadune ahoꞌobëhe 7 barëjamu"} {"eng": "and she had been a widow for about eighty-four years), who didn’t depart from the temple, worshiping with fastings and petitions night and day.", "aom": "baru guomamu doru hijadoho rahade vadunoho ahoꞌobëhe 84 jiadeje. Ëhuꞌëro mavoji mae jiadeje. Röhu huro ë God-are osa börömoremu vaꞌoromo majae vahie jene ioho vuonugoꞌi God gemu uehorovoromo hesi örire jöe jövoromo rajahinövadeje."} {"eng": "Coming up at that very hour, she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of him to all those who were looking for redemption in Jerusalem.", "aom": "Amo Maryꞌo Josephꞌo God-are osa börömore arijamu ë magonahohuro jabesirire rovadeje. Rueromo aharihoho garomo God huë mae uavadeje. Huë mae uaromo vaꞌoromo ganövade di ariböviohuro God-ro Jerusalem amo rajoho maro bamëvoröhego muebejarue ë aribövioho gëromo aharihu hesi jöho majëhinövadeje."} {"eng": "“Now you are releasing your servant, Master, according to your word, in peace;", "aom": "Bada jaruvo jero jasi nimoromo uevego na muoho vuonugoꞌi huë mae öꞌiröjo jaehu uevanëhi ëhi jiëꞌe jiaje."} {"eng": "for my eyes have seen your salvation,", "aom": "No maro bamavuoꞌiröhe aho nasi nunëro gavëꞌe jevajëjo."} {"eng": "which you have prepared before the face of all peoples;", "aom": "Ëaehu vaeröhe muoho jero avohane höjo saꞌae ahoꞌo garöhego."} {"eng": "a light for revelation to the nations, and the glory of your people Israel.”", "aom": "Avohane hesi bëhoho huro ajoho barovego ëhuro jasi jö bogo hejëꞌe aribövioho jasi öroho gaꞌi jasi aribövie Israel rajo nosi ihoho döro jioröhego."} {"eng": "When the days of their purification according to the law of Moses were fulfilled, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord", "aom": "Mary-ro aharihoho rahoromo hijuvo gavade Moses-hu bojëmade mu vaeromo jabesi sisë uꞌoröhe majaho rovamu gagorovo huro Joseph-mu niöꞌiro aharihe Iesu baeromo Jerusalem amore ajiomareje aharihoho Bada bojamiꞌiröhëni."} {"eng": "(as it is written in the law of the Lord, “Every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord”),", "aom": "Ëmu hesi jöho God-are surire jajivoromo uvëꞌeje: Harihu murioho ahoꞌobëhe God-are öroro iꞌimamego hesiremu jioꞌamoꞌirajo. Amo Maryꞌo Josephꞌo aharihoho bavaꞌareje ëhi jiëꞌe muoho vaeröhëni."} {"eng": "and to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, “A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.”", "aom": "O jö göho Badare surire jajivoromo ëhi uvëꞌeje: Ihititore niöꞌi o guaho harihe niöꞌi ëhi jiëꞌe ugoho priest bojëmego God-ni vënëro muejëvoꞌirajo. Ëmuohuꞌo vaeꞌiröhëni jabumë aharihoho bavaꞌareje."} {"eng": "For there is born to you today, in David’s city, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.", "aom": "Aruëre David-hu hinövade amore jemë baejëvoromo mare bamëvoꞌiröhe aho jaruvo rahëꞌe höjo. God-hu uavëꞌëro böröme namiromo ajëmiꞌiröhe aho höjo. Hu Bada höjo."} {"eng": "This is the sign to you: you will find a baby wrapped in strips of cloth, lying in a feeding trough.”", "aom": "Röhu jemëro vaꞌoromo gaꞌirarije aharihoho niögëro numëꞌe mi jabesi i bahijarue röhore raromamu gavëꞌiroho uvorëjo: Nörö jö mae uövuade höjo."} {"eng": "While they were there, the day had come for her to give birth.", "aom": "Bethlehem rueromo arijamu magonahehu rahoröhe majaho rovadeje."} {"eng": "She gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in bands of cloth and laid him in a feeding trough, because there was no room for them in the inn.", "aom": "Majaho rovamu gavare aehu nuharue osaho rarovamu gagorovo mi nugoꞌamarue osare vaꞌo harihu murioho rahoromo niögëro numoromo mi jabesi i bahijarue röhore ë bamareje."} {"eng": "Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to David’s city, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David,", "aom": "Rueruomamu Joseph-ro huꞌo Galilee saꞌare Nazareth amore hiromo vuonugoromo hu David-are ujëro jiëꞌëro David-hu aevoꞌi hijade amore Bethlehem ë rovadeje."} {"eng": "to enroll himself with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him as wife, being pregnant.", "aom": "Rueꞌi Mary huꞌirae rovadeje jabesi ihohuꞌo jajivëhojöro rabëni Mary huro masuröhe magonahego. Röhu hu dëꞌe jiadeje."} {"eng": "Now in those days, a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled.", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu evare Rome a böröme saꞌae ahoꞌobëhe muebejaje a ihe Caesar Augustus-ro jöe nugöꞌöjadeje. Jöe nugöꞌöromo uëvadeje: Nasi aribövie saꞌae dinöꞌe dinöꞌe raromarujoho jemëro vaꞌoromo jemesi ihoho census aribövioho bojëmirego jajivëhoꞌirarëjo."} {"eng": "This was the first enrollment made when Quirinius was governor of Syria.", "aom": "Röhu evare majaho ëho iho aevoromo jajivoꞌamare majaho jiadeje. Evare majaroho Quirinius-ro bövie vaeromo Syria saꞌaho muebenövadeje."} {"eng": "All went to enroll themselves, everyone to his own city.", "aom": "Amo ë jöho rovamu gagorovo ae gemu gemu amo göre göre vaꞌo raromaroho jabesi amo mare vuonoröꞌö rueruomadeje jabesi ihoho uëvego jajivojöro."} {"eng": "to shine on those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death; to guide our feet into the way of peace.”", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho God-ro noni vavaenimajohuro majaëro öꞌidöre rojomanovoromo ramoramore vuovo örire jijiharue aribövioho no ajivavuoꞌajëjo. Ajivavuoromo huë mae baeꞌiröhe öroho röjahuiꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life.", "aom": "ajamuiromo noꞌo muorovarue aribövi jabesi övore javuego baeniëhiꞌiröhëro. Baeniëhijego noro bogo juhuonivoꞌi ma-ioroꞌioremu hesi nuniro raromoromo hu gemu uehorovoromo ae mae vaejëvoromo hesi muoho vaenövoꞌiröhego."} {"eng": "as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and his offspring forever.”", "aom": "Huro hesi mu aribövie Israel raje no ajamuijëꞌe höjo. Nosi hijo mionoꞌo uëvadëhi huro ëhi Abrahamꞌo hesi ujo ömoꞌömohuꞌo nosi jöëni vavaenimemu vavaenimobe rovëꞌe höjo."} {"eng": "Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Judah,", "aom": "Vaꞌamu gagorovo Mary-ro riꞌöromo dahorunörire Judea saꞌare ë ma-burëro ajiomoromo amore höröjadeje."} {"eng": "and entered into the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth.", "aom": "Hörönugoromo Zechariah-are osare vaꞌoromo Elizabeth jejamijadeje."} {"eng": "He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David,", "aom": "Hu böröme jioꞌaꞌajëjo. Huro ave ihoho baeꞌaꞌajëjo Dö Mare Hijaje A hesi Harihe ë ihoho baeꞌaꞌajëjo. Bada God-ro ë aho uaꞌaꞌajëjo: Jasi hije David-are sionoho baeromo böröme namiromo Israel rajoho muebejëvonëjo."} {"eng": "and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. There will be no end to his Kingdom.”", "aom": "Muebejëvonë uaꞌiramu huro Jacob-are ujo ömoꞌömoho ma-ioroꞌioremu muebejëvonövoꞌajëjo. Bogo vuonugoꞌi ëhi muebejëvobe vaꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "“Thus has the Lord done to me in the days in which he looked at me, to take away my reproach among men.”", "aom": "Vaꞌamu hesi vabore Elizabeth-ro dëꞌiraeromo uvadeje: Dë tioromo hiromo ae ahoꞌobëhe jabesi nunire javoji baebe rovodoho aviavejöꞌe Badaro huë baejevoromo ajemamu javojoho barëjevëꞌe höjo. Ëhi uvoromo osaremu hijamu manaere övo gö mine barëjadeje."} {"eng": "Now while he executed the priest’s office before God in the order of his division", "aom": "Ëhi jëvëꞌëro Zechariahꞌo huꞌo gemu mae priest mu vaejarue ariböviohuꞌo jabesi mu majaho rovamu evare Zechariah-ro priest muoho God-are nunire vaejadeje."} {"eng": "according to the custom of the priest’s office, his lot was to enter into the temple of the Lord and burn incense.", "aom": "Muoho vaejamu Jew rajo priest-ehu vaejaruëhi jabumëro priest ihoho jajivoꞌamoromo gemuore buarohoromo gemu iareje gaꞌi di ahuro di muoho bae hesi jiego. Ihoho ioromo gavareje Badare osa börömore rumo vaꞌoromo ridiꞌe oso God-ni vënehu bueröhe muoho Zechariah-ro baejëꞌe jiamu. Zechariah-ro ë muoho baenugoromo ose bueꞌi Badare osa börömore vaꞌirögoro"} {"eng": "it seemed good to me also, having traced the course of all things accurately from the first, to write to you in order, most excellent Theophilus;", "aom": "Ëhuni ë muoho ahoꞌo diehi diehi vaejaroho he avohoꞌi uë gëbe rovëꞌëro naro jani avoho ahorirëro jajivoꞌamoꞌi uehorovodeje"} {"eng": "She went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept.", "aom": "Ëmagonaho hesi nunire rovamu gagorovo ë magonahohuro vaꞌoromo gavade Iesuare aribövioho huë vavaene baeromo nivoruomamu gëgorovo uëvadeje: Iesu riꞌöjëꞌëro hijamu gavode höjo."} {"eng": "When they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her, they disbelieved.", "aom": "Hijamu gavode höjamu heromo bogo ma uehorovareje."} {"eng": "They were saying among themselves, “Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?”", "aom": "Vaꞌëꞌi uarovareje: Raro ojo tugohare munëho roriꞌo höhö baejahuo vaꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "for it was very big. Looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back.", "aom": "Ëhi uarovoromo avoho gaꞌi gavareje mamiꞌe roriꞌo bavaꞌëꞌe jiamu. Röhu ë munëho böröme jiadeje."} {"eng": "Pilate was surprised to hear that he was already dead; and summoning the centurion, he asked him whether he had been dead long.", "aom": "Iesuare sinoho baeꞌiröjamu Pilate-ro tiöromo uvadeje: Iesu diehiꞌoromo ma-burëroho guomade höjo. Ëhi uvoromo jöe nugöꞌöjamu Iesu muebejade muorovo ahuro rovadeje. Rovamu Pilate-ro uavadeje: Na Iesu mamiꞌe guomëꞌe höjo."