{"text":"certainly that doesnt preclude you working on layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"feeling of connectedness and union","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"range of affect","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"compassion joy and love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"to be really functional as opposed to location two layer three","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"self referential thoughts continue to go down","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so i can feel for example centreless untouchable and presence i do not feel joy but i can i can feel a lot of stillness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"only reality just unfolding","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"youre deep in location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"fluidity and the highly sensitive person high absorption you know sort of sense is what im","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i need to work and no decisions need to be made","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"changes in goals and motivation and expanded sense of self are more present moment focus","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"the sense of time seems to be fading like past and future seem irrelevant","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"it makes sense that lets say what you mentioned around food and as recognizable feel to it id almost say but again right now it doesnt seem to me like in in the celestial like more the inbetween and but still eat meat but im quite picky to the feel of it and and but the same with anything actually so in that case like that i recognize what you say and there is a sex drive but and how can i describe that its like a little bit with like with thoughts right now like um my testosterone levels are normal and i can see that doing things in my body but its like this this distance i can see things happening moving in the body but its not me if that makes any sense","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"synchronistic unfolding","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"ability to report on the unfolding","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"vastness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"do you stay at sort of more of a dominant place of layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"a sense of stillness is always deeper as you deepen in that direction","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"theres an assumed sense of agency in that i can make a decision i can decide to do something and do it","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"but if not like the usual like in my daily life its more like layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"pan psychic","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"no lines just horizons","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"layer two or and i have had like particularly in gis like a feeling of fullness almost like something thats about to burst or an excited anticipation or potential","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":" not really it feels pretty full it feels more full","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"you know some of the things in terms of location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"that resulted in participants reporting a sense of","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"it yeah it feels its like the space between objects between main objects and the that that things objects are thing that space yeah and if i go a bit deeper when ive been doing like a deeper meditation i get to a point where its there is the center that im like the center","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"this is as far as you can get away perceptually from the experience of the mind and also from the experience of and association with the body in location 1","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"seems like a different kind of stillness than before like this is the real stillness i mean its just one thing after another after another after another um that makes me think you probably have landed in a location four less","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"had no more voice in my head and lost all sense of agency motivationpurpose because everything was fine","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"theres more silence in my system in location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"deepening towards location 3 will result in eventually reaching a point where negative emotions are only rarely experienced","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"but the vibrancy and the richness and the aliveness and fullness and all of that are qualities of layer three those really fall away layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"this single metaemotion itself is a near constant experience and companion at location 3","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location 3 has love that tends more towards the latter","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"no possibility of anything beyond it or any thing being outside of it","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"only single positive","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"like a combination of impersonal or divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location five effects would be more like seeing inner luminescence to things","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"layer one is going to be very present and subjective experience and you know the quality","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"location 8","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"the nonduality the way it showed up","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"um lets stick those aside for now and lets stay with sort of the spacious emptiness thing and also some of the location two qualities","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"layer 2 is accessible in location 4 although it is far from the default and is usually experienced from a deeper layer","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"this notion loses all meaningthere is no inside and no outside no locality or reference point at all","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"sense of merging","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"but if you say do you have emotions and they say no then not surprisingly you inquire into the major components of location for do they have a sense of agency do they did they ever have a divine or panpsychist sense and if so is it gone","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the love joy rich qualities can show up in layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"two is something like a sense of spaciousness or a sense of","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"unity or oneness of two different types","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"perceived is as an allpervading unmoving luminous field that is both the source of experience and which experiences everything","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"sensing glitches","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"and youre using the method that gets people to location four so think you can safely take that to be location for what pulled you out of it","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"and also layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the disappearance of the presence and all of that","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"so we dont really spend time talking about the layer two center","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"laying on of hands healing days","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"at that point thats out of reach in all likelihood unless somehow you come in at a lower layer in location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"layer one is interesting because theres like the active thought with the words the narrative in the head","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"layer four of location four","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"and so thats another practice that you can just keep doing you know see exactly how deep you can get into stillness on the times when youre sick and tired of trying to widen out the aperture or look at what else might be happening just sink into stillness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"commonly perceived all of these layers","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"and so thats a deeper experience of both or of layer two than just directly experiencing it","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"im pretty sure youve been past location six so lets see where how far out you might have gone","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"i do but its but its very sort of quick and quick and its","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 learning transcends books and classrooms life itself becoming the greatest teacher","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"that i dont know how we deserve it and its not even a deserved thing but its there for all of us and its so its so astonishing that im just in awe and in humbleness and thats so thats part of that echo of that experience on mt sinai comes through thats what im thats whats coming through when i receive the eucharist and its not even an echo its pretty strong sometimes","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"intelligence behind it","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"layer 3 can remain accessible in location 4 though usually only the deepest centerless aspects of it","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"probably it would have been associated with maybe union with the bliss or something like that","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"complete simplicity","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"alone","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"returning to layer 1 perceptually for its functional properties can be appropriate and practical at times and in a fluid system where a finder has access to more than one layer access to layer 1 does not need to compromise access to the deeper layers","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"sensing the presence of life and everything rather than feeling like you are all of it or youre pervading all of it","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"but that is in fact our default state of being at least my default state of being for decades possibly yours too if you werent always in fundamental well","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"the thing the thing to keep in mind is that for a system for a layer four location four especially but youre sort of close enough you know youre like a hair away from the thing type system what reading those books will do is basically prime you basically primes the system","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"darkness","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"your love for your wife","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the experience of it can go in the direction of deep stillness and peace which can have very little affect and appear similar to location 4 or the experience can be infused with joy love or even a sense of sacredness or divinity which might appear more similar to location 3 ","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"have positive and negative","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"and in essence what theyve talked their system into doing is having a new habit pattern you know take over as the baseline for where attention is fixated which is why when they can lose fundamental well being and all that really means is their attention is going back to and fixating back on the old habit patterns that they had of the individualized sense of self","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"the richness that appears when you experience the eucharist or sink into those experiences you also have those dimensions of layer three to sink into","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"im there is just a much stronger sense of awareness and its much easier to get distance from from thoughts when im when im not really doing anything like i would like i would go sit and chat with a friend","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location 2 as form of nonduality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"just the space","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"its like im kind of feeling the room that im in for example like literally actually kind of feeling it and theres a sense of ease and and the liveness and and also you know if i relax my perception ive been able to do this for ten 15 years one day it just happened in a moment you know if i relax my perception it feels like im seeing waves of energy so in the room and kind of just perceiving that around people or just you know just looking straight ahead um so i feel like on different levels perceptually im kind of picking up on things there as well and that doesnt feel empty it feels quite full in that sense yeah","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"funny","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer 3 has a quality of allpervading fullness and beingness it tends to be difficult to access within location 1 and the experience typically remains temporary and shallower than at other locations","label_text":"loc1lay3"} {"text":"looking through my eyes","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"im not in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"senseless","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"in location 3 subjective experience tends to default to layer 3","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"might not seem true at all in location","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"youre here now youre in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"experiences of layer two you get the the spaciousness and you also get a sense of emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location for","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so you have a situation where you have you know very early on maybe at age two and a half three and a half four something like that had some motor learning occur or had some sensory processing skill develop","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"its quite unusual for people to really get out of layer one in location one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"in location 2 this is a nondual experience of layer 2that is the perception of separation between subject observer and object observed is dissolvedand so it feels as though one is indistinct from the space in which everything arises and deeper into the layer that one is indistinct from the substance of everything arising as well","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"since ive been in fundamental wellbeing ive been communicating","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"impersonal love sense merging","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i was bouncing back from location four i feel peaceful","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"merger","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"no doer","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the fullness the presence","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"range of emotions these individuals experience becomes increasingly positive and negative emotions become less frequent","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"yeah thats like when i said that like location four is the new two yeah like that obviously theres theres all this stuff happening and how much you know how much of it is just subjective experience and it feels like all these things are in operation doing what they need to do","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"being dogmatic and convinced","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"nothing appears to have individual existence of itself distinctions begin to fade into the flatness which happens increasingly the further out in locations one goes","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"when we used words for it before we went to numbers we used awareness we called it the awareness layer","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"but thought maybe let me put layer one because it obviously was a huge shift when i realized i this presence was everywhere and is everything and everything that id ever read i was now experiencing it except i didnt expect to go into mourning","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"the loss of perceptual access to layer 2 can affect things like dimensionality of perception which becomes progressively flat in later locations","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"very full and rich","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"beyond an experience of being or beingness","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"can seem like a gift","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"an exception to this appears to be fluid late location finders who find their way back to location 3 after having more fully deepened into layer 4 in later locations","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"beyond all opposites","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"and then you can start you know when we start the layer three session","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the fullness and the presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"massive landscape in layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"im not sure if you meant every single layer of layer four for example probably more just like what makes sense and you say for that i need to get to location for layer four","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"rarely there you know when youre in location when youre in what you think is location two layer two thats just the default experience thats rarely the default experience you know that type of thing as well","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"happiness love gratitude joy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the path of freedom remains emotionless the path of humanity","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"perception of the spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"experience of spaciousness that youre experimenting with the sense of some emptiness that you can get when you close your eyes","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"maybe a sense of freedom that simple phrase but kind of has a certain allure to it","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"sense of the nonduality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"lot of joy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"its kind of like its always there regardless of the type of nonduality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"enlightenment","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"and that works out really well if youre christian because obviously youre trying to get to you know location three ideally and you know get the whole union with the divine thing maxed out or even the godhead experience if you go beyond the union with the divine thing and and all of that","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"qualities of love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the ability to love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"increase things like the motivation problem","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"nonduality and location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"its also hard for me to differentiate between this sort of universal love that i feel and im in this really deep romantic relationship with my wife of 45 years and i really love her and so a lot of times i think shes kind of like the focus of this overall love that i feel is she becomes like a focal point for it","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"fundamental wellbeing also does not typically show up as persistent equanimity or bliss in location 1 as some also believe will be the case","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"right now i dont even really like the idea of choosing between going for the path of freedom","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"really busy with the mind","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"love and compassion","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"so it could take between 5 minutes to 30 minutes to i probably have to go through layer two and then start to fill the spaciousness or calm my body and the anxiety and the work stuff down enough","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"richness of the experience","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"layer 1","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"terms of spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"obviously because youre in a sort of shallow ish spot in location one thats not really powerful","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 every drop of rain is a melody a harmonious blend of natures song and the rhythms of existence","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"compassion of location seven its just so touching and heartwarming","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"so a lot of the things that i wrote about later were not even when i was in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"it cant go to layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"that wouldnt have been completely common because i think in location four you do have to be careful of your unconscious biases","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"attitudes and their around praise and love and ascension","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"location two at a period in your life where there were more ups and downs","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"finders typically seem completely normal in social","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"kind of gets remapped onto or with the experience of fundamental wellbeing of that underlying sense of okayness","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"facets such as love are felt as divine or universal or at a minimum impersonal","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"fundamental okayness","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"this can lead to reduced motivation to do things in daytoday life until a new","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"changes in the visual system seem to occur beginning around location 5","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"perceived change in agency","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"density fullness aliveness is","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"that experience is relative to the experience of self and is a positionality or fixation in a perspective or reference point","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"id say it is infused with the layer three experience that im having if i look into it its yes that sense of self is in its in the field its like its like almost i dont know if it contains the field","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"nothing like not much emotion going on","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"okay unprovoked happiness does happen to be the method that is most reliable for getting finders to location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"there there is like a distinct sense of self there when youre in it","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"anxiety","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"especially the ones that involve stories and that this can begin around location 2","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"as someone grows up in fundamental wellbeing and anybody can be anywhere in between you know those two extremes you know youve had a corporate job youve done other stuff so clearly youve been able to function just fine you talk exactly like id expect you to talk in terms of you know these are just shows i put on for other people or basically and theyre kind of automated shows at this point they just sort of come on when they need to come on which of course they would by this point","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"and so if youre deeper in just the spaciousness and youre really sunk into it and whatnot","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"do you feel like its the fullness thats perceiving the spaciousness as in is your sense of what you are remaining kind of rooted in layer three and sort of becoming aware of the spaciousness or emptiness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"what you what youre describing by stepping back may be placing more attention on the layer two qualities that are also in your experience or it might be some shift in terms of where your sense of self is centered","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location 2 they almost exclusively experience positive emotions","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"thats certainly possible i can understand you know a sense of aliveness in the body right being comingled with an aliveness with sort of the aliveness as one of the words or one of the one of the aspects of the sense of presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the breaking of dawn is a daily rebirth an invitation to begin anew with each ray of light a beacon of hope","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"it seems like sort of silence and stillness type of that sort of thing is central to everything that you talk about","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"things are seen with more distance and objectivity and one typically becomes less reactive the downside of this is that it can be a great place to escape the mind and disassociate from psychological conditioning this is usually whats meant when people speak about spiritual bypassing ","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"no mans land","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"by sinking into the qualities of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"mentally quieter","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"there is fullness i do experience fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"not a divine type of love","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"no agency","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"probably your work youre going to be working on deepening into probably layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"but was that experience that you have of the divine presence that you have in location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"spaciousness and stillness and emptiness qualities","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"sometimes emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"its lovely and comforting and it feels like theres a pleasant weight to it theres some sense of weight and pressure but its totally pleasant","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"aliveness yeah the aliveness sensation wouldnt be layer three you know strictly you know it may correlate to layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"you know there are other side benefits you know its but one of the benefits of that system is the authority associated with it you know having someone say okay now this and feeling a sense in the system very much like a christian does and turning something over to jesus or turning something over to christ or something like that right so its up to you to do that in this case and youve seen this a million times and people who have come to you you know hoping to transition to fundamental wellbeing theyve got to give permission to give up their old life","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"seer","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"loss of all separation and the possibility of description from nothing is difficult to get to","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"layer three of location two um in that direction","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"a really strong grounding in layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"presence ever there without the spaciousness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the level of stillness and silence is just like you know another magnitude beyond whats there in layer two so when i feel that it feels like i am that new level of stillness in addition to all the pervasive stuff thats going on too so i think im actually getting there and not sitting back and saying from this spacious emptiness im aware of this other stuff thats going on out there and yet its more still than it was a couple of minutes ago before i made the shift","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"for example if this if i forget to pay attention i might go with the feeling and thoughts for for some time but but once i pay attention i can quickly go back to later two so","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"its very functional","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"things are rewiring at that level and the sense of self is being somehow pulled out of all of that you know and in such a way that even if you go back to like location 2","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"i didnt like it but somewhere in that timeframe i just lost all concern for for speaking and i lost any need to prepare right come out of the management consulting world where we had dry runs of endless powerpoint presentations you know timed right","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"but after the storm is gone i can go back to the calmness and enjoyable ness and","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"i feel like really just im in layer one i think when im busy","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"sometimes i think maybe that is like a layer four glimpse","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"awareness knowingness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"in location 4 participants reported no sense of","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"like it just appears in the whole space versus coming from me or from the center","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"between location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer three is really like joyous","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"that divine love joy","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"doesnt feel like it has an ending feels bigger than the house","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"like i might have been location two or something and then just like glimpse","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"up to date location nine","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":" everything being fully loved","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"this further deepens and increases their immersion in the present moment","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"then the fullness that you mentioned from experiences of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"a finder cannot feel merged with an outside force like god if s he is experiencing nondual perception because the person would not have a sense of anything existing outside of him or herself to merge with","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the mind has a gravity to it in location 1 which usually means that subjective experience defaults to mental activity when a finder is not actively sinking in to deeper layers","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"its not necessarily because its temporary and because the reference point is remaining at layer one um its kind of its not necessarily reflecting on and deepening into the sense of actually being that all pervading presence even though that is your subjective experience if i ask you about it yeah","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"i think having introspect is a bit more i had some i was getting married in may this year so i had some resistance to the idea of progressing beyond layer two or maybe layer three because i felt that it would be doing a disservice to my partner to go into marriage without experiencing love","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"its kind of like a shallow experience of nonduality","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"there was just one thing i wanted to say its interesting listening to the way youre speaking because youll the way youre phrasing your experience by saying theres no me or i disappear or you know theres no self there is actually relative to the reference point of your ordinary sense of self so if you stabilize in layer three and really have that be your sense of self its theres more of a tendency to just say well am you know this kind of all pervading field of presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer three standpoint","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"up through layer three and that location three experience which is where you get such ready access","label_text":"loc1lay3"} {"text":"layer one that you have greatly reduced selfreflexive thought story and past future","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"they theres such an immediacy of presence of in the moment ness that takes over in location for that you would not necessarily have the top end location","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"joy love and the divine as indicatorsjoy is another common indicator that is used as feedback by some in locations 2 and 3","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and you actually had that experience very energetically","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"and when theres that increased activity its kind of covariate with all of that social stuff right and so theres not a desire to you know theres a desire to not have people around because they dont want the individualized sense of self to trigger and all of the emotional stuff around it and it sort of in a way drags them in the wrong direction from a fundamental wellbeing standpoint now conversely if youve been in it since childhood what weve seen are indications that these these same brain structures that develop an individualized sense of self and ordinary people actually develop a non individualized sense of self and a more fundamental wellbeing oriented sense of self right so they can actually be more active just like they would be and someone whos in fundamental wellbeing but that activity is actually you know varied with fundamental wellbeing itself and if you then suppress that activity in some point either with neurofeedback or with brain stimulation or something like that it actually drives them into an individualized sense of self more and they hate it and so its the same brain region but being used completely different ways and we think its just what you know the brain accepted as sort of normal during that developmental process growing up and so youre in a very unique situation because of that you know theres not a huge amount of work thats been done on people that you know that more or less have been in fundamental wellbeing most or all of their life","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"and for most people that are in fundamental well being because most people arent in location four or later or the furthest highest possible reaches of location three where or location two","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"spaciousness and emptiness and thoughts and emotions","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"religious","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"an example of one potential reason relates to personal love for ones child","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"when you remember and theres presence which of which of these two things feels more like the case","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"should i just focus like only on layer two for like a week or two or and then its like trying to because maybe im trying to do too many things sometimes","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"cosmos appears or its just that eternal existence","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"everything just collapses down","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"relying on lists and notes","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"location one of layer two","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"lots of energy","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"will there be a is there when theres a when theres a trigger and you go down","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"its more about spatial spaciousness than emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the full presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"okayness","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"to me that would have been an obscure sounding address very recently but based on your work i would say that for the first time in my life hey ive got an address up here it was always general delivery up until this point","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":" its it sounds like what youre experiencing there is is a is an awareness or an ability to perceive layer one and the sense of self that it generates from wherever youre at","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"layer four and sort of more primed and ready when we make it to that content","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"but certainly very much in the direction of location three so something that you could use to sink back into and bias your system in the direction of location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"first transition","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"most people spend their entire lives pursuing various directions that they think are most likely to give them what they want the underlying motivation for all of this comes from the narrativeself and its stories when it diminishes or goes away their motivation structure dramatically changesup to that point a tremendous amount of wiring in their brain has","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"sense of light","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"this state is difficult to stabilize and will usually either fall back into layer 3 or pull someones system into location 4 where subjective experience naturally centers in layer 4","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"i would have to say probably not its just that i think that the mind gets so active in trying to kind of like very quickly come up with things to say or stuff like that that it can feel like","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"normal person just talking in normal way and then can function very well","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"where i look for for peace as well","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"theres a sense of agency that returns","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so in layer two i dont have any positive nor negative emotion is like very neutral","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"so i think you probably said that in your document but in that experience that sounded like location four probably layer two","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"the sense of perfection experienced in location 4 convinced the process happening within this finder that it did not matter where someone was in life or consciousness it seemed like everything truly was and could only be perfect and that this would be true regardless of whether she remained in location 4 or returned to an earlier location","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the looker or seer self and what is being seen whats outside of the self","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"a feeling that you are the thinker im not sure whether what youre describing is really shifting your identity or whether youre just shifting the focus of your attention to be you know almost entirely occupied with thought or with you know speaking personality aspects and so on so that shift that were looking for if its you know true fluidity to layer one that would mean not only is your attention occupied with the contents of layer one but also the sense of self has moved into layer one like you are the personality you are the thinker you are the one speaking you know generating those","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"i was reading a book describing someones experience at the time that was a type of unity experience um i feel instantly when um when i finished that book that or midway that book that something happened that i experienced a stronger sense of oneness which was the focus of the book and i also experienced the absence of the boundary and that lasted for a few months until from march to september i think","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"pervading sort of fullness presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"just joy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and it can be all kinds of stuff for people and you know location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location two layer three you might find openings especially through that joy over to location three and you can see if that makes sense","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"layer four characteristics","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"background sense that things were","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":" so that you know thats there you know i have excellent night vision you know people will go camping and if we go for a hike and a trail and a dark trail people will have flashlights id be like shut those flashlights off you know and they cant see but i can see its like i can see better without the flashlights on and then a few you know sort of you know issues have been like i would be sitting and the the visual field would say half of my box on the zoom call right would start to fill with light and be just wavy and so half was you know normal and half was was light filled and so that happened a few times so ive had sort of those quirky things dont experience the luminosity i think you mentioned that on the call i kind of see a halo effect but its not the way you youve spoken about things being luminous","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"its very rare its not one of those things that one runs across very often i mean i would be surprised if we run across 100 of them probably at this point out of 10000 people that are in fundamental wellbeing its","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"sense of self","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the clamor of commerce and creativity coexists with a serene acceptance of lifes impermanence","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"so at those moments you know realizing am that that empty untouchable um now um yeah uh emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"in its own universe","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"but if someone has gone to location two ordinarily their default is not going to be location two layer one its probably layer two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"the dominant quality of layer 2 is the sense of allcontaining spaciousness emptiness expansiveness space nothingness openness and so on","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"or even location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location four because i mean like fluidity is the name of the game","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i can see either mean i can feel something i guess i would describe it as magical its like a magical mysterious","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer 1 is not the default layer that people transition to or experience in location 3 however it can remainquite accessible","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"so theres the sort of presence and the emptiness and the spaciousness presence and the spaciousness at the same time um and thats really great","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"non dual perspective","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"problems are really creating triggers and triggers are really increasing the volume so to speak or the energy that layer one has in the system","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"to location 4 finders the words that come out of their mouth and the words that come from the person they are speaking with all seem to originate from the same source","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"possibility of description from nothing","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"highest rate of suicide","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"war zones that occur in the spiritual and religious communities","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"when it when its more intense its more like love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"martinbeen built up in the direction of those desires and the motivations behind them","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"individualized sense of self had been dissolved","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"layer three disappearing and so any sense of presence and richness and aliveness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"experiencing layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"as you probably know are best of love and ascension um also unprovoked happiness but thats also good for location for","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"heightened","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"being nondual","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"i had to relearn to use my body my mind my thinking my heart","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"they may still be working on environmental causes and can be very passionate about helping others reach fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"location 4 finders simply have no interest in investing significant amounts of time doing that","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"some people will experience layer 3 as light using descriptions such as the clear light of being or consciousness or awareness or divinity when this is the case one way it is perceived is as an allpervading unmoving luminous field that is both the source of experience and which experiences everything ","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"default is more silence and more peace and more distance from thoughts and emotions you might be rooted in layer two during those times","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"result in those sorts of characteristics that we have listed underneath location two and the charts and stuff","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"but now if i feel into the spaciousness it doesnt have boundaries it doesnt have it doesnt really end no so the space seems endless","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"ill drift back out to usually like layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"if you the degree to which you want a lot of fluidity is more or less the degree to which youre willing to resist various gravities that show up at different points in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"the ego in lay one is active and attached to things like thinking emotion strategizing and logicing things out believing in itself and its importance and pulling me in with addictive pleasure and pain","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"deep and profound presentmoment experience","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"my body is constantly being expanded perfected tweaked","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"location one i feel a little bit of noise id say and conditioning yeah my conditioning comes to the foreground","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"but you can do a couple of things so you can probe for the visual effects that occur at location five","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"boredom thing","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the craftsmanship of location 1 layer 4 reflects more than skill it embodies the essence of creation a dialogue between maker and material","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"god without it feeling divine","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"it was just feeling kind of centerless but now its feeling like there is some kind of a feeling of connected fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":" when the association with this sense of self falls away the smoothing function also falls away and the distinct parts appear less integrated and related this can be very apparent by the time someone reaches layer 3","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"disassembly and reintegration","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"visual effects and the sensory glitches","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"this will often lead location 1 finders to doubt whether they are experiencing fundamental wellbeing persistently however usually the fluctuations they experience involve changes in depth within location 1 and not in and out of fundamental wellbeing ","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the act of creation whether in art music or words is a dialogue with the divine a channel for universal truth","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"okay cool you said my dominant experience is aliveness impersonal love fullness deliciousness bliss used to be contentment now a more subtle vibration of bliss a lot of lovely sensations feelings energy","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"like that joy is always there","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i guess sort of like a flowing","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"seems like the looker is there looking out your eyes","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"a divine experience","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location three or whatever","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"its kind of a um in terms of deepening into fundamental wellbeing its a little bit more like the teaching its a teaching which is corrective but is not itself an expression of what the truth is","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"i want to say infinite completeness","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":" so like i tend to function at location one in the mind i think but but with the exercise that we did with the introspection exercise um i could sort of feel space around my body um and and or behind my body really like i guess ive got it written down here some of the notes i took um so im feeling of of existing beyond my body um especially the back of my body like the back of my body doesnt exist and this can change so it feels like my my body doesnt exist um can feel like the body this way and and our space im moving through the world","label_text":"loc1lay3"} {"text":"deep into layer 3 it will feel as though it is the substance of everything on the more shallow end layer 3 feels more like an essence or presence infusing experience as though it pervades but is simultaneously independent of everything it feels untouched and untouchable it can also be perceived as have a quality of innate intelligence beyond that of the linear conceptual mind","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"in layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"theres no love version of location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"and layer three is like has a fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"this is partly because one is unable to deepen into it and stabilize in it and partly because it cannot be known objectivelyor even subjectively in the usual sense","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"sense of fullness and presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"costs me energy","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"someone is just watching the process unfold without feeling as though they are doing any of it","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"it doesnt feel differentiated but like it doesnt feel like theres too much of a differentiation between me and the room and so the aliveness that i feel inside of me and my energy i guess is yeah i dont i dont see a clear distinction between that and whats going on around me","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"in location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"lots of love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"was able to settle back into fundamental wellbeing after it got shaken up","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"emotional strength and or stickiness of narrativeself related thoughts","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"you have a very undifferentiated experience of presence and of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"psychic sensing stuff","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"mind is mostly silent","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"it all is just there","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"it feels like theres no becoming it or no entering it","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"having vanished for these participants","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"mathematically inclined minds","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"infusion of energy","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"but when i met a person i just recall what love felt like","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i notice those visual effects that i described when i was in location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"the first which will be referred to as the path of freedom pof","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"there are a handful of sects that directly focus on location 4 and even 5","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"looker or a seer","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"so that makes a lot of sense okay so lets then think about location three lets see if we can find a location three type experience in layer three","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"what about a sense of being in union with something either the divine or you know like an all conscious presence of sorts but not being one with it not being it right yeah but being you know sort of increasingly merging in with it","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"top end of location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the experience of everything is reduced to raw sense data and it feels as though it is all just existence unfolding spontaneously","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"it feels like i am this empty space or openness i like openness just this openness kind of thing yeah","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"i have consistent access to joy and equanimity at minimum but im always like its fantastic","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"persistent nonsymbolic experience","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"youve gotten a lot of distinctions in your own sort of conscious experience","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"do not report feeling any divinity at all","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"so it would be to do the charmed life version of the layers and locations mastery and but to explore fundamental wellbeing in general","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"thoughts as well as a continued reduction in the","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"conditioning","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"panpsychist sort of love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"moments of prayer","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"from an apparently loving place","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"space thats deceiving everything but its all showing up as one thing","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"so thats awesome and then beyond that you are interested in potentially also getting fluid to location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the nature of self and other is much subtler in location 3","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer one in lay one is existential focusing on meaning and purpose with thought streams and highs and lows in energetic variation allconsuming and able to block access to perception of other levels","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"fullness is three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"talk about feeling that they extend beyond their body","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"sense of beingness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"there is an ever greater depth of stillnesssilence and an incomparable quality of freedom and peace which is the classical freedom from suffering pursued by spiritual traditions for millennia","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"centerless beingness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"non sensory perception of layer three that youre calling an aliveness or or vibratory quality in everything thats not localized in the body then that can be an experience of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"direction","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"we havent heard anything i havent heard anything that you know sort of makes me think otherwise you know i agree it is a it is a bit of a hitch right because if you do mention that because of the strength of the habit and the system of the eyes and the looking out and the fact that that probably actually is how visual perception is working of course yeah um and all of that it becomes very easy to sort of reconstitute it but its its reconstituted typically in a situation like this in such a light way","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"being concerned with meaning and purpose","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"especially the more i talk and interact and engage thats usually the place that i speak from","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"because thats a tough place to be so if you and they doubt probably and they often doubt that they are even in fundamental being at that point because its such a difficult place to be it feels like they left fundamental wellbeing and entered a dark night of the soul of some kind","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"location three is where its separate","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"less of the love but it was this sense of","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"um the you know the sense of the divine can absolutely be there in location two and layer three the sense of fullness the sense of presence um all of that can be there so those arent useful differentiators um the primary thing to look for would be the core characteristics of location three in contrast to location two rather than looking at the characteristics of layer three which are the ones youve listed","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"stillness or silence that you can possibly sense in in layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"mature","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"spacious emptiness thing","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so tell me about when you think you switched to location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"i dont feel like i cant be in layer three around andrea right now it doesnt actually feel like its problematic at this moment i sort of feel like yeah i feel like the the conditioning at this point is largely historical but yeah i mean its definitely its shes shes still got sort of what i would describe as her externalized superego conditioning that comes active from time to time and that that is always very that can pull me right down into layer one i think i mean when i say pull me down i dont mean i start reidentifying but just like im in that place where like you know","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"because its actually not that hard to influence someone thats in location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i think you have to be very careful in taking a peak experience from prior to fundamental well being and trying to sort of parse it and find sort of different aspects of fundamental well being in it because youre bringing the and its its its everyone does it i think you know that has had these experiences that what sets us off on this journey right i mean these temporary experiences whether they were in drugs or whether they were just happening out of the blue for someone theyre often sort of what sets people off on a journey like this","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"union with","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i think the emptiness is a different one","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"so theres just that impersonal divine or universal kind of love joy compassion um and because you know no negative emotion can get triggered","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you can just play with it for a bit and see like add it as something you can use for deconditioning and then spend the next session really deepening into the location three type direction of layer three and see if you can make that switch","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"thinking of a memory or the person in your environment","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"no separation","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"quality of spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"it can be beneficial to speak with someone who understands what is happening because despite being in location 4 the dissonance at the level of the mindlayer 1 which is also often experienced in these cases can still affect the overall system and make the adjustment more challenging","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"would you say that you know this this absolute stillness that ive contacted would you say that is deep layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"there an experience of the divine in that centered spaciousness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and so if theres conditioning triggered in the system it kind of really just gets dissolved by that positive meta emotion and can do wonders for healing a lot of conditioning location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"somehow to convince their system to go dual again so that they can take advantage of probably by that point where theyre at in layer three of location two to allow a switch","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"very little thought of past or future","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"youve got sort of the frustration thing remaining which is extremely common at a location for type thing","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"layer three experience fused","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"it does actually go back to layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"finders course","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"so like with location five we generally have you know a substantial persistent change in visual perception um and so that is something that can be a lot of different things um so for instance it could be um things never really being dark but just sort of being dim or it can be sort of everything or even just some things having sort of a self luminous kind of quality however one of the ways that we think about this is most of us associate light reflects off of stuff and as the sun goes down or as i turn out the lights in a room or whatever the objects get dark right and so that just seems baked into the belief systems of most people that they develop probably causally through observation as they grew up and so okay you turn on the light things get bright its because the light reflects off of the objects or whatever sun goes down things you know whatever right there seems to be a change that occurs with location five that gets beyond that where that causality is no longer sort of assumed as part of the meaning making if you will of the visual system and so what often happens is objects are not really viewed as having light reflected off them so much as just sort of being luminous in their own way almost being like their own generators of light and that has you know a wide range of effects for starters people dont necessarily realize how not dark darkness is darkness seems to be a lot more influenced by beliefs in many cases than it is by actual physiological perception","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"its really the broadest location of all of them in terms of the different range of experiences that can show up in it","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"healing and feels amazing","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"spaciousness or emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"you describe it as a joy a positivity a contentment a warmth a glow","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"typically only feel a single positive emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"tell me i could be wrong about this because ive been obviously reviewing a lot of data for these but i think i read something about an interest in location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer 3 is highly accessible in location 2 however it remains relatively rare for finders to reach layer 3 persistently when they do it is often taken to be end of the path in terms of deepening further into fundamental wellbeing ","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"central locus of perception which they often","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"infusing that spacious emptiness","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"you can pause the location three stuff for a moment","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i realized that actually it wasnt personal and was beyond me but i dont think what i put in the thing was that i only came into fundamental wellness a few or at least thought i was in it a few","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"expansiveness","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"you didnt have a sense of agency or emotion or that type of thing","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"all this conditioning just rising up","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"often feel that they dont commit much information about their daily life to memory","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"ability of the thoughts that did remain to draw","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"i was going to i was just thinking about i was just going to say it feels like there feels like expansion within the fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"it would still feel like everythings just showing up you would just have most of your attention centered on the mind and there would be some individual sense of self associated with that but not that felt sense of this thing","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"you start to get a sense or an awareness of a level of pure existence that is the deepest silence the deepest stillness thats within awareness","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"i must have progressed into layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"only location one layer two seemed to get a graphic and the bird looks a little confused","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"perceiving the watcher and looker","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"for some people though