stringlengths 64
| repository
stringlengths 6
| name
stringlengths 4
| content
stringlengths 0
| license
null | download_url
stringlengths 89
| language
stringclasses 7
values | comments
stringlengths 0
| code
stringlengths 0
8bd7d78b319ce15b78b0ce527f4eaf8e96f2f0513471fa769c8872ba07a6f926 | jcclinton/wow-emulator | player_rcv.erl | This is a World of Warcraft emulator written in erlang , supporting
client 1.12.x
Copyright ( C ) 2014 < jamieclinton.com >
%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
%% (at your option) any later version.
%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%% GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. ,
51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , USA .
%% World of Warcraft, and all World of Warcraft or Warcraft art, images,
and lore ande copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment , Inc.
-export([start_link/2, init/1, rcv/1]).
-record(state, {
start_link(ListenSocket, ParentPid) ->
Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [{ListenSocket, ParentPid}]),
{ok, Pid}.
init({ListenSocket, ParentPid}) ->
io:format("player starting rcv~n"),
{ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:accept(ListenSocket),
%% start another acceptor
Seed = random:uniform(16#FFFFFFFF),
Payload = <<Seed?L>>,
ChallengeOpcode = opcodes:get_num_by_atom(smsg_auth_challenge),
network:send_packet(ChallengeOpcode, Payload, ?SEND_HDR_LEN, _KeyState=nil, Socket, _ShouldEncrypt=false),
try network:receive_packet(?RCV_HDR_LEN, _KeyState=nil, Socket, _ShouldDecrypt=false) of
{Opcode, PayloadIn, _} ->
{PayloadOut, AccountId, KeyState} = auth_session(PayloadIn),
%% now authorized
start_siblings(Socket, KeyState, AccountId, ParentPid),
player_controller:packet_received(AccountId, Opcode, PayloadOut),
rcv(#state{key_state=KeyState, account_id=AccountId, socket=Socket})
Error -> {error, Error}
rcv(State = #state{socket=Socket, key_state=KeyState, account_id=AccountId}) ->
try network:receive_packet(?RCV_HDR_LEN, KeyState, Socket, _ShouldDecrypt=true) of
{Opcode, Payload, NewKeyState} ->
io : format("rcv : received payload ~p ~ n " , [ Rest ] ) ,
player_controller:packet_received(AccountId, Opcode, Payload),
Error -> {error, Error}
upgrade() -> ok.
%% private
-spec auth_session(binary()) -> {binary(), binary(), key_state()}.
auth_session(Rest) ->
AccountId = cmsg_auth_session(Rest),
Response = smsg_auth_response(),
Key = world_crypto:encryption_key(AccountId),
KeyState = world_crypto:create_key_state(Key),
{Response, AccountId, KeyState}.
-spec cmsg_auth_session(binary()) -> binary().
cmsg_auth_session(<<_Build?L, _Unk?L, Rest/binary>>) ->
{Account, _Key} = cmsg_auth_session_extract(Rest, <<>>),
cmsg_auth_session(_) ->
{error, bad_cmsg_auth_session}.
-spec cmsg_auth_session_extract(binary(), binary()) -> {binary(), binary()}.
cmsg_auth_session_extract(<<0?B, Rest/binary>>, AccountId) ->
{AccountId, Rest};
cmsg_auth_session_extract(<<Letter?B, Rest/binary>>, AccountId) ->
cmsg_auth_session_extract(Rest, <<AccountId/binary, Letter?B>>).
-spec smsg_auth_response() -> binary().
smsg_auth_response() ->
<<16#0c?B, 0?L, 0?B, 0?L>>.
-spec start_siblings(term(), key_state(), binary(), pid()) -> 'ok'.
start_siblings(Socket, KeyState, AccountId, ParentPid) ->
SendPid = start_child(player_send, [Socket, KeyState], ParentPid, worker),
_ = start_child(player_controller_sup, [AccountId, SendPid], ParentPid, supervisor),
_ = start_child(player_workers_sup, [AccountId], ParentPid, supervisor),
_ = start_child(player_model_sup, [AccountId], ParentPid, supervisor),
-type proc_type() :: worker | supervisor.
-spec start_child(atom(), [any()], pid(), proc_type()) -> pid().
start_child(Name, Args, ParentPid, Type) ->
Spec = {Name,
{Name, start_link, Args},
permanent, 2000, Type, [Name]},
{ok, Pid} = supervisor:start_child(ParentPid, Spec),
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jcclinton/wow-emulator/21bc67bfc9eea131c447c67f7f889ba040dcdd79/src/player_rcv.erl | erlang |
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
World of Warcraft, and all World of Warcraft or Warcraft art, images,
start another acceptor
now authorized
private | This is a World of Warcraft emulator written in erlang , supporting
client 1.12.x
Copyright ( C ) 2014 < jamieclinton.com >
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. ,
51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , USA .
and lore ande copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment , Inc.
-export([start_link/2, init/1, rcv/1]).
-record(state, {
start_link(ListenSocket, ParentPid) ->
Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [{ListenSocket, ParentPid}]),
{ok, Pid}.
init({ListenSocket, ParentPid}) ->
io:format("player starting rcv~n"),
{ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:accept(ListenSocket),
Seed = random:uniform(16#FFFFFFFF),
Payload = <<Seed?L>>,
ChallengeOpcode = opcodes:get_num_by_atom(smsg_auth_challenge),
network:send_packet(ChallengeOpcode, Payload, ?SEND_HDR_LEN, _KeyState=nil, Socket, _ShouldEncrypt=false),
try network:receive_packet(?RCV_HDR_LEN, _KeyState=nil, Socket, _ShouldDecrypt=false) of
{Opcode, PayloadIn, _} ->
{PayloadOut, AccountId, KeyState} = auth_session(PayloadIn),
start_siblings(Socket, KeyState, AccountId, ParentPid),
player_controller:packet_received(AccountId, Opcode, PayloadOut),
rcv(#state{key_state=KeyState, account_id=AccountId, socket=Socket})
Error -> {error, Error}
rcv(State = #state{socket=Socket, key_state=KeyState, account_id=AccountId}) ->
try network:receive_packet(?RCV_HDR_LEN, KeyState, Socket, _ShouldDecrypt=true) of
{Opcode, Payload, NewKeyState} ->
io : format("rcv : received payload ~p ~ n " , [ Rest ] ) ,
player_controller:packet_received(AccountId, Opcode, Payload),
Error -> {error, Error}
upgrade() -> ok.
-spec auth_session(binary()) -> {binary(), binary(), key_state()}.
auth_session(Rest) ->
AccountId = cmsg_auth_session(Rest),
Response = smsg_auth_response(),
Key = world_crypto:encryption_key(AccountId),
KeyState = world_crypto:create_key_state(Key),
{Response, AccountId, KeyState}.
-spec cmsg_auth_session(binary()) -> binary().
cmsg_auth_session(<<_Build?L, _Unk?L, Rest/binary>>) ->
{Account, _Key} = cmsg_auth_session_extract(Rest, <<>>),
cmsg_auth_session(_) ->
{error, bad_cmsg_auth_session}.
-spec cmsg_auth_session_extract(binary(), binary()) -> {binary(), binary()}.
cmsg_auth_session_extract(<<0?B, Rest/binary>>, AccountId) ->
{AccountId, Rest};
cmsg_auth_session_extract(<<Letter?B, Rest/binary>>, AccountId) ->
cmsg_auth_session_extract(Rest, <<AccountId/binary, Letter?B>>).
-spec smsg_auth_response() -> binary().
smsg_auth_response() ->
<<16#0c?B, 0?L, 0?B, 0?L>>.
-spec start_siblings(term(), key_state(), binary(), pid()) -> 'ok'.
start_siblings(Socket, KeyState, AccountId, ParentPid) ->
SendPid = start_child(player_send, [Socket, KeyState], ParentPid, worker),
_ = start_child(player_controller_sup, [AccountId, SendPid], ParentPid, supervisor),
_ = start_child(player_workers_sup, [AccountId], ParentPid, supervisor),
_ = start_child(player_model_sup, [AccountId], ParentPid, supervisor),
-type proc_type() :: worker | supervisor.
-spec start_child(atom(), [any()], pid(), proc_type()) -> pid().
start_child(Name, Args, ParentPid, Type) ->
Spec = {Name,
{Name, start_link, Args},
permanent, 2000, Type, [Name]},
{ok, Pid} = supervisor:start_child(ParentPid, Spec),
ac215c26ae0f084e67ca8d469df00dd324d4a7d59ab44793cdd757605d6ef9f5 | robert-strandh/SICL | setf-generic-function-name.lisp | (cl:in-package #:sicl-clos)
;;; For the specification of this generic function, see
;;; -MOP/setf-generic-function-name.html
(defgeneric (setf generic-function-name) (new-name generic-function))
(defmethod (setf generic-function-name)
(new-name (generic-function generic-function))
(reinitialize-instance generic-function :name new-name))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robert-strandh/SICL/1c93380897fe3c7b7b1ae14d5771971759d065fd/Code/CLOS/setf-generic-function-name.lisp | lisp | For the specification of this generic function, see
-MOP/setf-generic-function-name.html | (cl:in-package #:sicl-clos)
(defgeneric (setf generic-function-name) (new-name generic-function))
(defmethod (setf generic-function-name)
(new-name (generic-function generic-function))
(reinitialize-instance generic-function :name new-name))
e139f088bc5bfdc0a07b02d428e6e2f51e402110b12e9528cc11e35a76fddb31 | GlideAngle/flare-timing | Path.hs | # OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - partial - type - signatures #
module Flight.Zone.Path (costSegment, distancePointToPoint) where
import Prelude hiding (sum, span)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.UnitsOfMeasure ((+:), (-:), u, abs', zero)
import Data.UnitsOfMeasure.Internal (Quantity(..))
import Flight.LatLng (LatLng(..))
import Flight.Zone (Zone(..), Radius(..), center)
import Flight.Distance
(QTaskDistance, TaskDistance(..), PathDistance(..), SpanLatLng)
:: Real a
=> SpanLatLng a
-> Zone a
-> Zone a
-> PathDistance a
costSegment span x y = distancePointToPoint span [x, y]
-- | One way of measuring task distance is going point-to-point through each
-- control zone's center along the course from start to goal. This is not used
by but sometimes task distance will be reported this way .
-- The speed section usually goes from start exit cylinder to goal cylinder or
-- to goal line. The optimal way to fly this in a zig-zagging course will avoid
-- zone centers for a shorter flown distance.
:: Real a
=> SpanLatLng a
-> [Zone a]
-> PathDistance a
distancePointToPoint span xs =
{ edgesSum = distanceViaCenters span xs
, vertices = center <$> xs
# INLINABLE distancePointToPoint #
:: Real a
=> SpanLatLng a
-> [Zone a]
-> QTaskDistance a [u| m |]
distanceViaCenters _ [] = TaskDistance [u| 0 m |]
distanceViaCenters _ [_] = TaskDistance [u| 0 m |]
distanceViaCenters span [Cylinder (Radius xR) x, Cylinder (Radius yR) y]
| x == y && xR /= yR = TaskDistance dR
| otherwise = distanceViaCenters span ([Point x, Point y] :: [Zone _])
dR :: Quantity _ [u| m |]
dR = abs' $ xR -: yR
distanceViaCenters span xs@[a, b]
| a == b = TaskDistance zero
| otherwise = distance span xs
distanceViaCenters span xs = distance span xs
sum :: Num a => [Quantity a [u| m |]] -> Quantity a [u| m |]
sum = foldl' (+:) zero
distance :: Num a => SpanLatLng a -> [Zone a] -> QTaskDistance a [u| m |]
distance span xs =
TaskDistance $ sum $ zipWith f ys (tail ys)
ys = center <$> xs
unwrap (TaskDistance x) = x
f :: LatLng _ [u| rad |] -> LatLng _ [u| rad |] -> Quantity _ [u| m |]
f = (unwrap .) . span
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GlideAngle/flare-timing/27bd34c1943496987382091441a1c2516c169263/lang-haskell/zone/library/Flight/Zone/Path.hs | haskell | | One way of measuring task distance is going point-to-point through each
control zone's center along the course from start to goal. This is not used
The speed section usually goes from start exit cylinder to goal cylinder or
to goal line. The optimal way to fly this in a zig-zagging course will avoid
zone centers for a shorter flown distance. | # OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - partial - type - signatures #
module Flight.Zone.Path (costSegment, distancePointToPoint) where
import Prelude hiding (sum, span)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.UnitsOfMeasure ((+:), (-:), u, abs', zero)
import Data.UnitsOfMeasure.Internal (Quantity(..))
import Flight.LatLng (LatLng(..))
import Flight.Zone (Zone(..), Radius(..), center)
import Flight.Distance
(QTaskDistance, TaskDistance(..), PathDistance(..), SpanLatLng)
:: Real a
=> SpanLatLng a
-> Zone a
-> Zone a
-> PathDistance a
costSegment span x y = distancePointToPoint span [x, y]
by but sometimes task distance will be reported this way .
:: Real a
=> SpanLatLng a
-> [Zone a]
-> PathDistance a
distancePointToPoint span xs =
{ edgesSum = distanceViaCenters span xs
, vertices = center <$> xs
# INLINABLE distancePointToPoint #
:: Real a
=> SpanLatLng a
-> [Zone a]
-> QTaskDistance a [u| m |]
distanceViaCenters _ [] = TaskDistance [u| 0 m |]
distanceViaCenters _ [_] = TaskDistance [u| 0 m |]
distanceViaCenters span [Cylinder (Radius xR) x, Cylinder (Radius yR) y]
| x == y && xR /= yR = TaskDistance dR
| otherwise = distanceViaCenters span ([Point x, Point y] :: [Zone _])
dR :: Quantity _ [u| m |]
dR = abs' $ xR -: yR
distanceViaCenters span xs@[a, b]
| a == b = TaskDistance zero
| otherwise = distance span xs
distanceViaCenters span xs = distance span xs
sum :: Num a => [Quantity a [u| m |]] -> Quantity a [u| m |]
sum = foldl' (+:) zero
distance :: Num a => SpanLatLng a -> [Zone a] -> QTaskDistance a [u| m |]
distance span xs =
TaskDistance $ sum $ zipWith f ys (tail ys)
ys = center <$> xs
unwrap (TaskDistance x) = x
f :: LatLng _ [u| rad |] -> LatLng _ [u| rad |] -> Quantity _ [u| m |]
f = (unwrap .) . span
328bcf9d9f942e011f3218dab7a26172023d367ce9c532378b94241dece11631 | Vaguery/klapaucius | core_test.clj | (ns push.core-test
(:require [push.interpreter.core :as i]
[push.core :as p])
(:use midje.sweet))
(fact "I can produce a generic interpreter"
(class (p/interpreter)) => push.interpreter.definitions.Interpreter )
(fact "I can set input values"
(keys (:bindings (p/interpreter :bindings [7 2 3]))) => '(:input!1 :input!2 :input!3)
(:bindings (p/interpreter :bindings {:a 8 :b false})) => {:a '(8), :b '(false)})
(fact "I can set a program"
(:program (p/interpreter :program [1 2 3])) => [1 2 3])
(fact "when I invoke push.core/interpreter with a :stacks argument, the indicated items are present on the result"
(:stacks (p/interpreter :stacks {:foo '(1 2 3)})) =>
(contains {:foo '(1 2 3)}))
(fact "I can use merge-stacks to merge new values onto an interpreter"
(:stacks (p/merge-stacks (p/interpreter) {:foo '(1 2 3)})) => (contains {:foo '(1 2 3)}))
(fact "I can produce a list of instructions from an interpreter"
(p/known-instructions (p/interpreter)) =>
(contains [:scalar-add :boolean-or :code-dup :exec-flipstack]
:in-any-order :gaps-ok))
(fact "I can produce a list of input names (keywords) from an interpreter"
(p/binding-names (p/interpreter :bindings {:a 2 :b 7})) => [:a :b] )
(fact "I can produce a list of types and modules loaded into the interpreter"
(p/types-and-modules (p/interpreter)) => (contains [:introspection :print :snapshot :code :error :log :exec :set :vector :strings :chars :booleans :string :char :boolean :scalar :scalars] :in-any-order :gaps-ok))
(fact "I can produce the router list for an interpreter"
(p/routing-list (p/interpreter)) =>
(contains [:ref :refs :boolean :char :complex :complexes :snapshot :generator :quoted :string :booleans :chars :strings :tagspace :scalars :vector :set :scalar] :in-any-order :gaps-ok))
(fact "I can run a Push program and get a named stack"
(p/run (p/interpreter) [88 99 :scalar-add] 100)
:scalar) => '(187))
(fact "I can re-run an interpreter with bound inputs, replacing the input values"
(let [a-99 (p/interpreter :bindings {:a 99})]
[:a 99 :scalar-add]
100) :scalar) => '(198)
[:a 99 :scalar-add]
:bindings {:a -99}) :scalar) => '(0)
[:a 99 :scalar-add :b]
:bindings {:b -99}) :scalar) => '(-99 198)))
(fact "I can turn off individual instructions with the forget-instructions function"
(p/forget-instructions (p/interpreter) [:scalar-add]))) =not=>
(contains :scalar-add)
(keys (:instructions (p/interpreter))) => (contains :scalar-add))
(fact "I can turn off multiple instructions with the forget-instructions function"
(p/forget-instructions (p/interpreter) [:scalar-add :scalar-subtract])))) =>
(- (count
(:instructions (p/interpreter)))) 2))
(fact "I can turn off unknown instructions with no trouble"
(p/forget-instructions (p/interpreter) [:foo-bar :baz-quux]))) =>
(:instructions (p/interpreter))))
;; a fixture
(def foo-pop
(push.instructions.dsl/consume-top-of :foo :as :gone)))
(fact "about :foo-pop"
(:token foo-pop) => :foo-pop
(:needs foo-pop) => {:foo 1})
(fact "I can add a new instruction with register-instructions"
(p/register-instructions (p/interpreter) [foo-pop]))) => (contains :foo-pop))
(fact "I can overwrite an old instruction with register-instructions"
[(assoc foo-pop :token :scalar-add)])))) => (:docstring foo-pop))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Vaguery/klapaucius/17b55eb76feaa520a85d4df93597cccffe6bdba4/test/push/core_test.clj | clojure | a fixture | (ns push.core-test
(:require [push.interpreter.core :as i]
[push.core :as p])
(:use midje.sweet))
(fact "I can produce a generic interpreter"
(class (p/interpreter)) => push.interpreter.definitions.Interpreter )
(fact "I can set input values"
(keys (:bindings (p/interpreter :bindings [7 2 3]))) => '(:input!1 :input!2 :input!3)
(:bindings (p/interpreter :bindings {:a 8 :b false})) => {:a '(8), :b '(false)})
(fact "I can set a program"
(:program (p/interpreter :program [1 2 3])) => [1 2 3])
(fact "when I invoke push.core/interpreter with a :stacks argument, the indicated items are present on the result"
(:stacks (p/interpreter :stacks {:foo '(1 2 3)})) =>
(contains {:foo '(1 2 3)}))
(fact "I can use merge-stacks to merge new values onto an interpreter"
(:stacks (p/merge-stacks (p/interpreter) {:foo '(1 2 3)})) => (contains {:foo '(1 2 3)}))
(fact "I can produce a list of instructions from an interpreter"
(p/known-instructions (p/interpreter)) =>
(contains [:scalar-add :boolean-or :code-dup :exec-flipstack]
:in-any-order :gaps-ok))
(fact "I can produce a list of input names (keywords) from an interpreter"
(p/binding-names (p/interpreter :bindings {:a 2 :b 7})) => [:a :b] )
(fact "I can produce a list of types and modules loaded into the interpreter"
(p/types-and-modules (p/interpreter)) => (contains [:introspection :print :snapshot :code :error :log :exec :set :vector :strings :chars :booleans :string :char :boolean :scalar :scalars] :in-any-order :gaps-ok))
(fact "I can produce the router list for an interpreter"
(p/routing-list (p/interpreter)) =>
(contains [:ref :refs :boolean :char :complex :complexes :snapshot :generator :quoted :string :booleans :chars :strings :tagspace :scalars :vector :set :scalar] :in-any-order :gaps-ok))
(fact "I can run a Push program and get a named stack"
(p/run (p/interpreter) [88 99 :scalar-add] 100)
:scalar) => '(187))
(fact "I can re-run an interpreter with bound inputs, replacing the input values"
(let [a-99 (p/interpreter :bindings {:a 99})]
[:a 99 :scalar-add]
100) :scalar) => '(198)
[:a 99 :scalar-add]
:bindings {:a -99}) :scalar) => '(0)
[:a 99 :scalar-add :b]
:bindings {:b -99}) :scalar) => '(-99 198)))
(fact "I can turn off individual instructions with the forget-instructions function"
(p/forget-instructions (p/interpreter) [:scalar-add]))) =not=>
(contains :scalar-add)
(keys (:instructions (p/interpreter))) => (contains :scalar-add))
(fact "I can turn off multiple instructions with the forget-instructions function"
(p/forget-instructions (p/interpreter) [:scalar-add :scalar-subtract])))) =>
(- (count
(:instructions (p/interpreter)))) 2))
(fact "I can turn off unknown instructions with no trouble"
(p/forget-instructions (p/interpreter) [:foo-bar :baz-quux]))) =>
(:instructions (p/interpreter))))
(def foo-pop
(push.instructions.dsl/consume-top-of :foo :as :gone)))
(fact "about :foo-pop"
(:token foo-pop) => :foo-pop
(:needs foo-pop) => {:foo 1})
(fact "I can add a new instruction with register-instructions"
(p/register-instructions (p/interpreter) [foo-pop]))) => (contains :foo-pop))
(fact "I can overwrite an old instruction with register-instructions"
[(assoc foo-pop :token :scalar-add)])))) => (:docstring foo-pop))
2efba7f11594a68203f46836cf8b4a1183f2d80bf78c80083485bc7e55b79458 | Frama-C/Frama-C-snapshot | offsm_value.mli | (**************************************************************************)
(* *)
This file is part of Frama - C.
(* *)
Copyright ( C ) 2007 - 2019
CEA ( Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation , version 2.1 .
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
for more details ( enclosed in the file licenses / LGPLv2.1 ) .
(* *)
type offsm_or_top = O of Cvalue.V_Offsetmap.t | Top
val cast :
old_size: Integer.t -> new_size: Integer.t -> signed: bool ->
Cvalue.V_Offsetmap.t -> Cvalue.V_Offsetmap.t
module Offsm : Abstract_value.Leaf with type t = offsm_or_top
module CvalueOffsm : Abstract.Value.Internal with type t = Cvalue.V.t * offsm_or_top
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Frama-C/Frama-C-snapshot/639a3647736bf8ac127d00ebe4c4c259f75f9b87/src/plugins/value/values/offsm_value.mli | ocaml | ************************************************************************
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
************************************************************************ | This file is part of Frama - C.
Copyright ( C ) 2007 - 2019
CEA ( Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies
Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation , version 2.1 .
See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
for more details ( enclosed in the file licenses / LGPLv2.1 ) .
type offsm_or_top = O of Cvalue.V_Offsetmap.t | Top
val cast :
old_size: Integer.t -> new_size: Integer.t -> signed: bool ->
Cvalue.V_Offsetmap.t -> Cvalue.V_Offsetmap.t
module Offsm : Abstract_value.Leaf with type t = offsm_or_top
module CvalueOffsm : Abstract.Value.Internal with type t = Cvalue.V.t * offsm_or_top
94f0be21f0abe82c3a3b1710f43f790a6b01fbd17d32fc003c633a17da172efb | input-output-hk/plutus-apps | Vesting.hs | {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #
# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #
# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
# OPTIONS_GHC -fno - ignore - interface - pragmas #
# OPTIONS_GHC -fno - specialise #
module Plutus.Contracts.Vesting (
-- $vesting
) where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (void, when)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Prelude (Semigroup (..))
import Cardano.Node.Emulator.Params (pNetworkId, testnet)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Ledger (CardanoAddress, POSIXTime, POSIXTimeRange, PaymentPubKeyHash (unPaymentPubKeyHash),
import Ledger.Interval qualified as Interval
import Ledger.Tx.Constraints (TxConstraints, mustBeSignedBy, mustPayToTheScriptWithDatumInTx, mustValidateInTimeRange)
import Ledger.Tx.Constraints qualified as Constraints
import Ledger.Tx.Constraints.ValidityInterval qualified as ValidityInterval
import Ledger.Typed.Scripts (ValidatorTypes (..))
import Ledger.Typed.Scripts qualified as Scripts
import Plutus.Contract
import Plutus.Script.Utils.V2.Typed.Scripts qualified as V2
import Plutus.Script.Utils.Value (Value)
import Plutus.Script.Utils.Value qualified as Value
import Plutus.V2.Ledger.Api (ScriptContext (..), TxInfo (..), Validator)
import Plutus.V2.Ledger.Contexts qualified as V2
import PlutusTx qualified
import PlutusTx.Prelude hiding (Semigroup (..), fold)
import Prelude qualified as Haskell
A simple vesting scheme . Money is locked by a contract and may only be
retrieved after some time has passed .
This is our first example of a contract that covers multiple transactions ,
with a contract state that changes over time .
In our vesting scheme the money will be released in two _ tranches _ ( parts ):
A smaller part will be available after an initial number of time has
passed , and the entire amount will be released at the end . The owner of the
vesting scheme does not have to take out all the money at once : They can
take out any amount up to the total that has been released so far . The
remaining funds stay locked and can be retrieved later .
Let 's start with the data types .
A simple vesting scheme. Money is locked by a contract and may only be
retrieved after some time has passed.
This is our first example of a contract that covers multiple transactions,
with a contract state that changes over time.
In our vesting scheme the money will be released in two _tranches_ (parts):
A smaller part will be available after an initial number of time has
passed, and the entire amount will be released at the end. The owner of the
vesting scheme does not have to take out all the money at once: They can
take out any amount up to the total that has been released so far. The
remaining funds stay locked and can be retrieved later.
Let's start with the data types.
type VestingSchema =
Endpoint "vest funds" ()
.\/ Endpoint "retrieve funds" Value
data Vesting
instance ValidatorTypes Vesting where
type instance RedeemerType Vesting = ()
type instance DatumType Vesting = ()
-- | Tranche of a vesting scheme.
data VestingTranche = VestingTranche {
vestingTrancheDate :: POSIXTime,
vestingTrancheAmount :: Value
} deriving Generic
PlutusTx.makeLift ''VestingTranche
| A vesting scheme consisting of two tranches . Each tranche defines a date
-- (POSIX time) after which an additional amount can be spent.
data VestingParams = VestingParams {
vestingTranche1 :: VestingTranche,
vestingTranche2 :: VestingTranche,
vestingOwner :: PaymentPubKeyHash
} deriving Generic
PlutusTx.makeLift ''VestingParams
# INLINABLE totalAmount #
-- | The total amount vested
totalAmount :: VestingParams -> Value
totalAmount VestingParams{vestingTranche1,vestingTranche2} =
vestingTrancheAmount vestingTranche1 + vestingTrancheAmount vestingTranche2
# INLINABLE availableFrom #
-- | The amount guaranteed to be available from a given tranche in a given time range.
availableFrom :: VestingTranche -> POSIXTimeRange -> Value
availableFrom (VestingTranche d v) range =
-- The valid range is an open-ended range starting from the tranche vesting date
let validRange = Interval.from d
-- If the valid range completely contains the argument range (meaning in particular
-- that the start time of the argument range is after the tranche vesting date), then
-- the money in the tranche is available, otherwise nothing is available.
in if validRange `Interval.contains` range then v else zero
availableAt :: VestingParams -> POSIXTime -> Value
availableAt VestingParams{vestingTranche1, vestingTranche2} time =
let f VestingTranche{vestingTrancheDate, vestingTrancheAmount} =
if time >= vestingTrancheDate then vestingTrancheAmount else mempty
in foldMap f [vestingTranche1, vestingTranche2]
# INLINABLE remainingFrom #
-- | The amount that has not been released from this tranche yet
remainingFrom :: VestingTranche -> POSIXTimeRange -> Value
remainingFrom t@VestingTranche{vestingTrancheAmount} range =
vestingTrancheAmount - availableFrom t range
# INLINABLE validate #
validate :: VestingParams -> () -> () -> V2.ScriptContext -> Bool
validate VestingParams{vestingTranche1, vestingTranche2, vestingOwner} () () {scriptContextTxInfo=txInfo@TxInfo{txInfoValidRange}} =
remainingActual = V2.valueLockedBy txInfo (V2.ownHash ctx)
remainingExpected =
remainingFrom vestingTranche1 txInfoValidRange
+ remainingFrom vestingTranche2 txInfoValidRange
in remainingActual `Value.geq` remainingExpected
-- The policy encoded in this contract
-- is "vestingOwner can do with the funds what they want" (as opposed
-- to "the funds must be paid to vestingOwner"). This is enforcey by
-- the following condition:
&& V2.txSignedBy txInfo (unPaymentPubKeyHash vestingOwner)
-- That way the recipient of the funds can pay them to whatever address they
please , potentially saving one transaction .
vestingScript :: VestingParams -> Validator
vestingScript = Scripts.validatorScript . typedValidator
typedValidator :: VestingParams -> V2.TypedValidator Vesting
typedValidator = V2.mkTypedValidatorParam @Vesting
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| validate ||])
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||])
wrap = Scripts.mkUntypedValidator
contractAddress :: VestingParams -> CardanoAddress
contractAddress = Scripts.validatorCardanoAddress testnet . typedValidator
data VestingError =
VContractError ContractError
| InsufficientFundsError Value Value Value
deriving stock (Haskell.Eq, Haskell.Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON)
makeClassyPrisms ''VestingError
instance AsContractError VestingError where
_ContractError = _VContractError
vestingContract :: VestingParams -> Contract () VestingSchema VestingError ()
vestingContract vesting = selectList [vest, retrieve]
vest = endpoint @"vest funds" $ \() -> vestFundsC vesting
retrieve = endpoint @"retrieve funds" $ \payment -> do
liveness <- retrieveFundsC vesting payment
case liveness of
Alive -> awaitPromise retrieve
Dead -> pure ()
payIntoContract :: Value -> TxConstraints () ()
payIntoContract = mustPayToTheScriptWithDatumInTx ()
:: ( AsVestingError e
=> VestingParams
-> Contract w s e ()
vestFundsC vesting = mapError (review _VestingError) $ do
let tx = payIntoContract (totalAmount vesting)
mkTxConstraints (Constraints.typedValidatorLookups $ typedValidator vesting) tx
>>= adjustUnbalancedTx >>= void . submitUnbalancedTx
data Liveness = Alive | Dead
:: ( AsVestingError e
=> VestingParams
-> Value
-> Contract w s e Liveness
retrieveFundsC vesting payment = mapError (review _VestingError) $ do
networkId <- pNetworkId <$> getParams
let inst = typedValidator vesting
addr = Scripts.validatorCardanoAddress networkId inst
now <- fst <$> currentNodeClientTimeRange
unspentOutputs <- utxosAt addr
currentlyLocked = foldMap decoratedTxOutPlutusValue (Map.elems unspentOutputs)
remainingValue = currentlyLocked - payment
mustRemainLocked = totalAmount vesting - availableAt vesting now
maxPayment = currentlyLocked - mustRemainLocked
when (remainingValue `Value.lt` mustRemainLocked)
$ throwError
$ InsufficientFundsError payment maxPayment mustRemainLocked
let liveness = if remainingValue `Value.gt` mempty then Alive else Dead
remainingOutputs = case liveness of
Alive -> payIntoContract remainingValue
Dead -> mempty
tx = Constraints.collectFromTheScript unspentOutputs ()
<> remainingOutputs
<> mustValidateInTimeRange (ValidityInterval.from now)
<> mustBeSignedBy (vestingOwner vesting)
-- we don't need to add a pubkey output for 'vestingOwner' here
-- because this will be done by the wallet when it balances the
-- transaction.
mkTxConstraints (Constraints.typedValidatorLookups inst
<> Constraints.unspentOutputs unspentOutputs) tx
>>= adjustUnbalancedTx >>= void . submitUnbalancedTx
return liveness
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/input-output-hk/plutus-apps/8949ce26588166d9961205aa61edd66e4f83d4f5/plutus-use-cases/src/Plutus/Contracts/Vesting.hs | haskell | # LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #
# LANGUAGE DataKinds #
# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #
# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #
# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #
# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #
| Tranche of a vesting scheme.
(POSIX time) after which an additional amount can be spent.
| The total amount vested
| The amount guaranteed to be available from a given tranche in a given time range.
The valid range is an open-ended range starting from the tranche vesting date
If the valid range completely contains the argument range (meaning in particular
that the start time of the argument range is after the tranche vesting date), then
the money in the tranche is available, otherwise nothing is available.
| The amount that has not been released from this tranche yet
The policy encoded in this contract
is "vestingOwner can do with the funds what they want" (as opposed
to "the funds must be paid to vestingOwner"). This is enforcey by
the following condition:
That way the recipient of the funds can pay them to whatever address they
we don't need to add a pubkey output for 'vestingOwner' here
because this will be done by the wallet when it balances the
transaction. | # LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #
# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #
# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #
# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #
# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #
# OPTIONS_GHC -fno - ignore - interface - pragmas #
# OPTIONS_GHC -fno - specialise #
module Plutus.Contracts.Vesting (
) where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (void, when)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Prelude (Semigroup (..))
import Cardano.Node.Emulator.Params (pNetworkId, testnet)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Ledger (CardanoAddress, POSIXTime, POSIXTimeRange, PaymentPubKeyHash (unPaymentPubKeyHash),
import Ledger.Interval qualified as Interval
import Ledger.Tx.Constraints (TxConstraints, mustBeSignedBy, mustPayToTheScriptWithDatumInTx, mustValidateInTimeRange)
import Ledger.Tx.Constraints qualified as Constraints
import Ledger.Tx.Constraints.ValidityInterval qualified as ValidityInterval
import Ledger.Typed.Scripts (ValidatorTypes (..))
import Ledger.Typed.Scripts qualified as Scripts
import Plutus.Contract
import Plutus.Script.Utils.V2.Typed.Scripts qualified as V2
import Plutus.Script.Utils.Value (Value)
import Plutus.Script.Utils.Value qualified as Value
import Plutus.V2.Ledger.Api (ScriptContext (..), TxInfo (..), Validator)
import Plutus.V2.Ledger.Contexts qualified as V2
import PlutusTx qualified
import PlutusTx.Prelude hiding (Semigroup (..), fold)
import Prelude qualified as Haskell
A simple vesting scheme . Money is locked by a contract and may only be
retrieved after some time has passed .
This is our first example of a contract that covers multiple transactions ,
with a contract state that changes over time .
In our vesting scheme the money will be released in two _ tranches _ ( parts ):
A smaller part will be available after an initial number of time has
passed , and the entire amount will be released at the end . The owner of the
vesting scheme does not have to take out all the money at once : They can
take out any amount up to the total that has been released so far . The
remaining funds stay locked and can be retrieved later .
Let 's start with the data types .
A simple vesting scheme. Money is locked by a contract and may only be
retrieved after some time has passed.
This is our first example of a contract that covers multiple transactions,
with a contract state that changes over time.
In our vesting scheme the money will be released in two _tranches_ (parts):
A smaller part will be available after an initial number of time has
passed, and the entire amount will be released at the end. The owner of the
vesting scheme does not have to take out all the money at once: They can
take out any amount up to the total that has been released so far. The
remaining funds stay locked and can be retrieved later.
Let's start with the data types.
type VestingSchema =
Endpoint "vest funds" ()
.\/ Endpoint "retrieve funds" Value
data Vesting
instance ValidatorTypes Vesting where
type instance RedeemerType Vesting = ()
type instance DatumType Vesting = ()
data VestingTranche = VestingTranche {
vestingTrancheDate :: POSIXTime,
vestingTrancheAmount :: Value
} deriving Generic
PlutusTx.makeLift ''VestingTranche
| A vesting scheme consisting of two tranches . Each tranche defines a date
data VestingParams = VestingParams {
vestingTranche1 :: VestingTranche,
vestingTranche2 :: VestingTranche,
vestingOwner :: PaymentPubKeyHash
} deriving Generic
PlutusTx.makeLift ''VestingParams
# INLINABLE totalAmount #
totalAmount :: VestingParams -> Value
totalAmount VestingParams{vestingTranche1,vestingTranche2} =
vestingTrancheAmount vestingTranche1 + vestingTrancheAmount vestingTranche2
# INLINABLE availableFrom #
availableFrom :: VestingTranche -> POSIXTimeRange -> Value
availableFrom (VestingTranche d v) range =
let validRange = Interval.from d
in if validRange `Interval.contains` range then v else zero
availableAt :: VestingParams -> POSIXTime -> Value
availableAt VestingParams{vestingTranche1, vestingTranche2} time =
let f VestingTranche{vestingTrancheDate, vestingTrancheAmount} =
if time >= vestingTrancheDate then vestingTrancheAmount else mempty
in foldMap f [vestingTranche1, vestingTranche2]
# INLINABLE remainingFrom #
remainingFrom :: VestingTranche -> POSIXTimeRange -> Value
remainingFrom t@VestingTranche{vestingTrancheAmount} range =
vestingTrancheAmount - availableFrom t range
# INLINABLE validate #
validate :: VestingParams -> () -> () -> V2.ScriptContext -> Bool
validate VestingParams{vestingTranche1, vestingTranche2, vestingOwner} () () {scriptContextTxInfo=txInfo@TxInfo{txInfoValidRange}} =
remainingActual = V2.valueLockedBy txInfo (V2.ownHash ctx)
remainingExpected =
remainingFrom vestingTranche1 txInfoValidRange
+ remainingFrom vestingTranche2 txInfoValidRange
in remainingActual `Value.geq` remainingExpected
&& V2.txSignedBy txInfo (unPaymentPubKeyHash vestingOwner)
please , potentially saving one transaction .
vestingScript :: VestingParams -> Validator
vestingScript = Scripts.validatorScript . typedValidator
typedValidator :: VestingParams -> V2.TypedValidator Vesting
typedValidator = V2.mkTypedValidatorParam @Vesting
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| validate ||])
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||])
wrap = Scripts.mkUntypedValidator
contractAddress :: VestingParams -> CardanoAddress
contractAddress = Scripts.validatorCardanoAddress testnet . typedValidator
data VestingError =
VContractError ContractError
| InsufficientFundsError Value Value Value
deriving stock (Haskell.Eq, Haskell.Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON)
makeClassyPrisms ''VestingError
instance AsContractError VestingError where
_ContractError = _VContractError
vestingContract :: VestingParams -> Contract () VestingSchema VestingError ()
vestingContract vesting = selectList [vest, retrieve]
vest = endpoint @"vest funds" $ \() -> vestFundsC vesting
retrieve = endpoint @"retrieve funds" $ \payment -> do
liveness <- retrieveFundsC vesting payment
case liveness of
Alive -> awaitPromise retrieve
Dead -> pure ()
payIntoContract :: Value -> TxConstraints () ()
payIntoContract = mustPayToTheScriptWithDatumInTx ()
:: ( AsVestingError e
=> VestingParams
-> Contract w s e ()
vestFundsC vesting = mapError (review _VestingError) $ do
let tx = payIntoContract (totalAmount vesting)
mkTxConstraints (Constraints.typedValidatorLookups $ typedValidator vesting) tx
>>= adjustUnbalancedTx >>= void . submitUnbalancedTx
data Liveness = Alive | Dead
:: ( AsVestingError e
=> VestingParams
-> Value
-> Contract w s e Liveness
retrieveFundsC vesting payment = mapError (review _VestingError) $ do
networkId <- pNetworkId <$> getParams
let inst = typedValidator vesting
addr = Scripts.validatorCardanoAddress networkId inst
now <- fst <$> currentNodeClientTimeRange
unspentOutputs <- utxosAt addr
currentlyLocked = foldMap decoratedTxOutPlutusValue (Map.elems unspentOutputs)
remainingValue = currentlyLocked - payment
mustRemainLocked = totalAmount vesting - availableAt vesting now
maxPayment = currentlyLocked - mustRemainLocked
when (remainingValue `Value.lt` mustRemainLocked)
$ throwError
$ InsufficientFundsError payment maxPayment mustRemainLocked
let liveness = if remainingValue `Value.gt` mempty then Alive else Dead
remainingOutputs = case liveness of
Alive -> payIntoContract remainingValue
Dead -> mempty
tx = Constraints.collectFromTheScript unspentOutputs ()
<> remainingOutputs
<> mustValidateInTimeRange (ValidityInterval.from now)
<> mustBeSignedBy (vestingOwner vesting)
mkTxConstraints (Constraints.typedValidatorLookups inst
<> Constraints.unspentOutputs unspentOutputs) tx
>>= adjustUnbalancedTx >>= void . submitUnbalancedTx
return liveness
0034abc5519aafc2b5a3df51aa2002226789d4ead3be139e4b6b4b2703525ae6 | anmonteiro/graphql-sdl | graphql_schema_printer.ml | open Easy_format
type break_criterion =
| Never
| IfNeed
| Always
| Always_rec
let easyLabel ?(break = `Auto) ?(space = false) ?(indent = 0) labelTerm term =
let settings =
{ label_break = break
; space_after_label = space
; indent_after_label = indent
; label_style = Some "label"
Easy_format.Label ((labelTerm, settings), term)
let label
?break ?space ?indent (labelTerm : Easy_format.t) (term : Easy_format.t)
easyLabel ?break ?indent ?space labelTerm term
let atom str =
let style = { Easy_format.atom_style = Some "atomClss" } in
Atom (str, style)
let makeList
?(break = IfNeed)
?(preSpace = false)
?(space = true)
?(indent = 2)
?(inline = true, false)
?(wrap = "", "")
?(sep = "")
let inlineStart, inlineEnd = inline in
let easy_break =
match break with
| Never ->
| IfNeed ->
| Always ->
| Always_rec ->
let style =
{ Easy_format.list with
space_after_opening = false
; space_before_separator = preSpace
; space_after_separator = space
; space_before_closing = false
; wrap_body = easy_break
; indent_body = indent
; stick_to_label = inlineStart
; align_closing = not inlineEnd
let opn, cls = wrap in
List ((opn, sep, cls, style), nodes)
let rec formatFieldTyp typ =
match typ with
| Graphql_parser.NamedType x ->
| ListType t ->
"[" ^ formatFieldTyp t ^ "]"
| NonNullType t ->
formatFieldTyp t ^ "!"
let rec formatConstValue value =
match value with
| `Null ->
atom "null"
| `Int x ->
atom (string_of_int x)
| `Float x ->
atom (string_of_float x)
| `Enum x ->
atom x
| `String x ->
atom ("\"" ^ x ^ "\"")
| `Bool x ->
atom (string_of_bool x)
| `List xs ->
makeList ~sep:"," (List.map formatConstValue xs)
| `Assoc xs ->
~wrap:("{", "}")
(fun (k, v) -> makeList ~sep:":" [ atom k; formatConstValue v ])
let formatDescription ?(inline = true) description layout =
match description with
| None ->
| Some description ->
let description_layout =
[ atom "\""; atom description; atom "\"" ]
(if inline then
true, true
true, false)
[ description_layout; layout ]
let formatArguments arguments =
match arguments with
| [] ->
| xs ->
let args_len = List.length arguments in
let args_layout =
~inline:(true, true)
(fun i
({ Ast.name; typ; default_value; description } :
Ast.argument_definition) ->
let argDef =
[ makeList ~space:false [ atom name; atom ":" ]
; (if i == args_len - 1 then
atom (formatFieldTyp typ)
[ atom (formatFieldTyp typ); atom "," ])
let break =
match description with None -> Never | Some _ -> Always_rec
let arg_def_layout =
match default_value with
| None ->
| Some value ->
makeList [ argDef; atom "="; formatConstValue value ]
~inline:(true, true)
[ arg_def_layout ]))
Some args_layout
let format_directives directives =
(fun ({ name; arguments } : Ast.directive) ->
let arguments_layout =
~wrap:("(", ")")
(fun (name, value) ->
[ makeList ~space:false [ atom name; atom ":" ]
; formatConstValue value
([ atom "@"; atom name ]
if arguments == [] then
[ arguments_layout ]))
let formatInputFields fields =
(fun { Ast.typ; name; arguments; description; directives; default_value } ->
let layout =
match formatArguments arguments with
| None ->
atom name
| Some args_layout ->
let wrapped = makeList ~wrap:("(", ")") [ args_layout ] in
label ~break:`Never (atom name) wrapped
let field_layout =
[ layout; makeList [ atom ":"; atom (formatFieldTyp typ) ] ]
let field_layout =
match default_value with
| None ->
| Some value ->
makeList [ field_layout; atom "="; formatConstValue value ]
~inline:(true, true)
(field_layout :: format_directives directives)))
let formatFields fields =
(fun { Ast.typ; name; arguments; description; directives } ->
let layout =
match formatArguments arguments with
| None ->
atom name
| Some args_layout ->
let wrapped = makeList ~wrap:("(", ")") [ args_layout ] in
label ~break:`Never (atom name) wrapped
let field_layout =
[ layout; makeList [ atom ":"; atom (formatFieldTyp typ) ] ]
~inline:(true, true)
(field_layout :: format_directives directives)))
let formatEnumVals enumVals =
(fun ({ name; description } : Ast.enumValue) ->
formatDescription description (atom name))
let formatSchemaFields fields =
(fun { Ast.name; typ } ->
makeList ~space:false [ atom name; makeList [ atom ":"; atom typ ] ])
let formatUnion unionDef possibleVals description =
let union =
[ unionDef
; atom "="
; makeList
(fun ({ name; _ } : Ast.enumValue) -> atom name)
formatDescription description union
let formatType typeDef fields description =
let typ =
label ~space:true typeDef (makeList ~break:Always ~wrap:("{", "}") fields)
formatDescription description typ
let pprint_typ typ =
match typ with
| Ast.Type { name; field_defs; directives; description; interfaces } ->
let intfs_layout =
match interfaces with
| None ->
| Some intfs ->
(List.map (fun intf -> [ atom "implements"; atom intf ]) intfs)
(atom "type")
[ [ atom name ]; intfs_layout; format_directives directives ])))
(formatFields field_defs)
| InputType { name; field_defs; directives; description; _ } ->
(atom "input")
(makeList (atom name :: format_directives directives)))
(formatInputFields field_defs)
| Enum { name; possibleVals; directives; description } ->
(atom "enum")
(makeList (atom name :: format_directives directives)))
(formatEnumVals possibleVals)
| Union { name; possibleVals; directives; description } ->
(atom "union")
(makeList (atom name :: format_directives directives)))
| Interface { name; field_defs; directives; description; _ } ->
(atom "interface")
(makeList (atom name :: format_directives directives)))
(formatFields field_defs)
| Scalar { name; directives; description } ->
let scalar =
(atom "scalar")
(makeList (atom name :: format_directives directives))
formatDescription description scalar
| Schema { fields; directives; description } ->
(makeList ~space:true (atom "schema" :: format_directives directives))
(formatSchemaFields fields)
let pprint_schema schema =
makeList ~break:Always ~sep:"\n" ~indent:0 (List.map pprint_typ schema)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anmonteiro/graphql-sdl/ac3b90a24928f0a7b1ca7e242004250bba8b8f98/lib/graphql_schema_printer.ml | ocaml | open Easy_format
type break_criterion =
| Never
| IfNeed
| Always
| Always_rec
let easyLabel ?(break = `Auto) ?(space = false) ?(indent = 0) labelTerm term =
let settings =
{ label_break = break
; space_after_label = space
; indent_after_label = indent
; label_style = Some "label"
Easy_format.Label ((labelTerm, settings), term)
let label
?break ?space ?indent (labelTerm : Easy_format.t) (term : Easy_format.t)
easyLabel ?break ?indent ?space labelTerm term
let atom str =
let style = { Easy_format.atom_style = Some "atomClss" } in
Atom (str, style)
let makeList
?(break = IfNeed)
?(preSpace = false)
?(space = true)
?(indent = 2)
?(inline = true, false)
?(wrap = "", "")
?(sep = "")
let inlineStart, inlineEnd = inline in
let easy_break =
match break with
| Never ->
| IfNeed ->
| Always ->
| Always_rec ->
let style =
{ Easy_format.list with
space_after_opening = false
; space_before_separator = preSpace
; space_after_separator = space
; space_before_closing = false
; wrap_body = easy_break
; indent_body = indent
; stick_to_label = inlineStart
; align_closing = not inlineEnd
let opn, cls = wrap in
List ((opn, sep, cls, style), nodes)
let rec formatFieldTyp typ =
match typ with
| Graphql_parser.NamedType x ->
| ListType t ->
"[" ^ formatFieldTyp t ^ "]"
| NonNullType t ->
formatFieldTyp t ^ "!"
let rec formatConstValue value =
match value with
| `Null ->
atom "null"
| `Int x ->
atom (string_of_int x)
| `Float x ->
atom (string_of_float x)
| `Enum x ->
atom x
| `String x ->
atom ("\"" ^ x ^ "\"")
| `Bool x ->
atom (string_of_bool x)
| `List xs ->
makeList ~sep:"," (List.map formatConstValue xs)
| `Assoc xs ->
~wrap:("{", "}")
(fun (k, v) -> makeList ~sep:":" [ atom k; formatConstValue v ])
let formatDescription ?(inline = true) description layout =
match description with
| None ->
| Some description ->
let description_layout =
[ atom "\""; atom description; atom "\"" ]
(if inline then
true, true
true, false)
[ description_layout; layout ]
let formatArguments arguments =
match arguments with
| [] ->
| xs ->
let args_len = List.length arguments in
let args_layout =
~inline:(true, true)
(fun i
({ Ast.name; typ; default_value; description } :
Ast.argument_definition) ->
let argDef =
[ makeList ~space:false [ atom name; atom ":" ]
; (if i == args_len - 1 then
atom (formatFieldTyp typ)
[ atom (formatFieldTyp typ); atom "," ])
let break =
match description with None -> Never | Some _ -> Always_rec
let arg_def_layout =
match default_value with
| None ->
| Some value ->
makeList [ argDef; atom "="; formatConstValue value ]
~inline:(true, true)
[ arg_def_layout ]))
Some args_layout
let format_directives directives =
(fun ({ name; arguments } : Ast.directive) ->
let arguments_layout =
~wrap:("(", ")")
(fun (name, value) ->
[ makeList ~space:false [ atom name; atom ":" ]
; formatConstValue value
([ atom "@"; atom name ]
if arguments == [] then
[ arguments_layout ]))
let formatInputFields fields =
(fun { Ast.typ; name; arguments; description; directives; default_value } ->
let layout =
match formatArguments arguments with
| None ->
atom name
| Some args_layout ->
let wrapped = makeList ~wrap:("(", ")") [ args_layout ] in
label ~break:`Never (atom name) wrapped
let field_layout =
[ layout; makeList [ atom ":"; atom (formatFieldTyp typ) ] ]
let field_layout =
match default_value with
| None ->
| Some value ->
makeList [ field_layout; atom "="; formatConstValue value ]
~inline:(true, true)
(field_layout :: format_directives directives)))
let formatFields fields =
(fun { Ast.typ; name; arguments; description; directives } ->
let layout =
match formatArguments arguments with
| None ->
atom name
| Some args_layout ->
let wrapped = makeList ~wrap:("(", ")") [ args_layout ] in
label ~break:`Never (atom name) wrapped
let field_layout =
[ layout; makeList [ atom ":"; atom (formatFieldTyp typ) ] ]
~inline:(true, true)
(field_layout :: format_directives directives)))
let formatEnumVals enumVals =
(fun ({ name; description } : Ast.enumValue) ->
formatDescription description (atom name))
let formatSchemaFields fields =
(fun { Ast.name; typ } ->
makeList ~space:false [ atom name; makeList [ atom ":"; atom typ ] ])
let formatUnion unionDef possibleVals description =
let union =
[ unionDef
; atom "="
; makeList
(fun ({ name; _ } : Ast.enumValue) -> atom name)
formatDescription description union
let formatType typeDef fields description =
let typ =
label ~space:true typeDef (makeList ~break:Always ~wrap:("{", "}") fields)
formatDescription description typ
let pprint_typ typ =
match typ with
| Ast.Type { name; field_defs; directives; description; interfaces } ->
let intfs_layout =
match interfaces with
| None ->
| Some intfs ->
(List.map (fun intf -> [ atom "implements"; atom intf ]) intfs)
(atom "type")
[ [ atom name ]; intfs_layout; format_directives directives ])))
(formatFields field_defs)
| InputType { name; field_defs; directives; description; _ } ->
(atom "input")
(makeList (atom name :: format_directives directives)))
(formatInputFields field_defs)
| Enum { name; possibleVals; directives; description } ->
(atom "enum")
(makeList (atom name :: format_directives directives)))
(formatEnumVals possibleVals)
| Union { name; possibleVals; directives; description } ->
(atom "union")
(makeList (atom name :: format_directives directives)))
| Interface { name; field_defs; directives; description; _ } ->
(atom "interface")
(makeList (atom name :: format_directives directives)))
(formatFields field_defs)
| Scalar { name; directives; description } ->
let scalar =
(atom "scalar")
(makeList (atom name :: format_directives directives))
formatDescription description scalar
| Schema { fields; directives; description } ->
(makeList ~space:true (atom "schema" :: format_directives directives))
(formatSchemaFields fields)
let pprint_schema schema =
makeList ~break:Always ~sep:"\n" ~indent:0 (List.map pprint_typ schema)
474cd8ba44f023574b0d4efe6f62e6fd86a356c1c4fb6425efa06196ba2620ce | input-output-hk/cardano-sl | Types.hs | # LANGUAGE CPP #
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #-}
# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #
# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #
# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #
# LANGUAGE StrictData #
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- The hlint parser fails on the `pattern` function, so we disable the
-- language extension here.
{-# LANGUAGE NoPatternSynonyms #-}
# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #
Needed for the ` Buildable ` , ` SubscriptionStatus ` and ` NodeId ` orphans .
# OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - orphans #
module Cardano.Wallet.API.V1.Types (
V1 (..)
, unV1
-- * Swagger & REST-related types
, PasswordUpdate (..)
, AccountUpdate (..)
, NewAccount (..)
, Update
, New
, ForceNtpCheck (..)
-- * Domain-specific types
-- * Wallets
, Wallet (..)
, AssuranceLevel (..)
, NewWallet (..)
, WalletUpdate (..)
, WalletId (..)
, exampleWalletId
, WalletOperation (..)
, SpendingPassword
, mkSpendingPassword
-- * Addresses
, AddressOwnership (..)
, AddressValidity (..)
-- * Accounts
, Account (..)
, accountsHaveSameId
, AccountIndex
, AccountAddresses (..)
, AccountBalance (..)
, getAccIndex
, mkAccountIndex
, mkAccountIndexM
, unsafeMkAccountIndex
, AccountIndexError(..)
-- * Addresses
, WalletAddress (..)
, NewAddress (..)
, BatchImportResult(..)
-- * Payments
, Payment (..)
, PaymentSource (..)
, PaymentDistribution (..)
, Transaction (..)
, TransactionType (..)
, TransactionDirection (..)
, TransactionStatus(..)
, EstimatedFees (..)
-- * Updates
, WalletSoftwareUpdate (..)
-- * Importing a wallet from a backup
, WalletImport (..)
-- * Settings
, NodeSettings (..)
, SlotDuration
, mkSlotDuration
, BlockchainHeight
, mkBlockchainHeight
, LocalTimeDifference
, mkLocalTimeDifference
, EstimatedCompletionTime
, mkEstimatedCompletionTime
, SyncThroughput
, mkSyncThroughput
, SyncState (..)
, SyncProgress (..)
, SyncPercentage
, mkSyncPercentage
, NodeInfo (..)
, TimeInfo(..)
, SubscriptionStatus(..)
, Redemption(..)
, RedemptionMnemonic(..)
, BackupPhrase(..)
, ShieldedRedemptionCode(..)
, WAddressMeta (..)
-- * Some types for the API
, CaptureWalletId
, CaptureAccountId
-- * Core re-exports
, Core.Address
, Core.InputSelectionPolicy(..)
, Core.Coin
, Core.Timestamp(..)
, Core.mkCoin
-- * Wallet Errors
, WalletError(..)
, ErrNotEnoughMoney(..)
, ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented(..)
, msgUtxoNotEnoughFragmented
, toServantError
, toHttpErrorStatus
, MnemonicBalance(..)
, module Cardano.Wallet.Types.UtxoStatistics
) where
import qualified Prelude
import Universum
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.Wallet as CC
import Control.Lens (at, to, (?~))
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Options as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH as A
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser, Value (..), typeMismatch)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import qualified Data.ByteArray as ByteArray
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Base58 (bitcoinAlphabet, decodeBase58)
import qualified Data.Char as C
import Data.Default (Default (def))
import Data.List ((!!))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)
import Data.Swagger hiding (Example, example)
import Data.Text (Text, dropEnd, toLower)
import Formatting (bprint, build, fconst, int, sformat, (%))
import qualified Formatting.Buildable
import Generics.SOP.TH (deriveGeneric)
import Serokell.Util (listJson)
import qualified Serokell.Util.Base16 as Base16
import Servant
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (Gen (..))
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Gen as Gen
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Modifiers as Gen
import Pos.Node.API
import Cardano.Wallet.API.Response.JSend (HasDiagnostic (..),
import Cardano.Wallet.API.Types.UnitOfMeasure (MeasuredIn (..),
UnitOfMeasure (..))
import Cardano.Wallet.API.V1.Errors (ToHttpErrorStatus (..),
ToServantError (..))
import Cardano.Wallet.API.V1.Generic (jsendErrorGenericParseJSON,
import Cardano.Wallet.API.V1.Swagger.Example (Example, example)
import Cardano.Wallet.Types.UtxoStatistics
import Cardano.Wallet.Util (mkJsonKey, showApiUtcTime)
import Cardano.Mnemonic (Mnemonic)
import qualified Pos.Chain.Txp as Txp
import qualified Pos.Client.Txp.Util as Core
import qualified Pos.Core as Core
import Pos.Crypto (PublicKey (..), decodeHash, hashHexF)
import qualified Pos.Crypto.Signing as Core
import Pos.Infra.Communication.Types.Protocol ()
import Pos.Infra.Diffusion.Subscription.Status
(SubscriptionStatus (..))
import Pos.Infra.Util.LogSafe (BuildableSafeGen (..), buildSafe,
buildSafeList, buildSafeMaybe, deriveSafeBuildable,
import Test.Pos.Core.Arbitrary ()
-- | Declare generic schema, while documenting properties
-- For instance:
-- { myDataField1 :: String
, : : String
-- } deriving (Generic)
instance where
-- declareNamedSchema =
-- genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "myData" (\(--^) props -> props
-- & ("field1" --^ "Description 1")
& ( " field2 " --^ " Description 2 " )
-- )
-- -- or, if no descriptions are added to the underlying properties
instance where
-- declareNamedSchema =
-- genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "myData" (\_ -> id)
optsADTCamelCase :: A.Options
optsADTCamelCase = defaultOptions
{ A.constructorTagModifier = mkJsonKey
, A.sumEncoding = A.ObjectWithSingleField
-- Versioning
mkSpendingPassword :: Text -> Either Text SpendingPassword
mkSpendingPassword = fmap V1 . mkPassPhrase
mkPassPhrase :: Text -> Either Text Core.PassPhrase
mkPassPhrase text =
case Base16.decode text of
Left e -> Left e
Right bs -> do
let bl = BS.length bs
Currently passphrase may be either 32 - byte long or empty ( for
-- unencrypted keys).
if bl == 0 || bl == Core.passphraseLength
then Right $ ByteArray.convert bs
else Left $ sformat
("Expected spending password to be of either length 0 or "%int%", not "%int)
Core.passphraseLength bl
instance ToJSON (V1 Core.PassPhrase) where
toJSON = String . Base16.encode . ByteArray.convert
instance FromJSON (V1 Core.PassPhrase) where
parseJSON (String pp) = case mkPassPhrase pp of
Left e -> fail (toString e)
Right pp' -> pure (V1 pp')
parseJSON x = typeMismatch "parseJSON failed for PassPhrase" x
instance Arbitrary (V1 Core.PassPhrase) where
arbitrary = fmap V1 arbitrary
instance ToSchema (V1 Core.PassPhrase) where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "V1PassPhrase") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& format ?~ "hex|base16"
instance ToJSON (V1 Core.Coin) where
toJSON (V1 c) = toJSON . Core.unsafeGetCoin $ c
instance FromJSON (V1 Core.Coin) where
parseJSON v = do
i <- Core.Coin <$> parseJSON v
either (fail . toString) (const (pure (V1 i)))
$ Core.checkCoin i
instance Arbitrary (V1 Core.Coin) where
arbitrary = fmap V1 arbitrary
instance ToSchema (V1 Core.Coin) where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "V1Coin") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerNumber
& maximum_ .~ Just (fromIntegral Core.maxCoinVal)
instance ToJSON (V1 Core.Address) where
toJSON (V1 c) = String $ sformat Core.addressF c
instance FromJSON (V1 Core.Address) where
parseJSON (String a) = case Core.decodeTextAddress a of
Left e -> fail $ "Not a valid Cardano Address: " <> toString e
Right addr -> pure (V1 addr)
parseJSON x = typeMismatch "parseJSON failed for Address" x
instance Arbitrary (V1 Core.Address) where
arbitrary = fmap V1 arbitrary
instance ToSchema (V1 Core.Address) where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "Address") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& format ?~ "base58"
instance FromHttpApiData (V1 Core.Address) where
parseQueryParam = fmap (fmap V1) Core.decodeTextAddress
instance ToHttpApiData (V1 Core.Address) where
toQueryParam (V1 a) = sformat build a
deriving instance Hashable (V1 Core.Address)
deriving instance NFData (V1 Core.Address)
-- | Represents according to 'apiTimeFormat' format.
instance ToJSON (V1 Core.Timestamp) where
toJSON timestamp =
let utcTime = timestamp ^. _V1 . Core.timestampToUTCTimeL
in String $ showApiUtcTime utcTime
instance ToHttpApiData (V1 Core.Timestamp) where
toQueryParam = view (_V1 . Core.timestampToUTCTimeL . to showApiUtcTime)
instance FromHttpApiData (V1 Core.Timestamp) where
parseQueryParam t =
(Left ("Couldn't parse timestamp or datetime out of: " <> t))
(Right . V1)
(Core.parseTimestamp t)
-- | Parses from both UTC time in 'apiTimeFormat' format and a fractional
-- timestamp format.
instance FromJSON (V1 Core.Timestamp) where
parseJSON = withText "Timestamp" $ \t ->
(fail ("Couldn't parse timestamp or datetime out of: " <> toString t))
(pure . V1)
(Core.parseTimestamp t)
instance Arbitrary (V1 Core.Timestamp) where
arbitrary = fmap V1 arbitrary
instance ToSchema (V1 Core.Timestamp) where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "Timestamp") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& description ?~ "Time in ISO 8601 format"
-- Domain-specific types, mostly placeholders.
| A ' SpendingPassword ' represent a secret piece of information which can be
-- optionally supplied by the user to encrypt the private keys. As private keys
-- are needed to spend funds and this password secures spending, here the name
' SpendingPassword ' .
Practically speaking , it 's just a type synonym for a PassPhrase , which is a
-- base16-encoded string.
type SpendingPassword = V1 Core.PassPhrase
instance Semigroup (V1 Core.PassPhrase) where
V1 a <> V1 b = V1 (a <> b)
instance Monoid (V1 Core.PassPhrase) where
mempty = V1 mempty
mappend = (<>)
instance BuildableSafeGen SpendingPassword where
buildSafeGen sl pwd =
bprint (plainOrSecureF sl build (fconst "<spending password>")) pwd
type WalletName = Text
-- | Wallet's Assurance Level
data AssuranceLevel =
| StrictAssurance
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)
instance Arbitrary AssuranceLevel where
arbitrary = elements [minBound .. maxBound]
{ A.constructorTagModifier = toString . toLower . dropEnd 9 . fromString
instance ToSchema AssuranceLevel where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "AssuranceLevel") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["normal", "strict"]
deriveSafeBuildable ''AssuranceLevel
instance BuildableSafeGen AssuranceLevel where
buildSafeGen _ NormalAssurance = "normal"
buildSafeGen _ StrictAssurance = "strict"
-- | A Wallet ID.
newtype WalletId = WalletId Text deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
exampleWalletId :: WalletId
exampleWalletId = WalletId "J7rQqaLLHBFPrgJXwpktaMB1B1kQBXAyc2uRSfRPzNVGiv6TdxBzkPNBUWysZZZdhFG9gRy3sQFfX5wfpLbi4XTFGFxTg"
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''WalletId
instance ToSchema WalletId where
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions
instance ToJSONKey WalletId
instance Arbitrary WalletId where
arbitrary = elements [exampleWalletId]
deriveSafeBuildable ''WalletId
instance BuildableSafeGen WalletId where
buildSafeGen sl (WalletId wid) =
bprint (plainOrSecureF sl build (fconst "<wallet id>")) wid
instance FromHttpApiData WalletId where
parseQueryParam = Right . WalletId
instance ToHttpApiData WalletId where
toQueryParam (WalletId wid) = wid
instance Hashable WalletId
instance NFData WalletId
-- | A Wallet Operation
data WalletOperation =
| RestoreWallet
deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)
instance Arbitrary WalletOperation where
arbitrary = elements [minBound .. maxBound]
-- Drops the @Wallet@ suffix.
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions { A.constructorTagModifier = reverse . drop 6 . reverse . map C.toLower
} ''WalletOperation
instance ToSchema WalletOperation where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "WalletOperation") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["create", "restore"]
deriveSafeBuildable ''WalletOperation
instance BuildableSafeGen WalletOperation where
buildSafeGen _ CreateWallet = "create"
buildSafeGen _ RestoreWallet = "restore"
newtype BackupPhrase = BackupPhrase
{ unBackupPhrase :: Mnemonic 12
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromJSON, Arbitrary)
deriveSafeBuildable ''BackupPhrase
instance BuildableSafeGen BackupPhrase where
buildSafeGen _ _ = "<backup phrase>"
instance ToSchema BackupPhrase where
declareNamedSchema _ =
. NamedSchema (Just "V1BackupPhrase")
$ toSchema (Proxy @(Mnemonic 12))
-- | A type modelling the request for a new 'Wallet'.
data NewWallet = NewWallet {
newwalBackupPhrase :: !BackupPhrase
, newwalSpendingPassword :: !(Maybe SpendingPassword)
, newwalAssuranceLevel :: !AssuranceLevel
, newwalName :: !WalletName
, newwalOperation :: !WalletOperation
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''NewWallet
instance Arbitrary NewWallet where
arbitrary = NewWallet <$> arbitrary
<*> pure Nothing
<*> arbitrary
<*> pure "My Wallet"
<*> arbitrary
instance ToSchema NewWallet where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "newwal" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("backupPhrase" --^ "Backup phrase to restore the wallet.")
& ("spendingPassword" --^ "Optional (but recommended) password to protect the wallet on sensitive operations.")
& ("assuranceLevel" --^ "Desired assurance level based on the number of confirmations counter of each transaction.")
& ("name" --^ "Wallet's name.")
& ("operation" --^ "Create a new wallet or Restore an existing one.")
deriveSafeBuildable ''NewWallet
instance BuildableSafeGen NewWallet where
buildSafeGen sl NewWallet{..} = bprint ("{"
%" backupPhrase="%buildSafe sl
%" spendingPassword="%(buildSafeMaybe mempty sl)
%" assuranceLevel="%buildSafe sl
%" name="%buildSafe sl
%" operation"%buildSafe sl
%" }")
-- | A type modelling the update of an existing wallet.
data WalletUpdate = WalletUpdate {
uwalAssuranceLevel :: !AssuranceLevel
, uwalName :: !Text
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''WalletUpdate
instance ToSchema WalletUpdate where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "uwal" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("assuranceLevel" --^ "New assurance level.")
& ("name" --^ "New wallet's name.")
instance Arbitrary WalletUpdate where
arbitrary = WalletUpdate <$> arbitrary
<*> pure "My Wallet"
deriveSafeBuildable ''WalletUpdate
instance BuildableSafeGen WalletUpdate where
buildSafeGen sl WalletUpdate{..} = bprint ("{"
%" assuranceLevel="%buildSafe sl
%" name="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
newtype EstimatedCompletionTime = EstimatedCompletionTime (MeasuredIn 'Milliseconds Word)
deriving (Show, Eq)
mkEstimatedCompletionTime :: Word -> EstimatedCompletionTime
mkEstimatedCompletionTime = EstimatedCompletionTime . MeasuredIn
instance Ord EstimatedCompletionTime where
compare (EstimatedCompletionTime (MeasuredIn w1))
(EstimatedCompletionTime (MeasuredIn w2)) = compare w1 w2
instance Arbitrary EstimatedCompletionTime where
arbitrary = EstimatedCompletionTime . MeasuredIn <$> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''EstimatedCompletionTime
instance BuildableSafeGen EstimatedCompletionTime where
buildSafeGen _ (EstimatedCompletionTime (MeasuredIn w)) = bprint ("{"
%" quantity="%build
%" unit=milliseconds"
%" }")
instance ToJSON EstimatedCompletionTime where
toJSON (EstimatedCompletionTime (MeasuredIn w)) =
object [ "quantity" .= toJSON w
, "unit" .= String "milliseconds"
instance FromJSON EstimatedCompletionTime where
parseJSON = withObject "EstimatedCompletionTime" $ \sl -> mkEstimatedCompletionTime <$> sl .: "quantity"
instance ToSchema EstimatedCompletionTime where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "EstimatedCompletionTime") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
& required .~ ["quantity", "unit"]
& properties .~ (mempty
& at "quantity" ?~ (Inline $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerNumber
& minimum_ .~ Just 0
& at "unit" ?~ (Inline $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["milliseconds"]
newtype SyncThroughput
= SyncThroughput (MeasuredIn 'BlocksPerSecond Core.BlockCount)
deriving (Show, Eq)
mkSyncThroughput :: Core.BlockCount -> SyncThroughput
mkSyncThroughput = SyncThroughput . MeasuredIn
instance Ord SyncThroughput where
compare (SyncThroughput (MeasuredIn (Core.BlockCount b1)))
(SyncThroughput (MeasuredIn (Core.BlockCount b2))) =
compare b1 b2
instance Arbitrary SyncThroughput where
arbitrary = SyncThroughput . MeasuredIn <$> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''SyncThroughput
instance BuildableSafeGen SyncThroughput where
buildSafeGen _ (SyncThroughput (MeasuredIn (Core.BlockCount blocks))) = bprint ("{"
%" quantity="%build
%" unit=blocksPerSecond"
%" }")
instance ToJSON SyncThroughput where
toJSON (SyncThroughput (MeasuredIn (Core.BlockCount blocks))) =
object [ "quantity" .= toJSON blocks
, "unit" .= String "blocksPerSecond"
instance FromJSON SyncThroughput where
parseJSON = withObject "SyncThroughput" $ \sl -> mkSyncThroughput . Core.BlockCount <$> sl .: "quantity"
instance ToSchema SyncThroughput where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "SyncThroughput") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
& required .~ ["quantity", "unit"]
& properties .~ (mempty
& at "quantity" ?~ (Inline $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerNumber
& at "unit" ?~ (Inline $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["blocksPerSecond"]
data SyncProgress = SyncProgress {
spEstimatedCompletionTime :: !EstimatedCompletionTime
, spThroughput :: !SyncThroughput
, spPercentage :: !SyncPercentage
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''SyncProgress
instance ToSchema SyncProgress where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "sp" (\(--^) props -> props
& "estimatedCompletionTime"
--^ "The estimated time the wallet is expected to be fully sync, based on the information available."
& "throughput"
--^ "The sync throughput, measured in blocks/s."
& "percentage"
^ " The sync percentage , from 0 % to 100 % . "
deriveSafeBuildable ''SyncProgress
Nothing secret to redact for a SyncProgress .
instance BuildableSafeGen SyncProgress where
buildSafeGen sl SyncProgress {..} = bprint ("{"
%" estimatedCompletionTime="%buildSafe sl
%" throughput="%buildSafe sl
%" percentage="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
instance Example SyncProgress where
example = do
exPercentage <- example
pure $ SyncProgress
{ spEstimatedCompletionTime = mkEstimatedCompletionTime 3000
, spThroughput = mkSyncThroughput (Core.BlockCount 400)
, spPercentage = exPercentage
instance Arbitrary SyncProgress where
arbitrary = SyncProgress <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
data SyncState =
Restoring SyncProgress
-- ^ Restoring from seed or from backup.
| Synced
-- ^ Following the blockchain.
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
instance ToJSON SyncState where
toJSON ss = object [ "tag" .= toJSON (renderAsTag ss)
, "data" .= renderAsData ss
renderAsTag :: SyncState -> Text
renderAsTag (Restoring _) = "restoring"
renderAsTag Synced = "synced"
renderAsData :: SyncState -> Value
renderAsData (Restoring sp) = toJSON sp
renderAsData Synced = Null
instance FromJSON SyncState where
parseJSON = withObject "SyncState" $ \ss -> do
t <- ss .: "tag"
case (t :: Text) of
"synced" -> pure Synced
"restoring" -> Restoring <$> ss .: "data"
_ -> typeMismatch "unrecognised tag" (Object ss)
instance ToSchema SyncState where
declareNamedSchema _ = do
syncProgress <- declareSchemaRef @SyncProgress Proxy
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "SyncState") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
& required .~ ["tag"]
& properties .~ (mempty
& at "tag" ?~ (Inline $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["restoring", "synced"]
& at "data" ?~ syncProgress
instance Arbitrary SyncState where
arbitrary = oneof [ Restoring <$> arbitrary
, pure Synced
-- | A 'Wallet'.
data Wallet = Wallet {
walId :: !WalletId
, walName :: !WalletName
, walBalance :: !(V1 Core.Coin)
, walHasSpendingPassword :: !Bool
, walSpendingPasswordLastUpdate :: !(V1 Core.Timestamp)
, walCreatedAt :: !(V1 Core.Timestamp)
, walAssuranceLevel :: !AssuranceLevel
, walSyncState :: !SyncState
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''Wallet
instance ToSchema Wallet where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "wal" (\(--^) props -> props
& "id"
--^ "Unique wallet identifier."
& "name"
--^ "Wallet's name."
& "balance"
^ " Current balance , in . "
& "hasSpendingPassword"
--^ "Whether or not the wallet has a passphrase."
& "spendingPasswordLastUpdate"
--^ "The timestamp that the passphrase was last updated."
& "createdAt"
--^ "The timestamp that the wallet was created."
& "assuranceLevel"
--^ "The assurance level of the wallet."
& "syncState"
--^ "The sync state for this wallet."
instance Arbitrary Wallet where
arbitrary = Wallet <$> arbitrary
<*> pure "My wallet"
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''Wallet
instance BuildableSafeGen Wallet where
buildSafeGen sl Wallet{..} = bprint ("{"
%" id="%buildSafe sl
%" name="%buildSafe sl
%" balance="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
instance Buildable [Wallet] where
build = bprint listJson
data MnemonicBalance = MnemonicBalance {
mbWalletId :: !WalletId
, mbBalance :: !(Maybe Integer)
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''MnemonicBalance
instance ToSchema MnemonicBalance where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "mb" (\(--^) props -> props
& "walletId"
--^ "Unique wallet identifier."
& "balance"
^ " Current balance , in . "
instance Arbitrary MnemonicBalance where
arbitrary = MnemonicBalance <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''MnemonicBalance
instance BuildableSafeGen MnemonicBalance where
buildSafeGen sl MnemonicBalance{mbWalletId,mbBalance} = case mbBalance of
Just bal -> bprint ("{"
%" id="%buildSafe sl
%" balance="%build
%" }")
Nothing -> bprint ("{"
%" id="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
instance Example MnemonicBalance where
example = do
MnemonicBalance <$> example <*> (pure $ Just 1000000)
instance ToSchema PublicKey where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "PublicKey") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& format ?~ "base58"
-- Addresses
-- | Whether an address is valid or not.
newtype AddressValidity = AddressValidity { isValid :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''AddressValidity
instance ToSchema AddressValidity where
declareNamedSchema = genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "is" (const identity)
instance Arbitrary AddressValidity where
arbitrary = AddressValidity <$> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''AddressValidity
instance BuildableSafeGen AddressValidity where
buildSafeGen _ AddressValidity{..} =
bprint ("{ valid="%build%" }") isValid
-- | An address is either recognised as "ours" or not. An address that is not
-- recognised may still be ours e.g. an address generated by another wallet instance
-- will not be considered "ours" until the relevant transaction is confirmed.
-- In other words, `AddressAmbiguousOwnership` makes an inconclusive statement about
-- an address, whereas `AddressOwnership` is unambiguous.
data AddressOwnership
= AddressIsOurs
| AddressAmbiguousOwnership
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
instance ToJSON (V1 AddressOwnership) where
toJSON = genericToJSON optsADTCamelCase . unV1
instance FromJSON (V1 AddressOwnership) where
parseJSON = fmap V1 . genericParseJSON optsADTCamelCase
instance ToSchema (V1 AddressOwnership) where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "V1AddressOwnership") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["isOurs", "ambiguousOwnership"]
instance Arbitrary (V1 AddressOwnership) where
arbitrary = fmap V1 $ oneof
[ pure AddressIsOurs
, pure AddressAmbiguousOwnership
-- | Address with associated metadata locating it in an account in a wallet.
data WAddressMeta = WAddressMeta
{ _wamWalletId :: !WalletId
, _wamAccountIndex :: !Word32
, _wamAddressIndex :: !Word32
, _wamAddress :: !(V1 Core.Address)
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Typeable)
instance Hashable WAddressMeta
instance NFData WAddressMeta
instance Buildable WAddressMeta where
build WAddressMeta{..} =
bprint (build%"@"%build%"@"%build%" ("%build%")")
_wamWalletId _wamAccountIndex _wamAddressIndex _wamAddress
-- Accounts
-- | Summary about single address.
data WalletAddress = WalletAddress
{ addrId :: !(V1 Core.Address)
, addrUsed :: !Bool
, addrChangeAddress :: !Bool
, addrOwnership :: !(V1 AddressOwnership)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''WalletAddress
instance ToSchema WalletAddress where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "addr" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("id" --^ "Actual address.")
& ("used" --^ "True if this address has been used.")
& ("changeAddress" --^ "True if this address stores change from a previous transaction.")
& ("ownership" --^ "'isOurs' if this address is recognised as ours, 'ambiguousOwnership' if the node doesn't have information to make a unambiguous statement.")
instance Arbitrary WalletAddress where
arbitrary = WalletAddress <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
newtype AccountIndex = AccountIndex { getAccIndex :: Word32 }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
newtype AccountIndexError = AccountIndexError Word32
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Buildable AccountIndexError where
build (AccountIndexError i) =
("Account index should be in range ["%int%".."%int%"], but "%int%" was provided.")
(getAccIndex minBound)
(getAccIndex maxBound)
mkAccountIndex :: Word32 -> Either AccountIndexError AccountIndex
mkAccountIndex index
| index >= getAccIndex minBound = Right $ AccountIndex index
| otherwise = Left $ AccountIndexError index
mkAccountIndexM :: MonadFail m => Word32 -> m AccountIndex
mkAccountIndexM =
either (fail . toString . sformat build) pure . mkAccountIndex
unsafeMkAccountIndex :: Word32 -> AccountIndex
unsafeMkAccountIndex =
either (error . sformat build) identity . mkAccountIndex
instance Bounded AccountIndex where
-- NOTE: minimum for hardened key. See -309
minBound = AccountIndex 2147483648
maxBound = AccountIndex maxBound
instance ToJSON AccountIndex where
toJSON = toJSON . getAccIndex
instance FromJSON AccountIndex where
parseJSON =
mkAccountIndexM <=< parseJSON
instance Arbitrary AccountIndex where
arbitrary =
AccountIndex <$> choose (getAccIndex minBound, getAccIndex maxBound)
deriveSafeBuildable ''AccountIndex
-- Nothing secret to redact for a AccountIndex.
instance BuildableSafeGen AccountIndex where
buildSafeGen _ =
bprint build . getAccIndex
instance ToParamSchema AccountIndex where
toParamSchema _ = mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerNumber
& minimum_ .~ Just (fromIntegral $ getAccIndex minBound)
& maximum_ .~ Just (fromIntegral $ getAccIndex maxBound)
instance ToSchema AccountIndex where
declareNamedSchema =
pure . paramSchemaToNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions
instance FromHttpApiData AccountIndex where
parseQueryParam =
first (sformat build) . mkAccountIndex <=< parseQueryParam
instance ToHttpApiData AccountIndex where
toQueryParam =
fromString . show . getAccIndex
-- | A wallet 'Account'.
data Account = Account
{ accIndex :: !AccountIndex
, accAddresses :: ![WalletAddress]
, accAmount :: !(V1 Core.Coin)
, accName :: !Text
, accWalletId :: !WalletId
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
IxSet indices
| Datatype wrapping addresses for per - field endpoint
newtype AccountAddresses = AccountAddresses
{ acaAddresses :: [WalletAddress]
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
| Datatype wrapping balance for per - field endpoint
newtype AccountBalance = AccountBalance
{ acbAmount :: V1 Core.Coin
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
accountsHaveSameId :: Account -> Account -> Bool
accountsHaveSameId a b =
accWalletId a == accWalletId b
accIndex a == accIndex b
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''Account
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''AccountAddresses
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''AccountBalance
instance ToSchema Account where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "acc" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("index" --^ "Account's index in the wallet, starting at 0.")
& ("addresses" --^ "Public addresses pointing to this account.")
^ " Available funds , in . " )
& ("name" --^ "Account's name.")
& ("walletId" --^ "Id of the wallet this account belongs to.")
instance ToSchema AccountAddresses where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "aca" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("addresses" --^ "Public addresses pointing to this account.")
instance ToSchema AccountBalance where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "acb" (\(--^) props -> props
^ " Available funds , in . " )
instance Arbitrary Account where
arbitrary = Account <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> pure "My account"
<*> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary AccountAddresses where
arbitrary =
AccountAddresses <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary AccountBalance where
arbitrary =
AccountBalance <$> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''Account
instance BuildableSafeGen Account where
buildSafeGen sl Account{..} = bprint ("{"
%" index="%buildSafe sl
%" name="%buildSafe sl
%" addresses="%buildSafe sl
%" amount="%buildSafe sl
%" walletId="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
instance Buildable AccountAddresses where
build =
bprint listJson . acaAddresses
instance Buildable AccountBalance where
build =
bprint build . acbAmount
instance Buildable [Account] where
build =
bprint listJson
-- | Account Update
data AccountUpdate = AccountUpdate {
uaccName :: !Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''AccountUpdate
instance ToSchema AccountUpdate where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "uacc" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("name" --^ "New account's name.")
instance Arbitrary AccountUpdate where
arbitrary = AccountUpdate <$> pure "myAccount"
deriveSafeBuildable ''AccountUpdate
instance BuildableSafeGen AccountUpdate where
buildSafeGen sl AccountUpdate{..} =
bprint ("{ name="%buildSafe sl%" }") uaccName
-- | New Account
data NewAccount = NewAccount
{ naccSpendingPassword :: !(Maybe SpendingPassword)
, naccName :: !Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''NewAccount
instance Arbitrary NewAccount where
arbitrary = NewAccount <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
instance ToSchema NewAccount where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "nacc" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("spendingPassword" --^ "Wallet's protection password, required if defined.")
& ("name" --^ "Account's name.")
deriveSafeBuildable ''NewAccount
instance BuildableSafeGen NewAccount where
buildSafeGen sl NewAccount{..} = bprint ("{"
%" spendingPassword="%(buildSafeMaybe mempty sl)
%" name="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
deriveSafeBuildable ''WalletAddress
instance BuildableSafeGen WalletAddress where
buildSafeGen sl WalletAddress{..} = bprint ("{"
%" id="%buildSafe sl
%" used="%build
%" changeAddress="%build
%" }")
instance Buildable [WalletAddress] where
build = bprint listJson
instance Buildable [V1 Core.Address] where
build = bprint listJson
data BatchImportResult a = BatchImportResult
{ aimTotalSuccess :: !Natural
, aimFailures :: ![a]
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
instance Buildable (BatchImportResult a) where
build res = bprint
("BatchImportResult (success:"%int%", failures:"%int%")")
(aimTotalSuccess res)
(length $ aimFailures res)
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (BatchImportResult a) where
toJSON = genericToJSON Aeson.defaultOptions
instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (BatchImportResult a) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON Aeson.defaultOptions
instance (ToJSON a, ToSchema a, Arbitrary a) => ToSchema (BatchImportResult a) where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "aim" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("totalSuccess" --^ "Total number of entities successfully imported")
& ("failures" --^ "Entities failed to be imported, if any")
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (BatchImportResult a) where
arbitrary = BatchImportResult
<$> arbitrary
<*> scale (`mod` 3) arbitrary -- NOTE Small list
instance Arbitrary a => Example (BatchImportResult a)
instance Semigroup (BatchImportResult a) where
(BatchImportResult a0 b0) <> (BatchImportResult a1 b1) =
BatchImportResult (a0 + a1) (b0 <> b1)
instance Monoid (BatchImportResult a) where
mempty = BatchImportResult 0 mempty
-- | Create a new Address
data NewAddress = NewAddress
{ newaddrSpendingPassword :: !(Maybe SpendingPassword)
, newaddrAccountIndex :: !AccountIndex
, newaddrWalletId :: !WalletId
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''NewAddress
instance ToSchema NewAddress where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "newaddr" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("spendingPassword" --^ "Wallet's protection password, required if defined.")
^ " Target account 's index to store this address in . " )
& ("walletId" --^ "Corresponding wallet identifier.")
instance Arbitrary NewAddress where
arbitrary = NewAddress <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''NewAddress
instance BuildableSafeGen NewAddress where
buildSafeGen sl NewAddress{..} = bprint("{"
%" spendingPassword="%(buildSafeMaybe mempty sl)
%" accountIndex="%buildSafe sl
%" walletId="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
-- | A type incapsulating a password update request.
data PasswordUpdate = PasswordUpdate {
pwdOld :: !SpendingPassword
, pwdNew :: !SpendingPassword
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''PasswordUpdate
instance ToSchema PasswordUpdate where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "pwd" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("old" --^ "Old password.")
& ("new" --^ "New passowrd.")
instance Arbitrary PasswordUpdate where
arbitrary = PasswordUpdate <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''PasswordUpdate
instance BuildableSafeGen PasswordUpdate where
buildSafeGen sl PasswordUpdate{..} = bprint("{"
%" old="%buildSafe sl
%" new="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
| ' EstimatedFees ' represents the fees which would be generated
-- for a 'Payment' in case the latter would actually be performed.
data EstimatedFees = EstimatedFees {
feeEstimatedAmount :: !(V1 Core.Coin)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''EstimatedFees
instance ToSchema EstimatedFees where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "fee" (\(--^) props -> props
^ " Estimated fees , in . " )
instance Arbitrary EstimatedFees where
arbitrary = EstimatedFees <$> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''EstimatedFees
instance BuildableSafeGen EstimatedFees where
buildSafeGen sl EstimatedFees{..} = bprint("{"
%" estimatedAmount="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
-- | Maps an 'Address' to some 'Coin's, and it's
-- typically used to specify where to send money during a 'Payment'.
data PaymentDistribution = PaymentDistribution {
pdAddress :: !(V1 Core.Address)
, pdAmount :: !(V1 Core.Coin)
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''PaymentDistribution
instance ToSchema PaymentDistribution where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "pd" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("address" --^ "Address to map coins to.")
^ " Amount of coin to bind , in . " )
instance Arbitrary PaymentDistribution where
arbitrary = PaymentDistribution <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''PaymentDistribution
instance BuildableSafeGen PaymentDistribution where
buildSafeGen sl PaymentDistribution{..} = bprint ("{"
%" address="%buildSafe sl
%" amount="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
| A ' PaymentSource ' encapsulate two essentially piece of data to reach for some funds :
a ' WalletId ' and an ' AccountIndex ' within it .
data PaymentSource = PaymentSource
{ psWalletId :: !WalletId
, psAccountIndex :: !AccountIndex
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''PaymentSource
instance ToSchema PaymentSource where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "ps" (\(--^) props -> props
^ " Target wallet identifier to reach . " )
& ("accountIndex" --^ "Corresponding account's index on the wallet.")
instance Arbitrary PaymentSource where
arbitrary = PaymentSource <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''PaymentSource
instance BuildableSafeGen PaymentSource where
buildSafeGen sl PaymentSource{..} = bprint ("{"
%" walletId="%buildSafe sl
%" accountIndex="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
| A ' Payment ' from one source account to one or more ' PaymentDistribution'(s ) .
data Payment = Payment
{ pmtSource :: !PaymentSource
, pmtDestinations :: !(NonEmpty PaymentDistribution)
, pmtGroupingPolicy :: !(Maybe (V1 Core.InputSelectionPolicy))
, pmtSpendingPassword :: !(Maybe SpendingPassword)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance ToJSON (V1 Core.InputSelectionPolicy) where
toJSON (V1 Core.OptimizeForSecurity) = String "OptimizeForSecurity"
toJSON (V1 Core.OptimizeForHighThroughput) = String "OptimizeForHighThroughput"
instance FromJSON (V1 Core.InputSelectionPolicy) where
parseJSON (String "OptimizeForSecurity") = pure (V1 Core.OptimizeForSecurity)
parseJSON (String "OptimizeForHighThroughput") = pure (V1 Core.OptimizeForHighThroughput)
parseJSON x = typeMismatch "Not a valid InputSelectionPolicy" x
instance ToSchema (V1 Core.InputSelectionPolicy) where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "V1InputSelectionPolicy") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["OptimizeForSecurity", "OptimizeForHighThroughput"]
instance Arbitrary (V1 Core.InputSelectionPolicy) where
arbitrary = fmap V1 arbitrary
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''Payment
instance Arbitrary Payment where
arbitrary = Payment <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
instance ToSchema Payment where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "pmt" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("source" --^ "Source for the payment.")
^ " One or more destinations for the payment . " )
& ("groupingPolicy" --^ "Optional strategy to use for selecting the transaction inputs.")
& ("spendingPassword" --^ "Wallet's protection password, required to spend funds if defined.")
deriveSafeBuildable ''Payment
instance BuildableSafeGen Payment where
buildSafeGen sl (Payment{..}) = bprint ("{"
%" source="%buildSafe sl
%" destinations="%buildSafeList sl
%" groupingPolicty="%build
%" spendingPassword="%(buildSafeMaybe mempty sl)
%" }")
(toList pmtDestinations)
-- TxId
instance Arbitrary (V1 Txp.TxId) where
arbitrary = V1 <$> arbitrary
instance ToJSON (V1 Txp.TxId) where
toJSON (V1 t) = String (sformat hashHexF t)
instance FromJSON (V1 Txp.TxId) where
parseJSON = withText "TxId" $ \t -> do
case decodeHash t of
Left err -> fail $ "Failed to parse transaction ID: " <> toString err
Right a -> pure (V1 a)
instance FromHttpApiData (V1 Txp.TxId) where
parseQueryParam = fmap (fmap V1) decodeHash
instance ToHttpApiData (V1 Txp.TxId) where
toQueryParam (V1 txId) = sformat hashHexF txId
instance ToSchema (V1 Txp.TxId) where
declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy @Text)
-- Transaction types
-- | The 'Transaction' type.
data TransactionType =
-- ^ This transaction is local, which means all the inputs
-- and all the outputs belongs to the wallet from which the
-- transaction was originated.
| ForeignTransaction
-- ^ This transaction is not local to this wallet.
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
instance Arbitrary TransactionType where
arbitrary = elements [minBound .. maxBound]
-- Drops the @Transaction@ suffix.
deriveJSON defaultOptions { A.constructorTagModifier = reverse . drop 11 . reverse . map C.toLower
} ''TransactionType
instance ToSchema TransactionType where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "TransactionType") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["local", "foreign"]
& description ?~ mconcat
[ "A transaction is 'local' if all the inputs and outputs "
, "belong to the current wallet. A transaction is foreign "
, "if the transaction is not local to this wallet."
deriveSafeBuildable ''TransactionType
instance BuildableSafeGen TransactionType where
buildSafeGen _ LocalTransaction = "local"
buildSafeGen _ ForeignTransaction = "foreign"
-- | The 'Transaction' @direction@
data TransactionDirection =
-- ^ This represents an incoming transactions.
| OutgoingTransaction
-- ^ This qualifies external transactions.
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
instance Arbitrary TransactionDirection where
arbitrary = elements [minBound .. maxBound]
-- Drops the @Transaction@ suffix.
deriveJSON defaultOptions { A.constructorTagModifier = reverse . drop 11 . reverse . map C.toLower
} ''TransactionDirection
instance ToSchema TransactionDirection where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "TransactionDirection") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["outgoing", "incoming"]
| This is an information - less variant of ' PtxCondition ' .
data TransactionStatus
= Applying
| InNewestBlocks
| Persisted
| WontApply
| Creating
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
allTransactionStatuses :: [TransactionStatus]
allTransactionStatuses =
[Applying, InNewestBlocks, Persisted, WontApply, Creating]
transactionStatusToText :: TransactionStatus -> Text
transactionStatusToText x = case x of
Applying {} ->
InNewestBlocks {} ->
Persisted {} ->
WontApply {} ->
Creating {} ->
instance ToJSON TransactionStatus where
toJSON x = object
[ "tag" .= transactionStatusToText x
, "data" .= Object mempty
instance ToSchema TransactionStatus where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "TransactionStatus") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
& required .~ ["tag", "data"]
& properties .~ (mempty
& at "tag" ?~ Inline (mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~
map (String . transactionStatusToText)
& at "data" ?~ Inline (mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
instance FromJSON TransactionStatus where
parseJSON = withObject "TransactionStatus" $ \o -> do
tag <- o .: "tag"
case tag of
"applying" ->
pure Applying
"inNewestBlocks" ->
pure InNewestBlocks
"persisted" ->
pure Persisted
"wontApply" ->
pure WontApply
"creating" ->
pure Creating
_ ->
fail $ "Couldn't parse out of " ++ toString (tag :: Text)
instance Arbitrary TransactionStatus where
arbitrary = elements allTransactionStatuses
deriveSafeBuildable ''TransactionDirection
instance BuildableSafeGen TransactionDirection where
buildSafeGen _ IncomingTransaction = "incoming"
buildSafeGen _ OutgoingTransaction = "outgoing"
-- | A 'Wallet''s 'Transaction'.
data Transaction = Transaction
{ txId :: !(V1 Txp.TxId)
, txConfirmations :: !Word
, txAmount :: !(V1 Core.Coin)
, txInputs :: !(NonEmpty PaymentDistribution)
, txOutputs :: !(NonEmpty PaymentDistribution)
-- ^ The output money distribution.
, txType :: !TransactionType
-- ^ The type for this transaction (e.g local, foreign, etc).
, txDirection :: !TransactionDirection
-- ^ The direction for this transaction (e.g incoming, outgoing).
, txCreationTime :: !(V1 Core.Timestamp)
-- ^ The time when transaction was created.
, txStatus :: !TransactionStatus
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''Transaction
instance ToSchema Transaction where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "tx" (\(--^) props -> props
^ " Transaction 's i d. " )
& ("confirmations" --^ "Number of confirmations.")
^ " Coins moved as part of the transaction , in . " )
^ " One or more input money distributions . " )
^ " One or more ouputs money distributions . " )
& ("type" --^ "Whether the transaction is entirely local or foreign.")
& ("direction" --^ "Direction for this transaction.")
& ("creationTime" --^ "Timestamp indicating when the transaction was created.")
& ("status" --^ "Shows whether or not the transaction is accepted.")
instance Arbitrary Transaction where
arbitrary = Transaction <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''Transaction
instance BuildableSafeGen Transaction where
buildSafeGen sl Transaction{..} = bprint ("{"
%" id="%buildSafe sl
%" confirmations="%build
%" amount="%buildSafe sl
%" inputs="%buildSafeList sl
%" outputs="%buildSafeList sl
%" type="%buildSafe sl
%" direction"%buildSafe sl
%" }")
(toList txInputs)
(toList txOutputs)
instance Buildable [Transaction] where
build = bprint listJson
-- | A type representing an upcoming wallet update.
data WalletSoftwareUpdate = WalletSoftwareUpdate
{ updSoftwareVersion :: !Text
, updBlockchainVersion :: !Text
, updScriptVersion :: !Int
-- Other types omitted for now.
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''WalletSoftwareUpdate
instance ToSchema WalletSoftwareUpdate where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "upd" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("softwareVersion" --^ "Current software (wallet) version.")
& ("blockchainVersion" --^ "Version of the underlying blockchain.")
& ("scriptVersion" --^ "Update script version.")
instance Arbitrary WalletSoftwareUpdate where
arbitrary = WalletSoftwareUpdate <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> fmap getPositive arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''WalletSoftwareUpdate
instance BuildableSafeGen WalletSoftwareUpdate where
buildSafeGen _ WalletSoftwareUpdate{..} = bprint("{"
%" softwareVersion="%build
%" blockchainVersion="%build
%" scriptVersion="%build
%" }")
-- | A type encapsulating enough information to import a wallet from a
-- backup file.
data WalletImport = WalletImport
{ wiSpendingPassword :: !(Maybe SpendingPassword)
, wiFilePath :: !FilePath
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''WalletImport
instance ToSchema WalletImport where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "wi" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("spendingPassword" --^ "An optional spending password to set for the imported wallet.")
^ " The path to the .key file holding the backup . " )
instance Arbitrary WalletImport where
arbitrary = WalletImport <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''WalletImport
instance BuildableSafeGen WalletImport where
buildSafeGen sl WalletImport{..} = bprint("{"
%" spendingPassword="%build
%" filePath="%build
%" }")
(maybe "null" (buildSafeGen sl) wiSpendingPassword)
-- | A redemption mnemonic.
newtype RedemptionMnemonic = RedemptionMnemonic
{ unRedemptionMnemonic :: Mnemonic 9
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromJSON, Arbitrary)
instance ToSchema RedemptionMnemonic where
declareNamedSchema _ = pure $
NamedSchema (Just "RedemptionMnemonic") (toSchema (Proxy @(Mnemonic 9)))
-- | A shielded redemption code.
newtype ShieldedRedemptionCode = ShieldedRedemptionCode
{ unShieldedRedemptionCode :: Text
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-- | This instance could probably be improved. A 'ShieldedRedemptionCode' is
-- a hash of the redemption key.
instance Arbitrary ShieldedRedemptionCode where
arbitrary = ShieldedRedemptionCode <$> arbitrary
instance ToSchema ShieldedRedemptionCode where
declareNamedSchema _ =
$ NamedSchema (Just "ShieldedRedemptionCode") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
deriveSafeBuildable ''ShieldedRedemptionCode
instance BuildableSafeGen ShieldedRedemptionCode where
buildSafeGen _ _ =
bprint "<shielded redemption code>"
| The request body for redeeming some .
data Redemption = Redemption
{ redemptionRedemptionCode :: ShieldedRedemptionCode
^ The redemption code associated with the to redeem .
, redemptionMnemonic :: Maybe RedemptionMnemonic
-- ^ An optional mnemonic. This mnemonic was included with paper
-- certificates, and the presence of this field indicates that we're
-- doing a paper vend.
, redemptionSpendingPassword :: SpendingPassword
-- ^ The user must provide a spending password that matches the wallet that
-- will be receiving the redemption funds.
, redemptionWalletId :: WalletId
-- ^ Redeem to this wallet
, redemptionAccountIndex :: AccountIndex
-- ^ Redeem to this account index in the wallet
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriveSafeBuildable ''Redemption
instance BuildableSafeGen Redemption where
buildSafeGen sl r = bprint ("{"
%" redemptionCode="%buildSafe sl
%" mnemonic=<mnemonic>"
%" spendingPassword="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
(redemptionRedemptionCode r)
(redemptionSpendingPassword r)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''Redemption
instance ToSchema Redemption where
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "redemption" (\(--^) props -> props
& "redemptionCode"
^ " The redemption code associated with the to redeem . "
& "mnemonic"
--^ ( "An optional mnemonic. This must be provided for a paper "
<> "certificate redemption."
& "spendingPassword"
--^ ( "An optional spending password. This must match the password "
<> "for the provided wallet ID and account index."
instance Arbitrary Redemption where
arbitrary = Redemption <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
-- POST/PUT requests isomorphisms
type family Update (original :: *) :: * where
Update Wallet =
Update Account =
Update WalletAddress =
() -- read-only
type family New (original :: *) :: * where
New Wallet =
New Account =
New WalletAddress =
type CaptureWalletId = Capture "walletId" WalletId
type CaptureAccountId = Capture "accountId" AccountIndex
-- Example typeclass instances
instance Example Core.Address
instance Example AccountIndex
instance Example AccountBalance
instance Example AccountAddresses
instance Example WalletId
instance Example AssuranceLevel
instance Example LocalTimeDifference
instance Example PaymentDistribution
instance Example AccountUpdate
instance Example Wallet
instance Example WalletUpdate
instance Example WalletOperation
instance Example PasswordUpdate
instance Example EstimatedFees
instance Example Transaction
instance Example WalletSoftwareUpdate
instance Example WalletAddress
instance Example NewAccount
instance Example AddressValidity
instance Example NewAddress
instance Example ShieldedRedemptionCode
instance Example (V1 Core.PassPhrase)
instance Example (V1 Core.Coin)
| We have a specific ' Example ' instance for ' ' because we want
-- to control the length of the examples. It is possible for the encoded length
to become huge , up to 1000 + bytes , if the ' UnsafeMultiKeyDistr ' constructor
-- is used. We do not use this constructor, which keeps the address between
-- ~80-150 bytes long.
instance Example (V1 Core.Address) where
example = fmap V1 . Core.makeAddress
<$> arbitrary
<*> arbitraryAttributes
arbitraryAttributes =
<$> arbitrary
<*> oneof
[ pure Core.BootstrapEraDistr
, Core.SingleKeyDistr <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
instance Example BackupPhrase where
example = pure (BackupPhrase def)
instance Example Core.InputSelectionPolicy where
example = pure Core.OptimizeForHighThroughput
instance Example (V1 Core.InputSelectionPolicy) where
example = pure (V1 Core.OptimizeForHighThroughput)
instance Example Account where
example = Account <$> example
<*> example -- NOTE: this will produce non empty list
<*> example
<*> pure "My account"
<*> example
instance Example NewWallet where
example = NewWallet <$> example
<*> example -- Note: will produce `Just a`
<*> example
<*> pure "My Wallet"
<*> example
instance Example PublicKey where
example = PublicKey <$> pure xpub
xpub = rights
[ CC.xpub
. fromJust
. decodeBase58 bitcoinAlphabet
. encodeUtf8 $ encodedPublicKey
] !! 0
encodedPublicKey :: Text
encodedPublicKey =
instance Example PaymentSource where
example = PaymentSource <$> example
<*> example
instance Example Payment where
example = Payment <$> example
<*> example
<*> example -- TODO: will produce `Just groupingPolicy`
<*> example
instance Example Redemption where
example = Redemption <$> example
<*> pure Nothing
<*> example
<*> example
<*> example
instance Example WalletImport where
example = WalletImport <$> example
<*> pure "/Users/foo/Documents/wallet_to_import.key"
-- Wallet Errors
-- | Details about what 'NotEnoughMoney' means
data ErrNotEnoughMoney
-- | UTxO exhausted whilst trying to pick inputs to cover remaining fee
= ErrCannotCoverFee
-- | UTxO exhausted during input selection
We record the available balance of the UTxO
| ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Buildable ErrNotEnoughMoney where
build = \case
ErrCannotCoverFee ->
bprint "Not enough coins to cover fee."
ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient _ ->
bprint "Not enough available coins to proceed."
instance ToJSON ErrNotEnoughMoney where
toJSON = \case
e@ErrCannotCoverFee -> object
[ "msg" .= sformat build e
e@(ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient balance) -> object
[ "msg" .= sformat build e
, "availableBalance" .= balance
instance FromJSON ErrNotEnoughMoney where
parseJSON v =
withObject "AvailableBalanceIsInsufficient" availableBalanceIsInsufficientParser v
<|> withObject "CannotCoverFee" cannotCoverFeeParser v
cannotCoverFeeParser :: Object -> Parser ErrNotEnoughMoney
cannotCoverFeeParser o = do
msg <- o .: "msg"
when (msg /= sformat build ErrCannotCoverFee) mempty
pure ErrCannotCoverFee
availableBalanceIsInsufficientParser :: Object -> Parser ErrNotEnoughMoney
availableBalanceIsInsufficientParser o = do
msg <- o .: "msg"
when (msg /= sformat build (ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient 0)) mempty
ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient <$> (o .: "availableBalance")
data ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented = ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented {
theMissingUtxos :: !Int
, theHelp :: !Text
} deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
msgUtxoNotEnoughFragmented :: Text
msgUtxoNotEnoughFragmented = "Utxo is not enough fragmented to handle the number of outputs of this transaction. Query /api/v1/wallets/{walletId}/statistics/utxos endpoint for more information"
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented
instance Buildable ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented where
build (ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented missingUtxos _ ) =
bprint ("Missing "%build%" utxo(s) to accommodate all outputs of the transaction") missingUtxos
-- | Type representing any error which might be thrown by wallet.
Errors are represented in JSON in the JSend format ( < > ):
-- ```
-- {
-- "status": "error"
-- "message" : <constr_name>,
-- "diagnostic" : <data>
-- }
-- ```
where ` < constr_name > ` is a string containing name of error 's constructor ( ) ,
-- and `<data>` is an object containing additional error data.
-- Additional data contains constructor fields, field names are record field names without
a ` we ` prefix , for ` OutputIsRedeem ` error " diagnostic " field will be the following :
-- ```
-- {
-- "address" : <address>
-- }
-- ```
-- Additional data in constructor should be represented as record fields.
Otherwise TemplateHaskell will raise an error .
If constructor does not have additional data ( like in case of ` WalletNotFound ` error ) ,
-- then "diagnostic" field will be empty object.
-- TODO: change fields' types to actual Cardano core types, like `Coin` and `Address`
data WalletError =
-- | NotEnoughMoney weNeedMore
NotEnoughMoney !ErrNotEnoughMoney
-- | OutputIsRedeem weAddress
| OutputIsRedeem !(V1 Core.Address)
-- | UnknownError weMsg
| UnknownError !Text
| InvalidAddressFormat weMsg
| InvalidAddressFormat !Text
| WalletNotFound
| WalletAlreadyExists !WalletId
| AddressNotFound
| TxFailedToStabilize
| InvalidPublicKey !Text
| UnsignedTxCreationError
| TooBigTransaction
-- ^ Size of transaction (in bytes) is greater than maximum.
| SignedTxSubmitError !Text
| TxRedemptionDepleted
-- | TxSafeSignerNotFound weAddress
| TxSafeSignerNotFound !(V1 Core.Address)
-- | MissingRequiredParams requiredParams
| MissingRequiredParams !(NonEmpty (Text, Text))
-- | WalletIsNotReadyToProcessPayments weStillRestoring
| CannotCreateAddress !Text
-- ^ Cannot create derivation path for new address (for external wallet).
| WalletIsNotReadyToProcessPayments !SyncProgress
-- ^ The @Wallet@ where a @Payment@ is being originated is not fully
-- synced (its 'WalletSyncState' indicates it's either syncing or
restoring ) and thus can not accept new @Payment@ requests .
-- | NodeIsStillSyncing wenssStillSyncing
| NodeIsStillSyncing !SyncPercentage
-- ^ The backend couldn't process the incoming request as the underlying
-- node is still syncing with the blockchain.
| RequestThrottled !Word64
-- ^ The request has been throttled. The 'Word64' is a count of microseconds
-- until the user should retry.
| UtxoNotEnoughFragmented !ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented
^ available is not enough fragmented , ie . , there is more outputs of transaction than
-- utxos
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
deriveGeneric ''WalletError
instance Exception WalletError
instance ToHttpErrorStatus WalletError
instance ToJSON WalletError where
toJSON = jsendErrorGenericToJSON
instance FromJSON WalletError where
parseJSON = jsendErrorGenericParseJSON
instance Arbitrary WalletError where
arbitrary = Gen.oneof
[ NotEnoughMoney <$> Gen.oneof
[ pure ErrCannotCoverFee
, ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient <$> Gen.choose (1, 1000)
, OutputIsRedeem . V1 <$> arbitrary
, UnknownError <$> arbitraryText
, InvalidAddressFormat <$> arbitraryText
, pure WalletNotFound
, WalletAlreadyExists <$> arbitrary
, pure AddressNotFound
, InvalidPublicKey <$> arbitraryText
, pure UnsignedTxCreationError
, SignedTxSubmitError <$> arbitraryText
, pure TooBigTransaction
, pure TxFailedToStabilize
, pure TxRedemptionDepleted
, TxSafeSignerNotFound . V1 <$> arbitrary
, MissingRequiredParams <$> Gen.oneof
[ unsafeMkNonEmpty <$> Gen.vectorOf 1 arbitraryParam
, unsafeMkNonEmpty <$> Gen.vectorOf 2 arbitraryParam
, unsafeMkNonEmpty <$> Gen.vectorOf 3 arbitraryParam
, WalletIsNotReadyToProcessPayments <$> arbitrary
, NodeIsStillSyncing <$> arbitrary
, CannotCreateAddress <$> arbitraryText
, RequestThrottled <$> arbitrary
, UtxoNotEnoughFragmented <$> Gen.oneof
[ ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented <$> Gen.choose (1, 10) <*> arbitrary
arbitraryText :: Gen Text
arbitraryText =
toText . Gen.getASCIIString <$> arbitrary
arbitraryParam :: Gen (Text, Text)
arbitraryParam =
(,) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
unsafeMkNonEmpty :: [a] -> NonEmpty a
unsafeMkNonEmpty (h:q) = h :| q
unsafeMkNonEmpty _ = error "unsafeMkNonEmpty called with empty list"
-- | Give a short description of an error
instance Buildable WalletError where
build = \case
NotEnoughMoney x ->
bprint build x
OutputIsRedeem _ ->
bprint "One of the TX outputs is a redemption address."
UnknownError _ ->
bprint "Unexpected internal error."
InvalidAddressFormat _ ->
bprint "Provided address format is not valid."
WalletNotFound ->
bprint "Reference to an unexisting wallet was given."
WalletAlreadyExists _ ->
bprint "Can't create or restore a wallet. The wallet already exists."
AddressNotFound ->
bprint "Reference to an unexisting address was given."
InvalidPublicKey _ ->
bprint "Extended public key (for external wallet) is invalid."
UnsignedTxCreationError ->
bprint "Unable to create unsigned transaction for an external wallet."
TooBigTransaction ->
bprint "Transaction size is greater than 4096 bytes."
SignedTxSubmitError _ ->
bprint "Unable to submit externally-signed transaction."
MissingRequiredParams _ ->
bprint "Missing required parameters in the request payload."
WalletIsNotReadyToProcessPayments _ ->
bprint "This wallet is restoring, and it cannot send new transactions until restoration completes."
NodeIsStillSyncing _ ->
bprint "The node is still syncing with the blockchain, and cannot process the request yet."
TxRedemptionDepleted ->
bprint "The redemption address was already used."
TxSafeSignerNotFound _ ->
bprint "The safe signer at the specified address was not found."
TxFailedToStabilize ->
bprint "We were unable to find a set of inputs to satisfy this transaction."
CannotCreateAddress _ ->
bprint "Cannot create derivation path for new address, for external wallet."
RequestThrottled _ ->
bprint "You've made too many requests too soon, and this one was throttled."
UtxoNotEnoughFragmented x ->
bprint build x
-- | Convert wallet errors to Servant errors
instance ToServantError WalletError where
declareServantError = \case
NotEnoughMoney{} ->
OutputIsRedeem{} ->
UnknownError{} ->
WalletNotFound{} ->
WalletAlreadyExists{} ->
InvalidAddressFormat{} ->
AddressNotFound{} ->
InvalidPublicKey{} ->
UnsignedTxCreationError{} ->
TooBigTransaction{} ->
SignedTxSubmitError{} ->
MissingRequiredParams{} ->
WalletIsNotReadyToProcessPayments{} ->
NodeIsStillSyncing{} ->
Precondition failed
TxFailedToStabilize{} ->
TxRedemptionDepleted{} ->
TxSafeSignerNotFound{} ->
CannotCreateAddress{} ->
RequestThrottled{} ->
err400 { errHTTPCode = 429 }
UtxoNotEnoughFragmented{} ->
-- | Declare the key used to wrap the diagnostic payload, if any
instance HasDiagnostic WalletError where
getDiagnosticKey = \case
NotEnoughMoney{} ->
OutputIsRedeem{} ->
UnknownError{} ->
WalletNotFound{} ->
WalletAlreadyExists{} ->
InvalidAddressFormat{} ->
AddressNotFound{} ->
InvalidPublicKey{} ->
UnsignedTxCreationError{} ->
TooBigTransaction{} ->
SignedTxSubmitError{} ->
MissingRequiredParams{} ->
WalletIsNotReadyToProcessPayments{} ->
NodeIsStillSyncing{} ->
TxFailedToStabilize{} ->
TxRedemptionDepleted{} ->
TxSafeSignerNotFound{} ->
CannotCreateAddress{} ->
RequestThrottled{} ->
UtxoNotEnoughFragmented{} ->
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/input-output-hk/cardano-sl/1499214d93767b703b9599369a431e67d83f10a2/wallet/src/Cardano/Wallet/API/V1/Types.hs | haskell | # LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #
# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #
# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #
# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #
# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #
The hlint parser fails on the `pattern` function, so we disable the
language extension here.
# LANGUAGE NoPatternSynonyms #
* Swagger & REST-related types
* Domain-specific types
* Wallets
* Addresses
* Accounts
* Addresses
* Payments
* Updates
* Importing a wallet from a backup
* Settings
* Some types for the API
* Core re-exports
* Wallet Errors
| Declare generic schema, while documenting properties
For instance:
{ myDataField1 :: String
} deriving (Generic)
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "myData" (\(--^) props -> props
& ("field1" --^ "Description 1")
^ " Description 2 " )
-- or, if no descriptions are added to the underlying properties
declareNamedSchema =
genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "myData" (\_ -> id)
unencrypted keys).
| Represents according to 'apiTimeFormat' format.
| Parses from both UTC time in 'apiTimeFormat' format and a fractional
timestamp format.
Domain-specific types, mostly placeholders.
optionally supplied by the user to encrypt the private keys. As private keys
are needed to spend funds and this password secures spending, here the name
base16-encoded string.
| Wallet's Assurance Level
| A Wallet ID.
| A Wallet Operation
Drops the @Wallet@ suffix.
| A type modelling the request for a new 'Wallet'.
^) props -> props
^ "Backup phrase to restore the wallet.")
^ "Optional (but recommended) password to protect the wallet on sensitive operations.")
^ "Desired assurance level based on the number of confirmations counter of each transaction.")
^ "Wallet's name.")
^ "Create a new wallet or Restore an existing one.")
| A type modelling the update of an existing wallet.
^) props -> props
^ "New assurance level.")
^ "New wallet's name.")
^) props -> props
^ "The estimated time the wallet is expected to be fully sync, based on the information available."
^ "The sync throughput, measured in blocks/s."
^ Restoring from seed or from backup.
^ Following the blockchain.
| A 'Wallet'.
^) props -> props
^ "Unique wallet identifier."
^ "Wallet's name."
^ "Whether or not the wallet has a passphrase."
^ "The timestamp that the passphrase was last updated."
^ "The timestamp that the wallet was created."
^ "The assurance level of the wallet."
^ "The sync state for this wallet."
^) props -> props
^ "Unique wallet identifier."
| Whether an address is valid or not.
| An address is either recognised as "ours" or not. An address that is not
recognised may still be ours e.g. an address generated by another wallet instance
will not be considered "ours" until the relevant transaction is confirmed.
In other words, `AddressAmbiguousOwnership` makes an inconclusive statement about
an address, whereas `AddressOwnership` is unambiguous.
| Address with associated metadata locating it in an account in a wallet.
| Summary about single address.
^) props -> props
^ "Actual address.")
^ "True if this address has been used.")
^ "True if this address stores change from a previous transaction.")
^ "'isOurs' if this address is recognised as ours, 'ambiguousOwnership' if the node doesn't have information to make a unambiguous statement.")
NOTE: minimum for hardened key. See -309
Nothing secret to redact for a AccountIndex.
| A wallet 'Account'.
^) props -> props
^ "Account's index in the wallet, starting at 0.")
^ "Public addresses pointing to this account.")
^ "Account's name.")
^ "Id of the wallet this account belongs to.")
^) props -> props
^ "Public addresses pointing to this account.")
^) props -> props
| Account Update
^) props -> props
^ "New account's name.")
| New Account
^) props -> props
^ "Wallet's protection password, required if defined.")
^ "Account's name.")
^) props -> props
^ "Total number of entities successfully imported")
^ "Entities failed to be imported, if any")
NOTE Small list
| Create a new Address
^) props -> props
^ "Wallet's protection password, required if defined.")
^ "Corresponding wallet identifier.")
| A type incapsulating a password update request.
^) props -> props
^ "Old password.")
^ "New passowrd.")
for a 'Payment' in case the latter would actually be performed.
^) props -> props
| Maps an 'Address' to some 'Coin's, and it's
typically used to specify where to send money during a 'Payment'.
^) props -> props
^ "Address to map coins to.")
^) props -> props
^ "Corresponding account's index on the wallet.")
^) props -> props
^ "Source for the payment.")
^ "Optional strategy to use for selecting the transaction inputs.")
^ "Wallet's protection password, required to spend funds if defined.")
Transaction types
| The 'Transaction' type.
^ This transaction is local, which means all the inputs
and all the outputs belongs to the wallet from which the
transaction was originated.
^ This transaction is not local to this wallet.
Drops the @Transaction@ suffix.
| The 'Transaction' @direction@
^ This represents an incoming transactions.
^ This qualifies external transactions.
Drops the @Transaction@ suffix.
| A 'Wallet''s 'Transaction'.
^ The output money distribution.
^ The type for this transaction (e.g local, foreign, etc).
^ The direction for this transaction (e.g incoming, outgoing).
^ The time when transaction was created.
^) props -> props
^ "Number of confirmations.")
^ "Whether the transaction is entirely local or foreign.")
^ "Direction for this transaction.")
^ "Timestamp indicating when the transaction was created.")
^ "Shows whether or not the transaction is accepted.")
| A type representing an upcoming wallet update.
Other types omitted for now.
^) props -> props
^ "Current software (wallet) version.")
^ "Version of the underlying blockchain.")
^ "Update script version.")
| A type encapsulating enough information to import a wallet from a
backup file.
^) props -> props
^ "An optional spending password to set for the imported wallet.")
| A redemption mnemonic.
| A shielded redemption code.
| This instance could probably be improved. A 'ShieldedRedemptionCode' is
a hash of the redemption key.
^ An optional mnemonic. This mnemonic was included with paper
certificates, and the presence of this field indicates that we're
doing a paper vend.
^ The user must provide a spending password that matches the wallet that
will be receiving the redemption funds.
^ Redeem to this wallet
^ Redeem to this account index in the wallet
^) props -> props
^ ( "An optional mnemonic. This must be provided for a paper "
^ ( "An optional spending password. This must match the password "
POST/PUT requests isomorphisms
Example typeclass instances
to control the length of the examples. It is possible for the encoded length
is used. We do not use this constructor, which keeps the address between
~80-150 bytes long.
NOTE: this will produce non empty list
Note: will produce `Just a`
TODO: will produce `Just groupingPolicy`
Wallet Errors
| Details about what 'NotEnoughMoney' means
| UTxO exhausted whilst trying to pick inputs to cover remaining fee
| UTxO exhausted during input selection
| Type representing any error which might be thrown by wallet.
"status": "error"
"message" : <constr_name>,
"diagnostic" : <data>
and `<data>` is an object containing additional error data.
Additional data contains constructor fields, field names are record field names without
"address" : <address>
Additional data in constructor should be represented as record fields.
then "diagnostic" field will be empty object.
TODO: change fields' types to actual Cardano core types, like `Coin` and `Address`
| NotEnoughMoney weNeedMore
| OutputIsRedeem weAddress
| UnknownError weMsg
^ Size of transaction (in bytes) is greater than maximum.
| TxSafeSignerNotFound weAddress
| MissingRequiredParams requiredParams
| WalletIsNotReadyToProcessPayments weStillRestoring
^ Cannot create derivation path for new address (for external wallet).
^ The @Wallet@ where a @Payment@ is being originated is not fully
synced (its 'WalletSyncState' indicates it's either syncing or
| NodeIsStillSyncing wenssStillSyncing
^ The backend couldn't process the incoming request as the underlying
node is still syncing with the blockchain.
^ The request has been throttled. The 'Word64' is a count of microseconds
until the user should retry.
| Give a short description of an error
| Convert wallet errors to Servant errors
| Declare the key used to wrap the diagnostic payload, if any | # LANGUAGE CPP #
# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #
# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #
# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #
# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #
# LANGUAGE StrictData #
# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #
Needed for the ` Buildable ` , ` SubscriptionStatus ` and ` NodeId ` orphans .
# OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - orphans #
module Cardano.Wallet.API.V1.Types (
V1 (..)
, unV1
, PasswordUpdate (..)
, AccountUpdate (..)
, NewAccount (..)
, Update
, New
, ForceNtpCheck (..)
, Wallet (..)
, AssuranceLevel (..)
, NewWallet (..)
, WalletUpdate (..)
, WalletId (..)
, exampleWalletId
, WalletOperation (..)
, SpendingPassword
, mkSpendingPassword
, AddressOwnership (..)
, AddressValidity (..)
, Account (..)
, accountsHaveSameId
, AccountIndex
, AccountAddresses (..)
, AccountBalance (..)
, getAccIndex
, mkAccountIndex
, mkAccountIndexM
, unsafeMkAccountIndex
, AccountIndexError(..)
, WalletAddress (..)
, NewAddress (..)
, BatchImportResult(..)
, Payment (..)
, PaymentSource (..)
, PaymentDistribution (..)
, Transaction (..)
, TransactionType (..)
, TransactionDirection (..)
, TransactionStatus(..)
, EstimatedFees (..)
, WalletSoftwareUpdate (..)
, WalletImport (..)
, NodeSettings (..)
, SlotDuration
, mkSlotDuration
, BlockchainHeight
, mkBlockchainHeight
, LocalTimeDifference
, mkLocalTimeDifference
, EstimatedCompletionTime
, mkEstimatedCompletionTime
, SyncThroughput
, mkSyncThroughput
, SyncState (..)
, SyncProgress (..)
, SyncPercentage
, mkSyncPercentage
, NodeInfo (..)
, TimeInfo(..)
, SubscriptionStatus(..)
, Redemption(..)
, RedemptionMnemonic(..)
, BackupPhrase(..)
, ShieldedRedemptionCode(..)
, WAddressMeta (..)
, CaptureWalletId
, CaptureAccountId
, Core.Address
, Core.InputSelectionPolicy(..)
, Core.Coin
, Core.Timestamp(..)
, Core.mkCoin
, WalletError(..)
, ErrNotEnoughMoney(..)
, ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented(..)
, msgUtxoNotEnoughFragmented
, toServantError
, toHttpErrorStatus
, MnemonicBalance(..)
, module Cardano.Wallet.Types.UtxoStatistics
) where
import qualified Prelude
import Universum
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.Wallet as CC
import Control.Lens (at, to, (?~))
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Options as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH as A
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser, Value (..), typeMismatch)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import qualified Data.ByteArray as ByteArray
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Base58 (bitcoinAlphabet, decodeBase58)
import qualified Data.Char as C
import Data.Default (Default (def))
import Data.List ((!!))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)
import Data.Swagger hiding (Example, example)
import Data.Text (Text, dropEnd, toLower)
import Formatting (bprint, build, fconst, int, sformat, (%))
import qualified Formatting.Buildable
import Generics.SOP.TH (deriveGeneric)
import Serokell.Util (listJson)
import qualified Serokell.Util.Base16 as Base16
import Servant
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (Gen (..))
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Gen as Gen
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Modifiers as Gen
import Pos.Node.API
import Cardano.Wallet.API.Response.JSend (HasDiagnostic (..),
import Cardano.Wallet.API.Types.UnitOfMeasure (MeasuredIn (..),
UnitOfMeasure (..))
import Cardano.Wallet.API.V1.Errors (ToHttpErrorStatus (..),
ToServantError (..))
import Cardano.Wallet.API.V1.Generic (jsendErrorGenericParseJSON,
import Cardano.Wallet.API.V1.Swagger.Example (Example, example)
import Cardano.Wallet.Types.UtxoStatistics
import Cardano.Wallet.Util (mkJsonKey, showApiUtcTime)
import Cardano.Mnemonic (Mnemonic)
import qualified Pos.Chain.Txp as Txp
import qualified Pos.Client.Txp.Util as Core
import qualified Pos.Core as Core
import Pos.Crypto (PublicKey (..), decodeHash, hashHexF)
import qualified Pos.Crypto.Signing as Core
import Pos.Infra.Communication.Types.Protocol ()
import Pos.Infra.Diffusion.Subscription.Status
(SubscriptionStatus (..))
import Pos.Infra.Util.LogSafe (BuildableSafeGen (..), buildSafe,
buildSafeList, buildSafeMaybe, deriveSafeBuildable,
import Test.Pos.Core.Arbitrary ()
, : : String
instance where
instance where
optsADTCamelCase :: A.Options
optsADTCamelCase = defaultOptions
{ A.constructorTagModifier = mkJsonKey
, A.sumEncoding = A.ObjectWithSingleField
mkSpendingPassword :: Text -> Either Text SpendingPassword
mkSpendingPassword = fmap V1 . mkPassPhrase
mkPassPhrase :: Text -> Either Text Core.PassPhrase
mkPassPhrase text =
case Base16.decode text of
Left e -> Left e
Right bs -> do
let bl = BS.length bs
Currently passphrase may be either 32 - byte long or empty ( for
if bl == 0 || bl == Core.passphraseLength
then Right $ ByteArray.convert bs
else Left $ sformat
("Expected spending password to be of either length 0 or "%int%", not "%int)
Core.passphraseLength bl
instance ToJSON (V1 Core.PassPhrase) where
toJSON = String . Base16.encode . ByteArray.convert
instance FromJSON (V1 Core.PassPhrase) where
parseJSON (String pp) = case mkPassPhrase pp of
Left e -> fail (toString e)
Right pp' -> pure (V1 pp')
parseJSON x = typeMismatch "parseJSON failed for PassPhrase" x
instance Arbitrary (V1 Core.PassPhrase) where
arbitrary = fmap V1 arbitrary
instance ToSchema (V1 Core.PassPhrase) where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "V1PassPhrase") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& format ?~ "hex|base16"
instance ToJSON (V1 Core.Coin) where
toJSON (V1 c) = toJSON . Core.unsafeGetCoin $ c
instance FromJSON (V1 Core.Coin) where
parseJSON v = do
i <- Core.Coin <$> parseJSON v
either (fail . toString) (const (pure (V1 i)))
$ Core.checkCoin i
instance Arbitrary (V1 Core.Coin) where
arbitrary = fmap V1 arbitrary
instance ToSchema (V1 Core.Coin) where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "V1Coin") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerNumber
& maximum_ .~ Just (fromIntegral Core.maxCoinVal)
instance ToJSON (V1 Core.Address) where
toJSON (V1 c) = String $ sformat Core.addressF c
instance FromJSON (V1 Core.Address) where
parseJSON (String a) = case Core.decodeTextAddress a of
Left e -> fail $ "Not a valid Cardano Address: " <> toString e
Right addr -> pure (V1 addr)
parseJSON x = typeMismatch "parseJSON failed for Address" x
instance Arbitrary (V1 Core.Address) where
arbitrary = fmap V1 arbitrary
instance ToSchema (V1 Core.Address) where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "Address") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& format ?~ "base58"
instance FromHttpApiData (V1 Core.Address) where
parseQueryParam = fmap (fmap V1) Core.decodeTextAddress
instance ToHttpApiData (V1 Core.Address) where
toQueryParam (V1 a) = sformat build a
deriving instance Hashable (V1 Core.Address)
deriving instance NFData (V1 Core.Address)
instance ToJSON (V1 Core.Timestamp) where
toJSON timestamp =
let utcTime = timestamp ^. _V1 . Core.timestampToUTCTimeL
in String $ showApiUtcTime utcTime
instance ToHttpApiData (V1 Core.Timestamp) where
toQueryParam = view (_V1 . Core.timestampToUTCTimeL . to showApiUtcTime)
instance FromHttpApiData (V1 Core.Timestamp) where
parseQueryParam t =
(Left ("Couldn't parse timestamp or datetime out of: " <> t))
(Right . V1)
(Core.parseTimestamp t)
instance FromJSON (V1 Core.Timestamp) where
parseJSON = withText "Timestamp" $ \t ->
(fail ("Couldn't parse timestamp or datetime out of: " <> toString t))
(pure . V1)
(Core.parseTimestamp t)
instance Arbitrary (V1 Core.Timestamp) where
arbitrary = fmap V1 arbitrary
instance ToSchema (V1 Core.Timestamp) where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "Timestamp") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& description ?~ "Time in ISO 8601 format"
| A ' SpendingPassword ' represent a secret piece of information which can be
' SpendingPassword ' .
Practically speaking , it 's just a type synonym for a PassPhrase , which is a
type SpendingPassword = V1 Core.PassPhrase
instance Semigroup (V1 Core.PassPhrase) where
V1 a <> V1 b = V1 (a <> b)
instance Monoid (V1 Core.PassPhrase) where
mempty = V1 mempty
mappend = (<>)
instance BuildableSafeGen SpendingPassword where
buildSafeGen sl pwd =
bprint (plainOrSecureF sl build (fconst "<spending password>")) pwd
type WalletName = Text
data AssuranceLevel =
| StrictAssurance
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)
instance Arbitrary AssuranceLevel where
arbitrary = elements [minBound .. maxBound]
{ A.constructorTagModifier = toString . toLower . dropEnd 9 . fromString
instance ToSchema AssuranceLevel where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "AssuranceLevel") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["normal", "strict"]
deriveSafeBuildable ''AssuranceLevel
instance BuildableSafeGen AssuranceLevel where
buildSafeGen _ NormalAssurance = "normal"
buildSafeGen _ StrictAssurance = "strict"
newtype WalletId = WalletId Text deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
exampleWalletId :: WalletId
exampleWalletId = WalletId "J7rQqaLLHBFPrgJXwpktaMB1B1kQBXAyc2uRSfRPzNVGiv6TdxBzkPNBUWysZZZdhFG9gRy3sQFfX5wfpLbi4XTFGFxTg"
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''WalletId
instance ToSchema WalletId where
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions
instance ToJSONKey WalletId
instance Arbitrary WalletId where
arbitrary = elements [exampleWalletId]
deriveSafeBuildable ''WalletId
instance BuildableSafeGen WalletId where
buildSafeGen sl (WalletId wid) =
bprint (plainOrSecureF sl build (fconst "<wallet id>")) wid
instance FromHttpApiData WalletId where
parseQueryParam = Right . WalletId
instance ToHttpApiData WalletId where
toQueryParam (WalletId wid) = wid
instance Hashable WalletId
instance NFData WalletId
data WalletOperation =
| RestoreWallet
deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)
instance Arbitrary WalletOperation where
arbitrary = elements [minBound .. maxBound]
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions { A.constructorTagModifier = reverse . drop 6 . reverse . map C.toLower
} ''WalletOperation
instance ToSchema WalletOperation where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "WalletOperation") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["create", "restore"]
deriveSafeBuildable ''WalletOperation
instance BuildableSafeGen WalletOperation where
buildSafeGen _ CreateWallet = "create"
buildSafeGen _ RestoreWallet = "restore"
newtype BackupPhrase = BackupPhrase
{ unBackupPhrase :: Mnemonic 12
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromJSON, Arbitrary)
deriveSafeBuildable ''BackupPhrase
instance BuildableSafeGen BackupPhrase where
buildSafeGen _ _ = "<backup phrase>"
instance ToSchema BackupPhrase where
declareNamedSchema _ =
. NamedSchema (Just "V1BackupPhrase")
$ toSchema (Proxy @(Mnemonic 12))
data NewWallet = NewWallet {
newwalBackupPhrase :: !BackupPhrase
, newwalSpendingPassword :: !(Maybe SpendingPassword)
, newwalAssuranceLevel :: !AssuranceLevel
, newwalName :: !WalletName
, newwalOperation :: !WalletOperation
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''NewWallet
instance Arbitrary NewWallet where
arbitrary = NewWallet <$> arbitrary
<*> pure Nothing
<*> arbitrary
<*> pure "My Wallet"
<*> arbitrary
instance ToSchema NewWallet where
declareNamedSchema =
deriveSafeBuildable ''NewWallet
instance BuildableSafeGen NewWallet where
buildSafeGen sl NewWallet{..} = bprint ("{"
%" backupPhrase="%buildSafe sl
%" spendingPassword="%(buildSafeMaybe mempty sl)
%" assuranceLevel="%buildSafe sl
%" name="%buildSafe sl
%" operation"%buildSafe sl
%" }")
data WalletUpdate = WalletUpdate {
uwalAssuranceLevel :: !AssuranceLevel
, uwalName :: !Text
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''WalletUpdate
instance ToSchema WalletUpdate where
declareNamedSchema =
instance Arbitrary WalletUpdate where
arbitrary = WalletUpdate <$> arbitrary
<*> pure "My Wallet"
deriveSafeBuildable ''WalletUpdate
instance BuildableSafeGen WalletUpdate where
buildSafeGen sl WalletUpdate{..} = bprint ("{"
%" assuranceLevel="%buildSafe sl
%" name="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
newtype EstimatedCompletionTime = EstimatedCompletionTime (MeasuredIn 'Milliseconds Word)
deriving (Show, Eq)
mkEstimatedCompletionTime :: Word -> EstimatedCompletionTime
mkEstimatedCompletionTime = EstimatedCompletionTime . MeasuredIn
instance Ord EstimatedCompletionTime where
compare (EstimatedCompletionTime (MeasuredIn w1))
(EstimatedCompletionTime (MeasuredIn w2)) = compare w1 w2
instance Arbitrary EstimatedCompletionTime where
arbitrary = EstimatedCompletionTime . MeasuredIn <$> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''EstimatedCompletionTime
instance BuildableSafeGen EstimatedCompletionTime where
buildSafeGen _ (EstimatedCompletionTime (MeasuredIn w)) = bprint ("{"
%" quantity="%build
%" unit=milliseconds"
%" }")
instance ToJSON EstimatedCompletionTime where
toJSON (EstimatedCompletionTime (MeasuredIn w)) =
object [ "quantity" .= toJSON w
, "unit" .= String "milliseconds"
instance FromJSON EstimatedCompletionTime where
parseJSON = withObject "EstimatedCompletionTime" $ \sl -> mkEstimatedCompletionTime <$> sl .: "quantity"
instance ToSchema EstimatedCompletionTime where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "EstimatedCompletionTime") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
& required .~ ["quantity", "unit"]
& properties .~ (mempty
& at "quantity" ?~ (Inline $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerNumber
& minimum_ .~ Just 0
& at "unit" ?~ (Inline $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["milliseconds"]
newtype SyncThroughput
= SyncThroughput (MeasuredIn 'BlocksPerSecond Core.BlockCount)
deriving (Show, Eq)
mkSyncThroughput :: Core.BlockCount -> SyncThroughput
mkSyncThroughput = SyncThroughput . MeasuredIn
instance Ord SyncThroughput where
compare (SyncThroughput (MeasuredIn (Core.BlockCount b1)))
(SyncThroughput (MeasuredIn (Core.BlockCount b2))) =
compare b1 b2
instance Arbitrary SyncThroughput where
arbitrary = SyncThroughput . MeasuredIn <$> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''SyncThroughput
instance BuildableSafeGen SyncThroughput where
buildSafeGen _ (SyncThroughput (MeasuredIn (Core.BlockCount blocks))) = bprint ("{"
%" quantity="%build
%" unit=blocksPerSecond"
%" }")
instance ToJSON SyncThroughput where
toJSON (SyncThroughput (MeasuredIn (Core.BlockCount blocks))) =
object [ "quantity" .= toJSON blocks
, "unit" .= String "blocksPerSecond"
instance FromJSON SyncThroughput where
parseJSON = withObject "SyncThroughput" $ \sl -> mkSyncThroughput . Core.BlockCount <$> sl .: "quantity"
instance ToSchema SyncThroughput where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "SyncThroughput") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
& required .~ ["quantity", "unit"]
& properties .~ (mempty
& at "quantity" ?~ (Inline $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerNumber
& at "unit" ?~ (Inline $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["blocksPerSecond"]
data SyncProgress = SyncProgress {
spEstimatedCompletionTime :: !EstimatedCompletionTime
, spThroughput :: !SyncThroughput
, spPercentage :: !SyncPercentage
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''SyncProgress
instance ToSchema SyncProgress where
declareNamedSchema =
& "estimatedCompletionTime"
& "throughput"
& "percentage"
^ " The sync percentage , from 0 % to 100 % . "
deriveSafeBuildable ''SyncProgress
Nothing secret to redact for a SyncProgress .
instance BuildableSafeGen SyncProgress where
buildSafeGen sl SyncProgress {..} = bprint ("{"
%" estimatedCompletionTime="%buildSafe sl
%" throughput="%buildSafe sl
%" percentage="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
instance Example SyncProgress where
example = do
exPercentage <- example
pure $ SyncProgress
{ spEstimatedCompletionTime = mkEstimatedCompletionTime 3000
, spThroughput = mkSyncThroughput (Core.BlockCount 400)
, spPercentage = exPercentage
instance Arbitrary SyncProgress where
arbitrary = SyncProgress <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
data SyncState =
Restoring SyncProgress
| Synced
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
instance ToJSON SyncState where
toJSON ss = object [ "tag" .= toJSON (renderAsTag ss)
, "data" .= renderAsData ss
renderAsTag :: SyncState -> Text
renderAsTag (Restoring _) = "restoring"
renderAsTag Synced = "synced"
renderAsData :: SyncState -> Value
renderAsData (Restoring sp) = toJSON sp
renderAsData Synced = Null
instance FromJSON SyncState where
parseJSON = withObject "SyncState" $ \ss -> do
t <- ss .: "tag"
case (t :: Text) of
"synced" -> pure Synced
"restoring" -> Restoring <$> ss .: "data"
_ -> typeMismatch "unrecognised tag" (Object ss)
instance ToSchema SyncState where
declareNamedSchema _ = do
syncProgress <- declareSchemaRef @SyncProgress Proxy
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "SyncState") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
& required .~ ["tag"]
& properties .~ (mempty
& at "tag" ?~ (Inline $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["restoring", "synced"]
& at "data" ?~ syncProgress
instance Arbitrary SyncState where
arbitrary = oneof [ Restoring <$> arbitrary
, pure Synced
data Wallet = Wallet {
walId :: !WalletId
, walName :: !WalletName
, walBalance :: !(V1 Core.Coin)
, walHasSpendingPassword :: !Bool
, walSpendingPasswordLastUpdate :: !(V1 Core.Timestamp)
, walCreatedAt :: !(V1 Core.Timestamp)
, walAssuranceLevel :: !AssuranceLevel
, walSyncState :: !SyncState
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''Wallet
instance ToSchema Wallet where
declareNamedSchema =
& "id"
& "name"
& "balance"
^ " Current balance , in . "
& "hasSpendingPassword"
& "spendingPasswordLastUpdate"
& "createdAt"
& "assuranceLevel"
& "syncState"
instance Arbitrary Wallet where
arbitrary = Wallet <$> arbitrary
<*> pure "My wallet"
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''Wallet
instance BuildableSafeGen Wallet where
buildSafeGen sl Wallet{..} = bprint ("{"
%" id="%buildSafe sl
%" name="%buildSafe sl
%" balance="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
instance Buildable [Wallet] where
build = bprint listJson
data MnemonicBalance = MnemonicBalance {
mbWalletId :: !WalletId
, mbBalance :: !(Maybe Integer)
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''MnemonicBalance
instance ToSchema MnemonicBalance where
declareNamedSchema =
& "walletId"
& "balance"
^ " Current balance , in . "
instance Arbitrary MnemonicBalance where
arbitrary = MnemonicBalance <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''MnemonicBalance
instance BuildableSafeGen MnemonicBalance where
buildSafeGen sl MnemonicBalance{mbWalletId,mbBalance} = case mbBalance of
Just bal -> bprint ("{"
%" id="%buildSafe sl
%" balance="%build
%" }")
Nothing -> bprint ("{"
%" id="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
instance Example MnemonicBalance where
example = do
MnemonicBalance <$> example <*> (pure $ Just 1000000)
instance ToSchema PublicKey where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "PublicKey") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& format ?~ "base58"
newtype AddressValidity = AddressValidity { isValid :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''AddressValidity
instance ToSchema AddressValidity where
declareNamedSchema = genericSchemaDroppingPrefix "is" (const identity)
instance Arbitrary AddressValidity where
arbitrary = AddressValidity <$> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''AddressValidity
instance BuildableSafeGen AddressValidity where
buildSafeGen _ AddressValidity{..} =
bprint ("{ valid="%build%" }") isValid
data AddressOwnership
= AddressIsOurs
| AddressAmbiguousOwnership
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
instance ToJSON (V1 AddressOwnership) where
toJSON = genericToJSON optsADTCamelCase . unV1
instance FromJSON (V1 AddressOwnership) where
parseJSON = fmap V1 . genericParseJSON optsADTCamelCase
instance ToSchema (V1 AddressOwnership) where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "V1AddressOwnership") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["isOurs", "ambiguousOwnership"]
instance Arbitrary (V1 AddressOwnership) where
arbitrary = fmap V1 $ oneof
[ pure AddressIsOurs
, pure AddressAmbiguousOwnership
data WAddressMeta = WAddressMeta
{ _wamWalletId :: !WalletId
, _wamAccountIndex :: !Word32
, _wamAddressIndex :: !Word32
, _wamAddress :: !(V1 Core.Address)
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Typeable)
instance Hashable WAddressMeta
instance NFData WAddressMeta
instance Buildable WAddressMeta where
build WAddressMeta{..} =
bprint (build%"@"%build%"@"%build%" ("%build%")")
_wamWalletId _wamAccountIndex _wamAddressIndex _wamAddress
data WalletAddress = WalletAddress
{ addrId :: !(V1 Core.Address)
, addrUsed :: !Bool
, addrChangeAddress :: !Bool
, addrOwnership :: !(V1 AddressOwnership)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''WalletAddress
instance ToSchema WalletAddress where
declareNamedSchema =
instance Arbitrary WalletAddress where
arbitrary = WalletAddress <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
newtype AccountIndex = AccountIndex { getAccIndex :: Word32 }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
newtype AccountIndexError = AccountIndexError Word32
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Buildable AccountIndexError where
build (AccountIndexError i) =
("Account index should be in range ["%int%".."%int%"], but "%int%" was provided.")
(getAccIndex minBound)
(getAccIndex maxBound)
mkAccountIndex :: Word32 -> Either AccountIndexError AccountIndex
mkAccountIndex index
| index >= getAccIndex minBound = Right $ AccountIndex index
| otherwise = Left $ AccountIndexError index
mkAccountIndexM :: MonadFail m => Word32 -> m AccountIndex
mkAccountIndexM =
either (fail . toString . sformat build) pure . mkAccountIndex
unsafeMkAccountIndex :: Word32 -> AccountIndex
unsafeMkAccountIndex =
either (error . sformat build) identity . mkAccountIndex
instance Bounded AccountIndex where
minBound = AccountIndex 2147483648
maxBound = AccountIndex maxBound
instance ToJSON AccountIndex where
toJSON = toJSON . getAccIndex
instance FromJSON AccountIndex where
parseJSON =
mkAccountIndexM <=< parseJSON
instance Arbitrary AccountIndex where
arbitrary =
AccountIndex <$> choose (getAccIndex minBound, getAccIndex maxBound)
deriveSafeBuildable ''AccountIndex
instance BuildableSafeGen AccountIndex where
buildSafeGen _ =
bprint build . getAccIndex
instance ToParamSchema AccountIndex where
toParamSchema _ = mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerNumber
& minimum_ .~ Just (fromIntegral $ getAccIndex minBound)
& maximum_ .~ Just (fromIntegral $ getAccIndex maxBound)
instance ToSchema AccountIndex where
declareNamedSchema =
pure . paramSchemaToNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions
instance FromHttpApiData AccountIndex where
parseQueryParam =
first (sformat build) . mkAccountIndex <=< parseQueryParam
instance ToHttpApiData AccountIndex where
toQueryParam =
fromString . show . getAccIndex
data Account = Account
{ accIndex :: !AccountIndex
, accAddresses :: ![WalletAddress]
, accAmount :: !(V1 Core.Coin)
, accName :: !Text
, accWalletId :: !WalletId
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
IxSet indices
| Datatype wrapping addresses for per - field endpoint
newtype AccountAddresses = AccountAddresses
{ acaAddresses :: [WalletAddress]
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
| Datatype wrapping balance for per - field endpoint
newtype AccountBalance = AccountBalance
{ acbAmount :: V1 Core.Coin
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
accountsHaveSameId :: Account -> Account -> Bool
accountsHaveSameId a b =
accWalletId a == accWalletId b
accIndex a == accIndex b
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''Account
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''AccountAddresses
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''AccountBalance
instance ToSchema Account where
declareNamedSchema =
^ " Available funds , in . " )
instance ToSchema AccountAddresses where
declareNamedSchema =
instance ToSchema AccountBalance where
declareNamedSchema =
^ " Available funds , in . " )
instance Arbitrary Account where
arbitrary = Account <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> pure "My account"
<*> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary AccountAddresses where
arbitrary =
AccountAddresses <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary AccountBalance where
arbitrary =
AccountBalance <$> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''Account
instance BuildableSafeGen Account where
buildSafeGen sl Account{..} = bprint ("{"
%" index="%buildSafe sl
%" name="%buildSafe sl
%" addresses="%buildSafe sl
%" amount="%buildSafe sl
%" walletId="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
instance Buildable AccountAddresses where
build =
bprint listJson . acaAddresses
instance Buildable AccountBalance where
build =
bprint build . acbAmount
instance Buildable [Account] where
build =
bprint listJson
data AccountUpdate = AccountUpdate {
uaccName :: !Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''AccountUpdate
instance ToSchema AccountUpdate where
declareNamedSchema =
instance Arbitrary AccountUpdate where
arbitrary = AccountUpdate <$> pure "myAccount"
deriveSafeBuildable ''AccountUpdate
instance BuildableSafeGen AccountUpdate where
buildSafeGen sl AccountUpdate{..} =
bprint ("{ name="%buildSafe sl%" }") uaccName
data NewAccount = NewAccount
{ naccSpendingPassword :: !(Maybe SpendingPassword)
, naccName :: !Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''NewAccount
instance Arbitrary NewAccount where
arbitrary = NewAccount <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
instance ToSchema NewAccount where
declareNamedSchema =
deriveSafeBuildable ''NewAccount
instance BuildableSafeGen NewAccount where
buildSafeGen sl NewAccount{..} = bprint ("{"
%" spendingPassword="%(buildSafeMaybe mempty sl)
%" name="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
deriveSafeBuildable ''WalletAddress
instance BuildableSafeGen WalletAddress where
buildSafeGen sl WalletAddress{..} = bprint ("{"
%" id="%buildSafe sl
%" used="%build
%" changeAddress="%build
%" }")
instance Buildable [WalletAddress] where
build = bprint listJson
instance Buildable [V1 Core.Address] where
build = bprint listJson
data BatchImportResult a = BatchImportResult
{ aimTotalSuccess :: !Natural
, aimFailures :: ![a]
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
instance Buildable (BatchImportResult a) where
build res = bprint
("BatchImportResult (success:"%int%", failures:"%int%")")
(aimTotalSuccess res)
(length $ aimFailures res)
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (BatchImportResult a) where
toJSON = genericToJSON Aeson.defaultOptions
instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (BatchImportResult a) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON Aeson.defaultOptions
instance (ToJSON a, ToSchema a, Arbitrary a) => ToSchema (BatchImportResult a) where
declareNamedSchema =
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (BatchImportResult a) where
arbitrary = BatchImportResult
<$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary a => Example (BatchImportResult a)
instance Semigroup (BatchImportResult a) where
(BatchImportResult a0 b0) <> (BatchImportResult a1 b1) =
BatchImportResult (a0 + a1) (b0 <> b1)
instance Monoid (BatchImportResult a) where
mempty = BatchImportResult 0 mempty
data NewAddress = NewAddress
{ newaddrSpendingPassword :: !(Maybe SpendingPassword)
, newaddrAccountIndex :: !AccountIndex
, newaddrWalletId :: !WalletId
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''NewAddress
instance ToSchema NewAddress where
declareNamedSchema =
^ " Target account 's index to store this address in . " )
instance Arbitrary NewAddress where
arbitrary = NewAddress <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''NewAddress
instance BuildableSafeGen NewAddress where
buildSafeGen sl NewAddress{..} = bprint("{"
%" spendingPassword="%(buildSafeMaybe mempty sl)
%" accountIndex="%buildSafe sl
%" walletId="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
data PasswordUpdate = PasswordUpdate {
pwdOld :: !SpendingPassword
, pwdNew :: !SpendingPassword
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''PasswordUpdate
instance ToSchema PasswordUpdate where
declareNamedSchema =
instance Arbitrary PasswordUpdate where
arbitrary = PasswordUpdate <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''PasswordUpdate
instance BuildableSafeGen PasswordUpdate where
buildSafeGen sl PasswordUpdate{..} = bprint("{"
%" old="%buildSafe sl
%" new="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
| ' EstimatedFees ' represents the fees which would be generated
data EstimatedFees = EstimatedFees {
feeEstimatedAmount :: !(V1 Core.Coin)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''EstimatedFees
instance ToSchema EstimatedFees where
declareNamedSchema =
^ " Estimated fees , in . " )
instance Arbitrary EstimatedFees where
arbitrary = EstimatedFees <$> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''EstimatedFees
instance BuildableSafeGen EstimatedFees where
buildSafeGen sl EstimatedFees{..} = bprint("{"
%" estimatedAmount="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
data PaymentDistribution = PaymentDistribution {
pdAddress :: !(V1 Core.Address)
, pdAmount :: !(V1 Core.Coin)
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''PaymentDistribution
instance ToSchema PaymentDistribution where
declareNamedSchema =
^ " Amount of coin to bind , in . " )
instance Arbitrary PaymentDistribution where
arbitrary = PaymentDistribution <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''PaymentDistribution
instance BuildableSafeGen PaymentDistribution where
buildSafeGen sl PaymentDistribution{..} = bprint ("{"
%" address="%buildSafe sl
%" amount="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
| A ' PaymentSource ' encapsulate two essentially piece of data to reach for some funds :
a ' WalletId ' and an ' AccountIndex ' within it .
data PaymentSource = PaymentSource
{ psWalletId :: !WalletId
, psAccountIndex :: !AccountIndex
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''PaymentSource
instance ToSchema PaymentSource where
declareNamedSchema =
^ " Target wallet identifier to reach . " )
instance Arbitrary PaymentSource where
arbitrary = PaymentSource <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''PaymentSource
instance BuildableSafeGen PaymentSource where
buildSafeGen sl PaymentSource{..} = bprint ("{"
%" walletId="%buildSafe sl
%" accountIndex="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
| A ' Payment ' from one source account to one or more ' PaymentDistribution'(s ) .
data Payment = Payment
{ pmtSource :: !PaymentSource
, pmtDestinations :: !(NonEmpty PaymentDistribution)
, pmtGroupingPolicy :: !(Maybe (V1 Core.InputSelectionPolicy))
, pmtSpendingPassword :: !(Maybe SpendingPassword)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance ToJSON (V1 Core.InputSelectionPolicy) where
toJSON (V1 Core.OptimizeForSecurity) = String "OptimizeForSecurity"
toJSON (V1 Core.OptimizeForHighThroughput) = String "OptimizeForHighThroughput"
instance FromJSON (V1 Core.InputSelectionPolicy) where
parseJSON (String "OptimizeForSecurity") = pure (V1 Core.OptimizeForSecurity)
parseJSON (String "OptimizeForHighThroughput") = pure (V1 Core.OptimizeForHighThroughput)
parseJSON x = typeMismatch "Not a valid InputSelectionPolicy" x
instance ToSchema (V1 Core.InputSelectionPolicy) where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "V1InputSelectionPolicy") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["OptimizeForSecurity", "OptimizeForHighThroughput"]
instance Arbitrary (V1 Core.InputSelectionPolicy) where
arbitrary = fmap V1 arbitrary
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''Payment
instance Arbitrary Payment where
arbitrary = Payment <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
instance ToSchema Payment where
declareNamedSchema =
^ " One or more destinations for the payment . " )
deriveSafeBuildable ''Payment
instance BuildableSafeGen Payment where
buildSafeGen sl (Payment{..}) = bprint ("{"
%" source="%buildSafe sl
%" destinations="%buildSafeList sl
%" groupingPolicty="%build
%" spendingPassword="%(buildSafeMaybe mempty sl)
%" }")
(toList pmtDestinations)
instance Arbitrary (V1 Txp.TxId) where
arbitrary = V1 <$> arbitrary
instance ToJSON (V1 Txp.TxId) where
toJSON (V1 t) = String (sformat hashHexF t)
instance FromJSON (V1 Txp.TxId) where
parseJSON = withText "TxId" $ \t -> do
case decodeHash t of
Left err -> fail $ "Failed to parse transaction ID: " <> toString err
Right a -> pure (V1 a)
instance FromHttpApiData (V1 Txp.TxId) where
parseQueryParam = fmap (fmap V1) decodeHash
instance ToHttpApiData (V1 Txp.TxId) where
toQueryParam (V1 txId) = sformat hashHexF txId
instance ToSchema (V1 Txp.TxId) where
declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy @Text)
data TransactionType =
| ForeignTransaction
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
instance Arbitrary TransactionType where
arbitrary = elements [minBound .. maxBound]
deriveJSON defaultOptions { A.constructorTagModifier = reverse . drop 11 . reverse . map C.toLower
} ''TransactionType
instance ToSchema TransactionType where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "TransactionType") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["local", "foreign"]
& description ?~ mconcat
[ "A transaction is 'local' if all the inputs and outputs "
, "belong to the current wallet. A transaction is foreign "
, "if the transaction is not local to this wallet."
deriveSafeBuildable ''TransactionType
instance BuildableSafeGen TransactionType where
buildSafeGen _ LocalTransaction = "local"
buildSafeGen _ ForeignTransaction = "foreign"
data TransactionDirection =
| OutgoingTransaction
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
instance Arbitrary TransactionDirection where
arbitrary = elements [minBound .. maxBound]
deriveJSON defaultOptions { A.constructorTagModifier = reverse . drop 11 . reverse . map C.toLower
} ''TransactionDirection
instance ToSchema TransactionDirection where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "TransactionDirection") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~ ["outgoing", "incoming"]
| This is an information - less variant of ' PtxCondition ' .
data TransactionStatus
= Applying
| InNewestBlocks
| Persisted
| WontApply
| Creating
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
allTransactionStatuses :: [TransactionStatus]
allTransactionStatuses =
[Applying, InNewestBlocks, Persisted, WontApply, Creating]
transactionStatusToText :: TransactionStatus -> Text
transactionStatusToText x = case x of
Applying {} ->
InNewestBlocks {} ->
Persisted {} ->
WontApply {} ->
Creating {} ->
instance ToJSON TransactionStatus where
toJSON x = object
[ "tag" .= transactionStatusToText x
, "data" .= Object mempty
instance ToSchema TransactionStatus where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "TransactionStatus") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
& required .~ ["tag", "data"]
& properties .~ (mempty
& at "tag" ?~ Inline (mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
& enum_ ?~
map (String . transactionStatusToText)
& at "data" ?~ Inline (mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
instance FromJSON TransactionStatus where
parseJSON = withObject "TransactionStatus" $ \o -> do
tag <- o .: "tag"
case tag of
"applying" ->
pure Applying
"inNewestBlocks" ->
pure InNewestBlocks
"persisted" ->
pure Persisted
"wontApply" ->
pure WontApply
"creating" ->
pure Creating
_ ->
fail $ "Couldn't parse out of " ++ toString (tag :: Text)
instance Arbitrary TransactionStatus where
arbitrary = elements allTransactionStatuses
deriveSafeBuildable ''TransactionDirection
instance BuildableSafeGen TransactionDirection where
buildSafeGen _ IncomingTransaction = "incoming"
buildSafeGen _ OutgoingTransaction = "outgoing"
data Transaction = Transaction
{ txId :: !(V1 Txp.TxId)
, txConfirmations :: !Word
, txAmount :: !(V1 Core.Coin)
, txInputs :: !(NonEmpty PaymentDistribution)
, txOutputs :: !(NonEmpty PaymentDistribution)
, txType :: !TransactionType
, txDirection :: !TransactionDirection
, txCreationTime :: !(V1 Core.Timestamp)
, txStatus :: !TransactionStatus
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''Transaction
instance ToSchema Transaction where
declareNamedSchema =
^ " Transaction 's i d. " )
^ " Coins moved as part of the transaction , in . " )
^ " One or more input money distributions . " )
^ " One or more ouputs money distributions . " )
instance Arbitrary Transaction where
arbitrary = Transaction <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''Transaction
instance BuildableSafeGen Transaction where
buildSafeGen sl Transaction{..} = bprint ("{"
%" id="%buildSafe sl
%" confirmations="%build
%" amount="%buildSafe sl
%" inputs="%buildSafeList sl
%" outputs="%buildSafeList sl
%" type="%buildSafe sl
%" direction"%buildSafe sl
%" }")
(toList txInputs)
(toList txOutputs)
instance Buildable [Transaction] where
build = bprint listJson
data WalletSoftwareUpdate = WalletSoftwareUpdate
{ updSoftwareVersion :: !Text
, updBlockchainVersion :: !Text
, updScriptVersion :: !Int
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''WalletSoftwareUpdate
instance ToSchema WalletSoftwareUpdate where
declareNamedSchema =
instance Arbitrary WalletSoftwareUpdate where
arbitrary = WalletSoftwareUpdate <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> fmap getPositive arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''WalletSoftwareUpdate
instance BuildableSafeGen WalletSoftwareUpdate where
buildSafeGen _ WalletSoftwareUpdate{..} = bprint("{"
%" softwareVersion="%build
%" blockchainVersion="%build
%" scriptVersion="%build
%" }")
data WalletImport = WalletImport
{ wiSpendingPassword :: !(Maybe SpendingPassword)
, wiFilePath :: !FilePath
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''WalletImport
instance ToSchema WalletImport where
declareNamedSchema =
^ " The path to the .key file holding the backup . " )
instance Arbitrary WalletImport where
arbitrary = WalletImport <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
deriveSafeBuildable ''WalletImport
instance BuildableSafeGen WalletImport where
buildSafeGen sl WalletImport{..} = bprint("{"
%" spendingPassword="%build
%" filePath="%build
%" }")
(maybe "null" (buildSafeGen sl) wiSpendingPassword)
newtype RedemptionMnemonic = RedemptionMnemonic
{ unRedemptionMnemonic :: Mnemonic 9
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromJSON, Arbitrary)
instance ToSchema RedemptionMnemonic where
declareNamedSchema _ = pure $
NamedSchema (Just "RedemptionMnemonic") (toSchema (Proxy @(Mnemonic 9)))
newtype ShieldedRedemptionCode = ShieldedRedemptionCode
{ unShieldedRedemptionCode :: Text
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromJSON)
instance Arbitrary ShieldedRedemptionCode where
arbitrary = ShieldedRedemptionCode <$> arbitrary
instance ToSchema ShieldedRedemptionCode where
declareNamedSchema _ =
$ NamedSchema (Just "ShieldedRedemptionCode") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerString
deriveSafeBuildable ''ShieldedRedemptionCode
instance BuildableSafeGen ShieldedRedemptionCode where
buildSafeGen _ _ =
bprint "<shielded redemption code>"
| The request body for redeeming some .
data Redemption = Redemption
{ redemptionRedemptionCode :: ShieldedRedemptionCode
^ The redemption code associated with the to redeem .
, redemptionMnemonic :: Maybe RedemptionMnemonic
, redemptionSpendingPassword :: SpendingPassword
, redemptionWalletId :: WalletId
, redemptionAccountIndex :: AccountIndex
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriveSafeBuildable ''Redemption
instance BuildableSafeGen Redemption where
buildSafeGen sl r = bprint ("{"
%" redemptionCode="%buildSafe sl
%" mnemonic=<mnemonic>"
%" spendingPassword="%buildSafe sl
%" }")
(redemptionRedemptionCode r)
(redemptionSpendingPassword r)
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''Redemption
instance ToSchema Redemption where
declareNamedSchema =
& "redemptionCode"
^ " The redemption code associated with the to redeem . "
& "mnemonic"
<> "certificate redemption."
& "spendingPassword"
<> "for the provided wallet ID and account index."
instance Arbitrary Redemption where
arbitrary = Redemption <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
type family Update (original :: *) :: * where
Update Wallet =
Update Account =
Update WalletAddress =
type family New (original :: *) :: * where
New Wallet =
New Account =
New WalletAddress =
type CaptureWalletId = Capture "walletId" WalletId
type CaptureAccountId = Capture "accountId" AccountIndex
instance Example Core.Address
instance Example AccountIndex
instance Example AccountBalance
instance Example AccountAddresses
instance Example WalletId
instance Example AssuranceLevel
instance Example LocalTimeDifference
instance Example PaymentDistribution
instance Example AccountUpdate
instance Example Wallet
instance Example WalletUpdate
instance Example WalletOperation
instance Example PasswordUpdate
instance Example EstimatedFees
instance Example Transaction
instance Example WalletSoftwareUpdate
instance Example WalletAddress
instance Example NewAccount
instance Example AddressValidity
instance Example NewAddress
instance Example ShieldedRedemptionCode
instance Example (V1 Core.PassPhrase)
instance Example (V1 Core.Coin)
| We have a specific ' Example ' instance for ' ' because we want
to become huge , up to 1000 + bytes , if the ' UnsafeMultiKeyDistr ' constructor
instance Example (V1 Core.Address) where
example = fmap V1 . Core.makeAddress
<$> arbitrary
<*> arbitraryAttributes
arbitraryAttributes =
<$> arbitrary
<*> oneof
[ pure Core.BootstrapEraDistr
, Core.SingleKeyDistr <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
instance Example BackupPhrase where
example = pure (BackupPhrase def)
instance Example Core.InputSelectionPolicy where
example = pure Core.OptimizeForHighThroughput
instance Example (V1 Core.InputSelectionPolicy) where
example = pure (V1 Core.OptimizeForHighThroughput)
instance Example Account where
example = Account <$> example
<*> example
<*> pure "My account"
<*> example
instance Example NewWallet where
example = NewWallet <$> example
<*> example
<*> pure "My Wallet"
<*> example
instance Example PublicKey where
example = PublicKey <$> pure xpub
xpub = rights
[ CC.xpub
. fromJust
. decodeBase58 bitcoinAlphabet
. encodeUtf8 $ encodedPublicKey
] !! 0
encodedPublicKey :: Text
encodedPublicKey =
instance Example PaymentSource where
example = PaymentSource <$> example
<*> example
instance Example Payment where
example = Payment <$> example
<*> example
<*> example
instance Example Redemption where
example = Redemption <$> example
<*> pure Nothing
<*> example
<*> example
<*> example
instance Example WalletImport where
example = WalletImport <$> example
<*> pure "/Users/foo/Documents/wallet_to_import.key"
data ErrNotEnoughMoney
= ErrCannotCoverFee
We record the available balance of the UTxO
| ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Buildable ErrNotEnoughMoney where
build = \case
ErrCannotCoverFee ->
bprint "Not enough coins to cover fee."
ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient _ ->
bprint "Not enough available coins to proceed."
instance ToJSON ErrNotEnoughMoney where
toJSON = \case
e@ErrCannotCoverFee -> object
[ "msg" .= sformat build e
e@(ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient balance) -> object
[ "msg" .= sformat build e
, "availableBalance" .= balance
instance FromJSON ErrNotEnoughMoney where
parseJSON v =
withObject "AvailableBalanceIsInsufficient" availableBalanceIsInsufficientParser v
<|> withObject "CannotCoverFee" cannotCoverFeeParser v
cannotCoverFeeParser :: Object -> Parser ErrNotEnoughMoney
cannotCoverFeeParser o = do
msg <- o .: "msg"
when (msg /= sformat build ErrCannotCoverFee) mempty
pure ErrCannotCoverFee
availableBalanceIsInsufficientParser :: Object -> Parser ErrNotEnoughMoney
availableBalanceIsInsufficientParser o = do
msg <- o .: "msg"
when (msg /= sformat build (ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient 0)) mempty
ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient <$> (o .: "availableBalance")
data ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented = ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented {
theMissingUtxos :: !Int
, theHelp :: !Text
} deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
msgUtxoNotEnoughFragmented :: Text
msgUtxoNotEnoughFragmented = "Utxo is not enough fragmented to handle the number of outputs of this transaction. Query /api/v1/wallets/{walletId}/statistics/utxos endpoint for more information"
deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented
instance Buildable ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented where
build (ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented missingUtxos _ ) =
bprint ("Missing "%build%" utxo(s) to accommodate all outputs of the transaction") missingUtxos
Errors are represented in JSON in the JSend format ( < > ):
where ` < constr_name > ` is a string containing name of error 's constructor ( ) ,
a ` we ` prefix , for ` OutputIsRedeem ` error " diagnostic " field will be the following :
Otherwise TemplateHaskell will raise an error .
If constructor does not have additional data ( like in case of ` WalletNotFound ` error ) ,
data WalletError =
NotEnoughMoney !ErrNotEnoughMoney
| OutputIsRedeem !(V1 Core.Address)
| UnknownError !Text
| InvalidAddressFormat weMsg
| InvalidAddressFormat !Text
| WalletNotFound
| WalletAlreadyExists !WalletId
| AddressNotFound
| TxFailedToStabilize
| InvalidPublicKey !Text
| UnsignedTxCreationError
| TooBigTransaction
| SignedTxSubmitError !Text
| TxRedemptionDepleted
| TxSafeSignerNotFound !(V1 Core.Address)
| MissingRequiredParams !(NonEmpty (Text, Text))
| CannotCreateAddress !Text
| WalletIsNotReadyToProcessPayments !SyncProgress
restoring ) and thus can not accept new @Payment@ requests .
| NodeIsStillSyncing !SyncPercentage
| RequestThrottled !Word64
| UtxoNotEnoughFragmented !ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented
^ available is not enough fragmented , ie . , there is more outputs of transaction than
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
deriveGeneric ''WalletError
instance Exception WalletError
instance ToHttpErrorStatus WalletError
instance ToJSON WalletError where
toJSON = jsendErrorGenericToJSON
instance FromJSON WalletError where
parseJSON = jsendErrorGenericParseJSON
instance Arbitrary WalletError where
arbitrary = Gen.oneof
[ NotEnoughMoney <$> Gen.oneof
[ pure ErrCannotCoverFee
, ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient <$> Gen.choose (1, 1000)
, OutputIsRedeem . V1 <$> arbitrary
, UnknownError <$> arbitraryText
, InvalidAddressFormat <$> arbitraryText
, pure WalletNotFound
, WalletAlreadyExists <$> arbitrary
, pure AddressNotFound
, InvalidPublicKey <$> arbitraryText
, pure UnsignedTxCreationError
, SignedTxSubmitError <$> arbitraryText
, pure TooBigTransaction
, pure TxFailedToStabilize
, pure TxRedemptionDepleted
, TxSafeSignerNotFound . V1 <$> arbitrary
, MissingRequiredParams <$> Gen.oneof
[ unsafeMkNonEmpty <$> Gen.vectorOf 1 arbitraryParam
, unsafeMkNonEmpty <$> Gen.vectorOf 2 arbitraryParam
, unsafeMkNonEmpty <$> Gen.vectorOf 3 arbitraryParam
, WalletIsNotReadyToProcessPayments <$> arbitrary
, NodeIsStillSyncing <$> arbitrary
, CannotCreateAddress <$> arbitraryText
, RequestThrottled <$> arbitrary
, UtxoNotEnoughFragmented <$> Gen.oneof
[ ErrUtxoNotEnoughFragmented <$> Gen.choose (1, 10) <*> arbitrary
arbitraryText :: Gen Text
arbitraryText =
toText . Gen.getASCIIString <$> arbitrary
arbitraryParam :: Gen (Text, Text)
arbitraryParam =
(,) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
unsafeMkNonEmpty :: [a] -> NonEmpty a
unsafeMkNonEmpty (h:q) = h :| q
unsafeMkNonEmpty _ = error "unsafeMkNonEmpty called with empty list"
instance Buildable WalletError where
build = \case
NotEnoughMoney x ->
bprint build x
OutputIsRedeem _ ->
bprint "One of the TX outputs is a redemption address."
UnknownError _ ->
bprint "Unexpected internal error."
InvalidAddressFormat _ ->
bprint "Provided address format is not valid."
WalletNotFound ->
bprint "Reference to an unexisting wallet was given."
WalletAlreadyExists _ ->
bprint "Can't create or restore a wallet. The wallet already exists."
AddressNotFound ->
bprint "Reference to an unexisting address was given."
InvalidPublicKey _ ->
bprint "Extended public key (for external wallet) is invalid."
UnsignedTxCreationError ->
bprint "Unable to create unsigned transaction for an external wallet."
TooBigTransaction ->
bprint "Transaction size is greater than 4096 bytes."
SignedTxSubmitError _ ->
bprint "Unable to submit externally-signed transaction."
MissingRequiredParams _ ->
bprint "Missing required parameters in the request payload."
WalletIsNotReadyToProcessPayments _ ->
bprint "This wallet is restoring, and it cannot send new transactions until restoration completes."
NodeIsStillSyncing _ ->
bprint "The node is still syncing with the blockchain, and cannot process the request yet."
TxRedemptionDepleted ->
bprint "The redemption address was already used."
TxSafeSignerNotFound _ ->
bprint "The safe signer at the specified address was not found."
TxFailedToStabilize ->
bprint "We were unable to find a set of inputs to satisfy this transaction."
CannotCreateAddress _ ->
bprint "Cannot create derivation path for new address, for external wallet."
RequestThrottled _ ->
bprint "You've made too many requests too soon, and this one was throttled."
UtxoNotEnoughFragmented x ->
bprint build x
instance ToServantError WalletError where
declareServantError = \case
NotEnoughMoney{} ->
OutputIsRedeem{} ->
UnknownError{} ->
WalletNotFound{} ->
WalletAlreadyExists{} ->
InvalidAddressFormat{} ->
AddressNotFound{} ->
InvalidPublicKey{} ->
UnsignedTxCreationError{} ->
TooBigTransaction{} ->
SignedTxSubmitError{} ->
MissingRequiredParams{} ->
WalletIsNotReadyToProcessPayments{} ->
NodeIsStillSyncing{} ->
Precondition failed
TxFailedToStabilize{} ->
TxRedemptionDepleted{} ->
TxSafeSignerNotFound{} ->
CannotCreateAddress{} ->
RequestThrottled{} ->
err400 { errHTTPCode = 429 }
UtxoNotEnoughFragmented{} ->
instance HasDiagnostic WalletError where
getDiagnosticKey = \case
NotEnoughMoney{} ->
OutputIsRedeem{} ->
UnknownError{} ->
WalletNotFound{} ->
WalletAlreadyExists{} ->
InvalidAddressFormat{} ->
AddressNotFound{} ->
InvalidPublicKey{} ->
UnsignedTxCreationError{} ->
TooBigTransaction{} ->
SignedTxSubmitError{} ->
MissingRequiredParams{} ->
WalletIsNotReadyToProcessPayments{} ->
NodeIsStillSyncing{} ->
TxFailedToStabilize{} ->
TxRedemptionDepleted{} ->
TxSafeSignerNotFound{} ->
CannotCreateAddress{} ->
RequestThrottled{} ->
UtxoNotEnoughFragmented{} ->
7f08d991194b1fe0872379aaa3bef3f5e9f9de930662188fb27aa1d2857d8ae7 | samrushing/irken-compiler | t_rx.scm | ;; -*- Mode: Irken -*-
(include "lib/basis.scm")
(include "lib/map.scm")
(include "lib/counter.scm")
(include "lib/dfa/charset.scm")
(include "lib/dfa/rx.scm")
(printf (rx-repr (parse-rx "[A-Z]+")) "\n")
(printf (rx-repr (parse-rx "(ab+)?")) "\n")
(printf (rx-repr (parse-rx "a*bca*")) "\n")
(printf (rx-repr (parse-rx "([abc]~)?[de]+")) "\n")
(printf (rx-repr (parse-rx "[a-z]\\[0")) "\n")
(let ((r0 (parse-rx "a+b*a+"))
(r1 (parse-rx "a+b*a+")))
(printf "r0 < r1 = " (bool (rx< r0 r1)) "\n")
(printf "r1 < r0 = " (bool (rx< r1 r0)) "\n")
(let ((r0 (parse-rx "a+"))
(r1 (parse-rx "a+")))
(printf "r0 < r1 = " (bool (rx< r0 r1)) "\n")
(printf "r1 < r0 = " (bool (rx< r1 r0)) "\n")
(printf (pp-rx (parse-rx "((ab)~c)~d*")) "\n")
(printf (pp-rx (parse-rx "{(ab)~c}~d*")) "\n")
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samrushing/irken-compiler/690da48852d55497f873738df54f14e8e135d006/tests/dfa/t_rx.scm | scheme | -*- Mode: Irken -*- |
(include "lib/basis.scm")
(include "lib/map.scm")
(include "lib/counter.scm")
(include "lib/dfa/charset.scm")
(include "lib/dfa/rx.scm")
(printf (rx-repr (parse-rx "[A-Z]+")) "\n")
(printf (rx-repr (parse-rx "(ab+)?")) "\n")
(printf (rx-repr (parse-rx "a*bca*")) "\n")
(printf (rx-repr (parse-rx "([abc]~)?[de]+")) "\n")
(printf (rx-repr (parse-rx "[a-z]\\[0")) "\n")
(let ((r0 (parse-rx "a+b*a+"))
(r1 (parse-rx "a+b*a+")))
(printf "r0 < r1 = " (bool (rx< r0 r1)) "\n")
(printf "r1 < r0 = " (bool (rx< r1 r0)) "\n")
(let ((r0 (parse-rx "a+"))
(r1 (parse-rx "a+")))
(printf "r0 < r1 = " (bool (rx< r0 r1)) "\n")
(printf "r1 < r0 = " (bool (rx< r1 r0)) "\n")
(printf (pp-rx (parse-rx "((ab)~c)~d*")) "\n")
(printf (pp-rx (parse-rx "{(ab)~c}~d*")) "\n")
efd456c42d078e95f743b7efae1731e872e004a19ed4a4e1f279011151f65c84 | fulcrologic/fulcro | mock_server_remote.cljs | (ns com.fulcrologic.fulcro.networking.mock-server-remote
"Simple adapter code that allows you to use a generic parser 'as if' it were a client remote in CLJS."
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.tx-processing :as txn]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[edn-query-language.core :as eql]
[cljs.core.async :as async]))
(defn mock-http-server
"Create a remote that mocks a Fulcro remote server.
:parser - A function `(fn [eql-query] async-channel)` that returns a core async channel with the result for the
given eql-query."
[{:keys [parser] :as options}]
(merge options
{:transmit! (fn transmit! [{:keys [active-requests]} {:keys [::txn/ast ::txn/result-handler ::txn/update-handler] :as send-node}]
(let [edn (eql/ast->query ast)
ok-handler (fn [result]
(result-handler (select-keys result #{:transaction :status-code :body :status-text}))
(catch :default e
(log/error e "Result handler failed with an exception. See /#err-msr-res-handler-exc"))))
error-handler (fn [error-result]
(result-handler (merge {:status-code 500} (select-keys error-result #{:transaction :status-code :body :status-text})))
(catch :default e
(log/error e "Error handler failed with an exception. See /#err-msr-err-handler-exc"))))]
(let [result (async/<! (parser edn))]
(ok-handler {:transaction edn :status-code 200 :body result})))
(catch :default e
(error-handler {:transaction edn :status-code 500})))))
:abort! (fn abort! [this id])}))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fulcrologic/fulcro/71ed79c650222567ac4a566513365a95f12657e3/src/main/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/networking/mock_server_remote.cljs | clojure | (ns com.fulcrologic.fulcro.networking.mock-server-remote
"Simple adapter code that allows you to use a generic parser 'as if' it were a client remote in CLJS."
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.tx-processing :as txn]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[edn-query-language.core :as eql]
[cljs.core.async :as async]))
(defn mock-http-server
"Create a remote that mocks a Fulcro remote server.
:parser - A function `(fn [eql-query] async-channel)` that returns a core async channel with the result for the
given eql-query."
[{:keys [parser] :as options}]
(merge options
{:transmit! (fn transmit! [{:keys [active-requests]} {:keys [::txn/ast ::txn/result-handler ::txn/update-handler] :as send-node}]
(let [edn (eql/ast->query ast)
ok-handler (fn [result]
(result-handler (select-keys result #{:transaction :status-code :body :status-text}))
(catch :default e
(log/error e "Result handler failed with an exception. See /#err-msr-res-handler-exc"))))
error-handler (fn [error-result]
(result-handler (merge {:status-code 500} (select-keys error-result #{:transaction :status-code :body :status-text})))
(catch :default e
(log/error e "Error handler failed with an exception. See /#err-msr-err-handler-exc"))))]
(let [result (async/<! (parser edn))]
(ok-handler {:transaction edn :status-code 200 :body result})))
(catch :default e
(error-handler {:transaction edn :status-code 500})))))
:abort! (fn abort! [this id])}))
16f570e841378709faf239d7bcc8e575e2250356084f87cbb766edda45ef3ef9 | scicloj/tablecloth | project.clj | (defproject scicloj/tablecloth "7.000-beta-27"
:description "Dataset manipulation library built on the top of tech.ml.dataset."
:url ""
:license {:name "The MIT Licence"
:url ""}
:plugins [[lein-tools-deps "0.4.5"]]
:middleware [lein-tools-deps.plugin/resolve-dependencies-with-deps-edn]
:lein-tools-deps/config {:config-files [:install :user :project]}
:profiles {:dev {:cloverage {:runner :midje}
:dependencies [[midje "1.9.9"]]
:plugins [[lein-midje "3.2.1"]
[lein-cloverage "1.1.2"]]}})
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scicloj/tablecloth/1e9c8d88c46cdf4492f8fd0e219b4f6af94886a9/project.clj | clojure | (defproject scicloj/tablecloth "7.000-beta-27"
:description "Dataset manipulation library built on the top of tech.ml.dataset."
:url ""
:license {:name "The MIT Licence"
:url ""}
:plugins [[lein-tools-deps "0.4.5"]]
:middleware [lein-tools-deps.plugin/resolve-dependencies-with-deps-edn]
:lein-tools-deps/config {:config-files [:install :user :project]}
:profiles {:dev {:cloverage {:runner :midje}
:dependencies [[midje "1.9.9"]]
:plugins [[lein-midje "3.2.1"]
[lein-cloverage "1.1.2"]]}})
ad109118774f672f0bc4f67eff8d902c4c8708d80546b2139f88c3a0bd487c59 | inhabitedtype/ocaml-aws | describeMaintenanceWindowExecutions.mli | open Types
type input = DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest.t
type output = DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsResult.t
type error = Errors_internal.t
Aws.Call with type input := input and type output := output and type error := error
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/inhabitedtype/ocaml-aws/3bc554af7ae7ef9e2dcea44a1b72c9e687435fa9/libraries/ssm/lib/describeMaintenanceWindowExecutions.mli | ocaml | open Types
type input = DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest.t
type output = DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsResult.t
type error = Errors_internal.t
Aws.Call with type input := input and type output := output and type error := error
353fba1fc8229b712fc58222f05681388f6f1b971ec01e306e16de013f2312d8 | papers-we-love/seattle | slides.rkt | #lang slideshow
#:title "Papers We Love 2017"
(para #:align 'center "The Styx Architecture for Distributed Systems")
(para #:align 'center "Rob Pike and Dennis M. Ritchie, 1999"))
#:title "Definitions"
(item "Plan 9 (from Bell Labs)")
(subitem "a distributed operating system")
(item "9P")
(subitem "a simple message-oriented file system protocol")
(item "Inferno")
(subitem "a commercialized distributed portable operating system")
(item "Styx")
(subitem "an update of 9P for Inferno, officially '9P2000'")
#:title "What?"
(para "What is a file? ")
(item "Just a miserable pile of bytes!")
(item "What does it matter where they come from in your program?")
(bitmap "tweet_pike.png"))
#:title "9p operations"
(para (list (tt "version") " : start a new session"))
(para (list (tt "attach/auth") " : attach/auth to the root of a file tree"))
(para (list (tt "walk") " : walk up or down in the file tree"))
(para (list (tt "open") " : open a file (directory) checking permissions"))
(para (list (tt "create/remove") " : create or remove a file"))
(para (list (tt "read/write") " : read or write data from an open file"))
(para (list (tt "stat/wstat") " : retrieve or write a file’s attributes"))
(para (list (tt "flush") " : flush pending requests (eg, on interrupt)"))
(para (list (tt "clunk") " : discard a file tree reference (ie, close)"))
(para (list (tt "error") " : (not an operation) error reply with diagnostic"))
#:title "OS-level operations"
(para (list (tt "bind") ": create a new reference to another file/directory"))
(subitem "(the original union mount!)")
(para (list (tt "mount") " : create a reference to a file server on an existing directory"))
(para (list (tt "unmount") " : remove a bind or mount reference"))
(para (list (tt "exportfs") " : translates file calls into system calls and vice-versa," (it "itself as a file server")) )
#:title "Thus!"
(item "A \"file server\" is any program that manufactures a name space by implementing the server-side of 9P")
(item (list "The entire name space is thus" (it "computable")))
(item (list "There is" (it "no") "true name space"))
(subitem "The Farnsworth Parabox")
(item "open /net/tcp/clone -> /net/tcp/42")
(subitem "It didn't exist a second ago!")
(subitem "No other process can see it!")
(subitem "do it again -> /net/tcp/43")
#:title "Relate this to programming!"
(para "\"to jail a process, simply give it a namespace that doesn't have anything you don't want it to\"")
(item "Lua: setfenv / setupvalue")
(subitem "Just provide a table of functions to an environment!")
(item "Io / Self")
(subitem "Just remove the base slot reference once you have an object setup!")
(item "Smalltalk")
(subitem "Message-send and truly private variables (ok, reaching)"))
#:title "Uses:"
(item "Devices!")
(subitem "PathStar")
(item "Shells!")
(subitem "cpu / rc")
(item "IPC / Message bus!")
(subitem "plumber")
(item "Graphics!")
(subitem "rio")
;(item "Mail reader!")
( subitem " upas " )
(item "IDE!")
(subitem "acme")
(para #:align 'center "Styx On A Brick")
(para #:align 'center "(a serious write-up)"))
(para #:align 'center "An example of a \"distributed system\"")
(para #:align 'center "...but done as a LAN over exotic data links")
#:title "But on an embedded device?"
(item "Nobody says you need a full 9P implementation")
(subitem (list "you just need "(it "enough")))
(item "Can fake qids or subsidiary nodes to reduce code size")
#:title "an aside"
(item "like the Scheme of network protocols")
(subitem "For the most part, it is very simple, but people see need to extend it to fit their environments.")
(subitem "Luckily this is done in ways that are often backwards compatible.")
#:title "Mapping physical devices"
(item "Just make them \"files!\"")
(subitem "Read = sensors")
(subitem "Write = motors")
(item "Let the bind'ee determine how to use them!")
#:title "But unsaaafe!"
(item "McIlroy vs. Knuth")
(subitem "6 lines and 4 Unix commands to replace an entire literate program")
(item "It may not be safe, but that's not what it's for"))
#:title "But 9P isn't used anymore, right?"
(item "QEMU: libvirt")
(item "Erlang-on-Xen: code loading, storage access, node monitoring, message passing, goofs(filesystem)")
(item " : supercomputing interconnect")
(item "Forsyth's use of inferno for grid computing")
#:title "Wrapup"
(para #:align 'center "I love this paper!")
(para #:align 'center "The idea is so simple, almost trivial")
(para #:align 'center "\"Everything falls out of doing the little stuff right\"")
(para #:align 'center "It gives discoverability back to the user, doesn't remove need for docs/protocols/agreements")
(current-font-size 24)
#:title "Further reading/watching"
(para #:align 'center "The Ubiquitious File Server in Plan 9 : ")
(para #:align 'center "-v.org/plan_9/misc/ubiquitous_fileserver/ubiquitous_fileserver.pdf")
(para #:align 'center "LP49: Embedded system OS based on L4 and Plan 9 : ")
(para #:align 'center"")
(para #:align 'center"OSHUG 46 — The Name Game, feat. Plan 9 & Inferno, Dr Charles Forsyth : ")
(para #:align 'center"")
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/papers-we-love/seattle/9b5e847058c96292e377f763ba4cf9740e26de75/styx-architecture/slides.rkt | racket | (item "Mail reader!") | #lang slideshow
#:title "Papers We Love 2017"
(para #:align 'center "The Styx Architecture for Distributed Systems")
(para #:align 'center "Rob Pike and Dennis M. Ritchie, 1999"))
#:title "Definitions"
(item "Plan 9 (from Bell Labs)")
(subitem "a distributed operating system")
(item "9P")
(subitem "a simple message-oriented file system protocol")
(item "Inferno")
(subitem "a commercialized distributed portable operating system")
(item "Styx")
(subitem "an update of 9P for Inferno, officially '9P2000'")
#:title "What?"
(para "What is a file? ")
(item "Just a miserable pile of bytes!")
(item "What does it matter where they come from in your program?")
(bitmap "tweet_pike.png"))
#:title "9p operations"
(para (list (tt "version") " : start a new session"))
(para (list (tt "attach/auth") " : attach/auth to the root of a file tree"))
(para (list (tt "walk") " : walk up or down in the file tree"))
(para (list (tt "open") " : open a file (directory) checking permissions"))
(para (list (tt "create/remove") " : create or remove a file"))
(para (list (tt "read/write") " : read or write data from an open file"))
(para (list (tt "stat/wstat") " : retrieve or write a file’s attributes"))
(para (list (tt "flush") " : flush pending requests (eg, on interrupt)"))
(para (list (tt "clunk") " : discard a file tree reference (ie, close)"))
(para (list (tt "error") " : (not an operation) error reply with diagnostic"))
#:title "OS-level operations"
(para (list (tt "bind") ": create a new reference to another file/directory"))
(subitem "(the original union mount!)")
(para (list (tt "mount") " : create a reference to a file server on an existing directory"))
(para (list (tt "unmount") " : remove a bind or mount reference"))
(para (list (tt "exportfs") " : translates file calls into system calls and vice-versa," (it "itself as a file server")) )
#:title "Thus!"
(item "A \"file server\" is any program that manufactures a name space by implementing the server-side of 9P")
(item (list "The entire name space is thus" (it "computable")))
(item (list "There is" (it "no") "true name space"))
(subitem "The Farnsworth Parabox")
(item "open /net/tcp/clone -> /net/tcp/42")
(subitem "It didn't exist a second ago!")
(subitem "No other process can see it!")
(subitem "do it again -> /net/tcp/43")
#:title "Relate this to programming!"
(para "\"to jail a process, simply give it a namespace that doesn't have anything you don't want it to\"")
(item "Lua: setfenv / setupvalue")
(subitem "Just provide a table of functions to an environment!")
(item "Io / Self")
(subitem "Just remove the base slot reference once you have an object setup!")
(item "Smalltalk")
(subitem "Message-send and truly private variables (ok, reaching)"))
#:title "Uses:"
(item "Devices!")
(subitem "PathStar")
(item "Shells!")
(subitem "cpu / rc")
(item "IPC / Message bus!")
(subitem "plumber")
(item "Graphics!")
(subitem "rio")
( subitem " upas " )
(item "IDE!")
(subitem "acme")
(para #:align 'center "Styx On A Brick")
(para #:align 'center "(a serious write-up)"))
(para #:align 'center "An example of a \"distributed system\"")
(para #:align 'center "...but done as a LAN over exotic data links")
#:title "But on an embedded device?"
(item "Nobody says you need a full 9P implementation")
(subitem (list "you just need "(it "enough")))
(item "Can fake qids or subsidiary nodes to reduce code size")
#:title "an aside"
(item "like the Scheme of network protocols")
(subitem "For the most part, it is very simple, but people see need to extend it to fit their environments.")
(subitem "Luckily this is done in ways that are often backwards compatible.")
#:title "Mapping physical devices"
(item "Just make them \"files!\"")
(subitem "Read = sensors")
(subitem "Write = motors")
(item "Let the bind'ee determine how to use them!")
#:title "But unsaaafe!"
(item "McIlroy vs. Knuth")
(subitem "6 lines and 4 Unix commands to replace an entire literate program")
(item "It may not be safe, but that's not what it's for"))
#:title "But 9P isn't used anymore, right?"
(item "QEMU: libvirt")
(item "Erlang-on-Xen: code loading, storage access, node monitoring, message passing, goofs(filesystem)")
(item " : supercomputing interconnect")
(item "Forsyth's use of inferno for grid computing")
#:title "Wrapup"
(para #:align 'center "I love this paper!")
(para #:align 'center "The idea is so simple, almost trivial")
(para #:align 'center "\"Everything falls out of doing the little stuff right\"")
(para #:align 'center "It gives discoverability back to the user, doesn't remove need for docs/protocols/agreements")
(current-font-size 24)
#:title "Further reading/watching"
(para #:align 'center "The Ubiquitious File Server in Plan 9 : ")
(para #:align 'center "-v.org/plan_9/misc/ubiquitous_fileserver/ubiquitous_fileserver.pdf")
(para #:align 'center "LP49: Embedded system OS based on L4 and Plan 9 : ")
(para #:align 'center"")
(para #:align 'center"OSHUG 46 — The Name Game, feat. Plan 9 & Inferno, Dr Charles Forsyth : ")
(para #:align 'center"")
39d3c5d75d25d36395a4e998e0609d1691b65c5b23af7ead36f5f778ea46dfc7 | FlowerWrong/mblog | lib_misc.erl | %% ---
Excerpted from " Programming Erlang , Second Edition " ,
published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf .
%% Copyrights apply to this code. It may not be used to create training material,
%% courses, books, articles, and the like. Contact us if you are in doubt.
%% We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose.
%% Visit for more book information.
%% commonly used routines
skip_blanks/1, trim_blanks/1, sleep/1, split_at_char/2,
mk_tree/1 ,
-import(lists, [all/2, any/2, filter/2, reverse/1, reverse/2,
foreach/2, map/2, member/2, sort/1]).
io:format("*** NYI ~p ~p ~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, X]),
glurk(X, Y) ->
?NYI({glurk, X, Y}).
file_size_and_type(File) ->
case file:read_file_info(File) of
{ok, Facts} ->
{Facts#file_info.type, Facts#file_info.size};
_ ->
ls(Dir) ->
{ok, L} = file:list_dir(Dir),
lists:map(fun(I) -> {I, file_size_and_type(I)} end, lists:sort(L)).
consult(File) ->
case file:open(File, read) of
{ok, S} ->
Val = consult1(S),
{ok, Val};
{error, Why} ->
{error, Why}
consult1(S) ->
case io:read(S, '') of
{ok, Term} -> [Term|consult1(S)];
eof -> [];
Error -> Error
dump(File, Term) ->
Out = File ++ ".tmp",
io:format("** dumping to ~s~n",[Out]),
{ok, S} = file:open(Out, [write]),
io:format(S, "~p.~n",[Term]),
partition(F, L) -> partition(F, L, [], []).
partition(F, [H|T], Yes, No) ->
case F(H) of
true -> partition(F, T, [H|Yes], No);
false -> partition(F, T, Yes, [H|No])
partition(_, [], Yes, No) ->
{Yes, No}.
remove_duplicates(L) ->
remove_duplicates(lists:sort(L), []).
remove_duplicates([H|X=[H|_]], L) -> remove_duplicates(X, L);
remove_duplicates([H|T], L) -> remove_duplicates(T, [H|L]);
remove_duplicates([], L) -> L.
%% is_prefix(A, B) -> bool()
%% true if A is a prefix of B
is_prefix([], _) -> true;
is_prefix([H|T], [H|T1]) -> is_prefix(T, T1);
is_prefix(_, _) -> false.
first([_]) -> [];
first([H|T]) -> [H|first(T)].
sleep(T) ->
after T ->
flush_buffer() ->
_Any ->
after 0 ->
priority_receive() ->
{alarm, X} ->
{alarm, X}
after 0 ->
Any ->
duplicates(X) -> find_duplicates(sort(X), []).
find_duplicates([H,H|T], [H|_]=L) ->
find_duplicates(T, L);
find_duplicates([H,H|T], L) ->
find_duplicates(T, [H|L]);
find_duplicates([_|T], L) ->
find_duplicates(T, L);
find_duplicates([], L) ->
%% complete(A, L) -> {yes, S}
%% error - means no string will ever match
%% {more,L} - means there are completions but I need more characters
L = [ ] = list of possible completions
%% {yes, S} - means there is a unique completion
A = S = str ( ) , L=[str ( ) ]
%% used to compute the smallest S
%% such that A ++ S is a member of all elements of L
complete(Str, L) ->
case filter(fun(I) -> is_prefix(Str, I) end, L) of
[] ->
[L1] ->
J = remove_prefix(Str, L1),
{yes, J};
L1 ->
%% L1 is not empty so it's either more or a string
We know that is a prefix of all elements in L1
L2 = map(fun(I) -> remove_prefix(Str, I) end, L1),
%% L2 will also not be empty
%% io:format("L1=~p L2=~p~n",[L1,L2]),
case longest_common_prefix(L2) of
[] ->
{more, L1};
S ->
{yes, S}
%% remove_prefix(X, Y) -> Z
%% finds Z such that X ++ Z = Y
remove_prefix([H|T], [H|T1]) -> remove_prefix(T, T1);
remove_prefix([], L) -> L.
%% longest_common_prefix([str()]) -> str()
longest_common_prefix(L) ->
longest_common_prefix(L, []).
longest_common_prefix(Ls, L) ->
case have_common_prefix(Ls) of
{yes, H, Ls1} ->
longest_common_prefix(Ls1, [H|L]);
no ->
have_common_prefix([]) -> no;
have_common_prefix(L) ->
case any(fun is_empty_list/1, L) of
true -> no;
false ->
%% All lists have heads and tails
Heads = map(fun(I) -> hd(I) end, L),
H = hd(Heads),
case all(fun(X) -> hd(X) =:= H end, L) of
true ->
Tails = map(fun(I) -> tl(I) end, L),
{yes, H, Tails};
false ->
is_empty_list([]) -> true;
is_empty_list(X) when is_list(X) -> false.
skip_blanks([$\s|T]) -> skip_blanks(T);
skip_blanks(X) -> X.
trim_blanks(X) -> reverse(skip_blanks(reverse(X))).
split_at_char(Str, C) -> split_at_char(Str, C, []).
split_at_char([C|T], C, L) -> {yes, reverse(L), T};
split_at_char([H|T], C, L) -> split_at_char(T, C, [H|L]);
split_at_char([], _, _) -> no.
%% read file into line buffer
read_file_as_lines(File) ->
case file:read_file(File) of
{ok, Bin} ->
{ok, split_into_lines(binary_to_list(Bin), 1, [])};
{error, _} ->
{error, eNoFile}
split_into_lines([], _, L) ->
split_into_lines(Str, Ln, L) ->
{Line, Rest} = get_line(Str, []),
split_into_lines(Rest, Ln+1, [{Ln,Line}|L]).
get_line([$\n|T], L) -> {reverse(L), T};
get_line([H|T], L) -> get_line(T, [H|L]);
get_line([], L) -> {reverse(L), []}.
is_blank_line([$\s|T]) -> is_blank_line(T);
is_blank_line([$\n|T]) -> is_blank_line(T);
is_blank_line([$\r|T]) -> is_blank_line(T);
is_blank_line([$\t|T]) -> is_blank_line(T);
is_blank_line([]) -> true;
is_blank_line(_) -> false.
%% lookup
%% split(Pred, L) -> {True, False}
split(F, L) -> split(F, L, [], []).
split(F, [H|T], True, False) ->
case F(H) of
true -> split(F, T, [H|True], False);
false -> split(F, T, True, [H|False])
split(_, [], True, False) ->
{reverse(True), reverse(False)}.
outOfDate(In, Out) ->
case exists(Out) of
true ->
case {last_modified(In), last_modified(Out)} of
{T1, T2} when T1 > T2 ->
_ ->
false ->
last_modified(File) ->
case file:read_file_info(File) of
{ok, Info} ->
_ ->
exists(File) ->
case file:read_file_info(File) of
{ok, _} ->
_ ->
replace(Key , , [ { Key , Val } ] ) - > [ { Key , Val } ]
replace and Key with Key , in the association list Old
replace(Key, Val, Old) ->
replace(Key, Val, Old, []).
replace(Key, Val1, [{Key,_Val}|T], L) ->
reverse(L, [{Key, Val1}|T]);
replace(Key, Val, [H|T], L) ->
replace(Key, Val, T, [H|L]);
replace(Key, Val, [], L) ->
%% make_test_strings(Str)
make_test_strings(Str) ->
L = length(Str),
make_test_strings(Str, L+1, 1).
make_test_strings(_, Max, Max) -> [];
make_test_strings(Str, Max, N) ->
[string:sub_string(Str, 1, N)|make_test_strings(Str, Max, N+1)].
test_function_over_substrings(F, Str) ->
L = make_test_strings(Str),
foreach(fun(S) ->
io:format("|~s|~n => ~p~n", [S, F(S)])
end, L).
%% merge_kv(Kv) -> Kv'
%% Take a association list of {Key, Val} where Key can occure
More than once and make it into a list { Key , [ ] } where
%% each Key occurs only once
merge_kv(KV) -> merge_kv(KV, dict:new()).
merge_kv([{Key,Val}|T], D0) ->
case dict:find(Key, D0) of
{ok, L} -> merge_kv(T, dict:store(Key, [Val|L], D0));
error -> merge_kv(T, dict:store(Key, [Val], D0))
merge_kv([], D) ->
%% rpc/2
rpc(Pid, Q) ->
Pid ! {self(), Q},
{Pid, Reply} ->
%% odd(X)
odd(X) ->
case X band 1 of
1 -> true;
0 -> false
ndots([$.|T]) -> 1 + ndots(T);
ndots([_|T]) -> ndots(T);
ndots([]) -> 0.
term2file(File, Term) ->
file:write_file(File, term_to_binary(Term)).
file2term(File) ->
{ok, Bin} = file:read_file(File),
string2term(Str) ->
{ok,Tokens,_} = erl_scan:string(Str ++ "."),
{ok,Term} = erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens),
term2string(Term) ->
downcase_str(Str) -> map(fun downcase_char/1, Str).
downcase_char(X) when $A =< X, X =< $Z -> X+ $a - $A;
downcase_char(X) -> X.
string2value(Str) ->
{ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(Str ++ "."),
{ok, Exprs} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens),
Bindings = erl_eval:new_bindings(),
{value, Value, _} = erl_eval:exprs(Exprs, Bindings),
mini_shell() ->
mini_shell(Bindings0) ->
case io:get_line('>>> ') of
"q\n" -> void;
Str ->
{Value, Bindings1} = string2value(Str, Bindings0),
string2value(Str, Bindings0) ->
{ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(Str ++ "."),
{ok, Exprs} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens),
{value, Value, Bindings1} = erl_eval:exprs(Exprs, Bindings0),
{Value, Bindings1}.
eval_file(File) ->
{ok, S} = file:open(File, [read]),
Vals = eval_file(S, 1, erl_eval:new_bindings()),
eval_file(S, Line, B0) ->
case io:parse_erl_exprs(S, '', Line) of
{ok, Form, Line1} ->
{value, Value, B1} = erl_eval:exprs(Form, B0),
[Value|eval_file(S, Line1, B1)];
{eof, _} ->
remove_leading_whitespace([$\n|T]) -> remove_leading_whitespace(T);
remove_leading_whitespace([$\s|T]) -> remove_leading_whitespace(T);
remove_leading_whitespace([$\t|T]) -> remove_leading_whitespace(T);
remove_leading_whitespace(X) -> X.
remove_trailing_whitespace(X) ->
safe(Fun) ->
case (catch Fun()) of
{'EXIT', Why} ->
{error, Why};
Other ->
too_hot() ->
event_handler:event(errors, too_hot).
%% spawn_monitor behaves just like spawn
spawn_monitor(_, false, Fun) ->
spawn_monitor(Term, true, Fun) ->
spawn(fun() -> starter(Term, Fun) end).
starter(Term, Fun) ->
S = self(),
io:format("process:~p started at:~p ~p~n",
[self(), erlang:now(), Term]),
Monitor = spawn_link(fun() -> amonitor(Term, S) end),
{Monitor, ready} ->
amonitor(Term, Parent) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Parent ! {self(), ready},
{'EXIT', Parent, Why} ->
io:format("process:~p dies at:~p ~p reason:~p~n",
[self(), erlang:now(), Term, Why])
keep_alive(Name, Fun) ->
register(Name, Pid = spawn(Fun)),
on_exit(Pid, fun(_Why) -> keep_alive(Name, Fun) end).
%% make_global(Name, Fun) checks if there is a global process with the
%% registered name Name. If there is no process it spawns a process to
%% evaluate Fun() and registers it with the name Name.
make_global(Name, Fun) ->
S = self(),
Pid = spawn(fun() -> make_global(S, Name, Fun) end),
{Pid, Reply} ->
make_global(Parent, Name, Fun) ->
case (catch register(Name, self())) of
true -> Fun();
_ -> true
Parent ! {self(), ok}.
on_exit(Pid , Fun ) links to Pid . If Pid dies with reason Why then
%% Fun(Why) is evaluated:
on_exit(Pid, Fun) ->
spawn(fun() ->
Ref = monitor(process, Pid), %% <label id="code.onexit2"/>
{'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, Why} -> %% <label id="code.onexit3"/>
Fun(Why) %% <label id="code.onexit4"/>
every(Pid , Time , Fun ) links to Pid then every Time Fun ( ) is
evaluated . If Pid exits , this process stops .
every(Pid, Time, Fun) ->
spawn(fun() ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
every_loop(Pid, Time, Fun)
every_loop(Pid, Time, Fun) ->
{'EXIT', Pid, _Why} ->
after Time ->
every_loop(Pid, Time, Fun)
for(Max, Max, F) -> [F(Max)];
for(I, Max, F) -> [F(I)|for(I+1, Max, F)].
qsort([]) -> [];
qsort([Pivot|T]) ->
qsort([X || X <- T, X < Pivot])
++ [Pivot] ++
qsort([X || X <- T, X >= Pivot]).
perms([]) -> [[]];
perms(L) -> [[H|T] || H <- L, T <- perms(L--[H])].
pythag(N) ->
[ {A,B,C} ||
A <- lists:seq(1,N),
B <- lists:seq(1,N),
C <- lists:seq(1,N),
A+B+C =< N,
A*A+B*B =:= C*C
extract_attribute(File, Key) ->
case beam_lib:chunks(File,[attributes]) of
{ok, {attrs, [{attributes,L}]}} ->
lookup(Key, L);
_ -> exit(badFile)
lookup(Key, [{Key,Val}|_]) -> {ok, Val};
lookup(Key, [_|T]) -> lookup(Key, T);
lookup(_, []) -> error.
unconsult(File, L) ->
{ok, S} = file:open(File, write),
lists:foreach(fun(X) -> io:format(S, "~p.~n",[X]) end, L),
random_seed() ->
{_,_,X} = erlang:now(),
{H,M,S} = time(),
H1 = H * X rem 32767,
M1 = M * X rem 32767,
S1 = S * X rem 32767,
put(random_seed, {H1,M1,S1}).
odds_and_evens1(L) ->
Odds = [X || X <- L, (X rem 2) =:= 1],
Evens = [X || X <- L, (X rem 2) =:= 0],
{Odds, Evens}.
odds_and_evens2(L) ->
odds_and_evens_acc(L, [], []).
odds_and_evens_acc([H|T], Odds, Evens) ->
case (H rem 2) of
1 -> odds_and_evens_acc(T, [H|Odds], Evens);
0 -> odds_and_evens_acc(T, Odds, [H|Evens])
odds_and_evens_acc([], Odds, Evens) ->
{Odds, Evens}.
sum(L) -> sum(L, 0).
sum([], N) -> N;
sum([H|T], N) -> sum(T, H+N).
sqrt(X) when X < 0 ->
error({squareRootNegativeArgument, X});
sqrt(X) ->
pmap(F, L) ->
S = self(),
%% make_ref() returns a unique reference
%% we'll match on this later
Ref = erlang:make_ref(),
Pids = map(fun(I) ->
spawn(fun() -> do_f(S, Ref, F, I) end)
end, L),
%% gather the results
gather(Pids, Ref).
do_f(Parent, Ref, F, I) ->
Parent ! {self(), Ref, (catch F(I))}.
gather([Pid|T], Ref) ->
{Pid, Ref, Ret} -> [Ret|gather(T, Ref)]
gather([], _) ->
pmap1(F, L) ->
S = self(),
Ref = erlang:make_ref(),
foreach(fun(I) ->
spawn(fun() -> do_f1(S, Ref, F, I) end)
end, L),
%% gather the results
gather1(length(L), Ref, []).
do_f1(Parent, Ref, F, I) ->
Parent ! {Ref, (catch F(I))}.
gather1(0, _, L) -> L;
gather1(N, Ref, L) ->
{Ref, Ret} -> gather1(N-1, Ref, [Ret|L])
%% evalute F(Word) for each word in the file File
foreachWordInFile(File, F) ->
case file:read_file(File) of
{ok, Bin} -> foreachWordInString(binary_to_list(Bin), F);
_ -> void
foreachWordInString(Str, F) ->
case get_word(Str) of
no ->
{Word, Str1} ->
foreachWordInString(Str1, F)
isWordChar(X) when $A=< X, X=<$Z -> true;
isWordChar(X) when $0=< X, X=<$9 -> true;
isWordChar(X) when $a=< X, X=<$z -> true;
isWordChar(_) -> false.
get_word([H|T]) ->
case isWordChar(H) of
true -> collect_word(T, [H]);
false -> get_word(T)
get_word([]) ->
collect_word([H|T]=All, L) ->
case isWordChar(H) of
true -> collect_word(T, [H|L]);
false -> {reverse(L), All}
collect_word([], L) ->
{reverse(L), []}.
deliberate_error(A) ->
bad_function(A, 12),
bad_function(A, _) ->
{ok, Bin} = file:open({abc,123}, A),
deliberate_error1(A) ->
bad_function(A, 12).
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FlowerWrong/mblog/3233ede938d2019a7b57391405197ac19c805b27/categories/erlang/demo/jaerlang2_code/lib_misc.erl | erlang | ---
Copyrights apply to this code. It may not be used to create training material,
courses, books, articles, and the like. Contact us if you are in doubt.
