On Some One-Parameter Families of Three-Body Problems in One Dimension: Exchange Operator Formalism in Polar Coordinates and Scattering Properties
We apply the exchange operator formalism in polar coordinates to a one-parameter family of three-body problems in one dimension and prove the integrability of the model both with and without the oscillator potential. We also present exact scattering solution of a new family of three-body problems in one dimension.
Bethe ansatz solution of a closed spin 1 XXZ Heisenberg chain with quantum algebra symmetry
A quantum algebra invariant integrable closed spin 1 chain is introduced and analysed in detail. The Bethe ansatz equations as well as the energy eigenvalues of the model are obtained. The highest weight property of the Bethe vectors with respect to U_q(sl(2)) is proved.
A Bethe ansatz solution for the closed $U_{q}[sl(2)]$ Temperley-Lieb quantum spin chains
We solve the spectrum pf the closed Temperley-Lieb quantum spin chains using the coordinate Bethe ansatz. These Hamiltonians are invariante under the quantum group $U_{q}[sl(2)]$
Elliptic Algebro-Geometric Solutions of the KdV and AKNS Hierarchies - An Analytic Approach
We provide an overview of elliptic algebro-geometric solutions of the KdV and AKNS hierarchies, with special emphasis on Floquet theoretic and spectral theoretic methods. Our treatment includes an effective characterization of all stationary elliptic KdV and AKNS solutions based on a theory developed by Hermite and Picard.
A comparison of two discrete mKdV equations
We consider here two discrete versions of the modified KdV equation. In one case, some solitary wave solutions, B\"acklund transformations and integrals of motion are known. In the other one, only solitary wave solutions were given, and we supply the corresponding results for this equation. We also derive the integrability of the second equation and give a transformation which links the two models.
The complex geometry of Lagrange top
We prove that the heavy symmetric top (Lagrange, 1788) linearizes on a two-dimensional non-compact algebraic group -- the generalized Jacobian of an elliptic curve with two points identified. This leads to a transparent description of its complex and real invariant level sets. We also deduce, by making use of a Baker-Akhiezer function, simple explicit formulae for the general solution of Lagrange top.
Lax Pairs for Integrable Lattice Systems
This paper studies the structure of Lax pairs associated with integrable lattice systems (where space is a one-dimensional lattice, and time is continuous). It describes a procedure for generating examples of such systems, and emphasizes the features that are needed to obtain equations which are local on the spatial lattice.
Integrable open boundary conditions for XXC models
The XXC models are multistate generalizations of the well known spin 1/2 XXZ model. These integrable models share a common underlying su(2) structure. We derive integrable open boundary conditions for the hierarchy of conserved quantities of the XXC models . Due to lack of crossing unitarity of the R-matrix, we develop specific methods to prove integrability. The symmetry of the spectrum is determined.
Zeros of the Jimbo, Miwa, Ueno tau function
We introduce a family of local deformations for meromorphic connections on the Riemann sphere in the neighborhood of a higher rank (simple) singularity. Following a scheme introduced by Malgrange we use these local models to prove that the zeros of the tau function introduced by Jimbo, Miwa and Ueno occur precisely at those points in the deformation space at which a certain Birkhoff-Riemann- Hilbert problem fails to have a solution.
Miura Transformations for Integrable Evolution Equations of the Form $u_t=u_{xxx}+f(t,x,u,u_x,u_{xx})$
The paper is withdrawn due to an error in Section 3.2. The remaining of the results are included in the preprint solv-int/9605004.
Fermionic flows and tau function of the N=(1|1) superconformal Toda lattice hierarchy
An infinite class of fermionic flows of the N=(1|1) superconformal Toda lattice hierarchy is constructed and their algebraic structure is studied. We completely solve the semi-infinite N=(1|1) Toda lattice and chain hierarchies and derive their tau functions, which may be relevant for building supersymmetric matrix models. Their bosonic limit is also discussed.
Pseudo-orthogonal groups and integrable dynamical systems in two dimensions
Integrable systems in low dimensions, constructed through the symmetry reduction method, are studied using phase portrait and variable separation techniques. In particular, invariant quantities and explicit periodic solutions are determined. Widely applied models in Physics are shown to appear as particular cases of the method.
