{"eng": "merchandise of gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, purple, silk, scarlet, all expensive wood, every vessel of ivory, every vessel made of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble;", "apu": "Mitxi ninoa vẽtxitari oro, pirata, kai soro pomẽkoriri, kai soro kasarori pérora inakori. Mitxi ivẽtxitarina mãkatxi mata arínio inakori, mãkatxi mata seta inakori, mãkatxi mata põkamarari, mãkatxi mata pomamari pakini, ivẽtxitana. Ivẽtxitarina ikini sereti aamina eremari inakari. Ivẽtxitarina ikini sereti tiitxi iko kamakori, aamina pakaroneri kamakori, pirõsi kamakori, metao kamakori, kai kamakori."} {"eng": "and cinnamon, incense, perfume, frankincense, wine, olive oil, fine flour, wheat, sheep, horses, chariots, and people’s bodies and souls.", "apu": "Ivẽtxitarina kanera, koketxi pakini. Ivẽtxitarina kamariãro miha inakori. Ivẽtxitarina kamariãro pirãkĩsẽsi inakori. Ivẽtxitarina iãriã, aseitona iĩ, triko, triko pani pakini. Ivẽtxitarina kema auĩte, soti auĩte, kavaro, mitekaĩ kavaro anikakiti pakini. Kãkiti apaka ivẽtxitana, nitiritxi ĩkapani. Kãkiti ĩto, kãkiti xinire apaka inirekana ivẽtxitinina."} {"eng": "“Behold, I come like a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his clothes, so that he doesn’t walk naked, and they see his shame.”", "apu": "Hĩte ia atatsopatakanii, Apiananiri txai hĩte: —Erepaniko. Napokako kiĩtiriri apokini atoko, kãkiti mimarotakinitipanika. Napokasaaki ereẽ, pikoatiniã, kamãka pininiã, pipoxokoniuata. Ikara atoko pininiã, kona kasarai ikinimane apisatoõ pisini, ininiã kona kapẽtai —itxa Apiananiri sãkire."} {"eng": "He gathered them together into the place which is called in Hebrew, “Harmagedon”.", "apu": "Eereka ninoa ipi ãti pakini Satanasi nitiriakori maerekani matamatakoni, apotiitari auĩtetxiakori Amaketõ inakoriãtaã. Iuaãtaã akiritaãka Amaketõ Xoteo sãkireẽ."} {"eng": "When the living creatures give glory, honor, and thanks to him who sits on the throne, to him who lives forever and ever,", "apu": "Ninoa okĩtxinoka xãpokaĩtotakini xipoãtakasaaki, ixikaretarina Teoso paxitiko pirena. Ixikaretarina: “Ikinipoko ikamakiti ate ĩkapani erekarinoka. Peerekari iua auĩtetxi topanere topãkakari, ãtipirika auapika inakari.” Ninoa xikaretari ikara Teoso ĩkapani."} {"eng": "the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever, and throw their crowns before the throne, saying,", "apu": "Ninoa vĩtxi koatro pakini totiakori xikarauatakasaaki, ikapotoreẽkauana ixitimoni iua auĩtetxi topanere nopini topãkakari apisatoõ. “Ateosone,” itxana iua ãtipirika auapika inakarimoni. Itakarina isaporiẽtane Apiananiri apisatoõ, kotxi Teosonokara ikinimane auĩte. Iuasaaki itxana:"} {"eng": "The first creature was like a lion, the second creature like a calf, the third creature had a face like a man, and the fourth was like a flying eagle.", "apu": "Okĩtxinoka xãpokaĩtotakiti ãti, ãkiti atoko itxa. Ãtipekana kema auĩte atoko itxa. Ãtipekana aua kiki toõ atoko. Ãtipekana kokoi araãkari atoko itxa."} {"eng": "The four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within. They have no rest day and night, saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come!”", "apu": "Ninoa ikininape aua imĩkitana seisi pakini. Imĩkitana nopini, ipatapi apaka okina aua. Kona itomatana. Ikini pokamarariti, ikini ĩkanõkati itxana: “Erekai. Erekai. Erekai. Teoso Apiananiri pitxaua. Kaposotiireri pitxaua. Ãtipirika auakarii. Kitxakapirĩka auakarii. Uatxa auakarii. Katana apaka pite auapanika,” itxana ãtipirika."} {"eng": "For, uttering great swelling words of emptiness, they entice in the lusts of the flesh, by licentiousness, those who are indeed escaping from those who live in error;", "apu": "!Kiĩkiteri ninoa sãkire. Iuikauana isãkirauatakasaakina. Isãpiretarina kãkiti, erekari akaminiri aĩto nireẽkiti. Ininiã isikanireõtari kãkiti ikara maerekati ikamini. Imisirienetarina Teoso sãkire poiãopanika auiãkani. Ninoa !okananipanikani auikari Teoso sãkire. !Okananipanikani imarotarina atão inakari. Atão minakati oerekakani sikanireõtana ninoa ikara maerekati ikaminina."} {"eng": "promising them liberty, while they themselves are bondservants of corruption; for a man is brought into bondage by whoever overcomes him.", "apu": "Itxana: “Kateia ãki auakani atoko hĩtxaua. !Erekari ikara atoko hinini. Hĩkamariko hinirekakiti. Ininiã ikara atoko hĩkaminiã, hĩsikakaãka,” itxana. Txamari ninoaka kateia ãki auakani atoko itxauana, kotxi ninoa !iposotari itakanapinirina imaerekanina. Imaerekanina iauĩtena itxaua, kotxi ikamarina imaerekanina paniãtakitinoka."} {"eng": "Forsaking the right way, they went astray, having followed the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of wrongdoing;", "apu": "Ninoa osipikari kimapori atão inakari. Ipĩpinanakana. Ikamarina maerekati Paraão inakori maerekani atokokana. Iua Paraão, Peoo inakori ãkiri. Kitxakapirĩka aua. Iua nirekaro txineiro maerekati ikamini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "but he was rebuked for his own disobedience. A speechless donkey spoke with a man’s voice and stopped the madness of the prophet.", "apu": "Txamari ipira txitari iua imaerekani xika, kotxi Teoso txĩkitakari poho sãkirauatini kãkiti sãkirauatini atokokana. Ininiã ipira iotokakari iua atão minakati sãpiretakari kaminiri maerekati miĩkiteti."} {"eng": "and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, having made them an example to those who would live in an ungodly way,", "apu": "Apaka ixipokari Sotoma sitatxiti auakani, Komoha sitatxiti auakani pakini arikatxiã. Atapaninoka kaikota iuasaaki. Ininiã ikara pinitari kãkiti Teoso nireẽkiti manirekakani."} {"eng": "and delivered righteous Lot, who was very distressed by the lustful life of the wicked", "apu": "Iuasaaki Teoso makatxakari Aroo inakori imapinakani ĩkapani, kotxi erekari kamakari itxaua. Maerekati kamakani txĩkitakari Aroo matinaniuatini, kotxi ikiniõtika iua atamatari maerekati ninoa kamakiti, maerekati ninoa ĩto nireẽkiti. Itxiko atoko itxa ninoa kamakiti."} {"eng": "(for that righteous man dwelling among them was tormented in his righteous soul from day to day with seeing and hearing lawless deeds),", "apu": "Aroo, atão inakari kamakari, aua ninoa sauaki. Ikiniõtika atamatari maerekati ninoa Teoso paniãtakiti manirekakani kamakiti. Ikiniõtika ikenakotari maerekati ninoa sãpiretakiti. Ininiãkara ãkixinireẽ Aroo maerekaxiniretinoka itxa ninoa maerekani xika, kotxi iua ãkixinireẽ inirekari atão inakarinoka ikamini."} {"eng": "For he received from God the Father honor and glory when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”", "apu": "Aĩri Teoso oerekari iuikiniri iua. Oerekari iua ereka inini, kotxi itxari iua: “Ere namarite, nitiretakiti. Iua iteene kamapoxokonitano,” itxa Teoso kaposotiireri."} {"eng": "We heard this voice come out of heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain.", "apu": "Ateka kenakotari ikara Teoso sãkire, itixineẽ isãkirauatakasaaki. Iuasaaki ate aua Xesosikata õtanoxiratari Teoso nakiti nopini."} {"eng": "and in knowledge, self-control; and in self-control, perseverance; and in perseverance, godliness;", "apu": "Iteene himarotiniãri Teoso sãkire, hiĩto auĩte hĩtxauako. Hiĩto auĩte hininiãua, himĩteenekariko himisiritiko. Himisiritiko himĩteenekiniã, hĩkamariko erekari Teoso kaminiri atokokana."} {"eng": "and in godliness, brotherly affection; and in brotherly affection, love.", "apu": "Hĩkaminiãri erekari Teoso kaminiri atokokana, hĩtiretanako hĩtariakori, Teoso sãkire auiãkani. Hĩtariakori, Teoso sãkire auiãkani, hĩtiretiniã, hĩtiretari ikinimane."} {"eng": "Let your beauty come not from the outward adorning of braiding your hair, and of wearing gold ornaments or of putting on fine clothing,", "apu": "Apanakini sito xinikapikari oiãko oõeretini, oro oĩtoã otakini, omãka ereri oieretakini, oĩto ere inini ĩkapaninani oxinika. Sito erero !oxinikari ikaranani."} {"eng": "but from the hidden person of the heart, in the incorruptible adornment of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in God’s sight.", "apu": "Sito erero oãkixinire ereri apaka. Hãkixinire ereri inakasaaki, ikara ereri !ixipokapani. Hãkixinire ereri inakasaaki, !hĩtxitapiri hĩtaniri. Hĩkamari iua nireẽkiti. Teosomoni apiaerekata hãkixinire ereri inini."} {"eng": "Servants, be in subjection to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the wicked.", "apu": "Nitiritxiakori, hĩkamariko hĩpatrãote paniãtakiti. Hĩpaxitariko iua. Atxiĩti iua tiretai. Atxiĩti imisiritai. Iuaritika hĩpaxitariko iua."} {"eng": "For it is commendable if someone endures pain, suffering unjustly, because of conscience toward God.", "apu": "Erekapitikari himĩteenekiniri kãkiti misiritinii maxikatiĩka. Himĩteenekiniãri, Teoso nireẽkiti hĩkamini ĩkapani, erekapitikari."} {"eng": "who was foreknown indeed before the foundation of the world, but was revealed in this last age for your sake,", "apu": "Itixi kamiko apisa, Teoso mereẽri iua. Iua apoka uai himaerekani imakatxakini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope might be in God.", "apu": "Xesosi txĩkitakai hĩte auikiniri Teoso auini, kotxi Teoso iuaĩkana õkitikari Xesosi ipĩkani sauaki. Iuasaaki isãpiretari Xesosi ikinika ikamakiti ereka inini. Ikara atoko ininiã, hãuikari Teoso sãkire. Himarotari isãkire iaõka ikamini."} {"eng": "knowing that you were redeemed, not with corruptible things like silver or gold, from the useless way of life handed down from your fathers,", "apu": "Mitxi !apakata hãuini, kotxi iuasaaki hĩkamari hãtokiriakorini sãkire iaõka. Uatxa Xesosi oerekai ãtião hãuini, kotxi iamotai hĩte, iua nakitiakori hininiua ĩkapani. Himarotari iamotinii. !Iamotai pirataã. !Iamotai oroã. !Iamotai txineiroã, kotxi pirata, oro, txineiro pakini xipokako."} {"eng": "but with precious blood, as of a lamb without blemish or spot, the blood of Christ,", "apu": "Kristo arẽkaã iamotai hĩte, kotxi ipĩkasaaki iamotai hĩte. Peerekari iua arẽka, kotxi iua arẽka makatxakari amaerekani. Soti auĩte erekari atoko itxa Kristo. Kona maerekati aua iuamoni."} {"eng": "Concerning this salvation, the prophets sought and searched diligently. They prophesied of the grace that would come to you,", "apu": "Kitxakapirĩka Teoso sãkire sãpiretakani nirekamari imarotinirina kãkiti maerekani makatxakiko. Initarina ikara imarotinina Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakoriã. Iteene apaiaõkarauatana ikara imarotinina ĩkapani. Ninoa sãpiretari ikara erekari, Teoso ãti õti sikiniri kãkiti."} {"eng": "searching for who or what kind of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them pointed to when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow them.", "apu": "Inirekarina imarotinirina ikara erekari apokini õti. “Kisaakipa apoka atxiĩti? Natokopa itxa apokini?” itxanãtana. Iuasaaki Erekari Matamatakoti oerekana ninoa ãkixinireẽna Kristo atatsiirauatini tĩkane. Oerekana ninoa Kristo atatsiirauatini xipoka atoko, ikinimane auĩte itxauako. Peerekari iuasaaki."} {"eng": "whom, not having known, you love. In him, though now you don’t see him, yet believing, you rejoice greatly with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory,", "apu": "Hĩte kona aõkitapanikari Teoso, iuaritika hĩtiretari iua. Kona hãtamatapanikari, iuaritika hãuikari iua sãkire. Ininiã hĩte iteene poxokoniuata. Kãkiti sãkireẽ !apakata hĩsãpiretiniri hĩpoxokoni."} {"eng": "receiving the result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.", "apu": "Hĩpoxokoniuata, kotxi himaerekani makatxakaãkapeka. Ininiã hĩxinire !ipinaika, kotxi hãuikari Xesosi sãkire."} {"eng": "Brothers, if any among you wanders from the truth and someone turns him back,", "apu": "Nitariakori, ãti takanapiniãri atão inakari Teoso sãkire, hõtãkikariko iua Teosomoni ikanapiriini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.", "apu": "Maerekati kamakari takanapiniãri imaerekani, iua põtãkikasaaki, ininiã pite makatxakapekari iua ipinini. Teoso makatxakari ikinipoko maerekati ikamakiti."} {"eng": "Be patient therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient over it, until it receives the early and late rain.", "apu": "Nitariakori, atxiĩti hĩtemoni !katimari Apiananiri kanapiriini, iuaritika hiãtapariko hĩpoxokoniritika, kotxi himarotapitikari ãti õti iua kanapiriini. Hĩxinikariko katakareri. Iua iãtapapikari itakare aneini, ikiena iposope inikini ĩkapani. Iãtapari ãparaã kipini itakare aneini ĩkapani. Iua imarotapitikari ikiena aneini, ininiã iãtapari."} {"eng": "You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.", "apu": "Iua atokokana hiãtapariko Apiananiri kanapiriini. Hĩtaparaxinireritika hiãtapari, kotxi Xesosi kaiamapeka ikanapiriini."} {"eng": "You have lived in luxury on the earth, and taken your pleasure. You have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter.", "apu": "Ĩkorapokoriti hãuakasaaki, ikinipoko aua hĩtemoni. Hiamotari ikinika hiĩto potxitakiti. Kãkiti sikari kema auĩte ito kienatxi, okiko õti manapi paĩperi inini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "You have condemned and you have murdered the righteous one. He doesn’t resist you.", "apu": "Hĩte iokanatapekari kãkiti erekarini ipininimoni. Hõkapekana ninoa maxikatiĩka. Ninoani kona naiatai hĩte, iuaritika hõkana ninoani."} {"eng": "Your riches are corrupted and your garments are moth-eaten.", "apu": "Hĩtii paiakapeka. Kapite nikapekari himãka."} {"eng": "Your gold and your silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be for a testimony against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up your treasure in the last days.", "apu": "Hinakiti oro kamakori, pirata kamakori pakini oereẽkatapeka. Ikara oerekari hĩkamakiti !apakata. Hĩtii xipokini atoko, hĩte apaka xipokako. Apiata himisiritiko. Maxikatiĩka hãpotiitari hĩtii, kotxi itixi xipokini õti apokanapanoka."} {"eng": "For you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will both live, and do this or that.”", "apu": "Apiaerekata hĩsãkire ia atoko hinini: “Teoso nirekiniãri, nauapanika ninakasaaki, nikamariko ikara parĩkatxi,” hĩtxako."} {"eng": "But now you glory in your boasting. All such boasting is evil.", "apu": "Ikara atoko himasãkirauatakaniã, hĩuikaua, kotxi hĩuikari hĩkamakiti tĩkane. Maerekati ikara atoko inakari."} {"eng": "Be subject therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.", "apu": "Ininiã hãuiritariko Teoso hĩauĩte ininiua. Iua nireẽkitinoka hĩkamako. Kona hĩkamapiri Satanasi nireẽkiti. Kona hĩkĩpitapiri iua sãkire, ininiã eereka iua miteka."} {"eng": "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners. Purify your hearts, you double-minded.", "apu": "Teosomoni hãpokako, ininiã iua apoka hĩtemoni. Maerekati kamakani hininiãua, hĩtakanapariko himaerekani. Kona hãuiritapiri hĩuako kaminiri maerekati. Hĩtepekana, hĩte sãkire ipinimoni itxa. Hãkixinire xinikakiti ipinimoni itxa. Ininiãkara hĩokanatariko maerekati hãkixinire auakari, erekarinoka kaikotini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, don’t boast and don’t lie against the truth.", "apu": "Txamari pinĩkatiniãri xikoretxi papixiri pãkixinireẽ, piteka nireẽkitinani pinirekiniã pãkixinireẽ, kona pitxape: “Kimaroreno nota.” Iuasaaki kona pikipatapiri atão inakari."} {"eng": "This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, sensual, and demonic.", "apu": "Ĩkora pimarore !iaxitikirini. Ĩkorapokoritikirinokara ikara pimarore. Ikara pimarore piĩto nireẽkitikara. Imaroretxi ikara atoko inakari Satanasi oerekakiti."} {"eng": "Does a spring send out from the same opening fresh and bitter water?", "apu": "Amomo !oposotari ãparaã ponikoãri, posiãri pakini otxĩkitakini."} {"eng": "Can a fig tree, my brothers, yield olives, or a vine figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh water.", "apu": "Nitariakori, atauako mãka mina iritari iõpeta? Atauako iõpeta mina iritari mãka? Konapitini. Apaka amomo ãparaã ponikoãri !auari ãparaã maxiãri pakini. Iua atokokana kãkiti sãkire. !Apakata kãkiti ãti õti isãkire ereka inini, ãti õti isãkire maerekati inini."} {"eng": "Indeed, we put bits into the horses’ mouths so that they may obey us, and we guide their whole body.", "apu": "Anirekasaakiri kavaro kĩpitiniri anireẽkiti, atakari inamaã metaoke ĩpiriãketakari. Ininiã iuasaaki ikamariko anireẽkiti. Ia metaoke axapitikeri, iuaritika aposotari akakiriokiniri kavaro, ininiã isari anirekinimoni."} {"eng": "Behold, the ships also, though they are so big and are driven by fierce winds, are yet guided by a very small rudder, wherever the pilot desires.", "apu": "Apaka hĩxinikaroko maporo. Maporo mitaro. Ĩtima kataparari anikaro. Maporo oerekakire axapitiki, iuaritika kãkiti kakiriokaro maporo oerekakireẽ, ininiã maporo sari kãkiti nirekinimoni."} {"eng": "So the tongue is also a little member, and boasts great things. See how a small fire can spread to a large forest!", "apu": "Iua atokokana, aĩtoã auakari anini apaka axapitiki, iuaritika iposotari iteene maerekati ikamini. Hĩxinikariko. Xaminaminiki axapitiki, iuaritika iposotari iotikiniri itori kikio."} {"eng": "Let not many of you be teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive heavier judgment.", "apu": "Nitariakori, !apakata itori hĩte Teoso sãkire oerekakani hininiua, kotxi ate Teoso sãkire oerekakani maerekati akamakasaaki, apiata Teoso misiritaua ate."} {"eng": "For we all stumble in many things. Anyone who doesn’t stumble in word is a perfect person, able to bridle the whole body also.", "apu": "Amakinika ate kerokapanikari. Kãkiti makerokakaniãri isãkire, ininiã erekari iua. !Auiritari iĩto kaminiri maerekati."} {"eng": "But do you want to know, vain man, that faith apart from works is dead?", "apu": "!Kiĩkitei pite. Pinirekatari noerekinii !apakata pisãkireẽ pauikiniri Xesosi sãkire, iua paniãtakiti iaõka pimakamakanisaaki. Iuasaaki pisãkire na atão. Ipĩkari atoko itxa."} {"eng": "Wasn’t Abraham our father justified by works, in that he offered up Isaac his son on the altar?", "apu": "Maxinikariko ate apika atokirini, Apraão. Kitxakapirĩka isikasaakiri amarite Isaki inakori Teosomoni sikakori takikoãtaã, iuasaaki Teoso apokaerekatari ikamakiti, kotxi ikamakiti oerekari Teoso, iua auikiniri isãkire, ininiã Teoso kamaerekatari iua."} {"eng": "You see that faith worked with his works, and by works faith was perfected.", "apu": "Ininiã himarotari atão iua auikiniri Teoso sãkire. Ikamakiti oerekari isãkire atão inini. Hĩxinikari iua. Atão ikamari Teoso paniãtakiti, ininiã atão iua auikari Teoso sãkire."} {"eng": "So the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness,” and he was called the friend of God.", "apu": "Ininiã Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori apokapeka. Itxari: Apraão auikari Teoso sãkire, ininiã Teoso txĩkitakari iua atão inakari ikamini, Teoso apakapiniri ĩkapani. Ininiã iua akiritaãka Teoso moianari."} {"eng": "and you pay special attention to him who wears the fine clothing and say, “Sit here in a good place;” and you tell the poor man, “Stand there,” or “Sit by my footstool”", "apu": "!Apakata hĩpaxitiniri eremãkarinoka. Hĩsãpiretiniãri: “Uai iitopanatxi ereri nopini piitopãka,” pitxari. Txamari hĩsãpiretari matiiti: “Ikiraã pitima.” Atxiĩti hĩsãpiretari iua: “Uai ixiti nikiti takote piitopãka,” pitxari. Ikara atoko hĩkaminiã, !apakata."} {"eng": "haven’t you shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?", "apu": "Ikara atoko hĩkamakasaaki, hĩxinikari katiiri apiaerekatini, matiiti poião ereka inini. Iuasaaki hĩxiniãkiti na atão itxaua. Hãkixinire maerekati itxaua."} {"eng": "For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man looking at his natural face in a mirror;", "apu": "Teoso sãkire kenakotakari makamakaniãri isãkire iaõka, kiki ãtakaãriã atamatoõtakari atoko itxa."} {"eng": "for he sees himself, and goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.", "apu": "Iua itoõ atamataka atoko, isa. Iuasaakipeka imaxinĩkaretoõtapekaua. Isanõka !ixinikaika."} {"eng": "Let no man say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God,” for God can’t be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one.", "apu": "Pinirekasaakiri maerekati pikamini, kona pitxapiri: “Teoso sikanireõtano maerekati nikamini,” kotxi Teoso kamanireõtiko maerekati ikamini ĩkapani !auari. Apaka kona Teoso sikanireõtari kãkiti maerekati ikamini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed.", "apu": "Kãkiti sikanireõtaãka maerekati ikamini, kotxi iua ĩto nireẽkiti kosekari iua maerekati ikamini. Iuasaaki iteene inirekari inireẽkiti ikamini."} {"eng": "Then the lust, when it has conceived, bears sin. The sin, when it is full grown, produces death.", "apu": "Maerekati piĩto nireẽkiti pikamakasaaki, maerekati itxaua. Ininiã eereka maerekati pikamapika. Eereka iua maerekati txĩkitakari pixinire ipinini."} {"eng": "But let him ask in faith, without any doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven by the wind and tossed.", "apu": "Hamanaãkasaakiri, hãuikariko Teoso sikinii hamanaãkiti. !Erekari hĩxinikiniri: “Atxiĩti iua sikano namanaãkiti. Atxiĩti kona isikano namanaãkiti.” Ikara atoko !hĩxinikape. Ikara atoko xinikakari, tsakati potxoari uinitikiri atoko itxa. Ĩtima anikari tsakati itano, eereka ixitika. Kãkiti ikara atoko inakari, ãti õti auikari Teoso sãkire, ãti õti kona auikari Teoso sãkire. Itxaãpota."} {"eng": "For that man shouldn’t think that he will receive anything from the Lord.", "apu": "Kãkiti ikara atoko inakari kona xatiki apakapari Apiananiri siãkiti,"} {"eng": "He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.", "apu": "kotxi ipi ixinikakiti aua, ininiã apanakini !auikari isãkire ikamakiti tĩkane."} {"eng": "Therefore let’s also, seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with perseverance the race that is set before us,", "apu": "Ininiã kaiãopokori Teoso sãkire auiãkani itixine apokakani atamataua ate uatxa. Ininiã matakanapari ikinika ate iomakotetakari. Matakanapari maerekati akamakiti, kotxi ikara patimari iaxirikiniri axinire. Ataparaxinireritika maãuako. Mamĩteenekari ikinipoko. Mitekakani mitekini atoko mamitekako Teoso oerekinimoni."} {"eng": "looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising its shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.", "apu": "Ãtipirika maãtamatari Xesosi. Maãuikari iua sãkire, kotxi iuanoka amaerekani makatxakakari. Iua txĩkitakaua ate atão aãuikiniri Teoso sãkire. Xesosi xinikari poxokonitxi apokini õti, ininiã iuasaaki imĩteenekari aamina ĩpiriãmitakari nopini ipinini. !Imaãkatari pẽtatxi ikara atoko ipinini. Ikinipoko iposo atoko iitopãka iri kikomoni, kotxi iparĩka ate ĩkapani iposope."} {"eng": "For he has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses, because he who built the house has more honor than the house.", "apu": "Apiaerekata Xesosi, ininiã iua apakapari apiata ipaxitiko, Moisesi poião, kotxi aapokotxi kamakari apakapari apiata ipaxitiko. Poião aapokotxi paxitiko aua. Iua atokokana, Xesosi aapokotxi kamakari atoko itxaua. Moisesi aapokotxi atoko itxaua."} {"eng": "For every house is built by someone; but he who built all things is God.", "apu": "Ikinika kãkiti aapokona kamakani auapitika, iuaritika Teoso ikinipoko kamakari itxaua."} {"eng": "I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers,", "apu": "Nitari Piremõ, Teoso nimisãkiretakasaaki, ãtipirika nisãkirauata pite ĩkapani. Nisãpiretari Teoso ereka inini, kotxi iua kamaerekatai pite."} {"eng": "hearing of your love and of the faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints,", "apu": "Ikara atoko itxa nisãkire, kotxi nikenakopiretari iteene pauikiniri Apiananiri Xesosi sãkire. Nikenakopiretari ikinimane kãkiti Teoso nakitiakori pitiretini."} {"eng": "But when the kindness of God our Savior and his love toward mankind appeared,", "apu": "Ininiã eereka Teoso tiraõki, amaerekani makatxakakari tiraõki, iua amonĩkare, apoka atemoni."} {"eng": "not by works of righteousness which we did ourselves, but according to his mercy, he saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,", "apu": "Ateka parĩka erekari !imakatxakari amaerekani. Iua amonĩkarenokara makatxakari amaerekani. Iuasaaki na atão akama, iuaritika imakatxakari amaerekani, kotxi itiretaua. Iuasaaki iua arokari aãkixinire. Itxĩkitakaua ate aponaniini iuaĩkana. Iuasaaki Erekari Matamatakoti kamari ikinika amaneri axinireẽ."} {"eng": "for Demas left me, having loved this present world, and went to Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia; and Titus to Dalmatia.", "apu": "Témasi inakori asikapekano, kotxi itiretari Xesosi sãkire mauiãkani nireẽkiti. Isipeka Tesarónika sitatxitimoni. Kiresẽtxi inakori sari Karásia tixinimoni iparĩkauatini ĩkapani. Txito inakori sari Taomásia tixinimoni iparĩkauatini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "Only Luke is with me. Take Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for service.", "apu": "Arókasinokara moianatano uatxa. Pakiritariko Marko. Piminari iua pitekata. Iua posotari imiparĩkatinino, Xesosi sãkire nisãpiretakasaaki kãkitimoni."} {"eng": "But I sent Tychicus to Ephesus.", "apu": "Txíkiko inakori nipaniãta Épeso sitatxitimoni isini."} {"eng": "For some of these are people who creep into houses and take captive gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts,", "apu": "Kãkiti ikara atoko inakari ianapokota sitomoni oaãpokomoni. Sito ikara atoko inakaro miĩkiteto. Maerekatinoka okama. Oĩto nireẽkiti maerekati onirekapika. Iua ianapokotapika oamoni, ininiã oa auikaãpotari iua oerekakiti sãkiretxiti."} {"eng": "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.", "apu": "Sito ikara atoko inakaro nirekari oimarotiniri oerekaretxi, txamari !oimarotari oerekaretxi atão inakari."} {"eng": "in gentleness correcting those who oppose him. Perhaps God may give them repentance leading to a full knowledge of the truth,", "apu": "Õtãkikanako isãkire mauikakani momanãkaretika.” Ikara atoko Apiananiri nitiri ininiãua, atxiĩti Teoso oerekana isãkire mauikakani atão inakari imarotinina ĩkapani, imaerekani itakanapinina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "and they may recover themselves out of the devil’s snare, having been taken captive by him to do his will.", "apu": "Ininiã iuaĩkana kiĩkitepeka itxana. Teoso sikakana ninoa txikatoro Satanasi takakitiã, kotxi mitxi Satanasi maĩkana, iua nireẽkiti ikaminina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "May the Lord grant mercy to the house of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain,", "apu": "Onesíporo inakori !itakanapano. Ninirekari Teoso tiretinina iua aapoko auakani. Itokata ikamapoxokonitano nota. !Ipẽtatano kateia ãki nauakasaaki."} {"eng": "but when he was in Rome, he sought me diligently and found me", "apu": "Homa sitatxiti apokasaaki, initaãpotano nota, eereka apokano."} {"eng": "(the Lord grant to him to find the Lord’s mercy in that day); and in how many things he served at Ephesus, you know very well.", "apu": "Pite imarotari iua iteene moianatinino nota, Épeso sitatxiti nauakasaaki. Ininiã nitxari Apiananiri: “Ninirekari piamonĩkiniri Onesíporo itixi xipokini õti manapisaaki.”"} {"eng": "Hold the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.", "apu": "Teoso sãkire pitemoni noerekakiti iaõka poerekako apanakini, kotxi noerekakiti atão. Pauikapikariko Kristo Xesosi sãkire. Katiraõki pitxako, kotxi Xesosi nakiti atxaua."} {"eng": "That good thing which was committed to you, guard through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.", "apu": "Pimarotari Teoso iokanapirena erekari. !Pauiritapiri ikoketiko. Teoso sikari ikara iokanapirena pitemoni, apanakini pisãpiretini ĩkapani. Erekari Matamatakoti auaĩtotaua. Iua posotiireẽ pinĩkatariko Teoso iokanapirena pitemoni isikakiti."} {"eng": "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, according to the promise of the life which is in Christ Jesus,", "apu": "Tximótxio, nota Paoro iokanatsopata pitemoni. Teoso mereẽno nota, Kristo Xesosi iokanatinino ĩkapani, isãkire nisãpiretini ĩkapani. Kãkiti Kristo Xesosi nakiti ininiãua, Teoso txĩkitakari ixinire auãki inini, kotxi Teoso kamaenetapekari ikara ikamini."} {"eng": "to Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.", "apu": "Pite Tximótxio namarite nitiretakiti atoko pitxaua. Aĩri Teoso, aãuĩte Kristo Xesosi pakini sikai ikinipoko erekari. Iamonĩkaina. Ikamaerekaxiniretaina."} {"eng": "Timothy, guard that which is committed to you, turning away from the empty chatter and oppositions of what is falsely called knowledge,", "apu": "Ari, Tximótxio, atão pikamariko parĩkatxi Teoso sikakiti pitemoni pikamini ĩkapani. !Pimaãkatapiri sãkiretxi Teoso mapokaerekatakiniti. !Pimaãkatapiri kãkiti, “Kimaroreno nota,” inakari, kotxi !imarotari imaroretxi atão inakari."} {"eng": "which some profess, and thus have wandered from the faith. Grace be with you. Amen.", "apu": "Ninoa sãkire: “Imaroretxi auapitika notamoni,” itxa. Txamari na xatiki imarotari Teoso imarore. Ikara xika ninoa takanapaãpotari Teoso sãkire auikinina. Teoso sikai ikinipoko erekari. Ameẽ."} {"eng": "I command you before God who gives life to all things, and before Christ Jesus who before Pontius Pilate testified the good confession,", "apu": "Tximótxio, nimisãkiretai pite Teoso apisatoõ, Kristo Xesosi apisatoõ apaka. Ninoakara kenakotari nisãkire uatxa. Teoso ikinimane auãki inini txĩkitakakari iua. Kristo Xesosi Homano auĩte Põsio Pirato inakori apisatoõ auakasaaki, isãpiretari atão Teoso sãkire."} {"eng": "that you keep the commandment without spot, blameless until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,", "apu": "Nipaniãtai ikara noerekakiti sãkiretxiti iaõka pikamini. !Pimamakapiri ikara noerekakiti. Ikara noerekakiti iaõka pikaminiritika aãuĩte Xesosi Kristo kanapiriãko."} {"eng": "But godliness with contentment is great gain.", "apu": "Teoso nireẽkitinoka pinirekiniã, ikinipoko pinireẽkiti auape, ininiã pãkixinire poxokoniuata. Kipa apikomoni pinireka? !Auari."} {"eng": "For we brought nothing into the world, and we certainly can’t carry anything out.", "apu": "Kiripa ate mina uai itixi aponaniãkasaaki? !Kaminareua. Kiripa aanika atekata apĩkasaaki? !Kanikareua."} {"eng": "But having food and clothing, we will be content with that.", "apu": "Kamãka aniniã, kanipokore aniniã, apakatape."} {"eng": "he is conceited, knowing nothing, but obsessed with arguments, disputes, and word battles, from which come envy, strife, insulting, evil suspicions,", "apu": "Kãkiti ikara atoko inakari iuikaua, txamari !kimaroreri. Ipotxitari isãkirauatini apanakinikata itaparakienatakakiniuana ĩkapani. Ininiãkara xikoretxi aua, neenamatxi aua, misãkirepiretakatxi aua. Ininiã kãkiti !auikari ãti sãkire. Iuãkatari ãti kaminiri maerekati."} {"eng": "constant friction of people of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. Withdraw yourself from such.", "apu": "Ninoa txitakakapikaua, kotxi ixinikakitina maerekatinoka. !Imarotaikarina Teoso sãkire atão inakari mitxi imarotakitina. Ninoa oerekari Teoso sãkire kãkitimoni txineiro ito apakapinina ĩkapani. Txamari na atão ninoa oerekakiti sãkiretxiti. !Pimaãkatapiri kãkiti ikara atoko inakari."