We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose.
Visit for more book information.
commonly used routines
is_prefix(A, B) -> bool()
true if A is a prefix of B
complete(A, L) -> {yes, S}
error - means no string will ever match
{more,L} - means there are completions but I need more characters
{yes, S} - means there is a unique completion
used to compute the smallest S
such that A ++ S is a member of all elements of L
L1 is not empty so it's either more or a string
L2 will also not be empty
io:format("L1=~p L2=~p~n",[L1,L2]),
remove_prefix(X, Y) -> Z
finds Z such that X ++ Z = Y
longest_common_prefix([str()]) -> str()
All lists have heads and tails
read file into line buffer
split(Pred, L) -> {True, False}
merge_kv(Kv) -> Kv'
Take a association list of {Key, Val} where Key can occure
each Key occurs only once
spawn_monitor behaves just like spawn
make_global(Name, Fun) checks if there is a global process with the
registered name Name. If there is no process it spawns a process to
evaluate Fun() and registers it with the name Name.
Fun(Why) is evaluated:
<label id="code.onexit2"/>
<label id="code.onexit3"/>
<label id="code.onexit4"/>
make_ref() returns a unique reference
we'll match on this later
gather the results
gather the results
evalute F(Word) for each word in the file File | Excerpted from " Programming Erlang , Second Edition " ,
published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf .
skip_blanks/1, trim_blanks/1, sleep/1, split_at_char/2,
mk_tree/1 ,
-import(lists, [all/2, any/2, filter/2, reverse/1, reverse/2,
foreach/2, map/2, member/2, sort/1]).
io:format("*** NYI ~p ~p ~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, X]),
glurk(X, Y) ->
?NYI({glurk, X, Y}).
file_size_and_type(File) ->
case file:read_file_info(File) of
{ok, Facts} ->
{Facts#file_info.type, Facts#file_info.size};
_ ->
ls(Dir) ->
{ok, L} = file:list_dir(Dir),
lists:map(fun(I) -> {I, file_size_and_type(I)} end, lists:sort(L)).
consult(File) ->
case file:open(File, read) of
{ok, S} ->
Val = consult1(S),
{ok, Val};
{error, Why} ->
{error, Why}
consult1(S) ->
case io:read(S, '') of
{ok, Term} -> [Term|consult1(S)];
eof -> [];
Error -> Error
dump(File, Term) ->
Out = File ++ ".tmp",
io:format("** dumping to ~s~n",[Out]),
{ok, S} = file:open(Out, [write]),
io:format(S, "~p.~n",[Term]),
partition(F, L) -> partition(F, L, [], []).
partition(F, [H|T], Yes, No) ->
case F(H) of
true -> partition(F, T, [H|Yes], No);
false -> partition(F, T, Yes, [H|No])
partition(_, [], Yes, No) ->
{Yes, No}.
remove_duplicates(L) ->
remove_duplicates(lists:sort(L), []).
remove_duplicates([H|X=[H|_]], L) -> remove_duplicates(X, L);
remove_duplicates([H|T], L) -> remove_duplicates(T, [H|L]);
remove_duplicates([], L) -> L.
is_prefix([], _) -> true;
is_prefix([H|T], [H|T1]) -> is_prefix(T, T1);
is_prefix(_, _) -> false.
first([_]) -> [];
first([H|T]) -> [H|first(T)].
sleep(T) ->
after T ->
flush_buffer() ->
_Any ->
after 0 ->
priority_receive() ->
{alarm, X} ->
{alarm, X}
after 0 ->
Any ->
duplicates(X) -> find_duplicates(sort(X), []).
find_duplicates([H,H|T], [H|_]=L) ->
find_duplicates(T, L);
find_duplicates([H,H|T], L) ->
find_duplicates(T, [H|L]);
find_duplicates([_|T], L) ->
find_duplicates(T, L);
find_duplicates([], L) ->
L = [ ] = list of possible completions
A = S = str ( ) , L=[str ( ) ]
complete(Str, L) ->
case filter(fun(I) -> is_prefix(Str, I) end, L) of
[] ->
[L1] ->
J = remove_prefix(Str, L1),
{yes, J};
L1 ->
We know that is a prefix of all elements in L1
L2 = map(fun(I) -> remove_prefix(Str, I) end, L1),
case longest_common_prefix(L2) of
[] ->
{more, L1};
S ->
{yes, S}
remove_prefix([H|T], [H|T1]) -> remove_prefix(T, T1);
remove_prefix([], L) -> L.
longest_common_prefix(L) ->
longest_common_prefix(L, []).
longest_common_prefix(Ls, L) ->
case have_common_prefix(Ls) of
{yes, H, Ls1} ->
longest_common_prefix(Ls1, [H|L]);
no ->
have_common_prefix([]) -> no;
have_common_prefix(L) ->
case any(fun is_empty_list/1, L) of
true -> no;
false ->
Heads = map(fun(I) -> hd(I) end, L),
H = hd(Heads),
case all(fun(X) -> hd(X) =:= H end, L) of
true ->
Tails = map(fun(I) -> tl(I) end, L),
{yes, H, Tails};
false ->
is_empty_list([]) -> true;
is_empty_list(X) when is_list(X) -> false.
skip_blanks([$\s|T]) -> skip_blanks(T);
skip_blanks(X) -> X.
trim_blanks(X) -> reverse(skip_blanks(reverse(X))).
split_at_char(Str, C) -> split_at_char(Str, C, []).
split_at_char([C|T], C, L) -> {yes, reverse(L), T};
split_at_char([H|T], C, L) -> split_at_char(T, C, [H|L]);
split_at_char([], _, _) -> no.
read_file_as_lines(File) ->
case file:read_file(File) of
{ok, Bin} ->
{ok, split_into_lines(binary_to_list(Bin), 1, [])};
{error, _} ->
{error, eNoFile}
split_into_lines([], _, L) ->
split_into_lines(Str, Ln, L) ->
{Line, Rest} = get_line(Str, []),
split_into_lines(Rest, Ln+1, [{Ln,Line}|L]).
get_line([$\n|T], L) -> {reverse(L), T};
get_line([H|T], L) -> get_line(T, [H|L]);
get_line([], L) -> {reverse(L), []}.
is_blank_line([$\s|T]) -> is_blank_line(T);
is_blank_line([$\n|T]) -> is_blank_line(T);
is_blank_line([$\r|T]) -> is_blank_line(T);
is_blank_line([$\t|T]) -> is_blank_line(T);
is_blank_line([]) -> true;
is_blank_line(_) -> false.
split(F, L) -> split(F, L, [], []).
split(F, [H|T], True, False) ->
case F(H) of
true -> split(F, T, [H|True], False);
false -> split(F, T, True, [H|False])
split(_, [], True, False) ->
{reverse(True), reverse(False)}.
outOfDate(In, Out) ->
case exists(Out) of
true ->
case {last_modified(In), last_modified(Out)} of
{T1, T2} when T1 > T2 ->
_ ->
false ->
last_modified(File) ->
case file:read_file_info(File) of
{ok, Info} ->
_ ->
exists(File) ->
case file:read_file_info(File) of
{ok, _} ->
_ ->
replace(Key , , [ { Key , Val } ] ) - > [ { Key , Val } ]
replace and Key with Key , in the association list Old
replace(Key, Val, Old) ->
replace(Key, Val, Old, []).
replace(Key, Val1, [{Key,_Val}|T], L) ->
reverse(L, [{Key, Val1}|T]);
replace(Key, Val, [H|T], L) ->
replace(Key, Val, T, [H|L]);
replace(Key, Val, [], L) ->
make_test_strings(Str) ->
L = length(Str),
make_test_strings(Str, L+1, 1).
make_test_strings(_, Max, Max) -> [];
make_test_strings(Str, Max, N) ->
[string:sub_string(Str, 1, N)|make_test_strings(Str, Max, N+1)].
test_function_over_substrings(F, Str) ->
L = make_test_strings(Str),
foreach(fun(S) ->
io:format("|~s|~n => ~p~n", [S, F(S)])
end, L).
More than once and make it into a list { Key , [ ] } where
merge_kv(KV) -> merge_kv(KV, dict:new()).
merge_kv([{Key,Val}|T], D0) ->
case dict:find(Key, D0) of
{ok, L} -> merge_kv(T, dict:store(Key, [Val|L], D0));
error -> merge_kv(T, dict:store(Key, [Val], D0))
merge_kv([], D) ->
rpc(Pid, Q) ->
Pid ! {self(), Q},
{Pid, Reply} ->
odd(X) ->
case X band 1 of
1 -> true;
0 -> false
ndots([$.|T]) -> 1 + ndots(T);
ndots([_|T]) -> ndots(T);
ndots([]) -> 0.
term2file(File, Term) ->
file:write_file(File, term_to_binary(Term)).
file2term(File) ->
{ok, Bin} = file:read_file(File),
string2term(Str) ->
{ok,Tokens,_} = erl_scan:string(Str ++ "."),
{ok,Term} = erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens),
term2string(Term) ->
downcase_str(Str) -> map(fun downcase_char/1, Str).
downcase_char(X) when $A =< X, X =< $Z -> X+ $a - $A;
downcase_char(X) -> X.
string2value(Str) ->
{ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(Str ++ "."),
{ok, Exprs} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens),
Bindings = erl_eval:new_bindings(),
{value, Value, _} = erl_eval:exprs(Exprs, Bindings),
mini_shell() ->
mini_shell(Bindings0) ->
case io:get_line('>>> ') of
"q\n" -> void;
Str ->
{Value, Bindings1} = string2value(Str, Bindings0),
string2value(Str, Bindings0) ->
{ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(Str ++ "."),
{ok, Exprs} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens),
{value, Value, Bindings1} = erl_eval:exprs(Exprs, Bindings0),
{Value, Bindings1}.
eval_file(File) ->
{ok, S} = file:open(File, [read]),
Vals = eval_file(S, 1, erl_eval:new_bindings()),
eval_file(S, Line, B0) ->
case io:parse_erl_exprs(S, '', Line) of
{ok, Form, Line1} ->
{value, Value, B1} = erl_eval:exprs(Form, B0),
[Value|eval_file(S, Line1, B1)];
{eof, _} ->
remove_leading_whitespace([$\n|T]) -> remove_leading_whitespace(T);
remove_leading_whitespace([$\s|T]) -> remove_leading_whitespace(T);
remove_leading_whitespace([$\t|T]) -> remove_leading_whitespace(T);
remove_leading_whitespace(X) -> X.
remove_trailing_whitespace(X) ->
safe(Fun) ->
case (catch Fun()) of
{'EXIT', Why} ->
{error, Why};
Other ->
too_hot() ->
event_handler:event(errors, too_hot).
spawn_monitor(_, false, Fun) ->
spawn_monitor(Term, true, Fun) ->
spawn(fun() -> starter(Term, Fun) end).
starter(Term, Fun) ->
S = self(),
io:format("process:~p started at:~p ~p~n",
[self(), erlang:now(), Term]),
Monitor = spawn_link(fun() -> amonitor(Term, S) end),
{Monitor, ready} ->
amonitor(Term, Parent) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Parent ! {self(), ready},
{'EXIT', Parent, Why} ->
io:format("process:~p dies at:~p ~p reason:~p~n",
[self(), erlang:now(), Term, Why])
keep_alive(Name, Fun) ->
register(Name, Pid = spawn(Fun)),
on_exit(Pid, fun(_Why) -> keep_alive(Name, Fun) end).
make_global(Name, Fun) ->
S = self(),
Pid = spawn(fun() -> make_global(S, Name, Fun) end),
{Pid, Reply} ->
make_global(Parent, Name, Fun) ->
case (catch register(Name, self())) of
true -> Fun();
_ -> true
Parent ! {self(), ok}.
on_exit(Pid , Fun ) links to Pid . If Pid dies with reason Why then
on_exit(Pid, Fun) ->
spawn(fun() ->
every(Pid , Time , Fun ) links to Pid then every Time Fun ( ) is
evaluated . If Pid exits , this process stops .
every(Pid, Time, Fun) ->
spawn(fun() ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
every_loop(Pid, Time, Fun)
every_loop(Pid, Time, Fun) ->
{'EXIT', Pid, _Why} ->
after Time ->
every_loop(Pid, Time, Fun)
for(Max, Max, F) -> [F(Max)];
for(I, Max, F) -> [F(I)|for(I+1, Max, F)].
qsort([]) -> [];
qsort([Pivot|T]) ->
qsort([X || X <- T, X < Pivot])
++ [Pivot] ++
qsort([X || X <- T, X >= Pivot]).
perms([]) -> [[]];
perms(L) -> [[H|T] || H <- L, T <- perms(L--[H])].
pythag(N) ->
[ {A,B,C} ||
A <- lists:seq(1,N),
B <- lists:seq(1,N),
C <- lists:seq(1,N),
A+B+C =< N,
A*A+B*B =:= C*C
extract_attribute(File, Key) ->
case beam_lib:chunks(File,[attributes]) of
{ok, {attrs, [{attributes,L}]}} ->
lookup(Key, L);
_ -> exit(badFile)
lookup(Key, [{Key,Val}|_]) -> {ok, Val};
lookup(Key, [_|T]) -> lookup(Key, T);
lookup(_, []) -> error.
unconsult(File, L) ->
{ok, S} = file:open(File, write),
lists:foreach(fun(X) -> io:format(S, "~p.~n",[X]) end, L),
random_seed() ->
{_,_,X} = erlang:now(),
{H,M,S} = time(),
H1 = H * X rem 32767,
M1 = M * X rem 32767,
S1 = S * X rem 32767,
put(random_seed, {H1,M1,S1}).
odds_and_evens1(L) ->
Odds = [X || X <- L, (X rem 2) =:= 1],
Evens = [X || X <- L, (X rem 2) =:= 0],
{Odds, Evens}.
odds_and_evens2(L) ->
odds_and_evens_acc(L, [], []).
odds_and_evens_acc([H|T], Odds, Evens) ->
case (H rem 2) of
1 -> odds_and_evens_acc(T, [H|Odds], Evens);
0 -> odds_and_evens_acc(T, Odds, [H|Evens])
odds_and_evens_acc([], Odds, Evens) ->
{Odds, Evens}.
sum(L) -> sum(L, 0).
sum([], N) -> N;
sum([H|T], N) -> sum(T, H+N).
sqrt(X) when X < 0 ->
error({squareRootNegativeArgument, X});
sqrt(X) ->
pmap(F, L) ->
S = self(),
Ref = erlang:make_ref(),
Pids = map(fun(I) ->
spawn(fun() -> do_f(S, Ref, F, I) end)
end, L),
gather(Pids, Ref).
do_f(Parent, Ref, F, I) ->
Parent ! {self(), Ref, (catch F(I))}.
gather([Pid|T], Ref) ->
{Pid, Ref, Ret} -> [Ret|gather(T, Ref)]
gather([], _) ->
pmap1(F, L) ->
S = self(),
Ref = erlang:make_ref(),
foreach(fun(I) ->
spawn(fun() -> do_f1(S, Ref, F, I) end)
end, L),
gather1(length(L), Ref, []).
do_f1(Parent, Ref, F, I) ->
Parent ! {Ref, (catch F(I))}.
gather1(0, _, L) -> L;
gather1(N, Ref, L) ->
{Ref, Ret} -> gather1(N-1, Ref, [Ret|L])
foreachWordInFile(File, F) ->
case file:read_file(File) of
{ok, Bin} -> foreachWordInString(binary_to_list(Bin), F);
_ -> void
foreachWordInString(Str, F) ->
case get_word(Str) of
no ->
{Word, Str1} ->
foreachWordInString(Str1, F)
isWordChar(X) when $A=< X, X=<$Z -> true;
isWordChar(X) when $0=< X, X=<$9 -> true;
isWordChar(X) when $a=< X, X=<$z -> true;
isWordChar(_) -> false.
get_word([H|T]) ->
case isWordChar(H) of
true -> collect_word(T, [H]);
false -> get_word(T)
get_word([]) ->
collect_word([H|T]=All, L) ->
case isWordChar(H) of
true -> collect_word(T, [H|L]);
false -> {reverse(L), All}
collect_word([], L) ->
{reverse(L), []}.
deliberate_error(A) ->
bad_function(A, 12),
bad_function(A, _) ->
{ok, Bin} = file:open({abc,123}, A),
deliberate_error1(A) ->
bad_function(A, 12).
d689f554a9237808b52ae621d0265b70ff5d04d19871d40215080a5de6fda866 | cocreature/lrucaching | IO.hs | |
Module : Data . LruCache . IO
Copyright : ( c ) , 2016
( c ) , 2015
License : :
Convenience module for the common case of caching results of IO actions .
See ' Data . LruCache . IO.Finalizer ' if you want to run finalizers
automatically when cache entries are evicted
Module : Data.LruCache.IO
Copyright : (c) Moritz Kiefer, 2016
(c) Jasper Van der Jeugt, 2015
License : BSD3
Maintainer :
Convenience module for the common case of caching results of IO actions.
See 'Data.LruCache.IO.Finalizer' if you want to run finalizers
automatically when cache entries are evicted
module Data.LruCache.IO
( LruHandle(..)
, cached
, newLruHandle
, StripedLruHandle(..)
, stripedCached
, newStripedLruHandle
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Hashable (Hashable, hash)
import Data.IORef (IORef, atomicModifyIORef', newIORef)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.LruCache
| Store a LRU cache in an ' IORef to be able to conveniently update it .
newtype LruHandle k v = LruHandle (IORef (LruCache k v))
| Create a new LRU cache of the given size .
newLruHandle :: Int -> IO (LruHandle k v)
newLruHandle capacity = LruHandle <$> newIORef (empty capacity)
-- | Return the cached result of the action or, in the case of a cache
-- miss, execute the action and insert it in the cache.
cached :: (Hashable k, Ord k) => LruHandle k v -> k -> IO v -> IO v
cached (LruHandle ref) k io =
do lookupRes <- atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \c ->
case lookup k c of
Nothing -> (c, Nothing)
Just (v, c') -> (c', Just v)
case lookupRes of
Just v -> return v
Nothing ->
do v <- io
atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \c -> (insert k v c, ())
return v
-- | Using a stripe of multiple handles can improve the performance in
-- the case of concurrent accesses since several handles can be
-- accessed in parallel.
newtype StripedLruHandle k v = StripedLruHandle (Vector (LruHandle k v))
-- | Create a new 'StripedHandle' with the given number of stripes and
-- the given capacity for each stripe.
newStripedLruHandle :: Int -> Int -> IO (StripedLruHandle k v)
newStripedLruHandle numStripes capacityPerStripe =
StripedLruHandle <$> Vector.replicateM numStripes (newLruHandle capacityPerStripe)
-- | Striped version of 'cached'.
stripedCached ::
(Hashable k, Ord k) =>
StripedLruHandle k v ->
k ->
IO v ->
IO v
stripedCached (StripedLruHandle v) k =
cached (v Vector.! idx) k
idx = hash k `mod` Vector.length v | null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cocreature/lrucaching/b722777185d9df6145c8efc6ddc6057983dec5db/src/Data/LruCache/IO.hs | haskell | | Return the cached result of the action or, in the case of a cache
miss, execute the action and insert it in the cache.
| Using a stripe of multiple handles can improve the performance in
the case of concurrent accesses since several handles can be
accessed in parallel.
| Create a new 'StripedHandle' with the given number of stripes and
the given capacity for each stripe.
| Striped version of 'cached'. | |
Module : Data . LruCache . IO
Copyright : ( c ) , 2016
( c ) , 2015
License : :
Convenience module for the common case of caching results of IO actions .
See ' Data . LruCache . IO.Finalizer ' if you want to run finalizers
automatically when cache entries are evicted
Module : Data.LruCache.IO
Copyright : (c) Moritz Kiefer, 2016
(c) Jasper Van der Jeugt, 2015
License : BSD3
Maintainer :
Convenience module for the common case of caching results of IO actions.
See 'Data.LruCache.IO.Finalizer' if you want to run finalizers
automatically when cache entries are evicted
module Data.LruCache.IO
( LruHandle(..)
, cached
, newLruHandle
, StripedLruHandle(..)
, stripedCached
, newStripedLruHandle
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Hashable (Hashable, hash)
import Data.IORef (IORef, atomicModifyIORef', newIORef)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.LruCache
| Store a LRU cache in an ' IORef to be able to conveniently update it .
newtype LruHandle k v = LruHandle (IORef (LruCache k v))
| Create a new LRU cache of the given size .
newLruHandle :: Int -> IO (LruHandle k v)
newLruHandle capacity = LruHandle <$> newIORef (empty capacity)
cached :: (Hashable k, Ord k) => LruHandle k v -> k -> IO v -> IO v
cached (LruHandle ref) k io =
do lookupRes <- atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \c ->
case lookup k c of
Nothing -> (c, Nothing)
Just (v, c') -> (c', Just v)
case lookupRes of
Just v -> return v
Nothing ->
do v <- io
atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \c -> (insert k v c, ())
return v
newtype StripedLruHandle k v = StripedLruHandle (Vector (LruHandle k v))
newStripedLruHandle :: Int -> Int -> IO (StripedLruHandle k v)
newStripedLruHandle numStripes capacityPerStripe =
StripedLruHandle <$> Vector.replicateM numStripes (newLruHandle capacityPerStripe)
stripedCached ::
(Hashable k, Ord k) =>
StripedLruHandle k v ->
k ->
IO v ->
IO v
stripedCached (StripedLruHandle v) k =
cached (v Vector.! idx) k
idx = hash k `mod` Vector.length v |
f0cfd0c66a944cbc02b992bac1c475b2a0af9f1a1fd78db64fdd6906e8108cd2 | bef/poc-apps | ast_ami_sup.erl | %%%
%%% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
version 2.1 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
%%% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%% Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
%%% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
%%% File : ast_man_sup.erl
Author : < >
%%% Description :
Created : 29 Mar 2006 by < >
%% API
%% Supervisor callbacks
-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
%% API functions
Function : start_link ( ) - > { ok , Pid } | ignore | { error , Error }
%% Description: Starts the supervisor
start_link(_StartArgs) ->
supervisor:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, []).
%% Supervisor callbacks
Func : init(Args ) - > { ok , { SupFlags , [ ChildSpec ] } } |
%% ignore |
%% {error, Reason}
%% Description: Whenever a supervisor is started using
%% supervisor:start_link/[2,3], this function is called by the new process
%% to find out about restart strategy, maximum restart frequency and child
%% specifications.
init([]) ->
Ip = get_env(ip, {127,0,0,1}),
Port = get_env(port, 5038),
User = get_env(user, "admin"),
Secret = get_env(passwd, "secret"),
= { ast_evt,{ast_man_events , start_link , [ ] } ,
% permanent,2000,worker,[ast_man_events]},
AstEvt = {ast_evt,{ast_ami_events,start_link,[]},
AstMan = {ast_man,{ast_ami_client,start_link,[User, Secret]},
AstDrv = {ast_drv,{ast_ami_drv,start_link,[Ip, Port]},
{ok,{{one_for_all,100,1000}, [AstDrv,AstEvt,AstMan]}}.
Internal functions
get_env(Key, Default) ->
case application:get_env(Key) of
{ok, Value} -> Value;
_Undef -> Default
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bef/poc-apps/754c308f0f170a3dd766f828fff7081122867f8b/lib/erlast/lib/ast_man/src/ast_ami_sup.erl | erlang |
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
File : ast_man_sup.erl
Description :
Supervisor callbacks
API functions
Description: Starts the supervisor
Supervisor callbacks
ignore |
{error, Reason}
Description: Whenever a supervisor is started using
supervisor:start_link/[2,3], this function is called by the new process
to find out about restart strategy, maximum restart frequency and child
==================================================================== | License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
version 2.1 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
Author : < >
Created : 29 Mar 2006 by < >
-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
Function : start_link ( ) - > { ok , Pid } | ignore | { error , Error }
start_link(_StartArgs) ->
supervisor:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, []).
Func : init(Args ) - > { ok , { SupFlags , [ ChildSpec ] } } |
init([]) ->
Ip = get_env(ip, {127,0,0,1}),
Port = get_env(port, 5038),
User = get_env(user, "admin"),
Secret = get_env(passwd, "secret"),
= { ast_evt,{ast_man_events , start_link , [ ] } ,
AstEvt = {ast_evt,{ast_ami_events,start_link,[]},
AstMan = {ast_man,{ast_ami_client,start_link,[User, Secret]},
AstDrv = {ast_drv,{ast_ami_drv,start_link,[Ip, Port]},
{ok,{{one_for_all,100,1000}, [AstDrv,AstEvt,AstMan]}}.
Internal functions
get_env(Key, Default) ->
case application:get_env(Key) of
{ok, Value} -> Value;
_Undef -> Default
4ce77667b1221572355174ece6b17b97c49db1cf120eff7fcca36bdd54ba6ecb | pfdietz/ansi-test | tan.lsp | ;-*- Mode: Lisp -*-
Author :
Created : Mon Feb 9 20:55:40 2004
Contains : Tests of
(deftest tan.1
(loop for i from -1000 to 1000
for rlist = (multiple-value-list (tan i))
for y = (car rlist)
always (and (null (cdr rlist))
(or (rationalp y) (typep y 'single-float))))
(deftest tan.2
(loop for x = (- (random 2000.0s0) 1000.0s0)
for y = (safe-tan x 0.0s0)
repeat 1000
always (typep y 'short-float))
(deftest tan.3
(loop for x = (- (random 2000.0f0) 1000.0f0)
for y = (safe-tan x 0.0)
repeat 1000
always (typep y 'single-float))
(deftest tan.4
(loop for x = (- (random 2000.0d0) 1000.0d0)
for y = (safe-tan x 0.0d0)
repeat 1000
always (typep y 'double-float))
(deftest tan.5
(loop for x = (- (random 2000.0l0) 1000.0l0)
for y = (safe-tan 0.0l0)
repeat 1000
always (typep y 'long-float))
(deftest tan.6
(let ((r (tan 0)))
(or (eqlt r 0) (eqlt r 0.0)))
(deftest tan.7
(tan 0.0s0)
(deftest tan.8
(tan 0.0)
(deftest tan.9
(tan 0.0d0)
(deftest tan.10
(tan 0.0l0)
(deftest tan.11
(loop for i from 1 to 100
unless (approx= (tan i) (tan (coerce i 'single-float)))
collect i)
(deftest tan.12
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi 4) 'single-float)) 1.0)
(deftest tan.13
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi -4) 'single-float)) -1.0)
(deftest tan.14
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi 4) 'short-float)) 1s0)
(deftest tan.15
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi -4) 'short-float)) -1s0)
(deftest tan.16
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi 4) 'double-float)) 1d0)
(deftest tan.17
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi -4) 'double-float)) -1d0)
(deftest tan.18
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi 4) 'long-float)) 1l0)
(deftest tan.19
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi -4) 'long-float)) -1l0)
(deftest tan.20
(loop for r = (- (random 2000) 1000)
for i = (- (random 20) 10)
for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
repeat 1000
always (numberp y))
(deftest tan.21
(loop for r = (- (random 2000.0s0) 1000.0s0)
for i = (- (random 20.0s0) 10.0s0)
for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
repeat 1000
always (numberp y))
(deftest tan.22
(loop for r = (- (random 2000.0f0) 1000.0f0)
for i = (- (random 20.0f0) 10.0f0)
for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
repeat 1000
always (numberp y))
(deftest tan.23
(loop for r = (- (random 2000.0d0) 1000.0d0)
for i = (- (random 20.0d0) 10.0d0)
for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
repeat 1000
always (numberp y))
(deftest tan.24
(loop for r = (- (random 2000.0l0) 1000.0l0)
for i = (- (random 20.0l0) 10.0l0)
for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
repeat 1000
always (numberp y))
;;; More accuracy tests here
;;; Error tests
(deftest tan.error.1
(signals-error (tan) program-error)
(deftest tan.error.2
(signals-error (tan 0.0 0.0) program-error)
(deftest tan.error.3
(check-type-error #'tan #'numberp)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pfdietz/ansi-test/3f4b9d31c3408114f0467eaeca4fd13b28e2ce31/numbers/tan.lsp | lisp | -*- Mode: Lisp -*-
More accuracy tests here
Error tests | Author :
Created : Mon Feb 9 20:55:40 2004
Contains : Tests of
(deftest tan.1
(loop for i from -1000 to 1000
for rlist = (multiple-value-list (tan i))
for y = (car rlist)
always (and (null (cdr rlist))
(or (rationalp y) (typep y 'single-float))))
(deftest tan.2
(loop for x = (- (random 2000.0s0) 1000.0s0)
for y = (safe-tan x 0.0s0)
repeat 1000
always (typep y 'short-float))
(deftest tan.3
(loop for x = (- (random 2000.0f0) 1000.0f0)
for y = (safe-tan x 0.0)
repeat 1000
always (typep y 'single-float))
(deftest tan.4
(loop for x = (- (random 2000.0d0) 1000.0d0)
for y = (safe-tan x 0.0d0)
repeat 1000
always (typep y 'double-float))
(deftest tan.5
(loop for x = (- (random 2000.0l0) 1000.0l0)
for y = (safe-tan 0.0l0)
repeat 1000
always (typep y 'long-float))
(deftest tan.6
(let ((r (tan 0)))
(or (eqlt r 0) (eqlt r 0.0)))
(deftest tan.7
(tan 0.0s0)
(deftest tan.8
(tan 0.0)
(deftest tan.9
(tan 0.0d0)
(deftest tan.10
(tan 0.0l0)
(deftest tan.11
(loop for i from 1 to 100
unless (approx= (tan i) (tan (coerce i 'single-float)))
collect i)
(deftest tan.12
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi 4) 'single-float)) 1.0)
(deftest tan.13
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi -4) 'single-float)) -1.0)
(deftest tan.14
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi 4) 'short-float)) 1s0)
(deftest tan.15
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi -4) 'short-float)) -1s0)
(deftest tan.16
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi 4) 'double-float)) 1d0)
(deftest tan.17
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi -4) 'double-float)) -1d0)
(deftest tan.18
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi 4) 'long-float)) 1l0)
(deftest tan.19
(approx= (tan (coerce (/ pi -4) 'long-float)) -1l0)
(deftest tan.20
(loop for r = (- (random 2000) 1000)
for i = (- (random 20) 10)
for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
repeat 1000
always (numberp y))
(deftest tan.21
(loop for r = (- (random 2000.0s0) 1000.0s0)
for i = (- (random 20.0s0) 10.0s0)
for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
repeat 1000
always (numberp y))
(deftest tan.22
(loop for r = (- (random 2000.0f0) 1000.0f0)
for i = (- (random 20.0f0) 10.0f0)
for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
repeat 1000
always (numberp y))
(deftest tan.23
(loop for r = (- (random 2000.0d0) 1000.0d0)
for i = (- (random 20.0d0) 10.0d0)
for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
repeat 1000
always (numberp y))
(deftest tan.24
(loop for r = (- (random 2000.0l0) 1000.0l0)
for i = (- (random 20.0l0) 10.0l0)
for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
repeat 1000
always (numberp y))
(deftest tan.error.1
(signals-error (tan) program-error)
(deftest tan.error.2
(signals-error (tan 0.0 0.0) program-error)
(deftest tan.error.3
(check-type-error #'tan #'numberp)
2017fdbf5f7bed858270917c922eb66232463bb30617cc37f12e41dbb5b61822 | gildor478/ounit | oUnitPlugin.ml | (**************************************************************************)
The OUnit library
(* *)
Copyright ( C ) 2002 - 2008 Maas - Maarten Zeeman .
Copyright ( C ) 2010 OCamlCore SARL
Copyright ( C ) 2013
(* *)
The package OUnit is copyright by Maas - Maarten Zeeman , OCamlCore SARL
and .
(* *)
(* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining *)
a copy of this document and the OUnit software ( " the Software " ) , to
deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation
(* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, *)
sublicense , and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons
to whom the Software is furnished to do so , subject to the following
(* conditions: *)
(* *)
(* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be *)
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software .
(* *)
(* The Software is provided ``as is'', without warranty of any kind, *)
(* express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of *)
(* merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. *)
In no event shall be liable for any claim , damages
(* or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or *)
otherwise , arising from , out of or in connection with the Software or
(* the use or other dealings in the software. *)
(* *)
See LICENSE.txt for details .
(** Standard functions for plugin (register, choose). *)
type name = string
module type SETTINGS =
type t
val name: name
val conf_help: string
val default_name: name
val default_value: t
module Make(Settings: SETTINGS) =
let all = ref [0, (Settings.default_name, Settings.default_value)]
let register name pref f =
all := (pref, (name, f)) :: !all
let of_name s =
List.assoc s (List.map snd !all)
with Not_found ->
OUnitUtils.failwithf "Unable to find %s '%s'." Settings.name s
let choice =
(fun () -> List.map snd !all)
let preset lst =
let _, (default, _) =
List.fold_left max (List.hd !all) (List.tl !all)
(Settings.name, default) :: lst
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gildor478/ounit/faf4936b17507406c7592186dcaa3f25c6fc138a/src/lib/ounit2/advanced/oUnitPlugin.ml | ocaml | ************************************************************************
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
The Software is provided ``as is'', without warranty of any kind,
express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.
or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or
the use or other dealings in the software.
* Standard functions for plugin (register, choose). | The OUnit library
Copyright ( C ) 2002 - 2008 Maas - Maarten Zeeman .
Copyright ( C ) 2010 OCamlCore SARL
Copyright ( C ) 2013
The package OUnit is copyright by Maas - Maarten Zeeman , OCamlCore SARL
and .
a copy of this document and the OUnit software ( " the Software " ) , to
deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation
sublicense , and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons
to whom the Software is furnished to do so , subject to the following
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software .
In no event shall be liable for any claim , damages
otherwise , arising from , out of or in connection with the Software or
See LICENSE.txt for details .
type name = string
module type SETTINGS =
type t
val name: name
val conf_help: string
val default_name: name
val default_value: t
module Make(Settings: SETTINGS) =
let all = ref [0, (Settings.default_name, Settings.default_value)]
let register name pref f =
all := (pref, (name, f)) :: !all
let of_name s =
List.assoc s (List.map snd !all)
with Not_found ->
OUnitUtils.failwithf "Unable to find %s '%s'." Settings.name s
let choice =
(fun () -> List.map snd !all)
let preset lst =
let _, (default, _) =
List.fold_left max (List.hd !all) (List.tl !all)
(Settings.name, default) :: lst
5a9d148131bcc44446d00579a7d8470bfb40914106eb958f54fa467a0eb17d6f | kupl/LearnML | original.ml | type nat = ZERO | SUCC of nat
let rec natadd (n1 : nat) (n2 : nat) : nat =
match n1 with ZERO -> n2 | SUCC nat -> natadd nat (SUCC n2)
let rec natmul (n1 : nat) (n2 : nat) : nat =
match n1 with
| SUCC nat -> if nat = ZERO then n2 else natmul nat (natadd n2 n2)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kupl/LearnML/c98ef2b95ef67e657b8158a2c504330e9cfb7700/result/cafe2/nat/sub6/original.ml | ocaml | type nat = ZERO | SUCC of nat
let rec natadd (n1 : nat) (n2 : nat) : nat =
match n1 with ZERO -> n2 | SUCC nat -> natadd nat (SUCC n2)
let rec natmul (n1 : nat) (n2 : nat) : nat =
match n1 with
| SUCC nat -> if nat = ZERO then n2 else natmul nat (natadd n2 n2)
8cf1b241fd75234dd4e5c765805e2c111601d2ac1b1dfb6a8fe09656b6672cef | tweag/haskell-training | Basics.hs | # LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #
module Basics where
-- QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck
x :: String
x = "hello"
f :: Bool -> Bool
f x = x && x
data Person = MkPerson
{ name :: String
, age :: Int
personDetails :: Person -> String
personDetails (MkPerson name age) = name ++ " is " ++ show age ++ " years old"
data Person1 = MkPerson1 String Int
data Shape
= Rectangle {side1 :: Float, side2 :: Float}
| Square {side :: Float}
| Circle {radius :: Float}
deriving Show
instance Arbitrary Shape where
arbitrary :: Gen Shape
arbitrary = oneof
[ Rectangle <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
, Square <$> arbitrary
, Circle <$> arbitrary
-- | Perimeter of a shape
> > > perimeter ( Rectangle 1 2 )
> > > perimeter ( Square 1 )
> > > perimeter ( Circle 1 )
perimeter :: Shape -> Float
perimeter (Rectangle side1 side2) = (side1 + side2) * 2
perimeter (Square side) = side * 4
perimeter (Circle radius) = 2 * pi * radius
isDegenerate :: Shape -> Bool
isDegenerate (Rectangle s1 s2) = s1 == 0 && s2 == 0
isDegenerate (Square s) = s == 0
isDegenerate (Circle r) = r == 0
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tweag/haskell-training/89d930f7854075d692dfb127d2c54e953dbf1519/src/Basics.hs | haskell | QuickCheck
| Perimeter of a shape
| # LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #
module Basics where
import Test.QuickCheck
x :: String
x = "hello"
f :: Bool -> Bool
f x = x && x
data Person = MkPerson
{ name :: String
, age :: Int
personDetails :: Person -> String
personDetails (MkPerson name age) = name ++ " is " ++ show age ++ " years old"
data Person1 = MkPerson1 String Int
data Shape
= Rectangle {side1 :: Float, side2 :: Float}
| Square {side :: Float}
| Circle {radius :: Float}
deriving Show
instance Arbitrary Shape where
arbitrary :: Gen Shape
arbitrary = oneof
[ Rectangle <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
, Square <$> arbitrary
, Circle <$> arbitrary
> > > perimeter ( Rectangle 1 2 )
> > > perimeter ( Square 1 )
> > > perimeter ( Circle 1 )
perimeter :: Shape -> Float
perimeter (Rectangle side1 side2) = (side1 + side2) * 2
perimeter (Square side) = side * 4
perimeter (Circle radius) = 2 * pi * radius
isDegenerate :: Shape -> Bool
isDegenerate (Rectangle s1 s2) = s1 == 0 && s2 == 0
isDegenerate (Square s) = s == 0
isDegenerate (Circle r) = r == 0
8a98807da9f3a31f8fe10742b4a11ad78cf7ed5e41b704d85b8f5722385d6f82 | mmottl/gsl-ocaml | interp.mli | gsl - ocaml - OCaml interface to GSL
Copyright ( © ) 2002 - 2012 - Olivier Andrieu
Distributed under the terms of the GPL version 3
(** Interpolation *)
type t
type accel
type interp_type =
val make : interp_type -> int -> t
val init : t -> float array -> float array -> unit
external name : t -> string
= "ml_gsl_interp_name"
external min_size : t -> int
= "ml_gsl_interp_min_size"
val make_accel : unit -> accel
external i_eval : t -> float array -> float array
-> float -> accel -> float
= "ml_gsl_interp_eval"
external i_eval_deriv : t -> float array -> float array
-> float -> accel -> float
= "ml_gsl_interp_eval_deriv"
external i_eval_deriv2 : t -> float array -> float array
-> float -> accel -> float
= "ml_gsl_interp_eval_deriv2"
external i_eval_integ : t -> float array -> float array
-> float -> float -> accel -> float
= "ml_gsl_interp_eval_integ_bc" "ml_gsl_interp_eval_integ"
* { 3 Higher level functions }
type interp = {
interp : t ;
accel : accel ;
xa : float array ;
ya : float array ;
size : int ;
i_type : interp_type ;
val make_interp : interp_type -> float array -> float array -> interp
val eval : interp -> float -> float
* [ eval_array interp ] fills the array [ y_a ] with the
evaluation of the interpolation function [ interp ] for each point
of array [ x_a ] . [ x_a ] and [ y_a ] must have the same length .
evaluation of the interpolation function [interp] for each point
of array [x_a]. [x_a] and [y_a] must have the same length. *)
external eval_array : interp -> float array -> float array -> unit
= "ml_gsl_interp_eval_array"
val eval_deriv : interp -> float -> float
val eval_deriv2 : interp -> float -> float
val eval_integ : interp -> float -> float -> float
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmottl/gsl-ocaml/76f8d93cccc1f23084f4a33d3e0a8f1289450580/src/interp.mli | ocaml | * Interpolation | gsl - ocaml - OCaml interface to GSL
Copyright ( © ) 2002 - 2012 - Olivier Andrieu
Distributed under the terms of the GPL version 3
type t
type accel
type interp_type =
val make : interp_type -> int -> t
val init : t -> float array -> float array -> unit
external name : t -> string
= "ml_gsl_interp_name"
external min_size : t -> int
= "ml_gsl_interp_min_size"
val make_accel : unit -> accel
external i_eval : t -> float array -> float array
-> float -> accel -> float
= "ml_gsl_interp_eval"
external i_eval_deriv : t -> float array -> float array
-> float -> accel -> float
= "ml_gsl_interp_eval_deriv"
external i_eval_deriv2 : t -> float array -> float array
-> float -> accel -> float
= "ml_gsl_interp_eval_deriv2"
external i_eval_integ : t -> float array -> float array
-> float -> float -> accel -> float
= "ml_gsl_interp_eval_integ_bc" "ml_gsl_interp_eval_integ"
* { 3 Higher level functions }
type interp = {
interp : t ;
accel : accel ;
xa : float array ;
ya : float array ;
size : int ;
i_type : interp_type ;
val make_interp : interp_type -> float array -> float array -> interp
val eval : interp -> float -> float
* [ eval_array interp ] fills the array [ y_a ] with the
evaluation of the interpolation function [ interp ] for each point
of array [ x_a ] . [ x_a ] and [ y_a ] must have the same length .
evaluation of the interpolation function [interp] for each point
of array [x_a]. [x_a] and [y_a] must have the same length. *)
external eval_array : interp -> float array -> float array -> unit
= "ml_gsl_interp_eval_array"
val eval_deriv : interp -> float -> float
val eval_deriv2 : interp -> float -> float
val eval_integ : interp -> float -> float -> float
8fa07a0ffc13b14aa58720dc1d8602b1f37d061e8773ade635d08e6ef927d662 | sjl/caves | core.clj | (ns caves.world.core
(:use [caves.coords :only [neighbors radial-distance]]))
; Constants -------------------------------------------------------------------
(def world-size [120 50])
; Data structures -------------------------------------------------------------
(defrecord World [tiles entities])
(defrecord Tile [kind glyph color])
(def tiles
{:floor (->Tile :floor "." :white)
:wall (->Tile :wall "#" :white)
:up (->Tile :up "<" :white)
:down (->Tile :down ">" :white)
:bound (->Tile :bound "X" :black)})
; Convenience functions -------------------------------------------------------
(defn get-tile-from-tiles [tiles [x y]]
(get-in tiles [y x] (:bound tiles)))
(defn random-coordinate []
(let [[cols rows] world-size]
[(rand-int cols) (rand-int rows)]))
(defn tile-walkable?
"Return whether a (normal) entity can walk over this type of tile."
(#{:floor :up :down} (:kind tile)))
; Querying a world ------------------------------------------------------------
(defn get-tile [world coord]
(get-tile-from-tiles (:tiles world) coord))
(defn get-tile-kind [world coord]
(:kind (get-tile world coord)))
(defn set-tile [world [x y] tile]
(assoc-in world [:tiles y x] tile))
(defn set-tile-floor [world coord]
(set-tile world coord (:floor tiles)))
(defn get-entities-at [world coord]
(filter #(= coord (:location %))
(vals (:entities world))))
(defn get-entity-at [world coord]
(first (get-entities-at world coord)))
(defn get-entities-around
([world coord] (get-entities-around world coord 1))
([world coord radius]
(filter #(<= (radial-distance coord (:location %))
(vals (:entities world)))))
(defn is-empty? [world coord]
(and (tile-walkable? (get-tile world coord))
(not (get-entity-at world coord))))
(defn find-empty-tile [world]
(loop [coord (random-coordinate)]
(if (is-empty? world coord)
(recur (random-coordinate)))))
(defn find-empty-neighbor [world coord]
(let [candidates (filter #(is-empty? world %) (neighbors coord))]
(when (seq candidates)
(rand-nth candidates))))
(defn check-tile
"Check that the tile at the destination passes the given predicate."
[world dest pred]
(pred (get-tile-kind world dest)))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sjl/caves/d39ee73eb5c54877d9706b16193b6cb044b2aaf6/src/caves/world/core.clj | clojure | Constants -------------------------------------------------------------------
Data structures -------------------------------------------------------------
Convenience functions -------------------------------------------------------
Querying a world ------------------------------------------------------------ | (ns caves.world.core
(:use [caves.coords :only [neighbors radial-distance]]))
(def world-size [120 50])
(defrecord World [tiles entities])
(defrecord Tile [kind glyph color])
(def tiles
{:floor (->Tile :floor "." :white)
:wall (->Tile :wall "#" :white)
:up (->Tile :up "<" :white)
:down (->Tile :down ">" :white)
:bound (->Tile :bound "X" :black)})
(defn get-tile-from-tiles [tiles [x y]]
(get-in tiles [y x] (:bound tiles)))
(defn random-coordinate []
(let [[cols rows] world-size]
[(rand-int cols) (rand-int rows)]))
(defn tile-walkable?
"Return whether a (normal) entity can walk over this type of tile."
(#{:floor :up :down} (:kind tile)))
(defn get-tile [world coord]
(get-tile-from-tiles (:tiles world) coord))
(defn get-tile-kind [world coord]
(:kind (get-tile world coord)))
(defn set-tile [world [x y] tile]
(assoc-in world [:tiles y x] tile))
(defn set-tile-floor [world coord]
(set-tile world coord (:floor tiles)))
(defn get-entities-at [world coord]
(filter #(= coord (:location %))
(vals (:entities world))))
(defn get-entity-at [world coord]
(first (get-entities-at world coord)))
(defn get-entities-around
([world coord] (get-entities-around world coord 1))
([world coord radius]
(filter #(<= (radial-distance coord (:location %))
(vals (:entities world)))))
(defn is-empty? [world coord]
(and (tile-walkable? (get-tile world coord))
(not (get-entity-at world coord))))
(defn find-empty-tile [world]
(loop [coord (random-coordinate)]
(if (is-empty? world coord)
(recur (random-coordinate)))))
(defn find-empty-neighbor [world coord]
(let [candidates (filter #(is-empty? world %) (neighbors coord))]
(when (seq candidates)
(rand-nth candidates))))
(defn check-tile
"Check that the tile at the destination passes the given predicate."
[world dest pred]
(pred (get-tile-kind world dest)))
1eb56577839570b240efa0e2ca9f8ad1c4c59b20f10e0ca15df6cec33af27f9c | omelkonian/AlgoRhythm | Music.hs | module Music
( module Music.Constants
, module Music.Operators
, module Music.Transformations
, module Music.Types
, module Music.Utilities
) where
import Music.Constants
import Music.Operators
import Music.Transformations
import Music.Types
import Music.Utilities
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/omelkonian/AlgoRhythm/fdc1ccbae0b3d8a7635b24d37716123aba2d6c11/AlgoRhythm/src/Music.hs | haskell | module Music
( module Music.Constants
, module Music.Operators
, module Music.Transformations
, module Music.Types
, module Music.Utilities
) where
import Music.Constants
import Music.Operators
import Music.Transformations
import Music.Types
import Music.Utilities
e55cb5f22207bcc9d327d48312347c409f792399eb4b03e13c8d777b15b05b61 | sinistersnare/aams | aceskt-star.rkt | #lang racket
(require (only-in racket/hash hash-union))
; An aCESKt* machine!
implements a k - CFA - like machine . defined by the AAM paper
; This is a k-cfa, so this to the k you want.
; is it really that easy? Seems like `k` is only used in the `tick` function.
; nice!
(define k-value 0)
; make a state of the machine.
(define (state expr env env-store k-store k-addr timestamp)
(list 'state expr env env-store k-store k-addr timestamp))
; a timestamp is a label and a contour
(define (timestamp label contour)
(list 'timestamp label contour))
; an address is a (label or variable) and a contour
(define (address label contour)
(list 'address label contour))
; like `take` in the stdlib, but will return the
; taken items so far if we reach the end of the list.
(define (takesafe lst n)
(if (or (= n 0) (null? lst))
(cons (car lst) (takesafe (cdr lst) (- n 1)))))
(define (tick st kont)
(match st
[(list 'state (cons (? symbol? _) _) _ _ _ _ t) t]
[(list 'state (cons #f _) _ _ _ _ t) t]
[(list 'state (cons `(,e0 ,e1) elabel) _ _ _ _ (list 'timestamp _ contour))
(timestamp elabel contour)]
HELP : what to do here , cause i do nt truly understand
; the way these work.
[(list 'state (cons `(if ,e0 ,e1, e2) iflabel) _ _ _ _ (list 'timestamp _ contour))
(timestamp iflabel contour)]
[(list 'state (cons `(λ ,xvar ,ebody) elabel) _ _ _ _ (list 'timestamp label contour))
(match kont
; HELP: intereting that timestamp doesnt change here. Why?
; need to understand this whole thing a bit better.
[(list 'ar _ _ _) (timestamp label contour)]
; add the label to the contour list, and then take the floor of it.
the empty list ( bullet / nil from AAM ) is only allowed in label position ,
; not contour position. Could cause issues!
[(list 'fn _ _ _) (timestamp '() (takesafe (cons label contour) k-value))]
[else (raise `(bad-kont-tick kont: ,kont st: ,st))])]
[else (raise `(bad-tick-args st: ,st kont: ,kont))]))
(define (alloc st kont)
(match st
[(list 'state (cons `(,(cons e0 e0label) ,e1) _) _ _ _ _ (list 'timestamp _ contour))
(address e0label contour)]
[(list 'state (cons `(if ,e0 ,e1, e2) iflabel) _ _ _ _ (list 'timestamp _ contour))
(address iflabel contour)]
[(list 'state (cons #f flabel) _ _ _ _ (list 'timestamp _ contour))
(address flabel contour)]
[(list 'state (cons `(λ ,_ ,_) _) _ _ k-store k-addr (list 'timestamp _ contour))
(match kont
['mt (address 'mt contour)]
[`(ar ,(cons _ elabel) ,_ ,_) (address elabel contour)]
[`(fn ,(cons `(λ ,x ,_) (? symbol?)) ,_ ,_) (address x contour)]
[else (println kont) (raise `(bad-kont-alloc kont: ,kont st: ,st))])]
[else (println st) (raise `(bad-alloc-args st: ,st kont: ,kont))]))
; create an initial state around a closed expression
(define (inj-aceskt* e)
(define a0 (address '0 '()))
(define t0 (timestamp '() '()))
; expr , env , env-store , k-store , k
where the stores are Addr - > P(ValueType ) .
(state e (hash) (hash) (hash a0 (set 'mt)) a0 t0))
; The store is a mappingof AddrType -> P(ValType)
; if the address is not in the mapping, its added as a singleton set
if the address is in the mapping , then the is added to the set
(define (create-or-add store addr val)
(hash-update store addr
(lambda (value-set) (set-add value-set val))
(lambda () (set val))))
Move the machine 1 step .
As this is an abstract machine , 1 given states returns a list of new states .
(define (step-aceskt* st)
(match-define (list 'state (cons expr (? symbol? label)) env env-store k-store k-addr _) st)
(define current-ks (hash-ref k-store k-addr))
; the lambda returns a list of states
; so the set-map returns a list of list of states.
; we flatten it so its only a single list.
(lambda (k)
(define u (tick st k))
(match expr
[(? symbol? x)
(println 'sym)
(define vals-at-x (hash-ref env-store (hash-ref env x)))
(set-map vals-at-x (lambda (vals)
(match-define (cons val envprime) vals)
(state val envprime env-store k-store k-addr (tick st k))))]
[`(,e0 ,e1)
(println 'app)
(define b (alloc st k))
(list (state e0 env env-store (create-or-add k-store b `(ar ,e1 ,env ,k-addr)) b u))]
[`(if ,e0 ,e1 ,e2)
(println 'if)
(define b (alloc st k))
(define new-k `(if ,e1 ,e2 ,env ,k-addr))
(define new-k-store (create-or-add k-store b new-k))
(list (state e0 env env-store new-k-store b u))]
(match k
[`(ar ,e ,pprime ,c)
(println 'ark)
(define b (alloc st k))
(define new-cont `(fn ,(cons v label) ,env ,c))
(list (state e pprime env-store (create-or-add k-store b new-cont) b u))]
[`(fn ,(cons `(λ ,x ,e) fnlabel) ,pprime ,c)
(println 'fnk)
(define b (alloc st k))
(list (state e (hash-set pprime x b)
(create-or-add env-store b (cons (cons v fnlabel) env)) k-store c u))]
[`(if ,e0 ,e1 ,pprime ,c)
(println 'ifkont)
(list (state (if (equal? v #f) e1 e0) pprime env-store k-store c u))]
[else (raise `(bad-match ,st))])])))))
; evaluate from an initial state
; this works differently from non-abstract abstract-machines, because here
; a step will return a list of states. We need to reach a fix-point
; which is when we have already seen all the states reached.
HELP : But is nt the defn of fixpoint ` x where f(x ) = x ` ?
; how is 'reached before already' a fixpoint? Am I visualizing the step function wrong?
(define (evaluate e)
; add labels to `e`.
(define (label e)
(define lab (gensym 'lab))
(match e
['#f (cons '#f lab)]
; TODO: numbers!
;[`,(? number? n) (cons n lab)]
[`(if ,e0 ,e1 ,e2) (cons `(if ,(label e0) ,(label e1) ,(label e2)) lab)]
[(? symbol? x) (cons x lab)]
[`(,e0 ,e1) (cons `(,(label e0) ,(label e1)) lab)]
[`(λ ,x ,e) (cons `(λ ,x ,(label e)) lab)]
[else (raise `(labeling-error ,e))]))
; go takes a list of states to process and a hash of reached states (and where they lead)
; and returns a set of reached states, and where they lead (like an edge-list).
(define (go states reached)
; compute new reached => new-reached
; from the newly reached states, figure which ones we havent seen before. => todo-states
; add all reached into total reached => union-reached
; If todo-states is empty: we are at fixed point, return union-reached. Else:
; Run `go` with todo-states and union-reached
(define new-reached (make-hash (map (lambda (st) (cons st (step-aceskt* st))) states)))
shoudnt be hit by dupe errors , as we check when calculating todo - states for possible dupes .
(define union-reached (hash-union reached new-reached))
; use union-reached instead of reached because when we reach a fixpoint we need to catch it.
TODO : swap args and use ` dropf ` instead of filter - not . Feel like it ll read better .
(define todo-states (dropf (append-map identity (hash-values new-reached))
(lambda (s) (hash-has-key? union-reached s))))
(if (empty? todo-states) union-reached (go todo-states union-reached)))
(go (list (inj-aceskt* (label e))) (hash)))
;(define edges (evaluate '((λ n (λ s (λ z (s ((n s) z))))) (λ s (λ z z)))))
(define edges (evaluate '((λ x (x x)) (λ x (x x)))))
; (step-aceskt* (state '(λ x (((x . lab1) (x . lab2)) . lab3)) '() '() '() '() '()))
( step - aceskt * ( state ' ( λ x ( ( ( x . lab99679 ) ( x . lab99680 ) ) . ) ) ' ( ) ' ( ) ' ( ) ' ( ) ' ( ) ) )
(evaluate '((λ x x) (if #f (λ x (x x)) (λ x x))))
; use the formatting module!
#;(println "digraph G {")
(lambda (src dests)
(for-each (lambda (dest) (println (string-append src " -> " dest))) dests)))
#;(println "}")
; found some λ-examples with this syntax, so ez transformation to mine.
(define (unwrap e)
(match e
[(? symbol? x) x]
[`(,efn ,earg) `(,(unwrap efn) ,(unwrap earg))]
[`(λ (,(? symbol? fnarg)) ,e) `(λ ,fnarg ,(unwrap e))]))
(define (eu e) (evaluate (unwrap e)))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sinistersnare/aams/367b43f4241f3cbfc5907970693157f0487cdd40/src/racket/basic_machines/aceskt-star.rkt | racket | An aCESKt* machine!
This is a k-cfa, so this to the k you want.
is it really that easy? Seems like `k` is only used in the `tick` function.
make a state of the machine.
a timestamp is a label and a contour
an address is a (label or variable) and a contour
like `take` in the stdlib, but will return the
taken items so far if we reach the end of the list.
the way these work.
HELP: intereting that timestamp doesnt change here. Why?
need to understand this whole thing a bit better.
add the label to the contour list, and then take the floor of it.
not contour position. Could cause issues!
create an initial state around a closed expression
expr , env , env-store , k-store , k
The store is a mappingof AddrType -> P(ValType)
if the address is not in the mapping, its added as a singleton set
the lambda returns a list of states
so the set-map returns a list of list of states.
we flatten it so its only a single list.
evaluate from an initial state
this works differently from non-abstract abstract-machines, because here
a step will return a list of states. We need to reach a fix-point
which is when we have already seen all the states reached.
how is 'reached before already' a fixpoint? Am I visualizing the step function wrong?
add labels to `e`.
TODO: numbers!
[`,(? number? n) (cons n lab)]
go takes a list of states to process and a hash of reached states (and where they lead)
and returns a set of reached states, and where they lead (like an edge-list).
compute new reached => new-reached
from the newly reached states, figure which ones we havent seen before. => todo-states
add all reached into total reached => union-reached
If todo-states is empty: we are at fixed point, return union-reached. Else:
Run `go` with todo-states and union-reached
use union-reached instead of reached because when we reach a fixpoint we need to catch it.
(define edges (evaluate '((λ n (λ s (λ z (s ((n s) z))))) (λ s (λ z z)))))
(step-aceskt* (state '(λ x (((x . lab1) (x . lab2)) . lab3)) '() '() '() '() '()))
use the formatting module!
(println "digraph G {")
(println "}")
found some λ-examples with this syntax, so ez transformation to mine. | #lang racket
(require (only-in racket/hash hash-union))
implements a k - CFA - like machine . defined by the AAM paper
(define k-value 0)
(define (state expr env env-store k-store k-addr timestamp)
(list 'state expr env env-store k-store k-addr timestamp))
(define (timestamp label contour)
(list 'timestamp label contour))
(define (address label contour)
(list 'address label contour))
(define (takesafe lst n)
(if (or (= n 0) (null? lst))
(cons (car lst) (takesafe (cdr lst) (- n 1)))))
(define (tick st kont)
(match st
[(list 'state (cons (? symbol? _) _) _ _ _ _ t) t]
[(list 'state (cons #f _) _ _ _ _ t) t]
[(list 'state (cons `(,e0 ,e1) elabel) _ _ _ _ (list 'timestamp _ contour))
(timestamp elabel contour)]
HELP : what to do here , cause i do nt truly understand
[(list 'state (cons `(if ,e0 ,e1, e2) iflabel) _ _ _ _ (list 'timestamp _ contour))
(timestamp iflabel contour)]
[(list 'state (cons `(λ ,xvar ,ebody) elabel) _ _ _ _ (list 'timestamp label contour))
(match kont
[(list 'ar _ _ _) (timestamp label contour)]
the empty list ( bullet / nil from AAM ) is only allowed in label position ,
[(list 'fn _ _ _) (timestamp '() (takesafe (cons label contour) k-value))]
[else (raise `(bad-kont-tick kont: ,kont st: ,st))])]
[else (raise `(bad-tick-args st: ,st kont: ,kont))]))
(define (alloc st kont)
(match st
[(list 'state (cons `(,(cons e0 e0label) ,e1) _) _ _ _ _ (list 'timestamp _ contour))
(address e0label contour)]
[(list 'state (cons `(if ,e0 ,e1, e2) iflabel) _ _ _ _ (list 'timestamp _ contour))
(address iflabel contour)]
[(list 'state (cons #f flabel) _ _ _ _ (list 'timestamp _ contour))
(address flabel contour)]
[(list 'state (cons `(λ ,_ ,_) _) _ _ k-store k-addr (list 'timestamp _ contour))
(match kont
['mt (address 'mt contour)]
[`(ar ,(cons _ elabel) ,_ ,_) (address elabel contour)]
[`(fn ,(cons `(λ ,x ,_) (? symbol?)) ,_ ,_) (address x contour)]
[else (println kont) (raise `(bad-kont-alloc kont: ,kont st: ,st))])]
[else (println st) (raise `(bad-alloc-args st: ,st kont: ,kont))]))
(define (inj-aceskt* e)
(define a0 (address '0 '()))
(define t0 (timestamp '() '()))
where the stores are Addr - > P(ValueType ) .
(state e (hash) (hash) (hash a0 (set 'mt)) a0 t0))
if the address is in the mapping , then the is added to the set
(define (create-or-add store addr val)
(hash-update store addr
(lambda (value-set) (set-add value-set val))
(lambda () (set val))))
Move the machine 1 step .
As this is an abstract machine , 1 given states returns a list of new states .
(define (step-aceskt* st)
(match-define (list 'state (cons expr (? symbol? label)) env env-store k-store k-addr _) st)
(define current-ks (hash-ref k-store k-addr))
(lambda (k)
(define u (tick st k))
(match expr
[(? symbol? x)
(println 'sym)
(define vals-at-x (hash-ref env-store (hash-ref env x)))
(set-map vals-at-x (lambda (vals)
(match-define (cons val envprime) vals)
(state val envprime env-store k-store k-addr (tick st k))))]
[`(,e0 ,e1)
(println 'app)
(define b (alloc st k))
(list (state e0 env env-store (create-or-add k-store b `(ar ,e1 ,env ,k-addr)) b u))]
[`(if ,e0 ,e1 ,e2)
(println 'if)
(define b (alloc st k))
(define new-k `(if ,e1 ,e2 ,env ,k-addr))
(define new-k-store (create-or-add k-store b new-k))
(list (state e0 env env-store new-k-store b u))]
(match k
[`(ar ,e ,pprime ,c)
(println 'ark)
(define b (alloc st k))
(define new-cont `(fn ,(cons v label) ,env ,c))
(list (state e pprime env-store (create-or-add k-store b new-cont) b u))]
[`(fn ,(cons `(λ ,x ,e) fnlabel) ,pprime ,c)
(println 'fnk)
(define b (alloc st k))
(list (state e (hash-set pprime x b)
(create-or-add env-store b (cons (cons v fnlabel) env)) k-store c u))]
[`(if ,e0 ,e1 ,pprime ,c)
(println 'ifkont)
(list (state (if (equal? v #f) e1 e0) pprime env-store k-store c u))]
[else (raise `(bad-match ,st))])])))))
HELP : But is nt the defn of fixpoint ` x where f(x ) = x ` ?
(define (evaluate e)
(define (label e)
(define lab (gensym 'lab))
(match e
['#f (cons '#f lab)]
[`(if ,e0 ,e1 ,e2) (cons `(if ,(label e0) ,(label e1) ,(label e2)) lab)]
[(? symbol? x) (cons x lab)]
[`(,e0 ,e1) (cons `(,(label e0) ,(label e1)) lab)]
[`(λ ,x ,e) (cons `(λ ,x ,(label e)) lab)]
[else (raise `(labeling-error ,e))]))
(define (go states reached)
(define new-reached (make-hash (map (lambda (st) (cons st (step-aceskt* st))) states)))
shoudnt be hit by dupe errors , as we check when calculating todo - states for possible dupes .
(define union-reached (hash-union reached new-reached))
TODO : swap args and use ` dropf ` instead of filter - not . Feel like it ll read better .
(define todo-states (dropf (append-map identity (hash-values new-reached))
(lambda (s) (hash-has-key? union-reached s))))
(if (empty? todo-states) union-reached (go todo-states union-reached)))
(go (list (inj-aceskt* (label e))) (hash)))
(define edges (evaluate '((λ x (x x)) (λ x (x x)))))
( step - aceskt * ( state ' ( λ x ( ( ( x . lab99679 ) ( x . lab99680 ) ) . ) ) ' ( ) ' ( ) ' ( ) ' ( ) ' ( ) ) )
(evaluate '((λ x x) (if #f (λ x (x x)) (λ x x))))
(lambda (src dests)
(for-each (lambda (dest) (println (string-append src " -> " dest))) dests)))
(define (unwrap e)
(match e
[(? symbol? x) x]
[`(,efn ,earg) `(,(unwrap efn) ,(unwrap earg))]
[`(λ (,(? symbol? fnarg)) ,e) `(λ ,fnarg ,(unwrap e))]))
(define (eu e) (evaluate (unwrap e)))
41a3139501259911a58a101d393950e0bd2acb10dfd04b3dda8afb65373e2723 | motoshira/lib_for_competitive_programming | uf-closure.lisp | ;;;
;;; Beginning of inserted contents
(defmacro make-uf (size)
(let ((parents (gensym)))
`(let ((,parents (make-array ,size :element-type 'fixnum :adjustable nil :initial-element -1)))
(labels ((%find (x)
(declare (fixnum x))
(the fixnum
(if (minusp (aref ,parents x))
(setf (aref,parents x)
(%find (aref ,parents x))))))
(%unite (x y)
(declare (fixnum x y))
(let ((x (%find x))
(y (%find y)))
(declare (fixnum x y))
(when (> x y)
(rotatef x y))
(when (/= x y)
(incf (aref ,parents x) (aref ,parents y))
(setf (aref ,parents y) x))))
(%inquire (x y)
(declare (fixnum x y))
(= (aref ,parents x)
(aref ,parents y))))
(lambda (key &optional (x -1) (y -1))
(declare (symbol key)
(fixnum x y))
(ecase key
(:find (%find x))
(:unite (%unite x y))
(:inquire (%inquire x y))
(:show ,parents)))))))
;;; End of inserted contents
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/motoshira/lib_for_competitive_programming/33fd81102f5d1067904e0aca9b3f9ba3c3c2ca73/experimental/uf-closure.lisp | lisp |
Beginning of inserted contents
End of inserted contents
(defmacro make-uf (size)
(let ((parents (gensym)))
`(let ((,parents (make-array ,size :element-type 'fixnum :adjustable nil :initial-element -1)))
(labels ((%find (x)
(declare (fixnum x))
(the fixnum
(if (minusp (aref ,parents x))
(setf (aref,parents x)
(%find (aref ,parents x))))))
(%unite (x y)
(declare (fixnum x y))
(let ((x (%find x))
(y (%find y)))
(declare (fixnum x y))
(when (> x y)
(rotatef x y))
(when (/= x y)
(incf (aref ,parents x) (aref ,parents y))
(setf (aref ,parents y) x))))
(%inquire (x y)
(declare (fixnum x y))
(= (aref ,parents x)
(aref ,parents y))))
(lambda (key &optional (x -1) (y -1))
(declare (symbol key)
(fixnum x y))
(ecase key
(:find (%find x))
(:unite (%unite x y))
(:inquire (%inquire x y))
(:show ,parents)))))))
a3938a5aa681f1ddc3c71ccb4d187a1310c9bb955e68b3aa58271e5d4f72d073 | hakaru-dev/hakaru | Datum.hs | # LANGUAGE CPP
, , PolyKinds
, TypeOperators
, TypeFamilies
, ExistentialQuantification
, DataKinds
, PolyKinds
, TypeOperators
, TypeFamilies
, ExistentialQuantification
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fwarn-tabs #-}
-- 2016.05.24
-- |
Module : Language . Hakaru . Syntax . Datum
Copyright : Copyright ( c ) 2016 the Hakaru team
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
Portability : GHC - only
Haskell types and helpers for Hakaru 's user - defined data types .
-- At present we only support regular-recursive polynomial data
-- types. Reduction of case analysis on data types is in
" Language . Hakaru . Syntax . Datum " .
/Developers note:/ many of the ' JmEq1 ' instances in this file
-- don't actually work because of problems with matching existentially
-- quantified types in the basis cases. For now I've left the
-- partially-defined code in place, but turned it off with the
@__PARTIAL_DATUM_JMEQ__@ CPP macro . In the future we should
-- either (a) remove this unused code, or (b) if the instances are
-- truly necessary then we should add the 'Sing' arguments everywhere
-- to make things work :(
module Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Datum
-- * Data constructors
Datum(..), datumHint, datumType
, DatumCode(..)
, DatumStruct(..)
, DatumFun(..)
-- ** Some smart constructors for the \"built-in\" datatypes
, dTrue, dFalse, dBool
, dUnit
, dPair
, dLeft, dRight
, dNil, dCons
, dNothing, dJust
-- *** Variants which allow explicit type passing.
, dPair_
, dLeft_, dRight_
, dNil_, dCons_
, dNothing_, dJust_
-- * Pattern constructors
, Branch(..)
, Pattern(..)
, PDatumCode(..)
, PDatumStruct(..)
, PDatumFun(..)
-- ** Some smart constructors for the \"built-in\" datatypes
, pTrue, pFalse
, pUnit
, pPair
, pLeft, pRight
, pNil, pCons
, pNothing, pJust
-- ** Generalized branches
, GBranch(..)
) where
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text (Text)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.IClasses
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Variable (Variable(..))
TODO : make things polykinded so we can make our ABT implementation
independent of Hakaru 's type system .
import Language.Hakaru.Types.DataKind
import Language.Hakaru.Types.Sing
cannotProve :: String -> a
cannotProve fun =
error $ "Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Datum." ++ fun ++ ": Cannot prove Refl because of phantomness"
-- TODO: change the kind to @(Hakaru -> *) -> HakaruCon -> *@ so
we can avoid the use of GADTs ? Would that allow us to actually
| A fully saturated data constructor , which recurses as @ast@.
We define this type as separate from ' DatumCode ' for two reasons .
First is to capture the fact that the datum is "
( i.e. , is a well - formed constructor ) . The second is to have a
type which is indexed by its ' Hakaru ' type , whereas ' DatumCode '
involves non - Hakaru types .
The first component is a hint for what the data constructor
-- should be called when pretty-printing, giving error messages,
-- etc. Like the hints for variable names, its value is not actually
-- used to decide which constructor is meant or which pattern
-- matches.
data Datum :: (Hakaru -> *) -> Hakaru -> * where
:: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
-> !(Sing (HData' t))
-> !(DatumCode (Code t) ast (HData' t))
-> Datum ast (HData' t)
datumHint :: Datum ast (HData' t) -> Text
datumHint (Datum hint _ _) = hint
datumType :: Datum ast (HData' t) -> Sing (HData' t)
datumType (Datum _ typ _) = typ
N.B. , This does n't require jmEq on ' DatumCode ' nor on @ast@. The
-- jmEq on the singleton is sufficient.
instance Eq1 ast => JmEq1 (Datum ast) where
jmEq1 (Datum _ typ1 d1) (Datum _ typ2 d2) =
case jmEq1 typ1 typ2 of
Just proof@Refl
| eq1 d1 d2 -> Just proof
_ -> Nothing
instance Eq1 ast => Eq1 (Datum ast) where
eq1 (Datum _ _ d1) (Datum _ _ d2) = eq1 d1 d2
instance Eq1 ast => Eq (Datum ast a) where
(==) = eq1
-- TODO: instance Read (Datum ast a)
instance Show1 ast => Show1 (Datum ast) where
showsPrec1 p (Datum hint typ d) =
showParen_011 p "Datum" hint typ d
instance Show1 ast => Show (Datum ast a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
instance Functor11 Datum where
fmap11 f (Datum hint typ d) = Datum hint typ (fmap11 f d)
instance Foldable11 Datum where
foldMap11 f (Datum _ _ d) = foldMap11 f d
instance Traversable11 Datum where
traverse11 f (Datum hint typ d) = Datum hint typ <$> traverse11 f d
infixr 7 `Et`, `PEt`
-- | The intermediate components of a data constructor. The intuition
behind the two indices is that the @[[HakaruFun]]@ is a functor
applied to the Hakaru type . Initially the @[[HakaruFun]]@ functor
will be the ' Code ' associated with the Hakaru type ; hence it 's
the one - step unrolling of the fixed point for our recursive
-- datatypes. But as we go along, we'll be doing induction on the
-- @[[HakaruFun]]@ functor.
data DatumCode :: [[HakaruFun]] -> (Hakaru -> *) -> Hakaru -> * where
BUG : haddock does n't like annotations on GADT constructors
-- <-dev/hakaru/issues/6>
-- Skip rightwards along the sum.
Inr :: !(DatumCode xss abt a) -> DatumCode (xs ': xss) abt a
-- Inject into the sum.
Inl :: !(DatumStruct xs abt a) -> DatumCode (xs ': xss) abt a
N.B. , these " instances rely on polymorphic recursion ,
since the @code@ changes at each constructor . However , we do n't
actually need to abstract over @code@ in order to define these
-- functions, because (1) we never existentially close over any
codes , and ( 2 ) the code is always getting smaller ; so we have
-- a good enough inductive hypothesis from polymorphism alone.
-- This instance works, but recurses into non-working instances.
instance JmEq1 ast => JmEq1 (DatumCode xss ast) where
jmEq1 (Inr c) (Inr d) = jmEq1 c d
jmEq1 (Inl c) (Inl d) = jmEq1 c d
jmEq1 _ _ = Nothing
instance Eq1 ast => Eq1 (DatumCode xss ast) where
eq1 (Inr c) (Inr d) = eq1 c d
eq1 (Inl c) (Inl d) = eq1 c d
eq1 _ _ = False
instance Eq1 ast => Eq (DatumCode xss ast a) where
(==) = eq1
TODO : instance Read ( DatumCode xss abt a )
instance Show1 ast => Show1 (DatumCode xss ast) where
showsPrec1 p (Inr d) = showParen_1 p "Inr" d
showsPrec1 p (Inl d) = showParen_1 p "Inl" d
instance Show1 ast => Show (DatumCode xss ast a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
instance Functor11 (DatumCode xss) where
fmap11 f (Inr d) = Inr (fmap11 f d)
fmap11 f (Inl d) = Inl (fmap11 f d)
instance Foldable11 (DatumCode xss) where
foldMap11 f (Inr d) = foldMap11 f d
foldMap11 f (Inl d) = foldMap11 f d
instance Traversable11 (DatumCode xss) where
traverse11 f (Inr d) = Inr <$> traverse11 f d
traverse11 f (Inl d) = Inl <$> traverse11 f d
data DatumStruct :: [HakaruFun] -> (Hakaru -> *) -> Hakaru -> * where
BUG : haddock does n't like annotations on GADT constructors
-- <-dev/hakaru/issues/6>
Combine components of the product . ( \"et\ " means \"and\ " in Latin )
Et :: !(DatumFun x abt a)
-> !(DatumStruct xs abt a)
-> DatumStruct (x ': xs) abt a
-- Close off the product.
Done :: DatumStruct '[] abt a
instance JmEq1 ast => JmEq1 (DatumStruct xs ast) where
jmEq1 (Et c1 Done) (Et d1 Done) = jmEq1 c1 d1 -- HACK: to handle 'Done' in the cases where we can.
jmEq1 (Et c1 c2) (Et d1 d2) = do
Refl <- jmEq1 c1 d1
Refl <- jmEq1 c2 d2
Just Refl
jmEq1 Done Done = Just (cannotProve "jmEq1@DatumStruct{Done}")
jmEq1 _ _ = Nothing
instance Eq1 ast => Eq1 (DatumStruct xs ast) where
eq1 (Et c1 c2) (Et d1 d2) = eq1 c1 d1 && eq1 c2 d2
eq1 Done Done = True
instance Eq1 ast => Eq (DatumStruct xs ast a) where
(==) = eq1
-- TODO: instance Read (DatumStruct xs abt a)
instance Show1 ast => Show1 (DatumStruct xs ast) where
showsPrec1 p (Et d1 d2) = showParen_11 p "Et" d1 d2
showsPrec1 _ Done = showString "Done"
instance Show1 ast => Show (DatumStruct xs ast a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
instance Functor11 (DatumStruct xs) where
fmap11 f (Et d1 d2) = Et (fmap11 f d1) (fmap11 f d2)
fmap11 _ Done = Done
instance Foldable11 (DatumStruct xs) where
foldMap11 f (Et d1 d2) = foldMap11 f d1 `mappend` foldMap11 f d2
foldMap11 _ Done = mempty
instance Traversable11 (DatumStruct xs) where
traverse11 f (Et d1 d2) = Et <$> traverse11 f d1 <*> traverse11 f d2
traverse11 _ Done = pure Done
-- TODO: do we like those constructor names? Should we change them?
data DatumFun :: HakaruFun -> (Hakaru -> *) -> Hakaru -> * where
BUG : haddock does n't like annotations on GADT constructors
-- <-dev/hakaru/issues/6>
-- Hit a leaf which isn't a recursive component of the datatype.
Konst :: !(ast b) -> DatumFun ('K b) ast a
-- Hit a leaf which is a recursive component of the datatype.
Ident :: !(ast a) -> DatumFun 'I ast a
instance JmEq1 ast => JmEq1 (DatumFun x ast) where
jmEq1 (Konst e) (Konst f) = do
This ' ' should be free because @x@ is fixed
Just (cannotProve "jmEq1@DatumFun{Konst}")
jmEq1 (Ident e) (Ident f) = jmEq1 e f
jmEq1 _ _ = Nothing
instance Eq1 ast => Eq1 (DatumFun x ast) where
eq1 (Konst e) (Konst f) = eq1 e f
eq1 (Ident e) (Ident f) = eq1 e f
instance Eq1 ast => Eq (DatumFun x ast a) where
(==) = eq1
TODO : instance Read ( DatumFun x abt a )
instance Show1 ast => Show1 (DatumFun x ast) where
showsPrec1 p (Konst e) = showParen_1 p "Konst" e
showsPrec1 p (Ident e) = showParen_1 p "Ident" e
instance Show1 ast => Show (DatumFun x ast a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
instance Functor11 (DatumFun x) where
fmap11 f (Konst e) = Konst (f e)
fmap11 f (Ident e) = Ident (f e)
instance Foldable11 (DatumFun x) where
foldMap11 f (Konst e) = f e
foldMap11 f (Ident e) = f e
instance Traversable11 (DatumFun x) where
traverse11 f (Konst e) = Konst <$> f e
traverse11 f (Ident e) = Ident <$> f e
In GHC 7.8 we can make the monomorphic smart constructors into
pattern synonyms , but 7.8 ca n't handle anything polymorphic ( but
GHC 7.10 can ) . For libraries ( e.g. , " Language . Hakaru . Syntax . Prelude " )
-- we can use functions to construct our Case_ statements, so library
-- designers don't need pattern synonyms. Whereas, for the internal
aspects of the compiler , we need to handle all possible Datum
-- values, so the pattern synonyms wouldn't even be helpful.
dTrue, dFalse :: Datum ast HBool
dTrue = Datum tdTrue sBool . Inl $ Done
dFalse = Datum tdFalse sBool . Inr . Inl $ Done
dBool :: Bool -> Datum ast HBool
dBool b = if b then dTrue else dFalse
dUnit :: Datum ast HUnit
dUnit = Datum tdUnit sUnit . Inl $ Done
dPair :: (SingI a, SingI b) => ast a -> ast b -> Datum ast (HPair a b)
dPair = dPair_ sing sing
dPair_ :: Sing a -> Sing b -> ast a -> ast b -> Datum ast (HPair a b)
dPair_ a b x y =
Datum tdPair (sPair a b) . Inl $ Konst x `Et` Konst y `Et` Done
dLeft :: (SingI a, SingI b) => ast a -> Datum ast (HEither a b)
dLeft = dLeft_ sing sing
dLeft_ :: Sing a -> Sing b -> ast a -> Datum ast (HEither a b)
dLeft_ a b =
Datum tdLeft (sEither a b) . Inl . (`Et` Done) . Konst
dRight :: (SingI a, SingI b) => ast b -> Datum ast (HEither a b)
dRight = dRight_ sing sing
dRight_ :: Sing a -> Sing b -> ast b -> Datum ast (HEither a b)
dRight_ a b =
Datum tdRight (sEither a b) . Inr . Inl . (`Et` Done) . Konst
dNil :: (SingI a) => Datum ast (HList a)
dNil = dNil_ sing
dNil_ :: Sing a -> Datum ast (HList a)
dNil_ a = Datum tdNil (sList a) . Inl $ Done
dCons :: (SingI a) => ast a -> ast (HList a) -> Datum ast (HList a)
dCons = dCons_ sing
dCons_ :: Sing a -> ast a -> ast (HList a) -> Datum ast (HList a)
dCons_ a x xs =
Datum tdCons (sList a) . Inr . Inl $ Konst x `Et` Ident xs `Et` Done
dNothing :: (SingI a) => Datum ast (HMaybe a)
dNothing = dNothing_ sing
dNothing_ :: Sing a -> Datum ast (HMaybe a)
dNothing_ a = Datum tdNothing (sMaybe a) $ Inl Done
dJust :: (SingI a) => ast a -> Datum ast (HMaybe a)
dJust = dJust_ sing
dJust_ :: Sing a -> ast a -> Datum ast (HMaybe a)
dJust_ a = Datum tdJust (sMaybe a) . Inr . Inl . (`Et` Done) . Konst
tdTrue, tdFalse, tdUnit, tdPair, tdLeft, tdRight, tdNil, tdCons, tdNothing, tdJust :: Text
tdTrue = Text.pack "true"
tdFalse = Text.pack "false"
tdUnit = Text.pack "unit"
tdPair = Text.pack "pair"
tdLeft = Text.pack "left"
tdRight = Text.pack "right"
tdNil = Text.pack "nil"
tdCons = Text.pack "cons"
tdNothing = Text.pack "nothing"
tdJust = Text.pack "just"
-- TODO: negative patterns? (to facilitate reordering of case branches)
-- TODO: disjunctive patterns, a~la ML?
TODO : equality patterns for Nat\/Int ? ( what about Prob\/Real ? ? )
-- TODO: exhaustiveness, non-overlap, dead-branch checking
-- | We index patterns by the type they scrutinize. This requires
-- the parser to be smart enough to build these patterns up, but
-- then it guarantees that we can't have 'Case_' of patterns which
-- can't possibly match according to our type system. In addition,
-- we also index patterns by the type of what variables they bind,
-- so that we can ensure that 'Branch' will never \"go wrong\".
Alas , this latter indexing means we ca n't use ' DatumCode ' ,
' DatumStruct ' , and ' DatumFun ' but rather must define our own @P@
-- variants for pattern matching.
data Pattern :: [Hakaru] -> Hakaru -> * where
BUG : haddock does n't like annotations on GADT constructors
-- <-dev/hakaru/issues/6>
The \"don't care\ " wildcard pattern .
PWild :: Pattern '[] a
-- A pattern variable.
PVar :: Pattern '[ a ] a
A data type constructor pattern . As with the ' Datum '
constructor , the first component is a hint .
:: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
-> !(PDatumCode (Code t) vars (HData' t))
-> Pattern vars (HData' t)
instance JmEq2 Pattern where
jmEq2 PWild PWild = Just (Refl, cannotProve "jmEq2@Pattern{PWild}")
jmEq2 PVar PVar = Just (cannotProve "jmEq2@Pattern{PVar}", cannotProve "jmEq2@Pattern{PVar}")
jmEq2 (PDatum _ d1) (PDatum _ d2) =
jmEq2_fake d1 d2
:: PDatumCode xss vars1 a1
-> PDatumCode xss' vars2 a2
-> Maybe (TypeEq vars1 vars2, TypeEq a1 a2)
jmEq2_fake =
error "jmEq2@Pattern{PDatum}: can't recurse because Code isn't injective" -- so @xss@ and @xss'@ aren't guaranteed to be the same
jmEq2 _ _ = Nothing
instance JmEq1 (Pattern vars) where
jmEq1 p1 p2 = jmEq2 p1 p2 >>= \(_,proof) -> Just proof
instance Eq2 Pattern where
eq2 PWild PWild = True
eq2 PVar PVar = True
eq2 (PDatum _ d1) (PDatum _ d2) = eq2 d1 d2
eq2 _ _ = False
instance Eq1 (Pattern vars) where
eq1 = eq2
instance Eq (Pattern vars a) where
(==) = eq1
-- TODO: instance Read (Pattern vars a)
instance Show2 Pattern where
showsPrec2 _ PWild = showString "PWild"
showsPrec2 _ PVar = showString "PVar"
showsPrec2 p (PDatum hint d) = showParen_02 p "PDatum" hint d
instance Show1 (Pattern vars) where
showsPrec1 = showsPrec2
show1 = show2
instance Show (Pattern vars a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
TODO : as necessary Functor22 , Foldable22 ,
data PDatumCode :: [[HakaruFun]] -> [Hakaru] -> Hakaru -> * where
PInr :: !(PDatumCode xss vars a) -> PDatumCode (xs ': xss) vars a
PInl :: !(PDatumStruct xs vars a) -> PDatumCode (xs ': xss) vars a
instance JmEq2 (PDatumCode xss) where
jmEq2 (PInr c) (PInr d) = jmEq2 c d
jmEq2 (PInl c) (PInl d) = jmEq2 c d
jmEq2 _ _ = Nothing
-- This instance works, but recurses into non-working instances.
instance JmEq1 (PDatumCode xss vars) where
jmEq1 (PInr c) (PInr d) = jmEq1 c d
jmEq1 (PInl c) (PInl d) = jmEq1 c d
jmEq1 _ _ = Nothing
instance Eq2 (PDatumCode xss) where
eq2 (PInr c) (PInr d) = eq2 c d
eq2 (PInl c) (PInl d) = eq2 c d
eq2 _ _ = False
instance Eq1 (PDatumCode xss vars) where
eq1 = eq2
instance Eq (PDatumCode xss vars a) where
(==) = eq1
-- TODO: instance Read (PDatumCode xss vars a)
instance Show2 (PDatumCode xss) where
showsPrec2 p (PInr d) = showParen_2 p "PInr" d
showsPrec2 p (PInl d) = showParen_2 p "PInl" d
instance Show1 (PDatumCode xss vars) where
showsPrec1 = showsPrec2
show1 = show2
instance Show (PDatumCode xss vars a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
TODO : as necessary Functor22 , Foldable22 ,
data PDatumStruct :: [HakaruFun] -> [Hakaru] -> Hakaru -> * where
PEt :: !(PDatumFun x vars1 a)
-> !(PDatumStruct xs vars2 a)
-> PDatumStruct (x ': xs) (vars1 ++ vars2) a
PDone :: PDatumStruct '[] '[] a
This block of recursive functions are analogous to ' JmEq2 ' except
-- we only return the equality proof for the penultimate index
-- rather than both the penultimate and ultimate index. (Because
we return proofs for the penultimate index , but not for
the ultimate . ) This is necessary for defining the @Eq1 ( PDatumStruct
-- xs vars)@ and @Eq1 (Branch a abt)@ instances, since we need to
-- make sure the existential @vars@ match up.
N.B. , that we can use ' ' in the ' PVar ' case relies on the
-- fact that the @a@ parameter is fixed to be the same in both
-- patterns.
jmEq_P :: Pattern vs a -> Pattern ws a -> Maybe (TypeEq vs ws)
jmEq_P PWild PWild = Just Refl
jmEq_P PVar PVar = Just Refl
jmEq_P (PDatum _ p1) (PDatum _ p2) = jmEq_PCode p1 p2
jmEq_P _ _ = Nothing
:: PDatumCode xss vs a
-> PDatumCode xss ws a
-> Maybe (TypeEq vs ws)
jmEq_PCode (PInr p1) (PInr p2) = jmEq_PCode p1 p2
jmEq_PCode (PInl p1) (PInl p2) = jmEq_PStruct p1 p2
jmEq_PCode _ _ = Nothing
:: PDatumStruct xs vs a
-> PDatumStruct xs ws a
-> Maybe (TypeEq vs ws)
jmEq_PStruct (PEt c1 c2) (PEt d1 d2) = do
Refl <- jmEq_PFun c1 d1
Refl <- jmEq_PStruct c2 d2
Just Refl
jmEq_PStruct PDone PDone = Just Refl
jmEq_PFun :: PDatumFun f vs a -> PDatumFun f ws a -> Maybe (TypeEq vs ws)
jmEq_PFun (PKonst p1) (PKonst p2) = jmEq_P p1 p2
jmEq_PFun (PIdent p1) (PIdent p2) = jmEq_P p1 p2
instance JmEq2 (PDatumStruct xs) where
jmEq2 (PEt c1 c2) (PEt d1 d2) = do
(Refl, Refl) <- jmEq2 c1 d1
(Refl, Refl) <- jmEq2 c2 d2
Just (Refl, Refl)
jmEq2 PDone PDone = Just (Refl, cannotProve "jmEq2@PDatumStruct{PDone}")
jmEq2 _ _ = Nothing
instance JmEq1 (PDatumStruct xs vars) where
jmEq1 p1 p2 = jmEq2 p1 p2 >>= \(_,proof) -> Just proof
instance Eq2 (PDatumStruct xs) where
eq2 p1 p2 = maybe False (const True) $ jmEq_PStruct p1 p2
instance Eq1 (PDatumStruct xs vars) where
eq1 = eq2
instance Eq (PDatumStruct xs vars a) where
(==) = eq1
-- TODO: instance Read (PDatumStruct xs vars a)
instance Show2 (PDatumStruct xs) where
showsPrec2 p (PEt d1 d2) = showParen_22 p "PEt" d1 d2
showsPrec2 _ PDone = showString "PDone"
instance Show1 (PDatumStruct xs vars) where
showsPrec1 = showsPrec2
show1 = show2
instance Show (PDatumStruct xs vars a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
TODO : as necessary Functor22 , Foldable22 ,
data PDatumFun :: HakaruFun -> [Hakaru] -> Hakaru -> * where
PKonst :: !(Pattern vars b) -> PDatumFun ('K b) vars a
PIdent :: !(Pattern vars a) -> PDatumFun 'I vars a
instance JmEq2 (PDatumFun x) where
jmEq2 (PKonst p1) (PKonst p2) = do
(Refl, Refl) <- jmEq2 p1 p2
Just (Refl, cannotProve "jmEq2@PDatumFun{PKonst}")
jmEq2 (PIdent p1) (PIdent p2) = jmEq2 p1 p2
jmEq2 _ _ = Nothing
instance JmEq1 (PDatumFun x vars) where
jmEq1 (PKonst e) (PKonst f) = do
Refl <- jmEq1 e f
Just (cannotProve "jmEq1@PDatumFun{PKonst}")
jmEq1 (PIdent e) (PIdent f) = jmEq1 e f
jmEq1 _ _ = Nothing
instance Eq2 (PDatumFun x) where
eq2 (PKonst e) (PKonst f) = eq2 e f
eq2 (PIdent e) (PIdent f) = eq2 e f
instance Eq1 (PDatumFun x vars) where
eq1 = eq2
instance Eq (PDatumFun x vars a) where
(==) = eq1
-- TODO: instance Read (PDatumFun x vars a)
instance Show2 (PDatumFun x) where
showsPrec2 p (PKonst e) = showParen_2 p "PKonst" e
showsPrec2 p (PIdent e) = showParen_2 p "PIdent" e
instance Show1 (PDatumFun x vars) where
showsPrec1 = showsPrec2
show1 = show2
instance Show (PDatumFun x vars a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
TODO : as necessary Functor22 , Foldable22 ,
pTrue, pFalse :: Pattern '[] HBool
pTrue = PDatum tdTrue . PInl $ PDone
pFalse = PDatum tdFalse . PInr . PInl $ PDone
pUnit :: Pattern '[] HUnit
pUnit = PDatum tdUnit . PInl $ PDone
HACK : using undefined like that is n't going to help if we use
-- the variant of eqAppendIdentity that actually needs the Sing...
varsOfPattern :: Pattern vars a -> proxy vars
varsOfPattern _ = error "TODO: varsOfPattern"
:: Pattern vars1 a
-> Pattern vars2 b
-> Pattern (vars1 ++ vars2) (HPair a b)
pPair x y =
case eqAppendIdentity (varsOfPattern y) of
Refl -> PDatum tdPair . PInl $ PKonst x `PEt` PKonst y `PEt` PDone
pLeft :: Pattern vars a -> Pattern vars (HEither a b)
pLeft x =
case eqAppendIdentity (varsOfPattern x) of
Refl -> PDatum tdLeft . PInl $ PKonst x `PEt` PDone
pRight :: Pattern vars b -> Pattern vars (HEither a b)
pRight y =
case eqAppendIdentity (varsOfPattern y) of
Refl -> PDatum tdRight . PInr . PInl $ PKonst y `PEt` PDone
pNil :: Pattern '[] (HList a)
pNil = PDatum tdNil . PInl $ PDone
pCons :: Pattern vars1 a
-> Pattern vars2 (HList a)
-> Pattern (vars1 ++ vars2) (HList a)
pCons x xs =
case eqAppendIdentity (varsOfPattern xs) of
Refl -> PDatum tdCons . PInr . PInl $ PKonst x `PEt` PIdent xs `PEt` PDone
pNothing :: Pattern '[] (HMaybe a)
pNothing = PDatum tdNothing . PInl $ PDone
pJust :: Pattern vars a -> Pattern vars (HMaybe a)
pJust x =
case eqAppendIdentity (varsOfPattern x) of
Refl -> PDatum tdJust . PInr . PInl $ PKonst x `PEt` PDone
-- TODO: a pretty infix syntax, like (:=>) or something?
-- TODO: this datatype is helpful for capturing the existential;
-- but other than that, it should be replaced\/augmented with a
-- type for pattern automata, so we can optimize case analysis.
TODO : if we used the argument order @Branch abt a b@ then we
could give @Foo2@ instances instead of just @Foo1@ instances .
-- Also would possibly let us talk about branches as profunctors
mapping @a@ to Would either of these actually be helpful
-- in practice for us?
data Branch
(a :: Hakaru) -- The type of the scrutinee.
The ' ABT ' of the body .
(b :: Hakaru) -- The type of the body.
= forall xs. Branch
!(Pattern xs a)
!(abt xs b)
instance Eq2 abt => Eq1 (Branch a abt) where
eq1 (Branch p1 e1) (Branch p2 e2) =
case jmEq_P p1 p2 of
Nothing -> False
Just Refl -> eq2 e1 e2
instance Eq2 abt => Eq (Branch a abt b) where
(==) = eq1
-- TODO: instance Read (Branch abt a b)
instance Show2 abt => Show1 (Branch a abt) where
showsPrec1 p (Branch pat e) = showParen_22 p "Branch" pat e
instance Show2 abt => Show (Branch a abt b) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
instance Functor21 (Branch a) where
fmap21 f (Branch p e) = Branch p (f e)
instance Foldable21 (Branch a) where
foldMap21 f (Branch _ e) = f e
instance Traversable21 (Branch a) where
traverse21 f (Branch pat e) = Branch pat <$> f e
-- | A generalization of the 'Branch' type to allow a \"body\" of
any type .
data GBranch (a :: Hakaru) (r :: *)
= forall xs. GBranch
!(Pattern xs a)
!(List1 Variable xs)
instance Functor (GBranch a) where
fmap f (GBranch pat vars x) = GBranch pat vars (f x)
instance F.Foldable (GBranch a) where
foldMap f (GBranch _ _ x) = f x
instance T.Traversable (GBranch a) where
traverse f (GBranch pat vars x) = GBranch pat vars <$> f x
----------------------------------------------------------- fin.
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hakaru-dev/hakaru/94157c89ea136c3b654a85cce51f19351245a490/haskell/Language/Hakaru/Syntax/Datum.hs | haskell | # OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fwarn-tabs #
License : BSD3
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
At present we only support regular-recursive polynomial data
types. Reduction of case analysis on data types is in
don't actually work because of problems with matching existentially
quantified types in the basis cases. For now I've left the
partially-defined code in place, but turned it off with the
either (a) remove this unused code, or (b) if the instances are
truly necessary then we should add the 'Sing' arguments everywhere
to make things work :(
* Data constructors
** Some smart constructors for the \"built-in\" datatypes
*** Variants which allow explicit type passing.
* Pattern constructors
** Some smart constructors for the \"built-in\" datatypes
** Generalized branches
TODO: change the kind to @(Hakaru -> *) -> HakaruCon -> *@ so
should be called when pretty-printing, giving error messages,
etc. Like the hints for variable names, its value is not actually
used to decide which constructor is meant or which pattern
jmEq on the singleton is sufficient.
TODO: instance Read (Datum ast a)
| The intermediate components of a data constructor. The intuition
datatypes. But as we go along, we'll be doing induction on the
@[[HakaruFun]]@ functor.
Skip rightwards along the sum.
Inject into the sum.
functions, because (1) we never existentially close over any
a good enough inductive hypothesis from polymorphism alone.
This instance works, but recurses into non-working instances.
Close off the product.
HACK: to handle 'Done' in the cases where we can.
TODO: instance Read (DatumStruct xs abt a)
TODO: do we like those constructor names? Should we change them?
Hit a leaf which isn't a recursive component of the datatype.
Hit a leaf which is a recursive component of the datatype.
we can use functions to construct our Case_ statements, so library
designers don't need pattern synonyms. Whereas, for the internal
values, so the pattern synonyms wouldn't even be helpful.
TODO: negative patterns? (to facilitate reordering of case branches)
TODO: disjunctive patterns, a~la ML?
TODO: exhaustiveness, non-overlap, dead-branch checking
| We index patterns by the type they scrutinize. This requires
the parser to be smart enough to build these patterns up, but
then it guarantees that we can't have 'Case_' of patterns which
can't possibly match according to our type system. In addition,
we also index patterns by the type of what variables they bind,
so that we can ensure that 'Branch' will never \"go wrong\".
variants for pattern matching.
A pattern variable.
so @xss@ and @xss'@ aren't guaranteed to be the same
TODO: instance Read (Pattern vars a)
This instance works, but recurses into non-working instances.
TODO: instance Read (PDatumCode xss vars a)
we only return the equality proof for the penultimate index
rather than both the penultimate and ultimate index. (Because
xs vars)@ and @Eq1 (Branch a abt)@ instances, since we need to
make sure the existential @vars@ match up.
fact that the @a@ parameter is fixed to be the same in both
TODO: instance Read (PDatumStruct xs vars a)
TODO: instance Read (PDatumFun x vars a)
the variant of eqAppendIdentity that actually needs the Sing...
TODO: a pretty infix syntax, like (:=>) or something?
TODO: this datatype is helpful for capturing the existential;
but other than that, it should be replaced\/augmented with a
type for pattern automata, so we can optimize case analysis.
Also would possibly let us talk about branches as profunctors
in practice for us?
The type of the scrutinee.
The type of the body.
TODO: instance Read (Branch abt a b)
| A generalization of the 'Branch' type to allow a \"body\" of
--------------------------------------------------------- fin. | # LANGUAGE CPP
, , PolyKinds
, TypeOperators
, TypeFamilies
, ExistentialQuantification
, DataKinds
, PolyKinds
, TypeOperators
, TypeFamilies
, ExistentialQuantification
Module : Language . Hakaru . Syntax . Datum
Copyright : Copyright ( c ) 2016 the Hakaru team
Portability : GHC - only
Haskell types and helpers for Hakaru 's user - defined data types .
" Language . Hakaru . Syntax . Datum " .
/Developers note:/ many of the ' JmEq1 ' instances in this file
@__PARTIAL_DATUM_JMEQ__@ CPP macro . In the future we should
module Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Datum
Datum(..), datumHint, datumType
, DatumCode(..)
, DatumStruct(..)
, DatumFun(..)
, dTrue, dFalse, dBool
, dUnit
, dPair
, dLeft, dRight
, dNil, dCons
, dNothing, dJust
, dPair_
, dLeft_, dRight_
, dNil_, dCons_
, dNothing_, dJust_
, Branch(..)
, Pattern(..)
, PDatumCode(..)
, PDatumStruct(..)
, PDatumFun(..)
, pTrue, pFalse
, pUnit
, pPair
, pLeft, pRight
, pNil, pCons
, pNothing, pJust
, GBranch(..)
) where
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text (Text)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.IClasses
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Variable (Variable(..))
TODO : make things polykinded so we can make our ABT implementation
independent of Hakaru 's type system .
import Language.Hakaru.Types.DataKind
import Language.Hakaru.Types.Sing
cannotProve :: String -> a
cannotProve fun =
error $ "Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Datum." ++ fun ++ ": Cannot prove Refl because of phantomness"
we can avoid the use of GADTs ? Would that allow us to actually
| A fully saturated data constructor , which recurses as @ast@.
We define this type as separate from ' DatumCode ' for two reasons .
First is to capture the fact that the datum is "
( i.e. , is a well - formed constructor ) . The second is to have a
type which is indexed by its ' Hakaru ' type , whereas ' DatumCode '
involves non - Hakaru types .