obviously its a bigger deal so what youre fishing for are these types of glitches in the nervous system for people to know that perhaps theyve gone to location six and you know thats where were going to leave it for locations five and later of course","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"focused","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"no motion no love","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"just extreme wonder gratitude astonishment just feeling of being extremely blessed and kind of theres kind of a cosmic dimension to it","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"but most people will transition initially to location one usually a layer one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"foreground","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"joy and the fullness and all of that","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i dont get the sense people describe of things being really big","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location one layer three for someone whose system is inclined in a certain way is a very strong bridge","label_text":"loc1lay3"} {"text":"feels pan psychic","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer three with the help of the descriptions","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":" there still is a sense of more of a solid identity","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"you know work stuff you know whatever else dont have to be you dont have to just let the thing you know keep going in the direction of location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"even though their love for their partner is not personal they are so outwardly loving and caring that the person usually cannot tell it only becomes a problem if discussed and their partner cannot deal with the idea of it","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and we try to see where youve come back to or whether theres some fluidity in the system thats producing sort of the more layer three type experiences that youve regained access to","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so spaciousness is probably the most accessible thing aside from silence","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"its like sinking in but specifically usually sinking into the senses and the body like in a more very direct way like leaving everything else behind and like boom going to seeing to hearing to sensing in a very like direct way that thats what usually brings it about","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"a lot of things kind of come together there in a convenient way to just sort of have sort of a better flow in life which it really does kind of feel like a charmed life","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"everything and everyone was just arising and passing away","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"emotionless track","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"this is a stillness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"advocate going to location 4","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"stay in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"theres a awareness thing through well its not even that its less than that its just whats seen and i dont even know what that is because when thought is taken out of it theres no no location theres certainly no me in here and there and theres no attributes theres no colour theres no shapes i mean they are there because we can describe them as that but when i come back into really question what is there oh theres just this and the same thing goes with the center of the body which fall into the spaciousness it becomes even seen ive just noticed how in itself is a is a vibration i never knew a character is seen i always thought seen was vision but is vision but theres a sense the way it comes through has nothing to do with anything except its kind of a vibration happening and thats what it feels like to me anyway and thats open up seeing because in that is the emptiness in a certain way theres nothing here enter the void and yet when its infused with awareness it opens up to oh well this is it this this this and theres a fullness there so i dont know if thats helpful in","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"self","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the rhythm of daily life in location 1 layer 4 syncs with the rhythm of the heart each beat a reminder of the flow of existence","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"the sense that the world is not comprised of self and other and that there are not two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"and then when you realize your all of your attention is on layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"so that subtle duality where there is a dissolving into the divine so that you can sink into that and sort of lock location three more into your system","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location three are um a single positive emotion um youre calling it a positive feeling yeah that is kind of a mixture of love joy and compassion um and an absence of other emotions essentially certainly negative emotions yeah um in addition to that theres also a sense of union with either what feels like the divine in everything or a sense of kind of an all pervasive presence which you call calling an energy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"shift of perception","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"certain qualities of layer two","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"worry","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"main motivation problem seems to be gone","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"this is a great test that you can use to sort of figure out where youre at from a location one location two type standpoint","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"and then the mind comes in with resistance at that point or deepening in that direction just kind of trying to keep your identity somewhat centered around layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"even amidst the chaos of location 1 layer 4 one can find moments of clarity and depth akin to peering into another dimension","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"connect very deeply with this sensation of energy that i feel and losing myself in it then yes but i dont do that i dont tend to go that far and yeah like im a mother i run a business so i tend to be much more i think layer layer one layer two yeah thats modus operandi this","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so its subtle but theres definitely a distinct difference between those two experiences of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"youre sort of still in the mind","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"no sense of a personal self","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so and then in addition to you know other more percent changes in perception and a very deep layer four type experiences that youre reporting","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"then you get increasing distance from that starting at layer two and working your way up through the layers","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"vastness and the spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"and are often surprised by the words that come out of their mouths","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"generate theyre generating thoughts and and feelings according to the environment and and kind of can not believe them or can just ignore them or study them if they want so so so thats the thats the good days so i think when i when i can do that thats my layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"you now see the spaciousness and its even more spacious and even more just infinite","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"it feels as though everything collapses into silence the silence is total and intrinsic to existence itself it no longer feels experiential","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"so the relocation to layer three um it would feel like that presence is pervading everything and you are it or you are a part of it youre inseparable from it um it is what you are essentially um will be a nondual experience of the divine","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"but youve got layer two but youre also you know solidly established and location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"persistent joy and wonder","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"choose to live in a community of individuals from only one location on the continuum youd most likely want it to be people in location 3","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"absolutely and even sinking into my apartment when im you know because i dont even do that a lot like now im doing the thing im full and im doing like the one hour meditation its like whoa this is effective like one hour and its like yeah im super you know into fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"ive always thought i was moving deeper into layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location five it doesnt always go away if someone comes back from location five","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"i dont remember specifically targeting layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the governance of location 1 layer 4 is guided by wisdom and compassion leadership serving as stewardship of the collective good","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"contrasting that to previous experiences of being triggered can be earlier in fundamental wellbeing could be before fundamental wellbeing or whatever","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"spaciousness of layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"more positive than negative emotions","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"this way of experiencing layer 4 is more relevant to locations 4 and later where it can stabilize","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"and but theres this is like one very positive feeling where i in a very strong connectedness to to to other people um i so there is a sense of self but its not its not important so its but but i can feel the difference","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"fundamental wellbeing kind of gets more and more boring in a way","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"but thats only in meditation","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"youre sort of going between location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"no divine","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"a place of like a deep safety","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"of course it was location two because of the nonduality from reading the material and mostly about the interviews but then i was like hmm are i really sure like i wasnt sure because i suddenly read that location one and theres this experience of seeing like the visual field or the auditory field as one thing and like the matter whether i was looking at the screen or watching a movie and then i thought maybe its that maybe its not nondual then i was not sure but i just kept exploring and im pretty sure it is more on the nondual side","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"sadness","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"increased or total focus on the present moment","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"eyes were attracted by the sun and the sunlight","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"no i think its a different thing than its related to location two layer three","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"until recently suddenly theres been a rise in some sort of emotion which im just a little perplexed by you know and theres times when id actually be crying and have absolutely no idea why i was crying you know so thats fairly recent thats the last few months before that theres really no emotion you know","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"sure yeah i think if you continue your current you know surrendering path so to speak this which is very similar to what you just said you know youre surrendered in whatever direction it goes most likely its going to continue to go in that direction of of location for","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"um there is still that but there is for for me and in general i wont im not the best example because ive of course been way out in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"aliveness centered in your body","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"kind of extra or sent a perceptual ability thats occurring within probably still your dominant place in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"merging with the divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"theres still a sense of fullness theres still a sense of okayness unless its a kind of extraordinary situation","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"layer one isnt in the mix as much and that can feel just so much more encompassing as an experience of nonduality","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"union with the divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the layer three stuff seems a lot less accessible than the layer two triggers","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"presence made of the space","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"it can also produce a profound sense of foundational and interpenetrating spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"accepting the stillness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i am the fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"thats really been helping your system bring the deeper qualities of the layers of fundamental wellbeing to the foreground in your experience","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"make a choice locations prior to this seemed","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"sense of everything just arising and all sort of one thing including you visually auditorily you know other ways as well but those are the those are the ones that people most often have a differentiation around","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"its almost like theres no top quarter of the head","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"spaciousness listener possibly","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"the ground of being","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"very dimensional","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"disinterest and lack of affinity with others","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the passage of seasons mirrors the inner cycles of growth and rest external change reflecting internal evolution","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"location four layer four","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"location three is","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"thats probably maybe what your mind is thinking of might that shift might involve","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"there is a strong sense of divinity associated with the experience","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"storytelling narrative based","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"the reason for this lies in the brain regions involved and the impact that even rudimentary language use can have on the deepening process versus silence","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"freedom of movement","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location five six seven","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"theres a lot of joy arising in location two its one of the distinctive factors and i dont tend to notice i mean i have days where im joyful and days where im pissed off and angry like ill have the whole spectrum of emotions and theres no obvious propensity towards joy that i notice","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"his certainty was so strong that he actually entered into the jhana he was referring to so he could be interviewed in that state for comparisonnot long afterwards this teacher learned that one of his former students also a participant in the research had shifted into location 4","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i think its further and i also think there are way more layers than four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"at the early end of layer 3 it feels like an essence or presence infusing but different from experience this is typically initially perceived as beginning to infuse the spaciousness of layer 2","label_text":"loc1lay3"} {"text":"layer 4 is not easily accessible in location 3","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"trust in how things are arises and the thinking mind is still my default","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"layer four is obviously the home base of location four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"there is thought but no awareness","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"just sort of when open eyes","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"location 4 finders often report that they cannot plan what they are going to say","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"everythings right here","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"work on negative condition","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"agency they reported that they did not feel","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"kind of more boundary dissolving in terms of my own where my where i end and the world begins its kind of that boundary just vanishes","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"with recalling memories that related to their","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"they often adapt their lives to these issues by being careful to note things on lists or make use of electronic calendars that provide automated reminders","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"unprovoked happiness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"couple of times passing through location six where she passed out","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"so possibly in that direction thats one of our qualities that we look for for a very deep experience of layer three its clearly somewhere deeper than what youre usually access in terms of having the greater sense of serenity or stillness and feeling just generally more like present theres","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"mixture of personal and impersonal love","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"theres spaciousness there theres emptiness there","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i would say not divine um because i think i have a past experiences with divine that really the way i describe that is like almost something pulling me up from the sky like trying to pull me towards it like whether its outstretched hands or just that presence but this was not that this was im sort of on the same in the same field on the same level as everything and the love is sort of just all around","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"i think its distracting because also because youve given it a lot of meaning like you keep bringing it up because you think its still some sense of self thats been standing in your way to deepening and fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"seasons in location 1 layer 4 mirror the cycles of growth and retreat within teaching the beauty of change and renewal","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"location 3 is found in many religious and spiritual traditions","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"all arising on its own","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i would love to experience that freedom and to be able to bring that back as an overlay on everything else im experiencing so i definitely want to try to experience location four i think it would be really helpful and im im all confused about fluid versus integrated","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location three in your experience","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the watcher maybe is what makes me think i am in location one because it seems like a like an individual","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"and should i try to sink into layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 personal victories are shared triumphs each achievement celebrated as a collective upliftment","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"sounds like you know layer three of location two","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"i feel fundamental well being i feel a sense of everything being okay kind of a grounded sense its not always in the foreground","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"and then go on to layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"awareness layer or in the in layer two were just going to well call it layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"when it is accessed it is usually mixed with other layers typically the deepest portion of layer 3 because one is generally unable to fully deepen into it in earlier locations it tends to be experienced as a mystery or unknowable","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"increasing union","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer two kind of spacious nonduality experience","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"this emptiness can also bring a sense of loneliness","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"glimpsing layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"only more illusion is lost","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"everything is happening","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"pinnacle of","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"or maybe it also is slightly experiencing it but not mostly in my conscious perception um but its so heavily infused with layer three that that muddies the waters","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"5 or 6 or 7","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"location 4 there is typically no experience of emotion its easy to understand how this might cause relationship problems","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so you really want to be using your access to layer two you want to be trying to spend as much time as you can sinking into being the spaciousness when that occurs trying to get that to happen as much as you can trying to just sink into it you know put your attention on it sink into it communicate to your nervous system this is what we want this is what we want this is what we want","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the path of freedom was more common in eastern research participants especially monastics and the path of humanity in western ones","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"speech patterns morals habits hobbies and even addictions probably remain","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"so youve definitely got the meta emotion you can start to sink into that increasingly letting it overshadow personal emotion if you want to go in the direction of location three and now you can also detect that experience of a kind of all pervading consciousness or presence which is of course layer three where youre at now","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"pure layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"appreciable feeling of richness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 every meal is a communion an act of sharing that nourishes more than the body feeding the collective spirit","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"a joy","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"theres fullness at another point","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"what about emotion you know from a layer three perspective","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"six seven youre not going to be able to even see your thoughts","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"lets make sure they have nonduality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"sensory experience and the richness and and the fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"love for everything","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"layer three thing and say thats you know colors are very vibrant and its just its very intense like perceptual","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"happy things are great","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"locations 6 through 9 typically bring dramatically increased reports of accurate premonitions intuition and related experiences","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"are there no emotions that are brought up around this","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"temporary fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"there is a sense of detachment and space around what is happening at layer 1 resulting in a more impersonal observation or witnessing of its activity this experience is usually layer 2 mixed with layer 1 because it is hard to achieve an isolated experience of layer 2 without a more unified or onenessbased nondual perception which only shows up in location 2 often deepening into layer 2 pulls a finders system over to location 2 ","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"you know what you see in everything is just what is whatever whatever your experience of that at the moment is its know its the presence or the field of awareness or the spaciousness or whatever thats everywhere or its all one thing its all experience its all reality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"i went through a dark night of the soul and thats when thats the first time i meditated","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"still in the habit of laughing at a broad range of things especially in social situations","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"yeah absolutely okay so location eight","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"and then it seems like then my awareness is able to just be aware of whats whats there and notice details and all that kind of stuff","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"feeling like youre dissolving into it","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"deconditioning","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"deeper stillness which is in the direction of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"healing","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":" some christians feel that judgment is a better descriptor than compassion for that facet of the emotion when one really digs into how they mean judgment surprisingly it looks very similar to what others describe as compassion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"in location three theres a classic end of abrahamic mystical traditions and some eastern traditions where i feel a sense of union or merger with the divine or an allpervasive consciousness with a sense of perfection","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"i mean its just the simplicity of it i mean layer four whats so interesting about it the deeper one goes the simpler gets","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"the fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"no emotion","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"perfect","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"location two layer three to me","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"that would be my advice not to not for fluidity at the moment or anything like that but just try to get yourself into layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and a sense of separation possibly creeps in you know in the middle of the city its hard to say its not as intense i still do feel connected but not to the intensity as when im with the trees","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"no not that and because youre defaulting a lot to layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"places feel very spacious and sometimes","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"subjective sense that you are the thinker and you are the agent of the thoughts rather than what youre probably experiencing","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"rich and the sensory experience","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"theres a duality of me and the world","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"when there was stress there was a lot of stress stuff like that that still arises but now it feels like less of a default so so now because of that whatever happened after that like i feel like im more in layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"showing up","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"and then the karmic stuff i was really committed until finally i moved on to nonduality and then i became equally committed but didnt have the experience","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"no fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"it felt like nonlocal light","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"first we are coming into layer two and so starting on the 29th","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"positive emotions","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"thats kind of i suppose you could think of it as a very shallow experience of layer two certainly because you have sense of spaciousness as well sort of crossing over into layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"there is one significant glitch that can occur a temporary phase may be experienced when approval is virtually unimportant","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"the remaining vestiges of narrativeself related thought can be completely gone by this point along with any experience of emotion","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"nondual location two and where your eyes are open it sounds like the tendency is to pull more towards location one but not entirely","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"overwhelming bliss","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"sense that there is this sort of space within which the universe shows up or you can feel that you are that space","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"if not then you proceed with the assumption that there in location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"i was still a very tightly wound type","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"reduction in or in some cases a cessation of selfreferential thoughts","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"narrative self lessened","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"single positive emotion basically goes away","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"sacredness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"well theres lack of emotions theres the loss of any sense of divinity which is a huge thing because im ordained so that was a really huge thing you know i was in the ministry in the 70s then i went into the business world and i was looking at retiring and getting back in you know i was moving into that but then i kind of got derailed because with no emotions its a little hard to be a pastor so you know i kind of abandoned that so you know the no emotions and the lack thereof is quite a big thing","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"spaciousness standpoint","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"listener is in your head","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"im more on layer two feeling the spaciousness i think this was for sure the main place i was at and also looking to get to where when i was like in layer one mode and this is what i was looking for","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"or get to layer three or location three thank you pardon and just to experience this sensation of joy and love connection with the divine location four i dont know about that just because i have a little boy and and i want to be able to be there and engage with him and feel something for him um but id like to see and id like to sink into the deeper deeper layers","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"meditation or you know when i kind of settle into stillness not","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"and layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"and we still often times shorthand that were trying to train ourselves not to so that well get better at using the labels publicly when were not thinking about it but we still internally will often use you know those old labels and stuff like that so yeah theres a lot of what looks like you know layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"access to love and other positive emotions","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"attention to when things like the spaciousness and the shift of identity come in around spaciousness and things like that right","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"sense of spaciousness or emptiness or spacious emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"collapses back down into the body","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"it just collapses","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"term life stuff","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"ive had like more kind of nondual moments than the then im like oh did i do that you know and just sort of feeling a bit like i mentioned this when i kind of think about it like it feels like there is this empty space in there","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"locations one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"sense of an all pervading presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"this dissolution of sense of self is so complete in later locations that even the experience of no self falls away","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"so the trigger didnt make any sense to me but it was just bothering me that somebody would do that","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"separating away from the individualized sense of self","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"but in location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"field like presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"well those qualities that youre describing are more qualities of layer three youre describing you know a quality of a live aware beingness or presence that pervades everything everywhere um within everything so thats thats very much a layer three type description","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"sometimes everything sometimes specific things but its persistent or you know alterations in your perception of light such that it feels like its never dark","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the wind in location 1 layer 4 whispers secrets from beyond carrying messages of wisdom to those who listen with their hearts","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"including the inability to recall scheduled events that are not regular and ongoing","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"layer three of location four you know as you experience them there you know with that amazing richness and because its emotional the richness is emotional","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"thats persisted since in april its every time ive you know paused to look you know its just a persistent","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"okay cool so location two and from a richard lang standpoint it sounds a lot to me like layer two it takes you to the spaciousness and you know all of that type of experience","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"location two layer three because thats a really good place to talk to people","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"with the ability to sort of perceive into some parts of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer three of location two because youll be experiencing some sort of separation some sort of union","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"terms of divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"usually described as a combination of other formerly separate positive emotions and feelings such as love joy compassion and gratitude","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"so theres a clear understanding that that its location to lay or to but at the same time as im looking at the computer screen theres still a slight sense of me looking at the screen but its like this me is a greater me than the location to me so like the location to me it is sort of merged the nonduality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"fundamental wellbeing would be would have high absorption","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"more diffuse stillness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"it feels more pleasant than the senselessness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"how long have you been in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"there is a sense that nothing can die because nothing exists of itself and it therefore has no independent existence to lose","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"very attached to my mind","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"all pervading presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location five annoying","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"they often get exceptionally good at","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"layer three so that when you use a tool like unprovoked happiness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the negative emotions are much more transient and do not have the power over them that they once did","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"questioning beliefs and dropping beliefs and basically happiness and love was seen in that system to be a choice","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"its kind of an evolved feeling you know kind of like location threes feeling of the joy but initially it was nothing it didnt feel anything it just totally perplexing whats going on","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"this thing is almost analogous to effective prayer when used in temporary ways and so its not even a situation necessarily where one would have to go to stay there for six months or some period of time it can its i think its very i think its probably what most people are referring to as effective really hyper effective prayer you know people that get people that really get to an experience like i think my mom is probably there for instance she really believes that like her prayers are always answered and occasionally one doesnt come true and it kind of freaks her out like you know maybe her relationship with god is having some issues or something like that right","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"help them transition into fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"happening within spaciousness or emptiness i guess","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"news junkies may find themselves much less interested in the news","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"where is fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"youve got space from thoughts and emotions","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"awareness become very thick and almost like a liquid","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer one might be in a more of a foreground on top of that but its within the container essentially of layer three in that circumstance","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"everything is presented as this or simply existence","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"how to sort of break the gravity of layer three to have it be less of a to go beyond it being a sense you know for many people","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"3","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"im getting pulled down to layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"between location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"love arising for your wife","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"so i just remember that was the last big trigger that i had and it was something i didnt care about","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"positive sense","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"happy to be aliveness kind of a that","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"and location two that are in the direction of location three","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"emptiness seems to come further down the line and so if spaciousness is there a little bit more present in the experience and you can remember instances where you shifted into and would have said","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"because i feel like i should probably you know because i noticed the the other day when i was like oh i should this is not going to work i need to come out of this location for thing it was to location to layer three that i popped down to","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"geometric shapes","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"that fear communicates to your system about fluidity in general right its like oh fluidity can be bad","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"after deepening in location 4 many finders experience a largely or completely silent mind","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"sense of that impersonal emotion remaining","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"you are really on track in terms of deepening into fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"its also an indication of something that has a very powerful impact or sway in your system you know your invocation three which is very deep and fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"if youre convinced someone has at least experienced location four and theyve been there maybe for a while or they talk about other shifts or other deepenings and it doesnt just seem to be the initial deepening that can often occur in location four between with someone coming in at location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i almost never get triggered and if i do i have to look at it because its so unusual","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so my like i guess the limitlessness of it like they extends far out into the cosmos and includes the stars and all the other planets and theres i feel connected with that too","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"an all pervading field of presence or beingness that feels profoundly rich complete full alive","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the setting sun doesnt signify an end but a gentle closure a pause for reflection and gratitude","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":" one of them is the love aspect of and any other aspects of layer","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"sometimes its so funny to see how no concept makes any sense anymore it brings the laughter sometimes i dont think there is this love there and theres really simplicity directness and peace kind of thing","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"okay so its at least location six um then you you describe things like feeling like its just the universe or existence thats looking out of out of the eyes or experiencing itself so thats you know something that people can say at location seven um but its definitely a very accurate description of location eight can be nine","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"very divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"persistent mystical experience","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"no time no space no sense of self","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"my primary identity is that layer one often its not it can be if theyre in location one layer one you know and certainly people that just come out of 45 days there will be plenty of people who are in places like that","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"a center in the spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"sense of union with the divine and absence of personal emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"changing more into space itself","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"personal love i can experience for brief periods infatuation i can see a shiny object and and you know get gooey about it but that never lasts for more than you know maybe a few hours um and even then im like you know kind of vigilant for it and like as soon as that arises like whats that like you know thats bullshit","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"very profound neutrality","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"deeper stillness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i was very spacious","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"weve heard bliss weve heard pure bliss weve heard pure joy","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"tibetan meditation","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"but from a location two perspective and especially a layer three perspective things like that make make perfect sense when youre glimpsing in to layer four","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"trust in how things are arises and the boundary or maybe even sometimes a little over into that experience becomes less salient","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"the spaciousness of it sounds spacious or feels spacious yeah it just feels stupid i guess we need to like wire me up to some kind of in some neuroscience lab and see if i have if im showing the right activity and inactivity in the right brain regions that would actually be interesting corroborating evidence i dont know how i would match up and maybe this is all totally diluted and ive never been in fundamental wellbeing and have you know this ambition thats expressing through my fabricated experience anyway","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"im more on the layer three since the feeling is really really sunny right now","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"no youre in fundamental wellbeing you can have a looker you just got to have that sense that everythings okay in the background","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"alien quality","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"total range of emotion","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"everyone enjoys the being alive","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"its a shallow sort of layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"be layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"about feeling fundamental well being","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"theres very little layer two in it have you ever had an experience that was solely layer two you know like really just emptiness without a sense of fullness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"nfw","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"that i can that i can relate to in my own experience that i mean just everything everything having that that underlying quality of reality that even i mean i sometimes joke you know even even thoughts are real neuronal firings in your brain you know they have reality but that reality is something more fundamental","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"location 4 individuals often use the word freedom to refer to their dominant ongoing experience","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"like this its that centerless field its still all pervading all present","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"layer three can be a passive background to the activity of layer one","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"if theyre coming out of layer three location three you know then so theres always this mix i think youre in a situation where even fairly recently this is you know deepening and developing more in the direction from sort of the top part of location to over into increasingly rooting itself in layer four and for you","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"distant from layer one in terms of where your perception is centered","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"for a faith such as christianity feelings of divinity increase until they reach a crescendo in the furthest reaches of location 3","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"shifting into layer two","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"four no self","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"youre definitely in the right spot so well go on to layer two next on the 29th","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"of location two but theres still some sense of separateness there and then the third one that you experienced is classic you know nondual type of perception","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"no sense of the divine or no panpsychist sense or anything like that is that i can","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"like even when there are like some thoughts and things happening around me and its like my awareness my attention is more on the silence","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"and then seeing dishes at the sink or whatever so theres not a decision making there i just walk over to the sink and start doing dishes or whatever and when i was finished with work and came over and started engaging and everything coming out of the mouth sounded like oracle of delphi kind of stuff","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"sometimes theres a sensation where theres like no head or like the visual perception field is significantly wider","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"sense of self shift all the way into layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"you know if its a spacious emptiness that would be layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"what theyre really saying is well that individualized sense of self has gone away im deeper in location two and yeah sure i experience emotion but i quote unquote dont experience emotion","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"um i feel like layer three is really natural for me um theres lots of love lots of all those things um aliveness and but yeah","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"deeper fundamental sense of okayness or contentment","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"its this sense of aliveness its kind of weird to say but theres just like a towel hanging in front of it on the chair like in front of me and it seems like it is becoming alive in a way im sure you heard a lot of things but its kind of like this towel is alive like in a real sense like smiling at me i dont want to sound too crazy but there is like a communication going on and not with words and not like something here and something there but just this sense of everything becoming more present a strong sense of presence","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"happiness definitely a positive bias its a field its a pervasive field its interpenetrating everything so its kind of within everything um and its trying to kind of trying to break out from inside of everything and yeah it has this overall definite theres definitely an above zero positive bias to everything i cant access it right now but sometimes when ive sunk into it ive been able to access a deeper layer of stillness which would call like an absolute stillness and its rock solid stillness its its totally unmovable and thats not normally there but ive been able to access it a few times and that seems very deep when you sink into it its its seems bottomless","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"mystical states","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"i go to a space where theres just nothing you know nothing is there","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"awareness field like presence stillness the vibrancy so theres just the fullness of course so","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"multidimensional type of experience of the of the matrix the layers and locations and make it possible to view from or through the perspective of something like location 2","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"it felt like it was everything and nothing at the same time","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"very fluid and integrated across layers 1","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"sort of got confounded with the descriptions of aliveness and so on and layer three but you might","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"they can feel as though the divine or some beneficial type of blessing is radiating out from them","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"maybe a sense of stillness or beingness if that makes sense","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so youre i would say youre in location two layer two","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"you know have a center so to speak of increasing layers of dense feeling in the spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"but if youre rooted more in layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"joyfulness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"basically all were doing is were fishing down the location three attribute list","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location 4 reported a near total immersion","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"it might be a good idea to give that person a little location three love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you say the sense of presence that is calm vibrant and alive can be like a loud silence theres a sense of electricity in the air for some reason its much easier to notice in a natural setting outdoors outdoors with your eyes open it seems to hang in the air with my eyes closed its very hard to describe theres a scintillating energy that is in my body but not defined by the edges of my body no boundary has a sense of aliveness it feels like an energy field its like a constant hum like the hum you hear an electrical station its a metaphor of course it doesnt literally hum when i focus on it i start to notice a feeling tone it has a joy and a positivity a contentment warmth glow","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"it is usually accessed and viewed from the perspective of being centered in a deeper layer","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"or an all pervasive consciousness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"when it is only touched upon temporarily it does not necessarily feel as though it is not a state because the sense of individual self remains partially intact in earlier locations ","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"dominant emotion that felt like a mixture of","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"it freaked it literally freaked her out and so we had this conversation about this type of thing and so shes shes a christian for sure but not a location three christian you know shes a high sort of location you know layer three type of christian","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"my daily life is an inconvenience to fundamental well being","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"people are divinity","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"shallower form of a similar","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"you know whats interesting is it feels it feels like this might sound kind of weird it feels full on this side and it feels spacious on this side and it feels um","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"in location three theres a soul in location for the notion that theres a soul is just crazy you know its like wow what a delusion that is","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"there are moments when i tend to sit out on my lookout and i tend to sing a lot and i just love singing and just creating that energy","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"spaciousness is always trying to get peoples attention and pull them back","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"we like to use a perceptual test for nonduality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"its more like that the way you describe layer four when its experienced from layer three is being like this sense of a deep mystery behind it all and you know its like my mind cant grasp it and but i sense it","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"bouncing light","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"panpsychist","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"theyre not associated with emotion","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i feel it pulls me out honestly fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"i love you","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"two would be you know vast spacious emptiness and i do experience vastness you know if i close my eyes and just go inside thats something ive felt for decades but i dont know the yeah im just confused about presence versus the presence of fullness versus emptiness i dont experience a lot of contrast so when im in my full heart space i dont sense that theres so much greater presence than when i feel like im in a more emotionally neutral or emotionally absent space","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"regarding the layer three experiences what youve described thus far is primarily affect so its like emotion related to what can be related to layer three particularly if its like very impersonal forms of love joy compassion um those types of experiences","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"it sounds like your your sense of self is really centered in layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"a lot of deconditioning can happen at location three so thats a bit of a magical deconditioning spot for sure","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i heard sounds when i was seeing light so some forms of light and beeping light like on and off light","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"all pervading sense of consciousness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"whole sort of shift of orientation","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"you know its like pulling a piece of the foundation out of that whole habit system that learned to do something whether it was moving an arm or taste or whatever else its a bit like sort of pulling a pin out of the foundation and then everything kind of gets scrambled and it might have to be relearned now thats an extreme case theyre often very short you know people just glitch right through them and theyre like oh that was weird and things are fine now um so anything along those lines that you can remember","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"yes if youre more rooted in layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so as you continue to work in with and sink into stillness and just trying to get to the sort of the maximum of that that is possible stillness silence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"it transformed how things were perceived all of that right so imagine that was just the first glimpse of the first one of those sort of later locations it just gets more you know intense profound different however you want to say it from there right and so if youre staying at skimming the surface and maintaining the fluidity back and forth you know you only get so much of those benefits is one way to think about it","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"its there and then i feel a sense of fullness really","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"maybe primary silence and presence would be the two","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"either location one with some shallow access to layer two","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"they acclimatize more quality or dimensionality kind of is discernible so something like the qualities of layer three","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"divinity","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"so youre saying too because im you know youve watched some of these and youve seen the perceptual thing and youve identified presumably that there is no looker and no listener","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"probably not really going to location one unless you are genuinely feeling not a part of that spaciousness","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"depending on how the transition to fundamental wellbeing affected their underlying motivations","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"layer four is virtually impossible to get to","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"do you have a sense of your identity being centered in layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"layer three because theres the sense of truth","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"when temporary there are finders who can intentionally bring it about and others who just have it happen to them from time to time regardless of how it occurs in this state the world seems to be moving through them and not the other way around generally this occurs at location 4 and beyond","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"fundamental okayness with the first glimpses of nonduality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"youre in location three i mean like you know is it bad to be more generous in a therapeutic environment you know with yourself or you know with your caring or whatever else no its not so thats fine you have one of those professions where you can be anywhere","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"there is a deep quality of stillness at layer 3 it is more still than any preceding layer and the stillness or silence feels like it pervades and encompasses everythingall objects and all experience","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"you may opt for a different technique like not necessarily sentence completion you could do that you could also just focus on the sense in the body like where the conditioning is some sort of sensation associated with it or just generally paying attention to your your inner experience um yeah and whatever way you you know once youve identified a piece of conditioning in the system you can just shift layers or locations and then see what experience of it remains um and that can be really helpful it can be very it can give a lot of sort of insight into what that conditioning is and what it produces in the system um like yeah can give you examples but it would be a maybe a long story but it can also show you its boundaries because at some point youre going to deepen beyond that conditioning so maybe by the time youre in location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"can feel very energized","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"thats probably not going to be location three that youre looking mostly in that situation in all likelihood at location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"once location 4 or beyond is reached these finders are typically left alone to deepen and explore their new location","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"nondual perception","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"theres no emotionally sort of inclined layer three version of location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"even if you just have a sense while youre driving that its all the divine and its all happening by itself and its the divine driving that may not be the type of union were describing in location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"was noticing like i was kind of freely shifting between duality and nonduality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"sparkly","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"it feels very still and also very spacious","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i was on the cusp of getting into an accident and i had to concentrate my energy really quickly and this happens when im when the body is is moving through space often when im driving or when im walking um or when im floating in water the dimensionality just well there are different experiences sometimes it stretches sometimes it just goes flat and i cant figure out where i am i cant triangulate a physical location and when that happens when im driving its really unnerving it happened it happened this weekend i went to visit my daughter at her boarding school and she was in the vehicle with me along with two of her friends and that flattening stretching distending started and so you know i remember focusing all of my energy on","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"merging implies two that are merging from one","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and we dont know its just one quick observation you know in one moment um so see if you can sink more deeply into the stillness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"universal i would say that there was yeah that yeah that guess i saw that fear wasnt necessary and that it was conditioned","label_text":"loc1lay3"} {"text":"feeling of union or merger with the divine or an allpervasive consciousness in location three may be divine or panpsychic with dual perception returning","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"dont let your life become a train wreck","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"transcendent freedom","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"default way that fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"people have all these different forms of accessing that information and working with it um especially in the case where people are sensitive to that type of thing um but thats all showing up within that all containing spaciousness and so it doesnt sound like theres you know theres also doesnt nothing you describe sounds like a shift of your sense of self into say the mind or into any of the stuff thats showing up in that spaciousness that youre working with","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the evidence is hard to tease out because generally when a stimulus or memory jogger is used requested events can be recalled","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"there is a sense of being in union with this allpervading field or presence that is without limits flowing through and as everything","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"when arising theres a mix of positive and negative thoughts in the forefront of my experience","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"their levels of fear anxiety stress worry and","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"so id say for this weekend you know you can watch the layer two stuff play around with it if you want but probably or have more of an affinity to the layer three stuff","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location 3 participants reported the experience","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"beingness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"divine being that is pervading everything is everything","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"paradox for people","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"do feel like there still is fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so that location eight nine seems to um its almost like at that point that deeper layer um really becomes very visible or dominant","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"theres just this senseless or present awareness which is deep in layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"consciousness and