how many patients below 50 years of age have procedure icd9 code 4131?
CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN procedures ON demographic.hadm_id = procedures.hadm_id WHERE demographic.age < "50" AND procedures.icd9_code = "4131"
List the name of all products along with the number of complaints that they have received, sort by the the total number from low to high please.
CREATE TABLE Complaints ( complaint_id INTEGER, product_id INTEGER, customer_id INTEGER, complaint_outcome_code VARCHAR(20), complaint_status_code VARCHAR(20), complaint_type_code VARCHAR(20), date_complaint_raised DATETIME, date_complaint_closed DATETIME, staff_id INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Products ( product_id INTEGER, parent_product_id INTEGER, product_category_code VARCHAR(20), date_product_first_available DATETIME, date_product_discontinued DATETIME, product_name VARCHAR(80), product_description VARCHAR(255), product_price DECIMAL(19,4) ) CREATE TABLE Staff ( staff_id INTEGER, gender VARCHAR(1), first_name VARCHAR(80), last_name VARCHAR(80), email_address VARCHAR(255), phone_number VARCHAR(80) ) CREATE TABLE Customers ( customer_id INTEGER, customer_type_code VARCHAR(20), address_line_1 VARCHAR(80), address_line_2 VARCHAR(80), town_city VARCHAR(80), state VARCHAR(80), email_address VARCHAR(255), phone_number VARCHAR(80) )
SELECT product_name, COUNT(*) FROM Products AS t1 JOIN Complaints AS t2 ON t1.product_id = t2.product_id GROUP BY t1.product_name ORDER BY COUNT(*)
What are the number of the dates of the latest logon of the students with family name 'Jaskolski' or 'Langosh'?, and show in descending by the Y.
CREATE TABLE Student_Tests_Taken ( registration_id INTEGER, date_test_taken DATETIME, test_result VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Courses ( course_id INTEGER, author_id INTEGER, subject_id INTEGER, course_name VARCHAR(120), course_description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Student_Course_Enrolment ( registration_id INTEGER, student_id INTEGER, course_id INTEGER, date_of_enrolment DATETIME, date_of_completion DATETIME ) CREATE TABLE Students ( student_id INTEGER, date_of_registration DATETIME, date_of_latest_logon DATETIME, login_name VARCHAR(40), password VARCHAR(10), personal_name VARCHAR(40), middle_name VARCHAR(40), family_name VARCHAR(40) ) CREATE TABLE Subjects ( subject_id INTEGER, subject_name VARCHAR(120) ) CREATE TABLE Course_Authors_and_Tutors ( author_id INTEGER, author_tutor_ATB VARCHAR(3), login_name VARCHAR(40), password VARCHAR(40), personal_name VARCHAR(80), middle_name VARCHAR(80), family_name VARCHAR(80), gender_mf VARCHAR(1), address_line_1 VARCHAR(80) )
SELECT date_of_latest_logon, COUNT(date_of_latest_logon) FROM Students WHERE family_name = "Jaskolski" OR family_name = "Langosh" ORDER BY COUNT(date_of_latest_logon) DESC
Find the names of stadiums that some Australian swimmers have been to, and count them by a bar chart, and order from high to low by the bar.
CREATE TABLE event ( ID int, Name text, Stadium_ID int, Year text ) CREATE TABLE record ( ID int, Result text, Swimmer_ID int, Event_ID int ) CREATE TABLE swimmer ( ID int, name text, Nationality text, meter_100 real, meter_200 text, meter_300 text, meter_400 text, meter_500 text, meter_600 text, meter_700 text, Time text ) CREATE TABLE stadium ( ID int, name text, Capacity int, City text, Country text, Opening_year int )
SELECT T4.Name, COUNT(T4.Name) FROM swimmer AS t1 JOIN record AS t2 ON t1.ID = t2.Swimmer_ID JOIN event AS t3 ON t2.Event_ID = t3.ID JOIN stadium AS t4 ON t4.ID = t3.Stadium_ID WHERE t1.Nationality = 'Australia' GROUP BY T4.Name ORDER BY T4.Name DESC
what is the number of patients whose diagnoses long title is incisional ventral hernia with obstruction?
CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses.long_title = "Incisional ventral hernia with obstruction"
What is the proportion of each customer's move in date? Show me the bar chart.
CREATE TABLE Timed_Status_of_Things ( thing_id INTEGER, Date_and_Date DATETIME, Status_of_Thing_Code CHAR(15) ) CREATE TABLE Services ( service_id INTEGER, organization_id INTEGER, service_type_code CHAR(15), service_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Customers ( customer_id INTEGER, customer_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Properties ( property_id INTEGER, property_type_code CHAR(15), property_address VARCHAR(255), other_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Residents ( resident_id INTEGER, property_id INTEGER, date_moved_in DATETIME, date_moved_out DATETIME, other_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Customer_Events ( Customer_Event_ID INTEGER, customer_id INTEGER, date_moved_in DATETIME, property_id INTEGER, resident_id INTEGER, thing_id INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Customer_Event_Notes ( Customer_Event_Note_ID INTEGER, Customer_Event_ID INTEGER, service_type_code CHAR(15), resident_id INTEGER, property_id INTEGER, date_moved_in DATETIME ) CREATE TABLE Timed_Locations_of_Things ( thing_id INTEGER, Date_and_Time DATETIME, Location_Code CHAR(15) ) CREATE TABLE Residents_Services ( resident_id INTEGER, service_id INTEGER, date_moved_in DATETIME, property_id INTEGER, date_requested DATETIME, date_provided DATETIME, other_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Things ( thing_id INTEGER, organization_id INTEGER, Type_of_Thing_Code CHAR(15), service_type_code CHAR(10), service_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Organizations ( organization_id INTEGER, parent_organization_id INTEGER, organization_details VARCHAR(255) )
SELECT date_moved_in, COUNT(date_moved_in) FROM Customers AS T1 JOIN Customer_Events AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY date_moved_in
For those employees who was hired before 2002-06-21, for manager_id, hire_date, visualize the trend.
CREATE TABLE employees ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), FIRST_NAME varchar(20), LAST_NAME varchar(25), EMAIL varchar(25), PHONE_NUMBER varchar(20), HIRE_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), SALARY decimal(8,2), COMMISSION_PCT decimal(2,2), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE departments ( DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0), DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar(30), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE locations ( LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0), STREET_ADDRESS varchar(40), POSTAL_CODE varchar(12), CITY varchar(30), STATE_PROVINCE varchar(25), COUNTRY_ID varchar(2) ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( JOB_ID varchar(10), JOB_TITLE varchar(35), MIN_SALARY decimal(6,0), MAX_SALARY decimal(6,0) ) CREATE TABLE regions ( REGION_ID decimal(5,0), REGION_NAME varchar(25) ) CREATE TABLE job_history ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), START_DATE date, END_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE countries ( COUNTRY_ID varchar(2), COUNTRY_NAME varchar(40), REGION_ID decimal(10,0) )
how many patients with lab test item id 51213 have their lab test abnormal as delta?
CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE lab.itemid = "51213" AND lab.flag = "delta"
What is the host year of city 'Taizhou ( Zhejiang )'?
CREATE TABLE temperature ( city_id number, jan number, feb number, mar number, apr number, jun number, jul number, aug number, sep number, oct number, nov number, dec number ) CREATE TABLE city ( city_id number, city text, hanzi text, hanyu_pinyin text, regional_population number, gdp number ) CREATE TABLE hosting_city ( year number, match_id number, host_city text ) CREATE TABLE match ( match_id number, date text, venue text, score text, result text, competition text )
SELECT T2.year FROM city AS T1 JOIN hosting_city AS T2 ON T1.city_id = T2.host_city WHERE = "Taizhou ( Zhejiang )"
Please show the names of aircrafts associated with airport with name 'London Gatwick'.
CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_id number, aircraft text, description text, max_gross_weight text, total_disk_area text, max_disk_loading text ) CREATE TABLE match ( round number, location text, country text, date text, fastest_qualifying text, winning_pilot text, winning_aircraft text ) CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_id number, airport_name text, total_passengers number, %_change_2007 text, international_passengers number, domestic_passengers number, transit_passengers number, aircraft_movements number, freight_metric_tonnes number ) CREATE TABLE airport_aircraft ( id number, airport_id number, aircraft_id number ) CREATE TABLE pilot ( pilot_id number, name text, age number )
SELECT T1.aircraft FROM aircraft AS T1 JOIN airport_aircraft AS T2 ON T1.aircraft_id = T2.aircraft_id JOIN airport AS T3 ON T2.airport_id = T3.airport_id WHERE T3.airport_name = "London Gatwick"
how many patients born before 2066 undertook procedure icd9 code 9983?
CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN procedures ON demographic.hadm_id = procedures.hadm_id WHERE demographic.dob_year < "2066" AND procedures.icd9_code = "9983"
How many bookings did each customer make? List the first name as the X-axis, and the count as the Y-axis in the bar chart.
CREATE TABLE Products_for_Hire ( product_id INTEGER, product_type_code VARCHAR(15), daily_hire_cost DECIMAL(19,4), product_name VARCHAR(80), product_description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Bookings ( booking_id INTEGER, customer_id INTEGER, booking_status_code VARCHAR(10), returned_damaged_yn VARCHAR(40), booking_start_date DATETIME, booking_end_date DATETIME, count_hired VARCHAR(40), amount_payable DECIMAL(19,4), amount_of_discount DECIMAL(19,4), amount_outstanding DECIMAL(19,4), amount_of_refund DECIMAL(19,4) ) CREATE TABLE Discount_Coupons ( coupon_id INTEGER, date_issued DATETIME, coupon_amount DECIMAL(19,4) ) CREATE TABLE Products_Booked ( booking_id INTEGER, product_id INTEGER, returned_yn VARCHAR(1), returned_late_yn VARCHAR(1), booked_count INTEGER, booked_amount FLOAT ) CREATE TABLE Customers ( customer_id INTEGER, coupon_id INTEGER, good_or_bad_customer VARCHAR(4), first_name VARCHAR(80), last_name VARCHAR(80), gender_mf VARCHAR(1), date_became_customer DATETIME, date_last_hire DATETIME ) CREATE TABLE View_Product_Availability ( product_id INTEGER, booking_id INTEGER, status_date DATETIME, available_yn VARCHAR(1) ) CREATE TABLE Payments ( payment_id INTEGER, booking_id INTEGER, customer_id INTEGER, payment_type_code VARCHAR(15), amount_paid_in_full_yn VARCHAR(1), payment_date DATETIME, amount_due DECIMAL(19,4), amount_paid DECIMAL(19,4) )
SELECT first_name, COUNT(*) FROM Customers AS T1 JOIN Bookings AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY T1.customer_id
Show me a bar chart with the product name and their frequency.
CREATE TABLE Addresses ( address_id INTEGER, line_1_number_building VARCHAR(80), city VARCHAR(50), zip_postcode VARCHAR(20), state_province_county VARCHAR(50), country VARCHAR(50) ) CREATE TABLE Products ( product_id INTEGER, product_type_code VARCHAR(15), product_name VARCHAR(80), product_price DOUBLE ) CREATE TABLE Customer_Address_History ( customer_id INTEGER, address_id INTEGER, date_from DATETIME, date_to DATETIME ) CREATE TABLE Customer_Orders ( order_id INTEGER, customer_id INTEGER, order_date DATETIME, order_status_code VARCHAR(15) ) CREATE TABLE Order_Items ( order_item_id INTEGER, order_id INTEGER, product_id INTEGER, order_quantity VARCHAR(80) ) CREATE TABLE Customers ( customer_id INTEGER, payment_method_code VARCHAR(15), customer_number VARCHAR(20), customer_name VARCHAR(80), customer_address VARCHAR(255), customer_phone VARCHAR(80), customer_email VARCHAR(80) ) CREATE TABLE Contacts ( contact_id INTEGER, customer_id INTEGER, gender VARCHAR(1), first_name VARCHAR(80), last_name VARCHAR(50), contact_phone VARCHAR(80) )
SELECT product_name, COUNT(product_name) FROM Products GROUP BY product_name
how many patients whose discharge location is home and days of hospital stay is greater than 14?
CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.discharge_location = "HOME" AND demographic.days_stay > "14"
count the number of patients whose age is less than 24 and procedure long title is endoscopic removal of stone(s) from biliary tract?
CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN procedures ON demographic.hadm_id = procedures.hadm_id WHERE demographic.age < "24" AND procedures.long_title = "Endoscopic removal of stone(s) from biliary tract"
Find all Hotels in Dallas with at least 50 reviews
CREATE TABLE user ( uid int, user_id varchar, name varchar ) CREATE TABLE review ( rid int, business_id varchar, user_id varchar, rating float, text longtext, year int, month varchar ) CREATE TABLE business ( bid int, business_id varchar, name varchar, full_address varchar, city varchar, latitude varchar, longitude varchar, review_count bigint, is_open tinyint, rating float, state varchar ) CREATE TABLE category ( id int, business_id varchar, category_name varchar ) CREATE TABLE tip ( tip_id int, business_id varchar, text longtext, user_id varchar, likes int, year int, month varchar ) CREATE TABLE neighborhood ( id int, business_id varchar, neighborhood_name varchar ) CREATE TABLE checkin ( cid int, business_id varchar, count int, day varchar )
SELECT FROM business, category WHERE = 'Dallas' AND business.review_count >= 50 AND category.business_id = business.business_id AND category.category_name = 'Hotels'
what is the number of patients whose admission year is less than 2108 and procedure long title is continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours?
CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN procedures ON demographic.hadm_id = procedures.hadm_id WHERE demographic.admityear < "2108" AND procedures.long_title = "Continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours"
Give me location of admission and primary disease status of the patient with patient id 2560.
CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text )
SELECT demographic.admission_location, demographic.diagnosis FROM demographic WHERE demographic.subject_id = "2560"
For those employees who do not work in departments with managers that have ids between 100 and 200, return a bar chart about the distribution of hire_date and the average of department_id bin hire_date by weekday, list in asc by the y axis.
CREATE TABLE regions ( REGION_ID decimal(5,0), REGION_NAME varchar(25) ) CREATE TABLE departments ( DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0), DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar(30), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE locations ( LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0), STREET_ADDRESS varchar(40), POSTAL_CODE varchar(12), CITY varchar(30), STATE_PROVINCE varchar(25), COUNTRY_ID varchar(2) ) CREATE TABLE employees ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), FIRST_NAME varchar(20), LAST_NAME varchar(25), EMAIL varchar(25), PHONE_NUMBER varchar(20), HIRE_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), SALARY decimal(8,2), COMMISSION_PCT decimal(2,2), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE job_history ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), START_DATE date, END_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE countries ( COUNTRY_ID varchar(2), COUNTRY_NAME varchar(40), REGION_ID decimal(10,0) ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( JOB_ID varchar(10), JOB_TITLE varchar(35), MIN_SALARY decimal(6,0), MAX_SALARY decimal(6,0) )
how many white-russian patients were given the drug metoprolol?
CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN prescriptions ON demographic.hadm_id = prescriptions.hadm_id WHERE demographic.ethnicity = "WHITE - RUSSIAN" AND prescriptions.drug = "Metoprolol"
Find the total credits of courses provided by different department. Plot them as bar chart.
CREATE TABLE instructor ( ID varchar(5), name varchar(20), dept_name varchar(20), salary numeric(8,2) ) CREATE TABLE section ( course_id varchar(8), sec_id varchar(8), semester varchar(6), year numeric(4,0), building varchar(15), room_number varchar(7), time_slot_id varchar(4) ) CREATE TABLE classroom ( building varchar(15), room_number varchar(7), capacity numeric(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE department ( dept_name varchar(20), building varchar(15), budget numeric(12,2) ) CREATE TABLE time_slot ( time_slot_id varchar(4), day varchar(1), start_hr numeric(2), start_min numeric(2), end_hr numeric(2), end_min numeric(2) ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id varchar(8), title varchar(50), dept_name varchar(20), credits numeric(2,0) ) CREATE TABLE teaches ( ID varchar(5), course_id varchar(8), sec_id varchar(8), semester varchar(6), year numeric(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE prereq ( course_id varchar(8), prereq_id varchar(8) ) CREATE TABLE student ( ID varchar(5), name varchar(20), dept_name varchar(20), tot_cred numeric(3,0) ) CREATE TABLE takes ( ID varchar(5), course_id varchar(8), sec_id varchar(8), semester varchar(6), year numeric(4,0), grade varchar(2) ) CREATE TABLE advisor ( s_ID varchar(5), i_ID varchar(5) )
SELECT dept_name, SUM(credits) FROM course GROUP BY dept_name
give me the number of patients whose primary disease is atrial fibrillation\thoracoscopic maze procedure bilateral/sda and admission year is less than 2190?
CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.diagnosis = "ATRIAL FIBRILLATION\THORACOSCOPIC MAZE PROCEDURE BILATERAL/SDA" AND demographic.admityear < "2190"
A bar chart about how many different professors are there for the different schools?, and list y axis from high to low order.
CREATE TABLE COURSE ( CRS_CODE varchar(10), DEPT_CODE varchar(10), CRS_DESCRIPTION varchar(35), CRS_CREDIT float(8) ) CREATE TABLE STUDENT ( STU_NUM int, STU_LNAME varchar(15), STU_FNAME varchar(15), STU_INIT varchar(1), STU_DOB datetime, STU_HRS int, STU_CLASS varchar(2), STU_GPA float(8), STU_TRANSFER numeric, DEPT_CODE varchar(18), STU_PHONE varchar(4), PROF_NUM int ) CREATE TABLE CLASS ( CLASS_CODE varchar(5), CRS_CODE varchar(10), CLASS_SECTION varchar(2), CLASS_TIME varchar(20), CLASS_ROOM varchar(8), PROF_NUM int ) CREATE TABLE ENROLL ( CLASS_CODE varchar(5), STU_NUM int, ENROLL_GRADE varchar(50) ) CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE ( EMP_NUM int, EMP_LNAME varchar(15), EMP_FNAME varchar(12), EMP_INITIAL varchar(1), EMP_JOBCODE varchar(5), EMP_HIREDATE datetime, EMP_DOB datetime ) CREATE TABLE DEPARTMENT ( DEPT_CODE varchar(10), DEPT_NAME varchar(30), SCHOOL_CODE varchar(8), EMP_NUM int, DEPT_ADDRESS varchar(20), DEPT_EXTENSION varchar(4) ) CREATE TABLE PROFESSOR ( EMP_NUM int, DEPT_CODE varchar(10), PROF_OFFICE varchar(50), PROF_EXTENSION varchar(4), PROF_HIGH_DEGREE varchar(5) )
Please use a bar chart to show the total amount of payment by each payment method code, rank total number in ascending order.
CREATE TABLE Payments ( Payment_ID INTEGER, Settlement_ID INTEGER, Payment_Method_Code VARCHAR(255), Date_Payment_Made DATE, Amount_Payment INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Settlements ( Settlement_ID INTEGER, Claim_ID INTEGER, Date_Claim_Made DATE, Date_Claim_Settled DATE, Amount_Claimed INTEGER, Amount_Settled INTEGER, Customer_Policy_ID INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Claims ( Claim_ID INTEGER, Policy_ID INTEGER, Date_Claim_Made DATE, Date_Claim_Settled DATE, Amount_Claimed INTEGER, Amount_Settled INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Customer_Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER, Customer_ID INTEGER, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15), Start_Date DATE, End_Date DATE )
SELECT Payment_Method_Code, SUM(Amount_Payment) FROM Payments GROUP BY Payment_Method_Code ORDER BY SUM(Amount_Payment)
A line chart for giveing me the number of the dates when the max temperature was higher than 85, I want to rank by the X in asc.
CREATE TABLE station ( id INTEGER, name TEXT, lat NUMERIC, long NUMERIC, dock_count INTEGER, city TEXT, installation_date TEXT ) CREATE TABLE weather ( date TEXT, max_temperature_f INTEGER, mean_temperature_f INTEGER, min_temperature_f INTEGER, max_dew_point_f INTEGER, mean_dew_point_f INTEGER, min_dew_point_f INTEGER, max_humidity INTEGER, mean_humidity INTEGER, min_humidity INTEGER, max_sea_level_pressure_inches NUMERIC, mean_sea_level_pressure_inches NUMERIC, min_sea_level_pressure_inches NUMERIC, max_visibility_miles INTEGER, mean_visibility_miles INTEGER, min_visibility_miles INTEGER, max_wind_Speed_mph INTEGER, mean_wind_speed_mph INTEGER, max_gust_speed_mph INTEGER, precipitation_inches INTEGER, cloud_cover INTEGER, events TEXT, wind_dir_degrees INTEGER, zip_code INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE status ( station_id INTEGER, bikes_available INTEGER, docks_available INTEGER, time TEXT ) CREATE TABLE trip ( id INTEGER, duration INTEGER, start_date TEXT, start_station_name TEXT, start_station_id INTEGER, end_date TEXT, end_station_name TEXT, end_station_id INTEGER, bike_id INTEGER, subscription_type TEXT, zip_code INTEGER )
SELECT date, COUNT(date) FROM weather WHERE max_temperature_f > 85 GROUP BY date ORDER BY date
provide the number of patients whose lab test category is hematology?
CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE lab."CATEGORY" = "Hematology"
Return a bar chart about the distribution of personal_name and author_id .
CREATE TABLE Students ( student_id INTEGER, date_of_registration DATETIME, date_of_latest_logon DATETIME, login_name VARCHAR(40), password VARCHAR(10), personal_name VARCHAR(40), middle_name VARCHAR(40), family_name VARCHAR(40) ) CREATE TABLE Courses ( course_id INTEGER, author_id INTEGER, subject_id INTEGER, course_name VARCHAR(120), course_description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Subjects ( subject_id INTEGER, subject_name VARCHAR(120) ) CREATE TABLE Student_Course_Enrolment ( registration_id INTEGER, student_id INTEGER, course_id INTEGER, date_of_enrolment DATETIME, date_of_completion DATETIME ) CREATE TABLE Student_Tests_Taken ( registration_id INTEGER, date_test_taken DATETIME, test_result VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Course_Authors_and_Tutors ( author_id INTEGER, author_tutor_ATB VARCHAR(3), login_name VARCHAR(40), password VARCHAR(40), personal_name VARCHAR(80), middle_name VARCHAR(80), family_name VARCHAR(80), gender_mf VARCHAR(1), address_line_1 VARCHAR(80) )
SELECT personal_name, author_id FROM Course_Authors_and_Tutors ORDER BY personal_name
What is the number of each course name that have at least five enrollments? Show me a bar chart.
CREATE TABLE Faculty ( FacID INTEGER, Lname VARCHAR(15), Fname VARCHAR(15), Rank VARCHAR(15), Sex VARCHAR(1), Phone INTEGER, Room VARCHAR(5), Building VARCHAR(13) ) CREATE TABLE Department ( DNO INTEGER, Division VARCHAR(2), DName VARCHAR(25), Room VARCHAR(5), Building VARCHAR(13), DPhone INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Course ( CID VARCHAR(7), CName VARCHAR(40), Credits INTEGER, Instructor INTEGER, Days VARCHAR(5), Hours VARCHAR(11), DNO INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Student ( StuID INTEGER, LName VARCHAR(12), Fname VARCHAR(12), Age INTEGER, Sex VARCHAR(1), Major INTEGER, Advisor INTEGER, city_code VARCHAR(3) ) CREATE TABLE Minor_in ( StuID INTEGER, DNO INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Gradeconversion ( lettergrade VARCHAR(2), gradepoint FLOAT ) CREATE TABLE Member_of ( FacID INTEGER, DNO INTEGER, Appt_Type VARCHAR(15) ) CREATE TABLE Enrolled_in ( StuID INTEGER, CID VARCHAR(7), Grade VARCHAR(2) )
SELECT T1.CName, COUNT(T1.CName) FROM Course AS T1 JOIN Enrolled_in AS T2 ON T1.CID = T2.CID GROUP BY T1.CName, T2.CID HAVING COUNT(*) >= 5
tell me the diagnoses icd9 code days for which patient troy friedman was hospitalized.
CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text )
SELECT demographic.days_stay, diagnoses.icd9_code FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE = "Troy Friedman"
what is average days of hospital stay of patients whose marital status is divorced?
CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text )
SELECT AVG(demographic.days_stay) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.marital_status = "DIVORCED"
count the number of patients whose insurance is private and admission location is clinic referral/premature.
CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic WHERE = "Private" AND demographic.admission_location = "CLINIC REFERRAL/PREMATURE"
what is the number of patients whose death status is 1 and primary disease is chest pain?
CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.expire_flag = "1" AND demographic.diagnosis = "CHEST PAIN"
how many of the patients treated with theophylline sr were aged below 67?
CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN prescriptions ON demographic.hadm_id = prescriptions.hadm_id WHERE demographic.age < "67" AND prescriptions.drug = "Theophylline SR"
what is average age of patients whose marital status is single and ethnicity is asian?
CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text )
SELECT AVG(demographic.age) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.marital_status = "SINGLE" AND demographic.ethnicity = "ASIAN"
What did Luke S Zettlemoyer published in 2009 ?
CREATE TABLE field ( fieldid int ) CREATE TABLE paper ( paperid int, title varchar, venueid int, year int, numciting int, numcitedby int, journalid int ) CREATE TABLE dataset ( datasetid int, datasetname varchar ) CREATE TABLE paperkeyphrase ( paperid int, keyphraseid int ) CREATE TABLE paperfield ( fieldid int, paperid int ) CREATE TABLE journal ( journalid int, journalname varchar ) CREATE TABLE writes ( paperid int, authorid int ) CREATE TABLE author ( authorid int, authorname varchar ) CREATE TABLE paperdataset ( paperid int, datasetid int ) CREATE TABLE cite ( citingpaperid int, citedpaperid int ) CREATE TABLE venue ( venueid int, venuename varchar ) CREATE TABLE keyphrase ( keyphraseid int, keyphrasename varchar )
SELECT DISTINCT paper.paperid FROM author, paper, writes WHERE author.authorname = 'Luke S Zettlemoyer' AND paper.year = 2009 AND writes.authorid = author.authorid AND writes.paperid = paper.paperid
calculate the number of patients with item id 50983 who were provided phys referral/normal deli.
CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE demographic.admission_location = "PHYS REFERRAL/NORMAL DELI" AND lab.itemid = "50983"
give me the number of patients whose ethnicity is asian and diagnoses icd9 code is 30501?
CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE demographic.ethnicity = "ASIAN" AND diagnoses.icd9_code = "30501"
Show the country names and the corresponding number of players Show bar chart, could you order in desc by the x axis?
CREATE TABLE country ( Country_id int, Country_name text, Capital text, Official_native_language text ) CREATE TABLE team ( Team_id int, Name text ) CREATE TABLE player ( Player_ID int, Player text, Years_Played text, Total_WL text, Singles_WL text, Doubles_WL text, Team int ) CREATE TABLE match_season ( Season real, Player text, Position text, Country int, Team int, Draft_Pick_Number int, Draft_Class text, College text )
SELECT Country_name, COUNT(*) FROM country AS T1 JOIN match_season AS T2 ON T1.Country_id = T2.Country GROUP BY T1.Country_name ORDER BY Country_name DESC
Find the last name and gender of the students who are playing both Call of Destiny and Works of Widenius games.
CREATE TABLE plays_games ( stuid number, gameid number, hours_played number ) CREATE TABLE student ( stuid number, lname text, fname text, age number, sex text, major number, advisor number, city_code text ) CREATE TABLE video_games ( gameid number, gname text, gtype text ) CREATE TABLE sportsinfo ( stuid number, sportname text, hoursperweek number, gamesplayed number, onscholarship text )
SELECT lname, sex FROM student WHERE stuid IN (SELECT T1.stuid FROM plays_games AS T1 JOIN video_games AS T2 ON T1.gameid = T2.gameid WHERE T2.gname = "Call of Destiny" INTERSECT SELECT T1.stuid FROM plays_games AS T1 JOIN video_games AS T2 ON T1.gameid = T2.gameid WHERE T2.gname = "Works of Widenius")
provide the number of patients whose age is less than 49 and lab test abnormal status is abnormal?
CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE demographic.age < "49" AND lab.flag = "abnormal"
what is the number of patients whose year of birth is less than 2065 and diagnoses short title is malig neo ascend colon?
CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE demographic.dob_year < "2065" AND diagnoses.short_title = "Malig neo ascend colon"
How many professors have a Ph.D. in each department?
CREATE TABLE course ( crs_code text, dept_code text, crs_description text, crs_credit number ) CREATE TABLE enroll ( class_code text, stu_num number, enroll_grade text ) CREATE TABLE department ( dept_code text, dept_name text, school_code text, emp_num number, dept_address text, dept_extension text ) CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_num number, emp_lname text, emp_fname text, emp_initial text, emp_jobcode text, emp_hiredate time, emp_dob time ) CREATE TABLE student ( stu_num number, stu_lname text, stu_fname text, stu_init text, stu_dob time, stu_hrs number, stu_class text, stu_gpa number, stu_transfer number, dept_code text, stu_phone text, prof_num number ) CREATE TABLE class ( class_code text, crs_code text, class_section text, class_time text, class_room text, prof_num number ) CREATE TABLE professor ( emp_num number, dept_code text, prof_office text, prof_extension text, prof_high_degree text )
SELECT COUNT(*), dept_code FROM professor WHERE prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.' GROUP BY dept_code
For those employees whose salary is in the range of 8000 and 12000 and commission is not null or department number does not equal to 40, visualize a line chart about the change of manager_id over hire_date , list from low to high by the X.
CREATE TABLE employees ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), FIRST_NAME varchar(20), LAST_NAME varchar(25), EMAIL varchar(25), PHONE_NUMBER varchar(20), HIRE_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), SALARY decimal(8,2), COMMISSION_PCT decimal(2,2), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE job_history ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), START_DATE date, END_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE locations ( LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0), STREET_ADDRESS varchar(40), POSTAL_CODE varchar(12), CITY varchar(30), STATE_PROVINCE varchar(25), COUNTRY_ID varchar(2) ) CREATE TABLE countries ( COUNTRY_ID varchar(2), COUNTRY_NAME varchar(40), REGION_ID decimal(10,0) ) CREATE TABLE departments ( DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0), DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar(30), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( JOB_ID varchar(10), JOB_TITLE varchar(35), MIN_SALARY decimal(6,0), MAX_SALARY decimal(6,0) ) CREATE TABLE regions ( REGION_ID decimal(5,0), REGION_NAME varchar(25) )
For all employees who have the letters D or S in their first name, return a bar chart about the distribution of job_id and the sum of employee_id , and group by attribute job_id, and sort y axis in ascending order.
CREATE TABLE countries ( COUNTRY_ID varchar(2), COUNTRY_NAME varchar(40), REGION_ID decimal(10,0) ) CREATE TABLE locations ( LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0), STREET_ADDRESS varchar(40), POSTAL_CODE varchar(12), CITY varchar(30), STATE_PROVINCE varchar(25), COUNTRY_ID varchar(2) ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( JOB_ID varchar(10), JOB_TITLE varchar(35), MIN_SALARY decimal(6,0), MAX_SALARY decimal(6,0) ) CREATE TABLE employees ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), FIRST_NAME varchar(20), LAST_NAME varchar(25), EMAIL varchar(25), PHONE_NUMBER varchar(20), HIRE_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), SALARY decimal(8,2), COMMISSION_PCT decimal(2,2), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE departments ( DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0), DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar(30), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE regions ( REGION_ID decimal(5,0), REGION_NAME varchar(25) ) CREATE TABLE job_history ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), START_DATE date, END_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) )
provide the number of patients whose admission year is less than 2120 and drug route is oral?
CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN prescriptions ON demographic.hadm_id = prescriptions.hadm_id WHERE demographic.admityear < "2120" AND prescriptions.route = "ORAL"
count the number of patients whose ethnicity is asian and admission year is less than 2112?
CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.ethnicity = "ASIAN" AND demographic.admityear < "2112"
the presence of cardiogenic shock defined as sustained systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm hg, with no response to fluids or systolic blood pressure less than 100 mm hg with vasopressors ( in absence of bradycardia )
CREATE TABLE table_test_28 ( "id" int, "positive_shock_index" bool, "anemia" bool, "serum_potassium" float, "left_ventricular_ejection_fraction_lvef" int, "systolic_blood_pressure_sbp" int, "malignant_hypertension" bool, "severe_hypertension" bool, "hemoglobin_a1c_hba1c" float, "allergy_to_thienopyridine" bool, "platelets" int, "neutrophil_count" int, "renal_disease" bool, "hepatic_disease" bool, "allergy_to_aspirin" bool, "creatinine_clearance_cl" float, "neutropenia" int, "estimated_glomerular_filtration_rate_egfr" int, "cardiogenic_shock" bool, "allergy_to_heparin" bool, "platelet_count" float, "thrombocytopenia" float, "diastolic_blood_pressure_dbp" int, "serum_creatinine" float, "catecholamine_support" bool, "NOUSE" float )
SELECT * FROM table_test_28 WHERE cardiogenic_shock = 1 OR systolic_blood_pressure_sbp < 90 OR systolic_blood_pressure_sbp < 100
How many patients were admitted with transfer from hosp/extram and diagnosed with the primary disease hyperglcemia hyponatremia?
CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.admission_location = "TRANSFER FROM HOSP/EXTRAM" AND demographic.diagnosis = "HYPERGLYCEMIA;HYPONATREMIA"
what is the number of patients whose age is less than 54 and diagnoses icd9 code is 7470?
CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE demographic.age < "54" AND diagnoses.icd9_code = "7470"
For those employees who do not work in departments with managers that have ids between 100 and 200, visualize a bar chart about the distribution of job_id and manager_id , and could you list in asc by the MANAGER_ID?
CREATE TABLE job_history ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), START_DATE date, END_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE departments ( DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0), DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar(30), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE regions ( REGION_ID decimal(5,0), REGION_NAME varchar(25) ) CREATE TABLE employees ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), FIRST_NAME varchar(20), LAST_NAME varchar(25), EMAIL varchar(25), PHONE_NUMBER varchar(20), HIRE_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), SALARY decimal(8,2), COMMISSION_PCT decimal(2,2), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE locations ( LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0), STREET_ADDRESS varchar(40), POSTAL_CODE varchar(12), CITY varchar(30), STATE_PROVINCE varchar(25), COUNTRY_ID varchar(2) ) CREATE TABLE countries ( COUNTRY_ID varchar(2), COUNTRY_NAME varchar(40), REGION_ID decimal(10,0) ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( JOB_ID varchar(10), JOB_TITLE varchar(35), MIN_SALARY decimal(6,0), MAX_SALARY decimal(6,0) )
Find the number of courses that have more than one prerequisites for each title with a bar chart, show x axis from high to low order.
CREATE TABLE student ( ID varchar(5), name varchar(20), dept_name varchar(20), tot_cred numeric(3,0) ) CREATE TABLE department ( dept_name varchar(20), building varchar(15), budget numeric(12,2) ) CREATE TABLE takes ( ID varchar(5), course_id varchar(8), sec_id varchar(8), semester varchar(6), year numeric(4,0), grade varchar(2) ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id varchar(8), title varchar(50), dept_name varchar(20), credits numeric(2,0) ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( ID varchar(5), name varchar(20), dept_name varchar(20), salary numeric(8,2) ) CREATE TABLE classroom ( building varchar(15), room_number varchar(7), capacity numeric(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE teaches ( ID varchar(5), course_id varchar(8), sec_id varchar(8), semester varchar(6), year numeric(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE advisor ( s_ID varchar(5), i_ID varchar(5) ) CREATE TABLE time_slot ( time_slot_id varchar(4), day varchar(1), start_hr numeric(2), start_min numeric(2), end_hr numeric(2), end_min numeric(2) ) CREATE TABLE prereq ( course_id varchar(8), prereq_id varchar(8) ) CREATE TABLE section ( course_id varchar(8), sec_id varchar(8), semester varchar(6), year numeric(4,0), building varchar(15), room_number varchar(7), time_slot_id varchar(4) )
SELECT title, COUNT(title) FROM course AS T1 JOIN prereq AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id GROUP BY title ORDER BY title DESC
provide the number of patients whose admission type is emergency and lab test name is troponin i?
CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE demographic.admission_type = "EMERGENCY" AND lab.label = "Troponin I"
How many customers did not have any event?
CREATE TABLE residents ( resident_id number, property_id number, date_moved_in time, date_moved_out time, other_details text ) CREATE TABLE timed_status_of_things ( thing_id number, date_and_date time, status_of_thing_code text ) CREATE TABLE residents_services ( resident_id number, service_id number, date_moved_in time, property_id number, date_requested time, date_provided time, other_details text ) CREATE TABLE things ( thing_id number, organization_id number, type_of_thing_code text, service_type_code text, service_details text ) CREATE TABLE customer_event_notes ( customer_event_note_id number, customer_event_id number, service_type_code text, resident_id number, property_id number, date_moved_in time ) CREATE TABLE services ( service_id number, organization_id number, service_type_code text, service_details text ) CREATE TABLE customer_events ( customer_event_id number, customer_id number, date_moved_in time, property_id number, resident_id number, thing_id number ) CREATE TABLE organizations ( organization_id number, parent_organization_id number, organization_details text ) CREATE TABLE timed_locations_of_things ( thing_id number, date_and_time time, location_code text ) CREATE TABLE properties ( property_id number, property_type_code text, property_address text, other_details text ) CREATE TABLE customers ( customer_id number, customer_details text )
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers WHERE NOT customer_id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM customer_events)
For those employees who was hired before 2002-06-21, visualize a bar chart about the distribution of hire_date and the average of salary bin hire_date by weekday, rank in ascending by the Y.
CREATE TABLE regions ( REGION_ID decimal(5,0), REGION_NAME varchar(25) ) CREATE TABLE locations ( LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0), STREET_ADDRESS varchar(40), POSTAL_CODE varchar(12), CITY varchar(30), STATE_PROVINCE varchar(25), COUNTRY_ID varchar(2) ) CREATE TABLE countries ( COUNTRY_ID varchar(2), COUNTRY_NAME varchar(40), REGION_ID decimal(10,0) ) CREATE TABLE employees ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), FIRST_NAME varchar(20), LAST_NAME varchar(25), EMAIL varchar(25), PHONE_NUMBER varchar(20), HIRE_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), SALARY decimal(8,2), COMMISSION_PCT decimal(2,2), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE departments ( DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0), DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar(30), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE job_history ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), START_DATE date, END_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( JOB_ID varchar(10), JOB_TITLE varchar(35), MIN_SALARY decimal(6,0), MAX_SALARY decimal(6,0) )
What are the ids of documents with letter 's' in the name with any expense budgets.
CREATE TABLE ref_budget_codes ( budget_type_code text, budget_type_description text ) CREATE TABLE documents ( document_id number, document_type_code text, project_id number, document_date time, document_name text, document_description text, other_details text ) CREATE TABLE accounts ( account_id number, statement_id number, account_details text ) CREATE TABLE statements ( statement_id number, statement_details text ) CREATE TABLE ref_document_types ( document_type_code text, document_type_name text, document_type_description text ) CREATE TABLE documents_with_expenses ( document_id number, budget_type_code text, document_details text ) CREATE TABLE projects ( project_id number, project_details text )
SELECT T1.document_id FROM documents AS T1 JOIN documents_with_expenses AS T2 ON T1.document_id = T2.document_id WHERE T1.document_name LIKE '%s%'
how many patients who had an urgent admission type were prescribed the drug with drug code clot10?
CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN prescriptions ON demographic.hadm_id = prescriptions.hadm_id WHERE demographic.admission_type = "URGENT" AND prescriptions.formulary_drug_cd = "CLOT10"
What is every code name for the model Radeon HD 6650m?
CREATE TABLE table_73710 ( "Model" text, "Launch" text, "Model Number" text, "Code name" text, "Fab ( nm )" text, "Bus interface" text, "Memory ( MiB )" text, "Core clock ( MHz )" text, "Memory clock ( MHz )" text, "Config core 1" text, "Pixel ( GP /s)" text, "Texture ( GT /s)" text, "Bandwidth ( GB /s)" text, "Bus type" text, "Bus width ( bit )" text, "DirectX" text, "OpenGL" text, "Processing Power GFLOPs" text, "TDP (Watts)GPU only" text, "Features" text )
SELECT "Code name" FROM table_73710 WHERE "Model" = 'Radeon HD 6650M'
For those employees who was hired before 2002-06-21, show me the trend about employee_id over hire_date with a line chart.
CREATE TABLE locations ( LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0), STREET_ADDRESS varchar(40), POSTAL_CODE varchar(12), CITY varchar(30), STATE_PROVINCE varchar(25), COUNTRY_ID varchar(2) ) CREATE TABLE regions ( REGION_ID decimal(5,0), REGION_NAME varchar(25) ) CREATE TABLE countries ( COUNTRY_ID varchar(2), COUNTRY_NAME varchar(40), REGION_ID decimal(10,0) ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( JOB_ID varchar(10), JOB_TITLE varchar(35), MIN_SALARY decimal(6,0), MAX_SALARY decimal(6,0) ) CREATE TABLE departments ( DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0), DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar(30), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE job_history ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), START_DATE date, END_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE employees ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), FIRST_NAME varchar(20), LAST_NAME varchar(25), EMAIL varchar(25), PHONE_NUMBER varchar(20), HIRE_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), SALARY decimal(8,2), COMMISSION_PCT decimal(2,2), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) )
Plot date to by the number of date to as a trend line, and sort by the x-axis from high to low.