} {"eng": "Some men’s sins are evident, preceding them to judgment, and some also follow later.", "apu": "Apanakini !ikipatari maerekati ikamakiti, ininiã ikinimane imarotari. Apanakinipekana maerekati ikamakitina !atamataãka ikamakasaakina. Ninoa kipatari. Okananixiti atokoikara imarotaãka ninoa maerekani."} {"eng": "In the same way also there are good works that are obvious, and those that are otherwise can’t be hidden.", "apu": "Iua atokokana erekari apanakini kamakiti atamataãka. Erekari apanakini kamakiti !atamataãka ikamakasaaki. Iuaritika okananixiti atokoikara imarotaãka."} {"eng": "Also command these things, that they may be without reproach.", "apu": "Pisãpiretanako ereẽ auakani, Xesosi sãkire auiãkani nĩkatinina inorona, inorona itaro tikinitakoro pakini. Inĩkatiniãna, !apoĩtaãkana."} {"eng": "But if anyone doesn’t provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.", "apu": "Xesosi sãkire auiãkani manĩkatakaniãri inirimane, itakanaparina Teoso sãkire auikinina. Apia maerekanita iua aapoko ãki auakani imanĩkatakaniã. Kãkiti Teoso sãkire mauiãkati maerekati itxaua. Apia maerekati itxaua iua aapoko ãki auakani manĩkatakati."} {"eng": "For bodily exercise has some value, but godliness has value in all things, having the promise of the life which is now and of that which is to come.", "apu": "Piĩto parĩkauatakasaaki, piĩto tapara apiaãpota, ininiã erekari piparĩkauatini. Apiaerekata pixinire parĩkauatini pixinire auãki inini ĩkapani. Pixinire ĩkorasaaki auãki ininiã, pauapikako Teosokata ãtipirika."} {"eng": "This saying is faithful and worthy of all acceptance.", "apu": "Ikara nisãkire atão. Erekari ikinimane auikiniri ikara. Erekari ikinimane kaminiri ikara."} {"eng": "forbidding marriage and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.", "apu": "Kãkiti ikara atoko inakani !auiritari kãkiti ĩtanorouatini. “!Erekari kãkiti ĩtanorouatini,” itxa ninoa sãkire. Teoso kamari ikini nipokori kãkiti nikini ĩkapani. Txamari ninoa kamisirienererini !auiritari kãkiti apanakini nipokori inikinina. Teoso nirekari Xesosi sãkire auiãkani, atão inakari imarotakani, nikiniri ikara nipokori Teoso imisãkiretaka atoko: “Erekapitikai ia nipokori pisikiniãua.”"} {"eng": "For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.", "apu": "Ikinika Teoso kamakiti erekari. !Apakata kãkiti manirekakaniãri apanakini nipokori. Ikinipoko nipokori hinikasaaki, himisãkiretariko Teoso. Hĩtxariko: “Erekapitikai ia nipokori pisikiniãua.”"} {"eng": "For it is sanctified through the word of God and prayer.", "apu": "Teoso sãkire sãpiretaua ikinipoko nipokori anikini. Nipokori anikasaaki, amisãkiretiniãri Teoso, nipokori isikakiti ereka inini asãpiretiniãri, ininiã ikara nipokori erekari anikini."} {"eng": "one who rules his own house well, having children in subjection with all reverence;", "apu": "Iua nĩkatanako aapoko auakani, ninoa auini ereka ininina tĩkane. Itxĩkitakanako imiakori ipaniãtakiti ikĩpitinina ĩkapani, ininiã ninoa paxitari iua."} {"eng": "(for how could someone who doesn’t know how to rule his own house take care of God’s assembly?)", "apu": "Ikara atoko itxako kõtãkikareri, kotxi aapoko auakani imamimatanĩkaretakaniã, ininiã !imarotari kãkiti Xesosi sãkire auiãkani inĩkatini."} {"eng": "The overseer therefore must be without reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, sensible, modest, hospitable, good at teaching;", "apu": "Ia atoko kõtãkikareri txauako: !Ikamari maerekati, ininiã iua apoĩtiko !auari. Ãtonanirako ĩtanoro. Kiĩkiteri itxauako. !Katimari omanãkarauatini. Ipaxitaãkako. Kãkiti ãtiãtaã ĩkani apakapako aapoko. Imarotariko oerekarauatini."} {"eng": "not a drinker, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous;", "apu": "!Ipoãtapeko. Kaneenamari !itxapeuako. Katiraõkiri itxauako. !Ipotxitapiriko neenamatxi. Txineiro iteene !ixinikaperoko."} {"eng": "although I used to be a blasphemer, a persecutor, and insolent. However, I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.", "apu": "Meresaaki nota misãkirepiretari iua Xesosi. Nasikatikinitana iua sãkire auiãkani nokinina ĩkapani. Kaneenamari nitxaua iuasaaki. Iuaritika Teoso amonĩkano. !Imisiritano nota, kotxi iuasaaki !nimarotari nikamakiti Xesosi sãkire nimauikakani xika."} {"eng": "The grace of our Lord abounded exceedingly with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.", "apu": "Iuasaaki !erekano. Maerekati nitxaua. Iuaritika aãuĩte Kristo Xesosi sikari ikinipoko erekari notamoni. Kristo Xesosi nakiti nitxapekaua, ininiãkara nauikari isãkire. Iua nakiti nininiãua, nitiretari iua. Nitiretari apanakini apaka. Mitxi !nimarotari nitiraõkiuatini."} {"eng": "As I urged you when I was going into Macedonia, stay at Ephesus that you might command certain men not to teach a different doctrine,", "apu": "Masetónia tixinimoni nisikasaaki, nipaniãtai pite Épeso sitatxiti pikaikotini. Uatxa iuaĩkana nipaniãtai ereẽ Épeso pikaikotini. Ikara ninireka, kotxi apanakini ereẽ auakani oerekari Teoso sãkire kãkitimoni, txamari na atãoni ninoa oerekakiti. Ninirekai pite pinitinina ninoa atão minakati imoerekakanina ĩkapani,"} {"eng": "and not to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than God’s stewardship, which is in faith.", "apu": "kotxi ninoa sãpiretapikari kitxakapirĩkari pirena. Ninoa xinikapikari aãtokiriakorini uãka, ininiãkara kãkiti taparakienatakakaua iuãkana ixinikasaakina. Põtãkikanako ninoa ikara atoko inakari sãkiretxiti itakanapinina, kotxi ikara sãkiretxiti !oerekari kãkiti Teoso nireẽkiti. Teoso sãkire aãuikiniã, aimarotari Teoso nireẽkiti."} {"eng": "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ according to the commandment of God our Savior and the Lord Jesus Christ our hope,", "apu": "Nota Paoro iokanatsopata pite Tximótxiomoni. Xesosi Kristo iokanapirena sãpiretakari nota. Teoso amaerekani makatxakakari itxaua. Aimarotari Xesosinoka anikaua Teoso tixinemoni. Apiananiri itxaua. Teoso, Xesosi Kristo pakini iokanatano nota kãkitimoni, iokanapirena nisãpiretini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "to Timothy, my true child in faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.", "apu": "Pite Tximótxio, nota ãkiri atoko pitxaua, kotxi merepitipanika pauikari Xesosi sãkire nota sãpiretakasaakii. Aĩri Teoso, aãuĩte Xesosi Kristo pakini sikai ikinipoko erekari. Iamonĩkaina. Ikamaerekaxiniretaina pite."} {"eng": "Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother who walks in rebellion and not after the tradition which they received from us.", "apu": "Nitariakori, aãuĩte Xesosi Kristo nireẽkiti iaõka asãpiretai hĩte, ininiã apaniãtai ia atoko. Hĩtari kãkiti paniãtakiti makĩpitakati, aõereẽkiti iaõka imakamakaniã, ininiã iua moianari !hĩtxapeuako. Hĩtakanapariko iua."} {"eng": "For you know how you ought to imitate us. For we didn’t behave ourselves rebelliously among you,", "apu": "Hĩte imarotari akamakiti iaõka hĩkamini, kotxi hĩtekata aãuakasaaki ate kĩpitari kãkiti paniãtakiti."} {"eng": "But we are bound to always give thanks to God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because God chose you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief in the truth,", "apu": "Nitariakori, Apiananiri tiretakini, ãtipirika erekari amisãkiretiniri Teoso hĩte ĩkapani ia atoko: “Erekapitikai, kotxi pite mereẽna Tesarónika auakani imaerekanina pimakatxakini ĩkapani.” Itixi kamiko apisapanika, iua mereẽi hĩte. Imakatxakari himaerekani, kotxi Erekari Matamatakoti txĩkitakai Teoso nakitiakori hininiua. Imakatxakari himaerekani, kotxi hãuikari atão inakari."} {"eng": "to which he called you through our Good News, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.", "apu": "Teoso iokanapirena erekari asãpiretakiti hĩtemoni hãuikasaaki, iuasaaki Teoso akiritai hĩte. Ininiã aãuĩte Xesosi Kristo iotximere hĩte apaka apakapako."} {"eng": "Test all things, and hold firmly that which is good.", "apu": "Hãtaerekatariko ikinika. Erekarinoka hĩkamako."} {"eng": "Abstain from every form of evil.", "apu": "!Hĩsipeko maerekati kamikoãtaã, kotxi hĩsiniã, apanakini xinikari atão maerekati hinireka hĩkamini."} {"eng": "Don’t quench the Spirit.", "apu": "!Hĩotokakapiri Erekari Matamatakoti parĩkauatini hãkixinireẽ. Hĩkamariko ipaniãtakiti."} {"eng": "Don’t despise prophecies.", "apu": "!Homanatapiri Teoso sãkire kãkiti sãpiretakiti."} {"eng": "For God didn’t appoint us to wrath, but to the obtaining of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,", "apu": "Teoso mereẽua ate kona imisiritiniua ĩkapanini. Iua mereẽua ate amaerekani aãuĩte Xesosi Kristo makatxakini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.", "apu": "Iua ipina kãkiti ĩkapani. Ipina iuakata aãuini ĩkapani. Ikanapiriãkasaaki, isãkire auiãkani auãkipanika inakani, ipĩkani pakini aua iuakata."} {"eng": "But you, brothers, aren’t in darkness, that the day should overtake you like a thief.", "apu": "Nitariakori, kãkiti ipiã auakani atoko !hĩtxaua. Himarotapitikari ãti õti Apiananiri uai kanapiriini, ininiã hiãtapari ikanapiriini õti apokini, himatikokakani ĩkapani, kiĩtiriri tikokakiniri kãkiti atoko himinakani ĩkapani ikanapiriãkasaaki."} {"eng": "You are all children of light and children of the day. We don’t belong to the night, nor to darkness,", "apu": "Hĩte hĩkinika kaiotximereri anaakori hĩtxaua. Pokamarari anaakori atoko hĩtxaua. !Akaikota ipiã. !Akaikota ĩkanõka, kotxi !anirekaikari maerekati akamini."} {"eng": "For this we tell you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will in no way precede those who have fallen asleep.", "apu": "Iuasaaki ate auãkipanika inakaniua Apiananiri kanapiriãkasaaki, !asari ninoa mitxi ipĩkani apisapanika. Mitxi ninoa sa. Iposo atoko ate sa Apiananirimoni. Apiananirira sãpiretapekaua ikara."} {"eng": "For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with God’s trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise first,", "apu": "Iuasaaki Apiananiri potorika itixine. Iuaka katxaka uaimoni. Iuasaaki akiripoakata iua apokasaaki, ininiã kãkiti kenakotariko Teoso nitiriakori auĩte sãkire. Teoso trõpetane xõkiko kenakotaãka. Iuasaaki mitxi ipĩkani, Kristo sãkire auiãkani, merepanika õkitikauako."} {"eng": "that each one of you know how to control his own body in sanctification and honor,", "apu": "!Hãuiritapiri hiĩto nireẽkiti ikamini. Hiĩto auĩte hĩtxauako, ininiã maerekati hiĩto nireẽkiti !hĩkama. Atão hĩpaxitariko hĩteka ĩto, apanakini ĩto apaka."} {"eng": "not in the passion of lust, even as the Gentiles who don’t know God,", "apu": "!Apakata hĩxinikiniri ãtipirika maerekati hiĩto nireẽkiti ãti ĩtokata hĩkamini. Xoteo minakaniua, Teoso mimarotakani, xinikari ikara atoko inakari."} {"eng": "For this cause, brothers, we were comforted over you in all our distress and affliction through your faith.", "apu": "Nitariakori, ate amaxikiko auapitika. Ate misiritiko auapitika, iuaritika hĩkamapoxokonitaua, kotxi iteene hãuikari Xesosi sãkire."} {"eng": "For now we live, if you stand fast in the Lord.", "apu": "Uatxa peerekari ate auini, kotxi Apiananiri sãkire iaõka hĩkama."} {"eng": "that no one would be moved by these afflictions. For you know that we are appointed to this task.", "apu": "Ikara atoko ininiã, kona hĩxinikari Teoso sãkire hĩtakanapini, kãkiti misiritinii xika, kotxi himarotari amisiritiko apokapitikako. Teoso auiritari."} {"eng": "For most certainly, when we were with you, we told you beforehand that we are to suffer affliction, even as it happened, and you know.", "apu": "Hĩtekata aãuakasaaki, asãpiretapekai amisiritiko apokini. Uatxa himarotapitikari atão asãkire, kotxi uatxa apopeka asãkire iaõka."} {"eng": "Therefore when we couldn’t stand it any longer, we thought it good to be left behind at Athens alone,", "apu": "Iuasaaki !amĩteenekari amimaropiretakanii hĩte, ininiã axinikari atenoka kaikota uai Atena sitatxitiã."} {"eng": "and sent Timothy, our brother and God’s servant in the Good News of Christ, to establish you and to comfort you concerning your faith,", "apu": "Ininiã iuasaaki aiokanatari aĩtari Tximótxio hĩtemoni. Teoso nitiri itxaua. Imoianataua Kristo iokanapirena erekari asãpiretakasaakiri kãkiti. Aiokanatari iua hĩtemoni, Xesosi sãkire iteene hãuikini ĩkapani, isikataparaxiniretinii ĩkapani."} {"eng": "For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Isn’t it even you, before our Lord Jesus at his coming?", "apu": "Aãuĩte Xesosi ãti õti ikanapiriãkasaaki, aãpotiitaua iua apisatoõ. Iuasaaki aiãtapakiti apokapeka. Kipa aiãtapakiti? Hĩtera. Iuasaaki iteene apoxokoniuatako. Kinirepa apoxokoniuata? Kotxi hĩte aua iuaã. Iuasaaki aãpakapari aparĩka ĩki. Kinirepa aãpakapari aparĩka ĩki? Kotxi hĩte auikari Xesosi sãkire ate sãpiretakiti. Ininiã peerekari iuasaaki."} {"eng": "For you are our glory and our joy.", "apu": "Atãopitikara nisãkire. Ate iuikai hĩte. Hĩte kamapoxokonitaua ate."} {"eng": "But we, brothers, being bereaved of you for a short season in presence, not in heart, tried even harder to see your face with great desire,", "apu": "Ãtiãtaã ate auakasaaki, ãtipirika axinikapikai. Aĩto hĩtekata mauakanisaaki, aãkixinire xinikapikai. Ate ipiãtai. Iteene anirekari iuaĩkana aõkitinii."} {"eng": "because we wanted to come to you—indeed, I, Paul, once and again—but Satan hindered us.", "apu": "Anirekapitikamari hĩtemoni akanapiriini. Nota Paoro itokata nirekamari napokini hĩtemoni, txamari Satanasi !auiritaua asini hĩtemoni."} {"eng": "who killed both the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and drove us out, and don’t please God, and are contrary to all men,", "apu": "Ninoa Xoteoakori okari Apiananiri Xesosi. Ninoa apaka okana ninoaka nirimane, Teoso sãkire sãpiretakani. Ninoatxikana misiritapekaua ate. Teoso !apokaerekatari ninoa kamakiti. Ninoa omanatari kãkiti."} {"eng": "forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they may be saved, to fill up their sins always. But wrath has come on them to the uttermost.", "apu": "Kotxi !auiritarina Xesosi sãkire asãpiretini Xoteo minakaniua, imaerekanina makatxakiko ĩkapani. Uatxa ninoa maerekani xãpoka. Uatxa Teoso omanãkare apokapeka ninoamoni."} {"eng": "nor seeking glory from men (neither from you nor from others), when we might have claimed authority as apostles of Christ.", "apu": "Ate !anirekari kãkiti iuikiniua ate. !Anirekai hĩte iuikiniua ate. !Anirekari apanakini iuikiniua ate. Kristo iokanatakiniraua ate hĩtemoni, ininiã aposotari apaniãtinii ikinipoko anireẽkiti hĩsikiniua. Iuaritika !anirekari ikara atoko akamini."} {"eng": "But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother cherishes her own children.", "apu": "Hĩte sauaki aãuakasaaki iteene atiretai hĩte. Sito tiretiniri oimi atokokana, ate tiretai hĩte."} {"eng": "For from you the word of the Lord has been declared, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith toward God has gone out, so that we need not to say anything.", "apu": "Inirekarina hĩte atoko ininina, kotxi hĩte sãpiretari Apiananiri sãkire Masetónia auakanimoni, Akaia auakanimoni pakini. Apaka ikini itixiti iaripireta hĩte iteene auikiniri Teoso sãkire. Ininiã kona ate sãpiretari kãkiti iteene hãuikiniri Teoso sãkire, kotxi ikinimane imarotape."} {"eng": "For they themselves report concerning us what kind of a reception we had from you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God,", "apu": "Ikinimane sãpiretari hĩpoxokoniritika hãpakapiniua ate. Ninoa sãpiretari hĩte takanapiniri teoso kamakori. Isãpiretarina hĩparĩkauatini uatxa Teoso atão inakari ĩkapani, auãkipika inakari ĩkapani."} {"eng": "All my affairs will be made known to you by Tychicus, the beloved brother, faithful servant, and fellow bondservant in the Lord.", "apu": "Txíkiko inakori sãpiretaiko ikinika nota pirena. Aĩtari, atiretakiti itxaua. Iua parĩkauatapitipo Apiananiri ĩkapani. Apiananiri nitiri itxaua atekata."} {"eng": "I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that he may know your circumstances and comfort your hearts,", "apu": "Niokanatari iua hĩtemoni, hĩte imaropiretini ĩkapani, hĩte isikataparaxiniretini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "If then you were raised together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God.", "apu": "Hĩte õkitikaãka Kristokata hãuini amaneri inini ĩkapani, ininiã hinirekariko hĩkaminiri Teoso tixine auakani kamakiti iaõka. Iuaã Kristo topãkanãta Teoso kikomoni. Apiananiri itxaua Teoso kikomoni topãkakari."} {"eng": "Set your mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are on the earth.", "apu": "Hĩxinikariko Teoso tixine. Kona hĩxinikapiri ĩkorapokoriti."} {"eng": "For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.", "apu": "Ipĩkani atokopeka hĩtxa, kotxi hãuini kitxakari !auaika, ininiã kona hĩxinikaikari ĩkorapokoriti auakari. Teoso sãkire mauiãkani !imarotari hãuini amaneri Kristokata Teoso auiniãtaã."} {"eng": "You were dead through your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh. He made you alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses,", "apu": "Mitxi ipĩkani atoko hĩtxaua himaerekani xika. Xoteo minakaniua hĩte, ininiã mitxi kona himarotari Teoso nireẽkiti. Hĩponaniãkasaaki, maerekati auape hĩtemoni. Iuaritika Teoso txĩkitakai auãki hinini Kristokata. Teoso makatxakari ikinipoko himaerekani. !Ixinikaikari himaerekani."} {"eng": "wiping out the handwriting in ordinances which was against us. He has taken it out of the way, nailing it to the cross.", "apu": "Iua oakari iõkatsopatakori amaerekani sãpiretiko. Ikara iõkatsopatakori sãpiretari amisiritiko amaerekani xika. Amitekini !auari. Amisiritiko auapitika. Iuaritika iua oakari ikara iõkatsopatakori. Imakatxakari ikara iõkatsopatakori. Ĩpiriãmitakari nopini Kristo tokakitikosaaki, ikara iõkatsopatakori tokakitaãka apaka iuaã, ininiã !itxaika. Iuasaaki amisiritiko !auaika."} {"eng": "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.", "apu": "Kãkiti kona posotari atamatiniri Teoso. Teosotxikana itxaua Kristo, iuaritika aposotari Kristo aãtamatini. Ikinipoko kamiko apisa, Kristo aua Teosokata."} {"eng": "For by him all things were created in the heavens and on the earth, visible things and invisible things, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things have been created through him and for him.", "apu": "Iua kamari ikinipoko. Ikamari iaxiti auakani, uai itixi auakani apaka. Ikamari ikinipoko kãkiti atamatakiti, kãkiti matamatakiniti apaka. Ikamari ikinika kaposotiirerini, auĩtetxiakori matamatakoni, ikinika Teoso nitiriakori pakini. Ikamari ikinika. Ikinika kamaãka iua ĩkapani."} {"eng": "who delivered us out of the power of darkness, and translated us into the Kingdom of the Son of his love,", "apu": "Iua sikakaua ipiã posotiireẽ aãuakasaaki, maerekati posotiireẽ aãuakasaaki. Iua anikaua imi itiretakiti auiniãtaã. Iuaãtaã auakani auĩte itxaua imi."} {"eng": "in whom we have our redemption, the forgiveness of our sins.", "apu": "Imi Kristo iĩkitxitari Teoso amaerekani ĩki ipĩkasaaki, ininiã Teoso makatxakari amaerekani. !Ixinikaikari amaerekani."} {"eng": "We give thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,", "apu": "“Erekapitikai,” atxari Teoso, aãuĩte Xesosi Kristo iri, iua amisãkiretakasaaki hĩte ĩkapani. Ãtipirika amisãkiretari Teoso hĩte ĩkapani."} {"eng": "having heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love which you have toward all the saints,", "apu": "Ikara atoko atxari Teoso, kotxi ate kenakopiretari hĩte auikiniri Kristo Xesosi sãkire. Apaka akenakopiretari hĩte tiretiniri ikinika kãkiti Teoso nakitiakori."} {"eng": "because of the hope which is laid up for you in the heavens, of which you heard before in the word of the truth of the Good News", "apu": "Teoso iokanapirena erekari atão sãkiretxiti itxaua. Ikara hĩkenakotakasaaki, hĩkenakotari Teoso sikaenetakiti ipotetakiti itixineẽ hĩte ĩkapani, ininiã hiãtapari hãpakapiniri Teoso sikaenetakiti. Himarotari hãpakapiniri, ininiã Teoso sãkire hãuikini aua, hĩtiraõkiuatini pakini aua."} {"eng": "Beware of the dogs; beware of the evil workers; beware of the false circumcision.", "apu": "Erepaniko kãkiti maerekati kamakani, atão minakati sãpiretakani, kotxi ninoa sãpiretari kãkiti: “Teoso takaõtxikare piĩtoã mauakaniã, kona Teoso nakiti !pitxaua,” itxana."} {"eng": "For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh;", "apu": "Ninoa auapitika Teoso takaõtxikare iĩtoãna, txamari kona Teoso nakitiakori !itxauana. Atera Teoso nakitiakori, kotxi atemoni aua atão inakari Teoso takaõtxikare ate ãkixinireẽ, kotxi Erekari Matamatakoti oerekaua amisãkiretiniri Teoso. Kristo Xesosinokara ate iuika. Aimarotari ateka kamakiti !itxa. Teoso kamakitinokara apakata."} {"eng": "Receive him therefore in the Lord with all joy, and hold such people in honor,", "apu": "Ininiã hĩpoxokoniritika hãpakapariko iua, kotxi iua Epaparotxito aĩtari itxaua, kotxi Apiananiri nakitiakori atxaua. Hĩpaxitariko kãkiti Epaparotxito atoko inakari,"} {"eng": "because for the work of Christ he came near to death, risking his life to supply that which was lacking in your service toward me.", "apu": "kotxi Kristo ĩkapani iparĩkauatini xika ipinaarita. Iuaka monõkorimoni isa nota imoianatini ĩkapani, kotxi iua imarotari hĩte nirekapitikamari himoianatinino, txamari !hĩposota himoianatinino, ininiã iua iteene moianatano."} {"eng": "doing nothing through rivalry or through conceit, but in humility, each counting others better than himself;", "apu": "Kona kapotxinaniri hĩtxapeua. !Hĩuikapeua. Hĩteka minakati hĩtxauako. Hĩxinikariko: “Apanakini apiata, nota poiãoka”."} {"eng": "each of you not just looking to his own things, but each of you also to the things of others.", "apu": "!Hĩxinikapiri pite nireẽkitinani. Himiparĩkatanako apanakini, ninoa nireẽkiti ikaminina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "Some indeed preach Christ even out of envy and strife, and some also out of good will.", "apu": "Ninoa sãpiretari Kristo sãkire, kotxi inirekarina erekari ikaminina. Txamari apanakinipekana sãpiretari Kristo sãkire nota xikotiko xika. Inirekarina kãkiti auikiniri ninoaka sãkire, nota sãkire poiãoka auikinina ĩkapani. Ninoa sãpiretari Kristo iokanapirena, kotxi ninoa potxitari kãkiti taparakienatakakiniua."} {"eng": "The former insincerely preach Christ from selfish ambition, thinking that they add affliction to my chains;", "apu": "Aĩtariakori, erekarinani nirekakani, sãpiretari Kristo iokanapirena, kotxi ninoa tiretano nota. Ninoa imarotari Teoso sikinino nota ia parĩkatxi, Teoso iokanapirena erekari atão inini noerekini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the Good News.", "apu": "Nota xikotakani sãpiretari Kristo sãkire, txamari inirekarina ninoaka nireẽkiti ikaminina. !Inirekarina Teoso nireẽkiti. Inirekarina nota apia atatsiitiniri nimisiritiko uai kateia ãki nauakasaaki."} {"eng": "so that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense to the day of Christ,", "apu": "Ikara atoko hininiã, himereẽri apia erekari hĩkamini. Ininiã maerekati !hĩkama. Maerekati na apanakinimoni !hĩkama. Ikara atoko hininiã, iposopeka hĩtxa Kristo kanapiriãkasaaki."} {"eng": "being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.", "apu": "Ikara atoko hininiã, ikinipoko hĩkamakiti erekari. Xesosi Kristonokara kamaerekatai hĩte hĩkamakiti ereka inini ĩkapani. Apanakini atamatakasaakiri erekari hĩkamakiti, ninoa imarotari Teoso posotiire, ininiã eereka ninoa: “Peerekari Teoso,” itxanako."} {"eng": "But that you also may know my affairs, how I am doing, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will make known to you all things.", "apu": "Niokanatari Txíkiko inakori hĩtemoni. Aĩtari atiretakiti iua. Apiananiri nitiri itxaua. Atão iparĩkauata Apiananiri ĩkapani. Iua sãpiretaiko hĩte nota pirena. Ikara atoko himarotariko nauini, nikamakiti pakini. Iua sãpiretai ikinipoko nota pirena."} {"eng": "I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know our state and that he may comfort your hearts.", "apu": "Ininiã niokanatari iua hĩtemoni ate pirena himarotini ĩkapani, isikataparaxiniretinii hĩte ĩkapani."} {"eng": "Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.", "apu": "Ininiã hĩte sitoakoro hĩkamariko hĩtaniri nireẽkiti. Apiananiri nireẽkiti hĩkamini atokokana hĩkamariko hĩtaniri nireẽkiti,"} {"eng": "For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the assembly, being himself the savior of the body.", "apu": "kotxi pĩtãniri pikii atoko itxaua. Ininiã iua piauĩte itxaua. Iua atokokana Kristo inakitiakori kii atoko itxaua Kristo. Iua ĩto atoko atxaua. Aãuĩte itxaua. Amaerekani makatxakakari itxaua. Ininiã sito kamariko oĩtaniri paniãtakiti."} {"eng": "But to each one of us, the grace was given according to the measure of the gift of Christ.", "apu": "Kristo sikapekari iposotiire ate amakinimoni iparĩka akamini ĩkapani. Iposotiire isikaua aparĩka akamini ĩkapani. Aparĩka pamimari, ininiã apiata isika iposotiire atemoni."} {"eng": "Therefore he says, “When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to people.”", "apu": "Kotxi Teoso sãkire kitxakapirĩka txari: Ikanĩkasaaki itixinemoni, imikanapiriãna kãkiti mitxi imokaiakari maĩkakini. Iuasaaki isikari erekari kãkitimoni."} {"eng": "Now this, “He ascended”, what is it but that he also first descended into the lower parts of the earth?", "apu": "Iua kanĩka, kotxi mitxipe iua katxaka itixi patapixiti ipĩkani auiniãtaã."} {"eng": "He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.", "apu": "Iua itixi patapixiti katxakakari, iuatxikana kanĩka iaxiti apiko nopinixiti, ininiã uatxa iua aua ikini itixiti, iaxiti, Teoso tixine pakini. !Auari iua mauakaniãtaã."} {"eng": "Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,", "apu": "Ininiã uatxa maxinikariko iua. Kaposotiireri apiatakari itxaua. Ikinipoko iposota ikamini. Imaposotakiniti !auari, ininiã ikinika aamanaãkiti, ikinika axinikakiti pakini, iposota ikamini. Ari, apikomoni iposota ikamini ate ĩkapani. Axinikakiti, aamanaãkiti poiãoka. Apiata iposotiire. Iua posotiire parĩkauata aãkixinireẽ."} {"eng": "to him be the glory in the assembly and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.", "apu": "Ininiã Teoso mereẽkini kitxakapirĩka auakani, uatxa auakani, katana auakani pakini ãtipirika txariko Teoso: “Peerekai pite. Apiananiri pitxaua.” Ikara atoko itxana, kotxi Xesosi Kristo makatxakari amaerekani Teoso anaakori aniniua ĩkapani. Ameẽ."} {"eng": "may be strengthened to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and height and depth,", "apu": "Ninirekari ninoa, pinakitiakori, apanakini pinakitiakori pakini, imarotiniri Kristo tiraõki kãkiti ĩkapani, kotxi Kristo tiraõki !ixipoka. !Kaiãotikori iua tiraõki."} {"eng": "and to know Christ’s love which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.", "apu": "Kãkiti kona posotari imarotiniri ikinika Kristo tiraõki. Ninirekari ninoa Épeso auakani apakapiniri ikini sereti erekari pisikakiti ãkixinireẽna, pite atão imarotinina ĩkapani.” Ikara atoko nimisãkiretari Teoso hĩte ĩkapani."} {"eng": "being built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the chief cornerstone;", "apu": "Teoso aapoko atoko atxaua. Aapokotxi kamaãka kaikori nopini imirikakani ĩkapani. Xesosi moianariakori tosi pakini, iua iokanatakini kãkitimoni, ninoa sãpiretakiti iua kaikori atoko itxa. Kitxakapirĩka Teoso sãkire sãpiretakani sãpiretakiti apaka iua kaikori atoko itxa. Aapokotxi aua ãtika kai mitari, apanakini kai soro maĩkakari. Xesosi Kristo iua kai mitari atoko itxa."} {"eng": "in whom the whole building, fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord;", "apu": "Ininiã iua maĩkaua. Iuakata aãua, ininiã kãkiti itoãpotari auikiniri Xesosi sãkire. Apiananiri aapoko aneeãpotini atoko itxa. Iua Apiananiri aapoko atoko atxa. Imisãkiretiko aikoti atoko atxa."} {"eng": "in whom you also are built together for a habitation of God in the Spirit.", "apu": "Ininiã iua apotiitai hĩte hĩkinika iua aapoko hininiua ĩkapani, kotxi Teoso auiniãtaã hĩtxaua. Erekari Matamatakoti auiniãtaã hĩtxaua apaka."} {"eng": "having abolished in his flesh the hostility, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man of the two, making peace,", "apu": "Kristo ipĩkasaaki, ixipokari ikara omanãkaretxi, kotxi iuasaaki ikamari ikinika paniãtakori iõkatsopatakori ikinimane ĩkapani. Ikara Xoteoakorimoni sikakori. !Isikaãka Xoteo minakonimoni. Ininiã Kristo ipĩkasaaki, itxĩkitakana Xoteoakori, Xoteo minakaniua pakini ãtika kãkiti amaneri atoko inini. Neenamatxi !auaika, kotxi Kristo kamaerekaxiniretaua amakinika."} {"eng": "and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, having killed the hostility through it.", "apu": "Ipina aamina ĩpiriãmitakari nopini, ininiã iuasaaki iuaĩkana iminana Xoteoakori, Xoteo minakaniua pakini Teosomoni. Ãtika nirimanetxi atoko iminana Teosomoni. Iuasaaki ixipokari Xoteoakori, Xoteo minakaniua omanatakakiniua."} {"eng": "Therefore remember that once you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called “uncircumcision” by that which is called “circumcision” (in the flesh, made by hands),", "apu": "Xoteo minakaniua hĩtxaua, kotxi ikara atoko hĩponaniã. Teoso takaõtxikare auaĩtotakini takauãkatai hĩte: “Teoso takaõtxikare mauaĩtotakini.” Xoteoakori auari ikara Teoso takaõtxikare, kotxi ikisauakarina amarini tsiki mata axapiti. Ikara oerekari Teoso nakitiakori ininiuana."} {"eng": "that you were at that time separate from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world.", "apu": "Hĩxinikariko mitxi, Kristo sãkire hãuikini apisa, Kristo !auari hĩtemoni. Iuasaaki maparakini atoko hĩtxaua. Isaeokini !hĩtxaua. Ãtião hĩtxaua. Ikara xika kona hĩte posotari hãpakapiniri Teoso sikaenetakiti iuasaaki. Iuasaaki !himarotari Xesosi makatxakiniri himaerekani. Iuasaaki !himarotari Teoso."} {"eng": "for by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,", "apu": "Atemoni erekari isikakitinokara makatxakari amaerekani, isãkire aãuikasaaki. Ininiã !aposota ateka maerekani amakatxakini, kotxi maerekati kamakani atxaua. Teoso sikakitinokara makatxakari amaerekani."} {"eng": "not of works, that no one would boast.", "apu": "Akamakiti erekari !iposotari amaerekani imakatxakini. Ininiã kãkiti iuikiniua !auari. Teosonokara posotari imakatxakiniri kãkiti maerekani."} {"eng": "For this cause I also, having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus which is among you and the love which you have toward all the saints,", "apu": "Ikara atoko ininiã, nota kenakopiretakasaakiri Apiananiri Xesosi sãkire hãuikini, ikinimane Teoso nakitiakori hĩtiretini nikenakopiretakasaaki,"} {"eng": "don’t cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers,", "apu": "nimisãkiretapikari Teoso hĩte ĩkapani. Nitxari iua: “Erekapitikai, kotxi pite makatxakari ninoa Épeso sitatxiti auakani maerekani,” nitxa."