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{"text":"it feels pretty full to me","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"layer three is really like joyous","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"but it was not the overriding sensation thats experienced so just thought oh definitely not close to layer three where were in layer two here and thats good","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"youve got you have a sense of spaciousness","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"and even if different qualities can arise some of which may feel like a contraction or a density or a center that experience itself is still arising as part of the singular field of experience that is nondual","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"um then layer two can be very powerful for that because sometimes","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"theres fullness at another point","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"the disappearance of the presence and all of that","label":3,"label_text":"LAY4"}
{"text":"higher concentration higher speed","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"so what youre describing there is primarily rootedness in layer one which might be happening in location one","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"i developed a sense of that and now it just feels like life is so luscious like everything is just vibrating and rich and juicy and yum and and thick and delicious so almost overwhelmingly","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"vastness and the spaciousness","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"messiness thats at layer one","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"youve got sort of a watcher thing that is a meta perspective sort of a meta cognitive perspective","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"it was just feeling kind of centerless but now its feeling like there is some kind of um a feeling of connected fullness","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"i dont know and theres still theres an awareness that never goes away that im not this right this is well this is a way to interact and interface and uh but its an extraordinarily confining uh oh compression so you know i really i really value the research orientation of your work which is what drew me to the body of your work and ive been trying to fit myself into the matrix because i know that theres lots of excellent data in it and honestly i just im struggling against the binary distinctions it feels odd","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"kind of empty and full and clear","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"and so you know and even like you know its not often that someone uses the word felt like hell right being constantly frustrated upset at everything you know as a result of the intensity of you know trying to reprogram your system decondition your system you know all of that and so clearly youve got a lot of stuff down there at layer one that that wants to anchor you there","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"everything is just you know arising","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"i am the fullness","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"no sense of reality imposing of to you","label":3,"label_text":"LAY4"}
{"text":"associating stillness with focus","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"experience of fullness","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"you know you can focus on the layer two stuff spacious emptiness all that you can focus on the layer two stuff and then you know","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"main motivation problem seems to be gone","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"so youre i would say youre in location two layer two","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"and just coming down to layer one in","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"location four and thats whats providing that richness you know of that experience and so its although there can still be you know a sense of presence found in the experience and stuff like that its like an alien type of presence compared to you know what someone experienced up to that and its going to you know youre typically speaking youre going to lose access to it in a matter of weeks and root more into just layer four and location four","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"but there are it feels like a program is running you know with sensations that are sensed through this system so collapsed or localized maybe into this system for sensory purposes but the locating the source of that program you know its very mysterious","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"three collapses","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"the main thing was a sense of a kind of strong gravitational pull","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"even feeling that space was just jarring","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"there was no choice and it kept unfolding","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"its beingness","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"i must have progressed into layer four","label":3,"label_text":"LAY4"}
{"text":"passive peaceful quality of layer three","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"looking out","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"permeating everything","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"for the most part you might be touching on you know an aspect of layer three if theres really a strong sense of aliveness thats not just in the body but thats pervading you know that spaciousness or that space so the space has a quality of being infused with aliveness if thats your experience then that may be touching on you know beginning to have a smear of layer three","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"frankly and i havent had experiences like that with the exception of one in the last month i dont really have experiences like that anymore but i do sometimes wonder if im kind of when some conditioning is triggered im getting pulled back into layer one theres more discreet conventional kind of emotional experience and then im able to kind of like slingshot back into location three sometimes i have to be more intentional sometimes it feels just like boom boom ive gone in and out really quick other times i think i have to be more intentional about it and i have to it wheres the peace wheres the love wheres that sense of you know god or the divine and then you know i can transition back pretty quickly","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"it feels very still and also very spacious","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"layer two and one in terms of your sense of","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"feeling increasingly comfortable with being spaciousness instead of being a body mind","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"no it feels like its over there trying to poke in","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"layer three so that when you use a tool like unprovoked happiness","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"it feels like space is the foundation or the base or the transparency","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"the conditioning definitely seems to be something that is keeping you anchored to a much more shallow experience of layer one","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"you know whats interesting is it feels it feels like this might sound kind of weird it feels full on this side and it feels spacious on this side and it feels um","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"like no sound at all","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"probably was and then you know you can always of course remember that right um and so you know if if right now what feels like is happening is that union you know dissolving however we want to think about it kind of thing right um it doesnt mean that you cant remember the other thing","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"deep experience of of layer two where you feel you are the spacious emptiness","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"because i feel like i should probably because i noticed the the other day when i was like oh i should this is not going to work i need to come out of this location for thing it was to location to layer three that i popped down