} {"eng": "When he found out from the centurion, he granted the body to Joseph.", "aom": "Guomëꞌe höjamu ruehuro uavadeje: Iae guomëꞌe höjamu hegorovo Joseph uavadeje: Jaehu Iesuare sino baejëꞌoho iae mae höjo."} {"eng": "When evening had now come, because it was the Preparation Day, that is, the day before the Sabbath,", "aom": "Röhu ë majaho bövi biseꞌo avohoꞌamarue majae jiadeje nëröho nuhoromo God rajahiꞌiröhëro. Ëmajaho garoboꞌe bamadeje."} {"eng": "Joseph of Arimathaea, a prominent council member who also himself was looking for God’s Kingdom, came. He boldly went in to Pilate, and asked for Jesus’ body.", "aom": "Nuho majae rueꞌiaꞌamu majae garoboꞌe bamamu gagorovo Arimathea amo raje ae gemu hesi ihe Joseph-ro vaꞌadeje. Hu Jew rajo jabesi a duvahëro jiëꞌëro Jew rajo a masijo ioroꞌiorohuꞌo hiromo jöe mevonövadeje. Jöe mevoꞌego ae ahoꞌobëhe hesi örire mae uehorovonövareje. Röhu ae göehu göehu ëꞌaruëhi huꞌo ëhi muebejëꞌe hijadeje God-ro ro böröme namiromo ahoꞌobëhe muebejëvoröhego. Joseph ëhi jiëꞌe ae jiadeje. Ëhi jiëꞌe aëro jiëꞌëro huro biririvoromo vaꞌoromo Pilate uavadeje: Uevego na Iesuare sinoho baeꞌiröjo."} {"eng": "There were also women watching from afar, among whom were both Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome;", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu magonaho ömoꞌömohuro arue riribövire riravoromo Iesu diehiꞌaruoho garuomadeje. Mary Magdalene o Mary göho James a iꞌo o Joses jabesi vëmoho o Salome o magonaho ioroꞌioroho ëhi jioruomadeje."} {"eng": "who, when he was in Galilee, followed him and served him; and many other women who came up with him to Jerusalem.", "aom": "Urimëꞌi Iesu Galilee saꞌare hijadevare evare ë magonaho ömoꞌömohuro bövie biseꞌe ajamibe hesi ijore ijore jijihonövareje. Ëhi ëꞌëꞌëro ë magonahohuꞌo magonaho ioroꞌiorohuꞌo ahoꞌobëhe Jerusalem amore huꞌo gemu mae rovëꞌëro ë riravoromo garuomadeje."} {"eng": "When the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu maja ririre öri ariꞌe ahoꞌo ramoramovadeje. Ramoramovobe vaꞌojuvo majae huotorovamu gavëꞌi ajivadeje."} {"eng": "At the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is, being interpreted, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”", "aom": "Majae huotorovoromo ajivamu gavëꞌi Iesuro Jew rajo jabesi jöëro ma-darugoꞌo uvadeje: Eloiajo. Eloiajo. Lema sabaktaniajo. Nosi jöehu huotovëꞌoho God nasi Böviohajo. God nasi Böviohajo. Ja rabëni remo vaꞌane höjo."} {"eng": "With him they crucified two robbers, one on his right hand, and one on his left.", "aom": "Röhu aëro ananoꞌe vajiohuꞌe ae niöꞌi jabuꞌo korosire ano taemëvoromo göho ruëhi Iesuare övo manö göho viëhi övo adonö ëhi amëvareje."} {"eng": "The Scripture was fulfilled which says, “He was counted with transgressors.”", "aom": "[Amëvamu Iesu ë a sisë niöꞌi jabesi ririre korosire iromadeje. A sisë jabesi ririre iromadohuro ëhuro ëhi ëꞌiröhego God-are surire jö aehu jajivadëhi iae ëhi jiadeje. God-are surire jöho jajivoromo uvëꞌeje: Aëro uvoruomëꞌe höjo: Hu jö ahoruomaje ariböviohuꞌo gemuore höjo.]"} {"eng": "Crucifying him, they parted his garments among them, casting lots on them, what each should take.", "aom": "Juahëmamu korosire ano taemareje. Ano taemoromo hesi niögoho adovoromo ajajovareje gaꞌi di aho di niögoho bae hesi jiego. Ajajovonugoromo niögoho ujuohareje."} {"eng": "It was the third hour when they crucified him.", "aom": "Röhu Iesu korosire ano taemare majaho 9 oꞌclock sisonuꞌe jiadeje."} {"eng": "The superscription of his accusation was written over him: “THE KING OF THE JEWS.”", "aom": "O Iesuare jö sisëho jajivoromo ëhi uvëꞌe jiareje: Ave aho Jew rajo jabesi a börömoho höjo."} {"eng": "But the chief priests stirred up the multitude, that he should release Barabbas to them instead.", "aom": "Ëhi uëvamu priest masijohuro ae ahoꞌobëhe biririvoromo dinëmijamu hegorovo jaburo uvoruomadeje: Iesu vuonugoꞌi Barabbas jiovo nugöꞌöjëjo."} {"eng": "There was one called Barabbas, bound with his fellow insurgents, men who in the insurrection had committed murder.", "aom": "Röhu ae gemu hesi ihe Barabbas savoji gagore hijadeje. Urimëꞌi saꞌare a masijohuꞌo muorovare majaho jiamu ae ahoꞌo saꞌare a masijohuꞌo muorovoromo ae muoꞌamareje. Ae muoꞌamëꞌëro savoji gagore raromareje. Röhu ae gemu Barabbas jiadeje."} {"eng": "The multitude, crying aloud, began to ask him to do as he always did for them.", "aom": "Barabbas savoji gagore hijamu amonö gagovoromo riravare aribövioho ae ahoꞌobëhe jaburo rueromo Pilate uavareje: Savoji gagore raromaruoho noehu uavego jiovo nugöꞌöjahuanuëhi ëhi ëꞌonëjo."} {"eng": "As Peter was in the courtyard below, one of the maids of the high priest came,", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu Peter-ro anume aehu raromaruire ë hijadeje. Hijamu priest börömo mu ajamijarue magonahoho röhu gemuëro rovadeje."} {"eng": "and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, “You were also with the Nazarene, Jesus!”", "aom": "Rueromo gavade Peter hiromo vëne jurovamu gagorovo ërimahoromo uavadeje: Jaꞌo Nazareth amo rajo ae Iesuꞌo gemu mae javade höjo."} {"eng": "The high priest tore his clothes and said, “What further need have we of witnesses?", "aom": "Ëhi uavamu hegorovo rue priest börömohuro hesi niögoho dadovoromo uëvadeje: Iae eni jiëꞌe höjo. A göho rabëni rueromo hesi jöho huruoho majahuijörajo. Iae no eni hejëꞌe javuajëjo."} {"eng": "You have heard the blasphemy! What do you think?” They all condemned him to be worthy of death.", "aom": "God-are iho ijumajoho jemëꞌo iae hejarujëjo. Ëhuni jemë diehi uehorovarujëjo. Diehi uehorovarujëjamu uavareje: Jö sareriꞌe aego anoꞌiramu guomoꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "They led Jesus away to the high priest. All the chief priests, the elders, and the scribes came together with him.", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu Iesu huꞌirae rueromo priest börömo hesi osare rovareje. Ëosare priest masijoho a duvaho ömoꞌömoho jögoru öri röjëhijarue aribövioho ë aribövioho ahoꞌobëhe jaburo ë gemuoro gagovareje."} {"eng": "Peter had followed him from a distance, until he came into the court of the high priest. He was sitting with the officers, and warming himself in the light of the fire.", "aom": "Iesu priest börömo hesi osare barovamu Peter-ro arue riribövire Iesu rihiromoromo priest börömo hesi osare rovadeje. Rueromo osare rumo vaꞌoromo abo osa ririre ruë numë javue vaeꞌi riroho ma-vaꞌoraho nugarire ë vaꞌoromo priest hesi mu vaeruomaje ariböviohuꞌo gemuore hiromo vënoho jurovadeje."} {"eng": "Jesus answered them, “Have you come out, as against a robber, with swords and clubs to seize me?", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu Iesuro ë rueruomade aribövioho uëvadeje: Aveho na bogo vajiohuꞌe ananoꞌe aehu jevajëjo. Jemë rabëni siravaho kepataho ujuohoromo guduamevoꞌi rovarujëjo."} {"eng": "I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and you didn’t arrest me. But this is so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled.”", "aom": "Mamiꞌe majae ahoꞌo naehu God-are amo börömore hiromo God-are jö hesi öri a röjëhinövodoho jemë evaroho bogo guduamevarije höjo. Röhu jemëhu vaejaruje muoho ë hesi jö God-are surire jajivarëhi muoho ëhi jioröhego ëhuni ave muoho rovëꞌe höjo."} {"eng": "Now he who betrayed him had given them a sign, saying, “Whomever I will kiss, that is he. Seize him, and lead him away safely.”", "aom": "Röhu urimëꞌi ë sareriꞌe aho Judas-ro ë aribövioho uëvadeje: Gaꞌirarije naro di aho dudöhamu gavëꞌoho uvorëjo: Iae Iesu höromo guduamoromo huꞌiraeromo avoho muebebe vaꞌorëjo."} {"eng": "When he had come, immediately he came to him and said, “Rabbi! Rabbi!” and kissed him.", "aom": "Judas-ro ëhi uëvëꞌëro huro rueromo ma-burëro ro Iesu jejamiromo Bada uavëꞌi dudöhadeje."} {"eng": "He came the third time and said to them, “Sleep on now, and take your rest. It is enough. The hour has come. Behold, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.", "aom": "Dadivëvamu Iesuro urimëꞌi vae niöꞌi vaꞌoromo ëninamijadoho röhu maho vaꞌoromo ëninamijadeje. Ëninaminugoromo rueromo uëvadeje: Jemë diehiꞌoromo ma-momoröꞌöemu momoröꞌöjarujëjo. Iae minoꞌëjo. Iae barëjajëjo. Majaho mamiꞌe rovëꞌe höjo. Aëro God-are A Maho na bijönegarue aribövi jabesi övore bojëmiꞌiëꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "Arise! Let’s get going. Behold, he who betrays me is at hand.”", "aom": "Riꞌöromo go vaꞌohego vaꞌarëjo. Gahëjo. Na bijönegarue aribövi jabesi övore bojëmiꞌiröhe aho rovajëjo."} {"eng": "It was now two days before the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might seize him by deception and kill him.", "aom": "Iae God-hu Vörö Tugohade Sörö o I Dë Huaje Oso Rumoꞌe Sörö jiamëhi iꞌiröhoho jioꞌi röhu jaruvëhi priest masijohuꞌo Jew rajo jögoru öri röjëhijarue ariböviohuꞌo ëho jaburo öre nahareje Iesu saginiëri guduamoromo anoꞌiröhëro."} {"eng": "For they said, “Not during the feast, because there might be a riot among the people.”", "aom": "Öre nahoromo uarovareje: Sörö majaroho bogo guduamoꞌejarëjo aëro göromo noꞌo muorovojöëni."} {"eng": "Watch therefore, for you don’t know when the lord of the house is coming—whether at evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning;", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho na ë osa arijoꞌoho vaꞌëne jevajëjo. Na divare vuonoröꞌö rueꞌirodoho jemë bogo gavarujëjo. Nani vöꞌöꞌe o vahi ririꞌe o sisonuvoꞌi titimoꞌiramu o sisonuvoꞌiramu rueꞌejöjo. Jemë bogo gavarujëjo. Ëhuni muoho avoꞌavoho mueberëjo."} {"eng": "lest, coming suddenly, he might find you sleeping.", "aom": "O bogo nuni jioromo mu avoho muebejëꞌoho nani na ma-majioho rueꞌi gaꞌejöjo jemë momoröꞌö uroꞌamëꞌe jëvoꞌiramu."