awareness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"you said you had no selfreferential thoughts and also a sense of like no reason for the thoughts to appear so thats also a degree of disassociation from layer one thats","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"location 2 finders experience a further reduction in their narrativeself related thoughts and in the emotional content of most of the ones that remain","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"its probably like a layer like a layer two kind of thing","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"layer three is prominent with fluidity to layers one and two","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"very intense form of nonduality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"deep into layer 3 it will feel as though the divine or panpsychist presence is the substance of everything but initially it feels more like an essence or presence infusing everything","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"the losing of that illusion nothing is gained","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"the architecture in location 1 layer 4 serves as a testament to humanitys reach for the divine structures that aspire to touch the infinite","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"i have so much energy","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"a lot of beauty everywhere i dont experience a center the aliveness energy is everything","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"location three direction","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"there is no longer any sense of an essence pervading everything like in layer 3 there is nothing arising from or within it it has no content and no distinctionsthere is only existence itself which is complete and total as this moment","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"so certainly sounds like location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"if you really are if you say to someone who experienced that hey can you still you know find that in this composite flat experience you know its not that they cant necessarily find it its just its no longer something thats dominant in your the foreground of your perception that youre noticing like you would be you know at an earlier location that deep into that layer when that layer is more in the foreground and all of that","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"feeling increasingly comfortable with being spaciousness instead of being a body mind","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"it appears as if the previous sense of self was nothing more than a story thats no longer relevant now the narrativeself and the way it colored the world both seem gone or at least significantly reduced","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"places where people need the most help","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"a new form of humor begins to emerge","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"memory is definitely worse at this point","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"music in location 1 layer 4 transcends sound becoming a medium for the expression of the inexpressible harmonies of the heart and soul","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"crowded","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"maybe ive just been telling myself presence equals layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i feel like i have pretty good access to layer one when i work","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"location 3 finders have been freed from a considerable amount of their psychological conditioning and negative emotions","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"it involved continued lack of agency","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"reasonably calm and present","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"single positive emotion that divine or panpsychist merging","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location 4 finders feeling more at ease in communicating across a wide variety of people the difference is one of degree","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"thats my only experience of layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"environment","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"something that unfolds","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"there is awareness and things are arising","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"i guess it was or the or five plus i guess you want to do","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"like this is more important its saying your attention must stay on layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"so i think you are getting youre at least getting a shift into the sort of combination of spacious emptiness and you know fullness and presence type of thing","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i dont think youre going to have any issue being a highly experienced divorce attorney in location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"access to layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"scanning my body","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"i think the anxiety is kind of a negative emotion that invades the emotionlessness also some in trying to figure this all out im interested in knowing to what degree this is influenced by trauma whether its avoidant attachment style it feels like a lot of this stuff is vulnerable to kind of pre trans fantasies so is this transcendence or is this just trauma you know am i am i checking out in a dissociative trauma induced avoidant attachment space or am i spread out across the universe how are they the same how are they the different different my own explorations of trauma is i hear from people that are close to me notably my wife that she thinks that i have lots of trauma in my system but when i go look for it or try to treat it i cant find it you know i can do emdr till the cows come home and it doesnt touch it which tells me well is it really trauma or not so you know im very confused about all of this so i just wanted to inject that into this space to","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"sunsets in location 1 layer 4 paint the sky not just with color but with the promise of renewal and the peace of the coming night","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"layer 4 feels like absolute irreducible reality in which there is no state or condition nor any existent thing to which a state or condition could pertain","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"doesnt seem correct","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"yeah it could be if you feel that theres a sense of something you know in your head or behind your eyes thats looking out and stuff feels like its out there rather than it all just being one field of experience thats just youre just showing up um that would be more like location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"however when asked to describe the details of their firstperson experience differences between them emerge even individuals who have studied and practiced their religion or spiritual system together in the same place for decades can arrive at different versions of fundamental wellbeing sometimes these variations can be more in sync with individuals outside of their tradition than those within it think of it this way there might be only a handful of people within a given tradition who experience location 4","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"if a finder does work at restoring some perception of layer 3 it can often appear extremely intense energetically at first ","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"you know youve had experiences that are and nonduality and all of that","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"you know youre past the sense point obviously of layer two youre to the direct perceiving of layer two at various amounts of depth of layer two and even to the point where youre starting to get occasional periods of identity shifting into it and so thats you know a really good progression into layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"so just just put it off for a little bit the location free stuff even if its for like a day or two or a week or whatever it is","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"expanding in all directions","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"deeper into layer 4 in later locations the sense of unfolding diminishes until everything feels instantaneous and total ","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"doesnt feel empty or in the beginning it can feel like the emptiness is sort of infused with presence or beingness or fullness um some people might describe it as an aliveness but it doesnt feel empty any longer","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"no agency no emotion no divine","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"fullness presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i am hoping so much to be deeper in fundamental being that im trying to daydream into it","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"im in layer two and im able to access layer one","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location1 the sense of","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"it was pretty noticeable when we jeffrey did the sinking into layer two meditation that was more like distinct than my usual state","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"think of spaciousness all the time","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"seeing transparent shapes","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"it is possible that less detail or fewer memories are being stored","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"we do recommend that people go back and forth between 4 and 5 a lot to kind of build a bridge back so that they can have fluidity back to those earlier locations","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"fear there because theres emotion there and emotion is","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"not layer one","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"it is also known that this agency is its a false sense of agency in the system because its coming from from a mysterious it feels kind of unknowable","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"flatness","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"dual","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"by the time someone reaches location 2 a change in sense of self is very noticeable typically involving a dramatic reduction in or elimination of the conceptual narrativebased sense of self this change relates in part to association with the qualities of layer 2 or deeper rather than with the personal sense of self that is produced at layer 1","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"basically you know some people systems inclined towards it some people systems dont inclined towards it um but its sort of smack on you know location two layer three type of experience","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"yeah thats where the fear comes up if i can get over to location two layer two","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"have enough introspection at location four and later to be able to cleanly answer those questions","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"layer three feeling permeates through that um and i guess the very act of investigating it also shifts my experience of it in the moment","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"happiness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"something connected with maybe a feeling of settling in","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i definitely i definitely feel so when im one one thing thats shifted recently is that is that like in the last probably six months is that i used to whenever i would get bug reports i would react to them pretty negatively um sort of in a fear response kind of way like oh i fucked up and like im going to lose my job and you know not that i was really seriously entertaining that but just kind of like there was a gut feeling like that and um a while ago i noticed that if i just treated them as scientific investigations um that i could do i could do all of my debugging from layer two instead of from layer one and that was so much more pleasant and also so much more effective because im not wasting any time like oh this is going to be bad theres going to be you know like all of this like reflective thought about like you know whats going wrong and what the implications of this is gone like forget it dont worry about it just do the debugging and so yeah i mean but you know i also feel like i mean ive had experiences of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"there is no looker or listener in my head anymore","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"planning","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"nonsymbolic experience","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"deconditioning environment","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"the fullness and so on um what happens in both cases both with the fullness and when i reach the more of a peaceful emptiness is um theres still a sense of an underlying field again like the self","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"you know its really sort of in a way using location two layer three in a very specific way","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"zero interest in meaning or purpose","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"in location 1 this layer will typically be experienced as everything just arising with a general sense of things arising as one but maintaining the perceptual duality of an observer subject here and everything arising there object","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"because were talking talking about earlier about this peripheral and can be like a big peripheral sometimes where its where its a sense of almost like world mind body like a whole or universe mind body","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"it was the absence of triggers thats really what i noticed nothing would bother me anymore","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"later locations","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"so no question in my mind you know that youre experiencing layer two spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"so the reason i say mostly is because i have had deeper experiences of the nonduality so even the nonduality i feel now theres still because i have deeper experiences of it i dont know if probably deep deep location too because there was still a little agency or emotion or maybe just temporary elements of going further theres still my system just still sees that theres still that like within that nonduality theres still a duality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"the ego or the annoying roommate in lay one is noisy busy and buzzing attaching to things like thinking emotion and strategizing","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"spaciousness or im seeing this mistiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"sacredness or the divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"ones life circumstances assessing","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"you know how you describe layer two which is more like that field of nothingness the spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location 2 was the change in subject to object","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"location two layer two thing","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"so theres been plenty of time for for a lot of deconditioning and reconditioning to happen even at layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"thought is replaced by knowingness which is silent and selfevident","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"i feel like youve been to location four in the past and that you came back from it for relationship reasons primarily in the documen","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"targeting the location two layer three sort of charmed life type of sweet spot in part to get a sense of sort of the magic that can really be in life","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"doesnt prevent negative emotions from arising","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"i think maybe skip straight to the sense of fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"emotional","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer two which is really you know that is the classical endpoint for so many systems and traditions that is identifying as the you know spacious empty presence of awareness um and feeling that you are that and are untouched by all experience and everything you describe is is really that kind of classical enlightenment in many systems","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"it would be around sort of the location two layer two type of attributes","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"look for and find the sense that at the deepest","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"as long as you retain the ability to zoom in","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"they can feel like a blessing is radiating out to everyone in their presence","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"because it feels it doesnt feel exactly like what i would call pure peace because sometimes i feel that too where its just you know inner peace and it doesnt feel like pure joy and it feels really good and and it feels in the family of happiness as far as my experience of emotions and what i term kind of the general family of happiness and good feelings and yeah just just just pleasurable and which is good so it seems to me like what you know quote unquote bliss is or should be it does have more im trying to like like right now it has more energy in it theres almost more it seems like theres more energy in it than really kind of just pure bliss","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"location four it can be um like it can be harder for their system especially if theyve deepened there","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so when i get triggered um so the sort of the triggers where im like pleading with reality to be different than it is that kind of trigger that um when its happening so when were at the house up in emerald hills one of the people that was there was talking about contracting around things and expanding outside of that which was a term that i hadnt really heard used before and that really kind of mapped well to what im doing right like when thats happening i feel like im just like shrink wrapped around whatever problem is happening and then yeah exactly and then the relief comes when i notice that im shrink wrapped around the problem which obviously is going to be happening from a perspective of layer two","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"seeing you as this magical being","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"approval seeking conversations","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"you could do that possibly maybe not maybe theres a sense maybe you stay in the shallow range of layer three and just start moving in that direction letting that stuff start to come up","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location 4 finders report an even deeper sense of peace and wellbeing","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i would say youre somewhere deeper in in location two layer three with that access to layer one","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"imagining","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"deeply aware","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"fullness and whatnot of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer two is that spacious emptiness that all containing spaciousness and if youre really deeply rooted in it you feel that thats what you are","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"but didnt really have too much time to dig into that whole agency thing you might already be getting glimpses or have had glimpses of location four my guess is youll get temporary experiences of it doing this you know it wont just like be some jump over in you know tomorrow morning and some locking into location four so you can probably you know get some temporary experiences of it get some more experiences of it and start to get a feel for it and at least its more shallow form before it really sort of deepens and locks in","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"other stuff is sort of showing up in the nothingness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the fabric of community in location 1 layer 4 is strong woven from threads of trust support and mutual respect","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"unfolding","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"pervasive","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i can see the broadband","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"nothingness always there","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"if you think about divinity as sort of a lower vibrational form of the celestial and you think about the celestial as a potential onramp for a for a very flexible system like yours but not in its lower form not in its mid range form i mean just in its highest most pure most transcendent form and so thats what you would really want to try to find and sink into and the experience of the divine if you wanted to play around with going to the to the celestial yeah be careful of the celestial you know from a relationship standpoint and stuff though of course because like your sex drive will drop off if that matters to your husband or something","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"location three layer three maybe you experience again that you feel like you have a soul kind of thing or something","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"instead of action being experienced as the consequence of thought and intentionality it feels intrinsic to the unfolding itself and is silent and selfrevealing","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"and it all sounds like location four to me","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"embedded in layer one because theres a you experiencing this not necessarily its still nondual there wouldnt be like a separate looker or something but theres still a sense of an individualized sense of self that is recognizing and experiencing this all present all containing awareness","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"when shifting deeply and exclusively into layer 4 which essentially only happens from location 4 on it can feel like layer 3 collapses or disappears","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"suppression of peace","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"i feel the vibration of what i call love or either love joy or compassion usually compassion is the easiest one","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i feel like based in the mind that its a place that i experience the world from and where my attention is most of the time","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"layer three experience","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location two layer three this sense of pure beingness full with presence and life force experiencing a field of infinite potential formless but pregnant with possibility that as well in there in addition to the love peace yes","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"there are exceptions however for a minority of location 3 finders their profound sense of truth involving what should be done in most situations can be so strong that it can make them difficult to live with","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i can still get triggered but negative emotions fall off much faster like glimpsing into layer four by doing unprovoked happiness","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"contains everything is everything is just here","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"impersonal emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"because at least theres some action now and im kind of like since transitioning a bit detached about you know my career who gives a shit you know and you know family just you know an idea like im more detached and i dont really care about a lot of things achievements you know and of course if i would just like to sit on my couch and you know i dont know become a mommy you know its i see why the system can be fearful about that you know yeah but yeah bringing it in into life more i think and and spending more time thinking deeper and see then where it takes me i think its a very good point","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"i felt that freedom for a long time because i used to be a prisoner of my emotions","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"instead a very different truth might emerge to take its place","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"very conscious","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"theres still a lot of thoughts that i have they are not so much in as as they were when i was not in fundamental being","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"living a charmed life","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"and then for location three theres all sorts of methods lesters love i think was one that was mentioned a minute ago by you if i remember right and theres ascension","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and you may find that when you get to location three that lifts there is a personal emotion component to it that is producing some negative valence in there that is producing sort of that negative feel","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"not nondual","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"personal definition of compassion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"feel like spacious","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"there was no choice and it kept unfolding","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"thats a common thing for people to have when theyre first in the experience but then it can settle out sometimes over days sometimes over weeks sometimes over months frankly but typically it does settle out for those who have that experience going into location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"if there is none present that maybe my default is layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"beingness so beingness when you say that and when i when i tune into that i feel like for me that feels like more of a layer two thing","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"empathetic","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i do have a fullness sometimes of more bliss yeah and it can be very little things i can see the sun coming up and shining through through a window and the sun the light catch something and it just it makes me feel really happy inside yeah","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"there is a powerful directionality and gravity to layer 4 which can be difficult to escape location 4 finders often experience what they describe as a deepening after initially transitioning which can last from a few weeks to a few months and typically involves their perception being drawn more deeply and exclusively into layer 4","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"but initially it seems like theres just no possibility from location seven of any duality or any further deepening and then that happens and youre just like um so yeah that sounds like location eight um and thats definitely a place thats very hard to function from um people that are there persistently or basically attended to","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"expansiveness to relate","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"when psychologically triggered they could","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"layer three is nice but it doesnt beat netflix and cheetos","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location 3 layer 3ss","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"and maybe it pulls you over to location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"self felt expanded","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"certainly if youre in layer one all the time there wont be as you know it wont be very dominant in your experience by comparison","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"the all pervading aliveness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"this is especially the case for finders who had a divine experience of layer 3 before transitioning to location 4 because divinity disappears ","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"the sensory overload of location 1 layer 4 contrasts sharply with an inner feeling of flatness where external stimuli lose their edge","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"i think its and i think its more because i feel more connected to other people people as well","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so ive been working on that for decades anyway um but there are some things i dont have access to like dont have access to i cant see or hear or feel the effects of of the energy transmission but that people tell me about later after the concerts over um so i dont have a sense of where exactly its going other people have been able to see that observe that process happening but um for me im just aware of it all radiating out and very very centered and very spacious","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"those who can experience it more fully are typically finders who have deepened into layer 4 in later locations and are pulled back down to location 1 for some reason","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"when that reaction occurs and there is that contraction in some way inside you or whatever else","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"but life kept unfolding","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"i want to do fundamental wellbeing so that i can be in layer three of this location or layer whatever so that i can achieve this","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"its hard to let go of that but i think thats my experience yeah","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"location 3 finders are typically delightful to be around","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"nondual location","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"okay great so thats our main test for nonduality its very clean you know its just straight perception there isnt some question around some how does your sense of self feel or something like that nonduality is a perceptual thing so it can be tested with perceptual means so we know now that youre at least in a nondual location it sounds like you have some range of emotionality you talked about how they drop off quicker but theyre obviously still present","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"and so basically ever since then its been more of a layer two type thing","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"and im a separate object now you know and all of that if instead you know more or less the perceptual stuff stays the same even though that reaction is occurring in the system then you know youre basically staying in location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"location two layer three because a lot of the stuff there has been seen through and you know you sort of reconstituting parts of the individualized sense of self bringing agency back in","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"psychedelics","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"i feel so free so free","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"stillness for you is a good way of accessing layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"youre looking for some sort of consciousness whether divine or just consciousness to emerge or to or a hint of it or something that you can find in that mist youre looking for that meta emotional experience of joy love compassion and can have other things","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"deeper into layer 2 there is an association with the substance of its spaciousness as ones true nature which is also experienced as the essential nature of everything","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"reports a significant reduction in or even complete absence of thoughts","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"but it was not the overriding sensation thats experienced so just thought oh definitely not close to layer three where were in layer two here and thats good","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"this includes very lowlevel brain processes such as dissolution and reassembly of how the senses are perceived","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"love with everybody and everything you know and just you know overflowing with love towards them","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"feel kind of like an alien","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location 2 somewhat paradoxically the quality of self in layer 2 and later is impersonal","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"return to emotion","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"to more of a nondual emptiness space","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"could that possibly mean i was in location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"personal sense of self","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"i hear you thats whats great about these exercises um prior to fundamental well being","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"if you went in the direction of location for fire location layer three of location two youd sort of avoid those and really sink into the center looseness stillness silence really dissolution of any sense of self","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"location 2 finders will often comment that at times they fall back into their old sense of self and this often relates to aspects of layer 1 which has a quality of self that feels more individualized and personal than other layers at this location","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"seeker","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"spacious perception","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"freedom is a bigger container than love","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"layer 1 can usually be easily accessed in location 3 but is by no means the default anymore","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"vastness to the point of actually a little dreariness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"cant have the look or see without going into the mind","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"that environment became an aversive stimulus to location four until eventually one day the system was just lets not go to location four anymore","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"false assumption","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"agree absolutely and it looks like youve had great progress","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"unprovoked bliss and happiness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you could have just as dominant an experience of mental activity if you really got shallow into layer one but you wouldnt suddenly feel like theres something in your head or behind your eyes thats looking out your eyes and stuff is out there and youre in here and its distinct and separate","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"i meditated for several months for two hours a day and had quite quite a lot of experiences during that period im pretty sure i was in location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"it took me like five minutes to come back and be able to talk like a normal person again and so ive actually been avoiding those unless im i have someone near me um buddy im staying with is a pretty advanced meditator but hes like a happy location three person","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"so a lot of those experiences arent directly related to fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"yeah so the class or the session following the layer two session will be layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and its still kind of have that aliveness or that awareness quality is still being differentiated from existence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"that stillness is then next sort of felt as a fullness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"everything comes together like it has for you","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"experience of the spaciousness but its still relatively shallow because your identity isnt generally speaking really shifting into that","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i have no emotion zero just its kind of weird","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"but theres no sense of like i see myself because the self is just not seeming real anymore","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"because their own emotions arent influencing the situationas weve seen in this chapter peace or the disturbance of it is often of utmost importance to the success of finders committed relationships","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"fullness and the energy","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"you know that you mentioned what sounds a lot more like a layer three type thing so is it a stabilizing and layer three thing and viewing other layers through that or is it a fluidity of experience","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer two and feel emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"in a direction stillness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"normal functioning and activity of the mind","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"not fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"location 2 individuals also have fewer and less powerful conditioned psychological responses","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"its just one of those words that just just completely sticks out you know i was reading through your document and you used it pretty early on in your document and i was like crystalline interesting you know and then i get to the sex section and im like okay and then i just keep going and youre walking through the progression of how the divine has showed up over time and its like check right and then we get to the point where youre talking about your your perception of the divine in retrospect from this new you know its like check","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"its a mystery","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"the silence of the early morning in location 1 layer 4 holds a sacred space for reflection a sanctuary within the self","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"now i forgot a few years back when i got into nonduality i simply forgot that i had noticed this person what i would call a personal presence","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"no emotion no sense of agency","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"this is going to go to the stratosphere youre going to take advantage of those genes and the presence of place and launch like a rocket out into the far reaches of fundamental well being","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"sense of perfection in location three leads to higher wellbeing than location 2 with less narrative self","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"the streets of location 1 layer 4 carry stories of ages past each cobblestone a testament to the layers of time and consciousness","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"and from there you can also see layer one theres a very good connection between layer three and one and location two","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"divine version","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"lot of sense of self there in the mind","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"fundamental wellbeing standpoint","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"sense of an all pervading field of presence or fullness or silence pervading everything field of silent presence whatever um it can be a field of aliveness but its a nonphysical experience or non sensory kind of perception","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and your spiritual system happens to end at a certain point of layer three in location two","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"a subjectobject split or individuated sense of","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"agency is basically a sense that you can take action in the world in the sense that were using it its the sense that you can sort of take action in the world that you can make decisions things like that and so folks in location four are usually find that to be a ridiculous idea you know they can have a glimpse of a mental layer that theyre watching discuss things that you know can seem to come to decisions or something but they feel almost like its a read only situation you know its like its a view only situation like they have no input into it you know whatsoever and then a decision is reached and you know their body seems to do that and they still feel like they have no real input in that in that thing","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"make logical sense or would be considered the","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"very rich and full","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"sense of self i feel the sense of self is pretty steadily rooted in layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"reconditioning process thats occurred for you um and location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"sense of its just the universe looking at your eyes","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"you sort of have this conscious being and its very close to god but its but its not described with the same divine type of aspect","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"there are a few thoughts the thoughts are kind of in the air and it feels like theyre passing through my head","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"theres an awareness that is awareness of everything happening inside my body and outside my body and expanding way out which encompasses all the people in the space that im singing for um so its inclusive its an inclusive awareness um thats the way i have understood it in the past thats a thats actually a term used just in music performance","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so when im in layer three definitely its full","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"everything is conscious","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"stories including personal stories become less interesting and the thinking mind is still my default","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"the spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location 4 individuals have reported shifts to twodimensional instead of threedimensional visions","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"that makes sense still this feels really comforting so i wasnt really feeling it when i was feeling nervous and im not feeling nervous anymore but i think some nervousness kind of blocks me from feeling this really deep stillness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"no individualized sense of self no selfrelated","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"more comes more to the forefront theres no emotion there","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"messiness thats at layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"layer one a personal sense of self","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"coordinated with itself where the axioms are satisfied","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"layer three thats like more of a layer three center","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"negative affect and now experienced one","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location four when youre at some parent teacher thing","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location 1 still have a relatively full range of positive and negative emotions","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"might say aliveness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"you would want to minimize sort of those proclivities in your experience that relate to location three and maybe try to make it on to layer four","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"emptiness or the flatness and the spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location four you know youre just sort of watching your thoughts","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"a lower energy system as it comes into fundamental wellbeing more deeply can still seem like a heavy you know type of experience or whatever else what some people do including sanjay manchanda","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"its just not baked in as part of the natural abilities that come with fundamental well being on top of fundamental well being being hard thing to do in the first place and so its all its all sort of loops back around on itself","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"this seer or looker","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"being beingness or presence or the divine","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"beneath that field of existence which is something like the universe or just reality that you may be having glimpses of or experiences of layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"as with layer 2 the movement in and out of these temporary experiences can give location 1 finders a sense of not being there yet which is usually not correctthere are simply more locations and depths within them to explore and they are at the beginning of that process unfolding","label_text":"loc1lay3"} {"text":"seems as though youre perceiving times and we do it visually and auditorily just because thats clear as a bell perception wise you dont have to wonder about things like sense of self or any sort of words that can be squishy you know either its visually or auditorily perceived that way or its not so it seems like you know you had three distinct experiences visually one is of a locus of a seer behind your eyes sort of the standard thing that humans have which arises especially with thought and stuff like that and then one that can also arise it seems like when youre thinking but that is aware of everything is just arising visually but there is a sense of well its arising out there and im here and its arising out there kind of thing those are both location one type experiences","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"location two has so many different possible experiences in it","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"changes in encoding","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"i guess its because a few months ago for a period of time i was i cant figure out whether i should put you on speaker or gallery here um for a period of time i um i felt really a lot of the feeling of sacredness um and and there was a lot of um a lot of joy and no joy okay there was a lot of um what i call it there was a lot of bliss i would actually call it bliss so there was like when i in my body it was just a lot of bliss and i related more to sacredness kind of sacredness and everything and i almost felt like there was too much energy in my body like it was it was almost like too much bliss i dont know if that makes sense um and and then i i didnt think i was nondual because i didnt understand what non i didnt really get it until ive been watching these interviews and so then when i started watching the interviews i realized that or some either something shifted or i realized or something shifted because i dont feel that really strong bliss so much even in the first interview i did i felt it more and then over the last couple of weeks it feels more like um it feels more like just a lovely like contentment and fullness and like oh its just so nice","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"including your focus on location two layer three","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"mental state to fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"spacious empty system","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"nonduality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"magnetic attraction in a way to a sense of union","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"definitely sometimes and and and one of the times that i would notice that would be the times when im sort of stressed about something which does still happen you know cant get upset about things still so thats all you know thats definitely a identification with some kind of story thats going on then","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"was almost a trigger","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"but basically you just kind of remember it you know or get to it however you can sometimes its just a relaxation in the system sometimes its an intense focus on maybe something like divinity that eventually just pulls one over into something you can sink into","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"like even right now im feeling a little bit the gosh its like a warmth right here in my you know kind of chest and just torso you kind of stomach area um and just i wouldnt its in the family of joy but i wouldnt call it joy necessarily its also the related to this idea that just and you know that everything is going to be okay but its somehow stronger than that well theres a few things","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"aliveness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so when it comes into a cruelty kind of are damaging people that really riles me like of the things that can trigger me","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"in location three there was a certain clarity that i dont have now because it was like less commotion or deadness because like the love would infuse every thought so a thought would come up and instead of me where i am right now i dont want to deal with it it would just be like oh its okay its lets lets just sit with it and the loving feeling would just infuse every thought and then certain judgments that id have oh well i dont really need to look at it that way i can well i can just put love in this or i can just love it so that that id say that was like the most stark contrast","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"i feel like it just collapses and im left with an expansion of my sense of self","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"in the merger","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"that aloneness quality that seems to come up sometimes in association with layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"that makes more sense all right so yeah its a trigger to awareness for some reason yeah okay so it is awareness related methods that youre in good shape there you know thats the majority of people slight majority i mean not like 70 of people or something but yeah okay so thats great um thats thats a good sign that those work for you because those are those are good for especially progression through layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"sense of presence or however deep it goes","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"mostly i feel the fullness and the connectedness the oneness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"sense of emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"so location 3 is dual but not in the same way as location 1 or for nonfinders","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location two because youve got that single meta emotion","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"and layer two of location one","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"even my thoughts","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"quite deeply into layer 3 its fieldlike presence can feel dense even like a thick liquidalthough not everyone experiences this","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"it has taught us that social situations train us how to feel just as they train us how to think and act in so many other ways","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"through layer one as an example","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"it might be some way that your system kind of translates or resonates with layer three or sinking into layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i refer to these as facets of a single metaemotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"looking like boundless space from behind to front","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"is that the sort of location eight kind of direction that youre referring to there as the fringe","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"its because they dont have a dominant layer and theyre like you know no you know the fullness is there and the emptiness is there and the mind and the thoughts and the emotions theyre all there but im not any of those and youre thinking to yourself okay well what about you know lets maybe youre a layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"sense of spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location eight","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"i do think location three could do a lot for you so its probably worth seeing what thats like because theres more trade off on the location for side given the interpersonal nature of some of the work you do","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you know in your experience you may not be experiencing those as strongly as you otherwise would without being in layer three and having you know sort of the experience of layer three","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"life within everything","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"all pervading sort of field of awareness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"of course if youre fully in layer two where youre sensing that all containing awareness and you are that they wouldnt be a sense of something to be alone","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"everything just showing up","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"up through that location im sorry layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"i havent i dont really understand how it could be full right now so i dont know what that means and so that really doesnt make sense when i look","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"it would seem the moments that the centre and falls away and the self comes more less and less that","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"fullness that permeates everything","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so you might be more in that direction in the sense that you get that profound sense of peace and very little affect in that deeper place in layer three in location two then then you know and thats thats fine but if you want the love joy version of it um you may need to either try to bias your system in that direction by you know seeing if you can call up the love joy sort of qualities that tends to be a little bit shallower in layer","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"but with with some limits on the love and compassion side of things and the overall predominance of joy um not a sense of unity type stuff or divine type stuff or anything like that it just might be easier for you to route in to layer three and location two rather than trying to make the jump","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"remain quite highly social in later locations because its just whats been habituated you know so most people had the socialization habituated from an individualized sense of self perspective then the individualized sense of self goes away and whats happened is theres wiring in their brain where theres key parts of the brain that basically get more active when the individualized sense of self is there and less active when the individualized sense of self isnt there is reduced or whatever else","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":" it really sounds to me like you might have had a transition to the celestial experience of things pretty recently you know the sex stuff fits obviously and it sounds like there were probably some movements in that direction even prior to whatever the last five days or something but youve had your whole in your document its just such a divine sacred you know um you know surrendering devotional constantly merging constantly dissolving sort of feel of a layer three experience and the one thing that we have the only thing that we have potentially correlated at this point with the transition to the celestial is essentially that type of sort of devotional surrender if you will and so you fit the bill for that you know perfectly your descriptions you know the minute i see something like exalted and crystalline its just like you know nobody else ever says crystalline","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"something into this experience of two so my experience of this has its just now releasing a lot of the as of a couple of days ago thought it might be wise to look at this yeah so ive been experiencing you know this very strange weird nonduality type","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"location four is not as intense","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"four so the information on the layers was just me edging out for my peace palace from location four you know annemiek said something about locations it didnt really occur to me that you could change locations that quickly you know you used to have the fluid four and you had the concept where you change locations","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"life in its totality has no opposite and cannot die","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"i still get triggered","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"associating stillness with focus","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"so i meditated on it and immediately resolved it it disappeared that was the last big one","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"regardless of whether youre in location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"stark nothingness","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"there is a sense of me here but its not its not showing up in the perceptual field like the perceptual field is just here the sense the sense of me","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"i dont feel sadness","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location two because my system shifted and i was being the the space spacious emptiness um without without being the body anymore","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so that even that phrase having a charmed life","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"if that really drops away completely that may be more noticeable but even then because of the lack of self reflection its very possible for finders to just not even notice that right um but yeah thats thats a significant kind of shift when layer three really disappears from perception along with any remaining sense of even the most impersonal form of self or beingness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"conceptualizing","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"your sense that you can do anything make any choices or anything like that typically goes away","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"overwhelming sort of feeling of joy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"very concentrated state","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"deep peace and beingness","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"boring","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"finders experiencing this can seem atypically antisocial and rude during this period","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"of layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"this deepening process involves the falling away of remaining subtle layers of self at layer 3","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"center less","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so basically the components of that meta emotion the sense of the divine and methods that are particularly good for location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"a major reason for this was because the change they experienced in motivation after their transition to fundamental wellbeing produced negative impacts on their income social life or other aspects of their life and they simply decided to switch backmany people who rejected fundamental wellbeing had one major thing in common they had experienced rapid transitions that took them directly into location 4 in one case a person read a book about fundamental wellbeing went to sleep and woke up in location 4 despite being absorbed in a previously undreamtof level of wellbeing and sense of freedom he felt hed traded his humanity for it it is not uncommon for those who land in location 4 without religious or spiritual moorings or a psychological frame of reference to feel this way","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so those other components are potentially there that you know can sort of come together into that composite of into that composite emotion for location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"it has ebbed and flowed a little bit but its been pretty consistent feeling of deeper stillness at the points where one would expect you know you were describing things around the fullness or just stuff like that versus the body per se versus like sinuses and mhm or even in this part of the conversation you know like it seems like the stillness is ebbed a little bit from the depth that it was a moment ago","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"like i felt everything kind of like drop into like layer one so i feel much more like actually as the personality","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"experience love","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"when youre in location four you give yourself a little bit you know more likely access to path of freedom versus path of humanity","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"glimpse a more pure form of layer four in location four","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"yeah it is so this this stillness is a bit more still like the presence sort of is like it was like a like you know with it wasnt quite still but it was a bit more still in fullness or much more still in fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"felt nice i was kind of surprised at that point","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"life is just fantastic","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"all right so you mentioned your goal is first uh location two layer three so it sounds like youve got that already of course theres always more to explore","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"so see what see if you can really deepen your access to layer to be able to shift their fluidly at least to a very you know complete experience of it if not to an identity shift and see what that does you know when when theres a trigger or something even if its a very subtle trigger just really sink into that layer two experience and see what that does","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"start off with greater intensity","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"all right location three has the sense of divinity or panpsychists theres a sense of being in union with that um its that single emotion of joy love compassion maybe some other facets depending on someones belief systems or cultural underpinnings things like that whereas layer three is probably more of what youre thinking off layer three is more of that field like presence that we talked about i dont have to repeat it because we just did a video on all that","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"probably youre already doing all of that intuitively it would be my guess and then the other thing is there was you mentioned temporary glimpses when deeper of a shift of your identity into spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"theres lots of things that should bring it to the fore and they just dont","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"christianity","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer one from a more persistent higher place as well","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"boundary and location two is just like the state of missouri cant contain it its just the vastness","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"but again that is if i choose to focus in that way and i dont have a sense of emptiness rather i would say when i you know when if i just feel its more of a sense of fullness that im experiencing and i feel like i experienced that in the world as well so not just in myself and but then when i relate to people for example that is still going to be you know im still going to default back into seeing us as two separate individuals right and you know very much in that way","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"from there they can let the whole process go before anything further arises or allow it to arise","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"fullness or that beingness from a layer three standpoint","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"single emotion of love and joy and compassion","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"more towards positive emotion than location 1","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"this includes experiences like felicity or frustration though we must be careful here","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"or are temporarily experiencing fundamental well being","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"if theyve got some temporary glimpses or temporary experiences happening of location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"i call it the exuberance of the universe like laughter that its a flavor in layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"clear openness never goes away","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i can trust it completely","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"divine one","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"when i do come into that spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"over to location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"often have a noetic sense that everything is unfolding exactly as it should","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"being experienced in the context of fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"everything arises","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"however does it seem like when youre looking that everything is just sort of showing up okay so thats just a quick test we do for nondual perception so thats a second vote in favor of location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"sense of agency","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"others like ones of layer one tend to be dissolved very rapidly by layer two","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"i think i remember reading your childhood thing and your pastor thing um let me said it felt like getting lost and ending up on material earth so thats you know that can be in the direction of it for sure but that can also just to some degree be a finder thing as well in some cases even as early as location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"ive