Lax pair tensors in arbitrary dimensions
A recipe is presented for obtaining Lax tensors for any n-dimensional Hamiltonian system admitting a Lax representation of dimension n. Our approach is to use the Jacobi geometry and coupling-constant metamorphosis to obtain a geometric Lax formulation. We also exploit the results to construct integrable spacetimes, satisfying the weak energy condition.
Generating Quadrilateral and Circular Lattices in KP Theory
The bilinear equations of the $N$-component KP and BKP hierarchies and a corresponding extended Miwa transformation allow us to generate quadrilateral and circular lattices from conjugate and orthogonal nets, respectively. The main geometrical objects are expressed in terms of Baker functions.
Stochastic Soliton Lattices
We introduce a new concept, Stochastic Soliton Lattice, as a random process generated by a finite-gap potential of the Shroedinger operator. We study the basic properties of this stochastic process and consider its KdV evolution
The Lax operators $\cal L$ of the Benney type equations bound with the circle
The Lax operators of the Benney type equations are studied on the circle. The vectors fields of the Lax operators are showed to commute with each other
Asymptotics of the Fredholm determinant associated with the correlation functions of the quantum Nonlinear Schrodinger equation
The correlation functions of the quantum nonlinear Schrodinger equation can be presented in terms of a Fredholm determinant. The explicit expression for this determinant is found for the large time and long distance.
On Integrability and Chaos in Discrete Systems
The scalar nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation and a suitable discretization are well known integrable systems which exhibit the phenomena of ``effective'' chaos. Vector generalizations of both the continuous and discrete system are discussed. Some attention is directed upon the issue of the integrability of a discrete version of the vector NLS equation.
Hirota bilinear forms with 2-toroidal symmetry
In this note, we compute Hirota bilinear forms arising from both homogeneous and principal realization of vertex representations of 2-toroidal Lie algebras of type $A_l, D_l, E_l$.
Bethe ansatz solution of the anisotropic correlated electron model associated with the Temperley-Lieb algebra
A recently proposed strongly correlated electron system associated with the Temperley-Lieb algebra is solved by means of the coordinate Bethe ansatz for periodic and closed boundary conditions.
On a class of dynamical systems both quasi-bi-Hamiltonian and bi-Hamiltonian
It is shown that a class of dynamical systems (encompassing the one recently considered by F. Calogero [J. Math. Phys. 37 (1996) 1735]) is both quasi-bi-Hamiltonian and bi-Hamiltonian. The first formulation entails the separability of these systems; the second one is obtained trough a non canonical map whose form is directly suggested by the associated Nijenhuis tensor.
Bi-Hamiltonian manifolds, quasi-bi-Hamiltonian systems and separation variables
We discuss from a bi-Hamiltonian point of view the Hamilton-Jacobi separability of a few dynamical systems. They are shown to admit, in their natural phase space, a quasi-bi-Hamiltonian formulation of Pfaffian type. This property allows us to straightforwardly recover a set of separation variables for the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi equation.
Darboux Transformations and solutions for an equation in 2+1 dimensions
Painleve analysis and the singular manifold method are the tools used in this paper to perform a complete study of an equation in 2+1 dimensions. This procedure has allowed us to obtain the Lax pair, Darboux transformation and tau functions in such a way that a plethora of different solutions with solitonic behavior can be constructed iteratively
Two Integrable Systems Related to Hyperbolic Monopoles
Monopoles on hyperbolic 3-space were introduced by Atiyah in 1984. This article describes two integrable systems which are closely related to hyperbolic monopoles: a one-dimensional lattice equation (the Braam-Austin or discrete Nahm equation), and a soliton system in (2+1)-dimensional anti-deSitter space-time.
Integrable KdV Systems: Recursion Operators of Degree Four
The recursion operator and bi-Hamiltonian formulation of the Drinfeld- Sokolov system are given
Integrable boundary conditions for nonlinear lattices
Integrable boundary conditions in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions are discussed from the higher symmetries point of view. Boundary conditions consistent with the discrete Landau-Lifshitz model and infinite 2D Toda lattice are represented.
On Calogero wave functions
Two properties of Calogero wave functions for rational Calogero models are studied: (i) the representation of the wave functions in terms of the exponential of Lassalle operators, (ii) the $sL(2,\rr)$ structure of the Calogero--Moser wave functions.