} {"eng": "Pray that your flight won’t be in the winter.", "aom": "Röhu God ua garëjo huro ajëmego ëhuro aho niohijo majaroho bogo huruomoꞌiröhe höjo."} {"eng": "For in those days there will be oppression, such as there has not been the like from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and never will be.", "aom": "Rabëni hesi bëhoho evare majaroho huë vavaene bogo biseꞌo vaduꞌoho rueꞌaꞌajëjo. Ëhi jiëꞌe huë vavaenoho urimo God-hu saꞌa bövi biseꞌo bamadevaroho bogojiobe ruejuvo ro jaruvo majahuꞌo ëhi jiëꞌe huë vavaenoho bogohöjo. O ijonöhuꞌo bogojioꞌi ë majaho gemu börömoho jioꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "He called his disciples to himself and said to them, “Most certainly I tell you, this poor widow gave more than all those who are giving into the treasury,", "aom": "Baꞌamëvamu Iesuro ëho garomo hesi ijorajo ömoꞌömohuro ruejöro uvëvadeje. Rovamu uëvadeje: Ëbövi biseꞌo marohëꞌe jiëꞌe ariböviohuro ijo baje ahoꞌo ioꞌamoꞌi arue bogo eni jiëꞌe magonahohuro rövëꞌe ijo bajoho niöꞌi baꞌamade höjo. Röhu God-ro ëhi uvajëjo: God-are suvuoro ioꞌamare a ioroꞌiorohuro bisemu bisemu ioꞌamoꞌi ë bogo eni jiëꞌe magonaho doruohuro bövi mae baꞌamade höjo. Na mae uëvajëjo."} {"eng": "for they all gave out of their abundance, but she, out of her poverty, gave all that she had to live on.”", "aom": "God-hu ëhi uehorovaje hesi bëhoho ë a ioroꞌiorohuro inömo marohëꞌe maëro jiëꞌëro ma-vituohemu bojamiꞌi ë magonahohuro inömo rumoꞌëro jiëꞌëro hesi i iꞌibejade monioho ahoꞌo bojami barëjëꞌe höjo."} {"eng": "But about the dead, that they are raised, haven’t you read in the book of Moses about the Bush, how God spoke to him, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?", "aom": "Ëjöho jemëro uvaruje höjo: Vuovëꞌe ariböviehu riꞌöꞌiröhe jöho sareri jöe höjo. Ëho bogo sareri jöehu jioꞌi jö mae höjo. Ëhesi bëhoho vuovoromo riꞌöꞌiröhe jöho Moses-ro God-are surire iae jajivëꞌe höjo. Ijo hisu vënehu ravade jö jajivadevare evare God-hu jövade jöho jajivoromo ave jöhuꞌo uvëꞌe höjo: God na Abraham Isaac Jacob ëhi muebejëvaje ae jevajëjo. Jemë rabëni ë jö hesi bëhoho bogo avoho baejarije höjo."} {"eng": "He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are therefore badly mistaken.”", "aom": "God-hu Abraham Isaac Jacob muebejëvaje jö hesi bëhoho jabumë vuovoromo bogo ioroꞌioremuoho barëꞌi vaꞌo raromego God-ro muebejëvaje höjo. God bogo vuovoromo ioroꞌioremu barëjëꞌe aribövioho muebejëvoꞌibejajo. Aꞌi hu vuovoromo vaꞌo raromarue aribövioho iae muebejëvaje höjo. Ëhuni ae vuovoromo ioroꞌioremu barëjaje hö uvarujoho ëho sarerivarujëjo."} {"eng": "This was from the Lord. It is marvelous in our eyes’?”", "aom": "Röhu ave uhu jöho God-are surire jajivoromo uvëꞌe höjo: Munë javue vaeꞌirögoro munë gemu bijönimoromo vuonugare höjo. Vuonugaroho jaruvoho ë munëhuro javuoho nigemoꞌego bibivoromo mae namijajëjo. Hesi Bada God-ro ëhi ëꞌade höjo. Ëho noro garomo uvarue höjo: God-ro mu mabëhe ëꞌëꞌe höjo. Ëjö God-are surire jajivamu adaharijoho jemë diehiꞌoromo ë hesi bëhoho bogo avoho baejarije höjo."} {"eng": "The next day, when they had come out from Bethany, he was hungry.", "aom": "Bethany amore vaꞌëꞌëro nërö riꞌöromo ë jioromo vuonoröꞌö rovareje. Örire rueromo Iesuro hejade hömamu hejëꞌi"} {"eng": "Seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came to see if perhaps he might find anything on it. When he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs.", "aom": "rueꞌi gavadeje arue riribövire mesoho hanoꞌe namijamu. Mesoho namijamu gagorovo ë bëhire vaꞌadeje gaꞌi bösoho raejëꞌe jiego o bogo. Vaꞌoromo gavadeje bajoho bogojioꞌi ma-hano ruduꞌemu jiamu hesi raejaje majaho bogo rovëꞌëro jiëꞌëro."} {"eng": "Those who went in front and those who followed cried out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!", "aom": "Vaꞌoromo Iesuare nuninö vaꞌoruomadohuꞌo dejonö rueruomadohuꞌo ma-darugoꞌo uvoruomadeje: God mabëhëjo. Ave aho Badare ihore rovajoho mabëhëjo."} {"eng": "Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is coming in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”", "aom": "Nosi hije David-are sionoho baeromo böröme namiromo muebejavuoꞌiëꞌajëjo. No naguajëjo ë muoho mae tutuvoröhego. God mabëhëjo."} {"eng": "But it shall not be so among you, but whoever wants to become great among you shall be your servant.", "aom": "Saꞌa ioroꞌioro rajohuro ëhi ëꞌarue höjo. Röhu jemëꞌo nadi ëhioho döroho bamorovorëjo. Aꞌi jemesi ae gemu rahu bövie namiꞌi nimëꞌoho hu a ioroꞌioro jemë ajëminövoꞌiröhe ae jioꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "Whoever of you wants to become first among you shall be bondservant of all.", "aom": "O jemesi ae gemu rahu nunire jioꞌi nimëꞌoho hu a ioroꞌioro jemesi mu vaejëhonövoꞌiröhe ae jioꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "Jesus said, “Most certainly I tell you, there is no one who has left house, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or land, for my sake, and for the sake of the Good News,", "aom": "Jijihëꞌe javuajëjamu Iesuro uëvadeje: Ëho iae mae höjo. Aveho na jö mae uëꞌiëꞌajëjo. Ae rahu javue öe maꞌine vëme vavue aboji harihuꞌe o saꞌae vuonugoꞌi nasi jöëni vaꞌoromo nasi jö ma a majëhijëꞌoho"} {"eng": "but he will receive one hundred times more now in this time: houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and land, with persecutions; and in the age to come eternal life.", "aom": "ëhi jiëꞌe aribövioho jemë jemesi bövioho biseꞌoho ëho ma-biseꞌe vuonugarije höjo röhu avevejöꞌe ave saꞌare bövi mae baeꞌaꞌarujëjo. Javue ahoꞌo ö ömoꞌöme ahoꞌo maꞌino ömoꞌöme ahoꞌo vëmu ömoꞌöme ahoꞌo aboji harihuꞌe ahoꞌo saꞌae ahoꞌo baeꞌaꞌarujëjo. Ëhi baeꞌaꞌarujëjo röhu aëro nasi jöëni huë vavaenohuꞌo bojëmiꞌiramu baeꞌaꞌarujëjo. Röhu majae ijonö jemë ma-ioroꞌioremu maro raromoꞌarujëjo."} {"eng": "The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!", "aom": "Ëhi uëvamu rue ijorajoho jabu jöe barëjëvadeje. Jöe barëjëvamu Iesuro röhu maho uëvadeje: Aganomë God-hu muebejaje ajiꞌe öri ariꞌere vaꞌiröhoho anojiꞌe mae höjo."} {"eng": "It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter into God’s Kingdom.”", "aom": "Mi börömo anugo gagore nugöꞌöjëꞌoho ja bogo eni javoꞌajëjo. Röhu ëhi ëꞌëꞌoho samae jianovoꞌi aꞌi bövi biseꞌo marohëꞌe ariböviehu God-hu muebejaje öri ariꞌere vaꞌiröhoho ëho anojiꞌe mae höjo."} {"eng": "If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life lame, rather than having your two feet to be cast into Gehenna, into the fire that will never be quenched—", "aom": "O jasi hörehu mu sisë vaeromo God uehorovanue mu vuonugoꞌiëꞌiroho höroho tariöꞌönëjo. Ja höre gemu javamu ijonö vaꞌoromo mare hijëꞌoho ëhuro ja mae javoꞌajëjo. Aꞌi höre niöꞌi javamu ijonö God-hu ramöꞌöjamu vënire vaꞌëꞌoho ëhuro ja sisë bëhe javoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "‘where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire is not quenched.’", "aom": "[Ëdiröꞌore huiniohuro bogo vuovoꞌi a sine ma-ueꞌahemu ueꞌahego vënoho bogo duorohego ë diröꞌore aho viꞌehoho ma-baemu baejarue höjo.]"} {"eng": "If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having your two hands to go into Gehenna, into the unquenchable fire,", "aom": "O jasi övehu mu sisë vaeromo God uehorovanue mu vuonugoꞌiëꞌiroho övoho tariöꞌönëjo. Ja öve gemu javamu ijonö vaꞌoromo mare hijëꞌoho ëhuro mae javoꞌajëjo. Aꞌi öve niöꞌi javamu ijonö God-hu ramöꞌöjamu ravemu ravaje vënire vaꞌëꞌoho ëhuro sisë bëhe javoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "‘where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire is not quenched.’", "aom": "[Ëdiröꞌore huiniohuro bogo vuovoꞌi a sine ma-ueꞌahemu ueꞌahego vënoho bogo duorohego ë diröꞌore aho viꞌehoho ma-baemu baejarue höjo.]"} {"eng": "He took a little child and set him in the middle of them. Taking him in his arms, he said to them,", "aom": "Ëhi uënugoromo Iesuro vaꞌo aharihoho viëhi jabesi nunire baro gurasijiomo namiromo uëvadeje:"} {"eng": "“Whoever receives one such little child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me, doesn’t receive me, but him who sent me.”", "aom": "Ae rahu aviëhi jiëꞌe asisöꞌoho gemu nasi ihore rajahiromo baejëꞌoho ëhuro naꞌo rajehiromo baejevoruomaje höjo. O ae rahu na rajehiromo baejevëꞌoho ëhuro bogo na gemu rajehiꞌi remöꞌöjamu rovode ahuꞌo rajahiruomaje höjo."} {"eng": "He came to Capernaum, and when he was in the house he asked them, “What were you arguing among yourselves on the way?”", "aom": "Ëhiꞌoromo Iesumëro Capernaum amore rovareje. Rueromo osare vaꞌo raromoromo Iesuro hesi aribövioho uëvadeje: Jemë rabu jöe öriroho atobe rovarije höjo."} {"eng": "But they were silent, for they had disputed with one another on the way about who was the greatest.", "aom": "Atobe rovarije höjamu jörumoraejareje ë hesi bëhoho örire rueromo atoromo uarovëꞌëro: Iesuare ijorajo ömoꞌömoho di aho börömoho javuajëjo. Ëhi uarovobe rovëꞌëro jörumoraejareje."} {"eng": "They went out from there and passed through Galilee. He didn’t want anyone to know it,", "aom": "Ëhiꞌonugoromo Iesuꞌo hesi ariböviohuꞌo ë saꞌaho vuonugoꞌi vaꞌareje. Vaꞌoromo Galilee saꞌare ma-saginiëri jijihoruomadeje aëro Iesu gajöëni."} {"eng": "for he was teaching his disciples, and said to them, “The Son of Man is being handed over to the hands of men, and they will kill him; and when he is killed, on the third day he will rise again.”", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho huro hesi aribövioho röjëhibe juvoromo uënövadeje: God-ro ëhi bamëꞌëro hesi A Maho na a jabesi övore vaꞌoromo anegoꞌiramu guomoꞌejöjo. Guomoromo majae niöꞌi gemu hesi uhure riꞌöꞌejöjo."