CREATE TABLE Documents ( document_id INTEGER, document_type_code VARCHAR(10), grant_id INTEGER, sent_date DATETIME, response_received_date DATETIME, other_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Organisation_Types ( organisation_type VARCHAR(10), organisation_type_description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Projects ( project_id INTEGER, organisation_id INTEGER, project_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Research_Outcomes ( outcome_code VARCHAR(10), outcome_description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Research_Staff ( staff_id INTEGER, employer_organisation_id INTEGER, staff_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Organisations ( organisation_id INTEGER, organisation_type VARCHAR(10), organisation_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Document_Types ( document_type_code VARCHAR(10), document_description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Project_Staff ( staff_id DOUBLE, project_id INTEGER, role_code VARCHAR(10), date_from DATETIME, date_to DATETIME, other_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Project_Outcomes ( project_id INTEGER, outcome_code VARCHAR(10), outcome_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Staff_Roles ( role_code VARCHAR(10), role_description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Tasks ( task_id INTEGER, project_id INTEGER, task_details VARCHAR(255), "eg Agree Objectives" VARCHAR(1) ) CREATE TABLE Grants ( grant_id INTEGER, organisation_id INTEGER, grant_amount DECIMAL(19,4), grant_start_date DATETIME, grant_end_date DATETIME, other_details VARCHAR(255) )
SELECT date_to, COUNT(date_to) FROM Project_Staff ORDER BY date_to DESC
Show the most common apartment type code.
CREATE TABLE apartment_bookings ( apt_booking_id number, apt_id number, guest_id number, booking_status_code text, booking_start_date time, booking_end_date time ) CREATE TABLE guests ( guest_id number, gender_code text, guest_first_name text, guest_last_name text, date_of_birth time ) CREATE TABLE apartments ( apt_id number, building_id number, apt_type_code text, apt_number text, bathroom_count number, bedroom_count number, room_count text ) CREATE TABLE apartment_facilities ( apt_id number, facility_code text ) CREATE TABLE view_unit_status ( apt_id number, apt_booking_id number, status_date time, available_yn others ) CREATE TABLE apartment_buildings ( building_id number, building_short_name text, building_full_name text, building_description text, building_address text, building_manager text, building_phone text )
SELECT apt_type_code FROM apartments GROUP BY apt_type_code ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
List the state names and the number of customers living in each state.
CREATE TABLE Order_Deliveries ( location_code VARCHAR(10), actual_order_id INTEGER, delivery_status_code VARCHAR(10), driver_employee_id INTEGER, truck_id INTEGER, delivery_date DATETIME ) CREATE TABLE Regular_Order_Products ( regular_order_id INTEGER, product_id INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Employees ( employee_id INTEGER, employee_address_id INTEGER, employee_name VARCHAR(80), employee_phone VARCHAR(80) ) CREATE TABLE Delivery_Routes ( route_id INTEGER, route_name VARCHAR(50), other_route_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Delivery_Route_Locations ( location_code VARCHAR(10), route_id INTEGER, location_address_id INTEGER, location_name VARCHAR(50) ) CREATE TABLE Actual_Orders ( actual_order_id INTEGER, order_status_code VARCHAR(10), regular_order_id INTEGER, actual_order_date DATETIME ) CREATE TABLE Regular_Orders ( regular_order_id INTEGER, distributer_id INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Customer_Addresses ( customer_id INTEGER, address_id INTEGER, date_from DATETIME, address_type VARCHAR(10), date_to DATETIME ) CREATE TABLE Addresses ( address_id INTEGER, address_details VARCHAR(80), city VARCHAR(50), zip_postcode VARCHAR(20), state_province_county VARCHAR(50), country VARCHAR(50) ) CREATE TABLE Products ( product_id INTEGER, product_name VARCHAR(20), product_price DECIMAL(19,4), product_description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Actual_Order_Products ( actual_order_id INTEGER, product_id INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Trucks ( truck_id INTEGER, truck_licence_number VARCHAR(20), truck_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Customers ( customer_id INTEGER, payment_method VARCHAR(10), customer_name VARCHAR(80), customer_phone VARCHAR(80), customer_email VARCHAR(80), date_became_customer DATETIME )
SELECT state_province_county, COUNT(*) FROM Customer_Addresses AS t1 JOIN Addresses AS t2 ON t1.address_id = t2.address_id GROUP BY t2.state_province_county
what is the number of patients whose lab test fluid is urine?
CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE lab.fluid = "Urine"
how many patients diagnosed with b-complex defic nec had their urine sample tested by lab?
CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses.short_title = "B-complex defic NEC" AND lab.fluid = "Urine"
find the total checkins in Moroccan restaurant in ' Los Angeles ' per day
CREATE TABLE checkin ( cid int, business_id varchar, count int, day varchar ) CREATE TABLE neighborhood ( id int, business_id varchar, neighborhood_name varchar ) CREATE TABLE user ( uid int, user_id varchar, name varchar ) CREATE TABLE category ( id int, business_id varchar, category_name varchar ) CREATE TABLE tip ( tip_id int, business_id varchar, text longtext, user_id varchar, likes int, year int, month varchar ) CREATE TABLE review ( rid int, business_id varchar, user_id varchar, rating float, text longtext, year int, month varchar ) CREATE TABLE business ( bid int, business_id varchar, name varchar, full_address varchar, city varchar, latitude varchar, longitude varchar, review_count bigint, is_open tinyint, rating float, state varchar )
SELECT, SUM(checkin.count) FROM business, category AS CATEGORY_0, category AS CATEGORY_1, checkin WHERE = 'Los Angeles' AND CATEGORY_0.business_id = business.business_id AND CATEGORY_0.category_name = 'Moroccan' AND CATEGORY_1.business_id = business.business_id AND CATEGORY_1.category_name = 'restaurant' AND checkin.business_id = business.business_id GROUP BY
how many of the female patients had sdh as the primary disease?
CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.gender = "F" AND demographic.diagnosis = "SDH"
Show the number of male and female assistant professors with a bar chart, list y axis in ascending order.
CREATE TABLE Faculty ( FacID INTEGER, Lname VARCHAR(15), Fname VARCHAR(15), Rank VARCHAR(15), Sex VARCHAR(1), Phone INTEGER, Room VARCHAR(5), Building VARCHAR(13) ) CREATE TABLE Faculty_Participates_in ( FacID INTEGER, actid INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Student ( StuID INTEGER, LName VARCHAR(12), Fname VARCHAR(12), Age INTEGER, Sex VARCHAR(1), Major INTEGER, Advisor INTEGER, city_code VARCHAR(3) ) CREATE TABLE Activity ( actid INTEGER, activity_name varchar(25) ) CREATE TABLE Participates_in ( stuid INTEGER, actid INTEGER )
give me the number of patients whose diagnoses icd9 code is 42842?
CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses.icd9_code = "42842"
how many patients whose diagnoses long title is primary pulmonary hypertension and drug route is ng?
CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id INNER JOIN prescriptions ON demographic.hadm_id = prescriptions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses.long_title = "Primary pulmonary hypertension" AND prescriptions.route = "NG"
what is the number of patients whose primary disease is abdominal pain and days of hospital stay is greater than 3?
CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.diagnosis = "ABDOMINAL PAIN" AND demographic.days_stay > "3"
how many patients whose procedure icd9 code is 3897 and drug route is buccal?
CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN procedures ON demographic.hadm_id = procedures.hadm_id INNER JOIN prescriptions ON demographic.hadm_id = prescriptions.hadm_id WHERE procedures.icd9_code = "3897" AND prescriptions.route = "BUCCAL"
give the number of patients whose admission location is phys referral/normal deli and lab test name is lactate dehydrogenase, pleural.
CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE demographic.admission_location = "PHYS REFERRAL/NORMAL DELI" AND lab.label = "Lactate Dehydrogenase, Pleural"
return me the number of the organizations in ' North America ' .