} {"eng": "We were also assigned an inheritance in him, having been foreordained according to the purpose of him who does all things after the counsel of his will,", "apu": "Xesosi Kristo nakitiakori atxaua, ininiã aãpakapari ate ĩkapani inĩkatakiti. Itixi kamiko apisapanika ixinikari ikamakiti ate ĩkapani. Ikamari ikinika inirekakiti iaõka."} {"eng": "to the end that we should be to the praise of his glory, we who had before hoped in Christ.", "apu": "Iua mereẽua ate, merepitipanika Kristo sãkire auiãkaniua, ikinimane asãpiretini ĩkapani: “Peerekari Teoso. Erekapitikari ikamakiti.”"} {"eng": "making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he purposed in him", "apu": "Mitxi !aimarotari Teoso inireẽkiti ikamini tĩkane. Uatxa ikamaimaroretaua. Ipotxitari oerekiniua inireẽkiti. Peerekari iua potxitakiti. Ãkixinireẽ ixinikari ikara ikamini."} {"eng": "to an administration of the fullness of the times, to sum up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in him.", "apu": "Teoso ketotini õti manapi, ikinipoko iposope inakasaaki, iua apotiitariko ikinimane itixine auakani, itixiã auakani pakini."} {"eng": "But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, confined for the faith which should afterwards be revealed.", "apu": "Xesosi Kristo sãkire auikiko apisa, kãkiti kateia ãki auakani atokokana itxauana. Kãkiti moiaãkari atoko itxaua Teoso paniãtakiti Moisesimoni sikakori. !Aposotari anirekinimoni asini. Uatxara aposotapitikari anirekinimoni asini, kotxi Xesosi apokapeka ĩkorapokoriti. Ipinapeka kãkiti ĩkapani, ininiã uatxa aãuikiniãri iua sãkire, kona Teoso misiritaikaua uatxa."} {"eng": "So that the law has become our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.", "apu": "Kristo mapokakani apisa, ate oerekakari atoko itxaua Teoso paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori. Kristomoni anikakari atoko itxaua ikara. Kristo apokasaaki, Teoso kamaerekataua ate, kotxi aãuikari Kristo sãkire."} {"eng": "But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.", "apu": "Uatxa apokapeka Xesosi Kristo sãkire auikiko. Ininiãkara Teoso paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori !imoiaãikaua ate."} {"eng": "For I through the law died to the law, that I might live to God.", "apu": "Moisesi iõkatsopatakiti oerekano nota ipĩkari atoko nininiua, kotxi nota kona posotari ikinika Moisesi iõkatsopatakiti iaõka nikamini, ininiã nimisiritiko auapitikako. Ininiã nimarotari Moisesi iõkatsopatakiti kona makatxakari nimaerekani. Ininiã nimarotari Xesosi sãkire auiãkarinokara auapininiika. Ininiã uatxa ikiniõtika ninirekari Teoso nireẽkitinoka nikamini."} {"eng": "I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. That life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me.", "apu": "Xesosi okaãka aamina ĩpiriãmitakari nopini. Aamina ĩpiriãmitakari nopini okakori atoko nitxaua, kotxi maerekati mitxi nikamakiti !ninirekaikari nikaminiri. Mitxi ninireẽkiti kona auaika. Iuaritika auãkipanika nitxaua, kotxi Kristo aua nãkixinireẽ. Teoso ãkiri sãkire nauikiniã, auãkipanika nitxa. Iua tiretano nota. Iua ipĩpe nota ĩkapani."} {"eng": "For before some people came from James, he ate with the Gentiles. But when they came, he drew back and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision.", "apu": "Merepanika Petro nipokota ikiniõtika aĩtariakori Xoteo minakonikata. Eereka ãtikaka kikiãkini apoka Txiako iokanatakini. Iuasaaki Petro pĩkana ninoa, ininiã kona inikaika aĩtariakori Xoteo minakonikata, Xoteo kiomaneakorini sãkire xika, kotxi ninoa sãkire: “Kãkiti Teoso takaõtxikare iĩtoã mauakaniã, !pinipokotape ninoakata,” itxana ninoa sãkire. Petro pĩkana Txiako iokanatakini, kotxi ninoa nirekari Teoso takaõtxikare auini aĩtariakori ĩtoã, Xoteo minakaniua ĩtoã."} {"eng": "And the rest of the Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy.", "apu": "Apanakini Xoteoakori Xesosi sãkire auiãkani apaka kamari Petro kamakiti atokokana, ininiã ninoa apaka kerokari. !Inipokotaikana aĩtariakorikata, Xoteo minakanikata. Ninoa kerokiniri xika Panapee apaka kerokari. Iua apaka !inipokotaika aĩtariakorikata, Xoteo minakonikata."} {"eng": "But not even Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised.", "apu": "Txito nimoianari na Xoteo !itxaua. Krekora itxaua, ininiãkara Teoso takaõtxikare !auari iuamoni, iuaritika Xesosi sãkire auiãkani auĩteakori na paniãtari itsiki mata kisauakiko."} {"eng": "This was because of the false brothers secretly brought in, who stole in to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage,", "apu": "Mitxi apanakini kikiakori apoka iuaã. Ninoa sãkire: “Ate auikari Xesosi sãkire,” itxana ninoa. Txamari na atão ninoa sãkire. Ninoa apotiitaua Xesosi sãkire auiãkanikata. Inirekarina Txito ĩtoã Teoso takaõtxikare takiko. Ninoa nirekari imarotinirina kitxakapirĩkarini Xoteo kiomaneakorini paniãtakiti atakanapini, kotxi atakanapapekari ipixini ninoa paniãtakiti, kotxi Kristo Xesosi nakitiakori atxapekaua. Ninoa nirekari imarotiniri ikinika ate oerekakiti sãkiretxiti. Ninoa nirekari ate kaminiri ikinika kitxakapirĩkarini Xoteo kiomaneakorini paniãtakiti. Ninoa nirekari ikinika Xesosi sãkire auiãkani, Xoteo minakaniua apaka kaminiri Xoteo kiomaneakorini paniãtakiti. Ninoa nirekari nitiritxi amotakoni atoko aniniua."} {"eng": "Then after a period of fourteen years I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking Titus also with me.", "apu": "Katosi anokanani napaãka atoko, nikanapiriã Xerosareẽmoni nimoianari Panapee inakorikata. Nanikari nimoianari Txito inakori apaka notakata."} {"eng": "I went up by revelation, and I laid before them the Good News which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately before those who were respected, for fear that I might be running, or had run, in vain.", "apu": "Xerosareẽmoni nisa, kotxi Teoso oerekano nisini iuamoni. Iuaã napokasaaki, nisãkirauata Xesosi sãkire auiãkani auĩteakorikata. Ninoakatanoka nisãkirauata. Teoso iokanapirena erekari Xoteo minakonimoni nisãpiretakiti nisãpiretana ninoa. Nota nirekari ninoa imarotiniri nisãpiretakiti atão inini. Apaka ninirekari ninoa imarotiniri iuaĩkana katana nisãpiretakiti atão inini ĩkapani. Nisãpiretakiti ikenakotakasaakina, ninoa: “Atãopitikara pisãpiretakiti Xoteo minakonimoni,” itxana."} {"eng": "But I make known to you, brothers, concerning the Good News which was preached by me, that it is not according to man.", "apu": "Nanera atão minakati sãpiretakani hĩte oereẽkani: “Paoro iokanapirena kona Teoso iokanapirenani,” itxana ninoa sãkire. Nitariakori atãopitikara nisãpiretai hĩte. Iokanapirenatxi hĩtemoni nisãpiretakiti kona kãkiti sãkireni. Teoso sãkirera."} {"eng": "For I didn’t receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came to me through revelation of Jesus Christ.", "apu": "Kona kãkitini sãpiretano ia iokanapirenatxi. Kona kãkitini oerekano. Xesosi Kristora sãpiretano nota iua iokanapirenatxi."} {"eng": "I marvel that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ to a different “good news”,", "apu": "Nikenakopiretari Teoso hĩtakanapaãpotini. Iuasaaki nitsorĩkaãnãta. Kinirepa hĩtakanapari Teoso sãkire? Kotxi mapa kasiritinoka hĩte auikari Teoso iokanapirena erekari. Kristo iteene tiretai hĩte, ininiã akiritai hĩte inakitiakori hininiua ĩkapani. Kinirepa hãuikatari ãti iokanapirena?"} {"eng": "but there isn’t another “good news.” Only there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the Good News of Christ.", "apu": "Atão nisãpiretai hĩte. Ãti iokanapirena erekari !auari. Nikenakopiretari kãkiti hĩte oereẽkani. Ninoa nirekari ikoketinirina isãkirena Kristo iokanapirenakata. Uatxa !himarotaikari atão sãpirenatxi."} {"eng": "I know such a man (whether in the body, or outside of the body, I don’t know; God knows),", "apu": "Ianoka nimarota. Nanikaãka Teoso tixinemoni nitaponeẽ atxiĩti, atão niĩto anikaãka atxiĩti. Teosonoka imarotari."} {"eng": "how he was caught up into Paradise and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.", "apu": "Iuaxiti nikenakotari sãkiretxi erekari. Ikara kona nimarota iuaĩkana nisãpiretini. Apaka !auiritaãka nisãpiretiniri kãkiti."} {"eng": "In this confidence, I was determined to come first to you, that you might have a second benefit,", "apu": "Ikara nimarota, ininiã ninirekamari hĩtemoni nisini, ipikata hĩpoxokoniuatini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "and by you to pass into Macedonia, and again from Macedonia to come to you, and to be sent forward by you on my journey to Judea.", "apu": "Masetónia tixinimoni nisini apisapanika, ninirekamari hĩtemoni nisini. Eereka nikanapiriãkasaaki uaimoni, ninirekamari hĩtemoni iuaĩkana nisini, ininiã iuasaaki ninirekamari hĩte iokanatinino nota Xotéia tõpamoni. Txamari na nisa."} {"eng": "But when this perishable body will have become imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then what is written will happen: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”", "apu": "Arakakani txĩkitakikosaaki miarakakani ininiua, apaka ipĩkani txĩkitakikosaaki mipĩkani ininiua, iuasaaki Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori apopeka. Ia atoko itxa Teoso sãkire kitxakapirĩka: Ipĩkitxi xipokaãkako. Auape kãiatakari, ipĩkitxi xipokakari."} {"eng": "“Death, where is your sting? Hades, where is your victory?”", "apu": "Ipĩkitxi tsii !auaika. Maerekani misiritikoãtaã anikakari kona kãiata."} {"eng": "The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.", "apu": "Ipĩkitxi tsii mitxi aua amaerekani xika. Teoso paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori oerekaua amaerekani. Teoso paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori mauakaniã, !auari kãkiti misiritiko. Txamari maerekanitxi tapara aua, kotxi Teoso paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori auapitika."} {"eng": "For since death came by man, the resurrection of the dead also came by man.", "apu": "Ãti kiki kamakitiã ipĩkitxi apoka ikinimanemoni. Iua atokokana ãti kiki kamakitiã, ipĩkani õkitikiko apoka."} {"eng": "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive.", "apu": "Adão kamakitiã ikinimane ipina. Kristo kamakitiã iua sãkire auiãkani auapininiika ãtipirika."} {"eng": "Therefore other languages are for a sign, not to those who believe, but to the unbelieving; but prophesying is for a sign, not to the unbelieving, but to those who believe.", "apu": "Ininiã Teoso sãkire auiãkari sãkiretiniãri Teoso sãkire mauiãkani sãkire, iua mimarotakiniti, Teoso sãkire mauiãkani iuasaaki imarotari Teoso posotiire. Teoso sãkire auiãkari sãpiretiniãri Teoso sãkire apanakini Teoso sãkire auiãkanimoni, ninoa iuasaaki imarotari Teoso posotiire."} {"eng": "If therefore the whole assembly is assembled together and all speak with other languages, and unlearned or unbelieving people come in, won’t they say that you are crazy?", "apu": "Teoso sãkire auiãkani apotiitiniãua, ikinimane sãkiretiniãri kãkiti sãkire mimarotakotinani, iuasaaki kãkiti Teoso sãkire poiãopanika imarotakari ĩroiniã, Teoso sãkire mauiãkati atxiĩti ĩroiniã, ininiã iua uãkatai hĩte mapitxiritakani hininiua."} {"eng": "But if all prophesy, and someone unbelieving or unlearned comes in, he is reproved by all, and he is judged by all.", "apu": "Txamari ikinimane sãpiretiniãri Teoso sãkire iuasaaki, Teoso sãkire mauiãkati ĩroiniã, kãkiti Teoso sãkire poiãopanika imarotakari ĩroiniã, ininiã iua imarotari maerekati kamakari ininiua. Iuasaaki imarotari imisiritiko auapitika ãti õti."} {"eng": "For he who speaks in another language speaks not to men, but to God, for no one understands, but in the Spirit he speaks mysteries.", "apu": "Kãkiti sãkire mimarotakoti sãkiretakari misãkiretari Teoso. !Imisãkiretari kãkiti, kotxi kãkiti !imarotari isãkire. Erekari Matamatakoti posotiireẽ isãpiretari atão inakari Teoso oerekakiti."} {"eng": "But he who prophesies speaks to men for their edification, exhortation, and consolation.", "apu": "Teoso sãkire sãpiretakaripekana misãkiretari kãkiti. Iua txĩkitakari kãkiti apiata auikiniri Teoso sãkire. Isikataparaxiniretana ninoa. Imĩkapiritari ninoa ãkixinire."} {"eng": "Nevertheless, neither is the woman independent of the man, nor the man independent of the woman, in the Lord.", "apu": "Kiki, sito pakini Apiananiri sãkire auikasaaki, sito nirekari kiki. Kiki nirekaro sito. !Apakata sitonoka auiniã. !Apakata kikinoka auiniã."} {"eng": "For as woman came from man, so a man also comes through a woman; but all things are from God.", "apu": "Kotxi sito ina kiki ĩtoã. Eereka ikinipoko kiki iponaniã sito ĩtoã. Ikara atoko itxapitikama, Teoso kamari ikinipoko."} {"eng": "To the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain those who are under the law;", "apu": "Xoteoakori sauaki niparĩkauatakasaaki, Xoteo auini atoko nitxa nota auini. Ikara atoko ininiã, Xoteoakori auikari Xesosi sãkire. Moisesi paniãtakiti iaõka kamakani sauaki nauakasaaki, ninoa auini atokokana nitxa nota auini, kotxi ninirekari Moisesi sãkire auiãkani auikiniri Xesosi sãkire."} {"eng": "to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law.", "apu": "Xoteo minakaniua !imarotari Moisesi paniãtakiti. Ininiã ninoakata nauakasaaki, kona nipaniãtari Moisesi paniãtakiti ikaminina, Xesosi sãkire auikinina ĩkapani. Iuaritika nikamari Teoso paniãtakiti, kotxi iuatxikana Kristo paniãtakiti nikamini."} {"eng": "But I say this, brothers: the time is short. From now on, both those who have wives may be as though they had none;", "apu": "Nitariakori, poião õtinoka aua aparĩkauatini Apiananiri ĩkapani. Ininiã hĩte kĩtanororini parĩkauatako Teoso ĩkapani mĩtanoroni parĩkauatini atokotxikana."} {"eng": "and those who weep, as though they didn’t weep; and those who rejoice, as though they didn’t rejoice; and those who buy, as though they didn’t possess;", "apu": "Txiapatakari parĩkauatako Teoso ĩkapani, kãkiti matxiapatakati parĩkauatini atokokana. Poxokori parĩkauatako mapoxokoniti parĩkauatini atokokana. Tiitxi amotakari parĩkauatako Teoso ĩkapani, tiitxi mauakiniti parĩkauatini atokokana."} {"eng": "and those who use the world, as not using it to the fullest. For the mode of this world passes away.", "apu": "Ĩkorapokoriti tiitxi auakini !ixinikapiriko itiina, kotxi ĩkorapokoriti kãkiti potxitakiti xipokaãpota."} {"eng": "Don’t you know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? May it never be!", "apu": "Ininiã !apakata Kristo ĩto hĩsikini sito kanokareromoni. !Apakata."} {"eng": "Or don’t you know that he who is joined to a prostitute is one body? For, “The two”, he says, “will become one flesh.”", "apu": "Kiki sirĩkasaaki kanokarerokata, iuasaaki ãtinoka ĩtotxi atoko itxauana ninoa. Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori sãpiretaua: Kiki sirĩkini sitokata, ãtika ĩtotxi atoko itxauana."} {"eng": "Or don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Don’t be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals,", "apu": "Kona himarotapanikari atão minakati kamakani !isari Teoso auĩtetxi ininiãtaãua? Kona hĩteka himisirienetapeua. Ia atoko inakari kãkiti !isari Teoso auĩtetxi ininiãtaãua: maerekati ĩtotxi nireẽkiti kamakani, kamakori teosonetakani, ĩtanoro minakotokatika sirĩkakari, kiki sito ininiua nirekakari, kiki ãti kikikata sirĩkakari. Ninoa !isari Teoso auĩtetxi ininiãtaãua."} {"eng": "nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortionists, will inherit God’s Kingdom.", "apu": "Kiĩtiririni, kamanarerini, poãtakani, ãti misãkirepiretakani, kamisirienererini pakini !isari Teoso auĩtetxi ininiãtaãua."} {"eng": "Some of you were such, but you were washed. You were sanctified. You were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God.", "apu": "Ikara atoko mitxi hĩtxaua hĩte apanakini. Iuaritika himaerekani makatxakaãkapeka. Teoso kamai hĩte inakitiakori hinini. Apiananiri Xesosi kamaerekatai. Erekari Matamatakoti, aTeosone nakiti, iua apaka txĩkitakai hĩte atão inakari kamakani hininiua."} {"eng": "For what do I have to do with also judging those who are outside? Don’t you judge those who are within?", "apu": "Kona nota parĩkani Xesosi sãkire mauiãkani misiritiko nisãpiretini. Hĩte parĩkakara Xesosi sãkire auiãkani misiritiko hĩsãpiretini."} {"eng": "But those who are outside, God judges. “Put away the wicked man from among yourselves.”", "apu": "Teosokara sãpiretariko Xesosi sãkire mauiãkani misiritiko. Hĩte iokanatariko maerekati kamakari hĩte sauaki auakari isini."} {"eng": "According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another builds on it. But let each man be careful how he builds on it.", "apu": "Teoso sikapekano ikinipoko erekari niparĩka iua ĩkapani nikamini. Aapokotxi kamiko apisa aapokotxi kamakari kimaroreri takari kaikori, inopini aapokotxi ikamini ĩkapani. Iua aapokotxi kamakari kimaroreri atoko nitxaua. Merepanika nota parĩkauata Kristo sãkire nisãpiretini. Kaikori aapokotxi kamakari takakiti atoko itxa ikara iua sãkire. Eereka apanakini oerekarauata apikomoni. Ninoa parĩka aapokotxi kamiko kaikori nopini atokokana itxa. Erepaniko akamakasaakiri ikara parĩkatxi."} {"eng": "For no one can lay any other foundation than that which has been laid, which is Jesus Christ.", "apu": "Kaikori, aapokotxi kamakari takakiti atoko itxa Xesosi Kristo sãkire. Ãti kaikori kãkiti sãkire !auari. Auape kaikori Xesosi Kristo sãkire, kotxi kataparari."} {"eng": "Who then is Apollos, and who is Paul, but servants through whom you believed, and each as the Lord gave to him?", "apu": "Kiripa Paoro? Kiripa Aporo? Kristo nitiriakorinoka atxaua. Iua sãkire sãpiretakaninoka atxaua. Hĩte auikapekari Kristo sãkire asãpiretakasaakii. Apiananiri sikari parĩkatxi ikininapemoni akamini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "I planted. Apollos watered. But God gave the increase.", "apu": "Ia atoko itxa parĩkatxi Teoso sikakiti: Merepanika nota sãpiretari Teoso sãkire kãkitimoni, takariki nitakini atokokana. Eereka Aporo oerekari ninoa kãkiti apikomoni Teoso sãkire. Ãparaã takari nireẽkiti atoko itxa apikomoni Teoso sãkire isãpiretakiti. Nota, Aporo pakini parĩkauata ikara atoko, iuaritika Teosonoka aneẽkakari takari. Iuanokara txĩkitakari kãkiti auikiniri isãkire."} {"eng": "So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.", "apu": "Takariki taãkari, ãparaã siãkari pakini minakati ninoa, kotxi Teosonoka aneẽkakari takari."} {"eng": "Now he who plants and he who waters are the same, but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.", "apu": "Teoso sãkire merepanika sãpiretakari nirekari iparĩkauatini Teoso ĩkapani. Teoso sãkire apikomoni sãpiretakari apaka nirekari iparĩkauatini Teoso ĩkapani. Ininiã Teoso sikariko ninoa parĩka ĩki ninoamoni iparĩkana iaõka."} {"eng": "And honour and glory be to him, that is mighty to confirm you by my gospel, and (the) preaching of Jesus Christ, by the revelation of (the) mystery held still, in times everlasting; [Forsooth to him, that is mighty to confirm you by my gospel, and (the) preaching of Jesus Christ, after the revelation of (the) mystery holden still, that is, not showed, in times everlasting;]", "apu": "“Peerekari Teoso,” matxako. Iua posotari ikamataparaxiniretinii hĩte, ininiã kona hĩotokakari hãuikiniri Kristo sãkire. Teoso iokanapirena erekari nota sãpiretakiti, Xesosi Kristo sãkire pakini sãpiretari ikara atoko inakari. Ikara Teoso sãkire kitxakapirĩka !kimarotikori. Uatxa imarotapeẽkaika."} {"eng": "(But nowe is opened, and published among all nations by the Scriptures of the Prophetes, at the commandement of the euerlasting God for the obedience of faith)", "apu": "Ĩkorasaaki asãpiretapekari ikara Teoso sãkire, Teoso sãkire sãpiretakani iõkatsopatakiti kitxakapirĩka. Uatxa aimarotari ninoa sãpiretakiti. Teoso auapika inakari paniãtari isãkire sãpiretiko ikini itixiti auakanimoni. Ininiã apakata ikinimane auikiniri isãkire. Apakata ikinimane kaminiri inireẽkiti iaõka."} {"eng": "God is really great and powerful, so everybody has to tell him that he is good. He can make you strong. This is his message. It is the good news about Jesus Christ. A long time ago, God planned to get both the Jewish people, and the people that are not Jews, to believe in him. But at first he kept it a secret, and he just got the Jewish people to follow him. After that, he got his men to write about it ahead of time, and their words are in his book. Now his message about Jesus is for every nation. It is not just for the Jewish people, but everybody everywhere can trust him, and they can listen to him and do what he wants. God is the only one that can think good enough to make it all work out like that. So everybody has to tell God and Jesus Christ, “You are great.” They have always got to do that for ever. From Paul", "apu": "Iuanani Teoso txaua. Iuanokara imarotari atão ikinipoko. Ãtipirika matxariko iua: “Peerekai pite, kotxi peerekari Xesosi Kristo.” Ameẽ."} {"eng": "Gaius, my host and host of the whole assembly, greets you. Erastus, the treasurer of the city, greets you, as does Quartus, the brother.", "apu": "Nota Paoro aua Kaio aapoko. Kristo sãkire auiãkani apotiitaua iua aapoko Teosokata isãkirauatinina ĩkapani. Iua nirekari himarotiniri iua xinikamanapitinii hĩte. Erásito inakori apaka xinikamanapitai. Txineiro nĩkatakari iua. Sitatxi auakani sikakito inĩkata iua. Aĩtari Koato inakori xinikamanapitai hĩte apaka."} {"eng": "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all! Amen.", "apu": "Aãuĩte Xesosi Kristo ãtipirika sikari ikinipoko erekari hĩtemoni. Ameẽ."} {"eng": "For I will not dare to speak of any things except those which Christ worked through me for the obedience of the Gentiles, by word and deed,", "apu": "Nota kona iuikaua, kotxi Kristo posotiireẽ Xoteo minakaniua kamari Teoso nireẽkiti. Kristo paniãtano nota iua sãkire nisãpiretinina Xoteo minakaniua. Ipaniãtano inireẽkiti nikamini Xoteo minakonikata nauakasaaki, ininiãkara ninoa auikari nisãkire. Ininiã ikamarina Teoso nireẽkiti."} {"eng": "in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of God’s Spirit; so that from Jerusalem and around as far as to Illyricum, I have fully preached the Good News of Christ;", "apu": "Erekari Matamatakoti posotiireẽ noerekari Teoso takaõtxikare ninoamoni. Noerekari posotiiretxi kãkiti maposotakiniti ninoamoni. Ininiãkara ninoa kamari Teoso sãkire iaõka. Kristo iokanapirena erekari ikinika nisãpiretapekari kãkiti Xerosareẽ sitatxiti auakani. Eereka kãkiti apikoxiti auakani nisãpireta. Eereka kãkiti apikoxiti auakani nisãpireta. Nitxaãpota kãkiti nisãpiretini. Imapotõkire Iríria tixinipeka napoka, Kristo iokanapirena erekari nisãpiretini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "I myself am also persuaded about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish others.", "apu": "Nitariakori, nota imarotari ereka hinini. Nimarotari hĩte iteene kimarore hinini hõerekakakiniua ĩkapani."} {"eng": "But I write the more boldly to you in part as reminding you, because of the grace that was given to me by God,", "apu": "Iuaritika ia niõkatsopatakitiã nõtãkikapekai hĩte nitaparaxinireritika. Himarotakiti, iuaĩkana nisãpiretai, iuaĩkana hĩxinikiniri ĩkapani. Teoso sikari erekari notamoni, ininiã ikara atoko niõkatsopata hĩtemoni."} {"eng": "Now the God of perseverance and of encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus,", "apu": "Teoso sikataparataua, ininiã apoxokoniritika aiãtapari erekari apokini. Isikataparaxiniretaua. Ninirekari Teoso txĩkitakiniri hĩte nireẽkiti ãtinoka inini, Kristo Xesosi nireẽkiti iaõka hĩkamini."} {"eng": "that with one accord you may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.", "apu": "Erekari hinireẽkiti hãkixinireẽ ãtinoka inini. Erekari hĩsãkire ãtinoka inini. Ikara atoko hininiã, hĩkinika txari Teoso: “Peerekai pite,” kotxi iua aãuĩte Xesosi Kristo iri itxaua."} {"eng": "for God’s Kingdom is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.", "apu": "Teoso aãuĩte ininiãua, kona nipokorinanini, kona iãtakorinanini, axinika. Teoso aãuĩte ininiãua, axinikari Erekari Matamatakoti sikakiti atemoni. Iua txĩkitakaua atãonoka akamini. Ikamaerekaxiniretaua. Isikapoxokonitaua. Teoso aãuĩte ininiãua, ikara atoko itxa aãuini."} {"eng": "For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.", "apu": "Ikara atoko aparĩkauatiniã Kristo ĩkapani, Teoso apokaerekataua. Kãkiti apaka apokaerekataua."} {"eng": "Yet if because of food your brother is grieved, you walk no longer in love. Don’t destroy with your food him for whom Christ died.", "apu": "Hinikiniãri ikinipoko nipokori, atxiĩti hĩtari ãkixinire maxirauata, ininiã na atão hĩtiretari iua. Kristo ipina iua hĩtari ĩkapani, ininiã hĩtakanapariko iua nipokori hinikini, kotxi atxiĩti iua !auikaikari Xesosi sãkire, iua nipokori hinikini xika."} {"eng": "Then don’t let your good be slandered,", "apu": "Erekari auakasaaki, !hãuiritapiri ãti sãpiretinii ikara erekari maerekati inini."} {"eng": "For none of us lives to himself, and none dies to himself.", "apu": "Kona ateka auĩtetaua. Kona aãua ateka ĩkapaninanini. Kona apina ateka ĩkapaninanini."} {"eng": "For if we live, we live to the Lord. Or if we die, we die to the Lord. If therefore we live or die, we are the Lord’s.", "apu": "Auapanika anakasaaki, aparĩkauata Apiananiri ĩkapani. Apĩkasaaki, apina Apiananiri ĩkapani. Ininiã auapanika anakasaaki, apĩkasaaki apaka, Apiananiri nakiti atxaua."} {"eng": "Do this, knowing the time, that it is already time for you to awaken out of sleep, for salvation is now nearer to us than when we first believed.", "apu": "Matiretari ãti, kotxi aimarotari kaiamapekari Kristo kanapiriini. Ininiã pimerekako. Kona pimakapeko. Piparĩkauatako Teoso ĩkapani, kotxi itixine Xesosi anikiniua õti apokaãpotanapanoka. Akokaxiti aãuikari Xesosi sãkire. Uatxa paĩtiki ikanapiriã."} {"eng": "The night is far gone, and the day is near. Let’s therefore throw off the deeds of darkness, and let’s put on the armor of light.", "apu": "Ĩkanõkari xipokaãpotanapanoka. Pokamara apokaãpotanapanoka Kristo kanapiriãkasaaki. Maerekati ipiãkasaaki kamakori atoko itxa, ininiã maiotokakari ikara akamini. Matakanapari maerekati. Makamari erekari, kotxi erekari akamakiti kapakaua, ininiã maerekati !imaĩkaua. Pokamarari atoko itxa erekari akamakiti."} {"eng": "it was said to her, “The elder will serve the younger.”", "apu": "Oa anaakori iponaniã ipipe. Iponaniinina apisapanika, maerekati ikaminina apisapanika, erekari ikaminina apisapanika, Teoso sãpiretaro oa: Merepanika iponaniãkari eereka iponaniãkari nitiri itxauako. Ininiã Teoso mereẽri iua eereka iponaniãkari Xakoo inakori apiari inini ĩkapani, iua auini apisapanika. Ininiã na Xakoo kamakitini txĩkitakari Teoso mereiniri iua. Teoso mereẽri iua, kotxi inirekari ikara atoko inini."} {"eng": "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,", "apu": "Ia nimarota. Kristo tiretiniua iotokakakari !auari. Apĩkasaaki, itiretapanikaua. Aãuapanika inakasaaki, itiretapanikaua. Teoso nitiriakori iaxitikini !iotokakari itiretiniua. Satanasi nitiriakori !iotokakari itiretiniua. Ĩkorasaaki auakani, katana auakani apaka !iotokakari Kristo tiretiniua. !Auari posotiiretxi, Kristo tiretiniua iotokakakari."} {"eng": "nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from God’s love which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.", "apu": "Iaxiti apiko nopinixiti auakani, iaxiti patapi auakani apaka, !iotokakari Kristo tiretiniua. Hinitiniãri Teoso tiretiniua iotokakakari, !hãpokari. Hinitiniãri ikinika Teoso kamakiti auiniãtaã, iuaritika kona hãpokari Teoso tiretiniua iotokakakari. !Auari. Aãuĩte Kristo Xesosi oerekaua Teoso iteene tiretiniua."} {"eng": "For we were saved in hope, but hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for that which he sees?", "apu": "Teoso makatxakapekari amaerekani, aãuikasaakiri isãkire. Ininiã aiãtapari apikomoni isikaenetakiti atemoni. !Aãtamatapanikari isikaenetakiti, ininiã aiãtapapanikari. Aãuikapitikari isikaenetakiti isikiniua, ininiã atão aãuikiniri."} {"eng": "But if we hope for that which we don’t see, we wait for it with patience.", "apu": "Aiãtapari aãpakapakiti tĩkane. !Aãpakapapanikari, iuaritika aiãtapari apoxokoniritika, kotxi aimarotapitikari ikara apokini."} {"eng": "because the mind of the flesh is hostile toward God, for it is not subject to God’s law, neither indeed can it be.", "apu": "Kãkiti xinikiniãri iĩto nireẽkitinoka, Teoso mokaiakariakori itxauana, kotxi !inirekarina Teoso paniãtakiti iaõka ikaminina. !Iposotarina Teoso paniãtakiti iaõka ikaminina."} {"eng": "Those who are in the flesh can’t please God.", "apu": "Ĩtotxi nireẽkitinoka kamakani !iposotari ikamapoxokonitinirina Teoso."} {"eng": "For the woman that has a husband is bound by law to the husband while he lives, but if the husband dies, she is discharged from the law of the husband.", "apu": "Noerekaiko hĩte. Paniãtakori iõkatsopatakori paniãtaro sito okaikotini oĩtanirikata iua auapanika inakasaaki. Iua ipininiã, iua paniãtakori na paniãtaikaro oa."} {"eng": "So then if, while the husband lives, she is joined to another man, she would be called an adulteress. But if the husband dies, she is free from the law, so that she is no adulteress, though she is joined to another man.", "apu": "Õtaniri auapanika inakasaaki, ãtikata oãuiniã, kanokarero otxaua. Õtaniri ipininiã, paniãtakori iõkatsopatakori na paniãtaikaro oa, ininiã apakata ãtikata oĩtaniriuatini. Ikara atoko oniniã, kanokarero !otxaua."} {"eng": "Therefore don’t let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.", "apu": "Ininiã na hãuiritapiri hiĩto paniãtinii maerekati hĩkamini. Na hĩkamapiri maerekati hiĩto nireẽkiti."} {"eng": "Also, do not present your members to sin as instruments of unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.", "apu": "Na hãuiritapiri hiĩto kaminiri maerekati. Na hãuiritapiri hõki kaminiri maerekati. Na hãuiritapiri hinama kaminiri maerekati. Na hãuiritapiri hĩuako kaminiri maerekati. Na hĩkamapiri maerekati hiĩto nireẽkiti. Hĩteka hĩsikauako Teosomoni, kotxi mitxi ipĩkani atoko hĩtxaua, eereka Teoso txĩkitakai auãki iuaĩkana hinini, ininiã hĩsikari hiĩto ikinika Teosomoni. Atão inakarinoka hĩkamako hõkiã, hinamaã, hĩuakoã, imakinika hiĩtoã."} {"eng": "For sin will not have dominion over you, for you are not under law, but under grace.", "apu": "Uatxa maerekanitxi apatrãote atoko !itxaikauako. Uatxa amisiritiko !auaika, Teoso paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori amakamakaniã, kotxi ikinipoko erekari Teoso sikakiti aãpakapakasaaki, iuasaaki imakatxakari amisiritiko."} {"eng": "May it never be! We who died to sin, how could we live in it any longer?", "apu": "Konapitini. Teoso makatxakapekari amaerekani, kotxi iuasaaki !anirekaikari apikomoni maerekati akamini. Anireẽkiti maerekati akamini xipope, kãkiti ipinini atoko itxa ixipokini. Ininiã !apakata apikomoni maerekati akamini."} {"eng": "Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?", "apu": "Apatxisatiko oerekari Kristo Xesosi nakitiakori aniniua. Iuakata apinini atoko itxa apatxisatiko. Himarotapekari ikara."