On the Calogero model with negative harmonic term
The Calogero model with negative harmonic term is shown to be equivalent to the set of negative harmonic oscillators. Two time-independent canonical transformations relating both models are constructed: one based on the recent results concerning quantum Calogero model and one obtained from dynamical $sL(2,\rr)$ algebra. The two-particle case is discussed in some detail.
The symplectic structure of rational Lax pair systems
We consider dynamical systems associated to Lax pairs depending rationnally on a spectral parameter. We show that we can express the symplectic form in terms of algebro--geometric data provided that the symplectic structure on L is of Kirillov type. In particular, in this case the dynamical system is integrable.
Coverings and integrability of the Gauss-Mainardi-Codazzi equations
Using covering theory approach (zero-curvature representations with the gauge group SL2), we insert the spectral parameter into the Gauss-Mainardi-Codazzi equations in Tchebycheff and geodesic coordinates. For each choice, four integrable systems are obtained.
A Realization of Discrete Geometry by String Model
A realization of discrete conjugate net is presented by using correlation functions of strings in a gauge covariant form.
The periodic Lax operators $\cL$ of the equations of Benney type II
This text has been withdrawn by the author.
Symmetries of Discrete Dynamical Systems Involving Two Species
The Lie point symmetries of a coupled system of two nonlinear differential-difference equations are investigated. It is shown that in special cases the symmetry group can be infinite dimensional, in other cases up to 10 dimensional. The equations can describe the interaction of two long molecular chains, each involving one type of atoms.
Spontaneous magnetization of the XXZ Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain
Determinant representations of form factors are used to represent the spontaneous magnetization of the Heisenberg XXZ chain (Delta >1) on the finite lattice as the ratio of two determinants. In the thermodynamic limit (the lattice of infinite length), the Baxter formula is reproduced in the framework of Algebraic Bethe Ansatz. It is shown that the finite size corrections to the Baxter formula are exponentially small.
Extension of the bilinear formalism to supersymmetric KdV-type equations
Extending the gauge-invariance principle for \tau functions of the standard bilinear formalism to the supersymmetric case, we define N=1 supersymmetric Hirota operators. Using them, we bilinearize SUSY KdV-type equations (KdV, Sawada-Kotera, Hirota-Satsuma). The solutions for multiple collisions of super-solitons and extension to SUSY sine-Gordon are also discussed.
The Cole-Hopf and Miura transformations revisited
An elementary yet remarkable similarity between the Cole-Hopf transformation relating the Burgers and heat equation and Miura's transformation connecting the KdV and mKdV equations is studied in detail.
The classical Boussinesq hierarchy revisited
We develop a systematic approach to the classical Boussinesq (cBsq) hierarchy based on an elementary polynomial recursion formalism. Moreover, the gauge equivalence between the cBsq and AKNS hierarchies is studied in detail and used to provide an effortless derivation of algebro-geometric solutions and their theta function representations of the cBsq hierarchy.
On some soliton equations in 2+1 dimensions and their 1+1 and/or 2+0 dimensional integrable reductions
Some soliton equation in 2+1 dimensions and their 1+1 and/or dimensional integrable reductions are considered.
Integral equations for the correlation functions of the quantum one-dimensional Bose gas
The large time and long distance behavior of the temperature correlation functions of the quantum one-dimensional Bose gas is considered. We obtain integral equations, which solutions describe the asymptotics. These equations are closely related to the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equations. In the low temperature limit the solutions of these equations are given in terms of observables of the model.
The relation between the Toda hierarchy and the KdV hierarchy
Under three relations connecting the field variables of Toda flows and that of KdV flows, we present three new sequences of combination of the equations in the Toda hierarchy which have the KdV hierarchy as a continuous limit. The relation between the Poisson structures of the KdV hierarchy and the Toda hierarchy in continuous limit is also studied.
The Lax pairs for the Holt system
By using non-canonical transformation between the Holt system and the Henon-Heiles system the Lax pairs for all the integrable cases of the Holt system are constructed from the known Lax representations for the Henon-Heiles system.
The Camassa-Holm Equation: Conserved Quantities and the Initial Value Problem
Using a Miura-Gardner-Kruskal type construction, we show that the Camassa-Holm equation has an infinite number of local conserved quantities. We explore the implications of these conserved quantities for global well-posedness.
Universality of the distribution functions of random matrix theory
This paper first surveys the connection of integrable systems of the Painleve type to various distribution functions appearing in Wigner-Dyson random matrix theory. A short discussion is then given of the appearance of these same distributions in other areas of mathematics.
