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Even in high-income countries, 23.2% of women will suffer physical and/or sexual violence from a partner in their lives, their data from 81 countries shows.
| Data from 81 countries shows that, even in rich countries, 23.2% of women will experience physical and/or sexual violence from a partner in their lives.
Ramadan will eventually fall during winter, which, in Iqaluit, sees the sun rise and set within a few hours each day.
| Ramadan will then fall during winter and, in Iqaluit, the sun will rise and set within a few hours each day.
Most winners (59%) give up work straight away, but 19% carry on doing the day job and 31% do unpaid voluntary work.
| Most winners (59%) give up work straight away, but 19% carry on working and 31% do unpaid voluntary work.
Piles of digitized material from blogs, tweets, pictures and videos to official documents such as court rulings and emails may be lost forever because the programs needed to view them will become defunct, Googles vice-president has warned.
| The vice-president of Google has warned that digitized material from blogs, tweets, pictures, videos and official documents such as emails could be lost forever because the programs we need to view them will no longer exist.
When elements 114 and 116 were assigned formal names in 2012, scientists chose flerovium and livermorium respectively, after the Flerov Lab at Dubnas Joint Institute of Research and the Lawrence Livermore Lab in the US, where the elements were discovered.
| In 2012, scientists chose the formal name flerovium for element 114, after the Flerov Lab at Dubnas Joint Institute of Research.
He spends his lift rides and spare moments at work reading news articles and books rather than scrolling through a newsfeed.
| He spends his spare moments at work reading news articles and books.
Im always given a scenario, such as buying something from a speci c department or a new product range, but, within that framework, I can often buy whatever I want and keep it.
| Im always given a speci c task, such as buying something from a speci c department or a new product range, but I can often buy whatever I want and keep it.
But one thing he couldnt do was change the elevation of the sun.
| But one thing he couldnt do was change the sun.
Criminologists from around the world have been travelling to Switzerland over the past few years to see the development of the new method for themselves.
| Criminologists from around the world have been travelling to Switzerland over the past few years to see the new method.
The modern prison service in Sweden is very different from when I joined as a young prison officer in 1978, says Kenneth Gustafsson, governor of Kumla Prison, Swedens most secure jail, situated 130 miles west of Stockholm.
| The modern prison service in Sweden is very different from when I joined as a young prison officer in 1978, says Kenneth Gustafsson, governor of Kumla Prison, Swedens most secure jail.
Leifert and his colleagues conclude that many antioxidants have previously been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and certain cancers.
| Leifert and his colleagues conclude that many antioxidants reduce the risk of serious diseases, including diseases of the heart and certain cancers.
What the job involves: A company will pay an ethical hacker to hack into its computer system to see how well it might stand up to a real attack.
| What the job involves: A company pays an ethical hacker to hack into its computer system to see how well it might ght a real attack.
He told The Guardian that the applicants so far ranged in age from 18 to at least 62 and, though they include women, they tended to be men.
| He told The Guardian that the applicants so far were aged 18 to at least 62 and, although they include women, they were mostly men.
Gym rats can benefit by doing three strength sessions and three Tabatas a week.
| Gym fans can benefit by doing three strength sessions and three Tabatas a week.
It is outrageous that anyone can steal an artists work and get away with it.
| It is outrageous that anyone can steal an artists work without punishment.
In other countries, there have long been much higher levels of support and acceptance of the bene ts of organic food and farming.
| In other countries, there is much more support and acceptance of the bene ts of organic food and farming.
Bar customers are encouraged to come ll out a form or call 311 and to include date-and-time-stamped photographs documenting illegal smoking.
| Bar customers must ll out a form or call 311 and include photographs of illegal smoking.
If it sounds familiar, its because the online world has been using techniques like these for years.
| If it sounds familiar, its because the internet has been using techniques like these for years.
Now, without doubt, it is loved by millions of other people.
| Now, millions of other people love it.
The Environment Minister, Jan Szyszko, makes no secret of being a hunter.
| The Environment Minister, Jan Szyszko, is a hunter.
In Brazilian cities, white workers earn roughly twice as much as those of African descent.
| In Brazilian cities, white workers earn twice as much as workers of African descent.
But, the rest of us live here year round.
| But, the rest of us live here all year.