} {"eng": "We were buried therefore with him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life.", "apu": "Apatxisatiko oerekari Kristokata ikatakoni atoko aniniua, ininiã !anirekari apikomoni maerekati akamini. Kristo iri Teoso posotiire õkitikari imi, iuaĩkana auãki inini ĩkapani. Peerekari iposotiire. Ininiã apatxisatiko oerekari Xesosi õkitikiko atokokana Teoso õkitikaua ate aãuini amaneri inini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "For until the law, sin was in the world; but sin is not charged when there is no law.", "apu": "Teoso paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori apokini apisapanika, kãkiti kamari maerekati, iuaritika Teoso !imisiritana ninoa maerekati ikamakitina xika, kotxi iuasaaki !isãpiretapanikari ipaniãtakiti."} {"eng": "Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those whose sins weren’t like Adam’s disobedience, who is a foreshadowing of him who was to come.", "apu": "Adão auakasaaki atoko, Moisesi auakasaaki manapi, iuasaaki Teoso paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori !apokapanika, iuaritika ikinimane ipina. Atxiĩti kãkiti !ikamari maerekati Adão maerekani atoko, kotxi iua !ikamari Teoso paniãtakiti, iuaritika ikinimane ipina. Kiki Adão inakori axinikasaaki, aimarotari iua Xesosi atoko ininiua."} {"eng": "Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ;", "apu": "Ininiã Teoso kamaerekataua, kotxi aãuikari isãkire, ininiãkara aãuĩte Xesosi Kristo iotokakari Teoso omanatiniua ate. Teoso !omanataikaua ate. Uatxa apakapaua ate."} {"eng": "through whom we also have our access by faith into this grace in which we stand. We rejoice in hope of the glory of God.", "apu": "Aãuikasaakiri Xesosi sãkire, iuasaaki aimarotari ikinipoko erekari Teoso sikakiti atemoni ikiniõtika. Iteene apoxokoniuata, kotxi aiãtapari Teoso aaõkitini, iua iotximere aãtamatini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "For if those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void, and the promise is made of no effect.", "apu": "Kãkiti erekari kamakari Teoso sãkire mauiãkati !apakapari Teoso sikaenetakiti, kotxi !auikari Teoso sãkire. Teoso sikari isikaenetakiti iua sãkire auiãkanimoninani."} {"eng": "For the law produces wrath; for where there is no law, neither is there disobedience.", "apu": "Teoso paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori makamakati misiritaãkako. Teoso paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori mauakaniã, maerekati !auari. Txamari auapitika Teoso paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori."} {"eng": "But now apart from the law, a righteousness of God has been revealed, being testified by the law and the prophets;", "apu": "Uatxa Teoso oerekapekaua itxĩkitakiniri kãkiti atão inakari kamakani ininiua. Teoso paniãtakiti ikinika !ikama kãkiti, iuaritika itxĩkitakaãkana atão inakari kamakani ininiuana. Kitxakapirĩka Moisesi, Teoso sãkire sãpiretakani apaka sãpiretari ikara."} {"eng": "even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all those who believe. For there is no distinction,", "apu": "Teoso txĩkitakari kãkiti atão inakari kamakani ininiuana, Xesosi Kristo sãkire auikasaakina. Itxĩkitakari Xoteo, Xoteo minakaniua pakini atão inakari kamakani ininiuana, Xesosi sãkire auikasaakina. Xoteo minakatiua Teosomoni, Xoteotxikana itxaua."} {"eng": "Now we know that whatever things the law says, it speaks to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be closed, and all the world may be brought under the judgment of God.", "apu": "Aimarotari Teoso sikari ikinika ipaniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori atemoni Xoteoakorimoni, inireẽkiti aimarotini ĩkapani. Ininiã !apakata ate, Xoteo minakaniua pakini: “!Nimarotari Teoso nireẽkiti,” anini, kotxi isãpiretapekari inireẽkiti akamini tĩkane. Ininiã atãopitikara Teoso misiritinina ikinimane maerekati kamakani."} {"eng": "Because by the works of the law, no flesh will be justified in his sight; for through the law comes the knowledge of sin.", "apu": "Ikinika Teoso paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori !aposota akamini, ininiã Teoso kona kamaerekataua. Teoso paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori oerekaua maerekati kamakani aniniua."} {"eng": "oppression, and anguish on every soul of man who does evil, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.", "apu": "Ikinipoko kãkiti maerekati kamakani maxikaãkako. Atatsiirauatako. Merepanika Xoteo misiritaãkako, eereka Xoteo minakaniua apaka misiritaãkako."} {"eng": "But glory, honor, and peace go to every man who does good, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.", "apu": "Teoso txanako kãkiti erekari kamakani: “Erekapitikai hĩte.” Ikara atoko itxanako merepanika Xoteoakori, eereka Xoteo minakaniua apaka. Teoso paxitanako ninoa. Ikamaerekaxiniretanako."} {"eng": "For there is no partiality with God.", "apu": "Teoso misiritana ikini kãkiti maerekati kamakani. !Auiritari apanakini maerekati kamakani napakakiniri imisiritikona. Apanakini maerekati kamakani imisiritini atokokana, imisiritari ikinipoko maerekati kamakani."} {"eng": "concerning his Son, who was born of the offspring of David according to the flesh,", "apu": "Ia Teoso iokanapirena erekari sãpiretaua aãuĩte Xesosi Kristo Teoso ãkiri ininiua. Kãkiti itxapekaua. Iuasaaki Tavii apika mekaniri itxaua."} {"eng": "who was declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord,", "apu": "Iuaritika Teoso ãkiri itxaua. Erekari Matamatakoti oerekari kãkiti Teoso ãkiri ininiua Xesosi, kotxi õkitikari Xesosi ipĩkaripeka. Iuaĩkana aua itxa. Ikara posotiiretxi apiari oerekari kãkiti Xesosi Teoso ãkiri ininiua."} {"eng": "“Be it known therefore to you that the salvation of God is sent to the nations, and they will listen.”", "apu": "Paoro sãkirauata iuaĩkana ninoakata: —Ninirekari himarotiniri Teoso iokanapirena erekari kãkiti maerekani makatxakiko pirena iokanapiretaãkapeka Xoteo minakonimoni. Ninoakara auikapitikariko Teoso sãkire."} {"eng": "When he had said these words, the Jews departed, having a great dispute among themselves.", "apu": "Ikara Paoro sãpiretaãka atoko, ninoa Xoteoakori sipeka. Isikasaakina, iteene itaparakienatakakauana Paoro sãkire ikenakotinina xika."} {"eng": "saying, ‘Go to this people and say, in hearing, you will hear, but will in no way understand. In seeing, you will see, but will in no way perceive.", "apu": "Itxari: Hĩsa kãkitimoni. Hĩsãpiretanako ninoa: “Hĩkenakotari nisãkire ãtipirika, txamari !hinirekari himarotiniri nisãkire. Ãtipirika hĩtikari nikamakiti, txamari !hinirekari hãuikiniri nota kaminiri ia atoko inakari.”"} {"eng": "For this people’s heart has grown callous. Their ears are dull of hearing. Their eyes they have closed. Lest they should see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart, and would turn again, then I would heal them.’", "apu": "Kotxi kãkiti ãkixinireẽ !inirekarina imarotinirina nisãkire. !Inirekarina ikenakotinirina nisãkire. !Inirekarina itikinirina nikamakiti. Inirekiniãrina, itikapitikarina nota kamakiti. Inirekiniãrina, atão ikenakotarina nisãkire. Ãkixinireẽna imarotaãkamariko nota sãkire, inamanako notamoni, ininiã nota txĩkitakamanako ninoa ereka ininina, itxa Teoso sãkire."} {"eng": "After they had hoisted it up, they used cables to help reinforce the ship. Fearing that they would run aground on the Syrtis sand bars, they lowered the sea anchor, and so were driven along.", "apu": "Akosekaãpotari kanaua maporo ãki aeretakini ĩkapani. Ininiã ninoa iapiripoataro maporo aãpitsaã ĩtima katakakitapetiniri monõkoni. Ninoa pĩkari ĩtima anikiniro maporo ikipatxite apanĩkakiãkirimoni. Iua ikipatxite Arípia tixini takote. Ininiã ikaxitikarina mãkatxi mata maporo aniãkari. Mãkatxi mata kaikotiniã maporo nopini, patimaua ĩtima anikiniua. Ikara atoko ininiã, auiritarina ĩtima anikiniua."} {"eng": "As we labored exceedingly with the storm, the next day they began to throw things overboard.", "apu": "Ĩtima inataparatapanika, ininiã katimatinĩkata ninoa okaãpotari tiitxi maporo ãki auakari potxoari uinitimoni maporo sakikini monõkoni."} {"eng": "Now I stand here to be judged for the hope of the promise made by God to our fathers,", "apu": "—Xoteoakori uatxa omanatano nota, kotxi nauikari Teoso sikaenetakiti ate atokiriakorimoni apokapeka uatxa."} {"eng": "which our twelve tribes, earnestly serving night and day, hope to attain. Concerning this hope I am accused by the Jews, King Agrippa!", "apu": "Ate nirimane, tosi pakini nirimanetxi, iãtapari ikara Teoso sikaenetakiti apokini õti. Ninoa parĩkauata Teoso ĩkapani ĩkanõka, pokamara pakini. Niauĩte Akiripa, ikara Teoso sikaenetakiti xika Xoteoakori maĩkano nota."} {"eng": "He even tried to profane the temple, and we arrested him.", "apu": "Teoso misãkiretiko aikoti imapaxitakanisaaki, ate maĩkari iua. Akiomaneakorini oerekini atoko atxamariko Paoro."} {"eng": "He even tried to profane the temple, and we arrested him.", "apu": "Txamari iuasaakipeka sotatoakori auĩte Arísia inakori apoka iuaã. Imakatxakari Paoro itapararitika ate sauaki."} {"eng": "When he was called, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, “Seeing that by you we enjoy much peace, and that prosperity is coming to this nation by your foresight,", "apu": "Ninoa apokasaaki, sotato minari Paoro Périsi apisatoõ. Iposo atoko Tétoro akiritaãka isãkirauatini ĩkapani. Ininiã Tétoro apoĩtari Paoro: —Périsi, apiari pitxaua. Auĩtetxi kimatireri pitxaua, kotxi mapakanani atixine neenamatxi !auari. Mitxi kaiãopokori maerekati kamakori. Uatxa maerekati poiãoãpota, kotxi pite kamari erekari kãkiti ĩkapani."} {"eng": "we accept it in all ways and in all places, most excellent Felix, with all thankfulness.", "apu": "Erekapitikari pikamakiti ate ĩkapani. Ate apokaerekatari."} {"eng": "He called to himself two of the centurions, and said, “Prepare two hundred soldiers to go as far as Caesarea, with seventy horsemen and two hundred men armed with spears, at the third hour of the night.”", "apu": "Iposo atoko sotato auĩte pĩkapiretana ipi sotatoakori auĩtetxi poiãoni inakaniua. Imisãkiretana: —Hãpotiitana tosẽtosi sotatoakori ikitiã sikani, setẽta sotatoakori kavaro nopini sikani, tosẽtosi sotatoakori meretaua anikakani pakini. Iposope hĩtxako ia ĩkanõkati novi oara hĩpotorikini Sesaréia sitatxitimoni hĩsini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "He asked them to provide mounts, that they might set Paul on one, and bring him safely to Felix the governor.", "apu": "Kavaroakoro hĩsikari Paoro, oa nopini isini ĩkapani. !Hãuiritapiri Paoro okiko. Hanikari Paoro Homanoakori auĩtemoni Périsi inakorimoni —itxana ninoa."} {"eng": "But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, “Men and brothers, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees. Concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead I am being judged!”", "apu": "Paoro atamatana kãkiti iuaã apotiitakaniua. Apanakini satoseoakori itxauana. Apanakini pariseoakori itxauana. Ininiã itapararitika isãpiretana: —Nitariakori, pariseokarano nota. Pariseo ãkirikarano nota. Uai nota minaãka hĩte apisatoõ, kotxi nota auikari ipĩkanipeka õkitikiniua, iuaĩkana auãki ininina ĩkapani —itxana ninoa."} {"eng": "When he had said this, an argument arose between the Pharisees and Sadducees, and the crowd was divided.", "apu": "Iuasaakipeka pariseoakori, satoseoakori pakini taparakienatakakaua, kotxi pariseoakori auikari Paoro sãkire. Satoseakori !auikari Paoro sãkire."} {"eng": "For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor angel, nor spirit; but the Pharisees confess all of these.", "apu": "Kotxi satoseoakori !auikari ipĩkari õkitikiniua, iuaĩkana auãki inini ĩkapani. Kona auikarina Teoso nitiriakori iaxitikini auini. Kona auikarina matamatakoni auini. Pariseoakori auikari ipĩkari õkitikiniua, iuaĩkana auãki inini ĩkapani. Auikarina Teoso nitiriakori auini. Auikarina matamatakoni auini apaka."} {"eng": "Paul, looking steadfastly at the council, said, “Brothers, I have lived before God in all good conscience until today.”", "apu": "Ininiã Paoro iteene mixinitoõtana Xoteo auĩteakori. —Nitariakori, erekari nikaminiritika, uatxa uai naua. Teoso nireẽkitinoka ninireka nikamini. Teoso imarotari ikara, kotxi imarotari nixinikakiti nãkixinireẽ —itxa."} {"eng": "The high priest, Ananias, commanded those who stood by him to strike him on the mouth.", "apu": "Sasetotxiakori auĩte apiatakari Ananíasi inakori !ipotxitari Paoro sãkire, ininiã ipaniãtari Paoro takote auakani aritiniri Paoro sona."} {"eng": "When the seven days were almost completed, the Jews from Asia, when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the multitude and laid hands on him,", "apu": "Iua semanati kaiamapeka ixipokini inakasaaki, ãtikaka Xoteoakori Ásia tixinikini atamatari Paoro Teoso misãkiretiko aikoti ãki. Ninoa misãkirepiretari Paoro ikinimane kãkiti iuaã apotiitakanimoni, ininiã ninoa sãkire xika ikinimane omanatari Paoro. Eereka imaĩkarina Paoroni."} {"eng": "crying out, “Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people, and the law, and this place. Moreover, he also brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place!”", "apu": "Ásia tixinikini akiripoata: —Hĩte Xoteoakori himoianataua ate. Ia kikira oerekari ikini itixitikini omanatinina Xoteoakori. Iara oerekari kãkiti Moisesi paniãtakiti imakamakani. Oerekari kãkiti mapaxitakaniri ia Teoso misãkiretiko aikoti. Ĩkorasaaki !ipaxitari ia aiko, kotxi imiĩroãna Xoteo minakaniua aiko ãki, ininiãkara itxikotari ia aiko Teoso nakiti —itxanãtana ninoa."} {"eng": "For they had seen Trophimus the Ephesian, with him in the city, and they supposed that Paul had brought him into the temple.", "apu": "Ikara itxana, kotxi mitxi itikarina kiki Xoteo minakatiua Tópimo inakori Épeso sitatxitikiri Paorokata tĩpokotini sitatxi apanĩkaki. Txamari Paoro !anikari iua aiko ãki. Ininiã iuãkatarina Paoro anikapekari iua aiko ãki."} {"eng": "I coveted no one’s silver, gold, or clothing.", "apu": "!Nixikotari apanakini. !Nimaãkatari itxineirote, imãkana pakini."} {"eng": "You yourselves know that these hands served my necessities, and those who were with me.", "apu": "Hĩte imarotapitikari notaka parĩkauata imakinika ninireẽkiti, nimoianariakori nireẽkiti apaka niamotini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "For I know that after my departure, vicious wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock.", "apu": "Nimarotari kãkiti apokapitikako hĩtemoni nota sini tikini. Ninoa nirekari ixipokinirina hĩparĩka Teoso ĩkapani. Xapakori patari imaĩkini monõkoni atoko itxako ninoa hĩte sauaki imonõkoni apokini. Ininiã erepaniko. Katokinani hĩtxako."} {"eng": "Men will arise from among your own selves, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them.", "apu": "Ãti õti kãkiti hĩte oereẽkini sãpiretakiti na atãoni. Koketakori sãkiretxiti isãpiretana apanakini Xesosi sãkire auiãkani. Ikara xika apanakini auikari ninoa sãkire, ininiãkara isanako ninoakata. !Auikaikarina hĩte sãkire."} {"eng": "These accompanied him as far as Asia: Sopater of Beroea, Aristarchus and Secundus of the Thessalonians, Gaius of Derbe, Timothy, and Tychicus and Trophimus of Asia.", "apu": "Sópato inakori Peréia sitatxitikiri sari iuakata. Piho inakori ãkiri itxaua. Arisitako inakori, Sekõto inakori, Tesarónika sitatxitikini, ninoa apaka sari Paorokata. Kaio inakori Tepi sitatxitikiri apaka sari Paorokata. Txíkiko inakori, Tópimo inakori Ásia tixinikini, Tximótxio inakori pakini moianatari Paoro."} {"eng": "But these had gone ahead, and were waiting for us at Troas.", "apu": "Iuasaaki nota Arókasi inakori iuakata naua. Paoro imoianariakorikata ĩkiika isinina. Nota, nimoianariakorikata sari Paoro tikini. Tóatxi sitatxiti Paoro iãtapaua ate."} {"eng": "Many also of those who had believed came, confessing and declaring their deeds.", "apu": "Kaiãopokori Xesosi sãkire auiãkani apotiitaua. Ikinimane apisatoõ isãpiretarina maerekati mitxi ikamakitina."} {"eng": "Many of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. They counted their price, and found it to be fifty thousand pieces of silver.", "apu": "Apanakini kasikapõererini apaka apoka iuaã. Iminarina sikapõeretxi apaiaõkiko tsopa. Ikinimane apisatoõ iotikarina. !Inirekaikarina maerekati ikaminina. Iaõtarina ikara aãtsopa ĩki. Iĩki sĩkoẽta mio txineiro ota pirata kamakoro. Kaiãopokoro txineiro."} {"eng": "But some of the itinerant Jews, exorcists, took on themselves to invoke over those who had the evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, “We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches.”", "apu": "Iuasaaki apanakini Xoteoakori, miĩtiakori, maerekani matamatakoni omitiãkani, sari kãkitimoni maerekani matamatakoni omitikinina ĩkapani. Xesosi pirena ikenakotana. Ininiã eereka ninoa txari maerekani matamatakonimoni: —Apaniãtai hĩsipiniikaua Xesosi uãkaã, Paoro sãpiretakiti Xesosi uãkaã —itxana ninoa."} {"eng": "There were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did this.", "apu": "Iuasaaki aua kiki Xoteo, Sepa inakori. Sasetotxiakori auĩte itxaua. Iua anaakori kiki setxi pakini. Sepa anaakori paniãtana maerekani matamatakoni sini Xesosi uãkaã."} {"eng": "Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by race, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus. He was mighty in the Scriptures.", "apu": "Iuasaaki Xoteo Aporo inakori sari Épeso sitatxitimoni. Iua iponaniã Arexãtria sitatxitiã. Paimatireri iua. Imarotari Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori imakinika."} {"eng": "This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, although he knew only the baptism of John.", "apu": "Iua oerekapeẽkaika Xesosi sãkire, ininiã atão Xesosi sãkire isãpireta kãkitimoni. Ipoxokoniritika isãpirenauata. Txamari kãkiti patxisatiko pirena !iteene imarotapanika. Xoão kapatxisareri oerekapiretakitinanira imarota."} {"eng": "He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. But when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside, and explained to him the way of God more accurately.", "apu": "Iua Aporo sãpirenauata itaparaxinireritika aiko ãki Xoteo apotiitiniãtaãua. Iuasaaki Pirisira, Ákira pakini kenakotari isãkire. Eereka anikarina aapokomonina. Oerekarina apikomoni Teoso sãkire imarotini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "He came to Ephesus, and he left them there; but he himself entered into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews.", "apu": "Ninoa apoka Épeso sitatxiti. Iuaã Paoro takanapana Pirisira, Ákira pakini. Paoro ĩroã aiko ãki Xoteo apotiitiniãtaãua. Iuaã apakapapiretakakaua Xoteoakorikata Teoso sãkire isãpiretinina."} {"eng": "When they asked him to stay with them a longer time, he declined;", "apu": "Ninoa misãkiretari Paoro ninoakata apikomoni ikaikotini ĩkapani. Txamari Paoro !inirekari ikaikotini."} {"eng": "but taking his leave of them, he said, “I must by all means keep this coming feast in Jerusalem, but I will return again to you if God wills.” Then he set sail from Ephesus.", "apu": "—Nisariko kiiniri Teoso misãkiretiko aikotiã Xerosareẽ. Eereka Teoso nirekiniãri, uai nikanapiriã hĩtemoni —itxa Paoro. Eereka isipe. Iereẽtaua maporo ãki. Épeso sitatxiti itakanapa."} {"eng": "But when Paul was about to open his mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, “If indeed it were a matter of wrong or of wicked crime, you Jews, it would be reasonable that I should bear with you;", "apu": "Paoro sãkirauatini apisapanika, Kário txana Xoteoakori: —Nisãpiretai hĩte Xoteoakori. Paoro kamaãkamariko maerekati, nota kenakotamariko apikomoni hĩsãkiremako."} {"eng": "but if they are questions about words and names and your own law, look to it yourselves. For I don’t want to be a judge of these matters.”", "apu": "Txamari !ikamari maerekati. Hĩte taparakienatakakaua hãuikapiretakiti xika, hãtokiriakorini oerekapiretakiti xika. Hĩte Xoteoakori. Nota ãti uãka nitxaua, ininiã hĩtekara xinikari atão inakari. Kona notani sãpiretai hĩte auiãkiti —itxa Kário."} {"eng": "Paul, as was his custom, went in to them; and for three Sabbath days reasoned with them from the Scriptures,", "apu": "Paoro itotapekari Xoteo apotiitiniãtaãua aikotimoni isini. Ininiãkara iua sari iuaã. Ipi ãti pakini õti tomatiko õti, isari iuamoni. Iuasaaki Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori isãpireta kãkitimoni iuaãtaã auakanimoni. Ninoa pimarauata, ininiã iua sãpirenauata."} {"eng": "explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and saying, “This Jesus, whom I proclaim to you, is the Christ.”", "apu": "Ininiã Paoro txari: —Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori oerekaua ate: Teoso mereẽkiti misiritaãkapitikako, okaãkapitikako. Eereka õkitikapitikauako, iuaĩkana auãki inini ĩkapani. Ia Xesosi hĩtemoni uatxa nisãpirenãtakiti Teoso mereẽkitipitikara iua —Paoro txana ninoa."} {"eng": "They spoke the word of the Lord to him, and to all who were in his house.", "apu": "Eereka Paoro, Sírasi pakini sãpiretari Apiananiri sãkire iuamoni, iua aapoko ãki auakanimoni apaka."} {"eng": "He took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes, and was immediately baptized, he and all his household.", "apu": "Iuasaaki imaropirĩkata kateia nĩkatakari arokari ninoa karo. Eereka iua imiakorikata, ĩtanorokata patxisataãka."} {"eng": "He brought them up into his house and set food before them, and rejoiced greatly with all his household, having believed in God.", "apu": "Eereka anikana Paoro, Sírasi pakini aapoko ãki. Isikakienatana. Iua imiakorikata, ĩtanorokata poxokoniuata, kotxi iuasaaki ninoa auikari Teoso sãkire."} {"eng": "but Paul chose Silas and went out, being commended by the brothers to the grace of God.", "apu": "Paoro mereẽri Sírasi, iuakata isini ĩkapani. Iuaãtaã Xesosi sãkire auiãkani misãkiretari Teoso, Paoro, Sírasi pakini ĩkapani, Teoso inĩkatinina ĩkapani. Eereka Paoro potorika Sírasikata."} {"eng": "He went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the assemblies.", "apu": "Ĩpirixititarina Síria tixini, Sirísia tixini pakini. Aapokotxi apokasaakina, isãpiretari Xesosi sãkire iuaãtaã auakanimoni. Isikataparaxiniretana Xesosi sãkire auiãkani. Ininiã ninoa apia auikari Xesosi sãkire."} {"eng": "After they had spent some time there, they were dismissed in peace from the brothers to the apostles.", "apu": "Xotasi, Sírasi pakini kaikota iuaãtaã mapaõti. Eereka Xesosi sãkire auiãkani takanapapiretana, Xesosi iokanatakinimoni ikanapiriinina ĩkapani. —Hĩsipiniikaua erekaxinire hinini —itxana."} {"eng": "But it was seen to Silas, to dwell there; and Judas went alone to Jeru-salem.", "apu": "Iuaritika Sírasi apokaerekatari iuaã ikaikotini."} {"eng": "But Paul and Barnabas stayed in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others also.", "apu": "Paoro, Panapee pakini kaikotapanika Ãtxiokia sitatxiti. Ninoa apanakinikata oerekari Apiananiri sãkire iua sãkire auiãkanimoni. Isãpiretarina iua sãkire isãkire mimarotakanimoni apaka."} {"eng": "that the rest of men may seek after the Lord: all the Gentiles who are called by my name, says the Lord, who does all these things.’", "apu": "Ininiã ikini uãkati nitanoko nota. Xoteo minakaniua nota akiritakini ninakitiakori nitanoko nota.”"} {"eng": "“All of God’s works are known to him from eternity.", "apu": "Ikara atoko itxa Apiananiri kitxakapirĩka kãkiti imarotini ĩkapani, itxa Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori."} {"eng": "In Iconium, they entered together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spoke that a great multitude both of Jews and of Greeks believed.", "apu": "Paoro, Panapee pakini auakasaaki Ikónio sitatxitiã, isana aiko Xoteo apotiitiniãtaãua. Isãpiretarina Teoso sãkire kãkitimoni, ininiã kaiãopokori Xoteoakori, Xoteo minakaniua pakini auikapiretari Teoso sãkire."} {"eng": "But the disbelieving Jews stirred up and embittered the souls of the Gentiles against the brothers.", "apu": "Txamari apanakini Xoteoakori Teoso sãkire mauiãkani kamaomanãkaretana Xoteo minakaniua. Ininiã ninoa omanatana Teoso sãkire auiãkani."} {"eng": "Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who testified to the word of his grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.", "apu": "Xesosi iokanatakini Paoro, Panapee pakini okanani auana Ikónio sitatxiti. Ninoa sãpiretari Apiananiri pirena itaparaxinireritikana. Isãpiretarina Apiananiri sikiniri ikinipoko erekari maerekanimoni. Apiananiri oerekari isãkirena atão inini, kotxi isikaposotiiretana ninoa, posotiiretxi, kãkiti mimarotakiniti pakini ikaminina."} {"eng": "But the multitude of the city was divided. Part sided with the Jews and part with the apostles.", "apu": "Kãkiti sitatxi auakani omanatakakana. Apanakini auikari Xoteoakori sãkire. Apanakini auikari Xesosi iokanatakini sãkire."} {"eng": "So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath.", "apu": "Xoteoakori pokĩkasaaki Xoteo apotiitiniua aapokotxiti, iuasaaki Xoteo minakaniua aiatana Paoro, Panapee pakini iuaĩkana tomatiko õti ĩkari Teoso sãkire isãpiretinina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "Now when the synagogue broke up, many of the Jews and of the devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas; who, speaking to them, urged them to continue in the grace of God.", "apu": "Kãkiti apotiitakaniua potorika atoko, itomaneri Xoteo, Xoteo minakaniua Teoso sãkire auiãkani pakini sari Paoro, Panapee pakinikata. Paoro, Panapee pakini misãkiretana ninoa. Õtãkikana ninoa, ikiniõtika atão ikaminina, kotxi Teoso iteene tiretana ninoa."} {"eng": "Be it known to you therefore, brothers, that through this man is proclaimed to you remission of sins;", "apu": "Ininiãkara nitariakori himarotariko ia."} {"eng": "and by him everyone who believes is justified from all things, from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses.", "apu": "Xesosi sãkire auiãkani maerekani makatxakaãka. Erekarini ninoa. Moisesi paniãtakiti kamiko kona makatxakari kãkiti maerekani."} {"eng": "When they had gone through the island to Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew whose name was Bar Jesus,", "apu": "Xipri pokomiriĩti ĩpirixititana. Paposi sitatxitimoni isana. Iuaã itaõkitarina kiki Xoteo. Miĩti itxaua. Iuãka Paxesosi. Ãti iuãka Erimasi. —Teoso sãkire sãpiretakarikarano nota —itxa iua. Txamari na atão isãkire."} {"eng": "who was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, a man of understanding. This man summoned Barnabas and Saul, and sought to hear the word of God.", "apu": "Iua moianatari Xipri auakani auĩte Séxio Paoro inakori. Paimatireri iua Séxio Paoro. Iua akiritana Panapee, Saoro pakini iuamoni Teoso sãkire ikenakotini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn the proconsul away from the faith.", "apu": "Txamari Erimasi !inirekana ninoa. !Inirekari Séxio Paoro auikiniri atão Teoso sãkire."} {"eng": "But Saul, who is also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, fastened his eyes on him", "apu": "Iuasaaki Erekari Matamatakoti iteene sikaimaroretari Saoro (ãti iuãka Paoro,) ininiã iteene atamatari iua miĩti."} {"eng": "Now Herod was very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon. They came with one accord to him and, having made Blastus, the king’s personal aide, their friend, they asked for peace, because their country depended on the king’s country for food.", "apu": "Erotxi omanatana Txiro sitatxiti auakani, Sitoõ sitatxiti auakani pakini. Ninoa nirekari iua omanatinina xipokini, kotxi ninoa apakapari nipokori Erotxi tixinekiri. Ininiã ninoa sãkirauata Parásito inakorikata. Iua Parásito nĩkatari Erotxi aapoko, itii pakini. Paimatireri iua. Ninoa sãkirauatakasaaki iuakata, iua auikari ninoa sãkire. Eereka Erotximoni isana neenamatxi xipokini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "On an appointed day, Herod dressed himself in royal clothing, sat on the throne, and gave a speech to them.", "apu": "Erotxi ketotari ikinimane kãkiti imisãkiretini ĩkapani. Iketo õti apokasaaki ieretakari imãka ereri inakari, auĩtetxi mãka. Eereka iitopãka auĩtetxi itopanere nopini. Iuaã iua misãkiretana kãkiti."} {"eng": "As any of the disciples had plenty, each determined to send relief to the brothers who lived in Judea;", "apu": "Ininiã ikinika Xesosi sãkire auiãkani nirekari txineiro iokanatini itariakorimoni Xotéia tõpa auakanimoni. Ito auinina, ito iokanatana. Poiãonoka auinina, poiãonoka iokanatana."} {"eng": "which they also did, sending it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.", "apu": "Panapee, Saoro pakini anikari isikakitina. Isikaro oa txineiro Xotéia tõpa auakani õtãkikakanimoni."} {"eng": "He told us how he had seen the angel standing in his house and saying to him, ‘Send to Joppa and get Simon, who is called Peter,", "apu": "Ininiã iua sãpiretaua ate, Teoso nitiri iaxitikiri apoka iuamoni aapoko ãki. Iua Teoso nitiri txari iua: “Piokanatari kikiakori Xopimoni Simão Petro inakori apinina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "who will speak to you words by which you will be saved, you and all your house.’", "apu": "Iua sãpiretaiko pite maerekani makatxakiko, paapoko auakani maerekani makatxakiko apaka.”"} {"eng": "He saw heaven opened and a certain container descending to him, like a great sheet let down by four corners on the earth,", "apu": "Itaponeẽ atamatari iaxiti xorekini. Aamata mitamatari katxakaãpota iuamoni. Imapotomatare ipi ipi pakini iaxirikaãka. Iua aamata katxaka xitimoni."} {"eng": "in which were all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth, wild animals, reptiles, and birds of the sky.", "apu": "Iua aamata ãki aua ikini sereti kaxipirini. Aua pirãtxi. Aua ĩtopa auakani. Aua imini. Aua araãkani."} {"eng": "When many days were fulfilled, the Jews conspired together to kill him,", "apu": "Mapaõti atoko Xoteoakori sãkirauatakaka Saoro okinina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "but their plot became known to Saul. They watched the gates both day and night that they might kill him,", "apu": "Saoro sãpiretaãka Xoteo aiamatapeka okinirina iua. Ninoa iãtapapikari sitatxi ĩronakikoãtaã okinirina tĩkane. Ĩkanõka, pokamara iãtaparina iua."} {"eng": "But Saul, still breathing threats and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest", "apu": "Iuasaaki Saoro okaenetapikana Apiananiri sãkire auiãkani. Ininiã iua sari sasetotxi auĩte apiatakarimoni."} {"eng": "and asked for letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.", "apu": "Amanaãri aãtsopa Saoro parĩka sãpiretiko aãtsopati. Iua nirekari sasetotxi auĩte iõkatsopatiniri ikara, Saoro anikini ĩkapani. Inirekari isikiniri iua aãtsopa ikinika aiko Xoteo apotiitiniãtaãua nĩkatakanimoni Tamásiko sitatxiti, kotxi Saoro nirekari imaĩkinina Xesosi sãkire auiãkani, kikiakori, sitoakoro pakini, Tamásiko sitatxitiã apokakini. Inirekari anikinina Xerosareẽmoni."