{ "id": "07d8bf30-1ff4-463c-b4e7-09241fdfe69e", "disease": { "id": "H00056", "names": [ "Alzheimer disease", "Dementia due to Alzheimer disease" ], "dbLinks": { "icd10": [ "G30" ], "mesh": [ "D000544" ] }, "category": "Neurodegenerative disease" }, "article": { "id": "8113792", "text": "Almost all patients \u003e 40 years of age with Down's syndrome (DS) develop the pathology characteristic of Alzheimer's disease: abundant beta-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. We have investigated the gene expression of beta-amyloid protein precursor (APP) and tau in DS and age-matched control brains and found that levels of both mRNAs were significantly elevated in DS. Such up-regulation was not observed in two other neuronal proteins. A correlation between total APP and tau mRNA levels was also found in DS brain but distinct from the pattern observed in normal brain. Although a proportionality existed between APP-695 mRNA and three-repeat tau mRNA in DS, the proportionality between APP-751 mRNA and four-repeat tau mRNA, which is normally present, was not observed. Thus, DS brains are primarily characterized by the up-regulation of tau mRNA as well as APP mRNA and disruption of the coordinate expression between APP-751 and four-repeat tau." }, "questions": [ { "id": "5e05a017-96ba-4e63-8c92-85faa233dc56", "text": "What are the risk factors of Alzheimer disease?", "answers": [ { "answer_start": 11, "text": "patients \u003e 40 years of age with Down's syndrome (DS)" } ] } ] }