The first component is a hint for what the data constructor
data Datum :: (Hakaru -> *) -> Hakaru -> * where
-> !(Sing (HData' t))
-> !(DatumCode (Code t) ast (HData' t))
-> Datum ast (HData' t)
datumHint :: Datum ast (HData' t) -> Text
datumHint (Datum hint _ _) = hint
datumType :: Datum ast (HData' t) -> Sing (HData' t)
datumType (Datum _ typ _) = typ
N.B. , This does n't require jmEq on ' DatumCode ' nor on @ast@. The
instance Eq1 ast => JmEq1 (Datum ast) where
jmEq1 (Datum _ typ1 d1) (Datum _ typ2 d2) =
case jmEq1 typ1 typ2 of
Just proof@Refl
| eq1 d1 d2 -> Just proof
_ -> Nothing
instance Eq1 ast => Eq1 (Datum ast) where
eq1 (Datum _ _ d1) (Datum _ _ d2) = eq1 d1 d2
instance Eq1 ast => Eq (Datum ast a) where
(==) = eq1
instance Show1 ast => Show1 (Datum ast) where
showsPrec1 p (Datum hint typ d) =
showParen_011 p "Datum" hint typ d
instance Show1 ast => Show (Datum ast a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
instance Functor11 Datum where
fmap11 f (Datum hint typ d) = Datum hint typ (fmap11 f d)
instance Foldable11 Datum where
foldMap11 f (Datum _ _ d) = foldMap11 f d
instance Traversable11 Datum where
traverse11 f (Datum hint typ d) = Datum hint typ <$> traverse11 f d
infixr 7 `Et`, `PEt`
behind the two indices is that the @[[HakaruFun]]@ is a functor
applied to the Hakaru type . Initially the @[[HakaruFun]]@ functor
will be the ' Code ' associated with the Hakaru type ; hence it 's
the one - step unrolling of the fixed point for our recursive
data DatumCode :: [[HakaruFun]] -> (Hakaru -> *) -> Hakaru -> * where
BUG : haddock does n't like annotations on GADT constructors
Inr :: !(DatumCode xss abt a) -> DatumCode (xs ': xss) abt a
Inl :: !(DatumStruct xs abt a) -> DatumCode (xs ': xss) abt a
N.B. , these " instances rely on polymorphic recursion ,
since the @code@ changes at each constructor . However , we do n't
actually need to abstract over @code@ in order to define these
codes , and ( 2 ) the code is always getting smaller ; so we have
instance JmEq1 ast => JmEq1 (DatumCode xss ast) where
jmEq1 (Inr c) (Inr d) = jmEq1 c d
jmEq1 (Inl c) (Inl d) = jmEq1 c d
jmEq1 _ _ = Nothing
instance Eq1 ast => Eq1 (DatumCode xss ast) where
eq1 (Inr c) (Inr d) = eq1 c d
eq1 (Inl c) (Inl d) = eq1 c d
eq1 _ _ = False
instance Eq1 ast => Eq (DatumCode xss ast a) where
(==) = eq1
TODO : instance Read ( DatumCode xss abt a )
instance Show1 ast => Show1 (DatumCode xss ast) where
showsPrec1 p (Inr d) = showParen_1 p "Inr" d
showsPrec1 p (Inl d) = showParen_1 p "Inl" d
instance Show1 ast => Show (DatumCode xss ast a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
instance Functor11 (DatumCode xss) where
fmap11 f (Inr d) = Inr (fmap11 f d)
fmap11 f (Inl d) = Inl (fmap11 f d)
instance Foldable11 (DatumCode xss) where
foldMap11 f (Inr d) = foldMap11 f d
foldMap11 f (Inl d) = foldMap11 f d
instance Traversable11 (DatumCode xss) where
traverse11 f (Inr d) = Inr <$> traverse11 f d
traverse11 f (Inl d) = Inl <$> traverse11 f d
data DatumStruct :: [HakaruFun] -> (Hakaru -> *) -> Hakaru -> * where
BUG : haddock does n't like annotations on GADT constructors
Combine components of the product . ( \"et\ " means \"and\ " in Latin )
Et :: !(DatumFun x abt a)
-> !(DatumStruct xs abt a)
-> DatumStruct (x ': xs) abt a
Done :: DatumStruct '[] abt a
instance JmEq1 ast => JmEq1 (DatumStruct xs ast) where
jmEq1 (Et c1 c2) (Et d1 d2) = do
Refl <- jmEq1 c1 d1
Refl <- jmEq1 c2 d2
Just Refl
jmEq1 Done Done = Just (cannotProve "jmEq1@DatumStruct{Done}")
jmEq1 _ _ = Nothing
instance Eq1 ast => Eq1 (DatumStruct xs ast) where
eq1 (Et c1 c2) (Et d1 d2) = eq1 c1 d1 && eq1 c2 d2
eq1 Done Done = True
instance Eq1 ast => Eq (DatumStruct xs ast a) where
(==) = eq1
instance Show1 ast => Show1 (DatumStruct xs ast) where
showsPrec1 p (Et d1 d2) = showParen_11 p "Et" d1 d2
showsPrec1 _ Done = showString "Done"
instance Show1 ast => Show (DatumStruct xs ast a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
instance Functor11 (DatumStruct xs) where
fmap11 f (Et d1 d2) = Et (fmap11 f d1) (fmap11 f d2)
fmap11 _ Done = Done
instance Foldable11 (DatumStruct xs) where
foldMap11 f (Et d1 d2) = foldMap11 f d1 `mappend` foldMap11 f d2
foldMap11 _ Done = mempty
instance Traversable11 (DatumStruct xs) where
traverse11 f (Et d1 d2) = Et <$> traverse11 f d1 <*> traverse11 f d2
traverse11 _ Done = pure Done
data DatumFun :: HakaruFun -> (Hakaru -> *) -> Hakaru -> * where
BUG : haddock does n't like annotations on GADT constructors
Konst :: !(ast b) -> DatumFun ('K b) ast a
Ident :: !(ast a) -> DatumFun 'I ast a
instance JmEq1 ast => JmEq1 (DatumFun x ast) where
jmEq1 (Konst e) (Konst f) = do
This ' ' should be free because @x@ is fixed
Just (cannotProve "jmEq1@DatumFun{Konst}")
jmEq1 (Ident e) (Ident f) = jmEq1 e f
jmEq1 _ _ = Nothing
instance Eq1 ast => Eq1 (DatumFun x ast) where
eq1 (Konst e) (Konst f) = eq1 e f
eq1 (Ident e) (Ident f) = eq1 e f
instance Eq1 ast => Eq (DatumFun x ast a) where
(==) = eq1
TODO : instance Read ( DatumFun x abt a )
instance Show1 ast => Show1 (DatumFun x ast) where
showsPrec1 p (Konst e) = showParen_1 p "Konst" e
showsPrec1 p (Ident e) = showParen_1 p "Ident" e
instance Show1 ast => Show (DatumFun x ast a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
instance Functor11 (DatumFun x) where
fmap11 f (Konst e) = Konst (f e)
fmap11 f (Ident e) = Ident (f e)
instance Foldable11 (DatumFun x) where
foldMap11 f (Konst e) = f e
foldMap11 f (Ident e) = f e
instance Traversable11 (DatumFun x) where
traverse11 f (Konst e) = Konst <$> f e
traverse11 f (Ident e) = Ident <$> f e
In GHC 7.8 we can make the monomorphic smart constructors into
pattern synonyms , but 7.8 ca n't handle anything polymorphic ( but
GHC 7.10 can ) . For libraries ( e.g. , " Language . Hakaru . Syntax . Prelude " )
aspects of the compiler , we need to handle all possible Datum
dTrue, dFalse :: Datum ast HBool
dTrue = Datum tdTrue sBool . Inl $ Done
dFalse = Datum tdFalse sBool . Inr . Inl $ Done
dBool :: Bool -> Datum ast HBool
dBool b = if b then dTrue else dFalse
dUnit :: Datum ast HUnit
dUnit = Datum tdUnit sUnit . Inl $ Done
dPair :: (SingI a, SingI b) => ast a -> ast b -> Datum ast (HPair a b)
dPair = dPair_ sing sing
dPair_ :: Sing a -> Sing b -> ast a -> ast b -> Datum ast (HPair a b)
dPair_ a b x y =
Datum tdPair (sPair a b) . Inl $ Konst x `Et` Konst y `Et` Done
dLeft :: (SingI a, SingI b) => ast a -> Datum ast (HEither a b)
dLeft = dLeft_ sing sing
dLeft_ :: Sing a -> Sing b -> ast a -> Datum ast (HEither a b)
dLeft_ a b =
Datum tdLeft (sEither a b) . Inl . (`Et` Done) . Konst
dRight :: (SingI a, SingI b) => ast b -> Datum ast (HEither a b)
dRight = dRight_ sing sing
dRight_ :: Sing a -> Sing b -> ast b -> Datum ast (HEither a b)
dRight_ a b =
Datum tdRight (sEither a b) . Inr . Inl . (`Et` Done) . Konst
dNil :: (SingI a) => Datum ast (HList a)
dNil = dNil_ sing
dNil_ :: Sing a -> Datum ast (HList a)
dNil_ a = Datum tdNil (sList a) . Inl $ Done
dCons :: (SingI a) => ast a -> ast (HList a) -> Datum ast (HList a)
dCons = dCons_ sing
dCons_ :: Sing a -> ast a -> ast (HList a) -> Datum ast (HList a)
dCons_ a x xs =
Datum tdCons (sList a) . Inr . Inl $ Konst x `Et` Ident xs `Et` Done
dNothing :: (SingI a) => Datum ast (HMaybe a)
dNothing = dNothing_ sing
dNothing_ :: Sing a -> Datum ast (HMaybe a)
dNothing_ a = Datum tdNothing (sMaybe a) $ Inl Done
dJust :: (SingI a) => ast a -> Datum ast (HMaybe a)
dJust = dJust_ sing
dJust_ :: Sing a -> ast a -> Datum ast (HMaybe a)
dJust_ a = Datum tdJust (sMaybe a) . Inr . Inl . (`Et` Done) . Konst
tdTrue, tdFalse, tdUnit, tdPair, tdLeft, tdRight, tdNil, tdCons, tdNothing, tdJust :: Text
tdTrue = Text.pack "true"
tdFalse = Text.pack "false"
tdUnit = Text.pack "unit"
tdPair = Text.pack "pair"
tdLeft = Text.pack "left"
tdRight = Text.pack "right"
tdNil = Text.pack "nil"
tdCons = Text.pack "cons"
tdNothing = Text.pack "nothing"
tdJust = Text.pack "just"
TODO : equality patterns for Nat\/Int ? ( what about Prob\/Real ? ? )
Alas , this latter indexing means we ca n't use ' DatumCode ' ,
' DatumStruct ' , and ' DatumFun ' but rather must define our own @P@
data Pattern :: [Hakaru] -> Hakaru -> * where
BUG : haddock does n't like annotations on GADT constructors
The \"don't care\ " wildcard pattern .
PWild :: Pattern '[] a
PVar :: Pattern '[ a ] a
A data type constructor pattern . As with the ' Datum '
constructor , the first component is a hint .
-> !(PDatumCode (Code t) vars (HData' t))
-> Pattern vars (HData' t)
instance JmEq2 Pattern where
jmEq2 PWild PWild = Just (Refl, cannotProve "jmEq2@Pattern{PWild}")
jmEq2 PVar PVar = Just (cannotProve "jmEq2@Pattern{PVar}", cannotProve "jmEq2@Pattern{PVar}")
jmEq2 (PDatum _ d1) (PDatum _ d2) =
jmEq2_fake d1 d2
:: PDatumCode xss vars1 a1
-> PDatumCode xss' vars2 a2
-> Maybe (TypeEq vars1 vars2, TypeEq a1 a2)
jmEq2_fake =
jmEq2 _ _ = Nothing
instance JmEq1 (Pattern vars) where
jmEq1 p1 p2 = jmEq2 p1 p2 >>= \(_,proof) -> Just proof
instance Eq2 Pattern where
eq2 PWild PWild = True
eq2 PVar PVar = True
eq2 (PDatum _ d1) (PDatum _ d2) = eq2 d1 d2
eq2 _ _ = False
instance Eq1 (Pattern vars) where
eq1 = eq2
instance Eq (Pattern vars a) where
(==) = eq1
instance Show2 Pattern where
showsPrec2 _ PWild = showString "PWild"
showsPrec2 _ PVar = showString "PVar"
showsPrec2 p (PDatum hint d) = showParen_02 p "PDatum" hint d
instance Show1 (Pattern vars) where
showsPrec1 = showsPrec2
show1 = show2
instance Show (Pattern vars a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
TODO : as necessary Functor22 , Foldable22 ,
data PDatumCode :: [[HakaruFun]] -> [Hakaru] -> Hakaru -> * where
PInr :: !(PDatumCode xss vars a) -> PDatumCode (xs ': xss) vars a
PInl :: !(PDatumStruct xs vars a) -> PDatumCode (xs ': xss) vars a
instance JmEq2 (PDatumCode xss) where
jmEq2 (PInr c) (PInr d) = jmEq2 c d
jmEq2 (PInl c) (PInl d) = jmEq2 c d
jmEq2 _ _ = Nothing
instance JmEq1 (PDatumCode xss vars) where
jmEq1 (PInr c) (PInr d) = jmEq1 c d
jmEq1 (PInl c) (PInl d) = jmEq1 c d
jmEq1 _ _ = Nothing
instance Eq2 (PDatumCode xss) where
eq2 (PInr c) (PInr d) = eq2 c d
eq2 (PInl c) (PInl d) = eq2 c d
eq2 _ _ = False
instance Eq1 (PDatumCode xss vars) where
eq1 = eq2
instance Eq (PDatumCode xss vars a) where
(==) = eq1
instance Show2 (PDatumCode xss) where
showsPrec2 p (PInr d) = showParen_2 p "PInr" d
showsPrec2 p (PInl d) = showParen_2 p "PInl" d
instance Show1 (PDatumCode xss vars) where
showsPrec1 = showsPrec2
show1 = show2
instance Show (PDatumCode xss vars a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
TODO : as necessary Functor22 , Foldable22 ,
data PDatumStruct :: [HakaruFun] -> [Hakaru] -> Hakaru -> * where
PEt :: !(PDatumFun x vars1 a)
-> !(PDatumStruct xs vars2 a)
-> PDatumStruct (x ': xs) (vars1 ++ vars2) a
PDone :: PDatumStruct '[] '[] a
This block of recursive functions are analogous to ' JmEq2 ' except
we return proofs for the penultimate index , but not for
the ultimate . ) This is necessary for defining the @Eq1 ( PDatumStruct
N.B. , that we can use ' ' in the ' PVar ' case relies on the
jmEq_P :: Pattern vs a -> Pattern ws a -> Maybe (TypeEq vs ws)
jmEq_P PWild PWild = Just Refl
jmEq_P PVar PVar = Just Refl
jmEq_P (PDatum _ p1) (PDatum _ p2) = jmEq_PCode p1 p2
jmEq_P _ _ = Nothing
:: PDatumCode xss vs a
-> PDatumCode xss ws a
-> Maybe (TypeEq vs ws)
jmEq_PCode (PInr p1) (PInr p2) = jmEq_PCode p1 p2
jmEq_PCode (PInl p1) (PInl p2) = jmEq_PStruct p1 p2
jmEq_PCode _ _ = Nothing
:: PDatumStruct xs vs a
-> PDatumStruct xs ws a
-> Maybe (TypeEq vs ws)
jmEq_PStruct (PEt c1 c2) (PEt d1 d2) = do
Refl <- jmEq_PFun c1 d1
Refl <- jmEq_PStruct c2 d2
Just Refl
jmEq_PStruct PDone PDone = Just Refl
jmEq_PFun :: PDatumFun f vs a -> PDatumFun f ws a -> Maybe (TypeEq vs ws)
jmEq_PFun (PKonst p1) (PKonst p2) = jmEq_P p1 p2
jmEq_PFun (PIdent p1) (PIdent p2) = jmEq_P p1 p2
instance JmEq2 (PDatumStruct xs) where
jmEq2 (PEt c1 c2) (PEt d1 d2) = do
(Refl, Refl) <- jmEq2 c1 d1
(Refl, Refl) <- jmEq2 c2 d2
Just (Refl, Refl)
jmEq2 PDone PDone = Just (Refl, cannotProve "jmEq2@PDatumStruct{PDone}")
jmEq2 _ _ = Nothing
instance JmEq1 (PDatumStruct xs vars) where
jmEq1 p1 p2 = jmEq2 p1 p2 >>= \(_,proof) -> Just proof
instance Eq2 (PDatumStruct xs) where
eq2 p1 p2 = maybe False (const True) $ jmEq_PStruct p1 p2
instance Eq1 (PDatumStruct xs vars) where
eq1 = eq2
instance Eq (PDatumStruct xs vars a) where
(==) = eq1
instance Show2 (PDatumStruct xs) where
showsPrec2 p (PEt d1 d2) = showParen_22 p "PEt" d1 d2
showsPrec2 _ PDone = showString "PDone"
instance Show1 (PDatumStruct xs vars) where
showsPrec1 = showsPrec2
show1 = show2
instance Show (PDatumStruct xs vars a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
TODO : as necessary Functor22 , Foldable22 ,
data PDatumFun :: HakaruFun -> [Hakaru] -> Hakaru -> * where
PKonst :: !(Pattern vars b) -> PDatumFun ('K b) vars a
PIdent :: !(Pattern vars a) -> PDatumFun 'I vars a
instance JmEq2 (PDatumFun x) where
jmEq2 (PKonst p1) (PKonst p2) = do
(Refl, Refl) <- jmEq2 p1 p2
Just (Refl, cannotProve "jmEq2@PDatumFun{PKonst}")
jmEq2 (PIdent p1) (PIdent p2) = jmEq2 p1 p2
jmEq2 _ _ = Nothing
instance JmEq1 (PDatumFun x vars) where
jmEq1 (PKonst e) (PKonst f) = do
Refl <- jmEq1 e f
Just (cannotProve "jmEq1@PDatumFun{PKonst}")
jmEq1 (PIdent e) (PIdent f) = jmEq1 e f
jmEq1 _ _ = Nothing
instance Eq2 (PDatumFun x) where
eq2 (PKonst e) (PKonst f) = eq2 e f
eq2 (PIdent e) (PIdent f) = eq2 e f
instance Eq1 (PDatumFun x vars) where
eq1 = eq2
instance Eq (PDatumFun x vars a) where
(==) = eq1
instance Show2 (PDatumFun x) where
showsPrec2 p (PKonst e) = showParen_2 p "PKonst" e
showsPrec2 p (PIdent e) = showParen_2 p "PIdent" e
instance Show1 (PDatumFun x vars) where
showsPrec1 = showsPrec2
show1 = show2
instance Show (PDatumFun x vars a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
TODO : as necessary Functor22 , Foldable22 ,
pTrue, pFalse :: Pattern '[] HBool
pTrue = PDatum tdTrue . PInl $ PDone
pFalse = PDatum tdFalse . PInr . PInl $ PDone
pUnit :: Pattern '[] HUnit
pUnit = PDatum tdUnit . PInl $ PDone
HACK : using undefined like that is n't going to help if we use
varsOfPattern :: Pattern vars a -> proxy vars
varsOfPattern _ = error "TODO: varsOfPattern"
:: Pattern vars1 a
-> Pattern vars2 b
-> Pattern (vars1 ++ vars2) (HPair a b)
pPair x y =
case eqAppendIdentity (varsOfPattern y) of
Refl -> PDatum tdPair . PInl $ PKonst x `PEt` PKonst y `PEt` PDone
pLeft :: Pattern vars a -> Pattern vars (HEither a b)
pLeft x =
case eqAppendIdentity (varsOfPattern x) of
Refl -> PDatum tdLeft . PInl $ PKonst x `PEt` PDone
pRight :: Pattern vars b -> Pattern vars (HEither a b)
pRight y =
case eqAppendIdentity (varsOfPattern y) of
Refl -> PDatum tdRight . PInr . PInl $ PKonst y `PEt` PDone
pNil :: Pattern '[] (HList a)
pNil = PDatum tdNil . PInl $ PDone
pCons :: Pattern vars1 a
-> Pattern vars2 (HList a)
-> Pattern (vars1 ++ vars2) (HList a)
pCons x xs =
case eqAppendIdentity (varsOfPattern xs) of
Refl -> PDatum tdCons . PInr . PInl $ PKonst x `PEt` PIdent xs `PEt` PDone
pNothing :: Pattern '[] (HMaybe a)
pNothing = PDatum tdNothing . PInl $ PDone
pJust :: Pattern vars a -> Pattern vars (HMaybe a)
pJust x =
case eqAppendIdentity (varsOfPattern x) of
Refl -> PDatum tdJust . PInr . PInl $ PKonst x `PEt` PDone
TODO : if we used the argument order @Branch abt a b@ then we
could give @Foo2@ instances instead of just @Foo1@ instances .
mapping @a@ to Would either of these actually be helpful
data Branch
The ' ABT ' of the body .
= forall xs. Branch
!(Pattern xs a)
!(abt xs b)
instance Eq2 abt => Eq1 (Branch a abt) where
eq1 (Branch p1 e1) (Branch p2 e2) =
case jmEq_P p1 p2 of
Nothing -> False
Just Refl -> eq2 e1 e2
instance Eq2 abt => Eq (Branch a abt b) where
(==) = eq1
instance Show2 abt => Show1 (Branch a abt) where
showsPrec1 p (Branch pat e) = showParen_22 p "Branch" pat e
instance Show2 abt => Show (Branch a abt b) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
instance Functor21 (Branch a) where
fmap21 f (Branch p e) = Branch p (f e)
instance Foldable21 (Branch a) where
foldMap21 f (Branch _ e) = f e
instance Traversable21 (Branch a) where
traverse21 f (Branch pat e) = Branch pat <$> f e
any type .
data GBranch (a :: Hakaru) (r :: *)
= forall xs. GBranch
!(Pattern xs a)
!(List1 Variable xs)
instance Functor (GBranch a) where
fmap f (GBranch pat vars x) = GBranch pat vars (f x)
instance F.Foldable (GBranch a) where
foldMap f (GBranch _ _ x) = f x
instance T.Traversable (GBranch a) where
traverse f (GBranch pat vars x) = GBranch pat vars <$> f x
aff5227a4b7c13384bf919eb68531808bee2cde7ad3300d2561414fff6d49d98 | lambdaisland/harvest | jdbc.clj | (ns scratch.jdbc)
(ns lambdaisland.harvest.jdbc
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[lambdaisland.harvest :as harvest]
[lambdaisland.harvest.kernel :as hk])
(:import (java.sql DriverManager Statement)))
(defn get-connection [url]
(DriverManager/getConnection url))
(defn sql-ident [s]
(str "\"" (str/replace s #"\"" "\"\"") "\""))
(defn insert-sql [{:keys [table columns]}]
(sql-ident table)
" (" (str/join "," (map sql-ident columns)) ") "
" (" (str/join "," (repeat (count columns) "?")) ") "))
(defn create-table-sql [{:keys [table columns]}]
(sql-ident table)
" ("
(str/join "," (for [[k v] columns]
(str (sql-ident k) " " v)))
(defn insert-stmt [conn opts]
(.prepareStatement conn (insert-sql opts)
(defn insert! [conn table m]
(let [columns (keys m)
stmt (insert-stmt conn {:table table
:columns (map name columns)})]
(doseq [[col idx] (map list columns (range))]
(.setObject stmt (inc idx) (get m col)))
(assert (= 1 (.executeUpdate stmt)))
(merge m (first (resultset-seq (.getGeneratedKeys stmt))))))
(defn exec! [conn sql]
(.executeUpdate (.createStatement conn) sql))
(defn drop! [conn table]
(exec! conn (str "DROP TABLE " (sql-ident table))))
(defn create!
([conn factory]
(create! conn factory nil))
([conn factory rules]
(create! conn factory rules nil))
([conn factory rules opts]
(let [{:keys [value] :as res}
(hk/build (merge
{:registry @harvest/registry
:rules rules
:hooks [{:map-entry (fn [result query ctx]
(if (hk/ref? (val query))
(update result (key query) :id)
:map (fn [result query ctx]
(if-let [table-name (some-> (:ref ctx) name)]
(update result :value
#(insert! conn table-name %))
(harvest/refify @harvest/registry factory))]
(with-meta value res))))
(def conn (get-connection "jdbc:h2:./example"))
#(exec! conn (create-table-sql %))
#_ #(drop! conn (:table %))
[{:table "profile"
"handle" "VARCHAR(255)"
"name" "VARCHAR(255)"
"website" "VARCHAR(255)"}}
{:table "article"
"title" "VARCHAR(255)"
"profile_id" "INT"}}
(hk/build {:registry hk/registry
:hooks [{:finalize-entity (fn [m {:keys [path] ::keys [conn]}]
(if (seq path)
(update m :value #(insert! conn (name (first path)) %))
:handle-association (fn [acc k v value]
(assoc-in acc [:value (str (name k) "_id")] (:id value)))}]
::conn conn}
(hk/ref ::hk/article)))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lambdaisland/harvest/17e601ee9718ef2c915e469ed62ea963c43db17e/scratch/jdbc.clj | clojure | (ns scratch.jdbc)
(ns lambdaisland.harvest.jdbc
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[lambdaisland.harvest :as harvest]
[lambdaisland.harvest.kernel :as hk])
(:import (java.sql DriverManager Statement)))
(defn get-connection [url]
(DriverManager/getConnection url))
(defn sql-ident [s]
(str "\"" (str/replace s #"\"" "\"\"") "\""))
(defn insert-sql [{:keys [table columns]}]
(sql-ident table)
" (" (str/join "," (map sql-ident columns)) ") "
" (" (str/join "," (repeat (count columns) "?")) ") "))
(defn create-table-sql [{:keys [table columns]}]
(sql-ident table)
" ("
(str/join "," (for [[k v] columns]
(str (sql-ident k) " " v)))
(defn insert-stmt [conn opts]
(.prepareStatement conn (insert-sql opts)
(defn insert! [conn table m]
(let [columns (keys m)
stmt (insert-stmt conn {:table table
:columns (map name columns)})]
(doseq [[col idx] (map list columns (range))]
(.setObject stmt (inc idx) (get m col)))
(assert (= 1 (.executeUpdate stmt)))
(merge m (first (resultset-seq (.getGeneratedKeys stmt))))))
(defn exec! [conn sql]
(.executeUpdate (.createStatement conn) sql))
(defn drop! [conn table]
(exec! conn (str "DROP TABLE " (sql-ident table))))
(defn create!
([conn factory]
(create! conn factory nil))
([conn factory rules]
(create! conn factory rules nil))
([conn factory rules opts]
(let [{:keys [value] :as res}
(hk/build (merge
{:registry @harvest/registry
:rules rules
:hooks [{:map-entry (fn [result query ctx]
(if (hk/ref? (val query))
(update result (key query) :id)
:map (fn [result query ctx]
(if-let [table-name (some-> (:ref ctx) name)]
(update result :value
#(insert! conn table-name %))
(harvest/refify @harvest/registry factory))]
(with-meta value res))))
(def conn (get-connection "jdbc:h2:./example"))
#(exec! conn (create-table-sql %))
#_ #(drop! conn (:table %))
[{:table "profile"
"handle" "VARCHAR(255)"
"name" "VARCHAR(255)"
"website" "VARCHAR(255)"}}
{:table "article"
"title" "VARCHAR(255)"
"profile_id" "INT"}}
(hk/build {:registry hk/registry
:hooks [{:finalize-entity (fn [m {:keys [path] ::keys [conn]}]
(if (seq path)
(update m :value #(insert! conn (name (first path)) %))
:handle-association (fn [acc k v value]
(assoc-in acc [:value (str (name k) "_id")] (:id value)))}]
::conn conn}
(hk/ref ::hk/article)))
490378d836399395cffd23ec784ce93f66525734f0e2b1e69e9814435e322baf | cmars/sks-keyserver | sksdump.ml | (***********************************************************************)
sksdump.ml - takes content of SKS keyserver and creates key dump
(* from that *)
(* *)
Copyright ( C ) 2002 , 2003 , 2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 ,
2011 , 2012 , 2013 and Contributors
(* *)
This file is part of SKS . SKS is free software ; you can
(* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General *)
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
(* *)
(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *)
(* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307
USA or see < / > .
module F(M:sig end) =
open StdLabels
open MoreLabels
open Printf
open Common
open Packet
let settings = {
Keydb.withtxn = !Settings.transactions;
Keydb.cache_bytes = !Settings.cache_bytes;
Keydb.pagesize = !Settings.pagesize;
Keydb.keyid_pagesize = !Settings.keyid_pagesize;
Keydb.meta_pagesize = !Settings.meta_pagesize;
Keydb.subkeyid_pagesize = !Settings.subkeyid_pagesize;
Keydb.time_pagesize = !Settings.time_pagesize;
Keydb.tqueue_pagesize = !Settings.tqueue_pagesize;
Keydb.word_pagesize = !Settings.word_pagesize;
Keydb.dbdir = Lazy.force Settings.dbdir;
Keydb.dumpdir = Lazy.force Settings.dumpdir;
module Keydb = Keydb.Unsafe
let should_dump skey = match skey with
| Keydb.KeyString _ | Keydb.Key _ -> true
| Keydb.Offset _ | Keydb.LargeOffset _ ->
if !Settings.dump_new then false else true
let rec write_to_file size stream cout =
if size <= 0 then ()
match SStream.next stream with
| None -> ()
| Some (hash,string) ->
let remain =
let skey = Keydb.skey_of_string string in
if should_dump skey then
let keystring = Keydb.keystring_of_skey skey in
output_string cout keystring;
size - 1
e ->
eplerror 1 e "Failed attempt to extract key %s"
(KeyHash.hexify hash);
write_to_file remain stream cout
let write_to_fname size stream fname =
printf "Dumping keys to file %s\n" fname;
flush stdout;
let file = open_out fname in
protect ~f:(fun () -> write_to_file size stream file)
~finally:(fun () -> close_out file)
let time_to_string time =
let tm = Unix.localtime time in
sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"
(1900 + tm.Unix.tm_year) (1 + tm.Unix.tm_mon) tm.Unix.tm_mday
tm.Unix.tm_hour tm.Unix.tm_min tm.Unix.tm_sec
let dump_database_create_metadata dumpdir name size ctr start_time =
let fname = Filename.concat dumpdir (sprintf "metadata-%s.txt" name) in
let numkey = Keydb.get_num_keys () in
let c = ref 0 in
let file = open_out fname in
fprintf file "#Metadata-for: %s\n" !Settings.hostname;
fprintf file "#Dump-started: %s\n" (time_to_string start_time);
fprintf file "#Files-Count: %d\n" ctr;
fprintf file "#Key-Count: %d\n" numkey;
fprintf file "#Digest-algo: md5\n";
while !c < ctr do
fprintf file "%s %s-%04d.pgp\n" (Digest.to_hex(
Digest.file (Filename.concat dumpdir (sprintf "%s-%04d.pgp" name !c))))
name !c;
incr c
fprintf file "#Dump-ended: %s\n" (time_to_string
close_out file;
let dump_database dumpdir size name =
let (stream,close) = Keydb.create_hash_skey_stream () in
let start_time = Unix.gettimeofday() in
let () = if not (Sys.file_exists dumpdir) then
Unix.mkdir dumpdir 0o700; in
let run () =
let ctr = ref 0 in
while SStream.peek stream <> None do
let fname =
Filename.concat dumpdir (sprintf "%s-%04d.pgp" name !ctr) in
write_to_fname size stream fname;
incr ctr
dump_database_create_metadata dumpdir name size !ctr start_time
protect ~f:run ~finally:close
exception Argument_error
let () = Sys.set_signal Sys.sigusr1 Sys.Signal_ignore
let () = Sys.set_signal Sys.sigusr2 Sys.Signal_ignore
let run () =
try (
match !Settings.anonlist with
| size::dumpdir::tl ->
let name = match tl with
| [] -> "sks-dump"
| [name] -> name
| _ -> raise Argument_error
set_logfile "dump";
perror "Running SKS %s%s" Common.version Common.version_suffix;
Keydb.open_dbs settings;
let size = int_of_string size in
dump_database dumpdir size name
| _ ->
raise Argument_error
) with Argument_error ->
eprintf "wrong number of arguments\n";
eprintf "usage: sks dump numkeys dumpdir [dumpname]\n";
flush stderr;
exit (-1)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cmars/sks-keyserver/d848c4852cb15585525772b6378670f8724a8f39/sksdump.ml | ocaml | *********************************************************************
from that
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
************************************************************* | sksdump.ml - takes content of SKS keyserver and creates key dump
Copyright ( C ) 2002 , 2003 , 2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 ,
2011 , 2012 , 2013 and Contributors
This file is part of SKS . SKS is free software ; you can
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307
USA or see < / > .
module F(M:sig end) =
open StdLabels
open MoreLabels
open Printf
open Common
open Packet
let settings = {
Keydb.withtxn = !Settings.transactions;
Keydb.cache_bytes = !Settings.cache_bytes;
Keydb.pagesize = !Settings.pagesize;
Keydb.keyid_pagesize = !Settings.keyid_pagesize;
Keydb.meta_pagesize = !Settings.meta_pagesize;
Keydb.subkeyid_pagesize = !Settings.subkeyid_pagesize;
Keydb.time_pagesize = !Settings.time_pagesize;
Keydb.tqueue_pagesize = !Settings.tqueue_pagesize;
Keydb.word_pagesize = !Settings.word_pagesize;
Keydb.dbdir = Lazy.force Settings.dbdir;
Keydb.dumpdir = Lazy.force Settings.dumpdir;
module Keydb = Keydb.Unsafe
let should_dump skey = match skey with
| Keydb.KeyString _ | Keydb.Key _ -> true
| Keydb.Offset _ | Keydb.LargeOffset _ ->
if !Settings.dump_new then false else true
let rec write_to_file size stream cout =
if size <= 0 then ()
match SStream.next stream with
| None -> ()
| Some (hash,string) ->
let remain =
let skey = Keydb.skey_of_string string in
if should_dump skey then
let keystring = Keydb.keystring_of_skey skey in
output_string cout keystring;
size - 1
e ->
eplerror 1 e "Failed attempt to extract key %s"
(KeyHash.hexify hash);
write_to_file remain stream cout
let write_to_fname size stream fname =
printf "Dumping keys to file %s\n" fname;
flush stdout;
let file = open_out fname in
protect ~f:(fun () -> write_to_file size stream file)
~finally:(fun () -> close_out file)
let time_to_string time =
let tm = Unix.localtime time in
sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"
(1900 + tm.Unix.tm_year) (1 + tm.Unix.tm_mon) tm.Unix.tm_mday
tm.Unix.tm_hour tm.Unix.tm_min tm.Unix.tm_sec
let dump_database_create_metadata dumpdir name size ctr start_time =
let fname = Filename.concat dumpdir (sprintf "metadata-%s.txt" name) in
let numkey = Keydb.get_num_keys () in
let c = ref 0 in
let file = open_out fname in
fprintf file "#Metadata-for: %s\n" !Settings.hostname;
fprintf file "#Dump-started: %s\n" (time_to_string start_time);
fprintf file "#Files-Count: %d\n" ctr;
fprintf file "#Key-Count: %d\n" numkey;
fprintf file "#Digest-algo: md5\n";
while !c < ctr do
fprintf file "%s %s-%04d.pgp\n" (Digest.to_hex(
Digest.file (Filename.concat dumpdir (sprintf "%s-%04d.pgp" name !c))))
name !c;
incr c
fprintf file "#Dump-ended: %s\n" (time_to_string
close_out file;
let dump_database dumpdir size name =
let (stream,close) = Keydb.create_hash_skey_stream () in
let start_time = Unix.gettimeofday() in
let () = if not (Sys.file_exists dumpdir) then
Unix.mkdir dumpdir 0o700; in
let run () =
let ctr = ref 0 in
while SStream.peek stream <> None do
let fname =
Filename.concat dumpdir (sprintf "%s-%04d.pgp" name !ctr) in
write_to_fname size stream fname;
incr ctr
dump_database_create_metadata dumpdir name size !ctr start_time
protect ~f:run ~finally:close
exception Argument_error
let () = Sys.set_signal Sys.sigusr1 Sys.Signal_ignore
let () = Sys.set_signal Sys.sigusr2 Sys.Signal_ignore
let run () =
try (
match !Settings.anonlist with
| size::dumpdir::tl ->
let name = match tl with
| [] -> "sks-dump"
| [name] -> name
| _ -> raise Argument_error
set_logfile "dump";
perror "Running SKS %s%s" Common.version Common.version_suffix;
Keydb.open_dbs settings;
let size = int_of_string size in
dump_database dumpdir size name
| _ ->
raise Argument_error
) with Argument_error ->
eprintf "wrong number of arguments\n";
eprintf "usage: sks dump numkeys dumpdir [dumpname]\n";
flush stderr;
exit (-1)
ac3f32552a88d1ba03c12d73de32d82a61b7b07cc8a35cb4c1749be3914af7fc | alavrik/piqi-erlang | piqic_erlang_types.erl | Copyright 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ;
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% -2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS ,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
generation of -type ... and -record ( ... ) Erlang forms
-compile([export_all, nowarn_export_all]).
gen_piqi(Context) ->
Piqi = Context#context.piqi,
excluding # piqi_any { } , because its definition will be included from piqi_any_piqi.hrl --- see
% piqic_erlang:gen_include_piqi_any_piqi_hrl() for details
Typedefs = [X || X <- Piqi#piqi.typedef, not piqic:is_piqi_any_record_typedef(X)],
iod("\n\n", [
gen_imports(Context, Piqi#piqi.import),
gen_typedefs(Context, Typedefs)
generate # piqi_any { } typedef , used only in with --cc when compiling self - spec as a part of the piqi application -- see
% piqic_erlang:gen_piqi_any_piqi_hrl() for details
gen_piqi_any(Context) ->
Piqi = Context#context.piqi,
PiqiAnyTypedef = piqic:find_piqi_any_record_typedef(Piqi),
true = PiqiAnyTypedef =/= 'undefined',
iod("\n\n", [
gen_typedefs(Context, [PiqiAnyTypedef])
gen_imports(Context, Imports) ->
generate the list of Erlang includes of .hrl files of imported modules
Includes = [gen_import(Context, X) || X <- Imports],
iod("\n", Includes).
gen_import(Context, Import) ->
ImportedIndex = piqic:resolve_import(Context, Import),
ImportedPiqi = ImportedIndex#index.piqi,
ErlMod = ImportedPiqi#piqi.erlang_module,
IncludeLib = piqic:get_option(Context, include_lib),
case find_include_lib(IncludeLib, ImportedPiqi#piqi.file) of
'undefined' ->
["-include(\"", ErlMod, ".hrl\")."];
{AppPath, _Path} ->
["-include_lib(\"", AppPath, "/", ErlMod, ".hrl\")."]
find_include_lib(_IncludeLib, _File = 'undefined') ->
backward compatibility : in older versions of piqi the " file " attribute may
% not be present
find_include_lib([], _File) ->
% not found
find_include_lib([H = {_AppPath, Path} |T], File) ->
% was the .piqi module (File) found in Path?
case lists:prefix(Path, binary_to_list(File)) of
true -> % found
false -> % not found => keep going through the list
find_include_lib(T, File)
gen_typedefs(Context, Typedefs) ->
ErlDefs = [gen_typedef(Context, X) || X <- Typedefs],
% generate -type(...) aliases for -record(...) definitions
Records = [X || {piqi_record, X} <- Typedefs],
ErlRecordTypes = [gen_record_type(Context, X) || X <- Records],
iod("\n", ErlDefs ++ ErlRecordTypes).
gen_typedef(Context, {Type, X}) ->
case Type of
piqi_record ->
gen_record(Context, X);
variant ->
gen_variant(Context, X);
piqi_list ->
gen_list(Context, X);
enum ->
gen_enum(Context, X);
alias ->
% skip generation of aliases of built-in types (this matters only
% for compiling self-spec); the reason we skip aliases of built-in
% types is because we don't want other modules include on
% piqi_piqi.hrl; on the other hand, we don't want to built-in type
% definitions here, because we don't want to pollute the global
% namespace when erlang_type_prefix = "" and with non-empty
% erlan_type_prefix, aliases for pritimive types would look ugly
case piqic:is_builtin_alias(X) of
true ->
false ->
gen_alias(Context, X)
gen_alias(Context, X) ->
TypeExpr = gen_out_alias_type(Context, X),
make_typedef_1(Context, X#alias.erlang_name, TypeExpr).
gen_list(Context, X) ->
TypeExpr = [
"[", gen_out_type(Context, X#piqi_list.type), "]"
make_typedef_1(Context, X#piqi_list.erlang_name, TypeExpr).
gen_enum(Context, X) ->
TypeExpr = gen_options(Context, X#enum.option),
make_typedef(Context, X#enum.erlang_name, TypeExpr).
gen_variant(Context, X) ->
TypeExpr = gen_options(Context, X#variant.option),
make_typedef(Context, X#variant.erlang_name, TypeExpr).
gen_options(Context, Options) ->
ErlOptions = [gen_option(Context, X) || X <- Options],
"\n ",
iod("\n | ", ErlOptions)
gen_option(Context, X) ->
Name = erlname_of_option(Context, X),
case X#option.type of
'undefined' ->
TypeName ->
{_Piqi, Typedef} = resolve_type_name(Context, TypeName),
case Typedef of
{Type, _} when X#option.erlang_name =:= 'undefined', (Type =:= variant orelse Type =:= enum) ->
% handle variant and enum subtyping cases by omitting the
% option label
gen_out_type(Context, TypeName);
_ ->
% general case
"{", Name, ", ", gen_out_type(Context, TypeName), "}"
gen_record_type(Context, X) ->
Name = X#piqi_record.erlang_name,
make_typedef_1(Context, Name, ["#", piqic:scoped_erlname(Context, Name), "{}"]).
make_typedef(Context, Name, TypeExpr) ->
"-type ", piqic:scoped_erlname(Context, Name), "() ::", TypeExpr, ".\n"
fit it on one line
make_typedef_1(Context, Name, TypeExpr) ->
make_typedef(Context, Name, [" ", TypeExpr]).
gen_record(Context, X) ->
Name = X#piqi_record.erlang_name,
ImplicitFields =
case piqic:get_option(Context, gen_preserve_unknown_fields) of
false -> [];
true ->
["piqi_unknown_pb = [] :: [piqirun_parsed_field()]"]
Fields = [gen_field(Context, F) || F <- X#piqi_record.field] ++ ImplicitFields,
FieldsCode =
case Fields of
[] ->
_ ->
"\n ", iod(",\n ", Fields), "\n"
"-record(", piqic:scoped_erlname(Context, Name), ", {",
gen_field(Context, X) ->
Name = erlname_of_field(Context, X),
% initialize repeated fields with [] & populate default values if they are
defined in Piqi
Default = gen_field_default(Context, X),
Name, Default, " :: ", gen_field_type(Context, X#field.mode, X#field.type),
case _CanBeUndefined = (X#field.mode =:= optional) of
true -> " | 'undefined'";
false -> ""
gen_field_default(Context, X0) ->
% TODO: remove eventually -- keeping for backward compatibility with older
piqi which expects flags to only be true if present , and never false
X = piqic:transform_flag(X0),
case X#field.mode of
repeated ->
" = []";
optional when X#field.default =/= 'undefined' ->
Value = gen_field_default(Context, X#field.type, X#field.default, _WireType = 'undefined'),
NOTE : we need ' undefined ' here , because otherwise wo n't
% treat it as a valid field value
[" = ", Value];
_ ->
gen_field_default(Context, TypeName, Default, WireType) ->
{ParentPiqi, Typedef} = resolve_type_name(Context, TypeName),
case Typedef of
{alias, A} ->
% handing protobuf_wire_type override by a higher-level alias
WireType2 = ?defined(WireType, A#alias.protobuf_wire_type),
case A#alias.type of
'undefined' -> % we are dealing with built-in type
A#alias.piqi_type, % must be defined when type is undefined
_ ->
case A#alias.erlang_type =/= 'undefined' of
custom Erlang type
gen_field_default_value(ParentPiqi, Typedef, Default);
false ->
ParentContext = piqic:switch_context(Context, ParentPiqi),
gen_field_default(ParentContext, A#alias.type, Default, WireType2)
{enum, E} ->
gen_field_default_enum_value(E, Default);
_ ->
gen_field_default_value(ParentPiqi, Typedef, Default)
% defaults for non-primitive and custom types are resolved by calling
_ piqi : parse_X functions from the module generated by piqic_erlang_in.erl
gen_field_default_value(ParentPiqi, Typedef, Default) ->
ErlName = typedef_erlname(Typedef),
format Erlang binary
Value = io_lib:format("~p", [Default#piqi_any.protobuf]),
[ParentPiqi#piqi.erlang_module, ":parse_", ErlName, "(", Value, ")"].
gen_field_default_builtin_value(Context, PiqiType, ErlType, WireType, Default) ->
% construct the name of the function for parsing values of the built-in type
TypeName = piqic_erlang_in:gen_builtin_type_name(Context, PiqiType, ErlType),
WireTypeName = piqic:gen_wire_type_name(PiqiType, WireType),
ConvertFun = list_to_atom(TypeName ++ "_of_" ++ WireTypeName),
obtain Erlang term that corresponds to the default value
Term = piqirun:ConvertFun(Default#piqi_any.protobuf),
convert the term into Erlang lexical representation
io_lib:format("~p", [Term]).
gen_field_default_enum_value(Enum, Default) ->
Code = piqirun:integer_of_signed_varint(Default#piqi_any.protobuf),
% find the option by code
Option = lists:keyfind(Code, #option.code, Enum#enum.option),
gen_field_type(Context, Mode, TypeName) ->
case TypeName of
'undefined' ->
"boolean()"; % flags are represented as booleans
_ ->
TypeExpr = gen_out_type(Context, TypeName),
case Mode of
repeated ->
"[", TypeExpr, "]"
_ -> % required or optional
gen_out_type(Context, TypeName) ->
T = gen_type(Context, TypeName),
gen_out_typedef_type(Context, Typedef) ->
T = gen_typedef_type(Context, Typedef),
gen_out_alias_type(Context, Alias) ->
T = gen_alias_type(Context, Alias),
output_type(T) ->
% allow more flexible typing for convenience
case to_string(T) of
"string" ->
"string() | binary()";
"float" ->
S ->
S ++ "()"
gen_type(Context, TypeName) ->
{ParentPiqi, Typedef} = resolve_type_name(Context, TypeName),
ParentContext = piqic:switch_context(Context, ParentPiqi),
gen_typedef_type(ParentContext, Typedef).
gen_typedef_type(Context, Typedef) ->
case Typedef of
{alias, Alias} ->
case piqic:is_builtin_alias(Alias) of
true ->
% we need to recurse, because we don't generate -type
% definitions for built-in types (see below)
gen_alias_type(Context, Alias);
false ->
gen_non_builtin_typedef_type(Context, Typedef)
_ -> % piqi_record | variant | list | enum
gen_non_builtin_typedef_type(Context, Typedef)
gen_non_builtin_typedef_type(Context, Typedef) ->
% make scoped name based on the parent module's type prefix
Name = typedef_erlname(Typedef),
piqic:scoped_erlname(Context, Name).
gen_alias_type(Context, Alias) ->
case {Alias#alias.erlang_type, Alias#alias.type} of
{ErlType, _} when ErlType =/= 'undefined' ->
{'undefined', 'undefined'} ->
this is an alias for a built - in type ( piqi_type field must be
% defined when neither of type and erlang_type fields are present)
{'undefined', TypeName} ->
gen_type(Context, TypeName)
gen_builtin_type(PiqiType) ->
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alavrik/piqi-erlang/063ecc4f8fd54543acf01953b0a63b2b7ebf17a9/src/piqic_erlang_types.erl | erlang |
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
piqic_erlang:gen_include_piqi_any_piqi_hrl() for details
piqic_erlang:gen_piqi_any_piqi_hrl() for details
not be present
not found
was the .piqi module (File) found in Path?
not found => keep going through the list
generate -type(...) aliases for -record(...) definitions
skip generation of aliases of built-in types (this matters only
for compiling self-spec); the reason we skip aliases of built-in
types is because we don't want other modules include on
piqi_piqi.hrl; on the other hand, we don't want to built-in type
definitions here, because we don't want to pollute the global
namespace when erlang_type_prefix = "" and with non-empty
erlan_type_prefix, aliases for pritimive types would look ugly
handle variant and enum subtyping cases by omitting the
option label
general case
initialize repeated fields with [] & populate default values if they are
TODO: remove eventually -- keeping for backward compatibility with older
treat it as a valid field value
handing protobuf_wire_type override by a higher-level alias
we are dealing with built-in type
must be defined when type is undefined
defaults for non-primitive and custom types are resolved by calling
construct the name of the function for parsing values of the built-in type
find the option by code
flags are represented as booleans
required or optional
allow more flexible typing for convenience
we need to recurse, because we don't generate -type
definitions for built-in types (see below)
piqi_record | variant | list | enum
make scoped name based on the parent module's type prefix
defined when neither of type and erlang_type fields are present) | Copyright 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ;
distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS ,
generation of -type ... and -record ( ... ) Erlang forms
-compile([export_all, nowarn_export_all]).
gen_piqi(Context) ->
Piqi = Context#context.piqi,
excluding # piqi_any { } , because its definition will be included from piqi_any_piqi.hrl --- see
Typedefs = [X || X <- Piqi#piqi.typedef, not piqic:is_piqi_any_record_typedef(X)],
iod("\n\n", [
gen_imports(Context, Piqi#piqi.import),
gen_typedefs(Context, Typedefs)
generate # piqi_any { } typedef , used only in with --cc when compiling self - spec as a part of the piqi application -- see
gen_piqi_any(Context) ->
Piqi = Context#context.piqi,
PiqiAnyTypedef = piqic:find_piqi_any_record_typedef(Piqi),
true = PiqiAnyTypedef =/= 'undefined',
iod("\n\n", [
gen_typedefs(Context, [PiqiAnyTypedef])
gen_imports(Context, Imports) ->
generate the list of Erlang includes of .hrl files of imported modules
Includes = [gen_import(Context, X) || X <- Imports],
iod("\n", Includes).
gen_import(Context, Import) ->
ImportedIndex = piqic:resolve_import(Context, Import),
ImportedPiqi = ImportedIndex#index.piqi,
ErlMod = ImportedPiqi#piqi.erlang_module,
IncludeLib = piqic:get_option(Context, include_lib),
case find_include_lib(IncludeLib, ImportedPiqi#piqi.file) of
'undefined' ->
["-include(\"", ErlMod, ".hrl\")."];
{AppPath, _Path} ->
["-include_lib(\"", AppPath, "/", ErlMod, ".hrl\")."]
find_include_lib(_IncludeLib, _File = 'undefined') ->
backward compatibility : in older versions of piqi the " file " attribute may
find_include_lib([], _File) ->
find_include_lib([H = {_AppPath, Path} |T], File) ->
case lists:prefix(Path, binary_to_list(File)) of
find_include_lib(T, File)
gen_typedefs(Context, Typedefs) ->
ErlDefs = [gen_typedef(Context, X) || X <- Typedefs],
Records = [X || {piqi_record, X} <- Typedefs],
ErlRecordTypes = [gen_record_type(Context, X) || X <- Records],
iod("\n", ErlDefs ++ ErlRecordTypes).
gen_typedef(Context, {Type, X}) ->
case Type of
piqi_record ->
gen_record(Context, X);
variant ->
gen_variant(Context, X);
piqi_list ->
gen_list(Context, X);
enum ->
gen_enum(Context, X);
alias ->
case piqic:is_builtin_alias(X) of
true ->
false ->
gen_alias(Context, X)
gen_alias(Context, X) ->
TypeExpr = gen_out_alias_type(Context, X),
make_typedef_1(Context, X#alias.erlang_name, TypeExpr).
gen_list(Context, X) ->
TypeExpr = [
"[", gen_out_type(Context, X#piqi_list.type), "]"
make_typedef_1(Context, X#piqi_list.erlang_name, TypeExpr).
gen_enum(Context, X) ->
TypeExpr = gen_options(Context, X#enum.option),
make_typedef(Context, X#enum.erlang_name, TypeExpr).
gen_variant(Context, X) ->
TypeExpr = gen_options(Context, X#variant.option),
make_typedef(Context, X#variant.erlang_name, TypeExpr).
gen_options(Context, Options) ->
ErlOptions = [gen_option(Context, X) || X <- Options],
"\n ",
iod("\n | ", ErlOptions)
gen_option(Context, X) ->
Name = erlname_of_option(Context, X),
case X#option.type of
'undefined' ->
TypeName ->
{_Piqi, Typedef} = resolve_type_name(Context, TypeName),
case Typedef of
{Type, _} when X#option.erlang_name =:= 'undefined', (Type =:= variant orelse Type =:= enum) ->
gen_out_type(Context, TypeName);
_ ->
"{", Name, ", ", gen_out_type(Context, TypeName), "}"
gen_record_type(Context, X) ->
Name = X#piqi_record.erlang_name,
make_typedef_1(Context, Name, ["#", piqic:scoped_erlname(Context, Name), "{}"]).
make_typedef(Context, Name, TypeExpr) ->
"-type ", piqic:scoped_erlname(Context, Name), "() ::", TypeExpr, ".\n"
fit it on one line
make_typedef_1(Context, Name, TypeExpr) ->
make_typedef(Context, Name, [" ", TypeExpr]).
gen_record(Context, X) ->
Name = X#piqi_record.erlang_name,
ImplicitFields =
case piqic:get_option(Context, gen_preserve_unknown_fields) of
false -> [];
true ->
["piqi_unknown_pb = [] :: [piqirun_parsed_field()]"]
Fields = [gen_field(Context, F) || F <- X#piqi_record.field] ++ ImplicitFields,
FieldsCode =
case Fields of
[] ->
_ ->
"\n ", iod(",\n ", Fields), "\n"
"-record(", piqic:scoped_erlname(Context, Name), ", {",
gen_field(Context, X) ->
Name = erlname_of_field(Context, X),
defined in Piqi
Default = gen_field_default(Context, X),
Name, Default, " :: ", gen_field_type(Context, X#field.mode, X#field.type),
case _CanBeUndefined = (X#field.mode =:= optional) of
true -> " | 'undefined'";
false -> ""
gen_field_default(Context, X0) ->
piqi which expects flags to only be true if present , and never false
X = piqic:transform_flag(X0),
case X#field.mode of
repeated ->
" = []";
optional when X#field.default =/= 'undefined' ->
Value = gen_field_default(Context, X#field.type, X#field.default, _WireType = 'undefined'),
NOTE : we need ' undefined ' here , because otherwise wo n't
[" = ", Value];
_ ->
gen_field_default(Context, TypeName, Default, WireType) ->
{ParentPiqi, Typedef} = resolve_type_name(Context, TypeName),
case Typedef of
{alias, A} ->
WireType2 = ?defined(WireType, A#alias.protobuf_wire_type),
case A#alias.type of
_ ->
case A#alias.erlang_type =/= 'undefined' of
custom Erlang type
gen_field_default_value(ParentPiqi, Typedef, Default);
false ->
ParentContext = piqic:switch_context(Context, ParentPiqi),
gen_field_default(ParentContext, A#alias.type, Default, WireType2)
{enum, E} ->
gen_field_default_enum_value(E, Default);
_ ->
gen_field_default_value(ParentPiqi, Typedef, Default)
_ piqi : parse_X functions from the module generated by piqic_erlang_in.erl
gen_field_default_value(ParentPiqi, Typedef, Default) ->
ErlName = typedef_erlname(Typedef),
format Erlang binary
Value = io_lib:format("~p", [Default#piqi_any.protobuf]),
[ParentPiqi#piqi.erlang_module, ":parse_", ErlName, "(", Value, ")"].
gen_field_default_builtin_value(Context, PiqiType, ErlType, WireType, Default) ->
TypeName = piqic_erlang_in:gen_builtin_type_name(Context, PiqiType, ErlType),
WireTypeName = piqic:gen_wire_type_name(PiqiType, WireType),
ConvertFun = list_to_atom(TypeName ++ "_of_" ++ WireTypeName),
obtain Erlang term that corresponds to the default value
Term = piqirun:ConvertFun(Default#piqi_any.protobuf),
convert the term into Erlang lexical representation
io_lib:format("~p", [Term]).
gen_field_default_enum_value(Enum, Default) ->
Code = piqirun:integer_of_signed_varint(Default#piqi_any.protobuf),
Option = lists:keyfind(Code, #option.code, Enum#enum.option),
gen_field_type(Context, Mode, TypeName) ->
case TypeName of
'undefined' ->
_ ->
TypeExpr = gen_out_type(Context, TypeName),
case Mode of
repeated ->
"[", TypeExpr, "]"
gen_out_type(Context, TypeName) ->
T = gen_type(Context, TypeName),
gen_out_typedef_type(Context, Typedef) ->
T = gen_typedef_type(Context, Typedef),
gen_out_alias_type(Context, Alias) ->
T = gen_alias_type(Context, Alias),
output_type(T) ->
case to_string(T) of
"string" ->
"string() | binary()";
"float" ->
S ->
S ++ "()"
gen_type(Context, TypeName) ->
{ParentPiqi, Typedef} = resolve_type_name(Context, TypeName),
ParentContext = piqic:switch_context(Context, ParentPiqi),
gen_typedef_type(ParentContext, Typedef).
gen_typedef_type(Context, Typedef) ->
case Typedef of
{alias, Alias} ->
case piqic:is_builtin_alias(Alias) of
true ->
gen_alias_type(Context, Alias);
false ->
gen_non_builtin_typedef_type(Context, Typedef)
gen_non_builtin_typedef_type(Context, Typedef)
gen_non_builtin_typedef_type(Context, Typedef) ->
Name = typedef_erlname(Typedef),
piqic:scoped_erlname(Context, Name).
gen_alias_type(Context, Alias) ->
case {Alias#alias.erlang_type, Alias#alias.type} of
{ErlType, _} when ErlType =/= 'undefined' ->
{'undefined', 'undefined'} ->
this is an alias for a built - in type ( piqi_type field must be
{'undefined', TypeName} ->
gen_type(Context, TypeName)
gen_builtin_type(PiqiType) ->
2050f25632f6759a5e9aeb04da9fa512363935d025f01d08c126cd59c59dfd7b | stchang/macrotypes | lin2-tests.rkt | #lang s-exp turnstile/examples/linear/lin2
(require rackunit/turnstile)
;; very basic tests -------------------------------------------------
1 ) unused : err
(typecheck-fail (λ ([x : Bool]) #t) #:with-msg "linear vars unused: \\(x\\)")
2 ) used once : ok
(check-type (λ ([x : Bool]) x) : (→ Bool Bool))
3 ) used twice : err
(typecheck-fail (λ ([x : Bool]) (pair x x))
#:with-msg "attempting to use linear var twice: x")
;; other examples from atapl ----------------------------------------
(λ ([x : Bool])
((λ ([y : Bool] [z : Bool])
(pair (free z) (free y)))
x x))
#:with-msg "attempting to use linear var twice: x")
this example fails on the second use of z ,
;; but actual example from book demonstrates subtlety of allowing mixed
;; restricted/unrestricted vals:
;; - unrestricted data structures may not contain restricted vals
(λ ([x : Bool])
(let [z (pair x #f)]
(split z as (x1 y1) in
(split z as (x2 y2) in
(pair (pair x1 x2) (pair y1 y2))))))
#:with-msg "attempting to use linear var twice: z")
;; function should not discard linear var
(λ ([x : Bool])
((λ ([f : (→ Bool Bool)]) #t) (λ ([y : Bool]) x)))
#:with-msg "linear vars unused: \\(f\\)")
;; use function twice
(λ ([x : Bool])
((λ ([f : (→ Bool Bool)]) (pair (f #f) (f #t)))
(λ ([y : Bool]) x)))
#:with-msg "var: attempting to use linear var twice: f")
;; other general tests ----------------------------------------------
;; split --------------------
;; unused
(typecheck-fail (split (pair #t #f) as (x y) in x)
#:with-msg "linear vars unused: \\(y\\)")
(typecheck-fail (split (pair #t #f) as (x y) in y)
#:with-msg "linear vars unused: \\(x\\)")
(typecheck-fail (split (pair #t #f) as (x y) in #t)
#:with-msg "linear vars unused: \\(x y\\)")
;; ok
(check-type (split (pair #t #f) as (x y) in (pair y x)) : (× Bool Bool))
shadowing / hygiene , first split unused
(split (pair #t #t) as (a b) in
(λ ([a : Bool] [b : Bool])
(pair a b)))
#:with-msg "split: linear vars unused: \\(a b\\)")
(λ ([a : Bool] [b : Bool])
(split (pair #t #t) as (a b) in
(pair a b)))
#:with-msg "λ: linear vars unused: \\(a b\\)")
;; TODO: this passes due to let* shadowing but should this fail?
(check-type (split (pair #t #t) as (x x) in x) : Bool)
;; used twice
(typecheck-fail (split (pair #t #f) as (x y) in (pair x x))
#:with-msg "attempting to use linear var twice: x")
(typecheck-fail (split (pair #t #f) as (x y) in (pair y y))
#:with-msg "attempting to use linear var twice: y")
;; nesting
(split (pair #t #t) as (a b) in
(split (pair a #t) as (c d) in
(split (pair d #t) as (e f) in
(split (pair b c) as (g h) in
(pair (pair e f) (pair g h))))))
: (× (× Bool Bool) (× Bool Bool)))
;; let --------------------
;; unused
(typecheck-fail (let [x #f] #t) #:with-msg "linear vars unused: \\(x\\)")
;; if --------------------
(let [x #f] (if #t x #f))
#:with-msg "if branches must use the same variables, given \\(x\\) and \\(\\)")
(let [x #f] (if #t #f x))
#:with-msg "if branches must use the same variables, given \\(\\) and \\(x\\)")
(check-type (let [x #f] (if #t x x)) : Bool)
(split (pair #t #t) as (x y) in (if #t x y))
"if branches must use the same variables, given \\(x\\) and \\(y\\)")
(split (pair #t #t) as (x y) in (if x x y))
#:with-msg "attempting to use linear var twice: x")
(split (pair #t #t) as (x y) in (if #t (pair x y) (pair y x)))
: (× Bool Bool))
(check-type (split (pair #t #t) as (x y) in (if x y y)) : Bool)
;; used vars properly reach λ body
(typecheck-fail (split (pair #t #t) as (x y) in
(pair (pair x y) (λ ([z : Bool]) (pair x z))))
#:with-msg "attempting to use linear var twice: x")
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stchang/macrotypes/05ec31f2e1fe0ddd653211e041e06c6c8071ffa6/turnstile-test/tests/turnstile/linear/lin2-tests.rkt | racket | very basic tests -------------------------------------------------
other examples from atapl ----------------------------------------
but actual example from book demonstrates subtlety of allowing mixed
restricted/unrestricted vals:
- unrestricted data structures may not contain restricted vals
function should not discard linear var
use function twice
other general tests ----------------------------------------------
split --------------------
TODO: this passes due to let* shadowing but should this fail?
used twice
let --------------------
if --------------------
used vars properly reach λ body | #lang s-exp turnstile/examples/linear/lin2
(require rackunit/turnstile)
1 ) unused : err
(typecheck-fail (λ ([x : Bool]) #t) #:with-msg "linear vars unused: \\(x\\)")
2 ) used once : ok
(check-type (λ ([x : Bool]) x) : (→ Bool Bool))
3 ) used twice : err
(typecheck-fail (λ ([x : Bool]) (pair x x))
#:with-msg "attempting to use linear var twice: x")
(λ ([x : Bool])
((λ ([y : Bool] [z : Bool])
(pair (free z) (free y)))
x x))
#:with-msg "attempting to use linear var twice: x")
this example fails on the second use of z ,
(λ ([x : Bool])
(let [z (pair x #f)]
(split z as (x1 y1) in
(split z as (x2 y2) in
(pair (pair x1 x2) (pair y1 y2))))))
#:with-msg "attempting to use linear var twice: z")
(λ ([x : Bool])
((λ ([f : (→ Bool Bool)]) #t) (λ ([y : Bool]) x)))
#:with-msg "linear vars unused: \\(f\\)")
(λ ([x : Bool])
((λ ([f : (→ Bool Bool)]) (pair (f #f) (f #t)))
(λ ([y : Bool]) x)))
#:with-msg "var: attempting to use linear var twice: f")
(typecheck-fail (split (pair #t #f) as (x y) in x)
#:with-msg "linear vars unused: \\(y\\)")
(typecheck-fail (split (pair #t #f) as (x y) in y)
#:with-msg "linear vars unused: \\(x\\)")
(typecheck-fail (split (pair #t #f) as (x y) in #t)
#:with-msg "linear vars unused: \\(x y\\)")
(check-type (split (pair #t #f) as (x y) in (pair y x)) : (× Bool Bool))
shadowing / hygiene , first split unused
(split (pair #t #t) as (a b) in
(λ ([a : Bool] [b : Bool])
(pair a b)))
#:with-msg "split: linear vars unused: \\(a b\\)")
(λ ([a : Bool] [b : Bool])
(split (pair #t #t) as (a b) in
(pair a b)))
#:with-msg "λ: linear vars unused: \\(a b\\)")
(check-type (split (pair #t #t) as (x x) in x) : Bool)
(typecheck-fail (split (pair #t #f) as (x y) in (pair x x))
#:with-msg "attempting to use linear var twice: x")
(typecheck-fail (split (pair #t #f) as (x y) in (pair y y))
#:with-msg "attempting to use linear var twice: y")
(split (pair #t #t) as (a b) in
(split (pair a #t) as (c d) in
(split (pair d #t) as (e f) in
(split (pair b c) as (g h) in
(pair (pair e f) (pair g h))))))
: (× (× Bool Bool) (× Bool Bool)))
(typecheck-fail (let [x #f] #t) #:with-msg "linear vars unused: \\(x\\)")
(let [x #f] (if #t x #f))
#:with-msg "if branches must use the same variables, given \\(x\\) and \\(\\)")
(let [x #f] (if #t #f x))
#:with-msg "if branches must use the same variables, given \\(\\) and \\(x\\)")
(check-type (let [x #f] (if #t x x)) : Bool)
(split (pair #t #t) as (x y) in (if #t x y))
"if branches must use the same variables, given \\(x\\) and \\(y\\)")
(split (pair #t #t) as (x y) in (if x x y))
#:with-msg "attempting to use linear var twice: x")
(split (pair #t #t) as (x y) in (if #t (pair x y) (pair y x)))
: (× Bool Bool))
(check-type (split (pair #t #t) as (x y) in (if x y y)) : Bool)
(typecheck-fail (split (pair #t #t) as (x y) in
(pair (pair x y) (λ ([z : Bool]) (pair x z))))
#:with-msg "attempting to use linear var twice: x")
d926e37436aacf84787777f176214278c147320bf228a66cd0fbd9b89dcb7d24 | tisnik/clojure-examples | dependencies.clj | {[clojure-complete "0.2.5" :exclusions [[org.clojure/clojure]]] nil,
[nrepl "0.7.0" :exclusions [[org.clojure/clojure]]] nil,
[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
{[org.clojure/core.specs.alpha "0.2.44"] nil,
[org.clojure/spec.alpha "0.2.176"] nil},
[rhizome "0.2.9"] nil,
[venantius/ultra "0.6.0"]
{[grimradical/clj-semver "0.3.0" :exclusions [[org.clojure/clojure]]]
[io.aviso/pretty "0.1.35"] nil,
[mvxcvi/puget "1.1.0"]
{[fipp "0.6.14"] {[org.clojure/core.rrb-vector "0.0.13"] nil},
[mvxcvi/arrangement "1.1.1"] nil},
[mvxcvi/whidbey "2.1.0"] {[org.clojure/data.codec "0.1.1"] nil},
[org.clojars.brenton/google-diff-match-patch "0.1"] nil,
[robert/hooke "1.3.0"] nil,
[venantius/glow "0.1.5" :exclusions [[hiccup] [garden]]]
{[clj-antlr "0.2.3"]
{[org.antlr/antlr4-runtime "4.5.3"] nil,
[org.antlr/antlr4 "4.5.3"] nil},
[instaparse "1.4.1"] nil}}}
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tisnik/clojure-examples/33a53a85eb1d381eeb2697d76e6ed2fc06eee6ec/rhizome-1/doc/dependencies.clj | clojure | {[clojure-complete "0.2.5" :exclusions [[org.clojure/clojure]]] nil,
[nrepl "0.7.0" :exclusions [[org.clojure/clojure]]] nil,
[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
{[org.clojure/core.specs.alpha "0.2.44"] nil,
[org.clojure/spec.alpha "0.2.176"] nil},
[rhizome "0.2.9"] nil,
[venantius/ultra "0.6.0"]
{[grimradical/clj-semver "0.3.0" :exclusions [[org.clojure/clojure]]]
[io.aviso/pretty "0.1.35"] nil,
[mvxcvi/puget "1.1.0"]
{[fipp "0.6.14"] {[org.clojure/core.rrb-vector "0.0.13"] nil},
[mvxcvi/arrangement "1.1.1"] nil},
[mvxcvi/whidbey "2.1.0"] {[org.clojure/data.codec "0.1.1"] nil},
[org.clojars.brenton/google-diff-match-patch "0.1"] nil,
[robert/hooke "1.3.0"] nil,
[venantius/glow "0.1.5" :exclusions [[hiccup] [garden]]]
{[clj-antlr "0.2.3"]
{[org.antlr/antlr4-runtime "4.5.3"] nil,
[org.antlr/antlr4 "4.5.3"] nil},
[instaparse "1.4.1"] nil}}}
328a7e06f9e107aba069177f181792cf3c4092cc5b072ef930fe8bd30dd40b1d | greggigon/my-personal-kanban-server | core.clj | (ns mpk.core
(:use ring.middleware.params
(:require [mpk.action-handlers :as handlers :refer :all]
[clj-time.core :as t]
[clj-time.format :as f]))
(def mpk-formatter (f/formatter "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))
(def valid-actions {"put" :put "get" :get "key" :key})
(def actions {:get (handlers/->ReadHandler)
:put (handlers/->SaveHandler)
:key (handlers/->KeyHandler)})
(defn valid-action? [request]
(let [{action "action" :as params} (:params request)]
(not (or (nil? action) (nil? (get valid-actions action))))))
(defn decorate-response-in-jsonp-callback [params response]
(:status response)
(str (get params "callback") "(" (:body response) ")")
(:session response)))
(defn mpk-response-to-response [resp]
(-> (response (:body resp)) (status (:status resp)) (content-type "application/json") (assoc :session (:session resp))))
(defn check-callback-paramater [params session handler]
(if (nil? (get params "callback"))
(-> (response "This service responds only to JSONP request. You are missing callback parameter") (status 405))
(perform handler params session)))
(defn handle-service-request [request]
(let [{action "action" :as params} (:params request) session (:session request)]
(if (or (nil? action) (nil? (get valid-actions action)))
(-> (response "Invalid method") (status 405))
(let [the-action-handler ((get valid-actions action) actions)]
(decorate-response-in-jsonp-callback params (check-callback-paramater params session the-action-handler)))))))
(defn mpk-handler [request]
(let [uri (:uri request)]
(if (not (.contains (.toLowerCase uri) "/service/kanban"))
(println (str "[" (f/unparse mpk-formatter (t/now)) "] " request))
(-> (response "Invalid method") (status 405)))
(handle-service-request request))))
(def mpk-app (wrap-session (wrap-params mpk-handler)))
(defn -main [& args]
(do-build-configuration args)
(run-jetty mpk-app @configuration))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/greggigon/my-personal-kanban-server/1e6b8f293ca4541d4defff57b492152b4a9f6f0f/src/mpk/core.clj | clojure | (ns mpk.core
(:use ring.middleware.params
(:require [mpk.action-handlers :as handlers :refer :all]
[clj-time.core :as t]
[clj-time.format :as f]))
(def mpk-formatter (f/formatter "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))
(def valid-actions {"put" :put "get" :get "key" :key})
(def actions {:get (handlers/->ReadHandler)
:put (handlers/->SaveHandler)
:key (handlers/->KeyHandler)})
(defn valid-action? [request]
(let [{action "action" :as params} (:params request)]
(not (or (nil? action) (nil? (get valid-actions action))))))
(defn decorate-response-in-jsonp-callback [params response]
(:status response)
(str (get params "callback") "(" (:body response) ")")
(:session response)))
(defn mpk-response-to-response [resp]
(-> (response (:body resp)) (status (:status resp)) (content-type "application/json") (assoc :session (:session resp))))
(defn check-callback-paramater [params session handler]
(if (nil? (get params "callback"))
(-> (response "This service responds only to JSONP request. You are missing callback parameter") (status 405))
(perform handler params session)))
(defn handle-service-request [request]
(let [{action "action" :as params} (:params request) session (:session request)]
(if (or (nil? action) (nil? (get valid-actions action)))
(-> (response "Invalid method") (status 405))
(let [the-action-handler ((get valid-actions action) actions)]
(decorate-response-in-jsonp-callback params (check-callback-paramater params session the-action-handler)))))))
(defn mpk-handler [request]
(let [uri (:uri request)]
(if (not (.contains (.toLowerCase uri) "/service/kanban"))
(println (str "[" (f/unparse mpk-formatter (t/now)) "] " request))
(-> (response "Invalid method") (status 405)))
(handle-service-request request))))
(def mpk-app (wrap-session (wrap-params mpk-handler)))
(defn -main [& args]
(do-build-configuration args)
(run-jetty mpk-app @configuration))
ec69088f3637cfafab91e4aa33c307bcda42662aa65b5e01ec7ac7fea68d450c | replikativ/datahike-server | core.clj | (ns datahike-server.core
(:require [mount.core :as mount]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[datahike-server.config :as config]
(defn -main [& args]
(log/info "Successfully loaded configuration: " (str config/config))
(log/set-level! (get-in config/config [:server :loglevel]))
(log/debugf "Datahike Server Running!"))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/replikativ/datahike-server/ec87469832e017bfaff98e86046de85f8e365817/src/clj/datahike_server/core.clj | clojure | (ns datahike-server.core
(:require [mount.core :as mount]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[datahike-server.config :as config]
(defn -main [& args]
(log/info "Successfully loaded configuration: " (str config/config))
(log/set-level! (get-in config/config [:server :loglevel]))
(log/debugf "Datahike Server Running!"))
b3ce37ee22b6d581a7f7d0b0bbdbb7337ec7ea64f1499ee675b0729989e30f8a | willijar/LENS | signals.lisp | ;; Signals and Listeners
Copyright ( C ) 2013 Dr.
Author : Dr. < >
;; Keywords:
;;; Copying:
;; This file is part of LENS
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the
;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; LENS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
;; License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see </>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(in-package :lens)
(defconstant +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+ 64
"Length of bit vectors for caching signal listeners.")
(defvar *signals*
(make-array +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+
:element-type 'symbol
:fill-pointer 0
:adjustable t)
"Array mapping signal index to a the signal symbols.")
(defun register-signal(symbol &optional documentation)
- symbol :: a =symbol=
* Optional Arguments
- documentation :: a =string=
* Returns
- signal-id :: an =integer=
* Description
Register signal denoted by /symbol/ and optionally recording the
/documentation/. If the named signal has not previously been
registered it will be allocated a new integer /signal-id/ stored in
the =signal-id= property of the symbol and it will be added onto the
end of the global [[*signals*]] array. /documentation/ is stored in
the =signal-doc= symbol.
[[register-signal]] is intended to be called as a top level form.
The first [[+signal-cache-size+]] signals registered are cached by
[[entity-with-signals]] objects and therefore the signals which are
most heavily used should be registered first when loading the
simulation code."
(if documentation
(setf (get symbol 'signal-doc) documentation)
(remprop symbol 'signal-doc))
(setf (get symbol 'signal-id)
(or (position symbol *signals*)
(vector-push-extend symbol *signals*))))
(eval-when(:load-toplevel :execute)
(register-signal 'PRE-MODEL-CHANGE
"Signal emitted before a change in a simulation model")
(register-signal 'POST-MODEL-CHANGE
"Signal emitted after a change in a simulation model"))
(declaim (inline signal-id))
(defun signal-id(symbol)
"Return the integer id of the named signal."
(get symbol 'signal-id))
(defgeneric receive-signal(listener signal source value)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- listener :: an [[entity-with-signals]] instance.
- signal :: a signal designator (=symbol= or =integer=)
- source :: an [[entity-with-signals]] instance.
- value :: signalled value
* Description
A call of [[emit]] with signal value /signal/ from
[entity-with-signals]] object/source/ and value /value/ will result in
[[receive-signal]] being called in the /source/ object and all ancestor
objects in the simulation heirarchy that have registered to receive
this /signal/ using [[subscribe]]
All objects which wish to receive signals must specialise this method.
(:method :around(listener signal source-component value)
(declare (ignore signal source-component value))
(let ((*context* listener))
(defclass entity-with-signals(owned-object)
:type hash-table :initform (make-hash-table)
:reader signal-table
:documentation "Hash by signal of lists of registered listeners
for this entity.")
:type simple-bit-vector
:initform (make-array +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+ :element-type 'bit
:initial-element 0)
:documentation "A bit map recording which signals have local listeners.")
:type simple-bit-vector
:documentation "A bit map recording which signals have ancestor
(:documentation "An entity which can [[subscribe]] to and [[emit]] and
[[receive-signal]] signals."))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance entity-with-signals)
&key &allow-other-keys)
(let ((owner (owner instance)))
(setf (slot-value instance 'has-ancestor-listeners)
(if (typep owner 'entity-with-signals)
(bit-ior (slot-value owner 'has-ancestor-listeners)
(slot-value owner 'has-local-listeners))
(make-array +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+ :element-type 'bit
:initial-element 0)))))
(defgeneric listeners(entity signal)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- entity :: a [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal :: a =symbol= or =t=
* Description
Return list of local listeners to signal denoted by /signal/ for /entity/.
If /signal/ is t return all listeners in /entity/.")
(:method((entity entity-with-signals) (signal symbol))
(gethash signal (signal-table entity)))
(:method((entity entity-with-signals) (signal (eql t)))
(let ((listeners nil))
(maphash #'(lambda(k v)
(declare (ignore k))
(setf listeners (union listeners v)))
(signal-table entity))
(defun may-have-listeners(entity signal-id)
"* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: a positive =integer= or =symbol= signal identifier
* Description
Return true if /entity/ may have listeners for signal
/signal-id/. That is if the corresponding signal has local or ancestor
listeners according to the /entity/ cache/ or the signal is outside
the cache range.
It is intented that this is an efficient check that may be used to
eliminate uneccessary calculations of values and calls to [[emit]]."
(declare (fixnum signal-id))
(or (>= signal-id +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+)
(= 1 (bit (slot-value entity 'has-local-listeners) signal-id))
(= 1 (bit (slot-value entity 'has-ancestor-listeners) signal-id))))
(defun may-have-local-listeners(entity signal-id)
"* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: a positive =integer= signal identifier
* Description
Return true if /entity/ may have local listeners for signal
/signal-id/. That is if the corresponding signal has local or ancestor
listeners according to the /entity/ cache/ or the signal is outside
the cache range."
(declare (fixnum signal-id))
(or (>= signal-id +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+)
(= 1 (bit (slot-value entity 'has-local-listeners) signal-id))))
(defun may-have-ancestor-listeners(entity signal-id)
"* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: a positive =integer= signal identifier
* Description
Return true if /entity/ may have ancestor listeners for signal
/signal-id/. That is if the corresponding signal has local or ancestor
listeners according to the /entity/ cache/ or the signal is outside
the cache range."
(declare (fixnum signal-id))
(or (>= signal-id +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+)
(= 1 (bit (slot-value entity 'has-ancestor-listeners) signal-id))))
;; this macro will convert a quoted symbol intoi its registered integer.
(define-compiler-macro may-have-listeners(&whole form entity arg)
(if (and (listp arg) (eql (first arg) 'quote) (symbolp (second arg)))
`(may-have-listeners ,entity (load-time-value (symbol-id (second arg))))
(defgeneric emit(entity signal &optional value)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: a signal identifier
* Optional Arguments
- value :: a value
* Description
Emit the optional /value/ with a signal. If the given signal has
listeners in this component /entity/ or in it's ancestor components,
their appropriate [[receive-signal]] methods get called.")
(:method((entity entity-with-signals) (signal symbol) &optional value)
(let ((signalid (signal-id signal)))
(when (may-have-listeners entity signalid)
(let ((notification-stack nil))
ensure listener only receives one notification
(when (may-have-local-listeners source signalid)
(gethash signal (slot-value source 'signal-table)))
(unless (member listener notification-stack)
(push listener notification-stack)
(receive-signal listener signal entity value))))
(when (and (may-have-ancestor-listeners source signalid)
(parent-module source))
(fire (parent-module source)))))
(fire entity)))))))
(defgeneric has-listeners(entity signal)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: =symbol= signal identifier
* Description
Return true if /entity/ has any listeners for signal designated by
For some signals this method has a significant overhead (linear to the
number of hierarchy levels in the network). [[may-have-listeners]] may
be more appropriate in most cases.")
(:method((entity entity-with-signals) (signal symbol))
(let ((signal-id (signal-id signal)))
(if (< signal-id +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+)
(when entity
(if (gethash signal (slot-value entity 'signal-table))
(return-from has-listeners t)
(compute-has-listeners (parent-module entity))))))
(compute-has-listeners entity))
(or (= 1 (bit (slot-value entity 'has-local-listeners) signal-id))
(= 1 (bit (slot-value entity 'has-ancestor-listeners) signal-id)))))))
(defgeneric subscribe(entity signal listener)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: =symbol= signal identifier
- listener :: an object
* Description
Adds a listener (callback object) that will be notified using the
[[receive signal]] method when the given signal is emitted (see
[[emit]] methods). It is an error to subscribe the same listener twice
to the same signal. The order in which listeners will be notified is
(:method((entity entity-with-signals) (signal symbol) listener)
(let ((signalid (signal-id signal)))
(assert signalid () "~A not a valid signal" signal)
(not (member listener
(gethash signal (slot-value entity 'signal-table))))
"Listener ~A already subscribed to ~A" listener signal)
(push listener (gethash signal (slot-value entity 'signal-table)))
(when (< signalid +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+)
(setf (bit (slot-value entity 'has-local-listeners) signalid) 1)
(when (typep child 'entity-with-signals)
(setf (bit (slot-value child 'has-ancestor-listeners)
(ancestor-listener-added child))))))
(ancestor-listener-added entity))))))
(defgeneric unsubscribe(entity signal listener)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: =symbol= signal identifier
- listener :: an object
* Description
Removes the given /listener/ from the subscription list for signal
designated by /signal-id/ in /entity/ . It has no effect if the
given listener was not subscribed using [[subscribe]].")
(:method ((entity entity-with-signals) (signal symbol) listener)
(let ((signalid (signal-id signal)))
(assert signalid () "~A not a valid signal" signal)
(with-slots(signal-table) entity
(setf (gethash signal signal-table)
(delete listener (gethash signal signal-table)))
(unless (gethash signal signal-table)
(remhash signal signal-table))
(when (< signalid +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+)
(setf (bit (slot-value entity 'has-local-listeners) signalid) 0)
(setf (bit (slot-value entity 'has-ancestor-listeners)
(unless (gethash signal
(slot-value child 'signal-table))
(ancestor-listener-removed child))))))
(ancestor-listener-removed entity)))))))
(defgeneric subscribed-p(entity signal listener)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: =symbol= signal identifier
- listener :: an object
* Description
Removes the given /listener/ from the subscription list for signal
designated by /signal-id/ in /entity/ . It has no effect if the
given listener was not subscribed using [[subscribe]].
Returns true if the given /listener/ is subscribed to the signal
designated by /signal-id/ at /entity/ component (i.e. it does not look
at listeners subscribed at ancestor components).")
(:method((entity entity-with-signals) (signal symbol) listener)
(member listener (gethash signal (slot-value entity 'signal-table)))))
(defgeneric repair-signal-flags(component)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- component :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
* Description
Adjusts has-ancestor-listeners bits in the component's subtree; It
must be called when the component's ownership changes.")
(:method((component entity-with-signals))
(let ((parent (parent-module component)))
(when parent
(setf (slot-value component 'has-ancestor-listeners)
(map 'bit-vector #'logand
(slot-value parent 'has-ancestor-listeners)
(slot-value parent 'has-local-listeners)))))))
(defmethod finish ((instance entity-with-signals))
;; finish any listener that is not an entity with signals
(map nil
#'(lambda(l) (unless (typep l 'entity-with-signals) (finish l)))
(listeners instance t)))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/willijar/LENS/646bc4ca5d4add3fa7e0728f14128e96240a9f36/core/signals.lisp | lisp | Signals and Listeners
This file is part of LENS
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
License, or (at your option) any later version.
LENS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
License for more details.
along with this program. If not, see </>.
this macro will convert a quoted symbol intoi its registered integer.
finish any listener that is not an entity with signals | Copyright ( C ) 2013 Dr.
Author : Dr. < >
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
(in-package :lens)
(defconstant +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+ 64
"Length of bit vectors for caching signal listeners.")
(defvar *signals*
(make-array +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+
:element-type 'symbol
:fill-pointer 0
:adjustable t)
"Array mapping signal index to a the signal symbols.")
(defun register-signal(symbol &optional documentation)
- symbol :: a =symbol=
* Optional Arguments
- documentation :: a =string=
* Returns
- signal-id :: an =integer=
* Description
Register signal denoted by /symbol/ and optionally recording the
/documentation/. If the named signal has not previously been
registered it will be allocated a new integer /signal-id/ stored in
the =signal-id= property of the symbol and it will be added onto the
end of the global [[*signals*]] array. /documentation/ is stored in
the =signal-doc= symbol.
[[register-signal]] is intended to be called as a top level form.
The first [[+signal-cache-size+]] signals registered are cached by
[[entity-with-signals]] objects and therefore the signals which are
most heavily used should be registered first when loading the
simulation code."
(if documentation
(setf (get symbol 'signal-doc) documentation)
(remprop symbol 'signal-doc))
(setf (get symbol 'signal-id)
(or (position symbol *signals*)
(vector-push-extend symbol *signals*))))
(eval-when(:load-toplevel :execute)
(register-signal 'PRE-MODEL-CHANGE
"Signal emitted before a change in a simulation model")
(register-signal 'POST-MODEL-CHANGE
"Signal emitted after a change in a simulation model"))
(declaim (inline signal-id))
(defun signal-id(symbol)
"Return the integer id of the named signal."
(get symbol 'signal-id))
(defgeneric receive-signal(listener signal source value)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- listener :: an [[entity-with-signals]] instance.
- signal :: a signal designator (=symbol= or =integer=)
- source :: an [[entity-with-signals]] instance.
- value :: signalled value
* Description
A call of [[emit]] with signal value /signal/ from
[entity-with-signals]] object/source/ and value /value/ will result in
[[receive-signal]] being called in the /source/ object and all ancestor
objects in the simulation heirarchy that have registered to receive
this /signal/ using [[subscribe]]
All objects which wish to receive signals must specialise this method.
(:method :around(listener signal source-component value)
(declare (ignore signal source-component value))
(let ((*context* listener))
(defclass entity-with-signals(owned-object)
:type hash-table :initform (make-hash-table)
:reader signal-table
:documentation "Hash by signal of lists of registered listeners
for this entity.")
:type simple-bit-vector
:initform (make-array +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+ :element-type 'bit
:initial-element 0)
:documentation "A bit map recording which signals have local listeners.")
:type simple-bit-vector
:documentation "A bit map recording which signals have ancestor
(:documentation "An entity which can [[subscribe]] to and [[emit]] and
[[receive-signal]] signals."))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance entity-with-signals)
&key &allow-other-keys)
(let ((owner (owner instance)))
(setf (slot-value instance 'has-ancestor-listeners)
(if (typep owner 'entity-with-signals)
(bit-ior (slot-value owner 'has-ancestor-listeners)
(slot-value owner 'has-local-listeners))
(make-array +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+ :element-type 'bit
:initial-element 0)))))
(defgeneric listeners(entity signal)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- entity :: a [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal :: a =symbol= or =t=
* Description
Return list of local listeners to signal denoted by /signal/ for /entity/.
If /signal/ is t return all listeners in /entity/.")
(:method((entity entity-with-signals) (signal symbol))
(gethash signal (signal-table entity)))
(:method((entity entity-with-signals) (signal (eql t)))
(let ((listeners nil))
(maphash #'(lambda(k v)
(declare (ignore k))
(setf listeners (union listeners v)))
(signal-table entity))
(defun may-have-listeners(entity signal-id)
"* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: a positive =integer= or =symbol= signal identifier
* Description
Return true if /entity/ may have listeners for signal
/signal-id/. That is if the corresponding signal has local or ancestor
listeners according to the /entity/ cache/ or the signal is outside
the cache range.
It is intented that this is an efficient check that may be used to
eliminate uneccessary calculations of values and calls to [[emit]]."
(declare (fixnum signal-id))
(or (>= signal-id +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+)
(= 1 (bit (slot-value entity 'has-local-listeners) signal-id))
(= 1 (bit (slot-value entity 'has-ancestor-listeners) signal-id))))
(defun may-have-local-listeners(entity signal-id)
"* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: a positive =integer= signal identifier
* Description
Return true if /entity/ may have local listeners for signal
/signal-id/. That is if the corresponding signal has local or ancestor
listeners according to the /entity/ cache/ or the signal is outside
the cache range."
(declare (fixnum signal-id))
(or (>= signal-id +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+)
(= 1 (bit (slot-value entity 'has-local-listeners) signal-id))))
(defun may-have-ancestor-listeners(entity signal-id)
"* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: a positive =integer= signal identifier
* Description
Return true if /entity/ may have ancestor listeners for signal
/signal-id/. That is if the corresponding signal has local or ancestor
listeners according to the /entity/ cache/ or the signal is outside
the cache range."
(declare (fixnum signal-id))
(or (>= signal-id +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+)
(= 1 (bit (slot-value entity 'has-ancestor-listeners) signal-id))))
(define-compiler-macro may-have-listeners(&whole form entity arg)
(if (and (listp arg) (eql (first arg) 'quote) (symbolp (second arg)))
`(may-have-listeners ,entity (load-time-value (symbol-id (second arg))))
(defgeneric emit(entity signal &optional value)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: a signal identifier
* Optional Arguments
- value :: a value
* Description
Emit the optional /value/ with a signal. If the given signal has
listeners in this component /entity/ or in it's ancestor components,
their appropriate [[receive-signal]] methods get called.")
(:method((entity entity-with-signals) (signal symbol) &optional value)
(let ((signalid (signal-id signal)))
(when (may-have-listeners entity signalid)
(let ((notification-stack nil))
ensure listener only receives one notification
(when (may-have-local-listeners source signalid)
(gethash signal (slot-value source 'signal-table)))
(unless (member listener notification-stack)
(push listener notification-stack)
(receive-signal listener signal entity value))))
(when (and (may-have-ancestor-listeners source signalid)
(parent-module source))
(fire (parent-module source)))))
(fire entity)))))))
(defgeneric has-listeners(entity signal)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: =symbol= signal identifier
* Description
Return true if /entity/ has any listeners for signal designated by
For some signals this method has a significant overhead (linear to the
number of hierarchy levels in the network). [[may-have-listeners]] may
be more appropriate in most cases.")
(:method((entity entity-with-signals) (signal symbol))
(let ((signal-id (signal-id signal)))
(if (< signal-id +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+)
(when entity
(if (gethash signal (slot-value entity 'signal-table))
(return-from has-listeners t)
(compute-has-listeners (parent-module entity))))))
(compute-has-listeners entity))
(or (= 1 (bit (slot-value entity 'has-local-listeners) signal-id))
(= 1 (bit (slot-value entity 'has-ancestor-listeners) signal-id)))))))
(defgeneric subscribe(entity signal listener)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: =symbol= signal identifier
- listener :: an object
* Description
Adds a listener (callback object) that will be notified using the
[[receive signal]] method when the given signal is emitted (see
[[emit]] methods). It is an error to subscribe the same listener twice
to the same signal. The order in which listeners will be notified is
(:method((entity entity-with-signals) (signal symbol) listener)
(let ((signalid (signal-id signal)))
(assert signalid () "~A not a valid signal" signal)
(not (member listener
(gethash signal (slot-value entity 'signal-table))))
"Listener ~A already subscribed to ~A" listener signal)
(push listener (gethash signal (slot-value entity 'signal-table)))
(when (< signalid +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+)
(setf (bit (slot-value entity 'has-local-listeners) signalid) 1)
(when (typep child 'entity-with-signals)
(setf (bit (slot-value child 'has-ancestor-listeners)
(ancestor-listener-added child))))))
(ancestor-listener-added entity))))))
(defgeneric unsubscribe(entity signal listener)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: =symbol= signal identifier
- listener :: an object
* Description
Removes the given /listener/ from the subscription list for signal
designated by /signal-id/ in /entity/ . It has no effect if the
given listener was not subscribed using [[subscribe]].")
(:method ((entity entity-with-signals) (signal symbol) listener)
(let ((signalid (signal-id signal)))
(assert signalid () "~A not a valid signal" signal)
(with-slots(signal-table) entity
(setf (gethash signal signal-table)
(delete listener (gethash signal signal-table)))
(unless (gethash signal signal-table)
(remhash signal signal-table))
(when (< signalid +SIGNAL-CACHE-SIZE+)
(setf (bit (slot-value entity 'has-local-listeners) signalid) 0)
(setf (bit (slot-value entity 'has-ancestor-listeners)
(unless (gethash signal
(slot-value child 'signal-table))
(ancestor-listener-removed child))))))
(ancestor-listener-removed entity)))))))
(defgeneric subscribed-p(entity signal listener)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- entity :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
- signal-id :: =symbol= signal identifier
- listener :: an object
* Description
Removes the given /listener/ from the subscription list for signal
designated by /signal-id/ in /entity/ . It has no effect if the
given listener was not subscribed using [[subscribe]].
Returns true if the given /listener/ is subscribed to the signal
designated by /signal-id/ at /entity/ component (i.e. it does not look
at listeners subscribed at ancestor components).")
(:method((entity entity-with-signals) (signal symbol) listener)
(member listener (gethash signal (slot-value entity 'signal-table)))))
(defgeneric repair-signal-flags(component)
(:documentation "* Arguments
- component :: an [[entity-with-signals]]
* Description
must be called when the component's ownership changes.")
(:method((component entity-with-signals))
(let ((parent (parent-module component)))
(when parent
(setf (slot-value component 'has-ancestor-listeners)
(map 'bit-vector #'logand
(slot-value parent 'has-ancestor-listeners)
(slot-value parent 'has-local-listeners)))))))
(defmethod finish ((instance entity-with-signals))
(map nil
#'(lambda(l) (unless (typep l 'entity-with-signals) (finish l)))
(listeners instance t)))
6195abaeaa87adc38cdea12599b881e896fb37d66d8d0295ebc80f7ad77fd230 | ninenines/cowboy | cowboy_sup.erl | Copyright ( c ) 2011 - 2017 , < >
%% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
%% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
%% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}.
start_link() ->
supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
-spec init([])
-> {ok, {{supervisor:strategy(), 10, 10}, [supervisor:child_spec()]}}.
init([]) ->
Procs = [{cowboy_clock, {cowboy_clock, start_link, []},
permanent, 5000, worker, [cowboy_clock]}],
{ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 10}, Procs}}.
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ninenines/cowboy/8795233c57f1f472781a22ffbf186ce38cc5b049/src/cowboy_sup.erl | erlang |
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}.
start_link() ->
supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
-spec init([])
-> {ok, {{supervisor:strategy(), 10, 10}, [supervisor:child_spec()]}}.
init([]) ->
Procs = [{cowboy_clock, {cowboy_clock, start_link, []},
permanent, 5000, worker, [cowboy_clock]}],
{ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 10}, Procs}}.
489ce43ed8942214f84f6a609853b5d1172446d7bf89f6256a6c8414d5e306cd | racket/macro-debugger | debug.rkt | #lang racket/base
(require racket/pretty
(provide debug-file)
(define (make-stepper)
(define director (new macro-stepper-director%))
(send director new-stepper))
(define (debug-file file)
(let-values ([(events msg ctx) (load-debug-file file)])
(pretty-print msg)
(pretty-print ctx)
(let* ([w (make-stepper)])
(send/i w widget<%> add-trace events)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/racket/macro-debugger/d4e2325e6d8eced81badf315048ff54f515110d5/macro-debugger/macro-debugger/view/debug.rkt | racket | #lang racket/base
(require racket/pretty
(provide debug-file)
(define (make-stepper)
(define director (new macro-stepper-director%))
(send director new-stepper))
(define (debug-file file)
(let-values ([(events msg ctx) (load-debug-file file)])
(pretty-print msg)
(pretty-print ctx)
(let* ([w (make-stepper)])
(send/i w widget<%> add-trace events)
d9e7da07e1bb7526bdde27fe71af3639ba0e7c1d9ffa403c05bd404a29948397 | slegrand45/mysql_protocol | bench_config.ml | let host = " "
let addr = Unix.inet_addr_of_string host
let port = 3306
let addr = Unix.inet_addr_of_string host
let port = 3306 *)
let sockaddr = "/usr/jails/mariadb/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock"
let db_user = "user_ocaml_ocmp"
let db_password = "ocmp"
let db_name = "test_ocaml_ocmp_utf8"
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/slegrand45/mysql_protocol/92905707c72b49bb0c22467e6cf1d862336c3e48/benchmarks/bench_config.ml | ocaml | let host = " "
let addr = Unix.inet_addr_of_string host
let port = 3306
let addr = Unix.inet_addr_of_string host
let port = 3306 *)
let sockaddr = "/usr/jails/mariadb/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock"
let db_user = "user_ocaml_ocmp"
let db_password = "ocmp"
let db_name = "test_ocaml_ocmp_utf8"
1041f9f7234a2d466807f6c000d8887469c4ab72262ec6fca29f59db040509c3 | tmfg/mmtis-national-access-point | project.clj | (defproject napote-dashboard "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.946"]
[http-kit "2.2.0"]
[compojure "1.6.0"]
[cheshire "5.8.0"]
[amazonica "0.3.118"]
[reagent "0.8.0-alpha2"]
[figwheel "0.5.13"]
[webjure/tuck "0.4.3"]
[cljs-ajax "0.7.2"
:exclusions [org.apache.httpcomponents/httpasyncclient]]
[com.cognitect/transit-clj "0.8.300"]
[com.cognitect/transit-cljs "0.8.243"]
[com.atlassian.commonmark/commonmark "0.11.0"]]
:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[figwheel-sidecar "0.5.13"]
[com.cemerick/piggieback "0.2.2"]
[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.12"]]}}
:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.7"]
[lein-figwheel "0.5.13"]]
:source-paths ["src/clj"]
:cljsbuild {:builds
[{:id "dev"
:source-paths ["src/cljs"]
:figwheel {:on-jsload "dashboard.main/reload-hook"}
:compiler {:optimizations :none
:source-map true
:output-to "resources/public/js/dashboard.js"
:output-dir "resources/public/js/out"}}
{:id "prod"
:source-paths ["src/cljs"]
:compiler {:optimizations :advanced
:output-to "resources/public/js/dashboard.js"}}]}
:clean-targets ^{:protect false}
["resources/public/js/dashboard.js" "resources/public/js" "target/classes"]
:repl-options {:init-ns dashboard.main
:init (dashboard.main/start)})
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tmfg/mmtis-national-access-point/a86cc890ffa1fe4f773083be5d2556e87a93d975/tools/dashboard/project.clj | clojure | (defproject napote-dashboard "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.946"]
[http-kit "2.2.0"]
[compojure "1.6.0"]
[cheshire "5.8.0"]
[amazonica "0.3.118"]
[reagent "0.8.0-alpha2"]
[figwheel "0.5.13"]
[webjure/tuck "0.4.3"]
[cljs-ajax "0.7.2"
:exclusions [org.apache.httpcomponents/httpasyncclient]]
[com.cognitect/transit-clj "0.8.300"]
[com.cognitect/transit-cljs "0.8.243"]
[com.atlassian.commonmark/commonmark "0.11.0"]]
:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[figwheel-sidecar "0.5.13"]
[com.cemerick/piggieback "0.2.2"]
[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.12"]]}}
:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.7"]
[lein-figwheel "0.5.13"]]
:source-paths ["src/clj"]
:cljsbuild {:builds
[{:id "dev"
:source-paths ["src/cljs"]
:figwheel {:on-jsload "dashboard.main/reload-hook"}
:compiler {:optimizations :none
:source-map true
:output-to "resources/public/js/dashboard.js"
:output-dir "resources/public/js/out"}}
{:id "prod"
:source-paths ["src/cljs"]
:compiler {:optimizations :advanced
:output-to "resources/public/js/dashboard.js"}}]}
:clean-targets ^{:protect false}
["resources/public/js/dashboard.js" "resources/public/js" "target/classes"]
:repl-options {:init-ns dashboard.main
:init (dashboard.main/start)})
ac45107a47ea068b33d07f90b68b808ad4aa22f13f78021a339eec84315dbd0e | fmi-lab/fp-elective-2017 | sum-divisors.scm | (require rackunit rackunit/text-ui)
(define (sum-divisors n)
(define (helper counter result)
(if (= counter 0)
(helper (- counter 1)
(if (= (remainder n counter) 0)
(+ result counter)
(helper n 0))
(define sum-divisors-tests
"Tests for sum-divisors"
1 3
(check = (sum-divisors 12) 28) ; 1 2 3 4 6 12
(check = (sum-divisors 15) 24) ; 1 3 5 15
1 19
(check = (sum-divisors 42) 96) ; 1 2 3 6 7 14 21 42
1 661
1 2 3 6 9 18 37 74 111 222 333 666
1 7 191 1337
(check = (sum-divisors 65515) 78624) ; 1 5 13103 65515
1 127 9721 1234567
(run-tests sum-divisors-tests)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fmi-lab/fp-elective-2017/e88d5c0319b6d03c0ecd8a12a2856fb1bf5dcbf3/exercises/02/sum-divisors.scm | scheme | 1 2 3 4 6 12
1 3 5 15
1 2 3 6 7 14 21 42
1 5 13103 65515 | (require rackunit rackunit/text-ui)
(define (sum-divisors n)
(define (helper counter result)
(if (= counter 0)
(helper (- counter 1)
(if (= (remainder n counter) 0)
(+ result counter)
(helper n 0))
(define sum-divisors-tests
"Tests for sum-divisors"
1 3
1 19
1 661
1 2 3 6 9 18 37 74 111 222 333 666
1 7 191 1337
1 127 9721 1234567
(run-tests sum-divisors-tests)
b918b961900ed8a54ef10abe60f90d1cd72445baf1ca82636a6b8d7661818fe1 | codingteam/Hyperspace | network.clj | (ns hyperspace.test.client.network
(:import [java.io BufferedReader
(:use [clojure.test]
(:require [clojure.contrib.server-socket :as socket]
[clojure.data.json :as json]
[clojure.java.io :as io]))
(deftest network-test
(def fake-server-port 10501)
(def fake-server (socket/create-server
(fn [in out]
(binding [*in* (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. in))
*out* (PrintWriter. out)]
(loop []
(println (read-line))
(let [connection (connect "localhost" fake-server-port)]
(testing "connect function"
(is (:socket connection))
(is (:in connection))
(is (:out connection))
(is (not (.isClosed (:socket connection)))))
(disconnect connection))
(let [connection (connect "localhost" fake-server-port)]
(disconnect connection)
(testing "disconnect function"
(is (.isClosed (:socket connection)))))
(socket/close-server fake-server)
(def answer (promise))
(def mock-server-port 10502)
(def mock-server (socket/create-server
(fn [in out]
(let [reader (io/reader in)
writer (io/writer out)]
(loop []
(let [message (json/read reader :key-fn keyword)]
(deliver answer message))
(let [connection (connect "localhost" mock-server-port)
object {:test 1, :field "2"}]
(send-message connection object)
(testing "send-message function"
(is (= (deref answer 15000 nil) object)))
(println "finished1")
(disconnect connection)
(println "finished22"))
(socket/close-server mock-server)
(println "finished23")
(def echo-server-port 10503)
(def echo-server (socket/create-server
(fn [in out]
(let [reader (io/reader in)
writer (io/writer out)]
(loop []
(let [c (.read reader)]
(if (not= c -1)
(println "r" (char c))
(.write writer c)
(.flush writer)
(let [connection (connect "localhost" echo-server-port)
message {:a 1, :b 2}]
(println "finished11")
(send-message connection message)
(println "finished14")
(testing "receive-message function"
(is (= (receive-message connection) {:a 1, :b 2})))
(println "finished12")
(disconnect connection))
(println "finished13")
(socket/close-server echo-server))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/codingteam/Hyperspace/b04ec588968f3a9c94b2992010a3a737afbe7eb5/client/src/test/clojure/hyperspace/test/client/network.clj | clojure | (ns hyperspace.test.client.network
(:import [java.io BufferedReader
(:use [clojure.test]
(:require [clojure.contrib.server-socket :as socket]
[clojure.data.json :as json]
[clojure.java.io :as io]))
(deftest network-test
(def fake-server-port 10501)
(def fake-server (socket/create-server
(fn [in out]
(binding [*in* (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. in))
*out* (PrintWriter. out)]
(loop []
(println (read-line))
(let [connection (connect "localhost" fake-server-port)]
(testing "connect function"
(is (:socket connection))
(is (:in connection))
(is (:out connection))
(is (not (.isClosed (:socket connection)))))
(disconnect connection))
(let [connection (connect "localhost" fake-server-port)]
(disconnect connection)
(testing "disconnect function"
(is (.isClosed (:socket connection)))))
(socket/close-server fake-server)
(def answer (promise))
(def mock-server-port 10502)
(def mock-server (socket/create-server
(fn [in out]
(let [reader (io/reader in)
writer (io/writer out)]
(loop []
(let [message (json/read reader :key-fn keyword)]
(deliver answer message))
(let [connection (connect "localhost" mock-server-port)
object {:test 1, :field "2"}]
(send-message connection object)
(testing "send-message function"
(is (= (deref answer 15000 nil) object)))
(println "finished1")
(disconnect connection)
(println "finished22"))
(socket/close-server mock-server)
(println "finished23")
(def echo-server-port 10503)
(def echo-server (socket/create-server
(fn [in out]
(let [reader (io/reader in)
writer (io/writer out)]
(loop []
(let [c (.read reader)]
(if (not= c -1)
(println "r" (char c))
(.write writer c)
(.flush writer)
(let [connection (connect "localhost" echo-server-port)
message {:a 1, :b 2}]
(println "finished11")
(send-message connection message)
(println "finished14")
(testing "receive-message function"
(is (= (receive-message connection) {:a 1, :b 2})))
(println "finished12")
(disconnect connection))
(println "finished13")
(socket/close-server echo-server))
d44c770113ee88cc997ff74cafd7d9b50ca3f7ae9d21f9200a7dcb24d0015ee9 | fragnix/fragnix | Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip.hs | {-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010, OverloadedStrings #-}
# LINE 1 " Network / Wai / Middleware / Gzip.hs " #
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- |
Module : Network . Wai . Middleware .