} {"eng": "As they went on the way, they came to some water; and the eunuch said, “Behold, here is water. What is keeping me from being baptized?”", "apu": "Isaãpotakasaakina, apokana ãparaã auiniãtaã. Ininiã iua kiki txari: —Uai aua ãparaã. Apakata nipatxisatiko?"} {"eng": "As they went on the way, they came to some water; and the eunuch said, “Behold, here is water. What is keeping me from being baptized?”", "apu": "Ininiã Piripi txari iua: —Apakatapitika pipatxisatiko iteene pauikiniãri Xesosi sãkire pãkixinireẽ. Ininiã iua apakapapireta: —Nota auikapitikari Xesosi Teoso mereẽkiti, Teoso ãkiri ininiãua."} {"eng": "But Peter said to him, “May your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money!", "apu": "Txamari Petro txari: —Pite, pitxineirotekata samakauako, kotxi pite uãkatari pitxineirote iamotiniri Teoso posotiire."} {"eng": "You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart isn’t right before God.", "apu": "Kona xapiti pitemoni auapani ia parĩkatxi, kotxi pãkixinire na atão Teoso apisatoõ."} {"eng": "Now when Simon saw that the Holy Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money,", "apu": "Simão itikasaakiri Erekari Matamatakoti apokini kãkitimoni, kinirão sikaka itxaro txineiro Petro, Xoão pakinimoni."} {"eng": "saying, “Give me also this power, that whomever I lay my hands on may receive the Holy Spirit.”", "apu": "Ininiã itxa: —Ĩkora hĩposotiire hĩsikano, niuako kãkiti nopini nitakasaaki, Erekari Matamatakoti ninoamoni apokini ĩkapani —itxa."} {"eng": "Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them,", "apu": "Xesosi iokanatakini Xerosareẽ auakani kenakopiretari Samaria auakani auikiniri Teoso sãkire. Ininiã ninoa iokanatari Petro, Xoão pakini Samariamoni."} {"eng": "who, when they had come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit;", "apu": "Iuaã apokasaakina, imisãkiretarina Teoso, Erekari Matamatakoti isãkire auiãkani apakapini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "for as yet he had fallen on none of them. They had only been baptized in the name of Christ Jesus.", "apu": "Erekari Matamatakoti kona apokapanika ninoamoni iuasaaki. Apiananiri Xesosi uãkaãnanira ipatxisataãkana."} {"eng": "Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.", "apu": "Ininiã Petro, Xoão pakini takari iuakona ninoa nopini. Iuasaakipeka apakaparina Erekari Matamatakoti."} {"eng": "‘heaven is my throne, and the earth a footstool for my feet. What kind of house will you build me?’ says the Lord. ‘Or what is the place of my rest?", "apu": "Apiananiri txari: “Niitopãkiniãtaã iaxiti itxa. Itixi nikiti nitakiniãtaã. Ininiã kanatokopa itxa aapokotxi hĩkamini nota ĩkapani? Namonipa nauiniãtaã?"} {"eng": "Didn’t my hand make all these things?’", "apu": "Kotxi notakara kamari ikinipoko,” itxa."} {"eng": "He said, “Brothers and fathers, listen. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran,", "apu": "Estevão txari: —Nikiomaneakori, nitariakori pakini, hĩkenakotanoko. Teoso iaxitikiri oerekaua aãtokirini Apraãonimoni. Mesopotámia tixini auakasaaki, Araã tixini auini apisapanika, Teoso motika iuamoni."} {"eng": "and said to him, ‘Get out of your land and away from your relatives, and come into a land which I will show you.’", "apu": "Iuasaaki Teoso txari iua: “Pitakanapariko pitixine, pinirimane pakini. Ãti tixinimoni pisako. Noerekinimoni pisako,” itxa Teoso."} {"eng": "Then he came out of the land of the Chaldaeans and lived in Haran. From there, when his father was dead, God moved him into this land where you are now living.", "apu": "Ininiã sipe itxa Apraão. Itakanapari Kaotéia inakori tixini. Araã tixinimoni iua sipe. Araã auakasaaki irini ipĩpe. Irini ipinaka atoko, Teoso mĩpiri iua uaimoni uatxa aãuiniãtaã."} {"eng": "For neither was there among them any who lacked, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold,", "apu": "Ninoa sauaki tiitxi amonitakari !auari. Kikio ipi auiniãri, kakikioteri vẽtxitari ãtika. Aapokotxi ipi auiniãri, kaapokori vẽtxitari ãtika. Oa txineiro ninoa sika"} {"eng": "and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and distribution was made to each, according as anyone had need.", "apu": "Xesosi iokanatakinimoni. Eereka ninoa xanakaro oa txineiro matiitinimoni."} {"eng": "“For truly, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed,", "apu": "—Atãopitikara Erotxi, Põsio Pirato pakini apotiitaua Xoteo minakonikata, Xoteoakori pakinikata. Ninoa apotiitaua uai ia sitatxitiã. Isãkirauatana pamarite Xesosi okinina ĩkapani. Txamari pite mereẽri iua erekarinoka kamakari."} {"eng": "to do whatever your hand and your counsel foreordained to happen.", "apu": "Mitxi pite imarotari imakinika ninoa kamakiti tĩkane. Kãkiti kamari pinirekakiti, kotxi kaposotiirei."} {"eng": "When they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding no way to punish them, because of the people; for everyone glorified God for that which was done.", "apu": "Ininiã iuaĩkana auĩtetxiakori txitana. Iposo atoko auiritana isinina, kotxi maerekati !ikamana. !Imisiritana, kotxi ipĩkarina kãkiti. Ikinimane kãkiti txari: —Peerekari Teoso kamakiti matĩkati ĩkapani —itxana."} {"eng": "For the man on whom this miracle of healing was performed was more than forty years old.", "apu": "Ĩkora kiki makananitakori koarẽta anope iuasaaki."} {"eng": "and that he may send Christ Jesus, who was ordained for you before,", "apu": "Iuasaaki Apiananiri kamapoxokonitai. Isikataparatai. Iuasaaki iua iokanatari Xesosi imereẽkiti hĩtemoni."} {"eng": "whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God spoke long ago by the mouth of his holy prophets.", "apu": "Merepanika iua Xesosi kaikota iaxiti. Teoso kamariko imakinika amaneri. Iuasaaki Xesosi apoka iuaĩkana. Iua atokokana itxana Teoso sãkire sãpiretakani kitxakapirĩka."} {"eng": "The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Servant Jesus, whom you delivered up and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he had determined to release him.", "apu": "Apraãoni, Isakini, Xakooni pakini Teosone, aĩriakorini kitxakapirĩkarini Teosone, iuara oerekapekaua imi Xesosi ereka inini. Teoso ãkiripitikara itxaua. Iua posotiire auapitika. Iuakara hĩsika okiko ĩkapani. Eereka Pirato inakori nirekasaakiri isikakiniri. Hĩte !inirekari iua sikakiniri Xesosi."} {"eng": "But you denied the Holy and Righteous One and asked for a murderer to be granted to you,", "apu": "Iuasaaki hĩte kona nirekari erekarinoka kamakari. !Hinirekari iua atão inakarinoka kamakari. Hĩte amanaãri Pirato isikakiniri kokaniri hĩtemoni."} {"eng": "Peter and John were going up into the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.", "apu": "Ãti õti mapiãtiki Petro, Xoão pakini sari Teoso misãkiretiko aikotimoni Teoso imisãkiretinina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "A certain man who was lame from his mother’s womb was being carried, whom they laid daily at the door of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask gifts for the needy of those who entered into the temple.", "apu": "Iuasaaki ikiniõtika kãkiti anikari matĩpokotakati Teoso misãkiretiko aikoti toremoni. Itore uãka “Peereri.” Iuaã matĩpokotakati amanaãri txineiro iuaã napakanimoni. Iponaniãkasaaki matĩpokotakati itxaua iua."} {"eng": "Seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked to receive gifts for the needy.", "apu": "Ininiã Petro, Xoão pakini ĩroãkasaaki, iua amanaãri txineiro: —Txineiro hĩsikano —itxa."} {"eng": "Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.", "apu": "Petro apakapapiretana: —Himaerekani hĩtakanapa. Hĩte imakinika hĩpatxisataãkako Xesosi Kristo uãkaã, ininiã Teoso makatxakari himaerekani. Iuasaakiko hãpakapari Erekari Matamatakoti Teoso sikakiti."} {"eng": "For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are far off, even as many as the Lord our God will call to himself.”", "apu": "Kotxi ikara Teoso sikaenetakiti hĩte ĩkapani, hamarite ĩkapani, apanakini õtako auakani apaka ĩkapani. Ikara Teoso sikaenetakiti ikinimane kãkiti Teoso akiritakini ĩkapani —itxa Petro."} {"eng": "For David says concerning him, ‘I saw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved.", "apu": "—Kitxakapirĩka Tavii sãpiretari Xesosi pirena. Itxari: Nota itikapikari Apiananiri nota apisatoõ. Iua aua nikikomoni. Ininiã !nimakatxaãka."} {"eng": "Therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced. Moreover my flesh also will dwell in hope,", "apu": "Ininiã nixinire poxokoniuatapeka itxa. Nisãkire poxokoni apaka aua. Niĩto auãki inakasaaki, iãtapari Teoso sikaenetakiti."} {"eng": "because you will not leave my soul in Hades, neither will you allow your Holy One to see decay.", "apu": "Apiananiri kona takanapano nota ipĩkani auiniãtaã. Apiananiri !auiritano Erekari Kamakari paiakini."} {"eng": "You made known to me the ways of life. You will make me full of gladness with your presence.’", "apu": "Apiananiri oerekapekano mapĩkani kimaporite. Iua notakata aua, ininiã nipoxokoniuata, itxa Xesosi Taviimoni kitxakapirĩka."} {"eng": "I will show wonders in the sky above, and signs on the earth beneath: blood, and fire, and billows of smoke.", "apu": "Iaxiti noerekariko niposotiire kãkiti mimarotakiniti. Ĩkorapokoriti apaka noerekariko niposotiire Apiananiri nininiua imarotinina ĩkapani. Arẽkatxi, xamina, katxiãri pakini apokako."} {"eng": "The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes.", "apu": "Atokatxi piãkako. Kasiri arẽkatxi atoko itxako. Apiananiri apokini apisapanikarako auako ikara atoko inakari. Peerekapaniri Apiananiri apokini õti. Ĩkora õti apiatakari, kotxi iuasaaki Apiananiri oerekauako kãkitimoni."} {"eng": "It will be that whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.’", "apu": "Ininiã Apiananiri akiritakani makatxakaãkako imapinakani ĩkapani,” itxa Apiananiri Xoeomoni."} {"eng": "Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and people from Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia,", "apu": "Iuaãtaã auari kaiãopokori kãkiti ãti uãka. Auari Patxiakinima, Métxiakinima, Erãokinima, Mesopotámiakinima, Xotéiakinima, Kapatósiakinima, Põtokinima, Ásiakinima,"} {"eng": "Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, the parts of Libya around Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes,", "apu": "Piríxiakinima, Pãpíriakinima, Exitokinima, Arípiakinima, Sireni takotekinima, Homakinima pakini aua. Apanakini Homakini atão Xoteoakori. Apanakini mamakaua, ininiã Xoteo itxapekauana."} {"eng": "Cretans and Arabians—we hear them speaking in our languages the mighty works of God!”", "apu": "Kretakinima, Arápiakinima pakini aua iuaã. Ininiã ninoa txa: —Ate kenakotari Kariréiakini sãkirauatini ateka sãkireẽ. Isãpiretarina ikinipoko erekari Teoso Apiananiri kamakiti —itxana."} {"eng": "They prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know the hearts of all men, show which one of these two you have chosen", "apu": "Iposo atoko imisãkiretarina Teoso: —Pite imarotari ikinimane kãkiti ãkixinire. Poerekaua ĩkiripa naia kiki pimereẽkiti"} {"eng": "to take part in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas fell away, that he might go to his own place.”", "apu": "atekata parĩkauatakari tĩkane, Xesosi iokanatakiti tĩkane, kotxi Xotasini takanapari ikara parĩkatxi imaerekani xika, maerekani misiritikoãtaã isini ĩkapani —itxana Teosomoni."} {"eng": "“Of the men therefore who have accompanied us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us,", "apu": "—Ininiã amereẽriko ãti kiki atekata sikari tĩkane. Amereẽriko kiki mitxi Xesosikata sikari, mitxi amoianari ikiniõtika Xesosikata aãuakasaaki."} {"eng": "beginning from the baptism of John to the day that he was received up from us, of these one must become a witness with us of his resurrection.”", "apu": "Amereẽriko kiki Xoãoni patxisarauatini itiãkari, imakinika Xesosi kamakiti itiãkari, iaxiti isini itiãkari, kotxi anirekari iua amereẽkiti Xesosi õkitikiniua imarotakari ate atoko inakari —itxa Petro."} {"eng": "“Brothers, it was necessary that this Scripture should be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who was guide to those who took Jesus.", "apu": "Ininiã itxa: —Nitariakori, hĩtakaõtxikari Teoso sãkire kitxakapirĩka Taviimoni isãpiretakiti. Tavii iõkatsopatari Xotasini pirena, Xesosi maĩkakani oerekakari pirena, kotxi Erekari Matamatakoti kamaimaroretari iua Tavii. Atão ikara Teoso sãkire kitxakapirĩkari apokapeka uatxa."} {"eng": "For he was counted with us, and received his portion in this ministry.", "apu": "Iua Xotasini atekata auakari iua. Ate parĩka atoko ikama."} {"eng": "When he had said these things, as they were looking, he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight.", "apu": "Ikara atoko inaãka atoko, ninoa okiã atamatari iua anikiko iaxiti. Katxiãri ãki isa, ininiã kona ninoa itikaikari."} {"eng": "While they were looking steadfastly into the sky as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white clothing,", "apu": "Iaxiti ionakaãtakasaakina, apoka ipi kiki katsopiri mãkatakani ninoa takote."} {"eng": "Therefore Peter and the other disciple went out, and they went toward the tomb.", "apu": "Ininiã Petro, ãti Xesosi moianarikata sari akauarimoni."} {"eng": "They both ran together. The other disciple outran Peter and came to the tomb first.", "apu": "Imitekana. Iua ãti Xesosi moianari miteka katimaritika, ininiã inapari Petro. Ininiã iua apoka Petro apisa."} {"eng": "For these things happened that the Scripture might be fulfilled, “A bone of him will not be broken.”", "apu": "Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori kitxakapirĩka txari: Kona ãtika iua api !kapatakaãka. Ininiãkara kona Xesosi api kapatakaãka, Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori iaõka apokini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "Again another Scripture says, “They will look on him whom they pierced.”", "apu": "Ãti Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori txari: Ninoa atamatariko iorotakitina."} {"eng": "After this, Jesus, seeing that all things were now finished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I am thirsty!”", "apu": "Eereka Xesosi imarotari iparĩka xipope. Ikinika Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori iaõka apokini ĩkapani, itxari: —Niposonata."} {"eng": "Now a vessel full of vinegar was set there; so they put a sponge full of the vinegar on hyssop, and held it at his mouth.", "apu": "Iuaãtaã aua tiitxi. Iua tiitxi ãki aua iãriã katxioãri. Ininiã iuasaaki iokomokarina mapoa atoko inakari iãriãmoni. Aãkeẽ itakarina, Xesosi namaã taka itxarina. Iua aãke isopo inakorike."} {"eng": "Simon Peter followed Jesus, as did another disciple. Now that disciple was known to the high priest, and entered in with Jesus into the court of the high priest;", "apu": "Simão Petro, ãti Xesosi moianari pakini asikatikinitari Xesosi Anasi aapokomoni anikikosaaki. Mitxipeka sasetotxiakori auĩte apiatakari aõkitapekari iua ãti Xesosi moianari. Ininiã iua ĩroã sasetotxiakori auĩte apiatakari aapoko Xesosikata."} {"eng": "but Peter was standing at the door outside. So the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, went out and spoke to her who kept the door, and brought in Peter.", "apu": "Petro kaikota iporikiti itore takote. Eereka imoianari sari iporikiti. Imisãkiretaro ĩronakikoãtaã tore nĩkatakaro. Ininiã oãuiritari Petro ĩroini."} {"eng": "They answered him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus said to them, “I am he.” Judas also, who betrayed him, was standing with them.", "apu": "Ininiã ninoa: —Xesosi Nasareekirira anita —itxana. Ininiã Xesosi: —Iuakarano nota. Iuasaaki Xotasi, Xesosi mĩkapiritakari, aua ninoakata."} {"eng": "When therefore he said to them, “I am he,” they went backward and fell to the ground.", "apu": "Xesosi “iuakarano nota” inakasaaki, osipikana, ixitipe irika itxana."} {"eng": "Some of his disciples therefore said to one another, “What is this that he says to us, ‘A little while, and you won’t see me, and again a little while, and you will see me;’ and, ‘Because I go to the Father’?”", "apu": "Imoianariakori txanãta: —Kiripa itxanãta Xesosi? “Paĩtiki kona hãtamatanoko. Eereka iuaĩkana hãtamatanoko nota, kotxi nirimoni nisako.” Kiripitipa itxanãta Xesosi? —itxana imoianariakori."} {"eng": "They said therefore, “What is this that he says, ‘A little while’? We don’t know what he is saying.”", "apu": "—Kirisaakipa apokatako ikara inaãtakiti? Kiripa ikara isãkire: “Paĩtiki,” Xesosi sãkire atemoni? Ikara isãkire kona ate imarotari xatiki —itxanãtana."} {"eng": "I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.", "apu": "—Nota itĩkaretsa nitxaua. Hĩte nikanotsa hĩtxaua. Notamoni pitakakari ãtipaniriko oripaniko. Notakata himauakaniã, kona xapitiki kona hĩposota hĩkamini."} {"eng": "If a man doesn’t remain in me, he is thrown out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them, throw them into the fire, and they are burned.", "apu": "Nota sãkire mauiãkati okanotsa ipinakari atoko itxa. Txiarokakari atoko itxa. Kãkiti apotiitari okanotsa ipinakari. Eereka okari xaminaã arikini ĩkapani. Iua atokokana aĩri Teoso misiritari isãkire mauiãkani."} {"eng": "If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it will be done for you.", "apu": "Notamoni hĩpitxakiniã, hĩkenakotiniãri nipaniãtakiti, hinirekaãkiti hamanainiãno, ininiã nisikapitikai hĩte."} {"eng": "“In this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; and so you will be my disciples.", "apu": "Ito hĩriuatiniã, kãkiti txariko niri: “Peerekai.” Hĩte iriuatiniã, ininiã hĩte atão oerekariko apanakinimoni atão nimoianariakori hininiua."} {"eng": "Now before the feast of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that his time had come that he would depart from this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.", "apu": "Páskoa inakori kiiniriti apisapanika, Xesosi imarotari paĩtiki itixi itakanapini irimoni isini ĩkapani. Iua tiretapikana kãkiti iua nakiti. Ninoa itiretiniritika ipinako Xesosi."} {"eng": "During supper, the devil having already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him,", "apu": "Xesosi imoianariakorikata inipokotini apisapanika Satanasi sikanireõtapekari Xotasi Isikariotxi Xesosi imĩkapiritini ĩkapani. Iua Xotasi, Simão ãkiri. Eereka inirekari isikiniri Xesosi imokaiakarimoni."} {"eng": "Now is the judgment of this world. Now the prince of this world will be cast out.", "apu": "Iposope ikini itixiti auakani misiritiko imaerekanina xika. Iposope ikini itixiti auakani auĩte Satanasi inakori xipokiko."} {"eng": "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”", "apu": "Nota aamina ĩpiriãmitakari nopini nõkitikikosaaki, iuasaaki nikosekanako kãkiti notamonikari."} {"eng": "But he said this, signifying by what kind of death he should die.", "apu": "Ikara atoko itxa, kãkiti imarotiniri aamina ĩpiriãmitakari nopini ipinini."} {"eng": "Jesus, having found a young donkey, sat on it. As it is written,", "apu": "Mitxipe Xesosi iokanatari imoianariakori xomẽta ãkiri initinina. Ninoa apokasaakiri, iminarina Xesosimoni. Ininiã Xesosi topãka iua nopini. Iua nopini Xesosi sari Xerosareẽmonikari. Kitxakapirĩka Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori txari:"} {"eng": "“Don’t be afraid, daughter of Zion. Behold, your King comes, sitting on a donkey’s colt.”", "apu": "Kãkiti Xerosareẽkini kona hĩpĩkarauatape. Erepani hĩauĩte. Xomẽta nopini iitopãkako, itxa Teoso sãkire kitxakapirĩka. Ikara iaõka apokapeka, kotxi Xesosi apoka xomẽta nopini."} {"eng": "Then they sought for Jesus and spoke with one another as they stood in the temple, “What do you think—that he isn’t coming to the feast at all?”", "apu": "Iuaã Xoteoakori nitari Xesosi. Ninoakakarika ipimaãkakana: —Atauako kiinirimoni inapani atxiĩti?"} {"eng": "Now the chief priests and the Pharisees had commanded that if anyone knew where he was, he should report it, that they might seize him.", "apu": "Sasetotxi auĩteakori, pariseoakori pakini paniãtapekari kãkiti: —Himarotakasaakiri Xesosi auiniãtaã, hĩsãpiretauako ate, ininiã amaĩkariko iua."} {"eng": "Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will still live, even if he dies.", "apu": "Ininiã Xesosi sãkirauata: —Nota ipĩkari õkitikakarirano nota. Kãkiti auãki inĩkitaãkarirano nota. Nota sãkire auiãkari ipininiã, iuaritika iuaĩkana auapanikako. Kona ipinaika."} {"eng": "Whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”", "apu": "Nota sãkire auiãkari auapanikako iuaĩkana. !Ipinaikako. Pauikatari ikara atoko nininii? —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus from Bethany, of the village of Mary and her sister, Martha.", "apu": "Kiki Arásaro inakori aua ipi itaro, Maria, Mata pakini. Ninoa aua Petánia aapokotxiti. Iuasaaki Arásaro amianata."} {"eng": "It was that Mary who had anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.", "apu": "Xesosi ipinini apisa, oa Maria arokari Xesosi kiti kamariãroã, oiãkoã kaxipota otxari. Oa Maria itari Arásaro amianata."} {"eng": "If I don’t do the works of my Father, don’t believe me.", "apu": "Nimakamakaniãri niri nirekaãkiti, iuasaaki kona hãuikari nota sãkire."} {"eng": "But if I do them, though you don’t believe me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.”", "apu": "Nikaminiãri inirekaãkiti, iuaritika himauikakaniãri nisãkire, hãuikariko niposotiire. Hĩtikakiti hãuika. Ininiã himarotariko, hãuikariko, niri, nota pakini ãtika aniniua —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "I am the good shepherd. I know my own, and I’m known by my own;", "apu": "—Soti auĩte pitikiri erekari nitxaua nota. Atão nimarotari nipiraakori. Ninoa apaka atão imarotano nota."} {"eng": "even as the Father knows me, and I know the Father. I lay down my life for the sheep.", "apu": "Iua atokokana niri imarotano nota. Nota apaka imarotari niri. Nota ipinako soti auĩteakori nota nakiti mapinakani ĩkapani."} {"eng": "He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who doesn’t own the sheep, sees the wolf coming, leaves the sheep, and flees. The wolf snatches the sheep and scatters them.", "apu": "Nitiritxi soti auĩteakori pitikiri !itxaua. Anãpa auĩte kaneenamari apokasaaki, iua miteka. Itakanapanako soti auĩteakori. Ininiã anãpa maĩkari soti auĩte, oxikepoata itxana."} {"eng": "The hired hand flees because he is a hired hand and doesn’t care for the sheep.", "apu": "Iua nitiritxi mitekako, kotxi txineiro ĩkapaninokara iparĩkauata. Kona atão itiretari soti auĩte."} {"eng": "“Most certainly, I tell you, one who doesn’t enter by the door into the sheep fold, but climbs up some other way, is a thief and a robber.", "apu": "Xesosi sãkirauatakasaaki, ia atoko itxa isãpirena: —Atãopitikara ia atoko nitxapaniiko hĩte. Soti auĩte ĩroã pirikeri itoremoni. Itoremoni miĩroãkani kiĩtiriri itxauana, kotxi ãtiãtaã ikanĩka ĩroini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "But one who enters in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.", "apu": "Pirikeri toremoni ĩroãkari soti auĩte pitikiri."} {"eng": "The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.", "apu": "Initiri osereẽri pirikeri tore iua ĩkapani. Soti auĩte kenakotari ipitikiri sãkire. Ipitikiri imarotari ikinipoko ipiraakori uãka akiritinina ĩkapani. Iuara anikana inipokotinina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "Whenever he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.", "apu": "Porikiti auakasaakina, iua saãpota ninoa apisa. Iua tikini isana ninoa. Ninoa imarotari iua sãkire ene."} {"eng": "His parents answered them, “We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind;", "apu": "—Ari, ate ãkiripitikara. Iponaniãkasaaki, mõsiãretipeka itxaua."} {"eng": "but how he now sees, we don’t know; or who opened his eyes, we don’t know. He is of age. Ask him. He will speak for himself.”", "apu": "Kona ate imarotari kiriãpareuako uatxa kõsiãrepeka itxa. Kona ate imarotari kiriuako kamari kõsiãrepeka inini. Hĩpimaãri iua, kotxi mitapekari iua. Iuaka apakapapiretai hĩte —iri, inoro pakini txana ninoa."} {"eng": "His parents said these things because they feared the Jews; for the Jews had already agreed that if any man would confess him as Christ, he would be put out of the synagogue.", "apu": "Iri, inoro pakini ikara atoko itxana Xoteo auĩteakori ipĩkinina xika. Xoteo auĩteakori sãpiretapekari kãkiti: “Kãkiti Xesosi sãkire auiãkani, Teoso mereẽkiti ininiua auiãkani, kãkiti iãtapakiti ininiua auiãkani, kona auiritaãkaikana ĩroinina aiko Xoteo apotiitiniãtaãua.”"} {"eng": "Therefore his parents said, “He is of age. Ask him.”", "apu": "Ininiã pĩkaretxi xika iri, inoro pakini txari: “Hĩpimaãri iua. Mitapekari iua,” itxana ninoa."} {"eng": "I must work the works of him who sent me while it is day. The night is coming, when no one can work.", "apu": "Kãkiti parĩkauata pokamara. Mapiãpeka inakasaaki, kona kãkiti posotaikari iparĩkauatini. Iua atokokana akamariko niokanatakiri paniãtakiti aãuapanika anakasaaki. Apinaka atoko kona akamaikari Teoso paniãtakiti ĩkorapokoriti."} {"eng": "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”", "apu": "Ĩkorapokoriti nauakasaaki, niopinikana ikinimane ãkixinire Teoso imarotinina ĩkapani —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman taken in adultery. Having set her in the middle,", "apu": "Iuasaaki kaiõkatsopareriakori, pariseoakori pakini minaro sito iuamoni. Ninoa apokaro oa sito õtaniri minakotikatika osirĩkini. Itakarona oa ikinimane apisatoõ."} {"eng": "they told him, “Teacher, we found this woman in adultery, in the very act.", "apu": "—Koerekareri, aãpokaro oia sito õtaniri minakotikatika osirĩkini."} {"eng": "Now in our law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. What then do you say about her?”", "apu": "Moisesini sãkire iõkatsopatakori paniãtaua ikara atoko inakaro kai soroã oõkaãka. Pitepekana, kiãtokopa atxataro oa? —itxana Xesosimoni."} {"eng": "They said this testing him, that they might have something to accuse him of. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with his finger.", "apu": "Ikara atoko ipimaãrina Xesosi, kotxi inirekarina Xesosi kerokiniri isãkire. Inirekarina Moisesini paniãtakiti iaõka imakamakaniã, ininiã maerekati ikamapeka. Txamari !kasãkireri Xesosi. Iokirita, iõkata itxari kipatxi iuakokiã. Imakenakotakiniti atoko itxa."} {"eng": "Jesus answered them, “I did one work and you all marvel because of it.", "apu": "Ininiã Xesosi: —Nota kamari posotiiretxi tomatikoõtxitisaaki, iua kiki matĩpokotakati nimakananitakasaaki, ininiãkara hĩte tsorĩkaãta. Hĩuãkatari niparĩkauatini."} {"eng": "Moses has given you circumcision (not that it is of Moses, but of the fathers), and on the Sabbath you circumcise a boy.", "apu": "Txamari hĩte apaka parĩkauata tomatiko õtisaaki, kotxi hĩkamari Teoso takaõtxikare hamarite ĩtoã tomatiko õtisaaki. Moisesini paniãtai Teoso takaõtxikare hĩkamini hamarite ĩtoã oito õti iua auakasaaki. Ari hinirimane kitxakapirĩkarini, Moisesini apisapanika, oerekapekari ikara atoko inakari hĩkamini."} {"eng": "If a boy receives circumcision on the Sabbath, that the law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with me because I made a man completely healthy on the Sabbath?", "apu": "Ininiã hĩte kamari Moisesi paniãtakiti tomatikoõtxitisaaki. Ikara atoko ininiã, kinirepa hĩte omanatano nota, iua kiki erekapeka nitxĩkitakini xika tomatikoõtxitisaaki?"} {"eng": "Don’t judge according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.”", "apu": "Iteene pimimarotakanisaakiri ãti kamakiti, kona pakiritapiri: “Iua kamari maerekati,” kona pitxape. !Papoĩtapiri ãti. Atão inakarinoka pinita, atão pimarotini ĩkapani —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "There was much murmuring among the multitudes concerning him. Some said, “He is a good man.” Others said, “Not so, but he leads the multitude astray.”", "apu": "Kãkiti iuaã auakani sãkirauata Xesosi pirena. Apanakini txari: —Peerekari Xesosi. Apanakinipekana: —Kona erekari. Imisirienetari kãkiti —itxana."} {"eng": "Yet no one spoke openly of him for fear of the Jews.", "apu": "Kona kãkiti sãkirauata Xesosi uãka Xoteo auĩteakori takote, kotxi ipĩkana."} {"eng": "His brothers therefore said to him, “Depart from here and go into Judea, that your disciples also may see your works which you do.", "apu": "Ininiã Xesosi itariakori misãkiretari iua: —Posipika uai. Pisãkire auiãkanimoni Xotéia auakanimoni pisa. Ninoa apaka nirekari itikiniri pikamakiti."} {"eng": "For no one does anything in secret while he seeks to be known openly. If you do these things, reveal yourself to the world.”", "apu": "Kãkiti nirekiniãri iteene imarotaãka, !ikipatari ikamakiti. Pite kamanãtari posotiiretxi uai Kariréia tõpa. Pisa Xotéiamoni. Iuaã poerekari piposotiire ikinimane imarotinii ĩkapani —itxana."} {"eng": "For even his brothers didn’t believe in him.", "apu": "Ikara atoko itxarina Xesosi, kotxi itariakori apaka iuasaaki kona auikapanikari isãkire."} {"eng": "They said therefore to him, “What then do you do for a sign, that we may see and believe you? What work do you do?", "apu": "—Iuaĩkana posotiiretxi apiari pikaminiã, ininiãra aãuikari Teoso iokanatakiti pininiãua. Kinakaripa posotiiretxi pikamapanika?"} {"eng": "Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness. As it is written, ‘He gave them bread out of heaven to eat.’”", "apu": "Anirimaneni kitxakapirĩkarini ãparaã makipakaniãtaã auakasaakina, inikarina komiri iaxiti katxakakari. Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori txari: Isikari komiri Teoso tixinekiri ninoamoni, —itxarina Xesosi."} {"eng": "However, boats from Tiberias came near to the place where they ate the bread after the Lord had given thanks.", "apu": "Iuasaaki kanauaniri Txiperíatxi sitatxitikini apokita Xesosi merepani Teoso misãkiretiniãtaã takote merepani komiri nikikoãtaã."} {"eng": "When the multitude therefore saw that Jesus wasn’t there, nor his disciples, they themselves got into the boats and came to Capernaum, seeking Jesus.", "apu": "Iuasaaki kona ninoa apokari Xesosi, imoianariakori apaka. Ininiã ninoa iereẽtaua kanaua ãki. Iuaĩkana ikanapiriãna. Ipoa ĩpiriãtana Kapanaoõ sitatxitimoni, Xesosi initinina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "When evening came, his disciples went down to the sea.", "apu": "Kikatapeka imoianariakori iokiriĩta ipoa tiniã."} {"eng": "They entered into the boat, and were going over the sea to Capernaum. It was now dark, and Jesus had not come to them.", "apu": "Iereẽtauana kanaua ãki. Ĩpiriaãpotarina ipoa Kapanaoõ sitatxiti manapi. Ĩkanõkapeka inakasaaki kona Xesosi apokapanika ninoamoni."} {"eng": "Jesus therefore, lifting up his eyes and seeing that a great multitude was coming to him, said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, that these may eat?”", "apu": "Iitopãkasaaki, Xesosi atapari itomaneri kãkiti apokaãpotini iuamoni. Ininiã ipimaãri Piripi: —Amonipa aiamotatariko komiri nakira kãkiti asikakienatini ĩkapani?"