CREATE TABLE writes ( aid int, pid int ) CREATE TABLE domain_publication ( did int, pid int ) CREATE TABLE domain ( did int, name varchar ) CREATE TABLE organization ( continent varchar, homepage varchar, name varchar, oid int ) CREATE TABLE author ( aid int, homepage varchar, name varchar, oid int ) CREATE TABLE domain_keyword ( did int, kid int ) CREATE TABLE journal ( homepage varchar, jid int, name varchar ) CREATE TABLE publication_keyword ( kid int, pid int ) CREATE TABLE domain_author ( aid int, did int ) CREATE TABLE cite ( cited int, citing int ) CREATE TABLE domain_journal ( did int, jid int ) CREATE TABLE domain_conference ( cid int, did int ) CREATE TABLE keyword ( keyword varchar, kid int ) CREATE TABLE conference ( cid int, homepage varchar, name varchar ) CREATE TABLE publication ( abstract varchar, cid int, citation_num int, jid int, pid int, reference_num int, title varchar, year int )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (name)) FROM organization WHERE continent = 'North America'
give me the number of patients whose diagnoses short title is choledochlith nos w obst?
CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses.short_title = "Choledochlith NOS w obst"
Bin all date of transactions into the YEAR interval, and give the average of the share count for each bin. What is the trend?
CREATE TABLE Transactions ( transaction_id INTEGER, investor_id INTEGER, transaction_type_code VARCHAR(10), date_of_transaction DATETIME, amount_of_transaction DECIMAL(19,4), share_count VARCHAR(40), other_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Transactions_Lots ( transaction_id INTEGER, lot_id INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Lots ( lot_id INTEGER, investor_id INTEGER, lot_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Sales ( sales_transaction_id INTEGER, sales_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Purchases ( purchase_transaction_id INTEGER, purchase_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Investors ( investor_id INTEGER, Investor_details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Ref_Transaction_Types ( transaction_type_code VARCHAR(10), transaction_type_description VARCHAR(80) )
SELECT date_of_transaction, AVG(share_count) FROM Transactions
provide the number of patients whose admission year is less than 2103 and procedure icd9 code is 40?
CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN procedures ON demographic.hadm_id = procedures.hadm_id WHERE demographic.admityear < "2103" AND procedures.icd9_code = "40"
Return the average price of products that have each category code in a bar chart.
CREATE TABLE Complaints ( complaint_id INTEGER, product_id INTEGER, customer_id INTEGER, complaint_outcome_code VARCHAR(20), complaint_status_code VARCHAR(20), complaint_type_code VARCHAR(20), date_complaint_raised DATETIME, date_complaint_closed DATETIME, staff_id INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Customers ( customer_id INTEGER, customer_type_code VARCHAR(20), address_line_1 VARCHAR(80), address_line_2 VARCHAR(80), town_city VARCHAR(80), state VARCHAR(80), email_address VARCHAR(255), phone_number VARCHAR(80) ) CREATE TABLE Staff ( staff_id INTEGER, gender VARCHAR(1), first_name VARCHAR(80), last_name VARCHAR(80), email_address VARCHAR(255), phone_number VARCHAR(80) ) CREATE TABLE Products ( product_id INTEGER, parent_product_id INTEGER, product_category_code VARCHAR(20), date_product_first_available DATETIME, date_product_discontinued DATETIME, product_name VARCHAR(80), product_description VARCHAR(255), product_price DECIMAL(19,4) )
SELECT product_category_code, AVG(product_price) FROM Products GROUP BY product_category_code
how many widow patients had transplant from cadaver?
CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN procedures ON demographic.hadm_id = procedures.hadm_id WHERE demographic.marital_status = "WIDOWED" AND procedures.short_title = "Transplant cadaver donor"
what is admission type and primary disease of subject id 2560?
CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text )
SELECT demographic.admission_type, demographic.diagnosis FROM demographic WHERE demographic.subject_id = "2560"
provide the number of patients whose marital status is single and procedure long title is cardiac mapping?
CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN procedures ON demographic.hadm_id = procedures.hadm_id WHERE demographic.marital_status = "SINGLE" AND procedures.long_title = "Cardiac mapping"
Show the number of documents created in each day and bin document date by year interval with a line chart, and rank x-axis from high to low order.
CREATE TABLE Ref_Budget_Codes ( Budget_Type_Code CHAR(15), Budget_Type_Description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Statements ( Statement_ID INTEGER, Statement_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Documents_with_Expenses ( Document_ID INTEGER, Budget_Type_Code CHAR(15), Document_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Accounts ( Account_ID INTEGER, Statement_ID INTEGER, Account_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Documents ( Document_ID INTEGER, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15), Project_ID INTEGER, Document_Date DATETIME, Document_Name VARCHAR(255), Document_Description VARCHAR(255), Other_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Ref_Document_Types ( Document_Type_Code CHAR(15), Document_Type_Name VARCHAR(255), Document_Type_Description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Projects ( Project_ID INTEGER, Project_Details VARCHAR(255) )
SELECT Document_Date, COUNT(Document_Date) FROM Ref_Document_Types AS T1 JOIN Documents AS T2 ON T1.Document_Type_Code = T2.Document_Type_Code ORDER BY Document_Date DESC
which patients had operations on chordae tendineae?
CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN procedures ON demographic.hadm_id = procedures.hadm_id WHERE procedures.short_title = "Chordae tendineae ops"
Find the unit of measurement and product category code of product named 'chervil'.
CREATE TABLE characteristics ( characteristic_id number, characteristic_type_code text, characteristic_data_type text, characteristic_name text, other_characteristic_details text ) CREATE TABLE ref_product_categories ( product_category_code text, product_category_description text, unit_of_measure text ) CREATE TABLE ref_colors ( color_code text, color_description text ) CREATE TABLE products ( product_id number, color_code text, product_category_code text, product_name text, typical_buying_price text, typical_selling_price text, product_description text, other_product_details text ) CREATE TABLE ref_characteristic_types ( characteristic_type_code text, characteristic_type_description text ) CREATE TABLE product_characteristics ( product_id number, characteristic_id number, product_characteristic_value text )
SELECT t2.unit_of_measure, t2.product_category_code FROM products AS t1 JOIN ref_product_categories AS t2 ON t1.product_category_code = t2.product_category_code WHERE t1.product_name = "chervil"
Stacked bar chart of the total number for with each Sex in each rank, could you rank in asc by the Y-axis?
CREATE TABLE Faculty_Participates_in ( FacID INTEGER, actid INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Participates_in ( stuid INTEGER, actid INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Activity ( actid INTEGER, activity_name varchar(25) ) CREATE TABLE Faculty ( FacID INTEGER, Lname VARCHAR(15), Fname VARCHAR(15), Rank VARCHAR(15), Sex VARCHAR(1), Phone INTEGER, Room VARCHAR(5), Building VARCHAR(13) ) CREATE TABLE Student ( StuID INTEGER, LName VARCHAR(12), Fname VARCHAR(12), Age INTEGER, Sex VARCHAR(1), Major INTEGER, Advisor INTEGER, city_code VARCHAR(3) )
provide the number of patients whose insurance is medicare and diagnoses short title is neutropenia nos?
CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE = "Medicare" AND diagnoses.short_title = "Neutropenia NOS"
what is minimum age of patients whose marital status is widowed and age is greater than or equal to 43?
CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text )
SELECT MIN(demographic.age) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.marital_status = "WIDOWED" AND demographic.age >= "43"
For those employees who do not work in departments with managers that have ids between 100 and 200, a bar chart shows the distribution of hire_date and the average of manager_id bin hire_date by time.
CREATE TABLE jobs ( JOB_ID varchar(10), JOB_TITLE varchar(35), MIN_SALARY decimal(6,0), MAX_SALARY decimal(6,0) ) CREATE TABLE locations ( LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0), STREET_ADDRESS varchar(40), POSTAL_CODE varchar(12), CITY varchar(30), STATE_PROVINCE varchar(25), COUNTRY_ID varchar(2) ) CREATE TABLE regions ( REGION_ID decimal(5,0), REGION_NAME varchar(25) ) CREATE TABLE departments ( DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0), DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar(30), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE employees ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), FIRST_NAME varchar(20), LAST_NAME varchar(25), EMAIL varchar(25), PHONE_NUMBER varchar(20), HIRE_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), SALARY decimal(8,2), COMMISSION_PCT decimal(2,2), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE job_history ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), START_DATE date, END_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE countries ( COUNTRY_ID varchar(2), COUNTRY_NAME varchar(40), REGION_ID decimal(10,0) )
give me the number of patients whose year of death is less than or equal to 2158 and procedure icd9 code is 3615?
CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN procedures ON demographic.hadm_id = procedures.hadm_id WHERE demographic.dod_year <= "2158.0" AND procedures.icd9_code = "3615"
How many professors for each first name? Show me a bar chart, and rank the number of emp fname in desc order please.