actually one benefit is that ive got i have my anchor or my hook for location three out of it which just happened recently just pure pure holiness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"it certainly sounds like most of your experience of the deeper layer stuff is layer three everything you described is sort of layer three qualities and it sounds like you can actually sink into that very easily and you know a highly fluid to that place and in addition it shifts you to location two from having a more dual sort of perception and so thats really just awesome","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"connected to everything in the immediate","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"and get stuck in location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"the senselessness at layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"their emotional life becomes more and more positive and they can reach a point where negative emotions are rare","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"whats out there is out there","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"spaciousness is coming i dont know how to describe it","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"layer 2 is essentially out of phase with location 4 and can bring on difficult experiences for people","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"but it becomes more salient and","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"there is no sense of distance or space even the field of awareness disappears leaving no sense of any dimensiononly the allpresent reality","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"that makes sense because remember like the first ever transition had into fundamental wellbeing and then a second transition when i went probably to a deeper layer i think those two transitions felt very strong and noticeable quite dramatic mean they were not like you know catastrophe dramatic like some people have but you know they were unmissable right whereas this feels this shifting between what might be layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i saw shapes in language","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"dark night of the soul","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"people actually not thinking that theyre even in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"it feels like a battle between my mind and the fullness right now","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"im immediately noticing that im the witness um and then its obvious its easy to notice then that things have an emptiness about them and that theres","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location two also combination one","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"it could be that that mist type feeling that field type thing mist type thing as its showing up for you which is a totally legit way of describing it might you know you might start to see sort of a consciousness emerge in it","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and even the reintroduction of emotions for some","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"from close to that place and kind of maybe sync zoom in a bit but you can essentially live probably a lot of your life from a place like that","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and so location four is emotionless agency less you know divine less feeling of you know alienness feeling of loss of humanity","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so then if i was able to go to location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"talking to everybody and thinking about it and examining myself and whatevers going on in that space","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"i kind of decided that i wanted to stay involved with society so im no longer at that state where everything is absolutely gone","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"opposed to feeling like its me","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"wellbeing is experienced that previously could not have been imagined regardless of how happy they were previously","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"existence","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"if its location two sometimes layer two of location two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"from layer three or layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer three type of more location three ish type of layer three type experience right","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"that sentence is like textbook location four you know context","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"theres books like breaking the habit of self you know titles like that out there and thats really exactly what people are doing when theyre transitioning into fundamental well being","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"layer one in terms of your sense of self and your dominant perspective then there would be","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"because location two layer four can sound so much like","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"looking out at the space","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":" the sense of a localized distinct observersubject is no longer present instead everything is just arising as one field of experiencebecause of this nonduality at location 2 especially beyond layer 1 and the shallow end of layer 2 there is no sense of distinction between the objects of experience the experiencer and the process of experiencing it all seems to unfold as one","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"perception and the resulting change in sense of","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"because when i focus on the qualities of space i mainly sense fullness and a substance like presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"it functions autonomously but is now increasingly outside of even subjective awareness despite continuing to impact behavior","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"all pervasive presence","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"spaciousness is coming from that side from your left side","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the location four doesnt you know show up as something that is necessarily dissociative or trauma related in in the ordinary sense","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i have my eyes half closed and half eyes open theres some sparks of light","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"deepest and darkest despair of their life","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":" its kind of operating from","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"divinity in everything","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location three combination layer one","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"im describing is layer three okay so theres the experience of for you you know that all pervading sense of presence of the divine but it remains an experience of it um and therefore relational even though theres a union its relational and um its if you compare you know the idea of what we experience say the sun we experience the sun in a certain way um but the experience of the sun as it is unto itself is entirely different to our experience of the sun and the same goes for the divine or you know the the ground of being while it remains relational its an entirely different experience than when that relationship falls away or collapses and theres nothing to experience it and theres only it as it is unto itself um which means the qualities as we experience them the qualities of it whether thats divinity or presence or beingness um those can no longer be perceived because theyre only perceived in in relation to it you know as it is known to the self um but when that reflection on experience ceases its just as it is unto itself its its you know without um go ahead","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"nothing appears to have independent or essential existence and there is only undifferentiated realityv","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"the clear light of being or consciousness or awareness","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"lets say its just an open space to me like its theres just if i step back so if im stepping back and just um saying if theres no thought if im if im not putting thought into it it just its kind of just is so theres not really a sea without thought","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"silent peace have that those types of qualities","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":" but what it suggests is that its possible that youre having shallower experiences of layer three that youre not recognizing as layer three or not paying attention to because its not the thick liquid um experience that was probably more powerful um because even that sense of presence getting heightened the sense of aliveness pervading the spaciousness is in the direction of layer three beginning to be experienced as simultaneous with layer two","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer 3 feels like a profound fullness rather than feeling as though it contains everything like layer 2 this feels as though it pervades and infuses everything","label_text":"loc1lay3"} {"text":"layer 4 is very difficult to access from location 1 those who can get a sense of it are mostly finders who have deepened into layer 4 in further locations and are pulled back down to location 1 due to circumstantial reasons","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"no thoughts","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"its like identity is still remaining on the layer one on the level of the mind but its kind of getting very immersed in this experience of emptiness and nothingness that its reacting to it like its sort of seeing its own emptiness or its own","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"you can really focus that towards location three so that means focusing on the location three type qualities","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and even i even hesitate to say me but theres definitely a space between the trigger and whatever is reacting i would say the spaciousness between it","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"okay is this one of those location two examples where theyre not where theyre basically just not acknowledging the emotions","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"modulation of joy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"sometimes if im in or doing awareness it can be just empty the idea of a container doesnt really i can kind of manufacture the idea of a container but even the container has something outside of it um and its not like its not like distinct for me so i could be doing a guy and like have experiences of both a container and no container but its almost like the container isnt complete containing everything its like almost if you imagine the universe is in a container and theres endless something outside of that","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"calm","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"these relate to being beingness itself the most foundational layer of association when these fall away it subjectively feels as though the centerless field of beingnessawareness ie layer 3 disappears or somehow collapses into raw indivisible existence then all that remains is existence in spontaneous unfolding ","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"youll transition","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"very common and totally understandable from a fundamental wellbeing standpoint","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"i seem to get stuck there just thinking just in my thoughts or emotions sometimes but whenever i stop and look for either emptiness or fullness i seem to find it so im not sure what that means exactly like which way am i coming from or or maybe im just in layer one and pretending to be in the other layers","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"theres just absolutely no guarantee once you jump across that location five channel but you get the idea","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"single emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"okay so lets lets just assume for purposes of this test that you are actually in location to","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"beingness that pervades everything","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"since 2017 was when i did finders course and transitioned","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"okay great so you did that early on and you i assume have a looker from that perspective","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"and in layer two um theres more spaciousness theres less of when you look through your eyes theres not a sense of identity anymore more of a sense of spaciousness yeah","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"god jesus or the holy spirit depending on","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"experienced became increasingly positive","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"thats a little bit of a difficult place to stick persistently and so its probably more of like a very high layer three","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"unless you want to be in location one or something","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"selfreferential thoughts have declined significantly and thoughts that remain are largely present moment oriented","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"higher levels of consciousness","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"that sounds very layer two so you have diagnosed yourself well on that one","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i think i probably zoom in a little bit too far or zoom in back down to like layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"layer 3 is sometimes experienced as the foundation or source of manifest existence which is typically integrated with conceptions of divinity in the case of people who experience the divine version of location 3 because it is undifferentiated and formless the only way the symbolic mind can conceive of it is as unmanifest pure potentiality ","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"but like the distances between things dont seem any bigger than usual the space itself feels very big and infinite and","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the experience of earlier locations is changed as a result of the system having deepened in late locations","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"i had a man that used to be a teacher have a very strong strong triggered reaction about something that didnt really connect to me but he was kind of venting on me and he was literally screaming at me frothing at the mouth and i felt quite spacious and he was blocking me he wouldnt let me leave like i was like do i need him in the groin or im okay and and it was this interesting experience but i felt like i could just really be there and it didnt impact me highly it was you know i walked when i walked away and was able to drive away i took some deep breaths and was like okay and my system felt like it released like i had to i had a couple tears but not with an emotion and i felt my system release some of whatever he was projecting but i felt quite spacious during it","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"complete absence of emotion","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"sort of the presence and the fullness of place","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"all of these types of distinctions go","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"its obviously also good for accessing layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"sense of emptiness in that spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"starts blissing you out or whatever you may want to you know backpedal a little bit on that if you dont want to wind up in location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"its peaks in intensity in the trees","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"it feels like like one little point one little point trying to poke into all the fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i would say pull down to layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"into layer three and location two","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"but i realized especially because of this program and having to reflect i dont know when i stopped having selfreferential thoughts","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"perceiving or aware at its most foundational level can kind of emerge from layer four to varying degrees or collapse","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"youre just like seeing it from you know outside of its space time or something","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"layer two of that spacious beingness that feels like your real nature is always there","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the notion that fundamental wellbeing necessarily entails experiencing a unified or onenessbased type of perception nonduality is not accurate","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"location two layer four is an easier traverse between going between the layers and to then when you flip into four it","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"probably an apparent stability","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer three of location two is where i want to be","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"4","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":" you know love joy divine you know thing","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"very full","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"overabundance","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"it was just this experience of all inclusive love like there was no separation between anything and it was incredible","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"if it was in layer two it would be you moving up to that boundary between layer two and layer three and starting to experience that which is totally possible","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"quality of clear openness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"no experience of","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"it feels quite a bit more spacious now","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"many of the positive traits and types of human experience","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"they kind of emerge into awareness as this kind of nonverbal understanding or knowingness that is essentially something translated down to a deeper layer from layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"theres much more flow now than there used to be","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"fundamental sense of okayness but its kind of in the background","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"very rich and very full you know complete","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and so you could potentially do a little biasing that way","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location 1","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"its joy","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so i was tripping over the the definition of i think its location three layer three around one singular emotion so the word emotion was tripping me because dont feel that as something localized to this form but theres a theres a tonal quality to that space or a i dont know how to maybe a frequency sensation","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"vibrancy","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"daniel brown retreats","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"like its holding everything like everythings appearing in it i cant see the edges of it though its a bit like guess the ocean would be a good metaphor mean although you kind of he know that the ocean has limits you cant see them but i dont i dont know theres any limits to this because i cant see them and i dont you dont have that reference point to know theres any limits to it so i suppose im probably not using the word container correctly","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"locations 1 generally experience a full range of emotions","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"classic end of christian","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"body will react as if there was a thought","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"and so keep that in mind for the probing the visual effects of location five location six youre looking for glitches involving senses and the nervous system","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"whole experience is center less","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"location four is no personal emotion","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"try to see if you can get an identity of you as being that sense of presence and you know infinite field and you know all of that","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"and maybe the way to get at that a little bit more is to go on to what happens when you do actually sink in and when you have the thing in your sternum in the center of your chest or whatever basically happening that that sense of a void i mean a void is one of those things that you hear you know thats a term thats very strongly associated with layer two and certainly especially at a nondual type of location like location two","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"lot of very positive experience its theres a very deeply a lot of love and deep understanding as well for for others theres theres compassion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"but probably its going to remain location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":" having to go to sort of the alien and root in and become hyper familiar with the alien type of thing at location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so it was during the the program kind of towards the end of the program i think and guys really activated the access point to that for me and some of the headless way did and there were days i dont remember exactly how many days maybe or something and after maybe three is something in me realized oh i probably need help and i was in a space of i dont even have words for it it was like this being dissolved and everything was arising but because this being had dissolved like i had trouble walking and talking and wasnt really functioning but didnt really register that i wasnt functioning until i did and yeah and then something was like you should reach out and get some help and i was like oh i should reach out and get some help and and then sent some emails and and even that it was like didnt identify with that voice that was kind of coming in somehow and and having my body type the email","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"you might be able to even find that in your experience of layer three right now in location two its worth looking at to see if it is possible if it is showing up as sort of one meta emotion with you know one of those three facets more forward at any given time","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"see objects","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"fullness awareness and aliveness and just all pervading and pervasive","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"if something major happens such as the death of a beloved child parent or spouse negative emotion can arise","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"it sounds like its clearly location two to me without that sense of self behind the eyes thats the easy one it is funny how the self is bothered by its own return thats kind of entertaining isnt it its just never happy its its not happy when youre trying to make it go away its not happy when it comes back its just generally not happy","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"impersonal or divine compassion joy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"subtle duality","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"theres spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"conditioning around needing the approval of others is dissolving and may result in less social and socially desirable behavior","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"but just like waking up in the morning its its very much mind content mostly around you know work or planning not a lot of like rumination or fear based thoughts but still a lot of content and being fairly embedded in the content still not like prior to transitioning which is like a huge difference but","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"many different potential trajectories within fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"would mean a loss of self loss of the center loss of beingness loss of ones own existence so its natural that your system would kind of pull back to even if its just the upper reaches of layer three where there is awareness","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"very reaction based from the standpoint of being in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"feeling full of joy","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"then your description of location four sounds you know it sounds like location four you know no sense of self no sense of agency no emotion um it sounds like you probably did have a glimpse of location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"a little turbulence around emotion","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"when youre in layer one its mostly rooted in a higher layer whether its layer two or layer three or even layer four","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"rather than layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"the charmed life would be a more sensible and realistic and just better choice for me","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"you are in location four because it locks you in","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the art found in location 1 layer 4 is a mirror of the soul each piece a window into the artists journey and the viewers own depths","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 dawns first light doesnt just herald a new day but whispers of eternal beginnings felt deep within","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"and particularly when you have a very strong catholic upbringing and then very strong couldnt be any stronger than that in the years that i was catholic","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"minds seemed much quieter","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"former sense of self that fell away","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"location for type of nonduality","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the access that where im at in fundamental wellbeing you should come","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"and you can use that period to work on exploring and deepening into layer three where youre already at but you could also start seeing if you can develop some fluidity or access to layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"all right so generally speaking when i hear something like that it immediately makes me think probably location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"the boundaries between work and play blur in location 1 layer 4 each act imbued with purpose and the joy of being","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"love a yes so its just that yeah i guess the word just has so many different connotations much more than what i have now i think it just kept trying to go more and then it kept being a little blocked so like i guess probably just the beginning stages of location three or just i dont know i dont like maybe it was really deep location two layer three i just dont know how like magical","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"but theyre all one field of experience if it were a duel it would be like well this thing is separate from this thing that which is looking is fundamentally separate from fields separate from distinct from what is out there","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"or location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"unconditional positive regard","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"but you know the nature of the thoughts like if im to compare myself to ten years ago you know the nature of myself is very different its theres not really a tangible self per se theres no voice in my head or like not really many im not really interested in narratives or not many narrative thoughts going back to me its just not something im really drawn to yet i do think about life situations i do analyze things i do make plans theres just not so much backward looking activity in that sense so yeah i can go on","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so then then i realized after reading the book like one and a half times so im like oh well maybe that spaciousness is whats referred to when im in meditation and theres this part of it where we call the ring space and i go there and its just just all space and it feels happy to be there um but the thing that confused me was that i couldnt say in that experience that everything was arising from that space its like someplace i go to so that thats why well maybe thats the beginning of layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"so in like a watcher kind of way","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"the subjective experience is emmeshed with deep beliefs about what is ultimately real and transitioning to and deepening into location 4 can be disconcerting","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"no panpsychist sense","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"divine love and their merging","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"both empty and full","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"staying more shallow you do increase your range","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"sort of a social aspect of your life very important prior to fundamental well being","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"rather than just having a really deep experience of layer three in location two where theres still nondual experience for divine","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"being complete","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location 4 finders who experience this in committed relationships are equally fortunate","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"kept having to just do what was in front of me","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"although a soulless version of a dark night of the soul the soul word doesnt make a lot of sense to them um and so there are these there are such significant changes identity wise for you in that leap from layer three to layer four location four","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"and thats makes perfect sense to me because the gravity is really to those elements of layer three and location three you know right","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"wouldnt be divine","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"just whatever is noticing","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"deity","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"feels untouched","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"better than location four layer four just based on ive heard that you know location for layer four is not terribly associated with go getter type of attitudes no matter the piece or anything","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"no aloneness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location four you might have that repeat again with temporary glimpses of location 5 or 6","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the conditioning definitely seems to be something that is keeping you anchored to a much more shallow experience of layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"healers","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"total spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"if its arising more strongly and blocking out a perception that you really never leave layer two its just that its you know as its coming up its sort of pushing layer two into the background and sort of you know hiding it a little bit and all of your attention is going here on layer one because its like in the foreground of your experience and then you know you you immediately you can think to yourself well wait a minute and then layer two you know can come more forward right but i think one thing to pay attention to in your experience is is there an underlying identity shift in that process you know are you going from layer two and theres that disappearing and layer one is coming on and then layer two is coming back in you know with layer one sort of you know contained within it away in a way or is it a situation where layer two is always there youre never actually leaving layer two youre stable in layer two but just some of the you know some of the problems or issues or triggers that you have are so significant that theyre really giving you know just just you know theyre really creating a trigger that pulls that layer one very very very close so that maybe you have difficulty even seeing around it","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"there is a sense of an allpervasive consciousness what philosophers call a panpsychist experience","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"does this mean that location 4 and beyond were unknown within christianity this seems highly unlikely until very recently for christian authors what occurred in the transition to location 4 was probably difficult to share without dire personal consequences and possible retributions from church hierarchy","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the self falls away","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"go for the joy","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"generically impersonal love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the ego in lay one is allconsuming able to block access to perception of other levels with a false assumption of its importance and my staying at its level","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"from layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"nondual experience thats had in april of this year i had um was doing inquire inquiry you know after finishing the 45 days and um you know obsessively doing that because you know i just wanted to get whatever was on offer you know from the program and well i was really trying to get back to my december experience of 2018 but because i didnt really know what was on offer but so i kept doing the inquiry inquiry and then i realized there was no me at that time and so thats the weird nondual experience that","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"a state where that very that emotion is present thats a combination of love joy and compassion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"feel like its kind","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"and layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"youve already won the lottery your system is wired for it youre deep in it you can go to you can experience layer one and","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"silence and stillness","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"lack of emotion","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"its basically in all likelihood going to be that type of stillness or silence type of focus that will pull you through to the very deepest reaches of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"thats really a big reason why the triggers went away because im no longer a prisoner of those things","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"capable of great focus and efficiency","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"people suppress their peace a little","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"never arguing with anybody or anything","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"location 2 involves a form of nondual experience","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"less concerned about you continuing to go deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper i dont have any issue with you playing around with that and you know i mean if anything it might be like maybe 10 to 20 of time on layer one methods","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"its easy as well to go to location to layer two basically","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"it feels more like presence there is this sort of buzzing energy thats pretty much always happening its quite strong now um thats something that i associate with aliveness but it doesnt have the sort of intelligence that awareness has presence has uh so im not really sure thats one of the questions im not so yeah that buzzing did sort of i do associated with layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so its just that sometimes i just call it a timeline its like this timeline thats happening but it doesnt its not exclusive in any way because thats at a really low level that its happening in order of oh event thought decision action","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":" an event in fundamental wellbeing for a while","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"the nothingness could also be in layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i had a retreat for example in just in in august where i was basically almost all of the time in awe i felt the most of the time in location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and if you really deepen into layer four in location two your system will sooner or later be unable to really stabilize that in location two and it will shift into location four","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"location two layer one","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"dont experience anger","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"only a single positive emotion remains in location three feeling like a combination of universal compassion love and joy which is almost always in the foreground","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"inner joy or aliveness or love","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"looker or the listener inside your head","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"what was covered in location 1 around goals a present moment focus feeling complete or whole relationship to stories psychological triggers a sense of self that extends beyond the body personality changes or lack thereof perception of physical pain humor goals and paradoxesshould largely be seen as holding true for later locations unless it is specifically commented upon","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"spacious","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"youve got sort of a watcher thing that is a meta perspective sort of a meta cognitive perspective","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"whereas in location to my internal chatter is very quiet and just i hardly notice it","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"we find that they can often pull people out of fundamental wellbeing so thats not the best idea weve had a lot of people report that the first time we had that reported was we were running one of the first founders courses and it was during burning man burning man hit in the middle of it burning man as you can google it if not yeah its sort of a psychedelic ish festival in the nevada desert yeah and you know we had a bunch of people that had transitioned to fundamental wellbeing before burning man they went to burning man and ingested a bunch of drugs and then fell out of fundamental wellbeing and had a hell of a time trying to get back","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"and then while youre in layer one you know youre able to produce a memory of layer three if thats what it is","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"location 4 since it often conflicts with deeply held beliefs and ideologies though again its important to note that there usually isnt a sense of agency involved to the finder it appears as if the debate and subsequent rejection just happen","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"its all just there","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"meta experience","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"and then when its more you know having that deeper experience where theres the sense of union or the dissolving the melting into creation thats you know possibly glimpses of location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the streets of location 1 layer 4 are not just paths but journeys each corner a crossroads of potential and discovery","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"no real emotional valence to it which people will often confuse with location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"in location 2 this is often the result of the experience of layer 1 being integrated with or experienced from deeper layers this in turn involves a degree of distance from layer 1 which also produces a sense of distance between mind and self eg i am not my thoughts i am not the thinker ","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"arising","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"positive flow","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"observer","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"so theres a fairly rapid and high amount of fluidity but we dont yet know if its actually fluidity or if youre viewing different layers from one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"so when you say its in everything what qualities of it are you perceiving in everything","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"divine sense of the divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"like layer one kind of zooms in and out and theres definitely still some some habits and some theres some avoidance protocols that are in place because theres things you dont you know thoughts have been problematic for","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"it makes perfect sense youd be able to zoom in zoom out","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"still be visible in some way or distinguishable","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"that can be a very useful place to try if youre working with conditioning at layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"and then you talked about a joy and deep peace spreading throughout you when you receive the eucharist","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"but then also you know in location for theres no sense of agency and theres sort of you know in the public its a very much a smear between what these things sort of mean","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"persistent form of peace","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so love joy compassion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the allencompassing feeling of love joy and compassion pervades all experience and there is a deep sense of perfection beauty and even sacredness to everything","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"although their need for approval has lessened even further than location 2","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"theres a feeling of a deeper and deeper stillness where theyre seeing theres no one and nothing but the eyes can be open then to see that also it maintains itself","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"in location 3 layer 2 shows up as the presence of divinity or as the panpsychist presence","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"desert of emptiness and the massive you know the massive sort of crisis of existence","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"as you know thats the location two at least some nondual location anyway","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"emptiness or spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"when i meditated on the thought of that person it was a little surprising because i think i still have feelings but not emotions because emotions i feel are a reaction or you know something like that and thought i could remember them","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the warmth of a shared meal transcends nourishment becoming a communion of souls and stories","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"and help us sort of get a general context of where youre at and so you know i think in some cases youre probably getting glimpses of layer three in location one","label_text":"loc1lay3"} {"text":"rich experience","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"something is just revealed in a moment","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"single remaining positive","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"there is no longer the sense of anything within or beyond itno sense of alltranscending or allpervading formless presence or beingness","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"layer one i will feel that my thoughts are very real my problems are very real and theres a lot of dangers in the future","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"i got into buddhism in the first place was because i was looking around me and i was just seeing like you know im actually living kind of a charmed life right now like i have all of my needs met you know i never have any trouble getting a job","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"four that shifting feels very subtle and i was expecting something a bit more a bit stronger and so that maybe explains why thats the case","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"like i just look at the tree and i feel joy and i feel i dont know what im looking for here","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"sometimes the layer to spaciousness location to layer two stuff comes in spontaneously as a result of just the right environment or circumstances typically relating to the safety thing","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"thats like a location nine type of experience um where yeah if its not under your control then its its some fluidity in your system that actually dont have that one under control either","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"its still there but the sort of like alive presence that i feel that isnt limited to me but everywhere is part of that field and its like it was always there but now that im aware aware of it it was just sort of like a very slight phase shift to be able to see it like if it was a visual thing it would be like averting my glance just like a couple of degrees in one direction and then like suddenly its there","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"it is essentially the home layer of location 4 and later and experiences of it in earlier locations tend to be partial and temporary ","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"somewhat like just me relocating my organs","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"the big one of course is you know one kind of meta emotion that feels like a combination of love and joy and compassion could be some other things mixed in there depending upon life and cultural circumstances and all of that","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"remember from the content that there a strong link oftentimes between layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"thats sort of everywhere another thing that made me ask that is because your your description of layer three in your document relates to a very specific and quite deep experience of layer three where it does feel like a liquid or like this thick quality thats that is a absolutely layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location 1 individuals notice that their focus is now more centered in the present moment rather than the past or future","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":" it will often be experienced from perception being centered in deeper layers","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"i dont know that it was a rising in a way that you would have answered the questions that way during this interview per se but you clearly have a penchant for you know fluidity in general you know and you were able to detect oh wait a minute im getting a little too close in the direction of location four we dont want that you know it sort of you have enough sort of presence to be able to sense that kind of thing and generally thats the kind of thing that comes from someone who is used to having some fluidity you know its kind of a situational awareness if you will within fundamental well being in the same way that ordinary people have a situational awareness in life among different circumstances and stuff like that right and so im sure that theres fluidity here for sure but at least during this interview the way you described things the way you talked about things you know id pin it mostly at location two layer three","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"divine or of an all","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and then goes over to location two you know and layer two and so on and so forth from there","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"listener","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and then and the sensory smoke you know just like somethings burning and theres nothing burning but im just smelling smoke so other than that i cant recall them","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"who doesnt believe in the divine","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"even feeling that space was just jarring","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"increased loss of selfrelated","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"as one begins to sense into the shallower end of layer 2 there is a quality of stillness that feels deeper than or more real than the mind and its contents","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"layer three that really resonates","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"you can perform the nonduality test that you saw and many of the videos where we ask","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"layer four is less than optimal for a lot of functioning","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"presence would generally be more layer three but can absolutely be layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"it sounds a lot to me like youre rooted primarily in layer three as your dominant layer","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"theres spaciousness at another point theres the body at another point","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"and just going back and forth between duality","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"i think im more prone to experiencing layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"like if it sucked then id get out of it in fact it can lead to discomfort because enough time passes and deadline pressure builds and people want my attention for things and","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 art is not just seen but felt each creation a window into the artists soul and the collective unconscious","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"feeling of spaciousness or just layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"and now youve got this very multidimensional highly fluid system thats operating from probably at least what you could think of at the moment as like layer five or deeper and able to access qualities of at least down to location three could be to where youre getting some access to agency some access to the impersonal love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location 4 an even more pronounced change","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"it makes me wonder if like some part of the layer one identity has discovered that this is a way that it can","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"most of europe around the barrio in the room or if im at home theres you know theres theres trees in the garden i look outside the windows and and it goes a bit further yeah","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"feel i always have a some level of fundamental wellbeing even in stress and illness","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"there isnt a looker here","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i think you know exactly where youre at from it and where stuff is going to unfold for the course","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"its really a direct experience and i think you are having you know even from location one the sense of layer three","label_text":"loc1lay3"} {"text":"you know have aspirations of going to something like location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":" inside is the same as outsideit is equally present everywhere ","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"um so so when we were just by the way when we refer to the godhead its usually used in the context of layer four of location three right its just a term that a lot of people seem to use to refer to that experience i think because you know theres such a prominent experience of the divine for those people who get a divine experience in location three that you know when they go beyond that to sort of layer four where beyond all distinction just like beyond the divine beyond god whatever you called the god","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"its very different than layer four location four layer four type of stuff which is more freedom","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"a default layer two that might be a little bit more shallow than the depth of layer two that you get into when youre just relaxing sinking in","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"divine or being in union","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"active in your experience or in your nervous system","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"in most cases layer 1 is readily accessible in location 2 as is the case with other earlier locations therefore typically finders in layer 1 of location 2 will experience some selfreferential thoughts along with a mix of positive and negative emotions","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"memories spontaneously arise less often and theres no possibility of anything beyond it or any thing being outside of it","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"mean was the anger","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"agency","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"so youre saying you have no thoughtsyes my mind is completely silent what is one plus one two did you watch the presidential debate last nightyesdo you have a favorite candidateusually i vote democrat but im leaning towards the other person this timewhyi think his position on something i consider important is more inline with my viewbut again you say you have no thoughtscorrectand no sense that there is an individual yourighthmmmits easy to see how an exchange like this one can be somewhat baffling it took a great deal of careful probing experimentation and analysis to unravel and come to grips with seemingly contradictory statements such as those in the example above","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"self referential thoughts are just dead silent","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"permeating everything","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"dont have that mental abstraction","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"positive emotions like joy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"it may still feel like you have a lot of individualness and you know thoughts and emotions and things like that and thats perfectly fine because all of that can continue to exist at layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"much less affected by self","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"i looked into a bit of attachment theory and then i so i sat down the first of the month you know to do the exercise you know i literally got an airbnb in the forest for a week and said i would just go through the finders book go through the wheres the locations book and just start writing stuff down so i started writing stuff down and then i kept just getting super triggered so i just took a pillow and i just like hugged a pillow for like ten hours a day for the whole week and i think it was must have been an attachment theory thing because when i started feeling safe certain triggers started coming up and then boom instead of the trigger you know me like going into safety mode it just ended up releasing and then i must have been a week ago found myself in location three four and you know not for a few minutes but for a more consistent period of time a couple of days so now i think im a little further back down in location two later three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"loneliness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"that fullness is basically permeating and infusing the experience","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"mind","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"the reintegration of layer 3 on the path of humanity allows these finders to return to feeling more human while those on the path of freedom continue in the direction of location 4 which feels profoundly alien and out of phase with the world ","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"and i can if i want to i can play with layer one more be more active with","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"because of the profound experience of love joy and compassion in location 3 the mind tends to be biased by the very positive affective state","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"flow of movement","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"huge fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":" from a location two perspective","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so much so that it made me think its almost unusual for someone to have this nice a deconditioning process without having jumped over to location two and maybe not knowing it","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"and then when i drop in when im in nature which is every day i live in the jungle and i go down to the river every day and when i drop in and i dont have all the practical kind of oh i have to schedule this or do that then theres a deepening of the stillness that happens and an expansion","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"and i liked your suggestion of start doing mini as youre walking around or driving or parked at the lights or something just do mini in and out too because with a strong layer one which i had for a long time i can see how i really need to be on the ball with this","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"sympathy","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"in layer three that youre able to access now and really sinking into those as much as you can um do you have like can you sink into the direction of that meta emotion like are there qualities of love joy compassion that are accessible to you in layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer two standpoint","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"you know darkness is never really described as darkness unless its just absolutely pitch black its just described as dim and the objects that are still in perception to somebody in location five","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"you experience layer two what is it that makes you say oh no im pretty sure i experienced at least some of layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"hard to see their perspective or to know what they want or feel if they dont state it directly","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"i just am or you know whatever people however they kind of put words to that but youre describing it as well the self is just gone because your reference point for the term self is your ordinary sense of kind of individual or personal self at layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"joy is always my weak spot","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"further in locations","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"location 1 finders often become much less interested in the stories the people around them tell","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"spaciousness emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"so in location three its generally one wouldnt have personal emotion so that includes most you know basically negative emotion even things like personal love um theres really just that impersonal or universal love joy compassion that composes that meta emotion so thats what im sort of digging into","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"me vastness and spaciousness feel equivalent um emptiness you know i just really like the sound of it i like the descriptions of it you know even im a long time buddhist practitioner and i wont say scholar but ive done a lot of study and i remember hearing teachings that if one feels a spontaneous joy and affinity to the teachings on emptiness and thats a sign that you have past life experience and thats thats considered a very good sign","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"sense of christ god andor the holy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"silent beingness that is observing experience","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"it feels like it is everywhere there is nowhere it is notyet it is not localized anywhere and it does not have spatial dimensionality so also feels like it is nowhere","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the journey of selfdiscovery is honored each persons path seen as vital to the weave of the whole","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"awareness have spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"and no apparent sense of agency or ability to","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"spaciousness and the emptiness being accessible and then you know","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"using words like emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"strategizing","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"divine quality","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"despite these reports none of this seems to impact their ability to perform at very high levels","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"to layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"if theres a sense of more of a field of presence or and um kind of all pervading field or fullness then that could be um some aspects of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"when youre even when youre just using like if youre using for instance theres a method where like somebody just comes and holds you in a very loving way and eventually you find yourself sobbing in their arms you have no idea why youre sobbing and you know whatever else and its its just sort of this preverbal thing and theres really not that many people in the world that can even get somebody to you know have that experience","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"makes them even less reactive","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"theres a very spaciousness quality to that moment","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"layer one more accessible strangely","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"i saw in your document you said its been ten years since your first glimpse of fundamental well being","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"transitioned to location 1","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"from a purely nondual sense and location","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"most of the time curious and open rather than fearful","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"obviously there is a locus for the scene and for the hearing but you know youve been through that before with many people","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"it becomes more difficult to access layer 3 and to return to previous locations this is even more so the case for location 5 and later finders ","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"if your attention is more on what youre doing or on the mind doesnt necessarily mean that your perception has gone nondual as has gone dual you could still be experiencing it all as one field of experience arising but have your attention primarily on the mind content in that field of experience","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"location 3 does not have this divine component for everyone","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"recently some christian finders have started to discuss it for decades the noted catholic mystic bernadette roberts 19312017 documented some of this later territory because she found it largely lacking in the christian mystical literature her writings catalogue a personal struggle to make location 4","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"also really just making a very hard and stressful and abrasive work environment slash job feel completely fine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"with the peaceful","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"i dont think youre sensing anything","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"theres a deep peace but it can be suppressed by triggered conditioning which is indicative of just the layer four but not location four thing","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"felt correct regardless of whether it seemed to","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"exercise layer one verbal logical rational facility","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"isolated there or kind of not really aware of layer one um and you you are still aware of layer one then it would show up","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"its like things are appearing in it its like the water in the pool but without the the edges of the pool the waters just there","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"wonderful life","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location three brings other ancillary issues with it","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"boston retreats are so great for glimpses theyve got that down i really do","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"so theres just these ranges of different types of experience and theyre all you know theyre all perfectly fine","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"thats that combination of love and compassion and joy","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"i think its layer two we dug in as much as we felt we needed to until we were convinced okay theyre talking about layer two you do that until you reach that point period so youre always always going for clarity with people until youre sure that youre understanding what theyre talking about and that youre matching them up with in this case the matrix","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"it feels just kind of like it is what it is","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"nondual way","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"this is a complete openness of everything that that that is happening around and just to complete okayness with that and trust that that things are just developing in the way they should and its so less less agency its just its just just happening and its yeah its good to be there yeah","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"if the only reason youre doubting it is because