} {"eng": "He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.", "apu": "Xesosi ikara atoko txari Piripi, kotxi inirekari imarotiniri: “Atauako atxiĩti Piripi auikari niposotiire?” Xesosi imarotapekari iuaka ikamakiti tĩkane."} {"eng": "A great multitude followed him, because they saw his signs which he did on those who were sick.", "apu": "Kaiãopokori kãkiti sari iua tikini, kotxi ninoa itikapekari Xesosi makananirauatini."} {"eng": "Jesus went up into the mountain, and he sat there with his disciples.", "apu": "Xesosi kanĩka mitaxiratarimoni. Iuaã iitopãka imoianariakorikata."} {"eng": "Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was at hand.", "apu": "Xoteoakori kiinirite, Páskoa inakori kiiniriti apisapanika Xesosi sari iuaãtaã."} {"eng": "In these lay a great multitude of those who were sick, blind, lame, or paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water;", "apu": "Ironakikoãtaã amianatakanipokoni sirĩkanãta. Mõsiãreni, motĩkakani, matĩpokotakani pakini iuaã auanãta. Iãtapanãtarina ãparaã tokĩkaãtini."} {"eng": "for an angel went down at certain times into the pool and stirred up the water. Whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was healed of whatever disease he had.", "apu": "Teoso nitiri apokanaka iuaãtaã. Iua apokasaaki itokĩkaãtakari ãparaã. Ãparaã tokĩkaãtakasaaki, ãtika amianatakari ĩkiika komokaãtakari erekapeka itxa."} {"eng": "So he came to a city of Samaria called Sychar, near the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.", "apu": "Samaria tõpa ĩpirixititakasaaki, apoka Sikaa sitatxiti takote. Iuaã aua itixi Xoseeni nakiti, iri Xakooni sikakiti kitxakapirĩka."} {"eng": "Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being tired from his journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour.", "apu": "Iuaã aua aariko Xakooni kisakakiti ãparaã apaãtiko. Iuaã Xesosi apokasaaki, iotoka, kotxi isãpakapeka õtakori ĩpirixititini xika. Ininiã iitopãka aariko takote. Iuasaaki apaniãxitipeka."} {"eng": "A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.”", "apu": "Iuasaaki sito Samaria auakaro apoka iuaã, ãparaã apaãtakaro. Oãpokasaaki, Xesosi amanaãro ãparaã: —Ãparaã pisikano —itxaro."} {"eng": "For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.", "apu": "Oa apokini apisapanika Xesosi moianariakori sari sitatximoni nipokori iamotinina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "Therefore when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John", "apu": "Kãkiti sãpiretari pariseoakori: —Xesosi sãkire auiãkani, iua patxisatakini, itomaneri. Xoão patxisatakini poiãoka —itxana."} {"eng": "(although Jesus himself didn’t baptize, but his disciples),", "apu": "(Ari, kona Xesosini patxisarauata. Imoianariakorira patxisatari kãkiti.)"} {"eng": "he left Judea and departed into Galilee.", "apu": "Xesosi imarotakasaakiri pariseoakori kenakopiretiniri iua, iuasaaki iua osipikari Xotéia tõpa. Kinirão kanapirikari Kariréia tõpamoni."} {"eng": "That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit.", "apu": "Ininiã Xesosi: —Atãopitikara ikara atoko nitxai. Piponaniãkasaaki, piri, pinorokata ãkirinanira pitxaua. Iua Erekari Matamatakoti iponaniãkitakiniãi, Teoso ãkiri pitxaua. Kãkiti, iua Erekari Matamatakoti iuaĩkana iponaniãkitaãkitinanira, sari Teoso auĩtetxi ininiãtaãua."} {"eng": "Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.", "apu": "Ãti ĩkanõkati Nikotemo inakori motika Xesosimoni. Iua Xoteoakori auĩte itxaua. Pariseo itxaua apaka."} {"eng": "He came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do, unless God is with him.”", "apu": "Iua misãkiretari Xesosi: —Koerekareri, ate imarotari koerekareri, Teoso iokanatakiti pininiua. Teoso pitekata mauakaniã, kona piposotari posotiiretxi pikamini, ininiã ate imarotari Teoso iokanatai pite kãkitimoni —itxa."} {"eng": "But Jesus didn’t entrust himself to them, because he knew everyone,", "apu": "Txamari Xesosi !auikari kãkiti sãkire, kotxi imarotari ikinimane ãkixinire sãkire."} {"eng": "and because he didn’t need for anyone to testify concerning man; for he himself knew what was in man.", "apu": "Kãkiti ãkixinire sãkire !ipimaãri xatiki, kotxi imarotapekari kãkiti ãkixinire sãkire."} {"eng": "The third day, there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there.", "apu": "Ipi õti napaka atoko aua kiiniri tanirauatiko pirena kiiniriti Kanaa sitatxiti Kariréia tõpa. Xesosi inoro aua kiiniriãtaã iuasaaki."} {"eng": "Jesus also was invited, with his disciples, to the wedding.", "apu": "Kakiiniriteri kemaĩtxitari Xesosi, imoianariakori pakini."} {"eng": "One of the two who heard John and followed him was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.", "apu": "Ninoa Xoão moianariakori, Xesosikata sikani, Ãtree, Ãtree moianari pakini. Simão Petro itari itxaua iua Ãtree."} {"eng": "He first found his own brother, Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah!” (which is, being interpreted, Christ).", "apu": "Eereka Ãtree sari katimariã itari Simãomoni. —Ate aõkitari Teoso mereẽkiti aiãtapakiti —itxa."} {"eng": "I didn’t know him, but for this reason I came baptizing in water, that he would be revealed to Israel.”", "apu": "Mitxi nota apaka kona nimarotari maerekanitxi makatxaãkari uãka. Nota patxisatari kãkiti ãparaaã, kotxi iuasaaki nisãpiretari iua pirena Isaeo tixini auakanimoni —Xoão txana ninoa."} {"eng": "John testified, saying, “I have seen the Spirit descending like a dove out of heaven, and it remained on him.", "apu": "Xoão sãpiretana apanakini itikakiti: —Nota itikari iua Erekari Matamatakoti Teoso tixinekiri katxakini. Kamoa katxakini atoko itxa iua. Isari Xesosimoni, kaikota itxa iuakata."} {"eng": "I didn’t recognize him, but he who sent me to baptize in water said to me, ‘On whomever you will see the Spirit descending and remaining on him is he who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’", "apu": "Ikara apisa kona nota imarotari iuãka. Ãparaaã nipatxisarauatini paniãtakari sãpiretano: “Pitikariko Erekari Matamatakoti katxakini. Kikimoni apokini pitikariko. Iua kiki patxisarauatini ãtião, kotxi isikari Erekari Matamatakoti patxisatakonimoni,” itxano."} {"eng": "I have seen and have testified that this is the Son of God.”", "apu": "Notakara itikari ikara. Nota sãpiretari nitikakiti, ininiã nimarotapitikari ia kiki Teoso ãkiri ininiua —itxa Xoão."} {"eng": "The ones who had been sent were from the Pharisees.", "apu": "Pariseoakorira iokanatana ninoa kiki Xoãomoni."} {"eng": "They asked him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?”", "apu": "Ipimaãrina Xoão: —Iua Teoso mereẽkiti aiãtapakiti piminakanisaakiua, Eríasi inakori piminakanisaakiua, Teoso sãkire sãpiretakari aiãtapakiti piminakanisaakiua, kinirepa pite patxisatari kãkiti? Kipaniãpa pite patxisarauata? —itxarina."} {"eng": "Also, certain women of our company amazed us, having arrived early at the tomb;", "apu": "Mixikanani sitoakoro iua sãkire auiãkani sãkirauata atekata. Ininiã atsorĩkaãta. Isãpiretauana ĩkanõkapanika akauarimoni isinina."} {"eng": "and when they didn’t find his body, they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive.", "apu": "Txamari ninoa kona apokaikari Xesosi ĩto. Ninoa sãkire, aõkitana Teoso nitiriakori iaxitikini iuaã. Ninoa sãpiretana sitoakoro Xesosi iuaĩkana õkitikapekaua."} {"eng": "While they talked and questioned together, Jesus himself came near, and went with them.", "apu": "Isãkirauanãtakasaakina, iuasaaki Xesosi ina ninoa tikini, ininiã iua sa ninoakata."} {"eng": "But their eyes were kept from recognizing him.", "apu": "Txamari ninoa kona imarotari iua Xesosi ininiua."} {"eng": "returned from the tomb, and told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest.", "apu": "Eereka ninoa sipeka. Õsi Xesosi moianariakorimoni isana. Apanakini kãkiti iuaã aua apaka. Iuaã ninoa sãpiretana ikinipoko itikakitina."} {"eng": "Now they were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James. The other women with them told these things to the apostles.", "apu": "Maria Matarenama, Xoanama, Maria Txiako inoroma, apanakini pakini sãpiretari Xesosi moianariakori itikakitina."} {"eng": "Behold, there was a man named Joseph, who was a member of the council, a good and righteous man", "apu": "Iuasaaki iuaã aua Xosee inakori. Xoteo auĩteakori õtãkikakari iua. Erekari iua. Erekarinoka ikama."} {"eng": "(he had not consented to their counsel and deed), from Arimathaea, a city of the Jews, who was also waiting for God’s Kingdom.", "apu": "Arimateia sitatxitikiri iua. Arimateia sitatxiti, Xotéia tõpa aua. Iãtapapikari Teoso ikinimane auĩte ininiua. Mitxipe apanakini Xoteo auĩteakori õtãkikakani nirekasaakiri Xesosi okinina, iuasaaki iua Xosee txari: —Konapitini. !Apakata ikara atoko akamini —itxa."} {"eng": "But they were urgent with loud voices, asking that he might be crucified. Their voices and the voices of the chief priests prevailed.", "apu": "Txamari iuaĩkana akiripoakatana: —Hõkariko aamina ĩpiriãmitakari nopini. Ninoa akiripoakatini xika Pirato kamari ninoa nirekakiti."} {"eng": "Pilate decreed that what they asked for should be done.", "apu": "Ininiã Pirato: —Xesosi ipinako hinirekakiti iaõka —itxa Pirato."} {"eng": "I will therefore chastise him and release him.”", "apu": "Ininiã nota paniãtari inoropatiko aãpitsa aamata kamakoriã. Eereka niokanatari isini."} {"eng": "Now he had to release one prisoner to them at the feast.", "apu": "Iuasaaki Páskoa kiiniritisaaki, auĩtetxiakori itotari isikakiniri ãtika kateia ãki auakari."} {"eng": "Jesus said to the chief priests, captains of the temple, and elders, who had come against him, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs?", "apu": "Sasetotxi auĩteakori, kiomãtxiakori pakini ina Xesosi imaĩkinina ĩkapani. Xesosi txari ninoamoni: —Kinirepa himinari iouata, piriri pakini himaĩkinino ĩkapani?"} {"eng": "When I was with you in the temple daily, you didn’t stretch out your hands against me. But this is your hour, and the power of darkness.”", "apu": "Ikiniõtika hĩtekata naua aiko Teoso misãkiretikoã. Iuasaaki kona hĩte maĩkano. Ĩkanõka hina, kotxi ipiaã hĩkamari maerekati —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "The Lord said, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan asked to have all of you, that he might sift you as wheat,", "apu": "Xesosi sãkirauata Simão Petromoni: —Simão, Simão, Satanasi amanaãpekari Teoso pite, apanakini apaka atamakaerekatini ĩkapani. Ahoisi misiritiko atoko inirekari imisiritinii pite."} {"eng": "but I prayed for you, that your faith wouldn’t fail. You, when once you have turned again, establish your brothers.”", "apu": "Iuaritika, nota misãkiretapekari Teoso isikataparatiniri pixinire Simão, nisãkire atão pauikini ĩkapani. Pikerokariko pikamakiti, iuaritika pikanapiriãpitika nota sãkire iteene iuaĩkana pauikini ĩkapani. Eereka pisikataparaxiniretanako pitariakori nota sãkire auiãkani —itxa Xesosi sãkire."} {"eng": "They were glad, and agreed to give him money.", "apu": "Sasetotxi auĩteakori enenĩka. Ninoa txari Xotasimoni: —Pisikasaakiri Xesosi atemoni, aĩkitxitaiko pite —itxana Xotasimoni."} {"eng": "He consented and sought an opportunity to deliver him to them in the absence of the multitude.", "apu": "—Ateeneka —itxa Xotasi. Ikara atoko inaãka atoko Xotasi iãtapari isikiniri õti manapi. Inirekari kãkiti mauakanisaaki, Xesosi imĩkapiritini."} {"eng": "Satan entered into Judas, who was also called Iscariot, who was counted with the twelve.", "apu": "Iuasaaki Satanasi ĩroaĩtotari Xotasi Isikariotxi inakori. Iua Xotasi Xesosi moianarikamara, apanakinikata."} {"eng": "He went away and talked with the chief priests and captains about how he might deliver him to them.", "apu": "Iuasaaki iua sari sasetotxi auĩteakorimoni, Teoso misãkiretiko aikoti nĩkatakani auĩteakorimoni. Iuasaaki isãkirauata ninoakata Xesosi imĩkapiritini ĩkapani. Iuasaaki ninoa xinikaxitita: —Kiãtokopa itxatari Xesosi isikini atemoni?"} {"eng": "But those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage.", "apu": "Teoso nakitiakori iuaĩkana õkitikasaakiua, !ĩtaniriuataikana."} {"eng": "For they can’t die any more, for they are like the angels and are children of God, being children of the resurrection.", "apu": "Ninoa !ipinaika, kotxi Teoso nitiriakori iaxitikini atoko itxauanako. Iuasaaki Teoso anaakori atoko itxauana, kotxi Teoso õkitikapekana ninoa."} {"eng": "He began to tell the people this parable: “A man planted a vineyard and rented it out to some farmers, and went into another country for a long time.", "apu": "Eereka Xesosi sãpiretari kãkiti ia sãpirenatxi atão inakari oerekiko. Ia atoko itxa: —Aua kiki. Itakari amãtiiri ova inakoro. Ovanoka itaka ikikioteẽ. Eereka iĩkitxitana kãkiti itakare nĩkatakani. Eereka isari ãti tixini. Iuaã mapakanani ikaikota."} {"eng": "At the proper season, he sent a servant to the farmers to collect his share of the fruit of the vineyard. But the farmers beat him and sent him away empty.", "apu": "Oamiko manapi iokanatari initiri apakapiniri ipixini amãtiiri. Txamari amãtiiri nĩkatakani noropatari iua nitiri. Ininiã eereka iokanatarina iua. Kona axapiti amãtiiri anika ipatrãotemoni."} {"eng": "A widow was in that city, and she often came to him, saying, ‘Defend me from my adversary!’", "apu": "Iuaã sito apaka aua. Õtaniri ipĩpe. Tikinitakoro otxaua. Oa nirekari iua atão ikamini oa misiritakarimoni. Txamari iua kãkiti misiritiko mereẽkari !ipotxitari omokaiakari pirena ikenakotini. Osãpiretapikari iuamoni: “Pikenakotariko nisãkire. Pikamariko atão nota misiritakarimoni. !Nimĩteenekaikari nota misiritakari apikomoni misiritinino,” otxa."} {"eng": "He wouldn’t for a while; but afterward he said to himself, ‘Though I neither fear God nor respect man,", "apu": "—Isãpakapekari ãtipirika osãkire ikenakotini. Ininiã eereka ixinikari: “Atãopitikara, kona nota paxitari Teoso, kãkiti pakini. Iuaritika nikamariko onirekakiti, kotxi"} {"eng": "yet because this widow bothers me, I will defend her, or else she will wear me out by her continual coming.’”", "apu": "ãtipirika oa tikinitakoro amanaãnãtano, ininiã nikamaãkaretxitaro. Ininiã nikamariko onirekakiti, kotxi nisãpakapekaro osãkire. Ãtipirika ikara atoko otxanãtapikano. !Nimĩteenekaikari,” itxa kãkiti misiritiko mereẽkari."} {"eng": "There will be two grinding grain together. One will be taken and the other will be left.”", "apu": "—Iuasaakiko atxiĩti ipi sito kamanãtari atarokiri. Teoso sãkire auiãkaro sari notakata. Teoso sãkire mauiãkato kaikota."} {"eng": "There will be two grinding grain together. One will be taken and the other will be left.”", "apu": "—Iuasaakiko atxiĩti ipi kiki kikio parĩkauata. Ãti sa notakata, ãti kaikota —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "Likewise, even as it was in the days of Lot: they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built;", "apu": "—Aroo inakori auakasaaki atokokana itxako nota kanapiriãkasaaki. Iuasaaki ikinimane nipokota. Iãtana. Iamotiitana. Isikatiitana. Itakarauatana. Aapokona ikamana."} {"eng": "but in the day that Lot went out from Sodom, it rained fire and sulfur from the sky and destroyed them all.", "apu": "Sotoma sitatxiti Aroo potorikini õti, iuasaakipeka xamina ãparaã kipini atoko itxa ikatxakini. Xamina miniki katxaka. Ininiã ikinipoko iuaãtaã ariãkata."} {"eng": "As it was in the days of Noah, even so it will also be in the days of the Son of Man.", "apu": "—Nota hĩtari iaxitikiri kanapiriãkasaaki, Noee auakasaaki atokokana itxapaniko."} {"eng": "They ate, they drank, they married, and they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ship, and the flood came and destroyed them all.", "apu": "Noee auakasaaki, ikinimane nipokota. Iãta. Ĩtanorouata. Ikara atoko itxapikana. Ãti õti Noee, inirimanekata maporo ãki iĩroãna. Eereka imaiãtapakinitipanika ãparaã kipakata. Xãpoãkata. Ininiã xirataãtxi xipopena ikinimane. Ikara atokotxikana itxako nota kanapiriãkasaaki."} {"eng": "One of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, glorifying God with a loud voice.", "apu": "Ninoa amianatakani erekapeka, txamari ãtinani kanapiriã Xesosimoni. Itapararitika akirita: —Peerekari Teoso —itxa iua paiaka matatakari."} {"eng": "He fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks; and he was a Samaritan.", "apu": "Ininiã ikapotoreẽkaua Xesosi apisatoõ. —Notamoni pikamakiti peerekari —itxa. Samaria tõpakiri iua kiki."} {"eng": "I will get up and go to my father, and will tell him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight.", "apu": "Nikanapiriãko niri aapokomoni. Nitxariko niri: ‘Maerekati nikamapeka Teosomoni, pitemoni apaka."} {"eng": "I am no more worthy to be called your son. Make me as one of your hired servants.”’", "apu": "Kona pamarite na pitxaikanoko, kotxi !erekano. Pitxĩkitakano pinitiri nininiua.’ Ikara atoko nitxariko niri,” itxa."} {"eng": "It is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and put in his own garden. It grew and became a large tree, and the birds of the sky live in its branches.”", "apu": "Teoso auĩtetxi ininiãua mostata iki atoko itxa. Kiki takaro mostata ikikioteẽ. Oa aneẽ. Mitape onakasaaki kotipiriki kamari ikoa okatiã. Ikara atoko itxa Teoso auĩtetxi ininiua —itxa Xesosi. Merepanika poião kãkiti auĩtetari Teoso. Eereka kaiãopokori kãkiti auĩtetari iua. Txamari iuasaaki Satanasi apoka ninoamoni kotipiriki apokini atokokana."} {"eng": "Again he said, “To what shall I compare God’s Kingdom?", "apu": "Iuaĩkana Xesosi pimaãna: —Natokopa itxa ĩkorapokoriti Teoso auĩtetxi ininiãua?"} {"eng": "It is like yeast, which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until it was all leavened.”", "apu": "Ia atokokana itxa: Sito kosekari pão tirekakari pani. Okoketari axapiti pão tirekakari pani kaiãopokori triko panikata, ãparaãkata. Eereka ikinika ipe tirekaãpota otxa."} {"eng": "He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath day.", "apu": "Tomatiko õtisaaki Xesosi auari aiko Xoteo apotiitiniãtaãua."} {"eng": "Behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years. She was bent over and could in no way straighten herself up.", "apu": "Iuasaaki sito apoka. Tesoito anokananipeka ina amianaretakaro. Ia atoko otxa amianareta. Okomĩkaãpota, kotxi maerekati matamatakoti amianari kamakari ĩroaĩtotaro. Kona oposota oõkitikaĩtotiniãua."} {"eng": "“Let your waist be dressed and your lamps burning.", "apu": "Xesosi sãpirenauatapanika: —Himerekako, kamãka hĩtxako. Tirikapi hĩopotokakako. Iposope hĩtxako niparĩka hĩkamini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "Be like men watching for their lord when he returns from the wedding feast, that when he comes and knocks, they may immediately open to him.", "apu": "Nitiritxi ipatrãotena iãtapakani atoko hĩtxako. Ipatrãotena sari ĩtanorouatakari kiiniritemoni. Initiriakori iãtapari ikanapiriini. Apokasaaki, akiritakasaaki, pakoteri initiriakori matakakari itore ipatrãotena ĩroini ĩkapani. Ninoa nitiritxi atoko hĩtxako."} {"eng": "As he said these things to them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to be terribly angry, and to draw many things out of him,", "apu": "Ikara Xesosi sãkire xika, Moisesi paniãtakiti oereẽkani, pariseoakori pakini tsoata, Xesosi omanatinina. Ãtipirika ipimaãnãtapikarina Xesosi."} {"eng": "lying in wait for him, and seeking to catch him in something he might say, that they might accuse him.", "apu": "Inirekarina Xesosi kerokiniri isãkire, imaĩkiko ĩkapani."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Which of you, if you go to a friend at midnight and tell him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread,", "apu": "Eereka Xesosi oerekana imoianariakori: —Atxiĩti apanĩkanõka pisa pimoianari aapokomoni nipokori pamanaini ĩkapani. Ininiã pakiritari iua: “Nimoianari, ipi ãti pakini komiri pisikano."} {"eng": "for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him,’", "apu": "Naõkimanere iãpotakari uatxaika apoka naapoko. Natxinoka itxape. Nipokori !auari nisikiniri,” atxiĩti pitxari iua."} {"eng": "As he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became white and dazzling.", "apu": "Teosokata isãkirauanãtakasaaki, itoõ ipinipo itxa, imãka ponika, kasarori."} {"eng": "Behold, two men were talking with him, who were Moses and Elijah,", "apu": "Iuasaaki ipi kiki tokiã iuaã, Moisesi, Eríasi pakini. Isãkirauatana Xesosikata."} {"eng": "who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.", "apu": "Ninoa iotximere aua, kotxi ipotorikana Teoso tixine. Isãkirauatana Xesosikata, Xesosi ipinini pirena, mapa semanati napaka atoko Xerosareẽ ipinini Teoso paniãtakiti ikamini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, but when they were fully awake, they saw his glory, and the two men who stood with him.", "apu": "Iuasaaki Petro, Xoão, Txiako pakini imakanãta. Eereka imerekana. Atamatarina Xesosi iotximere. Atamatarina ninoa ipi kiki iuakata itiminina."} {"eng": "When Jesus stepped ashore, a certain man out of the city who had demons for a long time met him. He wore no clothes, and didn’t live in a house, but in the tombs.", "apu": "Xesosi kanĩkiĩtakasaaki, kiki apoka iuamoni. Xerasa sitatxitikiri iua. Maerekani matamatakoni auaĩtotari iua. Okananipe !itakaikari imãka. !Inirekari aapoko ãki ikaikotini. Akauariã auanãta."} {"eng": "When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down before him, and with a loud voice said, “What do I have to do with you, Jesus, you Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don’t torment me!”", "apu": "Atamatakasaakiri Xesosi, akiripoakata. Iriãkata Xesosi apisatoõ. Maerekati matamatakoti akiritari Xesosi: —Xesosi, Teoso ãkiri, Apiananiri ãkiri, kiatokopa pitxanoko? Namanaãi !pimisiritapeno —itxa."} {"eng": "For Jesus was commanding the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For the unclean spirit had often seized the man. He was kept under guard and bound with chains and fetters. Breaking the bonds apart, he was driven by the demon into the desert.", "apu": "Ikara atoko itxa isãkire, kotxi Xesosi paniãtana maerekani matamatakoni takanapiniri iua kiki. Mitxi inirimane iĩtxikapiimari iĩto imasikani ĩkapani. Iĩtxikarina iuako, ikiti kohẽtxiã. Txamari maerekati matamatakoti itotapekari imaĩkiniri, ininiã iua kiki kapatakari kohẽtxi. Maerekati matamatakoti txĩkitakari iua kiki mitekini kãkiti mauakaniãtaã."} {"eng": "and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary who was called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out;", "apu": "Sitoakoro apaka sari iuakata. Mitxipe Xesosi erekapeka txĩkitakana ninoa sito. Mitxipe ãtikaka amianata. Mitxipe maerekati matamatakoti auaĩtotana ãtikaka. Maria Matarena inakoro sari iuakata. Mitxipe Xesosi omitikana maerekani matamatakoni setxi pakini oĩtoã auakani."} {"eng": "and Joanna, the wife of Chuzas, Herod’s steward; Susanna; and many others who served them from their possessions.", "apu": "Xoana inakoro, Kosa inakori tanoro, oa apaka sari Xesosikata. Kosa parĩkauata auĩtetxi Erotxi inakorikata. Erotxi paniãtakiti ikama. Sosana inakoro apaka sari Xesosikata. Apanakini sitoakoro apaka sari iuakata. Ninoa sikari itxineirotena Xesosimoni, imoianariakori pakinimoni nipokori iamotinina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "But Simon Peter, when he saw it, fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, Lord.”", "apu": "Simão Petro atamatakasaakiri ximakipokoni, ikapotoreẽkaua Xesosi apisatoõ: —!Pikaikotape nota takote, kotxi erekai pite. Maerekati kamakarino nota —itxa."} {"eng": "For he was amazed, and all who were with him, at the catch of fish which they had caught;", "apu": "Ikara atoko itxa Simão sãkire, kotxi iua, imoianariakori apaka tsorĩkaãta kaiãopokori ximaki ninoa maĩkakiti xika."} {"eng": "But truly I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the sky was shut up three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land.", "apu": "Atãopitika nisãpiretai hĩte. Kitxakapirĩka Teoso sãkire sãpiretakari Eríasi inakori auakasaaki, ipi ãti pakini ano ipixini ano pakini ãparaã !ikipa. Iuaã Isaeo tixini natxinoka aua. Iuasaaki kaiãopokoro sitoakoro tikinitakoro auari iuaãtaã."} {"eng": "Elijah was sent to none of them, except to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.", "apu": "Iuaritika Teoso !iokanatari Eríasi ninoa ikininapemoni. Iokanatari ãtoka sitomoni tikinitakoromoni, nipokori isikiniro ĩkapani. Oa sito aua Sarepita sitatxiti Sitoõ tõpa, Isaeo tixini takote. Xoteo !otxaua oa."} {"eng": "and when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. Joseph and his mother didn’t know it,", "apu": "Kiiniri xipoka atoko Xosee, Maria pakini potorika aapokomonina isinina ĩkapani. Iuasaaki Xesosi kaikota Xerosareẽ. Txamari ninoa !imarotari ikaikotini."} {"eng": "but supposing him to be in the company, they went a day’s journey; and they looked for him among their relatives and acquaintances.", "apu": "Ninoa uãkatamari apanakini inirimanekata isini. Ikara atoko ininiã, ikimaporitana ãti õtipeka. Mapiãnikata ipixinipokoriti initamarina inirimanemoni, aõkimaneremoni. !Apokarina."} {"eng": "There was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher (she was of a great age, having lived with a husband seven years from her virginity,", "apu": "Iuasaaki oãua sito Teoso sãkire sãpiretakaro Ana inakoro. Panoeo ãkero oa. Oãtokiri kitxakapirĩka Asee inakori. Iuasaaki kiomãtxipekaro oa. Oãua setxi ano õtanirikata. Eereka ipĩpe."} {"eng": "and she had been a widow for about eighty-four years), who didn’t depart from the temple, worshiping with fastings and petitions night and day.", "apu": "!Oĩtaniriuataika. Oitẽta koatrokananipeka oãuini. Oa auapika Teoso misãkiretiko aikoti ãki. Iuaã ikini õti, ikini ĩkanõkati pakini omisãkiretapikari Teoso. Itokata otakanapari onipokotini Teoso omisãkiretini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "Coming up at that very hour, she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of him to all those who were looking for redemption in Jerusalem.", "apu": "Xosee, Maria pakini Simião misãkiretaka atoko Ana apoka. Omisãkiretari Teoso: —Erekapitikari ia amarini pimereẽkiti kãkiti iãtapakiti piokanatini atemoni —otxa. Eereka osãpirenauata Xesosi apokini pirena Xerosareẽ auakanimoni kãkiti maerekani makatxaãkari iãtapakanimoni."} {"eng": "“Now you are releasing your servant, Master, according to your word, in peace;", "apu": "Niauĩte Apiananiri, uatxa apokapeka ia amarini pisikaenetakiti. Nota pite ĩkapani parĩkauatakarino. Uatxa niposotari nipinini erekaxinirepeka ninini,"} {"eng": "for my eyes have seen your salvation,", "apu": "kotxi nota atamatari ia amarini piokanatakiti atemoni, amaerekani imakatxakini ĩkapani, amapinakani ĩkapani."} {"eng": "which you have prepared before the face of all peoples;", "apu": "Pite iokanatapekari ia ĩkorapokoriti ikini itixiti auakani maerekani imakatxakini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "a light for revelation to the nations, and the glory of your people Israel.”", "apu": "Ia amarini tirikapi atoko, kotxi iopinikariko pikimapore, pisãkire Xoteo minakaniua imarotini ĩkapani. Ia amarini tirikapi apiatakari atoko Xoteoakorimoni pinakitiakorimoni, kotxi oerekai pite ninoamoni —itxa Simião sãkire Teosomoni."} {"eng": "When the days of their purification according to the law of Moses were fulfilled, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord", "apu": "Moisesini ketotiniri manapi Xosee, Maria pakini kamari Moisesini paniãtakiti iaõka amarini auakasaaki, Xosee, Maria pakini maerekani Teoso makatxakini ĩkapani. Ikara xipoka atoko anikarina Xesosi Xerosareẽ sitatxitimoni Apiananirimoni isikinirina ĩkapani,"} {"eng": "(as it is written in the law of the Lord, “Every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord”),", "apu": "kotxi Apiananiri paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori txari: Merepitipanika iponaniãkari sikaãkako Teosomoni, kotxi Teoso nakiti iua."} {"eng": "and to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, “A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.”", "apu": "Apaka Apiananiri paniãtakiti iõkatsopatakori txari: Amarini iponaniãkasaaki, ipi kamoa pisika Teosomoni. Iminakaniã, ipi kamoa ãkiri pisika Teosomoni, itxa Teoso. Ininiã Xosee, Maria pakini sari Xerosareẽ kamoa isikinina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "For there is born to you today, in David’s city, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.", "apu": "kotxi ia õti kãkiti maerekani makatxaãkari iponaniãpeka Taviini auini sitatxitiã. Iua Teoso mereẽkiti. Apiananiri iua."} {"eng": "This is the sign to you: you will find a baby wrapped in strips of cloth, lying in a feeding trough.”", "apu": "Himarotariko nisãkire atão inini, kotxi hãpokariko ia amarini mãkatxi mataã iapirikiko pirãtxi nikini tiitxitiã —Teoso nitiri txana ninoa."} {"eng": "While they were there, the day had come for her to give birth.", "apu": "Pereẽ apoka itxana. Iuaã auakasaakina, aua itxa amarini."} {"eng": "She gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in bands of cloth and laid him in a feeding trough, because there was no room for them in the inn.", "apu": "Oãuãkitakari merepitipanika oimi kiki. Ininiã mãkatxi mataã oiapirikari, pirãtxi nipokotini tiitxitiã taka otxari amarini, kotxi kãkiti imakanakiniãtaã imakinika xãpokapeka, ininiã ninoa auanãta pirãtxi auiniãtaã."} {"eng": "Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to David’s city, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David,", "apu": "Ininiã Xosee apaka sari iuãka isikini ĩkapani. Ininiã ipotorika Nasaree sitatxiti Kariréia tõpa. Xotéia tõpamoni isa, Pereẽ sitatxitimoni. Iuaã isa, kotxi iuaã auĩtetxi Taviini kitxakapirĩka aua. Taviini nirimane itxaua Xosee."} {"eng": "to enroll himself with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him as wife, being pregnant.", "apu": "Isa Mariakata. Ĩtanoro tĩkane oa. Iuasaaki !itakapanikaro. Kamixipeka otxa iuasaaki."} {"eng": "because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the dawn from on high will visit us,", "apu": "Katiraõkiri aTeosone. Kaamonĩkareri iua. Ininiã iua tixinekiri apokako atemoni. Atokatxi pokĩkini atoko itxako. Iuasaaki ipiã !auaika, kotxi iua makatxakari amaerekani."} {"eng": "to shine on those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death; to guide our feet into the way of peace.”", "apu": "Ininiã iua iopinikari kãkiti xinire, ipinini pĩkakani xinire. Ipiaã auakani atoko ninoa. Ininiã iua iopinikari axinire Teoso kimapore aimarotini ĩkapani, aãuini ereka inini ĩkapani.” Itxa Sakaria xikare."} {"eng": "He has given help to Israel, his servant, that he might remember mercy,", "apu": "Imoianatapekana Xoteoakori, iua ĩkapani parĩkauatakani. !Imaxinĩkaretari iamonĩkinina ninoa."