} {"eng": "Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”", "aom": "Ja rabëni uvanuëjo: Nani nörö bogo eni höjo. Ae rahu God mae uehorovëꞌoho God-hu ëhi jiëꞌe ariböviohuni bövi biseꞌo vaeꞌiröhoho eni höjo."} {"eng": "Immediately the father of the child cried out with tears, “I believe. Help my unbelief!”", "aom": "Eni höjamu rue vavuohuro ma-darugoꞌo uvadeje: Iae na ma-bisemu mae uehorovajëjo. Ajemego na mae uehorovo avohöjo."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Elijah indeed comes first, and restores all things. How is it written about the Son of Man, that he should suffer many things and be despised?", "aom": "Rabëni majahuijarue höjamu Iesuro uëvadeje: Ioꞌajo. Elijah-hu urimo rueromo bövi biseꞌo avohoꞌamoꞌiröhe jöho iae mae-ëjo. Röhu ave jöhuꞌo God-are surire jajivoromo uvëꞌe höjo: Aëro God-are A Maho nörö nue huodivoromo sisë vaeꞌiramu viꞌehe huë vavaene bövie biseꞌe baeꞌaꞌajëjo. Ëhi jajivëꞌe höjo. Ëjöho bogo ëma jajivoꞌi iae mae jajivare höjo."} {"eng": "But I tell you that Elijah has come, and they have also done to him whatever they wanted to, even as it is written about him.”", "aom": "Röhu naro ave jöho jemë uhuꞌe uëꞌiëꞌajëjo. Hehëjo. Elijah iae mamiꞌe öre avohoꞌi rovade höjo. Rovamu jaburo diehi nimarëhi ëhi hesi örire sisë vaeruomade höjo. Ëhi ëꞌiröhe jöhuꞌo God-are surire jajivëꞌe höjo."} {"eng": "Peter answered Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let’s make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”", "aom": "Jöe atamu gëgorovo Peter-ro Iesu uavadeje: Tisa no ave raromaruoho iae mae höjo. Uövuego no javu harihe niöꞌi gemu vaeꞌamarëjo jani gemu Moses-ni gemu Elijah-ni gemu."} {"eng": "For he didn’t know what to say, for they were very afraid.", "aom": "Peter-hu ëhi uavade hesi bëhoho Peter James John ëho jaburo sisë maro juhuonirovëꞌëro jö ma diehi jövoꞌiröhoho Peter dadivamu ëhuni ëhi jövadeje."} {"eng": "Having eyes, don’t you see? Having ears, don’t you hear? Don’t you remember?", "aom": "Jemë nuniꞌe hiaꞌiꞌe jëvajëjo. Röhu rabëni bogo garomo bogo hejarujëjo. Jemë rabëni ave jö hesi bëhoho bogo uehorovarujëjo."} {"eng": "When I broke the five loaves among the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They told him, “Twelve.”", "aom": "Naehu ie övo gö mine ujuohoromo atoꞌatovoromo ae ahoꞌobëhe 5,000 iꞌimëmodoho jemë ë i vitu vituoho aegamu esöe diminoꞌe irijiomoꞌamade höjo. Uëvareje: Esöe ahoꞌobëhe 12 irijiomoꞌamade höjo."} {"eng": "They ate and were filled. They took up seven baskets of broken pieces that were left over.", "aom": "Ëhi ëꞌëꞌëro ae ahoꞌobëhe ë ioho ueꞌahamu daꞌuëgadeje. Daꞌuëgamu gagorovo ijorajoho jaburo i vitu vituoho gagovoromo esöe övo gö mine övo göre niöꞌi aegamu irijiomoꞌamadeje. Ëhiꞌareje."} {"eng": "Those who had eaten were about four thousand. Then he sent them away.", "aom": "Röhu ë i visu ueꞌahare aribövioho ahoꞌobëhe 4,000 rabuꞌe jiadeje. Ueꞌahoromo Iesuro rëmöꞌöjamu vaꞌoruomadeje."} {"eng": "He commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground, and he took the seven loaves. Having given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to serve, and they served the multitude.", "aom": "Ëhi uavamu hegorovo Iesuro ae ahoꞌobëhe uëvadeje: Saꞌaro raromohëjo. Raromohëromo ie övo gö mine övo göre niöꞌi ujuoho rovaroho ëho Iesuro ujuohoromo God huë mae uaromo atoꞌatovoromo hesi ijorajo ömoꞌömoho iꞌimëmijadeje jaburo suvuorëmijöro. Iꞌimëmamu ujuohoromo ae ahoꞌobëhe suvuorëmijareje."} {"eng": "They also had a few small fish. Having blessed them, he said to serve these also.", "aom": "Ëhiꞌoꞌi visu inine ma-gemu gemu Iesuare ijorajo jabesirire jiadeje. Jëvamu Iesuro ujuohoromo God huë mae uanugoromo hesi aribövioho uëvadeje: Ave visuohuꞌo suvuorëmibe vaꞌohëjo."} {"eng": "For a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having heard of him, came and fell down at his feet.", "aom": "Ëhuꞌëro jiëꞌëro magonahe gemuëro ma-burëro hejadeje uvavamu: Iesu rovëꞌe höjo. Ëmagonahoho aboje gemu biseꞌe jiadeje. Satan-are a sisëro ë aboji hesi dëre abueromo simanoho huotovahëꞌe jiadeje. Hesi abojoho ëhi jiëꞌëro ë magonahohuro hejade uvavamu: Iesu rovëꞌe hö uvavamu hegorovo rueromo Iesuare höru bëhire ague aho hijadeje."} {"eng": "Now the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by race. She begged him that he would cast the demon out of her daughter.", "aom": "Röhu ë magonahoho hu bogo Jew rajo magonahehu jioromo bogo Jew rajo jöehu jövaje magonahehu jioꞌi aꞌi hesi saꞌa börömoho Syria jioꞌi hesi saꞌa biseꞌoho Phoenicia jiadeje. Hu bogo Jew rajoho jiëꞌe Iesu ëninamiromo uavadeje: Ajemiromo a sisë nasi aboji hesirire jiajoho rarovöꞌöjego vaꞌirajo."} {"eng": "He said, “That which proceeds out of the man, that defiles the man.", "aom": "Röhu Iesuro hesi jö vituoho majëhiromo uëvadeje: I ueꞌahëꞌohuro bogo ëhuro aho sisërëꞌamoꞌi aꞌi dë vövöbajoꞌere jioromo rojomoromo suorovëꞌohuro ëhuro aho God-are nuniroho sisërëꞌamaje höjo."} {"eng": "For from within, out of the hearts of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, sexual sins, murders, thefts,", "aom": "Uehoro sisëhuro dë vövöbajoꞌere jioromo rojomego ëhuro öëro jijihanovoruomaje höjo. Vajiohëro ujuohoruomaje höjo. Ae muoꞌamoruomaje höjo."} {"eng": "covetings, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, and foolishness.", "aom": "Gohoꞌamoruomaje höjo. A jabesiroho ujuohoniëhiꞌi ganiganimoruomaje höjo. Mu sisë rabe rabe vaeruomaje höjo. Ae gö sarerëmiruomaje höjo. A nunire javojiꞌe muoho vaeruomaje höjo. A jabesi mu mahuni dë vörönëgaje höjo. A jabesi ihoho ijumoruomaje höjo. Sivue uehorovoromo jabesi ihoho döro bamoruomaje höjo. Simane sisëꞌi uehorovoruomaje höjo."} {"eng": "All these evil things come from within and defile the man.”", "aom": "Ëhi jiëꞌe uehoro sisë ahoꞌobëhe dë vövöbajoꞌere jioromo rojomoromo suorovajohuro ëhuro aho God-are nunire sisërëꞌamaje höjo."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Are you also without understanding? Don’t you perceive that whatever goes into the man from outside can’t defile him,", "aom": "Hejarëjamu Iesuro uëvadeje: Ëhi jiëꞌoho na jemëꞌo uehoroho bogojëvajëjo. Jemë rabëni bogo garomo uvarujëjo: Rabe roriꞌo jiajehu jöꞌore vaꞌëꞌoho bogo ëhuro aho sisërëꞌamaje höjo."} {"eng": "because it doesn’t go into his heart, but into his stomach, then into the latrine, making all foods clean?”", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho rabe jöꞌore vaꞌëꞌoho vövöbajoꞌeroho bogo abueꞌi dëre abuejaje höjo. Dëre abueromo dëre jioromo suorovoromo bogo aho ijumëvëꞌe ma-gua gagore vaꞌaje höjo. Ëhuꞌëro aho God-are nuniroho bogo sisërëꞌamaje höjo. Iesuhu ëhi jövadoho huro uöromo ëꞌadeje: Jaruvoho ie ahoꞌo ma-ueꞌahëꞌoho God-ro uvaje höjo: Iae mae höjo."} {"eng": "There is nothing from outside of the man that going into him can defile him; but the things which proceed out of the man are those that defile the man.", "aom": "Rabe roriꞌo jiajehu jöꞌore vaꞌëꞌoho bogo ëhuro aho sisërëꞌamoꞌi aꞌi rabe dë vövöbajoꞌere jioromo suorovëꞌohuro ëhuro aho sisërëꞌamaje höjo."} {"eng": "If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear!”", "aom": "[Ae rahu ja God-are jö hejanue ae javëꞌoho bëhoho nahoromo birohonëjo.]"} {"eng": "But you say, ‘If a man tells his father or his mother, “Whatever profit you might have received from me is Corban,”’” that is to say, given to God,", "aom": "Röhu jemëro ë jöho ahoromo ae röjëhiromo uëvaruje höjo: Jaehu jasi vëmu vavuꞌo God-are nunire uëvëꞌoho: Nasi maho sisëho ujuohoromo ajëmiꞌibejodoho röhu aveho na God-are ihoro bamëꞌe jevajë uëvëꞌoho"} {"eng": "“then you no longer allow him to do anything for his father or his mother,", "aom": "nadi röhu maho huotorovoromo jasi vëmu vavuꞌoho ajëminëjo. Ajëmijëꞌoho sisë höjo. Ëhi uëvaruje höjo."} {"eng": "Then the Pharisees and some of the scribes gathered together to him, having come from Jerusalem.", "aom": "Iae Pharisee ariböviohuro Jew rajo jögoru öri röjëhijarue ariböviohuro urimo Jerusalem jioromo rovëꞌëro jiëꞌëro Iesu jiajire ro gagovoruomadeje."} {"eng": "Now when they saw some of his disciples eating bread with defiled, that is unwashed, hands, they found fault.", "aom": "Gagovoromo gavareje Iesuare ijorajo ömoꞌömohuro Pharisee rajo jabesi jögoroho ahoromo jovoho övoho bogo otehodivorovoromo sisëho uꞌovëꞌe ioho ma-ueꞌahamu."} {"eng": "(For the Pharisees and all the Jews don’t eat unless they wash their hands and forearms, holding to the tradition of the elders.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho Pharisee ariböviohuꞌo Jew rajo a ioroꞌiorohuꞌo ioho bogo ëma ueꞌaharueje. Aꞌi urimo Jew rajo a mamiehu jö bojëmibe rovarëhi ëhiꞌoromo jovëro övoho otehodivorovoromo uvoruomajeje: Nosi sinore sisëho uꞌovahuëꞌëro God-are nunire mae javuajëromo evare ioho ueꞌaharueje."} {"eng": "They don’t eat when they come from the marketplace unless they bathe themselves, and there are many other things which they have received to hold to: washings of cups, pitchers, bronze vessels, and couches.)", "aom": "O i imoꞌamarue öri ariꞌere jioromo ujuoho rovëꞌiroho uvoruomajeje: Sisë höromo jovëro otehodivoromo uꞌoꞌamoromo uvoruomajeje: Avevejöꞌoho ë ioho iae mae uꞌovëꞌe höromo evare ueꞌaharueje. Ëhiꞌoromo a mami ariböviehu bojëmibe rovare jögoroho ahoꞌobëhe jabumëro ejëhoromo enatue ramae gö gö [i ijarue röhe] ëhi uꞌoꞌamoromo uvoruomajeje: Ëinömo inömo hesi sisëho uꞌo barëꞌego God nimorohajëjo. Ëhiꞌarueje."