The same region responds to killed, convicted, murdered and confessed.
| The same region responds to killed and murdered.
On the parched grass not far from the India Gate monument at the centre of Delhi, they stretch, breathe and meditate.
| On the dry grass not far from the India Gate monument at the centre of Delhi, they stretch, breathe and meditate.
We know our country needs to change in the way it is governed and we know our country needs to change in who it is governed for.
| We know our country needs to change.
If a one-way mission to Mars ever became possible, then I would always volunteer.
| He then said that, If a one-way mission to Mars ever became possible, I would always volunteer.
Tourist numbers are down 80% this year, said Mayor Maria Kakali, in an of ce in the village where she grew up, home to around 200 people.
| Tourist numbers have reduced by 80% this year, said Mayor Maria Kakali, in an of ce in the village where she grew up.
Since the outbreak of the crisis in 2009, Kethea has lost 70 of its 500 staff.
| Since the economic crisis began in 2009, Kethea has lost 70 of its 500 staff.
Almost 6,000 people have so far signed Unites online petition.
| Almost 6,000 people have signed Unites online petition.
Her income is typically 30,000 to 40,000 a year and that doesnt include all the freebies she gets on the job.
| She earns around 30,000 to 40,000 a year and that doesnt include all the freebies she gets on the job.
So after all these years, Goodfellow nally nds himself being talked about in the same breath as John Logie Baird (the television), Alan Turing (the Turing machine), Sir Frank Whittle (the jet engine) and Sir Tim Berners-Lee (the World Wide Web).
| So after all these years, Goodfellow is nally among a group of famous British inventors with John Logie Baird (the television), Alan Turing (the Turing machine), Sir Frank Whittle (the jet engine) and Sir Tim Berners-Lee (the World Wide Web).
Born on one of Cubas outlying islands, he is known for contemporary art with rustic, seaside and patriotic themes and imagery.
| Born on one of Cubas islands, he is known for contemporary art with rustic, seaside and patriotic themes and imagery.
For three-and-a-half years, all pupils at St Ninians Primary have walked or run a mile each day.
| For three-and-a-half years, all the pupils at St Ninians Primary School have walked or run a mile each day.
Argentina rejects the .patagonia request for a new generic top-level domain, the government notes in an appeal.
| Argentina rejects the .patagonia request for a new generic top-level domain.
In a three-year period, the number of paying subscribers rose from 8 million to 28 million, according to the 2014 digital music report from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
| In three years, the number of paying subscribers rose from 8 million to 28 million, according to the 2014 digital music report from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
Free to download and use, they use the internet to swap text messages, pictures, voice clips, stickers, and even videos in WhatsApps case, between most types of phones.
| They are free to download and use, and they use the internet to swap text messages, pictures, voice clips, stickers and even videos between most types of phones.
I wrote a real love story and a homage to feminine beauty, especially interior beauty.
| I wrote a real love story about womens beauty, especially interior beauty.
Whales are not usually located right next to ships and so would be subjected to noise of about 60 to 90 decibels around the level of a lawnmower or a vacuum cleaner.
| Whales are not usually right next to ships and so would hear noise of about 60 to 90 decibels around the level of a vacuum cleaner.
The growing of coca leaves is legal and licensed 12 in Bolivia.
| It is legal to grow coca leaves in Bolivia.
Michael Thali, the Director of Zurichs Institute for Forensic Medicine in Europe, and one of the inventors of Virtopsy, said it had the potential to revolutionize criminal investigations.
| Michael Thali, the Director of Zurichs Institute for Forensic Medicine in Europe, and one of the inventors of Virtopsy, said it could completely change criminal investigations.
The of cial title of the expedition is the Mua Voyage and it is a partnership between the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Oceania Regional Of ce and ve Paci c Island countries: Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, the Cook Islands and Fiji.
| It is a partnership between the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Oceania Regional Of ce and ve Paci c Island countries: Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, the Cook Islands and Fiji.
Industries where employers were most likely to report at least one person on a zero-hours contract were hotels, catering and leisure (48%), education (35%) and healthcare (27%).
| Industries where employers were most likely to have at least one person on a zero-hours contract were hotels, catering and leisure (48%), education (35%) and healthcare (27%).