Copyright :
-- License : BSD3
Maintainer : < >
-- Stability : Unstable
-- Portability : portable
-- Automatic gzip compression of responses.
module Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip
( gzip
, GzipSettings
, gzipFiles
, GzipFiles (..)
, gzipCheckMime
, def
, defaultCheckMime
) where
import Network.Wai
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Data.Default.Class
import Network.HTTP.Types ( Status, Header, hContentEncoding, hUserAgent
, hContentType, hContentLength)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, createDirectoryIfMissing)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (fromByteString)
import Control.Exception (try, SomeException)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Network.Wai.Header
import Network.Wai.Internal
import qualified Data.Streaming.Blaze as B
import qualified Data.Streaming.Zlib as Z
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as Blaze
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Function (fix)
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import qualified System.IO as IO
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal (defaultChunkSize)
import Data.Word8 (_semicolon)
data GzipSettings = GzipSettings
{ gzipFiles :: GzipFiles
, gzipCheckMime :: S.ByteString -> Bool
-- | Gzip behavior for files.
data GzipFiles
= GzipIgnore -- ^ Do not compress file responses.
| GzipCompress -- ^ Compress files. Note that this may counteract
zero - copy response optimizations on some
-- platforms.
| GzipCacheFolder FilePath -- ^ Compress files, caching them in
-- some directory.
^ If we use compression then try to use the filename with " "
-- appended to it, if the file is missing then try next action
-- @since 3.0.17
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
| Use default MIME settings ; /do not/ compress files .
instance Default GzipSettings where
def = GzipSettings GzipIgnore defaultCheckMime
-- | MIME types that will be compressed by default:
@text/*@ , @application / json@ , @application / javascript@ ,
@application / ecmascript@ , @image / x - icon@.
defaultCheckMime :: S.ByteString -> Bool
defaultCheckMime bs =
S8.isPrefixOf "text/" bs || bs' `Set.member` toCompress
bs' = fst $ S.break (== _semicolon) bs
toCompress = Set.fromList
[ "application/json"
, "application/javascript"
, "application/ecmascript"
, "image/x-icon"
-- | Use gzip to compress the body of the response.
-- Analyzes the \"Accept-Encoding\" header from the client to determine
if is supported .
-- File responses will be compressed according to the 'GzipFiles' setting.
gzip :: GzipSettings -> Middleware
gzip set app env sendResponse = app env $ \res ->
case res of
ResponseRaw{} -> sendResponse res
ResponseFile{} | gzipFiles set == GzipIgnore -> sendResponse res
_ -> if "gzip" `elem` enc && not isMSIE6 && not (isEncoded res) && (bigEnough res)
let runAction x = case x of
(ResponseFile s hs file Nothing, GzipPreCompressed nextAction) ->
compressedVersion = file ++ ".gz"
doesFileExist compressedVersion >>= \x ->
if x
then (sendResponse $ ResponseFile s (fixHeaders hs) compressedVersion Nothing)
else (runAction (ResponseFile s hs file Nothing, nextAction))
(ResponseFile s hs file Nothing, GzipCacheFolder cache) ->
case lookup hContentType hs of
Just m
| gzipCheckMime set m -> compressFile s hs file cache sendResponse
_ -> sendResponse res
(ResponseFile {}, GzipIgnore) -> sendResponse res
_ -> compressE set res sendResponse
in runAction (res, gzipFiles set)
else sendResponse res
enc = fromMaybe [] $ (splitCommas . S8.unpack)
`fmap` lookup "Accept-Encoding" (requestHeaders env)
ua = fromMaybe "" $ lookup hUserAgent $ requestHeaders env
isMSIE6 = "MSIE 6" `S.isInfixOf` ua
isEncoded res = isJust $ lookup hContentEncoding $ responseHeaders res
bigEnough rsp = case contentLength (responseHeaders rsp) of
Nothing -> True -- This could be a streaming case
Just len -> len >= minimumLength
-- For a small enough response, gzipping will actually increase the size
-- Potentially for anything less than 860 bytes gzipping could be a net loss
-- The actual number is application specific though and may need to be adjusted
-- -is-recommended-minimum-object-size-for-gzip-performance-benefits
minimumLength = 860
compressFile :: Status -> [Header] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> (Response -> IO a) -> IO a
compressFile s hs file cache sendResponse = do
e <- doesFileExist tmpfile
if e
then onSucc
else do
createDirectoryIfMissing True cache
x <- try $
IO.withBinaryFile file IO.ReadMode $ \inH ->
IO.withBinaryFile tmpfile IO.WriteMode $ \outH -> do
deflate <- Z.initDeflate 7 $ Z.WindowBits 31
FIXME this code should write to a temporary file , then
-- rename to the final file
let goPopper popper = fix $ \loop -> do
res <- popper
case res of
Z.PRDone -> return ()
Z.PRNext bs -> do
S.hPut outH bs
Z.PRError ex -> throwIO ex
fix $ \loop -> do
bs <- S.hGetSome inH defaultChunkSize
unless (S.null bs) $ do
Z.feedDeflate deflate bs >>= goPopper
goPopper $ Z.finishDeflate deflate
FIXME bad ! do n't catch all exceptions like that !
onSucc = sendResponse $ responseFile s (fixHeaders hs) tmpfile Nothing
FIXME log the error message
tmpfile = cache ++ '/' : map safe file
safe c
| 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' = c
| 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' = c
| '0' <= c && c <= '9' = c
safe '-' = '-'
safe '_' = '_'
safe _ = '_'
compressE :: GzipSettings
-> Response
-> (Response -> IO a)
-> IO a
compressE set res sendResponse =
case lookup hContentType hs of
Just m | gzipCheckMime set m ->
let hs' = fixHeaders hs
in wb $ \body -> sendResponse $ responseStream s hs' $ \sendChunk flush -> do
(blazeRecv, _) <- B.newBlazeRecv B.defaultStrategy
deflate <- Z.initDeflate 1 (Z.WindowBits 31)
let sendBuilder builder = do
popper <- blazeRecv builder
fix $ \loop -> do
bs <- popper
unless (S.null bs) $ do
sendBS bs
sendBS bs = Z.feedDeflate deflate bs >>= deflatePopper
flushBuilder = do
sendBuilder Blaze.flush
deflatePopper $ Z.flushDeflate deflate
deflatePopper popper = fix $ \loop -> do
result <- popper
case result of
Z.PRDone -> return ()
Z.PRNext bs' -> do
sendChunk $ fromByteString bs'
Z.PRError e -> throwIO e
body sendBuilder flushBuilder
sendBuilder Blaze.flush
deflatePopper $ Z.finishDeflate deflate
_ -> sendResponse res
(s, hs, wb) = responseToStream res
-- Remove Content-Length header, since we will certainly have a
different length after .
fixHeaders :: [Header] -> [Header]
fixHeaders =
((hContentEncoding, "gzip") :) . filter notLength
notLength (x, _) = x /= hContentLength
splitCommas :: String -> [String]
splitCommas [] = []
splitCommas x =
let (y, z) = break (== ',') x
in y : splitCommas (dropWhile (== ' ') $ drop 1 z)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fragnix/fragnix/b9969e9c6366e2917a782f3ac4e77cce0835448b/tests/packages/application/Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip.hs | haskell | # LANGUAGE Haskell2010, OverloadedStrings #
# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, ScopedTypeVariables #
License : BSD3
Stability : Unstable
Portability : portable
Automatic gzip compression of responses.
| Gzip behavior for files.
^ Do not compress file responses.
^ Compress files. Note that this may counteract
^ Compress files, caching them in
some directory.
appended to it, if the file is missing then try next action
@since 3.0.17
| MIME types that will be compressed by default:
| Use gzip to compress the body of the response.
Analyzes the \"Accept-Encoding\" header from the client to determine
File responses will be compressed according to the 'GzipFiles' setting.
This could be a streaming case
For a small enough response, gzipping will actually increase the size
Potentially for anything less than 860 bytes gzipping could be a net loss
The actual number is application specific though and may need to be adjusted
rename to the final file
Remove Content-Length header, since we will certainly have a | # LINE 1 " Network / Wai / Middleware / Gzip.hs " #
Module : Network . Wai . Middleware .
Copyright :
Maintainer : < >
module Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip
( gzip
, GzipSettings
, gzipFiles
, GzipFiles (..)
, gzipCheckMime
, def
, defaultCheckMime
) where
import Network.Wai
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Data.Default.Class
import Network.HTTP.Types ( Status, Header, hContentEncoding, hUserAgent
, hContentType, hContentLength)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, createDirectoryIfMissing)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (fromByteString)
import Control.Exception (try, SomeException)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Network.Wai.Header
import Network.Wai.Internal
import qualified Data.Streaming.Blaze as B
import qualified Data.Streaming.Zlib as Z
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as Blaze
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Function (fix)
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import qualified System.IO as IO
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal (defaultChunkSize)
import Data.Word8 (_semicolon)
data GzipSettings = GzipSettings
{ gzipFiles :: GzipFiles
, gzipCheckMime :: S.ByteString -> Bool
data GzipFiles
zero - copy response optimizations on some
^ If we use compression then try to use the filename with " "
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
| Use default MIME settings ; /do not/ compress files .
instance Default GzipSettings where
def = GzipSettings GzipIgnore defaultCheckMime
@text/*@ , @application / json@ , @application / javascript@ ,
@application / ecmascript@ , @image / x - icon@.
defaultCheckMime :: S.ByteString -> Bool
defaultCheckMime bs =
S8.isPrefixOf "text/" bs || bs' `Set.member` toCompress
bs' = fst $ S.break (== _semicolon) bs
toCompress = Set.fromList
[ "application/json"
, "application/javascript"
, "application/ecmascript"
, "image/x-icon"
if is supported .
gzip :: GzipSettings -> Middleware
gzip set app env sendResponse = app env $ \res ->
case res of
ResponseRaw{} -> sendResponse res
ResponseFile{} | gzipFiles set == GzipIgnore -> sendResponse res
_ -> if "gzip" `elem` enc && not isMSIE6 && not (isEncoded res) && (bigEnough res)
let runAction x = case x of
(ResponseFile s hs file Nothing, GzipPreCompressed nextAction) ->
compressedVersion = file ++ ".gz"
doesFileExist compressedVersion >>= \x ->
if x
then (sendResponse $ ResponseFile s (fixHeaders hs) compressedVersion Nothing)
else (runAction (ResponseFile s hs file Nothing, nextAction))
(ResponseFile s hs file Nothing, GzipCacheFolder cache) ->
case lookup hContentType hs of
Just m
| gzipCheckMime set m -> compressFile s hs file cache sendResponse
_ -> sendResponse res
(ResponseFile {}, GzipIgnore) -> sendResponse res
_ -> compressE set res sendResponse
in runAction (res, gzipFiles set)
else sendResponse res
enc = fromMaybe [] $ (splitCommas . S8.unpack)
`fmap` lookup "Accept-Encoding" (requestHeaders env)
ua = fromMaybe "" $ lookup hUserAgent $ requestHeaders env
isMSIE6 = "MSIE 6" `S.isInfixOf` ua
isEncoded res = isJust $ lookup hContentEncoding $ responseHeaders res
bigEnough rsp = case contentLength (responseHeaders rsp) of
Just len -> len >= minimumLength
minimumLength = 860
compressFile :: Status -> [Header] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> (Response -> IO a) -> IO a
compressFile s hs file cache sendResponse = do
e <- doesFileExist tmpfile
if e
then onSucc
else do
createDirectoryIfMissing True cache
x <- try $
IO.withBinaryFile file IO.ReadMode $ \inH ->
IO.withBinaryFile tmpfile IO.WriteMode $ \outH -> do
deflate <- Z.initDeflate 7 $ Z.WindowBits 31
FIXME this code should write to a temporary file , then
let goPopper popper = fix $ \loop -> do
res <- popper
case res of
Z.PRDone -> return ()
Z.PRNext bs -> do
S.hPut outH bs
Z.PRError ex -> throwIO ex
fix $ \loop -> do
bs <- S.hGetSome inH defaultChunkSize
unless (S.null bs) $ do
Z.feedDeflate deflate bs >>= goPopper
goPopper $ Z.finishDeflate deflate
FIXME bad ! do n't catch all exceptions like that !
onSucc = sendResponse $ responseFile s (fixHeaders hs) tmpfile Nothing
FIXME log the error message
tmpfile = cache ++ '/' : map safe file
safe c
| 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' = c
| 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' = c
| '0' <= c && c <= '9' = c
safe '-' = '-'
safe '_' = '_'
safe _ = '_'
compressE :: GzipSettings
-> Response
-> (Response -> IO a)
-> IO a
compressE set res sendResponse =
case lookup hContentType hs of
Just m | gzipCheckMime set m ->
let hs' = fixHeaders hs
in wb $ \body -> sendResponse $ responseStream s hs' $ \sendChunk flush -> do
(blazeRecv, _) <- B.newBlazeRecv B.defaultStrategy
deflate <- Z.initDeflate 1 (Z.WindowBits 31)
let sendBuilder builder = do
popper <- blazeRecv builder
fix $ \loop -> do
bs <- popper
unless (S.null bs) $ do
sendBS bs
sendBS bs = Z.feedDeflate deflate bs >>= deflatePopper
flushBuilder = do
sendBuilder Blaze.flush
deflatePopper $ Z.flushDeflate deflate
deflatePopper popper = fix $ \loop -> do
result <- popper
case result of
Z.PRDone -> return ()
Z.PRNext bs' -> do
sendChunk $ fromByteString bs'
Z.PRError e -> throwIO e
body sendBuilder flushBuilder
sendBuilder Blaze.flush
deflatePopper $ Z.finishDeflate deflate
_ -> sendResponse res
(s, hs, wb) = responseToStream res
different length after .
fixHeaders :: [Header] -> [Header]
fixHeaders =
((hContentEncoding, "gzip") :) . filter notLength
notLength (x, _) = x /= hContentLength
splitCommas :: String -> [String]
splitCommas [] = []
splitCommas x =
let (y, z) = break (== ',') x
in y : splitCommas (dropWhile (== ' ') $ drop 1 z)
27a5c648c923264e933ae214b099f5b09f3de3ea2edfe92d698692d3c32fea1f | penpot/penpot | tmp.clj | This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License , v. 2.0 . If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file , You can obtain one at /.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.storage.tmp
"Temporal files service all created files will be tried to clean after
1 hour after creation. This is a best effort, if this process fails,
the operating system cleaning task should be responsible of
permanently delete these files (look at systemd-tempfiles)."
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.storage :as-alias sto]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[app.worker :as wrk]
[clojure.core.async :as a]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[datoteka.fs :as fs]
[integrant.core :as ig]
[promesa.exec :as px]))
(declare remove-temp-file)
(defonce queue (a/chan 128))
(defmethod ig/pre-init-spec ::cleaner [_]
(s/keys :req [::sto/min-age ::wrk/scheduled-executor]))
(defmethod ig/prep-key ::cleaner
[_ cfg]
(merge {::sto/min-age (dt/duration "30m")}
(d/without-nils cfg)))
(defmethod ig/init-key ::cleaner
[_ {:keys [::sto/min-age ::wrk/scheduled-executor] :as cfg}]
{:name "penpot/storage-tmp-cleaner"}
(l/info :hint "started tmp file cleaner")
(loop []
(when-let [path (a/<!! queue)]
(l/trace :hint "schedule tempfile deletion" :path path
:expires-at (dt/plus (dt/now) min-age))
(px/schedule! scheduled-executor
(inst-ms min-age)
(partial remove-temp-file path))
(catch InterruptedException _
(l/debug :hint "interrupted"))
(l/info :hint "terminated tmp file cleaner")))))
(defmethod ig/halt-key! ::cleaner
[_ thread]
(px/interrupt! thread))
(defn- remove-temp-file
"Permanently delete tempfile"
(l/trace :hint "permanently delete tempfile" :path path)
(when (fs/exists? path)
(fs/delete path)))
;; API
(defn tempfile
"Returns a tmpfile candidate (without creating it)"
[& {:keys [suffix prefix]
:or {prefix "penpot."
suffix ".tmp"}}]
(let [candidate (fs/tempfile :suffix suffix :prefix prefix)]
(a/offer! queue candidate)
(defn create-tempfile
[& {:keys [suffix prefix]
:or {prefix "penpot."
suffix ".tmp"}}]
(let [path (fs/create-tempfile :suffix suffix :prefix prefix)]
(a/offer! queue path)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/penpot/penpot/1c2a4621246e2a890ba9bae8176c32a6937c7c4d/backend/src/app/storage/tmp.clj | clojure |
Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
| This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License , v. 2.0 . If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file , You can obtain one at /.
(ns app.storage.tmp
"Temporal files service all created files will be tried to clean after
1 hour after creation. This is a best effort, if this process fails,
the operating system cleaning task should be responsible of
permanently delete these files (look at systemd-tempfiles)."
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.storage :as-alias sto]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[app.worker :as wrk]
[clojure.core.async :as a]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[datoteka.fs :as fs]
[integrant.core :as ig]
[promesa.exec :as px]))
(declare remove-temp-file)
(defonce queue (a/chan 128))
(defmethod ig/pre-init-spec ::cleaner [_]
(s/keys :req [::sto/min-age ::wrk/scheduled-executor]))
(defmethod ig/prep-key ::cleaner
[_ cfg]
(merge {::sto/min-age (dt/duration "30m")}
(d/without-nils cfg)))
(defmethod ig/init-key ::cleaner
[_ {:keys [::sto/min-age ::wrk/scheduled-executor] :as cfg}]
{:name "penpot/storage-tmp-cleaner"}
(l/info :hint "started tmp file cleaner")
(loop []
(when-let [path (a/<!! queue)]
(l/trace :hint "schedule tempfile deletion" :path path
:expires-at (dt/plus (dt/now) min-age))
(px/schedule! scheduled-executor
(inst-ms min-age)
(partial remove-temp-file path))
(catch InterruptedException _
(l/debug :hint "interrupted"))
(l/info :hint "terminated tmp file cleaner")))))
(defmethod ig/halt-key! ::cleaner
[_ thread]
(px/interrupt! thread))
(defn- remove-temp-file
"Permanently delete tempfile"
(l/trace :hint "permanently delete tempfile" :path path)
(when (fs/exists? path)
(fs/delete path)))
(defn tempfile
"Returns a tmpfile candidate (without creating it)"
[& {:keys [suffix prefix]
:or {prefix "penpot."
suffix ".tmp"}}]
(let [candidate (fs/tempfile :suffix suffix :prefix prefix)]
(a/offer! queue candidate)
(defn create-tempfile
[& {:keys [suffix prefix]
:or {prefix "penpot."
suffix ".tmp"}}]
(let [path (fs/create-tempfile :suffix suffix :prefix prefix)]
(a/offer! queue path)
eb4bd0bd78958ad893145f539c497cb0336ca19bccbc3c77a987401fb87e64f8 | amatus/foofs | fuse.clj | Copyright ( C ) 2012 < >
; foofs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
; (at your option) any later version.
; foofs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
; with this program. If not, see </>.
(ns foofs.fuse.fuse
(:use (foofs.fuse jna protocol))
(:import com.sun.jna.Memory
(defn read-loop!
(let [fd (:fd fuse)]
(loop []
(let [mem (Memory. 0x21000)
ret (c-read fd mem (.size mem))]
(process-buf! fuse (.getByteBuffer mem 0 ret)))
(catch Exception e
(.printStackTrace e)))))
(defn start-filesystem
[filesystem fd]
(let [fuse {:filesystem filesystem
:fd fd
:read-thread (atom nil)
:connection {:proto-major (atom 0)
:proto-minor (atom 0)}}
read-thread (Thread. (partial read-loop! fuse))]
(reset! (:read-thread fuse) read-thread)
(.start read-thread)
(defn freebsd-mount
[filesystem mountpoint]
(let [fd (c-open "/dev/fuse" 0100002 0)
pid (IntByReference.)
ret (posix_spawn pid "/usr/sbin/mount_fusefs" nil nil
["mount_fusefs" "-o" "default_permissions" (str fd)
(if (== 0 ret)
(let [stat_loc (IntByReference.)]
(waitpid (.getValue pid) stat_loc 0)
(if (== 0 (.getValue stat_loc))
(start-filesystem filesystem fd)
(c-close fd)))
(c-close fd)))
(catch Exception e
(.printStackTrace e)
(defn linux-mount
[filesystem mountpoint]
(let [sv (Memory. 8)]
(socketpair pf-unix sock-stream 0 sv)
(let [sock0 (.getInt sv 0)
sock1 (.getInt sv 4)
pid (IntByReference.)
ret (posix_spawnp pid "fusermount" nil nil
["fusermount" "--" mountpoint]
[(str "_FUSE_COMMFD=" sock0)])]
(when (== 0 ret)
(when-let [rv (receive-fd sock1)]
(start-filesystem filesystem rv)))))
(catch Exception e
(.printStackTrace e)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amatus/foofs/1d3754e72e09e5f395d5ace1b6bf91e4c7293a54/src/clojure/foofs/fuse/fuse.clj | clojure |
foofs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
(at your option) any later version.
foofs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
with this program. If not, see </>. | Copyright ( C ) 2012 < >
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
(ns foofs.fuse.fuse
(:use (foofs.fuse jna protocol))
(:import com.sun.jna.Memory
(defn read-loop!
(let [fd (:fd fuse)]
(loop []
(let [mem (Memory. 0x21000)
ret (c-read fd mem (.size mem))]
(process-buf! fuse (.getByteBuffer mem 0 ret)))
(catch Exception e
(.printStackTrace e)))))
(defn start-filesystem
[filesystem fd]
(let [fuse {:filesystem filesystem
:fd fd
:read-thread (atom nil)
:connection {:proto-major (atom 0)
:proto-minor (atom 0)}}
read-thread (Thread. (partial read-loop! fuse))]
(reset! (:read-thread fuse) read-thread)
(.start read-thread)
(defn freebsd-mount
[filesystem mountpoint]
(let [fd (c-open "/dev/fuse" 0100002 0)
pid (IntByReference.)
ret (posix_spawn pid "/usr/sbin/mount_fusefs" nil nil
["mount_fusefs" "-o" "default_permissions" (str fd)
(if (== 0 ret)
(let [stat_loc (IntByReference.)]
(waitpid (.getValue pid) stat_loc 0)
(if (== 0 (.getValue stat_loc))
(start-filesystem filesystem fd)
(c-close fd)))
(c-close fd)))
(catch Exception e
(.printStackTrace e)
(defn linux-mount
[filesystem mountpoint]
(let [sv (Memory. 8)]
(socketpair pf-unix sock-stream 0 sv)
(let [sock0 (.getInt sv 0)
sock1 (.getInt sv 4)
pid (IntByReference.)
ret (posix_spawnp pid "fusermount" nil nil
["fusermount" "--" mountpoint]
[(str "_FUSE_COMMFD=" sock0)])]
(when (== 0 ret)
(when-let [rv (receive-fd sock1)]
(start-filesystem filesystem rv)))))
(catch Exception e
(.printStackTrace e)
e3d2f4767fb9d8c96ab728e27fd2c9e70d82ab549d4ccf8169d814993e10c5f1 | NetComposer/nkmedia | nkmedia_kms_callbacks.erl | %% -------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright ( c ) 2016 . All Rights Reserved .
This file is provided to you under the Apache License ,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License . You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% -2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
@doc Plugin implementig the Kurento backend
-author('Carlos Gonzalez <>').
-export([plugin_deps/0, plugin_group/0, plugin_syntax/0, plugin_config/2,
plugin_start/2, plugin_stop/2]).
-export([nkmedia_session_start/3, nkmedia_session_stop/2,
nkmedia_session_offer/4, nkmedia_session_answer/4, nkmedia_session_cmd/3,
nkmedia_session_handle_call/3, nkmedia_session_handle_cast/2]).
-export([nkmedia_room_init/2, nkmedia_room_terminate/2, nkmedia_room_timeout/2]).
-export([api_cmd/2, api_syntax/4]).
%% ===================================================================
%% Types
%% ===================================================================
%% ===================================================================
%% Plugin callbacks
%% ===================================================================
plugin_deps() ->
[nkmedia, nkmedia_room].
plugin_group() ->
plugin_syntax() ->
kms_docker_image => fun parse_image/3
plugin_config(Config, _Service) ->
Cache = case Config of
#{kms_docker_image:=KmsConfig} -> KmsConfig;
_ -> nkmedia_kms_build:defaults(#{})
{ok, Config, Cache}.
plugin_start(Config, #{name:=Name}) ->
lager:info("Plugin NkMEDIA Kurento (~s) starting", [Name]),
case nkdocker_monitor:register(?MODULE) of
{ok, DockerMonId} ->
nkmedia_app:put(docker_kms_mon_id, DockerMonId),
lager:info("Installed images: ~s",
{error, Error} ->
lager:error("Could not start Docker Monitor: ~p", [Error]),
{ok, Config}.
plugin_stop(Config, #{name:=Name}) ->
lager:info("Plugin NkMEDIA Kurento (~p) stopping", [Name]),
{ok, Config}.
%% ===================================================================
%% Offering Callbacks
%% ===================================================================
-spec nkmedia_kms_get_mediaserver(nkservice:id()) ->
{ok, nkmedia_kms_engine:id()} | {error, term()}.
nkmedia_kms_get_mediaserver(SrvId) ->
case nkmedia_kms_engine:get_all(SrvId) of
[{KmsId, _}|_] ->
{ok, KmsId};
[] ->
{error, no_mediaserver}
%% ===================================================================
%% Implemented Callbacks - error
%% ===================================================================
@private See nkservice_callbacks
error_code({kms_error, Code, Txt})-> {303001, "Kurento error ~p: ~s", [Code, Txt]};
error_code(_) -> continue.
%% ===================================================================
%% Implemented Callbacks - nkmedia_session
%% ===================================================================
nkmedia_session_start(Type, Role, Session) ->
case maps:get(backend, Session, nkmedia_kms) of
nkmedia_kms ->
nkmedia_kms_session:start(Type, Role, Session);
_ ->
nkmedia_session_offer(Type, Role, Offer, #{nkmedia_kms_id:=_}=Session) ->
nkmedia_kms_session:offer(Type, Role, Offer, Session);
nkmedia_session_offer(_Type, _Role, _Offer, _Session) ->
nkmedia_session_answer(Type, Role, Answer, #{nkmedia_kms_id:=_}=Session) ->
nkmedia_kms_session:answer(Type, Role, Answer, Session);
nkmedia_session_answer(_Type, _Role, _Answer, _Session) ->
nkmedia_session_cmd(Cmd, Opts, #{nkmedia_kms_id:=_}=Session) ->
nkmedia_kms_session:cmd(Cmd, Opts, Session);
nkmedia_session_cmd(_Cmd, _Opts, _Session) ->
nkmedia_session_candidate(Candidate, #{nkmedia_kms_id:=_}=Session) ->
nkmedia_kms_session:candidate(Candidate, Session);
nkmedia_session_candidate(_Candidate, _Session) ->
nkmedia_session_stop(Reason, #{nkmedia_kms_id:=_}=Session) ->
nkmedia_kms_session:stop(Reason, Session);
nkmedia_session_stop(_Reason, _Session) ->
nkmedia_session_handle_call({nkmedia_kms, Msg}, From, Session) ->
nkmedia_kms_session:handle_call(Msg, From, Session);
nkmedia_session_handle_call(_Msg, _From, _Session) ->
nkmedia_session_handle_cast({nkmedia_kms, Msg}, Session) ->
nkmedia_kms_session:handle_cast(Msg, Session);
nkmedia_session_handle_cast(_Msg, _Session) ->
%% ===================================================================
%% Implemented Callbacks - nkmedia_room
%% ===================================================================
nkmedia_room_init(Id, Room) ->
case maps:get(backend, Room, nkmedia_kms) of
nkmedia_kms ->
case maps:get(class, Room, sfu) of
sfu ->
nkmedia_kms_room:init(Id, Room);
_ ->
{ok, Room}
_ ->
{ok, Room}
nkmedia_room_terminate(Reason, #{nkmedia_kms_id:=_}=Room) ->
nkmedia_kms_room:terminate(Reason, Room);
nkmedia_room_terminate(_Reason, Room) ->
{ok, Room}.
nkmedia_room_timeout(RoomId, #{nkmedia_kms_id:=_}=Room) ->
nkmedia_kms_room:timeout(RoomId, Room);
nkmedia_room_timeout(_RoomId, _Room) ->
% %% @private
nkmedia_room_handle_cast({nkmedia_kms , Msg } , Room ) - >
% nkmedia_kms_room:handle_cast(Msg, Room);
% nkmedia_room_handle_cast(_Msg, _Room) ->
% continue.
%% ===================================================================
%% API
%% ===================================================================
api_cmd(#api_req{class = <<"media">>}=Req, State) ->
#api_req{subclass=Sub, cmd=Cmd} = Req,
nkmedia_kms_api:cmd(Sub, Cmd, Req, State);
api_cmd(_Req, _State) ->
api_syntax(#api_req{class = <<"media">>}=Req, Syntax, Defaults, Mandatory) ->
#api_req{subclass=Sub, cmd=Cmd} = Req,
{S2, D2, M2} = nkmedia_kms_api_syntax:syntax(Sub, Cmd, Syntax, Defaults, Mandatory),
{continue, [Req, S2, D2, M2]};
api_syntax(_Req, _Syntax, _Defaults, _Mandatory) ->
%% ===================================================================
%% Docker Monitor Callbacks
%% ===================================================================
nkdocker_notify(MonId, {Op, {<<"nk_kms_", _/binary>>=Name, Data}}) ->
nkmedia_kms_docker:notify(MonId, Op, Name, Data);
nkdocker_notify(_MonId, _Op) ->
%% ===================================================================
%% ===================================================================
parse_image(_Key, Map, _Ctx) when is_map(Map) ->
{ok, Map};
parse_image(_, Image, _Ctx) ->
case binary:split(Image, <<"/">>) of
[Comp, <<"nk_kms:", Tag/binary>>] ->
[Vsn, Rel] = binary:split(Tag, <<"-">>),
Def = #{comp=>Comp, vsn=>Vsn, rel=>Rel},
{ok, nkmedia_kms_build:defaults(Def)};
_ ->
find_images(MonId) ->
{ok, Docker} = nkdocker_monitor:get_docker(MonId),
{ok, Images} = nkdocker:images(Docker),
Tags = lists:flatten([T || #{<<"RepoTags">>:=T} <- Images]),
fun(Img) -> length(binary:split(Img, <<"/nk_kurento_">>))==2 end, Tags).
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NetComposer/nkmedia/24480866a523bfd6490abfe90ea46c6130ffe51f/src/kms_backend/nkmedia_kms_callbacks.erl | erlang | -------------------------------------------------------------------
Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
Plugin callbacks
Offering Callbacks
Implemented Callbacks - error
Implemented Callbacks - nkmedia_session
Implemented Callbacks - nkmedia_room
%% @private
nkmedia_kms_room:handle_cast(Msg, Room);
nkmedia_room_handle_cast(_Msg, _Room) ->
Docker Monitor Callbacks
=================================================================== | Copyright ( c ) 2016 . All Rights Reserved .
This file is provided to you under the Apache License ,
except in compliance with the License . You may obtain
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
@doc Plugin implementig the Kurento backend
-author('Carlos Gonzalez <>').
-export([plugin_deps/0, plugin_group/0, plugin_syntax/0, plugin_config/2,
plugin_start/2, plugin_stop/2]).
-export([nkmedia_session_start/3, nkmedia_session_stop/2,
nkmedia_session_offer/4, nkmedia_session_answer/4, nkmedia_session_cmd/3,
nkmedia_session_handle_call/3, nkmedia_session_handle_cast/2]).
-export([nkmedia_room_init/2, nkmedia_room_terminate/2, nkmedia_room_timeout/2]).
-export([api_cmd/2, api_syntax/4]).
plugin_deps() ->
[nkmedia, nkmedia_room].
plugin_group() ->
plugin_syntax() ->
kms_docker_image => fun parse_image/3
plugin_config(Config, _Service) ->
Cache = case Config of
#{kms_docker_image:=KmsConfig} -> KmsConfig;
_ -> nkmedia_kms_build:defaults(#{})
{ok, Config, Cache}.
plugin_start(Config, #{name:=Name}) ->
lager:info("Plugin NkMEDIA Kurento (~s) starting", [Name]),
case nkdocker_monitor:register(?MODULE) of
{ok, DockerMonId} ->
nkmedia_app:put(docker_kms_mon_id, DockerMonId),
lager:info("Installed images: ~s",
{error, Error} ->
lager:error("Could not start Docker Monitor: ~p", [Error]),
{ok, Config}.
plugin_stop(Config, #{name:=Name}) ->
lager:info("Plugin NkMEDIA Kurento (~p) stopping", [Name]),
{ok, Config}.
-spec nkmedia_kms_get_mediaserver(nkservice:id()) ->
{ok, nkmedia_kms_engine:id()} | {error, term()}.
nkmedia_kms_get_mediaserver(SrvId) ->
case nkmedia_kms_engine:get_all(SrvId) of
[{KmsId, _}|_] ->
{ok, KmsId};
[] ->
{error, no_mediaserver}
@private See nkservice_callbacks
error_code({kms_error, Code, Txt})-> {303001, "Kurento error ~p: ~s", [Code, Txt]};
error_code(_) -> continue.
nkmedia_session_start(Type, Role, Session) ->
case maps:get(backend, Session, nkmedia_kms) of
nkmedia_kms ->
nkmedia_kms_session:start(Type, Role, Session);
_ ->
nkmedia_session_offer(Type, Role, Offer, #{nkmedia_kms_id:=_}=Session) ->
nkmedia_kms_session:offer(Type, Role, Offer, Session);
nkmedia_session_offer(_Type, _Role, _Offer, _Session) ->
nkmedia_session_answer(Type, Role, Answer, #{nkmedia_kms_id:=_}=Session) ->
nkmedia_kms_session:answer(Type, Role, Answer, Session);
nkmedia_session_answer(_Type, _Role, _Answer, _Session) ->
nkmedia_session_cmd(Cmd, Opts, #{nkmedia_kms_id:=_}=Session) ->
nkmedia_kms_session:cmd(Cmd, Opts, Session);
nkmedia_session_cmd(_Cmd, _Opts, _Session) ->
nkmedia_session_candidate(Candidate, #{nkmedia_kms_id:=_}=Session) ->
nkmedia_kms_session:candidate(Candidate, Session);
nkmedia_session_candidate(_Candidate, _Session) ->
nkmedia_session_stop(Reason, #{nkmedia_kms_id:=_}=Session) ->
nkmedia_kms_session:stop(Reason, Session);
nkmedia_session_stop(_Reason, _Session) ->
nkmedia_session_handle_call({nkmedia_kms, Msg}, From, Session) ->
nkmedia_kms_session:handle_call(Msg, From, Session);
nkmedia_session_handle_call(_Msg, _From, _Session) ->
nkmedia_session_handle_cast({nkmedia_kms, Msg}, Session) ->
nkmedia_kms_session:handle_cast(Msg, Session);
nkmedia_session_handle_cast(_Msg, _Session) ->
nkmedia_room_init(Id, Room) ->
case maps:get(backend, Room, nkmedia_kms) of
nkmedia_kms ->
case maps:get(class, Room, sfu) of
sfu ->
nkmedia_kms_room:init(Id, Room);
_ ->
{ok, Room}
_ ->
{ok, Room}
nkmedia_room_terminate(Reason, #{nkmedia_kms_id:=_}=Room) ->
nkmedia_kms_room:terminate(Reason, Room);
nkmedia_room_terminate(_Reason, Room) ->
{ok, Room}.
nkmedia_room_timeout(RoomId, #{nkmedia_kms_id:=_}=Room) ->
nkmedia_kms_room:timeout(RoomId, Room);
nkmedia_room_timeout(_RoomId, _Room) ->
nkmedia_room_handle_cast({nkmedia_kms , Msg } , Room ) - >
api_cmd(#api_req{class = <<"media">>}=Req, State) ->
#api_req{subclass=Sub, cmd=Cmd} = Req,
nkmedia_kms_api:cmd(Sub, Cmd, Req, State);
api_cmd(_Req, _State) ->
api_syntax(#api_req{class = <<"media">>}=Req, Syntax, Defaults, Mandatory) ->
#api_req{subclass=Sub, cmd=Cmd} = Req,
{S2, D2, M2} = nkmedia_kms_api_syntax:syntax(Sub, Cmd, Syntax, Defaults, Mandatory),
{continue, [Req, S2, D2, M2]};
api_syntax(_Req, _Syntax, _Defaults, _Mandatory) ->
nkdocker_notify(MonId, {Op, {<<"nk_kms_", _/binary>>=Name, Data}}) ->
nkmedia_kms_docker:notify(MonId, Op, Name, Data);
nkdocker_notify(_MonId, _Op) ->
parse_image(_Key, Map, _Ctx) when is_map(Map) ->
{ok, Map};
parse_image(_, Image, _Ctx) ->
case binary:split(Image, <<"/">>) of
[Comp, <<"nk_kms:", Tag/binary>>] ->
[Vsn, Rel] = binary:split(Tag, <<"-">>),
Def = #{comp=>Comp, vsn=>Vsn, rel=>Rel},
{ok, nkmedia_kms_build:defaults(Def)};
_ ->
find_images(MonId) ->
{ok, Docker} = nkdocker_monitor:get_docker(MonId),
{ok, Images} = nkdocker:images(Docker),
Tags = lists:flatten([T || #{<<"RepoTags">>:=T} <- Images]),
fun(Img) -> length(binary:split(Img, <<"/nk_kurento_">>))==2 end, Tags).
333f0c64e9617f6b206b02b94714d5ca5f851ee7540a6a5e798d8918061ffb2c | bitc/omegagb | CpuExecution.hs | OmegaGB Copyright 2007 Bit
This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-- |
Module : CpuExecution
Copyright : ( c ) Bit Connor 2007 < >
-- License : GPL
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : in-progress
-- OmegaGB
-- Game Boy Emulator
-- This module defines an abstract syntax tree CPU execution monad
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
module CpuExecution where
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
data M_Register =
M_A |
M_B |
M_C |
M_D |
M_E |
M_F |
M_H |
data M_Register2 =
M_AF |
M_BC |
M_DE |
M_HL |
M_PC |
data ExecutionAST result where
Return :: result -> ExecutionAST result
Bind :: (ExecutionAST oldres) -> (oldres -> ExecutionAST result) ->
ExecutionAST result
WriteRegister :: M_Register -> Word8 -> ExecutionAST ()
ReadRegister :: M_Register -> ExecutionAST Word8
WriteRegister2 :: M_Register2 -> Word16 -> ExecutionAST ()
ReadRegister2 :: M_Register2 -> ExecutionAST Word16
WriteMemory :: Word16 -> Word8 -> ExecutionAST ()
ReadMemory :: Word16 -> ExecutionAST Word8
instance Monad ExecutionAST where
return = Return
(>>=) = Bind
writeRegister = WriteRegister
readRegister = ReadRegister
writeRegister2 = WriteRegister2
readRegister2 = ReadRegister2
writeMemory = WriteMemory
readMemory = ReadMemory
writeFlags :: Maybe Bool ->
Maybe Bool ->
Maybe Bool ->
Maybe Bool ->
ExecutionAST ()
writeFlags z n h c = do
v0 <- readRegister M_F
let v1 = case z of
Nothing -> v0
Just True -> setBit v0 7
Just False -> clearBit v0 7
let v2 = case n of
Nothing -> v1
Just True -> setBit v1 6
Just False -> clearBit v1 6
let v3 = case h of
Nothing -> v2
Just True -> setBit v2 5
Just False -> clearBit v2 5
let v4 = case c of
Nothing -> v3
Just True -> setBit v3 4
Just False -> clearBit v3 4
writeRegister M_F v4
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bitc/omegagb/5ab9c3a22f5fc283906b8af53717d81fef96db7f/src/CpuExecution.hs | haskell | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
License : GPL
Maintainer :
Stability : in-progress
Game Boy Emulator
This module defines an abstract syntax tree CPU execution monad
# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts # | OmegaGB Copyright 2007 Bit
This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
Module : CpuExecution
Copyright : ( c ) Bit Connor 2007 < >
module CpuExecution where
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
data M_Register =
M_A |
M_B |
M_C |
M_D |
M_E |
M_F |
M_H |
data M_Register2 =
M_AF |
M_BC |
M_DE |
M_HL |
M_PC |
data ExecutionAST result where
Return :: result -> ExecutionAST result
Bind :: (ExecutionAST oldres) -> (oldres -> ExecutionAST result) ->
ExecutionAST result
WriteRegister :: M_Register -> Word8 -> ExecutionAST ()
ReadRegister :: M_Register -> ExecutionAST Word8
WriteRegister2 :: M_Register2 -> Word16 -> ExecutionAST ()
ReadRegister2 :: M_Register2 -> ExecutionAST Word16
WriteMemory :: Word16 -> Word8 -> ExecutionAST ()
ReadMemory :: Word16 -> ExecutionAST Word8
instance Monad ExecutionAST where
return = Return
(>>=) = Bind
writeRegister = WriteRegister
readRegister = ReadRegister
writeRegister2 = WriteRegister2
readRegister2 = ReadRegister2
writeMemory = WriteMemory
readMemory = ReadMemory
writeFlags :: Maybe Bool ->
Maybe Bool ->
Maybe Bool ->
Maybe Bool ->
ExecutionAST ()
writeFlags z n h c = do
v0 <- readRegister M_F
let v1 = case z of
Nothing -> v0
Just True -> setBit v0 7
Just False -> clearBit v0 7
let v2 = case n of
Nothing -> v1
Just True -> setBit v1 6
Just False -> clearBit v1 6
let v3 = case h of
Nothing -> v2
Just True -> setBit v2 5
Just False -> clearBit v2 5
let v4 = case c of
Nothing -> v3
Just True -> setBit v3 4
Just False -> clearBit v3 4
writeRegister M_F v4
ec6abeaf3c8c8bb5935cdbecb430636c1b595e6ce9e6486673057c97fd11c77a | jtdaugherty/dbmigrations | InMemoryStore.hs | module InMemoryStore (inMemoryStore) where
import Data.Text ( Text )
import Data.String.Conversions ( cs )
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Database.Schema.Migrations.Migration
import Database.Schema.Migrations.Store
type InMemoryData = [(Text, Migration)]
|Builds simple in - memory store that uses ' MVar ' to preserve a list of
-- migrations.
inMemoryStore :: IO MigrationStore
inMemoryStore = do
store <- newMVar []
return MigrationStore {
loadMigration = loadMigrationInMem store
, saveMigration = saveMigrationInMem store
, getMigrations = getMigrationsInMem store
, fullMigrationName = return . cs
loadMigrationInMem :: MVar InMemoryData -> Text -> IO (Either String Migration)
loadMigrationInMem store migId = withMVar store $ \migrations -> do
let mig = lookup migId migrations
return $ case mig of
Just m -> Right m
_ -> Left "Migration not found"
saveMigrationInMem :: MVar InMemoryData -> Migration -> IO ()
saveMigrationInMem store m = modifyMVar_ store $ return . ((mId m, m):)
getMigrationsInMem :: MVar InMemoryData -> IO [Text]
getMigrationsInMem store = withMVar store $ return . fmap fst
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jtdaugherty/dbmigrations/80336a736ac394a2d38c65661b249b2fae142b64/test/InMemoryStore.hs | haskell | migrations. | module InMemoryStore (inMemoryStore) where
import Data.Text ( Text )
import Data.String.Conversions ( cs )
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Database.Schema.Migrations.Migration
import Database.Schema.Migrations.Store
type InMemoryData = [(Text, Migration)]
|Builds simple in - memory store that uses ' MVar ' to preserve a list of
inMemoryStore :: IO MigrationStore
inMemoryStore = do
store <- newMVar []
return MigrationStore {
loadMigration = loadMigrationInMem store
, saveMigration = saveMigrationInMem store
, getMigrations = getMigrationsInMem store
, fullMigrationName = return . cs
loadMigrationInMem :: MVar InMemoryData -> Text -> IO (Either String Migration)
loadMigrationInMem store migId = withMVar store $ \migrations -> do
let mig = lookup migId migrations
return $ case mig of
Just m -> Right m
_ -> Left "Migration not found"
saveMigrationInMem :: MVar InMemoryData -> Migration -> IO ()
saveMigrationInMem store m = modifyMVar_ store $ return . ((mId m, m):)
getMigrationsInMem :: MVar InMemoryData -> IO [Text]
getMigrationsInMem store = withMVar store $ return . fmap fst
595a3b3d6aec6f0219df6c74be0a744011c8d91dd17d92a1b4b0c599d9964f11 | Clojure2D/clojure2d-examples | camera.clj | (ns rt4.in-one-weekend.ch08c.camera
(:require [rt4.in-one-weekend.ch08c.ray :as ray]
[fastmath.vector :as v]
[fastmath.core :as m]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(set! *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed)
(def ^:const ^double aspect-ratio (/ 16.0 9.0))
(defprotocol CameraProto
(get-ray [camera s t]))
(defrecord Camera [origin lower-left-corner horizontal vertical]
(get-ray [_ s t]
(ray/ray origin (-> lower-left-corner
(v/add (v/mult horizontal s))
(v/add (v/mult vertical t))
(v/sub origin)))))
(defn camera []
(let [viewport-height 2.0
viewport-width (* aspect-ratio viewport-height)
focal-length 1.0
origin (v/vec3 0.0 0.0 0.0)
horizontal (v/vec3 viewport-width 0.0 0.0)
vertical (v/vec3 0.0 viewport-height 0.0)
lower-left-corner (-> origin
(v/sub (v/div horizontal 2.0))
(v/sub (v/div vertical 2.0))
(v/sub (v/vec3 0.0 0.0 focal-length)))]
(->Camera origin lower-left-corner horizontal vertical)))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Clojure2D/clojure2d-examples/ead92d6f17744b91070e6308157364ad4eab8a1b/src/rt4/in_one_weekend/ch08c/camera.clj | clojure | (ns rt4.in-one-weekend.ch08c.camera
(:require [rt4.in-one-weekend.ch08c.ray :as ray]
[fastmath.vector :as v]
[fastmath.core :as m]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(set! *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed)
(def ^:const ^double aspect-ratio (/ 16.0 9.0))
(defprotocol CameraProto
(get-ray [camera s t]))
(defrecord Camera [origin lower-left-corner horizontal vertical]
(get-ray [_ s t]
(ray/ray origin (-> lower-left-corner
(v/add (v/mult horizontal s))
(v/add (v/mult vertical t))
(v/sub origin)))))
(defn camera []
(let [viewport-height 2.0
viewport-width (* aspect-ratio viewport-height)
focal-length 1.0
origin (v/vec3 0.0 0.0 0.0)
horizontal (v/vec3 viewport-width 0.0 0.0)
vertical (v/vec3 0.0 viewport-height 0.0)
lower-left-corner (-> origin
(v/sub (v/div horizontal 2.0))
(v/sub (v/div vertical 2.0))
(v/sub (v/vec3 0.0 0.0 focal-length)))]
(->Camera origin lower-left-corner horizontal vertical)))
62939f61ad723dacf428ef3c9b6deaa15adb3729f052f0ff947d0f5c71882720 | jserot/caph | caphmake.ml | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * * /
/ * This file is part of the CAPH Compiler distribution * /
/ * -bpclermont.fr * /
/ * * /
/ * Jocelyn SEROT * /
/ * * /
/ * * /
/ * Copyright 2011 - 2018 . All rights reserved . * /
/ * This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License * /
/ * with the special exception on linking described in file .. /LICENSE . * /
/ * * /
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
/* */
/* This file is part of the CAPH Compiler distribution */
/* -bpclermont.fr */
/* */
/* Jocelyn SEROT */
/* */
/* */
/* Copyright 2011-2018 Jocelyn SEROT. All rights reserved. */
/* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License */
/* with the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. */
/* */
Top - level Makefile generator - since 2.8.1
open Printf
type t_args = {
mutable prefix: string;
mutable main_file: string;
mutable proj_file: string;
mutable caph_dir: string;
mutable output_file: string;
let args = {
let options_spec = [
"-main", Arg.String (function s -> args.main_file <- s), "set name of the top source file (default: main.cph)";
"-caph_dir", Arg.String (function s -> args.caph_dir <- s), "set path to the CAPH install directory (default: got from the CAPH environment variable)";
"-o", Arg.String (function s -> args.output_file <- s), "set name of the output file (default: Makefile)"
let usage = "usage: caphmake [-main fname] [-caph_dir path] [-o fname] [proj_file]"
let anonymous f = args.proj_file <- f
let dump_banner oc =
Printf.fprintf oc "## ###############################################################################\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "## This file has been automatically generated with command :\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "## %s\n" (Misc.string_of_list (function i -> i) " " (Array.to_list Sys.argv));
Printf.fprintf oc "## ###############################################################################\n\n"
let dump_self_target oc args =
let args' = Array.to_list Sys.argv in
fprintf oc "caphmake:\n";
fprintf oc "\t%s %s\n"
(Misc.string_of_list (fun i -> i) " " args')
(if List.exists (fun s -> String.sub s 0 9 = "-caph_dir") args' then "" else "-caph_dir=" ^ args.caph_dir)
let dump_makef_target oc args target =
let mfile = sprintf "./%s/Makefile" target in
let abbrev = function "systemc" -> "SC" | s -> String.uppercase_ascii s in
fprintf oc "%s.makefile: %s\n" target mfile;
fprintf oc "%s: %s $(GEN_CAPH_SRCS)\n" mfile args.main_file;
fprintf oc "\t$(CAPHC) -target_dir ./%s -I %s/lib/caph -make -%s $(%s_OPTS) %s\n" target args.caph_dir target (abbrev target) args.main_file;
fprintf oc "\t@echo \"Wrote file %s\"\n" mfile;
fprintf oc "\n"
let dump_dot_target oc args =
let target = sprintf "./dot/%s.dot" args.prefix in
fprintf oc "dot: %s\n\n" target;
fprintf oc "%s: %s $(GEN_CAPH_SRCS)\n" target args.main_file;
fprintf oc "\t$(CAPHC) -target_dir ./dot -prefix %s -I %s/lib/caph -dot $(DOT_OPTS) %s\n\n" args.prefix args.caph_dir args.main_file;
fprintf oc "dot.show: %s\n" target;
fprintf oc "\t$(GRAPHVIZ) %s\n\n" target
let dump_xdf_target oc args =
let target = sprintf "./xdf/%s.xdf" args.prefix in
fprintf oc "xdf: %s\n\n" target;
fprintf oc "%s: %s $(GEN_CAPH_SRCS)\n" target args.main_file;
fprintf oc "\t$(CAPHC) -target_dir ./xdf -prefix %s -I %s/lib/caph -xdf $(XDF_OPTS) %s\n\n" args.prefix args.caph_dir args.main_file
let dump_dif_target oc args =
let target = sprintf "./dif/%s.dif" args.prefix in
fprintf oc "dif: %s\n\n" target;
fprintf oc "%s: %s $(GEN_CAPH_SRCS)\n" target args.main_file;
fprintf oc "\t$(CAPHC) -target_dir ./dif -prefix %s -I %s/lib/caph -dif $(DIF_OPTS) %s\n\n" args.prefix args.caph_dir args.main_file
let dump_relay_target oc args target sub =
fprintf oc "%s.%s:\n" target sub;
fprintf oc "\t(cd %s; make %s CAPH=%s)\n" target sub args.caph_dir
let error msg = eprintf "** error: %s" msg; exit 1
let main () =
Arg.parse options_spec anonymous usage;
if args.caph_dir = "" then
begin try args.caph_dir <- Sys.getenv "CAPH"
with Not_found -> error "the CAPH environment variable is not set. Please set it or use the [-caph_dir] option\n"
if args.proj_file = "" then error usage;
if not (Sys.file_exists args.proj_file) then error ("cannot find file " ^ args.proj_file);
if not (Sys.file_exists args.main_file) then error ("cannot find file " ^ args.main_file);
let oc = open_out args.output_file in
dump_banner oc;
args.prefix <- Filename.remove_extension (Filename.basename args.main_file);
fprintf oc "include %s/lib/etc/Makefile.core\n\n" args.caph_dir;
fprintf oc "-include %s\n\n" args.proj_file;
dump_self_target oc args;
fprintf oc "\n";
dump_dot_target oc args;
fprintf oc ".PHONY: ./sim/Makefile ./systemc/Makefile ./vhdl/Makefile\n";
fprintf oc "makefiles: %s\n\n" (Misc.string_of_list (function t -> t ^ ".makefile") " " ["sim"; "systemc"; "vhdl"]);
List.iter (dump_makef_target oc args) ["sim"; "systemc"; "vhdl"];
List.iter (dump_relay_target oc args "sim") ["run"; "show"; "save"; "clean"; "clobber"];
fprintf oc "\n";
List.iter (dump_relay_target oc args "systemc") ["code"; "exe"; "run"; "show"; "save"; "check"; "clean"; "clobber"];
fprintf oc "\n";
List.iter (dump_relay_target oc args "vhdl") ["bin"; "code"; "exe"; "run"; "show"; "save"; "check"; "viewtrace"; "viewvcdtrace"; "clean"; "clobber"];
fprintf oc "\n";
dump_xdf_target oc args;
fprintf oc "\n";
dump_dif_target oc args;
fprintf oc "\n";
fprintf oc "clean:\n";
(function t -> fprintf oc "\t@if [ -e %s/Makefile ]; then (cd %s; make clean CAPH=%s); fi\n" t t args.caph_dir)
["sim"; "systemc"; "vhdl"];
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) caph.output\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) *_mocs.dat\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) dot/*\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) xdf/*\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) dif/*\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) $(GEN_CAPH_SRCS)\n";
fprintf oc "\n";
fprintf oc "clobber: clean\n";
List.iter (function t -> fprintf oc "\t@if [ -e %s/Makefile ]; then (cd %s; make clobber CAPH=%s); fi\n" t t args.caph_dir) ["sim";"systemc";"vhdl"];
List.iter (function t -> fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) Makefile.%s\n" t) ["sim"; "systemc"; "vhdl"];
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) $(GEN_CAPH_SRCS)\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) fifo_stats.dat io_monitor.dat\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RMDIR) xdf dif\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) *~\n";
close_out oc;
printf "Wrote file %s\n" args.output_file
| Sys.Break -> flush stderr; exit 5
| Sys_error msg ->
eprintf "Input/output error: %s.\n" msg;
flush stderr;
exit 6
| e ->
eprintf "Internal error: %s.\n" (Printexc.to_string e);
flush stderr; exit 7
let _ = Printexc.print main ()
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jserot/caph/2b3b241f0c32aa4fcaf60d4b8529956cca8aa6b1/tools/caphmake.ml | ocaml | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * * /
/ * This file is part of the CAPH Compiler distribution * /
/ * -bpclermont.fr * /
/ * * /
/ * Jocelyn SEROT * /
/ * * /
/ * * /
/ * Copyright 2011 - 2018 . All rights reserved . * /
/ * This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License * /
/ * with the special exception on linking described in file .. /LICENSE . * /
/ * * /
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
/* */
/* This file is part of the CAPH Compiler distribution */
/* -bpclermont.fr */
/* */
/* Jocelyn SEROT */
/* */
/* */
/* Copyright 2011-2018 Jocelyn SEROT. All rights reserved. */
/* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License */
/* with the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. */
/* */
Top - level Makefile generator - since 2.8.1
open Printf
type t_args = {
mutable prefix: string;
mutable main_file: string;
mutable proj_file: string;
mutable caph_dir: string;
mutable output_file: string;
let args = {
let options_spec = [
"-main", Arg.String (function s -> args.main_file <- s), "set name of the top source file (default: main.cph)";
"-caph_dir", Arg.String (function s -> args.caph_dir <- s), "set path to the CAPH install directory (default: got from the CAPH environment variable)";
"-o", Arg.String (function s -> args.output_file <- s), "set name of the output file (default: Makefile)"
let usage = "usage: caphmake [-main fname] [-caph_dir path] [-o fname] [proj_file]"
let anonymous f = args.proj_file <- f
let dump_banner oc =
Printf.fprintf oc "## ###############################################################################\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "## This file has been automatically generated with command :\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "## %s\n" (Misc.string_of_list (function i -> i) " " (Array.to_list Sys.argv));
Printf.fprintf oc "## ###############################################################################\n\n"
let dump_self_target oc args =
let args' = Array.to_list Sys.argv in
fprintf oc "caphmake:\n";
fprintf oc "\t%s %s\n"
(Misc.string_of_list (fun i -> i) " " args')
(if List.exists (fun s -> String.sub s 0 9 = "-caph_dir") args' then "" else "-caph_dir=" ^ args.caph_dir)
let dump_makef_target oc args target =
let mfile = sprintf "./%s/Makefile" target in
let abbrev = function "systemc" -> "SC" | s -> String.uppercase_ascii s in
fprintf oc "%s.makefile: %s\n" target mfile;
fprintf oc "%s: %s $(GEN_CAPH_SRCS)\n" mfile args.main_file;
fprintf oc "\t$(CAPHC) -target_dir ./%s -I %s/lib/caph -make -%s $(%s_OPTS) %s\n" target args.caph_dir target (abbrev target) args.main_file;
fprintf oc "\t@echo \"Wrote file %s\"\n" mfile;
fprintf oc "\n"
let dump_dot_target oc args =
let target = sprintf "./dot/%s.dot" args.prefix in
fprintf oc "dot: %s\n\n" target;
fprintf oc "%s: %s $(GEN_CAPH_SRCS)\n" target args.main_file;
fprintf oc "\t$(CAPHC) -target_dir ./dot -prefix %s -I %s/lib/caph -dot $(DOT_OPTS) %s\n\n" args.prefix args.caph_dir args.main_file;
fprintf oc "dot.show: %s\n" target;
fprintf oc "\t$(GRAPHVIZ) %s\n\n" target
let dump_xdf_target oc args =
let target = sprintf "./xdf/%s.xdf" args.prefix in
fprintf oc "xdf: %s\n\n" target;
fprintf oc "%s: %s $(GEN_CAPH_SRCS)\n" target args.main_file;
fprintf oc "\t$(CAPHC) -target_dir ./xdf -prefix %s -I %s/lib/caph -xdf $(XDF_OPTS) %s\n\n" args.prefix args.caph_dir args.main_file
let dump_dif_target oc args =
let target = sprintf "./dif/%s.dif" args.prefix in
fprintf oc "dif: %s\n\n" target;
fprintf oc "%s: %s $(GEN_CAPH_SRCS)\n" target args.main_file;
fprintf oc "\t$(CAPHC) -target_dir ./dif -prefix %s -I %s/lib/caph -dif $(DIF_OPTS) %s\n\n" args.prefix args.caph_dir args.main_file
let dump_relay_target oc args target sub =
fprintf oc "%s.%s:\n" target sub;
fprintf oc "\t(cd %s; make %s CAPH=%s)\n" target sub args.caph_dir
let error msg = eprintf "** error: %s" msg; exit 1
let main () =
Arg.parse options_spec anonymous usage;
if args.caph_dir = "" then
begin try args.caph_dir <- Sys.getenv "CAPH"
with Not_found -> error "the CAPH environment variable is not set. Please set it or use the [-caph_dir] option\n"
if args.proj_file = "" then error usage;
if not (Sys.file_exists args.proj_file) then error ("cannot find file " ^ args.proj_file);
if not (Sys.file_exists args.main_file) then error ("cannot find file " ^ args.main_file);
let oc = open_out args.output_file in
dump_banner oc;
args.prefix <- Filename.remove_extension (Filename.basename args.main_file);
fprintf oc "include %s/lib/etc/Makefile.core\n\n" args.caph_dir;
fprintf oc "-include %s\n\n" args.proj_file;
dump_self_target oc args;
fprintf oc "\n";
dump_dot_target oc args;
fprintf oc ".PHONY: ./sim/Makefile ./systemc/Makefile ./vhdl/Makefile\n";
fprintf oc "makefiles: %s\n\n" (Misc.string_of_list (function t -> t ^ ".makefile") " " ["sim"; "systemc"; "vhdl"]);
List.iter (dump_makef_target oc args) ["sim"; "systemc"; "vhdl"];
List.iter (dump_relay_target oc args "sim") ["run"; "show"; "save"; "clean"; "clobber"];
fprintf oc "\n";
List.iter (dump_relay_target oc args "systemc") ["code"; "exe"; "run"; "show"; "save"; "check"; "clean"; "clobber"];
fprintf oc "\n";
List.iter (dump_relay_target oc args "vhdl") ["bin"; "code"; "exe"; "run"; "show"; "save"; "check"; "viewtrace"; "viewvcdtrace"; "clean"; "clobber"];
fprintf oc "\n";
dump_xdf_target oc args;
fprintf oc "\n";
dump_dif_target oc args;
fprintf oc "\n";
fprintf oc "clean:\n";
(function t -> fprintf oc "\t@if [ -e %s/Makefile ]; then (cd %s; make clean CAPH=%s); fi\n" t t args.caph_dir)
["sim"; "systemc"; "vhdl"];
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) caph.output\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) *_mocs.dat\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) dot/*\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) xdf/*\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) dif/*\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) $(GEN_CAPH_SRCS)\n";
fprintf oc "\n";
fprintf oc "clobber: clean\n";
List.iter (function t -> fprintf oc "\t@if [ -e %s/Makefile ]; then (cd %s; make clobber CAPH=%s); fi\n" t t args.caph_dir) ["sim";"systemc";"vhdl"];
List.iter (function t -> fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) Makefile.%s\n" t) ["sim"; "systemc"; "vhdl"];
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) $(GEN_CAPH_SRCS)\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) fifo_stats.dat io_monitor.dat\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RMDIR) xdf dif\n";
fprintf oc "\t@$(RM) *~\n";
close_out oc;
printf "Wrote file %s\n" args.output_file
| Sys.Break -> flush stderr; exit 5
| Sys_error msg ->
eprintf "Input/output error: %s.\n" msg;
flush stderr;
exit 6
| e ->
eprintf "Internal error: %s.\n" (Printexc.to_string e);
flush stderr; exit 7
let _ = Printexc.print main ()
a6c03039ba5c2c643292379a4040c6e9ed4394238d720e606bdfda756b0685fe | ghc/packages-dph | Vectorised.hs | {-# LANGUAGE ParallelArrays #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fvectorise #-}
module Vectorised (treeReversePA) where
import Data.Array.Parallel
import Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude.Int as I
import Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude.Bool
import qualified Prelude as P
treeReversePA :: PArray Int -> PArray Int
# NOINLINE treeReversePA #
treeReversePA ps
= toPArrayP (treeReverse (fromPArrayP ps))
-- | Reverse the elements in an array using a tree.
treeReverse :: [:Int:] -> [:Int:]
# NOINLINE treeReverse #
treeReverse xx
| lengthP xx I.== 1
= xx
| otherwise
= let len = lengthP xx
half = len `div` 2
s1 = sliceP 0 half xx
s2 = sliceP half half xx
in concatP (mapP treeReverse [: s2, s1 :])
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ghc/packages-dph/64eca669f13f4d216af9024474a3fc73ce101793/dph-examples/examples/smoke/sharing/Reverse/Vectorised.hs | haskell | # LANGUAGE ParallelArrays #
# OPTIONS -fvectorise #
| Reverse the elements in an array using a tree. | module Vectorised (treeReversePA) where
import Data.Array.Parallel
import Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude.Int as I
import Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude.Bool
import qualified Prelude as P
treeReversePA :: PArray Int -> PArray Int
# NOINLINE treeReversePA #
treeReversePA ps
= toPArrayP (treeReverse (fromPArrayP ps))
treeReverse :: [:Int:] -> [:Int:]
# NOINLINE treeReverse #
treeReverse xx
| lengthP xx I.== 1
= xx
| otherwise
= let len = lengthP xx
half = len `div` 2
s1 = sliceP 0 half xx
s2 = sliceP half half xx
in concatP (mapP treeReverse [: s2, s1 :])
4a63f8a7d6e649f041aec46e2aeb998ac91e277b0d9148d3b44e6fc132c46476 | static-analysis-engineering/codehawk | jCHInstruction.mli | = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
CodeHawk Java Analyzer
Author : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The MIT License ( MIT )
Copyright ( c ) 2005 - 2020 Kestrel Technology LLC
Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files ( the " Software " ) , to deal
in the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights
to use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense , and/or sell
copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so , subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
CodeHawk Java Analyzer
Author: Arnaud Venet
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2005-2020 Kestrel Technology LLC
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
============================================================================= *)
(* jchlib *)
open JCHBasicTypesAPI
open JCHRawClass
val opcodes2code : constant_t array -> raw_opcode_t array -> opcode_t array
val code2opcodes : constant_t DynArray.t -> opcode_t array -> raw_opcode_t array
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/static-analysis-engineering/codehawk/98ced4d5e6d7989575092df232759afc2cb851f6/CodeHawk/CHJ/jchlib/jCHInstruction.mli | ocaml | jchlib | = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
CodeHawk Java Analyzer
Author : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The MIT License ( MIT )
Copyright ( c ) 2005 - 2020 Kestrel Technology LLC
Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files ( the " Software " ) , to deal
in the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights
to use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense , and/or sell
copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so , subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
CodeHawk Java Analyzer
Author: Arnaud Venet
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2005-2020 Kestrel Technology LLC
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
============================================================================= *)
open JCHBasicTypesAPI
open JCHRawClass
val opcodes2code : constant_t array -> raw_opcode_t array -> opcode_t array
val code2opcodes : constant_t DynArray.t -> opcode_t array -> raw_opcode_t array
bcf4632b78b2e3c287a9d43a95ddf7b06c6d4af07fa3fe0cb01b8cbdd1d46d82 | fumieval/witherable | tests.hs | # LANGUAGE CPP #
# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #
# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #
module Main (main) where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (State, runState, state)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose (..))
import Data.List (nub, nubBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Typeable (Typeable, typeRep)
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), Fun, Property, applyFun, Function (..), functionMap, CoArbitrary, (===))
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances ()
import Test.Tasty (defaultMain, testGroup, TestTree)
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Witherable
import Prelude hiding (filter)
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain $ testGroup "witherable"
[ testGroup "Filterable"
[ filterableLaws (Proxy @[])
, filterableLaws (Proxy @Maybe)
, filterableLaws (Proxy @(Either String))
, filterableLaws (Proxy @V.Vector)
, filterableLaws (Proxy @Seq.Seq)
, filterableLaws (Proxy @IntMap.IntMap)
, filterableLaws (Proxy @(Map.Map K))
, filterableLaws (Proxy @(HashMap.HashMap K))
, filterableLaws (Proxy @Wicked)
, testGroup "Witherable"
[ witherableLaws (Proxy @[])
, witherableLaws (Proxy @Maybe)
, witherableLaws (Proxy @(Either String))
, witherableLaws (Proxy @V.Vector)
, witherableLaws (Proxy @Seq.Seq)
#if MIN_VERSION_containers(0,6,3)
-- traverse @IntMap is broken
, witherableLaws (Proxy @IntMap.IntMap)
, witherableLaws (Proxy @(Map.Map K))
, witherableLaws (Proxy @(HashMap.HashMap K))
Wicked is not , see #issuecomment-834631975
-- , witherableLaws (Proxy @Wicked)
, nubProperties
:: forall f.
( Filterable f, Typeable f
, Arbitrary (f A), Show (f A), Eq (f A)
, Arbitrary (f (Maybe A)), Show (f (Maybe A))
, Show (f B), Eq (f B), Show (f C), Eq (f C)
=> Proxy f
-> TestTree
filterableLaws p = testGroup (show (typeRep p))
[ testProperty "conservation" prop_conservation
, testProperty "composition" prop_composition
, testProperty "default filter" prop_default_filter
, testProperty "default mapMaybe" prop_default_mapMaybe
, testProperty "default catMaybes" prop_default_catMaybes
prop_conservation :: Fun A B -> f A -> Property
prop_conservation f' xs =
mapMaybe (Just . f) xs === fmap f xs
f = applyFun f'
prop_composition :: Fun B (Maybe C) -> Fun A (Maybe B) -> f A -> Property
prop_composition f' g' xs =
mapMaybe f (mapMaybe g xs) === mapMaybe (f <=< g) xs
f = applyFun f'
g = applyFun g'
prop_default_filter :: Fun A Bool -> f A -> Property
prop_default_filter f' xs =
filter f xs === mapMaybe (\a -> if f a then Just a else Nothing) xs
f = applyFun f'
prop_default_mapMaybe :: Fun A (Maybe B) -> f A -> Property
prop_default_mapMaybe f' xs =
mapMaybe f xs === catMaybes (fmap f xs)
f = applyFun f'
prop_default_catMaybes :: f (Maybe A) -> Property
prop_default_catMaybes xs = catMaybes xs === mapMaybe id xs
-- Witherable laws
:: forall f.
( Witherable f, Typeable f
, Arbitrary (f A), Show (f A), Eq (f A)
, Arbitrary (f (Maybe A)), Show (f (Maybe A))
, Show (f B), Eq (f B), Show (f C), Eq (f C)
=> Proxy f
-> TestTree
witherableLaws p = testGroup (show (typeRep p))
[ testProperty "default wither" prop_default_wither
, testProperty "default witherM" prop_default_witherM
, testProperty "default filterA" prop_default_filterA
, testProperty "identity" prop_identity
, testProperty "composition" prop_composition
prop_default_wither :: S -> Fun (A, S) (Maybe B, S) -> f A -> Property
prop_default_wither s0 f' xs = equalState s0 xs
(wither f)
(fmap catMaybes . traverse f)
f :: A -> State S (Maybe B)
f a = state $ \s -> applyFun f' (a, s)
prop_default_witherM :: S -> Fun (A, S) (Maybe B, S) -> f A -> Property
prop_default_witherM s0 f' xs = equalState s0 xs
(witherM f)
(wither f)
f a = state $ \s -> applyFun f' (a, s)
prop_default_filterA :: S -> Fun (A, S) (Bool, S) -> f A -> Property
prop_default_filterA s0 f' xs = equalState s0 xs
(filterA f)
(wither (\a -> (\b -> if b then Just a else Nothing) <$> f a))
f a = state $ \s -> applyFun f' (a, s)
prop_identity :: S -> Fun (A, S) (B, S) -> f A -> Property
prop_identity s0 f' xs = equalState s0 xs
(wither (fmap Just . f))
(traverse f)
f a = state $ \s -> applyFun f' (a, s)
prop_composition :: S -> S -> Fun (B, S) (Maybe C, S) -> Fun (A, S) (Maybe B, S) -> f A -> Property
prop_composition s0 s1 f' g' xs = equalStateC s0 s1 xs
(Compose . fmap (wither f) . wither g)
(wither (Compose . fmap (wither f) . g))
f a = state $ \s -> applyFun f' (a, s)
g b = state $ \s -> applyFun g' (b, s)
:: (Eq b, Show b)
=> S -> a -> (a -> State S b) -> (a -> State S b) -> Property
equalState s0 xs f g = runState (f xs) s0 === runState (g xs) s0
:: forall a b. (Eq b, Show b)
=> S -> S -> a -> (a -> Compose (State S) (State S) b) -> (a -> Compose (State S) (State S) b) -> Property
equalStateC s0 s1 xs f g = run (f xs) === run (g xs)
run :: Compose (State S) (State S) b -> ((b, S), S)
run m = first (\x -> runState x s1) (runState (getCompose m) s0)
" laws "
nubProperties :: TestTree
nubProperties = testGroup "nub"
[ testProperty "ordNub" prop_ordNub
, testProperty "ordNubOn" prop_ordNubOn
, testProperty "hashNub" prop_hashNub
, testProperty "hashNubOn" prop_hashNubOn
, testProperty "ordNub is lazy" prop_lazy_ordNub
, testProperty "hashNub is lazy" prop_lazy_hashNub
prop_ordNub :: [A] -> Property
prop_ordNub xs = nub xs === ordNub xs
prop_hashNub :: [A] -> Property
prop_hashNub xs = nub xs === hashNub xs
prop_ordNubOn :: Fun A B -> [A] -> Property
prop_ordNubOn f' xs = nubBy ((==) `on` f) xs === ordNubOn f xs
f = applyFun f'
prop_hashNubOn :: Fun A B -> [A] -> Property
prop_hashNubOn f' xs = nubBy ((==) `on` f) xs === hashNubOn f xs
f = applyFun f'
prop_lazy_ordNub :: Property
prop_lazy_ordNub = take 3 (ordNub ('x' : 'y' : 'z' : 'z' : error "bottom")) === "xyz"
prop_lazy_hashNub :: Property
prop_lazy_hashNub = take 3 (hashNub ('x' : 'y' : 'z' : 'z' : error "bottom")) === "xyz"
-- "Poly"
newtype A = A Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable, Arbitrary, CoArbitrary)
instance Function A where
function = functionMap coerce A
newtype B = B Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable, Arbitrary, CoArbitrary)
instance Function B where
function = functionMap coerce B
newtype C = C Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable, Arbitrary, CoArbitrary)
instance Function C where
function = functionMap coerce C
newtype K = K Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable, Arbitrary, CoArbitrary)
instance Function K where
function = functionMap coerce K
newtype S = S Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable, Arbitrary, CoArbitrary)
instance Function S where
function = functionMap coerce S
-- Wicked
newtype Wicked a = W [a]
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Filterable Wicked where
mapMaybe f ( W [ a1,a2 , ... ] ) = W [ b1 , b2 , ... ]
-- if all of [f a1, f a2, ...] are Just. Otherwise, it returns (W []).
mapMaybe f = fromMaybe (W []) . traverse f
default implementation in terms of
instance Witherable Wicked
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Wicked a) where
arbitrary = W <$> arbitrary
shrink (W xs) = map W (shrink xs)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fumieval/witherable/b2d475a5f9c2dd2c498350b50c20b0170ba32d3a/witherable/tests/tests.hs | haskell | # LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #
traverse @IntMap is broken
, witherableLaws (Proxy @Wicked)
Witherable laws
if all of [f a1, f a2, ...] are Just. Otherwise, it returns (W []). | # LANGUAGE CPP #
# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #
# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #
# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #
module Main (main) where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (State, runState, state)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose (..))
import Data.List (nub, nubBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Typeable (Typeable, typeRep)
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), Fun, Property, applyFun, Function (..), functionMap, CoArbitrary, (===))
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances ()
import Test.Tasty (defaultMain, testGroup, TestTree)
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Witherable
import Prelude hiding (filter)
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain $ testGroup "witherable"
[ testGroup "Filterable"
[ filterableLaws (Proxy @[])
, filterableLaws (Proxy @Maybe)
, filterableLaws (Proxy @(Either String))
, filterableLaws (Proxy @V.Vector)
, filterableLaws (Proxy @Seq.Seq)
, filterableLaws (Proxy @IntMap.IntMap)
, filterableLaws (Proxy @(Map.Map K))
, filterableLaws (Proxy @(HashMap.HashMap K))
, filterableLaws (Proxy @Wicked)
, testGroup "Witherable"
[ witherableLaws (Proxy @[])
, witherableLaws (Proxy @Maybe)
, witherableLaws (Proxy @(Either String))
, witherableLaws (Proxy @V.Vector)
, witherableLaws (Proxy @Seq.Seq)
#if MIN_VERSION_containers(0,6,3)
, witherableLaws (Proxy @IntMap.IntMap)
, witherableLaws (Proxy @(Map.Map K))
, witherableLaws (Proxy @(HashMap.HashMap K))
Wicked is not , see #issuecomment-834631975
, nubProperties
:: forall f.
( Filterable f, Typeable f
, Arbitrary (f A), Show (f A), Eq (f A)
, Arbitrary (f (Maybe A)), Show (f (Maybe A))
, Show (f B), Eq (f B), Show (f C), Eq (f C)
=> Proxy f
-> TestTree
filterableLaws p = testGroup (show (typeRep p))
[ testProperty "conservation" prop_conservation
, testProperty "composition" prop_composition
, testProperty "default filter" prop_default_filter
, testProperty "default mapMaybe" prop_default_mapMaybe
, testProperty "default catMaybes" prop_default_catMaybes
prop_conservation :: Fun A B -> f A -> Property
prop_conservation f' xs =
mapMaybe (Just . f) xs === fmap f xs
f = applyFun f'
prop_composition :: Fun B (Maybe C) -> Fun A (Maybe B) -> f A -> Property
prop_composition f' g' xs =
mapMaybe f (mapMaybe g xs) === mapMaybe (f <=< g) xs
f = applyFun f'
g = applyFun g'
prop_default_filter :: Fun A Bool -> f A -> Property
prop_default_filter f' xs =
filter f xs === mapMaybe (\a -> if f a then Just a else Nothing) xs
f = applyFun f'
prop_default_mapMaybe :: Fun A (Maybe B) -> f A -> Property
prop_default_mapMaybe f' xs =
mapMaybe f xs === catMaybes (fmap f xs)
f = applyFun f'
prop_default_catMaybes :: f (Maybe A) -> Property
prop_default_catMaybes xs = catMaybes xs === mapMaybe id xs
:: forall f.
( Witherable f, Typeable f
, Arbitrary (f A), Show (f A), Eq (f A)
, Arbitrary (f (Maybe A)), Show (f (Maybe A))
, Show (f B), Eq (f B), Show (f C), Eq (f C)
=> Proxy f
-> TestTree
witherableLaws p = testGroup (show (typeRep p))
[ testProperty "default wither" prop_default_wither
, testProperty "default witherM" prop_default_witherM
, testProperty "default filterA" prop_default_filterA
, testProperty "identity" prop_identity
, testProperty "composition" prop_composition
prop_default_wither :: S -> Fun (A, S) (Maybe B, S) -> f A -> Property
prop_default_wither s0 f' xs = equalState s0 xs
(wither f)
(fmap catMaybes . traverse f)
f :: A -> State S (Maybe B)
f a = state $ \s -> applyFun f' (a, s)
prop_default_witherM :: S -> Fun (A, S) (Maybe B, S) -> f A -> Property
prop_default_witherM s0 f' xs = equalState s0 xs
(witherM f)
(wither f)
f a = state $ \s -> applyFun f' (a, s)
prop_default_filterA :: S -> Fun (A, S) (Bool, S) -> f A -> Property
prop_default_filterA s0 f' xs = equalState s0 xs
(filterA f)
(wither (\a -> (\b -> if b then Just a else Nothing) <$> f a))
f a = state $ \s -> applyFun f' (a, s)
prop_identity :: S -> Fun (A, S) (B, S) -> f A -> Property
prop_identity s0 f' xs = equalState s0 xs
(wither (fmap Just . f))
(traverse f)
f a = state $ \s -> applyFun f' (a, s)
prop_composition :: S -> S -> Fun (B, S) (Maybe C, S) -> Fun (A, S) (Maybe B, S) -> f A -> Property
prop_composition s0 s1 f' g' xs = equalStateC s0 s1 xs
(Compose . fmap (wither f) . wither g)
(wither (Compose . fmap (wither f) . g))
f a = state $ \s -> applyFun f' (a, s)
g b = state $ \s -> applyFun g' (b, s)
:: (Eq b, Show b)
=> S -> a -> (a -> State S b) -> (a -> State S b) -> Property
equalState s0 xs f g = runState (f xs) s0 === runState (g xs) s0
:: forall a b. (Eq b, Show b)
=> S -> S -> a -> (a -> Compose (State S) (State S) b) -> (a -> Compose (State S) (State S) b) -> Property
equalStateC s0 s1 xs f g = run (f xs) === run (g xs)
run :: Compose (State S) (State S) b -> ((b, S), S)
run m = first (\x -> runState x s1) (runState (getCompose m) s0)
" laws "
nubProperties :: TestTree
nubProperties = testGroup "nub"
[ testProperty "ordNub" prop_ordNub
, testProperty "ordNubOn" prop_ordNubOn
, testProperty "hashNub" prop_hashNub
, testProperty "hashNubOn" prop_hashNubOn
, testProperty "ordNub is lazy" prop_lazy_ordNub
, testProperty "hashNub is lazy" prop_lazy_hashNub
prop_ordNub :: [A] -> Property
prop_ordNub xs = nub xs === ordNub xs
prop_hashNub :: [A] -> Property
prop_hashNub xs = nub xs === hashNub xs
prop_ordNubOn :: Fun A B -> [A] -> Property
prop_ordNubOn f' xs = nubBy ((==) `on` f) xs === ordNubOn f xs
f = applyFun f'
prop_hashNubOn :: Fun A B -> [A] -> Property
prop_hashNubOn f' xs = nubBy ((==) `on` f) xs === hashNubOn f xs
f = applyFun f'
prop_lazy_ordNub :: Property
prop_lazy_ordNub = take 3 (ordNub ('x' : 'y' : 'z' : 'z' : error "bottom")) === "xyz"
prop_lazy_hashNub :: Property
prop_lazy_hashNub = take 3 (hashNub ('x' : 'y' : 'z' : 'z' : error "bottom")) === "xyz"
newtype A = A Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable, Arbitrary, CoArbitrary)
instance Function A where
function = functionMap coerce A
newtype B = B Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable, Arbitrary, CoArbitrary)
instance Function B where
function = functionMap coerce B
newtype C = C Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable, Arbitrary, CoArbitrary)
instance Function C where
function = functionMap coerce C
newtype K = K Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable, Arbitrary, CoArbitrary)
instance Function K where
function = functionMap coerce K
newtype S = S Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable, Arbitrary, CoArbitrary)
instance Function S where
function = functionMap coerce S
newtype Wicked a = W [a]
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Filterable Wicked where
mapMaybe f ( W [ a1,a2 , ... ] ) = W [ b1 , b2 , ... ]
mapMaybe f = fromMaybe (W []) . traverse f
default implementation in terms of
instance Witherable Wicked
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Wicked a) where
arbitrary = W <$> arbitrary
shrink (W xs) = map W (shrink xs)
1e8fe42c851d09f590ff50bfb73c15ffbba80f074b4a842d9cf397480ed89145 | mzp/coq-ruby | g_natsyntax.mli | (************************************************************************)
v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team
< O _ _ _ , , * CNRS - Ecole Polytechnique - INRIA Futurs - Universite Paris Sud
\VV/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
i $ I d : g_natsyntax.mli 11087 2008 - 06 - 10 13:29:52Z letouzey $ i
(* Nice syntax for naturals. *)
open Notation
val nat_of_int : Bigint.bigint prim_token_interpreter
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mzp/coq-ruby/99b9f87c4397f705d1210702416176b13f8769c1/parsing/g_natsyntax.mli | ocaml | **********************************************************************
// * This file is distributed under the terms of the
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
Nice syntax for naturals. | v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team
< O _ _ _ , , * CNRS - Ecole Polytechnique - INRIA Futurs - Universite Paris Sud
\VV/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
i $ I d : g_natsyntax.mli 11087 2008 - 06 - 10 13:29:52Z letouzey $ i
open Notation
val nat_of_int : Bigint.bigint prim_token_interpreter
14dd51878dddd79a829d201e7349d3cb7a0efce31d40b36814547fe49d138037 | clj-commons/seesaw | style.clj | Copyright ( c ) , 2011 . All rights reserved .
; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (-1.0.php)
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
; distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
; the terms of this license.
; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(ns seesaw.test.style
(:use seesaw.style
[seesaw.core :only [border-panel label button config text]]
[seesaw.color :only [to-color]])
(:use [lazytest.describe :only (describe it testing)]
[lazytest.expect :only (expect)]))
(describe apply-stylesheet
(it "returns its input"
(let [lbl (label)]
(expect (= lbl (apply-stylesheet lbl {})))))
(it "changes styles of widget for rules that match"
(let [lbl (label :id :lbl)
btn-a (button :class :btn)
btn-b (button :class :btn :id :btn-b)
p (border-panel :center lbl :north btn-a :south btn-b)]
(apply-stylesheet p
{[:#lbl] { :background :aliceblue
:text "hi"}
[:.btn] { :foreground :red }
[:#btn-b] {:text "B"}})
(expect (= (to-color :aliceblue) (config lbl :background)))
(expect (= "hi" (text lbl)))
(expect (= "B" (text btn-b)))
(expect (= (to-color :red) (config btn-a :foreground)))
(expect (= (to-color :red) (config btn-b :foreground))))))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clj-commons/seesaw/4ca89d0dcdf0557d99d5fa84202b7cc6e2e92263/test/seesaw/test/style.clj | clojure | The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
Eclipse Public License 1.0 (-1.0.php)
which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
the terms of this license.
You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. | Copyright ( c ) , 2011 . All rights reserved .
(ns seesaw.test.style
(:use seesaw.style
[seesaw.core :only [border-panel label button config text]]
[seesaw.color :only [to-color]])
(:use [lazytest.describe :only (describe it testing)]
[lazytest.expect :only (expect)]))
(describe apply-stylesheet
(it "returns its input"
(let [lbl (label)]
(expect (= lbl (apply-stylesheet lbl {})))))
(it "changes styles of widget for rules that match"
(let [lbl (label :id :lbl)
btn-a (button :class :btn)
btn-b (button :class :btn :id :btn-b)
p (border-panel :center lbl :north btn-a :south btn-b)]
(apply-stylesheet p
{[:#lbl] { :background :aliceblue
:text "hi"}
[:.btn] { :foreground :red }
[:#btn-b] {:text "B"}})
(expect (= (to-color :aliceblue) (config lbl :background)))
(expect (= "hi" (text lbl)))
(expect (= "B" (text btn-b)))
(expect (= (to-color :red) (config btn-a :foreground)))
(expect (= (to-color :red) (config btn-b :foreground))))))
19a3c6d89f181a1d51e2664768e78d981aa2ab46d7c16ffd5a701b9dce29dbea | Perry961002/SICP | exe4.11-new-frame.scm | ;将框架表示为约束的表,每个约束是一个名字-值序对
(define (first-binding frame)
(car frame))
(define (rest-binding frame)
(cdr frame))
(define (add-binding-to-frame! var val frame)
(cons (cons var val frame)))
(define (extend-environment new-frame base-env)
(cons new-frame base-env))
(define (lookup-variable-value var env)
(define (env-loop env)
(define (scan frame)
(cond ((null? frame)
(env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))
((eq? val (car (first-binding frame)))
(cdr (first-binding frame)))
(else (scan (rest-binding frame)))))
(if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
(error "Unbound variable" var)
(let ((frame (first-frame nev)))
(scan frame))))
(env-loop env))
(define (set-variable-value! var val env)
(define (env-loop env)
(define (scan frame)
(cond ((null? frame)
(env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))
((eq? var (car (first-binding frame)))
(set-cdr! (first-binding frame) val))
(else (scan (rest-binding)))))
(if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
(error "Unbound variable -- SET" var)
(let ((frame (first-frame env)))
(scan frame))))
(env-loop env))
(define (define-variable! var val env)
(define (scan frame)
(cond ((null? frame)
(add-binding-to-frame! var val frame))
((eq? var (first-binding frame))
(set-cdr! (first-binding frame) val))
(else (sacn (rest-binding frame)))))
(scan (first-frame env))) | null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Perry961002/SICP/89d539e600a73bec42d350592f0ac626e041bf16/Chap4/exercise/exe4.11-new-frame.scm | scheme | 将框架表示为约束的表,每个约束是一个名字-值序对
定义一个变量 | (define (first-binding frame)
(car frame))
(define (rest-binding frame)
(cdr frame))
(define (add-binding-to-frame! var val frame)
(cons (cons var val frame)))
(define (extend-environment new-frame base-env)
(cons new-frame base-env))
(define (lookup-variable-value var env)
(define (env-loop env)
(define (scan frame)
(cond ((null? frame)
(env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))
((eq? val (car (first-binding frame)))
(cdr (first-binding frame)))
(else (scan (rest-binding frame)))))
(if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
(error "Unbound variable" var)
(let ((frame (first-frame nev)))
(scan frame))))
(env-loop env))
(define (set-variable-value! var val env)
(define (env-loop env)
(define (scan frame)
(cond ((null? frame)
(env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))
((eq? var (car (first-binding frame)))
(set-cdr! (first-binding frame) val))
(else (scan (rest-binding)))))
(if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
(error "Unbound variable -- SET" var)
(let ((frame (first-frame env)))
(scan frame))))
(env-loop env))
(define (define-variable! var val env)
(define (scan frame)
(cond ((null? frame)
(add-binding-to-frame! var val frame))
((eq? var (first-binding frame))
(set-cdr! (first-binding frame) val))
(else (sacn (rest-binding frame)))))
(scan (first-frame env))) |
cc4132a418d57810ba4eac43d091404fef12210dc964729cedd48ac7b67ada4a | na4zagin3/satyrographos | command_lockdown_save__invalid_opam_response.ml | module StdList = List
open Satyrographos_testlib
open TestLib
open Shexp_process
let files =
let opam_response = {
PrepareBin.list_result = {|***invalid,response,!!!|}
let env ~dest_dir:_ ~temp_dir : Satyrographos.Environment.t t =
let open Shexp_process.Infix in
let pkg_dir = FilePath.concat temp_dir "pkg" in
let prepare_pkg =
PrepareDist.empty pkg_dir
>> prepare_files pkg_dir files
let empty_dist = FilePath.concat temp_dir "empty_dist" in
let prepare_dist = PrepareDist.empty empty_dist in
let opam_reg = FilePath.concat temp_dir "opam_reg" in
let log_file = exec_log_file_path temp_dir in
let prepare_opam_reg =
PrepareOpamReg.(prepare opam_reg theanoFiles)
>> PrepareOpamReg.(prepare opam_reg grcnumFiles)
>> PrepareOpamReg.(prepare opam_reg classGreekFiles)
>> PrepareOpamReg.(prepare opam_reg baseFiles)
let bin = FilePath.concat temp_dir "bin" in
>> prepare_dist
>> prepare_opam_reg
>> PrepareBin.prepare_bin ~opam_response bin log_file
>>| read_env ~opam_reg ~dist_library_dir:empty_dist
let () =
let verbose = false in
let main _env ~dest_dir:_ ~temp_dir ~outf:_ =
let _name = Some "example-doc" in
let dest_dir = FilePath.concat dest_dir " dest " in
~buildscript_path:(FilePath.concat temp_dir "pkg/Satyristes")
let post_dump_dirs ~dest_dir:_ ~temp_dir =
let pkg_dir = FilePath.concat temp_dir "pkg" in
eval (test_install ~post_dump_dirs env main)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/na4zagin3/satyrographos/9dbccf05138510c977a67c859bbbb48755470c7f/test/testcases/command_lockdown_save__invalid_opam_response.ml | ocaml | module StdList = List
open Satyrographos_testlib
open TestLib
open Shexp_process
let files =
let opam_response = {
PrepareBin.list_result = {|***invalid,response,!!!|}
let env ~dest_dir:_ ~temp_dir : Satyrographos.Environment.t t =
let open Shexp_process.Infix in
let pkg_dir = FilePath.concat temp_dir "pkg" in
let prepare_pkg =
PrepareDist.empty pkg_dir
>> prepare_files pkg_dir files
let empty_dist = FilePath.concat temp_dir "empty_dist" in
let prepare_dist = PrepareDist.empty empty_dist in
let opam_reg = FilePath.concat temp_dir "opam_reg" in
let log_file = exec_log_file_path temp_dir in
let prepare_opam_reg =
PrepareOpamReg.(prepare opam_reg theanoFiles)
>> PrepareOpamReg.(prepare opam_reg grcnumFiles)
>> PrepareOpamReg.(prepare opam_reg classGreekFiles)
>> PrepareOpamReg.(prepare opam_reg baseFiles)
let bin = FilePath.concat temp_dir "bin" in
>> prepare_dist
>> prepare_opam_reg
>> PrepareBin.prepare_bin ~opam_response bin log_file
>>| read_env ~opam_reg ~dist_library_dir:empty_dist
let () =
let verbose = false in
let main _env ~dest_dir:_ ~temp_dir ~outf:_ =
let _name = Some "example-doc" in
let dest_dir = FilePath.concat dest_dir " dest " in
~buildscript_path:(FilePath.concat temp_dir "pkg/Satyristes")
let post_dump_dirs ~dest_dir:_ ~temp_dir =
let pkg_dir = FilePath.concat temp_dir "pkg" in
eval (test_install ~post_dump_dirs env main)
a0d62eb98e5a07e2af1d53a2a807947f03a6c91e4b3bafb3120d85f82509ac93 | haskell-tools/haskell-tools | StandaloneData.hs | # LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable ,
DeriveFunctor ,
DeriveFoldable ,
DeriveGeneric ,
DeriveLift ,
DeriveAnyClass ,
module StandaloneData where
import SynonymDefinitions
deriving instance Show (D0' a) {-* StandaloneDeriving *-}
deriving instance Read (D0' a) {-* StandaloneDeriving *-}
deriving instance Eq (D0' a) {-* StandaloneDeriving *-}
deriving instance Enum (D0' a) {-* StandaloneDeriving *-}
deriving instance Ord (D0' a) {-* StandaloneDeriving *-}
deriving instance Bounded (D0' a) {-* StandaloneDeriving *-}
deriving instance Ix (D0' a) {-* StandaloneDeriving *-}
deriving instance Data a => Data (D0' a) {-* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable *-}
deriving instance Typeable a => Typeable (D0' a) {-* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable *-}
deriving instance Generic a => Generic (D0' a) {-* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric *-}
deriving instance Lift a => Lift (D0' a) {-* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveLift *-}
deriving instance Functor D0' {-* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveFunctor *-}
deriving instance Foldable D0' {-* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveFoldable *-}
deriving instance Traversable D0' {-* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveTraversable *-}
deriving instance C1 (D0' a) {-* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveAnyClass *-}
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/haskell-tools/haskell-tools/b1189ab4f63b29bbf1aa14af4557850064931e32/src/builtin-refactorings/test/ExtensionOrganizerTest/DerivingsTest/StandaloneData.hs | haskell | * StandaloneDeriving *
* StandaloneDeriving *
* StandaloneDeriving *
* StandaloneDeriving *
* StandaloneDeriving *
* StandaloneDeriving *
* StandaloneDeriving *
* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable *
* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable *
* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric *
* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveLift *
* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveFunctor *
* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveFoldable *
* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveTraversable *
* StandaloneDeriving, DeriveAnyClass * | # LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable ,
DeriveFunctor ,
DeriveFoldable ,
DeriveGeneric ,
DeriveLift ,
DeriveAnyClass ,
module StandaloneData where
import SynonymDefinitions
5b4ce48e8abc800ab3da434ff5dd8cc7eebaa0c878685b6877b3aa7b6916cfa7 | DrearyLisper/aoc-2021 | Day06.hs | module Day06 where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.List as List
wordsWhen :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [String]
wordsWhen p s = case dropWhile p s of
"" -> []
s' -> w : wordsWhen p s''
where (w, s'') = break p s'
parseInput :: String -> Map.Map Int Int
parseInput c = foldl step (Map.fromList []) $ map read (wordsWhen (==',') c)
alterF :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
alterF Nothing = Just 1
alterF (Just x) = Just (x+1)
step :: Map.Map Int Int -> Int -> Map.Map Int Int
step m k = Map.alter alterF k m
part1 :: String -> Int
part1 c = sum $ Map.elems $ ((iterate step (parseInput c)) !! 80)
nextDay :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextDay (0, count) = [(6, count), (8, count)]
nextDay (age, count) = [(age-1, count)]
step :: Map.Map Int Int -> Map.Map Int Int
step m = Map.fromAscListWith (\a b -> a + b) $ List.sort $ concat $ map nextDay (Map.assocs m)
part2 :: String -> Int
part2 c = sum $ Map.elems $ ((iterate step (parseInput c)) !! 256)
nextDay :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextDay (0, count) = [(6, count), (8, count)]
nextDay (age, count) = [(age-1, count)]
step :: Map.Map Int Int -> Map.Map Int Int
step m = Map.fromAscListWith (\a b -> a + b) $ List.sort $ concat $ map nextDay (Map.assocs m)
solve :: String -> IO ()
solve filename = do
c <- readFile filename
print $ part1 c
print $ part2 c
main = solve "input.txt"
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DrearyLisper/aoc-2021/e6e593750ccdfe920342d0216f7c7efc711b5396/06/Day06.hs | haskell | module Day06 where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.List as List
wordsWhen :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [String]
wordsWhen p s = case dropWhile p s of
"" -> []
s' -> w : wordsWhen p s''
where (w, s'') = break p s'
parseInput :: String -> Map.Map Int Int
parseInput c = foldl step (Map.fromList []) $ map read (wordsWhen (==',') c)
alterF :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
alterF Nothing = Just 1
alterF (Just x) = Just (x+1)
step :: Map.Map Int Int -> Int -> Map.Map Int Int
step m k = Map.alter alterF k m
part1 :: String -> Int
part1 c = sum $ Map.elems $ ((iterate step (parseInput c)) !! 80)
nextDay :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextDay (0, count) = [(6, count), (8, count)]
nextDay (age, count) = [(age-1, count)]
step :: Map.Map Int Int -> Map.Map Int Int
step m = Map.fromAscListWith (\a b -> a + b) $ List.sort $ concat $ map nextDay (Map.assocs m)
part2 :: String -> Int
part2 c = sum $ Map.elems $ ((iterate step (parseInput c)) !! 256)
nextDay :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextDay (0, count) = [(6, count), (8, count)]
nextDay (age, count) = [(age-1, count)]
step :: Map.Map Int Int -> Map.Map Int Int
step m = Map.fromAscListWith (\a b -> a + b) $ List.sort $ concat $ map nextDay (Map.assocs m)
solve :: String -> IO ()
solve filename = do
c <- readFile filename
print $ part1 c
print $ part2 c
main = solve "input.txt"
5c1c9dd902d6b6c6922b6039b13b023df8aef93d227464fac35e43e8d0a94141 | Datomic/day-of-datomic | component_attributes.clj | Copyright ( c ) Cognitect , Inc. All rights reserved .
; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (-1.0.php)
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
; the terms of this license.
; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
'[datomic.api :as d]
'[datomic.samples.repl :as repl])
(def conn (repl/scratch-conn))
(repl/transact-all conn (repl/resource "day-of-datomic/social-news.edn"))
;; create a story and some comments
(let [[story comment-1 comment-2] (repeatedly #(d/tempid :db.part/user))
{:keys [tempids db-after]}
@(d/transact conn [{:db/id story
:story/title "Getting Started"
:story/url "-started.html"}
{:db/id comment-1
:comment/body "It woud be great to learn about component attributes."
:_comments story}
{:db/id comment-2
:comment/body "I agree."
:_comments comment-1}])]
(def story (d/resolve-tempid db-after tempids story))
(def comment-1 (d/resolve-tempid db-after tempids comment-1))
(def comment-2 (d/resolve-tempid db-after tempids comment-2))
(def db db-after))
;; component attributes are automatically loaded by touch
(-> db (d/entity story) d/touch)
;; what does db.fn/retractEntity do?
(-> db (d/entity :db.fn/retractEntity) :db/doc)
;; retract the story
(def retracted-es (->> (d/transact conn [[:db.fn/retractEntity story]])
(remove :added)
(map :e)
(into #{})))
;; retraction recursively retracts component comments
(assert (= retracted-es #{story comment-1 comment-2}))
(d/release conn)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Datomic/day-of-datomic/20c02d26fd2a12481903dd5347589456c74f8eeb/tutorial/component_attributes.clj | clojure | The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
Eclipse Public License 1.0 (-1.0.php)
which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
the terms of this license.
You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
create a story and some comments
component attributes are automatically loaded by touch
what does db.fn/retractEntity do?
retract the story
retraction recursively retracts component comments | Copyright ( c ) Cognitect , Inc. All rights reserved .
'[datomic.api :as d]
'[datomic.samples.repl :as repl])
(def conn (repl/scratch-conn))
(repl/transact-all conn (repl/resource "day-of-datomic/social-news.edn"))
(let [[story comment-1 comment-2] (repeatedly #(d/tempid :db.part/user))
{:keys [tempids db-after]}
@(d/transact conn [{:db/id story
:story/title "Getting Started"
:story/url "-started.html"}
{:db/id comment-1
:comment/body "It woud be great to learn about component attributes."
:_comments story}
{:db/id comment-2
:comment/body "I agree."
:_comments comment-1}])]
(def story (d/resolve-tempid db-after tempids story))
(def comment-1 (d/resolve-tempid db-after tempids comment-1))
(def comment-2 (d/resolve-tempid db-after tempids comment-2))
(def db db-after))
(-> db (d/entity story) d/touch)
(-> db (d/entity :db.fn/retractEntity) :db/doc)
(def retracted-es (->> (d/transact conn [[:db.fn/retractEntity story]])
(remove :added)
(map :e)
(into #{})))
(assert (= retracted-es #{story comment-1 comment-2}))
(d/release conn)
aafbd4a4231e61ff3918ece1522c708e2d2d139e83c050ab9afd12fb47df41f4 | kmi/irs | basic.lisp | Mode : Lisp ; Package :
The Open University
(in-package "OCML")
(in-ontology akt-support-ontology2)
;;;Here we introduce a number of definitions, which provide
;;;the basic representational layer to define entities in the ontology.
;;;Here we include basic data types, such
;;;as strings, lists, sets and numbers, as well as basic logical concepts, such
;;;as FUNCTION and RELATION. It also provides equality constructs and a meta-level
relation HOLDS , which takes a rel , say ? rel , and a number of args , say ? args
;;;and it is satisfied iff ?rel is satisfied by ?args.
;;;The advantage of expliciting including here the representational layer
for the set of AKT ontologies is that these become completely self - contained :
;;;all the notions required to specify any concept in the ontology are themselves
;;;to be found in the ontologies
(def-relation = (?x ?y)
"True if ?x and ?y do unify"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda ( x y env)
(Let ((result (unify x y env)))
(if (eq result :fail)
(List result)))))
(def-relation == (?x ?y)
"True if ?x and ?y do unify and they also have the same structure.
This means that either they are both atoms, or they are lists with
the same structure"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda ( x y env)
(Let ((result (unify-strong x y env)))
(if (eq result :fail)
(List result)))))
(def-class LIST (Intangible-Thing) ?x
"A class representing lists."
:iff-def (or (= ?x nil)
(= ?x (?a . ?b)))
:prove-by (or (= ?x nil)
(and (variable-bound ?x)
(= ?x (?a . ?b))))
:no-proofs-by (:iff-def))
(def-instance NIL list
"The empty list")
(def-relation NULL (?l)
"True if ?l is the empty list"
:iff-def (= ?l nil))
(def-function FIRST (?l)
"Takes the first element of a list. If the list is empty
the function returns :nothing"
:constraint (list ?l)
:body (if (== ?l (?a . ?b))
(def-function REST (?l)
"Takes a list as argument, say ?l, removes the first element of ?s
and returns the resulting list. If ?l = nil, then :nothing is returned"
:constraint (list ?l)
:body (if (== ?l (?a . ?b))
(def-function LIST-OF (&rest ?els)
"This is the primitive list constructor. It is implemented in terms of
the underlying LISP list construction primitive, LIST"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (&rest els)
(apply #'list els)))
(def-function APPEND (?l1 &rest ?ls)
"Appends together a number of lists. I cannot be bothered giving its operational
spec...so you only get a lisp attachment"
:constraint (and (list ?l1)(every ?ls list))
:lisp-fun #'append)
(def-function CONS (?el ?l)
"Adds ?el to the beginning of list ?l.
Note that this cons is less generic than the lisp function with the same name.
Here the 2nd argument must be a list (in lisp, it can also be an atom)."
:constraint (list ?l)
:body (append (list-of ?el)
(def-function LENGTH (?l)
"Computes the number of elements in a list"
:constraint (list ?l)
:body (if (= ?l nil)
(if (== ?l (?first . ?rest))
(+ 1
(length ?rest)))))
(def-function REMOVE1 (?el ?l)
"Removes the first occurrence of ?el in ?l and returns the resulting list.