it was temporary then it probably just was a temporary experience of location four um its all you know youre not saying anything that sounds vague or uncertain theres no sense of the divine a sense of self no sense of agency no emotion including no love","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"peace and silence","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"its accessible when im in a deeper silence and stillness its accessible","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"something is triggering you and you mentioned the triggers that you do describe that happen very infrequently","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"blister action more like what is the very foundational stillness within it and the senselessness of it um so those are kind of the qualities of the really the deepest reaches of of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"fighting the gravity of layer one in your system at the moment because its triggering it","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"so even in fundamental well being its so funny","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"seeking control","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"can kind of manufacture emptiness if i say this is a so this may be maybe this is going back to layer two um emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the remaining psychological conditioning at layer 1 keeps the peace of fundamental wellbeing pushed to the background most of the time especially when someone has recently transitioned ","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"be like it was before it could never be because that was out of fundamental wellbeing to begin with","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"you talk about having space around the motions watching them come and go","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"where someone at location 1 on the continuum might have a short outburst and make a brief hand gesture individuals","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"like ill do if im trying to do location three at the same time i guess thats why you guys recommend just devoting","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"if youre in location one you dont want to be locking yourself into layer one right","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"this refers to experiencing the world as no longer colored by the narrativeself from the new viewpoint of fundamental wellbeing especially from location 2 on","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"layer one is probably just trying to hold them back with what its doing","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"one of the things most finders notice first is a reduction in their interest in nearly all stories","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"so what youre describing there is primarily rootedness in layer one which might be happening in location one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"remained unconscious or who had serious difficulties with the function of their bodies for periods of days weeks and even longer after moving into one of these locations","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"theres a significant amount of richness in the human experience","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so it comes on immediately i can sink straight into it but its subtle and faint at first and then it begins to to deepen um it starts off as a stillness but just a gentle superficial stillness and and then the then the the feeling of well theres a theres a feeling of presence which is there all the time anyway","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"psychic intuitive empathetic type of awakening","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"layer 4 will initially be sensed as an even deeper stillness or silence than that of layer 3","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"mist","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i noticed like i was a little concerned when you said it might be location one im like oh no i want location two so there is this kind of things that come up all the time and even though ive become like really aware of them its just it just still comes up and i still experience it and there is like there is some a little bit of a feedback loop if there is some frustration with that oh again so thats that feels like layer one at layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the unfolding does not happen in anything rather it is total and complete in itself","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"they often value helping others and work to maintain social graces that allow them to do that","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"there is still a sense of self but it feels formless impersonal and in union with the allpervading presence","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"it becomes more difficult access to layer 3 and to return to previous locations","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"in one spot i am spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"expansion of sense of self","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"finders often assume this is something to go beyond but it is just the nature of layer 1 and if subjective experience is centered there this quality of a more individualized or personal self naturally arises","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"its aliveness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"there was no agency","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"actually discovered this because i was following a teacher who was saying that awareness is limitless infinite and so forth and if you extend your attention to the limits of your consciousness you cant find the limit but i can find the limit and uh its actually just this i have a sense that initially when i transitioned i had the sense that the world ended where my perceptions ended so there was nothing beyond these walls and so forth and when i explore that when i initially explored that i had the sense that there was this kind of curved limit like a sphere or like a like a disc and i also feel that if i try to go with my attention to to the limit like try to to sense the end of my consciousness or awareness or whatever","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"especially the parts where it mixes in with layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"fullness as a is an attribute of layer three and so you know focusing on sort of a core attribute of layer three is no guarantee that its going to just continue to sort of deepen you further into layer three to the point where that will fall away the safest thing to sort of focus on is a sense of silence or stillness whichever one of those is most relevant to you and that in your experience is sort of thats the thread that sort of runs you know to the deepest point in this particular you know sequence um and so if i were to focus on anything it would probably be um you know to focus on that the other thing that i would focus on is trying to perceive whats on the other side of that boundary","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"worries about my life in lay one create a vision for my life which i then implement and worry about convinced its right but not at all confident","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"no creating or dissolving","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"layer 4 is the home layer of location 4 and later up until this location it tends to be experienced partially and temporarily","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"something that seems true to a finder in location 3","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"locations 1","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the morning dew on leaves isnt just water its a reminder of the delicate interconnections within all life","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"pervasiveness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"there is a really kind of deliciousness in that sense of union","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"thats generally your sense of what you are except when your attention gets very pulled into layer one at which point we dont know for sure whether your identity shifts there or whether just all of your attention is occupied with it and youre not noticing the the space around things","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"yeah i guess i on my scale was relating the depth of emotion and feeling you know that unpleasant feeling to layer one","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"layer three in a sense theres i was just having a friend dinner with a friend last night and i said the one thing even layer four i said i which is where i investigate i still have a thing of i care about what people think about me and i say that theres no self well thats just silly but the conditioning and ive looked at it and done spend time with it and its almost laughable in a certain way the way it arises i can see it and i kind of laugh at it but it still shows up so in some sense theres some sense of emotion around that you know so i say yeah so theres what it is for me is freedom um thats why i even say low layer four early location four yeah all of that you know it just continue to deepen and free this to be just whats here","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"brings a more substantial change and is much harder to miss","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"mainly joy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"life history","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"it sounds like its a little bit of a mix of each that you can get to the more spaciousness while still remaining in location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"incapable of experiencing personal emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"personal love there in location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"and its very its not what i am you know like theres no continuity between me and that spaciousness you know i can feel some spaciousness maybe but man theres you know no continuity between me and that and that would be fine that would be a location one layer two type experience certainly fine","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"layer three thing","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"you know dangerously out of location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"the personal self has a smoothing function that normally makes distinct processesparts of the mind appear unified or as part of a single coherent self","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"reported were gone","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"detachment from the things","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"then youll be viewing layer three more","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"just arising","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"its not always there but as i said a lot of times im just in my mind theres some times that it feels kind of emotionally flat so no its not always there","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":" you dont really have a sense of a look or a location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i realized that i didnt have to care about that let them just you know have what he wanted and ill have what i want we dont have to have any conflict there just went away","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i actually lost it because i was revisiting the material and going to layer two layer three and somehow i couldnt i couldnt go back to to it","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"warm summer sunbeam","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you know that control structure i think really has to be gone in order for you to which is another reason i think you know you have to its sort of location two layer three","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"richness thats missing","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"would you say that a quality of aliveness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location three on a holiday for a week with your kids","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"background field of presence","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"powerful love oriented nature of location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"experience of that merger","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you can just feel the aliveness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"dont feel it","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"strength of selfrelated thoughts","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"the extensive compassion and ethical training in some spiritual systems may be designed less for seekers and more to condition finders systems to express these more positive qualities once they are subjectively no longer able to act volitionally","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"youre in location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"kind of a beautiful all loving its like being held um like a warmth a vibrancy a sparkling its not visible its not visible light but can i can appreciate the term luminosity there is a kind of an implication of a shimmering behind things yeah and sometimes yeah thats the kind of divine flavor of it and i can i can appreciate why people would call that the divine if i then start to probe and look at an object and and then start to penetrate into that object at some point it can flip and it feels like its looking back at me and thats what id thought maybe thats what people mean by the panpsychist","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the space size of the spaciousness so that in a silence comes first","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"emptier","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"liveness beingness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and so perhaps stillness or silence is one direction spaciousness or that sense of it containing everything everything just arising spontaneously within it whatever it is","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":" though finders at this location remain socially adept","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"but location four feels very dimensional compared to location 7 or 8","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":" how nonduality is experienced it doesnt feel like you see yourself in everything or that type of thing at all","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"this is almost always mixed with layer 3 in location 3 which gives it the allpervading and revealing qualities","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"buddhism","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"so the sensorless quality of nonduality is very deep","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"aloneness thing is gone","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"which you can get where theres sort of a sense of ones self seeing ones self","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"larger spacious emptiness","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"im not sure how successful that will be because my spreadsheet mainly has where people are at not oh they were wrong about the fact that they werent in layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"it sounds it all sounds very fundamental wellbeing but not necessarily celestially","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"path of humanity","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"you can certainly continue sinking into your deeper experiences of fundamental wellbeing up until that point","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"between now and once upon a time prior to fundamental well being is that it was a zoom in all the time and thats where identity was always located","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"involved such a remarkably positive single metaemotion that the absence of emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"not nothingness","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"the ego or the annoying roommate in lay one is active and attached to things like thinking emotion and strategizing believing in itself and its importance","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"and now i think you you know its given you access or just as a function of deepening and fundamental wellbeing whatever it is it has given you access and produced a shift to the to deeper parts of fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"layer 1 is accessible to a limited degree in location 4 in that there can be a metaawareness of what is happening at layer 1","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"mind always wants more freedom","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"here location one has has value for deconditioning but at this point in your process i would be working on really getting established and locations beyond layer one you know after youve got a lot of access and fluidity across the different locations on the matrix you know and youve seen what those can do to that to conditioning you know if theres some stuff that it seems like it might be a good idea to go to location one and see if it can be worked on there and polished off if its like some sticky stuff or it cant be reached for some reason from those higher layers","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"most of the time grounded pretty solidly there across a good range of it including into experiencing layer three which is fantastic","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so pure peace would be have less energy in it less uh because to me peace is more restful whereas this does not feel russell has has energy and its so for pure peace as far as pure joy","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"i had a big trigger was maybe 2017 2018 and so probably that probably is around when location four became more stable or when i entered i dont know","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"nonreactive","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location three really feels like the peak of humanity and human experience","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"youve got the spaciousness in layer two which is a very different experience sense of spaciousness or emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"layer three has fullness associated with it","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the changing leaves of autumn are not just a sign of the season but a lesson in the beauty of letting go","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"mindfulness meditation","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"lot of divinity going","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you know when that goes it sort of it collapses it basically its the collapse of it its what happens just before in a way that that a deeper sense of spaciousness and then the collapse or deeper sense of stillness and then the collapse of the whole you know layer three thing basically","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"disassembled","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"it just feels like everything is just here","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"space or that sometimes full sometimes less full","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"everybodys frozen","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"you could be a dominant experience when your mind when youre when your system is just relaxing right it can just be zoomed out into its default location that might be like location two layer two","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"if they want to go back to location three is theyve often spent a lot of time rooting in to nonduality","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"tension deconditioning practices deepening in sinking in probably sinking into a location three type of experience","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"single emotion and it feels like love and joy and compassion and maybe a couple of other culturally or religiously conditioned things","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"lot of love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"its not for you its like driving right but you can imagine like if you know youre like really into some sport or something it can be like a holy crap kind of actually happened to me with location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"to layer one function","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"the combination of a continued degree of access to layer 1 and a very loving compassionate joyous disposition makes location 3 finders wonderful to be around","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"deep sense of peace","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"nondual","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"mean all of these things can also be location one you know you can feel a deeper sense of peace you can feel a very strong really foreground sense of peace in some instances all the time even in location one you know if you have somebody thats been in location one for a long time they didnt have much to decondition before and they havent been in it very long but they just dont have a lot of conditioning or didnt have a strong sense of self to begin with","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"i do think you can in this case mean youre experiencing locations that are extremely rare so youre definitely not an ordinary case and you do have pk type experiences by location eight and nine","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"that fullness","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"so it feels like its outside the fullness trying to poke into it or does it feel like its in the fullness somehow","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"it feels as though it transcends everything or is somehow more foundational real or permanent than everything else ","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"freedom and exploration or whether its around a sense of really getting to a place where it doesnt matter where im at um or to a place where its like okay this is the sense of fluidity","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"i found an example of someone who i found inspiring and how theyre navigating the world and it was only one week so who knows if the rest of his life is a mess but somehow energetically and his stability and his ability to pretty much be in grounded in the situation with a great deal of palpable presence and peace so again if i if i was kind of trying to reverse engineer it i was thinking well thats potentially like location three with access to one or location to layer three","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"i would just try to make layer three a home base by sinking in more and more and more to you know every aspect that you have access to relating to it","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"perceptual nature of experience just keeps getting less and less and less dimensional","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"if youre going to follow a path through location two um kind of deepening into the layers to such an extent that it pulls your system","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"fewer negative emotions tend to arise the further one deepens into location 2 until the internal experience is largely or entirely positive","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"and so the freedom is so free","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"falling out all the way out of fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"joy with the eucharist","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"location three for that for your breaks and holidays not vacation for vacation four doesnt feel like anything","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"nonduality thing","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"whats your experience with layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"brought a degree of psychological reintegration","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"you can experience our proto emotions like one would in location four so those are very brief sort of experiences of the what you could think of as the building blocks of emotion or some very sort of foundational experience of emotion","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the body itself appears as part of that unfolding and no different from any other aspect of life ","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"im still in awareness immersed in awareness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"spacious empty layer two type experience","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"more spacious","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"any quality beyond a sense of undifferentiated existence appears secondary and relative and in contrast to existence itself unreal ","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"so its its lately its its its when things are quieting down so its so the last two weeks it has been very very busy so its ive been more in location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"i think its layer three because because of the intensity of it the intensity of the feeling which is im not sure if its an emotion of love but its really this this intense connection you can say or or compassion with with others as well","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the general healing work that you described that thats primarily still happening in layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"no hearer only hearing","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"everything is in some way kind of made of consciousness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"there is still psychological conditioning that can activate positive and negative emotion and push peace to the background however unlike before the transition to fundamental wellbeing all of these experiences arise within the context of everything seeming fundamentally okay even if that sense feels far in the background at times ","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"creating emotional cones","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"not that you thats looking for that kind of experience so take it or leave it you might have glimpses and decide that is what you want but based on your description it sounds much more like location three would be","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the frustration i can understand that makes sense obviously though it is in a way a maturation from a fundamental wellbeing standpoint as well","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"emotions","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"like im in the uk and the beginning of lockdown in the uk in 2020 probably i think id got pretty good like in middle age as like at least masking at least like being kind of functional kind of social kind of engaged in a lot of stuff and i think lockdown sort of just took the covers off that and ive really noticed that as it ended i had no real there was no desire to go back to living how i was living before so thats probably the the biggest yeah like the biggest sort of more ongoing shift in terms of behavior","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"like you are entering layer two its completely missing and user interface but so there was like a real like shit kind of movement or shift from i am the thinker of my thoughts to seeing","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"like when i met when i meditate or if i do someone noting im always saying im being being a lot","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"back into location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"love joy emotion sort of side of things","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the layer three content or materials are in the courtroom as well","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i think in my write up i called it all arising so its just like you know if i look out everythings just there and its just showing up and its just this all ness of everything thats just happening and its happening continuously and theres no its its boundaryless there arent any partitions or boundaries within it and everythings interconnected and interrelated and its its not separable and there is no real","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"and i did have 1 or 2 experiences of where everything was totally flat and when i looked and thought oh i recognize you but it was gone then the next minute but um i knew based on what you guys had said that thats something that can can happen and i did i did ayahuasca a few years back oldest person there but did have the experience of the luminosity and i also had the experience of a tree talking to me so based on on that i use that sometimes as a thread to go back to that luminosity to start","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"ground of all being","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"flip on the visual","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"but the other answer the layer one answer is really looking in to each one of these things and getting it to consciously in your system separate from im not going to die","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"mind is still there","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"perceive the world","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"presence feels kind of special","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"that which is aware of the space and the presence and the stuckness like kind of all of them","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"sometimes people can see better in the dark or things have this shimmering luminous type quality and that type of thing but its all persistent","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"pervasive love for some people","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i am my thoughts and emotions","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"so it sounds like that experience you had in 2017 um its not entirely clear whether that was location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"like no sound at all","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"energy sort of beingness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"distinct consciousness thats its own","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"roommates and spouses can find what seem like irrational and imposing demands to be a common annoyance and their counter perspectives met with unyielding expectations by the finder","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i at least since i did find this course and maybe before then from other meditations like retreats or techniques","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"possibly location five","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"path of humanity wise","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"deep","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"centralis and connected","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the touch of a loved one carries with it the warmth of shared histories and the light of unconditional acceptance","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"foreground of experience nearly all the time","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"like everything is like liquid type","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location three is also very good for deconditioning because of that really very profound universal quality of love it tends to really be very healing and spending some time there will probably also be very good for you if youre working with a lot of conditioning and also the personal emotion that it cant really show up in location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"transitioned to an ongoing state","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"that could well pull you across to location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"while the finder feels a deep sense of completeness his or her partner still has a narrativeself that thrives on external validation","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"thing is possible its possible when i pay attention when i got triggered with negative feelings and thoughts when i paid attention that can be muted and and and the negative feelings become sensations only and the thoughts stop yeah but still i feel happy i may i may feel even a subtle sense of depression yeah so i kind of think im still i got pulled back to layer one","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"they have generally been interested in people that seem to be able to move things with their minds manifest things they focus on and so forth beyond location 9","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"if they wind up being nondual with that test then you proceed with the assumption that there in location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"location four and theres the flatness","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"pervasive field","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"my suspicion is that your type of person who has a proclivity more towards location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"there is very little sense of an individual self left at the deepest centerless reaches of layer 3 but fragments of the self that formally constituted the complex individual sense of self can still rise into awareness","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"location three might be that single emotion or it might be some merging with divinity","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"contractive type emotions","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"fullness with the presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"consciousness as a field","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"energy thats kind of infused pervades through everything","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":" life seems to simply be unfolding and it feels like there is no need or ability to take action or make decisions in this location goals dont seem especially relevant though things continue to get done one issue that can occur at any location on the continuum for new finders is a lack of motivation","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"pursued fundamental","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"location three theres a distinct subtle sense","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"wanted to share it but it was just so so beautiful just everything shining with love i mean it was just so im im hoping thats going to be my hook into into location three and then i honestly would love because you know i would really love to be able to serve them all go everywhere but i do have to and thats really not advisable at this stage is it like in terms of making a living and and staying","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"duality with location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"emptiness doesnt resonate at all","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"sinking in to the qualities of your current experience that are in the best direction for in this case location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"when i had the shift in the fundamental being it was pretty pretty dramatic actually i mean dramatic but it was very very noticeable","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"a lot of love and compassion present","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"it can sort of lock you more into a nondual type of layer three is experience and even more strongly and move you more in the direction of layer four which is not really per se in the direction of location three","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"and then i started getting fullness and wholeness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"finders who have children often say that their transition to location 4 didnt occur until they felt freed from the bulk of their parental obligations whether by the death of their child or simply the child getting married and beginning a family of his or her usually her own","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"but it certainly sounds like for at least a lot of or most of your life youve been in fundamental wellbeing and that actually really changes the patterns of fundamental wellbeing um because you know ordinarily people go through a certain range of development as an individualized sense of self and then they transition to fundamental wellbeing wherever they transition however they transition and in a way those patterns that were laid down during the individual during the time pre fundamental wellbeing in a way kind of standardize the developmental track across people that are in fundamental wellbeing after that and so what we find when people have been in fundamental wellbeing for their whole life is that its its a bit like the wild","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"i have emotion","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"is there still the fullness and are you still the fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i think i can create that illusion the illusion that these sensations are distinct and special from the rest of existence and im looking at space and i tell you the main thing why i tend to kind of think i must be in location one because i remember the early descriptions of it","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"can totally happen um and when youre deep in that sense of fullness and presence does it feel like you are the presence you are awareness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"right and thats not an easy thing for them to do youre not in any different position just because youre in fundamental wellbeing youve got an established life self within this i dont know if you were listening to the last call with annemieke talking to someone who was basically kind of new in location three and had lost it it was there for like you know five days or something and then fell out of it and was interested in getting back to it or whatever but one thing that i thought was really interesting that she basically said is that you know as youre going through the location to to location three to location four theres like this progression of the loss of the personal self at location three and then the loss of the non personal self at location four and so even though youre not thinking of yourself as sort of having a sense of self there is a self that sort of has to die to some degree or has to surrender or has to give way just like ive advised you know a zillion people right over your time of helping them to transition to fundamental wellbeing you know","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"being like a container for whats arising and the stuff thats arising","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"richness of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"self detect this and and self assess quite accurately","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"but its definitely in the direction of layer four and in the direction of location four","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"when it is only touched upon temporarily it does not necessarily feel as though it is not a state as it does when it is experienced deeply and persistently because the sense of individual self remains partially intact in earlier locations","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"communicating more directly with reality","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"centralist again","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"joyous things","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer three and location two","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"theres also the path of freedom and the path of humanity","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"reduction in selfreferential thoughts both in the direction of layer four and in the direction of location four","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"pure emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location 3 individuals can make amazing partners especially if their fundamental wellbeing deepening did not occur in isolation","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"pulls everything into it","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"do you have a single emotion of love and joy and compassion and maybe some other things that are combined and present all the time kind of as one big meta emotion where you have one of those in the foreground at any given point maybe love is in the foreground but theyre all still present and this is a continuous experience its always there for you if they say yes to that then obviously you start to suspect that they might be in location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"it might even feel as if something larger than you is making decisions and taking action through you","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"meditation","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"i have this sense of union","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"for some people this location and layer can feel lonely at first because it feels like there is only this one thing as the experience of a personal self is left behind a sense of meaninglessness or starkness can also accompany this layer and it can bring with it changes in or loss of motivation","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the marketplace is a forum of exchange not just of goods but of ideas cultures and kindness","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"i was basically doing the layer three thing the whole drive while she was reading one of her stories to me","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"remaining active describing analyzing","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"so i decided that i needed to spend more time back in location two and really started focusing on deconditioning","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"field of love joy compassion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer two and have an immense amount of activity at layer one","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"bliss is overrated so thank god that went away","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"what im wondering about your description there is whether or not one couldnt describe that as still some spaciousness that youre rooted in in terms of maybe not as deep as other spaciousness that youre experiencing but it doesnt sound to me like youre you know very deeply embedded in thoughts and emotions","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"post transition","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"packets of energy","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"of joy or is it the aliveness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"empathic psychic stuff you say probably not related to fundamental wellbeing but who knows since i was a child i often knew what other people were feeling or thinking i assumed this is developed because it was needed to survive later as a pastor things like synchronicity and healing ministry played a big part right now i wonder what the relation is of these kinds of things to fundamental well being","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"in that moment do you think that youre just moving deeper into layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"individualized portions of their self going away","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"and then you can spend those weeks really using all those methods and the practices we give you to sink into and explore deepen into layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the eucharist","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"frankly and i havent had experiences like that with the exception of one in the last month i dont really have experiences like that anymore but i do sometimes wonder if im kind of when some conditioning is triggered im getting pulled back into layer one theres more discreet conventional kind of emotional experience and then im able to kind of like slingshot back into location three sometimes i have to be more intentional sometimes it feels just like boom boom ive gone in and out really quick other times i think i have to be more intentional about it and i have to it wheres the peace wheres the love wheres that sense of you know god or the divine and then you know i can transition back pretty quickly","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"flat","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"the bustling streets of location 1 layer 4 are overlaid with a palpable sense of silence that quiets the mind","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"the architecture of location 1 layer 4 blends form and function with mindfulness creating spaces that heal and inspire","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"field of presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer three is still and peaceful","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"would be in the shadow of forms of fundamental wellbeing is to develop","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"it wasnt empty its all of a sudden full","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"big distinction is often in the sense of whether or not there is a union or a merging or a dissolving into or a sameness or you know and and no difference from and i am sort of you know that presence that shows up you know you know to borrow your word from a minute ago channeling jesus you know you know is you know is is there a merger or a union with jesus","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"this produces the sense of a return to the body in location 4 because it is a return to the raw existence of everything","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"acceptance","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"depth of nonduality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"youve had that awareness presence all that thing fall away which happens in more or less layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"as you go into location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"predicting","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"ive been in layer one for so long","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"so i would save that one for when you do want to explore location four and just not use it until that point","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the location four thing happened when i was aiming for location three","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"you know obviously if youve been in fundamental wellbeing since i think youre you might have said 2017 or somewhere around there","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"loss of affinity","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"memories also tend to arise less because there is an increased focus of attention on the present and because the past is no longer valued as defining the sense of self","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"a shallow location two with access to layer one","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"and if weve asked things and youve been like oh it is actually everywhere and it is actually quite centerless so its heading in that direction","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"fundamental wellbeing we renormalize so quickly you know we have a change and it feels like this amazing thing for like you know a day or a week or you know a few hours or something and then it like becomes the new normal","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"planning and taking action mostly rely on external stimuli to initiate them as there is no internal drive or energy to do so","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"pulled out of fundamental object","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"i would mean that youve already described youve experienced the benefits of layer two to deconditioning and that is something youve you know highlighted as being important to you and something youre working on","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"right and i think youre going to see probably some continual evolution of that that will bring some more of this location for stuff","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"um your system isnt necessarily recognizing that what youre experiencing is an entirely different quality of self um of what you are because its kind of like oh well selfs gone","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"trying to reach beyond this is nothing","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"location five and six","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"fundamental for wellbeing for a long time very deepened got into the no emotion sort of place with it you know perhaps","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"you know everyones system has their own way of in a sense translating you know information that its receiving whether thats sort of becomes visual or it becomes thought or some you know sense sensation","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"did you get a sense that he is going to layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and does the vast stillness have any quality that you would describe as spacious or empty","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"problem solver","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"empty space in the headless area um but a lot of my time is spent at work right now and work is have a lot of conditioning to do there extensively and theres a lot of things related to that that i think are either pulling me down at some points","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"hallmarks of location four motion is obviously one","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"layer two more spacious more distance more space around thoughts and emotions type of thing um","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the experience of everything is reduced to raw sense data and it feels as though it is all just existence unfolding spontaneously","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"location 2 the positive nature of their emotions continues to increase","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so the negative thoughts will stop and the negative feelings will become sensation and and not its not that uncomfortable anymore i can stay with the sensation for a long time","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"so just to let your ego give you a break theres nothing as far as i can tell from your document from where youre at now based on when youve transitioned youve had many deeper experiences","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"peace","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"location four and that kind of process","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"essentially this is a metaawareness of what is happening in the mind but there is no sense of being able to engage with it like there is in previous locations ","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"although they may not be very good at remembering things","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"is there a union with the divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"sounds and colors and everything just becomes enjoyable","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer two is a sense","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"stable","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"its like its got its own gravitational pull","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"okay great so do you think when that centralist experience shows up that its a transition from location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"sense of of presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the pieces of the remaining aspects of the narrativeself that fall away in these later locations are often old deep and very complexly embedded in the psyche","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"it does come and go yeah yeah but say you like out in the trees probably once a month so thats when its at its peak aw yeah yeah i even felt that in the city actually on the full moon because i went out in the night and rode my bike around the city for 3 or 4 hours and enjoyed the moon over the water","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"when you land in location five that youre basically playing with fluidity so you sort of laid down a track in a certain direction that your system might follow","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"but it does sort of have a permeating quality in the space as well","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"kind of benevolent existence that pervades the spaciousness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"but really as soon as you begin to deepen in location two that self begins to fall away","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"it feels pretty full to me","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"panpsychism","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"to a location 4 finder it feels like the debate is just happening it does not feel as if the person as an individual is wrapped up in it","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"he said that he perceived that i had some old unconscious emotional stuff that hadnt been sorted through and that thats why i was having that experience","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"layer 3 is probably the vastest of all layers to explore subjectively","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"thats layer three stuff","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"divine love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i saw the connection between the cells in the body and where they come from in the body","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"all of my thoughts went away my mind is so still whatever else compared to the buzzing noise that was before and your normal egoic narrative sense of self","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"one thing that i think to pay attention to is when you are triggered next does it seem like will it seem like in that moment that if youre introspecting that theres been a shift of identity","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"i think sometimes i glimpse location three every couple every now and then","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and you have location three i think the union experience um weve done you know weve spoken about it describing it if you havent experienced it of course its going to be something sort of hard to imagine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"when subjective experience is centered in layer 1 the activity of the mind will predominate momenttomoment experience","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"probably the use of psychedelics has been whats got me to that place but i also have just feel that felt that expansive sense of divine love to associating with location three layer three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"transitioning people","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"happy kid","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i wouldnt say theres been too much of a change in wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"i had a mystical experience where the light came into me and just threw me into ecstasy describing a sense of the divine in location three","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"negative emotions","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"far from humanity","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"when something is very beautiful there is still this sense of im noticing its very beautiful","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"feels like everything is just here","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"happy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"theres no sense of divinity or anything theres no sense of panpsychist thing all there is things become very very alive everything is full of life and theres a joy i was thinking about love actually just this morning and theres really no sense of love because theres not a sense of other to be loved","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"mind is much more quiet","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"layer 4 the raw experience of existence itself is rare and difficult to access from location 2 and it is nearly impossible to stabilize","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"like a sort of low energy state with the you know no emotion or very low affect and then yeah lack of motivation or ability to act upon intentions and a real no agency wouldnt necessarily involve you not doing anything would just feel like youre just watching it happen","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the mind content that buzzing is you know been pulled away from even more","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"glitch","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"it is fantastic","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"produces any potential cognitive dissonance around that is the direct experiences that unfold","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"the universal or divine lovejoycompassion tends to increasingly drown out personal emotion including personal forms of love until only one positive metaemotion of love joy and compassion remains","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"nondual type experience","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"whatever thought processes precede it are at a level of the system that is out of subjective awareness","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"what about the the the stuff in layer four like a sense of flatness of perception the sense that theres sort of just this","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"location seven","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"a sense of of presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"it feels beyond states and experiences","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"deep sense of impersonal love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the night sky in location 1 layer 4 is a canvas of cosmic art each star a reminder of the vastness within and beyond","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"at location 2 these are much less likely to be identified as personal versus as just arising in a more impersonal way they also are more likely to dissolve spontaneously and rapidly","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"deconditioned neutral emotional relatively emotionally neutral or whatever kind of deeper layer one type experience","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"in location two you obviously still have personal emotion in all likelihood or personal love","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"sense of there not being a separate seer only","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"layer one when im talking with people","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"my suspicion is that you probably are shifting between location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"am in a spacious empty","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the actual structure i mean and i dont mean like in the neuroplasticity kind of way but like in some deeper fundamental way like brain stem like messing with your brain stem kind of stuff","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"however if i dont really have to i can sink in pretty deep but i think i can reach into layer three of location two","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"layer one in lay one is existential focusing on meaning and purpose with thought streams and highs and lows in energetic variation","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"i would say play to your strengths for the moment write what you have access to that is further than layer one location one","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"theres nothing thats really forcing them to get along with people anymore","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"so you can still have your sense of identity or a sense of what you are be you know the associated with layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"people can have whole sides of their body go limp and be inoperable for periods of time basically anything involving motor function sensory perception type things theres often a sense that like someone has to learn to rehear or you know even retaste or there can be these like just almost like all sensory learning just sort of falling apart and what we think is happening there is that the senses of self that are involved that are falling away at location six are very deep theyre very old they were basically coming together at the same time that sensory learning was happening","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"location 4 finders say they do not have a sense of agency individuals at locations 2 and 3 can also comment that there is no doer this is related to the earlier discussion of there being no seer or hearer etc","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"peak experience","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"bubble of my being it feels in a way more pleasant","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the hustle of location 1 layer 4 is underlined by a pervasive peace turning the act of living into a meditation in motion","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"spaciousness never really resonated even in jazz emptiness well just theres silence","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"that type of thing is also typical of location six","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"some deal with lowlevel processes such as how the senses come together to create experiences and even fundamental body life support breathing heartbeat etc","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"so they dont have any fluctuation of emotion","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"memory deficits scheduled","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"thoughts are often very brief or half formed","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"and just focus on layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"mental activity still dominates subjective experience","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 health is holistic encompassing physical mental emotional and spiritual wellbeing","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"from the perspective of layer 4 there is no separation or distinction of any kind ","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"sense of divinity","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"so much love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"as you might imagine the divine what one might associate with the divine but without necessarily it feeling divine in nature people who get that panpsychist version of location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":" bare stillness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"space perceiving","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"field of awareness disappears","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"so did it have a sense of senselessness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"sympathy and positive regard","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"well right now the conversation is happening in the presence the presence is the bigger thing so now im trying to remember like i think its the opposite way around so theres more sort of like i am the whatever that personality is or i sort of believe it more","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"actually made up of that spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"love is impersonal","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"vipassana","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"most systems that target location 4 and later tend to hold a belief that the mind layer 1 is something to get away from and as someone deepens it does tend to become less accessible","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"emotion kind of the mind","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"any form of nondual perception","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"human experience","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"decline in any way over time","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location nine","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"oh im in location three and i have the meta emotion and ive got the sense of the divine and they might be saying things like you know i am the divine and i might have said well does it feel like a union or you are it oh i am the divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i feel like im perceiving or aware at my most foundational level where my attention is most of the time","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"these watcher lookers","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"we dont know if its promising from a transition standpoint but we certainly know that its promising from a meditation standpoint and its looking increasingly like certain substances are going to match up to certain types of meditation and things like that and so i think theres a distinction between if one is doing it you know from a healing standpoint and a therapeutic environment of some kind or at a micro dose level versus just continuing to sort of you know flood the brain with some sort of breakthrough dose for some kind of consciousness expansion type of thing we we weve just seen so many adverse fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"layer three of location two and still be very much personally in love with someone","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"location four layer four is great if youre already independently wealthy and you can just you know go and be location four without a worry in the world","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"self is that yeah the reflection on experience which itself produces experience and all the qualities of experience which is why you know when you sense into whats beyond layer three it feels like its unknowable or a mystery or without qualities","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"more often youre getting to it in some sort of intentional way with practices and meditation and and whatever else","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"whether old or new","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"experience of senselessness might","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"layer one through","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"five","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"fullness in the presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"dont have a lot to say about it it that that feels like a bunch of conceptual overlay that i want to get away from it just feels good it feels well spaciousness im coming at it from the layer three it just feels very full and beautiful and and its just good okay","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"most people will never make it there","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"its sort of like the problem with people saying theres no doer and that theres the doer can sort of go away and location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so this and i think most christians have a more temporary experience of that theyre not as rooted in to location two layer three and you know their prayers