When water evaporates from the oceans, the vapour can rise over nine miles to form rain clouds that reflect sunlight; or, it may rise just a few miles and drift back down without forming clouds.
| When water evaporates from the oceans, the vapour can rise over nine miles to form rain clouds that reflect sunlight; or, it may rise just a few miles and fall slowly back down without forming clouds.
I dont believe its whitening; its more the way they are producing her with makeup, hairstylists and the way she dresses, he said.
| I dont believe she is whiter; its more the makeup, hairstylists and the way she dresses, he said.
People have been digging metals and ores here since Roman times, after all.
| People have mined metals here since Roman times.
Retailers are becoming increasingly aware that shoppers who are prepared to set foot in a physical store want a service and an experience they cant get online, says Simon Boydell, spokesman for Marketforce, which has more than 300,000 mystery shoppers on its books.
| Retailers are becoming increasingly aware that shoppers who visit a physical store want a service and an experience they cant get online, says Simon Boydell, spokesman for Marketforce, which has more than 300,000 mystery shoppers.
Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, said the referendum was a vote from the Scottish people for change.
| Ed Miliband, the leader of the Labour Party, said the referendum was a vote from the Scottish people for change.
Browning said: This research backs up what people think about organic food.
| Browning said: This research supports what people think about organic food.
The way in which navigational technology is used could also affect its impact on our own abilities, says Spiers.
| The way we use navigation technology also has an impact on our own abilities, says Spiers.
The owners and bartenders need to tell them to go have a smoke but be respectful to their communities.
| The owners need to tell them to go and have a smoke but be respectful to their communities.
He is highly critical of internet users who think it is OK to download music or books without paying for them.
| He criticizes internet users who think it is OK to download music or books without paying for them.
We will continue to ght with the facts because the facts are on our side, he said recently on a conference call with journalists and analysts.
| We will continue to ght with the facts because the facts are on our side, he said.
In the novel, the models looks mean that men see her only as a sex object, while women are jealous of her.
| In the novel, the models beauty means that men see her only as a sex object and women are jealous of her.
Now, Chinese house hunters are following Russians and Kazakhs who have spent millions securing an address estate agents tell them is as world famous as the Champs Elyses and Rodeo Drive.
| Now, Chinese house hunters are following Russians and Kazakhs who have spent millions to get an address that estate agents tell them is as world famous as the Champs Elyses and Rodeo Drive.
The total was 121 billion minutes in December 2012, but that fell to 115 billion minutes in February, according to comScore.
| The total was 121 billion minutes in December 2012, but that fell to 115 billion minutes in February.
The ndings seem to show that children born in the early months of the school year enjoy a double autumn advantage they are already known to have an academic advantage and, now, they also appear to be better equipped for sport, too.
| The ndings seem to show that children born in the early months of the school year enjoy a double autumn advantage we already know that they have an academic advantage and, now, they also seem to be better at sport, too.
Electric bikes are different from motorcycles or mopeds, which rely on motorized power; they are bicycles that can be pedalled with or without assistance from an electric motor.
| Electric bikes are different from motorcycles or mopeds, which use motors; you pedal an electric bike with or without help from an electric motor.
More than 25,000 kilos of dead sh were collected in the aftermath and nearly 2,000 adult birds, chicks, eggs and nests were killed or destroyed.
| They collected more than 25,000 kilos of dead sh afterwards and nearly 2,000 adult birds, chicks, eggs and nests were killed or destroyed.
Speaking at the same meeting, Derrick Taff, a social scientist at Pennsylvania State University, described preliminary experiments which suggest that listening to recordings from national parks, of waterfalls, birdsong and wind, helped people recover from stressful events.
| Speaking at the same meeting, Derrick Taff, a social scientist at Pennsylvania State University, said that listening to recordings from national parks, of waterfalls, birdsong and wind, helped people feel less stressed.
International activity is up 41% since December.
| International activity has increased by 41% since December.
According to the IUCN, as of 2013, the amount of the worlds oceans in marine protected areas was not even three per cent and less than one per cent of that is no take.
| According to the IUCN, in 2013, less than three per cent of the worlds oceans was in marine protected areas and less than one per cent of that is no take (no shing).
The staff and I have been pretty sad.
| The staff and I have been sad.
FemAle has already been approached by other breweries asking if they can brew new beers with them.
| Other breweries have already asked FemAle if they can brew new beers with them.