If ?el is not a member of ?l then the result is ?l"
:constraint (list ?l)
:body (if (= ?l nil)
(if (== ?l (?el . ?rest))
(if (== ?l (?first . ?rest))
(cons ?first
(remove1 ?el ?rest))))))
(def-function REMOVE (?el ?l)
"Removes all occurrences of ?el in ?l and returns the resulting list.
If ?el is not a member of ?l then the result is ?l"
:constraint (list ?l)
:body (if (= ?l nil)
(if (== ?l (?el . ?rest))
(remove ?el ?rest)
(if (== ?l (?first . ?rest))
(cons ?first
(remove ?el ?rest))))))
(def-relation MEMBER (?el ?list)
"A relation to check whether something is a member of a list"
:constraint (list ?list)
:iff-def (or (== ?list (?el . ?rest))
(and (== ?list (?first . ?rest))
(member ?el ?rest))))
(def-relation EVERY (?l ?rel)
"True if for each term in ?l, say ?term, (holds ?rel ?term) is true.
For instance, (every '(1 2 3) 'number) is satisfied, while
(every '(1 2 pippo) 'number) is not"
:constraint (unary-relation ?rel)
:iff-def (or (= ?l nil)
(and (== ?l (?first . ?rest))
(holds ?rel ?first)
(every ?rest ?rel))))
(def-function BUTLAST (?list)
"Returns all the element of ?list, except the last one.
If ?list = NIL, then :nothing is returned. If ?list has
length 1, then nil is returned"
:constraint (list ?l)
:body (cond ((null ?list) :nothing)
((null (rest ?list)) nil)
(cons (first ?list) (butlast (rest ?list))))))
(def-function LAST (?list)
"Returns the last element of a list. If ?list is empty
then :nothing is returned"
:constraint (list ?list)
:body (cond ((null ?list) :nothing)
((null (rest ?list)) (first ?list))
((true) (last (rest ?list)))))
(def-class SET (Intangible-Thing)
"A set is something which is not an individual. In cyc sets are distinguished
from collections. Here we just use the term generically to refer to
something which denotes a collection of elements, whether abstract or
Functions and relations represent sets. ")
"There are three basic types of sets in our ontology, functions
relations and enumerated sets and these do not intersect"
(subclass-partition set (set-of function relation enumerated-set)))
(def-function SET-OF (&rest ?args)
"This is the basic set constructor to create a set by enumerating its elements.
For instance, (setof 1 2) denotes the set {1 2}.
We represent such a set as a list whose first item is :set"
:body (cons :set ?args))
(def-class ENUMERATED-SET (set) ?x
"A set represented as (:set-of el1 el_2...el_n), where no el_i is repeated"
:constraint (list ?x)
:iff-def (and (= ?x (:set . ?elements))
(not (exists ?el
(and (member ?el ?elements)
(member ?el (remove1 ?el ?elements))))))
:prove-by (and (variable-bound ?x)
(= ?x (:set . ?elements))
(not (exists ?el
(and (member ?el ?elements)
(member ?el (remove1 ?el ?elements))))))
:no-proofs-by (:iff-def))
(def-relation ELEMENT-OF (?el ?set)
"A relation to check whether something is an element of a set.
Note that because functions and relations are sets, we can prove
whether a tuple satisfies a relation or a function using ELEMENT-OF.
For instance, (element-of '(1 2 3) '+) is satisfied because
1+2=3 - see definitions below for an operationalization of this approach")
"An operationalization of element-of, which works with sets represented as lists."
((element-of ?el ?l) if
(enumerated-set ?l)
(member ?el (rest ?l))))
"A tuple, say <t1 t2 t3> is an element of relation r iff
(holds r ti t2 t3) is satisfied"
((element-of ?tuple ?rel) if
(relation ?rel)
(List ?tuple)
(sentence-holds (cons ?rel ?tuple))))
"A tuple, say <t1 t2 t3> is an element of function f iff
(= (apply f ti t2) t3) is satisfied"
((element-of ?el ?fun) if
(function ?fun)
(list ?el)
(= (last ?el) (apply ?fun (butlast ?el)))))
(def-class NUMBER (Quantity)
"The class of all numbers"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x env)
(let ((y (unbound-variable? x env)))
(if y ;;if y is unbound we return a 'sample' number
(list (cons (cons y 0) env))
(if (numberp (instantiate x env)) ;;;make sure to instantiate x
(list env)
(def-class REAL-NUMBER (number))
(def-class INTEGER (real-number))
(def-relation < (?x ?y)
"A predicate to test whether a number is less than another"
:constraint (and (number ?x)(number ?y))
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x y env)
(if (< (instantiate x env)
(instantiate y env))
(List env)
(def-relation > (?x ?y)
"A predicate to test whether a number is greater than another"
:constraint (and (number ?x)(number ?y))
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x y env)
(if (> (instantiate x env)
(instantiate y env))
(List env)
(def-class POSITIVE-NUMBER (number) ?x
:iff-def (and (number ?x)
(> ?x 0)))
(def-class NEGATIVE-NUMBER (number) ?x
:iff-def (and (number ?x)
(< ?x 0)))
(def-class NON-NEGATIVE-NUMBER (number) ?x
:iff-def (and (number ?x)
(not (negative-number ?x))))
(exhaustive-subclass-partition number (set-of positive-number negative-number)))
(def-class POSITIVE-INTEGER (integer) ?x
:iff-def (and (integer ?x)
(> ?x 0)))
(def-class NEGATIVE-INTEGER (integer) ?x
:iff-def (and (integer ?x)
(< ?x 0)))
(def-class NON-NEGATIVE-INTEGER (integer) ?x
:iff-def (and (integer ?x)
(not (negative-integer ?x))))
(def-function + (?X &rest ?y)
"Adds numbers"
:constraint (and (number ?x) (number ?y))
:lisp-fun #'+)
(def-function * (?X ?y)
"Multiplies numbers"
:constraint (and (number ?x) (number ?y))
:lisp-fun #'*)
(def-function SQUARE (?X)
:constraint (number ?x)
:body (* ?X ?X))
(def-function - (?X &rest ?y)
"Subtracts numbers"
:constraint (and (number ?x) (number ?y))
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x &rest y)
(apply #'- x y)))
(def-function / (?X ?y)
"Divides numbers"
:constraint (and (number ?x) (number ?y))
:lisp-fun #'/)
(def-class STRING (individual intangible-thing)
"A primitive class representing strings"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x env)
(let ((y (unbound-variable? x env)))
(if y
(list (cons (cons y "SAMPLE-STRING") env))
(if (stringp (instantiate x env))
(list env)
(def-class RELATION (set)
"The class of defined relations. We assume fixed arity"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x env)
(let ((y (unbound-variable? x env)))
(if y
(mapcar #'(lambda (rel)
(cons (cons y rel) env))
(if (get-relation (instantiate x env)) ;;;make sure to instantiate x
(list env)
(def-class UNARY-RELATION (relation) ?r
:iff-def (and (relation ?r)
(= (arity ?r) 1)))
(def-class BINARY-RELATION (relation) ?r
:iff-def (and (relation ?r)
(= (arity ?r) 2)))
(def-relation TRUE ()
"This is always satisfied"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (env) (list env)))
(def-relation FALSE ()
"This is never satisfied"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (env) :fail))
(def-function ARITY (?x)
"The arity of a function or relation. If a function or relation
has variable arity, then we treat the last argument as if it were
a sequence variable. For instance the argument list for + is
(?x &rest ?y). In this case we say that + has arity 2.
It is important to note that OCML does not support relations with variable
arity. The only exception is HOLDS, which has variable arity and is built in
the OCML proof system"
:constraint (or (function ?X)(relation ?X))
:body (in-environment
((?l . (the-schema ?x))
(?n . (length ?l)))
(if (every ?l variable)
;we assume that the only non-var can be &rest
(- ?n 1))))
(def-relation VARIABLE (?x)
"True of an OCML variable"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x env)
(variable? (instantiate x env))
(list env)
(def-relation VARIABLE-BOUND (?var)
"True if ?var is bound in teh current environment"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x env)
(unbound-variable? x env)
(list env))))
(def-function THE-SCHEMA (?x)
"The schema of a function or relation"
:constraint (or (function ?X)(relation ?X))
:body (if (relation ?x)
(relation-schema ?x)
(if (function ?x)
(function-schema ?x)
(def-function FUNCTION-SCHEMA (?f)
:constraint (function ?f)
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x)
(rename-variables (schema (get-function x)))))
(def-function RELATION-SCHEMA (?rel)
:constraint (relation ?rel)
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x)
(rename-variables (schema (get-relation x)))))
(def-relation HOLDS (?rel &rest ?args)
"A meta-level relation which is true iff the sentence (?rel . ?args) is true.
The length of ?args must be consistent with the arity of the relation"
:constraint (and (relation ?r)
(= (arity ?rel)
(length ?args))))
(def-relation SENTENCE-HOLDS (?sentence)
"The same as HOLDS, but takes only one argument, a sentence whose truth
value is to be checked"
:constraint (and (== ?sentence (?rel . ?args ))
(relation ?rel)
(= (arity ?rel)
(length ?args)))
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (sent env)
(cons 'holds (instantiate sent env))
:env env
:all t)))
(def-class FUNCTION (set)
"The class of all defined functions"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x env)
(let ((y (unbound-variable? x env)))
(if y
(mapcar #'(lambda (rel)
(cons (cons y rel) env))
(if (ocml-function?
(instantiate x env))
(list env)
(def-function APPLY (?f ?args)
"(apply f (arg1 .....argn)) is the same as
(f arg1 ....argn)"
:constraint (and (function ?f)
(list ?args)))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kmi/irs/e1b8d696f61c6b6878c0e92d993ed549fee6e7dd/ontologies/domains/akt-support-ontology2/basic.lisp | lisp | Package :
Here we introduce a number of definitions, which provide
the basic representational layer to define entities in the ontology.
Here we include basic data types, such
as strings, lists, sets and numbers, as well as basic logical concepts, such
as FUNCTION and RELATION. It also provides equality constructs and a meta-level
and it is satisfied iff ?rel is satisfied by ?args.
The advantage of expliciting including here the representational layer
all the notions required to specify any concept in the ontology are themselves
to be found in the ontologies
if y is unbound we return a 'sample' number
make sure to instantiate x
make sure to instantiate x
we assume that the only non-var can be &rest |
The Open University
(in-package "OCML")
(in-ontology akt-support-ontology2)
relation HOLDS , which takes a rel , say ? rel , and a number of args , say ? args
for the set of AKT ontologies is that these become completely self - contained :
(def-relation = (?x ?y)
"True if ?x and ?y do unify"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda ( x y env)
(Let ((result (unify x y env)))
(if (eq result :fail)
(List result)))))
(def-relation == (?x ?y)
"True if ?x and ?y do unify and they also have the same structure.
This means that either they are both atoms, or they are lists with
the same structure"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda ( x y env)
(Let ((result (unify-strong x y env)))
(if (eq result :fail)
(List result)))))
(def-class LIST (Intangible-Thing) ?x
"A class representing lists."
:iff-def (or (= ?x nil)
(= ?x (?a . ?b)))
:prove-by (or (= ?x nil)
(and (variable-bound ?x)
(= ?x (?a . ?b))))
:no-proofs-by (:iff-def))
(def-instance NIL list
"The empty list")
(def-relation NULL (?l)
"True if ?l is the empty list"
:iff-def (= ?l nil))
(def-function FIRST (?l)
"Takes the first element of a list. If the list is empty
the function returns :nothing"
:constraint (list ?l)
:body (if (== ?l (?a . ?b))
(def-function REST (?l)
"Takes a list as argument, say ?l, removes the first element of ?s
and returns the resulting list. If ?l = nil, then :nothing is returned"
:constraint (list ?l)
:body (if (== ?l (?a . ?b))
(def-function LIST-OF (&rest ?els)
"This is the primitive list constructor. It is implemented in terms of
the underlying LISP list construction primitive, LIST"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (&rest els)
(apply #'list els)))
(def-function APPEND (?l1 &rest ?ls)
"Appends together a number of lists. I cannot be bothered giving its operational
spec...so you only get a lisp attachment"
:constraint (and (list ?l1)(every ?ls list))
:lisp-fun #'append)
(def-function CONS (?el ?l)
"Adds ?el to the beginning of list ?l.
Note that this cons is less generic than the lisp function with the same name.
Here the 2nd argument must be a list (in lisp, it can also be an atom)."
:constraint (list ?l)
:body (append (list-of ?el)
(def-function LENGTH (?l)
"Computes the number of elements in a list"
:constraint (list ?l)
:body (if (= ?l nil)
(if (== ?l (?first . ?rest))
(+ 1
(length ?rest)))))
(def-function REMOVE1 (?el ?l)
"Removes the first occurrence of ?el in ?l and returns the resulting list.
If ?el is not a member of ?l then the result is ?l"
:constraint (list ?l)
:body (if (= ?l nil)
(if (== ?l (?el . ?rest))
(if (== ?l (?first . ?rest))
(cons ?first
(remove1 ?el ?rest))))))
(def-function REMOVE (?el ?l)
"Removes all occurrences of ?el in ?l and returns the resulting list.
If ?el is not a member of ?l then the result is ?l"
:constraint (list ?l)
:body (if (= ?l nil)
(if (== ?l (?el . ?rest))
(remove ?el ?rest)
(if (== ?l (?first . ?rest))
(cons ?first
(remove ?el ?rest))))))
(def-relation MEMBER (?el ?list)
"A relation to check whether something is a member of a list"
:constraint (list ?list)
:iff-def (or (== ?list (?el . ?rest))
(and (== ?list (?first . ?rest))
(member ?el ?rest))))
(def-relation EVERY (?l ?rel)
"True if for each term in ?l, say ?term, (holds ?rel ?term) is true.
For instance, (every '(1 2 3) 'number) is satisfied, while
(every '(1 2 pippo) 'number) is not"
:constraint (unary-relation ?rel)
:iff-def (or (= ?l nil)
(and (== ?l (?first . ?rest))
(holds ?rel ?first)
(every ?rest ?rel))))
(def-function BUTLAST (?list)
"Returns all the element of ?list, except the last one.
If ?list = NIL, then :nothing is returned. If ?list has
length 1, then nil is returned"
:constraint (list ?l)
:body (cond ((null ?list) :nothing)
((null (rest ?list)) nil)
(cons (first ?list) (butlast (rest ?list))))))
(def-function LAST (?list)
"Returns the last element of a list. If ?list is empty
then :nothing is returned"
:constraint (list ?list)
:body (cond ((null ?list) :nothing)
((null (rest ?list)) (first ?list))
((true) (last (rest ?list)))))
(def-class SET (Intangible-Thing)
"A set is something which is not an individual. In cyc sets are distinguished
from collections. Here we just use the term generically to refer to
something which denotes a collection of elements, whether abstract or
Functions and relations represent sets. ")
"There are three basic types of sets in our ontology, functions
relations and enumerated sets and these do not intersect"
(subclass-partition set (set-of function relation enumerated-set)))
(def-function SET-OF (&rest ?args)
"This is the basic set constructor to create a set by enumerating its elements.
For instance, (setof 1 2) denotes the set {1 2}.
We represent such a set as a list whose first item is :set"
:body (cons :set ?args))
(def-class ENUMERATED-SET (set) ?x
"A set represented as (:set-of el1 el_2...el_n), where no el_i is repeated"
:constraint (list ?x)
:iff-def (and (= ?x (:set . ?elements))
(not (exists ?el
(and (member ?el ?elements)
(member ?el (remove1 ?el ?elements))))))
:prove-by (and (variable-bound ?x)
(= ?x (:set . ?elements))
(not (exists ?el
(and (member ?el ?elements)
(member ?el (remove1 ?el ?elements))))))
:no-proofs-by (:iff-def))
(def-relation ELEMENT-OF (?el ?set)
"A relation to check whether something is an element of a set.
Note that because functions and relations are sets, we can prove
whether a tuple satisfies a relation or a function using ELEMENT-OF.
For instance, (element-of '(1 2 3) '+) is satisfied because
1+2=3 - see definitions below for an operationalization of this approach")
"An operationalization of element-of, which works with sets represented as lists."
((element-of ?el ?l) if
(enumerated-set ?l)
(member ?el (rest ?l))))
"A tuple, say <t1 t2 t3> is an element of relation r iff
(holds r ti t2 t3) is satisfied"
((element-of ?tuple ?rel) if
(relation ?rel)
(List ?tuple)
(sentence-holds (cons ?rel ?tuple))))
"A tuple, say <t1 t2 t3> is an element of function f iff
(= (apply f ti t2) t3) is satisfied"
((element-of ?el ?fun) if
(function ?fun)
(list ?el)
(= (last ?el) (apply ?fun (butlast ?el)))))
(def-class NUMBER (Quantity)
"The class of all numbers"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x env)
(let ((y (unbound-variable? x env)))
(list (cons (cons y 0) env))
(list env)
(def-class REAL-NUMBER (number))
(def-class INTEGER (real-number))
(def-relation < (?x ?y)
"A predicate to test whether a number is less than another"
:constraint (and (number ?x)(number ?y))
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x y env)
(if (< (instantiate x env)
(instantiate y env))
(List env)
(def-relation > (?x ?y)
"A predicate to test whether a number is greater than another"
:constraint (and (number ?x)(number ?y))
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x y env)
(if (> (instantiate x env)
(instantiate y env))
(List env)
(def-class POSITIVE-NUMBER (number) ?x
:iff-def (and (number ?x)
(> ?x 0)))
(def-class NEGATIVE-NUMBER (number) ?x
:iff-def (and (number ?x)
(< ?x 0)))
(def-class NON-NEGATIVE-NUMBER (number) ?x
:iff-def (and (number ?x)
(not (negative-number ?x))))
(exhaustive-subclass-partition number (set-of positive-number negative-number)))
(def-class POSITIVE-INTEGER (integer) ?x
:iff-def (and (integer ?x)
(> ?x 0)))
(def-class NEGATIVE-INTEGER (integer) ?x
:iff-def (and (integer ?x)
(< ?x 0)))
(def-class NON-NEGATIVE-INTEGER (integer) ?x
:iff-def (and (integer ?x)
(not (negative-integer ?x))))
(def-function + (?X &rest ?y)
"Adds numbers"
:constraint (and (number ?x) (number ?y))
:lisp-fun #'+)
(def-function * (?X ?y)
"Multiplies numbers"
:constraint (and (number ?x) (number ?y))
:lisp-fun #'*)
(def-function SQUARE (?X)
:constraint (number ?x)
:body (* ?X ?X))
(def-function - (?X &rest ?y)
"Subtracts numbers"
:constraint (and (number ?x) (number ?y))
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x &rest y)
(apply #'- x y)))
(def-function / (?X ?y)
"Divides numbers"
:constraint (and (number ?x) (number ?y))
:lisp-fun #'/)
(def-class STRING (individual intangible-thing)
"A primitive class representing strings"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x env)
(let ((y (unbound-variable? x env)))
(if y
(list (cons (cons y "SAMPLE-STRING") env))
(if (stringp (instantiate x env))
(list env)
(def-class RELATION (set)
"The class of defined relations. We assume fixed arity"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x env)
(let ((y (unbound-variable? x env)))
(if y
(mapcar #'(lambda (rel)
(cons (cons y rel) env))
(list env)
(def-class UNARY-RELATION (relation) ?r
:iff-def (and (relation ?r)
(= (arity ?r) 1)))
(def-class BINARY-RELATION (relation) ?r
:iff-def (and (relation ?r)
(= (arity ?r) 2)))
(def-relation TRUE ()
"This is always satisfied"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (env) (list env)))
(def-relation FALSE ()
"This is never satisfied"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (env) :fail))
(def-function ARITY (?x)
"The arity of a function or relation. If a function or relation
has variable arity, then we treat the last argument as if it were
a sequence variable. For instance the argument list for + is
(?x &rest ?y). In this case we say that + has arity 2.
It is important to note that OCML does not support relations with variable
arity. The only exception is HOLDS, which has variable arity and is built in
the OCML proof system"
:constraint (or (function ?X)(relation ?X))
:body (in-environment
((?l . (the-schema ?x))
(?n . (length ?l)))
(if (every ?l variable)
(- ?n 1))))
(def-relation VARIABLE (?x)
"True of an OCML variable"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x env)
(variable? (instantiate x env))
(list env)
(def-relation VARIABLE-BOUND (?var)
"True if ?var is bound in teh current environment"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x env)
(unbound-variable? x env)
(list env))))
(def-function THE-SCHEMA (?x)
"The schema of a function or relation"
:constraint (or (function ?X)(relation ?X))
:body (if (relation ?x)
(relation-schema ?x)
(if (function ?x)
(function-schema ?x)
(def-function FUNCTION-SCHEMA (?f)
:constraint (function ?f)
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x)
(rename-variables (schema (get-function x)))))
(def-function RELATION-SCHEMA (?rel)
:constraint (relation ?rel)
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x)
(rename-variables (schema (get-relation x)))))
(def-relation HOLDS (?rel &rest ?args)
"A meta-level relation which is true iff the sentence (?rel . ?args) is true.
The length of ?args must be consistent with the arity of the relation"
:constraint (and (relation ?r)
(= (arity ?rel)
(length ?args))))
(def-relation SENTENCE-HOLDS (?sentence)
"The same as HOLDS, but takes only one argument, a sentence whose truth
value is to be checked"
:constraint (and (== ?sentence (?rel . ?args ))
(relation ?rel)
(= (arity ?rel)
(length ?args)))
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (sent env)
(cons 'holds (instantiate sent env))
:env env
:all t)))
(def-class FUNCTION (set)
"The class of all defined functions"
:lisp-fun #'(lambda (x env)
(let ((y (unbound-variable? x env)))
(if y
(mapcar #'(lambda (rel)
(cons (cons y rel) env))
(if (ocml-function?
(instantiate x env))
(list env)
(def-function APPLY (?f ?args)
"(apply f (arg1 .....argn)) is the same as
(f arg1 ....argn)"
:constraint (and (function ?f)
(list ?args)))
cd7599599f493be8b6def0ef3ce73ee67eeb9f4a89eefd5a724ca2b2352e863f | melange-re/melange | config2_test.mli |
class type v = object
method hey : int -> int -> int
end [@bs]
class type v2 = object
method hey : int -> int -> int
end [@bs]
type vv =
hey : int -> int -> int [@bs]
> Js.t
type vv2 =
hey : int -> int -> int [@bs]
> Js.t
val test_v : v Js.t -> int
val test_vv : vv -> int
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/melange-re/melange/246e6df78fe3b6cc124cb48e5a37fdffd99379ed/jscomp/test/config2_test.mli | ocaml |
class type v = object
method hey : int -> int -> int
end [@bs]
class type v2 = object
method hey : int -> int -> int
end [@bs]
type vv =
hey : int -> int -> int [@bs]
> Js.t
type vv2 =
hey : int -> int -> int [@bs]
> Js.t
val test_v : v Js.t -> int
val test_vv : vv -> int
b03c251ab14fda4b927966bba3e46b59fd87bdd8a661117b45df500a8e9af9fe | McCLIM/McCLIM | tooltips.lisp | Copyright ( C ) 1993 - 2004 by SRI International . All rights reserved .
Permission granted by SRI for use in McClim under the license .
$ I d : utils.lisp , v 1.8 2007/07/14 02:14:21 Exp $
(defpackage #:mcclim-tooltips
(:use #:clim :clim-lisp)
(:export #:*tooltip-color*
;; #:*tooltip-wrap-slop*
;; #:*tooltip-max-height*
;; #:*tooltip-enforce-max-height-p*
#:draw-tooltip #:erase-tooltip
(in-package #:mcclim-tooltips)
;;;============================= CLIM Tooltips ===============================
;;; paley:Jun-19-2007
To use tooltips w/ clim presentations , define after methods for the clim
presentation - method clim : highlight - presentation . When the state argument is
;;; :highlight, the method should call draw-tooltip. When the state argument is
: , the method should call erase - tooltip . Here 's a sample call
( which assumes the fn get - tooltip - text returns a string or NIL ):
#+ (or)
(clim:define-presentation-method clim:highlight-presentation :after
((type t) record stream (state (eql :highlight)))
(draw-tooltip stream (get-tooltip-text record)
:region (orec-relative->absolute-region record stream)))
#+ (or)
(clim:define-presentation-method clim:highlight-presentation :after
((type t) record stream (state (eql :unhighlight)))
(declare (ignore record))
(erase-tooltip stream))
;;; At some point, we may want to extend the tooltip functionality to allow for
;;; arbitrary output w/in a tooltip (i.e. not just a string, maybe graphics
;;; too).
;;; Tooltip parameters. Intended to be globally customizable but
;;; overridable at the time DRAW-TOOLTIP is called.
(defparameter *tooltip-color* (make-rgb-color 1.0 1.0 0.85))
(defparameter *tooltip-ink* +black+)
(defparameter *tooltip-text-style* (make-text-style :sans-serif :roman :small))
(defparameter *tooltip-wrap-p* t)
(defparameter *tooltip-wrap-width* 40) ; characters.
#+ (or) (defparameter *tooltip-wrap-slop* 5) ; characters.
#+ (or) (defparameter *tooltip-max-height* 200)
#+ (or) (defparameter *tooltip-enforce-max-height-p* nil)
(defparameter *tooltip-delay* 0.25)
(defvar *tooltip-lock* (clim-sys:make-lock "tooltip"))
(defvar *tooltip-process* nil) ; Current tooltip drawing process.
(defvar *tooltip-orec* nil) ; The currently drawn tooltip.
;;; ============================================================== draw-tooltip
;;; [API]
;;; paley:Jun-19-2007
;;; Description : Draw a box containing text, to be used as a tooltip. If x-
;;; and y-coordinates are supplied, the box will have its upper
;;; left corner at that position. If no coordinates are
supplied but a clim region is , the box will be positioned
;;; close to that region, but not overlapping it. The entire box
;;; is positioned within the viewport. If no position and no
;;; region are supplied, the box is drawn "near" the pointer. We
;;; actually output the text twice, once to compute its size and
the second time to actually render it -- we may be able to
;;; make this more efficient.
Arguments : stream : the clim stream to output to
text : a string or NIL
region : a clim region ( optional ) -- the tooltip should be
;;; positioned near this region.
;;; x,y: integers (optional) -- if supplied, the tooltip will
;;; have its upper left corner at this position.
;;; Returns : nothing
;;; Side Effects : sets *tooltip-orec*
Update History : : Jun-20 - 2007
;;; Make text rendering function an argument to remove
;;; dependency on pathway tools code.
: Jul-10 - 2007
;;; More intelligent placement of tooltip.
: Jul-13 - 2007
;;; Even more intelligent placement of tooltip.
;;; Note that if the region has a large bounding box it may not
;;; be reasonable to avoid having the tooltip obscure part of
;;; it.
: Jul-16 - 2007
;;; Cleanup and additional fixes to deal properly with newlines
;;; in the string.
: Aug-1 - 2007
;;; Work around problem with weird coordinates in (we think)
;;; filling-output. Also, add a configurable delay before the
;;; tooltip is drawn.
(defvar *whitespace-bag* '(#\space #\tab #\newline))
(defun split-string-by-length (string wrap-length)
"Take a string and return the front of it up to a given length,
splitting it at a whitespace character if possible. Return the
string and the remainder of the string. The strings have whitespace
(let* ((string-length (length string))
(end wrap-length)
(newline-position (position #\newline string :start 0 :end (min string-length end))))
Newlines are part of the formatting . So we split at newlines
;; even if the string is shorter than the wrap length.
(if newline-position
(setf end newline-position)
(if (< string-length wrap-length)
;; No newline and the length of the string is less than the
;; wrap length. Return the original (trimmed) string and
;; nil. The nil can be used by the caller to detect that
;; the string has been used up.
(return-from split-string-by-length (values (string-trim *whitespace-bag* string) nil))
;; Look for whitespace.
(let ((whitespace-position
(position-if #'(lambda (char) (member char *whitespace-bag*))
:end wrap-length
:from-end t)))
(when whitespace-position
(setf end whitespace-position)))))
;; Note that the default (if no whitespace found) will be to have
;; the string violently split at the wrap-length.
(values (string-trim *whitespace-bag* (subseq string 0 end))
(string-left-trim *whitespace-bag* (subseq string end string-length)))))
(defun draw-tooltip (stream text
&key region x y
(text-render-fn #'draw-text*)
(background *tooltip-color*)
(ink *tooltip-ink*)
(text-style *tooltip-text-style*)
(wrap-p *tooltip-wrap-p*)
(wrap-width *tooltip-wrap-width*)
;;(max-height *tooltip-max-height*)
;;(enforce-max-height-p *tooltip-enforce-max-height-p*)
#+ (or) (declare (ignore max-height enforce-max-height-p))
;; Suggested new args. Most or all should have defaults based on global vars.
;; To wrap or not to wrap, and width limit
;; Height limit, and whether or not to enforce a height limit
;; Background color
Foreground color
;; Timeout after which tooltip disappears (only if it is easy to do)
and Font size
Can you figure out how to get the CLIM documentation text to appear as a tooltip ?
;; Use a really pale yellow if possible...
(flet ((process-draw-tooltip ()
(sleep *tooltip-delay*)
(when (and text (not (equal text "")))
(with-drawing-options (stream :text-style text-style
:ink ink)
(let ((margin 2)
(text-height (+ (stream-line-height stream) 2))
tt-x tt-y
wd ht)
(if wrap-p ; Do it this way in case the text has newlines in it.
;; You are running a fast computer, right?
(multiple-value-setq (wd ht)
(with-output-to-output-record (stream)
(let (this-line
(left-over text)
(i 0))
(multiple-value-setq (this-line left-over)
(split-string-by-length left-over wrap-width))
(unless (equal this-line "")
;; (format *error-output* "end ~A: ~A~%" i this-line)
(push this-line strings)
(funcall text-render-fn stream this-line
0 (+ (* i text-height) margin)))
(incf i)
;; (format *error-output* "left-over: ~A~%" left-over)
(unless left-over (return)))
(setf strings (nreverse strings))))
(setf *tooltip-orec*
(with-output-recording-options (stream :draw nil :record t)
(with-new-output-record (stream)
(draw-rectangle* stream (- margin) (- margin)
(+ wd margin) (+ ht margin)
:ink background)
(draw-rectangle* stream (- margin) (- margin)
(+ wd margin) (+ ht margin)
:filled nil)
(do* ((string-list strings (cdr string-list))
(string (car string-list) (car string-list))
(i 0 (1+ i))
((endp string-list))
;; (format *error-output* "~A~%" string)
(funcall text-render-fn stream string
0 (* i text-height) :align-x :left :align-y :top)
(multiple-value-setq (wd ht)
(with-output-to-output-record (stream)
(funcall text-render-fn stream text 0 0))))
(setf *tooltip-orec*
(with-output-recording-options (stream :draw nil :record t)
(with-new-output-record (stream)
(draw-rectangle* stream (- margin) (- margin)
(+ wd margin) (+ ht margin)
:ink background)
(draw-rectangle* stream (- margin) (- margin)
(+ wd margin) (+ ht margin)
:filled nil)
(funcall text-render-fn stream text
0 0 :align-x :left :align-y :top))))))
;; This tries to put the tool tip near the region and near the pointer.
(when (and region (not (and x y)))
(multiple-value-bind (ptr-x ptr-y) (stream-pointer-position stream)
(let* ((viewport-br (window-viewport stream))
(viewport-max-x (bounding-rectangle-max-x viewport-br))
(viewport-min-x (bounding-rectangle-min-x viewport-br))
(viewport-max-y (bounding-rectangle-max-y viewport-br))
(viewport-min-y (bounding-rectangle-min-y viewport-br)))
(with-bounding-rectangle* (tooltip-left tooltip-top tooltip-right tooltip-bottom)
(declare (ignore tooltip-left tooltip-top))
;; gilham:Aug-1-2007
First , check to see if the bottom of the region is
near the pointer . If not , two things might be the
;; case:
1 ) The region is very large in height .
2 ) We are encountering the problem with
;; the coordinates of certain records
being strange . ( This may be a CLIM bug
;; and is still being investigated.)
;; In either case, we want to ignore the
;; region and just put the tool tip
1 ) Near the pointer , and
2 ) In the viewport .
;; The latter constraint is very
;; important---tooltips are useless if they
;; are not visible in the viewport.
(if (> (- (clim:bounding-rectangle-max-y region) ptr-y) 40)
(setf tt-x (+ ptr-x 10)
tt-y (- ptr-y 30)))
;; Make it seem as if the pointer hit the
;; record from the bottom every time.
(setf ptr-y (bounding-rectangle-max-y region))
;; The idea is to not have the tooltip
;; cover either the pointer or the region
;; (that is, the text in the presentation
;; that is being highlighted). It may not
;; be possible to avoid the latter, if it
;; would put the tooltip too far from the
;; pointer, but at least we try to make
;; it not too egregious.
(setf tt-x (+ ptr-x 10)
tt-y (- (bounding-rectangle-min-y region) ht 10))
(when (< tt-y (- ptr-y (+ ht 40)))
(setf tt-y (- ptr-y (+ ht 40))))
;; Try to keep the tool tip in the viewport.
(when (> (+ tt-x tooltip-right) viewport-max-x)
(decf tt-x (+ (- (+ tt-x tooltip-right) viewport-max-x) margin))
(when (< tt-x viewport-min-x) (setf tt-x viewport-min-x)))
;; If the tooltip would go above the viewport, put it below the pointer.
(when (< tt-y viewport-min-y)
(setf tt-y (+ ptr-y 40))
(when (> tt-y viewport-max-y)
(setf tt-y (- viewport-max-y tooltip-bottom))))))))
(setq x (or x tt-x 0)
y (or y tt-y 0)))))
(setf (output-record-position *tooltip-orec*) (values x y))
(tree-recompute-extent *tooltip-orec*)
(replay *tooltip-orec* stream)
(force-output stream)
(setf *tooltip-process* nil)))
clear previous tooltip , if there is one
;; gilham:Aug-1-2007
;; We create a process that will wait a configurable delay period
;; before drawing the tooltip. If the unhighlight method runs
;; before this process wakes up, it kills the process off and so
;; prevents the tooltip from being drawn.
(clim-sys:with-lock-held (*tooltip-lock*)
(setf *tooltip-process*
(clim-sys:make-process #'process-draw-tooltip :name "Draw-Tooltip")))))
;;; paley:Jun-19-2007 Erase a tooltip drawn by draw-tooltip
;;; Side Effects : sets *tooltip-orec* to nil
(defun erase-tooltip (stream)
;; gilham:Aug-1-2007 See if there's a process waiting to draw a
;; tooltip. If so, kill it.
(clim-sys:with-lock-held (*tooltip-lock*)
(when (and *tooltip-process*
(clim-sys:process-state *tooltip-process*))
(clim-sys:destroy-process *tooltip-process*)))
(when *tooltip-orec*
(erase-output-record *tooltip-orec* stream nil)
(setf *tooltip-orec* nil)))
;;; ============================================ orec-relative->absolute-region
;;; [API]
paley : Jun-19 - 2007 Description : Given an output record , return a clim
;;; region that reflects its actual position in the window.
;;; Arguments : orec: an output-record
;;; stream: the stream on which orec was displayed
Returns : a clim region
;;; Side Effects : none
;;; Update History :
(defun orec-relative->absolute-region (orec stream)
(declare (ignore stream))
(transform-region +identity-transformation+ orec))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/McCLIM/McCLIM/47677157d2b12dbcad35f06847221b49fbd1eedb/Extensions/tooltips/tooltips.lisp | lisp |
============================= CLIM Tooltips ===============================
:highlight, the method should call draw-tooltip. When the state argument is
At some point, we may want to extend the tooltip functionality to allow for
arbitrary output w/in a tooltip (i.e. not just a string, maybe graphics
Tooltip parameters. Intended to be globally customizable but
overridable at the time DRAW-TOOLTIP is called.
Current tooltip drawing process.
The currently drawn tooltip.
============================================================== draw-tooltip
Description : Draw a box containing text, to be used as a tooltip. If x-
and y-coordinates are supplied, the box will have its upper
left corner at that position. If no coordinates are
close to that region, but not overlapping it. The entire box
is positioned within the viewport. If no position and no
region are supplied, the box is drawn "near" the pointer. We
actually output the text twice, once to compute its size and
make this more efficient.
positioned near this region.
x,y: integers (optional) -- if supplied, the tooltip will
have its upper left corner at this position.
Returns : nothing
Side Effects : sets *tooltip-orec*
Make text rendering function an argument to remove
dependency on pathway tools code.
More intelligent placement of tooltip.
Even more intelligent placement of tooltip.
Note that if the region has a large bounding box it may not
be reasonable to avoid having the tooltip obscure part of
Cleanup and additional fixes to deal properly with newlines
in the string.
Work around problem with weird coordinates in (we think)
filling-output. Also, add a configurable delay before the
tooltip is drawn.
even if the string is shorter than the wrap length.
No newline and the length of the string is less than the
wrap length. Return the original (trimmed) string and
nil. The nil can be used by the caller to detect that
the string has been used up.
Look for whitespace.
Note that the default (if no whitespace found) will be to have
the string violently split at the wrap-length.
(max-height *tooltip-max-height*)
(enforce-max-height-p *tooltip-enforce-max-height-p*)
Suggested new args. Most or all should have defaults based on global vars.
To wrap or not to wrap, and width limit
Height limit, and whether or not to enforce a height limit
Background color
Timeout after which tooltip disappears (only if it is easy to do)
Use a really pale yellow if possible...
Do it this way in case the text has newlines in it.
You are running a fast computer, right?
(format *error-output* "end ~A: ~A~%" i this-line)
(format *error-output* "left-over: ~A~%" left-over)
(format *error-output* "~A~%" string)
This tries to put the tool tip near the region and near the pointer.
the coordinates of certain records
and is still being investigated.)
In either case, we want to ignore the
region and just put the tool tip
The latter constraint is very
important---tooltips are useless if they
are not visible in the viewport.
Make it seem as if the pointer hit the
record from the bottom every time.
The idea is to not have the tooltip
cover either the pointer or the region
(that is, the text in the presentation
that is being highlighted). It may not
be possible to avoid the latter, if it
would put the tooltip too far from the
pointer, but at least we try to make
it not too egregious.
Try to keep the tool tip in the viewport.
If the tooltip would go above the viewport, put it below the pointer.
We create a process that will wait a configurable delay period
before drawing the tooltip. If the unhighlight method runs
before this process wakes up, it kills the process off and so
prevents the tooltip from being drawn.
paley:Jun-19-2007 Erase a tooltip drawn by draw-tooltip
Side Effects : sets *tooltip-orec* to nil
gilham:Aug-1-2007 See if there's a process waiting to draw a
tooltip. If so, kill it.
============================================ orec-relative->absolute-region
region that reflects its actual position in the window.
Arguments : orec: an output-record
stream: the stream on which orec was displayed
Side Effects : none
Update History : | Copyright ( C ) 1993 - 2004 by SRI International . All rights reserved .
Permission granted by SRI for use in McClim under the license .
$ I d : utils.lisp , v 1.8 2007/07/14 02:14:21 Exp $
(defpackage #:mcclim-tooltips
(:use #:clim :clim-lisp)
(:export #:*tooltip-color*
#:draw-tooltip #:erase-tooltip
(in-package #:mcclim-tooltips)
To use tooltips w/ clim presentations , define after methods for the clim
presentation - method clim : highlight - presentation . When the state argument is
: , the method should call erase - tooltip . Here 's a sample call
( which assumes the fn get - tooltip - text returns a string or NIL ):
#+ (or)
(clim:define-presentation-method clim:highlight-presentation :after
((type t) record stream (state (eql :highlight)))
(draw-tooltip stream (get-tooltip-text record)
:region (orec-relative->absolute-region record stream)))
#+ (or)
(clim:define-presentation-method clim:highlight-presentation :after
((type t) record stream (state (eql :unhighlight)))
(declare (ignore record))
(erase-tooltip stream))
(defparameter *tooltip-color* (make-rgb-color 1.0 1.0 0.85))
(defparameter *tooltip-ink* +black+)
(defparameter *tooltip-text-style* (make-text-style :sans-serif :roman :small))
(defparameter *tooltip-wrap-p* t)
#+ (or) (defparameter *tooltip-max-height* 200)
#+ (or) (defparameter *tooltip-enforce-max-height-p* nil)
(defparameter *tooltip-delay* 0.25)
(defvar *tooltip-lock* (clim-sys:make-lock "tooltip"))
supplied but a clim region is , the box will be positioned
the second time to actually render it -- we may be able to
Arguments : stream : the clim stream to output to
text : a string or NIL
region : a clim region ( optional ) -- the tooltip should be
Update History : : Jun-20 - 2007
: Jul-10 - 2007
: Jul-13 - 2007
: Jul-16 - 2007
: Aug-1 - 2007
(defvar *whitespace-bag* '(#\space #\tab #\newline))
(defun split-string-by-length (string wrap-length)
"Take a string and return the front of it up to a given length,
splitting it at a whitespace character if possible. Return the
string and the remainder of the string. The strings have whitespace
(let* ((string-length (length string))
(end wrap-length)
(newline-position (position #\newline string :start 0 :end (min string-length end))))
Newlines are part of the formatting . So we split at newlines
(if newline-position
(setf end newline-position)
(if (< string-length wrap-length)
(return-from split-string-by-length (values (string-trim *whitespace-bag* string) nil))
(let ((whitespace-position
(position-if #'(lambda (char) (member char *whitespace-bag*))
:end wrap-length
:from-end t)))
(when whitespace-position
(setf end whitespace-position)))))
(values (string-trim *whitespace-bag* (subseq string 0 end))
(string-left-trim *whitespace-bag* (subseq string end string-length)))))
(defun draw-tooltip (stream text
&key region x y
(text-render-fn #'draw-text*)
(background *tooltip-color*)
(ink *tooltip-ink*)
(text-style *tooltip-text-style*)
(wrap-p *tooltip-wrap-p*)
(wrap-width *tooltip-wrap-width*)
#+ (or) (declare (ignore max-height enforce-max-height-p))
Foreground color
and Font size
Can you figure out how to get the CLIM documentation text to appear as a tooltip ?
(flet ((process-draw-tooltip ()
(sleep *tooltip-delay*)
(when (and text (not (equal text "")))
(with-drawing-options (stream :text-style text-style
:ink ink)
(let ((margin 2)
(text-height (+ (stream-line-height stream) 2))
tt-x tt-y
wd ht)
(multiple-value-setq (wd ht)
(with-output-to-output-record (stream)
(let (this-line
(left-over text)
(i 0))
(multiple-value-setq (this-line left-over)
(split-string-by-length left-over wrap-width))
(unless (equal this-line "")
(push this-line strings)
(funcall text-render-fn stream this-line
0 (+ (* i text-height) margin)))
(incf i)
(unless left-over (return)))
(setf strings (nreverse strings))))
(setf *tooltip-orec*
(with-output-recording-options (stream :draw nil :record t)
(with-new-output-record (stream)
(draw-rectangle* stream (- margin) (- margin)
(+ wd margin) (+ ht margin)
:ink background)
(draw-rectangle* stream (- margin) (- margin)
(+ wd margin) (+ ht margin)
:filled nil)
(do* ((string-list strings (cdr string-list))
(string (car string-list) (car string-list))
(i 0 (1+ i))
((endp string-list))
(funcall text-render-fn stream string
0 (* i text-height) :align-x :left :align-y :top)
(multiple-value-setq (wd ht)
(with-output-to-output-record (stream)
(funcall text-render-fn stream text 0 0))))
(setf *tooltip-orec*
(with-output-recording-options (stream :draw nil :record t)
(with-new-output-record (stream)
(draw-rectangle* stream (- margin) (- margin)
(+ wd margin) (+ ht margin)
:ink background)
(draw-rectangle* stream (- margin) (- margin)
(+ wd margin) (+ ht margin)
:filled nil)
(funcall text-render-fn stream text
0 0 :align-x :left :align-y :top))))))
(when (and region (not (and x y)))
(multiple-value-bind (ptr-x ptr-y) (stream-pointer-position stream)
(let* ((viewport-br (window-viewport stream))
(viewport-max-x (bounding-rectangle-max-x viewport-br))
(viewport-min-x (bounding-rectangle-min-x viewport-br))
(viewport-max-y (bounding-rectangle-max-y viewport-br))
(viewport-min-y (bounding-rectangle-min-y viewport-br)))
(with-bounding-rectangle* (tooltip-left tooltip-top tooltip-right tooltip-bottom)
(declare (ignore tooltip-left tooltip-top))
First , check to see if the bottom of the region is
near the pointer . If not , two things might be the
1 ) The region is very large in height .
2 ) We are encountering the problem with
being strange . ( This may be a CLIM bug
1 ) Near the pointer , and
2 ) In the viewport .
(if (> (- (clim:bounding-rectangle-max-y region) ptr-y) 40)
(setf tt-x (+ ptr-x 10)
tt-y (- ptr-y 30)))
(setf ptr-y (bounding-rectangle-max-y region))
(setf tt-x (+ ptr-x 10)
tt-y (- (bounding-rectangle-min-y region) ht 10))
(when (< tt-y (- ptr-y (+ ht 40)))
(setf tt-y (- ptr-y (+ ht 40))))
(when (> (+ tt-x tooltip-right) viewport-max-x)
(decf tt-x (+ (- (+ tt-x tooltip-right) viewport-max-x) margin))
(when (< tt-x viewport-min-x) (setf tt-x viewport-min-x)))
(when (< tt-y viewport-min-y)
(setf tt-y (+ ptr-y 40))
(when (> tt-y viewport-max-y)
(setf tt-y (- viewport-max-y tooltip-bottom))))))))
(setq x (or x tt-x 0)
y (or y tt-y 0)))))
(setf (output-record-position *tooltip-orec*) (values x y))
(tree-recompute-extent *tooltip-orec*)
(replay *tooltip-orec* stream)
(force-output stream)
(setf *tooltip-process* nil)))
clear previous tooltip , if there is one
(clim-sys:with-lock-held (*tooltip-lock*)
(setf *tooltip-process*
(clim-sys:make-process #'process-draw-tooltip :name "Draw-Tooltip")))))
(defun erase-tooltip (stream)
(clim-sys:with-lock-held (*tooltip-lock*)
(when (and *tooltip-process*
(clim-sys:process-state *tooltip-process*))
(clim-sys:destroy-process *tooltip-process*)))
(when *tooltip-orec*
(erase-output-record *tooltip-orec* stream nil)
(setf *tooltip-orec* nil)))
paley : Jun-19 - 2007 Description : Given an output record , return a clim
Returns : a clim region
(defun orec-relative->absolute-region (orec stream)
(declare (ignore stream))
(transform-region +identity-transformation+ orec))
70f60e989b1a0d160959bfd8f320869ab006c2185e55674e5bc31128a4c67e00 | VisionsGlobalEmpowerment/webchange | views.cljs | (ns webchange.login.views
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[reagent.core :as r]
[webchange.login.header.views :refer [header]]
[webchange.login.routes :as routes]
[webchange.login.sign-in.views :refer [sign-in-form]]
[webchange.login.pages.views :refer [registration-success]]
[webchange.login.registration.views :refer [registration]]
[webchange.login.reset-password.views :refer [provide-email-form reset-password-form]]
[webchange.login.state :as state]
[webchange.ui.index :as ui]))
(defn index
{:display-name "Log In Index"
(fn [this]
(let [{:keys [route]} (r/props this)]
(routes/init! (:path route))))
(fn []
(let [{:keys [handler props]} @(re-frame/subscribe [::state/current-page])]
[:div#tabschool-login {:class-name (ui/get-class-name {"background-with-image" (= handler :sign-in)})}
(case handler
:sign-up-success [registration-success props]
:sign-up [registration props]
:reset-password-email [provide-email-form props]
:reset-password-code [reset-password-form props]
[sign-in-form props])]))}))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VisionsGlobalEmpowerment/webchange/7eb09b19832693c4c1f3ee6efbaf587474bf9af8/src/cljs/webchange/login/views.cljs | clojure | (ns webchange.login.views
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[reagent.core :as r]
[webchange.login.header.views :refer [header]]
[webchange.login.routes :as routes]
[webchange.login.sign-in.views :refer [sign-in-form]]
[webchange.login.pages.views :refer [registration-success]]
[webchange.login.registration.views :refer [registration]]
[webchange.login.reset-password.views :refer [provide-email-form reset-password-form]]
[webchange.login.state :as state]
[webchange.ui.index :as ui]))
(defn index
{:display-name "Log In Index"
(fn [this]
(let [{:keys [route]} (r/props this)]
(routes/init! (:path route))))
(fn []
(let [{:keys [handler props]} @(re-frame/subscribe [::state/current-page])]
[:div#tabschool-login {:class-name (ui/get-class-name {"background-with-image" (= handler :sign-in)})}
(case handler
:sign-up-success [registration-success props]
:sign-up [registration props]
:reset-password-email [provide-email-form props]
:reset-password-code [reset-password-form props]
[sign-in-form props])]))}))
d12d0364913c733e7bb4fbfdaa16137a494aca9ec5d1e96837f264f7eeae1240 | spawnfest/eep49ers | wxGridCellFloatRenderer.erl | %%
%% %CopyrightBegin%
Copyright Ericsson AB 2009 - 2020 . All Rights Reserved .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ;
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% -2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS ,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT
%% inherited exports
-type wxGridCellFloatRenderer() :: wx:wx_object().
%% @hidden
parent_class(wxGridCellStringRenderer) -> true;
parent_class(wxGridCellRenderer) -> true;
parent_class(_Class) -> erlang:error({badtype, ?MODULE}).
%% @equiv new([])
-spec new() -> wxGridCellFloatRenderer().
new() ->
%% @doc See <a href="#wxgridcellfloatrendererwxgridcellfloatrenderer">external documentation</a>.
-spec new([Option]) -> wxGridCellFloatRenderer() when
Option :: {'width', integer()}
| {'precision', integer()}
| {'format', integer()}.
when is_list(Options) ->
MOpts = fun({width, _width} = Arg) -> Arg;
({precision, _precision} = Arg) -> Arg;
({format, _format} = Arg) -> Arg;
(BadOpt) -> erlang:error({badoption, BadOpt}) end,
Opts = lists:map(MOpts, Options),
%% @doc See <a href="#wxgridcellfloatrenderergetprecision">external documentation</a>.
-spec getPrecision(This) -> integer() when
getPrecision(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) ->
%% @doc See <a href="#wxgridcellfloatrenderergetwidth">external documentation</a>.
-spec getWidth(This) -> integer() when
getWidth(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) ->
%% @doc See <a href="#wxgridcellfloatrenderersetparameters">external documentation</a>.
-spec setParameters(This, Params) -> 'ok' when
This::wxGridCellFloatRenderer(), Params::unicode:chardata().
when ?is_chardata(Params) ->
Params_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Params),
%% @doc See <a href="#wxgridcellfloatrenderersetprecision">external documentation</a>.
-spec setPrecision(This, Precision) -> 'ok' when
This::wxGridCellFloatRenderer(), Precision::integer().
when is_integer(Precision) ->
%% @doc See <a href="#wxgridcellfloatrenderersetwidth">external documentation</a>.
-spec setWidth(This, Width) -> 'ok' when
This::wxGridCellFloatRenderer(), Width::integer().
when is_integer(Width) ->
%% @doc Destroys this object, do not use object again
-spec destroy(This::wxGridCellFloatRenderer()) -> 'ok'.
destroy(Obj=#wx_ref{type=Type}) ->
wxe_util:queue_cmd(Obj, ?get_env(), ?wxGridCellFloatRenderer_destroy),
%% From wxGridCellStringRenderer
From wxGridCellRenderer
%% @hidden
getBestSize(This,Grid,Attr,Dc,Row,Col) -> wxGridCellRenderer:getBestSize(This,Grid,Attr,Dc,Row,Col).
%% @hidden
draw(This,Grid,Attr,Dc,Rect,Row,Col,IsSelected) -> wxGridCellRenderer:draw(This,Grid,Attr,Dc,Rect,Row,Col,IsSelected).
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spawnfest/eep49ers/d1020fd625a0bbda8ab01caf0e1738eb1cf74886/lib/wx/src/gen/wxGridCellFloatRenderer.erl | erlang |
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
This file is generated DO NOT EDIT
inherited exports
@equiv new([])
@doc See <a href="#wxgridcellfloatrendererwxgridcellfloatrenderer">external documentation</a>.
@doc See <a href="#wxgridcellfloatrenderergetprecision">external documentation</a>.
@doc See <a href="#wxgridcellfloatrenderergetwidth">external documentation</a>.
@doc See <a href="#wxgridcellfloatrenderersetparameters">external documentation</a>.
@doc See <a href="#wxgridcellfloatrenderersetprecision">external documentation</a>.
@doc See <a href="#wxgridcellfloatrenderersetwidth">external documentation</a>.
@doc Destroys this object, do not use object again
From wxGridCellStringRenderer
@hidden | Copyright Ericsson AB 2009 - 2020 . All Rights Reserved .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ;
distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS ,
-type wxGridCellFloatRenderer() :: wx:wx_object().
parent_class(wxGridCellStringRenderer) -> true;
parent_class(wxGridCellRenderer) -> true;
parent_class(_Class) -> erlang:error({badtype, ?MODULE}).
-spec new() -> wxGridCellFloatRenderer().
new() ->
-spec new([Option]) -> wxGridCellFloatRenderer() when
Option :: {'width', integer()}
| {'precision', integer()}
| {'format', integer()}.
when is_list(Options) ->
MOpts = fun({width, _width} = Arg) -> Arg;
({precision, _precision} = Arg) -> Arg;
({format, _format} = Arg) -> Arg;
(BadOpt) -> erlang:error({badoption, BadOpt}) end,
Opts = lists:map(MOpts, Options),
-spec getPrecision(This) -> integer() when
getPrecision(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) ->
-spec getWidth(This) -> integer() when
getWidth(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) ->
-spec setParameters(This, Params) -> 'ok' when
This::wxGridCellFloatRenderer(), Params::unicode:chardata().
when ?is_chardata(Params) ->
Params_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Params),
-spec setPrecision(This, Precision) -> 'ok' when
This::wxGridCellFloatRenderer(), Precision::integer().
when is_integer(Precision) ->
-spec setWidth(This, Width) -> 'ok' when
This::wxGridCellFloatRenderer(), Width::integer().
when is_integer(Width) ->
-spec destroy(This::wxGridCellFloatRenderer()) -> 'ok'.
destroy(Obj=#wx_ref{type=Type}) ->
wxe_util:queue_cmd(Obj, ?get_env(), ?wxGridCellFloatRenderer_destroy),
From wxGridCellRenderer
getBestSize(This,Grid,Attr,Dc,Row,Col) -> wxGridCellRenderer:getBestSize(This,Grid,Attr,Dc,Row,Col).
draw(This,Grid,Attr,Dc,Rect,Row,Col,IsSelected) -> wxGridCellRenderer:draw(This,Grid,Attr,Dc,Rect,Row,Col,IsSelected).
d0c4ab0d884d5d2bde3444af7dda77970ff323c035470e7d2dc2aaa5951a1f93 | typeable/compaREST | TraceTree.hs | module Spec.Golden.TraceTree
( tests,
import Control.Category
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Default
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Run
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.OpenApi ()
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import Spec.Golden.Extra
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Class
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Writers
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
tests :: IO TestTree
tests = do
traceTreeTests <-
("a.yaml", "b.yaml")
(pure . BSL.fromStrict . Yaml.encode . runChecker)
reportTests <-
("a.yaml", "b.yaml")
(runPandoc . writeMarkdown def {writerExtensions = githubMarkdownExtensions} . doc . fst . runReport def)
return $ testGroup "Golden tests" [traceTreeTests, reportTests]
runPandoc :: PandocPure Text -> IO BSL.ByteString
runPandoc = either throwIO (pure . BSL.fromStrict . T.encodeUtf8) . runPure
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/typeable/compaREST/db716ee5b2d6e5649042fa32f4cff4d211d92064/test/Spec/Golden/TraceTree.hs | haskell | module Spec.Golden.TraceTree
( tests,
import Control.Category
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Default
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Run
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.OpenApi ()
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import Spec.Golden.Extra
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Class
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Writers
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
tests :: IO TestTree
tests = do
traceTreeTests <-
("a.yaml", "b.yaml")
(pure . BSL.fromStrict . Yaml.encode . runChecker)
reportTests <-
("a.yaml", "b.yaml")
(runPandoc . writeMarkdown def {writerExtensions = githubMarkdownExtensions} . doc . fst . runReport def)
return $ testGroup "Golden tests" [traceTreeTests, reportTests]
runPandoc :: PandocPure Text -> IO BSL.ByteString
runPandoc = either throwIO (pure . BSL.fromStrict . T.encodeUtf8) . runPure
492ef07adec15ec4a72b9a95edac10fe99b285601baef8b6557d030823746e9d | sgbj/MaximaSharp | nummod.lisp | Maxima functions for floor , ceiling , and friends
Copyright ( C ) 2004 , 2005 , 2007
Barton Willis
Department of Mathematics
University of Nebraska at Kearney
;; Kearney NE 68847
;; This source code is licensed under the terms of the Lisp Lesser
GNU Public License ( LLGPL ) . The LLGPL consists of a preamble , published
by Franz Inc. ( ) , and the GNU
Library General Public License ( LGPL ) , version 2 , or ( at your option )
;; any later version. When the preamble conflicts with the LGPL,
;; the preamble takes precedence.
;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
;; License along with this library; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 51 Franklin St , Fifth Floor ,
Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
(in-package :maxima)
(macsyma-module nummod)
;; Let's have version numbers 1,2,3,...
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
(mfuncall '$declare '$integervalued '$feature)
($put '$nummod 3 '$version))
(defmacro opcons (op &rest args)
`(simplify (list (list ,op) ,@args)))
charfun(pred ) evaluates to 1 when the predicate ' pred ' evaluates
;; to true; it evaluates to 0 when 'pred' evaluates to false; otherwise,
;; it evaluates to a noun form.
(defprop $charfun simp-charfun operators)
(defprop %charfun simp-charfun operators)
(defun simp-charfun (e yy z)
(declare (ignore yy))
(oneargcheck e)
(setq e (take '($is) (simplifya (specrepcheck (second e)) z)))
(let ((bool (mevalp e)))
(cond ((eq t bool) 1)
((eq nil bool) 0)
((op-equalp e '$is) `(($charfun simp) ,(second e)))
(t `(($charfun simp) ,e)))))
(defun integer-part-of-sum (e)
(let ((i-sum 0) (n-sum 0) (o-sum 0) (n))
(setq e (margs e))
(dolist (ei e)
(cond ((maxima-integerp ei)
(setq i-sum (add ei i-sum)))
((or (ratnump ei) (floatp ei) ($bfloatp ei))
(setq n-sum (add ei n-sum)))
(setq o-sum (add ei o-sum)))))
(setq n (opcons '$floor n-sum))
(setq i-sum (add i-sum n))
(setq o-sum (add o-sum (sub n-sum n)))
(values i-sum o-sum)))
(defprop $floor simp-floor operators)
(defprop $floor tex-matchfix tex)
(defprop $floor (("\\left \\lfloor " ) " \\right \\rfloor") texsym)
;; $floor distributes over lists, matrices, and equations
(setf (get '$floor 'distribute_over) '(mlist $matrix mequal))
These for $ entier are copied from orthopoly / orthopoly - init.lisp .
(defprop $entier tex-matchfix tex)
(defprop $entier (("\\lfloor ") " \\rfloor") texsym)
;; $entier and $fix distributes over lists, matrices, and equations
(setf (get '$entier 'distribute_over) '(mlist $matrix mequal))
(setf (get '$fix 'distribute_over) '(mlist $matrix mequal))
For an example , see pretty - good - floor - or - ceiling . Code courtesy of .
(defmacro bind-fpprec (val &rest exprs)
`(let (fpprec bigfloatzero bigfloatone bfhalf bfmhalf)
(let (($fpprec (fpprec1 nil ,val)))
Return true if the expression can be formed using rational numbers , logs , mplus , , or mtimes .
(defun use-radcan-p (e)
(or ($ratnump e) (and (op-equalp e '%log 'mexpt 'mplus 'mtimes) (every 'use-radcan-p (cdr e)))))
;; When constantp(x) is true, we use bfloat evaluation to try to determine
;; the ceiling or floor. If numerical evaluation of e is ill-conditioned, this function
;; can misbehave. I'm somewhat uncomfortable with this, but it is no worse
than some other stuff . One safeguard -- the evaluation is done with three
;; values for fpprec. When the floating point evaluations are
;; inconsistent, bailout and return nil. I hope that this function is
;; much more likely to return nil than it is to return a bogus value.
(defun pretty-good-floor-or-ceiling (x fn &optional digits)
(let (($float2bf t) ($algebraic t) (f1) (f2) (f3) (eps) (lb) (ub) (n))
(setq digits (if (and (integerp digits) (> 0 digits)) digits 25))
(catch 'done
;; To handle ceiling(%i^%i), we need to apply rectform. If bfloat
;; is improved, it might be possible to remove this call to rectform.
(setq x ($rectform x))
(if (not ($freeof '$%i '$minf '$inf '$und '$infinity x)) (throw 'done nil))
;; When x doesn't evaluate to a bigfloat, bailout and return nil.
This happens when , for example , x = asin(2 ) . For now , bfloatp
;; evaluates to nil for a complex big float. If this ever changes,
;; this code might need to be repaired.
(bind-fpprec digits
(setq f1 ($bfloat x))
(if (not ($bfloatp f1)) (throw 'done nil)))
(incf digits 20)
(setq f2 (bind-fpprec digits ($bfloat x)))
(if (not ($bfloatp f2)) (throw 'done nil))
(incf digits 20)
(bind-fpprec digits
(setq f3 ($bfloat x))
(if (not ($bfloatp f3)) (throw 'done nil))
;; Let's say that the true value of x is in the interval
;; [f3 - |f3| * eps, f3 + |f3| * eps], where eps = 10^(20 - digits).
;; Define n to be the number of integers in this interval; we have
(setq eps (power ($bfloat 10) (- 20 digits)))
(setq lb (sub f3 (mult (take '(mabs) f3) eps)))
(setq ub (add f3 (mult (take '(mabs) f3) eps)))
(setq n (sub (take '($ceiling) ub) (take '($ceiling) lb))))
(setq f1 (take (list fn) f1))
(setq f2 (take (list fn) f2))
(setq f3 (take (list fn) f3))
Provided f1 = f2 = f3 and n = 0 , return f1 ; if n = 1 and ( use - radcan - p e ) and ( $ radcan e )
;; is a $ratnump, return floor / ceiling of radcan(x),
(cond ((and (= f1 f2 f3) (= n 0)) f1)
((and (= f1 f2 f3) (= n 1) (use-radcan-p x))
(setq x ($radcan x))
(if ($ratnump x) (take (list fn) x) nil))
(t nil)))))
( a ) The function fpentier rounds a bigfloat towards zero -- we need to
;; check for that.
;; (b) Since limit(f(x))=(m)inf implies limit(floor(f(x)))=(m)inf,
floor(inf / minf ) = inf / minf . Since implies
;; minf<limit(floor(f(x)))<inf, floor(ind)=ind
;; I think floor(complex number) should be undefined too. Some folks
might like floor(a + % i b ) -- > floor(a ) + % i floor(b ) . But
;; this would violate the integer-valuedness of floor.
;; So floor(infinity) remains unsimplified
(defun simp-floor (e e1 z)
(oneargcheck e)
(setq e (simplifya (specrepcheck (nth 1 e)) z))
(cond ((numberp e) (floor e))
((ratnump e) (floor (cadr e) (caddr e)))
(($bfloatp e)
(setq e1 (fpentier e))
(if (and (minusp (cadr e)) (not (zerop1 (sub e1 e))))
(1- e1)
((maxima-integerp e) e)
(($orderlessp e (neg e))
(sub 0 (opcons '$ceiling (neg e))))
((and (setq e1 (mget e '$numer)) (floor e1)))
((or (member e infinities) (eq e '$und) (eq e '$ind)) '$und)
( ( member e ' ( $ inf $ minf $ ind $ und ) ) e ) ; Proposed code
;; leave floor(infinity) as is
((or (eq e '$zerob)) -1)
((or (eq e '$zeroa)) 0)
((and ($constantp e) (pretty-good-floor-or-ceiling e '$floor)))
((mplusp e)
(let ((i-sum) (o-sum))
(multiple-value-setq (i-sum o-sum) (integer-part-of-sum e))
(setq o-sum (if (equal i-sum 0) `(($floor simp) ,o-sum)
(opcons '$floor o-sum)))
(add i-sum o-sum)))
handle 0 < e < 1 implies floor(e ) = 0 and
;; -1 < e < 0 implies floor(e) = -1.
((and (equal ($compare 0 e) "<") (equal ($compare e 1) "<")) 0)
((and (equal ($compare -1 e) "<") (equal ($compare e 0) "<")) -1)
(t `(($floor simp) ,e))))
(defun floor-integral (x)
(let ((f (take '($floor) x)))
(mul f (div 1 2) (add (mul 2 x) -1 (neg f)))))
(defun ceiling-integral (x)
(let ((f (take '($ceiling) x)))
(mul f (div 1 2) (add 1 (mul 2 x) (neg f)))))
(putprop '$floor `((x) ,#'floor-integral) 'integral)
(putprop '$ceiling `((x) ,#'ceiling-integral) 'integral)
(defprop $ceiling simp-ceiling operators)
(defprop $ceiling tex-matchfix tex)
(defprop $ceiling (("\\left \\lceil " ) " \\right \\rceil") texsym)
;; $ceiling distributes over lists, matrices, and equations.
(setf (get '$ceiling 'distribute_over) '(mlist $matrix mequal))
(defun simp-ceiling (e e1 z)
(oneargcheck e)
(setq e (simplifya (specrepcheck (nth 1 e)) z))
(cond ((numberp e) (ceiling e))
((ratnump e) (ceiling (cadr e) (caddr e)))
(($bfloatp e)
(sub 0 (opcons '$floor (sub 0 e))))
((maxima-integerp e) e)
(($orderlessp e (neg e))
(sub* 0 (opcons '$floor (neg e))))
((and (setq e1 (mget e '$numer)) (ceiling e1)))
((or (member e infinities) (eq e '$und) (eq e '$ind)) '$und)
((or (eq e '$zerob)) 0)
((or (eq e '$zeroa)) 1)
((and ($constantp e) (pretty-good-floor-or-ceiling e '$ceiling)))
((mplusp e)
(let ((i-sum) (o-sum))
(multiple-value-setq (i-sum o-sum) (integer-part-of-sum e))
(setq o-sum (if (equal i-sum 0) `(($ceiling simp) ,o-sum)
(opcons '$ceiling o-sum)))
(add i-sum o-sum)))
handle 0 < e < 1 implies ceiling(e ) = 1 and
;; -1 < e < 0 implies ceiling(e) = 0.
((and (equal ($compare 0 e) "<") (equal ($compare e 1) "<")) 1)
((and (equal ($compare -1 e) "<") (equal ($compare e 0) "<")) 0)
(t `(($ceiling simp) ,e))))
(defprop $mod simp-nummod operators)
(defprop $mod tex-infix tex)
(defprop $mod (" \\rm{mod} ") texsym)
(defprop $mod 180. tex-rbp)
(defprop $mod 180. tex-rbp)
;; $mod distributes over lists, matrices, and equations
(setf (get '$mod 'distribute_over) '(mlist $matrix mequal))
See " Concrete Mathematics , " Section 3.21 .
(defun simp-nummod (e e1 z)
(twoargcheck e)
(let ((x (simplifya (specrepcheck (cadr e)) z))
(y (simplifya (specrepcheck (caddr e)) z)))
(cond ((or (equal 0 y) (equal 0 x)) x)
((equal 1 y) (sub x (opcons '$floor x)))
((and ($constantp x) ($constantp y))
(sub x (mul y (opcons '$floor (div x y)))))
((not (equal 1 (setq e1 ($gcd x y))))
(mul e1 (opcons '$mod (div x e1) (div y e1))))
(t `(($mod simp) ,x ,y)))))
;; The function 'round' rounds a number to the nearest integer. For a tie, round to the
;; nearest even integer.
(defprop %round simp-round operators)
(setf (get '%round 'integer-valued) t)
(setf (get '%round 'reflection-rule) #'odd-function-reflect)
(setf (get '$round 'alias) '%round)
(setf (get '$round 'verb) '%round)
(setf (get '%round 'noun) '$round)
;; $round distributes over lists, matrices, and equations.
(setf (get '$round 'distribute_over) '(mlist $matrix mequal))
(defun simp-round (e yy z)
(oneargcheck e)
find a use for the otherwise unused YY .
(setq e (simplifya (specrepcheck (second e)) z))
(cond (($featurep e '$integer) e) ;; takes care of round(round(x)) --> round(x).
((member e '($inf $minf $und $ind) :test #'eq) e)
(let* ((lb (take '($floor) e))
(ub (take '($ceiling) e))
(sgn (csign (sub (sub ub e) (sub e lb)))))
(cond ((eq sgn t) `((,yy simp) ,e))
((eq sgn '$neg) ub)
((eq sgn '$pos) lb)
((alike lb ub) lb) ;; For floats that are integers, this can happen. Maybe featurep should catch this.
((and (eq sgn '$zero) ($featurep lb '$even)) lb)
((and (eq sgn '$zero) ($featurep ub '$even)) ub)
((apply-reflection-simp yy e t))
(t `((,yy simp) ,e)))))))
Round a number towards zero .
(defprop %truncate simp-truncate operators)
(setf (get '%truncate 'integer-valued) t)
(setf (get '%truncate 'reflection-rule) #'odd-function-reflect)
(setf (get '$truncate 'alias) '%truncate)
(setf (get '$truncate 'verb) '%truncate)
(setf (get '%truncate 'noun) '$truncate)
(defun simp-truncate (e yy z)
(oneargcheck e)
find a use for the otherwise unused YY .
(setq e (simplifya (specrepcheck (second e)) z))
(cond (($featurep e '$integer) e) ;; takes care of truncate(truncate(x)) --> truncate(x).
((member e '($inf $minf $und $ind) :test #'eq) e)
(let ((sgn (csign e)))
(cond ((member sgn '($neg $nz) :test #'eq) (take '($ceiling) e))
((member sgn '($zero $pz $pos) :test #'eq) (take '($floor) e))
((apply-reflection-simp yy e t))
(t `((,yy simp) ,e)))))))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sgbj/MaximaSharp/75067d7e045b9ed50883b5eb09803b4c8f391059/Test/bin/Debug/Maxima-5.30.0/share/maxima/5.30.0/src/nummod.lisp | lisp | Kearney NE 68847
This source code is licensed under the terms of the Lisp Lesser
any later version. When the preamble conflicts with the LGPL,
the preamble takes precedence.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
License along with this library; if not, write to the
Let's have version numbers 1,2,3,...
to true; it evaluates to 0 when 'pred' evaluates to false; otherwise,
it evaluates to a noun form.
$floor distributes over lists, matrices, and equations
$entier and $fix distributes over lists, matrices, and equations
When constantp(x) is true, we use bfloat evaluation to try to determine
the ceiling or floor. If numerical evaluation of e is ill-conditioned, this function
can misbehave. I'm somewhat uncomfortable with this, but it is no worse
values for fpprec. When the floating point evaluations are
inconsistent, bailout and return nil. I hope that this function is
much more likely to return nil than it is to return a bogus value.
To handle ceiling(%i^%i), we need to apply rectform. If bfloat
is improved, it might be possible to remove this call to rectform.
When x doesn't evaluate to a bigfloat, bailout and return nil.
evaluates to nil for a complex big float. If this ever changes,
this code might need to be repaired.
Let's say that the true value of x is in the interval
[f3 - |f3| * eps, f3 + |f3| * eps], where eps = 10^(20 - digits).
Define n to be the number of integers in this interval; we have
if n = 1 and ( use - radcan - p e ) and ( $ radcan e )
is a $ratnump, return floor / ceiling of radcan(x),
check for that.
(b) Since limit(f(x))=(m)inf implies limit(floor(f(x)))=(m)inf,
minf<limit(floor(f(x)))<inf, floor(ind)=ind
I think floor(complex number) should be undefined too. Some folks
this would violate the integer-valuedness of floor.
So floor(infinity) remains unsimplified
Proposed code
leave floor(infinity) as is
-1 < e < 0 implies floor(e) = -1.
$ceiling distributes over lists, matrices, and equations.
-1 < e < 0 implies ceiling(e) = 0.
$mod distributes over lists, matrices, and equations
The function 'round' rounds a number to the nearest integer. For a tie, round to the
nearest even integer.
$round distributes over lists, matrices, and equations.
takes care of round(round(x)) --> round(x).
For floats that are integers, this can happen. Maybe featurep should catch this.
takes care of truncate(truncate(x)) --> truncate(x). | Maxima functions for floor , ceiling , and friends
Copyright ( C ) 2004 , 2005 , 2007
Barton Willis
Department of Mathematics
University of Nebraska at Kearney
GNU Public License ( LLGPL ) . The LLGPL consists of a preamble , published
by Franz Inc. ( ) , and the GNU
Library General Public License ( LGPL ) , version 2 , or ( at your option )
Library General Public License for details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 51 Franklin St , Fifth Floor ,
Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
(in-package :maxima)
(macsyma-module nummod)
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
(mfuncall '$declare '$integervalued '$feature)
($put '$nummod 3 '$version))
(defmacro opcons (op &rest args)
`(simplify (list (list ,op) ,@args)))
charfun(pred ) evaluates to 1 when the predicate ' pred ' evaluates
(defprop $charfun simp-charfun operators)
(defprop %charfun simp-charfun operators)
(defun simp-charfun (e yy z)
(declare (ignore yy))
(oneargcheck e)
(setq e (take '($is) (simplifya (specrepcheck (second e)) z)))
(let ((bool (mevalp e)))
(cond ((eq t bool) 1)
((eq nil bool) 0)
((op-equalp e '$is) `(($charfun simp) ,(second e)))
(t `(($charfun simp) ,e)))))
(defun integer-part-of-sum (e)
(let ((i-sum 0) (n-sum 0) (o-sum 0) (n))
(setq e (margs e))
(dolist (ei e)
(cond ((maxima-integerp ei)
(setq i-sum (add ei i-sum)))
((or (ratnump ei) (floatp ei) ($bfloatp ei))
(setq n-sum (add ei n-sum)))
(setq o-sum (add ei o-sum)))))
(setq n (opcons '$floor n-sum))
(setq i-sum (add i-sum n))
(setq o-sum (add o-sum (sub n-sum n)))
(values i-sum o-sum)))
(defprop $floor simp-floor operators)
(defprop $floor tex-matchfix tex)
(defprop $floor (("\\left \\lfloor " ) " \\right \\rfloor") texsym)
(setf (get '$floor 'distribute_over) '(mlist $matrix mequal))
These for $ entier are copied from orthopoly / orthopoly - init.lisp .
(defprop $entier tex-matchfix tex)
(defprop $entier (("\\lfloor ") " \\rfloor") texsym)
(setf (get '$entier 'distribute_over) '(mlist $matrix mequal))
(setf (get '$fix 'distribute_over) '(mlist $matrix mequal))
For an example , see pretty - good - floor - or - ceiling . Code courtesy of .
(defmacro bind-fpprec (val &rest exprs)
`(let (fpprec bigfloatzero bigfloatone bfhalf bfmhalf)
(let (($fpprec (fpprec1 nil ,val)))
Return true if the expression can be formed using rational numbers , logs , mplus , , or mtimes .
(defun use-radcan-p (e)
(or ($ratnump e) (and (op-equalp e '%log 'mexpt 'mplus 'mtimes) (every 'use-radcan-p (cdr e)))))
than some other stuff . One safeguard -- the evaluation is done with three
(defun pretty-good-floor-or-ceiling (x fn &optional digits)
(let (($float2bf t) ($algebraic t) (f1) (f2) (f3) (eps) (lb) (ub) (n))
(setq digits (if (and (integerp digits) (> 0 digits)) digits 25))
(catch 'done
(setq x ($rectform x))
(if (not ($freeof '$%i '$minf '$inf '$und '$infinity x)) (throw 'done nil))
This happens when , for example , x = asin(2 ) . For now , bfloatp
(bind-fpprec digits
(setq f1 ($bfloat x))
(if (not ($bfloatp f1)) (throw 'done nil)))
(incf digits 20)
(setq f2 (bind-fpprec digits ($bfloat x)))
(if (not ($bfloatp f2)) (throw 'done nil))
(incf digits 20)
(bind-fpprec digits
(setq f3 ($bfloat x))
(if (not ($bfloatp f3)) (throw 'done nil))
(setq eps (power ($bfloat 10) (- 20 digits)))
(setq lb (sub f3 (mult (take '(mabs) f3) eps)))
(setq ub (add f3 (mult (take '(mabs) f3) eps)))
(setq n (sub (take '($ceiling) ub) (take '($ceiling) lb))))
(setq f1 (take (list fn) f1))
(setq f2 (take (list fn) f2))
(setq f3 (take (list fn) f3))
(cond ((and (= f1 f2 f3) (= n 0)) f1)
((and (= f1 f2 f3) (= n 1) (use-radcan-p x))
(setq x ($radcan x))
(if ($ratnump x) (take (list fn) x) nil))
(t nil)))))
( a ) The function fpentier rounds a bigfloat towards zero -- we need to
floor(inf / minf ) = inf / minf . Since implies
might like floor(a + % i b ) -- > floor(a ) + % i floor(b ) . But
(defun simp-floor (e e1 z)
(oneargcheck e)
(setq e (simplifya (specrepcheck (nth 1 e)) z))
(cond ((numberp e) (floor e))
((ratnump e) (floor (cadr e) (caddr e)))
(($bfloatp e)
(setq e1 (fpentier e))
(if (and (minusp (cadr e)) (not (zerop1 (sub e1 e))))
(1- e1)
((maxima-integerp e) e)
(($orderlessp e (neg e))
(sub 0 (opcons '$ceiling (neg e))))
((and (setq e1 (mget e '$numer)) (floor e1)))
((or (member e infinities) (eq e '$und) (eq e '$ind)) '$und)
((or (eq e '$zerob)) -1)
((or (eq e '$zeroa)) 0)
((and ($constantp e) (pretty-good-floor-or-ceiling e '$floor)))
((mplusp e)
(let ((i-sum) (o-sum))
(multiple-value-setq (i-sum o-sum) (integer-part-of-sum e))
(setq o-sum (if (equal i-sum 0) `(($floor simp) ,o-sum)
(opcons '$floor o-sum)))
(add i-sum o-sum)))
handle 0 < e < 1 implies floor(e ) = 0 and
((and (equal ($compare 0 e) "<") (equal ($compare e 1) "<")) 0)
((and (equal ($compare -1 e) "<") (equal ($compare e 0) "<")) -1)
(t `(($floor simp) ,e))))
(defun floor-integral (x)
(let ((f (take '($floor) x)))
(mul f (div 1 2) (add (mul 2 x) -1 (neg f)))))
(defun ceiling-integral (x)
(let ((f (take '($ceiling) x)))
(mul f (div 1 2) (add 1 (mul 2 x) (neg f)))))
(putprop '$floor `((x) ,#'floor-integral) 'integral)
(putprop '$ceiling `((x) ,#'ceiling-integral) 'integral)
(defprop $ceiling simp-ceiling operators)
(defprop $ceiling tex-matchfix tex)
(defprop $ceiling (("\\left \\lceil " ) " \\right \\rceil") texsym)
(setf (get '$ceiling 'distribute_over) '(mlist $matrix mequal))
(defun simp-ceiling (e e1 z)
(oneargcheck e)
(setq e (simplifya (specrepcheck (nth 1 e)) z))
(cond ((numberp e) (ceiling e))
((ratnump e) (ceiling (cadr e) (caddr e)))
(($bfloatp e)
(sub 0 (opcons '$floor (sub 0 e))))
((maxima-integerp e) e)
(($orderlessp e (neg e))
(sub* 0 (opcons '$floor (neg e))))
((and (setq e1 (mget e '$numer)) (ceiling e1)))
((or (member e infinities) (eq e '$und) (eq e '$ind)) '$und)
((or (eq e '$zerob)) 0)
((or (eq e '$zeroa)) 1)
((and ($constantp e) (pretty-good-floor-or-ceiling e '$ceiling)))
((mplusp e)
(let ((i-sum) (o-sum))
(multiple-value-setq (i-sum o-sum) (integer-part-of-sum e))
(setq o-sum (if (equal i-sum 0) `(($ceiling simp) ,o-sum)
(opcons '$ceiling o-sum)))
(add i-sum o-sum)))
handle 0 < e < 1 implies ceiling(e ) = 1 and
((and (equal ($compare 0 e) "<") (equal ($compare e 1) "<")) 1)
((and (equal ($compare -1 e) "<") (equal ($compare e 0) "<")) 0)
(t `(($ceiling simp) ,e))))
(defprop $mod simp-nummod operators)
(defprop $mod tex-infix tex)
(defprop $mod (" \\rm{mod} ") texsym)
(defprop $mod 180. tex-rbp)
(defprop $mod 180. tex-rbp)
(setf (get '$mod 'distribute_over) '(mlist $matrix mequal))
See " Concrete Mathematics , " Section 3.21 .
(defun simp-nummod (e e1 z)
(twoargcheck e)
(let ((x (simplifya (specrepcheck (cadr e)) z))
(y (simplifya (specrepcheck (caddr e)) z)))
(cond ((or (equal 0 y) (equal 0 x)) x)
((equal 1 y) (sub x (opcons '$floor x)))
((and ($constantp x) ($constantp y))
(sub x (mul y (opcons '$floor (div x y)))))
((not (equal 1 (setq e1 ($gcd x y))))
(mul e1 (opcons '$mod (div x e1) (div y e1))))
(t `(($mod simp) ,x ,y)))))
(defprop %round simp-round operators)
(setf (get '%round 'integer-valued) t)
(setf (get '%round 'reflection-rule) #'odd-function-reflect)
(setf (get '$round 'alias) '%round)
(setf (get '$round 'verb) '%round)
(setf (get '%round 'noun) '$round)
(setf (get '$round 'distribute_over) '(mlist $matrix mequal))
(defun simp-round (e yy z)
(oneargcheck e)
find a use for the otherwise unused YY .
(setq e (simplifya (specrepcheck (second e)) z))
((member e '($inf $minf $und $ind) :test #'eq) e)
(let* ((lb (take '($floor) e))
(ub (take '($ceiling) e))
(sgn (csign (sub (sub ub e) (sub e lb)))))
(cond ((eq sgn t) `((,yy simp) ,e))
((eq sgn '$neg) ub)
((eq sgn '$pos) lb)
((and (eq sgn '$zero) ($featurep lb '$even)) lb)
((and (eq sgn '$zero) ($featurep ub '$even)) ub)
((apply-reflection-simp yy e t))
(t `((,yy simp) ,e)))))))
Round a number towards zero .
(defprop %truncate simp-truncate operators)
(setf (get '%truncate 'integer-valued) t)
(setf (get '%truncate 'reflection-rule) #'odd-function-reflect)
(setf (get '$truncate 'alias) '%truncate)
(setf (get '$truncate 'verb) '%truncate)
(setf (get '%truncate 'noun) '$truncate)
(defun simp-truncate (e yy z)
(oneargcheck e)
find a use for the otherwise unused YY .
(setq e (simplifya (specrepcheck (second e)) z))
((member e '($inf $minf $und $ind) :test #'eq) e)
(let ((sgn (csign e)))
(cond ((member sgn '($neg $nz) :test #'eq) (take '($ceiling) e))
((member sgn '($zero $pz $pos) :test #'eq) (take '($floor) e))
((apply-reflection-simp yy e t))
(t `((,yy simp) ,e)))))))
fb8d39fb6059ba102a385d30a9f201f49989849851defe89798eeec4139cc6cb | FlowerWrong/mblog | attrs.erl | %% ---
Excerpted from " Programming Erlang , Second Edition " ,
published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf .
%% Copyrights apply to this code. It may not be used to create training material,
%% courses, books, articles, and the like. Contact us if you are in doubt.
%% We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose.
%% Visit for more book information.
-purpose("example of attributes").
fac(1) -> 1;
fac(N) -> N * fac(N-1).
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FlowerWrong/mblog/3233ede938d2019a7b57391405197ac19c805b27/categories/erlang/demo/jaerlang2_code/attrs.erl | erlang | ---
Copyrights apply to this code. It may not be used to create training material,
courses, books, articles, and the like. Contact us if you are in doubt.
We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose.
Visit for more book information.
--- | Excerpted from " Programming Erlang , Second Edition " ,
published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf .
-purpose("example of attributes").
fac(1) -> 1;
fac(N) -> N * fac(N-1).
1215aeb37503b2395331c93d9d2b18ff18bf1e71387062454218e12d5146e173 | iand675/hs-opentelemetry | Cloudflare.hs | {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Cloudflare where
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Network.Wai
import OpenTelemetry.Attributes (PrimitiveAttribute (..), ToAttribute (..))
import OpenTelemetry.Context
import OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Wai (requestContext)
import OpenTelemetry.Trace.Core (addAttributes)
cloudflareInstrumentationMiddleware :: Middleware
cloudflareInstrumentationMiddleware app req sendResp = do
let mCtxt = requestContext req
forM_ mCtxt $ \ctxt -> do
forM_ (lookupSpan ctxt) $ \span_ -> do
addAttributes span_ $
( \hn -> case Data.List.lookup hn $ requestHeaders req of
Nothing -> []
Just val ->
( "http.request.header." <> T.decodeUtf8 (CI.foldedCase hn)
, toAttribute $ T.decodeUtf8 val
app req sendResp
headers =
[ "cf-connecting-ip"
, "true-client-ip"
, "cf-ray"
CF - Visitor
, -- CDN-Loop
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iand675/hs-opentelemetry/b08550db292ca0d8b9ce9156988e6d08dd6a2e61/instrumentation/cloudflare/src/OpenTelemetry/Instrumentation/Cloudflare.hs | haskell | # LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #
CDN-Loop |
module OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Cloudflare where
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Network.Wai
import OpenTelemetry.Attributes (PrimitiveAttribute (..), ToAttribute (..))
import OpenTelemetry.Context
import OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Wai (requestContext)
import OpenTelemetry.Trace.Core (addAttributes)
cloudflareInstrumentationMiddleware :: Middleware
cloudflareInstrumentationMiddleware app req sendResp = do
let mCtxt = requestContext req
forM_ mCtxt $ \ctxt -> do
forM_ (lookupSpan ctxt) $ \span_ -> do
addAttributes span_ $
( \hn -> case Data.List.lookup hn $ requestHeaders req of
Nothing -> []
Just val ->
( "http.request.header." <> T.decodeUtf8 (CI.foldedCase hn)
, toAttribute $ T.decodeUtf8 val
app req sendResp
headers =
[ "cf-connecting-ip"
, "true-client-ip"
, "cf-ray"
CF - Visitor
a37f75de77c0682631c37d3688e97566ed29143272fa9fafd05f4d480d4f8b95 | gfngfn/toy-macro-ml | richPrinting.ml |
open Syntax
let show_mono_type ty =
let rec aux isdom (_, tymain) =
match tymain with
| BaseType(IntType) -> "int"
| BaseType(BoolType) -> "bool"
| CodeType(ty1) ->
let s = aux true ty1 in
"@" ^ s
| FuncType(ty1, ty2) ->
let s1 = aux true ty1 in
let s2 = aux false ty2 in
let s = s1 ^ " -> " ^ s2 in
if isdom then "(" ^ s ^ ")" else s
aux false ty
let pp_mono_type ppf ty =
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (show_mono_type ty)
type level =
| AppLeft
| AppRight
| Free
let enclose_app_left ppf lev pp =
match lev with
| AppLeft -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%a)" pp ()
| AppRight | Free -> pp ppf ()
let enclose_app_right ppf lev pp =
match lev with
| AppLeft | AppRight -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%a)" pp ()
| Free -> pp ppf ()
let pp_ev_value ppf = function
| ValInt(n) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%d" n
| ValBool(b) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%B" b
let rec pp_ev_value_1 lev ppf = function
| V1Embed(c) ->
pp_ev_value ppf c
| V1Symbol(symb) ->
Symbol.pp ppf symb
| V1Apply(v1, v2) ->
enclose_app_left ppf lev (fun ppf () ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a %a"
(pp_ev_value_1 AppRight) v1
(pp_ev_value_1 AppLeft) v2
| V1Fix(None, sx, v0) ->
enclose_app_right ppf lev (fun ppf () ->
Format.fprintf ppf "fun %a -> %a"
Symbol.pp sx
(pp_ev_value_1 Free) v0
| V1Fix(Some(sf), sx, v0) ->
enclose_app_right ppf lev (fun ppf () ->
Format.fprintf ppf "fix %a fun %a -> %a"
Symbol.pp sf
Symbol.pp sx
(pp_ev_value_1 Free) v0
| V1Primitive(x) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" x
| V1If(v0, v1, v2) ->
enclose_app_right ppf lev (fun ppf () ->
Format.fprintf ppf "if %a then %a else %a"
(pp_ev_value_1 Free) v0
(pp_ev_value_1 Free) v1
(pp_ev_value_1 Free) v2
and pp_ev_value_0 lev ppf = function
| V0Embed(c) ->
pp_ev_value ppf c
| V0Closure(_) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "<fun>"
| V0Primitive(x) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" x
| V0Next(v1) ->
enclose_app_left ppf lev (fun ppf () ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@@%a" (pp_ev_value_1 AppLeft) v1
let pp_ev_value_1_single = pp_ev_value_1 AppLeft
let pp_ev_value_0_single = pp_ev_value_0 AppLeft
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gfngfn/toy-macro-ml/7a5eecfc53691adbd91ceba78f8dac3ef8790054/src/richPrinting.ml | ocaml |
open Syntax
let show_mono_type ty =
let rec aux isdom (_, tymain) =
match tymain with
| BaseType(IntType) -> "int"
| BaseType(BoolType) -> "bool"
| CodeType(ty1) ->
let s = aux true ty1 in
"@" ^ s
| FuncType(ty1, ty2) ->
let s1 = aux true ty1 in
let s2 = aux false ty2 in
let s = s1 ^ " -> " ^ s2 in
if isdom then "(" ^ s ^ ")" else s
aux false ty
let pp_mono_type ppf ty =
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (show_mono_type ty)
type level =
| AppLeft
| AppRight
| Free
let enclose_app_left ppf lev pp =
match lev with
| AppLeft -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%a)" pp ()
| AppRight | Free -> pp ppf ()
let enclose_app_right ppf lev pp =
match lev with
| AppLeft | AppRight -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%a)" pp ()
| Free -> pp ppf ()
let pp_ev_value ppf = function
| ValInt(n) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%d" n
| ValBool(b) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%B" b
let rec pp_ev_value_1 lev ppf = function
| V1Embed(c) ->
pp_ev_value ppf c
| V1Symbol(symb) ->
Symbol.pp ppf symb
| V1Apply(v1, v2) ->
enclose_app_left ppf lev (fun ppf () ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a %a"
(pp_ev_value_1 AppRight) v1
(pp_ev_value_1 AppLeft) v2
| V1Fix(None, sx, v0) ->
enclose_app_right ppf lev (fun ppf () ->
Format.fprintf ppf "fun %a -> %a"
Symbol.pp sx
(pp_ev_value_1 Free) v0
| V1Fix(Some(sf), sx, v0) ->
enclose_app_right ppf lev (fun ppf () ->
Format.fprintf ppf "fix %a fun %a -> %a"
Symbol.pp sf
Symbol.pp sx
(pp_ev_value_1 Free) v0
| V1Primitive(x) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" x
| V1If(v0, v1, v2) ->
enclose_app_right ppf lev (fun ppf () ->
Format.fprintf ppf "if %a then %a else %a"
(pp_ev_value_1 Free) v0
(pp_ev_value_1 Free) v1
(pp_ev_value_1 Free) v2
and pp_ev_value_0 lev ppf = function
| V0Embed(c) ->
pp_ev_value ppf c
| V0Closure(_) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "<fun>"
| V0Primitive(x) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" x
| V0Next(v1) ->
enclose_app_left ppf lev (fun ppf () ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@@%a" (pp_ev_value_1 AppLeft) v1
let pp_ev_value_1_single = pp_ev_value_1 AppLeft
let pp_ev_value_0_single = pp_ev_value_0 AppLeft
ca9893dffae48c277ad6c8ba07cbe568058a078c8cc4495d5fae0072e7b0e131 | yogthos/yuggoth | auth.clj | (ns yuggoth.routes.services.auth
(:require [yuggoth.db.core :as db]
[yuggoth.config :refer [text]]
[noir.session :as session]
[noir.util.crypt :as crypt])
(:import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
(defn auth [req]
(get-in req [:headers "authorization"]))
(defn decode-auth [encoded]
(let [auth (second (.split encoded " "))]
(-> (Base64/decodeBase64 auth)
(String. (Charset/forName "UTF-8"))
(.split ":"))))
(defn login! [req]
(let [admin (db/get-admin)
[user pass] (decode-auth (auth req))]
(if (and (= user (:handle admin))
(crypt/compare pass (:pass admin)))
(do (session/put! :admin admin)
{:result "ok"})
{:error (text :wrong-password)})))
(defn logout! []
{:result "ok"})
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yogthos/yuggoth/901541c5809fb1e77c249f26a3aa5df894c88242/src/yuggoth/routes/services/auth.clj | clojure | (ns yuggoth.routes.services.auth
(:require [yuggoth.db.core :as db]
[yuggoth.config :refer [text]]
[noir.session :as session]
[noir.util.crypt :as crypt])
(:import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
(defn auth [req]
(get-in req [:headers "authorization"]))
(defn decode-auth [encoded]
(let [auth (second (.split encoded " "))]
(-> (Base64/decodeBase64 auth)
(String. (Charset/forName "UTF-8"))
(.split ":"))))
(defn login! [req]
(let [admin (db/get-admin)
[user pass] (decode-auth (auth req))]
(if (and (= user (:handle admin))
(crypt/compare pass (:pass admin)))
(do (session/put! :admin admin)
{:result "ok"})
{:error (text :wrong-password)})))
(defn logout! []
{:result "ok"})
db3fe1d3c7b6b03621f69bcf67825a9998ff4382fbaa83ced5584c45984f0204 | bmeurer/ocaml-arm | camlinternalMod.mli | (***********************************************************************)
(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
, projet Cristal , INRIA Rocquencourt
(* *)
Copyright 2004 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et
en Automatique . All rights reserved . This file is distributed
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License , with
(* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *)
(* *)
$ Id$
(** Run-time support for recursive modules.
All functions in this module are for system use only, not for the
casual user. *)
type shape =
| Function
| Lazy
| Class
| Module of shape array
val init_mod: string * int * int -> shape -> Obj.t
val update_mod: shape -> Obj.t -> Obj.t -> unit
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bmeurer/ocaml-arm/43f7689c76a349febe3d06ae7a4fc1d52984fd8b/stdlib/camlinternalMod.mli | ocaml | *********************************************************************
the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE.
* Run-time support for recursive modules.
All functions in this module are for system use only, not for the
casual user. | , projet Cristal , INRIA Rocquencourt
Copyright 2004 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et
en Automatique . All rights reserved . This file is distributed
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License , with
$ Id$
type shape =
| Function
| Lazy
| Class
| Module of shape array
val init_mod: string * int * int -> shape -> Obj.t
val update_mod: shape -> Obj.t -> Obj.t -> unit
1a2a00bce79b24132d200673548fffe099b29baf66ee6cb04ef51df4827ea1a5 | data61/Mirza | Users.hs | {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #
module Mirza.OrgRegistry.Handlers.Users
, addUser
, addUserOnlyId
, addUserQuery
, getUserByIdQuery
) where
import qualified Mirza.OrgRegistry.Database.Schema as Schema
import Mirza.OrgRegistry.Types as ORT
import Servant.API (NoContent (..))
import Database.Beam as B
import Database.Beam.Backend.SQL.BeamExtensions
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack,
-- Nothing needs to be done by this endpoint, because by the time that this
-- function is called the user will already be added to the users table (this
happens via ` ( transformUser0 addUserAuth ) ` which calls ` oauthClaimsToAuthUser `
-- and adds the user to the database if not present). This could be achieved by
-- calling any of the other private endpoints, but we have made this endpoint so
-- that there is a well defined intuitive process for "regsitering" a user with
-- the system. This function also acts as a placeholder incase we ever want to
-- add any other associated metadata when adding a user to the system.
addUserAuth :: AuthUser -> AppM context err NoContent
addUserAuth _ = pure NoContent
addUserOnlyId :: ( Member context '[HasDB]
, Member err '[AsORError, AsSqlError])
=> NewUser
-> AppM context err OAuthSub
addUserOnlyId user = Schema.user_oauth_sub <$> (addUser user)
addUser :: ( Member context '[HasDB]
, Member err '[AsORError, AsSqlError])
=> NewUser
-> AppM context err Schema.User
addUser = runDb . addUserQuery
-- | Inserts the user into the database.
addUserQuery :: (AsORError err, HasCallStack)
=> NewUser
-> DB context err Schema.User
addUserQuery (ORT.NewUser oauthSub) = do
TODO : use Database . Beam . Backend . SQL.runReturningOne ?
res <- pg $ runInsertReturningList$ insert (Schema._users Schema.orgRegistryDB) $
[Schema.UserT oauthSub Nothing]
case res of
[r] -> pure $ r
-- The user creation has failed, but we can't really think of what would lead to this case.
_ -> throwing _UserCreationErrorORE ((show res), callStack)
getUserByIdQuery :: OAuthSub -> DB context err (Maybe Schema.User)
getUserByIdQuery oAuthSub = do
r <- pg $ runSelectReturningList $ select $ do
user <- all_ (Schema._users Schema.orgRegistryDB)
guard_ (Schema.user_oauth_sub user ==. val_ oAuthSub)
pure user
case r of
[user] -> pure $ Just user
_ -> pure Nothing
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/data61/Mirza/24e5ccddfc307cceebcc5ce26d35e91020b8ee10/projects/or_scs/src/Mirza/OrgRegistry/Handlers/Users.hs | haskell | # LANGUAGE DataKinds #
# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #
Nothing needs to be done by this endpoint, because by the time that this
function is called the user will already be added to the users table (this
and adds the user to the database if not present). This could be achieved by
calling any of the other private endpoints, but we have made this endpoint so
that there is a well defined intuitive process for "regsitering" a user with
the system. This function also acts as a placeholder incase we ever want to
add any other associated metadata when adding a user to the system.
| Inserts the user into the database.
The user creation has failed, but we can't really think of what would lead to this case. | # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #
module Mirza.OrgRegistry.Handlers.Users
, addUser
, addUserOnlyId
, addUserQuery
, getUserByIdQuery
) where
import qualified Mirza.OrgRegistry.Database.Schema as Schema
import Mirza.OrgRegistry.Types as ORT
import Servant.API (NoContent (..))
import Database.Beam as B
import Database.Beam.Backend.SQL.BeamExtensions
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack,
happens via ` ( transformUser0 addUserAuth ) ` which calls ` oauthClaimsToAuthUser `
addUserAuth :: AuthUser -> AppM context err NoContent
addUserAuth _ = pure NoContent
addUserOnlyId :: ( Member context '[HasDB]
, Member err '[AsORError, AsSqlError])
=> NewUser
-> AppM context err OAuthSub
addUserOnlyId user = Schema.user_oauth_sub <$> (addUser user)
addUser :: ( Member context '[HasDB]
, Member err '[AsORError, AsSqlError])
=> NewUser
-> AppM context err Schema.User
addUser = runDb . addUserQuery
addUserQuery :: (AsORError err, HasCallStack)
=> NewUser
-> DB context err Schema.User
addUserQuery (ORT.NewUser oauthSub) = do
TODO : use Database . Beam . Backend . SQL.runReturningOne ?
res <- pg $ runInsertReturningList$ insert (Schema._users Schema.orgRegistryDB) $
[Schema.UserT oauthSub Nothing]
case res of
[r] -> pure $ r
_ -> throwing _UserCreationErrorORE ((show res), callStack)
getUserByIdQuery :: OAuthSub -> DB context err (Maybe Schema.User)
getUserByIdQuery oAuthSub = do
r <- pg $ runSelectReturningList $ select $ do
user <- all_ (Schema._users Schema.orgRegistryDB)
guard_ (Schema.user_oauth_sub user ==. val_ oAuthSub)
pure user
case r of
[user] -> pure $ Just user
_ -> pure Nothing
9c815dbd397eccaf66d2c489f10d652d8fe0af64b20d28a2caa93d0beb57a8a5 | babashka/pod-registry | filewatcher.clj | #!/usr/bin/env bb
(require '[babashka.pods :as pods])
(pods/load-pod 'org.babashka/filewatcher "0.0.1")
(require '[pod.babashka.filewatcher :as fw])
(fw/watch "." (fn [event] (prn event)) {:delay-ms 5000})
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/babashka/pod-registry/73a6ae926647cf22d10ff507be54a53b864b4a3b/examples/filewatcher.clj | clojure | #!/usr/bin/env bb
(require '[babashka.pods :as pods])
(pods/load-pod 'org.babashka/filewatcher "0.0.1")
(require '[pod.babashka.filewatcher :as fw])
(fw/watch "." (fn [event] (prn event)) {:delay-ms 5000})
68980685082eefdcd7bdd4449053b6638d3d14ca78b10aef580ddf636c4bfeb9 | clojure/test.check | random.clj | Copyright ( c ) , , and contributors .
; All rights reserved.
; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (-1.0.php)
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
; the terms of this license.
; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(ns ^{:author "Gary Fredericks"
:doc "Purely functional and splittable pseudo-random number generators."}
(:refer-clojure :exclude [unsigned-bit-shift-right]))
(defprotocol IRandom
(rand-long [rng]
"Returns a random long based on the given immutable RNG.
Note: to maintain independence you should not call more than one
function in the IRandom protocol with the same argument")
(rand-double [rng]
"Returns a random double between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive)
based on the given immutable RNG.
Note: to maintain independence you should not call more than one
function in the IRandom protocol with the same argument")
(split [rng]
"Returns two new RNGs [rng1 rng2], which should generate
sufficiently independent random data.
Note: to maintain independence you should not call more than one
function in the IRandom protocol with the same argument")
(split-n [rng n]
"Returns a collection of `n` RNGs, which should generate
sufficiently independent random data.
Note: to maintain independence you should not call more than one
function in the IRandom protocol with the same argument"))
Immutable version of Java 8 's java.util . SplittableRandom
;; Meant to give the same results as similar uses of
;; java.util.SplittableRandom, in particular:
(= ( - > ( make - java - util - splittable - random 42 )
;; (rand-long))
( .nextLong ( SplittableRandom . 42 ) ) )
(= ( - > ( make - java - util - splittable - random 42 )
;; (split)
( first )
;; (rand-long))
( .nextLong ( doto ( SplittableRandom . 42 )
;; (.split))))
(= ( - > ( make - java - util - splittable - random 42 )
;; (split)
( second )
;; (rand-long))
( ( .split ( SplittableRandom . 42 ) ) ) )
;; Also see the spec that checks this equivalency.
backwards compatibility for clojure 1.5
(def ^:private old-clojure?
(not (resolve 'clojure.core/unsigned-bit-shift-right)))
(defmacro ^:private unsigned-bit-shift-right
[x n]
{:pre [(<= 1 n 63)]}
(if old-clojure?
(let [mask (-> Long/MIN_VALUE
(bit-shift-right (dec n))
`(-> ~x
(bit-shift-right ~n)
(bit-and ~mask)))
`(clojure.core/unsigned-bit-shift-right ~x ~n)))
(defmacro ^:private longify
"Macro for writing arbitrary longs in the java 0x syntax. E.g.