occasionally work i think when they work theyre closer sort of in that type of direction or whatever and so you can you can maintain fluidity use location to layer three like that and not you know not have to lock that in for any period of time","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"alternating presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"strong psychological triggers such as the death of a loved one can still cause a reaction in the system but for the most part there is persistent equanimity and joy","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"sensing into the situation","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"they happen from within the context of fundamental wellbeing and not from and so that often makes people who are in fundamental wellbeing go one of two routes some of them will basically become more or less recluses while theyre growing up you know i mean they will not really socialize with other kids","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"music in location 1 layer 4 is a bridge to the ineffable notes and rhythms echoing the harmony of the cosmos","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"peaceful abandonment","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"layer two with a whole bunch of other people who are immersing themselves in layer two at the same time","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"feeling of something here that is perceiving","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"the magical sense is arising and becoming more foreground and its starting to feel like theres a miraculous quality to everything","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"popular term for this change in perception is nonduality or not two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"world was unable to be any other way","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"it all sounds like location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location two layer three the charmed life kind of thing is to have things come to you if that can be used as a phrase or at least using the agency to kind of make that happen","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"nothing is gained","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"essentially comprises the conceptual mind","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"very mind oriented","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"seer or a looker","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"which from where i was those questions sounded ridiculous they had no meaning because at the time every time those questions would come up would there was just like an of course like i didnt use this languaging or these words in response to that but the but the response was in effect im here like i wouldnt be here if i didnt care about you or if you werent important so i mean there was like a really deeply ingrained sense that yes youre important and wouldnt be here showing up otherwise and yet he was really feeling bothered and dont know if would say threatened but the kinds of things that he was looking for love care and affection god that probably wasnt affectionate when you think about it","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"call 3d normal processing its also habitual it helps me make sense of other experiences and it feels really very grounding that i can im more think when im when im using the physical eyes instead of other ways of seeing i its easier to to be with other people and just navigate this existence but dont identify right it doesnt feel like the sphere is personal but it seems to be a way to to use this physicality","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"creation reality the dream whatever is the stuff of the spaciousness is the stuff of the emptiness is the stuff of the spacious emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"layer four experience","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"sensation which is separate to other universe mind bodies in a sense this is where ive got to be very careful because you know with the with the medicine journeys like the and i dont know whether this is the different like layers locations and so on but ive had so many different experiences there","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"an individualized sense of self were reported as","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"thats one direction that people can take she very much took one direction and then another direction you know in a way more like you or many others even my mom","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"it felt like my vision was going back like like something was wrong with my vision um so thats the only the only thing it just seems to mean it cant be more flat but you know whatever that sort of you know sense of just you know no extension you know it again it seems like there can be extension but its not the default at all you know like i said i wake up i wake up and everythings flat","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"nervousness and the spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"planning and execution of actions","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"so in the fullness just feels really full","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i dont know and theres still theres an awareness that never goes away that im not this right this is well this is a way to interact and interface and uh but its an extraordinarily confining uh oh compression so you know i really i really value the research orientation of your work which is what drew me to the body of your work and ive been trying to fit myself into the matrix because i know that theres lots of excellent data in it um and and honestly i just im struggling against the binary distinctions it feels it feels odd","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"its actually like a mona lisa smile its like a little tiny smile its you know and so i think for that theres at least layer three where theres a warmth in the system but its never personal","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer one level","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":" im not im not you know concluding this yet but it does look like that that description is more layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"joy and happiness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location three its like they sink more into some aspect of the qualities that hold them in location three at layer three you know and they dont quite get to you know the the progression from layer four and then location four kind of standpoint","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"do you have you ever had an experience where your sense of self shifts in the direction of that spaciousness","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"obviously on location three in the sort of the degree of it that you have which is a very sort of worship y you know intense in a way kind of experience of of the divine aspect of it you know theres all sorts of encounters with things that can be like reported as angels and stuff like that so basically entities are not a strange thing to have reported people dont usually say theyre extraterrestrials but i dont know whats going on in the brain per se around that but my guess is you know different you know different representations of whatever showing up for different stuff i remember this years ago i was back","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"have a presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"nondual side","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"you know shift me in there or if i should focus on the love feelings first and then","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"a panpsychists an all pervasive consciousness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"highly sensitive to light","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"single emotional expression","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you say that when youre doing the medieval mystical chant you feel very centered and connected with divine spirit","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"false identities","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"there was a learning period where you were maturing as a human being and during that learning period it seems that the individualized self which comes on seemingly around two and a half to three and a half years of age with episodic memory coming online in the brain it seems like what happens there is that these things kind of smear together","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"with layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"its looking from here out","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"turn your attention back to fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"it will most likely just feel like a physiological sort of response that used to form into a more complex emotion if its very strong there might be some emotion that arises but it will probably feel like its arising as sort of part of or somehow transparent to that universal love joy compassion meta emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"larger than and to extend beyond the physical","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"everything turns into flatness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"personal development training in where love was","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"but i think one thing that your layer one could do it would be nice your mind could do that would be nice and that you could do maybe in terms of reminding your mind would be to just be okay accepting more of your experience without all of this second guessing","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"no longer that total nondual sensory","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"analogies and putting others down","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"this difference in where subjective experience centers appears to underlie the split in development after location 4 layer 3 has a quality of being beingness that falls away at layer 4 hence finders on the path of humanity return to experiencing a subtle quality of self","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"in all likelihood","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"felt like it was something that i was observing or looking at now im being a little bit i dont know it just feels yeah im sort of you know im sort of sort of losing a little bit but yeah so maybe theres a bit more separation again now like its something im observing","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"transparent","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"spaciousness sounds more accessible than emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"zen","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"i dont know if id call it resonance i would call it like i can be there","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"seems like a very nice place to be a sense of divinity all the time you know loving your its you know youre happy very happy and so on and youre still able to interact in the world","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"meta emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"no selfreferential thoughts","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"just not say a word oftentimes or whatever right and they would just eventually stop talking and to sort of turn around confused and walk away or something like that","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"it doesnt sound like you have a very clear memory of that experience of union or dissolving into the divine so it might still have been location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"transitioning","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"i really do like i said i have a charmed life","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"layer three can have that sort of you know emotional joyous amazing valence to it love based whatever valence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"prisoner and selfconsciousness all went away","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"everything is just kind of arising on its own","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"vast emptiness","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so thats sort of after layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"empathy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"sensory glitches","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"sense of of union","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"even bad memories are often biased towards positive emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"for some people location one is really where they prefer to be","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"presence permeates the space","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":" container of that spacious emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"thinking is happening but without taking any form no image no sound no movement","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"worries about my life in lay one create a vision for my life which i then implement and worry about convinced its right","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"these protoemotions can also be consciously manipulated to prevent the full emotion from formingusing our previous example of getting upset when cut off in traffic individuals who have this ability to perceive a finer level of detail and gain control over what layers arise also have more control over their reactions","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"full related space or a more emptiness related space or something like that","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"it is common for layer 4 to be experienced as an unknowable or a mystery this is partly because one is unable to deepen into it and stabilize in it and partly because it cannot be known objectivelyor even subjectively in the usual sense","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"attention is centered more in the present in direct experience rather than thoughts about experiencewhen layer 1 is no longer front and center in experience the overlay of labels concepts and interpretations on the beingexistence of everything falls away ","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"there is still a subtle duality or separation perceived between form and formless manifest and unmanifest which increasingly fades at greater depths of the experience ","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"no divinity","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"you know a depth of layer three that just releases something thats","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"glitchy things","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"because three is not a nondual location","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"think youre not in fundamental well being","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"three nonduality again at location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i think yeah its more like the things are there and i can also when i close my eyes see colors or just theyre just there its not its just there i think there are times during my day when that shifts or changes when im really engaged in work or something but right now it just feels like its there","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"right so should also be trying to pull myself out of like nonduality or like like get more into being a looker or something or is that more like location one then","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"sense of union with the divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"um so really focusing on the love joy compassion elements of your experience as well as the sense of the divine um and really deepening into that probably it wouldnt be a bad idea for you to use some methods that are tuned to location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 morning light carries a deeper silence illuminating not just the space but also the inner realms of awareness","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"fully paralyzed for periods of time","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"practical and intellectual functions are intact for the most part","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"hints of and direct references to location 4 and beyond are also found in other religious and spiritual traditions especially ones that were less likely to put adherents to death for sharing their experiences","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"layers one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"the laughter of children playing in location 1 layer 4 carries echoes of timeless joy touching the hearts of all who hear","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"fullness or awareness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"overwhelming temporary experiences","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"way to influence it","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"thinker or the thoughts","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"there is this curiosity about the things that i experienced and whether it is what you call celestial or its something entirely different so thats why i mentioned it","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"well so when i when i sing sink in um and theres more of a sensation of just energy uh not so much of physicality anymore just just energy and it kind of merges with everything around me just theres a sense of oneness it does feel light it does feel yeah light um and perhaps even luminous much more of a sensation than something very physical if i if i bring up some visuals around that it feels like and it looks","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the natural world resonates with a mystical quality making every leaf and stone seem alive with purpose","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"location three is no personal emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"physiological kind of experience of anxiety can just persist in a shallower form of fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"psychic stuff","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"experience of freedom","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"freedom is really big for me and i have thought when when im at layer four or whatever i could see that i would want to go on easily i could easily see that i would the path of freedom seemed like","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"frustration","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"it could be that youre that youre okay living from location one that that is the life integrated place that you want to actually live from even though you know you have beliefs that are different than that or you feel a pull maybe thats different than that from a fundamental wellbeing standpoint right","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"dimensional flatness","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"location 1 was primarily marked by the sense","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"union with the divine god etc","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":" i came across this this test on your website that is like asks ten questions and then tells you if youre in the middle of being or not and i remember at the time i was thinking that im probably not in fundamental wellbeing because i was just going through all this heavy conditioning that i was working with and it just wasnt fun","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"flatness absolute","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"kind of gliding around","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"the reason i would call it nonduality is because theres a slight memory of what it was like to be dual and its almost like a faint imprint and its not i guess because its not there and theres greater connection almost like my eyes are slightly glazed over or like in like no subject object or out or less","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"the compassion unity and love make connection with others natural and enjoyable","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"so i dont i dont need any more love or bliss or any of that","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"its localized","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"about later locations five six","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"some people will transition to usually layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"weighing","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"it sounds very plausible i think being lonely is one thing if i just sit there in my apartment you know and become more and more still and around boredom or being boring","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"youve got you have a sense of spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"um so when when it pulled you when you were kind of or you just feel like you were just watching sort of your mind thinking oh this is location four i shouldnt stay here too long","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i was you know felt just you know just really being in love with life and you know just you know had trained myself cognitively you know to do so and just really happy and in love with life","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"active mind","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"i suspect you are probably you have probably touched upon layer four and location two for a while","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"include very lowlevel brain processes","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"i think that there is some deconditioning that needs to happen in layer two because i was in layer two when that traumatic event happened","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"a finder in location 2 who learns about location 3 can pursue it and usually get there","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"pulled back to probably layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"the advantage is location three feels fantastic and a lot of deconditioning can happen there that is kind of special in a way to location three because of the absence of personal emotion and yet the presence of such a all comprehensive love and all of that and so that can have a very profound healing effect on conditioning that is otherwise more difficult to take care of so yeah there are definitely benefits of location three in and of itself","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"normal enhanced functioning of the mind","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"in reality they are sinking in to deeper experiences of location 1 layer 2 and then being pulled back to a more shallow experience layer 1 by the habitual patterns in their attentional systems these habit patterns can be changed over time with consistent interruption and reorientation of attention although this can take more effort to do from location 1 than a later location","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"the energy","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"when youre in location two for instance you do believe it","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"thats separate thats different than the fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"connection to divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":" i have very little emotion now apart from you know just a lightness um dont really get angry even if i if something upsets me its over almost before it starts um i dont really get attached to anything ive lost a lot of sense of memory or worrying about the past or think about the future im much more in the moment um and id be tempted to say location too except i dont have that nondual aspect i dont feel like ive got that i dont feel that theres someone here really i know that theres no one here like an individual entity watching but it still seems like theres a center here so if i look back i cant say yeah its its difficult to and i can step away from that as well so i can see it myself arising and i can see whatever else is arising as well so for example when i wake up in the morning there is no me at all its just quite nice very pleasant just sort of feel myself sinking into the body feeling the sensations and then it might be a little while it might be i dont know its probably only minutes but you know then a thought will pop up and then it kind of another thought and it might be about yesterday or tomorrow","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"now i want to go to location three more because just to confirm that i was there but if and if i wasnt there then even more i want to go there","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you know you never quite know how these things are going to play out when the jumps occur for the first you know times but yeah theres theres heading in the direction of layer four and through it to location four","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":" it infuses experience most of the time","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"temporary experiences","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"love love love love love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you know you have a proclivity to bringing that in to second guessing everything to all of that of course thats you know heavily influenced in your layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"fullness to experience","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"personal emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"but then your second point was getting some fluidity to layer two which given that deconditioning is something that is important to you and that youre working on thats probably a good idea","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"tell tale mono emotion that is indicative of location three or if thats just merely a sensation","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i have some agency","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"but not as regularly accessible as potentially layer three fullness i would say lets talk about the fullness for a minute","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer two its more like i dont have that kind of feeling at all","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"you know youre being triggered down or it could be down to layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"feel less tired and way more excited about the natural world","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"absolute","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"duality of location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"least spaciousness still from location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"but then at the same time the other theres like another perception oh that location to me is still a separate me and then that thing thats looking at that you can see that theres a greater sense of nonduality thats possible","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"until youre feeling deeper or more stable in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"communicating reality","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"love and the forgiveness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"when i take the eucharist and its in my mouth and im swallowing and then i go back to the pew and then i sit down and then all of a sudden theres just even even when im there at the rail it can start that i just feel its like joy coming from","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"this can lead to increased isolation that is selfimposed but viewed as more desirable than having a lot of story driven","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"so i guess i had thought fluid location five with also knowing how to hang out in the charmed life place for a bit","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"love and joy and compassion parts of layer three","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"you mentioned that it feels like the presence is equally present everywhere","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"sense in being in my head and it definitely it went away it went away during the headless way week or after","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"a lot of methods work in the mind and they actually reinforce layer one and in some way resolve the conditioning at that level but not necessarily at deeper levels","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"all of that is is much more likely to show up with layer three than it wouldnt be","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i have experienced layer two","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"mind is very quiet","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"its that all pervading beingness its that mist its the field","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer one sort of sense of self type of stuff that youre paying attention to there","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"realize theyve moved onto the continuum until they transition to a later location","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"nicer to people","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"youre in fundamental wellbeing which it seems like you are what that basically tells me is that you know theres this much depth that you can look into and youre looking here and describing here and you havent quite maybe developed the degree to describe whats deeper down under here you cant even like you know sense that everything is okay or peace or or whatever else down here","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"hearted love type of thing","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you seem to have a pretty good penchant for a range and fundamental well being","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"greater degree of interface sort of with whatever reality is from a sense of agency","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"aloneness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"not being able to connect properly to my family","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location four system is quite","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location three is really appropriate versus a location two","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"thinks is right and important","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"transcend","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"doing my part as a part of the universe","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the dynamic energy of location 1 layer 4 is balanced by a profound inner calm like the eye of a storm that moves but remains still","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"so the sensations of energy rising gets really strong like a bliss rising that starts to happen again and it gets really strong","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"subjective experience is centered in a deeper layer and is watching the processes at layer 1 happen rather than being embedded within them resulting in mental activity feeling more impersonal and spontaneous this means that it typically feels more equanimous and spacious than in location 1 ","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"it sounds a little bit like you might in a way you sound like almost locked in to layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"trust in how things are arises and the boundary or maybe even sometimes a little over into that experience becomes less salient but sometimes god takes the last step and thats relevant for layer four","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"yes so it not lasting long that isnt necessarily an indication of it not being location four because you could have just had a temporary experience of location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"youre experiencing it","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"true thats a tricky name okay well all that all that comes up to say would be related to that self dropping away which i think because of your experience with helping people shift out of the personal sense of self um and seeing that from the other side um you can probably um sense into in some way uh so theres the personal sense of self which is really constructed conceptually and what youre experiencing is what one could consider an impersonal sense of self in that there is beingness or presence you wouldnt say that theres you know that you dont exist or something um but its not personal in nature its universal in nature it is you know in union with all being with the essence of all being um and when that disappears theres obviously a disappearance of even the quality of being or beingness theres like just existence without that condition because being is then perceived to be a condition that would imply that you know what what existence is subject to a condition of being and it feels just more fundamental or absolute than that but the the self is essentially what remains is that which reflects on experience so im not talking about the mind having an interpretation of experience but simply that which kind of reflects on experience and has therefore got the sense of i exist i am but also produces relationship and so thats this is really","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"for the most part you might be touching on you know an aspect of layer three if theres really a strong sense of aliveness thats not just in the body but thats pervading you know that spaciousness or that space so the space has a quality of being infused with aliveness if thats your experience then that may be touching on you know beginning to have a smear of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"even in solitude residents of location 1 layer 4 feel a profound connection solitude serving as a bridge to universal oneness","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"much lower energy pretty absent motivation um just kind of its i associate the emotionless with just drifting um but not in a distasteful way but just in a feel very downshifted um unmotivated um low energy just kind of a blob but not unpleasant","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"sensory experience","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the sense of safety so theres just a sense like something is going to go wrong at any minute or is going wrong","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"i have the general general idea of how that works but its exactly its with love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"primarily centered in layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and the same with location four would seem less nondual in some","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"its like a its a way it can be a way of pulling your attention almost back into that more foundational layer of of awareness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"in location three fundamental okayness is almost always in the foreground describing a sense of the divine with a mystical experience throwing me into ecstasy","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"merging","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i was going to say that the stillness feels like home","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"feels transparent","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"not the nothingness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the relentless pace of life in location 1 layer 4 is counterbalanced by moments of timeless being where nothing needs to be done","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"sensory and motor and motor glitches","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"mix of personal and impersonal emotion whether people can sense that or not depending on how deep they are","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"how do i do anything","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"its more like spaciousness and yeah when im deep in there its like im this space im just this space and everything is arising in it even me","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"so like a sense of just being more present with the body","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"still some emotionally charged thoughts","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"then you probe for nonduality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"seekers","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"ive been conscious of energy increasingly for a while but i used to feel like a separate entity and now i just feel like theres a field of energy and i am also energy that is part of that field but i can also pass through the energy its","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"meta emotion of love joy and compassion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"then really the differentiator for location five is the visual effects","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"it isnt heavily invested in protecting the narrative sense of self","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"oddness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location four layer two when youre really locked into it just feels like some intense dark night of the soul you know maybe the most intense dark night of the soul experience that you could possibly imagine","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"the freedom at location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"they are the universe not a being who is confined to a body to them it makes perfect sense that if this is true they should be able to perceive as the entire universe","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"so many people who think that theyre either not experiencing fundamental well being","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"layer three is going to add so much more freedom","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"moments and so basically when you come out of the narrative mind you start to fill the mind moments that the narrative mind filled with sensory mind moments and so that can also account for the for the luminosity thing it doesnt necessarily have to be it can be a combination of what you said but when you when you were talking about it i was like oh it could be a mind moment thing just because you know theres more moments of sensory experience in the conscious experience","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"more comprehensive form of nonduality occurs at this stage","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"deconditioning and reconditioning","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"then because theres enough of the mind of the mind or layer one still active and still kind of youre still associated with it that its kind of like reacting to its own perception","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"like im actually experiencing some of that right now im experiencing some of that anxiety right now i feel it like theres some sort of its like a performance anxiety kind of thing","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"if you compare any of those experiences to location four it will they will see much less nondual than if you in location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so you can absolutely experience that if theres a strong enough trigger it can be very intense and you can experience that without identity and necessarily shifting into it it can just be something thats so strongly triggers conditioning in the system that it sort of absorbs all of your attention and it strongly impacts the system you know whether its your physiology or your cognition all of that its still a biological system somethings triggered it you know its some button thats been pressed in terms of probably safety survival and the systems reacting and that can be very intense but it doesnt necessarily mean that youve shifted into layer one in terms of your identity being","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"yeah its definitely not going to reach your level but that doesnt mean its not impacting your actions and the decision making lower down at layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"i think youve got good access to layer two already and you can be fluid to it if you want to","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"encased in gelatin","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"can imagine that as you are rooting and layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"merging feeling","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the stillness is simultaneously infused with a profound quality of fullness especially in location 3 ","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"so in layer two i think sometimes im affected by my sister has also taken this course and her descriptions of that sense of unity","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"fundamental well being feels like resisting","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"temporary peak experiences","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"and layer three when your eyes are closed","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer three its like you go there and its just immediately gone","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"does the joy feel personal","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"if perception you know if it doesnt go to all of a sudden theres a looker and a here and theres a you here highly localized and everything else is way out there and its at a distance and its all separate objects","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"fluidity into layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"perceptual abilities that that can show up for some people whether theyre in or not in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"so its always functioning from a kind of separate perspective if youre paying attention to it","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the physical boundaries that confine us seem less rigid inviting a sense of expansion beyond the tangible","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"more pervading","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"changes in goals and motivation and expanded sense of self are more present moment focus and theres a mix of positive and negative thoughts","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"often this sense was in the background","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"joy or love or any emotional components","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location four youve had a lot of exemplar stuff and tlc stuff and you know","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"single positive meta emotion of love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"a temporary experience of fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"location three layer three","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"all pervading field or beingness or a type of business or life","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and everything arises is objects and the subject is this space which is me so it is the","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"theres a quietness theres a vividness to the visual field things look more beautiful theres more appreciation was kind of a question that kind of had for you is it feels like for me beauty is a little bit of a gateway when i notice and im not talking about something that has to be you know prototypically beautiful but just like the pot sitting in the kitchen that suddenly look beautiful and","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"is everything","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"that experience can become one sole experience of any interaction with layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"layer one from a layer one standpoint","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"they are watching","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"emotion isnt gone","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"empty spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"theyre actually in fundamental well being","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"meaningful relationships","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"i can use love conventionally because it makes sense to other people","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"intrinsic to the unfolding","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":" and and to that point so what i mentioned earlier with the teachers ive been working with and really working with one of my buddhist teachers thats the person i was referring to really made a huge difference and also my ability to access nonduality but a big emphasis there was feeling emotions","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"tilted considerably","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"space that youre experiencing as kind of the locus of the seeing","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"layer one i can the thoughts and emotions seems very impersonal","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"joy and deep peace","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"sort of the pinnacle of human experience","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"super joyous and love","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and when i go deeper into layer two there is also this really deep sense of quietness its like an inner silence and an outer silence","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"they could take any action of their own","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"they just trigger some thoughts that kind of spin around that trigger","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"you know and you do have very ready access to at least layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"all pervading quality","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i have no idea but i sense sound that doesnt appear to be audible to other people right so its not coming in from here but when im zoomed out im aware that even in these spaces that i move through where think the typical word would be silence theres actually booming sound theres maybe sound isnt even the right word maybe frequencies i dont know so i feel less confined when it comes to processing sound","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer three is sort of the home base for location three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"stimulus can arise","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"sensations are protoemotions","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so this is a great opportunity you know in your case because thats a big difference being you know going between layer two of location two","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"fluid or experiencing one layer","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"the sense of union with divinity or the panpsychist sense makes layer 2 in location 3 feel less detached and alone than it can in locations 2 and 4","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"but i think i probably got good access to to layer three and lie three ive always felt alive three im fairly easily never really felt lied to but through this exercise i could i could feel i could feel lied to a bit more","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"expanded sense of self where my attention is most of the time feels more real than anything previous","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"okayness the beingness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"it feels like it is everywherethere is nowhere it is notyet it is not localized anywhere and it does not have spatial dimensionality ","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"festivals in location 1 layer 4 celebrate not just seasonal changes but the transformations within marking rites of passage for all","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"mystical experience","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"going about my day and suddenly ill be in layer one without ever having made a decision","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"if i sit and just kind of zoom out i do feel something like i would describe it as a mist an invisible mist but its everywhere right and if i if i place my awareness on it i can draw that warmth into myself","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and so theres a gravity thats you know making you want to experience fundamental wellbeing a certain way instead of experience that more constricted state that goes along with where headless way usually put someone and you just have to decide you know im going to ignore that gravity","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"no thought feels true or important","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"but in layer three it does become infused with more like again this bubbling energy with this joy and more softness its also a kind of openness but its more communicative with the environment its like more sensitivity and more energy and it can turn into joy also and gratitude things like that","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"emptiness aloneness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"it feels like a nondual location three like a super nondual three like a location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"it but it was very vibrant it was very impactful you know it wasnt and it was very serene it was much more a sense of deep serenity","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer 2 is one of the classic location 2 experiences that is described in spiritual literature and is regarded by many as the end of the path","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"or location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"just joyous","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"radiance or fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"sense of expansion rapid expansion","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"deeply into nonduality and location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"lead to a form of intolerance","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"expressionless automaton","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"its very open and very and empty is the best word","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i think what im calling the emotional experience of pure peace would have more spaciousness","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"deep sense that everything is perfect as it is","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"without that sense of you know a looker and all of that its and self behind the eyes and all of that its you know its going to be location too so we know were in location two which is what i would expect","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"the mind it feels you know kind of much less noisy more quieter you know silent and still and some of those spacious","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"stillness does it feel like the spaciousness contains everything or where is the spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"fullness can feel very energized","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"youre not in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"this can lead to a wide range of outcomes from extraordinary life results to some of the amoral behavior observed in late location teachers","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"still have agency","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":" but with positive emotion rather than neutral","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"really good feeling","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"theres a flatness","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"get as deeply as you can into fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"i can see you would so how accessible is layer two for you","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the most distinctive quality of layer 1 in location 4 and later is that the mind is experienced as functioning autonomously","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"i would say im in layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"its a just the awareness whether its it seems to be really full these days like and then i can see theres emptiness there but then i dont i dont think i stay in the like layer two emptiness for long","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"well it annoyed the heck out of layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"physical laws of physics","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"they would be viewing layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"these individuals typically report having no sense of agency nor any ability to make a decision","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"and so this is a method of deconditioning that simultaneously deepens your fundamental wellbeing because youre sinking in","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":" from the perspective of layer 4 every level of experience and state of perception including the emptiness of layer 2 shows up as the unfolding of pure existence","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"the foundational aliveness or life in everything","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"but it is important to note you have little selves in there something is arising right back when youre at location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"memories spontaneously arise less often","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"this sense of union underpins the subtle duality of location 3 and deepening into location 3 feels like deepening into an increasingly complete union with the divinepanpsychist presence in which any sense of individual self progressively dissolves","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"sense of judgment","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you know just sort of working on our own fundamental wellbeing so to speak exploring our own awareness and consciousness and all of that","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"the only thing that you havent had happen in layer two is there is something that can happen where the where the center sort of falls away you do have a very centered system still and you can sort of progress yourself through layer two to a degree of detail where the center can fall away there thats like a layer two center just like a center can fall away","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"delight","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"at the deepest reaches of layer 3 it feels like a centerless allpervading field or presence without limits flowing through and as everything","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"love to just be no agency","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"layer 2 is not readily accessible in later locations which tend to gravitate strongly to layer 4","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"i feel better now and i want to move towards more stillness and","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"joy and love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"everything is just you know arising","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"almost like a place of belonging","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"as the phone is gone you now your stomach again its just like are you the body you know and all im trying to do is see if there is some actual fluidity here of identity or if generally speaking youre rooted in you know layer three and all of this other stuff is being experienced through it and i actually view the sinuses and the nervousness and all of that as a great benefit to have in this session because its kind of an extreme of sorts and so if you still have the fullness during those then we can say pretty confidently okay youre probably pretty well rooted in the fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location one im a little more worried about my life my health people around me those those thoughts come up more yeah like those are the thoughts my internal dialogue","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"would call divine is this presence and with that is that love and joy and compassion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i can remain in layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"you know i think i would ask myself what would happen if you know in a random interruption exercise um i was going to sink into that joy and try to sink into you know layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"separation","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"nature or you know","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"strong sense of presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"universal compassion love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"my ego","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"the layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"youre not at some early primitive spot in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"theres strong evidence that some hindu and buddhist sects have been aware of location 4 for hundreds of years possibly longer","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"depression participants reported that even","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"its not just in my head but i do forget a lot you know these are temporary","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"love and joy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"nonduality can be tested at a perceptual level like this in terms of how its showing up and because things are just appearing to you you know auditorily and visually you at some point have had a transition to location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"not sacred or not divine","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"everything is in everything","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"extraordinary amount of experience and depth and understanding","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"sense of an aware presence that is observing everything or silent observing of everything thats happening","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"other stuff is very clearly out there somewhere","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"field of awareness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the thing about all the things that youre mentioning is that they really you know for someone else could be something that might you know trigger them going to a lower location or something like that but theyre not necessarily things that would hold someone in a location you know like you can be in location one layer two as your dominant experience and still have you know triggers that pull you down to layer one or something but nonetheless be anchored you know at a higher layer than that or even over in location two","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 each step taken is a dance with the earth a rhythmic grounding that connects the soul to the soil","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"totally path of humanity","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"youre coming up theoretically somewhere on the end of your first seven year cycle and fundamental well being","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"just kind of just is its it has a sense of awareness like it knows everything its theres nothing that can its outside of time and space and yet okay its in everything it sees everything it knows everything it theres nothing where it isnt yeah it doesnt fit thats why it doesnt feel like a container to me when i look at that way","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"yeah right not sameness in that sense right sameness in the sense of the the presence that that is experienced here right and so from a layer three standpoint theres some kind of presence and all pervasive presence theres generally that emotion or theres different layer in location three theres always that emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"psychic intuitive empathic","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"more purely fundamental wellbeing type","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"so a lot of that sounds like its not its not you know dramatically changing where you are in fundamental wellbeing but its certainly accessing other capabilities and probably some altered states of perception","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"and then goes up to layer two in location one","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"union with the life in plants or animals","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"nondual space","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"could potentially be a later location","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"sense of peace","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location 1 finders often still have conditioning that relates to approval from others","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"layer three of location three","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"location 3","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"it seems pretty clear that im in location three layer three and its just theres just this strong overriding sense of joy and contentment","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"arent in fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"feeling of union or merger with the divine or an allpervasive consciousness in location three may be divine or panpsychic with a sense of perfection and higher wellbeing than location 2","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"no distinct sense of an eye that is thinking","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":" i think just like two times maybe like exactly as described in the book just the spaciousness emptiness at one point became just fullness and but it only happened to me after like deep deep yoga and meditation like for a long time","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"being uncomfortable with not knowing","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"spacious openness","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"it doesnt matter what it is how do you know this this is very hard for people to detect especially with layer one and so with layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"agent of whatevers happening in terms of your system what youre doing what youre thinking what youre feeling","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"highly functioning","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"fundamentalist beliefs","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"be having presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"deeper stillness pervading and coexisting with the spaciousness and emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the more im in layer three the more distracted i am","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i remember then i can sense the presence as initially as one of the objects that is in and then i have to sort of relax","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"sort of love and joy and gratitude","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"sensory motor stuff","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"is your body located in the fullness and the hows that hows it spatially","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"habit","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"finders of feeling this lack of agency are consistent across these finders in location 4 so we must accept that this is how it feels inside them but what produces their actions remains a mystery","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"its nondual","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"but that person also had the access still had access to location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"no body nothing just consciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location 1 layer 4 is extremely difficult to access from location 1 and generally experienced as a glimpse from other layers ","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"sense of togetherness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"or 3","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"is there a difference in wellbeing when the spacious emptiness takes over versus when its not there","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"so when that when you feel that you are that thats really near the deepest reaches of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"watch the thinking occur but you really are not an active participant in the thinking process","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"layer two it relates to the sense of the spaciousness being everywhere being everything","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the daily grind is infused with moments of enlightenment turning ordinary tasks into meditative practices","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"i would have said before i took the class that i have a charmed life","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"so if i do if i meditate in a certain way i have meditated and it happens and i drop into more of a kind of equalized more still flat perception i would say or just not not perhaps not maybe not flat but its like dropping into a different dimension if you could say that like thats not really its not about the physical that much anymore as much as its a different its like residing in a different field that is more quiet and peaceful and if i sink in in my day to day life i can also go go pretty quickly to that straight away actually but i again i guess i choose not to because again somewhere along the way i think one of my teachers emphasized also feeling the fullness but thats analysis for something else but yeah ive experienced that quite a few times","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the only one i can remember is that that those thoughts of that one person it wasnt even something that i would identify as negative","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"you have a very quiet nothingness and layer two for you and location two","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"a few even seem to have maps that extend far beyond location 4 but these are typically kept hidden","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"continual expansion","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"i actually it was actually this past so i started the 45 days course in january and and it took me until early august actually to where i actually diagnosed myself as okay im actually at that point fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"sort of then the fullness can start to come in","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"along with the spaciousness mhm like in the room in the space","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"single positive emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"much greater feeling of richness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"its inside me and spreads but its also like its everywhere","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"presence all pervading kind of thing","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"everything is just kind of just there","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"frequently reported significant difficulty","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"no sense of emotion","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i suppose the goals are in location two to do some