Coupled KdV equations of Hirota-Satsuma type
It is shown that the system of two coupled Korteweg-de Vries equations passes the Painlev\'e test for integrability in nine distinct cases of its coefficients. The integrability of eight cases is verified by direct construction of Lax pairs, whereas for one case it remains unknown.
Darboux-type transformations and hyperelliptic curves
We systematically study Darboux-type transformations for the KdV and AKNS hierarchies and provide a complete account of their effects on hyperelliptic curves associated with algebro-geometric solutions of these hierarchies.
Multi-soliton Solution of the Integrable Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation of Manakov Type
The general multi-soliton solution of the integrable coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLS) of Manakov type is investigated by using Zakharov-Shabat (ZS) scheme. We get the bright and dark multi-soliton solution using inverse scattering method of ZS scheme. Elastic and inelastic collision of N-solitons solution of the equation are also discussed.
A note on the third family of N=2 supersymmetric KdV hierarchies
We propose a hamiltonian formulation of the $N=2$ supersymmetric KP type hierarchy recently studied by Krivonos and Sorin. We obtain a quadratic hamiltonian structure which allows for several reductions of the KP type hierarchy. In particular, the third family of $N=2$ KdV hierarchies is recovered. We also give an easy construction of Wronskian solutions of the KP and KdV type equations.
On time-dependent symmetries and formal symmetries of evolution equations
We present the explicit formulae, describing the structure of symmetries and formal symmetries of any scalar (1+1)-dimensional evolution equation. Using these results, the formulae for the leading terms of commutators of two symmetries and two formal symmetries are found. The generalization of these results to the case of system of evolution equations is also discussed.
Modified KP and Discrete KP
The discrete KP, or 1-Toda lattice hierarchy is the same as a properly defined modified KP hierarchy.
Modular Invariants and Generalized Halphen Systems
Generalized Halphen systems are solved in terms of functions that uniformize genus zero Riemann surfaces, with automorphism groups that are commensurable with the modular group. Rational maps relating these functions imply subgroup relations between their automorphism groups and symmetrization relations between the associated differential systems.
Soliton equations in 2+1 dimensions: reductions, bilinearizations and simplest solutions
Soliton equations in 2+1 and their 1+1 = 2+0 reductions are considered.
Baxter's Q-operator for the homogeneous XXX spin chain
Applying the Pasquier-Gaudin procedure we construct the Baxter's Q-operator for the homogeneous XXX model as integral operator in standard representation of SL(2). The connection between Q-operator and local Hamiltonians is discussed. It is shown that operator of Lipatov's duality symmetry arises naturally as leading term of the asymptotic expansion of Q-operator for large values of spectral parameter.
Vertex Operator Solutions of 2d Dimensionally Reduced Gravity
We apply algebraic and vertex operator techniques to solve two dimensional reduced vacuum Einstein's equations. This leads to explicit expressions for the coefficients of metrics solutions of the vacuum equations as ratios of determinants. No quadratures are left. These formulas rely on the identification of dual pairs of vertex operators corresponding to dual metrics related by the Kramer-Neugebauer symmetry.
Functional relations and nested Bethe ansatz for sl(3) chiral Potts model at q^2=-1
We obtain the functional relations for the eigenvalues of the transfer matrix of the sl(3) chiral Potts model for q^2=-1. For the homogeneous model in both directions a solution of these functional relations can be written in terms of roots of Bethe ansatz-like equations. In addition, a direct nested Bethe ansatz has also been developed for this case.
Nambu--Poisson reformulation of the finite dimensional dynamical systems
In this paper we introduce a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations which in a particular case reduces to Volterra's system. We found in two simplest cases the complete sets of the integrals of motion using Nambu--Poisson reformulation of the Hamiltonian dynamics. In these cases we have solved the systems by quadratures.
Integrable mixed vertex models from braid-monoid algebra
We use the braid-monoid algebra to construct integrable mixed vertex models. The transfer matrix of a mixed SU(N) model is diagonalized by nested Bethe ansatz approach.