0x9e3779b97f4a7c15 (which is read as a bigint because it's out
of range) becomes -7046029254386353131."
(if (> num Long/MAX_VALUE)
(-> num
(- 18446744073709551616N)
(bit-or -9223372036854775808))
(set! *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed)
(defmacro ^:private bxoubsr
"Performs (-> x (unsigned-bit-shift-right n) (bit-xor x))."
[x n]
`(let [x# ~x]
(-> x# (unsigned-bit-shift-right ~n) (bit-xor x#)))
assoc :tag 'long))
(defmacro ^:private mix-64
`(-> ~n
(bxoubsr 30)
(* (longify 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9))
(bxoubsr 27)
(* (longify 0x94d049bb133111eb))
(bxoubsr 31)))
(defmacro ^:private mix-gamma
`(-> ~n
(bxoubsr 33)
(* (longify 0xff51afd7ed558ccd))
(bxoubsr 33)
(* (longify 0xc4ceb9fe1a85ec53))
(bxoubsr 33)
(bit-or 1)
(as-> z#
(cond-> z#
(> 24 (-> z#
(bxoubsr 1)
(bit-xor (longify 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa))))))
(def ^:private ^:const double-unit (/ 1.0 (double (bit-set 0 53))))
Java : 0x1.0p-53 or ( 1.0 / ( 1L < < 53 ) )
(deftype JavaUtilSplittableRandom [^long gamma ^long state]
(rand-long [_]
(-> state (+ gamma) (mix-64)))
(rand-double [this]
(* double-unit (unsigned-bit-shift-right (long (rand-long this)) 11)))
(split [this]
(let [state' (+ gamma state)
state'' (+ gamma state')
gamma' (mix-gamma state'')]
[(JavaUtilSplittableRandom. gamma state'')
(JavaUtilSplittableRandom. gamma' (mix-64 state'))]))
(split-n [this n]
immitates a particular series of 2 - way splits , but avoids the
;; intermediate allocation. See the `split-n-spec` for a test of
the equivalence to 2 - way splits .
(let [n (long n)]
(case n
0 []
1 [this]
(let [n-dec (dec n)]
(loop [state state
ret (transient [])]
(if (= n-dec (count ret))
(-> ret
(conj! (JavaUtilSplittableRandom. gamma state))
(let [state' (+ gamma state)
state'' (+ gamma state')
gamma' (mix-gamma state'')
new-rng (JavaUtilSplittableRandom. gamma' (mix-64 state'))]
(recur state'' (conj! ret new-rng))))))))))
(def ^:private golden-gamma
(longify 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15))
(defn make-java-util-splittable-random
[^long seed]
(JavaUtilSplittableRandom. golden-gamma seed))
;; some global state to make sure that seedless calls to make-random
;; return independent results
(def ^:private next-rng
"Returns a random-number generator. Successive calls should return
independent results."
(let [a (atom (make-java-util-splittable-random (System/currentTimeMillis)))
(proxy [ThreadLocal] []
(initialValue []
(first (split (swap! a #(second (split %)))))))]
(fn []
(let [rng (.get thread-local)
[rng1 rng2] (split rng)]
(.set thread-local rng2)
(defn make-random
"Given an optional Long seed, returns an object that satisfies the
IRandom protocol."
([] (next-rng))
([seed] (make-java-util-splittable-random seed)))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clojure/test.check/c05034f911fa140913958b79aa51017d3f2f4426/src/main/clojure/clojure/test/check/random.clj | clojure | All rights reserved.
The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
Eclipse Public License 1.0 (-1.0.php)
which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
the terms of this license.
You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
Meant to give the same results as similar uses of
java.util.SplittableRandom, in particular:
Also see the spec that checks this equivalency.
intermediate allocation. See the `split-n-spec` for a test of
some global state to make sure that seedless calls to make-random
return independent results | Copyright ( c ) , , and contributors .
(ns ^{:author "Gary Fredericks"
:doc "Purely functional and splittable pseudo-random number generators."}
(:refer-clojure :exclude [unsigned-bit-shift-right]))
(defprotocol IRandom
(rand-long [rng]
"Returns a random long based on the given immutable RNG.
Note: to maintain independence you should not call more than one
function in the IRandom protocol with the same argument")
(rand-double [rng]
"Returns a random double between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive)
based on the given immutable RNG.
Note: to maintain independence you should not call more than one
function in the IRandom protocol with the same argument")
(split [rng]
"Returns two new RNGs [rng1 rng2], which should generate
sufficiently independent random data.
Note: to maintain independence you should not call more than one
function in the IRandom protocol with the same argument")
(split-n [rng n]
"Returns a collection of `n` RNGs, which should generate
sufficiently independent random data.
Note: to maintain independence you should not call more than one
function in the IRandom protocol with the same argument"))
Immutable version of Java 8 's java.util . SplittableRandom
(= ( - > ( make - java - util - splittable - random 42 )
( .nextLong ( SplittableRandom . 42 ) ) )
(= ( - > ( make - java - util - splittable - random 42 )
( first )
( .nextLong ( doto ( SplittableRandom . 42 )
(= ( - > ( make - java - util - splittable - random 42 )
( second )
( ( .split ( SplittableRandom . 42 ) ) ) )
backwards compatibility for clojure 1.5
(def ^:private old-clojure?
(not (resolve 'clojure.core/unsigned-bit-shift-right)))
(defmacro ^:private unsigned-bit-shift-right
[x n]
{:pre [(<= 1 n 63)]}
(if old-clojure?
(let [mask (-> Long/MIN_VALUE
(bit-shift-right (dec n))
`(-> ~x
(bit-shift-right ~n)
(bit-and ~mask)))
`(clojure.core/unsigned-bit-shift-right ~x ~n)))
(defmacro ^:private longify
"Macro for writing arbitrary longs in the java 0x syntax. E.g.
0x9e3779b97f4a7c15 (which is read as a bigint because it's out
of range) becomes -7046029254386353131."
(if (> num Long/MAX_VALUE)
(-> num
(- 18446744073709551616N)
(bit-or -9223372036854775808))
(set! *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed)
(defmacro ^:private bxoubsr
"Performs (-> x (unsigned-bit-shift-right n) (bit-xor x))."
[x n]
`(let [x# ~x]
(-> x# (unsigned-bit-shift-right ~n) (bit-xor x#)))
assoc :tag 'long))
(defmacro ^:private mix-64
`(-> ~n
(bxoubsr 30)
(* (longify 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9))
(bxoubsr 27)
(* (longify 0x94d049bb133111eb))
(bxoubsr 31)))
(defmacro ^:private mix-gamma
`(-> ~n
(bxoubsr 33)
(* (longify 0xff51afd7ed558ccd))
(bxoubsr 33)
(* (longify 0xc4ceb9fe1a85ec53))
(bxoubsr 33)
(bit-or 1)
(as-> z#
(cond-> z#
(> 24 (-> z#
(bxoubsr 1)
(bit-xor (longify 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa))))))
(def ^:private ^:const double-unit (/ 1.0 (double (bit-set 0 53))))
Java : 0x1.0p-53 or ( 1.0 / ( 1L < < 53 ) )
(deftype JavaUtilSplittableRandom [^long gamma ^long state]
(rand-long [_]
(-> state (+ gamma) (mix-64)))
(rand-double [this]
(* double-unit (unsigned-bit-shift-right (long (rand-long this)) 11)))
(split [this]
(let [state' (+ gamma state)
state'' (+ gamma state')
gamma' (mix-gamma state'')]
[(JavaUtilSplittableRandom. gamma state'')
(JavaUtilSplittableRandom. gamma' (mix-64 state'))]))
(split-n [this n]
immitates a particular series of 2 - way splits , but avoids the
the equivalence to 2 - way splits .
(let [n (long n)]
(case n
0 []
1 [this]
(let [n-dec (dec n)]
(loop [state state
ret (transient [])]
(if (= n-dec (count ret))
(-> ret
(conj! (JavaUtilSplittableRandom. gamma state))
(let [state' (+ gamma state)
state'' (+ gamma state')
gamma' (mix-gamma state'')
new-rng (JavaUtilSplittableRandom. gamma' (mix-64 state'))]
(recur state'' (conj! ret new-rng))))))))))
(def ^:private golden-gamma
(longify 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15))
(defn make-java-util-splittable-random
[^long seed]
(JavaUtilSplittableRandom. golden-gamma seed))
(def ^:private next-rng
"Returns a random-number generator. Successive calls should return
independent results."
(let [a (atom (make-java-util-splittable-random (System/currentTimeMillis)))
(proxy [ThreadLocal] []
(initialValue []
(first (split (swap! a #(second (split %)))))))]
(fn []
(let [rng (.get thread-local)
[rng1 rng2] (split rng)]
(.set thread-local rng2)
(defn make-random
"Given an optional Long seed, returns an object that satisfies the
IRandom protocol."
([] (next-rng))
([seed] (make-java-util-splittable-random seed)))
096d89f9790713dcaaf534e241fe1b68332cd0c08dca4d878337373b654cac8b | mokus0/junkbox | BananaUtils.hs | module FRP.BananaUtils where
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Either
import Reactive.Banana
-- interesting combinators reactive-banana could easily be extended with...
-- (presumably using some more-efficient implementations)
partitionE :: (a -> Bool) -> Event t a -> (Event t a, Event t a)
partitionE p = filterE p &&& filterE (not . p)
partitionEithersE :: Event t (Either a b) -> (Event t a, Event t b)
partitionEithersE = (filterJust . fmap (either Just nothing)) &&& (filterJust . fmap (either nothing Just))
where nothing = const Nothing
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mokus0/junkbox/151014bbef9db2b9205209df66c418d6d58b0d9e/Haskell/FRP/BananaUtils.hs | haskell | interesting combinators reactive-banana could easily be extended with...
(presumably using some more-efficient implementations) | module FRP.BananaUtils where
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Either
import Reactive.Banana
partitionE :: (a -> Bool) -> Event t a -> (Event t a, Event t a)
partitionE p = filterE p &&& filterE (not . p)
partitionEithersE :: Event t (Either a b) -> (Event t a, Event t b)
partitionEithersE = (filterJust . fmap (either Just nothing)) &&& (filterJust . fmap (either nothing Just))
where nothing = const Nothing
0cb979385cb474a60cd409bedc3c14caa7f01321faa38bcd5adba76a3681b740 | haskell-works/hw-koans | Ord.hs | module Koan.Ord where
import Prelude hiding (max, maximum, min, minimum)
enrolled :: Bool
enrolled = True
-- Introduction to generics
max :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
max a b = if a > b then a else b
min :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
min a b = if a < b then a else b
maximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
maximum (x:y:xs) = x `max` maximum (y:xs)
maximum [x] = x
minimum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
minimum (x:y:xs) = x `min` minimum (y:xs)
minimum [x] = x
insert :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
insert e ls = go (compare) e ls
where go _ x [] = [x]
go cmp x ys@(y:ys') = case cmp x y of
GT -> y : go cmp x ys'
_ -> x : ys
sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sort (pivot:xs) = sort [x | x <- xs, x < pivot] ++ [pivot] ++ sort [x | x <- xs, x >= pivot]
sort [] = []
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/haskell-works/hw-koans/a807e72513d91ddf1c8aa445371b94bb169f22fd/solution/Koan/Ord.hs | haskell | Introduction to generics | module Koan.Ord where
import Prelude hiding (max, maximum, min, minimum)
enrolled :: Bool
enrolled = True
max :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
max a b = if a > b then a else b
min :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
min a b = if a < b then a else b
maximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
maximum (x:y:xs) = x `max` maximum (y:xs)
maximum [x] = x
minimum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
minimum (x:y:xs) = x `min` minimum (y:xs)
minimum [x] = x
insert :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
insert e ls = go (compare) e ls
where go _ x [] = [x]
go cmp x ys@(y:ys') = case cmp x y of
GT -> y : go cmp x ys'
_ -> x : ys
sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sort (pivot:xs) = sort [x | x <- xs, x < pivot] ++ [pivot] ++ sort [x | x <- xs, x >= pivot]
sort [] = []
55e1a09d7e66a909935aa00b25dfcda8e485707b18ade4dada5f60c0fbe49bf2 | samrushing/irken-compiler | t_fficonst.scm | ;; -*- Mode: Irken -*-
(include "lib/basis.scm")
(include "lib/map.scm")
(require-ffi 'posix)
(%backend bytecode (update-sizeoff-table))
(%backend bytecode (printf "lookup O_TRUNC: " (int (lookup-constant 'O_TRUNC)) "\n"))
(printf " O_TRUNC = " (int O_TRUNC) "\n")
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samrushing/irken-compiler/690da48852d55497f873738df54f14e8e135d006/tests/t_fficonst.scm | scheme | -*- Mode: Irken -*- |
(include "lib/basis.scm")
(include "lib/map.scm")
(require-ffi 'posix)
(%backend bytecode (update-sizeoff-table))
(%backend bytecode (printf "lookup O_TRUNC: " (int (lookup-constant 'O_TRUNC)) "\n"))
(printf " O_TRUNC = " (int O_TRUNC) "\n")
e98928cbba673cc56a2f0e68b3048f311061a6d5388b6fbbe2b127a1d9dedbd1 | metawilm/cl-python | function-test.lisp | ;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: CLPYTHON.TEST -*-
This software is Copyright ( c ) Franz Inc. and .
Franz Inc. and grant you the rights to
;; distribute and use this software as governed by the terms
of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
;; (),
;; known as the LLGPL.
;;;; Python function test
(in-package :clpython.test)
(defun run-function-test ()
(run-no-error "
def a(): pass
c = a.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 0
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'a'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ()
print 'a: ok'
def a2(): return 1
c = a2.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 0
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'a2'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ()
print 'a2: ok'
def a3():
x = 5
return x
c = a3.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 0
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'a3'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('x',)
print 'a3: ok'
def b(x): pass
c = b.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 1
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'b'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('x',)
print 'b: ok'
def d(x, y): pass
c = d.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 2
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'd'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('x','y')
print 'd: ok'
def e((x, y)): pass
c = e.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 1
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'e'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('.0', 'x', 'y')
print 'e: ok'
def e2(a, (x, y)): pass
c = e2.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 2
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'e2'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('a', '.1', 'x', 'y')
print 'e2: ok'
def e3(a, (x, y), b, (p,(q,r))): pass
c = e3.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 4
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'e3'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('a', '.1', 'b', '.3', 'x', 'y', 'p', 'q', 'r')
print 'e3: ok'
def i(*args): pass
c = i.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 0
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0x04 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'i'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('args',)
print 'i: ok'
def i2(**kwargs): pass
c = i2.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 0
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0x08 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'i2'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('kwargs',)
print 'i2: ok'
def i3(*args, **kwargs): pass
c = i3.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 0
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0x04 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0x08 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'i3'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('args', 'kwargs',)
print 'i3: ok'
def i4(a,b, c=1, d=2, *args, **kwargs): pass
c = i4.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 4
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0x04 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0x08 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'i4'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'args', 'kwargs',)
print 'i4: ok'
def i5(a,(b1,b2), c=1, d=2, *args, **kwargs): pass
c = i5.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 4
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0x04 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0x08 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'i5'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('a', '.1', 'c', 'd', 'args', 'kwargs', 'b1', 'b2')
print 'i5: ok'
def j(a, (p,q)=(1,2), z=3): pass
c = j.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 3
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'j'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('a', '.1', 'z', 'p', 'q')
print 'j: ok'
def k(): yield 1
c = k.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 0
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0x20 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'k'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ()
print 'k: ok'"))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metawilm/cl-python/bce7f80b0c67d3c9f514556f2d14d098efecdde8/test/function-test.lisp | lisp | -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: CLPYTHON.TEST -*-
distribute and use this software as governed by the terms
known as the LLGPL.
Python function test | This software is Copyright ( c ) Franz Inc. and .
Franz Inc. and grant you the rights to
of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
(in-package :clpython.test)
(defun run-function-test ()
(run-no-error "
def a(): pass
c = a.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 0
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'a'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ()
print 'a: ok'
def a2(): return 1
c = a2.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 0
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'a2'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ()
print 'a2: ok'
def a3():
x = 5
return x
c = a3.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 0
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'a3'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('x',)
print 'a3: ok'
def b(x): pass
c = b.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 1
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'b'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('x',)
print 'b: ok'
def d(x, y): pass
c = d.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 2
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'd'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('x','y')
print 'd: ok'
def e((x, y)): pass
c = e.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 1
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'e'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('.0', 'x', 'y')
print 'e: ok'
def e2(a, (x, y)): pass
c = e2.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 2
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'e2'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('a', '.1', 'x', 'y')
print 'e2: ok'
def e3(a, (x, y), b, (p,(q,r))): pass
c = e3.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 4
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'e3'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('a', '.1', 'b', '.3', 'x', 'y', 'p', 'q', 'r')
print 'e3: ok'
def i(*args): pass
c = i.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 0
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0x04 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'i'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('args',)
print 'i: ok'
def i2(**kwargs): pass
c = i2.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 0
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0x08 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'i2'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('kwargs',)
print 'i2: ok'
def i3(*args, **kwargs): pass
c = i3.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 0
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0x04 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0x08 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'i3'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('args', 'kwargs',)
print 'i3: ok'
def i4(a,b, c=1, d=2, *args, **kwargs): pass
c = i4.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 4
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0x04 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0x08 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'i4'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'args', 'kwargs',)
print 'i4: ok'
def i5(a,(b1,b2), c=1, d=2, *args, **kwargs): pass
c = i5.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 4
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0x04 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0x08 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'i5'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('a', '.1', 'c', 'd', 'args', 'kwargs', 'b1', 'b2')
print 'i5: ok'
def j(a, (p,q)=(1,2), z=3): pass
c = j.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 3
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'j'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ('a', '.1', 'z', 'p', 'q')
print 'j: ok'
def k(): yield 1
c = k.func_code
assert c.co_argcount == 0
assert c.co_cellvars == ()
assert c.co_flags & 0x04 == 0 # *-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x08 == 0 # **-arg
assert c.co_flags & 0x20 == 0x20 # generator
assert c.co_freevars == ()
assert c.co_name == 'k'
assert c.co_names == ()
assert c.co_varnames == ()
print 'k: ok'"))
154a1b78ddeb56ff1effe6d849a7a72fb80c0347209ab246ee77e53cda252c61 | digital-dj-tools/dj-data-converter | cli_profile.cljc | (ns converter.cli-profile
[clojure.data.xml :as xml]
#?(:clj [clojure.java.io :as io] :cljs [cljs-node-io.core :as io :refer [slurp spit]])
#?(:clj [clojure.spec.alpha :as s] :cljs [cljs.spec.alpha :as s])
#?(:clj [clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen] :cljs [cljs.spec.gen.alpha :as gen])
[converter.app :as app]
[converter.cli :as cli]
[converter.config :as config]
[converter.rekordbox.core :as r]
[converter.spec :as spec]
[converter.stats :as stats]
[converter.str :as str]
[converter.test-utils :as test]
[converter.traktor.core :as t]
[converter.universal.core :as u]
[spec-tools.core :as st]))
(defn setup
[file spec item-spec xml-transformer n]
(with-open [writer (io/writer file)]
TODO make a library spec that does n't have a collection
(as-> (test/library item-spec n) $
(println "Mean tempo count" (stats/mean-tempos $))
(println "Mean marker count" (stats/mean-markers $))
(st/encode spec $ xml-transformer)
(xml/emit $ writer)))))
(defn setup
[file spec item-spec xml-transformer n]
TODO make a library spec that does n't have a collection
(as-> (test/library item-spec n) $
(println "Mean tempo count" (stats/mean-tempos $))
(println "Mean marker count" (stats/mean-markers $))
(st/encode spec $ xml-transformer)
(xml/emit-str $)
(io/spit file $)))) | null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/digital-dj-tools/dj-data-converter/de1ae5cda60bc64ee3cca1a09b11e1808dd4738a/test/converter/cli_profile.cljc | clojure | (ns converter.cli-profile
[clojure.data.xml :as xml]
#?(:clj [clojure.java.io :as io] :cljs [cljs-node-io.core :as io :refer [slurp spit]])
#?(:clj [clojure.spec.alpha :as s] :cljs [cljs.spec.alpha :as s])
#?(:clj [clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen] :cljs [cljs.spec.gen.alpha :as gen])
[converter.app :as app]
[converter.cli :as cli]
[converter.config :as config]
[converter.rekordbox.core :as r]
[converter.spec :as spec]
[converter.stats :as stats]
[converter.str :as str]
[converter.test-utils :as test]
[converter.traktor.core :as t]
[converter.universal.core :as u]
[spec-tools.core :as st]))
(defn setup
[file spec item-spec xml-transformer n]
(with-open [writer (io/writer file)]
TODO make a library spec that does n't have a collection
(as-> (test/library item-spec n) $
(println "Mean tempo count" (stats/mean-tempos $))
(println "Mean marker count" (stats/mean-markers $))
(st/encode spec $ xml-transformer)
(xml/emit $ writer)))))
(defn setup
[file spec item-spec xml-transformer n]
TODO make a library spec that does n't have a collection
(as-> (test/library item-spec n) $
(println "Mean tempo count" (stats/mean-tempos $))
(println "Mean marker count" (stats/mean-markers $))
(st/encode spec $ xml-transformer)
(xml/emit-str $)
(io/spit file $)))) |
c2d441814593accb9b699ced2fa4bdc089eb278a55e9e77f41bd52298034c713 | mentat-collective/MathBox.cljs | time.cljs | (ns mathbox.primitives.time
(:require ["mathbox-react" :as box]
[mathbox.macros :refer [defprim]]))
(defprim box/Clock
"*Relative clock that starts from zero.*
- `:classes`: `[]` (string array) - Custom classes, e.g. `[\"big\"]`
- `:delay`: `0` (number) - Play delay
- `:from`: `0` (number) - Play from
- `:id`: `null` (nullable string) - Unique ID, e.g. `\"sampler\"`
- `:loop`: `false` (bool) - Loop
- `:pace`: `1` (number) - Play pace
- `:realtime`: `false` (bool) - Run on real time, not clock time
- `:seek`: `null` (nullable number) - Seek to time, e.g. `4`
- `:speed`: `1` (number) - Play speed
- `:to`: `Infinity` (number) - Play until")
(defprim box/Now
"*Absolute UNIX time in seconds since 01/01/1970*
- `:classes`: `[]` (string array) - Custom classes, e.g. `[\"big\"]`
- `:id`: `null` (nullable string) - Unique ID, e.g. `\"sampler\"`
- `:now`: `null` (nullable timestamp) - Current moment, e.g. `1444094929.619`
- `:pace`: `1` (number) - Time pace
- `:seek`: `null` (nullable number) - Seek to time
- `:speed`: `1` (number) - Time speed")
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mentat-collective/MathBox.cljs/281fc373ca2e2e05de7b789f0c1764ab5a66ea05/src/mathbox/primitives/time.cljs | clojure | (ns mathbox.primitives.time
(:require ["mathbox-react" :as box]
[mathbox.macros :refer [defprim]]))
(defprim box/Clock
"*Relative clock that starts from zero.*
- `:classes`: `[]` (string array) - Custom classes, e.g. `[\"big\"]`
- `:delay`: `0` (number) - Play delay
- `:from`: `0` (number) - Play from
- `:id`: `null` (nullable string) - Unique ID, e.g. `\"sampler\"`
- `:loop`: `false` (bool) - Loop
- `:pace`: `1` (number) - Play pace
- `:realtime`: `false` (bool) - Run on real time, not clock time
- `:seek`: `null` (nullable number) - Seek to time, e.g. `4`
- `:speed`: `1` (number) - Play speed
- `:to`: `Infinity` (number) - Play until")
(defprim box/Now
"*Absolute UNIX time in seconds since 01/01/1970*
- `:classes`: `[]` (string array) - Custom classes, e.g. `[\"big\"]`
- `:id`: `null` (nullable string) - Unique ID, e.g. `\"sampler\"`
- `:now`: `null` (nullable timestamp) - Current moment, e.g. `1444094929.619`
- `:pace`: `1` (number) - Time pace
- `:seek`: `null` (nullable number) - Seek to time
- `:speed`: `1` (number) - Time speed")
d42f0efb2d5668d35f794a5f78d5433fdcb3fa4d6f69d8259e964b5fca7a2ee1 | nathell/clj-tagsoup | project.clj | (defproject clj-tagsoup "0.3.0"
:description "A HTML parser for Clojure."
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0"]
[org.clojure/data.xml "0.0.8"]
[org.clojars.nathell/tagsoup "1.2.1"]
[net.java.dev.stax-utils/stax-utils "20040917"]])
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nathell/clj-tagsoup/358358493f8c96b41e8fd30ad70becf146a310aa/project.clj | clojure | (defproject clj-tagsoup "0.3.0"
:description "A HTML parser for Clojure."
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0"]
[org.clojure/data.xml "0.0.8"]
[org.clojars.nathell/tagsoup "1.2.1"]
[net.java.dev.stax-utils/stax-utils "20040917"]])
3670cebfd345c4921c9f85addf59297c116b3a79b21e448a306fdb5678735ee9 | GaloisInc/cereal | MemBench.hs | # LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface , BangPatterns #
module MemBench (memBench) where
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Control.Exception
import System.CPUTime
import Numeric
memBench :: Int -> IO ()
memBench mb = do
let bytes = mb * 2^20
allocaBytes bytes $ \ptr -> do
let bench label test = do
seconds <- time $ test (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral bytes)
let throughput = fromIntegral mb / seconds
putStrLn $ show mb ++ "MB of " ++ label
++ " in " ++ showFFloat (Just 3) seconds "s, at: "
++ showFFloat (Just 1) throughput "MB/s"
bench "setup " c_wordwrite
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "C memory throughput benchmarks:"
bench "bytes written" c_bytewrite
bench "bytes read " c_byteread
bench "words written" c_wordwrite
bench "words read " c_wordread
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "Haskell memory throughput benchmarks:"
bench "bytes written" hs_bytewrite
bench "bytes read " hs_byteread
bench "words written" hs_wordwrite
bench "words read " hs_wordread
hs_bytewrite :: Ptr CUChar -> Int -> IO ()
hs_bytewrite !ptr bytes = loop 0 0
where iterations = bytes
loop :: Int -> CUChar -> IO ()
loop !i !n | i == iterations = return ()
| otherwise = do pokeByteOff ptr i n
loop (i+1) (n+1)
hs_byteread :: Ptr CUChar -> Int -> IO CUChar
hs_byteread !ptr bytes = loop 0 0
where iterations = bytes
loop :: Int -> CUChar -> IO CUChar
loop !i !n | i == iterations = return n
| otherwise = do x <- peekByteOff ptr i
loop (i+1) (n+x)
hs_wordwrite :: Ptr CULong -> Int -> IO ()
hs_wordwrite !ptr bytes = loop 0 0
where iterations = bytes `div` sizeOf (undefined :: CULong)
loop :: Int -> CULong -> IO ()
loop !i !n | i == iterations = return ()
| otherwise = do pokeByteOff ptr i n
loop (i+1) (n+1)
hs_wordread :: Ptr CULong -> Int -> IO CULong
hs_wordread !ptr bytes = loop 0 0
where iterations = bytes `div` sizeOf (undefined :: CULong)
loop :: Int -> CULong -> IO CULong
loop !i !n | i == iterations = return n
| otherwise = do x <- peekByteOff ptr i
loop (i+1) (n+x)
foreign import ccall unsafe "CBenchmark.h byteread"
c_byteread :: Ptr CUChar -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "CBenchmark.h bytewrite"
c_bytewrite :: Ptr CUChar -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "CBenchmark.h wordread"
c_wordread :: Ptr CUInt -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "CBenchmark.h wordwrite"
c_wordwrite :: Ptr CUInt -> CInt -> IO ()
time :: IO a -> IO Double
time action = do
start <- getCPUTime
end <- getCPUTime
return $! (fromIntegral (end - start)) / (10^12)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GaloisInc/cereal/b4fff04dc2fb28eb0ec5e6c63b53248a63eb4ca5/tests/MemBench.hs | haskell | # LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface , BangPatterns #
module MemBench (memBench) where
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Control.Exception
import System.CPUTime
import Numeric
memBench :: Int -> IO ()
memBench mb = do
let bytes = mb * 2^20
allocaBytes bytes $ \ptr -> do
let bench label test = do
seconds <- time $ test (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral bytes)
let throughput = fromIntegral mb / seconds
putStrLn $ show mb ++ "MB of " ++ label
++ " in " ++ showFFloat (Just 3) seconds "s, at: "
++ showFFloat (Just 1) throughput "MB/s"
bench "setup " c_wordwrite
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "C memory throughput benchmarks:"
bench "bytes written" c_bytewrite
bench "bytes read " c_byteread
bench "words written" c_wordwrite
bench "words read " c_wordread
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "Haskell memory throughput benchmarks:"
bench "bytes written" hs_bytewrite
bench "bytes read " hs_byteread
bench "words written" hs_wordwrite
bench "words read " hs_wordread
hs_bytewrite :: Ptr CUChar -> Int -> IO ()
hs_bytewrite !ptr bytes = loop 0 0
where iterations = bytes
loop :: Int -> CUChar -> IO ()
loop !i !n | i == iterations = return ()
| otherwise = do pokeByteOff ptr i n
loop (i+1) (n+1)
hs_byteread :: Ptr CUChar -> Int -> IO CUChar
hs_byteread !ptr bytes = loop 0 0
where iterations = bytes
loop :: Int -> CUChar -> IO CUChar
loop !i !n | i == iterations = return n
| otherwise = do x <- peekByteOff ptr i
loop (i+1) (n+x)
hs_wordwrite :: Ptr CULong -> Int -> IO ()
hs_wordwrite !ptr bytes = loop 0 0
where iterations = bytes `div` sizeOf (undefined :: CULong)
loop :: Int -> CULong -> IO ()
loop !i !n | i == iterations = return ()
| otherwise = do pokeByteOff ptr i n
loop (i+1) (n+1)
hs_wordread :: Ptr CULong -> Int -> IO CULong
hs_wordread !ptr bytes = loop 0 0
where iterations = bytes `div` sizeOf (undefined :: CULong)
loop :: Int -> CULong -> IO CULong
loop !i !n | i == iterations = return n
| otherwise = do x <- peekByteOff ptr i
loop (i+1) (n+x)
foreign import ccall unsafe "CBenchmark.h byteread"
c_byteread :: Ptr CUChar -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "CBenchmark.h bytewrite"
c_bytewrite :: Ptr CUChar -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "CBenchmark.h wordread"
c_wordread :: Ptr CUInt -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "CBenchmark.h wordwrite"
c_wordwrite :: Ptr CUInt -> CInt -> IO ()
time :: IO a -> IO Double
time action = do
start <- getCPUTime
end <- getCPUTime
return $! (fromIntegral (end - start)) / (10^12)
45eabc8b72dde78c929ea30e8346e3693df73260faf6595023eb6df8db5c8c93 | potatosalad/erlang-jose | jose_curve448_unsupported.erl | -*- mode : erlang ; tab - width : 4 ; indent - tabs - mode : 1 ; st - rulers : [ 70 ] -*-
%% vim: ts=4 sw=4 ft=erlang noet
@author < >
2014 - 2022 ,
%%% @doc
%%% @end
Created : 02 Jan 2016 by < >
jose_curve448 callbacks
-define(unsupported, erlang:error(operation_not_supported)).
jose_curve448 callbacks
eddsa_keypair() ->
eddsa_keypair(_Seed) ->
eddsa_secret_to_public(_SecretKey) ->
% Ed448
ed448_sign(_Message, _SecretKey) ->
ed448_sign(_Message, _SecretKey, _Context) ->
ed448_verify(_Signature, _Message, _PublicKey) ->
ed448_verify(_Signature, _Message, _PublicKey, _Context) ->
% Ed448ph
ed448ph_sign(_Message, _SecretKey) ->
ed448ph_sign(_Message, _SecretKey, _Context) ->
ed448ph_verify(_Signature, _Message, _PublicKey) ->
ed448ph_verify(_Signature, _Message, _PublicKey, _Context) ->
x448_keypair() ->
x448_keypair(_Seed) ->
x448_secret_to_public(_SecretKey) ->
x448_shared_secret(_MySecretKey, _YourPublicKey) ->
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/potatosalad/erlang-jose/dbc4074066080692246afe613345ef6becc2a3fe/src/jwa/curve448/jose_curve448_unsupported.erl | erlang | vim: ts=4 sw=4 ft=erlang noet
Ed448ph | -*- mode : erlang ; tab - width : 4 ; indent - tabs - mode : 1 ; st - rulers : [ 70 ] -*-
@author < >
2014 - 2022 ,
Created : 02 Jan 2016 by < >
jose_curve448 callbacks
-define(unsupported, erlang:error(operation_not_supported)).
jose_curve448 callbacks
eddsa_keypair() ->
eddsa_keypair(_Seed) ->
eddsa_secret_to_public(_SecretKey) ->
ed448_sign(_Message, _SecretKey) ->
ed448_sign(_Message, _SecretKey, _Context) ->
ed448_verify(_Signature, _Message, _PublicKey) ->
ed448_verify(_Signature, _Message, _PublicKey, _Context) ->
ed448ph_sign(_Message, _SecretKey) ->
ed448ph_sign(_Message, _SecretKey, _Context) ->
ed448ph_verify(_Signature, _Message, _PublicKey) ->
ed448ph_verify(_Signature, _Message, _PublicKey, _Context) ->
x448_keypair() ->
x448_keypair(_Seed) ->
x448_secret_to_public(_SecretKey) ->
x448_shared_secret(_MySecretKey, _YourPublicKey) ->
dbddafc0d1ed68eb60171f4c3c5fd52e425a3ee6b8a97c920595b38df12ae8fe | fulcro-legacy/fulcro-css | suite.cljs | (ns fulcro-css.suite
[fulcro-spec.selectors :as sel]
[fulcro-spec.suite :as suite]))
(suite/def-test-suite on-load {:ns-regex #"fulcro.css.*-spec"}
{:default #{::sel/none :focused}
:available #{:focused}})
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fulcro-legacy/fulcro-css/fd5526b95d6dfdd2aa6d8fac2218b66709c0ca99/test/fulcro_css/suite.cljs | clojure | (ns fulcro-css.suite
[fulcro-spec.selectors :as sel]
[fulcro-spec.suite :as suite]))
(suite/def-test-suite on-load {:ns-regex #"fulcro.css.*-spec"}
{:default #{::sel/none :focused}
:available #{:focused}})
3fafe024978f3e17fbf3546ab4f27364a125793a8b2342b0ec2aaf8f4f2f59f8 | jellelicht/guix | wordnet.scm | ;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
Copyright © 2013 < >
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
GNU is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 3 of the License , or ( at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU . If not , see < / > .
(define-module (gnu packages wordnet)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (guix licenses)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (gnu packages tcl))
(define-public wordnet
(name "wordnet")
(version "3.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "/"
version "/WordNet-"
version ".tar.bz2"))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:configure-flags (list (string-append "--with-tcl="
(assoc-ref %build-inputs "tcl")
(string-append "--with-tk="
(assoc-ref %build-inputs "tk")
Provide the ` result ' field in ` Tcl_Interp ' .
;; See <>.
#:phases (alist-cons-after
'install 'post-install
(lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
(bin (assoc-ref outputs "tk"))
(tk (assoc-ref inputs "tk"))
(tkv ,(let ((v (package-version tk)))
(string-take v (string-index-right v #\.)))))
Move ` wishwn ' and ` wnb ' to BIN .
(for-each (lambda (prog)
(let ((orig (string-append out "/bin/" prog))
(dst (string-append bin "/bin/" prog))
(dir (string-append tk "/lib/tk" tkv)))
(mkdir-p (dirname dst))
(copy-file orig dst)
(delete-file orig)
(wrap-program dst
`("TK_LIBRARY" "" = (,dir))
`("PATH" ":" prefix
(,(string-append out
'("wishwn" "wnb"))
(outputs '("out"
for the Tcl / Tk GUI
(inputs `(("tk" ,tk)
("tcl" ,tcl)))
(home-page "/")
(synopsis "Lexical database for the English language")
"WordNet® is a large lexical database of English. Nouns, verbs,
adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets),
each expressing a distinct concept. Synsets are interlinked by means of
conceptual-semantic and lexical relations. The resulting network of
meaningfully related words and concepts can be navigated with the browser.
WordNet is also freely and publicly available for download. WordNet's
structure makes it a useful tool for computational linguistics and natural
language processing.")
(license x11)))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jellelicht/guix/83cfc9414fca3ab57c949e18c1ceb375a179b59c/gnu/packages/wordnet.scm | scheme | GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
This file is part of GNU Guix.
you can redistribute it and/or modify it
either version 3 of the License , or ( at
your option) any later version.
GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
See <>. | Copyright © 2013 < >
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU . If not , see < / > .
(define-module (gnu packages wordnet)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (guix licenses)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (gnu packages tcl))
(define-public wordnet
(name "wordnet")
(version "3.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "/"
version "/WordNet-"
version ".tar.bz2"))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:configure-flags (list (string-append "--with-tcl="
(assoc-ref %build-inputs "tcl")
(string-append "--with-tk="
(assoc-ref %build-inputs "tk")
Provide the ` result ' field in ` Tcl_Interp ' .
#:phases (alist-cons-after
'install 'post-install
(lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
(bin (assoc-ref outputs "tk"))
(tk (assoc-ref inputs "tk"))
(tkv ,(let ((v (package-version tk)))
(string-take v (string-index-right v #\.)))))
Move ` wishwn ' and ` wnb ' to BIN .
(for-each (lambda (prog)
(let ((orig (string-append out "/bin/" prog))
(dst (string-append bin "/bin/" prog))
(dir (string-append tk "/lib/tk" tkv)))
(mkdir-p (dirname dst))
(copy-file orig dst)
(delete-file orig)
(wrap-program dst
`("TK_LIBRARY" "" = (,dir))
`("PATH" ":" prefix
(,(string-append out
'("wishwn" "wnb"))
(outputs '("out"
for the Tcl / Tk GUI
(inputs `(("tk" ,tk)
("tcl" ,tcl)))
(home-page "/")
(synopsis "Lexical database for the English language")
"WordNet® is a large lexical database of English. Nouns, verbs,
adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets),
each expressing a distinct concept. Synsets are interlinked by means of
conceptual-semantic and lexical relations. The resulting network of
meaningfully related words and concepts can be navigated with the browser.
WordNet is also freely and publicly available for download. WordNet's
structure makes it a useful tool for computational linguistics and natural
language processing.")
(license x11)))
b6d067fc4532e9e86f461e2db3c9d3290dabfa471339d1346b8435d5a58dda98 | nebogeo/weavingcodes | seq.scm | ; lz/nz
(synth-init 50 22050)
(define (lz pat)
(vector pat 0))
;; . . . . .
;; . . . . .
;; . . . .
;; . . . . .
(define (lz-pat l) (vector-ref l 0))
(define (lz-pos l) (vector-ref l 1))
(define (lz-inc-pos! l)
(vector-set! l 1 (+ (lz-pos l) 1)))
(define (lz-set-pat! l v) (vector-set! l 0 v))
(define (safe-ref l i)
((< i 0) #\.)
((>= i (length l)) #\.)
(else (list-ref l i))))
(define (lz-tick l)
(let ((a (safe-ref (list-ref (lz-pat l) 0) (modulo (lz-pos l) 8)))
(b (safe-ref (list-ref (lz-pat l) 1) (modulo (- (lz-pos l) 2) 8)))
(c (safe-ref (list-ref (lz-pat l) 2) (modulo (- (lz-pos l) 4) 8)))
(d (safe-ref (list-ref (lz-pat l) 3) (modulo (- (lz-pos l) 6) 8))))
(lz-inc-pos! l)
(list a b c d)))
; nz
(define max-vals 16)
(define (make-nz lz vals vx sz cur-t tk off)
(vector lz vals vx sz cur-t tk off))
(define (nz-lz n) (vector-ref n 0))
(define (nz-vals n) (vector-ref n 1))
(define (nz-vx n) (vector-ref n 2))
(define (nz-sz n) (vector-ref n 3))
(define (nz-cur-t n) (vector-ref n 4))
(define (nz-tk n) (vector-ref n 5))
(define (nz-off n) (vector-ref n 6))
(define (set-nz-vals! n v) (vector-set! n 1 v))
(define (set-nz-vx! n v) (vector-set! n 2 v))
(define (set-nz-cur-t! n v) (vector-set! n 4 v))
(define (t) (ntp-time))
(define (build-nz lz sz tk)
(make-nz lz '(40) 0 sz (ntp-time-add (t) 5) tk 1.0))
(define (nz-pop! nz)
(let ((tmp (car (nz-vals nz))))
(when (not (eqv? (length (nz-vals nz)) 1))
(set-nz-vals! nz (cdr (nz-vals nz))))
(define (nz-push! nz item)
(when (< (length (nz-vals nz)) max-vals)
(set-nz-vals! nz (cons item (nz-vals nz)))))
(define (nz-dup! nz)
(nz-push! nz (car (nz-vals nz))))
(define (ntp>? a b)
(or (> (car a) (car b))
(and (eqv? (car a) (car b))
(> (cadr a) (cadr b)))))
(define note-dec 1)
(define random-drop-off #t)
(define humanize #t)
(define (nz-tick nz)
(when (ntp>? (ntp-time-add (t) (nz-off nz)) (nz-cur-t nz))
(let ((t (lz-tick (nz-lz nz)))
(v (car (nz-vals nz))))
(set-nz-cur-t! nz (ntp-time-add (nz-cur-t nz) (nz-tk nz)))
(let ((ht (nz-cur-t nz)))
(lambda (t)
(when (or random-drop-off (< (random 10) 8))
(define hht ht)
(when humanize (set! hht (ntp-time-add ht (* (rndf) 0.03))))
((char=? t #\+) (set-nz-vals! nz (cons (+ (car (nz-vals nz)) 1) (cdr (nz-vals nz)))))
((char=? t #\-) (set-nz-vals! nz (cons (- (car (nz-vals nz)) 1) (cdr (nz-vals nz)))))
((char=? t #\<) (set-nz-vx! nz (modulo (- (nz-vx nz) 1) (length (nz-sz nz)))))
((char=? t #\>) (set-nz-vx! nz (modulo (+ (nz-vx nz) 1) (length (nz-sz nz)))))
((char=? t #\a) (play hht ((list-ref (list-ref (nz-sz nz) (nz-vx nz)) 0) v) 0))
((char=? t #\b) (play hht ((list-ref (list-ref (nz-sz nz) (nz-vx nz)) 1) v) 0))
((char=? t #\c) (play hht ((list-ref (list-ref (nz-sz nz) (nz-vx nz)) 2) v) 0))
((char=? t #\d) (play hht ((list-ref (list-ref (nz-sz nz) (nz-vx nz)) 3) v) 0))
((char=? t #\[) (nz-dup! nz))
((char=? t #\]) (nz-pop! nz))))
(set! v (- v note-dec))
; --
(define l (lz (list (string->list ".b..b")
(string->list ".aa..")
(string->list "...b.")
(string->list "aaa.a"))))
(define ss
(lambda (v) (mul (adsr 0 0.01 0.1 1) (sine (add (mul 20 (sine 4)) (note v)))))
(lambda (v) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0 0) (mul 0.2 (add (saw (* 1.5 (note v)))
(saw (note v)))))))
(lambda (v) (mul (adsr 0 0.03 0.1 1) (mooghp (saw (* (note v) 0.5))
(mul 0.2 (adsr 0.5 0 0 0)) 0.45)))
(lambda (v) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0.1 1) (mooglp (add (saw (* 1.5 (note v))) (saw (note v)))
(* v 0.12) 0.4))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0 0)
(add (saw (note n)) (saw (* 0.333333 (note n))))
(adsr 0 0.1 0 0) 0.3)))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0 0) (mooglp (squ (* 0.25 (note n)))
(adsr 0.1 0 0 0) 0.4))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0.1 1)
(crush (sine (add (mul 100 (sine 0.3)) (note n))) 5 0.6)))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0 0) (moogbp
(add (saw (note n)) (saw (* 0.333333 (note n))))
(* 0.1 (random 10)) 0.48))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0.05 1)
(add (mul 1000 (sine (* 0.3333 (note n)))) (note n)))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0.05 1) (sine
(add (mul 100 (sine (* 0.3333 (note n)))) (note n))))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0.05 1)
(mul (sine (* 0.3333 (note n)))
(sine (note n)))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0 1)
(mul (sine (* 1.3333 (note n)))
(sine (note n))))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0.05 1)
(mul (saw (* 0.3333 (note n)))
(saw (note n)))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0 1)
(mul (saw (* 1.3333 (note n)))
(saw (note n))))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0.05 1)
(mul (squ (* 0.3333 (note n)))
(sine (note n)))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0 1)
(mul (squ (* 1.3333 (note n)))
(sine (note n))))))
( define z ( build - nz ( vector 9 5 ' ( ( 4 2 ) ( 4 1 ) ( 6 0 ) ( 3 2 ) ( 4 1 ) ( 6 0 ) ) 8 3 ( list->vector ( string->list " BaaadBdcd -- C+++ --Aba+dd " ) ) ) ss 0.2 ) )
(define z (build-nz l ss 0.2))
(define minor '(2 1 2 2 1 2 2))
(define major '(2 2 1 2 2 2 1))
(define (update a b c d e)
(lz-set-pat! l (list (map (lambda (i) (if (eqv? i 0) #\. #\b)) a)
(map (lambda (i) (if (eqv? i 0) #\. #\a)) b)
(map (lambda (i) (if (eqv? i 0) #\. #\b)) c)
(map (lambda (i) (if (eqv? i 0) #\. #\a)) d)))
(if (eqv? (list-ref e 0) 0)
(set-scale minor)
(set-scale major))
(set! note-dec (list-ref e 1))
(if (eqv? (list-ref e 2) 0)
(set! random-drop-off #f)
(set! random-drop-off #t))
(if (eqv? (list-ref e 3) 0)
(set! humanize #f)
(set! humanize #t))
(msg (list-ref e 4))
(set-nz-vx! z (modulo (list-ref e 4) (length ss)))
(set-nz-vx! z (modulo (- (nz-vx z) 1) 8))
(every-frame (nz-tick z))
(update (list 1 0 0 0 1)
(list 0 1 1 1 0)
(list 1 0 1 0 0)
(list 0 1 0 1 0)
(list 3 4 5 6 7))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nebogeo/weavingcodes/e305a28a38ef745ca31de3074c8aec3953a72aa2/pattern-matrix/sound/seq.scm | scheme | lz/nz
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . .
. . . . .
| (synth-init 50 22050)
(define (lz pat)
(vector pat 0))
(define (lz-pat l) (vector-ref l 0))
(define (lz-pos l) (vector-ref l 1))
(define (lz-inc-pos! l)
(vector-set! l 1 (+ (lz-pos l) 1)))
(define (lz-set-pat! l v) (vector-set! l 0 v))
(define (safe-ref l i)
((< i 0) #\.)
((>= i (length l)) #\.)
(else (list-ref l i))))
(define (lz-tick l)
(let ((a (safe-ref (list-ref (lz-pat l) 0) (modulo (lz-pos l) 8)))
(b (safe-ref (list-ref (lz-pat l) 1) (modulo (- (lz-pos l) 2) 8)))
(c (safe-ref (list-ref (lz-pat l) 2) (modulo (- (lz-pos l) 4) 8)))
(d (safe-ref (list-ref (lz-pat l) 3) (modulo (- (lz-pos l) 6) 8))))
(lz-inc-pos! l)
(list a b c d)))
(define max-vals 16)
(define (make-nz lz vals vx sz cur-t tk off)
(vector lz vals vx sz cur-t tk off))
(define (nz-lz n) (vector-ref n 0))
(define (nz-vals n) (vector-ref n 1))
(define (nz-vx n) (vector-ref n 2))
(define (nz-sz n) (vector-ref n 3))
(define (nz-cur-t n) (vector-ref n 4))
(define (nz-tk n) (vector-ref n 5))
(define (nz-off n) (vector-ref n 6))
(define (set-nz-vals! n v) (vector-set! n 1 v))
(define (set-nz-vx! n v) (vector-set! n 2 v))
(define (set-nz-cur-t! n v) (vector-set! n 4 v))
(define (t) (ntp-time))
(define (build-nz lz sz tk)
(make-nz lz '(40) 0 sz (ntp-time-add (t) 5) tk 1.0))
(define (nz-pop! nz)
(let ((tmp (car (nz-vals nz))))
(when (not (eqv? (length (nz-vals nz)) 1))
(set-nz-vals! nz (cdr (nz-vals nz))))
(define (nz-push! nz item)
(when (< (length (nz-vals nz)) max-vals)
(set-nz-vals! nz (cons item (nz-vals nz)))))
(define (nz-dup! nz)
(nz-push! nz (car (nz-vals nz))))
(define (ntp>? a b)
(or (> (car a) (car b))
(and (eqv? (car a) (car b))
(> (cadr a) (cadr b)))))
(define note-dec 1)
(define random-drop-off #t)
(define humanize #t)
(define (nz-tick nz)
(when (ntp>? (ntp-time-add (t) (nz-off nz)) (nz-cur-t nz))
(let ((t (lz-tick (nz-lz nz)))
(v (car (nz-vals nz))))
(set-nz-cur-t! nz (ntp-time-add (nz-cur-t nz) (nz-tk nz)))
(let ((ht (nz-cur-t nz)))
(lambda (t)
(when (or random-drop-off (< (random 10) 8))
(define hht ht)
(when humanize (set! hht (ntp-time-add ht (* (rndf) 0.03))))
((char=? t #\+) (set-nz-vals! nz (cons (+ (car (nz-vals nz)) 1) (cdr (nz-vals nz)))))
((char=? t #\-) (set-nz-vals! nz (cons (- (car (nz-vals nz)) 1) (cdr (nz-vals nz)))))
((char=? t #\<) (set-nz-vx! nz (modulo (- (nz-vx nz) 1) (length (nz-sz nz)))))
((char=? t #\>) (set-nz-vx! nz (modulo (+ (nz-vx nz) 1) (length (nz-sz nz)))))
((char=? t #\a) (play hht ((list-ref (list-ref (nz-sz nz) (nz-vx nz)) 0) v) 0))
((char=? t #\b) (play hht ((list-ref (list-ref (nz-sz nz) (nz-vx nz)) 1) v) 0))
((char=? t #\c) (play hht ((list-ref (list-ref (nz-sz nz) (nz-vx nz)) 2) v) 0))
((char=? t #\d) (play hht ((list-ref (list-ref (nz-sz nz) (nz-vx nz)) 3) v) 0))
((char=? t #\[) (nz-dup! nz))
((char=? t #\]) (nz-pop! nz))))
(set! v (- v note-dec))
(define l (lz (list (string->list ".b..b")
(string->list ".aa..")
(string->list "...b.")
(string->list "aaa.a"))))
(define ss
(lambda (v) (mul (adsr 0 0.01 0.1 1) (sine (add (mul 20 (sine 4)) (note v)))))
(lambda (v) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0 0) (mul 0.2 (add (saw (* 1.5 (note v)))
(saw (note v)))))))
(lambda (v) (mul (adsr 0 0.03 0.1 1) (mooghp (saw (* (note v) 0.5))
(mul 0.2 (adsr 0.5 0 0 0)) 0.45)))
(lambda (v) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0.1 1) (mooglp (add (saw (* 1.5 (note v))) (saw (note v)))
(* v 0.12) 0.4))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0 0)
(add (saw (note n)) (saw (* 0.333333 (note n))))
(adsr 0 0.1 0 0) 0.3)))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0 0) (mooglp (squ (* 0.25 (note n)))
(adsr 0.1 0 0 0) 0.4))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0.1 1)
(crush (sine (add (mul 100 (sine 0.3)) (note n))) 5 0.6)))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0 0) (moogbp
(add (saw (note n)) (saw (* 0.333333 (note n))))
(* 0.1 (random 10)) 0.48))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0.05 1)
(add (mul 1000 (sine (* 0.3333 (note n)))) (note n)))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0.05 1) (sine
(add (mul 100 (sine (* 0.3333 (note n)))) (note n))))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0.05 1)
(mul (sine (* 0.3333 (note n)))
(sine (note n)))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0 1)
(mul (sine (* 1.3333 (note n)))
(sine (note n))))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0.05 1)
(mul (saw (* 0.3333 (note n)))
(saw (note n)))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0 1)
(mul (saw (* 1.3333 (note n)))
(saw (note n))))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0.05 1)
(mul (squ (* 0.3333 (note n)))
(sine (note n)))))
(lambda (n) (mul (adsr 0 0.1 0 1)
(mul (squ (* 1.3333 (note n)))
(sine (note n))))))
( define z ( build - nz ( vector 9 5 ' ( ( 4 2 ) ( 4 1 ) ( 6 0 ) ( 3 2 ) ( 4 1 ) ( 6 0 ) ) 8 3 ( list->vector ( string->list " BaaadBdcd -- C+++ --Aba+dd " ) ) ) ss 0.2 ) )
(define z (build-nz l ss 0.2))
(define minor '(2 1 2 2 1 2 2))
(define major '(2 2 1 2 2 2 1))
(define (update a b c d e)
(lz-set-pat! l (list (map (lambda (i) (if (eqv? i 0) #\. #\b)) a)
(map (lambda (i) (if (eqv? i 0) #\. #\a)) b)
(map (lambda (i) (if (eqv? i 0) #\. #\b)) c)
(map (lambda (i) (if (eqv? i 0) #\. #\a)) d)))
(if (eqv? (list-ref e 0) 0)
(set-scale minor)
(set-scale major))
(set! note-dec (list-ref e 1))
(if (eqv? (list-ref e 2) 0)
(set! random-drop-off #f)
(set! random-drop-off #t))
(if (eqv? (list-ref e 3) 0)
(set! humanize #f)
(set! humanize #t))
(msg (list-ref e 4))
(set-nz-vx! z (modulo (list-ref e 4) (length ss)))
(set-nz-vx! z (modulo (- (nz-vx z) 1) 8))
(every-frame (nz-tick z))
(update (list 1 0 0 0 1)
(list 0 1 1 1 0)
(list 1 0 1 0 0)
(list 0 1 0 1 0)
(list 3 4 5 6 7))
54587388a78da7b998923da25ada667c7f8ac6caa43b040d505c0f6b8266a838 | zcaudate-me/lein-repack | common_test.clj | (ns leiningen.repack.manifest.common-test
(:use midje.sweet)
(:require [leiningen.repack.manifest.common :refer :all]
[leiningen.repack.analyser [java]]))
^{:refer leiningen.repack.manifest.common/build-filemap :added "0.1.5"}
(fact "builds manifest for resources and java folder"
(build-filemap "example/repack.advance"
{:subpackage "resources"
:path "resources"
:distribute {"common" #{"common"}
"web" #{"web"}}
:dependents #{"core"}})
{ resources / common / b.txt resources / common / a.txt } ,
"resources" anything ;; {resources/stuff/y.edn resources/stuff/x.edn},
"web" anything ;; {resources/web/a.html resources/web/b.html}
(build-filemap "example/repack.advance"
{:subpackage "jvm"
:path "java/im/chit/repack"
:distribute {"common" #{"common"}
"web" #{"web"}}
:dependents #{"core"}})
=> (contains {"common" anything ;; {java/im/chit/repack/common/Hello.java},
"jvm" anything ;; {java/im/chit/repack/native/Utils.java},
"web" anything ;; {java/im/chit/repack/web/Client.java}
(-> (build-filemap "example/repack.advance"
{:subpackage "jvm"
:path "java/im/chit/repack"
:distribute {"common" #{"common"}
"web" #{"web"}}
:dependents #{"core"}})
(get "web")
(#(into {} %)))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zcaudate-me/lein-repack/1eb542d66a77f55c4b5625783027c31fd2dddfe5/test/leiningen/repack/manifest/common_test.clj | clojure | {resources/stuff/y.edn resources/stuff/x.edn},
{resources/web/a.html resources/web/b.html}
{java/im/chit/repack/web/Client.java} | (ns leiningen.repack.manifest.common-test
(:use midje.sweet)
(:require [leiningen.repack.manifest.common :refer :all]
[leiningen.repack.analyser [java]]))
^{:refer leiningen.repack.manifest.common/build-filemap :added "0.1.5"}
(fact "builds manifest for resources and java folder"
(build-filemap "example/repack.advance"
{:subpackage "resources"
:path "resources"
:distribute {"common" #{"common"}
"web" #{"web"}}
:dependents #{"core"}})
{ resources / common / b.txt resources / common / a.txt } ,
(build-filemap "example/repack.advance"
{:subpackage "jvm"
:path "java/im/chit/repack"
:distribute {"common" #{"common"}
"web" #{"web"}}
:dependents #{"core"}})
(-> (build-filemap "example/repack.advance"
{:subpackage "jvm"
:path "java/im/chit/repack"
:distribute {"common" #{"common"}
"web" #{"web"}}
:dependents #{"core"}})
(get "web")
(#(into {} %)))
72019c13a0b0ab148817de1033ac8abffc7d4518975032e4ffb07f608ada99bd | silkapp/rest | Main.hs | {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Happstack.Server.SimpleHTTP
import Rest.Driver.Happstack (apiToHandler')
import Api (api)
import ApiTypes (ServerData (..), runBlogApi)
import Example (exampleBlog)
-- | Run the server
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Set up the server state
serverData <- exampleBlog
-- Start happstack
putStrLn "Starting happstack server on :3000"
tid <- forkIO $ simpleHTTP (Conf 3000 Nothing Nothing 60 Nothing) (handle serverData)
-- Exit gracefully
killThread tid
-- | Request handler
handle :: ServerData -> ServerPartT IO Response
handle serverData = apiToHandler' (liftIO . runBlogApi serverData) api
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/silkapp/rest/f0462fc36709407f236f57064d8e37c77bdf8a79/rest-example/happstack/Main.hs | haskell | # LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #
| Run the server
Set up the server state
Start happstack
Exit gracefully
| Request handler | module Main (main) where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Happstack.Server.SimpleHTTP
import Rest.Driver.Happstack (apiToHandler')
import Api (api)
import ApiTypes (ServerData (..), runBlogApi)
import Example (exampleBlog)
main :: IO ()
main = do
serverData <- exampleBlog
putStrLn "Starting happstack server on :3000"
tid <- forkIO $ simpleHTTP (Conf 3000 Nothing Nothing 60 Nothing) (handle serverData)
killThread tid
handle :: ServerData -> ServerPartT IO Response
handle serverData = apiToHandler' (liftIO . runBlogApi serverData) api
55bfcb1fee9c66b3025705ba6ecdbc71c794861f8e32b912348f61082a86b572 | ianmbloom/gudni | DeviceQuery.hs | {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #
-- |
Module : Graphics . Gudni . OpenCL.CallKernel
Copyright : ( c ) 2019
-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
Boilerplate galore for querying OpenCL device specifications .
module Graphics.Gudni.OpenCL.DeviceQuery
( CLDeviceExtension(..)
, CLDeviceProfile(..)
, CLDeviceDetail(..)
, clDeviceName
, clDeviceDeviceId
, clDevicePlatformDetail
, clDeviceExecutionCapabilities
, clDeviceAddressBits
, clDeviceAvailable
, clDeviceCompilerAvailable
, clDeviceEndianLittle
, clDeviceErrorCorrectionSupport
, clDeviceExtensions
, clDeviceGlobalMemCacheSize
, clDeviceGlobalMemCachelineSize
, clDeviceGlobalMemSize
, clDeviceImageSupport
, clDeviceImage2DMaxHeight
, clDeviceImage2DMaxWidth
, clDeviceImage3DMaxDepth
, clDeviceImage3DMaxHeight
, clDeviceImage3DMaxWidth
, clDeviceLocalMemSize
, clDeviceMaxClockFrequency
, clDeviceMaxComputeUnits
, clDeviceMaxConstantArgs
, clDeviceMaxConstantBufferSize
, clDeviceMaxMemAllocSize
, clDeviceMaxParameterSize
, clDeviceMaxReadImageArgs
, clDeviceMaxSamplers
, clDeviceMaxWorkGroupSize
, clDeviceMaxWorkItemDimensions
, clDeviceMaxWorkItemSizes
, clDeviceMaxWriteImageArgs
, clDeviceMemBaseAddrAlign
, clDeviceMinDataTypeAlignSize
, clDevicePreferredVectorWidthChar
, clDevicePreferredVectorWidthShort
, clDevicePreferredVectorWidthInt
, clDevicePreferredVectorWidthLong
, clDevicePreferredVectorWidthFloat
, clDevicePreferredVectorWidthDouble
, clDeviceProfile
, clDeviceProfilingTimerResolution
, clDeviceVendor
, clDeviceVendorID
, clDeviceVersion
, clDeviceDriverVersion
, clDeviceSingleFPConfig
, clDeviceDoubleFPConfig
--, clDeviceHalfFPConfig
, clDeviceLocalMemType
, clDeviceGlobalMemCacheType
, clDeviceQueueProperties
, clDeviceType
, CLPlatformDetail(..)
, clPlatformName
, clPlatformProfile
, clPlatformVersion
, clPlatformVendor
, clPlatformExtensions
, queryOpenCL
, dumpDeviceDetail
import CLUtil.CL
import Control.Exception (handle, throw)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Parallel.OpenCL
import Foreign.C.Types (CSize)
import Graphics.Gudni.Util.Util
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Control.Lens
-- | Show a title line
titleLine :: String -> String
titleLine title = "======================== " ++ title ++ " ========================\n"
-- | Pad a line of info for aligned display.
infoLine :: (String, String) -> String
infoLine (title, info) = (lpad 40 title) ++ ": " ++ info ++ "\n"
data CLDeviceExtension
deriving (Show, Eq)
clExtensionMapping :: [(String, CLDeviceExtension)]
clExtensionMapping =
[ ("cl_khr_fp64" , CL_KHR_FP64 )
, ("cl_khr_select_fprounding_mode" , CL_KHR_SELECT_FPROUNDING_MODE )
, ("cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics" , CL_KHR_GLOBAL_INT32_BASE_ATOMICS )
, ("cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics", CL_KHR_GLOBAL_INT32_EXTENDED_ATOMICS)
, ("cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics" , CL_KHR_LOCAL_INT32_BASE_ATOMICS )
, ("cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics" , CL_KHR_LOCAL_INT32_EXTENDED_ATOMICS )
, ("cl_khr_int64_base_atomics" , CL_KHR_INT64_BASE_ATOMICS )
, ("cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics" , CL_KHR_INT64_EXTENDED_ATOMICS )
, ("cl_khr_3d_image_writes" , CL_KHR_3D_IMAGE_WRITES )
, ("cl_khr_byte_addressable_store" , CL_KHR_BYTE_ADDRESSABLE_STORE )
, ("cl_khr_fp16" , CL_KHR_FP16 )
search :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> a -> Maybe b
search list a = fmap snd . find ((== a) . fst) $ list
getExtensionList :: String -> [CLDeviceExtension]
getExtensionList = catMaybes . map (search clExtensionMapping) . words
data CLDeviceProfile
deriving (Show, Eq)
determineClDeviceProfile :: String -> CLDeviceProfile
determineClDeviceProfile rawString =
if rawString == "FULL_PROFILE"
data CLPlatformDetail = CLPlatformDetail
{ _clPlatformName :: String
, _clPlatformProfile :: String
, _clPlatformVersion :: String
, _clPlatformVendor :: String
, _clPlatformExtensions :: String
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''CLPlatformDetail
| Create a CLPlatformInfo record by querying openCL
initCLPlatformInfo :: CLPlatformID -> IO CLPlatformDetail
initCLPlatformInfo platformID =
do name <- clGetPlatformInfo platformID CL_PLATFORM_NAME
profile <- clGetPlatformInfo platformID CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE
version <- clGetPlatformInfo platformID CL_PLATFORM_VERSION
vendor <- clGetPlatformInfo platformID CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR
extensions <- clGetPlatformInfo platformID CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS
return CLPlatformDetail
{ _clPlatformName = name
, _clPlatformProfile = profile
, _clPlatformVersion = version
, _clPlatformVendor = vendor
, _clPlatformExtensions = extensions
data CLDeviceDetail = CLDeviceDetail
{ _clDeviceName :: String
, _clDeviceDeviceId :: CLDeviceID
, _clDevicePlatformDetail :: CLPlatformDetail
, _clDeviceExecutionCapabilities :: [CLDeviceExecCapability]
, _clDeviceAddressBits :: CLuint
, _clDeviceAvailable :: Bool
, _clDeviceCompilerAvailable :: Bool
, _clDeviceEndianLittle :: Bool
, _clDeviceErrorCorrectionSupport :: Bool
, _clDeviceExtensions :: [CLDeviceExtension]
, _clDeviceGlobalMemCacheSize :: CLulong
, _clDeviceGlobalMemCachelineSize :: CLuint
, _clDeviceGlobalMemSize :: CLulong
, _clDeviceImageSupport :: Bool
, _clDeviceImage2DMaxHeight :: CSize
, _clDeviceImage2DMaxWidth :: CSize
, _clDeviceImage3DMaxDepth :: CSize
, _clDeviceImage3DMaxHeight :: CSize
, _clDeviceImage3DMaxWidth :: CSize
, _clDeviceLocalMemSize :: CLulong
, _clDeviceMaxClockFrequency :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMaxComputeUnits :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMaxConstantArgs :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMaxConstantBufferSize :: CLulong
, _clDeviceMaxMemAllocSize :: CLulong
, _clDeviceMaxParameterSize :: CSize
, _clDeviceMaxReadImageArgs :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMaxSamplers :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMaxWorkGroupSize :: CSize
, _clDeviceMaxWorkItemDimensions :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMaxWorkItemSizes :: [CSize]
, _clDeviceMaxWriteImageArgs :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMemBaseAddrAlign :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMinDataTypeAlignSize :: CLuint
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthChar :: CLuint
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthShort :: CLuint
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthInt :: CLuint
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthLong :: CLuint
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthFloat :: CLuint
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthDouble :: CLuint
, _clDeviceProfile :: CLDeviceProfile
, _clDeviceProfilingTimerResolution :: CSize
, _clDeviceVendor :: String
, _clDeviceVendorID :: CLuint
, _clDeviceVersion :: String
, _clDeviceDriverVersion :: String
, _clDeviceSingleFPConfig :: [CLDeviceFPConfig]
, _clDeviceDoubleFPConfig :: [CLDeviceFPConfig]
--, _clDeviceHalfFPConfig :: [CLDeviceFPConfig]
, _clDeviceLocalMemType :: CLDeviceLocalMemType
, _clDeviceGlobalMemCacheType :: CLDeviceMemCacheType
, _clDeviceQueueProperties :: [CLCommandQueueProperty]
, _clDeviceType :: [CLDeviceType]
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''CLDeviceDetail
-- | Create a CLDeviceDetail record by querying an openCL device.
initCLDeviceDetail :: CLPlatformID -> CLDeviceID -> IO CLDeviceDetail
initCLDeviceDetail platformId deviceId =
do deviceName <- clGetDeviceName deviceId
platformInfo <- initCLPlatformInfo platformId
deviceExecutionCapabilities <- clGetDeviceExecutionCapabilities deviceId
deviceAddressBits <- clGetDeviceAddressBits deviceId
deviceAvailable <- clGetDeviceAvailable deviceId
deviceCompilerAvailable <- clGetDeviceCompilerAvailable deviceId
deviceEndianLittle <- clGetDeviceEndianLittle deviceId
deviceErrorCorrectionSupport <- clGetDeviceErrorCorrectionSupport deviceId
deviceExtensions <- clGetDeviceExtensions deviceId
deviceGlobalMemCacheSize <- clGetDeviceGlobalMemCacheSize deviceId
deviceGlobalMemCachelineSize <- clGetDeviceGlobalMemCachelineSize deviceId
deviceGlobalMemSize <- clGetDeviceGlobalMemSize deviceId
deviceImageSupport <- clGetDeviceImageSupport deviceId
deviceImage2DMaxHeight <- clGetDeviceImage2DMaxHeight deviceId
deviceImage2DMaxWidth <- clGetDeviceImage2DMaxWidth deviceId
deviceImage3DMaxDepth <- clGetDeviceImage3DMaxDepth deviceId
deviceImage3DMaxHeight <- clGetDeviceImage3DMaxHeight deviceId
deviceImage3DMaxWidth <- clGetDeviceImage3DMaxWidth deviceId
deviceLocalMemSize <- clGetDeviceLocalMemSize deviceId
deviceMaxClockFrequency <- clGetDeviceMaxClockFrequency deviceId
deviceMaxComputeUnits <- clGetDeviceMaxComputeUnits deviceId
deviceMaxConstantArgs <- clGetDeviceMaxConstantArgs deviceId
deviceMaxConstantBufferSize <- clGetDeviceMaxConstantBufferSize deviceId
deviceMaxMemAllocSize <- clGetDeviceMaxMemAllocSize deviceId
deviceMaxParameterSize <- clGetDeviceMaxParameterSize deviceId
deviceMaxReadImageArgs <- clGetDeviceMaxReadImageArgs deviceId
deviceMaxSamplers <- clGetDeviceMaxSamplers deviceId
deviceMaxWorkGroupSize <- clGetDeviceMaxWorkGroupSize deviceId
deviceMaxWorkItemDimensions <- clGetDeviceMaxWorkItemDimensions deviceId
deviceMaxWorkItemSizes <- clGetDeviceMaxWorkItemSizes deviceId
deviceMaxWriteImageArgs <- clGetDeviceMaxWriteImageArgs deviceId
deviceMemBaseAddrAlign <- clGetDeviceMemBaseAddrAlign deviceId
deviceMinDataTypeAlignSize <- clGetDeviceMinDataTypeAlignSize deviceId
devicePreferredVectorWidthChar <- clGetDevicePreferredVectorWidthChar deviceId
devicePreferredVectorWidthShort <- clGetDevicePreferredVectorWidthShort deviceId
devicePreferredVectorWidthInt <- clGetDevicePreferredVectorWidthInt deviceId
devicePreferredVectorWidthLong <- clGetDevicePreferredVectorWidthLong deviceId
devicePreferredVectorWidthFloat <- clGetDevicePreferredVectorWidthFloat deviceId
devicePreferredVectorWidthDouble <- clGetDevicePreferredVectorWidthDouble deviceId
deviceProfile <- clGetDeviceProfile deviceId
deviceProfilingTimerResolution <- clGetDeviceProfilingTimerResolution deviceId
deviceVendor <- clGetDeviceVendor deviceId
deviceVendorID <- clGetDeviceVendorID deviceId
deviceVersion <- clGetDeviceVersion deviceId
deviceDriverVersion <- clGetDeviceDriverVersion deviceId
deviceSingleFPConfig <- clGetDeviceSingleFPConfig deviceId
deviceDoubleFPConfig <- clGetDeviceDoubleFPConfig deviceId
< - clGetDeviceHalfFPConfig deviceId
deviceLocalMemType <- clGetDeviceLocalMemType deviceId
deviceGlobalMemCacheType <- clGetDeviceGlobalMemCacheType deviceId
deviceQueueProperties <- clGetDeviceQueueProperties deviceId
deviceType <- clGetDeviceType deviceId
return CLDeviceDetail
{ _clDeviceName = deviceName
, _clDeviceDeviceId = deviceId
, _clDevicePlatformDetail = platformInfo
, _clDeviceExecutionCapabilities = deviceExecutionCapabilities
, _clDeviceAddressBits = deviceAddressBits
, _clDeviceAvailable = deviceAvailable
, _clDeviceCompilerAvailable = deviceCompilerAvailable
, _clDeviceEndianLittle = deviceEndianLittle
, _clDeviceErrorCorrectionSupport = deviceErrorCorrectionSupport
, _clDeviceExtensions = getExtensionList $ deviceExtensions
, _clDeviceGlobalMemCacheSize = deviceGlobalMemCacheSize
, _clDeviceGlobalMemCachelineSize = deviceGlobalMemCachelineSize
, _clDeviceGlobalMemSize = deviceGlobalMemSize
, _clDeviceImageSupport = deviceImageSupport
, _clDeviceImage2DMaxHeight = deviceImage2DMaxHeight
, _clDeviceImage2DMaxWidth = deviceImage2DMaxWidth
, _clDeviceImage3DMaxDepth = deviceImage3DMaxDepth
, _clDeviceImage3DMaxHeight = deviceImage3DMaxHeight
, _clDeviceImage3DMaxWidth = deviceImage3DMaxWidth
, _clDeviceLocalMemSize = deviceLocalMemSize
, _clDeviceMaxClockFrequency = deviceMaxClockFrequency
, _clDeviceMaxComputeUnits = deviceMaxComputeUnits
, _clDeviceMaxConstantArgs = deviceMaxConstantArgs
, _clDeviceMaxConstantBufferSize = deviceMaxConstantBufferSize
, _clDeviceMaxMemAllocSize = deviceMaxMemAllocSize
, _clDeviceMaxParameterSize = deviceMaxParameterSize
, _clDeviceMaxReadImageArgs = deviceMaxReadImageArgs
, _clDeviceMaxSamplers = deviceMaxSamplers
, _clDeviceMaxWorkGroupSize = deviceMaxWorkGroupSize
, _clDeviceMaxWorkItemDimensions = deviceMaxWorkItemDimensions
, _clDeviceMaxWorkItemSizes = deviceMaxWorkItemSizes
, _clDeviceMaxWriteImageArgs = deviceMaxWriteImageArgs
, _clDeviceMemBaseAddrAlign = deviceMemBaseAddrAlign
, _clDeviceMinDataTypeAlignSize = deviceMinDataTypeAlignSize
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthChar = devicePreferredVectorWidthChar
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthShort = devicePreferredVectorWidthShort
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthInt = devicePreferredVectorWidthInt
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthLong = devicePreferredVectorWidthLong
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthFloat = devicePreferredVectorWidthFloat
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthDouble = devicePreferredVectorWidthDouble
, _clDeviceProfile = determineClDeviceProfile deviceProfile
, _clDeviceProfilingTimerResolution = deviceProfilingTimerResolution
, _clDeviceVendor = deviceVendor
, _clDeviceVendorID = deviceVendorID
, _clDeviceVersion = deviceVersion
, _clDeviceDriverVersion = deviceDriverVersion
, _clDeviceSingleFPConfig = deviceSingleFPConfig
, _clDeviceDoubleFPConfig = deviceDoubleFPConfig
--, _clDeviceHalfFPConfig = deviceHalfFPConfig
, _clDeviceLocalMemType = deviceLocalMemType
, _clDeviceGlobalMemCacheType = deviceGlobalMemCacheType
, _clDeviceQueueProperties = deviceQueueProperties
, _clDeviceType = deviceType
dumpPlatformDetauk :: CLPlatformDetail -> String
dumpPlatformDetauk platformInfo =
(titleLine ("Platform " ++ show (platformInfo ^. clPlatformName)) ++) $
foldl1 (++) $ map infoLine $
[ ( "Profile", show $ platformInfo ^. clPlatformProfile )
, ( "Version", show $ platformInfo ^. clPlatformVersion )
, ( "Vendor", show $ platformInfo ^. clPlatformVendor )
, ( "Extensions", show $ platformInfo ^. clPlatformExtensions )
dumpDeviceDetail :: CLDeviceDetail -> String
dumpDeviceDetail deviceDetail =
(titleLine (show (deviceDetail ^. clDeviceName)) ++) $
foldl1 (++) $ map infoLine $
[ ( "ExecutionCapabilities" , show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceExecutionCapabilities )
, ( "DeviceAddressBits", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceAddressBits )
, ( "Available", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceAvailable )
, ( "CompilerAvailable", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceCompilerAvailable )
, ( "EndianLittle", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceEndianLittle )
, ( "ErrorCorrectionSupport", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceErrorCorrectionSupport )
, ( "Extensions", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceExtensions )
, ( "GlobalMemCacheSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceGlobalMemCacheSize )
, ( "GlobalMemCachelineSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceGlobalMemCachelineSize )
, ( "GlobalMemSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceGlobalMemSize )
, ( "ImageSupport", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceImageSupport )
, ( "Image2DMaxHeight", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceImage2DMaxHeight )
, ( "Image2DMaxWidth", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceImage2DMaxWidth )
, ( "Image3DMaxDepth", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceImage3DMaxDepth )
, ( "Image3DMaxHeight", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceImage3DMaxHeight )
, ( "Image3DMaxWidth", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceImage3DMaxWidth )
, ( "LocalMemSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceLocalMemSize )
, ( "MaxClockFrequency", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxClockFrequency )
, ( "MaxComputeUnits", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxComputeUnits )
, ( "MaxConstantArgs", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxConstantArgs )
, ( "MaxConstantBufferSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxConstantBufferSize )
, ( "MaxMemAllocSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxMemAllocSize )
, ( "MaxParameterSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxParameterSize )
, ( "MaxReadImageArgs", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxReadImageArgs )
, ( "MaxSamplers", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxSamplers )
, ( "MaxWorkGroupSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxWorkGroupSize )
, ( "MaxWorkItemDimensions", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxWorkItemDimensions )
, ( "MaxWorkItemSizes", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxWorkItemSizes )
, ( "MaxWriteImageArgs", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxWriteImageArgs )
, ( "MemBaseAddrAlign", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMemBaseAddrAlign )
, ( "MinDataTypeAlignSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMinDataTypeAlignSize )
, ( "PreferredVectorWidthChar", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDevicePreferredVectorWidthChar )
, ( "PreferredVectorWidthShort", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDevicePreferredVectorWidthShort )
, ( "PreferredVectorWidthInt", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDevicePreferredVectorWidthInt )
, ( "PreferredVectorWidthLong", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDevicePreferredVectorWidthLong )
, ( "PreferredVectorWidthFloat", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDevicePreferredVectorWidthFloat )
, ("PreferredVectorWidthDouble", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDevicePreferredVectorWidthDouble)
, ( "Profile", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceProfile )
, ( "ProfilingTimerResolution", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceProfilingTimerResolution )
, ( "Vendor", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceVendor )
, ( "VendorID", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceVendorID )
, ( "Version", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceVersion )
, ( "DriverVersion", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceDriverVersion )
, ( "SingleFPConfig", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceSingleFPConfig )
, ( "DoubleFPConfig", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceDoubleFPConfig )
-- , ( "HalfFPConfig", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceHalfFPConfig )
, ( "LocalMemType", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceLocalMemType )
, ( "GlobalMemCacheType", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceGlobalMemCacheType )
, ( "QueueProperties", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceQueueProperties )
, ( "Type", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceType )
| Query of all information about a every available OpenCL platform and
-- every device on that platform and return a CLDeviceDetail structure for each one.
queryOpenCL :: CLDeviceType -> IO [CLDeviceDetail]
queryOpenCL deviceType =
do platformIDs <- clGetPlatformIDs
concat <$> mapM (\platformID -> do
platformName <- clGetPlatformInfo platformID CL_PLATFORM_NAME
putStrLn ("Found platform: " ++ platformName)
deviceIDs <- clGetDeviceIDs platformID deviceType
& handle (\err -> if err == CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND then return [] else throw err)
putStrLn ("Found " ++ show (length deviceIDs) ++ " devices")
deviceInfos <- mapM (initCLDeviceDetail platformID) deviceIDs
return deviceInfos) platformIDs
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ianmbloom/gudni/fa69f1bf08c194effca05753afe5455ebae51234/src/Graphics/Gudni/OpenCL/DeviceQuery.hs | haskell | # LANGUAGE TypeOperators #
# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #
License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
, clDeviceHalfFPConfig
| Show a title line
| Pad a line of info for aligned display.
, _clDeviceHalfFPConfig :: [CLDeviceFPConfig]
| Create a CLDeviceDetail record by querying an openCL device.
, _clDeviceHalfFPConfig = deviceHalfFPConfig
, ( "HalfFPConfig", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceHalfFPConfig )
every device on that platform and return a CLDeviceDetail structure for each one. | # LANGUAGE GADTs #
# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #
# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #
Module : Graphics . Gudni . OpenCL.CallKernel
Copyright : ( c ) 2019
Maintainer :
Boilerplate galore for querying OpenCL device specifications .
module Graphics.Gudni.OpenCL.DeviceQuery
( CLDeviceExtension(..)
, CLDeviceProfile(..)
, CLDeviceDetail(..)
, clDeviceName
, clDeviceDeviceId
, clDevicePlatformDetail
, clDeviceExecutionCapabilities
, clDeviceAddressBits
, clDeviceAvailable
, clDeviceCompilerAvailable
, clDeviceEndianLittle
, clDeviceErrorCorrectionSupport
, clDeviceExtensions
, clDeviceGlobalMemCacheSize
, clDeviceGlobalMemCachelineSize
, clDeviceGlobalMemSize
, clDeviceImageSupport
, clDeviceImage2DMaxHeight
, clDeviceImage2DMaxWidth
, clDeviceImage3DMaxDepth
, clDeviceImage3DMaxHeight
, clDeviceImage3DMaxWidth
, clDeviceLocalMemSize
, clDeviceMaxClockFrequency
, clDeviceMaxComputeUnits
, clDeviceMaxConstantArgs
, clDeviceMaxConstantBufferSize
, clDeviceMaxMemAllocSize
, clDeviceMaxParameterSize
, clDeviceMaxReadImageArgs
, clDeviceMaxSamplers
, clDeviceMaxWorkGroupSize
, clDeviceMaxWorkItemDimensions
, clDeviceMaxWorkItemSizes
, clDeviceMaxWriteImageArgs
, clDeviceMemBaseAddrAlign
, clDeviceMinDataTypeAlignSize
, clDevicePreferredVectorWidthChar
, clDevicePreferredVectorWidthShort
, clDevicePreferredVectorWidthInt
, clDevicePreferredVectorWidthLong
, clDevicePreferredVectorWidthFloat
, clDevicePreferredVectorWidthDouble
, clDeviceProfile
, clDeviceProfilingTimerResolution
, clDeviceVendor
, clDeviceVendorID
, clDeviceVersion
, clDeviceDriverVersion
, clDeviceSingleFPConfig
, clDeviceDoubleFPConfig
, clDeviceLocalMemType
, clDeviceGlobalMemCacheType
, clDeviceQueueProperties
, clDeviceType
, CLPlatformDetail(..)
, clPlatformName
, clPlatformProfile
, clPlatformVersion
, clPlatformVendor
, clPlatformExtensions
, queryOpenCL
, dumpDeviceDetail
import CLUtil.CL
import Control.Exception (handle, throw)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Parallel.OpenCL
import Foreign.C.Types (CSize)
import Graphics.Gudni.Util.Util
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Control.Lens
titleLine :: String -> String
titleLine title = "======================== " ++ title ++ " ========================\n"
infoLine :: (String, String) -> String
infoLine (title, info) = (lpad 40 title) ++ ": " ++ info ++ "\n"
data CLDeviceExtension
deriving (Show, Eq)
clExtensionMapping :: [(String, CLDeviceExtension)]
clExtensionMapping =
[ ("cl_khr_fp64" , CL_KHR_FP64 )
, ("cl_khr_select_fprounding_mode" , CL_KHR_SELECT_FPROUNDING_MODE )
, ("cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics" , CL_KHR_GLOBAL_INT32_BASE_ATOMICS )
, ("cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics", CL_KHR_GLOBAL_INT32_EXTENDED_ATOMICS)
, ("cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics" , CL_KHR_LOCAL_INT32_BASE_ATOMICS )
, ("cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics" , CL_KHR_LOCAL_INT32_EXTENDED_ATOMICS )
, ("cl_khr_int64_base_atomics" , CL_KHR_INT64_BASE_ATOMICS )
, ("cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics" , CL_KHR_INT64_EXTENDED_ATOMICS )
, ("cl_khr_3d_image_writes" , CL_KHR_3D_IMAGE_WRITES )
, ("cl_khr_byte_addressable_store" , CL_KHR_BYTE_ADDRESSABLE_STORE )
, ("cl_khr_fp16" , CL_KHR_FP16 )
search :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> a -> Maybe b
search list a = fmap snd . find ((== a) . fst) $ list
getExtensionList :: String -> [CLDeviceExtension]
getExtensionList = catMaybes . map (search clExtensionMapping) . words
data CLDeviceProfile
deriving (Show, Eq)
determineClDeviceProfile :: String -> CLDeviceProfile
determineClDeviceProfile rawString =
if rawString == "FULL_PROFILE"
data CLPlatformDetail = CLPlatformDetail
{ _clPlatformName :: String
, _clPlatformProfile :: String
, _clPlatformVersion :: String
, _clPlatformVendor :: String
, _clPlatformExtensions :: String
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''CLPlatformDetail
| Create a CLPlatformInfo record by querying openCL
initCLPlatformInfo :: CLPlatformID -> IO CLPlatformDetail
initCLPlatformInfo platformID =
do name <- clGetPlatformInfo platformID CL_PLATFORM_NAME
profile <- clGetPlatformInfo platformID CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE
version <- clGetPlatformInfo platformID CL_PLATFORM_VERSION
vendor <- clGetPlatformInfo platformID CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR
extensions <- clGetPlatformInfo platformID CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS
return CLPlatformDetail
{ _clPlatformName = name
, _clPlatformProfile = profile
, _clPlatformVersion = version
, _clPlatformVendor = vendor
, _clPlatformExtensions = extensions
data CLDeviceDetail = CLDeviceDetail
{ _clDeviceName :: String
, _clDeviceDeviceId :: CLDeviceID
, _clDevicePlatformDetail :: CLPlatformDetail
, _clDeviceExecutionCapabilities :: [CLDeviceExecCapability]
, _clDeviceAddressBits :: CLuint
, _clDeviceAvailable :: Bool
, _clDeviceCompilerAvailable :: Bool
, _clDeviceEndianLittle :: Bool
, _clDeviceErrorCorrectionSupport :: Bool
, _clDeviceExtensions :: [CLDeviceExtension]
, _clDeviceGlobalMemCacheSize :: CLulong
, _clDeviceGlobalMemCachelineSize :: CLuint
, _clDeviceGlobalMemSize :: CLulong
, _clDeviceImageSupport :: Bool
, _clDeviceImage2DMaxHeight :: CSize
, _clDeviceImage2DMaxWidth :: CSize
, _clDeviceImage3DMaxDepth :: CSize
, _clDeviceImage3DMaxHeight :: CSize
, _clDeviceImage3DMaxWidth :: CSize
, _clDeviceLocalMemSize :: CLulong
, _clDeviceMaxClockFrequency :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMaxComputeUnits :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMaxConstantArgs :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMaxConstantBufferSize :: CLulong
, _clDeviceMaxMemAllocSize :: CLulong
, _clDeviceMaxParameterSize :: CSize
, _clDeviceMaxReadImageArgs :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMaxSamplers :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMaxWorkGroupSize :: CSize
, _clDeviceMaxWorkItemDimensions :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMaxWorkItemSizes :: [CSize]
, _clDeviceMaxWriteImageArgs :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMemBaseAddrAlign :: CLuint
, _clDeviceMinDataTypeAlignSize :: CLuint
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthChar :: CLuint
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthShort :: CLuint
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthInt :: CLuint
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthLong :: CLuint
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthFloat :: CLuint
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthDouble :: CLuint
, _clDeviceProfile :: CLDeviceProfile
, _clDeviceProfilingTimerResolution :: CSize
, _clDeviceVendor :: String
, _clDeviceVendorID :: CLuint
, _clDeviceVersion :: String
, _clDeviceDriverVersion :: String
, _clDeviceSingleFPConfig :: [CLDeviceFPConfig]
, _clDeviceDoubleFPConfig :: [CLDeviceFPConfig]
, _clDeviceLocalMemType :: CLDeviceLocalMemType
, _clDeviceGlobalMemCacheType :: CLDeviceMemCacheType
, _clDeviceQueueProperties :: [CLCommandQueueProperty]
, _clDeviceType :: [CLDeviceType]
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''CLDeviceDetail
initCLDeviceDetail :: CLPlatformID -> CLDeviceID -> IO CLDeviceDetail
initCLDeviceDetail platformId deviceId =
do deviceName <- clGetDeviceName deviceId
platformInfo <- initCLPlatformInfo platformId
deviceExecutionCapabilities <- clGetDeviceExecutionCapabilities deviceId
deviceAddressBits <- clGetDeviceAddressBits deviceId
deviceAvailable <- clGetDeviceAvailable deviceId
deviceCompilerAvailable <- clGetDeviceCompilerAvailable deviceId
deviceEndianLittle <- clGetDeviceEndianLittle deviceId
deviceErrorCorrectionSupport <- clGetDeviceErrorCorrectionSupport deviceId
deviceExtensions <- clGetDeviceExtensions deviceId
deviceGlobalMemCacheSize <- clGetDeviceGlobalMemCacheSize deviceId
deviceGlobalMemCachelineSize <- clGetDeviceGlobalMemCachelineSize deviceId
deviceGlobalMemSize <- clGetDeviceGlobalMemSize deviceId
deviceImageSupport <- clGetDeviceImageSupport deviceId
deviceImage2DMaxHeight <- clGetDeviceImage2DMaxHeight deviceId
deviceImage2DMaxWidth <- clGetDeviceImage2DMaxWidth deviceId
deviceImage3DMaxDepth <- clGetDeviceImage3DMaxDepth deviceId
deviceImage3DMaxHeight <- clGetDeviceImage3DMaxHeight deviceId
deviceImage3DMaxWidth <- clGetDeviceImage3DMaxWidth deviceId
deviceLocalMemSize <- clGetDeviceLocalMemSize deviceId
deviceMaxClockFrequency <- clGetDeviceMaxClockFrequency deviceId
deviceMaxComputeUnits <- clGetDeviceMaxComputeUnits deviceId
deviceMaxConstantArgs <- clGetDeviceMaxConstantArgs deviceId
deviceMaxConstantBufferSize <- clGetDeviceMaxConstantBufferSize deviceId
deviceMaxMemAllocSize <- clGetDeviceMaxMemAllocSize deviceId
deviceMaxParameterSize <- clGetDeviceMaxParameterSize deviceId
deviceMaxReadImageArgs <- clGetDeviceMaxReadImageArgs deviceId
deviceMaxSamplers <- clGetDeviceMaxSamplers deviceId
deviceMaxWorkGroupSize <- clGetDeviceMaxWorkGroupSize deviceId
deviceMaxWorkItemDimensions <- clGetDeviceMaxWorkItemDimensions deviceId
deviceMaxWorkItemSizes <- clGetDeviceMaxWorkItemSizes deviceId
deviceMaxWriteImageArgs <- clGetDeviceMaxWriteImageArgs deviceId
deviceMemBaseAddrAlign <- clGetDeviceMemBaseAddrAlign deviceId
deviceMinDataTypeAlignSize <- clGetDeviceMinDataTypeAlignSize deviceId
devicePreferredVectorWidthChar <- clGetDevicePreferredVectorWidthChar deviceId
devicePreferredVectorWidthShort <- clGetDevicePreferredVectorWidthShort deviceId
devicePreferredVectorWidthInt <- clGetDevicePreferredVectorWidthInt deviceId
devicePreferredVectorWidthLong <- clGetDevicePreferredVectorWidthLong deviceId
devicePreferredVectorWidthFloat <- clGetDevicePreferredVectorWidthFloat deviceId
devicePreferredVectorWidthDouble <- clGetDevicePreferredVectorWidthDouble deviceId
deviceProfile <- clGetDeviceProfile deviceId
deviceProfilingTimerResolution <- clGetDeviceProfilingTimerResolution deviceId
deviceVendor <- clGetDeviceVendor deviceId
deviceVendorID <- clGetDeviceVendorID deviceId
deviceVersion <- clGetDeviceVersion deviceId
deviceDriverVersion <- clGetDeviceDriverVersion deviceId
deviceSingleFPConfig <- clGetDeviceSingleFPConfig deviceId
deviceDoubleFPConfig <- clGetDeviceDoubleFPConfig deviceId
< - clGetDeviceHalfFPConfig deviceId
deviceLocalMemType <- clGetDeviceLocalMemType deviceId
deviceGlobalMemCacheType <- clGetDeviceGlobalMemCacheType deviceId
deviceQueueProperties <- clGetDeviceQueueProperties deviceId
deviceType <- clGetDeviceType deviceId
return CLDeviceDetail
{ _clDeviceName = deviceName
, _clDeviceDeviceId = deviceId
, _clDevicePlatformDetail = platformInfo
, _clDeviceExecutionCapabilities = deviceExecutionCapabilities
, _clDeviceAddressBits = deviceAddressBits
, _clDeviceAvailable = deviceAvailable
, _clDeviceCompilerAvailable = deviceCompilerAvailable
, _clDeviceEndianLittle = deviceEndianLittle
, _clDeviceErrorCorrectionSupport = deviceErrorCorrectionSupport
, _clDeviceExtensions = getExtensionList $ deviceExtensions
, _clDeviceGlobalMemCacheSize = deviceGlobalMemCacheSize
, _clDeviceGlobalMemCachelineSize = deviceGlobalMemCachelineSize
, _clDeviceGlobalMemSize = deviceGlobalMemSize
, _clDeviceImageSupport = deviceImageSupport
, _clDeviceImage2DMaxHeight = deviceImage2DMaxHeight
, _clDeviceImage2DMaxWidth = deviceImage2DMaxWidth
, _clDeviceImage3DMaxDepth = deviceImage3DMaxDepth
, _clDeviceImage3DMaxHeight = deviceImage3DMaxHeight
, _clDeviceImage3DMaxWidth = deviceImage3DMaxWidth
, _clDeviceLocalMemSize = deviceLocalMemSize
, _clDeviceMaxClockFrequency = deviceMaxClockFrequency
, _clDeviceMaxComputeUnits = deviceMaxComputeUnits
, _clDeviceMaxConstantArgs = deviceMaxConstantArgs
, _clDeviceMaxConstantBufferSize = deviceMaxConstantBufferSize
, _clDeviceMaxMemAllocSize = deviceMaxMemAllocSize
, _clDeviceMaxParameterSize = deviceMaxParameterSize
, _clDeviceMaxReadImageArgs = deviceMaxReadImageArgs
, _clDeviceMaxSamplers = deviceMaxSamplers
, _clDeviceMaxWorkGroupSize = deviceMaxWorkGroupSize
, _clDeviceMaxWorkItemDimensions = deviceMaxWorkItemDimensions
, _clDeviceMaxWorkItemSizes = deviceMaxWorkItemSizes
, _clDeviceMaxWriteImageArgs = deviceMaxWriteImageArgs
, _clDeviceMemBaseAddrAlign = deviceMemBaseAddrAlign
, _clDeviceMinDataTypeAlignSize = deviceMinDataTypeAlignSize
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthChar = devicePreferredVectorWidthChar
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthShort = devicePreferredVectorWidthShort
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthInt = devicePreferredVectorWidthInt
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthLong = devicePreferredVectorWidthLong
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthFloat = devicePreferredVectorWidthFloat
, _clDevicePreferredVectorWidthDouble = devicePreferredVectorWidthDouble
, _clDeviceProfile = determineClDeviceProfile deviceProfile
, _clDeviceProfilingTimerResolution = deviceProfilingTimerResolution
, _clDeviceVendor = deviceVendor
, _clDeviceVendorID = deviceVendorID
, _clDeviceVersion = deviceVersion
, _clDeviceDriverVersion = deviceDriverVersion
, _clDeviceSingleFPConfig = deviceSingleFPConfig
, _clDeviceDoubleFPConfig = deviceDoubleFPConfig
, _clDeviceLocalMemType = deviceLocalMemType
, _clDeviceGlobalMemCacheType = deviceGlobalMemCacheType
, _clDeviceQueueProperties = deviceQueueProperties
, _clDeviceType = deviceType
dumpPlatformDetauk :: CLPlatformDetail -> String
dumpPlatformDetauk platformInfo =
(titleLine ("Platform " ++ show (platformInfo ^. clPlatformName)) ++) $
foldl1 (++) $ map infoLine $
[ ( "Profile", show $ platformInfo ^. clPlatformProfile )
, ( "Version", show $ platformInfo ^. clPlatformVersion )
, ( "Vendor", show $ platformInfo ^. clPlatformVendor )
, ( "Extensions", show $ platformInfo ^. clPlatformExtensions )
dumpDeviceDetail :: CLDeviceDetail -> String
dumpDeviceDetail deviceDetail =
(titleLine (show (deviceDetail ^. clDeviceName)) ++) $
foldl1 (++) $ map infoLine $
[ ( "ExecutionCapabilities" , show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceExecutionCapabilities )
, ( "DeviceAddressBits", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceAddressBits )
, ( "Available", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceAvailable )
, ( "CompilerAvailable", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceCompilerAvailable )
, ( "EndianLittle", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceEndianLittle )
, ( "ErrorCorrectionSupport", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceErrorCorrectionSupport )
, ( "Extensions", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceExtensions )
, ( "GlobalMemCacheSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceGlobalMemCacheSize )
, ( "GlobalMemCachelineSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceGlobalMemCachelineSize )
, ( "GlobalMemSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceGlobalMemSize )
, ( "ImageSupport", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceImageSupport )
, ( "Image2DMaxHeight", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceImage2DMaxHeight )
, ( "Image2DMaxWidth", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceImage2DMaxWidth )
, ( "Image3DMaxDepth", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceImage3DMaxDepth )
, ( "Image3DMaxHeight", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceImage3DMaxHeight )
, ( "Image3DMaxWidth", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceImage3DMaxWidth )
, ( "LocalMemSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceLocalMemSize )
, ( "MaxClockFrequency", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxClockFrequency )
, ( "MaxComputeUnits", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxComputeUnits )
, ( "MaxConstantArgs", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxConstantArgs )
, ( "MaxConstantBufferSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxConstantBufferSize )
, ( "MaxMemAllocSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxMemAllocSize )
, ( "MaxParameterSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxParameterSize )
, ( "MaxReadImageArgs", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxReadImageArgs )
, ( "MaxSamplers", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxSamplers )
, ( "MaxWorkGroupSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxWorkGroupSize )
, ( "MaxWorkItemDimensions", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxWorkItemDimensions )
, ( "MaxWorkItemSizes", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxWorkItemSizes )
, ( "MaxWriteImageArgs", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMaxWriteImageArgs )
, ( "MemBaseAddrAlign", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMemBaseAddrAlign )
, ( "MinDataTypeAlignSize", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceMinDataTypeAlignSize )
, ( "PreferredVectorWidthChar", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDevicePreferredVectorWidthChar )
, ( "PreferredVectorWidthShort", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDevicePreferredVectorWidthShort )
, ( "PreferredVectorWidthInt", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDevicePreferredVectorWidthInt )
, ( "PreferredVectorWidthLong", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDevicePreferredVectorWidthLong )
, ( "PreferredVectorWidthFloat", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDevicePreferredVectorWidthFloat )
, ("PreferredVectorWidthDouble", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDevicePreferredVectorWidthDouble)
, ( "Profile", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceProfile )
, ( "ProfilingTimerResolution", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceProfilingTimerResolution )
, ( "Vendor", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceVendor )
, ( "VendorID", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceVendorID )
, ( "Version", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceVersion )
, ( "DriverVersion", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceDriverVersion )
, ( "SingleFPConfig", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceSingleFPConfig )
, ( "DoubleFPConfig", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceDoubleFPConfig )
, ( "LocalMemType", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceLocalMemType )
, ( "GlobalMemCacheType", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceGlobalMemCacheType )
, ( "QueueProperties", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceQueueProperties )
, ( "Type", show $ deviceDetail ^. clDeviceType )
| Query of all information about a every available OpenCL platform and
queryOpenCL :: CLDeviceType -> IO [CLDeviceDetail]
queryOpenCL deviceType =
do platformIDs <- clGetPlatformIDs
concat <$> mapM (\platformID -> do
platformName <- clGetPlatformInfo platformID CL_PLATFORM_NAME
putStrLn ("Found platform: " ++ platformName)
deviceIDs <- clGetDeviceIDs platformID deviceType
& handle (\err -> if err == CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND then return [] else throw err)
putStrLn ("Found " ++ show (length deviceIDs) ++ " devices")
deviceInfos <- mapM (initCLDeviceDetail platformID) deviceIDs
return deviceInfos) platformIDs
940b3a1ef63cc052cdfbfdff27eb2c6752ad0fdfcfdbc1d1d7fec15896c134b7 | master/ejabberd | mod_vcard.erl | %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% File : mod_vcard.erl
Author : < >
Purpose : Vcard management in
Created : 2 Jan 2003 by < >
ejabberd , Copyright ( C ) 2002 - 2012 ProcessOne
%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the
%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%% General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA
02111 - 1307 USA
-export([start/2, init/3, stop/1,
-define(JUD_MATCHES, 30).
-record(vcard_search, {us,
user, luser,
fn, lfn,
family, lfamily,
given, lgiven,
middle, lmiddle,
nickname, lnickname,
bday, lbday,
ctry, lctry,
locality, llocality,
email, lemail,
orgname, lorgname,
orgunit, lorgunit
-record(vcard, {us, vcard}).