} {"eng": "as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and his offspring forever.”", "apu": "Kitxakapirĩka Teoso xinikari Apraãoni iamonĩkini. Apaka iua tikini auakani ãtipirika iamonĩka, kotxi: ‘Nimoianataiko hĩte,’ itxa anirimanemoni kitxakapirĩkarinimoni,” otxa Maria."} {"eng": "Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Judah,", "apu": "Mapaõti napa atoko Maria katimariã sari oxiratarimoni, Xotéia tõpamoni. Iuaã osari sitatximoni."} {"eng": "and entered into the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth.", "apu": "Oĩroã Sakaria aapoko. Oãkiritaro Isapeo: —Ereẽkai —otxa."} {"eng": "He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David,", "apu": "Iua Apiatakari itxauako. Apiananiri ãkiri akiritaãkako. Teoso Apiananiri kamariko iua auĩtetxi ininiãua. Kitxakapirĩka Xoteoakori auĩte Taviini. Taviini auĩtetxi ininiua atokokana, Teoso txĩkitakariko Xesosi Xoteoakori auĩte ininiua."} {"eng": "and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. There will be no end to his Kingdom.”", "apu": "Ãtipirika Xoteoakori auĩte, Xakooni apiko mekaniriakori auĩte, itxauako. Iua auĩtetxi ininiua !ixipoka —itxaro oa."} {"eng": "Now while he executed the priest’s office before God in the order of his division", "apu": "Ãti õti Sakaria, apanakini sasetotxiakorikata, parĩkauanãta Teoso misãkiretiko aikoti ãki. Iuasaaki ninoatene iuaã parĩkauata."} {"eng": "according to the custom of the priest’s office, his lot was to enter into the temple of the Lord and burn incense.", "apu": "Sasetotxiakori itotari sasetotxi imereinina Apiananiri misãkiretiko aikoti ĩroini kamariãro arikini ĩkapani, ininiã iuasaaki ninoa mereẽri Sakaria. Ininiã iua ĩroã."} {"eng": "Since many have undertaken to set in order a narrative concerning those matters which have been fulfilled among us,", "apu": "Nota Arókasi iõkatsopata pite Teópiromoni. Iteene nipaxitai. Kãkiti ito iõkatsopatapekari ikinipoko Xesosi kamakiti Xoteoakori sauaki auakasaaki."} {"eng": "even as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word delivered them to us,", "apu": "Ninoa, nota pakini imarotari ikinipoko Xesosi kamakiti, kotxi Xesosi kamakiti atamatakani, isãkire oerekakani, sãpiretapekaua ate."} {"eng": "it seemed good to me also, having traced the course of all things accurately from the first, to write to you in order, most excellent Theophilus;", "apu": "Nota apaka apaiaõkapekari ikinipoko Xesosi sãkire, ikamakiti pakini. Ininiã nota apokaerekatari ikinipoko Xesosi pirena niõkatsopatini pite Teópiromoni. Merepitipanika ikamakiti nisãpiretai. Ininiã eereka ikamakiti nisãpiretai. Ininiã eereka ikamakiti nisãpiretai, nitxaãpotako."} {"eng": "She went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept.", "apu": "Xesosi õkitikasaakiua, iua oaõkitaka atoko, osari merepanika Xesosi moianariakorimoni. Iuasaaki iteene imatinaniuatana. Itxiapanãtana. Osãpiretana ninoa:"} {"eng": "When they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her, they disbelieved.", "apu": "—Xesosi iuaĩkana auãki itxapeka. Nota aõkitari iua —otxana. Txamari ninoa kona auikari osãkire."} {"eng": "They were saying among themselves, “Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?”", "apu": "Kimaporiã isikasaakina, isãkirauaãpotana: —Kipa makatxakinaua kai auĩte iriko tore? —itxaãpotana. Amaripokori iua kai."} {"eng": "for it was very big. Looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back.", "apu": "Iuaã apokasaakina, atamatarina. Kai makatxakapeẽkaika."} {"eng": "Pilate was surprised to hear that he was already dead; and summoning the centurion, he asked him whether he had been dead long.", "apu": "Ininiã Pirato ãkixinireẽ: —Atauako patimari Xesosi ipinini? —itxa. Ininiã ipĩkapiretari sotatoakori auĩte. Iua apokasaaki Pirato pimaãri: —Atauako Xesosi ipĩpeka? —itxa."} {"eng": "When he found out from the centurion, he granted the body to Joseph.", "apu": "Ininiã iua: —Ari, ipinapitipeka —itxari. Ininiã Pirato: —Panikaikari iĩto —itxari Xoseemoni."} {"eng": "When evening had now come, because it was the Preparation Day, that is, the day before the Sabbath,", "apu": "Ikara õti, Xesosi ipinini õti, kãkiti parĩkauatini õti, kãkiti tomatini õti apisapanika, iuasaaki kikatatikipeka."} {"eng": "Joseph of Arimathaea, a prominent council member who also himself was looking for God’s Kingdom, came. He boldly went in to Pilate, and asked for Jesus’ body.", "apu": "Iuasaaki Xosee inakori, Arimateia sitatxitikiri, sari Piratomoni. Iua Xosee Xoteo auĩte apanakinikata. Ikinimane paxitari iua. Iua apaka iãtapari Teoso ikinimane auĩte ininiua õti apokini. Itaparaxinireritika Piratomoni isa, amanaã itxari Xesosi ĩto."} {"eng": "There were also women watching from afar, among whom were both Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome;", "apu": "Ãtokaka sitoakoro ikira atoko atamanãtarina Xesosi, Maria Matarenama, Saromeema, ãto Mariama, apanakini sitoakorokata. Xosesi, Txiako pakini inoro oa Maria. Iua Txiako maneripanika inakari."} {"eng": "who, when he was in Galilee, followed him and served him; and many other women who came up with him to Jerusalem.", "apu": "Xesosi Kariréia auakasaaki, ninoa sitoakoro moianatari iua. Imiparĩkatarina. Xesosi ipĩkasaakikanera apanakini sitoakoro kaiãopokoro aua iuaãtaã. Ninoa apoka Xerosareẽ Xesosikata."} {"eng": "When the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.", "apu": "Iuasaaki apaniãxiti ipiãka. Ikini itixitika piãka. Ipi ãti pakini oara ipiãka."} {"eng": "At the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is, being interpreted, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”", "apu": "Ipi ãti pakini oara napa atoko Xesosi akiripoakata: —Erii, Erii, aremaa sapakatanii —itxa. Ia atatsopatakari sãkireẽ: “NiTeosone, niTeosone, kinirepa pitakanapano?” itxa."} {"eng": "With him they crucified two robbers, one on his right hand, and one on his left.", "apu": "Ninoa tokakitana ipi kiĩtiririni apaka aamina ĩpiriãmitakari nopini, ikikomoni ãti, isanaremoni ãti."} {"eng": "The Scripture was fulfilled which says, “He was counted with transgressors.”", "apu": "Kitxakapirĩka Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori txari: Okapeẽkako iua, kokaniri okiko atoko inapeẽkako. Ininiã Xesosi okikosaaki ia Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori iaõka auapeka iuasaaki."} {"eng": "Crucifying him, they parted his garments among them, casting lots on them, what each should take.", "apu": "Ininiã itokakitarina aamina ĩpiriãmitakari nopini. Eereka ikamarina sarauatxi, Xesosi mãka apakapakani imarotinina ĩkapani. Ikara atoko apanakini anikari Xesosi mãka."} {"eng": "It was the third hour when they crucified him.", "apu": "Ĩkanõkapanika novi oara itokakitapeẽka Xesosi aamina ĩpiriãmitakari nopini."} {"eng": "The superscription of his accusation was written over him: “THE KING OF THE JEWS.”", "apu": "Aaminaã auari iõkatakitina, apoĩtiko pirena, “Xoteoakori Auĩte” itxa."} {"eng": "Pilate answered them, saying, “Do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?”", "apu": "Ininiã Pirato pimaãna: —Hinirekatari nisikakiniri Xoteo auĩte hĩte ĩkapani? —itxana."} {"eng": "For he perceived that for envy the chief priests had delivered him up.", "apu": "Pirato iteene imarotari sasetotxi auĩteakori sikari Xesosi iuamoni Xesosi ixikotinina xika."} {"eng": "But the chief priests stirred up the multitude, that he should release Barabbas to them instead.", "apu": "Sasetotxi auĩteakori maasakana ninoa iuaã apotiitakaniua: —Hamanaãri Pirato Pahapasi isikakini ĩkapani —itxana kãkitimoni."} {"eng": "As Peter was in the courtyard below, one of the maids of the high priest came,", "apu": "Iuasaaki Petro ixiti aua aapokotxi piriketakori ãki. Sasetotxi auĩte apiatakari nitero ãtokoro apoka iuaã."} {"eng": "and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, “You were also with the Nazarene, Jesus!”", "apu": "Oãtamatari Petro irokanãtini xamina tinipoki. Oa mixinitari iua. Ininiã oa: —Xesosi Nasareekiri moianarikai pite apaka —otxa."} {"eng": "The high priest tore his clothes and said, “What further need have we of witnesses?", "apu": "Iuasaakipeka sasetotxi auĩte apiatakari matsorãkari imãka, kotxi iuãkatari Xesosi sãkire maerekati ininiua. —!Anirekaikari Xesosi kamakiti sãpiretakani. Atokopeka."} {"eng": "You have heard the blasphemy! What do you think?” They all condemned him to be worthy of death.", "apu": "Kotxi hĩte kenakotapekari isãkire maerekati, “Teoso ãkirirano” inini. Natokopa atxatari iua? —itxana. Ininiã ninoa apakapapiretari: —Okaãkapitikako —itxarina."} {"eng": "They led Jesus away to the high priest. All the chief priests, the elders, and the scribes came together with him.", "apu": "Ninoa anikari Xesosi sasetotxi auĩte apiatakari aapokomoni. Iuaã ikinika sasetotxi auĩteakori, kiomãtxiakori, kaiõkatsoparerini pakini apotiitaua."} {"eng": "Peter had followed him from a distance, until he came into the court of the high priest. He was sitting with the officers, and warming himself in the light of the fire.", "apu": "Petro ikira atoko isaãpota Xesosi anikakani tikini. Ĩroã sasetotxi auĩte aapoko piriketakoriã. Iuaã iitopãka sasetotxi auĩte apiatakari nitiriakorikata. Iroka xamina tinipoki."} {"eng": "Jesus answered them, “Have you come out, as against a robber, with swords and clubs to seize me?", "apu": "Iuasaakipeka Xesosi: —Hĩte ina himaĩkinino ĩkapani, saasarakata, piririkata. Kiĩtiriri atoko hĩtxapeno nota himaĩkinino."} {"eng": "I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and you didn’t arrest me. But this is so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled.”", "apu": "Ikiniõtika nota auanãtari hĩtekata Teoso misãkiretiko aikoti ãki, noerekarauatakasaaki. Iuaã hĩte !imaĩkano nota, kotxi Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatapeẽkaika hĩte maĩkinino kiĩtiriri himaĩkini atoko —itxana ninoa."} {"eng": "Now he who betrayed him had given them a sign, saying, “Whomever I will kiss, that is he. Seize him, and lead him away safely.”", "apu": "Xotasi mitxipeka sãpiretari kikiakori: —Nota apitxokakiti Xesosipitikarako iua. Iuasaaki himaĩkapekariko. Erepaniko hanikasaakiri, imamitekakani ĩkapani —itxa."} {"eng": "When he had come, immediately he came to him and said, “Rabbi! Rabbi!” and kissed him.", "apu": "Xotasi apokasaaki, isakatapitipori Xesosimoni. Akiritari: —Koerekareri. Inakasaakipeka apitxoka itxari."} {"eng": "He came the third time and said to them, “Sleep on now, and take your rest. It is enough. The hour has come. Behold, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.", "apu": "Iuaĩkana ikanapiriã Petro, Txiako, Xoão pakinimoni. —Himakanãtapanika? Hĩtomanãtapanika? Iaõpe. Hãtapana. Hĩtari iaxitikiri uatxa sikaãkako maerekati kamakanimoni."} {"eng": "Arise! Let’s get going. Behold, he who betrays me is at hand.”", "apu": "Hõkitikaua. Masa. Hãtapana. Apokaãpota kiki nimĩkapiritakiri —itxana."} {"eng": "He went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass away from him.", "apu": "Apikomoni isa. Ipamaka xitimoni, misãkireta itxari Teoso."} {"eng": "He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Please remove this cup from me. However, not what I desire, but what you desire.”", "apu": "Itxari iri: —Papai, pite posotari ikinipoko pikamini. !Pauiritapeno paĩtiki natatsiirauatini, iuaritika ninirekari pite nirekakiti nikamini. Nota nirekakiti nikamini kona ninireka —itxari iri."} {"eng": "It was now two days before the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might seize him by deception and kill him.", "apu": "Iuasaaki kãkiti apotiitaua ipi kiiniriti auakasaaki. Páskoa kiiniriti, pão miãtiãkati nikiko kiiniriti pakini aua. Ipi õti kiiniri potorikini apisapanika sasetotxi auĩteakori, kaiõkatsoparerini pakini xinikaxitita: —Natokopa atxatariko Xesosi amaĩkini aõkini ĩkapani?"} {"eng": "For they said, “Not during the feast, because there might be a riot among the people.”", "apu": "!Amaĩkapaniri kiinirisaaki, kotxi amaĩkiniãri, kãkiti naiatamaua eereka —itxanãtana."} {"eng": "Watch therefore, for you don’t know when the lord of the house is coming—whether at evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning;", "apu": "Nota hĩtari iaxitikiri iua kiki õtako sikari atoko nitxako. Ãtipirika hiãtapapikanoko, kotxi !himarotari nota apokini õti. !Himarotari mapiãtikikauako napoka. !Himarotari apanĩkanõkauako napoka. Imaropirĩkatauako napoka. Ĩkanõkapanikauako napoka !himarotapaniri."} {"eng": "lest, coming suddenly, he might find you sleeping.", "apu": "Atxiĩti patimari napokini, ininiã hĩkoatapikako, mimakatika hinini ĩkapani nota apokasaaki."} {"eng": "Pray that your flight won’t be in the winter.", "apu": "Teoso hamanaã himitekini kamoĩsaaki, kotxi himitekini mitaãsaaki !erekari."} {"eng": "For in those days there will be oppression, such as there has not been the like from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and never will be.", "apu": "Iuasaaki atatsiiri auakatapitikako. Ia atatsiiri apiata atatsiitaãkako. Kitxakapirĩka itixi Teoso kamakasaaki kãkiti atatsiirauata poiãoka. Ikara atatsiiri õti apisa kãkiti atatsiirauata poiãoka. Ikara atatsiiri õti napa atoko !ikara atoko inakari atatsiiri !auaikako."} {"eng": "He called his disciples to himself and said to them, “Most certainly I tell you, this poor widow gave more than all those who are giving into the treasury,", "apu": "Ininiã Xesosi akiritana imoianariakori. —Inipitikara nisãpiretai hĩte. Õkora tikinitakoro matxineiroteto sikakito apiata. Apanakini sikakito poiãoka."} {"eng": "for they all gave out of their abundance, but she, out of her poverty, gave all that she had to live on.”", "apu": "Kotxi ninoa sikaro txineiro itetakoro. Oa matxineiroteto sikari okinika onakito —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "But about the dead, that they are raised, haven’t you read in the book of Moses about the Bush, how God spoke to him, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?", "apu": "Hĩte !auikari ipĩkani õkitikiniua. Hĩte atatsopatapekari Moisesi iõkatsopatakiti aanaia tirinakari pirena. Iuasaaki Teoso misãkiretari Moisesi: “Apraão, Isaki, Xakoo pakini Teosonekarano nota,” itxari Moisesimoni."} {"eng": "He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are therefore badly mistaken.”", "apu": "Ikara atoko ininiã Apraão, Isaki, Xakoo pakini õkitikapekaua iuaĩkana, kotxi auãki inakani Teosonera iua. Kona ipĩkani Teosoneni itxaua Teoso. Amananini hĩkerokari —itxa Xesosi satoseoakorimoni."} {"eng": "Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father, who is in heaven, may also forgive you your transgressions.", "apu": "Teoso pimisãkiretakasaaki, ãti pomanatiniã, pitakanapariko pomanãkare. Pimaxinĩkaretiniãri maerekati ikaminii, ininiã piri iaxitikiri maxinĩkaretari maerekati pite kamakiti."} {"eng": "But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your transgressions.”", "apu": "Pimamaxinĩkaretakaniãri maerekati ãti kamakiti pitemoni, ininiã piri iaxitikiri kona maxinĩkaretari maerekati pite kamakiti apaka."} {"eng": "But it shall not be so among you, but whoever wants to become great among you shall be your servant.", "apu": "Ninoa atoko !hĩtxape. Apiari pininiua pinirekiniã, pimoianatana apanakini."} {"eng": "Whoever of you wants to become first among you shall be bondservant of all.", "apu": "Apanakini auĩte pininiã pinirekiniã, nitiritxi pitxauako merepanika."} {"eng": "The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!", "apu": "Imoianariakori: —Anekani? —itxana. Iuaĩkana Xesosi txari: —Pamimapaniri katxineiroteri sini Teoso auĩtetxi ininiãtaãua."} {"eng": "It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter into God’s Kingdom.”", "apu": "Atauako kamero napatari ãkorike sonakiã? Apia mimari kãkiti katxineiroterini auĩtetiniri Teoso —itxana."} {"eng": "If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life lame, rather than having your two feet to be cast into Gehenna, into the fire that will never be quenched—", "apu": "Pikiti maerekati ikamãkitakiniãi, pitsotakari. Erekamariko ãtinani pikiti Teosokata ãtipirika pauini ĩkapani, kotxi maerekati pikaminiã, pisa maerekani misiritikoãtaã. Iuaã xamina tirinapika. !Oakaãka. Atxiĩti pikiti ipi aua, txamari pite sari iuaã. !Erekari."} {"eng": "‘where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire is not quenched.’", "apu": "Iuaã kĩtxi piĩtoã auakaro !opina. Xamina !oakaãka."} {"eng": "If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having your two hands to go into Gehenna, into the unquenchable fire,", "apu": "Piuako maerekati ikamãkitakiniãi, pitsotakari. Erekamariko ãtinani piuako Teosokata ãtipirika pauini ĩkapani, kotxi maerekati pikaminiã, pisa maerekani misiritikoãtaã. Iuaã xamina tirinapika. !Oakaãka. Atxiĩti piuako ipi aua, txamari pite sari iuaãtaã. !Erekari."} {"eng": "‘where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire is not quenched.’", "apu": "Iuaã kĩtxi piĩtoã auakaro !opina. Xamina !oakaãka."} {"eng": "He took a little child and set him in the middle of them. Taking him in his arms, he said to them,", "apu": "Xesosi kosekari amarini, mina itxari imoianariakori sauaki, katarata itxari."} {"eng": "“Whoever receives one such little child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me, doesn’t receive me, but him who sent me.”", "apu": "—Papakapiniãri amarini pipoxokoniritika, papakapano nota apaka. Papakapiniãno nota, na notananini papakapa. Iuasaaki papakapari iua uaimoni niokanatakiri —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "He came to Capernaum, and when he was in the house he asked them, “What were you arguing among yourselves on the way?”", "apu": "Kapanaoõ sitatxiti apokana. Aapokotxi ãki auakasaakina, Xesosi pimaãna ninoa: —Natokopa itxa hĩsãkire, uaimoni aĩkasaaki hĩtaparakienatakakasaakiua? —itxa."} {"eng": "But they were silent, for they had disputed with one another on the way about who was the greatest.", "apu": "Masãkirenika itxana, kotxi kimaporiãpo ninoa sãkire: “Ĩkiripa ate apiatakari?” itxana."} {"eng": "They went out from there and passed through Galilee. He didn’t want anyone to know it,", "apu": "Iuaã ipotorikana. Ĩpirixititarina Kariréia tõpa. Xesosi !inirekari apanakini kenakoenetiniri iua auiniãtaã."} {"eng": "for he was teaching his disciples, and said to them, “The Son of Man is being handed over to the hands of men, and they will kill him; and when he is killed, on the third day he will rise again.”", "apu": "Kotxi inirekari oerekinina imoianariakorinoka ipinini pirena. Ininiã Xesosi: —Nota hĩtari iaxitikiri mĩkapiritaãkako. Nisikaãkako kikiakorimoni inirekaãkitina ikaminina tĩkane. Ninoa okano nota. Ipi õti ãti õti inakasaaki iuaĩkana nõkitikauako —itxa."} {"eng": "Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”", "apu": "Ininiã Xesosi: —Nota posotatari? Teoso sãkire auiãkari posotari ikaminiri ikinika —itxari."} {"eng": "Immediately the father of the child cried out with tears, “I believe. Help my unbelief!”", "apu": "Iuasaaki iua kiki apakapapiretari iãtsaritika: —Nauikapitikari piposotiire. Axapitikinoka !nauikari, ininiã pisikaposotiiretano iteene pisãkire nauikini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Elijah indeed comes first, and restores all things. How is it written about the Son of Man, that he should suffer many things and be despised?", "apu": "Ininiã Xesosi: —Inipitikara Eríasi apoka merepanika, kãkiti iposope inini ĩkapani. Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori txari: “Kãkiti itari iaxitikiri iteene atatsiirauatako. !Inirekaãkako.” Kinirepa ikara atoko itxa Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori?"} {"eng": "But I tell you that Elijah has come, and they have also done to him whatever they wanted to, even as it is written about him.”", "apu": "Nisãpiretaiko Eríasi apokapeka. Kãkiti misiritapekari iuani. Inireẽka iaõka imisiritarina. Teoso sãkire iõkatsopatakori sãpiretapekari ikara ene —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "Peter answered Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let’s make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”", "apu": "Ininiã Petro txari Xesosi: —Koerekareri, erekapitikari uai aãuini. Makamari papiri ipi ãti pakini, pite ĩkapani, Moisesi ĩkapani, Eríasi ĩkapani —itxa."} {"eng": "For he didn’t know what to say, for they were very afraid.", "apu": "Ikara atoko itxa Petro, kotxi !imarotaikari isãkire, iteene ipĩkarauatiniã."} {"eng": "Having eyes, don’t you see? Having ears, don’t you hear? Don’t you remember?", "apu": "Kokimai, txamari, !hãtamatari. Kakenakokimai, txamari !hĩkenakotari nisãkire."} {"eng": "When I broke the five loaves among the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They told him, “Twelve.”", "apu": "Kona hĩxinikapanikari iuasaaki nimaxiõpekitakiti sĩko komiri, sĩko mio kãkiti nisikakienatini? Kipakinipa kotari itetakori hĩxãpokaka? —ipimaãna. Ininiã ninoa apakapapireta: —Tosi kotari axãpokaka."} {"eng": "They ate and were filled. They took up seven baskets of broken pieces that were left over.", "apu": "Ininiã ikinipoko kamitopeka itxana. Iposo atoko apotiita itxarina itetakori. Xãpokaka itxarina setxi kotarina."} {"eng": "Those who had eaten were about four thousand. Then he sent them away.", "apu": "Ninoa komiri nikakani ipi ipi pakini mio kãkiti. Kamitopeka itxana. Ininiã itakapiretanapana ninoa."} {"eng": "He commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground, and he took the seven loaves. Having given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to serve, and they served the multitude.", "apu": "Ipaniãtari kãkiti topãkini ixiti. Imaĩkari iua komiri setxi. —Erekari pisiãkiti —itxari Teoso. Iposo atoko imaxiõpekari komiri, sika itxana imoianariakori. Imoianariakori sika itxana apanakinimoni."} {"eng": "They also had a few small fish. Having blessed them, he said to serve these also.", "apu": "Ninoamoni aua ãtikaka ximaki axapitiri. Ininiã Xesosi txari: —Ia erekari —itxa Teosomoni. Eereka ipaniãtana imoianariakori sikiniri kãkitimoni."} {"eng": "For a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having heard of him, came and fell down at his feet.", "apu": "Sito apoka Xesosimoni, kotxi oa kenakopiretari Xesosi pirena. Maerekati matamatakoti auaĩtotaro oimi. Oãpokasaaki Xesosimoni, okapotoreẽkaua iua apisatoõ."} {"eng": "Now the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by race. She begged him that he would cast the demon out of her daughter.", "apu": "Oa sito sãkiretari Kreko sãkire. Ãto uãka oa. Siropenísia tixinikero oa. Okapotoreẽkasaakiua Xesosi apisatoõ, oamanaãri Xesosi: —Pomitikenatariko maerekati matamatakoti namarite ĩtoã auakari —otxari."} {"eng": "He said, “That which proceeds out of the man, that defiles the man.", "apu": "—Ixinireẽ potoriãkari iuara kamari kãkiti maerekani."} {"eng": "For from within, out of the hearts of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, sexual sins, murders, thefts,", "apu": "Kãkiti ãkixinire ipotorika ixinikakiti maerekati, anokaretxi, ĩtiriuatakatxi, okaniuatakatxi, ãti kãkiti ĩtanorokata isirĩkini nire pakini."} {"eng": "covetings, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, and foolishness.", "apu": "Kãkiti ãkixinireẽ ipotorika itirenani, maerekati Satanasi oerekakiti, misirieneretxi, pẽtauatakatxi kamakari, xikotakatxi, ãti misãkirepiretiko, iuikiniua, miĩkiteti inini pakini."} {"eng": "All these evil things come from within and defile the man.”", "apu": "Ikinika ikara maerekati kãkiti ãkixinire auakari txikotari kãkiti xinire —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Are you also without understanding? Don’t you perceive that whatever goes into the man from outside can’t defile him,", "apu": "Ininiã iua txari: —!Kiĩkitei hĩte. Kona hĩte imarotatari hinamaã ĩroãkari kona kamari maerekanitxi."} {"eng": "because it doesn’t go into his heart, but into his stomach, then into the latrine, making all foods clean?”", "apu": "Kotxi ĩroãkari !isari hĩxiniremoni. Hĩtikako ãki isa. Iposo atoko hĩtikatakasaaki inapa. Ikara atoko ininiã, erekari ikinipoko kãkiti niãkiti."} {"eng": "Then the Pharisees and some of the scribes gathered together to him, having come from Jerusalem.", "apu": "Ininiã pariseoakori, kaiõkatsopareriakori pakini, Xerosareẽ ĩkani, apotiitaua Xesosikata."} {"eng": "Now when they saw some of his disciples eating bread with defiled, that is unwashed, hands, they found fault.", "apu": "Iuasaaki itikarina Xesosi moianariakori marokapiotakaniua nipokori inikinina apisa. Ininiã itxana: —!Erekari imarokapiotakaniuana —itxana."} {"eng": "(For the Pharisees and all the Jews don’t eat unless they wash their hands and forearms, holding to the tradition of the elders.", "apu": "Pariseoakori, imakinikana Xoteoakori apaka kamari ikiomaneakori kitxakapirĩkarini sãkire iaõka. Inipokotinina apisapanika arokapiotauana."} {"eng": "They don’t eat when they come from the marketplace unless they bathe themselves, and there are many other things which they have received to hold to: washings of cups, pitchers, bronze vessels, and couches.)", "apu": "Nipokori amotikoãtaã Xoteoakori sikasaaki, eereka apokasaakina aapokona imarokapiotakaniãuana kona inipokotana. Tiitxi iãkoanatxi, kopiti, apanakini itiina pakini arokasaakina ikiomaneakorini oerekakiti iaõka arokana."} {"eng": "but they, when they saw him walking on the sea, supposed that it was a ghost, and cried out;", "apu": "Ininiã ninoa atapakasaakiri ipoa nopini itĩpokotini, ninoa uãkatari kamiri. Ininiã ninoa akiripoakata."} {"eng": "for they all saw him and were troubled. But he immediately spoke with them and said to them, “Cheer up! It is I! Don’t be afraid.”", "apu": "Ininiã iua misãkiretana: —Kataparaxinire hĩtxako. Notakara. Na !hĩpĩkarauatape —itxana imoianariakori."} {"eng": "He commanded them that everyone should sit down in groups on the green grass.", "apu": "Xesosi paniãtana ikinika kãkiti topãkini katsotati nopini."} {"eng": "They sat down in ranks, by hundreds and by fifties.", "apu": "Ãtiãtaã iitopãkana sĩkoẽta, ipinimoni iitopãkana seĩ. Imakinikana ikara atoko itxaãpotana iitopãkinina."} {"eng": "King Herod heard this, for his name had become known, and he said, “John the Baptizer has risen from the dead, and therefore these powers are at work in him.”", "apu": "Auĩtetxi Erotxi inakori kenakopiretari Xesosi pirena. Xesosi uãka iaripireta ikini tõpati. Ininiã Erotxi xinikanãta: —Ikara Xesosi, Xoão kapatxisareri itxaua. Uatxa iua õkitikapekaua. Iuakara Xesosi itxa. Ininiãkara iposotiire aua iuamoni."} {"eng": "But others said, “He is Elijah.” Others said, “He is a prophet, or like one of the prophets.”", "apu": "Ãtikaka uãkatari Xesosi Eríasi ininiua. Ãtikaka uãkatari Xesosi Teoso sãkire sãpiretakari kitxakapirĩka ininiua."} {"eng": "But Herod, when he heard this, said, “This is John, whom I beheaded. He has risen from the dead.”", "apu": "Ikara Erotxi kenakopiretakasaaki, itxari: —Xoãokara nitsotakakiitakitikara iua Xesosi txa. Ipĩpekariika iuaĩkana õkitikapekaua —itxa."} {"eng": "For Herod himself had sent out and arrested John and bound him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, for he had married her.", "apu": "Mitxi Erotxi takaro itari Piripi ĩtanoro. Ouãka Erotxia inakoro. Oa xika Erotxi maĩkari Xoão. Iaxiriĩtotari, kateia ãki taka itxari."} {"eng": "For John had said to Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.”", "apu": "Xoão takaãka kateia ãki, kotxi itxari Erotximoni: —!Erekari pitari ĩtanoro pitakini —itxari."} {"eng": "Herodias set herself against him and desired to kill him, but she couldn’t,", "apu": "Ikara xika Erotxia apaka omanatari Xoão. Oa iteene kinirão okaka otxamari Xoão. Kona oposotari oõkiniri iua,"} {"eng": "for Herod feared John, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man, and kept him safe. When he heard him, he did many things, and he heard him gladly.", "apu": "kotxi Erotxi pĩkari Xoão. Iua imarotari, atão inakarinoka kamakari, erekarinoka kamakari ininiua Xoão. Xoão sãkire ikenakotakasaaki, !iteene !imarotari isãkire, iuaritika iua apokaerekatari ikenakotiniri isãkire."} {"eng": "Then a convenient day came when Herod on his birthday made a supper for his nobles, the high officers, and the chief men of Galilee.", "apu": "Erotxi kamari isaiã kiiniriti. Iua kemaĩtxitana sotato auĩteakori, Kariréia auakani auĩteakori, apanakini auĩteakori pakini."} {"eng": "When the daughter of Herodias herself came in and danced, she pleased Herod and those sitting with him. The king said to the young lady, “Ask me whatever you want, and I will give it to you.”", "apu": "Ininiã Erotxia ãkero apoka iua kiiniritiã. Iuasaaki oserenapirĩkata Erotxi apisatoõ, ikemaĩtxitakini apisatoõ pakini. Ninoa potxitari oserenini. Ininiã Erotxi txaro oa ãtokoro: —Pinirekakiti pamanaãno, ininiã nisikai."} {"eng": "He swore to her, “Whatever you ask of me, I will give you, up to half of my kingdom.”", "apu": "Atãopitikara nisikai pamanaãkiti. Nitixine pinirekiniã, ipixini nisikai —itxaro."} {"eng": "She went out and said to her mother, “What shall I ask?” She said, “The head of John the Baptizer.”", "apu": "Ininiã oa miteka onoromoni. Oa pimaã txaro onoro: —Kiripa namanaãtari? —otxaro. Ininiã onoro txaro: —“Xoão Kapatxisareri kii prato nopini ninireka,” pitxari. Ikara atoko pamanaãri iua —otxaro."} {"eng": "She came in immediately with haste to the king and requested, “I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptizer on a platter.”", "apu": "Ininiã katimariã okanapiriã kiiniri auiniãtaã iuaĩkana. Katimariã auĩtetximoni osa. Oamanaãri iua: —Ninirekari Xoão kapatxisareri kii prato nopini —otxa."} {"eng": "The king was exceedingly sorry, but for the sake of his oaths and of his dinner guests, he didn’t wish to refuse her.", "apu": "Ininiã Erotxi maerekaxiniretinoka itxa, kotxi mitxi iua sãpiretaro oa amanaãkiti isikiniro oa ikemaĩtxitakini apisatoõ. Ininiã !apakata imasikakaniãri isikaenetakiti."} {"eng": "Immediately the king sent out a soldier of his guard and commanded to bring John’s head; and he went and beheaded him in the prison,", "apu": "Ininiã katimariã ipaniãtari sotatoakori okiniri Xoão: —Ikii himina —itxa. Ininiã isana kateiamoni. Itsotakakiitarina Xoão."} {"eng": "and brought his head on a platter, and gave it to the young lady; and the young lady gave it to her mother.", "apu": "Pirato nopini itakarina ikii, sika itxarona ãtokoro. Ininiã oa sikari onoromoni."} {"eng": "When his disciples heard this, they came and took up his corpse and laid it in a tomb.", "apu": "Ininiã Xoão moianariakori kenakopiretakasaakiri Xoão okiko pirena, isana kateiamoni. Aparina iĩto. Itakarina iĩto kai iriko ãki."} {"eng": "He called to himself the twelve, and began to send them out two by two; and he gave them authority over the unclean spirits.", "apu": "Xesosi akiritana imoianariakori tosi pakini. Ipi iokanata ãtiãtaã, iuaĩkana ãtiãtaã iokanatana ipi. Ikara atoko iokanaãpotana imoianariakori. Iposotiire isikana ninoa maerekani matamatakoni omitikinina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "He commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, except a staff only: no bread, no wallet, no money in their purse,", "apu": "Itxana: —Kona minakati hanikape. Hĩtsonerenoka hanika. Kona hĩtii, kona auatxi, kona txineiro !hanikape."