There are far greater numbers of southern white rhinos and black rhinos.
| There are more southern white rhinos and black rhinos.
The number of 19-to-21-year-olds visiting McDonalds once a month has fallen by 13% since 2011, according to food analysts Technomic, while the number of 22-to-37-year- olds visiting has not grown.
| The number of 19-to-21-year-olds who visit McDonalds once a month has fallen by 13% since 2011.
As an adopted New Yorker, Bowie was the opening act at the Concert for New York City in October 2001, where he joined Paul McCartney, Jon Bon Jovi, Billy Joel, the Who and Elton John in a benefit show six weeks after the 9/11 attacks.
| Bowie performed at the Concert for New York City in October 2001, where he joined Paul McCartney, Jon Bon Jovi, Billy Joel, the Who and Elton John in a benefit show six weeks after the 9/11 attacks.
And I just thought: You shouldnt be ashamed of this.
| And I thought: You shouldnt be ashamed of this.
Ive asked Cool to look forward and imagine what top climbers might be doing 60 years from now.
| asked Cool to look forward and imagine what top climbers might do 60 years from now.
Riley, as a young referee, went out and bought himself books on psychology and nutrition as there was no information on offer to him at all.
| Riley, as a young referee, bought himself books on psychology and nutrition because there was no information on offer to him at all.
Smokers are the key group for e-cigarette rms because seven out of ten vapers are smokers.
| Smokers are the key group for e-cigarette companies because seven out of ten vapers are smokers.
In my early years, the backing of the board, and Sir Bobby Charlton in particular, gave me the confidence and time to build a football club, rather than just a football team.
| In my early years, the support of the board of directors gave me the confidence and time to build a football club, not just a football team.
In 1989, when the communists relinquished power, Poland had only one motorway.
| In 1989, when the communists left power, Poland had only one motorway.
The environmental supervision agency, OEFA, says that three poorer neighbourhoods, despite having only 12% of Limas population, have by far the most fly-tipped rubbish: Villa Maria del Triunfo (39.4%), Villa El Salvador (25.3%) and El Agustino (18.3%).
| Three poorer districts have only 12% of Limas population but they have much more illegal rubbish than other neighbourhoods: Villa Maria del Triunfo (39.4%), Villa El Salvador (25.3%) and El Agustino (18.3%).
Flying through time Time zones provide an artificial journey through time but special relativity means that a flight involves actual time travel.
| Flying through time Flying across time zones means that we travel through time.
She now lives with her family in Birmingham and does what the Taliban tried to stop her doing: goes to school every day.
| She now lives with her family in Birmingham, England, and does what the Taliban tried to stop her doing: she goes to school every day.
But more can, and should, be done to increase transparency and build public support for privacy protections in place.
| But we can, and should, do more to increase transparency and build public support for privacy protections.
In 2014, 1,215 rhinos were slaughtered for their horns in South Africa.
| In 2014, 1,215 rhinos were killed for their horns in South Africa.
The move to bring BlackBerry to the iPhone is four or five years too late, says James Gooderson, an 18-year-old student who blogs on technology.
| The move to bring BlackBerry to the iPhone is four or five years too late, says James Gooderson, a technology blogger.
It shows the power of Star Wars that, although they were disappointing, the prequels still managed to make a lot of money, said Rosser.
| It shows the power of Star Wars the prequels were disappointing but they still made a lot of money, said Rosser.
Brazilians tend to be too nice sometimes they enjoy partying rather than protesting but something is changing, said Deli Borsari, a 53-year-old yoga instructor.
| Brazilians are usually too nice; they enjoy partying, not protesting, but something is changing, said Deli Borsari, a 53-year-old yoga teacher.
The Spanish team went on to compare the genome of the hunter-gatherer to those of modern Europeans from different regions to see how they might be related.
| The Spanish team compared the hunter-gatherer to modern Europeans from different regions to see how they might be related.
In my early years, the backing of the board, and Sir Bobby Charlton in particular, gave me the confidence and time to build a football club, rather than just a football team.
| In my early years, the support of the board of directors gave me the confidence and time to build a football club, not just a football team.