deconditioning","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"and it also sounds like youre able to shift your sense of self into layer two with some focus on layer two and really sinking into it","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"wanted to see if we could use that to maybe get you fluid between location one and location two because were not really worried about you not popping back for anybody thats listening to this dont do that dont do what i just had to do just as like a default normal exercise i have an enormous amount of faith in where ted is anchored and the fact that he would pull back there its possible if you reconstitute the looker that you get stuck back in location one and then thats that and whatever else right i wasnt worried about that with ted for those of you listening and so you know you wont hear me do that very often this is one of those rare times when i felt like it would be okay to do it yeah so in this case i think what youre experiencing are sort of those remaining remnants down at layer one and location two","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"layer two thing","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"increasing flatness of perception","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"freedom from any decision making","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"layer 3 is the default layer of location 3 and is experienced as the divine or panpsychist presence or as divine love itself in and as everything","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"there is nothing arising from or within it","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"alive","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"if youve just got some patterns that unwind as a function of deconditioning and what returns whether there is a joy some sort of intense joy you know underneath all of that or whatnot","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"even if internally the motivation isnt as strong as it was previously","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"deepening away from layer 1 may remove it from ones subjective awareness but that does not mean it stops operating this essentially leaves the conditioned psychological tendencies that reside at layer 1 to function unsupervised which may not lead to optimal life outcomes","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"youre identifying more youre identifying at layer two essentially which is the classic description spaciousness emptiness mystery as well","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"primarily involves the mind","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"even the visual field itself kind of like narrows so theres like this huge feeling of relaxation and freeness that i feel in what im calling layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"it feels like space is the foundation or the base or the transparency","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the fieldlike presence of layer 3 feels powerful and penetrating and being deep in layer 3 can seem to have a noticeable influence on other people","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"i think he had a lot of those tendencies even remaining in fundamental wellbeing and one thing that hes learned is that you know using certain supplements and stuff to really sort of increase my i mean any time theres some new thing that might increase mitochondria energy more you know than what hes using or something like that man he is on it and he just raves about the difference that that makes in the system the same with you know his interest a lot of his interest in things like the light hats and stuff like that","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"just everything and this happened to me like every time im sinking like deep","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"increasing aliveness and power","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"and so you know and even like you know its not often that someone uses the word felt like hell right being constantly frustrated upset at everything you know as a result of the intensity of you know trying to reprogram your system decondition your system you know all of that and so clearly youve got a lot of stuff down there at layer one that that wants to anchor you there","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"layer 4 will initially be sensed as an even deeper stillness or silence than that of layer 3 this deepest stillness brings with it a loss of dimensionality and seems flat or stark when compared to the richness of layer 3 ","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"its there and location to layer three and then the personal side drops off and location three and then emotion itself drops off and location four and thats whats providing that richness you know of that experience and so its although there can still be you know a sense of presence found in the experience and stuff like that its like an alien type of presence compared to you know what someone experienced up to that and its going to you know youre typically speaking youre going to lose access to it in a matter of weeks and root more into just layer four and location four","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"it just sounds like its in the direction of fundamental well being type of stuff to me","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"so spending a lot of time trying to thinking that youre going to decondition something like that while youre in layer one and that thats going to be like the key to moving you forward in fundamental wellbeing is more or less just a really good way to waste a lot of time","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"ive still probably because of you know heavy conditioning with that ive prioritized you know as of the past couple of years so i have conditioned in addition to this you know a lot of fear based layer early layer one","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"then next sort of felt as a fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer three presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"kind of empty and full and clear","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"merging is","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"nondual frame of experience","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"consciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"and so were going to start on the 29th going into layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"personal love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"id have to be quiet still and not doing anything and take some time to just bring my attention to it you know and it might take at least ten 15 minutes just sitting still just to get that get more to drop more into that sense that this is me","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"that sounds great okay so based on what i am hearing i would say that you absolutely have an experience of location to layer three cool im trying or not that also now whether or not you are and you know that already all right otherwise you would have had to skip this interview to be digging a trench somewhere to run some water lines you know because or youll never be running water lines without paying a few thousand dollars to get the thing fixed and then it breaks down two minutes later and costs you another couple thousand dollars or whatever right right um and so theres a but that doesnt preclude the possibility that some that you have fluidity over to you know location three layer three","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"depending upon their individual capability in this area finders may be able to choose to observe the orienting response feel the physiological sensation or first inklings of thought that they know will soon bring anger and consciously note it","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"fullness to it and feeling a presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"we want to think about it that i think part of it is always with someone that we have to you know really come to grips with that really give our systems permission for that really communicate that were okay with that youve spent a long time now telling your system this is what i want experience wise something like this it doesnt have to be exactly like this im open to some variation but you know within these boundaries right and now youre more or less saying something very different than that to go to location four layer four and location three","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":" its more of an active a location three is more of an active merging of me with this great greatness rather than the nondual of its all this right is that im understanding correctly","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer one is happening but its happening within the confines of layer two say or layer three and layer one or layer three and layer two or whatever","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"its more like 21 so mostly layer one as i am still very much in the world and not so out there doing stuff","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"sort of really flat desert","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"energy that infused everything","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"this freedom entails a loss of perceptual dimensionalitydeepening into layer 4 involves stripping away or getting beneath the processes that filter perception until 54 all that remains is increasingly raw sense data","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"whereas layer three can be a lot easier to live life from so if that experience was something you loved its cool","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and then same for location three in some ways so location three can be really powerful for healing things because you cant really experience negative emotion so just bringing you know thats essentially the whole thing with leicesters love it just really encodes the memories to be an experience thats associated with the pardon","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"charmed life","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"that means youve got quite a lot of range in terms of different qualities of layer two that youre able to experience um the spaciousness the all containing nature of it","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"my ego wants me to be in a different state","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"physiological changes","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"panpsychic","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"ive also noticed fundamental wellbeing is that um for years every new years and then sometimes at a birthday and sometimes at a different anniversary or just randomly throughout the year","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"i said was the crushing loneliness of the divine that was beautiful in his stark simplicity","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i wasnt the emptiness or the spaciousness","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"layer two is sometimes more effective for that","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"its not like im generating them and theyre not thoughts about anything relevant or useful theyre just like floating by","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"showing up in the layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"like i said there was too much bliss it was too much energy in my body um i already am not a great sleeper so it really affected my sleep","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and when you have that shimmer is that happening in a state where youve got more access to layer three type qualities yeah like the warmth you described","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"stillness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"less attached to the story of their life","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"the architecture of location 1 layer 4 mirrors the complexity of human experience where concrete and spirit intertwine","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"but just sort of hold that lightly just kind of keep an eye on it sort of out of the corner of your eye you know and experiment for a while with seeing what do these deeper places in fundamental wellbeing do to those body sensations rather than bringing the putting your attention on them locking them in in sort of a heavier more focused way and bringing them along in sort of that heavier more dense way into this process that maybe doesnt allow fundamental wellbeing as you go to these more transcendent states in fundamental wellbeing to to to work more effectively on them because youre really locking them in and youre basically saying to these higher more transcendent states","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"conditioning standpoint","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"been an issue around human relationships is that i dont have enough of a personal kind of love to satisfy the people in my life who would like it to be more personal","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"which is why i dont think that you should just keep inching your way deeper into layer two that youre already deeply rooted in when youre getting really solid access to layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"more through layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer three is difficult to get to","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"not a static expansion","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"i cant take it like my system cant tolerate it at this point and so ive in recent meditations i try and put attention on that because its great it feels wonderful right","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location 2 reported it as a more complete","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"layer 2 is usually the layer that finders in location 1 have temporary experiences of and this experience makes them conclude that they must be going in and out of fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"presence here","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"it sounds to me more like youve got some space youve got some distance from thoughts and emotions and","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"sense of divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"these experiences usually do not last but people can go through periods that are challenging as they become accustomed to this state","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"i mean its possible to experience like a fullness in layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"freedom part","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"fairly significant amount of proclivity right now to location three or to being able to move in the direction of location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"mystery","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"being a seer because think you know what i what i dont do that theres just a tendency to to float kind of untethered and dont feel quite done in the spot i think need to stick around in this in the system for a while it doesnt feel like im finished in this experience whatever finished means it both feels complete but not quite done so dont i dont know how to describe it but think i was","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"triggered","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"recondition","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer 3 feels like a profound fullness rather than feeling as though it contains everything like layer 2 this feels as though it pervades and infuses everythingall objects and experience initially as one deepens through layer 2 into layer 3 it can feel as though the emptiness becomes infused with fullness","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"your mood and your positive emotions and stuff sort of continue to increase","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"im the energy","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i would say location one with layer one","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"a correct choice or path in every situation","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"location 2 also still experience a mix of emotions","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"curcumin supplement","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"im the fullness and presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"god or consciousness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"which would still mean that the mind is quite dominant in your experience","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":" but when i got triggered especially i mean theres when when strong triggers present i i will kind of put back into layer one and and in which i will feel thoughts are very real the problems are very real","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"you can just go straight from layer one to like a deep layer of you know location two in a very brief period","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"you get fullness sometimes get emptiness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"maybe be the layer one experience on location two","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"i was nowhere near fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"fullness or","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"if you have a sense of whether or not you want path of freedom or path of humanity","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"very much in contrast to the emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"its its still its that very nondual sense","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"less concerned about being functional in the world","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"increasingly permeating and infusing things","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"at this point much of this has been backed up by neuroimaging all of this knowledge tells us that in most cases theres no reason that the changes have to cluster the way they dofor example it may be possible to reliably create a new location that involves the single emotion of location 3 and the absence of agency found in location 4","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"yeah like yeah after the first after the transition to like location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"not metaphysical or mystical","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"the second one the path of humanity poh bears a greater resemblance to earlier locations","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"it sounds more like containing","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"this quality of presence or being feels more fundamental and real than anything else","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"but sometimes it feels so real because my layer one mind was was screaming well im losing my safety net and i mean the my savings reached me and that would be bad for my family","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"when living moment to moment in a place of fundamental wellbeing anything that disturbs it however minor is difficult to miss","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location three layer one","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"experiencing a single ongoing emotion that felt","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"pure beingness or isness","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"layer one of course are all visible that","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"life is full it goes fast","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"when you just upset at it does a little bit like it didnt at first and that question sort of made it feel there was a connection or merge","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"but its almost like it has no interface to the conditioning at layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"5 or beyond","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"sense of union dual and nondual","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"i think because it it felt like theres this like almost cold empty space and a kind of clearness to it by just like a lot of like it empty empty is what it feels like empty","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"i wouldnt really work on layer two anymore or worry about layer two any more","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"you know you can focus on the layer two stuff spacious emptiness all that you can focus on the layer two stuff and then you know","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"in lay one the ego creates a vision for my life and implements it but its not at all confident with conflicting certainty and insistent dominating behavior","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"i went into work was very cheerful and effective at work that day","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"that beingness is in some way conscious or some people may describe it as intelligent and aware and that conscious beingness is pervading everything","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"youve got a really strong rooting of identity into layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"and so sometimes people can really begin to get a sense of nonduality through a visual visual sense or through the hearing first as theyre beginning to shift out of location one","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"coincides with the fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"excel in their jobs","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"the dominant quality of layer 2 is the sense of allcontaining spaciousness emptiness expansiveness space nothingness openness and so on","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"it is common for layer 4 to be experienced as an unknowable or a mystery","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"you can see if you can bring in any of the qualities of layer three or do some when you do have the time","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"but you talk about boundlessness you often talk about things like boundaryless boundaryless field of awareness you know awareness is a term that is more associated from our perspective with layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"that on a deep level","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"how does anything happen at all","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"kind of back to there still kind of this watcher looker","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"and then i usually become aware of some some sort of tension somewhere in the body and then as i keep my attention it just starts releasing and thats and so that experience makes me think that its its assuming that this experience of relaxing releasing conditioning thats so so i think thats the conditioning that keeps me in that layer one and","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"because that home layer of perception is still you know layer one right and so its exactly you said exactly what i would expect you to say in terms of what pulls you out of it its just basically a snap back to layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"you know all of those questions that youve seen us do for location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i cant remember the last time i had a personal emotion i think you know when my daughter was in a horrific car accident and we werent sure if she was going to live you know three years ago im pretty sure there was some something that came up then you know things like that its like okay this is probably location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the first change well the two main changes as you notice is a more awareness of my thoughts and sensations so the more awareness of thoughts and just everything and also just being deeply connected to the body its like it feels like im shifting from being connected to the thoughts to being connected to the body","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"and there were times in that where i would i would almost pass out and then i would do meditations on my own and i would find myself kind of blacking out in a way not a not a problem or uncomfortable but my body would respond and would kind of catch myself as i was falling and get up and continue and eventually that happened enough times where something dawned and was like oh that could be an issue because im walking or you know theres a lot of rocks and im walking down to the river and could could fall could hit my head so then that was another clue like oh maybe i should reach out to someone this may not be optimal","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"hes had experiences of fundamental wellbeing himself all of that","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":" it feels as though it pervades everything but is simultaneously independent of everything","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"perceiving people through walls","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"the attachment to them and specific outcomes in general is reduced","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"little lower than it was a minute or two ago","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"and thats that motion still field of presence that is aware that is experiencing the field of spaciousness you know emptiness it makes the experience possible or illuminates the experience so that could be a helpful way of of deepening into layer three from layer two if that resonates with you dont think necessarily it does for everyone but it can be a very useful point for some people thought it might cool","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"but it certainly sounds like youre predominant location is location to layer three it sounds like you probably can get pulled down to layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"i could fortunately i could stay clued into the to what they said and then id say something oh tell me more about that or you know that was all i could do i couldnt work out what i need to do with this client","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"via layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"fluid","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"because that sense of a spaciousness or containing spacious emptiness is still there and what youre experiencing sounds you know youre just becoming receptive and receiving information whether thats coming through the mind or in other forms","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"negative feelings associated with it","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"able to go to sort of what would be considered by the world a potentially less functional spot or not","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"probably was yeah and then you know you can always of course remember that right um and so you know if if right now what feels like is happening is that union you know dissolving however we want to think about it kind of thing right um it doesnt mean that you cant remember the other thing","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"myersbriggs cognitive functions","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"awareness of some something that was aware of what was arising","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":" and so for something like an aliveness that you feel in the room","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"perceiver is not right there","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"its probably going to be a location two thing because the person has the meta emotion and theyre saying that theyre the divine","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":" like the actual visual field itself is bigger","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"because of the no filtering","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"he guided me back into the body and sensation and feeling and that began to shift my experience and felt like it stabilized me in a way but i also felt like that took a focus away necessarily so from deepening more into that location think had stuff in the way and needed to deal with that before could deepen","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"lasting sense of peace","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"and sometimes watching patients do the same and you know i cant say that to them of course oh my god just being silly it definitely and you know i can remember years past when no way would i have been able to do that no way it would have been fully in it and just playing the whole thing out and now even after maybe a kind of a biggest kind of fight with my husband you know ten minutes later ive caught myself laughing which im not going to admit to him but i was because it was just stupid it was silly it was no point to it","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the primary way of operating in the world comes from the perspective of this center which feels like a locus of self","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"has been in the background habituation is the individualized sense of self for the average person up to the point at which they transition to fundamental well being","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"timeless presence pervading everything","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"real the self","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"and location two and its sort of like a very nice functional place in location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"like layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"sounds like what youre describing is that joy is like a quality thats infusing infusing the what is you","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"you have to go to location three i think ive been there before and it is it seems really nice so uh but yeah guess thats the word in my mind just do that","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"being attached to thinking and emotion","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"experiencing the divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"another type of presence","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"three collapses","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location 4 individuals can have difficulty finding and building committed personal relationships no matter how wonderful things seem to start the absence of love tends to cause the other person to drift away","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i feel like nothing there","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the quality of spaciousness emptiness expansiveness openness and so on feels as though it pervades everything as the presence of divinity or as the panpsychist presence depending on how location 3 is showing up for that person","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"having consciousness at layer three liveliness and emotion can be felt in both living and nonliving things","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"of increasingly merging with either the divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"some eastern traditions also stop around this point while others stop earlier at location 2","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"parts of negative emotions are still occasionally felt but only rarely fully form","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location 3 involves","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"boundary or maybe even sometimes a little over into that experience","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"richness details significance and and just relevance","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"first of all you know one of the things that this does is it shows your system it shows your nervous system that youre serious about this that its not something that is just two hours in a chair at your place um you know that its something that you want to do you want the system to start experimenting with bringing more into these different aspects and areas of your life and then you know itll find a way for you to be funny and still you know at a deeper stage of fundamental well being","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"sense of freedom is unmatched by anything that comes before it","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i feel like im still maybe seeing spaciousness from layer one where i can be aware of it but maybe not purely i feel like when i try to experience it more purely that kind of contraction actually disappears","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"joy seems to always be there","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"if layer one its a thought mental activity if youre really in it you would feel a sense of identification with that","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"place of presumptuousness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the introspection and fundamental well being and the loss of it as we go deeper and deeper","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"its kind of an experience of impermanence on the level of self or reality that youre looking for that kind of makes that experience could still be favored","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"from from layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"different types of freedom","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so you said that you werent sure whether at times your you were viewing layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"non dual","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"when you go to location four you see through a lot of things that our previous and the in the continuum you and in the matrix even if you go to very strongly into layer four in location two you know you realize even from a very very strong glimpse of layer four in location two you really do realize that sort of everything from location three on down is just sort of imaginary","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location 3 only one dominant emotion is experienced","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"so it sounds like at some point in your process of deepening youve actually shifted to location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"life is simply unfolding","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"if they say no and there was no sense of agency and you know they had a divine sense that went away and theyre clearly nondual and you go through some of the some more things that relate to location for location for a plus","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"of participants experience though they","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"we definitely know that layer two is in the mix and a deepening of layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"feels like full","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and so you want to keep a focus on the impersonal version of those because you are in location two and certainly personal forms of emotion can arise","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"maybe if i were to do that today i might be able to recall i might be able to feel like an impersonal love but that day it was just nothing it was just totally blank","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"or location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location 1 finders experience a fundamental shift from the narrative centered highly individualized self that is common among non finders to something that seems less personal larger and less isolated and separate","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"promote motivation","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"or a sense of spacious","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"yeah and so that is something we would consider an impersonal form of self","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and its almost like im getting round up im getting corralled into being a me as the thoughts come and so theres no me at all when i wake up and it gets created so thats very clearly not there when i wake up","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"and so in location three there is and youre going between the two most subtle possible places you know potentially location wise","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"things that sense of joy is very often more associated with layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"richness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"so its not like spacious emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"little blandness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"its just like quiet everythings quiet its like a quiet acceptance","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i can get in touch with spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"fullness and richness with presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"sense of emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"my favorite definition of illusion is that its something real that appears to be something else other than what it is so its real smoke and mirrors that the magician uses to create the illusion that they just saw the woman in half you know so so thats kind of interesting perspective on it","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"it triggers the persona who is rewarded for her intelligence was paid to be a management consultant to analyze massive data sets and i dont want to be in that uh space but i can feel that theres a residual","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"union","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"reported that it still had significant effects on","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 every meal is an act of gratitude tasting flavors with a mindfulness that nourishes body and soul","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"centered form of experience","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"less personal drama","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"nothing","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"not too aware of other things and and yeah the thoughts also carry a different nature again this happened again after like ten 15 years ago after i read eckhart tolles book the power of now and then after a few years something changed also in how my thoughts were it changed from being a narrative self inside myself to being very subtle thoughts that are quicker and this actually bothered me a lot during my meditation retreats and so on because i found it harder to kind of deal with the mind because thoughts could just come up really rapid pace it still happens and doesnt feel the thoughts have kind of not much substance to it and it feels like a different quality and i would say i couldnt even call it like inspiration it just emerges disappears relevant to to what im doing","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"emptiness of layer two","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"layer one you can get a feel for is this a useful thing or would i prefer to have you know access to something like layer one from somewhere else whether a more awareness","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 technology and tradition weave together creating a tapestry that honors past present and future","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"so its i can cope with it much better but still there theres this basic feeling of of okayness equanimity thats just always there it might be a bit more in the in the background when things get really busy but in general its just this this feeling of everything is okay and i can handle everything and theres this the possibility to to do a lot of things simultaneously and to be on top of things","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"they are also more likely to be able to manipulate the overall process by effecting whats happening at current or arising layers this was typically possible at location 1","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"you have a sense of perception arising from spaciousness in terms of the thoughts in terms of the vision and auditory based exercises in terms of whats noticing it","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"well im thinking of like two things now it was i did think i glimpsed location four for a while and there were no emotions like at all uh and its very quiet there and like i was yeah i felt like i was just or not even i but like whatever just being like thought it that way and then just being just doing things on its own and like theres no me anymore for a while so that one is pretty clear i think yeah there werent emotions in that at that point","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"fundamentally okay increasingly came into the","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"i was still in location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so the existence of everything is more fundamental than any experience of it","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"freedom the piece mainly that its so peaceful","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"lets talk a little bit about what the seeking of truth might mean in the context of what our research has uncovered from a fundamental wellbeing standpoint","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"i feel like normal","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"location one is sort of ideal you know for your life right now","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"all pervading","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"sense of being in union with life and everything","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location three can in terms of normally its just managing finances and that type of thing that we caution people around because they can be just excessive you know generosity","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the rest of their memory is usually fine","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"presence which some love","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"very persistent stubborn sense","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"the joy is always there and you actually just bring your attention to it","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"what falls away in location three on the emotion front is personal emotion so all that remains is really that meta emotion so you could even just be constantly paying attention to that on there in terms of the emotional experience that you have and kind of turn your attention away from any personal emotion that arises and just let it get kind of eclipsed by the meta emotion of love joy and compassion that you already have access to its probably something you can notice in any moment if you turn your attention to it so thats something you could do to bias your system in the direction of location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"another thing with a major advertising agency","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"self referential","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"as far as you can","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"no emotions","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the decision to move into these later locations is not to be made lightly","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"location one layer two right now because im feeling that im seeing from the body um but at the same time its like completely different from before because im like the peace and the stillness","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"socially acceptable thing to do","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"oh it was the vipassana retreat","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"location three or possibly layer three","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"the peace is of a different order than that of any other layer because it is not dependent on any positionality such as i am awareness or i am","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"individualized self","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"the feelings of union with divinity or an allpervasive consciousness also disappear","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"what might be thought of as a beingness type of beingness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"its very possible that youve had some glimpses of that so as you you know work with layer three and sinking in in that direction you might have memories come up like that","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"there is no longer any sense of an essence pervading everything like in layer 3","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"youre the presence as the identity has a strong connection to layer one where youd be writing from and see what your voice looks like there","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"indwelling of the divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"reality was perceived as","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"self participants reported the absence of ","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"location 4 finders either remain alone or learn how to respond appropriately so that their partner feels loved","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"behavior is that just loving everybody","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"thats an exact example of what lester himself did to get himself into location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"union with that life","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"spaciousness beingness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"motivation disappeared","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"still have emotions","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"everything is showing up sort of out there in a way","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"dont notice the stillness and the spaciousness anymore","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"and then you know you describe the location five visual effects very very typical experience of that the sensory glitches you describe in terms of passing out and having the arms get paralyzed","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"i have a blip of that kind of like radiating love and its usually maybe in nature or to a child or maybe like a cat does a really ridiculously adorable thing but it is its such a more narrow experience","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"when combined with the deep sense of truth that typically accompanies location 3","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"mindful","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"and also just um like kind of steering it away from the location for qualities of like samples","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"potentially with some digging path of freedom","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"i started noticing you know the the feelings of the feelings of in some of the stuff which ive talked about today but combination of piece and things are going to be okay","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"increase in freedom","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"melting completely physically","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"they were clearly layer three qualities in addition like a feeling or like a rich experience and the fullness of aliveness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"when that timer goes off and youre taking time to sink into fundamental well being","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"if you were in location three and the conditioning with your daughter came up probably it would just you know dissolve almost immediately or much more rapidly because its such a powerful experience that is getting merged with the conditioning and sort of dissolves or recontextualizes it","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":" you know almost made me pee my pants when it first happened to me in india 25 years ago it was like it wasnt just there was this amazing fullness it was like i was i was sitting next to the ganges river late at night with this huge rapids right next to me and suddenly i was the rock that i was leaning on and then i was the rapids and then i was the entire ganges and then i was the entire planet and then it just kept going to way beyond what my mind could kind of keep up so that was the flavor of my of my initial awakening","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"more alive","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"its kind of experienced as the joys for everything or all of everything","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location 1 individuals are on the earliest portion of the continuum","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"you know the mind and it operating in the mind is essentially operating from the perspective of there being a body you know or a system that is individualized that needs to function in an individualized way to operate in the world","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"there is a sense that this is reality itself and can never be gained or lost but is the condition of everything that is or could be presumably because all fundamental human fear originates from the fear of death this perception brings an incomparable sense of freedom and peace","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"my goal is to to get to to be fluent between layer two or location two","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"love compassion you know joy those were such a live motions","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"who have moved back and forth between locations often observe that each location brings a distinct flavor of truth","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"which may be useful as an access point in your during your day because you describe the stillness as pervading everything so and having a quality of sort of aliveness and that type of thing where youre describing the presence as well so thats all kind of heading in the direction of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"optimize for the environment youre in fundamental well being","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"feel love and joy compassion whether that feels divine or just impersonal","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"individualized self had vanished","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so that does sound like you know youre able to touch upon some aspects of layer three that begin to infuse the spaciousness of layer two having a very deep experience of layer two where you arent even getting that sense of a container like its already feeling more like a field","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"mind feels clearer","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the warmth of human connection is enriched by a deeper sense of oneness with all beings","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"it is essentially the home layer of locations 4 and later and experiences of it in earlier locations tend to be partial and temporary","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"so while the period you know the punctuated periods where theres like you know blooming and pruning happening in the brain if you remember that from your psychology you know training days right where you have sort of those periods of explosive growth of connections and whatnot in the brain and then a pruning back to whats going to be you know sort of the constrained normal after that and just all of those different developmental phases","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"location 4 lost","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"nonduality is sounds like description of nonduality where its all sort of one field of experience and youre a part of it","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"but theres a sense of theres a sense of me here","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"no sense of reality imposing of to you","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"location four definitely adds a whole new perspective and can decondition a lot especially if one deepens there but yeah save that for when you feel the timing is good","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"dont have to expect to have like some kind of great observational or analytical type of capacity","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"sense of the divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"when i do think in i spend more time focusing on the fact that there is space and that something is further away rather than focusing on the space","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"its the its really the pervasive sense of presence and that and that fullness penetrating things and whatnot that were that were primarily looking for is the hallmarks more of a layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer two potentially","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"charmed life maybe sounded interesting obviously those would all involve coming back from where youre headed","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"location two layer three","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"sense of presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"im that layer three some aspect of the layer three type experiences","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"you can get out of it and then you can move on to to the location three stuff and if you feel you know youre done with it you know after a few days or youve got enough access to it that if conditioning arises you can you know sink into it and use it to whatever extent you want to then you know move on whenever you want to","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the qualities of spaciousness emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i didnt really experience it much at all it did talk a lot last year and i had no idea what it was like and in that course we experienced that and it was really nice","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"obviously more union with god is better within a worldview that is seeking it so it is not surprising that they would value this location more highly than earlier or later ones","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"experiencing all of that is nothingness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"but it sounds to me like youre at least in experiencing layer two with the classic descriptors of spaciousness and emptiness and that kind of thing","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"it was a distinct shift and processing that can recall and before the accident you know ive never felt like i belonged here ive never really felt human but dont know why i dont feel human theres theres no hard data to tell me that thats true or again that might be a psychotic episode i have no idea but i do remember right before the accident before the actual moment of physical impact something lifted shifted changed so dramatically that i realize that up until that point had been using the body in a very different way","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"meditators","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"think the same could be true for you like you literally transitioned to location three in the finals course probably your system would have has no actual limitation in being in location three layer three","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"leaning towards being location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and so now we would say about location two is and we probably would have been more nuanced even back then","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"but that is not to say that finders at this location do not feel a sense of unity","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"im not thats interesting ah okay now that said personal actually its simply more a reaction rather than the person its simply yeah im having whatever","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"i had a message about something to do with my dad who died recently that was quite significant and yeah and i think i might be in location three right now","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you could kind of say fullness of life but usually a statement like fullness of life would be used differently","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer three seems to come up only after ive like relaxed enough to let go of that conditioning so like i would sit for ten 15 minutes and then i feel that all these sensations in my hands my head my legs usually are they just dissolve and theres nothing left and then there is just like oh there is this peace and everything is just perfect and i dont really get that fullness experience but maybe thats just a semantic thing but there is a feeling of joy and just a flow and everything is just amazing and nothing really bothers me","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"like theres just a presence","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"life is just unfolding","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"pervasive consciousness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"real sense of divinity","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"joy kind of feeling","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"everything that theyve ever heard or read or seen or whatever its all been about union with the divine or union with god or union with whatever deity or whatever","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"like i often say if somebody has responsibility which is a corporate term for profit and loss responsibility sort of more financial responsibility for a firm or a division of a firm or something like that then probably location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"it feels like a mixture of various highly positive emotions and feelings such as compassion joy and love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"one thing to keep in mind about the descriptions of location two is that theyre not designed for people when theyre just first shifting into it","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"you know thats cool keep in mind charmed life is a locking in of location to layer three","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"decision making type of judgment","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"if a person really deepens into location 4 they can essentially lose sight of this layer and from location 5 on it becomes increasingly difficult to access","label_text":"loc4lay2"} {"text":"its harder to get distance from feelings from from emotions from thoughts and that layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"as part of the transition process","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"can be very subtle","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"fundamental wellbeing prior to where youve landed","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"nondual place where theres just sort of feels like theres one thing and its spaciousness and its emptiness","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"if its layer three then it feels it feels like if i go beneath the spaciousness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"charmed life thing","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so im not its not a bad thing that you shift into layer one or anything like that its not something to be avoided","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"extreme glitches","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"fullness right","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and thats really great because it does mean that whatever conditioning was triggered","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"layer three in location two","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"kind of a sense of the divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"im spaciousness spaciousness and sort of focus on that sensation","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"visual effects sensory glitches","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"relates to the mind and the perception of mental activity","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"tv series and movie lovers find themselves increasingly less drawn to these forms of passing the time","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"words that kind of overlap with with layer two i can resonate resonate very well","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"just that your descriptions of location three layer three and of deepening into the the divine and into the celestial beyond that or through that in that direction and the devotion and reverence and all that its its extraordinarily well put into words amazing and its i recognize it you know its its ive never heard someone else put it into words like that and it was just phenomenal to read you know so cool um wow and yeah i agree with the same of what i used to call the divine turned out to be the celestial that deeper you know its its very difficult to define it but yes like the the divine that is initially experienced in location three if it shows up that way that people are referring to is more like a construct than you know as as that falls away with the celestial orientation there is this way more i dont know what to do what lens to use at this fine but much more foundational and deep and profound vast kind of infinite sense of divinity","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"all perceptual states are illusory and there is only undifferentiated existence","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"at the shallower part of layer three just a kind of warm benevolent container","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"first layer of depth","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"this is typically not conducive to effectiveness in the world and moves increasingly in the direction of its transcendence this can be fine if a persons life circumstances allow for that ","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"panpsychist sense","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":" you dont meet people in nonduality unless theyre like way out in locations and just have no selfreflexivity and are horrible at things like this but generally speaking normal fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"love joy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"so lets see okay so for example im looking at the computer screen so the nonduality like the location two nonduality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"the full shift into layer 4 is the complete and final dissolution of any sense of separation and therefore of individual existence or self","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"beingness or presence or knowingness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"but if youre not quite like quite there yet it seems that you can go to location four and then you realize that oh you know things are great no matter the the income","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i just dont feel love like the way that it used to be its just this kind of its there all the time for everybody and everything and it does intensify when you know my husband comes into the room lets say for example and theres a like an impulse to smile right or when i see a close friend you know theres an impulse to smile so theres a reaction there but does it qualify as love the way that we used to define it i dont know","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"no self thoughts","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"one sense","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i dont feel i learn from content anymore","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"loss of all separation","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"its kind of an imperceptible type of subtle dualities that remain that you only really recognize after theyve dropped away","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"definitely a noticeable shift but if its gradual it can just slowly fade in terms of those deepest reaches of layer three already feeling like theres no possible separation like theres no self even though theres a subtle sense of self in terms of there being being or beingness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"fluidity","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"quality of an all pervading presence","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"showing up or constriction in the body","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"non fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"when i was in layer four then this dreamy thing is all gone and its just a reality","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"deeply calm","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"im in location one layer one at this moment","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"i noticed you said in some moments the center of a hair seems to fall away and a pervading boundaryless field is weakly present everywhere so it does sound like youre having a centerless layer three deeper layer three experience sometimes","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"it feels untouched and untouchable","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"aware of everything youre related to it as the likeness of existence which is the aliveness is a layer three kind of quality","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"its very quiet","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"it could also relate to your identity really shifting into the spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"greater neutrality and observation of what is it can be more reasonable and balanced and relating to others","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"i just see things as thing nonliving material","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"so if we go from there and we go on to like another location location six six is notorious for its glitches","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"marketplaces in location 1 layer 4 buzz with more than commerce they are vibrant exchanges of lifes myriad forms and colors","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"my mind","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"full sense of aliveness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"im just checking because that would be a quality that that you can definitely deepen into to bias your system or in the direction of location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"pure feeling of of of love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"so that that would that sounds in the direction of the experience of something that is like a center but entirely impersonal quality of that without any personal attributes at this point um yeah its interesting there are other ways you describe things like not not relating to the phrase theres only this but youll say things like theres all arising or even theres all this all this and so a lot of those phrases or even just saying like everything is its not separate its all interdependent or its all showing up um all of that is still making reference and placing attention or emphasis on all or everything as if theres still a subtle perception of multiplicity which in that very pure experience of layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"functions autonomously","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"memories spontaneously arise less often and theres a deep peace but it can be suppressed by triggered conditioning which is difficult to get