Singularity Structure Analysis, Integrability, Solitons and Dromions in (2+1)-Dimensional Zakharov Equations
The (2+1)-dimensional integrable Zakharov equations and their reductions are considered
Bethe ansatz for the three-layer Zamolodchikov model
This paper is a continuation of our previous work (solv-int/9903001). We obtain two more functional relations for the eigenvalues of the transfer matrices for the $sl(3)$ chiral Potts model at $q^2=-1$. This model, up to a modification of boundary conditions, is equivalent to the three-layer three-dimensional Zamolodchikov model. From these relations we derive the Bethe ansatz equations.
Multipeakons and a theorem of Stieltjes
A closed form of the multi-peakon solutions of the Camassa-Holm equation is found using a theorem of Stieltjes on continued fractions. An explicit formula is obtained for the scattering shifts.
A generalization of determinant formulas for the solutions of Painlev\'e II and XXXIV equations
A generalization of determinant formulas for the classical solutions of Painlev\'e XXXIV and Painlev\'e II equations are constructed using the technique of Darboux transformation and Hirota's bilinear formalism. It is shown that the solutions admit determinant formulas even for the transcendental case.
On the Umemura Polynomials for the Painlev\'e III equation
A determinant expression for the rational solutions of the Painlev\'e III (P$_{\rm III}$) equation whose entries are the Laguerre polynomials is given. Degeneration of this determinant expression to that for the rational solutions of P$_{\rm II}$ is discussed by applying the coalescence procedure.
Canonicity of Baecklund transformation: r-matrix approach. I
For the Hamiltonian integrable systems governed by SL(2)-invariant r-matrix (such as Heisenberg magnet, Toda lattice, nonlinear Schroedinger equation) a general procedure for constructing Baecklund transformation is proposed. The corresponding BT is shown to preserve the Poisson bracket. The proof is given by a direct calculation using the r-matrix expression for the Poisson bracket.
The tetrahedral analog of Veneziano amplitude
In solv-int/9812016 it was shown that the Veneziano amplitude in string theory comes naturally from one of the simplest solutions of the functional pentagon equation (FPE). More generally, FPE is intimately connected with the duality condition for scattering processes. Here I find the amplitude that comes the same way from a solution of the functional tetrahedron equation, with the duality replaced by the local Yang - Baxter equation.
Complex sine-Gordon Equation in Coherent Optical Pulse Propagation
It is shown that the McCall-Hahn theory of self-induced transparency in coherent optical pulse propagation can be identified with the complex sine-Gordon theory in the sharp line limit. We reformulate the theory in terms of the deformed gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten sigma model and address various new aspects of self-induced transparency.
On the M-XX equation
The (2+1)-dimensional integrable M-XX equation is considered.
Nonlinear waves, differential resultant, computer algebra and completely integrable dynamical systems
The hierarchy of integrable equations are considered. The dynamical approach to the theory of nonlinear waves is proposed. The special solutions(nonlinear waves) of considered equations are derived. We use powerful methods of computer algebra such differential resultant and others.
Compacton-like Solutions for Modified KdV and other Nonlinear Equations
We present compacton-like solution of the modified KdV equation and compare its properties with those of the compactons and solitons. We further show that, the nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation with a source term and other higher order KdV-like equations also possess compact solutions of the similar form.
Integrability Tests for Nonlinear Evolution Equations
Discusses several integrability tests for nonlinear evolution equations.
From Agmon-Kannai expansion to Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy
We present a new method for computation of the Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy via heat invariants of the 1-dimensional Schrodinger operator. As a result new explicit formulas for the KdV hierarchy are obtained. Our method is based on an asymptotic expansion of resolvent kernels of elliptic operators due to S.Agmon and Y.Kannai.
Bethe ansatz solution of the closed anisotropic supersymmetric U model with quantum supersymmetry
The nested algebraic Bethe ansatz is presented for the anisotropic supersymmetric $U$ model maintaining quantum supersymmetry. The Bethe ansatz equations of the model are obtained on a one-dimensional closed lattice and an expression for the energy is given.
Solutions of Non-linear Differential and Difference Equations with Superposition Formulas
Matrix Riccati equations and other nonlinear ordinary differential equations with superposition formulas are, in the case of constant coefficients, shown to have the same exact solutions as their group theoretical discretizations. Explicit solutions of certain classes of scalar and matrix Riccati equations are presented as an illustration of the general results.
New integrable systems of derivative nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equations with multiple components
The Lax pair for a derivative nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation proposed by Chen-Lee-Liu is generalized into matrix form. This gives new types of integrable coupled derivative nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equations. By virtue of a gauge transformation, a new multi-component extension of a derivative nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation proposed by Kaup-Newell is also obtained.