} {"eng": "for they all saw him and were troubled. But he immediately spoke with them and said to them, “Cheer up! It is I! Don’t be afraid.”", "aom": "Iosirëmiꞌiaꞌamu ijorajoho jaburo gavareje hu jovo döre juvamu gagorovo uvareje: Aruꞌahëro juvajëromo jioduduꞌiraeromo jöꞌe dadovareje. Jöꞌe dadovamu hejëꞌi uëvadeje: Nadi juhuonivoꞌi biririvohëjo. Na jevajëjo."} {"eng": "He commanded them that everyone should sit down in groups on the green grass.", "aom": "Ëhi uëvamu hegorovo ruehuro ae ahoꞌobëhe uëvadeje: Vaꞌoromo hahagu hahagu gagovoromo ëhi garasiohuro raromobe vaꞌohëjo."} {"eng": "They sat down in ranks, by hundreds and by fifties.", "aom": "Vaꞌohëjamu rue ariböviohuro vaꞌoromo ë 50 50 o 100 100 hahagu hahagu gagovoromo ëhi garasi rövëꞌe mabëhire raromobe vaꞌareje."} {"eng": "King Herod heard this, for his name had become known, and he said, “John the Baptizer has risen from the dead, and therefore these powers are at work in him.”", "aom": "Ëhi jiëꞌe mu masijoho vaebe jijihamu saꞌa a böröme Herod-ro ë jöho hejadeje rabëni Iesuhu ëꞌaje jöho ae ahoꞌobëhe dinöꞌe dinöꞌe vaerovëꞌëro jiëꞌëro. A ioroꞌiorohuro uvoruomadeje: Ëaho John bapataeto vaenövade ahuro guomoromo riꞌöjëꞌe höjo. Ëhuꞌëro darugo böröme baeromo mu masijoho vaejaje höjo."} {"eng": "But others said, “He is Elijah.” Others said, “He is a prophet, or like one of the prophets.”", "aom": "A ioroꞌiorohuro uvoruomadeje: Iesu hu mamiꞌe hijade ae Elijah-ro rovëꞌëro ëꞌajëjo. A ioroꞌiorohuro uvoruomadeje: Jö God-aro baeromo majëhinövare aribövi ioroꞌioro jiarëhi hu ëhi jiëꞌe aëro jiëꞌëro ëꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "But Herod, when he heard this, said, “This is John, whom I beheaded. He has risen from the dead.”", "aom": "Ae göëro göëro Iesuare jöho gö gö atavamu hegoro Herod-ro ae uëvadeje: Ëaho hu John höjo. Urimo naro hesi sönöho tariojahode höjo röhu hu guomoromo riꞌöjëꞌëro hijajëjo."} {"eng": "Herodias set herself against him and desired to kill him, but she couldn’t,", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu ë magonahohuro John nue huodivoromo anoꞌi nimadeje. Ëhi nimoromo röhu Herod-ro magonahoho ahamu anoꞌiëꞌadoho vuonugadeje."} {"eng": "for Herod feared John, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man, and kept him safe. When he heard him, he did many things, and he heard him gladly.", "aom": "Herod-hu magonaho ahade hesi bëhoho huro uvadeje: John hu a ma-mabëhe hö uvoromo ëhuni John juhuonamiromo avoho mueberomo magonahoho ahadeje. Magonahoho ahoromo vaꞌoromo henövadeje John-ro God-are jöe majahiꞌego. Jöe majahiꞌego Herod-ro nurunurumoꞌego hesi jöho heꞌi nimonövadeje."} {"eng": "Then a convenient day came when Herod on his birthday made a supper for his nobles, the high officers, and the chief men of Galilee.", "aom": "Ëhiꞌoromo John anojöëni magonahoho ahobe ruejuvo Herod rahade majaho rovamu evare magonahehu vaeꞌi nimade majaho rovadeje. Ëhesi bëhoho Herod-ro söröe baeromo hu ajamiromo ë saꞌa muebejarue aribövioho muorovo mu muebejarue aribövioho a masijo ioroꞌiore Galilee saꞌare raromaruoho ë a masijoho uëvadeje: Ruehego na söröe bojëmiꞌiröjo. Bojëmiꞌiröjamu rueruomadeje."} {"eng": "When the daughter of Herodias herself came in and danced, she pleased Herod and those sitting with him. The king said to the young lady, “Ask me whatever you want, and I will give it to you.”", "aom": "Rueruomamu ë magonaho hesi abojohuro rueromo javavadeje. Javavamu gagorovo Herodꞌo hesi örire rueruomade ariböviohuꞌo ë magonahoho garomo vuëvorovoruomadeje. Vuëvorovoromo Herod-ro magonahoho uavadeje: Ja rabe rabe nimëꞌoho uevego bojamiꞌiröjo."} {"eng": "He swore to her, “Whatever you ask of me, I will give you, up to half of my kingdom.”", "aom": "Naehu muebejaje öri ariꞌo nimëꞌoho iae ëhuꞌo ririre tarioromo vituoho bojamiꞌejöjo. God-ro geꞌego na mae uavajëjo."} {"eng": "She went out and said to her mother, “What shall I ask?” She said, “The head of John the Baptizer.”", "aom": "Ëhi uavamu ë magonahohuro vaꞌoromo vëmoho uavadeje: Na rabe baeꞌejöjo. Rabe baeꞌejöjamu rue vëmohuro uavadeje: Uanëjo bapataeto vaejaje ae John-are sönöho tarioromo simanoho baro bojemëjo."} {"eng": "She came in immediately with haste to the king and requested, “I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptizer on a platter.”", "aom": "Ëhi uavamu hejëꞌi rue abojohuro ma-burëro vuonoröꞌö rueromo a börömoho uavadeje: Na negajoho avevejöꞌe ae uëvego bapataeto vaejaje ae John-are sönöho tarioromo simanoho hevö döre bamoromo baro bojemarëjo."} {"eng": "The king was exceedingly sorry, but for the sake of his oaths and of his dinner guests, he didn’t wish to refuse her.", "aom": "Ëhi uavamu hegorovo rue a börömohuro huë vavaene böröme baejadeje. Iae hu huë vavaene baejadeje röhu urimo darugoꞌe jöho ë aribövi jabesi nuniro ë magonahoho mae uavëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro huotorovoromo nijioꞌiraeröhoho hu bijönimadeje."} {"eng": "Immediately the king sent out a soldier of his guard and commanded to bring John’s head; and he went and beheaded him in the prison,", "aom": "Bijönimamu evare ae gemu ma-burëro nugöꞌöromo uavadeje: Vaꞌoromo John-are sönöho tarioromo simanoho baruenëjo. Baruenëjamu savoji gagore vaꞌoromo sönöho tarioromo simanoho"} {"eng": "and brought his head on a platter, and gave it to the young lady; and the young lady gave it to her mother.", "aom": "hevöre bamonugoromo barueromo abojoho bojamadeje. Bojamamu huro bavaꞌo vëmoho bojamadeje."} {"eng": "When his disciples heard this, they came and took up his corpse and laid it in a tomb.", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu John-are ijore ijore jijiharue ariböviohuro ë jöho heromo rueromo sinoho bavaꞌoromo munë gagore bamareje."} {"eng": "He called to himself the twelve, and began to send them out two by two; and he gave them authority over the unclean spirits.", "aom": "Röjëhibe juvoromo hesi ijoraje 12-ho uëvadeje: Ruehëromo rovamu uëvadeje: Naro jemë rëmöꞌöꞌiëꞌajëjo jemëro nasi jöho ae majëhibe jijihoꞌirarijego. Jemë ae niöꞌi niöꞌi ame göro göro vaꞌorëjo. Jemëhu mu vaeꞌirarijohuni nasi darugoho bojëmijajëjo ëhuro jemëro Satan-are a sisë gö gö a dëre jioꞌamëꞌoho rarovöꞌöꞌirarijego."} {"eng": "He commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, except a staff only: no bread, no wallet, no money in their purse,", "aom": "Röhu vaꞌiëꞌiroho ma-guduodemu ujuohorëjo. Ioho esöho ijo bajoho bövioho biseꞌoho bogavëjo."} {"eng": "but to wear sandals, and not put on two tunics.", "aom": "O höru guduoho ioꞌamoromo niöge ma-gemu gemu ioꞌamoꞌi nadi niöꞌi niöꞌioho ioꞌamorëjo."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Wherever you enter into a house, stay there until you depart from there.", "aom": "Ëhi uënugoromo uëvadeje: Amo göre göre vaꞌoromo aehu di osare raromojöro uëvamu vaꞌo raromëꞌoho ëhuremu raromonövorëjo ijonö ë amore jioromo vaꞌiëꞌe jëvaje."} {"eng": "Whoever will not receive you nor hear you, as you depart from there, shake off the dust that is under your feet for a testimony against them. Assuredly, I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!”", "aom": "O di amore ariböviehu jemesi örire nu huodëgoromo jö bogo ejëhëꞌoho amoho nugo vaꞌirögoro jabesi saꞌa hesi tohotohe jemesi höru hitahire jiajoho saꞌaro riremo vaꞌego ë amo rajohuro garomo uvoꞌirarëjo: No sisë ëꞌëꞌe javuajëjo."} {"eng": "He could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them.", "aom": "Ëhi uëromo hu darugoꞌe mu vaeꞌiröhoho bogo eni jiadeje. Huro guomo guomoꞌe ae ma-gemu gemu jabesi sinore hesi övoho bamëhoromo sinoho avohëvamu marëjëvadeje. Ëhemu ëꞌadeje."} {"eng": "He marveled because of their unbelief. He went around the villages teaching.", "aom": "Röhu hesi amo rajehu hu bogo ma uehorovarohuni ëhuni tiöjadeje. Ëhiꞌonugoromo vaꞌadeje. Vaꞌoromo amore amore jöho röjëhibe juvadeje."} {"eng": "When the Sabbath had come, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many hearing him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things?” and, “What is the wisdom that is given to this man, that such mighty works come about by his hands?", "aom": "Rueruomoromo Jew rajo jabesi nuho majaho rovamu Iesuro God rajahijarue osare vaꞌoromo God-are jö bëhoho röjëhijadeje. Röjëhijamu ae ahoꞌobëhe heromo tiöjareje. Tiöromo uvoruomadeje: Ëiahuro jöho dinöꞌe hejëꞌëro jövajëjo. Hu diehiꞌoromo ëhi jiëꞌe simano maho baejade höjo. Darugoꞌe mu masijoho diehiꞌoromo vaejaje höjo."} {"eng": "Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James, Joses, Judah, and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” So they were offended at him.", "aom": "Hu sarerivajëjo. Ma-ijo muemu vaejaje ae höjo. Hu Mary-are harihe höjo. Hu James-are Joses-are Judas-are Simon-are öe höjo. Hesi maꞌino ömoꞌömoho aviae noꞌo gemu mae raromarue höjo. Ëhi uvoruomoromo nue huodivareje."} {"eng": "He allowed no one to follow him except Peter, James, and John the brother of James.", "aom": "Ëhi uanugoromo Peter James o James-are öe John ëho jaburo huꞌo vaꞌojöro uëꞌi a ioroꞌioroho nijioꞌiraejëvadeje."} {"eng": "He came to the synagogue ruler’s house, and he saw an uproar, weeping, and great wailing.", "aom": "Nijioꞌiraejëvonugoromo jaburo vaꞌoromo Jairus-are osare rovareje. Rueromo Iesuro gavadeje ae ahoꞌobëhe gagovorovëꞌëro garahöröꞌe baeromo ma-darugoꞌo nierusuburuꞌe bamoruomamu."} {"eng": "For she said, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be made well.”", "aom": "Sisërëbe vaꞌamu ë magonahohuro hejade uvoruomamu: Iesuro ae magonahe mabëhe ajamuijaje hö uvamu hejëꞌëro uehorovoromo uvadeje: Na Iesu ma-niögohuremu rëhëꞌohuro ëhuro marëjevoꞌajëromo ae ahoꞌobëhe vaꞌaruire ë vaꞌoromo Iesuare dejonö rueromo niögoho rëhadeje."