-define(PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_vcard).
start(Host, Opts) ->
mnesia:create_table(vcard, [{disc_only_copies, [node()]},
{attributes, record_info(fields, vcard)}]),
[{disc_copies, [node()]},
{attributes, record_info(fields, vcard_search)}]),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, luser),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lfn),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lfamily),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lgiven),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lmiddle),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lnickname),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lbday),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lctry),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, llocality),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lemail),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lorgname),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lorgunit),
ejabberd_hooks:add(remove_user, Host,
?MODULE, remove_user, 50),
IQDisc = gen_mod:get_opt(iqdisc, Opts, one_queue),
gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_VCARD,
?MODULE, process_local_iq, IQDisc),
gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_VCARD,
?MODULE, process_sm_iq, IQDisc),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 50),
MyHost = gen_mod:get_opt_host(Host, Opts, "vjud.@HOST@"),
Search = gen_mod:get_opt(search, Opts, true),
register(gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
spawn(?MODULE, init, [MyHost, Host, Search])).
init(Host, ServerHost, Search) ->
case Search of
false ->
loop(Host, ServerHost);
_ ->
loop(Host, ServerHost)
loop(Host, ServerHost) ->
{route, From, To, Packet} ->
case catch do_route(ServerHost, From, To, Packet) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("~p", [Reason]);
_ ->
loop(Host, ServerHost);
stop ->
_ ->
loop(Host, ServerHost)
stop(Host) ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(remove_user, Host,
?MODULE, remove_user, 50),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_VCARD),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_VCARD),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 50),
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
Proc ! stop,
{wait, Proc}.
get_sm_features({error, _Error} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
get_sm_features(Acc, _From, _To, Node, _Lang) ->
case Node of
[] ->
case Acc of
{result, Features} ->
{result, [?NS_DISCO_INFO, ?NS_VCARD | Features]};
empty ->
{result, [?NS_DISCO_INFO, ?NS_VCARD]}
_ ->
process_local_iq(_From, _To, #iq{type = Type, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) ->
case Type of
set ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]};
get ->
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement, "vCard",
[{"xmlns", ?NS_VCARD}],
[{xmlelement, "FN", [],
[{xmlcdata, "ejabberd"}]},
{xmlelement, "URL", [],
[{xmlcdata, ?EJABBERD_URI}]},
{xmlelement, "DESC", [],
"Erlang Jabber Server") ++
"\nCopyright (c) 2002-2012 ProcessOne"}]},
{xmlelement, "BDAY", [],
[{xmlcdata, "2002-11-16"}]}
process_sm_iq(From, To, #iq{type = Type, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) ->
case Type of
set ->
#jid{user = User, lserver = LServer} = From,
case lists:member(LServer, ?MYHOSTS) of
true ->
set_vcard(User, LServer, SubEl),
IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = []};
false ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]}
get ->
#jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer} = To,
US = {LUser, LServer},
F = fun() ->
mnesia:read({vcard, US})
Els = case mnesia:transaction(F) of
{atomic, Rs} ->
lists:map(fun(R) ->
end, Rs);
{aborted, _Reason} ->
IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = Els}
set_vcard(User, LServer, VCARD) ->
FN = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "FN"}, cdata]),
Family = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "N"}, {elem, "FAMILY"}, cdata]),
Given = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "N"}, {elem, "GIVEN"}, cdata]),
Middle = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "N"}, {elem, "MIDDLE"}, cdata]),
Nickname = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "NICKNAME"}, cdata]),
BDay = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "BDAY"}, cdata]),
CTRY = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ADR"}, {elem, "CTRY"}, cdata]),
Locality = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ADR"}, {elem, "LOCALITY"},cdata]),
EMail1 = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "EMAIL"}, {elem, "USERID"},cdata]),
EMail2 = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "EMAIL"}, cdata]),
OrgName = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ORG"}, {elem, "ORGNAME"}, cdata]),
OrgUnit = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ORG"}, {elem, "ORGUNIT"}, cdata]),
EMail = case EMail1 of
"" ->
_ ->
LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
LFN = string2lower(FN),
LFamily = string2lower(Family),
LGiven = string2lower(Given),
LMiddle = string2lower(Middle),
LNickname = string2lower(Nickname),
LBDay = string2lower(BDay),
LCTRY = string2lower(CTRY),
LLocality = string2lower(Locality),
LEMail = string2lower(EMail),
LOrgName = string2lower(OrgName),
LOrgUnit = string2lower(OrgUnit),
US = {LUser, LServer},
(LUser == error) or
(LFN == error) or
(LFamily == error) or
(LGiven == error) or
(LMiddle == error) or
(LNickname == error) or
(LBDay == error) or
(LCTRY == error) or
(LLocality == error) or
(LEMail == error) or
(LOrgName == error) or
(LOrgUnit == error) ->
{error, badarg};
true ->
F = fun() ->
mnesia:write(#vcard{us = US, vcard = VCARD}),
#vcard_search{us = US,
user = {User, LServer},
luser = LUser,
fn = FN, lfn = LFN,
family = Family, lfamily = LFamily,
given = Given, lgiven = LGiven,
middle = Middle, lmiddle = LMiddle,
nickname = Nickname, lnickname = LNickname,
bday = BDay, lbday = LBDay,
ctry = CTRY, lctry = LCTRY,
locality = Locality, llocality = LLocality,
email = EMail, lemail = LEMail,
orgname = OrgName, lorgname = LOrgName,
orgunit = OrgUnit, lorgunit = LOrgUnit
ejabberd_hooks:run(vcard_set, LServer, [LUser, LServer, VCARD])
string2lower(String) ->
case stringprep:tolower(String) of
Lower when is_list(Lower) -> Lower;
error -> string:to_lower(String)
-define(TLFIELD(Type, Label, Var),
{xmlelement, "field", [{"type", Type},
{"label", translate:translate(Lang, Label)},
{"var", Var}], []}).
[{xmlelement, "instructions", [],
[{xmlcdata, translate:translate(Lang, "You need an x:data capable client to search")}]},
{xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_XDATA}, {"type", "form"}],
[{xmlelement, "title", [],
[{xmlcdata, translate:translate(Lang, "Search users in ") ++
{xmlelement, "instructions", [],
[{xmlcdata, translate:translate(Lang, "Fill in the form to search "
"for any matching Jabber User "
"(Add * to the end of field to "
"match substring)")}]},
?TLFIELD("text-single", "User", "user"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Full Name", "fn"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Name", "first"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Middle Name", "middle"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Family Name", "last"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Nickname", "nick"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Birthday", "bday"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Country", "ctry"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "City", "locality"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Email", "email"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Organization Name", "orgname"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Organization Unit", "orgunit")
do_route(ServerHost, From, To, Packet) ->
#jid{user = User, resource = Resource} = To,
(User /= "") or (Resource /= "") ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(Packet, ?ERR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE),
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err);
true ->
IQ = jlib:iq_query_info(Packet),
case IQ of
#iq{type = Type, xmlns = ?NS_SEARCH, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} ->
case Type of
set ->
XDataEl = find_xdata_el(SubEl),
case XDataEl of
false ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err);
_ ->
XData = jlib:parse_xdata_submit(XDataEl),
case XData of
invalid ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(
ejabberd_router:route(To, From,
_ ->
ResIQ =
type = result,
sub_el =
[{"xmlns", ?NS_SEARCH}],
[{xmlelement, "x",
[{"xmlns", ?NS_XDATA},
{"type", "result"}],
search_result(Lang, To, ServerHost, XData)
To, From, jlib:iq_to_xml(ResIQ))
get ->
ResIQ = IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement,
[{"xmlns", ?NS_SEARCH}],
#iq{type = Type, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_INFO, lang = Lang} ->
case Type of
set ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err);
get ->
Info = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(
disco_info, ServerHost, [],
[ServerHost, ?MODULE, "", ""]),
ResIQ =
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement,
[{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_INFO}],
[{xmlelement, "identity",
[{"category", "directory"},
{"type", "user"},
translate:translate(Lang, "vCard User Search")}],
{xmlelement, "feature",
[{"var", ?NS_DISCO_INFO}], []},
{xmlelement, "feature",
[{"var", ?NS_SEARCH}], []},
{xmlelement, "feature",
[{"var", ?NS_VCARD}], []}
] ++ Info
#iq{type = Type, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS} ->
case Type of
set ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err);
get ->
ResIQ =
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement,
[{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS}],
#iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_VCARD, lang = Lang} ->
ResIQ =
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement,
[{"xmlns", ?NS_VCARD}],
_ ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(Packet,
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err)
iq_get_vcard(Lang) ->
[{xmlelement, "FN", [],
[{xmlcdata, "ejabberd/mod_vcard"}]},
{xmlelement, "URL", [],
[{xmlcdata, ?EJABBERD_URI}]},
{xmlelement, "DESC", [],
[{xmlcdata, translate:translate(
"ejabberd vCard module") ++
"\nCopyright (c) 2003-2012 ProcessOne"}]}].
find_xdata_el({xmlelement, _Name, _Attrs, SubEls}) ->
find_xdata_el1([]) ->
find_xdata_el1([{xmlelement, Name, Attrs, SubEls} | Els]) ->
case xml:get_attr_s("xmlns", Attrs) of
{xmlelement, Name, Attrs, SubEls};
_ ->
find_xdata_el1([_ | Els]) ->
-define(LFIELD(Label, Var),
{xmlelement, "field", [{"label", translate:translate(Lang, Label)},
{"var", Var}], []}).
search_result(Lang, JID, ServerHost, Data) ->
[{xmlelement, "title", [],
[{xmlcdata, translate:translate(Lang, "Search Results for ") ++
{xmlelement, "reported", [],
[?TLFIELD("text-single", "Jabber ID", "jid"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Full Name", "fn"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Name", "first"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Middle Name", "middle"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Family Name", "last"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Nickname", "nick"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Birthday", "bday"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Country", "ctry"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "City", "locality"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Email", "email"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Organization Name", "orgname"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Organization Unit", "orgunit")
]}] ++ lists:map(fun record_to_item/1, search(ServerHost, Data)).
-define(FIELD(Var, Val),
{xmlelement, "field", [{"var", Var}],
[{xmlelement, "value", [],
[{xmlcdata, Val}]}]}).
record_to_item(R) ->
{User, Server} = R#vcard_search.user,
{xmlelement, "item", [],
?FIELD("jid", User ++ "@" ++ Server),
?FIELD("fn", R#vcard_search.fn),
?FIELD("last", R#vcard_search.family),
?FIELD("first", R#vcard_search.given),
?FIELD("middle", R#vcard_search.middle),
?FIELD("nick", R#vcard_search.nickname),
?FIELD("bday", R#vcard_search.bday),
?FIELD("ctry", R#vcard_search.ctry),
?FIELD("locality", R#vcard_search.locality),
?FIELD("email", R#vcard_search.email),
?FIELD("orgname", R#vcard_search.orgname),
?FIELD("orgunit", R#vcard_search.orgunit)
search(LServer, Data) ->
MatchSpec = make_matchspec(LServer, Data),
AllowReturnAll = gen_mod:get_module_opt(LServer, ?MODULE,
allow_return_all, false),
(MatchSpec == #vcard_search{_ = '_'}) and (not AllowReturnAll) ->
true ->
case catch mnesia:dirty_select(vcard_search,
[{MatchSpec, [], ['$_']}]) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("~p", [Reason]),
Rs ->
case gen_mod:get_module_opt(LServer, ?MODULE,
matches, ?JUD_MATCHES) of
infinity ->
Val when is_integer(Val) and (Val > 0) ->
lists:sublist(Rs, Val);
Val ->
?ERROR_MSG("Illegal option value ~p. "
"Default value ~p substituted.",
[{matches, Val}, ?JUD_MATCHES]),
lists:sublist(Rs, ?JUD_MATCHES)
make_matchspec(LServer, Data) ->
GlobMatch = #vcard_search{_ = '_'},
Match = filter_fields(Data, GlobMatch, LServer),
filter_fields([], Match, _LServer) ->
filter_fields([{SVar, [Val]} | Ds], Match, LServer)
when is_list(Val) and (Val /= "") ->
LVal = string2lower(Val),
NewMatch = case SVar of
"user" ->
case gen_mod:get_module_opt(LServer, ?MODULE,
search_all_hosts, true) of
true ->
Match#vcard_search{luser = make_val(LVal)};
false ->
Host = find_my_host(LServer),
Match#vcard_search{us = {make_val(LVal), Host}}
"fn" -> Match#vcard_search{lfn = make_val(LVal)};
"last" -> Match#vcard_search{lfamily = make_val(LVal)};
"first" -> Match#vcard_search{lgiven = make_val(LVal)};
"middle" -> Match#vcard_search{lmiddle = make_val(LVal)};
"nick" -> Match#vcard_search{lnickname = make_val(LVal)};
"bday" -> Match#vcard_search{lbday = make_val(LVal)};
"ctry" -> Match#vcard_search{lctry = make_val(LVal)};
"locality" -> Match#vcard_search{llocality = make_val(LVal)};
"email" -> Match#vcard_search{lemail = make_val(LVal)};
"orgname" -> Match#vcard_search{lorgname = make_val(LVal)};
"orgunit" -> Match#vcard_search{lorgunit = make_val(LVal)};
_ -> Match
filter_fields(Ds, NewMatch, LServer);
filter_fields([_ | Ds], Match, LServer) ->
filter_fields(Ds, Match, LServer).
make_val(Val) ->
case lists:suffix("*", Val) of
true ->
lists:sublist(Val, length(Val) - 1) ++ '_';
_ ->
find_my_host(LServer) ->
Parts = string:tokens(LServer, "."),
find_my_host(Parts, ?MYHOSTS).
find_my_host([], _Hosts) ->
find_my_host([_ | Tail] = Parts, Hosts) ->
Domain = parts_to_string(Parts),
case lists:member(Domain, Hosts) of
true ->
false ->
find_my_host(Tail, Hosts)
parts_to_string(Parts) ->
string:strip(lists:flatten(lists:map(fun(S) -> [S, $.] end, Parts)),
right, $.).
set_vcard_t(R, _) ->
US = R#vcard.us,
User = US,
VCARD = R#vcard.vcard,
FN = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "FN"}, cdata]),
Family = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "N"}, {elem, "FAMILY"}, cdata]),
Given = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "N"}, {elem, "GIVEN"}, cdata]),
Middle = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "N"}, {elem, "MIDDLE"}, cdata]),
Nickname = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "NICKNAME"}, cdata]),
BDay = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "BDAY"}, cdata]),
CTRY = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ADR"}, {elem, "CTRY"}, cdata]),
Locality = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ADR"}, {elem, "LOCALITY"},cdata]),
EMail = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "EMAIL"}, cdata]),
OrgName = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ORG"}, {elem, "ORGNAME"}, cdata]),
OrgUnit = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ORG"}, {elem, "ORGUNIT"}, cdata]),
{LUser, _LServer} = US,
LFN = string2lower(FN),
LFamily = string2lower(Family),
LGiven = string2lower(Given),
LMiddle = string2lower(Middle),
LNickname = string2lower(Nickname),
LBDay = string2lower(BDay),
LCTRY = string2lower(CTRY),
LLocality = string2lower(Locality),
LEMail = string2lower(EMail),
LOrgName = string2lower(OrgName),
LOrgUnit = string2lower(OrgUnit),
(LUser == error) or
(LFN == error) or
(LFamily == error) or
(LGiven == error) or
(LMiddle == error) or
(LNickname == error) or
(LBDay == error) or
(LCTRY == error) or
(LLocality == error) or
(LEMail == error) or
(LOrgName == error) or
(LOrgUnit == error) ->
{error, badarg};
true ->
#vcard_search{us = US,
user = User, luser = LUser,
fn = FN, lfn = LFN,
family = Family, lfamily = LFamily,
given = Given, lgiven = LGiven,
middle = Middle, lmiddle = LMiddle,
nickname = Nickname, lnickname = LNickname,
bday = BDay, lbday = LBDay,
ctry = CTRY, lctry = LCTRY,
locality = Locality, llocality = LLocality,
email = EMail, lemail = LEMail,
orgname = OrgName, lorgname = LOrgName,
orgunit = OrgUnit, lorgunit = LOrgUnit
reindex_vcards() ->
F = fun() ->
mnesia:foldl(fun set_vcard_t/2, [], vcard)
remove_user(User, Server) ->
LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
US = {LUser, LServer},
F = fun() ->
mnesia:delete({vcard, US}),
mnesia:delete({vcard_search, US})
update_tables() ->
update_vcard_table() ->
Fields = record_info(fields, vcard),
case mnesia:table_info(vcard, attributes) of
Fields ->
[user, vcard] ->
?INFO_MSG("Converting vcard table from "
"{user, vcard} format", []),
Host = ?MYNAME,
{atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(
[{disc_only_copies, [node()]},
{type, bag},
{local_content, true},
{record_name, vcard},
{attributes, record_info(fields, vcard)}]),
mnesia:transform_table(vcard, ignore, Fields),
F1 = fun() ->
fun(#vcard{us = U} = R, _) ->
R#vcard{us = {U, Host}})
end, ok, vcard)
F2 = fun() ->
fun(R, _) ->
end, ok, mod_vcard_tmp_table)
_ ->
?INFO_MSG("Recreating vcard table", []),
mnesia:transform_table(vcard, ignore, Fields)
update_vcard_search_table() ->
Fields = record_info(fields, vcard_search),
case mnesia:table_info(vcard_search, attributes) of
Fields ->
[user, luser,
fn, lfn,
family, lfamily,
given, lgiven,
middle, lmiddle,
nickname, lnickname,
bday, lbday,
ctry, lctry,
locality, llocality,
email, lemail,
orgname, lorgname,
orgunit, lorgunit] ->
?INFO_MSG("Converting vcard_search table from "
"{user, luser, fn, lfn, family, lfamily, given, lgiven, middle, lmiddle, nickname, lnickname, bday, lbday, ctry, lctry, locality, llocality, email, lemail, orgname, lorgname, orgunit, lorgunit} format", []),
Host = ?MYNAME,
{atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(
[{disc_only_copies, [node()]},
{type, bag},
{local_content, true},
{record_name, vcard_search},
{attributes, record_info(fields, vcard_search)}]),
F1 = fun() ->
User, LUser,
Family, LFamily,
Given, LGiven,
Middle, LMiddle,
Nickname, LNickname,
BDay, LBDay,
Locality, LLocality,
EMail, LEMail,
OrgName, LOrgName,
OrgUnit, LOrgUnit
}, _) ->
us = {LUser, Host},
user = {User, Host},
luser = LUser,
fn = FN, lfn = LFN,
family = Family, lfamily = LFamily,
given = Given, lgiven = LGiven,
middle = Middle, lmiddle = LMiddle,
nickname = Nickname, lnickname = LNickname,
bday = BDay, lbday = LBDay,
ctry = CTRY, lctry = LCTRY,
locality = Locality, llocality = LLocality,
email = EMail, lemail = LEMail,
orgname = OrgName, lorgname = LOrgName,
orgunit = OrgUnit, lorgunit = LOrgUnit
end, ok, vcard_search)
lists:foreach(fun(I) ->
element(I, {vcard_search,
user, luser,
fn, lfn,
family, lfamily,
given, lgiven,
middle, lmiddle,
nickname, lnickname,
bday, lbday,
ctry, lctry,
locality, llocality,
email, lemail,
orgname, lorgname,
orgunit, lorgunit}))
end, mnesia:table_info(vcard_search, index)),
mnesia:transform_table(vcard_search, ignore, Fields),
F2 = fun() ->
fun(R, _) ->
end, ok, mod_vcard_tmp_table)
_ ->
?INFO_MSG("Recreating vcard_search table", []),
mnesia:transform_table(vcard_search, ignore, Fields)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/master/ejabberd/9c31874d5a9d1852ece1b8ae70dd4b7e5eef7cf7/src/mod_vcard.erl | erlang | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
File : mod_vcard.erl
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
| Author : < >
Purpose : Vcard management in
Created : 2 Jan 2003 by < >
ejabberd , Copyright ( C ) 2002 - 2012 ProcessOne
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA
02111 - 1307 USA
-export([start/2, init/3, stop/1,
-define(JUD_MATCHES, 30).
-record(vcard_search, {us,
user, luser,
fn, lfn,
family, lfamily,
given, lgiven,
middle, lmiddle,
nickname, lnickname,
bday, lbday,
ctry, lctry,
locality, llocality,
email, lemail,
orgname, lorgname,
orgunit, lorgunit
-record(vcard, {us, vcard}).
-define(PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_vcard).
start(Host, Opts) ->
mnesia:create_table(vcard, [{disc_only_copies, [node()]},
{attributes, record_info(fields, vcard)}]),
[{disc_copies, [node()]},
{attributes, record_info(fields, vcard_search)}]),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, luser),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lfn),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lfamily),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lgiven),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lmiddle),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lnickname),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lbday),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lctry),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, llocality),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lemail),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lorgname),
mnesia:add_table_index(vcard_search, lorgunit),
ejabberd_hooks:add(remove_user, Host,
?MODULE, remove_user, 50),
IQDisc = gen_mod:get_opt(iqdisc, Opts, one_queue),
gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_VCARD,
?MODULE, process_local_iq, IQDisc),
gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_VCARD,
?MODULE, process_sm_iq, IQDisc),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 50),
MyHost = gen_mod:get_opt_host(Host, Opts, "vjud.@HOST@"),
Search = gen_mod:get_opt(search, Opts, true),
register(gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
spawn(?MODULE, init, [MyHost, Host, Search])).
init(Host, ServerHost, Search) ->
case Search of
false ->
loop(Host, ServerHost);
_ ->
loop(Host, ServerHost)
loop(Host, ServerHost) ->
{route, From, To, Packet} ->
case catch do_route(ServerHost, From, To, Packet) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("~p", [Reason]);
_ ->
loop(Host, ServerHost);
stop ->
_ ->
loop(Host, ServerHost)
stop(Host) ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(remove_user, Host,
?MODULE, remove_user, 50),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_VCARD),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_VCARD),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 50),
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
Proc ! stop,
{wait, Proc}.
get_sm_features({error, _Error} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
get_sm_features(Acc, _From, _To, Node, _Lang) ->
case Node of
[] ->
case Acc of
{result, Features} ->
{result, [?NS_DISCO_INFO, ?NS_VCARD | Features]};
empty ->
{result, [?NS_DISCO_INFO, ?NS_VCARD]}
_ ->
process_local_iq(_From, _To, #iq{type = Type, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) ->
case Type of
set ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]};
get ->
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement, "vCard",
[{"xmlns", ?NS_VCARD}],
[{xmlelement, "FN", [],
[{xmlcdata, "ejabberd"}]},
{xmlelement, "URL", [],
[{xmlcdata, ?EJABBERD_URI}]},
{xmlelement, "DESC", [],
"Erlang Jabber Server") ++
"\nCopyright (c) 2002-2012 ProcessOne"}]},
{xmlelement, "BDAY", [],
[{xmlcdata, "2002-11-16"}]}
process_sm_iq(From, To, #iq{type = Type, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) ->
case Type of
set ->
#jid{user = User, lserver = LServer} = From,
case lists:member(LServer, ?MYHOSTS) of
true ->
set_vcard(User, LServer, SubEl),
IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = []};
false ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]}
get ->
#jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer} = To,
US = {LUser, LServer},
F = fun() ->
mnesia:read({vcard, US})
Els = case mnesia:transaction(F) of
{atomic, Rs} ->
lists:map(fun(R) ->
end, Rs);
{aborted, _Reason} ->
IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = Els}
set_vcard(User, LServer, VCARD) ->
FN = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "FN"}, cdata]),
Family = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "N"}, {elem, "FAMILY"}, cdata]),
Given = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "N"}, {elem, "GIVEN"}, cdata]),
Middle = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "N"}, {elem, "MIDDLE"}, cdata]),
Nickname = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "NICKNAME"}, cdata]),
BDay = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "BDAY"}, cdata]),
CTRY = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ADR"}, {elem, "CTRY"}, cdata]),
Locality = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ADR"}, {elem, "LOCALITY"},cdata]),
EMail1 = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "EMAIL"}, {elem, "USERID"},cdata]),
EMail2 = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "EMAIL"}, cdata]),
OrgName = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ORG"}, {elem, "ORGNAME"}, cdata]),
OrgUnit = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ORG"}, {elem, "ORGUNIT"}, cdata]),
EMail = case EMail1 of
"" ->
_ ->
LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
LFN = string2lower(FN),
LFamily = string2lower(Family),
LGiven = string2lower(Given),
LMiddle = string2lower(Middle),
LNickname = string2lower(Nickname),
LBDay = string2lower(BDay),
LCTRY = string2lower(CTRY),
LLocality = string2lower(Locality),
LEMail = string2lower(EMail),
LOrgName = string2lower(OrgName),
LOrgUnit = string2lower(OrgUnit),
US = {LUser, LServer},
(LUser == error) or
(LFN == error) or
(LFamily == error) or
(LGiven == error) or
(LMiddle == error) or
(LNickname == error) or
(LBDay == error) or
(LCTRY == error) or
(LLocality == error) or
(LEMail == error) or
(LOrgName == error) or
(LOrgUnit == error) ->
{error, badarg};
true ->
F = fun() ->
mnesia:write(#vcard{us = US, vcard = VCARD}),
#vcard_search{us = US,
user = {User, LServer},
luser = LUser,
fn = FN, lfn = LFN,
family = Family, lfamily = LFamily,
given = Given, lgiven = LGiven,
middle = Middle, lmiddle = LMiddle,
nickname = Nickname, lnickname = LNickname,
bday = BDay, lbday = LBDay,
ctry = CTRY, lctry = LCTRY,
locality = Locality, llocality = LLocality,
email = EMail, lemail = LEMail,
orgname = OrgName, lorgname = LOrgName,
orgunit = OrgUnit, lorgunit = LOrgUnit
ejabberd_hooks:run(vcard_set, LServer, [LUser, LServer, VCARD])
string2lower(String) ->
case stringprep:tolower(String) of
Lower when is_list(Lower) -> Lower;
error -> string:to_lower(String)
-define(TLFIELD(Type, Label, Var),
{xmlelement, "field", [{"type", Type},
{"label", translate:translate(Lang, Label)},
{"var", Var}], []}).
[{xmlelement, "instructions", [],
[{xmlcdata, translate:translate(Lang, "You need an x:data capable client to search")}]},
{xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_XDATA}, {"type", "form"}],
[{xmlelement, "title", [],
[{xmlcdata, translate:translate(Lang, "Search users in ") ++
{xmlelement, "instructions", [],
[{xmlcdata, translate:translate(Lang, "Fill in the form to search "
"for any matching Jabber User "
"(Add * to the end of field to "
"match substring)")}]},
?TLFIELD("text-single", "User", "user"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Full Name", "fn"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Name", "first"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Middle Name", "middle"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Family Name", "last"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Nickname", "nick"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Birthday", "bday"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Country", "ctry"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "City", "locality"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Email", "email"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Organization Name", "orgname"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Organization Unit", "orgunit")
do_route(ServerHost, From, To, Packet) ->
#jid{user = User, resource = Resource} = To,
(User /= "") or (Resource /= "") ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(Packet, ?ERR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE),
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err);
true ->
IQ = jlib:iq_query_info(Packet),
case IQ of
#iq{type = Type, xmlns = ?NS_SEARCH, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} ->
case Type of
set ->
XDataEl = find_xdata_el(SubEl),
case XDataEl of
false ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err);
_ ->
XData = jlib:parse_xdata_submit(XDataEl),
case XData of
invalid ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(
ejabberd_router:route(To, From,
_ ->
ResIQ =
type = result,
sub_el =
[{"xmlns", ?NS_SEARCH}],
[{xmlelement, "x",
[{"xmlns", ?NS_XDATA},
{"type", "result"}],
search_result(Lang, To, ServerHost, XData)
To, From, jlib:iq_to_xml(ResIQ))
get ->
ResIQ = IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement,
[{"xmlns", ?NS_SEARCH}],
#iq{type = Type, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_INFO, lang = Lang} ->
case Type of
set ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err);
get ->
Info = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(
disco_info, ServerHost, [],
[ServerHost, ?MODULE, "", ""]),
ResIQ =
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement,
[{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_INFO}],
[{xmlelement, "identity",
[{"category", "directory"},
{"type", "user"},
translate:translate(Lang, "vCard User Search")}],
{xmlelement, "feature",
[{"var", ?NS_DISCO_INFO}], []},
{xmlelement, "feature",
[{"var", ?NS_SEARCH}], []},
{xmlelement, "feature",
[{"var", ?NS_VCARD}], []}
] ++ Info
#iq{type = Type, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS} ->
case Type of
set ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err);
get ->
ResIQ =
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement,
[{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS}],
#iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_VCARD, lang = Lang} ->
ResIQ =
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement,
[{"xmlns", ?NS_VCARD}],
_ ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(Packet,
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err)
iq_get_vcard(Lang) ->
[{xmlelement, "FN", [],
[{xmlcdata, "ejabberd/mod_vcard"}]},
{xmlelement, "URL", [],
[{xmlcdata, ?EJABBERD_URI}]},
{xmlelement, "DESC", [],
[{xmlcdata, translate:translate(
"ejabberd vCard module") ++
"\nCopyright (c) 2003-2012 ProcessOne"}]}].
find_xdata_el({xmlelement, _Name, _Attrs, SubEls}) ->
find_xdata_el1([]) ->
find_xdata_el1([{xmlelement, Name, Attrs, SubEls} | Els]) ->
case xml:get_attr_s("xmlns", Attrs) of
{xmlelement, Name, Attrs, SubEls};
_ ->
find_xdata_el1([_ | Els]) ->
-define(LFIELD(Label, Var),
{xmlelement, "field", [{"label", translate:translate(Lang, Label)},
{"var", Var}], []}).
search_result(Lang, JID, ServerHost, Data) ->
[{xmlelement, "title", [],
[{xmlcdata, translate:translate(Lang, "Search Results for ") ++
{xmlelement, "reported", [],
[?TLFIELD("text-single", "Jabber ID", "jid"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Full Name", "fn"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Name", "first"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Middle Name", "middle"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Family Name", "last"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Nickname", "nick"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Birthday", "bday"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Country", "ctry"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "City", "locality"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Email", "email"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Organization Name", "orgname"),
?TLFIELD("text-single", "Organization Unit", "orgunit")
]}] ++ lists:map(fun record_to_item/1, search(ServerHost, Data)).
-define(FIELD(Var, Val),
{xmlelement, "field", [{"var", Var}],
[{xmlelement, "value", [],
[{xmlcdata, Val}]}]}).
record_to_item(R) ->
{User, Server} = R#vcard_search.user,
{xmlelement, "item", [],
?FIELD("jid", User ++ "@" ++ Server),
?FIELD("fn", R#vcard_search.fn),
?FIELD("last", R#vcard_search.family),
?FIELD("first", R#vcard_search.given),
?FIELD("middle", R#vcard_search.middle),
?FIELD("nick", R#vcard_search.nickname),
?FIELD("bday", R#vcard_search.bday),
?FIELD("ctry", R#vcard_search.ctry),
?FIELD("locality", R#vcard_search.locality),
?FIELD("email", R#vcard_search.email),
?FIELD("orgname", R#vcard_search.orgname),
?FIELD("orgunit", R#vcard_search.orgunit)
search(LServer, Data) ->
MatchSpec = make_matchspec(LServer, Data),
AllowReturnAll = gen_mod:get_module_opt(LServer, ?MODULE,
allow_return_all, false),
(MatchSpec == #vcard_search{_ = '_'}) and (not AllowReturnAll) ->
true ->
case catch mnesia:dirty_select(vcard_search,
[{MatchSpec, [], ['$_']}]) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("~p", [Reason]),
Rs ->
case gen_mod:get_module_opt(LServer, ?MODULE,
matches, ?JUD_MATCHES) of
infinity ->
Val when is_integer(Val) and (Val > 0) ->
lists:sublist(Rs, Val);
Val ->
?ERROR_MSG("Illegal option value ~p. "
"Default value ~p substituted.",
[{matches, Val}, ?JUD_MATCHES]),
lists:sublist(Rs, ?JUD_MATCHES)
make_matchspec(LServer, Data) ->
GlobMatch = #vcard_search{_ = '_'},
Match = filter_fields(Data, GlobMatch, LServer),
filter_fields([], Match, _LServer) ->
filter_fields([{SVar, [Val]} | Ds], Match, LServer)
when is_list(Val) and (Val /= "") ->
LVal = string2lower(Val),
NewMatch = case SVar of
"user" ->
case gen_mod:get_module_opt(LServer, ?MODULE,
search_all_hosts, true) of
true ->
Match#vcard_search{luser = make_val(LVal)};
false ->
Host = find_my_host(LServer),
Match#vcard_search{us = {make_val(LVal), Host}}
"fn" -> Match#vcard_search{lfn = make_val(LVal)};
"last" -> Match#vcard_search{lfamily = make_val(LVal)};
"first" -> Match#vcard_search{lgiven = make_val(LVal)};
"middle" -> Match#vcard_search{lmiddle = make_val(LVal)};
"nick" -> Match#vcard_search{lnickname = make_val(LVal)};
"bday" -> Match#vcard_search{lbday = make_val(LVal)};
"ctry" -> Match#vcard_search{lctry = make_val(LVal)};
"locality" -> Match#vcard_search{llocality = make_val(LVal)};
"email" -> Match#vcard_search{lemail = make_val(LVal)};
"orgname" -> Match#vcard_search{lorgname = make_val(LVal)};
"orgunit" -> Match#vcard_search{lorgunit = make_val(LVal)};
_ -> Match
filter_fields(Ds, NewMatch, LServer);
filter_fields([_ | Ds], Match, LServer) ->
filter_fields(Ds, Match, LServer).
make_val(Val) ->
case lists:suffix("*", Val) of
true ->
lists:sublist(Val, length(Val) - 1) ++ '_';
_ ->
find_my_host(LServer) ->
Parts = string:tokens(LServer, "."),
find_my_host(Parts, ?MYHOSTS).
find_my_host([], _Hosts) ->
find_my_host([_ | Tail] = Parts, Hosts) ->
Domain = parts_to_string(Parts),
case lists:member(Domain, Hosts) of
true ->
false ->
find_my_host(Tail, Hosts)
parts_to_string(Parts) ->
string:strip(lists:flatten(lists:map(fun(S) -> [S, $.] end, Parts)),
right, $.).
set_vcard_t(R, _) ->
US = R#vcard.us,
User = US,
VCARD = R#vcard.vcard,
FN = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "FN"}, cdata]),
Family = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "N"}, {elem, "FAMILY"}, cdata]),
Given = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "N"}, {elem, "GIVEN"}, cdata]),
Middle = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "N"}, {elem, "MIDDLE"}, cdata]),
Nickname = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "NICKNAME"}, cdata]),
BDay = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "BDAY"}, cdata]),
CTRY = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ADR"}, {elem, "CTRY"}, cdata]),
Locality = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ADR"}, {elem, "LOCALITY"},cdata]),
EMail = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "EMAIL"}, cdata]),
OrgName = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ORG"}, {elem, "ORGNAME"}, cdata]),
OrgUnit = xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, "ORG"}, {elem, "ORGUNIT"}, cdata]),
{LUser, _LServer} = US,
LFN = string2lower(FN),
LFamily = string2lower(Family),
LGiven = string2lower(Given),
LMiddle = string2lower(Middle),
LNickname = string2lower(Nickname),
LBDay = string2lower(BDay),
LCTRY = string2lower(CTRY),
LLocality = string2lower(Locality),
LEMail = string2lower(EMail),
LOrgName = string2lower(OrgName),
LOrgUnit = string2lower(OrgUnit),
(LUser == error) or
(LFN == error) or
(LFamily == error) or
(LGiven == error) or
(LMiddle == error) or
(LNickname == error) or
(LBDay == error) or
(LCTRY == error) or
(LLocality == error) or
(LEMail == error) or
(LOrgName == error) or
(LOrgUnit == error) ->
{error, badarg};
true ->
#vcard_search{us = US,
user = User, luser = LUser,
fn = FN, lfn = LFN,
family = Family, lfamily = LFamily,
given = Given, lgiven = LGiven,
middle = Middle, lmiddle = LMiddle,
nickname = Nickname, lnickname = LNickname,
bday = BDay, lbday = LBDay,
ctry = CTRY, lctry = LCTRY,
locality = Locality, llocality = LLocality,
email = EMail, lemail = LEMail,
orgname = OrgName, lorgname = LOrgName,
orgunit = OrgUnit, lorgunit = LOrgUnit
reindex_vcards() ->
F = fun() ->
mnesia:foldl(fun set_vcard_t/2, [], vcard)
remove_user(User, Server) ->
LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
US = {LUser, LServer},
F = fun() ->
mnesia:delete({vcard, US}),
mnesia:delete({vcard_search, US})
update_tables() ->
update_vcard_table() ->
Fields = record_info(fields, vcard),
case mnesia:table_info(vcard, attributes) of
Fields ->
[user, vcard] ->
?INFO_MSG("Converting vcard table from "
"{user, vcard} format", []),
Host = ?MYNAME,
{atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(
[{disc_only_copies, [node()]},
{type, bag},
{local_content, true},
{record_name, vcard},
{attributes, record_info(fields, vcard)}]),
mnesia:transform_table(vcard, ignore, Fields),
F1 = fun() ->
fun(#vcard{us = U} = R, _) ->
R#vcard{us = {U, Host}})
end, ok, vcard)
F2 = fun() ->
fun(R, _) ->
end, ok, mod_vcard_tmp_table)
_ ->
?INFO_MSG("Recreating vcard table", []),
mnesia:transform_table(vcard, ignore, Fields)
update_vcard_search_table() ->
Fields = record_info(fields, vcard_search),
case mnesia:table_info(vcard_search, attributes) of
Fields ->
[user, luser,
fn, lfn,
family, lfamily,
given, lgiven,
middle, lmiddle,
nickname, lnickname,
bday, lbday,
ctry, lctry,
locality, llocality,
email, lemail,
orgname, lorgname,
orgunit, lorgunit] ->
?INFO_MSG("Converting vcard_search table from "
"{user, luser, fn, lfn, family, lfamily, given, lgiven, middle, lmiddle, nickname, lnickname, bday, lbday, ctry, lctry, locality, llocality, email, lemail, orgname, lorgname, orgunit, lorgunit} format", []),
Host = ?MYNAME,
{atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(
[{disc_only_copies, [node()]},
{type, bag},
{local_content, true},
{record_name, vcard_search},
{attributes, record_info(fields, vcard_search)}]),
F1 = fun() ->
User, LUser,
Family, LFamily,
Given, LGiven,
Middle, LMiddle,
Nickname, LNickname,
BDay, LBDay,
Locality, LLocality,
EMail, LEMail,
OrgName, LOrgName,
OrgUnit, LOrgUnit
}, _) ->
us = {LUser, Host},
user = {User, Host},
luser = LUser,
fn = FN, lfn = LFN,
family = Family, lfamily = LFamily,
given = Given, lgiven = LGiven,
middle = Middle, lmiddle = LMiddle,
nickname = Nickname, lnickname = LNickname,
bday = BDay, lbday = LBDay,
ctry = CTRY, lctry = LCTRY,
locality = Locality, llocality = LLocality,
email = EMail, lemail = LEMail,
orgname = OrgName, lorgname = LOrgName,
orgunit = OrgUnit, lorgunit = LOrgUnit
end, ok, vcard_search)
lists:foreach(fun(I) ->
element(I, {vcard_search,
user, luser,
fn, lfn,
family, lfamily,
given, lgiven,
middle, lmiddle,
nickname, lnickname,
bday, lbday,
ctry, lctry,
locality, llocality,
email, lemail,
orgname, lorgname,
orgunit, lorgunit}))
end, mnesia:table_info(vcard_search, index)),
mnesia:transform_table(vcard_search, ignore, Fields),
F2 = fun() ->
fun(R, _) ->
end, ok, mod_vcard_tmp_table)
_ ->
?INFO_MSG("Recreating vcard_search table", []),
mnesia:transform_table(vcard_search, ignore, Fields)
efc5e2becc19991276eda338241ecd1099fd6ad974fdc11aaf3ad5f0a0614a4d | lwhjp/racket-jni | env.rkt | #lang racket/base
(require racket/class
(provide (all-defined-out)
(define local-jni-env (make-thread-cell #f #f))
(define current-jni-env
(thread-cell-ref local-jni-env)]
(unless (or (not env) (is-a? env JNIEnv<%>))
(raise-argument-error 'current-jni-env "instance of JNIEnv<%> or #f" env))
(thread-cell-set! local-jni-env env)]))
(define (require-jni-env)
(or (current-jni-env)
(error "attempted to use JNI on an unattached thread")))
(define (with-jni-env env thunk)
(define old-env #f)
(λ ()
(set! old-env (current-jni-env))
(current-jni-env env))
(λ () (current-jni-env old-env))))
(let-jni-env env body0 body ...)
(with-jni-env env (λ () body0 body ...)))
; scope
(struct jni-scope (refs))
(define (make-jni-scope)
(jni-scope (make-ephemeron-hasheq)))
(define (jni-scope-register scope v proc)
(hash-set! (jni-scope-refs scope) v proc))
(define (exit-jni-scope scope)
(for ([proc (in-hash-values (jni-scope-refs scope))])
(define global-jni-scope (make-jni-scope))
(define reference-cleanup-executor (make-will-executor))
(define local-jni-scope
(make-thread-cell global-jni-scope #f))
(define (current-jni-scope)
(or (thread-cell-ref local-jni-scope)
(error "used outside of JNI scope")))
(define (with-jni-scope thunk)
(define old-scope #f)
(λ ()
(set! old-scope (thread-cell-ref local-jni-scope))
(thread-cell-set! local-jni-scope (make-jni-scope)))
(λ ()
(exit-jni-scope (thread-cell-ref local-jni-scope))
(thread-cell-set! local-jni-scope old-scope)
(will-try-execute reference-cleanup-executor (void)))))
(define (with-jni-frame capacity thunk)
(define-values (old-ref new-ptr)
(λ ()
(send (require-jni-env) PushLocalFrame capacity)
(λ (e)
(define old-throwable (exn:fail:jni:throw-object e))
(define new-throwable
(send old-throwable
(send (require-jni-env) PopLocalFrame (send old-throwable get-pointer))))
(raise (struct-copy exn:fail:jni:throw
[object new-throwable])))])
(define result (thunk))
(send (require-jni-env) PopLocalFrame (and result (send result get-pointer))))))))
(and new-ptr (send old-ref clone-with-new-pointer new-ptr)))
; references
(define reference<%>
(interface ()
(define reference%
(class* object% (reference<%>)
(init-field _type)
(init pointer)
(define ptr (box pointer))
(define (make-ref ref% p)
(and p
(new ref%
[_type _type]
[pointer (cast p _type)])))
(define/public (->weak-reference)
(make-ref weak-reference%
(send (require-jni-env) NewWeakGlobalRef (get-pointer))))
(define/public (->local-reference)
(make-ref local-reference%
(send (require-jni-env) NewLocalRef (get-pointer))))
(define/public (->global-reference)
(make-ref global-reference%
(send (require-jni-env) NewGlobalRef (get-pointer))))
(define/public (get-pointer)
(or (unbox ptr)
(error "invalid reference")))
(define/public (clone-with-new-pointer p)
(new this%
[_type _type]
[pointer p]))
(define/public (clear)
(set-box! ptr #f))
(define/pubment (delete)
(when (unbox ptr)
(inner (void) delete)
(define weak-reference%
(class* reference% ()
(define/override (->weak-reference) this)
(define/augment (delete)
(send (require-jni-env) DeleteWeakGlobalRef (super get-pointer)))
(define/override (get-pointer)
(error "access through weak reference"))))
(define local-reference%
(class* reference% ()
(inherit get-pointer)
(jni-scope-register (current-jni-scope) this (λ () (send this clear)))
(define/override (->local-reference) this)
(define/augment (delete)
(send (require-jni-env) DeleteLocalRef (get-pointer)))))
(define global-reference%
(class* reference% ()
(inherit get-pointer)
(will-register reference-cleanup-executor this (λ () (send this delete)))
(define/override (->global-reference) this)
(define/augment (delete)
(send (require-jni-env) DeleteGlobalRef (get-pointer)))))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lwhjp/racket-jni/ad76ef596d9e1702bffc9ab2141616b628f72b4d/private/env.rkt | racket | scope
references | #lang racket/base
(require racket/class
(provide (all-defined-out)
(define local-jni-env (make-thread-cell #f #f))
(define current-jni-env
(thread-cell-ref local-jni-env)]
(unless (or (not env) (is-a? env JNIEnv<%>))
(raise-argument-error 'current-jni-env "instance of JNIEnv<%> or #f" env))
(thread-cell-set! local-jni-env env)]))
(define (require-jni-env)
(or (current-jni-env)
(error "attempted to use JNI on an unattached thread")))
(define (with-jni-env env thunk)
(define old-env #f)
(λ ()
(set! old-env (current-jni-env))
(current-jni-env env))
(λ () (current-jni-env old-env))))
(let-jni-env env body0 body ...)
(with-jni-env env (λ () body0 body ...)))
(struct jni-scope (refs))
(define (make-jni-scope)
(jni-scope (make-ephemeron-hasheq)))
(define (jni-scope-register scope v proc)
(hash-set! (jni-scope-refs scope) v proc))
(define (exit-jni-scope scope)
(for ([proc (in-hash-values (jni-scope-refs scope))])
(define global-jni-scope (make-jni-scope))
(define reference-cleanup-executor (make-will-executor))
(define local-jni-scope
(make-thread-cell global-jni-scope #f))
(define (current-jni-scope)
(or (thread-cell-ref local-jni-scope)
(error "used outside of JNI scope")))
(define (with-jni-scope thunk)
(define old-scope #f)
(λ ()
(set! old-scope (thread-cell-ref local-jni-scope))
(thread-cell-set! local-jni-scope (make-jni-scope)))
(λ ()
(exit-jni-scope (thread-cell-ref local-jni-scope))
(thread-cell-set! local-jni-scope old-scope)
(will-try-execute reference-cleanup-executor (void)))))
(define (with-jni-frame capacity thunk)
(define-values (old-ref new-ptr)
(λ ()
(send (require-jni-env) PushLocalFrame capacity)
(λ (e)
(define old-throwable (exn:fail:jni:throw-object e))
(define new-throwable
(send old-throwable
(send (require-jni-env) PopLocalFrame (send old-throwable get-pointer))))
(raise (struct-copy exn:fail:jni:throw
[object new-throwable])))])
(define result (thunk))
(send (require-jni-env) PopLocalFrame (and result (send result get-pointer))))))))
(and new-ptr (send old-ref clone-with-new-pointer new-ptr)))
(define reference<%>
(interface ()
(define reference%
(class* object% (reference<%>)
(init-field _type)
(init pointer)
(define ptr (box pointer))
(define (make-ref ref% p)
(and p
(new ref%
[_type _type]
[pointer (cast p _type)])))
(define/public (->weak-reference)
(make-ref weak-reference%
(send (require-jni-env) NewWeakGlobalRef (get-pointer))))
(define/public (->local-reference)
(make-ref local-reference%
(send (require-jni-env) NewLocalRef (get-pointer))))
(define/public (->global-reference)
(make-ref global-reference%
(send (require-jni-env) NewGlobalRef (get-pointer))))
(define/public (get-pointer)
(or (unbox ptr)
(error "invalid reference")))
(define/public (clone-with-new-pointer p)
(new this%
[_type _type]
[pointer p]))
(define/public (clear)
(set-box! ptr #f))
(define/pubment (delete)
(when (unbox ptr)
(inner (void) delete)
(define weak-reference%
(class* reference% ()
(define/override (->weak-reference) this)
(define/augment (delete)
(send (require-jni-env) DeleteWeakGlobalRef (super get-pointer)))
(define/override (get-pointer)
(error "access through weak reference"))))
(define local-reference%
(class* reference% ()
(inherit get-pointer)
(jni-scope-register (current-jni-scope) this (λ () (send this clear)))
(define/override (->local-reference) this)
(define/augment (delete)
(send (require-jni-env) DeleteLocalRef (get-pointer)))))
(define global-reference%
(class* reference% ()
(inherit get-pointer)
(will-register reference-cleanup-executor this (λ () (send this delete)))
(define/override (->global-reference) this)
(define/augment (delete)
(send (require-jni-env) DeleteGlobalRef (get-pointer)))))
bbc535ed01128e5b81a357e2fe410f53fe6d9801a0b57dfcabbe868e4385cb54 | massung/r-cade | derby.rkt | #lang racket
(require r-cade)
(require racket/random)
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define horse-sprite
#((#x001c #x003e #x007e #x7ff0 #x8fe0 #x0fe0 #x1ff8 #x2836 #xc809 #x1008 #x2000)
(#x000c #x001e #x003f #x3ff2 #xcfe0 #x0fe0 #x1fe0 #x1820 #x2850 #xc890 #x1110)
(#x0006 #x000f #x001f #x1ff8 #xeff0 #x0fe0 #x1fe0 #x2860 #x1850 #x0de0 #x0840)
(#x000c #x001e #x003f #x9ff2 #x6fe0 #x0fe0 #x0ff0 #x1c30 #x1418 #x22e4 #x2100)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define jockey-sprite '(#x06 #x06 #x7c #xf6 #xf0 #x38 #x08 #x10 #x38))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define rail-sprite
#((#xff #xff #x18 #x18 #x18 #x18 #x18)
(#xff #xff)
(#xff #xff)
(#xff #xff)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define bush-sprite '(#x34 #x7e #xff #xff #x7e))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define berries-sprite #((#x00 #x20 #x04 #x10)
(#x00 #x14 #x40 #x08)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define ribbon-sprite '(#x3c #x7e #xff #xff #xff #xff #x7e #x3c #x18 #x3c #x3c #x66 #x66 #x66 #x66))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define trumpet (synth (sin 1)
(triangle-wave 0.2)
(noise-wave 0.15)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define call-to-post (music "A3---D4---F---A---A-A--F---F-F---D---F---D---A3---------------"
#:tempo 900
#:voice (voice trumpet (envelope 0 1 0.7 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.8 0))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define clop-sound (tone 50 0.05 (voice square-wave (envelope 0 0.2 0.15 0))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define gun-sound (tone 600 1 (voice (synth (triangle-wave 0.7) (noise-wave 0.4)) z-envelope)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define positions #("1st" "2nd" "3rd" "4th" "5th" "6th" "7th" "8th" "9th"))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(struct horse [color
(time #:mutable)
(stamina #:mutable)
(recover #:mutable)
(frame #:mutable)
(x #:mutable)
(vel #:mutable)
(fps #:mutable)
(position #:mutable)])
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(struct bush [x berries color])
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define player #f)
(define recover-timer 0)
(define horses null)
(define bushes null)
(define start-x -36)
(define start-vel 16)
(define start-fps 10)
(define finish-line 640)
(define score 0)
(define ribbons null)
(define race-started #f)
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define action-btn btn-z)
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (track-offset)
(max (inexact->exact (floor (- (* (horse-x player) 4) 32))) 0))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (railing-offset)
(- (remainder (track-offset) 32)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (draw-railing)
(for ([segment (range (+ (quotient (width) 32) 2))])
(for ([sprite rail-sprite]
[offset (in-naturals)])
(let ([x (+ (railing-offset) (* segment 32) (* offset 8))])
(color (if (odd? offset) 8 7))
(draw x 19 sprite)
(draw x 103 sprite)))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (draw-finish-line)
(let ([x (+ (- (* finish-line 4) (track-offset)) 4)])
(color 8)
(rect x 26 0 77)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (draw-bushes)
(for ([b bushes])
(let ([x (+ (- (* (bush-x b) 4) (track-offset)) 4)])
(color 11)
(draw x 12 bush-sprite)
(color (bush-color b))
(draw x 12 (bush-berries b)))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (draw-track)
(color 4)
(rect 0 0 (width) 8 #:fill #t)
(color 15)
(rect 0 7 (width) 9 #:fill #t)
; back grass
(color 3)
(rect 0 16 (width) 4 #:fill #t)
; railing lane
(color 11)
(rect 0 20 (width) 8 #:fill #t)
; racing lanes
(for ([lane (range 9)])
(let ([y (+ 28 (* lane 8))])
(color (if (odd? lane) 11 3))
(rect 0 y (width) 8 #:fill #t)))
; railing lane
(color 11)
(rect 0 100 (width) 8 #:fill #t)
; front grass
(color 3)
(rect 0 108 (width) 4 #:fill #t))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (horse-anim-frame h)
(bitwise-and (inexact->exact (floor (horse-frame h))) 3))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (draw-horse h)
(let* ([frame (horse-anim-frame h)]
[y (+ 22 (* (horse-lane h) 8))]
[x (cond
[(< (horse-x h) 32) (horse-x h)]
[(eq? h player) 32]
[else (+ 32 (- (horse-x h) (horse-x player)))])])
(color (horse-color h))
(draw-ex x y (vector-ref horse-sprite frame))
(color (horse-jockey h))
(draw (+ x 5) (- y 3) jockey-sprite)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (draw-horses)
(for ([h horses])
(draw-horse h))
(draw-horse player))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (draw-stamina)
(let ([stamina (horse-stamina player)])
(color 7)
(text 1 1 "Stamina:")
(rect 33 1 stamina 5 #:fill #t)
(color 8)
(rect (+ stamina 33) 1 (- 100 stamina) 5 #:fill #t)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (draw-place)
(color 7)
(text (- (width) 12) 1 (if (not race-started)
(vector-ref positions (horse-position player)))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (use-crop h)
(let ([ds (/ (horse-vel h) 5)])
(set-horse-stamina! h (max (- (horse-stamina h) ds) 0))
( / ( - 100 ( horse - stamina h ) ) 50 ) ) )
; reset timer
(set-horse-time! h 0.0)
; increase velocity of player's horse
(let ([m (/ (min (horse-stamina h) 50) 50)])
(set-horse-vel! h (+ (horse-vel h) (* (frametime) 25 m)))
(set-horse-fps! h (+ (horse-fps h) (* (frametime) 20 m)))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (recover-stamina h)
(if (> (horse-recover h) 0)
(set-horse-recover! h (max (- (horse-recover h) (frametime)) 0.0))
(set-horse-stamina! h (min (+ (horse-stamina h) (* (frametime) 50)) 100))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (place-horses)
(let ([order (sort (cons player horses) > #:key horse-x)])
(for ([h (cons player horses)])
(unless (> (+ (horse-x h) 16) finish-line)
(set-horse-position! h (index-of order h eq?))))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (advance-horse h)
(set-horse-x! h (+ (horse-x h) (* (horse-vel h) (frametime))))
(set-horse-frame! h (+ (horse-frame h) (* (horse-fps h) (frametime))))
(set-horse-time! h (+ (horse-time h) (frametime)))
; slow down horse
(let ([decay (* (frametime) (if (eq? h player)
(- 0.90
(* (random) 0.2)
(* (length ribbons) 0.01))))])
(set-horse-fps! h (max (- (horse-fps h) decay) start-fps))
(set-horse-vel! h (max (- (horse-vel h) decay) start-vel))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (advance-horses)
(for ([h horses])
(advance-horse h)
; randomly use the crop
(when (> (horse-x h) 32)
(let ([r (horse-recover h)]
[m (horse-min-stamina h)]
[a (horse-aggro h)])
(if (or (and (> r 0.0) (> (horse-stamina h) m) (> (horse-time h) a))
(and (= r 0.0) (> (horse-stamina h) (- 100 m))))
(use-crop h)
(recover-stamina h)))))
(advance-horse player))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (spawn-horse color jockey lane)
(let* ([level (+ (length ribbons) 1)]
[aggro (* 1/60 (+ 4 (* (random) 3)))]
[min-sta (apply min (for/list ([_ (range level)])
(* (random) 100)))])
(horse color jockey lane aggro min-sta 0.0 100 0.0 0 start-x start-vel start-fps 0)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (spawn-bushes [offset (random 10)])
(if (> offset (+ finish-line (width)))
(let ([berries (random-ref berries-sprite)])
(cons (bush offset berries (vector-ref #(8 12 14 10) (random 4)))
(spawn-bushes (+ offset (random 10) 4))))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (next-race)
(play-music call-to-post #:loop #f)
; ready the next level...
(set! race-started #f)
(set! player (spawn-horse 9 10 8))
(set! bushes (spawn-bushes))
(set! horses (for/list ([lane (range 8)]
[color (list 1 4 6 8 10 12 13 14)]
[jockey (list 12 9 1 14 0 5 7 2)])
(spawn-horse color jockey lane))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (ribbon-color pos)
(vector-ref #(12 8 10 7 14 11) pos))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (award-ribbon)
; draw past ribbons at bottom
(for ([r ribbons] [n (in-naturals)])
(let-values ([(y x) (quotient/remainder n 14)])
(color (ribbon-color r))
(draw (+ 6 (* x 12)) (+ 48 (* y 18)) ribbon-sprite)))
; draw the ribbon and award $$
(let ([pos (horse-position player)])
(if (< pos 6)
(let ([winnings (vector-ref #(1000 500 400 250 100 50) pos)])
(color (ribbon-color pos))
(draw (- (/ (width) 2) 4) 10 ribbon-sprite)
; award $$ based on position
(set! score (+ score winnings))
(set! ribbons (cons pos ribbons))
; show current winnings
(color 7)
(text 50 30 (format "You won $~a !!" winnings))
(text 50 38 (format "Total winnings: $~a" score))
(text 40 104 "Press START for next race...")
; wait to advance to the next race
(wait btn-start)
; game over
(color 7)
(text 6 10 "GAME OVER")
(text 6 18 "Better luck next time!")
(text 6 34 (format "Final winnings: $~a" score))
(text 71 104 "My ribbons")
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (game-loop)
; advance horses
; hoof sounds
(when (= (horse-anim-frame player) 1)
(play-sound clop-sound))
; gun sound
(unless race-started
(when (> (horse-x player) 32)
(play-sound gun-sound)
(set! race-started #t)))
; player controls
(when (> finish-line (horse-x player) 32)
(if (action-btn)
(use-crop player)
(set! action-btn (if (eq? action-btn btn-z) btn-x btn-z)))
(recover-stamina player)))
; end of race?
(when (> (horse-x player) (+ finish-line 100))
; quit game?
(when (btn-quit)
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(define (play)
(run game-loop 180 112 #:init next-race #:scale 3 #:title "R-cade: Derby"))
;; ----------------------------------------------------
(module+ main
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/massung/r-cade/0cce22885aad28234d3f6e1d88568cdc16daf3e6/examples/derby.rkt | racket | ----------------------------------------------------
back grass
railing lane
racing lanes
railing lane
front grass
reset timer
increase velocity of player's horse
slow down horse
randomly use the crop
ready the next level...
draw past ribbons at bottom
draw the ribbon and award $$
award $$ based on position
show current winnings
wait to advance to the next race
game over
advance horses
hoof sounds
gun sound
player controls
end of race?
quit game?
---------------------------------------------------- | #lang racket
(require r-cade)
(require racket/random)
(define horse-sprite
#((#x001c #x003e #x007e #x7ff0 #x8fe0 #x0fe0 #x1ff8 #x2836 #xc809 #x1008 #x2000)
(#x000c #x001e #x003f #x3ff2 #xcfe0 #x0fe0 #x1fe0 #x1820 #x2850 #xc890 #x1110)
(#x0006 #x000f #x001f #x1ff8 #xeff0 #x0fe0 #x1fe0 #x2860 #x1850 #x0de0 #x0840)
(#x000c #x001e #x003f #x9ff2 #x6fe0 #x0fe0 #x0ff0 #x1c30 #x1418 #x22e4 #x2100)))
(define jockey-sprite '(#x06 #x06 #x7c #xf6 #xf0 #x38 #x08 #x10 #x38))
(define rail-sprite
#((#xff #xff #x18 #x18 #x18 #x18 #x18)
(#xff #xff)
(#xff #xff)
(#xff #xff)))
(define bush-sprite '(#x34 #x7e #xff #xff #x7e))
(define berries-sprite #((#x00 #x20 #x04 #x10)
(#x00 #x14 #x40 #x08)))
(define ribbon-sprite '(#x3c #x7e #xff #xff #xff #xff #x7e #x3c #x18 #x3c #x3c #x66 #x66 #x66 #x66))
(define trumpet (synth (sin 1)
(triangle-wave 0.2)
(noise-wave 0.15)))
(define call-to-post (music "A3---D4---F---A---A-A--F---F-F---D---F---D---A3---------------"
#:tempo 900
#:voice (voice trumpet (envelope 0 1 0.7 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.8 0))))
(define clop-sound (tone 50 0.05 (voice square-wave (envelope 0 0.2 0.15 0))))
(define gun-sound (tone 600 1 (voice (synth (triangle-wave 0.7) (noise-wave 0.4)) z-envelope)))
(define positions #("1st" "2nd" "3rd" "4th" "5th" "6th" "7th" "8th" "9th"))
(struct horse [color
(time #:mutable)
(stamina #:mutable)
(recover #:mutable)
(frame #:mutable)
(x #:mutable)
(vel #:mutable)
(fps #:mutable)
(position #:mutable)])
(struct bush [x berries color])
(define player #f)
(define recover-timer 0)
(define horses null)
(define bushes null)
(define start-x -36)
(define start-vel 16)
(define start-fps 10)
(define finish-line 640)
(define score 0)
(define ribbons null)
(define race-started #f)
(define action-btn btn-z)
(define (track-offset)
(max (inexact->exact (floor (- (* (horse-x player) 4) 32))) 0))
(define (railing-offset)
(- (remainder (track-offset) 32)))
(define (draw-railing)
(for ([segment (range (+ (quotient (width) 32) 2))])
(for ([sprite rail-sprite]
[offset (in-naturals)])
(let ([x (+ (railing-offset) (* segment 32) (* offset 8))])
(color (if (odd? offset) 8 7))
(draw x 19 sprite)
(draw x 103 sprite)))))
(define (draw-finish-line)
(let ([x (+ (- (* finish-line 4) (track-offset)) 4)])
(color 8)
(rect x 26 0 77)))
(define (draw-bushes)
(for ([b bushes])
(let ([x (+ (- (* (bush-x b) 4) (track-offset)) 4)])
(color 11)
(draw x 12 bush-sprite)
(color (bush-color b))
(draw x 12 (bush-berries b)))))
(define (draw-track)
(color 4)
(rect 0 0 (width) 8 #:fill #t)
(color 15)
(rect 0 7 (width) 9 #:fill #t)
(color 3)
(rect 0 16 (width) 4 #:fill #t)
(color 11)
(rect 0 20 (width) 8 #:fill #t)
(for ([lane (range 9)])
(let ([y (+ 28 (* lane 8))])
(color (if (odd? lane) 11 3))
(rect 0 y (width) 8 #:fill #t)))
(color 11)
(rect 0 100 (width) 8 #:fill #t)
(color 3)
(rect 0 108 (width) 4 #:fill #t))
(define (horse-anim-frame h)
(bitwise-and (inexact->exact (floor (horse-frame h))) 3))
(define (draw-horse h)
(let* ([frame (horse-anim-frame h)]
[y (+ 22 (* (horse-lane h) 8))]
[x (cond
[(< (horse-x h) 32) (horse-x h)]
[(eq? h player) 32]
[else (+ 32 (- (horse-x h) (horse-x player)))])])
(color (horse-color h))
(draw-ex x y (vector-ref horse-sprite frame))
(color (horse-jockey h))
(draw (+ x 5) (- y 3) jockey-sprite)))
(define (draw-horses)
(for ([h horses])
(draw-horse h))
(draw-horse player))
(define (draw-stamina)
(let ([stamina (horse-stamina player)])
(color 7)
(text 1 1 "Stamina:")
(rect 33 1 stamina 5 #:fill #t)
(color 8)
(rect (+ stamina 33) 1 (- 100 stamina) 5 #:fill #t)))
(define (draw-place)
(color 7)
(text (- (width) 12) 1 (if (not race-started)
(vector-ref positions (horse-position player)))))
(define (use-crop h)
(let ([ds (/ (horse-vel h) 5)])
(set-horse-stamina! h (max (- (horse-stamina h) ds) 0))
( / ( - 100 ( horse - stamina h ) ) 50 ) ) )
(set-horse-time! h 0.0)
(let ([m (/ (min (horse-stamina h) 50) 50)])
(set-horse-vel! h (+ (horse-vel h) (* (frametime) 25 m)))
(set-horse-fps! h (+ (horse-fps h) (* (frametime) 20 m)))))
(define (recover-stamina h)
(if (> (horse-recover h) 0)
(set-horse-recover! h (max (- (horse-recover h) (frametime)) 0.0))
(set-horse-stamina! h (min (+ (horse-stamina h) (* (frametime) 50)) 100))))
(define (place-horses)
(let ([order (sort (cons player horses) > #:key horse-x)])
(for ([h (cons player horses)])
(unless (> (+ (horse-x h) 16) finish-line)
(set-horse-position! h (index-of order h eq?))))))
(define (advance-horse h)
(set-horse-x! h (+ (horse-x h) (* (horse-vel h) (frametime))))
(set-horse-frame! h (+ (horse-frame h) (* (horse-fps h) (frametime))))
(set-horse-time! h (+ (horse-time h) (frametime)))
(let ([decay (* (frametime) (if (eq? h player)
(- 0.90
(* (random) 0.2)
(* (length ribbons) 0.01))))])
(set-horse-fps! h (max (- (horse-fps h) decay) start-fps))
(set-horse-vel! h (max (- (horse-vel h) decay) start-vel))))
(define (advance-horses)
(for ([h horses])
(advance-horse h)
(when (> (horse-x h) 32)
(let ([r (horse-recover h)]
[m (horse-min-stamina h)]
[a (horse-aggro h)])
(if (or (and (> r 0.0) (> (horse-stamina h) m) (> (horse-time h) a))
(and (= r 0.0) (> (horse-stamina h) (- 100 m))))
(use-crop h)
(recover-stamina h)))))
(advance-horse player))
(define (spawn-horse color jockey lane)
(let* ([level (+ (length ribbons) 1)]
[aggro (* 1/60 (+ 4 (* (random) 3)))]
[min-sta (apply min (for/list ([_ (range level)])
(* (random) 100)))])
(horse color jockey lane aggro min-sta 0.0 100 0.0 0 start-x start-vel start-fps 0)))
(define (spawn-bushes [offset (random 10)])
(if (> offset (+ finish-line (width)))
(let ([berries (random-ref berries-sprite)])
(cons (bush offset berries (vector-ref #(8 12 14 10) (random 4)))
(spawn-bushes (+ offset (random 10) 4))))))
(define (next-race)
(play-music call-to-post #:loop #f)
(set! race-started #f)
(set! player (spawn-horse 9 10 8))
(set! bushes (spawn-bushes))
(set! horses (for/list ([lane (range 8)]
[color (list 1 4 6 8 10 12 13 14)]
[jockey (list 12 9 1 14 0 5 7 2)])
(spawn-horse color jockey lane))))
(define (ribbon-color pos)
(vector-ref #(12 8 10 7 14 11) pos))
(define (award-ribbon)
(for ([r ribbons] [n (in-naturals)])
(let-values ([(y x) (quotient/remainder n 14)])
(color (ribbon-color r))
(draw (+ 6 (* x 12)) (+ 48 (* y 18)) ribbon-sprite)))
(let ([pos (horse-position player)])
(if (< pos 6)
(let ([winnings (vector-ref #(1000 500 400 250 100 50) pos)])
(color (ribbon-color pos))
(draw (- (/ (width) 2) 4) 10 ribbon-sprite)
(set! score (+ score winnings))
(set! ribbons (cons pos ribbons))
(color 7)
(text 50 30 (format "You won $~a !!" winnings))
(text 50 38 (format "Total winnings: $~a" score))
(text 40 104 "Press START for next race...")
(wait btn-start)
(color 7)
(text 6 10 "GAME OVER")
(text 6 18 "Better luck next time!")
(text 6 34 (format "Final winnings: $~a" score))
(text 71 104 "My ribbons")
(define (game-loop)
(when (= (horse-anim-frame player) 1)
(play-sound clop-sound))
(unless race-started
(when (> (horse-x player) 32)
(play-sound gun-sound)
(set! race-started #t)))
(when (> finish-line (horse-x player) 32)
(if (action-btn)
(use-crop player)
(set! action-btn (if (eq? action-btn btn-z) btn-x btn-z)))
(recover-stamina player)))
(when (> (horse-x player) (+ finish-line 100))
(when (btn-quit)
(define (play)
(run game-loop 180 112 #:init next-race #:scale 3 #:title "R-cade: Derby"))
(module+ main
be90df97e40fa1dee30c70f388a96df1d946d200c03e90f5fce349ed4c8f9c5d | Kappa-Dev/KappaTools | counters_domain_type.mli | type comparison_op = LTEQ | LT | GT | GTEQ | EQ
type restriction =
tests: (Occu1.trans * comparison_op * int) list ;
invertible_assignments : (Occu1.trans * int) list ;
non_invertible_assignments : (Occu1.trans * int) list ;
val empty_restriction: restriction
type static =
counters: Ckappa_sig.AgentSite_map_and_set.Set.t ;
Ckappa_sig.Agent_type_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t ;
Ckappa_sig.Agent_type_site_nearly_Inf_Int_Int_storage_Imperatif_Imperatif.t ;
Ckappa_sig.Rule_id_quick_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t ;
(Occu1.trans * int) list list
val print_restriction:
Remanent_parameters_sig.parameters ->
Cckappa_sig.kappa_handler ->
Exception.method_handler ->
restriction ->
val print_agent_restriction:
Remanent_parameters_sig.parameters ->
Cckappa_sig.kappa_handler ->
Exception.method_handler ->
restriction Ckappa_sig.Site_type_quick_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t ->
val print_rule_restriction:
Remanent_parameters_sig.parameters ->
Cckappa_sig.kappa_handler ->
Exception.method_handler ->
restriction Ckappa_sig.Site_type_quick_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t Ckappa_sig.Agent_id_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t->
val print_restrictions:
Remanent_parameters_sig.parameters ->
Cckappa_sig.kappa_handler ->
Exception.method_handler ->
restriction Ckappa_sig.Site_type_quick_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t Ckappa_sig.Agent_id_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t
Ckappa_sig.Rule_id_quick_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t ->
val print:
Remanent_parameters_sig.parameters ->
Cckappa_sig.kappa_handler ->
Exception.method_handler ->
static ->
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kappa-Dev/KappaTools/eef2337e8688018eda47ccc838aea809cae68de7/core/KaSa_rep/abstract_domains/numerical_domains/counters_domain_type.mli | ocaml | type comparison_op = LTEQ | LT | GT | GTEQ | EQ
type restriction =
tests: (Occu1.trans * comparison_op * int) list ;
invertible_assignments : (Occu1.trans * int) list ;
non_invertible_assignments : (Occu1.trans * int) list ;
val empty_restriction: restriction
type static =
counters: Ckappa_sig.AgentSite_map_and_set.Set.t ;
Ckappa_sig.Agent_type_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t ;
Ckappa_sig.Agent_type_site_nearly_Inf_Int_Int_storage_Imperatif_Imperatif.t ;
Ckappa_sig.Rule_id_quick_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t ;
(Occu1.trans * int) list list
val print_restriction:
Remanent_parameters_sig.parameters ->
Cckappa_sig.kappa_handler ->
Exception.method_handler ->
restriction ->
val print_agent_restriction:
Remanent_parameters_sig.parameters ->
Cckappa_sig.kappa_handler ->
Exception.method_handler ->
restriction Ckappa_sig.Site_type_quick_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t ->
val print_rule_restriction:
Remanent_parameters_sig.parameters ->
Cckappa_sig.kappa_handler ->
Exception.method_handler ->
restriction Ckappa_sig.Site_type_quick_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t Ckappa_sig.Agent_id_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t->
val print_restrictions:
Remanent_parameters_sig.parameters ->
Cckappa_sig.kappa_handler ->
Exception.method_handler ->
restriction Ckappa_sig.Site_type_quick_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t Ckappa_sig.Agent_id_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t
Ckappa_sig.Rule_id_quick_nearly_Inf_Int_storage_Imperatif.t ->
val print:
Remanent_parameters_sig.parameters ->
Cckappa_sig.kappa_handler ->
Exception.method_handler ->
static ->
9bab23a6269f26ab544efd9f4497829ce2ce395ee7b7fa44c357be1591068d9b | 1Jajen1/Brokkr | Handler.hs | module Network.Handler (
) where
import Data.IORef
import Chunk.Position
import IO.Chunkloading
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception
import qualified Chronos
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Text (Text)
import Util.UUID
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Dimension (Dimension, DimensionType(Overworld))
import qualified Dimension
import Network.Connection (Connection, Command(..))
import qualified Network.Connection as Conn
import Network.Monad
import Network.Protocol
import qualified Network.Packet.Client.Login as Client.Login
import qualified Network.Packet.Client.Play as Client.Play
import qualified Network.Packet.Server.Handshake as Server.Handshake
import qualified Network.Packet.Server.Login as Server.Login
import qualified Network.Packet.Server.Play as Server.Play
import Network.Packet.Client.Play.ChunkData (mkChunkData)
import Network.Util.Builder
import Util.Binary
import Data.Coerce
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Util.Position
import Util.Rotation
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.Packet.Client.Play as C
import qualified Network.Packet.Client.Play.Login as C
import Registry.Biome
import Registry.Dimension
import Client.GameMode
import Block.Position
import qualified Data.Bitfield as Bitfield
import qualified Server as Hecs
import qualified Hecs
import Hecs.Entity.Internal (Entity(..))
handleConnection :: Network ()
handleConnection = do
LoginRes uid uName prot <- readPacket (Protocol NoCompression NoEncryption) >>= \case
Server.Handshake.Handshake _ _ _ Server.Handshake.Status -> handleStatus
Server.Handshake.Handshake _ _ _ Server.Handshake.Login -> handleLogin
handlePlay uid uName prot
handleStatus :: Network a
handleStatus = closeConnection
handleLogin :: Network LoginResult
handleLogin = do
uName <- readPacket (Protocol NoCompression NoEncryption) >>= \case
Server.Login.LoginStart uName _ -> pure uName
TODO Check for other packets and throw InvalidProtocol on those
TODO generate proper uid
let uid = nil
TODO Have a config check if we use compression and what the threshold is
let thresh = 512
sendPackets (Protocol NoCompression NoEncryption) 10 [Client.Login.SetCompression thresh]
let finalProtocol = Protocol (Threshold thresh) NoEncryption
sendPackets finalProtocol 64 [Client.Login.LoginSuccess uid uName]
pure $ LoginRes uid uName finalProtocol
data LoginResult = LoginRes UUID Text Protocol
handlePlay :: UUID -> Text -> Protocol -> Network a
handlePlay _playerUUID _playerName finalProtocol = do
!conn <- liftIO Conn.new
let send = go
go = do
_ <- liftBaseWith $ \runInBase -> Conn.flushPackets conn $ \ps -> do
runInBase . sendBytes . LBS.fromChunks
$! fmap (\(Conn.SendPacket szHint packet) -> let !bs = toStrictSizePrefixedByteString finalProtocol szHint $ put packet in bs) $ V.toList ps
keepAlive = go
TODO make a config option so testing is a little easier
delay = fromIntegral $ ((Chronos.getTimespan Chronos.second) * 20) `div` 1000
go = do
threadDelay delay
t' <- Chronos.getTime <$> Chronos.now
Conn.sendKeepAlive conn t'
_ <- liftBaseWith $ \runInBase ->
-- TODO Label these threads
Async.withAsync (runInBase send) $ \sendAs ->
Async.withAsync keepAlive $ \keepAliveAs -> do
-- If any of the linked threads crash, we must also crash since the connection will no longer work
Async.link sendAs
Async.link keepAliveAs
-- Actually create the player entity, from that point on the connection is visible globally
(runInBase $ Hecs.newEntity)
(\eidSt -> runInBase $ restoreM eidSt >>= Hecs.freeEntity) -- TODO Log
(\eidSt -> runInBase $ restoreM eidSt >>= \eid -> joinPlayer conn eid >> pure eid)
$ \clientSt -> runInBase $ restoreM clientSt >>= \_client -> do
-- packet loop
let handlePlayPackets = do
readPacket finalProtocol >>= handlePacket conn
-- The packet loop in the bracket already diverges, but if for whatever reason we end up here, just kill the connection
joinPlayer :: Connection -> Hecs.EntityId -> Network ()
joinPlayer conn eid = do
Create / Load player data -- SYNC Because we need to know where to join the player
-- TODO Move
let initialPosition = Position 0 150 0
initialRotation = Rotation 0 0
initialVelocity = Position 0 0 0
initialWorld <- Hecs.get @Dimension (coerce $ Hecs.getComponentId @Dimension.Overworld)
(error "World singleton missing")
Sync with PlayerMovement until I store it as a component
let loginData = C.LoginData
(fromIntegral . Bitfield.get @"eid" $ Hecs.unEntityId eid)
(C.IsHardcore False)
(V.fromList ["minecraft:overworld", "minecraft:nether", "minecraft:the_end"])
(C.RegistryCodec dimRegistry biomeRegistry chatRegistry)
TODO proper type
(C.HashedSeed 0)
(C.MaxPlayers 5)
(C.ViewDistance viewDistance)
(C.SimulationDistance 8)
(C.ReducedDebugInfo False)
(C.EnableRespawnScreen False)
(C.IsDebug False)
(C.IsFlat False)
dimRegistry = C.DimensionTypeRegistry
C.DimensionRegistryEntry "minecraft:overworld" 0 overworld
, C.DimensionRegistryEntry "minecraft:nether" 1 nether
, C.DimensionRegistryEntry "minecraft:the_end" 2 end
biomeRegistry = C.BiomeRegistry "minecraft:worldgen/biome" . V.fromList $ do
(bid, (name, settings)) <- zip [0..] all_biome_settings
return $ C.BiomeRegistryEntry ("minecraft:" <> T.pack name) bid settings
chatRegistry = C.ChatRegistry "minecraft:chat_type" mempty
liftIO . Conn.sendPacket conn $ Conn.SendPacket 65536 (C.Login loginData)
liftIO . Conn.sendPacket conn $ Conn.SendPacket 10 (C.SetDefaultSpawnPosition (BlockPos 0 130 0) 0)
-- Preload chunks for this player -- SYNC Because we don't want to wait for this on the main thread and this will join the
-- player with chunks loaded and not in some void
chunkloading <- Hecs.getSingleton @Chunkloading
let chunksToLoad = [ChunkPos x z | x <- [-viewDistance..viewDistance], z <- [-viewDistance..viewDistance] ]
numChunksToLoad = (viewDistance * 2 + 1) * (viewDistance * 2 + 1)
rPath <- Hecs.get @Dimension.RegionFilePath (Dimension.entityId initialWorld) pure (error "TODO")
doneRef <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar
numDoneRef <- liftIO $ newIORef numChunksToLoad
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Loading " <> show numChunksToLoad <> " chunks"
--liftIO $ print chunksToLoad
liftIO $ loadChunks (coerce rPath) chunksToLoad chunkloading $ \mvar -> void . Async.async $ takeMVar mvar >>= \c -> do
let !(!sz, !cData) = mkChunkData c
Conn.sendPacket conn . Conn.SendPacket sz $! Client.Play.ChunkDataAndUpdateLight cData
done <- atomicModifyIORef' numDoneRef $ \(i :: Int) -> (i - 1, i - 1)
when (done == 0) $ putMVar doneRef ()
liftIO $ takeMVar doneRef
liftIO $ putStrLn "Done sending chunks"
liftIO . Conn.sendPacket conn $ Conn.SendPacket 10 (C.SetCenterChunk 0 0)
liftIO . Conn.sendPacket conn $ Conn.SendPacket 64 (C.SynchronizePlayerPosition (Position 0 130 0) (Rotation 180 0) (C.TeleportId 0) C.NoDismount)
Hecs.set eid initialPosition
Hecs.set eid initialRotation
Hecs.set eid initialVelocity
Hecs.set eid initialWorld
This is the write that exposes us to the global state proper because that is what the JoinPlayer system queries on
Hecs.set eid conn
-- Handle play packets
handlePacket :: Connection -> Server.Play.Packet -> Network ()
handlePacket conn (Server.Play.KeepAlive res) = liftIO $ Conn.ackKeepAlive conn res
handlePacket conn (Server.Play.SetPlayerPositionAndRotation pos rot onGround) =
liftIO . Conn.pushCommand conn $ MoveAndRotateClient pos rot onGround
handlePacket conn (Server.Play.SetPlayerPosition pos onGround) =
liftIO . Conn.pushCommand conn $ MoveClient pos onGround
handlePacket conn (Server.Play.SetPlayerRotation rot onGround) =
liftIO . Conn.pushCommand conn $ RotateClient rot onGround
handlePacket conn (Server.Play.SetPlayerOnGround onGround) =
liftIO . Conn.pushCommand conn $ SetOnGround onGround
handlePacket _ p = liftIO $ putStrLn ("Unhandled packet: " <> show p)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/1Jajen1/Brokkr/5c128a47c7123e576b4e415048d58c2ab3f4a0aa/src/Network/Handler.hs | haskell |
TODO Label these threads
If any of the linked threads crash, we must also crash since the connection will no longer work
Actually create the player entity, from that point on the connection is visible globally
packet loop
The packet loop in the bracket already diverges, but if for whatever reason we end up here, just kill the connection
SYNC Because we need to know where to join the player
Preload chunks for this player -- SYNC Because we don't want to wait for this on the main thread and this will join the
player with chunks loaded and not in some void
liftIO $ print chunksToLoad
Handle play packets | module Network.Handler (
) where
import Data.IORef
import Chunk.Position
import IO.Chunkloading
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception
import qualified Chronos
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Text (Text)
import Util.UUID
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Dimension (Dimension, DimensionType(Overworld))
import qualified Dimension
import Network.Connection (Connection, Command(..))
import qualified Network.Connection as Conn
import Network.Monad
import Network.Protocol
import qualified Network.Packet.Client.Login as Client.Login
import qualified Network.Packet.Client.Play as Client.Play
import qualified Network.Packet.Server.Handshake as Server.Handshake
import qualified Network.Packet.Server.Login as Server.Login
import qualified Network.Packet.Server.Play as Server.Play
import Network.Packet.Client.Play.ChunkData (mkChunkData)
import Network.Util.Builder
import Util.Binary
import Data.Coerce
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Util.Position
import Util.Rotation
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.Packet.Client.Play as C
import qualified Network.Packet.Client.Play.Login as C
import Registry.Biome
import Registry.Dimension
import Client.GameMode
import Block.Position
import qualified Data.Bitfield as Bitfield
import qualified Server as Hecs
import qualified Hecs
import Hecs.Entity.Internal (Entity(..))
handleConnection :: Network ()
handleConnection = do
LoginRes uid uName prot <- readPacket (Protocol NoCompression NoEncryption) >>= \case
Server.Handshake.Handshake _ _ _ Server.Handshake.Status -> handleStatus
Server.Handshake.Handshake _ _ _ Server.Handshake.Login -> handleLogin
handlePlay uid uName prot
handleStatus :: Network a
handleStatus = closeConnection
handleLogin :: Network LoginResult
handleLogin = do
uName <- readPacket (Protocol NoCompression NoEncryption) >>= \case
Server.Login.LoginStart uName _ -> pure uName
TODO Check for other packets and throw InvalidProtocol on those
TODO generate proper uid
let uid = nil
TODO Have a config check if we use compression and what the threshold is
let thresh = 512
sendPackets (Protocol NoCompression NoEncryption) 10 [Client.Login.SetCompression thresh]
let finalProtocol = Protocol (Threshold thresh) NoEncryption
sendPackets finalProtocol 64 [Client.Login.LoginSuccess uid uName]
pure $ LoginRes uid uName finalProtocol
data LoginResult = LoginRes UUID Text Protocol
handlePlay :: UUID -> Text -> Protocol -> Network a
handlePlay _playerUUID _playerName finalProtocol = do
!conn <- liftIO Conn.new
let send = go
go = do
_ <- liftBaseWith $ \runInBase -> Conn.flushPackets conn $ \ps -> do
runInBase . sendBytes . LBS.fromChunks
$! fmap (\(Conn.SendPacket szHint packet) -> let !bs = toStrictSizePrefixedByteString finalProtocol szHint $ put packet in bs) $ V.toList ps
keepAlive = go
TODO make a config option so testing is a little easier
delay = fromIntegral $ ((Chronos.getTimespan Chronos.second) * 20) `div` 1000
go = do
threadDelay delay
t' <- Chronos.getTime <$> Chronos.now
Conn.sendKeepAlive conn t'
_ <- liftBaseWith $ \runInBase ->
Async.withAsync (runInBase send) $ \sendAs ->
Async.withAsync keepAlive $ \keepAliveAs -> do
Async.link sendAs
Async.link keepAliveAs
(runInBase $ Hecs.newEntity)
(\eidSt -> runInBase $ restoreM eidSt >>= \eid -> joinPlayer conn eid >> pure eid)
$ \clientSt -> runInBase $ restoreM clientSt >>= \_client -> do
let handlePlayPackets = do
readPacket finalProtocol >>= handlePacket conn
joinPlayer :: Connection -> Hecs.EntityId -> Network ()
joinPlayer conn eid = do
let initialPosition = Position 0 150 0
initialRotation = Rotation 0 0
initialVelocity = Position 0 0 0
initialWorld <- Hecs.get @Dimension (coerce $ Hecs.getComponentId @Dimension.Overworld)
(error "World singleton missing")
Sync with PlayerMovement until I store it as a component
let loginData = C.LoginData
(fromIntegral . Bitfield.get @"eid" $ Hecs.unEntityId eid)
(C.IsHardcore False)
(V.fromList ["minecraft:overworld", "minecraft:nether", "minecraft:the_end"])
(C.RegistryCodec dimRegistry biomeRegistry chatRegistry)
TODO proper type
(C.HashedSeed 0)
(C.MaxPlayers 5)
(C.ViewDistance viewDistance)
(C.SimulationDistance 8)
(C.ReducedDebugInfo False)
(C.EnableRespawnScreen False)
(C.IsDebug False)
(C.IsFlat False)
dimRegistry = C.DimensionTypeRegistry
C.DimensionRegistryEntry "minecraft:overworld" 0 overworld
, C.DimensionRegistryEntry "minecraft:nether" 1 nether
, C.DimensionRegistryEntry "minecraft:the_end" 2 end
biomeRegistry = C.BiomeRegistry "minecraft:worldgen/biome" . V.fromList $ do
(bid, (name, settings)) <- zip [0..] all_biome_settings
return $ C.BiomeRegistryEntry ("minecraft:" <> T.pack name) bid settings
chatRegistry = C.ChatRegistry "minecraft:chat_type" mempty
liftIO . Conn.sendPacket conn $ Conn.SendPacket 65536 (C.Login loginData)
liftIO . Conn.sendPacket conn $ Conn.SendPacket 10 (C.SetDefaultSpawnPosition (BlockPos 0 130 0) 0)
chunkloading <- Hecs.getSingleton @Chunkloading
let chunksToLoad = [ChunkPos x z | x <- [-viewDistance..viewDistance], z <- [-viewDistance..viewDistance] ]
numChunksToLoad = (viewDistance * 2 + 1) * (viewDistance * 2 + 1)
rPath <- Hecs.get @Dimension.RegionFilePath (Dimension.entityId initialWorld) pure (error "TODO")
doneRef <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar
numDoneRef <- liftIO $ newIORef numChunksToLoad
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Loading " <> show numChunksToLoad <> " chunks"
liftIO $ loadChunks (coerce rPath) chunksToLoad chunkloading $ \mvar -> void . Async.async $ takeMVar mvar >>= \c -> do
let !(!sz, !cData) = mkChunkData c
Conn.sendPacket conn . Conn.SendPacket sz $! Client.Play.ChunkDataAndUpdateLight cData
done <- atomicModifyIORef' numDoneRef $ \(i :: Int) -> (i - 1, i - 1)
when (done == 0) $ putMVar doneRef ()
liftIO $ takeMVar doneRef
liftIO $ putStrLn "Done sending chunks"
liftIO . Conn.sendPacket conn $ Conn.SendPacket 10 (C.SetCenterChunk 0 0)
liftIO . Conn.sendPacket conn $ Conn.SendPacket 64 (C.SynchronizePlayerPosition (Position 0 130 0) (Rotation 180 0) (C.TeleportId 0) C.NoDismount)
Hecs.set eid initialPosition
Hecs.set eid initialRotation
Hecs.set eid initialVelocity
Hecs.set eid initialWorld
This is the write that exposes us to the global state proper because that is what the JoinPlayer system queries on
Hecs.set eid conn
handlePacket :: Connection -> Server.Play.Packet -> Network ()
handlePacket conn (Server.Play.KeepAlive res) = liftIO $ Conn.ackKeepAlive conn res
handlePacket conn (Server.Play.SetPlayerPositionAndRotation pos rot onGround) =
liftIO . Conn.pushCommand conn $ MoveAndRotateClient pos rot onGround
handlePacket conn (Server.Play.SetPlayerPosition pos onGround) =
liftIO . Conn.pushCommand conn $ MoveClient pos onGround
handlePacket conn (Server.Play.SetPlayerRotation rot onGround) =
liftIO . Conn.pushCommand conn $ RotateClient rot onGround
handlePacket conn (Server.Play.SetPlayerOnGround onGround) =
liftIO . Conn.pushCommand conn $ SetOnGround onGround
handlePacket _ p = liftIO $ putStrLn ("Unhandled packet: " <> show p)
74c6a3b6cdf20af1843565a5263f7b44dc1cc63752adbe4880f35260a6bff5bb | inhabitedtype/ocaml-aws | deleteCacheSecurityGroup.mli | open Types
type input = DeleteCacheSecurityGroupMessage.t
type output = unit
type error = Errors_internal.t
Aws.Call with type input := input and type output := output and type error := error
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/inhabitedtype/ocaml-aws/b6d5554c5d201202b5de8d0b0253871f7b66dab6/libraries/elasticache/lib/deleteCacheSecurityGroup.mli | ocaml | open Types
type input = DeleteCacheSecurityGroupMessage.t
type output = unit
type error = Errors_internal.t
Aws.Call with type input := input and type output := output and type error := error
6cb14f6ac75b8270425422fc5342db16fec96fbc0d427f237d1e913fbdb98e90 | zwizwa/staapl | picstamp_new.rkt | #lang racket/base
(require staapl/pic18)
Code for the USBPicStamp by .
;; -j/1350651639/
;; staaplc -u -d pk2 picstamp.f
(#x300000 ;; Address of configuration bits in code space.
;; FIXME: this is code, and not a data table -- add sugar.
#x21 |,| #x02 |,| #x3A |,| #x1E |,|
#x00 |,| #x81 |,| #x85 |,| #x00 |,| ;; extended instruction set disabled
#x0F |,| #xC0 |,| #x0F |,| #xE0 |,|
#x0F |,| #x40 |,| ))
; target code and macros
/ pic18 / interpreter
MHz ; 4 clock cycles per instruction cycle gives 12 MIPS .
(baud 230400)
; load monitor-serial.f \ boot block + serial monitor code (UART)
# sh # pk2cmd -I -M -R -p PIC18F2550 -f $ 1
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zwizwa/staapl/e30e6ae6ac45de7141b97ad3cebf9b5a51bcda52/app/picstamp_new.rkt | racket | -j/1350651639/
staaplc -u -d pk2 picstamp.f
Address of configuration bits in code space.
FIXME: this is code, and not a data table -- add sugar.
extended instruction set disabled
target code and macros
4 clock cycles per instruction cycle gives 12 MIPS .
load monitor-serial.f \ boot block + serial monitor code (UART) | #lang racket/base
(require staapl/pic18)
Code for the USBPicStamp by .
#x21 |,| #x02 |,| #x3A |,| #x1E |,|
#x0F |,| #xC0 |,| #x0F |,| #xE0 |,|
#x0F |,| #x40 |,| ))
/ pic18 / interpreter
(baud 230400)
# sh # pk2cmd -I -M -R -p PIC18F2550 -f $ 1
38f455d2a22ce3f658a8f34bb74a7e904e765b0c7658abb1e0fc36f0946dca40 | elastic/eui-cljs | split_panel.cljs | (ns eui.split-panel
(:require ["@elastic/eui/lib/components/panel/split_panel/split_panel.js" :as eui]))
(def _EuiSplitPanelInner eui/_EuiSplitPanelInner)
(def _EuiSplitPanelOuter eui/_EuiSplitPanelOuter)
(def EuiSplitPanel eui/EuiSplitPanel)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/eui-cljs/ad60b57470a2eb8db9bca050e02f52dd964d9f8e/src/eui/split_panel.cljs | clojure | (ns eui.split-panel
(:require ["@elastic/eui/lib/components/panel/split_panel/split_panel.js" :as eui]))
(def _EuiSplitPanelInner eui/_EuiSplitPanelInner)
(def _EuiSplitPanelOuter eui/_EuiSplitPanelOuter)
(def EuiSplitPanel eui/EuiSplitPanel)
5ad2bb1b6c897eb71c87b2cc570949f73322b4c54b0e826bdb490b77110b8b0d | LaurentMazare/tensorflow-ocaml | wrapper.mli | type data_type =
| TF_INT32
| TF_INT16
| TF_INT64
| Unknown of int
module Session_options : sig
type t
val create : unit -> t
module Status : sig
type t
type code =
| Unknown of int
val code : t -> code
val message : t -> string
type 'a result =
| Ok of 'a
| Error of t
val ok_exn : 'a result -> 'a
module Graph : sig
type t
type operation
type operation_description
type output
val create : unit -> t
val new_operation : t -> op_name:string -> name:string -> operation_description
val finish_operation : operation_description -> operation Status.result
val add_control_input : operation_description -> operation -> unit
val add_input : operation_description -> operation -> index:int -> unit
val add_inputs : operation_description -> (operation * int) list -> unit
val create_output : operation -> index:int -> output
val output_op_and_index : t -> output -> operation * int
val set_attr_int : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> int -> unit
val set_attr_int_list : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> int list -> unit
val set_attr_float : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> float -> unit
val set_attr_float_list
: operation_description
-> attr_name:string
-> float list
-> unit
val set_attr_bool : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> bool -> unit
val set_attr_bool_list : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> bool list -> unit
val set_attr_string : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> string -> unit
val set_attr_type : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> data_type -> unit
val set_attr_type_list
: operation_description
-> attr_name:string
-> data_type list
-> unit
val set_attr_tensor
: operation_description
-> attr_name:string
-> Tensor.p
-> unit Status.result
val set_attr_tensor_string
: operation_description
-> attr_name:string
-> shape:int list
-> string list
-> unit Status.result
val set_attr_tensors
: operation_description
-> attr_name:string
-> Tensor.p list
-> unit Status.result
val set_attr_shape : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> int list -> unit
val import : t -> string -> unit Status.result
val find_operation : t -> string -> operation option
val shape : t -> output -> int list Status.result
val add_gradients : t -> output list -> xs:output list -> output list Status.result
val graph : operation -> t
module Session : sig
type t
val create : ?session_options:Session_options.t -> Graph.t -> t Status.result
val run
: ?inputs:(Graph.output * Tensor.p) list
-> ?outputs:Graph.output list
-> ?targets:Graph.operation list
-> t
-> Tensor.p list Status.result
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LaurentMazare/tensorflow-ocaml/52c5f1dec1a8b7dc9bc6ef06abbc07da6cd90d39/src/wrapper/wrapper.mli | ocaml | type data_type =
| TF_INT32
| TF_INT16
| TF_INT64
| Unknown of int
module Session_options : sig
type t
val create : unit -> t
module Status : sig
type t
type code =
| Unknown of int
val code : t -> code
val message : t -> string
type 'a result =
| Ok of 'a
| Error of t
val ok_exn : 'a result -> 'a
module Graph : sig
type t
type operation
type operation_description
type output
val create : unit -> t
val new_operation : t -> op_name:string -> name:string -> operation_description
val finish_operation : operation_description -> operation Status.result
val add_control_input : operation_description -> operation -> unit
val add_input : operation_description -> operation -> index:int -> unit
val add_inputs : operation_description -> (operation * int) list -> unit
val create_output : operation -> index:int -> output
val output_op_and_index : t -> output -> operation * int
val set_attr_int : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> int -> unit
val set_attr_int_list : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> int list -> unit
val set_attr_float : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> float -> unit
val set_attr_float_list
: operation_description
-> attr_name:string
-> float list
-> unit
val set_attr_bool : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> bool -> unit
val set_attr_bool_list : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> bool list -> unit
val set_attr_string : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> string -> unit
val set_attr_type : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> data_type -> unit
val set_attr_type_list
: operation_description
-> attr_name:string
-> data_type list
-> unit
val set_attr_tensor
: operation_description
-> attr_name:string
-> Tensor.p
-> unit Status.result
val set_attr_tensor_string
: operation_description
-> attr_name:string
-> shape:int list
-> string list
-> unit Status.result
val set_attr_tensors
: operation_description
-> attr_name:string
-> Tensor.p list
-> unit Status.result
val set_attr_shape : operation_description -> attr_name:string -> int list -> unit
val import : t -> string -> unit Status.result
val find_operation : t -> string -> operation option
val shape : t -> output -> int list Status.result
val add_gradients : t -> output list -> xs:output list -> output list Status.result
val graph : operation -> t
module Session : sig
type t
val create : ?session_options:Session_options.t -> Graph.t -> t Status.result
val run
: ?inputs:(Graph.output * Tensor.p) list
-> ?outputs:Graph.output list
-> ?targets:Graph.operation list
-> t
-> Tensor.p list Status.result
2a70c5a75e81715bb19b297bb7d77424d4a678f1978cf7d3c214854a0cb85257 | cljdoc/cljdoc | ns_tree_test.clj | (ns cljdoc.util.ns-tree-test
(:require [cljdoc.util.ns-tree :as ns-tree]
[clojure.test :as t]))
(t/deftest replant-ns-test
(t/is (= "my.app.routes" (ns-tree/replant-ns "my.app.core" "routes")))
(t/is (= "my.app.api.routes" (ns-tree/replant-ns "my.app.core" "api.routes")))
(t/is (= "my.app.api.handlers" (ns-tree/replant-ns "my.app.core" "my.app.api.handlers")))
(t/is (= "my.different.ns.here" (ns-tree/replant-ns "my.app.core" "my.different.ns.here")))
(t/is (= "my.app.ns2" (ns-tree/replant-ns "my.app.ns1" "ns2"))))
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cljdoc/cljdoc/266153cac0df618df1ad6e1d946f0bc466bc8f6c/test/cljdoc/util/ns_tree_test.clj | clojure | (ns cljdoc.util.ns-tree-test
(:require [cljdoc.util.ns-tree :as ns-tree]
[clojure.test :as t]))
(t/deftest replant-ns-test
(t/is (= "my.app.routes" (ns-tree/replant-ns "my.app.core" "routes")))
(t/is (= "my.app.api.routes" (ns-tree/replant-ns "my.app.core" "api.routes")))
(t/is (= "my.app.api.handlers" (ns-tree/replant-ns "my.app.core" "my.app.api.handlers")))
(t/is (= "my.different.ns.here" (ns-tree/replant-ns "my.app.core" "my.different.ns.here")))
(t/is (= "my.app.ns2" (ns-tree/replant-ns "my.app.ns1" "ns2"))))
b033438bc858a1a07d32e9bcf873b542a9fd58c6220fcadfd33961f4007ea5bc | ian-ross/hnetcdf | test-put.hs | # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV
import Control.Error
import Control.Monad
import Foreign.C
import Data.NetCDF
import Data.NetCDF.Vector
main :: IO ()
main = do
let xdim = NcDim "x" 10 False
ydim = NcDim "y" 10 False
xattrs = M.fromList [("attr", NcAttrFloat [0.1, 0.2]),
("name", NcAttrChar "xvar")]
nc = emptyNcInfo "tst-put.nc" #
addNcDim xdim #
addNcDim ydim #
addNcVar (NcVar "x" NcDouble [xdim] xattrs) #
addNcVar (NcVar "y" NcDouble [ydim] M.empty) #
addNcVar (NcVar "z" NcDouble [xdim, ydim] M.empty)
let write nc = do
let xvar = fromJust $ ncVar nc "x"
yvar = fromJust $ ncVar nc "y"
zvar = fromJust $ ncVar nc "z"
put nc xvar $ SV.fromList [1..10 :: CDouble]
put nc yvar $ SV.fromList [1..10 :: CDouble]
put nc zvar $ SV.fromList [ 100 * x + y |
x <- [1..10 :: CDouble],
y <- [1..10 :: CDouble] ]
return ()
withCreateFile nc write (putStrLn . ("ERROR: " ++) . show)
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ian-ross/hnetcdf/d334efc0b0b4f39a1ed4f45a8b75663c2171af6a/test/test-put.hs | haskell | # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV
import Control.Error
import Control.Monad
import Foreign.C
import Data.NetCDF
import Data.NetCDF.Vector
main :: IO ()
main = do
let xdim = NcDim "x" 10 False
ydim = NcDim "y" 10 False
xattrs = M.fromList [("attr", NcAttrFloat [0.1, 0.2]),
("name", NcAttrChar "xvar")]
nc = emptyNcInfo "tst-put.nc" #
addNcDim xdim #
addNcDim ydim #
addNcVar (NcVar "x" NcDouble [xdim] xattrs) #
addNcVar (NcVar "y" NcDouble [ydim] M.empty) #
addNcVar (NcVar "z" NcDouble [xdim, ydim] M.empty)
let write nc = do
let xvar = fromJust $ ncVar nc "x"
yvar = fromJust $ ncVar nc "y"
zvar = fromJust $ ncVar nc "z"
put nc xvar $ SV.fromList [1..10 :: CDouble]
put nc yvar $ SV.fromList [1..10 :: CDouble]
put nc zvar $ SV.fromList [ 100 * x + y |
x <- [1..10 :: CDouble],
y <- [1..10 :: CDouble] ]
return ()
withCreateFile nc write (putStrLn . ("ERROR: " ++) . show)
a1902cc089acda5ee970bc44c56358a16b8f0629e206f5f9e079a3a2e4b00b4a | helium/blockchain-http | bh_pool_watcher.erl | -module(bh_pool_watcher).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
start_link(Pools) ->
gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Pools, []).
init(Pools) ->
Monitors = maps:from_list([
{erlang:monitor(process, get_name(PoolName)), PoolName}
|| PoolName <- Pools
{ok, Monitors}.
handle_call(Msg, From, State) ->
lager:warning("Unexpected call ~p from ~p", [Msg, From]),
{reply, error, State}.
handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
lager:warning("Unexpected cast ~p", [Msg]),
{noreply, State}.
handle_info({monitor, Name}, State) ->
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, get_name(Name)),
try dispcount:dispatcher_info(Name) of
{ok, PoolInfo} ->
lager:info("dispcount is back"),
%% it's back, update the persistent term
persistent_term:put(Name, PoolInfo),
{noreply, maps:put(Ref, Name, State)}
What:Why ->
lager:info("dispcount still not ready ~p:~p", [What, Why]),
%% likely things have not finished restarting, try again shortly
erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
erlang:send_after(500, self(), {monitor, Name}),
{noreply, State}
handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, process, _Pid, noproc}, State) ->
case maps:find(Ref, State) of
{ok, Name} ->
lager:notice("Pool ~p monitor failed with noproc, retrying", [Name]),
%% noproc means the process wasn't alive when we tried to monitor it
%% we should probably wait a bit and retry
erlang:send_after(5000, self(), {monitor, Name}),
{noreply, maps:remove(Ref, State)};
error ->
lager:warning("unknown ref ~p exited with reason noproc", [Ref]),
{noreply, State}
handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, process, _Pid, Reason}, State) ->
case maps:find(Ref, State) of
{ok, Name} ->
self() ! {monitor, Name},
lager:notice("Pool ~p exited with reason ~p", [Name, Reason]),
{noreply, maps:remove(Ref, State)};
error ->
lager:warning("unknown ref ~p exited with reason ~p", [Ref, Reason]),
{noreply, State}
handle_info(Msg, State) ->
lager:warning("Unexpected info ~p", [Msg]),
{noreply, State}.
get_name(Name) ->
list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Name) ++ "_serv").
| null | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helium/blockchain-http/96f66286eb05a4607a3a11f602ec3d65732244a9/src/bh_pool_watcher.erl | erlang | it's back, update the persistent term
likely things have not finished restarting, try again shortly
noproc means the process wasn't alive when we tried to monitor it
we should probably wait a bit and retry | -module(bh_pool_watcher).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
start_link(Pools) ->
gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Pools, []).
init(Pools) ->
Monitors = maps:from_list([
{erlang:monitor(process, get_name(PoolName)), PoolName}
|| PoolName <- Pools
{ok, Monitors}.
handle_call(Msg, From, State) ->
lager:warning("Unexpected call ~p from ~p", [Msg, From]),
{reply, error, State}.
handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
lager:warning("Unexpected cast ~p", [Msg]),
{noreply, State}.
handle_info({monitor, Name}, State) ->
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, get_name(Name)),
try dispcount:dispatcher_info(Name) of
{ok, PoolInfo} ->
lager:info("dispcount is back"),
persistent_term:put(Name, PoolInfo),
{noreply, maps:put(Ref, Name, State)}
What:Why ->
lager:info("dispcount still not ready ~p:~p", [What, Why]),
erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
erlang:send_after(500, self(), {monitor, Name}),
{noreply, State}
handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, process, _Pid, noproc}, State) ->
case maps:find(Ref, State) of
{ok, Name} ->
lager:notice("Pool ~p monitor failed with noproc, retrying", [Name]),
erlang:send_after(5000, self(), {monitor, Name}),
{noreply, maps:remove(Ref, State)};
error ->
lager:warning("unknown ref ~p exited with reason noproc", [Ref]),
{noreply, State}
handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, process, _Pid, Reason}, State) ->
case maps:find(Ref, State) of
{ok, Name} ->
self() ! {monitor, Name},
lager:notice("Pool ~p exited with reason ~p", [Name, Reason]),
{noreply, maps:remove(Ref, State)};
error ->
lager:warning("unknown ref ~p exited with reason ~p", [Ref, Reason]),
{noreply, State}
handle_info(Msg, State) ->
lager:warning("Unexpected info ~p", [Msg]),
{noreply, State}.
get_name(Name) ->
list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Name) ++ "_serv").