} {"eng": "but to wear sandals, and not put on two tunics.", "apu": "Hĩkiti mata hĩeretaka. Ãtika kasipiri himãka hanika."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Wherever you enter into a house, stay there until you depart from there.", "apu": "Sitatxi hãpokasaaki, ãtika aapokotxinanirako hãua. Iua sitatxi hãuakasaaki, hĩkaikota iua kãkiti aapoko. Kona hãuape ãti kãkiti aapoko."} {"eng": "Whoever will not receive you nor hear you, as you depart from there, shake off the dust that is under your feet for a testimony against them. Assuredly, I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!”", "apu": "Kãkiti mapakapakanisaakii, hĩsãkire imakenakotakanisaakina, ininiã hĩtakanapana. Hĩpotorikasaaki, hĩkaxipokari kipatxi hĩkiti mataã auakari, ininiã ikara atoko hõerekana ninoa maerekani ininiuana. Kãkiti misiritiko sãpiretiko õti apokasaaki, Sotoma sitatxiti auakani misiritiko auapitika. Iuasaaki Komoha sitatxiti auakani misiritiko auapitika. Iuaritika sitatxi auakani hĩte mapakapakani misiritaãkako apiata iuasaaki."} {"eng": "He could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them.", "apu": "Ininiã iuaã kona ikamari iposotiire apiari. Iuako itaka ãtikaka amianatakani nopini, ininiã amianatakani erekapeka itxĩkitaka."} {"eng": "He marveled because of their unbelief. He went around the villages teaching.", "apu": "Itsorĩkaãta, kotxi iuaã auakani !auikari isãkire. Ininiã iua tõpa isari aapokotximoni. Oerekarauata iuaã. Eereka isari apanakini aapokotxitimoni. Iuaĩkana oerekarauata. Itxaãpota iuaãtaã."} {"eng": "When the Sabbath had come, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many hearing him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things?” and, “What is the wisdom that is given to this man, that such mighty works come about by his hands?", "apu": "Tomatiko õtisaaki iua oerekari kãkiti aiko Xoteo apotiitiniãtaãua. Xesosi sãkire kenakotakani tsorĩkaãta. Itxana: —Nanipa apaiaõkarauata, ikara atoko imarotini? Kipa oerekari imarore? Ikamakiti oerekari apiata imarore aua. Kininiãpa ĩkora atoko itxa posotiireta?"} {"eng": "Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James, Joses, Judah, and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” So they were offended at him.", "apu": "Ate imarotari iua, kotxi aapokotxi kamakari itxaua iua. Maria ãkiri iua. Iua itariakori Txiako, Xosee, Xota, Simão pakini itariakori itxauana. Itaroakoro apaka aua uai, ininiã ate imarotari iua —itxana. Ikara xika kona ninoa auikari isãkire."} {"eng": "He allowed no one to follow him except Peter, James, and John the brother of James.", "apu": "Xesosi auiritana Petro, Txiako, Txiako itari Xoão pakini sini iuakata. !Auiritana apanakini sini iuakata."} {"eng": "He came to the synagogue ruler’s house, and he saw an uproar, weeping, and great wailing.", "apu": "Ninoa apokasaaki Xáiro aapoko, kãkiti iuaãtaã auakani !imarotarina ikamakitina. Ikinipoko kãkiti txiapanãta, akiripoakanãtana."} {"eng": "having heard the things concerning Jesus, came up behind him in the crowd and touched his clothes.", "apu": "Okenakoenetakasaakiri Xesosi napini, osari iuamoni. Omaãtakari imãka,"} {"eng": "For she said, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be made well.”", "apu": "kotxi oamoni: “Nimaãtakiniãri imãka, iuasaakiika erekapekano,” otxanãta oxinikakiti."} {"eng": "and crying out with a loud voice, he said, “What have I to do with you, Jesus, you Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, don’t torment me.”", "apu": "Akiripoakata: —Xesosi, Teoso ãkiri pitxaua. Apiananiri ãkiri pitxaua. Kipa pinireka nota ĩkapani? Teoso uãkaã namanaãi pite, kona pimisiritapeno —itxa maerekati matamatakoti."} {"eng": "For he said to him, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!”", "apu": "Ikara atoko itxa kotxi Xesosi paniãtari: —Maerekati matamatakoti pisipeka. Pitakanapari ere kiki —itxari."} {"eng": "When he had come out of the boat, immediately a man with an unclean spirit met him out of the tombs.", "apu": "Xesosi kanĩkiĩtakasaaki, kiki ina iuamoni. Iua akauariãtaã auakari."} {"eng": "He lived in the tombs. Nobody could bind him any more, not even with chains,", "apu": "Iuaãtaã iua auanãta. Kãkiti !iposotari iĩtxikiniri iua. Iĩtxikare metao kamakori karakitapekata."} {"eng": "because he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been torn apart by him, and the fetters broken in pieces. Nobody had the strength to tame him.", "apu": "Kaiãokatani kãkiti ĩtxikari iuako, ikiti pakini metaoã, txamari ikakarakitsatari metao. !Apakata kãkiti nĩkatiniri iua."} {"eng": "Always, night and day, in the tombs and in the mountains, he was crying out, and cutting himself with stones.", "apu": "Ĩkanõka, pokamara pakini ixirataãtaã akiripoanãta akauari auiniãtaã. Kai soroã iuaka ikisauakitataua."} {"eng": "A big wind storm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so much that the boat was already filled.", "apu": "Ĩpiriãtakasaakina ĩtima kataparari apoka ninoamoni. Tsakati kataparari, ininiã ãparaã ierepeẽpokataua kanaua ãki. Kanaua sakikaariãpotape."} {"eng": "He himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and asked him, “Teacher, don’t you care that we are dying?”", "apu": "Iuasaaki Xesosi ikapokiãmoni imakanãta. Isirimata nopini imakanãta. Ninoa õpirĩkari iua: —Kona pimaãkataua ate. Kona pitiretataua? Apinanapanoka —itxana."} {"eng": "He said, “God’s Kingdom is as if a man should cast seed on the earth,", "apu": "Apikomoni Xesosi txari: —Teoso auĩtetxi ininiãua kiki takariki taãkari atoko itxa."} {"eng": "and should sleep and rise night and day, and the seed should spring up and grow, though he doesn’t know how.", "apu": "Itakarauata. Imaka ĩkanõka. Ãti iparĩka ikama pokamara. Iuasaaki itakare pitxakapeka. Kona iua imarotari otomorekini."} {"eng": "For the earth bears fruit by itself: first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.", "apu": "Merepanika otomoreka. Iposo atoko opitxaka. Eereka opa aua."} {"eng": "But when the fruit is ripe, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”", "apu": "Oaneẽpeka onakasaaki katakareri makoapataro, kotxi oamiko manapipeka itxa. Ikara atoko itxa Teoso auĩtetxi ininiãua."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you; and more will be given to you who hear.", "apu": "Xesosi sãkirauatapanika: —Hĩtakaõtxikariko nisãkire. Imakinika hĩkenakotako. Erepaniko pikamakiti ãtimoni, kotxi pite kamakititxikana kamaãka pitemoni. Erepaniko, kotxi apiata ikamaãka pitemoni."} {"eng": "For whoever has, to him more will be given; and he who doesn’t have, even that which he has will be taken away from him.”", "apu": "Teoso sãkire auakiti, iua sãkire kĩpitakari, Teoso sikari apikomoni imaroretxi iuamoni. Txamari Teoso sãkire kenakotakari, isãkire makĩpitakati, imarore xapiti iuamoni auakari makatxakaãkako."} {"eng": "Others fell on the rocky ground, where it had little soil, and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of soil.", "apu": "—Apanakini itakareki irika kai auiniãtaã, kipatxi mauakaniãtaã. Atãoka ipitxaka."} {"eng": "When the sun had risen, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away.", "apu": "Kipatxi poiãoka auiniã atokatxi pataka apokasaaki itxarika. Omakotsani xika osonãka."} {"eng": "He answered them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?”", "apu": "Ininiã Xesosi apakapapireta: —Kiripa nitariakori, ninoro pakini?"} {"eng": "Looking around at those who sat around him, he said, “Behold, my mother and my brothers!", "apu": "Iua atamatana itakote topãkakani: —Hãtamata, uai aua ninoro, nitariakori pakini."} {"eng": "Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter);", "apu": "Ininiã akiritari Simão. Xesosi takauãkatari Simão ãti iuãka. Petro itxaua."} {"eng": "James the son of Zebedee; and John, the brother of James, (whom he called Boanerges, which means, Sons of Thunder);", "apu": "Akiritana Txiako, itari Xoão pakini. Sepeteo anaakori itxauana. Xesosi takauãkatana ninoa Poanexi. Poanexi Popĩkari sãkireẽ “Ikarokirauari anaakori.”"} {"eng": "Andrew; Philip; Bartholomew; Matthew; Thomas; James, the son of Alphaeus; Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot;", "apu": "Akiritana Ãtree, Piripi, Patoromeo, Mateo, Tomee, Txiako pakini. Aopeo ãkiri itxaua iua Txiako. Akiritana Tateo, Simão pakini. Homano omanatakari iua Simão."} {"eng": "and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him. Then he came into a house.", "apu": "Akiritari Xotasi Isikariotxi inakori apaka. Xesosi mĩkapiritakari itxaua iua Xotasi Isikariotxi. Pakini Xesosi akiritakini imoianariakori ininiuana ĩkapani."} {"eng": "He appointed twelve, that they might be with him, and that he might send them out to preach", "apu": "Ininiã iua mereẽna tosi kikiakori iuakata kaikotakani tĩkane, Teoso sãkire sãpiretakani ĩkapani."} {"eng": "and to have authority to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons:", "apu": "Iua sikari iposotiire ninoamoni, amianatakani erekapeka itxĩkitakinina ĩkapani, apaka maerekati matamatakoti omitikinina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "The unclean spirits, whenever they saw him, fell down before him and cried, “You are the Son of God!”", "apu": "Maerekati matamatakoti auakini atamatakasaakiri Xesosi, irikana Xesosi apisatoõ. Akiripoatana: —Teoso ãkiripitikai pite."} {"eng": "He sternly warned them that they should not make him known.", "apu": "Ininiã Xesosi kona auiritana ninoa: “Teoso ãkiripitikai,” ininina."} {"eng": "He spoke to his disciples that a little boat should stay near him because of the crowd, so that they wouldn’t press on him.", "apu": "Ininiã ipaniãtana imoianariakori: —Kanaua himina, kotxi kaiãopokori kãkiti katikaãpotano. Ininiã kanaua ãki niereẽtaua —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "For he had healed many, so that as many as had diseases pressed on him that they might touch him.", "apu": "Iuasaaki kaiãopokori kãkiti erekapeka itxĩkitakapeka. Apanakini amianatakani nirekakari imaãtakinirina Xesosi, erekapeka ininina ĩkapani. Ininiã ikatikaãpotarina Xesosi, kotxi kaiãori kãkiti."} {"eng": "Jesus withdrew to the sea with his disciples; and a great multitude followed him from Galilee, from Judea,", "apu": "Ininiã Xesosi sari Kariréia poamoni. Iuasaaki itori kãkiti Kariréia tixinikini, Xotéia tixinikini pakini sari iuamoni."} {"eng": "from Jerusalem, from Idumaea, beyond the Jordan, and those from around Tyre and Sidon. A great multitude, hearing what great things he did, came to him.", "apu": "Xerosareẽ sitatxitikini, Itoméiakini, Xotão ipiniãkini, Txirokini, Sitoõkini pakini sari iuamoni. Ninoa kenakoenetari ikamakiti, ininiã iuamoni isana."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath day to do good or to do harm? To save a life or to kill?” But they were silent.", "apu": "Iposo atoko ipimaãna iuaã auakani: —Kipa atão Teoso paniãtaua akamini tomatiko õtisaaki? Maerekati akaminikani? Erekari akaminikani? Ipaniãtataua ãti amakananitini? Ipaniãtataua ãti aõkini? Txamari ninoa !kasãkirena."} {"eng": "When he had looked around at them with anger, being grieved at the hardening of their hearts, he said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was restored as healthy as the other.", "apu": "Xesosi atamatana. Iuasaaki inaiataua, iuaritika imatinaniuata, kotxi ninoa !inirekari atão imarotinina. Ininiã Xesosi txari iua motĩkauakotakari: —Pisirĩkauakota —itxari. Ininiã itamẽkauakota. Erekape itxa iuako."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Did you never read what David did when he had need and was hungry—he, and those who were with him?", "apu": "Ininiã Xesosi apakapapiretana: —Kona hãtatsopatapanikari Taviini kamakiti? Iua, imoianariakorikata natxitakasaaki, kona himarotatari ikamakiti?"} {"eng": "How he entered into God’s house at the time of Abiathar the high priest, and ate the show bread, which is not lawful to eat except for the priests, and gave also to those who were with him?”", "apu": "Iua ĩroã Teoso misãkiretikoãtaã. Apiataa inakori sasetotxi auĩte apiatakari iuasaaki. Iuaã Tavii nikari komiri Teosomoni sikakori. Sasetotxinokara auiritaãka iua komiri inikinina. Apanakini !auiritaãka inikiniri. Txamari Tavii sikari imoianariakori inikinina ĩkapani."} {"eng": "Immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, said to them, “Why do you reason these things in your hearts?", "apu": "Iuasaakipeka Xesosi imarotari ninoa xinikakiti ãkixinireẽna. Ininiã Xesosi txana ninoa: —Kininiãpa ikara atoko hĩtxa xinireta?"} {"eng": "Which is easier, to tell the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven;’ or to say, ‘Arise, and take up your bed, and walk?’", "apu": "Nitxari iua imaerekani nimakatxakini, txamari !himarotari imaerekani atão nimakatxakini. “Põkitikaua. Pisirimata pikoseka, sipe pitxa,” nininiã, iuasaaki himarotari nisãkire atão ininiãua, kotxi hĩtikari. Niposotiire imaerekani nimakatxakini ĩkapani, niposotiire iua nõkitikini ĩkapanitxikana."} {"eng": "He strictly warned him and immediately sent him out,", "apu": "Xesosi iokanatari iua. Iuasaaki isãpiretari iua:"} {"eng": "and said to him, “See that you say nothing to anybody, but go show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing the things which Moses commanded, for a testimony to them.”", "apu": "—Kona pisãpiretapiri apanakini pitemoni nikamakiti. Uatxa merepanika pisa sasetotxiakorimoni. Poerekari piĩto ninoamoni. Eereka pikamariko Moisesini paniãtakiti. Ikara atoko oerekari kãkiti atão erekapeka pinini —itxari."} {"eng": "John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching the baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins.", "apu": "Ikara atoko Xoão kapatxisareri ãparaã makipakaniãtaã aua. Ipatxisatakasaakiri kãkiti, isãpiretari ia pirena: —Hĩtakanapariko maerekati hĩkamakiti. Hĩpatxisataãkako. Ininiã Teoso makatxakariko maerekati hĩkamakiti —itxa Xoão kapatxisareri."} {"eng": "All the country of Judea and all those of Jerusalem went out to him. They were baptized by him in the Jordan river, confessing their sins.", "apu": "Ikinimane kãkiti Xotéia auakani Xerosareẽ sitatxiti auakani pakini sari Xoãomoni isãkire ikenakotinina ĩkapani. Ninoa sãpiretakasaakiri maerekati ikamakitina, ipatxisatana uini Xotão inakoriãtaã."} {"eng": "John was clothed with camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts and wild honey.", "apu": "Xoão takari imãka kamero piti kamakori. Itakari ipakiomatare pirãtxi mata kamakori. Inikari txĩtxiri. Mapaã itxima."} {"eng": "Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.", "apu": "Sĩko ãtokoro kiĩkiterini, sĩko miĩkiteni."} {"eng": "Those who were foolish, when they took their lamps, took no oil with them,", "apu": "Miĩkiteni anikari tirikapi koana, txamari !anikarina tirikapiã."} {"eng": "but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.", "apu": "Kiĩkiterini anikari tirikapi koana. Apaka anikarina tirikapiã."} {"eng": "As the days of Noah were, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.", "apu": "Nota hĩtari iaxitikiri nikanapiriãkasaaki, kitxakapirĩka Noee auakasaaki atoko itxako."} {"eng": "For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ship,", "apu": "Xirataãtxi apisa ikinimane nipokota, iãta itxa. Kiki, sito ĩtaniriuata. Ikara atokokanera itxa Noee maporo ãki iereẽtini õti."} {"eng": "and they didn’t know until the flood came and took them all away, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.", "apu": "Ikara apisa !imarotarina ipininina tĩkane. Mokatanitika xirataãtxi apoka, ikinikana xipoka itxana. Nota hĩtari iaxitikiri nikanapiriãkasaaki, iua atokokanerako itxa, ininiã iposope hĩtxako."} {"eng": "“Then if any man tells you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There!’ don’t believe it.", "apu": "—Iuasaakiko ãti: “Ia kiki Teoso mereẽkiti aiãtapakiti inakari,” inakasaakii, !hãuikapiri. Ãtipekana: “Ikira Teoso mereẽkiti inakari,” inakasaakii, !hãuikapiri."} {"eng": "For false christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.", "apu": "Kotxi apokako kãkiti paxirari kamakari, “Teoso mereẽkiti hiãtapakitino nota,” inakari, “Teoso sãkire sãpiretakari nitxaua nota,” inakari. Ninoa kamariko posotiiretxi kãkiti tsorikitaãtini ĩkapani. Inirekarina kãkiti Teoso mereẽkini imisirienetinina."} {"eng": "“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you devour widows’ houses, and as a pretense you make long prayers. Therefore you will receive greater condemnation.", "apu": "Iuaĩkana Xesosi sãkirauata: —Erepaniko hĩte kaiõkatsoparerinii, pariseoakorii pakini. Hĩsãkire atxiĩti erekari, txamari kona hĩkamari hĩsãkire iaõka. Kinirão ĩroãkari apisapanika aapokotxi tore totakani atoko hĩtxa, kotxi hĩte iotokakari kãkiti Teoso sãkire atão auikini, ininiãkara hĩte iotokakari kãkiti ĩroini Teoso auĩtetxi ininiãtaãua. Hĩte kona ĩroã. Apaka kona hĩte auiritana kinirão ĩroãkani."} {"eng": "“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men; for you don’t enter in yourselves, neither do you allow those who are entering in to enter.", "apu": "Erepaniko hĩte kaiõkatsoparerinii, pariseoakorii pakini. Hĩsãkire atxiĩti erekari, txamari kona hĩkamari hĩsãkire iaõka. Hĩte mixirikari tikinitakoro aapoko. Himisirienetana. Teosokata hĩsãkirauatakasaaki, itori sãkiretxi hĩkama apanakini, “paimatirena” inini ĩkapaninokara. Ikara xika himisiritiko apiatako."} {"eng": "All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet, saying,", "apu": "Kitxakapirĩka Teoso sãkire sãpiretakari sãpiretapekari ikara atoko inakari. Ininiã iua sãpiretakiti kitxakapirĩka atão inakari apokapeka."} {"eng": "“Tell the daughter of Zion, behold, your King comes to you, humble, and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”", "apu": "Iua txari: Hĩtxariko Xerosareẽ auakanimoni: “Hãtamata. Hĩauĩte apokaãpota hĩtemoni. !Kaneenamari. Xomẽta nopini iitopãkanãta. Xomẽta ãkiri nopini isaãpota,” hĩtxako ninoamoni, itxa Teoso sãkire sãpiretakari kitxakapirĩkapeka."} {"eng": "When they came near to Jerusalem and came to Bethsphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples,", "apu": "Xesosi imoianariakorikata imatokoãpotari Xerosareẽ. Apokana Petxipaxee inakori aapokotxiti, õtanoxiratari takote Oriva inakori xiratamoni. Iuaã Xesosi iokanatana ipi imoianariakori aapokotximoni."} {"eng": "saying to them, “Go into the village that is opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me.", "apu": "—Hĩsa ikiraã kaixiti auakari aapokotxitiã. Iuaxiti hãpokasaaki, hãpokaroko xomẽta iaxiriãkoro oimikata. Hĩkoxirikana. Uaimoni mina hĩtxanako."} {"eng": "Therefore the Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.", "apu": "—Apikomoni noerekai papakapiniri kãkiti, maerekati ikamakasaaki pitemoni. Teoso auĩtetxi ininiua patrão ia atoko inakari itxa. Ia patrão nirekari initiriakori iĩkitxitiniri iua."} {"eng": "When he had begun to settle, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents.", "apu": "Ininiã iua iaõtaro txineiro isikakitopeka. Iuasaaki initiri minaãka iuamoni. Mitxipeka iua patrão sikari tesi mirão txineiro ota iua initirimoni. Txineiropokoni. Oa txineiro isikasaaki, itxari initiri: “Ãti õti iuaĩkana pisikano oia nitxineirote,” itxari initirimoni. Txamari, !isikaro, kotxi !oãuaika."} {"eng": "See that you don’t despise one of these little ones, for I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.", "apu": "—Ikinipoko amarini pipaxitako, kotxi niri tixine aua niri nitiriakori. Ninoa nĩkatari amarini. Niri apisatoõ ãtipirika initiriakori auapika, ininiã kãkiti mapaxitakaniãri amarini, isãpiretarina niri."} {"eng": "For the Son of Man came to save that which was lost.", "apu": "Nota hĩtari iaxitikiri napoka ĩkorapokoriti kãkiti pĩpinanaãkani atoko inakani napokini ĩkapani, kotxi !imarotarina Teoso kimapore."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Because of your unbelief. For most certainly I tell you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.", "apu": "Ininiã Xesosi: —Kona atãoni hãuikari nisãkire, ininiã kona hĩposotari homitikiniri iua. Atãoenepitikara nisãpiretai hĩte. Mostata iki axapitikiri. Axapitipitika nisãkire hãuikiniã, mostata iki atoko nisãkire hãuikiniã, hĩposotari ia õtanoxiratari hĩpaniãtini: “Pite oxiratari, uai posipika, ikaimoni pisa,” ininiã oxiratari sapitikamako. Hĩte posotari ikinipoko hinireẽkiti hĩkamini."} {"eng": "But this kind doesn’t go out except by prayer and fasting.”", "apu": "Txamari himamisãkiretakaniãri Teoso, hinipokotini himatakanapakaniã Teoso himisãkiretini ĩkapani, ininiãra kona hĩposotari maerekati matamatakoti homitikini —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "They all ate and were filled. They took up seven baskets full of the broken pieces that were left over.", "apu": "Ikinika nipokota. Kamitopeka itxana. Imoianariakori xãpokakari setxi kotari nipokori itetakori."} {"eng": "Those who ate were four thousand men, in addition to women and children.", "apu": "Ipi ipi pakini mio kikiãkini nipokotapeka, apaka sitoãkini, amarini pakini."} {"eng": "For Herod had arrested John, bound him, and put him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife.", "apu": "Mitxi Erotxi paniãtari Xoão kapatxisareri iaxirikiko, itari Piripi ĩtanoro xika. Ouãka Erotxia. Oomanatari Xoão, ininiã itakaãka kateia ãki."} {"eng": "For John said to him, “It is not lawful for you to have her.”", "apu": "Mitxi Xoão kapatxisareri txari Erotximoni: —Kona erekari pitari ĩtanorokata pisirĩkini. !Apakata pikamakiti —itxa."} {"eng": "So it will be in the end of the world. The angels will come and separate the wicked from among the righteous,", "apu": "Xipokatxi õtisaaki ikara atoko itxa. Teoso nitiriakori mereẽriko kãkiti. Mapara itakarina erekarini. Mapara itakarina maerekani."} {"eng": "and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”", "apu": "Ininiã xaminamoni okanako kãkiti maerekati kamakani. Iuaã itxiĩtana. Akerakitatsiriĩtauana, kotxi patsiiri."} {"eng": "“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.", "apu": "—Iteene minari atoko itxa himaerekani. Hinireka hĩtakanapiniri iua, txama !hĩposota hĩtakanapiniri. Hĩsãpakiniã himaerekani xika, hina notamoni hĩtomatini ĩkapani. Iuasaaki nimakatxakari himaerekani."} {"eng": "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you will find rest for your souls.", "apu": "Hĩtakariko nipaniãtakiti hãkixinireẽ. Hãpaiaõkariko nota pirena. Erekapitikari hãpaiaõkiniri ninirekakiti, kotxi kona kaneenamano. Kona nota napetari kãkiti. Niuikiniua !auari. Ikara atoko ininiã, hĩxinire tomatapitika."} {"eng": "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”", "apu": "Hĩposotapitikari nipaniãtakiti hĩkamini, notakata hĩparĩkauatiniã. Nipaniãtakiti !kasãpaniri. Kona kamimari. Peerekari nipaniãtakiti —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "For I came to set a man at odds against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.", "apu": "Nota apokini xika imi omanatana iri, inoro pakini, kotxi ninoa auikari nisãkire. Tiĩrotxi omanataro oimakiro, kotxi ãto omanatano nota, ãto tiretano nota."} {"eng": "A man’s foes will be those of his own household.", "apu": "Iuasaaki pinirimane pimokaiakarinikarako itxauanako."} {"eng": "Therefore don’t be afraid of them, for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.", "apu": "—Ininiã kona !hĩpĩkapena ninoa maerekati kamakani, kotxi nota kanapiriãkasaaki, kona kipatakori auapanika. Ikinika imarotaãkako."} {"eng": "What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in the ear, proclaim on the housetops.", "apu": "Hĩtemoni ĩkanõka nimaasakapiretakiti, ikara nisãkire hãkiripoakatako aapokotxi nopini imakinika kãkiti imarotiniri ĩkapani. Uatxa hĩtemoninani nisãpiretakiti ãti õti ikinimanemoni hĩsãpiretako."} {"eng": "Don’t be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.", "apu": "Kona hĩpĩkapena hiĩto okakani, kotxi !iposotarina hĩxinire okinina. Hĩpĩkariko Teoso, kotxi iuanokara posotari iokanatinii hĩte, hiĩto, hĩxinire pakini maerekani misiritikoãtaã. Iuara hĩpĩkako."} {"eng": "“Aren’t two sparrows sold for an assarion coin? Not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.", "apu": "—Ipi kotipiriki ĩki poião, ãtika txineiro otanoka. Iuaritika hĩri iaxiti auakari tiretana ninoa. Imauiritakaniãri, kona ãtika ipina."} {"eng": "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.", "apu": "Kipakinipa piãko pikiiã auakari aua? !Pimarotari. Teoso imarotapitikari, kotxi iteene inĩkatai, ininiãkara !hĩpĩkarauatape."} {"eng": "Therefore don’t be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows.", "apu": "Kotipiriki ĩki poião, iuaritika Teoso tiretari kotipiriki. Ininiãkara kona hĩpĩkarauatape. Kaiãopokori kotipiriki auiniã, iuaritika hĩte ĩki apiata, ininiã Teoso tiretapitikai hĩte —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "“A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his lord.", "apu": "Iuaĩkana Xesosi sãkirauata: —Apaiaõkarauatakari poião. Koerekareri apiata. Apaka nitiritxi poião. Iauĩte apiata."} {"eng": "It is enough for the disciple that he be like his teacher, and the servant like his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more those of his household!", "apu": "Apakatapitika apaiaõkarauatakari koerekareri imarotakiti iaõka imarotini. Iua atokokanera nitiritxi iua auĩte atoko inini. Apanakini akiritano nota “Peosepoo,” Satanasi inakori. Ininiã itakauãkatai hĩte hĩuãka apia maerekati, kotxi nota anaakorirai hĩte —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "Into whatever city or village you enter, find out who in it is worthy, and stay there until you go on.", "apu": "—Sitatxi hãpokasaaki, hinitari kãkiti Teoso sãkire kenakotakani, hĩte apakapakani. Hĩkaikota ninoakata. Eereka kona hĩsipe ãti aapokomoni hĩkaikotini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "As you enter into the household, greet it.", "apu": "Aapokotxi ãki hiĩroãkasaaki, hĩtxako: “Erekari Teoso sikakiti kaikotako hĩtekata,” hĩtxako."} {"eng": "Don’t take any gold, silver, or brass in your money belts.", "apu": "Kona hanikapero txineiro oro kamakoro. Pirata kamakoro, ãtião txineiro apaka, kona hanikape."} {"eng": "Take no bag for your journey, neither two coats, nor sandals, nor staff: for the laborer is worthy of his food.", "apu": "Uatxa hianaxititakasaaki, sako mata !hanikape. Ãti himãka !hanikape. Ãti hĩkiti mata kona hanikape. Hĩtsonere !hanikape. Kona himaãkapeua, kotxi parĩkauatakani apakapariko nipokori. Hinirekakiti apokapitikako."} {"eng": "Behold, a woman who had a discharge of blood for twelve years came behind him, and touched the fringe of his garment;", "apu": "Isikasaakina, sito apoka iua porikimoni. Oamianare oãrẽka !iotokiniãro. Tosikanani oamianatini. Oãpokasaaki, omaãtakari imãka imapotomatare."} {"eng": "for she said within herself, “If I just touch his garment, I will be made well.”", "apu": "Oãkixinireẽ otxa: —Imãka nimaãtakiniã, erekape nitxako —otxa. Ininiã otikakari imãka."} {"eng": "“Enter in by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in by it.", "apu": "Iuaĩkana Xesosi sãkirauata: —Teoso tixine hiĩroã axapitiri ĩronakikoãtaã. Mitari ĩronakikoãtaã sikari sari maerekani misiritikoãtaã. Iua kimapori mitari, kotxi itomaneri kãkiti sari iuaã."} {"eng": "How narrow is the gate and the way is restricted that leads to life! There are few who find it.", "apu": "Axapitiri ĩronakikoãtaã, kimapori axapitiri. Iua apo sari auapininiika inini tixinemoni. Iua kimaporiti axapitiki, kotxi poiãoka kãkiti sari iua kimaporiti —itxa Xesosi."} {"eng": "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but don’t consider the beam that is in your own eye?", "apu": "Ikara ia atoko. Pisãpiretari ãti: “Aãsoro aua poki ãki,” txamari kona pimaãkatari aãtxirata pite oki ãki auakari. Kinirepa ikara atoko inakari pikama?"} {"eng": "Or how will you tell your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye,’ and behold, the beam is in your own eye?", "apu": "!Apakata pisãkire pitarimoni: “Pauiritano aãsoro poki ãki auakari nimakatxakini.” Ikara atoko pininiã !erekari, kotxi aãtxirata aua pite oki ãki."} {"eng": "You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye.", "apu": "Maerekati kamakarii pite, kotxi pikamakiti erekari atxiĩti, txamari maerekatinoka pixinikakiti. Pimakatxakariko aãtxirata pite oki ãki auakari merepanika, ininiã eereka apakata patamatiniri aãsoro pitari oki ãki auakari pimakatxakini. Ikara oerekaua piteka maerekani auakasaaki, pitakanapariko piteka maerekani, ininiã eereka apakata pimoianatiniri ãti iua maerekani itakanapini ĩkapani."} {"eng": "Why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They don’t toil, neither do they spin,", "apu": "—Kinirepa maerekaxiniretinoka pitxa pimãka pinirekini xika. Aãui pixinikako. Kona aãui parĩkauata. !Ikamari imãka, iuaritika aãui peereri."} {"eng": "yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of these.", "apu": "Kitxakapirĩka auĩtetxi Saromão inakori, iteene katiiri itxaua. Kaiãori imãka ereri, iuaritika apia ereri ikinika aãui."} {"eng": "“Don’t lay up treasures for yourselves on the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break through and steal;", "apu": "Iuaĩkana Xesosi sãkirauata: —Maxikatiĩka kona papotiitapiri pitiretakiti uai auakari, kotxi atxiĩti kamara nikari pitii. Atxiĩti oerẽkata. Atxiĩti kiĩtiriri ĩtirĩkari iua."} {"eng": "but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consume, and where thieves don’t break through and steal;", "apu": "Ikara atoko kona pikamape. Papotiitariko pitiretakiti Teoso tixineẽ, kotxi iuaã !auari kamara. Iuaã tiitxi !oerẽkata. Kona ixipoka. Kiĩtiriri !ĩtirĩkari iua."} {"eng": "They, having heard the king, went their way; and behold, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them until it came and stood over where the young child was.", "apu": "Erotxi sãkire ikenakotakana atoko, ipotorikana. Iõriki atokatxi pokĩkinimoni itikakitona ĩkiika. Anikana Xesosi auinimoni. Iuaãtaã oa iõriki iotoka."} {"eng": "When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.", "apu": "Ninoa atamatakasaakiro iõriki, iteene ipoxokoniuatana."} {"eng": "Now all this has happened that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying,", "apu": "Apikomoni Teoso nitiri txari: —Ikara atoko inakari auapeka, kotxi kitxakapirĩka Teoso sãkire sãpiretakari sãpiretapekari ikara sãkiretxi."} {"eng": "“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall give birth to a son. They shall call his name Immanuel,” which is, being interpreted, “God with us.”", "apu": "Kitxakapirĩka ia atoko itxa: Hĩkenakotari. Sito kikikata masirĩkato mixiuatako. Auako oimi. Itakauãkataãka Emanoeo inakori —itxa Teoso nitiri Xoseemoni. “Emanoeo” popĩkari sãkireẽ “Teoso atekata aua.”"}