The KP Hierarchy in Miwa Coordinates
A systematic reformulation of the KP hierarchy by using continuous Miwa variables is presented. Basic quantities and relations are defined and determinantal expressions for Fay's identities are obtained. It is shown that in terms of these variables the KP hierarchy gives rise to a Darboux system describing an infinite-dimensional conjugate net.
Magnetization waves in Landau-Lifshitz Model
The solutions of the Landau-Lifshitz equation with finite-gap behavior at infinity are considered. By means of the inverse scattering method the large-time asymptotics is obtained.
$U_q(\hat{sl}_n)$-analog of the XXZ chain with a boundary
We study $U_q(\hat{sl}_n)$ analog of the XXZ spin chain with a boundary magnetic field h. We construct explicit bosonic formulas of the vacuum vector and the dual vacuum vector with a boundary magnetic field. We derive integral formulas of the correlation functions.
On the explicit solutions of the elliptic Calogero system
Let $q_1,q_2,...,q_N$ be the coordinates of $N$ particles on the circle, interacting with the integrable potential $\sum_{j<k}^N\wp(q_j-q_k)$, where $\wp$ is the Weierstrass elliptic function. We show that every symmetric elliptic function in $q_1,q_2,...,q_N$ is a meromorphic function in time. We give explicit formulae for these functions in terms of genus $N-1$ theta functions.
A System with a Recursion Operator but One Higher Local Symmetry of the Form $u_t=u_{xxx}+f(t,x,u,u_x,u_{xx})$
We construct a recursion operator for the system $(u_t,v_t)=(u_4+v^2,1/5 v_4)$, for which only one local symmetry is known and we show that the action of the recursion operator on $(u_t,v_t)$ is a local function.
Soliton Collisions in the Ion Acoustic Plasma Equations
Numerical experiments involving the interaction of two solitary waves of the ion acoustic plasma equations are described. An exact 2-soliton solution of the relevant KdV equation was fitted to the initial data, and good agreement was maintained throughout the entire interaction. The data demonstrates that the soliton interactions are virtually elastic
Paraconformal Structures and Integrable Systems
We consider some natural connections which arise between right-flat (p, q) paraconformal structures and integrable systems. We find that such systems may be formulated in Lax form, with a "Lax p-tuple" of linear differential operators, depending a spectral parameter which lives in (q-1)-dimensional complex projective space. Generally, the differential operators contain partial derivatives with respect to the spectral parameter.
Reduction of bihamiltonian systems and separation of variables: an example from the Boussinesq hierarchy
We discuss the Boussinesq system with $t_5$ stationary, within a general framework for the analysis of stationary flows of n-Gel'fand-Dickey hierarchies. We show how a careful use of its bihamiltonian structure can be used to provide a set of separation coordinates for the corresponding Hamilton--Jacobi equations.
p-adic Difference-Difference Lotka-Volterra Equation and Ultra-Discrete Limit
In this article, we have studied the difference-difference Lotka-Volterra equations in p-adic number space and its p-adic valuation version. We pointed out that the structure of the space given by taking the ultra-discrete limit is the same as that of the $p$-adic valuation space.
Integrability of the higher-order nonlinear Schroedinger equation revisited
Only the known integrable cases of the Kodama-Hasegawa higher-order nonlinear Schroedinger equation pass the Painleve test. Recent results of Ghosh and Nandy add no new integrable cases of this equation.
On the equivalence of the discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation and the discrete isotropic Heisenberg magnet
The equivalence of the discrete isotropic Heisenberg magnet (IHM) model and the discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation (NLSE) given by Ablowitz and Ladik is shown. This is used to derive the equivalence of their discretization with the one by Izergin and Korepin. Moreover a doubly discrete IHM is presented that is equivalent to Ablowitz' and Ladiks doubly discrete NLSE.
On A Recently Proposed Relation Between oHS and Ito Systems
The bi-Hamiltonian structure of original Hirota-Satsuma system proposed by Roy based on a modification of the bi-Hamiltonian structure of Ito system is incorrect.