CREATE TABLE CLASS ( CLASS_CODE varchar(5), CRS_CODE varchar(10), CLASS_SECTION varchar(2), CLASS_TIME varchar(20), CLASS_ROOM varchar(8), PROF_NUM int ) CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE ( EMP_NUM int, EMP_LNAME varchar(15), EMP_FNAME varchar(12), EMP_INITIAL varchar(1), EMP_JOBCODE varchar(5), EMP_HIREDATE datetime, EMP_DOB datetime ) CREATE TABLE DEPARTMENT ( DEPT_CODE varchar(10), DEPT_NAME varchar(30), SCHOOL_CODE varchar(8), EMP_NUM int, DEPT_ADDRESS varchar(20), DEPT_EXTENSION varchar(4) ) CREATE TABLE COURSE ( CRS_CODE varchar(10), DEPT_CODE varchar(10), CRS_DESCRIPTION varchar(35), CRS_CREDIT float(8) ) CREATE TABLE ENROLL ( CLASS_CODE varchar(5), STU_NUM int, ENROLL_GRADE varchar(50) ) CREATE TABLE STUDENT ( STU_NUM int, STU_LNAME varchar(15), STU_FNAME varchar(15), STU_INIT varchar(1), STU_DOB datetime, STU_HRS int, STU_CLASS varchar(2), STU_GPA float(8), STU_TRANSFER numeric, DEPT_CODE varchar(18), STU_PHONE varchar(4), PROF_NUM int ) CREATE TABLE PROFESSOR ( EMP_NUM int, DEPT_CODE varchar(10), PROF_OFFICE varchar(50), PROF_EXTENSION varchar(4), PROF_HIGH_DEGREE varchar(5) )
What is the minimum age of patients whose primary disease is pneumonia;human immunodeficiency virus but not tuberculosis and were admitted in or after the year 2176?
CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text )
SELECT MIN(demographic.age) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.diagnosis = "PNEUMONIA;HUMAN IMMUNODEFIENCY VIRUS;RULE OUT TUBERCULOSIS" AND demographic.admityear >= "2176"
How many white-russian ethnic background patients have other pulmonary insufficiency not elsewhere classfied diagnoses?
CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE demographic.ethnicity = "WHITE - RUSSIAN" AND diagnoses.long_title = "Other pulmonary insufficiency, not elsewhere classified"
Show me a bar chart for how many total credits are offered by each department?, sort by the bar in desc.
CREATE TABLE classroom ( building varchar(15), room_number varchar(7), capacity numeric(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE prereq ( course_id varchar(8), prereq_id varchar(8) ) CREATE TABLE student ( ID varchar(5), name varchar(20), dept_name varchar(20), tot_cred numeric(3,0) ) CREATE TABLE advisor ( s_ID varchar(5), i_ID varchar(5) ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id varchar(8), title varchar(50), dept_name varchar(20), credits numeric(2,0) ) CREATE TABLE takes ( ID varchar(5), course_id varchar(8), sec_id varchar(8), semester varchar(6), year numeric(4,0), grade varchar(2) ) CREATE TABLE department ( dept_name varchar(20), building varchar(15), budget numeric(12,2) ) CREATE TABLE teaches ( ID varchar(5), course_id varchar(8), sec_id varchar(8), semester varchar(6), year numeric(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE section ( course_id varchar(8), sec_id varchar(8), semester varchar(6), year numeric(4,0), building varchar(15), room_number varchar(7), time_slot_id varchar(4) ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( ID varchar(5), name varchar(20), dept_name varchar(20), salary numeric(8,2) ) CREATE TABLE time_slot ( time_slot_id varchar(4), day varchar(1), start_hr numeric(2), start_min numeric(2), end_hr numeric(2), end_min numeric(2) )
SELECT dept_name, SUM(credits) FROM course GROUP BY dept_name ORDER BY dept_name DESC
find the number of female patients whose diagnoses is titled lap surg convert to open.
CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE demographic.gender = "F" AND diagnoses.short_title = "Lap surg convert to open"
provide the number of patients whose diagnoses icd9 code is v4511 and lab test fluid is other body fluid?
CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses.icd9_code = "V4511" AND lab.fluid = "Other Body Fluid"
Find the latest logon date of the students whose family name is 'Jaskolski' or 'Langosh', and count them by a bar chart, and could you show from high to low by the Y?
CREATE TABLE Subjects ( subject_id INTEGER, subject_name VARCHAR(120) ) CREATE TABLE Courses ( course_id INTEGER, author_id INTEGER, subject_id INTEGER, course_name VARCHAR(120), course_description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Course_Authors_and_Tutors ( author_id INTEGER, author_tutor_ATB VARCHAR(3), login_name VARCHAR(40), password VARCHAR(40), personal_name VARCHAR(80), middle_name VARCHAR(80), family_name VARCHAR(80), gender_mf VARCHAR(1), address_line_1 VARCHAR(80) ) CREATE TABLE Student_Tests_Taken ( registration_id INTEGER, date_test_taken DATETIME, test_result VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Student_Course_Enrolment ( registration_id INTEGER, student_id INTEGER, course_id INTEGER, date_of_enrolment DATETIME, date_of_completion DATETIME ) CREATE TABLE Students ( student_id INTEGER, date_of_registration DATETIME, date_of_latest_logon DATETIME, login_name VARCHAR(40), password VARCHAR(10), personal_name VARCHAR(40), middle_name VARCHAR(40), family_name VARCHAR(40) )
SELECT date_of_latest_logon, COUNT(date_of_latest_logon) FROM Students WHERE family_name = "Jaskolski" OR family_name = "Langosh" ORDER BY COUNT(date_of_latest_logon) DESC
what is primary disease of subject name jerry deberry?
CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT demographic.diagnosis FROM demographic WHERE = "Jerry Deberry"
how many patients whose marital status is widowed and drug route is neb?
CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN prescriptions ON demographic.hadm_id = prescriptions.hadm_id WHERE demographic.marital_status = "WIDOWED" AND prescriptions.route = "NEB"
provide the number of patients who have been diagnosed with unspecified encephalopathy and abnormal lab test status.
CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses.short_title = "Encephalopathy NOS" AND lab.flag = "abnormal"
How many instruments does the song 'Le Pop' use?
CREATE TABLE tracklists ( albumid number, position number, songid number ) CREATE TABLE instruments ( songid number, bandmateid number, instrument text ) CREATE TABLE band ( id number, firstname text, lastname text ) CREATE TABLE songs ( songid number, title text ) CREATE TABLE albums ( aid number, title text, year number, label text, type text ) CREATE TABLE performance ( songid number, bandmate number, stageposition text ) CREATE TABLE vocals ( songid number, bandmate number, type text )
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT instrument) FROM instruments AS T1 JOIN songs AS T2 ON T1.songid = T2.songid WHERE title = "Le Pop"
find the drug code of subject id 3343.
CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text )
SELECT prescriptions.formulary_drug_cd FROM prescriptions WHERE prescriptions.subject_id = "3343"
Tell me the trend using a line chart to show the total number of the station over the installation date, could you sort by the x-axis in asc?
CREATE TABLE status ( station_id INTEGER, bikes_available INTEGER, docks_available INTEGER, time TEXT ) CREATE TABLE station ( id INTEGER, name TEXT, lat NUMERIC, long NUMERIC, dock_count INTEGER, city TEXT, installation_date TEXT ) CREATE TABLE weather ( date TEXT, max_temperature_f INTEGER, mean_temperature_f INTEGER, min_temperature_f INTEGER, max_dew_point_f INTEGER, mean_dew_point_f INTEGER, min_dew_point_f INTEGER, max_humidity INTEGER, mean_humidity INTEGER, min_humidity INTEGER, max_sea_level_pressure_inches NUMERIC, mean_sea_level_pressure_inches NUMERIC, min_sea_level_pressure_inches NUMERIC, max_visibility_miles INTEGER, mean_visibility_miles INTEGER, min_visibility_miles INTEGER, max_wind_Speed_mph INTEGER, mean_wind_speed_mph INTEGER, max_gust_speed_mph INTEGER, precipitation_inches INTEGER, cloud_cover INTEGER, events TEXT, wind_dir_degrees INTEGER, zip_code INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE trip ( id INTEGER, duration INTEGER, start_date TEXT, start_station_name TEXT, start_station_id INTEGER, end_date TEXT, end_station_name TEXT, end_station_id INTEGER, bike_id INTEGER, subscription_type TEXT, zip_code INTEGER )
SELECT installation_date, COUNT(installation_date) FROM station GROUP BY installation_date ORDER BY installation_date