The charity National Trust, which employs many of its seasonal workers on zero-hours contracts, said it offered the same pay and bene ts to those workers, pro rata, as full-time staff, but needed some workers to be on a more exible arrangement.
| The charity National Trust, which employs many of its seasonal workers on zero-hours contracts, said it gives the same pay and bene ts to workers on zero-hours contracts as to full-time staff.
Its a much more complex, multifaceted environment, says Benedict Evans, a digital media specialist at Enders.
| Its much more complex, says Benedict Evans, a digital media specialist.
The National Theatre, the Royal Shakespeare Company and virtually every other theatre production company in the country will be marking the anniversary.
| The National Theatre, the Royal Shakespeare Company and almost every other theatre production company in the country will celebrate the anniversary.
Tom, Manchester: A big night of tips can help pay the rent Average tips: 40 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... Italy Where I used to work, oor staff kept 80% of cash tips and 40% of card tips.
| Tom, Manchester: A big night of tips can help pay the rent Average tips: 40 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... Italy Where I used to work, waiters kept 80% of cash tips and 40% of card tips.
Not the Argentinian and FC Barcelona record-breaking striker Lionel Messi, but Junior Messi Enguene, a 20-year-old midfielder from Cameroon.
| Not the Argentinian and Barcelona striker Lionel Messi, but Junior Messi Enguene, a 20-year-old midfielder from Cameroon.
People present an idealized version of themselves online and we expect to have social lives like those portrayed in the media, says Challis.
| People present perfect versions of themselves online and we expect to have social lives like the lives we see in the media, says Challis.
The right of indigenous communities in South 6 Americas Andean region to chew coca leaf was removed in 1964 when Bolivia was under a dictatorship and it signed up to the convention.
| The right of indigenous people in South 6 Americas Andean region to chew coca leaf was removed in 1964 when Bolivia was under a dictatorship and it signed the convention.
We may not yet be living in an age of ying cars, as predicted in the 1985 lm Back to the Future II, but the rise of smartphones and other new technologies is creating a reality that is arguably as exciting and almost as far-fetched.
| We do not yet live in an age of ying cars, as predicted in the 1985 lm Back to the Future II, but smartphones and other new technologies are creating exciting possibilities.
The results revealed that a childs month of birth could make signi cant differences to their levels of cardiovascular tness, muscle strength and ability to accelerate, all of which predict how good someone is at sport, in which such attributes are vital.
| The results showed that a childs month of birth could make big differences to their levels of tness, muscle strength and ability to accelerate, all of which predict how good someone is at sport.
For the past ten years, the US National Park Service has recorded sound levels at more than 600 sites across the US, including Yosemite in California, Yellowstone and Denali in Alaska.
| For the past ten years, the US National Park Service has recorded sound levels at more than 600 parks in the US, including Yosemite in California, Yellowstone and Denali in Alaska.
We know sitting still kills; not sitting still helps children build skills that will stay with them for life.
| We know sitting still kills; not sitting still helps children build skills that will help them for the rest of their lives.
Housing is, by far, the biggest cost in the Hamptons.
| Housing is the biggest cost in the Hamptons.
An overwhelming majority of 91% post a photo of themselves, 71% post the city or town where they live, up from 61%, more than half give email addresses and a fth give their phone number.
| Ninety-one per cent post a photo of themselves, 71% post the city or town where they live, more than half give email addresses and a fth give their phone number.
There are famous and very wealthy people but then you have hard-working and poor people struggling to get by.
| There are famous and very wealthy people but also hard-working and poor people.
Ice cream is important, she says between mouthfuls of a honey- avoured offering.
| Ice cream is important, she says between mouthfuls of honey- avoured ice cream.
Whether that ambition is achieved remains to be seen but exporting solar energy could have stabilizing effects within and between countries, according to the Moroccan solar energy agency (Masen).
| Exporting solar energy could have stabilizing effects within and between countries, according to the Moroccan solar energy agency (Masen).
True to Inzozi Nzizas motto, the shop can certainly make dreams come true.
| The shop can certainly make dreams come true.
French wine was, of course, allowed and French-Canadian singer Cline Dion, but not, according to his advisers, French bands such as Daft Punk, who sing in English.
| French wine was, of course, allowed and French-Canadian singer Cline Dion, but not French bands such as Daft Punk, who sing in English.
Subsets and Splits