} {"eng": "and crying out with a loud voice, he said, “What have I to do with you, Jesus, you Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, don’t torment me.”", "aom": "ma-darugoꞌo uvadeje: Iesu ja God dö mare hijaje a hesi Harihe javajëjo. Ja rabëni sihusihuegoꞌi rovane höjo. Na God-are nuniro uavajëjo: Nadi huë sisëho viꞌehoho bojemëjo."} {"eng": "For he said to him, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!”", "aom": "Viꞌehoho nadi bojemijë uvade hesi bëhoho urimëꞌi Iesuro hu uavadeje: Aruꞌaho sisëho jero ë a hesi dëre hijanuoho vuonugoꞌi vaꞌëjo. Ëhi uavëꞌego ëhuni uvadeje."} {"eng": "When he had come out of the boat, immediately a man with an unclean spirit met him out of the tombs.", "aom": "Baboro bejamu gagorovo ae gemuëro guavoꞌamarue juju gagore jioromo rueromo Iesu birohadeje. Ëa hesi dëre Satan-are a sisëro abueruomamu simane huotorovëꞌe jiadeje."} {"eng": "He lived in the tombs. Nobody could bind him any more, not even with chains,", "aom": "Simane huotorovëꞌëro guavoꞌamarue juju gago jioꞌamajire ë hinövadeje. Hiꞌego aëro vajaëro öꞌëro rabëro tövoꞌiëꞌoromo gavare bogo eni jëvamu vuonugareje."} {"eng": "because he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been torn apart by him, and the fetters broken in pieces. Nobody had the strength to tame him.", "aom": "Urimoroho aëro vajaëro övore hörure tövoꞌego övore öꞌoho ruho tarivoromo hörure vajaho ano ahöꞌönövadeje. Ëhiꞌoromo vöröꞌiraeꞌego aehu guduamoromo huꞌirae ro röhore nugoꞌiröhoho bogo eni jëvonövadeje."} {"eng": "Always, night and day, in the tombs and in the mountains, he was crying out, and cutting himself with stones.", "aom": "Majae vahie jöꞌe dadovëꞌi munëro anorovëꞌi guavaruire hinövo dahorure ajio hinövadeje."} {"eng": "A big wind storm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so much that the boat was already filled.", "aom": "Vaꞌamu buru böröme eꞌure rovadeje. Bure rovamu jovohuro hasaromo boat-re ro nemoromo ruahoromo abueromo irijiomoromo diruvëvoꞌiëꞌadeje."} {"eng": "He himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and asked him, “Teacher, don’t you care that we are dying?”", "aom": "Diruvëvoꞌiaꞌamu gavëꞌi ijorajoho jaburo gavare Iesu mamiꞌe boat dejonö vaꞌo raromoromo simano dövaejaruohuro simane dövaeromo niavëꞌe jiamu gagorovo ioromo uavareje: Tisa no vuovavuoꞌiëꞌajëjo. Na ja nosi jöënioho bogo uehorovanuëjo."} {"eng": "He said, “God’s Kingdom is as if a man should cast seed on the earth,", "aom": "Röhu Iesuro uhu jöe göꞌo majëhiromo uëvadeje: I ujehu riromo raejajëhi God-ro böröme namiromo hesi öri ariꞌoho bövioho biseꞌoho ëhi muebejëvaje höjo. Ëjöho naro majëhiꞌiëꞌajëjo. Mu arijoꞌohuro nani ujoho saꞌare suovo ruruhöꞌöbe vaꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "and should sleep and rise night and day, and the seed should spring up and grow, though he doesn’t know how.", "aom": "Vaꞌoromo vahiromoꞌiramu niavoromo sisonuvoꞌiramu riꞌönövoꞌajëjo. Ëhiꞌobe vaꞌiramu ë majae gemuore ujo suovo ruruhöꞌöjadohuro rëdijiomoromo riꞌamoꞌajëjo. Ëhiꞌoꞌiramu mu arijoꞌohuro ëho garomo dadivoromo uvoꞌaꞌajëjo: Diehiꞌoromo ëꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "For the earth bears fruit by itself: first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.", "aom": "Ëhi uvoꞌaꞌajëjo röhu hesi saꞌaëro rihuoho bojamego i ujoho riromo inovoromo maho raejaje höjo."} {"eng": "But when the fruit is ripe, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”", "aom": "Maho raeromo mavego evare arijoꞌohuro ma-burëro tarivoromo gagovoromo avoho bahijaje höjo ë hesi bëhoho ë gagovarue majaho rovëꞌego."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you; and more will be given to you who hear.", "aom": "Ëhi uënugoromo uëvadeje: Nasi jö hejarujoho avoꞌavoho uehorovonövorëjo. Uehore ma-bisemu bamëꞌoho ëhuro ajiꞌe jöho ma-bisemu baeꞌaꞌarujëjo. O börömo bamëꞌohuro ëhuro böröme baeꞌaꞌarujëjo. Röhu göꞌo döre börömo bëhe baeꞌaꞌarujëjo."} {"eng": "For whoever has, to him more will be given; and he who doesn’t have, even that which he has will be taken away from him.”", "aom": "Ajiꞌe jö javëꞌoho God-ro göꞌo bojamiꞌiramu baeꞌaꞌanuëjo. O bogojavëꞌoho bisemu baejanoho God-ro ë uehoroho muꞌuvahoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "He answered them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?”", "aom": "Riravaruëjamu uëvadeje: Jemë uehorovarujoho nasi vëmoho ö ömoꞌömoho di aribövioho jioruomajëjo."} {"eng": "Looking around at those who sat around him, he said, “Behold, my mother and my brothers!", "aom": "Ëhi uënugoromo uherihoromo ruë numë raromo rovaꞌo rojomarue aribövioho gëromo uëvadeje: Aveho gahëjo. Aruëroho nasi vëmohuꞌo ö ömoꞌömohuꞌo jëvajëjo."} {"eng": "Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter);", "aom": "Röhu baejëvade aribövi jabesi ihoho ëhi jëvadeje. Simon baejadeje. Röhu Iesuro iho göho Peter jumuvadeje."} {"eng": "James the son of Zebedee; and John, the brother of James, (whom he called Boanerges, which means, Sons of Thunder);", "aom": "Röhu Zebedee-are harihe niöꞌi Jamesꞌo Johnꞌo öꞌo öꞌo baejëvadeje. Röhu Iesuro jabumë niöꞌi ihe Boanerges jumëgadeje. Jabesi jöho Boanerges iho bëhoho nosi jöho vajerehu anajëhi ëhi jëvëꞌe ae jëve."} {"eng": "Andrew; Philip; Bartholomew; Matthew; Thomas; James, the son of Alphaeus; Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot;", "aom": "Röhu Andrew Philip Bartholomew Matthew Thomas o Alphaeus-are harihe James o Thaddaeus o Simon ëhi baejëvadeje. Röhu Simon hu Jew rajehu jabesi mueberovoꞌi nimade aho jiadeje."} {"eng": "and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him. Then he came into a house.", "aom": "O Judas Iscariot huꞌo baejadeje. Judas Iscariot hu ijonö Iesuni hiruëmiromo a jabesi övore bojëmiꞌiröhe aho jiadeje."} {"eng": "He appointed twelve, that they might be with him, and that he might send them out to preach", "aom": "Rovamu ae ahoꞌobëhe 12 baejëvadeje huꞌo gemu mae raromo jijihoꞌiröhego. O rëmöꞌöjego hesi jöho ae majëhibe jijihoꞌiröhego."} {"eng": "and to have authority to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons:", "aom": "O Satan-are ariböviehu a dëre jioruomajoho uëvego suorovoromo vaꞌoruomoröhego."} {"eng": "The unclean spirits, whenever they saw him, fell down before him and cried, “You are the Son of God!”", "aom": "O Satan-are aruꞌaho sisë a jabesi dëre raromaroho ëho jabuhu Iesu gavëꞌiroho hesi nuninö behumorovoꞌamoromo ma-darugoꞌo uvonövareje: Ja God-are Harihe javajëjo."} {"eng": "He sternly warned them that they should not make him known.", "aom": "God-are Harihe javajëꞌego Iesuro ë aruꞌaho sisëho uënövadeje: Jöe nugohëjo. Na rahu jevajoho bogave aho huruoho majëhiꞌirarijëjo."} {"eng": "He spoke to his disciples that a little boat should stay near him because of the crowd, so that they wouldn’t press on him.", "aom": "Rueruomamu gëgorovo Iesuro uvadeje: Ae ahoꞌobëhe jioruomëꞌëro nani jabumëro na tatijiomevoruomoꞌajë uvoromo hesi ijorajo ömoꞌömoho uëvadeje: Boat harihe avohehego na ë hiꞌiröjo."} {"eng": "For he had healed many, so that as many as had diseases pressed on him that they might touch him.", "aom": "Röhu Iesuro hu tatijiomoröhe jö uehorovade hesi bëhoho huro ae ahoꞌobëhe avohëvamu mae jioꞌamëꞌego guomo guomoꞌe aho ahoꞌobëhe göëro gö bijimöꞌöbe iosiramirovobe rueꞌiëꞌareje hu rëhego mae jëvoröhego."} {"eng": "Jesus withdrew to the sea with his disciples; and a great multitude followed him from Galilee, from Judea,", "aom": "Ëhiꞌamu Iesuro hesi ijorajo ömoꞌömohuꞌo gemu mae ë amore jioromo vaꞌoromo Galilee eꞌu riröre abuejadeje. Abuejamu ae ahoꞌobëhe mae Galilee saꞌare jioromo hesi ijore rueruomadeje."} {"eng": "from Jerusalem, from Idumaea, beyond the Jordan, and those from around Tyre and Sidon. A great multitude, hearing what great things he did, came to him.", "aom": "Rueruomamu rue Jerusalem amore Judea saꞌa ioroꞌiorore jioromo arue Idumea saꞌare jioromo ruhe Jordan jovo ioroꞌioro gönö jioromo nume Tyre amoꞌo Sidon amoꞌo jiajinö ë ae ahoꞌobëhe jioromo Iesuhu mu masijo vaejaje jöho hegorovo hesi örire rueruomadeje."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Did you never read what David did when he had need and was hungry—he, and those who were with him?", "aom": "Ëhi uëvamu Iesuro uëvadeje: David nosi a böröme jionövade höjo. Röhu huꞌo hesi ariböviohuꞌo ie bogojëvoromo hömëvamu huhu ëꞌade jö God-are surire adaharijoho ëho diehiꞌoromo bogo avoho uehorovarujëjo."} {"eng": "How he entered into God’s house at the time of Abiathar the high priest, and ate the show bread, which is not lawful to eat except for the priests, and gave also to those who were with him?”", "aom": "Abiathar priest böröme jiadevare evare David-ro God-are osa mare vaꞌade höjo. Vaꞌoromo God-are nunire bahijare ioho ujuohoromo vituoho iꞌi vituoho hesi aribövioho iꞌimëmamu ueꞌahare höjo. Ëhi jiëꞌe ioho bogo aho ueꞌahoꞌi hesi ma-priest-ëremu ueꞌahoꞌiröhe ie höjo. Röhu jabuhu ueꞌaharohuro ëhuro jögoroho ahare höjo. Röhu ë hesi jöho bogojiade höjo."} {"eng": "Immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, said to them, “Why do you reason these things in your hearts?", "aom": "Ëhi uehorovamu Iesuro hesi dë vövöbajoꞌëro gëromo uvadeje: Jabumë ëhi uehorovaruëromo uëvadeje: Jemë rabëni uehore gö gö baejarujëjo."