to","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"infused with the divine essentially","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the transition to layer four often will pull someone over to layer four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"an emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"joy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"you can have a lot change in your state of consciousness in terms of your sense of self in terms of a lot of things related to fundamental wellbeing without realizing it you can even have emotions fall away and suddenly at some point you realize oh theyre all gone you know when that happened and it can have been you know some weeks sometimes um so yes and you know any of these changes can happen without them appearing dramatic or sudden or even being noticed immediately so definitely dont discard your experience or expect you know if theres some significant deepening that has to happen in that way it usually doesnt um okay yeah thank you okay well your experience sounds sounds like layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"dont think ive had emotions for a very long time i do remember early in physical life where there were waves and peaks and valleys of of but i would describe as energy fluctuations and that seems very distant and when i try to recall when i tried to get there right when i try to place myself there its not easy access um and it feels like im watching that from far far far far far away and it doesnt trigger any bodily physiological responses","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"the untouchable quality of layer 3 becomes irrelevant untouchable in relation to what because nothing but reality could ever be the peace feels absolute and of a different dimension than emotional or psychological peace","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"in some cases a finder can work on distancing themselves from layer 1 by focusing their subjective experience into a deeper layer and thereby experience a largely or completely silent mind","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"but the shift into layer four is you know it can be an intense one and it really is very different than everything that comes before it and so you know lots of strange things can happen on the way to it in the direction of it you know sort of associated with it um and its possible that when you felt like you had made progress in that direction and then you had this other sort of experience come in that it was you know just one of those types of things in that direction","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"layer one as arising as part of a singular field of experience","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"developing some access to location for to when when you feel the time is right because you have that you know youve got an affinity with that method by the sounds of it","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"if you were going dual when you were into layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"theres not a lot of movement around or anything like that you know its natural it seems like a natural form of fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"not adding your own noise to that already existing stillness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"all vestiges of self related thought","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"four felt normalized in location four","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"the silence and stillness stuff that you talk about that runs through everything which it should im just talking about sort of the more distinctive qualities so spaciousness and then emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"nondual type","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"you dont have personal emotions","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"involves a change from feeling like there is an ambiguous but definite center inside","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"fullness wise","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"space this you know everything is beautiful i felt more connected to the word love or loving as a concept and there was this you know beautiful soft rounded creative fertile quality to the to the energy thats really pleasant","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"which pulls you all the way back to layer one and location one basically as those as those experiences fade","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"gravity of silence tends to preclude thinking","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"higher concentration higher speed","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"feel a joy i do feel joy and yeah lots of love lovey feelings and i do feel that theres conditioning","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the games and sports of location 1 layer 4 celebrate not just competition but the joy of play and the spirit of teamwork","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"layer one is the the well you know the motivational speaker whos whos in fundamental well being","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"right the divinity word and the sacred","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"how deep you might be in layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer two is a great place to hide out","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location 1 finders experience a heightened sense of being complete","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"transparent nothingness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"space spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"biased by love and joy","label_text":"loc3lay1"} {"text":"and even in situations where id normally just just be worried about and in and experience anxiety and that kind of stuff there would be that feeling right there and a lot of times it was in the foreground i went through a period where a lot of times it was in the foreground and and and and then i said you know i might be there","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"and thats and thats great to know thats a that sounds like a legit experience for me to me around this that you could sink into remember and sink into be comfortable sinking into if it happens and whatnot to sort of move in the direction of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"there was definitely that sense of the thing that knows the thing that happens things happen to even like the physical sense of sort of like that not a presence behind the eyes","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"i was mostly in what i would describe based on your terminology as layer one right i was like there was a lot of negative emotion arising","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"the no agency no thoughts no emotion","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"being occupied with and concerned about","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"qualities of layer three","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"if they remain in location 4 they will usually go through what they often describe as a deepening in that location which typically involves their system moving more solidly into layer 4","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"emptiness of vastness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"theres no sense of self theres no sense of self that is would you say that nothing exists no not an eye not not an identity uh that that this just is whatever that was moved away","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the pursuit of material success is juxtaposed with an internal journey towards greater peace and stillness","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"if you were in layer three of location two and you were in a spot that had you know something like joy or love or whatever arising then that would be your experience right and so its gotten a lot more nuanced as weve released more and more information and detail and just sort of had time to do that i guess i would say over time","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"annoyance or sort of impatience of the situation","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"theres that richness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"love my family","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"another big thing that ive noticed that made me think that its probably location two is where its just its really deep sense of peace that that that often comes and stays for a while that wasnt there before in location one","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"it also feels as though it transcends everything or is somehow more foundational real or permanent than anything else ","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"stillness and silence","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location 4","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"shift in perception","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"there is one noticeable memory issue that seems to be a reliable and genuine deficit while most common with location 4","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so do you notice any other changes weve talked about layer two and spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"experience of awareness becoming aware of itself","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"compassion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the body can relax and the blocks can relax as well and a feeling of being of being connected to my environment feeling that around me and more through the center of the heart area and feeling like it is looking back at me and and yeah feeling a sense of of emptiness or loneliness or loneliness but but then it can change and it feels quite quite full and and that arises also within within the center of my heart or my space when my heart is and if i sort of feel feel feel into my heart theres a sense of sacredness or our maternal beingness there like a like a feeling of of of purity of purity of timelessness like like a sense of a sense of perfection um expression or play and um yeah sort of so thats when i do the exercises where i stop and look and thats what i tend to find but i guess sort of in my day to day life i feel as though me and i still have i still feel like im a self ive got a body but but i can just take a moment and i can feel that spaciousness around me and and often like ill work quite a lot so often ill be quite tired and i do that energy that really changes i feel much more energized and relaxed when i do that","label_text":"loc1lay3"} {"text":"layer two and one in terms of your sense of","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location 3 a sense of deep connectedness and union enter the picture","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"achieve fluidity","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"when it is accessed it is usually mixed with other layers most typically the deepest portions of layer 3 because one is generally unable to fully deepen into it it tends to be experienced as a mystery or unknowable","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"you know everybodys terrified of location one theyre horrified that theyre going to get stuck there or you know whatever else","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"peaceful state","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"subjectively this may be experienced as a field of infinite potentiality because it is formless and unmanifest yet feels profoundly full and like the source underlying all differentiated existence","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"and just coming down to layer one in","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"say even more about sameness i guess i mean right away i guess i relate more to the union merger than than the the sameness there still seems to be fully full ability to discriminate differences and distinctions and the uniqueness of the the table lamp versus me","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"fullness and more presence and stuff","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"panpsychist presence","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"sense of spacious emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"seeing through the physical appearance with some kind of semiabstract representation","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"meditative","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"so i can see it happening from a distance but thats it and could you could say jump into it","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"lost the perception of 3d","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"it feels like my bodys included in it like its much larger than my body","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"was getting ready to say that then it felt a little more centered so so its either both or neither feels like theres some fullness happening","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"nothingness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"laughter in location 1 layer 4 rings with a clarity that cuts through lifes complexities reminding all of the joy in simplicity","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"and so leave it activated and go to layer two and you know sink in with fundamental wellbeing with sort of a worst case scenario like that it doesnt have to be worse worst worst case you get the idea it can be different scenarios different ideas you know youre probably not going to be like oh no this is absolutely what would happen so you know ballpark kind of thing um and coat and sink in fundamental well being you know and deeply from your layer two perspective while that is active and let layer twos fundamental wellbeing work its magic on the conditioning that is there that is causing that fear that is causing that whatever","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"theres still spaciousness on one side and fullness on the other","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"negative feelings","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"spacious quality","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the activity of the mind will predominate in moment tomoment experience ","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"the layer one is getting more pulled back into the story and the sort of feeling of the the thoughts that put me into the past or the future or something like that","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"individualized sort of narrative nagging sense of self is out of the way","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"so you might even have conditioned your system to perceive it that way because youve used it as an access point for layer two by paying attention to the space rather than the content of the space","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"viewing and accessing layer one with just you know some subtle differences and preferences between those in terms of the lives","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"youve seen me present it where someone lands in location one layer one","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"if you were at layer three before that or something","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"if that makes sense and what happens is sometimes its fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"it can take up so much space that theyre unable to perceive that theyre viewing it through the spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i think i was doing 45 days so that was like two years ago","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"like a weighted blanket kind of pressure so guess it feels a little heavy but in a in a desirable kind of way","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"fullness and the richness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"lose their personal individual love for their child","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"seeing language i was seeing the same structure behind it in a form of shape","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":" the reason i pointed out is because i think because the self disappears the self that youre using as a reference point which is the personal self when you sink into layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so what about a sense of spaciousness or emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"think i said now that ive been in it since 2018 when i took the finals course i transitioned then but then i was very much experiencing a lot of negative emotions and reactivity so i thought that i might have been going in and out but looking back it could have also been that i was just like having it pushed back a lot in the background like i was going through something like a love relationship thing in the beginning of the year and i was sure that i was out of it because it was just like so much emotional baggage that i havent felt for years and then i just looked okay i have to i have to see if i can find it you know the okayness and it was there very immediately but i think for a while it was pushed","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"when did you transition to fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfwp"} {"text":"like layer three is sort of you know fluid but its sort of like i dont know lounging around its like sort of there but in more of the location three state it was like it was almost dancing","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and if theres a shift out of that or deeper from there it would feel initially like theres a sense of fullness or presence pervading that emptiness infusing it and really deepening into that shifts your sense of self into it and you feel you are that all pervading presence or beingness this is all invocation too of course it will show up at different in other locations but those are things you can be on the lookout for when you are working with with clients or doing any of the work you do that feels like altering your state of consciousness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"like that state of like everything is just great everything is just perfect like how they say before enlightenment","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"you know your thoughts and emotions that are sort of seeing a glimpse of spaciousness or something from where theyre at it sounds more like youre rooted in a stillness and a silence and a peacefulness a silence and a peacefulness are the words that you use that has you know more spaciousness from thoughts and emotions and like maybe your you know accessing layer one more","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"there is a powerful gravity to these late locations making it difficult and rare to get back from them","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"of feel feel a bit more emotional for some reason like like when you say that when you know","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i feel like im perceiving or aware at my most foundational level where my attention is most of the time and only reality is just unfolding","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"i developed a sense of that and now it just feels like life is so luscious like everything is just vibrating and rich and juicy and yum and and thick and delicious so almost overwhelmingly","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so youve got access to that in location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"so think of layer two as that sense of space spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"aloneness ultimate aloneness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"yeah even the word space makes less sense its just like a well this is hard to describe but more of seeming like not knowing about space or distance or location or like putting this room in some context or this body in some context its just a less of that","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"youll feel crowded","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"senselessness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so the no emotion even when youre shouting youre not feeling emotion","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"everything seems to be arising from and within it","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"cannot imagine ever being able to believe that there is such a thing as agency with what you were saying i imagine you feel the same way when youre in location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"divine type","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"ill channel jesus for you","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you know less freedom but better slightly richer whatever more some love whatever experience of the path of humanity","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"i am the bliss now","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer one id say is more in the head theres more thoughts a little more noise too is more in the flow","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"like any visual changes like we talked about about location five or any glitches and you know lose control of part of your body lately or pass out for a few moments","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 personal struggles and joys are viewed through a lens of detachment offering a broader perspective on life","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"love joy compassion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"the gardens and parks in location 1 layer 4 are not just green spaces but sanctuaries of serenity where nature converses with the spirit","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"sounds like a good direction to sink into","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i was in location two because of the sort of lack of selfinvolvement or like an identification of self with respect to other objects in the environment","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"and it sounds to me like its a classic case of going to layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"well i guess its like at the same time i almost have a maybe the memories just coming in but like at the same time its like almost paradoxical its like within the smaller reality it is nondual and then at the same time i have the perception that whole feeling is still dual because theres still a deeper sense of i guess nonduality there so its like appearing at the same time almost","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"for example she had not yet found her romantic partner nor had she experienced the intensity of parental loveat the same time this impersonal process seemed to be observing how it felt to live in location 4","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"there is no doer","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"does it go beyond your body","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"well if i have to make a choice i would say lets keep at location two layer three for now","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"wonder","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"fullness have a quality of beingness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so lets look at what in your mind and your assessment or your analysis is or your observation however you want to think about it is layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"remain aware of the fullness of the bliss of the expanded ness and simultaneously exercise the mind to be lucid and articulate and rational and logical and effective without leaving the bliss and the expansion and the and so forth","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"fundamental wellbeing version where its like oh this is way better than all of these other stimuli","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"because its nothing","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"i dont have so many selfreferential thoughts so its more like an a general experience of what is happening its not so much more that i think about whats whats my my own agenda there is i think theres less agency as well","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so its difficult for me to really discern where im at at any given time i think i go from nonduality into back into location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"theres the agency","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"than location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"i would encourage you to not be communicating to the system that any aspect of fluidity is bad even location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"location four and first getting together with my partner so would still be in four conditioning would just like come right out there was nothing to stop it","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"thats more than enough for me to speculate that youre looking at or to diagnose or however we want to say it right to be very comfortable with the fact that youre and location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":" religious finders usually experience an intense union with the divine this creates a deep certainty within them involving their faith and is generally validated by their tradition as correct its sudden absence can be jarring and convince them that something has gone wrong even though their wellbeing and sense of freedom have increased","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"nondual experience","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"layer three this sense of like you know a field of something or some substance to stuff seems not at all there","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"only pure existence","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"ive never thought of it as absent agency but ive felt it as weak agency as in like severe procrastination there are things that i need to do and i just dont want to or hours pass and i kind of snap out of it and say oh wow you know those hours passed and i had things to do and i didnt do them and then ill kind of check internally my sense of okay how many days or weeks till the deadline can was it okay that i got away can i get away with having wasted the last two hours and if the answer is yes then im vulnerable to another couple of hours of just kind of drifting","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"i would just be continuing to move in the direction of presence you know continuing to sink in in that direction of presence and seeing you know if you can pull yourself into more of a persistent experience of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the thinking mind is still my default","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"positive","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"empty or full like the layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"youre experiencing layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"so so youve got the that positive meta emotion love joy compassion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"really just the benefits of what can be reconditioned stuff that i i guess really just blacked out or maybe just lives in in that location three zone that just right now because even right now i can feel what its sort of this slight deadness like its like just blacked out but in location three if it would come up it wouldnt have to be blocked like even the block itself of location two seems to be some sort of i dont know the thing that ive put in or some shield some protective thing that but it feels very subtle or it feels like its literally infused with the actual feeling of vocation to layer three but being in three three that that feeling itself was like i dont really need that necessarily","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"yeah i would think probably not too it can really feel like a return to layer one if youve become more established","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"you have phenomenologically you have a more reports around fullness and stuff like that um","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i had another experience when i was doing the 45 days course where i was less functional at work none of you can throw some light on this i i seem to get caught in not being able to think actually which is a bit of a problem because you know as a therapist you do need to plan the session you need to bring the session to a conclusion you need to strategize you need to be thinking about what the client needs and all i could do was respond to what they just said for the whole session","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"i would say theres still bliss but its like a its like a lovely bliss","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"what remains actually and perceptually is the body and everything that is physically present ","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"qualities of the joy","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"rapid fluidity","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so if you want to get back to location one just make sure you sort of intend to leave that bridge intact between location one and location two and not pull up the ladder","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"and i mean one thing to consider about the charmed life place thing is if you are more deconditioned","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"the conversations in location 1 layer 4 are bridges between worlds where words are woven with the threads of deeper understanding","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"when it comes to feelings or sensations ive never been good at recognizing how as a system was ever actually feeling so its a very neutral if theres a feeling to it its extremely neutral because ive looked to see whether you know love or those active more active alive kind of qualities to me this seems just very quiet","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"i think if you can get that sense of self a bit looser from layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"life as an experience","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"there is not being nor is there not being right","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"youre having glimpses of other places and thats usable","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"so you can sort of sink into deeper layers if you want of layer three where that center starts to drop away um and is there a what is the experience of stillness or silence um at layer three for you","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"guess its very interesting because the very act of me looking at it shifts what the perception of it if im just in it it doesnt really feel like its part of the field but if i step out of it maybe my system is slightly informed by deeper states so then it can it can just sense that sense of self that is there but when im in it i guess what im really in it where one is an active enough to really say oh there is that sense of self but so i dont feel it in the moment but i can still feel it when im investigating it or looking at it its like a more subtle sense of the entire experience is a sense of self because their deeper experiences that dont even have that element of that subtle self","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"the space is always here","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i choose to be here right i did the zoom thing i showed up i mean i could have made a choice not to be here i would call that agency","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"didnt hang out with other kids you know didnt one of her teachers was telling me that people would come up and try to talk to her and high school or whatever and she would just stare at them","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"emotion that is kind of a meta emotion","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"and location four is viewed as horrifying by the other parents you know or something like that","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"my ego wants it to say that oh no its permanent","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"it just is","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"no self","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"sense of fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"its beingness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"it takes an event of significant magnitude or the triggering of very deep and strong conditioning to make a dent in the continuous experience of location 3 dominant metaemotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"spaciousness and emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"empty container is gone","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"switch into layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"and then you reference location four for like days off like walks in the forest parks","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"if that was in location two they often did that because like they were just trying to avoid slipping back into into location one","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"spacious emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"layer three type experience that just has a very different valence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the mantra based meditation thats definitely in that direction and even unprovoked happiness can be in that direction","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location six seven eight","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"spacious emptiness if that makes sense","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":" i think thats maybe why layer two seems less familiar","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"or location two because what were talking about when theres just the field of sound present when theres just the visual field arising with you being a part of just whats arising with it that really is a nondual sense and it goes across","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"sometimes a spaciousness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"thats when its sort of more bubbly um more vibrant","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"mindfulness","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"selfreferential thought and any existential concern with meaning or purpose disappear by location 4","label_text":"loc4lay1"} {"text":"really explore layer two","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"it feels as though it is always there and untouched by all experience","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"layer three is to try and pay attention to what is actually perceiving the space perceiving layer two or what is making the experience or awareness of it possible","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"if you think of where youre at if youre a layer two your dominant experience of spaciousness","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"so the fullness it feels like its flowing flowing flowing out of me and it feels really full","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"calculating","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"probably layer two is going to be inaccessible","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"emptiness is two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"you still have of course the habits the habit pattern and your attention system that is pulling you back to layer one","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"also have experience of emptiness and mean did","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"infinite field of pure potentiality","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"feeling of ease and clarity and lightness just kind of very almost dancing","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"that you had mentioned that location two layer four is like not that likely to happen um and this this sense of like just what is or just you know everything is just the way it is or whatever um that doesnt seem to go in and out um but you know theres theres no perceptual difference to it its just you know its just like not an understanding but its just like it feels like once thats there why would you think otherwise you know","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"it is a sense of being connected with divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"deeper into layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and location two could go back and forth","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"cosmic love","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"a person has been in location 4 for a while that same freedom from approval the elimination of conditioning around social norms and other key elements of this location often make it hard to establish longerterm and more meaningful relationships","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"dont feel a sense of boundaries but guess i keep identifying the center still as an eye because i guess there are times when i feel like more real nondual by which i mean like um","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"there is no listener or seer","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"more functional side of location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":" im going to heal my emotions from childhood around my mother or something you know like theyre often used for today and so you know i think we do have to separate sort of a healing context for them potentially from a transitioning context so thats pretty fundamental wellbeing and fundamental wellbeing someone is new to fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"location three are like like personas","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":" something like just stillness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"difference between revelation and illumination versus selfexperience","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"steadily and then i descend into layer one and thats unpleasant","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"you start to have some you start to have some of layer three return the top part of layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"less identification with thoughts","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"or im the spacious emptiness or im my thoughts and emotions","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"but really turning your attention to whatever deeper qualities of fundamental wellbeing are accessible to you and sinking into those as deeply as you can","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"i think its definitely more no emotion than any specific type of emotion but sometimes emotions arise like anger anxiety and sometimes affection","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"three that comes from personal emotions at layer three um","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"peace and the freedom","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"thoughts an absence of certain types of affect","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"respiration stopping","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"location one experience of layer two and so that more or less just fits in with the rest of your selfassessment regarding you know where you might be at what you might actually be experiencing um and whatever else yeah","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"layer three infused experience where theres a sense of fullness within the emptiness or presence of emptiness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"so you cant stay in location two but youre not able to access the depth of a layout to possibly and certainly layer three that youre able to with your eyes closed","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"layer three for sure","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i would describe myself now as a presence","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"just the decision just arises spontaneously and there is just an assumption that i made the decision","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"location 3 finders sense that things are fundamentally okay is not only almost always in the foreground but has been turbocharged","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"sense of everything being conscious associated with it","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"so i think youve got to one thing that you could really do in terms of doing yourself a favor would be to sink in and bring some new experiences that are in the direction of fundamental well being into these different environments","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"sense of unity","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"and when those personal emotions drop away at location three if youre able to shift into location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"an awareness of fundamental wellbeing 24 over seven to the extent that thats possible in those circumstances","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"centerless or boldness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"a range of emotion positive and negative","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"range of emotions","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"more empathy","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"youd have that very concrete sense of a looker and seer and self kind of localized in the head","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"fluid to layer one","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"was telling somebody the other day that you know im staying here because i have a relationship with my family and they need me but personally i would be okay just to leave honestly","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"increased sense of connectedness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"but the identity has a sort of inertia to it and the longer i stay with that layer three experience the more like slowly that identity starts maybe to move a little bit","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"no sense of agency","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"like moving fluid moving aliveness","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"so if it were like for instance location three layer two you know it would be a spacious emptiness mixed with the divine or the panpsychist presence or whatever which is kind of a distance from god you know kind of a separation in a way","label_text":"loc3lay2"} {"text":"aspects of love","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"unified sense of perception","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"shift into layer three as a sense of what you are and into the fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i think for me this it feels very natural so the and i yeah i got feedback as well that that that people when when i feel this this inner radiation so when i feel this this energy of this love inside that people notice that around me as well so feedback that that they see and feel that so and yeah this is a reason as well why i would like to go to to feel more of that because i want to to work as well more with as part of my job with patients and clients where its important to to connect to them","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer two once where you felt you are the space","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"they often speak about a shift in the relationship with their body and being less identified with and limited by it","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"layer two level and that your explorations are sort of going out from those directions","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"i do notice that when i do some deep work or i really go into that layer three experience that feeling will come up","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 the vibrant bustle of daily life coexists with an undercurrent of profound stillness and peace","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"charmed life and experience","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"its got an impersonal quality to it","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"finders in this situation have deepened on the continuum while needing to hide their inner experience of fundamental wellbeing from those around them","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"um and i think thats probably important to recognize as a boost in wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"feel really like reality is like this thick fluid like substance that you can like just sort of pushing through like viscerally like a thick substance in some sense","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"they now realize that self referential stories underpin most social interaction and they are probably struggling a bit with their reduced interest in these narratives","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"spacious and emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location one is one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"rewiring","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"to me when i see luminosity its not so much when with with physical eyes if that makes sense its more like a seeing within ","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"sense of agency is still so unusual","label_text":"lay4"} {"text":"other examples would be like we had actually a number of people in tlc who once they heard about fluidity which is when we kind of around that period first started talking about it they just immediately started having experiences of location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"there is also some return of emotion on the path of humanity usually impersonal forms of love which also relate to layer 3 ","label_text":"loc4lay3"} {"text":"fundamental wellbeing is not about limitation","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"high degrees of fluidity its you know they are people who have reported celestial experiences","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"because if your concern is you know im never im not going to be able to run an event if i cant be fluid to layer one then its great that youve developed the fluidity you know to layer one","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"so layer two is is expansiveness emptiness and um zooming out wide field of vision um less mind chatter you know i wont say no mind chatter chatter but what shows up is just kind of like clouds passing um and just i guess expansiveness is the word id use yeah yeah great yeah and really when im driving theres no demands your your present looking to the blue sky and the roads going by and youre just very present in letting it in","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"the cultural tapestry of location 1 layer 4 is woven with threads of transcendence where art and spirituality merge","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"its a perspective of you know sort of having seen through the stuff at layer three","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"being having being so tied up in a belief that you are effectively your intelligence","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"resonate with the sense of freedom that is typically associated with location four","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so that would mean you know any qualities of joy or love compassion anything that feels sort of sacred or divine if you are prone to that experience and location three or otherwise that sense of presence pervading everything especially if you can get a sense of it being somehow conscious or intelligent those are sort of location three type layer three experiences","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"identification that can occur at the layer one experience","label_text":"loc2lay1"} {"text":"you werent as adept with your senses","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"its for everybody its like that experience i had on mount sinai when i encountered jesus","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"im having an interesting experience with and i wrote about this a little bit with kind of love and what might be labeled location through your layer three and im yeah actually have some questions for you about that but i dont feel a lot of like individual love like im legally married and i love my husband but dont feel in love with him we havent lived together in eight years and ive been since the program like working at connecting to love more and i feel a kind of it feels flat and its not like i dont like anyone i just have had trouble connecting to love in the way that i used to connect to love i used to feel very heartful and in love with life and it feels very different now and it just i just dont have a strong connection to it like i can say i love my kids like i love my son i love my cats but i used to have this kind of juicy love like this and dont dont feel that anymore","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"those are such subjective qualities that dont necessarily apply to layer four and so but lets go earlier here and make sure that you know you really are switching between location one and location two yeah thats a little unusual so lets make sure thats happening you actually feel like youre at times when youre in the world your system is literally going from our our nondual perception tests right which involve like a looker in here","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"lets start by seeing if its location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"the gardens of location 1 layer 4 are not just spaces for plants to grow but sanctuaries where human spirits can flourish alongside","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"or 3 briefly","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"layer twos primary properties are things like spaciousness and emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"pre fundamental wellbeing and you think about your sense of self right now in this moment","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"joy bliss and sometimes just expansion like really just limitless expansion and letting go of","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"persistent inner peace","label_text":"tfwc"} {"text":"you know theyre still luminous objects","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"all pervading consciousness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"then initially it was like dismissed that was reflecting","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"the experience of present moment awareness inner peace and wellbeing continues to grow and deepen","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"an exception to this appears to be fluid late location finders who find their way back to location 2 after previously more fully deepening into layer 4 in later locations ","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"so if ive been in my own space not engaging with people for a few hours or maybe even a couple hours","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"in location 1 layer 4 every act of kindness is a ripple in the pond of humanity its effects felt in unseen ways","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"its not so difficult so it does not take so much work for location three is somehow easier","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i was so astonished at that feeling of love which was personal for me but i also understood its for everybody","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"emotion falls away","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"deeper forms of layer 4 are typically only experienced temporarily in location 2 and often do not allow someone to be functional while they last when it is only touched upon temporarily it does not necessarily feel as though it is not a state because the sense of individual self remains partially intact in earlier locations","label_text":"loc2lay4"} {"text":"when you access layer one when youre triggered","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"i used to think this was flat this is like mountainous terrain look at that canyon","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"location two layer two","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"location four youre literally just watching the mind do its thing","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"under huge dome","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"like location four in that dyadic environment became like an aversive stimulus","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"assuming that even experienced glimpses of it which i can barely remember and maybe i have it feels intuitively that location for allows for a more clear perception","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"humanity","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"ive broken it for life","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"the social dynamics of location 1 layer 4 are infused with a sense of unity diminishing the importance of individual roles","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"this experience is typically not persistent in location 3 and usually does not allow someone to be functional while it lasts","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"i can play such a good game of a location two layer three but it doesnt it doesnt necessarily feel like its authentic i can model it i can get people there i can like give them their little charmed life and like","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"i remember thinking like location two again using this model was nonduality","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"what about the qualities that are associated with layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"referred to in terms of the self","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"environment under trigger its more like 11 and then kind of off on my own doing my thing","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"you dont have to fear location one you can leave access to duality as part of this","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"then do the same thing with layer three you know sink into layer three as much as you can while you have that sort of worst case type imagination happening and all of the conditioning up around it and let layer three to work its magic just you know hold it hold it active in your mind as much as you can in your experience as much as you can in terms of whatever that worst case scenario type thing would be or variations of it or whatever","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"layer one is going to percolate you know to an active state in that situation","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"realizing the ultimate truth","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"like initially you cant see anything its just an unknowable","label_text":"loc3lay4"} {"text":"just sitting and staring and nature for ever possibly you know hoping squirrels bring you nuts or something so you have something to eat while youre staring out","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"very much in the world feeling connected to everything all of the time just incredible oneness like like my heart would be just blossoming with effusive love","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"aspects of life that disappeared and imagine that they were good and not focus on the negative ones","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"freedom","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"can you can you find the compassion element you know and the current layer three experience you know when youre and when you look at love and joy and compassion are there is there a relationship there in the current location to version of the experience","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"but then because you didnt really lock it in you can you know read and absorb other materials when you really dive into something like youre diving into these materials rather than just casually skimming a book on it or something you know it can move you more in the direction of different experiences weve seen this a lot it happens with people who are freshly in fundamental wellbeing who dont have a lot of who havent watched a lot of spiritual videos or read a lot of books from you know about fundamental wellbeing or whatever to them","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"from layer 3 when one deepens into it","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i was trying to generate a little bit of it in my body","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"your whole body is just sort of this universe sort of expression","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"i think im in location one primarily still layer one with some access to other layers","label_text":"loc1lay1"} {"text":"peace and bliss","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"meta emotion of love joy passion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"i could use my perception to track objects in space","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"it seemed like location one was most fitting","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"end point of the abrahamic traditions","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"yeah so personal emotion which includes all negative emotion is really more or less out of view in location three so only that universal love joy compassion meta emotion remains","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"its obviously influencing the range of fluidity that you have ease of access to because you can access deep experience of layer two","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"sometimes its emptiness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"silence is really big","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location 2 finders are more likely to intuitively feel that there is a correct decision or path to take when presented with choices even if there seems to be very little rationality behind the direction being taken","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"the natural landscapes of location 1 layer 4 are gateways to inner worlds where every tree and river tells a story of unity","label_text":"loc1lay4"} {"text":"subjective experience becomes progressively centered on layer 2s central qualities like spaciousness and emptiness increasingly highlighting the impermanent and relative nature of other aspects of perceptual experience like thought emotion sensation and so on which seem to come and go all contained within the properties of layer 2 ","label_text":"loc2lay2"} {"text":"senselessness or sort of centered fullness or just the body","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"find myself gravitating towards the silence and i can feel the pull like to i just want to be by myself i just want to sink right and which to me is wonderful but also slightly perilous because i could see how you go say too deep there but yeah you go off on that path","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"that sense of being presence being presence and being everywhere","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"transcendence","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"when it shows up this way finders report perceiving what seem like patterns of energy that interact with the environment and other people like ripples that then influence or determine their responses","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"unity","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"people will often describe this experience as being like looking at a painting or a movie screen","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"both location 1 and 3 are dual locations in that there is a sense of distinction between subject observer and object observed however location 3 is subtly dual just like the experience of location 1 becomes more subtly dual in layer 2 than it is in layer 1","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"can not be able to move parts of their body","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"that seems to draw me into the present moment to stillness a sense of presence","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"location two answer from sort of deep and layer four perspective has a sense of agency associated with it of some degree","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"sense of freedom","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"it will still probably have you centered you know and primarily looking from location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"and what you would be what would really indicate that shift is that duality returning to your experience where there really is a sense of something that is dissolving into or merging with the divine presence and everything and in addition to that meta emotion of love joy compassion um but you can also begin to experience in location two layer three","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"and then a release of that to layer two","label_text":"loc1lay2"} {"text":"aliveness or sense of beingness","label_text":"loc2lay3"} {"text":"can be a fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"usually but not totally","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"unusual perceptual effects","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"volcano of aliveness and a lot of creative power","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"they might have missed enough work that curious coworkers came looking for them found them passed out on their living room floor and called an ambulance","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"experiencing that presence or fullness","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"the main thing was a sense of a kind of strong gravitational pull","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"its like it used to be like 0 to 10 and now its like 0 to 1 and then the emotions are experienced very directly through the body like the anxiety when i feel it its i just feel it through the body like i would feel some something in my arms and my legs or in my head there is no resonance from the mind there is no like previously there would be a feedback loop like there is some thoughts going in there feeling the emotion and then the emotion is feeling the thoughts and there is this loop and now occasionally with strong triggers there is the mind loop going there is some sort of dialogue but there is no feedback like that","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"but i would also be very surprised if as part of this process you werent also getting glimpses of time and location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"deep peace","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"expansion of energy","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"five and six and seven","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"even in location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"the people around and what made me come back a little bit it does not mean that i cannot go there anymore so it got basically it got easier to get there is only that as i said the last three weeks it has been very its been a lot of things going on and its yeah it was just more beneficial maybe to be in in location one day or one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"fullness this","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"see what that has to to reveal to you and what that can sort of contribute to your system and its flexibility and the perspective that it gives and then you can move on to location three","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"to involve consistent changes toward this","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"this diminishes the dimensionality of perception which becomes progressively flat in later locations although someone is not likely to notice unless they come back to an earlier location","label_text":"loc4lay4"} {"text":"sacred divinity","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"alien type feeling can be deeper in location too","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"is the fullness located just in your body","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"sense you know given your background and what youve traditionally gravitated from you know force towards system wise rooted into for decades um you know all of that stuff for sure i mean its all so classically layer three","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"self though it is much more subtle than the","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"all pervasive consciousness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"vipassana theravada map","label_text":"nfw"} {"text":"one undesirable issue for them is memory deficits","label_text":"loc4"} {"text":"so i know what youre types of experiences yeah so what you mentioned there really sounds like this location eight","label_text":"loc5+"} {"text":"but i felt like there was a very distinguishable sort of feeling that you know everything was just arising and that everything was that spacious container that rang with me so much i used that to kind of deepen into layer two and it was really nice like what a fantastic space sensation","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"and location two","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"so one of the few memories that i have held onto was the accident that i included in the material that i sent to you and annemiek","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"you mentioned that you still primarily experience the mind as your default in terms of where your perception centers that would be you know completely expected and location one","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"things feel very still whatever this thing is and i really enjoy being in this stillness","label_text":"lay2"} {"text":"finders sometimes develop the perceptionbelief that their state of being is somehow of benefit to humanity or life as a whole","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"devoid of negative emotion","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"its probably better to be putting your attention on fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"im the fullness","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"they are also less likely to actively call up as many memories as they did before their transition","label_text":"loc1"} {"text":"layer one is just removed from your nervous system","label_text":"lay1"} {"text":"it was when my dad died and you know i was like crying but i was like well this is just love so this is okay i wouldnt say this is i want it to stop","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"right and so you know thoughts are completely real the divine is completely real when youre experiencing it from my perspective right its almost like youre taking some sort of filter and youre blocking access to things and then when you remove that filter those things are still there just because you are blocking access to things doesnt mean they actually go away it just means that youre turning a blind eye towards them you know it just means that youre sort of filtering them out and not observing them thats a very unusual perspective within fundamental wellbeing","label_text":"tfw"} {"text":"combination of love joy and","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"location two is a sense","label_text":"loc2"} {"text":"one with the divine","label_text":"loc3"} {"text":"guess with the eyes closed there is a sensation of emptiness dont get it when my eyes are open","label_text":"lay3"} {"text":"i was just like deliberately going into you know the experience of location three or of layer three because thats what ive been obsessing about lately","label_text":"loc3lay3"} {"text":"when youre describing like a deeper nonduality is the absence of layer one","label_text":"loc2lay1"}