to","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"i would say pull down to layer one","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"layer three of location two um in that direction","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"um the connected feels a little bit more rooted and grounded um like theres a little bit more focus on and the energy directly within and around my","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"emptiness in a way and a degree of sort of stillness and silence that is more rooted in somewhere in layer two","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"layer two is a sense","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"the arms are much better thats that thats scared the shit out of everyone around me and i only had like an afternoon of being concerned and then it just went away and i was right back into that was probably the last time i was in layer one","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"it sounds like your your sense of self is really centered in layer three","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"thats a big difference to miss switching between those two types of things versus just getting to sort of that more subtle feeling of more individuated sense of self at layer one of location two","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"mix of personal and impersonal emotion whether people can sense that or not depending on how deep they are","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"well if i have to make a choice i would say lets keep at location two layer three for now","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"pervading sort of fullness presence","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"but i can see layer one acting i can i can see the mind doing its things of analyzing and planning","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"in all likelihood","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"i dont","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"a really strong grounding in layer two","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":" bare stillness","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"i dont feel like i cant be in layer three around andrea right now it doesnt actually feel like its problematic at this moment i sort of feel like yeah i feel like the the conditioning at this point is largely historical but yeah i mean its definitely its shes shes still got sort of what i would describe as her externalized superego conditioning that comes active from time to time and that that is always very that can pull me right down into layer one i think i mean when i say pull me down i dont mean i start reidentifying but just like im in that place where like you know","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"mind is still there","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"sense of beingness","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"inner joy or aliveness or love","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"the totality that was that was the experience","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"its more like that the way you describe layer four when its experienced from layer three is being like this sense of a deep mystery behind it all and you know its like my mind cant grasp it and but i sense it","label":3,"label_text":"LAY4"}
{"text":"i dont get the sense people describe of things being really big","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"and its almost like im getting round up im getting corralled into being a me as the thoughts come and so theres no me at all when i wake up and it gets created so thats very clearly not there when i wake up","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"i feel like normal","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"identification that can occur at the layer one experience","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"layer four is obviously the home base of location four","label":3,"label_text":"LAY4"}
{"text":"silence is another big one","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"no possibility of anything beyond it or any thing being outside of it","label":3,"label_text":"LAY4"}
{"text":"thoughts are often very brief or half formed","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"and thats that motion still field of presence that is aware that is experiencing the field of spaciousness you know emptiness it makes the experience possible or illuminates the experience so that could be a helpful way of of deepening into layer three from layer two if that resonates with you dont think necessarily it does for everyone but it can be a very useful point for some people thought it might cool","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"location three layer one","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"and so you know you have an opportunity to communicate to your system that youre a little bit more friendly with leaving access to layer one","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"thing that individual sense of self you know that has an identity at layer one even in location two","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"glimpsing layer four","label":3,"label_text":"LAY4"}
{"text":"location two layer two","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"from close to that place and kind of maybe sync zoom in a bit but you can essentially live probably a lot of your life from a place like that","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"sensation which is separate to other universe mind bodies in a sense this is where ive got to be very careful because you know with the with the medicine journeys like the and i dont know whether this is the different like layers locations and so on but ive had so many different experiences there","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"it s not what a am there s no continuity between me and that spaciousness i can feel some spaciousness maybe but there s no continuity between me and that and that would be fine that would be a location one layer two type experience","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"experience of spaciousness that youre experimenting with the sense of some emptiness that you can get when you close your eyes","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"layer two kind of spacious nonduality experience","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"presence which some love","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"yeah so youre youre getting a deep experience of layer three and you only get that when you close your eyes","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"like i felt everything kind of like drop into like layer one so i feel much more like actually as the personality","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"via layer four","label":3,"label_text":"LAY4"}
{"text":"very rich and very full you know complete","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"there isnt a looker here","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"total spaciousness","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"so you can sort of sink into deeper layers if you want of layer three where that center starts to drop away um and is there a what is the experience of stillness or silence um at layer three for you","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"rather than just having a really deep experience of layer three in location two where theres still nondual experience for divine","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"its the its really the pervasive sense of presence and that and that fullness penetrating things and whatnot that were that were primarily looking for is the hallmarks more of a layer three","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"false identities","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"i had another experience when i was doing the 45 days course where i was less functional at work none of you can throw some light on this i i seem to get caught in not being able to think actually which is a bit of a problem because you know as a therapist you do need to plan the session you need to bring the session to a conclusion you need to strategize you need to be thinking about what the client needs and all i could do was respond to what they just said for the whole session","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"and sometimes watching patients do the same and you know i cant i cant cant say that to them of course oh my god just just being silly yeah so yeah it definitely and you know i can