} {"eng": "Which is easier, to tell the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven;’ or to say, ‘Arise, and take up your bed, and walk?’", "aom": "Jemëꞌo uehorovohëjo. Ave övo höruꞌe vuovahëꞌe aho nani ja ëma uaꞌaꞌanuëjo: Jasi sisëho uehorovoromo vuonugahëꞌe hö uaꞌaꞌanuëjo. Ja ëhi uaꞌibejanëjo aho nunoho bogo gaꞌibejarëjo ja mae o sarere jövëꞌe javego. Röhu ja bogo ëma uaꞌaꞌanuëjo: Riꞌöromo jasi maratuoho banigojiomoromo nami juvëjo hesi guomo guomoho bogo barëjego ja javojagojöëni."} {"eng": "He strictly warned him and immediately sent him out,", "aom": "Barëjamu gavëꞌi Iesuro hu nugöꞌöromo darugoꞌe jöho uavadeje:"} {"eng": "and said to him, “See that you say nothing to anybody, but go show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing the things which Moses commanded, for a testimony to them.”", "aom": "Aveho hejëjo. Nadi aho uënëjo. Aꞌi ma-vaꞌiranoho jasi sinoho priest röjahego gaꞌirajo. Ëhiꞌego Moses-hu uövuade ëhi jiëꞌe suvuoroho God-are öroro bojamego aëro garomo uvoꞌirarëjo: Jasi sinore sisëho barëjëꞌëro iae mae javajëjo."} {"eng": "John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching the baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins.", "aom": "Ëhi ëꞌiröhego Isaiah-hu jajivadëhi iae ëhi John-ro ijonö rueromo a rumoꞌe saꞌare ro hijadeje. Hiromo aribövioho rueruomoꞌego bapataeto vaejëvoromo jöe majëhinövadeje. Majëhiromo uënövadeje: Uehoro sisëho vuonugoꞌi uehoro mae baeromo bapataeto vaehego God-ro jemesi sisëho uehorovoromo vuonugëhajo."} {"eng": "All the country of Judea and all those of Jerusalem went out to him. They were baptized by him in the Jordan river, confessing their sins.", "aom": "Ëhiꞌego Jerusalem amo rajoho ahoꞌobëhe o Judea saꞌa ioroꞌiorore raromarue aribövioho ahoꞌobëhe ëho jaburo rueruomonövadeje. Rueromo jabesi sisëho huruohoꞌego John-ro Jordan jovore bapataeto vaejëvonövadeje."} {"eng": "John was clothed with camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts and wild honey.", "aom": "Röhu John niöge camel mi uehu avohëꞌe niögu sisëho ruohoromo mi sinehu avohëꞌe götaho dëꞌahore baꞌamoromo juvonövadeje. O hesi ioho hu guajuguajue vuome ëhi ibe juvonövadeje."} {"eng": "The beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.", "aom": "God-are Harihe Iesu Kerisohu mu mae barovade jöho na jajivoꞌiëꞌe. Ëmu ma aevadoho ëhi jiadeje."} {"eng": "As it is written in the prophets, “Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you:", "aom": "Mami göꞌe hu bogo rovadevare evare jö God-aro baeromo majëhinövade ae Isaiah-ro ë mu maehu saꞌare rueröhe jöho God-are surire jajivadeje. God-hu Keriso-are örire jövade jöho jajivoromo uvëꞌeje: Ave aho God nasi jö bajuvaje aho höjo. Ja vaꞌiëꞌiroho naro hu urimo nugöꞌöꞌiramu vaꞌoromo ae uëꞌaꞌajëjo jaehu vaꞌirane öroho iogoroꞌiröhego."} {"eng": "the voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make ready the way of the Lord! Make his paths straight!’”", "aom": "Aëro a rumoꞌe saꞌare hiromo ma-darugoꞌo uvoꞌaꞌajëjo: Badahu rueröhe öroho avohorego hu maro rueꞌirajo. Hesi öroho ahorirëro vajivorego hu maro juvoꞌirajo."} {"eng": "They set up over his head the accusation against him written, “THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS.”", "aom": "Röhu Iesuare jö sisë jajivaroho hesi simano namore korosire ano taemareje. Jajivoromo ëhi uvëꞌe jiadeje: Ave aho Iesu Jew rajo jabesi a börömoho höjo. Ëhiꞌonugoromo saꞌare raromoromo hu muebejareje."} {"eng": "For he knew that because of envy they had delivered him up.", "aom": "Röhu Pilate-ro gëromo uvadeje: Iesuare ihoho bövie jiëꞌego ë ariböviohuro dë vörönëgamu nasi övore bojemijare höjo. Bojemijare hö uvoromo gavade ae ahoꞌobëhe gagovorovëꞌe jiamu gëgorovo uëvadeje: Jemë nëgajoho na di aho jiovoromo bojëmiꞌejöjo. Na na Iesu Barabbas jiovo nugöꞌöꞌejöjo. O na na Iesu göho Keriso hö uvarujoho jiovo nugöꞌöꞌejöjo."} {"eng": "Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.", "aom": "Röhu aboride övo gö mine simano sisëꞌi uehorovarue aborido ömoꞌöme jioruomoꞌi aboride övo gö mine ëho simano mae uehorovarue aboride jioruomade höjo."} {"eng": "Those who were foolish, when they took their lamps, took no oil with them,", "aom": "Simano sisëꞌi uehorovarue aboridoho jaburo irore biguröhe jovoho bogo ujuohoꞌi irohemu ujuoho vaꞌirögoro"} {"eng": "but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.", "aom": "simano mae uehorovarue aboridoho jaburo irore biguröhe huonore jovohuꞌo irohuꞌo ëhi ujuohoromo vaꞌoruomade höjo."} {"eng": "As the days of Noah were, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.", "aom": "Röhu God-are A Ma naehu a nunire rueꞌiëꞌiroho a mami ae Noah-hu hijade majare jiadëhi ëhi gemuoho jioꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ship,", "aom": "Jovo börömo bëhe rojomoromo öri ariꞌe ahoꞌo baeꞌiröhe majaho dunovamu evare aëro ie jove ueꞌahobe masurovobe ëhi jiëꞌe muohemu uehorovobe vaꞌojuvo evare Noah-mëro boat börömore rumo vaꞌare höjo."} {"eng": "and they didn’t know until the flood came and took them all away, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.", "aom": "Rumo vaꞌamu gavëꞌi a ioroꞌiorohuro uvoruomade höjo: No mae raromaruëjamu evare jovo börömohuro rojomoromo jabumë ahoꞌo baeniagëgo barë nahonahovade höjo. God-are A Ma naehu rueꞌiëꞌiroho ëhi jiëꞌe muoho jioꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "“Then if any man tells you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There!’ don’t believe it.", "aom": "Ëhi jiamu ae göehu uëvëꞌoho: Aveho ro gahëjo. O arueho vaꞌo gahëjo. God-hu uavëꞌëro böröme namiromo ajamuiꞌiröhe aho aviae o aruae hö uëvëꞌoho nadi maho uehorovorëjo."} {"eng": "For false christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.", "aom": "Ëhesi bëhoho rabëniajo. Ae ahoꞌobëhe rueromo sarerëmiromo uëbe vaꞌaꞌaruëjo: God-hu uevëꞌëro böröme namiromo ajëmiꞌirode aho jevajëjo o jö God-aro baeromo majëhijaje ae jevajëjo. Sarerëmiromo ëhi majëhiꞌaruëjo. Majëhiromo bogo gavarue mu masijo masijoho vaenövoꞌaruëjo eni jëvego God-hu söjëvade ariböviohuꞌo sarerëmego rireromoꞌiröhego."} {"eng": "“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you devour widows’ houses, and as a pretense you make long prayers. Therefore you will receive greater condemnation.", "aom": "Vaevëꞌe jögoru öri röjëhijaruje ariböviohuꞌo Pharisee ariböviohuꞌo jemë ma-döëremu muoho ömarujëro sisërëjëvoꞌajëjo. Ëhesi bëhoho God-hu böröme namiromo muebejëvego hesi aharire raromoruomoꞌiröhe öroho tugohëharuje höjo aëro ë vaꞌo raromojöëni. Jemë God-are ahariroho bogo vaꞌo raromoꞌi nimaruje höjo. O ae göehu God-are aharire vaꞌo raromoꞌiaꞌamu gëvëꞌoho ahëvaruje höjo."} {"eng": "“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men; for you don’t enter in yourselves, neither do you allow those who are entering in to enter.", "aom": "[Vaevëꞌe jögoru öri röjëhijaruje ariböviohuꞌo Pharisee ariböviohuꞌo jemë ma-döëremu muoho ömarujëro sisërëjëvoꞌajëjo. Ëhesi bëhoho magonaho doru jabesi bövioho biseꞌoho ëma ujuohëharuje höjo. Ëma ujuohëhoromo sarerivoromo pari ëgobövie jaguvaruje höjo aëro gëromo uvojöro: Mu mae vaejaruëjo. Ëhi jiëꞌe sareriꞌe muoho vaejarujego ëhuni God-ro iꞌu börömo mae bojëmiꞌajëjo.]"} {"eng": "All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet, saying,", "aom": "Röhu ëhi ëꞌiröhe mu hesi bëhoho God-are surire jö jajivarëhi ëhi jioröhego. Jö God-aro baeromo majëhinövade ahuro uëvadeje:"} {"eng": "“Tell the daughter of Zion, behold, your King comes to you, humble, and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”", "aom": "Jemëro Zion amo rajoho ëhi uërëjo: Gahëjo. Jemesi börömohuro jemesi örire rovajëjo. Hu sanuꞌe aëro jiëꞌëro donkey döre hiromo rovajëjo. Donkey hesi harihure hiromo rovajëjo."} {"eng": "When they came near to Jerusalem and came to Bethsphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples,", "aom": "Iae Iesumëro vaꞌo Jerusalem bëhire vaꞌoromo Olives Dahorure Bethphage amoꞌere ajio suorovareje. Suorovoromo Iesuro ijorajoho niöꞌi rëmöꞌöromo"} {"eng": "saying to them, “Go into the village that is opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me.", "aom": "uëvadeje: Arue jemesi nunörire amohuro vaꞌohëjo. Vaꞌo höröꞌi gaꞌaꞌarujëjo donkey-oho harihohuꞌo benugëꞌe jioꞌiramu. Benugëꞌe jiego jiovoromo huꞌiraejëvo ruerëjo."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Because of your unbelief. For most certainly I tell you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.", "aom": "Bogo eni javuade höjamu Iesuro uëvadeje: Jemëro bogo ma uehorovëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro bogo eni jëvadeje höjo. Röhu ave jöho na jö mae uëꞌiëꞌajëjo. Mustard bajoho inino mae jioꞌamajëjo. Mustard baje gemu ma-biseꞌo jiajëhi ëhi uehoro mae ma-bisemu baeromo God mae uehorovëꞌoho ave dahorehu böviehu biseꞌehu jemesi mu ahanovajoho uavëꞌoho: Roriꞌo vaꞌë uavëꞌoho iae roriꞌo vaꞌaꞌajëjo. Ëhi jiëꞌe mu bövi biseꞌo vaejëꞌoho eni jëvoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "But this kind doesn’t go out except by prayer and fasting.”", "aom": "[Amo ë aharihu hesi dëre jiade ëhi jiëꞌe a sisë ae gö hesi dëre jiajoho rarovöꞌöꞌiëꞌiroho i ueꞌaharujoho vuonugoꞌi God-are örire uehore ahoꞌo bojamiromo ëninamijëꞌohuro ëhuro rarovöꞌöꞌamoꞌarujëjo. Öri göho bogoꞌe höjo.]"} {"eng": "They all ate and were filled. They took up seven baskets full of the broken pieces that were left over.", "aom": "Suvuorëmijamu ae ahoꞌobëhe ueꞌahamu daꞌuëgadeje. Daꞌuëgamu gagorovo ijorajoho jaburo vitu vituoho gagovoromo esöe övo gö mine övo göre niöꞌi aegamu irijiomoꞌamadeje."} {"eng": "Those who ate were four thousand men, in addition to women and children.", "aom": "Amaꞌe ahoꞌobëhe 4,000 jaburo ë ioho visuoho ueꞌahoruomadeje. Röhu magonahe asisöꞌe jabuꞌo ueꞌahareje."