Integrable supersymmetric correlated electron chain with open boundaries
We construct an extended Hubbard model with open boundaries from a $R$-matrix based on the $U_q[Osp(2|2)]$ superalgebra. We study the reflection equation and find two classes of diagonal solutions. The corresponding one-dimensional open Hamiltonians are diagonalized by means of the Bethe ansatz approach.
A construction for R-matrices without difference property in the spectral parameter
A new construction is given for obtaining R-matrices which solve the McGuire-Yang-Baxter equation in such a way that the spectral parameters do not possess the difference property. A discussion of the derivation of the supersymmetric U model is given in this context such that applied chemical potential and magnetic field terms can be coupled arbitrarily. As a limiting case the Bariev model is obtained.
Symmetric Linear Backlund Transformation for Discrete BKP and DKP equation
Proper lattices for the discrete BKP and the discrete DKP equaitons are determined. Linear B\"acklund transformation equations for the discrete BKP and the DKP equations are constructed, which possesses the lattice symmetries and generate auto-B\"acklund transformations
Multi-Field Integrable Systems Related to WKI-Type Eigenvalue Problems
Higher flows of the Heisenberg ferromagnet equation and the Wadati-Konno-Ichikawa equation are generalized into multi-component systems on the basis of the Lax formulation. It is shown that there is a correspondence between the multi-component systems through a gauge transformation. An integrable semi-discretization of the multi-component higher Heisenberg ferromagnet system is obtained.
Miura Map between Lattice KP and its Modification is Canonical
We consider the Miura map between the lattice KP hierarchy and the lattice modified KP hierarchy and prove that the map is canonical not only between the first Hamiltonian structures, but also between the second Hamiltonian structures.
Classical Solutions Generating Tree Form-Factors in Yang-Mills, Sin(h)-Gordon and Gravity
Classical solutions generating tree form-factors are defined and constructed in various models.
Complete integrability of derivative nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger-type equations
We study matrix generalizations of derivative nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger-type equations, which were shown by Olver and Sokolov to possess a higher symmetry. We prove that two of them are `C-integrable' and the rest of them are `S-integrable' in Calogero's terminology.
Determinant Formulas for the Toda and Discrete Toda Equations
Determinant formulas for the general solutions of the Toda and discrete Toda equations are presented. Application to the $\tau$ functions for the Painlev\'e equations is also discussed.
Towards the Lax formulation of SU(2) principal models with nonconstant metric
The equations that define the Lax pairs for generalized principal chiral models can be solved for any constant nondegenerate bilinear form on SU(2). Necessary conditions for the nonconstant metric on SU(2) that define the integrable models are given.
Type II vertex operators for the $A_{n-1}^{(1)}$ face model
Presented is a free boson representation of the type II vertex operators for the $A_{n-1}^{(1)}$ face model. Using the bosonization, we derive some properties of the type II vertex operators, such as commutation, inversion and duality relations.
Discrete Z^a and Painleve equations
A discrete analogue of the holomorphic map z^a is studied. It is given by a Schramm's circle pattern with the combinatorics of the square grid. It is shown that the corresponding immersed circle patterns lead to special separatrix solutions of a discrete Painleve equation. Global properties of these solutions, as well as of the discrete $z^a$ are established.
On Construction of Recursion Operators From Lax Representation
In this work we develop a general procedure for constructing the recursion operators fro non-linear integrable equations admitting Lax representation. Svereal new examples are given. In particular we find the recursion operators for some KdV-type of integrable equations.
On integrable deformations of the spherical top
The motion on the sphere $S^2$ with the potential $V= (x_1x_2x_3)^{-2/3}$ is considered. The Lax representation and the linearisation procedure for this two-dimensional integrable system are discussed.
New integrable string-like fields in 1+1 dimensions
The symmetry classification method is applied to the string-like scalar fields in two-dimensional space-time. When the configurational space is three-dimensional and reducible we present the complete list of the systems admiting higher polynomial symmetries of the 3rd, 4th and 5th-order.
Lie point symmetries of integrable evolution equations and invariant solutions
An integrable hierarchies connected with linear stationary Schr\"odinger equation with energy dependent potentials (in general case) are considered. Galilei-like and scaling invariance transformations are constructed. A symmetry method is applied to construct invariant solutions.
The Complex Bateman Equation
The general solution to the Complex Bateman equation is constructed. It is given in implicit form in terms of a functional relationship for the unknown function. The known solution of the usual Bateman equation is recovered as a special case.