remember years past when no way would i have been able to do that no way it would have been fully in it and just playing the whole thing out and now even after maybe a kind of a biggest kind of fight with my husband you know ten minutes later ive caught myself laughing which im not going to admit to him but i was because it was just stupid it was silly it was no point to it","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"and when i go deeper into layer two there is also this really deep sense of quietness its like an inner silence and an outer silence","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"fluid to layer one","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"is the fullness located just in your body","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"and so leave it activated and go to layer two and you know sink in with fundamental wellbeing with sort of a worst case scenario like that it doesnt have to be worse worst worst case you get the idea it can be different scenarios different ideas you know youre probably not going to be like oh no this is absolutely what would happen so you know ballpark kind of thing um and coat and sink in fundamental well being you know and deeply from your layer two perspective while that is active and let layer twos fundamental wellbeing work its magic on the conditioning that is there that is causing that fear that is causing that whatever","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"under huge dome","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"layer one feels like there is more thoughts thoughts can be stickier like more often thoughts come up and then the mind gets like gets on that thought train and just stays there for some time and its and and also the the conditioning comes up more often for the body","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"the sense of the divine can absolutely be there in location two and layer three the sense of fullness the sense of presence um all of that can be there so those arent useful differentiators um the primary thing to look for would be the core characteristics of location three in contrast to location two rather than looking at the characteristics of layer three which are the ones youve listed","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"its basically in all likelihood going to be that type of stillness or silence type of focus that will pull you through to the very deepest reaches of layer three","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"desert of emptiness and the massive you know the massive sort of crisis of existence","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"but the other answer the layer one answer is really looking in to each one of these things and getting it to consciously in your system separate from im not going to die","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"layer one is the the well you know the motivational speaker whos whos in fundamental well being","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"layer one a personal sense of self","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"it feels just kind of like it is what it is","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"theres definitely you know ease of access to layer one","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"its inside me and spreads but its also like its everywhere","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"no selfreferential thoughts","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"spaciousness and stillness and emptiness qualities","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"like moving fluid moving aliveness","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"layer three thing when the center falls away","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"there is fullness i do experience fullness","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"layer three because theres the sense of truth","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"real the self","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"sort of then the fullness can start to come in","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"exercise layer one verbal logical rational facility","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"how do i do anything","label":3,"label_text":"LAY4"}
{"text":"dimensional flatness","label":3,"label_text":"LAY4"}
{"text":"from layer three or layer three","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"space thats deceiving everything but its all showing up as one thing","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"deepening into that fullness","label":0,"label_text":"LAY1"}
{"text":"primarily centered in layer three","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"everything is just kind of just there","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"moment to spaciousness emptiness was something that was maybe a little bit further down the road","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"location one layer three for someone whose system is inclined in a certain way is a very strong bridge","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"and just focus on layer two","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"youve had that awareness presence all that thing fall away which happens in more or less layer four","label":3,"label_text":"LAY4"}
{"text":"can feel very energized","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"fullness in the presence","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"term life stuff","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"that makes more sense all right so yeah its a trigger to awareness for some reason yeah okay so it is awareness related methods that youre in good shape there you know thats the majority of people slight majority i mean not like 70 of people or something but yeah okay so thats great um thats thats a good sign that those work for you because those are those are good for especially progression through layer two","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"very full","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"like even when there are like some thoughts and things happening around me and its like my my awareness my attention is more on the silence","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"not nothingness","label":3,"label_text":"LAY4"}
{"text":"theres starting to be more space in that i","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"layer three knows is going to sort of be way way you know way maybe even hidden","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"layer three early part of it is more prominent which its full it overrides the consciousness emptiness","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"sometimes the layer two spaciousness location two layer two stuff comes in spontaneously as a result of just the right environment or circumstances typically relating to the safety thing","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"location to layer two thing","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"attention to when things like the spaciousness and the shift of identity come in around spaciousness and things like that right","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"thats when its sort of more bubbly um more vibrant","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"its there and location two layer three and then the personal side drops off","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"sensing into the situation","label":3,"label_text":"LAY4"}
{"text":"from an apparently loving place","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"sounds like what youre describing is that joy is like a quality thats infusing infusing the what is you","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"i mean its possible to experience like a fullness in layer two","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"so so the negative thoughts will stop and the negative feelings will become sensation and and not its not that uncomfortable anymore i can stay with the sensation for a long time","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"very much in contrast to the emptiness","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}
{"text":"aloneness thing that happens from the emptiness feeling of layer two","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"location four can be brutal and layer two","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"happening within spaciousness or emptiness i guess","label":1,"label_text":"LAY2"}
{"text":"youre experiencing it","label":2,"label_text":"LAY3"}