} {"eng": "For John said to him, “It is not lawful for you to have her.”", "aom": "Röhu ë jö hesi bëhoho urimëꞌi Herod-ro hesi öe Philip-are vabore hesi ihoho Herodias gohoniahijadeje. Gohoniahijamu John-ro riꞌöromo uaꞌi hijadeje: Ëmagonaho baejanoho ëho bogo maehu höjo. Ëhi uaꞌi hijamu Herod-ro ë magonaho hesi jöëni ae uëvamu John guduamoromo tövoromo savoji gagore baꞌamareje."} {"eng": "So it will be in the end of the world. The angels will come and separate the wicked from among the righteous,", "aom": "Ëjö hesi bëhoho ave saꞌa hesi majaho barëꞌiramu ëhi jioꞌaꞌajëjo. Aneraëro rueruomoromo a maho ëhi rëmoꞌi a sisëho mevoromo ujuohoromo"} {"eng": "and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”", "aom": "vëni börömehu ravajire ë ruruhöꞌöꞌaruëjo. Ëdiröꞌore ae ahoꞌobëhe nierusuburuꞌe bamoromo ane jaꞌiho vuogigimoruomoꞌajëjo. Ëhi jioꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.", "aom": "Röhu jemë ae rahu sivohoromo iꞌuꞌe mu vaejamu uꞌuvëvëꞌoho ruerego naro jemesi dë vövöbajoꞌoho sasohëhoꞌiröjo."} {"eng": "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you will find rest for your souls.", "aom": "Na sanuꞌe mae jevëꞌe jiaje ëhuni nasi muoho banigojiomoromo nasi jöho henövorëjo. Ëhi ëꞌëꞌoho jemesi dë vövöbajoꞌoho ma-mabëhe sasohëvoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”", "aom": "Rabëni hesi bëhoho nasi muoho iꞌuoho bogojioꞌi sase höjo."} {"eng": "Therefore don’t be afraid of them, for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.", "aom": "Jö sisëho ëhi uëruomoꞌajëjo röhu nadi juhuonëmirëjo. Mue rabe gurihiro jiajoho ahoꞌobëhe vaꞌorahoro jioꞌaꞌajëjo. Rabe rabe subivëhajoho ahoꞌobëhe ma-samaro jioꞌaꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in the ear, proclaim on the housetops.", "aom": "Ëhi jiëꞌe jiaje naehu jöe rabe vahiꞌe saginiëri majëhijajoho ijonö majaꞌe ë jöho ma-vaꞌorahoro majëhirëjo. O saginiëri hiaꞌire majëhijego hejarujoho ëho amo riroro majëhirëjo."} {"eng": "Don’t be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.", "aom": "Röhu nadi uvorëjo: Ëariböviohuro anaguoꞌajëromo juhuonëmiromo jabesi jöho uehorovorëjo. Jemesi sinohemu muoꞌamëꞌoho eni jëvoꞌi jemesi aruꞌaho muoꞌamëꞌoho bogo eni jioruomëꞌe jiaje ëhuni jabumë nadi juhuonëmiꞌi God juhuonamiromo hesi jöho uehorovorëjo. Huhu jemesi aruꞌahohuꞌo sinohuꞌo vëniꞌe öri ariꞌere babuꞌöjëvoromo ijumëvoꞌiröhoho hu eni jiajëjo. Ëaho juhuonamiromo hesi jöho uehorovorëjo."} {"eng": "“Aren’t two sparrows sold for an assarion coin? Not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.", "aom": "Aꞌi aho bövioho biseꞌoho nadi juhuonëmirëjo. Ëhesi bëhoho God-ro uvajëjo: Jemë iae masije jëvajëromo avoꞌavoho muebejëvaje höjo. Monie ma-bisemu buꞌöromo ugo inine niöꞌi imoꞌarujëjo. Röhu jemesi Vavuoho bogo uvaje höjo: Ugoho ininego bogo muebeꞌejöjo. Bogo ëhioho uvoꞌi ugoho muebeꞌamëꞌego ugoho bogo gemu vaduꞌoho ëma vuovoromo öꞌidöroho jioromo saꞌaroho rireromo rovarue höjo. Vavuohuro gëvego rireromo rovarue höjo."} {"eng": "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.", "aom": "Aꞌi jemë God-ro jemesi bövie biseꞌe ahoꞌo muebejëhoromo röhu jemesi simano uoho ëhuꞌo adahëhoromo avoꞌavoho muebejëhaje höjo."} {"eng": "Therefore don’t be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows.", "aom": "Ëhuni nadi juhuonivorëjo uge ahoꞌobëhe jioꞌamajoho ëho ma-jianovoꞌi ae gemu gemu jemë masije jëvëꞌe jiaje."} {"eng": "“A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his lord.", "aom": "Jö hejaruje aribövioho jö röjëhijaje aho na bogo iosiremiromo masijoho jëvajëjo. O mu vaejeharuje aribövioho mu simano vaejaje aho na bogo iosiremiromo döroho jëvajëjo."} {"eng": "It is enough for the disciple that he be like his teacher, and the servant like his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more those of his household!", "aom": "Ëhuni jö röjëhijaje aho ae göehu huë vavaene bojemego naehu baejajëhi nasi jö hejaruje ariböviehu ëhi baejëꞌoho iae mae höjo. O mu simano vaejaje aho ae göehu huë vavaene bojemego naehu baejajëhi nasi mu vaejeharuje ariböviehu ëhi baejëꞌoho iae mae höjo. Ëhesi bëhoho agano muebejëvaje aho na aehu uevaroho: Ja Beelzebul a sisë jabesi böröme javajë uevarohuni ëhuni ëhi jiëꞌe ariböviohuro jemë nasi agane jëvëꞌego jö sisë bëhi mae uëruomoꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "Into whatever city or village you enter, find out who in it is worthy, and stay there until you go on.", "aom": "Vaꞌirarijoho amo masijore o ininore suorovëꞌoho vaꞌoromo a ma-maho nahorëjo. Nahoromo birohogorovo ë a hesi osaro raromonövorëjo ijonö ë amore jioromo vaꞌiëꞌe jëvaje."} {"eng": "As you enter into the household, greet it.", "aom": "Röhu osare rumo vaꞌëꞌiroho jejëmiromo uënövorëjo: Huë mae baerëjo."} {"eng": "Don’t take any gold, silver, or brass in your money belts.", "aom": "Gold ijo bajoho ajivëꞌe ijo bajoho rövëꞌe ijo bajoho göta esöroho nadi aegoromo ujuoho jijihorëjo."} {"eng": "Take no bag for your journey, neither two coats, nor sandals, nor staff: for the laborer is worthy of his food.", "aom": "A ëninëmiromo ujuohoromo aegoꞌirarije esöho nadi ujuohoromo jijihorëjo. Niögoho nadi göho ujuohoꞌi ma-gemu ruohoromo jijihorëjo. Höru guduoho nadi ioꞌamoromo ijahoho nadi ujuohoromo jijihorëjo. Ëhi jiëꞌe inömo inömoho nadi ujuoho jijihorëjo ë hesi bëhoho ae rahu mu vaeromo i mana baejëꞌoho iae mae jiëꞌe jiaje."} {"eng": "for she said within herself, “If I just touch his garment, I will be made well.”", "aom": "Örire vaꞌamu gavëꞌi magonahe gemuëro jabuꞌo vaꞌadeje. Ëmagonahoho manaero garorovade guomo guomoho bogo barëꞌi vadune ahoꞌobëhe 12 baejëꞌëro jiëꞌëro uehorovoromo uvadeje: Na Iesu ma-niögohuremu rëhëꞌohuro ëhuro marëjevoꞌajëromo Iesuare dejonö rueromo niögu viture rëhadeje."} {"eng": "“Enter in by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in by it.", "aom": "Röhu ojo harihoro rumo vaꞌorëjo. Vëniꞌere vaꞌarue ojoho öroho börömëro jiëꞌëro ëhuꞌëro ae ahoꞌobëhe ë vaꞌoruomaje höjo."} {"eng": "How narrow is the gate and the way is restricted that leads to life! There are few who find it.", "aom": "Aꞌi maro raromoröhe ojoho öroho biseharihe jiëꞌëro hesi ae ma-gemuëro gemuëro birohoromo ë vaꞌarue höjo."} {"eng": "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but don’t consider the beam that is in your own eye?", "aom": "Ja diehiꞌoromo ijo ugobajoꞌe biseharihehu isiare nunire namijajoho gaꞌi ijo börömehu jasi nunire namijavajoho bogo gavanuëjo."} {"eng": "Or how will you tell your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye,’ and behold, the beam is in your own eye?", "aom": "Jasi nunire ijo börömehu tugohavëꞌoho ëhuꞌoho ja rabëni jasi aemoꞌaemoho uanëjo: Ëꞌego na jasi nunire ijo ine namijavajoho jahahöjo."} {"eng": "You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye.", "aom": "Sareri ae javajëjo. Jasi nunire ijo börömehu tugohavajoho jero urimo jahonëjo. Jahonugoromo evare avoho garomo ijo ino harihoho isiare nuniroho jahahoꞌanuëjo."} {"eng": "Why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They don’t toil, neither do they spin,", "aom": "O niögënioho rabëni nurunurumaruje höjo. Bëhoho bogohöjo. Jeꞌore resu resuehu diehiꞌoromo riꞌamaruoho ëhuꞌo uehorovohëjo. Aehu mu vaeromo niögu avoharuëhioho resu resuoho bogo ëhioho ëꞌarue höjo."} {"eng": "yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of these.", "aom": "Bogo ëhioho ëꞌarue höjo röhu ave resu resuohuro ma-mabëhe kavuego garomo nosi dëho vuëvavuaje höjo. Naro jemë uëvajëjo: A böröme Solomon niögu ma-mabëhe ioꞌamonövadoho ëho ma-jianovoꞌi ave resu resuohuro ëhi ma-mabëhe mae kavuoꞌamaje höjo."} {"eng": "“Don’t lay up treasures for yourselves on the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break through and steal;", "aom": "Röhu ave saꞌaroho nadi inömoho ahoꞌobëhe jemesi sinënioho avohoromo babaenemirëjo. Saꞌaroho inömoho dëꞌiraeꞌamaje höjo. Majo majëro tarivoꞌamaje höjo. Vajiohuꞌe ariböviëro osaho dadovoromo ujuoharue höjo. Aꞌi öꞌidöro avoho babaenemirëjo. Öꞌidöroho inömoho bogo dëꞌiraeꞌamaje höjo. Majo majoho bogo tarivoꞌamaje höjo. Vajiohuꞌe aribövioho bogo osaho dadovoromo ujuoharue höjo."} {"eng": "but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consume, and where thieves don’t break through and steal;", "aom": "Inömo inömoho nadi jemesi sinënioho gemu bahiꞌi God-are öroro bojamego huro hesi öri ariꞌere bahi nugëhoꞌirajo. Ëhi jiëꞌoho majo majoho bogo tarivoꞌamoꞌajëjo. Bogo dëꞌiraeꞌamoꞌajëjo. O vajiohuꞌe aehu ojo dadovoromo inömo ujuohoꞌiröhoho bogojioꞌajëjo."} {"eng": "Then that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, saying,", "aom": "Bijuëmamu ëhuro mamiꞌe jö God-aro baeromo majëhinövade ae Jeremiah-hu uëvadëhi ëhi jiadeje."} {"eng": "“A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children; she wouldn’t be comforted, because they are no more.”", "aom": "Jeremiah-ro ëhi uëvadeje: No hejaruëjo Ramah amore uvavoꞌego. Haraꞌuoromo nivavoꞌego. Rachel-ro hesi ujo ömoꞌömohuni nivavajëjo. Hesi ujoho barëjahëꞌëro aehu sanuamaruoho bogo ejajëjo."} {"eng": "Now all this has happened that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying,", "aom": "Röhu ë mue ahoꞌo rovade hesi bëhoho ëhuro Badahu hesi jö majëhijaje a uavamu jajivadëhi ëhi jioröhego."} {"eng": "“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall give birth to a son. They shall call his name Immanuel,” which is, being interpreted, “God with us.”", "aom": "Jajivoromo ëhi uvadeje: Aboridohuro dëꞌiraeromo harihe rahoꞌaꞌajëjo. Rahoꞌiramu aëro hesi ihoho Emmanuel jumuvoꞌaruëjo. Emmanuel ë iho hesi bëhoho God-hu noꞌo jiaje jöhoje."}